v y "v ^ WOMAN'S MEDICAL GUIDE; CONTAINING E86AYS ON THE PHYSICAL, MORAL AND EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF FEMALES, AND THE HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT OF THEIR DISEASES IN ALL PERIODS OF LIFE, TOGETHER WITH Directions for the Remedial use of Water and Gymnastics. By J. H. PULTE, M.D. *** I'KOFESSOR OF OBST ETRICS AND DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN; EMERITUS PROFESSOR OF CLINICAL MEDICINE IN THE WESTERN COLLEGE OF HOMEO- PATHY; AUTHOR OF " HOMEOPATHIC DOMESTIC PHYSICIAN, ETC. _»^^ loijf/- CINCINNATI: M06RE, ANDERSON, WILSTACH & KEYS, 28 WEST FOURTH STREET, NEW-YORK: NEWMAN & IVISON. PHILADELPHIA: MATTHEW & HOUARD. BOSTON: OTIS CLAPP. LONDON : LOW & CO. 1853. VMS.K P923w 1253 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1853, bj J. II PULTE, M. D., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the District of Ohio. HARRIS 4 FAIRBANKS, PRINTERS, STEREOTVPERS & BOOKBINDERS, 10 Bank St., Cleveland, O. < PREFACE. In offering this work to the Public, the Author deems1 it appropriate to state some of the reasons which prompted its publication. The spread of Homoeopathy throughout the country has been very great, beyond even the ex- pectations of its most sa^agum^ advocates, and is daily increasing. Thousands of families depend on its efficacy in the most dangerous diseases, such as Asiatic Cholera, Scarlet and Typhus Fever, etc.; and thousands of intelligent mothers consider it the greatest blessing which science has yet bestowed upon them. While they have heretofore received their information respecting matters of general interest and usefulness, phy- sical education, hygiene, etc., from Allopathic writers, they now, since their conversion to Homoeopathy, expect the Homoeopathic practi- tioner to furnish them with similar instruction. This reasonable desire the practicing physician, burdened with toil and care, can satisfy only at a IV PREFACE. great sacrifice of time and breath, if he attempts at all to convey the requisite information person- ally to each one of his lady patrons. Popular treatises, devised for this purpose, will accomplish the object in every respect more satisfactorily. No such work, however, has, as yet, ap- peared in our Homoeopathic literature, at least none especially adapted to the instruction of woman, as to her physical and moral education, her destiny, and the treatment of female diseases. This want the author intended to supply, by discussing these important topics in a popular and lucid style. Whether or not he has suc- ceeded in his .task, is for the reader to decide: if not, then the failure has been one of judgment, not of motive. As to the latter, the Author is conscious of having spared neither time nor re- search in endeavoring to make the book indeed, what he intended it to be, a Woman's Medical Guide, forming, as it were, a supplement to his Ho?nceqpathic Domestic Physician. THE AUTHOR. Cincinnati, May, 1853. CONTENTS. Introduction,..........13-18 PART I. WOMAN'S PHYSICAL AND MORAL DEVELOPMENT; HER SOCIAL POSITION AND DESTINY. CHAPTER I. WOMAN. 1.—Physical Character,........ 21-31 Anatomical difference between the two sexes, 21: Difference in the external appearance, internal organs and bony structure, 23: The female has a different sphere of action from the male, 24: Comparison of the female system with the male, 25: The destiny of either based on their physical constitutions, 26: Di- vision of the duties of life, 27: Organs peculiar to the female, 28: Description of their form, position and function, 29: Ex- planation of the changes in woman's physical economy, 30. 2.—Moral and Intellectual Character,.....31-43 No superiority of either sex in mental or physical endowments, 31: Difference of character based on unalterable laws of na- ture, 32: Woman physiologically considered, 34: Phrenological VI CONTENTS. analysis of the female mind, 35: Moral region, 36: Intel- lectual region, 37: Reflective and perceptive faculties, 39: Region of the sentiments—imagination, 40: Its importance as one of the faculties which render woman pre-eminently so- cial, 41: 3.—Destiny,...............43-52 Woman in every respect man's equal, 43 : Christianity the only true restorer of woman's rights, 45: Emancipation of woman, its true meaning and legitimate object, 46: Duty of legislation, 46: Her destiny, based upon her physical and moral peculiar- ities, 47 : Woman's true position in the light of the gospel 48: Her position in the family as wife, mother, sister or daughter, 49 : Duties and responsibilities of a christian mother, 50: Her position in society and the state, 52. CHAPTER II. GIKL. Its Infancy, --------..--... fc3_60 Difference of action between the male and female infant, 53: Swelling of the breasts in female infants, 54: Hygienic rules bathing, exercise, air, food, clothing, 55: Vaccination, 61. Its Girlhood,_______________________________________61-84 Importance of a proper development and early education of the physical system, 62: Danger of the intellectual education if too early commenced, 62: Our present system of education is wrong—the physical must precede the intellectual, 62: Each has separate ends to accomplish, 63: What they are and how they can be reached, 64: Dress of a girl, 66: Exercise, dancing CONTENTS. VII gymnastics, 66: Danger resulting from infant schools, 72: . Bad results from the practice of awarding preferments and premiums in schools, 74: How a system of education should be organized, 78: Music, vocal and instrumental, 80: Moral and religious training, 80: Boarding-bchools inefficient and dangerous, 81. CHAPTER III. MAIDEN OE YOUNG LADY. Changes in the system, 85: Menstruation, 86: signs of maiden- hood, 87: Moral and physical changes, 88: Puberty, 89: Its causes, 90: Description of the internal organs of generation, 90: Nature and origin of menstruation, 92: Moral develop- ment of the maiden, 94: Education at home and abroad, 96: Gymnastic exercises, 97: Early marriages are injurious, 98: Their causes, 99: Their prevention, 100: Runaway matches, 100: Legitimate time of marriage, 102: Education never fin- ished, 103: Different kinds of education, 106: Dancing, arts and sciences, 107: Extravagance in dress, 109: Duty of pa- rents, 110: Show mania and fashions, 111: Necessity of useful occupations, 112: customs of old times, 116: Study of languages, 118: Moral and religious duties, 119. CHAPTER. IV. MAIDEN LADY. Law of development, 120: Exceptions, 121: Duty to marry, 122: Duty and worth of maiden ladies, 124: Their occupa- tions, 128: Their joys and pleasures, 130. VIII CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. MAKRIED LADY. Civilization of the world by woman, 132: Position of a wife, 133: Affection the real talisman of the marriage union, 135; Other virtues, 137: Physical changes during marriage, 142: Concep- tion, 143: Pregnancy, 144: Its signs, 145: The foetus and its development, 147: Rules to be observed during pregnancy, 143: Its disorders, 150: Quickening—its meaning, 150: Dura- tion of pregnancy, 152: Labor, 152: Chloroform and ether— their use, 153: Duties of a mother, 153: In the family, 155: In society, 158: In the state, 159. CHAPTER VI. WIDOW. Widowhood, 161: External circumstances, 163: Duties of wi- dows, 164: Second marriages, 165: Education of children, 166: Physical welfare, 167. CHAPTER VII. MATRON. Her physical condition, 169: Her relations to family and society, 170: Her position and needs, 173: Recapitulation, 175-178. CONTENTS. IX PART II. DISEASES OF WOMEN: THEIR DESCRIPTION AND HOMCEOPATHIC TREATMENT. CHAPTER I. DISEASES OF SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT. 1. Puberty and its Abnormal Appearance, .... 181-205 Chlorosis—green sickness, 182: Menstruation and its abnormal appearance, 186: Tardy menstruation, 187; Suppressed men- struation, 190; Too copious menstruation—flooding, 193: Menstruation of too long duration, 196: Too late and too scanty, 196: Deviation of menses, 196: Too difficult, 197: Painful, 198: Their cessation or change of life, 199: Abnormal erotic sentiment—nymphomania, 200: Absence of erotic sentiment, 204: Sterility, 204. 2. Pregnancy,.............206-240 Plethora—congestion—fever, 206: Hemorrhages, 209: Hemor- . rhoid.s—piles, 210: Varicose veins, 212: Swelling of the feet and lower limbs, 213: tooth-ache, 214; Salivation, 214: De- ■ rangement of appetite, 215: Nausea and vomiting, 217: Diarrhea, 219: Constipation, 221: Dyspepsia—heart-burn— acid stomach, 222: Difficulty of swallowing, 222: Spasmodic pain and cramps, 223: Colic pains, 224: Disury—strangury— ischury, 224: Incontinence of urine, 225: Jaundice (icterus,) 225: Pain in the right side, 227: Asthma—congestion of the lungs—palpitation of the heart—spitting of blood—pleurisy, X CONTENTS. 228: Hacking cough, 229: Vertigo—congestion of the head, 229: Headache—fainting—sleeplessness—depression of spir- its, 230: Neuralgic pains, 230: Spasmodic laughter—crying —sneezing—yawning, 231: Puerperal convulsions (Eclampsia gravidarum,) 232: Miscarriage (abortion,) 234. 3. Parturition,.............240-273 Labor, 243: Natural and preternatural, 244: Protracted, 246: Sudden cessation of, 247: Spurious or false labor-pains, 248: Excessively painful labor, 250: The waters (child's water,) 251: Delivery, 253: Apparent death—asphyxia of the infant, 254: After-birth, 256: Hemorrhage—flooding, 258: After-pains, 260: Confinement, 261: Lochial discharge, 264: Suppression of, 266: Excessive and protracted, 267: Offensive, sanious, 267: Childbed fever, 268: Milk-leg (Phlegmasia alba dolens,) 270: Mania in childbed, 272. 4. Nursing,..............273-291 Milk-fever, 279: Ague in the breast—gathered breast, 280: De- terioration of milk, 283: Suppressed secretion of milk, 287: Excessive secretion of milk, 288: Deficiency of milk, 289: Sore nipples, 290. CHAPTER II. DISEASES OF GENERATIVE ORGANS. Imperforation of the Hymen, 292: Inflammation of external parts, 293: Wounds on the same, 294: Oedematous swelling of the labia, 294: Pruritus—itching of the private parts, 295: Diseases of the vagina, 297: Leucorrhea (fluor albus,) 298: Dis- eases of the uterus, 302: Prolapsus uteri (falling of the womb ) 303: Its retroversion and anteversion, 308: Inflammation of the womb, 309: Irritable uterus (rheumatism and neuralgia of CONTENTS. XI the womb,) 310: Polypus of the uterus, 312: Scirrhus and cancer of the womb, 315: Ulceration of the womb, 316: Dropsy of the womb, 317: Inflammation of the ovaries, 319: Ovarian dropsy, 322: Diseases of the breasts, 322: Scirrhus and can- cer of the breasts, 324. CHAPTER III. DISEASES OF NERVOUS FUNCTION. Hysteria,...............325-332 Hysteria or vapors was formerly a fashionable disease, 325: Has become quite obsolete at the present day, 326: Derivation and signification of the word hysteria,326: Its chronic character,327: Description of an hysterical paroxysm (globus hystericus,) 328: Resembling epileptic fits, 329: Its mental causes, excess of joy, fear, fright, anger, grief, home-sickness, unhappy love, jealousy, mortification, insult, contradiction, chagrin and indignation, 330: Hysterical constitution, its treatment, 331: Hysteria di- minishes of late years in intensity and frequency—the proba- ble causes of this singular phenomenon, 332. NOTICE TO PHARMACEUTISTS. The medicines prescribed in this work are generally found among those usually contained in the boxes ac- companying the books for domestic practice; it has been the intention that their potency or attenuation should be the same as recommended in the Author's "Homoeopathic Domestic Physician," viz : the medi- cines taken from the vegetable kingdom in the third attenuation, those from the mineral in the sixth. If separate medicine chests should be made to accompany this book, Pharmaceutists will please to put them up in accordance with the above rule; containing the following medicines: Aconite, Arnica, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Calcarca carbon., Cantharides, Capsicum, Carbo vegetabilis, Chamomile, China, Cocculus, Coffea, Colocynth, Conium, Crocus, Cuprum, Drosera, Dulcamara, Ferrum, Graphites, Hepar sulph., Hyos- camus, Ignatia, Iodium, Ipecacuanha, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Mercurius (vivus,) Natrum mur., Nitric acid, Nux vomica, Opi- um, Phosphorus, Phosphoric acid, Platina, Pulsatilla, Rheum, Rhus toxicodendron, Sabina, Secale, Sepia, Silicea, Spigelia, Stannum, Staphysagria, Stramonium, Sulphur, Tabacum, Tartar emetic, Thuja, Veratrum album; also the tinctures named in the Author's work on Domestic Practice. INTRODUCTION. It would be almost superfluous, at the present day, to preface a treatise like this with an apology for its appearance. Society in modern times, and particularly in our country, has assumed a de- cided direction towards the diffusion of knowledge amongst all classes and ages; the rich and the poor, the mechanic, merchant and literary devotee; the child, young man and woman, parents and aged persons—all are provided for in the distribu- tion of intellectual food. The presses are teeming with the various productions, suitable for popular education, diffusing a mass of knowledge, which, in time, will ameliorate the condition of society. The most abstruse sciences, heretofore strictly and carefully hidden from the eyes of the people at large, now make their appearance in crowded halls before popular audiences, being received with applause and eagerly absorbed, when brought be- fore them in language appropriate and easily understood. Thus, Astronomy and Metaphysics have been successfully treated of in popular lec- tures ; natural sciences, in all their various phases, B XIV INTRODUCTION. are familiar and pleasant visitors at the gatherings of the people. It may be truly said, our lecture- rooms continue to do,, what the school-rooms have had no time to finish; and an intelligent, well- educated people, like ours, will pursue its studies, in spite of old-fashioned barriers and scientific cliques; having once imbibed the thirst for know- ledge, it cannot be restrained in continuing to satisfy its cravings. Another question, however, might be raised, as regards the propriety of treating in books of subjects, so delicate and private, that the modesty of the female sex naturally would shrink from their perusal. . But it is an old adage, and a very true one: To the pure all things are pure; where the heart does not already yearn after the evil, and the imagination is not already perverted, finding her sole delight in the contemplation of impure pic- tures, a truthful and severe exposition of the laws governing the female system, cannot intoxicate the senses or degrade the moral taste; on the contrary, must ennoble the impulses of the heart by increasing the knowledge of laws and destinies in connection with the immense responsibilities, thus given to the choice of each one's judgment. Beside, we are convinced that it is possible to treat of the laws of nature within the limits of perfect decorum; and this without suppressing the truth or becoming unintelligible. INTRODUCTION. XV No one will deny the propriety of giving to woman all the instruction needed for herself and off- spring, and as this knowledge has to be presented to her in some way, that which least offends her finer feelings will be considered the best. "Woman is naturally timid, and refrains as long as possible from making inquiries and asking advice from male persons about her own health or that of her daugh- ters, where the subject is a delicate one. And yet she must seek for information, or else irreparable damage might be done. She fears exposure, if it be only in conversation; her nature instinctively revolts against it. Here it is that a book, contain- ing all the information she wants, frequently comes to her as a great relief; she can receive instruction through it, without exposing her needs to the ear of a male person, be he ever so well known to her. This reluctance and fear of exposure is so deeply rooted in females, that they frequently rather seek advice, if absolutely needed, from the physician, who is a stranger to them, than from their own family-physician. How much easier is it to con- sult the pages of a book, which written for their especial benefit, will inform them privately about subjects, on which they hesitate to converse in the presence of others. Again, is it not all important that woman, the mother and guardian of our infants and children, should possess all the knowledge possible as to XVI INTRODUCTION. their rational training and education. An igno- rant mother will have an excuse for the neglect which her offspring has to suffer; she can say it is not her fault; if she knew more about the education of children, she would not allow them to fall under the supervision of nurses, or persons still more incompetent. Give to the mother the requisite knowledge in this respect, and thousands of evils will be corrected, under which at present our infant world has to suffer. Inform the mother thoroughly as regards the physical and moral training of the young girl, and soon society will feel the blessing of such beneficent undertaking; the next generation will already tell of the differ- ence. Instead of sickly and nervous women, whose sole duty seems to consist in cultivating fashionable life, with its soul and body-destroying consequences, you will behold strong and vigorous bodies and enlightened and sprightly minds, whose duty will not be to run constantly after pleasure or external ornaments, but who would rather want to be themselves a pleasure in the family-circle, and an ornament to society. Our present system of female education, its workings in the school and at home, are entirely wrong and deleterious for the physical and moral welfare of the daughters of the land, who soon will have to be its mothers. But the evil does not stop here; it increases in a fearful ratio, as generation follows generation, INTRODUCTION. XVII until society and the state itself is brought to the verge of ruin and destruction. Well may the philanthropist shudder at the prospect in the future, on beholding the present mode of female education among the wealthier classes. From over-tasking the young mind with studies for hours and days, interrupting thereby the growth of the physical system, the inevitable result is a morbid development of the nervous system, a damage, which in most cases is irreparable. An undue degree of ambition is the cause of this growing evil. Each mother wants to see her daughter excel above all others, in what? In strength, health, good sound sense, modest be- havior, sprightly, cultivated mind, knowledge of house and social duties ? No, not in these quali- ties; no, but in a display of mental and bodily fineries, called fashionable accomplishments. Ambition is a noble quality of the soul, when followed within the limits of reason; but it becomes a scourge and a destroyer of life and happiness, if immoderately indulged in. In the case of education it becomes more than that; it becomes a crime. How many a naturally strong constitution has been thereby enfeebled for life, and how many a naturally feeble one has been made thereby to de- part this life. These are weighty considerations which, we hope, will receive all the attention from those, for whose benefit they are here introduced. b3 XVIII INTRODUCTION. Let each mother reflect well and deeply, before she allows her daughter to be thrown into the whirl- pool of modern education; let her consider first, whether the child is physically strong enough, to go through with it; because it is indeed hard labor, to perform all that modern education proposes to have done. In the following pages we hope to convince parents, that substantial wrong is done to their children by too early and closely pursued studies; that the body must be allowed to develop itself first, before the mind is taxed so severely, as is the case at present. This relates particularly to the education of girls. Our plan will be, to present first, in a general review, the character and destiny of woman— physically, morally and socially; after which we intend to contemplate woman in her different stages of development, as a girl, wife, mother and matron. In each of these periods she will be subject to physical changes, and have to perform different duties. It shall be our especial duty to give a clear and faithful picture of these different periods of development and to show how woman ought to be in each of them, in order to deal out and receive the greatest amount of real happiness in this world, in which she decidedly is the most beautiful as well as the noblest of sojourners. PART I. WOMAN'S PHYSICAL AND MORAL DEVELOPMENT; HER SOCIAL POSITION AND DESTINY. CHAPTER I. — Woman Generally Considered. 1. Physical Character. 2. Moral and Intellectual Character. 3. Destiny. " II. — Girl. " III. — Maiden or Young Lady. " IV. — Maiden-Lady . " V.—Married Lady. " VI . — Widow. " VII. — Matron. b4 CHAPTER I. WOMAN. 1. PHYSICAL CHARACTER. In treating on this subject, we pre-suppose that the reader is familiar with the general outlines of human anatomy, and even with such details as have reference to the principal organs -and their functions, necessary for the maintenance of life. These the female system shares in common with the male. It is our object here to point out only that, wherein they differ; and moreover to show that this difference in their physical nature is the cause of their respective destinies and duties. In comparing the female with the male body, we find at once the former less in stature and weight, but more rounded and graceful in form. It exhibits not so much strength of the muscles; these being less developed than in the male. But its motions, if less agile and strong, evince more graceful elasticity; in this respect, as also in the weaker but clearer voice, the female has retained more or less the character of the child. We shall have occasion afterwards to remind the reader again on the many analogies between the b5 22 WOMAN. female constitution and that of the child in general. This is mentioned here at once, in order to draw the attention to a fact, which will have great influence in the better understanding and appre- ciation of the female character and destiny. Thus in the outer appearance a great difference is noticed between the two sexes, and this in- creases as we proceed to a closer examination of the several parts of the system. In doing so, we have to compare the female organization with the male. The female face is smaller, its front not so high, but the neck is longer; the chest is not so capa- cious, but the abdominal region more developed, particularly across the hips, which thus forms in the female the basis-line of a triangle, whose apex rests in the region of the shoulders; while in the male system the order is reversed, the shoulders forming the basis-line and the hips the apex of the triangle. The female has shorter, but rounder and fatter arms, with softer contours; the hand also is smaller, whiter and softer, the fingers are finer and more pointed. The lower limbs, on the contrary, although shorter, are stouter, particularly from above downwards to the inner corners of the knee, which are generally rounder; the feet are shorter and smaller. The female skin is finer softer and more transparent, the veins are easier discernable; on the more delicate parts of the skin such as the face and neck, the blush appears PHYSICAL CHARACTER. 23 quicker and easier. The hair grows more abun- dantly and longer on the head, but less so on other parts of the body; the hair itself is finer, softer, more elastic and glossy, the nails are more transparent and tender. The areolar tissue, which contains the fat, is more abundant and firmer; the muscles display a lighter color, are softer, thinner and weaker; the single muscles less protruding. The diaphragm is less in size and lies higher up, enlarging thereby the abdominal cavity; the heart is smaller; the walls of the whole vascular system are thinner; particularly does the arterial system lack the same density of texture in proportion to the venous, as this is the case in the male, although the female possesses a larger amount of blood in pro- portion. The lungs are smaller, and the apertures of the nose and the whole wind-pipe narrower. The brain, in proportion to the body, is heavier in the female, than in the male; the cranial cavity is more elevated as regards the position of the face, and the mass of the brain in proportion to the nervous system and the cranial arteries is larger than in the male. The nerves themselves, however, are finer, more tender and weaker. The bones are thinner, smoother, less firm, their processes and indentations less distinct; there is less bony matter in general; the bones of the face are finer, with a more even surface; the cavities in the front part of the head and cheeks are nar- b6 24 WOMAN. rower; the ribs are thinner, flatter, shorter, starting in a more decided curve from the spine; the spinal column therefore reaches deeper in the cavity of the chest, and the spinal processes are less discernable in the back-bone; the breast-bone is shorter; the cavity of the chest generally less capacious; the spinal column, as a whole, is rather longer in the female. But the greatest differences exist in the region of the hips, the bones of which are broader, although they are thinner and lighter: the cavity of the pelvis inside, formed by the hip- bones and the small of the back, is every way longer, wider and more uniformly so, above as well as below. We must be convinced by the above comparison, of the female system with the male, that the former was destined to move in a different sphere of ac- tion from the latter, and that this cannot be changed without serious danger for its physical welfare. The duties and mode of life seem to be clearly pointed out to the female in her bodily construction, which we now will proceed to con- sider, before we come to describe those organs peculiar to the female sex, in which the greatest part of her destiny is fixed. As a prominent difference, we find the frame- work of her system less in size and strength; the muscles, attaching to it, are also smaller and weaker. This fact shows that the female body is PHYSICAL CHARACTER. 25 less capable than the male of undergoing toil and hardships, which require mostly muscular effort. Neither would it be possible to make her equal in that respect to the male, because her muscles are softer, thinner, not so compact and of lighter color; this physiological difference precludes them from ever becoming so compact, hard and strong, as the muscles of a man, even if ever so much exercised for that purpose. Besides, it states that the female has a firmer areolar tissue, and in greater abundance than the male; consequently is more inclined to become fat, and her form rounded, a circumstance which prevents any extraordinary degree of muscular development by exercise. Yet this latter is on that account not the less needed; enough of it must be taken by the female to develop those changes within her system, which, as we will see hereafter, are a peculiar charac- teristic of her sex. Another marked difference consists in the form and capacity of the chest and abdominal cavity, compared with that of the male. The cavity of the chest is smaller, while that of the abdomen is larger. Here we find a wonderful and wise pro- vision made for the respective duties of the two sexes. The male is destined to labor harder; to him is given the large wide chest, attached to which are the powerful muscles of the trunk and arms; his lungs are of greater expanse, his arterial / 26 WOMAN. system, including the heart, is more developed; all this is needed for a more vigorous and pro- longed prosecution of his daily manual work; his system is fitted out for that especial purpose; the abdominal region is less in size, but nevertheless strong and compact, while his lower limbs princi- pally excel in elasticity and propelling power. How beautifully is his destiny written in the frame- work of his body and the display of his muscles. On the other hand, the female is larger across the hips, because there nature needed above all other parts room to fitly prepare woman for her destiny. From this is easily seen, how perverse to nature that fashion is, which compresses the female waist and makes of her literally an hour-glass, or a wasp, while, indeed, her form ought to be broad across the hips, gradually, but regularly tapering off up- wards; the male form being just the reverse of this. The nervous system and the brain of the female show another great difference, indicative of her duty and destiny. Her brain is proportionally larger than that of the man, in comparison to the size of the body; but her nerves are finer, more tender and weaker, making them disproportionate to the size of the brain. The nerves, which are the carriers of the brain-power, ought to be de- veloped, in proportion to the size of the brain in order to fulfil its demands; they are, however PHYSICAL CHARACTER. 27 finer and weaker in the female, hence she lacks power of execution, which compels her to look for other help to have her designs executed. By this arrangement she has become pre-eminently the counsellor and constant companion of man, who is well fitted by nature to carry out her designs, to- gether with his own. This is one of the most wonderful arrangements in nature, by which the two sexes are bound indissolubly together, as the intellectual intercourse between them is rendered thereby a natural necessity. He flies to her in time of need for counsel and advice, and she looks to him for action and execution. We can here only slightly touch upon this interesting condition of the two sexes. Hereafter, however, we will treat of it more fully. Thus, we see, that the domain of action for the female is at the side of man, not ahead of him, nor in his rear. These two have to accomplish together, what it would be impossible for one to perform alone. The hardships of life's duties are thus wisely divided, while the results from their faithful performance are mutually enjoyed, each one receiv- ing a double share of benefits for one share of labor. The female, physically disabled from participating in life's hardest struggles, receives a higher trust in the composition of her moral faculties, by which she is enabled to buoy up the toiling partner, when he seems almost to sink under the too heavy burden. 28 WOMAN. Her sphere of action will be always more or less the house, with its manifold labors and attractions; there the daughter, wife or mother finds room and time enough to exercise her physical and moral powers; and if no morbid craving has taken pos- session of her mind, she will find real contentment and happiness. Beside, the social circle, the school, lecture-room and church offer sufficient opportuni- ties for the display of her intellectual faculties, in giving or receiving instruction. If inclination or necessity prompts her to devote herself to duties out of the house, society presents thousands of occupations, which she can fill honorably and pro- fitably, without risking her health or exposing her feelings. We will now proceed to call the reader's attention to those physical peculiarities, which belong to woman exclusively, and form her sexual character, determining thereby more than by any thing else her true destiny. It would be impossible to give an anatomical description of all the organs peculiar to the female system, without illustrations; yet some definite idea must be had about their position and structure in order to show their harmonious co-operation and complex relation to each other. We prefer, however, not to introduce into this work illustra- tions, which might be considered objectionable on the score of propriety and good taste. To obviate this difficulty, therefore, we will compare the posi- PHYSICAL CHARACTER. 29 tion, form and size of these organs to familiarly known objects. This glance will suffice to give to the reader a sufficient knowledge of these parts, and if any farther should be desired, every one can easily have access to anatomical works, treating fully on this subject. The region between the hips contains within itself a cavity, called the pelvic, and the bones, which form this cavity, the pelvis; it means literally a bowl or basin. Its wider margin is above, its narrow opening below. The pelvis contains within its cavity all the organs we intend to notice here. The most important of these organs is the uterus, or womb, which occupies the centre of this cavity, suspended on ligaments on either side, and connected by very loose tissue in the front with the bladder, and in the rear with the rectum, the natural outlet of the contents of the bowels. The uterus has a pear-shape, and is about as large as a small egg, with an oblong opening of one-eighth of an inch long, across its smaller end, called the mouth of the uterus, which leads into its cavity. This cavity in the unfecun- dated uterus, is very small, and only sufficient to be noticed as such from the mouth upwards to its higher and thicker part, called the fundus uteri; here, to the right and left, are two small openings, which connect through a tube on each side, called the Fallopian tube, with the ovaries, two oblong, 30 WOMAN. flattened and oval bodies, of a whitish color, and the size of half a walnut. They are called ovaries, literally egg-beds, because they contain the ovum or egg, which is formed there, and when growing, bursts the outer skin of the ovarium, whenca it is transferred through the Fallopian tube into the uterus, where in single life it passes away with the menstrual discharge; in married life however, when all the conditions of nature have been fulfilled, is retained within the uterus, and nourished there during nine months. While ges- tation is progressing, no new developments of eggti in the ovaries take place; at least that is the rale; but very few exceptions occur to the contrary. Generally speaking, the action of the ovaries is suspended during the time of gestation. This interesting period in a woman's life brings about a number of very important changes in her physical economy. The uterus, a very small organ before, now has increased to a great size, and its former insignificant cavity has become immensely en- larged. Organs which formerly were active, now lay dormant, and other organs, formerly asleep, now have become operative. Menstruation, the regular monthly discharge, has ceased, and the fluids, formerly thus wasted, now have become the source of life and nourishment for a new beino- and before this is yet born, the breasts begin to MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL CHARACTER. 31 swell, preparing to yield the same precious nour- ishment in another more appropriate form and place to the child after its birth. These are some of the changes in the female system during this time, and they are greater in extent and importance than any other system has to experience in its life time. No wonder that they are often accompanied with great danger, or prepare derangements of health, which often last for years. We will have occasion, when speaking of the diseases of woman, to trace a number of them back to this period of her existence, where either by neglect or accident, their seeds were sown. 2. MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL CHARACTER. We have seen that for wise purposes the Creator endowed woman with a physical constitution dif- ferent, in many respects, from that of man; each one being deficient and lacking perfection in several particulars, but when united in the sacred bonds of marriage and laboring together to build up a family, these two present an exalted picture of perfection, of which nature has nothing equal to show. The strength of the man is united to the loveliness and grace of woman ; his impetuous but noble haste is checked by her timid and cautious foresight; his bold aggressive spirit tempered by her wise reluctance of action; everywhere, a blendino- of qualities, which hides each other's 32 WOMAN. faults, while it admits their virtues to appear the more readily. The same wonderful arrangement can be discerned throughout the moral constitution of the two sexes, each of which, taken separately, may exhibit many faults and weaknesses, which mostly disappear when coming in contact with the good qualities of the other. From this point of view we have a clear insight into the wonderful operations of Divine Wisdom, which ordered just such relations as we behold, to exist between man and woman, endowing each one with different qualities, to promote the happiness of both. From this, it is evident that, strictly speaking, we cannot grant to either sex a superiority in gifts or qualities, either physical or mental. Each one stands on a separate platform, distinct from the other, and there appears unrivalled in some respects while deficient in others. Yet both have received a sufficient share of those high qualities which stamp the image of God on the human form and soul, and none is farther away from this ideal of perfection than the one who would be low enough not to recognize this divine inheritance in the other to its fullest extent. It is part of the Divine economy to have thus endowed the two sexes differently, in order to insure a more perfect union between them.; they find in each other enough to admire and to love as also from each other enough to learn and to MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL CHARACTER. 33 imitate. In the likeness, but not the sameness of the two sexes, consists the most perfect harmony 4 They would not find pleasure in each others company, if their intellectual and moral compo- sition were identical; the spice of intercourse, the charm of novelty, would be wanting; no inducement to progress, so essential to the welfare of intelligence, would exist; no social feeling would bind families together and create State organizations, because the family hearth, with its domestic happiness as the foundation, would be wanting. From whatever view we may contem- plate the relations between the two sexes, we come to the firm conclusion, that in every respect they are equals in position, although not iden- tical in physical or mental composition. The first condition insures to each an equal share of prerogative and emolument, while the latter fixes for both their respective duties and labors. Let us here yet remark, that revelation as well as physical and moral laws corroborate the above defined relations between man and woman, and if state and society had carried them out fully, untold agonies of body and soul, innumerable crimes and heart-rending scenes might have been averted, and the history of mankind been made to flow like the rivers of Paradise, full with the waters of joyous life, instead of what has been the case, full of blood and destruction. 84 WOMAN. The phrase, "emancipation of woman" should never have been thought of; its very sound is a disgrace to language, the especial gift of the Creator. And it never would have been uttered by suffering woman if she had received ample justice from man as regards her social and political rights, particularly those of property and labor. Of this, however, more anon. Generally speaking, we can be justified in asserting, that moral sentiments are more largely diffused among women than men; their veneration and benevolence are largely developed and make them particularly well qualified to perform their angelic mission upon earth. They also have received a greater share of hope and conscien- tiousness, which buoy them up in the most disagreeable situations of life, and secure to them the peace of mind and the charity so characteristic of the female sex. These four faculties comprise the whole of moral sentiment, and are those by which man is particularly distinguished from the animal. They make him sympathise with others in misfortune, and love and treat with kindness and humanity, the poor, aged and infirm. They link his spirit to the Deity in adoration and love, while he is made to submit cheerfully and easily to the Divine will under all circumstances. Such exalted sentiments have been given to woman more abundantly than to man, and make her, MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL CHARACTER. 35 ----------------------„---------. . ( in the sight of the latter, an object of veneration, regard and love, even if no other superior quality should adorn her mind or grace her figure. This is so universally true, that man, even in the most barbarous periods of history, never has failed to show this almost religious veneration to woman- hood, which fact is verified by many instances amongst the earliest nations. A kind-hearted, benevolent, pious woman, will always be an object of general admiration and reverence, wThile the opposite character will meet with as universal neglect and disrespect. In endowing woman so freely with these high and ennobling qualities, the Creator threw around her feeble frame and position, a far more potent shield to protect her, than any other instrumentality could have afforded. Wo- manhood never appears to better advantage, than in the holy garments of moral purity and divine consciousness. Then she is irresistible and all- powerful ; there she seems to be all at home; no gift of the intellect, no dazzling wit and splendor j of beauty, can compensate for the want of such exalted excellence. Those who seek to locate the power of woman in her superior external beauty, and rest her claims on these frail pillars, do not understand her proper relation to the other sex, and fail, entirely, to comprehend the true strength of her position. S A beautiful face and graceful form will shield her 36 WOMAN. often from the attacks of the low and rude, but never, on that account alone, secure for her the esteem and reverence of the noble and refined. These she can secure only by the excellence of her moral character, of which she has received so large a share. It is, therefore, part of her earthly mission, to let the power of these high qualities be felt as much as possible, by teaching their principles to the young, and acting according to them before man. If she does not do so, she is doubly guilty of neglect of duty and propriety, since she has treated with contempt the greatest gift nature has so freely bestowed upon her. It is far easier for her than him to cultivate the strictest morals, because she inclines to them almost by instinct. Her trials and temptations in this sphere of life's actions, are less severe than those of man, and consequently her distinctions in this respect far less meritorious. If, therefore, she leads man on the moral path, she ought to do it with that modesty of behavior which does not let him feel her own superiority, else one-half the benefit might be lost thereby. She ought to remember that his share of the moral faculties is less than hers, that she feels, by intuition, what is right and proper, while he has to try to arrive at the same point of right feeling and acting, by reflection and reasoning, a process, slower but more tenacious, and when successful, even more MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL CHARACTER. 37 exalted in its results. Thus, this apparently great disparity between the sexes, has been made the source of the greatest blessings to mankind, and if rightly understood and practiced, must render the world a paradise. In the intellectual region woman has been endowed more with perceptive or observing than retentive faculties. She has a keen perception of all that passes around her, particularly when it has reference to herself; very seldom, however, does she reflect on the nature of the object she observes, or the probable effect it may have. She is satisfied with having noticed it without further speculation. This faculty gives her a proneness to curiosity, gossiping and light talk, which, if indulged in, must weaken, in a great measure, the influence which her nice discrimination in moral matters could otherwise secure to her. It gives rise to another fault, so frequently met with among women, that of searching for each other's failings, rather than virtues. If woman shows lack of intellect by the side of man, it is more in the deficient discrimination of the worth of others and its acknowledgment, than in any other respect. She has, generally, when called upon, just as clear and correct a judgment as man, and equal firmness and will, but less generosity and justice in the appreciation of others. And this is more apparent when she reviews one of her own sex, in which c 33 WOMAN. case her critical acumen becomes truly formidable and unmerciful. No fault, ever so slight, escapes her notice, while the good qualities of the person under notice, are generally overlooked. This trait in the female character, strangely contrasts with her otherwise benevolent tendency, and becomes, when not properly checked, a fruitful source of all kinds of annoyances and unhappy feelings, which often reflect even disadvantageously on her physical health. How many diseases have their exciting causes in nervous irritation ? The nervous system of woman is easily affected, and the conditions of life in which women are frequently placed, render her still more sensitive to mental irritation. In child-bed, for instance, the slightest unkind word may produce the most disastrous consequences, and be destructive to both mother and child. How necessary it becomes, therefore, to cultivate kind feelings towards all with whom we have to associ- ate, or about whom we have to express an opinion. A censorious spirit, if allowed to come up within us, soon grows to a height of intolerance, bigotry, and selfishness, which embitters the life of its owner forever. And woman, by her keener perception and observation of personal matters, has to fear its tyrannical sway more than man, who is generally more reserved in expressing opinions about others, even if his judgment in regard to them would be the same. Woman perceives quickly and expresses MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL CHARACTER. 39 readily, much more frequently than prudence would allow. This is owing to a less intense action of the reflective faculties, causality and comparison. She can easily, however, remedy this seeming fault in her nature, by considering well before she expresses her thoughts, thus exercising her reflec- tive faculties. Her innate benevolence, too, must be exercised to keep down gossiping and censorious- ness, as it is a benevolent disposition, particularly, which constitutes the character of a true lady. Such an one will always be careful never to wound the feelings of another by words, gestures or otherwise, be the object of her remarks ever so insignificant. The golden rule contains for no one a more precious precept than for woman, whose conduct ought to be at all times measured by it. Amongst the perceptive faculties we must mention, especially, order, of which woman has received, generally, a larger share than man. This organ is the soul and ornament of a well directed household. To its influence, the domestic hearth is mainly indebted for its charms, and civilization considers it one of its main-springs. Its exercise and cultivation, therefore, are of the highest im- portance to every woman, as part of her individual character, in producing and representing in the family circle, that divine principle of order which the Great Architect so scrupulously observes in the whole Universe. c2 40 WOMAN. In the region of the sentiments, woman is also richly endowed. She possesses, and ought to cultivate a proper self-respect, a feeling of womanly pride, so as to make her independent in thought and action, without rendering her haughty or pre- sumptuous. She can and ought to gratify a desire to excel and please, of course in a moderate degree, lest it might degenerate into vanity. Her love of approbation is generally large, and while she has less caution than man, she is in greater danger of becoming vain and coquettish. Proper self-respect, however, will soon correct this evil tendency. Her imagination is splendid and generally more brilliant and quicker than man's, and in connection with greater and readier humor, renders her social qualities far superior to those of the male sex. She possesses a quick and lively conception of the ridiculous, even in such a degree, that it frequently ought to be restrained. Without woman, society would be barren of interest. No mirth, no merri- ment, no pleasantry and wit would take away the tedium of intercourse. Mankind would have lost the elasticity of its step; and as these qualities are essentially preservative as regards life, it is evident that woman, in this respect contributes an equal share in the maintenance of social order with man, who so often prides himself on being the pillar of state and society, overlooking, in his ignorance or pride, the essential benefit and help MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL CHARACTER. 41 he continually receives from the feebler sex in sup- porting him to bear his burdens. It is needed for woman to know the importance of her office and duties in this respect, as it will make her love and cultivate qualities so characteristic of her sex, and so essential for the welfare, even the physical, of mankind. Yes, truly may we say, the welfare of mankind depends, in a great measure, on these eminently social qualities of woman, infusing joy- fulness, hilarity and buoyancy into every-day life, thereby lessening its burdens, promoting physical health and moral strength. Man forgets, in her pleasing company, the earnestness and severity of his thoughts and pursuits. He, who but shortly before was deeply engaged in the serious conflicts of life, finds himself disenthralled from such fetters, when addressed by her gay, lively and buoyant conversation; he is caught by her spirit in the pleasant retreat of imaginative sentiment and the enticing flow of humor, wit and conversational entertainment. For the welfare of his body and soul, this rest from fatiguing business is indispen- sable. If it were not so, his powers would soon be exhausted, and languor and disgust unfit him for the further performance of his duties. Physically and morally, therefore, these exhilarating faculties of woman, are essential to the welfare of the whole race; and for woman herself, their cultivation becomes of the highest importance, as she thereby c3 42 WOMAN. perfects her natural gifts, and holds undisputed rule in those holier spheres of life, the social cir- cles, where spirit communes with spirit for nobler purposes and enjoyments. Closely allied to the social circle, and, indeed, its very prototype and basis, is the family circle, the domestic hearth, which, without the presence of woman, would be desolate enough. Here, also, she reigns supreme. Her delicate feelings, amia- bility, filial and parental affection, make the home where she resides, truly a paradise for man, who, without it, would be the most miserable of mortals. Those qualities, so extremely predominant in the fe- male sex, are still more active, because not disturbed much by the selfish propensities, such as love of gain, of which man has received so large a share. In the above, we have tried to give the general outlines of what should constitute the moral and intellectual character of woman. To exhaust the subject fully here, is impossible, for want of space, as it would take a volume alone to do it justice. •Our object is to draw the attention to those characteristics of the female sex which fix her earthly destiny, and which guide us in the selec- tion of the best methods for her physical and moral education, from her earliest infancy up. This subject ought to receive our most careful attention, as, according to our opinion, the welfare DESTINY. 43 of society depends, mostly, on the soundness of the female sex, physically, intellectually and morally. 3. DESTINY. From the preceding, the reader will perceive that, in as far as woman is different from man in her physical and moral constitution, her destiny cannot be identical with his; that while the strength of his physical frame points out a sphere of action for him, which is filled with hardships of all kind, her more delicate body must naturally be suitable and inclining only for tasks less severe. This is also true as regards intellectual labors. Their correspondence in this respect is perfect, although it might be said, that woman had heretofore, and was yet engaged in mental and physical transac- tions, as arduous or weighty as ever had fallen to the lot of man. This certainly is so, but it can only be a farther proof of the truth, that exceptions even in this highest productive sphere of nature, the creation of man, confirm a rule. As exceptions, we easily understand and value the acts of those who have played, during their life-time, the part assigned to the opposite sex. Such occurrences are frequently met with in history and daily life, and demonstrate the identity of the human forces, and the harmony of their tendency. They show the faintness of the line of distinction, where the two c4 ,44 WOMAN. sexes meet, and the ease with which parties of either side may overleap it. We have feminine men, as well as masculine women. But these cases do not furnish a rule. Nature has drawn a line, and its existence can only be doubted by those whose incli- nations have carried them already beyond its limits. The workings of society have shown this already for thousands of years, during which the duties and affairs of both sexes have been more or less clearly defined. It is true certain ages have not done justice to the claims of woman, rendering her lot harder than it should have been. But these times were yet barbarous and savage. The light of the gospel had not penetrated their darkness, and physical force was their only law-giver. How could woman, with her inferior physical strength, be treated on terms of equality by man, who measured everything around him by the strength of his arm and the force of his blow. If nature had designed woman to be equal in physical power, why did it not manifest itself in these times of physical preponderance ? why did woman not then assume the place occupied by man in society'? why did she not fight the battles and rove about, bent upon plunder and robbery? Why did she submit to a treatment as unjust as it was cruel ? That she however did submit, and silently suffered for ages, is an historical fact, and proves evidently woman's superiority of moral strength in enduring DESTINY. 45 the wrongs inflicted upon her by man's undeveloped intellect and moral faculties. But the attitude of the two sexes changed as soon as the light of the gospel penetrated the spiritual darkness of the world. Christianity restored to woman her rights, and put her in the only true posi- tion by the side of" man, where she always should have been, but never had been before, and never will be except when brought and sustained there by the doctrines of the Saviour. One of the last and most tender and affecting acts of His life had reference to this very relation of man to woman. He charged one of his disciples to take care of His mother; "and," saith John, "from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home." Here was a relation established by the Holy One Himself, between two persons whom He loved, and thus, according to nature's law, wanted to provide for. The woman was protected and taken care of by the man, the feeble by the strong, who in return received a mother's love. Thus it always should be. To destroy this relation of man to woman would be cruel, because tearing asunder the tenderest chords of human sympathy, based upon mutual depend- ence, and would be sacreligious, because laying violent hands upon the laws imposed on nature by the Creator. Yiews different from the above, have lately arisen in various parts of the world, claiming for woman equality in all things with 46 WOMAN. man; they call for an emancipation of woman- hood, as they term it. The endeavors of these reformers may be well grounded as to certain evils yet existing, such as the unequal right to property between husband and wife.* They can, however, not be justified as to the extent of changes which these reformers are aiming to accomplish. To make woman participate in all the gross and inglorious, but necessary work of man, would destroy the true glory of woman's existence, annul her dignity, and poison the inno- cence of her heart with desires entirely foreign to her nature. What a sight to see the graceful form of woman mingle in a political crowd, eager to deposit her vote or to share in popular distinction. *We have no doubt that the progressive intelligence of legis- lation will remove, in time, all the civil inconveniences to which woman at present may be subject. One by one these impedi- ments will have to yield before the bold and liberal reasonings of the age. As regards the question of property between the two sexes, we venture to predict, that one day it will be found just and right to allow the woman to be the owner in fact of one- half of all the property that is acquired during the marriage term ; that she also will be the equal loser in all transactions to which she, either in writing or orally, had given her assent, but not to be a loser where she thus had not assented. If she would lend her husband her money or other property, she should have the same right against him which other creditors have ; that, however, her personal property, such as jewelry, should not be exempted from being taken to pay either her own or the debts of the matrimonial firm ; but should be exempt in case where the husband contracted the debt without her consent. DESTINY. 47 It takes the massive soul of man to become recon- ciled to duties and honors of this kind, which he must be firmly persuaded to owe to his country, lest he would find them too ardous and insufficient. Again, how revolting the spectacle, to see women engaged in occupations which would not suit the delicacy of their form and feelings. Hard, severe bodily labor would destroy their beauty and be ruinous to their health. What would become of home, its duties and pleasures ? Who would have them to perform and enjoy ? Can there social harmony exist, to charm and bless life, where no diverse directions of pursuit will allow of a uniting angle ? All would be disunion, because one direction of pursuit would keep the pursuers in parallel lines, which never unite. We could thus continue to bring arguments without number against the so-called defenders of woman's rights, if it were necessary to do so. The destiny of woman is so evidently distinct from that of man, and indicated so clearly in her physical and moral construction, that we can safely leave the settlement of this question with the sound judgment of the reader. We will now proceed further to define the true position, which woman ought to fill here on earth according to her physical and moral character. These latter, as we stated above, have only received their due weight in the social order, since the gospel c6 48 WOMAN. of love appeared among us, to supercede the gospel of law. Nothing is clearer proved by past history and the present condition of heathen communities, wherein woman is still treated far beneath her high moral endowments. And this close sympathy be- tween the religion of Christ and the true social condition of woman, is still more apparent when we consider the incontestable fact, that as Christianity appears in a country more true and active, in that same degree will its women be more elevated honored and loved. It is, therefore, the Christian woman, in her relation as wife, mother and daugh- ter, whose duties and destiny we here want to lay before the reader. "It is not good that man should be alone; I will make an help meet for him," was the simple, but grand and effective speech which preceded the creation of woman. Society should be established; it had become a necessity, and woman was needed, just such an one as would fulfill the demands, thus made on her by the Creator. The laws of her life should be in harmony with these demands, that she might be indeed " an help meet for him." And, truly, it is so yet; the divine designs can yet be traced, sometimes, even in perfect purity, in the relations between the two sexes. Although the fall of man has rendered the original types less defined, and it is but too true that the first paradise is lost, still the Christian woman is able to regain DESTINY. 49 it, partially at least, for man, if the latter is able to appreciate it. Such are yet her lovely endowments bestowed upon her by the Creator, for establishing society, and such is yet the longing of man towards her company, her consoling, inspiring presence and the sweet interchange of sentiments and ideas. Woman is destined, therefore, to create and rule society; she was created for that purpose, her duties point that way. The family, with its various small but continual cares, falls to her superintendance. Her watching eye and intelli- gent rule must be felt in every corner of a well regulated household. Being the mother of the children, they continue to cling to her far beyond, earliest infancy. * She has almost the sole control of them up to the time when the permanent teeth appear, after which she divides the care over them with husband and teacher. This, however, does not diminish the importance of her part in the education of the child more advanced in age. Besides its physical welfare, the care of which she retains to the last, her principal duty will then be to cultivate, by example and teaching, those highest of all faculties, the moral, which, in their bearing upon temporal and eternal happiness, are far superior to the mere intellectual, the culti- vation of which, falls to the lot of man. Thus she will be principally the one who teaches the child to be conscientious, modest and benevo- 50 WOMAN. lent. Her influence will be mostly instrumental in leading the dawning sparks of veneration into the culminating centre of religion, from which radiate the all-inspiring rays of hope and eternal blessedness. No other agency in the place of a faithful christian mother, can accomplish this highest of ends so well. She should not, under any consideration, relinquish this part of her duty,. as it involves the dearest interests here and here- after. How important, therefore, is it for her to appreciate, fully, this great responsibility of her existence, and to know well how to fulfill all its demands correctly. An intelligent, pious mother, will look around to gain all the necessary informa- tion on this point, lest she might err in judgment and execution. She feels her duty and is not unmindful of the high reward which awaits her in beholding the prosperity of her children. She knows it was, under God, her own work. But who will describe the pangs of a mother's soul, when the object of her love turns out to be an outcast from society, and an object hated by God and man ? If she was conscious of having neg- lected her part in his education, how fearfully must increase that remorse and agony! " The immense responsibility of parents cannot be too highly estimated," says Mrs. C. M. Steele.* "On it * We recommend to the particular attention of our readers, a little work of Mrs. C M. Steele entitled: "A Mother's Thoughts on Parental Responsibility." DESTINY. 51 rests the beauty and loveliness of the structure of mind? Unless mothers, who have the first nurturing of these delicate gems, axe fully sensible of what awful results will flow from their hands in the neglect of the trust reposed in them, they must be unfitted for their work. If disregarded, what a dreadful loss must necessarily and inevita- bly follow. O, that the most vivid consciousness of this truth might irradiate every benighted female intellect,, that she may never be compelled to perceive the direful images of this neglect." Another part of woman's destiny is to be an help meet for man. She is a wife, sister or daughter. In either of these conditions, the variety of duties does not change the object of her life. They all point, from their various directions, to the one great purpose to be accomplished by woman, as his companion and help meet. She shares his griefs and sorrows, lessening their severity by quieting the storm of his heaving soul, and by elevating the hope and courage of his drooping mind. She partakes of his joys and pleasures, sympathising with his elated heart, but purifying its outburst by the refinement of her taste and the chastity of her feelings. She is his guardian angel in times of temptation; her advice and enthusiasm encourage and support him in times of peril. She becomes his alter ego, the better and purer principle of his own self. With- 52 WOMAN. out her, his loneliness would be insufferable; his misery complete. Such is woman, the companion and help meet of man. This is her destiny and duty in the family circle, which she creates and sustains with her natural gifts, adapted to that purpose. The same faculties which make woman the ruling and beloved mistress of the house, lead her into society at large, of which she is the soul and idol. She contributes more than man to the establishment of mutual friendship and its social exchange. Her heart swells easier with humani- tary feelings. She is affectionate, and being less selfish and retired, willing to know and inquire into the conditions of others. Hence her strong social tendency, which is one of the greatest civilizing principles, to which mankind is mainly indebted for its progress. How important is it, therefore, for woman to cultivate her social gifts, in the right direction, in order to fulfill, satisfactorily, this, her glorious mission! CHAPTER. II. GIEL. ITS INFANCY. In earliest infancy, the difference of action between the male and female is hardly great enough to make it an object of particular notice. Yet, it soon becomes preceptible to one, who takes the pains to observe closely. The infant female has generally a more delicate look; its frame is less massive, the limbs more slender, and the traces in the face finer and sharper. Its nervous system can be agitated more quickly, it is more susceptible of external impressions, and their re-action on her internal preception is easier but less enduring. A female child must, therefore, be more liable to disease, and less able to with- stand its attacks. But it might not become, for that very reason, as seriously sick as the male. Its impressions are not so deep and lasting. Never- theless, we know that the greater average mortality of children is on the side of the female portion. It is true, a prominent cause of this phenomenon, 54 GIRL. may lie in the fact, that in general more females are born than males. This, however, could not account altogether for the greater mortality among female children; we must find a part of its origin in the feebler physical constitution of the female child. It is, therefore, our duty to be more careful in nursing and training the female infant, than we have been heretofore, in order to effectu- ally remedy this evil. The child's physical constitution must guide us in the selection of these rules. We dare not follow the old routine, merely because it is sacred by age, or agreeable to custom or fashion. Old usage, custom and fashion might kill our darling. Let us by all means save its life and preserve or restore its health, the most precious gift on earth. We presume the reader is acquainted with all that pertains to the good nursing of children, generally; if not, information can be had in books called " Plomceopathic Domestic Physicians," which treat fully on the principles of nursing.* We must at present, confine our remarks on this subject to those peculiarities which, in the bring- ing up of a female child, have to be especially attended to. These are, it is true, but very few • but not altogether unimportant, as will be seen directly. *See in my "Homceopathic Domestic Physician," the article Treatment of Children. INFANCY. 55 During the first weeks after the birth of a child, there occurs sometimes a swelling of the external breasts, which, though it will be of little conse- quence to the future welfare of a male infant, frequently destroys forever, that of a female. This inflammation, if badly treated, may terminate in induration or atrophy of the milk glands, and thereby deprive the future mother of the use of these most important organs. Thus not alone she, but also her offspring will have to suffer severely for want of a little more than ordinary care in cases of this kind. Mothers and nurses ought to be well instructed in regard to the treatment of this disease; they will find the necessary infor- mation in the second part of this work, under the head of "FemaleDiseases.," We hardly need remind the reader to bathe, wash and attend the child altogether according to the strictest rules of Hygiene; the use of a cap, for instance, on the head, by day or night, is considered entirely superfluous, as it proves oftener detrimental, than beneficial. Equally pernicious to the physical welfare of the child is the too tight bandaging of its breast, limbs or abdomen. Every part of the body must be left as free as possible, to enjoy full liberty of motion, an especial condi- tion and means of health. The child must exercise its limbs and lungs to the fullest extent. Nature wants it; science demonstrates it, and 56 GIRL. unconscious instinct, as exhibited, for instance, in a young infant, establishes exercise as a law of nature. The child has an instinct, which governs its appetites and desires, frequently more correctly than it can be expressed by language. Let us only carefully observe its wishes and not stifle them by putting the child's body in a straight- jacket, wherein it cannot express what it wants. Nature herself, takes care of the child, we must only observe, not impede her dictates. Hear the beautiful and graphic description, by Dr. Eliz. Blackwell, in regard to the care which nature con- stantly extends to her little darlings, for protec- tion and healthful growth. " The young infant is almost withdrawn from our control. Nature says to us, ' stand by, and watch my work!' This delicate life will admit of no trifling, no neglect, no experiment; but watch the infant, how it kicks and cries, and works, not arms and legs alone, but every part of its body in pain or pleasure. We sit and smile or silently weep; but the baby puts every muscle in motion; if it is pained or angry, it will scream with its whole life, and contract every little fibre and strain and wriggle in infantile rage, to the intense alarm of its mother. We may leave it to nature for exercise; it will be well attended to, and carried through an efficient course, reaching every muscle of the body, that we should find INFANCY. 57 difficult to imitate by art. Watch the little child, too, that has learned to walk and prattle. Do we need a more perfect illustration of perpetual motion during its waking hours % Give it free room and a few playthings, if they are only blocks of wood, and it will go through a series of posi- tions, stooping, twisting, doubling, turning over, that are incalculable and unapproachable. And you cannot quiet such a child; take away the playthings, and every legitimate source of amuse- ment, and your inkstand will be upset, your books ingeniously torn, the table-cloth dragged off, and the contents of the work-basket sent rolling; and if it be absolutely restrained from such questionable devices, it will make it up by fretting and fidgeting till the older head fairly aches. It is a most admirable arrangement, this incessant activity of the child, the inexorable law by which it lives, and which will turn the whole household upside down, sooner than sin against its own nature. For it lives by movement; fresh air and exercise are the mainsprings of its healthy physical life. Thus in the earliest years of life, nature's indications are very plain; and in exercise, as in the organic functions, the most perfect freedom, under favorable conditions, should be enjoyed by the child, that its own instinct may guide it." In a good foundation, lies the main strength of a superstructure; even so is it with a good con- 58 GIRL. stitution, the basis of which must be laid in earliest infancy. And yet how often is it neglected by parents or those in charge of children. Science has furnished the farmer and husbandman with strict rules in regard to the rearing of good stock; these regulations are followed to the letter, and enterprise is thus an hundred fold rewarded for its expense and trouble. Science, also, has pre- scribed the best method of attending to the physical education of children, but how few follow its dic- tates. Those who have done so, have reaped the reward in rearing strong and healthy children, at once their delight and a blessing to their country. But too many, as yet, who behold such praise- worthy examples, consider them exceptions, freaks of nature, or the consequence of accidental good fortune. This is a sad picture, but a true one. We must have indeed strayed far away from nature's own path, to consider a pair of rosy cheeks or a lively, energetic disposition in a child, nothing else but a freak of nature. So scarce has that become which ought to be universal! The fault most productive of those evils, has been the great physical restraint under which we put the child as early as the first day of its exist- ence. Tight bandages, compressing the abdomen and breast, are applied immediately after its birth. Afterwards it is closely confined in heated rooms, not allowing a sufficiency of fresh air, so essential to INFANCY. 59 the development of the young organism ; its brain is heated by a cap, its stomach deranged by improper food, which is forced upon the little sufferer.and if pain and restlessness follow, paregoric, Godfrey's cordial, etc., must restore quiet, or castor oil remove the evil. Still greater distress follows such violent and senseless treatment. Congestions to the head appear and convulsions threaten. No wonder that the constitution of a child, under such mismanagement, can never be a strong one, even if it survives the attacks that occur during early infancy. But how many do survive % Only one half of all children born, reach the age of two years. This is a melancholy fact, casting a dark shadow, freighted with destruction and death, upon our so-called modern civilization, with its boasted light and instruction. If one-half of the human race has to perish before reaching the second year of its existence, we have not yet begun to realize the blessings of reform in our treatment of the helpless young. It is full time that we should put into operation the measures devised by science, and calculated to keep the angel of death from the cradles of our children. These are at once comprehensive and effective. If we see our faults, let us forthwith correct them; no time is to be lost. We have perpetrated sins of commission and omission; we must know how we have done wrong in order to understand 60 GIRL. how to do right. We have wronged the child in omitting to give it a sufficiency of fresh air, water and exercise, all of which are indispensable condi- tions of its thriving well and receiving a firm, healthy constitution. But more than that, we have wronged the children by actually making them sick, committing an attack on their life and consti- tution, by compressing the lungs and other noble organs, rendering them, thereby, weak for life. We also prevent the liberty of motion by bandaging the limbs; we irritate the intestines by castor oil, and debilitate the brain and nervous system by opiates; and, finally, we over-stimulate mental action by too early application in that direction, merely to gratify our pride and foolish aspirations ; a wick- edness often enough punished by the early death of the object of our love and hope. Let us avoid these faults, and not one-half of the dear, helpless beings, will fall victims in early life, while the surviving majority will be blessed with a healthy constitution. Hygiene has become a science and demands a treatise of its own, so extensive is its range of action and practical utility. We have not the room or intention to give here its details; the reader will find these in separate works on Hy- giene. We content ourselves in pointing out the grosser faults at present committed in the rearing of children, and their remedies. And as the female CHILDHOOD. 61 infants suffer, in proportion, more than the male, we consider the above remarks especially justified. The female sex ought to have, above all, healthy constitutions, being destined to play the most,.im- portant part in the propagation of the race. Let us raise strong and healthy mothers, and there will be at once an improvement in the health of the next generation. The female, therefore, requires at our hands, the most careful attention, and we are bound to commence it at the earliest period in infancy. When vaccination shall take place, let the female infant be vaccinated, either high up on the arm or on the outside of the leg, below the knee, (always the best place for small infants,) in order to avoid the scar from being observed afterwards, as the girl or young woman frequently appears with bare arms. It can easily be done, thus pre- venting an ugly scar from marring the beauty of a well-formed, symmetrical arm, no small attribute of the physical perfection of woman. Before we proceed farther, to discuss the best methods of education for the young girl, we would express at once our decided condemnation of those at present in vogue. We have for a long time witnessed the bad effects which the educa- tional system now adopted in most of our Boarding Schools, has on the health and minds of the daughters of the land. It is entirely erroneous, D 62 GIRL. and mischievous in the extreme ; wrong from the commencement, its results cannot be beneficial. The object of nature is, to prepare the system in the preceding period for the next one following, in childhood for youth, in youth for womanhood, etc. We must, in our educational efforts, observe the intentions of nature, and not pervert or overleap this order. To teach a child what a youth ought to know, and so on, or to neglect or prevent the development needed for a child, in order to make it perform the duties of a youth, will be an injury which never can be fully repaired, as the more advanced period can never acquire that which should have been the object of its pursuit in a previous one. Each period of life has separate uses, which must be fulfilled, and which never can be changed without serious derangement; this is at least the general rule, the order of nature. The development of the physical system occurs principally during childhood, which extends to the age of twelve or fourteen years. During this time our endeavors should be directed almost exclusively towards the support of the physical growth ; we must at least refrain from interfering with it. All education is properly divided into two parts, analogous to the two-fold existence of man, physical and intellectual. The moral preceding CHILDHOOD. 63 and following the latter, is therefore included in it. Each of these two departments has separate ends to accomplish, and will be required in different periods of life. The physical training has for its object the education and strengthening of the body, in the whole, as well as in all its parts. The body is the carrier and instrument of the mind; its strength and health are all-important for the easy and complete performance of the real or spiritual life. To make physical education effectual, we have to commence it in early youth, and pursue it steadily during the whole period of bodily development. This period, in fact, ought to be filled up almost exclusively with the practices necessary to carry out the principles of a thorough physical education, else the succeeding stages of life will result in fewer advantages for the object in view. We are firmly persuaded that the greatest blessings would flow from following the above principles in our common school system. Their adoption would not interfere with present arrange- ments, as we need only to alter the objects and hours of instruction. The child may, as hereto- fore, be put under school training at the age of six, but from that up to eight, it should receive twice, every day, half an hour's instruction in the purely elementary branches of education ; the other time should be devoted to a regular and svstematic practice of gymnastics, under the d2 64 GIRL. superintendence of competent teachers. From eight to ten years, the next higher branches should be taught during two hours in the day, wThile more difficult gymnastics should be pursued during the remaining time. From ten to fourteen years, a confinement of four hours a day in the school- room, for still higher studies, would not be prejudicial to the child's health, there still being left four hours a day for active gymnastic exercise. Such ought to be the instruction of the young, in order to make the body strong, while its expan- sion takes place, and to train by degrees the mind to those exercises which afterwards will be the principal business of its life. We are wrong, if \ we suppose that the great object of school instruc- tion consists in filling the head of the young with actual knowledge. The acquisition of this ought to be of minor importance; sometimes it is really detrimental. The school can only train the mind in the paths leading to knowledge and thought, to enable it to improve by its own exertion and observation. This is an important truth, proved by the experience of great men, who were for their greatness indebted not to the actual know- ledge taught in schools, but to the impulse which their minds received by the training of those schools. We therefore, strongly recommend parents and teachers, not to subject the young and elastic system of the child to the cruel confinement CHILDHOOD. 65 of the school-room, but to educate the body, rather than to fill the mind with premature knowledge. A child of ten years of age can learn in a quarter of the time what is offered to one of seven or eight; it will be an easy task for the older, while the younger child will suffer and labor hard, to accomplish the same. There is no time, therefore, gained by hastening with the intellec- tual education of a child ; let its brain first mature and harden, easily to perform intellectual labor. Besides, it is not necessary to accelerate the intellectual development, in our days of rail-roads and ready intercourse, which offer to the young an easy medium of instruction not heretofore known. A child can learn to read and write, by merely having its curiosity and imitative faculty excited, through the innumerable hand-bills posted up in streets and thoroughfares, on steamboats, and on rail-roads. The means and objects of observation being increased an hundred fold, com- pared with former times, there remains less for the school to instruct. The physical cultivation is, therefore, the first we have to look to in a child. It comprises different practices, from the mere running about in the street, to the most complicated gymnastic exercises. It forms a complete system, and ought to be taught and practised in perfect earnestness. We will dwell upon the more important exercises at some length. d3 66 GIRL. The girl should be permitted to run about in the open air, and exercise at least as much, if not in the same manner, as the boy. Her plays are naturally different, but the benefit derived from them for the development of the system, is the same. If the boy flies the kite, the girl rolls the hoop and jumps the rope. The latter amusement ought to undergo a surveillance by older persons, to avoid an excess of action and consequent injury to the nervous system, which is naturally excitable in the young. The girl should be exposed, even to the same degree of inclemency of weather as the boy, in all seasons, in order to harden her sys- tem and prevent precocious development. This latter consideration is even more weighty in her case, than in that of a boy, who develops more slowly, while she is inclined to precocious develop- ment. To counteract this more fully, frequent cold bathing is necessary, which, having become a habit with the child, will continue to be enjoyed as a luxury by the girl and maiden. The dress worn by the girl at all times, particular- ly during play hours, ought to be made to fit loosely. Any pressure in this age has a very injurious effect on the physical development, impeding easy, free and abundant motion ; compressing the bony struc- ture, and thereby preventing the nobler internal organs from expanding. Spinal and lung diseases are the frequent result of a violation of this rule. CHILDHOOD. 67 Another very excellent exercise, suitable and natural for the girl, is dancing, the artistic rules of which, as an accomplishment, may be acquired in this period of life, better and sooner than afterwards. The child between seven and four- teen years, is naturally inclined to exercise, will be, therefore, fond of the dancing school. Its movements can be directed, in this age, very easily, because the mind of the young is less fettered by conventionalities and restraints, which produce so much awkwardness in after life, if one is not regu- larly instructed in the free and graceful motions of the body. In thus recommending parents to have their children, and particularly their daughters, acquire this beautiful accomplishment, we do not advo- cate its excessive practice among the young or adult. We have seen moral and physical evils resulting from its abuse, and feel very anxious to warn parents, not to allow their daughters to become too much fascinated by the pleasures of the dance. The best of every thing may be abused; this should not prevent us from using it moderately and to the purpose. Dancing, systematically taught and rationally pursued, improves the beauty of the natural gait, and is conducive to bodily health and a fine flow of hilarity and enjoyment. We protest, however, against all fashionable nonsense, by which dancing, as an art, is carried too far, and d4 68 GIRL. becomes too difficult for easy instruction or quick acquisition. It ought to be taught in a simple, easy manner, without the affectation of the modern fashionable dancing school, in which this liberal accomplishment is presented to the pupils in a professional perfection, not suited to educational purposes. The latter object is only needed and desired, which to effect, nothing more is necessary than to teach the child the various graceful attitudes and motions, having reference to the improvements of its own natural walk and carriage. But it is not necessary only to establish by art, the elegance and grace of the human figure; we must also endeavor to raise its physical strength. For that purpose, the systematical exercise of the muscles, as taught by gymnastics, is strongly re- commended. The term "gymnastics," signifies physical exercises, according to scientific rules. Now, many might believe it needless to take exer- cise under the control of certain rules, thinking that bodily exercise in any shape or form, was the same in its results, viz: strengthening the system. This, however, is not so. Exercise may do harm as well as good, and great discrimination is needed to apply its force at the right time and in the proper direction. To let a person with feeble lungs take exercise in walking every day for a long distance, would certainly not improve his condi- tion, it would rather be injurious to him ; while CHILDHOOD. 69 exercising the muscles of the chest by throwing out and drawing back his arms, would be bene- ficial. Thus every muscle in the whole system has its own beneficial effect, and should be strengthened by an appropriate exercise. For this purpose to put successively all muscles in active motion, the art of gymnastics has arisen, which teaches the various methods of doing it. A double benefit is gained by this process. It is not merely the acquisition of physical strength resulting from these practices, but also the training of the mental faculties, indirectly coming into play during these physical exercises, when performed scientifically. The pupil is constantly reminded that the use of certain means will be needed to accomplish certain ends. Thus, his faculties of calculation, decision, energy, order, etc., will be intelligently acted upon. The unscientific exercise of the body is as different from the scientific, as the playing of one who is unlearned, on the piano, compared with that of an experienced musician. The one produces an unharmonious, offensive noise, while the other delights and instructs by his performance. An important art, of so vast a range, cannot be taught and practised sufficiently in a short time. To be accomplished in the art of playing on the piano, requires years of patient, persevering effort; and the body is analogous to and even more complex than a piano, having four 70 GIRL. hundred muscles to be set in motion or played upon. It must require years of continued exercise and study to bring these hundreds of muscles under intelligent control, to act upon and with them, and thereby improve their several conditions and strengthen the whole system. The intro- duction of gymnastics ought to be commenced, therefore, in early childhood, while yet the body easily yields to, and even delights in exercises of all kinds; their study can be made very attractive to the youthful mind, as these practices not merely delight the bodily senses, but also engage and invigorate the intellect, acting constantly upon the child's attention and discrimination, that it may comprehend the different motions, and distin- guish one from another. A child cannot well be put under gymnastic training before it is six or seven years of age; it will then be sufficiently advanced to understand and retain the lessons, which begin like other systematic studies, with elementary efforts, and advance gradually. With the growth of the pupil, the exercises increase in power and variety. Every voluntary muscle of the body is, one by one, acted upon, and brought under the control of the will; particularly is this the case, where parts of the body or systems of muscles seem to be weaker or less developed than others. Regulated exercise increases their strength and bulk, and restores thereby that harmony of CHIIDHOOD. 71 organic development, so essential to the future health and permanent welfare of the whole system. Thus the gymnastics assume an hygienic impor- tance, not equalled by any other means, to counteract or prevent disease. And this in a greater degree for the girl than the boy; because the former, naturally weaker in frame and muscle, suffers more from early confinement in the school, and becomes thereby particularly inclined to spinal and lung complaints, these scourges and tortures of the female sex. Having arrived at this part of our subject, viz: the hygienic bearing of gymnastics on the present and future welfare of the female system, we would call the reader's attention again and again, to its vast importance, by reviewing the present treatment of girls during their educa- tion, and its bearing upon the health and welfare of the child. Look at the lively little girl, running about all day, fixing dolls or playing otherwise in the house or out of doors, talking incessantly, and putting herself into all imaginable shapes and forms, expressing thereby her inner feelings or wishes, and exercising her muscles instinctively. Scarcely four years old, you confine this lively and lovely little creature into an infant school,* where almost the * Some writer in '■ Chambers' Information for the People," goes still farther in torturing the poor little ones; his advice, if acted out, would certainly kill the whole infant world. Hear his D6 72 GIRL. whole day long she has to sit quiet or be restrained at least in her movements and plays. Her brain, as yet very soft and impressible, is excited too much by the studies in the books, wThile at the same time, the general system is thwarted in its development by confinement and rest. This is just perverting the order. In this age the brain needs rest, at least, not more action than the natural instinct of the child will demand, while the muscles and bones need all the motion they can get, to develope strongly and perfectly. It is impossible to reverse the natural order of things, without suffering the penalty following such an offence. Nature and medicine will cease to cure, where the offence was too great, disturbing the fundamental arrangements of the system. The brain is proportionally larger in infants than in adults; the head therefore, does not grow as much advice: "From six to fourteen years of age.—In a rightly arranged and complete course of elementary, intellectual educa- tion, it is presumed that the period from two to six years of age, has been spent in an infant sclmol. The effect which such a preparation has in facilitating the subsequent operations of the teacher, is so great that every effort should be made, to give children the advantage of it." The practical impossibility of being carried out, saves the above advice from any comment on our part; it is too extrava- gant, bordering on the ridiculous and insane in its demands, and therefore harmless ; yet the reader will perceive the danger of their infants being killed by methods like the above, recom- mended, or already in vogue. CHILDHOOD. 73 or as fast as the other parts of the body. The brain being as yet very tender, easily yields to the pressure of the blood in its vessels, which pre- disposes to dropsy of the brain, acute or chronic, both equally fearful and fatal. Precocious mental development will over-excite and congest the brain and thereby cause inflammation and dropsy of the brain, convulsions, weakness of muscles and bones, rachitis, etc. The young system wants air and exercise. Without these, its growth is stinted at once; it cannot bear to be shut up in rooms or confined upon benches ; it needs the fullest liberty. The injury done to those innocent little ones, by sending them to infant schools, is immense and can hardly ever be repaired, as the injury is inflicted during this early period, mostly on the spine and breast bone, often also, on the pelvis, causing rachitical diseases, which positively de- stroy the best part of life's happiness and destiny. Parents, this misery could have been spared to you and your daughters by a little reflection and action, in the right direction with nature, not against her. It is true, your excuse is perfect; you did not know any better. You did as others have done, and still are doing; you could not be blamed, neither were you aware of any harm being done to your darling. Did the little daughter not come home from school cheerful and 74 GIRL. delighted with her school-mistress ; she loved her so much, she could not now stay away from school, she would be very unhappy, etc. You are pleased to watch and see the great progress your child makes in reading, writing and cyphering ; what a capital teacher she has, and how forward the child is; there never was such a child. Its future is speculated upon with no little relish. Poor parents, all this time you have been striving with all your might to ruin the health and prospects of your child, nay, even the intellectual developments which you intended to foster so early and tho- roughly, you have impeded, thwarted and stinted forever. But, you say, why is it that the child, if not naturally inclined to intellectual pursuit, loves it so much that it sometimes even cannot be persuaded to leave the books for playthings \ This is very obvious, if we consider the means which are used to make the child fond of books and study. Not to mention the fact, that children like to be in the school-room, because they prefer the society of their own age to that of a more advanced one, its noise and excitement to the quiet and restraint of home and its parlor; there is another still greater inducement to draw them to books, instead of plays, and this is one of our own fab- rication. The ambition of the young mind is stirred up in that early period of life, in order to arouse its energies to study, and hard intellectual labor. CHILDHOOD. 75 Thus ambition, this legitimate stimulus of a more advanced age which needs its sting and propelling power, is used by our enlightened teachers, to set the brains of children on fire, and put their intellects into hot-houses, before their hearts are prepared to expel envy and malice, almost always the inseparable companions of ambition. It is dangerous to arouse passions, even the noblest, given to us by Providence for wise purposes, before the time of their natural appearance has arrived. Be these passions either of a moral or physical nature, their harmonious workings have to follow the same laws. If aroused prematurely, their action becomes de- structive by engendering morbid conditions and precocious development. But if allowed to lie dormant in the system until the time appointed by nature, they spring up in healthful action and vigor, accompanied always by their counterpoises, antidoting and restraining their activity if too abundant. In this manner, if ambition should be- come too great and unscrupulous in a full grown man, prudence will arise to curb its impetus; man will reflect on the evil consequences which may result from a too ambitious desire and thus the equilibrium of his mind is at once restored. Not so in a child, where reflection has not yet appeared to restrain the will if under ambitious influence. Children, whose ambition has been unduly stimu- 76 GIRL. lated, sometimes have received serious injury in body and mind from such unnatural races; they frequently have died from diseases, thus contracted. A medical friend at my side just now relates to me the sad story of his sister, who lost five of her children, all during the first school period, from precocious intellectual development; the sixth one was saved by adhering to the Doctor's strict rule, not to foster mental but physical development.* It was the fault of former times to educate the young mind too little; we have fallen into the other extreme of educating too much, by over- taxing the minds of the young. The middle course must be kept, otherwise the harmony in * I am perfectly convinced that harm is done by the premiums and prizes offered at the examinations in schools, to the most forward pupils. It is a system which naturally had to accom- pany the hot-house education, as it exists at present everywhere, and for which it furnishes the best fuel to force the tender plants into premature mental growth, regardless of sound physical basis. If modern educationists had offered to the mind of the child at- tractive and comprehensible studies, they would find the stimulus of gain or preferment, in the shape of prizes, premiums and places, unnecessary to induce the child to exercise its mental faculties. Moreover, it is wrong to make the child labor, some- times above its natural powers, by holding out these inducements to his young, lively soul, thereby inflaming the lower passions of gain, pride and ambition, and poisoning its harmless, inno- cent existence with the bitterness and stimulus of an older age; vices of the same age will find an open door, and thus it is, that at present we frequently find our youth having become old, before they have been young. CHILDHOOD. 77 the double nature of man is disturbed and his growth, in either direction, stinted. We have above alluded to only one of the many erroneous practices into which modern edu- cationists have fallen by attempting to raise the standard of education. We have shown that it is not in harmony with a child's development, to arouse in him, prematurely, one of the most powerful passions, without being able to bring into play its counterpoise, and that it is dangerous, even criminal, to do so, as frequently, thereby, diseases are provoked fatal to life and health. We now will add, that it is also cruel to do so, because the ambitious child, having strained its mental powers to the utmost, and still not being able to compete successfully, meets thereby with one of the most agonizing draw-backs which falls to the lot of man. Have you never seen the burning tears rolling profusely down the child's cheek, heated with shame or rage, after an intellectual race was lost ? These juvenile disappointments, the frequent and natural results of our present educational system, are as keenly felt, and as bitter in their taste, and as hardening in their after-effect, as those experienced in later years, and perhaps more so, as their severity is not softened by reflection or prospective repara- tion. The bitterness of the moment is felt in all its disagreeable power, and often crushes, at one blow, the aspirations of the young, their hopes 78 GIRL. and energies. You may say that all this only lasts for a short time, that young blood soon forgets the ills of life; yes, it may be so, but nevertheless the young heart is deeply wounded, and although the wound soon heals, a scar will be left to impede the natural and wide expansion of the heart. We ought to be very careful not to offend, without good and wise reasons, the child's mind, because its sensibilities are finer and more perceptive, while reason and reflection are not yet very strong. We hope to see the day when a closer analysis of the peculiar organization of the juvenile mind shall guide those to whose care its education is intrusted. We are sure that after mature consider- ation of the subject, they will find it necessary to adapt their system to the developing, not to the developed child; that they will treat the child as such, and not as if it had all the fully developed faculties of the adult. A general school system should be adopted, based upon the above principles, viz: the physical education by means of gymnastics, dancing, music, etc., together with instruction in the most elemen- tary branches of knowledge up to the tenth year of age, and afterwards, up to the fourteenth year, the higher branches of instruction together with higher gymnastics. Were such a system adopted, we should soon enjoy its good results; the next generation would have strong, intelligent mothers, CHILDHOOD. 79 capable of filling, in the full sense of that word, the responsibilities belonging to them. It is the sacred duty of every one comprehending the vast impor- tance of this subject, to work for its realization. Above, we have mentioned music as one of the elementary branches to be taught to children. It is necessarily comprised in a catalogue of instruc- tion. Music, in its composition and effect, is emphatically the most humanitary of arts. It belongs to all countries, races, sexes and ages; it enters into every one's organization; its harmony and melody are the very soul of all that exists, and its tact and rythm form the mathematics, the crystallizing principle of the world. We cannot have too high an appreciation of its value, either as a source of enjoyment, or in the culture of body or mind. The child perceives and feels its influence as readily as the adult reads, in its swelling notes, the highest thoughts and sublimest sentiments. Music is universal in application and effect, the best introduction, therefore, to all other sciences and branches of knowledge. To exclude music from the schools would be a death-blow to all education ; its fertilizing principle would be want- ing, leaving a waste in the soul as barren as the sands of Sahara. Music, like morals, must be taught, practiced and enjoyed during our whole life, commencing with the earliest dawn of perception. Girls, above all, should be well instructed in 80 GIRL. music; not to make of them professional singers or players, but to let them enjoy and study harmony and rythm, the constructors of happiness and bliss. The young soul and hand of a girl is ready to cultivate music, particularly if her mind be not over-bur- dened with premature knowledge of a more abstract nature. We recommend, therefore, instruction in music during the whole time devoted to education. For young girls, the piano forte will be the best instrument for instruction; in after years the harp becomes an elegant and appropriate means of further musical study. The voice ought to be cultivated at the same time. Singing being a natural gift of the female sex, it would be hardly necessary here to admon- ish parents not to neglect its proper cultivation in the education of their young daughters. Having, thus far, considered kthe physical and intellectual condition of young girls, it remains for us to notice their moral and religious training. But as this comprises the most important elements of individual happiness, and as such must be left to the especial care of the child's natural guar- dians, we refrain from mentioning the means, necessary for the accomplishment of this object; they are known to, and within reach of every one, as we live in a Christian country. One remark may not be out of place here. Religion, like music, is universal, and the very CHILDHOOD. 81 soul of our being; let this soul once awake, and a new creation will appear, immeasurably ex* alted above all others. And as religion, like music, can be enjoyed doubly in sentiment and thought, it follows that its teachings can and should be commenced, like those of music, early in childhood, when the finer sensibilities of our nature are yet in full play, and religious sentiments fasten the attention of the young soul, as the soft tones of the ^Eols harp. Before we conclude this chapter on woman's girlhood, we will say yet a few words concerning the means of education at present in vogue. We have already mentioned that the popular school system is altogether defective as regards rational education. It might be thought, however, that female Seminaries and boarding-schools had ob- viated these evils and replaced them by better educational means; but this is not so. They are even worse, in many respects, than the common schools of the country. Their plan of education is almost wholly based upon the most rigid intel- lectual training, destroying the physical system in the very bud. The number and variety of studies imposed upon a young girl in these institutions, is really frightful if not ridiculous, each establish- ment trying to out-do the other in these particulars. The programme must be full, comprehensive and novel; if so, it will draw pupils. Hear Eliz. 82 GIRL. Blackwell, M. D., who, on this subject, must be set down as good authority: "The most abstruse subjects, that tax the attention of the strongest mental powers, are pre- sented as studies for the young; girls of thirteen or fifteen are called upon to ponder the problems of mental and moral philosophy, to demonstrate the propositions of Euclid, to understand the refine- ments of rhetoric and logic—admirable studies, truly, but they are the food of mature minds, not suitable to children. But it would puzzle the most ingenious observer, to discover the good use of most of our children's studies. If the object be mental discipline, there is no surer way of defeating such an object, than to attempt to give the mind a superficial view of a subject too difficult for it to grasp—to confuse it with a multitude of discon- nected studies—to hurry it from subject to subject, so that the simple studies more suited to the young mind, are imperfectly acquired and soon for- gotten. * * * How can it be otherwise, when the young mind has to apply itself, during the limited term of school study, to such a list of subjects as the following: Grammar, Ancient and Modern History, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Botany, Astronomy, Mental and Moral Philosophy, Physiology, Rhetoric, Composition, Elocution, Logic, Algebra, Geometry, Belles-Lettres! Now for the accomplishments: French, Latin, Italian, per- CHILDHOOD. 83 haps Spanish, German and Greek—I believe Hebrew is not introduced in this country—vocal and instrumental music, piano, harp, guitar, drawing, painting, and various kinds of fancy work." This is truly a formidable array of studies for a young girl, while she is at boarding-school. It is impossible for her to do full justice to all of them; the attempt would certainly prove fatal to health. But, thanks to the native sprightliness of youth, they slight most, if not all of them, and thus manage to escape with their lives from the ordeal of the fashionable boarding-school. It is true they have acquired a smattering of knowledge and perhaps outward polish of manners and accom- plishments, but it is only superficial, imperfectly acquired and soon forgotten. Has anything been learned, really useful in after-life ? No, absolutely nothing, save perhaps reading and writing. And, as regards the first, her taste acquired in the boarding-school, may be anything but the best. Has she secured a healthy, strong body, to sustain her in the duties and cares which will soon follow ? No, her body is perhaps less strong and healthy than when she entered the school. How useless, then, nay, how ruinous, must be a system of edu- cation, which promises so much and effects so little good, aside from the real evil it does. The world never was punished with a worse educational 84 GIRL. system, or one which so completely annihilates the hope of the parent and philanthropist, by nipping the welfare of future generations in the bud. It is full time for this nation to look well to its edu- cational matters; because their influence is vast, and the most important interests are at stake. Reform in this respect, should take place soon, or the future flower of the nation will be withered ere yet it opens. With a total change in the course of studies, and the adoption of gymnastic instruction, the young girl will receive that kind of education which will fit her for the severer duties of after-life. CHAPTER. III. MAIDEN, OR YOUNG LADY, Just before or about the time, when the girl becomes a maiden, or as we now say, a young lady, great alterations have taken place in her physical system; changes, the nature of which will, from this time onward, affect her whole future for evil or good. At the same time the girl's mind receives a new direction; she behaves differently, is more reserved in her conduct, and more careful in her appearance before others. The monthly period, or menstruation has appeared. As it is important for mothers to know the use and signification of this periodical discharge, which is the herald of such vast changes in the female economy, and the balance-wheel of her health during the most eventful period of her life, we will treat of it in these pages more fully, showing its origin and connection with other vital processes, occurring simultaneously in the system. As in the course of explanations for this purpose, it will be necessary to make the reader acquainted with the most secret and sacred proceedings of E 86 MAIDEN. nature, we will endeavor to convey this informa- tion in a manner as little exceptionable as possible. A mother should have a correct knowledge of these processes, so intimately connected with her own and the happiness of her daughters, dispens- ing continually either health or disease. If it is not given to her correctly, her natural curiosity, impelled by the interest attached to the strange phenomenon, will incite her to procure from other sources, wherever she can, such knowledge on this subject as may, perhaps, lead her into misery and danger. Before the true nature of menstruation, its cause and object was fully known, the treatment of female diseases, depending on menstrual disor- ders, was very uncertain and hazardous. Recent investigations have dispelled this doubt and uncer- tainty ; the anatomist and physiologist have combined to reveal to us these most secret trans- actions of nature, thereby enabling the physician to prevent and cure their diseases more success- fully. Information so important and useful, should not be withheld from the people, if we can correct thereby the many erroneous opinions which are yet afloat respecting menstruation, its origin and signification in female development. The menses have been generally considered the surest evidence of a girl having passed into the state of womanhood. In most cases, particularly YOUNG LADY. 87 in healthy girls, this is true. But as menstruation ~ is not properly the cause of this change, but only an outward sign of those internal preparations necessary for such a change, it may frequently occur that, by some morbid conditions, this periodical discharge does not make its appearance, although, from other unmistakable signs, the girl has become a young woman. These signs which, besides menstruation, indi- cate the approach of womanhood, arise commonly between the twelfth and fourteenth year. Some are invariably present, such as the increased size of the hips and breasts, the roundness and swelling of the limbs, the perceptible fullness of the whole form; others are variable in their occurrence, having reference more to mental development. The girl, talkative, roguish and romping, becomes at once reserved, retiring, sometimes even sad and easily moved to tears. She begins to dress with more care, and is more observing anxiously and silently; her whole soul is filled with gentle emotions. She longs to enjoy the pleasures of sincere, disinterested friendship, that love in a bud, which makes life a de- lightful journey. In this state of mind, she clings to her mother for advice and counsel, showing more affection towards her than here- tofore. Then it is that a mother can exert the most beneficent influence over this developing;, 88 MAIDEN. interesting creature, just ready to become a womam In this time of fear and hope, the mother ought to instruct and counsel her as to the meaning and import of the various phenomena, so strange to the trembling girl, but of the utmost importance to the developed woman. At first, naturally modest, the girl will often hide from the sight of the mother, what she considers to be singular and wrong. The first appearance of the menses may even frighten the timid girl, who does not know the meaning of such an occurrence. A watchful mother or female friend, should never fail to give the girl such instruction and advice as will dispel her fears and guide her actions. A general development of form and size takes place mostly from four to six months, prior to the first appearance of the menses. This first out- break, like the teething of infants, is frequently accompanied by many morbid symptoms, princi- pally of a nervous and congestive nature, such as head-ache, palpitation of the heart, sensation of smothering, irritable, quick and impatient tem- perament, sometimes followed of a sudden by sadness and depression of spirits, restless nights, pains in the small of the back and loins, etc. These symptoms disappear as soon as the discharge commences, which may last at the first time for two or three days. The proper average duration of the courses afterwards, is five days • if it is YOUNG LADY. 89 below or above this standard, it is caused by morbid conditions or other modifying circumstances. As it is all-important for the health of the girl to have the menses established well and regularly, it is necessary not to overlook, in the beginning, those morbid symptoms, above alluded to. They may be ignored once or twice without producing serious injury; but if the menses continue to be accompanied with pains in the back, cramps in the stomach, etc., we must not neglect to call in medical advice. We refer the reader to Part II., where, under the head of " Difficult Menstrua- tion,'''' the remedial course to be pursued in such a case, is indicated. The nature of these pains and apparent obstructions will be understood after a consideration of the internal proceedings con- nected with menstruation and its object. Puberty in a female, or the aptitude of becoming a mother, is produced by the action of two small bodies, lying on each side of the uterus, and connected with it by small tubes, leading into its cavity. These small, oval-shaped bodies are called ovaries, or egg-beds. They are composed of a formative material, called stroma, which contains small vesicles, ova or eggs, the con- struction of which, in all its essential parts, is similar to the common egg, when yet without the external shell, even as regards the presence of the yelk, the main dependence of the growing germ. e3 90 MAIDEN. Their size, however, is extremely small, not ex- ceeding that of a pin's head. The same wonderful arrangement obtains in the vegetable kingdom, which also propagates its kind by means of ova, or little eggs, as far as is known at present. For these astonishing and interesting discoveries, we are mainly indebted to the microscope, by the aid of which the exact structure of the various parts engaged in these proceedings was fully revealed, and their function determined. We will presently see with what precision and harmony the different organs co-operate to facilitate the propagation of the species. The little egg, which we will call hereafter ovule, lies dormant, enclosed in a sack, until it becomes stimulated by the reproductive power of the system, which, as we now know, returns peri- odically in the human female about every month. At that time it begins to grow, bursts the sack, and escapes into the Fallopian tube, which carries it into the cavity of the uterus. In single life it passes away with the menstrual discharge, which, as a secretion of the uterus, is just then excited by the same reproductive power of the system. In married life, when the conditions of nature are fulfilled, the ovule is retained within the cavity of the womb and there developes to a perfect human being. The explanation of this process will be given in another place of the book. For us it YOUNG LADY. 91 is, in this connection, important to know that menstruation stands in the closest relation to the generative power and process of nature; that its healthful appearance is indicative of a perfect development of these forces, but that a premature hastening, or a tardy appearance of the menses by disease or artificial means, must injure the above named functions and thereby the whole female system, formed, in a physical respect, especially for that purpose. As already stated, menstruation appears about the fourteenth year; this may be considered the normal standard, although frequent deviations from this rule may take place. If it occurs earlier, diverse circumstances may have hastened its ap- pearance, such as luxurious habits, indolence, sensual indulgences, reading of novels, etc.; also sedentary habits and too close application to study, have a great tendency to produce menstruation in advance of the other signs of womanhood, mentioned above, which must precede the menses. A girl must have become, first, broader across the hips, the breasts must have enlarged, and her form filled up in rounded outlines, before a health- ful menstrual discharge can be expected. If this is not the case, the cause of the non-appearance of the period lies in the backward ovarian develop- ment, which, generally has its foundations in the qualitative deterioration of the blood. This then e4 92 MAIDEN. has to be ameliorated before the menses can appear. The remedies to effect this will be indicated in the Part II. From the above it will appear how useful, in a practical point of view, these discoveries have become, directing our remedial means to the places really diseased. A physician, without a clear comprehension of these secret occurrences would be unable to treat successfully their disorders. Action without knowledge becomes frequently fatal. An instance of this is related by Dr. Dixon, as follows: "We have seen cases, in which mothers demanded importunately medical treatment for children, possessing not a single sign of woman- hood ; and upon one occasion, in which we very unwisely refused to prescribe for a young girl, death was the consequence of a powerful medicine administered by a well-meaning, though ignorant parent. In this instance we might, by apparently yielding to the parent's desire, or by prescribing some harmless drug, have gained time, as re- commended by some humane physicians, until menstruation was produced by the effort of nature. The case made at the time a strong impression upon our sympathies, and we determined to use our humble powers of popular instruction, when time and experience had given us more knowledge of the subject." If menstruation is once established, it generally YOUNG LADY. 93 returns every twenty-eight days. Its duration each time is about from five to six days. Its too early or too late appearance depends mostly upon morbid constitutionality, engendered by heritage or wrong habits, by diseases having a special reference to the uterine region, luxurious living, etc The amount of menstrual discharge varies very much. The normal standard, however, may be set down safely at from five to eight ounces during each monthly period. Yet, this can not rule individual cases, which are governed by peculiarities in constitution and habits. If the woman remains healthy, the object of nature is fulfilled. The same constitutionality governs the time of appearance, and may modify the normal standard of twenty-eight days frequently, without inflicting any injury upon the general health. Having thus dwelt at length on the nature of those proceedings which, silently preparing for action during childhood, break forth at last in the monthly period, as the surest outward sign of the important change from childhood to womanhood ; having considered its origin, use and effect in the female system, we are now prepared to follow the young woman in the different spheres of her activity. She has not alone changed her physical appearance, as we have seen, but her moral nature also differs essentially from that of the child. e5 94 MAIDEN. While a child, that is before the appearance of her monthly period, her mental faculties were less engaged with the proper, nice and decorous. She was unobserving, careless as to drawing the atten- tion of others towards her; she yet participated to a certain extent, in the free, romping, even wild character of the boy. She had yet to be governed by others, parents and teachers ; the rule within herself, that priceless jewel and powerful weapon of a female, womanly modesty, had not yet commenced to guide her steps and desires, which hitherto expressed themselves as mere appetites. She was still a school-girl, thoughtless, sprightly and joyous. But scarcely has she passed the Rubicon of woman's development, when the wild, romping girl becomes thoughtful and retiring ; she dresses with neatness and elegance; her gait and carriage assumes an elastic dignity; she is anxious to please and to be observed; her motions and de- sires are regulated by gracefulness and modesty. Although yet under the guidance of her parents and teachers, she already thinks and acts for herself; she feels that she has responsibilities and duties. 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A knowledge of the structure of plants will be attained by the perusal of this volume, and an acquaintance be made with the whole economy of the vegetable world in a manner which renders the study a recreation instead of a weariness. Christian Press. An ingenious and interesting volume, upon a new plan, containing rare infor- mation mingled with pure sentiment.—Buffalo Express. He not only presents the principles of the science in the most attractive lia-ht but he contrives to draw from the visible forms of nature such lessons as have In important bearing; on our moral being.—Detroit Herald. MOORE, ANDERSON, &. CO.'S PUBLICATIONS, THREE GREAT TEMPTATIONS! Second Thousand in One month ! ! ! THE THREE GREAT TEMPTATIONS OF YOUNG MEN— With several Lectures addressed to Business and Professional Men : By Samuel W. Fisher. 1 vol. 12mo., pp. 336. $1. CONTENTS. The Sirens, The Slater of the Strong, The Wine-cup, The Plat-house, The Card-table, The Web op Vice, The Christian Lawyer, The Path op Infidelity, The Mosaic Law of Usury, Commercial Morality. "A work of unusual attraction. We know not where to have seen these subjects so im- pressively, yet so properly and guardedly examined. Far above common-place specimens. They expose dangers of terrible imminence, and urge persuasions of incomparable impor- tance, in away that offends not the taste, yet reaches the heart and engages the thoughts." N. Y. Evangelist. "Able and often eloquont. * * * A work which may well be put into the hands of youth just entering upon life."—N. Y. Observer. " We shall put the book by upon one of the choice shelves of our private library."—Bos. ton Congregationalist. " The author's style is not less clear and forcible than ornate and eloquent." — Detroit Herald. "Characterized by earnestness, eloquence, and adaptation to the end had in view."—JV. F. Recorder. " Paints in vigorous language the horrible consequences of vice."—Boston Post. " We would that every young man in the land could be persuaded to read it carefully."— Louisville Recorder. "Dr. Fisher has spoken honestly and boldly. * * * Characterized by great energy of thought, a free and copious style, and by a spirit of high Christian philanthropy."— Puritan Recorder. " Has proceeded boldly where most public teachers are too timid to venture, and his manly plainness is also marked by prudence and true delicacy."—Presbyterian of the West. "Written in a style most inviting to youth and worthy of a very wide circulation."— Oincinnati Ch. Herald. "Wni do much good to that great class of young men who, reared in the country, are daily transferred to the cities and make up their effective population."— Worcester {Mass.) Palladium. " Mr. Fisher speaks pointedly and plainly. Let young men listen and learn."—Philadel- phia Presbyterian. " Worthy of an attentive perusal."—Philadelphia Observer. « The man, who sits down to the perusal of this volume, must rise up wiser and better, if there be any virtue in good counsel beautifully and touchingly given,"-Madison Courr. « The style is bold, manly, and vigorous, and in some portions very beautiful. * * In the name of the young men of our cities, we thank Dr. Fisher for preparing and sending forth so timely a volume."—Presbyterian Herald. " The teachings of the excellent preacher will be regarded as unfaslnonable and so they are but their value is no less certain, and their practical workings cannot but be vastly beneficial to the tone of society."-iV. Y. Daily Times. MOORE & ANDERSON'S PUBLICATIONS. SERVICE AFLOAT AND ASHORE: By Lieut. Raphael Semmes, U. S. N. "Unlike most similar works, this has no one hero,unless the natural partiality manifested for General Worth, may be considered as giving him a more marked elevation. It is neither adorned nor disfigured with vulgar anecdotes, to gratify a morbid love of the marvelous. The author writes right on : like a man who seeks to tell the truth. He crit- icises freely, whatever, high or low, his Sailor's eye deems worthy of comment. The intelligent reader will be pleased with the frankness and independence of the writer."—Newark Daily Advertiser. " He was early engaged in the blockade of the Mexican ports, and narrowly escaped death while in command of the Somers; afterward, through fortuitous circumstances, he became a participant in, and observer of, nearly all the stirring incidents in General Scott's triumph- ant march to the Capital. * * * Lieut. Semmes possesses the fac- ulty of describing comprehensively, intricate occurrences, and seizes upon the prominent points of a field of battle, and presents them in such a manner that we are, as it were eye witnesses of the scene. We have rarely read a work, put forward with so little pretension, so intrinsi- cally valuable."—Mobile Daily Advertiser. " This is an elegant volume in every respect. * * * The work is written with great spirit, taste and ability. We have seen no work which has given us such vivid impressions of Mexican scenery and char- acter, or the events of General Scott's campaign. * * * He has thrown around the country, the people, and the expedition, a flood of illumina- tion from the historians of the Spanish march and conquests over the same regions. * * * The whole book inspires and sustains an inter- est of which the reader can form no opinion, unless he goes through, which he will not fail to do, if he begins."—Southern Press. " Calm, deliberate, and intelligent, as he is, he cannot entirely con- ceal his personal preferences. He has, notwithstanding, furnished the very best book whicli that war has called forth, and, with remarkable in- telligence and skill, has interwoven the events of the war with saga- cious observations on the country and people."—Phil. Presbyterian. " A beautiful and very interesting volume, which, from the glances we have had time to give it, appears to be written with much ability, and to afford the reader a great deal of valuable information in regard to the war, the country, and the people."—Bait. American. " A most interesting addition to the literature of a war, odious in its origin, as it was triumphant in its progress, and happy in its conse- quences."—Puritan Recorder. " It is written with a spirit and life that commend it to perusal."__ IV. Y. Observer. " Ax accomplished writer as well as gallant officer."—Philadelphia Observer. " It is difficult, after having commenced its perusal, to lay it aside before finishing it."—Norfolk Daily News. ELEMENTS OF MORAL SCIENCE, by Francis Wayland, D. D., President of Brown University, and Professor of Moral Philosophy. Forty-seventh thousand.— 12mo'................................................................cloth,.... 1,25 MORAL SCIENCE ABRIDGED, and adapted to the use of Schools and Academies, by the Author. Thirtieth thousand,...................................half mor.... 50 The same, Cheap School Edition,....................................boards .... 25 This work is used in the Boston Schools, and is exceedingly popular as a text book wherever it has been adopted. ELEMENTS OF POLITICAL EC NO MY, by Francis Wayland, D. D. Twenty- first thousand. 12mo,................................................cloth ....1 25 POLITICAL ECONOMY ABRIDGED, and adapted to the use of Schools and Academies, by the Author. Seventh thousand,.....................half mor.....,50 The above works by Dr. Wayland, are used as Text Books in most of the Colleges and higher Schools throughout the Union, and are highly approved. PALEY'S NATURAL THEOLOGY. llustrated by forty Plates, with selections from the Notes of Dr. Paxton, and additional Notes, original and selected, with a Vocab- ulary of Scientific Terms. Edited by John Ware, M. D. 12mo.....half mor.....1,25 ROMAN ANTIQUITIES AND ANCIENT MYTHOLOGY; by C. K. Dillaway. Illustrated by elegant Engravings. Eighth edition, improved. 12mo..half mor___,67 THE YOUNG LADIES' CLASS BOOK ; a Selection of Lessons for Reading, in Prose and Verse. By Ebenezer Bailey, A. M. Fifty-second edition,., half mor.... ,84 BLAKE'S NATURAL PHILOSOPHY; being Conversations on Philosophy, with Explanatory Notes, Questions for Examination, and a Dictionary of Philosophical Terms, with twenty-eight steel Engravings. By J. L. Blake, D. D.,.............sheep.... ,67 BLAKE'S FIRST BOOK IN ASTRONOMY ; designed for the use of Common Schools. Illustrated with steel-plate Engravings. By John L. Blake, D. D,........... half bound.....,50 FIRST LESSONS IN INTELLECTUAL PHILOSOPHY; or a Familiar Explan- ation of the Nature and Operations of the Human Mind. By Silas Blaisdale,........ sheep,.... ,84 THE CICERONIAN; or, the Prussian Method of Teaching the Elements of the Latin Language. Adapted to the use of American Schools. By Professor B. Sears, Secretary of Massachusetts Board o£ Education. 18mo,..............half mor.... ,50 MEMORIA TECHNICA; or, the Art of Abbreviating those Studies which give the greatest labor to the Memory; including Numbers, Historical Dates, Geography, Astron- omy, Gravities, &c. By L. D. Johnson. Second edition, revised and improved,........ half bound,.... ,50 PROGRESSIVE PENMANSHIP, Plain and Ornamental, for the use of Schools. By N. D. Gould, author of " Beauties of Writing," " Writing Master's Assistant," etc..... in five parts, each.....12)£ Letter Sheet Size of the above in four books,...............stiff covers, each.... ,20 The copies are arranged in progressive series, and are likewise so diversified by the introduction of variations in style, so as to command the constant attention and exercise the ingenuity of the learner, thus removing some of the most serious obstacles to the success of the teacher. They are divided into five series, intended for the like number of books, and are so arranged and folded that a copy always comes over the top of the page on which it is to be written. There are ninety-six copies, presenting a regular inductive system of Penmanship for ordinary business purposes, followed by examples of every variety of Ornamental Writing. 83- This work is introduced into many of the Boston Public and Private Schools, and gives universal satisfaction. WRITING COPIES, Plain and Ornamental,from the "Progressive Penmanship," bound in one book,...............................................................>™% THE LIFE AND CORRESPONDENCE OF JOHN FOSTER. Edited by J. E. Ryland, with notices of Mr. Foster, as a Preacher and a Companion. By John Shep- pard. A new edition, two volumes in one, 700 pages. 12mo,.............cloth,... .1,25 "In simplicity of larjguage, in majesty of conception, in the eloquence of that conciseness which conveys in a short sentence more meaning than the mind dares at once admit,—his writings are unmatched."—North British Review. RELIGIOUS PROGRESS; Discourses on the Development of the Christian Character. By William R. Williams, D. D. Second edition. 12mo,................cloth,.... ,85 " This work is from the pen of one of the brightest lights of the American Pulpit. We scarcely know of any living writer who has a finer command of powerful thought and glowing, impressive language, than he. The present volume will advance, if possible, the reputation which his pre- vious works have acquired for him."—Albany Evening Atlas. " This book is a rare phenomena in these days. It is a rich exposition of Scripture, with a fund of practical, religious wisdom, conveyed in a style so strong and so massive, as to remind one of the English writers of two centuries ago; and yet it abounds in fresh illustrations drawn from every —even the latest opened—field of science and of literature."—Methodist Quarterly. LECTURES ON THE LORD'S PRAYER, By William R. Williams, D. D. 12mo, cloth,___,85 MOTHERS OF THE WISE AND GOOD, By Rev. Jabez Burns, D. D., Author of " Pulpit Cyclopedia, etc." Third thousand. 16mo,.... •................cloth,.... ,75 A beautiful gallery of portraits of those who not only were " wise and good " in their own gen- eration, but whose influence, long after they were slumbering in the dust, went forth to live again in their children. A sketch of the mothers of many of the most eminent men of the world, and showing how much they were indebted to maternal influence, for their greatness and excellence of character is given. Works of this nature cannot be too widely circulated or attentively read. UNIVERSITY SERMONS. Sermons delivered in the Chapel of Brown University. By Francis Wayland. Third thousand. 12mo,........................cloth,___1,00 " The discourses contained in this handsome volume are characterized by all that richness of thought and elegance of language for which their talented author is celebrated. The whole volume is well worthy of the pen of the distinguished scholar and divine from whom it emanates."—Dr. BaircTs Christian Union. THE CHRISTIAN'S DAILY TREASURY; a Religious Exercise for every day in the year By E. Temple. 12mo,......................................cloth.....1,00 THE EXTENT OF THE ATONEMENT, in its relation to God and the Universe. By Thomas W. Jenkyn, D. D. From the third London Edition. 12mo.. .cloth,.... ,85 ANTIOCH ; or, Increase of Moral Power in the Church of Christ. By P. Church, D. D. With an Essay, by Baron Stow, D. D. 18mo....................cloth,___,50 PHILOSOPHY OF THE PLAN OF SALVATION; a book for the times. By an American Citizen. With an Introductory Essay by Calvin E. Stowe, D. D., 12mo,— cloth,___ ,62>£ THE CHURCH MEMBER'S HAND BOOK ; a Plain Guide to the Doctrines and Practice of Baptist Churches. By Rev. William Crowell. Third thousand. 18mo, cloth,.....38 PRACTICAL COMMENTARY ON PHILIPPIANS, by Dr. A. Neander. Trans- lated by H. C. Conant. With an account of the Closing Scenes of the Author's Life by Rauh. 12mo,............................................................cloth. DR. NEANDER'S COMMENTARY ON EPISTLE OF JAMES, [inpreparation." VALUABLE WORKS published by MOORE & ANDERSON, 28 WEST FOURTH STREET, CINCINNATI ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY FOR 1850; or, Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art, exhibiting the most important discoveries and improvements in Mechan- ics, Useful Arts, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Astronomy, Meteorology Zoology Botany, Mineralogy, Geology, Geography, Antiquities, &c.; together with a list of recent Scientific Publications; a classified list of Patents; obituaries of eminent Scientific Men; an index of important papers in Scientific Journals, reports, &c. Edited by David A. Wells, and George Bliss, Jr. With Portrait of Prof. Agassiz. 12mo,. .cloth,... .1,25 paper covers,... .1,00 This work will be issued annually, and the reading public may easily and promptly possess themselves of the most important facts discovered or announced in these departments. As it is not intended for scientific men exclusively, but to meet the wants of the general reader, it has been the aim of the Editors that the articles should be brie/ and intelligible to all. The Editors have received the approbation, counsel and personal contributions of Professors Agassiz, Horsford, and Wyman, of Harvard University, and many other scientific gentlemen. THE ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY, FOR 1851& 1852;by David A. Wells, and George Bliss, Jr. With Portrait of Prof. Silliman. 12mo,. .cloth,... .1,25 Paper covers,... .1,00 ra-Each volume of the above work is distinct in itself, and contains entirely new matter. THE POETRY OF SCIENCE; or, The Physical Phenomena of Nature. By Robert Hunt, author of "Panthea," "Researches of Light," etc. First American, from the second London edition. 12mo,.......................................cloth,....1,25 " The author, while adhering to true science, has set forth its truths in an exceedingly captivating style."—Commercial Advertiser. " We are heartily glad to see this interesting work re-published in America. It is a book that it a book."—Scientific American. " It is one of the most readable, interesting, and instructive works of the kind, that we have ever Been."—PhiL Christian Observer. CYCLOP/EDIA OF ANECDOTES OF LITERATURE AND THE FINE ARTS. Containing a copious and choice selection of Anecdotes of the various forms ol Literature, of the Arts, of Architecture, Engravings, Music, Poetry, Painting and Sculpture, and of the most celebrated Literary Characters and Artists of different countries and Ages, etc. Bv Kazlitt Arvine, A. M., author of " Cyclopaedia of Moral and Religious Anecdotes," octavo,.............................................................cloth- CYCLOP/EDIA OF SCIENTIFIC ANECDOTES, containing a selection respecting the various Sciences and Mechanical Arts, and of their most distinguished Votaries. By Kazlitt Arvine, A. M., author of « Cyclopaedia of Moral and ReUgious^Anecdotes." One volume,........................................................ The two works together, will embrace the best Anecdotes in Ancient and Modern collections as weUoYm vinous Historic;, Biographies and Files of Periodical Literature, *c. The whole classified IndeTanprTpriate subjects, alphabetically arranged, and each supplied w.th; .l very fall and under aPPr°P"*le J nd * Both the aDove voiUmes will first be published in number. particular Index of toP^d ™ octavo volumeS) of abcmt 700 page. ^cfmustr^d ^numero^fineengr.fvinls. The first number will be issued about the firs, of April, to be continued .emi-monthly until completed. FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF ENGLAND AND ITS PEOPLE, by Hugh Miller, author of " Old Red Sandstone," " Foot Prints of the Creator," etc., with a likeness oj the author. 12mo,....................................................cloth,---1,00 SCENES AND LEGENDS OF THE NORTH OF SCOTLAND, by Hugh Miller. 12mo,..............................................................cloth. CRUDEN'S CONDENSED CONCORDANCE; a new and complete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures. By Alexander Cruden. Revised and re-edited, by David King, D. D. Seventh thousand. 8vo,...........................cloth backs,---1,25 sheep,.... 1,50 " The present Edition is better adapted to the purposes of a Concordance, by the erasure of super- fluous references, the omission of unnecessary explanations, and the contraction of quotations. It Is better as a manual, and is better adapted by its price than the former larger and expensive edition." SACRED RHETORIC ; or, Composition and Delivery of Sermons. By H. J. Ripley, D. D., Professor in Newton Theological Institution. To which are added. Dr. Ware's Hints on Extemporaneous Preaching. Second thousand. 12mo,......cloth,.... ,75 ANCIENT LITERATURE AND ART. The Importance of the Study of the Greek and Roman Classics. Miscellaneous Essays on subjects connected with Classical Litera- ture, with the Biography and Correspondence of eminent Philologists. By Professor B. Sears, Secretary of Massachusetts Board of Education, Prof. B. B. Edwards, of Andover, and Prof. C. C. Felton, of Cambridge. Second thousand. 12mo,........cloth,... .1,25 MODERN FRENCH LITER ATU RE, (Chambers' People's Edition,) by L. Raymond De Vericour ; Revised, with Notes, alluding particularly to writers prominent in late political events at Paris. By William Staughton Chase, A. M. Second thousand. With afine portrait of Lamartine. 12mo,............................cloth,....1,25 " This is the only complete treatise of the kind on this subject, either in French or English, and has received the highest commendation."—N. Y. Evening Post. THOUGHTS ON THE PRESENT COLLEGIATE SYSTEM in the United States. By Francis Wayland, D. D., President of Brown University. 16mo,... .cloth,.... ,50 THE MARRIAGE RING; or, How to make Home Happy. From the writings of John Angell James. Beautiful Illustrated Edition. 16mo,...........cloth, gilt,.... ,75 ON ESI M US ; or, the Apostolic Directions to Christian Masters, in reference to their Slaves, considered. By Evangelicus,..................................cloth.....,25 CHRISTIANITY AND SLAVERY. A Review of Drs. Fuller and Wayland on Slavery. By Wm. Hague, D. D. 18mo,......................paper cover,.... ,12)4 CHRISTIANITY AND SLAVERY. Strictures on the Rev. Dr. Hague's Review of Drs. Fuller and Wayland on Domestic Slavery. By the Rev. Thomas Meredith. Raleigh, N. C. 18mo,...............................................paper,___,12>£ SCRIPTURE NATURAL HISTORY; containing a descriptive account of Quadru- peds, Birds, Fishes, Insects, Reptiles, Serpents, Plants, Trees, Minerals, Gems, and Precious Stones, mentioned in the Bible. By William Carpenter, London ; with Improvements, by Rev. G. D. Abbott. Illustrated by numerous engravings. Also. Sketches of Palestine. 12mo,.........................................cloth,.... 1 00 THE CHRISTIAN REVIEW. Edited by James D. Knowles. Barnas Sears, and S. F. Smith. 8 vols.,....................................half cloth, lettered,....8,00 Single volumes, (except the first,) may be had in numbers,........................} qq 03- The Christian Review contains valuable contributions from the leading men of the Baptist and several ather denominatiors and is a valuable acquisition to any library. THE EARTH AND MAN : Lectures on Comparative Physical Geography in its relation to the History of Mankind. By Arnold Guyot, Professor of Physical GeoTaphy and History, Neuchatel. Translated from the French, by Prof. C. C. Felton with illus- trations. Second thousand. 12mo,..................................clo'th ... .1 25 " Those who have been accustomed to regard Geography as a merely descriptive branch of learn- ing, drier than the remainder biscuit after a voyage, will be delighted to find this hitherto un- attractive pursuit converted into a science, the principles of which are definite and the results conclusive."—North American Review. " The grand idea of the work is happily expressed by the author, where he calls it the geograph- ical march of history. Faith, science, learning, poetry, taste, in a word, genius, have liberally contributed to the production of the work under review. Sometimes we feel as if we were itudying a treatise on the exact sciences; at others, it strikes the ear like an epic poem. Now it reads hke history, and now it sounds like prophecy. It will find readers in whatever language it may be published."—Christian Examiner. " The work is one of high merit, exhibiting a wide range of knowledge, great research, and a philosophical spirit of investigation. Its perusal will well repay the most learned in such subjects, and give new views to all, of man's relation to the globe he inhabits."—Silliman's Journal. COMPARATIVE PHYSICAL AND HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY; or, the Study of the Earth and its Inhabitants. A series of graduated courses for the use of Schools. By Arnold Guyot, author of " Earth and Man," etc. The series hereby announced will consist of three courses, adapted to the capacity of three dif- ferent ages and periods of study. The first is intended for primary schools, and for children of from seven to ten years. The second is adapted for higher schools, and for young persons of from ten to fifteen years. The third is to be used as a scientific manual in Academies and Colleges. Each course will be divided into two parts, one of purely Physical Geography, the otner for Eth- nography, Statistics, Political and Historical Geography. Each part will be illustrated by a colored Physical and Political Atlas, prepared expressly for this purpose, delineating, with the greates care, the configuration of the surface, and the other physical phenomena alluded to in the corres ponding work, the distribution of the races of men, and the political divisions into States, 8rc, «rc The two parts of the first or preparatory course are now in a forward state of preparation, ant will be issued at an early day. MURAL MAPS : a series of elegant colored Maps, exhibiting the Physical Phenomena of the Globe. Projected on a large scale, and intended to be suspended in the Recitation Room. By Arnold Guyot..........................................[in preparation] KITTO'S POPULAR CYCLOP/EDIA OF BIBLICAL LITERATURE. Con- densed from the larger work. By John Kitto, D. D., F. S. A., author of " The Pictoral Bible," "History and Physical Geography of Palestine," Editor of "The Journal of Sacred Literature," etc. Assisted by numerous distinguished Scholars and Divines, British, Continental and American. With numerous illustrations. One volume octavo,'812pp........................................................cloth.....3'00 The Popular Biblical Cyclopedia of Literature is designed to furnish a Dictionary of the Bible, embodying the products of the best and most recent researches in Biblical Liter- ature, in which the Scholars of Europe and America have been engaged. The work the result of immense labor and research, and enriched by the contributions of writers of distinguished eminence in the various departments of Sacred Literature,-has been by un.versal consent pronounced the best work of it, class extant; and the one best suited to the advanced knowledge of the present day in all the studies connected with Theological Science. The Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature from which this work is condensed by the ™£<>rj. published in two volumes, rendering it about twice the size of the present work and is intended -ays the author, more particularly for Ministers and Theological Students; wlnlhe Poi^ar clclopcedia is intended for Parents, Sabbath School Teachers, and thejircat bodyof tto reborn public. It has been the author's aim to avoid imparting to'^™*X»™ WJb&W&W&m ^PIlSMfiei w@s^SH LAKE SUPERIOR : its Physical Character, Vegetation and Animals, compared with those of other and similar regions, by L. Agassiz, and contributions from other eminent Scientific Gentlemen. With a Narrative of the Expedition, and illustrations by J. E. Cabot. One volume octavo, elegantly illustrated,.....................cloth,....3,50 The illustrations, seventeen in number, are iu the finest style of the art, by Sonrel; embracing Lake and Landscape Scenery, Fishes, and other objects of Natural History, with an outline map of Lake Superior. This work is one of the most valuable scientific works that has appeared in this country. Embodying the researches of our best scientific men, relating to a hitherto comparatively unknown region, it will be found to contain a great amount of scientific information. CHAMBERS' CYCLOP/EDIA OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. A Selection of the choicest productions of English Authors, from the earliest to the present time. Connected by a Critical and Biographical History. Forming two large imperial octavo volumes of 700 pages each, double column letter press; with upwards of 300 elegant Illustrations. Edited by Robert Chambers,..................embossed cloth.....5,00 cloth, full gilt, extra.....7,50 sheep, extra, raised bands,... .6,00 The work embraces about one thousand Authors, chronologically arranged and classed as Poets, Historians, Dramatists, Philosophers, Metaphysicians, Divines, etc., with choice selections from their writings, connected by a Biographical, Historical, and Critical Narrative; thus presenting a complete view of English Literature, from the earliest to the present time. Let the reader open where he will, he cannot fail to find matter for profit and delight. The Selections are gems,— infinite riches in a little room,—in the language of another "A whole English Library fused DOWN INTO ONE CHEAP BOOK I " t&- The American edition of this valuable work is enriched by the addition of fine steel and mezzotint Engravings of the heads of Shakspeaf.e, Addison, Byeon; a full length portrait "f Dr. Johnson ; and a beautiful scenic representation of Oliver Goldsmith and Dr. Johnson. These important and elegant additions, together with superior paper and binding, render the American, superior to all other editions. CHAMBERS' MISCELLANY OF USEFUL AND ENTERTAINING KNOWL- EDGE. Edited by William Chambers. With elegant Illustrative Engravings. 10 vols. cloth,.... 7,50 cloth, gilt,___10,00 library, sheep,... .10,00 bs- This work has been highly recommended by distinguished individuals, as admirably adapted to Family, Sabbath and District School Libraries. " It would be difficult to find any miscellany superior or even equal to it; it richly deserves the epithets ' useful and entertaining,' and I would recommend it very strongly, as extremely well adapted to form parts of a library for the young, or of a social or circulating library, in town or country."—George B. Emerson, Esq., Chairman Boston School Book Committee. CHAMBERS' PAPERS FOR THE PEOPLE. 12mo, in beautiful ornamented covers........................................................................... This series is mainly addressed to that numerous class whose minds hare been educated by the improved schooling, and the numerous popular lectures and publications of the present day, and who consequently crave a higher kind of Literature than can be obtained through the existing cheap periodicals. The Papers embrace History, Archaeology, Biography, Science the Industrial and Fine Arts, the leading topics in Social Economy, together with Criticism, Fiction, Personal Narrative, and other branches of Elegant Literature, each number containing a distinct subject. The series will consist of sixteen numbers, of 192 pages each, and when completed will makt eight handsome volumes of about 400 pages each. MOORE & ANDERSON'S PUBLICATIONS. HUGH D1ILLER'8 NEW BOOK. SCENES AND LEGENDS OF THE NORTH OF SCOTLAND. By Hugli Miller, author of " Footprints of the Creator." 1 vol. 12 mo. Pp.436. Price $1. " A delightful book by one of the most delightful of living authors." — N. Y. Cour. and Enq. "In this book Hugh Miller appears as the simple dramatist, reproducing home stories and legends in their native costume, and in full life. The vol- ume is rich in entertainment for all lovers of the genuine Scotch character." N. Y. Independent. " Fascinating portraits of quaint original characters and charming tales of the old faded superstitions of Scotland, make up the ' Scenes and Legends.' Purity of diction and thoughtful earnestness, with a vein of easy, half-con- cealed humor pervading it, are the characteristics of the author's style. Ad- ded to these, in the present volume, are frequent touches of the most elegantly wrought fancy; passages of sorrowful tenderness that change the opening smile into a tear, and exalted sentiment that brings reflection to the heart." Citizen. "This is a book which will be read by those who have read the other works of this distinguished author. His beautiful style, his powers of description, his pathos, his quiet humor and manly good sense would give interest to any subject. * * There is no part of the book that is not interesting."— Louisville Journal. " This is one of the most unique and original books that has been written for many years, uniting in a singularly happy manner all the charms of fic- tion to the more substantial and enduring graces of truth. The author is a capital story teller, prefacing what he has to say with no learned circumlo- cutions. We cannot now call to mind any other style that so admirably com- bines every requisite for this kind of writing, with the exception of that of his mort illustrious countryman, Scott, as the one Hugh Miller possesses."— Columbian. " The contents of the book will be as instructive and entertaining, as the exterior is elegant and attractive. Hugh Miller writes like a living man, who has eyes, and ears, and intellect, and a heart of his own, and not like a gal- vanized skeleton, who inflicts his dull repetitions of what other men have seen and felt in stately stupidity upon their unfortunate readers. His obser- vation is keen, and his powers of description unrivaled. His style is like a mountain-stream, that flows on in beauty and freshness, imparting enliven- ing influences all around. His reflections, when he indulges in them, are just and impressive."—Christian Herald. " Tales so romantic, yet so natural, and told in a vein of unaffected sim- plicity and graphic delineation, rivaling Hogg and Scott, of the same land, Will command a vast number of admiring readers."-iV. Y. Christ. Intel. " The interest of its facts far exceeds romance."—N. Y. Evan. " This book is worthy of a place by the side of the world-renowned vol- nmes which have already proceeded from the same pen."—Phil. Chronicle. MOORE & ANDERSON'S PUBLICATIONS. STRAWBERRY AN1T> GRAPE CU1