JCl <«*Tj ■ACS 'M ccc'-c <:« cx h < I^r .»>»?. ' j DUE JAN 2 6 1960 LAST DATE * ^r*j "c ^ .'?'" ■*** -. 'Sir a * ' ~. ~" C> ' - * «. * C* _ * -Vfc.-. &:v J4 *: -.2- ^1 «*'• " ^•»^_-i «<: / , l. ■*? ;--- ^ ~-*>* j*-'"'.-J*-i- *. o - ,/" -^ ' i : > °, &ir & ^ SECONDARY DEGENERATIONS —OF THE— SPINAL COED, CH. BOUCHARD. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH BY EDWARD R. HUN, M. D. /^>3?y ^",^Jt,/Ja^ SECONDARY DEGENERATIONS —OP THE— SPINAL COED, CH. BOUCHARD HI TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH BT EDWARD R. HUN, M. D. .....-% \ > .' \ -.3 /W;a,- UTICA, N. Y. ROBERTS, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, 60 GENESEE STREET. 1869. fat ns--H-i+ SECONDARY DEGENERATIONS OP THE SPINAL CORD. Comparatively recent observations in nervous diseases have proved that when a nerve fibre is injured in any part of its course, it undergoes certain degenerative changes in that portion which is cut off from its con- nection with the nervous centre, from which it derives its supply of nerve force. In other words the alteration commences at the seat of the lesion and proceeds in the direction of the transmission of nervous force. If, there- fore, we have any disease interesting the brain or upper part of the spinal axis, by which certain fasciculi of nerve tubes are destroyed, we can trace these degenerated tubes throughout their course along the spinal cord, observing with accuracy whether they terminate in the gray matter of the cord or pass off in the anterior roots of the raehidian nerves. In the same manner lesions af the posterior roots, or lower segments of the cord result in such alterations of the posterior columns as to admit of our tracing the injured tubes in a centripetal direc- tion. It being well proved that the ultimate nerve fibres do not anastomose with one another, but continue their course distinct and separate from their peripheral to their central extremity, we have a reliable method of studying each individual nerve throughout its passage along the cord, as well as of investigating its relations to the central ganglia, by carefully observing the altera- tions which are secondary to primary lesions of the nerve: tissue. This power of following a nerve tube along its course; 4 is of inestimable value in investigating into the pa- thology and physiology of the nervous system; and ac- curate observations of cases will doubtless result in a great advance in our knowledge of this complex and difficult subject. I have translated the following work of Bouchard upon secondary degenerations of the cord, in hope that it will lead those who have opportunities of meeting with such cases to keep careful records of the symptoms and post mortem appearances, which, when tabulated and compared with one another will doubtless serve to elucidate some of the difficult problems which are so continually presented to us by the nervous system. Albany, Nov. 22d, 1868. E. R. HUN. Besides the lesions proper of the spinal cord which result from a primitive alteration of its tissue, there are others which occupy, as a rule, the whole length of the raehidian axis, which develop very rapidly and almost at the same time throughout this whole extent, and follow either primitive lesions limited to one point of the cord itself, or lesions of the brain, or lastly altera- tions of the posterior roots. These secondary degenerations of the cord take no part in the proceedings of the primary lesion. They have their own physiology and pathological anatomy, their special course, the same in every case, whatever be the nature of the diseases of which they are the con- sequence. They result from that property common to all nerve tubes which, injured at one point of their course, become altered throughout all that portion which has thus lost its relations to the parts from which they take their origin, and which exert a preponderant in- fluence on their nutrition. 5 Thus interpreted, these alterations of the cord well deserve the name of secondary degenerations, and differ essentially from other affections also described as second- ary, but which are only the radiations to the cord of a process developed in a neighboring part, such as myelitis or sclerosis consecutive to spinal meningitis; such also as those diffused scleroses of the cord so frequent in general paralysis,* and of which M. Magnan has de- monstrated the relations with the cerebral lesions pe- culiar to that disease. I should say, at the commencement, that these second- ary degenerations of the cord very often escape even a careful examination. Notwithstanding when the at- tention is drawn to this point we not infrequently discover them with the naked eye. In all cases, certain anatomical processes which I shall explain hereafter, al- ways enable us to recognize them easily. This research, I think, should not be any longer neglected, for the secondary degenerations have their own symptoms in- dependent of those of the primary disease; they may persist after the disappearance of that disease, and then betray themselves by permanent functional disorders which, if one was not forewarned, might be attributed to another cause; lastly, they tend to elucidate certain points still very obscure in the physiology, and above all, in the normal anatomy of the spinal cord. Was it not for the difficulty of proving them in the absence of the means which we employ at this day, one would have the right to feel astonished that the second- ary degenerations of the spinal cord had not struck the observers who have studied the lesions of this nervous centre before the present time. Their discovery is in fact of recent date. In going over the ancient works * Etudes cliniques et anatomo-pathologiques sur la paralysie generate; prix de l'Academie de Medicine, 1865. 6 on this subject, I have found but one fact which is connected with it: it is given in the Sepulcretum.* It is in reference to an atrophy of the left half of the cord in a case of a considerable lesion of the right hemisphere. But the author of this observation, to which I shall refer again, Wepfer, knew not how to interpret it. Not only he did not know that a hemiplegia of the left side can be due to a lesion of the right hemisphere, but still more, did not attribute any importance to the lesion of the cord because the arm alone was paralyzed.*)* Morgagui,J who has commented at length upon the ob- servation of Wepfer from a point of view different from that which we now occupy, appears to have noticed the relation which exists between the lesion of the brain and that of the cord. He says, indeed, in the few lines which he devoted to this last alteration, that the lesions of the right hemisphere, " diminuerent aussi pendant longtemps Vafflux des esprits dans la partie gauclie de la moelle epiniere?\ It is in fact to Mr. Cruveilhier that the honor of having discovered the descending secondary alterations consecutive to cerebral lesions, is due. He has followed them in the peduncles, in the pons and in the bulb, but he has not recognized them in the cord. I wish to cite this passage according to the text.§ " The atten- tion of observers cannot be drawn too much to the ap- *Theophili Boneti Sepulcretum, lib. 1, sec. 15, obs. 4, p. 360: Lugduni, 1700. f Ibid., Scholies de l'observation. I Recherches anatomiques sur le siege et les causes des maladies, traduct. de Desormeaux et Destouet, t. 11, lettre xi., No. 10, p. 116. | Thus diminished for a long time the afflux of the spirits into the left half of the spinal cord. § Cruveilhier Anatomie pathologique, liv. xxxii., p. 15. 7 preciation of the influence of hemorrhage and other lesions of the brain on the condition of the cord, and reciprocally of the influence of lesions of the cord OB the condition of the brain. I can give this as a positives fact that the lesions of the cord do not exert any in- fluence upon the brain, but that the lesions of the brain have a very marked action on the cord, both with refer- ence to its functions and its organization. Thus, often coincident with apoplectic cicatrices, a result of the al- most complete destruction of the optic thalamus, I have found the anterior pyramid of the same side, and con- sequently of the side opposite to the hemiplegia, atro- phied. This atrophy continued in the prolongation of the pyramid across the pons, and even in front of the pons in the inferior layer of the anterior peduncle. I have not followed this pyramid downward below thg decussation. Finally, I have never found, even in the* oldest hemiplegias, the corresponding half of the cord atrophied, or at least the difference between the right and left halves of the cord has not struck me, by which I do not mean to say that, a difference which escaped me may not become appreciable to the eyes of a more attentive observer, whose ideas are directed especially to this point." This observation has given to L. Turcke* the results- which M. Cruveilhier had foreseen. In a first memoir, presented in 1851 to the Academy of Sciences of Vienna, he showed the alterations of the cord consecutive to different cerebral lesions, and also to certain partial de^ structions of the tissue of the cord itself; and he drew from these facts rigorous deductions concerning the * Ueber secundare Erkrankung einzelner Ruckenmarksstrangaf und ihrer Fortsetzungen zum Gehirne, dans Compte rendu de la section de mathematiques et sciences naturelles de l'academie dea sciences de Vienne, Mars, 1851. 8 structure and distribution of medullary fibres as well as some physiological consequences much more contestible. Two years later, in a new communication,* he analysed thirteen cases of secondary degeneration in consequence of cerebral lesions, and twelve others resulting from prim- itive alterations of the cord. Finally, in 1855, he inci- dentally came upon this question in another memoir.f Notwithstanding their importance, the works of Tlircke have not attracted great attention. We find them very summarily mentioned in the treatise of Rokitansky; J they are not even spoken of in that of M. Lebert. .At the same time that Turcke published in Germany the result of his researches, analogous discoveries were made in France and in Holland. | MM. Charcot and Turner§ presented to the society of biology an example of de- cussating atrophy of the cerebrum and cerebellum, and noted also a descending atrophy which followed the cerebral peduncle, the pons, the anterior pyramid of the atrophied cerebral hemisphere and the antero-lateral column of the cord on the opposite side. Some years later M. Turner^f reproduced this fact in his thesis, re- * L. Tiircke, Compt. rend. de. l'Acad. des Sciences de Vienne, t. xi., p. 93, juin, 1853. f L. Turcke, Beobachtungen tiber das Leitungsvermogen des menschlichen Rttckenmarckes. Ibid., t. xvi., p. 329, Mai, 1855. J Lehrbuch de Pathologischen Anatomie, t. 11, p. 485, 3e edit. || Schroeder Van de Kolk, Waarneming van ene atrophie van het linker halfrond der hersenen met gel'ijktijdige atrophie du regter- zijde van het ligehaam. Verh. der Eerste kl. van het Nederl. Institunt, 1852; Derde Reeks., D. V., p. 31. § Exemple d'atrophie cerebrale avec atrophie et deformation dans une moitie du corps (Compt. rend, de la Societe de biologie, 1852, p. 19). •*J De l'atrophie partielle ou unilaterale du cervelet, de la moelle allongee et de la moelle epiniere consecutive aux destructions, avec atropie d'un des hemispheres du cerveau. (Theses de Paris, 1856.) 9 porting with it two analogous ones. Similar facts had already been given by Rokitansky. It would seem that these facts should have had a place in the discussion relative to the alterations which divided nerves may undergo. These two questions, so to speak, contemporary, and which could have thrown light upon one another, were nevertheless developed almost independently. At the same time that Turcke communicated the result of his first researches, at Vienna, Waller* published at Bonn, at London, and at Paris, his experiments on the degeneration of divided nerves. In point of fact his observations did not bear upon the ele- ments of the nervous centres; but the laws of the degen- eration of nerve fibres such as he has formulated them seem to me rigorously applicable to our subject. It was also at this time when MM. Philippeaux and Vulpianf made known their researches on the regeneration of nerves, that the study of the secondary degenerations of the nervous centres was undertaken in France. In the case published by M. Gubler, J an alteration of this nature commencing at the primary lesion of the brain descended *We cannot say that Waller discovered an alteration of the posterior columns of the cord as a result of the lesion of the poste- rior "root. He has certainly observed that, when these roots are divided, they degenerate between the point of section and the cord, and even that the alteration advances for a short distance into the substance of the posterior columns; but what he saw here was only an alteration of the intermedullary portion of the roots. Augustus Waller, Nouvelle methode anatccnique pour l'investiga- tion du systeme nerveux (lettre a l'academie des sciences du 23 Novembre, 1851:) Bonn, 1852. f Sur la Regeneration des nerf separes des centres nerveux. (Me- moires de la societe de biologie, 1859, p. 343.) I Du Ramollissement cerebral atrophique envisage comme lesion consecutive a d'autres affections encephaliques (Arch. gen. de med^ t. 11, p. 31, Annee, 1859. 10 across the peduncle to the pons. It was not followed further, and the condition of the cord is not noted; but already at this time an observation, cited by M. Gubler, had been presented to the society of biology by M.- Charcot. In this case the descending lesion was not- only manifest in the peduncle, the pons, and the ante- rior pyramid of the same side, but it continued in the anterodateral column of the opposite side of the cord. Since this time, a large number of cases have been gathered at the Hospital of the Salpetriere by M. Charcot and by M. Vulpian, and have been, during the course of the year 1862, the object of important communications; made by those physicians to the Society of Biology. In 1863, M. Cornil* had occasion to observe with M. Charcot some similar facts. He says that in six cases of old hemiplegia from cerebral lesion, they could discover five times the descending alteration in the mass of the brain, in the peduncle in the pons, in the anterior pyramid. He adds that they find the same alteration in the cord, but he does not fix either the seat or the extent of this alteration. The same year Leydenf pub- lished a remarkable case of secondary degeneration of the cord consecutive to compression by Pott's disease, and M. Cornil communicated to the medical society of observation an analogous case found in the service of * A typographical error makes it appear that M. Cornil said that the secondary lesion occupied the anterior pyramid of the side opposite to that of the cerebral lesion. It is on the contrary always on the side of the diseased hemisphere that we find the pyramid; altered. Cornil. Note sur les lesions des nerfs et des muscles liees a la contracture tardive et permanente des membres dans les hemi- plegies. (Societe de Biologie, 1863.) f Die graue degeneration der hinteren Riickinmarcksstraenge: Berlin, 1863. II M. le Dr. Charcot. In 1864, M. Laucereaux* compared the atrophy of the optic nerves in cerebral amaurosis to these descending degenerations of the cord, of which he gave some new observations. I had also at the same time an opportunity to meet frequently with these secondary lesions as a consequence of diseases of the brain or of primitive lesions of the cord, in the service of M. Charcot. I communicated several cases of them to the Anatomical Society and to the Society of Biology. Some of these observations have been published, f I gathered, in 1865, some new cases at the St. Eugenie Hospital in the service of M. Triboulet; and two cases to which I shall have to return, have been presented at the Society of Biologie, one by M. Cornil, the other by M. Charcot. PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. The secondary alterations of the spinal cord are never observed except in the fasciculi of the white substance. The gray substance has always been found intact. We could, indeed, foresee that this degeneration would only affect the conducting elements, and that it could not attack the elements which possess in a higher degree a peculiar activity, nutritive and functional, and which we * De l'Amaurose liee a la degenerescence des nerfs optiques dans les cas d'alteration des hemispheres cerebraux (Archives gen. de Med., t. 1, p. 47: 1864.) f Bouchard, Rapport sur une observation de compression de la moelle. (Bulletins de la societe anatomiques, juillet, 1864.) Aphasie sans lesion de la troisieme circonvolution frontale gauche. (Compte rendu de la societe de biologie, 1864, p. 111.) De l'Ataxie locomotrice progressive au point de vue de ses lesions anatomiques et de ses rapports avec diverses maladies peu connues de la moelle epiniere. (Journal de Medecine de Lyon, Novembre, 1864. Trousseau, Clinique Medicale de l'Hotel Dieu de Paris, t. 11, p. 604: 1865, observation de Egris Valentine. 12 rightly consider as nervous centres. These degenerations have been observed in the white substance of the an- terior part of the cord and in that of the posterior part. When a white fibre is wounded by whatever cause, in one part of its course, either in the cord itself or in its en- cephalic prolongations, the secondary alteration super- venes as a rule, only on one side of the primitive lesion, either above, or below, but it extends throughout the whole length of this portion to its central or peripheral extremity. Hence, the names of ascending degeneration and descending degeneration. Only the injured fibres are altered, and they are altered in their whole extent from the point of the lesion. Now as the white fasciculi of the cord receive on their way new fibres which cannot participate in the degeneration, it results that the secondary alteration will undergo a relative diminution according as we go further from the point primitively affected. As, on the other hand, the fibres which exist at this point, and degenerate, have not all the same des- tination, but are lost from time to time in the gray sub- stance, it also results that, in following the degeneration from its origin to its termination, we will find that it undergoes a diminution not only relative, but even ab- solute. Let us see now in what this defeneration con- sists, and by what characters we can recognize it. Here is the place to recall briefly the effects produced by the section of nerves. These experimental studies have given results which offer the greatest analogy with those which we are about to study. We know since the works of Waller* and of MM. Philippeaux and Vulpianf that the nerves, the connexions of which with the nervous centres are destroyed, present at the end of * Loc. cit. f Loc. cit. 13 twenty-four hours, a diminution of their peculiar excita- bility. This enfeeblement extends from the centre to the periphery, gradually augments, and finally all activ- ity entirely disappears by the end of the fourth day. At this period the elements of the nerves which had not yet offered any appreciable alteration of their struc- ture, commence to present marked modifications which bear witness to a serious disturbance produced in their nutrition. After the fifth day the medullary substance of the tubes is, so to speak, coagulated, and at the same time fissures form in its thickness and divide it into un- equal and irregular blocks; this is what we call the segmentation of the nerve tubes. Very soon afterwards, these fragments of medullary substance are seen to be studded with fatty granulations, which go on multiply- ing, and which take the place of the former throughout the whole length of the tube. At the end of a certain time these fatty granulations are reabsorbed, and we see only the neurilema withered and shrivelled upon itself. What becomes of the axis-cylinder while this retrograde vpork is going on ? This is a point which has not yet been completely cleared up. Let us add that the tubes thus destroyed can become regenerated; but they do not reform in situ but are only the expansion, the bud- ding forth of tubes which remain healthy above the point cut.* It is at the end of fifteen days, at the soon- est, that we can find the first indications of excitability in the regenerated nerve; at first in the parts nearest to the section, then at points successively more and more distant. * This opinion, which appears generally admitted by physiologists, is not absolute. M. Vulpian has shown, indeed, that in certain animals, by choosing young subjects, we can obtain, without any influence of the centres regenerations of the hypoglossal and of the lingual nerve. 14 Similar researches would be applicable to secondary degenerations of the nervous centres; but experiments have not as yet, so far as I know, been employed in this special study. Besides, the pathological facts do not allow us to follow so easily the evolution of this morbid process. The cerebral or spinal disease kills the patient before the alteration of the involved tubes can become evident, or on the other hand death comes when the degeneration is complete, or when the fatty granulations have already been reabsorbed. I have nevertheless, twice made observations during the passage from the state of segmentation to the granular condition. I ought to mention here that, if we can come to conclusions from the analogy of what is known of the nerves to that which ought to take place in the spinal fasciculi, it is best to do so with an extreme reserve, for the factg known up to this day, and those which I have observed, indicate that the same alterations present in these two classes of organs marked differences, above all as regards their course and terminations. The white tissue of the cord seems to be much more delicate than that of the nerves; and a compression which, applied to a nerve, would pass unperceived and would be, at any rate, in- capable of altering its structure, suffices to produce in the spinal cord a secondary degeneration. Besides the work of destruction of the tubes requires in the cord mu^ch more time than in the nerves; the granular con- dition lasts a much longer time; and finally if the re- generation of medullary fasciculi is possible, as I think it is, it advances much more slowly than that of the nerves. L. Turcke, who seems to have been the first to submit secondary degenerations to a microscopic examination, has not given the details relative to the condition of the nerve tubes. He only points out the presence of a 15 great number of granular bodies and free molecular granulations in the diseased tissue which are thus trans- formed in situ. We cannot adopt this manner of seeing it, and we think that we have, at least at the commence- ment, not a disease of tissue but an alteration of element. In two cases of recent compression of the cord (one of a duration of fifteen days and the other of six weeks) I was able to see, by examining the degenerated fasciculi in a fresh condition, that a certain number of tubes were clearly in a state of segmentation; fissure, more or less deep, divided the neurilema transversely. At certain points of the preparation, these fragments were infil- trated with fatty granulations; others had been already partly destroyed by the retrograde work which gave the tubes a separated and notched appearance. Inde- pendently of the fatty granulations contained in the altered tubes, a large number were free among the ele- ments, and at certain points they were agglomerated in a mass, in such a manner as to form what are known under the name of the granular corpuscles of Gluge. In these cases, a fine section, made perpendicular to the axis after a maceration of some hours in alcohol, showed in the diseased fasciculi a large number of granular bodies scattered about under the form of black spots. All about these collections, the tissue had a healthy appearance, but the vessels presented on their surface lines of fatty molecular granulations or even a complete envelope which rendered them black and opaque under the microscope. In more advanced cases, where there were descending alterations, as a result of cerebral softening dating from six months to one or two years, I found, by lacerating the tissue of the diseased fasciculi while in a fresh condition, that the nerve tubes were healthy or slightly varicose, and that they were separated from one another by a small quantity of amorphous material, 16 which was usually soft, transparent and, as it were, gelatinous, enclosing numerous fatty granulations, gran- ular corpuscles in greater or less number, and also nuclei analogous to those which exist normally in the gray substance of the nervous centres, and which M. Robin has described under the name of myelocytes. These nuclei were never very numerous; but they were the more abundant in proportion as the alteration was of older date. The appearance of the sections made after some hours' maceration in alcohol, did not mate- rially differ from that which I have described for the first cases. We saw in the midst of a tissue which ap- peared almost healthy, granular bodies in variable num- bers, and the vessels had a more or less atheromatous appearance. But the sections obtained from the same cord, after a maceration of some weeks in a weak solu- tion of chromic acid, showed a notable difference between the healthy and diseased parts. Examined under a low power, the preparation showed in the altered portions bright striae or transparent points disseminated between the tubes which, by their opacity, contrasted with the spaces occupied by the amorphous substance described above, and which alone allowed the light to pass easily. .In the normal parts, the tubes pressed against one another, everywhere resisted the passage of light, and gave a uniform and sombre shade to the section. Finally, in a case of compression of the cord, dating back for thirteen years, an examination made in the fresh state showed in the diseased fasciculi a soft, transparent and abundant amorphous matter, studded with myelo- cytes ; and in the midst of it a few tubes, non-granular, but varicose. The fatty molecules were few in number, the granular corpuscles were found only here and there and the vessels were almost normal. The fine sections made after maceration in chromic acid, and examined 17 with a low power, at once made evident the diseased parts, which contrasted in the clearest manner, by their transparency, with the healthy parts, which preserved their uniform dark tint. Besides, in the altered parts we saw scattered about in the transparent amorphous substance black dots representing the sections of tubes which had not been destroyed. I should add that the connective tissue which had thus taken the place of the nerve tubes had produced, owing to the contractility with which it is endowed, a particular deformity of the cord consisting in a longitudinal depression of the sur- face at the points nearest to the altered fasciculus. By comparing these different alterations, and by con- sidering their chronological succession, we can, I think, determine the morbid process in secondar}^ degenera* tions. Three principal facts arise from the preceding state- ment : 1st, the atheromatous appearance of the capillaries and the formation of granular corpuscles in the tissue which has degenerated; 2nd, the alteration, and after- wards the disappearance, of a greater or less number of the nerve tubes; 3rd, the formation of a connective tissue which takes the place of the tubes. Only two inter. pretations seem to me possible. We may suppose that an irritation produced at the point of the primitive lesion is propagated with rapidity through the whole length of the injured fasciculus, but in one direction only, viz.: that of its physiological conductibility; that there hence results a slow inflammation, exactly limited to the parts whose functional activity is no longer called in use, and which cannot spread to contiguous parts; and that this inflammation gives rise to a morbid production of con- nective tissue which unites the nerve tubes, vitiates their nutrition, and at last causes their disappearance. Under this hypothesis we might, with M. Robin, B 18 consider the corpuscles of Gluge as leucocytes which have undergone the granulo-fatty alteration.* Under another hypothesis which I hope to make more worthy of acceptance, the tubes injured in one point of their course are primarily altered in all that portion which has lost its connection with their centre of origin, with- out there being any trouble of nutrition in the tissues which they pass through. Every thing then goes on as it does in the peripheral end of a divided nerve. The substance of the tubes is changed into fatty granules which are diffused through the tissue, some isolated, others accumulated in masses, (granular corpuscles,f) or in lines along the vessels, (atheromatous appearance of the capillaries.) The nutritive activity of the tissue is stimulated to action by this foreign substance which in- filtrates it, absorption commences and causes it to dis- appear little by little, while at the same time prolifer- ation of the connective tissue fills up the vacancies. The first hypothesis seems to me liable to very grave objections. Independently of the fact that there is some- thing strange in imagining an inflammation which should develope itself on one side only of the primary lesion, and always on the same side, which should spread rapidly through the whole length of a spinal fasciculus without manifesting itself by any symptom, and which, in this sudden extension, should limit itself to a very narrow band without encroaching upon contiguous parts, which notwithstanding have intimate nutritive relations with the diseased parts, by their nervous and vascular con- nection, we should suppose that the microscope should *It is seldom, except in inflammatory softening, that we can attribute to leucocytes the origin of granular corpuscles. f It may be that certain granular corpuscles are the result of the granulo-fatty transformation of drops of the white substance of Schwann. 19 show proliferation of the connective tissue before show- ing the alteration of the tubes. Now this is contrary to what we observe. The first lesions which we see are the segmentation and the retrograde alteration of the tubes; the morbid production of connective tissue is secondary, and occurs much later. On the other hand, if the increase of connective tissue was the initial phenomenon causing as its consequence the disappearance of the tubes, secondary degeneration would be nothing more than a sclerosis, and should have the character of sclerosis. We know that, in this latter affection, the proliferation of connective tissue strangles the nervous elements, vitiates their nutrition, and causes their atrophy and disappearance; but this disappearance has an entirely special character: the white substance of Schwann diminishes in thickness, generally in an unequal manner, so as to give to the tubes a varicose appearance; this substance may be en- tirely absorbed in some parts where the axis-cylinder remains bare; we can then trace it to a point where it disappears in a sheath of medullary substance still in- tact ; then it reappears further on; finally the absorption of the medullary matter of the tubes becomes complete, and we can see the axis-cylinders remaining in the midst of the sclerosed mass, parallel to one another, and similar in appearance to the fibres of subcutaneous cellular tissue, from which they are easily distinguished by the action of certain re-agents. Then, there is direct atrophy of the medullary substance of the tubes; in secondary degenerations there is no atrophy of this substance; it disappears by the necessary intermediation of a process entirely different from atrophy, by a retrograde trans- formation, and, before being absorbed, it loses its usual appearance, its cohesion, and even its chemical constitu- tion. I may add, that I have never been able to find 20 the denuded axis-cylinders in the case of secondary de- generation, and no observer has remarked their per- sistence, which we often find in cases of sclerosis. Finally, a new differential character is, that the sclerosed tissue is almost always studded with a considerable number of amylaceous bodies; these bodies are totally absent, or only exist in small quantities in parts at- tacked by secondary degeneration. It is not that I do not comprehend the analogy which exists between the proliferation of connective tissue which is observed at an advanced period of secondary degenerations, and the new morbid product which prim- itively constitutes sclerosis; but we will see what essentially different parts this hypergenesis takes, in the two cases, with regard to the disappearance of the nerve tubes. Here is the place to make an important remark: in a nerve attacked by secondary degeneration, all the tubes are not altered; some preserve their structure and their functions almost intact; these are those which, already existing at the part primarily injured, have been respected by the injury, or those which have emerged from the gray substance beyond the primary seat of alteration. These tubes, after the disappearance of those which normally surround them, become isolated in the midst of the connective tissue which is under- going proliferation, and which by its contact cannot fail to modify their vitality. In fact they become varicose, just as is seen in sclerosis. It is on account of these considerations that I have, in a former work,* described secondary degenerations under the name of secondary * De l'Alaxie locomotrice progressive au point de vue de ses lesions anatomiques et de ses rapports avec diverses maladies peu connues de la moelle epiniere. (Journal de Medicine de Lyon, Novembre, 1864.) 21 sclerosis or false sclerosis, in contradistinction to primi- tive sclerosis or true sclerosis. To finish with the processes of secondary degenera- tions, I ought yet to say a few words about the vascular alterations observed in the diseased tissue. I have al- ready pointed out the atheromatous appearance of the capillaries; it is observed almost constantly, but in very variable degrees, and this fact, added to other characters indicated further on, seem to justify the comparison which M. Gubler* has made between secondary degen- eration and chronic cerebral softening. The yellow, depressed patches which are so often met with on the surface of the brains of old persons, present in a peculiar degree all the histological alterations which we have described, but in a much more marked form. It is not probable that the morbid process, although producing similar results, is the same in the two cases. Although pathological anatomy and experiment have thrown light upon certain points of the pathogeny of cerebral soften- ing, the mode of formation of these yellow patches is far from being: understood. As for the atheromatous con- dition of the capillaries which is found so constantly and to so great an extent in this affection, we know not whether it is the product or the cause of the disease. In secondary degeneration, this condition of the vessels seems to me to be consecutive to the alteration of the surrounding tissues. And first, it is not the result of senile degeneration, for I have succeeded in finding it in a very advanced degree in very young children, as a result of compres- sion of the cord by Pott's disease.f The fatty condition * Loc. cit. (Archives gen. de Med., t. 11, p. 31: 1859. fl should protect myself against the charge which might be brought against me of having described, as atheroma of the capil- laries in children, a condition of the vessels of the brain usual at 09 of the capillaries is only the consequence and the index of an alteration of nutrition of that portion of the tissue which has lost its physiological activity; there- fore it is only the indirect consequence. I could with difficulty comprehend that a capillary vessel should be- come fatty only because the neighboring nerve tubes do not perform their functions; but if the neighboring nerve tubes are greatly modified in their structure, it may be that the abnormal materials of disassimilation which they give up to the capillaries, may produce a secondary trouble in the vitality and structure of the latter. Besides, the alteration with which we are occu- pied, does not seem to me to have advanced to this degree. If I am not deceived, there is only an athero- matous appearance, and not a fatty transformation of their substance. During the early period of secondary degeneration in young subjects, the abundant fatty granulations appear to me to envelope the vessels rather than infiltrate them; they seem to be external to the membrane proper of the capillary vessel, which latter does not appear to be perceptibly modified. I have even demonstrated in several cases that they were ac- cumulated between that membrane proper and its envelope of connective tissue, in that intermediate space to which M. Robin has called attention. I do not deny that these facts should be examined into: for the inter- pretation which I propose is founded upon only a limited number of cases. At all events it seems to me to give a satisfactory explanation of the facts observed, that period of life, a condition characterized by the presence along the capillaries of little refracting beads and granulations which are evidently situated in the lymphatic interspaces described by M. Robin, and which, by their disposition in lines or their accumu- lation at certain points, principally in the angles of bifurcation, may resemble in a superficial examination, the atheromatous alter- ation. 23 and of their evolution, since the atheromatous appear- ance, very marked at a certain period, seems afterwards to diminish, so that when the connective tissue is com- pletely formed, the granular corpuscles and molecular granulations have in a great measure disappeared from the diseased part. This theory of the atheromatous alteration of the capillaries of the nervous centres could not be peculiar to secondary degenerations, for it enters into that general law expressed by Billroth, as follows :* "The fatty degeneration of the capillaries of the brain, or rather their envelopment in fat, is the consequence not the cause, of a defect of nutrition in the central nervous tissue." One could object to the theory which I have just given of the primitive granular fatty degeneration of the nerve tubes of the cord that, in nerves where this alteration has been studied to better advantage, the observed phenomena differ materially from those which I have described above. This is because, in the nerves, each primitive fibre is contained in a solid and resisting envelope, which is wanting to the tubes in the nervous centres. In the nerves, the fatty granules resulting from the transformation of the substance of Schwann remain imprisoned in this envelope, and cannot distri- bute themselves in the surrounding tissue as they do in the cord. This anatomical peculiarity seems to me sufficient to explain the differences of appearance which the same alteration presents according as it is in one tissue or another. It would still remain to study the regeneration of nerve tubes in the spinal fasciculi which recover their *Theodor Billroth, Uebereine eigenthumliche gelatinose Degen- ration du Kleinhirnrinde nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber die Beziehungen der Gefasserkrankungen zur kronischeu Encephalitis (Archiv-der Heilkunde Dritter Jahrgang, p. 47.) 24 functions after having been affected by secondary degen- ation. But the materials for this study are completely wanting; and, in a general way, we may say that the regeneration of spinal fibres has never been established by any direct observation. On one occasion, MM. Charcot and Vulpian thought they preceived the traces of reproduction of the nerve tubes in a case of sclerosis of the posterior columns. This appearance has never even been mentioned among the results of secondary degenerations; and if I said above that I believed in the regeneration of the nerves of the cord after these alterations, it was because I relied upon clinical con- siderations which I shall treat of hereafter. I should now point out the methods of investigation applicable to anatomical study of secondary degenera- tions. Direct inspection often allows us to seize upon certain peculiarities which may put us upon the track of this alteration. Thus in descending degenerations, a result of some old brain affection, it is not uncommon to find the peduncle of the diseased side smaller than that of the other; we then remark, after having removed it envelopes, that its color is changed, it presents on its inferior aspect a line of a yellowish gray in the course of its fibres, of greater or less size, situated sometimes at its internal, sometimes at its middle and sometimes at its external part, according to the location which the primitive alteration occupies in the hemisphere. In these cases it is not uncommon for the pons to pre- sent a more or less marked flattening on the same side. The medulla oblongata, deprived of its membranes, also shows a marked difference between the two an- terior pyramids. The pyramid of the diseased side is, like the peduncle, small and yellowish. This atrophy of the pyramid renders the olivary body of the same side 25 more protuberant, and might lead us to think there was a disease of this organ. As a general rule, the consistency of the degenerated parts is not changed; but in one case M. Gubler noticed a softening of this»tissue. As for the cord, an external examination rarely fur- nishes any indications, unless it be in very extensive and very old alterations of a hemisphere, and more particularly in cases of cerebral agenesis. We then find a diminution in size of that half of the cord oppo- site to the diseased hemisphere. In cases of the same kind, if the atrophy of one half of the cord is not evi- dent, we observe sometimes a slight deformity of the organ consisting in a longitudinal depression in one of its lateral parts, a little in advance of the posterior roots. This lesion, however, cannot be well traced un- less the cord has been previously hardened. Seen through its membranes, the cord does not pre- sent any modification of color at the situation of the altered fasciculi; even when the membranes are detached without affecting its tissue, its color appears to be nor- mal. But, if we make a section of the organ in a direction perpendicular to its axis, we can often see that certain portions of the white columns have not the same appearance as the healthy parts. It is sometimes a yellowish gray tint, sometimes a semi-transparent, bluish gray tint, like that of milk diffused in water; and sometimes again it has the gelatinous grayish coloration of sclerosis. The yellowish color is principally observed in cases of defeneration with an abundance of granular bodies, that is to say in cases of not very long standing. Nevertheless, and I should insist upon this point, an examination of the diseased tissue of the cord with the naked eye is usually incapable of leading us to suspect even quite marked alterations. 26 After this preliminary inspection, and before submit- ting the cord to any preparation, it is best to examine with the microscope some portions of its tissue, removed with small curved scissors, from the parts supposed to be diseased. These fragments teased out in a drop of water, should be examined with a power of from 150 to 300 diameters. We thus recognize the condition of the tubes, the atheromatous appearance of the capillaries, the granular corpuscles, the molecular granulations and the starch bodies. We then replace the water of the first preparation by a few drops of a weak solution of carmine whose alkalinity has previously been neutral- ized by acetic acid. The amorphous matter interposed between the tubes then becomes plainer, nuclei appear, and the capillaries are made more visible. All these details may be made still more precise by the addition of a drop of acetic acid, after having taken the precau- tion to remove the excess of carmine by washing with pure water. It is often more expeditious to replace the carmine by an aqueous solution of with or with- out the addition of acetic acid. After these primary investigations, the cord is placed in alcohol at 36° C, and after a few hours it will have accquired a sufficient degree of firmness to enable us to make quite thin sections perpendicularly to its surface. By treating these sections with acetic acid, compressing them slightly between two glass slides, we can ascertain, with a power of from 80 to 120 diameters, at what pre- cise points the granular corpuscles and atheromatous vessels are situated. This preparation cannot give other indications; but we can renew the first examina- tions which I have mentioned above, on the portions of the cord thus treated with alcohol; the nerve tubes then have sharper outlines, and the observation is less impeded by the beads of the white substance of Schwann 27 which are constantly formed in preparations made with the fresh cord. The cord is then placed in a solution of chromic acid, and, by the end of two or three weeks it will usually have acquired a sufficient degree of firmness. Then it is not very rare for the greenish yellow color of its sec- tion to present, at the points of degeneration, a lighter tint than at the healthy parts; and we can often map out exactly the space occupied by the degeneration, by pouring upon the surface of the section a few drops of a concentrated solution of carmine. By washing this surface, at the end of a minute, with a camel's hair pen- cil dipped in water, the diseased parts only remain colored with a lighter or darker tint of violet, accord- ing as the connective tissue of new formation is more or less abundant. The examinations of these sections show also the de- formities which the cord may have undergone, and allow us to measure very exactly the dimensions of each fasciculus, by appreciating the differences which may exist on one side or the other. Finally it is best to remove from these hardened cords some very thin slices which, treated first by caustic soda, then by glycerine, show in the clearest manner, even to the naked eye, the altered parts. The latter appear as clear, transparent patches, plainly contrasting with the surrounding tissue which remains opaque ; and under the microscope, they seem studded with a vari- able number of black points, representing the tubes which have not been attacked by the degeneration. If we wish a preparation of the whole structure which will also serve for a study of the elementary alterations in detail, the section must first be placed in a weak solu- tion of carmine, made neutral by acetic acid; at the end of a few hours, when we consider it sufficiently colored, 28 we wash it with water, then with absolute alcohol, finally we treat it with rectified essence of turpentine, and finish the preparation in Canada balsam. This mode of preparation is also applicable to long- itudinal sections. We see in them the varicose condition of the tubes, which, although comprised in the diseased parts, have been respected by the degeneration, but have been surrounded and then deformed by the con- nective tissue of new formation. Thus far, I have studied the secondary degenerations in themselves, without considering the varieties of situ- ation which these alterations may present in the different columns of the cord. The anatomical facts are general; they are applicable to all cases, whatever be the direc- tion in which the degeneration is produced, ascending or descending, whatever be the nature or location of the primitive lesion to which they succeed. I am now going to commence the especial study of these degenerations, and demonstrate in what direction these lesions are produced, to what columns and what portions of columns they are limited, according as the primary disease is situated in such or such a part of the nervous system. I shall study successively the secondary degenerations of the spinal cord, in consequence of primitive lesions, 1st, of the cerebral hemispheres; 2d, of the cerebral peduncles; 3d, of the pons; 4th, of the medulla oblongata; 5th, of the cord itself; 6th, of the spinal roots. At a future time we shall without doubt form a seventh class for ascending: degenerations of the cord in consequence of primitive lesions of the ganglia of the posterior roots; but I do not know that any ob- servation is in existence at this day which can enter into that division. 29 I. SECONDARY DEGENERATIONS AS A RESULT OF PRIMITIVE LESIONS OF THE CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES. These degenerations' are the first which were dis- covered. It is to these that the observation given in the Sepulcretum refers; these are those the existence of which M. Cruveilhier suspected; it is these which are referred to in the first exact works published upon this subject by L. Turcke, by MM. Charcot and Turner, and by Schroeder Van de Kolk. Up to this time a certain number of observers have proved facts of this kind; but we may say that the subject, as yet very incompletely known in an anatomical, is not at all understood in a clinical point of view. We will point out hereafter the symptomatic pecul- iarities which may be referred to these degenerations. As to the precise seat of the alteration, the numerous facts which we have gathered during the last three years, both at the Salpetriere, in the service of M. Charcot, or at the hospital Sainte-Eugenie, in wards of M. Triboulet, seem to us to fully confirm the ideas ad- vanced in 1851, by L. Turcke. But before entering into the details of this anatomical study, some preliminary questions should be decided. And first, Do all morbid conditions of the hemispheres determine secondary degenerations? Thus proposed, the question ought to be answered in the negative. I have never found a trace of this alteration in simple cases of compression by tumors of the membranes, by effusions into the arachnoid, or by thick false membranes of the dura mater, with meningeal hemorrhages. Even very extensive superficial lesions of the convolutions do not produce any descending degeneration. This lesion is met with, neither in acute meningeal encephalitis, nor in tuberculous meningitis, nor in the diffused meningeal encephalitis of general paralysis, nor in the majority of 30 superficial softenings of the convolutions either red or yellow. But certain lesions of the peripheral portions of the brain which interest the deep layers of the gray cortical substance, and destroy them, such as the yel- low patches, and which encroach even upon the subja- cent white tissue, may give rise to secondary degenera- tions which are usually not very marked.* As a general rule these degenerations result from lesions of the central portions of the hemispheres. It is above all in cases of hemorrhages or of softening of the corpora striata that they easily reveal themselves to the observer. Still it is not necessary that the lesion should occupy exclusively the centre of the ganglia of gray substance. There is a remark verified a number of times by M. Charcot and M. Vulpian, that the most manifest secondary degener- ations succeed primary lesions which have destroyed to a greater or less extent the little white bandsf interposed between the two corpora striata (capsule interne de Burdach.) Lesions of the optic thalami also produce descending degenerations, which however are generally: less marked than those which are consecutive to de- struction of the corpora striata. Finally, I have observed recently, with M. Charcot, a case of secondary alteration of the cord connected with the existence of depots of cellular infiltration in the centrum ovale. We see that a certain degree of vagueness reigns over this subject, and that the intensity of secondary degeneration, com- pared with the extent of the primitive lesion and with the exact situation of this lesion, deserves to be studied * See the observation already cited of Egris Valentine, where I have seen evident descending degeneration result from a yellow patch spread over several convolutions, with integrity of the corpora- striata and the optic thalami, as well as of the expansions of the peduncles. (Troussean, Clinique Medic, loc cit.) f Taenia semi-circularis. 31 in a more precise manner. This will be the surest way of knowing what relative quantity of nerve tubes each part of the brain sends directly to the spinal cord, and what location these tubes occupy in the substance of the raehidian axis. Thus far, the labors of M. Turcke have only determined with exactitude the distribution of the descending de- generation in consequence of cerebral lesions; and if the results at which he has arrived are incomplete, as much in regard to the process of this degeneration as to that of the final evolution which it undergoes, we ought to acknowledge that he has determined with certainty the location Avhich the lesion occupies in the cord. More recent works have added nothing to his description, and the numerous facts which I have been able to col- lect, have all conformed to the localization which he had indicated. A single fact anterior to his researches bore witness to the correlation which may exist between atrophies of the cord and lesions of the brain; but this fact had not been understood. I would speak of the observation of Wepfer, which I have mentioned before. It concerned a young girl with paralysis of the left arm, who had in the right hemisphere two cavities as large as eggs and filled with a turbid liquid. The corpus striatum and a portion of the corpus callosum were ulcer- ated. It is said, in the observation that the cord did not fill the raehidian cavity which contained a good deal of sanguinolent serum. The author adds: " Quae (the cord) firma et nitida erat, sinistra tamen pars dextra minor videbatiw? The history of secondary de- generations of the cord was limited to this phrase, be- fore the works of Turcke. However, Rokitansky* had remarked, after a considerable loss of substance of the hemispheres by hemorrhage or inflammation, an atrophy * Patholog. Anat., Ire edit., t. e, p. 715. 32 of the peduncle, of the pons Varolii, of the medulla oblongata and of the spinal cord. Thus, there exists an intermediate step between the alteration of the cord and the primitive lesion of the hemisphere. The degeneration is above all marked in the peduncle and in the medulla oblongata. It was that which attracted the attention of M. Cruveilhier, and that which he has described with exactitude. I should say that the succinct description which he has given of it is a resume of a long observation of facts which have not been published. A single case of de- scending degeneration as the result of lesion of one hemisphere is given in his Atlas of pathological an- atomy ;* it is so incomplete that it could not have ena- bled this author to give the excellent description of sec- ondary degenerations of the medulla oblongata to which I have already referred. The observation to which I allude is that of Jeanne Hamel, who died at the Sal- petriere, the third of January, 1833, at the age of 72 years. This woman had a left incomplete hemiplegia, a paraplegia with rigidity, and showed some defects of intellect. Death was the result of an acute red soften- ing of the convolution. They found in the midst of the cerebral substance several little cicatrices of former effusions and linear induration in the substance of the left peduncle. The pons was a little deformed, the median line prominent, the lateral portions de- pressed ; it contained in its substance, on the right side, a little cellular cavity; the cord was indurated. We might ask if any one of these lesions is the result of a secondary degeneration. The induration of the left peduncle could not be considered as a descending alter- tion, from the fact that it was indurated; besides it is not stated whether there were marks of disease in the Anatomic Patholog., 32 livrais., p. 15. 33 left hemisphere; finally in this case the hemiplegia should have been in the right and not in the left side. The cellular cavity of the pons was only the trace of a primary softening. The flattening of the pons on the left side could, alone, be attributed to a secondary de- generation of its longitudinal fibres; but did this de- generation have its primitive cause in the hemisphere or in the peduncle? As for the cord, its induration, which was indicated by the paraplegia, could not in any manner be considered as the result of a descending alteration. I have already indicated the characters of descending degeneration in the medulla oblongata. As this is not the object of this work, I will not here enter into fuller details, and I pass to the examination of the situation which the secondary degeneration consecutive to lesions of the hemispheres occupies in the spinal cord. The alteration which, in the bulb, is limited to the anterior pyramid of the side corresponding to the pri- mary lesion of the brain, penetrates the cord following the distribution which normal anatomy indicates; it fol- lows the decussation of the pyramids, and occupies in the cord the side opposite to the primitive lesion. In all cases where a secondary alteration of the bulb is mani- fest we find an alteration of the same nature in the antero-lateral column of the cord on the opposite side. But this alteration does not spread throughout the whole thickness of the antero-lateral column; it occupies a precise location in it, it is limited to the posterior portion of the lateral column between the postero-lateral fissure and the ligamentum denticulatum. It is at this point that Tlircke found the granular corpuscles; it is there also that the lesion has always seemed to me to be located. In cases of considerable and very advanced degeneration, where a large number of tubes have dis- c 34 appeared and have been replaced by connective tissue, we see the antero-lateral column, healthy in the re- mainder of its structure, present a spot as if colored by carmine at this exact point which in their sections con- trasts by its transparency with the surrounding tissue, and looks like a hole cut by a punch. All around the medullary is normal and we always find a little band of healthy white substance which separates the altered portion from the pia mater. This is the reason why even in cases of very considerable degeneration the external examination of the cord does not allow us to perceive any modification in the color of the altered column, while we can do so in true sclerosis of the lateral columns when the diseased tissue, being in direct con- tact with the meninges, is recognizable from its peculiar gray tint. However, in hardened cords, we can some- times see at this point a deformity of the organ, a de- pression of its surface which forms an abnormal furrow in advance of the line of attachment of the posterior roots. The alteration of the posterior portion of the lateral column, more marked in the cervical region, diminishes as it recedes from the bulb; but we can in most instances follow it throughout a great extent of the cord, sometimes even to the inferior part of the lumbar enlargement. We know that at the inferior part of the bulb the decussation of the pyramids is not complete, but that a portion of the fibres which compose each pyramid ap- proach the median line so as to form the internal part of the anterior column of the same side. This anatomi- cal fact would lead us to expect that in certain second- ary degenerations we should observe, as a result of a lesion of a single hemisphere, a degeneration of the posterior part of the opposite lateral column, and of the internal part of the corresponding anterior column; that 35 is to say a lesion of both sides of the cord. This is what we see in reality. Out of six cases of secondary degen- eration consecutive to lesions of the brain, L. Tiirck has seen, in three, the alteration of the internal part of the anterior column accompanying that of the lateral column of the opposite side. I have had occasion to observe this double degeneration with M. Charcot; but, in a greater number of autopsies, I have only once been able to see the condition of sclerosis which succeeds to the destruction of the tubes, in the anterior column of the side of the cerebral lesion.* In this case the altera- tion formed a narrow little band, clearly distinct from the healthy tissue, applied to the expansion which the membranes send into the anterior sulcus, and reaching in front, the inner surface of the pia mater, and behind, the anterior face of the commissure. Perhaps my atten- tion has not been sufficiently fixed upon this question; at all events, this alteration of the anterior column seems to me to be rare, besides it is always accompanied by an alteration of the same nature, and more pronounced, of the posterior portion of the lateral column of the op- posite side. In order that it should occur, the altera- tion of the anterior pyramid must be extensive and must interest its external portion. Secondary degener- ation of the internal portion of the anterior columns, as a result of lesions of the hemispheres, does not extend through the whole leno;th of the cord. In the case which I have seen, it could not be recognizedat the mid- dle of the dorsal region; but Tiirck says, that, in two cases, he has been able to find the granular corpuscles as far as the level of insertion of the roots of the last intercostal nerves. * I am indebted to MM. Charcot and Vulpian for the communi- cation of an analogous observation gathered by them in 1862. 36 II. SECONDARY DEGENERATIONS AS A RESULT OF PRIMITIVE LESIONS OF THE CEREBRAL PEDUNCLES. The absence of proper documents will oblige us to make this a brief chapter. A single observation has been published up to this day; still it may be disputed whether it was secondary degeneration. It had refer- ence to a fibrous tumor of the left cerebral peduncle in an epileptic. The case was presented to the Society of Biology by MM. Cornil and Thomas.* The tumor had produced an atrophy of the peduncle, and this atrophy extended to the pons and to the anterior pyramid of the same side. The tissue of the atrophied parts presented no analogy to that of the tumor; it was in every respect similar to that of parts affected by sclerosis, the poste- rior columns of those suffering from ataxy, for example; no granular corpuscles were met with. It may be that this was not a secondary degeneration at the period of proliferation of connective tissue, but a sort of chronic inflammation of the peduncle occasioned by the tumor, an inflammation which would be propagated in the direction of the fibres of the part, just as is usually ob- served in primary sclerosis. At all events, the condition of the cord has not been given in the observation. I have recently seen, in an autopsy made at the Salpetriere, two symmetrical points of softening in the cerebral peduncles, the pons was flattened on each side of the median line, and the anterior pyramids presented the atrophy and the yellowish gray color characteristic of secondary degeneration; but a microscopic examina- tion was not made, and the cord was not examined. III. SECONDARY DEGENERATIONS AS A RESULT OF PRIMITIVE LESIONS OF THE PONS. Observations are still more completely wanting on this subject. A single case, although very incomplete, * Comptes-rendus de la Societe de Biologie, 1864, p. 46. 37 seems to us worthy of being mentioned. I borrow it from the Atlas of Pathological Anatomy of M. Cruveil- hier.* Marie Duffet, aged 57 years, died at the Sal- petriere, June 3,1834. Was hemiplegic on the right side; motion was entirely lost on this side, and there was an incomplete loss of sensibility. The members of the left side were not possessed of their natural power of motion. At the autopsy the brain was found to be healthy; but in the pons was discovered an old apoplectic depot implicating both sides, more extensive superficially on the right, but deeper on the left. The anterior pyramids were atrophied, especially the left. The plate which represents this lesion being inexact, I cite word for word the correction of the author: " The anterior pyramids were atrophied to such a degree that, in my notes taken at the time of the examination, I have written: ' No anterior pyramid on the left side, the right anterior pyramid atrophied.' On this account I ought to correct the figure, which, having been finished in my absence, resembles the normal condition a great deal too much." Finally it is said in the observation that the cord was healthy. Although incomplete, this observation at least proves that the intensity of the secondary degeneration is the more pronounced as the primitive lesion is nearer the bulb. IV. SECONDARY DEGENERATIONS AS A RESULT OF PRIMARY LESIONS OF THE BULB. In proportion as the primitive lesion approaches the spinal cord, the secondary degeneration of this nervous centre ouo-ht to become more marked and more compli- cated : every deep lesion of the peduncle, of the pons or * 21 livraison, pi. v., fig. 3. 38 of the bulb ought to produce an alteration not only of the tubes which have their origin in the altered part, but also of those which, commencing higher up, pass through that part and are there injured in one point of their course. This increasing complication of secondary degeneration could not have been treated of in the pre- ceding paragraphs, since in none of the cases of primary alteration of the peduncles or of the pons Varolii which we have mentioned, has the condition of the cord been studied. It is not so in primary lesions of the bulb; but these cases are rare, for the alterations of this part of the nervous centres generally produce death before the degeneration has had time to become developed. We have not found in the authors any observation which can instruct us with regard to the disposition of descending degenerations consecutive to primary lesions of the raehidian bulb. The description which we will give of them rests solely upon two observations, of which one was taken by us at the hospital Sainte-Eugenie, the other was sent to us by M. Charcot. The first case regarded a little girl of five years, affected by cervical arthritis. An abscess produced by caries of the axis softened in front of the dura mater, and lifted this membrane even in the interior of the cranium for two centimetres in front of the occipital foramen. The bulb was compressed and flattened from before back- wards by this collection of fluid, and, besides, an inflam- mation, which, had caused adhesions anteriorly between the arachnoid and dura mater, had implicated even the tissue of the bulb, the superficial portion of which was the seat of a red inflammatory softening. Death, which was the result of this inflammation, occurred about fifteen days after the commencement of the paralytic symptoms which we could attribute to the compression. Several sections made at different parts of the cord at points 39 which were neither compressed nor inflamed, showed, in the fresh condition, numerous granular corpuscles throughout the whole of the antero-lateral columns accumulated especially in the posterior half of the lat- eral columns. The capillaries presented in a marked degree the atheromatous appearance; there was not as yet any proliferation of the the elements of connective tissue. The posterior columns were perfectly healthy. In the second case, the bulb was compressed by a dry arthritis; the new formations of bone narrowed consid- erably the occipital foramen, and a marked thickening with increased length of the odontoid process diminished still more the free space occupied by the bulb. The compression was exerted especially upon the anterior and left lateral portion of this organ; the point most compressed appeared to be the inferior part of the left pyramid, immediately above the decussation. The com- mencement of trouble dated back one year, therefore there was an abundant production of connective tissue in place of portions of the cord secondarily degenerated. These anatomical specimens have been presented to the Society of Biology, by M. Charcot, and we owe to his kindness the opportunity of renewing upon this cord, preserved in chromic acid, the examination which had been made by him in the fresh condition, at the time of the autopsy, and afterwards upon thin sections, after hardening the oro;an. In the fresh condition there was seen by the naked eye, thoughout the whole extent of the raehidian axis, a gray coloration of the posterior portion of the right lateral column, in the seat of election of secondary de- generations consecutive to cerebral lesions. This gray tissue was composed of varicose tubes, an amorphous transparent granular matter, numerous oval or spherical nuclei and amyloid bodies. The sections made from the 40 hardened cord showed at this point a diminution of the tubes; but this transparent spot due to the accumula- tion of connective tissue of new formation, did not resemble a simple hole, it reached the inner face of the pia mater; besides, the neoplastic production continued along the surface of the antero-lateral columns and penetrated into the anterior sulcus, thus showing a de- struction of the more superficial tubes of these columns on both sides. Finally at the posterior portion of the left lateral column a rarefaction of the tubes could be seen as on the right side but less considerable. This degeneration of the left lateral column was not recog- nizable in sections made in the fresh condition. I should add that, on both sides, but above all on the right, the proliferation of connective tissue of the pos- terior and external portion of the lateral columns had implicated for a very short distance the contiguous por- tion of the posterior columns, between the extremity of the posterior cornua and the collateral posterior sulcus. These different lesions manifested the characters which I have pointed out, only in the cervical region; below the brachial enlargement, only the alteration of the lateral columns was visible, and at the inferior part of the dorsal region, only the degeneration of the posterior part of the right lateral column could be found, which was then seen with the same characters as those of de- generations of cerebral origin; that is to say that the transparent portion occupied by the connective tissue formed a circular hole separated from the meninges by a little band of healthy medullary tissue. We see that in these two cases the seat of the lesion does not appear to be the same; however, w^e observe that the degeneration was not limited to the posterior parts of the lateral columns, but that it extended in the substance of the antero-lateral columns. The only 41 difference is that, in the recent case, we found some granular corpuscles in the substance of the anterior column and of the anterior part of the lateral column, while in the case of longer duration we did find that there was, in these parts, an accumulation of connective tissue which had undergone proliferation only at the surface. But we must remember that the new forma- tion consecutive to destructions of tubes, becomes developed and is apparent only in those cases where a considerable number of nervous elements has been de- stroyed at the same point, while the degeneration of a few isolated tubes suffices to produce granular corpuscles. The alteration of the substance of the anterior portions of the antero-lateral columns may therefore be manifest in a recent case, and not be appreciable in a case of longer duration. This remark is applicable to a very large number of cases of secondary degenerations. It is very seldom that, in cases where death occurs dur- ing the first few months after the commencement of a very limited lesion of the brain, we do not find in the cord granular corpuscles or atheromatous capillaries; on the contrary it is often the case that we cannot find any proliferation of connective tissue at the seat of election in even more extensive cerebral lesions when death takes place at a period when the granular corpuscles have had time to disappear. The study of degenerations con- secutive to primary lesions of the cord itself is about to furnish us new arguments in support of this mode of considering the subject. I should still say a word or two about the very lim- ited alteration noticed in the posterior columns of the cervical region in the last observation. Are there some tubes which arise from the bulb, and, following a downward course, occupy the most external part of the posterior columns? in other words, are there, in the 42 posterior columns, some whose centre of nutrition is situated higher up in the bulb or beyond it? All the known facts up to this day and those which Ave will discuss in the two following paragraphs contradict this hypothesis, and perhaps in this case we have an instance of the propagation to neighboring parts of a formative irritation, the seat of which was in the lateral columns. In conclusion, we may say, after these two observa- tions, that secondary alterations of the cord depending on primitive lesions of the bulb, affect the whole of the antero-lateral columns with a greater intensity at the surface than in the deeper parts, but that the degenera- tion implicates the greatest number of tubes in the posterior part of the lateral columns. V. SECONDARY DEGENERATIONS CONSECUTIVE TO PRIMITIVE LESIONS OF THE SPINAL CORD. The secondary degenerations of the cord which fol- low a lesion at a given point of this nervous centre have been observed under very varied circumstances; but it is more especially as a result of compressions of the cord by tumors of the meninges, by purulent col- lections in the raehidian canal, by fractures of the vetrebral column, and above all by Pott's disease, that they have been studied. They have also been seen to follow diseases of the tissue of the cord as partial scle- roses; but these last facts, I should say, are still very obscure. If the original disease of the cord is acute, it seldom gives time for the degeneration to be produced; if on the other hand it is chronic, the alteration of the tubes, even in the locality of the lesion, advances slowly, and the portion which is external to this locality may then gradually become atrophied, in such a manner that the production of the secondary lesion does not appear to be absolutely identical with that which we have formerly indicated. 43 Every lesion of the cord at one point of its course destroys, by descending degeneration, not only the fibres which come directly from the different parts of the brain, but also those which have arisen from the gray substance of the cord above or at the level of the part injured. The descending degeneration then presents the greatest complications. On the other hand, the posterior columns, injured at one point of their course, degenerate on one side of the point primitively altered. This alteration of tubes whose centre of nutrition is at their inferior extremity, gives rise to ascending degener- ations which we will constantly find in the posterior columns, and sometimes in a certain part of the lateral columns. I shall first study the descending alterations: they have the greatest analogy to those which result from primitive lesions of the bulb. This descending degener- ation has been observed quite a large number of times by L. Tiirck. His first memoir* contains three cases of it; two years later he reported in detail twelve new cases.f In the majority of the cases it was connected with compressions of the cord by Pott's disease. Below the primary lesion, the posterior columns were always found perfectly normal; the degeneration affected ex- clusively the antero-lateral columns which were seen to be studded throughout their entire substance with granular bodies, accumulated principally at the posterior part of the lateral columns. Passing from the point primitively injured, and approaching the cauda equina, it was found that the alteration of the anterior columns, and of the anterior part of the lateral columns, dimin- *Ueber secundare Erkrankung, etc. (Comptes-rendus de PAcad. des Sciences de Vienne, Mars, 1851.) f Ueber secundare, etc. (Comptes-rendus de PAcad. des Sciences de Vienne, Juin, 1853.) 44 ished in intensity and disappeared entirely at about the fourth insertion of nerves below the point compressed; but, at this level the granular bodies still existed in abundance in the posterior and external part of the lat- eral columns, and in some cases could be found even at the inferior part of the cord. Ten years later, Leyden reported a fine case of second- ary degeneration of the cord by Pott's disease, in a little girl aged three years and nine months.* Below the point compressed the antero-lateral columns were the seat of a gray degeneration, especially at the periphery; the posterior columns were healthy. Leyden seems to me not to have understood the process of secondary de- generation which has reached the exaggerated produc- tion of connective tissue, and he was wrong when he wished to support upon this fact a theory concerning the nature of the process of the gray degeneration of the posterior columns in locomotor ataxy. In this case of secondary degeneration, the transparent material inter- posed between the tubes did not contain many nuclei, and did not offer a trace of amyloid bodies; peculiari- ties which connect this case with degenerations of long standing, such as we have described, and which separate it from the medullary sclerosis, such as we find in ataxy. During the same year, M. Cornil sent to the medical society of observation an example of compression of the cord, found in the service of M. Charcot. He says that he found the inferior segment of the cord normal. But an examination was only made of a few morsels of med- ullary tissue, and perhaps if he had made sections of the inferior portion of the organ, an abnormal produc- tion of connective tissue in the posterior portions of the lateral columns might have been recognized in * Die graue degeneration der hinteren Riickenmarksstrange, p. 117; Berlin, 1863. 45 place of granular bodies which had disappeared. How- ever, in another case, seen the next year by the same author, the descending degeneration, such as Tiirck had observed it, was indicated in the most exact man- ner. The compression, in this case, had been produced by a fracture of the vertebral column; and in the notes which M. Cornil was kind enough to give us, it is said that in the inferior segment the posterior columns were found perfectly healthy, but that the antero-lateral col- umns enclosed all through their substance numerous granular corpuscles, especially at the posterior part of the lateral columns. About the same time, M. de Lacrousille showed to the anatomical society an epithelial tumor of the raehidian arachnoid which had compressed the cord and deter- mined a paraplegia whose commencement dated back thirteen years. The patient had been observed in the service of M. Vulpian. In a report which I was deputed to make before the Anatomical Society upon this pre sentation, I pointed out the following results to which an examination of this cord conducted me. The com pression which was situated above the lumbar enlarge- ment had reduced the cord to such a degree that the meninges seemed to touch one another. Below the point compressed the cord was notably diminished in size, but the atrophy did not exclusively affect the antero- lateral columns. The examination was not made in the specimen in the fresh condition. In sections obtained after hardening it in chromic acid, a considerable rare- faction of the tubes was seen at the posterior part of the lateral columns, forming a transparent spot which in width came in contact with the meninges. This lesion diminished in extent as it went further from the point compressed, but it could be traced to the inferior part of the lumbar enlargement. The methods of pre- 46 paration employed did not allow of any search for the existence of granular bodies, which, considering the long duration of the lesion, had probably disappeared. As for the atrophy of the anterior columns and of the an- terior portion of the lateral columns, it apparently re- sulted from the disappearance of a large number of nerve tubes, which disseminated through these fasciculi, had allowed the tissue to contract upon itself without leav- ing any empty space between the elements which re- mained. The following year I had an opportunity of taking at the hospital Sainte-Eugenie, in the service of M. Tri- boulet, the observation of a little girl of thirteen years, affected with caries of the vertebras at the lower part of the dorsal region. Death occurred about six weeks after the commencement of the paralytic symptoms which were the result of the compression of the cord by an intra-rachidian abscess. The portion situated below the point compressed showed a perfect integrity of the posterior columns, but numerous granular bodies were found through the substance of the antero-lateral col- umns, especially at the posterior portion of the lateral columns which, at the lower end of the organ appeared to be the only ones altered. No hypergenesis of the elements of connective tissue was found. M. Charcot has communicated to me an observation of compression of the cord by caries of the vertebrae, taken in "1865, at the Salpetriere, in which these de- scending lesions present the same characters. The paraplegia became complete only three days before death; nevertheless granular bodies were already to be found in the lower segment of the cord. Finally, I have recently had an opportunity of ob- serving at the Salpetriere, in the service of M. Charcot a case of compression of the cord produced by a cancer- 47 ous tumor developed in the posterior lamina of the first dorsal vertebra. Besides this, a collection of pus had softened in the raehidian canal and slightly com- pressed the cord on its posterior aspect, outside of the dura mater from the situation of the tumor to a point about one inch above the lumbar enlargement. The patient died five and a half months after the commence- ment of the paraplegia. All the columns were altered in the compressed portion; but below, in the lumbar enlargement, the posterior columns were healthy, while the lateral columns contained a considerable number of granular bodies, and a finely granular amorphous ma- terial, in which was found a large number of myelo cytes and other very elongated nuclei, resembling embryo- plastic nuclei. In the anterior columns also granular bodies were found, relatively much less numerous; be- sides there were seen, between the nerve tubes, some myelocytes and embryo-plastic nuclei as in the lateral columns, but in reality much less abundant. From all these facts, it is clearly evident that, in cases of primitive lesion of the cord, the descending second- ary degeneration occupies exclusively the antero-lateral columns; that the posterior columns always remain in- tact ; that, in the antero-lateral columns, the principal and most extensive alteration is limited to the posterior portion of the lateral columns; and that the anterior columns and the anterior portions of the lateral columns also degenerate, but that, in these fasciculi, the desfener- ation rapidly diminishes, so as to disappear entirely at a short distance from the part originally injured. Let us proceed now to the study of ascending degener- ations of the cord consecutive to primary lesions of that onran. These degenerations have been observed eleven times by Tiirck. They implicate the posterior columns and the posterior portion of the lateral columns. - The 48 anterior columns above the point primitively injured have always been found healthy. The alteration of the posterior columns, which may occupy the entire surface of the section immediately above the lesion, gradually becomes narrower in pro- portion as it approaches the bulb, and leaves, at its ex- ternal portion, the medullary tissue perfectly healthy. The granular bodies are become more and more limited to a zone which rests upon the posterior sulcus and upon the posterior surface of the cord. In the cervical region, they are only found in the smaller fasciculi, and the lesion disappears at the level of the floor of the fourth ventricle. In the lateral columns, the granular bodies occupy the same situation as in the descending degenerations; but their number progressively diminishes as they ap- proach the bulb. At this level, in place of affecting the anterior pyramid of the opposite side, as is observed in descending degeneration, they continue their course in the restiform body of the same side, pass upwards behind the olivary, and can once more be found at the insertion of the restiform body to the cerebellum, with- out having undergone any decussation in the substance of the medulla oblongata. In the case of compression of the cord in a little girl, which I have reported above from Leyden, there was also an ascending degeneration, but this lesion impli- cated only the posterior columns; the nerve tubes were diminished in number and separated by a transparent material, just as in *in the gray degeneration of the pos- terior cord in persons affected by ataxy. In the case presented by M. Cornil to the medical society of obser- vation, it is said that they found above the point com- pressed some granular bodies in the posterior columns and in the neighboring portion of the lateral columns. 49 In the second case of M. Cornil, they also found that the posterior columns, above the lesion, presented a very large number of granular bodies, and they also found some of them in the antero-lateral columns, principally in the course of the vessels. In the patient of M. Vulpian, who has been the subject of a communication to the Anatomical Society, I have found one of the most manifest ascending degenerations occupying exclusively the posterior columns. Numerous sections, made at different levels above the point com- pressed, gave me the following results: Immediately above the lesion, we find the tubes diminished in num- ber throughout the whole substance of the posterior columns; a little higher up, we find upon each side a little band of healthy tissue applied upon the internal face of the posterior cornua; the alteration occupies all the remainder of the posterior columns, and j>resents altogether the figure of a trapezium, the two parallel bodies being formed, one in front, by the gray commis- sure, another, behind, by the meninges, the two others being j>arallel to the posterior cornua. In proportion as we depart from the primitive lesion, these two last borders approach one another more, at the same time that the little bands of healthy tissue, situated at the external parts of the posterior columns, increase in thick- ness. At length these two borders end by uniting in front at the junction of the commissure with the posterior sulcus. At this point, the altered portion appeared upon the section like the figure of an isosceles triangle, the base of which was behind on the meninges, the summit on the middle of the commissure, and the pos- terior sulcus formed the perpendicular dropped from the summit to the middle of the base. A little higher up, the lesion still preserved its triangular form, but it con- tinued growing more contracted; the base which rested D 50 upon the posterior part of the organ, diminished m lengthy and the summit left the commissure so as to approach little by little the base, following down the posterior sulcus; at length the alteration terminated at the level of the fourth ventricle. In this patient, the lateral columns presented no abnormal appearance. In the little girl of thirteen years of whom I made an examination at the hospital Sainte-Eugenie, the granular bodies were seen only in the posterior columns above the tumor. In the observation of recent compression by vertebral caries, which was communicated to me by M. Charcot, the granular bodies were also only found in the poste- rior columns above the point compressed. It is not the same in the case of paraplegia from cancer of the vertebral column, recently observed by M. Charcot; the ascending defeneration affected at the same time the posterior columns and the posterior part of the lateral columns; it was characterized by the presence of granular bodies, of isolated fatty granulations, in large numbers and by the atheromatous appearance of the vessels in these parts. We may conclude from an analysis of the preceding facts, that ascending degenerations of the cord are de- veloped consecutive to primary injuries of that organ, and these secondary degenerations principally affect the posterior columns; that in these columns they grad- ually diminish in intensity, become limited little by little to the internal and posterior fasciculi, and terminate in a point at the floor of the fourth ventricle. The alteration of the posterior part of the lateral columns is not mentioned in all the observations. It may be remarked, in this connection, that in the cases of Tiirck, in which this alteration was present, the 51 primary lesion was located quite high up the cord, at least above the middle of the dorsal res-ion. In one of the observations which I have taken, the cord was compressed just above the lumbar enlargement, and the lateral columns were intact. In another case this lesion was wanting, and the injury was located be- low the middle of the dorsal region. In the only case where I have found the lesion of the lateral columns, the compression was due to an alteration of the first dorsal vertebra. It would appear that the height of the pri- mary lesion is not without influence on the alteration or integrity of the lateral cord from ascending degenera- tion. At all events this degeneration is of frequent occurrence and continues upward in the restiform bodies. Let us add in conclusion, that the anterior columns and the anterior part of the lateral columns are never altered by ascending degeneration. VI. SECONDARY DEGENERATIONS CONSECUTIVE TO PRIMARY LESIONS OF THE POSTERIOR ROOTS. Another ascending degeneration of the cord is ob- served as a result of primary lesions of the posterior roots; but we know of only one case which demon- strates this alteration: it was found in the ward of M. Trousseau, and the anatomical preparations have been presented to the society of biology by M. Cornil. An intra-rachidian tumor compressed the cauda equina without touching the cord; the nervous alteration implicated equally the anterior and the posterior roots; but as far as regards the secondary degenerations of the spinal cord, we may neglect the alteration of the anterior roots, which, according to the results of Waller's ex- perience, degenerate only in the direction of the peri- phery. The posterior roots, on the contrary, injured above the ganglia which are annexed to them, should 52 degenerate in the centripetal direction. This is what was found in reality. Besides, the cord presented throughout its whole lens;th a diminution of the tubes of the posterior columns. This rarefaction implicating the whole of the posterior columns at the level of the lumbar enlargement diminished gradually in intensity as it ascended, and became confined to the internal and posterior portions of the posterior fasciculi. However, the form of the alteration upon sections made at different levels was not identical, with that which we have indi- cated for ascending degenerations from primary lesions of the cord itself. In place of being, as in the latter case, bounded laterally by two diverging straight lines, nearer one another in front than behind, the degenera- tion from injury of the cauda equina was circumscribed by the arc of a circle, the convexity of which was turned forward towards the commissure, and the two extremities of which rested upon the posterior face of the cord. The degeneration disappeared at the level of the floor of the fourth ventricle. Before coming to the study of the functional troubles by which secondary degenerations of the cord betray themselves, we may deduce from the facts already de- monstrated some conclusions relative both to the in- timate nature of the process of these degenerations and their proximate causes, and to the normal structure of the spinal cord. OF THE PROXIMATE CAUSE OF SECONDARY DEGENERATIONS. We have already demonstrated that inflammation plays no part in the production of secondary degenera- tions of the white fibres of the cord; it only supervenes consecutively, if we may give the name of inflamma- tion to that slow production of connective tissue which produces, so to speak, the cicatrization of the degen- erated column. We have established the fact that the 53 first alteration affects the nerve tubes which undergo a granulo-fatty transformation analogous to that which has been observed in the peripheral portion of divided nerves. We have shown the analogy of this destruction of the nervous elements of the cord with that which is observed in cerebral softening from vascular obstruction, and we can now affirm the identity of the destructive process in secondary degenerations, and in degenerations of the nervous centres depending on arrest of the arterial circulation. In both cases there are found, after the first few days, granular bodies and a great abundance of fatty molecular granulations; the origin of these ele- ments appears to be, in the softening as well as in the secondary degenerations, a destructive alteration of the nerve tubes. Some months since, I had an opportunity of observing with M. Charcot, in two cases of recent cerebral softening, the granulo-fatty infiltration of the cylinders of myeline of several tubes taken from the very seat of the softening, and presenting the same characters as those which I had been able to find at the commencement of secondary degenerations. But, when it is the result of a loss of the supply of blood, this destructive process seems to progress with more rapidity; it is for this reason that MM. Prevost and Cotard* have, in their experiments, been able to find numerous fatty granulations thirty-seven hours, and granular bodies three days, after the obliteration of a cerebral artery. They have also seen an atheromatous condition of the capillaries developed in points where they artificially produced a softening by cutting off the supply of blood. I have recognized in man, in a cer- tain number of softenings from arterial obliteration, that this atheromatous condition of the capillaries is, as * Societe de biologie, Janvier, 1866. (Gaz. Med. de Paris, 1866, passim.) 54 in secondary degenerations, only an atheromatous ap- pearance; the fatty granulations are, outside of the proper wall of the vessel, accumulated between that mem- brane and the lymphatic sheath. Finally, as the last analogy, let us state that, in softening from a defective supply of blood, as well as in secondary degenerations, a proliferation of connective tissue usually follows the destruction of the nervous elements, in that period of cicatrization of which M. Durand-Fardel has given so excellent a description. Thus the same disturbance of nutrition producing a necrobiotic destruction of nerve tubes may be produced under the influence of two different causes, the loss of the supply of blood and the loss of nutritive action. By the loss of nutritive action, we understand the cessation of the influence which the elements of the gray substance exercise on the nutrition of the nerve tubes, thus admitting the conclusions to which his experiments on the degenerations of the nerves have conducted A. Waller. We know that according to this physiologist, each tube of the peripheral nerves has at one of its extrem- ities a nervous cell, which, independently of its special properties of innervation, has the function of presiding over the nutrition of the nerve tube which departs from it, and even of contributing by a peculiar influence to the reproduction of this tube, when it becomes degener- ated at some point of its course.* These cells Waller has designated under the name of neurogenotrophes; we now call them more simply a-llulex-trophiqiies, (nu- tritive cells.) * We should perhaps say with more precision at this time, that the centres exert a certain influence on the restoration and not on the regeneration of nerve tubes. It seems to result from the re- searches of M. Schiff, and of MM. Philipeaux and Vulpian, that the return of the functions of a divided nerve is produced, not by the production of new tubes in the midst of the debris of the de- .).) I cannot here refrain from examining an opinion which would tend to throw doubt upon the existence of these nutritive cells, or rather to deny the nutritive action which the nervous cells can exert upon the nerve tubes which arise from them. Under this hypothesis, the fatty degeneration of the nerve tubes could only be attributed to functional inertia. Reciprocally, if we admit that functional inactivity is capable of producing degenera- tion of nerve fibres, it is useless to accord to the central elements any influence whatever upon the nutrition of the tubes; this property would be superfluous, and for the cord, would cease to be demonstrable. Let us consider, then, whether the facts known up to this day permit us to admit that the nerve tubes can degenerate from the sole fact of functional inactivity. If we cut a mixed nerve, the central extremity re- mains healthy; on the contrary the peripheral end de- generates, and the alteration implicates all the fibres, sensor and motor. If we consider only the motor fibres, the degeneration affects in truth only the trunk of those fibres, which no longer receives any impulse from the brain or the cord, which are consequently in a state of functional inactivity. It is the same when we divide the anterior roots; the extremity attached to the cord, and which receives from it motor excitation, remains healthy; the peripheral extremity, which no longer par- ticipates in this excitation, degenerates. Thus far noth- ing proves that the functional inactivity may not be the cause of the degeneration. In the section of a mixed nerve, we have said, all the generated tubes, as Waller thought, but rather by the reforming of the white substance of Schwann in the sheath of old tubes, around the axis-cylinder which, according to the same experiments, may remain for a long time, notwithstanding that it undergoes alterations which we are far from understanding. 56 fibres, and in particular the sensitive fibres, degenerate in the peripheral end; nevertheless, in this portion separated from the centre, they continue to undergo the excitations of contact, of temperature, y the extension of the fingers, provided that the angle of flexion of the elbow be more than 135 degrees. By consulting the table in which the angles of flexion of the elbow are indicated, we will see that the type of 86 flexion is observed 26 times, while we only meet with the type of extension 5 times. The condition of pronation or of supination of the forearm adds two varieties for each of these types : thus clinically, we may admit four forms of deviation of the upper extremity in hemiplegias with tardy contraction, and these forms are observed in the following order of frequency: Flexion with pronation,......................20 times. " " supination,..................... 6 " Extension with pronation,.................... 4 " " " supination,................... 1 " We will describe only the first form, which is by far the most frequent. In this form we have seen the shoulder lowered 9 times and elevated 7 times; in four cases only, was the shoulder of the diseased side on the same horizontal line as the other. The arm is usually drawn to the body, either by its weight, or by a slight contraction of the pectoralis magnus; it is in this form that we have met the only case of abduction of the arm which we have observed. In the 20 cases in which there was flexion and pronation, we have 11 times seen the hand flexed with the fingers; once the hand flexed while the fingers were extended; once the hand ex- tended while the fingers were flexed; finally, the fingers were flexed 7 times while the hand was in an indiffer- ent position. In the case where the flexion of the elbow was most pronounced, the angle formed by the forearm with the arm was 30 degrees. In this form of flexion with pronation which we usually meet in hemiplegics, the arm is drawn toward the trunk, and, owing to the rotation of the humerus, the forearm is applied against the body; the hand, usually flexed as well as the fingers, is, according to the degree of flexion of the elbow, pressed against the ab- 87 domen or against the thorax, and the parts in contact vary according to the degree of pronation of the fore- arm. In a first degree, the hand is in contact with the trunk by its palmar surface; in the second degree, by its radial edge; in the third, by its dorsal aspect; in the latter case, the elbow is more or less carried for- ward. In the type of extension, we can still find these three degrees of pronation. The third was not shown by any of the patients referred to in the table, but it was very marked in the case of a woman in the service of M. Charcot, who has recently died from an old softening. In this woman, the left forearm was completely ex- tended, the hand flexed at a right angle, and the fingers firmly folded up in the palm. The movement of rota- tion had carried the hand directly outward, the ulnar edge was in front, the radial behind, and this deformity had been increased by a rotation of the arm which had brought the olecranon directly in front. In the case of this woman, whose medulla oblons;ata I have shown to the Anatomical Society, the descending degeneration had advanced to an extent which we rarely find: the secondary sclerosis of the cord was visible as far as the inferior extremity of the left lateral column, and I should add that the sclerosis reached the meninges to- wards the middle of the dorsal region, instead of form- ino- a little band, completely surrounded by healthy white substance. I was then too absolute in stating in a former part of this work, that no fibre of the decus- sating encephalic fasciculus came in contact with the pia mater. In this woman, besides, the flexion of the fingers was such, that the nails in growing cut the skin of the palmer surface. This occurrence, which is not very rare, and which has already been noticed by Todd,* *Loc. cit., lecture x. 88 produces very painful ulcerations which secrete an in- fectious discharge; great care should therefore be taken of the hands and nails; it is prevented by permanently placing in the palm of the hand a roll of bandage, which is sufficiently held there by the contraction of the fingers. I should say in conclusion of what has reference to the deformities of the hand, that when the hemiplegia commences, before the complete development of the indi- vidual, and above all in infancy, the hand which is usu- ally flexed, instead of showing the flexed joints by sharp angles, presents on the contrary upon its dorsal portion a regularly convex surface which continues without interruption from the forearm to the last pha- langes. This peculiar form is doubtless the result of an atrophy of the osseous tissue and of the articular prominences; an atrophy in which the subcutaneous cellular tissue does not participate. This character is sometimes sufficient, in the absence of any history, to distinguish a former softening in the adult from unilat- eral cerebral atrophy consecutive to some lesion which has destroyed a more or less considerable portion of one hemisphere during infancy.* I shall pass more rapidly over the tardy contraction of the lower extremity in hemiplegics, and the deformi- ties which are its consequences. I shall only state that out of 32 cases of hemiplegia of long duration I have found muscular rigidity in the pelvic extremity only 14 times; the hip was rigid 10 times, 4 times flexed, 6 times extended. The flexion was 3 times accompanied by abduction; the extension was 4 times accompanied by abduction. The knee was found flexed 10 times; * Consult upon this subject a memoir presented by M. Cotard to the Society of Biology in 1865 : Note sur quelques eas d'atrophie cerebrale; de l'attitude des membres paralyses dans cette affection. 89 22 times the limb was in the axis of the thigh without any appreciable rigidity. These 10 cases of flexion of the knee coincided 5 times with extension of the hip, 4 times with flexion and once with relaxation of the coxo- femoral articulation. The foot was found rigid and out of its proper position 11 times, 9 times presenting the type of talipes equinus and twice that of talipes talus. Of the 9 cases of talipes equinus, 5 were accompanied by flexion of the knee. The 2 talipes talus coincided with a considerable degree of flexion in the femoro- tibial articulation. At what period and in what manner is this tardy contraction developed in hemiplegics \ This is a question which has scarcely been proposed, and which is far from having been decided. Todd, who has distinguished so carefully between the preco- cious and the tardy rigidity, says that he has met with the latter one year after the apoplectic attack, and he quotes from M. Andral a case where the contraction came on three months after the commencement of the hemiplegia. We may see that in one patient, whose case is referred to in the table, the flexor muscles of the fingers were rigid at the end of four months, but in her case the rigidity had already existed for some time. We have had an opportunity, in the case of this woman, to follow the development of the disease from its com- mencement, and her case is interesting in more than one respect. She was suddenly attacked at the age of 66 years, with apoplexy with complete loss of conscious- ness and left hemiplegia, without having presented any prodromic symptoms. The following day the intelli- gence had entirely returned, the paralyzed muscles were flaccid and there was no fever. The temperature of the rectum varied from morning to evening between 100° and 98.9°. At the end of eight days the fever came 90 on; the temperature went up to 101.1° ; there was ex- citement with delirium, and the paralyzed muscles became rigid. Two days after, the temperature came down to 99.6°; the intelligence was restored and the muscles had become flaccid again. From this time the general symptoms disappeared, but the paralysis re- mained. Three weeks after the commencement of the illness the fingers were semi-flexed, but could be easily extended: however, forcible extension appeared a little painful. Two months after the attack the flexion of the fingers was more pronounced, and quite a marked resist- ance was experienced when we tried to extend them, an operation which seemed to produce considerable pain; the forearm was slightly pronated, and resisted slightly any movements of supination which we commu- nicated to it; it presented a very slight amount of flex- ion ; we were able to increase this flexion without hurt- ing the patient, but when we afterwards extended it, we observed that after having easily reduced it to its former position we experienced a sudden resistance, of such a kind that the extension could only be completed by an effort which was painful to the patient. At this time there were no cerebral symptoms and no fever. In this case we see a precocious contraction connected, as the delirium and fever indicate, with slight symptoms of secondary encephalitis; then ^ve see a contraction become insensibly developed, traces of which we can barely find at the end of three weeks, and which is no longer doubtful at the end of three months. It is this latter contraction, which has since increased while the cerebral functions have returned more and more to their normal condition, that we think should be referred to the sclerosis secondarily developed in the place of the degenerated fibres of the lateral column. This case also shows that if the muscles of the fore- 91 arm are the ones usually affected by tardy contraction, it commences likewise in them. This contraction comes on gradually and insensibly; this is the reason why we can hardly ever obtain from the patients information of any value concerning the time of the appearance of this symptom. They know that at first their limb did not offer any resistance to the movements communicated to it, and that at a later period it was fixed in one permanent attitude which could only be altered by a certain degree of force, but the transition between these two conditions has been so gradual that usually it is impossible for them to tell, even approximatively, the time of the commencement of the contraction. The determination of this time is almost as difficult for the physician who is watching the development of the dis- ease ; so that he had better not give the result of his observations except after quite long intervals, the changes undergone by the muscles from day to da}^ being entirely inappreciable. In the preceding case, the con- traction was evident at the end of two months, but it already existed before this time, and I may state that, having inquired into this question of a certain number of patients, I think I may conclude from their replies that while the limb was flaccid during the first month, it already presented a vicious attitude during the third month. It would then appear that the permanent con- traction habitually commences in the course of the second month. It is plain that new investigations are necessary to determine this point, as yet obscure, in the symptomatology of hemiplegias. The contraction commences in the muscles of the fore- arm ; generally the fingers are flexed and the forearm is pronated; then, in most cases, the elbow becomes flexed, and, while the fingers curve more and more, the flexion of the elbow progressively increases in such a manner, 92 that for a long time the attitude of the limb is changed, showing it more every day. I have remarked that in the patient of whom I have just spoken the straightening of the contracted parts was painful from the commencement, even when a slight effort sufficed to overcome the resistance of the muscles, and then these explorations resulted in momentarily in- creasing the rigidity. On the contrary, when the con- traction is final, the muscles which we extend by force oppose during a considerable time the movements which we communicate to the limbs. Sometimes, upon lifting the contracted arm of a hemiplegic by the end of the fingers, we see the entire limb agitated by a rapid trembling similar to that which we produce by the same proceeding in the inferior ex- tremities of patients suffering from compression of the cord. I have only met with this symptom in the thoracic extremity in hemiplegia, and I think that we may con- sider it as an exception. When the contraction has reached its complete devel- opment, it may notwithstanding present momentary variations in its intensity under the influence of certain circumstances, such as emotions or pains along the course of the nerves of the limb; in young women having hemiplegia, we sometimes see the contraction increase during the menstrual period. I have already spoken of the action of chloroform upon contracted muscles; I shall also say some words of electricity. The induced currents which usually produce in the flaccid muscles of hemiplegias of short duration, slighter contractions than in the normal con- dition, produce on the contrary a marked and some- times an exaggerated effect upon the muscles affected with permanent rigidity, even when they have under- gone a certain amount of atrophy. But when this 93 atrophy affects unequally the different muscles of a limb, we can see, as I have found in one case, that by apply- ing the poles to the muscles which act against the devi- ation, this deviation, far from diminishing, on the con- trary increases. In this case, no doubt, the currents traverse the atrophied muscles and influence their an- tagonists so as to increase their already predominant power. Once established, the tardy contraction may last for long years, often during the whole life of the individual, but sometimes it seems to diminish. Then however, the muscles cannot undergo a sufficient amount of extension, and the articulations present certain alterations which hinder any complete straightening, and the vicious at- titudes remain; they are then passive. One might also ask whether we can hope for a cure of the hemiplegia when the muscles are already affected by tardy contrac- tion. I do not know any fact which can encourage this hope, and the patients sometimes are deluded with re- ference to this subject. Voluntary motion is not always totally abolished in the paralyzed limbs of hemiplegics, but the contraction limits and renders more difficult the muscular actions which are still under the influence of the will. If the rigidity diminishes, then these movements recover more liberty, and such a patient who is always to remain impotent imagines that he sees in this modification the commencement of his cure. Some symptoms which have a very great analogy to these which we have just studied are observed in certain diseases of the cord which are accompanied by second- ary sclerosis of the lateral columns, and especially in cases of compression of that organ. During the first period which correspond to the granulo-fatty degenera- tion of the tubes, the paralyzed muscles remain flaccid; 94 then, at a more or less advanced period, the contraction appears, the muscles atrophy and the lower limbs' as- sume permanent attitudes which it is difficult to over- come. In some cases, however, the muscles remain flaccid and the limbs are swollen with an elephantiasic oedema; this is on account of the softening of the in- ferior portion of the cord. The phenomena of excita- bility, on the contrary, are observed in those cases where the autopsy reveals a secondary descending sclerosis. I need not insist in detail upon these symptoms, which have been very well described, especially by MM. Louis, Cruveilhier, and Brown-Sequard,* nor upon the charac- ters of the contraction, for it is in every respect identical with that of patients suffering from hemiplegia. I think that, in order to explain these facts, it is not necessary to consider that there is an accumulation of nervous in- flux in the inferior part of the cord; we have here an irritation of this inferior extremity, as M. Brown-Se- quard thinks; but this irritation has its anatomical cause. A woman in the wards of M. Charcot, suffering from an ulcerated cancer of the breast, the commencement of which dated back for six years, was suddenly seized with violent, lancinating pains in the lower extremities; for two months, however, the patient had enough strength to be able to walk with the assistance of a cane. At the end of this time, she became unable to stand and was obliged to keep her bed; her legs were flaccid and inert. About seventy days after the time when she became bedridden, her limbs commenced to be- come flexed, and this flexion, slightly pronounced at first, * Louis, Recherches d'Anatomie Patholog. Cruveilheir, An- atomic Patholog. du corps humain. Brown-Sequard, Lectures on the diagnosis and treatment of the principal forms of paralysis of the lower extremities: London, 1861. 95 progressively increased. The legs were strongly flexed upon the thighs, the thighs were in a state of adduction with a certain amount of flexion. A considerable amount of resistance was experienced when we endeav- ored to extend the contracted limbs, and these attempts were very painful to the patient. The sensibility was preserved; there was a certain degree of hyperaasthesia and some pains in the lumbar regions, with a very pain- ful feeling of constriction around the abdomen and at the base of the lungs. Although purulent during the last few days of life the urine remained acid until death. The patient died the eighteenth of January, 1866, about six months after the commencement of the paralytic symptoms. The autopsy showed that the cord was compressed" by a cancerous tumor of the first dorsal vertebra and by a purulent effusion in the canal, ex- tendino* from the seventh cervical to the tenth dorsal vertebra. Independently of the ascending degeneration, in the cervical region, we found throughout the whole substance of the lateral columns of the lumbar enlarge- ment, a considerable number of myelocytes and embryo- plastic nuclei. The muscles of the posterior portion of the thigh showed no transverse stria?, either by direct or oblique light; the primitive fibres were studded with numerous fatty granules, (resisting the action of acetic acid;) the nuclei of the sarcolemma were extremely numerous. In this case also, the contraction commenced about two months after the debut of the paralysis, precisely at the period when the proliferation of connective tissue becomes developed in the secondarily degenerated col- umns. In another case of compression of the cord, by Pott's disease which I examined at the hospital Sainte- Euo-enie with M. Triboulet, death having taken place one3 month and a half after the commencement of the 96 paralysis, I noticed that the muscles were flaccid all the time, and at the autopsy I found only a fatty degenera- tion of the lateral columns below the seat of the lesion without any hypergenesis of the elements of connective tissue. We see that the permanent contraction which is com- mon to hemiplegias and to compressions of the cord, presents in both cases the greatest analogy as regards symptomatology; it is connected with an anatomical condition of the cord common to both these affections, and does not become developed in either case until the time when the secondary sclerosis of the lateral columns commences. I should add that the permanent contrac- tion of the extremities is seen to have the same characters in primary sclerosis of the lateral columns, as is shown by a remarkable case communicated by M. Charcot* to the Medical Society of the hospitals, as well as in certain cases of diffused sclerosis of the cord, affecting in a greater or less degree these same lateral columns, ex- amples of which are to be found in a recent work pre- sented by M. Vulpian,f to the same society. Why then, since in all these cases we observe common symp- toms and common lesions, do we refer the contraction, in paraplegias, to the lesion of the cord; in hemiplegias, to a lesion of the brain ? This cerebral origin of the tardy contraction is not proved; it was admitted at a time when we were ignorant of the secondary alterations of the cord, and when we considered softening as a chronic encephalitis. It is based therefore upon a double error. If we admit that the tardy contraction in hemiplegia results from a secondary sclerosis of the lateral columns, *Hysterie avec contracture sclerose des cordes lateraux, 1864. f Note sur les scleroses en plaque de la moelle epiniere, 1866. 97 we shall have a reason for certain facts which would otherwise appear inexplicable. Thus, in compressions of the cord, the contraction of the inferior extremities is stronger than in hemiplegias, because in the hemiplegia the secondary sclerosis is only developed in the sitnation of one portion of the decussating encephalic fasciculus, while in the compression of the cord it occupies not only this entire fasciculus, but a certain number of long; com- missural fibres besides. Thus, also, in hemiplegias, the superior extremity is most often contracted, and is so to a greater degree than the lower extremity, because the decussating encephalic fasciculus is richer in nervous fibres in the cervical region than in the lumbar region, where it terminates in a point; the sclerosis, which is substituted for this fasciculus throughout its whole length, will therefore be more developed at the level of the origin of the nerves of the arm than at the point of departure of the nerves of the pelvic extremity. Thus, also, may we not say that if the thoracic extremity is strongly contracted, while the head is not perceptibly deviated, that it is because the rotator muscles of the head are partly supplied with nerves from the spinal accessory which arises from the lateral portions of the bulb and from the superior extremity of the cord at points which are not influenced, by the secondary sclerosis, since, in this region, it is limited to the internal part of the anterior pyramids? But it might be objected that all hemiplegias are not accompanied by contraction. We can answer this objection by stating that there are certain cerebral lesions, as for example superficial lesions of the convolutions, which are capable of producing hemiplegia, and which do not determine secondary de- generation. We might refer the tardy contraction to other causes, such as an alteration in the structure of the a 98 muscles due to the prolonged inertia, but we find com- plete hemiplegias which always remain flaccid; or to an atrophy of the muscles, resulting either from rest or from some other cause, but the contraction is found in 9 out of 31 cases, without there having been any atro- phy of the muscles, and in one case I have found a cer- tain amount of atrophy of the muscles of the arm, with- out any contraction. There are in reality alterations in the structure of contracted muscles coinciding with a fawn-colored appearance of their tissue; the transverse striae are often less marked than usual, sometimes ab- sent, the substance of the primitive fasciculi is more or less granular, studded with fatty and pigmentary granules; the nuclei of the sarcolemma increase in number; 16 times out of 30 the size of the muscles di- minishes.* If these alterations are the proximate cause of the contraction, of which we have no proof, nothing authorizes us to consider them as developed without the action of the central nervous system.f Independently of the contractions, one quite impor- tant symptom seems to me to be attributable to de- * Out of 30 cases of hemiplegia with contraction, I have 5 times observed an increase in size of the paralyzed limb, but this hyper- trophy no doubt depended upon the cedema of the subcutaneous tissue rather than upon an alteration of the muscles. f M. Charcot has called my attention to a very curious peculiar- ity of paralyzed and contracted muscles in hemiplegias of long du- ration : this is the absence of post mortem rigidity. At the autopsy the limbs of the healthy side present a perfect rigidity; on the con- trary the muscles which were contracted during life are entirely flaccid. However, numerous examinations made at different hours after death have shown that usually the diseased muscles do not escape the post mortem rigidity, which is manifest in them almost immediately after death, and only for a very short time. The ab- sence of cadaveric rigidity is seen also in infantile paralysis. It would be curious to find out whether putrefaction is developed more rapidly in the paralyzed limbs. 99 scending degenerations, and more especially to the secondary sclerosis of the bulb. I refer to the epilepti- form attacks and to those which are evidently epileptic, which we often meet with in subjects attacked with hemiplegia during infancy, and which are not infrequent in old persons suffering from softening, and in which we find at the autopsy considerable atrophy of a peduncle, of the pons and of the bulb. I must confess that this hypothesis does not as yet appear to me susceptible of a rigorous demonstration; but it seems to me to be true, because in one patient suffering from an intense sclerosis of the bulb from compression of that organ, the epileptic fits were very strong and very frequent, and because when we saw him sometimes, a few mo- ments previous to an attack, the contraction markedly increased in the paralyzed limb. We very often see in cases of hemiplegia an increase in the size of the nerves, with vascularity and increased thickness of the envelope of connective tissue, often also with a deposit of fatty globules in its interstices. I do not know whether this kind of hypertrophous neuritis, to which M. Charcot, and after him M. Cornil,* have called attention, depends upon secondary degener- ation of the cord, or whether it is not solely the result of inertia; at all events, it seems to be connected with those pains, often quite severe, already pointed out by Remak, which the hemiplegics feel in the paralyzed arm, pains which are increased by pressure along the course of the nerve, and which are often alleviated by the ap- plication of a blister, as M. Charcot has several times proved. As for the alterations of nutrition, such as the atro- * Note sur les lesions des nerfs et des muscles liees a la contrac- ture tardive et permanente des membres dans les hemiplegies. (Comptes-rendus de la Societe de Biologie, 1863.) 100 phy of the compact tissue of bone, the squamous con- dition of the skin, &c, I doubt whether they can be referred to the secondary degeneration of the cord.'"' This degeneration, besides, does not modify in any re- spect the phenomena of calorification which we observe on the side of the paralyzed limbs. The paralyzed hand is always the warmer, even at a time very distant from the commencement of the symptoms, and we sometimes find considerable variations in the temperature of the two sides of the body.f The examination of five patients, made with this ob- ject in view, has furnished me with the following results: Age. Date of commencement. Paralyzed hand. Healthy hand. 70 years. Several years. 95.3° 89.6° 42 " 14 months. 95c 89.9° 72 " 12 years. 99.3° 98.6W 65 " 5 " 97.8° 97.5° 51 " 14 months. 97.1° 95° Thus far I have only spoken of the symptoms of de- scending degeneration; the secondary ascending scleroses do not appear to betray themselves by a single symptom. We might however imagine that this sclerosis of the posterior columns could determine the phenomena of motor ataxy in the upper extremities, but it is not so; and this is explained by the separation which the inter- * As for the articular alterations, which are of frequent occur- rence, they depend evidently only upon the immobility, and differ in no respect from those which are produced by that cause, outside of any influence of the nervous system. Upon this subject con- sult Teissier, Memoires sur les effets de I'immobilite longtemps prolongee des articulations. Lyons, 1844. f According to M. Routier, there should be a dimunition of the temperature of the paralyzed side immediately after the attack. The elevation of the temperature only comes on at the end of twelve or twenty-four hours. (A. Routier, Theses. Paris, 1846.) 101 mediate posterior sulcus establishes between the centri- petal fibres of the pelvic and those of the thoracic ex- tremities. Even in cases of compression of the cord in the cervical region, when the secondary sclerosis also affects the external fasciculus of the posterior column, it is probable that we should not find symptoms of ataxy. In fact, ataxy supposes the destruction of a certain number of nerve tubes, and secondary sclerosis does not appear to destroy the healthy tubes which are plunged into its interior; it only deforms them and may exalt their activity, but does not annihilate them. In conclusion, I will state that these cases which I have gathered at Sainte-Eugenie, with M. Triboulet, and two others which I have studied at the Salpetriere with M. Charcot, warrant me in affirming that a cure is possible, even when the columns of the cord seem to have undergone secondary degeneration. In these five cases there was complete paraplegia due to the compres- sion of the cord by Pott's disease. In four cases, sensi- bility and motion have returned in all their integrity; in only one, motion, without having recovered its entire liberty, nevertheless allows the patient to walk. In this case the paraplegia was flaccid; in the others it was ac- companied with contraction. We may therefore con- clude that the nerve tubes of the cord may be regener- ated like those of the peripheral nerves, not only in the child but also in the adult, and even when the degener- ated fasciculi have already been the seat of a hyper- genesis of nuclear elements. SECONDARY DEGENERATIONS OF THE SPINAL CORD. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATE. Fig. 1. Secondary degeneration of the mesocephale in an old softening of the right hemisphere. Atrophy and gray color of the right peduncle. Flattening of the Pons Varolii on the right side. Atrophy and gray color of the right anterior pyramid. Gray dis- coloration in the left lateral column below the bulb. Fig. 2. Histological lesions in the first stage of secondary degen- erations. a. Granular bodies. b. Vessel with fatty granulations accumulated in the lym- phatic sheath. c. The same granulations, but more numerous, in the lym- phatic sheath at the point of bifurcation. Fig. 3. Histological lesions in the later stages of secondary degenerations. a. Myelocyte. b. Vessel with numerous nuclei and very few fatty granula- tions in the sheath. c. Amyloid body. Fig. 4. Section of the cord in the dorsal region in a case of old secondary degeneration of the posterior columns. ac and a'c. The posterior columns. be and 5V. The portion of these columns where the tubes are scanty, separated by the connective tissue of new forma- tion. Fig. 5. Sections of the cord in a case of old lesion of the left hemisphere. The parts colored black indicate the points of loca- tion of the secondary degeneration. a. Cervical enlargement. b. Dorsal region. c. Lumbar enlargement. Fig. 6. Descending degeneration in a case of compression of the cord at the upper part of the dorsal region. 104 a. Section made a few centimeters below the compression. b. Inferior portion of the dorsal region. c. Lumbar enlargement. Fig. 7. Ascending degeneration in a case of compression of the cord at the lower part of the dorsal region. a. Section made a few centimeters below the compression. b. Superior portion of the dorsal region. c. Middle of the cervical enlargement. d. Superior portion of the cervical enlargement. Fig. 8. Secondary degeneration in a case of compression of the cauda equina. a. Inferior portion of the lumbar enlargement. b. Superior portion of the lumbar enlargement. c. Middle of the dorsal region. d. Middle of cervical enlargement. SECONDARY DEGENEKATIONS OF THE SPINAL COED. Cn. Bouchakd. left. left. right. right. right. right. left. right. right. right. left. left. right. right. right. left. left. right. right. left. right. left. right. left. left. right. left. left. left. left. right. right. m © a feeble. quite strong. quite strong. flaccid. strong. very feeble. very feeble. feeble. Triceps rigid very strong. strong. feeble. very elev. lowered. lowered. very strong. quite strong. feeble. feeble. strong in the fingers. quite strong. quite strong, lowered. strong. elevated lowered. lowered. lowered. lowered. lowered. elevated. lowered. elevated. lowered. lowered. ARM. ADDUCTION. slight. slight. slight. very slight. very slight. quite strong. elevated. strong. feeble. quite strong. feeble. very feeble except the fingers. feeble. quite strong. quite strong. feeble. quite strong. strong. very feeble. slight. slight. abduct. elevated. '...... elevated, adduct. lowered, j...... elevated. ...... elevated. lowered. elevated. lowered. elevated. adduct. adduct. adduct. rotat'n. inward. inward. inward. inward. inward. inward. inward. inward. inward. inward. inward. inward. inward. inward. inward. inward. inward. inward. (1) CIRCTTM 30 | 30 19 20 24 | 25 32 | 34 (3) 27 | 29 17 | 17 24 | 24 21 | 23 FOREARM. flex'n. rotat'n. CIRfU'M THIGH. 100' 135' 45' (2) 70' 135' 150' 110' extens. 26 90° 14 70° 2(> 130° 28:120° 24! 30° lGJextens. 27 extens. 21,150° 20 130° 18! 90° 17j 30° 24 135 ° 22 150° 25 135° 24 135° 20' pron. 1st. pron. 1st. supina. pron. 2d. i pron. 1st. sup. slight. pro. slight. pron. 1st. pron. 1st. pron. 2d. sup. slight. pron. 1st. supina. proD. 1st. pron. 1st. pron. 1st. 26|flex. slight. 20|.......... 22lext. slight. 27!.......... ... flex, strong. flex, strong, flex, slight. flex, strong, 24 25 flexion very slight. 18 20 19 | 21 pron. 2d., 18 pron. 1st, j 18 pron. 2d. 16 pron. 1st. 123 pron. 2d. 21 pron. 2d. 21 pron. 1st. 21 pron. 2d. 17 flexion. flex, strong. ext. slight. flex, of the 1st phal. flex, quite strong. extension. flex, of the 1st phal. flex, strong. flexion. flexion. extens. very slight. pron. 2d. supina. supina. supina. pron. 1st. pron. 2d. pron. 1st. 21 22;flexion. 23 j ext. slight. 23 flexion. 23 flex, slight. 20 flexion. 22......... flexion. flexion. flexion. flexion. flexion. flexion. flexion. extens. very slight. flexion. flexion. very slight flexion. flex, slight. flexion. flexion. flex, slight. flexion. flexion. flexion. flexion. flexion. flex, slight. extension. flexion. exten. exten. exten. exten. flexion flexion flexion exten. flexion exten. abduct, semi-flexed, equin. slight. abduct. abduct. abduct. abduct. flexion. flexion. very flexed, flexion. flexion. flex. ab. slight flex, slight. abduct, flexion. equin. slight. equin. very slight. equin. quite marked. equinus. slight talus. equin. slight. talus. equin. slight. equinus. equinus. Nota.—In this table, comprising the analyses of 32 old cases of hemiplegia, the blanks indicate an indifferent position of the articulations owing to muscular flaccidity. (1) In the columns giving the circumference of the arm and that of the forearm, the numbers indicate centimetres, the first refering to the paralyzed and the second to the healthy arm. (2) In this case all the articulations were in an indifferent position; it is the only case of flaccid hemiplegia. (3) Neither the circumference of the arm nor that of the forearm are indicated, as it was imposible to know whether the par- alyzed limb was atrophied, the patient having suffered amputation of the non-paralyzed limb. Archives ^enerdies de xnedeciaeH0 de Septenibre 1866,pa^e 3oo . - — ,- .-."it i'^ ^ ^ 4Av- v^ ^* *-/-<© * v*' •-## i^m^'l vfjv; -q •":: *:<^ i.con Triaiwitl. lmpJBecpiet,?*ris. P l.ncAerhsuer 'i'h. -WSNiWt'O X'< TVS. VS^.TWTO -YTO'X'.&m.U Vj U'^;0»IimSTTa''.lSV| » ik i,?*..f> '.«r X •'" '■•?""' « S " *-. 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