,( against which It Is regarded as very useful. N» iitiempis will here . \ be mnde to theories nhout or explain uny of the result* wliicli have "' boon supposed lo follow it* exhibition. In ti future urllclu Un cOWm 1 upon the healthy subject will bo carefully elaborated, mirl a comptiri- l, Ron luillluted between its notions Oil tlm healthy and Ui^jVlljiil? It _A evinces in tliu diseased. / L ■ ( f ■' k^ in Typhus and Typhoid /Wi — In the course or'twelve years the ™\celebrated Dr. Hum, of Stockholm, treated 3,180 canes of these fo- NJ Turn, In conjunction with i'Tuf'-s^ipr Mulm-aon. Ait is well known, he _i relied iimimy mi the mineral acids, tmd of phosphoric ncid he says: «_>*' It l» iho mildest of all the mineral an,In employed in mcilielne, nml ::iu :;;;■.''" :',s, ■ 4 worn. .K..I S0» tutnuk.il w .rlul.ll Z'", I..II....C -HIT ...J ra Imrirlng ofTuu.i ill. uluuraiion | n.'"'< l the ell.ow j. J, mud |.1l. w v. evm M.I..J, n,l tl ' ^ Experience induced him Lo believe thnl the phosphoric, besides the buck or Hie hund closed, bill another hud lo be made in ili« mid He of Oufeuccl of 'ids in general, possesses something peculiar lo itself; a the forearm, from which much pu», coining from ttie neighborhood of yj|i 'more t r renovating, or rebuilt ting inltueucc on the central parts the elbow-joint, wih discharged Injection* nf one part of dilute orm o be aided, by ijection- < iiher is i ;: 1 affection of l I'Tr full, 1 imhc louiu is present. tcful Hum the weak and sinai r:S if nihil-, sulphuric, lion with morphine; Hie relief was speedy, mid cure rapid. Ilea there is a ca* Incipient Spa/Adas Senilis,—A iij-s]>cptic man aged 34 had great ion as it becomes coldness or the fingers, with a corpse-like, and, at times, livid appear- may be said when mice of the skin, with pains, especially when warm in bed; his ap- n be less powerful iwarunee was caeln■■ ■ . ■ i ' ci.niii.nrs quick, profusely and easily, so thai he often had to change hU clothes iwice the pulse has lie- a day. His lingers were always cold, and Tell doughy and hollow; g, it is thoroughly they were sensitive lo touch, and pitted on pressure; the roots of ihc i funribundim no imils were raised and knobby. The toe-nails were similarly, but more mdisturbed iutclli- slightly affected. The uail-phalanges were knobby, and partially de- ition be cousidern. stroyed, and portions of the skin which remained were brittle, hard, have to be added and as if dead or mummefied. The paileul eonld bear excessively large any obstacle to its doses of arnica, angelica, Peruvian bark and camphor, with little or t useful, and 6ually was given in very large doses; the dead and spas: odiC ah*: tions and congestions he m uring change of life. 1 to | ossess ihe power of greatly re- ......" •mployed more or less success- .in of mall-pox which had occurred the neek and behind niph-t paralysis of the right side of fier c< acid wa prescribed for some the acid the numb- de of the face, which had per- uses the soluiia atuli phosphor iei of the Swedish Pharmacopoeia, con- the discharge, and the colliquative sweats. Hake, of M; taining 1 part of glacial phosphoric acid to 4 of water; while the di- orates the above experience or Leutin from his own prt lute acid of the English contains about only 9 parts of phosphoric reports that it is said to have proved beneficial in officii acid to 91 of water. Huss gave 10 lo 15 minims every second hour; ulcers. while Wood recommends from 10 minims to a fluid drachm per dose, Nernm Affections.—Sundeliu regarded it with favor largely diluted with water; I often give from £ to 1 fluid drachm per tnlion and hysterical affections, especially if there was from 20 to 60 drops, lluss considers muriatic acid more useful when modie menstrual affections, ar there is congestion of the brain, with or without delirium, the pulse occur ring after suppression i being not only hard and full, but also more or less tense; this is often Wood says it has been supposed I the case during the first four or five days of the fever, but tinder the during vital irritability, and ha use of the hydrochloric acid the pulse soon becomes lower and weak- fully iu hysteria and convulsive er, and with this change the phosphoric acid is indicated. In the Facial Paralysis.—Iu the tr second stage, marked by sinking of the strength and decreasing power 20 years before, followed gland of reaction, delirium mite, or some degree of stupor, frequent, very the ears; when they healed a c weak and small pulse, dry tongue, with or without diarrhoea, dry and the face was left. Finally pho burning hot skin, tendency to passive congestions, &c, phosphoric is other troubles, coupled with a as useful as in the first Stage; lluss treated a great many cases with w«s n<>w 36 years old. Soon i no other remedy, but sometimes camphor, ammonia, or musk were ness ail(j coldness of the parol; required in addition. sisted unchanged for several years, was replaced by a sensation of Consecutive Fever of Cholera.—lit. Dysdale gave it in one case natural warmth for the first time, coupled wiih some tumescence and where there weru stupor, difficult speech, deafness, and slow pulse; in redness of the parts; difficulty of swallowing was removed, and the another case there was some rolling of the bead, full and rapid pulse, patient regained some control of the orbicularis oris muscle. The some sighing, semi-stupor, contracted pupils, tongue furred and moist, doses were 10 drops, four times a day, gradually increased. The delirium, and yellowish diarrhoea; in a third case theru were frequent same effects were produced in three several experiments, continued pale face, sunken eyes, and warm skin; in a fourth cuse, on the 4th paralysis would be entirely removed; but the occurrence of derange- and 5th day of the consecutive fever, there was great restlessness, menl of the stomach led to a cessation in the use of the remedy. semi-stupor, sunken couutenance, yellowish diarrheca, &C. Impotent^ Virilis—The acid cured a case of impotence apparently It will bo seen from the following experience that this remedy is caused by the excessive use of sugar of lead. In another case of iin- not as inefficient in (Hemorrhages as Huss would lead us to suppose. potence, 12-drop doses of the dilute acid, three times a day, quickly Hamarrkaqes.—A delicate lad aged 8 was left with cough and ir- effected a cure; debilitating night-sweats were also removed. Kopp regular paroxysms of fever, after suffering with measles and scarlet relied upon it with great confidence in cases of debility remaining fever in quick succession. He improved during the summer, but in after severe gonorrhoeas, in irritability and sensitiveness or the testi- the full of the year commenced to have frequent and profuse bleedings cles, in varicocele and excessive relaxation of the scrotum; he sup- from the nose; iu the course of the winter all the signs or morbus posed that it exerted great and specific curative power* over some tuuculosus werhofii were developed, marked by petechia! upou the skin diseases of the prostate, seminal vesicles, testicles, bladder, kidneys, and mucous membranes, and hemorrhages from the bowels, nose, and spinol nerves. It seemed to give lone and remove irritability; mouth, eyes and skin; the patient, of course, became excessively de- he used from 12 to 16 drop doses four times a day. biliialed; his countenance was sunken, eyes dull, and voice weak. All Case 3.—A young man, addicted to onanism from his youth, who kinds of tonics, analeptics, and roborants had been used without avail, had several pollutions every day and more at night, became very when phosphoric acid was tried. Ten, fifteen or twenty drops were much debilitated in body and in dejected iu spir- given every oue-halfhour, of a solution or one part of the glacial acid in its; he was ordered n nourishing diet and active exercise to the point seven parts of water. The recovery was rapid. Profu-e luemorrhage or fatigue in the open air daily, and 1 tea-spoonful three times a day from the nose and great debility were removed in another case, in a of a solution of 1 ounce of phosphoric acid in 1 ounce of syrup of woman aged 00. raspberries, and 6 ounces of aq. rub. idaei In the course of four Metrorrhagia.—A. delicate woman was attacked with hemorrhage weeks the pollutions had lessened considerably, the p:itient became after an easy delivery; she was relieved with difficulty, and a violent more cheerful, his complexion more fresh, and his muscular V"W0T much fright brought back the bleeding on the sixth day; the usual remedies increased. The doses were increased to IJ tea-spoonful and u cure seemed unavailing until the patient was utterly prostrate, with n was effected, at least the discharges occurred only about every four- scarccly perceptible, trenibTmg pulse; difficulty of speech and hearing; teerTdays. JJehreuds had much confidence in it incases of impotence. cold swents; the skin was very cold, and blanched. Phosphoric acid, In Renal Affections it has been used with a view of correcting alka- one part to six parts of water, was then given iu ten-drop doses every lescenct of the urine. Hcrgelius used it against phosphatic deposits, in one-quarter hour, followed by speedy return of warmth of the body, doses large enough to produce purging, after which the urine rapidly cessation of the cold sweats, and a satisfactory restoration. The phy- became acid, and deposited hthic acid sediments. Bulman found it sicinn who reports the case had often found it useful in asthenic bleed- more useful in cases of phospluuic disease than nitre, muriatic, or ings from the mouth, nose, and rectum. Hudcr thought it very use- acetic acid; it gave tone to the stomach, and diminished the quantity rul in passive and exhausting cases of monorrhagia, and iu scorbutic of ropy mucus. Wood says its property of dissolving phosphate of hemorrhages. lime out of the body has led to its employment in cases of phosphatic flamoptysis.—In several cases of profuse bleeding from the lungs, deposits in the urine, mid in ossification of the valves or the heart Dr. Schneider found this remedy useful; be gave table-sponful doses and blood-vessels, in the hope that it might dissolve the abnormal Of a solution of one drachm of glacial phosphoric acid in six ounces bony matter and calculous formations wiihin the body; in the urinary of decoct, rad. alllue., and two ounces of syrup of raspberries. One affections he thinks it may 0|R>rnte bcneficiully. Dr. Sutherland gave patient was obliged to use two ouuees of the acid, but then remained it successfully in the case of a boy aged 9, with frequent inclination perfectly well, although previously he had scarcely escaped an attack to pass water, some paiu in the back; could not retain his unue well longer than two weeks at a time. even in the daytime, while the incontinence during sleep was complete. Mucous Fluxes.—Sundeliu relied upon it frequently iu chronic bleu- He was well in less than three raanths. Dr. Chapman tins given it uorrhceas of the urinary and genital organs. with prompt effect iu cases of milky, phosphatic urine in children. in Phlnisis.—Leutin thought it useful in consumption, and believed In Diabetes.—Paris thought it allayed the thirst so common and that it lessened the quantity of the expectoration, removed its offen- excessive in this disease more effectually than any other acid drink. sive character, and dimii.isi.ed the nights wents. In a very advanced In Dropsy.—Waring says it has been employed as a Ionic in pnrely case of phlhiBis it diminished the sweats, expectoration, and fear, chronic nnd asthenic eases. The doses used were lifteen. thirty, and forty drops of the dilute acid In Jimndia and Bdions Affections.—It has l»en recommended in every three hours. Uodeu thought it more useful against the hectic these disorders by Caleb Miller; he prescribed one drachm in a pint of fecer than the other symptoms of phthisis. I have used it frequently water, and allowed Ihe patient to use it as a common drink; he says mid successfully in the latter stages of severe influenzas and tedious it soon produces increased discharge of urine, and the bilious deposit /* Scrofula.—Balm an sta es that he has seen pho.sphoric acia ex- chronic billons affections, marked by more or leg* pain or soreness in : ^r ■- very beneficial effec iu u large number of coses, and be does „...t hesitate to assert that i is iu no degree inferior to cod-liver oil, of the skin and eyes, coupled with dysjieptic and nervous symptoms. iodine, and baryta. Its eflx els are sometimes very marked in obsti- In one cuse, a lady, with sallow complexion, almost permanently dhUis; it not only removes the attacks, heavily-coated tongue, pain and sense of swelling iu the region of the but prevents their recurreu e. ile gave from fivo to twenty drops per dose. Thinks it acta no only as u tonic, but exerts some specific with chronic cosliveiicss, was more perfectly relieved in the course of luflueuce upon the blood ant a few days from taking diluie phosphoric acid, than she had been for Diphtheria.—In two case iu children, aged ubout four years, no three months. A gentleman with very similar symptoms was very other remedy was used thai dilute phosphoric acid, oue drachm in a much better of his dyspeptic and bilious symptoms while using plios- tumbler one-half full of sweet cued water, and used asucommon drink; diphtheritic patches covereo both teusils, nnd more than one-half of fresher, and he was inucli !<■-> Iiypui'lioiidriacnl. I have memoranda c comparatively well in lour days. Carta Scrofulosa.—A sc In Curdvdgia.^Vr. Todd states ihat he has used it with excellent tacked, iu consequence of a evere external injury, with curies of the effect. boues, which, in the course ffour months, attacked a large part of Uamonlwidid Pains—A man, nged 40, suffered with the most the tibia, the upper portion jf the fibula, the patella, uud lower por- violent pains in the rectum for hours after each passage from the tiou of the lemur. There w as a proportional destruction of the soft bowels, even if it was soft or fluid; these pains proved rebellious to parts; the patient was nm i emaciated; hud regular paroxysms of nil treatment until phosphoric acid was given Tor un aphthous condi- hectic lever; puUe quick; ighl-sweais and irritative cough. He tion of the mouth; the pains in the rectum were relieved long before also hud pains in the other eg, and iu various other boues. Phos- any improvement In the suite of the mouth was produced. This ex- phorie acid was given, como sneing with a solution of two drachms of periment was repealed frequently with the best remits.