NAr p.YORKdCOj BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, *ASHVIlVE. The National Center for Homeopathy 'OWSC^'^c^ ~/7f*-£ ) ^Maesimund ' banning panos Cibrary 19 O^ M- CS 74 IP. 'J ,A ' Ml ) ) X-r,L )'7 A' •*] •' MATERIA MEDICA PURA. BY SAMUEL HAHNEMANN. TRANSLATED AND EDITED BY CHARLES JULIUS HEMPEL, M. D. VOL. II. NEW-YORK: WILLIAM RADDE, 322 BROADWAY. LONDON: H. BALLIERE, 219 REGENT-STREET. 1846. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1846, by WILLIAM RADDE, in the Clerk's Office of the Southern District of New-York. LEAVITT, TROW & CO., PRINT., 33 Ann-street. N. Y. PREFACE. Many of my friends who had become half converted to Homoeopathy, have requested me from time to time to show more explicitly in what way this new doctrine can be realized in practice. I have also been asked how every single case of disease ought to be examined. These questions have aston- ished me somewhat, inasmuch as they have been fully answered in the Organon. In the Homoeopathic practice drugs are not selected upon imaginary grounds, nor in accordance with mere names of dis- eases, they being unknown to nature. Every case of non-mias- matic disease being a separate, independent, genuine group of real morbid symptoms different from those of another group, and never to be made up of speculative hypothetical alterations of the normal functions, it is impossible to dictate a tabular ar- rangement of diseases; all that the physician has to do in treating disease, is to note down the symptoms constituting the group to be removed and to select among the drugs con- stituting our Materia Medica one which shall correspond more completely than any other to the natural group. (See Organon of the Healing Art, & 297, etc.) It is therefore impossible to determine in advance all possi- ble groups of morbid symptoms, or to point out remedies for symptoms, which have not yet made their appearance. The homoeopathic practitioner must find a remedy for every case, and, in order to be able to do this, he must have an accurate knowledge of the pathogenetic effects of our drugs, consult them in every case and constantly increase our Materia Medica iv PREFACE. by tiying new drugs upon himself and other healthy persons. For this is the only way to accumulate weapons wherewith to combat disease easily and safely, and to substitute in the place of remedial agents of which we know only the names and imaginary uses, drugs whose action is well defined and leads to certain and speedy results. He who is not willing to experiment upon himself for the purpose of ascertaining the true remedial properties of the drugs he uses, is far from being a true disciple of our benefi- cent art. To treat diseases with remedial agents whose thera- peutic properties are not fully known, is not only foolish, but also criminal, and a dangerous attempt at human life. It is asking a little too much on the part of those selfish men who are not willing to contribute to the completion of the indispensable superstructure of the homoeopathic principle, and who merely wish to use Homoeopathy for purposes of gain, that others should work for such parasites, who are very well content with securing the usufruct of other men's scien- tific capital, but who have no desire to increase it by their own efforts, and become by this means honorable and legitimate joint-partners. Those who feel desirous of increasing our knowledge of the pathogenetic effects of drugs which have remained un- known for centuries, and a knowledge of which is neverthe- less so important in the treatment of disease, will find direc- tions for the trials of drugs in the Organon, § 126-146. I would simply add that, inasmuch as nobody is perfectly and absolutely healthy, and is more or less liable to slight dis- turbances of health, it is essential that the symptoms which are observed while those disturbances occur, should be placed in brackets, as non-confirmed and doubtful. This necessity, however, cannot be very frequent, for this reason, that the drug being taken in a pretty large quantity, no disturbance can take place in the organism which is not the effect of the drug. It is moreover necessary, in order to find out what chronic ailments the drug will cure, cutaneous eruptions, mor- bid growths, etc., that the drug should be taken for several days in succession, several doses a day, the doses being large PREFACE. V enough to produce sensible effects ; it behooves, moreover, that the diet which has been indicated in the Organon should be rigorously observed during the whole time of proving. In order to preserve the power of the tinctures in tact, and to determine the power of the attenuations with tolerable cer- tainty, all those drugs which can only be had dry, should be pulverized, and twenty parts of alcohol should be added to one part of the powder; these parts being shaken together several times a day, kept in a room of moderate temperature in stop- pered phials, and the clear liquid being poured off after the lapse of six days* Both the tinctures from dry substances, and those ex- tracted from recent plants, are to be guarded against the light of day, in order to preserve them for a long time. For this pur- pose, the phials may either be painted black, or else they may be placed in tin or wooden boxes; otherwise these tinc- tures would be converted into vinegar in a few years, even if prepared with the best alcohol, and would thus lose all their medicinal powers. Every drop of a tincture so prepared, is counted for one- twentieth of a grain of medicinal powder. From this tincture attenuations for homoeopathic purposes may be prepared in the fashion taught in the chapter on Arsenic; first you take a phial containing about five hundred drops of alcohol, add to these one drop of the strong tincture, shake the whole well, and label the phial moVo? meaning that every drop of the solution contains one ten-thousandth part of a grain of medi- cinal power. Every succeeding phial containing one hundred drops of alcohol, the denomination of the fraction of a grain for every succeeding phial is increased by two cyphers, thus: tooVoo or x, To~0-o-jJtgw or tVj when rising from bed, as if one were intoxicated. Vertigo with dizziness.1 Vertigo in the evening, as if he were unable to collect his senses.—10. (Vertigo and dim-sightedness after lying down, with flushes of heat.) Ver- tigo as if one were fainting. Slight attacks of vertigo with disposition to faint, (a.. \ h.) (Dullness of comprehension.) a. 4, 5, 6 h.) Joyless dullness of sense, with drowsiness, without, however, being able to sleep.—15. He does not understand the question correctly, and gives a wrong answer, with a subdued voice, as if he were delirious, (a. 6 h.) He is easily worn out by reflection. He does not understand any thing correctly, as if he were prevented by a sort of deafness, or a waking dream. (a. lx h.) Absence of mind. Vanishing of thoughts.—20. He omits whole words when writing or talking.—He stammers and uses wrong expressions when talking, (a. 4 h.) Want of at- tention ; external things do not affect him ; perfect indifference. (a. 2 h.) Dull, aching pain in the head, when sitting or re- flecting. Heaviness in the head.—25. Headache, the head be- ing heavy and feeling bruised, (a. 3 h.) Headache, felt even while sleeping. Headache, in the morning when in bed and the eyes are yet closed, in a state of half waking ; it disappears entirely when waking and after rising. Pain in the head as if it would burst, when waking, (a. 13 h.) Tearing pain in the forehead, returningjby starts.—30. Excessively tearing pain in the head, about midnight, rousing him from sleep only mo- mentarily, the sleep being very sound. Drawing head- ache on one side. (a. 3, 4 h.) Tearing headache on one tem- ple. Lancinating pain in the forehead, extending into the chest. Bone-pain on both sides of the forehead, (a. 3 h.)—35. Tearings and lancinations in the temples from within out- 1 Compare 233. 8 CHAMOMILLA. wards. Single stitches in one of the two hemispheres of the brain, especially the right, (a. 11 h.) Single violent stitches in the brain. Violent stitches in one half of the head, as after a cold. Stinging headache.—40. Pricking pain in the head, as if the eyes would fall out of the sockets. Transitory at- tacks of throbbing in one of the hemispheres of the brain. Throbbing headache, (a. 14 h.) Single beatings in the head. (a. x h.) Darting pain in the forehead, especially after a meal.—45. Cracking in the left hemisphere of the brain. The left temple is swollen and painful to the touch, (a. 6 h.) Face and hands' are bloated. Eyes : Gnawing itching of the skin of the forehead. The pupils become more dilated, after return of consciousness when waking from a nap. (a. 7 h.)— 50. Contracted pupils, with in- clination to contract still more.2 (a. several h.) Contracted pu- pils, (the first 4 h.^.Great dryness of the upper and lower Meibomian glands. * (a. 1 h.) Sore feeling of the external canthi, and sore, excoriated lips. (a. 36 h.) The canthi are full of pus in the morning.—55. Swelling and agglutination of the eyelids in the morning. Agglutination of the eyelids after sleep. Painless, ecchymosed condition of the inner canthus of the right eye. (a. 14 h. Pressure in the eyes, the eyes are in- flamed and full of gum in the morning. Aching pain under the upper eyelid, when moving the eyes and shaking the head.—60. Violent stitches in the eyes. Sensation as if fire and heat came out of the eyes3 (immediately.) Luminous oscillations before the eyes (immediately.) Obscuration of sight, on the sides of visual ray, when looking steadily at a white object. In the morning, the eyes are dim and dull, more rarely so in the eve- ning ; at candle-light a luminous ray appears to extend from the eyes to the light.—65. Dimsightedness, with chilliness. Red rash on the cheeks. Ears : Tearing in the ears, otalgia. (Tearing in the right lobule.) Single, long stitches in the ear, especially when stoop- ing, accompanied with inclination to find fault, and getting an- gry about trifles.—70. A few stitches near the ear, in the neck. When stooping, dull pressure in the ear, as if from a shock." Sensation as if the ears were obstructed, and as if a bird had been fluttering and scraping in the ear. Dull hearing in the evening.4 (a. 24 h.) Humming in the ears, as from the rush- ing of water.—75. Tingling in the ears. (a. 1, 3, 4 h.) Nose : Bleeding from the nose. Ulcerated nostrils." The 1 46, 47, see 83, 96, 97. a See 392. 3 See 393. * See 391. CHAMOMILLA. 9 lips become cracked and peel off. (a. 16 h.) The middle of the lower lip cracks, (from 3d to 10th h.)—80. Scurfy ulcer- ations on the border of the lips, (from 1 to 4 hours.) Teeth : Swellings of the gums. Vacillation of the teeth. Toothache with swelling of the cheeks.1 At three o'clock in the morning a gnawing pain, as if the nerve were being scraped ; at seven he only feels a few jerks resembling stitches. —85. Grumbling and creeping in the upper teeth. Grumbling _ and drawing toothache in the jaw. Drawing pain in the teeth. Toothache, as after a cold, when exposing one's self to the open air, being covered with sweat. Toothache when taking warm things into the mouth.—90. (The toothache recommences in the warm room.) Toothache, which is especially violent af- ter warm drinks, especially coffee. After taking something warm, (but sometimes also after taking something cold,) the toothache comes on, either immediately or in a few minutes. Drawing pain of the teeth after eating or drinking. Toothache after eating or drinking something of moderate temperature, (afterwards.)—95. When opening the jaws, pain as if the mas- seter muscles were affected with a painful cramp, which pain affects also the teeth. Toothache, recurring by starts, with swelling of the cheeks and accumulation of saliva; the pain darts hither and thither, and is aggravated by drinking cold water. Tearing toothache, in the jaw, towards the ear, with swelling of the cheeks. Drawing toothache, in the lower jaw, near the front part. (a. \ h.) Drawing toothache, without knowing what tooth is affected; the pain goes off while eat- ing, and is especially violent in the night, the teeth feeling elongated.2—100. Single stitches in the jaw, extending into the inner ear. Mouth, Pharynx, and (Esophagus : Cramp-like draw- ing pain in the palate, towards the fauces. Vesicles with stinging pain, upon and under the tongue. Severe smarting of the upper and hind part of the tongue and the velum pen- dulum palati. (a. 1 h.) Simple pain in the posterior part of the throat, increasing when moving the throat and when swal- 1 Comp. 96, 97. also 46, 47. The toothache produced by Chamomilla (see 81—100) is similar to that excited by the excessive use of coffee; Chamomilla is therefore a specific and homoeopathic remedy for the lat- ter ache. 2 It is characteristic of Chamomilla-pains to be most violent in the night, when they frequently drive one to despair, and are frequently ac- companied with unquenchable thirst, heat and redness of one cheek, hot sweat about the head, even in the hair. Chamomilla-pains generally seem intolerable. (See 428.) 10 CHAMOMILLA. lowing.—105. Sore throat as if a lump were in the throat, when swallowing, (a. 4. h.) Sore throat with parotitis. Throbbing pain in the submaxillary glands, (a. 4 h.) Throbbing in the throat (a. x h.) Ptyalism.—110. Teeth covered with mucus. Taste and Appetite : Slimy taste, (a. 2 and 12 h.) Sour taste, (a. 3 and 18 h.) The bread tastes sour. Every aliment which he takes into his mouth, tastes to him like old, rancid grease, (a. 2 h.)—115. That which he hawks up, has a pu- trid taste. (Putrid taste in the mouth in the night.) Fetid breath after dinner, (a. 3 h.) Bitter taste in the mouth, early in the morning, (a. 24 h.) Want of appetite.—120. Want of appetite, the appetite returns when eating. No appetite. He does not relish any food. Aversion to food. Want of appe- tite, as if he loathed food, which has, however, a good taste.— 125. Neither hunger nor appetite. (Aversion to broth.) Beer smells fetid to him. Aversion to coffee. Nausea, inclination to vomit, and suffocative fits after taking coffee for breakfast.— 130. Heat over the whole body, early in the morning after taking coffee; accompanied by sweat and vomiting of bitter mucus ; afterwards bitter taste in the mouth, weakness in the head and inclination to vomit. Violent desire for coffee.1 (a. 7 h.) (Desire for raw sour-krout.) Unnatural hunger, in the evening, (a. 3 h.) At supper the food seems to go down as far as the pit of the stomach and to be arrested there, with sen- sation of fullness, inclination to vomit, and eructations. Gastric Symptoms: Empty eructations. Sour eructations. The existing pain is aggravated by eructation. One single hiccough, frequently, (a. 1. h.) Fullness during the meal, and nausea afterwards.—140. Repletion of the stomach, after a meal, lasting even until next day; inclination to vomit. In- clination to vomit after breakfast, the whole morning. Dis- tention of the abdomen, after a meal. Nausea after a meal. After a meal, repletion, anxiety and tearing pain in the back, extending afterwards into the abdomen.—145. Dryness in the mouth, early in the morning, followed by distention of the ab- domen, the evacuations being imperfect. Inclination to vomit as if one would faint. Qualmishness. The qualmishness passes off by eating. Inclination to vomit, with accumulation of saliva in the mouth.—150. Inclination to vomit, in the-morn- ing. (Vomiting, without previous eructations.) (Sour vomit- ing ; a sour smell comes out of her mouth.) Regurgitation of the ingesta (a. 5 h.) Vomiting of the ingesta, caused, first, by the repletion of the abdomen, afterwards by intolerable 1 Seems to be an alternate effect of 128. CHAMOMILLA. 11 nausea.—155. Heat and sweat of the face, after eating or drinking, (a. 14 h.) Pressure in the hypochondria and sto- mach, after a meal. Stomach and Abdomen : He utters an anxious cry on ac- count of a pain in the pit of the stomach, as if the heart were being pressed down, and sweats profusely.1 Painful bloated- ness of the epigastrium, in the morning. Incarceration of flat- ulence, with pressure upwards, in the hypochondria, (after- wards.)—160. Oppression at the stomach, as if a stone were pressing downwards. Aching pain in the stomach, and under the short ribs, oppressing the breathing, especially after taking coffee, (a. 1 h.) Aching pain above the umbilicus. Flatulent colic ; flatulence moves violently hither and thither, as if the ab- dominal muscles were on the point of being pierced, with rum- bling ; the flatulence presses especially towards the abdominal rings, when the colic subsides, only a little quantity of flatu- lence is emitted, nor can atoy be discovered in the abdomen. (a. 3 h.) Flatulent colic, (a. 1 and several h.)—165. Colic returning from time to time; the flatulence accumulates in the hypochondria and stitches dart through the chest, (a. 8 h.) Continuous, tensive pain in the subcostal region, with tightness around the brain, (and dry catarrh in the chest.) (a. 1 h.) Bub- bling sensation in the side, down to the abdomen. Bruised feeling of the abdominal muscles, (a. 9 h.) Hard, distended abdomen.—170. Compressive pain in the abdomen (immedi- ately.) Intolerable colic, early in the morning, at sunrise. Excessive colic. Sensation as if the whole abdomen were hol- low, with continual motion in the bowels, (with blue rings around the eyes ;) when the attack comes on in the evening, it is accompanied for a short while with anxiety, (a. 24 h.) Colic, more cutting than pinching.—175. Colic, more cutting • than pricking, with accumulation of saliva in the mouth. Drawing pain in the abdomen. Single attacks of violent pinch- ing in the abdomen, every attack lasting about one minute. (a. 12 h.) Pinching-tearing colic in the umbilical region, and lower down on both sides, with pain in the small of the back, as if it were broken. Continual tearing colic in the side of the abdomen, with sensation as if the parts there were rolled up into a ball.—180. Pain in the abdomen, such as is felt by per- sons who are costive, when pressing out the stool.2 Stool : Pain as from constipation, (a. 4 h.) Constipation. 1 See 234, 236, 428. 8 180, 181, 182, 183. All pains, arising from costiveness, are second- ary effects, the primary being diarrhoea. 12 CHAMOMILLA. Constipation from inactivity of the rectum, the prover being obliged to press out the fasces by bearing down with the abdominal muscles, (a. 1, 4 h.) Sharply pinching colic, with discharge of light-colored faeces, (a. 12, 24 h.)—185. (Undi- gested faeces.) (Hot, diarrhoeic stool, smelling like rotten eggs.) Painless, green, watery diarrhoea, a mixture of faeces and mucus. Watery diarrhoea with (and without) diarrhoea. Nightly diar- rhoea with colic, obliging her to bend double.—190. The faeces are covered with mucus, and mucus is passed between one piece of the faeces and the next. Diarrhaa of white mucus with colic, (a. 1, 3 h.) Pricking pain in the rectum, after every stool. Pressing towards the abdominal ring, as if her- nia would form. (a. 3 h.) Sensation as if blind haemorrhoids would come on.—195. Flowing haemorrhoids. Blind haemor- rhoids. Itching pain at the anus. (a. x h.) Urinary Organs : (The emission of urine is prevented by pains in the abdomen.) Stitching pain in the neck of the bladder, between the acts of micturition.—200. Burning in the neck of the bladder, during micturition. Smarting pain in the urethra, during micturition. Anguish during micturition, with- out any mechanical obstacle. Weakened strength of the blad- der ; slow and weak stream, (a. 20 h.) Anguish, with un- successful desire to urinate, without much urine being in the bladder.—205. Involuntary emission of urine, (a. 3, 4 h.) Genital Organs : Itching of the scrotum, (a. 6 h.) Ex- cited sexual desire, (afterwards.) Nightly emission. Erection in the morning.—210. Soreness of the border of the prepuce. Itching-stinging pain of the margin of the prepuce, (a. 3 h.) Erosive burning in the vagina. Yellow, corrosive, leucorrhoea. Acrid, watery leucorrhoea after dinner.—215. Pressure towards the uterus, like labor-pains, with frequent desire to urinate. Cutting colic, and drawing in the thighs previous to the period. Frequent discharge of coagulated blood, with tearing pains in the veins of the legs and violent labor-pains in the uterus. Drawing, from the small of the back, followed by griping in the uterus, and discharge of large clots of coagulated blood. Metrorrhagia.—220. Metrorrhagia, even of old females. Out of humor and headstrong even unto quarreling, at the appear- ance of the menses. Suppression of the menses, with disten- tion of the pit of the stomach, and a pain as if the heart were being pressed down, accompanied with swelling of the abdo- men, labor-like pains and anasarca. Cold, Coryza : Obstruction of the nose. (a. 1 h.) Ob- struction of the nose as from dry coryza, with discharge of muous from the nose.—225. Coryza for five to eight days. (a. CHAMOMILLA. |3 2 h.) Wheezing, whizzing, and subdued rattling in the tra- chea. Hoarseness from tenacious mucus in the larynx, (a. 8 h.) Catarrhal hoarseness of the trachea, with dryness of the eyelids, (a. 1 to 8 h.) Hoarseness and cough, from rattling mucus in the trachea ; the place from which the mu- cus has been hawked up, feels sore. (a. 2 h.)—230. Burning in the throat. Chest : Burning pain under the sternum, reaching to the mouth. Burning in the chest, with dullness of the head,' as if he knew not where he was, with anxiety. The inside of the chest feels bruised, (a. 24 h.) Aching pain under the sternum, not arresting the breathing, and neither aggravated by breath- ing nor by contact.—235. Aching pain under the sternum, oppressing the breathing, (a. 10 h.) Cardialgia.2 Draw- ing pain, or sensation as if the right half of the chest were repeatedly drawn inwards, (a. 12, 16 h.) Contraction of the chest. Oppression at the chest.—240. Tensive pain across the chest, when taking an inspiration. Clawing pain, ob- liquely over the upper part of the chest, (evening.) (a. 5 h.) Oppression of the chest as from flatulence, becoming incarce- rated in the epigastrium, with aching pain ; accompanied by pain in the stomach, as in heart-burn; afterwards burning in the spine. Constriction of the upper part of the chest; this symptom is accompanied with soreness when coughing, (a. 4 h.) Asthma as in suffocative catarrh, (constriction of the throat,) in the region of the pit of the throat, with constant de- sire to cough, (a. \ h.)—245. Fit of cough about midnight, she feels as if something had got into her throat which threatens to suffocate her. Almost uninterrupted titillation under the up- per part of the sternum, without however cough being in- duced in every instance. Dry cough, produced by titillation and continual itching in the trachea, about the pit of the throat. (a. 4 h.) Violent dry cough when sleeping, (a. 11 h.) Dry cough, four or five fits a day.—250. (The child becomes angry and coughs.) Stitches, irradiating from the abdomen into the chest, with constant thirst without heat, before midnight. Stitches (rather dull) darting from the abdomen into the mid- dle of the chest, as if caused by flatulence. Stitches from the abdomen into the chest, after starting as with fright, be it sleep- ing or waking. Stitches in the side of the chest, under the ribs and scapulae, during an inspiration, (a. 4 h.)—255. Prickings in the chest. Single violent stitches in the chest. (a. 2, 4 h.) Stitches through the chest, at every inspiration. 1 See 8, 9,13, 14, 15, 16, 17, as far as 23, 283. 2 See 157. 14 CHAMOMILLA. Stitches from the middle of the chest to the right side, after every inspiration, (a. I2 h.) Scirrhous hardness of the mam- mary glands.—260. Hard nodosity below the nipple, painful to the touch, sometimes affected with a drawing-tearing pain without being touched. Tearing pain in the region of the cla- vicle and throat, (a. 2 h.) (Tensive stiffness of the muscles of the neck.) Drawing pain in the scapulae, chest and hands, as if from a cold. (a. 15, 16 h.) Back : Stinging pain in the back.—265. Tearing in the back. Drawing pain in the back, for an hour. (a. 1 h.) Con- tractive sensation in the spine. Pain in the small of the back, especially in the night.—270. The small of the back feels bruised. (A sort of furious labor-pains) from the small of the back into the thighs, a drawing-paralytic pain. (a. 1, 2 h.) Painful stiffness in the loins, after sitting, (a. 16 h.) Intolera- ble pain in the loins and hip-joint, in the night, when lying on the opposite side. Upper Extremities : Uninterrupted, fine, sensitively painful pressure in the ligaments and periosteum of the arm, from the shoulder to the fingers, similar to a drawing or tear- ing, (almost as severe without as with motion ;) worst in the night, especially when lying on the back, and least when ly- ing upon the painful arm. (a. 8 h.) (after midnight.)—275. Creeping tearing in the long bones of the arms down to the fingers, as if the arm were numb or had gone to sleep. When seizing something with the hand the arm feels stiff, as if it would go to sleep. Drawing-paralytic pain in the elbows and hands. Drawing pain in the interior of the arm,' from the el- bow to the tips of the fingers, late in the evening, (a. 1 h.)— 280. Drawing pain in the wrist-joint. Pain of the thumb and index-finger, as if sprained, strained, broken, over-fatigued, felt when moving it. Burning pain in the hand, afternoon, (a. 72 h.) The hands are cold ; she feels a paralytic stiffness in the hands, with gloominess of the head; she is sensitive to the open air, as if she could catch cold easily. Cold hands with cold sweat in the palms of the hands, the body being naturally warm. (a. 2 h.)—285. The fingers become cold, and incline to go to sleep, when sitting, (a. 1 h.) The fingers go to sleep, in the morning, (a. 12 h.) Lower Extremities : Tearing pain in the thighs and legs. Pain in the hip-joint, as if sprained, when standing up after sitting, (evening.) (a. 5 h.) Paralytic stiffness, with weakness, in the thigh.—290. Excessive pain in the thigh, when rising from a seat, or when stretching the legs in the re- cumbent position. Transitory pain, as if bruised, in the thighs. CHAMOMILLA. 15 (a. x h.) Cracking in the knee during motion, (a. 3 h.) Draw- ing pain from the knee through the leg, late in the evening. Drawing-tearing pain in the knee, down to the malleoli.—295. Sensation in the legs as if they would go to sleep. He is obliged to extend the legs from time to time, to become easy. When extending the feet too much, or when leaning them against something, he is attacked with cramp in the calves, abating when bendingj the knees, in the night, (a 8 h.) Cramp in the calves, (a. 10 h.) 'Inclines to cramp in the calves.—300. Tensive, cramp-like pain in the calves, when moving the feet. (a. 8 h.) Nightly, paralytic weakness of the feet; they are weak, he cannot stand up, and when he does stand up, he falls down, with drawing pain in the leg, and numbness and pithy feeling of the sole. The feet feel paralyzed.' Tearing pain in the feet, he cannot cover them. Burning of the soles, in the night; he puts the feet out of the bed.—305. Burning and itch- ing in the feet, as if they had been frozen, (a. 3 h.) Sudden swelling of one foot and of the sole. Itching pain in the inte- rior of the heel. (a. 3 h.) Itching of the sole of the foot. Cramp-like contraction of the toes, with tearing pains in the limbs.—310. Sensation as if the toes would become curbed and numb, when sitting, especially the big toes. (a. 1 h.) General Symptoms : Great aversion to the wind. Hands and feet become easily rigid in the cold, as if they would freeze. (a. 5 h.) Pain,'partly itching, partly stinging, here and there, at a small spot; after scratching, the part feels sore. (a. 4 h.} Eruption on the nape of the neck little elevated, causing a smarting sensation obliging one to scratch.—315. Pustulous pimples in the face; they do not cause any pain, except when touched. Red rash on cheeks and forehead, without heat. Small, red spots upon the skin, the spots being covered with rash-pimples. Thick clusters of red pimples upon a red spot on the skin, itching especially in the night, and somewhat smarting, in the region of the lumbar vertebrae and the side of the abdomen ; occasionally a shuddering is felt all around, es- pecially in the evening. The skin becomes unhealthy, and every injury forms an ulcer.—320. An existing ulcer becomes painful, (a. f h.) Darting and lancinating pain in the ulcer. Burning and smarting pain in- the ulcer, in the night, with creeping and excessive sensitiveness to the touch. Red- 1 The paralytic sensation produced by Chamomilla in any one part, is always accompanied with drawing or tearing pain, and this drawing or tearing pain is always accompanied with a paralytic or numb sensation in that part; see 271, 278, (274, 275,) 302, 329, (339, 346.) 16 CHAMOMILLA. ness, swelling and bruised pain in the ulcer around the foot. Itching pimples form round the ulcer, covered with scurf and suppurating; the margin round the base of the ulcer is very red.—325. Cracking in the joints, especially those of the lower limbs, and pains in the same as if bruised, never- theless no real weariness, (a. 8 h.) Simple pain of all 'the joints during motion, as if they were stiff and would break. (a. 6 h.) Bruised pain of all the joints, or as if worn out; hands and feet have lost their strength, but without any real weariness. Heaviness in all the limbs. Pain in the perios- teum of all the limbs, with paralytic weakness.—330. Tearing pain in the linibs, which can only be appeased by constantly turning from side to side in the bed. Evening-attack of tear- ing pains. Single, rare, drawing, tearing jerks in the long bones of the limbs or in the tendons. Fits, Weakness : Convulsive, single twitchings of the limbs, when on the point of falling asleep. Twitchings in the limbs and eyelids.—335. Single twitchings of the limbs and head, during the morning slumber. Convulsions of children: both legs alternately are moved up and down ; the child grasps at something, draws the mouth to and fro, with staring eyes. The child lies insensible, with frequent changes in the coun- tenance, distorts the eyes, and facial muscles ; rattling in the chest, with much cough; the child yawns and stretches the limbs. General stiffness, for a short period. Sensation of par- alysis in the parts, in which the pain had abated.—340. Wea- riness, especially of the feet. (a. 10 h.) Weakness; she wants to sit all the time. (a. 5 h.) Dreads all kinds of labor. Weakness which is greater during rest than motion; he has tolerable strength during motion. Excessive weakness in the morning when rising from bed.—345. Comfortable feeling af- ter breakfast, in a few minutes afterwards, faintish sort of failing of strength, (a. 8 h.) When the pain begins, he feels a weak- ness as if he would fall down; he has to lie down. The child wants to lie down, does not want to be carried (a. 2. h.) The child does not want to stand up or to walk ; he cries dis- tressingly, (a. 4 h.) Excessive weakness and weariness, (a. 4 h.)—350. Fainting fits. Qualmishness about the heart. Faint- ingfits, recurring sooner or later, (a. x, 3, 4, 5 h.) Kind of fainting; qualmish about the heart, the feet feel paralyzed all of a sudden, and the limbs feel worn out. Heaviness of the limbs, yawning and drowsiness the whole day. Sleep: Frequent wide yawnings, without drowsiness, with cheerful and merry mood. (a. 1 h.) Frequent, incomplete yawning, (a. x h.) Drowsiness in day-time. Drowsiness dur- CHAMOMILLA. 17 ing a meal. Excessive drowsiness, (a. f to lx h.)—360. When sitting he feels sleepy ; but when lying down, he is unable to fall asleep. Nightly sleeplessness, accompanied by fits of an- guish ; vivid visions are hovering before his fancy, (a. 1 to 4 h.) When waking up and being yet full of sleep, he mistakes one for some one quite different, (for some one bigger.) He imagines he hears the voice of absent persons in the night. In his sleep he talks about this or that obstacle to be removed. —365. In the night, while waking and sitting in the bed, he says absurd things. Sleep full of fanciful dreams. Vivid dreams, as if he were doing something in a state of waking. He delivers discourses in a dream, with vivid memory and re- flection. Moaning when asleep.—370. Weeping and howling when asleep. Quarrelsome, vexatious dreams. Sleep appears troublesome ft) him; when he sleeps, his face looks gloomy, vexed and sad. He starts in his sleep. Starting, uttering sud- den cries, tossing about and talking while asleep, (a. 6 h.)— 375. In the night he turns anxiously from side to side in his bed, full of fancies. He cannot remain in bed. He feels in excessive anguish when in bed, but none when out of it; ac- companied with great mobility of the pupils. The nightly pains may be moderated by warm poultices. (The nightly pains are relieved by sitting up in the bed.)—380. Snoring breathing when asleep. Snoring inspirations when asleep; they are shorter than the expirations, the mouth being some- what opened, and the forehead being covered with hot, viscid sweat, (a. 3 h.) Moaning when asleep, with hot, viscid sweat in the forehead. Coma vigil, or rather inability to open the eyes ; slumber without any sleep, quick expiration and tearing headache in the forehead, with inclination to vomit, (a lx h.) Fever : Shuddering of some parts, which are not cold, with drowsiness, (a. 2X h.)—385. He feels a shuddering in some parts, in the face, (a. x h.) over the arms, (a. 2 h.) with- out or with external coldness. He is cold, with thrills of shud- dering from the back to the abdomen, (a. 1 and 4 h.) He shudders when uncovering himself. Chilliness (immediately.) Thrills of shuddering in the open air. (a. 2 h.)—390. Cold- ness, in the evening when lying down, a sort of deafness, the sound appearing to come from a distance, inclination to vomit, uneasiness, tossing about in the bed, a sort of stupefaction of the head and diminished sensibility of the skin, the skin feel- ing numb and pithy when scratched. Icy coldness of the cheeks, hands and feet, with burning heat of the forehead, neck, chest; then again heat and redness of the right cheek, hands and feet becoming again naturally warm, with contrac- VOL. 11. 3 18 CHAMOMILLA. tion of the pupils, the dilatation ceasing altogether ; afterwards sleep with snoring, (a. 1 to 3 h.) Coldness of the whole body with burning heat in the face, the eyes shining like fire. Cold limbs, with burning heat in the face, burning heat in tlie eyes and burning breathing, (a. 5 h.)—395. (Violent, internal chilli- ness, without coldness of the outer parts, except the feet, with thirst; afterwards great heat with sweat; when putting an arm from under the cover, she feels chilly, and when putting it back again, she sweats ; with tearing in the forehead.) (Chilliness all over, after a meal, afterwards heat in the cheeks.) Shuddering, on the back part of the body, arms, thighs and back, returning by starts, without external coldness, in the place of which he feels a dry heat within, and also without, especially on the forehead and in the face ; chilliness on the front part of the body. (a. | h.) (Fever: during the chilly stage he is obliged to lie down, thirst during the chilly, none during the hot stage; sweat after the heat; during the sweat prick- ing headache in the left hemisphere of the brain ; next morn- ing bitter taste in the mouth.)—400. Chilliness in the afternoen, (uttering words which it was not his intention to utter,) with nausea in the abdomen, lasting until 11 o'clock at night, ac- companied by a throbbing-stinging headache in the forehead, aggravated by lying down. (Fever : chills in the afternoon ; he is unable to get warm, with ptyalism, bruised pain in the back and side, and dull, aching pain in the forehead; next night excessive heat with violent thirst and sleeplessness.) Chilliness in the evening ; much sweat and thirst in the night. Burning cheeks in the evening, icith thrills of chilliness. Redness of one cheek, recurring by starts, without shudder- ing or internal heat. (a. 4 to 12 h.)—405. Internal heat with shuddering. External heat with shuddering. When laying himself upon his back, before midnight, he feels hot at once and sweats all over. (a. 6 h.) The lips were dry in the night, and adhered to one another, without thirst. Thirst, with fe- verish heat and redness of the cheeks.—410. Glowing heat of the cheeks, with thirst. Feverish heat and redness of the cheeks, with tossing about and delirium, eyes open. Sensa- tion of external heat, without there being any. (a. 1 and 3 h.) Feeling of heat, without any external heat, or without thirst. Dry tongue, desire for water, want of appetite, flushes of heat, sweat in the face, palpitation of the heart, followed by an un- natural hunger.—15. Unquenchable thirst and dry tongue, (a. 5 h.) Thirst in the evening ; in the night he is waked by a pain. He cannot bear being covered, on account of feeling hot externally. (General morning-sweat, with smarting sensation CHAMOMILLA. 19 of the skin.) General night-sweat, without sleep.—420. Sweat in the face, on the neck and hands, (a. 6 h.) Sweat during sleep, especially about the head. Frequent, transitory sweats in the face and palms of the hands. Involuntary moaning during the heat in the face. Repeated attacks of anguish in day-time.—425. Anguish as if he had to go to stool. Trem- ulous anguish, with palpitation of the heart, (a 1. h.) Con- gestion of blood to the heart (immediately.) Excessive rest- lessness, anxious, agonizing tossing about, with tearing pains in the abdomen, (a. 1 h.) Afterwards dullness of sense and intolerable headache. Moral Symptoms.—Hypochondriac anxiety.—430. Car- dialgia, he is beside himself with anguish, moans and sweats profusely. Crying and howling. (Fits for some minutes, every two or three hours:) the child makes himself rigid, bends backwards, kicks with his feet while carried upon the arm, screams immediately, and throws every thing off. Weeping un- easiness ; the child wants this and that; when the things are given to him, he does not want them, or repels them. (a. 4 h.) The child is not still till carried on the arm.—435. Distressing howling of the child, because the things which he desired were refused, (a. 3 h.) Very anxious; nothing of what she undertakes is satisfactory ; she is irresolute ; flushes of heat in the face and cool sweat in the palms of the hands. Tremulous tendency to start. He inclines to start, (a. 24 h.) He starts at the least trifle.—440. Crying on, account of a very trifling and often imaginary offence which frequently is very old. Is unable to stop talking about old, vexatious things. He suspects that he had been offended. His hypochondriac whims and his ill hu- mor about the least trifles, seem to him to proceed from dullness and heaviness of the head, and constipation. Ill humor after a meal.—445. Ill humor for two hours. Peevishness and ill humor; he is dissatisfied with every thing that others do. In- ternally he feels vexed about every trifle. He inclines to be angry and out of humor. Angry at every thing, with asthma. —450. He cannot bear being spoken to, or interrupted, espe- cially after rising, the pupils being scarcely moveable, either for dilitation or contraction.1 (a.lOh.) She cannot bear music. Excessively sensitive io all odors. Irritated mood. Peevish, 1 (See 69 ) The following symptoms, immediate consequences of vio- lent ano-er and resembling an acute bilious fever: flushes of heat, un- quenchable thirst, bilious taste, inclination to vomit, ansruish, restlessness, etc correspond to the symptoms of Chamomilla. One drop of the above mentioned dilution cures these symptoms as by a charm. 20 CHAMOMILLA. inclining to be quarrelsome, (a. 12 h.)- 155. Inclining to be quarrelsome and angry, (a 2 h.) She seeks a cause for quar- reling, (a. 3 h.) Moaning and groaning from bad spirits, (a 5 h.) Taciturn; does not talk except when forced, (a. 6 h.) (Full of scruple about every thing.)—460. Earnest and taciturn; resigned to his fate, which he feels deeply (after- wards.) Fixed ideas (afterwards.) Head : Giddy when sitting straight, not when lying down.1 Dullness of head. Heaviness in the head. (Tearing pains in the forehead, with sensation as if a lump were falling forwards, when sitting up or turning in the bed.)—5. Wrinkles on the forehead. Eyes : Luminous oscillation before the eyes ; she saw not where she was. Obscuration of sight. Mouth and Gastric Symptoms : Red tongue. Vom- iting. Stool :—10. Stool. Chest : Short, panting breath. Short, deep breath, with great heaving of the chest. Sudden stitches about the heart, oppressing the breathing during motion. Extremities : The left arm goes to sleep.—15. Tension in the knee ; tension in the feet, along the calves. She has to draw up the feet, owing to a pain in the calves and knees ; they go to sleep when stretching them. Sleep and Fever : Early in the morning, when in bed, the eyes are half open, turned downwards, the pupils somewhat dilated, sopor. Violent desire for water,—20 Constant alterna- tion of heat and coldness in different parts ; the hands are now cold, now warm ; now the leg, now the thigh is cold or warm ; now the forehead is cold and the cheeks hot, etc. Violent chil- liness immediately after uncovering one's self. Even the slightly covered parts are burning hot, the uncovered parts are cold. Excites a smarting heat. Horrid feeling of heat in the night, with burning, unquenchable thirst, dry tongue, stupefac- tion.—25. Hot face with redness of the cheeks. Great heat in the night, with sleeplessness. General heat, in the forenoon from nine to twelve o'clock ; afterwards violent sweat. Vio- lent sweat of the covered parts. Weeping mood and discour- agement ; with sleeplessness owing to a general bruised feel- ing in all the limbs.—30. Her head totters to and fro. Moral Symptoms : She sits like a statue, and does not seem to take notice of any thing round about, (a. 24 h.) Taci- turn. Aversion to talking; is very short. ' In a girl of nineteen years, from a few cups of tea of chamomile. CINCHONA. 21 CINCHONA. (Next to Opium there is no medicine which has been more abused to the detriment of mankind than Cinchona. It has not only been consider- ed as harmless, but it has been employed as a specific against weakness, and has frequently been given for months, in large doses, several of which were taken every day.) In the use of Cinchona physicians have constantly started from a false principle, and have thus confirmed the accusa- tion which I have brought forward against them before the enlightened portion of the public : that the generality of phy- sicians, have omitted to perceive that medicine is, by its object and nature, a science derived from and based upon experience, and that they have substituted delusive conjectures, theoretic dogmatism and accidental opinions in the place of impartial observations, pure experiments, and the wisdom acquired by practice. Avoiding conjectures, and traditional, unverified opinions, I determined to ascertain by experiment the pathogenetic action of Cinchona upon the human body, and I found that, as cer- tainly as it eures certain cases of disease, as certainly may it produce morbid symptoms of the most violent kind in the hu- man organism, and lasting a long while. By this means I have refuted the erroneous notion which has been hitherto enter- tained of the harmlessness, innocent mildness and universality of the curative powers of Cinchona.1 1 As early as the year 1790, (see W. Cullen's Materia Medica, Leip- zic, p. 109, Note,) I tried Cinchona upon myself, for the sake of ascer- taining the relation existing between intermittent fever and the pathoge- netic action of Cinchona. This first trial was the dawn of that br ght light which now shines in the treatment of disease ; it led me to establish and to demonstrate the law that diseases can only be cured by remedies the pathogenetic action of which upon the healthy body is similar to the symptoms of the disease. This law is so true, that all the venom which thousands of prejudiced practitioners have poured forth against it, is no more able to efface it, than the vile slanders of Riolan and Co. have been able to nullify Harvey's great discovery of the circulation of the blood. The opponents of Harvey's sublime discovery fought against him with the same wretched arms that they now employ against Homoeo- pathy. Avoiding, just as much as my own opponents to repeat Harvey's experiments in a faithful and correct manner, (lest they should be con- victed of error,) they relied upon slanderous vituperations and the re- mote age of their error, (for Galenus and his predecessors had arbitrarily established the fact that a sort of spiritual ether, nnv/na, was floating through the arteries, and that blood did not originate in the heart, but in 22 CINCHONA. In looking over the subjoined list of symptoms, which have been elicited from Cinchona by conscientious and healthy pro vers, it will be seen that the pernicious effects of that drug, and the frequently incurable aggravations of the original disease produced by prescriptions of which Cinchona was the chief ingredient, were owing to the excessive quantity in which the drug was administered, and because it was not suited to the case. Previous to these provings, physicians did not know that the aggravations which they, in their kindness to them- selves, mistook for a natural and unavoidable development of the disease, were medicinal symptoms inherent in Cinchona. But I forbear censuring those who have abused Cinchona, and I proceed to lay my own views of the nature and action of that drug before my readers : 1. Cinchona is one of the most powerful vegetable drugs. If Cinchona be indicated as the true specific, and if the pa- tient's organism be vehemently invaded by the disease which is to be cured by Cinchona, in that case one drop of the 12th potency of Cinchona, containing one quadrillionth part of a grain, is sufficient to cure the disease perfectly, without another dose being necessary, except in very rare cases. I was led to the use of such small doses neither by prejudice nor caprice ; experience and observation induced me to abolish the larger doses, which, even when they cured, acted still more power- fully than was necessary. I therefore substituted smaller doses in their places, and continued to reduce the doses until I had arrived at a point in my subdivisions of the original substance, where the curative action of the dose was justly proportioned to the disease, without producing any unnecessary medicinal symptoms. 2. A small dose of Cinchona acts only a short while, scarcely a few days ; a large dose for several weeks, unless the organism frees itself from the drug by vomiting, diarrhoea, etc. This shows how foolish it is to take several large doses a day, as is the case in common practice. the liver,) and they exclaimed: Malo cum Galeno errare, quam cum Harveyo esse circulator. This infatuation, this obstinate boasting of the antiquity of their illusions, (some thirty years elapsed before Harvey enjoyed the satisfaction of seeing his doctrine universally recognized ) was not more foolish than the existing infatuation and gratuitous rancor against homoeopathy which exposes to the world the injurious rubbish of old and new arbitrary and untenable rules of practice, and teaches the great art of curing diseases speedily, mildly and permanently, with the certainty of success, and agreeably to the answers which interrogated nature makes with precision to the questions addressed to her by her disci- ples. CINCHONA. 23 3. If the homoeopathic law be correct, which is the case ; if it be a tfuth founded in nature that diseases can only be safely and permanently cured by remedies the pathogenetic symptoms of which are similar to those of the disease, we shall find, in looking over the symptoms of Cinchona, that this drug will cure only a small number of diseases. When I say " cure," I mean a recovery undisturbed by sec- ondary ailments. Or do practitioners attach a different mean- ing to the word " curing," which is unknown to me ? Do they mean to consider intermittent fevers, which had been sup- pressed by means of Cinchona, cured? I know that almost all typical diseases, and also all intermittent fevers, although they do not correspond to Cinchona, may be suppressed by powerful doses of Cinchona ; but does this suppression mean that the poor sufferers are cured 1 Has not their original dis- ease been converted to a worse one, which does not, indeed, return at separate periods of an equal duration, but which is continuous, though more concealed ? The patients do no more complain of the regularly outbreaking type of the fever; but behold the livid color of their bloated countenances, the dimness of their eyes ! Behold how asthmatic they are ; be- hold their hard and distended abdomen, the hard swelling of their loins, their lost appetite, their repulsive taste, the oppres- sion which every nourishment produces in their stomachs; behold their undigested and unnatural stools, their anxious, unrefreshing sleep, interrupted by all sorts of dreams ! See, how they crawl about, as it were, faint, joyless, desponding, susceptible, out of humor and stupid, tormented by a greater quantity of ailments than was caused by their intermittent fever! How long does such a Cinchona-disease frequently last, which can only be relieved by death ! Is that health 1 It is not intermittent fever, I grant; but I say, and I challenge contradiction when I say so, it is not health; on the contrary, it is another and worse disease than intermittent fever; it is a Cinchona-disease, worse than in- termittent fever, otherwise this could not have been suppressed or rather suspended by it. And even if the organism recovers from this Cinchona- disease in a few weeks, in this case the intermittent fever re- appears in a worse form, the organism having suffered so much. If then Cinchona be continued in larger doses, in order, as is said, to prevent future attacks, in this case a chronic Cinchona-cachexia is formed, the symptoms of which will be found feebly delineated in the subjoined list. Our physicians, not knowing when Cinchona is suitable, 24 CINCHONA. their cures by means of Cinchona are suppressions of the ori- ginal affection by exciting a more violent Cinchona-disease, which is said to be a development of new symptoms, and a proof of the obstinate and malignant nature of the disease, the genuine symptoms of Cinchona not being known. Physicians who are unwilling to lull their consciences to sleep, and whose hearts still vibrate for the well-being of their fellow-men, may learn from the subjoined list of symptoms, under what circumstances and in what conditions of the sys- tem Cinchona can be used with benefit and success. There is one species of abuse of Cinchona bark which is absolutely intolerable and unjustifiable ; it is practised by the adherents of the pretended rationalist school in medicine, in giving Cinchona for every sort of weakness. There is no disease which does not bring on a state of weakness either by its own influence, or by the pernicious and exhausting influence of the unsuitable mixtures which are em- ployed as curative means. For such states of weakness Cin- chona has-been given in large doses, in the shape of an infu- sion, decoction, extract, electuary or powder, the patient being treated with Cinchona for weeks and months, as if it were really conducive to his preservation. I shall say nothing of the results of such treatment. Let the bills of mortality testify to the havoc that has been produced by the abuse of Cinchona, and let those innumerable wretches utter their complaints, upon whom the abuse of that substance has entailed asthma, swell- ings, jaundice, pains of every kind, spasms, degenerations, abdominal sufferings and hectic fevers. Let me appeal to the common sense of those practitioners, and ask them how they can dare to use bark in that host of diseases which are characterized by weakness, either per se, or where it has been superadded by the so-called regular treat- ment ? How can they imagine that a sick man can be strength- ened whilst he is yet suffering with his original disease, which is the source of his weakness ? Have they ever seen a patient recover from his original disease by the use of a really suitable remedy, who did not recover his strength in proportion as the disease left him ? But if the weakness of the patient can only be. removed by curing the disease, and if, on the other hand, that weakness must necessarily remain with the disease, how wrong and absurd must it appear to every intelligent man that an attempt should be made to strengthen the patient by bark and wine, whilst the disease is yet upon him ! These prac- titioners are unable to cure the patient, but they undertake to strengthen him, even when left uncured. If bark have power CINCHONA. 25 to invigorate every patient, in that case it ought also to be a panacea for all diseases ! But the attempt to restore a patient's strength while he is yet under the influence of disease, is ex- tremely foolish. It is true that, by the first doses of bark, the vital powers of the patient, were he ever so sick, are somewhat excited; he raises himself in his bed alone; he wants to get up and be dressed ; his voice becomes stronger, firmer; he attempts to walk about the room ; he puts on a cheerful countenance ; he feels a sort of appetite,—but every careful and correct observer sees that this excitement is unnatural. (See below note [565.]) In a few hours the patient sinks back into his disease more deeply than ever, and death is frequently hastened on by such treatment. The strength which is imparted to the patient by artificial stimulants, must be and will always be accompanied by the most pernicious consequences, except in those few cases where the totality of the symptoms corresponds to the symptoms of bark. In this case the weakness necessarily disappears together with the disease. But, as was said before, there are but few diseases in which Cinchona is a proper curative agent, curing speedily, permanently, and without leaving any secondary symptoms. In. all the other cases Cinchona must prove the more hurtful, either as a remedial or strengthening agent, the larger the doses in which it is administered. This is also true of any other agent improperly administered. In order to administer a drug, Cinchona or any other, with benefit to the patient, physicians must, in the first place, ascertain its pathogenetic symptoms; otherwise the patients will be injured more than benefited. Wherever Cinchona is used as the true, homoeopathic, cura. tive agent, (not in accordance with theoretical views, deceitful names, or the seductive authority of prejudiced leaders,) there it will impart strength to the patient; it strengthens the pa- tient by removing the disease ; strength can only be supplied by the organism when it shall have been freed from disease; it cannot be infused as so much matter by a decoction of Cin- chona, or by wine. There are cases where weakness is, so to say, the disease itself. Such cases are : weakness from the loss of humors, from hemorrhage, excessive blood-letting, excessive galactirrhcea, ptyalism, loss of semen, excessive suppuration, (copious sweats,) and frequent diarrhoea; in all these cases the other symptoms of the patient generally correspond to the symptoms of Cinchona. (See the notes to 299 and 326.) If these losses be not kept up 26 CINCHONA. by some disease lurking in the back-ground, a few small doses of Cinchona, of the size mentioned above,1 are sufficient to the cure, provided the action of the medicine is supported by nour- ishing diet, free air, cheering social intercourse, etc. Frequent and large doses would be as hurtful in this case, as the exces- sive use, even of the best things in the world, is hurtful in every instance. 1 I mean to say here, as elsewhere, that minute doses are sufficient under certain, circumstances. Nevertheless common practitioners per- severe in misunderstanding me, because they do not know that a cure can be effected with one single, simple remedy, when no other artificial stimuli influence the treatment. They are instinctively prone to mix up, in idea, the proposed treatment by means of one remedy, with their usual accompaniments of stimulating substances. Even when a physi- cian sometimes prevails upon himself to give a patient suffering with an acute disease, one remedy at a time, nevertheless he accompanies it with all sorts of medicinal substances, considering them as mere domes- tic remedies. He cannot get along without resorting, as accompani- ments, to a poultice of aromatic or dissolving herbs to be applied to the affected part, (as if these herbs did not act upon the olfactory nerves of the patients and did not influence the system generally through the skin ;) or to a liniment, fomentation, gargle, mustard-plaster, vesicatory, baths either entire or partial, injections of Valerian, Chamomile, etc., (as if all this amounted to nothing, and did not influence the general state of the patient through the skin, mouth, rectum, etc.;) or to a tea of mint, chamomile, juniper, or so-called pectoral herbs, etc., (as if a decoction of such herbs or flowers had no power.) In company with such accessory substances, Which, although they are looked upon as innocent, domestic remedies, are nevertheless violent medicines, the drug which is adminis- tered internally, even when given in a large dose, cannot possibly exert its genuine action, and a small homoeopathic dose would so much the more be jvithout effect. By administering only one remedy at a time, sensible men understand that the remedy shall be administered without any accompanying medicinal influences. To prescribe in this way it is neces- sary that a physician should know what is truly medicinal, and what not. As long as he is unable to distinguish these two orders of sub- stances, he must necessarily look upon herb tea, herb injections, herb poultices and baths, salts, etc., as non-medicinal. This point is still much more neglected in the treatment of chronic diseases. Beside the medicine, the patient is permitted: spiced beer, vanilla chocolate, some- times even strong coffee, hyson, bishop, (under pretence of strengthen- ing the stomach,) liquors, all sorts of spices and spiced sauces—these things being supposed to merely strengthen the stomach without estab- lishing any medicinal influence—chopped herbs, wine, tooth-tinctures, tooth-powders composed of medicinal ingredients, and which are never- theless considered harmless because of their not being swallowed, as if medicines, when simply taken into the mouth or inhaled, did not act upon the whole organism through the irritable living fibre, just as much as when swallowed and brought into the stomach!—and moreover a num- ber of perfumes: ambra, rose-water, peppermint, lavender, neroli, oil of cedar, eau de cologne, etc., besides smelling-bottles, scented soap, pow- CINCHONA. 27 The usefulness of Cinchona in the treatment of diseases resulting from the loss of humors, has led the older physicians as by instinct to a method of cure which has become more pre- valent than any other, the depleting treatment. Under pre- tence of loosening the morbid matter, and removing it from the body by means of frequent doses of so-called dissolving cathar- tics, by means of an increased secretion of urine and sweat, (through quantities of warm drinks and tepid and warm baths,) by venesection and bleeding, ptyalism, expulsion of pretended impurities through issues, setons, etc., the organism is weakened and even broken down. If this treatment had been kept up a sufficient length of time, which became an easy business, owing ders, pomatum, and many other refinements of that sort. Is such a chaos of medicinal extras necessary or even only useful to the recovery of pa- tients and the maintenance of health ? It inflicts a thousand injuries, and has perhaps been invented by physicians for the sake of spoiling and stimulating the organisms of fashionable people. It is a shame that physicians should wink at the ruinous use of such articles of fashion. This confused commingling of stimulating essences, tinctures, powders, both those consecrated at the shrine of fashion, and those introduced by the physician as concomitants of the leading remedies, has become so customary that no physician would dare to think of one remedy being able to cure disease, especially when this remedy is administered in a homoeopathic dose. Conradi, in his " Outlines of Pathology and Thera- peutics," must have had reference to such a method of cure when he says that the action of such small doses, insisted upon by me, exceeds all belief. If Conradi had known that the accessory stimulants which are used in common practice, exercise a powerful medicinal influence, he would not have made that remark. The difference between adminis- tering a remedy with or without those stimulants, is immense. Whereas the gourmand after rising from a dinner, would scarcely perceive the sweetness of a grain of sugar upon his tongue, irritated by spices, the man who is satisfied by simple fare, would taste that sweet- ness in the morning to an excessive degree. In the midst of the move- ment and tumult of certain quarters of a city we may not even hear the words which a friend may shout into our very cars, whereas, in the depth of a silent night, we should even hear one single note of a flute at a great distance. In the same way does an organism which is perfectly free from me- dicinal influences, perceive the slightest impression imparted to it by a remedy which corresponds to the symptoms of the disease by which the organism has become affected. Small doses are so much more certain to exercise their specific effect, as the organism does not expel them by force ; whereas a large dose is expelled by vomiting, purging, by the bladder, by sweat, etc. May I, in conclusion, hope that that which has been said above, will suffice to show practitioners, that homoeopathic medicines can perform the wonders which are claimed for them, only when their influence is left undisturbed by other stimulating agents ? 28 CINCHONA. to the favorite use of mild cathartics, two things resulted from it: First, the irritation of the intestinal canal was kept up un- til the acute disease, which was hushed by that artificial irri- tation, had run through its natural course: and secondly, a state of weakness was induced by the depleting treatment, which could only be removed by Cinchona; how this final cure was obtained, no one saw. In the same way, the ordinary tertian fevers of spring, and most other intermittent fevers, which run through their course in a few weeks, were protracted into months of rational (?) treatment, and, in the end, the igno- rant patient was glad to escape with his life, whereas a truly scientific cure might have been effected in a few days. Hence the constantly repeated warnings in the so-called practical writings, not to give the bark in intermittent fevers, till all (pretended) impurities should have been washed out of the system, or, as modern practitioners term it, till the morbid matter should have been sufficiently dissolved, or, in other words, till the patient should have been sufficiently purged, which, in fact, amounts to this, that the artificial intestinal irritation ought to be kept up long enough to last longer than the natural dura- tion of the fever, and that the weakness consequent upon that loss of humors, should afterwards be cured by Cinchona. This is what physicians call treating a disease methodically and rationally in very many cases. It would be just as proper to rob widows and orphans for the purpose of building a poor-house out of the proceeds. The primary effect of Cinchona is to open the bowels, (see 178;) hence it will cure certain kinds of diarrhoea, provided the other symptoms correspond. In cases of humid gangrene on the outer parts, the other symptoms of the disease will be generally found to correspond to the symptoms of Cinchona ; hence it will cure that condi- tion. The frequent and morbid excitement of the sexual organs, resulting in an involuntary emission of semen, and caused even by slight abdominal irritations, is permanently relieved by Cinchona. Pain, which is excited by merely moving the affected parts, and which gradually rises to the most fearful height, and is in general similar to the pain produced by Cinchona, has fre- quently been cured by a single drop of the 12th dilution of Cin- chona, even when the attack had returned frequently; the pain disappeared as by enchantment, Cinchona being homoeopathic to that symptom. (See note to [426.]) CINCHONA. 29 Bark will scarcely ever be found useful except when the nightly rest of the patient is disturbed similarly to the disturb- ance which characterizes Cinchona. Some cases of suppuration of the lungs (especially when characterized by stitches in the chest, increased or excited by pressure from without,) may be cured by bark, if all the other symptoms correspond. In that case a few doses of the above mentioned dilution, when given at long intervals, are sufficient to a cure. Certain forms of jaundice may likewise be cured by Cin- chona as their homoeopathic type. Certain forms of intermittent fever are cured by one dose of bark, when all the symptoms correspond, and the dose is given directly after the attack, previous to the preparations for a new paroxysm having been accumulated in the system. In order to suppress the type of an intermittent fever to which Cinchona is not homoeopathic, it is customary to administer large doses shortly before the paroxysm sets in, in which case that violent suppression is more easily accomplished. Marsh-intermittent can only be cured by Cinchona when the patient remains out of the fever-region during the whole of the treatment. The cure is impossible while the patient re- mains constantly exposed to the cause of the disease. The attempt has been made to substitute drugs in the place of Cinchona, which has, however, a peculiar and perfectly cha- racteristic influence open the human organism. But how fool- ish to suppose that the medicinal virtues of Cinchona can be inherent in another totally different substance ! Is not every animal, every plant and mineral something individual and per- fectly distinct from all other beings of the same order? Will a Cinchona-tree ever be confounded with a willow, or an ash, or a chesnut ? And if these things are so different even on their surfaces, where the difference is only perceived' by one sense, the eye, shall their internal difference, their different and peculiar action upon the living organism, remain unheeded ? Is not this difference the highest which distinguishes one cre- ated substance from another in reference to man ? Or shall we with Cullen and others consider every thing which has a bitter and astringent taste, equivalent to Cinchona, something like Cinchona; and shall we set up the sense of taste, which is scarcely fit to discriminate between the taste of one substance and another, as the highest judge of the medicinal efficacy of different plants ? I should say that it is scarcely possible to proceed with less discretion in matters concerning the highest earthly good of man. 30 CINCHONA. I grant that all the medicinal substances which have been resorted to in the place of Cinchona, have cured certain kinds of intermittent fever; but the very fact that those substances have cured even when, according to the statements of those who employed them, Cinchona would do no good, shows, that the fevers which could only be cured by those substances, were different from those to which Cinchona corresponds. Cinchona differs from other medicinal substances not only by its bitter and astringent taste, and by its so-called aroma, but there resides in its whole inmost nature an invisible, dyna- mic agent, which can never be separated as a material some- thing from the body of the substance, and which distinguishes that substance from all others as respects their influence upon the human organism. Every substance which is recommended in intermittent fever, has a peculiar influence upon the human organism, dif- ferent from that of any other substance, according to eternally unchangeable laws. God intended that every medicinal agent should be distinguished from other agents, not only by its shape, taste, color, etc., but also by its internal dynamic properties, that we might be enabled, through this variety, to cure the endless number of morbid phenomena with which man is visited. If any one of those agents has cured cases of intermittent fever, (which I am not disposed to deny, wherever the agent has been administered uncombined with others,) and if any other agent was unable to cure those same fevers, does it not fol- low that the fevers which could only be cured by certain agents must have been different from fevers which could only be cured by certain other agents ? There must certainly exist the same difference between the fevers that there is between the remedies used to cure them ; and vice versa, the remedies must differ as much as the diseases, and cannot, therefore, be used in the place of one another. Boundless Nature is much more profuse in creating medi- cinal agents than the compilers of our systems of Materia Med- ica imagine; and she produces a corresponding variety of abnormal states of the organism, a good deal more than a bungling pathologist is able to comprehend, who would like to reduce the legion of morbid states to a few names,' probably 1 Scarcely any physician, except Hippocrates, took down the symp- toms of a disease, unmixed with the symptoms of drugs. Most other physicians, in their descriptions of cases, mix up natural and artificial symptoms. < CINCHONA. 31 for the sake of facilitating the business of prescribing, commit- ting a certain number of prescriptions for each name. We might leave the fact of iron being mixed in a great many prescriptions, and the patient being made to swallow a preparation looking very much like ink, unnoticed ; but it be- hooves us to tell physicians that such a preparation possesses neither the virtue of Cinchona, nor iron. This follows from the fact that Cinchona and iron may be used, and are used to neutralize each others injurious effects, provided those effects correspond to the pathogenetic symptoms of the drug to be used as antidote. The protracted use of large doses of Cinchona frequently produces a cachectic state, which can only be removed with great difficulty by other remedies, especially by Ipec, Arnica, and sometimes Belladonna. Veratrum ought to be used when the abuse of Cinchona has produced coldness of the body, with cold sweats. FROM NOACK AND TRINKS. Cinchona may be used in the following affections : Atrophy. —Asthenic inflammations.—Congestions of the liver, spleen.— Hemorrhages from weakness.—Consequences of cold.—Intermit- tent neuralgia.—Scrophula.—Rheumatic affections.—Arthlitis —Chlorosis.—Heemorrhoidal complaints,—Dropsy.—Jaundice. — Hydrargyrosis.—Morbus Hippocratis niger.—Bad effects from tea.—Scurvy.—After-diseases of small-pox and measles.—Spon- taneous carbuncle.-—Dry and humid gangrene.—Abscess of the psoas-muscle.—Caries scrophulosa.—Scrofulous ulcers.—Sleep- lessness.—Bilious, rheumatic, nervous fevers.—Cholera Asiatica. —Febres lentaj.—Intermittent fevers.—Scrofulous opthalmia.— Photophobia without much redness.—Affections of the eyes from sexual excesses, or drinking.—Hemorrhage of old people.—Pro- sopalgia.—Nervous toothache.—Glandular indurations.—Stom- acace.—Gastric conditions.— Saburral vomiting. — Gastralgia andcardialgia.—Chronic gastroenteritis.—Induration of the liver and spleen. — Tympanitis. — Bilious diarrhoea. — Hemorrhage from the bladder.—Weakness of the sexual organs from onanism. —Excessive irritability of the sexual organs.—Swelling of the testicles.—Amenorrhoea from chagrin, with vicarious swelling of the breasts.—Amenorrhoea after a cold.—Metrorrhagia from atony of the uterus.—Metrorrhagia abortiva.—-Fainting fits during hemorrhages of parturient women.—Protracted lochial discharges.—Putrefaction of the uterus.—Induration in the ab- domen, in hysteric females.—Phlegmasia alba dolens.—Leu- 32 CINCHONA. corrhcea.—Catarrh of the air-passages.—Suffocative catarrh.— Hasmoptisis.—Asthma after unsuccessful venesections.—Pleu- ritis. — Pneumonia,—Phthisis florida.—Suppurations of the lungs.—Palpitation of the heart from loss of blood, humors.— Pains in the back.—Rheumatism of the muscles of the back.— Acute rheumatism of the loins and hips.—Acute articular rheu- matism.—Acute articular gout--(also Bry., Puis., Sulp.) Ar- throphlogosis interna chronica.—Arthrocace.—Hydrarthrus.— (also Puis.) CINCHONA. (Tiie symptoms which have been furnished to Hahnemann by other provers, will be found annexed to Hahnemann's own symptoms. Fig- ures enclosed in brackets, refer to the symptoms of other provers".) Head : Vertigo and nausea with vertigo, followed by a general feeling of heat. [Compare with (1)—(4).] The head feels affected as by vertigo from dancing, and when taking cold. [Comp. with 12 and (8).] His thoughts come slowly, he is averse to motion, and is more inclined to sit and lie down. Slowness of thought.—5. He is absorbed in thought (as if his ideas were arrested.) (a. 3 h.) He is unable to regulate his ideas, he makes mistakes in writing and talking ; he places words which ought to follow, before others; he is very much disturbed by the talking of others. [6, 7, and (713)—(716) are alternate effects of 3. 4, 5, and (5).] A number of projects. The head feels dull and desolate, as from sitting up over night. (a. 1 h.) [Comp. 8, 9, 10 ,with (6)—(12) and (16).] Stupefac- tion of the head, with pressure in the forehead, (a. x h.)—10. Dull, stupefying headache early in the morning when waking from sleep. Headache, at times in one, at times in another part of the brain. Headache in the temples, like dry coryza. [Comp. with 2 and (8).] Headache over the orbits, coming on in the forenoon, aggravated by walking, going off by eating din- ner, (a. 18 h.) Heaviness of the head ; (at noon the head is af- fected with a painless reeling sensation.) [Comp. 14, 15, with (13,) (14,) (15)—15.] Headache, a sort of heaviness and heat in the head, worst when turning the eyes, accompanied by darting pains in the temples. Headache from afternoon till evening, a sort of pressure in the middle of the forehead. Ach- ing pain when walking, first above the forehead, afterwards in the temples, "(a. 6 h.) [Comp. with (20)—(26) and (28).] Pres- sure of the blood upon the brain. [Comp. 18, 19, with (27) and (29)—(35) and (53).] Headache as if the brain were being CINCHONA. 33 pressed together from both sides and out of the forehead, in- creased by walking in the open air.—20. Aching and pricking pain in the forehead and one temple, (a. 4 h.) Stitches on the left side between forehead and temple ; when touching the temple he felt a violent throbbing of the artery, and the prick- ing disappeared by this contact. [Comp. with (62); also with (57)—(61) and (63).] Darting headache, in the temple, extend- ing into the superior jaw. [Comp. with (49) (50), also partly with (46)—(48).] Headache, first of a spasmodic nature in the top of the head, afterwards on the side of the head, as if bruised, increased by the slightest motion. Headache, when walking in the wind, a sore and bruised feeling.—25. Headache as if the brain were sore, increased by touching the head or parts of the head ever so little, but especially by continued attention and deep reflection, even by talking. Sweaty hair. Sweaty hair when walking in the open air. (Creeping in the integuments of the forehead.) Frequent change of complexion.—30. Pale counte- nance. [Comp. (30)—(33) with (78).] Wretched, livid com- plexion. Sunken, pale countenance. Hippocratic countenance (pointed nose, hollow eyes with blue margins,) indifference, insensibility; he does not care about hearing any thing of things or persons that were otherwise very dear to him. (a. 1 h.) Eyes : Contracted pupils.—35. The pupils are movable, but more disposed to contract than to dilate, (a. 20 h.) Black points hover before the sight, (a. 4 h.) [Comp. with (112) to (114).] Smarting in one, afterwards in the other eye, with lachrymation. Smarting pain in the eyes, as from salt, with pressure; she is obliged to rub them constantly, (a. x h.) [From the vapor, comp. with (105).] Eye-gum in the outer corner (after sleeping).—40. Boil upon the cheek. Ears : Redness of the cheeks and lobules. Tearing in the lobules. [Comp. with (121).] Heat of the external ear. Vesicles behind the ears. — 45. Eruption in the concha. (Aching pain in the ear, like otalgia.) (a. 3 h.) A noise in the ear, like the tick of a distant watch. Throbbing sensation in the ear, followed by long tingling. [Comp. 48, 49, with (115) (116) (118).] Tingling in the ears.—50. Humming in the ears. [Comp. with (119).] The internal ear feels closed up, as if deaf. (a. 1 h.) [Comp. with (120).] Nose.: Redness and heat of the nose. (a. 12 h.) Aching pain in the root of the nose (after the heat of the cheek had passed off) the pain moves to one side. (a. 5 h.) Tearing pain in the dorsum of the nose.—55. (He imagines he smells a corpse.) vol. ii. 4 34 CINCHONA. Mouth, Jaws and Teeth: Shrivelled skin of the lips. (a. 5 h.) The lower lip cracks (when sneezing) (chapped lips). The internal surface of the lower lip is sore and excoriated. [Comp. with (128,) (129).]—60. Drawing toothache comes on easily in the open air and in a draft. Toothache, dry coryza and lachrymation. Toothache, stitches through the anterior teeth from behind forwards. [Comp. with (137) and (148).] Throbbing toothache, (Comp. with (149).] Toothache with vacillation of the teeth, (a. 3 h.)—65. Vacillating teeth, only painful during mastication. Tearing, with pressure, in the right upper and lower jaws, before midnight. [Comp. with (141) and (145) and (146), partly with (138) (140) (142) (144) (147).] The lower incisores are painful as if they had been knocked against something. (Red rash on the forepart of the neck, no itch- ing.) The nape of the neck feels painful during motion. [Comp. with (74), also (424) (425).]—70. Pain in the nape of the neck, towards the front, when turning the head, as if the glands were swollen, although they are not; the pain increased when touch- ing the parts as if bruised (after a walk). Shooting pains in the parotid gland. Simple pain in the submaxillary glands, especially when touching or moving the neck. A sort of claw- ing or squeezing pressure in one of the submaxillary glands, especially when moving the neck, or when touching the parts. Sensation in the pit of the throat, as if swallowing would pro- duce a feeling of soreness (although he does not feel any pain when swallowing).—75. Swelling of the submaxillary glands, with painful deglutition, the glands are especially painful when swallowing. Pharynx and Oesophagus: stinging in the right side of the throat, only when swallowing. The inside of the throat feels swollen ; stinging, during deglutition, on the left side of the tongue; an aching pain is felt here when talking or taking an inspiration. Stitches in the throat, between the acts of deglutition, from a slight draft of air. (Stinging in the throat, in the evening after going to bed, not during deglutition, but during an inspiration.)—80. Painless swelling of the velum pen- dulum palali and the uvula, (a. 3 h.) [Comp. 80, 81 with (152), partly with (151).] Painful swelling of the posterior border of the tongue. Smarting pain on the middle of the tongue as if the place were sore or burnt. Vesicle under the tongue, pain- ful when moving the tongue. Fine stitches in the -tip of the tongue. [Comp. with (158).]—85. Sensation on the tongue as if it were dry and covered with mucus, (a. 1 h.) [Comp. (163) —(165).] (Yellowish tongue, not furred.) Taste and Appetite : The mouth is slimy andt he taste watery and insipid. Slimy taste in the mouth, giving him an CINCHONA. 35 aversion to butter. Insipid taste in the mouth, after drinking. —90. Saltish taste in the mouth. [Comp. with (180), partly with (179) (184).] Sensation in the mouth similar to what one experiences after smelling of strong vinegar. [Comp. 91, 93, with (183) (185).] (Choking and contraction in the fauces without impeding respiration.) Sourish taste in the mouth, frequently, as if he had spoiled his stomach by fruit. Brown bread tastes sour. (a. 3 h.) [Comp. 94, 99, with (182), partly with (181).]—95. Food, especially wheat-flour, tastes bitter. (a. 6 h.) [Comp. 95, 96, 101 with (177) partly with (174) (178) (180.)] No bitter taste in the mouth, but food tastes bitter, not after it had been swallowed. The taste in the mouth is always bitter. [Comp. 97, 98, with (172.)—(176.)] Bitter taste in mouth, early in the morning. Coffee tastes sour.—100. Aver- sion to coffee, although food has a good taste. Beer tastes bit- ter and affects his head. Aversion to beer. Aversion to water, desire for beer. Great desire for wine.—105. Smoking, to which he is used, affects his nerves. [Comp. (190), partly (187) (189).] He feels as if he had eaten, drunk and smoked enough, never- theless food and tobacco taste naturally (in a few h.) [Comp. 106,108 with (195).] No desire for food, his taste being good. He relishes supper, but he is immediately satiated, and can eat but little. Indifference to food ; he gets a little appetite while he is eating, and relishes the food somewhat, (a. 6 h.)—110. He does not relish his dinner. [Comp. with 191), partly with (189).] Canine hunger with flat taste in the mouth. He has a desire for food; but he knows not which. [Comp. 112, 113, 114, with (200).] He has a desire for many kinds of food; but he does not know which. A longing for things unknown. —115. Hunger, but no appetite. No desire for either food or drink. [Comp. partly with (196) (197).] Excessive aversion and loathing to certain aliments which are not disagreeable, even when he hears them meiely spoken of, accompanied by dread of labor, continued drowsiness by day and yellowness of the eyeballs, (a. 8 h.) [Comp. with (194).] Sensation as if a putrid vapor came out of the mouth. Bad, putrid smell out of the mouth towards morning, going off as soon as she eats some- thing.—120. Mucus in the mouth, early in the morning after waking, and after a somewhat fatiguing exercise ; he imagines that the mucus has a bad smell. Gastric Symptoms and Stomach : A badly tasting mu- cus frequently rises into his throat. Bitter eructations after a meal. (a. 2 h.) [Comp. with (181).] Eructations tasting of the ingesta. Risings of mere air. (a. 2h.) [Comp. with (204) (205.)]—125. Scraping sensation in the fauces, especially about 36 CINCHONA. the border of the larynx, as is felt after rancid eructations or heart-burn. A sort of half sobbing, half eructation, (a. f h.) No appetite, nauseated, he wants to vomit, but cannot (fore and afternoon). A sort of canine hunger, with nausea and inclina- tion to vomit, (a 2 h.) Inclination to vomit and vomiting.— 130. During a meal stitches in the side and back, and constant inclination to vomit, (a. 5 h.) Drawing, darting pain during a meal in the side of the abdomen, (a. 2 h.) Fullness after a meal, good appetite before. [Comp. 133,134 with (211).] Re- pletion after a meal for a long time.—135. Stool after a meal Drowsiness after a meal. [Comp. 136, 137, 138 with (218) (219).] Great desire to sleep after a meal. Weakness after a meal, he would like to lie down. After a meal, nausea, flushes of heat and orgasm of the blood disappear.—140. After the pressure at the stomach, a burning sensation is felt from the stomach to half way up the chest. Hard pressure at the stom- ach after a meal. [Comp. 141, 143, with (225), and also the alternate effect (224).] Pressure at the stomach, griping in the stomach. [Comp. with (221) to (224) and (226) to (230).] After eating a meal with good appetite, he is attacked with pressure at the stomach, afterwards accumulation of flatu- lence, and lastly vomiting. Colic, after eating a moderate sup- per with good appetite; distended abdomen, sharp, aching pains, with occasional pinching, in all the bowels. [Comp. with (220.)] —145. After a moderate dinner and supper he feels a pinching pressure somewhat above the umbilicus in the epigastrium; motion makes this pressure intolerable, it is appeased again by complete rest. Colic, before and shortly after dinner, as if from incarceration of flatulence. Fermentation in the abdomen from eating fruit (cherries). The nourishment which had been taken for supper, remains in the stomach undigested. [Comp. 148, 149, 150, and part of 151 with (217) and (231).] The stomach is easily spoiled by milk.—150. The stomach is easily spoiled by eating a little too much, were it ever so innocent, there appears an insipid taste in the mouth, a sense of full- ness in the abdomen, ill-humor, and headache. Sense of emp- tiness and flatness in the stomach. Feeling of coldness in the stomach. Feeling of coldness in the epigastrium after every cold drink he swallows, recurring at every inspiration, (a, 4 h.) Stitch in the prsecordial region after every drink he swallows. (Comp. with 251.)—155. Shuddering or chilli- ness with goose-flesh after every drink he swallows, (a. 6 h.) Colic after drinking, as when one takes a cathartic. Abdomen : Colic in the umbilical region, accompanied with shuddering. Painful distention of the abdomen and es- CINCHONA. 37 pecially the hypogastrium. [Comp. 158, 159, with (264)— (267) and (269)—(274).] Distention of the abdomen, without flatulence.—160. Flatulent colic (a. 2 h.) Flatulent colic in the hypogastrium: the lowermost intestines feel constricted, the flat- ulence endeavors in vain to escape, causing aching and tensive pains ; even under the short ribs this tension and an anxiety are felt in consequence. Pressure in both sides of the abdomen, as if stool would come on and could not be expelled. Cramp-pain in the abdomen, composed of pressure and constriction, (a. 24 h.) Pressure and heaviness in the abdomen. Pinching in the hypo- gastrium, with increase of hunger and faintness. (a. 3 h.) When a flatus is about to be emitted, the abdomen is pinched together, causing violent pain. [s. 170, 171, and (305).] Pinching- pricking pains in the abdomen, (a. l£ h.) [Comp. with (242) (254).] Shooting stitches in the stomach and abdomen. [Comp. (247) (252) (253) (256) (257) (308) to (313).] (Desire for stool resulting merely in emission of flatulence.)—170. Colic previous to the emission of flatulence. Previous to the emission of flat- ulence cutting pains dart through the abdomen in all directions. (a. 1 h.) [Comp. 196, and (314).] Accumulation and subse- quent emission of a quantity of flatulence, (a. x h.) [Comp. 268).] Discharge of violent, fetid flatulence, (a. 10 h.) The abdominal muscles feel bruised, (a. I h.)—175. Sore pain in the abdominal ring, and sensation as if hernia would protrude through the ring. (a. 4 h.) Colic previous to stool. [Comp. 176, 177, 179 with (316) (322).] Stool : Stool with colic. Diarrhoea of undigested food, a sort of lienteria. [Comp. 178, 179, 180 with (325) (326) (330) to (332).] Three times a soft diarrhoea with a smarting, burn- ing pain in the anus, and with colic before and after stool.— 180. Thin stool resembling diarrhoea. White stool and dark urine, (a. 48 h.) [Comp. (538) (539).] Sensation in the anus, during stool, as if an acrid matter were passing over the parts. Burning and burning itching of the anus (immediately). Diar- rhoea with burning pain in the anus.—185. Stitches in the anus during stool which was mixed with blood, (a. 5 h.) (Comp. 185, 188, 195 with 333.) Costiveness and accumulation of faeces in the bowels, with heat in the head and dizziness. [Comp. 186, 187 with (333) (335) to (337).] (The costiveness produced by bark is a reactive effect of the organism.) After long tenesmus stool is expelled with much pressure, the expul- sion causing a good deal of pain. Piercing stitches in the anus and rectum, between stool, (a. 5 d.) Tingling in the rectum after stool.—190, Tingling in the rectum, with discharge of ascarides. Continual burning pain in the rectum, after the 38 CINCHONA. siesta, (a. 4 d.) Pressure in the rectum, (a. 2, 6 h.) Tear- ings, and tearing jerks in the rectum, when lying in the bed. (a. 10 h.) Contractive pain in the rectum, especially when sit- ting, (a. 72 h.)—195. Stinging pain in the perinaeum, espe- cially painful when sitting down. Pressing and cutting in the intestines, during and after the emission of a whitish, turbid urine, [s. 171, and 314).] Urinary Organs : Spasmodically contractive pain from the rectum through the urethra as far as the glans and through the testicles, in the evening. Tingling in the anus. Tingling creeping, and itching, in the anus and urethra, with burning in the glans.—200. Burning smarting in the forepart of the urethra, in the evening, during micturition. [Comp. (343) (344).} Bubbling sensation in the region of the bulb of the urethra, (a. 6 h.) Stitching in the urethra when urinating. Painful sensi- tiveness in the urethra, especially during erection ; also per- ceptible when sitting or rising. Pressing in the bladder after frequent and almost unsuccessful desire to urinate.—205. Diminished secretion of urine, the first twelve hours, after- wards increased. Feeble stream and slow emission of urine, with frequent desire. Frequent micturition, (a 24 h.) Fre- quent and urgent desire to urinate, the urine coming off invol- untarily. Whitish, turbid urine with white sediment. [Comp. (342).]—210. Scanty urine with brick-red sediment, and red, spotted, hard, tense swelling of the foot. [Comp. (348).] Genital Organs : Swelling of the spermatic cord and testicle, painful to the touch. Drawing pain in the testicles. A sort of tearing pain in the left testicle and the left side of prepuce, in the evening when in bed. Itching creeping in the scrotum, in the evening when in bed, obliging him to rub the part. [Comp. (350).]—215. Darting pain between the glans and prepuce, when walking. Pressing pain in the glans, be- fore micturition. Itching of the glans, in the evening when in bed. Fine pricking in the frsenulum, becoming more painful when touching the part, the pain then becoming stitching and tensive ; no change could be discovered externally. Burning pain in the orifice of the urethra, during and 'after micturition. (a. 3 h.)—220. Continual burning in the orifice of the urethra. The scrotum hangs down low. (a. 1 h.) Frequent erections. (a. 6 h.) Nightly pollutions. [Comp. (349).] Increased sexual instinct.—225. The existing menses were converted to me- trorrhagia ; the blood coming off in black lumps, (a. 1 h.) (225 appears to be the primary effect of Cinchona, and (351) the secondary effect of the organism ; hemorrhages from the nose (125)—(127), from the mouth (161), and from the lungs 242, are rather frequent primary effects of Cinchona.) CINCHONA. 39 Respiratory Organs and Chest : Sneezing (a. -J- 12, 3 h.) Sneezing with coryza. (a. 1, 2 h.) The larynx is affected, making the voice to be deeper and impure when singing or talking, (a. 2 h.) [Comp. 228, 229, 230 with (358)—(361).] Whizzing and wheezing in the trachea during respiration, (a. 2 h.)—230. The chest feels oppressed during night; wheezing, raling, whizzing in the trachea, with- out the tenacious mucus obliging him to cough, (a, 5 h.) A sort of suffocative fit, as if the larynx were filled with mucus, especially towards evening and night, when waking from sleep, (a. 8 h.) [Comp. 231, 232 with (363)—(372).] Difficult, painful inspiration and quick expiration. Inclinations to deep inspirations before dinner. Suffocative cough in the night at two and four o'clock (a sort of whooping-cough) ; she screams, but only after she had had a few fits. [Comp. 234, 235, 236 with (405) (406).] Aching pain in the chest and sore feeling in the larynx, from coughing. [Comp. 237, 244, 245, 246, with (374)—(380).] Violent pressure in the sternum after a meal, worse when stooping and raising his arms, while sitting. Violent cough immediately after a meal. (a. 4 h.)—240. Tick- ling, inducing cough, in the evening; he was able to suppress the cough. Cough excited by laughter. (Cough, with bloody mucus.) [Comp. with (408).] (Creeping in one-half of the chest, as if something were crawling about in it.) (Sharp pressure, mingled with creeping, in one side of the chest.)—245. Pressure on the whole of the front part of the chest, during night, when lying on the back. Aching pain in the side of the chest, oppressing respiration. Tensive pain, especially in the external muscles of the chest (in the morning). Burning pres- sure from without inwards, in the whole of the chest. Bone- pain in the joint of the ribs, as if bruised, during an inspiration. —250. Pain in the side as if bruised, or contused. Some stitches through the sternum towards the back, soon after drinking, (a. 8 h.) (Comp. with 184.) Violent stitches in the pit of the stomach during inspiration, (a. 3 h.) [Comp. (246) (248).] Violent stitches under the last ribs, during an inspira- tion, arresting the breathing. Under the last rib of the right side there is a small spot, causing a stitching pain when walking, or when pressing ever so slightly upon it.—255. Stitches in the side during night; in day-time they are only felt during motion or when touched, (a. 13 d.) Boil on the muscles of the chest. (Throbbing in the sternum, evening and morning.) Palpitation of the heart. [Comp. with (409) (411).] Back: Intolerable pain in the small of the back, as if from a cramp, or as if bruised or pounded to fragments; the pain causes one to shriek when making the least motion. [Comp. 9 40 CINCHONA. (421).]—260. Creeping itching on the os coccygis, going off only for a short time by rubbing, (a. 1 h.) Sweat in the nape of the neck and back when moving about ever so little. Pain in the back during the least motion, as if bruised, (a. 3 h.) Throbbing and stitching pain in the back. [Comp. (416) (417.)] Pain in the scapula as if sprained, (a. 24 h.) Upper Extremities :—265. Weakness in the arms, felt when clenching the hands. [Comp. with part of (429) and (433)—(435).] Tension in the arms and hands, (a. 2 h.) Tear- ing darting through the left elbow-joint, recurring frequently. Tearing and drawing in the arm, when standing near the window. Bone-pain, drawing, from the elbow to the fingers, in the evening, (a. 24 h.) [Comp. (441)—(433).]—270. When moving the left hand, one feels a drawing pain over the dorsum of the hand, which is swollen. When bending the fore-arm, it goes to sleep, with fine stinging in the tip of the fingers. (Comp. 277, 308.) The hands are alternately warm and cold. One hand is icy-cold, the other warm. The knuckle of the middle- finger is swollen ; he is unable to move it, from stiffness and pain.—275. Drawing from below upwards, in the left thumb, index and middle finger. Darting pain in the external parts of the left little finger. [Comp. (448) (449) and (454) (455).] Lower Extremities : The lower limbs go to sleep when sitting, (s. 308.) The posterior muscles of the thigh feel bruised, when sitting. Tension when walking, in the anterior muscles of both thighs.—280. Tearing in the thigh, in jerks. Weak- ness in the thighs. [Comp. (461).] (Burning in the anterior and superior parts of the thighs.) Hard swelling of the thighs, extending sometimes beyond the knees as far as the feet, be- coming thinner towards its termination, reddish, and painful when touched. [Comp. (407) (502) (503).] Coldness and chilli- ness of the knees (a. x h.)—285. Darting pain in the knees. [Comp. (482) and part of (489).] Hot swelling of the right knee, with drawing, tearing pains, which rouse him from sleep during night. Pain in the knee when moving it ever so little, as if bruised, (a. 3 h.) [Comp. (481)]. Pain in the knee when bending it, preventing sleep, with nodosities under the skin. [Comp. (478).] Pain on the side of the patella, when touch- ing it. (a. 2 h.)—290. Pain in the bones of the leg, when setting down the foot as if bruised by blows, and worse still when touching the parts; when feeling them, the whole foot was seized with a shuddering and chilliness, as if she had plunged it into cold water. Sensation in the leg as if garters had been tied round it too fast, and as if it would go to sleep and become rigid. Cramp-pain in the left calf during the • CINCHONA. 41 night, when extending and curbing the foot; this pain hinders sleep, (a. 16 h.) Pain in the lower half of both legs, as if the periosteum had been bruised and were swollen, only when standing; erosive pain when feeling the parts, as is felt in a sore and bruised spot. Weariness of the feet as if bruised. (a. 4 h.)—295. Cold feet, in the evening. Boring stitches in the tips of the toes. [Comp. (501).] Very soft swelling of the soles of the feet. General Symptoms : Bone-pain in the articulation of the ribs, limbs, shoulders, scapulae, as if bruised, when he stirs or moves ever so little. (298 is an alternate effect of 299, 300, and 302.) Pain of the joints, when sitting or lying down ; the limbs cannot be left quiet in one position, as occurs when they have been excessively fatigued by a long journey, or when ex- hausted by blood-letting or excessive loss of semen ; the limbs require to have their position changed all the time, extending or bending them, etc. [Comp. 299 to 302 with (490.)] The weakness alluded to in this paragraph, as if it had been caused by a great loss of humors, and still more especially indicated in 326, 328, 329, 331, (558) and (563), together with the moral symptoms (407) (409) (410) (416) to (423), the symptoms indi- cating a disturbance in the digestive organs 85 to 90, 94 to 98, 106 to 124, 128, 132 to 134, the ailments after a meal 136, 137, 141 to 146, 148 to 153, 158, 159, the easily excited sweat, es- pecially in the back, during motion and sleep 261, 365, 367, 368, 399, and the affections of the head 9, 10 and (6) to (16), is precisely that kind of weakness for which Cinchona is a specific, and which affects almost without an exception persons who have lost a portion of their strength by hemorrhages and fre- quent venesection, galactirrhoea, excessive lactation, coition, onanism, involuntary emission of semen, profuse natural or artificial sweats in disease, natural or artificial diarrhoea. (When Cinchona is given for any other kind of weak- ness, which is not the disease itself, its exhibition may be followed by the most pernicious consequences, and may even endanger life. Indeed, even in these cases, it produces an excitement, but it is not a natural excitement, it is an over- straining of the vital powers of the patient, which may be followed by a perfect collapse, or may entail upon the patient a cachectic condition of the system which it is either difficult or frequently impossible to cure.)—300. All the joints feel bruised during the morning-sleep ; the pain increases in proportion to their being left quiet; the limbs therefore require to be moved frequently, because the pains diminish by motion ; they go off when wide awake. Pain in all the joints, as if they were 42 CINCHONA. being pressed upon by a heavy weight, in the morning when in bed ; the pain goes off when rising. Pain in the joints when sitting, as if pressed upon by a heavy weight; the longer he sits the greater his weariness. All the joints feel stiff when rising from his siesta. When rising from bed,'in the morning or after the siesta, he feels a paralytic stiffness in all the limbs, oppressing the mind.—305. Cracking in the joints. He feels a pain all over, in the joints, bones and periosteum, as if he had strained the parts, or like a drawing and tearing, especially in the dorsal spine, small of the back, knee and thighs. Oppression of all parts of the body, as if the clothes were too tight (after a walk in the open air). The limbs, upon which he lies, go to sleep, (s. 271, 277.) The limbs feel numb and pithy.—310. Excessive, almost painful sensitiveness of the skin of the whole body, even of the palms of the hands, (a. 10 h.) [Comp. (344.) (477).] Digging-up pain in the wound. Boring pain in the .ulcer. Stinging, itching pain in the wound (ulcer) for two hours (in a few hours). [Comp. 313, 314 with (519).] (Stinging, throbbing pain in the ulcer, even when at rest.)—315. The ulcer becomes painfully sensitive, a boring pain is felt in it. Throbbing pain in the ulcer, when moving the part, not during rest. (An ichor hav- ing a putrid smell forms in the ulcer ; a burning and a pressure are felt in it; he cannot let his foot hang down; the foot is painful when standing.) Itching of the arms, loins and chest, especially in the evening; scratching brings on pimples. Smarting itching, almost only of those parts upon which he lies when in bed ; scratching relieves it momentarily ; when lying upon the unaffected sides so that the itching parts are uppermost, the itching soon disappears, (a. 8, 9 h.)—320. Smarting itching, almost only of those parts, upon which he does not rest (during the siesta) and which are turned upper- most, (a. 26 h.) Itching of the skin; scratching brings on blisters the same as nettles. Itching of the skin ; when scratching it, blood exudes from the pores. Burning itching in the bend of the knee and on the inner surface of the arms, in a warm room, and at night, when in bed, with an eruption of small vesicles containing water and disappearing in the cold air. He feels ill all over.—325. The whole nervous system is so to say morbidly excited, strained. Excessive sensitiveness of all the nerves, with a morbid sensation of general weakness. (Comp. 326 with the symptoms mentioned in the note to 299.) Internal feeling as if a disease were approaching. Excessive irritability, with discouragement and intolerance of noise. Languid condition of the mind and body, with excessive sen- CINCHONA. 43 sitiveness. [Comp. (558).]—330. Ailments from a little draft of air. Excessive sensitiveness of the nervous system ; sight, smell, hearing and taste are too strongly affected by every thing, it offends his internal sensations and affects his mind un- pleasantly. The previous pains feel as if checked and sup- pressed violently, leaving a great heaviness in the whole body. Fits, Weakness, Sleep : Lassitude. Tremulous weak- ness of the limbs, with dilatation of the pupils. [Comp. (560).] —335. Inclination to lie down. Drowsiness, with palpitation of the heart. Drowsiness in day-time. [Comp. 338 to 342, with (572,) (573).] Unceasing yawning ; without drowsiness, [337 and (596,) (597,) are alternate effects of (573).] The eye- lids are about to close, from weakness and drowsiness, (a. \ h.)—340. Continual drowsiness in day-time ; he falls asleep unawares. Invincible drowsiness when sitting. As soon as she sits down, in day-time, she falls into a doze; but as soon as she lies down, she becomes wide awake from the least noise. She is unable to sleep, the whole night; disagreeable thoughts crowd upon her one after the other. He is prevented from go- ing to sleep by a number of ideas and reflections occurring in rapid succession; in this way he wakes almost the whole night; this makes him to be quite warm in the morning; nevertheless he cannot bear being uncovered; no thirst, (a. 30 h.)—345. Sleeplessness after midnight; although he is very sleepy, nevertheless his thoughts remain wide awake; at the same time he closes his eyes and changes his position in the bed frequently. He fell asleep late ; the thoughts which crowd- ed upon his mind prevented him from sleeping ; his sleep was not sound, and in the morning, when rising, he felt quite worn out. When on the point of going to sleep, he is roused from sleep by frightful fancies. (347, 348, 353,354,355.) Cinchona is characterized by restless night-sleep with dreams causing anx- iety and starting; when waking from those dreams one finds it difficult to come to one's senses, or the anxiety continues. 349, 350; see (583) to (592,) (594.) Terrifying dream in the night, (a. 3 h.) Heavy dreams in the night, the anxiety continuing even after waking.—350. Dream causing anxiety ; he imagines he is to descend a steep precipice; this rouses him from sleep; but the dangerous spot remains so vividly before his fancy (especially when closing the eyes) that the fear which he felt continues yet a long while. In the morning, when wa- king, he is tormented by anxious ideas and th&ughts. She has ugly dreams as soon as she closes her eyes. He starts when about to fall asleep. Restless sleep full of dreams and shrieks.—355. He is unable to collect his senses when waking 44 CINCHONA. in the night. When waking in the night, he felt a giddiness, so that he dared not raise himself. He starts in the night, when asleep. Snoring and moaning, when asleep, in chil- dren. (Comp. 354.) Snoring inspirations and expirations when asleep.—360. Snoring inspiration (through the nose) when asleep, (a. 3 h.) When asleep, the inspirations are somewhat snoring, the expirations puffing. When asleep, one eye is open, the other half closed, the eyeballs being turned backwards, as in dying persons, (a. 1 h.) When sleeping, he lies on his back, the head bent backwards, the arms extended above the head, with slow expirations and strong and quick pulse. Heat in the head towards morning, and oppression of the chest.—365. He sweats in the night unceasingly, even when but lightly covered. When covering himself he gets into a profuse perspiration all over the body ; this is very disa- greeable to him; nevertheless he feels so drowsy that he is unable to collect his senses and to rise. Sweats when sleeping. Sweats, early in the morning, while sleeping. Greasy morn- ing sweat.—370. The face became sweaty, in the morning shortly after rising. Fever : Dread of the open air. Cold hands, (a. \ h.) Feeling of icy coldness in the left hand; externally it feels as warm as the right. [Alternate effect of (610,) (611).] Cold hands, feet and nose.—375. He is cold all over. [Alternate effect of (627) to (629).] Yawning. Stretching. Yawning, with chilliness. Feverish attack, commencing with sneezing. —380. (Thirst during the chills.) [This symptom, together with (661), does not seem to have been observed correctly; for in all my other observations I have found that the Cinchona- fever is characterized by the thirst not appearing during the cold stage, either shuddering or chilliness 382, (618) (629) to (634) (658), that, on the contrary, thirst came after the cold stage, as is shown in 381, (635) (636), or, which is the same thing, that thirst came shortly before the hot stage set in (663). There is likewise no thirst in the Cinchona-fever during the hot stage, see 394, 395, 403, (655) (656) (669) (670) (671), ex- cept some burning of the lips (668), or some dryness of that part 396, (670), which dryness accounts for the symptom (645): sensation of slight thirst during- the hot stage; the " thirst ac- companying flushes of heat." (662) is not to be considered as characteristic of the perfect fever-heat. In the Cinchona-fever thirst sets in 'after the hot, (643) (664) (667), or, which is the same thing, during the sweaty stage, 399. The fever-heat accompanied with stinging over the whole body, seems to form an exception (678) (679).] Thirst after the thrills of shudder- ing through the skin. Chills with shaking of half an hour's CINCHONA. 45 duration early in the morning, without thirst, and without any subsequent h^at. Shuddering and chilliness, when entering a warm room from the open air. (a. 5 h.) [A rather rare alter- nate effect of 384, (598) to (602) and (643).] Chills on chest and arms, when -walking in the open air.—385. Chilliness over the arms, with inclination to vomit about the stomach, after- wards cold limbs, with shuddering and returning nausea. Pal- pitation of the heart, and shortly after chilliness, (a. 20 min- utes.) [The Cinchona-fever frequently commences with an accessory symptom, palpitation of the heart 386, or sneezing, 379, or great anxiety, 403 and (641), or nausea, 385, (642), or great thirst, (663), or canine hunger, (668,) (669), or aching pain in the hypogastrium, (639), or headache, (640).] Violent chills with shaking, in the evening when lying down.) Red- ness and heat of the cheek and lobule, with chilliness over arms and abdomen, (a. 1 h.) Redness and heat of the cheek and lobule of one or the other side; before this has passed, a chilliness is felt over the whole body, and lastly over the lower limbs, (a. 4 h.)—390. Heat in the face, and, in a few hours, shuddering and chilliness, with coldness over the whole body. Heat in the head, with distention of the veins of the hands, (a. 4 h.) [In the Cinchona-fever the veins are generally distended, even when the head is merely hot, as in this instance, or, when there is a general increase of temperature of the body, 394, or when the patient feels a heat, without any heat being felt when touching him, 393, and also when there is a real external heat, (671).] The blood rises to the head, the forehead is hot and the limbs are cold. [391, 392. One of the most frequent symp- toms of Cinchona-fever is the rush of blood to the head, gene- rally accompanied with redness and heat of the face, 390, (670), frequently with chilliness of the other parts of the body, 388, 389, (654), also, when there is external coldness, (651) (652), or when there is merely coldness of the face perceptible internally, the cheeks feeling cold when touched, and there being a cold sweat on the forehead, (653).] Sensation of heat through the whole body, with distended veins, cold feet, the general exter- nal warmth of the body not being perceptibly increased. The warmth of the body is somewhat increased, with distended veins, but no thirst, and easily dilated pupils, (a. 8, 12 h.)— 395. Heat over the whole body, without thirst, (a. 3 h.) Du- ring the hot stage, shortly after midnight, no thirst, only dry lips. In the hot stage he can scarcely uncover his hand with- out feeling a pain. In the morning, after the nightly sweat, the skin is not sensitive to the air, nor liable to catch cold ; he may uncover himself without any injury. After waking (at three o'clock in the night) sweat of the body, with thirst, but 46 CINCHONA. no sweat on the feet; there is no sweat about the head, except on that cheek upon which he rests.—400. Violent sweat over the whole body, when walking in the open air. Cold sweat in the face, with thirst. Cold sweat over the whole body. (a. \ h.) Moral Symptoms : Intolerable anxiety (at eight o'clock in the evening and two o'clock after midnight); he jumps out of the bed and wants to kill himself, and nevertheless dreads to approach the window or the knife, with heat of the body, no thirst. He tosses about in the bed, beside himself and in des- pair. [Comp. (694,) (695).]—405. Inconsolable. [Comp. (697,) (698).] Distressing moaning and screaming. From time to time she has a weeping fit, without any external cause, brought on by some imaginary cause, an imaginary want, the idea that she cannot eat to satisfy her appetite, etc. (a. 20 h.) Cheerful mood, with sudden, short-lasting shrieks and tossing about, without any apparent cause. Lamenting ill-humor.— 410. Moaning ill-humor. [Comp. 410, 411, 412, with (709,) (710).] Taciturn. Obstinate silence. Disobedience, want of docility. His ill-humor is increased by caresses.—415. He despises all things, (a. 1 h.) [Comp. with (707).] Dissatis- faction ; he thinks himself unhappy and imagines he is tor- mented and teazed by every body. (a. 5 h.) He is vexed, and gets easily angry, (a. 4 h.) [Comp. 417,418, 420 with (701,) (703).] Anger increasing to the most violent wrath, he could have stabbed one. He gets vexed when excited, otherwise he is stupid, embarrassed, discountenanced.—420. Inclines to feel angry, and seeks opportunities for it; afterwards quarrelsome, and disposed to grieve and reproach others, (a. 2 h.) Ill hu- mor with irresoluteness : she is unable to attain her ends, this makes her angry (in a few hours). Excessive and anxious cautiousness. Excessive solicitude about trifles, (a. lx h.) Ill-humored, but neither sad nor quarrelsome, jbut not disposed to think fast. [Comp. with 4, 5 (5.) (704,) (705,) (711).]—425. Mood gloomy, has no desire to live. Has no desire to work. Desire to work, read, write, reflect; extraordinary disposition to be industrious (curative effect). OBSERVATIONS OF OTHERS. Head : Vertigo. Vertigo in the occiput when sitting. Vertigo, the head inclining to fall backwards, more violent during motion and when walking, less when lying down (in a few minutes). Continual vertigo,~the head inclines to4all back- wards, in any position, but especially when walking or when moving the head. (a. 6h.)—5. Periodical arrest of ideas. CINCHONA. 47 Cloudiness of the head. Obtusion of the head. The head is affected as in a cold. (a. 9 d.) (See 2 and 12.) The forehead feels dull.—10. The head feels heavy as after an intoxication, with pressure in the temples. Gloominess spread over the whole head for half an hour. (a. f h.) Dull feeling in the lower and posterior part of the head, as when waking from sleep. Heaviness of the head. [Comp. (13) (14) (15) with 14,15.] Heaviness of the head, which inclines to fall backwards.—15. When waking from sleep, in the morning, heaviness of the head and weakness in all the limbs. In the morning the head feels dreary as after an intoxication, with dryness of the mouth. Aching in the forehead. Aching in the temples. Headache, weakness, followed by some coldness.—20. Aching in the oc- ciput. [Comp. (20) to (26) with 17 and.(28).] Pressure in the outer parts of the left temple. Compressive sensation in the temples, (a. 5 h.) Aching in the temple, in the evening. Aching in the right side of the forehead.—25. Aching in the forehead; when bending the head backwards, both temples felt that aching in an increased degree; when sitting the aching was only felt in the forehead. Headache, first a sort of pressure in the forehead, afterwards spreading over the whole head. Violent aching deep in the brain, with feeling of constriction, especially in the right side of the forehead, and in the occiput, increased by walking- [See 18, 19, (29) to (53).] Aching pain in the head, especially the occiput. Pressing headache, increased by the open air. (a. 9 h.)—30. Hard pressure in the occiput, as if the little brain were being pressed out. (a. 5X h.) Painful pressure in the head, towards the fore- head, as if the parts inside were too heavy and were pressing forwards, relieved by pressing upon the parts with the hand. (a. 8 h.) Pressing headache in that side to which he inclines. A sort of oppression of the head, with sweat on the forehead. (a. x h.) Pressure above the eyes, like a fullness in the head. (a. 2 h.)—35. Headache, as if the brain were pressed into a ball, with excessive mental excitement, inquietude, excessive and overstrained attention and fancy. Tearing, with pressure, in the temporal region, as if the bone were being pressed out. [Tearing or (drawing) with pressure and pressure with tear- ing (drawing) appear to be a characteristic pain of Cincho- na ; see (427) (428) (466) (470) (492) (493).] Tearing ach- ing in the left temple. Tearing in several parts of the head, increased by walking and moving the head. Tearing head- ache from the right part of the occiput to the right frontal emi- nence.^—40. Drawing headache from the occiput to the fore- head, as if the whole forehead were being contracted ; this pain terminated in the temples as a throbbing ; decreasing when 48 CINCHONA. walking, increasing when sitting and standing, and ceasing when pressing upon the parts with the hand. Drawing pain in the occiput, when sitting. Drawing pain behind the ears, in the head, extending to the mastoid process. Drawing pain in the left side of the occiput, going off by bending the head backwards. Drawing pain in the forehead.—45. When touch- ing the forehead with the hcfnd, he feels in that part a pain which moves to and fro. Violently darting tearing in seve- ral parts of the head, increased when moving the head or walking about, decreasing when lying down. (a. 1 h.) Darting tearing in the frontal eminences. Darting tearing in the right temporal region, for three days. Dartings, from both parietal bones along the neck. [Compare (48) (49) with 22.]—50. Headache, a sort of darting towards the forehead, increasing until evening, when it disappeared. Digging-up pain in the left side of the forehead, when sitting down unoccupied, or when doing something which did not in- terest him. Headache, a sort of digging-up in the left side of the head, when sitting, (a. 9 J h.) Headache, so intense as if the skull would burst; the brain seems to strike against the skull, like waves. Violent hammering in the head towards the temples. Headache in the left parietal bone, a beating pain. Uninterrupted, dull, cutting pain, extending from both temples and the occiput as far as into the orbit, more intense when moving the parts and when stooping. Stitching headache, es- pecially in the left side of the forehead, (a. 1£ h.) Burning violent stitches between the forehead and top of the head. Con- tinual stitching sensation in the right temple.—60. Stitching headache, in the forehead, when sitting. Stinging in the left temple. Stitching headache between the right temple and fore- head, with violent pulsation of the temporal artery, (a. \ h.) (s. 21.) Single stitches, darting through the internal ear from above. Lancinations in several parts of the head, increased when moving the head.—65. The scalp is so sensitive to the touch that every part of it becomes painful, and especially the roots of the hairs, (a. 36 h.) Painful drawing in the right side of the occiput. Drawing pain in the articulation of the condyles and the atlas, when touching the parts, obliging him to incline the head backwards. Painful drawing in the outer part of the occipital bone. Contractive pain on the left side of the occiput in the skin.—70. Contractive, external pain in the left side of the occiput, sensation as if the skin were being drawn together in one point; is not increased by touching the parts. Pain as if the upper part of the scalp were grasped with the hand. Contractive pain, with sensation as if the con- CINCHONA. 49 traction took place in a circle, on the top of the head. (a. x h.) Sharp stitches in the left side of the hairy scalp. Several stitches in the nape of the neck (leaving a sort of stiffness be- hind.) [See 69 and (424) (425).]—75. Stinging itching on the hairy scalp, (a. 1 h.) Stitching pressure in the outer part of the left frontal eminence, accompanied with vertigo and some nausea in the throat. Stitching pressure in the right frontal eminence, more violent when touching the parts, (a. 10 minutes.) Face : Sunken, pointed countenance, pale, eickly, as after excesses, (s. 30 to 33.) Bloated, red countenance.—80. Heat in the face. Burning heat in the face, when entering the warm room from the open air. Alternate heat and redness of the face. Momentary contraction of the integuments of the forehead, as if they became drawn together in one point in the centre of the forehead, (a. x h.) Burning pain on the fore- head and hot sweat on the forehead.—85. Pressure over the face, especially near the nose and cheeks, accompanied with drawing together of the eyelids, as if the upper and lower lids were drawn towards one another, (a. 3 h.) Stitching pres- sure on the forehead, above the nose and on the cheek, (a. 32 h.) A sort of pecking pain in the zygoma and in one of the right molares. Fine stitches in the right malar bone, going off by pressing upon them. Soft pressure from below upwards, above the root of the nose and in the region of the eyebrows, going off when touching the parts, the skin of the left wing of the nose feeling tense.—90. Pressure in both eyebrows, rather externally, aggravated by moving the muscles of the forehead. (a. 3 h.) Eyes : Pain over the left orbit. Tearing about the left outer canthus. Fine-itching pain over the orbits. Itching of the left eyelid.—95. Titillating sensation of the eyelids, (a. 5 h.) Violent pain of the eyelids. Feeling of dryness be- tween the eyelids and eyeballs ; when moving the eyelids, the pain is like a rubbing, without any visible change about the eye. Itching pain in the outer canthi. Painless pressure in eyes, as is caused by weariness and privation of sleep (a. 10 £, 12 h.)—100. When waking in the night, the right eye feels as if bathed in tears, (a. 19 h.) Sensation in the eyes as if they had sunk a good deal, which is not the case. (a. x h.) Tremor, winking, twitching in both eyes. (a. 2\ h.)- The left lower eyelid is jerked to and fro. (a. 6 h.) Lachrymation with ting- ling pain of the inner surface of the eyelids--—105. The eyes are somewhat red, with aching, burning pain in the eyes and much heat (in the afternoon.) (a. 6 h.) Contraction of the VOL n. ^ 50 CINCHONA. pupils, (immediately and a. 3\ h.) Contraction of the pupils. (a. 4 h.) Contraction of the pupils, (a. 1 h.) Dilatation of the pupils (a 14 h.)—110. Great dilatation of the pupils, (a. x h.) Excessive dilatation and almost staring of the pupils with weakness of sight, hindering him from distinguishing any thing'at a distance, the complexion being fresh and the spirits good. (a. 6 h.) Obscuration of sight. [Comp. (112) to (114) with 36.] Dimsightednes. Amaurosis. Ears : Frequent tingling in the right ear, accompanied with a tickling creeping in the same, as if an insect had got in. [Comp. (115) (116) (118) with 48, 49.] Tingling in the ears, with headache in the temple. Ticking in the ear. Humming in the ears. (s. 50.)—120. Hardness of hearing, (s. 51.) Tear- ing in the cartilage of the ear and the meatus auditorius externus. (s. 42.) Pain in the left ear only when touching it. (a. 6 d.) Nose : Biting sensation deep in the left nostril, becoming a painful stitch at every inspiration ; when compressing the nose, the biting increases, and then an itching is felt in the dorsum of the nose, in the evening, (a. x h. Fine prickings in the cartilage of the septum.—125. Bleeding from the nose between 6 and 7 o'clock in the morning, after rising, several mornings in succession. Frequent, profuse bleeding at the nose. Bleeding at the nose, after violent blowing. Mouth and Jaws : On the right side of the upper lip, near the corner of the mouth, a sore feeling, as is felt after wiping the nose a good deal when affected with a cold. [Comp. (128) (129) with 59.] Pain in the lower lip, near the left corner of the mouth, as if a corroding ulcer had formed there.—130. Eruption on the lips and tongue, little ulcers which itch and burn. Dry lips without thirst, (a. 7 h.) Blackish lips. Neck drawn to one side. Aphony.—135. Slight shuddering with subsequent speechlessness. Cutting burning pain in the upper jaw, when standing, (a. 7 h.) Darting dull stitches in the right lower jaw. [Comp. 62 and (148).] Tearing in the left lower jaw. Swelling of the gums and lips.—140. When biting the teeth together, he feels an aching pain in the crowns of the right molares. Toothache, resembling a pressing drawing in the left jaw. [s. 66, and (145) (146).] Jerking tearing in the upper and posterior molares of the left side. (a. 5 h.) Digging- up in the upper molares, momentarily relieved by biting the teeth together and by pressing upon them (a. 40 h.) (When smoking, to which he is used) he feels a tearing pain in the upper jaw, moving upwards and backwards, and followed by a fainting fit.—145. Aching and drawing pain in the left up- CINCHONA. 51 per row of the molares, with sensation as if the gums or the interior of the cheeks were swollen, (a. 1 h.) Drawing ach- ing pain in one of the upper molares, in the morning, with sensation as if they were numb. (a. 24 h.) Drawing pain in the anterior incisores in the morning. (Rhus tox. appears to be an antidote to both these last symptoms.) Small, fine stitches, with tearing, in the upper molares of the right side, neither increased nor diminished either by contact or by in- spiring the open air. (a. 2X h.) [s. 62, (137).] Pecking pain in one of the upper molares. (s. 63.) Sore throat. Contractive sensation in the throat. [Comp. (151) (152) with SO, 81.] Dif- ficult deglutition, as if the oesophagus were too narrow. Ten- sion in the pharynx, when bending the head backwards ; this, however, does not impede deglutition. Scraping sensation in the palate, also between the acts of deglutition, (a. 8 d.)—155. The smoke of tobacco seems to him uncommonly sharp and biting in the posterior part of the palate, (a. 24 h.) Trouble- some feeling of roughness in the throat. Biting sensation on the tip of the tongue, as if caused by pepper, followed by conflux of saliva at that spot. Burning stitches in the surface of the tongue, (s. 84.) Contractive sensation in the salivary glands; ptyalism.—160. A quantity of saliva in the mouth with nausea. (a. 2 h.) Conflux of saliva, accompanied with nausea. After an agreeable surprise a quantity of bright blood appeared in the mouth, (a. 24 h.) Dryness in the mouth. [Comp. (163) to (165) with 85.] Dryness in the mouth with thirst.—165. Great feeling of dryness in the throat, with cool breath, (a. 1 h.) Tongue very much coated, especially in the afternoon, (a. 7 h.) Tongue coated white, early in the morning. Tongue coated with a thick, dirty-yellow crust, (a. i h.) Tongue coated yellow. __170. Tongue coated yellow. Pure tongue with bitter taste. Taste and Appetite : Bitter taste. [Comp. (172) to (176) with 97, 98.] Bitter mouth. Bitter taste in mouth ; even the tobacco tastes bitter when smoking.—175. Bitter taste in the throat, on account of which he has to swallow the saliva all the time, (immediately.) Bad, sometimes bitter taste in the mouth ; the food had no pleasant, nor had it a bitter taste. Bitter taste in the mouth when drinking coffee. Bread tastes well when chewing it, but it has a bitter taste when being swallowed. The wheat bread and butter taste bitter and salt, with dryness in the palate, and thirst; between the meals he has no strange taste in the mouth, only dryness and thirst.— 180. All the food has an uncommonly salt taste, afterwards a bitter taste. Bread and butter excite bitter-sourish eructations. (a. If h.) (s. 122.) Imperfect, sourish eructations after drinking 52 CINCHONA. milk. (a. If. h.) (s. 94, 99.) Acidity in the mouth, [s. 91, 93, also (185).] ' Sweetish-saltish taste in the mouth, (a. 3 h.)— 185. First a sweetish, afterwards a sourish taste in the mouth, copious saliva. Sweetish taste in the mouth. Tobacco tastes sweetish when smoking. Bad taste in the mouth, as after cheese. (Comp. with 118 to 121.) Tobacco has no taste when smoking.—190. Tobacco has no taste when smoking, (s. 105.) Supper has little taste, (s. 110.) Want of appetite. Little appetite. Want of appetite as if owing to remote nau- sea, (s. 117.)—195. Little appetite at noon, from a feeling of repletion, (s. 106, 107.) Slight thirst, (s. 116.) No thirst when eating. Hunger, and nevertheless no appetite ; the food which he put in his mouth, although having a natural taste, was nevertheless disagreeable to the mouth. Hunger at an unusual period, in the afternoon.—200. In the morning, vio- lent hunger and appetite, without knowing for what. (s. 112, 113, 114.) Great desire for sour cherries. Sensation of emp- tiness in the pharynx and oesophagus (a 11 d.) First a burn- ing, afterwards an agreeably v. arming sensation from the upper part of the chest to the stomach. Gastric Symptons : Eructation. [Comp. (204) (205) with 124.]—205. Tasteless eructations after a meal. Eructation, as if caused by nausea, with colic (a. f h.) Eructation, as if from inclination to vomit. Nausea in the region of the pit of the throat, after a meal. Nausea—210. Nausea with a good appetite. Sensation as if some of the food reached as high up as the throat, (a. 3 h.) [Comp. (211) with 133.] Inclination to vomit. Nausea without vomiting. Vomiting. 215. Contin- ual vomiting. Half an hour after dinner, a pressing head-ache, lasting until he goes to bed. When sitting down afte a walk, succeeding a moderate meal, he feels an anguish, with nausea, at the stomach, as if the stomach had been overloaded and spoiled in consequence, nevertheless he is hungry, [s. 148, 149, 150, (151) and 231.] Weariness and laziness after a meal. [Comp. (218,) (219,) with 136, 137.] Faintness and drowsiness after supper, (a. 12 h.)—220. After a meal, a hard aching pain in both sides of the abdomen below the umbilicus, (s. 144.) Stomach : Pressure at the stomach. [Comp. (221) to (224) with 142.] In the morning, when lying on one side, pressure at the stomach, (as if it had become constricted,) going off when lying on the back. Pressure in the stomach as if from reple- tion. Violent pressure in the stomach, going off during a meal. [Alternate effect of, (225).] Hard, long, lasting pres- sure in the stomach a fter eating, w hat soever it be. (s.141 CINCHONA. 53 143.) Heaviness and pressure in the stomach. Heavy pres- sure in the stomach. Oppression of the stomach. Feeling of repletion in the stomach.—230. Feeling of weight in the stomach. Weakness of digestion. Colic in the region of the stomach, resembling a pressure, abating when rising from the seat, returning when sitting down again, and continuing two hours, (a. f h.) Pressure, with tearing, under the last true rib, on the left side of the xiphoid cartilage. Sore feeling with pressure (or pain as when one presses upon a wound), in the prcecordial region (several mornings).—235. Violent pressure under the praecordial region, as if all the parts there were sore, the same in any position, or when touching the part; shortly after violent diarrhoea, which did not relieve the pain in the praecordial region, (a. 7h.) Oppression in the precordial region, arresting the breathing. Clawing sensation in the praecordial region, arresting the breathing, (a. \ h.) Pains under the short ribs. Pains, hypochondria.—240. Anxiety in the prae- cordial region, especially after a meal. Anxiety in the prae- cordial region. Colic, pinching, (stitching,) aching under the praecordial region, as if diarrhoea would come on, with- out any evacuation taking place, in the evening, (a. 36 h.) [Comp. (242) (243), especially (246) to (248) with 167, 168.] Darting stitches in the stomach, (a. 3 h.) Tearing drawing under the last rib, when standing.—245. Contractive pain, and as if bruised, under the last rib, only when walking, (a. 24 h.) [See 161, 163, also (294) to (301).] Sharp stitches in the pit of the stomach, (s. 252.) Sharp stitches in front, under the last ribs, uninfluenced either by inspiration or expiration. [See 168 (252) (253) (256) (257) and (308) to (313).] Stitching pain in the pit of the stomach, extending to the sternum. Abdomen: Pressure, with sensation as of stitching, in sev- eral parts of the epigastrium, in the morning wmen in bed (four days in succession.)—250. Severe cutting in the umbilical region, with cold sweat on the forehead, for a quarter of an hour ; (in a few minutes.) Pressure, with cutting in the region of the spleen, as if the spleen were indurated. Sharp stitches in the left side of the epigastrium, close under the ribs, from within outwards, more violent during an inspiration, (a. 7 h.) Splenetic stitches, even when walking slowly. Pinching stitches in the left hypochondriac region, (a. lx h.)—255. Obstruction of the spleen. Continuous stitches under the right ribs in the region of the liver, neither lessened nor made worse by either inspirations or expirations, (a. 4 h.) Violent stitches from within, outwards in the region of the liver, only during expiration, (a. 5 h.) Attacks of pressure in the region 54 CINCHONA. of the liver, when standing, coming and going, passing off when bending the body forwards ; when touching the parts they are painful as from subcutaneous ulceration, (a. 5 h.) Swelling of the liver.—260. • Obstructions of the liver. Indu- rations in the abdomen. Indurations of the intestines. Sensa- tion as if the epigastrium had been pressed into a narrower space. Fullness of the abdomen. [Comp. (264) to (267) with 158, 159.]—265. Obstinate distention of the abdomen, causing anxiety. Bloatedness. Bloatedness of the abdomen, from flat- ulence. Flatulence, with frequent emission, (s. 172.) Tym- panitis. [Comp. (269) to (273) with 158,159.]- 270. Distention of the abdomen, as if from too much drinking or bloating ali- ments. Distention of the abdomen, colic and diarrhoea. At- tacks of hardness, distention and pains of the abdomen.— Troublesome, tensive distention of the abdomen. Swelling of the abdomen.—275. Ascites. Rumbling in the abdomen. (a. 1 h.) Rumbling in the epigastrium, (a. 2 h.) Cracking in the left side of the abdomen, backwards and downwards, apparently in the descending colon. Grunting in the abdomen. —280. Horrid colic. Colic. Colic with nausea. Colic with violent thirst, (a. 1 h.) Scorbutic colic.—285. Ineffable colic. Ulcers in the abdomen. Inflammation in the abdomen. Heat in the umbilical region. Pressure in the umbilical region.— 290. Chilliness, with pressure in the abdomen. Hard pressure in the left, side of the hypogastrium. (a. 3 minutes.) Aching pain in the region of the coecum (when sitting). Violent pain in the abdomen with pressure, in the evening, as if diarrhoea would set in, while sitting. It goes off by walking or when standing. Contractive pain in the abdomen, in the evening when sitting, disappearing already when rising from the chair, and still more when standing or walking. [Comp. (294) to (301) with 161, 163, and (245.)]—295. On the right side of, and below the umbilicus, a contractive pressure as if there were an induration, when sitting. Contraction of the abdo- men and the sides, when moving the scapulae up or down. Pain in the abdomen, a sort of pinching together, and of drawing, mostly when sitting. Sensation as of the intestinal canal being contracted, with grunting in the abdomen. Cramp- pain in the groin, occurring by starts, when standing.__300. Pinching and colicky constriction of the bowels above the umbi- licus, when raising himself after stooping. A pinching together under the right side of the umbilicus, in the outer parts, as it were, when sitting, in the evening, (a. 13 h.) Violent pinch- ing in the epigastrium, (he had to bend double to obtain relief,) (a. 1 h.) alternating with inclination to vomit and tenesmus CINCHONA. 55 accompanied with shaking chills all over; pressure in the epigastrium after the pinching. Pinching aching pain in the abdomen, when walking, towards evening. Violent pinching in the abdomen, going off when rising from a seat.—305. Pinching in the abdomen, moving to and fro, above the mons veneris, as if diarrhoea would come on, with emission of short flatus, when sitting, (a. 27 h.) Throbbing in the right side of the abdomen. Excessive stitching, with pressure, on the left side of and below the umbilicus, when walking fast, and afterwards, (a. 2 h.) Dull-stitching pain in the region of the right kidney, more violent when bending the body. (a. 24 h.) [Comp. (308) to (313) with 168 and (247).] Dull stitch-. es in the abdomen, round the left side of the umbilicus and likewise under the right nipple from without inwards, (a. I h.) —310. Dull stitches in the lumbar region. Stitches darting into the abdomen from above downwards, during an inspiration. Colic, frequent attacks, in the umbilical region, (s. 171. 196.)—315. Drawing pain in the right side of the abdomen, when walking. Emission of a quantity of flatulence, accom- panied with drawing in the abdomen during hard stool, which goes off with difficulty, (a. 48 h.) [See 176, 177, also (322) and (339.)] Between 6 and 10 o'clock in the evening, violent grunting and movement of flatulence in the abdomen, with a sensation of pressure, after which the flatulence passes off with a fetid smell. Tearing in the umbilicus. Excessive tearing on the right side of the umbilicus, towards the groin, in the whole of the lumbar region, diminished when bending the body back- wards.—320. Tearing and grunting in the abdomen, below the umbilicus. Tearing pain with pressure, on the left side of the mons veneris. Increase of the peristaltic motion in the abdomen, accompanied with pressure. Stool: Desire for stool. Soft stool in day-time.—325. Stool thinner than usual, (a. 24 h.) [Comp. (325), (326) with 178-180 and (330) to (332).] Diarrhoea. Knotty, yellow, soft stool, early in the morning. Bilious stool. Emission of a quantity of fetid flatulence.—330. Frequent, black dianhoea. Violent diarrhoea. Diarrhoea ; the faeces look as if they were mixed with undigested food ; they come off in single fragments (a. 12 h.); when he has done, the desire for stool continues yet, but nothing is expelled, (s. 178.) He has to use his utmost strength to expel the faeces, although they are papescent; this is followed by painful, unsuccessful tenesmus. [Comp. (333), (335), (337) with 186, 187.] Cessation of the evacuations.— 335. Constipation during the day, and hard stool in the even- ing. [Comp. (335), (337) with note to 186, 187.] Constipa- 56 CINCHONA. tion. Constipation; hard fasces accumulate in the rectum for a long time. Haemorrhage from the hasmorrhoidal vein. Sharp stitches in the lower part of the rectum, especially in the sphinc- ter ani muscle ; also during and after stool, stitching drawing, for three days. (See 185, 188,195.)—340. Fine stitches in the bend of the groin, close to the mons veneris, almost only when walking. Drawing, with pressure, when sitting, in the groin, especially in the tendon of the psoas-muscle. Urinary Organs : The urine is not more copious, but paler, and nevertheless deposits a cloudy sediment, (a. 3 h.) Increased secretion of urine, with burning in the orifice of the urethra, (a. 2 h.) [Comp. (313), (341) with 200.] Continual burning in the orifice of the urethra, with sore feeling in the border of the prepuce, both being especially painful when the clothes rub against the parts, (a. 2 h.) [Comp. with 310, (477).]—345. Promotes the secretion of urine. Scanty, yel- low-greenish urine. Light-yellow urine, depositing next morn- ing a dirty-yellow, rather loose sediment. Dark-colored urine, with brick-dust-red sediment, (a. 24 h.) (s. 210.) Genital Organs : Copious and involuntary emission of semen in the night at 3 o'clock, (s. 223.)—350. Stinging itching of the scrotum, (s. 214.) Suppression of the menses. (s. 225.) Cold, Catarrh : A few violent, dry sneezings, (a. 7 h.) Watery discharge from the nostril, which is nevertheless ob- structed, (a. 13 h.) Coryza, with sensitiveness of the nose, pimples on the borders of the nostrils and the septum, (a. 9 h.) —355. Coryza, his nose runs for two hours. Symptoms of dry coryza. Noisy breathing through the nose. Respiratory Organs and Chest : Stitches and sensa- tion of roughness in the larynx. [Comp. (358) to (361) with 228 to 230.] Sensation as if mucus had accumulated in the larynx.—360. Mucus in the larynx, which he hawks up all the time and which makes the voice hollow and hoarse. Hoarse, rough tone of voice. A sort of drawing in the trachea, under the larynx, after which he is attacked with a fit of cough. Asthma. [Comp. (273) to (372) with 231, 232.] Op- pression of the chest.—365. Oppression of the chest. Feeling of oppression and uneasiness in the chest, in the evening • he is obliged to take a deep inspiration, and the expiration takes place with a sigh ; this relieves the oppression for a few mo- ments, the pulse being weak, scarcely perceptible, and the mood being anxious and impatient. Great oppression of the chest in the precordial region, as if something were digging it up all over. (a. 4 h.) Asthma, with difficult, sometimes CINCHONA. 57 raling expiration, (mostly when walking,) and roughness of the chest, (a. 4 h.) Arrest of breathing, for half an hour.—370. Suffocative asthma. Fatal oppression of the chest (Cinchona having been given during the cold stage). An agreeable full- ness in the chest, as if one had eaten enough, the saliva having a sweet and pleasant taste, (a. 1 h.) Jactitation of the mus- cles of the chest, here and there. Pressure on the chest. (See 237 and 244 to 246).—375. Aching pain in the chest. Pressure on the left side near the xiphoid cartilage. External pressure in the middle of the sternum, when bending the upper part of the body, also when standing, and disappearing when pressing upon the part. (a. 26 h.) Pressure from within outwards, in the region of the lowest ribs. (a. 24 h.) When stooping while sitting, he feels a pressure upon the sternum, causing anguish and not allowing to take sufficiently deep breath, go- ing off by raising one's self. (a. 6 h.)—380. Hard-aching pain in the right side of the chest, in the region of the fourth and fifth ribs. (See 237 and 244-246.) Drawing pressure in the right side of the chest, when sitting, abating when standing or walking. Drawing pain behind the sternum. Drawing pain, with pressure, across the lower part of the chest while sitting, the pain causing anguish, and going off when standing or walking. Contractive pain in the right side of the chest, at a small spot in the middle ; this pain obliges him to expel the breath suddenly and almost involuntarily.—385. When stoop- ing while sitting, one feels a cutting pressure over the chest, increasing and decreasing at intervals, and disappearing when raising one's self, still more when standing and walking. Fine slinging on the left side of the chest, with pressure, (a. 8f h.) Pleuriticstitch. Stitches in the chest, in the morning. Stitches in the left half of the chest.—390. Stitches in the chest, when walking fast, going off when at rest. A few violent stitches in the chest, close above the precordial region, when at rest, especially when reading, (a. 3^, 16, 18 h.) Pleuritic stitches when sitting and reading. Sharp stitches in the thoracic cavity from within outwards, in the region of the sixth and seventh true ribs, uninfluenced by inspiration or expiration. (a. f h.) Dull stitches in the thoracic cavity from within out- wards, at regular intervals, when at rest or in motion, and uninfluenced by breathing, (a. 1 h.)—395. Stitching in the right side of the chest, in the region of the fourth rib under the arm, apparently in the pleura, almost like a continuous. stitch, going off when pressing upon the parts and when stoop- ing, (a. 6 h.) Sharp stitches between the seventh and eighth left ribs. Sharp stitches near the right nipple, from within 58 CINCHONA. outwards, (a. 10 h.) Sharp stitches in the sternum, where the ribs join it, on both sides, from without inwards, uninfluenced by respiration, (a. 2 d.) Sharp-stitching pain on the left side and near the xiphoid cartilage and in the pit of the stomach, only during an expiration, (a. 60 h.)—400. Stitches in the left side of the chest (during an expiration) when sitting, (a. 2 h.) Titillating stinging in the left half of the chest, towards the praecordial region. Dull stitches in the chest, obliging one to expel the breath. Dull stitches in the region of the cartilage of the third and fourth left false ribs, uninfluenced by respira- tion. Pleuritic stitches with great heat, strong, hard pulse and staring eyes.—405. Fever, after a sort of spurious pleurisy. [Comp. (405), (406) with 234 to 236.] (During the cold stage of a fever and ague) troublesome cough with stitches in the side. Continual desire to hawk up, in the morning after rising, as if caused by the vapor of sulphur, not getting any thing loose for several mornings. Suspicious cough. (Comp. with 242.) Palpitation of the heart and congestion of blood to the face, which became red and hot, accompanied with coldness of the hands, (a. 1 h.)—410. Violent palpitation of the heart, with low pulse and cold skin. Violent palpitation of the heart, accompanied with a feeling of anxiety. Tearing in the region of the left scapula, during an inspiration. Drawing-tearing pain in the left scapula, (a. 9 h.) Contractive pain between the scapulas, when standing, (a. 3 h.)—415. Prickings over the right scapula and in the left side of the chest, (a. x h.) Back : Small stitches in the middle of the spinal marrow. (a 5 h.) [Comp. (416) (417) with 263.] Stitches in the left side of the spine, when sitting. Darting tearing in the left side of the small of the back. Violent, stitching .drawing pains in the middle of the os sacrum, towards the lumbar ver- tebrae.—420. Jerkings above the os sacrum, (a. x h.) Pain- ful jerks in the os sacrum, (s. 259.) (Stretching) pain in the small of the back, as if from a heavy load or from long stooping, (a. 23 h.) Slowly drawing stitches in the anterior cervical muscles, when at rest. Drawing pain in the lower and right side of the neck, at the commencement of the nape of the neck, when standing, going off when stooping. [(424) (425) to compare with 69 and (74).]—425. Drawing pains in the nape of the neck. Upper Extremities : Paralytic jerking tearing on the ■top of the shoulder, sensitively painful when touched, and when the pain has passed off, it can be excited again by con- tact ; it is excited even by the pressure of the coat upon the shoulder. [Cinchona is not only characterized by this, that CINCHONA. 59 the pain which it occasions, is increased by motion and espe- cially by touching the affected parts : see 254, 255, 290, (310) (429) (434) (435) (438) (441) (448) (483) (522), but it is like- wise characterized by this, that the pain although it may have disappeared for the moment, may be excited again by simply touching the parts, as is seen from (425) and also from 289 (472), when it frequently becomes horrid and intolerable.] Tearing, with pressure, in the left axilla and in the anterior and internal border of the scapula. Drawing pain, with pressure, at intervals, in the anterior border of the right axilla, (a. 3 d.) Paralytic darting tearing, commencing at the head of the humerus, and extending along the muscles and bones as far as the phalanges, where it is less painful; at the same time the whole arm is weaker ; the pain increases by contact, (a. 3 h.)—430. Stitching pains in the upper arm, disappearing as soon as the arm is moved, (a. -f- h.) Darting tearing in the humerus, upwards and inwards, (a. 2 h.) Tearing, first in the left,-'afterwards in the right upper arm. (a. x h.) Para- lytic pain in the right upper arm,, commencing at the head of the humerus, and terminating in the hand, in the shape of a fine and weak tearing ; the rest of the body, especially the forehead, being warm. (a. 8 h.) Paralytic, jerking tearings in the long bones of the upper limbs, more violent during contact (a. 1 h.)—435. Paralytic tearing in the up- per limbs, extending into all the parts thereof, increased by contact more than by motion. Stretching of the arms, with curbed fingers. Sensation in the elbow-joint, as if it were ecchymosed. Painful drawing in the coronoid process of the left ulna, (in the bend of the elbow,) more violent when touch- ing the parts. Tearing pain in the left elbow-joint, more vio- lent during motion (a. 2 h.)—440. Stitching in the left elbow-joint. Tearing in both ulnae, more violent when touching the parts. [Comp. (441) (442) (443) with 269.] Tearing, to and fro, now in the outer parts of the right, now of the left fore-arm (going off by friction), (a. 4 h.) Drawing pain along the bones of the fore-arms, as if the peri- osteum were being scraped with a dull knife. Sharp drawing stitching obliquely across the left wrist (evening), (a. 13,14 h.) —445. Drawing pain in the palm of the hand, obliquely across the roots of the fingers. The hand is painful when seizing something, a sort of cramplike drawing. Tremor of the hands when writing, (a. 1 h.) Jerking tearing in the metacarpal bones and fingers, aggravated by contact. [Comp. (443) (449) with 276.] Jerking tearing in the metacarpus and wrist. —450. Tearing along the line of contact of the metacarpal 60 CINCHONA. and carpal bones, (a. 5 h.) Dull stitching in the metacarpal bone of the right index finger. Tearing in the last phalangeal bones of the right hand, especially violent in the joints, unin- fluenced by motion, (a. x h.) Stinging tearing in the ante- rior joint of the right thumb. [Stitching, lancinating, tearing and stitching drawing, which is sometimes increased to jerk- ing tearing, appear to be characteristic pains of Cinchona ; see (444) (465) (507) to (509).] Jerking tearing in the metacarpal bone of the right little finger. [Comp. (454) with 276.]—455. Jerking tearing in the joints of the fingers, (a. 24 h.) Blue nails. Lower Extremities : When sitting, pressure in the fleshy part over the os coccygis, which increases, feeling like a pulse, and going off when rising. Tearing drawing in the left glutei muscles, when sitting. [Comp. (458) (459) with 280.] Draw- ing in the glutei muscles and knees at the same time, when standing, going off when sitting.—460. Pain, a sort of stinging and burning, simultaneously in different places of the lower limbs. Weakness and weariness as after a distant journey on foot, in the thighs and legs. Weakness and want of firmness in the hip and knee-joints, two mornings in succession, as if he had made a distant journey on foot the day previous ; by con- tinued exercise this feeling disappears from the joints, and is succeeded by a feeling as if bruised, which is felt in the thighs the next and in the legs the second day. Weakness in the lower limbs, when walking, the whole day. (a. 2 h.) Pain- ful drawing along the outer parts of the long bones of the lower limbs, (a. 2 d.) (s. 280.)—465. Cramp-like (stitch- like) drawing in the thigh and leg. (a. x h.) Drawing, with pressure, in the hip and knee-joint, disappearing when walk- ing or standing. Pain in the hip-joint, in the knees and foot, as if they were sprained or cut to pieces. Drawing pain in the outer parts of the femora, as if the periosteum were being scraped with a dull knife. Slow, painful drawing in the inner side of the left thigh, which does not seem to affect the parts behind the skin.—470. Cramp-like drawing in the right thigh, commencing at the bend of the knee, (with sensation of pres- sure) as if the leg should be drawn up, in the evening when sit- ting, going off by standing and walking. Jerking in the middle of the left thigh, (a. 5 h.) Jerking tearing in the outer parts of the right and left thigh, towards the anterior and external parts, excited only by contact, not by motion. Jerking tearing in the anterior part of the left thigh, (a. 2 h.) Tearing in the femora, from above downwards, when at rest and in motion, in paroxysms, for several days. (a. 72 h.)— CINCHONA. 61 475. Tearing, extending from the knee-joint into the thigh, accompanied with weakness which makes walking and stand- ing difficult. Painful drawing in the femur, from above down- wards, with pressure, mostly when sitting, in the afternoon. Painful sensitiveness of the skin of the thighs, when rubbing the clothes against it, as if the skin were rough and covered with pimples, (a. 8 d.) Sensation in the left thigh, when standing, as if a hard nodosity were in the flesh, affected with a drawing pain. (a. 2 h.) (s. 288.) Stitch in the posterior part of the right thigh from below upwards, when standing.— 480. When rising from a seat, burning and tingling in the thigh upon which he was sitting, as if it had gone to sleep, especially in the bend of the knee, and particularly felt when standing. Cramp-like, paralytic pain in the right thigh and the knee-joint. when rising from a seat after having been sitting for some time, and when walking, (a. 5^ h.) Jerking tearing, within the patella. Paralytic tearing in the right knee-joint, extending now towards the thigh, now towards the leg, with faint- ness of the part, and increased more by contact than by mo- tion. Sharp drawing pain in the right knee, when rising from a seat and when walking, going off again when sitting (in the afternoon).- -485. Stitches in the left knee-joint. Slight trem- bling of the knees when rising from a seat, disappearing while walking. Sudden bending of the knees, especially when going up stairs. Sudden bending of the knees when walking. Jerk- ing drawing in the tendons of the hamstrings, synchronous with the pulse, (s. 285.)—490. An uneasiness in the legs obliged him to curb them, and to draw them up. (s. 299- 302.) Drawing pain in the right tibia, near the heel, and after- wards in the whole foot, when sitting. Drawing pain, with pressure in the upper and inner side of the tibia below the pa- tella, when extending the leg while sitting; the pain goes off when bending the leg. Drawing, with pressure upon the tibia, in the evening, when sitting, disappearing when standing and walking. Stitches in the tibia, when, walking, and going off when at rest. (a. 5 and more h.)—495. Single, sharp, quickly recurring stitches in the upper part of the calf, when walking in the open air. Tearing in the calf. Hard, dark-red swelling on the calf, terminating in suppuration. [See 283, (502) (503).] Burnirrg tension above the tendo Achillis. Paralysis of the feet.—500. Violent, stinging burning of the dorsum of the foot, close to the tibia (when sitting). Stitching in the left" foot. Swelling of the foot. Painful swelling of the foot. Contract- ive, pinching pain in the outer side of the right foot, close to the sole of the foot. (a. 6 h.)—505. Violent itching in the dorsum 62 CINCHONA. of the right foot, when walking or sitting, relieved for some time by scratching. Stitching tingling, extending from the big toe to the dorsum of the foot, as if the part had been frozen, in the evening when sitting, disappearing when walking or stand- ing. [Although the Cinchona-pains are, next to Contact, (426) most frequently increased by moving the part, yet there is an alternate effect of this symptom, which is not entirely rare, and which is its opposite ; here the Cinchona-pains are dimin- ished or appeased, as is the case in (506), and also in (424) (457) (466) (470) (490) (492) (493); sometimes the pains are mostly felt in a state of rest. (See 278, 299, 300, 301, (458) (476).] Stitching drawing in the heel. (a. 48 h.) Stitching tearing in the sole, in the region of the heel, when sitting or walking. Violently tearing stitching in the soles, when sitting or walk- ing.—510. Drawing pain in the metatarsal bones of the right foot. Drawing, with sore pain, in the dorsum of the foot, when standing, going off when sitting. Cramp-like drawing in the internal surface of the left foot, when sitting. Jerking tearing in the tarsal and metatarsal bones. Jerking tearing in the metatarsal bones and toes.—515. Jerking tearing, increased by contact, not by motion, in the metatarsal boties, and the phalanges of the toes, especially the joints, (a. 31 h.) Jerk- ing tearing, where the metatarsal and tarsal bones join one another, (a. 25 h.) General Symptoms : Stitching, now in the tibias, now in the back, now in the chest, when sitting, (a. 14 h.) Stinging in different parts of the skin. Stitching in a cicatrix of the left foot. (s. 313, 314.)—520. Pulling in the skin, on some parts of the abdomen, as if a hair were pulled at. Spasmodic twitching of certain parts of muscles. Jerking tearing* in different parts of the limbs, especially of the hands and feet, aggravated by contact. Drawing sensation in the outer parts of the bones. Stretching, drawing pain in almost all the bones, now in one, now in the other, causing an intense sensitiveness to pain ; when lying down, it abated for a few moments, but returned afterwards with so much more violence. (a. 14 h.)—525. Gout. Rheumatic pains. Pain in the limbs, especially the joints. (See 298-302.)—Tensive pains.— Erratic rheumatism, now in one, now in another part, without swelling or fever, alternating with pains in the internal body (after using the drug for a long time).—530. Burning in differ- 1 Jerking tearing appears to be characteristic of the pain excited Cinch. CINCHONA. 63 ent parts of the body, mingled with a creeping and itching in day time. Consumption. Cachexia. Hectic Fevers. Dropsy. —535. Anasarca. Swelling of the limbs. [Comp. (536) (537) with 283, 297, (497) (502) (503).] Erysipelatous swelling of the whole body. Yellowish color of the skin. Jaundice. Weakness-Fits.—540. Weakness. Weakness in the limbs. Chronic weakness. Failing of strength.—545. Feeling of weakness, especially when rising from the seat; he prefers sitting down again; he sometimes falls back upon his chair, unless he stretches the muscles. This sitting down again is fol- lowed by an agreeable feeling of rest. (a. 3, 4 h.) When walking he soon felt exhausted, as if his legs felt heavy and paralytic. Heaviness, in the body. Heaviness in all the limbs, especially the thighs, as if lead were hanging on them. [Comp. with 281, and (461).] Laziness.—550. When he at- tempted to keep himself erect for a few moments, he felt stiff, turned pale and lost his senses. Loss of senses and exhaustion, at the same time. Slight attacks of apoplexy and loss of con- sciousness. Weakness and prostration of the whole body. Violent swoon (in the case of a robust man who had taken 16 grains of Cinchona at a dose ; the fainting fit was so violent that he did not recover from it till he had taken an emetic).— 555. Fainting fits. Fainting fit, death. (Also Sydenham, Opera, Lips. 1695. p. 379,) mentions the death of two men, brought on by giving them Cinchona a few hours previous to the attack.) Asphyxia, apparent death. Faintness and prostration of both body and mind. (a. 1 h.) Faintness; he is scarcely able to keep his head erect, and goes to sleep.—560. Exhausted condition of all the limbs, and tremor of the hands. (s. 334.) The whole body feels weak, even when sitting, but much more when walking. Now weakness, now feeling of great strength in the joints (Alternate effects in a healthy per- son.) In the open air he feels quite faint about the stomach and chest, and he is weak, although he is abundantly strong enough to walk. Extreme lightness of motion, as if he were a spirit, (a. 2 to 3 h.) (Alternate effect succeeding a feeling of weakness which had been previously excited by Cinchona.) —565. Cheerfulness, but with staring eyes, the whole evening. (A sort of unnatural excitement, similar to the artificial strength which physicians excite in a patient when they fail in curing the disease.) Feeling of ease, in the evening. Tremor in all the limbs, invisible, but perceptible and accompanied with a sensation of coolness. Convulsions. Sleep: Sleeplessness until midnight, with an aching pain over the whole head. [Comp. (569) (570) (575) with 343, 344, 64 CINCHONA. (559); the aching pain in the head during the night appears to be characteristic of Cinchona ; comp. with (576,) (583) (595). The pressure in the umbilical region, in the evening when in bed (582) is related to that aching.]—570. Wide awake until two at night. Drowsiness, followed soon after by wakefulness. Drowsy lassitude. Drowsiness the whole day, with yawning and stretching of the limbs. He wakes two hours before his usual hour.—575. Sleeps only from 3 till 5 in the morning. Deep sleep, like that of a drunkard ; in the morning his head feels dreary, as if he had not slept enough, and, when shaking the head, he feels a pressure in the temples. [Comp. with (595).] Restlessness, sleeplessness. Restless sleep, with toss- ing abo'ut, without waking. Restless ^sleep.—580. Restless sleep; he was'unable to fall asleep; when asleep, he soon woke again, with sweat in the hair of the head and on the fore- head, with chilliness over the back. Restless sleep, and after waking, a slight sweat all over the body. In the evening, when in bed, a pressure in the umbilical region, with sensation as of pinching the parts together. In the night, headache and dreams, causing him to start, in alternation. [Comp. (583) to (592) (594) with note to 357.] Restless sleep, in the night, from which he started up from time to time, and afterwards remained unconscious of himself for a few moments.—585. Confused visions in his dreams, in the evening ; when dropping to sleep, they wake him again, (a. 16 h.) Fearfulness, at night, when waking from terrible dreams. Frightful dreams about falling from a height; Avhen waking he is full of uneasiness, and is unable to collect his senses for a few moments. Frightful dreams about misfortunes, they rouse him up ; still he is unable to collect his senses. Anxious dreams in the night; roused from his sleep, he was in a state of half-con- sciousness, and remained yet for some minutes in a state of fear.—590. Sleep disturbed by confused and interrupted dreams, waking several times ; he woke, but remained unconscious. Confused, unmeaning dreams after midnight, mixed with wakings in a state of half consciousness. Confused, absurd dreams, which frequently rouse him from sleep. Lascivious dreams, with pollutions. Restless night-sleep, with vexa- tious dreams and tossing about, waking every time he dreams. —595. in his sleep he throws himself from side to side, unco- vers himself, and is tormented by all sorts of vexatious dreams about past things; in the morning he is unable to become wide awake, owing to the dreary condition of his head ; he feels broken down in the morning, unrefreshed by sleep. Fever : Inclination to yawn. Yawning and stretching CINCHONA. 65 of the limbs, (a. 4 h.) In the open air he is attacked with more violent shudderings, accompanied with shaking chills and goose-flesh. He is attacked with shuddering and thrills of chilliness in the open air, which is not cold; they cease at once in the room.—600. In the open air, which is not very cold, he is attacked with trembling of the limbs from chilliness, and with thrills of shuddering over the thighs. He does not feel cold, although the room is cold. (a. 9 h.) Cold hands, and chilliness over the whole body, externally, as if he had cold water poured over him, in the open air, where the chilli- ness finally increased to chattering of teeth; the chilliness passed off in the room, but the cold hands remained. Cold hands and feet, even in the warm room. Cold hands.— 605. Cold feet in the evening. Cold sensation of the left leg, from the knee to the foot. Shuddering, immediately above both el- bows and above the knees. Icy-cold feet, the other parts of the body being warm. (a. 1 h.) Sensation of coldness of the lower limbs, whilst face and chest are yet warm. (a. 1 h.)— 610. The right hand is warm (when writing,) the left cold. [(610) (611) are alternate symptoms of 378.] The right hand is considerably colder than the left. Cold hands and feet, early in the morning, and thrills of chilliness over the thighs, in- creasing when walking, (a. 28 h.) Slight chills, (a. x h.) Slight chills over the whole body.—615. Thrills of chilliness, over the back (immediately.) Slight chilliness in the back. (a. 3 h.) Chilliness of the whole body, with very cold feet. (a. 2 h.) Chills over the whole body, without thirst. Chilli- ness over the whole body, with cold hands, (a. x h.)—620. Slight chills through the whole body, without external cold- ness. Chilliness through the whole body, rather internally. (a. 3i h.) Chills over the body, as if a cool wind were blowing upon him, especially when walking, rarely accompanied with shuddering; this only comes on when sitting down and extends over arms, loins, and thighs, (a. 8 h.) Shuddering over the whole body, with goose-flesh, (a. 1 h.) Shuddering, and chills with shakes, over the whole body.—625. Chills, internal and external, through the whole body, sometimes more in the marrow of the bones of the feet; these are colder than the hands, (a. x h. Internal coldness, periodically accompanied with shuddering and chills over the whole body (immediately). Internal chilliness, without any coldness being perceptible when touching the body. (a. 4 h.) [(627) (629) are alternate effects of 375.] Internal feeling of coldness, mostly in the arms and hands. Chilliness, without the body being cold, without thirst, the interval between the hot and cold stage being lx h., vol. n. 6 66 CINCHONA. and these intervals increasing more and more on the second and third day after taking the medicine.—630. Internal chilli- ness, Avith external chills and shuddering, the left hand and foot being colder in the commencement, aftenvards both hands and feet becoming equally cold, without thirst, (a. i to 1 h.) Shuddering over the whole body, less violent on the limbs ; no thirst; the body is not cold ; only the hands are. (a.x h.) Shud- dering over the whole body, Avithout thirst, (a. 2X h.) Chills over the whole body, with icy-cold hands, Avithout thirst, (a. 1-3 h.) Chills and internal coldness, for several hours, Avith- out thirst, (a. x, 1 h.)—635. Thirst after the cold stage, with- out any subsequent heat. Feverish chilliness over the whole body, from time to time, during the whole day, especially on the forehead, Avhich Avas covered with cold sweat ; violent thirst a quarter of an hour after the first chills, (a. 1 h.) Fe- verish chilliness (a. f h.), going and coming, accompanied with weakness of the knees and tibiae when walking or standing, less when sitting. Early in the morning, violent, feverish chills, with weakness of the feet. (a. 12 h.) Aching pain in the abdomen, during the chills, (a. x h.)—640. Slight chills through the Avhole body, without any internal coldness, after- wards dull, cutting headache extending into the orbit. Shud- dering, and chills with shakes through the whole body, with cold hands and mental oppression, (a. 1 h.) Shuddering, in the morning and forenoon, with cold hands, feeling of nausea and quick pulse. At five o'clock in the evening, coldness and shuddering when walking in the open air, going off in the room (a. 10 h.); an hour after, great heat, especially in the face, increasing during motion and Avhen walking ; thirst sets in one hour after the heat had ceased. Two chills at different periods before the heat sets in.—645. Heat alternating with chilliness ; the heat sets in about an hour or half an hour after the chilliness ; during the hot stage he feels a little thirst for cold water. Chilliness on the back when walking in the open air, afterwards heat in the back, with subsequent sweat, which is again followed by a sensation of coldness and chilliness. Quick and hard pulse, with flushes of heat and alternate chil- liness in the back, Avhich became covered with cold sAveat the same as the forehead (in a few minutes); no thirst either in the hot or cold stage, for five hours. Alternate chilliness and heat the whole afternoon, accompanied by Aveakness of the lower limbs ; all these symptoms are much worse when walking in the open air. The whole day, feeling of heat and redness of the face, mingled occasionally with attacks of feverish chilliness and sweat, with little thirst.—650. Alternate warmth and cold- CINCHONA. 67 ness over the whole body (a. i to 1 h.), the Avhole forenoon. In the evening cold hands and hot cheeks. Warmth and redness in the face, whilst the remaining parts of the body were cold ; sometimes accompanied with a disagreeable feel- ing of coldness (chilliness) on the warm forehead, Great in- ternal heat in the whole face, trunk, thighs, Avith cold sweat on the forehead, cold cheeks and cold feet. (a. 10i h.) Warmth in the face, and chilliness of the rest of the body ; shortly after, the forehead feels cold and the rest of the body warm.—655. Great feeling of heat over the whole body, with red cheeks, heat of the trunk and arms, moderately warm thighs, legs and feet, the forehead being moist, and no thirst. Feeling of heat and redness of the cheeks, without any warmth being percep- tible to the touch, no thirst, cold feet. (a. 9 h.) When going in the open air out of a room which was not warm, but the temperature of which had been increased a little, he feels a coldness around the tarsal joints, and the rest of the body is cold (before dinner). He eats his dinner with a good appetite ; an hour after he feels cold, no thirst, afterwards heat. Heat and feeling of heat over the body ; in the commencement of the attack the limbs are cold, they feel cold to him (a. x h.), with but little thirst for cold water.—660. Dry heat, the whole day. Unquenchable thirst during the hot and cold stages of a fever and ague. Feeling of flushes of heat, with thirst for cold drinks. Great thirst, one hour (a. 9^ h.) folloAved by a burning heat over the Avhole body, with throbbing in all the arteries, without sweat or thirst, the ears being burning hot, with burning of the forehead ; cheeks, hands and feet are mod- erately warm ; nevertheless, these parts feel to him too hot (a. 10i h.) Dry palate, and thirst, in the evening, one hour after the heat.—665. Thirst after the hot stage, Avhile sweat had broken out on the back and forehead. Fever, with Avant of appetite. In the evening, one hour after the hot stage, thirst and hunger; afterwards, after having eaten, coldness and grunting in the abdomen. Heat of the body, and redness and heat of the face, for three hours, with violent hunger; the lips feel burning when bringing them in contact with one another ; the skin around the lips is likewise affected with a stinging burning pain (afternoon). Heat of the Avhole body (from 5 to 7 o'clock in the afternoon), increasing by a walk in the open air and producing sweat on the forehead, preceded by violent hunger, Avhich continues even yet in the commence- ment of the heat and returns after the fever ; Avhile walking, the abdomen feels as if hot water Avere running over it, (a flush of heat over the whole of the abdomen and thighs,) Avith red 68 CINCHONA. cheeks, no thirst, (a. 12 h.)—670. Warmth in the face and redness of the cheeks, with dry, viscid lips, without thirst, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Heat of the whole body, with dis- tended veins of the arms and hands, without sweat or thirst. (a. Ax h.) Irregular, acute fevers, with excessive sweat. Pro- fuse sweat. Exhausting sweat at the termination of the heat. —675. General, profuse sweat. The whole body is very warm, especially the face and chest, (a. x h.) Heat through the whole body, internally and externally, as if from drinking wine, with redness of countenance. Heat all over, and fine prickings in the skin of the whole body, especially that of the neck, with violent thirst for cold water, (a 22 h.) Transi- tory sensation of heat, and heat over the whole body, and in some parts of the skin flne, slight prickings, with thirst for cold water, (a. 1 h.)—680. Violent desire for cold water, with chilliness and heat, especially early in the morning, immediately after waking. In the morning the thirst is greater than in the afternoon. Some heat towards evening, no chilliness, pulse quicker, (a. 12 h.) Quick, irregular pulsations, (a. 6 h.) The pulse is much slower and Aveaker (the first hour) (from taking half an ounce.)—685, Slow, faint pulse, (a. lx h.) Slow, weak pulses becoming gradually quicker and stronger, (a. % h.) (The fever anticipates,) (when employing the Cinchona in the treat- ment of intermittent fevers.) (Diminution of the chilliness, and increase of the heat.) Increased feverish heat, (when employing Cinchona in the treatment of intermittent fevers).—690. (Delir- ium during the hot stage.) (Delirium) from the same cause as last mentioned. Moral Symptoms : Anxiousness, fearfulness. Excessive anguish.—695. Great anguish, death, (brought on by Cinchona administered in the cold stage.) Despondency, sadness, hope- lessness. [Comp. (697) (698) with 405.] Discouragement. Want of his usual cheerfulness ; he prefers being left alone.__ 700. Things which appeared to him pleasant and interesting, now appear to him unworthy, shallow, and without any inte- rest. Out of humor, disposed to quarrel. [Comp. (701) (703) with 417, 418,- 420.] Internal ill humor. Dissatisfied, suscep- tible, quarrelsome. Not disposed to think, alternate cheerful- ness and gloom, for three hours, (a. 2 h.)—705. Want of dis- position to intellectual and serious occupations. Serious mood. Indifference to external impressions, taciturn, (s. 415.) Calm- ness of temper (seems to be a curative effect.) Silent ill hu- mor, not disposed to talk (on the first day). [Comp. (709) (710) with 410-412.] Out of humor, taciturn. Not disposed to men- tal labor, drowsy. Aversion to bodily and mental labor. He CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. 69 forms a number of comprehensive plans for the future. [Comp. (713) to (716) with 6, 7.] He forms many projects, and thinks upon executing them ; a number of ideas croAvds upon his mind at once. He builds castles in the air (in a feAv hours). He forms a number of plans which he would like to execute. CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. (Express the juice from the recent root of the plant, and mix it with equal parts of spirits of brandy.) The ancient physicians supposed that this plant might be used against bilious diseases because of its looking yellow. This induced modern physicians to extend its application, and to employ it in diseases of the liver. Although this drug has evidently been useful in certain affections of that organ, yet they are so various, their origin and the concomitant symptoms of the organism are so different in different cases, and the cases where the drug is said to have been useful, have been described with so little accuracy, that it is impossible, from such indica- tions, to tell when the Chelidonium may be used with the certainty of success. And yet no drug should be used as a re- medial agent unless we know its properties and remedial vir- tues. The praise which is bestowed upon a drug ab usu in morbis, is very general and unsafe, and so much more in the case of the Chelidonium majus, as it has almost ahvays been used in combination with other agents, Dandelion, etc., and the so-called amara being used as adjuvantia. No discreet practitioner will be satisfied with the general indications alluded to above; he will never consent to use a remedial agent the virtues of Avhich have not been previously ascertained with the utmost minuteness and correctness by provings upon the healthy body. The following list of symptoms is by no means perfect, but it reveals curative powers Avhich no one had suspected in this drug; the homoeopathic practitioner will know how to avail himself of the indications which I furnish. CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. Hahnemann has furnished the following symptoms of this drug: (Vanishing of the senses.) Stitching headache in the ver- 70 CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. tex, in paroxysms, especially when Avalking fast. Contractive headache. (Titillating itching it the eyeballs.) He imagined a daz- zling spot Avas before his eye, and when he looked into it, lachrymation ensued. Tremor and twitchings in the tip of the nose. Digging-up tearing in the antrum highmorianum. (a. 3 h.) Diminished thirst. Nausea Avith inclination to vomit (in- duced by the external use of the drug.) Tension across the epigastrium. Colic. Pain over the left hip, as if a sac were forming in that region. Emission of a quantity of flatulence. Diarrhoea, three times a night. Mucous diarrhoea. Reddish urine (from using the drug externally). The urine was emitted from ten to tAvelve times a day, and several times in the night, a large quantity being emitted every time. (a. 24 h.) Burning in the urethra, immediately before the emission. Stitching and cutting in the urethra during micturition and mo- tion of the body. Asthma. Drawing, in the left fore-arm, and moving thence into the palm of the hand, which experienced a twitching motion. The left wrist-joint felt stiff, in the evening. A sort of stagna- tion, and a stiffness in the right wrist-joint, felt only during motion. A feAv red pimples, Avith white tips, on both thighs, charac- terized by a corrosive itching. The anterior surface of the thigh goes to sleep, Avith fine stinging and erosive pain (from applying the plant externally). Stiffness in the tarsal joint, as if sprained. (Apoplectic insensibility and numbness of the whole body, with trembling, the pulse being unaltered.) Diminution of an- imal heat. OBSERVATIONS OF OTHERS. • Head : Cloudiness, (a. 10 minutes.) Dull headache, beat- ing, the beats being synchronous Avith the pulse, in the right temple, as if the vessels were filled too much Avith blood, (a. 2 h.) Headache, pressing, from Avithin outwards, especially to- wards the forehead, increased very much by open air, cough blowing the nose, and by stooping, but which is not felt during a meal, and continues the Avhole day. Pressing sensation in the cerebrum, as if the skull were too narrow to contain it, and as if it would press through the ear, in which he hears a noise CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. 71 as of a distant Avater-fall.—5. Disagreeable sensation in the left temple, as if the blood were suddenly arrested in that part, followed by a dull-stitching pain in that part. (a. f h.) Aching pain in the right temporal region, with obstruction of the right nostril, (a. 6 h.) Tearing headache, with pressure, between the eyebrows, pressing upon the eyelids, disappearing after a meal and returning three-quarters of an hour after, (a } h.) Tearing pain in the right side of the occiput, with long, violent stitches from behind forwards, (a. 15i h.) Violent lancina- tions in the left frontal eminence, (a. 3X h.)—10. Dull stitch- ing in the whole foreliead, in an oblique direction. Sensation of transitory drawing under the frontal bone. (a. x h.) Tin- gling in the frontal eminences, at short intervals. A sort of pressing, slowly drawing stitch, from the left side of the occi- put to the forehead, (a. x h.) Pinching stitches in the right side of the occiput, (a. H h.)—15. Pinching stitches in the left side of the occiput, rather external, neither increased nor de- creased by pressing upon the parts, (a. 7 h.) Eyes : Stupefying pressure on the right orbit, from without inAvards. Contraction of the pupils. Contraction of the pupils immediately after taking the drug ; after the lapse of an hour they had acquired again their usual size. Aching pain above the left eye, which seemed to press the upper eyelid down. (a. a. h.)—20. Pressure on the right upper eyelid. Pimple, con- taining pus, on the tarsal cartilage of the upper eyelid, with an aching pain when touched, or Avhen closing the eyes. Face : Tension and drawing in the left zygoma, only Avhen lying down. (a. 9 h.) Pale countenance. Ears : Contusive pain in the left lobule, immediately after burning in the right lobule; as from a hot coal. (a. 13 h.)— 25. Long continuing stitch in the external right ear, going off gradually, (a. 3 h.) Tingling in the left ear, Avhen walking. (a. 9 h.) A sort of whistling before the ears. (a. x h.) Whiz- zing before the ears, like Avind. (a. lx h.) Sensation in both ears as if wind were rushing out; he had to insert his fin- ger into the ear frequently, in order to suppress that sensa- tion, (a. i, 3, 4 h.)—30. Noise in both ears, resembling the distant roar of cannon. Pressure, with tearing, coming and going, in the right internal meatus auditorius. (a. 2 h.) Tear- ing pain in the right internal meatus auditorius. (a. f h.) Tearing in the internal ear; when inserting the finger into the ear, in order to remove the tearing, tingling supervened. Teeth : Toothache in the left upper jaw.—35. The teeth of the left lower jaAV experience a dull pain when touched, and are looser, (a. 3 to 21 h.) Pharynx and Oesophagus : Great tension over the neck, 72 CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. and in the throat, above the larynx, as if the parts were con- stricted ; the constriction, however, amounted merely to a nar- rowing of the pharynx, (a. x h.) Sensation, as of the la- rynx being pressed upon the oesophagus, by some external pressure, which does not impede respiration, but deglutition. (a. 5. m.) A sort of choking in the throat, as when too large a morsel is swallowed too hastily. Mouth and Gastric Symptoms : Slimy tongue. Nau- seous, flat taste in the mouth, as of juniper-tea ; food, however, tastes naturally. Bitter taste in the mouth, aliments having a natural taste, (a. 2 h.) Diminished appetite. Desire for milk, the milk inducing- a feeling of ease through the Avhole body ; however much he drank of it, he did not feel inconvenienced by it, whereas it caused much flatulence before, (a. 3§\ h.) —45. Frequent rising of air. Empty eructations. Inclination to vomit. Considerable nausea, with increased warmth of the body, (a, \ h.) Hiccough, (a. 1^ h. and frequently.) Stomach : Pinching, oppressive pain in the pit of the sto- mach, and underneath, increased by contact, (a. 3 h.) Cramp- like throbbing in the pit of the stomach, causing a breathing Avith anguish, (a. 5 h.) Burning under the ribs, on the left side, on a line Avith the praecordial region. Pain in the stomach. Abdomen: Continual gurgling in the abdomen.—55. Colic. Painful pressure close above the umbilicus. Dull pinching in the umbilical region, followed by the emission of some flatu- lence, (a. 1 h.) Cramp-like retraction of the umbilicus, ac- companied with passing nausea, (a. 6X h.) Burning pain in the abdomen, close below the short ribs of the left side. (a. 14 h.)—60. Continual cutting in the bowels, immediately after a meal, which he had relished. Pinching pain in the left groin, (a. 9 h.) Stool : Costiveness; stool like sheep's dung, hard, two days in succession. Diarrhoea. Urinary Organs : Pressure upon the bladder, the whole day, with but little emission of urine, (a. 2 h.)—65. Burn- ing, immediately previous to the emission of the urine. Go- norrhoea. Cold, Catarrh, Chest : Dry coryza. (a. 2 h.) Pain in the chest. Oppression of the chest and respiration.—70. Op- pression of the thoracic cavity during an expiration. Pressure with tearing, in the left axilla, and also in the parts nearer the nipple, (a. 30 h.) Back : Sharp stitching in the middle of the back, on the sides of the vertebrae. Dull stitches in the left loin, in quick CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. 73 succession, towards the back. (a. 10 m.) Pressure, with tearing, in the region of the lowermost lumbar vertebra, ex- tending to the iliac bones ; sensation, as if the vertebra were being broken asunder, only when stooping forwards, and then when bending backwards again, for several days, also felt when walking, (a. 86 h.) Upper Extremities : Pinching, cramp-like pain in the internal border of the right scapula, hindering the motion of the arm. (a. 1 h.) Stitching in the left axilla when sitting. (a. 2 h.) Tearing in the muscles of the right upper arm. (a. 28 h.) Paralytic pressure on the left upper arm. (a. 2 d.) A kind of paralysis in the muscles of the upper arm, when mov- ing it.—80. Cramp-like pain in the left elbow-joint, increased by bending the arm. (a. Ax h.) Weariness of the muscles of the right forearm, so that they could only be moved Avith diffi- culty, and were painful at every motion and when seizing something, (a. 26 h.) Clawing and tearing pain in the dor- sum of the right hand. (a. lx h.) Lancinating pain in the metacarpal bones of the right hand, increased by pressing upon the parts, (a. 26 h.) Fine tearing in the region of the meta- carpal and carpal bones of the right thumb, (a. 7 h.)—85. Paralytic tearing in the metacarpal bone, and the posterior joint of the thumb and index of the left hand. The anterior joints of the fingers of the right hand became yellow, cold and dead, the nails were blue. (a. 1 h.) Fine tearing in the tips of the fingers of the right hand. Frequently recurring tearing in the anterior joint of the little finger of the right hand, independent of motion or contact, (a. 3X h.) Loaver Extremities : Burning itching in the left hip- joint, anteriorly, (a. 10 m.)—90. Paralytic drawing pain from the iliac bones to the toes of the right foot, unchanged when walking, sitting, or lying down, and disappearing suddenly. (a. 39^ h.) A sort of paralytic weakness in the left thigh and knee when treading. Sudden bending of the knees when standing or walking, (a. 12 h.) Hard pressure, in a space of two fingers' breadth, below the right patella. Hard pres- sure, in the space of two fingers' breadth, under the left pa- tella, more towards the inner side.—95. Stitching in the bend of the right knee (Avhen sitting), (a. 2 h.) Drawing pain, from above dowmvards, in the left calf. A feAv spots, with a sensation of burning pain, and stitching in the centre, above the tendo Achillis; the pain was increased by scratching. Aching pain in the right tarsal joint, when sitting, (a. lx h.) Gurgling pain in the dorsum of the left foot. (a. 9 h.)—100. Cramp in the sole of the right foot, which is curbed downwards, 74 CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. together with the toes; the toes were like dead, and Avithout sensation ; the cramp subsided by compressing the calves Avith the hand, but it increased when trying to set the foot upon the floor, (a. 12 h.) General Symptoms : Shooting prickings now in the hand or arm, now in the foot, knee, abdomen, etc. Weariness and lassitude of the limbs ; he finds it difficult to move a limb fast; he dreads motion, yawns, feels drowsy, (a. 15 h.) Great laziness after a meal, Avith drowsiness and indisposition to work. In the morning he felt so Aveary, that he could not get up. Sleep :—105. Great drowsiness and laziness, no yawn- ing, (a. 6 h.) Great uncomfortableness ; he does not feel well, without knowing what ails him; he has to lie down Avithout being able to sleep ; every thing was unpleasant to him. Desire to lie down, without being drowsy, and Avithout being able to sleep. After a meal, desire to lie down, without being able to go to sleep, he frequently started from his slumber, and when rising, the headache was worse. Sleep, full of dreams about his every-day business.—110. Restless sleep full of dreams. Restless sleep, without any particular dreams. Restless sleep, with sudden waking and excessive sweat, which had come on during sleep, and continued in the morning even while awake. Morning-SAveat. Sweat during the morning- sleep. Fever : When lying in the bed, in the evening, he is seized by violent chills and shakes, continuing almost an hour, the external body feeling warm ; nevertheless, goose-flesh was present; terminating in sweat Avhich lasted the whole night. (a. 38 h.) When walking out, he was attacked with chills and shaking, without coldness, (in the summer,) and continuing until he re-entered the room (for two days). He felt alternately warm and cold through the whole body : sometimes this alter- nation only existed in single limbs, (a. 18 h.) Shuddering through the whole body, the Avarmlh being unchanged, no thirst, (a 3 h.)—120. Strong pulse, not quick (when sitting). (a. x h.) Cold hands, (a. 2f- h.) Chills and shaking (with cold hands) over the whole body. Chills and shakes, with nausea, without eructations, (a. x h.) Shuddering, on the hands, they are Avarmer than usual, (a. x' h.)—125. The right foot is cold as ice, up to the knee, feeling also cold to the prover whereas the other foot and the rest of the body have their nat- ural warmth, and the veins of the hands and arms are swollen (a. 3X h.) Moral Symptoms : Desponding, full of sad thoughts about CICUTA VIROSA. 75 the present and the future, he could not remain in any one place. Sad, unto Aveeping, and desponding on account of the present and the future. Cheerful. (Curative effect.) CICUTA VIROSA. (Express the juice from the root of the plant when it begins to blos- som, and mix it with equal parts of Alcohol.) The following list of symptoms of this drug, is very imper- fect. I am confident that further provings of this drug Avill shoAv that it corresponds to symptoms Avhich no other agent is possessed of, and that it will even be a valuable remedy in chronic affections ; I have seen it act three weeks. The old school has never employed Cicuta internally ; sev- eral years ago, Avhen Cicuta was prescribed, which was fre- quently the case, Conium maculatum was the drug designated as Cicuta. Upon the recommendation of Linne, the juice of Cicuta was employed in the so called Cicuta plaster, especially by the Danish pharmacopoeia ; this plaster was intended to cure arthritic pains. The juice of the recent root (it has no effect whatever when dried) is so poAverful that the old school practitioners could not venture upon giving it internally, owing to the magnitude of their doses.1 The 30th potency is sufficiently powerful to exhibit all the curative powers of that agent. FROM NOACK AND TRINKS. Convulsions, especially in women and children, hence eclampsia, also spasms during delivery (also Hysoc. Cham. Ing. Bell.), and during confinement; convulsions brought on by the abuse of opium.—Hysteric spasms and tetanus (also Bellad. Cham. Mosch. Bryon. Nux v.); catalepsy, tetanus (opis- thotonus), trismus (after a cold).—Tremor of the limbs.—Conse- quences of the penetration of foreign bodies into the soft parts. —Strophulus confertus (Cham. Caust.)—Lichen agrius (Lye. 1 " Nee ulli auctor essem,ut interno usui dicaret." Murray. (Appa- rat. medicam. torn. I. edit, see p. 402.) 76 CICUTA VIROSA. Sulp., Acidum mur.)—Achor (also Sep., Hep., Lye, Calc. c.) —Impetigo sparsa (Lack., Sulp., Merc, sol.); Impetigo rodens also (Calc. c, Sulph., Ars., Rhus., Sep.,).—Porrigo larvalis.— Herpes furfuraceus (aided by Sulph., Merc, Anac, Thuya, Calc. c, Lye, Lach., Graph., Bor.,) ; herpes exedens; herpes labialis.—Long-lasting pustulous, confluent cutaneous erup- tions, forming thick yelloAv crusts, Avith burning pain.—Acne gutta rosacea, (Canth., Cann., Caust., Sep., Led., and Lach.)— Mentagra (Lye)—Worm-fever, with colic and convulsions. —Febris nervosa stupida.—Asiatic cholera.—Mental affec- tions.—Cerebral affections.—Vertigo.—Nervous headache, me- grim.—Illusions of sight.—Hemorrhage from the ears.—Hard- ness of hearing.—Ozaena.—Nervous toothache, when the pain comes from the pressure of the gold in filled teeth.—Stuttering —Spasms of the pharynx.—Swelling of the neck, threatening suffocation (caused by SAvallowing a splinter). Gastric condi- tions.—Chronic abdominal and urinary affections. Paralysis of the bladder.—Spasms of the chest.—Swelling of the knee, walking with the feet turned inwards, and archlike motion of the limb Avhen walking. Antidotes of large doses : Arn. Tab. CICUTA VIROSA. (BY HAHNEMANN.) In the morning, when waking, headache, as if the brain were loose, and were shaken by walking; when reflecting on the real nature of the pain, it had disappeared. Megrim, a sort of aching, rather externally. Violent headache in the occi- put, resembling a dull pressure, and accompanied with some coryza. (a. 48 h.) (Violent headache, for two days, after a sick feeling in the abdomen: stitching, extending from the nose and the right eye to the occiput.) (a. 15 d.)—5. (Headache is followed by a gloom, lasting tAvo days.), The headache went off when sitting erect. The headache is relieved by the emis- sion of flatulence. A slight twitching under the loAver eyelid, in the orbicula- ris muscle. Heat and burning around the eyes. YelloAv discharge from the nose. A kind of cramp in the cer- vical muscles ; when looking around, he is unable to turn the head back again immediately ; the muscles do not yield, and he would suffer a good deal of pain if he were to use violence. Want of appetite, oAving to a feeling of dryness in the mouth ; food has no bad, but not its full taste. Appetite for dinner, but CICUTA VIROSA. 77 the appetite disappeared after swallowing one mouthful. He did not relish his breakfast, the food pressed in the abdomen, as if he had eaten already a good deal. Cutting in the abdomen shortly after a meal. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, shortly after a meal, which obliges her to take a deep inspiration ; ac- companied Avith an inclination to eructation. Colic and drow- siness, immediately after a meal. Tightness in the pit of the stomach, and anxiety, for 8 days ; he would like to walk out all the time, to get cool. In the morning, nausea in the abdo- men ; in the afternoon, after the nausea left, headache, a stitch- ing in the right side of the head, extending from the right eye and nose, in both of Avhich organs it was most violent, to the occiput, lasting three days, after the lapse of which time the nose began to run and secreted a yellow mucus, (a. 9 d.) Accumulation of a quantity of mucus, with continual anguish and ill humor. Itching in the rectum, close above the anus; rubbing induced a burning pain, this pain always inducing a shuddering, after Avalking, Avhen standing still, and during stool. Obstruction of the nose, accompanied with secretion of a profuse^quantity of mucus. Swelling on the inner side of the bend of the left elbow, as if an ulcer would form ; Avhen mov- ing the arm, a pain was felt in that part similar to Avhat is felt when pressing against an ulcer. Burning itching all over. About noon, anxiety, sweat in the face and trembling of the hands ; sensation about the heart (in the middle of the chest) as if he would faint. Vivid dreams, at night, about the events of yesterday. Obtusion of the head, early in the morning after rising. S weat on the abdomen, at night. He became indifferent to all things, and began to doubt whether he Avas really in the condition he Avas in. He con- founded things of the present with those of the past. Think- ing of the future made him feel anxious, and he was sad all the time. Suspicious. Excited, and apprehensive about the fu- ture ; he imagined that every thing which might occur to him would be dangerous. He was sad when others were cheerful. He imagined he was not living in his usual condition and cir- cumstances ; every thing appeared to him strange and almost terrible ; he felt like one waking from an acute fever, and seeing all sorts of visions, but without feeling bodily sick. He felt like a child of 7 or 8 years, as if he .were as fond of objects as a child is of his toys. 78 CICUTA VIROSA. OBSERVATIONS OF OTHERS. 1 Head : Stupid and dull. (a. 10 m.) Stupid feeling in the head, with chills ; at the same time the neck felt stiff, and the muscles too short. Loss of sense, absence of all thought.— Intoxication, staggering.—5. Vertigo, Avhen walking, as if he would fall forAvards. (a. 72 h.) When stooping, his head feels as if it would fall forwards, (a. 80 h.) Vertigo, reeling. Reeling, and staggering Avhen walking, (a. 82 h.) He feels like one intoxicated when sitting, standing or walking, (a. 5 m.)—10. All objects seem to him as if they moved in a cir- cle, especially Avhen sitting for many hours, (a. 2 h.) All objects seem to him moving to and fro, from one side to another, although every thing has its proper form. (a. 10 m.) She imagines she has to sit, or to place herself more firmly, because every thing she sees before her seems to vacillate, which in- duces her to believe that she is vacillating herself ; every thing dazzles her. (a. 15 m.) She imagines she is vacillating from side to side, or that things around her move from side to side ; the objects around her seem to her to move like a pendulum to and fro. When she is to stand still, she desires to hold on to something, because the objects seem to her now to come nearer, now to recede.—15. She reels and imagines she has to fall. (a. 6 h.) Vertigo, he fell down. He is constantly on the point of falling down. He fell down, without uttering one word. He falls down and rolls about.—20. Hammering pain in the forehead, from morning till evening, (a. 2 h.) Anxiety in the head. The head feels stupified and heavy, (a. 74 h.) Heavi- ness of the head, when sitting. Compressive headache from both sides.—25. Pressure in the left parietal bone. Stupefy- ing headache, externally, in the forehead, increasing when at rest. (a. 1, 36 h.) Formication in the forehead, (a. 2 m.). Stitching pain in the region of the frontal bone. Eyes : Drawing stitches' along the eyebrows, (a. 12 h.) —30. Considerable eruption upon the hairy scalp and in the face. Face : Pimples, of the size of lentils, in the whole face (and on both hands,) causing a burning pain when coming out' afterwards becoming collected into one, dark-red, lasting nine days; at the lapse of this period they peeled off, this process lasting three Aveeks. (I have cured chronic eruptions in the face, flowing together into one mass of pus, by means of one or tAvo doses of a drop of the juice ; when one dose was not sufficient, I never gave the second till three or four weeks had CICUTA VIROSA. 79 elapsed.) Redness of countenance. Swelling of the face (and neck). Eyes protruding.—35. Staring look. Staring at one and the same place, every thing looking to him like black cloth, (a. 6 m.) Staring, (a. x h.) She stares at one place for a quarter of an hour, and cannot do otherwise, although she makes an effort to do so ; she is not quite possessed of her senses, and has to be stirred up a good deal, in order to answer correctly ; Avhen turning her head away with a sort of force, she loses her senses, and her sight becomes obscured. She is unable to distinguish an object correctly, however much she may stare at it; things looked blurred, as they do when look- ing too long and steadily at the same object.—40. Although one may rouse her ever so much from her state of staring, nev- ertheless she relapses back again into the same state, the pulse being at fifty. If one leaves her sitting on a chair for some time, the head gradually sinks forward, whilst the eyes con- tinually stare at the same point, so that the pupils, in propor- tion as the head inclines forward, get behind the upper eyelids ; after Avhich she feels a jerk internally, which brings her back to her senses for some time ; after this she relapses again into a state of insensibility, from Avhich she is roused from time to time by an internal snaking, which she declares to be a sort of chill. At times she saw things double and black; at times she became hard of hearing. Contraction of the pupils after one and a half, two and a half hours ; followed by considera- ble dilatation of the pupils, (a. 8, 9 h.)—45. Pressure in the right internal canthus; he had to close his eyes, to relieve them. Ears : Sore pain behind the left ear. Sore pain behind the left ear, as after a shock or bloAv. Pain behind the right ear, as would be felt after a blow or shock. Considerable eruption on the ears.—50. Pimples below and in front of the ears, their tips being filled Avith pus, and painful like a boil. Detonation in the right ear when swallowing. Roaring before both ears, worse in the room than in the open air. Loud tingling in the left ear. She does not hear Avell, unless one talks aloud into her ear, and she is made aware that some one is talking to her. —55. Hemorrhage from the ears. Nose : Sore pain of the right wing of the nose, as after a shock or bloAv. Burning-itching vesicle on the left side of the upper lip, on the confines of the vermilion border. Tension in the cervical muscles. When bending the head backAvard, she feels a sore tension in the left muscles of the neck.—60. DraAving pain in the left side of the neck, (a. 6 h.) Swollen neck. Sort of opisthotonus of the head. Jerkings of the head. 80 CICUTA VIROSA. Jaws and Teeth : Lock-jaw.—65. Grinding of the teeth. The mouth is full of foam. Aching pain in the nerves of the lower roAv of teeth.—70. Whitish sore on the border of the tongue, painful to the touch. When talking, he utters the first five or six Avords without stuttering ; but after these he feels a small jerk in the head from before backAvards, the motion being even perceptible by the eye ; this jerking of the head was ac- companied by a jerking of the arms, which obliged him to cause the syllable which he Avas about to utter, to re-enter the throat, as is the case in hiccough. Dumbness. Pharynx and Oesophagus : Inability to swallow. The throat appears to be closed, and feels bruised externally when touching it, the pain increasing for several hours, with eructa- tions from noon till evening.—75. Feeling of dryness in the mouth. Appetite and Gastric Symptoms : Continual hunger and appetite, even shortly after a meal. Great thirst (during the spasms). He had great desire for coal, and swallowed it. Hiccough.—80. Hiccough, resounding at a distance. Gulping up of a bitter, yellow fluid, when stooping in the open air, from the stomach, and coming out at the mouth, after which she felt a burning in the oesophagus the whole forenoon. Sen- sation, as of waterbrash, out of the stomach ; he felt qualmish, and hot all over, whilst a quantity of saliva flowed out of the mouth, (a. 9 to 13 h.) Nausea, (a. x h.) Nausea during a meal.—85. In the morning, nausea, with lancinating headache. Nausea and stitches in the forehead, the whole day. Vomiting. Vomiting, Avithout removing the lock-jaw. Stomach : Haematemesis—90. Burning and scraping sen- sation, from the throat to the region of the stomach. Burning pressure at the stomach. Scraping, scratching sensation in the stomach. Shock in the praecordial region, as with a finger • it makes him start. Throbbing in the pit of the stomach. which had become raised to the size of a fist.—95. Excessive throbbing in the pit of the stomach. Stitching pain in the pit of the stomach. Anxiety about the pit of the stomach. Abdomen : Heat in the abdomen (and chest). Rumbling in the abdomen, (a. x h.)—100. Considerable emission of flatulence. Stool : Constipation. Diarrhoea. Sensation in the right groin, as if an ulcer would break through (when sitting). Urinary Organs : Retention of urine.—105. Difficult emission of urine, in the night. Involuntary emission of urine. Frequent desire to urinate. Copious micturition. The urine comes out with great force. CICUTA VIROSA. 81 Genital Organs : Sore, drawing pain under the penis as far as the glans, obliging one to urinate, (a. 12 h.) Three pollutions in the night. Pollution, without a-ny lascivious dreams. The menses are delayed. Tearing jerking in the os coccygis.—115. A kind of sore pain in the right side of the pelvis, in the region of the border of the ilium, as is felt after a violent shock, draAving. Avith pulse-like sensation. Cold, Catarrh . Frequent sneezing, without corvza. (a. 29 h.) Respiratory Organs and Chest : Sensation in the chest and throat, as if something of the size of the fist, and pressing the throat asunder, were lodged in them ; it impedes respiration ; Avorse Avhen sitting than when walking. Tight- ness in the chest, she is scarcely able to breathe the whole day (immediately).—120. Want of breathing, the whole day (imme- diately). A few prickings under the last false ribs of the left side, during inspiration and expiration ; the stitches Avent off when standing or sitting, (a. 3 h.) Hoarseness. Cough, with a quantity of expectoration, especially in day-time. Burn- ing around the nipple, (a. 3 h.)—125. Itching, and feeling of heat in the right side of the chest. Heat in the chest and ab- domen. Pressure at the lower end of the sternum, as after a shock, and as if sore, when walking. General heat, and espe- cially heat in the chest, for three quarters of an hour, increased by smoking (to which he is used). A pulling in the outer parts of the chest, near the pit of the stomach, (a. 1 h.) Back : A shock in the dorsal vertebra;. Opisthotonos. Painful tension across the right scapula. Painful sensation on the inner surface of the scapula.—135. Sensation, as if there were an ulcer on the right scapula. Red vesicle upon the right scapula, painful to the touch. Upper Extremities : Sore pain, as from a shock, in the right shoulder-joint. Painful sensation under the right arm. Jerkings in the left shoulder, (a. 20 m.)—140. Cracking sen- sation in the shoulder-joint, not audible. Tearing pain in the whole of the left arm, as far as the fingers. Her arm appears to her very heavy Avhen raising it; this is accompanied by stitches in the shoulder, so violent that she cannot raise the arm to the head Avithout exclaiming ; she dares not even move her fingers. Sensation in the left arm, as if there were no strength in it, with lancinating pain in the arm when raising it. Want of strength of the arms and fingers.—145. Jerking in the left afm, which shakes the whole body. (a. 4 m.) Fre- quent, involuntary jerking and twitching in the arms and fin- gers-, the lower limbs and the head. Lancinations in the mus- VOL. II. 7 82 CICUTA VIROSA. cles of the right fore-arm, when writing ; this disappeared when leaving the body entirely quiet, (a. lx h.) Sore pain in the left fore-arm, as if from a shock or blow. Distention of the veins of the hands.—150. Cracking sensation in the wrist-joint, not audible. Pimples, of the size of lentils, on both hands, even the balls of the thumbs, causing a burning pain when first coming out, and afterwards flowing together into one, dark-red, and of nine days' duration. Contractive jerking of several fingers, and of the right thumb. Deadness (numbness, cold- ness) of the fingers. Lower Extremities : Frequent, involuntary jerking of the lower limbs.—155. Burning stinging in the left femur. Painful feeling of stiffness and rigidity in the muscles of the lower limbs, which made walking impossible for three hours. (a. 1 h.) When walking, the thighs experience a tearing pain and heaviness. Tearing pain in the thighs, immediately after rising from a seat, accompanied Avith soreness in the knees as if bruised ; Avhen Avalking the pain in the thighs increases to a deep-seated stiffness. Burning itching of the right thigh, which obliged him to scratch ; this made it go off.—160. Tingling under the skin of the thighs and legs, and especially the soles of the feet, as if the lower limbs would fall asleep, only Avhen sitting, Visible tremor of one lower limb. Violent trembling of the left leg. When walking, she does not set the foot down flat, the soles frequently turn inwards. Tearing around the knuckles of the left leg.—165. Frequent prickings in the heel Avhen sitting. Humming and moaning sensation in the left sole. Drawing-jerking pains in the toes. General Symptoms ; Fits : Trembling in the upper and lower limbs. Itching of the Avhole body.—170. Crampy stiffness of the whole body, Avith coldness of the same. When lying in the bed, he feels as if the whole body were swollen, accompanied (while awake) with frequent startings as if he were falling out of bed. (a. 15 h.) Catalepsy: the limbs Avere hanging down relaxed as they do in a dead person. The most violent tonic spasms, so that neither the curbed limbs could be straightened, nor the straight limbs curbed. The limbs are tossed to and fro.—175. He tossed his limbs to and fro. Epileptic convulsions of three children, one of whom re- covered. Spasmodic contortions of the limbs, jerking him to the distance of two feet. General convulsions. Excessive convulsions.—180. Epilepsy. Horrible epilepsy, returning first at short, afterwards at longer intervals; the* limbs head and upper part of the body are moved in a strange manner ■ accompanied by lock-jaw. Epileptic fit with wonderful con- CICUTA VIROSA. 83 tortions of the limbs, the upper part of the body and head, Avith a bluish face and the breathing being interrupted for a few moments, with foam at the mouth ; after the convulsions, when the breathing had become free, he had lost his senses, he lay like one dead, remaining insensible even when called to, pinch- ed, etc. (The body of a young man Avho died two hours after the poisoning, remained warm for a whole day, without blue- ness or swelling ; the limbs were stiff, the lungs were full of blue and yellow spots, the blood was red and fluid, the heart empty, the oesophagus bluish and dry.) She lies like one dead, with lock-jaw. Immobility.—185. They were all lying in a state of weakness and insensibility, like dead persons. Sleep : Frequent yawning, as if he had not slept enough. (a. If h.) Drowsiness, his eyes closed. Vivid dreams, which he was unable to recollect.—190. Confused dreams, full of uneasiness. Sleeplessness, the whole night (immediately). Sleeplessness, he woke every quarter of an hour, with a pain- ful feeling of heaviness in the head. He feels every morning as if he had not slept enough. Frequent waking, with sweat all over, the sweating making him feel stronger. 195. Fever: They want to sit near the stove. Thrills of coldness over the lower limbs ; afterwards coldness in the arms ; the coldness appearing to come out of the chest, followed by an increasing disposition to stare at one point. Excessive heat of all the parts of the body, from the beginning of the action of the drug until its termination. Moral Symptoms : Anxiety, he is sadly affected by sad tales. Moaning and howling.—200. Sadness, for several days. Great tendency to start; opening the door, and hearing a (not very) loud Avord cause her to start, from Avhich she has stitches in the left side of her head. Mania : after an unusual sleep her body felt hot; she jumped out of bed, danced, laughed, did all sorts of foolish things, drank much wine, jumped about, clapped her hands, and looked very red in her face. He disregarded mankind ; he avoided their society, abhorred their follies, he seemed to hate men, and retired into solitude. Want of con- fidence in men, and dread of men ; he avoided their society, he remained alone, and reflected upon their errors and upon him- self._205. Calm mind; he was cheerful and contented, (Curative effect.) 84 CINA, SEMEN SANTOCINI. CINA, SEMEN SANTOCINI, (This semen, even the best, looks like small, oblong, light, yellow- green blossoms, mixed with a few stems, and coming from the bush known under the name of Artemisia Contra. The tincture is prepared by mixing twenty parts of alcohol with one part of the entire blossoms, and extracting their virtue during a whole week, without applying any heat.) For centuries past this important drug has been used only to expel worms, being given in doses of 10, 20, 30, 60 and more grains. I shall say nothing of the dangerous and even fatal consequences attending the administration of such doses, and I Avould merely make the passing remark, that a few Avorms, in lively children, cannot be considered an important disease ; they are quite common in childhood, and cause but little inconvenience in an age where the psoric miasm is yet in a latent condition ; on the contrary, however, where worms are found in a large quantity, they originate in a morbid con- dition of the system, in the psoric miasm Avhich has been roused from its latent state, and which must be cured; other- wise the Avorms are speedily re-produced. By such im- proper reiterated expulsions of the worms nothing is gained, and, in very many instances, they end in the death of the sufferer. The folloAving list of symptoms sIioavs that this agent has many more powers than that of expelling worms. It possesses great curative powers in whooping-cough, and in certain intermittent fevers accompanied Avith vomiting and canine hunger. Formerly I was in the habit of using the 9th potency, but I know now, that the 30th potency exhibits the curative poAvers of Cina in a more appropriate degree. One, two or three pellets may be given at a dose. According to Noack and Trinks this drug may be used in convulsions from worms, worm affections, intermittent.fevers, cerebral affections, encephalitis, acute hydrocephalus ; chronic Aveakness of the eyes, with pressure in the eyes, and photopho- bia, when brought on by onanism.—Gastric affections.—Chronic vomiting in children affected with worms—Bloated abdomen of children, congestions to the head and chest.—Wetting the bed, when atrophic conditions are present. Whooping-cough, Antidotes : Bry. Chin. Hyosc Ipec. CINA, SEMEN SANTOCINI. 85 CINA. Head : Obscuration of sight when rising from bed in the morning ; dizziness, faintishness, staggering, relieved when ly- ing dowm Violent headache Headache with a general feel- ing of uncommon forgetfulness. Intermitting pressure on the top of the head, as if from a heavy load, as if the brain were being pressed down; the pain is increased or brought on again by pressing upon the parts. —5. Pain in the outer parts of the forehead, pressing from above downwards, as if something were gradually pressing downwards, (a. f h.) Headache the whole day, a sort of pressure Avith tearing ; extendiug into the zygoma. Aching pain in the head, the whole day, in the evening the pain is also felt in the forehead. When walking in the open air, stupefying, internal headache, especially in the forepart of the head, afterwards in the occiput, (a. 3 h.) When waking, pain in the right parietal bone and the right side of the forehead, pressing, from within outwards.—10. When sitting, stupefying, aching pain in the forehead and temples, externally, finally affecting the whole head (a. 36 h.) Pressure on the frontal bone, with undulating sensation inter- nally. Headache, as if the Avhole head were screwed in, Avith obtusion of the head. Pain in the upper part of the frontal bone, as if it Avere being violently pressed together. Imme- diately after a meal and afterwards, a dull, drawing pain in the interior of the head, increased by reading and mental labor. —15. The headache increases by reading and by reflection, and is diminished by stooping. Cramp-like-drawing in the temples, increased by pressing upon the parts. Stretching and tearing pain in the right temple. Drawing pressure on the left side of the sinciput. Aching pain in the left temporal region, resemb- ling a fine tearing, going off by moving the head. (a. 11 h.)— 20. DraAving, causing gloominess1, from the left frontal emi- nence to the root of the nose. Paralytic tearing in the left frontal eminence, with stupefaction of the head ; immediately after, the same pain is felt in the right frontal eminence. DraAv- ing tearing pain in the whole left side of the head. A small spot of the right parietal bone feels numb and as if gone to sleep. Dull stitches in the brain, especially the left half of the vertea. (a. l£ h.)—25. Violent dull stitches above the right temple, in the frontal bone, extending deep into the head and nearlv causing stupefaction. As the headache disappears, an oppressive pain in the abdomen sets in; the headache return- ing after the disappearance of the latter pain. 86 CINA, SEMEN SANTOCINI. Eyes : Slow, dull stitch above the upper margin of the orbit, extending deep into the brain. Jactitation of the orbi- cularis palpebrarum muscle ; a sort of convulsive twitching. Dull headache, the eyes being affected, in the morning.—30. Dull pain in the eyes, Avhile reading or performing some other mental labor. Pushing pressure in the interior of the eyes, generally accompanied Avith dilatation of the pupils. Dilata- tion of the pupils, (a. x h.) Contraction of the pupils, (a. 3X h.) Great contraction of the pupils, (a. 1 h.)—35. In the evening, Avhen attempting to look at a thing steadily, he sees it through a gauze ; Avhen wiping the eyes, his sight is clearer for a short time. When reading a book, his eyes were dim ; he was not able to continue his reading till he had rubbed the eyes with the fingers. Faint eyes (in the morning); the upper eyelids Avere so Aveak that he was scarcely able to open them, continuing the Avhole afternoon. Burning pain in the outer canthus, mixed Avith itching, also in the margin of the upper eyelid, (a. 2 h.) (Burning in the eyelids, especially in the inner canthus, in the evening, at candle-light.)—40. Dryness of the eyelids, in the evening, at candle-light, and a feeling of pressure in the eyes, as if sand had got in. Feeling of dry- ness in the inner eye, and an aching, with drawing in the eyes, when exerting them ever so little in reading. Tingling in the eyelids, he has to rub them. Titillating itching in the internal canthus of the right eye, obliging one to rub. (a. 1 h.) Titil- lating itching of the left external canthus, obliging one to rub. (a. 36 h.)—45. (Agglutination of the inner canthi, in the morning, after rising.) He looks sick around the eyes and pale in the face. Dull pressure upon the lower margin of the orbit; the pressure increases, and may be excited again, by pressing upon the part. Face : Pain as if the tAvo zygomata were seized by pin- cers and compressed; the pain increases by external pressure Cramp-like jerking in the zygoma ; the pain, even after having disappeared, may be excited again by strongly pressing upon the parts; in this case, however, it is felt like a continuous, cramp-like or paralytic pain.—50. Pain in the zygomata, ex- tending and tearing, coming on at intervals, erratic, increased by pressing upon the part. Ears : Cramp-like jerking in the external ear, like otal- gia. Dull stitches under the mastoid process, a sort of claw- ing pressure ; when pressing upon the parts, the pain is as that of a bruise or contusion. White and blueish color around the mouth. Bloated, blueish countenance. CINA, SEMEN SANTOCINI. 87 Nose :—55. The child bores in the nose, until blood comes out. Mouth, Jaws and Teeth : Ulcer upon the cheek, Avith hardness all round. Aching pain in the submaxillary glands. Dull, stitching pain in the right ramus of the lower jaw, increas- ed by pressure. Single fine prickings in the left lower jaw, increased by pressing upon the part.—60. Jerking pain in the left loAver jaw. Toothache, as if the teeth were sore. The inspired air and cold drink affect the tooth painfully. The child's head inclines to one side. Paralytic feeling in the nape of the neck.—65. Boring stitches in the right cervical muscles, synchronous with the pulse, disappearing when moving the neck. (a. 11 h.) Dryness and roughness of the mouth, espe- cially of the palate, with nauseous qualmishness, (a. 3| h.) Pharynx, Oesophagus, Taste and Appetite : Inability to swalloAV; the drink is pushed to and fro in the mouth for a long time. Violent hunger shortly after a meal.—70. Thirst. Gastric Symptoms : Empty eructations, early in the morning. Eructations, tasting of the ingesta, after a meal. Gulping up of a bitter-sour fluid, shortly after a meal. Qualm- ishness in the pit of the stomach, Avith thrills of shuddering, (immediately.)—75. Several lumbrici creep along the oesopha- gus, and make their appearance at the mouth of the child. In- clination to vomit, with emptiness of the head. Frequent hic- cough, (a. lx h.) Constant pressure in the stomach, in the night. Abdomen : Clawing, or cramp-like pressure after a meal, transversely across the epigastrium, in the praecordial region. —80. Pain in the praecordial region, oppressing the breathing. (a. 4 h.) Digging up pain in the epigastric (praecordial) region, with sensation as of numberless confused motions, and as if the parts were bruised. Dull stitches on the left side and be- low the pit of the stomach, increased by pressing upon the. part, and diminished by deep inspirations. Boring pain over the umbilicus, going off when pressing upon the parts. Con- tinual pinching in the abdomen.—85. Intermittent prickings in the left side of the abdomen, a sort of pinching, when sitting. (a. 10 h.) Sudden, deep, sharp, intermittent stitches internally, and on the left side of the umbilicus, especially during an inspi- ration accompanied by simultaneously occurring stitches on the inner side of the scapulae, towards evening, (a. 12 h.) Cut- ting pinching in the abdomen, Avhich did not abate until he had been to stool, (a. 48 h.) Violent pain in the umbilicus and the umbilical region, as if the umbilicus were pressed for- cibly into the abdomen, or as if one had knocked it against 88 CINA, SEMEN SANTOCINI. something, first for a short, aftenvards for a longer time, Avhen it became more violent during an inspiration. Painful twist- ing around the umbilicus ; pain is likewise felt Avhen pressing upon the umbilicus.—90. After a meal, a painful pressure upon the umbilicus, also Avhen pressing upon it. Cutting pain in the small intestines, in the morning. Disagreeable feeling of Avarmth in the abdomen, which terminated in pinching, (a. 1 h.) Labor-like, frequently recurring pains in the abdomen, as if the menses would appear, (a. 2 h.) Pulsation in the hypogastrium, close above the mons veneris.—95. Low and short reports and movement of flatulence. Violent, single stitches in the lower part of the rectum, during emission of flatulence. • Feeling of emptiness in the abdomen, Avith silent emission of flatulence (a. 1 h.) (Voluptuous itching of the front part of the anus.) (a. 4 h.) Frequent desire to urinate, with copious emission, the whole day. (a. 3 h.)—100. Turbid urine (immediately). Urine becoming turbid immediately. Genital Organs : Hemorrhage from the uterus during the whole of the time that she used the semen Santocini, (in a girl of ten years.) Cold, Coryza : Deep in the left nostril a burning sensa- tion, not disagreeable, as if blood would come, or as if brandy had been drawn up into the nose. Burning soreness of the septum in the left nostril, as if a scurf had been scratched off; worse Avhen touching the parts from? without.—105. Violent sneezing, (a. 8 h.) Violent sneezing, which produced a shock in the head pressing through the temples ; the headache which pressed through the temples, remained for some time after the sneezing. Violent sneezing, which affected the chest as if it Avould burst on both sides; even afterwards he feels a pain from it, especially in the right side. Fluent coryza. (a. % h.) A sort of coryza; in the morning he is frequently obliged to blow his nose, the nose is always full of loose mucus (after some days.)—110. Discharge of a purulent matter from the nose Obstruction of the nose, in the evening, after having been affected Avith fluent coryza in the forenoon. Respiratory Organs and Chest : Mucus in the throat, which he throws up by voluntary hawking, (a. 6 h.) When walking in the open air, short, rattling breathing, as if he had much mucus in the chest, Avithout being obliged to hawk it up. (a. 6 h.) Heavy, loud breathing, (a. x h.)—115. Short, rat- tling breathing. Short breathing, sometimes interrupted, a few inspirations being wanting. The child's breathing is very short, Avith loud rattling in the chest. During inspiration, loud wheezing in the trachea, not audible during an inspiration. CINA, SEMEN SANTOCINI. 89 Mucus in the larynx, after rising; he is frequently obliged to hawk it up, after which it speedily returns.—120. Contin- ual hawking up of mucus in the morning, which is constantly reproduced and adheres to the larynx. Great dryness in the back part of the throat (trachea); sort of catarrhal feeling. Deep breathing excites a disposition to cough. Titillation Ioav down in the trachea, inducing cough ; if he then coughs, he throws up whitish mucus, (a. 24 h.) Titillation in the trachea beloAV the handle of the sternum, inducing cough and expectora- tion of a whitish mucus, (a. 16 h.)—125. Previous to coughing the child raises herself suddenly, and stares all around; the whole body looks rigid; she is Avithout consciousness, as if she were to have an epileptic fit; these appearances are folloAved by cough. The child moans after coughing; a sort of gurgling noise from above downwards is heard ; she is anxious, gasps for air, and turns quite pale in the face; in paroxysms of tAvo minutes. Violent coughing fits from time to time Hoarse cough with vomiturition, only a few fits at a time, the suc- ceeding fit being excited after a longer pause ; in the evening. Hoarse cough, with vomiturition, in the morning, after rising; after a pause it is excited again by an inspiration, as if particles of dust had got into the throat.—130. Hollow cough, in the morning after rising ; violent shocks against the upper part of the trachea, mucus being detached but Avith difficulty (in a few days). In the morning he is obliged to cough so violently, in order to get the mucus loose, that his eyes become moist. Du- ring the morning-cough the upper part of the chest, under the sternum, feels sore ; if he then succeeds in coughing something loose, this place continues to be painfully sore and burning, as if something had been torn off Clawing sensation in the chest, during an inspiration. Asthma Avhile standing (continuing half an hour) with anxiety; he sweated very much on the chest. —135. A kind of oppression of the chest ; sensation as if the sternum were too close to the chest, the breathing is somewhat oppressed. Cramp-like drawing together in the left half of the chest. Soreness under the sternum, per se. ClaAving pain on the sternum, Avhen running. Sudden oppressive pain in the left side of the chest.—140. Cramp-like, digging-up pain under the sternum, as if the chest were to be burst asunder. Fine claAving on the clavicle, as if pressure Avere made upon the part by a dull point. Pain, especially during an expiration, pressing from Avithin outwards, at times in the left side of the chest, at times in the small of the back ; the pain in the back is like a pain from long stooping, (a. 4 h.) Painful digging-up under the upper part of the sternum. Pinching pains in the 90 CINA, SEMEN SANTOCINI. left side of the chest, increased by every inspiration, (a. 30 h.) —145. Pinching pain in the left side of the chest between the second and third rib. Pinching-stitching pain in the left side of the chest (continuing x h.) Single stitches in the chest from time to time. Prickling, burning, fine stitches in the side, in the region of one of the true ribs, intermittent. Dull stitches by the side of the sternum, on the cartilage of a rib, increased by pressing upon them and by expiration, diminished by inspi- ration.—150. Two dull, piercing stitches, in quick succession, near the sternum beneath the left clavicle, during a deep inspi- ration ; he does not feel any thing during an expiration; he feels much pain Avhen pressing upon the part. Darting pains in the right chest between the sixth and eighth rib, not influ- enced by pressing upon the parts, or by inspirations or expira- tions. Sudden darting in the left side of the chest, between the fifth and sixth rib. Boring, stitching pain in the middle of the right side below the ribs, disappearing when pressing upon the parts. Back; Pain, as from bruises, in the small of the back, not increased by motion, (a. 35 h.)—155. Tearing in the left hip and glutei muscles. Paralytic drawing in the loins. Sen- sation after a meal, as if the lumbar region above the hips were being constricted by means of a tight bandage. Painful wea- riness in the loins, as if he had been standing a long while Pain in the loins and the dorsal spine, when inclining sideways or backwards, as if he had fatigued himself a good deal.—160. Tearing-jerking pains in the middle of the spinal column, going off by moving the body, returning when at rest. In the eve- ning, when lying on one side, the dorsal spine aches as if broken. When lying on the back, in the bed, the dorsal spine is painful, as if broken. Drawing-tearing pain along the whole of the dorsal spine, (a. 29 h.)—165. Lancinating pain in the upper part of the spinal column, towards the right scapula. Stitching pain in the outer border of the right scapula. Aching in the scapulae, when moving them. Upper Extremities: Clawing on the top of the shoulder. Pricking on the top of the shoulder.—170. Stitching pain on the top of the left shoulder, not going off by pressing upon the parts or by moving the arm. (a. 32 h.) Single stitches in the front part of the left shpulder. Paralytic drawing through the right arm, from above downwards, especially when letting it hang down or when leaning it upon something ; in this latter case especially in that part which is pressing hard upon the subjacent body. Paralytic pain in the arm, he is obliged to let it hang down. Paralytic feeling in the whole of the right arm. CINA, SEMEN SANTOCINI. 91 the joint felt rigid, so that it could not be moved, (a. 29 h.)— 175. Stretching-tearing pain in the arms, with paralytic feeling; when touching it, it felt bruised, as after a violent muscular effort. Paralytic drawing through the upper arm, from the commencement to the middle, he scarcely dares move it; when pressing upon the affected part, it feels bruised and contused. Boring, cramp-like pain in the left upper arm, not going off by motion, (a. 25 h.) Drawing-tearing pain in the right upper arm, going off by pressing upon it, but returning immediately, (a. 27 h.) Violent, claAving pain in the right upper arm, disappearing by motion, but returning when at rest.—180. Pain as from a bruise or contusion, in the upper arm, over the elbow-joint. Paralytic pain in the bend of the elboAV, to- wards the outer side, a sor of jerking, intermittent. Tearing pain in the right elbow-joint, when at rest, uninfluenced by motion, (a. 27 h.) Digging-up pain in the left fore-arm, moving from the wrist-joint to the elbow-joint, (a. If.) A drawing-tearing pain in the whole right fore-arm, not going off by motion, (a. 7 h.)—185. Cramp-like painful pressure in the muscles of the fore-arm, especially when bending it. Paralytic jerking, from above downwards, in the lower surface of the fore- arm, but especially violent at the place where it began. Early in the morning, Avhen stretching the arms violently, cramp-like pain in the fore-arms, especially from the elbow-joint; when bending the hands backwards and forwards while the arms are stretched, he feels a similar pain in the wrist-joints. Contractive tearing, like cramp, in the lower muscles of the left fore-arm, close to the wrist, going off speedily during motion, (a. 17 h.) DraAving pains in the joints of the hands, (a. 12, 24 h.)—190. The wrist-joint feels sprained. Pinching-boring pain in the right wrist, (a. 3 h.) Intermittent, cramp-like contraction of the hand. Jerking-tearing pain in the palm of the left hand, increasing by stretching the hand. Single stitches in the left hand towards the little finger.—195. Single, small, jerking stitches at times in the right, at times in the left hand. (a. 33 h.) Itching of the dorsum of the left hand, obliging him to scratch, and going off by scratching, (a. 6 x h.) Itching titillation of the border of the right hand, externally, near the thumb and index-finger, (a. 35 h.) Fine stitches in the proxi- mal extremity of the metacarpal bone of the ring-fingers ; when pressing upon it, it feels painful, as if bruised. Spasmodic con- traction of the right middle-finger, with cramp-like pain; the finger Avas bentinwards.—200. Sudden jerking inwards of the fingers of the right hand. Cramp-like jerking in the fingers. Drawing in the fingers, (a. 48 h.) Cramp-like pain in the 92 CINA, SEMEN SANTOCINI. muscles of the outer side of the left little finger, going off during motion. ♦ (a. 12 h.) Burning pain of the proximinal joint of the middle finger.—205. Paralytic drawing in the ring-finger both Avhen at rest and in motion. Tingling in the distal joint of the thumb, as if it had gone to sleep. Tingling in the tip of the thumb as if it had gone to sleep ; it feels numb. Pain in the ball of the thumb, as if it had been knocked upon hard, the pain being felt when pressing upon the part, and also when moving the metacarpal joint of the thumb toAvards the palm of the hand. Loaver Extremities : Pain beneath the glutei muscles, boring, from Avithin outwards, Avhile sitting, going off by motion •and by pressing upon the part, but speedily recurring when at rest.—210. When sitting the nates feel painful, as if fatigued by long sitting. Pain in the great trochanter, Avhen walking, as if he had fallen upon it. Thrills of shuddering over the thighs. When standing, cramp-like pain in the anterior muscles of the left thigh, (a. x h.) Drawing-tearing pain on the ante- rior surface of the right thigh, going off by violent motion.— 215. Paralytic pain in the left thigh, not far from the knee. The child stretches out his feet spasmodically. The left foot of the child is in constant spasmodic motion ; at last it remains lying immovable and turned away from the body. Single, dull stitches in the knees, now and then. Single prickings in the region of the patella.—220. A sudden suffusion of heat over the knee, not disagreeable, as if a hot body, for instance a gloAving coal, were brought into the neighborhood of the knee Paralytic jerking in the front part of the leg, between the tibia and fibula. Cramp-like pain when walking in the open air, now in the muscles of the right, now in those of the left leg, soon disappearing when standing or sitting, (a. 30 h.) Digging-up pain beneath the left knee, upon the tibia, (a. 8X h.) Inter- mittent sti'ches, as Avith a fork, in the left tibia, close below the knee.—225. Tearing pains in the middle of the left calf (when sitting). Jerking-tearing in the interior of the foot. Stitches in the ball of the right foot. Cutting pain in all the toes of the right foot, as if they were being amputated, not dis- appearing by motion, (a. 2 h.) Lancinating pain in the left heel (when sitting). General Symptoms : Painful stitches, here and there in the outer parts of the trunk, but especially in the outer parts of the abdomen ; when sitting, (a. 8 h.) Dull stitches in the outer parts of the body, here and there, (a. several days.) Dull stitches, sometimes as if clawing, sometimes pressing, sometimes conveying the sensation of a shock or jerk, some- CINA, SEMEN SANTOCINI. 93 times feeling like an itching, in different parts of the body, now in the limbs, arms, feet, toes, now in the side, or in the back, now in the nasal bone, but especially in the posterior portion of the crest of the ilium, and always in the outer parts of those organs ; when pressing upon the part, it feels bruised or sore. Burning, fine stitches in different parts, go- ing off by scratching. Prickling, itching-tingling sensation in different parts of the body, soon disappearing after scratching. —235. Violent itching in the night, in different places of the skin. In the evening, eruption of red. itching pimples, disap- pearing speedily. Translucent rash. When sitting, he experien- ces cramp-like, contractive stitches alternately in the muscles of the right and left thigh, now in the muscles of the left, now in those of the right upper arm, and sometimes along the small of the back from below upwards, resembling pain in the back, disap- pearing when walking in the open air. (a. 27 h.) Cramp-like tearing when sitting, at times in the muscles of the left^at times in those of the right leg, or noAV in the muscles of the left, now in those of the right fore-arm, disappearing when Avalking in the open air. (a. 52 h.)—240. Tearing, sometimes cutting pains in the limbs, the head and jaws, frequently only for a moment. Stretching-tearing pains in the scapulae, upper arms, head and nape of the neck, increased by contact; after a meal, at which time the symptoms are most violent in the first days. Fits: Convulsions and contortions of the limbs. Paralytic twitchings of different parts of the body, especially the limbs. Epileptic convulsions, with consciousness (eclampsia).—245. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, he was seized with a fit of spas- modic stretching of the body, afterwards trembling of the whole body, with blue lips and lamentations about pain in the chest, neck, and all the limbs. Paralytic pain in the arms and legs (for several days). The child is faint and sick. Moaning and groaning (in the afternoon). Painful sensitiveness in all the limbs of the body, when moving or touching them.—250. Morning and evening the symptoms are most violent. Sleep. Frequent yawning, as if he had not slept enough. (a. 5 h.) Great drowsiness when sitting ; he Avas obliged to lie down. (a. 6£ h.) In the afternoon he is attacked by unusual drowsiness. Drowsy the whole day.—255. Invincible drow- siness in the evening (for several days). Nightly restlessness, frequent change of position in order to be more comfortable. The child tosses from side to side, even while aAvake. Sleep- less. Tossing about when asleep, lamenting and complaining 94 CINA, SEMEN SANTOCINI. of colic (a. 8—12 h.)—260. Wakes up moaning, lamenting, sobbing, with restlessness, (a. 2 h.) A number of absurd dreams. Sleeping while sitting erect, the head being inclined backwards or to the right side. (a. 2h.) Frequent waking from disagreeable or busy dreams. Dreams full of anxiety.— 265. Sleep, Avith dreams full of trouble. Suffusion of heat, after sleep, and glowing redness of the cheeks, without thirst. a Fever : Tremor of the body while yawning, with sensa- tion of shuddering. Shuddering over the upper part of the body towards the head, as if the hair would stand on end, even near the warm stove (immediately). Feverish shivering over the whole body. (a.x h.)—270. Thrill of shuddering over the trunk, he trembles even near the warm stove. Cold face Avith warm hands. Pale, cold countenance ; cold cheeks. Cold sweat on the forehead.—275. Cold sweat on the forehead and hands. Cold sweat on the forehead, nose and hands, (a. 12, 20 h.) Fever : vomiting of the ingesta, afterwards chilliness over the whole body, followed by heat, with great thirst. (In a few h.) Quotidian fever, at the same hour ; chilliness, fol- lowed by heat, without thirst, (a. 24 h.) Quotidian fever at the same hour, with very short breathing, (a. 48 h.)—280. Fever, several attacks of chilliness, with thirst, Avith coldness of the hands and feet, every afternoon (from 1 o'clock); afterwards heat, with pallor of the countenance, but especially hot hands and feet, with cutting colic Early in the morning, cold hands and thrills of chilliness, without thirst, even near the warm stove. Violent fever and heat. Feverish shuddering over the whole body, with hot cheeks, without thirst, (a. 25 h.) Violent fever, with vomiting and diarrhoea.—285. Heat in the evening and during the night. Heat in fever, mostly about the head, with yellow complexion and blue margins around the eyes. (Heat, with redness of the face, accompanied with sweat from the commencement, Avithout thirst, (a. 8 h.) Feeling of heat, and heat, with redness in the face. (a. 2 h.) Burning heat over the whole face, with redness of the cheeks and thirst after cold drink, (a. 35 h.)—290. Trembling motion of the heart. Moral Symptoms : Delirium. When walking in the open air, great anguish about the heart, as if he had committed some evil deed. (a. 37 h.) The child is extremely disposed to weep and complain. He cries piteously when one attempts to touch him or take him by the hand. (a. 3 h.)—295. Very serious and susceptible ; he was disposed to take offence at the least jest. Indifferent; both agreeable and disagreeable things left him perfectly indifferent. Uneasiness. Desires a great MENISPERMUM COCCULUS. 95 number of various things.—300. Scorns every thing which is offered to him, even those things which were most agreeable to him. Cannot be calmed by persuasions, is indifferent to all caresses. MENISPERMUM COCCULUS. (Pulverize the seed and extract the tincture at a moderate tempera- ture, by adding twenty parts of alcohol.) This plant, Avhich had been heretofore used merely for the purpose of destroying a few hurtful animals and stupefying fishes, in order to facilitate their being caught with the hands, had never been employed as a remedial agent previous to the provings which I instituted with that drug upon the healthy body. This drug is indispensable in many forms of lentescent nervous fevers, in certain abdominal spasms and spasmodic pains of other parts, disposing the mind to sadness, especially in females, in many cases of paralysis and certain moral af- fections. Camphor is its chief antidote In chronic diseases, this drug acts many days. FROM NOACK AND TRINKS. Cocculus is useful in affections from onanism, from the movement of carriages or ships, anger, the abuse of coffee or chamomile.—Spasms of hysteric females, or spasms from men- strual irregularities ; convulsions from wounds ; tetanus ; epi- lepsy ; St. Vitus' dance of one side—Paralysis, total or par- tial.—Cerebral congestions and apoplexy.—Fainting fits of hysteric persons.—Arthritic conditions.—Articular rheuma- tism.—Lichen simplex.—Prurigo formicans.—Gastric and bilious fevers ; bilious fever from chagrin.—Nervous fevers.— Typhus abdominalis.—Melancholy, imbecility.— Vertigo.— Megrim and hysteric headache.—Amblyopia amaurotica.— Pressure at the stomach, with coated tongue.—Spasms of the stomach, when Nux v. had done no good.—Inflammation of the boAvels of lying-in women.—Bilious colic.—Spasmodic and flatulent colic.—Stitching pain in the side from flatulence. —Menstrual colic.—Painful, scanty menstruation, (giving Verat. during the flow of the menses, and Cocc. in conjunction 96 MENISPERMUM COCCULUS. Avith Sulph., Graph., and Lye, betAveen the menses.)—Metrorr- hagia of pregnant females.—Leucorrhoea with distention of the abdomen, flatulent colic, pain of the umbilical or hypogastric region, when touching the parts, as if there existed subcutane- ous ulceration.—Frequent desire to urinate of pregnant females. —Hydruria with nervous spasms (also Bismuth).—Inguinal hernia, forming gradually by a spasmodic dilatation of the abdominal rings.—Incarcerated herniae.—Spasms of the chest and palpitation of the heart of hysteric females —Tabes dorsa- lis ; affections of the spinal marrow. COCCULUS. Head : Vertigo as from intoxication, and stupid feeling in the forehead, as if he had a plank before it. Vertigo as from intoxication (when sitting), (a. 1J h.) Disposition to vertigo. (8 d.) Vertigo for six hours.—5. When raising himself in the bed, he is attacked with vertigo, as if every thing turned round, and inclination to vomit, obliging him • to lie down again. Headache with inclination to vomit, as if he had been taking an emetic Stupid feeling in the head. Stupid feeling in the head, Avith cold sweat on the forehead and hands, and repug- nance to food or drinks. He forgets easily what he had been thinking of a moment ago.—10. Stupid and obtuse feeling of the head, increased by reading, obliging him to read a sentence several times before he understood it. Heaviness in the head. Sensation as if something heavy were lying upon his head, but without any pain. Thinking fatigues his head A'ery much. In the morning the head feels affected, as if one had been in- toxicated the evening before.—15. Cloudiness of the head, mostly increased by eating or drinking. The head is pain- ful, as if tied all round. Headache* as if the brain were con- stricted. Headache in the temples, as if the head Avere betAveen two screws.—20. (Painful concussion in the brain when walk- ing, when moving the head or when talking.) Headache, con- strictive, burning, tearing, digging-up and boring. Violent pressure through the Avhole head, mostly in the forehead (fore- noon), increasing into loss of sense by reading or meditating. (a. 60 h.) Aching pain in the forehead. Aching pain in the vertex, (a. 10 h.)—25. Dull compression in the right half of the forehead. Aching, as if the brain were being compressed. (a. 5 h.) Sensation in the right temple, as if a blunt body were slowly pressed into the brain. Pressing into the left temple. Violent pressing in the whole head, especially the forehead, from above downwards, increased when Avalking. (a. 6£ h.) MENISPERMUM COCCULUS. 97 —30. Dull, wavelike pressing together in the left half of the forehead, tearing, throbbing headache in the forehead in the evening (from seven till nine o'clock), (a. 38 h.) Fre- quent attacks of headache in a small place of the left fron- tal eminence, the pain lasting but a few minutes and being first a fierce, throbbing-lancinating pain, after Avhich a tingling is experienced in the right frontal eminence, and then the Avhole symptom disappears. Fine stinging in the temples. Severe stitch in the head above the right eye. (a. 12 h.)—35. Several stitches in the right side of the brain, (a. 24 h.) Intermittent, boring prickings in the right side of the forehead. Fine prick- ings in the left temple, (a. 6 h.) Headache as if the eyes were being torn out. Cramplike pain in the left temporal muscle. (a. lx h.)—40. Headache, as if the eyes were being forcibly closed. Convulsive trembling of the head. Sensation of shud- dering on the left side of the occiput, as if the hairs Avould stand on end. Eyes : Dull pressure upon the margin of the orbits (imme-. diately). Pressure in both eyes, as if dust had got in. (a. 7 h.) —45. Aching pain in the eyes, with inability to open the eye- lids, in the night, (a. 5 h.) Stitches in the eyes from within outwards, (a. 24 h.) (In the morning, swelling of one eye and of one half of the nose, after having suffered with a violent headache during the night.) Dryness of the eyelids.—50. Dimsightedness. Sensation as if flies and black spots Avere hovering before the eyes, as if amaurosis would come on. She sees a black figure before her eyes, Avalking in front of her to and fro ; when she turned, the figure turned likewise ; never- theless she saw every thing in a full light. Contraction of the pupils, (a. 5 h.) Blue margins around the eyes.—55. Sensa- tion of pressure in the left zygoma, more stupefying than pain- ful. Cramp in the region of the zygoma, in the masseter mus- cles, (a. 2 h.) Cramplike pain in the masseter muscles, in- creased by opening the jaws. (a. 3 h.) Ears : (Heat in the outer and inner right ear, early in the morning when in bed.) His ears feel alternately closed and deaf _60. Noise in the ears, as when one applies a shell to the ears. Noise as that of the rushing water, with hard hearing. (a. 1 h.) The right ear feels closed up, as if he Avere rather deaf. Nose : Swelling of the right half of the nose. Face and Teeth : Stitches in the external parts of the cheek, and in the muscles thereof.—65. Flushes of heat of the cheeks, without thirst, (a. 27 h.) Redness of the cheeks and heat in the face, without thirst, in a room entirely cold. Pus- tule beneath the right, outer corner of the mouth, with a red vol n. 8 98 MENISPERMUM COCCULUS. areola, experiencing a tensive pain when touched, (a. 24 h.) Swelling of the parotid gland. Fine stitches in the outer parts of the neck. (a. 1 h.)—70. SAvelling and hardness of the sub- maxillary glands, and nodosities in the forearm, painful when moving the hand along them. Painless swelling of the sub- maxillary glands, (a. 8 h.) Paralytic drawing in the side of the neck and other places, sometimes resembling an intermittent paralytic pressure Painful stiffness of the cervical muscles, Avhen moving the neck or when yawning. Fine stitch, exter- nally, in the side of the neck.—75. Pulsative stitches in the outer parts of the left side of the neck. Weakness of the mus- cles of the neck, with heaviness in the head, for several days ; the cervical muscles appear too weak to support the head ; he had to lean his head now against this, now against that, other- Avise the cervical muscles felt painful; he was most relieved by leaning with his back against something. Tearing-digging- up pain in the loAver jaAV. Biting sensation in the upper and lower molar teeth, as Avhen a person eats a quantity of sea-salt; this becomes an agreeable sensation when biting the teeth together. The anterior teeth feel as if raised out of their sock- ets, and so heavy as if they would fall out.—80. The carious tooth seems to have become elongated; it vacillates ; the gums are swollen, (a. 12 h.) The holloAV tooth is painful only when eating soft food, as if it were quite loose ; it is not painful Avhen biting the teeth together, between the meals. (The gums are more sensitive and feel sore.) Mouth : (When talking, she experiences a contractive sen- sation in the mouth, and has to talk more slowly.) Roughness of the tongue, in the morning.—85. Dryness of the mouth, in the night, without thirst. Dryness of the tongue, with a yel- lowish-white coating, without thirst. (a.-J-h.) Feeling of dry- ness in the mouth, Avith foam-like saliva and violent thirst. Collection of water in his mouth, without inclination to vomit. (a. H h.) Sensation as if water were accumulating in his mouth for a long time, without inclination to vomit.—90. When stretching the tongue far out of his mouth, the back part feels bruised. Pharynx and Oesophagus : Dryness and roughness in the pharynx and oesophagus, especially perceptible during deglutition, without thirst, (a. 2 h.) Scraping sensation in the throat, going off during deglutition. Great sensitiveness in the throat; the food which she SAvallows, appears acrid to her, as if too much peppered.and spiced. Dryness in the back and up- per part of the throat, and as if these parts, together with the tongue, were rough,—95. Dryness of the oesophagus. Dry- ness of the throat, with a feeling of heat in the oesophagus and MENISPERMUM COCCULUS. 99 stomach, (a. 2 h.) Burning in the venum pendulum palati. Burning in the oesophagus, extending up to the velum pendu- lum palati in the evening, accompanied by shuddering about the head. Pain in the upper part of the oesophagus, Avith a sensa- tion of swelling about the root of the tongue, painful during de- glutition.—100. Aching pain in the tonsils, worse when swal- lowing saliva than Avhen swallowing food. A sort of choking constriction in the upper part of the oesophagus, oppressing the breathing and inducing cough at the same time. (a. 1 h.) A sort of paralysis of the oesophagus, preventing deglutition. Taste and Appetite : Taste in the mouth as if he had been fasting a long time. Metallic taste on the root of the tongue.—105. Copper taste in the mouth. Metallic taste in the mouth, with loss of appetite. Sourish taste in the mouth, after a meal. When coughing she has a sour taste in the mouth. Tobacco tastes bitter while smoking.—110. Slimy taste in the mouth ; but the food has a natural taste. Food tastes as if it were unprepared, or without salt. Sensation in the mouth, as if smelling from the mouth, (a. 6 h.) Bitter taste on the root of the tongue. Gastric Symptoms : Frequent, empty eructations, (a. 3X h.)—115. Bitter eructations, (a. x h.) Bitter eructations (immediately). Acrid, scraping eructations, especially in the evening. Empty eructations, leaving a bitter taste in the mouth and throat, (a. 24 h.) Eructations tasting of the ingesta. (a. 18 h.)—120. Putrid eructations in the forenoon. Rising of musky, spoiled air. (a. 8 h.) Motion in the stomach as if eructations would come on, causing pain in the stomach. (a. x h.) Pain in the pit of the stomach, at every eructation, as if one had received a blow in that part. A short, stitching pain in the pit of the stomach, during an eructation.—125. Pressure against the inner Avail of the chest during an eructa- tion. Motions as if eructations Avould set in, followed by im- perfect, unsuccessful eructations, terminating in hiccough, which lasted an hour. (a. 3 h.) Hiccough (after 10 minutes). Hic- cough (immediately). Disposition to hiccough.—130. Hic- cough, (a. \ h.) No appetite for breakfast; she feels a ful- ness high up. Excessive repugnance to food, excited even by the smell of food, accompanied by hunger. Feeling of hunger in the pit of the stomach, little diminished by eating, almost the whole day. Great thirst at every hour of the day, but especially during a meal.—135. Aversion to food and drink. Want of appetite, food has no taste Aversion to sour, bread tastes sour. (a. 3 h.) Sensation in the stomach as of a worm moving about in that organ.—140. Nausea, as wheneating too 100 MENISPERMUM COCCULUS. much. Nausea, (when smoking tobacco, to which he was used,) very nearly exciting vomiting, (a. 4 h.) Nausea (im- mediately). Inclination to vomit. She feels an inclination to vomit Avhen eating.—145. Nausea after drinking, in the after- noon ; it appears chiefly to be in the mouth. Frequent incli- nation to vomit, (a. several hours.) Excessive nausea and inclination to vomit, when riding in a carriage. Early in the morning, when in bed, she is scarcely able to raise herself, OAving to sick feeling and inclination to vomit, (a. 48 h.) When be- coming cold, or when catching cold, an inclination to vomit comes on, exciting a copious accumulation of saliva.—150. Inclination to vomit, accompanied by and related to headache, and a pain in the intestines, as if bruised, (a. x h.) (Vo- miting tOAvards midnight Avith suffocative fits, he vomits food and mucus, Avith bitter and sour taste in the throat.) Stomach : Sensation in the stomach as if one had been for a long time without food, until the hunger was gone. Pain beneath the stomach, immediately after dinner. Gurgling sen- sation (below) in the praecordial region.—155. Pecking and gnawing sensation below the praecordial region. Pressure in the stomach after a meal. Aching pain in the stomach, praecordial region and hypochondria, a few hours after a meal or in the night when in bed. Pressure in the pit of the stom- ach, arresting the breathing, (a. 1 h.)—160. ClaAving and ten- sion in the pit of the stomach when walking. Violent spasm of the stomach, griping sensation in the stomach. Clawing sensation in the stomach. Constrictive pain in the stomach, hindering sleep. Abdomen : Compressive pinching in the epigastrium, arresting the breathing.—165. Clawing, constrictive pain in the epigastrium after a meal, extending towards the left side of the abdomen and chest, (a. 100 h.) Pressure in the epigas- trium. Excessive aching pain under the last true rib of the left side, increasing when bending the body forwards, by cough or an inspiration, but not by external contact. (Pain in the hy- pochondria, as if bruised.) (a. 12 h.) Continuous, fine stitch in the skin, in the left region of the stomach, going off when rubbing the parts.—170. Intermittent, dull stitches on the left side of and near the umbilicus. Fine pinching on the right side of and above the umbilicus. Pinching pain in the left abdominal muscles. Empty and holloAv sensation in the ab- domen, as if she had no intestines. Clawing sensation in the abdomen, (a. f h.)—175. Audible rumbling in the abdomen. Drawing pain in the intestines. Drawing pain in the abdo- men from the right to the left side. (a. 4 d.) Violent colic af- ter dinner, when walking, with sensation of chilliness and ver- MENISPERMUM COCCULUS. 101 tigo. (8 d.) Cutting in the hypogastrium in the direction of the epigastrium, diminished by standing.—180. Continuous stitch in the right side of the abdomen. Several prickings in the left side of the abdomen. Stitches in several parts of the abdomen, only when stooping, (a. 15 h.) Tearing in the in- testines. Burning in the abdomen.—185. Considerable disten- tion of the abdomen. Troublesome flatulence shortly after supper ; the flatus distend now this, now that part of the intes- tines, and are emitted with difficulty, (a. 5 h.) Flatulent colic about midnight; incessant formation of flatulence dis- tending the abdomen, causing an aching pain now here now there, and going off one by one without producing much relief, and being continually reproduced for several hours ; he has to turn from side to side in order to obtain relief, (a. 20 h.) Early in the morning, when in bed, she experiences a sharp and hard pressure in the lumbar region and the region of the kidneys, going off after rising. The flatulence becomes incarcerated and presses from beloAv upwards.—190. Constrictive pain in the hypogastrium, with pressing towards the genital organs, and qualmishness in the pit of the stomach with inclination to waterbrash. Nausea (Avithout inclination to vomit) coming from the right side of the abdomen and moving towards the umbilicus (immediately). Stool : Constipation, lasting several days. Hard stool every other day, which can only be expelled with great diffi- culty. After stool, violent tenesmus of the rectum, even unto fainting.—195. Precursory symptoms of inguinal hernia, (a. 8 h.) Dilatation of the left abdominal ring, and disposition to inguinal hernia, with sore pain. (a. 14 h.) Continuous stitch in the right groin. Painful disposition to inguinal hernia, es- pecially after rising from a seat. Paralytic pain in the right abdominal ring, as if something would press through ; pain as from hernia, only when sitting, and going off Avhen rising.— 200. Pressing pain in the groins, as if the menses Avould make their appearance. Fulness within the groins, as if crammed ; only in the sides, not in the middle, except when making a step forwards, then the thick parts felt as if they were being pushed along, and there was a feeling as of the whole going to pieces (in a few hours). Soft stools, diarrhoea, (a. x h.) Frequent small evacuations (in a few hours). (Several, light- colored, pale stools every day.)—205. (Slimy stools.) Emis- sion of hot flatulence previous to the diarrhaea. Desire for stool, followed by fetid diarrhoea. Soft, thin stool, (a. 1 h.) Desire for stool and flatulence at the same time, the emission of flatu- lence being accompanied with a sudden expulsion of diarrhceic 102 MENISPERMUM COCCULUS. stools, in small portions and at short intervals.—210. Unsuc- cessful desire for stool, with constipation, for three days ; hard stool on the fourth day, expelled Avith great difficulty. Incipi- ent desire for stool in the rectum ; but the peristaltic motion in the upper intestines is wanting, on account of Avhich stool is delayed thirty-six hours, (a. x h.) Tingling and itching in the rectum, as if from ascarides. Contractive pain in the anus, hindering sitting, in the afternoon, (a. 20 h.) Burning itching of the anus. Urinary Organs : (Retention of urine for ten minutes.) Watery urine, (a. 2X h.) (He emits a quantity of watery urine at very short intervals, and the pressure upon the blad- der is constantly renewed owing to fulness. Frequent desire to urinate, every quarter of an hour, with scanty emission, for thirty hours, (a. 4 h.) Pain in the urethra, with desire to urinate.—220. Stinging itching in the forepart of the urethra. (a. 13 h.) Tensive, aching pain in the orifice of the urethra, between the acts of micturition, (a. 1 h.) Stinging pain in the urethra, (a. 12 h.) Genital Organs : Stinging pain in the margin of the pre- puce. Itching of the scrotum. Itching burning of the scro- tum. Violent pains in both testicles, as if bruised, especially _ Avhen touched. (8 d.) Stinging pain in one of the two testicles. Drawing pains in the testicles.—230. The menses appear too early by seven days, with distention of the abdomen, and con- tractive pain, with cutting sensation, at every motion and in- spiration ; accompanied by a contractive feeling in the rectum. (a. 48 h.) The menses appear eight days too soon, with dis- tention of the abdomen and pain in the epigastrium, which is felt not only at every motion—every step she makes causing pain—but also Avhen sitting ; as if the inner parts suffered a sharp pressure from a stone ; Avhen touching the parts they ex- perience a pain as if there Avere Ulcers internally. (Metrorr- hagia.) Leucorrhoea. The menses which had been suppressed a whole year, reappear immediately in tAvo cases.—235. Excitation of the genital organs and desire for an embrace. In- creased excitability of the genital parts. Nightly emission of semen, (a. 6 h.) The genital organs become relaxed during the night, and the prepuce retreats behind the glans. (a. 12 h.) Cold, Catarrh : Sneezing.—240. He is unable to sneeze when walking in the open air. (She blows bloody mucus out of her nose.) The anterior corner of the nostril near the tip of the nose is painful to the touch. Violent coryza the whole day. —245. Ulcerative pain in the left nostril, without touching the parts. Violent coryza for four days. MENISPERMUM COCCULUS. 103 Respiratory Organs and Chest : Tenacious mucus in the larynx, obliging him to hawk it up. Irritation in the upper part of the larynx, inducing cough. Cough, fatiguing, owing to an oppression of the chest which was brought on by the cough (in 48 h.).—250. Irritation in the larynx, posteriorly, in the evening when in bed, inducing cough, two single expul- sions at a time. Every fourth night he is roused from sleep by cough, at midnight or at two o'clock, with dryness of the mouth; when coughing the throat did not seem wide enough. Contractive sensation in the trachea, as if irritated by smoke, inducing almost constant cough. Sensation in the pit of the throat, as if something were lodged in that part, which arrested the breathing ; the throat feels constricted. Audible rumbling apparently in the left side of the chest, as if owing to an empti- ness, especially felt when walking, (a. 3 h.)—255. She has no breath, her breathing is very short. Asthma and difficult breathing. Tensive constriction of the rig fit side of the chest, oppressing the breathing, (a. x h.) Oppression of the chest especially in the region of the upper part of the sternum, arrest- ing the breathing, (a. 4 h.) Sibilant, snoring breathing, with oppression unto suffocation, especially during an inspiration; the breathing is very sIoav and sometimes entirely arrested, and the face is distended as in apoplexy.—260. (Rawness and sore feeling in the chest.) Aching pain in the middle of the sternum, with anxiety, afterwards the pain in the sternum, becomes stitching, (a. 3 h.) Pain in the middle of the sternum as if a dull instrument Avere being pressed upon it. Sudden pressure in the sternum, as if a fist were knocking against it. Dull, draAving pain in the right side of the chest, when inclining the body to the right side, sitting or standing, the pain continues as long as the inclination of the body lasts.—265. His chest be- came so tired from loud reading, that he was not able to con- tinue the reading without making a great effort. Stitches in the interior of the chest synchronous with the pulse, when sit- ting, continuing Avithout interruption for at least a quarter of an hour. When walking he feels a violent stitch through the chest extending to the back. Intermittent, dull stitches in the forepart of the false ribs of the right side Stinging pain in the left half of the chest, during an inspiration, in paroxysms. __270. A few stitches in the right side of the chest, (a. 2 h.) Stinging pain in the sternum when Avalking. (a. 48 h.) Stitches in the right side. (a. 1 h.) Stitches in the left side. (a. 3 h.) Stinging in both nipples, (a. x h.)—275. Shivering over the mammae, (a. x h. A feAV stitches in the left side of the chest, near the praecordial region, in the evening, (a. 24 104 MENISPERMUM COCCULUS. h.) Piercing pain in the articulations of the chest and all the dorsal vertebrae, as if they AA^ere sprained or were being spas- modically drawn together, especially during motion, (a. 20 h.) Back : Paralytic pain in the small of the back. Par- alytic pain in the small of the back, Avith spasmodic draw- ing across the hips, hindering Avalking, with anxious, ap- prehensive mood.—280. Paralytic, aching pain in the lum- bar region. The bones in the small of the back feel bruis- ed, this pain is not increased by contact. Several stitches through the abdomen and the lower part of the back, from before backwards, early in the morning when in bed. Tremor in the back. Itching in the back, in the evening after undress- ing, with eruption of red pimples.—285. Drawing pain in the side, towards the back, when talking, Avalking or stooping; when lying down the drawing increases for a feAV minutes, and ceases afterwards entirely. Aching pain in the back, especially the leftside of it (when sitting), (a. 5 h.) Drawing pain in the back. Tearing pain in the back. Boring pain in the back.—290. Pain in the back when standing, as if one had made too great an effort, qr as if one had strained the parts, (a. 12 h.) Pain in the spine as if it would break. Tearing pain between the shoulder and the spine, in the evening previous to lying down. (a. 36 h.) Drawing pains under the left scapula, when standing or lying down, worse in the morning, (a. 6 h.) Intermittent, aching, par- alytic pain, when at rest, under the left scapula.—295. When moving the shoulders, the parts behind feel stiff and painful. Stitching pain in the nape of the neck, when bending the head either forwards or backwards. Stitches in the scapulae from the right to the left. Pressure in the scapulae and the nape of the neck. Painful cracking of the cervical vertebrae, when mov- ing the head. Upper Extremities:—300. When lifting the arm, after a meal, he feels an excessive, draAving bone-pain in the shoul- der-joint and the long bones of the arm; when touching the parts they feel bruised and contused. Single stitches in the shoulder-joint and the muscles of the upper-arm, when at rest. (a. 1 h.) Itching stitch in the left axilla, like a flea-bite Pimple below the shoulder, itching under the feather-bed. A sort of creeping as of something living, and a throbbing and- burning, under the right shoulder, extending as far as the fin- gers, (a. 1 h.)—305. A breaking, tearing or stitching pain in the shoulder and elbow-joint, and in the humerus, the pain be- ing intolerable Avhen at rest, with a sensation of pain ; he is afraid of moving his arm, although the pain decreases by mo- tion, (a. 5 h.) Burning pain in the left arm, in paroxysms. Convulsions of the arms, Avith clenching of the thumb. Pain MENISPERMUM COCCULUS. 105 in the arm as if gone to sleep and paralytic, during and after a meal. (a. 3 h.) The arm goes to sleep, with tingling sensa- tion.—310. A sort of paralysis of the arm while writing ; he was scarcely able to hold his pen. (a. 4 h.) Intense, paralytic pain, as if the bones were broken in two, during a violent mo- tion of the arm. When lifting the upper arms, they feel a pain as if broken. The humerus, immediately above the elbow, feels bruised and a paralytic pain during motion. The arm, upon which he rests, feels painful as if bruised.—315. Digging- up pain, with sensation as of wave-like drawing, and as if bruised. Drawing in the upper part of the humerus, Avith pain as if bruised. Jerking in the muscles of the left upper arm. Pulse- like, visiblejerking in the muscles of the left upper arm, and immediately after, over the elbow of the right upper arm. Stitches in the right upper arm.—320. Intermittent, dull shocks on the outer side of the left upper arm, below the head of the humerus. When eating, the right arm pains him a good deal; it feels heavy and Aveary when she attempts to raise it high up. Sudden paralytic pain in the bend of the right elbow. Continuous stinging in the left elbow. (4 d.) Stinging pain in the outer side of the left fore-arm, extending down to the little finger.—325. Aching pain in the upper surface of the right fore-arm. Intermittent, intense, almost tearing, paralytic pressure in the anterior muscles of the lower arm, especially when at rest. Pain in the glenoid cavity of the fore-arm, as if dislocated, during motion and contact. The fore-arm goes to sleep, with sensation in the hand as if swollen, and a constrict- ive pain in the muscles ; the fingers are cool, the interior feel- ing icy-cold. (a. 3 h.) Cold sweat, now of one, noAv of the other hand.—330. Sweaty hands (immediately). Both hands, now the one, now the other, are insensible, and as if they had gone to sleep. Both hands, now the one, now the other, are alternately hot or cold. (a. \ h.) A blister on the border of the hand, Avhere the little finger terminates; it forms in the night and runs out next day. (a. 5 d.) Her hands tremble when eating, the trembling increasing in proportion as she lifts the hand higher up.—335. Spasmodic pain in the outer surface of the right hand and four fingers, the hand feeling someAvhat hot. Cramp-like contraction of the finger. Cramp-like pain of the right little finger when writing. Spasmodic, stitching pain from behind forwards, in the right index-finger. Painful, par- alytic drawing through the fingers. (6 d.)—340. Tearing, bor- ing, drawing pain in the fingers. Titillating itching of the ball of the thumb, going deep into the part, not diminished by scratching and friction, (a. 16 h.) 106 MENISPERMUM COCCULUS. Lower Extremities : Pinching in the right glutei mus- cles, Avhen sitting; afterwards the pinching is converted to dull shocks. Stitching pain in the left hip-joint, Avhen walking. (5 d.) Cracking and painful sensation in the left hip-joint, Avhen turning the thigh, especially perceptible Avhen walking. (a. 24 h.)—345. Repeated stitches in the outer parts of the left hip-joint. Twitchings in the muscles around the right hip- joint. Paralytic pain, aching at intervals, in the left os inno- minatum. Pain as if bruised, at times aching, in the middle of the left thigh. Stitching pain in the whole of the right femur, only when walking.—350. When sitting, violent, pulsative stitches in the outer side of the left thigh, occasioning involun- tary motions. A paralytic, rigid feeling goes through the left limb at intervals, from the middle of the thigh down to the foot. Rigid feeling from the thigh downwards over the knees. Paralytic drawing in the thighs, with Aveakness in the knees, as if they would bend suddenly. Paralytic sensation in the left thigh, worst when at rest.—355. The thighs feel paralyzed and bruised. When walking in a circle from left to right, the internal side of the left thigh feels painful as if bruised. When raising the thighs, they feel a pain as if broken. When com- mencing to Avalk, after sitting, the thighs feel painful as if bruised. When raising the limbs while sitting, the thighs are intensely painful as if bruised.—360. Constrictive, painless sensation along the thigh, occasionally with a sensation as if the thigh would become rigid ; afterwards the constrictive sen- sation descends into the muscles of the leg below the bend of the knee Drawing pains in the feet. Tearing pains in the feet. Boring pains in the feet. Paralytic immobility of the lower limbs, (a. 24 h.)—365. A boil on the inner side of the thigh, (a. 12 h.) Tremor in the thighs, when kneeling. Cracking of the knee during motion (immediately). Intoler- able draAving pain in the knee, after sitting, Avhen rising. Stitches in the knee.—370. Drawing, tearing pain in the pa- tella. Severe stitch in the left knee-joint, (a. 27 h.) Contin- uous stitch when Avalking, in the outer part of the left knee- joint. (6 d.) Cramp in the calves, in the night, Avhen bend- ing the knees. Tensive pain in the calves during motion.__ 375. Violent stitches in the skin of the left knee when sitting, every stitch causing him to move the limb involuntarily. Itch- ing in the left knee-joint, the calf and tarsal joint when walk- ing; the itching disappeared when standing, and returned when walking. Great weariness in the knees, as after a vio- lent journey, frequently returning (immediately). Sensation below the left knee as if he had tied his feet too fast Avith a MENISPERMUM COCCULUS. 107 garter. Constrictive sensation in the outer side of the left leg, more stupefying than painful.—380. Dull, undulating, paralytic pain in the external side of the left leg from above downwards, When walking, after sitting, the left foot goes to sleep, and ex- periences prickings. Both feet go to sleep when sitting. Swelling of the foot in the evening. Cold sweat of the feet.— 385. Heat and swelling of the feet, with continual, corrosive itching. Itching of the tarsal joint, violent pain in the tarsal joint, as if sprained, during motion. Pain, as if bruised, in the dorsum of the feet, when bending the foot from below upwards, and when touching the foot. (a. 3 h.) Tearing jerks and tear- ings in the otherwise painless corn, in the evening when at rest. —390. Pain in the posterior joint of the big toe, as if a chilblain or a boil would form ; painful to the touch. Tearing pain in the big toe, even when at rest. DraAving pain in the right toes. (a. 4 h.) Corrosive pain in the toes. (a. 3 h.) Pain of the interior of one heel, apparently in the os calcis, as if bruised, (a. \ h.) General Symptoms : The muscles of the limbs are pain- ful to the touch, (a. 24 h.) Burning, dull stitches in different parts. Burning-itching stitches, like flea-bites, in various parts of the skin. When touching the affected part (which had been swollen and inflamed) with his fingers, it experiences a fine stinging, as if he pressed the point of a needle upon it. Itching of the skin of the body, especially in the evening, Avhen taking off the clothes.—400. Violent smarting itching of the skin of the whole body, as after copious sweat, when undressing, (a. 16 h.) Itching of the skin under the bed-clothes ; the itching increases after scratching. Itching and burning of the skin, especially the inner side of the thighs, as of nettles ; that part is also covered with pimples, becoming affected with a stinging pain when touched. Itching of various parts in the night; the parts are painful after the scratching. Itching during the night, partly of the chest, from the praecordial region up to the throat, partly of the parts covering the tibia, and in the axillae ; after scratching bloody lymph oozes through the pores, (a. 4 h.)— 405. Single pimples, becoming filled with pus, and afterwards drying up and disappearing, over the nose, on the temples, chest, and between the scapulae. Red, miliary pimples in the face on the back and chest, itching in the Avarmth, but not when undressing. A sort of hard blotches, containing no fluid, surrounded with a red border, burning and itching the whole day, on the limbs, the wrist, and the back of the fingers. Red, irregularly shaped spots upon the skin, upon the whole of the chest, and on the sides of the neck behind the ears, as if colored with red wine, without heat or sensation. Cocculus excites 108 MENISPERMUM COCCULUS. tearing pains in hard glandular swellings.—410. Excites stitching pains and heat in cold glandular swellings, at least when touched. All the symptoms and pains, especially in the head, become aggravated by drinking, eating, sleeping, or talking. The symptoms are extremely aggravated by smoking. The symptoms are increased by coffee. Flushes of heat in the face after drinking.—415. The symptoms, espe- cially the headache, are extremely aggravated by cold air. Hemorrhages. He avoids the open air. The open air is too cold for him. Intolerance of both the cold and warm air.— 420. He cannot bear the open air, with heat and redness of the cheeks, (a. 4 h.) The limbs are painful when moved, as if they were broken or crushed by bending. Subsultus of muscu- lar parts, especially in the lower limbs, as after a long journey on foot. Intensely painful paralytic drawing, continuing for a time, and beginning with a jerk, in various parts of the limbs, apparently in the bone. Digging-up bone- pain, in the interior of the limbs.—425. Pain in the interior of the limbs, increasing by contact and external pressure, (a. 24 h.) Drawing pain in the limbs of the left side. DraAving pain in the limbs and abdominal muscles, as after a cold. Crack- ing in the joints. Cracking in the joints when walking.— 430. Painful stiffness of all the joints, at times in the hands and fingers, at times in the knees and tarsal joints, for two days. (a. 24 h.) Painful stiffness of the joints, (a. 8 h.) Alternate going to sleep of the feet and hands, in transitory paroxysms. Fits, Weakness: Disposition to tremble, (a. 1 and 6 h.) Trembling of all the limbs.—435. Want of vital energy. The limbs feel paralyzed. Paralytic immobility of the limbs, with drawing pains, apparently in the bones. Attacks of paralytic weakness with pain in the small of the back. Apoplexy of the left side—440. A sort of epilepsy : He enters the room Avith a cheerful countenance and sits down, feeling intoxicated as it were; afterwards he becomes quite still and stares for a long while at one spot, without answering any questions ; he then falls down without consciousness, writhing and muttering un- intelligible things ; involuntary emission of urine ; spasmodic, paroxysmal concussions of the limbs and the Avhole body, con- vulsive clenching of the fingers, the hands being stretched out; paroxysmal choking in the throat, the mouth being half open as if he would vomit, Avith foam at the mouth, in the shape of bubbles; the hands are cold, the face is covered with cold sweat and spasmodically distorted, the eyes look glassy and protruded ; after this fit he rises, without however answering any questions, clenches his teeth, looking at those who inter- MENISPERMUM COCCULUS. 109 rogate him, with his teeth clenched, does not suffer himself to be touched, tries to push away those who surround him, to Avrestle with them; his face has an expression of wild rage ; finally he groans and moans ; after fifteen minutes he gradu- ally recovers from his fit, and recovers his senses, feeling, however, an aversion to every kind of food or drink, even those that he was generally very fond of. (a. | h.) He feels Aveak after the least motion ; every trifle affects him. He feels very weak from a little walk. She is so weak that she had to sit down in performing a light Avork which she was in the habit of doing standing. He came near falling over from Aveariness in the knees, he staggers when walking, and threatens to fall to one side—445. Painful paralytic weakness in arms and legs ; she is scarcely able to rise ; with want of appetite. Faint- ness of the body, especially when sitting. Excessive Aveakness of the body when walking. Great weakness of the body, he found it difficult to stand firmly. At nine o'clock in the morning, her limbs felt so heavy and her whole body so weary, that she was unable to keep herself from sleeping, for several days, at the same time—450. Fainting fit. Fainting fit, Avith spasmodic distortion of the facial muscles, when moving the body. Excessive Aveakness. Sleep : Indolent, and taciturn. If he sleeps ever so little less than usually, he feels weak.—455. Disposition to lie down. Continual yaAvning and stretching of the limbs after lying down in the bed. Short yawnings, one is not able to take sufficiently deep breath when yawning. A good deal of yawning towards evening. Violent yawning.—460. Violent yawning, with cracking in the left ear. Sopor. Coma vigl. When sleeping he lays himself upon his face When sleeping he lays one arm under the head. (a. 4 h.)—465. Frequent waking from sleep. Frequent waking, with a start. He fre- quently Avakes in the night, with a sensation as if he were too warm. Sleepless night, restlessness of the whole body ; sting- ing and biting in various parts. Ideas about his daily business crowded upon his mind and hindered sleep for an hour, he woke at one o'clock, without being able to fall to sleep again.—470. He wakes in the night with a sort of fear, as if he had to dread ghosts. Vivid dreams, exciting fear. (a. 2 h.) Dreams about life and death. He dreams he had committed an evil deed. Vivid dreams which he is unable to recollect.—475. He dreams his knees were sAvollen and painful. She screams when asleep calls to her mother and sisters with hurried, anxious breathing; she moves her hands over the cover of her bed, grasping at things and pushing things away from her ; at the same time she 110 MENISPERMUM COCCULUS. opens her eyes, distorts them without Avaking, and continu- ally moves her head, especially toAvards the left side. Sleep is interrupted by frequent startings. Frightful anguish which seems like a dream, hindering sleep. He is drowsy during the day.—480. He wakes up late in the morning : he finally woke, but he was unable to open his eyes. Laziness and want of disposition to speak, in the morning after waking. He has not slept enough, when Avaking in the morning, and yawns unceas- ingly. Fever : Shivering in the back, in the evening, chilliness in the back, as if he were touched with ice here and there, not yielding to the warmth of the stove.—485. Shuddering of the lower parts of the body (very soon) chills over the whole body in the afternoon. Chills of half an hour (at 8 o'clock) in the morning, Avithout thirst or subsequent heat. General coldness, Avithout shuddering, with bluish hands (the first hours). Re- turning, although short shuddering, especially through the Ioav- er limbs (immediately).—490. Thrills of shuddering through the Avhole body. In the evening he is suddenly attacked with chilliness, he trembles, without feeling cold to the touch, being at the same time desirous of strong, stimulating nourishment. When touching the face with the hands, they appear cold; when touching one hand with the other, they appear warm. Trembling of all the limbs, ahvays accompanied with chilli- ness, which does not even pass off in the warm room, espe- cially in the evening. Cold thrill over his back, although he sits near the warm stove. (8 d.)—495. Chilliness, and feel- ing of coldness in the back. Chilliness, not going off by the warmth of the stove, with violent colic. (8 d.) Violent chilli- ness over the whole body, in the evening (7 d.) Feeling of cold on the shoulder, without any cold being perceptible exter- nally, (a. 4 h.) Fever: frequent chills, afterwards flushes of heat about the head.—500. Fever: alternation of heat and chilliness of the body (in some hours). (Fever : chilliness in- creasing progressively, with little or no thirst, warm forehead, cold malar bones, cold nose and icy—cold hands, afterwards heat with great anxiety, as if he had not sufficient breath, with nausea and violent thirst, until sweat broke out; the sweat was not copious, cool, only about the head and hands, anxiety con- tinuing.) Fever: frequent thrills of shuddering during the day, as when one warms one's-self near the fire in the cold air; these thrills are followed by heat, he grows faint, has to lie down, but without either thirst or sweat. Fever: in the eve- ning hot hands, with sensation of dry heat over the whole body, with sleeplessness until 4 o'clock in the morning, after- MENISPERMUM COCCULUS. Ill vyards shuddering and cold hands the whole day. (The out- side of the body feels hot, without the prover experiencing any heat himself, without thirst.) (a. 5 h.)—505. Burning heat in the cheeks, with cold feet. The pulse is not moie frequent, but very small and hard. Heat in the forehead. Increased feel- ing of heat, quick pulse (a. 24 h.) Redness of the left hand, with drawing in the middle finger (4 d.)—510. Glow- ing cheeks, with chilliness of the whole body. Quick alterna- tion of heat and chilliness; she is suddenly attacked by heat, extending from the feet over the whole body; acccompanied Avith a sensation as if the blood were rushing to the face, al- though she looks at the same time more pale than red; in a few minutes she experiences a thrill of icy coldness from the head to the feet, and the heat disappears for a moment; these paroxysms occur several times a day. Frequent and violent flush of heat over the whole body. Frequent flushes of a disa- greeable, burning heat and redness of the cheeks, as is felt du- ring a fit of chagrin or upon the reception of a disagreable piece of news. Heat and redness in the face, with thirst.—515. Desire for cold things, especially beer. SAveat over the body (immediately) from evening till morning, with cold sweat in the face General morning-sweat, mostly on the chest and the af- fected part. Exhalation and slight sweat over the whole body, during the slightest motion, (a. 1 h.) Moral Symptoms: Discouragement.—520. His thoughts are exclusively directed to one disagreeable object; she is absorbed in her own thoughts, and sees nothing around her. He is absorbed in the saddest thoughts, and offences which were committed against him affect the very inmost of his heart. She is absorbed in reveries. Time passes too quickly for him, and several hours appear to him so short as if they Avere but one. He is continually absorbed in sad thoughts, as if he had suffered an insult.—525. He cares for nothing, no- thing gives him pleasure. Weeping. Great dissatisfaction with himself.—530. He is very serious, afterwards he breaks out in lamentations. He is serious, and not very apprehensive about his OAvn health, but very anxious about the indispo- sition of others. She is slow, fritters away her time, achieves nothing, her pupils being contracted, (a. 12 h.) Restless eagerness to do something. Anxiety.—535. In the morning he feels an anxiety about a little injury, as if it were incurable. Anxiety, as if she had committed a great crime. Great anxiety, as if he had committed an evil deed. (a. 29 h.) Anguish about the heart, anguish of death (immediately.) Pal- pitation of the heart.—540. Sudden, violent anguish. Des- 112 CYCLAMEN EUROPJEUM. pairing mood. Hypochondria, especially in the afternoon. Excessive sensitiveness, (a. 24 h.) A slight noise caused all his limbs to start.—545. He starts at every unexpected little occurrence, noise, etc. He is easily offended. He cannot bear being interrupted, by talking, noise, etc. He is irritated by every little trifle—550. Every thing untoward vexes him ; in a few hours he becomes cheerful and jesting. Sheg ets easily angry, and is easily offended, (a. 24 h.) Excessive disposi- tion to feel vexed and to be offended, (a. 1 h.) She feels vexed at the least trifle, unto crying, the pupils becoming contracted ; loss of appetite after weeping. He is highly offended and ag- grieved by the slightest omissions and untruths of others.— 555. Cheerful, contented ; he becomes Avitty and jesting, (a. 6 h.) (Partially a curative effect.) Cheerfulness and content- ment (curative effect). Irresistible disposition to warble a song, and sing ; a sort of monomania. CYCLAMEN EUROPIUM. (Express the juice out of the recent root, in the commencement of the fall season, and mix it with equal parts of alcohol.) This valuable drug has, from time immemorial, been un- justly suspected of acting in too powerful and unsafe a man- ner. Suppose what Dioscorides says of this drug, is meant of our Cyclamen, he speaks after all from mere hearsay. The Arabians employed this root under the name of Arthanita as a component part of a cathartic, which was rubbed upon the ab- domen in the shape of an ointment (unguentwm de Arthanita), containing a quantity of the most violent drastics. This pro- cured for our Cyclamen the reputation of being a drastic, which is not the case. Modern physicians know nothing of this drug, excepting scarcely what the ancient physicians had imagined. The homoeopathic method being opposed to taking any thing for granted, I have deemed it my duty to prove this drug, and to record the symptoms which I and my disciples have obtained from it. We can no more determine the medicinal virtues of a drug from its appearance, its color, shape, etc, than we can judge of the intrinsic worth of a man by his dress, his manners, his speeches. As Ave can only judge him by his deeds, so can we CYCLAMEN EUROPIUM. 113 know the remedial properties of a drug only by trying it upon the healthy organism. I have so far used a very small portion of a drop of the third attenuation at a dose, but in many cases this dose is too powerful. According to Noack and Trinks it may be given for arthri- tic, stitching-boring tooth-ache, and for frequent sneezing with copious flow of mucus. CYCLAMEN. Hahnemann has furnished the following symptoms : Continual stitches in the forepart of the brain, Avhen stoop- ing. After dinner or supper, he feels a qualmishness and incli- nation to vomit in the region of the stomach, as if he had eaten too much fat. Drawing pain in the left arm, extending as far as the fingers : The child wants to lie down continually. When lying in bed, in the evening, he feels the pulse in the brain, and falls asleep late. OBSERVATIONS OF OTHERS. Moral Symptoms and Head : The memory becomes sud- denly weak, and he is scarcely able to recollect the things that had just taken place ; but it soon becomes quick again ; these opposite states alternate at short intervals.—His mind is con- stantly in a state of stupor ; he is neither able to be glad nor sorry, although he constantly feels as if he had suffered great affliction ; only Avhen stirred up, his head feels a little clearer, and he then behaves like one that has just Avaked and has understood only half what people had told him (second day). Dullness of mind ; he is neither disposed nor able to perform any sort of labor (third day). Vertigo; when leaning against something he feels as if the brain Avere in motion, or as if he were riding in a carriage with his eyes closed.—5. Dizziness. Dull ache in the occiput. Painful drawing in the brain, from the left occiput, through the left temple, as far as the forehead, irLone line. (a. 1 h.) Slight pressure in the vertex, as if the brain were enveloped Avith a cloth, and as if this deprived him of his senses (second day). Aching pain in the middle of the vertex, sometimes causing dizziness.—10. Oppressive and drawing pain from the right side of the forehead to the left, and thence back again to the right; afterwards into the left temple; the pain went off after contact, (a. 9 h.) Dull stitches in the right temporal region, in every position, (a. 3 h.) Single drawing stitches in the left temporal region, going off when VOL. II. " 114 CYCLAMEN EUROPIUM. touching the parts, (a. 16 h.) Jerking stitches, first in the right, afterwards in the left temporal region. Headache with yavvning, Avithout droAvsiness. (a. 5 h.)—15. Tearing pain, with pressure, in the outer parts of the head. Fine, sharp, itching stinging in the hairy scalp, which constantly reappears in another place after scratching. A few pimples on the occi- put, painless even when touched, (a. lx h.) Rheumatic drawing in the left side of the nape of the neck, felt only when bending the head backwards, (a. x h.) Erosive and sore feeling in the outer and inner parts of the nape of the neck.— 20. Paralytic aching pain in the nape of the neck, disappearing when bending the head backwards. Drawing-rheumatic pain in the left side of the neck, in the evening, when moving the head, with a feeling of heat in the muscles of the neck and in the left ear. Eyes : Dilatation of the pupils, (a. lx h.) Excessive dilatation of the pupils, especially of the right eye. (a. 15x h.) Oppressive stupefaction of the whole head, with obscuration of sight; sensation as of a fog before his eyes, the lids feeling draAvn towards one another, (a. 1 h.) Obscuration of sight. (a. lx h.) (This is the reason why the root of Cyclamen was successfully employed against dimsightedness by Simon Paulli and by Jos. Lanzoni, in Mis. Nat. Cur. Dec. II. an. 10, obs. 133.) Swelling of the upper eyelids, without dilatation of the pupils, (a. 1 h.\ The eyes lie deep in the orbits and look faint, (a. lx h.) Dryness and pressure in the eyelids as if swollen, with violent, itching stinging in the lids and eyeballs. (a. 7 h.) Dull stitches in the outer part of the right eyeball and the upper eyelid, (a. 4 h.)—30. Fine, stinging, piercing itching in the eyes and eyelids. Ears : Fine tearing in the left meatus auditorius internus. Drawing pain in the right meatus auditorius internus; when this drawing occurs he hears less distinctly Avith this ear. (a. x h.) Sensation in the right ear as if stopped up with cotton or as if closed, preventing the sound from entering. (a. 36 h.) Itching stitch in the right cheek, increasing in vio- lence, afterwards disappearing of itself, and leaving a burning behind. $ose.—35. Diminution of smell. Mouth, Jaws and Teeth : Dry lip, without thirst. Sensa- tion of numbness in the upper lip, or as of an indurated spot in the same. Violent stitches in the posterior hollow molar tooth of the upper jaw. (a. 15^ h.) Tearing pain in the three left molar teeth, as if being torn out.—40. A dull-draAving toothache, having lasted the Avhole night, went off in one mi- \ CYCLAMEN EUROPjEUM. 115 nute (curative effect). Tongue coated white, for three days. (a. 8 h.) Fine stitches in the surface of the tongue, (a. 2 h.) DraAving pain deep in the cervical muscles, as if bruised, extending down to the oesophagus, and causing a stretching sensation in that organ, (a. 10 h.) Aching drawing pain in the submaxillary gland, when bending the neck forward. Gastric Symptoms :—45. Nausea with accumulation of water in the mouth, like waterbrash. (a. 1 h.) Frequent ac- cumulation of water in the mouth, in the evening and the whole of the next day, with eructation, tasting of the ingesta. Nausea and waterbrash. (a. 5 h.) Great dryness in the pa- late, in the evening, with thirst and hunger. Rough, slimy sensation in the mouth, as if he had not cleaned it in the morning.—50. Empty eructations, shortly after a meal. (a. 7X h.) Frequent eructations, sometimes sour. Eructations after supper, terminating in hiccough,; a fluid, very much as in heartburn, rising at the same time into the throat. Nausea and fullness in the chest, in the morning, and after smoking (to which he was used), accompanied with an unusual hunger. (a. 3 h.) Appetite and Taste : Little hunger and appetite.—55. No appetite for breakfast. If he eats ever so little of some aliment, the rest is repulsive to him, and he feels nauseated in the palate and throat, (a. 27 h.) Complete want of appe- tite, especially at breakfast and supper. Repletion in the stomach, as if he had eaten too much ; six hours after a meal he suffers with imperfect eructations tasting of the ingesta. He had no appetite for eight days, ate but little.—60. Bad, putrid taste in the mouth, suddenly. Repugnance to bread and butter, less to warm food. He relishes his meal, but while taking it, and afterwards, he is attacked with hiccough, a sort of hiccough-like eructations. Food has a fiat, or no taste. No thirst, for four days.—65. Thirst returned after the lapse of four days ; it was sometimes more violent than before taking the drug. Drowsiness after a meal. (a. 6£ h.) Drowsiness and weariness after dinner. Hiccough after a meal. (a. 14| h.) Stomach and Abdomen : Oppression and fulness in the pit of the stomach, as if one had eaten too much.—70. Tearing, piercing stitches in the epigastrium, below the stomach, during motion. Grunting in the abdomen, after a meal, returning every day. (a. 24 h.) Uncomfortable sensation in the abdo- men, with some nausea in that part. Colic, (a. 14 h.) Pinch- ing pain in the abdomen, (a. x h.)—75. Pinching, cutting pain in the abdomen; it comes on suddenly at different pe- riods and passes off shortly, (a. 2 h.) Dull stitching pain in 116 CYCLAMEN EUROPIUM. the bowels, beloAv the region of the liver. Paralytic, oppressive sensation in the epigastrium, as if one part of the intestines were loose, and as if a stretching sensation occurred in the neighboring part. ClaAving pain in the abdomen, with pres- sure from without inAvards. Single stitches dart through the abdomen, when he moves about.—80. Pinching in the epigas- trium, as if diarrhoea Avould come on, folloAved shortly after by a yellow, soft stool, the pinching in the abdomen returning and continuing ; (a. x h.) this is succeeded by a constipation lasting three days. The right side of the abdomen, beloAv the umbili- cus, appears to him swollen and bloated in the morning; this is an illusory sensation. The abdomen is painful when touched ever so little; the pain is either oppressive or pinching, or a mingling of both. Stool : Grunting in the abdomen, preceded by emission of flatulence, (a. 1 h.) Papescent stool, (a. 15 h.) Frequent ex- pulsion of hard stool, (a. 10 h.)—85. No stool the second day. Drawing-aching pain in and about the anus and perinaeum, as if there were subcutaneous ulceration, when walking or sitting. Urinary Organs : Frequent, painless desire to urinate. (a. 1 h.) Frequent, copious emission of whitish urine, (a. 4. h.) — 90. Two emissions of urine on the second day. Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty emission, (a. 15 h.) Stitching pain in the forepart of the urethra, during micturition, (a. 7ih.) Coryza : Sneezing (when smelling the juice), (a. x h.) Sudden and violent coryza. (a. \\ h.)—95. Coryza and sneez- ing, (a. 7 h.) Short and hacking cough, (a. -f- h.) Chest : Oppression of the chest, Avith oppression of breath- ing. Suffocation. Great weakness and shortness of breathing in the evening; he feels as if he were too Aveak to draw a full breath, (a. Sx h.)—100. Oppressive pain in the left half of the chest, especially about the heart, as if too much blood had accumulated in this part, with perceptible palpitation of the heart. Paralytic pressure in the chest, upper arm and tibia, when sitting still, (a. S h.) Sharp, flat stitches in the upper part of the sternum, recurring at unequal periods, (a. 32 h.) Tear- ing stitches in the chest, during motion and rest, with asthma and short breathing (second day). Tearing stitches in the region of the last true rib, Avhen stooping. Back:—105. Some piercing, pinching, dull stitches, recur- ring at equal periods of some seconds, on the right side of the spinal column (between the os innominatum and the last false rib), in the region of the kidney, more violent during an inspi- ration, Avhich is interrupted by the extreme pain. (a. 28 h.) CYCLAMEN EUROPIUM. 117 Stitch-like pains in the back, when sitting, on the left side, in the region of the false ribs, going off when touching the parts. (a. 15 h.) DraAving along the spinal column, from above down- wards, diminishing Avhen moving the scapulae backwards, but increasing by advancing the shoulders, (a. 7 h.) Rheumatic drawing in the left gluteus maximus, near its insertion, to- wards the small of the back, Avhen sitting, going off when rising. (a. 7 h.) Upper Extremities : Tearing across the scapulas, termi- nating in a stitch, with paralytic pain in the arm.—110. A kind of paralytic hard pressure on the right upper and lower arm, apparently in the periosteum and in the interior of the muscles; the pain thence moves into the fingers, hindering ivriting. (a. 37 h.) Pain above the elbow-joint, on the outside, as if contused or bruised, increasing when moving the arm or Avhen touching the part, for three days. (a. 25 h.) Painful drawing in the inner surface of the ulna and wrist-joints, (a. 38 h.) A sort of paralytic, hard pres- sure, commencing feebly in the fore-arm, and gradually ex- tending to the fingers, where it becomes so violent that he is not able to write except with the greatest effort.—Stitch-like pain in the muscles of the right fore-arm, during rest as well as motion, (a. 2 h.)—115. Fine tearing in and near the left Avrist-joint, in the left trochlea, in the periosteum to judge from the sensation, (a. \ h.) Pressure on the dorsum of the left hand.—Tearing in the little finger, the ring and middle- finger of the left hand, in the periosteum to judge from the feeling, (a. 34 h.) Cramp-like, slow contraction of the right thumb and index, the tips Avhereof approach to one another and have to be stretched again forcibly, (a. 51 h.) Sudden, fine prickling itching between the fingers, going off by scratch- ing immediately, (a. 6 h.)—120. Red vesicle on the middle- joint of the little finger of the left hand, coming on after vio- lent itching. (a. 15* h.)—Violent itching, forcing him to scratch ; the scratching brought on a red pimple on the poste- rior joint of the ring finger, turning white soon after, and look- ing like a blister surrounded with a red areola, (a. H h.) Lower Extremities : Weakness of the thighs and legs ; when standing a long time, they stagger to and fro. (a. x h.) Cramp like pain in the posterior surface of the thigh, above the bend of the right knee. (a. 8 h.) Bright-red spots of the size of half an inch ; like burns, on both thighs. (a. 10i h.)—125. Jerking in the interior of the left leg below the knee—Pain as if bruised, with pressure, at times in one, at times in the other knee, disappearing when moving the 118 CYCLAMEN EUROPIUM. part. (a. 11 h.) Stretching drawing, with pressure, in the ham-strings, Avhen sitting or standing.—Heat in the whole of the left leg, in the evening, and a drawing pain in the same, when sitting.—Stitch-like pain in the muscles of the right calf, when at rest and in motion, (a. 2 h.)—130. Itching in the skin of the calf. (a. 6 h.) Violent itching in the skin of the right calf; he had to scratch until the blood came; after the scratching he experienced hot burning pains in the part, in the evening, (a. 6X h.) Violent itching of the right calf, in the morning, with sAvelling of the veins down to the feet; he had to scratch the parts until they bled, after.which the part re- mained red and bleeding, (a. 23 h.) Tearing, paralytic pain with pressure, in the region of the tibiae, with Avant of power and inactivity in the knees (second day)-—Drawing pressure in the region of the tibiae, now when sitting, now when walk- ing ; the pressure disappears in Avalking when it had come on while sitting, and disappears in sitting Avhen it had come on while walking, (a. 9 h.)—135. Drawing pressure in the dor- sum of the foot Avhen sitting, going off when rising.—Pain in the foot as if sprained, especially near the heel and in the ankles, when sitting or standing, but worse when walking. (a. 3 h.) Pain as if sprained, in the tarsal-joint, when walk- ing or standing, disappearing when sitting down. (a. 4£ h.) Pain as if sprained in the right foot, disappearing again when touching the part or when walking, (a. Ax h.) Pain as if sprained in the foot, only Avhen walking, (a. 6 h.)—140. Itching above the ankles and of the toes, commencing sudden- ly with a fine stitch, now increasing, now decreasing, and leav- ing at times a sensation of warmth, at times of numbness of the skin. (a. 3 h.) Violent itching in the dorsum of the right big toe ; scratching brings on white pustules, itching still more violently ; the itching did not abate till he had rubbed the toe sore. (a. 5 h.) Burning sore pain when Avalking in the open air, felt yet Avhen standing or sitting, (a. 24 h.) Violent itching not only in the skin, but also in the bones of the toes of the left foot, in the evening, (a. 16^ h.) After walking the toes feel dead ; nevertheless, when resuming his Avalking, he feels a sore pain in the toes, and still greater when leap- ing.—145. Fetid sweat between the toes of the left foot, some days in succession, (a. 16 h.) Hard pressure in the left big toe.—Drawing pain in the big toe—Hard, drawing pressure in the left small toe, from Avithin outwards in the periosteum to judge from feeling.—Drawing from Avithout inwards, in 'the metacarpal joint of the left big toe. (a. 30 h.) General Symptoms : Itching of different parts of the CYCLAMEN EUROPIUM. 119 body, consisting of a sudden, sharp, gurgling, continuous pricking ; after it had disappeared, it leaves for a long time a numb sensation behind.—Itching gnawing in many parts of the body.—Pressing drawing, or tearing pains, more during motion than when at rest, in those parts of the body, where the bones are immediately covered by the skin, for instance the tibiae and clavicles. In the evening when in bed, he feels an intolerable stinging itching in all the parts of the body. Itching (sometimes in the forenoon) in different parts of the body, consisting in a coarse stitch, which is converted into a drawing and tearing pain (second day).—155. As long as he moves about, he feels nothing except weakness; but Avhen sitting down, he feels an itching and a quantity of other ail- ments (towards evening). Weakness : Sometimes he is exceedingly ill-humored and indolent of mind, with weakness of body ; this alone disap- pears when beginning to move—Great weakness of the body, especially of the knees, the mind being strong and lively. (a. lx h.) His limbs feel heavy, as if they could not move easily.—Relaxation in the whole body; he dreaded to stir.— 160. Excessive weariness in the evening; he has to lie down and slumber; Avhen rising again his limbs feel bruised and stiff, Avith drawing-aching pains in the thighs and knees. Sleep : Drowsiness Avhen sitting, (a. 3£ h.) Great drow- siness the whole forenoon. Great drowsiness in the evening. Nightmare as soon as he had gone to sleep ; he was unable to scream, even Avhen yet awake.—165. Restless sleep, dreams about money, (a. 22 h.) Frequent Avaking in the night, as if the sleep had gone. Sleep towards morning, with light dreams. Interrupted sleep, with many dreams towards morning, and an emission (third night). Wakes up early in the morning, is unable to fe.ll asleep again; Avhen attempting to get up, feels too tired and sleepy.—170. Irresistible desire to sleep in the eve- ning, with constant chilliness. Fever : Continual chilliness, reneAved by every neAv dose, and coldness of the Avhole body; after the chilliness left, the nose remained cold; but when the nose became Avarm, the hands, which had got warm, became cold again, (a. x h.) Sudden shuddering in the evening, Avith feeling of chilliness. Shuddering through the whole body, with yaAvning, Avithout coldness and without goose-skin, early in the morning, (a. 24 h.) Chilliness without thirst, toAvards evening ; great sensi- tiveness to cold, with frequent .and sudden shakes and shud- derings, afterwards heat of single parts with anxiety, as if threatened by a misfortune.—175. Cold hands, the face and 120 cyclamen europium. hands being hot, without thirst, in the morning, (a. f h.) To- wards evening chilliness for a few minutes, and great sensi- tiveness to cold : afterwards heat in some parts of the body, the dorsa of the hands and the nape of the neck, but not in the face In the morning feeling of heat in the hands, face and whole body, without any great increase of warmth and with- out thirst, (a. | h.) Heat of single parts, hands, nape of the neck and neck under the jaw ; an hour after, dryness of the palate and thirst. Feeling of heat in the hands, perceptible also to others, Avith swelling of the veins, Avhereas the rest of the body and the forehead were merely warm and the cheeks cold. (a. 151 h.)—180. When waking from his night's sleep, the whole body is covered with a slight sweat, (a. 10 h.) The feverish chilliness and coldness are gradually converted to a heat Avithout thirst over the whole body; especially in the face, with redness increasing after dinner, (a. 2 h.) No thirst the Avhole day, except in the evening, when hands and face bepame Avarm. Moral Symptoms : Taciturn, sometimes in paroxysms of several hours.—185. Not disposed to any kind of work, until evening; he cannot prevail upon himself to undertake the least thing. Indisposition to work in paroxysms of seve- ral hours, then the desire to Avork returned : suddenly serious and somewhat out of humor, (a. 2 h.) After a Avhile he be- came again cheerful, soon after out of humor again. Out of humor, peevish, he got easily offended on account of trifles. Absorbed in reverie, seeking solitude, and meditating o\Ter his future fate. (a. 1 h.)—190. Deep meditation over the present and future, almost unto Aveeping. (a. 12 h.) Internal grief and anxiety of conscience, as if he had not done his duty or had committed a crime, (a. 1 h.) Contented with himself (a. 3 h.) (curative effect). Internal tranquillity (cur. effect).—195. Sometimes he is out of humor and Ioav-spirited ; but he sud- denly feels again a joyous sensation, which even "manifests itself by a slight tremor in the joints.—Taciturn and out of hu- mor the Avhole day, and insensible, having very little feeling in the body.—Towards evening he suddenly feels an unknown joyous sensation, and has vivid fancies, full of pleasant images. DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. 121 DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. Mix the recently expressed juice, with equal parts of alcohol. . This herb, which is one of the most powerful medicinal agents of our clime, has been frequently employed externally in cutaneous eruptions by the older physicians, but not always with the best success; internally it seems to have been used with some benefit.—Modern physicians, knowing only their large doses, dare not use this heroic drug internally, and have therefore rejected it. I have been in the habit of using the 9th potency of this drug, but latterly I have constantly used the 30th. One single dose of that potency is sufficient to cure entirely epidemic hooping-cough,* as is shown by symptoms 50, 53, 57, 62, but especially 58, and also (87.) Alloeopathic physicians have never been able to relieve this fearful disease, which does not, like other acute diseases, pass off of itself Avithout either terminating in death, or else tor- turing the patient for twenty or tAventy-two weeks ; they either let the children die, or else kill them by large doses of unsuit- able drugs. Camphor moderates the effects of Drosera. FROM NOACK AND TRINKS. Drosera may be used for diseases prevailing at the time of epidemic hooping-cough. Intermittent fevers, with spasmo- dic convulsive cough and gastric symptoms during the apy- rexia. Gauze before the eyes and blurred appearance of the letters.—Vanishing of sight when reading.—Farsightedness Avith the following symptoms: Sharp sight at a distance, very bad sight at a proximity, vanishing of sight when read- ing, the eyes see dim, blurred appearance of the letters, the eyes are dazzled by fire and the light of day, the eyelids are drawn together about the time of the menses when looking in the fire, constant dryness of the eyes and nose, frequent dry coryza.—Stitching and otalgia, especially when swallowing.— Face-ache aggravated by pressure.—Vomiting of bile or Avater in the morning.—Spasm in the stomach, a contraction extend- ing from the stomach to the back, and a spasmodic cough in- * The cure takes place surely between 7 or 8 days. Never give a second dose immediately after the first, no more than any other remedy; it would not only prevent the good effect of the former, but would even do considerable injury, as I know from experience. 122 DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. ducing vomiting, especially in the morning, and accompanied with expectoration of mucus.—Bloody diarrhoea with hooping- cough.—Croup, when a chronic form remains, sometimes re- turning periodically, characterized by a spasmodic cough, a scraping, in the bronchi; this condition, when neglected, may terminate in spasms or even in hydrocephalus. (When the fever is very violent give Merc)—Hooping-cough with hemorrhage from nose and mouth ; hooping-cough after measles; hooping-cough, especially when excited by rattling of mucus in the bronchi; Drosera has been especially useful when Ipec had been given previously, and when the cough was characterized by suffocative symptoms, hemorrhage from nose and mouth, protrusion of the eyes, vomiting of the in- gesta, and falling over of the patient; according to Knorre, Drosera ought only to be used in the convulsive stage ; it then changes the convulsive cough with its whizzing sound to a catarrhal, Avith copious secretion of mucus in the bronchi; nevertheless this catarrhal cough frequently retained a pecu- liar violence, and shook the whole body ; in this case Cina was the remedy when given in repeated doses.—Fits of cough, ter- minating in hemorrhages from nose and mouth, after epidemic smallpox.—Chronic hoarseness, remaining after repeated ca- tarrhs.—Chronic catarrhal affections with soreness of the larynx and decrease of the voice, which seemed to be smothered.— Cough Avith clawing pain in the chest and hypochondria.— Cough in a child of six years, whose mother had died with consumption, with greenish sputa, first resembling a hooping- cough, afterwards with a pain in the sternum and noise Avhen breathing.—Violent cough of young consumptive persons, with sanguineo-purulent expectoration.—Incipient laryngeal phthi- sis ; disagreeable pressure in front, in the region of the larynx; scratching in that part when coughing or swallowing ; striking hoarseness, short, more dry than moist cough, especially when the air is dry, sharp, and the mouth open; occasional ex- pectoration of white mucus which is but rarely streaked Avith blood; sometimes difficulty of deglutition and pain in the larynx when touching it from Avithout, or when turning the head ; lastly some difficulty of respiration, wheezing, dryness and disagreeable sensation in the back part of the throat, with .redness, aphthae, smell from the mouth during an expiration as of freshly drawn milk, indolence and decrease of strength.__ Phthisis Avith violent pains in the chest, purulent discharge, and purulent putrid taste in the mouth. DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. 123 DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. Head : Vertigo when walking in the open air. (a. 4 d.) Obtusion and heaviness of the head.—Aching pain in the head.—Headache over the orbit, when stooping, disappearing when walking.—5. Headache in the forehead, after violent motion and when walking, resembling an obtusion of the head which comes from violent talking. Eyes : Severe stitches through the eyes especially when stooping.—Agglutination of the eyelids.—Itching of the eye- lids, (a. 24 h.) When exerting the eyes to see, he feels a pain in the eyes which is more smarting than aching.—10. Presbyopia and Aveakness of the eyes; sudden and repeated vibrations before the eyes, when endeavoring to recognize small things.—Gauze before the eyes ; when reading, the let- ters look blurrecT.—In the evening when entering the room from a walk, he is attacked with an obscuration of sight, Avith- out vertigo, and a vibratory sensation before his eyes.—Con- traction of the pupils. Ears : (Induration behind and below the left ear, painful to the touch.)—15. Roaring and buzzing before the ears, or noise as of a distant drum, continuing during motion and rest. Difficulty of hearing, with increased humming before the ears. Nose : Bleeding of the nose Avhen stooping.—Bleeding of the nose morning and evening. Mouth and Teeth : The middle of the loAver lip is chapped.—20. Stitching toothache, in the morning, after drinking something Avarm. (Vacillation of the teeth.) Whi- tish ulcer on the tip of the tongue—Small, red, painless swell- ing in the middle of the tongue, (a. 48 h.) Frequent flow of watery saliva.—25. Dry lips and little taste Taste and Appetite : Food has lost its taste to him.— Bread tastes bitter to him.—Bitter rising from the stomach.—30. Bitter and sour rising from the stomach into the mouth.—Bit- ter taste in the throat, until dinner.—Canine hunger without any appetite, frequently during the day. (Nausea even by thinking of it.) Gastric Symptoms : Nausea unto vomiting, after a meal. Nightly vomiting.—Vomiting before dinner.—Vomiting in the morning, mostly of bile—Haematemesis. Stomach and Abdomen : The hypochondriac region is painful to the touch and when coughing, he has then to lay his hand upon the spot to moderate the pain.—40. Stitching 124 DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. and throbbing in the pit of the stomach.--Pinching and grip- ing in the abdomen with diarrhoea.—Writhing pain in the ab- domen.—Stitching in the right side of the abdomen Avhen sitting.—Cutting in the abdomen, (a. 3 h.) Stool : Frequent stool Avith cutting pain in the abdomen.— Bloody mucus with stool, followed by pain in the abdomen and small of the back.—Thin stool the first days, afterwards a little harder; an unsuccessful desire remaining after the evacuation. Urine : Watery, inodorous urine, Avith stools of white mucus, (a. 24 h.) Cold, Coryza, Chest: Painful sneezing and coughing, during which he has to hold his chest by laying his hand upon it.—50. Pain in the hypochondria when coughing, as if they were being forcibly constricted.—Pain across the lower part of the chest and the hypochondria.—Violent pain across the chest, even when not coughing, when sitting, the pain being rather a pressure than stitching ; it goes off during mo- tion ; when touching the part a painful pressure is experienced in it.—Contractive pain in the hypochondria, arresting the breathing ; is unable to cough, owing to the pain, unless he presses Avith the hand upon the pit of the stomach.—Deep inspirations.—55. Difficult respiration.—Asthmatic, especially when talking, even at every word ; the throat became con- tracted ; no asthma when walking.—Cough deep from the chest.—Cough, the fits being so rapid that he is scarcely able to breathe.—Cough in the evening after lying doAvn.—60. Nightly cough.—Cough wakes him at two o'clock in the night, after Avhich he falls asleep again. During an expiration, in the evening when lying in the bed, sudden contraction of the abdomen, occasioning a heaving as if he Avould vomit, and bringing on cough. The cough caused a griping in the abdo- men and a heaving as if vomiting Avould come on, Avhenever the expectoration was incomplete and difficult. While cough- ing he comes near vomiting.—65. When coughing, he throws up Avater, mucus and food.—When coughing he expires air having a pungent smell.—Morning-cough with expectoration. The expectoration tastes salt.—The morning-expectoration tastes bitter.—70. The morning-expectoration Avhen cough- ing has a disgusting taste.—Stitches in the chest when cough- ing.—Intolerable stitches when coughing, and taking a deep inspiration, in the upper part of the side of the chest, near the axilla, relieved by pressing upon the affected spot Avith the hand, with purulent expectoration mixed with blood and tinged red; no pain when touching the spot from without. (a. 24 h.) Haemoptysis.—Stitches in the muscles of the chest when coughing and breathing. DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. 125 Back : Pain in the back, as if beaten to pieces, in various parts. Rheumatism between the scapulae during motion, ex- tending to the small of the back. Upper Extremities : Pain as if bruised in the shoulder- joint, when bending the arm backwards, or when raising it or lying upon it, or when merely touching the joint.—80. Pain in the shoulder-joint as if the arm would go to sleep and were faint and Aveak, going off by continued motion.—Pain of the arm Avhen moving it, as if the flesh Avere detached from the bones.—Stitching in the right arm, and pain from the shoul- der to the elboAv, even when at rest; the elbow-joint is pain- ful to the touch, as if there Avere subcutaneous ulceration.— Contusive pain, first in the region of the elbow-joint, afterwards the shoulder-joint.—Pain in the Avrist-joint where the ulna and carpus join, when turning or bending the hand, or when touching the part.—85. Contusive and bruised pain in the hands, extending to the elbow-joints.—Stitches tOAvards the fingers and through their tips, even when at rest.—Tendency of the fingers to contract as in a cramp ; when seizing some- thing, one feels a rigidity in the middle-joints, as if the ten- dons Avould not yield, now in the right, now in the left hand. Lower Extremities: (Tearing pain in the thigh after dinner, with heaviness of the legs.) Aching pain in the poste- rior muscles of the left thigh, in the night, increased by pressing upon them and by stooping; he Avas unable to rest upon them ; going off after rising.—90. Painful stiffness of the bends of the knees; he was scarcely able to bend the knees.—Tremor of the knees when walking, even in a room, but most when going up stairs. Stitches in the tibia from below upwards, tOAvards the calf, in rest; the pain roused her from sleep in the night.—Vacil- lating gait from Aveakness of the feet, when beginning to walk, going off by continued walking.—He cannot extend the legs Avithout feeling great pain, and has to limp.—95. Rigidity of the tarsal-joints ; they are very stiff.—Tearing pain in the heel during motion (when walking), (stitching and beating around the right tarsal-joint, mostly when lying in the bed at night). Pain in the feet extending up to the calves and moving up and doAvn. General ■Symptoms: Painful cramp in the muscles of the back and abdomen, when turning the head or trunk; it continues a long while.—100. (Jerking, or jerking sensation in the limbs.) All the limbs feel bruised and are also pain- ful externally.—All his limbs feel paralyzed.—All those 126 DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. parts of the body upon which he lies ache as if the couch Avere too hard. Sleep and Fever : Frequent starting in the night when asleep, as if from fright or fear, but she does not feel any anxiety Avhen Avaking.—Anxious dreams in the night.—Sleep- lessness.—Excessive Aveariness in the morning.—110. Ex- cessively weary in the morning ; is scarcely able to open his eyes.—Shivering when at rest; no shivering during motion.— Shivering when at rest, although the body feels Avarm to the hand ; even in the bed he shivers and feels cold.—Feels cold all the time, cannot get Avarm.—Feels cold in the night Avhen in bed, but no shivering.—115. Face, nose and hands are cold. (The left half of the face feels cold, with pricking pain, the right half feeling hot and dry, after midnight,) (cold cheeks and hot hands in the evening.) Frequent attacks of alternate chilliness and heat, with desire to vomit in the afternoon.— Quotidian fever and ague ; in the forenoon before nine o'clock, chilliness with icy-cold hands and blue nails, (has to lie doAvn) until noon, thirst after the chilliness ; aftenvards weight in the head, beating pain in the occiput and heat in the face, the rest of the body having its natural temperature until three o'clock, in the afternoon ; feels Avell in the evening ; in the night pro- fuse SAveat, especially on the abdomen ; after the heat, incli- nation to vomit.—120. Fever: head obtuse, heavy, continual chilliness, he is unable to get Avarm ; food has no taste to him ; afterwards thirst, heat in the head, and flow of watery saliva.—Vomiting during the chilly stage, terminating in vomit- ing of bile.—Chilliness during the day; heat in the night. (a. 36 h.) Warmth of the upper part of the body, towards evening.—Heat in the head.—125. Heat and redness of the face. (a. 5 h.) Sweat only in the face, three nights in suc- cession. (Heat and sweat of the chest, thighs and bends of the knees, with thirst, day and night.) Night-SAveat. Sweat immediately after midnight. Moral Symptoms : Out of humor ; even a trifle puts him out of humor.—He feels hurt by an offence more than usual.— Obstinate execution of his plans. OBSERVATIONS OF OTHERS. Head : Vertigo when walking in the open air; he inclines to fall to the left side. (a. 9 h.) Vertigo, not disposed to do any thing, (a. 33 h.) Headache with pressure through the right temple. Painful pressure through the forehead and DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. 127 the zygomata from within, (a. 7X h.)—5. Aching pain over the right temple, (a. 31 h.) Boring pain through the forehead, only when stooping while Avriting. (a. 7 h.) Dull- drawing pain in the left hemisphere of the brain, towards the temple, (a. 28 h.) DraAving pain in the right hemisphere of the brain, towards the occiput, (a. 9 h.) Tearing-tensive pain in the forehead, more violent Avhen stooping, (a. 11 h.) —10. Sharp cutting prickings in the left side of the fore- head, (a. 33 h.) Tearing pain in the brain, more towards the forehead, more violent when moving the eyes, but relieved by leaning the head on his hand. (a. 10 h.) The head feels heavy when holding it straight, but not when stooping, (a. 37 h.) The Avhole brain feels painful; every step he makes affects it painfully, (a. 8 h.) Burning sore pain on the right side of the scalp; going off by touching the part. (a. 61 h.)— 15. Smarting-burning pain in the hairy-scalp, (a. 10 h.) Soreness of the scalp, above the right side of the forehead (a. 32 h.) Sore pain of the left frontal eminence.—Feeling of soreness in the skin of the right temple.—Itching gnaAving in the forepart of the scalp, going off by rubbing.—20. GnaAv- ing itching in the Avhole of the hairy-scalp, but especially in the sides, obliging one to scratch, (a. 12 h.) Pressure in the top of the scalp, sometimes accompanied with gnawing, (a. 2 h.) Dull-boring pain in the scalp, region of the vertex, (a. 10 h.) Gnawing headache, with pressure in the outer parts above the eyebrows, accompanied with drawing, extending from that part to the cerebellum in the morning, (a. 28 h.) Eyes : Pain as of subcutaneous ulceration, when pressing up- on the left eyebrow and the eyelid, (a. 3 h.)—25. Drawing burn- ing pain ip the eyebrows, more towards the temple, (a. 25 h.) Contraction of the pupils, (a. 1,2 h.) Dilatation of the pu- pils, (a. 25 h.) Luminous vibrations before the right eye, more above and on the side ; when attempting to look at those vibrations they recede more and more from his visual horizon ; they hindered reading, (a. 48 h.) Tensive burning in a trans- verse direction in the left eye and eyelids, (a. 13 h.)—30. Sore pain in the right lower eyelid, more violent when touch- ing the part. (a. 11 h.) Cutting pain obliquely above the whole of the left eye.—Dull tearing in the left eyeball in a transverse direction, (a. 32 h.) Sharp stitch in the left eye- ball when at rest.—Burning pain in the right eyeball and fine stitches in the left inner ear. (a. 9 h.) Ear : Broad, slow stitches through the left ear from with- out inwards, (a. 2 h.)—Otalgia, with stitching, in the middle of the left inner ear. (a. 30 h.)—Dull stitch in the right ear, very 128 DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. near to the outer part.—Titillating stitch in the inmost por- tion of the right ear.—Pain in the inner right ear, as if the parts Avere being compressed, almost a cramp-pain.—(a. 71 h.) —40. Drawing pain in the right lobule and in one portion of the cartilage (a. 31 h.)—Sharp gnawing under the cartilages of both ears. (a. 1 h.)—Tearing and jerking pain in front of the orifice of the left ear. (a. 35 h.) Tensive stitching in the left ear, more externally than internally, (a. 12 h.) Pecking and burning pain in the whole external right ear; shortly after dull drawing into the ear from Avithout. (a. 51 h.) Face :—45. Prickling burning pain in the skin of the cheek, below the left eyelid, (a. 1 h.) Drawing pressure in the upper parts of the malar bones, (a. 2 h.) Sudden, fine jerking in the left cheek, causing him to start, (a. 8 h.) Digging-up pressure in the right articulation of the jaw and the adjacent bones, continuing in rest and motion, more violent when opening the mouth, (a. 52 h.) Hard aching pain in the right articulation of the jaw, in rest and motion, (a. 26 h.) Nose : Prickling in the left side of the nose and creeping in the left ear.—In the morning, when washing his face, he blows blood out of his nose. (a. 4 d.) Increased sensitiveness to sour smell, (a. 3 d.) Red pimple in the middle of the chin, close beloAv the lower lip, the tip of it covered with a white scale, without any sensation even Avhen touching it. (a. 27 h.) Small pimples in different parts of the face causing a fine stinging sensation, Avith a little pustule in the centre, drying up in a few days. Jaavs and Teeth: Lancinations in the left lower jaAV, ap- parently in the periosteum, (a. 8 h.) Burning pain in the skin in front of the right corner of the mouth.—Cold sensation in the crown of a cuspidatus. (a. 56 h.) Fine, pecking stitches in the dorsum of the tongue, (a. 25 h.) Mouth and Pharynx : Stitching-smarting pain in the right side and tip of the tongue. Smarting pain in the interior of the left cheek, as of pepper, (a. 2 h.) Rough, scraping feel- ing of dryness in the soft palate and fauces, occasioning a short and hacking cough.—Creeping, smarting sensation in the right side of the fauces, betAveen the acts of deglutition, (a. 35 h.) Gastric Symptoms : Nausea, with an oppressive stupefy- ing headache, especially in the forehead, (a. 4 h.) Clawing tension in the pit of the stomach, as if the parts were drawn inwards, especially during a deep inspiration, (a. 10 h.) Fine passing griping together, in the pit of.the stomach, as with the talons of a bird. (a. 4 h.) Abdomen : Tensive pain in the epigastrium before and af- DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. 129 ter stool, when retaining his breath, felt nothing during inspi- rations or expirations; the pain in the epigastrium becomes very violent when sitting or stooping ; the stool is softer than usual, (a. 50 h.) Dull, drawing stich from the right side of the abdomen to the left, almost arresting his breathing, when walking, (a. 5 d.)—70. Short, cutting pinching in the abdomen, as if caused by incarcerated flatulence, (a. 13 h.) Cutting shocks in the muscles of the abdomen and chest, more violent when sitting than during motion, (a. 8 h.) Boring stitches in the abdominal integuments of the right side. (a. 13 h.) Dull stitch in the right groin, (a. 51 h.) Pain in the rectum, press- ing from Avithin outwards, between the stools, (a. 6 h.)—78. Cutting pain in thej abdomen, Avithout stool, (a. 5 h.) Stool : Loose stool all the time. (a. 1 h.) Papescent stool. (a. 14 h.) Scanty hard stool, with bearing down. (a. 38 h.) Urine: Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty urine, frequently only a few drops, (a. 2 h.)—80. Enuresis. Itch- ing, dull stitch in the glans, continuing a few minutes, (a. 33 h.) Catarrh, Larynx, Chest : Tingling sensation in the right nostril, causing one to sneeze, (a. 26 h.) Frequent sneez- ing, with or without fluent coryza. (a. 13, 24 h.)—85. Violent fluent coryza, especially in the morning. Titillation in the larynx inducing a short and hacking cough ; with sensation as if a, soft body were lodged in it, with fine stitches in the larynx extending down to the right side of the oesophagus. (a. 4 d.) Rough, scraping feeling of dryness deep in the fauces and in the region of the soft palate, inducing a short and hacking cough, accompanied with expectoration of yel- low mucus, and hoarse voice having a deep base sound ;* sensation of oppression in the chest, as if the air were retain- ed when coughing or talking, and as if the breath could not be expelled (continuing for several days.) Burning, rough sensation deep in the throat, immediately after dinner, (a. 29 h.) Tensive pain in the muscles of the chest, continuing for seve- ral hours during an inspiration and expiration, (a. 8 h.)—90. * Similar to this condition must be some forms of laryngeal phthisis. where Drosera is the only specific (provided the disease does not origi- nate in syphilis, psora, etc.) Drosera is said to excite a very violent cough in sheep. S. Borrichius in Act. Hafn. Vol. IV. p. 162. Even some of the older physicians have cured some kinds of malig- nant cough and purulent phthisis by means of Drosera, and have by this means established its homceopathicity to those affections; but the modern physicians, guided by their antipathic theories, have advised the discontinuance of its use, owing to its pretended acridity. VOL. II. 10 130 DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. Burning sensation in the middle of the chest, (a. 4 h.) Creep- ing sensation in the left intercostal muscles, with pressing headache in both temples, especially the right, (a. 81 h.) Hot, dull stitch in the muscles of the right true ribs, continuing both during an inspiration and expiration. Dull stitches in the left intercostal muscles, so violent that they almost arrested her breath, continuing during an inspiration and expiration, (a. 3d.) Back : Itching pricking in the os coccygis, Avhen sitting.— 95. When Avalking fast, he feels a pinching with a sensation as of griping together in the left lumbar region, arresting the breathing, relieved by pressing with the hand upon the part. (a. 1 h.) Drawing stitch extending from the left loin into the penis, (a. 6 h.) Lancination extending from the spine to the anterior spinous process of the left ilium, when sitting, (a. 8 h.) Dull stitch in the left dorsal muscles, (a. 12 h.) Draw- ing pain in the back and shoulders, in rest and motion, (a. 6 h-) Upper Extremities : Twitchings in theright shoulder, only when at rest. (a. 52 h.) Pain as if sprained in the left axilla, diminishing when touching it. (a. 11 h.) Sharp pressure in the axilla from within outwards, when at rest. (a. 7 h.) Clawing tension in the bend of the elbow when bending the arm, not much felt when extending it. (a. 24 h.) Strong, intensely painful stitches through the middle of the left fore-arm. (a. 12 h.)—105. Sudden cutting behind the wrist-joint, between the ulna and radius, with paralytic weakness of the arm. Two red, elevated spots of the size of lentils on the dorsum of the hand, and behind the wrist-joint, painful at first; afterwards itching stitches are felt in one of those spots, becoming more violent by rubbing. Cramp-like contraction of the flexor-ten- dons of the fingers, causing great difficulty in stretching them, and felt while holding something in his hand. (a. 8 h.) Deep little ulcer on the dorsum of the hand, itching, burning after friction, and, Avhen rubbed, emitting a sanguineo-aqueous humor. (a. 24 h.) Pulsative sensation in an artery of the dorsum of the left hand, accompanied with a headache, with pressure through the forehead from within, (a. 7 h.)—110. Tearing pain in the ball of the left thumb, continuing for a few minutes both in rest and motion, (a. 28 h.) Lower Extremities : Violent, sharp stitch in the os ischium, when rising, (a. 55 h.) Paralytic pain in the right hip-joint, thigh, and tarsal joint; the pain in the latter is more as if dislocated, when walking ; he is obliged to limp on account of the pain. (a. 11 h.) Intense pain in the bones DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. 131 of the right thigh and leg, coming on in the night during sleep, and obliging her, Avhen waking, to stretch her limb im- mediately in order to alleviate her pain, for 18 hours.—Single cutting stitch in the middle of the anterior surface of the left thigh, returning from time to time. (a. 24 h.)—115. Cutting pinching in the posterior surface of the left thigh, (a. 2 h.) Pain in the left thigh and in the knee-joint, as if both were broken, only when Avalking. (a. 11 h.) Fine, cutting stitch in the right calf, coming on when sitting and disappearing when walking. Paralytic tearing in both tarsal joints, most violent when the feet are at rest. (a. 8 h.) Tearing pain in the right tarsal joint, as if dislocated, only when walking. (a. 34 h.)—120. Tearing pain in the ball of the right big toe in One spot only, Avhen at rest. (a. 26 h.) Painful stinging in the three middle toes, so violent that he was obliged to limp, felt only Avhen walking, (a. 41 d.) Itching stitch in the sole of the left foot, in the balls of the toes, when sitting, (a. 11 h.) A gnawing and stitching pain in the bones of the arms, thighs and legs, especially violent in the joints, with violent stitches in the joints, less perceptible during motion than in rest. General Symptoms : Cramp-like pressure, now in the upper, now in the lower limbs, in rest and motion, (a. 13 h.) —125. Painful stitching pressure in the muscles of the ex- tremities, in any position, (a. 41, 30 h.) The herb corrodes the skin when applied externally. His whole body feels weak, with sunken eyes and cheeks, (a. 8 h.) Sleep and Fever: Frequent stretching and yawning, (a. 30 h.) Frequent waking, as if he had slept enough.—130. He snores when sleeping on his back. Vivid dreams, either pleasant or anxious. Vivid dream about some insult inflicted upon others. Frequent waking in the night, when sweat be- gins to make its appearance (the first night.) He dreamed of thirst and drinking, and woke with thirst; had to drink (second night).—135. Fever: qualmishness and nausea, appearing to come from the stomach, with a feeling of heat in the face and chill over the whole body, the hands being icy cold. (a. 271 h.) Feverish shuddering over the whole body, Avithout heat or thirst, (a. 121 h.) Feverish shuddering over the whole body, with heat in the face, but icy-cold hands, without thirst. (a. 3, 27 h.) Chill over the whole body, Avith Avarm forehead, hot cheeks, cold hands, without thirst (next day had the same attack a second time), (a. 34 h.) S weats. Moral Symptoms : Anxiety, with sudden flush of heat over the whole body, especially the face, as if he were about to hear unpleasant news, (a. 31 h.); and again after 27 132 EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS. hours a chill over the Avhole body, without heat or thirst. Restlessness : when reading he was not able to continue long the same subject; he had to pass to something else all the time. (a. 36 h.) Uneasiness of mind and anxiety the whole day ; full of mistrust, as if he dealt Avith none but false men (a. 38 h.) Extremely uneasy, sad mood, the Avhole day ; he imagined he was deceived by envious, artful men. Taciturn, anxious, he feared he should hear something unpleasant all the time—145. Anxiety, as if his enemies persecuted and en- vied him constantly. Sad and desponding about the tribula- tions which men cause to one another and to himself, this makes him anxious ; want of appetite (a. 5 h.) Desponding about other people's persecutions, and at the same time dis- couraged and apprehensive in regard to the future, (a. 4 d.) Anxiety, especially in the evening, as if he ought to jump into the river to droAvn himself; he felt no desire for any other kind of death. Anxiety when alone ; he wished to have some one around himself all the time ; was unwilling to be alone, and felt more composed when he had some one to talk to; when left alone again he was so much more anxious, until he fell asleep; this anxiety returned when waking (six evenings in succession).—150. The anxiety appeared to rise from the hy- pochondriac regions. Joyless, dull, not disposed to any kind of either bodily or mental labor, (a. 33 h.) Got enraged about a trifle (a. 41 d.) Enjoys internal quietude and serenity, (cur. effect.) Tranquillity of mind. (cur. eff.)—155. Joyous courage ; he feared nothing,because he was conscious of havingdone right, (cur.eff.) EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS. (Express the juice from the whole plant, and mix the recent juice with equal parts of alcohol. Towards the end of summer the juice is frequently so tenacious that the plant has to be stamped into a fine, homogeneous pap, to be diluted with alcohol, before the juice can be extracted.) The following few symptoms show that this plant de- serves the name it bears, and that it ought not to have been neglected by modern physicians. A small portion of the drop of the tincture is quite sufficient at a dose. According to Noack and Trinks, Euphrasia is an excel- lent remedy in ophthalmia catarrhalis, rheumatica and scroph- EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS. 133 ulosa ; ophthalmia Avith sanguineous lachrymation, intolerable pain, itching burning; cutting or boring pain; ulcers on the cornea ; specks upon the cornea ; opacity of the cornea; cica- trices of the cornea ; lachrymation with fine stinging, and eye- gum in the canthi; traumatic ophthalmia. Fig-warts. Moist cough, being a remainder of influenza. Cramp in the calves. EUPHRASIA. The following symptoms are from Hahnemann : (Obtusion of the head, and a pressure in the outer and up- per part of the head.) Heat in the head Avith pressure. Heat in the forehead, with headache in the temple. Jerking of the upper and lower eyelids towards one another. —5. Light seemed to him darker. The light seemed to vacillate and to burn at times with a bright, at times with a dark flame. The eyes are painful when exposed to the glare or the light, as when one has not slept enough. Contractive pressure in the eye when walking in the open air. Occasional smarting in the eyes; acrid lachrymation.—10. Eyegum in the inner canthi, even in day time. Stitches in the lower teeth. (Beating in two teeth, after and betAveen meals.) Flat taste in the mouth. Eructations tasting of the in- gesta. Distention of the abdomen, but apparently not from flatu- lence before dinner. Stool every day, but hard and scanty. Pressure in the region of the anus, when sitting. (Stitching in the fig-warts, even when sitting ; Avorse when walking; Avhen touching them they feel sore and burning.) (Itching sensation in the fig-warts.)—20. * Cough most violent in day-time, with mucus in the chest, Avhich cannot be got loose. Cough only in day-time. Has no breath Avhen coughing, almost as in hooping-cough. La; bored breathing, even in a room.—25. Sensation in the arms as if they had been to sleep. Stitching in the left hip-joint when walking. Jerking stitching in the left knee when walking. Tension from the outer ankle, near the tendo Achillis, to the calf, Avhen Avalking and sitting. Excessive yawning when walking in the open air. Drow siness in the day, although he had slept well the previous night. Weariness in day-time ; nevertheless he only fell asleep at two o'clock in the night following; three nights in succes- sion. 134 EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS. Fit, three mornings in succession: he wakes at every mo- ment, at three o'clock in the night, falls into a sort of stupor at six o'clock Avithout dreams ; immediately on waking from that stupor, he feels a pressure in the upper part of the chest, his head becomes giddy and heavy ; he feels moreover nauseated, and SAveat breaks out all over his body ; the vertigo increases at every motion, even small; he inclines to fall to one side; all his limbs are weak and tremulous ; the upper part of the body feels too heavy when rising from the bed, as if the limbs could not support it; the fit gradually decreases until noon; want of cheerfulness during the fit. Constant chilliness. Internal chilliness the whole forenoon ; in the afternoon he is attacked Avith violent chilliness of both arms, they were quite cold.—35. Sweat in the night while sleeping, going off when waking two nights in succession. Three nights in succession sweat all over the body while asleep, the SAveat, especially on the chest, having an acrid smell, (chilliness, when rising from the bed.) Lazy, hypochondriac; the objects around him had no charm for him. OBSERVATIONS OF OTHERS. Head : (Fluent coryza) with violent headache, as if bruised or a sort of painful dreariness in the head, obliging him to lie down sooner than usual, although the head felt Avorse after lying down. (a. 14 h.) Long-lasting, piercing pricking in the right temple, (a. 7 h.) Fine prickings in the outer parts of the left temple, (a. 1 h.) A few sharp stitches in the right side of the forehead, (a. x h.)—5. Sharp, tearing stitches in the left side of the left occiput, in rest and motion, early in the afternoon, (a. 61-h.) Aching pain in the outer part of the head, especially in the forehead, (a. 2 h.) When blowing the nose, sensation of painful dreariness in the head, and painful- ness of the inner parts of the nose; he had to blow the nose very lightly, (a. 15 h.) Eyes : Dimness of the eyes when looking at a distance (short-sightedness,) the whole day. Obscuration of sight at a distance when Avalking in the open air, (short-sightedness,) for three days. (a. 11 h.)—10. Injection of vessels in the sclero- tica, extending to near the cornea, (at the same time a pres- sure which had been felt in the eyes for some time past, and dark spots upon the cornea, disappeared). Painful pressure in the left inner canthus ; lachrymation. (a. 24 h.) Pressure in both eyes, as if he would sleep. Feeling of pressure in both eyes, as when one tries to overcome sleep, (a. 2 h.) Dry EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS. 1#5 pressure as from drowsiness in both eyes, neither aggravated by the light of day nor by looking at the fire.—15. Trouble- some dryness of the eyes, as if he had suppressed sleep. Sensation in the evening, as if both eyes, especially the upper eyelids, were drawn towards one another, obliging one to wink frequently, (a. 10 h.) Fine stitches in the eyeball, (a. 11 h.) Eyegum in the canthi. (a. 13 h.) Rheumatic inflammation of the eyes, almost blinding him, (after using the herb for three months).—20. Came very near getting blind. Ear : Violent boring pain in the inner right ear, in the re- gion of the tympanum, as if from within outwards, (a. 7 h.) Painful tension in the inner left ear. (a. 6 h.) Face : Stiffness of the left cheek when talking and chew- ing, with a feeling of heat and single shootings through the same. (a. 6 h.) Pustules on the nasal wings, (a. l-£ h.) Jaws and Teeth : Drawing pain in the upper jaAV in a transverse direction, (a. 22L h.) Prickings in the left lower jaAV, from behind forwards, impeding mastication, (a. 7 h.) Violent stitches from behind forwards, beloAv the right lower jaw, near the neck, going off speedily when touching the parts, (a. 8l h.) Fine stitches in the chin, together with a eeling of internal heat in that same part. (a. 1 h.) Violent bleeding of the gums. (a. 1 h.)—30. He frequently in rupts himself to begin the period in a different manner, whereas his speech was usually very coherent. Taste and Appetite : Bitter taste in the morning, from smoking tobacco, (a. 52 h.) Nausea from the usual smoking, tastes bitter and acrid, (a. 14 h.) Hunger Avithout an appe- tite at noon. (a. 54 h.) Hiccough, (a. 5 min.) Stomach and Abdomen.—35. A few fine stitches below the pit of the stomach, in the evening Avhen sitting, during an inspiration and expiration, (a. 15 h.) Painless grumbling in the abdomen, as when one is hungry and empty, (a. l£ h.) A sort of oppression in the abdomen, a sort of burning-press- ing pain in a transverse direction, in rest or motion, (a. 51 h. Pinching in the abdomen, in short paroxysms, (a. 3, 4 h.) Colic, for seven hours, (a. 2 h.) Urinary Organs :—40. Frequent micturition, (a. |- h.) Frequent emission of clear urine, (a. 2 h.) Genital Organs : Voluptuous itching in the raphe of the prepuce; the place became painful after scratching, and when pressing upon it. (a. 2 h.) Prickings in the tip of the glans. (a. 11 h.) Voluptuous prickings in the glans when sitting, painful after scratching, (a. 10 h.)—45. The testicles are drawn up, Avith tingling in the same. (a. 12 h.) Cramp- 136 EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS. like retraction of the genital organs, accompanied Avith pres- sure above the os veneris, in the evening Avhen in bed. Cold, Catarrh, Chest : Sneezing, with violent fluent coryza, a good deal of mucus being discharged through the nose and the posterior nares. (a. 9 h.) Copious fluent coryza in the morning, and violent cough Avith expectoration, (a. 46 h.) Frequent and spontaneous throwing off of mucus, for several days.—50. Single, fine stitches under the sternum, especially during an inspiration, (a. 10 h.) Back : Cramp-like pain in the back. (a. 1 h.) Continual aching of the back, Avhen sitting or Avalking. (a. 54 h.) In- 9 termittent, cramp-like pain in the back, for half an hour. (a. 1 h.) Upper Extremities : Stunning stitch in the left upper arm. (a. 1 h.)—55. Single, dull stitches in the front part of the left fore-arm, close to the wrist-joint, (a. 13 h.) Pain in the right fore-arm and hand as if the parts had gone to sleep. (a. 11 h.) Dull tearing in the elbow and Avrist-joints. (a. 2 h.) Cramp-pain in the wrist-joints for half an hour. (a. 24 h.) Cramp-pain in the metacarpus.—60. Cramp-like, aching pain in the left hand ; afterwards this pain extended into the fin- gers. Intense pinching pain in the dorsum of the hand. (a. 3 h.) Pinching pain in the posterior joint of the index-finger. (a. 3 h.) Pain in the knuckles and joints of the fingers, more towards the outer side, as if the parts had gone to sleep, (a. 11 h.)—65. Cramp-pain in the fingers, especially the finger- joints of the left hand. (a. 11 h.) Lower Extremities : Violent prickings in the anterior muscles of the right thigh when standing, (a. 1 h.) Stitching draAving from the upper part of the thigh into the groin, most violent Avhen sitting, (a. 48 h.) Voluptuous itching in the fore part of the thigh, only when Avalking in the open air, obliging him to scratch, after Avhich the part becomes painful. (a. 91 h.)—70. Weariness in the knees, as if he had Avalked too much. (a. 4 h.) Painful tension in the ham-strings, when walking, as if they were too short, (a. 3 h.) Continual bor- ing stitches in the tibia, from below upwards, (a. 1^ h.) Pain in the periosteum of the left tibia, moving up and down, when sitting, (a. 2X h.) Cramp-pain in the calves, Avith sensation of heaviness, Avhen standing a long time (a. 2X h.)—75. In the evening, when Avalking, voluptuous itching in the right calf, obliging one to scratch, (a. 12 h.) Cracking in the outer ankle of the left foot, when treading. Tickling, creeping in the left toes ; rubbing makes the part feel painful, (a. 2 h.) General Symptoms : Shooting, itching stitches here and HELLEBORUS NIGER. 137 there, the whole night; he tosses about in his bed, and cannot get warm. Great weakness in the whole body, especially the lower limbs; walks Avith great difficulty, the Avhole third day. Sleep and Fever : Drowsiness, commencing in the eyes. (a. 1 h.) Drowsiness, although very active. Drowsiness, without being able to sleep, with much yawning. Frequent waking in the night, as from fright. Frightful dreams in the night, about fires and lightning, (see. n.)—85. Pale face for an hour (immediately). Feverish chilliness all over the body. (a. 1 h.) Redness and heat of the cheeks, for an hour. (a. \,x h.) Red, hot face, for an hour and a half. (a. x h.) Sudden heat and redness of the face, with cold hands (no thirst), (a. x h.) Moral Symptoms:—90. Taciturn, and want of disposition to talk, the whole day. HELLEBORUS NIGER. (Express the juice of the recent plant, and mix it with equal parts of alcohol; or else prepare the tincture from the dry root.) The following symptoms, which are but feAV, show that this drug must be able to cure a peculiar kind of fever, SAvell- ings, and mental diseases. By continuing the proving of this drug, we shall find out what diseases they Avere which the Greeks were in the habit of curing by means of Hellebore; for the plant which they used Avas a species very much like ours, the flowers Avhereof had pale-red petals. In large doses it acts for a feAV weeks. Camphor seems to moderate the primary effects of Hellebore. Cinchona relieves best its secondary effects. The root Avhich has been used in our experiments has been gathered by myself. FROM NOACK AND TRINKS. General dropsy; acute anasarca; generally dropsy, espe- cially after scarlatina; in chronic dropsy Knorre recommends lar^e and frequent doses; dropsy in intermittent fevers, after the°fever had been cured by Arsenic ; Helleb. and Squills are said to do good service in anasarca and ascites of chil- dren, less in the case of full-grown persons; in the latter, Ars! Bry., Iod., and Phosp. have been found useful, espe- cially Avhen the moral symptoms corresponded; Bry., Ars., Dig. Rhus., and Merc, have likeAvise been recommended in 138 HELLEBORUS NIGER. these forms of dropsy, in which Helleb. Avas indicated.—Re- trocession of the measles, with affection of the membranes of the brain. Tinea capitis, with swelling of the cervical glands. Lentescent nervous fevers. Melancholia. Acute hydrocepha- lus, when the child screams, throws the head backAvards. moves it to and fro, makes convulsive movements with the limbs, especially the right arm and left foot. (Acon., Bell., Arn., Rhus., and Helleb. did no good in a case like this, in the higher potencies; the child Avas cured by tincture of Hel- leb., ten drops, Avith an ounce of distilled water, first every five minutes, then every half hour, taking the whole solution twice Avithin forty-eight hours.) Against hydrocephalus from scarlet fever, Schron recommends Bell., Arn., Acid, phosp., Ars., and Senega.—Aphthae, with increased secretion of saliva. Constipation, brought on by gastrodynia and entero- dynia, in inveterate cases.—Paralysis of the bladder; excessive distension of the bladder, painful emission of small quantities of urine, complete suppression for three days past, discharge of some drops of blood after pressing a good deal, oedema of the lower limbs, cool temperature of the whole body, viscid sweat in some places, small, quick pulse, short sleep with frequent interruptions, yellowness of the whole body, aversion to food, dry tongue, much thirst, suffocative anguish.—Rheumatic oedema of the scrotum. Serous pleurisy. Dropsy of the chest, especially after scarlet fever. HELLEBORE. (The following symptoms have been furnished by Hahne- mann.) Obtusion of the head, producing dullness; a dull pain every afternoon, from four to eight o'clock. Headache in the occiput, as if bruised, especially when stooping, (a. 48 h.) Headache on one side, a tearing, with chilliness. Headache from the nape of the neck to the vertex.—5. Piercing head- ache, changing to a burning in the brain when sitting up. He knows not how to hold his head to relieve his pain ; he lays it all the time to another side ; the pain is least when he forces himself to lie still and forgets his pain, slumbering with his eyes half elosed. Dullness and heat in the head ; burning in the head. Dull and heavy in his head. (I infer from various observations that stupor, an obtusion of the sensitive nervous system,--imperfect and heedless sight although the eyes are perfectly good, imperfect hearing although the organ of hear- ing is perfectly sound, imperfect or no taste although the organ of taste is in a good condition, constant or frequent absence of HELLEBORUS NIGER. 139 thought, want of recollection of the things which had just taken place, indifference, light slumber Avithout the sleep being refreshing, desire to work without having the power or attention necessary to do something,—is a primary effect of Hellebore.) Heaviness and heat in the head, with cold fingers and chilliness of the whole body, diminishing when the hands are kept Avrapt up and warm. (a. 1 h.)—10. Painful heaviness in the head, with tension and pressure, apparently from without inwards, in the temples, but especially in the forehead ; at every pulsa- tion a pressing drawing is felt, as if the blood pressed violently through the head, (the whole day, especially during the fever,) less in the open air. Aching pain in the root of the nose. Small tumors in the integuments of the forehead, painful, as if bruised or contused. Yellowish color of the face. Pale face, while the head is hot.—15. Twitchings of the eyelids. (SavoI- len, red eyelids.) He is sensitive to the light of day ; he does not want to see the objects around him, and lies with his eyes closed (during the fever). Dilatation of the pupils. Sensation in the eyes as if closed by something heavy pressing from above; he has to make an effort, to open them wide (in the open air), (a. 7, 8 h.)—20. Pressure in the hollow behind the lobule. Rheumatic stiffness of the nape of the neck. Pain of the cervical glands. (Ulceration of the angle of the lips, with itching.) Vesicles on the tongue—25. Sore throat; pressure during deglutition. Ptyalism. Bitter taste in the throat, more so when eating something. He has an appetite, but he does not relish what he eats, and he feels nauseated for a feAV mo- ments, ceasing immediately after dinner.—30. Aversion to greens and sourkrout, with good appetite for bread and flesh (a whole week). No thirst, the whole day. Inclination to vomit, (a. 40 h.)—35. Inclination to vomit, rising from the pit of the stomach. Empty eructations and inclination to vomit, and he is nevertheless unable to vomit. Severe pain, as if bruised, near and below the pit of the stomach, in the region of the pylorus, where he feels a pain at every step he makes ; the pain increases when talking loud and when touch- ing the place. Sensation as if the pit of the stomach were drawn in. Distension of the pit of the stomach and the epi- gastrium, oppressing the breathing, and painful as if there Avere subcutaneous ulceration.—40. At every step he feels a painful pressure on the pit of the stomach. Grunting in the abdomen. Excessive rumbling in the abdomen (immediately). Colic. Stitches in the abdomen, and tearing pain across, (a. x h.)—45. Sensation of coldness in the abdomen. Passing distension of the abdomen, in the evening, (a. 5 d.) He passes 140 HELLEBORUS NIGER. a sort of Avhite jelly three or four times a day, Avith much pressing. Diarrhoea. Retention of stool the first day, next day ordinary stool, and diarrhoea in the afternoon.—50. Stools composed of tenacious, white mucus. Frequent micturition. Appearance of-the menses. Hurried breathing.—55. Short and hacking cough. Contractive pain in the small of the back. Itching, gnawing of both arms; after scratching he feels a smarting as of salt water, after going to bed and in the morn- ing yellowish, roundish herpetic spots on both arms, emitting a fluid Avhen scratching. Weariness of the thighs. Heaviness and faintness of the feet. Stiffness of the bends of the knees. Unsteadiness of the limbs, weakness of the feet, vacillation of the knees; he is only able to walk slowly. Sudden relaxation of the muscles; coldness of the body and cold sweat on the forehead, falling suddenly to the ground and stammering, but with consciousness ; the pulse is very slow and the pupils are contracted, (a. 1 h.) He feels better in the open air; the de- sire to vomit passes off, and the headache is much less.—65. Sensation in the open air as if he had been long sick, all ob- jects appear to him changed and new. Sudden dropsical swelling of the skin. (This symptom, together with (104) (105) (106), appears to show that Hell, will be a great remedy in certain swellings.) (Sensation in the swollen parts as if they were distended and too heavy.) Stitching, boring pains in the periosteum. Stitching, boring pains in various parts of the body, aggravated by cool air, bodily exertion, and after eating or drinking.—70. He slumbers Avith his eyes half open, the pupils turned upAvards (immediately). Slow pulse, (a. 1 and 16 h.) Very small pulse Coldness of the body, espe- cially in the morning. Fever: violent heat in the head, cold hands and feet, afterwards slight sweat on the whole body, for an hour. (a. 4 h.)—75. Fever lasting several days ; when out of the bed, he is constantly affected with chilliness of the body, no thirst, (Avhen sitting, standing, or walking,) cold hands, in- ternal burning heat and dullness of the head, great drowsiness, heaviness and weakness of the feet and stiffness of the bends of the knees ; after lying down in the bed, he is immediately attacked Avith heat and sweat all over the body, likewise Avith- out thirst. Fever: continual chilliness over the body, Avithout thirst, heat in the head and headache in the occiput, as if bruised. Shivering, Avould like to lie down, and has a yellow- ish complexion. The shivering commences on the arms. Thirst comes on after the chills had lasted five days without thirst.—80. Chilliness in the evening, when lying down, and sweat every morning, (a. 10 d.) Slight sweat on the feet, HELLEBORUS NIGER. 141 towards morning (in the first night). Heat and sweat, (a. 36 h.) Frequent alternation of general dry heat, shivering and coldness, followed by a concealed colic. Feeling, after the fever, as if he had been sick long. Excessive anxiety. Ab- sence of mind Avhen studying ; he was unable to fix his ideas. (Irresoluteness.) He despairs of his life Moaning and groaning.—90. Homesick. He feels sad Avhen seeing a cheer- ful person, and feels very unhappy. (He dresses improperly.) OBSERVATIONS OF OTHERS. Head : Reeling sensation in the head. Stupefaction of the head (immediately). Vertiginous stupefaction of the head, in every position of the head. Vertigo when bending the head and raising it again, going off as soon as the head had been raised, (a. 101 M—5. Stupefying headache, as if intoxicated, the whole afternoon, (a. 7 h.) Stupefaction of the whole head with fluent coryza. (a. 51 h.) Inability to reflect, (a. 10 h.) Heaviness of the brain and sensation as if it were sur- rounded by a tight skin, Avith inability to think and to retain any thing in memory ; weak memory ; he had to make an effort and to take some time to remember what he had intended tosay and about Avhich he was asked, (a. lh.)—10. Weaknessof memory; he did not remember a single moment that Avhich he had read. Dullness of the head, as if intoxicated, greatest in the forehead, (a. -f- h.) Pain as if bruised, accompanied Avith dulness, at times in this, at times in that part of the brain, worst when stooping. With the fluent coryza the head feels muddled, as if bruised, (a. 5 h.) Head is painful as if bruised. —15. Troublesome headache Headache in the right side of the forehead, pressing from within outAA'-ards. Pain in the head as if the whole brain suffered pressure from without inwards, at every step which he makes in the open air. (a. 1 h.) Pressure into the vertex as with a poirrt. Violent headache, with great heaviness, especially in the occiput Avhen waking, (a. 41 h.)—20. Unin- terrupted aching pain in the occiput, tOAvards the nape of the neck. Aching pain in the right frontal eminence, increased when walking in the open air. Aching pain in the right temple, aggra- vated by Avalking, and brought on by exerting one's attention. (a. 8 h.) Compressive pain in both temples. Pressure in the brain, as if being pressed together from both sides towards the centre and vertex, (a. 9 h.)—25. Aching pain in the forehead, a sort of muddled condition, (a. 11 h.) Vertiginous drawing, with stupefying pressure, now in one, now in the other hemisphere of the brain, or in the whole brain. DraAving pressure in the left 142 HELLEBORUS NIGER. hemisphere of the brain, extending from the occiput to the fore- head, as if the cerebral mass Avere accumulating (immediately). DraAving headache in the epigastrium, in the morning when in bed. (a. 24 h.) Dull drawing in the forehead, causing the integ- uments of the forehead to become wrinkled.—30. Pulsative throbbing in the left temple, every throbbing ending in a stitch. (a. f h.) Stitches on the right side and near the coronal suture, as if arising out of the brain. Boring stitches transversely across the forehead, (a. 14 h.) Several sharp stitches in the morning, in the outer parts of the right, and then of the left side of the forehead, (a. 3, 4 h.) Pain as if bruised of the outer parts of the vertex and occiput, especially during the chill; at every motion, especially when stooping, and going up stairs the pain is con- verted into a violent jerking in the outer integuments of the head, diminished by pressing upon the parts, (a. 48 h.)—35. Sensation as if the scalp on the occiput were being pulled down. (a. 41 h.) The occipito-frontalis muscle becomes wrinkled on the forehead. Pulsations in the forehead and temples, with heat of the face, (a 6 h.) Pimple on the left side of the forehead, painful as if bruised when touching it hard. Eyes : Tension in the left eyebrow, prickling when touch- ed, as if a pimple would form. (a. 46 h.)—40. Twitchings in the levatores palpebrarum and the cheeks, with heat in the face Pain in the eyebrow, drawing to and fro, with cramp- like contraction of the levator palpebrarum muscle, (a. 10 h.) Dilatation of the pupils (the first hours). Pressure in the orbits, as if the eyes would fall out. Painful pressure in the right inner canthus, increasing when closing the eyes. (a. 9 h.)— 45. Itching in the canthus. (a. -jj- h.) Burning smarting in the eyes, especially the inner canthi. Prickling in the eyes, as if they would run (immediately). In the morning Avhen waking and pressing the eyelids together, violent prickling in the eyeball and the coatings thereof. Prickling in the eyeball from above doAvnwards.—50. In the morning after waking, the canthi of the left eye feel sore, Avith some humor in the canthi. In the morning the inner canthi are full of eyegum. (a. 9 h.) Drawing pain from the temple to the ear (immediately.) Ear : Drawing in both ears, as if the inner ear would burst, a kind of otalgia. Lancinating toothache, together with a digging-up, boring stitching in the right ear, through the night; nothing but the otalgia remained in the morning and during the whole day.—55. Prickings on a line, near the ear, behind the ascending ramus of the lower jaw. (a. 30 h.) Nose : Constriction of the nose as if the patient should suffocate. Itching burning in the left wing of the nose. * HELLEBORUS NIGER. 143 smarting itching around and below the nose, and in the upper lip, as if coryza would set in. Jaws, Mouth : Vesicular pimple in the middle of the vermilion-border of the upper lip, in the morning after waking. —60. In the evening after lying doAvn in the bed, lancinating toothache in the right lower and upper molares, bearing neither warm nor cold things and tormenting him the whole night, so that he slept but little ; afterwards the lower molares feel elongated; not much pain in day time. When biting the teeth together, he feels a tearing in the third molares which are opposite to one another, near the roots (immediately). Insen- sible rigidity of the tongue. Dry, white tongue, in the morning when rising from the bed. (a. 24 h.) Pimple on the tip of the tongue, painfully stinging when touched.—65. SAvelling of the tongue. Scratching of the posterior part of the palate. Troublesome dryness of the palate and cutting and scraping pain of the palate when movirig the mouth to perform the act of deglutition (continuing for many days). Taste, Appetite and Gastric Symptoms : Dry, slimy taste, with violent thirst, for two hours. A good deal of watery sa- liva in the mouth.—70. Continual conflux of saliva in the mouth. (a. 1| h.) Frequent, insipid, dry eructations (the first hours) after- wards suppressed eructations. Empty eructations, Avithout taste. (a. I h.) Hiccough.—75. Great appetite; he is constantly hun- gry and relishes everything. Emission of violent fetid flatulence shortly after dinner. Nausea in the stomach, he has frequent- ly a sensation of hunger, but the food is repulsive to him, al- though he has a natural taste in mouth, and food tastes nat- ural to him. (a. 24 h.) Continual inclination to A'omit (from Helleborus foetidus), vomiting.—80. Vomiting of green-blackish matter, Avith colic; symptoms recurring after an intermission of three hours, lasting one hour, after Avhich an apparent ease set in for two hours, followed by a violent shriek and death. (a. 38 h.); the limbs after death became relaxed and shrivelled, the blood in the veins became fluid; on the left side of the oesophagus and stomach, and in the lesser intestines a mode- rate inflammation became manifest; the brain was very soft and shrivelled. Stomach and Abdomen : Excessive pain in the pit of the stomach. Cardialgia. Scraping rough sensation in the stom- ach (as when rubbing with something woollen.) Intensely painful burning in the stomach, rising in the oesophagus.—85. Pinching in the stomach, (a. 21 h.) Colic. Weight in the ab- domen, (a. 2 h.) Pinching commencing in the region of the liver and turning more and more doAvmvards and towards the 144 HELLEBORUS NIGER. front part of the abdomen, (a. 21 h.) Violent pinching as in dysentery transversely across the abdomen (after a meal).—90. Pinching in the abdomen (when going up stairs), (a. 32 h.) Sharp pressure transversely across the abdomen, underneath the umbilicus, from without imvards, especially violent when sitting, (a. 24 h.) Audible, painless grunting beloAv the um- bilicus, (a. 1 h.) Movement in the abdomen as if bubbles rose and burst, folloAved by emission of fetid flatulenee (a. 8 h.) Flatulence moving about in the abdomen. 95. Emission of fetid flatulence in the morning after having, drank the usual quantity of milk. (a. x h.) Stool : Diarrhoea, with nausea and colic. Diarrhoea, pre- ceded by colic, disappearing after the evacuation. Hard, scanty stool, during and after which violent, cutting stitches in the rectum, from below upwards, as if the rectum became constricted around a body Avith cutting edged, (a. 12 h.)—100. Tendency to haemorrhoids. After an evacuation he feels a burning-hot smarting in the anus for one minute. Single sensations of pressure, terminating in stitches, in the right groin, a sensation as if hernia would come on. Strong, hard pressure, repeatedly, on the middle of the os pubis, (a. 1 h.) Urinary Organs : Frequent emission of urine, without much desire. Frequent desire to urinate, emitting but a slight quantity, (a. f, 21, and 51 h.) Emits a quantity of Avatery urine. Genital Organs : Several itching, fine stitches in the tip of the glans. (a. 1 h.) Seems to suppress the sexual in- stinct. Catarrh, Chest : Sneezing.—110. Sneezing in the morning before breakfast, (a. 26 h.) Cramp-like titillation in the nose, as if he would sneeze, Avhich did not take place, however, with yawning, (a. 1 h.) Sneezing, immediately after rising from bed, the upper lip cracking in the middle Sudden, continual, short and hacking cough (while smoking his usual tobacco), (a. 15 h.) Difficulty of breathing; had to breathe slowly and deep. (a. x h.)—115. Constriction of the throat. Contraction of the chest, had to gasp for air Avith wide- ly open mouth, but was not able to breathe. Sharp cutting in the region of the lowermost true ribs, across the chest from within outwards, increased by inspiration. Increase of warmth in the loAver part of the cavity of the chest. Scraping, rough sensation in the upper part of the sternum. Back :—120. When moving the neck, some of its mus- cles feel stiff and painful. Stiffness of the cervical muscles as far as the occiput, even when at rest, but most when moving HELLEBORUS NIGER. 145 the head (in the morning), (a. 41 h.) Dull pain in the left shoulder-joint, increasing during motion. Pain as if bruised betAveen the scapulae, in the region of the spine. Upper Extremities: Visible twitchings of the muscles of the left upper arm, Avith pain, as if some hard body Avere Violently knocking against this place—125. Sensation as' after a shock, in the right upper arm, but not when touching the part. Fine tearing in the region of the long bones of the arms. Strong drawing from the middle of the loAver arm to the bend of the elbow. Drawing pain from the right wrist- joint as far as the index-finger, (a. 10 h.) Severe prickings in the evening, when Avalking in the open air. (a. 13 h.)—130. Prickings running transversely across the flexor-tendons of the left hand (when walking in the open air), (a. 12J h.) Sweat of the palms of the hands (with cold dorsa). (a. 2 h.) Tearing in the dorsa of all the fingers of the* left hand (in the morning when in bed).' (a. 18 h.) "Tearing in the left middle- finger, especially in the middle-joint. Boring pain in the mid- dle-joint of the middle and index-finger, (a. 20 h.)—135. Weakness in both hands, he is unable to seize any thing or to double up his hand. Paralytic tearing in the right little fin- ger, (a. 27 h.) Paralytic tearing aiid cramplike rigidity in the fourth finger of the right hand, going off when at rest. Tick- ling in the left index-finger, (a. 10 h.) ' Painful pressure transversely across the right thumb.—140. Inflamed spot near the nail of the left index-finger and the right thumb, Avith ulcerative /pain Avhen touching it. (a. '20 h.) Next day some whitish fluid Avas discharged from it, after which it healed up. Several small vesicles between the posterior joints of the right fourth and fifth fingers, smarting when touched, remaining hu- mid for a time and afterwards becoming covered with a scurf for a long time Small, humid, painless vesicles on the mid- dle-joint of the fourth right finger; Avhen pressing upon them strongly, the bone appears to experience a sore pain. Lower Extremities :■ Slightly drawing pain in the right hip. Sudden paralytic stiffness in the right hip-joint, when walking in the open air. (a. 23 h.)—145. Single prickings in the left hip. A few violent, somewhat slow stitches, as with needles, in the left hip. Several times a burning pressure in the left hip.' (a. 2 h.) Stiffness and tension of the muscles of the thighs. Great Aveakness of the thighs and legs. (a. \x. h.)—150. Digging-up pain in the region of the right pa- tella, (a. 1 h.) Several times recurring, boring, dull stitches through the left knee-joint, in the open air when Avalking or standing, (a. 26 h.) Stiffness of the hamstrings, especially VOL. II. 11 146 HELLEBORUS NIGER. the outer, Avhen walking in the open air. (a. 25 h.) Sharp stitches darting upwards, in the right leg, near the external ankle, (a. 3 h.) Contusive pain in the inner ankle of the left foot.—155. Pain as if sprained in the left tarsal joint; he is afraid of bending the foot. (a. 30 h.) Aching pain in the cal- canean process of the right heel, in every position of the foot. (a. 11 h.) Fine, painful pressure in the right sole, when sit- ting, (a. 5h.) Tearing in the ball of the left foot. (a. x h.) Stitching jerking in the left big toe. General Symptoms : Falling off of the hairs of the Avhole body, and of the nails. Peeling off of the epidermis. Sharp, tearing stitches in several parts of the body at once, in the thighs, legs, chest, back, etc. Paralytic Aveakness of the limbs and unusual stiffness. All the muscles of his limbs feel so heavy and painful that he Avas very much averse to moving them. Sleep:—165. Stretching of the limbs. Weary and droAvsy in the forenoon, (a. 2 h.) Fits : Fainting fits. Convulsive spasms. Convulsive movements, and a shock into the brain as with an arroAV.— 170. As soon as he opens his eyes in the morning, he has to stretch himself, feels faint, and closes his eyes again. Restless sleep tOAvards morning ; sees dark visions in his dreams. To- wards morning his sleep becomes a restless slumber, filled Avith historical dreams ; he turns now to one noAv to the other side. After lying doAvn in the evening, he sees a hundred forms be- fore his eyes, going off as speedily as they came. Confused, anxious dreams in the night, which he is unable to recollect. —175. Strong pulsations through the whole body, especially in the region of the heart. Fever: Strong pulse. f(a. x h.) Palpitation of the heart. Thirst.—180. Fever. General chill with goose-skin, the head is painful when feeling or moving it, drawing tearing in the limbs and frequent stitches in the joints, especially the elbow, and shoulder-joints, without thirst; for some days, from morning till evening, (a. 23 h). (Cold feet in the evening, which did not get Avarm in the bed.) Cold hands, the face and body being warm. (a. x h.) In the evening and especially after lying down burning heat over the Avhole body, especially the head, internal shuddering and chilliness, Avithout thirst •■ when attempting to drink, he felt an aversion to drink he was only able to drink a little at a time—185. Heat in the face, the cheeks glow in the room. (a. 6 h.) General sweat towards morning, for several nights, the temperature of the body being natural, (a. 48 h.) Cold sweats. Pale, HYOSCIAMUS NIGER. 147 sunken countenance, no pulse, icy coldness and cold sweat all over, a drop of sweat being suspended from every hair. Moral Symptoms : Anxiety.—190. Horrid anguish, abat- ing after vomiting (from helleborus foet.). Anguish, nausea, torture, imagines he will die He was neither able to sit, lie, or stand, and pointed to his heart. Anxious and restless, ap- prehending misfortune, (a. 5 d.) Sad mood on account of his present condition ; every thing appears shallow and indif- ferent tp him.—195. Taciturn the Avhole afternoon. Always cheerful. (Cur. eff.) HYOSCIAMUS NIGER. (Express the juice of the recent plant, and mix it with equal parts of alcohol.) The dry herb loses a great portion of its medicinal virtues. The following symptoms show that this drug is useful in many forms of mental and physical derangement. A small portion of a drop of the twelfth potence is a suffi- cient dose. Camphor antidotes the effects of Hyosciamus. FROM NOACK AND TRINKS. Hyosciamus may be used in spasms from worms, spasms of pregnant females, or of teething children. Epilepsy. St. Vitus' dance. Somnambulism. Raphania. Hydrophobia. Chronic hemorrhages. Apoplectic conditions. Redness of the skin. Erysipelas. Scarlatina. Brown spots; large brown spots, covered with small rash-vesicles, forming into crusts, and spreading over the Avhole body, except the face Vesicles and spots, as from burns, on the lower limbs. Large pustules, like small-pox. Boils. Chronic insomnia. Febris intermittens epileptica, consequent upon vexation. Febris intermittens quartana. Puerperal fever. Febris nerosa versatilis, with delirium, complete insomnia, excessive excitement of the fan- cy, jactitation of single muscles, grasping at flocks, desire to run away, heat and redness of the face, staring and sparkling eyes, alternate dilatation and contraction of the pupils, humming in the ears, parched, brown tongue or loss of consciousness, ver- tigo, not recognizing the persons around, headache, weakness, 148 HYOSCIAMUS NIGER. twitching in the limbs, pain in the region of the heart, with stitches during a deep inspiration, nightly delirium, thirst, moist, shrivelled tongue, yellow-reddish urine, etc.—Nervous fever ; febris nervosa stupida ; typhus abdominalis ; nympho- mania ; delirium tremens. Melancholia, with amenorrhoea. Wry-neck after epilepsy had been cured Avith Calc. and Bell. Inflammation of the brain in consequence of a cold, no con- sciousness, closed eyes, difficulty in opening the mouth, tongue coated Avith Avhite frothy mucus, delirium, muttering, smiling, remaining sometimes quite still, sometimes starting, motion of the hands as if grasping at flocks, dilatation of the pupils, faint lustre of the eyes, red color of the face, dry, parched skin, accelerated respiration, full pulse, etc.—After having been cured of hydrocephalus, a child fell* into the Avater, and was attacked with the folloAving symptoms: Inability to walk, inability to move about, to talk, eat, pressing the tongue against the palate when drinking, as new-born children do,'causing the liquid to flow out again half.—Violent neuralgia of the nerves about the head (with Ignat. and Bell.).—Blepharaspasmus ; spas- modic closing of the eyelids (also in alternation with Cham.). —Presbyopia.-—Strabismus, diplopia. Blindness in the night. —Bleeding of the nose.—Trismus.—Paralysis of the tongue.— Toothache, caused by cold, throbbing and whizzing in the tooth, congestion of blood to the head, Avith heat, constriction of the throat, cramps, tearing and beating toothache of both sound and carious teeth, extending over the upper jaAV and right half of the nose, as far as the root of the nose, Avith swelling of the gums, congestion of blood to the head, burning heaWof the face and body, dull headache, aggravated by pres- sure, feeling as if the teeth were elongated; they are loose covered with mucus (accompanied with monorrhagia).__ Grinding of the teeth of children while sleeping. Hamate- mesis after cold or echauffement, Avith vertigo, cloudiness of the head, red eyes, bloated countenance, painfulnesS of the scrobiculus cordis Avhen touched, distension of the abdomen dull pain in the region of the liver, constipation, dysmenorrhoea going to sleep of the limbs, weakness and tremor of the limbs vomiting of dark-red blood, after previous redness of the face convulsions, spasm, subsequent exhaustion and coldness of the limbs.—Vomiting of the ingesta in small children. Stitches and draAving in the abdomen. Diaphragmitis. Peritonitis. Subinflammatory conditions of the abdomen (against Avhich Bell, had been given Avithout success). Pain in the abdomen, having remained after inflammation of the abdomen. Flatu- lent, heemorrhoidal, menstrual colic.—Paralysis of the sphinc- HYOSCIAMUS NIGER. 149 ter ani. Hypertrophy of the sphincter ani. (Kallenbach recommends to push a fine sponge moistened with Hyosciamus into the anus.) Diarrhoea of lying-in Avomen, coming off without pain, and involuntarily (when the evacuations are rather papescent and Avatery, give Rheum, and Antim. cru- dum). Spasm of the bladder, with violent tenesmus and emission drop by drop, coming on after a cold or scarlatina. Paralysis of the bladder. Painful retention of urine in typhus. —Satyriasis.—Sterility.—Spasms during parturition, (also Cham., Cic, Ign., Bell.)—Profuse menses. Metrorrhagia, with general spasms of the whole body, interrupted by jerks of the body, or by twitchings of single limbs, the bright-red blood continuing to flow all the time, and burning more vio- lently at every new shock, Avhereas the pulsations diminish in number. Cough Avith titillation. Dry, irritating cough, espe- cially at night. Spasmodic night-cough. Catarrhal cough, tormenting the patients in the night, in spite of a profuse ex- pectoration of white or yellow mucus. Incipient pneumonia. Pneumonia Avith great anguish. Pneumonia with dry and fatiguing night-cough, with prevailing typhoid symptoms, ty- phoid pneumonia, the inspirations being intermittent. Incip- ient laryngeal phthisis, after a meal, pain and heat in the head, with faintness, weakness of the body, especially the chest, great exhaustion after long talking, frequent short and hacking cough, Avith greenish expectoration, Avant of appetite, Aveak pulse. HYOSCIAMUS. Head : Vertigo. Weak memory. Complete want of memory. Recollects things which had taken place a long while ago (cur. effect ?).—5. Obtusion and cloudiness of the head, as is felt Avhen the body is very Aveak, especially in the morning. Dull headache in the forehead, especially the mem- branes of the brain. Dull headache at the base of the brain. (Tearing headache in the occiput.). Stinging pain in the head. —10. Lancinating headache, (a. 2 h.) Stitching in the head, over the right eye, Avhen coughing. Headache as if the brain shook and flapped like a wet sheet, when Avalking. (a. 5. h.) Creeping in the vertex, (a. 1 h.) Heat and creeping in the head. (a. 24 h.)—15. Heat and redness in the face. Eyes : Sensation as if a gauze were stretched over the right eye. (a. 3 h.) False sight. The flame of one light appears larger than the other, although both are of equal size. (a. 10 h.) Jerking in the eye. (a. 8 h.) 150 HYOSCIAMUS NIGER. Ears, Nose : (Ringing in the ears as of bells.) (a. 1 h.)— 20. Jerking in the cheek. Dryness in the nose. Bleeding from the nose. Mouth, Jaws, Teeth : Painful pimples on the lips. Loss of sight and taste.—25. Vacillation of the teeth and grumbling and humming in the teeth. Toothache, especially when chewing, as if the teeth would fall out. Tearing in the gums, especially Avhen touched by cold air. Tearing toothache, Avith congestion of blood to the head, as if he would spit blood. A kind of stomachache. Pharynx, Gastric Symptoms, Stomach : A smarting sensation in the posterior part of the throat. Ptyalism. The saliva tastes salt. Want of appetite, with natural taste. Nau- sea.—35. Inclination to vomit. The pit of the stomach is sensitive to the touch, and painful. Frequent attacks of pres- sure in the pit of the stomach, oppressing the breathing. Abdomen : Excessive flatulence after a very moderate sup- per, and frequent, but difficult emission of flatulence, (a. 14 h.) Pressure in the umbilical region.—40. Feeling of hardness of the abdomen. Painful sensitiveness of the abdominal integu- ments. Cramp-like contraction of the abdominal muscles, as if something living were within, (a. 3 h.) (from the vapor of the herb.) Single stitches in the region of the liver, (a x h.) Stitching in the umbilical region during an inspiration. (a/ 5 h.)—45. Excessive flatulent colic after rising in the morning, a pinching pressing from above dowmvards, as if a load Avere pressing in the abdomen, with inclination to vomit, and pain in the back as if bruised, Avithout the least flatulence being emitted, in motion and rest. (a. 24 h.) Cutting colic. Cutting, deep in the abdomen. Short attacks of cutting in a small place deep in the abdomen, behind the os pubis, (a. 6 h.) Pain of the abdomen (the muscles) as if one had strained them by lifting, in the morning after waking. Stool : Frequent desire for stool. (The desire for stool and the frequent evacuations occasioned by Hyosciamus are alternate effects of the delay of stool and the want of desire for stool; the former, hoAvever, appear to be the principal pri- mary effect. A double alternate effect seems to take place here: much desire with either scanty discharge [s. 53. (192 —194)] or copious discharge ; and too little desire, with scanty or no discharge (s. 209) (210); also with copious discharge, s. 51; the frequent desire Avith the scanty and rare discharge is the principal alternate-effect). He discharges the faeces in his bed Avithout knoAving it. (a. 2 h.) Frequent desire for stool; but the stool is natural. Constipation of four days' standing HYOSCIAMUS NIGER. 151 and frequent pressure in the umbilical region, as if the abdo- men Avere too full, with desire for stool, without tenesmus either of the anus or rectum. Obstruction of the abdomen, and retention of urine, with urging desire to urinate. Urinary Organs : Retention of the urine, Avith tenes- mus of the bladder. (The desire to urinate and the Avant of irritability of the bladder, the scanty secretion of urine and the copious emission of urine, are alternate effects of Hyosciamus, so that great desire to urinate, with scanty or profuse emission, or inactivity of the bladder, with scanty or copious secretion of urine, may coexist; however, much desire to urinate, Avith scanty emission, appears to be the principal primary effect). Paraly- sis of the bladder. Genital Organs : Sensation of soreness and burning in the entrance of the, vagina, (a. 1 h.) Menses delay for a few days. Suppression of the menses.—60. Labor-like pains previous to the appearance of the menses, in the uterus, accom- panied Avith drawing in the loins and small of the back. Ap- pearance of the menses on the fourteenth day. Sexual desire [(s. (232)]. Catarrh, Chest : Sensation as if something Avere lodged in the trachea, and did not get loose by the coughing .Dry and hacking cough.—65. Dry night-cough. He coughs frequent- ly in the night, but he wakes up during every cough, and then falls asleep again, (a. 30 h.) Continual cough while he lies down, going off Avhen sitting up. Greenish expectoration Avhen coughing.—70. (Burning pain in the left side, in the evening.) Back and Extremities : Stitches in the ' scapulae. Seated pains in the loins. (Tearing pain in the back.) Trem- bling of the arm, in the evening after exercise.—75. The limbs go to sleep. Frequent, large boils. Pain as if bruised in the ulcer Avhen moving the part. (a. 24 h.) The ulcer bleeds and is extremely painful, (a. 24 h.) Tensive pain across the middle of the thigfis, as if they Averetoo short, when going up stairs :—80. Cramp-pain in the calves during motion, in the afternoon. Paralytic draAving in the legs, especially when Avalking. Pain as if bruised in the left tibia Avhen walk- ing, especially in the evening, the side of the calf being hot, swollen, and bordered with red rash, but without pain or itch- ing, (a. 72 h.) Cold feet. Pain in the feet.—85. Cutting pain in the tarsal joint Avhen Avalking. Pain as if bruised of the tarsal joint, in the afternoon Avhen Avalking, or when advancing the feet the toes contract as from a cramp. Sleep and Fever : Coma vigil. When slumbering he 152 HYOSCIAMUS NIGER. has a smiling look.—90. When in bed, he now raised his knees, now he extended them, noAV he turned round, turned his head in all directions, now he raised his hand and knocked upon the bed, now he pulled straw out of his bed, moved the fingers over the bed; said nothing ; he Avas neither out of hu- mor nor desponding. In his sleep he began to moan Avithout any consciousness, raised his sound arm, and let it fall again suddenly ; soon after the shoulder jerked suddenly upwards; then the head Avas tossed to and fro; after this the sick foot became raised, then there Avas a sudden jerking in the sound foot; frequently the sound hand Avas affected, the fingers re- ceding from one another suddenly and then approaching again to one another; occasionally he emitted plaintive sounds. Anxious sleeplessness. (He cannot get warm in his bed during the night.) Fever in the afternoon, characterized by coldness and pain, for instance of the back.—95. The blood burns in the veins. He is delirious while aAvake ; he pretended a man had been there who was not there. Taciturn. Extreme shyness. (He considers himself a criminal.)—100. He reproaches him- self and raises conscientious scruples to himself. He reproaches others, and complains of pretended injustice Avhich had been done to him. Jealousy. Quarrelsome mood. Rage ; he wants to injure others. OBSERVATIONS OF OTHERS. Vertigo (lasting a fortnight, from the vapor of the seed). Violent vertigo. Vertigo with obscuration of sight. Vertigo, as if from intoxication (immediately.)—5. Staggering from side to side Reeling sensation. They staggered as if intox- icated. (Several children who had eaten the roots for carrots.) Intoxication (from Hyosciamus physaloides.) Insensible to pinching (from hyosciamus albus.)—10. Stupefaction. Ten- dency to forget one's self in a staring, thoughtless gazing at things, (a. 1 h.) He remembers involuntarily persons and events which he had no intention to think of. (a. x h.) Want of memory. He easily thinks of things Avhich he does not intend, and is unable to recollect things which he would like to remember, (a. 3 h.)—15. Inability to recollect; that which he has said or done during the last years, appears to him like a dream, (a. 24 h.) Forgetful of every thing he heard before. He is not sure Avhether he really did say what he intended to say. (a. x h.) He complains of heaviness of the head and violent pains. Continual, violent headache.—20. Heavy, cloudy head. Heaviness of the head with sAvelling of the eyelids. Cloudiness of the head, costiveness and pain in the HYOSCIAMUS NIGER. 153 loins. The ideas sometimes seem to stand-still.—25. Sensa- tion in the head as if he had lost all power of thinking; he is not disposed to do any thing, and goes to sleep in the after- noon, waking frequently, (a. 9 h.) Headache, lasting several hours (from the smell and vapor of the plant.) Headache, in the room ; he had not felt it in the open air. (a. 2 h.) Stupe- fying headache, especially in the forehead, with prickings es- pecially in the left side of the head, alternately going and coming, (a. 4 h.)—30. Stupefying headache, especially in the forehead, finally becoming tearing Avith intermissions, (a. 101 h.) Constrictive, stupefying headache (the literal German expression is darkening headache), in the upper part of the forehead, and general malaise, alternating with absence of all pain, ease and exalted fancy, the second series of symptoms lasting much longer, (a. 1 h.) Undulating sensation in the brain as if occasioned by a strong throbbing of the arteries, with pressure in the forehead ; worst after stooping, (a. 1 h.) Headache' with unnatual heat. GnaAving pressure in the outer integuments, increased by moving and feeling them. (a. 15 h.)—35. Dull pain with stiffness in the nape of the neck. Headache alternating with pain in the nape of the neck. Pres- sure in the vertex and drawing in the nape of the neck Avhen turning the head. (a. 3 h.) Dullness of the senses. Eyes : Obscuration of sight; the objects are less distinct; he is more shortsighted and has to hold the book nearer Avhen reading, (a. 1 h.) Contraction of the pupils. Dilatation of the pupils, (a. 1 h.) Dimsightedness, as if a gauze Avere hanging over the eyes. Dark spots hover to and fro before the eye in quick succession, (a. 1 h.)—45. Diminished sight. When consciousness returned, the eyes Avere dim, without lustre, and the brain was obscured. Obscuration of sight. Weak sight. Passing amaurosis.—50. RoA^es about town blind and sense- less. He was scarcely able to recognize any thing at the dis- tance of three steps. Farsightedness accompanied. Avith great clear-sightedness, and dilatation of the pupils ; the farsighted- ness continued several days and then decreased gradually, (a. 3 h.) (Curative effect in a very shortsighted person.) Short- sightedness lasting four days. Chronic longsightedness.—55 Optical illusions; all things appeared scarlet-red to nine per- sons, after eating the root of Hyosciamus. All things look red as fire, or golden-yellow. What is small seems to him very large* Illusion of sight; Avhen reading, the letters seemed to * He takes a lark for a goose. Another one takes the stem of an ear of corn for a beam, and a drop of water appears to him like a lake. Letters seem unusually large. 154 HYOSCIAMUS NIGER. move, and looked like ants craAvling about in a heap.—60. When sewing, he stuck the needle in the wrong place. Staring distorted eyes. Intoxicated look, for a long time.—65. Distor- tion of the eyes. Open eyes, distorted in different directions. Convulsively moved protruded eyes. Sparkling eyes. Red, sparkling eyes.—70. Inflammation of the eyes. Itching tearing in both canthi, more violent in the outer canthi, going off by friction. Gnawing pressure in the upper border of the orbit, going off when touching the place (a. x h.) Pressure in the eyes, as if sand had got in. (a. 12 h.) Swelling of the eyelids; the Avhite of the eye is slightly reddened here and there ; the eyes look as if he had cried.—75. Inability to open the eyelids. Face : Heat in the face, especially about the lobules, with increased redness of the face, and dilatation of the pupils. Burning heat of the face in the moderately warm room. Dis- torted, bluish, clay-colored face, with mouth wide open. Bluish countenance (a. 2 h.)—80. Cold, pale face - (before death). Frequent change of complexion. Red, distended face. Brown red, swollen face—85. Pustules resembling small-pox, mostly on the right side of the chin. Close-set pustules full of yellow pus make their appearance on the cheeks and chin; after- Avards the nose becomes ulcerated. Ear : Sharp stitches through the ears from Avithout imvards, pressure in the temples, obtusion of the head. (a. 1 h.) Sud- den, indescribable pain in the right ear'. Tearing in the carti- lages of the ear, increased by pressing upon them. (a. 15 h.) —90. When clearing the throat he feels as if something ob- structed his ears. Nose : Sudden jerking in the root of the nose from above doAvnwards. (a. 1 h.) Heat in the loAver part of the nose, in- ternally and externally, perceptible to the hand. (a. 1 h.) Clawing pressure in the root of the nose and the zygomata. (a. 1 h.) Bleeding from the nose. Jaws, Teeth and Mouth :—90. Distorted neck. Lock- jaw, Avith full consciousness, (a. 24 h.) Swelling on the left side of the neck, passing into suppuration. Stiffness of the posterior cervical muscles ; Avhen bending the head over, they feel stretched as if too short, for some hours, (a. 1 h.) Clean, parching-dry tongue.—100. Burning and dryness of the tongue and lips; the lips look like scorched leather. Sensation of pith- iness in the middle of the tongue, as if burnt by hot food, in- creased by talking and inspiring air. Dumbness. Impeded speech.—105. Loss of speech and consciousness. The left gums look swollen, and the upper teeth feel a dull pain. Pain as of subcutaneous ulceration in the soft parts between the HYOSCIAMUS NIGER. 155 cheeks and the last molar teeth (in the evening, during the feverish heat). Painful draAving in a single tooth, here and there, as if a tooth Avere becoming pithy. Impeded mastica- tion.—110. Toothache during the sweat. Jerking toothache in a hollow tooth, extending over the temple ; when biting upon the tooth, it feels loose and elongated (did not increase when inspiring the open air), (a. 4 h.) Impeded deglutition. Pharynx and (Esophagus : The posterior part of the throat is affected ; he points with his finger into it, as if some- thing Avere lodged there.—115. Frequent hawking up of mu- cus, (a. | h.) Burning heat in the throat. Dryness and subsequent fine stinging in the region of the larynx, (a. 1 h.) Parching dryness of the fauces. Great dryness in the throat, and thirst.—120. Roughness and scraping in the throat and upon the tongue, the mouth being quite moist. Scraping, troublesome sensation in the throat and palate, as from too much talking. Dryness in the throat. Thirst and dryness in the throat. Thirst occasioned by the. stinging dryness in the throat, (a. 21 h.)—125. His throat feels so dry and constrict- ed that a little tea even came near choking him. [Takingthe symptoms (113) to (119,) (122) to (125,) (127) to (134,) (136,) ■ (137,) (138,) 96 to 98, 104, (414,) (451) to (454,) (465>to (472,) (474) (349,) (380,) (385,) (83,) (84,) (335)-to (337), and arrang- ing them in one group, we shall have a tolerably accurate im- age' of certain forms of hydrophobia which may therefore be homoeopathically cured by Hyosciamus. The true accounts Avhich Ave possess of this fearful malady, show that there are varieties of it Avhich may each be cured by a specific drug. Hyosciamus is one of these. Stramonium and Belladonna correspond to other varieties. Belladonna has already cured some cases of hydrophobia, but it would have cured many more, if it had been left unmixed with other drugs, or if it had not been given in such murderous doses. Large doses of ho- moeopathic remedies are more injurious than large doses of allceopathic drugs. A practitioner icho prescribes a drug homoeopathically, commits a real crime by administering doses of the size used in the common alloeopathic routine. Such doses become real poisons and homicidal agents. I say this not only in regard to Belladonna and Stramonium, but in regard to every other drug, in all forms of disease and especially acute diseases. Let no one come and tell me that his patient died in spite of having taken one of those medi- ciues, even a large dose thereof, every tAvo or three hours. I tell him that the patient died because of having taken that large dose If the patient had taken the smallest portion of a 156 HYOSCIAMUS NIGER. drop of the 15th or 30th attenuation, and in rare cases another dose three or four days after the first, he Avould have been saved.] Pressure in the throat as of a SAvelling, during and between the acts of deglutition. Constriction of the throat with imped- ed deglutition. Constriction of the throat. Inability to swallow. —130. Inability to swalloAv. He twice spit out a liquid Avhich had been introduced into his mouth. Hydrophobia. Intolerable thirst. Unquenchable thirst. Dread of drink.—135. Violent sweat after great thirst. After drinking he was now attacked with convulsions, noAv he did not recognize those present. He asks for drink, and is nevertheless unable to SAvalloAV. Fre- quent spitting of saliva.—140. Ptyalism. Ptyalism, tasting salt. Bloody saliva, with a bloody-sAveet taste (in a few hours). Want of appetite. Appetite and strength diminished day after day. Appetite and Gastric Symptoms :—145. Bitterness in mouth, in the morning ; but the food he took did not taste bitter, (a. 24 h.) Bitterness in mouth and bitter eructations. Frequent, tasteless eructations. Frequent, empty eructations. (a. ll h.) Unsuccessful desire to eructate ; incomplete eructa- tions for ten hours.—150. When pressing upon the pit of the stomach, he is attacked Avith nausea ; going off by stooping. (a. 1 h.) Nausea. Nausea and vertigo. Nausea, vomiting. Inclination to vomit.—155. Frequent vomiting. Vomiting of a profuse, Avhite, tenacious mucus. Watery vomiting, Avith vertigo. For some days he had great trouble to retain the food without throAving it up.—160. Tranquillity of mind after vomiting green bile and after copious sweats. Frequent hic- cough. Hiccough Avith spasms and rumbling in the abdomen. Violent hiccough two midnights in succession, Avith involun- tary micturition and foam at the mouth. Violent hiccough with costiveness.—165. Excessive hiccough with violent thirst in the night. Excessive, long-lasting hiccough after dinner, in the night. Headache after a meal, pressure in the temples and aching of the Avhole outer parts of the head. (a. 41 h.) As if intoxicated, immediately after a meal. The greatest number of symptoms, and the most violent come on after a meal.—170. Anguish soon after dinner as if some sad event were to happen to him.* (a. 6 h.) Frequent and con- tinual erections after a meal. (a. 5 h.) Tightness about the pit of the stomach. Stomach and Abdomen : Weakness of the stomach. Pain in the stomach. Sudden pressure above the pit of the stomach on the sternum after a meal. (a. x h.) Oppression of the stomach. Burning of the stomach. Inflammation of the HYOSCIAMUS NIGER. 157 stomach. Repletion in the region of the stomach, with a troublesome feeling of tightness in the abdomen, in the evening. —180. Colic. Pricking pain below the umbilicus Avhen Avalk- ing. DraAving pain in the intestines, (a. 9 h.) Pinching draw- ing in the abdomen, Avith emission of a quantity of flatulence. (a. 3 h.)—185. Pinching in the abdomen, (a. 26 h.) Colic, as if his abdomen would burst; he presses his fists into his sides. Flatulent colic in the epigastrium, with pressure ; his abdomen became distended in the evening after lying down. The abdominal'muscles are painful as if he had fallen upon them (when sitting). Puffiness of the abdomen, painful to the touch.—190. Rumbling in the abdomen, even during the di- arrhoea. Stool : Urgent desire for stool. Urgent desire for stool Avith sensation in the rectum as if diarrhoea Avould come on. (a. f h.) —195. Stool delaying three hours on the first day beyond the usual hour; on the second day it. takes place four hours before the usual hour. Frequent stool. Diarrhoea. One papescent stool, five hours before the usual time. (a. 11 h.) Copious papescent stool with scanty emission of urine, (a. 1 h.)—200. Loose stool, composed of small, thin pieces. Diarrhoea, day and night. Moderate, or mucous diarrhoea. Exhausting mu- cous diarrhoea.—205. Watery diarrhoea. Frequent expulsion of ascarides. Costiveness; hard stool covered Avith mucus and pain in the anus Avhile expelling the faeces, for five days in succession. Very hard stool, a few hours after the usual time. (a. 6 h.)—210. Difficult evacuations. Flowing haemorrhoids for eight days. Urinary Organs: Yellow urine, turbid already Avhile being emitted, afterwards depositing a Avhitish-gray sediment. (Frequent and urgent desire Avith scanty emission the first two days, on the third and folloAving days copious micturition.)— 215. Copious micturition Avith rumbling in the abdomen. Frequent emission-of urine clear as Avater; he urinated even at night, several times, contrary to his custom. Copious emis- sion of urine, sleep, perspiration, diarrhoea, and aftenvards cheerful mood. Enuresis. Difficult micturition.—220. Re- tention of urine. Profuse menses (hemorrhage from the ute- rus seems to be a primary effect of Hyosciamus, hence it will cure them, provided the other symptoms correspond). Profuse menses with delirium. Retarded menses.—225. Violent, al- most convulsive trembling of the hands and feet; she is almost raging during, the menses. Enuresis during the menses. Enu- resis and SAveat during the menses. Hysteric pain previous to the appearance of the menses.—230. An almost uninterrupted 153 HYOSCIAMUS NIGER. loud laughing previous to the appearance of the menses. Ap- pearance of the menses accompanied Avith severe headache; profuse SAveat and nausea. Erection and excitation of the genital organs Avithout any excitement of the fancy, (a. 1 h.) Impotence in a male (for two months). Catarrh, Chest: Fetid breath in the morning when rising ; he perceives it himself (a. 24 h.)—225. Frequent sneezing, (a. ll h.) Much mucus in the larynx and trachea, making the voice rough, (a. 1 h.) Asthma. Clawing in the upper part of the chest, troublesome but not painful, and increased neither by walking nor talking, (a. 6 h.) Difficulty of breathing.—240. Difficulty of breathing, Avith occasional raling. Tight feeling across the chest, as if occasioned by too great exertions in talking or running. Oppression of the chest, as if asthmatic, accompanied with strong palpitation of the heart, (a. 3 h.) Oppression of the chest, during which an internal stinging, more violent during an inspiration, (a. f h.) Pressure in the lower and right side of the chest, ac- companied with oppressive anxiety and shortness of breath when going up stairs, (a. 6 h.)—245. Pressure in the right side of the chest, near the xiphoid cartilage and the last true rib, Avith great oppression and anxiety, (a. 61 h.) Hard pressure with stitches in the chest, (a. 3 h.) Stitches in the side of the chest. Stitches in the right side. Dry, titillating cough, apparently originating in the trachea.—250. Dry, spasmodic, continued cough. Cough worse at night. Back: (Feeling of.warmth in the back) (immediately). Tension of the muscles of the back and chest near the shoul- der-joint, Avhen raising the arm, as if they Avere too short. (a. 6 h.) Pain in the back.—255. Repeated attacks of pain in the loins. Pain in the loins and SAvelling around the mal- leoli. Pricking pain in the loins and side Upper Extremities: Two pimples on the elbow, Avith sore pain Avhen touched. Pressure in the bend of theelboAv, when curbing the arm and holding it still, (a f h.) Dull pain in the wrist and elboAv-joint, spreading and decreasing during motion. Itching stitches in the flexor surface of the fore-arm. (a. 1 h.) Continuous pricking in the flexor side of the fore-arm. (a. 5 h.) Painful stupor of the hands. Rigor of the hands.—265. Ting- ling in the left hand, as if gone to sleep. Aching Avith draAving around the Avrist-joints and knuckles, (a. fh.); SA\Telling of the hands. DraAving Avith pressure in the inner borders of the fingers, during motion, (a. 11 h.) Lower Extremities : Sharp stitches Avith cramp-pain in the left glutei muscles, (a 5 h.)—270. Redness of the nates HYOSCIAMUS NIGER. 159 and feet. Boil on the left thigh. Stitching draAving in the thighs, Avorse when at rest. (a. 1 h.) Gangrenous spots and ves- icles, especially on the lower limbs, (a. 24 h.) Stiffness and faintnessintheknee-jointswhenwalkingintheopen air. (a. 3h.) —275. Faintness and Aveakness of the feet. Swelling of the feet. Pinching of the calves, (a.l h.) Stitching pinching in the region of the tibia, (a. 5 h.) Pinching-jerking pains in the feet.—280. The limbs go to sleep. Drawing tearing in the soles, mostly when at rest; disappearing by Avalking and reappearing when sitting down, (a 36 h.) General Symptoms : Rheumatic pains. Pain of the limbs and loins. Sharp, continued stitches in the joints of the arms and feet. (a. 1 h.)—285. Dull draAving pains in the joints, but more in the muscles and neighborhood of the joints. Lancinations in almost all the joints, especially during motion. (a. 3 h.) Pains in the limbs. The symptoms seem to be most marked in the evening. Itching, obliging one to scratch the skin until it bleeds.—290. Fine stitches through the tips of the fingers and through all the parts of the body, from within (in a few minutes). When applying the warm hand to any part of the body, the back, arms, etc., he'felt a veiy painful warmth in that part, lasting a long Avhile (a. a few hours.) Large pustules on the skin, clustering in various places, from the region above the hips to the knees, looking like confluent small-pox ; they do not contain any fluid, ahd peel off in four days. (a. 3 d.) Alternate appearance and disappearance of brown spots on the Avhole body. Herpetic spots on the nape of the neck.—295. Obstinate dropsy. Swelling. Weakness. Aver- sion to exercise and labor. • Fits and Weakness: Weariness, faintness of the Avhole body.—300. When walking in the open air, he shortly becomes hot and Aveak. (a. 12 h.) Staggering. Uncommon sinking of strength, (a. 4 h.) Weakness ; he is scarcely able to stand upon his legs, and seems constantly inclined to fall. Chronic Aveak- ness of the feet—305. General loss of strength, Avith trembling of the whole body and extreme coldness of the extremities, until fainting Avas about setting in. Fainting fits. Repeated fainting fits. Death-like fainting. Sm:ep: Lying down in silence.. Drowsiness, (a. 2 h.) In the morning he sIioavs an excessiAre Avakefulness as if from weakness ; in the afternoon droAVsiness, relaxation and irreso- luteness. [Excessive Avakefulness, s. (327) to (334,) (419) to (422) is an alternate effect of drowsiness and sleep ; excessive wakefulness appears to be the principal primary effect.] Sleep for two days.—315. Sleeps for three days. Deep sleep. Long, deep sleep. Soft sleep.—320. Quiet sleep, Avith profuse sweat 160 HYOSCIAMUS NIGER. and frequent micturition. SAveat during sleep (almost no SAveat when not asleep). Excessive drowsiness. Inability to open the eyelids from drowsiness. Deep slumber.—325. Long slumber. Cornea vigil. Sleepless nights. Falls' asjeep too late. Sleeplessness.—330. Sleeplessness occasioned by mod- erate cheerfulness. Although he had fallen asleep long after midnight, nevertheless he Avoke very early, feeling exceedingly cheerful and vigorous. Frequent Avakkig in the night as if he Avere disturbed or had already slept enough, two nights in succes- sion. HeAvas unable to sleep in the night; whether he laid on this or that side, he Avas unable to find rest; he only slept a little before daybreak, but he became covered with sweat during that short sleep, especially on the neck. (a. 5 h.)—335. Nightly sleeplessness with convulsions and concussions occasioned as if by fright. Frightful dreams. In the .evening shortly before going to sleep he has anxious dreams about furious cats assail- ing him. (a. 46 h.) • He wakes from his sleep -without any apparent cause, Avith a scream. Sleep, interrupted by grinding of teeth.—340. Suffocative snoring Avhen taking an inspiration, Avhile asleep, (a. 14 h.) Starting from sleep. When asleep he talks about Avar. Lascivious dreams the first two nights, Avithout emission, although the genital organs are excited. Fits : Apoplexy Avith snoring.—345. Hemiplegia. Sud- den falling. Sudden falling Avith a cry and convulsions [(a. a few minutes) from fomenting the head Avith a decoction of Hyosciamus]; he is stiff ail over, as in tetanus. Slight con- vulsive motion now of the upper, now the lower limbs.—350. Convulsive movements. In his convulsions he stamps with one foot after the other. Convulsions.—385. The limbs be- come spasmodically curbed, and the curbed body is jerked into the air. Excessive tossing of the body by convulsions. Con- vulsions Avith foam at the mouth. Convulsions Avith clenching of the thumbs. Epilepsy (of two boys, from eating the seed, one of the boys dying in a couple of hours).—360. Slight epileptic fits, alternating Avith paroxysms of apoplexy. Suhsultus ten- dinum. Spasms with Avatery diarrhoea and enuresis. Spasms, diarrhoea, and coldness of the whole body. Fever : Chilliness and shivering over the Avhole body, with hot face and cold hands, without thirst (a. 1 h.) and recurring the next day. (a. 24 h.) Violent and long chilliness in the evening, Avith restless sleep, folloAved by copious SAveat. After the lapse of tAvelve minutes, the number of pulsations began to decrease, and from 85 finally fell to 59, the pulsations being very small (from four grains of resinous extract in a healthy man of 24 years). Small, Aveak pulse. Weak, irregu- HYOSCIAMUS NIGER. 161 lar pulse.—370. Hard pulse. Small, quick, intermittent pulse. Stronger pulse, Quick, full, strong pulse Increased circula- tion, for twelve hours.—375. Distended veins of the Avhole body. Burning heat in the whole internal body. External, burning heat of the whole body, no redness. In the evening, great heat over the whole body, with much thirst, putrid taste and much mucus in the mouth ; the lips adhere to one another. The skin of the whole body is inflamed and looks like cinna- bar (shortly after the heat).—380. Exhalation. Copious sweats. Increasing sweat. Excessive sweat.—385. General sweat, especially on the thighs and legs, for tAvo days. (a. 24 h.) Sour sweat. Sweat with faintness and dullness of sense. Cool sweat. Moral Symptoms : Dullness of feeling, unfeeling indo- lence.—390. He comes near losing his senses. (Boerhaave, from the vapor of Hyosc.) Senseless .and heavy. Complete stupefaction. Does not know his relatives. Sits immovable in his bed deprived of his senses, like a statue.—395. Complete loss of sense. Imbecility. Imbecility and constant sopor.— 400. Amentia. Insanity. Insanity with diarrhoea. Highest mental derangement. Says absurd things.—405. They prate about all those things that a prudent man would have kept se- cret. Mutters to himself, exhausted. He talks more than usual, and more animatedly and hurriedly. Absurd laughter.—410. When reading he intermixes the matter with improper words and speeches. He says absurd things. Mutters to himself ab- surd things. Mental derangement, with occasional muttering. —415. Incoherent words. Grasping at flocks and muttering. Delirium. Delirium, as in acute fever. Mental exaltation, with almost constant delirium (from an injection of Hyosciamus).— 420. Excessive animation, restlessness, hurriedness. Excessive activity; he imagined himself more vigorous than he really was. (a. 2, 8,4 h.) A thousand fancies are hovering before his mind. Takes men for hogs. Stupor, manifesting itself by Avords and deeds.—425. He knew not what he was about. Foolish actions. He sings amorous and obscene songs. Wants to travel and prates while preparing for the journey. Prates while preparing for the wedding.—430. A peculiar feeling of mobility. Dances. They (a whole family) perform all sorts of ludicrous actions, like monkeys (from the eating of the root). He makes ridiculous gesticulations, like a dancing fool. De- means himself like a drunkard.—435. Gesticulates. Gesticu- lates like the fool in a comedy. Acts as if he were cracking nuts. Acts as if he had to chase peacocks. He gropes without knowing Avhither he is going.—440. He feels on his head, in vol. ii. 12 162 IGNATIA AMARA. his face, on the nose, and moves his hands over the bed, as when picking at the bed-clothes. He embraces the stove and wants to climb upon it, as on a tree. They exclaimed that the objects near them would fall, and grasped at them. They ran with wild, open eyes against all those things that were in their way. Rage as if possessed by the devil.—445. He uncovers his whole body. He lies in his bed naked and delirious. In his insanity he roves about naked, wrapt in fur, in the heat of summer. Ludicrously solemn acts, mingled with rage, dressed in an improper garment (dressed in a priest's gown over his shirt, and in fur-stockings he Avants to go to the church for the purpose of preaching and officiating at mass, and furiously at- tacks those Avho endeavor to prevent him). Labored breathing with constant, burning heat and cries, and making violent mo- tions with the hands.—450. Extremely lively and humorous on the first day ; on the second day out of humor and dispos- ed to quarrel. Alternations of ease and rage. Mania ; he can scarcely be governed. He is extremely strong in his rage. Raging and naked day and night, sleepless and screaming.— 455. Insulting speeches, quarrel, dispute. He beats people.— 460. Indomitable rage. He attacks men with a knife. He attempts to murder those in his way. Peevish, sad (second day). —465. Low spirits, sadness. Restlessness. Went from place to place (for two days). Anguish—470. Fits of anxiety. Horrid anguish. Concussive startings alternating with trembling and convulsions. He complains of having been poisoned. Strange fear that he will be bit by animals.—475. Peevish, sad, despairing. Despairing, he Avants to drown himself. Chronic fearfulness. Impatient: thought he would die when obliged to wait for something unimportant. IGNATIA AMARA. (When the mortar is kept in very hot water, and by this means re- mains moderately warm, this drug (as well as Nux Vomica) may be easily reduced to a fine powder, without its medicinal virtues being in the least injured.) The characteristic properties of this drug will be found in- dicated in my remarks thereon. Owing to the power it possesses of producing alternate ef- fects in quick succession, Ignatia is especially adapted to the IGNATIA AMARA. 163 treatment of several acute diseases, as may be seen from the symptoms it produces. It may be considered a polychrest. Generally its action lasts only a few days ; however, in certain constitutions and conditions it is incapable of bringing on evacuatory processes ; in such cases I have seen it act nine days. It is very seldom useful in the treatment of chronic af- fections, and can only be used in such cases as an intermediate remedy. One of the characteristics of Ignatia, which very few other re- medies possess, is this, that it produces a double order of symp- toms antipathic one to the other. In giving Ignatia, that series of symptoms Avhich is antipathic to the disease itself, may, from a cause unknown, be brought into action, and, although palliating the disease at first, may aggravate it afterwards ; in this case a second dose will effect the cure. The necessity of administering a second dose occurs very rarely ; the first dose generally does all the good required, provided the remedy'was exactly homoeopathic to the symptoms. In case it should have been administered in too large a dose and should have produced an excess of sensibility, susceptibility or hurriedness, etc., coffee is the antidote ; but in cases where it had been exhibited,Avithout being homoeopathic to the dis- ease, its effects may be antidoted by Pulsatilla, Chamomilla, and sometimes by Cocculus, Arnica, Camphora, or vinegar. Although the effects of Ignatia are very similar to those of Nux v. (Avhich similarity does indeed point to a botanic affinity of both plants), nevertheless those tAvo drugs correspond to very different conditions, were it only for this reason, that the temperament of those patients for whom Ignatia is indicated, is very different from that of those who are more favorably acted upon by Nux v. Ignatia is not suitable for persons or diseases characterized by anger, vehemence, etc., but by sud- den alternations of cheerfulness and disposition to Aveep or by those other moral conditions Avhich Ignatia realizes in the healthy body,.provided, of course, that the physical symptoms likeAvise correspond. Ignatia, even a high potency thereof, is a chief remedy against the evil effects of chagrin in persons Avho are not in the habit of breaking out into vehemence or of seeking revenge, but who keep their chagrin concealed and dwell upon it in their recollections. Epileptic fits which only break out after chagrin or grief about a moral Avrong (and never appear from any other cause), may be prevented by Ignatia, but it is \-ery improbable whether epileptic fits of a different kind may be, or ever have been cured by that drug; in those cases at least, |64 IGNATIA AMARA. which are said to have been cured by Ignatia, it has always been given in combination with other drugs, or the cure had not been completed. A first attack of epilepsy, brought on by some contrary event, and assuming a threatening aspect either on account of its duration or instantaneous return, may be, in most cases, permanently cured by one small dose of the tincture of Igna- tia (I know this from experience); but it is different as regards chronic epileptic fits; these can no more than other chronic diseases be permanently relieved by Ignatia. The reason is, that the primary symptoms of Ignatia constitute a double series antipathic the one to the other, and being reproduced in the treatment of disease. If the first dose act by its series corresponding to the disease, a second dose cannot be adminis- tered without aggravating the disease, realizing in this manner all the injurious secondary effects of a palliative. Hence it is that Ignatia can only be used in sudden attacks and acute diseases. Ignatia should be administered in the morning, except in cases of necessity ; if taken just before bed-time, it disturbed the night's rest. It is seldom necessary to give more than a drop of the ninth or twelfth potency at a dose. FROM NOACK AND TRINKS: Ignatia may be given for excessive mobility of children ; spasms of children; eclampsia of children from abuse of chamomile; spasms of children in the period of dentition; twitching of the corners of the mouth, spasmodic sudden movement of the muscles of the cheeks, forehead, eyelids and eyeballs (except when these are immovable and wide open), foam at the mouth, injuring the tongue by biting it, trismus, jerking of the arms, less frequently of the feet, the attack (which comes on frequently) being followed by sweat and so- por, and sometimes delirium and involuntary emission of urine ; epileptic convulsions of children ; convulsions of chil- dren with foam at the mouth, in consequence of influenza. Hysterical spasms : contraction of the oesophagus, difficult deglutition with eructation like hiccough, constriction of the chest, spasms of the upper and lower limbs with but half con- sciousness and trembling of the head, aching, drawing pain in the forehead and occiput, with red countenance, lachrymation and diminished vision, deep sighing and sopor; hysteric fits after previous anxiety and shrieking for help owing to suffoca- tive oppression of the chest, involuntary raising one's self into IGNATIA AMARA. 165 the air ; drawing the head backward between the shoulders, loss of consciousness, clenching of the right hand and striking the chest with great force ; afterwards stretching, and termina- tion of the fit in a deep sigh. Chronic spasms commencing and ending with yawning and stretching. Convulsions with vomiting, lasting from two to eight days. Consequences of fright and chagrin : trismus, convulsions, opisthotonus, epilep- sy. Acute rheumatism, with vertigo and vibrations before the eyes, a sort of violent pressure in the forehead, Avith boring lancinations deep in the brain, eyes somewhat red and aching, agglutination of the lids, dryness of the nose, vio- lent pain as if sprained from the axilla to the fingers, complete paralysis of the arms, some thirst, Avant of appetite, quick, weak pulse, great heat especially of the head, heat and dry- ness of the body with some sweat on the forehead, rare, hard stool with tenesmus, nausea with restlessness and great an- guish and nightly sleeplessness owing to the pains; chronic rheumatism, with violent bruised pain in the joint of the uppei arm when bending it backwards, violent stitching in that joint when turning the arm inwards and indescribable pain in the bones of the arm as if broken, relieved by resting upon the af- fected part. Soreness of children from abuse of chamomile. Remittent fevers approximating to the intermittent type In- termittent fevers : chills with thirst; heat without thirst; chilliness with or without external coldness (see Boenninghau- sen's Essay on intermittent fevers by Dr. Hempel). Intermit- tent fevers, first tertian then quartan. Relapse into a tertian fever from eating salad. Intermittent fevers, recurring eveiy seven days. Consequences of deep rooted emotions, especially grief: Melancholy and fixed mania occasioned by fright, an- guish, grief, despairs of her salvation, imagines she has been faithless to her husband, weeping, amenorrhoea, tenseness of the abdomen, cold hands and feet, constipation, the paroxysms being preceded by spasms, and accompanied by redness of face, uneasiness, running with the head against the wall, etc. (in conjunction with Sulphur, Rhus, Veratrum).—Headache, as if a nail were pressed into the head; hemicrania, clavus hystericus. Violent neuralgia of the head (next to Bell, and Hyose). Painful pressure in the left side of the forehead, every morning until ten o'clock. Simple but violent ophthalmia, being, according to some, scrofula mucosa, according to others a mere irritation. Photophobia, no inflammation being perceptible on the surface of the eye, but there being pressure in the eyeball and increased secretion of tears. Violent lancinating pains in the temples and eyes after operations on the eyes. Congestive 166 IGNATIA AMARA. toothache from grief or suppressed chagrin ; violent toothache of hysteric females, the tooth not being always holloAV ; throb- bing toothache in persons who drink much coffee (also Nux, Aeon., Cham., Puis.; coffee relieves throbbing toothache in those Avho are not used to coffee); toothache in persons who Avake up Avith a headache as if the brain were crushed or dashed to pieces, and in Avhom this ache moves into a tooth after rising from bed, the teeth becoming painful as if loose and numb and not even bearing the contact of the tongue ; the pain begins tOAvards the end of a meal, increases afterwards, and is especially characterized by a sudden pulling and digging-up in the cuspidati.—Globus hystericus.—Sore throat; malignant sore throat being a vicarious affection for scarlatina, the chil- dren complaining of a plug in the throat and bleeding at the nose: tonsillitis, little ulcers on the tonsils, red and inflamed cavity of the cheeks, stinging pain in the throat especially Avhen SAvallowing, the stitches extending into the ear, scurf and eruption on the lips, parotitis, the gland being affected with a stinging pain but painless when pressed upon, hard stool, urine like loam water, etc. Nervous dyspepsia. Gastric symptoms, from chagrin. Chronic gastritis. Cardialgia with nervous headache. Burning pain in the stomach, with a fine pain in the pit of the stomach, which is sensitive to pressure, with an empty and Aveak feeling in that part, etc. Painless diarrhoea, especially at night, accompanied with noisy flatulence, in children Avho incline to start. Prolapsus recti; ulcerated hae- morrhoidal tumors. Periodical haematuria. Uterine spasms, with cramp-pain in the groin, at times pressing from without iriAvards, at times from Avithin outAvards, arresting the breath- ing, with qualmishness in the pit of the stomach, the pain being relieved by pressure and the recumbent posture. Spasms during parturition (also Hyose, Cham., Cie, Bell.). Prema- ture and profuse menstruation in a sensitive nursing female, preceded and accompanied by heaviness and heat in the head, violent aching pain in the forehead, sensitiveness of the eyes to the light, tingling in the ears, want of appetite, emptiness of the stomach, contractive pain in the abdomen, palpitation of the heart, faintness of the extremities; metrorrhagia after the abuse of chamomile. Coryza in nervous persons, Avith general hysteric irritability and dull pain in the forehead. Permanent boring pain in the loAver part of the sternum and sensation in that part as if a hard body had been swallowed, it is felt also at night and increased by eructation and sitting up. Nightly fits of anguish. Periodical spasmodic asthma. IGNATIA AMARA. 167 IGNATIA AMARA. Head : Heat in the head. Sensation of hollowness and emptiness in the head. Weak fallacious memory, (before the 8 and 10 h.) A sort of vertigo; a kind of balancing to and fro.—5. Heaviness of the head. (a. 4, 6 h.) His head in- clines forward, (6, 7, 9, 13, are primary alternate effects of 10, 11, 12, of almost equal rank.) He lays his forehead upon the table. Sensation as if the head were full of blood ; and the interior of the nose is very sensitive to the air, as is' the case when the nose is about to bleed. Heaviness of the head, as if filled with too much blood as after stooping too long, a wide tearing pain in the occiput, diminishing when lying upon the back (see note to 458), increasing when sitting up, but being most relieved by stooping with the head very low while sitting. —10. Headache increased by stooping, (a. 1 h.) Headache coming on suddenly after stooping, but going off again after raising the head. (a. 15 h.) Violent headache in the morn- ing, Avhen waking and opening the eyes, going off by rising. (a. 40 h.) Headache immediately after the siesta ; general pres- sure through the whole of the brain as if there Avere too much brain, or loo much blood in the head, increased by reading or writing, (a. 20 h.) Tearing headache in the forehead and behind the left ear, being made tolerable by lying uptfn the back, increasing by raising the head, with heat and redness of the cheeks and heat of the hands, (a. 5 h.)—15. Tearing headache after midnight, Avhen lying upon one side, going oft' by lying upon the back. (s. note to 458.) Jerking pain in the head when ascending an elevation. Jerking headache, in- creasing Avhen opening the eyes. (a. 1 h.) Aching in the forehead over the root of the nose, obliging him to incline the head f followed by inclination to vomit, (a. 5 h.) Cramp- like headache over the root of the nose, in the region of the inner canthus of the eye. (a. 3 h.)—20.' Aching and somewhat drawing pain above the right orbit, near the root of the nose, in creased by stooping low. (a. 10 h.) Headache^ as if something hard were being pressed on the surf ace of the brain, recurring in paroxyms. (a. 6 h.) (Compare note to 191. This kind of headache, and almost all the other kinds of headache pro- * This sort of inclining, and that indicated in 9, are alternate effects of the inclining indicated in 10, 11, 20. This latter hurtful inclining ap- pears to deserve the greater consideration as a remedial quality of Ignatia, and seems to be more frequent and stronger. 168 IGNATIA AMARA. duced by Ignatia, are speedily and homcepathically removed by coffee.) Pressure in the temples, sometimes accompanied by a deep sleep. Headache, as if the temples Avere being pressed out. (s. 23. 24. 25. The pain in the temples pressing from within outwards, and the pain as if the head Avould burst, are analogous to the bursting in the intestines, 189, to the sore throat, 101, and also to symptoms 110 and 191, inasmuch as the internal feeling as of being compressed and constricted, and the feeling as of being pressed asunder, may be easily confounded with one another. At any rate the pressing asunder is an al- ternate effect of the constriction in holloAV organs, 246, 247, 307, 235, 338, 339, 343.) When lying in bed on one or the other side in the morning, furious headache as if pressing through the temples, relieved by lying upon the back. (a. 48 h.) (s. note to 458.) Aching in one hemisphere of the brain, when Avalking in the open air, increased by talking and reflect- ing, (a. 2 h.) Talking aloud excites a headache as if the head would burst, going off entirely when reading to himself or writing, (a. 48 h.) The headache is increased by talking. The headache is increased by reading and by listening to the speaker with intense attention, but not by merely reflecting in himself, (a. 6 h.) Beating (jerking) headache. (This kind of headache is very often felt in one side of the occiput, a few hours after taking the medicine)—30. Beating in the head, over the right orbit. Headache at every pulsation. Pain in the outer parts of the head ; the head is painful when feeling it. Pain in the outer parts of the head ; it extends from the temples to over the orbits ; when touching the parts they feel painful as if bruised. Headache as if bruised, (a. 8 h.) —35. When waking in the morning, headache as if the brain Avere dashed to pieces ; when rising the pain goes off and is converted into a toothache, as if the nerve were crushed and dashed to atoms ; afterwards the pain passes into the small of the back in a similar form; the headache is brought back again by reflecting. (Falling off of the hair.) (a. 36 h.) Eyes : In the evening the inner part of the upper eyelid is painful, as if it Avere too dry. In the evening when reading, one of his eyes feels dim, as if containing a tear Avhich he ought to wipe off; nevertheless there is no water in it. Pain in the outer canthus, like soreness, when closing the eyelids.—40. In the morning the eyelids adhere to one another, by purulent mucus ; when opening them, the eyes are dazzled by the light. Lancinatioiis in the outer canthus ; agglutination of the eyes in the morning, and lachrymation in the afternoon. Agglutina- tion of the eyelids in the morning; pressure in the eye, as of a IGNATIA AMARA. 169 grain of sand; stinging in the eyes when opening the eyelids. (a 36 h.) Gnawing smarting in the borders of the eyelids (in the morning when reading), (a. 18. h.) Smarting in the outer canthi. (a. 24 h.)—45. Pimples around the sore eye (a. 2 h.) Itching in the inner eye. (a. 2 h.) Itching of the eyeballs in the inner canthus. (a. 4 h.) (Stitches in the right eye.) Cannot bear the glare of the light, (a. 8 h.) (Compare 40.)—50. Dim- sightedness of the right eye after the siesta, as if a gauze Avere spread over the eye. (a. 6 h.) A circle of Avhite, shining, flickering zigzags Avhen looking out of the line of vision ; the letters at which one looks, becoming invisible, and those which are close by, becoming so much more bright, (a. 16 h.) (52,53, are two alternate effects Avhich are very much like Herz's so called false vertigo.) White, zigzag-shaped vibrations out of the line of vision, shortly after dinner, (a. 30 h.) Contraction of the pupils. (54—57, alternate effects ; the contraction seems to occur first, and deserves therefore the greater consideration.) —55. The pupils are more susceptible of dilatation than con- traction (afterwards). The pupils are dilated, and are more susceptible of dilatation. Face and Ears : Fine stitches in the cheeks. (Feels a beating in the interior of the ear.—60. Tingling in the ears. Pain in the interior of the ear. Stitches in the interior of the ear. (a. 3 h.) Itching in the meatus auditorius. (a. 3 h.) Music excites a most pleasant sensation in the ear. (a. 2 h.) (64, 65, alternate effects.)—65. Insensible to music. (a. 30 h.) Stinging in the lips, especially when moving them. (a. i h.) Stitches in the lower lip, even Avhen not moved. (a. 8 h.) Excessively intense, fine stitching in the loAver lip, when touching a hair of the beard in that part, as if a splinter were being stuck in. (a. 8 h.) (Compare 399.) Pain of the inner surface of the lower lip, as if sore and raw. (a. 8, 10 h.) 70. Ulceration of the inner surface of the lower lip (no pain). Ulceration of a gland in the inner surface of the loAver lip, with sore pain. (a. 4 h.) The lips bleed and crack. Ulce- ration of one of the corners of the lips. (a. 2 h.)—75. Pimples close below the lower lip, painful only when touched, (a. 36 h.) Jaws and Teeth : Pain of the inner side of the gums, as if numb, or as if burnt. (76, 77, 78, 79 appear to be second- ary effects.) In the morning the teeth are painful, as if loose One of the fore teeth is painful, as if numb and loose ; the pain increases at every contact with the tongue The teeth are loose and painful.—80. Seated sore pain in the anterior molares, especially when reading, (a. 3 h.) Pain of the molares, as if dashed to pieces and crushed, together with their nerves. The toothache commences towards the end of a meal, and increases 170 IGNATIA AMARA. after the meal. Violent and sudden griping and digging-up pains in the cuspidati, in the evening, (a. 1 h.) Pain in the joint of the lower jaw, in the morning Avhen lying down. Mouth, Pharynx, and GEsophagus : The anterior half of the tongue feels numb when talking; it feels burnt and sore Avhen eating. In the morning when Avaking, the tip of the tongue is extremely painful (smarting, tearing), as if sore or burnt. Fine stinging in the very tip of the tongue, (a. 2 h.) When talking or chewing he easily bites one side of the tongue, (a. 5, 8, 20 h.)—90. Painful swelling of the orifice of the stenonian duct. Sensation in the velum pendulum palati, as if sore (as from too frequent swallowing of the saliva). (Compare 102, 104, 105.) Sensation as if the velum pendu- lum palati were swollen or covered Avith tenacious mucus, (a. 4 h.)—95. Stinging in the throat between the acts of degluti- tion ; sensation Avhen SAvalloAving as if one sAvallowed over a lump causing a cracking noise (a. 3 h.) (Whether Ignatia produce a stinging during deglutition as an alternate effect of 95, I know not; I have never seen it, and it must therefore be very rare and of very little practical utility. For this reason I have never been able to cure sore throat with stinging during deglutition, even if all the other symptoms corresponded to Ignatia, whereas the cure always took place in a short space of time, and permanently, when the stinging occurred between the acts of deglutition.) Stinging during deglutition, deep in the pharynx, going off by continued swallowing, and returning when ceasing to swallow. Stinging sore throat, except when swallowing.—100. Sensation as of a plug being in the throat, perceptible betAveen the acts of deglutition. Strangulating (contractive) sensation in the middle of the fauces (in the eve- ning), as if a large lump Avere lodged in the throat, which is more distinct betAveen than during the acts of swallowing, (a. 4 h.) (See note to 23.) Sensation as of a lump being lodged in the throat, Avith sore pain when swallowing, (a. 16 h.)* Pres- sure in the throat. Pain of the inner throat, as if sore and raw. (a. 11 h.)—105. Pain in the throat as if sore, only during deglutition. Tearing pain in the region of the larynx, increas- ing when swallowing, taking an inspiration, or coughing, (a. 11 h.) Creeping in the pharynx, (a. 1, 2 h.) Stinging in one side of the throat, in the parotid gland, between the acts of de- * Comp. 105. The angina of Ignatia causes a swelling of the throat as if a lump were lodged in it; this lump feels sore only during de- glutition. Natural angina, which is to be cured by Ignatia, must be characterized by similar symptoms. IGNATIA AMARA. 171 glutition. (a. 20 h.) Pain in the throat Avhen touching it, as if the glands were swollen.—110. Aching pain of the submaxillary glands. Pain in the submaxillary gland as if pressed upon from without (when moving the neck and when holding it still. See note to 23). Pain in the submaxillary gland after walking in the open air. Pain in the submaxillary gland when moving the neck. (a. 18 h.) Aching pain, and aftenvards drawing pain in the submaxillary glands, (a. 4 h.)—115. Drawing pain in the submaxillary glands; the pain moves into the jaw. whereupon the glands begin to swell, (a. 5 h.) Taste and Appetite : Taste in the mouth, as of a spoiled stomach. The mouth is always full of mucus. Fetid mucus in the mouth when waking.—120. After breakfast and dinner he has a Avatery, flat taste in the mouth, as if the stomach were spoiled. Nourishment, especially beer, has a putrid taste. Beer intoxicates one readily, (a. 3 h.)—125. The taste is at first bitter, and in ten hours sour, with sour eructations. Sour taste of saliva (sour taste in the mouth). (a. 1, 6 h.) Aversion to sour things (first hour). Appetite for sour things, (a. 10 h.) (128, 131 are alternate effects of 127, 130, 215.) Aversion to wine.—130. Aversion to fruit, it does not agree with one. (a. 3 h.) Desire for fruit, and it agrees with one. (a. 3, 10, 20 h.) Excessive aversion to smoking. (a. 6 h.) Tobacco tastes bitter, (a. 5 h.) Tobacco-smoke causes a smarting sensation in the tip of the tongue and causes a dull pain in the cuspidati.—135. Aversion to smoking, although tobacco has no disagreeable taste, (a. 2,5 h.) Aver- sion to tobacco, as if he had smoked enough. Hiccough from smoking, in a practised smoker. Inclination to vomit, from smoking, in a practised smoker. Complete Avant of appetite for tobacco, food, drink, with frequent conflux of saliva ; nevertheless those things are not repulsive to him, nor do they taste badly, (a. 8 h.)—140. When smoking in the afternoon, he feels so satiated that he thinks he shall not be able to eat any supper. Aversion to milk (which Avas his favorite bever- age) ; it is repulsive to him while drinking it, although it has a natural taste and does not cause nausea. After having tasted a little milk (his favorite beverage) with great pleasure and having satisfied the immediate craving, the remainder of the milk suddenly becomes repulsive to him, although it has its natural taste and does not cause nausea. Was unable to swallow the bread, as if it had been too dry.—145. Aversion to warm food, and meat; desires butter, cheese and bread, (a. 96 h.) Aversion to meat, and desire for some fruit, (a.24 h.) (Comp. 128, 131.) Want of appetite, (from 1 to 7 h.) Good 172 IGNATIA AMARA. appetite; relishes food and drink, (a. 4 h.) (Curative effect.) Great appetite. (This kind of canine hunger appears to be an alternate effect of 139, 141, 142, 143, 144, 147, but is more rare.)—150. When eating, drinking or smoking, these things, as soon as the urgent desire for them has been satisfied, suddenly lose their relish, or even become disagreeable, and he is no longer able to partake of them, although he feels yet hungry. Gastric Symptoms : Gulping up of a bitter fluid. (Al- ternate effect of 154.) Regurgitation of the ingesta. [The following symptom which has not been noted in the text, is related to No. 152 : Long after-taste of the milk which had been drunk in the morning, (a. 21 h.) ] After eating some- thing at dinner, she feels as if the food remained lodged above the cardiac orifice of the stomach and could not get into that organ. In the evening before going to sleep, and in the morn- ing, the food seems to reach up into the throat, (a. 2, 15 h.)— 155. Waking at three o'clock in the night he feels hot all over, and he throAvs up his supper. Empty, unsuccessful inclina- tion to vomit. The inclination to vomit disappears after a meal. (a. 2 h.) After breakfast a sort of anxiety arises from the abdomen, (a. 20 h.) At supper his feet felt chilly and his abdomen became distended (and he became quite hoarse).— 160. Distention of the abdomen after a meal. After a meal the abdomen becomes distended. After a meal the abdomen becomes distended, the mouth dry and bitter, without thirst; one of the cheeks is red (evening). Anxiety and painful ful- ness in the abdomen after supper, (a. 36 h.) Scraping in the upper part of the region of the larynx, as if caused by heartburn (eve- ning), (a. 8h.) Empty eructations, as if of mere air. (a. 2h.)— 165. Eructations tasting of the ingesta (immediately). Sour eruc- tations. Musty, mouldy eructations (evening). (Suppressed eructations, in the morning when in bed, causing a painful pressure in the region of the orifice of the stomach, and in the oesophagus up into the pharynx.) (a. 48 h.) Frequent spitting. (Comp. 169, 170, 171 with 199, 247.)—170. The saliva flows from the mouth while one sleeps, (a. 1 h.) Spitting of foamy saliva the whole day. Hiccough after eating or drinking. (a. 3 and 8 h.) (172,173 to compare with 137.) Hiccough m the evening after drinking, (a. 6 h.) Burning in the surface of the tongue (immediately). Stomach : Cold stomach. Burning in the stomach, (a. 1 h.) Sensation in the stomach as if one had been fasting long, as if the stomach were empty, with flat taste in the mouth and faintness in all the limbs. (Alternate effect of 160, 161, 162.) IGNATIA AMARA. 173 He has an appetite and relishes his food ; yet he has a qualm- ish taste in his mouth, as one sometimes has before breakfast; there is a sensation as of fasting in the region of the stomach and the body feels Aveak. Qualmishness of the stomach ; stomach and bowels feel as if hanging down relaxed, (a. 24 h.)—180. Peculiar feeling of weakness in the epigastrium and pit of the stomach, (a. 2 h.) (Comp. 222 and 485. This feeling of weakness in the region of the scrobiculus cordis is a characteristic symptom of Ignatia.) Pressure in the pit of the stomach. Fine stinging in the region of the stomach. Abdomen : Painful pricking jerks in slow succession in the epigastrium and the pit of the stomach, (a. 1 h.) Severe, afterwards fine stinging in the pit of the stomach, (a. 1 h.)— 185. Pain in the pit of the stomach, which is felt only when touching it, as if the parts within were sore. Pain in the epigas- trium, as if strained. Pressure in both sides of the epigastrium or the hypochondria. Sharp, pinching pressure in the pit of the stomach and the right hypochondrium. (a. 1 h.) Colicky pain in the epigastrium as if the intestines would burst, almost like pain in the stomach, extending as high up as the throat, in the morning Avhen in bed, when lying on one side; the pain goes off in the recumbent posture, (a. 40 h.) (Comp. 15, 24 and note to 458.)—190. Colic : contractive pain from both sides, close below the ribs. (a. x h.) Constrictive sensation in the hypochondria, as in constipation, with hemicrania as if a nail were pressed into the brain, in the morning, (a. 20 h.) (The ancients named this kind of headache clavus. It is a pain characteristic of Ignatia : a pressure as of a sharp, pointed body, likeAvise indicated in Nos. 245, 335, 356; the " pressure as with a hard body," 21, 458, appears to belong under this class of symptoms.) Spasmodic flatulent colic in the epigas- trium, in the evening when going to sleep and in the morning when waking, (a. 8 h.) Colic : continual pain in the boAvels as if bruised, in the morning when in bed. Sensation in the umbilical region as of something living existing there, (a. 8 h.)—195. Easy emission of flatulence, (a. x h.) (The con- trary, is generally a secondary effect.) Nightly flatulent colic. Flatulent colic with stitches towards the chest. Flatulent colic in the hypogastrium, in the morning; causing stitches in the direction of the chest and sides. (Comp. 219.) Flatulent colic above the umbilicus, alternating with frequent conflux of saliva in the mouth, (a. 1 h.) (Comp. 169, 170, 171, 247.)— 200. Emission of a quantity of flatulence in the night, even while asleep, and formation of new flatulence, so that the whole abdomen seems to be filled with nothing but flatulence 174 IGNATIA AMARA. Much trouble from flatulence, it presses upon the bladder, (a. 96 h.) Insufficient short fetid flatus, Avhich have to be expelled partly by bearing down Avith the abdominal muscles, (a. 24 and 30 h.) Puffiness immediately after a meal. (Alternate effect of 204.) Frequent emission of flatulence immediately after a meal. (a. 26 h.)—205. Loud rumbling in the abdo- men after a meal. Grunting in the abdomen, as Avhen a man is hungry, (a. 1 h.) Rumbling in the bowels. Throbbing in the abdomen. Itching in the umbilicus, (a. 21 h.)—210. Oppression and cutting in the abdomen. Cutting colic imme- diately after a meal, resulting in flatulence, (a. 4 h.) Contin- uous pinching in a small place in the right abdomen, in the region of the coecum, especially when walking in the open air. (a. 4 h.) Pinching puffiness in the whole of the abdomen shortly after a meal, only when standing and worse when walking, becoming intolerable by continued walking Avithout the pinching appearing to be produced by flatulence; when sitting still, the pain soon passes off, without emission of flatu- lence, (a. 4 h.)—215. Pinching with pressure in the abdomen after eating ever so little fruit, especially when standing or walking, going off when sitting. Pinching colic in all the bowels, even long before or after a meal, when walking in the open air. Painful stinging below the umbilicus (from 1 to 2 hours). Colic, first pinching, afterwards stitching, in one of the sides of the abdomen, (a. 2, 10 h.) Pinching colic in the umbilical region, the pain afterwards passing into the left side of the chest, composed of pinching and fine stinging.—220. Pinching in the abdomen, (a. 1 h.) Pinching colic in the open air, as if colic would come on. Drawing and pinching in the abdomen, resulting in a pressing sensation in the rectum, with qualmishness and weakness in the pit of the stomach and paleness of countenance, (a. 48 h. two days previous to her menses.) (Comp. 180 and 485.) (Tearing pain in the abdo- men.) Stitching, jerking pain in the left groin, in the evening when lying in the bed.—225. Sensation in the left groin as if hernia would protrude. Stool : Stool first hard, afterwards soft. (Easy and suffi- cient stool is generally a primary effect, taking place in 1 or 1 hour.) Involuntary escape of thin stool, together with flatu- lence, (a. 50 h.) Soft stool immediately after a meal. Yellow white stools, (a. 3 h.)—230. Mucous stool. Acrid stool. Pro- lapsus recti when making a moderate effort at stool. Fre- quent, almost unsuccessful desire for stool, with colic, tenesmus and tendency to protrusion of the rectum, (a. 48 h.) Violent desire in the evening, rather in the middle of the abdomen, but IGNATIA AMARA. 175 there Avas no stool, merely a protrusion of the rectum.—235. Stool of a very large size, Avhitish-yellow, and being expelled with difficulty. Unsuccessful desire for stool in the rectum, not in the anus. (a. 11 h.) Unsuccessful desire and pressing in the epigastrium, especially shortly after a meal. Anxious de- sire for stool, with inactivity of the rectum; the faeces could not be expelled without the rectum coming near being inverted or prolapsing.—240. Violent desire for stool, especially in the epigastrium; nevertheless unsuccessful, although soft stool: the desire continues a long while after the stool had been ex- pelled, (a. 20 h.) Unsuccessful desire for stool. After a sudden urgent desire, he has great trouble in expelling an insufficient quantity of tough, loam-colored and yet soft faeces, not Avithout bearing down with the abdominal muscles, as if there Avere a deficiency of the peristaltic motion of the intestines, (a. 3 d.) Spasmodic tension in the rectum, the whole day. Sharp, pain- ful pressure in the rectum after stool, as if from incarcerated flatulence, as will happen after a hurried evacuation ; a sort of proctalgia, (a. 2 In) (Comp. note to 191.)—245. In the evening when lying down, he was attacked with a sharp painful pres- sure in the rectum (proctalgia), Avithout being relieved in any position; the pain goes off of itself without emission of flatu- lence, (a. 36 h.) Painless contraction of the anus ; a sort of narrowing, lasting a few days. (Comp. 246, 247 with note to 23.)* Contraction of the anus, recurring next day at the same hour, painful Avhen walking, but more so when standing, pain- less when sitting, with conflux of an insipid saliva in the mouth. (a. 4, 12, 36 h.) (Comp. 169, 170, 171, 199.) Several attacks of cutting, rather high up in the rectum, (a. 20 h.) Long stitch extending from the anus into the rectum.—250. Long stitches in the rectum. Violent itching in the rectum, in the evening when in bed. Creeping in the rectum as of ascarides. Itching blotch at the anus, not painful during stool, but causing a pressure when sitting upon it.—255. Haemorrhoidal suffer- ings during soft stool, (a. 5 h.) Pain in the anus, shortly or immediately after soft stool, as if caused by blind haemorrhoids, ox as if the parts were sore. Sore pain in the anus betAveen stool, (a. 1 h.) Pain hi the rectum as if caused by haemor- rhoids, constrictive and smarting as Avhen one touches a wound. (a. 3 h.)—260. When exerting the mind in thinking, shortly after stool, he feels a pain as from blind haemorrhoids, a painful pressure and sore feeling, (a. 36 h.) SAvellingof the margin of the anus all round, as if the veins were distended. Blind hae- morrhoids with pain, both a pressure and soreness (at the anus, and in the rectum)1, greater when sitting or standing, less when 176 IGNATIA AMARA. walking, but a walk in the open air brings the pain on fiercer than ever. (Alternate effect of 247.) (The haemorrhage from the anus, Avith itching of the perinaeum and anus.) Ascarides creep out of the rectum, (a. 16 h.)—265. Itching of the anus. Itching of the perinaeum, especially when walking. (Faintness after stool.) Urinary Organs : Sharp pressure upon the bladder, as from incarcerated flatulence, especially when walking. Pain- ful pressure, Avith a sensation as of scraping, in the region of the neck of the bladder, especially Avhen walking and after a meal, between the acts of micturation, which is painless.—270. Frequent emission of watery urine, (a. 2, 6, 20 h.) Lemon- colored urine Avith white sediment, (a. 16 h.) Turbid urine Erection every time he goes to stool.—275. When expel- ling the faeces, a quantity of mucus (prostatic juice) came out of the urethra, (a. 5 d.) (Dark urine is emitted with a burning sensation.) Long stitches along the urethra when walking. (Comp. 249, 250.) Stitch in the forepart of the urethra shortly after dinner, terminating in tearing. Tearing pain, with a sen- sation as of scraping in the middle of the urethra, in the even- ing when sitting, (a 1 h.)—280. Scraping and scraping-tear- ing pain in the middle of the urethra (in the evening Avhen lying in bed), (a. 5 h.) Itching in the forepart of the urethra. (a. 2 h.) Burning urine in the morning, (a. 12 h.) Genital Organs : Furious, vehemently pulling, tearing pain with pressure in the root of the penis, coming on in suc- cessive paroxysms, especially when walking, going off when leaning with the small of the back against something Avhile standing. Burning itching in the region of the neck of the bladder, exciting the sexual instinct, accompanied with flatu- lent distention of the abdomen.—285. In the night after taking the drug, a copious emission in a young man Avho was almost never troubled with the like. Itching in the parts around the sexual organs, and in the penis, in the evening after lying down, going off by scratching, (a. 3 h.) Smarting and burn- ing in the forepart of the urethra during micturition. Smarting itching of the glans. (a. 4 and 20 h.) Smarting-itching pain in the inner surface of the prepuce (a. 12 h.)—290. Pain in the raphe of the prepuce as if excoriated, (a. 1 h.) Soreness and ulcerative pain with itching in the margin of the pre- puce, (a. 24 h.) (a. 3 and 27 h.) Cramp-pain in the glans. Itching stinging of the scrotum, resembling innumerable flea- bites, especially when at rest. Sweat of the scrotum.—295. Swelling of the scrotum in the evening, (a. 5 h.) Severe stran- gulating sensation in the testes, after lying down in the evening. IGNATIA AMARA. 177 Pressure in the testes. Lascivious, amorous fancies and sudden excitement of the sexual instinct, the genital organs being pow- erless, and the external body being disagreeably warm. Irre- sistible desire for an embrace, the penis being relaxed, (a. 24 h.) —300. Sexual desire Avith impotence, (a. 10,20 h.) Sexual de- sire, the clitoris becoming very prominent, the rest of the puden- dum being weak and relaxed, and the body cool. (a. 40 h). Impotence in a male, with weak feeling in the hips. Contrac- tion of the penis; it becomes quite small (after urinating). Retraction of the prepuce and denudation of the glans, as in impotence, (a. 24 h.)—305. Complete want of sexual desire. (This is an alternate effect of the symptoms 298,299, 300, 301; I have seen it continue for a long time as a secondary effect; it was relieved by Cocculus.) Chronic leucorrhoea. Violent, crarnpy pressing in the region of the uterus, resembling labor- pains, followed by a purulent, corrosive leucorrhoea. (See note to 23,) The menses come off in lumps of coagulated blood. The menses are scanty, but the blood is black and has a putrid odor.—310. The menses delay a few days. (This appears to be a rare alternate effect, or perhaps a secondary effect. In very many cases 1 have seen Ignatia bring on the menses be- fore the time. Premature (and profuse) menses can there- fore be regulated by Ignatia, provided the other symptoms cor- respond. Coryza, Larynx, Chest : Titillating itching in both nos- trils. Ulcerative and sore feeling in the inner canthus of one or both nostrils, (a. 12 h.)—315. (Instantaneous bleeding at the nose.) Coryza, preceded by dropping of water from the nose. (a. x h.) Obstruction of one nostril, as if a leaflet were stretched over the inner side of it; not as in dry coryza. Dry coryza. The bronchi are lined with mucus.—320. Hollow, dry cough Avhen waking in the morning. Desire to cough, in the evening when lying doAvn, while going to sleep, (a. 6 h.) Uninterrupted, not titillating desire for short and hacking cough in the larynx, not going off by coughing, disappearing more easily by suppressing the cough, (a. 5 h.) Short but frequently quite dry cough excited by a sensation as of small particles of a feather being lodged in the pit of the throat; this irritation in the throat does not go off by the cough, but recurs the more frequently the more one coughs, especially bad towards evening. Sudden (not titillating) interruption of breathing in the upper part of the trachea over the pit, inducing an irresistible short, violent cough, in the evening, (a. 1 h.)—325. Constrictive sensation in the pit of the throat, exciting a cough like the vapor of sul- phur. (See note to 23.) (Every fit of cough darts into the VOL. n. 13 178 IGNATIA AMARA. penis, producing a painful sensation as if the blood Avere sud- denly rushing in.) Difficult expectoration. YelloAv expecto- ration, smelling and tasting as in old catarrh, (a. 12 h.) Stitches in the region of the heart, when expiring air. (a. x h.) —330. Stitches in the left side. (a. x h. and 3 h.) Frequent stitches in the side of the chest, in the region of the last rib, between the acts of inspiration, synchronous with the pulse Single, long stitches in the right side of the chest, between the acts of inspiration; also in the region of the tibia, (a. 1 h.) Pressure in the left chest, and afterwards fine stinging in the right chest, (a. 1 h.) Pressure in the left, aftenvards in the right chest, and lastly in the tarsal joint, (a. 1 h.)—335. Pres- sure in the region of the middle of the sternum, as with a sharp body. (a. 20 h.) (See note to 191.) Pressure in the middle of the sternum soon after dinner, (a. 24 h.) Oppression of the chest, Avith pressure in the pit of the stomach, increasing during an inspiration, and speedily resulting in stitches in the pit of the stomach, (a. 2 h.) Oppression of the chest and breathing, (a. 5 h.) (Comp. 338, 339, 343, with note to 23.) Oppression of the chest after midnight, as if the chest were too narrow, which impedes respiration, (a. 12 h.)—340. When stooping, pain in front of the chest, on either side of the stern- um, as if the ribs Avere being pushed together and were knocked against one another, thereby causing pain (in the morning). (a. 15 h.) Tensive pain in the forepart of the chest, when straightening himself while sitting, (a. 16 h.) Tensive pain across the chest Avhen standing straight, (a. 24 h.) Pressing and pushing in the chest, (a. 7 and 9 d.) Want of breath when Avalking ; when standing still during this time, he coughs. —345. (Was unable to breathe through the nose, when closing his mouth.) Weak in the Avhole body; when walking, he feels as if his breath failed, he feels qualmish in the pit of the stom- ach, and aftenvards coughs. Fulness in the chest. Inspira- tions are impeded as by a load oppressing the chest; the ex- pirations are so much more easy. The inspirations are slow, the 'expirations quick, (a. 3 h.) (Alternate effect of 504.)— 350. (Had frequently to take deep breath, and deep breathing diminished the pressure in the chest momentarily.) Slow in- spirations, Avhich he is obliged to draAV deep out of his abdomen. (a. 1 h.) Short inspirations alternate with longer, light ones Avith more violent, (a. 2h.) (Comp. 595.) Pain in the stern- um as if bruised, felt even when touching it. (a. 14 h.) Throb- bing in the right half of the chest, (a 11 h.—355. Stitch in the nipple during a deep inspiration, accompanied with move- ment of flatulence in the abdomen, (a. 5 h.) Sharp, painful IGNATIA AMARA. 179 pressure in the cervical vertebrae, in the morning when resting in the bed. (See note to 191.) Neck and Back: Stitches in the nape of the neck. Lancinating pain in the nape of the neck. (a. 21 h.) Tear- ing pain in the nape of the neck when moving the neck, as if the neck were strained, (a. 12 h.)—360. Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Heat and burning in the nape of the neck, or on one side of the neck externally. Stitching pain with pressure in the spine, Avhen walking in the open air. Simple pain in the scapula increased by moving the arm, and when the arm hangs down. (a. 20 h.) (Some stitches in the apex of the scapula, in the morning.)—365. Beating in the small of the back (os sacrum), (a. 7 h.) (Tensive pain in the small of the back when standing erect.) (a. 25 h.) Stitches in the small of the back. (a. 48 h.) Pain in the os sacrum, also when lying on the back, in the morning when in bed. (368 and 369 are an alternate effect of a symptom of Ignatia Avhich Avent off* by lying on the back; (see nos. 9, 14, 24,458, 459.) Aching pain as if bruised in the small of the back, when lying on the back, in the morning Avhen in bed. Upper Extremities : Pain in the shoulder-joint when moving the arms, as if dislocated. Pain as if bruised or as after a bodily exertion, in the upper arm-joint when bending the arm backwards. Griping, vehemently pulling, fulling and partly draAving pain, when at rest (the pain becomes stinging during motion) (comp. 427). Rheumatic pain in the upper arm- joints, or as if bruised, when walking in the open air. (a. 10 h.) Pain in the upper arm joint as if dislocated, (a. 10 h.)— 375. Twitching jerking in the deltoid muscle, (a. 24 h.) Simple pain in the biceps muscle when turning the arm in- wards, (a. 2 h.) Pain as if bruised in the muscles of the arm, both when the arm is hanging down or raised. The arm of that side upon Avhich he is resting goes to sleep, (a. 8 h.) When lying upon the right side, in the evening Avhen in bed, the head of the humerus of the left side is painful as if bruised, and the pain goes off when lying upon the affected arm. (a. 12 h.)—380. Intolerable (nameless) pain in the bones and joints of that arm upon which one does not rest, in the evening when in bed; the pain only goes off Avhen lying upon the affected arm. (a. 12 h.) Intolerable (nameless) pain in the bones and joints of the arm upon which one rests, in the morning Avhen in bed, not going off till one turns to the other unaffected side (a. 20 h.) [381, 382 (and probably also 378) are alternate effects of 379,380, and are both of them primary symptoms. The difference of those opposite conditions 180 IGNATIA AMARA. appears to depend upon the time of day when either of them occurs. Even the kind of pain appears to be different. See also 458, 459.] Early in the morning, when in bed, the head of the humerus of that side upon which one rests feels painful as if bruised, the pain going off by turning to the opposite side or on the back. (a. 24 h.) In the evening after lying down, sensation in one part of the muscles of the fore-arm, as if a mouse Avere creeping under the skin. (a. 36 h.) Drawing pain in the arms.—385. Pulsative drawing, extending from the upper arm to the wrist and fingers. Cold air (a cold ?) causes a tearing in the right arm and in the right side of the head. (a. 12 h.) Tearing pain in the styloid process of the ulna, in the morning after waking. Tearing pain in the sty- loid process of the ulna and in the fingers. Tearing pain in the wrist-joint as if sprained, in the morning when slumbering in the bed. — 390. Rigidity in the right wrist and sensation as if it had gone to sleep. Paralytic pain in the styloid process of the left ulna, as if the hand Avere sprained or dislocated. A feAV stitches in the last joint of the thumb, (a. 10 h.) Itch- ing stitches in the joint of the thumb, obliging him to scratch. Pain as if sprained in the posterior joint of the index-finger, during motion.—395. Warm SAveat in the palm of the hand and fingers, (a. 16 h.) Frequent Avarm sweat of the hands, in the evening, (a. 8 h.) Transitory yellowness of the hands, as if from jaundice When touching a hair upon the hand, he feels a piercing, fine stitch, as if a splinter were lodged there (comp. 68).—400. Spasmodic moving to and fro of the index- finger, in the evening after lying down. Stretching cramp of the middle-finger, when exerting the fingers (the cramp may be removed by soothing). Lower Extremities : Stitches in the hip-joint, (a. 24 h.) From four until eight in the morning pricking pain in the hip- joint and knees Avhen walking or moving the feet. (a. 8 h.) Almost paralytic immobility of the loAver limbs, with single jerks in the same.—405. In the morning Avhen rising, stiffness of the knees and tarsal joints, thighs and small of the back. (a. 38 h.) Pains as if bruised in the posterior muscles of the thighs, when sitting, (a. 5 h.) Stiffness in the knee-joint after going up stairs, hindering motion. Stiffness in the knees and loins, causing pain during motion. Stiffness in the feet, in the morning, (a. 24 and 96 h.)—410. Boils on the inner surface of the thigh, (a. 12 h.) After eating, when sitting, the thigh and leg go to sleep, (a. 5 h.) Creeping in the feet (412, 413, and 414, and again 411, 415, and 416 form three different al- ternate effects.) Creeping, apparently in the bones of the feet, IGNATIA AMARA. 181 not as if they had gone to sleep, (a. 10 h.) Stinging creeping in the feet (the skin of the calves), after midnight, which does not allow one to rest or remain in the bed.—415. The legs go to sleep to beyond the knees, in the evening when sitting. The leg goes to sleep while sitting, during dinner, (a. 6 h.) Tension in the legs to beyond the knee, with heaviness of the legs. Contraction in the calves, when extending the leg, or when Avalking. (A sort of cramp, or at least incipient cramp.) Cramp of the calf while Avalking, going off when standing and when at rest. (a. 4 h.) (419 is an alternate effect of 420, 421, 422; both these symptoms being apparently of equal rank.)—420. Indications of cramp in the muscles of the foot and toes, when sitting. Cramp in the calf when bending the leg. Pithiness in the ball of the heel when walking, as if cold. Contusive pain, as if he had leaped from a great height, in the ball of the heel, or rather in the periosteum of the os calcis. (a. 3 h.)—425. Pain as of internal soreness when walk- ing, in the ball of the heel, or rather in the periosteum of the os calcis. (a. 4 h.) Aching pain in the tibia when walking. (a. 2 h.) Undulating, as it were griping and fulling, tearing pain with pressure, in the anterior tibial muscles, especially during motion. Pressure in the left tarsal joint (with an inter- nal tickling obliging him to agitate the foot for the purpose of being relieved). Pain as if sprained (but not stitching) in the tarsal'joint, in the morning Avhen Avalking. (Comp. 374.)— 430. Tearing pain in the dorsum of the foot. (a. 20 h.) Itching- jerking pain in the interior of the ball of the heel, especially in the morning when in bed. Tearing-burning pain in the os calcis, in the morning when waking, (a. 8 h.) Burning itching pain in a spot on the dorsum of the foot, Avhen at rest. Burn- ing pain in the corn, when sitting.—435. The pressure of the shoes on the upper part of the toes causes an intense pain ; the corns cause a burning pain. Itching burning (as of chil- blains) in the heel and in other parts of the foot. (a. 8 h.) Burning-stinging, or burning-cutting pain in the side of the foot.__440. Stitching pain below the malleolus, when walk- ing. Early in the morning he feels several stitches in the heel. (a. 20 h.) Weariness of the feet at twilight, as if he had walked too far, with quiet mood. Was unable to move the feet along, as if he had gone too far. Heaviness of the feet. (Comp. 417.)— 445. Heaviness of one foot. Weakness of the feet. Cracking in the knee. (a. 2 h.) Coldness of the feet and le°-s extending to above the knees. Chilliness around the knees Avhich however do not feel cold to the hand.—450. Hot knees (with tickling itching of one of the knees), the nose be- 182 IGNATIA AMARA. ing cold. (a. 3 h.) (Stiffness of the tarsal joints.) Painful sensitiveness of the soles when walking, (a. 4 h.) The feet are burning hot. General Symptoms : Creeping through the whole body, apparently in the bones.—455. Tingling in the limbs, as if they had gone to sleep. (Several times after 4 h.) (Compare 411, 413, 416.) Weariness of the feet and arms. Feeling of weakness and exhaustion in the arms and feet. In several parts of the periosteum, in the middle of the long bones (not in the joints), a sudden pressure as of a hard body, painful as if the parts were bruised, in day-time, but especially in the evening Avhen lying in the bed upon one or the other side, and going off when turning on the back. (a. 20, 36 h.) (Compare 458 and 459 with 9, 14,15, 24, where the pain does not go off till one turns on the back ; both these series of symptoms are alternate effects of 381, 382, and 379, 380.) Nightly pain as if bruised in one or the other side, upon which one rests, in the joints of the neck, back and shoulder, not going off till one turns on the back. (a. 12 h.)—460. Pain as if sprained, or dislocated in the joints of the shoulder, femur, and knees. (a. 8 h.) Continual stitching pain around the joints or a little above. Deep-stitching, burning pain in different parts, Avithout itching (for instance in the corner of the mouth, under the first joint of the thumb, etc.). Stinging-burning pain, accompanied with itching, in the outer, elevated portion of the joints, (a. 1 h.) In the evening, when going to sleep, jerks through the whole body. (a. 96 h.) (Compare 464, 466 with 513, 515.)— 465. Jerking, and single startings of the limbs.) . (a. 10, 12 h.) Single startings of the limbs when going to sleep, (a. 3 h.) Starlings and twitchings of single parts of muscles, in various parts of the body. (a. 2 h.) Innumerable fine prickings resem- bling flea-bites, in various parts of the body (especially Avhen in bed). (Comp. 463 and its alternate symptom 462.) Itching in various parts of the body, after having become somewhat heated when walking in the open air.—470. Itching in vari- ous parts, in the evening after lying doAvn, easily removed by scratching. (A characteristic symptom of the itching of Ignatia is that it easily disappears by scratching.) Itch- ing in various parts of the body, below the shoulder, etc., at night, disappearing by scratching. Itching of the wrist- joint, elbow-joint, and neck. The skin and periosteum ■ are painful, (a. 8 h.) Sensitiveness of the skin to a draft of air; feeling in the abdomen as if he would catch cold. (a. 4 h.)— 475. Simple violent pain in various parts of the body, in small places, for instance in the region of the ribs, etc.; the IGNATIA AMARA. 183 pain is only felt when touching the part. The symptoms of Ignatia are increased by taking coffee or by smoking tobacco. Burning in the ulcer. The pains are renewed immediately after dinner; in the evening immediately after lying down, and in the morning immediately after waking. Leaves a dis- position to swelling of the cervical glands, toothache and loose- ness of the teeth, also to pressure at the stomach. Weakness, Fits:—480. Great general lassitude from slight motion. Averse to motion, dreads labor. Exhaustion, relaxation of the body, in the evening. Heaviness in the feet, when walking in the open air, accompanied with anxiety ; this went off in the room, and discouragement appeared in its stead. Bending of the knees from weakness.—485. Faintness, as if arising from a weakness in the pit of the stomach ; he feels qualmish and has to lie down. (Comp. 180, 222.) So .tired that he does not care about dressing himself and going out; he does not care to do any thing ; is lying down most of the time. (a. 4 h.) Staggers when walking, inclines to fall. stumbles over the lenst thing in his way. (Comp. 584.) Wea- riness as if his eyelids would close. He feels very drowsy after receiving a sad neAVs.—490. While reading and sitting in his chair, he goes to sleep, (a. 4 h.) Drowsiness ; when sit- ting it invites him to sleep; but, Avhen lying down, he falls into a half-waking slumber full of dreams, (a. x h.) Deep, unrefreshing sleep (when waking he feels as if he had not slept at all). Deep sleep, (a. 3 h.) (492 and 493 are alter- nate effects of 494, 495, 496.) Sleeplessness.—495. Sleepless- ness, is unable to fall asleep, and Avakes in the night without any apparent cause, (a. 14 h.) His sleep is so light that he hears every thing while sleeping, for instance distant ringing of bells. Flatulent colic, in the evening Avhen in bed: a sort of pressure which is felt successively in one or the other part of the abdomen, renewed whenever he wakes in the night. In the night, when in bed, he frequently changes his position, turns from one place to another. Moaning talking when asleep ; he tosses from side to side. (a. 2 and 5 h.) (Comp. 510.)—500. Stamps with his feet Avhile asleep, (a. 4 h.) (Comp. 510.) Moves his mouth while asleep, as if he Avere eat- in^, (a. 3 h.) While asleep she moves the muscles of the mouth in every direction, the movements being almost convulsive, accompanied Avith jerking of the hands from Avithout inAvards. (a. 2 h.) Moaning and groaning Avhile asleep, (a. 4 h.) Short inspirations and long expirations during sleep. (504 is an alternate effect of 350, 351.)—505. During sleep the breathing assumes all sorts of forms, short, slow, violent, soft, 184 IGNATIA AMARA. intermittent, snoring. (Comp. 352.) In the evening he is pre- vented from going to sleep by a sort of orgasm of the blood. Snoring inspirations during sleep. Lies on his back during sleep, and rests with his flat hand under the occiput. In the morning he lies on his back, and extends one arm above the head in such a manner that the flat hand gets under the occi- put or the nape of the neck.—510. Sudden starting during sleep, moaning, piteous expression of his countenance, stamp- ing and kicking with the feet, hands and face being pale and cold. Dreams full of sadness ; wakes in tears. During his sleep he talks in a weeping and moaning tone, snoring inspi- rations with widely opened mouth ; one or the other eye being somewhat open. (a. 10 h.) Concussive startings Avhen he is about to go to sleep, occasioned by monstrous fancies Avhich fill his mind even after waking. [Comp. 513, 515 Avith 464, 466, (467).] In the evening, in the moment of waking, he feels a weight, a congestion, stagnation and orgasm of the blood through the Avhole body, Avith melancholy.—515. Concussive starting in the morning when Avaking from a sleep Avhich was so light that she heard every stroke of the bell. Dreams full of frightful things. Wakes with a peevish look. Wakes with a friendly countenance, (a. 20 h.) Wakes in the morning with horrid dreams, (a 18 h.)—520. When waking she rises suddenly and says absurd things previous to becoming fully conscious of herself, (a. 4 h.) (She dreams she is standing, but not fast; that on waking, she had examined her bed to see whether she was lying safely, and had bent entirely double in order to be sure not to fall; at the same time she was cover- ed with a little sweat all over. Wakes from the siesta with horrid dreams, such as being near drowning, (a. 24 h.) Dreams in the night that he had fallen into the water and was crying. Dreams, during the night, full of disappointments and foiled attempts.—525. Fixed idea in a dream : dreams the whole night of one and the same object. Dreams about the same thing, for several hours. He dreams with reflection and thought, (a. 4 h.) Dreams before midnight while slumbering, Avith general heat without sweat. General heat with anxiety during the night, with slight sweat around the nose, the great- est heat being felt on the hands and feet, Avhich require to be covered all the time, with cold thighs, palpitation of the heart, short breathing and lascivious dreams ; these symptoms being felt most when lying on either side, less when lying on the back.—530. Nightly heat from tAvo to five o'clock (being wide aAvake), over the whole body, especially on the hands and feet, without s\veat or thirst, and without any feeling of dryness. IGNATIA AMARA. 185 He sweats every morning after having fallen asleep again after previous waking; on getting up he feels so weaiy and unre- freshed that he had rather lie down again. Nightly dreams full of learned exertions and scientific labors. Dreams towards morning, fatiguing the thinking powers, (a. 10 h.) Nightly fancies fatiguing the thinking powers.—535. In his dream he is all the time busy and thinking about the same object, during the whole night; a fixed idea which does not leave him after waking. Tonic spasm of all the limbs, like stiffness. Excessively frequent yawning, (a. 4 h.) Violent yaAvning, even during a meal. Frequent yawning after sleep.—540. Excessively Avide yawning, in the morning (and most after the siesta), as if the lower jaw would become dislocated. Exces- sive, convulsive yawning, causing the eyes to run, in the evening before going to sleep, and in the morning after rising. (a. 28, 38 h.) Frequent yawning interrupted by a sort of immo- bility and unyielding of the chest (between eight and ten o'clock). Fever : Thirst in the afternoon, and evening. Thirst du- ring the chilliness.—545. Dreads the open air. (a. 6 h.) In the moderately cold, although not open, air he is attacked with excessive chilliness, and becomes cold over the whole body, with headache on one side. (a. 4 h.) Coldness and chilliness; the pupils are but little dilated. Chilliness and coldness, espe- cially on the posterior parts of the body; both chilliness and coldness can be immediately removed by the Avarmth of the room or stove, (a. 6 h.) (It is characteristic of the feverish coldness of Ignatia to disappear by external warmth.) Chilli- ness in the back and over the arms. (a. \ h.)—551). Chills in the face and on the arms, Avith chattering of teeth and goose-skin. Becomes chilly at sun-set. Shuddering, with goose- skin over the thighs and fore-arms, afterwards also on the cheeks (immediately). Chilliness, especially of the feet. Con- stant shuddering between the paroxysms of fever.—555. Heat of the face, with cold feet and hands. (555, 556, 557, 558 are alternate effects of the principal symptom, which is : heat of sin- gle parts, with coldness, chilliness or shuddering of other parts. Chilliness over the upper arms with hot ears. Heat of the hands, with shuddering over the body and an anxiety increasing unto tears. Shaking shuddering with redness of the face in the evening. (Chilliness and shaking shuddering after a meal; anxiety, and sweat at night.)—560. Fever: chilliness over the arms, especially the upper arms, afterwards heat and redness of the cheeks, and heat of the hands and feet, without thirst, while lying upon the back. Fever in the afternoon; shuddering, with colic; 186 IGNATIA AMARA. afterwards weakness and sleep, with burning heat of the body. One ear and one cheek are red and burning. Sud- den attacks of flushes of heat over the whole body. Increase of the external warmth.—565. External heat and redness without internal heat. (Note to 565, 566. The heat caused by Ignatia is almost always external; it is almost never ac- companied with thirst, not even when that heat occurs in the shape of a fever and ague. For this reason only those forms of intermittent fever can be cured by Ignatia Avhich are characterized by thirst during the cold, and absence of thirst during the hot stage.) Feeling of general heat, in the morn- ing when in bed, without thirst, he does not like to uncover himself. Heat of the body, especially during sleep. Heat with- out thirst through the whole body in the afternoon, with a feel- ing of dryness on the skin, but some sweat in the face (a. 8 h.)—570. Heat rises towards the head, without thirst. Com- plains of external heat at two o'clock in the night, Avants to be covered more lightly, (a. 15 h.) External warmth is intolera- ble to him, followed by more hurried respiration. Sensation as if sweat would break out (anxious feeling of flushes of heat), (a. Ik h.) General sweat.—575. Trembling for several hours. Palpitation of the heart. Palpitation of the heart, du- ring deep meditation. Palpitation of the heart, at dinner, (a. 48 h.) Palpitation of the heart after the siesta, (a. 5 h.)-— 580. In the morning, Avhen in bed, he is attacked with heat and palpitation of the heart. Moral Symptoms : Anguish as if he had committed an evil deed. Anxiety of short duration, (a. x h.) Excessive anguish, hindering speech. After a mental exertion, especially in the morning, his will becomes precipitate; is unable to speak, Avrite, or do any thing else as fast as he Avould like ; this induces an anxious demeanor, wrong talking, writing, and awkwardness of proceeding, requiring constant correction. (a. 20 h.) (Comp. 487.)—585. Excessive and anxious de- sire to do now this, now that. Dullness of sense, with incli- nation to be in a hurry ; when hurrying, his blood rushes to his face. (a. 6 h.) He imagines he cannot get along, he is unable to walk. She fears she will have an ulcer in the stom- ach. Fearfulness, timidity, has lost all confidence in herself, gives up every thing.—590. When Avaking up after midnight, she is seized Avith a fear of thieves, (a. 10 h.) Great tenden- cy to start. Dreads every trifle, especially objects which come near him. (a. 1 h.) (592, 593 are alternate symptoms.) Bold- ness, (a. 3, 5 h.) Slight censure or contradiction irritates him even unto quarrelling, which makes him feel angry with IGNATIA AMARA. 187 himself, (a. 36 h.)—595. The slightest contradiction irritates him. The slightest contradiction causes him to blush. Quick but transitory ill humor and anger. Towards evening he be- comes dissatisfied, peevish, obstinate, nothing can be done to satisfy him. (a. 8 h.) Is extremely peevish, censorious, and reproachful.—600. Inconstancy, impatience, irresoluteness, quarrel (returning every three or four hours). A few hours after the angry mood had ceased, he began to jest and laugh, (a. 6 h.) Teazing, childish jest. (a. 8 h.) Desires improper things, and cries aloud Avhen they are refused.—605. She cries aloud when her requests are refused ever so kindly, or Avhen people try to persuade her ever so kindly, or desire something differ- ent from Avhat she desires herself, (a. 1 h.) She cries and howls and is beside herself on account of mere trifles, (a. 1 h.) Unreasonable complaints about too much noise, (a. 2 h.) In- tolerance of noise, the pupils dilating more easily, (a. 6 h.) Subdued, low voice, is unable to talk aloud.—610. Avoids talking ; taciturn, (from 1 to 4 h.) Seems to be slumbering ; it puts him out of humor to open his eyes for the purpose of seeing, or to open his mouth for the purpose of talking, with light, slow breathing. Still, serious melancholy; cannot be induced to be cheerful or talkative, every thing he eats tasting flat and Avatery, and his appetite being very slight, (a. 24 h.) Brooding to himself, full of internal chagrin, and his temper being soured, (a. 1 h.) Looks as if he Avere absorbed in deep thoughts, and stares, but is without any thoughts whatever. (a. 2 h.) (614 is an alternate effect of all the folloAving symp- toms, occurring hoAvever much more rarely than they).—615. Fixed ideas, for example of music and melodies, in the evening before and after going to bed. Fixed idea: he pursues it in his thoughts, or else expatiates upon it with great vehemence in conversation, (a. 2 h.) Imagines and broods over vexatious and offensive things against his will. (a. 1 h.) Tender-heart- edness with very clear consciousness. Fine-feeling sense delicate conscientiousness, (a. 20 h.)—620. Sad (towards eA^ening). OBSERVATIONS OF OTHERS. Vertigo. Intoxication (from 4 grains). A kind of intoxi- cation as of brandy, with burning in the eyes (immediately,) Furious headache ; continued digging-up sensation below the ri^ht frontal eminence and on the right side of the frontal bone. —5. Deep stitches in the right temple (a. f h.) Excessive pressure in both temples, especially the right. [Comp. (6), (7^ 188 IGNATIA AMARA. (8), (9), with 13, 18, 20,21.] Deep aching pain under the right side of the frontal bone. Stupefying intermittent pressure under the left frontal eminence. Violent pressure under the left eyebrows.—10. Pain as if the occipital bone were being crushed. Sensation in the outer canthus of the left eye, as if a par- ticle of dust had got into it, exercising an intermittent pres- sure upon the membranes. (Comp. 42.) Pressure in both zygomata before going to sleep. Stitching pressure on the zygoma, in front of the left ear. Intermittent, paralytic pres- sure in the region of the articulation of the left upper jaw with the malar bone.—15. Pressure under the two rami of his lower jaw as if the flesh were being pushed downward under the jaw, both when at rest and in motion. Sensation as if his lower jaw were involuntarily drawn upward, and the jaws closed; this hinders talking for half an hour. (a. 1 h.) Prick- ings in the fraenum linguae. Violent stitches in the pit of the stomach. Painful pressure on the left side of the umbilicus.—20. Sharp stitches on the left side and above the umbilicus. Pressure in the abdomen, (a. x h.) Painful pressure in the left side of the abdomen. Violent pressure in the left side of the abdomen. Intermittent, deep, internal pressure over the left hip.—25. Stitching in the left side of the abdomen. (Comp. 217.) Rumbling in the abdomen. (Comp. 205, 206, 207.) Brings on the menses (from one scruple, see n. to 310). Fluent coryza. Painful pressure in the neck, close above the left shoulder. (Comp. 356.) Dull stitches on the left side not far from the spine, in the space between the true and false ribs, (Comp. 362.) Deep tearing pain in the middle of the spine, a little towards the left side. Painful drawing a little over the right elbow. (a. 36 h.) (Comp. 384, 386.) Drawing in the right carpal bones. (Comp. 387, 388.) Deep, violent pressure in the middle of the surface of the left thigh.—35. Violent stitching in the internal side and be- low the left knee. (Comp. 403.) He was unable to walk and had to sit down, because when walking his knees Ave re in- voluntarily drawn up. (a. 1 h.) Paralytic pain in the whole of the left leg, exciting by walking and continuing afterwards when sitting. Painful drawing in the whole of the left leg, when in bed before going to sleep ; it abates occasionally, but soon returns with greater violence. Intermittent stitching in the internal border of the foot. (a. 5 h.)—40. Intermittent pressure above the outer malleolus of the right foot. Violent drawing in the right foot. IGNATIA AMARA. 189 Trembling of the whole body. (Comp. 575.) Trembling of the whole body for three hours, with itching, and frightful, convulsive jerkings, scarcely allowing him to stand upon his legs ; they were most violent in the jaws, distorting his mouth as for laughter (immediately). Continual agitation of the body.—45. Convulsive motions. Convulsions. Insensibil- » ity of the whole body. Fainting fit. The pressure which he feels in several of the outer and inner parts of the head, makes him peevish and ill-humored.—50. Anxiety. (Comp. 610, 611, 612, 613, 614.) Walks about stupefied, or as if he were taken by surprise. Copious sweat. Cold sweats. Violent anguish about the scrobiculus cordis, with vertigo, fainting fit and very cold sweats (from a whole bean). END OF VOL. II. LIST OE NAMES OF DISEASES. A. Page Page Catarrh, . . 32 Abdomen, induration in. 31 Chest, spasms of, in hysteric Acidity, .... . 6 females, . 96 Affections, catarrhal, . . ' i, 31 Chest, spasm of, . 76 Affections, cerebral, 76 Chlorosis, . 31 After-diseases of small-pox ant Colic, menstrual, . 6, 95 measles, .... 31 Colic, . . 148 After-pains, vehement, . 6 Colic, bilious, . . 95 Air-passages, inflammation of 6 Colic, flatulent, spasmodic, . 95 Amblyopia, 95 Congestions, of liver and spleen, 31 Amenorrhoea, 31 Constipation, . 138 Angina tonsillaris, 6 Conditions, gastric or bilious, 6 Aphthae, . 138 Convulsions, 75 Arthrophlogosis interna chro- Convulsions with vomiting, . 165 nica, .... 32 Convulsions from wounds, 95 Arthrocace, . 32 Coryza, . 166 Arthritis, . . 4, 31 ,95 Cough, . . 32,149 Asthma, after venesection, 32 Cough, of various kinds, . 6 Asthma, periodical, spasmodic, 166 Cramps in calves, . . 7 Atrophy, .... B. 31 Croup, chronic, . . 122 Back, pains in, 32 D. Bladder, paralysis of, . 76, 138 Dentition, difficult, 5 Bladder, spasm of, . 149 Diarrhoea, 6, 31, 149 " paralysis of, . 149 Diarrhoea, bloody, . 122 Boils,..... 147 Diarrhoea, painless, . 166 Diaphragmitis, . . 146 C. Dropsy, general, . 137 Cardialgia,.... 166 Dropsy, 31 Caries scrophulosa, 31 Dyspepsia, nervous, . 166 Carbuncle, . . " • 31 13* Dysentery, . 6 192 LIST OF NAMES OP DISEASES. E. Page Eclampsia of children, from abuse of chamomile, . . 164 Epilepsy, .... 147, Erythema intertrigo, . . 4 Eruptions, pustulous, . . 76 Erysipelas, ... 4, 147 Eye, hemorrhage from, . 5 Eyes, lancinating pains in after operations, . . . .165 F. Fainting fits, . . . 31, 95 Fevers, inflammatory, . 5 Fevers, nervous, ... 5 Fevers, nervous, puerperal, intermittent, . . . 147 Fevers, remittent, . . . 165 Fevers, lentescent, . . 138 Fevers, slow, . ■ . . .31 Fevers, bilious, rheumatic, 31 Fevers, stupid, nervous, . 76 Fevers, gastric and bilious, 95 Fevers, intermittent, . 5, 31, 165 Fits, fainting, ... 4 Fright, consequences of, . 165 G. Gastritis, chronic, . . 166 Gastro enteritis, . . .31 Gastralgia, .... 31 Gangrene,.....31 Globus hystericus, . . 166 Glands, indurations of, . .31 Glands, swelling and indura- tion of, ... 4 Gout, ..... 32 Grief, consequences of, . 165 Gutta rosacea, . . . 76 H. Page Hemorrhoidal complaints, 31 Hematemesis, . . . 148 Headache, hysteric, . . 95 Hernia, inguinal, . . 96 Hemicrania, clavus hystericus, 165 Hemorrhage of old people, . 31 Hemorrhage from the bladder, 31 Hemorrhage from weakness, 31 Headache, hysteric, nervous, 5 Herpes, .... 76 Hepatitis, .... 6 Hooping-cough, . . .122 Hoarseness, . . . . 122 Hydruria, with nervous spasms, 96 Hydrophobia, . . . 147 Hydrothorax, dropsy of chest, 138 Hydrocephalus, . . .138 Hydrargyrosis, . . .31 Hydrarthrus, ... 32 Hysteria, . . 4, 75, 95, 164 I. Impetigo rodens, . Immobility of upper arm, Inflammations, asthenic, Ingesta, vomiting of, . Insomnia, chronic, . Ischias nervosa, . Hematuria, painful, Haemoptysis, . 166 32 Jaundice, J. K. 76 6 31 148 147 7 6,31 Knee, swelling of, . . 76 L. Labor-pains, false, ... 6 Leucorrhoea, . . .32, 96 Lichen agrius, . . .75 Liver, induration of, . . 31 Lochia, protracted, . . 31 Lungs, suppuration of, . 32 LIST OP NAME! M. Page Melancholia, 95, 148 Menses, profuse, . 149 Menstruation, premature and profuse, . . 166 Mentagra, . 76 Menstruation, painful, 95 Metritis, .... . 6 Metrorrhagia, 31 Metrorrhagia, . 96 Metrorrhagia, . 149 Miscarriage, threatening, . 6 Morbus niger, 31 N. Neck, swelling of, . . . 76 Neuralgia, intermittent, . 31 Neuralgia of head, . . 165 Neuralgia, . . . • 148 O. Ophthalmia, catarrhal, . .5 Ophthalmia, . . .165 Otalgia, . • • . 5, 121 P. Palpitation of the heart, from loss of blood, 32 Paralysis, .... 95 Parotitis, . 5 Peritonitis, ... 6, 148 Pharynx, spasms of, . 76 Phlegmasia alba dolens, 31 Photophobia, 165 Phthisis florida, 32 Phthisis, laryngeal, . 122 Phthisis, 122 Pleuritis, . . . . 32 Pleurisy, serous, . 138 Porrigo larvalis, . ' . 76 Pneumonia, . • 32, 149 OF DISEASES. 193 Page Prosopalgia, .. - .31, 121 v Prurigo formicans, . . 95 Psoas-muscle, abscess of, . 31 R. Raphania, .... 147 Rash,.....4 Recti, prolapsus, . . 166 Rheumatism, acute, . . 165 Rheumatism, articular, . 32 Rheumatism of the muscles of back, ..... 32 Rheumatism of loins and hips, 32 Rheumatism, articular, 95 Rheumatism, .... 4 S. Scarlatina, . . „ . 147 Scarlatina miliaris, . . 4 Scrotum, oedema of, . . 138 Scurvy,.....31 Sexual organs, weakness of, 31 Sight, sharp at a distance, 121 Sight, vanishing of, . . 121 Sleeplessness, . . .31 Sneezing, with flow of saliva, 113 Somnambulism, . . . 147 Soft parts, penetration of for- eign bodies into, . . 75 Somnolence, feverish, . . 5 Spots, brown, . . . 147 Spasms, abdominal, . . 6 Spasms of pregnant females, 147 Sphincter ani, paralysis of, . 148 " hypertrophy, 149 Spasms, uterine, . . 166 Spasms during menstruation, 166 Stomach, pressure at, . . 95 Stomach, spasm of, . 6, 95, 121 Stomacace, . . . .31 Strophulus, . . . ' 75 Stuttering, . .76 194 LIST OP NAMES OF DISEASES. Page Strophulus, . • . . 4 St. Vitus' dance, . . .147 T. Tabes dorsalis, ... 96 Teeth, grinding of, . . 148 Testicles, swelling of, . 31 Throat, sore, . . . .166 Tinea capitis, . . .138 Tremor of limbs, . . .75 Toothache, nervous, , . 31, 76 Toothache, stitching, boring, 113 Toothache, congestive, . 166 Toothache, . . . .148 Toothache, rheumatic, . 5 Toothache, throbbing, . . 166 Tumors, hemorrhoidal, ulcer- ated, .... 166 Page Tongue, paralysis of, . . 148 Tympanitis, ... 31 Typhus abdominalis, . . 95 U. Ulcers, scrofulous, . . 31 Urine, retention of, in typhus, 149 Uterus, putrefaction of, . 31 V. Variola,.....4 Vertigo, .... 95 Vomiting, of bile or water, . 121 Vomiting, saburral, . . 31 W. Worm-fever, ... 76 Wry-neck, .... 148 %'.*&%