[National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE PSA, Dr. Michael DeBakey. 30 Sec. Spot, 10/29/98, 9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2] [Doctor examines young boy's ear with a medical instrument.] Dr. Michael DeBakey: Good information is the best medicine. [NLM logo. Michael E. DeBakey, M.D. Renowned Heart Surgeon] As health care consumers, you and your health care professional should have the most recent medical information at your fingertips. [People working in medical office and seated at computer terminals are shown.] Immediate access to current medical research is as critical as a biopsy and Xray have been in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. [The NLM website home page and PubMed page are shown, the images of health care workers in a hospital setting.] Your health care professional should have access to the National Library of Medicine and so should you. [Head shot of DeBakey speaking.] [Medical Questions -- MEDLINE Has Answers -- Contact your Public Library for more information]