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A RECORD OF THE POSITIVE EFFECTS OF DRUGS UPON THE HEALTHY HUMAN ORGANISM. EDITED BY TIMOTHY F. ALLEN, A.M., M.D., PROFESSOR OF MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS IN THE NEW YORK HOMCEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE; CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE BRITISH HOMCEOPATHIC MEDICAL SOCIETY. WITH CONTRIBUTIONS FROM DE. RICHARD HUGHES, of England. DR. C. HERING, of Philadelphia. DR. CARROLL DUNHAM, of New York. DR. AD. LIPPE, of Philadelphia, and others. *»'.^ :• ■• r.Xr> VOL. VII. _________ v ( l La i ( Ob/Ufr/] BOEKICKE & TAFEL: NE W YORK: PHILA DELPHI A: 145 GRAND STREET. 635 ARCH STREET. 187 8. MMe. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1878, By BOERICKE & TAFEL, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. SHERMAN & CO., PRINTERS AND STEREOTYPERS, PHILADELPHIA. LIST OF REMEDIES IN VOLUME VII. PAGE Nicotinum,........ 1 Nitri Dulcis Spiritus,..... 2 Nitricum Acidum,......10 Nitro-Muriatic Acid,.....43 Nitrogenium Oxygenatum, ... 46 Nitrum,.........58 Nuphar Luteum.......59 Nux Moschata,.......61 Nux Vomica,........83 Nymphsea Odorata,.....127 Ocimum,.........128 (Enanthe,.........128 (Enothera,.........137 Oleander,.........139 Oleum Animale,.......149 Oleum Jecoris Aselli,.....169 Oniscus,.........173 Opium,..........173 Oplia,..........237 Opuntia,.........237 Origanum,.........240 Osmium,.........241 Ostrya,..........249 Ozonum, . ........253 Oxalicum Acidum,......253 Paeonia,..........276 Palladium,........280 Panacea,.........281 Papaverinum,.......282 Paris Quadrifolia,......282 Pastinaca,.........291 Paullinia Pinnata,......291 PAGE Paullinia Sorbilis,......295 Pediculus..........295 Penthorum,........301 Persica,..........303 Petiveria,.........305 Petroleum,........311 Petroselinum,.......333 Phallus,.........334 Phaseolus..........334 Phellahdrium,.......335 Phosphoricum Acidum, .... 346 Phosphorus,........366 Phosphorus Hydrogenatus, . . . 464 Physalia,.........465 Physostigma,........466 Phytolacca,........502 Picricum Acidum,......519 Pilocarpinum,.......535 Pimenta,.........538 Pimpinella,........538 Pinus Cupressus,......540 Pinus Lambertiana,.....540 Pinus Silvestris,.......541 Piper Methysticum,.....542 Piper Nigrum,.......552 Piscidia,.........552 Plantago,.........553 Platinum..........574 Platinum Muriaticum, .... 589 Plectranthus,........590 Plumbago Littoralis,.....601 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PURE MATERIA MEDICA. NICOTINUM. An alkaloid obtained from Nicotiana tabacum, Linn. Formula, C10HUN2. Preparation, Solutions in distilled water (or alcohol). Authorities. 1, Falk and Wachenfeld, De Nicotine, 1848 (from Huse- mann, Pflanzenstoffe), experiments on themselves and on others with 2 to 3 milligrams dissolved in water; 2, Wertheim, Zeit. d. K. K. Ges. zu Wien, 1851, general effects; 3, Schroff, provings on Dworzak and Hein- reich with 0.001 to 0.002 gram, and even 4 or 5 milligrams, Lehrb. d. Pharm.; 4, Reil, Mat. Med. d. rein. Arzn., 1857, p. 235, effects of a solu- tion of 1 drop in 100 drops of alcohol, doses increasing from 1 to 15 drops (the original provings in Journ. f. Pharm., 2, p. 195, not accessible). Mind.—Delirium, with frightful visions,2.—Inability to fix the at- tention upon any subject (second day),3.—Inability to think or fix the thoughts,4. Head,—Vertigo,12.—Peculiar vertigo,4.—Headache,14.—Decided head- ache,3.—Violent headache (second day),3.—A high degree of dulness of the head, heaviness, dizziness, and stupefaction,3.—[10.] Dulness and heaviness of the head, persistent,3. Eye.—Sensation as though the eyelids were too heavy,4.—Lachryma- tion,\—Dilatation of the pupils,2.—Dilated pupils,4.—Indistinct vision, with great sensitiveness of the eye to light,3.—Weak vision,4. Ear, Nose, Face, and Mouth.—Indistinct hearing, with a sen- sation as though the ears were filled with cotton,3.—The expired air had the odor of alcohol, noticed not only by the provers themselves but by the bystanders,3.—Face pale, features drawn,3.—[20.] Sensation of an aura in the upper jaw,3.—Sharp burning sensation on the tongue,3.—Increased secretion of saliva,3.—Scraping-burning taste, especially low down in the throat, causing hiccough and hawking,4. Throat and Stomach.—Dryness of the throat,3.—Sensation of scraping in the throat,3.—Constant scraping in the throat,2.—Sensation as though a sharp brush had been drawn through the oesophagus to the stom- ach,3.—Sensation of dysphagia,4.—Loss of appetite,4.—[30.] Loss of appe- tite (second day),3.— Great aversion to tobacco-smoking; one, a smoker, en- deavored to mitigate his troubles by a pipe of tobacco, but was utterly vol. vii.—1 2 NICOTINUM-NITRI DULCIS SPIRTTUS. unable to take more than a few whiffs; the other, not a smoker, became affected to an excessively disagreeable extent by going near any oneJm°*-- ing3—Frequent eructations,1.—Eructations with vomiting that afforded some relief,3.—Hiccough,4.—Nausea,1.—Nausea, and inclination to vomit and actual vomiting, with some relief,3.—A disagreeable sensation extend- ing from the stomach upward and downward, with eructations,3.—Sensation of emptiness and faintness in the stomach and intestinal canal, persistent,3. Abdomen and Bectnm.—Abdomen distended,3.—[40.] Disagree- able sensation through the whole intestinal canal,3.—Excessive desire for stool, relieved by emission of flatus and urine,3.—Stool retarded,4. Urinary Organs.—Urgent desire to urinate; urine copious,3.—Se- cretion of urine decidedly increased,3. Respiratory Organs, Chest, and Pulse.—Respiration rapid and difficult,3.—Very difficult respiration,3.—Oppression of the chest,1.— Oppression of the chest, compelling deep respiration,4.—Oppression of the chest; sensation as though a foreign body were behind the sternum,3.— [50.] Pulse increased in frequency in direct proportion to the dose,3.— Pulse and respiration very irregular, sometimes becoming very rapid, some- times sinking,4.—Constant sinking of the pulse,2. , Extremities and Generalities.—Formication, beginning in the tips1 of the fingers, extending to the wrists and afterwards to the elbows,3.— Weakness of the lower extremities, especially on going upstairs,4.—Pecu- liar clonic spasms that gradually increased for forty minutes; the extremi- ties began to tremble; the trembling extended at last over the whole body, which became violently shaken; the respiratory muscles mostly affected; respiration difficult and impeded, every respiratory effort consisting of a series of short jerks in quick succession; expiration was accomplished in the same manner as inspiration,3.—Great general excitement,3.—Great un- easiness,4.—Great weakness, persistent,3.—Great weakness (second day),3.— [60.] Weakness,1.—Unusual sensation of weakness and exhaustion, so that he could scarcely hold up his head,3.—Unusual muscular weakness,3.—Ex- cessive weakness while walking, gait unsteady,3.—Trembling,12 4.—Exhaus- tion,2.—Paroxysms of faintness, beginning with a vanishing of the senses and ending with loss of consciousness,3. Shin, Sleep, and Eever.—Sk'm dry,3.—Persistent sleepiness,3.— Sleepiness (second day),3.—[70.] Sleepiness,13.—Night restless, sleepless, during which he was hot and excited,3.—Extremities icy cold,3.—Coldness of the extremities,3.—Coldness beginning in the tips of the toes and fingers and extending towards the trunk,1.—Shaking chill,3.—Sensation of warmth commencing in the stomach, rapidly extending over the chest and to the head, and like a steaming into the tips of the fingers and toes, not, however, followed by perspiration,3. Conditions.— Aggravation.—(Ascending stairs), Weakness of lower extremities.—( Walking), Excessive weakness. NITRI DULCIS SPIRITUS. Spiritus setheris nitrosi. Sweet spirits of nitre. This substance is essentially a solution of sethyl nitrate (CHNO ) Authorities. 1, Lembke Zeit. f. Horn. Kl., 4, p. 145, took repeated "doses of 5 to 30 drops; 2, same Neue Zeit. f. Horn. Kl., 17, p. 36, took repeated doses of 10 to 40 drops; 3, same, subsequently repeated the proving • 4 NITRI DULCIS SPIRITUS. 3 same, subsequent proving with doses of 10 to 60 drops; 5, Brown, Pharm. J., 16, p. 455, effects of inhalation of vapor of "nitrous ether;" 6, second case; 7, third case; 8, effects in self. Mind.—Slight confusion of ideas,6.—Some anxiety,6. Head.—Confusion. Confusion of the head (soon after a dose),1.— Head very much confused, heavy, and hot, for three hours,4.— Vertigo. Vertigo,16.—Sensation of impending vertigo several times, soon ; also, while sitting, a sensation as if the upper part of the body swayed to and fro,1.— Sensation in the head as if vertigo would occur, repeated several times (soon); between these attacks, while sitting, a sensation as if the upper part of the body swayed to and ho;1.—General Head. A dull annoy- ing pain is felt in the head, more acutely along the course of the temporal arteries, which continues for five or six hours (after five or six hours),3.— Violent tearing in the head,4.—[10.] Tearing in the head,4.—Tearing pains in various parts of the head,3.—Drawing and tearing in the head, especi- ally in the right side,4.—Drawing pressure in various parts of the head,23. —Frequent pressure in the head,1.—A slight degree of swimming in the head, scarcely perceptible even when at the worst,5.—Pressure and heavi- ness in the head,4.—Pressure and heaviness in the head, lasting a long time,4.—Heaviness in the head, with pressure in the forehead,4.—Heat and heaviness in the head, soon after a dose,4.—[20.] Stitches on the head,3.— Headache, continued for seventeen hours (after half an hour),6.—Fore- head. Confusion in the forehead,1.—Confusion in the forehead, on rising in the morning, with persistent pressure and heaviness, lasting several hours,3.—Violent boring in the forehead,3.—Violent persistent pain in the frontal bones,3.—Boring in the forehead, at night,4.—Boring in the left side of the forehead, at times very violent,4.—Violent boring here and there in the frontal bones, frequently repeated,3.—Boring in various parts of the forehead,3.—[30.] Violent pressure and boring in the frontal bones,3.— Drawing pains in the forehead,2.—Drawing in the forehead and bones of the face,3.—Drawing and pressure in the forehead,3.—Heaviness in the fore- head 3.—Pressive pains in the forehead, increasing in the evening, noticed while both walking and sitting,3.—Pressure in various parts of the forehead (soon after a dose),1.—Violent pressure and heaviness in the forehead, .— Pressure in the forehead, especially violent,3.—Pressure and heaviness^ in the forehead 2.—[40.] Frequent pressure and heaviness in the forehead,3.— Frequent pressure and fulness in the forehead,3.—Pressure in the forehead and sinciput, with a feeling of heaviness and fulness in the head, •—Pres- sure in various parts of the forehead,12—Pressure in the forehead, .— Pain in the forehead, with pressure and heaviness, worse towards even- ing3— Heat in the forehead and face?*.—Temples. Boring in the tera- pli« '3 —Boring as with a dull instrument in the left temple,3.—Pressure in the temple* 2 — [50.] Pressure in the right temple,1.—Pressure in the tem- ples and frontal bone,1.—Pressure in the left temple,1.—Pressure in the temples, with a sensation of heaviness in them,2.-Pressure inward as with a dull instrument in the right temple,1.— Vertex. Stitches on the vertex —Pressure and heaviness in the sinciput,3.—Drawing in the scalp with pressure in various parts of the skull/.-Horripilation on the scalp - Occiput. Heat in the occiput (soon),3.-[60.] Pressure in the occiput, . —Heaviness in the occiput, with heat,12. Eue —Dull appearance of the eyes,5.—Stitches in the eyes, .—Lids. Visible twitches in the right upper lid,3.-Frequent twitching in the mar- gin of the right upper lid/.-Stitches and burning in the lids and their 4 NITRI DULCIS SPIRITUS. margins,3.—Burning in the margins of the lids,3.—Stitch in the upper lid and above the right eye,3.—Lachrymation,1.—[70.] Stitches in the eye- balls,3.—Black spots and rings float before the eyes, always after a dose, with heat in the head and contracted pupils,4. Ear.—(The left ear is closed, without swelling or pain, lasting more than an hour; it seemed to be the commencement of a violent coryza that developed the same day),1.—Pressure behind the ears,2.—Pressure in the left mastoid process,1.—Stitches in the left ear,4. Face.—The first observed effect is a bluish-purple color which the lips take on; this occurs even when the vapor is very dilute, and it may exist quite unconsciously and without any bad effects whatever; after being ex- posed for one or two hours to a rather diluted vapor, or after exposure for only a few seconds to a very partially diluted vapor—after it may be only three or four natural inspirations—the lips assume a deeper purple tint, the eyes a dull appearance, and the whole countenance has a ghastly, dirty- looking pallor about it, as if smoked all over; the hands, more especially beneath the nails, partake of the purple color; afterwards the hands are of a leaden-blue or purple color,5.—Visible twitching in the middle of the left part of the upper lip, along the margin,1.—Boring in various parts of the bones of the face,3.—Boring in the bones of the face,2.—[80.] Pressure in the bones of the face,8 4.—Stitches in the muscles of the face,3.—Fre- quent stitches in the muscles of the face,4.—Pressure in the bones of the face, worse on the right side,4.—Sensation as of a cloud over the upper por- tion of the face,1.—Stitches in the masseter muscles,2.—Drawing stitches in the cheeks,3.—Drawing in the right upper jaw,1.—Violent boring in the lower jaw, especially in the angles,3.—Drawing in the upper jaw,2. Mouth.—Teeth. [90.] Tearing in the upper teeth,2.—Tearing in the lower teeth,3.—Tearing in the upper canine and incisor teeth of the right side,1.—Tongue. Cutting deep in the forepart of the tongue,1.—Drawing in the lower teeth,3.—Burning in the tongue,3.—Sticking and burning in the tip of the tongue,3.—Sharp stitches in the tongue,1.—Stitches deep in the mass of the tongue,1.—Violent stitches in the tip of the tongue,3.— [100.] Stitches in the tip of the tongue,12.—Fine stitches in the tip of the tongue,1.—Stitches in the tongue,124.—Very flat odor in the mouth,1.—Sa- liva. Profuse clear saliva collects in the mouth after a dose,1.—Much thin saliva in the mouth,2.—Much thin saliva with a constant salty taste on the tip of the tongue (soon after a dose),1.—Profuse mucus constantly in the mouth, with a taste of lye,1.—Much mucus in the mouth,2.—Sensation like that preceding nausea, together with increased mucus in the mouth,1.— [110.] Salty taste on the tongue and salivation,1. Throat.—Constant dryness in the throat,1.—Cramp extending from below upward in the oesophagus,1.—Increased accumulation of mucus in the throat,1. Stomach.—Violent paroxysmal cutting pain deep in the pit of the stomach, together with flushes of heat and general hot sweat,1.—Pecu- liar sensation of aching in the pit of the stomach,1.—Heaviness, fulness and oppression in the pit of the stomach,1.—Pressure in the stomach' extending up the oesophagus,2.—Pressure in the stomach,1.—Pressure in the stomach, as from a dull instrument, aggravated by deep inspiration, pres- sure, and keeping the body erect, relieved by bending inward the abdomen, which is not at all soft; after half an hour the pain increased, became cut- ting, extended to the umbilical region, and was aggravated by even slight i nspiration ; the pain continued four hours; was very much increased by eating, when it became cutting; there was much accumulation of gas in NITRI DULCIS SPIRITUS. 5 the abdomen, after the evacuation of which the pain was relieved,1.__ Eructations. [120.] Eructations of air tasting of the drug,4.—Eruc- tations of air,1.—Sensation of qualmishness in the pit of the stomach rising into the mouth, with much mucus in the mouth,1.—Vomiting at an early stage, not either severe or persistent,1.—Nausea. Frequent nauseas- Nausea, with some sensation of qualmishness in the stomach, accumulation of saliva and hunger,1. Abdomen.—Many noises of gas in the abdomen,1—Rumbling in the abdomen,2.—Rumbling in the abdomen and pressure in the umbilical region,2.—Some pressure in the epigastric region,2.—[130.] Sudden stitches in the left side, below the navel, extending towards the bladder,1. Urinary Organs. — Urethra. Violent cutting in the tip of the urethra,3.—Stitches in the tip of the urethra,13 \—Violent stitches in the tip of the urethra,3.—Numerous stitches in the tip of the urethra,3.—Violent stitches in the tip of the urethra while urinating,4.—Frequent stitches in the tip of the urethra,3.—Micturition. Frequent inclination to urin- ate,12.—Much desire to urinate,3.—Frequent micturition of profuse urine as clear as water,4.—[140.] Frequent painless micturition,4. — Urine. Frequent micturition of yellow urine,2.—Urine very clear in color, with frequent desire, but not increased quantity,1.—Urine passes frequently,2.— Urine yellow during the whole proving, not increased in quantity,2.—Urine scanty,1.—The diuretic action was not apparent until twelve or fourteen hours after exposure to the vapor,5.—Diuretic effects (within an hour or two),6. Sexual Organs.—Stitches in the glans penis,1. Respiratory Organs. — *Breathing slow and regular; on walking a short distance it becomes very hurried ; if the attempt is persevered in it be- comes quick, difficult, and painful, and a most distressing sense of painful con- striction is felt underneath the sternum?.—[150.] Tickling in the larynx, with short dry cough,2.—Tickling in the larynx, with a dry cough, in the evening,2.—Tickling in the larynx, causing a dry explosive cough,1.— Much sticking and tickling in the larynx, with thin saliva,1.—Numerous stitches in the larynx, in the evening, provoking cough, which was dry,1.— Stitches and constriction in the larynx,1.—Short dry cough,1.—Short dry cough, several mornings,1. Chest.—Cramp rising up in the oesophagus, with intermitting pains ex- tending to the upper portion of the wall of the chest,1.—Pressure mov- ing about in the upper portion of the wall of the chest,1.—[160.] Pressure above the lower portion of the wall of the chest,1.—Sticking and pressure in the left wall of the thorax,3.—Pressure above the lower portion of the thorax,2.—Pressure in the upper part of the thorax,2.—Stitches in various parts of the thorax,3.— Front. Violent beating and pressure behind the sternum, while walking,3.—Dull pressive sensation low down in the sternum, as if in the oesophagus,1.—Pressure in the sternum,12.—Sides. Sticking pain in the upper part of the left wall of the chest, without affecting breath- ing,1.—Intermitting sticking pains in the upper part of the wall of the left chest, afterwards in the right, without affecting respiration,1.—[170.] Pres- sure in the upper part of the left wall of the chest, disappearing and re- turning without affecting respiration or motion,1.—Pressure in the left wall of the chest, coming and going several times without being affected by respiration or motion,2.—Stitches in the right, then in the left wall of the chest, not aggravated by inspiration,2. Heart and Pulse.—Heart. The sensation of violent beating in 6 NITRI DULCIS SPIRITUS. the heart occurs frequently in the evening on lying down in any position lasting onlv a moment,3.—If walking is persevered in the heart makes itself felt by its rapid, tremulous, tumultuous action,0.—Some violent beating ot the heart,4.—Violent beating of the heart, at times with a feeling of pres- sure,4.—At times while walking a peculiar sensation in the heart, like vio- lent'beating; this symptom occurred very frequently during the day,3.— Pulse. The pulse during the first quarter of an hour after 25 drops was irregular, the beats generally fuller and harder,1.—The pulse remained un- changed for half an hour, except that it was fuller and slower than usual,2. —[180.] Pulse weak and quick; on walking a short distance it becomes very quick,5.—Pulse frequent, for half an hour (after 20 drops),1.—Pulse rather fuller and somewhat slower than usual (half an hour after 10 drops),1. Neck and Back.— Violent pressure in the nape of the neck and cer- vical vertebra?,3.—Stitches here and there in the thorax and back,3.—Sen- sation as if hot water were creeping through the back from below upward, lasting a quarter of an .hour,1.—Pressure and stitches in the region of the spine,2.—Drawing in various parts of the back,2.—Stitches in the final pro- cesses of the vertebra?,3.—Numerous violent stitches in the vertebra?,3.— [190.] Drawing in various parts of the dorsal muscles,1.—Stitches in the spinous processes of the middle dorsal vertebra?,1.—Violent sticking in the spinous processes of the last dorsal and upper lumbar vertebra?,1.—Pressure in the lumbar muscles and hip-joints,4. Extremities in General.—Pressive boring in the muscles and joints of the upper and lower extremities and in the head, even while walk- ing,3.—Boring in the fingers, wrists, shoulders, and knees,3.—Sticking in the fingers and toes,2.—My nails were colored blue, and also Mr. G.'s lips were the same,6.—Pressure and boring in the bones of the wrists, tibia?, ankles, head, and face,1.—Tearing in the fingers and toes,12.—[200.] Pains in the limbs,4.—Pressure in the muscles of the shoulders, upper arms, and thighs,3.—Pressure on the backs of the feet and in the wrists,1.—Violent pressure in the muscles of the upper and lower extremities,3.—Violent pres- sure about and above the ankles, about the leg, and afterwards in the forearms,3.—Very frequent violent pressure in the malleoli, in the tarsal and metatarsal joints, wrists, shoulders, and muscles of the arms, with bruised pain,3.—Pressure on the backs of the feet and in the wrists,2.— Pressure in the elbows and arms, afterwards in the fingers and toes,2.— Some pressure in the left knee and then in the right forearm,2.—[210.] Pressive pain in the shoulders, knees, and ankles,3.—Pressure in the ankles and forearms,2.—Drawing in the calves and scapula?,3.—Drawing in several joints and phalanges,1.—Wandering pains in the limbs,3.—Stitches and pressure in the toes, shoulders, fingers, and their joints,2.—Drawing and pressure in the shoulders, arms, ankles, and occiput,3.—Pressure in the left knee, and afterwards in the right forearm,1. Superior Extremities.—Violent painful sensation of weakness in the left shoulder and in several fingers, frequently during the day,1.— Violent stitches in the shoulder-joints, some muscles of the arms, and in some finger-joints,3.—[220.] Stitches in several finger-joints and in the shoulders,2.—Shoulder. Violent pain in the right shoulder,1.—Bruised or weary pain in the muscles of the arms and shoulders,3.—Pressure in the shoulder-joints,4.—Pressure in the shoulders and clavicles,2.—Pressure in the left shoulder, extending to the upper arm,1.—Pressive, stiff pain on the fore- part of the left shoulder, and scapular portion of the clavicle, aggravated by motion, in the evening,1.—Stitches between the scapula?,1.—Stitches in NITRI DULCIS SPIRITUS. 7 the shoulders,2.—Arm. Weakness of the whole right arm ; on raising it it seems heavy, as if too thick or full,1.—[230.] Heaviness and weakness of both arms, .—Heaviness in the arms,2.—Pressure in the muscles and joints of the arms,3.—Pressure in the muscles of the arms,3.—Pressure in the arms and wrists,4.—Pressure in the arms,2.—Violent pressure in the elbows and upper arms,2.—Stitches on the inner side of the left upper arm,1. —Stitches in the muscles of the upper arm,2.—Elbow and Forearm. Drawing in the elbows,3.—[240.] Pressive pains in the elbows and wrists,4.— Violent pain in the left elbow and upper arm,1.—Pressure in the left elbow- joint and right forearm,1.—Violent tearing deep in the left forearm, extend- ing into the wrists, in the evening, in bed,1.—Pressure in the forearms and wrists, in the evening,2.—Pressure in the forearms and wrists,3.—Violent pressure as with a plug in the middle of the left forearm, especially in the soft part,1.—Pressure in the right forearm,1.— Wrist and Hand. Bor- ing in the wrists,2.—Internal pressure on the back of the left wrist,1.— [250.] Violent pressure in the wrists,4.—Pressure in the wrists,2 '.—Draw- ing in the left wrist,2.—Stitches in the wrists,2.—Stitches in the left wrist,1. —Weakness of the right hand, with stitches in some of the joints, followed by weakness of the right shoulder-joint,1.—An unsteady sensation in the hands on holding objects,2.—Feeling of unsteadiness in the hands, like a trembling, on grasping or holding objects,1.—Pressure in the bones of the hand, at times very violent,4.—Fingers. Sudden, violent stick- ing burning pain in the first phalanx of the third finger, with swelling, redness, and very blue veins; motion is unaffected and without painr; pressure decidedly aggravates the whole condition, but only for a minnte; the redness and swelling last till he goes to bed, and even the next morn- ing ; the next day violent pressure causes some pain, though much less than on the previous day,1.—[260.] Tearing in the fingers,2.—Violent tearing in the fingers,2.—Tearing and pressure in the left fingers,1.—Violent tearing in the right fingers,1.—Tearing and pressure in the finger-joints,2.—Pres- sure in the thumbs,4.—Burning stitches on the backs of the joints of several fingers,1.—Stitches in the second joint of the right little finger,1.—Frequent stitches in the joints of the fingers,4.—Stitches in several finger-joints,2.— [270.] Stitches and pressure in one or another of the finger-joints,2.— Stitches in the second joint of the right little finger,1.—Some stitches through the left thumb and right index finger,1.—Stitches in the left thumb,2. —Violent sticking in the fingers and joints,3.—Drawing pains in the fin- gers,1. Inferior Extremities.—In General. Pains in various joints, especially persistent pressive pain in the left hip-joint,3.—Long-continued pain in the whole left leg and ankle, especially on moving the ankle, pain- ful towards the external malleolus,1.—Pains in the lower extremities, even while walking,4.—Boring pressive pain in the lower extremities,4.—[280.] Boring in the left hip, tibia?, and feet,3.—Violent pressure in the right leg and ankle, and in the malleoli,2.—Drawing and pressure in the legs and the backs of the feet,3.—Drawing pressive pains in the thighs and tibia? while sitting,4.—Hip and Thigh. Pain in the left hip, associated with pain in the skin and soft parts about the joints,3.—Awakened about 3 a.m. by violent boring persistent pain in the left tibia,3.—Persistent and violent pains in the left hip-joint,3.—Drawing in the hip-joints,3.—Pain in the hip, aggravated by walking,3.—Pain in the right hip-joint,1.—[290.] Pressure in the left hip,3.—Drawing in the right thigh,1.—Knees. Violent per- sistent pressure in the left knee, worse while sitting, obliging walking about, 8 NITRI DULCIS SPIRITUS. which somewhat relieved,3.—Pressure in the left, then in the right knee, and in the ankles,3.—If walking is persevered in the knees shake, and, re- fusing any longer to remain rigid, give way,5.—Pressure in the knees,12 3 4. —Drawing and pressure in the knees,2.—Sticking in the soft parts above the right knee, at times very violent boring while sitting and walking,4.— Boring in the knees,3.—Drawing and pressure in the knees and calves,4.— [300.] Violent stitches in the left knee in bed,2.—Violent stitches in the forepart of the left knee,1.—Leg. Drawing and heaviness in the calves and hollows of the knees,1.—Violent boring in the lower portion of the leg,3.—Boring in the knees and tibiae,4.—Boring in the right tibia, towards evening,2.—Boring in the tibia?, even in the evening,2.—Violent boring in the tibia?,4.—Frequent boring in the tibia?, at times very violent,3.—Boring on the right tibia,1.—[310.] Boring in the tibia?,2 3 4.—Boring on the left tibia,1. — Drawing in the muscles of the calves,1.—Tearing pains in the right tibia,1.—Tearing on the right tibia,2.—Tearing pains in the left tibia,1. —Tearing in the tibia?,2.—Violent pressure and boring in the tibia?,4.— Drawing on the left tibia,1.—Stitches and pressure in the calves,3.—[320.] Stitches in the tibia?,12.—Ankle. Violent pain in the bones of the rightankle and metatarsus, persistent, worse while sitting,1.—Boring in the left ankle and malleoli,3 4.—Pressure in the right ankle, especially in the external mal- leolus,1.—Pressure and drawing in the ankles and knees,4.—Drawing and pressure in the ankles and tarsal bones,4.—Pressure in the ankles, even while walking,4.—Pressure in the ankles and malleoli,2.—Drawing in the ankles and tibia?,3.—Pressure in the ankles,3.—[330.] Pressure in the ankles and knees, in the morning,3.—Pressure in the bones of the right ankle,1.— Foot, Boring on the back of the left foot,2.—Boring as with a dull instru- ment on the back of the left foot,3.—Boring in the malleoli,3.—Boring on the back of the foot,1.—Violent pressure in the feet and toes,4.—Drawing and pressure in the bones on the' backs of both feet,1.—Drawing on the back of the left foot,2.—Drawing on the back of the left foot,1.—[340.] Drawing on the back of the right foot,1.—Tearing in the feet,2.—Pressure on the back of the left foot,2.—Pressure on the backs of the feet,1.—Pres- sure in the bones of the feet,4.—Pressure in the bones on the back of the left foot,1.—Stitches in all the toes of the left foot,1.—Drawing in the heels,1.—Violent drawing in the right heel,1.—Toes. Tickling in the tips of the toes and soles of the feet,3.—[350.] Tearing in the left toes,1.__ Tearing in the toes,2.—Pressure in the first joint of the right great toe,1.— Pressure in the first joint of the left great toe,1.—Pressure in the joints' of the toes,2.—Pressure in the toes,2.—Drawing in the toes,3.—Drawing in the left toes,3.—Drawing and sticking in the toes,4.—Drawing in the first left metacarpal joint,1.—[360.] Violent stitches in the toe-joints,3.—Stitches in several toes and in their tips,3.—Violent stitches in the right great toe,3.— Stitches in the tips of the toes,1. Generalities.—Great swelling of the veins,1.—Weakness,2.—Great weakness,1.—General exhaustion,1.—Sticking boring and tearing in the bones of the face, back, and various parts of the body, especially in the toes and tips of the toes, knees, and cranial bones; these symptoms occur very soon after a dose,3.—Frequent drawing in the cranial bones, as also in the ankles and toes,3.—[370.] Tearing in various joints,2.—Drawing- and pressure in several joints,1.—All the pains extend from place to place and suddenly change about,3.—Symptoms occur especially in the morning and in the evening in bed, and are frequently caused by damp weather l — In general the symptoms were as numerous while walking as while sitting NITRI DULCIS SPIRITUS. 9 (though perhaps more numerous while sitting),3.—By the time I had reached half a mile, I felt very weak and unable to Walk, which at last compelled me to sit down for a little on a stair ; I recovered considerably by this, and was able to proceed ; I got a little brandy ; shortly after I felt quite strong in the limbs ; by the time I got home I again felt the weakness coming, .—Perfect rest, heat, and a warm atmosphere, with brandy and a little ammonia, gradually restore the powers of the muscular system,5.— Perhaps a little debility (second morning),5.—The muscular debility comes on very rapidly, unaccompanied by the slightest effect upon the brain, and endures for hours,8.—Loss of muscular power goes on until complete pros- tration ensues; but there is no consciousness of this debility until an effort is made,0. Skin.—[380.] During the night, while in bed, the skin is dry, but by no means hot; yet while there is no restlessness, it is a relief and pleasant to the feet to hunt out the coolest spot thev can find,5.—Crawling in the skin and in the forepart of the right tibia,1.—Violent stitches in the skin of the left axilla,4.—Violent sticking and burning in the skin on the inner side of the right upper arm,3. Sleep.—An exceeding drowsiness came on, quite like what one feels after long hard work ; but this perhaps was partly the effect of the brandy. On getting into bed I slept, and that soundly, for nine hours and a half,6.—Many dreams of danger by fire,1. Fever.—Chilliness. Internal chilliness, with cold hands,1.—Fre- quent chilliness,2.—Creeping chills under the skin, extending from the small of the back to the lower extremities,1.—Chilliness followed by heat in the head and rest of the body,2.—[390.] Chilliness over the body and limbs, frequently,2.—Violent chilliness in the back and limbs,1.—Chilliness in the back and limbs,2.—Chilliness over the back,1.—Chilliness in the back with profuse warm perspiration on the palms; the chilliness increased and the hands became cold and the perspiration of the palms continued,1.—Chilli- ness in the back at 4 a.m., in bed,4.—Chilliness through the spine, increas- ing with cold hands,1.—Chilliness over the back several times,1.—Chilli- ness on the back and in the limbs,2.—Chilliness over the back, extending into the lower extremities, with cold hands,1.—[400,] Internal chilliness, cold hands, lasting an hour,2.—Chilliness over the back, with heat in the head and face, repeatedly while walking and sitting,3.—Extremities cold,5. —Sensation of coldness preceded by heat,2.—Heat and Sweat. Heat in the head and face, soon after a dose,34.—Heat in the head (soon after a dose),24.—Great heat in the face,and afterwards over the whole body,2.— Heat in the head,2.—Heat in the face, more internally than externally, afterwards in the whole body,1.—Heat in the head and face, heat followed by pains in the knees, ankles, and wrists (soon after a dose),3.—[410.] Heat in the nape of the neck and occiput; general heat with swollen veins during rest, lasting a quarter of an hour,2.—Heat rises from the cervical portion of the spine into the occiput (soon after a dose),1.—Heat in the head and face, with chilliness in the back, and cold hands,3.—Violent heat in the head, afterwards in the whole body, with inclination to perspire, soon after a dose,4.—Violent heat in the face, with persistent heat in the head and over the whole body,4.—Heat rising into the face, rather internally, afterwards also in the forehead, with pressure,1.—Heat in the back,4.—In the back a sensation of heat rising from below upward and lasting about ten minutes,2.—Heat in the back and over the whole body,4.—General heat, with inclination to perspire (while sitting),4.—[420.] Perspiration on the 10 NITRICUM ACIDUM. palms, the veins of the hand large and distended, while sitting quietly, lasting about ten minutes,2.—Perspiration on the hands, with greatly dis- tended veins on them,1.—Inclination to perspire, while sitting,. ^ Conditions___Aggravation.—(Morning), On rising, confusion in lore- head, with persistent pressure and heaviness ; dry cough ; pressure mankle and knees—(Toward* evening), Boring in tibia?; pain in forehead, witn pressure and heaviness ; pains increased,2.—(Evening), Symptoms more fre- quent and aggravated,2; in bed, tearing in forearm and wrist; stitches in larynx provoking cough.—(Night), Boring in forehead.—(Deep inspiration) Dull pressure in stomach.—(Pressure), Burning in first phalanx of third finger, with swelling and redness— (Lying down), Violent beating of heart. —(Sitting), Sensation of swaying of upper part of body; pain in bones of right ankle.—( While urinating), Stitches in tip of urethra.—( Walking), Difficult breathing; rapid beating of heart; variable pulse; boring in muscles and joints of extremities; shaking in knees; pain in hip. Amelioration.—(Towards evening), Symptoms relieved,.—(Bend- ing abdomen./orward), Dull pressure in stomach.—( Walking), No symptoms,. NITRICUM ACIDUM. Nitric acid; hydrogen nitrate; HN03. Preparation, Dilutions with distilled water. Authorities. (Nos. 1 to 19 from Hahnemann.) 1, Hahnemann, Chron. Krank-n.; 2, Bethmann; 3, Foissac; 4, Hartmaun; 5, Hering; 6, Th. Mo.; 7, Rummel; 8, Stapf; 9, Audrey, vom Magnete, p. 164 (not obtain- able, Hughes); 10, Alyon, in Mem. d. 1. Soc. d'Emulation, 1, 618 (obser- vation, Hughes); 11, Blair (Essays on Ven. Diseases, etc., Lond., 1797, ob- servations of patients, mostly syphilitic, Hughes); 12, Diirr, Hufel. Journ. (xxv, 2, 31, observation, Hughes); 13, Ferriar (Med. Hist, and Refl., ii, 299, as Blair, Hughes); 14, Kellie (Duncan's Annals, 1797, ii, 254, obser- vation, Hughes); 15, Lescher, in Roemer's and Kuehn's Annal. d. Arzn., 1, ii, 1 (not obtainable, Hughes); 16, Ritter, in Hufel. Journ. (x, 3, 191, observation, Hughes); 17, Samml. f. prakt. Aerzte, xv, 1 (not found, Hughes); 18, Scott, in Hufel. Journ., iv, p. 353 (Duncan's Annals, 1796, i, 375, experiments on self, Hughes); 19, Walters, in Phys. Med. Journ., 1810 (not found, Hughes); 20, omitted; 21, Robinson, Br. J. of Horn., 25, 235, a young "female" (woman?) took of a solution of 1 globule of the 200th dil. in 8 ounces of water, a tablespoonful every third morning; 22, same, a middle-aged "female" took of same solution night and morn- ing; 23, same, another "female" took same; 24, same, another proving, as No. 21; 25, same, a young "female" took of a solution of 1 globule of the 1000th dil. in 8 ounces of water, a tablespoonful each morning; 26, Ber- ridge, N. Am. J. of Horn., N. S., vol. 3, p. 101, Mrs.----took a few drops of the dilute (officinal) acid; 27, Berridge, Am. J. Horn. M. M., 8,128, Dr. Lillie took the 200th dil. (Lehrmann); 28, Lederer, Br. J. of Horn., 15, 249, symptoms in healthy persons; 29, Daniel D. Walters, Med. and Phys. Journ., 2, 181, 1799 (from Med. Repos., 2, p. 137), drank freely of dilute "aqua fortis;" 29 a, his brother drank of same;f 30, Dr. Levret, Am. J. f Compare 29 and 29 a with 19; they are probably identical, though these latter (from the English original) differ somewhat in phraseology.—T. F. A. NITRICUM ACIDUM. 11 Med. Sc, 1828 (Journ. des Progres, vol. 6), a young man took about 2 ounces of the acid, after having eaten heartily of bread and cheese and drank some brandy; 31, Arnott, Loud. Med. Gaz., 1833, vol. 12, p. 219, a young man drank about a dessertspoonful; 32, Bouillard, Journ. Unive'rs et H., vol. 13, p. 434,1833 (Frank's Mag., 4, p. 382), a man took "a glass- ful ;" 33, Rehfeld, Med. Zeit. f. Heilk. Preuss. 1833 (Frank's Mag., 1,166), a girl, aged eighteen, took an indefinite quantity; 34, Wilson, Lond! Med. Gaz., 1834 (S. J., 6, 272), a boy drank some from a bottle; 35, Schreber, Sum- marium, 1840 (S. J., 25, 156), a girl, aged twenty-three, took an indefinite amount; 36, Basse, Inaug. Diss., 1845, a man took about 2 ounces of dilute acid; 37, Dr. Warren, Am. J. Med. Sc, 1850, a woman, aged thirty-four, took a quantity into her mouth, most of which was ejected; 38, Sansora, Lancet, November, 1860, a man took more than 1 ounce; 39, AVunderlich, Archiv. der Heilk., 1863 (A. H. Z., Mon. Bl., 7, 27), a girl, aged seventeen, took a teaspoonful; 40, Br. and For. Med.-Chir. Rev., 1863, p. 541, effects of fumes from a broken jar in a man, fatal; 41, same, second case, also fatal; 42, Palmer, Trans. N. Y. St. Horn. Med. Soc, 1864, p. 225, effects of "a small quantity;" 43, Erichsen, Petersb. Med. Zeit., 1867 (A. H. Z., Mon. Bl., 16, 62), effects of a wineglassful in a man; 44, Hendrichs, Am. J. Horn. Mat. Med, 3, 120, effects of fumes in a lady; 45, Budd, Lancet, 1860, chronic poisoning of a man, aged thirty-six, by about 1 ounce; 46, Adams, Lancet, 1870, poisoning of a man by at least half an ounce of strong acid. Mind.—Emotional. Delirium (first night),37.—Attacks of rage and despair, with curses and imprecations,1.—He becomes violent about trifles all day, and then has to laugh at himself,1.—Inclined to be angry and use insulting expressions,1.—Long-continued rancor, insensible to apologies and excuses (after four days),1.—Inclined to be violent and to quarrel (after five hours),3.—Taciturn,1.—*Easily excited; much affected by peevish- ness,1.—* Very easily startled and frightened?.—[10.] Great weariness and indolence, as if completely exhausted and bruised, while sitting and walk- ing,1.—*Starting up as from fright on falling asleep?.—* Tendency to start?. —In the evening, in bed, all sorts of images appeared to him: they walked, ran, disappeared, reappeared, became larger and smaller, with chilliness,1. —Visions, instead of sleep, every night,1.—Faintlike weakness every other morning, with anxiety,1.—She became lost in thought about a long-past anxious event, from which she could not free herself, almost like a waking dream; from time to time she aroused herself from it with fright, but al- ways became again deeply buried in the same train of thought;, she was able to think of anything else only with the greatest difficulty,1.—At once she is taken with a peculiar anguish, runs to her physician, but he is not at home, hires a carriage to drive to the house where she expects to find him; during her ride all the anguish is gone; arrived at home she feels as bad as ever, and feels herself thus forced to drive about the whole day, till all the effects of the Nitric acid have passed off,44.—*Anxiety, as if he were engaged in a lawsuit or dispute, causing uneasiness?.—* Anxiety all day?.— [20.] Anxiety, like palpitation, with nausea, without efforts to vomit, as if she had committed a crime, at night in bed; she could not remain in bed; no palpitation was perceptible to the hand; it lasted two hours,1.—^Anxiety at night?.—A kind of anxiety after eating,1.—Anxiety, with palpitation that takes away the breath,1.—More anxious than usual during a storm (after fifteen days),1.—Oppression and anxiety if she walks rapidly, with perspiration on the back and chest,1.—Timorous, and easily affected by any- 12 NITRICUM ACIDUM. thing unpleasant,6.—*Vexed at the least trifle, even at himself if he makes any mistake,1.—Homesickness,1.—Tired of life,1.—[30.] Anxious oppression, like nightmare, as if some one were lying under him and hold- ing him fast with the arms about his abdomen, so that he could not free himself, immediately after falling asleep,1.—* Discontentment with himself, that induces violent weeping, which makes him feel better,1.—Depressed and very anxious in the evening (the day before the menses),1.—^Depressed, as if despondent and as if in deep thought,1.—*Depressed, despondent mood, not lachrymose,1.—*Her spirits became much depressed?1.—*~Most excessive despondency and anxiety?.—Absorbed in himself, silent, with the sadness, . —Very fretful and uncomfortable in the morning after rising,1.—Very ill- humored and peevish at himself,1.—[40.] *Sad, and seeming to be de- pressed,1.— * Very easily affected and inclined to weep?.—*Sad mood, without actual pain?.—She wishes for death and yet dreads it,1.—* Peevish, with a sad and obstinate mood, with restlessness, so that she does not know where to turn,1.—Impatience (after six hours),3.—Very impatient, in the after- noon,1.—Peevish disposition, as after a vexation,1.—Excessive irritability (after three days),22.—Excessive irritability, anxiety, and general weakness after a stool,1.—[50.] * Peevish, irritable mood?.—* Ill-humored and peevish?. —Ill-humored in the morning on waking,1.—* Very fretful and despondent?. —The child begins to weep very much on the slightest provocation,1.—Very lachrymose without cause,1.—*She fancies that she will die soon, yet is not physically ill?.—Boundless despair,1.—^Hopeless despair?.—Joyless, indif- ferent,1.—[60.] Could scarcely free himself from sad thoughts,1.—Lying in a state of apparent stupor (after several hours),131.—Discontented, despising lite,1.—Indifferent, without interest in anything,1.—Changeable mood, at one time lively, at another sad (after sixteen hours),1.—Intellectual. Paroxysms of anxious thoughts without cause; in the evening he became quite anxious, could not sit still, was obliged to walk about,1.—* If she exerts herself to reflect upon important things her thoughts vanish?.—She has no thoughts at all, and cannot comprehend anything; cannot even understand what is said to her, just as if she did not hear well, which, however, is not the case (after five days),1.—Diminished power of thought, disinclined to any scientific work,2.—* Indisposed to earnest work?.—[70.] * Great weak- ness of memory?.—No desire to work (second day),1.—His ideas frequently vanish and the train of thought disappears,2.—As the physical weakness increased, the memory diminished,1.—Loss of ideas, almost without consci- ousness,1. Head.—Confusion. Confusion of the head, like a loss of consci- ousness, at times, worse in the open air,1.—Confusion and weakness of the head (after four days),1.— Vertigo. Vertigo on stooping,1.—Vertigo on rising, from stooping (fourth day),7.—* Vertigo in the morning on rising, with obscuration of vision; is obliged to sit down?.—[80.] Vertigo, with nausea, in the morning; after a few minutes eructations,1.—* Vertigo and, weakness in the morning immediately after rising, so that she was obliged to support herself?. —Vertigo on rising at night, so that she did not know where she was,1.— Vertigo, with pulsation in the head and pressure in the middle of the brain, in the evening,1.—Great vertigo in the evening; she could scarcely hold her- self on rising from a seat,1.—Vertigo in the evening immediately after lying down in bed,1.—Vertigo, as if he would lose consciousness,1.—Great rush- ing to the head; he became dizzy,1.—Obscuration and dizziness of the head,1. —General Head. Heaviness and dulness in the head, with nausea,1.— [90.] Spasmodic painful drawing in the head, that was confused and be- NITRICUM ACIDUM. 13 fogged,7.—Dulness of the head, so that she cannot think or pay attention long,1.—Tension in the skin of the head,1.—*Rush of blood to the head?.— *Rush of blood to the head, with heat in it?.—*Heat of the head all day?.— Sensitiveness of the head to the jar of the carriage and to a hard step (after thirteen days),1.—Head affected, not clear, especially after a meal (second day),6.—* Headache in the morning on waking, disappearing after rising?.— Attack of headache at first in the morning in bed, a dull pain; after ris- ing, violent pressure in the right temple, chilliness, qualmishness in the umbilical region; at last, very distressing pain in the abdomen, as from incarcerated flatus and frequent eructations (eighth day),7.—[100.] Head- ache, with tension in the eyes on moving them,1.—Headache, more sticking than pressing, above the eyes, always after eating (after sixteen days),1.— Headache, as from intoxication the previous day, very much aggravated by stooping, with pain in the eyes as from smoke,1.—*Headache, as if the head were tightly bound up,1.—Drawing headache (after two hours),1.— Dull headache and heaviness of the head,1.—Cutting headache,'.—Head- ache with the dysentery (after fifteen hours),21'.—Short, violent headache while walking in the open air,1.—He woke two or three times at night with headache, and could not again fall asleep for one or two hours,1.—[110.] Attack of headache in the afternoon for several days in succession, followed by nausea and anxiety; at night, vomiting with faintness and diarrhoea,1. —*Pain in the head, as from rush of blood, so that she could not think at all, together with a veil before the eyes,1.—* Painful tension within the head and in the eyelids,'.—Feeling of tension in the head and whole body,1.— Painful heaviness of the head, as from coal gas, woke him in the morning,1. —^Pressure in the head and heaviness in the lower extremities (first days),1. —*Feeling as if the head were in a vice from ear to ear over vertex, arising and departing gradually, for about an hour after breakfast; afterwards felt as if she had no head; it felt light on her shoulders; it felt numb, or as if made of putty (second morning),26.—*Feeling as if some one were forcibly pressing the head?.—The head is heavy and oppressed while sleeping and while dozing at night,1.—Excessive pressing downward in the head, with very violent coryza,1.—[120.] Pressure in the head always on coughing,1. —* Feeling of fulness in the head?.—Painful sensation of fulness in the head, as if it would burst, for half an hour, several times during the day,1.—Pain as from fulness of blood in the head, eyes, and upper part of the nose, on shaking the head and blowing the nose,1.—Sensation of satiety, with dul- ness in the head,1.—Sensation in the head as in violent coryza, though without special discharge of mucus,1.—Sensation of burning points or sparks on the head,1.—Intolerably painful hammering in the head,1.—Sudden shooting into the head on stooping, as if heavy with a hundredweight (after six days),1.—Jerklike beating in the head on stooping and lying down,1.—[130.] Roaring in the head,1.—Constant humming in the head,1. —Jerking in the head in the evening,1.—Stitches in almost all parts of the head,1.—Crawling, asleep, and numb sensation in the head,1.—Forehead. Pain in the forepart of the head,42.—* l'r ensure in the forepart of the head and upon the eyes, that were then immovable,1.—Very acute drawing pres- sure upward in the forehead,1.—Sharp pressive pain in both frontal emi- nences, mingled with stitches,1.—Pressure in the forehead daily in the morning, lasting half an hour,1.—[140.] Compressive headache anteri- orly in the forehead all the afternoon (after two hours),1.—Temples. ^Drawing pain in the right temple (after a few hours),1.—Drawing in the temporal muscles,2.—Heaviness of the head in the temples, with frequent 14 NITRICUM ACIDUM. chilliness,1.—*Stitches in the temples (after three days)?.—* Stitches in the left temple, in the evening, pot in the night,1.—Violent stitches in the right temple (after sixteen days),1.—Throbbing headache in the right temple, with nausea, in the morning on waking, for several days (after twenty-nine days),1.—Sticking, at times throbbing, headache in the left frontal emi- nence, with a feeling as if it closed the eyes, from 4 p.m., worse in the even- ing, lasting into the night, when it even woke him,1.—Sticking-beating headache in the left temple the whole afternoon (after sixteen days),1.— [150.] Throbbing headache in the temples,'.— Vertex. Pressure in the top of the head, in the temples and eyes, as from pressure with the thumbs (after nine days),1.—Sticking pain in the upper part of the head every day, more in the afternoon, as if it would tear the head asunder; she was obliged to lie down, and could not sleep at night on account of it,1.—Boring stitches in the vertex, in the evening,1.—Pain in the roots of the hair when touched on the vertex, in a spot as large as the hand,2.—Parietals. A jerk in the lower portion of the left hemisphere of the brain, from before back- ward,1.— Throbbing headache in the left side of the head all the afternoon (after eight days),1.—Terrific pain in left side of head (after several days),23. —Bruised pain in the whole right side of the head,1.—Shaking in the left hemisphere of the brain, extending to the temples,1.—[160.] Pressive and drawing bone-pains in the whole left side of the head, even in the teeth and meatus auditorius,1.—Violent painlike throbbing or hammering on left side of head, coming on gradually; it began near vertex, descend- ing to region of left ear, then went gradually over vertex to right side of head, but still worse on the left; not relieved by warmth of flannel; she felt as if she could beat the head to pieces, towards morning (first night); it gradually diminished, and about breakfast left her entirely,26.—Drawing at one time in the right side of the head above the orbit, at another time in the left side, in the region of the ear,1.—Crawling on the right side of the head, about the ear,2.—Occiput. Violent sticking pain on the right side of the head and in the occiput, that was even sore to touch (after three days),1.—Transient headache in the occiput after slight exertion, especially in thinking,1.—Pressive bruised pain in the occiput,1.—Pain in the back of my head, resembling what I have commonly felt when taking Mercury (third and fourth days),20.—Stitches in both occipital protuberances, ex- tending to the lower jaw,1.—Violent stitches in the left side of the occiput, during breakfast, so that the head was drawn backwards and respiration was impeded,1.—[170.] Violent stitches suddenly in the right side of the occiput, in the evening, and afterwards another kind of violent headache in the occiput, both disappearing on going to sleep,1.—Throbbing in the occiput,1.—External Head. ^Falling of the hair?.—*Profuse falling of the hair of the head,2.— Tension in the skin of the forehead?.—*Scabby, moist, itching eruption on the scalp?.—* The scurf on the scalp is very offen- sive?.—Very painful spots on the scalp to touch,1.—* Painful sensitiveness in the scalp, even the cap oppresses, him, in the evening, with anxiety (after three days),1.—Very painful sensitiveness of the scalp,1___[180.] The head is painful to touch externally, as if suppurated (after twenty-four hours)1. —Drawing and stitches in the scalp,2. Eye.—Objective. Sunken eyes (after eleven days),1.—Puffiness about the eyes, in the morning on waking (third day),1.—Redness of the white of the eye,1.—* Yellowness about the eyes, with red cheeks?.—Eyes very red without agglutination,1.—Yellow, sickly look below the eyes, in the morn- ing after rising, and a relaxed sensation (after nine days),1.—Acrid mois- NITRICUM ACIDUM. 15 ture in the eyes,1.—Agglutination of the right eye over night,1.—[190.] *Difficulty in opening the eyes and raising the upper lid, in the morning?.— Difficulty in opening the eyes in the morning,1.—Conjunctivitis of the left eye,1.—Sensation as if the eyes were full of tears,1.—Subjective. The eyes are weak, and hurt as if weary,1.—Constrictive pain externally above the left eye,1.—Constrictive pain in the left eye,2.—Stickiness in the eyes as from hardened matter,1.—Sensation as if the right eye were compressed (first day),3.—Sensation as though cobwebs were floating before the eyes by the candlelight, disappearing on closing the eyes or on moving them,1.— [200.] Drawing pain above the left eye,1.—Constant twitching below the right eye after dinner,1.—Violent drawing pains in the eyes,1.—Pressure like sand, in the outer canthi,1.—Pressure in the eyes like pressure upon an ulcer,1.—Pressure in the eyes as from a grain of sand,1.—Pressure in the eyes as from looking at the sun ; there is an accumulation of hardened mucus, and the eyes become red and itch,1.—Pressure in the eyelids, in the evening,7.—Pressure and smarting in the left eye (sixth day),7.—Burning in the eyes and in the left temple,1.—[210.] Burning in the eyes during the menses,1.—*Biting in the eyes?.—Pinching pain in the eyes,1.—Itching and pressure in the eyes,1.—*Stitches in the eyes (also on the sixth day),1.—A stitch near the left eyeball, extending to the inner canthus, externally (after eleven hours),1.—Stitches in the right eye and left ear, coming out of the head, whereupon inflammation of the eyes; the white of the eye becomes very red; in the open air he cannot see,1.—Stitches over the left eye,2.—Stitches over the eyes daily, in the morning, lasting half an hour,1. —Lid. Dryness beneath the upper lids,1.—[220.] Trembling of the right lid,1.—Swelling of the eyelids,1.—Swelling of the upper lid and an itching pimple upon it,1.—Periodic pressure on the inner surface of the lids, espe- cially on the lower, with great sensitiveness of the eyes to light, and blink- ing,1.—Burning in the eyelids, in the morning,1.-'-Dry mucus in the canthi,1. —Itching in the inner canthus,1.—Lachrymal Apparatus. Lach- rymation of the eyes very much increased by reading, with pains in them.1. —Frequent lachrymation,7.—Lachrymation and itching in the eyes,1.— [230.] Lachrymation of the right eye in the open mild air,7.—Cornea. Dark spots in the cornea,1.—Pupils. [230.] Pupils dilated,7.— Vision. Dimness of vision (after several days),23.—His vision becomes dim and the eyes become dark for an hour,1.—The vision becomes dim and objects be- come dark ; he sees no more, and believes that there is an obscuration of the sun or that he is becoming blind (after two hours),3.—^Double vision of horizontal objects at some distance,1.—*Obscuration of the eyes while reading,1.—*She can clearly distinguish nothing at night, and everything seems double?.—Sensitiveness of the eyes to the light,1.—[240.] Short- sighted; he could not clearly distinguish objects even at a short distance,1. —^Shortsighted ; objects at a moderate distance were indistinct?.—*He was obliged to stop reading in the twilight sooner than usual?.—While reading he sees a green spot before every letter,1.—The eyes become blinded by the daylight as usually in the evening by the candlelight,1.—He becomes sud- denly blind in the open air, with a confused feeling in the head; his thoughts go hither and thither, and he becomes faint for a few minutes (after thirty- nine days),1.—Some black spots before the eyes,1.—A gray spot at some distance before the eye, that prevented distinct vision,6.—Sparks of fire before the eyes; it became black before the vision ; he could distinguish nothing for an hour ; four attacks during the day,1.—The halo about the candlelight increases,1.—[250.] A transient veil before the right eye,1.—A 16 NITRICUM ACIDUM. fog before the eyes on looking at anything,1.—On looking intently at any- thing he seems to be blinded ; it seems too dark,1. Ear.—Objective. Soreness behind the left -ear (eleventh day),7.— Redness, suppuration, and violent itching behind the left ear,1.—^Swelling of the glands behind and beneath the left ear, ivith sticking and tearing in them extending along through the ear, at 6 p.m., lasting till she became warm in bed?.—Subjective. Aching in the ears,1.—Sticklike earache,1.—Sensa- tion of dryness in the ears, that are swollen (after six days),1.—Sensation of stoppage of the ear, preceded by aching in it,1.—[260.] Pain as if the drum were pressed inward (after twelve hours),2.—Pain in the left ear as if it were distended,1.—Pain in the ear as if something in it would burst,1. —Cramplike pain in the ears (after twenty-four hours),2.—A sudden clo- sure of the right ear, as if stone deaf, for a short time,7.—Tearing now in the right, now in the left tragus,2.—Jerking within the meatus auditorius (after six days),1.—Drawing in the right ear and right cheek,7.—Drawing in the meatus externus auditorius (after four hours),1.—Throbbing in the drum of the ear,2.—[270.] Stitches in the right ear on pressing on the forehead,1.—Stitches in the right ear and roaring in it for three days (after twelve days),1.—Itching heat in the ears (after five days),1.—Itching in the ears,1.—Hearing. Hearing seems blunted; she cannot easily understand what is said,1.—She hears with difficulty (after five days),1.—Re-echoing of her own voice in the ears,1.—Roaring in the ears?.—Roaring in the ears, with difficult hearing, lasting fourteen days (after fourteen days),1.—Roar- ing in the left ear (after sixteen days),1.—[280.] Cracking in the ear when chewing (breakfast)?.—Sudden noise like the spitting of a cat in the left ear, for several minutes, in the afternoon,1.—Some loud reports in the ears (after a few days),1.—Humming in the ears as if water were in them,1. Nose.—Objective. * Ulcerated nostril, sore nose,7.—* Redness of the tip of the nose, and scabby vesicles upon it,1.—^Soreness and scabbiness within the nose?.—* Profuse fluent coryza (after second day),1.—Violent fluent coryza, preceded by sneezing and chilliness (thirty-first day),7.—Vio- lent coryza, with some cough (after forty-eight hours),1.—[290.] Profuse fluent coryza, with tearing in all the limbs, lasting only one day (fourth day),1.—Coryza, with waterbrash,1.—Violent coryza, with headache (after four days),1.—* Violent stopped coryza, without discharge?.—Violent coryza, with swelling of the nose and upper lip, and cough, especially at night,1.— Fluent coryza, with some itching in the nose (second day,)1.—Coryza, with headache and dry cough,1.—* Coryza, with a feeling of soreness in the nos- trils?.—* Coryza and cough (after nine days),1.—*Soreness and bleeding within the nose, with violent coryza,1.—[300.] Inclination to coryza (for many days),1. — Stopped coryza (after a few days),1.—Violent stopped coryza at night, lasting till morning (after sixteen hours),1.—^Stopped coryza, ivith stoppage of the nose ; the nasal mucus is only discharged from the moidh through the choanoz?.—^Stopped coryza, with dryness of the throat and nose, with swollen inflamed alee of the nose (after five days),1.—* Violent fluent and at the same time stopped coryza, with difficult breathing, even through the mouth, with stitches in the throat on empty swallowing and on swallowing food?. —Profuse nosebleed (after twenty-four hours),1.—Profuse nosebleed, in the morning,1.—Bleeding of the nose from weeping,1.—Nosebleed at night?.— [310.] Blowing of blood from the nose, in the morning?.—Discharge of black blood from the nose,1.—Acrid water runs from the nose at night,1.__Dis- charge of much nasal mucus,1.—Discharge of thick nasal mucus corroding the nostrils,12.—* Offensive yellow matter is blown from the nose?.—Stoppage NITRICUM ACIDUM. 17 of the left nostril,1.—Complete stoppage of the nose, in the morning on waking; trickling of water from it; after a few days it again is open and free,1.—Stoppage of the nose,1.—Disagreeable odor from the nose, in the evening after lying down, for three evenings,1.—[320..] * Frequent sneezing, with stoppage of the nose,1.—Sneezing when coughing,1.—Much sneezing during the day,1.—*Much sneezing every day, without coryza?.—Frequent violent sneezing (after a few hours),1.—Much sneezing, crawling in the nose, and sensation as if the nose would bleed,1.—Violent sneezing, in the morning and evening, without coryza,1.—Subjective. * Feeling of sore- ness in the wings of tlie nose (after four hours),7.—Feeling of constriction in the nose, malar bones, and about the eyes,1.—As the gas begins to be developed, there is a prickling-tingling sensation in the nose, with frequent sneezing,28.—[330.] *Sensation of soreness within the nose?.—Burning in the nose,1. — Smarting pain in the nose,1.—* Violent itching in the nose?.— *Stitches as from a splinter in the nose, on touch,7.—* Stitches in the root of the nose, that is distended, especially on sneezing and coughing?. Face.—Objective. Face pale,31.—Face sunken (after eight days),32. —Countenance of a leaden hue (second morning),37.— The face, jaws, and lips become much swollen, not red or inflamed, but simply puffed; the entire face, in fact, was much disfigured (after several days),23.—[340.] Redness of the face and body with the cough,28.—Face red,42.—* Yellowness of the face?.—Face flushed,46.—Features daily more worn and anxious (after six weeks),45.—Twitching of one or another muscle of the face, especially of the masseter muscles,2.—Tension in the skin of the face, in the morning,1. —Violent painful pulsation in the left side of the face?.—Subjective. Violent cramplike pain in the bones of the face, especially in the cheek- bones,2.—Violent tearing deep in the muscles of the face or in the perios- teum of the malar bone, woke him after midnight,2.—[350.] *The bones of the face are painful when touched, and when not?.—Pain about my jaws, like what arises from Mercury (fourth day),20.—Sensation of great internal heat in the face, especially in the eyes, so that he could with difficulty keep them open, with paleness of the face,1.—Stitches, as with needles, in the face,1.—Cheek. *Ulcerated spots on the inner surface of the cheeks, with sticking pains as from a splinter,1.—Swelling of the cheek, with a red, rough spot in the middle, and tearing toothache,1.—Swelling of the cheek and upper lip,1.—Inflamed swelling (erysipelas) of the left cheek, stinging pain, with nausea and chilliness, followed by heat; on rising up in bed the shivering always returns (after ten days),1.—Violent pain in the malar bones, as if they would be torn asunder (after ten days),2.—Bruised pain in the malar bones,1.—[360.] Drawing in the right cheek, extending towards the nose,7.—Tearing in the cheekbones, starting from the angle of the lower jaw,1.—Sensation of heat in the cheeks, without externally per- ceptible heat,1.—Li£>s. * The lips are swollen and itch?.—^Swelling of the lower lip (second and ninth days),1.—As the gas increases in quantity, the lips feel as if covered, and give a very sour taste when touched with the tongue,28.—Cutting pain in the upper lip,1.—* Stitches as from splinters in the upper lip when touched?.— Chin and Jaws. Jerking in the right lower jaw, extending forward from the region of the ear,1.—Great pain, weakness, and powerlessness in the lower jaws, in the evening,2.—[370.] Pain in the jaws as from Mercury,18.f—Cramplike pain in the right jaw,7. t Add " and on the back of the head, the gums being red and enlarged."— Hughks. VOL. VII.—2 18 NITRICUM ACIDUM. Mouth.—Teeth. *Looseness and painfulness of the teeth on chewing?. —*The teeth, previously very white, became yellow?.—The teeth seem too prominent and long,1.—A lower back tooth is painful on chewing,1.—Sen- sation of softness (Weichheit) in the teeth, disappearing during a meal,. The upper front teeth and a lower hollow back tooth are painful as if loose and blunted, or as if they had been bent forward and were loosened, in the evening, disappearing after eating warm food,1.—* Sensation as if the teeth were soft and spongy; did not dare to bite them together for fear they would fall out; on the slightest sucking of the teeth blood exuded from the gum, and the whole mouth felt comfortable (eleventh day),1.—Sticking toothache, with swelling of the cheek, for two days (after three days),1.—[380.] Toothache during the menses,1.—Toothache in the upper row, though not preventing chewing; with swelling of the cheek and tightness in it,1.—Painful throb- bing toothache, worse in the evening in bed, preventing sleep for several hours, at times in one tooth, at other times in all the teeth (after twelve hours),2.—Jerking toothache, mostly in hollow teeth, and in the evening (first day),2.—Drawing and sticking toothache, with some swelling of the gum, about midnight,1.—The pains in the teeth immediately became worse on leaning the head against the pillow,1.—Severe stitches in the upper back teeth, extending down to their crowns (after three hours),1.—*A stitch shoots into the teeth on taking anything cold or warm into the mouth?.—Sticking and burning in the teeth, at night,1.—Constant sticking pain in the teeth (after twenty-four hours),1.—[390.] Feeling of coldness in the teeth,1.—Constric- tive jerking and bubbling sensation in a hollow tooth,1.—* Tearing in the teeth (fifteenth day),1.—*Boring pains in the teeth when touched by anything cold or warm?.—Sharp drawing in the right teeth and in the head,7.— Drawing and grumbling in the teeth and jaws, at night,1.—Drawing pain in the teeth, extending to the larynx,1.—Drawing in the teeth,1.—Gums. Swelling of the upper gum; even of the sockets of the teeth (eighth day),1. —*Gum white, swollen?.—[400.] Swelling of the upper lip and upper gum (after ten days),1.—* Swelling of the gum and so great looseness of the teeth that she could have taken them out (after five days),1.—Swelling of the gum during the menses,1.—*_f feel my gums affected by it, and they are somewhat red and enlarged between the teeth (third day) ; a little tender (fourth day),20. —Cutting pain in the gum of the upper teeth,1.—Pressive pain in the gum and a feeling of soreness,1.—Itching on the gum,7.—Tongue. Tongue swollen, and of a citron appearance,31.—Tongue swollen, and of a lemon- yellow color (after half an hour),34.—*Blisters on the tongue and on its margins, with burning pain when touched,1.—[410.] *A sore pain in the red portion of the tongue?.—*Soreness of the tongue, palate, inside of the gum, with a sticking pain and ulceration of the corners of the mouth, lasting five days (after twenty-eight days),1.—Tongue thickly coated with the par- oxysm of fever,1.—*Small painful pimples on the sides of the tongue,1.— Small blisters on the sublingual glands, that are painful,1.—Tongue covered with a yellow coating in two stripes, with some red excoriations (third day),39.—Tongue very dry,.sticking to the palate, in the morning on wak- ing,1.—Tongue dry, white (after twenty-four hours),1.—The tongue and inner surface of the lips were covered with a lemon-yellow membrane,43.— The tongue and cavity of the mouth had a yellow look, and were denuded in several places,33.—[420.] Tongue coated,1.—Tongue dry, thickly coated in the morning,1.—*He bites the tongue when chewing?.—He lisps while talking,1.—Speech almost impossible (second morning),37.—* The tongue is very sensitive, even to soft food, which causes a sharp biting?.—General NITRICUM ACIDUM. 19 Mouth. [Ulcers in the mouth and fauces],11.-}-—* The internal surface of the cheeks, uvula, palate, fauces, and the ivhole mucous surface as far as one could see, were covered with ulcers and with a thin yellowish-gray membrane, injected, red, swollen, painful, and offensive,32.—* Corners of the mouth ulcer- ative and scabby,1.—* Mucous membrane of the mouth, fauces, and tongue covered by a white membrane that could easily be torn off?6.—[430.] the whole inside of the mouth and fauces, as far as could be seen, was of a deep yellow color, the tongue looking as if covered with Indian meal (second morning),37.—Whole mouth, from the lips backward, covered with a whitish- yellow membrane,35.—Mouth white but not painful (after twenty-five min- utes),30.—Horribly offensive odor from the mouth,11.J—*Foul "odor from the mouth,1.—* Hawking of'mucus?.—Very tenacious mucus in the mouth,1. —He could not readily open his mouth when requested to protrude his tongue, which he did riot do,31.—* Deglutition difficult (after twenty-five minutes),30.—*Violent pains and burning in the mouth, palate, and oesoph- agus?6.—[440.] * Violent pains in the mouth, throat, and stomach?3.—Violent pains in the mouth, throat, and epigastric region'(immediately),39.—^ Mouth and throat sore (first four or five days),37.—*The mucous membrane of the cheeks easily gets between the teeth, so that he bites it while chewing (tenth day),7.—^Intense pain and burning in the mouth, throat, and stomach, the inner surface of the mouth and throat being swollen and of a bright-red color?2. —* Dryness of the mouth, without thirst, with sivollen hot lips?.—Dryness of the mouth, in the morning,7.—* Dryness of the mouth,8.—Dryness superiorly on the palate,1.—Dryness and scraping in the mouth in the morning, as after much smoking,1.—[450.] Acidity in the mouth that bi|rns the throat excessively.1.—Acidity in the mouth after eating,1.—Sensation as if all parts of the mouth were asleep (twenty-ninth day),1.—All parts within the mouth seem stiff and swollen, in the morning on waking,7.—Constrictive sensation in the mouth,2.—Mouth sorer (sixth day); mouth so troublesome that I shall take no more acid (seventh day),20.—Burning in the mouth intense through the night,37. — Saliva. Salivation (first four or five days),37.— *Profuse flow of saliva (thirteenth day),7.— *Bloody saliva is expectorated, in the morning (after forty-eight hours),1.— [460.] Sweetish saliva in the mouth,1.—Flow of saliva, without disorder of the gum?2 u 18.— The mouth was constantly full of water, which she was obliged to spit out (after a few hours),1.—* Flow of saliva, with ulcers in the fauces?.—Saliva colored with blood, especially after mental work,1.—Spit more (fifth and sixth days),20.—He spits out much tenacious saliva,1.—Taste. Pure water has a salt taste when rinsing the mouth,'.—Taste of blood, caused by the cough,28.—*Sourl taste in the mouth (after a few hours),1.—[470.] Sour taste in the mouth, in the evening,1.—Sour taste, in the morning,1.—Bitter taste, in the afternoon,1.—Bitter taste, with whitish-yellow coated tongue (after twenty-four hours),1.—Very bitter taste, all the forenoon,1.—Bitterness in the mouth,1.—Sweetish taste in the mouth, in the morning (after thirteen days),1. Throat.—*Heat and dryness in the throat?.—*Much mucus in the throat posteriorly?.—* Swelling of the throat internally, with stinging pains,1.— f This symptom seems compounded of ulcers in the throat, which appeared in a man who was taking the acid for syphilitic disease there, and of ulcerations and vesications on the lips and inside the mouth, from the local applications of the drug. Omit " Scott;" no such is found in him.—Hughes. J Not found.—Hughes. 20 NITRICUM ACIDUM. [480.] * Violent pains in the throat and dysphagia,32.—Great pain all about the throat, from the front of which leech bites were bleeding; on lateral compressure of the larynx, additional pain was felt,31.—Violent pain in^a spot behind the suprasternal notch, greatly aggravated by drinking water, . —Pain in the throat and larynx (after half an hour)?*.—* Sore throaty on swallowing, as from a swelling in the throat, and as if raw and ulcerated, . Feeling of soreness in the throat,1.—Throat sore for a week, and he could swallow nothing but milk,45.—Sore throat, with pressive pain,1.—* Throat scraped, as if something prevented speech and swallowing,1.—Scraping in the throat and cough,1.—[490.] Scraping in the throat,1.—Scraping in the throat, and inclination to cough on reading aloud,1.—Throat rough like a file, noticed not on swallowing but on breathing, with oppression of the chest and fluent coryza,1.—Throat very rough, scraped, and dry,7.—Bitter- ness in the throat,1.—^Pressure in the throat as if swollen and thick, during the day and evening, with sore pain?.—Pressure in the throat posteriorly on swallowing food, seeming to extend down along the inner surface of the back,1.—Burning heat in the throat and epigastrium, immediately; this pain augmented rapidly,30.—Burning in the throat after supper, lasting half an hour,1.—^Sticking in the throat, in the evening in bed, as if in the root of the tongue, when not swallowing?.—[500.] Feeling of a lump in the throat on empty swallowing,1.—*Sticking, painful sore throat,1.—Tickling cough, with soreness in the throat,1.—Stitches in the throat, after talking a long time,1.—*Stitches in the throat when coughing?.—*Stitches in the throat (larynx ?) on talking a long time?.—*Stitches in the tonsils and burning in the fauces, behind the uvula?.—Tickling in the throat,1.—Acidity in the throat,1.—Great acidity in the throat after eating fat,1.—[510.] Region of the hyoid bone and of the pit of the throat very painful (third day),39.— * Cracking in the maxillary articulation when chewing and eating,1.— *Swelling of the submaxillary glands?.—The swollen submaxillary glands are painful on moving and touching the neck,2.—The right submaxillary gland is painful for a long time,1.—*The submaxillary glands are painful?. —A persistent stitch in the region of the maxillary articulation,1.—Dull pressure in the submaxillary glands and in the neck,2.—Itching of the swollen parotid glands (after three days),1.— Uvula and Tonsils. [Corroding ulcers on the side of the uvula],13."]-—[520.] * Uvula and tonsils enlarged, as if azdematous?1.—Tonsils oedematous (after half an hour),34.— * Swelling of the tonsils,™.%—*White patches appeared, first on the tonsils, then on the back part of the throat, and finally inside the mouth and lips (within an hour); the deposit afterwards became thicker and changed to a yellowish hue; the tongue was also coated with the same, with red tip and margins?2.—*Arch of the palate and tonsils swollen, painful, with injected vessels?6.—Pain in the tonsils, with soreness of the uvula,1.—Fauces, Pharynx, and Oesophagus. *Fauces red, with a yellow membrane and with some excoriations (third day),39.—*Fauces and posterior pharynx red, swallowing difficult?3.—*Sore pain in the pharynx (after ten days),2.— *A morsel sticks in the pharynx while eating, as if the pharynx were constricted,1.—[530.] Violent pains in the oesophagus,43.—Pain along the oesophagus, excessively aggravated by swallowing,32.—Feeling of a knot rising up in the oesophagus,1.—Swallowing. Great difficulty in swal- f In a case of secondary syphilis, while the acid was being taken for ulceration of the tonsils.—Hughes. I With salivation.—Hughes. NITRICUM ACIDUM. 21 lowing, which could only be performed in gulps, part of the fluid regurgi- tating through both nostrils, owing to constriction of oesophagus (twenty- first day); a small bougie was passed with difficulty into the oesophagus, which presented a stricture at the depth of about two inches; from this time a bougie was passed on alternate days (thirtieth day) ; discharged with some constriction about oesophagus, but otherwise in fair health (one hundred and tenth day),46.—^Swallowing very difficult?6.—Pain on swallow- ing; always referred to a line passing from top of sternum downwards to left side (after three weeks),45.—Food seemed to be arrested in its progress to the stomach at point corresponding to the upper edge of sternum (after four weeks),45.—* Violent pain on swallowing?8.—*Swallowing very diffi- cult, possible for only liquids,36.—Swallowing difficult (third day),39.— [540.] *He ivas unable to swallow even a teaspoonful of fluid,31.—He swal- lowed with pain, and spoke of throbbing in the tonsils and stiffness in the muscles of the throat,42.—Sensation of swelling in the submaxillary glands,1. —* Pressure in the throat on swallowing food, as if ii would not go down?.— While eating, small pieces of food are forced into the choange, and come from behind forward out towards the nose, as if the pharynx could not perfectly grasp the food and allowed it to slip back, so that it became pressed up towards the choanse,1.—* While eating, small pieces of food are forced into the choanaz, with a disagreeable sensation; they are afterwards only drawn downward with the mucus?. Stomach.—Appetite. Ravenous hunger,16.—* Great hunger, with weariness of life (after two days),1.—A craving for food existed, but every- thing was rejected soon after being swallowed,45.—Constant appetite, though speedy satiety on eating,1.—[550.] Good appetite, that immediately van- ishes when beginning to eat,1.—Had a second breakfast, feeling hungry and thirsty (second morning),26.—Longing for food, though it was imme- diately vomited (after three weeks),38.—Desire for fat and herring,1.—She cannot take bread; she can eat only cooked food,1.—*Loss of appetite; the food is not relished; worse in the morning,1.—He has no appetite; he is averse to everything,1.—Very little appetite, without bad taste,1.—Food is not relished ; he is immediately satiated, with eructations after a little food,1. —Absolutely no hunger; however, she eats, but soon becomes qualmish, and a distant nausea rises toward the throat,1.—[560.] Aversion to sweets,1.— Aversion to cooked meat,7.—Aversion to animal food,1.—Taste of the food lasting a long time after eating,1.—Thirst. Excessive thirst (third day),39. —* Constant great thirst?.—Much thirst at times at night,1.—Thirst at night (after thirteen days),1.—Much longing for drink,1.—Thirst for water, in the morning on waking,1.—[570.] * Thirst (first four or five days),3742.— * Dryness low down posteriorly in the throat, with heat at night, without sweat,1.—* Great dryness of the mouth, with great thirst?.—Was obliged to drink while eating,1.—Eructations and Hiccough. *Many eructa- tions before and after eating?.—Eructations tasting of the dinner eaten four hours previously,1.—Violent eructations and cramps in the stomach the first half of the night,1.—Excessive eructations and flatulence after dinner,1. —Many eructations, with bitter and sour vomiting, after eating,1.—Very easy eructations, with heartburn,1.—[580.] Eructations followed by burn- ing (heartburn), extending from the stomach to the throat, after eating,1. —Bilious eructations while eating, especially in the evening,1.—Eructations of partially digested food, with an insipid taste in the mouth,1.—Sour eruc- tations?.—Empty eructations, even in the morning, fasting,1.—Empty eruc- tations almost immediately,7—Violent hiccough (third day),39.—Hiccough 22 NITRICUM ACIDUM. from morning till evening (fourth day),7.—Hiccough (third day),7.—Nau- sea and Vomiting. Incessant nausea that amounts to vomiting, .— [590.] * Constant nausea and qualmishness the whole day, for several days in succession, with heat from the pit of the stomach to the pit of the throat; the nausea does not amount to retching; it is suppressed while eating and drinking, for both of which she has appetite,1.—Nausea, general sick feel- ing, and movements of the whole body, as after taking an emetic,1.—Within a few minutes a deadly and intolerable nausea came on, which, within a quarter of an hour, ended in vomiting; after this he felt better for some time, when pain, griping, and flatus succeeded, and about fifteen hours after taking the dose tenesmus and bloody stools followed,29.—Qualmish nausea and sick feeling like faintness and anxiety, as if she would eructate (espe- cially on moving about), alternating with ravenous hunger and pain as from emptiness in the stomach, as if she ought to eat, with accumulation of water in the mouth, like waterbrash, in frequent daily paroxysms, lasting five to ten minutes,1.—Great nausea in stomach as if going to retch, but without retching or vomiting, after rising, but before breakfast, lasting till she fell asleep again (second morning),26.—Nausea, with anxiety, without inclination to vomit, under the short ribs, frequently during the day,1.— Nausea about the stomach all day,1.—Nausea, with anxiety and trembling (after forty-one hours),1.—*Nausea and actual vomiting of mucus and food, caused by the cough; anxiety caused by the cough,28.—*Nausea after eating?. —[600.] Nausea after a soft stool,1.—Nausea in the throat immediately after eating, disappearing after moving about a short time,1.—Nausea, as from heat, not amounting to vomiting, for several hours,1.—Persistent vom- iting, caused by drink (after half an hour),34.—Violent vomiting of thin black blood and of an offensive black fibrous membrane, nearly a foot in diameter, containing large and small bloodvessels (after sixteen days),36.— He vomited frequently a ropy white and yellowish substance streaked with blood,42.—Vomiting of a serous brownish fluid, mingled with blood and yellow mucus (third day),39.—Vomitings (after a quarter of an hour); the first efforts to vomit were accompanied by excruciating pain and anx- iety,30.—Vomiting of black offensive blood (after twenty days),36.—Bitter and sour vomiting, with many eructations after eating,1.—[610.] * Constant vomiting of tenacious, purulent, and bloody mucus?3.—Vomiting of a bloody substance (first and following days),39.—Found dead, with a great quantity of blood in the bed about her, which she had apparently vomited (four- teenth day),37.—Vomiting, with burning thirst,32.—The vomiting returned on the sixth day, with restlessness and delirium,39.—Pyrosis to a marked degree, the fluid vomited being neutral to test-paper (after three weeks),45. —Incessant vomiting of a dark, sanguineous, and gummous fluid, intensely acid,46.—Vomiting (immediately),45.—Vomited a pint of coagulated blood and fluid (seventh day); threw up about a pint of bloody fluid, with a shred of mucous membrane, two or three inches in diameter, smelling offen- sively (eighth day),46.—Swallowing always followed by vomiting of food taken, together with a quantity of watery fluid (after three weeks) 45.__ [620.] Violent retching, lasting nearly three hours (after nine weeks)/5!__ Retching and vomiting,3343.—Vomiting,36.—Vomiting, and headache'over the eyes and in the parietal bones, as if the head would burst, immediately after dinner,1.—Qualmishness; general sick feeling; chilliness after the usual coffee; she was obliged to lie down,1.—Black bread causes a sour taste and vomiting,1.—General Stomach. Violent spasmodic griping in the stomach,1.—Spasmodic constrictive pain in the stomach,1.__Stomach NITRICUM ACIDUM. 23 and abdomen tense, and the clothes seem too tight, immediately after a very moderate dinner,1.—Spasmodic drawing pain in the pit of the stomach, with tension, extending to the navel, and making the breathing short,1.— [630.] Spasmodic pain in the pit of the stomach (after six days),1.—Pul- sation in the pit of the stomach,1.—A painless motion near the left side of the pit of the stomach (eleventh day),1.—Frequently spat up mucus more or less bloodstained,46.—Violent pain in stomach, occurring at intervals of about ten minutes (after three weeks),45.—Constant pain referred: to stom- ach (after four weeks),45.—Tenderness at pylorus (second day),46.—Pressure in the pit of the stomach and sudden burning, as if he would vomit blood (second day),1.—Orgasm in the region of the pit of the stomach (fourth day),1.—Violent pressure upon the stomach and pit of the stomach, while walking in the open air,1.—[640.] Violent pressure above the stomach and pit of the stomach, while walking in the open air,1.—Violent pressure in the stomach, at night,1.—Pressure in the stomach, aggravated by pressure of the hand,1.—Very painful pressure in the stomach, fasting/XPi-eggure in the stomach, especially before eating, even if he had eaten nothing for an hour; it was relieved by eating, with empty eructations,1.—Pressure in the stomach, as if it were sore, in the morning and during the day,1.—Pres- sure in the stomach and back, on waking in the morning,1.—Burning ex- tending down the oesophagus to the pit of the stomach, like heartburn,1.— Burning sensation in the stomach,1.—Clawing in the stomach in the morn- ing after rising, extending into the chest, followed by slight attacks of grip- ing in the abdomen,1.—[650.] Gnawing in the stomach, in the morning, fasting,1.—A constant stitching anteriorly beneath the pit of the stomach,1. —Tearing sore pain in the oesophagus, chest, and stomach after drinking at the beginning of the meal,1.—Violent pain in the stomach,33.—Pain in the stomach during sleep at night, disappearing on waking,1.—Pain above the stomach, on account of which he did not dare to stretch out straight, relieved by eructations,1.—Pain in the region of the cardiac orifice of the stomach on swallowing food,1.—Pain below the stomach during and caused by cough,1.—Constrictive cramp in the stomach; very distressing griping and pinching in paroxysms (after twenty-four and forty-eight hours),1.— Cramps in the stomach, and excessive pain and tenderness, which was par- tially relieved by opiates (thirteenth day),37.—[660.] Cramp in the stom- ach, as from taking cold,1.—Sensation of heat in the stomach,18, f—Feeling of coldness and pressure in the stomach after eating,1.—Feeling of coldness in the stomach,11.4;—A sense of warmth in my stomach and chest, soon (first day),20.—She woke at night with stomachache (after fifty hours),1.—(Post- mortem showed scars in the region of the pyloric orifice, with great indura- tion of the surrounding membrane, so that the orifice was very much con- tracted; the walls of the cardiac portion of the stomach were thin, with slight stricture of the cardiac orifice),38.—Epigastric region somewhat pain- ful to touch,36.—Pains in the epigastric region (after sixteen days),36.— Pressure on epigastrium occasioned slight uneasiness (after three hours),30. —[670.] Epigastrium and ileo-coecal region, and region of the S. Roma- num, painful and very sensitive to pressure,39.—Burning heat in the epi- gastrium and throat, immediately, and augmenting rapidly,30.—Epigastric region distended, sensitive to pressure (though the abdomen was painless),43. —Violent pain in the epigastric region,38.—Epigastrium very tender on f Soon after ingestion.—Hughes. X Ascribed to the acid being too little diluted.—Hughes. 24 NITRICUM ACIDUM. pressure,45.—After about ten days he began to have violent ^ains in the region of the oesophagus and stomach; nausea, vomiting, colic, and consti- pation returned; he became very much emaciated, offensive eructations, excessive distension of the epigastric region, tongue pale, moist, breath of- fensive, pulse 66 to 68. In spite of various remedies the abdomen became more and more distended, especially in the left hypochondrium, extending as far as the umbilical region; dulness on percussion, with evident fluctua- tions; pressure painful; the strength sank more and more each day; pulse very rapid and small, tongue dry, features drawn, followed by sudden death,32.f Abdomen.—Hypochondria. Stitches in the hepatw region, caus- ing loud cries on the slightest motion,1.—Violent pressure in the hepatic region during the menses,1.—Pressure in the left hypochondrium, more to- wards the front (fourth davV.—Sticking in the region of the spleen on every motion (fourth day),1.—[680.] Pain in the hypochondria on coughing,1.— (Could lie for a length of time on my left side, which, from some disease in my liver, had not been the case for many months before), (second night),20.— Sensation of swelling of the spleen,1.—Pressure and tension in the hepatic region,1.—Pinching-pressive pain in the right side, during the afternoon nap,1.—Pressure in the left side of the abdomen?.—The place of a hernia is very much distended,1—Umbilical and Sides. Pressure in the um- bilical region, with a sensation as if it would cease, after a stool,1.—The umbilical region became the seat of violent pain (after three hours),30.—Con- strictive pain in the umbilical region,1.—[690.] Sensation of distension in the umbilical region,1.—Cutting and tension in the right side of the lower abdo- men,1.—Drawing and griping in the umbilical region, especially on moving and bending the body,1.—Burrowing colic below the navel,1.—General Abdomen. A congenital growth on the abdomen like a wart becomes sensitive, sore, and scabby,7.—Distension of the abdomen during the menses,1. —Distension of the abdomen, in the morning, on waking,1.—Distension in the abdomen from flatulence, with rumbling from morning till evening, for many days,1.—The abdomen became distended (fifth day),39.—Great tension in the abdomen (after twenty-four hours),1.—[700.] Abdomen constantly tense,1.—Spasmodic constriction in the abdomen,1.—Abdominal muscles contracted,36.—Threw himself on his belly, writhing in paroxysms of agony, pressing his belly with both hands, groaning, and beseeching to be stabbed,46. —Rumbling in the abdomen?.—Loud rumbling in the abdomen, after eat- ing,1.—Gurgling in the abdomen, without hunger, often after eating,1.— Un- easiness in the abdomen, with much rumbling and thin stool, for more than a week (after twenty hours),1.— Cutting colic, in the morning in bed and after rising, followed by soft stools (third day),7.—Colic before the emission of flatus,7.—[710.] Colic before the stool, also drawing,7.—Colic, as from taking cold,1.—Cutting colic, with diarrhoea-like stools and cold feet, that cannot be warmed,1.—Violent flatulent colic, in the morning, after rising,1.— Grip- ing colic at night, with restless sleep,1.—Sticking colic, especially on pressing upon the abdomen,1.—Drawing colic in the lower abdomen, with shiver- f Post-mortem showed enormous distension of the stomach, filling the whole left side of the abdomen as far as the iliac fossa, containing a large amount of'thick chocolate-like, very offensive substance; the mucous membrane in the pyloric re- gion softened, and in many places completely destroyed ; near the pylorus there were ulcers with small hard edges; the walls of the pylorus and duodenum were indurated and hypertrophied, feeling under the knife like scirrhus M. NITRICUM ACIDUM. 25 ing,1.—Colicky uneasiness and distension of the abdomen, in the morning; flatus moves about the abdomen, with pain and rumbling, not relieved even by a soft stool (after sixteen days),1.—Griping colic before a good stool (after fourteen days'),1.—Colic, after frequent and in part ineffectual urg- ing to stool,1.—[720.] Generation of a large quantity of flatus; it moves about the abdomen with an unpleasant sensation, without finding vent,1.— Great desire to pass flatus, with pain in the abdomen ; very little or none at all is passed even when stool follows (from an enema of water),1.—Much flatus is passed (immediately, and also second day),1.—Excessive emission of flatus (after a few hours),1—Much emission of flatus, in the morning, with griping in the abdomen,7.—Drawing pain in the abdomen, extending into the thighs,1.—Pressure in the abdomen and pain in the small of the. back, during the menses,1.—Violent pressure in the lower abdomen, as if everything would press out at the genitals, with pain in the small of the back ; it extended into the hips and down the legs, during the menses,1— Pressure in the middle of the abdomen, as from a lump,1.—Qualmishness in the abdomen, some hours after a meal, several days in succession,7.— [730.] Pressive pain in the abdomen,1.—Frequent griping in the abdomen, without diarrhoea,1.—Frequent griping in the abdomen while drinking water during a meal,1.—Frequent griping in the abdomen, in the morning, after a good stool,1.—Cramp in the abdomen, at night,1.—Cramps in the abdo- men,1.—Pain in a small spot in the abdomen, as if something would come out there,1.—Constriction in the abdomen, with itching,1.—Twisting-draw- ing pain in the abdomen, before the emission of flatus,7.—Uneasiness in the abdomen, and frequent waking at night,1.—[740.] Uneasiness and anxiety in the abdomen at night, with heat in the head and hands,1.—The ab- domen is extremely sensitive (after three days),1. — Tenderness of the abdomen, walking with difficulty and bent much forward ; but this was per- haps owing to her having been thrown down and stamped upon in an affray on the day on which she took the acid (first four or five days),37.— Hypogastrium and Hiac Region.—* Suppurating swelling in the inguinal glands, that are very painful on walking; the whole extremity seems paralyzed, and the muscles seem tense?.—Swelling of the inguinal glands, without pain,1.—*Swelling of the inguinal glands?5.—*Slight sticking in a boil in the groin, when touched and when not, sticking itching in the in- durated portion of it?.—Violent cramplike pain in the lower abdomen, as if the abdomen would burst, with constant eructations; she could not re- main quiet in any place, during the menses,1.—Burrowing and griping in the lower abdomen, without diarrhoea,1.—Pressive pain, and at times a stitch in the lower abdomen, when touching it,1.—[750.] Constrictive pain in the inguinal glands,1.—Pain, as if broken or as from a rupture, in the left inguinal region, relieved by walking,1.—Stitches in the lower abdo- men, just above the pubis, while urinating,1.—Sticking in a left hernial spot,1. . Rectum and Anus.—Painful protrusion of the rectum, .—Urging to stool in the rectum, though a scanty evacuation,1.—^Swelling of the haemor- rhoids?.—* Constant pressing out of the haemorrhoids in the rectum?.—Pain- ful pimples in the perineum,1.—* Hemorrhoids and prickling in the rec- tum,1.—[760.] Haemorrhoids succeeding violent pressure downward in the back, while standing,1.—* Bleeding of the hemorrhoids at stool?.—* Protrud- ing but painless hemorrhoids and discharge of some blood with every stool?.— * Burning in the haemorrhoids?.—* Pain in the hemorrhoids?.—■*The rectum seems inactive and unable to evacuate the fceces?.—Heat in the rectum,.— 26 NITRICUM ACIDUM. *Buming sensation in the rectum,1.—* Acute burning in the anus (rectum) all day, especially after urinating?.—^Burning and pinching in the rectum, . —[770.] * Burning in the rectum, extending to the perineum, with ineffectual desire for stool,1.—*Much burning in the rectum, on waking at night, and m the morning?.—■*Smarting, more in the rectum than in the anus, immediately after a stool, lasting two hours?.—* Pressure in the rectum.(after seven and seventeen days),1.—Violent griping in the rectum,1.—*Sticking in the rec- tum and spasmodic constriction in the anus, during a stool, lasting many hours (after two days),1.—^Sticking and scraping in the rectum and anus after a stool?.—* During a stool, sticking cutting and dragging in the rec- tum and anus?.—*Itching in the rectum,1.—Itching in the rectum, as from threadworms,1.—[780.] Itching and burning in the rectum, with discharge of threadworms,1.—Stitches in the rectum while coughing,1.— Stitches in the rectum, in the evening,1.—Sharp drawing stitches in the perineum, extending towards the anus,1.—Dragging towards the rectum, followed by painful haemorrhoids,1.— Constant desire for stool, without re- sult?.—ineffectual urging returns after a stool,1.—Sensation after a stool as though more should be passed (sixth day),1.—Long pressure to stool; cannot evacuate it, and yet it is not hard,1.—* With the stool pain as if something in the rectum would be torn asunder,1.—[790.] *Fetid dis- charges from the anus (seventh day),39.—^Soreness in the anus (after four days),1.—* Constriction in the anus, almost daily?.—* Moist soreness in the anus and between the nates, when walking?.—Pressive pain in the anus, as if haemorrhoids would form,1.—* Burning in the anus (second day),1.—* Burn- ing in the anus, with a hard stool?.—* Burning in the anus, after a stool?.— Smarting in the anus, in the evening,1.—Itching in the anus, while walking in the open air, and after a stool,1.—[800.] Biting acridity with the stool,1. Stool. — DiarrJiosa. Diarrhoea, with nausea, after eating (after twenty days),1.—Diarrhoea every other day,1.—Dysentery lasting two days, and gradually going off (after fifteen hours),29.—Frequent stools, consisting only of mucus, at times with cutting colic and excessive urging (first four days),1.—*Stool consisting of a large quantity of black offensive blood (after sixteen days),36.—^Passage of blood with the stool (after sixteen days),36.— *Bloody, dysenteric stool, with tenesmus, fever, and headache?9.—* Violent painful bloody stools, associated with tenesmus (after two days),39.—^Discharge of black offensive blood from the bowels (after twenty days),36.—[810.] * Passed per rectum a quantity of bright red blood; had never suffered such haemor- rhage before (after six weeks),45.—*During thirty-six hours there were six- teen exceedingly painful stools, consisting of blood and pseudo-membranes (after five days),39.—Thin stool two or three times daily (first ten days),1.—Dis- charge of prostatic fluid after a difficult stool (after three days),1.—Stool soft, preceded by griping in the abdomen,1.—* Profuse discharge of blood with the stool?.—Stool thin, yellowish-white,1.—Pasty stool,1.—Two soft stools daily, for several weeks,1.—Three or four stools a day, with shivering and qualm- ishness under the short ribs (first thirteen days),1.—[820.] Stool enveloped in mucus,11.—Sensation as though diarrhoea would occur, which was not the case (after two to eight hours),1.—Stool with an offensive odor, and with offensive flatus,1.—Constipation. ^Constipation (first day),'1.__*Pain- ful constipation for several days,17.—Passed, for the first time, a small dark evacuation (sixth day),46.—Constipation ; distension of the abdomen ; the flatus does not pass (third, fourth, and fifth days),1.—Stool only every other day, hard, enveloped in mucus, during the first days, afterwards again daily,1.—Undigested food passed with the stool,1.—*Hard, scanty stool?.— NITRICUM ACIDUM. 27 [830.] *The stool is evacuated in hard masses,1.—Stool like sheepdung, with much pressure, and accompanied by mucus (second and third days),1. —Stool alternately hard and thin,8. Urinary Organs.—Kidneys and Bladder. A spasmodic constrictive pain extending from the kidneys to the bladder,1.—Pressure in the region of the kidneys,1.— Urethra. Orifice of the urethra greatly swollen, bloated, dark red,4.—Yellow matter flows from the urethra,1.— *Discharge of bloody matter from the urethra?.—Mucus drops from the urethra when not urinating,1.—Some drops of thin mucus, not stringy like prostatic fluid, are discharged from the urethra after urinating,1.—[840.] The urethra is painful to touch,1.—^Smarting in the urethra while urinat- ing?.—* Violent burning in the urethra while urinating?.—A burning sensa- tion in the forepart of the urethra that compels micturition, as if it would be relieved thereby, though it is only aggravated,1.—Burning in the urethra while urinating (after seventeen days),1.—*Needle-like stitches in the ori- fice of the urethra,1.—* Cutting in the urethra?.—Sore pain in the whole urethra while urinating,1.—Thin stream of urine, as if caused by stricture of the urethra,1.—3Iicturition. *Frequently obliged to rise at night to urinate?.—[850.] *Much desire to urinate?.—Great desire to urinate at night, with scanty discharge (after four days),1.—*Frequent urging to urin- ate, with scanty discharge?.—Urging to urinate, with cutting colic, at night,1. —Urging to urinate,1.—Polyuria,18.!—The child passes urine involunta- rily,1.— Suppression of urine (after two days),39.—Suppression of urine, without pain, for several days,17.—Urine suppressed (bladder empty), (fifth day),39.—[860.] * Violent burning after urinating (after seven days),1.— Urine. Very profuse easy discbarge of urine,1.—Urine very copious, pale,1.—At night rose three times to urinate; passed much healthy urine each time,27.—Urine very offensive, sourish, like horse's urine,1.—Urine very scanty,1.—Urine very scanty, turbid, offensive,1.—*The urine is cold when passed?.—Urine clear on passing, but on standing it becomes first cloudy and thready, and deposits a bright sediment, adhering tightly to the vessel (after thirty-three days),2.—Discharge of tenacious mucus, in the evening after urinating,1.—[870.] Whitish sediment and a very ammoniacal odor to the urine,1.—Brownish-red sand in the urine (after seven days),].—Red sediment in the urine,1.—Urine very dark, but soon becomes white and turbid; after urinating, increased dryness of the throat,1.—Urine quite brown, causing brown spots on the linen, like coffee-stains,1.—Passed a pint of dark-colored urine, of pea-soup consistency (second day),46.—The urine deposits sand,1.—Urine very dark-colored,1.—Intolerably strong-smelling, biting, brownish urine,1.—The urine has a pungent odor like tobacco,1. Sexual Organs.—{880.] The hair on the genitals falls out pro- fusely,2.—Itching on the genitals,8.—Much itching on the genitals,1.— Violent itching on the scrotum?. — Crawling in the scrotum, extending through the groin,1.—Red spots on the glans penis become covered with a scab,1.—*A denuded spot on the penis becomes ulcerated, and will not heal,7. —♦Superficial ulcers in the corona glandis, looking clean, but exuding an offensive moisture,2.—A deep ulcer on the glans penis, with elevated, lead-colored, extremely sensitive edges,2.—* Ten or twelve flesh -colored ex- crescences on the corona glandis, that after a few days become smaller, exuding an offensive moisture and'bleeding when touched,2.—[890.] Moisture on the glans penis,1.—Several brown painful spots as large as peas on the corona f Not found.—Hughes. 28 NITRICUM ACIDUM. glandis,2.—Itching pimples on the glans penis,1.—Throbbing and pressure in the glans penis (after two days),1.—Frequent itching on the glans penis . —Itching tickling as from fleab'ites on the whole penis,1.—Sore pain in the tip of the glans penis while urinating,1.—Itching over the whole penis, especially on the glans, beneath the prepuce,1.—Great swelling ot the pre- puce and phimosis, without much redness, and suppurating ulcers with flat edges, with inflammation of its inner surface and on its margins, and also of the orifice of the urethra, looking like chancres, with violent sticking tearing that is especially worse towards evening, lasting through the night and preventing sleep, and still more aggravated by violent erections, towards morning,4.—Superficial yellow ulcerating spots like flat chancres, moist but painless, on the inner surface of the prepuce on both sides of the frae- num,1.—[900.] "Inflammation and swelling of the prepuce, with burning pain; on the inner surface soreness and small ulcers, secreting a very offensive ichor, that stains the linen like bloody matter?.—■* A pimple with burning itch- ing on the inner surface of the prepuce; after rubbing, a superficial ulcer even with the skin and of a yellow color, seeming to be covered with thick matter and without pain, only surrounded by some redness,1.—*Small itching vesicles on the prepuce, that open after a few days and become covered with small dry scabs,1.—Mucus beneath the prepuce, behind the corona glandis,7.—[The inside of the prepuce is a little excoriated, as if a chancre would appear], ".f —* Sharp stitches in the prepuce,2.—* Itching on the prepuce, and moist spots on its inner surface (after twenty-eight days),1.— Swelling of the right testicle, with pain when touched,1.—Swelling of the testicles,15.—Twisting pain in the left testicle,1.—[910.] Bruised pain in the left testicle,1.—Drawing pain in the testicles,1.—Burning pain in the left testicle,1.—Tearing in the spermatic cords, with painful sensitiveness of the testicles to touch,1.—Itching on the scrotum, with sore spots (second day),7. —Violent erections on waking, at night,1.—Violent erections at night, even after an emission (after sixteen days),1.—"Violent erections at night, and emission (after nine days),1.—Erections, with burning and sticking in the urethra (after four days),1. — Great inclination to erections (after five days),1.—[920.] Erections in the morning in bed, with pain in the urethra (after twenty-four hours),1.—Spasmodic disagreeable erections for several hours after midnight; was obliged to toss about uneasily for several hours (after fifteen days),2.—Erections in the evening, after lying down,1.—Want of erections,1.—Sexual desire and erections, without lascivious fancies (first two days),1.—Frequent emissions,1.—Drawing pain in the small of the back, spine, and thighs, after coition,1.— Constantly excited sexual desire (after ten days),1.—Frequent desire for coition (after several weeks), (sec- ondary action),1.—Much inclination to coition (fifteenth day),1.—[930.] Sexual excitement, during which there was much discharge of prostatic fluid,1.—Coition, repeated in too short intervals, though without sufficient sexual desire, caused general weakness and the renewal of old complaints,1. —Sexual desire wanting?.—Slight voluptuous sensation with the ejacula- tion, during coition,1.—Little voluptuous sensation during coition,1.—Di- minished, at times great absence of sexual power, during the first eighteen days, with slow unsatisfactory erections, only excited by fondling, that at the next time are all the more satisfactory and complete (in a man aged fifty-one years),1.—Female. "Itching on the pudenda while walking; it f Original revised by Hughes. In a man infected with syphilis three months before, and who had taken much Mercury. NITRICUM ACIDUM. 29 becomes sore?.—Violent itching on the pudenda, towards evening,1.—* Itch- ing on the pudenda; the child rubs itself almost sore at night,1.—Constric- tion towards the genitals during the menses,1.—[940.] Dry burning in the female genitals,2.—Stitches in the vagina, extending from below upward, while walking in the open air,1.—Violent stitches in the vagina,1.—Swelling of one side of the vagina and of the labia minora, with burning itching,1. —"An ulcer in the vagina, even with the surface, seeming to be covered with yellow pus, with burning-itching pain?.—Irritation and inflammation of the labia majora and in the vagina (second day),1.—Stringy mucous leucorrhcea, flesh-colored (after twenty-four hours and fifteen days),1.—"Leucorrhcea of a bad odor?.—Profuse leucorrhcea (second day),1.—* Greenish mucous leucor- rhcea, immediately after menstruation?.—[950.] "Discharge from the vagina of a cherry color and of a fold odor?.—Menses too profuse (after twenty- one days),1.—For a day before the menses and during the same, bruised pain in the limbs,1.—Menses eight days too early (after nineteen days),1.— Menses two days too early (after ten days),1.—Menses eleven days too early (after eleven days),1.— Menses three days too late (after eleven days),1.—Menses repeated three days too early (after four days),1.—Menses three days too early (after nineteen days),1.—Menses seven days too early (after eleven days),1.—[960.] Menses seven days too late (at the full moon), and rather too profuse, with headache and colic, in a young person (after twenty-nine days),1.—On the appearance of the menses violent pain in the small of the back (after forty-eight hours),1.—On the appearance of the menses, violent cramplike pain in the lower abdomen,1.—The menses reappeared a few days after the close of menstruation, and were pale red,1. —The menses returned even after fourteen days, though not profusely,1.— Violent pains, at first laborlike, afterwards rather dragging, in the lower abdomen, extending down into the vagina, during the menses,1.—An attack of heat, palpitation, and anxiety, for half an hour; trembling of all the limbs, soon after the appearance of the menses (after eleven days),1.— Weakness so great duriug the menses that she could not speak; it took away her breath, and she was obliged to lie down (after seventeen days),1. liespiratory Organs.—Larynx, Trachea9 and Lungs. Sticking pains in the region of the larynx,1.—Sharp scraping sensation in the trachea (after nine days),1.— Voice. [970.] Hoarseness of voice in morning (after three weeks),45.—Voice hoarse at times,1.—Voice rough,32.— "Hoarseness (after a few hours and two days),1.—"Hoarseness, so that she could not talk?.—Voice feeble,31.— Co ugh and Expectoration. Vio- lent cough at night, just after midnight, lasting an hour,1.—"Much more cough at night than during the day; he is able to sleep only towards morning; even during the day there is much more cough when lying down and falling asleep,1.—On being inhaled, it causes a constant and violent cough, with whistling inspiration, redness, and sweat of the face and body; the par- oxysm of cough increases so much by continued inhalation of the gas that it causes a taste of blood, nausea, and actual vomiting of mucus and food ; longer exposure to the gas apparatus causes oppression of breathing and anxiety, so that it becomes necessary to leave the room and breathe freely, in order to ease the cough ; there remains behind, for from half an hour to two hours, great rawness, soreness, and weariness of the chest,28.— Cough (after three weeks),45.—[980.] Much cough (after three and four days),1.—Croaking cough, coming from the pit of the stomach by paroxysms, but not at night,1.—Hacking cough in the morning (third day),7.—Fre- quent hacking cough, with irritation and crawling in the larynx, after eat- 30 NITRICUM ACIDUM. ing,1.—Cough, especially at night, so that there is not five minutes rest, with shattering of the whole body, that frequently takes away the^reatn, as in hooping-cough ; stitches in the chest, sore throat, and fever,. -Ury evening in bed,1.—[990.] Dry barking cough, especially in the evening —Dry cough, as after taking cold,1.-He coughs and hawks much black blood, and also blows the same from the nose,1.—Extremely fluent profuse coryza, with great hoarseness and cough, with stitches in the throat, on every paroxysm (after twelve days),1.—Expectoration of black clotted blood, caused by a hacking cough,1.—Bloody expectoration from a hacking cough, in the morning in bed, preceded by rattling in the trachea; fol- lowed by a sick feeling, chilliness, etc.,1.—Yellow bitter-tasting expecto- ration,1.—Expectoration of mucus from coughing,1.—Respiratton. Sudden loss of breath and palpitation, when walking slowly?.—Shortness of breath (first day),1.—[1000.] Respiration slow and feeble, so that he could hold out a minute without breathing,1.—Respiration rough and difficult, the quantity of air taken into the lungs appearing to the ear applied to the chest to be but small; afterwards the breathing became more labored, and each inspiration was attended with a distinct low whistle; later respi- ration was more croupy and hoarse,31.—Tightness of breath, in the morn- ing, so great that she could scarcely draw a breath (after thirty days),1.— Sleep at night interrupted on account of the tightness of breath,1.—Began to experience difficulty of breathing (after one or two hours), became rapidly worse, and died about ten hours after the accident,40.—Respira- tion painful, labored, and stridulous (second morning),37.—"Loss of breath, palpitation, and anxiety on ascending steps?.—Respiration difficult,36.—* Op- pression of breathing, caused by the cough?8.—Whistling inspiration with the cough,28.—Oppressed respiration and anxiety, on waking at night, and in the morning,1.—[1010.] Catching respiration?.—Loss of breath, when walk- ing in the open air, and heaviness of the feet,1.—Dyspnoea, as from rush of blood to the chest,1.—Dyspnoea, while walking in the open air,1. Chest.—Violent stitch through the lungs in the forenoon,1.—Spasmodic pains in the chest and opposite in the back, aggravated by inspiration, after midnight,1.—Spasmodic drawing in the chest,1.—Feeling of soreness across chest (after three weeks),45.—Some signs of commencing tubercle in right apex (after three weeks),45.—Rush of blood to the chest and heart at night,1. —[1020.] "Bush of blood to the upper part of the chest?.—Itching spots, like freckles, on the chest externally,1.—* Whistling and rales in the chest on in- spiration?.—Throbbing in the chest, above the stomach, like palpitation, especially after walking rapidly; relieved for some hours by drinking wine, but afterwards returning,1.—Oppression of the chest so great that she could not get her breath (after twenty-two days),1.—"Oppression of the chest; short, anxious, difficult respiration,1.—Violent pressure in the chest, ex- tending from the pit of the stomach to the pit of the throat, early in the morning,1.—Sensation of pressure upon the chest,1.—*Tightness of the chest,1—Tightness of the chest while sitting and walking, but especially on bending backwards (third day),1.—[1030.] "Feeling of fulness in the chest?.—Cramp in the chest for a moment (nineteenth day),1.—Great raw- ness, soreness, and weariness of the chest, for from half an hour to two hours, from the cough,28.—Sore pain within the chest while eating,1.—Sore pain in the chest, as from something sore in it, when coughing,1.—Pain in NITRICUM ACIDUM. 31 the chest, caused by cough,1.—Pain in the chest externally, especially on stooping,1.—Pain in the chest, as if sore, on respiration,1.—Tightly adherent mucus in the chest,1.—Sensation of heat in the chest,18.f—[1040.] Heat in the upper part of the chest in the morning, recurring at times during the day,1.—Burning in the chest if he eats anything in the slightest degree salt,1.—Stitches and pain, as if suppurating, in both sides of the chest on stooping, deep breathing, and reaching up high,1.—Stitches in the chest, as if externally,1.—Front. Two small warts on the middle of the sternum,1. —Sticking and drawing on the sternum,2.—Sides. Spasmodic pain in the chest anteriorly and in the back woke him from sleep,1.—Spasmodic con- strictive pain in the right upper pectoral muscles; was obliged to bend quite together on account of the pain for several minutes (after twenty-six hours),1.—Pressive pain on the ribs anteriorly and a bruised sensation, no- ticed even on breathing,1.—Pressing pain in the right chest in the morning, after which empty eructations, lasting half an hour (after sixteen days),1. —[1050.] Constrictive pain in the left chest above the heart, taking away the breath (after twenty-seven days),1.—Constrictive pain in the right chest, mostly while sitting,1.—Twisting pain in the right side of the chest,1.— Sticking in the right side of the chest and scapula (after fifteen days),1.— Sticking and pinching, at one time below the breast, at another in the back, at night,1.—Pressure in the left chest, as if blood would not go through the heart,1.—Violent stitch in the upper part of the right side of the chest, in- side the ribs, extending to the abdomen and back,1.—Violent stitches in the left chest, in the morning, making respiration difficult,1.—At night, while lying on the back, he started up, and was attacked with a stitch in the right chest,1.—Stitches in the right side of the chest on breathing, not on coughing,1.—[1060.] Stitches in and below the left chest, as from in- carcerated flatus,1.—Stitches in the side of the chest, with nausea,1.—Stitches in the middle of the left chest on nearly every breath when coughing and breathing, for several evenings, especially on lying down in bed,1.—A vio- lent stitch in the right breast, in the evening, after lying down,1.—Soreness in the folds beneath the breasts,1. Heart and False.—Violent palpitation for a moment, with diar- rhoea,1.—Paroxysms of palpitation, with anxiety, causing oppression of the breath, lasting an hour,1.—Trembling of the heart in paroxysms,1.—Palpi- tation, at one time less, at another more violent, especially after some mo- tion, with weakness and anxiety, as if he would become taint,1.—Palpita- tion in the evening, in bed (after three days),1.—[1070.]^ Every slight exertion causes heat and palpitation, soon after dinner,1.—Slight exertion causes palpitation and perspiration,.1.—Orgasm of blood in the heart,1.— Rush of blood to the heart, together with anxiety,1.—Rush of blood to the heart and palpitation (first day),1.—Slight emotional excitement causes palpitation,1.—Constrictive sensation in the region of the heart, which made her anxious, which ceased as soon as the heart gave a violent beat,1. —He woke at 3 a.m. with violent beating of the heart and palpitation be- low the clavicle, without anxiety,1.—Stitches in the heart, with heat and thirst, at night,1.—Pulse quick and hard,42.—[1080.] Pulse small, rapid (after sixteen days),36.—Febrile heat, with rapid pulse,1.—Pulse a little quickened (after twenty-five minutes),30.—Pulse frequent, feeble, intermit- tent every fourth or fifth beat; later 120,31.—Pulse 120 and very small (second morning),37.—Pulse small,36.—Pulse small and weak (after half an f As with S. 661.—Hughes. 32 NITRICUM ACIDUM. hour),34.—Pulse small, hard, and rapid,33.—Pulse small, contracted, 92 to 96 (after eight days),132.—Collapse, with sinking of the pulse and delirium, followed by death on the eighth day,43.—[1090.] Pulse irregular; after a regular beat, two small ones followed in quick succession; the fourth omitted entirely,1.—Small and frequent pulse,46. Neck and Back.—Neck. Glandular swelling on the right side of the neck; the neck and tongue seem stiff (after twenty days),2.—Swelling on the right side of the neck, similar to a goitre,1.—Stiffness in the nape of the neck (after twenty-four hours),1.—Tensive pain in the cervical muscles,1. —Loss of power in the nape of the neck,1.—Back. Violent burning pain in the back,1.—Tearing and sticking in the back and chest on motion, espe- cially at night,1.—Drawing in the back, in the evening,1.—[1100.] Pain in the back after taking the slightest cold,1.—Stiffness in the spine,1.—Crack- ing in the cervical vertebrae,1.—A violent persistent stitch in the vertebrae while standing,1.—Pinching in the flesh of the back during rest and mo- tion,1.—Dorsal. Spasmodic jerking in the dorsal muscles during manual labor (after twelve days),1.—Drawing in the cervical muscles, as if some- thing heavy were hanging upon them,1.—Pain in the left scapula and re- gion of the kidney while walking in the open air,1.—Tearing stitches in the scapula while walking in the open air; at night could not lie upon it,1.— Stitches between the scapulae and in the forepart of the chest, taking away the breath, more when stooping than on sitting quietly,1.—[1110.] A stitch between the scapulae from time to time, always followed by eructations,1.— Pain between the scapulw (after two and three days),1.—Pinching, as with pincers, between the scapulae,1.—Lumbar. Burning pain in the right lumbar region (hepatic region?), in a spot as large as the hand, that made him extremely ill-humored, sad, and unable to think or work,1.—Pain in the small of the back, so that he could not lie upon the back, but was obliged to lie on the abdomen, at night,1.—A stitch in the small of the back on coughing,1.—Stitches in the small of the back on coughing,1.— Pressive pain in the small of the back,1.—Drawing pain in the small of the back, towards evening,1.—Painful tension in the small of the back, so that he could not take a deep breath,1.—[1120.] Violent pain in the small of the back, seeming to be in the bone, almost only on motion, so that he could scarcely walk,1.—Pain in the small of the back, as if stiff (twelfth day),7.—Pulsation in the small of the back,1. Extremities in General.— Swelling of the hands and feet,5.— The extremities became cold; pulse small, very rapid; the patient fell into a collapse, followed by death (after twenty-two days),36.—Extremities cold (second morning),37.—Weakness in all the joints,1.—Excessive weakness, prostration; all the limbs are affected, especially the knees and elbows, they seem relaxed; after dinner,1.—Great sensitiveness of the joints, with- out distinct pain, in the morning,1.—All the joints feel weak and bruised, as after great exertion,1.—[1130.] The hands and limbs seem weak and paralyzed on pressure, or when lying in an uncomfortable position, as if the circulation were arrested by a band (twelfth day),7.—All the joints seem weary, as after running,1.—Trembling and weakness in all the joints,1.— Drawing in all the limbs, wherewith stretching seems very comfortable'1.__ Drawing and burning in the limbs,1.—Jerking and tearing in the joints'1.__ Cracking in all the joints on motion,1.—Pain in the gouty joints, hitherto painless,1.—The joints are painful, as if dislocated, after walking1.__Her feet and hands go asleep?*.—[1140.] Tension in the arms and lowerextremi- ties,1.—Sensation of heaviness in the limbs and joints, as from weariness in NITRICUM ACIDUM. 33 the morning in bed, with the most perfect rest,1.—Pain like a rigidity in the left arm and lower extremity,1.—Bruised sensation in all the limbs; she could scarcely raise the arms and lower extremities,1. Superior Extremities.—Paralysis of the right arm,7.—Falling asleep of the right arm at night,1.—Constant, persistent trembling of the forearm and hand,9.—Weakness of the arms, as after fever,1.—Violent ten- sion and constriction in the shoulders and arras; it drew the arms to the body,1.—The arm seems paralyzed after shaking,7.—[1150.] Drawing pain in both arms?.—Dull weary pain and tingling in the muscles of the whole arm,1.—Pain, as from a sprain, in the left arm; she could move it neither backward nor forward (after eighteen days),1.—Bruised pain in the right arm (after four days),1.—Pressure in the right arm (after thirty-seven days),1. —Tearing in the arm, especially on motion, also disturbing sleep,1.—Draw- ing in the hand and arm, as if he had sprained them,1.—Jerking and draw- ing in the arms and fingers (after three days),1.—Shoulder. "Glandular enlargement in the axilla?.—"Painful swelling and inflammation of the axil- lary glands (after fourteen days),8.—[1160.] "Painful and inflamed redness of left axillary gland (after three days),22.—The right axillary gland was extremely sensitive all the forenoon (after three days),1.—Aching pain in right shoulder and arm; the arm feels bruised, and at times she cannot possibly raise it (after three days),22.—The left shoulder-joint is painful,1.— The left shoulder is painful, as from a blow,7.—Pressive pain on the shoul- ders, as if he had carried something heavy upon them,1.—Pressure upon the right shoulder (second day),1.—Stitches in the left shoulder on touch, res- piration, or if she is chilly, not on moving the arm,1.—Arm. The upper arm is painful, as if beaten; cannot raise it on account of the pain, and therewith the hand becomes cold,1.—Trembling of the muscles of the right upper arm,1.—[1170.] Hammering pain in the humeri, as if they had been paralyzed,1.—Drawing in the humeri,1.—Jerking in the muscles of the upper arm, especially in the deltoid, without pain, all day,1.—Elbow and Forearm. Tearing in the elbow-joint and jerking, extending thence to the wrist (after four hours),1.—Numbness, trembling, and tin- gling of right forearm (after three days),22.—Paralytic drawing pain in the forearm nearly all day,7.—Tearing in the left forearm and hand, with pain when touched,1.—Drawing deep in the muscles of the forearm, extending into the bones (after twenty-eight days),2.—Dull pain and sticking in the forearm, extending to the back of the hand and fingers,1.—Dull pain and stitches in the forearm, extending to the back of the hand and fingers (first day),3.—[1180.] Bruised pain externally on the forearm, on motion and touch,1.—Sensation of heat in both forearms,1.— Wrist. Drawing on the • right wrist for some seconds (after a few hours),7.—Tearing about the wrists,1.—Tearing in the left wrist,1.—Bruised pain in the wrist,1.—Pressive pain in the right wrist,1.—Hand. Trembling of the hands,1.—Some visi- ble twitches in the hands,1.— Falling asleep of the hands, in the morning, in bed,1.—[1190.] Falling asleep and numbness of the hand immediately on resting it upon anything,7.—Her right hand goes to sleep, in the morning (after three days),22.—Her hands, which used to go dead and numb, quite ceased to do so while taking the medicine,21.—Drawing pains in the hands, towards evening,7.—Cramplike pain in the hand when grasping anything,. —Stiff pain in the palm of the left hand on grasping anything,7.—Aching, powerless feel in left hand, like rheumatism,25.—Drawing in the hands (after two days),1.—Violent stitches in the palm of the left hand,1.—Stitches in the right hand (twelfth day),7.—Fingers. Painful swelling of the finger- YOL. VII.—3 34 NITRICUM ACIDUM. joints,1.—[1200.] Swelling of the fingers, in the morning, on waking, .— Paralytic drawing pain in the first joint of the thumb and in the hand, on falling asleep and on waking (after two days),1.—Frequent drawing pain in the extensor tendons of the index finger, extending from behind for- ward,1.—Falling asleep of all the fingers, with crawling in them,.—Dead- ness of the fingers in the cold air,1.—Violent tearing in the left little finger (after one hour),1.—Bruised pain in the left little finger,1.—Burning pain in the fingers of the left hand,1.—The fingers are painful on moving them, with tension in the middle joints,1.—Stitches in the middle finger-joints; he could not bend them without pain,1. Inferior Extremities. — [1210.] Spasmodic constriction in the middle of the thigh and below both calves, frequently during the day; a tension as if the parts were bound up,1.—Weakness of the lower extremi- ties only while lying, not while walking,1.—In the evening, there was great weakness, especially of the lower extremities,1.—The child limps and can step only upon the tees,1.—Great heaviness of the lower extremities, so that he "could with difficulty drag himself along,1.—The feet and lower extremities are icy cold, towards noon,1.—Stiffness of the lower extremi- ties,1.—Pressive drawing in both lower extremities, from above downward, in the evening,1.—Paralytic pain in the whole leg, with such heaviness and lassitude that he does not know where to put it, only during rest, not while walking,1.—Paralytic pain in the left thigh and leg, at intervals of two hours,7.—[1220.] "Bruised pain in the lower extremities, as from excessive fatigue?.—Bruised pain and heaviness in the lower extremities,1.—Pressive- drawing pain about the knees, ankles, and other joints,7.—Woke in the night with deepseated, bitter coldness in the feet and legs up to the hips, and deepseated feeling as if dogs were gnawing the flesh and bones, and as if the sinews were being pulled up; all these three sensations were worse in the feet and thighs; kept her awake all night; not relieved by position or movement; relieved for the time by hard rubbing (first night) ; after break- fast they suddenly disappeared, leaving the parts tender to touch, and as if the clothes were too heavy for them (first night),26.—Sensation of heat with lassitude, in the joints of the lower extremities,1.—The lower extremi- ties are heavy, especially painful while sitting,1.—^Tearing in the lower extremities, especially at night,1.—"Tearing in the bones of the lower ex- tremities, so that she cried aloud?.—Jerking in the left lower extremity, at night in bed,1.—At night, dead, torpid feeling, and stiffness in left leg,27.— [1230.] Drawing pain in the right lower extremity,1.—Crawling in the lower extremities, extending from the hips to the toes, frequently during the day and night,1.—Slight aching in both feet and legs up to the hips; felt as if she had taken cold in them, in the afternoon (first day),26.—Hip. Pressive-tensive pain in the right hip-joint, on rising from a seat and begin- ning to walk, as if the head of the thigh-bone would be put out of joint,1. —Drawing pains about the hips?.—Thigh. Weakness of the left thigh after a walk, with a sensation of stagnation of blood in it,1.—Soreness of the thigh, near the scrotum,1.—Soreness between the thighs, on walking1. —The nates are painful to touch, as if sore,1.—Drawing in the muscles°of the thighs, as if something heavy were hanging upon them,1.—[1240.] Drawing in the thighs in the evening, and itching on the skin,1.—Drawing in the nates, extending into the feet,1.—Drawing and tearing in the thigh, extending from the knee upward, on sitting down, relieved by sitting \— Throbbing and beating in the thighs, as if they were internally ulcerated • they did not tolerate the slightest touch, and were at one time hot, at NITRICUM ACIDUM. 35 another cold,1.—Sticking pain at the head of the femur,1.—Bruised pain in the lower portion of the thigh, on moving it forward while walking,1.— Bruised pain, as if broken, in both thighs (after six hours),1.—Pressive pain in the thigh, above the knee, inferiorly and internally, that makes the lower extremity weak and stiff (after three days),1.—Violent sticking in the right thigh, at night,1.—Prickling in the thighs,1.—[1250.] Tearing in the thigh, extending up from the knee, while walking,1.—The left thigh feels bruised,1.—Pain in the region of the right gluteal muscles,2.—The nates are painful while riding in a carriage (at night),1.—Knee. The hollow of the knee is very tense, and seems contracted all the afternoon (after seventy-two hours),1.—Stiffness in the right knee,7.—Painful con- traction of the knee,1.—Tension in the hollow of the knee as if the tendons were too short,7.—Pain in the hollow of the knees, as from stiffness, so that he was obliged to limp on beginning to walk,7.—Tensive pain in the knee on motion,1.—[1260.] Pain in the left patella, so that he could scarcely step; could not walk at all (after eleven days),1.—Pain as from a sprain, and as if beaten, in the patella, while walking, especially on descending steps; while walking upon a level the pain was gradually relieved, even ceasing for a time; also painful on bending it excessively, with cracking in the knee,1.—Pain, as from a sprain, in the knees, especially on going down- stairs,1.—Sensation of swelling in the hollows of the knees, while walking in the open air,1.—Tearing in the knee, extending to the hip, at night in bed, after much walking,1.—Shooting into the knee when coughing, so that it cracks, with pain in the patella, on walking,1.—Cracking in the knee, while walking, so that sometimes he could not move from the spot, .— Sticking pain on the outer side of the knee, while walking,1.—Violent drawing in the knees, ending with a jerking,1.—Stitches in the knee, while standing,1.—[1270.] Stitches in the hollows of the knees, at night,1.— Lea. The leg seems numb and dead, in the evening in bed, followed by cramp in it, mostly in the calves, at last sticking and prickling in the heels1—Paralytic drawing in the bones of the leg,7.—Great weakness and weariness in the lower portion of the leg, after walking a little,1.—Painless lumps in calves, about half the size of a walnut, for about an hour (second morning) 26 —Violent cramp in the calves, on stretching out the foot, lor examplt,'when drawing on the boot,1.—Violent cramp in the calves, on drawing up the leg,1.—Violent cramp in the calves, at night, .—Cramp in the calves, towards mornings-Momentary sharp pain in the leg extend- ing from the knee to the tips of the toes, day and night, —[l^bU.J Per- sistent cramplike pain in the whole lower portion of the leg, in the mus- cles and tendons, also painful to touchy-Pain as from a sprain in the ankle, in the morning on risings-Drawing in the middle of the calf during rest and motion; sometimes changing to sudden spasmodic jerks, in frequent paroxysms for two hours, immediately /.-Drawing in the legs, extending into the knees/.-Sensation of heat in the legs, that are, however cold to touch,\-Feet. Great swelling of the feet, after walking in the open aiX-The toes, soles of the feet, and corns are painfully sensitive as if inflamed/.-Great weakness of the feet, with prostration, .-TheXee remain cold, with heat of the head, after a walk/.-The feet are pa nful, cannot tolerate the shoes/.-^OO.] The corns begin to be painful, - Tearing in the left foot/.-Tearing in the right foot, in the morning - Tearing in the right metatarsus (after eleven hours), .-Tearing and stick- ing in the right foot/.-Drawing in the upper portion of the right ^meta- aLs (after nine hours),'.-Drawing pain from the ball of the foot to the, 36 NITRICUM ACIDUM. heel, with a feeling of weakness,1.—Drawing in the feet, extending to the knees,1.—Drawing pain in the feet, while walking,1.—Burning in theteet,. —[1300.] Smarting pain in the corns,1.—Some stitches in the right foot (tenth day),7.—Stitches in the malleoli,1.— Cracking in the ankle, white walking?.—Burning above the malleoli,1.—Pain in the periosteum of the os calcis (sixth day),1.—Weariness of the feet, only at night; none during the day, even from the longest walk,1.—Heaviness in the malleoli, extend- ing through the feet, on walking and stepping, as if they were very much compressed,1.—Toe. Redness, inflammation, and swelling of one toe, with burning pain ; after wetting the feet,1.—A corn, with burning pain, appears on the left middle toe,1.—[1310.] "Redness and heat of the great toe and its ball, with sticking in it, as if it had been frozen?.—Violent crawling and itching in the great toe, in the evening,1.—Violent burning beneath the nail of the left great toe, in the evening in bed,1.—Pain beneath the nail of the great toe,7.—Pain in the ball of the little toe, while walking,1.— Violent stitches in the right great toe and in the sole of the foot that pre- vents sleep for a long time,1. Generalities..—Epileptic attack after midnight; it came on like a mouse moving up and down his left side, then the sensation disappeared; the arms jerked; the head and mouth were drawn back and forth, so that he bit his tongue, then he became quite stiff, and snored,1.—Epileptic at- tack, first a drawing in the left side of the chest, then convulsive drawings in the arms back and forth, lasting a minute, while sitting, with tolerable consciousness (after twelve days),1.—Attacks twice daily, at first drawing in the back like a grasping in the dorsal sides, below the ribs, extending around into the stomach, where it turns about and disappears, with an eructation,1.—Spasmodic stiffness in the back and whole body,1.—[1320.] Anxiety, with stitches above the heart, and a fantasy as though she were speaking irrationally, with coldness of the body, and inclination to fall down,1.—Paroxysm of headache, in the morning on waking, with' nausea, and a sensation as if all parts of the mouth were numb and asleep,1.— "Emaciation of the whole body, especially of the upper arms and thighs,1. —Remarkable leanness,16.—* Gradual emaciation?5.—rShe became lean (after a few days),1.—Tossing about,35.— The patient was pale and cold,33.— Deathly paleness, cold sweat, sighing respiration, without pulse, with per- fect consciousness, with weak voice (collapse followed by death),33.—Ex- pression anxious,35.—[1330.] Perceptible beating in the bloodvessels in the upper part of the body,1.—*So weak that he was almost constantly obliged to lie down,15.—Complete exhaustion after a stool (after nine days),1.— Very much exhausted, in the morning after rising, till 10 o'clock,1.—Great weakness in the afternoon, disappearing in the evening,1.—Weakness, so that she trembled all over,1.—Became exceedingly weak,45.—Great weari- ness and nausea, in the evening, followed by excessive yawning (tenth day),1.—Very weak towards noon,1.—Progressive debility (after six weeks),45. —[1340.] Great weakness and emaciation (after three weeks) ; followed by death,38.—Much prostrated/6.—Internal weariness, especially in the arms, on waking in the morning,1.—Most profound apathv, at times inter- rupted by murmuring, followed by death (eighth day),39Xxhe patient be- came more and more apathetic and quiet, though with perfect conscious- ness, still at times he complained of headache (fifth day),39.—On bein°- questioned, he raised his eyelids, and spoke in a whisper; his replies were brief, quickly delivered, and apparently attended with increased suffering; for to other questions he answered by a look or a slight nod,31.—Relaxation NITRICUM ACIDUM. 37 of mind and body/.—Sensitiveness of the whole body to the open air/.— General confusion of the body, not of the head, as after a severe illness/. —A sensation in all the muscles, as on resting after great fatigue,8.—[1350.] Walked about with chin depressed on chest (twelfth day)/6.—General sensation of heaviness (after twenty-four hours)/.—Heaviness of the head and extremities/.—Paralyzed sensation in the limbs/.—Unable to walk,46. —The symptoms, especially the drawing pains here and there, are aggra- vated towards evening,7.—Is less able to endure a warm room than usual/. —Heaviness of the body, while walking in the open air, so that he could scarcely proceed/.—A real faint feeling through the whole day/.—Feels very unwell, immediately after dinner ; she becomes warm ; all the limbs feel prostrated and tremble; she is obliged to lie down/.—[1360.] Exces- sively incommoded by it, and placed in extreme dauger,29a.—Sickness of the whole body, with weakness of the joints, and heat of the head/.— Pains, even slight, affect him exceedingly, so that he is quite beside him- self/.—Burning in the joints/.—Intense burning pain (immediately),45.— Very much inclined to take cold?.—Very much inclined to take cold, which was not the case formerly/.—Trembling all over/1."]"—Trembling through the whole body, on waking in the morning,1.—Threatened with asphyxia (twenty-first day),46.—[1370.] Slight trembling through the whole body, frequently,1.—During a quarrel, trembling of all the limbs/.—Tremulous condition in the evening, and great weariness, as after great exertion (after thirty-six hours)/.—Tremulous, sensitive, and weak in the whole body/.—■ He takes cold very easily in weak parts, in the evening in cold wind, and then has drawing pains in the parts/.—Aching in all the limbs, as if in the bones/.—Sick feeling over the whole body,1.—Was taken ill, and, though he rallied for a time on the second day, he afterwards sank, and expired at 5 a.m., the third day/1.—"Frequent drawing pains in almost all parts of the body, suddenly appearing and disappearing,1.—Drawing ex- tending up from the feet to the back, on motion/.—[1380.] Drawing pain in the periosteum of all the bones, as before intermittent fever/.—Draw- ing and tearing in the whole body/.—Much twitching of the muscles, also twitching of the eyelids/.—Jerking in all parts of the body/.—Jerking and stretching of the limbs, waking him twice from the midday nap/. —Stitches through the whole body/.—"Stitches, here and there, in all parts of the body?.—Disinclined to walk/.—General tension of the nerves, with much thirst/.—Orgasm of blood, and weakness of the limbs/.—[1390.] General rigors (after three hours),30.—Waking to drink and urinate at night/. Skin.—"Jaundice; yellowness of the skin, with constipation?.—"Scaly . skin over the ivhole face?.—Itching stitches over the whole body, with large hives after scratching/.—The itching spots bleed on scratching/.—Black sweat-pores in the skin of the face/.—Large blue protuberances and spots on both hands, itching mostly at night/.—Skin dry and hot/2.—Profuse bleeding of an ulcer on dressing it (after six days)/.—[1400.] Bloody ichor from an ulcer corrodes the skin wherever it flows, with biting pain/. —Eruptions, Dry. Many small pimples on the forehead, just below the hair/.—Several pimples on the chin, with red, hard areola, at first painful to touch, that disappear as soon as pus forms at the tips; they become indurated, with a red areola, lasting several days (after thirty-three days),2.—Pimples at the margin of the hair on the temple (fifth day), .— f As with S. 663.—Hughes. 38 NITRICUM ACIDUM. Pimples as large as peas on the posterior surface of the lobule of the ear, with pain when touched/.—Some pimples on the lips, with corrosive itch- ing/.—Itching eruption on the upper lip/.—Fine, very itching eruption in the beard/.—Eruption on the hands and between the fingers,with itching burning, disappearing on rubbing/.—[Papular eruption] •—U41"-J teraa11 papular eruption on the face, especially on the forehead, .—Papular erup- tion on the temples/.—Papular eruption on the forehead/.—Small warts appear on the neck/.—A small wart, together with a pimple, on the upper lid/.—*Dark freckles?.—Erupt ions, Moist. Spreading blisters ontfie toes/.—Herpetic eruption close to the mouth, extending to the chin,.— Small itching blisters, like the commencement of a tetter, on the fourth finger/.—EruptiOns, Fustular. Numerous boils, particularly large, on the scapulse, nape of the neck, nates, thighs, and legs/.—[1420.] A boil on the thigh,7.—A boil below the right hip-joint, with tensive pain/.— Numerous boils about the head, chin, nape of the neck, etc./.—A large boil on the side of the chin/.—Itching-burning red pimples tipped with pus, here and there, on the face, forehead, lips, chin, etc./.—Itching tetter on the wings of the nose/.—Pustules on the chin (after forty-eight hours)/. —A pustule on the tip of the thumb/.—Itching tetter in the beard/.— Dry tetter, painful to touch, on the outer side of the thigh,7.—[1430.] Ulcerative papular eruption on the lower lip (after nine days)/.—An abraded spot will not heal, but becomes ulcerated,7.—Sensations. Vio- lent itching over the whole body, without eruption/.—Itching over the whole body/.— Violent itching on the back, and pain after scratching/.— Much itching on the upper lip/.—Itching on the nape of the neck/.—Vio- lent itching below the arms/.—Violent itching on the tip of the elbows, on the patella, and back of the foot/.—Violent itching of the left hand/.— [1440.] Itching of the hands, with chilblains and swelling (at the end of April)/.—Itching on the neck, on walking in the open air (after twenty- four hours)/.—Itching over the whole back (after seven days)/.—Violent burning itching on the right lower extremity, without eruption/.—Violent itching in the hollows of the knees and bends of the elbows/.—Itching between the thighs/.—Itching on the thighs; she was obliged to scratch them, till bloody/.—Violent itching on the outer portion of the thigh, at night when in bed, after scratching soon returning/.—Itching on the feet/. —Itching in the warts/.—[1450.] "Sticking and picking in the warts?.—■ "Sticking pain in an ulcer, mostly during the first days of the proving/.— "Moisture and itching in the anus?.—^Smarting pain, commencing in a large wart that had been for eight years on the upper lip; it bleeds on washing, and is painful on touch,1.—^Transient stitches, though rather a burning as from nettles, in and about an ulcer/. Sleep.—Sleepiness. Sleepiness during the day (after four, and twenty- two hours)/.—Frequent yawning/.—Much yawning after a meal/.—Drow- siness the entire day (after three days),22.—She became weary with sleep, and was obliged to sleep after a meal/.—[1460.] Very much inclined to fall asleep again, for several hours in the morning, after rising/.—Sleepy and weary all day (after thirty-two days),2.—Much sleepiness in the after- noon (eighth day)/.—Desire to sleep during the day/.—Dizzy sleepiness, so that he almost fell asleep while walking and standing, with drawing pain along the skin on the inner side of the thighs/.—Overpowering inclination to sleep, with stretching and an impatient mood, after supper/.—Sleep- lessness. She talked in sleep at night, with the hands lying above the head, and snored/.—Sleep restless; he fell asleep late, woke frequently, and NITRICUM ACIDUM. 39 had many and frightful dreams/.—He was full of fright for a moment, after waking/.—Starting up in fright as from an electric shock, during the midday nap, while sitting/.—Starting up in sleep, and jerking in the limbs (after twenty days)/.—[1470.] Little sleep at night, with much yawning; she could not get warm before midnight/.—"He woke much too early at night; he could not fall asleep again?.—He awoke at 4 A.M., and remaiued quite wide awake/.—He woke with anxiety, at night (after five days)/.—He awoke about 2 a.m. every night, and could not fall asleep again, without other symptoms?.—Frequent waking at night and tossing from side to side/.—He woke frequently at night, and could not fall asleep again for a long time?.— She woke nearly every half hour (second night)/.—He woke as many as eight or ten times at night/.—Restless waking, with anxiety, at night/.— [1480.] He woke with anxiety, at night, was obliged to cough, and if he had no drink, vomited/.—Frequent anxious waking from a restless sleep/.— The sleep at night was only a partial sleep; in the morning it seemed as though he had not slept at all/.—She woke at 1 a.m., and could not fall asleep again, without other symptoms, except some perspiration on the left side of the head and neck/.—Sleepless at night, and restless till 4 a.m., followed by sleep, with anxious dreams/.—Sleep restless, unrefreshing/.—Great heat at night and sleeplessness/.—Restlessness (first night),37.—Slept ill (second night),20.—Sleeplessness on account of cold feet, at night/.—[1490.] She could not get to sleep at all for eight nights in succession/.—She could not sleep for three nights on account of wakefulness (first night)/.—When half awake, pains that he could not distinctly remember when awake,7.— Cannot fall asleep till 3 or 4 a.m.,27.—Could not fall asleep before 1 a.m./. —Anxious sleep, with sobbing?.—Heavy, unrefreshing sleep at night, from which he woke with difficulty, and only with anxious effort, in the morn- ing/.—He was unable to fall asleep for several nights, and the sleep was only a dozing/.—She sprang out of bed several times from the deepest sleep at night, quite awake, about a fancied frightful event, walked about, and then first became conscious that it was only an illusion/.—Dreams. Dreams that cause him to start/.—[1500.] Dreams of crimes that he com- mits/.—Frightful dreams,1.—Dreams of corpses/.—Horrible dreams, pre- ceded by a joyous dream/.—Anxious dreams and crying out in sleep/.— Very anxious dreams at night, for many nights/.—Anxious, sad, vivid dreams/.—Anxious dreams and violent starting up/.—Anxious dream at night, so that all the pulses beat on waking/.—Anxious dream at night, as if he must die/.—[1510.] Visionary dreams of carousing and feasting at night/.—Peevish dream during the restless morning sleep,7.—Peevish dreams all night, that also continued during the second sleep after wak- ing/.—Confused dream and partial sleep, at night,3.— Many fantasies, at night/.—A kind of nightmare, with perspiration, during a wonderful lascivious dream/.—Nightmare at night,.shortly after falling asleep/.— Very vivid visionary dreams of the occurrences of the day, in the morning, followed by great weariness/. Ferer.—Chilliness. When she woke with the coldness, there was also chattering of the teeth for one hour (first night)/5.—Skin cold and pale,35.—[1520.] Skin cool, almost cold.31.—Skin cold/6.—Coldness of the skin of the whole body, at night/.—Chilliness, with a pale look and coated tongue, after dinner/.—Takes cold easily, and as a consequence has pains in the back/.—Very sensitive to a cold wind, and very chilly for a long time/.—Constant internal chill, in the evening, with external warmth that he does not feel (he gets by the stove), and headache as if the head were 40 NITRICUM ACIDUM. tightly bound up,1.—Frequent shivering, especially in the forenoon, .— Chilliness of the whole body, with warm feet (after two days)/.—Chill and shivering, as from gooseflesh, with bristling of the hair/.—[1530.] Shaking chill, even in a warm room/.—Chilliness, even in the morning, in bed, and the whole day; only in the afternoon heat in the face/.—Chilliness in the afternoon, without subsequent heat; he was stupid all day/.—Febrile chill, in the afternoon, in the open air, lasting an hour and a half; afterwards in bed dry heat, with half-waking fantasies, without sleep; only to- wards morning perspiration and sleep/.—Febrile chill, in the afternoon, lasting an hour, followed by heat all over, lasting a quarter of an hour ; afterwards general perspiration for two hours ; thirst during neither the chill nor heat (four days)/.—Chilliness and shivering, in the evening, fol- lowed by flushes of heat, with dryness of the throat/.—Chilliness/.— Chilli- ness, especially in the evening?.—"Chilliness in the evening, before going to bed and on lying down, over the whole body, lasting a quarter of an hour/. —Chilliness in the evening, on moving in bed/.—[1540.] Sleepy and chilly in the evening,7.—Chilliness in the evening, in bed, from going to bed till midnight (in August) ; followed by dry heat of the lower extremities, head, and body/.—Coldness of the hands and feet (after two days)/.—A cool sensation in the abdomen and head, without cause, lasting two hours/.— "Hands very cold?.—Very cold hands, with extreme ill-humor/.—Coldness, and a cold sensation in the whole right lower extremity (after two hours)/. —Cold knees (fourteenth day)/.— Constant coldness of the feet, as far up as the calves, during the day/.—Icy coldness of the soles of the feet, at night, so that she could not sleep/.— [1550.] Chilblains on the great toes/.— Heat. Broncho-pneumonia developed on the third day, with violent fever/3.—Violent fever,32.—Fever with the dysentery (after fifteen hours),29. —Fever for one day (from taking cold), after riding a long distance in a strong wind; chilliness lasting three hours, followed by heat for six hours, with excessive perspiration (after thirty-six days)/.—Violent fever, with hot skin, full, hard, tense pulse/3.—Violent fever, with chill, especially in the back; he cannot get warm, and yet is externally hot,2.—Constantly in- creasing warmth of the body, day and night, as after alcoholic drinks, with increased inclination to perspire/.—Flushes of heat all over, towards even- ing, and very transient perspiration/.—Flushes of heat in the cheeks, with thirst, afterwards in the evening very sleepy/.—[1560.] Flushing heat from time to time,8.—Flushes of heat and nausea, in the evening, before going to bed/.—Flushes of heat several times during the day/.—Heat and thirst, with scanty turbid urine/.— "Paroxysms of flushes of heat, with moisture of the hands, frequently during the day/.—Flushes of heat in the cheeks, without thirst (after thirty hours)/.—"Heat over the whole body frequently woke her at night, without perspiration, with excessive thirst, caused by dry- ness very low down in the throat; she was frequently obliged to toss about the bed ; the thirst lasted twenty hours/.—Constant sensation of heat over the whole body, without thirst; she could scarcely tolerate any covering, only in a cool room, day and night/.— At first dry heat, afterwards violent chill, in the morning, in bed/.—"The blood seemed hot at night, especially in the hands; she could not sleep on account of it/.—[1570.] Much heat and pain in the head, with vertigo, on walking (after six days)/.—Heat of the skin,7.—Internal dry heat, with thirst and febrile weakness/.—Dry heat over the whole body (after five days),1.—Heat in the evening, especially on the feet/.—*Dry heat, at night (after eight days)/.—Alternately feverish cold hands, with heat of the head/.—The room that is not warm seems too' NITRICUM ACIDUM. 41 ' -~AIwavs an agreeable sense of heat after drinking the acid (fifth day),20.—Easily becomes heated during warm weather, and after slight ex- ertion/.— [1580.] It often seems to him like heat about the head,1.—"Fre- quent heat in the face and hands, with much weakness of the limbs/ —Heat in the face, and coldness in the rest of the body/.—Heat and redness of the face, after eating/.—Heat of the face, in the morning, on waking and inclination to perspire/.—Heat of the face, in the afternoon,7.—Great heat of the face, in the evening, with icy-cold hands, without thirst (after three days),.—Great heat of the face, in the evening, with tremulousness,7.— Heat of the face, in the evening/ 7.—Heat in the eyes, small of the back and great anxiety/.—[1590.] Heat in the left wrist and palm of the hand/.— Much heat, at night, especially in the thighs/.—Sweat. "Siveat all over, after eating (in the morning and at noon), (after five days)/.—* Offensive perspira- tion, for several nights/.—Inclined to perspire and take cold/.—"Perspira- tion, with cold hands and blue nails?.—Perspiration while walking in the open air, followed by headache and nausea/.—*Perspiration, in the morn- ing/.— Perspiration sour, very offensive, like horses' urine/.—Perspiration increased and offensive during physical exertion/.—[1600.] It restores the suppressed perspiration of the feet (secondary action)/.—Sour night- sweat, for several nights/.—Nightsweat immediately on covering herself in bed/.—Perspiration at night/. —Nightsweat during sleep/. —Night- sweats for twenty days in succession (after ten days)/.—Nightsweat only on the parts upon which she is lying/.—Nightsweat, during which he woke with pleasant thoughts/.—"Nightsweat every night?.—"Nightsweat, profuse, every other night,1.—[1610.] Nightsiveat, mostly on the feet?.—Nightsweat on the chest/.—The head perspires very easily/.—Frequent perspiration on the forehead/.—Sweat on the forehead, while eating/.—Sweat of the face and body (with the cough),28.—Sweat on the nape of the neck/.—"The perspiration in the axillce is offensive, of a strong odor (after four days)/.— Hot sweat on the palms of the hands, with heat and redness of the face/. —Sweaty hands/.—[1620.] *Profuse perspiration on the soles, causing soreness of the toes and balls of the feet, with sticking pain as if he were walking on pins/.—"Perspiration of the feet, even cold/.—Sweat on the left foot (sixth day)/. Conditions. — Aggravation. — (Morning), On waking, throbbing headache in right temple, with nausea; pressure in forehead; stitches over the eyes; swelling of fingers; distension of abdomen; face hot; in bed, dry heat; violent chill; hacking cough ; bloody expectoration; thirst for water; rattling in trachea; sick feeling; chilliness; erections; pain in urethra; tearing in right foot; pressure in chest; hands asleep; on rising, vertigo; weakness and nausea; vertigo, with obscuration; ill-humored ; fretful; perspiration; exhaustion; gnawing in stomach; on waking, mouth stiff and sore; on waking, pressure in stomach and back ; pressure in forehead; nosebleed; blowing of blood from nose; burning in eyelids; tension in skin of face; stoppage of nose; heaviness of limbs and joints ; stitches in left chest, with difficult respiration ; cramp in calves ; pressive pain in right chest; paroxysms of headache ; tightness of breath ; emission of flatus; in bed, cutting colic; after rising, violent flatulent colic; yellow, sickly look below eye; after stool, griping in abdomen; bloody saliva; mouth dry ; tongue dry, coated ; difficulty in opening eyes; puffiness about eyes; loss of appetite; sweetish taste; sour taste.—(Morning and evening), Sneez- ing.— (Forenoon), Shivering; stitches through lungs.—(Toward noon), Weakness; cold feet and lower extremities; bitter taste.—(Afternoon), 42 NITRICUM ACIDUM. Throbbing headache in left side of head; sticking pain in upper part of head ; compressive headache in forehead ; face hot; chilliness ; weakness; hollow of knee tense; impatient; sleepiness; bitter taste.—(Toward even- ing), Flushes of heat; itching in pudenda; drawing pains in hands and small of back.—(Evening), Face hot, tremulous; pressure in eyelids ;_ sensi- tiveness of scalp; stitches in right side of occiput; boring stitches in ver- tex ; sticking headache in left frontal eminence; stitches in left temple; jerking in head ; jerking toothache ; throbbing toothache; pressure in eye- lids; weakness of lower jaw; disagreeable odor from nose; in bed, stick- ing in throat; sour taste; dry, hacking cough ; after lying down, stitches in right breast; stitches in rectum ; flushes of heat and nausea; flushes of heat in cheek, with thirst; weakness of lower extremities ; in bed, appear- ance of images, chilliness and shivering; sleepiness; in bed, palpitation; internal chills; external warmth ; pressive drawing in lower extremities; feet hot; in bed, burning beneath nail of great toe ; drawing in thighs; in bed, hacking cough ; smarting in anus ; after lying down, erections; vertigo ; anxiety; tremulous; weary; depression.—(Night), While sleeping, head heavy and oppressed, headache; on rising; vertigo; skin cold; drawing, grumbling, sticking, and burning in teeth ; stopped coryza ; violent coryza ; acrid water from nose ; nosebleed ; rush of blood to chest and heart; stitches in heart; heat; thirst; during sleep, pain in stomach ; pressure in stomach : eructations and cramp in stomach ; griping colic; uneasiness in abdomen ; cramp in abdomen ; blood hot in hands ; sticking in thigh ; heat in thigh ; tearing in knees ; cramp in calves ; feet and legs cold ; tearing in lower ex- tremities ; dead feeling in left leg to knee ; feet weary ; violent erections; emissions ; restlessness; frequent waking; anxious dreams ; peevish dreams ; fantasies ; dry heat; anxiety; desire to urinate ; on rising, vertigo.—(Mid- night), Toothache.—(After midnight), Violent cough; epileptic attack. (Cold air), Deadnesss of fingers.—(Open air), Confusion of the head ; sud- denly blinded; lachrymation of right eye.—(Falling asleep), Paralytic drawing in first joint of thumb and in hand ; oppression.—(Ascending steps), Loss of breath ; palpitation ; anxiety.—(During breakfast), Stitches in left side of occiput.—(Bending backward), Tightness of chest.—( Chew- ing), Cracking in ear; looseness and painfulness of teeth.—(After coition), Drawing pain in small of back, spine, and thighs.—(Coughing), Pressure in head; pain in chest, stomach, and hypochondria; nausea; vomiting; anxiety ; stitches in rectum ; stitches in throat and small of back.—(Cover- ing in bed), Nightsweat.—(After dinner), Twitching in right eye; vomit- ing ; headache; knee and elbow relaxed ; chilliness; paleness; tongue coated.—(Drinking), Acid, sense of heat; pain behind suprasternal notch ; persistent vomiting; griping in abdomen.—(Eating), Head perspires.— (After eating), Heat and redness of face ; headache ; crawling in larynx ; hacking cough; sore pain in chest; coldness and pressure in stomach; nausea; eructations; acidity in mouth, throat; vomiting ; rumbling and gurgling in abdomen ; anxiety ; in evening, bilious eructations ; cracking in maxillary articulation ; sweat; salt, burning in chest,—(Exertion), Palpitation; perspiration offensive; heat.—(Grasping), Cramp pain in hands; stiff pain in left hand.—(Inspiration), Spasmodic pain in chest and back; whistling in chest.—(Lying down), Weakness of lower extremities. (Manual labor), Spasmodic jerking in dorsal muscles.—(Appearance of menses), Cramp pains in lower abdomen ; pains in small of back.—(Before menses), Bruised pain in limbs.—(During menses), Burning in eye ; swell- ing of gums ; toothache; pressure in the hepatic region ; pressure in abdo- NITRO-MURIATIC ACID. 43 men ; violent pain ; dragging in lower abdomen; weakness; constriction toward genitals.—(Motion), Externally bruised pain in forearm; tearing in arm ; stitches in hepatic region ; sticking in region of spleen ; nausea; faintness; anxiety.—(Moving body), Drawing and griping in umbilical re- gion.—(Pressing forehead), Stitches in right ear.—(.Read^a), Aloud, scrap- ing in throat; green spots before every letter; obscuration of the eye; lachrymation.—(Pest), Paralytic pain in one leg, with heaviness and lassi- tude; drawing in middle of calf.—( Warm room), Shaking chills.—(Res- piration), Pain in chest; stitches in right side of chest.—(Riding in car- riage), Nates painful.—(Rising from stooping), Vertigo.—(Risingfrom seat), Tensive pain in hip-joints.—(Standing), Stitches in vertebra? and knee. —(After smoking), Dryness and scraping of mouth.—(Sitting), Constrictive pain in right chest; weariness ; indolence.—(Stooping), Shooting in head ; headache ; pain in chest externally ; vertigo.—(During stool), Sticking and constriction in rectum.—(After stool), Sticking and scraping in rectum ; discharge of prostatic fluid ; burning and itching in anus; smarting in rectum; nausea; exhaustion.—(Stretching foot).—Cramp in calves.—(Sival- loiving), Pressure in throat; sore throat; pain in cardiac orifice.—(Talk- ing), Stitches in larynx and throat.—(Urinating) Sore pain in glans penis; burning and smarting in urethra; stitches in lower abdomen. — (After urinating), Burning in anus, in evening; discharges of tenacious mucus.— ( Walking), Heat and pain in head ; vertigo ; in open air, headache, nausea, perspiration ; loss of breath; palpitation ; in open air, itching on neck ; itching on pudenda; throbbing in chest; in open air, loss of breath; feet heavy; in open air, pressure in stomach ; in open air, sensation of swelling in hollow of knee; pain in hollow of knee ; pain in left patella; itching in anus ; in open air, pain in left scapula and kidneys; stitches in scapula; tearing in thigh ; soreness between thighs ; weakness of left thigh ; crack- ing in knee; drawing pain in feet; sticking pain in heel; pain in little toe; cracking in ankle; oppression ; anxiety.—(After walking), Swelling of feet; weakness and weariness of lower leg; joints painful.—-(Wetting feet), Swelling, inflammation, redness of one toe. Amelioration,—(Eating), Pressure in stomach; warm food,pain in teeth.—(Drinking), Wine, throbbing in chest.—(Moving), Nausea.—(Riding in carriage), Symptoms disappear.—(Hard rubbing), Gnawing sensation in thighs.—(Sitting), Pain in thigh.—(Going to sleep), Stitches in right side of occiput.—( Walking), Pain in left inguinal region. NITRO-MURIATIC ACID. Acidum nitroso-muriaticum; Acidum chloro-nitrosum. N02C12 (or Cl2NO). Aqua regia. A mixture of three parts of Hydrochloric and one part of Nitric acid. Preparation, Dilutions with distilled water. Authorities. 1, Dr. J. C. Morgan, Hahn. Month., 6 (1870), p. 186, took 2 drops of 1st dec. dil. at 11 p.m. first day, 1 drop at noon, second day, took two sips of a solution of 3 drops in 2 ounces of water, third day; 2, Dr. C. Winslow, ibid., took 7\r of a drop of 1st dil., three times first day, twice second day; 3, Dr. M. M. Walker, took 2 drops of 30th dil. (one dose) ; 3 a, same, repeated same dose; 4, Dr. Graves, Lond. Quart. Journ. 44 NITRO-MURIATIC ACID. (N. Am. J. of Horn., 1, 518), effects of fumes of the concentrated acid, in a woman. . , „ n ,„__„ Head.—Headache and great sleepiness, at 1 p.m , increased and were worse at 3 p.m., but continued through the evening till I retired at,11 p.m (third dav),3a.—Slight frontal headache, with some dizziness (after hrst dose),2.-Peculiar sensations in the temples, as if brain were distended ; a, feeling of pressure on the temples (one hour after second dose, first day),. -While leaning to left side, sudden sticking ache in left temporal region, preceded by twitching of anterior fibres of temporal muscle (after five minutes, second day)/.-Arose at 7 a.m., with feeling as I arose from a lying position as if the brain was all in the occiput, making it feel heavy (third day),3. . n . . . * Face.—Lower lip has a blister on the inner side as large as an incisor tooth, which I first noticed at 1 p.m. ; while eating dinner, at 2 p.m could not help biting it; for several hours after, whenever I closed my teeth 1 would bite it; the inside of lower lip was also somewhat swollen, and this blister the most pointing part (fourth day),3\ _ Mouth.—Immediately a sense of pressure or fulness in the parotid, submaxillary, and sublingual glands, in the order named, with some in- crease of saliva; on left side, increased more and more towards zygoma and malar bone; less on right side (first day)/.—My mouth filled with saliva (soon after the fluttering of heart), which I spat out; my mouth continued filling as rapidly as I could spit for about ten minutes, when it decreased in quantity, but continued in a less and less degree for one hour, or from 2 to 3 p.m. (ninth day)/a. Throat.—While writing at a very low table, spasmodic tremulous contractions in pharynx, in the vicinity of the levator palati muscles (after half an hour, second day)/. Stomach.—[10.] Evacuation of flatus, and eructation of the same ; since first dose, easier than common (second morning)/. Abdomen.—Sensation from left hypochondrium to rectum as of de- sire for stool, following the course of the large bowel, on rising at 7.30 a.m. (second day) ; on rising (third morning)/.—Slight colic in lower re- gion of abdomen (one hour after third dose, first day),2. Stool.—After breakfast, a free, loose, yellowish, pappy stool (third day)/.—Have been troubled more or less with constipation since I began the proving; this evening, at 7 p.m., had desire for stool; after much urging was unable to pass anything owing to constriction of sphincter ani ; on pressing with finger at the end of coccyx, expelled a small amount of fseces (twelfth day); desire for stool, at 8 a.m. ; after much urging with rectus abdominis, expelled a small amount of faeces, notwithstanding the constric- tion of the sphincter ani (thirteenth day),3*. Urinary Organs.—Immediately, sensation in penis, afterwards in bladder (whilst writing), of desire to urinate; later a sort of languid ach- ing through hips and thighs (front) and small of back (having rested arms on thighs); after a short delay, passed a quantity of normal, some- what pale urine (third day)/. Respiratory Organs.—The fumes caught her breath, and pro- duced inflammation of the larynx and of the bronchial tubes, which nearly proved fatal/.—Inspiration more easy than usual (second morning)/. Heart and Pulse.—Some palpitation of heart (one hour after sec- ond dose, first day),2.—Fluttering of the heart, while eating dinner at 2 p.m. (eighth day); while eating dinner, at 1.30 p.m.; at a quarter before NITRO-MURIATIC ACID. 45 2 p.m., started for the cars, was a few minutes late, and had to run part of the way; after running slowly half a square, was taken with fluttering of the heart, so I had to stop running and walk, when it gradually passed off (ninth day)/\ Neck and Bach'.—[20.] While taking a cold bath, took a pain in right side of back, about the position of the rhomboideus major muscle, rheumatic, i. e., catching, muscular pain, on twisting and lifting the limb, at 7.30 a.m. (fifth day)/.—Heavy pain in quadratus lumborum muscle (third day),3. Extremities in General.—Sticking in dorsum of right hand to third knuckle ; afterwards successively, the same on dorsum of left fore- arm and hand, then in back of both thighs when walking, at 7.30 p.m. ; directly after, while still walking, a sharp, stitchlike drawing pain in front of right forearm, beginning and worse and most persistent at commence- ment of biceps tendon, above elbow (third day); the pains (especially of the upper extremities) recurred quite frequently, up to the morning of the fourth day/.—A sort of languid aching through hips and thighs (front) and small of back (having rested arms on thighs), (third day)/. Inferior Extremities.—While sitting, a glow, with languid feel- ing, from calf to sole of left lower extremity, continuing as heat in the sole; within a few minutes, sensation as if perspiration would break out, while sitting (third day)/.—On walking in the room, a cramp momentarily felt in hollow of right foot (after three-quarters of an hour, second day)/. Generalities.—Very much worn out by much hard study and little exercise; felt mentally and physically depressed, like I did previous to having typhoid fever, three years ago; worse from 10 to 12 a.m. ; at 12.30 went to gymnasium, and after moderate exercise felt very weak, but im- proved in about an hour after (eighth day),3a.—A pricking sensation in the muscles between the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones of the right foot, at the same time a similar pain in the region of the bladder; both were quite light (after four hours and a quarter),3.—Took breakfast at 8 o'clock (ate bread and butter, and bread and milk), which did not seem digested at 2 o'clock, when I ate dinner (second day); food or regular meals seemed to be much longer in digesting (third day),3. Sleep.—Slept unusually well (first night), and felt the next morning better than usual,2.—[30.] Very sleepy, with headache, at 1 p.m. ; head- ache and sleepiness increased, and were worse at 3 p.m., but continued through the evening till I retired, at 11 p.m. (third day),3a. Fever.—A chilly sensation passed over me, which commenced in the rectus femoris muscle, passed upward over the body to the face (after ten minutes),3.—While sitting by the stove reading, chilliness, commencing at all points on a line drawn around the chest and over the arms at the lower part of the sternum, passed upward over the shoulders, up the neck, face, and head, converging at the vertex, at 1 p.m. (second day),3*.—Slight feverishness (first and second days),2.—Sensation as if perspiration would break out, while sitting (third day)/. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(After breakfast), Free, loose, yellowish stool.—(Cold bath), Pain in right side of hack.—(On eating dinner), Flut- tering of the heart.—(Moderate exercise), Feeling of weakness, but improved soon after,—(Leaning to left side), Sticking ache in left temporal region — (Sitting), By a stove, line of chilliness through the chest, arms, lower part of sternum, shoulders, neck, face, and vertex ; a glow, with languid feeling, from calf to sole of left lower extremity; sensation as if perspiration would 46 NITROGENIUM OXYGENATUM. break out.—(Walking), Sticking in back of both thighs; sharp stitch in front of right forearm ; in room, momentary cramp in front of right foot. —( Writing), At low table, spasmodic, tremulous contractions in pharynx; sensation in penis and bladder of desire to urinate. NITROGENIUM OXYGENATUM. Nitrous oxide (gas). NO. Laughing gas. The gas is slightly soluble in water. Authorities.^ 1, Sir Humphry Davy,, experiments on self, Researches Chem. and Philosophical, London, 1800; 2, same, subsequent experiments with the gas mingled with the air; 3, same, " when fatigued by a journey, I respired nine quarts of the gas;" 4, same, " when fatigued by a journey, I respired seven quarts;" 5, same, effects after having taken the gas, often as many as four times a day, for a fortnight; 6, same, effects of inhaling the gas, in a tight box, into which twenty quarts of gas were thrown ; 7, same, effects on Mr. Toblin; 8, same, on Mr. Clayfield ; 9, same, on Mr. King- lake ; 10, same, effects on Mr. Burnet; 11, same, on Mr. Edgeworth ; 12, same, on Mr. Southey ; 13, Pfaff, Nord. Archiv, 1804 (Frank's Mag., 3, 709), effects on Dr. Struve; 14, same, on another individual; 15, same, on another individual; 16, Curtis, Bost. M. and S. Journ., 2, 425, effects in a lady, suffering from asthma; 17, B. W. James, M.D., N. Am. J. of Horn., 1866, p. 517, effects in self; 18, Jeannel, Gaz. Hebd., 1869, experiments on self; 19, same, effects in another individual (taken for extraction of tooth) ; 20, Braine, Brit. Med. Journ., 23 (1869), effects; 21, Amory, N. Y. J. of Med., 1870, effects on self; 22,Mitchell, experiments on friends, West Riding Lunatic Asylum Reports, 1871, p. 44, Mr. J.; 23, same, Dr. N.; 24, same, Mr. D.; 25, same, Mr. H.; 26, same, general effects; 27, same, effects on self; 28, Maclaren, Edin. Med. Journ., 1871, general effects; 29, Mason, Lancet, 1873, p. 254, effects in a lady, who inhaled the gas to have a tooth extracted; 30, Farrington, Am. J. Horn. M. M., 4, 105, effects of inhalation, in a colored woman (with scrofulous glands) ; 31, " S. W.," Loud. Med. J., 1873, " personal experience;" 32, Br. Med. Journ., 1873, " personal experience of a medical man;" 33, Thomson, Phil. Med. Times, 1873 (November 15th), general effects; 34, Berridge, N. Am. J. of Horn., N. S., 5, p. 375, effects in self; 35, same, in another man; 36, same, in a girl; 37, same, Am. Obs., 1875, p. 307, effects on self; 38, Ostrom, Hahn. Month., 1875, p. 16, effects of a large amount, in a girl, aged nineteen. Mind.— Became so violent in dentist's chair, could hardly hold her,30. —Unusual exaltation of mind, the most agreeable sensations and fancies; had an involuntary desire to laugh (after one hour)/3.—" The principal feeling was a total difficulty of restraining my feelings, both corporeal and mental; or, in other words, not having any command over myself," n.__ Begged me to give her something to kill her or else make her better,30!— Mental torture beyond endurance. It was a nightmare of the mind, pure and simple, in which no earthly objects took part. He was like Blake or any other madman you might name, trying in that exquisitely painful moment to solve the insoluble and grasp the illimitable; he was now en- f Selected from numerous observations.—T. F. A. NITROGENIUM OXYGENATUM. 47 deavoring to conceive what lay beyond all space, and now trying to realize the condition of nothing. Then came a spiral winding from an infinite distance into a point, when he exclaimed to himself, "I can bear it no longer; I am going mad," and at that instant awoke,31.—" Inhaling the gas, I felt as if every nerve was gently agitated with a lively enjoyment,"10.— Soon found his nervous system agitated by the highest sensations of'pleas- ure, but which were difficult of description. AVhen the bags were exhausted and taken from him, he suddenly started from his chair, and vociferating with pleasure, made towards those that were present, as he wished they should participate in his feelings. He struck gently at Davy, and a stranger entering the room at the same moment, he made towards him and gave him several blows; but, he adds, it was more in the spirit of good humor than in that of anger. He then ran through different rooms in the house, and at last returned to the laboratory somewhat more composed, although his spirits continued more elevated for some hours after the ex- periment ; he felt, however, no subsequent effects either in the evening or day following. Upon another occasion, he states that his sensations were superior to anything he ever before experienced ; his step was firm, and all his muscular power increased. His nerves were more alive to every sur- rounding impression; he threw himself into several theatrical attitudes, and traversed the laboratory with a quick step, while his mind was elevated to a most sublime height; he says that it is giving but a faint idea of his feelings to say that they resembled those produced by a representation of a heroic scene on the stage, or by reading a sublime passage in poetry, when circumstances contribute to awaken the finest sympathies of the soul. The influence, however, of this inspiring agent appears to have been as transitory as its effects were vivid; for he afterwards observes, " I have seldom lately experienced vivid sensations. The pleasure produced by the gas is slight and tranquil, and I rarely feel sublime emotions or increased muscular power,"7.—First, there was noticed a pleasant sensation of ex- hilaration or general stimulation, in which the thoughts ran rapidly through the brain, and soon it appeared to me that I was dreaming; then the head felt full, giddiness supervened, and a humming or buzzing sensation, to- gether with a feeling as though I was gradually being elevated up into the air and passing away. A peculiar tingling sensation in the finer nerves of the extremities was observed, somewhat analogous to that which is felt when experiencing that feeling which is commonly expressed by the term " hand or foot being asleep," caused by pressure on the main nerve-trunk of the part, and similar to that I noticed over the whole body when I was suffering from an attack of " spotted fever " or typhus petechial is. The last impressions were that I was laughing, while at the same time I was flying through the air, and my feet were trembling and going up and down as though pressing upon a treadle that propelled the imaginary machinery that was conveying me through the air, while everything around was fast becoming dim ; complete unconsciousness then ensued. The return from this state was sudden, as if arousing from a sound sleep, and the first ob- jects that attracted my attention were the five or six gentlemen who were in the room, violently convulsed with laughter, while I myself was seized with a hearty convulsion of laughter, which I could not in any manner control/7.—It produced the usual pleasurable effects, and slight muscular motion. I continued exhilarated for some minutes afterwards; but in half an hour found myself neither more nor less exhausted than before the ex- periment. I had a great propensity to sleep. I repeated the experiment 48 NITROGENIUM OXYGENATUM. four or five times during the following week with similar effects. My sus- ceptibility was certainly not diminished; I even thought that I was more affected than formerly by equal doses,4.—[10.] For three minutes I ex- perienced no alteration in ray sensations, though immediately after the in- troduction of the Nitrous oxide, the smell and taste of it were very evident. In four minutes I began to feel a slight glow in the cheeks, and a gener- ally diffused warmth over the chest, though the temperature of the box was not quite 50°. I had neglected to feel my pulse before I went in ; at this time it was 104 and hard ; the animal heat was 98°. In ten minutes the animal heat was near 99° ; in a quarter of an hour, 99.5°, when the pulse was 102, and fuller than before. At this period twenty quarts more of Nitrous oxide were thrown into the box, and well mingled with the mass of air by agitation. In twenty-five minutes the animal heat was 100°, pulse 124. In thirty minutes twenty quarts more of gas were introduced. My sensations were now pleasant; I had a generally diffused warmth, with- out the slightest moisture of the skin; a sense of exhilaration similar to that produced by a small dose of wine, and a disposition to muscular mo- tion and to merriment. In three-quarters of an hour the pulse was 104, and animal heat not'99.5°; the temperature of the chamber was 64°. The pleasurable feelings continued to increase, the pulse became fuller and slower, till in about an hour it was 88, when the animal heat was 99°. Twenty quarts more of air were admitted. I had now a great disposition to laugh, luminous points seemed frequently to pass before my eyes, my hearing was certainly more acute, and I felt a pleasant lightness and power of exertion in my muscles. In a short time the symptoms became stationary; breathing was rather oppressed, and on account of the great desire of action, rest was painful. I now came out of the box, having been in precisely an hour and a quarter. The moment after, I began to respire twenty quarts of unmingled Nitrous oxide. A thrilling, extending from the chest to the extremities, was almost immediately produced. I felt a sense of tangible extension, highly pleasurable, in every limb; my visible impressions were dazzling and apparently magnified; I heard distinctly every sound in the room, and was perfectly aware of my situation. By degrees, as the pleasurable sensations increased, I lost all connection with external things; trains of vivid visible images rapidly passed through my mind, and were connected with words in such a manner as to produce per- ceptions perfectly novel. I existed in a world of newly connected and newly modified ideas. I theorized; I imagined that I made discoveries. When I was awakened from this semi-delirious trance by Dr. Kino-lake who took the bag from my mouth, indignation and pride were the first feeling produced by the sight of the persons about me. My emotions were enthusiastic and sublime, and for a minute I walked round the room per- fectly regardless of what was said to me. As I recovered my former state of mind, I felt an inclination to communicate the discoveries I had made during the experiment. I endeavored to recall the ideas; they were feeble and indistinct; one collection of terms, however, presented itself and with the most intense belief and prophetic manner, I exclaimed to Dr KiuP-- lake, " Nothing exists but thoughts ! The universe is composed of impressions ideas, pleasures, and pains /" About three minutes and a half only had elapsed during this experiment, though the time, as measured by the rela- tive vividness of the recollected ideas, appeared to me much longer Not more than half of the Nitrous oxide was consumed. After a minute be- fore tne thrilling of the extremities had disappeared, I breathed the re- NITROGENIUM OXYGENATUM. 49 mainder. Similar sensations were again produced ; I was quickly thrown into the pleasurable trance, and continued in it longer than before. For many minutes after the experiment, I experienced the thrilling in the ex- tremities ; the exhilaration continued nearly two hours. For a much longer time I experienced the mild enjoyment before described connected with indolence; no depression or feebleness followed. I ate my dinner with great appetite, and found myself lively and disposed to action immediately afterwards. I passed the evening in executing experiments. At night, I found myself unusually cheerful and active, and the hours between 11 and 2 were spent in copying the foregoing detail from the commonplace book, and in arranging the experiments. In bed, I enjoyed profound repose. When I awoke in the morning, it was with consciousness of pleasurable existence, and this consciousness, more or less, continued through the day,6. —A few seconds after the commencement of the inhalation the pulse began to grow firmer and less compressible, and to decrease in frequency, falling from 85 to 75 in the course of the first minute. In less than a minute the breathing became quicker and almost of a blowing character. He was somewhat exhilarated and stamped with his feet to show the satisfaction he felt. The breathing then assumed a labored, almost .stertorous, char- acter, and I attempted to remove the face-piece, but he clutched it firmly and resisted my efforts to do so—not long, however, for he soon began to lose consciousness and his hold relaxed. On recovering, which was almost instantaneous after removal of the inhaler, he said he felt as if just aroused from a delicious sleep,22.—(The headache, which had troubled me during the afternoon and before going to sleep, was entirely gone, and I felt much invigorated by the effects of the gas)/7.—It produced feelings analogous to those of intoxication. He was for some time unconscious of existence, but at no period of the experiment were his sensations agreeable; a momentary nausea followed, but unconnected with languor or headache. In a subse- quent trial it would appear that he did experience certain thrillings that were highly pleasurable,8.—Sensations perfectly new and delightful/2.— The dilute gas has almost invariably an exhilarating effect upon me; for the first few seconds the symptoms resemble those caused by the pure gas, but come on more gradually. The breathing is at first affected, and fre- quently at the end of a minute is of a panting character. At this stage a slight sense of suffocation may be felt, soon passing off, however, not to re- turn again as long as the supply of Nitrous oxide is abundant. The next symptom is a feeling of fulness in the head, and a tendency to fixedness of the eyes ; then it soon becomes apparent that general sensibility is affected, the perception of external objects being slower. Next is noticed a sense of increased resistance in the feet, suggesting the idea that they might act involuntarily in throwing the body forward. These symptoms become more marked, and develop into unmistakable dizziness, more noticeable, of course, if the inhalant is standing, and then an effort is required to maintain the equilibrium. At this stage, too, are perceived the thrilling and vibratory sensations ; the accommodating power of the eye is affected, and objects are seen as through a mist. The senses of smell and hearing become more acute; distant and otherwise faintly heard sounds are judged to be near, and are distinctly heard; if they are of a rhythmical kind, as the sounds of a mason's hammer, they seem to recur more frequently, and the appreciation of the rhythm is more acute. And now the more strictly mental symptoms come into prominence. Having on one occasion inhaled the gas when I had a rather severe headache, it was at this stage the sense VOL. VII.—4 50 NITROGENIUM OXYGENATUM. of pain left me, after which it seemed to me there was an interval between the perception that the pain had given and that feeling of satisfaction which always follows sudden relief from suffering, and my mind began to busy itself with definitions of pleasure and pain ; but this mood quickly changed to one of extreme self-confidence—recklessness as to every other consideration but that of having plenty of Nitrous oxide, and a general feeling of contempt for all metaphysical questions whatever. Ideas rushed in a disordered current through my mind, and delirium set in. It is at the commencement of this stage that the mind loses the power of discriminat- ing between the appropriate and the ridiculous, and is preternaturally sus- ceptible of receiving and being influenced by suggestions from without; and it is on the ideas and actions now initiated that the delicious intoxica- tion turns. The ideas seem, as it were, to expand beyond the recognition of the mind, which at this point in its disordered activity also seems to vault over that interval which, in its normal condition, it recognizes to exist be- tween the wish and its realization. Automatic acts succeed each other, or are repeated with great rapidity, and are performed in an exaggerated manner, the subject of the experiment shouting and gesticulating with the greatest vehemence should he wish to communicate any, even the most trivial thing, and often repeating the last word of a sentence many times, and each time in a louder key. I have endeavored to arrest the action of the gas in all stages of its operation, with a view of analyzing, if possible, the state of mind indicated by the confident belief that a great discovery has been made. When it is considered with what avidity the gas is in- spired, and that it is necessary that the inhalation should be discontinued at the very moment when the enjoyment it is affording is at its height, and when all sense of prudence and responsibility seems to be annihilated, it will be understood how great are the difficulties in the way of success in such an attempt. On account of the delirium which always accompanies this condition I could never be certain, on recovering from the effects of the gas, that I had not passed through a short stage of unconsciousness, nor that the idea my mind had grasped, as being the last that had passed through it, was indeed the last. In the milder forms of delirium it has seemed to me as though consciousness kept ebbing and flowing. I feel sure, however, that in some instances I have been able to secure the re- ceding thought and to retain it until the momentary confusion of mind had passed off. Two such instances I will describe. On one occasion I wanted to find out how much gas was being consumed in the experiment, and im- pressed on my mind the exceeding desirableness of learning this. On emerging from the state of delirium I found myself with uplifted hand in the act of striking my knee, to impress upon my memory the fact that I had refilled the inhaling bag; and I fancied that I either had shouted, or was upon the point of doing so, in a triumphant voice, "I have filled it again." The act by which I sought to emphasize the important observa- tion was a repetition of a blow I had already given my knee, as there was still some feeling of it left, and I thought that it was due to this that I had so suddenly awaked to perfect consciousness. I found that I really had turned the key to admit more of the gas into the bag. Had I not came to myself at that moment, I have no doubt that in the next this trivial occur- rence would have been magnified beyond recognition, and have left the feeling that I had discovered the secret of the universe. The second time returning clearness of intellect found me vociferating, in a most trium- phant tone of voice, and each time I fancied in a higher key " Off off NITROGENIUM OXYGENATUM. 51 off." In this case the predominant idea, before the commencement of the experiment, had been that I should notice how, and in what time, I passed off into unconsciousness. Again, to show how susceptible to suggestion the mind becomes under the influence of Nitrous oxide, and how it takes up and exaggerates any activity, whether bodily or mental, and how great the tendency is to dwell on and intensify any process of thought or series of automatic acts, I may describe how I was affected by the gas on other occasions. I respired it standing, to notice whether this position would in any way incite to bodily activity. As soon as I felt the influence of the gas stealing over me I commenced gesticulating, and immediately noticed a strong tendency to repeat the same movements, which, though at first wholly voluntary, soon became automatic in character, and required an effort to stop them. Commencing to shuffle about my feet as if dancing, I quickly found myself going through the steps of a Scotch reel, the only dance I ever properly learned, and which I believed I had forgotten. Each step was made with more alacrity than the one before, until I found it impossible to maintain any degree of accurate adaptation of the inhaler to my face, and then the feelings of exhilaration died away. On almost immediately resuming the inhalation in the sitting posture, however, I passed into the delirious stage in a few seconds. I have found that, by imitating the contortions of face attendant upon crying or laughing, I can at will, at a certain stage in the operation of Nitrous oxide, induce a most uncontrollable paroxysm of either. The general propensity to laughter, I have thought, might be attributable, in some measure at least, to the fact that when the inhalation has been continued a certain length of time, con- vulsive contractions of the diaphragm always occur, which would, of course, initiate one very important movement in the automatic series accompany-" ing laughter. The sense of hurry and tumultuous rushing of ideas through the mind may be exaggerated by, if it is not, in a great degree, due to, the furious panting which is commonly observed before delirium sets in,27.—He found that he could breathe nine quarts of Nitrous oxide for three minutes, and twelve quarts for rather more than four; but that he could never breathe it, in any quantity, so long as five minutes. When- ever its operation was carried to the highest extent, the pleasurable thrilling, at its height about the middle of the experiment, gradually diminished, the sense of pressure on the muscles was lost, impressions ceased to be per- ceived, vivid ideas passed rapidly through the mind, and voluntary power was altogether destroyed, so that the mouthpiece generally dropped from his unclosed lips. When he breathed from six to seven quarts, muscular motions were produced to a great extent; sometimes he manifested his pleasure by stamping or laughing; at other times by dancing round the room and vociferating,5.—I put myself into the hands of the dentist one morning after my breakfast, and, after inhaling the gas for the average time, soon became insensible; that is, to physical pain ; but my mental tortures, during that short period, were beyond endurance. It was a nightmare of the mind, pure and simple, in which no earthly objects took part. I was like Blake, or any other madman you might name, trying in that exquisitely painful moment to solve the insoluble and grasp the illim- itable ; I was now endeavoring to conceive what lay beyond all space, and now trying to realize the condition of nothing. Then came a spiral winding from an infinite distance into a point, when I exclaimed to myself, "I can bear it no longer; I am going mad," and at that instant I awoke. I was perfectly collected, asked if the tooth was out, and declared that I 52 NITROGENIUM OXYGENATUM. had felt no pain. I rose and was about to leave when, being faint, I again sat down and was placed in a horizontal position. Some brandy was given me, and in about half an hour I revived. I again rose to leave; but on reaching the street-door, I became faint once more, and was obliged to return. In another hour I was assisted home, a few yards, feeling exceed- ingly ill, and was compelled to lie down again when I reached my study. Presently I thought I could see a patient who was waiting to consult me; but after conversing with him a short time, the faintness again came over me and I took once more to my couch. This state of things continued for four or five hours, and was then succeeded by a severe headache, which lasted for the rest of the day. Next morning I rose very "seedy," as if I had just come off a sea-voyage, and for a week afterwards was exceedingly unwell, feeling low and depressed, as if my whole nervous system had re- ceived a severe shock, which indeed it had,32.—It is curious to remark how often, as unconsciousness comes on, the ruling idea is one of noise and mo- tion combined. Some patients think they are seated in or running after an omnibus; but many more imagine themselves in a railway carriage, travelling faster and faster, till they suddenly seem to enter a dark tunnel, and then all is a blank to them. Sensual emotions are not unfrequently excited in both sexes. A man, who had been married about three months, stated, on awaking, that he had been dreaming of his wife; and an un- married hysterical girl certainly gave evidence, by her movements, that she was quite aware of one of the duties of married life ; and moreover, in this case, the idea was still present when she was able to speak, for she addressed the administrator in terms far fonder than the occasion war- ranted ; while another girl, who had behaved in a similar manner, said, "I hope I have not said anything naughty," 20.—In half a minute the res- piration became hurried, and the pulse accelerated. In one minute the pulse had risen from 84 to 110, but was not more compressible than at the commencement. There was twitching of the eyelids, and he said he felt jolly, but lazy, and in a longing mood. At the end of two and a half min- utes he felt numbness in the feet, and hot and flushed about the face and ears. At three and a half minutes the pulse was 108, tolerably firm ; res- piration 40. He now cried, in an excited voice, "I have something to ex- plain—give me some air!" The inhalation was continued altogether seven minutes, when lividity of the face began to set in. Except a little com- pression of mind, accompanied by flushing of the face, which continued about a quarter of an hour, he felt much as usual,24.—[20.] I could not take one full inspiration of this gas without producing giddiness, and I could not count after the sixth inspiration. I took twenty inhalations be- fore losing sensation. I could use my hands and was perfectly conscious, for I endeavored to push away from the outlet-valve Dr. N.'s finder as he was obstructing the passage of inspired air. I then held my nose and after three expirations more, I felt as if all my members were what is commonly called asleep, especially in the right arm, in which the circu- lation was accidentally impeded. In two more, I could not see, but could hear Dr. N. counting, and was conscious of my respiration being hurried and blowing, but not troubling me. I then lost all sensation, and experi- enced a most singular feeling of elevation (as if I was in rapid motion in the air) I could not now control my pharyngeal muscles, so that air passed through my nostrils. I recovered almost instantly, but had trouble in talking my words coming thick and throaty. I have since taken the gas several times, and experienced the same pleasurable sensations only NITROGENIUM OXYGENATUM. 53 occurring more rapidly. Two inspirations of the gas (purified) are suffi- cient to thicken my voice and cause dizziness. After the sixth or eighth, I know nothing. Three inspirations caused the peculiar feelings in the periphery, which I supposed due to the arrest of capillary circulation. When the tube dropped from my mouth, I sat as in a trance for half a minute, making no respiratory effort, when all of a sudden I was told that I began to smile and to expire the contents of my lungs at the same instant. I was conscious of smiling, but did not know whether I expired or inspired air after the tube dropped from my hands,21.—Palpitation of heart; after- wards felt and heard in head; then giddiness ; then rapid rush of thoughts through the mind ; loss of muscular power; then unconsciousness, with dilated pupils and livid face; woke as from a dream, but could not remem- ber what the thoughts were about; felt rather faint; slight headache and nausea; face covered with perspiration,34.—He found that he was more ir- ritable and restless than usual; that he slept less, and previous to sleep the mind was long occupied by visible imagery. Appetite and pulse were not materially affected, though there were uneasy feelings about the pra?cordia analogous to the sickness of hope,5.—After the giddiness, rapid rush of thoughts through the mind ; afterwards unconsciousness; woke as from a dream, but could not remember what the thoughts were about,34.—From three to four quarts was the usual dose. It sometimes produced slight vertigo, and a feeling of languor; these, however, went off in a few min- utes, and, in about a quarter of an hour, the pulse was usually lowered from 8 to 12 beats in a minute; in one instance from 120 to 108; in another from 104 to 96. The heat of the body was at the same time raised; a thermometer placed between the shoulders rose, in one instance, from 92° to 96° ; in another from 94° to 98°, but never beyond 93°. The hands and feet, which were generally cold, glowed; and the face, which was usually of purple or leadeu hue, assumed the natural appearance/6.— On April 16th, Dr. Kinglake being accidentally present, I breathed three quarts of Nitrous oxide, from and into a silk bag, for more than half a minute, without previously closing my nose or exhausting my lungs. The first inspiration occasioned a slight degree of giddiness, which was suc- ceeded by an uncommon sense of fulness in the head, accompanied with loss of distinct sensation and voluntary power—a feeling analogous to that produced in the first stage of intoxication, but unattended by pleasurable sensation. Dr. Kinglake, who felt my pulse, informed me that it was rendered quicker and fuller/.—Attacks of fainting, which began with a feeling of oppression at the chest, and rolling upwards and to the left of both eyes; the loss of consciousness which followed was so complete as to be unaffected by the usual restoratives; during the attack, respiration slow but regular; heart's action was at first normal, but gradually became slow and irregular, until almost imperceptible; pulsation could not be detected in the temporal arteries ; face, which was at first of a natural color, became livid, with blue lips, and dark rings around the eyes; pupils dilated and insensible to light; attacks lasted from ten to twenty minutes; the return to consciousness was accompanied with much mental anxiety, and followed by despair and silent weeping; the interval between the attacks was never longer than five minutes (second day),38.—When about to leave, became faint; after reviving, became faint again on reaching the street-door; after being assisted home, feeling exceedingly ill, was again compelled to lie down; then, on conversing a short time, the faintness again came over him, and he took once more to his couch. This state of things continued 54 NITROGENIUM OXYGENATUM. for four or five hours,31.—The turns of faintness were succeeded by a severe headache, which lasted the rest of the day,31.—The feelings were different from those I had experienced in former experiments. After the first six or seven inspirations, I gradually began to lose the perception of external things, and a vivid and intense recollection of some former experiment passed through my mind, so that I called out, " What an amazing concentra- tion of ideas I" I had no pleasurable feeling whatever; I used no muscu- lar motion, nor did I feel any disposition to it; after a minute, when I made the note of the experiment, all the uncommon sensations had van- ished ; they were succeeded by a slight soreness in one of the arms and in the leg; in three minutes these affections likewise disappeared,3.—[30.] He remained perfectly quiet for nearly a minute, and when asked how he felt, said he was drowsy, and just going to sleep. He was told that he must keep awake. When he had respired the gas for nearly two minutes, and seemed indisposed to activity of any kind, he was told, in a loud voice, to get up, and asked if he was not ready to dance; at the same time he was seized by the arm as if to lift him from the chair. He immediately sprang to his feet, saying he was ready for anything, and began capering and swinging his arms about as though he had lost all control over his movements. He came to himself, however, in a few seconds, looked be- wildered, and said he remembered nothing from the first few seconds after the commencement of the inhalation/3.—In the concentrated form it pro- duces anaesthesia in so rapid and agreeable a manner, that there is only time to remark that the gas has a pleasant taste and odor; that it causes a sense of dimness to pass before the eyes, and gives rise to a sound as of rushing water in the ears, when all consciousness and power of volition are annihilated. The outward signs of its action, as seen by a spectator, do not make quite so agreeable an impression on the mind, for with the com- mencement of anaesthesia lividity of the face sets in. The muscles lose their tonicity; the jaws and lips fall asunder; the head droops, and the face assumes a besotted aspect. Generally, loud snoring accompanies in- spiration, when the anaesthesia is very profound, though this is not always the case. When an unusually large quantity of the gas has been inhaled to produce anaesthesia, or when the gas has been in the slightest degree di- luted with common air, convulsions may occur affecting the muscular sys- tem generally, though it is more common for only the muscles of one limb to be affected. Mr. Fox has noticed that violent twitchings often occur when young children are made to inhale the gas. The intermediate signs are, that the breathing becomes quicker in about twenty seconds after the commencement of inhalation ; at the end of a minute, however, it becomes smaller again and less frequent. Complete anaesthesia is sometimes pro- duced in less than a minute, but in the majority of cases the inhalation must be continued a minute and a half. When the administration is dis- continued, recovery very rapidly takes place, the first feelings beino- like those one has on being suddenly awakened from an agreeable sleep* and on rising from the chair there is, for a moment or two, a feeling of un- steadiness, together with slight confusion of ideas, and a tendency to stam- mering in speech. It is very rarely that any disagreeable after-effects are complained of, 6.-The first inspiration, and, I may say, the first contact of the gas with the pu monary membrane, produced a general sensation of numbness somewhat like sleepiness. On the second inspiration the sensa- tion of numbness was decided ; I seemed to see a gauze vibrating before the vision, similar to that observed from the influence of chloroform On the NITROGENIUM OXYGENATUM. 55 third inspiration the numbness had made rapid progress, but intelligence remained, with perfect freedom of movement. I pricked my hand with a pin and found that sensibility was considerably diminished. After the fourth inspiration, I began to be separated from the external world ; ideas were vague and exalted, yet I was quite able to prick my hand with a pin, but did not experience any sensation therefrom; the loss of sensibility, however, was not complete ; I was conscious of contact like that of a blunt instrument; the gauze before the eyes was white and very brilliant, and the vibrations were very rapid, resembling persistent phosphorescence; I continued to assist in the experiment of which I was the subject. On the fifth inspiration I lost consciousness and fell into a profound sleep without troubled dreams; during this the inhaler was removed from my mouth without my being conscious of it, and after remaining in this condition for half an hour, I came to myself; the numbness disappeared very rapidly after inhaling pure air. After four or five inspirations the forehead was covered with perspiration. After the experiment I walked two kilometers without fatigue, and had a very good appetite; I had lost none of my ac- tivity during the remainder of the walk, only at night I felt more fatigued than usual/8.—After the third or fourth inspiration I experienced a heavi- ness of the head and a little general muscular fatigue. My vision was affected, and objects placed in front of me seemed to have a constant in- distinct motion. After one or two more inspirations I experienced a noise like that of a railroad train passing through a tunnel; at this moment my consciousness was perfect; I was still master of my will, although feebly so; I noticed that I was not lying straight upon the couch, and by a vol- untary movement I rectified the position of my limbs. Immediately after this my vision disappeared, and I completely lost consciousness, but for an instant only I was able to analyze my sensations; I seemed more lucid and exalted, as if separated from the world. This state seemed to last for some seconds. When under the influence of a new inspiration of the gas, I lost all recollection, and seemed to pass into a state of sleep. I was afterwards conscious of a noise in my ears, and of a vague impression of something touching my tooth, not at all resembling pain. On inspiring atmospheric air I returned to myself, without excitement, and the recollection of the whole experiment was agreeable rather than painful/9.—The feelings ex- perienced during each stage of the operation of the gas, up till the power of communicating them failed him, were described as they occurred, and written down at the time. He first felt a difficulty in moving the extensors of the left arm, then the flexors became affected in like manner. The feel- ing next spread to the right arm and hand, and immediately afterwards to the lower extremities, and there was a sense of tingling all over the body, accompanied by a sort of vibrating agitation of the muscles generally. He then said, with great emphasis, "Intoxication," and ceased further commu- nicating his feelings, though he seemed to know and be able to appreciate what was taking place about him. There seemed no disposition to laughter. He soon fell into a partly anaesthetic condition; but on an attempt being made to touch the conjunctiva, he seemed to be roused to perfect conscious- ness again, and tried to remove the face-piece, saying he had something to tell us. Inhalation was then discontinued ; he had breathed the gas a little over two minutes. He imagined that he had made a very important discovery, showing the manner in which Nitrous oxide acted, but on en- deavoring to recall it no trace of it remained, beyond a confident feeling that such a discovery had flashed across his mind,23.—Whole body throbs 56 NITROGENIUM OXYGENATUM. after the paroxysms of semi-unconsciousness,30.—She seemed to herself to pass through a dream,36.—Spells of semi-consciousness, preceded by a numb feeling in head, spreading thence over the body ; she falls backwards to the ground ; if she can get to the open air the spells are postponed, but are all the harder when they do come; when busy at her work they will not ap- pear, but as soon as she goes to bed, or sits down unoccupied, she is at once attacked; partially conscious; knows she is sick, but cannot help herself; like one in nightmare; afterwards her whole body throbs,30.—Complete loss of consciousness, and a kind of ecstasy, with violent involuntary mus- cular movements/3.—On April 17th, having previously closed ray nostrils and exhausted my lungs, I breathed four quarts of the gas froni and into a silk bag. The first feelings were similar to those produced in the last experiment; but in less than half a minute, the respiration being continued, they diminished gradually, and were succeeded by a sensation analogous to gentle pressure in all' the muscles, attended by a highly pleasurable thrilling, particularly in the chest and in the extremities. The objects around me became dazzling, and my hearing more acute. Towards the last inspirations, the thrilling increased, the sense of muscular power be- came greater, and, at last, an irresistible propensity to action was indulged in; I recollect but indistinctly what followed ; I know that my motions were various and violent. These effects very soon ceased after the respira- tion of the gas. In ten minutes I had recovered my natural state of mind. The thrilling in the extremities continued longer than the other sensations. This experiment was made in the morning; no languor or exhaustion was consequent; my feelings throughout the day were as usual, and I passed the night in undisturbed repose. The next morning the recollection of the effects of the gas was very indistinct; and had not remarks written imme- diately after the experiment recalled them to my mind, I should even have questioned their reality/.—[40.] The first marked effect is a quicken- ing of respiratory movements, which effect continually increases up to the period of insensibility. In some cases the breathing is very rapid and laborious, two or three inspirations being made per second. Another effect, that seems to be common to all cases, is that during the period of uncon- sciousness, so called, there is left scarcely more than a bare idea of exist- ence; all other ideas seem to be obliterated. Another common effect is, that before the period of unconsciousness there is a confusion of ideas. The appearance of a person who has become unconscious from the inhalation of Nitrous oxide is evidently that of asphyxia or suffocation. The counte- nance assumes a leaden hue; the eyes lose their lustre and have, instead, a vacant stare,33.—The phenomena usually observed in the human subject when the gas is inhaled are as follows: when it has been inspired two or three times, there is an increase in the force and frequency of the pulse. In about twenty seconds, if the breathing has been steady and regular to begin with, it is also noticed to increase in frequency. This, however, from the commencement is often irregular, shallow, and rapid, from the nervous con- dition of the patient. In about thirty seconds, the patient's color begins to turn livid. When the gas has been continued for about one minute the pulse is almost invariably noticed to fall in force and frequency, the breath- ing is often labored, sometimes stertorous, though I have several times seen cases where it became feebler until the expiring valve was hardly raised; it was then either the case that the patient was completely anesthetized' or, if not, the breathing commenced to improve in character. In the ma- jority of cases, in one minute and thirty seconds the patient is over. This NITROGENIUM OXYGENATUM. 57 is known by different signs,—the one which is least open to mistake is a sudden change in the patient's appearance, which is difficult to describe, but readily recognized ; another is a nervous twitching of the hands. It is not by any means necessary to carry the administration the length of this in every case, but when it is present for a few seconds the patient is quite insensible. In one case to which I gave the gas, this muscular twitch- ing affected the whole body, resembling almost an epileptic convulsion ; the patient was quite unconscious. It occasionally happens about the period of the removal of the face-piece that the.pulse intermits a beat or two, and I have repeatedly seen the breathing stop, during a period equal to four or five respirations, at the time when the operation was commenced. It is very curious, and a fact which I have not seen noticed by others, that the hearing remains acute frequently after the other senses are in abey- ance; thus patients are able to repeat remarks made in their presence after they are apparently unconscious, and one young lady was able to repeat a hasty remark, made by the operator, Mr. Warwick Hele, when a tooth broke under the forceps, although she did not feel its subsequent re- moval, and the observation was made in so low a voice that I did not catch what it was, though I was standing beside him. There often exists con- siderable muscular rigidity during the latter stages of the administration. In thirty-seven cases, the time taken to produce insensibility was as follows: Up to 1 minute, inclusive,........9 " 1 " 20 seconds, inclusive,......17 " 1 " 40 " "......5 " 2 minutes— " "......5 " 2 " 20 " "......1 The shortest time was forty-five seconds, the longest two minutes thirteen seconds. Recovery is usually rapid and complete, the patient waking up as from a sleep. But it does sometimes happen, usually in young ladies between the ages of fourteen and twenty, that there is an intermediate stage between that of complete unconsciousness and recovery, when some excite- ment is exhibited, such as tossing about restlessly in the chair and weep- ing, they, on recovery, being generally very much surprised to find them- selves so doing. Out of the above-mentioned cases, we have noted seven to have been affected in this manner in a greater or less degree; three com- plained of slight giddiness or faintness, and one was a little sick. One patient, a boy, urinated, his father having declined to indulge his expressed wish to do it»before the operation. In several cases the removal of teeth was felt, but unattended with pain. The longest period during which we have noticed a patient to be insensible is one minute. In regard to the sensations experienced by patients, the majority are able only to say that they have been unconscious, save that they have been asleep and dreaming, the dreams being often pleasant, sometimes more like nightmare; and lastly, some complain that they have had considerable annoyance from rushing or singing noises in the head. One little girl was immensely pleased with it; she said that "she felt as if she was being tickled all over." Unconscious reflex screaming is not uncommon with children during the operation, but it does not seem to be connected with any particular form of dreaming,28.—Soon became insensible to physical pain,31.—A peculiar sen- sation of expansion/4.—For a week afterwards exceedingly unwell, feeling low and depressed, as if the whole nervous system had received a severe 58 NITROGENIUM OXYGENATUM—NITRUM. shock,31.—Rose in the morning very "seedy," as if he had just come off a sea-voyage,31. . . . 36 Head.—On going into open air, vertigo, with staggering to the lejt, . —Decided dulness and almost dizziness of the head/5.—Giddiness after the palpitation,34.—A kind of waving of the head,14.—[50.] Numb feeling in head, spreading thence over the body, before the paroxysms/ .—Headache and aching along spine, as if they were asleep,30.—Headache after the re- turn of consciousness,34. . 34 Eye, Ear, and Face.—Dilated pupils with the unconsciousness, . —Eyeballs protruding,29.—On waking from the unconsciousness, voices of others seemed to proceed from a great distance,35.—On waking voices seemed to come from a distance, or to be in a whisper,36.—He had to an excessive degree the livid countenance and blue lips so frequently noticed in administering this gas/7'.—Livid face with the unconsciousness,34.—Livid face/6.—[60.] Features puffy and swollen/9.—Blueness of the lips, ear, and face; afterwards, face dusky,29.—It needed great force to separate the jaws,29. Mouth, Throat, Stomach, and Rectum,—Mouth and head feel numb, as though asleep,30.—The point of the tongue thrust between the teeth/9.—Weakness, and feeling of constriction in the throat, which interfered with deglutition (second day)/8.—Pressure in the epigastrium,30.— Nausea, after the return of consciousness,34.—Vomiting, subsequent to the operation, from saliva running down the throat upon the epiglottis ; he was of a bilious temperament, and the next day suffered some from bilious vomiting,17".—(The haemorrhoidal pains, from which the prover suffered, entirely disappeared)/3. Respiration, Heart, Keel:, and Back.—-[70.] Quick respi- ration/6.—Breathing thick and stertorous/9.—Suffocating feeling,36.—Pal- pitation of heart, afterwards felt and heard in head/4.—Tension in sides of neck, in region of carotids/7.—Drawing in neck, as though skin were con- tracted or cords shortened,30.—Sensation of drawing in the muscles, espe- cially in the lumbar muscles/3. Generalities and Fever.—Increased muscular rigor/3.—Loss of muscular power/4.—The account given by Dr. Kinglake agrees pretty much with those already cited. He adds, however, that the inspiration of the gas had the farther effect of reviving rheumatic irritations in the shoulder and knee-joints, which had not been previously felt for many "months. Though much relieved of the pains, noticed when the effects were passing off, a momentary recurrence of rheumatic pains, not felt for some time before, and that a yellow area, caused by a leechbite, became, during inhalation, red and swollen, and the itching and tingling was so great as to cause a fear of suppuration,9.—[80.] General weakness and prostration,39. —Rather faint after the return of consciousness,34.—Fever every afternoon from 3 to 6/°.—Face covered with perspiration after the return of consci- ousness/4.—Coldness of feet and legs to the knees between the paroxysms of unconsciousness,30. NITRUM. See Kali nitricum. NUPHAR LUTEUM. 59 NUPHAR LUTEUM. Nuphar luteum, Smith. Natural order, Nymphaeacerc. Common names, Nixen-blume, Nenuphar Jaune. Preparation, Tincture of the root. Authorities. 1, Dr. Pitet, Journ. de la Soc. Gal., 3, p. 129, proving with 4th dil., taken irregularly for several days; 2, same, subsequent proving, frequent doses of 4th and 6th dils.; 3, same, third proving with 6th, 7th, and 8th dils., continued for twelve days. (Symptoms in brackets are con- stitutional, that seem to have appeared as the effect of the drug in depress- ing the vitality.) Mind.—Excessive moral sensibility, giving one great pain on witness- ing the sufferings of animals (eleventh day)/. Mead.—General Head. Heaviness in the whole head in the mid- dle of the day (tenth day),2.—Very painful bruising shaking in the brain at every step in walking (eleventh day),2.—Dull pains in the anterior part of the base of the brain, on a level with the floor of the orbits (twentieth and following days)/.—Dull or tearing pains, sometimes in the forehead, at others in the whole upper part of the head (tenth day)/.—Forehead. Pressive headache in the forehead and left temple (ninth and tenth days); headache in the forehead, and by turns in the left temple, ceasing in the open air (eleventh day)/.—Dull pains, sometimes lancinating, in the situ- ation of the right anterior cerebral lobe (twenty-fifth day),2.—Dull pains in the left anterior cerebral lobe (eleventh day)/.—Dull, deep lancinations behind the left frontal eminence (tenth day)/.—[10.] Boring pain, in trans- itory attacks, in the left anterior part of the forehead, in the evening (sev- enth day),2.—Painful bruising shocks in the right anterior side of the brain when walking (twelfth day),2.—Lancinations in the left anterior part of the brain (ninth and tenth days); similar, but less violent, sensations on the opposite side (tenth day),3.—Temples. Painful pressure in the right temple (tenth day),3.—Very painful feeling of weight in the temples, in the morning (twentieth and following days),3.—Farietals. Acute lancina- tions in the left side of the brain (twelfth and following days),3.—Exter- nal Head. (Falling off of the hair), (twenty-seventh day)/.—(Extremely violent itching of the whole scalp, particularly at night), (twenty-seventh day),2. Eye.—Face pale, discolored eyes, though otherwise as well as usual (tenth day)/.—Brow and Orbit. Painful heaviness in the orbit, at the base of the skull, a very frequent symptom since the beginning of the proving (twenty-fifth day)/.—[20.] Dull pain, and sensation of painful weight in the orbit all day, since morning, in the right auterior cerebral lobe and right side of the occiput (twenty-third day)/.—Dull pains occa- sionally beneath the orbital plate (eleventh day)/.—Dull pains at the base of the orbit, forehead, and occiput, on the right side (twenty-fifth day),3.— Vision. (When standing in the sun, a quantity of brilliant sparks filled the field of vision, converging from the circumference to the centre; fre- quently perceived subsequently, principally after hard coughing), (twenty-third day),2. Mouth.—Sweetish taste several times a day; taste of Nuphar at the root of the tongue (fourth day),2. 60 NUPHAR LUTEUM. Stomach.—Slightly painful over the whole anterior surface of the stomach (nineteenth day)/.—Weakness in the epigastric region, at times (twelfth day),3.—Sensation of weakness and slight pain on pressing the epigastric region (nineteenth day)/. Abdomen.—General Abdomen. Emission of flatulence, in the evening, with wind colic (seventeenth day),2.—Some colic (sixth day)/.— [30.] Dull deep colic pains, during the day, all around the waist (eigh- teenth day)/. Rectum and Anus.—Smarting and burning at the anus, after every stool (seventeenth day)/.—Stitches, as if from needles, in the rectum, above the anus (twentieth and following days),3. Stool.—DiarrJicea. *Soft stools, preceded by some colic, for several days (eighth day)/.—*Diarrhoeic stools, morning and evening, preceded by violent colic pains in the rectum, without having eaten more than ordi- nary (fifteenth day); diarrhoea, preceded by violent colic pains in the rec- tum, all night (sixteenth day); yellowish diarrhoea, two nights in succes- sion, preceded by violent colic pains in the rectum; six stools from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. ; diarrhceic stool during the day, after breakfast, and another after dinner; two during the evening (seventeenth day); two diarrhoeic stools, during the morning, preceded by colic pains in the rectum; two yellow diarrhceic stools in the evening (eighteenth day); two yellow diarrhceic stools between 4 and 5 a.m., and one during the day; diarrhceic stool in the evening (nineteenth day); diarrhoeic stool, in the morning (twentieth day)/.—* Yellow diarrhoea, especially very early in the morning, for three days past; five or six stools a day, without colic or epigastric trouble, ex- cept, at times, a sense of weakness in the epigastric region (twelfth day); the diarrhoea continues, notwithstanding a considerable diminution in the amount of food taken; the stools are always more numerous towards 5 or 6 a.m. (following days); soft diarrhceic stOol, preceded by colic, which dis- appeared after the stool (twenty-fifth day),3. Urinary Organs.—Urine. The urine deposits a copious reddish sand, which is hard, and adheres to the vessel (seventeenth day),2. Sexual Organs.—Male. Lancinations in the right testicle (nine- teenth day)/.—Dull transitory pain in the right testicle, for several days in succession; a similar pain at the extremity of the penis, on the right side; several lancinations in the left testicle, with pains at the extremity of the penis, on the left side (twenty-fifth day),3.—Some pain in the right testicle (twentieth day)/.—[40.] Diminution of erections and sexual appe- tite _ (twelfth and following days),3.—* Complete absence of sexual desire; penis retracted; scrotum relaxed (eighth day)/.—* Entire absence of erections and sexual desires; the voluptuous ideas which fill the imagination do not cause erection (tenth day),2.—Continued absence of erections and sexual appetite (eighteenth day),2.— "Diminution of lascivious thoughts and the sex- ual inclination, for some ten days; opposite effects during the succeeding days,. Chest—Painful sensation behind the sternum, when running, as though the subjacent organs were violently shaken (ninth day),2.—(Dull wander- ing pains in the left side of the chest), (twenty-seventh day) 2 ^eCh(l'Uli Back'~L}^oar. Deep dull pain at the lowest part of the left lumbar region and in the posterior superior part of the external iliac fossa; it coincides with a similar, but not constant, pain in the internal iliac fossa of the same side (eighth day)/.-Walking, even slowly, causes NUPHAR LUTEUM—NUX MOSCHA.TA. 61 a painful stitch in the left flank, which is relieved by pressure (twelfth and following days),3. Inferior Extremities.—Thigh. Frequent prickings on the pos- terior surface of the left thigh (sixth day)/.—Leg. [50.] Constant rest- lessness and fatigue in the legs (tenth day)/.—Painful drawings in the muscles of the anterior region of the left leg (tenth day),2.—Toes. Lan- cinations in the plantar surface of the last phalanx of the right great toe, in the evening (eighth day)/.—(Paroxysms of very acute, but transitory, pain in the inner border of the last joint of the right great toe, when walk- ing), (twenty-third day),2. General Symptoms.—Weakness of the limbs, in the evening (twelfth and following days),3.—Great impatience at the slightest contra- diction (tenth day),2.—Sense of weakness (nineteenth day)/.—The strength, flesh, and healthy complexion, which had diminished, began to return (twenty-ninth and thirtieth days)/. Skin.—There appeared on different parts of the body a number of red blotches, tolerably regular in outline, ovoid or circular, prominent, and covered with little scales of a silvery white, in short, resembling psoriasis; there were a few on the posterior surface of the arms, but they were most abundant on the anterior surface of the legs; they itched violently, especi- ally in the evening; friction removed the little scales, which were rapidly reproduced, remained a few days, and then fell off again from the scratch- ing induced by the itching; this eruption lasted a month and a half; as it disappeared, and the scales ceased to be reproduced, the skin at the place of each blotch became pale red or yellowish (after ten or twelve days)/.— A red, slightly prominent patch, covered with little white scales, and itch- ing violently, on the interior surface of the right arm, near the axilla (psoriasis), (twentieth and following days); a red, oval, prominent patch, as large as a five-cent piece (piece de vingt-cinq centimes), on the internal surface of the left arm, exactly like a patch of psoriasis, covered with sil- very scales, falling off and renewed again every few days, and itching vio- lently, especially in the evening (twenty-fifth day)/.—[60.] (Aggravation of a moderate pityriasis capitis of several years'standing; morning and evening, especially, the itching is intolerable, and the comb brings away a great quantity of hair), (twenty-third day)/.—Sensations like fieabites, in different parts, for several days (eighth day),3.—Sensation like fieabites, in different spots, on the legs, near the ankles, and on the arms near the wrist; a similar sensation on different parts of the skin of the body (twen- tieth and following days),3. Conditions. — Aggravation. — (Morning), Weight in temples. — (Morning and evening), Dxarrhoza.—(Middle of day), Head heavy.—(Even- ing), Pain in forehead; emission of flatulence; weakness.—(Running), Pain behind sternum.—(Stepping), Shaking in brain.—( Walking), Shocks in brain; stitch in left flank; pain in great toe. Amelioration.—(Open air), Headache.—(Pressure)^ Stitch in left flank. NUX MOSCHATA. Myristica fragrans, Houttuyn (1774). M. moschata, Thunb.; M. offici- nalis, Linn.; M. aroraatica, Lam. Natural order, Myristicaceae. Common names, Nutmeg; Muskate. 62 NUX MOSCHATA. Preparation, Tincture and triturations of the seed deprived of its anil us (mace) and testa. „ - Authorities. (Nos. 1 to 48 from Helbig, Heraklides, part 1, l»o\5) ;i, Helbig ; 2, Hencke; 3, Heyder; 4, Al., a woman ; 5, Dl.; 6, Sw.; 7, Kd., Kadr., or Kade; 8, Lk. or Lck., a woman ; 9, Ml., a woman ; 10, Ant.; 11, Ssg. or Ssgth.; 12, Or., a woman; 13, C.; 14, Dk.; 15, Os., a man; 16, Schm.; 17, Ld., a woman; 18, Lch., a woman ; 19, Sh ; 20, Ww; 21, Ktzl.; 22, Ldin.; 23, Koernerin ; 24, Schulz; 25, Derle; 26, Hartmann; 27, Liuke; 28, Bertele, Handbuch, 1805; 29, Bontius, Hist. Nat. et Med. Ind. Orient, 1658; 30, Crantz, Mat. Med., 1762; 31, Cullen, Treatise on the Mat. Med.; 32, Curios. Botanicus; 33, Decker in Dietz, Tract, de mice mos.; 34, Ettmueller, Opera, 1697; 35, Frankenau, Krauter-Lex, 1766; 36, Geoffray, Abhandl. v. der Mat. Med., 1761; 37, Grimmer; 38, Hecker; 39, Hoffmann, Casp. de Med. Offic.; 40, Matth. Lobel.; 41, Moebius, Inst. Med.; 42, Pauliuus, de nuce mosch.; 43, Pharm. Lex., 1800; 44, Purkinje; 45, Riedliuus, Lin. Med., 1600; 46, Rumph, Herb. Amboin., 1641; 47, Spielmann, Inst. Mat. Med., 1774; 48, Thunberg, Diss, de Myristica, 1788 (49 to 54 c, additions by Helbig, from Hering's Monograph on Nux Mosch.); 49, M. M.; 50, Dt.; 51, a girl, effects of 10 drops of tincture; 52, a woman, from 10 drops of tincture; 53, a woman, effects of holding nut in hand ; 53a, effects of 12 drops of tincture; 54 a, Helbig, additional; 54 b, a delicate woman, effects of the fourth part of a nut; 54 c, a woman, effects of a drop of 6th dil.; 54, Dr. C. Hering, Horn. Vjs., 10, p. 90, effects of chewing a portion of the long variety (M. fatua, Houtt.); 55, Dr. M. Dowler, West. Horn. Obs., 4 (1867), p. 125, a man ate two nutmegs, at 9 p.m. ; 56, Berridge, N. Am. J. of Horn., N. S., 1873, p. 504, effects of eating mace, in a woman; 57, same, effects of a dose of "C. M." (Fincke) ; 58, same, U. S. Med. Invest., 1875, N. S., 1, p. 101, effects of 10 drops of tincture, repeated the second day, and subsequently; 59, Thueman, Bert. Med. Cent. Zeit., 1837 (A. H. Z., 17, 165), a man suf- fering from diarrhoea took a whole nutmeg, also a cordial containing pare- goric and rum, with elderberry tea, omitted; 60, Watson, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1848, vol. 6, p. 260, effects of " as much mace as could be lifted on a tea- spoon, and afterwards kept eating small bits for over one and a half hours ;" 61, Mitscherlich, Buchner's Rep. 1850, vol. 16, p. 104 (Pharm. Journ., 10, p. 350), part of the dorsal surface of the hand was moistened with the volatile oil; 62, R. Ross Roberts, Hahn. Month., 3, 531, a woman, in order to check too profuse menstruation, grated two nutmegs into half a pint of boiling water, of this she sipped for six or seven hours; 63, Bosch, Mem- orabilien, 1869 (A. H. Z., M. B., 19, p. 20), a soldier suffering from rheu- matic pains took seven nutmegs; 64, Fanning, Hahn. Month., 1870, a woman, ten days after confinement, took nearly a whole nutmeg, for some lochial discharge; 65, Martin, Hahn. Month., 1870, p. 63, a woman, five months pregnant, took a whole nutmeg for a leucorrhceal discharge; 66, omitted; 67, Hahnemann, general statement, from lesser writing by Dud- geon (from Hering); 68, Portland Advertiser, effects of eating half a nut- meg (from Hering) ; 69, Lippold, effects of large doses (Hering); 70, Sara. Mueller, general effects (Hering) ; 71, A. Lippe, effects of one-quarter or one-half of a nutmeg, in young women during menstruation (Hering) ; 72, G. E. Stahl, effects of Nux. mos., with nearly all his food and drink, as a preventive for dysentery (Hering); 73, C. Hering, effects of chewing a nutmeg (from Hering, 1. c.); 74, A. J. Tafel, effects of a whole nutmeg, taken in soup, to check a diarrhoea (which it did), (Hering, 1. c.) ; 75, NUX MOSCHATA. 63 Fronmuller, Klinische Studien ueber der narkot. Arzneim., Erlangen, 1869, effects of a freshly pulverized nutmeg, taken a quarter of an hour after breakfast, in a healthy man; 76, von Tagen, N. Am. J. of Horn., N. S., 3, p. 315, effects of using nutmegs to check menstruation, in a girl, aged twenty-four ("she ate at least 230 grains"); 77, same, effects of three- fourths of a nut, in a lady. Mind.—Emotional. Insanity/8.—She fell into a delirium, that lasted several hours/9.—After a few hours, he was attacked with violent vertigo and delirium, so that he made remarkable gestures; then he used improper language in a loud tone, and could in no way be quieted or made to sleep until he had taken tea and been bled, after which he fell into a profuse perspiration, with deep sleep, from which he woke well/6.f—De- lirium with the dysmenorrhoea/7.—*Mental derangement/8.—Possesses nar- cotic properties, causes reeling, delirium, and apoplexy/748.—They became foolish and delirious (in five soldiers)/6.—It causes foolishness,32.—Com- pletely distracted in the head, and as if intoxicated (in a pregnant woman, from ten pieces of the nuts)/0.—[10.] Causes intoxication and indolence/2. —* Unusually lively, laughing and bright, in the forenoon,62.—Felt foolishly happy, but could not talk; had no desire to talk (first evening),65.—Every- thing provokes laughter, quite contrary to habit; this was especially notice- able on going into the open air. He stood still upon the street, made fool- ish gestures; between the attacks he sank into absence of mind, and on collecting himself everything about him seemed ludicrous. During this he looked foolish and childish, like an idiot. On being brought into the house he became somewhat better (first day),6.—I took a broken nutmeg and put it in my pocket, and in the course of six hours, I had eaten half a one. Soon after I felt a dizziness and an unaccountable derangement of intellect, transient loss of memory, but a perfect consciousness of all that I said or did; I became remarkably loquacious, and seemed to be neither in this world nor the other; I felt'happy and free from any pain; I was truly in an in- describable state; I felt as I supposed one might feel that had been mag- netized ; my friends were greatly alarmed, and the doctor was sent for in great haste ; bleeding was proposed, but as I thought I knew at least as much as any one, I was not willing to be bled; after keeping them laugh- ing and crying till about 11 o'clock at night, I retired to bed, without anything having been done for me; I woke in the morning, and was as well as usual, having never been sick a day in my life. Since this occurred, several cases have come to my knowledge in which persons having eaten nutmegs, were affected in the same way that I had been. Had I eaten a little more, I have no doubt it would have proved fatal, as I learn it has done in other cases,68.—He seemed to himself to be remarkably lively, with constant throngs of joyous fancies, and he managed to see something ludi- crous in everything/.^—Great fear of death, at 5.30 p.m.,62.—* Weeping mood, with burning in the eyes, and lachrymation (first day)/.—Praecordial anxiety,60.—Reeling and great anxiety/6.—[20.] Violent anxiety (second day),63.—Extreme ill-humor (first day),54.—Petulant and irritable, when roused,76.—Disposed to be petulant/6.—* Variable mood; at one time he wishes to do something, but when he is about to accomplish it changes his mind (first day),6.—At one time mood more earnest, at another more in- clined to laugh (first day),6.—Felt perfectly careless; nothing could have f From three nuts of M. tomentosa, taken for diarrhoea and tenesmus. % Efl'ects of the inunction of the tincture to the abdomen. 64 NUX MOSCHATA. offended me (first evening),65.—As soon as she lay down felt a sinking sen- sation, as though she were going to die, with no fear, however, being per- fectly at ease in mind, and free from pain or any suffering; felt happy ana unconcerned ; sensation was not complete ; faculties undisturbed up to tnis time, save in the expression of her ideas ; knew all that was transpiring about her, but could not express herself clearly (ideas muddled tongue thick, with coldness commencing in lower limbs)/ .-Indifferent mood (first day)/.—Intellectual. Thought uncontrollable at 2 p.m. —[dU.J * While writing he omitted letters, wrote in different alphabets against his will, and changed from one subject to another (after six hours)/.t—The words he employed to express his sensations remarkable for their merit of being the opposite to what he should have used; on the third day his thoughts hardly submitted themselves to his control, unless by a consciously great effort60—Many ridiculous or extravagant acts or expressions, like idiocy, while she seemed perfectly conscious, and at the next moment would ap- pear chagrined at her conduct, and said she could not control her actions ; ^disposition to laugh or jest at everything; stupid look for a moment; change- able humor; one moment laughing, the next crying (after seven hours), . —He cannot comprehend what he is reading, does not know what he is reading (first day)/.—* Ideas were somewhat confused?6.—* Great incoherency on attempting to express her ideas (after seven hours),64.—Great confusion of ideas with strange feeling over the whole system (after four hours), \— Unfitted for any work (first day),54.—*Loss of memory, at 2 p.m.,62.—The preserved nuts, if eaten too frequently, destroy the memory,43.—[40.] *It causes\forgetfulness?\—-When writing, he had scarcely written half of the thoughts in his mind when everything vanished ; the other part could be recalled only with difficulty, or frequently not at all; was first obliged to rest; commenced to write anew, but could write only a single word, when he had to stop and collect his thoughts (first day)/.f—Dizziness and van- ishing of thought, and on forcibly arousing himself, he is first obliged to collect his thoughts,6.—* While reading he gradually sinks into absence of mind, which passes into sleep (after three hours)/.—^Before he could answer a question he was obliged to wait awhile and collect his thoughts; frequently in spite of everything he was unable to give a suitable answer immediately; a kind of slowness of ideas (after five hours),1.—*He staggered when walking, and when reflecting his mind ran upon one idea until all at once he woke from complete abstraction, and was obliged to collect his thoughts before he knew where he was (after five hours)/.—* Absence of mind, cannot'think; great indifference to everything; scalp very much stretched; he laid down at noon to sleep for half an hour, but slept soundly for four hours ; before falling asleep, boring pains in the root of a tooth; on falling asleep, some dull headache on the left side (after six hours),54'.—*He talks very little; confused images appear before his mind; whenever he wishes to say anything he is first obliged to collect his thoughts (first day),6.—*He never accomplishes what he undertakes, but remains standing in one place, absent-minded; he appears quite changed to his companions?.—*It became difficult to recall to mind things learned shortly before; for many such things the mind seemed paralyzed for many days together?.—[50.] In a state of apparent unconsciousness/6.—■ Dulness of senses and loss of control; she could have been led anywhere without resistance; loss of power (first evening),65.—* Total loss of conscious- ness, seemingly to her of a half hour's duration, but really only momentary, at f From the iiowers. NUX MOSCHATA. 65 2 p.m.63.—Senselessness,67.—^Senselessness, intoxicated condition, and ab- sence of mind (first day),6.—After about an hour he was seized with drow- siness, that gradually increased to complete stupor and insensibility, and not long afterwards he was found fallen from his chair, lying on the'floor of his chamber in the state mentioned ; being laid in bed he fell asleep, woke a little from time to time, when he was quite delirious; he thus con- tinued alternately delirious and sleeping for several hours ; by degrees these symptoms diminished, so that in about six hours from' the time of taking the nutmeg he had pretty well recovered. Although he still com- plained of headache and was somewhat delirious, he slept naturally, and the next day was quite well,51.f—From eating three nutmegs, after a 'mod- erate dinner, he is takeu with unconquerable desire to sleep; he passes the afternoon in delirious slumber, with pleasant, peaceful dreams; at half past 5 o'clock he went to the theatre, which was at some distance; the way seemed to have no end ; he has perfect control over his limbs, but is lost each moment in fanciful images, from which he has to tear himself away, with great energy, in order to continue on his way. Although he was, at times, quite unconscious, his limbs did not fail to do their service; he went straight on, without recognizing the streets that crossed his way; he was most concerned about the time; he feared to come too late, but came to the theatre much earlier than he thought; during the entire play, fancy and reality battled with each other/4.—It surely possesses narcotic and stupe- fying properties,30.—*She fell into the deepest stupor, was deprived of all mo- tion and sensation?1.—She lay immovable and stupid the whole of the first day, as in coma/9.—[60.] State of mind similar to that of the opium- eater, entertaining no apprehension of the result, although aware of the presence of some danger,60. Head. —Confusion and Vertigo. Causes great confusion of the head/6.—* Vertigo,38.—[They experienced such violeut vertigo and heavi- ness of head that they seemed deprived of memory],46.!—* Vertigo, and fatal apoplexy,48.—Pain and vertigo in the frontal region^with the strange feeling over the whole system (after four hours),64.—He seemed like one intoxicated and reeling (first day)/7.—She is dizzy,8.—So dizzy that they seemed intoxicated and half crazy,46.§—Dizzy, as if intoxicated and sleepy/2. —[70.] He reels far to the left instead of walking upright (in the even- ing, while walking in the open air), (first day)/.—She made an attempt to walk to an adjoining room, and upon standing erect became verv dizzy, immediately followed by swimming in the head/6.—She began to feel giddy and light in her head, about 1 o'clock; gradually increased in severity,62. —Feeling faint, with lightness, giddiness, and emptiness of head, at 5.30 p.m.,62.—Lightness, giddiness, and emptiness, with a faint feeling, at 5.30 p.m.62.—Injurious to the head; makes dizzy, sluggish, foolish, and causes other complaints,70.—*She seemed intoxicated the whole day; the head was heavy ; at first it was painful on the left side, between the forehead and temple, which sensation afterwards extended towards the occiput (first day)/.—In General. *The head inclined to drop forward, the chin rest- ing on the breast, and it could only be raised with much effort, which, when done, again would drop forward?6.—* Could not bear to have her head raised from the pillow, on account of the deathly sickness produced thereby?6.—Rush f From about 2 drachms of the powdered nutmeg. % Several persons, after taking cold wine punch containing eight nutmegs. § Two soldiers, the day after sleeping under a nutmeg tree. VOL. VII.—5 66 NUX MOSCHATA. of blood to the head, obscuring the sight,55.-[80.] On rising from dinner (after four hours), felt the blood rush to my head, but the teelmg was as if an electric current had passed from the crown of the head downwards; I made an effort and got mechanically downstairs; I then felt the same sensation which I suppose a person would experience who had become nearly insensible from extreme cold, and that, if I y.elded myself to its in- fluence, I could have slept away out of existence without pain ; 1 felt this sensation twice; in a few minutes a cold shiver came upon me; from that time I felt every variety of heat and cold from their respective extremes; at every time the blood went from and returned to my head the current changed the sensation, sometimes feeling myself very hot, and the next very cold but never the same sensation ; I felt at one time such a pressure in the head that it appeared as if all the blood in the body had rushed to ob- tain possession of that region, and I thought I could hear it gushing in my ears; these symptoms became gradully weaker,60.—* Head throbbed, .— Head ached severely/6.-Headache (after a few hours),w.-Headache the whole afternoon and evening (first day),54.—The head became dull, _ —Dul- ness of the head/3.|—Heavy and pressive dulness of the head, with a sen- sation as if the left half of the head and face were somewhat swollen, and a prickling sensation as from an electric current, soon?.—* Bead seemed bulky, and rolled around almost uncontrollably, being obliged to bring to its support one or both hands, while sitting at a table?5.—■*Head felt full and ex- panded, but without pain (first evening),65.—[90.] A violent pressing forward in the head towards the sinciput; it seems as though it would be pressed out, and twice as thick as natural; at the same time he is dizzy, as after intoxication, and as if he would stagger (first day),6.—The head seems com- pressed from the forehead and occiput, on waking from the midday nap (thirteenth day)/4—Slight tingling in the head (after fifteen minutes)/3. —Felt especially bad about the head; while upright and walking could hold the head erect, but when sitting it would drop forward?6.—With the confusion of mind he had a somewhat painful sensation in the upper half of the skull and brain, as though the parts were pressed together from above and the side, and spasmodically seized or constricted ; together with inclination to sleep (first day)/.—Affects the head very much,39.§—Fore- head. Forehead confused and dull, immediately/.—Muddled and fatigued in the forehead and temples (after half and hour)/9.—She is immediately seized with aching in the forehead,9.—A kind of pressure in a small spot in the upper part of the right side of the forehead (second morning),54.— [100.] Pain in the upper part of the left side of the forehead, in the organ of wit (after three minutes); this extended after two minutes over the left eye, where it became very severe; a gnawing pressing in the organ of lo- cality and smell/4.—(Pressive pain in the forehead, with stupefaction ; at times it made the lids close, and he was obliged to yawn)/1.—Pain in a small spot in the forehead, above the left eye, pressing forward, in the morning (after two days)/.||—Headache in the forehead, in the morning (second day)/.—Intense frontal headache, with tense and painful sensation in scalp,55.—*Pressive headache in a small spot above the left frontal eminence (after nine hours)/.—Pressive-throbbing headache above the left eye, in the morning/3.—Temples* Pain, especially in the temples; on shaking the head there is a feeling of looseness, as if the brain beat against the skull; the f From the preserved nutmegs. J From the flowers. \ Effects of the flowers. || From the flowers. NUX MOSCHATA. 67 temples would not tolerate touch, and there was a feeling of heat in the head (after six hours)/5.—Pressive and sticking pain in the left temple, of short duration, soon,6.—A pain, rather sticking, in the right temple, fre- quently returns, and lasts for several days/.—[110.] Paroxysmal and tran- sient stitches from within outward in the temples, immediately,6.—A kind of hot pressure on the sides of the head, especially on the temples, like a pressure from within outward/.— Vertex. Headache on stooping; it presses from the vertex towards the forehead (after one hour),9.—Warmth mounts towards the crown, with a sensation of constriction and pressing inward on the top of the head, immediately/2.—Pain on the crown of the head, extending over a space about the size of a penny (after one hour and a half ),60.—From the vertex a drawing pain into the eyes (second morn- ing),50.—Single hard pressive pain on the top of the head, in the forenoon (tenth day)/.—Pains in the left side of the sinciput and in the left upper arm, lasting several hours/4.—Pain in the sinciput, extending towards the left eye, a kind of pressure, with a stupefying sensation, lasting two hours (first day)/.—Ear ietaIs and Occiput. Pains in various parts of the left side of the upper part of the head, in the forepart, above the forehead, lasting an hour,54.—[120.] Headache on the right side, in the afternoon (first day).54.—Pressure in the right side of the head, in part above the ear, in part at the right angle of the occiput, as from a pressure inward upon the bone ; very transient (first day),10.—Pain in the left side of the occiput, towards the nape of the neck,60.—Pressure in the head, between the vertex and occiput (after a quarter of an hour),9. Eye.—Objective. Deep blue semicircles under the eyes, at 5.30 p.m./2.—*Blue rings around the eyes (first day)/.—Both eyes presented a bloodshot appearance, and were much swollen/6.—Eyes bloodshot and much reddened, almost swollen shut; could scarcely see/6.—The right infraorbital region becomes puffy (first day)/.f—The eyes, that seemed to him dry, ap- peared agglutinated so that he could scarcely open them, with constant incli- nation of the head to the left side, from sleepiness (first day)/.—[130.] Eyes very dull and heavy-looking/6.—Dull eyes (after two hours and a half)/4. —Eyes looked injected,60.—Subjective. Sensation of fulness in the eyes, wherewith the pupils seemed contracted (second day)/.—Eyes and lids felt swollen, bulged out (first evening),65.—*Sensation of dryness in the eyes; reading by artificial light was difficult; the eyes would close from sleep; the head and forehead were dull, in the evening (first day)/.—*JETe could not easily open and close the eyes, on account of a sensation of dryness and roughness (first day),6.—^Dryness of the eyes (first day),6.—Lids. Upper eyelids were swollen and red around the border, and drooping; looked as though she had been weeping (first evening),65.—The eyes were firmly and spas- modically closed underthe influence of the spasm/6.—[140.] Eyelids drooped, and could only open fully with use of hands/5.—Inability to open her eyes; lids felt heavy and stiff/6.—Tension and dryness in the lids (first day)/2.— Tension about the right eye, especially in the lower lid, as though she could not open it, with pressure in the eyes; she was obliged to draw the eye to- gether, whereby it seemed as though she could open it wider (after eighteen hours)/.—Pressure in the lids, as from sleepiness,8.—Lachrymal Ap- paratus. Remarkable burning in the eyes, with profuse lachrymation (after two hours)/4.—Pupil and Vision. Pupils greatly dilated and insensible (second day),63.—Momentary paroxysms of blindness, when she f From the flowers. 68 NUX MOSCHATA. would grasp her head, saying, " How strange my head feels " (after seven hours),64.—Looked bewildered, but vision at this time was good ; later, however, objects looked as if enveloped in mist/6.—Darkness and mist be- fore my eyes (first evening),65.—[150.] Enlargement of eyes, with intoler- ance of light, while objects seemed to float before the vision,55.—Objects would vanish for an instant, at 2 p.m.,62.—Vision indistinct; everything looked red (first evening),65.—Her hand to her looked red, and as if covered with red spots, and looked too large (first evening),65.—*E very thing looked too large; my hand looked double its natural size (first evening)/0.—In a rather dark room, got out of bed and walked to the window in front of me ; the window on my right, which is at right angles with the other, appeared much nearer to it, and diverging from it at an obtuse angle (this amounts to, objects appear too close together, too distant, and oblique), (first night),57. Ear.—The auricular group of muscles were involved in the general disturbance, as the ears could be seen to act in concert with the rest of the muscular structures (also the epicranial and palpebral group of muscles seemed involved)/6.—Some earache,8.—Pains in the ear, as though a not very dull instrument were pressed back and forth in it (second and third days)/.—Pain between a pressure and a sticking in the right ear, in the morning (second day)/.—[160.] While riding in a wagon, towards even- ing, just before a storm of wind and rain, he experienced a painful sensa- tion of heat, extending from within the ear towards the posterior wall of the pharynx (tuba Eustachii), almost as if a rough body had lodged there, and had to be pressed out forcibly ; the sensation began first in the posterior wall of the pharynx, afterwards in the ear, and at last extended to the buccal cavity (eleventh day)/.—Somewhat sharp pressure in the left ear, seeming to be aggravated and in part caused by motion of the lower jaw/. —Several stitches in succession in the right ear, in the forenoon (tenth day)/.—Some stitches in the ears (first day)/.—Hearing. Buzzing in ears/0.—No answer to loud summons when called by name/6. Nose. —Dryness of the nose, immediately,15.f—Frequent and violent sneezing, in the morning (third day),6.—Frequent sneezing (from the odor and smell of nutmegs)/.—Stoppage of the nose, mostly of the left nostril, with crawling, as from coryza, and sneezing three times; the stoppage was so violent that he was obliged to keep the mouth open in order to breathe; it was immediately relieved on moving about, and entirely disappeared after rising (after one hour),2.—[170.] Stoppage of the left nostril, lasting three days (after nine hours),2.—It feels like a catarrh in the nose; is obliged to sneeze (first day)/.—The left nostril seems affected with catarrh ; it is neither dry nor stopped, but it seems to him as though he could get no air through it (second day),6.—Irritation and stinging in the nose, compelling violent rubbing (after one hour),810. Eace.—Face and eyes were much suffused throughout the entire night and following day/6.—The muscles of the face were drawn up, with an ex- pression denoting much suffering, during the spasms/6.—She noticed her face appeared very pale/6.—*Pale face (after two hours and a half )/*.— Looks very sick (after two hours and a half )/4.—Expression of countenance distressed/6.—[180.] Singular expression of countenance,60.—Countenance presented a silly look; occasionally she would give a diabolical grin 76 — Hippocratic countenance,at 5.30 p.m./2.—Cheeks, Lips, and Chin. Pressive pain in the right cheek, extending to the ear and maxillary articu- f From snuffing the powder for nasal polypus. NUX MOSCHATA. 69 lation, in the morning (second day)/.f—Violent pain in the right cheek- bone (fourth night)/.—"Dryness of the lips, palate, and velum patati, with a sensation of burning, as in catarrh (after one hour)/.—Slight hot stitches in the left side of the chin (after seven hours)/.—Drawing pain in the flesh on the right margin of the lower jaw (fifth day),6.—Upon making an at- tempt to open the mouth, for the purpose of examining the tongue, found the jaws so firmly closed that it was impossible to separate them without undue force; calling for a spoon, I made several efforts to accomplish my object, but failed, and was obliged to desist from further efforts for fear of breaking the teeth/6.—Sensation of a spasmodic compression and con- striction, extending forward from both joints of the lower jaw (second day)/. Mouth.—Teeth. [190.] *Painfulness of the teeth, while eating (dry bread),6.—A slight stitch shoots into the front teeth, in the evening (second day)/.f—Grumbling in the teeth, as though they were going to ache (in a man who was never subject to toothache),6.—Jerklike drawing in the left upper back teeth on loud and continued talking; also caused by inhalation of cold air; transient,2.—Jerking, without pain, in a back tooth, after drinking cold water, whereupon the cheek became red (third day)/.— Gritting of the teeth to such a degree that it seemed as though they must break into fragments; the margins of the tongue were much lacerated and torn, and no amount of care could prevent this; froth escaped, mixed with blood, from the mouth/6.—Shooting immediately in his teeth and in left eye; in the teeth it tastes like calomel, and the saliva accumulates; in the eye it burns, as if it were red and inflamed; he is afraid to go to sleep; appeared after holding a bottle (with the 1st trituration, 1 to 100) in his hand,00.—In the morning, on looking only once out of the window, a pain in the left lower anterior molars, extending thence into a right molar, where it was a pressure and pushing outward ; it returned after washing and tak- ing cold ; in the evening (second day)/.—Pain as though a loose tooth were grasped for extraction, associated with a sensation as though a jar of the body had caused it, which was certainly sometimes the case (going upstairs, etc.), (for several days)/.—Aching and painfulness of the left upper and lower molars, in the evening (fourth day)/.—[200.] *Painfulness of the incisors and anterior molars throughout nearly the whole proving, imme- diately recurring on drawing air into the mouth (the more so if the air is cold and damp); at first warm drinks also cause a similar pain, but not after a few days/.—Toothache in the left upper teeth/4.—(The teeth seem blunted and soft)/0.—The teeth are dull; they feel as if covered with chalk (second day),2.—Teeth felt too large laterally, and soft/6.—I felt every nerve in my teeth, but no pain,60.—Gum. (Increased inclination to bleeding of the gums), (second day)/.—Tongue. Tongue pasty, as though he had eaten chalk,2.—The tongue and palate are quite dry at night, and the nose seems completely stopped by thick mucus, wherewith he has no thirst, and the tongue feels to the finger like leather (first day)/.—Tongue felt stiff; patient could not articulate distinctly/6.—[210.] The tongue seems dry; when touched with the finger, it feels like a limb asleep or as if covered with leather, at night (first day),6.—(Sansation of dryness in the tongue and nose, with a clean tongue)/1.—A disagreeable pressive sensation, almost an aching, on both sides of the tongue, at the orifice of the salivary ducts/.— Mouth in General. Elevations larger than millet-seeds where the f From the flowers. 70 NUX MOSCHATA. fraanum of the tongue passes into the mucous membrane of the mouth an- teriorly under the tongue, especially on the left side; bright red, shining, painfully sore, several near together (mucous glands), (fourth day),6.— * Great dryness of lips, mouth, and throat, without thirst (after seven hours),64. —*Very great dryness of the mouth; the saliva seemed like cotton (first day),6.—Sensation of great dryness in the throat, mouth, and on the tongue, though the mouth was not actually dry, nor was there any thirst/.—*Mouth dry, but without thirst; had no desire for water from the time I com- menced taking it, at 11 a.m., until 9 p.m., although the mouth and lips were very dry,65.—"(Sensation of dryness in the mouth, on the tongue, and in the nose, without thirst),11.—'^Dryness of the mouth so great that the tongue sticks to the palate, though without thirst, in the evening (first and sec- ond days)/.—[220.] "Sensation of dryness in the mouth, lips, and throat, re- turning on the second day,6.—"Dryness of the mouth, throat, and tongue, with a feeling of fulness in the stomach and loss of appetite (after one hour)/.— "Mouth and tongue pasty and dry, both having a velvety and spongy feel- ing/6.—"On awaking in the morning, back of the mouth and throat is dry; tongue cleaves to the roof of the mouth, still patient does not complain of thirst?6. —"Sensation of dryness in the mouth; at the same time it feels slimy, especially at night; together with thirst, a sensation of flour on the palate, and dry- ness of the nose (second night),9.—*Sensation of so great dryness in the mouth and on the tongue that it seems as though the tongue would re- main hanging to the palate, without real thirst and without actual dryness of the tongue; it seems to her as though she had been eating herring; in the evening (first day)/.—Soon experienced a severe burning sensation in lips, mouth, and throat,64.—Saliva, Taste, and Speech. "The saliva and mucus in the mouth seemed so thick that the whole mouth was quite dry; on account of this feeling of dryness he was inclined to drink, but had no real thirst, together with a sensation on the tongue posteriorly as after eating much salt (first day)/.—Saliva of the mouth is thick and pasty/6.—Foul taste in mouth/5.—[230.] (Sour taste in the mouth), (first day),8.—"Taste like chalk, in the morning, fasting (second day)/.—*Chalky taste,2.—*Chalky, pasty taste,2.—A taste on the tongue, in the morning, as after intoxication/. —He constantly pressed the tongue against the palate, on account of a sen- sation of dryness in the mouth, together with a peculiar taste in the mouth, somewhat like the after-taste of very salt things, lasting all day (after seven hours)/.—"Speech rather difficult; could not articulate distinctly; tongue rolled in the mouth like one intoxicated; tongue felt numb/6. Throat.—"Dryness of the throat posteriorly; it feels stiffened (as with braces), without thirst?.—Sensation of dryness in the throat and much thirst, with a white mucous coating on the tongue and slimy mouth (first day)/. —"Scraping dryness in the throat?.—[240.] Sharp scraping sensation in the throat, especially on swallowing/.—Scraping, dry, scratching sensation in the throat, immediately/.—Stitches in the throat that provoke hawkin**, but that are not relieved thereby (after a quarter of an hour),9.—Fauces, (Esophagus, and Swallowing. Velum palati and fauces slightly red; bloodvessels injected, but the mucous membrane between them white, with a sensation of rawness (fifth day),6.—Sensation of dryness in the fauces and choanae, extending forward, with an inclination to swallow, but with- out thirst (after twenty-four hours)/.—Pressive pain in the region of the arch of the palate and in the left tonsil, as though he had swallowed a hard substance, and it still continued to cause pain; but slight redness NUX MOSCHATA. 71 could be seen (third day)/.f—In the afternoon, on going into the street, in spells, during a quarter of an hour, burning in the oesophagus (after one day),50.—Paralysis of the organs of deglutition, making it difficult to swal- low saliva/5.—*So great dryness in the throat that he could not swallow a bite of an apple (first day),6. Stomach.—Appetite. Never felt so hungry in my life; could scarcely control my appetite nor control myself (first evening)/5.—[250.] * Very great hunger at noon; he ate with great haste, and although it oppressed the stomach he could have eaten still more (first day),6.—Appetite very much increased, immediately/6.—Increased appetite, that was scarcely satisfied when it returned (first day)/.—Appetite much increased on the first days, subsequently diminished/.—"Increased appetite (first, second, and third days)/.—Rather excessive hunger/.^—Increased hunger; he eats very much, and the abdomen is much distended/5.—He has little appetite and is soon satisfied,1.§—Appetite gone; he could, however, eat his dinner; victuals tasted like sawdust (after six hours),50.—The preserved nuts, eaten too often, weaken the appetite/3.—[260.] Aversion to tobacco smoke, all day (first day),6.—TJlirst. Drinks very much (first day)/.—Much thirst for an hour; it then disappears, soon/.||—He drinks much (after one day),50. —Remarkable absence of thirst in one usually inclined to be very thirsty (first day),6.—Eructations and Nausea. Eructations as of pine oil (after five minutes)/.—Scraping eructations, always a short time after eat- ing (second, third, and fourth days)/.—Emission of offensive flatus (first day)/2.— Violent nausea (after a few hours),63.—Nausea, with shuddering aversion to food; vomiting/5.—[270.] Nausea and collection of water in the mouth, with great inclination to sleep (that, however, was not sound), although in the morning/.^"—Nausea (after two hours and a half)/4.— Slight nausea a few times in the forenoon, at times alternating with in- creased appetite (first day)/.—Slight nausea, as if I had been smoking in- ordinately (after one hour and a half),60.—At different times throughout the night the patient made fruitless efforts to vomit; there was much retch- ing/6.—Stomach in General. Stomach was very much distended and swollen/6.—Sickness at stomach, but no vomiting, at 2 p.m./2.—Warmth in the stomach, immediately/1.—Sensation of warmth in the stomach (after half an hour)/.—Slight burning in the stomach, like a sensation of fast- ing/4.—[280.] Burning and pressure in the stomach, from which a burning extends upward, soon,6.—Pressure in pit of stomach/5.—Slight oppression in the pit of the stomach/2.—Pains in the stomach (after a few hours),63.— Painful sensation, as if laced at the stomach, as if she had to vomit (drawn up as if it would break)/4b.—Was seized while ascending the stairs with a sense of much weight and oppression in the stomach/6.—The daily use of nutmeg coats the stomach with mucus and causes vapors in the head, so that lethargy easily occurs/6.—The sugared nuts disturb the stomach, make digestion difficult, impair the appetite, and produce a tendency to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach,36.—It frequently distresses the stomach and weakens the digestion,34.—Impaired digestion; after each meal patient complains of a sense of weight over epigastric re- gion, followed with at times gulping up of wind, prior to which a feeling as though there was a lump in the throat (globus hystericus), which disap- f From the flowers. J From inunction of the tincture. § From the flowers. |J From rubbing the tincture on the abdomen. f From the flowers. 72 NUX MOSCHATA. pears in part as soon as the stomach is relieved of wind; Lachesis 2c. re- lieves this condition usually,76. Abdomen.—Hypochondria. [290.] Constriction in the right side of the upper abdomen, like a forcing outward, while walking (after one hour),9.—A slight jerk in the right side below the liver, soon/7.—Sen- sation as if the region of the liver was being scorched (first day) ; next day passed blood with the stool, without pain, but at the same time constipation and nausea around the region of the scrobiculum,54a.—Plucking sensation in the upper part of the abdomen and liver, as if the parts should be length- ened, stretched; as it were, a heaving motion in these parts; it felt as if the liver were being pulled down or twisted around; in the afternoon (first day)/4a.—"Pressure in the liver, as from something sharp, as if stones were pressing out or would cut their way out, as though it caused a tearing; this was accompanied by diarrhoeic stools, always preceded by an agreeable sensation in the stomach; the relief was such that it seemed as though the evacuations came down from the liver (in a woman suffering from enlargement of the liver), (second day)/.— Umbilical and Sides. Colic in the umbilical region, relieved by pressure (after a quarter of an hour),9.—Griping in the umbilical region, at night, in bed (first day)/.—Griping at the umbilicus, in the evening, in bed, after the febrile chill (eighth day)/.—Cutting in the middle of the abdomen, with inclination to flatulence and diarrhoea, with aching in the temples, in the evening (first day)/.—Cutting commenc- ing in the navel, and seeming to extend in two rays towards both sides, downward and backward, at night (first day)/.—[300.] Repeated shooting in abdomen, about level of umbilicus, from right side to left (after fifteen minutes, first and second days, and on the fourth day, without repetition of dose)/8.—To the right of the umbilicus, pain like stitches in the spleen, which made him bend up double (first day),50.—A constrictive kind of pain, a kind of griping, confined to a small spot in the right side, not far from the navel (after two hours)/1.—Pain like spleen stitches in the right side, near the navel, drawing him together (first day),5.—General Abdo- men. Distension of the abdomen, as from flatus (after five hours)/.—Dis- tension of the abdomen, with nausea; twisting about the navel, that ex- tends now to the heart, now downward; towards evening; together with discharge of threadworms with the stool,37.—The abdominal muscles were drawn up very much, as in chorea, during the spasms/6.—*Rumbling in the abdomen, immediately/.—"Bumbling and gurgling in the abdomen, as from the movement of gas (after half an hour)/.—Flatulent troubles; press- ing outward in the left groin (after three hours)/.—[310.] Flatulent troubles in the evening; griping colic, with emission of much flatus that affords relief/.—Although he constantly experienced slight colic, with in- clination to flatulence and diarrhoea, aud a sensation as if diarrhoea would result, yet he was obliged to make great exertion to evacuate a stool of normal consistence; this was bright yellow, with pieces of undigested fruit (after twenty-one hours),1.—Pain in the belly, as if it were fufl of knots, with chilliness, little appetite, and feeling of fulness, lasting the entire day. Next day more cutting in the belly; she had to sit down; could scarcely walk on account of weakness; some diarrhoea/1.—Jerking here and there in the abdomen/7.—A qualmish sensation in the abdomen, that is full and distended, with pain in the small of the back/.—Discomfort in the abdomen, as though he had eaten too much and the abdomen were over- distended (first day),6.—(A pressure upward from both sides of the abdo- men, towards the pit of the stomach, like that he usually experienced be- NUX MOSCHATA. 73 fore a hoemorrhoidal flow, at night), (first day),6.—(Cutting and pressure in the abdomen, especially across the bladder, as though diarrhoea would come on, in the evening (second day); stool more difficult than usual), (third day)/1.—(Pressure and troubles in the abdomen, as before the ap- pearance of a haemorrhoidal flow), (first day)/.—"Morinq about the abdo- men, as though he would have colic (first day)/.—[320.] "Feeling as though colic would occur (after one hour),10.—Commencement of colic beginning in the left side of the abdomen and extending towards the right and down- ward (second day)/.—Attacks of colic in the upper abdomen and disten- sion of it (first day)/.—A kind of griping below the stomach, with a feel- ing as though it would change to real colic (second and third days)/.— Colic; a kind of griping in the lower abdomen, for several days in succes- sion, in the morning after breakfast (of cocoa); relieved on keeping quiet/. Rectum.—Protrusion of the rectum (first evening),65.—Crampy forc- ing-down pain in bowels and rectum, at 2 a.m. (first night),65.—Sensation as if everything had fallen back against the rectum, accompanied with violent straining^ and urging to stool, at 2 a.m. (first night),65.—In the evening, a sensation in the rectum as though diarrhoea would occur; it seems as though a part of the rectum were dragged downward; it seems to press down a portion of the rectum ; the evacuation, however, did not occur until the next morning, with a slight urging and a kind of tenesmus in the rectum ; the stool was scanty and rather diarrhceic (first day)/.— Urging to stool, and a sensation as if the anus were swollen, wherewith he was unable to evacuate anything (first day)/.—[330.] Although the faeces were not hard, yet the evacuation was sluggish, and it seemed as though a portion remained behind because there was no power to evacuate it (after twenty-four hours),1.—Stool more indolent than usual (first day),6. Stool.—Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea towards midnight (after one day),50. —Slimy diarrhcea-like stool, as in worms (second day),5.—Painless diar- rhoea all day/8.—Stool indolent (first day) ; diarrhceic in the morning after taking milk (second day)/8.—(Bloody stools)/."}"—Several thin stools, with pressure towards the pelvis; together with a sensation as if an acrid and biting liquid were in the rectum ; after the evacuation there continued a sensation as though still more would follow (second day)/.—Evacuation thinner than usual, in the morning/2.—Two evacuations, thinner in one day, in a child six years old (second day),9.—[340.J *Stool soft, but diffi- cult to pass, with a sensation of fulness and a distension of the abdomen, for several days/.—"Stool indolent, difficult to pass, though soft, for several days?.—* Stool indolent; the evacuation was soft, passed with difficulty, and only after pressure and urging, with a sensation as if a portion still remained (after five hours),2.—Several pasty and easy evacuations in one day, con- trary to habit (first day)/4.— Constipation. She experienced no real desire for stool at the usual time; the evacuation was hard and difficult to pass/.—Evacuation of the bowels so hard that it could only be passed with the greatest effort of the rectum, with sticking as from large needles in it, together with painful constriction in the rectum and anus, both during the evacuation and especially for some minutes afterwards (after twenty-four hours)/5.—No stool at all (first day) ; hard and difficult to pass (second day) ; a watery evacuation passed instead of flatus (third day)/.—Stools f In two women suffering from induration of the liver, and in a boy with en- larged cervical glands. 74 NUX MOSCHATA. at first were very black and hard; afterwards watery, and then mushy (first evening),65. Urinary Organs.—While urinating, a slight burning in urethra (first day)/0.—It always caused painful strangury/'Vj— [350.] There is some lingering irritability about the bladder during the monthly period, accompanied with frequent desire to pass water, together with bearing- down pains; a sort of strangury accompanies the last few drops of vyater, . —Micturition. Frequent urging to urinate, but not much urine was passed (first night),9.—Frequent passages of light-colored urine, clear like well water, but in small quantities, and with constant desire (first even- ing)/3.—Patient passed water several times during the night, while labor- ing under spasms, but in small quantities (this was an involuntary act)/6. —In spite of drinking much water, little urination (after one day),041.— Urine. The secretion of urine seemed to be diminished ; the urine was very much concentrated and clear (after twenty-four hours)/.—Urine scanty and very much concentrated (after twenty hours)/.—It imparts a violet odor to the urine/5.—(The flowers impart their odor to the urine),34. Sexual Organs.—Male. A spasmodic pain in the penis, extending from below upward (first day)/.—[360.] (Pressure and drawing in the spermatic cord, from above downwards, on the same side where the testicle had been bruised some years before)/9.—Want of erections, even with voluptuous thoughts, for several days/.—"Although there seemed to be some inclination to coition, yet the erections were weak and of short duration?.— Inclination for coition, with great relaxation of the genitals (first day),6.— It causes lack of sexual desire for coition, and less voluptuous sensation, in a man/.—Female. There still remains considerable irritability about the pelvic viscera, particularly during each returning menstrual period, when the ovaries and womb are much swollen and sensitive to pressure/6.—Most distressing dysmenorrhcea, accompanied with clonic spasms, delirium, and stupor, being an almost invariable accompaniment of each returning men- strual period, during which time (seven to ten days) the patient has no use of her lower limbs/7.—Clonic spasms with the dysmenorrhcea/7.—Stupor with the dysmenorrhcea/7.— No use of her lower limbs with the dysmenor- rhcea/7.—[370.] Menses four or five days too early, associated wTith drag- ging in the abdomen, from the navel downward, and with drawing in the limbs; also the next period appeared too early and was generally irreg- ular/7.—The menses appear two or three days too late; preceded by pain in the small of the back, as if a piece of wood were lying across the back pressing outward, with headache (a concealed aching on the top of the head), weakness, pressure in the stomach, with running of water from the mouth, and pain in the liver; the menstrual blood was darker, thicker, and when dry more glutinous than usual; at the time when menstruation should have appeared there was a discharge of only mucus/2.—Upon in- quiry I found that the menses had ceased entirely; an examination over the lower portion of abdomen revealed the fact that the womb and ovaries were tumefied and much swollen (there is and has been considerable ten- derness over both ovaries, but especially the left, ever since)/6.—In Georgia, I was told that the young ladies when they want to go to a ball, and have their catamenia, eat one-quarter or one-half of a nutmeg, and the flow immediately stops for twelve or twenty-four hours; sometimes it returns again of .itself; if this is not the case, the damsel becomes very sick/1.— f A drink composed of toasted bread and nutmeg. NUX MOSCHATA. 75 A pregnant woman took six nutmegs (at least), daily, and was attacked with a troublesome diarrhoea, that continued after her labor, which was premature on account of it/5.—Pains similar to labor-pains, at 2 a.m (first night),65. Respiratory Organs.—Larynx and, Voice. (A sore sensa- tion in the larynx, with some inclination to cough), (second day)/1.—The sound of the voice was altered, and was more like that of a sheep; the morbid sensation in the larynx seemed similar to that in the mouth, namely, a sensation of dryness without actual dryness (second day)/.f—Voice sup- pressed, so that he could not call for help, after waking from sleep (after a few hours),63.—Voice lost and unsteady (second day),63.—[380.] Voice hoarse, not clear (third day),6.—"Hoarseness?.— Cough and Respi- ration. He coughs up some blood, partly mixed with mucus, partly clear; together with stitches in the chest (second day)/0.—The dry cough becomes moist, and he expectorates much mucus (second day),6.—Respira- tion very rapid and sighing (second day),63.—Respiration 18 (before taking), remained unchanged/5.—Respirations about 10 per minute, during the spasmodic condition/6.—Breathing slow and heavy/6.—Want of breath after eating/.—(A melancholic, choleric man, suffering with bleeding haem- orrhoids in the fall and spring, took with nearly all his food and drink Nux moschata, as a preventive for the fall dysentery ; the haemorrhoidal flow was stopped ; he became out of breath, and panted when at work, and at last went into dropsy)/2.—[390.] Desire more or less all the time to sigh or take a long breath, which she cannot accomplish satisfactorily/6. Chest.—Oppression of the chest,38.—Oppression of the chest, starting from the pit of the stomach/.—"Oppression of the chest and rush of blood to the heart (first day),6.—Oppression of the chest and difficult respiration/8.— (Oppression of the chest, as if it were fatty, or as if there were a piece of perforated bacon in the throat (trachea), which did not allow the passage of enough air; he feared that he would suffocate; this condition appeared toward the evening, while walking in the cool air, lasted eight minutes, and was unaccompanied by anxiety), (first day)/1.—They all were attacked the next day with such oppression of the chest and tightness of the throat that it seemed as though they would choke; the mouth was dry, the lips swollen, and stuck together, as if covered with glue; they breathed with the greatest difficulty; the bowels were hard and constipated; the head heavy, dizzy ; memory lost/6.!—A sudden pain round about the chest, in the region of the diaphragm, on inspiration, in the forenoon (third day)/. —Pain in the chest as if raw, when coughing (third day)/.—Pain in the region of the pectoral muscles as from a blow, on moving the arm, very much aggravated by touch and pressure (third day)/.—[400.] Painful- ness of the anterior part of the chest, making respiration difficult, in the evening ; at times associated with a pressive pain, in the right side (though rather anteriorly)/.—As often as he chews a nutmeg, he feels a constriction in chest; also in the sternum and in the whole abdomen, as if everything were being drawn in a knot; he does not exactly know where the centre of the knot is, but asserts that everything is being drawn together; this lasted several hours/3.—Constrictive pain in the pectoral muscles, with tightness of the fhorax, obliging deep respiration on moving about, so that he was obliged to sit down/.—Sensation of fulness in the upper and anterior por- f From the flowers. X Observed in several persons from a cold punch, containing eight nutmegs. 76 NUX MOSCHATA. tion of the chest, preventing deep inspiration ; but when he took a deep breath, he felt a pressive pain, in isolated jerks, under the sternum (second day)/.—Sensation of a weight on the chest, making respiration difficult, in "the evening (fourth day)/.—A sensation of pressure and weight in the whole anterior portion of the chest, especially beneath the sternum, lasting through the day, but becoming especially violent on falling asleep in the evening and on waking from the midday nap, and sometimes compelling him to take a deep inspiration, and to forcibly expand the chest. Although respiration was rendered very difficult thereby, and it caused a distressing sensation in the chest, yet it was unaccompanied by anxiety/.f—A spas- modic pressing pain like a pressure, from within outward, and also from without inward (as from a weight lying upon the chest), in the region of the insertion of the diaphragm, extending from the pit of the stomach to the back and scapulae (after ten hours) ; together with difficult respiration and necessity for taking a deep breath and expanding the chest, together with a dry cough, that was somewhat loose in the morning, and that came from the back. This attack lasted several days, and was associated with sleepiness and dryness of the nose. On the third day there were also pains in the middle of the back between the scapulae (seeming to him to be in the lungs)/1.—Front and Sides. The forepart of the chest is painful as if beaten, especially on inspiration, and whenever there is flatulent colic, in the evening (first day)/.—Pain in the forepart of the chest, like a weight, associated with an oppression that makes respiration difficult, in the evening (second day)/.—A jerking stitch in the forepart of the chest, extending obliquely upward and arresting the breathing (after six hours)/. —[410.] Pressing inward in the lower portion of the right side of the chest, ascending to the throat and mouth ; there was collection of bitter water in the mouth and dry cough (after half an hour),9.—Crawling and tickling in the upper part of the right side of the chest, in the morning, provoking cough/. Heart and Eulse.—Quivering of the heart; violent palpitation; the great central organ laboring under fearful embarrassment,55.—Very transient palpitation (first day),22.—Some sudden spasmodic stitches at the heart, associated with slight colic, in the morning after waking (after twenty hours)/.—A most distressing urgent want of breath, and painful feeling of oppression upon the chest, to relieve which, would straighten up, when other distressing effects would ensue; a rush of blood to head, ob- scuring the sight; quivering of the heart; violent palpitation; the great central organ laboring under fearful embarrassment; pulse intermitting, the intervals between the pulsations being so protracted as to excite fears of impending dissolution ; the hands would be placed upon the sides, the constriction about the waist and abdomen being so persistent and so oppres- sive as instinctively to welcome any, even the slightest palliation,55.— "Feeling as if the blood were rushing to the heart, thence to the head, and then all over the body; again to the heart and repeat (the extreme coldness and other symptoms still present); the alternate paleness and redness of the surface, indicating this varied and increased action of the circulation, was distinctly visible about 4 p.m.,62.—Sensation as if the heart were grasped, with sharp cutting pain in the cardiac region, about 5 p'm.,62.— He always suffered from palpitation whenever he ate nutmegs/2.—It in- creases the circulation of the blood/6.—[420.] Pulse 76 (before taking); f From the flowers. NUX MOSCHATA. 77 80 (after five, and fifteen minutes)/5.—* Pulse small, slow (60), (second day),63.—During the spasmodic condition the pulse was very small, feeble, and rapid, could scarcely be counted, and respirations about 10 per minute'; it was difficult to count the pulse or respirations in either case, on account of the contortions audwrithings of the patient/6.—Pulse almost impercep- tible, at 5.30 p.m.,62.—The pulse during the sexual paroxysms was very varied, being from 70 to over 100/°.—Pulse intermitting, the intervals between the pulsations being so protracted as to excite fears of impending dissolution/5. Neck and Back.—Nape of neck tremendously constricted/5.—A draft of damp air caused drawing pain in the cervical muscles/.—The small of the back and the lower extremities seem bruised and very weak (seventh day)/.—Aching in the small of the back, and weakness of the lower extremities, as though he had received a blow upon the small of the back and calves/.—[430.] *Pain, as if broken, in the small of the back, mostly during rest, in the evening (after two, and seven hours),2.—Pain in the back, on riding in a carriage/.—Pain at the side of the lumbar vertebrae, as if caused by a blow of the fist (first day)/.f—Pain in the muscles on the side of the lumbar vertebrae, as though he had been soundly beaten with fists (fourth day),6.—Pain in the lumbar region (second day),61. Extremities.—Limbs rigid; hands clasped across the breast and firmly clinched, so much so that on attempting to separate them a violent convulsive effort was made by the patient; then followed a writhing of the entire body, " clonic spasms,"76.—Marked muscular erethism, especially of the extremities, simulating chorea (after four hours)/4.—(The limbs, espe- cially the arms, are relaxed, with pressure here and there)/1.—-Drawing in the calves, especially on standing, relieved by lying down ; after rising, trem- bling and weakness in the hands and lower extremities (fifth day)/.— (Drawing pains in the muscular portions of the extremities, worse during rest, as after taking cold), (for several days)/1.—[440.] Arms and legs felt sorish, large, and heavy/5.—Both upper and lower limbs feeling dead and numb, until the following day at noon/6.—"Extremities felt numb (after seven hours),64.—General affection of the extremities, especially of the legs, more towards the lower portion and more on the right side/4. Superior Extremities. — Shoulder, Arm, and Elboiv. Pain in the left shoulder, as if it contained lead/41.—A sticking pain (rather distinct, though not very sharp) on the flexor side of the upper arm, shoulder, and elbow-joints, that continued by paroxysms for several weeks, but lasted only a short time, seeming to be seated in the blood- vessels/.—Sensation of fomentation in the muscles of the upper arm/1.— Pain in the left upper arm, near the middle, nearer the elbow, as from the hard grasp of the hand (after one hour and a half)/4.—Felt as though a string had been tied tightly around the arras, and all the blood had rushed into my hands (first evening)/0.—Jerklike drawing in the arms, sometimes with a boring outward in the elbows (first day)/2.—[450.] Extremely acute pain in the left forearm, externally and near the elbow, in the radial re- gion, in the fle«h of all the muscles, in the bone, a kind of pressive gnaw- ing (after three hours)/4.—Steady drawing from the fiugers to the shoul- ders, from holding a nutmeg in the right hand ; a highly sensitive person ; she feels nothing in the left hand; there remains a tearing rheumatic pain in the shoulder/3.—Burning on the left side of the left elbow externally, f From the flowers. 78 NUX MOSCHATA. till three hours/4.—Tearing pain in the extensor muscles of the left elbow, impeding motion (thirteenth day)/.—Hands and Fingers. Numb- ness and fulness of the hands (first evening),65.—Burning in the hands, that also seem hot to another, lasting half a day (after six hours),5.—The hands seem to him as if cold and frozen, and on going into the house he experi- enced a kind of humming and tingling under the nails; was obliged to throw his hands about, as if they had actually been frozen (first day),6.—■ Violent pain in the right middle finger, as if in the bone (after four or five minutes)/4.—Pain as if sprained, in some joints of the left little finger when grasping anything, in the morning (second day)/.f Inferior Extremities.—Painful weakness in the lower extremities, as if he had taken a long journey. The backs of the feet are very pain- ful, as though a hard body had fallen upon them, the farther above the ankle the less the pain. Although stepping on the foot aggravates the pain, yet he is obliged to constantly move the leg back and forth, on ac- count of uneasiness (trampling), (first day),6.—[460.] She started after finishing her tea to go upstairs, but found it rather difficult to ascend, as she felt weak and numb in her limbs, particularly lower extremities, with sensation as though she were floating through the air; later felt much the same symptoms on ascending the stairs/6.—Complains more or less all the time of a trembling and weakness of the lower limbs, particularly after walking or going up and downstairs,76.—Thigh, Knee, and Leg. *The posterior muscles of the right thigh are painful on walking and on touch, as if he had fallen upon them, as after riding horseback, in the morning (second day)/.—While riding one leg over the other, the right thigh seems benumbed, afterwards a sensation as if the left leg would fall asleep, with rush of blood in it, prickling, etc./4.—Transient pain on the upper and inner portion of the thigh, as if he had fallen upon it, aggra- vated by touch (soon),6.—Dull drawing pains in the periosteum of the right tibia (after two hours)/.—Painful drawing, here and there, in the thighs/7. —The right knee is painful, as if wrenched and sprained, on moving it, and especially on going upstairs (second day)/.f—A sensation in the ante- rior portion of the right knee, as if it were grasped by some one, a kind of constriction/.—Could scarcely reach his home on account of terrible pains in both legs, in the part from the knees down to the ankles, confined to the shins: this pain increased so much during the afternoon that he could hardly walk through the room ; he says it feels as though the " bone had been smashed to pieces,"1*.—[470.] (Throbbing in the left calf, as though a bloodvessel had burst, lasting about twenty minutes), (after one hour)/1.—(On making a sudden motion with the right lower extremity, while lying down, he was attacked with violent cramp in the calf, which was only relieved (not removed as usual) by pressing the foot against something), (fourth day)/.—Pressive pain on the anterior surface of the left leg, while standing, in the morning (second day)/.—A sensation of « warmth and throbbing on the inner margin of the right foot, while lying down at night (third day)? j—Feet and Toes. Boring pain in bio- toe of right foot, after lying down,54*.- -Burrowing-pressive pain in the middle of the soles of the feet, soon, in the morning,2.— Tingling in all the toes, as if they had been frozen, especially at the metatarsophalangeal articulation.' It extends over the sole and heel, that also pains as if bruised by jumping upon f From the flowers. NUX MOSCHATA. 79 it; this tingling was felt in every position, and was reproduced by stepping upon the foot (second and fifth days),6. Generalities^—Convulsions caused by large doses/8.—Throughout the entire night the patient passed from one convulsive state, hereinbefore described, into another, which nothing short of anaesthesia would control. The same difficulty of trying to get the patient to swallow medicine was met with, and it was only after the effect of chloroform was obtained that anything could be gotten down her throat/6.—After twitching of the limbs burning at the umbilicus, with restlessness and lassitude; she had to lie down, and fell asleep ; on awaking, the burning at the umbilicus is gone, but she now has burning in the chest; with it very irritable and vexed (after half a day),52.—[480.] Considerable prostration (second day),64.f—Was very prostrate and weak, could scarcely lift a hand/6.—The patient manifested evident symptoms of sinking; she would lie completely relaxed, breathing so faintly as to be scarcely audible, and almost pulseless ; accordingly I dis- continued the chloroform and resorted to stimulants, with a view to re- establish reaction ; during these sinking spells the lower and upper ex- tremities became very cold and clammy; a few drops of liquor ammonia in water, and an application of the same to the nostrils, promptly restored her to a semi-conscious state, which would soon be followed by a return of the spasmodic condition of the previous night, though not quite so severe; at 10 a.m., the patient swooned completely away, and lay to all appear- ances dead ; this occurred after another application of chloroform ; feeling somewhat alarmed, I hastily elevated the foot of her bed, placing a chair beneath, thus elevating the feet, with the head downward, inclined at an angle of about 35°. I began using brisk friction, and set to work to re- store the circulation, which appeared to be completely suspended, and made efforts at artificial respiration, at the same time ordered the ammo- nia to be applied to the nostrils; after the lapse of twenty minutes or thereabouts, the patient manifested signs of returning consciousness; this was followed almost immediately by retching and vomiting, and the patient threw up a pint of green bilious fluid, containing particles of undigested food, such as beef, potatoes, and a quantity of dark-mottled particles look- ing like coffee-grounds, which, upon inspection, proved to be some of the nutmeg which she had eaten the day before; from this time recovery dates/6. — (Anxiety over the whole body, with inclination to tremble)/1.— * Very great weakness; the knees were excessively affected as though he had taken a long journey on foot, associated with sleepiness; even talking fretted him/.—(Weakness)/1.—* When he has accomplished only a trifle, he is obliged to lie down on account of weakness?7.—To retain footing, while walking, found myself obliged to catch hold of trees and fence/5.—Attempted to get into bed, which was accomplished with much difficulty; rather tumbled than got into bed, feeling much exhausted from her efforts to undress/6.— Reeled and stumbled, while walking (first evening),65.—[490.] Went to bed feeling perfectly well, but could not account for my strange feelings on awaking; was painfully conscious, however, of some powerful influence exerting itself upon my system, but as to cause could get no intelligible clue. Great languor and drowsiness, with no desire to move; felt unwieldy as a mass of metal; all bodily energy lapsing into passive suppleness in the clutch of the unseen giant/5.—First, eructation, then lassitude, which f As Camphor was used rather freely as an antidote, the prostration may in part have depended on that. 80 NUX MOSCHATA. caused her eyes to close/4'.—Persistent indolence of external sensibility, and of motion/4.—A sort of general indescribable feeling of languor and lassitude stole over her entire body/6.—"Sickly, faint sensation?6.—She was very much affected the whole first day (she was obliged to gasp for breath); it seemed as though she would become faint/3.—When standing at his desk, the right leg constantly went to sleep. Pressing pain in both shoul- ders, and a sensation as if a six-pound ball was pressed from the abdomen into the pit of the stomach/3".—She complained very much about feeling very sore and full of pain, as one who had been beaten/6.—Violent pains generally (second day)/3.—Great sensitiveness to cold air,1.—[500.] Slight things, for instance, if quickly spoken to or called by name, will startle the patient; this is followed by palpitation of the heart, with difficulty of breathing/6.—Wandering burrowing-pressive pains always, in only small circumscribed spots, as if in the bones, in the forehead, eyebrows, upper arms, tibiae, etc. (They resembled a pinching pain, that increased and de- creased in waves), (soon)/.—Slight pressive wandering pains in various parts of the body, always confined to a small spot/.— Wandering digging pressive pains, always confined to a small spot, where they remained for only a short time, but soon returned, lasting several days (after ten hours)/.—If he lies upon a moderately hard substance for only a short time, he immedi- ately experiences pains in the parts upon which he lies (twelfth day)/.— Condition as though he had cooled off after sweating violently ; the nape of the neck and all the bones hurt, and there was a pressure forward to- wards the forehead (first day)/.—There was considerable running to and fro by different members of the family, all of which tended to annoy and excite her greatly/6.—She asked to be left alone, as the rubbing or touch- ing any portion of her body anuoyed her very much/6.—General uneasi- ness in the muscular system, with dizziness/4.—Position of the body recum- bent, lying on the back/6.—[510.] Larger doses were followed by cold limbs, stupor, and unconsciousness, even death,69.—Marked symptoms of opisthotonos, about 1 a.m., and as long as the effects of the anaesthesia were withdrawn/6.—All symptoms relieved within an hour by a dose of Nux vomica?0.—The symptoms, especially of the head, occur particularly after breakfast (of bread and milk), though also after eating at other times of the day/.—In large doses it causes an absolute insensibility of the nervous system, obtuseness, immobility, loss of reason for its direct action, and headache and sleep for its secondary action,67.—The effect of some brandy was as if I had been electrified, from the mouth downwards, in a straight line, and dying off towards the feet; it then seemed to diffuse itself over the whole body; the state of my body generally felt as if I had hold of slightly galvanized wires, the wires apparently working in antagonistic directions, out of time and keeping; like, in fact, so many connecting-rods working from eccentrics out of truth, and jarring against each other,60. Skin.—At the border of the left jaw a large pustule,50.—(Boils on the chin, with broad red areola)/.—After four minutes a very slight burning sensation was felt, which gradually increased, so that after fifteen minutes it became very unpleasant, and on being touched the reddened spot caused much pain ; after thirty minutes the moistened spot was red; it burned like a sinapism when the skin is moderately reddened : upon being washed the burning sensation disappeared within an hour; the epidermis did not scale off. In a second experiment with another individual the symptoms were much slighter, the burning appeared only after ten minutes, and be- came rather strong after another ten minutes ; the hand being then washed NUX MOSCHATA. 81 after thirty minutes, the burning sensation was still very intense, but the skin was not red; the burning sensation continued for about half an hour; the epidermis did not scale off/1.—Skin in different parts of the body was mottled, in some places so deep as to appear somewhat bluish/6.—[520.] Blue spots on the skin,6.—Alternate paleness and redness of the surface, at 4 p.m.,62.—Paiufuluess of the skin, below the chin, as if pimples would form, the whole third day/. Sleep.—Sleepiness. Felt strangely over the whole system, with an almost irresistible desire for sleep, together with a great deal of jactitation of the muscles, and pain and vertigo in frontal region, with great confusion of ideas (after four hours)/4.—* Almost irresistible desire for sleep, with the strange feeling over the whole system (after four hours),64.—Almost irre- sistible inclination to sleep/7.—Mounting to the head, as if intoxicated, im- mediately ; the whole head ached, "and she became so sleepy that she oould not sit down without falling asleep?.—"Great tiredness and sleepiness' (after two hours and a half)/4.—"Great sleepiness, with great inclination to laughter (first day),6.—He could not keep awake after dinner,and fell asleep; when awakened he fell asleep again ; the sleep, however, did not seem very sound (first day)/. — [530.] Asleep (after fifteen minutes); slept pro- foundly ; in the morning was several times called to breakfast/5.—Remark- ably sleepy look (first day)/.f—*She was unusually sleepy, the eyes con- stantly closed (first day)/.—"Patient starts in her sleep, but does not always waken, with shocks as if electricity were passing through her body, sometimes accompanied with unpleasant and even horrid dreams, "nightmare,"76.— Lay down on her bed and quickly passed into a deep slumber, feeling very uncomfortable, was very restless and tossed about much, which lasted about half an hour; she was then roused by her sister (who accompanied her) calling her byname; she heard the first summons and answered reluctantly, but could not rouse herself to a state of wakefulness/6.—The oil rubbed upon the temples caused sleepiness/2.—It causes sleep/6.—The preserved nuts used too often cause sleepiness/3.—Lay down to sleep, and slept for an hour, towards evening, very unusual, followed by relief of all the symptoms (first day),54.—"A sleepy, dreamy condition, with closing of the eyes?.—[540.] She seems intoxicated and sleepy; she did not know where she was nor where she was going, the eyes closed (first day)/.—Sleep restless (first and second nights),9.—Sitting in bed, tossing from side to side, at 5.30 p.m.,62.—Strong inclination to sleep, without the ability (after seven hours)/4.—Very wide awake on going out after sleeping (first day),54.—Dreams. Sleep at night disturbed by voluptuous dreams (first day)/.—Irresistible sleep, frequently disturbed by vivid dreams, soon,2.—Dreams of falling from high places; again, as if being pursued by persons seeking to harm her/6. Fever.—Chilliness. Chilliness/5.—Chilly and cold all over, begin- ning about 1 o'clock, and gradually increasing in severity/2.—[550.] "Skin cold over the ivhole body, at 5.30 p.m.,62.—Surface cold and blue, at 5.30 p.m./2.—Cold skin (second day),63.—He became chilly on going into the cold air (first and second days)/.—She easily became chilly in the cold air (second and thiid days)/.—Immediately on going into the open air (that was damp and cool) she became chilly and pale, which disappeared in a warm room, in the evening (first day)/.—In the evening could not get warm in bed/4a.—Slight shaking chill in the evening and morning, followed by f From the flowers. VOL. VII.—6 82 NUX MOSCHATA. decided heat/2.—Slight chilliness, with some colic and pain in the small of the back, little appetite, white-coated tongue, pressive pain in the soft palate, with difficult respiration, on account of pressive pain upon the cbest, ana great sleepiness, in the evening (third day)/.-At 9 p.m felt chilly, amount- in a to a shake, with coldness, commencing in lower limbs; this was suc- ceeded by several chills, with marked intervals of immunity between, last- ing for several minutes; conscious during chills,*^* a.desire to sleep be- tween them if left alone, the movements of those around her alone prevent- in- her from sleeping,76.-[560.] Chilliness, associated with pain in the small of the back, towards evening, in the open air, and from external cold, increasing to a shaking chill, entirely disappearing in awarm room; to- gether with dulness of the head, especially of the forehead diminished appetite, and somewhat slimy tongue, with a very lively and cheerfu mood, disposed to make fun, in the evening (eighth day)/.-Chilhness, extending from the loins, immediately increasing when going to stool; he experienced nothing of it in a warm room (first day),6.—She complained of her hands feeling very cold and numb ; sister says her hands were icy cold,' .—bensa- tion of coldness in the feet, with heat of the hands (first day), .—*eet cold " — Fever. Temperature 29.8° C. (before taking), 30.1° C ; (after five hour's and fifteen minutes)/5.—Great heat of the face and hands, with pros- tration and hvpochondriac mood, for several forenoons/1.—Heat in the cheeks, with slight redness, immediately/.—Uneasiness all night, dry heat, sleeplessness, dry, sticky lips and tongue, without thirst; sensation as if all the vessels were throbbing; a throbbing pressive pain, especially on the head, in small circumscribed spots, especially in the left superciliary ridge, .— An agreeable sensation of warmth in the hands and feet, in the evening (first day)/2.—Sweat. [570.] Bloody perspiration/3.f—Although hitherto he was inclined to perspire, now his skin was constantly dry,6. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), On waking, throat and mouth dry ; tongue cleaves to roof of mouth ; pain in left anterior molars, extending into right molars; spasmodic stitches in heart, with slight colic; sneezing ; crawling and tickling in right side of chest; throbbing headache above left eye ; headache in forehead ; pain in small spot in forehead above left eye; pain in right eye; while standing, pain in anterior surface of left leg; thin evacuation; chalky taste; after taking milk, diarrhoea; pressive pain in right cheek ; taste as after intoxication ; burrowing pain in soles of feet; griping pain in joints of left little finger; sleepiness.—(Forenoon), Pressive pain in top of head; stitches in right ear; lively; laughing; bright; nausea.—(Noon), Great hunger.—(Afternoon), Headache in right side; headache; 5 p.m., cutting pain in cardiac orifice; plucking sensation in abdomen and liver; pain in liver; burning in oesophagus.—(Evening and morning), Shaking chills.—(Toward evening), Abdomen distended, with nausea; twisting about navel; when walking, oppression of chest. (Evening), Dull head; slimy tongue; cheerful mood ; colic ; pain in small of back; coated tongue; pain in soft palate ; difficult respiration; sleepi- ness ; dryness in the eyes ; head and forehead dull; eyes would close from sleep; headache; dryness of mouth ; painfulness of left upper and lower molars; sticking in front teeth; pain in forepart of chest; oppression ; pressure, with difficult respiration ; during rest, pain in small of back ; in bed, griping at the umbilicus; sensation in rectum of diarrhoea; difficult stool; flatulent troubles; griping colic; hands and feet warm.—(Night), f In an elderly woman, from the use of all kinds of spices, especially of nutmeg. NUX MOSCHATA—NUX VOMICA. 83 After lying down, warmth and throbbing in right foot; uneasiness; dry heat; sleeplessness; sticky lips and tongue; throbbing sensation in throat; pressure in head; convulsions; slimy feeling in mouth; thirst; dryness;. sensation of flour on palate; tongue seems dry, and feels like leather; palate dry; nose stopped with mucus; cutting, commencing at navel, extend- ing toward sides ; after lying down, boring pain in toe of right foot; in bed, griping in umbilical region.—(Toward midnight), Diarrhoea.—(As- cending stairs), Pain in right knee; weakness and numbness of limbs; weight and oppression of chest.—(Draft of damp air), Pain in cervical muscles.—(Drawing air into mouth), Painfulness of incisors and anterior molars.—(Drinking), Cold water, jerking in back teeth, without pain.— (Eating), Teeth painful.—(After eating), Want of breath ; scraping eruc- tations.—(Lying down), Boring pain in big toe of right foot.—(Raising head from pillow), Deathly sickness.—(Reading), Absence of mind.—(Res- piration), Forenoon, pain in chest, about diaphragm.—(Rest), Drawing pains in muscles of extremities.—(Riding in carriage), Painful sensation of heat from within ear to pharynx; pain in back.—(Standing), Drawing in calves; dizziness; at desk, right leg asleep; pain in shoulders; pressure from abdomen to pit of stomach.—(Stepping), Pain in foot; tingling in toes.—(Stool), Chilliness in loins.—(Straightening up), Rush of blood to head; quivering of heart; palpitation; intermitting pulse; constriction about abdomen.—(Swallowing), Scraping sensation in throat.—(Talking), Loud jerklike drawing in left upper back teeth.—(Touchingpart), Pain in inner portion of thigh.—(On urinating), Pain in urethra.—(On waking), From midday nap, head compressed from forehead to sinciput; voice sup- pressed.—( Walking), In evening, reeling ; constriction in right side of upper abdomen ; pain in muscles of right thigh ; weakness of lower limbs; reel- ing ; stumbling.—( Writing), In bed, thoughts vanish. Amelioration.—(Evening), Appetite.—(After eating), Head symp- toms.—(Lying down), Drawing in calves.—(Keeping quiet), Colic.—(Mov- ing), Stoppage of nose.—(Pressure), Colic in umbilical region.—(Straighten- ing up), Oppression upon chest.—(Warm room), Chilliness. NUX VOMICA. Strychnos nux vomica, Linn. Natural order, Loganiacese. Common names, Poison-nut; Kuchila (Bengal); (G.), Kraehenaugen ; (Fr.), Noix vomique; (also known as false angustura bark). Preparation, Tincture or trituration of the seed. Authorities. (Nos. 1 to 18 from Hahnemann, R. A. M. L., 1, fourth ed.); 1, Hahnemann; 2, Flaeraing; 3, Fried. Hahnemann; 4, Stapf; 5, Wahle; 6, Bergius, Mat. Med. ("from 10-grain doses in a woman suffering from dysentery," Hughes) ; 7, Consbruch, Hufel. Journ., IV, p. 443 (" from 2 drachms of powder in a man," Hughes); 8, Hartmann, Diss. Spicileg. ad nucis vora. usum. Trag. ad Viadr., 1785, p. 20 ("not accessible," Hughes); 9, Hoffmann, Med. rat. Lyst., II, p. 283 ("from 15 grains in a girl of ten," Hughes); 10, Hufel. Journ., d. p. Arz., I, p. 125 ("from 9 grains, in two doses, given to a woman in dysentery," Hughes); 11, Jung- hans, Diss, de nuce vomica, Hal., 1770, p. 13 ("general statement of effect of N. v. on patients," Hughe?); 12, Matthiolus, Comment, in Diosc. libr., IV, Cap. 23 ("no such observation found in work mentioned, but other 84 NUX VOMICA. authors mention his case as that of an old woman killed by a small quan- tity," Hughes); 13, Rademacher, in Hufel. Journ., IV, p. 573 ("from 8 grains given to a man in dysentery," Hughes); 14, Seutter, Diss, de nuce vora., L. B., 1691 (" frora a mixture of N. v. and Gentian, given to a girl in fever," Hughes) ; 15, Strandberg, in Kiernander's Med. lac, p. 269 ("not accessible," Hughes); 16, Thomas a Theussink, Waarnemingeu, XXXIII ("not accessible," Hughes); 17, Veckoskrift for Lakase, II, p. 169 ("not accessible," Hughes); 18, J. P. Wiel, obs. de usu interne nucis vora. et vitr. alb., Viteb., 1771 ("not accessible," Hughes); 19, Kind, Hufel. Journ., 1827 (from Hartlaub and Trinks, Reine Arznm., 3), effects of an indefinite quantity in a young girl who took it with suicidal intent; 20, Basedow, Hufel. Journ., 1828 (from H. and T.), effects of a spoonful of the powdered nut in a girl aged twenty; 21, Kopp, Denkwordigkeiten, I, 121, effects observed in a woman who had suffered for eleven years with vertigo (from H. and T.); 22, Gerson and Julius, Mag. de ausl. Lit. (from H. and T.), case of poisoning of a man aged fifty-six; 23, Robinson, Br. J. of Horn., 25, 325, effects of the 30th dil., three doses, at intervals of half an hour, in an old " male " (man ?) ; 24, same, effects of 30th dil., every morning, in a young "female" (woman?); 25, same, effects of the 1000th dil., one dose, in an old "male;" 26, same, effects of 30th dil., night and morning, in a middle-aged "female;" 27, same, similar to last; 28, same, similar doses in a " male;" 29, same, similar to last; 30, same, one dose of 30th, in a " male;" 31, same, 30th dil., night and morning, in a " female;" 32, Cockburu, Mouth. Horn. Rev., 2, p. 49, effects of two pills, each con- taining H grain of N. v., in a man suffering from a slight nervous affec- tion, " cramps began ten minutes after second pill," that was taken several hours after the first one; 33, Berridge, N. Am. J. of Horn., N. S., Vol. Ill, p. 500, effects of four doses of the 94m (Fincke) ; 34, Berridge, N. E. Med. Gaz., 9, p. 401, effects of the DM dil. (Boericke), taken three times a day, for three days, for a cough (which it removed); 35, same, effects of the 3d dil., "only when taken in the morning;" 36, same, N. Am. J. of Horn., N. S., 4, p. 192, effects of the MM dil. (Boericke), taken in the evening; 37, same, effects of 200th dil. (Lehrmann), in a man ; 38, same, Vol. V, p. 576, proving by Dr. Wilson, with one globule of 200th dil. (Lehrmann), taken in the evening; 39, same, effects of 3d dil., taken three times, at intervals of twelve hours, in a man ; 40, same, effects of one glob- ule of 200th dil. (Lehrmann), taken at 10.30 p.m. ; 41, same, effect of 2m dil. (Jenichen), repeated doses, in self; 42, same, effect of 12th dil. in a man; 43, Oilier, Lond. Med. Repos., 1823, p. 448, a woman took nearly £ ounce of the powder; 44, Tacheron, Lond. Med. Repos., 1823, p. 456, a woman took a drachm, in some wine; 45, Levie, Schmidt Jahrb., 30, 296 (1830), a man took part of a powdered nut; 46, Baynham, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1829, p. 445, a young woman took ^ ounce of the powdered nuts; 47, Bouillaud, Frank's Mag., 4, 649, a man, aged forty-five, took a con- siderable amount of the powdered nuts on his bread and butter; 48, Adel- mann, Hygeia, 13, 3, 67, 1840, effects of a powdered nut in a pregnant girl, taken to cause abortion ; 49, Leonhardt, Med. Zeit. ver Preuss., 1842, Frank's Mag., 1,109, a woman, suffering from various abdominal troubles, took a teaspoonful of a solution of 2 drachms of the alcoholic extract in 2 drachms of water; 50, Wardleworth, Prov. Med. Journ., 1844, p. 447, a woman, aged twenty-six, took an indefinite quantity; 51, Uiff, Lancet, 1849, p. 630, a woman, aged twenty-three, took about \ of an ounce; 52, Lembke, N. Zeit. f. H. Kl., 13, 153 (1850), a man took a spoonful of the NUX VOMICA. 85 tincture, repeated after eight hours; 53, Hassall, Lancet, 1853, p. 385, a man, aged twenty, took about 1| drachm of the powdered nut; 54, Gar're Med. Times and Gaz., N. S., 7, p. 199 (1853), effect of " fifteen pills of the extract of N. v.;" 55, Pharm. Journ., 1853-4, p. 482, effects of about 1 of an ounce in a woman ; 56, Parker, Lancet, 1856, a girl, aged eighteen, took about i ounce; 57, Davies, Med. Times and Gaz., 1856, p.°148, a girl, aged sixteen, took about § an ounce of N. v.; 58, Horn's Archi'v, 1816, effects of H drachm of powdered Nux in a girl aged eighteen ; 59, O'Reilly, Dubl. Med. Press, 1858, poisoning of a man by 6 grains of N. v.; 60, Ley, Med. Times and Gaz., 1858, a man (partly paralyzed and suffer- ing from constipation and vertigo), took 5 grains of the extract, his wife took the same; 61, Harris, a man, aged twenty-eight, took 6 or 8 grains, Am. Med. Times, 1860; 62, Danvin, Ann. d'Hyg., Jan. 1861 (Br. and For. Med.-Chir. Rev., 1861), a girl, aged seven, took 5 centigrams; 63, Chevers, a girl, aged eleven, took 3 grains, but spit some out, Br. and For. Med.-Chir. Rev. Jan. 1867; 64, Stevenson, Guy's Hosp. Rep., 186 9, p. 264, effects of about 8 grains of extract in a boy aged twelve; 65, Baker, Trans. Med. and Phys. Soc. of Calcutta, 1825 (from Husemann), effects of a nut taken by a man on account of commencing leprosy; 66, Horn's Archiv, 1810, Vol. XX, effects of 50 to 60 drops of tincture in three women suffering from pains in the limbs; 67, same, effects of a solution of the ex- tract injected into the veins of an hysterical girl; 68, Chauffard, Recueil period, 1824, effects of 4 grains in a woman of fifty-five (from Husemann); 69, Hecker's Annals, 7, 193, from Sobernheim and Simon, Toxicologic, effects of j an ounce of powdered Nux in a young man. The following effects of " Angusturia spuria" bark are here included. The bark was obtained from Strychnos Nux vomica, L. 70, Emmert, Hufe- land's Journ., Jan. 1815, effects of three spoonfuls of a decoction of 6 drachms in 6 ounces of water, in a boy five years old (from Husemann) ; 71, Marc, Journ. de Pharm., 2, 507, 1816, effects of an infusion for tertian fever (Husemann); 72, Nombur, Journ. de Med., 13, p. 133, 1807, effects when taken for intermittent fever (Husemann) ; 73, Regnault, Journ. Uni- vers. de Sc. Med., 1818, vol. ix, effects of four doses taken for an intermit- tent neuralgia (Husemann); 74, Wurzner, Hahnemann's R. A. M. L., 6, p. 30, effect of 10 or 12 grains of the extract on four persons. ]\Iind.--Emotional. (Anxious, delirious fantasies, in the even- ing in bed, in the ninth hour, as if some one would get into his bed, and there was no room in it; or as if some one had sold his bed, etc.)/.—Slight delirium, a kind of coma vigil,68.—Rushed into the room, exclaiming that her mother had been murdered (after one hour and a half)/7.—He is hasty; looked angrily at any one who asked him a question without an- swering, as though he was obliged to restrain himself to avoid being insult- ing; he was in such an irritable and unrestrained mood that it seemed as though he would like to strike any one in the face who spoke a word to him/.—(Suicide; she throws herself down from a height)/.—The usual pain seems intolerable; she would rather take her life/.—"Very much in- clined to violently reproach others for their faults?.—"He quarrels, reproaches, scolds, insults from jealousy, mingled with unchaste expressions; soon after- wards howls and weeps aloud?.—* Quarrelsome, even to violence,1.—[10.] Pains not endured without loud cries and complaints, mingled with re- proaches and quarrelling/.—He knits his brows and folds his arms/.—He obstinately resists what is desired by others (after one hour)/.—He is fear- ful and frightened, and starts easily ; therewith the head seems intoxicated 86 NUX VOMICA. and is dizzy/.—An intoxication mounting to the head/.—Intoxication (after half an hour)/7.—Intoxication?.—"She cannot tolerate the slightest con- tradiction or the most gentle persuasions to do differently, which make her be- side herself?.—* Oversensitive to impressions upon the senses; he cannot tolerate strong odors or bright light/.—*He cannot tolerate a noise or talking; music and singing affect him/.—[20.] "She cannot endure the slightest ailment?.—Great aversion to fluids, which were swallowed with great difficulty and often not at all/9.—"Taciturn, as if averse to everything?. —She moans and groans piteously without any assignable cause/.—She weeps aloud and sobs (after three hours)/.—Extremely solicitous and in- consolable; breaks out into loud weeping, with complaints and reproaches that at times change to constant groaning, with very red, hot cheeks, with- out thirst,1.—He weeps if the least thing is done contrary to his wishes,1.— She wept occasionally/4.—Extremely tender, gentle mood ; music affects him to tears/.—(While sad she is unable to weep)/.—[30.] Silent grief and sadness/.—Sadness?.—Despondent and fretful/.—Apprehension, op- pression, and a feeling of intoxication, in the evening, while walking/.— Uneasiness, with very easily dilated pupils (after fifty-six hours)/.—"In- tolerable anxiety for an hour?.—"Extraordinary anxiety?.—Extreme anxiety, with violent palpitation, that impels him to suicide, after midnight (after five hours)/.—Extreme anxiety,9.f—Great anxiety; he had to rise from anyplace and wished rather to die/.—[40.] Great anxiety/5.—Anxiety; an anxious solicitude, as though something serious were dreaded, in the morn- ing and afternoon (during the fifth hour)/.—Anxiety, with desire to commit suicide/.—Anxiety and apprehension, as if he had committed a crime/.—Anxiety; he could not remain quietly in anyplace,3.—Anxiety, caused by a suspicious and apprehensive condition of mind, especially during the afternoon hours/.—Anxiety, with orgasm of blood and ill- humor, in the morning on waking; all of these disappearing on rising,1.— Anxiety, that causes perspiration, at least on the forehead/.—Anxiety, causing only internal heat, followed by perspiration on the forehead (after a few hours)/.—Anxious solicitude and irresolution/.—[50.] Anxiety ; in sleep he threw off the covering/.—Anxiety, in the evening, after lying down, followed by sweat after midnight/.—Dreads death/.—She believes that she is near death/.—She was in great alarm, kept fast hold on her husband and refused to let him go/3.—Easily startled/1.—She is peevish and lachrymose/. — She is peevish, thoughtful, takes everything ill-na- turedly, and easily quarrels and scolds (after two, and three hours)/.— "Scornful, peevish, inclined to be angry (after one hour)/.—*She is very much inclined to quarrelsome vexation/.—[60.] Everything miscarries with him; it seems to go contrary (after six hours)/.—*Ill-humored, and very sad after eating/.—Hypochondriac mood after dinner, and still more after supper/.—"Hypochondriac, sullen mood?.—*Very hypochondriac, and affected by the slightest thing, after eating/.—"Ennui; the time seems intolerably long, during the first hours/.—She seeks rest and quiet/.— Laughing and weeping alternately in quick succession,20.—Irresolution ; constant fickleness in his plans/.—Dawdles and is irresolute/.—Intel- lectual. [70.] He scarcely knows-himself on account of excessive flow of ideas, in the morning after rising (after ten hours)/.—She wishes to ac- complish much, but thinks it will not succeed/.—The intellectual faculties f An immediate precursor of death.—Hughes. NUX VOMICA. 87 apparently remained perfect to the last/6.—*Dread of that kind of literary work at which one must think and employ the ideas, whether to be elaborated by writing or delivered orally, in the morning ; but he is not averse to reading or committing to memory (after sixteen hours)/.—"In- ability for mental work; the blood mounts to the head till towards evening/. —The intellectual faculties appeared a little troubled/4.—"Unable to think correctly?.—He thinks that everything miscarries with him/.—He is espe- cially hindered in scientific experiments; he does not himself know why/. —Indolent at every undertaking in business; she soon becomes weary/.— [80.] "He has no patience for work?.—No desire for work/.—He is com- pletely averse to work, though not to moving about (after two hours)/.— He easily makes mistakes while talking and writing, omits syllables and even whole words (after six and twelve hours)/.—Frequently makes mis- takes while talking, has great trouble to find the words, and uses unsuitable expressions; he makes mistakes in weights and measures/.—Taciturn ; slow flow of ideas/.—She remembers scarcely anything from the time of her fall to being brought home,51.—He could with difficulty collect his ideas/.— Clear consciousness of his existence; fine, strong, correct feeling of right and wrong/.—Loss of consciousness/8.—[90.] Stupefaction/8. Head.— Confusion and Vertigo. " Confusion of the head after dinner, that returns after twenty-four hours (after twenty-four, and seventy- two hours)/.—Confusion of the head, as after a night's carousal/.—*In- / toxicated confusion in the head,1.—"Paroxysms of vertigo, as if the brain were turning in a circle, with momentary loss of consciousness?.—Vertigo, with obscuration of vision, while eating, as when one goes suddenly from the cold air into a warm room/.—While lying on the back it was impossi- ble to raise the head on account of vertigo and obscuration of vision (after twenty-four hours)/.—Vertigo, with obscuration of vision/.—Vertigo, while walking after eating, disappearing on standing still (after one hour),1.— Vertigo, as if one neither heard nor saw, with the sneezing, coughing, or on rising after stooping low down/.—[100.] Vertigo, as if the bed were whirling around with her, two evenings in succession, after lying down/.— Vertigo, like a whirling, during eructations/.—*Vertigo after dinner (last- ing an hour and a half)/.—Faintlike vertigo (immediately)/.—"Vertigo, as if he would fall to one side (after sixty-eight hours)/.—Whirling vertigo, while eating/.— Vertigo?1019.—Drawing sensation, with vertigo here and there, in the brain (after six hours)/.—Extreme'giddiness, obliging him to discontinue his work (after four to five days)/6.—While out on an errand was suddenly seized with giddiness,51.—[HO.] Giddiness, a kind of stagger- ing feel (after several days)/1.—Transient giddiness, repeated several times (second day)/8.— Giddiness, with pains shooting through the head, and going off in an instant (after several days)/7.—"Dizzy reeling while walking, as if one would fall to the side or backward?.—Head in General. Ful- ness in head; partial headache; could not study; buzzing in head, disap- pearing in course of evening (second day)/9.—Congestion of the brain, with vertigo, roaring in the ears, and blackness before the eyes/1.—Reeling sen- sation in the brain,1.—*Intoxicated dizzy heaviness of the head, in the morning,1.—Burning in the brain, beneath the frontal bone/.—^Heaviness of the head, in the morning (after four days)/.—[120.] Excessive heavi- ness of the head, on stooping/.—"A stupid feeling in the head if he holds it erect; if he bends it down a sensation in the forehead as if something heavy fell into it?,—A stupid feeling in the head, in the open air and in the sun- light.1.—"Stupefaction in the brain?0.—It seems as though there were an 88 NUX VOMICA. obscuration in the back part of the head/.—*Dulness of the head,58.— Head wonderfully dull; on moving it blood rushes into it, with sluggish- ness of the rest of the body/.—Dull aching in medulla oblongata (second day),38.—"Headache in the middle of the brain, on waking in the morning; felt even before opening the eyes (after twelve hours)/—"Intolerable (bur- rowing?) headache commencing in the morning while lying in bed, disappear- ing after rising (after a few hours)/.—[130.] "Headache commencing a few hours before dinner; worse after eating; followed by violent stitches in the left temple, with nausea and very sour vomiting; the symptoms disappear in the evening, after lying down?.—"(Headache in the morning, a constant picking (dull sticking throbbing); worse on stooping, when it seems as though a piece of the forehead would fall out)?.—Tensive headache, at night/.— "Tearing-drawing headache?.—Tearing headache in the head, extending to the root of the nose and upper jaw, aggravated by walking/.—"Tearing headache after eating, with a feeling of heat in the cheeks and a chilly sensa- tion over the body, at least in the hands?.—Pressive headache (after five minutes)/.—Pressive pain in the middle of the brain, on closing the eyes, like that which occurs after vomiting/.—"Pinching headache?.—"Drawing- jerking headache, in the morning?.—[140.] "Drawing-tearing and burning pain in the head, in the morning (after sixty hours)/.—Drawing pains in the head (after six hours)/.—*Headache composed of heaviness and pres- sure, after dinner, especially on moving the eyes (after sixteen hours)/. —"Headache, like a heaviness, in the brain, in the morning?.—"Headache, on stooping, as if something heavy fell forward in it?.—"Headache, after the slightest thought, while lying down, as if the brain would be pressed asunder?. — Headache; while lying in bed, in the morning, on the left side, a pain in the right hemisphere of the brain, as if torn to pieces; it disappears on lying on the right, painful side (after fifty-two hours)/.—Headache, a pres- sure in the occiput, outward from both sides, as if the posterior portion of the skull were forced asunder, with heat in the brain; relieved for a mo- ment by pressure of the hands; lasting twenty hours (after eleven hours)/. —Headache externally; pain in a raw wind, as if the head were sore ex- ternally, though the spot is not painful to external touch (after six hours)/. —"Headache in the morning, in bed, as if over the surface of the brain, as if the skull would burst (after ten hours)/.—[150.] *Headache, in the morn- ing, in bed, as if the head had been beaten with an axe, disappearing after rising?.—"Headache, in the morning, as if he had not slept at night/.— Headache, shortly before dinner/.—"Headache; the brain seems bruised and beaten?.—Headache, as if the brain were split in two (after eight hours)/. —Headache, as from emptiness/.—*A headache that makes him stupid, in the morning, in bed, on waking, disappearing after rising (after six- teen hours)/.—He woke at night with headache/.—Headache immedi- ately after yawning, in the morning/—"Pain in one-half of the head from time^ to time, as if a nail were constantly forced deeper and deeper into the parietal bone from above downward?.—[160.] Tearing in the vertex fore- head, eyes, with qualmishness and nausea in the region of the chest and weakness of the vocal organs (after two, and twelve hours)/.—Tearing in the head, extending down to the ear (after forty hours)/.—Roaring and whirling in the brain and in the ear/.—Shattering and quaking in the brain, when walking and running/.—Swashing and bubbling in the brain, while walking/.—Painless drawing here and there in the brain/.—* Violent jerking or dull stitches in the left hemisphere of the brain, extending from the orbit towards the parietal bone and occiput, soon after eating (after ten hours)/. NUX VOMICA. 89 —Some violent stitches in the head (after six hours)/.—Some beats or jerks in the head/.—Jerks in the head (after eight hours)/.—Forehead and Temples. [170.] It seems as though there were an obscuration in front of the head (in the forehead), in the evening, in the open air, as if consciousness would vanish for a moment (after twenty-four hours)/.—■ Drawing movements back and forth in the forehead, extending to the root of the nose/.—*Pressive pain in the forehead, as if he had not slept enough,5.—* Pressive and throbbing headache in the vertex from fixed attention of mind?.—Pressive headache above the right orbit in the morning in bed, if he lies on the right side, disappearing if he lies on the other side or back/. —Pressive headache in the forehead, relieved by laying the head upon a table, aggravated in the open air, with weariness in the feet after going upstairs (after three hours)/.—"Pressive headache over the left eye and pain in the bones, as if he had received a bruise; could not open the eye?.—*Ten- sive headache in the forehead/.—Buzzing in the forehead, in the afternoon and evening/.—Sticking and pressure above the eyelids/.—[180.] "Draw- ing pain first in the temples, then in the forehead', then in the occiput?.—Pain in both temples from exerting the head/.— Vertex and Parietals. Pressing-downward drawing pain deep in the head, in the region of the vertex/.—Headache drawing upward in the right half of the brain, near the ear (after one hour)/.—One-sided headache (from 4 p.m. till night), with weakness and weariness/.—Occiput and External Head. Pain in the occiput, as if the brain were pressed forward or bruised/.— "Pressive headache in the occiput, in the morning, immediately after rising from bed?.—At the time of the menses headache in the occiput, as from an ulcer in the brain and as if suppurating; it was far more painful on lying down than when standing up/.—Drawing in the head posteriorly, as if she were chilly there (after one hundred and twenty hours),6.—Drawing pain in the external parts of the head/.—[190.] Headache externally; pain in the scalp, aggravated by touch?.—Headache externally; the scalp on the vertex is painful on touch, as if beaten/.—Headache externally, as if the hair on the occiput were painful/.—Headache externally; pain in the scalp, as if beaten; the hair stood up on this place and was painful to touch (after eight hours)/. Eye.—Objectice. Glistening, staring eyes/.—Eyes staring from the head, frequently turned upward, so that one could not see the pupils/9.—■ Eyes wild (after half an hour),51.—Eyes sunken, and moved with a rapid motion,59.—"Swelling of the eyes, with red streaks in the whites and pressive- tensivepain?.—"Inflammation of the eyes?.—[200.] "The eyes run water, as in a moist inflammation of the eyes (lippitudo) or as in stopped coryza?.—- Blood oozes from the eye/.—Dryness of the right eye (after one hour)/.— Eyes wide open/".—"Blinking of the eyes?1.—Eyes closed; on opening them the eyes were found turned upward and rigid, pupils rather contracted, rather insensible to light/8.—"Painless injection of the whites of the eyes (after fourteen hours)/.—Subjective. Sensitiveness of the eyes/1.— Movements of the eyes difficult on account of stiffness of the muscles of the eyes/2.—Pain in the left eye, as if beaten, with purulent mucus in the ex- ternal canthus (after five days)/.—[210.] (Pain, like needle stitches, in the eyes)/.—"Biting in the eyes, especially in the external canthi, as from salt, with lachrymation?.—"Itching in the eyes, relieved by rubbing?.—Crawling burning in the eyes/.—Burning in the eyes, without inflammation/.— Bvoiv, Lids, and Lachrymal Apparatus. The right eyebrow is painful to touch/.—Twitching of the eyelids/.—Burning-itching pain in 90 NUX VOMICA. the lid/.—Drawing-tearing pains in the eyelids/.—*The margin of the lid is painful, as if rubbed sore, especially on touch and in the morning/.—[220.] "Pressure in the upper lids, especially in the morning?.—Constriction in the eyelids, as from heaviness of the upper lids, with a gush of tears/.—The external canthus is agglutinated with matter, in the morning/.—Painless redness of the left external canthus, in the morning/.—"The inner canthus is painful, as if sore and rubbed (after two hours)/.—"Canthi purulent?.— "The canthi are painful, as if sore?.—"A smarting dry sensation in the in- ner canthi, in the morning, in bed/.—Biting in the inner canthi, as from acrid tears, in the evening, in bed/.—* While yawning, in the morning, the eyes stand full of water, with lachrymation?.—Ball and Pupil. [230.] Itching on the eyeball (after two hours)/.—Pupils dilated, with very slow respiration/.—Pupils more dilated than natural,51.—Pupils dilated (after one hour and a half),64.—Pupils dilated (after three hours),63.—Pupils di- lated/1 58.—Pupils contracted (first hours)/.—Pupils slightly contracted (after three-quarters of an hour),53. — Pupils contracted,20.—Vision. "Vision extremely sensitive?1.—[240.] (Complete obscuration of vision, like amaurosis, for a few hours), (after twenty-four hours)/.—Loss of sight for two hours (third day)/4.—"Vision cloudy, for three days,20.—Vision distorted/9.—Objects seem more distinct to the vision than usual/3.—Flick- ering; glistening flickering on the outer portion of the field of vision, especially in the left side, in the forenoon (Herz's false vertigo), (after twenty-four hours)/.—(Black and gray points float before the eyes, with a stupefaction of the head)/.—intolerance of the daylight, in the morning, with obscuration, of vision?.—^Photophobia/.—Far-sighted, presbyopia/. Ear.—[250.] Sticking pressure externally in the meatus auditorius/. —Pain within the ear, as if composed of pinching and earache (after twelve hours)/.—Sharp thrusts within the ear (after eight hours)/.—Some sharp thrusts within the ear, like earache (after six hours)/.—Tearing stitches within the ear, extending inward, towards evening (after six hours)/. —Creeping, crawling, and itching within the ear/.—"Itching within the ear, through the Eustachian tube, which compels frequent swallowing, and disturbs the rest at night?.—Stitches in the ears, in the morning, in bed, that com- pel crying out (after nine days)/.—(Feeling of hollowness in the ears, in the morning, so that his own words re-echo in the ears, disappearing after dinner), (after five days)/.—Hearing. Hearing extremely sensitive,47. —[260.] "A ringing hissing in the ears?.—"Ringing in the ears (after two, and four hours)/.—(Roaring and humming in the ears, as from bees)/.— "Roaring in the ears, in the morning, after rising (after twelve hours)/.— Chirping, as from locusts, in the ears, at night/.—Rushing in the ears, as if in a fulling machine, at night/. Nose.—Nostrils wide open/8.—*Profuse discharge of mucus from one nostril, that seems obstructed by dry catarrh (after one hour)/.—"Dis- charge of nasal mucus, without coryza?.—*Frequent discharge of mucus from both nostrils, that seem obstructed by dry catarrh (after twenty hours)/.—[270.] "Bloody mucus in the nose (after one hour)/.—Constant bleeding of the nose/.—"Discharge of acrid liquid from the nose?.—Dis- charge of clotted blood from the nose, in the morning/.—*Fluent coryza, in the morning,1.—* Coryza fluent during the day, and stopped at night/. —* Coryza in the morning and after dinner,1.—*Real coryza, with scrap- ing in the throat, crawling and creeping in the nose, and sneezing (after one hour)/.—"Constant heat in the nose, and frequent premonitions of coryza?. —Dry catarrh in the morning, with extreme dryness of the mouth/'.—[280.] NUX VOMICA. 91 *Catarrh, with headache, heat in the face, chilliness, and much mucus in the throat?.—^Frequent sneezing/.—* Sneezing, in the morning, in bed, but after rising sudden fluent coryza,1.—(Air passes through the nose, but it is dry)/.—"The nostril internally is painfully sensitive?.—"The anterior an- gles of the nostrils are painful, as if ulcerated, and as if one were cutting into a wound (after one, and ten hours)/.—"Itching in the obstructed nose, as in dry coryza?.—^Intolerable itching in the nose/3.—Smell. Increased acute- ness of smell (after one hundred and thirty-two hours)/.f—Offensive breath through the nose/.—[290.] Bad odor from the mouth, that he himself does not notice, in the morning, after rising/.—Offensive breath and exhalations from the mouth, that he himself does not notice, in the morning, with a clean tongue and unaltered taste (after a few hours)/.—Food and drink have a disgusting odor/.—Illusions of smell, a sulphurous odor in the nose/. —Illusion of smell; it seemed as though she was smelling bad cheese,1.— Illusion of smell; in the evening he seems to smell a smoking caudle- wick/. Face.— Objective. Scarlet redness of the face, and afterwards of the entire body (after several days)/8.—His face and neck became quite scarlet, the feet being very cold (after four to five days)/6.—Intense redness of the face (after four to five days)/1.—Face very red, swollen/.—[300.] Face of a livid red/9.—The right side of the face, upon which she was lying, was red, somewhat swollen, hanging down/8.—Face red/1.—Face flushed and suffused/1.—The color of the face suffering, pale, earthy, yellowish, though the whites of the eyes were unchanged/.—Face of a dusky hue (after one hour),61.—Countenance pallid,57.—"Paleness of the face?0.—Countenance ex- pressive of the most painful suffering and distress/9.—Face expressing suf- fering (after half an hour)/4.—[310.] Face distorted/9.—Features distorted, anxious/5.—Features altered/7.—Countenance anxious (after three hours),63. —Twitching of the muscles of the face, in the evening, after lying down/. —"Twitching of the muscles of the face?6.—A twitching as if the right side of the face were being drawn by a thread, in the evening/.—"Spasmodic distortion of the facial muscles?"'.—Feeling of tension in the face, about the mouth, eyes, and nose, with visible distension of other places/.—Painless drawing in the face on stooping/.—[320.] Sensation in the face as if many ants were creeping over it/2.};—Cheeks. Cheeks and eyeballs flushed/4. —Crawling here and therein the cheeks, which were red and hot (after one to twelve hours)/.—"Drawing and stiffness in the masseter muscles?2.—Per- sistent sensitiveness of the masseter muscles/1.—Sensation in the masseter muscles and jaws as if tetanus would occur, or as if the jaws would be drawn together, though their motion remains free,1.—Lips. Lips wide open/8.—Lips drawn apart.74.—"An ulcer on the inner surface of the lower lip, painful to touch?.—A single hair of the beard on the lip is painful to touch, as if a splinter were sticking in (after five hours)/.—[330.] Stitches in the upper and lower lips, in the morning/.—"Sensation of soreness on the inner surface of the lower lip?.—Jaws. " Tetanic rigidity of the jaw set in and the teeth became so firmly closed together as to render all attempts to intro- duce the stomach-pump unavailing/6.—"Closure of the jaws, with complete consciousness?3.—"Drawing pain in the muscles of the jaws?.—"Drawing- tearing pain in the jaws?.—"Lower jaw tetanically pressed, against the upper?*. f Only the curative action succeeding the previous opposite condition.—Hahne- mann. % Connected with S. 287.—Hughes. 92 NUX VOMICA. —"Real trismus, so that he was unable to speak?1.—Contraction of the jaws, like lockjaw (after several days)/9.f Mouth.—Teeth. Looseness of the teeth?.—[340.] Looseness of a sound tooth, that is only painful when knocked against/.—A sound tooth, that had never been loose, fell out/.—A loose tooth, with a dull pain caused by chewing, late in the evening and in the morning, before rising (after twelve hours)/.—Several jerks in various teeth, always ending with a stitch, in the open air/.—"Pain in a hollow tooth, extending to the head, if air enters the mouth?.—* Constant sore pain in the teeth, aggravated by exerting the mind and by reflecting?.—Pain as if air were entering a hollow tooth, on taking a deep breath (in the open air)/.—Drawing pain in a hollow tooth, if sucked with the tongue/.—"Drawing toothache, with stitches in an indefinite tooth?.—Drawing toothache, caused by warm drinks and soup/.—[350.] "Drawing toothache, with stitches in one row of teeth, especially on drawing in the air with open mouth, (after a quarter of an hour)/.—"Drawing toothache, now in an upper, now in a lower back tooth, then drawing in other teeth to- ward the front, especially just after eating, at night and in the evening, with red spots on the cheeks and throat, with, a complaining mood, full of reproaches and despondency?.—"Burrowing toothache on exerting the mind and reflect- ing, followed by painfulness of a gland below the angle of the lower jaw, towards evening (after nine hours)/.—Boring-gnawing toothache, that is neither aggravated nor relieved by touch or chewing, but relieved by draw- ing in cold air, and aggravated by going into a warm room/.—Tearing toothache, that at first attacks a hollow tooth, then soon all the upper jaw, then all the lower, then extending through the bones of the face into the head and temple of the same side, returning by paroxysms, relieved for a time by sleep, renewed by cold water or a crumb of food getting into the hollow tooth (after two hours)/.—Jerking toothache, rhythmical with the pulse, with swelling of the gum/.—Jerking toothache, with jerking in the ear, with twisting screwing in the ear, in the morning, immediately on waking, and in the evening/.—Jerking toothache, as if caused by the swell- ing of the gum/.—Sticking toothache in several teeth in both jaws/.—Dull sticking toothache in an upper incisor,5.—[360.] Constant toothache while walking in the open air, like a quiet sore sensation, especially on opening the mouth/.—Toothache in the morning, as from soreness of the gum/.—Tooth- ache after dinner, at first a sensation of beating or sticking, afterwards a tingling like a painful buzzing, that extends to the eyes, and is aggravated on walking in the open air, that also from time to time lasts into the night, when it is relieved if she wraps up the cheeks very warmly ; when it reap- pears it always commences with needle-like stitches/.—Toothache, as if a tooth were out of place and were loose, with some coarse stitches, only no- ticed on drawing in the open air with the open mouth/.—Taking cold", and toothache like fire or fine burning stitches on the slightest exposure to the open air/.—Gums. Gums red/4.—Ulcer on the gum of the incisors, with drawing-burning pain/.—Swelling of the gums?.—Gum swollen as thick as the finger, with bubbling pain, as in an ulcer, on account of which she could not eat for five days/.—Swelling of'the gum, with toothache, com- mencing with pressure (after one hour)/.—[370.] Swelling of the gum, with a pain like a bubbling, as if an ulcer would break/.—Gum swollen, with drawing pain/.—Painful swelling of the gum, with painful pimples on the inner surface of the lips and on the tongue, as in mercurial salivation,.1.— f He thought he was taking Strychnine, this medicine, prescribed many years ago by his allopathic physician, having caused much the same symptoms. NUX VOMICA. 93 Swelling of the gum, with toothache, before dinner/.—Tongue. Tongue coated white, protruded only with difficulty/5.—"Tongue white (after twenty hours)/.—Tongue inflamed and contracted.44.—"Painful blisters on thetongue (after six hours)/.—"Tongue heavy, noticed in talking'?1 .—Such great heavi- ness of the tongue that she was unable to speak distinctly/1.—[380.] Tongue inclined to be dry,51.—Tongue rather dry (second day)/3.—Stitches in the tip of the tongue, after lying down for the midday nap (after two hours)/.— Itching on the left side of the root of the tongue/.—General Mouth. The mouth is drawn to one side/3.f—Mouth tightly closed/9.—The mouth and fauces are covered with mucus in the morning, with yellow hardened mucus in the canthi (after sixteen hours)/.—Spitting of blackish, almost clotted blood, at first at 2 a.m., then about 2 p.m., with a peculiar taste in the mouth and an odor of blood in the nose, and at the same time a little blood is always blown from the nose/.—Swelling of the roof of the palate and uvula, as from adherent mucus, especially noticed on swallowing (after eight hours)/.—Swelling of the palate, with pressive pain, even when not swallowing, and a biting sensation in the palate posteriorly (after thirty- two hours)/.—[390.] Painful pimples on the palate anteriorly behind the upper incisors (after forty hours)/.—"The internal mouth, gum, tongue, and palate are slimy, and feel raw and, sore, as from something acrid?.—Dryness of the forepart of the mouth, especially on the tip of the tongue/.—"Dry- ness of the mouth, in the morning, without thirst, as if he had taken alcoholic stimulants theprevious evening?.—"Drynessof the mouth after midnight, as if the tongue stuck to the palate, without thirst, though with much accumulation of saliva in the fauces (after five hours)/.—Sticking-drawing pain extending to the inner ear, almost like a cramp, on chewing and compressing the jaws (after four hours)/.—Offensive exhalations seem to him to come from the mouth, after eructations/.—"Bad odor from the mouth (second day)/5. —"Offensive breath after dinner (after thirty-six hours)/.—"Sour-smell- ing breath?.—Saliva. [400.] Frequent accumulation of saliva in the mouth (first twelve hours)/.—Frequent accumulation of watery saliva is discharged from the mouth (after waterbrash)/.—Profuse discharge of water from the mouth, on stooping, without nausea/.—Mouth covered with saliva, which he ejected by spasmodic jerks, strongly reminding me of a case of hydrophobia I had seen some time before/9.—Discharge of saliva from the mouth while asleep (after twenty hours)/.—Bloody saliva/.—Taste. *Bad taste in the mouth in the morning, though food and drink have a natural taste/.—"Bad taste in the mouth in the morning, before eating, dis- appearing after eating?.—"A bad taste low doivn in the throat, on hawking (after two hours)/.—Bad taste, as from hollow teeth, in the morning/.— [410.] "Bad taste in the mouth?.—*Sour taste in the mouth/.—Food and drink have a sour taste in the mouth/.—"Sour taste, especially in the morn- ing?.—Sour taste and sour odor from the mouth/.—Sour taste after drink- ing milk/.—"Bitter taste in the mouth in the morning, though food and drink have a natural taste?.—"Sour taste in the mouth, immediately after swal- lowing food that had a natural taste?.—Bitter taste on spitting out saliva/. —The mouth has a bitter taste, but not the food/.—[420.] *Bitter taste low down in the throat, on expectorating the mucus from the chest/.— (Salty taste in the mouth)/.—Hawking up salty mucus from the fauces/.— Coppery taste (after several days)/7.—(He notices a sweetish offensive taste f The original is " Zuriick-gezogen," drawn backwards.—Hughes. 94 NUX VOMICA. and odor about himself)/.—Beer has an herby taste/.—A nauseous herby taste in the throat, almost like that of carrots (after one hour)/.—A putrid taste in the mouth/.—A disagreeable, almost sulphurous, odor and taste in the mouth and nose/.—A bad, slimy taste, composed of an herby and me- tallic taste, with ill-humor and laxity, in the morning/.—[430.] Taste in mouth as from a disordered stomach/.—Bread has a smoky taste/.—Bread or rolls have a sour taste, but not other food/.—"The taste of milk in the morning is disgusting, as if spoiled?.—He has but little or no taste frora eating; food seems to have no taste at all/.—She has no taste for milk, in the morning/.—He has no taste for coffee (after three hours)/.—He has no taste for meat/.—Speech. Speech is difficult/.—"Speech difficult, lisp- ing with the tongue?1.—[440.] * Unable to articulate any sound (after half an hour)/4.—Speech constantly interrupted by sighs, weak, monosyllabic, often quite unintelligible,49.—Speech very much interrupted by the frequent spasms of the extremities and spine (opisthotonos)/5. Throat. — *Throat rough from catarrh,1. — Pressive-sticking sore throat, as if a plug were sticking in it, noticed even more when not than when swallowing/.—*The throat is painful as if raw and sore, at the palate,1.—*Rawness in the throat that provokes cough,1.—"Pain in the throat, like a rawness, while swallowing (without sticking)/.—*Sore throat; a sore rawness in the fauces, only noticed on drawing in cold air, and on swallowing?.—Sore throat, as from swelling on the palate, not perceptible while drinking/.— [450.] Sore throat; a pressure in the throat, only no- ticed on swallowing saliva, not noticed on swallowing food/.—Sore throat; a sensation of swelling in the pharynx, even in the morning, in bed, more when swallowing than when not/.—*Scraped feeling in the throat, as after heartburn/.—"Scraping and scratching in the throat, as if the skin were scratched off with a sharp instrument, not noticed on swallowing?.—"Scraping in the throat and orifice of the larynx, as after rancid heartburn (after eight hours)/.—Such sharpness hi the throat, only while coughing, that there is a pain in the pit of the throat (after two hours)/.—Tickling in the region of the roof of the palate, that provokes dry cough (after forty-eight hours)/. —Crawling from below upward, in the pharynx, in the evening after lying down, during the menses/.—Great dryness posteriorly in the throat, after dinner/.—A rising up and burning, extending into the throat/.—[460.] Burning in the throat, at night; she was obliged to sit; on lying down it was worse/.—Burning sensation about throat and stomach (after half an hour)/3.—Burning and suffocating sensation about throat and chest (after three hours),63.—Stitches in the upper part of the throat, in the afternoon (after seven hours)/.—Itching stitches in the throat, extending to the ears, on swallowing or moving the jaws/.—Some stitches in the sides of the throat, when not swallowing, especially noticed on stooping and going up- stairs (after one hour, and twenty-four hours)/.—"Drawing pain in the muscles of the throat?.— T)vula and Fauces. Stitches in the uvula and in the submaxillary gland, when swallowing, with shivering during the day, perspiration at night and headache/.—He woke in the mornino- with very dry fauces, and after rising he noticed a very bad odor from the throat/. —Burning in the fauces, like a heartburn/.—Eharynx and (Esoph- agus. [470.] "Pharynx constricted?*.—Burning sensation in the pharynx (after a quarter of an hour)/4.—Burning in the oesophagus, extending to the mouth/.—"Swallowing impeded?*. Stomach.—Appetite. Great hunger, also in the morning (after fifteen hours)/.—Hunger; but after eating ever so little he was immedi- NUX VOMICA. 95 atelv satisfied and filled up (after three hours)/.—"Hunger, though with aversion to food?.—Periodic ravenous hunger, in the afternoon, especially after drinking weiss beer, after a small swallow of which he became hungry; if the hunger passed away without eating, he felt quite full and satisfied/.—His appetite disappears after walking (for half an hour)/.— Constant loss of appetite,8.—[480.] Diminished appetite/.—* Want af appe- tite and constant nausea (after several days)/7.—No relish for food ; soon satisfied (fifth day)/6.—He eats without appetite/.—Desire for sauces with my food ; usually I do not care for them, but live very plainly ; this desire lasted several weeks, then ceased,33.—Longing for tobacco, during the first hours/.—* Aversion to the usual food and drink, and the customary to- bacco and coffee/.—"Food disgusts him?.—"After eating, aversion to the food just eaten, especially if she does not lie down?.—* Aversion to food (im- mediately)/.—[490.] Special aversion to bread/.—Aversion to rye bread ; it causes a collection of water in the mouth/.—He is averse to sour (black) bread/.—Thirst. Excessive thirst/2.—Tormented with incessant thirst/3. —"Excessive thirst for small beer, after the morning sweat?.—Thirst ardent/4. —Much thirst (second day)/3.—She called frequently for drink/3.—Thirst in the afternoon and evening/.—[500.]'Thirst, without heat of the body, and yet drink distresses the stomach (after six hours)/.—"Thirst for beer during a chill (after twenty-four hours)/.—"Thirst for small beer, with shivering (after two hours)/.—"(Thirst for milk)?.—"Thirsty, yet averse to water and beer/.—* Thirst and good relish for drink, but drinking is soon followed by qualmishness, nausea, in the evening (after twelve hours)/.— Eructations. Frequent eructations/.—Painful eructations/.—Eructa- tions of a sour taste and odor, with yawning (three hours after eating), (after eight hours)/.— Eructations after eating and drinking,1.—[510.] "Sour eructations all day (second day)/8.—"Sour eructations, coining as far forward as the tongue, after walking in the morning/.—*Eructations of bitter and sour liquid (after six hours)/.—"Eructations of bitter sour liquid, at night (after twelve hours),1.—"Bitter eructations while fasting?.—Offen- sive exhalations from mouth, and vertigo on stooping/.—"It frequently seems as if she would eructate, but she does not; it then seems as if the oesoph- agus were constricted by a spasm?.—"Rising of water into the mouth, after eating?.—Hiccough and Heartburn. "Frequent hiccough, without cause?. — Hiccough before dinner (after twenty-four hours)/. — [520.] "Heartburn?.—Rancid heartburn, as after overloading the stomach with rancid fat (after six hours)/.—Nausea and Vomiting. "Constant nausea and want ofappetite (after several days)/7.—*Nausea,'-6?.—*Nausea, even in the morning/.—* Nausea in the morning, affecting the body here and there, as if everything were fermenting (after twelve hours)/.—Nausea, an hour before dinner (after sixteen hours)/.—*Nausea after dinner (after forty hours)/.—*Q,ualmish nausea after eating (qualmishness)/.—Nausea (about 5 p.m.), (after twenty hours)/.—[530.] Nausea in the pit of the stomach, in the afternoon, though not amounting to vomiting (after three days)/.—"After anxiety nausea, and rapid respiration, then dry cough caused by the nausea, with qualmishness and voniiting/.—Nausea after dinner and drink, followed by thirst, and after drinking abdomen distended, as if swollen/.—Nausea, and efforts to vomit, without vomiting (after one hour)/5.—When she wishes to eat she is attacked with nausea/.—"A kind of faintness during dinner, with nausea and flushes of heat, all of which dis- appear on lying down?.—* Smoking makes him nauseated and qualmish (after three hours, and eight hours)/.—* Qualmishness immediately after 96 NUX VOMICA. eating/.—* Qualmishness about the heart, with nausea, and accumulation of saliva, in the morning; in the afternoon, shivering?.—Qualmishness about the heart/.—[540.] "A feeling after eating as if he were .sick, and had, notwith- standing his sickness, overloaded himself with food?. — "Qualmishness during the morning sweat?.—"Qualmishness for an hour after dinner (after three hours)/.—Qualmishness with a clean tongue after palpitation/6.—"After din- ner he suddenly became qualmish and nauseated; followed by vertigo and attacks of faintness, after many eructations without taste or odor (after thirteen days)/.—* After a meal he is qualmish, anxious, nauseated, and sick, as after a violent purge ; the sensation rises up from the pit of the stomach?.— Complained of being very sick, made many attempts to vomit/3.—incli- nation to vomit (soon)/1.— Violent vomiting?"1.— Vomiting?5.—[550.] Copi- ous vomiting, after large quantities of milk/4.—Vomiting, several times (after one hour),3.—*Vomiting of sour-smelling and sour-tasting mucus, towards evening, with headache like a tearing (f) around about the lower por- tion of the skull (after nine hours)/.—* Vomiting of sour mucus, in the forenoon (after twenty hours)/.—*Retching, as if. to vomit, while hawk- ing the mucus from the fauces (after four hours)/.—Efforts at vomiting,9, f —Efforts to vomit/9.—*Hozmatemesis?.—Haematemesis, or raising of blood from the stomach (after one hour)/.—Stomach in General. "Dis- tension of the pit of the stomach, that is painful to touch?.—[560.] "The epi- gastric region is very sensitive to external pressure; could not allow the hand to lie upon the stomach without causing nausea?.—* Constant pain in the stomach?''.—* Complained of violent pains about the stomach and chest (after ten minutes)/5.—"Stomach painful; on the second day attended with coliclike pains in the bowels,u.—"Pain and a sense of weight and heat in the stomach (after a quarter of an hour)/4.—"Pains in the epigastric region,".—[Chronic pain in the stomach and upper abdomen],6.—" Constrictive pinching pain in the stomach?.—Pain in the stomach, as if beaten, shortly before eating, disappearing on eating/.—Woke about 2 a.m. (after three hours and a half), with constant pains at stomach-pit, sometimes cutting; fell asleep, woke again about 5 a.m., with the same pains, which went lower after a time; bowels felt sore; stomach and abdomen tender to touch ; at 8 a.m., took Seidlitz powder; at 8.30 a.m., pain in small of back, off and on; occasional pain-like twinges (as after a strong mercurial pill) in region of liver, and to a less extent in region of spleen ; at 9.45, bowels feel easier from the pain and cutting if he lies on right side ; not so easy when lying on left side or back; still feel sore ; a hot-water tin applied to stomach re- lieved the pains; lay in bed till noon ; when dressing, felt very sore at pit of stomach, extending a little way up chest; also pain in small of back, also little (twinges) in both sides; about 12.30 p.m., after sitting down, after having risen from bed, pain felt around abdomen and small of back, but soon decreased ; 1 p.m., only slight pains in abdomen, now and then, with slight soreness ; now and then, slight cutting pains in bowels; all this soon went off. Seidlitz powders never cause these symptoms in him,40.— [570.] * Cramp in the stomach, clawing in the stomach, after midnight, to- wards morning, as from a purge, changing to a burning in the pit of the stomach?.—* Tension in the stomach?.—*Tension above the stomach/.— Tension transversely across the epigastric region, above the stomach, about 3 p.m., followed by a pain as if everything in it were raw and sore/.— Pressure in the pit of the stomach, with distension, after eating/.—"Spas- f Original revised by Hughes. NUX VOMICA. 97 modic pressive pain from the pharynx to the pit of the stomach, in the morn- ing?.—* Pressure as from a stone, in the upper abdomen (epigastrium), in the morning, aggravated by walking, relieved while sitting (after fourteen hours)/.—^Pressure in the stomach, after eating a little, in the morning/.—"Pressure in the (pit, of the) stomach?.—* Pressure in the stom- ach after eating, and a metallic and herby taste returns/. — [580.] Pressure a few inches below the pit of the stomach causing eructations/.— ^Pressure, as from a stone in the stomach/.—*Pressive pain in the epi- gastric region, as from overloading the stomach, immediately after eat- ing (after five hours),1.—^Pressure in the pit of the stomach, in the morn- ing, followed by cutting in the abdomen, and constant nausea (after twenty-four hours)/.—Pressure below the pit of the stomach, especially after walking in the open air, that is not relieved after sitting, for a quarter of an hour/.—* Tightness of breath, causing pressure in the pit of the stomach, with distension in the abdomen, immediately after drinking (after two hours)/. —Fluttering, sinking feel at epigastrium, with palpitation (after several days)/7.—"Disagreeable sensation in the pit of the stomach, ascending up to the throat, choking him, and stopping his breath?.—Disagreeable sensation in the stomach and abdomen, as from emptiness, associated with hunger, an hour before dinner/.—A sick feeling in the pit of the stomach like nausea, towards evening/.—[590.] ^Violent gastric symptoms/5.—Milk seems to cause acidity (after fifteen hours)/.—*Scraped sensation in the pit of the stomach/.—"Sensation as if something in the epigastric region were hvisted about?.—Sensation as of throbbing in the epigastric region, after supper, mostly noticed on laying on the hand (after twenty-four hours)/.— Throbbing in the epigastric region/.—Sensation of burning in the pit of the stomach, going up from below/.—A kind of cooling burning (as from saltpetre on the tongue) rises from the pit of the stomach to the pharynx, especially at night/.—Burning pain in the pit of the stomach, and farther downward, with anxiety, soon after supper/.—Burning in the orifice of the stomach,'.—[600.] (Coarse stitches in the pit of the stomach, in the even- ing, and for some time after lying down)/.—Tearing pain in the stomach/. Abdomen.—Hypochondria. "Constrictive pain in the hypochon- dria (after six, and twelve hours)/.—"Throbbing pain in and below the hepatic region, as if an ulcer would form?.—"Jaundice, with aversion to food, and short attacks of faintness; after which he felt sick and weak?.—"Fine sticking pain in the hepatic region (after a few hours),1.— Umbilicus and Sides. "Pain just below the umbilicus, as from a stone, that always takes away the breath, so that he could breathe only with difficulty, immediately after dinner (after seventy, and ninety hours)/.—Sensation of pulling and kneading, as if something drawn from the limbs were being collected into a ball in the umbilical region/.—Violent stitches in the umbilical region (after a quarter of an hour)/.—"A pinching-pressive pain in the side of the abdomen?.—[610.] "During the menses a pressing-outward pain in the side of the abdomen (after ten hours)/.—"Cramplike pain in the left side of the abdomen, associated with qualmishness, that is felt especially in the pit of the stomach/.—Bruised pain in the side of the abdomen and in the loins, when touched/.—Drawing pain in the left side above the navel/.— Sticking in the left side of the abdomen on deep breathing/.—Sticking in the right side of the abdomen, that takes away the breath, and is relieved by pressure with the hand, in the forenoon/.—"Griping drawing a few times in the side of the abdomen, extending upward in the abdominal ring (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Stitches in the side of the abdomen on VOL. VII.—7 98 NUX VOMICA. moving/.—Sensation of internal swelling in the sides of the abdomen, below the short ribs/.—Bubbling in the side of the abdomen, with anxiety,1. —Abdomen in General. [620.] "Loud rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen, in the morning?.—Loud rumbling in the abdomen, with in- ternal motions, as if a stool would follow; wherewith she became weak and was obliged to lie down/.—"Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen, in the morning in bed; spasmodic and griping flatulent colic, with heat in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet (after twenty hours)/.—Rumbling in the abdomen, in the afternoon/.—Croaking in the abdomen, as from frogs/.— *Flatulent distension of the abdomen after eating (after twelve hours)/.— "Flatulent distension, immediately after drinking?.—"Fulness in the upper abdomen, after eating a little, and even on beginning to eat?.—"Pressive dis- tension of the abdomen?.—"Colic, as if diarrhcea from taking cold would come on (after five hours)/.—[630.] *Cutting colic, with qualmishness,1. —"Colic, in the open air, as from taking cold?.—Colic, with a sensation of dryness in the lips, and heat in the face/.—* Colic, as from taking cold, during the morning sweat, on the slightest uncovering?.—"Colic, rather more cutting than griping, that causes nausea/.—"Flatulent colic, in the upper abdomen, in the evening, after lying down (after five, ten, and thirteen hours)/. —"Flatulent colic after a stool, as if the intestines, here and there, were pressed hard by stones (after four hours)/.—"A kind of flatulent colic low down in the lower abdomen; a sharp pressure, as with a cutting or sticking instrument ■in the bladder, neck of the bladder, commencement of the urethra, perineum, rec- tmm and anus, as if flatulence, with cutting pain, were forcing out all these jparts; it was intolerable on every step (he was obliged to walk bent over be- cause it so drew him together); speedily disappearing during rest, while sitting and lying,1.—"Flatulence rises from the abdomen and becomes incar- cerated under the short ribs (after twenty hours)/.—"Pain in the abdomen, as from incarcerated flatus?.—[640.] "Flatulence, here and there, in the abdo- men, causing pressure and anxiety?.—Flatulence seems to mount up into the chest, to tighten it, and cause sticking pressure, here and there (imme- diately)/.—Everything that he eats seems to cause flatulence, which rises up and causes anxiety/.—* Violent pain in the abdomen?2.—Intolerable pains in the abdomen (after one hour)/.—The abdomen is painful to touch/.— * Griping-tearing pain in the abdomen, extending to the chest (after one hour)/.—"Pain as if the intestines were beaten, even in the loins, with a kind of nausea, in the morning, in bed/.—* Constrictive pain in the abdomen?.— Pain in a small spot in the abdomen, when touched or from the pressure of the clothes, together with pain like fine needle-like stitches ; after walk- ing a long distance,1.—[650.] Pain in the upper abdomen, as if the clothes were too tight/.—*Pain in the abdominal ring, in the morning, in bed, as if a hernia would become incarcerated,1.—Drawing-tearing pain in the abdomen, that comes from both sides above the ossa innomiuata/.—Draw- ing-tensive pain in the abdomen/.—Tearing pain in the abdomen, in the afternoon, after 4 o'clock (after one hour)/.—Cramp in the abdomen/5.— "Pain like needle-stitches, in the abdomen (after four, and six hours)/.— "Pain in the abdomen, as if everything in it were sore, on every step, while walking?.—"Jerking and twitching in the abdominal muscles under the skin?. —"The abdominal muscles are painful, as if bruised, only on touch or motion of the body?.—[660.] Feeling of creeping in the abdominal muscles; the place felt numb, dead, and seemed swollen/.—"Pain in the abdominal muscles, as if beaten, especially painful on motion?.—"Drawing tearing in the abdomen?.—"Griping and pinching in the abdomen, about the navel, NUX VOMICA. • 99 whenever he eats anything?.—"Griping in the abdomen (after one hour)/.— Griping in the abdomen, as from worms, after drinking coffee, disappearing on bending the trunk backward, but returning on stooping (after one hour)/.—Griping and digging in the abdomen/.—"Griping in the upper abdominal region, when she wishes to go to stool?.—Alternating grasnino- and clawing (now grasping, now loosening) in the upper abdominal region/.— "Constrictive cramp in the abdomen and uterus, like griping and clawing (with profuse discharge of clotted blood)?.—[670.] Burning cutting, more in the upper abdomen aud more frequently on moving about/.—"The band of the clothes above the hips is always tight, and seems always to be tightly drawn?. —Moving about in the abdomen, very early in the morning (after eighteen hours)/.—Agitation in the abdomen from below upward, without percepti- ble heat/.—Sensation of increased warmth in the abdomen, in the morn- ing/.—In the abdomen, a sensation of warmth that was not disagreeable, and as if something were loose and in motion/.—"Sensation, as if every- thing in the abdomen would fall down, which obliged him to walk carefully?.— "Sensation as of a weight in the abdomen?.—On walking, a sensation in the abdomen as if the intestines swashed about/.—*Sensation of weakness in the abdominal ring, as if a hernia would occur (after twenty hours)/.— Hypogastrium and Iliac Meg ion. [680.] Pressure like a disten- sion, in the lower abdomen, on taking a breath, talking, or external touch/. —*Pinching-pressing colic, and fermenting rumbling in the lower abdomen, followed by watery diarrhoea, very early in the morning (after twenty-four hours)/.—"Persistent cutting colic, in the lower abdomen, rising to the upper abdomen, where it amounted to a griping?.—"Cutting colic in the lower ab- domen, with qualmishness, a sweetish disgusting taste in the mouth, weakness, and great sleepiness, in the morning, recurring after twenty-four hours (after half an hour, and twenty-four hours)/.—"Pain as from incarcerated flatus, low down in the lower abdomen, with pain in the small of the back, in the morning,1.—"Pressive pain in the lower abdomen, especially extending towards the anus?.—* Constriction in the lower abdomen and a forcing-down towards the genitals, while walking in the open air?.—*Forcing-down towards the genitals, in the lower abdomen,1.—"Pressive pain in the pubic region?.— A feeling of being puffed up and swollen in the lower half of the abdomen (fifth day)/6.—[690.] *Development of a tendency to an inguinal hernia (after five, seven, and eight hours)/. ltectum and Anus.—*Blind haemorrhoids (after six hours)/.— Very transient hamiorrhoidal excitement (after eight hours),1.—Pain in the rectum, as from constipation, in the evening after eating, relieved by the emission of flatus from time to time (after four hours)/.—"Sharp pres- sive pain in the rectum, in the morning, before a stool (after sixteen hours)/. —* Sharp pressive pain in the rectum, after a stool and after a meal, es- pecially on exerting the mind or studying/.—Violent pressive pain deep in the rectum, taking away the breath, about midnight (after sixteen hours)/.—"Pressure in the rectum, before the stool?.—Pressive pain in the perineum, after dinner (after two hours)/.—"Burning and sticking in the rectum, with haemorrhoids in the anus (after two hours)/.—[700.] Crawling and tickling itching in the rectum aud anus, as from threadworms/.— Sticking in the rectum during the evacuation of stool/.—^Tearing stick- ing and constricting pain, as from aggravated blind piles, in the rectum and anus, after a meal and after exerting the mind and reflecting (after thirty-eight hours)/.—Itching in the rectum, as from threadworms,0.— Voluptuous intolerable itching in the rectum, as far as the anus (after 100 ' NUX VOMICA. three hours)/.—"Contractive sensation of the rectum at times, as if he would be obliged to go to stool?.—Painful contraction in the rectum and anus, in the morning after rising (after ten hours),1.—* After a stool it seemed as if some remained behind and could not be evacuated, with a sensation of constriction in the rectum, not in the anus,1.—"Constriction and tight- ness in the rectum., preventing the evacuation of stool?.—*Discharge of bright blood with the fasces, with a sensation of constriction and contraction in the rectum, during stool (after forty-eight hours)/.—[710.] Much fetid flatus, per rectum (fifth day)/6.—On going to stool the pressure seems more upon'the uterus (as if a child should pass) than upon the rectum/.— "Hemorrhage from the anus?.—Threadworms pass through the anus/.— ^Evacuation of dark-colored mucus that causes biting burning in the anus, preceded by colic (after eight hours)/.—Pressive pain within the anus and in the rectum, in the evening (after eleven hours)/.—Raw, sore feel within the fundament; he was obliged to use fullers' earth (after five to six days),30.—"Biting and sore pain in the anus, after a stool, in the evening (after ten hours)/.—"A burning-smarting pain and a sensation of cutting in a sore in the anus, as from haemorrhoids, some hours after a stool?.—Burning pain in the anus, externally, immediately after a stool (after twenty hours)/.—[720.] "Dragging in the anus, when not at stool?.—Crawling, as from threadworms, in the anus, at night/.—"Itching in the anus, associated with a sore pain, as from haemorrhoids, while walking in the evening (after thirty hours)/.—Itching in the anus and a hot stool/.—"Itching on the margin of the anus, becoming a smarting and sore pain, as from blind piles (after half an hour)/.—"Stool daily, though always with a colicky sensation in the abdomen, and with the stool it always seems as if it were not enough, and as if the evacuation were incomplete/.—* Anxious desire for stool (after six hours)/.—*Frequent ineffectual desire for stool after the usual evacuation/.—^Ineffectual desire for stool/.—Stool enveloped with white mucus/.—[730.] "Discharge of blood with the faeces?.—Stool coated with blood and some mucus/.—"Stool whitish, mixed with tenacious mucus and streaks of blood (after one and two hours)/.—Stool consisting of hard and soft fseces, mingled with flatus, in the morning, and after eating (and drinking)/. Stool.—Dlarrhwa. "Exceedingly sudden attack of diarrhoea at night, when least expected; he had to get up out of bed and run for his life; no premon- itory symptoms whatever?5.—Offensive diarrhoea/8.—Involuntary discharge of thin liquid stool, followed by hard fieces, in the forenoon, with emission of flatus/.—"Small diarrhoea-like stool, in the morning, corroding the anus?. —^Diarrhoea, of a dark color, especially in the morning and immediately after dinner/.—Thin, green, slimy stool (after twenty-four hours)/.|— [740.] "Diarrhoea, in the morning after rising (and drinking), followed by weakness, yawning, sleepiness, chilliness, dulness of the head, and, after- wards, refreshing sleep (after eighteen hours)/.—Diarrhoea/3.—Small fre- quent stools/.—Copious watery discharge from bowels/9.— Eight liquid yellow stools (third day); passed three motions (fourth day)/4.—Stools at f Persistent, profuse, diarrhoea-like stool, which constitutes true diarrhoea never, so fur as I have observed, occurs as the primary action of Nux vom. ; and the diarrhoea expressed in this symptom consists either of very small stools, mostly of mucus, accompanied by straining ; or, when the evacuation is copious and thin, it is the secondary action, the curative effect in a patient who has pre- viously suffered from constipation, with ineffectual desire for stool.—Hahnemann. NUX VOMICA. 101 first soft and thin, afterwards hard (after twenty hours)/.— * Was obliged to go to stool three or four times a day, with some griping; it was often in- effectual, and the stool, when passed, was soft/.— Constipation. Constipation, as from inactivity of the bowels?.—* Constipation, as from con- striction and contraction of the intestines/.—Constipation, together with rush of blood to the head/.—[750.] Constipation/.—Evacuation of large hard feces (after twenty-four hours)/.—"Stoolvery hard, dry, and, some time, afterward, a sticking pain in the region, as from haemorrhoids (after fourteen hours)/.—Stool difficult to evacuate, with burning/.—Bowels confined (second day)/3. Urinary Organs.—Bladder and Urethra. "During mic- turition, very tenacious mucus passes from the bladder with the urine, without pain (after nine, and twelve days)/.—"Pain in the neck of the bladder, be- fore urinating?.—^Burning and tearing pain in the neck of the bladder, while urinating,1.—(Sticking pain in the bladder, after dinner, when not urinating, relieved by emission of flatus), (after eighty hours)/.—"Pressure in the neck of the bladder, after urinating?.—[769.] "Itching burning in the region of the neck of the bladder, in the morning, in bed, seeming like sexual desire (after nineteen hours)/.—Discharge of mucus from the urethra/.— Evacuation of pale urine, followed by the discharge of a thick, whitish sub- stance, like matter, with violent burning pain (after sixteen hours)/.— * Constrictive pain in the forepart of the urethra, extending backward, when not urinating, in the morning, and while reflecting?.—* While urinating, burning, at other times tearing pain iu the urethra/.—"Burning in the urethra, while urinating (after ten hours)/.—"Burning pain in the forepart of the urethra, while urinating?.—"Burning and fine sticking pain in the urethra, while urinating, after dinner?.—"Itching in the urethra, while urin- ating?.—Itching stitch in the forepart of the urethra, extending backward/. —[770.] Fine sticking or jerking in the urethra, just before urinating/.— The meatus urinarius is painful, as if sore, before aud after urinating/.— Pressive pain in the meatus urinarius, with shivering, when not urinating (after four hours)/.— Micturition. Urging to urinate, ia the after- noon/.—*Urging to urinate,1.—*Frequent desire to urinate; constantly called out that he would feel better if he could pass water ; urine tur- bid, as if muddy, with a dirty-yellow sediment?5.—*Painful ineffectual de- sire to urinate/.—*Violent straining ; the efforts to urinate were con- stant and most painful, without being able to pass a single drop,32.—He noticed that he passed urine in a much stronger stream than usual/2.— *TJrine passed with difficulty/8.— Urine. [780.] (There is a larger amount of urine passed than of drink taken).1.']"—Watery urine (after three hours)/.—Painful emission of thick urine/8.—Urine first passed by patient measured five fluid ounces; in this, chemical tests showed the presence of strychnia and brucia (after five hours),6'.— Urine reddish and thick (after several days),27. Scrual Organs.—Male. Biting on the glans penis/.—Pain in the tip of the glans penis, like a soreness, after urinating,1.—The prepuce be- comes retracted above the glans penis (after four hours)/.—"Biting itching on the inner surface of the prepuce, especially towards evening (after one hour and a half)/.—"Soreness on the margin of the prepuce, especially to- f The copious emission of urine is only the curative reaction of this drug in a patient who suffered previously from the opposite condition.—Hahnemann. 102 NUX VOMICA. wards evening (after one hour and a half)/.—[790.] Soreness on the mons veneris?.—(Glandular swelling on the mons veneris)/.—Profuse secretion of smegma behind the corona glandis/.—Pinching pain, as with pincers, on the right side of the scrotum,5.—Constrictive pain in the testicles (after two hours)/.—Dull aching and heaviness in right testis and spermatic cord, removed by camphor or brandy/5.—Stitches in the testicles/.—Forcing outward at the genitals, iu the morning, in bed/.—Involuntary irritation of the genitals and desire for an emission, in the morning, after rising/.— "Erections several mornings in succession?.—[800.] "Erections after the mid- day nap?.—Persistent erections/.—Erections of penis very frequent, but with no moral desire; it seemed quite physical (fourth day) ; in morning, a few hours after getting out of bed, his wife came into room ; the erection was so sudden and intense for about half a moment, and appeared so ridiculous, that it made him laugh heartily (fifth day)/6.—Nightly emis- sion without erection, followed by relaxation of the lower portions of the body (after thirty-six hours)/.—Nightly emission, followed by a persistent coldness of the feet that does, not disappear on moving about (after six hours)/. — "Nightly emission, with lascivious dreams (after forty-eight hours),1.—Desire for coition, but during an emission he becomes impotent; the penis becomes relaxed/.—"Sexual desire on slight provocation (after five hours)/.—"On slight irritation, or only the slight touch of a woman, sexual orgasm, especially in the morning in bed (after eight hours")/.—Female. Painless discharge of yellow mucus from the vagina/.—[810.] Discharge of offensive mucus from the female genitals,1.—"Internal swelling of the vagina, like a prolapsus, with burning pain, which makes external touch in- tolerable?.—"Burning in the pudenda, with excessive sexual desire (after fifteen hours)/.—"Always brings on menses too soon?2.—"Menses four days too early (after three hours)/.—Menses four days too early, and scanty/.— Menses three days too early, shorter and more scanty than usual/.—Men- ses three days too early (after forty-eight hours)/.—*Menses three days too early, with cramps in the abdomen (after seventy-two hours)/.—The menses remained away six weeks in order to come on at the full moon/.— [820.] Menses at the full moon (after twenty-six hours)/.—Appearance of the menses at the full moon/.—The menses, that had ceased the day before, returned for a few hours (after three hours)/.—"Menses recur even on the fourteenth day?.—During the menses, prostration (about 2 p.m.) and head- ache, as if the eyes would fall out of the head; she could not hold the head up; began to be chilly, even to shivering, and, an hour afterwards, was attacked with internal burning heat, with dry lips/.—*During the menses, nausea in the morning, with chilliness and attacks of faintness/. —"After the menses had come on, faintness, in the morning after rising, pre- ceded by spasmodic motion in the abdomen, and followed by weakness and chilliness, on rising from a recumbent posture (after ten days)/. Respiratory Organs.—Larynx, Trachea, and Voice. "Dry painful catarrh in the larynx, very early in the morning, with increased warmth of the hands and feet, that at first requires uncovering, but after an hour he desires to be covered; followed by general perspiration (and relief of the catarrh), (after twenty hours)/.—"Dry painful catarrh in the larynx, in the evening before going to sleep (after thirty six hours)/.—*Roughness and a scraped feeling in the larynx, that provokes cough,1.—[830.] "Itching in. the larynx, that, provokes cough?.—* Tenacious mucus firmly adherent in the upper part of the trachea, in the morning, on rising; the chest seems stuffed up?.—■*Adherent mucus high up in the trachea, provokes cough?.—"It seems NUX VOMICA. 103 as if the upper part of the trachea were constricted and narrowed by mucus, which he is obliged to forcibly expectorate by short coughs?.—* Tickling itching in the trachea, in the middle of the sternum, that provokes cough (after three- quarters of an hour)/.—On expiration, tickling in the trachea, that pro- vokes cough/.—She is unable to speak aloud/.— Cough and Expec- toration. * Violent cough before rising in the morning, with expectora- tion of clotted blood and soreness in the chest (after eighteen hours)/.— * Cough, that causes a bruised pain in the upper abdominal region?.—* Cough, that causes headache, as if the skull would burst?.—[840.] Cough, that loosens in the open air/.f— (Cough, that causes cracking in the ear)/.— Cough and expectoration, increasing on walking in the open air, followed by weakness,'.—* Cough, after eating?.—* Violent paroxysms of dry cough, in the evening, after lying down, and very early in the morning (after twelve hours),1.—"Cough, at night, preventing sleep?.—Cough, at night, with an oppressed feeling in the chest/.—"A sore sticking when coughing?.—"Cough, at night?.—"Dry, persistent, fatiguing cough, about midnight, if she lies upon the back, disappearing when lying on the side (after five hours)/.—[850.] *Dry cough, from midnight till daybreak/.—* Cough, on exerting the body (after forty-eight hours)/.—"Scraping cough?.—Cough, that returns with violence every other day/.—Cough, caused by reading or reflecting/.— Cough, that causes heat/.—She did not sleep well on account of cough ; and if she thought she was falling asleep the cough returned and disturbed her till midnight, after which she slept quietly/.—Hawking of mucus from the trachea, without cough/.—Cough,with sweetish expectoration/.—Res- piration. Respiration extremely rapid, with great heaving of the chest/8.—[860.] Respiration rapid, sighing, constantly interrupted/9.— Breathing accelerated, and rather laboring,51.—Respiration impeded/5.— Loud snoring and whistling expiration through the nose (after four hours)/.—Respiration easy (after three hours)/3.—Respiration quick and difficult, and attended with great pain in the praecordial region/9.—Very slow respiration, with dilated pupils/.—Respiration is difficult and tight as long as she remains up, but more natural on lying in bed/.—"Breathing short, oppressed, and hard,™.—Shortness of breath ; she could not inspire sufficient air, even when lying down, with rapid pulse/.—[870.] Respira- tion irregular, superficial; it became more difficult every moment, and she feared that she would suffocate,20.—"Tightness of breath, and thereupon hack- ing cough?.—The respiration, at first impeded, became suspended; and it was only by the continuance of long artificial respiration that it was re- stored/8.—"Dyspnoea, at night, on waking from frightful dreams; she could scarcely catch her breath; with roaring in the ears, rapid pulse, and per- spiration/.—Dyspnoea, in the morning, in bed, while lying on the back, but after turning on the right side, headache/.—Dyspnoea, after dinner; was obliged to take a deep breath slowly ; after some hours shortness of breath (rapid respiration), (after twenty-six, and thirty hours)/.—"Dyspnoea, in the evening and morning?.—Dyspnoea and anxiety gradually increased for several hours; the breath constantly became shorter, and from time to time sweat broke out over the whole body/.—If the clothes are fastened close under the ribs he is unable to get his breath while walking; if they are loosened somewhat, he breathes a little more freely, but if they are entirely removed the respiration again becomes difficult/. f Loose cough is only the curative action of this drug.—Hahnemann. 104 NUX VOMICA. Chest.—"Oppression of the chest?2.—[880.] Oppression of the chest,, in the evening/.—Pressive (and cutting) pain in the chest, immediately after eating/.—Pressive pain transversely across the chest, that impedes respira- tion/.—A warm tension in the chest/.—Compressive pain in the chest,1.— Tension and pressure in the external parts of the chest at night, as from a weight, and as if the sides were paralyzed/.—Compression of the chest, as if drawn together, at night in bed/.—"Asthmatic constrictive tightness trans- versely through the chest, while walking or ascending a height?.—Asthmatic constriction transversely through the chest, when walking and ascending?.— Feeiiug of constriction across the chest/1.—[890.] Tightness in the chest, as from too tight clothes, on ascending steps; relieved after sitting down/. —Pain, like a bruise, extending from the sternum to the scapula?, with stitches and shortness of breath, during rest and motion, only during the day/.—Pain in the chest, beneath the axilla, on touch; does not dare to press the arm against the chest/.—"Pain in the chest, as if it were compressed by a weight, in the open air?.—*Scraping in the chest, causing hawking/. —Pain extending transversely across the chest, with shortness of breath/. —Drawing pain in the ribs/.—Drawing pain in the chest/.—"Heat in the chest that rises into the mouth, and that causes uneasiness, anxiety, and sleep- lessness (after six hours)/.—Catarrhal accumulation in the chest, in the morning, so that he cannot loosen it by coughing without pain in the tra- chea (after fourteen hours)/.—[900.] Catarrh affects the chest, in the morn- ing, in bed (like a felt); a hoarseness and roughness in the chest, and sore- ness in one spot in the trachea, from which mucus is loosened by coughing; relieved by rising from bed (after ten hours)/.—The chest seems stuffed; he cannot loosen it by coughing (after sixteen hours)/.—Feeling in the chest as if something would fall down (after six hours)/.—Internal and external warmth in the chest, with fine stitches in the pectoral muscles (after four days)/.—A warm orgasm in the chest, that causes anxiety/.— "Burning on the chest, with anxiety (after twenty hours)/.—Some painful weariness in the chest, which is not sore to touch, relieved by bending the body backward (after forty-eight hours)/.—Stitches in the pectoral mus- cles, that are not caused by breathing (after three hours)/.—(Jerking stitches in the chest)/.—Frequent slight attacks of palpitation in the side of the chest, in the morning (after sixteen, and thirty hours)/.—[910.] Throbbing in the chest/.—Anxiety in the chest/.—Sternum and Sides. The whole sternum is painful to touch, as if beaten/.—Pain, as if the sternum were pressed inward/.—Pain in the region of the sternum, only during the day, on breathing, as if the chest were too short/.—Pain, like needle stitches, in the sternum, in the afternoon/.—Piching-drawing pain near the sternum (after half an hour)/.—Sticking pain in the middle of the chest, becoming more violent on moving about/.—Pressive pain in the left chest if she sits for awhile, immediately disappearing on eructat- ing/-—Pain in the side of the chest, below the shoulder, as if beaten and bruised, worse on touch and motion than during rest/.—[920.] Like a drawing and burning tearing in the left side of the chest, in the morning (after thirty-six hours)/.—Pain in both nipples, like that caused by the milk rushing into the breasts after childbirth/.—A simple pain in the right nipple when touched/.—Painful sensitiveness of the nipples (after one hour)/.—Itchlike stitches below the nipple/.—Drawing beneath the left breast, with anxiety, a kind of oppression of the heart, which makes respi- ration difficult (after three hours)/.—Shivering across the breasts (after a few minutes)/. NUX VOMICA. 105 Heart and Pulse.—Heart. Some violent stitches in the precor- dial region, an hour after rising, in the morning (after seven days)/.— Spasmodic palpitation of the heart, with sense of fluttering at pit of stomach (after four to five days)/6.—Violent palpitation/9.—[930.] "Palpitation?. —"Palpitation on lying down after dinner?.—Heart's action considerably accelerated, and fluttering against walls of thorax (after three hours)/3.— The action of the heart was slow and feeble/6.—Some stitches in the region of the heart/.—Orgasm of blood, with palpitation, very early in the morn- ing (after twenty hours)/.—Painful thrusts towards the heart, rhythmical with the pulse/.—Persistent pressure on the heart (in the region of the pit of the stomach)/.—Pulse. Pulse rapid (after one hour and a half); 138 (after two hours and a half); 120 (after three hours); 114 (after three hours and a half),6*.—Pulse quick/1.—[940.] Very quick and faint pulse between the spasms/5.—Pulse faint and much quicker,43.—Pulse quick (after three hours),63.—Pulse hard and excited (after three-quarters of an hour)/3.—Rapid pulse, with complete consciousness/.f—Pulse frequent/4. —During the spasms, pulse rapid and irregular/7.—Pulse at first extremely rapid, but gradually diminished in frequency,58.—The pulse could not be counted during the paroxysm; 80 between the paroxysms,57.—The pulse somewhat indistinct, and beating, in the first half hour, 50 in a minute/6. —[950.] Pulse 96, rather small, and very irregular (after one hour),61.— Pulse small, hard, and rapid/9.—Small intermittent pulse,10.—Pulse irregu- lar, during the spasms, almost entirely lost/8.—Pulse somewhat irregular, not hard, not rapid,20. Neck and Back.—Neck. Neck quite stiff and drawn to the right side/8.—Violent throbbing in the carotids/8.—The cervical muscles of the left side seem swollen and painful, on moving the head, as if the tendons were too short and would not stretch/.—Stiffness of the right side of the nape, as if the head had been lying in an uncomfortable position, at night,5. —Drawing pain, and a feeling as of a load on the nape of the neck, in the morning/.—[960.] Drawing pain in the nape of the neck/.—"Tearing pain, by paroxysms, in the nape of the neck, in the evening (after two hours),1. —Pain, as if bruised, in the nape of the neck, on motion (on stooping), and on touch (after six hours)/.—Pain as if the flesh were beaten loose frora the last cervical vertebra; he could scarcely tolerate the shirt against it/. —Drawing and stiffness of the cervical muscles/2.—Cracking in the cervi- cal vertebrae, on moving the head (after three hours)/.—Painless cracking of cervical vertebrae, on moving head/1.—The joints of the cervical verte- brae are painful/.—A general feeling of stiffness, especially in the neck/1. —Pack. Stiffness in the back (after a few hours)/.—[970.] Drawing pain in the back/.—Drawing-tearing pain in the back (after one hour)/. —"Burning-tearing pain in the back?.—Tearing and pulling pain in the back/.—Constrictive and, at the same time, contractive pain in the back/. —Indescribable painful sensation in the back and lumbar region, soon fol- lowed by tetanic spasms (after one hour)/a.—"Constant pain and bruised sensation in the back and small of the back (second day)/5.—Bruised pain in the back, still more painful when touched and on pressure, as if congested with blood/.—-Drawing in the back, extending down from the nape of the neck (while sitting), together with a violent pain in the pit of the stomach, like a crawling, so that she was obliged to sit bent over, in the afternoon/. f See S. 1590 and note there.—Hughes. 106 NUX VOMICA. —Dorsal. Pain between the scapulae and in the nape of the neck, on moving the head (after one hour)/.—[980.] Pain, as if beaten, in the dor- sal and abdominal muscles, even when not touched (after thirty hours)/. —Pain between the scapulae, as if bruised, and a drawing, especially on stooping/.—Constrictive pain between the scapulae/.—Drawing pain and a bruised sensation between the scapulae, especially on stooping/.—Constant burning-sticking pain between the scapuhe/.—Pressive pain in the vertebrae (after one hour)/.—Stitches between the scapulae, on motion and on breath- ing/.—Some stitches between the scapulae, at first independently, after- wards aggravated by breathing/.—A burning sticking extending from the small of the back through the thigh, on stepping and walking/.—Drawing pain extending from the loins up the back, associated with a paralytic stiffness/.—Lumbar. [990.] Constrictive pain in the small of the back, that extends into the side/.—Throbbing pain in the small of the back, dur- ing the shaking chill, with eructations (after thirty-six hours),1.—Pain in the small of the back, as if it would break, caused by a draft of air; was obliged to walk bent over/.—Pain in the small of the back, as if beaten or too weak, as after childbirth, only during the day/.—"Pain in the small of the back and knees, as if beaten and bruised, mingled with some drawing pain, neither aggravated nor ameliorated by change of position, nor even by rest or motion, in the morning, in bed/.—"Pain in the small of the back, as if beaten, on bending far forward or far backward, though more from the former (after four hours)/.—Pain in the small of the back, at night, that prevents turning over in bed/.—"The small of the back seems painfully bruised; worse during motion than during rest/.—A jerklike dull sticking in the small of the back and in the ischii; she was unable to turn in bed on account of it; also dull pain in the small of the back during rest; she could not lie still when coughing nor sneezing on account of the painful jerkings/.—(Violent stitches in the small of the back, that then extend into the sides and impede respiration, during the afternoon chill)/.— [1000.] A coarse stitch in the small of the back on turning the upper part of the body sideways; it takes away the breath/.—The region of the small of the back and loins seems tense and sore on touch/.—Pain in the pelvic region, as if dislocated, on the slightest motion/.—"Pain across the loins, passing to the hips (after several days)/7.—Pressive pain in the loins, ex- tending towards the spine, that cause anxiety, immediately after supper (after one hour)/.—Tearing in the loins/.—A somewhat pressive pain in the loins, extending towards the spine, immediately after drinking, in the morning, after which the pain extends towards the hypochondria, as from incarceration of flatus (after thirty-six hours)/.—Tearing and pulling in the lower portion of the back, while walking and sitting, but not while tying/- Extremities.—While the lower extremities continued outstretched, stiff, and cold, the other extremities were still under the control of the will, though somewhat cold and affected with cramps/5.—Rigidity of the ex- tremities,66.—[1010.] Stiffness of the joints, especially of the knees, after- wards the gait became tottering (after a quarter of an hour)/*.—Peculiar stiffness of all the limbs, especially of the knees, with tension/7.—Dimin- ished mobility of all the joints/.—Tension and stiffness in the limbs (after eight, and sixteen hours)/.—Stiffness of the limbs, with jerking/.—"Trem- bling of the limbs and jerking of the heart (after one hour)/.—Heaviness in the arms and lower extremities, so that she could not raise them/.— "Spasmodic pains in the limbs, with chilliness, internal beating, after yawning NUX VOMICA. 107 qnd stretching?.—"Pain in the joints and in the middle of the long bones, as if bruised, in the morning, in bed (with incarceration of flatus low down in the lower abdomen, beneath the pubis); these both disappear after rising (after twenty hours)/.—Pain in all the joints, as if beaten, on motion (after four hours)/.—[1020.] Pains in knees and all the joints; worse in the morning,37.—Complained of cramping pains in limbs when he moved them (second day),53.—A simple pain, as frora a bruise, associated with a tearing sensation in all the joints upon which he is not lying; only relieved and removed by turning over and lying upon the painful side, but after this the pain soon again commences in the other, sound side; this compels him frequently to turn over in bed/.—Pain, as if bruised, in the joints of the side upon which she is lying, very early in the morning, in bed, disappear- ing on turning over; on lying still it is gradually renewed in the side upon which she now lies, entirely disappearing on rising (after thirty hours)/.— * The longer he lies in bed, in the morning, the more pain he has in all the limbs, especially in the joints, as if beaten and bruised; relieved after rising (after eighteen hours)/.—"Tensive pain in the limbs, very early in the morn- ing, with stoppage of the nose (after ten hours)/.—Pain in the roots of the nails, if he knocks against them or only touches them, as if they would ulcer- ate/.—Tearing in the left arm and right thigh, after the midday nap, dur- ing the menses/.—Drawing and sticking, as with needles, on the backs and soles of the feet and toes; a similar sensation in the arms and hands/2.— Jerking in the limbs, in the evening, in bed/.—[1030.] All the joints are more painful on motion than when sitting still, after midnight (after six hours)/.—Sick feeling in all the limbs/.—Painful feeling of rending and lassitude in the limbs (after a quarter of an hour)/4.—* Great weariness and relaxation of all the limbs, after taking the open air (after eight hours)/.— Great weakness of the limbs, so that he could not stand upon the feet,10.— Weariness in all the limbs, especially after ascending steps,2.—Weariness of the extremities, so that he could scarcely move them, with a painful contractive sensation through the whole body/.—Sensation of weakness and prostration in all the limbs/7.—"Sensation of sudden loss of power of the arm (and lower extremities), in the morning (after twelve hours)/. Superior Extremities.—Heaviness and weariness in the arms (and feet), in the afternoon/.—[1040.] Indolence of the arms/.—Falling asleep of the arms, at night (after four hours)/.—Pain in the arm imped- ing motion (after twenty-four hours)/.—Drawing pain in the arm/.— Drawing pain from below upward in the arm, with paralytic stiffness/.— Shoulder. Burning painful spot in both deltoid muscles, that also seems hot to touch/.—Rheumatic pain in the right shoulder and in the deltoid muscle,0.—Drawing pain in the top of the shoulder/.—Pain, like a bruise, in the shoulder-joint and scapula, on bending the head towards the oppo- site side/.—Pain in the shoulder-joint, as if wearied by work or as if beaten, if the arm hangs down, on walking in the open air (after four days)/.—[1050.] Pain, as if bruised, in the shoulder-joint, so that he can- not raise the arm/.—Pain in the shoulder-joint, as if paralyzed, with heavi- ness and weariness of the whole arm, both while sitting aud walking; after some motion he could no longer hold the arm up/.—An indescribable pain in the shoulder-joint upon which he was lying, gradually disappearing after turning over, with general perspiration, about 3 A.M. (after sixteen hours)/. —Pain in the left shoulder-joint, in the evening, in bed; if lying upon the opposite side a sensation as if the ligaments were torn, which disappears if he lies upon the painful side (after forty-eight hours)/.—Pain in one scap- 108 NUX VOMICA. ula, as if sprained,1.—Painful sensation in the scapulae, as from too great exertion and straining/.—Elbow and Forearm. Contractive pres- sive pain in the elbow/.—Boring pain in the elbow-joint, when lying on the opposite side, after midnight (about 2 a.m.), (after sixty hours)/.— The muscles on the inner side of the left forearm are swollen and painful, as if burnt,5.—The forearms were partially flexed the whole time/0.— [1060.] Weariness of the forearms/.—Paralytic pressive pain in the mid- dle of the right forearm, from within outward/.—Drawing pain in the fore- arm, with a stitch in the fingers (after half an hour)/.—Weakness of the forearms and hands, almost as if they were paralyzed, after the midday nap (after two hours)/.—Falling asleep of the forearm as far as the hand; it seems lifeless (dead) with coldness, though with distended veins; every morninjr, or every other morning, after rising (after four days)/.— Wrist and Hand. Drawing sticking in the external condyle of the right wrist, in the evening, before going to bed/.—Pain, as from dislocation, in the right wrist, on moving or exerting the hand,1.—Pale swelling of the hands and fingers (after twenty hours)/.—One of her hands swelled up; she had no feeling in it for hours (after four to five days)/1.—(Hands frequently dark-red, full of distended veins)/.—[1070.] Cramplike contraction in the palm of the hand, that cannot be spread open without pain (after twelve hours)/.—Convulsive twitchings of the hands and fingers,20.—"Falling asleep of the hands?.—Drawing pain from below upward, first in the hand and then in the elbow-joint (after three hours)/.—Burning on the back of the hand/.—He had no power in the hand to write/.—Fingers. Spas- modic contraction of the fingers, when yawning/.—Cracking of the thumb easily, on moving it/.—Cramp in the fingers, after midnight, in bed/.— Pain in the finger-joints as after hard work, and as if the tendons were too short/.—[1080.] Drawing pain up and down in the fingers/.—Jerking- sticking pain along the bone of the thumb, extending backward/.—Burn- ing in the ball of the thumb, on lying down, after dinner (after one hour)/. —Falling asleep of the fingers, during the nightsweat/.—Feeling of cramp in the fingers, and sticking, as with needles, on stretching out the arms,5. Inferior Extremities.—Lower extremities somewhat separated, straight, stiff/8.—Inability to flex the lower extremities; every attempt caused the most violent pains/1.—Before the tetanus appeared, there was complete paralysis of the lower extremities/6.—Lower extremities stiff, immovable; all the muscles hard, tetanically contracted/0.—Heaviness of the lower extremities obliges him to sit still/.—[1090.] Heaviness and weariness of the lower extremities, from the morning on, so that they hurt on walking/.—Weakness of the right lower extremity, on walking in the opeu air/.—Heaviness and weariness of the lower extremities (and arms), in the afternoon, especially on ascending steps/.—The lower extremities are not able to support the body; is obliged to lie down/.—"Tottering and unsteadiness of the lower extremities (after two hours)/.—The child fre- quently falls, when walking/.—"Sensation of sudden loss of power in the lower extremities (and arms), in the morning (after twelve hours)/.—Loss of power over the lower extremities, and falling down/1.—On attempting to rise from the chair, he was unable to stand on his feet; could not raise his feet#or walk a step/2.—When walking, she was frequently obliged to stand still, because of a sudden sensation of holding back in the muscles of the lower extremities, that seem affected as by an electric shock/1.—[1100.] Pain in all the limbs, as if beaten and bruised all over/.—Frequent sticking jerking extending from the feet upward to the hips, very early in the morn- NUX VOMICA. 109 ing, while lying on the back; it disappears if he lies on the painless side (after five hours)/.—The lower extremities seem bruised/.—Falling asleep of the lower extremities, while sitting, during dinner/.—The sensibility of the lower extremities was still blunted (second day)/5.—Hip and Thigh. Jerking in the hip-joint, before dinner/.—Sticking in the right hip-joint, as from a sprain/.—Burning in the right hip-joint/.—Heaviness of the right thigh, so that he cannot well raise the extremity/.—"Paralytic draiving in the muscles of the thighs and calves, painful on walking?.—[1110.] Painful tension in the thigh; it seems too short/.—Paralytic pain in the head of the femur, extending down below the knee, while walking (after two hours)/.—Drawing-tearing pain in the thigh, extending to the knee, on fatigue/.—Drawing pain extending from the abdomen through the thighs (after forty-eight hours)/.—A bruised pain in the posterior muscles of the thighs; worse on rising from a seat/.—Pain, as after great exertion, in the flesh of the thigh, even when touched; pain as if beaten/.—Pain, as if beaten, in the middle of the thigh, in the muscles, on walking (after one hour)/.—Gnawing biting-itching pain on the thigh .and over the knee, in the evening, after lying down in bed, which is not relieved by scratching/. —Pain in the right nates, as if the flesh were beaten to a jelly/.—"The muscles of the thighs and knees are painful, as if beaten, more on motion than during rest; the pain is also aggravated by touch,1.—[1120.] Bruised feel down the thighs (after several days)/7.—On walking in open air, a curi- ous feeling in left thigh, as if a string was drawn right down the thigh; a very lame feeling, and a dread of taking the next step; he thought he must limp, but did not; an empty feeling about both knees (fourth day)/6.— Frequent jerking and twitching in the flesh of the thigh/.—Sensation of jerking, as if one pulled on a thread, in the side of the right thigh/.—Jerk- ing in the muscles of the thighs/.—A drawing-downward sensation in the thighs/.—Knee. "Painful swelling of the knee?.—"Stiffness and tension in the hollows of the knees, especially after standing (after two hours)/.—Trem- bling of the knees and of one foot/.—Trembling of one knee and foot, with an excited, even agreeable tension of mind, several evenings, while stand- ing/.—[1130.] "Tottering and knocking under of the knees?.—At times the knees are so weak that they will not support the body/.—The knee-joint easily gives way, on moving about (after one hour)/.—Tearing and stick- ing pain somewhat above and below the knee, in the evening (after thirty- six hours)/.—Pain in the knees, as if they were beaten, during rest and motion, only during the day/.—Jerking in the hollows of the knees, while standing, after walking in the open air/.—"Sensation-in the hollows of the knees, as if they were too short, when rising from a seat?.—A distressing sen- sation in the knee-joint, when walking, as if it were not lubricated, as if it would crack/.—Leg. Numbness of legs and stiffness,51.—Felt legs becom- ing stiff (soon)/4.—[1140.] Falling asleep of the calves and feet, in the morning/.—Sensation of falling asleep of the leg, though without prickling, followed by a sensation of contraction/.—Falling asleep of the leg, after sitting, while walking and standing (after eighteen hours)/.—Falling asleep of the leg, while sitting and standing, aud a sticking in it if it rests against the other leg/.—Spasmodic drawing in the legs/.—Tensive pain in both patellae, as if wearied by walking, on ascending steps; worse in the morn- ing/.—A seated, fine sticking-burning pain in a small spot on the tibia (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Tearing pain in the left leg, extending to the toes, in the afternoon (after seven hours)/.—Cramplike pain in the calves/.—"Tensive pain in the calves?.—[1150.] Cramp in the calves, in 110 NUX VOMICA. the morning, in bed, on flexing the leg (after thirty-two hours)/.—Cramp in the calves, in the evening, in bed, when stretching out the leg (after twenty-four hours)/.—Cramp in the calves, after midnight, in bed, if the thigh is flexed upon the body (after four hours)/.— Cramp in calves of both legs (after four to five days),26.—Cramps in the calves of the legs,60.—Cramp in muscles of calf for a few seconds, produced by washing the feet (after three hours and fifty minutes); cramp in both legs for about a minute, pro- duced by being removed into a warm bed (after four hours and ten min- utes)/4.—Pressure on the side of the calf/.—Pressure on the outer side of the calf, as if cramp would occur, for two mornings, on rising from bed (after seven days)/.—Sticking in the calves, when exposed to the cold air, as if the leg had been asleep (after two hours),1.—Crawling in the calves, after walking in the open air/.—Ankle. [1160.] Easy dislocation and cracking of the ankle, when walking (after four hours)/.—Pain in the ankle, as if dislocated and sprained, while walking, in the morning, after rising; cannot step upon it without great pain, that shoots up into the leg (after sixteen hours)/.—Pain in the ankles, only on moving about and walking, as if she had taken a fatiguing walk; the tendons are painful, as if drawn tight, and as if too short/.—Foot and Toes. Swelling of the back of the foot/.—Swelling of the sole of the foot, in the morning (of the leg that is affected with an ulcer)/.—Weakness and tottering of the feet; he was obliged to sit down/3.—Falling asleep (deadness) of the soles of the feet?.—Spasmodic contraction of the sole of the right foot/.—Painful cramp- like contraction in the soles of the feet, when the thighs are bent, disap- pearing on stretching the legs/.—Peculiar drawing in the backs and soles of the feet,62.—[1170.] Feeling, when walking, as if right foot would trip; after getting warm from a sharp walk, it quite passed off, and he walked more steadily (second day)/8.—Violent pain in a chilblain, in the summer, as from most excessive cold, a kind of beating in it, immediately/.—Burn- ing pain in the soles of the feet/.—Pain as if the shoes were too tight and pressed the feet, and the soles of the feet had become weary and sore from walking/.—Pain like a burning, and as if the shoe pressed the foot, along the side of the foot and toes, as also on the tops of the toes, in the evening (after thirty-six hours)/.—Dull numb pain (numbness) in the heels, as after jumping from a height/.—(Pain in the heels, on stepping upon them, as if he had walked till they were sore; worse when stepping on a stone)/. —Cramp in the soles of the feet frequently during the day, on attempting to rise, after sitting; she is obliged to stretch out the feet and run about in order to obtain relief, when it disappears; at night she is unable to sleep on account of this cramp, which comes ou as soon as she draws up the feet or bends the thighs,1.—Tearing in the soles of the feet, while lying, in the afternoon (preceded by burning in the ball of the thumb), (after one hour)/. —Tearing in the malleolus (after the midday nap), (after two hours)/.— [1180.] Drawing and sticking in the right external malleolus, in the even- ing, before going to bed/.—Stitches in the soles of the feet/.—Some stitches in the heels (after two hours)/.—Falling asleep of both great toes, imme- diately/.—Spasmodic contraction of the toes, on yawning/.—Cramp in the toes, after midnight, in bed/.—Cramplike pain in the right great toe (dur- ing rest), that, however, soon disappears/.—Pain in the corns on the toes, as if sore or like a boil (after four, and sixteen hours)/. Generalities.—Lying on her back/1.—While looking at a vexatious object, beating immediately in the lower extremities; the whole body then becomes affected and she almost loses consciousness for an hour/.—[1190.] NUX VOMICA. Ill Found extended rigidly along the floor/4.—The rigidity of the jaw and of the limbs indicated the nature of the poison (after half an hour)/4.—Death from apoplexy (after a quarter of an hour)/2.—Loud involuntary cries/9. —Frightful tortures (after half an hour)/4.—Violent tetanic spasms; her head was drawn backward; the arms extended, the fingers flexed to the palms; the jaws firmly contracted; the countenance somewhat livid; the eyes open, fixed, and somewhat protruding; the trunk stiff; the legs ex- tended, the feet turned outwards, and the toes flexed to the plantar surface; the skin dry and warm; respirations loud, almost amounting to stertor; this paroxysm lasted about two minutes; an interval of perfect sensibility ensued ; the intermissions were of about five minutes when first seen ; the paroxysms generally increased ; the intermissions became shorter; during the last half hour of life the slightest movement caused a paroxysm ; some- times an attempt to speak or drink would cause one; she begged to be left alone on account of the pain she suffered, as she expressed, " when in a fit." Death in less than two hours after the first known spasm/7.—"Spasms, with tetanic rigidity of nearly all the muscles of the body, with interruptions of a few minutes, during which the muscles were relaxed; the pulse became soft and the patient recovered consciousness and speech; the spasm was re- newed by the slightest touch, though at times it would immediately cease when the patient was tightly grasped, or the elbow was straightened up/8. —Trembling, soon becoming a violent spasm; as soon as the arm was touched in order to feel the pulse he was suddenly seized with a frightful tetanic spasm, in which the eyes were widely open, protruding, rigid, and immovable ; the jaws clenched ; lips widely open; face distorted ; the ex- tremities rigidly outstretched, and the spine bent backward; the trunk, especially the lower part, was from time to time seized with violent jerks, like electric shocks, along the spinal columns, which raised up the body; respiration was checked; the face and cheeks became blue; after half a minute there was a pause, during which the child breathed with great ex- ertion and in a catching manner; desired coffee; but on attempting to swallow lukewarm water he was again seized by a tetanic spasm; after awhile the pulse became 102, spasmodic, and irregular; the spasms were renewed whenever the lips touched the cup or whenever any one touched his person ; even a noise caused a recurrence of the spasms, which some- times occurred without apparent cause ; after the paroxysms the eyes were usually closed; the forehead and face covered with perspiration; cheeks and lips blue; he groaned aloud without complaining of any special pain ; afterwards the pulse became slightly irregular and soft; during all the paroxysms, even until death, the mind remained unclouded,70.—Complete trismus and tetanus; the jaws were tightly clenched, and the lower jaw moved spasmodically from side to side; the arras were cramped towards the chest; the thighs drawn up against the abdomen ; the fingers and toes flexed, with whining and groaning; loss of voice; anaesthesia of the skin, aud no pain,66.—Every two or three minutes she was shaken by a convul- sive spasm, but it was only momentary/1.—[1200.] The whole body was seized with symptoms of complete and violent tetanus ; the jaws being firmly locked and the limbs rigidly extended ; aggravated at intervals by violent convulsive movements/4.—When lying on the sofa was seized with a most curious feeling from head to feet, as if his whole body inside the skin (brain included) was made of finest threads; it felt something like numbness, and the ecstatic feeling after a mutual and warm embrace; it lasted about two hours and then passed away at 6 p.m. (third day) ; re- 112 NUX VOMICA. turned in slighter degrees up to to-day (thirteenth day),30.—A tetanic paroxysm came on suddenly; the man was thrown into a state of opisthot- onos ; all his muscles becoming rigid, and respiration for the time sus- pended. The fit lasted about half a minute, when the muscles became relaxed, and he was again able to answer questions (after nearly one hour)/3.—Well-marked opisthotonos, the spasms increasing and affecting respiration, which at one time appeared to cease; patient knew when the spasms were coming on, saying, "It's coming on;" and there'was a sense of impending death, and he said, "Good-bye, I'm dying." Ice was immedi- ately applied along the spine, and the spasms abated in severity. The in- termissions were distinct (after one hour and a half). Spasms are brought on by touching the patient (after two hours and a quarter),64.—Awoke in a spasm, uttering loud cries; on the cessation of spasm, fainted. On com- ing to himself, the first drop of water that touched his tongue induced a violent spasm, with loud shrieks and complete opisthotonos. In two hours and a half, had nine spasmodic attacks, more or less severe. The last of these, which seemed to be induced by the application of a cup to the lips, was very intense and prolonged. The patient started suddenly up in bed, his whole frame being in a state of complete rigidity. The limbs were rigid, and the fingers clenched. During the spasms, evident relief was afforded by forcible extension of the body. In the intervals there were constant twitches of the extremities/8.—Permanent opisthotonos took place, and in this condition the girl remained until her death, which took place probably about seven hours after the poison was taken/6.—She had violent spasmodic contractions of the voluntary muscles, but more especially of the limbs, with extreme pain in all the parts affected. The spasm was at times continued during three or four minutes, and then succeeded by some quick change of position or long succession of convulsive motions. The muscles of the back were so much affected by spasm as almost to render it a case of opisthotonos. Finding it impossible to retain her in her chair, she was placed upon a bed and preserved in that position from local injury/6.— Marked convulsive fits. Five strong tetanic convulsions. Extremities stretched out; hands grasping firmly the sides of the bed; legs apart; feet everted (after half an hour). A severe tetanic convulsion, involving nearly all the muscles of the body and extremities. Chest fixed ; respiration dif- ficult ; body bent backward (opisthotonos). This was followed by an in- terval of rest and relaxation of all the muscles, but the patient seemed to be much prostrated. Slight convulsive starts and twitchings of hands and feet followed at various intervals. After this attack the patient became so sensitive that the slightest touch or movement of the bed, or a sudden noise, would cause a spasmodic jerking of the whole body/3.—Violent convul- sions/7.—Convulsions, which ceased for a time, and then reappeared, and presented especially, first nervous excitement, and then violent spasmodic contraction of the jaws, with grinding of the teeth, bending backwards of the head, rigidity of the trunk, forcible extension and inversion of the feet, and subsultus of the muscles of the calves of the legs (after five minutes)/2. —[1210.] Convulsive attacks, lasting from one to two minutes, in which all the muscles became extremely rigid; jaws tightlv closed ; patient very restless, with short cries/7.—Convulsions,12.—Convulsive tossing about of the arms ; bending backward of the head ; biting the teeth tightly together; the hands were tightly doubled up,19.—Convulsions, with red face and closed eyes,08.—Half an hour after the last dose, on rising from a chair, was attacked with vertigo, followed by convulsions of the extremities, relieved NUX VOMICA. 113 during rest, but renewed by a slight movement; speech hurried; while talking, convulsive contractions of the facial muscles ; slight trismus ; pale face ; weak pulse ; head covered with sweat; the attack lasted an hour and a half; the patient compared the spasms to electric shocks/3.—Convulsions, with violent movements of the limbs; distension of the epigastric region; staring, shining eyes/2.—After two hours he suddenly became rigid and lifeless; the toes and feet turned outward; eyes open and staring; jaws tightly closed,65.—Extremely painful muscular contractions, lasting three or four minutes, and interrupted by a violent spasm ; the body was bent backward in opisthotonos; the impulse of the heart marked, the pulse small, scarcely perceptible, only 20 to the minute; the function of the brain undisturbed ; in consequence of the spasm affecting the masseter muscles the patient bit at everything brought near the mouth/9.—Rigidity of the muscles of the whole body, as in catalepsy (one of the persons fell suddenly to the ground while conscious) ; tetanic closure of the jaws/4.— Tetanic rigidity, with violent, frequently repeated involuntary shuddering of the trunk and extremities/8.—[1220.] Convulsions came on, beginning with slight twitches in the muscles of the lower extremities (after half an hour) ; violent convulsions every few minutes (after one hour),61.—Slight transient convulsion ; in a few minutes she had another and a more violent attack, and shortly afterwards another; I should estimate the duration of these fits at from a minute and a half to two minutes; in them she retained her grasp; her whole body was straightened and stiffened ; her legs pushed out and forced wide apart; I could not perceive either pulse or respiration; the face and hands were livid, the muscles of the former, especially of the lips, violently agitated, and she made constantly a moaning, chattering noise. I thought she was not unlike one in an epileptic fit, but that she did not struggle, though as she forced herself straight out, it became difficult to keep her from falling on the floor; a fourth and most vehement attack soon followed, in which the whole body was extended to the utmost, and she was rigidly stiff from head to foot; insomuch that, with all the force I chose to exert, I could not bend the thigh on the pelvis to replace her in her seat; from this she never recovered; she fell after it into a state of asphyxia/3.—Frequently recurring tonic spasms, drawing the body back- ward, lasting a minute/.—Stretched on back, frame shaken by frequent convulsive spasms ; limbs rigidly extended, and head slightly bent back- wards; the slightest touch brought on a spasm/9.—Her appearance was that of one suffering from tetanic convulsions ; her face was livid; the lower extremities extended and widely; the muscles of the chest rigid and very hard to touch ; her breathing short and quick ; pulse low and flutter- ing; pupils dilated; consciousness undisturbed. On attempting to pass the tube of the stomach-pump, it produced, on coming in contact with the teeth, a most violent convulsion, and the tetanic state of the whole muscu- lar system returned from merely tapping any part of the body with the finger. She was seized, just two hours and a half from the time of taking the poison, with one of the most awful convulsions it is possible to conceive. Her face was livid ; teeth clenched ; saliva flowing from the angles of the mouth ; the eyelids widely separated ; eyes protruded; the pupils fully di- lated, so that the whole contour of the face assumed a most horrific aspect; the arms were violently agitated; the muscles of the chest hard and im- movable ; breathing suspended ; the pulse not to be felt at the wrist; the legs were extended and widely separated, and no effort of mine could either approximate or bend them ; there was slight opisthotonos ; the fit lasted VOL. VII.—8 114 NUX VOMICA. about two minutes, when the muscular system relaxed, and she was no more,50. — Arms spasmodically flexed on the elbows; fingers tightly clenched, violently pressed against the pit of the stomach ; the abdominal muscles spasmodically contracted, so that the abdomen felt stony hard,48.— Head drawn backward, the mouth wide open (opisthotonos alternating with trismus); the tongue was then protruded from the mouth, and was frequently injured by the sudden closure of the jaws/9.—"Drew her mouth about, and stretched herself out in all manner of forms, and was stiff" (soon after ten minutes); the spasms continued at intervals; the chest was fixed, and after the recurrence of such symptoms, increasing in degree, in about an hour and a quarter, or half, after its administration, death took place/5.—Shortly afterwards they partook of their tea, and felt no ill effects for rather more than forty minutes. Dr. T. then rose from his chair to go into the garden, and proceeded as far as his parlor door when he felt the first symptoms, and exclaimed, " Hold me! hold me!" Mrs. T. sprung from her seat and ran to his assistance, but before she got to him, she also, as she afterwards termed it, " was fixed." The symptoms were most vio- lent. Dr. T. in convulsive agonies, but perfectly calm and collected. They were both, as it were, fixed to the chairs in which they sat. The symptoms in both were exactly similar. As the convulsions came on, the heads were drawn back, there was a spasmodic clenching of the teeth, the heels fixed to the ground, and the eyes as if protruding from their sockets, and both, curiously enough, kept exclaiming, "Hold me! hold me!" although there was a person on either side of each. Dr. T. afterwards told me "that if I had set fire to a bundle of straw under him, he did not think he could have moved," although at the same time he kept crying, "Hold me!"60—Draw- ing, crampy pains in the back of the neck, with paroxysms of internal stiffness and rigidity from the nape downwards; the paroxysms varied in intensity; during the mild attacks the muscles of the neck alone were affected, when he could walk about and speak freely; during the more severe attacks, not only the muscles of the neck but those of the chest and throat were affected, causing great difficulty of breathing, and a choking sensation, especially when attempting to swallow anything; also the mus- cles of the head, and especially of the forehead, causing a contraction of the eyebrows, and giving him a peculiarly sullen expression of countenance ; during the most severe attack, all the muscles of the back and legs were affected, and the entire body became rigid and turned backward; at times he was unable to keep his seat on the chair, and when he attempted to get on his feet he could scarcely stand or move his legs, as the muscles were so rigid; each paroxysm lasted from one to two minutes; he always made an effort to move about when the attacks came on, and to rest the affected parts/2.—[1230.] An attack in the evening; it rose to the heart; he be- came sick and apprehensive; trembled; was obliged to bend the head for- ward and rest it upon a table (after four days),1.—An attack after mid- night ; crawling in the hands aud feet, rising with heat into the face, to the heart (in the pit of the stomach) like a burning and pressure there, then rising into the throat; she then became nauseated and apprehensive; thence it rose into the head, with dulness in the head and ringing in the ears/.—A sudden attack soon after dinner; paleness of the face; nausea rising up from the pit of the stomach ; he became anxious all over, with trembling and fine beating over the whole body, and increasing weakness, so that he was obliged to lie down (after eight days)/.—Sudden attack ; the body became spasmodically drawn sideways, with ineffectual efforts to NUX VOMICA. 115 hold himself erect with the hands; followed by vomiting and involuntary discharge of stool and urine, with perfect consciousness/.—Spasmodic mo- tions/7.— Slight twitching of muscles,64. — Between the paroxysms the patient was able to answer correctly/9.—Very frequent stretching, that seems to relieve/.—Unusual stretching of the limbs and yawning, in the morning, and after stretching a spasmodic pain, especially in the knees/.— [1240.] Stretching, with the arms stretched upward; it seems to start from the abdomen, in the morning in bed/.—Stretchings,6.f—Great excitement, with trembling of the bowels and nerves generally?*.—Trembling of the whole body; she could not remain for a moment sitting still; it seemed as though she had received an electric shock ; was constantly obliged to rise and walk about/9.— Trembling of the bowels and nerves generally, with great excite- ment,™.—Trembling (after two hours)/.—She came all over in a tremble, then went into a kind of swoon, in which she remained for three-quarters of an hour, having no recollection whatever of it when she awoke; she was quite insensible and looked wild and staring (after five to six days)/4.— JDebility and Faintness. She feels very weary on rising, in the morning, after a good sleep; the lower extremities (and arms) are sore, as if she had slept upon a hard bed; (she was again invigorated after sit- ting quietly for half an hour)/.—She was very much fatigued in the morn- ing, on rising, after sound sleep ; the arms (and lower extremities) were sore, as if she had slept upon a hard bed (agaiu invigorated after sitting quietly for half an hour)/.—Great weariness of the whole body, while walking in the open air (after twenty-eight hours)/.—[1250.] Very sad and unusually weary, after walking in the open air/.—"Great weariness?. —The morning walk, in the open air, caused extreme weariness/.—Great weakness, after being in the open air, and a sensation as if the left foot were stiff (after six hours)/.—Great weakness, with loss of appetite, in the afternoon/.—* Greater weariness in the morning after rising than in the even- ing, on going to bed?.—Weariness on the slightest motion/.—She allows things that she holds in her hands to drop involuntarily/1.—She was quite weak after every stool, during the menses/.—Great exhaustion (second day)/5.—[1260.] Exhaustion, after walking in the open air, in the even- ing/.—Exhaustion, in evening; the next day, although still feeble, she could walk from home/6.—When walking in the open air, at first sleepi- ness, afterwards palpitation and great anxiety, with swelling of the veins on the hands, without heat (after thirty-six hours)/.—He is awkward and clumsy; he stumbles easily or upsets things (after ten hours)/.—Tottering gait, with dread of falling/7.—Greatly agitated, and on moving he grasped firmly the nearest object for fear of falling (after three-quarters of an hour)/3.—Great inclination to sit (after six hours)/.—Inclined to lie down ; he was unable to keep up/.—Sudden sinking of the strength/2.—General debility,60.—[1270.] "She became emaciated?. — Faintness/.—Attacks of fainting while sitting, about 8 or 9 p.m./.—Sickness (after half an hour)/3. —Does not feel quite well in the morning, in bed ; he dreads to rise, as if exhausted by a long walk; it disappears after rising/.—In the morning, in the open air, all at once the eyes became staring ; there was loss of con- sciousness and a sensation of fainting, but only for a moment/.—Sensi- bility. She is painfully sensitive and intolerant of the lightest step or jar of the floor/.—*Everything makes too strong an impression upon him/.—Increased sensibility/1.—*The slightest touch of the hand imme- diately brought on spasms/5.—[1280.] The slightest touch renewed the f Original revised by Hughes. 116 NUX VOMICA. convulsions/7.—Feelings so morbidly acute that the slightest touch ap- peared to aggravate his sufferings/9.—Takes cold in the slightest draft fa disagreeable sensation in the skin, colic, etc.), (after a few hours), —tie dreads to go into the open air (after half an hour)/.—Falling asleep and insensibility (numbness) of almost all parts of the body/X— General Sensations. * Violent contractive painful sensation through the whole body/.—General bruised sensation/7.—Stiffness of almost all parts of the body/4.—"Sensation in the muscles of the limbs, back, scapulae, etc., as if some- thing in them were drawn back and forth; more spasmodic than painful?. [1290.] "Tremulous sensation over the whole body, in the morning?.—The whole body feels electrified/1.—Pain, at first in the nape of the neck, that then extends into the wrists, on walking in the open air; a paralytic pain, as from weakness; he had not the power to grasp anything properly; dis- appearing in the evening, on lying down in bed/.—Pain in all parts of the body upon which he was lying, during the morning sweat/.—The pains of the'voluntary muscles, especially of the neck and limbs, remain, and are greatly increased by attempts at motion (second day)/4.—Fine burning sticking here and there in the body/.—(The pains became intolerable from 8 to 9 p.m.)/.—Old wounds that had healed pained anew, as if sore (im- mediateiy)/.—"Stitches, like jerkings, in various parts, that cause shuddering of the whole body; they shoot simultaneously through the whole body (after four hours)/.—Burning sticking, or stitches here and there, that end in burning/.—[1300.] Some stitches, from time to time, in affected part/.— Some coarse stitches, associated with sore pain, here and there in the body/. —A sudden sensation, as of paralytic loss of power, in all the limbs, even while sitting, though most on motion (after one hour),1.—Extremely op- pressed sensation in the whole body, and painful in the legs, as if she had taken a long journey on foot/1.—Complained of inexpressible oppression, that seemed to distress him, and from which he wished to be relieved,40.— A mounting to the "head, on walking rapidly in the open air; thought seemed to vanish ; she was obliged to stand still; the blood rushed to the heart; the upper part of the trachea becarae constricted; sparks of fire played before the eyes; she could not see where she was/. Skin.—A reddish eruption came out on the body, on the shoulders par- ticularly (after five to six days)/4.— *Small painful swellings on the fore- head/.—A crack in the middle of the lower lip (after twelve hours)/.— The fingers are red in spots and seem frozen, at a mild time of the year, with burning itching, especially when he goes into a warm room or in bed/. —[1310.] Itching rash on the arms, with smarting after rubbing/.—Skin of face, neck, aud chest greatly congested (after three-quarters of an hour),03. —Eruption, though without itching, lasting fourteen days, on the inner side of the right forearm/.—Burning-itching rashlike eruption on the knee/.—Eruptions, Pry. A kind of dry scurf, very itchy, appeared on the face (after five to six days)/4.—Itching pimples above the margin of the upper lip/.—Red pimples raised above skin, on face and forehead, smarting on washing in cold water/*.—Red painful pimples or papules on the scalp and face, the tips of which at last fill with pus/.—"Painful des- quamation of the lips (after three hours)/.—A pimple, painful only when touched, in the skin of the lower jaw/.—[1320.] "Eruption of itching pim- ples, the larger of which are surrounded by redness, on the chin?.—Burning- itching rash on both thighs, during the menses/.—Itching-biting pimples on the nates/.—Corrosive itching eruption, on the pudenda/.—Erup- j- The phrase in the original is "stupor."—Hughes. NUX VOMICA. 117 tions, Moist and Pustular. Itching eruptions/8.—Eruptions with itching burning/.—Some pustules on the cheeks/.—Eruption of pustules as large as millet-seeds, about the lips/.—Ulcerative scurf on the margins of the hps, an eruption that, while appearing, causes sticking pain x—Cor- ners of the lips ulcerated/.—[1330.] An ulcer, with a scab and burning pain, on the red of the lips/.—Tetterlike eruption on the chin/.—Hot swelf- mg on the thumb, painful to touch, that by the joint develops into an ab- scess/.— A boil on the anterior portion of the thigh (after six hours),1.—A boil on the thigh, with violent sticking pain (after twenty-four hours)/.— Boils on the posterior portion of the thigh (after twelve and thirty hours)/. —Tearing pain in the ulcer on the thigh if exposed to the open air, but if protected from the air and covered the pain disappears (after four and twenty hours)/.—A kind of small boil on the knee, that makes the whole foot stiff/.—Inflamed redness about a previous ulcer on the leg, when walk- ing and on other motions/.—Sensations. Excessive itching all over the body, extending afterwards to the head (after four to five days),26.—[1340.] Insensibility of the skin/6.— Terrible pricking, stinging, and itching of the skin, so much so that she had to take off all her clothes to scratch herself (after four to five days),31.—Jerking and twitching under the skin of the limbs/.—Burning-itching stitches in various parts of the body,5.—Biting itching here aud there, especially on the outer portions of the body, on the limbs and joints, in the evening, after lying down (after four hours)/.— Burning itching over the whole body, in the evening, in bed/.—Burning itching over the whole body/.—Fine burning-itching sticking (like needle stitches) here and there in the skin, as from fleas, in the evening, after lying down (after five and a half days)/.—Burning itching on the upper arms, thighs, abdomen, and back, in the morning, while dressing, and in the even- ing, while undressing, and even at night/.—(Sensitiveness of the skin of the whole body, as if it were sore; on touch, it seems as if different places were asleep)/.—[1350.] Crawling frora the feet upward/.—Crawling in the skull externally/.—(Itching and gnawing on the scalp and nape of the neck, as if an ulcer were healing, especially in the forenoon)/.—Itching aud crawling in the face, as if fleas were creeping about, disappearing on scratching, but soon returning/.—Crawling on the forehead and vertex/.— Pain in the skin, above the left eye, as if it had been burned,5.—Itching of the lids, towards the inner canthus, in the evening (after twelve hours)/.— Itching in the forepart of the lids (after one hour and a half)/.—"Soreness, as if ulcerated, of the margins of the nostrils, on moving the nose, especially in the evening?.—Itching as though the arm were falling asleep, though with- out prickling, followed by a sensation of contraction/.—[1380.] Itching on the finger-joints/.—Biting itching on the glans penis (after two hours)/.— Itching on the glans penis, in the morning/.—Itching on the glans penis (after two hours)/.—Corrosive itching on the glans penis, in evening and morning/.—Burning itching on the posterior portion of the glans penis (after six hours)/.—Itching on the perineum, after the midday nap (after sixteen hours)/.—Itching on the scrotum (after two hours)/.—Itching on the thighs, when walking/.—Itching on the left thigh and foot, especially in the evening, when getting into bed/.—[1370.] Itching in the hollows of the knees, in the morning; he was obliged to scratch/.—Itching on the leg, at some distance from the ulcer/.—Itching in the toes, as if the limbs had been frozen (after one hour)/.—Itching burning in the toes, as from freezing, in a mild time of the year, especially if he goes into a warm room or in bed/. Sleep.—Sleepiness. A long-continued attack of yawning, followed 118 NUX VOMICA. by great weakness (after one hour)/.—* Yawning, in the morning, immedi- ately after rising (after sixteen hours)/.—"She was constantly yawning and sleepy, during the day, so that she was unable to be wide awake?.—Yawning, that causes cough/.—Much yawning and stretching, in the afternoon/.— Sleepiness (after one hour)/.—[1380.] "Almost irresistible sleepiness, for several hours after eating (after five hours)/.—Unusual sleepiness during the day, as from stupefaction of the head/.—* Very pleasant, almost over- powering, sleep, late in the morning (after twenty hours)/.—Sleepiness, till midnight, with a sensation of heat, without thirst (after twelve hours)/.— * Great sleepiness, in the evening, with yawning, two hours before bed- time ; in the bed he immediately fell asleep; woke, after midnight, for a long time, then slept till late in the morning, with vivid dreams full of the events of the previous day; in the morning he did not wish to rise,1.—(He slept well), (first night)/3.—"Difficult waking, in the morning?. -—"Great aversion to rising, in the morning, without knowing why (after twelve hours)/.—"Inclination to He down again, in the morning?.—"Inclined to lie down, in the forenoon?.—[1390.] Inclination to sleep, before dinner, about 11 a.m./.—Sleeplessness. Delirious; frightful ravings at night/. —Starting up in fright, on falling asleep?.—Starts up in fright from sleep, so that he does not wake to complete consciousness/.—Starting from sleep at night, and during the day while awake/.—(He sprang from bed deliri- ous, during the evening nap)/.—Affright, and jerking through the whole body, like an electric shock, in the afternoon nap, as if he would fall to the ground/.—He dreams and talks aloud, in the midday nap/.—Unintelligi- ble prattling at times in a morose or complaining tone, in sleep, before raid- night/.—Anxious whining prattling, in sleep, very early in the morning (in the fourth hour), followed by the emission of flatus (after ten hours)/. —[1400.] He woke in fright at the slightest noise/.—Waking early, at night, with apprehension/.—Waking, at night, from horrible dreams (after ten hours)/.—Sobbing moaning in sleep/.—Uneasiness and anxiety, in the evening, after lying down, so that he was constantly obliged to stretch out the limbs (after eight hours)/.—Uneasiness in the arms, at night, which at one time he wishes to cover, at another to uncover/.—Uneasiness in all the limbs, before midnight, and an almost voluptuous, agreeable, but intoler- able sensation that prevents falling asleep, that always wakes him if he tries to fall asleep, and compels him to alternately draw up and stretch out the legs/.—Very great uneasiness, at night, without pain (after twelve hours)/.—"He lies, at night, on the back, with one or both arms stretched above the head; talks in sleep, and wakes, after midnight, between 2 and 3 o'clock,1.—"He lies on the back, during sleep, with head bent backward, the arms above the head, so that the hands lie on the nape of the neck?.—[1410.] "He always seeks to lie on the back, during sleep, especially to lie with the head low (after thirty-six hours)/.—"He lies mostly on the back, during sleep, with one or the other arm under the head?.—"Snoring inspiration in sleep, before midnight, as if the posterior nares or palate were constricted and drawn together?.—* Loud snoring respiration, in sleep, before midnight \—The pa- tient sleeps little and uneasily at night/5.—Sleep agitated, and attended with convulsive movements from time to time (third day)/4.—Sleep rest- less and full of care,1.—The night seemed too long and wearisome, with a kind of stupid slumber (coma), with dreams full of strife and excitement/. —He falls asleep late in the evening, kept awake by many conflicting ideas/.—Slept after taking, but not very soundly, for an hour and a half; his rest being interrupted by dreams, some of which were of a delightful NUX VOMICA. 119 description,58.—[1420.] Sleepiness, only in the morning, after daybreak?.— He is able to sleep only from 11 to 1, and is obliged to rise as early as 3 o'clock?.—She was unable to sleep at night, or if she slumbered a little she had frightful dreams, from which she woke to remain awake for hours, and if she could fall asleep she had other frightful dreams, and after wak- ing knew what she had dreamed/.—He woke frequently at night, and could not easily sleep again; when he slept he had very vivid dreams/.— Falling asleep late in the evening (after two hours)/.—Complained of its bitterness, slept about five minutes, and then awoke, crying "I am burn- ing,"62.—Preams. "Frightful images, causing fear, in a dream?.—Dreams that he is very much engaged in absorbing occupations/.—Dream that all the teeth fell from the mouth/.—Dreams that teeth are falling out/1.— [1430.] Dreams that the filling of the teeth is falling out/1.—Dreams of sick or mutilated people/.—Indifference in a dream of horrible mutilations and lacerations (after six hours)/.—Dreams, causing terror (as, for exam- ple, of wild beasts)/.—Disagreeable dreams of things that happened or were talked about the day before/.—Dream of lice and vermin,1.—Half- waking dream, at night, accompanied by fatiguing thought (after a few hours)/.—Very anxious dreams and weeping, in sleep/.—Sad fantasies while half awake, at night, as, for example, of the heads of deceased ac- quaintances without bodies/. Fever.— Chilliness. Skin cold,20.—[1440.] He cannot get warm in bed, at night/.—"Coldness of the whole body, with blue hands, without gooseflesh/.—"Coldness of the whole body, with blueness of the skin (after one hour)/.—Could not get warm/.—Great coldness, relieved neither by the warmth of the stove nor in bed/.—Cold hauds/.f—Cold moist hands, with cold tip of the nose/.—Sudden coldness of either the arms and hands or of the legs and feet, in the afternoon, not removed by any motion/.—Great coldness, at least of the limbs, without thirst/.—Coldness of the thighs, at night; she could not get them warm even in bed/.—[1450.] Coldness of the feet, in the morning/.—The feet, and, soon afterwards, all the toes, be- gan to feel cold and stiff (after about an hour)/5.—The general warmth of the body gradually diminishes (the fire seems to go out)/.—Violent chill, with chattering of the teeth/.—Shivering and chilliness for an hour from the slightest contact of the open air (with pain in the back), (after one hour)/.—She is chilly in the evening, in bed, before she falls asleep, and also if she wakes; it seems as if she could not get warm in bed ; not chilly during the day/.—Violent shaking chill, without externally perceptible coldness, in the whole body, lasting half an hour, followed by cramplike contraction of the toes and soles of the feet/.—Violent shaking chill, last- ing three-quarters of an hour, followed by violent heat and moist skin,67.— Shaking chill (immediately)/9.—Violent chill, in bed, but towards morn- ing sweat, preceded by crawling in the skin/.—[1460.] Tossing about the bed and coldness, at night, not relieved by the warmth of the bed/.—Chil- liness, in the morning after rising, for several days in succession/.—Chilli- ness, on the slightest motion (after one hour)/.—Chilly and cold, after dinner/.—Chilliness, after dinner and supper/.—Chilliness, without thirst/. —Chilliness/.—After the shivering, sleep, then again shivering, with cold- ness of the toes (after sixteen hours)/.—Chilly sensation about the head from time to time/.—Creeping chilly sensation over the face/.—[1470.] Chilly sensation (coldness) of the face, and about the head/.—Creeping f See S. 1590 and note there.—Hughks. 120 NUX VOMICA. chills over the chest, with tensive pain/.—*Sensation of chilliness on the back and limbs, in the morning, with painfulness of the skin, as if it had been frozen, and a sensation of falling asleep in the limbs, like that caused by cold weather, in the morning/.—* Chilliness in the back and over the arms (though not on the hands), in the evening after lying down (after three hours).1.—Chilliness in the back and heaviness in the lower extremities, after a vexation/.—Creeping chilliness in the hepatic region ; a crawling sensation/.—Becomes easily chilly in the hands, is obliged to wrap them up/.—Chilliness of the feet, as if dashed with cold water, with trembling/.—Shivering and chilliness, immediately after drinking?.—Shiver- ing and horripilation, in the morning/.—[1480.] Shivering over the whole body on the slightest motion, but not when lying quietly/.—Shivering, with yawning/.—Intense shivering; cold feet for twenty hours; the face, head, and neck being quite hot (after four to five days),26.—"Nightly febrile attack (during the third hour); before the chill, intolerable drawing pain through the thighs and legs, that obliged him to alternately draw them up and stretch them out?.—Chilliness and great weakness, with internal and external heat, so that, especially in the afternoon, he desires to lie down and go to bed, or to be warmly clothed/.—"Chilliness, in the evening before lying down; in bed, heat of the head and face?.—At first shivering, then heat, causing anxiety; afterwards thirst for beer/.—Four accessions of cold rigors, fol- lowed by warm perspirations (third day),44.—Alternations of cold and heat, especially much heat in the head, at 8.45 a.m.,52.—Fever, in the afternoon or evening, followed by chilliness and coldness/.—[1490.] *Fever, in the afternoon; chilliness and coldness, with blue nails, for four hours, followed by general heat and burning of the hands, with thirst, at first for water, afterwards for beer, without subsequent sweat?.—Trembling and chilliness, in the evening after lying down, followed by some heat of the face (after two hours)/.—* Violent chill, and sleep for an hour, in the even- ing after lying down, followed by heat, with headache, roaring in the ears, and nausea (after twelve hours)/.—Chilliness, mingled from time to time with general heat and drops of sweat on the forehead, towards 6 a.m., and again, towards 6 p.m., chilliness/.—The surface of the body cold and uniformly wet with perspiration/6.—Heat. Skin hot/4.—Heat, with thirst, and almost without sweat, at night/.—Increasing heat in the morning, on walking in the open air, with full pulse, without thirst, followed by sleep- lessness (after eight, and sixteen hours)/.—"Dry heat over the whole body, that does not tolerate any covering, with dryness of the mouth, without thirst, immediately after coition (after five hours)/.—Dry heat, without thirst, about midnight, in bed/.—[1500.] Heat, with full rapid pulse; desire for bed, with thirst/.—Internal heat, increasing from hour to hour, with full pulse, without thirst, followed by sleeplessness (after eight, and sixteen hours)/.—Sensation of internal heat, with dryness of the mouth, but with dread of drinking, together with internal chilliness, at night/.—Paroxysms of heat over the whole body, without redness of the cheeks, with pearly sweat on the forehead, and anxiety/.—Heat spread over the whole body, "running through all the veins," followed by vomiting, with great relief,67. —Intolerable sensation of heat over the whole body, or especially in the cheeks, hands, and lower portions of the feet, particularly in the palms and soles, so that he eagerly sought to cool himself by uncovering and for cool places in the bed, but he could not tolerate this because becoming cool caused partly a distressing sensation over the whole body, partly a mo- mentary griping or cutting colic, very early in the morning, in bed/.— NUX VOMICA. 121 Heat in the head, as from coryza, with one red cheek, and discharge of mucus from the nose (after two, and three hours)/.—Heat of the head, in the evening/.—Sensation of heat in the face, without externally perceptible increase of temperature/.—Heat in the head, during dinner/.—[1510.] Heat of the face, in the morning, after rising, with constipation and flatu- lent rumbling in the abdomen (after twenty-four hours)/.—Heat of the face and whole body, in the morning, on walking in the open air (after forty-eight hours)/.—Hot face, in the evening, in bed, and restless sleep before midnight (after eight days)/.—Much heat, especially in the face, that seems to rise up from the abdomen, after dinner; perspiration, mostly over the whole back/.—Heat of the face, inner surface of the hands, and soles of the feet, after lying down, in the evening/.—Heat in the cheeks, ex- ternally, after a meal, with a violent sensation of heat, like a burniug, within the cheeks, with very easy dilatation of the pupils; photophobia, and chilliness in the arras and gooseflesh (after three hours)/.—Feels hot in the chest,1.—Heat in the hands, which he needs to cover because cool- ness causes an intolerable pain, very early in the morning (after twelve, and sixty-four hours)/.—Heat in the testicles (after four hours)/.—Heat in the soles of the feet, very early in the morning, that he tries to cover up because cold causes intolerable pain (after twelve, and sixty-four hours)/. —[1520.] Burning heat all over her body (after four to five days)/1.— "Sensation of internal burning heat through the whole body (after six, and twelve hours)/.—Flushing heat of the face, toward evening (after forty- eight hours)/.—Flushing heat of the face, more frequent than usual, while walking/.—Flushes of heat, on moving about/.—Flushing redness and heat of the cheeks, on the slightest motion and exertion?.—Heat and redness of the cheeks, with dulness in the head, after eating/.—Red, hot cheeks, without thirst/.—Redness of the cheeks, in the morning, after waking/.—Face, formerly pale, became scarlet-red, cheeks glowing hot (immediately)/9.— [1530.] External heat, with red cheeks, aud sensation of anxious, intoler- able, internal heat (although he covered himself carefully) ; the mouth is full of saliva, though the lips are dry; there is no thirst or only apparent thirst; he desires to drink, but pushes the drink from him, does not relish it; during the heat, sleeplessness; he lies with the arms under the head ; after the heat, thirst for beer/.—Temperature of body raised/2.—Body generally warm,51.—Skin warm (after three hours),63.—Unusual warmth, with thirst for water, in the morning (after twelve hours)/.—Violent heat of the body, except of the hands, soles of the feet, aud scalp, which are cold, with redness of the cheeks, without thirst, and without sensation of heat, though with recurring chilly sensations/.—Fever towards 6 p.m. ; chilliness, with intercurrent attacks of heat, recurring the next day at the same hour/.—A kind of febrile attack at night (during the second hour) ; intolerable drawing pain through the thighs and legs, so that he did not know what to do, with thirst,1.—Febrile heat, rather internal; it seems as though she steamed and smoked from the throat; during which she drank verv much/.—A kind of febrile attack; shivering and drawing pains in the'limbs, as if caused by pain in the small of the back, while lying down, during a nap after dinner, with subsequent heat, without thirst/.—[1540.] Sensation of heat in the face, with shivering over the rest of the body/.— Dry heat of the face, preceded by coldness of the feet/.—Internal and ex- ternal heat of the head, with chilliness,1.—Heat of the face, with coldness of other parts of the body/.—Redness of the face, with shivering and cold- ness of the limbs and thirst for beer, in the evening/.—Red cheeks, with 122 NUX VOMICA. heat of the head and chilliness over the rest of the body (after six hours),. —Redness of the cheeks aud heat of the hands, with cold feet and recurring shivering, in the evening/.—Hot cheeks, with internal chilliness/.—Great heat and perspiration, worse in bed ; a shivering on the slightest uncover- ing after very much chilliness, and then again sweat/.—Sensation of warmth here and there in the top of the shoulder and arm/.—[1550.] Skin warm and moist/8.—Body warm, but hands and feet rather cool (after one hour)/1.—The whole body hot, reeking with sweat/8.—Some heat, with moist skin,52.—Skin warm, and covered with a profuse clammy sweat/9.— Sweat. Profuse perspiration (after three-quarters of an hour)/3.—[Pro- fuse perspiration],n.t—Abundant sweat,62.—Copious perspiration, during and after great anxiety/.—Perspiration/3.—[1560.] Patient bathed in perspiration/7.—Frequent attacks of perspiration, followed by dry heat, . —Perspiration, especially upon the upper parts of the body, in the morn- ing, while waking and sleeping, followed by drawing pain in the left side (after sixteen hours)/.—Slight general perspiration of the odor of musty straw (though not on the face), at night and in the morning/.—Broke out over the whole body with profuse warm sweat, while the lower extremities were moist, cold, and rigid ; this perspiration was so profuse that his shirt had to be changed ; he was constantly bathed in perspiration/5.—Perspi- ration, especially below the nose, on the forehead (scalp), nape of the neck, throat, pit of the stomach, and between the thighs, with an anxious sensa- tion of heat and dryness of the tip of the tongue, anterior part of the palate and lips, without desire for drink, very early in the morning (during the third hour)/.—General sweat, with internal heat of the face and head, without thirst, in the morning, on waking/.—Sweat for two days (after six- teen hours)/.—While eating he perspires on the forehead and scalp (after two hours)/.—Clammy sweat on the forehead, while walking in the open air/.—[1570.] Sweat on the diseased side of the face, with one-sided head- ache/.—Perspiration on one side of the head, scalp, and face (after ten hours)/.—Face covered with profuse sweat/9.—Offensive perspiration on the side/.—Profuse perspiration on the inner surface of the hands, on walk- ing in the open air/.—Cool perspiration on the inner surface of the hands/. —Perspiration on the inner surface of the hands/.—Sweat on the thighs and calves, after midnight/.—"Sweat, in the morning?.—Profuse general perspiration, in the morning (though not on the head or face), while in bed, after waking (after three days)/.—[1580.] She began to perspire about 5 a.m., after waking, for several mornings/.—Offensive perspiration all night/.—Nightly perspiration of a sour odor/.—(Slight perspiration, while lying in bed and on walking rapidly)/. — "Sweat, after midnight?.— Sweat during sleep, after 2 a.m.; but while awake, from time to time, only slight perspiration all over/.—(Perspiration in the house, disappearing in the open air), (after seventy-two hours)/.—Perspiration, on moving about the room/.—Cold perspiration/2.—Offensive perspiration/8.—[1590.] All the pains are relieved by cold perspiration/.4;—Perspired between the spasms/3. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), On waking, anxiety, with orgasm of blood; ill-humor; after rising, excessive flow of ideas; on wak- ing, headache in middle of brain; headache above right orbit; headache over brain; after rising, headache in occiput; drawing-burning pain in head; jerking headache; after yawning, headache; heaviness of head; f Bracket.—Hughes. J The immediate precursor of death.—Hughes. NUX VOMICA. 123 while yawning, eye full of water; external canthus agglutinated; redness of left external canthus; yellow mucus in canthi; in bed, smarting dry sensation in inner canthus; intolerance of daylight; obscuration of vision ; margins of lids painful; pressure in upper lid; after rising, face hot; on walking in open air, heat of face and whole body; on waking, redness of cheeks; in bed, sharp stitches in ears; feeling of hollowness in ears; after rising, roaring in ears; on waking, twisting screwing in ears; discharge of clotted blood from nose; fluent coryza; dry coryza; catarrh; stoppage of nose; dryness of mouth; mouth and fauces covered with mucus; before rising, stitches in lips; loose tooth; on waking, jerking toothache; bad taste in mouth; bad taste from hollow tooth; sour taste; bitter taste; slimy taste; no taste for milk; taste of milk disgusting; bad odor from mouth; offensive breath; accumulation of saliva; pressure in pit of stom- ach ; burning in pit of stomach; great hunger; before rising, violent cough ; expectoration of clotted blood; during sweat, qualmishness; nausea; cut- ting in abdomen; pain in abdominal muscles; incarceration of flatus in abdomen; rumbling and gurgling in abdomen; during morning sweat, colic; moving in abdomen; before stool, pressive pain in rectum; after rising, contraction in rectum and anus; diarrhoea; watery diarrhoea; after eating, stool of hard and soft faeces, with flatus; dark-colored diarrhoea; in bed, itching burning in neck of bladder; constrictive pain in forepart of urethra; in bed, forcing outward at the genitals; itching in glans penis; after rising, involuntary irritation of genitals and desire for emission; early, dry painful catarrh in larynx; on rising, mucus adhering to upper part of trachea; sore spot in trachea; in bed, dyspnoea; soreness in chest; catarrhal accumulation in chest; in bed,hoarseness and roughness in chest; drawing and burning in left side of chest; palpitation in chest; qualmish- ness about heart; early, orgasm of blood in heart, with palpitation; after rising, stitches in praecordial region; drawing pain in nape of neck; pain in small of back; chilliness in back; early, heat in hands; falling asleep of forearm to hand; sensation of sudden loss of power in arm aud lower extremities; heaviness and weariness of lower extremities; chilliness in limbs; while lying on back, sticking jerking from hips to feet; pain in the limbs; pain in knee and joints; in bed, pain in joints and middle of long bones; pain in knees; itching in hollow of knee; on ascending steps, pain in patellae; in bed, on flexing legs, cramp in calves; calves and feet fall asleep; heat in soles of feet; feet cold; skin painful; whole body tremu- lous; sleepiness; aversion to rising; stretching and yawning; in bed, stretching; chilliness; shivering; increased warmth; while waking, per- spiration on upper part of body ; general sweat.—(Morning and afternoon), Anxiety.—(Forenoon), Flickering and glittering in left outer field of vision; itching and gnawing in scalp and nape of neck; vomiting of sour mucus; sticking in right side of abdomen ; thin liquid stool, followed by hard faeces, with flatus.—(Noon), After lying down, stitch in tip of tongue.—(After- noon), Buzzing in forehead; from 4 p.m., one-sided headache; stitches in upper part of throat; 3 p.m., tension across epigastric region ; crawling in pit of stomach ; periodic ravenous hunger ; weakness, with loss of appetite ; nausea in pit of stomach ; rumbling in abdomen; tearing pain in abdo- men ; drawing in back ; during chill, stitches in small of back ; urging to urinate; pain, like small stitches, in sternum ; heaviness and weariness of arms; while lying down, tearing in soles of feet; tearing in left leg to toe; fever; shivering; 6 p.m., fever; yawning and stretching.—(Toward even- ing), Headache about lower portion of skull; stitches within ear; sick feel 121 NUX VOMICA. ing in pit of stomach ; vomiting of sour mucus ; itching on inner surface of pudenda; soreness on margin of prepuce.—(Evening), Anxiety; in bed, fantasies; while walking, apprehension, depression, feeling of intoxica- tion ; in bed, obscuration in front of head ; buzzing; buzzing in forehead ; complaining mood; reproachful and despondent; twitching of right side of face ; after lying down, twitching in muscles of face ; redness of face ; after lying down, heat of face; after lying down, vertigo ; itching of lids; in bed, biting in inner canthi; illusions of smell; drawing toothache ; loose tooth; after eating, red, hot spots in throat and cheeks; during menses, after lying down, crawling in pharynx; after lying dowu, stitches in pit of stomach ; thirst; after lying down, flatulent colic in upper abdomen ; after eating, pain in rectum; pain in rectum and anus; after stool, sore pain in anus; before going to sleep, dry painful catarrh in larynx; after lying down, paroxysms of cough; dyspnoea; oppression of chest; paroxysms of pain in nape of neck; in bed, jerking in limbs; coldness of limbs ; in bed, pain in left shoulder-joint; after lying down, chilliness in arms; before going to bed, sticking in condyle of right wrist; after lying down, itching pain on thigh and knee; in bed, when stretching legs, cramp in calves; tearing and sticking pain about knees; before going to bed, drawing and sticking in right external malleolus ; burning pain on sides of foot and toes; after lying down, heat in soles of feet; while undressing, itching in several parts of body; trembling; 9 p.m., faintness; exhaustion; 8 to 9 p.m., severe pains ; sleepiness ; chilliness.—(Night), Headache ; itching in ear through Eustachian tube ; chirping and swashing in ears ; stopped coryza ; burning in pit of stomach ; burning in throat; eructations of a bitter sour liquid ; crawling in anus; sudden diarrhoea ; aching and heaviness in right testicle and spermatic cord ; emissions, without erections, followed by relaxation of lower portion of body, with cold feet and lascivious dreams; chest oppressed ; tension and pressure in external chest; in bed, compression of chest; dysp- noea, with roaring in ears, rapid pulse, and perspiration ; pain in small of back; arms and fingers fall asleep; cramp in soles of feet, on movement of thighs; delirious ravings increased ; febrile attack ; offensive perspira- tion ; perspiration.—(After midnight), Dryness of mouth ; cramp in stom- ach ; clawing in stomach; pressive pain in rectum ; dry cough till day- break ; when lying on opposite side, boring pain in elbow-joint; cramp in fingers; in bed, cramp in calves, if thigh is flexed; in bed, cramp in toes; sweat on thigh and calves ; sweat; convulsive attacks.—( Open air), Stupid feeling in head ; headache in forehead ; jerks in teeth, ending with stitches; cough loosens ; colic; pain in chest; tearing pain in ulcer on thigh.—(After taking_ open air), Weariness and relaxation of all limbs.—(Draft of air), Pain in small of back.—(Cold air), Sticking in calves.—(Air entering mouth), Pain in hollow tooth.—(After anxiety), Nausea; rapid respiration. ( While asleep), Discharge of saliva, from mouth.—(Ascending stairs), Stitches in throat; tightness transversely through chest; constriction through chest; tightness in chest; cramp and sticking in fingers ; afternoon, heaviness and weariness of lower extremities.—(Deep breath), In open air, pain in hollow tooth ; toothache; in open air, stitches in one row of teeth ; sticking in left side of abdomen.—(Breathing), Stitches between scapulae.—(Bendinq head to side), Pain in opposite shoulder-joint and scapulae.—(Bmding head down). Sensation of something heavy falling in forehead.—(Bending" forward and backward), Pain in small of back.—( Chewing), Sticking pain, extending to ear.—(During chill), Throbbing pain in small of back, with eructations.— (After coition), Dry heat of whole body.—(Coughing), On waking, dry NUX VOMICA. 125 fauces, and bad odor from mouth ; sharpness in throat.—(Before dinner), Headache; swelling of gums, with toothache; hiccough ; nausea; jerking in hip-joint.—(During dinner), Heat in head ; nausea; faintness; flushes of heat. —(After dinner), Hypochondriac mood; confusion of head; vertigo; head- ache ; stitches in left temple; on moving eyes, headache; heat in face; coryza; dryness of throat; qualmish; nausea; sour vomiting ; pain below umbilicus; diarrhoea; dark-colored diarrhoea; pressive pain in perineum; sticking pain in bladder; dyspnoea; offensive breath ; chilliness; sudden convulsive attacks; perspiration on back.—(Drinking coffee), Griping in abdomen.—(After drinking), Milk, sour taste; distension of abdomen ; tight- ness of breath; in morning, pressive pain in loins; shivering.—(Warm drink), Drawing toothache.—(While eating), Vertigo; sweat on forehead and scalp; obscuration of vision ; griping and pinching in abdomen about navel.—(After eating), Hypochondriac mood ; tearing headache; stitches in left hemisphere of brain; heat in cheeks; rising of matter into mouth ; pressure in pit of stomach ; pressive pain in epigastric region ; qualmish- ness ; sick feeling; distension of abdomen ; fulness in upper abdomen; cough ; pressive pain in chest; hands chilly.—(During emission), Impo- tence ; penis relaxed.—(Physical exertion), Cough.—(Exerting mind), After a meal or stool, pressive pain in rectum.—(During eructations), Vertigo.— (Expiration), Tickling in trachea.—(Expectorating), From chest, bitter taste low down in mouth.—(Closing eyes), Pressive pain in middle of brain.— (Holding head erect), Stupid feeling.—(lying down), After dinner, palpita- tion ; burning in ball of thumb.—(Lying on bed), Pain in all limbs.— (Lying on back), At midnight, dry cough.—(Midday nap), Erections.— (After midday nap), Weakness of forearms and hands.—(During menses), Headache in occiput; headache; in morning, nausea; pain in side of ab- domen ; spasmodic motion in abdomen; after stool, weakness; after mid- day nap, tearing in left arm and thigh ; itching rash on thigh ; rising from recumbent position, weakness, chilliness; prostration; chilliness; chilliness, followed by internal burning heat.—(After a meal), Heat in cheeks and chilliness in arms.—(Exerting mind), Throbbing headache; sore pain in teeth ; burrowing toothache.—(During micturition), Tenacious mucus from bladder, with urine.—(Motion), Pain in nape of neck; pain in abdominal muscles; stitches in side of abdomen; sticking pain in middle of chest; stitches between scapulae; pains in pelvic region ; joints painful ; sensation of paralytic loss of power in all limbs; pain in voluntary muscles; chilli- ness ; shivering of whole body; flushes of heat.—(Moving head), Rush of blood to it, with sluggishness of rest of body; cervical muscles painful; cracking in cervical muscles; pain between scapulae.—(Moving nose), Sore- ness of margins of nostrils.—(Moving hand), Pain in right wrist.—(Read- ing), Cough.—(Reflecting), Cough ; constrictive pain in forepart of urethra. —(Rest), Dull pain in small of back.—(Rising from scat), Hollows of knees feel short.—( Warm room), Boring toothache ; fingers feel frozen.—(Run- ning), Shattering and quaking in brain.—(Standing), Stiffness and tension in hollow of knee; jerking in hollow of knee ; trembling of knee and foot; after sitting, leg falls asleep.—(Stepping on heel), Sore pain in part.—(Sit- ting), Respiration difficult, tight; pain in shoulder-joint, and heaviness of arm ; falling asleep of lower extremities.—(Stooping), Heaviness of head ; headache; painless drawing in face; offensive exhalation from mouth; profuse discharge of water from mouth ; stitches in throat; pain between scapulae.—(During stool), Contraction and constriction in rectum.—(After stool), Burning pain in anus.—(After supper), Hypochondriac mood ; burn- 126 NUX VOMICA. ing pain in pit of stomach.—(Swallowing), Pain in throat; stitches in throat; sticking in uvula and submaxillary gland; sour taste to food.—(Thigh bent), Cramp contraction in soles of feet.—(Touch), Pain in nape of neck; stitches between scapulae; pain in chest, beneath axilla; spasms renewed. —(Touching part), Pain in scalp; pain in back; pain in muscles of thigh and knee.—(Turning body), Coarse stitch in small of back.—(Before urin- ating), Pain in neck of bladder; sticking or jerking in urethra.—( While urinating), Burning-tearing pain in neck of bladder; burning in urethra; after dinner, burniug-sticking pain in urethra; itching.—(After urinating), Pressure in neck of bladder; pain in tip of glans penis.—( Walking), After eating, vertigo and dizzy reeling ; in open air rapidly, a mounting to head ; shattering and quaking in brain ; swashing and bubbling in brain ; head- ache ; in open air, toothache ; in morning, sour eructations ; long distance, stitchlike pain in abdomen ; in morning, pressure in abdomen ; in open air, constriction in lower abdomen ; swashing in abdomen ; in morning, itchiug in anus; in open air, cough and expectoration; tightness transversely through chest; constriction ; tearing and pulling in lower portion of back; pain in shoulder and heaviness of arm ; in open air, weakness of right lower extremity ; holding back sensation in muscles of lower extremities ; burn- ing sticking extending from small of back through thighs; itching on thighs; paralytic pain in head of femur, extending below knee; pain in muscles of middle thigh ; lame feeling in thigh ; empty feeling about knee; dry sensation in hollow of knee; after sitting, legs fall asleep; in morning, spasmodic pain in ankle ; pain in ankle ; feet weary and sore ; in open air, weariness of whole body; in evening, exhaustion, palpitation, anxiety, sleepiness; in open air, clammy sweat on forehead, perspiration on inner surface of hands.—(After walking), Sad and weary; crawling in calves.— (Raw wind), Sore pain in head.—(Drop of water touching tongue), Violent spasms.—( Washing in cold water), Smarting of red pimples on face and forehead.—( Yawning), Spasmodic contraction of fingers and toes.—(After yawning and stretching), Spasmodic pain in limbs, with chilliness; internal beating. Amelioration,.—(Evening), Fulness in head; buzzing in head ; after lying down, headache; stitches in temple; after lying down, nausea, sour vomiting.—(After midnight), Cough.—(Drawing in cold air), Boring tooth- ache.—(Bending body), Forward, griping in abdomen ; backward, painful weariness in chest.—(Emission of flatus), Pain in rectum ; sticking pain in bladder.—(After eating), Bad taste in mouth.—(Laying head on table), Headache in forehead.—(Lying down), Pains relieved/; nausea; faintness; flushes of heat.—(Lying in bed), Respiration more natural.— (Lying on side), Cough at midnight.—(Lying on left side or back), Headache in right orbit, in morning.—(Pressure of hand upon part), Sticking in right side of abdomen.—(Rest), Colic in lower abdomen ; sharp pressure in bladder, urethra, perineum, rectum, and anus.—(Rising from bed), Hoarseness and roughness of chest; sore spot in trachea ; pain in joints and middle of long bones; incarceration of flatus in abdomen.—(After rising), Headache; anxiety; ill-humor. — (Standing still), Vertigo. — (Sitting), Tightness in chest; pressure in upper abdomen.—(Stretching legs), Cramp in soles of feet.—(Urinating), Constrictive pain in forepart of urethra.—(Walking), Appetite.—(Hot-water pans to part), Pains in stomach.—( Wrapping cheeks warmly), Toothache. NYMPH^EA ODORATA. 127 NYMPILEA ODORATA. Nymphaea odorata, Ait. Natural order, Nyraphaeaceae. Common name, Sweet water-lily. Preparation, Tincture of the root. Authorities. 1, Dr. Edwin Cowles, Hale's New Remedies, second edition, took repeated doses of 10 to 125 drops of one-tenth dil., and afterwards 20 to 120 drops of tincture; 2, same, subsequently took 5 to 200 drops of tincture. Head.—Head feels very heavy (seventh day)/.—Head aches a little, on getting up (sixth morning)/.—"Heaviness in the temporal region (four hours after third dose, fifth day)/.—Headache through the temples (sev- enth day)/.—Left temporal headaehe (sixth night)/. Nose, Mouth, Throat, and Stomach.—Free nasal flow, as in coryza (seventh day)/.—Severe coryza (seventh day)/.—Somecoryzal dis- charge from the head (eighth day)/.—Some pain in an old hollow tooth, that has ached before (third day)/.—[10.] Soreness of the throat, as in a cold; frequent desire to swallow, with painful deglutition?.—Soreness of the throat (after first dose, sixth day)/.—Soreness of the throat, with dis- position to cough, on waking (sixth day)/.—Tingling in the throat (after second dose, sixth day)/.—Some roughness of the throat (after third dose, fifth day)/.—Appetite not quite so good (seventh morning)/. Abdomen and Stool.—Pain in the hypogastrium and back, and an evacuation of the bowels, with some pain, at 7 a.m. (fourth day)/.— Pain in the hypogastrium and back, and an evacuation, at 11 a.m. (fifth day)/.—A little pain in the hypogastrium, in the evening and night (third day); at 7 a.m. (fourth day)/.—Some hypogastric pain (after second dose, sixth day)/.—[20.] Evacuation of the bowels, with some pain, at 7 a.m. (fourth day); an early evacuation, another at 11 a.m.; a thin stool, with a little pain and slight smarting at the anus, at 1.30 p.m. (fifth day)/.— Pain in the bowels for a few moments at a time, more sharp, and passage of foul flatus (after third dose, sixth day)/.—Some pain in the bowels and back (fourth day)/.—"Looseness of bowels (fourth day), with some pain in bowels (fifth day)/.—Loose evacuations, with some pain in the bowels (fifth day)/. Urinary and Sexual Organs.—Increased flow of urine (fourth day),2.—Some involuntary passage of urine (fifth day)/.—Sensation as if urine was not quite all passed, with the feeling of weakness in the lumbar region (after third dose, sixth day)/.—Slight excitement of the genitals (sixth night)/.—Slight increase of sexual feeling, at night (fifth day),2. Respiratory Organs.—[30.] (A little cough and coryza), (second day)/.—Some cough, in morning (fourth day)/.—A little cough, in the morning, and apparent effects of a cold (eighth day)/. Pack and Fxtremities.—Some pain in the back (eighth day)/. —Pain in the back (sixth night)/—A little feeling of weakness in the lumbar region, (third day)/.—Feel weak in the lumbar region, with a sensation as if urine was not quite all passed (after third dose, sixth day)/.—Pain in the lumbar region (fifth night)/.—Pain in lumbar region (fifth day)/.— Some pain in the lower lumbar region (fourth day)/.—[40.] Lumbar region and lower extremities dull and quite weak (seventh day)/.—Rest- 128 OCIMUM—CENANTHE. less night, with pain in the back and lower limbs (sixth night)/.—Lower extremities and lumbar region dull and quite weak (seventh day)/.—Some pain in the lower extreraities (eighth day)/.—Pain in the lower limbs (sixth night)/. Generalities, Sleep, and Fever.— Felt very dull all the morn- ing, with pain in back and head ; feel quite unfit for active duties (seventh day)/.—Great weakness in lower lumbar region, with headache through temples, and severe coryza (seventh day)/.—On getting up, quite inclined to stretch (seventh morning)/.—Lascivious dream (third night)/.—Feel- ing as of a cold (fifth night)/.—[50.] Chilly feeling (fifth day)/. OCIMUM. Ocimura canum, D. C. (0. incanescens, Mart.). Natural order, Labiatae. Preparation, Tincture of the leaves. Authority. Mure, Pathogenesie Brezilienne. Stomaeh, Abdomen, and Stool.—^Nephritic colic (right side), with violent vomiting, every fifteen minutes; she twists about, screams and groans.f—Swelling of the inguinal glands.—Diarrhoea, several times a day. Urinary and Sexual Organs.— Saffron-yellow urine.—Turbid urine, depositing a white and albuminous sediment.—Ardor urinae.—*Red urine, with brickdust sediment, after the attack.4:—Thick purulent urine, with an intolerable smell of musk.—Heat, swelling, and excessive sensitive- ness of the left testicle.—[10.] Prolapsus vaginae; it protrudes from the vulva.—Lancinations in the labia majora.—Swelling of the whole vulva. Chest and Paeh'.—Compressive pain in the breast, as in nursing women.—Itching of the breasts.—Congestion of the mammary glands; the nipples are very painful; the least touch upon them makes her scream.— Crampy pain in the loins. Fxtremities and Sleep.—Numbness of the right thigh, for two days.—Dreams about her relations, friends, and children.—Dreams about being poisoned. CENANTHE. GSnanthe crocata, Linn. Natural order, Umbelliferae. Common names, Drop-water, Safran-rebendolde. Preparation, Tincture of the root. Authorities. 1, Ray, Philos. Trans., 1699, effects in boys, from eating the root; 2, Stalpaart Van der Wiel, Observ. rarior., 1727 (from Bloc, Monograph on 03., 1873), effects of eating plant; 3, Smetius, 1593, from Stalpaart, effects of eating stems and leaves in a salad ; 4, same, effects in a woman, of eating stems cooked with parsnips; 5, Christ. Rost. Miscell., from Stalpaart, effects of eating stems, in several persons; 6, Baldassar, Timoeus on Poisons, book 7, chap. 4, p. 310 (frora Stalpaart), effects in a man, of eating stems; 7, Simon Paullus, Traite des fievres maligues (from f Red (bloody) urine, with brickdust sediment, after the attack.—Lippe. % See S. 1. CENANTHE. 129 Stalpaart), effects of eating leaves in order to cure fever, in three persons ; 8, Arnatus Lusitamus (from Stalpaart), effects of eating stems, in a child, aged eleven ; 9, Watson, Phil. Trans., 1746, p. 127 (No. 460), effects of eating root, in eleven French prisoners; also, Phil. Trans., 1748, No. 238, effects on soldiers; 10, Allen, Synops. Med., effects in four children; 11, Ehret, Phil. Trans., 1759, p. 856, effects of five spoonfuls of expressed juice of root, in a man, aged fifty-eight; 12, Pulteney, Med. and Philos. Com- ment., 1784, effects, after every dose, of the juice of the root mixed with wine, taken for the cure of a chronic scaly disease of the skin ; 13, Wil- mers, Obs. on Poisonous Vegetables of Great Britain, 1781, statement of Christ. Ehret, as to the effects of the effluvia when sketching the plant; 14, Dr. Robert Graves, Med. Facts and Obs., 1797, Vol. Ill, p. 308 (from Berridge, Pathogenetic Record), effects of two tablespoonfuls of juice of root, in a woman, aged twenty-four; 15, Duval, Inaug. Thesis, 1806, effects of plant, on three soldiers (from Bloc); 16, Parise, Journ. Gen. de Med.r 1823 (Bloc), effects of eating plant, prepared as a salad, on five persons, three of whom died; 17, Dr. Charles, Archives Clin.de Moutpellier, 1814, effects of eating soup containing the plant, in a woman and child (Bloc); 18, Godefroy, Journ. de Pharm., etc., 1822, effects of eating plant, in three sailors ; 19, Journ. de Pharm., 1822, effects of eating plant, in three women ; 20, Bry, Arch. Gen. de Med., 1823, effects of eating plant, in a man; 21, Joseph Fraysell, Lancet, 1833, 1, 860, effects of eating root, in a woman; 22, Thompson, Lancet, 1836, 2, 850, effects of crushing plant, on a man; 23. same, effects of eating a small piece of the root; 24, Bossey, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1844, p. 289, effects of eating roots, on Wilkinson (one of a number of convicts); 25, same, on Knight; 26, same, on Wilson; 27, on others, same; 28, same, on Chamberlain; 29, same, on Williams; 30, same, on Jeffs; 31, same, on Salt; 32, same, on Burgess; 33, Unger, Gaz. des Hop., 1846, effects of eating leaves, on a woman and some children; 34, Pickells, Edin. Med. and Surg. Jour., 1847, p. 435, Vol. LXVII, effects of eating the root, in three boys; 35, same, in two other boys; 36, same, effects in a woman; 37, same, in five children; 38, same, in a boy; 39, same, in two boys; 40, same, in a boy; 41, same, frora Cork Southern Re- porter, 1827, effects in four children ; 42, same, in a boy; 43, same, in a child ; 44, same, in two girls; 45, same, effects of applying a poultice of the plant to a scrofulous ophthalmia, in a woman ; 46, same, effects of eat- ing some, in an elderly woman ; 47, Nichol, Assoc. Journ., 1854 (Schmidt's Jhb., 86, 316), effects of a strong infusiou of plant, taken for erythema, in a woman ; 48, Med. Times and Gaz., N. S., 13,1856, p. 205, effects of root, in three sailors ; 49, Friedrich's Blatt. f., Ger., Aug. 1856 (A. H. Z., 54, 152), effects of the expressed juice of the root; 50, Grahame, Med. Times and Gaz., 1858, N. S., 16, p. 241, effects of eating root; 51, Appleton,' Brit. Med. Journ., 1861, March, p. 293, effects of eating plant; 52, same, report of another case; 53, same, quoted from Dr. Hooper's Med. Diet., effects of eating root, in several persons ; 54, Baume, Med. Times and Gaz., 1862 (from Archives des Mal-mentales, 1861), effects of eating root, in a man ; 55, same, another case; 56, Vacher, Journ. de Med., 1863, effects of a soup containing the leaves and roots, in seventeen soldiers (from Bloc) ; 57, Vincent, Gaz. de hebdom. Med., Paris, 1864, effects of eating the herb; 58, Popham, Brit, and For. Med.-Chir. Rev., 1866, p. 544 (Dubl. Quart. J. of Med., 1865), effects in some boys; 59, same, effects in one boy; 60, Dr. Kimball, Am. Horn. Obs., 1867, p. 70, effects of eating the root, in a boy; 61, Kane, Med. Times and Gaz., 1869, 2, 379, effects of eating the VOL. VII.—9 130 CENANTHE. leaves, in a child ; 62, Bloc, effects of eating root, in several persons; 63, Nevins, Assoc. Med. J., Vol. II, effects of eating roots, in a young boy; 64, Pharm. Journ., 3d ser., Vol. I, p. 1110, effects of eating the root, in a man; 65, Journ. de Cbiiu. Med., 1870 (Bloc), effects of getting the alco- holic solution of the extract on the hands ; 66, Gayet, Essai sur l'CEnanthe, 1870, poisoning of several persons by eating the herb; 67. same, effects of eating the root, in a soldier; 68, Journ. of Botany, 1870, Vol. VIII, p. 255, effect of eating root, in a man ; 69, Pharm. Journ. and Trans., 1875 and 1876 (Manchester Guardian), effect of eating the root, in several per- sons (from Berridge, Pathogenetic Record); 70, same, additional effects, 1871, Vol. I, p. 110; 71, Foss, Practitioner, 1876, p. 248, effects of eating root, in nine children ; 72, Taylor's Med. Juris., Vol. I, p. 422, two laborers ate some of the roots; death after about three hours. Mind.—"Furious delirium?.—Delirium/162349.—Very marked symp- toms of maniacal delirium/.—Delirium and insensibility; restless, aud with difficulty kept in bed; when roused he did not speak, but stared vacantly, and seemed in a state of madness (after seven hours and a half); still restless and insane (after twenty-four hours); delirious (ninth and tenth days)/1.—*Delirium like delirium tremens; the patients constantly moved from place to place, talked without cessation, and without knowing what they said ; they grasped at imaginary objects/3.—Excessive excitement; she talked to herself, swore and blasphemed, while at the same time she was seized with convulsive laughter/3.—The patients refused everything that was offered, and constantly endeavored to escape, so that it was neces- sary to keep constant watch over them/3.—One ran mad, but his reason returned next morning/.—Serai-delirium in almost all,50.—[10.] Approach- ing delirium (twelfth day)/2.—In one the most prominent symptom was extreme restlessness, approaching to mania,50.—Lost control of myself and was unconscious of what I was doing or saying/.—When slapped on the cheeks he bounds up indignantly, stammering out in pitiful remonstrance, " Wisha, don't, then," and covers his head impatiently; he is immediately buried in unconsciousness again (after four hours)/9.—It seemed to her as if she were flying/.—Depression of spirits (second day)/8.—Great oppres- sion, with extreme anxiety/.—Moans (second day)/1.—Temper irritable (third day),59.—General malaise/533.—[20.] Much confused in intellect, and vacant in expression (second day); consciousness has quite returned, but all is a blank since he ate the root up to this morning (third day),59.— She thought that she was transported to a very great elevation/.—They were all absolutely unconscious/1.—Loss of sensibility/3.—Complete in- sensibility/1.—In a state of insensibility (after one hour and a half)/1.— Insensible/56372.—Lies in a state of stupor, sleeping much, in the evening (third day)/1.—Slight stupor (after six hours and a half)/8.—Stupor for several days,40.—[30.] Lay for some hours in a state of stupor/8.—Slight symptoms of coma (after six hours and a half),30.—Coma/3. Head—Vertigo. Vertigo/1215 43 49 50 67.—Vertigo like intoxication,5. —The first attacked was seized with vertigo and fell; the other, while placing him on his back, fell also/5.—Dizziness in the head (one case)/3.— Felt dizzy and strangely (after twenty minutes)/0.—Dizziness in his head for some time,9.—Giddiness,27 51.—[40.] Great giddiness, with vast uneasi- ness and sickness at stomach, but no vomiting (after ten or fifteen min- utes)/4.—Complained of giddiness, and immediately fell to the ground/6.— Giddy, in one case,50.—Giddiness (second day)/8.—Giddiness (eleventh day),30.—Giddy, so that several times he was obliged to quit the room and CENANTHE. 131 walk out in the fresh air to recover himself; but when the doors and win- dows of his room were opened, he could finish his work without giddiness,13. —General Head. Headache and giddiness (seventh day)/0.—Head- ache/8.—Violent pain in the head/7.—Pain in the head (second day)/2.— [50.] Pain in head (fifth day)/8.—Complained greatly of pain all over him, but particularly in the head (after one hour and a half)/1. Eye.—Eyes very much sunk (ninth day)/1.—Eyes full and projecting, pupils dilated,72.—It inflamed the eye much, and caused the other eye to swell and inflame/5.—Injection of the eye (seventh day)/0.—Lid and Pllll. Eyelids spasmodically closed (after four hours)/9.—Eyelids half closed (after six hours and a half)/8.—Eyeballs drawn upward and inward and'firmly fixed,61.—Pupil. The pupils of the eye in all cases were widely dilated ; the eyes themselves were fixed, and were never moved, the retinae being apparently insensible to light, as the children never mani- fested any sign of recognizing those who were attending to them/1.—[60.] Pupils very much contracted,67.—Pupil of eye contracted to the size of a pin's head (after one hour and three-quarters)/1.—Pupils first contracted, afterwards dilated,63.—Pupils dilated ; expression uncertain and haggard/3. —Pupils dilated and insensible/9.—Pupils dilated/526273855.—Dilatation of pupils, for several days,40.—Much dilatation of the pupils, and redness of the eyes/4.— Vision. Vision impaired/9.—Disturbance of vision/7.—[70.] Obscuration of vision,6.—Saw nothing on awaking,8. Far and Nose.—Heard nothing on awaking/.—Tip of the nose very red (second day)/1.—Haemorrhage from the nose (in one case)/. Face.—Swelling of the face,22.—"Rapid convulsive twitching of muscles of face?1.—Face swollen, flushed (second day)/2.—Face flushed up during his struggles, livid when quiet/9.—Face flushed (second day)/1.—[80.] Face congested (after seven days),31.—Face black (after one hour)/4.—Face swollen and livid,25.—"Face livid and turgid?3.—Face livid (sixth day)/172. —Face pale and cold/1.—Pallor of face/7.—The face immediately became very pale, and he said he felt as though he had eaten some tobacco/7.— Pale face/655.—Features very pale/3.—[90.] Ghastly pallor of the cutane- ous surface of the face, with blackening round the eyelids/1.—Looked pale/6.—Countenance anxious (after eleveu days)/2.—Countenance anxious, depressed (after six hours and a half)/832.—Lips. Lips livid (after seven hours and a half)/1.—Lips blue (seventh day)/0.—Jaw. An emetic was with great difficulty forced down, on account of his jaws being, as it were, locked together/.—Jaws closed fast, so that very little could be given him/1. —Jaws rigidly closed,68.—Jaws locked (in one case),53.—[100.] Two boys, aged five and eight, were lockjawed, and after writhing in pain for some hours, died/9.—Jaws closed spasmodically/1.—Impracticable to introduce emetics by the mouth, notwithstanding the use of a dilator, in consequence of spasm of lower jaw/0.—In one instance, owing to the spasm of the jaw, no emetic could be introduced/4.—*Muscles of mastication in rigid spasm,61. 3Iouth.—Tongue. Convulsive movements of the teeth/2.—Tongue half bitten through about an inch from the vertex,61.—Tongue sore and swollen (second day); raw at tip and edges (third day)/9.—Tongue swollen and protruded/2.—Tongue protruded with difficulty, swolleu, white, blis- tered (second day) ; white, its edges ulcerated (third day) ; coated, moist, red at the tip (fifth day),31.—[110.] Tongue swollen (after six hours and a half); red at the tip (second day); white (fourth day) ; moist (sixth day) ; coated, moist (after seven days)'/2.—Tongue slightly coated (second day); white (third day)/8.—Tongue moist, slightly furred (seventh day)/0.— 132 CENANTHE. Tongue slightly coated (sixth day)/9.—Tongue clean, moist, and trem- bling/3.— Genera I Month. Foaming at the mouth/851; (after one hour),64.—He foamed considerably at the mouth/1.—Frothy mucus, with blood about their mouths/2.—Bloody mucus oozed from the mouth/3.— Mouth dry and parched (second day)/8.—[120.] Mouth parched (third day)?1.—Speech. Loss of speech/9.—Speechless (after one hour and three-quarters),21.—Speech 1 ess/5 72. Throat.—Much mucus in the throat (second day)/2.—Pressure on the throat gives pain ; it is sore when he swallows (fifth day)/1.—Inflammation of the throat and pharynx,19.—Inflammation of the throat and oesoph- agus,18.—Constriction of the throat/8.—Sensation of burning and constric- tion in the larynx/9.— [130.] Burning heat in the throat/6.—Burning heat in the throat and stomach/.—Heat in throat/3.—Great heat in the throat,20. —Violent heat in throat and stomach,10.—Great heat in the throat and stomach/18.—Loud rattles in the trachea (after six hours and a half)/2.— To make him swallow was impossible/5.—She had lost the power of deglu- tition (after one hour and three-quarters)/1. Stomach.—Appetite and Thirst. Total loss of appetite,50.— [140.] Thirst (eleventh day),30.—Thirst (third day)/1.—Desires cold drinks, in the evening (third day),31.—Fructation and Hiccough. Con- stant and continued eructations strongly flavored by the plant,50.—Hic- cough,5.— Very distressing hiccough/.—Cardialgia/. — Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea, without vomiting/7.—Nausea,2 58 66.—Frequent nau- sea, without vomiting/7.—[150.] Nausea and vomiting/549.—Nauseated, and vomited up nearly the whole of the root (after twenty minutes),60.—Nausea and sickness, which were soon relieved, if vomiting supervened/2.—Vast uneasiness and sickness at stomach, but no vomiting, with great uneasiness (after ten or fifteen minutes)/4.—Vomiting/6.—Vomited blood,63.—Vomit- ing and diarrhoea/7.—They vomited in their fits,10.—Great retching ; at the first attempt he threw up about half a pint of clear watery liquid ; at the first and third attempts hardly anything/1.—Tenderness at stomach (elev- enth day),30.—[160.] Acute pain in the stomach/9.—Pain in pit of stomach, with slight fever (eighth and ninth days)/1.—Pain in the stomach/8.— Violent pains in the epigastric region/957.—Pain in the epigastric region/7. —Burning in the stomach,58.—Heat in stomach/3.—Biting heat in the epi- gastric region, without nausea/7.—" Warmed her stomach very much,"36. Abdomen.—Abdomen distended like a balloon/7.—[170.] Distension of the abdomen/9.—Abdomen greatly distended/8.—Sudden distension of the abdomen, with shortness of breathing (second day)/8.—Belly greatly swelled/1.—Abdomen rather hard (eleventh day),30.—Violent colic/9.— Colic pains in the abdomen (second day)/8.—Tenderness, hardness, and pain in the abdomen (second day)/8.—Belly very tender (third day)/1.— Griping or severe tormina,50.—[180.] Tumescence of the abdomen/2.— Cough gives pain in the region of the liver and in the head (second day)/2. —The slightest touch on any part of the abdomen causes great pain (second day)/1. Pectum and Stool.—Great desire for stool, which went off in three minutes/1.—Diarrhoea/49.—Bowels moved involuntarily (after seven hours and a half)/1. Urinary and Sexual Organs.—Micturition painful (after five days)/1.—Urine plentiful, dark-colored, turbid (eleventh day)/1.—Increased flow of urine, in which there was a copious sediment/2.—Urine clear, high- colored (fifth day)/1.—[190.] Passed a pint of urine, reddish, and deposit- CENANTHE. 133 ing a copious white sediment (second day); urine reddish, thick, high- colored (third day); dark, with sediment (fifth day); plentiful and still thick (tenth day)/2.—No urine since midnight, at 10 a.m. ; thick, dark- colored, at midnight (second day) ; plentiful, dark-colored, with a thick yellowish sediment (third day); free, dark-colored, with sediment (fifth day),28.—Semi-priapism (second day)/2. Pcspiratory Organs.—Voice. Very hoarse (seventh day),31.— Cough and Expectoration. Coughs slightly, and expectorates with difficulty a reddish mucus (second day) ; expectorates a thick reddish mucus (third day) ; expectoration bloody (fourth day) ; cough troublesome, sputum dark, but not so bloody (seventh day) ; expectoration copious (ninth day); very copious, loose, and less bloody; easy, and becoming white (tenth day)/2.—Short cough (second day)/1.—Much mucus in the throat raised with freedom (second day); expectorates a white frothy phlegm (third day) ; expectorates a heavy greenish-yellow matter (fourth day) ; frequent cough, with copious purulent expectoration, in the forenoon; cough and expectoration frequent, in the evening (sixth day) ; spits a large quantity of heavy purulent mucus (seventh day); expectorates with great difficulty the same dark-greenish matter (ninth day)/1.—Pespiration. Spasmodic respiration,63.—A convulsive attempt at respiration was made to expel the blood and froth from the mouth/1.—Breathing convulsive,26.— [200.] Breathes heavily (second day); breathing short, in the morning; laborious, hurried, with loud tracheal rattles, in the evening (third day); breathing easier (fourth day); much shorter (seventh day); more op- pressed (eighth day); laborious (ninth day) ; very short (tenth day); slight mucous rattle in the trachea (eleventh day)/1.—Breathing labored,25.— Breathing stertorous and labored,72.—Breathing hurried (after seven hours and a half); labored (second day),31.—Breathing short (after six hours and a half); hurried (second day); hurried, slight rattling in trachea (second day) ; short aud difficult when she moved (seventh day) ; loud mucous rattles in the trachea (eleventh day)/2.—Shortness of breath, with sudden distension of the abdomen (second day),28.—Breathing slow and labored, interrupted by constant sighing and convulsive cough/9.—Difficult respiration,6.—Breathing free (after one hour and three-quarters)/1.—Res- piration very difficult/9.—[210.] Occasionally there was a sudden cessation of breathing, followed by a catching sigh, indicating probable spasm of the diaphragm/1.—Respiration hardly perceptible,61. Chest.—Chest firmly fixed,61.—On the right side of the chest there is dulness on percussion, the natural murmur wanting, a short bronchial sound; on the left side, sonorous rattles; the heart's action quick, weak, with a thrilling sensation communicated to the hand (fifth day)/2.—Pain in chest and abdomen (second day),28.—Pain in the right side under the ribs (eleventh day),30.—Pain in breast (after six hours aud a half)/2.—Pain in breast (after ten hours and a half),29. Heart aud Pulse.—Pain in the heart,6.— Acceleration of the pulse/2.—[220.] The pulse at first was about 100 in the minute, but it soou becarae hardly perceptible, and in all the cases was imperceptible for hours previous to death/1.—Pulse feeble, at 8 a.m.; soft, greatly accelerated, in the evening (third day) ; fuller, about 100, at 8 a.m. (fourth day) ; soft, 112. at 1 p.m. (fifth day) ; feeble, 120, at 10 A.m. (seventh day) ; soft, feeble, very frequent (eighth day)/1.—Pulse frequent and feeble, at noon (second day); 108, soft (fifth day); soft, 90 (seventh day) ; very small and feeble (eleventh day)/2.—Pulse 84, feeble and irregular (first day) ; 84, rising to 108, on 134 CENANTHE. sitting up (second dav)/9.—Pulse soft, feeble, 78, much accelerated by slight exertion (second day).31.—Slow feeble pulse,27.—Feeble pulse,55.—Pulse very small, feeble, rather slow/3.—Pulse soft, irregular, 48 to 52,67.—Pulse 40, small and wiry (after one hour and three-quarters)/1.—[230.] Pulse almost imperceptible,63.—"Pulse scarcely to be felt" (first case)/9.—Pulseless/4. Extremities.—Lost the use of his limbs (after one hour and a half)/1.—Arms flexed at elbow in a right angle,61.—Irritation of the hands and arms, with sharp lancinating pains/2.—Rapid convulsive twitching of muscles of hands,61.—Hands firmly clenched,63.—Tendency to cramps in lower extremities,50.—Legs stretched straight out/1. Generalities.—[240.] *He fell back, foaming at the mouth and black in the face,70.—"Gave a leap" and then fell, receiving, in the fall, a severe injury to the forehead (one case)/4.—Trunk powerfully bent for- ward,63XAll reflex excitability was gone; irritation of the fauces; by put- ting in the stomach-pump did not in the least excite any tendency to vomit/1.—One lost his hair and nails/.—It was impossible to get them to swallow anything/1.—They never spoke or uttered any cry indicating that they were in pain/1.—One seemed "rather mesmerized than comatose,"34. —Risus sardonicus, and other symptoms,43.—Reeling,55.—[250.] Long-con- tinued rigors, and it almost proved fatal (after a tablespoonful),12.—Iu a state of almost immovable rigidity; insensible, moaning, and breathing stertorously; countenance livid; eyes fixed ; pupils dilated ; sanguineous foam issuing from the mouth ; intense action of the dorsal and lumbar muscles, or opisthotonos; the pulse very feeble, and the heart's action even scarcely perceptible; lower jaws firmly locked; the tongue much injured and slightly protruding; in eight or ten minutes from the time of first see- ing him, he expired gently and without a struggle,50.—Severe rigors/7.— Body rigid,61.—Rigors/3.—They were in great agonies, with violent heat in stomach and throat, before they fell into convulsions,10.—Occasional gen- eral convulsions/2.—The convulsions were not of the body, but of the mouth, face, and extremities/4.—In about half an hour they were all seized with symptoms of poisoning, and one died soon after in strong convul- sions/8.—When placed in a sitting posture, his head would fall forward or backward, or to the shoulder, but when replaced on the pillow he tossed his head from side to side, accompanied by jactitations of the hands/9.— [260.] Jactitation, if not convulsions, in almost all,50.—Numbness, nausea, horrid convulsions, and at last tetanic stiffness, coma, and death; almost all died,62.—The first attacked with symptoms of poisoning was a boy, aged three years; whilst eating a cake he fell down in convulsions, and was quite unconscious (after a quarter of an hour); he remained this way till 10 o'clock that night, when he died. Immediately afterwards, a little boy, aged five years, and a girl, about the same age (both of whom had had some of the root), were attacked in the same way. The boy died about 7 o'clock that evening; the girl recovered. In another house, a girl, aged six years, was attacked, together with a boy about the same age. The girl died the next afternoon about 4 o'clock; the boy recovered. There were others affected, but iu a lesser degree. The signs of poisoning were the same in all the cases; about fifteen minutes after eating the root they became unconscious, and were violently convulsed, at the same time the jaws were closely locked, the mouth covered with foam, in some cases mixed with a little blood; the convulsive fits recurred, one after another, with extreme rapidity, there being scarcely an interval of half a minute between each; in the case of the girl, who lived nearly a day, there was considerable opis- CENANTHE. 135 thotonos, or arching of the back, on the second day, which had taken the place of the violent general convulsions of the previous evening; about three hours before she died the convulsions ceased altogether; she, how- ever, remained in a state of coma till her death ; the other two died iu the convulsions/1.—In one hour, some fell into syncope and convulsions; oue died before the doctor arrived, two hours after supper; a second was ex- piring; a third showed no signs of life but trembling and convulsions. The activity of the poison was so sudden that I saw two fall into a swoon, whilst, at perfect ease about themselves, they were busily lavishing atten- tion upon their sick comrades. Guillaume Trelacheau, a man of strong and robust constitution, seemed the most hopeless. The upturning of his eyes, the contraction of his lower jaw, the feebleness of pulse, the inability to move, feel, or know anything, with a universal chill spread over his body, seemed to be so many signs of death. After vain attempts to give an emetic, I had him rolled and well shaken in a blanket, by eight men, for two hours; he recovered warmth, and then insensibly movement and life; the first signs were efforts to vomit, which, aided by the emetic, were effectual. The vomiting went on for days, take what he would. He fell asleep for fifteen hours. The third day his tongue was extremely sore and swollen from biting during the convulsions. He remembered nothing that had befallen him frora the first to the third day of his illness, nor of the cir- cumstances that had accompanied, nor those which had caused it/6.—The eldest sudddenly fell backwards without any premonitory symptoms, and lay kicking and sprawling on the ground ; his countenance soon turned very ghastly, and he foamed at the mouth (after four or five hours) ; soon after, four more were seized in the same way, and they all died before morning, not one having spoken a word/.—Terrible convulsions, followed by tetanic rigidity, coma, and death,66.—Most violent convulsions and death in less than an hour from the time of taking the poison. They mangled their tongues in a shocking manner/4.—Violent convulsions, solely affect- ing the flexors throughout the body/3.—Violently convulsed, aud in the space of one hour was a corpse,36.—Strongly aud repeatedly convulsed, and appeared to be hastening into an apoplectic condition; death iu a quarter of an hour,25.—[270.] Dreadfully convulsed for some hours, and died in the most excruciating agony/1.—Very severe convulsions, which, in about fifteen minutes, deprived hira of his senses, and continued, with a few in- termissions, till he died, which was in about three hours and a half/1.— Fell convulsed; struggled so violently that several strong men could scarcely hold him ; he suddenly died in a fit (after one hour and a quarter)/6.—Fell down convulsed, and died within a quarter of an hour/1. —Fell down in strong convulsions; the struggling was soon over, and he became better, but retained a wild expression of countenance, which was pale, and in a short time he had another fit; about half an hour later it was manifest that he was dying; his bloated livid face, the sanguineous foam about his mouth and nostrils, the stertorous snort and convulsive breathing, extreme prostration and insensibility plainly indicated that every remedial measure would be useless ; he died in five minutes/4.—Very violent convulsions succeeded each other with very great rapidity, and were followed by death/5.—Convulsions soon came on, aud she lost her senses (after ten or fifteen minutes); in half an hour more the convulsions had become stronger and quicker; no sensibility ; mouth firmly open ; scarcely any pulse at the wrist, and extremities cold ; she soon died/4.—Seized while stepping from the boat; insensibility, convulsions, foaming at the 136 CENANTHE. mouth, and almost instantaneous death,52.—Loss of speech and conscious- ness, followed by terrible convulsions, which lasted three-quarters of an hour, and terminated in death ; during the convulsions the teeth were tightly closed by trismus,20.—In about an hour he became uuconscious and convulsed, and in half an hour more he died,68.—[280.] Convulsed, and died in a few minutes, not more than half an hour having elapsed between the first symptoms and death,54.—In five of the cases, including the man who died, the spasmodic accessions were severe and successive,50.—Long in a very precarious state, passing through alternations of tetanic convulsions and insensibility/9.—Convulsions, with tetanic closure of the jaws and frothing at the mouth, followed by death/9.—Convulsions, followed by death/7.—Three were seized with convulsions, and two died,9.—Convul- sions, and in one case death/3.—Convulsions, followed by sound sleep ; on awaking she neither saw nor heard anything, and being carried home, died immediately,8.—Convulsions; other symptoms of vegetable poisoning, and in one case death/7.—Fainted and fell in convulsions/8.—[290.] * Convul- sions,10 23 27 39 42 5T.—In two of the cases it was observed that the access of the convulsions, which were alternated with sopor, was always preceded by an acceleration of the pulse,34.—In the intervals of the convulsions the girl, aged six years, during the earlier part of her illness, protruded her tongue as far as she could, as if there were something at the base she wished to get rid of/1.—Spasms, followed by death,60.—Spasms,18.—Restless, endeavoring to get up (eleventh day)/2.—Restless, after a fit/6.—Debility,50.—Debility, confining him to the bed for many days,40.—Slight symptoms of exhaustion (after six hours and a half),30.—[300.] Much weakness/7.—Prostration, requiring small doses of brandy and ammonia, in one or two,50.—His ex- haustion rendered it necessary to convey hira, even with care, in a cot, to the hospital/1.—He felt ill, and having walked on a little farther, he had to rest (after one hour and a half)/1.—Faintness/767.—Fainting,18.—Faint and collapsed (seventh day),30.—Still slightly collapsed (after six hours and a half),32.—Attacks of syncope (sixth day)/9.—Cannot bear to be moved (third day)/1.—[310.] Cannot bear to drink anything hot (third day)/1.—Cutaneous sensibility greatly exalted ; when touched he manifests great uneasiness (second day),31.—Great tenderness on the right side (sev- enth day)/2.—Cramps/6.—Acute pain,46.—Pain, all along the course of the crural and sciatic nerves, commencing in the spinal column, raore especially the lumbar region,50.—Great pain in the left side; it is very tender when touched (third day)/1.—Pain in left side (second day),31.—Slight pain in left side (eleventh day)/1.—Pain in the side (second day)/2.—[320.] The pain is more severe in the right side (after ten hours and a half)/2. SJihl.—Irregular rosaceous spots covering nearly the whole face ; these spots were not elevated above the skin; they appeared also on the abdomen and arms/7.—Small red spots on the chest, face, and upper extremities/9. —Red ecchymosed patches on the face and chest/3.—Roseola, on the ab- domen, in patches (after a few hours)/9.—Eruption on the hands and arms/2.—Eruption, accompanied by engorgement, redness, and pruritus (after three hours),65. Sleep.—Drowsy (after six hours and a half )/8.—Sleepv (second day)/1. —Sound sleep/.—[330.] Sleepy; roused with difficulty "(after six hours and a half)/4.—Great tendency to sleep,67.—In a deep sleep, snoring loudly and moaning (after four hours),59. Fever.—Extreme coldness (second case)/.—"Deadly cold and pale" (first case)/9.—The skin was cold, especially the hands and feet, which CENANTHE—CENOTHERA. 137 were blue long before death/1.—Skin cold and moist, especially over the hands and forehead (after one hour and three-quarters)/1.—Hands and face cold (seventh day),30.—Extremities cold,67.—Coldness of the extremities/7. —[340.] Loss of animal heat (second day)/8.—Burning heat, that mounted to the head/7.— Violent heat of the head/9.—Hot and feverish (second day)/2.— Face, nose, ears, and lips excessively hot and flushed, in the evening (third day)/1.—Skin hot (after three days)/1.—Slight fever, with pain at pit of stomach (eighth and ninth days)/1.—A profuse sweat accom- panied all the symptoms/1.—Very offensive perspiration over the whole body/9.—Cold sweats (after a tablespoonful)/2. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), Breathing short; 8 a.m., pulse feeble.—(Evening), Desire for cold drinks; breathing laborious and hurried ; pulse accelerated ; face, nose, and lips flushed ; sleepy.—(Exer- tion), Pulse accelerated.—(Sitting-up), Pulse accelerated.—(Pressure on part), Pain in throat.—(Walking in close room), Giddiness.—(Water), All symptoms/9. OENOTHERA. CEuothera biennis, L. Natural order, Onagraceae. Common name, Large evening primrose. Preparation, Tincture. Authority. T. Riker Nute, M.D., U. S. Med. and Surg. Journal, 9, 395 ; 1, a woman, aged forty, took a teaspoonful of fluid extract for relief of a wearisome feeling of mental and physical oppression; 2, same,subsequently took 30 drops. Head.—Light-headed/. Stool and Urinary Organs.—Pressing desire to evacuate the bowels, and a copious, but apparently consistent and natural stool promptly thrown off, without exciting pain or requiring muscular effort; about three hours later another copious discharge of the bowels, aud still another after midnight/.—With the appearance of a warm perspiration upon the surface of every part of my person came an urgent desire to void uriue. Passed without seeming effort a large quantity of light-colored, bland, and unirri- tating urine; about an hour later again passed water freely; again after about two hours had a free discharge of urine; and again at 9 oclock and after midnight/. Generalities.—At first, the exhilarating effects of the remedy seemed salutary, and promised a speedy removal of these annoying sensations (a wearisome feeling of mental and physical oppression, which, while it con- tinues, quite disqualifies me for both thought and muscular exertion) ; but in less than half an hour it became painfully evident that I had, in my perhaps morbidly sensitive state of nerve, taken an overdose of it; for, so far from accomplishing the object for which I administered it, it appeared to aggravate every symptom of the functional disturbance I had»previously experienced. The feeling of oppression about the brain early gave place to a violent vertigo, which was attended with such a swimraing sensation and loss of muscular power as deprived me of the ability to walk, to stand or sit, or even to utter a loud word. There being no one in my chamber, to which I had previously retired, from whom I could obtain aid, and being persuaded that I «hould ere long fall from my chair headlong upon the floor if I remained where I was, I resolved to make an attempt to reach 138 CENOTHERA—OLEANDER. my bed. By the support of objects in my course, I succeeded in making my way in safety to the foot of the latter, and from there along its side till I had gained a central point thereof, from which I threw myself upon it, a feat which was achieved with no inconsiderable difficulty and danger, in my extremity, of a disastrous fall. There, I remember, I was welluigh driven mad by a feeling of numbness, attended by a pricking sensation in almost every part of the surface of my body, accompanied by severe rigors and occasional cramps in the muscles of the extremities and abdomen, to- gether with a wringing twisting pain beneath the umbilicus. I felt that I must be covered over, have some one to rub me and give me a warm drink, or I should surely die; and, after making many ineffectual efforts by my voice, which refused to do my bidding, to attract the attention of some member of the family on the floor below me, I determined on going to them, as best I might, absurd as was the thought. I worked myself off of my bed on to the floor, and upon my hands and knees gradually crawled out of the room and along the hall leading therefrom as far as the head of the stairs, with the intention of sliding feet foremost down the flight, and, in a similar manner, make my way through the hall of the first floor up to the door of the room then occupied by the family, where, in some way, I thought I might, perchance, succeed in making my deplorable condition known to them, and die, if die I must, in their presence. But on reaching the head of the stairs, my courage, though stimulated by a feeling of des- peration known only to a person similarly circumstanced, failed me, and, abandoning the formidable, not to say hazardous, undertaking, I turned me about and crept back into the room I had deserted, got hold of the side of my bed, and after a series of desperate efforts, succeeded in lifting myself up, and again toppled over upon it, where I lay half unconscious until the servant chanced to come into the room, and apprised the family of my perilous condition. I had then lost power to raise my eyelids, to lift my head, to move, to think, to speak, and, as it appeared to me, to long exist, so complete was the exhaustion of all the vital forces of my organism ; and yet I was conscious, I remember, of a slight mitigation of the cerebral oppression which had for the last two hours held me spellbound, and of a corresponding restoration of the functions of reason and judgment/.— Weak/.—In the course of half an hour began to feel dizziness, attended with weakness in the limbs and fluttering about the heart, with numbness and a pricking sensation in the skin, griping pain beneath the umbilicus, etc., much the same as I experienced last autumn, which, however, being trifling in character, passed off quickly with a free motion of the bowels and copious discharge of urine/. OLEANDER. Nerium oleander, L. Natural "order, Apocynaceae. Common names, Rose-laurel; (G.), Larbeer-rose; (Fr.), Le laurier rose. Preparation, Tincture of the leaves. Authorities. (Nos. 1 to 8 from Hahnemann, R. A. M. L., 1, 326.) 1, Hahnemann ; 2, Franz; 3, Gross ; 4, Gutmanu ; 5, Hartmann ; 6, Lang- hammer; 7, Morgagni, de sedib. et cans, morb., Ep. L1X, § 12 (from ex- pressed juice, in a woman of sixty, Hughes) ; 8, Petrus de Abano, de Venenis. (cap. 33, statement, Hughes) ; 9, Buchner's Repertorium, second OLEANDER. 139 ser., vol. 15, three women drank a small glass of the tincture, thinking it brandy ; 10, Kurzak, Zeit. der K. K. Gesellschaft d. iErzte. zu Wien (Vjs. fur Horn., 11, p. 154, case quoted from Gaultier's Toxicology, 1855), effects in some soldiers, who ate a broth that had been stirred while cooking, with an Oleander stem ; 11, ibid., another case from Gaultier, a person took 15 centigrams of powdered leaves, three times a day, afterwards 1 gram and 10 centigrams at one dose ; 12, ibid., a third case from Gaultier, a woman took 4 drops four times a day (till she took 40 drops) of a solution of 30 grms. of the extract in 120 grms. of wine ; 13, a man took repeated doses of same solution, beginning with 3 drops, and increasing by 1 drop to 60 drops ; 14, effects of swallowing some flowers, in a child, Lindley's Veg. Kingdom ; 15, Kurzak (1. c), effects of eating two handfuls of flowers, in a weakly child; 16, Krug, Schmidt's Jahrb., 76, 184, a woman drank a tea made of the leaves ; 17. Broughton, Br. and F. Med.-Chir. Rev., 25, p. 387 (1860), from Trans. Med. and Phys. Soc. of Bombay, 1859, a man, aged thirty-five, swallowed a cup of " Kunaree," which contained more than an ounce of the expressed juice of Oleander. Mind.—He seemed remarkably lively, and jumped about like a kitten, the whole afternoon, quite contrary to habit,15.—Screaming,10.—Anxiety/3. —Became restless (after ten minutes)/5.—Loss of confidence in himself, and on that account a sad mood/.—He immediately became overheated ; he became passionate, though he immediately repented of it/.—He cannot tolerate contradiction,3.—"Peevish, fretful, out of humor with everything?.— "Ill-humored, reserved/.—[10.] Dulness of sense, ill-humor, disinclination to do anything/.—Disposed neither to work nor to undertake any other agreeable occupation/.—Weak, indolent, disinclined for every work/.— Disinclination to work/. — Mind dull; he cannot think well/.—While studying he had constantly other thoughts; he found himself dreaming of the future, and busying himself with beautiful images concerning it (after four hours)/.—*On reading a book he comprehends its ideas least if while making great efforts to understand them he thinks that he will not succeed; his thoughts then become confused, and he becomes quite unable to con- tinue reading; he comprehends everything more easily if he does not think at all that he wishes to understand it; he is then not occupied with any other thoughts besides those of the book itself/.—*It was very difficult to read a learned book; he was frequently obliged to read a sentence three or four times before he understood it, because he could not, with the greatest exertion, mentally grasp what he had read because his mind was disturbed by other ideas of his own, that always took his attention away frora what he was reading,3.—* While reading a long sentence, it was often difficult to grasp the connection/.—His memory is weak; he is unable to recall the names of those with whom he is well acquainted (after two hours and a half)/.—[20.] He recollected nothing from the moment he swallowed the draught, and could form no opinion of the time which elapsed since the suicidal attempt and his recovery (third morning)/7.—Complete stupidity,10. —Stupefaction,9.—A kind of stupidity, so that he did not understand what was said to hira,10.—Slight coma, in which, however, the patient could be aroused by loud calling, when she answered connectedly, though speech was decidedly difficult; as soon as she stopped talking, she sank back into coma, with distortion of the eyes/6.—Complete insensibility,10.—Immedi- ately walked five yards and fell senseless/7.—Loss of senses/. Head.— Vertigo. Vertigo,910.—Vertigo, not amounting to reeling and falling (on walking in the open air) ; he stood firraly, but objects, 140 OLEANDER. trees, and people seemed to run together and swim, as in a confused dance, and it became dark before the eyes, with flashes of lightning (as if blinded by snow), (after four hours and a half)/.—[30.] AVhirling vertigo in the forehead, and tottering of the lower extreraities, as from weakness of them (after one hour and a half)/.—On rising from a recumbent posture, he could scarcely walk across the room on account of violent vertigo in the whole head (after ten hours)/.—He is not free from vertigo, even while walking in the open air/.—During dinner, which he swallowed with haste, as in ravenous hunger, the head became so dizzy that it seemed as though his vision and hearing would vanish, especially as if it would become black before the right eye/.—If, on standing erect, he looked towards the ground it became dizzy before the eyes, and it seemed as though he saw everything double; but if he looked straight ahead on standing or stooping he noticed nothing of it (after seven hours)/.—Whirling, reeling/.—General Head. He cannot hold up his head on account of a feeling of great heaviness in it; he is obliged to cease reading and lie down ; while lying down he experiences no headache, and is well, but if he rises he feels again the heaviness and duluess of the head, nausea, and other disagreeable sen- sations (after nine hours)/.—Dulness of the whole head (after half an hour)/.—Heaviness of the head (after twenty-four hours)/.—Pressure in the upper cranial bones, as if they were sore (after thirty-six hours)/.—[40.] Pressive pain in the brain (after six, and fourteen hours)/.—Pain in the head, as if pressed forward by a hundredweight (after ten hours)/.—A pain beneath the ear, over the mastoid process, as if a dull nail were being forced into the head, with stupefaction,3.—Sensation as if the head were tight, raore stupefying than painful/.—Boring pain in the whole brain/.— Boring pain in the upper part of the brain (after twenty-six hours)/.— Forehead. Pain in the forehead, as if it would burst?.—A pressive pain in the head, from within outward, above the forehead (after eleven hours and a half)/.—Pressive headache, from within outward, at the forehead (after four, and twenty-four hours)/.—Acute pressure in the left frontal emi- nence, from within outward, disappearing after pressing the hand upon it (after one hour and a quarter)/.—[50.] Pressive uneasiness about the fore- head/.— Pressure on the right frontal eminence,3.—A dull compression in the forehead/.—Sudden stupefying pain in the forepart of the forehead, as from a dull blow/.—A few beatings in the forepart of the forehead, as with a hammer, in a small spot,6.—Pain, slowly throbbing, like a pulse, in the forehead/.—Temple and Vertex. Violent pressive pain in the tem- ples, at one time higher up, at another lower down, while chewing/.— Pressive pain in the left temple, drawing upward and downward, disap- pearing in the open air/.—Pain, like a shock, in the left temple/.—Pinch- ing pain in the right temple/.—[60.] A slight drawing in the left temple/. —A sensation like that caused by yawning, in the left temple and in the external meatus auditorius,2.—Contractive burning pain, externally on the left side of the vertex/.—Deeply piercing sharp stitches in slow succession in the right side of the vertex/.—Parietals and Occiput. Stupefy- ing pressure in the right side of the head, as if a dull instrument were slowly pressing inward/.—Pressure on the right side of the head, as if it were pressed inward/.—Sharp pressive pain externally on the left side of the occiput,2.—Dull pressure in a small spot in the occiput/.—A tensive stitch in the occipital bone/.—External Head. Itching papular erup- tion on the scalp,1.—[70.] ^'Desquamation of the epidermis of the scalp,1. —* Violent gnawing itching on the scalp, as from lice ; after scratching, OLEANDER. HI a smarting as if scratched raw,3.—* Gnawing itching on the scalp, that obliged scratching,3.—*Gnawing itching, as from vermin, over the whole scalp, that obliges scratching alternately all day (after fifty-six hours)/. —* Constant biting itching on the scalp, at night, as from lice,2. Eye.—Eyes sank into their sockets/7.—Eyes distorted,10.—Eyes fixed,9. —Eyes staring, lustreless/6.—Aching of the eyes as if he had too greatly exerted thera in reading,3.—[80.] Pressure in the left eye, from above downward, and in the left malar bone/.—Pressure as from a hard substance in the eyes/.—Sore pain iu the right eyebrow, towards the temple, when touched (after fourteen hours)/.—Biting in the left eye/.—Orbit and Lids. Dull pressure on the upper margin of the orbit, intermittent, at one time more, at another less severe/.—The eyelids are involuntarily drawn together, as if sleepy (after eight hours and a half)/.—Burning in the left lid and itching about the lids/.—Burning in the right upper lid (after ten hours and a half)/.—Burning tension in both right lids, even on motion (after eight hours)/.—Tension in the left eyelids on reading (after six hours and a half)/.—[90.] Tensive pain in one canthus, as if the eye were turned excessively upward; it was difficult to turn the eye the opposite way, in the evening (after five days)/.—Fine sticking and itching of the left upper lid/.—Lachrymation and Pall. Lach- rymation on reading,3.—Itching of the right eyeball (after thirty hours)/. —Pupils and Vision. Greatly dilated pupils/0.—Pupils somewhat dilated, though reacting to the light/6.—Pupils dilated,9.—Pupils dilated (second day)/5.—Dilated pupils (after one hour),6.—Contracted pupils (after twenty-five hours),6.—[100.] It becomes black before the eyes on looking sideways without turning the head/.—It becomes black before the eyes on rising up/6.—It seems as though it would become black before the eyes,3. Ear.— Cramplike drawing on the outer ear, and below it, as if it were drawn outward, at first gradually increasing, and then diminishing/.— Sharp pressive pain within the ear,2.—Burning iu the entrance of the left ear/.—Shrill stupefying ringing in the left ear,3.—Singing iu the left ear/. —Incessant whizzing in the left ear/. Nose.—Sneezes twice violently/.—[110.] Biting itching on the root of the nose, towards the left eye, as if there were smoke in the room/.—Numb sensation, like a painless pressure, on the back of the nose,3. Face.—Face and eyes flushed, soon ; face pale, towards evening/7.— Face very much distorted, after rising, in the morning; he looks very pale; the eyes are surrounded by blue rings, and the cheeks are suuken/.—Pale face/.—-Pale color of the face, all day (after forty hours),6.—Spasmodic twitching of the facial muscles, particularly about the mouth/6.—Pressive pain in the bones of the right side of the face, persistent even on moving the lower jaw (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—A stupefying dull pres- sure between the root of the nose and left orbit/.—Redness of the cheeks, without heat/.—[120.] Violent pressure on the right cheek, near the angle of the lower jaw,3.—A dull, numb, painless pressure on the left zygoma, close to the ear/.—Pressure upon the malar bone, more stupefying than painful, that extends deeply inward into the head and root of the nose; a tensive, stupefying, troublesome sensation,3.—A benumbing compression in both malar bones, as if they were pinched with pincers/.—Sensation as if a cold wind were blowing upon the left cheek; when touched with the hand the sensation disappears, and it feels hot to the hand and warmer than the other cheek/.—Lips and Jaw. Lips, especially the lower, brown; the 142 OLEANDER. color of the face in other respects unchanged, scarcely paler than usual/.— Burning pain in the right side of the lower lip, persistent during and after motion (after seventy-nine hours)/.—A painless sensation as if the upper lip were swollen (a kind of numb sensation)/.—Dull pressive pain in the right upper jaw, below the malar bone (after forty-eight hours)/. Mouth.—Teeth. Sharp drawing toothache in the second left molar/. —[130.] Constant toothache, during the night, tearing drawing in the first left molar, aud at times in the next hollow tooth; this toothache immedi- ately ceased on rising from bed, and immediately reappeared as soon as he returned to bed, with anxiety as if he were to die, with frequent micturi- tion, qualmishness, and heat of the left cheek (first night),2.—A cutting- pressive toothache while chewing, disappearing immediately after chewing; the tooth, however, was not painful to touch or pressure (after two hours)/. —A simple drawing in the right lower molars/.—Sensitiveness of the back teeth on chewing, as if they were all hollow/.—Tongue and Taste. Tongue coated white, with a sensation of dryness in the mouth and parched lips (after thirty-one hours)/.—The papillae of the tongue were all elevated, that caused the tongue to have a rough look and a dirty-white color/.— Fine stitches in the tongue/.—Burning stitches in the left side of the tongue (after two hours aud a half)/.—Insipid taste in the mouth when not eating, as from a disordered stomach/.—/?! the evening all food has a fiat and nauseous taste?.—[140.] Bitter taste/6.—Speech. Loss of speech for two days/7.—Power of speech almost entirely lost, with natural respiration; when questioned she endeavored to answer, and was able to utter sounds, but no intelligible words/.f— General Mouth. Sudden swelling about the left corner of the mouth/.—Convulsive twitching outwardly of the left corner of the mouth/.—Foaming at the mouth/7.—Burning sticking over the left corner of the mouth,2.—In the mouth a sensation as if all the teeth were loose, with a bluish-white gum over the whole upper and lower jaw (after thirty-four hours)/. Throat.—A remarkably numb sensation ascending from the throat externally to the head/.—Sensation as if a cool wind were blowing upon the left side of the throat/.—[150.] Sharp pressive pain in the left side of the throat, near Adam's apple/.—Irritation of the pharynx/.—Pain as if a dull point were pressing upon the oesophagus, on the right side of the throat; the cervical muscles are also painful to external pressure/. Stomach.—Appetite and Thirst. *Ravenous hunger, with trem- bling of the hands while eating and great weakness over the whole body, after walking rapidly for half an hour/.—The longing for the food before him causes his hands to tremble/.—"Great hunger, with much appetite (after six hours)/.—"Great hunger, after the qualmishness?.—He relishes his'dinner, but is obliged to stop eating soon, because he becomes nauseated aud qualm- ish/.—He is without appetite, though not without hunger; he eats very little, and more with discomfort than with satisfaction/.—Loss of appetite; he relished his food, but was speedily satiated (after five hours and a half),6. —[160.] No appetite, and yet a ravenous hunger; he greedily swallowed large amounts/.—Loss of appetite/3.—No appetite; everything nauseates him, as if afterwards he would vomit or have diarrhoea/.—She relished nothing, took nothing/.—No appetite for food or smoking,5.—Aversion to cheese, which he usually relished/.—Thirst; he drinks more than usual/. —Thirst for cold drinks, especially for cold water (after thirty hours),6.— ■j- With small and feeble pulse, death following in four hours.—Hughes. OLEANDER. 143 Eructations. Violent frequent empty eructations, while eating, at noon/.—Frequent violent empty eructations/.—[170.] During eructations, something rises from the stomach into the mouth/.—Frequent eructations of a bad odor (after four days)/.—Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea, as if in the mouth, and frequently, with every attack of retching, water rises from the mouth, as in waterbrash, for two hours, wherewith the cer- vical muscles are spasmodically and painfully contracted, as if it would strangle him; at the same time the abdomen and abdominal muscles are similarly affected; at first, with much retching, he raises only some mucus from the fauces, afterwards some liquid tasting of the food, and afterwards of a sour taste, for two hours (after six hours),6.—Nausea in the mouth, as if he must vomit (after four hours),6.—Nausea, worse on rising up/6.— Nausea/.—Nausea and vomiting,9.—Qualmishness increases on stooping, and is for the moment relieved by eructations/.—He becomes qualmish, and water collects in the mouth/.—Qualmishness in the pit of the stomach, while lying in bed, after sleeping, as though he would vomit, with difficult breathing, that was relieved on rising up (after five hours and a half)/.— [180.] He becomes very qualmish, and water collects in the mouth; if he swallows it, the qualmishness disappears for the moment, with a flat taste in the mouth/.—General sick feeling, with qualmishness/.—Violent vom- iting of a green liquid of a bloody appearance,10.—Frightful vomiting, fol- lowed by thirst/.—Repeated vomiting of mucus and bile (after four hours),9. —Vomiting of a yellow-green water of a bitter taste (after twelve hours)/. —Copious painful vomiting/1.—Retching and vomiting, soon/6.—Vomiting (after a few minutes)/0.—Heaving of the stomach immediately after eating a bite of bread, and he was obliged to vorait, but he vomited only small bits of bread, which he had just eaten, with a quantity of water (after six hours and a half)/.—General Stomach. [190.] Pain in the stom- ach,10.—Pain in the epigastric region/6.—Heat, with constrictive pain, in the stomach/.—Painful pressure beneath the left short ribs, in the epigas- tric region, in only a small spot, on every expiration, disappearing on every inspiration, aggravated by external pressure, and lasting half an hour (after three hours)/.—Sensation in the pit of the stomach as if he felt every beat of the heart through the whole chest, as after being greatly heated, though he noticed nothing of it when touched with the finger, and the heart beat no more violently or perceptibly than at other times/.—Feeling of empti- ness in the pit of the stomach, with a feeling of fulness of the abdomen/.— Intermitting throbbing in the left side of the pit of the stomach/. Abdomen. —Umbilicus aud Sides. Rumbling and gurgling in the umbilical region, with a sensation of emptiness in the abdomen, soon followed by emission of some flatus (after half an hour)/.—Painful sensi- tiveness about the umbilicus, with a feeling of discomfort in the whole lower abdomen and an uneasiness about the umbilicus, that at times became a pressure, at times a gnawing/.—Pain, like needle stitches, below the um- bilicus (after fifty-eight hours)/.—[200.] A gnawing internally below the navel/.—Gnawing pain in the left side, just above the navel/.—Along- drawn sticklike pain, as if winding out of the abdomen, near the right side of the navel/.—Dull stitches or blows in the left side, below the navel/.— Itching fine stitches in left side of the abdomen, just beneath the short ribs/. —A kind of jerking pressive pain in the side of the abdomen, above the left hip-bone/.—General Abdomen. Rumbling in the upper and lower abdomen/.—"Rumbling in the abdomen?.—"Emission of much very offensive flatus, having the odor of bad eggs (after twenty-six, and thirty 144 OLEANDER. hours)/.—Profuse emission of flatus/. — [210.] Colic, followed by thin stools '(after two hours),0.—Violent colic (followed by death)/4.—Great emptiness in the upper abdomen,3.—Intermitting griping in the abdomen at times, with indications of diarrhoea/.—Griping in the bowels (after twenty-four, and seventy-five hours)/.— He feels as if the bowels were weak- ened by laxity, and as though he would have diarrhoea/.—Pinching stick- ing in the abdomen, while walking (after sixty hours)/.—Transient jerking thrusts, that made him start, above the root of the penis, very low down in the lower abdomen/.—Dull stitches in the ileum posteriorly, that hurts on pressure/. Rectum, Anus, and Stool.—Burning in the anus when not at stool; it also precedes and follows the stool?.—[220.] Ineffectual urging to stool/.— Ineffectual pressure and urging to stool,2.—Diarrhoea/.—Involuntary evacu- ations of the bowels/7.—Soft stool (after forty-eight hours)/.—Stool very thin and yellow, preceded by rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen (after thirty-nine hours)/.—Bloody stools (after four hours),9.—Stool scanty, thin, watery (after six hours and a quarter),6.—The first portion of the stool is like diarrhoea, the last harder, so that he is obliged to strain/.—No stool (first days)/.—[230.] Stool hard and difficult (after thirty-one hours)/.—*The food eaten the preceding evening passed rather undigested, and almost without effort; he thought he had emitted only flatus (after_ forty-eight hours)/.—Stool only after twenty-four hours, the first part of which was hard and crumbly, the rest thin/. Urinary and Respiratory Organs.—Frequent discharge of much urine (after twenty-four hours)/.—Involuntary emission of urine/7. —Frequent urging to urinate, with scanty discharge (after twenty-seven hours)/.—A kind of burning in the pharynx, extending to the stomach (after nine hours)/.—Fine stitches in the thyroid cartilage/.—Tickling in the larynx, that on inspiration causes a short cough, shaking the whole body/.—Tenacious mucus in the trachea; he was obliged to hawk very much, on rising in the morning/.—[240.] Stertorous breathing/7. Chest.—External soreness of the right chest, as if pressed hard/.— Oppression of the chest, in the pit of the stomach, while lying down, and a quarter of an hour after lying down vomiting of mucus, water, and small bits of bread previously eaten ; the oppression of the chest was relieved on rising up (after seven hours and a half)/.—While lying down the chest seems too tight; he is obliged to take long and deep breaths (after six hours)/.—Sensation as though something heavy were lying upon the chest that compresses it, causing deep anxious inspiration, while walking, stand- ing, and lying (after ten hours)/.—Violent palpitation, with sensation as if the chest had become larger; he then breathes with great heaving of the chest, without anxiety/.—Stitches in the diaphragm, while lying down, during in- and expiration, that ceases on rising up (after thirty-one hours)/. —Dull stitches in the chest, while walking, aggravated by expiration (after eight hours)/.—Great emptiness in the chest, as if it were eviscerated/.— Front and Sides. A dull continuous stitch in the sternum (after twenty- four hours)/.—[250.] Tensive stitches in the sternum, more violent on stooping (after twelve hours)/.—Tensive stitch in the middle of the chest (after thirty-one hours)/.—Crawling stitches in the sternum/.—Dull pres- sure on the upper part of the sternum/.—Dull pain in the sternum (after ten hours)/.—Some intermitting dull thrusts iu the ribs of the left side/. —Intermitting gnawing on one of the ribs of the left side, opposite the pit of the stomach/.—Jerking in the right pectoral muscles (after fifteen OLEANDER. 145 hours)/.— A beating, like dull thrusts, on the chest, below the right shoulder/.—A burrowing aching in the costal cartilages of the right side, with intermitting pressure upon a small spot, aggravated by pressing upon it/.—[260.] Dull stitch in the left chest, persisting during inspiration and expi- ration (after twenty-nine hours)/.—A stitch, as with a knife, in the left chest (after forty-eight hours)/.—Fine stitches in the left chest (after one hour and a half)/.—Dull stitches in the left side of the chest, while walking/. —Pinching stitch in the left side of the chest, coming out at the false ribs (after six hours)/.—Dull stitch in the right chest, persisting during in- spiration and expiration (after five hours and a half)/.—Dull stitches in one of the false ribs, near the right side of the sternum, where it hurts when pressed upon,3. Heart and Pulse.—Dull drawing pain about the heart, more violent on stooping, and lasting during expiration (after fifty-five hours)/.—Distress at the heart and anxiety/.f—Anxiety about the heart, without anxious thought, with trembling of the whole body, lasting several hours (after seven hours),6.—[270.] Several attacks of palpitation/.—Pulse full and rapid, in the evening/.—Quick pulse : later it sank to a thread/7.—Pulse slower than usual, in the morning, after rising/.—Pulse small, irregular,' periodically intermitting/.—Pulse weak, very slow/6.—Intermission of the pulse every four or five beats; afterwards every ten to twelve beats, then thirteen, etc. (second day)/5.—Pulse very irregular, at one time rapid, at another slower; at one time full, at another soft, small, and weak/. Neck and Pack.—Perceptible, violent and full, though slow, pulsa- tion of the carotids/.—A pressure, seeming to press from below upward, in the anterior cervical muscles, so that he was obliged to loosen the neckband ; a suffocating choking sensation/.—[280.] A dull tearing pain in the left side of the neck and in the left scapula, alternating with tearing in the temple and second left molar, towards evening and in the night/.—A burn- ing stitch in the back, below the left scapula, while sitting, that disappears on moving about (after seventy-eight hours)/.—Tensive stitches iu the spine, when walking and standing (after twenty-nine hours)/.—Sudden fine stitch in the right half of the back, deep internally, so that he almost started up in fright,3.—Pain in the right side of the back, as if the hand were forcibly pressed against it, or as from a sprain/. Extremities.—Excessive stiffness of the extremities, especially of the fingers of the left hand ; rising up iu bed was difficult on account of stiff- ness of the back/6.—Stretching of the limbs, associated with a general feel- ing of comfort (after four hours aud a half)/.—Some convulsions of the limbs,10.—Pain in the joints,10.—Pinching pressure in several parts of the body, and of the limbs, fingers, and toes, as if the bones were crushed/.— [290.] Cramplike pain (a cramplike drawing) in several parts of the limbs, as, for example, balls of the thumb, soles of the feet, etc./. Superior Extremities.—Stretching of the upper part of the body and of the arms (after nine hours and a half)/.—Twitching of the muscles of the left arm (after thirty-six hours)/.—Shoulder and Arm. If he raises the arm high, or puts it under the head, when in bed, there is pain in the shoulder-joint, as if dislocated/.—Dull pressure on the top of the right shoulder/.—A persistent stitch in the left axilla, relieved by rubbing (after twenty-seven hours)/.—A pinching pain, externally, in the upper part of the left upper arm/.—Cramplike drawing in the left humerus, by t Original revised by Hughes. VOL. VII.—10 146 OLEANDER. the elbow, in rhythmical jerks/.—Itching, somewhat persistent, stitch in the left upper arm (after thirty-one hours)/.—Sensation of jerking in the right upper arm/.—Forearm and Hand. [300.] Dull pressure in the forearm, as if caused by a hard blow/.—Dull pressure in the forearra, just below the elbow/.—Drawing in the right forearm, above the wrist/.— Pulsating pain on the inner side of the right forearm, by the wrist/.— Dull stitches, or thrusts, in the left forearm, near the wrist/.—Intermit- ting pressure, in a small spot, on the outer side of the left forearm/.— Burning stitch in the left forearm (after twenty-eight hours)/.—Trem- bling of the wrists/.—Veins of the hands swollen, without heat/.—Trem- bling of the hands, while writing (before eating)/.—[310.] Cramp in the left hand (second day)/6.—Intermitting dull pressure in the palm of the hand/.—Fingers. Sudden swelling of the ring finger, with burning pain; he could not bend it/. — Tensive burning on the tip of the left thumb (after two hours)/.—Pain in the last phalanx of the thumb, and as if he had received a hard blow upon it, so that the thumb trembled/.— Fine pinching on the finger/.—Cramplike jerking tearing in the first pha- lanx of the left middle finger/.—Cramplike pain in the fingers (a cramp- like drawing)/.— Drawing in the first (metacarpal) finger-joints/.—A burning stitch in the last phalanx of the right index finger, making the finger tremble/.—[320.] Burning stitches iu the tip of the left index finger (after twelve hours)/. Inferior Extremities.— Weakness of the thighs and legs, and a sen- sation in the forepart of the feet, mostly in the soles, as if they were asleep, while walking (after twelve hours)/.—Whizzing, extending down through the lower extremities/.—Surging sensation in the legs, while sitting, as after a journey on foot/.—Thigh, Knee, and Leg. Bubbling sensation iu the right thigh/.—(Burning tension in the right thigh)/.—A constrictive pain in the gluteal muscles of one thigh, when walking, as if sprained/.— A pain in the forepart of the thigh, while walking rapidly, as if some one pressed upon a bruised spot/.—Dull sticking pressure on the right thigh/. —Benumbing pressure on the outer side of the left thigh, as if the part were tightly bound up, and the circulation thereby arrested/.—[330.] In- termitting pressure on the upper part of the right thigh, aggravated by pressing upon it/.—A simple pressure on the thigh just above the knee/. —Pain, like needle-stitches, in the muscles on the inner side of the left thigh (after one hour and a quarter)/.—Drawing stitches in the right thigh ; unnoticed on standing or ascending steps (after thirty-seven hours)/. —A stitch on the right thigh, just above the knee, with burning and fine sticking pain/.—A painless jerk on the under surface of the left thigh, as if a muscle were moving/.—Itching stitch in the posterior muscles of the thigh, with burning after scratching/.—Cramplike drawing in the right knee, that was bent/.—Pulsating pain in the hollow of the knee, while the leg was drawn up/.—Wavelike drawing in the bones of the leg/.—[340.] Tearing in the left calf, while walking (after thirty-four hours)/.—Pain- less cramp in the right calf, while sitting/.—Twitching sensation in the right calf,2.—Painful pressure just above the right ankle, at long intervals, while standing/.— Ankle, Foot, and Toes. Itching, somewhat per- sistent, stitch in the right ankle, towards the forepart, continuing even during motion (after twenty-nine hours)/.—Painless sensation of weakness in the feet, as after a long journey on foot/.—After sitting for awhile with the feet drawn up, he notices, while walking, a paralytic weakness in them/; —The feet ached while sitting; at one time he was obliged to stretch them out, at another to draw them up, in order to obtain momentary relief/.— OLEANDER. 147 A simple pressure on the back of the forepart of the foot/.—Weariness and pain in the soles of the feet, after a short walk/.—[350.] Intermitting dull pressure in a small spot in the sole of the right foot, as if he had received a blow upon it/.—Itching sticking sensation in the sole of the right foot, during rest (after twelve hours)/.—An itching stitch on the right inner malleolus, that disappears on scratching (after ten hours)/.—Burning in the tip of the right great toe, while sitting (after thirty-one hours)/.—Pain- ful throbbing above the ball of the left great toe/.—Tensive stitches in the tip of the left great toe (after thirty-two hours)/.—A pain in the little toe and its ball, as if it had been pressed hard/.—Dull stitches in the left fifth toe, during rest and motion (after three hours)/. Generalities.—Violent spasmodic contractions of the muscles of the entire body, but more remarkably so in the superior than inferior extremi- ties; during the intervals of spasms the patient lay evenly upon his back, but when action commenced, the superior contraction of the left side threw him over on the right, in which position he remained during the paroxysm, after the subsidence of which he fell back into the natural position of ex- haustion ; the spasms were apparently produced by any attempts to move or rouse him ; towards evening they decreased/7.—The arms are drawn up against the chest, the lower extremities to the abdomen, and the chin down towards the chest (after four hours),9.—[360.] Sudden shuddering as in most violent chill, or as from a violent fright/.—I found the girl out- stretched, stiff, very pale, the extremities cool,16.—She lay as in a slumber, though conscious and able to move/.—Swelling/.—(The symptoms are more severe on the second day than on the first)/.—Weakness of the whole body; he was unable to walk alone, and was obliged to be carried home and put to bed, where he lay and slumbered till evening, and even then slept well through the night,6.—Weakness of the body/.—Weakness (third day),17.—Weakness, worse on rising up/6.—Great muscular weakness/3.— [370.] Weakness and weariness of all the limbs; could scarcely walk across the room because the knees were so weak/.—General sick feeliug and weakness of the limbs/3.—A bad feeling, and weakness in the ab- domen and chest; he did not feel at all well/.—Faintness,811 ".—Ex- haustion, as if every breath would be his last/.—Great general prostration (after four hours),9.—Very much prostrated aud exhausted; general giving way/.—A forcible pressing inward, in several parts of the body, gradually increasing or diminishing/. Shin.—Red swelling below the eye, looking as if an eruption would break out/.—Pustules on the right and left sides of the chin (after forty- eight, and seventy-eight hours),6.—[380.] Itching vesicles on the nates/.— Great sensitivess of the skin of the whole body; it becomes sore, raw, and painful from slight rubbing of the clothes, as for example on the neck, from the neckband, on the thighs from the rubbing of the clothes when walking/.—General itching/.—"Itching, here and there, over the body, so that he was obliged to scratch?.—*Biting itching over the whole body, as from an eruption, on undressing compelling hira to scratch (after forty hours),6.—Burning itching on the forehead, left cheek, and tip of the chin, whereupon small pimples appear, with hard elevated margins, that are painless when touched and when not/.—An itching biting on the right cheek/.—Itching about the nose, all the afternoon/.—Fine sticking itch- ing on the root of the nose and left malar bone near the eye,2.—Itching on the right scapula/.—[390.] Itching on the tip of the right elbow (after thirty-four hours)/.—Sensation of itching above the bend of the elbow/.— 148 OLEANDER. Fine sticking and itching on the first phalanx of the middle finger/.— Itching on the right thumb, so that he was obliged to scratch, whereupon at first it disappeared, but soon changed to a gnawing,3.—Itching on the outer and anterior portion of the right thigh, disappearing for a time after scratching/.—Itching, that compels scratching, upon the nates/.—Fine sticking and itching on the left heel/. Sleep.—Frequent yawning, always with shivering, running over the whole body, causing all the muscles at first to shake and then to tremble (immediately)/. — Marked sleepiness/2. — Inclined to sleep (after four hours),9.—[400.] He went to sleep about the usual time and seemed to sleep quietly; but when his father spoke to him he made no answer; he was lying with the eyes open, face and body pale, pupils very small, the head and other portions of the body cold and insensible ; pulse and respi- ration small and irregular, and he could not be aroused ; after emetics the child vomited, but whenever aroused soon sank back into deep sleep/5.—■ No rest and no sleep at night/.—Sleeplessness/.— Voluptuous dreams, with emissions (second and third nights)/6.—Uneasy dreams,4. Fever.—Chilliness. Shaking chill all over, with cold hands and warm cheeks, without thirst, during rest and motion (after three hours and a half)/.:—Febrile shivering over the body, without thirst and without subse- quent heat, during rest and motion (after one hour and a half)/.—Shivering while yawning/.—General coldness, with cold sweat/.—Feeling of coldness, as of a cold breath upon the right side of the lower abdomen/.—[410.] Sensation of coldness in the right side of the abdomen/.—Sudden sensa- tion of coldness on the left chest/.—Extremities rapidly became cold/7.— Cold extremities (after four hours)/.—Heat and Sweat. Hot skin/7. —Sensation of heat, .and at the same time chilliness in the whole body, without thirst; wherewith he was warmer to the touch than usual (after seven hours),6.—Heat forces itself out of the body while reading/.—Head hot and perspiring/7.—Heat commencing at one time on the top of the right, at another on the top of the left concha, and extending over the side of the head, and thence over the whole face/.—Sensation of heat, and heat of the cheeks without redness, with dryness of the palate and throat,2.—[420.] A sensation of heat in the side of the thigh, followed by a sensation of cold- ness low down/.—Flushing of heat all over, especially if he was doing anything eagerly (even while sitting) ; also if he walked rapidly he became very warm, and the heat caused a prickling in the face, as frora many needles/.—Cold sweat/1. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), After rising, face pale, blue rings about eyes, cheeks sunken ; on rising, tenacious mucus in trachea, requiring hawking.—(Afternoon), Lively; itching-about nose.— (Towards evening), Face pale; pain in left side of neck and in left scapula ; tearing iu temple and left molar tooth.—(Evening), Pain in canthus; pulse full aud rapid; flat and nauseous taste to food.—(Night), Biting itching on scalp; in bed, toothache ; tearing in temple and left molar tooth ; pain in left side of neck and in left scapula ; sleeplessness.—( While chewing), Pressive pain in temple; toothache; sensitiveness of back teeth.—(During dinner), Dizziness; hearing and vision vanish.—( While eating), Ravenous hunger, with trembling of hands; empty eructations.—(Exercise), Flushes of heat over body.—(Expiration), Pressure beneath left short ribs ; stitches in chest.—(Looking toward ground), On standing, double vision.—(Looking sideways), Black before eyes.—(Lying in bed), After sleeping, qualmish- ness.— (Lying down), Oppression of chest; tightness in chest; stitches in OLEUM ANIMALE. 149 diaphragm.—(During and after motion), Pain in lower lip.—(Moving), After rising, slow pulse.—(After qualmishness), Great hunger.—(External pressure), Pressure beneath left short ribs ; aching in right costal carti- lage; pressure iu thigh.—(Raising arm), Pain in shoulder-joint.—(While reading), Mind distracted ; tension in left eyelids ; lachrymation.—(During rest), Itching sticking in soles of feet.—(Rising up), Vertigo ; black before eyes; weakness.—(While sitting), Surging sensation in legs; cramp in right calf; sore feet; burning in right great toe.—(Standing), Compression of chest; stitches in spine ; pressure above left ankle.—(Stooping), Stitches in sternum ; drawing pain above heart.—( While studying), Mind distracted. —( Touching part), Pain in right eyebrow.—( Walking in open air), Vertigo. —( While walking), Pinching sticking in abdomen ; stitches in left side of chest; compression of chest; stitches in spine; weakness of thighs and legs; pain in gluteal muscles of thighs ; pain in forepart of thigh ; tearing in left calf.—(After walking), Weakness of whole body; pain in soles of feet. Amelioration.—(Open air), Pain in left temple.— (Inspiration), Pain beneath left short ribs.—(Lying down), Headache.—(Moving about), Stitch in back.—(Pressure of hand), Pressure in left frontal eminence.— (Rising from bed), Toothache.—(Rising up), Oppression of chest; stitches in diaphragm.—(Rubbing), Stitch in left axilla. OLEUM ANIMALE. Oleum animale aethereura; Oleum animale, Dippelii; Oleum cornu cervi. Common name, Dippel's oil. Preparation, Dilutions in alcohol. Authorities. Hartlaub and Trinks, R. A. M. L., 2; 1, Nenning; 2, Sch refer ; 3, Trinks. Mind.—Emotional. Very cheerful, with lightness of all move- ments; she had not felt so well in a long time, at 5 p.m./.—Nothing de- lights her; she is contented with nothing (after three hours)/.—She was absorbed in herself, sad, spoke little, and it seemed as though she were weighed down by a pain/.—Sad mood; nothing delights him (after two hours)/.—Sad, ill-humored, she spoke very low after dinner/.—The first days cheerful, the last fretful/.—Sad thoughts force themselves upon him and make him very ill-humored,1.—Morose, fretful (after three-quarters of an hour)/.— Intellectual. Distraction of mind (after a few hours)/.— [10.] Distraction of mind and no desire for mental work, though with cheerful, good humor (first day)/.—Loss of ideas; he knew nothing that was going on about him, though he continued his work/.—Thoughts van- ished ; she was morose, lost in herself/.—Lost in thought without knowing what she was thinking about; a kind of insensibility (after two hours aud a half)/.—She seems in a dream ; thoughts vanish/.—Frequent sinking into a condition of loss of ideas, from which she woke as from sleep when spoken to/.—Sudden loss of consciousness that lasted only a moment, at 1 p.m.,1.—Hearing and sight vanish for a moment, so that she is entirely un- conscious, a kind* of insensibility/. Head.— Vertigo and General Head. Vertigo and dizziness on stooping, in the open air (after three hours and a half)/.—Very violent tearing, extending upward beneath the right ear, removed by rubbing 150 OLEUM ANIMALE. (after three hours and a half)/.—[20.] Tearing frora the left side of the upper part of the head down to the forehead (third day)/.—Headache like a dizziness/.—Dizzy headache, after waking in the morning (secoud day)/. —Headache; violent sticking in the left side of the vertex, with weakness of the hands and feet; the headache began at 7 p.m. and lasted till 5 a.m., so that she did not sleep all night; during the day no headache, during menstruation/.—Sharp sticking between the left ear and temple, once while eating,1.—Violent sticking in the upper part of the head, at 2 p.m./.—The head is heavy with painful pressure/.—Dulness in the head about noon/.— The whole head is dull, as after taking cold ; the ears are stopped, and there is a drawing in both cheeks like rheumatism/.—Dulness in the head in the morning, stupefaction with tearing and drawing in the whole head ; better in the afternoon/.—Forehead. [30.] Tearing in the left frontal region (after four hours and a half)/.—Tearing pressure in the left side of the forehead, frequently intermitting, at 7 p.m./.—Pressure upon the whole forehead/.—Pressure in the right frontal region; on rubbing it extends into the left, where it also disappears on rubbing (after a quarter of an hour)/. —Pressure in the left frontal region, disappearing after rubbing/.—Sudden pressure, as with a finger, on the right frontal region (after ten minutes)/. —Violent pressing headache, especially in the forehead, with a reflective sad mood (fifth day)/.—Pressing headache, especially on the forehead, on slight mental exertion (second day)/.—Pressing in the forehead on waking, in the morning (second day),3.—Painful pressing inward in the right frontal region (after an hour and three-quarters)/.—{40.] Painful boring in the left frontal eminence, disappearing on rubbing (after four hours and a half)/.—Violent sharp sticking in the forehead above the eye (after an hour)/.—Dull stitches twice in the left frontal region (after an hour and three-quarters)/.—A fine stitch like an electric spark in the left frontal eminence, at 7 p.m./.— Temples. Transient tearing and sticking in the left temple/.—Tearing in both temples in the open air, disappearing in the house (after two hours and three-quarters)/.—Violent drawing in the re- gion of the mastoid process, in the evening (second day)/.—Fine drawing with a cold sensation in the left temporal region (after two hours and a half)/.—Tension and pressure in the temporal region, in the evening in bed (eighth day)/.—Pressing inward in the right temple/.—[50.] Pressure in the right temple that disappears on rubbing, with yawning, an hour after dinner/.—Slight transient pressure in the left temple, at 2 p.m./.— — Vertex. Burrowing headache in the left side of the sinciput (after two hours)/.—Acute drawing from the vertex deep into the head, in the even- ing (second day)/.—Pressive tearing in the right portion of the sinciput, and in the orbital region, in the morning (third day)/.—Pressure on the vertex, and drawing and tearing in the temples/.—Pressure extending from the vertex towards the occiput/.—Pain, as frora dulness, in the right side of the sinciput, at 5.30 PM.?.—Parietals. Burning in small spots in the upper part of the right parietal bone, disappearing on rubbing (after half an hour)/.—Burning tearing in the left side of the head and in the occipital protuberance, in the afternoon (second day)/.—[60.] Tearing in the right parietal region, by the vertex (after two hours and three-quarters)/. —Tearing and sticking in the upper part of the right side of the head; on leaving this spot it occurs in the right side of the occiput, half an hour after dinner/.—Tearing in the right side of the head, and immediately afterwards a stitch in the right ear, an hour after dinner/.—Tearing and sticking in the right side of the head (after two hours)/.—Tearing in the OLEUM ANIMALE. 151 whole left side of the head (after two hours)/.—A blow followed by tear- ing in a small spot in the left side of the head (after an hour),1.—Painful boring stitches in both sides of the head, occurring at intervals, afterwards extending farther forward, to the forehead (after four hours aud a half)/. —Beating like a slow pulse on the right side of the head (after four hours)/.—Hammering or beating, four times in succession, in the left side of the head on entering the house, disappearing on sitting down ; after dinner/.—Hammering in the left side of the head, Avith itching externally, while sitting after dinner/.—[70.] Painful compression of both sides of the head posteriorly, with dulness, on motion (after four hours)/.—The left side of the head seems numb and paralyzed/.—Occiput and Ex- ternal Head. Tension of the occipital muscles (immediately),3.—On going into the house it seemed as if the blood suddenly rushed into the occiput (after an hour and three-quarters)/.—Pressure extending from the occiput forward, an hour after dinner/.—Pressive pain in the left side of the occiput/.—Pressure in the left side of the occiput, that continues even on moving the head, and always obliges him to hold the head forward, lasting from an hour after dinner till 6 p.m./.—Dull pressure in a small spot on the occiput (after an hour),3.—Gnawing pain in the occipital re- gion, less on the left side, in the evening (second day),3.—Boring pain in a small spot on the left side of the occiput/.—[80.] Sharp stitches in the occiput (after four hours and a half),1.—Tearing in three different places on the scalp at the same time, afterwards a tension with a feeling of sore- ness, as if the skin had been cut and reunited (after an hour and a half)/. —Itching, here and there, in the scalp, relieved by scratching/.—Itching on the scalp, especially in the morning/. Eye.—Twitching in the left eyebrow, lasting half an hour, followed by a sensation as if the skin were hanging down and preventing vision, at 6 p.m./.—Burning in the eyes, in the morning, on waking, but they are better after rising and walking about (second day)/.—Burning in the eyes, espe- cially in the evening by the light/.—Burning in the eyes, in the open air/. —Pressure and cutting in the eyes, with pressing out of tears/.—Tearing sticking through the left eye, after dinner (third day)/.—[90.] Sticking in the left eye, relieved by rubbing, at 2.30 p.m./.—Fine biting, with stitches like electric sparks, in both eyes/.—Fine biting, as from salt, in the left eye, at 4 p.m. (third day)/.—Burning itching in the right eye, removed by rubbing, at 2 p.m./.—Violent itching in the left eye, disappearing only after rubbing a long time, at 9 p.m. (third day)/.—Biting itching in the right eye, removed by rubbing/.—Biting itching in the left eye, removed by rubbing, but frequently returning, an hour after dinner (third day)/.— (The sensation as of sand in the right eye, that he had previously felt for four days, especially in the wind; the pressure and photophobia disap- peared entirely), (third day)/.—Orbit and Lids. Boring and sticking above the margin of the right orbit, so violent that she thought it would pierce the skull, on motion; on rubbing it disappeared, but the spot re- mained sensitive for a long time (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—A sharp sticking above the margin of the left orbit (after an hour and a half)/.—[100.] Slight agglutination of the lids, at night (first days)/.— Increased secretion from the meibomian glands, so that the lids easily be- came agglutinated day and night/.—Frequent twitching in the left upper lid (after half an hour)/.—Jerking in the lids (first day)/.—Cramplike jerking iu the left upper lid/.—Burning in the right external canthus, al- ways removed by rubbing, but frequently returning, at 5 p.m./.—Slight 152 OLEUM ANIMALE. inflammation of the inner surface of the lid (first days)/.—Itching of the left lower lid, removed by rubbing, at 7.30 p.m./.—Itching in the right inner canthus, removed by rubbing, at 1.30 p.m. (third day)/.—Sticking in the left external canthus (after an hour and a half)/.—[110.] Corrosive biting in the left inner canthus, at 4 p.m. (third day)/.—Lachrymal Apparatus and Pall. Easy lachrymation, causing biting in the lids/. —Diminished lachrymation, and consequent dryness between the eyeballs and lids (first days)/.—Transient burning in the right eyeball, that for a moment causes lachrymation or dim vision/.—Drawing through the eye- balls/.—Pressure in the eyeballs (first days)/.— Vision. Diminished vis- ual power (through the proving)/.—Dimness of vision and watering of the eyes, on writing, with burning iu the outer canthi (after two hours and a half)/.—Dimness of vision, with sleepiness (after an hour and a half)/.— At a distance he sees less distinctly than usual (throughout the proving)/. —[120.] A fog before both eyes, and a sensation as if many small glisten- ing bodies were moving back and forth before the vision, at 2 p.m., while writing/.—Fog before the right eye, with lachrymation; could scarcely see the paper; an hour and a half after dinner/.—On looking at an object, dark clouds extend over the field of vision (after an hour and a quarter)/. Ear.—Burning in the left ear, extending from within outward, lasting a quarter of an hour, at 5.30 p.m./.—Sensation of rawness in the left ear, as if a feather were in it, without itching, at 2.30 p.m. (third day)/.—Vio- lent tearing just in front of the left ear (after four hours and a half)/.—A fine tearing just beneath the right auricle (after half an hour)/.—Tearing in the ears/.—Two painful beatings in the right ear, with heat coming out of it, followed by somewhat increased warmth, that continued for a long time/.—Boring in the ears, with a sensation as if something were in them. though without effect upon hearing, with great dryness in the throat/.— [130.] Sharp sticking into the left ear, removed by rubbing/.—Fine stick- ing in the left outer ear (after two hours)/.—Sticking in the ears/.—Burn- ing stitches in front of the right ear, at 2 p.m. (fifth day)/.—Sensation as though the right ear were stopped/.—Itching in the ear/.—Itching in the right ear/.—Itching in the left ear, disappearing on boring into it, at 8 p.m./.—Hearing. Tones reach the ear as through a great noise (eleventh day)/.—Loud noises increase the roaring in the ears (eleventh day)/.— [140.] Sudden roaring in the ears (eleventh day)/.—Cracking in the left ear (ninth day)/.—Singing in the left ear, at 5 p.m. (sixth day)/.—Fine ringing in the left ear, at 5.45 p.m./. Nose.—Increased discharge of mucus from the nose/3.—The nasal mucus rapidly becomes thick and profuse, and causes tension and pain in the nose/.—Coryza; he could scarcely get air enough through the nose/. —Violent stopped coryza/.—Sneezing and coryza, in the morning (third day)/.—Sneezing, with sore pain in the chest/.—[150.] Sneezing, causing a violent bursting pain in the chest/.—Great irritation to sneeze in the right nostril, followed by sneezing/.—Soreness in the left nostril/.—The nose seems sore internally/.—Dryness in the nose/.—Tearing extending up into the left nostril (after two hours)/.—Tickling in the nose (after half an hour)/.--Tickling in the left nostril, disappearing after scratching (after a quarterof an hour)/.—Crawling in the left nostril, at 7 p.m./.—Sensa- tion of prickling, as from an acrid vapor, in the upper part of the nose, at 2.30 p.m./.—[160.] Itching in the right nostril, disappearing on scratch- ing/.—Itching in the left nostril, disappearing on rubbing, at 2 p.m./.—It seems as though he had an offensive breath (after one hour)/. OLEUM ANIMALE. 153 Face.—Color of the face pale, almost earthy, all the afternoon/.—Ten- sive spasmodic drawing in various parts of the face (first day)/.—Tensive spasmodic drawing in the left half of the face, in the evening, in bed (eighth day)/.—Spasmodic drawing extending from the right superciliary ridge to the zygoma, soon/.—Burning in the face, especially about the chin, every morning, followed by desquamation/.—A paralyzed sensation in the right half of the face/.—Cramplike paralyzed sensation in the left half of the face (first day),3.—[170.] Crawling in various parts of the face (first day),3. —Cheeks. Redness of the cheeks, without sensation of either external or internal heat, even with a cold skin/.—Burning in the left cheek and corner of the mouth, that is removed by rubbing, but returns/.—Burning in the left cheek, as if near a glowing hot iron, at 8.30 p.m., soon disappear- ing (second day)/.—Tearing in the right cheekbone, extending to the ear (after twelve hours)/3.—Tearing in the left zygoma, removed by rubbing (after three hours)/.—Cramplike pain in the left cheek (second day)/.— Burning on the right malar bone, that is removed by rubbing (after two hours),1.—A sensation in both malar bones as if one pulled them forcibly upward, removed by rubbing (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Itching on the malar bone, beneath the left eye, relieved after rubbing/.—Lips. [180.] Lips cracked/.—Twitching in both lips, so that he woke, during the morning nap (eleventh day)/.—Burning in the fossa, above the upper lip, that is removed by rubbing (after an hour and a quarter)/.—Jaws. Swelling beneath the right lower jaw, so great that the skin was tense; a drawing, with pain, extending into the ear/.—Crawling and twitching in the lower jaw,3.—Violent cracking iu the left articulation of the jaw, al- ways on opening the mouth/.—Cramp in the lower jaw (first and second days)/.—It seems as though he could not open the mouth, on account of an impediment in the articulation of the jaw, at 6.30 a.m. (second day)/. Mouth.—Teeth and Tongue. Tearing in the teeth, that starts from the ear/.—Jerking aud tearing in the root of a right lower hollow tooth, frequently throbbing like an ulcer, from afternoon till evening, though frequently intermitting, with a sensation of icy coldness coming out of the tips of the teeth (after two hours and a quarter)/.—[190.] Drawing in various teeth in the upper jaw (first day)/.—Stitches in a right upper back tooth, that is removed by pressure, after dinner/.—Sudden dryness of the tongue posteriorly, lasting three-quarters of an hour (after two hours)/.—Biting on the tongue posteriorly, as from tobacco (after an hour and a half)/.—Itching burning on the tip of the tongue (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Taste and Saliva. Sour taste in the mouth?.— Fatty taste in the mouth, the whole forenoon/.—Fatty taste in the mouth and on the palate (immediately)/.—Insipid taste and tenacious mucus in the mouth/.—Profuse accumulation of saliva in the mouth, frequently inter- mitting and returniug/.—[200.] Saliva as white as snow collects in the mouth for a long time (after half an hour)/.—General Mouth, Dry- ness in the mouth and throat, in the morning, on waking (second day)/.— Pricking on the palate posteriorly, lasting a long time, at 2 p.m./. Throat.—Rawness in the throat, with a sensation as of a hard sub- stance that could not be swallowed (after three-quarters of an hour),1.— Rawness in the throat, frequently coming and going (after a quarter of an hour)/.—-Burning in the right side of the throat internally/.—Rawness in a long streak in the throat, that provokes a short cough (after three- quarters of an hour)/.—Rawness in the throat, in the morning, provoking cough (third and fourth days)/.—Inflammation of the throat/.—Much 154 OLEUM ANIMALE. tenacious mucus in the throat/.—[210.] Mucus in the throat, that cannot be raised by hawking (after half an hour)/,—The throat is completely dried up for four days/.—Throat dry, with a sour taste in the mouth/.— Sensation of dryness in the throat on empty swallowing, at 7 p.m./.—Al- most constant dryness in the throat, especially noticed on empty swallow- ing, that is relieved for a long time by eating/.—The throat is very dry in the morning, with a sensation as if cold air penetrated, which she was con- stantly obliged to swallow; swallowing was very difficult, though food and drink passed very easily through the pharynx and oesophagus/.—Scraping in the throat, that seems raw and dried up/.—Scraping in the throat, caus- ing slight hacking (after an hour)/.—Choking and constriction in the throat, especially in the morning and evening, though also frequently through the day/.—Crawling irritation in the left side of the throat on coughing (after one hour and a quarter),1.—[220.] Sensation of an acrid vapor in the throat/.—Fauces and Pharynx. Dryness in the fauces, without thirst (first day)/.—Burning extending up the pharynx, in the evening (first day)/.—Burning in the pharynx, as from alcoholic drinks or as from pepper, that continued to extend farther down till it reached the stomach (after half an hour)/.—When lying on the back with the head inclined forward upon the chest, in the morning in bed, there is a sensation in the throat as if something compressed the larynx, almost stopping the breath, only disappearing on speedily changing the position (fifth day)/.— Sensation in the throat on empty swallowing as if a foreign substance were hanging down ; it seems as though it could be raised by hawking, with ineffectual attempts for a long time, till it provoked vomiting, when two pieces of a thick brown glutinous substance, as large as hazelnuts, were forc- ibly ejected, after which the dryness in the throat on swallowing disap- peared for a short time, at 8 a.m./.—Very difficult swallowing on account of dryness in the throat/. Stomach.—Appetite and TJiirst. Appetite diminished (first day)/.—In the evening she had no appetite, could eat only bread/.—De- sire for soft eggs, that she relished (second day)/.—[230.] She relished soup and potatoes; had no desire for meat, though without aversion to it/. —She was averse to meat at noon, when at last she ate it it had no taste (second day)/.—She had no desire for anything except bread ; she was averse to meat, and the thought of anything except bread gave rise to the sensation of the hateful taste and odor of the drug, at 2.30 p.m./.—She is averse even to bread, however she can eat it; soup she cannot (second day)/.—Thirst in the evening/.—Thirst all day, though not excessive/.— Hiccough and Eructations. Violent hiccough, at 9 p.m. (third day)/.—Violent nauseous eructations, in the evening,1.—Frequent burning eructations/. — Frequent empty eructations (after an hour and three- quarters)/.—[240.] Eructations from time to time, usually tasting of the drug or of urine (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Eructations of a quantity of tasteless water (after half an hour)/.—Eructations of the beef that had been eaten, two hours after dinner/.—Eructations tasting of the drug, followed by burning in the oesophagus (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Empty eructations, during dinner/.—Ineffectual inclination to eructate, in the morning (second day)/.—Nausea and Vomiting. Frightful nausea and aversion to food during dinner/.—Constant nausea and inclination to vomit, with paleness of the face, after eating, lasting all the afternoon, even in the open air/.—Very much nauseated and qualmish; a rising frora the stomach up into the throat, an hour after dinner/.— OLEUM ANIMALE. 155 Nausea and sensitiveness in the stomach, at 8 a.m./. — [250.] Nausea amounting even to vomiting, after dinner (after a quarter of an hour)/.— Nausea in the stomach, with eructations of a urinous taste (after half an hour)/.—Nausea and pressure upon the chest; sensation as if one had swallowed too large a morsel, and rising of gases towards the throat, almost as in heartburn,1.—Nausea, with constrictive pain in the intestines, extending to the stomach, with dry cough and stitches beneath the ster- num/.—Nausea and qualmishness in the stomach/.—Nausea and qualm- ishness, disappearing after 4 p.m., after coffee; the distressing eructations and the taste, however, continued till 5 p.m., and the cheerfulness and natural color of the face returned/.—Nausea and qualmishness, with accu- mulation of saliva in the mouth (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Slight nausea during dinner/.—Sudden inclination to vomit; the stomach seems to turn over ; after eructations twice it disappears (after an hour and three-quarters)/.—General Stomach. Distension in the stomach and abdomen, with frequent eructations and emission of flatus,'.—[260.] The stomach is sensitive to external pressure/.—Rumbling in the stomach, fol- lowed by eructation (after five minutes)/.—The stomach and abdomen seem eviscerated, in the morning (second day)/.—Contraction and con- striction in the stomach,2.—Sensation of pressure in the stomach, that does not last long (after two hours)/.—Pressure in the stomach, with a sensation as if she would eructate, at 3 p.m./.—Pressure in the stomach aud oesoph- agus, disappearing after eructations (after three-quarters of an hour)/.— Frequeut pressure in the stomach, followed by offensive exhalations, at times with, at times without eructations into the mouth (after an hour and a half)/.—Pressure in the pit of the stomach, after drinking fresh water (first day)/.—Pressure in the pit of the stomach/.—[270.] Pressure in the pit of the stomach, disappearing on external pressure (after one hour and a half)/.—Pressure and burning rising up from the stomach, in the open air (after an hour)/.—Burning sensation in the pit of the stomach (after half an hour)/.—Sensation of burning in the stomach, with general dis- comfort (after two hours)/.—Painful stitches in the epigastric region three or four times, with rising of warmth and disappearance of the coldness in the stomach (after three hours)/.—Some dull stitches in succession in the left side of the epigastric region, and immediately afterwards under the left mamma (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Sensation as if something were twisting about in the stomach, with inclination to vomit (after three- quarters of an hour)/.—Acute fasting sensation in the stomach (after an hour and three-quarters)/.—It seemed to her as if something twisted up- ward from the stomach, half an hour after dinner/.—Bruised sensation in the left side of the stomach, where it is also painful to pressure, disappear- ing on rubbing, a quarter of an hour after eating/.—[280.] Bruised sen- sation in the epigastric region (after two hours)/.—Soreness in a very small spot in the stomach, lasting a half hour (after five minutes)/.—The stomach is sore internally,-not externally (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Sen- sation as if the stomach were filled full of water up to the throat (after half an hour)/.—Sensation of great warmth in the epigastric region, with a feeling as if sweat would break out, at 1 p.m. (third day)/.—Heat as if fire were in the stomach, extending into the pectoral region (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Feeling of coldness in the stomach, as if ice were lying in it (after three hours)/.—Feeling of coldness in the stomach (iramedi- ately)/. Abdomen.—Hypochondria. Pain as if ulcerated, in the right 156 OLEUM ANIMALE. hypochondrium ; on ceasing there it extended to the left side/.—Sticking- pressive pain in the region of the liver and spleen/.—[290.] Dull stitches in the hepatic region, on walking in the open air (after one hour)/.— Umbilicus and Sides. Pinching about the umbilicus, in the evening (second day)/.—A sudden, fine, cutting pain around the abdomen above the umbilicus, as if a sabre were drawn from the left to the right side (after one hour)/.—Violent cutting colic, extending from the umbilicus to the pit of the stomach, aud somewhat acrid eructations, after dinner (fourth day)/.—Painful piercing stitch deep in the right side of the abdomen, opposite the navel, extending like lightning to the right side aud making her start, at 2 p.m./.—Transient burning in a small spot below the left side of the navel, in the morning (third day)/.—General Abdomen. Distension of the abdomen, only slightly relieved by the emission of flatus, in the morning (third day)/.—Abdomen distended by gas after the morn- ing soup (after one hour and a half)/.—Great fulness in the abdomen ; it seems distended by gas, at 8 p.m./.—The abdomen seems tympanitic (after one hour and a half)/.—[300.] Rumbling and moving in the abdomen preceding every eructation (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Rumbling and movements in the whole abdomen (after four hours and a half)/.—Slight rumbling, rather severe griping and distension in the abdomen after supper, followed by emission of flatus and relief of the symptoms, several days (after ten days)/.—Slight griping and rumbling in the abdomen (first days)/.—Frequent emission of flatus, followed by the usual stool, with pinching in the whole abdomen, and after the stool pressure, without result, and some eructations (after three-quarters of an hour); (she had had a stool previous to taking the drug)/.—Frequent emission of flatus affording relief, at 7.30 p.m./.—Emission of offensive flatus, especially in the even- ing,3.—Hot risings from the abdoraen into the chest; the sensation seems to vanish towards evening (first day)/.—Emission of much offensive flatus in the evening, preceded by some griping in the abdomen (third day)/.— Accumulation of flatus in several places in the abdomen causing griping, after supper/.—[310.] It always causes renewed flatulence in the abdomen, which is very much distended thereby/.—Movements in the abdomen pre- ceding, accompanying, and following the usual stool/.—Movements in the abdomen extending below the left breast, almost like a bubbling, as if diarrhoea would occur, half an hour after dinner (third day)/.—Cutting colic for some minutes before the stool (first day)/.—Cutting colic, in the evening, before going to bed (sixth and seventh days)/.—Cutting colic, re- lieved or removed after the emission of flatus/.—Pressure, here and there, in the abdomen aud in the lumbar and sacral regions, as if distended by flatulence, in the morning (third day)/.—Slight griping in the abdomen after warm food and drink/.—Burrowing and griping in the upper abdo- men, especially while sittiug, with some eructations (fourteenth day)/.— Burrowing aud cutting pain in the upper abdomen, usually an hour after eating or drinking/.—[320.] Cutting movements extending from the ab- domen into the chest (fourth day)/.—Cutting pain in the abdomen, with watery diarrhoea and tenesmus (relieved by Chamomilla), (thirteenth day)/.—Awakened by cutting pains in the whole abdomen, at 4 a.m., fol- lowed by a liquid stool without relief; she had two stools within ten min- utes, after which the pains were relieved (second day)/.—Pinching pain in some small spots in the abdomen/.—The bowels are painful as if beaten, after the stool, at 7 a.m./.—The intestines are painful, as after long con- stipation, on every motion of the trunk, with great distension of the abdo- OLEUM ANIMALE. 157 men, lasting a long time/.—Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. Burrowing and cutting pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated by eating and drinking, and also while walking and standing, relieved by sitting bent over/.—Burning in the left flank (after two hours)/.—Pain like a pinching in the right inguinal region, not wholly relieved by rubbing but only by standing up (after one hour)/.—Acute drawing from the inguinal region into the testicle of the same side, in the left and right side alter- nately, for several days/.—[330.] Drawing extending from the inguinal region into the testicles,3. Rectum and Anus.—Burning and stitches in the rectum/.—Some burning in the anus, after a normal stool/.—Pressing pain in the anus, after a stool/.—Crawling in the anus/.—Some stitches in the anus,3.—Itch- ing in the anus, that disappears after scratching, in the afternoon (third day)/-—Stool normal, only very brown/.—Desire for stool, without evacu- ation ; after an hour a pasty evacuation suddenly occurs/.—The evacua- tion of the bowels was natural (very pastv), but only resulted with effort and after long straining (third day),3.—[340.] Anxious pressure to stool; at first only some flatus is passed, afterwards some pasty faeces with effort (twelfth and thirteenth days)/. Stool.—Piarrhcea. Purging two or three times a day/.—Purging, in the evening/.—Stool three times in one day, very soft, preceded by movement and cutting in the abdomen/.—Evacuation of very soft fieces, at 9 p.m., preceded and followed by cutting in the abdomen; after the stool, burning, like fire, in the anus (second day)/.—Stool soft, once or twice a day/.—Soft stool, at 7 p.m./.— ConstIpation. A hard evacua- tion, with great pressure, with some relief of the colic (after thirty-six hours).3.—After long-continued pressure at stool, a hard evacuation with great exertion (second day),3.—The stool is less frequent than usual, hard, and evacuated with the greatest effort (third and fourth days)/.—[350.] Stool scanty, firm, without pressure (third day)/.—Dragging and pressure to stool, that is only passed some hours afterwards, hard, dry, and with effort/.—Very firm stool (second day)/.—Firm stool, in the evening, with pressure (second day)/.—Stool, in the morning, very much delayed, other- wise normal/.—No stool, only frequent ineffectual desire thereto (second day),1.—No stool (second and third days)/. Urinary Organs.—Bladder and Urethra. Pressure upon the bladder/.—Slight burning in the urethra, during micturition/.—Burn- ing in the urethra, during micturition/.—[360.] Itching in the urethra/. —Micturition. Frequent micturition, in the afternoon, though but little at a time/.—He passes very much urine (second day)/.—Frequent micturition, without burning/.—Frequent micturition, with itching in the urethra/.—Frequent pressure and urging to urinate; frequent emission of only a few drops of urine/.—Burning during micturition/.—Diminished secretion of urine, especially at night (fourth day)/.—The urine seems di- minished (first day)/.—(Normal stream of urine; formerly he had always a very thin stream; curative action)/.— Urine. [370.] Urine increased and clear, in the afternoon/.—The urine seems to be increased and rather pale; deposits a slight cloud (seventh day)/.—Urine increased in quantity, pale, clear (first day)/.—Urine pale, in the evening/.—The urine is very watery iu color (after one hour)/.—The urine is less pale than usual, and deposits a thick cloudy sediment, an hour after dinner/.—The urine is pale, somewhat yellow, and soon deposits a flocculent sediment on the sides of the vessel (after two hours)/.—Urine, at night, more scanty and darker 158 OLEUM ANIMALE. colored/.—The urine seems greenish/.—The urine becoraes turbid oyer night, like muddy water, and deposits a clayey sediment/.—[380.] The urine is very deep yellow; deposits a slight cloud/.—The urine soon de- posits a thin cloud/and remains clear/.—During the first twelve hours the urine was scanty aud clear, afterwards natural and orange-yellow/. Sexual Organs.—Male, Acute drawing in the upper portion of the penis, in the evening (first day)/.—Sticking-cutting pain in the penis/. —Burning stitches in the root of the penis, at 3 p.m. (fifth day)/.—Itching on the penis, close to the scrotum, at 2 p.m. (third day)/.—Pressure in the region of the prostate gland/.—Scrotum relaxed/.—The testicles are swollen and painful to touch alternately for several days/.—[390.] The right tes- ticle is somewhat swollen and paiuful to touch (first day)/.—Drawing pain in the left testicle/.—Testicles retracted, painful/.—As soon as he falls asleep again, in the morning, he has erections and emissions (first day)/. —Erections and emissions (first night)/.—Erection, without fantasy, in the forenoon/.—Profuse emissions, at night (second day)?.—Female. Leucorrhcea of thin white mucus/.—Preceding the menses, cutting pain in the abdomen and small of the back/.—Menses nine days too early, pre- ceded and accompanied by cutting pain in the abdomen and small of the back, followed by headache, like a sticking, in the left side of the head and vertex, five eveuings in succession, from 7 o'clock till morning, when it always disappeared on rising; the discharge was scanty and black, with weakness of the hands and feet/.—[400.] Menses four days too early; on their appearance in the evening, griping in the abdomen; they were usu- ally accompanied by diarrhoea; the discharge was at first scanty; it in- creased till the fourth day/. Respiratory Organs.—Trachea and Voice. Spasmodic con- striction iu the trachea, often disturbing sleep, at night (sixth day)/.— Tickling in the trachea, provoking cough,2.—Hoarseness; cannot talk loud easily; soon disappearing (after one hour)/.— Cough and Expecto- ration. Frequent hacking cough, with increasing rawness in the larynx (after one hour)/.—Several paroxysms of cough, at 6.15 p.m. (second day)/. —Some paroxysms of cough at 2 p.m., and frequently afterwards (fifth day)/.—Frequent hacking cough, in the morning,1.—Inclination to cough, in the morning (second day)/.—Dry hacking cough (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—[410.] Expectoration of a lump of firm mucus, after hawk- ing a long time, after breakfast (third day)/.—Hawking of mucus three- quarters of an hour after dinner/.—A frequent sensation as if caused by acrid smoke, without expectoration, in the afternoon (third day)/. Chest.—Violent pressure in the upper part of the chest, extending to between the shoulders, at 2 p.m./.—Oppression of the chest on ascending a height, on account of great distension of the abdomen, greatly relieved by frequent emission of flatus, at 3 p.m./.—The whole chest is painful, as- if beaten (after one hour and a quarter)/.—Rush of blood to the chest, with dry heat in the face (after half an hour),3.—Anxious and warm about the chest for a long time (after an hour and a quarter)/.—Anxiety in the chest, with frequent shivering, all the forenoon/.—Bubbling, as from a liquid or as from a spasm, extending frora the middle of the chest to the stomach (after a quarter of an hour)/.—[420.] Transient cutting pain through the chest, in the evening/.—Sticking tearing externally in the pectoral region, at 10 a.m. (third day),1.—Painful sensation of constriction in the middle of the chest, lasting but a short time (after half an hour)/.—Burning in the middle of the chest (after one hour)/.—Front and Sides. Pressure on OLEUM ANIMALE. 159 the lower portion of the sternum (after half an hour, and again later)/.— Pressure externally on the lower portion of the sternum, not affecting res- piration (after two hours)/.—Burning on the ensiform cartilage/.—Sharp pressure beneath the left short ribs (after eleven hours)/.—Burning on the right lower ribs/.—Sticking pain beneath the left ribs, aggravated by stretching up the body,2.—[430.] Dull sticking beneath the short ribs (secoud and third days),2.—Pinching sensation in the first right false rib, at 7.15 p.m./.—Pinching sticking in the left pectoral region, not affecting respiration, at 2.30 p.m. (third day)/.—Intermitting tearing in the left costal region, opposite the pit of the stomach, at 9 a.m. (third day)/.—A violent stitch in the upper part of the right side, near the sternum, as from a glowing hot needle; the breast continued to burn for a long time; at 2 p.m. (third day)/.—A violent sharp stitch in the chest, by the right axilla (after one hour and a half)/.—A fine stitch in the middle of the left clav- icle, followed by a twinging sensation (after one hour and a quarter)/.—A stitch in the right clavicle, in the morning (fifth day)/.—Mamma?. A very long stitch beneath the left mamma (after two hours aud a half)/.— A sharp stitch in the mamma, extending forward, while standing (after two hours aud a half)/.—[440.] Some dull stitches beneath the left mamma, that disappear on rubbing, but return; at the same time, fine tearing in the right ring and middle fingers (after one hour and a half)/.—-Stitches near the right nipple/.—A pain, almost like a sticking, beneath and behind the left mamma, disappearing after rubbing, followed by warmth over the whole body (after two hours)/.—Tearing in the right mamma, lasting half an hour (after two hours)/. Heart and Pulse.—Pressure at the heart/.—Bruised feeling at the heart/.—Pulse 65, three-quarters of an hour after dinner/.—Pulse 65 and rather full (after two hours)/.—Pulse 65, rather small (after one hour and a half)/.—Pulse 60 (after one hour and a half)/.—[450.] Pulse 55 (after two hours and a half)/. Neck and Pack.—Neck. Hard tensive pressure on the nape; she was obliged to hold the head forward and could not turn it, in the after- noon (fifth day)/.—Cracking in the joints of the nape on raising the head (after two hours)/.—Tearing in the muscles of the right side of the neck, whence it extends into the right malar bone, together with tearing in two right upper molars/.—Sensation as if a warm breath extended up the nape with an agreeable feeling (after two hours)/.—Drawing and stiffness in the right cervical muscles, not aggravated by motion but by touch/.— Pack, Pressure extending forward from both sides of the back/.—Fine sticking, three times in the back, behind the left mamma (after five min- utes)/.—Sudden sticking in the region of the right lower false ribs, by the spiue; the place is also sensitive to pressure (after one hour and a half)/. —Porsal. A sharp stitch between the shoulders, more to. the left, and repeated on bending the arm backward to point out the spot, three-quarters of an hour after dinner/.—[460.] Burning tearing on the lower end of the left scapula, frequently intermitting, at 7 a.m. (seventh day)/.—Burning on the upper margin of the left scapula, disappearing on rubbing,1.—Some sharp and painful stitches in the left scapula towards the axilla (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Stitches in the lower end of the left scapula, lasting a long time/.—Itching stitches on the left scapula, by the axilla (after four hours)/.—Lumbar. Painful pressure in the small of the back, disappearing of itself, and on feeling the part with the left hand he experiences a painful stitch in the left shoulder (after one hour and three- 160 OLEUM ANIMALE. quarters)/.—Pain in the small of the back as if sprained, especially on stooping/.—Pain in the small of the back, especially violent while sitting/. —A sharp stitch in the left lumbar region (after one hour aud a quarter)/. —Weakness and pulsation in the limbs on returning from a short walk, in the afternoon/.—[470.] Throbbing and pressure, at times very violent, in the sacrum (fifth and sixth days)/. Extremities.—Tearing-drawing pain in the knees, left shoulder, upper arm, and left side of the chest/.—Bruised sensation in the thighs, arms, and back, as after great exertion (first day)/.—Paralyzed sensation in the left arm and left lower extremity (third and fourth days)/. Superior Extremities.—Powerlessness of both arms, as far as the fingers, with tearing-drawing pain,2.—Rheumatic pains alternately in the scapulae, shoulders, cervical and pectoral muscles, but worst in the right cervical muscles and right scapula, several days/. — Shoulder and Arm. Rheumatic pains in the shoulders, muscles of the shoulders and nape, in the morning in bed, disappearing after motion/.—Rheumatic pain iu the left shoulder, in the morning (first days)/.—Tearing drawing in the left shoulder/.—Burning, almost cutting tearing, in the left axilla, when the arm is at rest or in motion, at 6.30 p.m./.—[480.] Tearing extending from the right shoulder-joint to the middle of the upper arm (after one hour and a half)/.—Tearing iu the anterior surface of the right upper arm, with yawning (after two hours and a half)/.—Fine tearing extending from the anterior surface of the middle of the upper arm to the wrist, in the house (after one hour)/.—Elbow and Forearm. Tearing in the external condyle of the right elbow (after two hours)/.—Frequent tearing in the inner condyle of the left elbow (after one hour and a half)/.—Dull pain in the elbow-joint, in the morning, especially on moving it (second day)/.—Stitches in the left arm, below the elbow/.—Tearing in the an- terior surface of the right forearra, in the forenoon (seventh day)/.—Vio- lent painful tearing extending from the bend of the elbow to the wrist, along the outer side towards the little finger, in which the pain is most severe; on rubbing the pain is relieved everywhere, except in the joints; the spot is also sensitive to pressure (after one hour and a half)/.—Tearing on the outer surface of the right forearm towards the wrist, as if in the bone (after half an hour)/.—[490.] Slight tearing extending from the inner surface of the middle of the forearm to the middle of the wrist, dis- appearing on rubbing (after one hour and three-quarters)/.—Stitches in the right radius/.—Bruised pain on the outer surface of the middle of the left forearm, at 6 p.m. (second day)/.—Burning on the inner surface of the left forearm, near the wrist (after two hours and three-quarters)/.—Burn- ing on the outer surface of the right forearm, disappearing on rubbing, at 1 p.m.?.—Wrist and Hand. Tearing in the right wrist/.—Two fine tearings extending forward from the outer condyle of the right wrist, in the open air (after one hour)/.—Tearing above the right wrist, extending to the ball of the thumb, removed by rubbing (after two hours and three- quarters)/.—Two fine stitches on the outer condyle of the right wrist, three-quarters of an hour after dinner/.—A pinching transversely across the back of the left hand on allowing the hand to hang down, in the even- ing while walking/.—[500.] Burning tearing on the inner margin of the right hand, towards the little finger, at 2.30 p.m. (fifth day)/.—Tearing on the inner margin of the right hand, towards the little finger, as if the flesh would be torn from the bone; on rubbing a burning, and though it imme- diately disappeared it returned and at last disappeared of itself/.—Stick- OLEUM ANIMALE. 161 ing crawling in the palm of the right hand (after five hours)/.—Stitches in the right hand, between the metacarpal bone of the thumb and index finger,2.—Acute drawing in the hand/.—Tearing in all the fingers towards the back of the hand, on washing the hand in cold water; it disappears after drying them/.—Fingers. Tearing above the ball of the left thumb, at 9.30 a.m. (third day)/.—Fine tearing extending down the middle pha- lanx of the right index finger (after three hours and a half)/.—Tearing jerking in the left little finger, as if in the marrow (after five hours)/.— Violent jerking tearing in the bones of the right middle finger (after four hours and a half)/.—[510.] Violent jerking and tearing deep iu the right middle finger (after four hours aud a half)/.—Drawing and burrowing in the right thumb, as if it would suppurate/.—A sharp stitch above and between the right thumb and index finger, as if in the bone, frequently returning (after one hour)/.—A sharp stitch above the ball of the right thumb (after one hour)/.—Numbness in different fingers/.—Ulcerative pain on the right little finger, under both sides of the nail, both by itself, and especially when pressed upon, in the morning, on waking, lasting all day, with pressive^headache that disappears on rising and walking about (eighth day)/. Inferior Extremities.—Feeling of stiffness in the lower extremi- ties, when walking (first day)/.—Weakness of the lower extremities and trembling of the knees, while standing (second day)/.—Sensation of weari- ness in the lower extremities and burning in the soles of the feet, while sitting, less while walking, at 4.30 p.m. (third day)/.—Drawing pain in the right leg, aggravated by talking or motion/.—Hij> and Thigh. [520.] Tearing in the left hip, disappearing on rubbing (after three- quarters of an hour)/.—Tearing in the right hip (after half an hour)/.— Tearing in the right hip extending backward, at 2.30 p.m., while walking/. —Tearing in the thighs/.—Tearing on the right thigh, above the knee (tenth day)/.—Slight tearing in the inner and lower portion of the right thigh, at 1 p.m. (third day)/.—Tensive pain on the inner surface of the thigh, near the knee, especially on walking (eighth and ninth days),3.— Acute drawing in the left trochanter (third day)/.—Pinching or tense sensation in a small spot in the middle of the inner surface of the left thigh, at 1 p.m. (third day)/.—Dull stitches in the left natis, at 3.30 p.m. (fifth day)/.—[530.] Throbbing pain on the inner side of the right thigh, in the forenoon (second day),3.—Twitching on the posterior surface of the left thigh, after dinner/.—Knee. Weakness of the knees and stitches in them, so that he could not easily stand/.—Soreness, as if denuded, in the bend of the knee, as in little children/.—Tension in the hollow of the left knee, as if the tendons were too short/.—A stiff pain iu the knees, when walking (after five hours)/.—Tearing on the inner surface of the right knee (after one hour aud a half)/.—Tearing in the right knee, with ulcera- tive pain ; on rubbing, the tearing at first disappears, and afterwards the pain (after three hours and a half)/.—Coarse stitches in the large fleshy part of the bend of the left knee, in the morning on waking (second day)/. —Stitches in the right knee/.—Leg. [540.] Spasmodic drawing extend- ing from the hollow of the knee to the back of the foot/.—Pain like a tension or as after a long walk, below the left calf, while walking, not no- ticed during rest, several days in succession/.—Pain, like growing pain, below both knees, frequently repeated during the day, especially iu the morning/.—Painful tearing on the inner surface of the left tibia, extend- ing down to the middle (after one hour and a half)/.—Tearing in the VOL. VII.—11 162 OLEUM ANIMALE. whole left leg, from the knee, where the pain is most severe, downward, so that the whole leg trembles (after one hour)/.—Tearing on the outer por- tion of the right leg, below the knee, extending down to the toes (after three hours)/.—Slight pressive tearing in slow pulsations in the left ankle, lasting a long time, during rest and motion, an hour after dinner (third day)/.—A jerking tearing in the inner and lower portion of the right tibia, at 1 p.m. (third day)/.—Tearing drawing on the anterior surface of the leg, especially on the margin of the tibia, with so great heaviness of the feet that she could not walk easily, three days in succession,2.—A weary pain in the calves, as after a long walk, at 4.30 p.m./.—Foot and Toes. [550.] Trembling of the feet from weakness, while standing, relieved by sitting, an hour after dinner/.—Both feet were very weak/.—Sudden pain- ful tearing on the outer margin and in the hollow of the left foot (after three-quarters of au hour)/.—Tearing on the anterior margin of the lower portion of the right foot, at 2 p.m. (eleventh day)/.—Tearing on the inner margin of the left foot, in the morning (second day),1.—Burning tearing above the outer margin of the left foot, at 3.30 p.m. (second day)/.—Vio- lent tearing on the left external malleolus, at 9 p.m. (third day)/.—Burn- ing in the left inner malleolus, at 8 p.m./.—Pain in the malleoli as if they had received a violent blow, and he were suffering from the pain/.—Sen- sation as if the blood forcibly pressed into the lower portion of the left foot, especially into the great toe, at 6.30 p.m./.—[560.] An extremely violent sharp stitch in the middle of the outer margin of the right foot (after two hours and a half)/.—Stitches in the sole of the left foot/.— Tearing in the left great toe, in which there is an ulcerative pain, at 2 p.m. (third day)/.—Cramp in the toes/.—Pain, like an ulcer, in the left great toe, especially by the nail, on pressure, for several days/. Generalities.—General exhaustion, with a tremulous sensation in the arms, soon/.—Feeling of general weakness and indolence; she desired to sit down, three-quarters of an hour after dinner/.—Weakness aud heavi- ness of the whole body (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Shuffling gait; no tone of the body (first day)/.—A tremulous waving feeling, with gen- eral weakness and watering of the eyes, in the forenoon (fifth day)/.— [570.] A transient condition, similar to an impending faintness (after three hours)/.—Generally very sick, with sadness and sleepiness (fifth day)/.— General prostration and discomfort, three-quarters of an hour after dinner/. —Very much prostrated, indolent, and sleepy, with yawning (after half an hour)/.—Spasmodic drawing in various parts of the body/.—Red wine does not increase the action of the drug/.—The perspiration, saliva, urine, and faeces smell of the drug/. Skin.—Eruptions. A pimple on the left cheek/.—Small pimples on the lower portion of the septum of the nose, that break, discharge a liquid, and cause burning pain/.—A small pimple in the right nostril, that burns only upon pressure, in the afternoon, disappearing on the fourth day/. —[580.] An itching pimple in the bend of the right elbow (seventh day)/. —Two blisters beneath the skin of the occiput, with a sore pain, aggravated by touch/.—A vesicle on the right cheek, with an itching sensation/.— Sensations. A stitch, like a fleabite, on the right cheek, in front of the ear, in the morning (third day)/.—A stitch, like a fleabite, beneath the angle of the left jaw, at 6.30 p.m./.—A stitch, as from a fleabite, in the left side of the chest, at 3 p.m./.—A burning biting beneath the left eye, close to the lid, at 1 p.m. (third day)/.—Biting behind the right ear, disappear- ing after scratching/.—Burning biting on the anterior portion of the scro- OLEUM ANIMALE. 163 tum, in the afternoon (third day)/.—Biting on the outer surface of the left knee, disappearing on rubbing, at 5.30 p.m./.—[590.] Burning above the left eye, relieved after rubbing/.—Itching burning on the tip of the nose, not removed by rubbing/.—Sticking burning in various places in the skin of the forehead (after two hours)/.—Sticking in the right foot, by the heel/. —Tickling on the nape of the neck, relieved by rubbing (after one hour and a quarter)/.—Tickling on the left outer ear, relieved by rubbing/.— Tickling on the inner surface of the right auricle, relieved by scratching (after ten minutes)/.—Violent tickling beneath the left heel, not relieved by rubbing, at 5 p.m./.—Prickling crawling in the last phalanx of the left index finger, in the afternoon (eighth day)/.—Prickling crawling in the forepart of the ball of the left thumb, at 5 p.m. (eighth day)/.—[600.] Crawling in the last phalanges of the right index and middle fingers, on waking (eighth day)/.—Deepseated crawling, like formication, extending from the knee over the whole leg, even to the toes, as if the leg would fall asleep; relieved by rubbing (after one hour and a half)/.—Crawling in a small spot in the middle of the left sole, at 7.30 p.m./.—Violent formica- tion on the left leg, ou sitting down after standing, with a sensation of great weakness/.—Itching of the whole body, especially on the back of the right hand/.—Itching here and there, as frora fleas/.—Itching on the right frontal eminence, relieved by scratching, but returning, at 3.15 p.m. (third day)/.—Itching on the upper part of the left side of the forehead, relieved by rubbing, at 6.30 p.m./.—Itching above the left frontal eminence, disap- pearing after scratching, at 2 p.m. (third day)/.—Itching above the right side of the forehead, relieved by rubbing (after one hour and a half)/.— [610.] Itching of the whole forehead, as from insects, relieved by rubbing (after one hour and a half)/.—Itching above the right temple, relieved by scratching/.—Itching on the left temple and right side of the chin, relieved by scratching, at 2 p.m. (third day)/.—Itching on the right temple, with burning, after scratching/.—Itching on the vertex, that only disappears after scratching a long time (after one hour and a half)/.—Constant itch- ing on the left side of the head, where there had previously been a ham- mering, nearly the whole afternoon/.—Itching on the right side of the head, relieved by scratching, but frequently returning (after three hours)/. —Very violent itching burning on the left side of the occiput, disappear- ing after scratching/.—Itching on the right side of the occiput, relieved by scratching (after two hours)/.—Itching above the right eye, relieved by scratching/.—[620.] Itching on the margin of the left orbit, relieved by scratching, but soon returning, at 2 p.m. (third day)/.—Itching on the margin of the right auricle, with burning and heat after scratching/.— Itching on the margin of the right auricle, immediately followed by itch- ing of the left ear, both relieved by rubbing, at 4 p.m. (fourth day)/.— Itching on the right auricle, relieved by rubbing, at 1.30 p.m. (third day)/. —Itching of the left auricle, relieved by scratching, at 1 p.m. (third day)/. —Itching beneath the lobule of the right ear, relieved by scratching/.— Itching in front of the right ear, relieved by scratching/.—Itching on the right side of the nose externally, disappearing on rubbing/.—Itching on the left side of the nose, relieved by scratching/.—Biting itching on the left cheek, relieved after scratching/.—[630.] Itching on the left cheek, relieved by rubbing/.—Fine itching on the left cheek, that disappears on rubbing, but returns, and then disappears of itself (after one hour and a half),1.—Itching about the left corner of the mouth, relieved by scratch- ing/.—Itching on the right angle of the lower jaw, and immediately after- 164 OLEUM ANIMALE. wards on the right frontal eminence, relieved by scratching, at 7.30 p.m./. —Itching on the right side of the chin, and immediately afterwards in front of the left ear/.—Itching between the chin and lower lip, relieved by scratching/.—Itching in the middle of the upper lip, that does not disap- pear on rubbing/.—Burning itching on the right side of the nape, at 6.30 p.m./.—Itching on the nape, relieved by scratching, at 1 p.m./.—Itching on a small spot on the nape, and biting in the left eye, at 1.30 p.m. (third day)/.—[640.] Itching burning in the right side of the neck, disappearing after rubbing (after five minutes)/.—Itching on the left pectoral region, below the axilla, relieved by scratching, at 9 a.m. (third day)/.—Itching in the middle of the back, relieved by rubbing, but returning, in the morn- ing (second day)/.—Itching of the abdomen, above the navel, relieved by scratching, at 5 p.m./.—Itching on the right side of the abdomen, that re- turns after scratching/.—Itching on the lower portion of the side of the penis, relieved by rubbing, at 6.30 p.m./.—Itching on the right shoulder, removed by scratching, at 2 p.m./.—Itching extending from the middle of the left upper arm to the middle of the forearm (after four hours and a half)/.—Itching burning on the anterior surface of the right upper arm, after dinner (sixth day)/.—Biting itching on the left elbow, relieved by scratching, at 3.30 p.m. (third day)/.—[650.] Itching on the left elbow, relieved by rubbing/.—Itching on the upper surface of the left forearm, relieved only by violent scratching (after two hours and three-quarters)/. —Itching on the anterior surface of the left forearm, only with difficulty relieved by scratching, followed by a red pimple, that contains water and remains red for a long time, at 7 p.m. (second day)/.—Itching on the back, on the left forearm, left lumbar region, and inner surface of the left thigh, above the knee (after one hour)/.—Itching in the palm of the right hand, relieved by scratching, at 5.30 p.m. (second day)/.—Itching in the palm of the left hand, relieved by rubbing, in the morning (fifth day)/.— Itching on the whole of the back of the left hand, relieved by scratching, at 2 p.m. (third day)/.—Itching on the back of the right hand, relieved by scratching (after four hours and a half)/.—Itching on the backs of the hands,2.—Itching on the back of the right hand, and after scratching some pimples, like the eruption of itch/.—[660.] Itching on the right little fin- ger, relieved by scratching/.—Itching on the upper portion of the right index finger, between it and the next, relieved by scratching/.—Itching burning on the right side of the middle phalanx of the left index finger, and afterwards posteriorly on the ball of the thumb, at 3.30 p.m. (fifth day)/.—Itching between the first phalanges of the right and middle fin- ger, relieved by scratching, at 2.30 p.m. (second day)/.—Itching on the first phalanx of the right index finger, not relieved by rubbing (after one hour and a half)/.—Itching between the first and second phalanges of the left thumb, relieved by rubbing/.—Itching below the left natis, relieved by scratching (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Itching on the left thigh, as if she had the itch/.—Itching on the calves, legs, and nates/.—Biting itching on the inner surface of the right knee, at 4 p.m. (fifth day)/.— [670.] Itching on the outer portion of the left leg, below the calf, at 3 p.m. (third day)/.—Itching on the soles of both feet, at 2 p.m. (fifth day)/.— Itching in various parts of the foot (first day)/.—Biting itching in a small spot in the middle of the sole of the right foot, continuing a long time, at 5 p.m. (fifth day)/.—Itching below the right heel, relieved by scratching, at 2 p.m. (third day)/.—Itching of the nail of the left great toe, as if the limb were frozen, during the ulcerative pain, continuing on pressure, in OLEUM ANIMALE. 165 the morning (fifth day)/.—Violent itching biting on the right great toe (after two hours)/.—Crawling itching on the left little toe, at 4 p.m. (third day)/. Sleep.—Sleepiness. Yawning and stretching, with sleepiness, disap- pearing in the open air (after two hours and a half)/.—Frequent yawning?. —[680.] Very sleepy; she yawned all day, and was out of humor/.—Great sleepiness, and inclination to lie down, after dinner/.—Suddenly overpow- ered by sleepiness, three-quarters of an hour after dinner/.—Sleepiness im- mediately after dinner, disappearing in the open air/.—Great need of sleep; he could fall asleep at his work/.—Very sleepy, at 4 p.m. (second day)/.— Long sleep, in the morning/.—Sleeplessness. Yawning, without sleep- iness (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Cannot fall asleep for a long time, in the evening/.—Falls asleep late in the evening (second day)/.—[690.] Falls asleep late and wakes early/.—Restless sleep, with frequent waking, at night (second day)/.—Falls asleep late; sleep restless, and early waking (second day)/.—He woke very early, aud could not sleep again (first and second days)/.—The slightest noise disturbs sleep/.—He woke several times at night, contrary to custom (first day)/.—Starting up, as in fright, frora a nap, while sitting, at 8.30 p.m. (sixth day)/.—Restless sleep, with erec- tion (first day)/.—Woke in the morning, without being able to fall asleep again (second day)/.— Dreams. Extremely pleasant dream of a beau- tiful region,3.—[700.] Dream of dead persous (second day)/.—Anxious dream of murders/.—Unremembered dreams/. Fever.—Chilliness. Chilliness over the whole body/.—Chill a few times (after half an hour)/.—Chilliness, with cold hands, heat, and redness of the face/.—Shaking chill over the whole body, with gooseflesh, from 7.30 to 9 p.m., before lying down, not when in bed; the chill preceded by thirst/.—Chilly sensation in the morning after rising (third day)/.—Chilli- ness, with cold hands, immediately/.—Chilliness, especially in the lower portion of the body, after a little motion in the room (after two hours),3.— [710.] Chilliness in the whole left lower extremity (eleventh day),3.— Chilliness in a warm room, three-quarters of an hour after dinner/.—Fre- quent shaking chill (first day)/.—Shivering from 7.30 to 8.30 p.m., without subsequent heat or thirst/.—Shivering in the house, from 7 to 7.45 p.m., without subsequent heat/.—Shivering after entering the house, by a stove; it gradually disappeared after an hour aud three-quarters/.—Shivering in a warm room, even by a warm stove, on coming into a warm room from the open air/.—Shivering over the scalp (after eight hours)/.—Shivering extending from the vertex to the chest; in the former place persistent (after two hours)/.—Shivering so that the teeth chattered, at times mingled with heat, in the evening, without thirst or perspiration/.—[720.] Coldness in the evening before going to bed, after a long walk; it disappears iu bed (fourth day)/.—Coldness after walking an hour and a half in the open air ; could not get warm for a long time, and was very depressed and sad in the raorning (fourth day)/.—Without feeling exactly chilly she is more cold than warm, the whole forenoon/.—Icy coldness creeps up the back (after half an hour)/.—Coldness of the hands, followed by warmth aud crawling in the palms/.—Coldness of whole left lower extremity/.—Cold feet, with warm face and hands/.—Coldness of the feet, especially of the right foot/. —Icy-cold sensation in different toes/.—Heat. Sensation of heat over the whole body, without external heat, at 6 p.m./.—[730.] Heat of the whole body towards 6 p.m., lasting half an hour/.—Sudden heat in the head, with perspiration on the top of the head, on the forehead and hands, at 6.30 166 OLEUM ANIMALE. p.m./.—Heat in the head, with a sensation as if warm vapor rose into it, without external heat, that lasted an hour and a half (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Sensation of heat in the forehead, even externally percep- tible ; the external warmth continued longer than the internal/.—Internal heat in the head, with perspiration upon it and upon the hands (after five minutes)/.—Prickling heat, especially in the face (after half an hour),3.— Dry heat in the face, soon/.—Transient sensation of heat frequently in various parts of the body, the ear, arm, leg, with chilliness of the body (first day)/.—Warmth of the whole body on entering the house after a walk in the open air/.—The whole body is very warm, with somewhat moist forehead, an hour after dinner/.—[740.] Increased warmth of the whole body, though not of the head/.—Great warmth of the whole body, especially in the back, with perspiration on the face, soon disappearing/.— Warmth of the whole body, that commences in the abdomen, with anxiety and perspiration in the region of the stomach and chest, after eating soup, lasting ten minutes,1.—Great warmth in the head and hands, with perspi- ration/.—Warmth greatest and longest continued on the chest (after two hours)/.—Feeling of heat in the head, with somewhat moist forehead, at 4.30 p.m. (third day)/.—Heat frequently develops in the head, as if it started from both temples, with subsequent perspiration on the head and hands, with a cool skin, in the afternoon/.—Transient heat, with perspira- tion on the head, throat, and hands, frequently during the day (after forty- eight hours)/.—Flushes of heat, with perspiration on the head, chest, and hands, soon followed by a sensation as if cold air were blowing on the head, at 1.30 p.m.,1.—Sweat. Transient perspiration on the head and hands, at 6 p.m./.—[750.] Perspiration in the morning in bed, with a good condi- tion of mind and body (third day)/.—Perspires easily while eating/.— Sweat, without heat on the hands, from time to time, at 4 p.m. (third day)/. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), Sadness; depression; dul- ness in head ; stupefaction ; drawing tearing in head ; after waking, dizzy headache ; tearing in sinciput and orbital region ; on waking, burning in eyes; sneezing and coryza; burning in face about chin ; stitch in right cheek, in front of ear; on waking, dryness in mouth and throat; during nap, twitching in lips; 6.30 a.m., impediment in articulation of jaw ; throat dry, and obliged to swallow ; swallowing difficult; rawness in throat, pro- voking cough ; 8 a.m., nausea; stomach aud abdomen seem eviscerated ; 4 a.m., cutting pain in whole abdomen, with liquid stool; 7 a.m., after stool, bowels painful; pressure in abdomen, lumbar and sacral region ; burning below left side of navel; distension of abdomen ; stool delayed ; when asleep, erections and emissions ; in bed, while lying on back, larynx feels compressed and breathing is difficult; hacking cough ; 7 a.m., burning tearing in left scapula; rheumatic pains in shoulders and in muscles of shoulders and nape; stitch in right axilla; pain in elbow-joint; on waking, ulcerated pain in right little finger, under nail; stitches in bend of knee; tearing in left foot; itching on scalp, itching in palm of left hand; itching on nail of left great toe ; after rising, chilliness ; in bed, perspiration.— (Forenoon), Tremulous feeling, with weakness and watering of the eyes ; fatty taste in mouth ; erections ; anxiety in chest, with shivering ; 9 a.m., tearing in left costal region opposite pit of stomach; 10 a.m., sticking tearing internally in pectoral region; 9 a.m., itching iu left pectoral re- gion ; tearing in right forearm; throbbing pain in right thigh ; 9.30 a.m., tearing above ball of left thumb.—(Noon), Dulness in head ; aversion to meat.—(Afternoon), Burning tearing in left side of head and left occipital OLEUM ANIMALE. 167 protuberance ; 2 p.m., itching above left frontal eminence; pressure in left side of occiput; 2 p.m., itching in left temple and right side of chin ; itch- ing on left side of head; 3.15 p.m., itching on right frontal eminences ; 4.30 p.m., heat in head, with moist forehead; 6 p.m., twitching in left eye- brow ; 2.30 p.m., sticking in left eye; 4 p.m., biting in left eye; 2 p.m., itching on right eye ; 2 p.m., itching on margin of left orbit; 5 p.m., burn- ing in right internal canthus; 1.30 p.m., itching on right inner canthus; 4 p.m., biting in left inner canthus ; 1 p.m., biting beneath left eye ; 5 p.m., ringing in left ear; 5.45 p.m., ringing in left ear; 5.30 p.m., burning in left ear; 2.30 p.m., sensation of rawness in left ear; 2 p.m., burning stitches in front of right ear ; 1 to 1.30 p.m., itching on auricle ; 4 p.m., itching ou margin of right auricle and left ear ; 2 p.m., itching in left nostril; 2.30 p.m., prickling in upper part of uose; face pale; 2 p.m., pricking on palate; till evening, jerking in hollow tooth; coldness in tips of teeth ; 1 p.m., great warmth in epigastric region; 3 p.m., pressure iu pit of stomach ; after eatiug, nausea, with iucliuation to vomit; 2 p.m., stitch in right side of abdomen ; 5 p.m., itching of abdomen ; itching in anus ; stitches in root of penis; 2 p.Mi, itching on penis; biting in scrotum; frequent micturi- tion ; urine increased and clear ; 2 p.m., paroxysms of cough ; 6.15 p.m., paroxysms of cough ; pressure in upper part of chest; sticking in left pectoral region ; 2 p.m., stitch in right side; 3 p.m., stitches in left side of chest; pressure in nape of neck ; itching on nape ; 2 p.m., itching on right shoulder; 6.30 p.m., burning tearing in left axilla; 6 p.m., pain in left forearm; 1 p.m , burning on surface of right forearm ; 3.30 p.m., biting itching on left elbow ; 5.30 p.m., itching in palm of right hand ; 2 p.m., itching on back of left hand; 3.30 p.m., burning tearing on margin of right hand; 3.30 p.m., itching burning on left index finger and ball of thumb; crawling in left index finger ; 5 p.m., crawling iu left thumb; 1 p.m., pinching in middle of left thigh ; tearing iu right thigh; 3.30 p.m., stitches in left natis; 1 p.m., tearing in right tibia; 5.30 p.m., biting in left knee ; 2 p.m., tearing in margin of right foot; 3.30 p.m., tearing iu left foot; 5 p.m., tickling beneath left heel; 2 p.m., tearing in left great toe; 2.30 p.m., itching between right middle fingers ; 4 p.m., itching on right knee ; 3 p.m., itching on left leg ; 2 p.m., itching in soles of feet; 5 p.m., biting itching in sole of right foot; 2 p.m., itching below right heel; 4 p.m., itching on left little toe ; 4 p.m., sleepiness; 6 p.m., sensation of heat over whole body ; 6.30 p.m., heat in head, with perspiration on head and hands; heat in head, with cool skin ; 1.30 p.m., flushes of heat, with perspiration on head, chest, aud hands; 4 p.m., sweat on hands.—(Evening), 7 p.m., pressure in left side of forehead ; gnawing pain in occipital region ; 7 p.m., stitches in left frontal eminence; drawing frora vertex into head; drawing in mastoid processes ; in bed, tension aud pressure in temporal region ; 7.30 p.m., itching on right frontal eminence; 6.30 p.m., itching on right side of forehead ; burning in the eyes; 7.30 p.m., itching on left lower lid ; 9 p.m., itching in left eye; 8 p.m., itching in left ear; in bed, spasmodic drawing in left half of face ; 8.30 p.m., burning in left cheek; 7 p.m., crawling in left nostril; 6.30 p.m., stitch beneath left jaw ; itching on right lower jaw ; burning, extending up pharynx ; 7 p.m., on swallowing, sensa- tion of dryness in throat; thirst; 9 p.m., hiccough ; nauseous eructations; 8 p.m., fulness in abdomeu ; pinching about umbilicus ; 7.30 p.m., emission of flatus; emission of offensive flatus ; hot rising from abdomen iuto chest; before going to bed, cutting colic; purging ; 9 p.m., evacuatiou of soft fceces; 7 p.m., soft stool; firm stool, with pressure; 6.30 p.m., itching on 168 OLEUM ANIMALE. side of penis ; drawing in upper portion of penis ; urine pale ; cutting pain through chest; 7.15 p.m., pinching sensation in first right false rib ; 7.30 p.m., itching on right side of nape ; 7 p.m., itching on left forearm ; 9 p.m., tearing in left external malleolus ; 8 p.m., burning in left inner malleolus; 6.30 p.m., pressure of blood in left foot; 7.30 p.m., crawling in left foot; 7 to 8.30 p.m., shivering; sleeplessness; 7.30 to 9 p.m., before lying down, shaky chill over whole body ; 8.30 p.m., starting up from sleep.—(Night), Contractions in trachea; diminished secretion of urine ; emission; rest- lessness.—(Open air), Burning in eyes; pressure and burning rising up from pit of stomach ; tearing extending from outer condyle of right wrist. (Ascending height), Oppression of chest.—(During dinner), Empty eructa- tions ; nausea ; aversion to food.—(After dinner), Prostration ; weakness; indolence; while sitting, hammering in left side of head; pressure from occiput forward ; pressure in right temple, with yawning; tearing in right side of head.; tearing sticking through left eye; fog before right eye, with lachrymation; stitch in right ear; stitches in back tooth; nauseated; qualmish ; vomiting; hawking of mucus ; movements in abdomen ; cut- ting colic from umbilicus to pit of stomach ; twisting upward from sternum; stitch between shoulder; burning on right upper arm; twitching on left thigh; pulsation in left ankle; sleepiness.—(After drinking fresh water), Pressure in pit of stomach.—(Drinking), Burrowing and cutting pain in lower abdomen.—(Eating), Burrowing and cutting pain in lower abdomen. —(After eating), Bruised sensation in left side of stomach.—(Mental exer- tion), Pressive headache in forehead.—(Entering warm room), From open air, shivering.—(Entering house), Hammering in left side of head ; after walking in open air, warmth of whole body; shivering.—(Motion), Com- pression of sides of head, with dulness; boring and sticking above margin of right orbit; drawing in right leg.—(Before menses), Cutting pain in abdomen and small of back.—(During menses), Headache ; cutting pain in abdomen and small of back.—(On appearance of menses), Griping in abdomen.—(During micturition), Burning in urethra.—(Opening mouth), Cracking in left lower jaw.—(Noises), Roaring in ears.—(Pressure), Pain in left great toe.—(Raising head), Cracking in joint of nape.—( Warm room), After dinner, chilliness.—(After scratching), Itching on right auricle, with burning heat; pimples on back of right hand.—(Sitting), Burrowing and griping in upper abdomen ; pain in small of back ; 4.30 p.m., weari- ness of lower extremities and burning of soles of feet; after standing, for- mication on left leg.—(Standing), Stitch in mammae; weakness of lower extremities ; trembling of knees and feet.—(Before stool), Cutting colic— (After stool), Pain in anus.—(Stooping), In open air, vertigo and dizziness; pain in small of back.—(Stretching body), Sticking pain beneath left rib. —(After supper), Rumbling and distension of abdomen; accumulation of flatus in abdomen, causing griping ; emission of flatus.— (Empty swallowing), Sensation of foreign substance hanging in throat.—(Touch), Blisters be- neath skin of occiput; drawing and stiffness in right cervical muscles.— (On waking), Crawling in last phalanges of right index and middle fingers. —( Walking), Weakness and pulsation in limbs ; stiffness of lower extremi- ties ; tearing in right hip; pain in right thigh ; pain in knees ; paiu below left calf—( Walking in open air), Stitches in hepatic region ; coldness.— (After walking), Pain in calves.—( Writing), Dimness of vision; watering of eyes ; burning in outer canthus ; 2 p.m., fog before eyes. Amelioration. — (Afternoon), Dulness in head ; 4 p.m., nausea ; qualmishness.—(Evening), Appetite.—(Openair), Yawning and stretching; OLEUM JECORIS ASELLI. 169 sleepiness.—(Boring into ear), Itching.—(Drinking coffee), Gastric symp- toms/.—(Eating), Dryness in throat.— (Emission 'of flatus), Oppression in chest; cutting colic.—(On going to bed), Coldness "in evening.—(Motion), Rheumatic pain in shoulders and muscles of shoulders and nape.—(Pres- sure), Stitches in back tooth.—(External pressure), Pressure in pit of stom- ach.—(Scratching), Itching in various parts of body—(Sitting), Hammer- ing in left side of head ; trembling of feet.—(Sifting bent over), Pain in lower abdomen.—(Standing up), Pain in right inguinal region.—(Rubbing), Itching, tickling, and crawling in various parts of body.—(On rising and walking about), Pressive headache.—( Washing hands in cold water), Tearing in all fingers. OLEUM JECORIS ASELLI. Oleum morrhuae, cod-liver oil. The oil obtained from the liver of various species offish, mostly of the genus Gadus, especially from the species Gadus morrhua, L. (the Newfound- land cod) ; order of fishes, Telostei. Provings made with De Jongh's Norwegian oil. Authorities. (Nos. 1 to 22, Neidhard's provings, U. S. Med. and Surg. Journal, 8, p. 1.) 1, C. Neidhard, effects of a teaspoonful; 2, same, effects of a dessertspoonful after dinner ; 3, Mrs.----, a middle-aged woman, took a tablespoonful at a dose for three days, then omitted a few days and resumed for three days ; 4, M. A., effects of four tablespoonfuls ; 5, Dr. H. N. Guernsey, effects of a tablespoonful on a scrofulous patient; 6, effect of two tablespoonfuls in a consumptive patient; 7, Mrs. E., effects of taking oil daily for several months; 8, Mrs. L. S., effects of teaspoonful doses taken as a preventive of lung trouble; 9, C. W. B., effects of half a tea- spoonful (person inclined to lung disease, but without any marked disease) ; 10, Miss H. B., took ten drops of oil several times (consumptive family and now has tubercles in lungs); 11, Mrs.----, a healthy middle-aged woman, took a dessertspoonful for several nights; 12, Miss B. T, aged thirty, healthy, effects of a spoonful; 13, Miss B. T, effects of four tablespoonfuls ; 14, effects of five drops in a patient; 15, effects in a patient; 16, Mr. J. L., healthy, took a teaspoonful daily for nineteen days; 17, Mrs. B-, effects of large doses continued for two months; 18, Dr.----, effects; 19, effects of dilutions, prepared by digesting pure oil with alcohol, Neidhard, from Raue's Record, 1874, p. 43 ; 20, effects in a girl, aged seventeen, Neidhard, in Hempel's M. M., vol. 2, 596; 21, same, effects in another individual, ibid.; 22, Dr. Kissell, Manual of Phys. M. M., p. 550, general effects; 23, Dr. Madden, from Dr. Bennett, On 01. Jec, 1841, symptoms produced in healthy persons, Brit. Journ. of Horn., 6, p. 446 ; 24, Dr. Spear, Dublin Med. Press, Jan. 1850 (Am. Journ. of Med. Sciences, 1850, p. 486), effects of large doses two or three times a day (no other cause could be assigned for death by pneumonia) ; 25, same, effects observed in other persons. Head.—Giddiness in the head/2.—Giddiness in the head/9.—Head- ache over eyes,16.—Dull aching pain on top of head (second day),10.—Head- ache in the forehead all the time,6.—Dull aching pain in the forehead?9.— Steady aching sensation from left to right temple/9. Eye.—Eyes swelled/6.—Heaviness over the eyes, with dry and parched hands/2.—[10.] During the second week of the action of the oil, flow of tears when walking in the open air, the left eye more than the right; this 170 OLEUM JECORIS ASELLI. symptom occurred whenever he had taken a dose the preceding evening/8. —Eyelids so heavy that she can hardly raise them/2.—During chill blind- ness before the eyes/9.—Everything turus black/9. Face.—The "face becomes red/.—Redness of countenance/3—(During the action of the Oleum jecoris aselli she looked fatter and healthier in the face than she had done for a long time)/.—A growth of short, thin hair on the chin and upper lip, where she had never had any previously/7. Mouth.—(The putrid smell from a decayed tooth, the nerve of which had been destroyed by arsenic, ceased during the action of the cod-liver oil)/.—Yellow coating on the tongue,19.—[20.] Loaded tongue/3.—Tongue coated yellow,6.—Parched feeling in mouth/2. Throat.—Soreness in the throat after hawking up phlegm/.—Tickling in the throat; weakness in breast/9. Stomach:—The voracious appetite often observed iu rachitic children was diminished (curative)/3.—Loss of appetite for dinner and supper/9.— Loss of appetite/3.—Loss of appetite; could not take any milk (second day),10.—Great thirst/6.—[30] Constant thirst,12.—Thirst before and during the chill,6.—Nausea, with want of appetite/6.—Sensation of nausea/9.— Nausea,23.—Vomiting,23.—Vomiting of bile and mucus, with bitter and acid taste, at the expiration of the chill,6.—Acid vomiting with the chill (after second day),3.—Sick stomach (second day),10.—Sick stomach (after second dose),9.—[40.] A sensation of ardor in the stomach/3.—Weight in pit of stomach, after omitting the oil for six days/6. Abdomen.—Next morning, after walking, soreness and heaviness in the region of the liver, increased by exercise; after which, half an hour later, soreness in the region of the kidneys; this soreness continued for several days, whenever he exerted himself/.—Sore like a boil on pressing region of liver, after omitting the oil for six days/6.—In moderate doses it promotes the secretion of the kidneys and the skin/2.—Beating pain in the spleen/0.—Aching pain in the left side (region of spleen) on breathing and coughing, with corresponding pain at the apex of the shoulder-blade, at the expiration of the chill,6.—Occasional jerking drawing pain in- region of spleen (after third dose)/.—(Relieved the flatulence to which he was sub- ject),9. Stool.—Diarrhoea once in the night, and again early in the morning (after half a spoonful),9.—[50.] Purging with the chill (after two days)/. —A greater or less increase of the alvine evacuations,23.—Costiveness, after omitting the oil for six days/6.—Constipation of bowels/6. Urinary and Sexual Organs.—Soreness in the region of the kidneys, after the soreness and heaviness in region of liver/.—Discharge of mucus from the urethra, with burning, every morning, during an evacua- tion from the bowels/1.—Acceleration of the urinary secretions,23.—Urine with bricky sediment/3.—(Cure of incontinence of urine),23.—Urine reddish, with pink sedimeut/6.—[60.] It acts as an emmenagogue/2.—Increase of the menstrual evacuation so strong as to render a suspension of the oil necessary/3.—In one case, re-establishment of the menses (curative)/3. Respiratory Organs.— Swelling of the thyroid gland/9.—Cough all night/9.—Hard coughing spells, in the morning/9.—Hacking cough/2. —Tickling cough in the middle of the upper part of the chest, with palpi- tation of the heart (after taking the oil three times)/1.—(With the appear- ance of the fever the cough got better),6.—Constant expectoration of some- what tough, thin mucus, in the raorning, a very unusual occurrence with him, with soreness in the throat, after hawking up the phlegm/.—[70.] Expectoration of tough greenish-yellow phlegm, with saltish taste; by con- OLEUM JECORIS ASELLI. 171 tinuing the oil, the phlegm gradually became white/.—Expectoration of thick white phlegm/9.—The phlegm became white/4.—Shortness of breath, with beating of heart/2.—Artificial asthma continually increasing in vio- lence/.—(Cure of fetid breath)/3. Chest.—Pneumonia of both the upper lobes of the lungs?4,.—Soreness of the chest?9.—Soreness in chest on coughing, with expectoration of thick yel- low phlegm/9.—Oppression and heat of chest/6.—[80.] Towards evening, a kind of rheumatic paiu in the left chest, in the region of the heart, and also about the muscles of the chest/.—Pain on the right side, above and below the shoulder-blade; the breathing on that spot is arrested by sore- ness; in addition, there is a sharp stitch in the left side, lasting for several minutes/.—Burning heat in left chest?9.—Sensation of excoriation on the left chest, worse in the upper and lower part of left chest, extending to the back/6.—Weakness in breast; tickling in the throat/9. Heart and Pack.—Palpitation of the heart?9.—Palpitation of the heart, with the cough/1.—Rush of blood to the heart, with a creeping sen- sation all over the body (second day)/.—A sudden stitch in the heart/.— Beating of heart, with shortness of breath/2.—[90.] Anxiety and beating of the heart, with oppression,8.—Oppression in the region of the heart/3.— Weakness and dull aching in sacral region, relieved by pressure/6. Extremities.—Continued aching and sore pain in elbow and knee- joints/.—Rheumatic pains iu the knees and arms; pain in the knee, par- ticularly around the patella, increased on pressure, and sensation of heat on touching the parts,20.—Aching pain at the apex of the shoulder-blade, with the pain in the region of the spleen,6.—Hands dry and parched, with heaviness over the eyes/2.—Pains in the bones of the left arm,20.—An ab- scess appeared on the gluteus muscle of the left side, near the seat; the abscess discharged three times; afterwards, another boil on the right side of the chest appeared/.—Soreness of both feet/9. Generalities.—[100.] After using it a considerable time, emaciated persons increase in size and weight/2.—Acceleration of the pulse, and other indications of a seizure approaching inflammation/5.—Atrophy,23.—Gen- eral lassitude of the whole system,16.—After taking a tablespoonful of the oil daily for some weeks, she feels miserable all over, with great nervous irritation,12.—After taking a small dose, all the symptoms gradually disap- peared,10.—(Whilst continuing the dessertspoonful of the De Jongh's oil every afternoon, he experienced a decided increase in his strength and general health)/.—Creeping sensation all over the body, with a rush of blood to the heart (second day)/.—Soreness all around the body to the back, immediately/.—Sense of fluttering, like the movements of a watch, commencing in the region of the sacrum and gradually rising to the occi- put; as the sensation ascends the back, it affects the abdomen and chest in such a way that she becomes, as it were, transfixed; she can move neither hand nor foot; these sensations occur whilst in a state of motion or rest; if in motion, she must at once cease all movements/.—[110.] Stitch in the right side, on drawing a long breath, all day (second day) ; at a later period, on again taking one drop of the oil, the violent pain on the left side re- turned, with aching on the right side through to the back,10.—Bearing- down pain in the side/5.—Quick, sharp stitch in the left side/9.—(The pain in the side continued; it was particularly aggravated by bending the side inward)/4. Skin.—In moderate doses it promotes the secretion of the skin and kidneys,22.—Redness of the skin over the whole body, at night, in bed, with 172 OLEUM JECORIS ASELLI. much itching, disappearing in the morning/0.—Eruption of small red spots, with itching/3.—An eruption of the skin, similar to psora, made its appear- ance, and from that time the cure made rapid progress/3.—Sometimes there appear eruptions of a papular or vesicular nature/2.— (The scrofulous ul- cers with which the patient was affected discharged a large quantity of mucus),20. Sleep.—[120.] Less sleepy at night than usual/4.—Sleeplessness after 3 A.M.,19. Fever.—Chilliness. Coldness of the body/3.—Chill at 3 a.m.; chill in evening/9.—Cold feet from the time he began to take the medicine/6.— Chill, accompanied by an attack of acid vomiting and purging, for six hours, with a spasmodic pain in the region of the navel; this chill returned every evening for four days, and was accompanied by a sick stomach and diarrhoea; relieved by Iris versicolor (second day)/.—Chills and hectic fever/5.—Febrile symptoms; chilly at night when going to bed; afterwards fever, oppression, and heat of chest; hot room disagreeable to him; burning of face/6.—Heat. In half an hour flushes of heat; the face becomes red, the stomach hot; there is fever and heat all over, to the extreme ends of the toes; this effect lasts from eight to ten hours/.—In half an hour flushes of heat, with redness of countenance, heat in the stomach, and fever all over, to the extreme ends of the toes; this effect lasts from eight to ten hours/3.—[130.] Heat in the palms of the hands every night?9.—Burning heat in the palms of hands for several days; the first day after taking the medicine more aggravated than the second,10.—Every night fever and excitement in the whole system, producing wakefulness and very vivid dreams/1.—A regular tertian intermittent fever commenced on the 8th of February, returning four times, receding two hours at each renewed attack; the first paroxysm occurred at 12 m., the second at 10, the third at 8, and the last at 6 a.m. ; the chill lasted about two hours, passing down the back and around the abdomen; this chill was succeeded by a fever, with profuse perspiration,6.—Fever for two hours, at night, followed by violent perspi- ration, particularly of the head, neck, and arms; another half teaspoonful produced less fever and less perspiration,9.—Fever during the day/2.— Siveat. Perspiration, preceded by heat over the whole body/3.—Perspira- tion, every night, for a week (which he had not had before),14.—In two cases the sweat had the odor of the oil/3.—In one case the sweat was observed only on the inferior extremities/3.—[140.] Increased diaphoresis/3. Conditions.—Aggravation. — (Morning), Diarrhoea; discharge of mucus from urethra; burning during an evacuation; cough; expectora- tion of mucus.—(Toward evening), Rheumatic pain in chest and region of heart.—(Evening), Chill, with vomiting aud purging.—(Night), Redness of whole body, with itching; diarrhoea; cough ; on going to bed, fever, with oppression and heat of chest; heat in palms of hands; fever, with excitement of the whole system ; fever, followed by violent perspiration ; perspiration ; 3 a.m., chill; sleeplessness.—(Bending side inward), Pain in left side.—(Breathing), Aching pain in left side.*—(Drawing long breath), Stitch iu right side.—(Coughing), Aching pain in left side; soreness in chest. —(Before chill), Thirst.—(During chill), Blindness before eyes; thirst.— (Exercise), Soreness and heaviness in region of liver.—(Pressure), Soreness in region of liver; pain in knee and arms.—(Walking in open air), Flow of tears.—(After walking), Soreness and heaviness in region of liver. Amelioration.—(Morning), Redness of body and itching.—(Pres- sure), Weakness and aching in sacral region. ONISCUS—OPIUM. 173 ONISCUS. Oniscus asellus, Linn., and O. armadillo, L. (Armadillo officinalis, Cuv.). Order, Isopoda. Class, Crustacea of the articulate animals. Common names, Sow-bug; (Fr.), Cloporte or Porcelet. Preparations, Tincture of the living animals.f Authorities. 1, Hering, Archiv. f. Horn., 13, 1, 168, effects of the tinc- ture ; 2, Wolff, Med. Zeit. v. Ver. d. Heilk. in Preussen, 1833, No. 47, p. 211, effects of three " cellar-worms," taken in a glass of brandy before a paroxysm of fever; 3, Lange, Misc. Ver. Fasc, 1, p. 56 (Am. Horn. Obs., 1872, p. 312), general statement of effects of O. armadillo. Head, Face, and 3Iouth.—Dull heaviness of the head/.—Boring pain behind the right ear, on the mastoid process, with violent pulsation in the arteries,1.—Painful pressure above the eyebrows and on the margin of the nose, first on the left side, afterwards on the right/.—Pale face, wild expression?.—(The toothache that had disappeared returned)/.—Pressure on the soft palate posteriorly, as if it would close/. Stomach and Abdomen.—Thirst/.—Somewhat nauseated, fol- lowed by persistent pressure, as if in the cardiac orifice of the stomach/.— Continual vomiting?.—[10.] Very severe colic, with meteorism and tension of the abdomen?. Rectum and Anus.—(Sudden desire for stool, followed by a sud- den thin stool)/.—Burning pain in the anus/. Urinary and Sexual Organs.—Tenesmus of the bladder and rectum, with absence of stool and urine?.— Cutting burning in the urethra, with excessive bodily restlessness?.—Many erections, with disinclination to work/. Respiratory Organs.—The mucus hawked up is streaked with blood/. Generalities and Sleep.—In young patients an haemoptysis is induced by the salt with which.these insects abound/.—Inclination to stretch/.—[20.] Frequent yawning/. OPIUM. Papaver somniferum. Natural order, Papaveraceae. Common names, Opium, Mohnsaft. Preparation, Tincture of the gummy exudation from the unripe cap- sules. Authorities. (Nos. 1 to 99 from Hahnemann, R. A. M. L., 1, 278, with critical annotations in brackets, by Dr. Hughes.) 1, Hahnemann ; 2, Cubitz ; 3, Gutmann ; 4, Schoenike; 5, Stapf; 6, Act. Nat. Cur., IV, Obs. 145 (observation by Hasenest); 7, Eph. (not Act.) Nat. Cur., Cent. I, Obs. 54 (from a large dose of " Theriaca," given to a child of six weeks, f See valuable article on chemical analysis, medical history, etc., of these ani- mals, by Dr. Mehu, Bull. Gen. de Tnerap., 93, p. 304, 1877. 174 OPIUM. observation by Hoyer) ; 8, JEpli, Hufel. Journ., XXV, 3 (from mixture of opium and rhubarb, given to a baby for colic); 9, Alibert (not accessi- ble) ; 10, Alpin, Med. -Egypt., IV, Cap. 1 (general statement as to Egyp- tian opiura-eaters); 11, Alston (Essays and Observations, Edinb., V, 93, observations); 12, Baglivi, Prax. Med., Lib. I, p. 65, from too many and too large doses (statement); 13, Bard, Diss, de vir. Op., Edinb., 1765 (p. 15, experiment on self with H-grain doses) ; 14, Bauer, in Act. Nat. Cur., II (Obs. 93, observation) ; 15, Bautzraann, Misc. Nat. Cur. Dec, II, Ann. 8 (Obs. 44, observation); 16, Bellonius, Libr. 3, Obs. Cap., 15 (p. 431, from opium-eating); 17, Berger, de vi opii rare facient (general statement from authors); 18, Bergius, Mat. Med. (p. 458, general statement from authors); 18a, Boerhaave, praelect. (general statement); 19, Bohn, de officio med., p. 362 (symptoms not found); 20, Bonetus, Sepulcret. Anatom. lib. I, sect. 1, p. 214 (symptoms not found); 21, Borellus, Cen. 4, Obs. 57 (observation) ; 22, Buchner, diss, de Opio. Hal., 1748, § 45 (not accessible); 23, Buttner, Unterr. Ueber. d. Tcedtlichk. d. Wunden (p. 204, observa- tion) ; 24, Charas, Pharm. Reg. Chyra., C. 51 (symptoms not found) ; 25, Chardin, Voyage en Perse, Amst., 1771, Tom. IV, p. 203, 204 (statements as to opium-eaters); 26, Charvet (Act. de l'Opiura, Paris, 1826, experi- ments with various doses); 27, Clerk (In. Essays and Obs., Edinb., Ill, 121, poisoning of a man by 20 grains) ; 28, Clauder, Eph. Nat. Cur., Dec. II, Ann. 5, Obs. 178 (experiment with an extract prepared with sulphuric acid); 29, Cocq, in Stalpaart v. d. Wiel, Observ., Cent. II, Obs. 41 (symp- tom not found); 30, Crumpe, Nature and Properties of Opium, 1793,f effects of 1 grain of opium, taken in a teaspoonful of warm water, pulse 70, normal; 30 a, from same, a healthy man took same dose, pulse 44, normal; 30 b, Crumpe, took 1\ grains of Opium, pulse 70 ; 31, Delacroix, Journ. de Med., XXXIX, 1773, p. 313, frora 2 grains, in a clyster, taken by a woman ; 32, Eph. Nat. Cur., Dec. II, Ann. 10, Obs. 80 (should be Misc. Nat. Cur., statement); 33, Ettmiiller, Diss, de vir. Opii Diaphor., Lips., 1694, Cap. I, § 5 (general statement) ; 34, Freind, Opera, Tom. I, Emmenol, p. 139 (general statement); 35, Garcias ab Horto, Hist. Aroraat., I, Cap. 4 (observation); 36, de Garter, Med. Dogra., Cap. I (not accessi- ble) ; 37, Geoffroy, Mat. Med., II (general statement); 38, Grimm, Act. Nat. Cur., Ill, Obs. 19 (experiments on self, with grain i-iij); 39, Guiaud (not accessible); 40, Haller, Praelect. in Boerh. Inst., IV, p. 519 (general statement); 40 a, Haller, de Part. Corp. Viritab. et Sensib., Sect. 2 (not found); 41, Hamberger, Diss, de Opio, Jen., 1749, § 16 (a general state- ment, cited from Geoffroy); 42, Hargens, Hufel. Journ., IX, 2 (observa- tion on a patient) ; 43, Hecquet, Reflexions sur l'usage de l'Opium, Paris, 1726, p. 184 (not accessible); 44, omitted; 45, de Hellwich, Bresl. Samml., 1702 (not accessible); 46, Hist, de l'Acad. des Sc, 1735 (not accessible); 47, Hoffmann, Diss, de op. Opeii, Hal., 1700 (general statement); 47a, ibid., Diss, de Corr. Opii, Hal., 1702 (not accessible) ; 47 b, ibid., Med. Rat. Syst, II (p. 273, general statement) ; 48, Hufel. Journ., VIII, 4, p. 134 (not found); 49, Hunter, uber d. vener. Krankh., p. 640 (observations on patients); 50, Joerdens, Hufel. Journ,, XVII, 1 (observation on self when taking laudanum to procure sleep); 51, Jones, the Mysteries of Opium Revealed (observations); 52, Juncker and Bohmer, Diss. Sistens Casum. Matrone Largissimo usu Opii Tract, Hal., 1744 (not accessible) ; 53, ■j- From the original, as quoted in Sharp's Essays on Med., p. 15.—T. F. A. OPIUM. 175 Kampfer, Amoen. exot. Fasc, III, Obs. 15 (observation on self in health); 54. Kilian, Med. Annal., 1800 (not accessible) ; 55, Knebel, Hufel. Journ., XXVI, 2 (p. 148, observation on a child with hooping-cough); 56, Lassus, Mem. de ITnst. National des Se. et Arts, Tom. II (from gr. 26, taken by a woman of sixty); 57, Leroux, Journ. de Med. (from nearly a drachm, in a woman of fifty-one); 58, Levesque-Blasource, Journ. de Med., 1808 (vol. 16, pt. 1, p. 21-24, from large doses in a man) ; 59, Lindestolpe, de Venen., p. 591 (general statement); 60, Journ. Eucyclop., I, pt. 2, p. 72, also Recueil period, p. 74 (observations and statements); 61, Martin, Vetensk. Acad. Handling, 1773, P. II, Nr. 7 (observation); 62, Matthai, Hufel. Journ., XI, 2 (observations on patients) ; 63, Manchart, Eph. Nat. Cur., Cent. I, Obs. 15 (from a grain of crude O. taken by self); 64, Mead, de Venen., in Op. D., II, p. 190, edit. Gottiug. (general statements); 65. Monno, Essays Phys. aud Lit, vol. Ill (Art. 13, experiments on frogs); 66, Mtiller, Hufel. Journ., XVIII (p. 55, from a mixture of tinct. The- baica and Hoffmann's anodyne, given for a nervous affection) ; 67, Mur- ray, App. Med., II, p. 2^2 (general statement) ; 68, Muzell, Wahrn., II, p. 131 (from a mixture of Opium and Spr. Cornu cervi) ; 69, d'Outrepont (from a large dose taken by a woman eight months pregnant) ; 70, Ouwens, Noctes Hayanae Vorr., p. 14 (from laudanum taken for spasms of legs); 71, Pitcairne, Diss, de Circul. in Animal., etc., also Element. Med. (obser- vations); 72, Plater, Obs., Lib. I, p. 127 (not found); 73, Pyl, Aufsiitze, Samml., I, p. 95 (from a large dose of the extract, in a man of fifty or sixty) ; 74, Rademacher, Hufel. Journ., IV, 3, p. 587 (from tinct. The- baica given in dysentery); 75, Reineggs, in Blumenbach's Med. Bibl., I (an account of the effects of Opium-eating) ; 76, Renodaeus, Mat. Med., Lib., I, sect. 13, Cap. 2 (statement); 77, Riedlin, lin. Med. Ann., IV, Decemb. Ob., 16 (observation) ; 78, de Ruef, App. ad Nova Acta Nat., Cur., V, p. 63 (general statement); 79, Saar, Reise n. d. Orient (statement as to use of O. by Chinese) ; 80, Sachs v. Lewenheim, Misc. Nat. Cur., Ann. 2, Obs. 69 (general statement) ; 81, Sauvages, Nosol. method, I, p. 847 (a drachm and a half of laudanum drunk by a boy of fifteen) ; 82, Schelhammer, Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. II, Ann. V, Obs. 12 (from pills of styrax and Opium) ; 83, Schweickert, Hufel. Journ., VIII, 3 (not found); 84, Stalpaart, v. de. Wiel, Cent. II, Obs. 42 (frora half a drachm of solid Opium); 85, Stentzelius, de Venen., I, § 46 (not accessible); 86, Stiitz, Hufel. Journ. (X, 4, 35-7, from Opium given in a convulsive attack); 87, Van Swieten, Comment., I, p. 878 (general statements); 88, Thomasseu a Thuessink, Diss, de Op., use in syphilitide, L. B., 1785 (not accessible) ; 89, Thompson, Diss, de Opio, p. 121 (observations and statements); 90, Tralles, de usu et abusu Opii (observations and statements) ; 91, Vermen- dois (not accessible) ; 92, Vicat, Plant. Venen. de la Suisse, p. 226 (from overdose of laudanum mixed with amber and nitre. N.B. All the symp- toms referred to Vicat belong to this case, which is in the work mentioned); 93, Waldschraid, Monita Med. Circa Opium, Marburg, 1679 (not accessi- ble) ; 94, Ward, Neues Journ. d. Ausland. Med.-Chir. Lit., IV, 1 (from external applications); 95, Wedel, Opiologia, p. 165 (not accessible); 96, Wepfer, de Apoplexia, p. 24 (not accessible) ; 97, Whytt (Essays, Phys. and Lit., II, 308, experiments on frogs), omitted, T. F. A.; 98, Willis, Pharm. Rat., p. 305 (observations and statements); 99, Young, treatise on Opium (observations and statements), (100 to 109, Jorg's provings from Materialien, 1825, all provings with Opium combined with Magnesia, omitted) ; 100, Guntz, took 1 drop of tincture, afterwards 2, 4, 6, and 9 176 OPIUM. drops, and subsequently repeated doses of 2 to 18 drops; 100 «, same, took doses of h to 1 grain of crude Opium ; 101, Kneschke, provings with tincture, doses of 1 to 9 drops; 102, Lippert, provings with tincture, 1 to 36 drops; 103, Otto, tincture, 2 to 4 drops ; 104, Pienitz, tincture, 1 to 6-drop doses ; 105, Siebenhaar, tincture, 1 to 12-drop doses; 106, Jorg, took tincture, 1 to 3-drop doses; 107, Edwd. Jorg, tincture, 1 to 2-drop doses; 108, Theo. Jorg, tincture, i to 2-drop doses; 109, Mrs. Ch., tincture, £ to 2-drop doses ; (Nos. 110 to 120 Austrian provings, Zeit. des. Ver. Horn. iErzt. Aust., 1862) ; 110, Dr. Alb, effects of tincture, 5 drops, one dose ; 110 a, same, subsequent proving, 25 drops of tincture ; 111, Dr. Bresslauer, provings with 30th and 12th dils., doses in the morning; 112, Duditsch, proving with 30th and 12th dil.; 113, Eidherr, provings with 1st dil., 4 to 24-drop doses ; 113 a, same, tincture, 5 to 20-drop doses; 114, Dr. Freud, tincture, 6-drop doses; 115, Jenitschek, 1st dil., 3 to 15-drop doses; 115 a, same, tincture, 30-drop doses; 116, Wm. Jenitschek, aged nine and a half years, 1st dil., 3 to 20-drop doses ; 116 a, same, tincture, 2 to 20-drop doses ; 117, Dr. Schauer, tincture, 20 drops; 118, Stern, tincture, 5 to 20-drop doses; 119, Szontagh, tincture, 5 to 40 drop doses; 119 «, same, 1st trit., 12 to 12-grain doses; 120, Tedesco, 6th dil., three times a day; 120a, same, 1st dil., 5 to 25-drop doses ; 120 6, same, tincture, daily doses of 5 to 30 drops ; 121, Smith, Med. Museum, 1763, a man in the habit of taking 3 drachms of O. daily, took 1^ drachms morning and noon, also statement of general effects in same man; 122, Kennedy, Edinb. Med. and Surg. J., 1794, effect of 155 grains, in a man ; 123, Pfundel, from Schlegel Mate- rialien, 1800 (Frank's Mag., 3, 600, a man took 12 to 15 grains in beer) ; 124, Lassus, Med. and Phys. Journ., 1801, p. 491, effects of 36 grains of O. in a woman of fifty-six, death after eleven hours; 125, Schlegel, Materia- lien, 1801 (Frank's Mag., 3, 600), a physician took i an ounce in beer; 126, same, another man took 1^ drachms in beer ; 127, McKechnie, Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ., 1811, p. 305, effects of an ounce of laudanum, in a woman aged twenty-eight; 128, Vincent, Thesis, 1816 (Wibmer), effects of a large dose ; 129, Ward, Med. and Phys. Journ., 1802, p. 130, effects of inunction (in right leg aud foot) of 2 drachms of tincture of Opium with olive oil; 129 a, same, repeated two days later in left leg ; 130, Weber, Med. and Phys. J., 1803, p. 435, effects of single doses large enough to produce effects ; 131, same, effects of 2 grains, in a young lady ; 132, same, effects of 4-grain doses, in eight healthy men ; 133, same, effects of 3-graiu doses, in three men; 134, same, effects of 4 grains, given the next morning to two of the preceding cases; 135, Shephard, Med. and Phys. Journ., 1808, 1, p. 497, effects of 1\ drachms of O.; 136, Kinnis, Edinb. Med. and Surg. J., 1818, effects of H ounce of laudanum, in a man ; 137, Percival, Dubl. Hosp. Rep., 1818, 226, effects of 2 ounces of camphorated tincture of O., in a delicate old lady, antidoted by green tea; 138, Lond. Med. Repos., 1818, vol. 9, p. 525, effects of 3 ounces of tincture; 139, Polinieri, Bibl. Med., 1820 (Wibmer), effects of 2 grains, in a glass of wiue; 140, Desruelles, Journ. Univers., 1820 (Frank's Mag., 4, 660), effects of 2 drachms; 141, Leigh, Med.-Chir. Rev., vol. 2, 1821, p. 888, effects of 30 and afterwards 90 drops of laudanum; 142, Richardson, Edin. Med. and Surg. J., 1821, p. 226, effects of 3 drachms, in a woman seven weeks after confinement; 143, Howison, Edin. M. and S. J., 1822, p. 49, effect of about 2 ounces of laudanum, in a girl aged eighteen; 144, same, effects of 1-2 ounces laudanum, in a girl aged seventeen ; 145, Ross, Edin. M. and S. J., 1823, p. 247, effects of 2 ounces of laudanum in two doses, in a man; 146, OPIUM. 177 Bost. Med. Intell., 1824, 1, 203, effects of about an ounce of tincture of Op., in a mau ; 147, same, vol. 2, p. 135, effects of an ounce in coffee, in a woraau ; 148, same, vol. 3, p. 132, 1825, effects of four teaspoonfuls of laudanum, in a child of three years; 149, Gottel, Rust's Mag., 1825 (Frank's Mag., 1, 597), effects of fresh juice of a poppyhead, in a child four weeks old; 150, Olivier, Archiv. gen. de Med., 1825 (Frank's Mag., 3, 299), effects of H ounce of laudanum, in a man ; 151, Suchet, from Alibert, Elements de Therap. (Wibmer), effects of a teaspoonful of laud- anum, in a child seventeen months old ; 152, Kopp (Wibmer), effects of two poppyheads in milk, in a child aged six months; 153, Williams, Lancet, 1828, 2, 764, effects of a large dose, in a woman aged forty; 154, Lancet, 1828, 2, 254, effects of 2 ounces of laudanum, in a man; 155, Bally, Mem. Roy. Acad, of Med., 1828 (Frank's Mag., 4), effects of 20 grains, in a man ; 156, Bardsley, Edin. M. and S. J., 1828, vol. 30, p. 306, effect of a large dose, in a raau ; 157, Edin. M. and S. J., 1828, vol. 29, p. 450, frora J. de China. Med., effects of application of a poultice containing about an ounce of laudanum to au erysipelas ; 158, Wibmer, experiments on self, took \ grain first day, 1 grain second day, 2 grains third day ; 159, Purkinje (Wibmer), took 5 grains ; 160, Madden, Travels in Turkey (from Bost. M. and S. J., 1829, 2, 503), experiments on self; 161, Root, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1830, vol. 5, p. 703, effects of a large quantity, in an intemperate man ; 162, Mart, Lancet, 1831, 1, 710, effects of habitual use of Opium, ^ drachm daily for fifteen years, in a woman ; 163, same, habitual use in another woman ; 164, same, habitual use in a man, aged sixty, who had used it thirty-five years ; 165, same, habitual use in a man of forty, had taken 1\ ounce of laudanum daily for ten years ; 166, same, habitual use, in a womam aged fifty-five, who took 20 grains daily for fifteen years; she died of tuberculosis pulm.; 167, Werner, Rust's Mag., 1832 (Frank's Mag., 1, 597), effects of the juice of a poppyhead, in a girl aged seven; 168, Lancet, 1832, 1, 639, effects of 12 drops of laudanum with marshmallow, introduced into rectum after cauterization ; 169, Strohl, Hufel. J., 1833 (Wibmer), effects of poppyheads, in a boy; 170, Oppenheim, Hamb., 1833 (Wibmer), effects of sleeping near a field of poppies iu blossom; 171, same, took 7 grains of O. as an experiment; 172, Lancet, 5, 218, effects of an ounce of laudanum, in a woman of twenty-two ; 173, Lancet, 6, 124, effects of 2 ounces of tincture, in a woman ; 174, omitted ; 175, Lancet, 10, p. 732, effects of six drachms of laudanum, in a young woman ; 176, Lancet, 1833, 1, 268, effects of about an ounce of laudanum, in a man ; 177, Thomson, Bost. M. and S. J., 1835, p. 133, habitual use of laudanum, in a woman ; 178, Montault, Journ. Univers., 1836, effects of about 5 drachms of laud- anum, in a woman (Frank's Mag., 4, 660) ; 179, Young, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1834, vol. 14, p. 655, effects of about an ounce of laudanum, in a pregnant woman ; 180, Christison, Lancet, 1H36,1, 631, effects of about 2 or 3 drops of laudanum, in an infant three days old ; death in twenty-four hours ; 181, Lancet, 1836, 1, 271, effects of about 2 ounces of laudanum, iu a man ; death after nine hours; 182, Bost. M. and S. J., 1834, p. 284, effects of about an ounce of Opium, in a man ; 183, Kiles, Lancet, 1837, 1, 304, 4 drops of laudanum, in a child nine months old ; death in nine hours ; 184, Bullock, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1837, p. 264, 1 ounce of laudauum, in a girl aged twenty-one ; 185, same, same dose in another girl; 186, Sigmund, Bost. M. and S. J., 1837, p. 101, effects of habitual use among the Turks; 187, same, effects of 4 grains, in divided doses; 188, Smith, Am. J. M. Sc, 1837, p. 450 (Med.-Chir. Trans., vol. 20), effects in a woman ; 189, VOL. VII.—12 178 OPIUM. Koch, Rust's Mag., 1837, 15 drops of laudanum Sydenhami, in a child aged four weeks ; 190, same, effects of a poppyhead in milk, in a child with hiccough ; 191, Lancet, 1838, 1, 389, 20 drops of laudanum daily for six days; no effects till after last dose, in a woman accustomed to take it for uterine pain ; 192, Bost. M. and S. J., 1838, p. 128, general effects of opium-eating; 193, Am. J. Med. Sc, 1838 (J. de Chim. Med.), effects of application of a cerate containing 15 drops of laudanum to an excoriation in a fold of skin ; 194, Hubbard, Bost. M. and S. J., 1838, p. 31, effects of a drachm of tincture, in a child six months old ; 195, Strecker, A. H. Z., 12, 134, proving, dose of 1 grain ; 196, Semple, Lancet, 1840, 2,186, effects of H ounce, in a girl aged nineteen ; 197, Harrison, Lancet, 1840, effects of about six dessertspoonfuls, in a woman aged thirty-two; 198, Boisragon, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1840, vol. 25, p. 878, effects of a teaspoonful of laud- anum, in a child under two years ; 199, Vanderkeere, 2 drachms of laud- anum, in a child aged thirteen months ; 200, Williams, Lancet, 1840, 2, 661, effects of 1^ ounce of tincture, in a woman; 201, Erichsen, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1840, vol. 28, p, 390, effects of 1 ounce, in a girl aged twenty- two ; 202, Shipman, Am. J. Med. Sc, 1840, vol. 26, p. 508, effects of a wineglassful of laudanum, in a woman eighty years old, recovery; 203, Hygeia, 13, 393, effects of injection of 20 drops of tincture, for spasms of uterus; 204, Pupke, Med. Zeit. Ver. Preus., 1841, effects of a popryhead, in a child aged four; 205, Choune, Lancet, 1841, 2, p. 705, effects or more than an ounce, in a man who had been drinking; 206, Hill, Lancet, 1841, 1, 820, effects of smoking O., in a Chinaman; 207, Hensley, Lancet, 1841, 1, 88, effects of ^ ouuce, repeated after a quarter of an hour ; 208, Cowper, Loud, and Ed. Month. J., 1841, 1, 71, a person took 2^ ounces of liq. op. sedativ. (death after an hour aud twenty minutes); 209, Buck, Bost. M. and S. J., 24, p. 126, a woman, aged twenty-two, took 1 ounce; 210, omitted; 211, Morris, Am. J. Med. Sc, 1842, p. 148, effects of some laud- anum with castor oil, in a child four months old ; 212, G. H. Smith, Lan- cet, 1842, p. 707, opium-smoking among Chinese; 213, Walth, A. H. Z., 22, 160, experiments, first took ^ a grain after each meal, then 1 grain, and afterwards 2 and 4 grains; 214, Everest, Lancet, 1842, p. 758, effects of 12 minims of tincture of Op., in a child two days old, death after four- teen hours; 215, McCune Smith, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1843, 1, 878, effects of habitual use of laudanum, in a woman aged twenty-four; 216, same, ha- bitual use, in a man ; 217, same, habitual use; 218, same, habitual use ; 219, Russell, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1843, 1, 924, 12 drops of laudanum, in a child two months old ; 220, Pharm. J., 1843, vol. 3, p. 261, effects of laud- anum, in two children; 221, Taylor, Guy's Hosp. Rep., 1844, 2, 32, effects of Ingrain of opium, divided into five doses, in a girl aged five and a half, death thirty-seven hours after first dose; 222, Gaz. des Hop., 1845 (Echo de la Froutiere), effects of unripe poppyheads, iu three children ; 223, Sharkey, Ranking's Abst., 1846, effect of two pills, each containing H grain of ext. Op., in a man; 224, James, Lancet, 1847, 1, 639, effects of an ounce of laudanum, in a woman; 225, Barry, Ranking's Abst., 1847, 25 minims of laudanum, in a child aged nine mouths ; 226, Lancet, 1848, 2, 696, 2 ounces of laudanum, in a'woman; 227, Iliff, Lancet, 1849, 2 874, an indefinite amount of laudanum, in a boy aged seventeen ; 228, same, an indefinite amount, in a woman ; 229, Wooten, Bost. M. and S. J., 1849, p. 133 (from Southern Med. and S. J.), effects of 1 drop of laudanum, in a child five days old ; 230, Stevens, Bost. M. and S. J., 1849, p. 120, effects of repeated use of laudanum when children (now aged twenty- OPIUM. 179 three, twenty, aud eighteen); 231, "Confessions of an English Opium- eater," Prov. M. and S. J., 1848 ; 232, Little, Month. J. of Med. Sc, 1850, p. 524, general effects of Opium-smoking; 233, Wright, Am. J. Med. Sc, 1851, p. 540, effects of about 10 grains on self; 234, Boecker, frora Ber- nardi aud Loeffler, 1851 (Frank's Mag., 4), experiments, effects of increas- ing doses, in a healthy man; 235, same, a man aged forty-seven took 3 grams twice first day, 4 grams twice second day, 5 grams three times third day, same twice fourth day, 5 grams thrice and 6 grams once fifth day, 5 grams thrice sixth day, 6 grams thrice seventh day, 6 grams four times eighth day, 8 grams four times ninth day, 8 grams four times and 9 grama once tenth day; 235a, same, subsequent proving, took 6 grams; 236, Herpath, Lancet, 1852, 1, 303, a teaspoonful of laudanum, in an infant nine days old ; 237, Deguise, Month. J. of Med. Sc, 1852, 14, p. 88, effects of 200 minims of laudanum in a clyster ; 238, Woodson, Am. J. Med. Sc, 1852, p. 573, effects of " Bateman's drops" (Opium and Camphd. tinct. op.), iu a child five days old ; 239, Kirk, Lancet, 1853, 1, 80, effects of a few drops of laudanum, in a child ; 240, Smith, Lancet, 1854,1, 419, effect of ^th grain Op., in a child five days old ; 241, Anderson, Month. J. Med. Sc, 1854, p. 377, 2 drachms laudanum, three drachms raore after one hour and a half, in a woman ; 242, Bullock, Am. J. Med. Sc, 1854, p. 575, about 2 ounces of laudanum, iu an intemperate man ; 243, Hodges, Bost. M. aud S. J., 1856, p. 23, 1 ounce of laudanum, in a girl of fifteen years; 244, Blanc, Rev. de Ther. Med.-Chir., 1857 (S. J., 97-37), effects of three injections of Sydenham's laudanum ; 245, Gibbs, Lancet, 1857. 2, 80, effect of 1^ ounce of laudauura, in a man aged seventy-two; 246, Corbett, Lancet, 1857, 2, 220, 30 minims of tincture, in a child one day old; 247, Channing, Bost. M. and S. J., 1857, vol. 56, p. 449, from three to six tea- spoonfuls of laudanum, in a man; 248, Bost. M. and S. J., vol. 56, p. 526, 1857, effects of drinking some laudanum, in a child aged six; 249, Wood, Bost. M. and S. J., 1857, vol. 57, p. 78, effects of a few drops of "pare- goric" (probably laudanum), in a child aged nine months; 250, Cham- berlain, Bost. M. and S. J., 1857, vol. 57, p. 357, about H grain of Op., in a child six days old ; 251, Pharm. Journ., 1857, vol. 16, p. 195, effects of laudanum, in a woman aged twenty-four; 252, O'Rorke, Gaz. des Hop., 1858, a spoonful of Sydenham's laudanum, in a child seven months old; 253, Schiitzenberger, Gaz. des Strasburg, 1858, 40 grams of laudanum, in a woman ; 254, Murray, Edinb. Med. J., 1858, 72 drops of 1., in a child, one year old ; 255, same, 1 drachm of solution of muriate of Morph., in a, child seventeen months old; 256, Mushet, Med. Times and Gaz., 1858,.p.. 292, Opium, in a child of three months; 257, Gallagher, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1858, p. 559, 2 ounces of tincture, in a woman; 258, Jackson, Am. J. Med. Sc, 1859, p. 75, a tablespoonful of laudanum, in a youth of nineteen ; 259, Lister, Br. Med. J., 1859, p. 692, 2 drachms of laudanum, in a woman of thirty; 260, Am. J. Med. Sc, 1859, p. 281, repeated effects of Op. in slight uterine inflammation; 261, Crook, Br. Med. J., 1860, p. 341, 40. minims of 1., in a child twenty-two days old; 262, Pearson, Med. Times and Gaz., 1860, 2, p. 72, an indefinite amount of 1., in an infant eight weeks old ; 263 and 264, Campbell, Bost. M. and S. J., 1860, p. 101, effects of li; ounce of 1., in a man ; 265, Andrews, Pharm. J., 1860,,p. 387, fatal effect of a black draught containing liq. Op.; 266, Pharm..J., 1860, p. 287, effects of a piece of Op. as large as a pin's head, in a child five weeks old; 267, Duchek, Wien Med. Woch.-BL, 1861 (S. J., 113, 165), a man took a large amount of tinct. Op.; 268, Beaupoil, J. de Chim. Med., 1861. 180 OPIUM. (S. J., 110, 294), three-fourths of a poppyhead, in a child ; 269, Maschka, Prag. Vjs., 1861, effects of 1 ounce of tincture ; 270, Duncan, Lancet, 1861, 1, 637, effects of 14_ ounce of 1., in a woman ; 271, Pharra. J., 1861, p. 46, effect of a large dose, in a woman; 272, Murray, Braithwaite's Ret. of Med., 1862, 2, 266 (Austral. Med. J.), effects of l£ ounce of 1., in a man aged fifty; 273, Duncan, Am. J. Med. Sc, 1862, p. 272, 2 ounces of 1., in a woman ; 274, Lee, Ranking's Abst., 1862, effects of Op., in a child two years old; 275, Ellis, Lancet, 1863, p. 126, j ounce, in a girl four and a half years old; 276, Pharm. J., 1863, p. 186, a teaspoonful of 1., in a child six years old ; 277, same, p. 136, fatal dose of Op., in a man; 278, Taylor, Guy's Hosp. Rep., 1865, effects of H ounce of laudanum, iu a girl aged eleveu and a half; 279, omitted ; 280, O'Sullivan, Dublin Quart. J. of Med. Sc, 1865, p. 221, effects of 1 scruple, in a child twelve weeks old; 281, Walley, Lancet, 1866, p. 35, habitual use of ]., for fourteen years; 282, Radcliffe, Lancet, 1868, p. 312, 3 drachms of 1., in a woman aged thirty nine; 283, same, two tablespoonfuls of 1., in a woman of sixty ; 284, Finlay, Lancet, 1868, p. 664, effect of an indefinite amount of 1. (probably used as an enema for pain in abdomen); 285, Ogle, St. Geo. Hosp. Rep., 1868, p. 222, about 2 ounces of 1., in a man; 286, same, an indefinite amount, in a man; 287, same, in another man; 288, Young, Phil. M. and S. Rep., 1869, vol. 20, p. 157, about 2 ounces of tinct. Op., after a drunken spree; 289, Farnsworth, Phil. M. and S. Rep., 1869, p. 87, about 30 grains, in a man ; 290, Hemecourt, West. Horn. Obs., 1869, p. 89, about h ounce of 1., in a girl; 291, Debbie, Br. Med. J., 1870, p. 33, 2 ounces of 1., in an insane woman ; 292, Olivier, Gaz. des Hop., 1871, effects of 30 grams of the tincture, on account of erections after circum- cision ; 293, Spooner, Trans. Horn. Med. Soc. St. of N. Y., 1871, 2 ounces of 1. with 6 grains of Morphia, in milk; 294, Murdock, Med. Rec, 6, 343, effect of 1^ ounce of 1., in a woman of thirty; 295, Johnson, Med. Times and Gaz., 1872, 2, 268, 4 drachms of ext. of Op., in a woman; 296, same, 3 drachms of extract, in a man ; 297, same, 1^ drachm of Op., in a man ; 298, same, 3 drachms of extract, in a woman aged twenty-four ; 299, same, 2 drachms of extract, in a man; 300, same, 2 drachms of ex- tract, in a woman of twenty-nine; 301, same, 1 drachm of extract, in a man ; 302, same, 4 drachms of extract, in a woman ; 303, same, 2 drachms of extract, in a man ; 304, same, \\ drachm of extract, in a woman of thirty-seven ; 305, same, 3 drachms of extract, in a man ; 306, same, Med. Times and Gaz., 1873, 10 drachms of extract, in a girl aged sixteen (death in nine hours); 307, same, 3 drachms of extract, in a man, death in seven hours and a half; 308, same, an unknown quantity, in a woman ; 309, same, 2 drachms of extract, in a woman of thirty-six ; 310, same, i; ounce of extract, in a woman of twenty-seven ; 311, Walker, Am. J. Med. Sc, 1872, p. 283, tincture of Op. (equal to 6 or 8 grains of pulv. Op.), in a girl of fifteen ; 312, Chatarion, Gaz. des Hop., 1873, effects of 20 grains of Sydenham's laudanum 313, Pharm. J., 1873, p. 138, effects of a large dose of laudanum, in one habituated to Opium ; 314, Price, Hahn. Month., 1873, p. 474, effects of discontinuing the use of the " black drop," that had been used for pain in an ulcer; 315, Stockman, 3 ounces of laudanum, in a man, vomited and recovered, but next day took 2| ounces, Phil. M. and S. J., 31, 164; 316, Hartley, Lancet, 1873, p. 684, * ounce of laud- anum ; 317, Parrish, Phil. M. and S. Rep., 1873, p. 343. effects of habitual use of Op., as suppository; 318, Pehell, Phil. Med. Times and Gaz., 1873, p. 134, effects of l£ fluid ounce of 1., iu a young woman; 319, Hart, Am. OPIUM. 181 Horn. Obs., 1873, p. 31, about an ounce of laudanum, in a child ; 320, Sharp, Essays on Med., 1874, p. 724, experiments with 1st dil. and with tincture; 321, Heaton, Med. Times and Gaz., 1875, p. 413, large dose of laudanum, in a man; 322, Clark, Med. Times and Gaz., 1875, p. 185, a large dose of 1., in a man ; 323, Pharm. J., 3d ser., vol. 5, p. 179, a large dose of laudanum ; 324, Sharp, Essay on Med., No. 32, experiments, a man took 1 drop of 1st cent. dil. of tiuct. of Op., night and morning, for ten days; 325, same, subsequent proving, 5 drops, night and morning; 326, same, subsequent proving, pulse 72, took one dose of 10 drops of tincture; 327, same, subsequently, pulse 54, took 6 drops of tincture ; 328, same, Dr. Sharp, took 1 drop of tincture; 329, same, a man, well, pulse 68, took 5 drops of tincture; 330, Camerou, Am. J. Horn. Mat. Med., 1876, p. 251, proving by inhaling Op., 60th dil.; 331, C. Wessel- hoeft, N. A. J. of Horn., 1876, p. 17, habitual use of Op., in a man aged fifty; 332, Fitzsimraons, Toledo Med. and Surg. Journ., May, 1877, p. 134, effects of about 2 drachms of laudanum, in a child two years old ; 333, Skae, Edin. M. aud S. J., 1840, p. 151, effects of 2 drachms of laudanum, in a man; 334, Toogood, Prov. Med. and S. Journ., 1841, p. 129, effects of 10 drachms of laudanum, in a woman (recovery) ; 335, Ryan, Lancet, 1845, p. 476, effects of ^ drachm of laudanum, in a man ; 336, omitted ; 337, Lyman, Am. J. of Med. Sc, 1854, p. 383, effects of an ounce of laud- anum, in a woman, death in three-quarters of an hour; 338, Jackson, Am. J. of Med. Sc, 1854, p. 385, effects of 2 drachms of Op., in a woman ; 339, Cleveland, Med. Times and Gaz., 1855, p. 82, a man took 2 ounces of liquor Op.; 340, Sloane, Med. Times aud Gaz., 1855, p. 445, effects of £ ounce of laudanum, in a man; 341, Slayter, Lancet, 1862, p. 326, laud- anum, in a woman ; 342, Ludlow, Brit. Med. Journ., 1866, p. 15, an over- dose of laudanum, in a man; 343, Bowstead, Lancet, 1873, p. 468, effects of 8 ounces of tinct. Op., in a woman; 344, Taylor, Med. Jurisp., 1, p. 349, an ounce and a half of laudanum, in a woman; 345, Daniel Wilson, Inaugural Dissertation on the Morbid Effects of Op., Phil., 1803, 2 drachms of Opium, iu a man ; 346, ibid., an ounce of laudanum, in a woman ; 347, ibid., same, in a man ; 348, ibid., effects of habitual use of 50 to 90 grains of Opium, in a man; 349, ibid., another case; 350, ibid., Baron de Toth, observations among the Turks. Mind.—Emotional. Delirium. —*Delirium,71169.—Sometimes delirium/48.—Delirium and rage/7.—Raging delirium, with distortion of the mouth,60.f—* Violent delirium, with red face, glistening eyes, and great physical activity?2.—Furious delirium (fourth day),2"7.—He rolls about the floor in delirium, burning with anger, threatens, does not recognize his friends, with swollen head and face, reddish-blue swollen lips, with pro- truding, inflamed eyes,90.—* While delirious he talked about all sorts of things with open eyes, and afterwards remembered them only as in a dream/3.— Talked of his business, cast up columns of figures, and started up at any noise (after three hours) ; much better (after six hours)/89.—[10.] *Her laudanum was left off for three days, and, in addition to the other symptoms, she appeared to see the most frightful animals and other objects,™.—Delirium lasted twenty-four hours/91.—His joyfulness and mental bliss increased until he became irrational and delirious,90.!—Evidently delirious, but, by persevering in our endeavors, he became capable of giving very pertinent f Caused by applying Opium to the temples.—Hahnemann. I From large doses.—Hahnemann. 182 OPIUM. answers, though he uttered them with much labor and difficulty (after half an hour)/22.—Made delirious attempts to resist any treatment, but soon relapsed into unconsciousness/21.—Delirium with the spasms,290.—*He said many disconnected things, and pointed with his fingers to masked people who seemed to approach him. At one time he broke into loud laughter; at another he started up in affright on account of fancied swordsmen, who threatened to stab him ; became angry if any one argued with him or thought him delirious; however, he blamed himself while in delirium for his folly,90.f—*She was tormented while awake with an apparent vision of ghosts, spectres, and chimeras, that constantly collected about her bed and dis- tressed her very much, while she talked deliriously,90.^—The moment of ecstasy usually commences in about three-quarters of an hour; he then becomes an altered being; the expression of countenance is horribly wild ; he ex- hibits his delight in a thousand different ways—he gesticulates, he talks. Some of them compose excellent verses, aud address the bystanders in excellent language; at last they return to their homes, each possessing some imaginary bliss which "the dull reality of life" could never give. Those who encounter them divert themselves at their expense, and make them chatter nonsense; they are, however, too happy to pay attention to anything but their own reveries. Even the loud laugh and the hootings which accompany them home produce no effect; they are wrapped in an elysium, from which they are only to be awakened by the miserable reac- tion which must, sooner or later, recall them to existence/86.—An agree- able reverie, at the end of three-quarters of an hour, or an hour at most, never fails to animate these automatons, causing them to throw themselves into a thousand different postures, but always extravagant and always merry. This is the moment when the scene becomes most interesting; all the actors are happy, and each retires home in a total state of irrationality, but likewise in the entire and full enjoyment of happiness not to be pro- cured by reason. Disregarding the ridicule of those they meet, who divert themselves by making them talk absurdly, each imagines and looks and feels himself possessed of whatever he wishes. The reality of enjoyment often gives less satisfaction,350.—[20.] Hot, anxious, and intoxicated ; she talked of all sorts of things ; took her words back at one time ; started up in fright; at another angrily seized the hands of those about her/°.§—Intoxi- cation?27*; (ninth day)/25—Opium-eaters are always indolent and intoxi- cated/0.—Intoxication and vertigo after sleep,90.—A kind of intoxication that prevents his keeping upon his legs/7.—Feeling of intoxication on waking from a nap (eighth day)/35.—Intoxicated appearance (after two hours)/70. — Appearance of most profound intoxication (after half an hour)/22.—When taken in larger doses than those which cause liveliness it causes intoxication,90.—A half intoxicated and excited condition, so that I came near being run over by a carriage, and at another time of running into a horse, though I had seen it coming from some distance (second day)/10.—[30.] Dizzy intoxication ; he reels to and fro/9.—Great excita- tion/38.—Reeling to and fro, with dull, stupid expression of countenance f From Opium given for dysentery-like diarrhoea.—Hahnemann. -Bender " fechtern " swordsmen.—Hughes. I This always happened whenever Opium was taken as a palliative for her ail- ments—palpitation, vomiting, hiccough, eardialgia, colic, trembling, or convulsive movements.—Hahnemann. Kevised by Hughes. I Effects of Opium administered for indescribable pains, which threatened to end in convulsions.—Hahnemann. OPIUM. 183 (after two hours)/75.—Considerable state of excitement (after two hours aud a half)/91.—It appeared to his attendants that an excited state of mind remained for some days afterwards,336.—* Confusion of mind?136.—Mind in a state of great confusion ; at one moment she was sensible of her crime, called for assistance; at another she resisted the means used to save her (after one hour)/27.—Conscious of being possessed of two persons of another self besides his real self, the Opium man does things which the real self considers wrong, and it is not always sure which will conquer the other/31.— Frightful imagery/7.—The patient was susceptible of the excitant rather than the soporific quality of the drug, and his emotional nature quickly responded to it in manifestations of passional excitement, which threatened alternately self-destruction aud injury to others,317.—[40.] I made my way home as fast as possible, dreading at every step that I should commit some extravagance/60. — He acts absurdly/5.—*The patient has visions?6. — In walking I was hardly sensible that my feet touched the ground ; it seemed as if I slid along the ground impelled by some invisible agent, and that my blood was composed of some ethereal fluid which rendered ray body lighter than air. The most extraordinary visions of delight filled my brain all night/60.—He seems to be flying or floating in the air, and to whirl with everything about him/'.—Sensation as if he had been taken to heaven ; vivid, lovely fantasies float before his vision like a waking dream, which the slumber drives away,61.—Lovely fantasies, far superior to any known happiness in one who had previously been tortured by pains/8*.—Much confused for a time with involuntary turns of laughter/*6.—He describes his sensations "as the faint, exquisite music of a dream," but he had only pleasurable feelings when his eyes were open ; if they were closed they vanished. It appeared to hira as if external objects only were acted on by the imagination, and magnified into images of pleasure. In walking he was hardly sensible of his feet touching the ground ; it seemed as if he slid along the street impelled by some invisible agent, and that his blood was composed of some ethereal fluid which rendered his body lighter than air,187.—I had no longer the same pleasure when I closed my eyes which I had when they were open ; it appeared to me as if it was only external objects which were acted on by the imagination and magnified into images of pleasure; in short, it was "the faint, exquisite music of a dream" in a waking moment/60.—[50.] Not sleepy, but so quiet that he seemed in heaven/2, f—Constant quiet contentment of mind, as if in heaven/3.—With- out pain, he passed the whole night in the most extreme contentment of miud/7.|—Not seldom there is an unusual condition of self-satisfaction and an unusual quiet of mind/4.—The most agreeable sensation that allows her to think, with mental rest and forgetfulness of all trouble/7.— He was inoffensive and even amiable in his deportment, and employed himself con- stantly in the daytime in drawing what he called maps of the different apartments in heaven, which, he said, he visited every night,349.—The mental activity of Opium is more like a dream without sleep,90.—Mental quiet/8.—Under the influence of emotions, strong sensations, and any par- ticularly strong attention and exertion of the mind, the effects appear later than usual, are less in degree, and of shorter duration. If it so happened f From a moderate dose taken on account of intolerable pains from stone.— Hahnemann. J He had taken a grain the evening before on account of a distressing pain.— Hahnemann. 184 OPIUM. that the cause which disturbed my mind was removed, then all the effects would almost instantly make their appearance and take their usual course/30.—Calm, pale, deathly (after two hours)/56.—[60.] Uttered three or four distinct but feeble wails or cries, the first sounds since admission into hospital (third day)/56.—A faint cry or whine would escape the child when extreme measures were employed to arouse it/32.—Opium-eaters are inconstant; they often promise what they soon refuse to abide by (every one avoids them and wishes to have nothing to do with them)/0.—Moods. While smoking they are loquacious at first, and the conversation highly animated ; but as the opium takes effect the conversation droops, and they frequently burst out into loud laughter from the most trifling causes, or without any apparent cause at all, unless it be from the train of thought passing through their excited imaginations. The next phase presents a vacancy of countenance, with pallor and shrinking of the features, so that they resemble people convalescing from fever. A dead silence precedes a deep sleep, which continues from half an hour to three or four hours. In this state the pulse becomes much slower, softer, and smaller than before the debauch. Such is the general process almost invariably observed among the Chinese. But with the Malays it is often very different; instead of the placidity that ushers in the profound sleep, the Malays frequently become outrageously violent and quarrelsome, and lives are occasionally lost in these frightful orgies/12.—Audacious ferocity/5.—Cruelty, ferocity, like a wild beast/3.f—Rage,60.—At first he was in an excited mood for an hour and a quarter, during which the mouth was frequently distorted, as in risus sardonicus/26.—Criminals (in India) lose their fear of death and go courageously to their execution,9°4—Great strength, courage, contentment with himself/8.—[70.] Sensation of courage with activity, as if he could forcibly accomplish whatever was required without dread or fear, with a peculiar sensation of lustiness (though lasting only a few minutes), (after a quarter of an hour), followed by dulness of the head, etc/.—Courage, fear- lessness, great-hearteduess/.—Undaunted in danger/0.—Opium causes in those fearing surgical operations courage and endurance,99.—The Malays are confident that opium-smoking inspires them with preteruatural courage and bodily strength; it is, therefore, resorted to whenever any desperate act is in contemplation/12.—Loss of courage/.—^Feeling of fear (second day),115.—*Fear (after eight, and twelve hours)/.—*Fear of impending death/03.—* Fearful and frightened,9099.—[80.] * A sensation of apprehen- sion (after half an hour, third day)/13. — A woman suffering from sad thoughts was wonderfully relieved by it; her grief disappeared for some time/.§—*He started at the least noise, and a fly upon any part of his body was a burden to him?48.—One and a half grains of solid Opium, taken every f When Opium, given in large doses to produce increased courage and vigor, has a palliative effect on the weak and timorous, it causes audacity, desperation, rage, anger. This palliative primary action gives the Turks, who are excited by Opium, an almost irresistible power at the beginning of a battle; but in a few hours this changes to the greatest cowardice and stupefaction, when they are more easily beaten tban any other nation.—Hahnemann. % Symptoms 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 84, 80, 89, 1881 represent palliative, primary action of Opium in those who are despondent and depressed.—Hahnemann. \ In consequence of the law of opposite this acted as a palliative, and she was obliged, in order to obtain relief, not only to continue the use of Opium, but also to increase the dose, till at last in a week she took one and a half ounces of Opium.— Hahnemann. OPIUM. 185 half hour, or one grain every hour, or one and a half grains taken every hour and a half, or every two hours, has insensibly brought on a happy humor, increased vigor, activity, and unusual watchfulness, which I per- ceived after having taken about two, three, or four grains, and which con- tinued if from time to time, I repeated the same procedure for several days and nights, without the least inclination to sleep, without tiredness, or any impaired function, except dryness in the mouth and fauces, and thirst, occa- sionally gripings and costiveness,131.—Cheerfulness, courage, contentment, increased vigor/4.—She felt very lively and cheerful, and was capable of doing any quantity of work. She had severe family afflictions, but was not at all distressed by them while under the influence of Opium, though she felt them severely at other times/77.—Lively, inclined to work, fearless, courageous,10.— If I was in high spirits aud very active, if I walked or took such exercise as made me warm and perspire, the effects made their appearance consid- erably sooner, were less in degree, and much less in duration/30.—She was unable to get in any other way complete rest and happiness of mind/1.— It makes the opium-eaters (who are usually sad and stupid) cheerful; they carouse, siug amorous songs, laugh much, and make all sorts of ges- tures; this pleasant excitement of mind and emotion lasts an hour, after which they become angry and rave, and finally become again sad and weeping, till at last they fall asleep and soon return to their ordinary condition,10.— [90.] Increase of vigor, confidence, and cheerfulness (if the dose was within 2 grains)/30.—Elevation of spirits and watchfulness remained sometimes a few hours, at other times the whole remaining part of the day (after 2 or 3 grains)/30.—Remained cheerful for two hours, and then was overcome by a violent drowsiness, when he took 90 drops more and was immedi- ately roused from drowsiness/41.—Joyous mood (after half an hour)/13a.— I found myself, or at least imagined myself, more alert and sprightly than before (after half an hour)/0b—In persons accustomed to it, it produces a high degree of animation, which the Theriaki (opium-eaters) represent as the acme of happiness/92.—It causes for a time forgetfulness of the troubles of the soul, and produces ecstasy aud refreshing quiet of mind,90.—The effects upon her spirits were most exhilarating ; she felt lively and cheerful, and could accomplish almost any amount of household work/81.— Uncom- monly merry and much inclined to noise/82.—So exhilarated as to grow careless of occupation and rather inclined to indulge in an excess of gayety (after a short time)/41.—[100.] Produced an enlivening effect which enabled him to prosecute his study/41.—Very good humor (second day)/lD.—At first ecstasy followed by sadness and despondency/5.—Contentment/.— Taciturnity/8.—He became taciturn (after the smallest dose)/.—Exces- sive anxiety,68.—Unusual sensation of anxiety (after two hours)/10".— * Anxiety?03.—Anxiety ,74.f—[110.] Transient attacks of anxiety, with short, oppressed respiration and trembling of the arms and hands,2.—Melan- choly/8.—Despondency (fifth day)/1".—On waking, depression/06.—Depres- sion of spirits, in the afternoon (after three drops),106.—Depression of spirits (eighth day)/18; (after three-quarters of an hour)/29*.—Pale and dispirited, next morning/60.—Sadness/ 117.—Sad mood (first and second days)/35. —* Sullen mood?9.—[120.] Hopeless, morose mood, fretfulness (after eight, and twelve hours)/.—Very morose, angry at everything without reason (fourth day)/35.—Lamentations and howling during the first hours/.— Screaming/99.—Violent screaming, immediately/89.—Moaning (after two f Omit Tralles.—Hughes. 186 OPIUM. hours)/76.—Slight groaning (after three hours)/68. -Weeping mood, 6\— Cries incessantly,163.—Much weeping during the first night/92.—[130.] She is so vexed about a pain that she weeps/.—Fretful and cross when roused (after four hours)/55.—*Fretfulness (second day)/10*.—Very fretful (fifth day)/15.—Querulous state/76.—^Irritability (third day)/15.—Mistrustful/.— Appeared jealous and afraid of the people around (second day)/44.—Evi- dence of irregular nervous action, slight irritability of temper whenever disturbed,332.—Indifference to pain aud pleasure/5.—[140.] Great indiffer- ence (after two drops)/03.—The unfortunate drown their cares and troubles in an indescribably pleasurable feeling of indifference to all around,212.— Calm indifference to earthly things; she cared for nothing on account of the ecstasy of fantasy,64.—Alternating state of sullen grief and of cheerful- ness/.— Intellectual. More inclination for work and greater facility in it than usual/19*.—Mental activity/8.—My faculties seemed enlarged/60.— When under its operation his intellect was more brilliant, his language more eloqueut, and his talent for writing more easy than in the former aud healthy periods of his life. His affections were at the same time kind and benevolent, and he felt no disposition to quarrel, as persons often do who take ardent spirits in excess/48.—When under the influence of opium, he seems to others to be in his normal condition ; but a little intercourse with him shows his mind to be not only clear and active, but filled with gigantic schemes and theories, the realization of which seems to him quite natural and easy ; his faculties are remarkably keen, and his power of expression wonderfully terse and convincing. As soon as the effect begins to subside (as it does after sleeping), he is depressed and melancholy, which soon reaches an extreme state of suicidal depression, in which the world seems terribly dull, and he feels driven to desperation, as if haunted by evil spirits. This condition is brought on by occasional attempts to resist his destructive habit; but he cannot endure abstinence long. As soon as he takes his accustomed dose of Morphia, he is at once changed from a cring- ing desperate creature into a spirited and energetic individual/31.—Occu- pied with sublime contemplation the whole night, without sleep/2.—[150.] It makes the senses active and disposes to earnest aud arduous labor,95.— It dissipates all inclination to sleep, increases the imagination and memory in the most wonderful manner, so that he passes the whole night in pro- found meditation; at daybreak he slumbers a few hours; he is unable to recollect all that he has thought about during the night,70.f—The powers of my mind still remained so perfect as to enable me to examine the state of my pulse, which was strong and full/41.—Profuse flow of ideas, with joy- fulness/.—A certain hastiness at work ; his thoughts also are more rapid than usual/19.— Disinclination forwork (eighth day)/18.—Disinclination for his ordinary work (after two drops)/03.—Obscuration and weakness of mind ; illusion, as if the eyes were four times larger than usual,82.J—*Dulness of f The mental and emotional symptoms of Opium cannot be so well separated as those of other drugs, when the former are placed at the beginning with the head symptoms, the latter after all the other symptoms, because in Opium the two are commonly associated. When Opium is used for the palliation of pain, of spasm in the opposite condition of mind and disposition as in S. 57, 81, 86, 88, 96, 145, 150, or for the prevention of natural sleep (in the latter case most certainly homoeopath- ically), it usually causes in their stead a mental ecstasy and emotional'excitement, a very transient primary effect. This ecstasy and excitement are frequently like the internal clearness of somnambulism (clairvoyance.)—Hahnemann. X Omit " Undsein Kcerper."—Hughes. OPIUM. 187 mind; short anxious respiration with great heaving of the chest; the eyes give out, and are full of water?2.—Slight confusion of thought (within an hour)/33.— [160.] Loss of ideas, with inability to think/17.—Every attempt at per- sistent thought was ineffectual (first day)/13.—Inability aud disinclination for work in the afternoon (after three drops)/06.—General deterioration of all the mental faculties/12.—The power of the will is overcome by the merest trifle/8.—It diminishes the power of the will over the muscles (in strong people), causes heaviness of the head and great weakness/0.f—Voluntary powers suspended/72.—Mental weakness/8.—The mental powers disappear/8. —All the mental powers, all the sensibilities are dull/5.— [170.] * Dulness of the head; he has no.mental grasp for anything, and cannot comprehend the sense of what he is reading?2.—Dulness, indifference to external objects,30.— * Dulness and imbecility?0.—Dulness of mind/975.—Dulness of sense (after eight, and twelve hours)/ 81.—Dulness of sense, insensibility ; he is scarcely conscious of his existence, although he answers quite appropriately/2.—In- sensibility to shame and to the more refined sensibilities/5.—Nearly rational, though when left to herself her mind seems to wander (second day)/73.— Capable of being aroused, and answered questions, but quickly relapsed into deep solemnity (after twenty-six hours and a half)/72.—Memory. Great forgetfulness (second day)/15.—[180.] Forgetfulness/12.—He replied slowly to questions, as if he forgot his words/92.—His ideas not easily collected (after eleven hours),245.—Chronic loss of memory/9.—Loss of memory/8 7o; (after ten minutes)/35.—Loss of memory for several weeks/8.—Loss of memory,:'0.J—The memory aud mental powers generally became greatly impaired, attended by a miserable depression of spirits/77.—Memory con- tinued weak/69.—Frequent weakness of memory ,98.§—[190.] He does not recognize his nearest relatives nor familiar objects/.—Comprehension wavering,82.—Insensibility. *Complete insensibility, so that it was impossible, either by pulling the hair or pinching the skin, to excite any wincing or signs of uneasiness, nor was any effect produced by the sudden affusion of cold water/97.—* Insensible state,m 323 342 'iib 347, etc.—* Insensibility, accompanied with a complete apoplectic respiration (after three hours)/35. —* Complete immobility and insensibility,liS.—* Complete insensibility?001'2.— * Complete insensibility, with her eyes open, etc. (after two hours)/43.—* Great in- sensibility toexternalimpressions?i2.—Insensibility, soon/44; (after five hours), 202 22126d; (after two hours)/76 277.—[200.] Perfectly insensible (after two hours)/05340.—Totally insensible, and to an ordinary observer, lifeless (after six hours)/07.—Totally insensible (after fifteen minutes),208211316 335 X—Per- fectly insensible and could not be roused/41.—Appeared completely insen- sible to everything around her, and would not answer questions (after five hours and a half)/43.—Apparently dead (after four hours and three- quarters)/19.—Insensible aud motionless (after four hours)/19.—Insensible of what was passing around her (after six hours)/24.—Almost total absence of sensibility to external impressions/11.—^Insensible and comatose (after f Opium diminishes the power of the will over the muscles only in its secondary action, when it paralyzes entirely, but in its primary action it excites it; if this primary action be interrupted by stupefaction and stupid sleep, there may be twitch- ing in one or another limb during this sleep.—Hahnemann. X To S. 23, 171, 172, 173, 183/184, 185, 186, 189, 287. When these conditions have become constant and persistent after the long and repeated use of Opium, they are akin to a chronic disease and a kind of paralysis of the mental organs that may indeed be incurable; 183, 184, 185, 186, 189 are secondary effects.—Hahnemann. \ From the frequent use of Opium. 188 OPIUM. one hour and three-quarters)/85.—[210.] Insensible, and in strong convul- sions; convulsions followed each other in quick succession, with comatose intervals (after one hour),319.—Insensible, and could not be aroused by shaking (after twelve hours)/83.—Could not bv any meaus be aroused/79238; (after six hours)/49; (after four or five hours),285.—Could not be aroused by loud calling or shaking, or by the dashing of cold water on her face,284.— Was aroused with great difficulty/43.—Answered no questions, even when put in the loudest voice (after four hours)/01.—Insensible, though capable of being aroused (after half an hour)/27.—Slightly diminished sensibility (after 2 or 3 grains)/31.—Scarcely sensible (after a quarter of an hour)/82. —Almost perfect insensibility (after twenty or thirty minutes)/09.— —[220.] Almost insensible for some hours/93.—Almost insensible to exter- nal impressions, and when aroused by violent shaking and loud speaking, immediately sank back into a comatose sleep (after one hour and a half)273. —Partial insensibility ; he could be roused by shouting into his ear, but could not be made to answer any question ; when not continuously aroused, he fell off immediately into a heavy stertorous sleep ; between two assistants he was from time to time dragged along the corridors, making little effort to support himself, and when allowed to sit down, he was continuously aroused by being flapped on the face with a wet towel, which would cause him to open his eyes momentarily, but he became more completely nar- cotized, so that towards morning he seemed to be in imminent danger/21.— Entire loss of intellectual faculties, of motion and perception,168.—The child lay unconscious and insensible,204.—Sudden loss of consciousness, with blue face and contraction of the upper extremities,269.—She is unconscious of what is transpiring about her, and gives no sign of consciousness; the joints are supple, and all the muscles relaxed/6.—Complete asphyxia ; not the slightest evidence of sensibility could be elicited by the application of various tests to different portions of the cutaneous surface or to Schneiderian mem- brane (after two hours) ; yet scarce a trace of the effects of the poison was observable (after twenty-four hours),250.—Not the slightest indication of consciousness was elicited by passing the finger across the naked eye, by violent shaking, or by the application of ice-water, in the form of affusion, to the head (after eight hours)/15.—Lying on the floor in a state of uncon- sciousness, after some time; total insensibility (after four hours and a half)/59.—[230.] The patient seemed momentarily threatened with apoplexy, having all the symptoms except stupor (after a quarter of an hour) ; this was followed by complete insensibility and death (after three quarters of an hour)/40.—Nearly complete narcotism/43.—Narcotism complete (after four hours),29*.—She was quite unconscious, and had lost the power of swallow- ing. After remaining in this comatose state for upwards of nine hours, she revived, the face became natural, the pulse steady, the power of swallowing returned, she was able to recognize her daughter, and, in a thick voice, to give an account of the mistake she had made. This state lasted about five minutes, the torpor then returned ; she again sank into profound coma, and died in fourteen hours after the poison had been taken/44.—Most profound coma (after three hours)/05308.—Profound coma (after eighteen hours)/26168 274; (after four hours)/75, and many others.—Profound coma for three hours (after eight hours)/15.—Perfect coma ; the insensibility being so complete that ice-water dashed violently in her face produced not the least evidence of sensibility, nor contraction of any of the voluntary muscles (after one hour and a half)/57.—Completely comatose, and on placing my finger on the conjunctiva there was no sensibility whatever evinced/11.—Completely OPIUM. 189 comatose, unrousable, insensible to sharp pinching, not convulsed, but arms rigid, fingers clenched, nails not livid (after two hours)/56.—[240.] Deep coma, with the head drawn backwards, and in partial opisthotonos/55.— Comatose condition, and snoring heavily (after twenty-three hours)/72.— Comatose/79; (after two hours)/84199; (after six hours)/78, etc.—She lay coma- tose on her back, the head resting as if inert/84.—Coma and insensibility, with the ordinary warmth, pulse, and respiration/8.—Able to speak and walk about without difficulty, although very drowsy (after two hours) ; quite comatose, unable to move (after three hours and a half)/99.—Partially comatose (after two hours and a quarter) ; profound coma (after two hours and a half)/10.—Partially comatose, but capable of being roused (after three hours); complete coma (after fourteen hours)/98.—Partially coma- tose, but capable of being roused up (after three hours) ; profound coma (after four hours)/00.—Lethargic condition (after three hours),280.—[250.] Lethargy/55.—Lethargy increased so much that it required the utmost ex- ertions to keep her awake (after six hours)/27.—Violent stupefaction and intoxication/Vf-—Deep stupefaction (after one hour and a half)/50151.— Stupefaction (after eight minutes)/39269.—Stupefaction like an intoxication (sixth day),235.—Stupefaction aud some delirium/78.—Stupefaction, indiffer- ence/8.—Stupefaction of sense and loss of reasoning power/7.—Slowness of comprehension, stupidity, senselessness,98.—[260.] Stupefaction of mind as if a board were before the head, with vertigo, obliging him to lie down, followed by trembling of the body, lasting some time/2.|—Dull stupefaction, with weak eyes and extreme loss of power/2.—Stupefaction and insensibility, although he answered correctly/2.—Sensation of stupefaction (third day)/13. —Stupor, soon/44146; (after five or six hours)/94212.—Stupor/8.§—Lay in a deadly stupor, frora which all efforts of her friends were insufficient to awaken her (after two hours)/46.—Profound stupor/30157; (after seven hours)/57; (after six hours and a half)/34338.—Stupor so great that it could not be roused by any efforts that I could make (after three hours)/11.—Stupor resembling that of narcotic poisoning, rather than true state of coma/84.— [270.] Stupefied/06.—Continued in a stupid state for the remainder of the day, after the relief of other symptoms by voraiting,30b.—Every few min- utes she fell into a stupor and sleep, from which she could only be roused by being repeatedly moved or shaken ; she would give no answer to ques- tions put to her, which appeared to proceed much more from the torpor and insensible state in which she was than from obstinacy or any other cause (second day)/44.—He made no answer to any question, though put to him with a loud voice, close to his ear. On discontinuing the agitation for a moment, he immediately relapsed into a state of stupor and insensibility; the only expedient that effectually roused him was pulling him by the hair of the head. This was so completely successful on one occasion that he rose frora his seat in a paroxysm of anger, and attempted to throw off his jacket and vest, but immediately fell back in a state of insensibility (after three hours and a half),145.—Very "stupid" state, and scarcely able to answer any question put to her (after two hours); perfectly insensible (after four hours)/01.—Great difficulty in rousing it, and wheu roused, im- mediately relapsing into deep stupor/39.—Slight stupor, from which he was easily aroused/81.—Opium-eaters are sleepy and almost stupid.10. T From the odor of Opium.—Hahnemann. J From a mixture of Hoffmann's anodyne and Opium.—Hughes. \ Revised by Hughes. 190 OPIUM. Head.—Confusion and Vertigo. Confusion of the head, with a sensation of dry heat in the eyes and inclination to close the eyes, without sleepiness, together with a sensation as though he had watched the previ- ous night/.—*Head confused, as after intoxicating drinks/18.—[280.] Con- fusion of the head, after sleep,50.—Vertigo,27 62 67 M 99; (sixth day)/13; (elev- enth day)/15171; (second, third, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth, and tenth days),235'235*, etc.—Violent vertigo obliges him to lie down/2.—Violent ver- tigo (after 4 drops)/03.—Vertigo; some intoxication/70.—* Vertigo and dul- ness of the head, transient (after 4 drops)/03.—Vertigo; was scarcely able to keep upright; even while sitting it seemed difficult to hold up the head (after 16 drops)/02.—Vertigo, on looking to the right or left (looking straight ahead, on bending the head forward, did not cause vertigo), (after half an hour),1131.—Vertigo, with swaying back and forth of the body/16a.—Vertigo, as if everything were turning about with him in a circle,82.—[290.] Vertigo, caused by stooping (after twenty hours)/.—* Vertigo, and stupefaction of the head?2.—Slight vertigo (after two hours and three-quarters) ; relieved after vomiting (after three hours and a half),30b.—Vertigo, with numbness of limbs (after five minutes)/91.—Dizziness, with vanishing of thoughts (after 4 drops)/03.—Dizziness, with confusion of the head/9.—Dizzy, anxious, ir- rational,90.—Dizzy, as if intoxicated, after waking from sleep (first day)/35. —Giddiness, sometimes headache/32.—Feels giddy on attempting to get up (after forty-five hours)/45.—[300.] Felt giddy and sick (soon),277.—Very giddy and confused (after one hour), (one case)/34. — Slight giddiness (within an hour)/33.—Very giddy all day/31.—Reeling from the effects of the drug; they sink into a disturbed sleep, from which they awake towards noon/32.—Reeling,3875.—General Head. He was unable to hold the head upright; it swayed back and forth,90.—Slight lateral motion of the head,163.—Head drooping (after two hours and a half),278.—When raised to a sitting posture the head would fall backwards or sideways,2".—[310.] Perceptible and audible pulsation in the bloodvessels of the head (eleventh day),115.—Pulsations in the arteries of the head/6.—Heat and sensible pul- sation of the arteries in the head (after 2 or 3 grains)/30.—(The bloodves- sels of the brain are distended by blood)/\f—Rush of blood to the brain?0 67. —Rush of blood to the head, that was actually painful, especially affecting the forehead (after 2 drops)/07.—Acute cerebral congestion/22.—Congestion of brain increased (after twelve hours)/25.—Congestion to the head/71.— Humming in the head, as from bees, with a stopped sensation in both ears, apparently accompanied by diminished hearing (after about two hours, first day)/,3a.—[320.] Roaring in the head (a few minutes after 1 drop)/07. —He heard the blood rush to the brain, with a dull but loud noise on every beat of the heart/39.—He hears the beating in the cerebral arteries/6.— Swimming sensation in the head when she rises up in bed (fifth day),155.— * Sensation in the head like that following sleep after excessive debauch,90.— Sensation of warmth in the head/11.—His head, though feeling free, on waking, in the raorning, became quite as confused, about 8 a.m., as it had been the preceding afternoon, though it wore away towards noon (after 18 drops)/00.—General weakness and confusion of the head (third day)/13.— Obscuration of the head, immediately,81.|—Heaviness of the head/1867; (after 6 drops)/04; (after eight minutes)/39155; (twenty minutes after 1 grain)/58.—[330.] Head so heavy and stupid that he was obliged to rest f Merely a hypothetical statement of the author.—Hughes. X Preceded by a feeling as if something mounted to her head.—Hughes. OPIUM. 191 it; it seemed to him that he could feel the rush of blood to the head (after 18 drops),100.—^Heaviness of the head, making thought and, in consequence, writing difficult (twenty minutes after 2 grains)/58.—Lassitude, heaviness of the head, and dryness iu the throat, after the Opium sleep,18.f—Head very heavy for several days; the occiput feels like lead, so that the head constantly falls backward, and he cannot hold it upright,90.—The head is heavy, aud as if intoxicated, lasting twelve hours/0.—Heaviness of the head; on raising it, a sensation as if a heavy substance were in it and moved to and fro/16a.—Heaviness of the head, especially in the sinciput (first day)/13.—Heaviness of the head, with a feeling as if the head had been hanging down for a long time (one hour after 5 drops)/05.—Heaviness and dulness of the head, lasting a quarter of an hour (one hour after 6 drops)/08.—Dulness and confusion of the head, soon becoming a pressive sensation, extending forward over the orbit and backward to the nape of the neck/20b.—[340.] Dulness of the head, as if smoke rose into the brain,62.J —Dulness of the head, especially in the frontal region,117.—Dulness of the head,62; (after 1 drop)/07 m; (after ten, and twenty minutes)/12; (after one hour, fifth day)/13; (fifth and tenth days)/18; (first and ninth days)/35.— Dulness of the head, becoming a real pressive pain, especially in the fore- head, extending towards the eyes and down to the nose (after 1 drop)/07.— Head dull and confused (second morning after 2 drops)/07.—Dulness and pressive pain in the head (after 1 drop)/08.—Dulness of the head and pres- sure in the forehead (after 2 drops)/08.—Dulness of the head, with more rapid pulse than usual (after 7 drops)/05.—General dulness of the head, followed by coufusion, that gradually became vertigo, and made thought aud speech exceedingly difficult (a quarter of an hour after 3 drops)/06.— Dulness of the head, with pressure in the eyes (ten minutes after £ grain)/00*. —[350.] Feeling of dulness and congestion in the head, increasing from minute to minute, with glowing heat of the face and perspiration on the head (ten minutes after 1 grain)/00*.—Dulness of the head, with inability to perform mental labor (nine hours after 1 grain)/008.—Dulness of the head, with increased circulation of the blood, and with a full, hard pulse (after 12 drops)/02.—*Dulness of the head, with vertigo (fourth day),235.— Slight dulness of the head,101; (after 3 drops),106; (a quarter of an hour after j? drop)/09; (after half an hour)/13*.—Headache?2; (after two hours), (two cases)/32; (second day)/5417° m; (third day)/84; (after one hour)/07 213 221; (fifth day)/35; (second day)/57 259 281.—Headache, at times dull, at times very severe (first day)/35.—Headache, after a nap (fourth day)/35.—Dull headache (first, second, eighth, and ninth days)/35 235a.—Dull headache (after ninety minutes); much increased and attended with drowsiness and nausea (after two hours); soon relieved after vomiting (after three hours and a half)/0b.—Woke with headache and dull stupefaction/70.—[360.] Violent headache, with difficult breathing/67.—Violent headache/8; (sec- ond day)/03; (one hour after 4 grains)/13; (second day)/8*.—Headache, with vertigo (after 1 drop)/09.—Headache, extending from the vertex to the right orbit, a pressive pain always extending from within outward, in the afternoon and evening (after 2 drops)/07.—Headache, on waking in the morning, that became worse after rising, but disappeared during the forenoon (after 4 drops)/03.—Severe headache, soon; remarked that his head was splitting with pain (after three hours)/89.—If the dose was de- f Revised by Hughes. X Momentarily occurring. As to S. 260.—Hughes. 192 OPIUM. ferred she had always severe headache/77.—Headache in the supraorbital region (fourth day),235.—Headache almost immediately/85.—Head ached next morning/60.—[370.] Headache relieved by leaning against the cold wall,155.—Slight headache (second day)/83.—Slight headache, on waking, in the morning (after 4 drops)/03.—Slight pressive headache (after 3 drops)/03. —Pressive headache (two minutes after ^ drop)/08.—Constant pressive headache,120.—Pressive headache in the head and nose, as if seated in the scalp, which feels as though it had been bruised (after 3 drops)/06.—Vio- lent pressive headache (fourth day)/14.—Dull pressure in the head, gradu- ally becoming a vertigo, making thought difficult (after 24 drops),102.— Pressure and dulness in the head, extending over the whole head, but most violent in the vertex (a quarter of an hour after 2 drops)/07.—[380.] Pres- sive, at times throbbing, headache, extending from behind forward, along the median line, during the afternoon,120b.—Pressure in the head (after half an hour); in half an hour this pressure was increased to giddiness and slight confusion (one case)/34.—Pressiug sensation in the head (sixth day)/13. —Sensation of tension in the head,26.—The whole head seemed in a vice; relieved by motion (after half an hour)/11.—Feeling of fulness in the head (eleventh day)/15.—Pressive pain in the head,62.—Pressive pain over the whole head, with disinclination to work and great indifference (after 4 drops),103.—Violent pain in head, accompanied with giddiness/96.—Exces- sive pain in the head (second day),155.—[390.] Pain iu the head, as if everything were torn to pieces, and a sensation as if everything in the body were turned about, with general discomfort, that made him indignant/.— A slight pain over the whole head, a sensation as of a rush of blood, last- ing about ten minutes (soon after 4 drops)/00.—Transient stitches, from within outward, in the head (after 18 drops)/00.—Transient stitches in the head,116.—Forehead. Warmth in the forehead, with pain in it/16.— Head, especially the frontal region, very dull (second day)/15a.—Dulness in the right side of the forehead, that was somewhat hot/11.—Dulness in the forepart of the head, sometimes interrupted by sticking pain above the eyebrows, that after an hour extended over the whole head ; this confused condition of the head became better towards noon, and in the afternoon only some dulness of the head remained, with at times sticking pain in the head; this sensation was accompanied by warmth and flushes of heat in the face (after 12 drops)/00.—Violent headache, especially in the right half of the forehead (after 2 drops)/09.—Sticking headache in the frontal region, alternating with drawing pains within the ears; at last the head became so heavy that he was obliged to lie down, in order to avoid sinking down (soon after 1 grain)/00*.—[400.] Pressive stupefying headache in the right side of the forehead (after twenty minutes)/12.—Headache, like a pressure from within outward in the forehead/.—One-sided headache in the forehead, as if it would press outward, relieved by external pressure/.—A kind of pressure in the lorehead, that seems to extend to the eyes and nose,26.—Pressure in the right frontal eminence (after a few minutes),111.—Slight pressure above the right eye and in the frontal eminence (after half an hour)/11.—*J. sen- sitive pressure above the right frontal eminence, with a sensation of heat, while reading; when this disappeared it gave place to a painful pinching sensation in, the right temple, as if something pressed upon the part and then again re- laxed?11.—Pain, pressing from within outward, in the right frontal eminence, preventing writing; after twenty minutes this was felt in the occiput; re- moved by rubbing with the hand and pressure/11.—Pressure and slight digging in the upper part of the forehead, with heaviness of the lids, that OPIUM. 193 seem inclined to close, especially the left eye/11.—Pressiug-out pain in the left side of the forehead, recurring by paroxysms, extending over the whole right side, from the head to the tips of the toes/11.—[410.] Pressive pain in both frontal eminences, extending down to the nose, and especially affect- ing both nasal bones; after an hour this pain disappeared, but gave place to pressure in the forehead, and especially above the eyes, with general dulness of the head (after 2 drops)/06.—Pressure in the forehead and over the eyes; it seemed as though the eyes would be pressed together, a feeling like that one experiences when the eyes are irresistibly closed by sleepiness (after 10 drops)/06.—Pressure in the forehead, lasting all day (after 2 drops)/08.—Pressure in the forehead (after 6 drops)/04.—Slight pressure in the right frontal region/12.—Pressive pain in the left frontal eminence (after 2 drops)/06.—Pressive pain in the forehead/20* 120h.—Pressive pains in the forehead and occiput, with dulness in the head, a sensatiou of dizzi- ness/20*.—Slight pressive pain in the region of the glabella, lasting only a few minutes (soon after 1 drop)/00.—Pressive pain iu the frontal region, afterwards extending to the root of the nose and even to the tip of the nose, and changing to a kind of pinching (after 3 drops)/00.—[420.] Pressive pain iu the forehead, soon/16.—Pains across the forehead (second day)/61. —Pain in the forehead, that was warm to touch (fifth day)/15.—Pain, like needle stitches, in the forehead/16*.—Sticking-throbbing pains in the fore- head/16*.—Violent sticking in the left frontal region, long continued, and extending deep into the brain (after two hours)/12.—Tearing and beating in the forehead; sour eructations; sour vomiting; she was obliged to lie down when she perspired/.—Intolerable boring pain in the forehead, at times disappearing, and again extending from the forehead to the vertex (eighth and ninth days)/15.—Stupefied sensation above the eyes/11.—Cer- tain sensations in the forehead, a kind of pressure and straining, the latter of which seemed to reach down to the eyes and nose, if the dose had been within 2 grains of solid purified Opium; if I had taken 2 or 3 grains these sensations would insensibly increase to a slight confusion of thought and giddiness, a heat and sensible pulsation of the arteries in the head; after 4 to 6 grains the pressure increased quite quickly, aud passed on to pain/30. —Temple. [430.] Single twitchings in the temporal muscles/.—Head painful, especially in the temples, where there was a sensatiou as if they were pressed together (fourth night)/13a.—Transient pressure in the right temple and in the right external canthus (after half an hour)/11.—Pressing- asunder pain in the temples, and especially in the forehead (after one hour and a half)/13*.—^Pressing pain in the temples (sixth day)/13a.— Vertex. Dulness in the sinciput (after 6 drops)/00.—A very distressing persistent pain, sometimes between a sticking and a boring, in the coronal and sagit- tal sutures; in the latter, however, only in the middle of the vertex/17.— Slight pressive headache in the left side of the vertex aud of the forehead, in the evening (after 2 drops),106.—Farietals. Slight pressive pain on the right side of the vertex, under the forehead, lasting only about twenty minutes (after 3 drops)/06.—Sticking headache, extending from the fore- head to the orbit, especially involving the right half of the head, with in- clination to sleep (after 1 drop)/09.—[440.] Dulness in the left side of the head, extending to the right temple/11.—Extremely painful headache in the occiput,69.—Dull headache in the occiput, in the evening (seventh day)/18.—Occiput. A pressive-tensive pain in the occiput, at the point of the insertion of the trapezius muscle, extending across the whole breadth of the nape of the neck to the upper margin of the acromion process and VOL. VII.—13 194 OPIUM. the inner margins of both scapulae, as far as the tips, in general correspond- ing to the course of the muscular fibres; the pain was most noticed in the region of the fourth dorsal vertebra, whence it extended to the last dorsal vertebra; always aggravated by motion, during rest (on waking from the midday nap it had disappeared), (second day),110.—Slight drawing-tearing pain in the occiput, from the scalp to the ears, in a place of the size of a quarter of a dollar, in the region of the fontanelle, gradually increasing in severity, lasting about eight minutes and suddenly disappearing, though it returned after about twenty minutes, and extended thence down the whole spine, lasting about six minutes, in the afternoon (first day)/10*.—Pains in the occiput (after 4 drops)/03.—External Head. Tension in the skin of the forehead; relieved by stroking with the hand/11.—A tremulous draw- ing in different parts of the scalp, in the forehead, and vertex (after 10 drops)/06.—Hair very gray,281. Eye.—Eyes very red ; pupils dilated, with staring look (after forty- eight hours)/67.—[450.] Eyes rotated upward under brows (after four hours)/36.—Eyes turned upward under the upper eyelids/83.—Eyes promi- nent and motionless (second day)/90.—Eyes open, turned upward/3.—Eyes wide open/22.—Eyes open, and altogether distorted,92.f—Eyes distorted/49.— Eyes fixed (after two hours)/76.—Eyes fixed ; pupils contracted, and alto- gether unaffected by light (after one hour and three-quarters)/85.—Eyes dark and glassy/65.—[460.] Glassy, deep-sunken eyes,19'.—Eyes glisten- ing/55.—Eyes glistening, sparkling,62.—Eyes sparkled/26.—Staring look,203.— He stares at the bystanders with watery eyes; does not know what he is looking at,-and cannot recognize individuals/5.—Eyes staring, with exces- sive lustre,66.—Eyes wild and staring (after one hour)/27.—Eyes became full and sparkling,206.—Eyes look heavy (after twenty minutes)/29.—[470.] Eyes glassy and lack lustre/62. — Heavy, uneasy eyes (after 4 to 6 grains)/30.—Eyes heavy and languid (second day),144.—Dull, unimpressive eye/32.—Eyes dim (after two hours)/75.—Eye lost its expression,182.—Eyes sunk/32.—Eyes sunk, and often glassy (after six hours)/27.—Eyes sealed up, or dropping rheum/32. — Eyes only half closed; pupils dilated, insen- sible/4.—[480.] Eyes half open, drawn forcibly upward and outward; pupils contracted, did not dilate when light was removed/38.—Eyes partly closed; at times open, with the eyeballs turned upward,199.-—Eyes closed, and the eyeballs turned upward and slightly outward (both of them); the pupils very much contracted ; no reflex action of eyelids/86.—While in school he was frequently obliged to forcibly open and close the eyes, with dryness in the eyes, as from dust and frequent pressure on both eyes. On going home it was noticed that he opened and closed the eyes more fre- quently than natural, and was asked the reason; on examining the eyes there was found great redness of the conjunctiva of the lids and of the eye- balls/16.—Dimness and moisture of the eyes (fifth day)/35.—Eyes alternately moist and dim (fourth day)/35.—*Eyes dry and weak, with burning, and a sensation as if dust were in them; this lasted during the evening and after going to bed, and only passed off during the night (after 2 drops)/06.—The eyes seem moist in the open air (sixth day)/35.—Stiffness of the eyes (tenth day)/35.—Heaviness of the eyes (tenth day)/18.—[490.] On awaking, eyes dull and heavy/06.—Sensation of dryness iu the right eye/12.—Dryness of the eyes, that seem stiff, sometimes with much water iu them (third day)/35.— ^Burning in the eyes, with a sensation as if sand or dust were in them f Original revised by Hughes. OPIUM. 195 (after 2 drops)/07.—Sensation of burning in the eyes and lachrymation/17— Pressure in the eyes, causing a sensation as if he had lost the power to hold the lids open (ten minutes after | grain)/00*.—Slight pressure upon the right eye, as from continued reading/11.—Slight obscuration of the eyes (sixth day)/13.—Sensation as though the eyes were too large for their orbits/6.—A sensation in the eyes as if they were swelled, and the sockets not large enough to contain them (after 2 or 3 grains)/30.—Lid. [500.] Swelling of the lower lids/8.—Eyelids swollen,dark-colored, half-closed/68.— The lids hang down as if paralyzed,69.—Eyelids drooping (second day)/54.— Eyelids tremulous aud half open ; pupils contracted/57.—Lids trembling, only half covering the eyeballs/9.—Eyelids closed/56; (after one hour)/70.— Eyelids closed, and the child appeared iu a state of slumber, and, if roused, exhibited a tendency to relapse into sleep (after eight hours)/25.—Lids closed ; pupils contracted to a point; insensible to light; eyes supraverted and divergent (after two hours)/56.—Eyes closed ; eyelids swollen ; pupils normal in size, but insensible/44.—[510.] Eyelids closed ; pupils upturned, strongly contracted, and little, if at all, influenced by light (after one hour)/54. — The eyelids were closed; the patient's efforts to raise them producing only short, tremulous contractions, and, when held open by the fingers, the eyeballs were seen to be turned upwards and a little inwards, from which position she could move them only to a slight degree and for a short time (second day),284.—Eyelids spasmodically closed; pupils con- tracted to the size of a pin's point (after three hours)/80.—Lids tightly closed ; eyes turned upward/55.—The eyebrow droops; the lower eyelid becomes dark; the eye itself seems to sink and grow dim/32.—Eyelids, lips, and wings of the nose livid/99.—Heaviness of the upper lids, as if they were swollen/19*.—Transient sticking in the left external canthus (after 1 drop)/08. —Cramplike sensation in the right external canthus/11.—Lachrymal Apparatus. Increased lachrymation (second day)/15*. — Conjunc- tira. [520.] Redness of the conjunctiva (second day)/15*.—Redness of the conjunctiva of the ball and lids, with some swelling of the caruncula lacrymalis/17.—Tunica conjunctiva replete with bloodvessels (after two hours)/05.—Eyes glassy and conjunctiva straw-colored/81.—Ocular conjunc- tiva and surface of cornea barely sensitive to touch (after six hours)/03.— Conjunctiva and cornea quite insensible to touch (after three hours)/05.— Rail. Eyeballs and eyelids immovable/51.—Eyeballs turned upward; pupils contracted,267.—Eyeballs partially turned upward (after half an hour)/62.—Eyeballs turned up beneath the lids and fixed ; pupils contracted and immovable/42.—[530.] The eyeballs appeared through their coverings rather prominent; the pupils were fixed and contracted to the size of a pin's head (after two hours and a half)/36.—The eyeballs were forced from within outward (ten minutes after 1 grain)/00*.—Pressive sensation in the eyeball, relieved by rubbing and motion/11.—Fupil. Pupils greatly dilated/03279; (after six hours and a half)/34. — *Dilatation of the pupils (after five or six hours)/94.—Pupils easy to dilate/.—Pupils dilated (first hours)/.— Pupils of both eyes considerably dilated (after six hours)/24.—Dilated pupils and obscured vision (after a quarter of an hour)/40.—Pupils dilated and insensible to light,204; (after one hour and a quarter)/08; (after thirty minutes)/29; (after four hours)/75.—[540.] Pupils somewhat dilated (half an hour after 1 grain),158.—Pupils neither expanded nor dilated, but nearly natural as to size, yet did not respond to the influence of light/22.—A slight dilatation of the pupils/32.—*Pupils contracted,1; (after 4 to 6 grains)/31151; (after four hours)/54181183, etc.—Pupils contracted; eyes fixed and totally 196 OPIUM. insensible (after three hours and a half)/88.—Pupils inactive and con- tracted ; no reflex action could be roused in the eyes or eyelids on admis- sion into hospital; at the time of death the pupils becarae very dilated?*1.— Pupils extremely contracted, and did not dilate either in the dark nor when I rubbed his eyes with my finger (one case)/34.—Pupils extremely contracted/50168197 219; (after four hours)/26 239.—Pupils firmly contracted to the smallest point; surface of cornea and conjunctiva quite insensible to touch (after seven hours)/96.—Pupils became contracted to a point that could scarcely be seen; at times the patient could scarcely distinguish objects/50.—[550.] Pupils contracted to a point (after four hours)/36; (after two hours)/50 294 316 321, etc.—Great myosis, the pupils not larger than a pin's head (after twenty-six hours and a half)/72; (after eight hours),315 332 341.— Pupils contracted to the size of a pin's head, and immovable to the impres- sions of light; eyes everted, fixed, and strongly congested; eyelids closed (after one hour and a half)/57.—Pupils turned upwards and outwards ; con- tracted to the size of a pin's head/39.—Pupils contracted to about half a line/55.—Pupils contracted and insensible to light (after one hour)/76; (after two hours)/84; (after seven hours)/58.—*Pupils contracted, fixed (second day)/55161. — Pupils excessively contracted/01214221228, etc. —Pupils con- tracted; divergent squint/68. — Eyelids half closed; pupils quite con- tracted (after two hours and a half)/78.—[560.] Irides immovable; pupils about ^ inch in diameter, and cornea insensible (after one hour and a half)/18.—Pupils very small, but immovable/40.—Pupils small; conjunc- tiva and cornea slightly sensitive to touch (after two hours and a half)/02.— Pupils slightly contracted (after two hours) ; firmly contracted (after three hours and a half )/99.—Pupils slightly contracted (after three hours); firmly contracted (after fourteen hours),298.—Slight contraction of the pupils; afterwards firm contraction/04.—Pupils contracted, but not completely (after eight hours and a half)/45.—Pupils slightly contracted (after eleven, and twenty hours)/45.—Oscillation of the pupils/78.—Pupils insensible to light,67; (after two hours)/75.— Vision. [570.] ( Was able to read and write in the evening without his glasses, which usually he could not do) (sixth day)/35.—Dimness of sight at times, which soon leaves her, and returns again after a short time (after three days)/55.—Dimness of vision ; he seems to see through a veil,66.—Dimness of vision while reading in the forenoon (first day)/10*.—Dimness of vision, as from a veil before the eyes, lasting a quarter of an hour (after two hours and a half)/10*.—Dimness of vision (after 4 to 6 grains),130; (one case)/34; (second day)/73.—Vision obscured, as by a fog/50.—Obscuration of vision/20b; (one hour after 15 drops)/18; (one hour after 2 grains)/50292.—Obscuration of vision, so that while writing the let- ters seem to swim together/20".—Vision indistinct/19*.—[580.] Unable to see (second day)/84.—Everything I looked at seemed iucreased in volume/60.— All objects seem smaller than usual (after daily doses of 5 drops)/16*.— Says she cannot see distinctly, and " sometimes there are two candles where there should be one" (second day)/73.—Said there was a mist before her eyes and she could not see (after a quarter of an hour)/82.—Haziness of the eyes,232.—Flickering before the eyes/71.—It became dark before the eyes, with disappearance of thought, heat of the head, etc. (after 4 drops)/03.— While completely conscious he complained that vision became dark, that he was blind (after four hours),98.f—It seems black before the eyes, with vertigo/2.—[590.] He thought that flashes of fire came out of his eyes/7.! f Just before death.—Hughes. J Original revised by Hughes. OPIUM. 197 Ear.—Pressure toward the external meatus auditorius/19*.—Jerking within the ears, first in the left, then in the right/12.—Throbbing iu both ears/12. — Hearing. Hearing more acute than usual (after half an hour)/13*.—It was very remarkable that, when the torpor and comatose heaviness were at such a height, he appeared to have almost no command of any of his muscles, nor the smallest perception of what was passing around him; his hearing was nevertheless remarkably acute, and he re- peatedly requested that we would not speak louder than usual, saying that it disturbed him exceedingly to hear the loud talking/22.—Hearing some- what indistinct, as in slight intoxication/198.—Difficulty of hearing in the left ear, lasting four minutes (after three hours)/10*.—Heariug so deficient that she could hardly detect the voice of any one who spoke; yet her own voice sounded most disagreeably loud to her/77.—Difficulty of hearing/69.— [600.] The hearing remained weaker for some time after the proving/35*.— * Violent roaring in the ears (sixth day),235.—Great roaring in the ears, in the evening while sitting still/19.— Roaring in the ears/16119119*.—Some roaring in the ears/19.—Dull roaring in the ears after eating (after four hours)/6.—Ringing in the ears/7 99; (eleventh day)/15.—Disagreeable hum- ming in the ears, when talking or whistling/19*.—Humming in the ears (very soon)/6. N^ose.—One symptom never failed to accompany any attempt to re- nounce Opium, viz., violent sternutation. This now became exceedingly troublesome, sometimes lasting for two hours at a time, and recurring at least two or three times a day/31.—[610.] (Violent coryza, with some cough)/14.f—Bloody liquid exudes from the nose and mouth during the convulsions/51. — Copious secretion of mucus from the nose/32. — Frothy mucus ejected from the nares (after four hours)/75.—A large quantity of frothy-looking fluid tinged with arterial blood escaped from the nose (after seven hours and three-quarters)/06.—Stoppage of the nose like stopped catarrh, in a warm room, after walking in the open air/.—Great dryness in the nose, the whole afternoon and evening (after 2 drops)/08.—Sense of smell so impaired that she could perceive no pungency in snuff/77. Face.—Face swollen, skin hot and dry, tongue white, hoarseness, res- piration very much impeded, spitting of blood,"4—Swelling of the face/51. —[620.] Face greatly swollen, and had an unmeaning ghastly expres- sion/35.—Face swollen, violet-colored, like the rest of the body/44.—Spas- modic motions of the facial muscles (after seven days)/8.—Spasm of the facial muscles/5.§—Muscles of the face affected with spasm, and those of the limbs with convulsions/57.—Convulsive trembling of the facial muscles, lips, and tongue/.—Face altered, eyes haggard, cheeks furrowed, pale,292. —Features distorted, taciturn, with open eyes,8.—^Features distorted?*9.— Face purple and the features distorted (after fifteen minutes)/08.—[630.] *Face bloated, red, and rather livid,K1.—Countenance bloated (after one hour and three-quarters)/85. — Face bloated and dark/28.— Face much con- gested/16.—Distended veins in the face/5.—Face full, and the skin of it having a smooth glassy appearance (second day)/44.—Gave a new air of life and brightness to his face/21.—Wild and fierce-looking (after a quarter of t Apparently the result of taking cold from the damp weather, as in other re- spects 1 was perfectly well.—Freud. X From Opium taken for incipient cold when in a plethoric state. S. 666, 1271, 11J86, 1451, 2250 all belong to this.—Hughes. g With stupor—Hughes. 198 OPIUM. an hour)/40.—Look horrid (second day)/96.—Fixed look/90.—[640.] All the muscles of the face seem relaxed, which gives the face a stupid expression ; the lower lip is inclined to hang down relaxed, the nostrils are widely opened, and the upper lid can be raised only with difficulty/.—He looks as though he had not slept enough, or had been revelling all night, with sunken, blinking eyes/.—Countenance presented that peculiar vacancy or want of definite expression which is characteristic of the influence of Opium/97.— Countenance vacant/40.—Countenance looks sickly (after half an hour)/29'. —On awaking, languid and stupid expression to countenance/06.—The whole expression is that of premature old age/32.—Somewhat haggard face (after two hours)/47.—Countenauce calm and pale (after seven hours)/58.— *Facepale/; (after fifty minutes)/29; (after four hours)/54157, and many others.—[650.] * Color of the face pale, earthy; eyes weak, full of water; slum- bering with half open eyes, pays attention to nothing, gives indefinite answers ; passed stool involuntarily; sinks down in a heap, with short anxious respira- tion?2.^—Countenance pale, with an expression of deep and placid repose (after eight hours)/25.—Face sunken, pale/3.—Paleness of the face and forehead; eyes glassy, fixed/'.J—Pallor/48332.—Face and lips pale/50190.— Face very pale,284341.—Features shrunk and deathly pale/39.—Face pale and cadaverous (after two hours)/75.—Countenance pale and ghastly/44.— [660.] Face white/64.—Countenance pallid, and bathed in cold perspira- tion/42.—Face pallid,156183 221, etc.—Countenance pale and haggard/22.—The pallor of death was upou the lips/82.—Pallid and ghastly expression of countenance (after four hours)/75.—Ghastly countenance, though placid (after one hour)/24.—Countenance ghastly/82339.—Face cadaverous and of a livid color, cheeks and nose cold, eyes sunken, surrounded by dark circles, pupils contracted, lids partly open, eyeballs turned upward/52.—Cadaver- ous countenance/48174.—[670.] Cadaverous appearance (after three hours and a half)/45.—His cadaverous countenance was literally the aspect of death (after eight hours)/35 345.—Face livid and swollen (after twenty or thirty minutes)/09.—*Face livid?11; (after eighteen hours),226; (after half an hour)/78316323.—Face pale and livid/99; (after six hours)/07.—Lips and face of a livid hue/48174.—Complexion of a dark livid hue/94.—The color of the face changing to the livid (after four hours)/98.—Countenance livid (after two hours)/8'277; (after seven or eight hours),289322334343.—Lips and face of a dark-lead color/88.—[680.] *Face flushed (after one hour)/27; (after 2 or 3 grains)/30; (after one hour and a half )/73.—Face and neck flushed,284.—Countenance flushed, or rather had a blotched appearance (after four hours)/01.—Face began to flush/06.—Face red (second day),178. —Great redness of the face, with burning heat of the body, lasting eight hours; followed by convulsive throwing about of the right arm and foot, loud cries, difficult respiration, coldness of the face and hands, that are covered with drops of perspiration (soon after a dose)/.—Unusual redness of the face, with swollen lips/1.—Face dark red/2.§—Face completely red/2. —Face entirely red, with wild and protruding red eyes/5.—[690.] Face at first was glowing ; he felt a strong pulsation in the arteries of the head (one case)/34.—Frequent alternations of redness and paleness of the face/.— Paleness of the face and nausea, with a sensation of sleepiness aud dimi- nution of all secretions and excretions, frequently even of the perspira- tion/8.—Face red and eyes red and inflamed/9.—Face red, turgid/13.— f Itevised by Hughes. J Add " fixed."—Hughes. \ Not mentioned by Vicat.—Hughes. OPIUM. 199 Face not only red, but seeming to be inflamed/3.—The face became red and the head hot (after 4 drops)/03.—Face and eyes red,17.—Face red, puffy, with injected bloodvessels in the head/7.—Face red, puffy, swollen,66.f— [700.] Withered, yellow countenance/92281.—The color of the face became yellowish during and after the proving/18.—Complexion yellowish/4.— Sallow complexion/12232.—Face bluish, earthy/875.—Face leaden-colored, with blue lines,268.—Face purple, and the features distorted (after a quarter of an hour)/10.—Countenance purplish/66.—Face of a dark-purple hue, as were also his hauds and feet (after fifteen hours)/64.—Face of a dark-purplish hue (after eight hours)/10.—[710.] Countenance dark and ghastly (after six hours")/27.—Face cherry-brown,83.—Countenance of a dark or dusky hue/78.—Dark suffusion of the counteuance/11.—Dark suffusion of the coun- tenance/32.—Face of a dusky hue (after one hour and a half),318.—Black in the face (next morning)/13.—The face seemed swollen,89".J—Lips. Lower lip, towards the right corner of the mouth, swollen and hard, with excoriation of the mucous membrane (possibly caused by biting the lips)/05.— Cracked lips/32.—[720.] Lips distorted/57.—Lips pallid (after two hours)/56. — Lips, eyelids, and nails livid,295. — Lips and nails livid (after three hours)/05; (after two hours and a half)?w.—*Lips livid (after one hour and a half)/00; (after two hours)/50; (after one hour and a half)/57; (after three hours and a half)/02335; (after thirty-five minutes)/37341.—Lividity of" lips and eyelids/12; (after three hours")/00.—Lips somewhat livid/42; (after three hours),300.—Lips, and especially the lower one, slightly blue and swelled,286.—Lips purple (after six hours)/07.—The lower lip is painful when touched by the upper teeth or finger/.—Jaws and Chin. [730.] Sudden trembling of the lower jaw, lasting five minutes (third day)/13.— Tetanic spasm of the lower jaw/1.§—Lower jaw protruded, tremulous/68.— The lower jaw hangs down/4.—*Lower jaw fallen (after seven hours)/02; (after one hour and a half),240.—Spasmodic dropping of lower jaw (after thirty-five minutes)/37.—Jaw somewhat fallen (after seventeen hours)/47.— Lower jaw dropped, mouth open (after six hours and a half)/18.—Jaws became firraly fixed, requiring force to get in the stomach-pump/86.—Jaws firmly shut (after twenty or thirty minutes)/09.—[740.] Jaws rigid/11.—; Violent trismus (after a quarter of an hour)/40.—Jaw3 tightly closed, as in trismus, when free from the spasmodic action/99.—Lower jaw dropped and fixed/56.—Kept her jaws locked (second day)/44.—Pressure in the articula- tion of the jaws and bones of the cheeks/19*.—Pain in the upper jaw (after eight hours)/.—Violent pains iu the lower jaw, rapid and momentary (after seven days),58.!!—Acute stitches in the jaws, especially in the region of the condyles (first day)/35.—Confused feeling in the left side of the chin, tran- sient,111. Mouth.—Teeth. [750.] Looseness of the teeth/.—Toothache/.— Fine gnawing pain in the nerves of the teeth (after eight hours)/.—Glim, Gums eaten away, so that the teeth stood bare to the roots/4.—Tongue. Rapid tremulous motion of the tongue/51.—Tongue in constant motion,268.— Tongue thrust forcibly backward and upward against the palate/11.—* Tongue and lips purple (after one hour)/63.—When asked to put out her tongue she did so tremblingly, which was coated with a brown fur/81.—Tongue immovable/56.—[760.] Paralysis of the tongue/5.—Tongue thick, with difficult speech/03.—* Tongue black?8.—Coated tongue (eleventh day)/15116. t Omit Muller.—Hughes. J Revised by Hughes. I Omit Pyl.—Hughes. || Revised by Hughes. 200 OPIUM. —Tongue thickly coated (second day)/15*.—Tongue coated, with a sticky, pasty taste (eighth and ninth days)/15.—* Tongue white?899'232.—Tongue coated yellow (second day)/61.—Tongue thinly coated with brown fur (sec- ond day)/55.—Tongue dry (third day)/84232; (second day)/35 273—[770.] Dryness of the tongue, palate, and fauces, without inclination to drink,2.— Sensatiou of dryness in the anterior portion of the tongue, without thirst, in the morning/.—Tongue dry, red on its edges, and covered on the centre with a coat of thick white substance (second day),290.—Tongue, as far as the fauces, completely dry/Xf—The tongue and mouth, which were widely extended, were perfectly dry, and produced to the touch a sensation similar to the.action of a rasp (after eight hours)/45.—Tongue dry and brown (sec- ond day),283.—Tongue dry and furred (after two days)/82.—Tongue cold (after three hours)/05.—Difficulty of moving the tongue, after waking,82. J —It causes intolerable biting burning, like pepper, on the tongue/8*.§— General Mouth. [780.] Foaming at the mouth, for a few moments, at long intervals (after eight hours)/15.—Frothing from the mouth/5 222 277 340; (after one hour)/46.—Breath smelt strongly of Opium/42.—Mouth open and eyelids closed (after eleven hours)/40.—Mouth open/56.—Distortion of the mouth,60-!!—Mouth occasionally puckered, not drawn (after two hours)/06. —The mouth could be opened only by force, and a spoonful of liquid could be swallowed only with difficulty/1.—Mouth and lips pale and tumid (after three hours and a half),145.—Causes ulceration of the palate and tongue/5.^ —[790.] Causes ulceration in the mouth and tongue,90.ft—When chewed, it causes burning in the mouth and on the tongue, and inflammation of the larynx/9.—Mouth and oesophagus dry (after 3 drops),106.—Dryness of the whole mouth, with little thirst/.—Dryness of the mouth, so that he could scarcely utter a word/2.—Dryness of the whole mouth and tongue (first day)/35.—Dryness of the tongue and palate (first day)/35.—Dryness of the mouth (second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, ninth, and tenth days)/35 235a.—Dryness of mouth and fauces (after 2 grains)/30; (three cases)/32; (after one hour)/34; (second day)/84.—Mouth and fauces dry, and covered with a tough viscous saliva (one case)/34.—[800.] Tongue and mouth (which were widely extended) were perfectly dry, and produced to the touch a sensation similar to that arising from the action of a rasp (after eight hours)/35.—Saliva. Salivation/2.^!—Increased secretion of saliva (after 3 drops)/00; (eleventh day)/15116120\—Saliva constantly flowed from the mouth/4.—Profuse flow of saliva/1.—Accumulation of water in the mouth, with frequent spitting (tenth day)/18.—Frothy sputa/22.—Discharge of yellow tenacious mouldy-smelling mucus from the mouth and nose, with- out cough or inclination to sneeze (fourth day)/15*.—It thickens the saliva, nasal mucus, and the mucus of the trachea, aud makes the tongue dry,99.— Salivation, as from Mercury/8.—[810.] The secretions of the salivary t This dryness of the mouth was noticed on waking from sleep, when I found myself lying on my back, quite contrary to habit, with open mouth. I had appar- ently lain in this position for a long time.—Alb t With dryness of the mouth of S 794.—Hughes. \ From small quantities taken into the mouth.—Hahnemann. || With delirium.—Hughes. \ Refer to same note as for >S. 790.—Hughes. ff From retaining Opium some time in the mouth. Hahnemann's note revised by Hughes. XX Omit Reineggs, and note "in a phthisical old woman whenever she took O. for colliquative diarrhoea."—Hughes. OPIUM. 201 glands, the nasal mucus, and of the laryngeal glands suppressed,67.—Taste. Very much impaired taste (five or six years after discontinuance)/77.— Taste so much lost that she could not distinguish pepper or mustard/77.— Deprived of the sense of taste (second day)/84.—Bitter burning taste (first day)/35.—Taste bitter,38; (second day)/58; (fourth day)/35 235\—Bitter taste in the mouth, the next morning,26.—Pasty taste in the mouth (second day)/15*.—Taste sour/.—Taste sweetish/16.—[820.] Saline taste in the sa- liva, and a bad taste in the mouth/77.—Taste flat, insipid, almost entirely wanting,1.—Speech. He is unable to talk with open mouth.75.—Spoke slowly, but correctly; it seemed difficult to articulate/50.—Speech became weak; he spoke only a little; could speak aloud only with difficulty/.— Difficulty in speaking (after five minutes)/91.—Was unable to talk/70; (second day)/84.—He answered in a stammering manner, with interrupted articulation/39. — Stammering after the Opium sleep/2.— Stammering/5; (after 4 to 6 grains)/30. Throat.—[830.] Rattled in throat, and immediately after breathed deeply (after five hours)/19.—Rales in the throat,292.—Pain in the throat on swallowing (fifth day)/35.—Choking in the throat, followed by eructa- tions (third day)/35.—An anxious sensation of constriction in the throat,203. —Sensation as if a tight band were about the throat, associated with a stupid feeling in the head (after 18 drops)/00.—Distressing sensation of constriction or strangulation in the throat; the patient thought that she would die, with inability to swallow/03.—Remarkable dryness or burning in the throat, which urges them to repeat the Opium-smoking/12.—Parched throat,232.—Dryness of the throat posteriorly/8.—[840.] Dryness in the throat and on the tongue,3367.—Throat dry (after two days),283.— Phar- ynx and Fauces. Sense of constriction about the pharynx (second day)/84.—Fauces red (second day)/73.—Scraping and constriction in the fauces, immediately/10.—Sensation of dryness in the fauces and larynx/33. —Scraping raw sensation in the fauces/20*.—Dryness of the fauces (second day)/35.—(Esophagus. Cramp in the oesophagus always on swallow- ing/19.—A kind of cramp in the oesophagus, that made swallowing, even water, difficult/19.—[850.] Cramp in the oesophagus during and after swal- lowing/19*.—Swallowing. Inability to swallow/219 222 m 24°, etc.—Inabil- ity to swallow, with dryness of the throat/03.—Swallowing extremely diffi- cult/23 332.—Deglutition could not be excited until ten hours after the poison was taken/00.—*Dysphagia, becoming true aphagia, as from paralysis of the muscles?2'6.—Swallowing difficult/6149 290.—Swallowing difficult, on account of cramp in the oesophagus/19*.—Swallowing became almost impossible (after a quarter of an hour)/40.—External Tliroat. The vessels of the throat are distended and pulsate violently/2, f—[860.] Carotids beat irregu- larly, about 50 in the minute (after eighteen hours)/26.—Carotid arteries beating violently (after one hour and a half)/57. Stomach.—Appetite. Appetite increased/.—Decided increase of appetite/25.—A considerable increase of appetite/24.—Appetite for supper better than usual/29.—Ravenous hunger; distension and distress in the stomach after eating,63.^—He never felt so hungry in his life; he ate his breakfast greedily, and was soon relieved of every disagreeable sensation/29*. —Frequent paroxysms of ravenous hunger, at times with a flat taste in the mouth (after three, and several hours)/.—Ravenous hunger/3.—[870.] f Original revised by Hughes. X Said by the reporter to be a common occurrence with him.—Hughes. 202 OPIUM. Ravenous hunger, with dread of food/8.—Excessive hunger, with great weakness,94.—Sensation of hunger, which, on taking food, changed to a . sensation of emptiness and pressure in the stomach (third day)/13.—Feeling of emptiness in the stomach and an unusual sensation of hunger about ll a.m. (after six hours); although I ate as much or raore dinner than usual, at 1 p.m., this sensation of emptiness continued until after 3 o'clock, during which time there were frequent eructations of air (first day); sensation of emptiness in the stomach and decided hunger by 10 a.m., in order to as- suage which I took two eggs, some bread, and a glass of beer, which, how- ever, did not suffice; at noon I ate a hearty meal, as yesterday, but the sensation of hunger and emptiness was not relieved; it only disappeared after two hours of itself (second day)/10a.—Capricious appetite,232.—Appe- tite either destroyed or depraved, sweetmeats and sugar being the articles that are most relished/12.—Appetite bad (after four days)/55.—Want of appetite for food and drink/7.—Appetite diminished (after 4 drops)/00; (fourth day)/35.—Appetite diminished, though food had a natural taste (second day)/35.—[880.] Appetite extinguished, and in place of it craving for one thing only, and that is, for another draught of the poison, which soothes but for the moment/32.—*Loss of appetite? 18 50 75163169177 281.—Loss of appetite, lasting for several days/63.—No appetite at noon (ninth day)/35. —It immediately destroys the appetite,98.f—He eats scarcely anything/92. —Appetite bad, usually desires only bread (after twenty minutes)/12.— Complete loss of appetite; food was so disgusting to me that I was obliged to let it alone/18.—He wishes to eat, but has scarcely taken a bite when he has no desire for the rest/5.—Aversion to all nourishment for a long time,90. —[890.] Extreme aversion to food, with extreme weakness,62.—Extreme aversion to meat, with unclean tongue,62.—Aversion to tobacco/20b.—Aver- sion to tobacco smoke/20*.—Thirst. *Great thirst (after three hours)/27; (after half an hour),184; (fourth day),235, etc.—■* Unquenchable thirst?32.— Excessive thirst, especially for thin beer,62.—Distressing thirst/3 67.—Thirst (after two hours), (two cases)/32 203; (second day)/82.—Thirst continuing all night (after one hour and a half), (one case)/33.—[900.] Thirst during the chill/.—Eructations. Eructations (after five hours)/8; (after 4 drops)/04112; (first, fifth, and tenth days)/35.—Repeated eructations (sec- ond day)/35.—Frequent very bitter uprisings (after twenty minutes)/12.— Frequent eructatious (after ten minutes)/12.—Eructations (soon after 20 drops),119.—Eructations, with a bitter taste (after ten minutes)/12.—Empty eructatious and yawning/11.—Eructations tasting like chamomile tea (after ten minutes)/12.—Hiccough. Persistent hiccough, with transient inter- ruptions/3.—[910.] Much hiccough (fourth day)/35.—Hiccough very dis- tressing (second day)/50.—*Hiccough (after 4 to 6 grains)/30; (third day)/35. —Hiccough once (after half an hour),111.—Heartburn. Sensation of heartburn,"*.—Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea/862116120*132184; (first day),235; (after sixteen hours)/45 288.—Slight nausea (after 3 drops)/00; (after 2 or 3 grains)/30.—Very sick indeed/31.—If she went a few hours past the usual time for taking it she was seized with the most intense fainty nausea, vomiting, and utter prostration ; 35 or 40 drops of the narcotic would bring her up all right iu a few minutes/14.—Nausea, with accumulation of saliva in the mouth, relieved by eating a piece of white sugar (five minutes after 1 grain)/00*.—[920.] Nausea, and profuse secretion of saliva, lasting about five minutes (after 5 drops)/00.—Nausea, with increased secretion of saliva f Large doses. OPIUM. 203 (after 4 drops)/00.—Nausea and profuse salivation (after 18 drops)/00.— Everything nauseates him/5. — Qualmishness/2245. — Qualmishness, after waking/9.—Peculiar qualmishness (after 2 drops)/03.—Qualmishness, re- lieved by eructations/19.—Qualmishness, as after long fasting (after 1 drop)/09.—Qualmishness, with frequent eructations and inclination to vomit (after 4 drops)/03.—[930.] General discomfort, emptiness, and faintness in the stomach (tenth day)/18.—Nausea in the epigastric region (after a quar- ter of an hour)/59.—Nausea, while walking on the street, so that he could scarcely keep from vomiting, associated with extreme exhaustion and weari- ness, that lasted the whole day (after 7 drops)/05.—Nausea, eructations, retching, which afforded some relief (one hour after 2 grains')/58.—Nausea without vomiting (tenth day)/35; (after half an hour)/78.—Slight nausea and inclination to vomit, followed by some eructations (half an hour after 1 grain)/58.—Nausea, and inclination to vomit, after a dose (first day)/35. —Nausea, with the headache, somewhat relieved by vinegar (after two hours); considerably augmented, and at length I threw up the contents of my stomach (after three hours and a half),306.—On awaking from a doze, in which he snored loudly, nausea and vomiting/45.—Frequent nausea and vomiting,92.—[940.] Nausea and vomiting/77.—Nausea and vomiting, fol- lowed by bitter taste (tenth day)/35.—Nausea and vomiting, after cold affusions,208.—Utter prostration with the nausea and vomiting/14.—Sickness at the stomach, with almost incessant vomiting; the fluid ejected of a brownish color, and emitting a sour smell (second day)/55.—Vomiting just before a convulsive fit/46.—She vomits, with pain in the stomach and con- vulsive motions/2.—Vomited violently (one case)/34; (second day)/93.— Persistent vomiting/3.—Repeated vomiting/36.—[950.] Vomiting after eat- ing/6.— * Vomiting?*; (after a few minutes)/176 280319; (after one hour)/51257 321338. (after half an hour)/44.—Vomiting eight times (five hours after 4 grains)/13.—Vomiting and convulsions/46. — Spontaneous vomiting; the ejected matter gave off the odor of laudanum,243.—Frequent vomiting of grayish mucus and unripe poppyseeds/67.—* Green vomiting?1.—Vomited a dark fluid, with a strong smell of laudanum (after two hours and a half)/91.—Violent sickness and purging/63.—Vomited several times (one hour after swallowing the acid, continuiug to sleep during the operation)/46. —[960.] No further effect than vomiting, which did not occur till after the lapse of several hours/38.—Sickness and vomiting (after 4 to 6 grains)/30. —Coffee ejected in fifteen minutes after taking it, with much mucus (after nine hours)/45.—At length food and drink are vomited almost constantly when the system is not under the primary action of a dose,232.—Efforts to vomit, and voniiting of blood/3.—Inclination to vomit, on moving about/6. —Ineffectual efforts to vomit/6; (second day)/35.—Violent ineffectual retch- ing,62.—Stomach in General. Painful distension of the pit of the stomach,90.—Stomach distended, meteoric/55.—[970.] Stomach distended and painful to touch/9.f—Acute throbbing, with visible rising and sinking, rhythmical with the pulse, of the full stomach, while lying down, after dinner; it made lying on the back intolerable; was obliged to rise and walk about, after which it gradually disappeared (thirteenth day)/15.— Fulness of the stomach,50.—Rumbling in the stomach and abdomen (sev- enth day),235.—Complains of tenderness and pressure in the epigastric re- gion, and says she feels a pain there on inspiration (third day)/55.—Great f Revised by Hughes. 204 OPIUM. tenderness on pressure at the epigastrium (after five days)/01.—Stomach hot, and painful on the slightest pressure/55.—The stomach would not tol- erate more than a quart a week/81.—The stomach is insensible to emetics/7. —Considerable indigestion, after an early dinner, at 1.30 (after six hours)/29. —[980.] Digestion becomes much impaired/32.—Slow digestion,98.—Makes digestion slow and diminishes the appetite/7.—Disturbs digestion; causes in the stomach a sensation of heaviness and compression, and an indescrib- able distress in the pit of the stomach/3.—Causes weakness of the stom- ach,1 40.—* Accumulation of flatus in the stomach and intestines?1.—Sensation of emptiness iu the stomach, not relieved by a glass of water ; this distress- ing sensation was relieved for about twenty minutes after breakfast, but it was renewed and continued with only slight interruptions during the whole day, though I ate frequently (fifth day)/13*.—Uncomfortable feeling in the stomach, somewhat like that after a purge, extending into the ileum, but not causing actual colic (after ^ drop),109.—Sensation of streaming warmth, commencing in the epigastric region and extending over the whole body (third day)/13.—Coldness in the stomach (fifth day)/35.—[990.] "Feeling of constriction in the stomach, with constipation?10*.—Sensation of constriction in the stomach (first day)/35.—[Contractive pain in the stomach, which was intolerable, and changed to deathly anxiety]/9.f—Griping in the epigastric region (second and ninth days)/35.—Sudden pressure in the stomach and compression of the diaphragm/7*.—Great anxiety and pressure in the pit of the stomach,123.—Violent pressure in the epigastric region, immediately after eating, relieved by walking about/.—Violent pressure in the stomach, immediately/8.—Extremely distressing pressure above the stomach, after dinner, as though he had eaten too much or too hard food ; these symp- toms relieved by moving about in the open air/.—*Distressing pressure and cutting in the epigastric region and lower down in the abdomen, with dulness of the head, especially in the frontal and temporal region (after 8 drops); during this the pulse was rather slower and weaker than usual/05.—[1000.] Pressure in the region of the stomach (one hour after 6 drops),105.—A pres- sive sensation in the stomach, as if caused by slow digestion/17.—Pressure in the stomach, as if a stone were lying in it (after two hours)/.—Pressure in the stomach/9; (two minutes after \ drop, and a quarter of an hour after 1 drop)/08120; (ninth day)/35.—Pressive pain in the stomach (tenth day)/35. —* Violent cutting in the epigastric and umbilical regions (a few minutes after 2 drops)/07.—"Painful sensation in the epigastrium (second day)/55.— Incessant gnawing pain in the stomach when its effect is off/32.—"Extremely violent pain in the stomach?8; (seventh day),235.—"Pain in the stomach (sec- ond day)/35.—[1010.] Pain and sensation of tightness across epigastrium (secoud day)/61.—"Pain in stomach, increased by pressure (third day)/61.— Pain in the stomach when she attempts to turn in bed or take any food, which "seems to lodge, and when it goes off the pain is increased for nearly half an hour" (after five days)/55. Abdomen.—Hypochondria. Pain in the hypochondria, espe- cially in the right/8.—Pressive pain in the left hypochondrium/16.—Painful sensations in the region of the spleen and the back; also affecting the thorax (after 1 drop)/08.— Umbilicus and Sides. Colic in the region of the umbilicus, followed after a few hours by a diarrhoea-like stool (after f From Opium taken immediately after dinner.—Hahnemann. Add to Hah- nemann's note: Young's statement is that a man took this dose " after a plentiful supper and load of liquor." Bracket the symptom.—Hughes. OPIUM. 205 8 drops)/00.—Acute cutting pain in the region of the umbilicus, soon fol- lowed by desire for stool, with an evacuation that was not hard (after 3 drops),106.—Dull pressive pain in the umbilical region (seventh day),235.— Pain in the umbilical region caused by slight pressure (fifth day)/35.— [1020.] Sensation as of a weight in the abdomen, in the umbilical region, with anxiety; sensation of flushes of internal heat, and stupefaction of the head (after one hour)/.—Stitches in the left side of the abdomen, even when not breathing (after three hours)/.—Stitch in the left flank (fifth day)/35.—General Abdomen. The abdomen became distended, espe- cially in the umbilical region/1.—"Abdomen distended?190190; (after 2 drops)/08; (after forty-eight hours)/67. — "Abdomen distended, tympanitic (fifth day)/35.—"Abdomen tense, distended?51.—Abdomen very hard and tense/99.—Abdomen hard/55.—"Abdomen hardswollen and sensitive to touch?80. —[1030.] "Rumbling in the abdomen (fifth day)/36.—Rumbling and moving about in the intestines (second day)/35.—"Rumbling in the abdomen and griping in the intestines (first day)/35.—Rumbling in the abdomen, with emission of flatus/11.—Rumbling, gurgling, and griping in the bowels, with- out emission of flatus/16.—Rumbling and moving about in the abdomen (after ten minutes)/12.—Rumbling and gurgling in the transverse colon, followed by urgent desire for stool, which could be restrained only with extreme difficulty; this was followed by a copious watery evacuation, ac- companied by much flatus, that passed suddenly and with much noise, and was followed by burning in the rectum, which lasted several minutes, at midnight (fourth day)/10.—Grumbling motions within the bowels (within an hour)/33.—Grumbling and contraction of the bowels (after one hour), (one case)/34.—"Grumbling and slight pain in the abdomen (one case)/34.— [1040.] Flatulence in the abdomen, increasing from noon till evening, without the evacuation of either gas or faeces, though late in the evening there was an evacuation that was scanty and not hard, aud accomplished with great effort (after 3 drops)/06.—Flatulence (after twenty-five min- utes)/29.—Emission of flatus difficult (tenth day)/35.—Emission of much very offensive flatus at night (after 3 drops)/06.—Emission of much flatus after eating/19.—Emission of flatus (seventh day)/18.—Emission of very offensive flatus/17.—Frequent emission of flatus (after twenty-four hours)/ ; (fifth day)/10.—Causes constant accumulation of flatus/590.—* Colic (after 1 drop)/07.—[1050.] "Transient, very violent colic (fifth day)/35.—Colic, lasting half an hour, with desire for stool, relieved by a soft evacuation, followed by weariness, with yawning (after 4 drops)/03.—Some colic, fol- lowed by a diarrhcea-like stool in the morning (after 6 drops the previous night)/00.—Drawing colic,62.—Colic as frora taking cold/.—Colic consisting of simple pain, as if bruised (after two hours)/.—Colic, as after a purge (after half an hour)/.—Colic before and after a stool/.—Slight colic (second day),235.—Slight, persistent colic (first day)/35.—[1060.] *Violent griping in the abdomen (ninth day)/35.—"Griping in the upper abdomen?12.— *Griping in the abdomen, with constipation/16.—Griping in the abdomen the whole afternoon/12.—"Griping in the abdomen (third day),235.—Some- times gripings and a strong contraction of the intestines (after 2 or 3 grains)/30.—Grripings, lasting the remainder of the day (after two hours), (in two cases),132.—Griping and pinching in the abdomen, followed by the emission of an enormous quantity of odorless flatus through the night, and also eructations of gas (first day)/1Ea.—A tumblerful of warm milk, drank directly after it came from the cow, took the gripings away instanta- neously/30.—*Cutting in the abdomen (after 2 drops)/08.—[1070.] Throb- 206 OPIUM. bing in the abdomen/.—Abdomen heavy(second morning after 2drops)/07.— Disagreeable feeling of fulness and tension in the abdomen, without any emission of flatus (first day)/15.—Feeling of tension and fulness in the whole abdomen, especially in the upper portion (fifth day)/10.—Tension and a feeling of fulness in the abdomen, as though the clothes were too tight, continuing for some three weeks after the proving/10*.—"Tension in the abdomen?103-—"Abdomen tense and painful?9.—Sensation of distension of the abdomen, and especially of the stomach/.—"Tensive and pressive pain in the abdomen (after twenty-four hours)/.—Pressure and heaviness in the abdomen, as from a stone/3.—[1080.] Pressure and pressive distension of the abdomen, even to bursting; better on moving about; on sitting the pressure returns (after two hours)/.—Pressure in the abdomen (third day)/35.— Dull pressive pain in the abdomen (sixth day)/35.—Pressive pain in the abdomen,2358.—*Pressive pain in the abdomen, as if the intes- tines would be cut to pieces,52.—"Pain in the abdomen (after one hour)/27.— The intestines seemed paralyzed/3/)"—"It renders the intestinal canal so exceedingly sluggish that the most active purgatives lose their power?86.—* Ten- sion in the hypogastric region, that is extremely painful to touch (after twenty- four hours)/8. Eectum and Anus. Pressive pain in the rectum as from hsemor- rhoidal congestion, aggravated by touching the anus/19.—[1090.] Sen- sation as if the passage through the rectum were closed on making exertion at stool/.—Sensation as though the anus were suddenly and spas- modically constricted; not relieved by making an effort, as in urging to stool; external touch caused the most acute burning pain; this sensation lasted about ten minutes, disappeared gradually, but was renewed upon every touch (first day)/13.—Excessive pressing distending pain in the rec- tum (after four, and six hours)/.—"Anus spasmodically closed during the colics, with very difficult emission of flatus (ninth day),235.—Spasmodic closure of the anus (eighth and previous days)/35.—Persistent tickling in the anus, ending with itching (second day)/13. — Increased ineffectual efforts to evacuate the bowels (after 1 drop)/09.—Dulness or difficulty of evacua- tion/8.!—Two or three evacuations of the bowels, with unusual desire fol- lowing the first dose (1 drop) ; after 2 drops the bowel seemed indolent and as if it could not evacuate its contents; in the evening there was an evacuation, not hard/06. Stool.—Diarrhoea. "Persistent diarrhoza; the discharges are not frequent, four or five times in twenty-four hours, whitish, pasty, and causing excessive burning in the anus, that frequently lasts a quarter of an hour after the movement (after twelve to twenty-four hours),195.—[1100.] Diarrhoea comes on, relieved only by fresh indulgence, and dysentery sometimes super- venes/32.—Bilious diarrhoea, attended with severe pain extending from the right hypochondrium to the umbilicus (third day)/84.—Diarrhcea for two days (after sixteen days),155.—Watery diarrhcea/5.§—Opium causes diarrhoea at times (secondary action)/1.—Evacuations passed involuntarily,286.—"In- voluntary evacuation of stool and urine?*9 341.—Slight diarrhoea (third day)/78. —Occasional diarrhcea,318.—Bowels slightly relaxed/81.—[1110.] The bowels, which are usually costive, became freer, continuing so for many days/30.— Diarrhoea-like stool, preceded by colic (after eighteen hours)/00.—Diar- rhoea-like stool in the afternoon (after 6 drops taken in the morning)/00.— Diarrhcea-like evacuation of the bowels, preceded by colic (after 12 drops)/00. f Original revised by Hughes. J Ibid. \ As soon as she took Opium for toothache.—Hahnemann. OPIUM. 207 —The first part of the stool hard and difficult, the last part diarrhcea-like (after about a week); two days after he was awakened about 5 a.m. by necessity to go to stool, followed by a copious, pasty, dark-colored, almost odorless evacuation, without pain/19.—Stool iu the morning, followed by a second after eating, and again after an hour (third day) ; in the evening (fifth day) ; followed by constipation/18.—Thin stool/20.—Stool thin, frothy, profuse, followed by great relief (second morning)/15*.—Three thin stools, with some dragging and burning in the anus, in the evening (fourth day)/15*.—Very thin stool in the evening (third day)/15a.—[1120.] A thin liquid stool (after 20 drops of the tincture, after taking the drug for nearly two weeks) ; on the next day there were four diarrhcea-like stools, which seemed to end the proving,116*.—Two liquid stools, one at 9 and another at 12 p.m., always associated with some griping colic (subsequent to the prov- ing)/201'.—Thin liquid stool about midnight (after about two weeks) ; this was followed by frequent thin stools, sometimes three daily, without pain and of a whitish color/20*.—Thin frothy stool, with itching burning iu the anus and violent tenesmus/8.—Pasty evacuation of the bowels (immediately, or within a quarter of an hour)/.—Stool tenacious, gluey, yellowish-brown and of a mouldy odor, at 8 a.m., followed about 2.30 p.m. by a second pasty evacuation of a similar color and odor, preceded by griping about the navel (fifth day)/10.—Faeces softer than usual (after 3 drops)/00.—Pasty evacuation (second day after 4 drops)/03.—Evacuation of a blackish sub- stance with the stool (after twenty-four hours)/8.—Stool increased/4.— [1130.] Stool excessively offensive?8.—Constipation. * Constipation/16 120b 132152. (sec0nd day)/59290, etc.—Almost constant constipation,90.—"Con- stant retention of stool and constipation?0.—* Almost unconquerable chronic constipation,93.—* Constipation for six or eight weeks, with loss of appe- tite ; evacuation consisting of small, hard pieces, accomplished only by means of clysters,52.—* Constipation, not more than one motion occurring in a week?'1'1.—"Constipation for several months,90.—"Complete constipation for two days (after eleven days)/15.—Constipation for ten days, ending with death/3.—[1140.] Constipation for some days afterwards,155.—Complete constipation (second day after 18 drops)/00.—"Constipation during the afternoon; only about 10 p.m. was it possible to expel the hard evacuation (after 2 drops)/09.—No stool (first and second days)/10*.—Has hardly one evacuation of the bowels in a week/92.—No evacuation of the bowels, con- trary to habit (first day)/58.—Evacuation of the bowels aud micturition in- terrupted/4.—Stool infrequent,67.—Stool retained (after forty-eight hours)/67. —*No stool in the morning (though he usually had two in the morning) ; in the evening there occurred an unsatisfactory, rather hard stool (second day)/15.—[1150.] "Evacuation of the bowels retarded?.—Stool more difficult than usual/19*.—Stool indolent through the proving/13.—The evacuations became more indolentandscanty (from the first few doses)/02.—Stool (usually regular) generally occurring in the morning, but was delayed till 6 p.m., when it was evacuated with great exertion, not hard, rather tenacious, dark-brown, and having an offensive mouldy smell (second day)/10.—Reten- tion of stool (first and second days); sudden desire for a stool that was, however, soft (third day) ; pasty, unsatisfactory stool (fourth day)/14.—The stool, that was usually regular, was omitted (first, second, third, and fourth days); only accomplished with much pressure (sixth day)/13*.—The evac- uation of the bowels seemed rather harder than usual/01.— "Stool hard, preceded by griping in the abdomen and flatulence?.—"Stool hard, gray (second day)/35.—[1160.] "Stool very hard (fourth day)/35.—"Stool hard and 208 OPIUM. crumbly,™*; (ninth day)/35.—Stool hard, evacuated only with difficulty, for six days/.—Stool consisting of small hard nodules, with labor-like pains, as in childbirth,90.—*Stool hard, dark-brown (third day)/10*.—Stool hard, scanty, evacuated with effort/15.—"Stool unsatisfactory and hard?201.— "Stool very offensive (after twenty hours)/. Urinary Organs.—Kidneys and Bladder. Among affec- tions of the kidney's Bright's disease is not uncommon/32.—A kind of tenes- mus in the bladder; when beginning to urinate he was always obliged to wait a long time on account of twitching of the sphincter vesicae; this symptom always occurred on urinating/19.—[1170.] *The bladder became distended, but not having power to expel its contents, a catheter was introduced and gave great relief (second day); great pain and difficulty in expelling urine, and also pain in the bladder when it becomes distended (third day) ; passes a small quantity of urine at a time, with difficulty and pain (fifth day); micturition still painful, and accompanied by a sensation of bearing down (tenth day); pain and difficulty in voiding urine are increased, and from straining in the attempt has forced her womb down, which gives much additional pain (fourteenth day) ; had received a kick in hypogastric region some time ago, and had difficulty in passing urine at different times since/53.—*It weakens the expulsive power of the blad- der,40*.— Urethra. Some spasm on urinating in the morning; on the two following days there was acute constriction of the urethra as far as the bladder; after urinating the pain gradually disappeared ; on the third day blood was passed with the urine; this continued three days, then grad- ually disappeared; the spasmodic constriction of the urethra continued, after which it gradually disappeared/11/]"—" The patient complained of pain as from need to urinate without being able to accomplish it?30.—Sensation on evacuating urine as if the passage through the urethra were closed/.— 3Iicturition. Frequent involuntary micturition,267.—Emission of urine violent (after second day),155.—Desire to urinate, with difficult discharge (ninth day)/35. — Micturition much more frequent than usual, always scanty, and evacuated easily/35*.—Micturition difficult/32132; (one case),133.— [1180.] Difficult micturition on waking frora a nap (tenth day)/35.—"Diffi- cult evacuation of urine with a full bladder, on account of cramp in the sphincter vesica,; even after much urine began to pass the full stream was at times interrupted; this continued all day?193:—Dysuria, as if the urinary pas- sages were cfosed (tenth day)/35.—Dysuria, with frequent involuntary in- terruptions in the stream of urine (after 4 to 6 grains)/30.—Strangury soou made its appearance with the usual symptoms, viz., a frequent and urgent desire to micturate, but without being able to gratify it; burning and cut- ting pains at the neck of the bladder ; cutting pains also along ureters and urethra, and accompanied with some tenesmus. This condition compelled me to introduce the catheter for four successive days, when, in consequence of the system being under mercurial influence, I desisted from further treatment. But a return of the disease being threatened, I resumed the former treatment, which was again followed by the strangury. I suspended each remedy in succession, but the strangury continued until the Opium was at last suspended. After this the strangury ceased in twenty-four hours, but again recurred on again exhibiting the Opium/60.—It was not f There was no visible alteration in the orifice of the urethra, except a very slight redness or irritation. Had never experienced such urinary symptoms before in my whole life. —Bresslauer. OPIUM. 209 till several hours elapsed that he was able to empty his bladder, although he had made several attempts; urine very high-colored (after fifteen hours)/07.—"Could evacuate urine only after long exertion?0.—Involuntary interruption of the stream of urine/6.—"Frequent interruption of the stream of urine, which commences to flow after waiting a long time, on account of a cramp in the sphincter vesicae?19*.—Retention of urine, with very dry mouth and increased thirst/2.—[1190.] * Retention of urine,49 62.—"Retention of urine, so that he was always obliged to use the catheter; the urine passed during twenty-four hours amounted to 190 c. c, containing 31.317 grams of urea ; 6.570 grams of phosphates ; 8.979 grams of chlorides (third day)/7.—He did not succeed in making water until after twelve hours, and not before he had made several efforts in vain, and he then perceived a burning in the urethra, and frequent interruptions in the stream of urine/34.—Evacuations of urine suppressed/3 54 67.—Opium at times sup- presses the urine; at times increases it/7.—"Opium restrains the evacuation of urine?1.—No uriue had been passed (second day),284 m 292.—No passage of urine or faeces/52.—There had been no urine since the attack ; the place of the bladder was occupied by a round, hard tumor, which was supposed to depend upon urine; about half a pint of urine was now passed (after seventeen hours)/47.—Had not passed any urine since he took the poison (after three hours)/80.—[1200.] The patient passed no urine throughout the day, aud at night only after long exertion/55.—Has not passed any water since yesterday afternoon (fifth day) ; much pain in making water, which is scanty (seventh day)/01.— Urine. Great secretion of urine/68.—Increased secretion of urine (fourth day)/15* 119119*.—Secretion of urine increased dur- ing the night (from fourth to fifth day)/13*.—It stimulates the secretion of urine/7 98.—Copious emission of urine in the afternoon (first day)/10*.— Evacuation of a large quantity of urine after midnight (first night); also on waking (second morning)/10*.—Urine greatly increased in quantity, out of all proportion to the amount of liquid taken ; this continued for several days/10*.—Urine very copious, pale-yellow, in the evening (first day); very copious at noon, 4.30 p.m., and about midnight (second day)/10*.—[1210.] Urine of normal color, but of remarkable odor, that I could compare to noth- ing, in the evening (second day),110.—Urine brown, covered with an iridescent film (after 4 drops)/03.—A turbid, mucous urine is discharged with unusual frequency, the result sometimes of vesical, sometimes of renal disease/32.— Urine turbid and dark-colored (after six days),116.—Urine very turbid and dark red, frothy, depositing a yellowish-red, slimy sediment (eleventh day),115.—Urine scanty, turbid, lemon-yellow/50.— Urine very dark, de- positing a sediment,62.— Urine dark-colored/7.— Urine dark and tongue dry,99.—The urine has a brickdust sediment/6.—[1220.] He passed very little urine, and that of a dark-red color, accompanied by cutting pains/2.— Urine lemon-yellow, with much sediment/8.—Intolerable odor to the urine (after two days)/55.—* Urine very scanty, very red, with clouds?2.—Bloody urine/3.—The urine, after taking Opium, contained raore water than usual; the earthy phosphates, especially the phosphates of lime, were diminished; the phosphates of magnesia were somewhat diminished, but not so much so as the phosphates of lime ; soon after ceasing to take Opium the secretion of urine increased; and even on the next day, after taking the solid con- stituents, the urea and inorganic salts were decidedly increased/34.— VOL. VII.—14 210 OPIUM. Urine. Amount, . Water, Solid constituents, Urea, Uric acid,. Inorganic salts,. Phosphates, Phosphate of lime, Phosphate of magnesia, Volatile salts and extractives, Urine. Amount, . "Water, Solid constituents, Urea, Uric acid,. Inorganic salts, Phosphates, Phosphate of lime, Phosphate of magnesia, Volatile salts and extract Normal. While taking Opium 1485 900 1637.500 1435.387 1590 039 50.513 47.461 11.693 11.059 0.091 0.000 23.906 21 986 1.113 0.547 0.726 0.334 0.387 0.213 14.823 14.416—i35. First five days. Second five days. 1691.600 1583.400 1642.842 1537.237 48.758 46.163 10.197 11.921 0.000 0.000 24.313 19.658 0 618 0.476 0.388 0.280 0.230 0.196 14.248 14 584—*». Sexual Organs.—In both sexes the procreative power is greatly lessened, and in those women who, nevertheless, do bear children the secretion of milk is defective. The influence of the habit on the generative functions is, indeed, so decided that, were it not for fresh arrivals from China and other parts of the East, the population of Singapore would very soon be seriously diminished,232.—The sexual organs, at first preternaturally excitable, gradually lose their tone/32.—[1230.] All opium-sraokers become impotent at a much earlier period of life than others/12.—Male. Cutting pain in genitals when passing water (after seven days),155.—Male impo- tency/5 75.—Impotency/6 X—Gradu impotentise (after 4 to 6 grains)/30.— Excessive erections/4.—Violent erections (after two hours and a half)/12.— Frequent erections in sleep, at night/19.—Erections during sleep, and after waking, impotency,81.—Erection during sleep, and after waking, complete impotency/4.—[1240.] It excites sexual desire, with erections, emissions, and lascivious dreams,67. — Amorous ecstasy; erections for twenty-four hours ; lascivious dreams ; nightly emissions,90.—Excitement of sexual de- sire ; erections; nightly emissions/7.—Nightly emissions (first night)/.— Amorous fancies ; emissions at night/5.—Excitement of sexual desire/ 95.— Immoderate lasciviousness/9.—It is considered to enervate and weaken sexual desire,95.—In some, excitement; in others, diminution of sexual de- sire,80.—No inclination for coition during the whole proving,235*.—[1250.] Sexual desire indolent/6.—It cools the desire for coition/5.—Female. A mucous discharge begins to flow from the organs of generation/32.—The uterus is so soft that the movements of the child can be felt externally/9.f— Excessive labor-like pains in the uterus, that oblige her to bend the abdo- raen together, with an anxious, almost ineffectual desire for stool (after a quarter of an hour)/.—The movements of the foetus in utero were violently painful; sometimes omitting for several hours, then returning more violent f Coincident with a general paralyzed state.—Hughes. Original revised by Hughes. OPIUM. 211 than ever,69.—Menstruation increased (after two hours)/.—Menstruation appeared out of the regular order (second day)/03.—While she continued using the Opium daily her catamenia did not appear; but, on forsaking the drug for a month or two, she becomes "regular" without any emmcn- agogue,218.—Catamenia did uot appear during these five years, but after- wards the onychia was cured by an operation, and every month since the menses have punctually appeared without the aid of any medicine/17.— [1260.] Catamenia did not appear after taking the Opium, notwithstand- ing she had been perfectly regular uutil then/16.—Her catamenia, which had been regular, have never since appeared (after five years)/15.—(Opium did not disturb the regularity of the menses, though it had been used daily for thirty years, in doses as large as a drachm and over, for extremely painful and spasmodic attacks)/2. Respiratory Organs.—Spasms of the respiratory muscles at times,268.—La rynx. " Tickling in the larynx, with violent dry racking cough, lasting ten minutes; both the dryness and cough relieved by a glass of water; they, however, returned after a quarter of an hour, with so great violence that tears came to the eyes; again relieved by drinking water, after which he fell asleep for over two hours, and was again awakened by paroxysms of cough, which, however, were less violent and accompanied by some expectoration of mucus, at 3 a.m. (after five hours and a half). Tickling in the larynx, causing dry cough, which lasted more than six minutes, with lachryma- tion, relieved by drinking water (this cough was the same as that which woke him from sleep at 3.45 a.m), (after 3.15 p.m., second day). "Tick- ling in the larynx and dry cough, soon after 2 a.m., that ceased after five or six minutes, without drinking water (second night). Dry cough, with tick- ling and scraping in the larynx woke me at 3 a.m. ; this time it lasted scarcely five minutes (fourth night)/10.—JBronchi. Bronchial irritation and expectoration (after eight hours')/25.— Voice. Voice harsh and hol- low/60.—Voice deep and harsh/66.—Voice gruff,162.—Voice quivering/32.— [1270.] Extreme hoarseness/9.—Hoarseness," 189.—Hoarseness, with a very dry mouth and white tongue,38.—Hoarseness, as if caused by mucus in the trachea,1.— Cough and Expectoration. Paroxysms of violent dry cough, followed by yawning and a sudden loud cry (after thirty-six hours),1. —"Dry cough, with tickling and scraping in the larynx, woke him from sleep very early in the morning (second day)/10*.—Cough hollow, very dry, im- mediately after a dose, soon disappearing/.—Cough on swallowing/1.— Cough caused by swallowing a liquid/1.—Cough aggravated after eating/. —[1280.] During the whole period of years through which I had taken Opium, I had never once caught cold, not even the slightest cough, but now a violent cold attacked me, and a cough soon after/31.—"Cough, with scanty tenacious expectoration, with much rattling in the chest (fifth day),267.— Expectoration of large quantities of mucus and pus,162.—Constant expec- toration of mucus/62.—Expectorates frothy mucus/2.—Expectoration of thick bloody mucus,62.—Expectoration of blood,99.—It restrains the ex- pectoration of blood and evacuation of stool/9.—Rapid respiration/2; (first day)/35.—Hespiration. Sensation of choking (after fifteen minutes)/91. —[1290.] Respiration 34 in a minute, slightly stertorous, with inspi- ration of a stridulous character (after two hours),256.—Respiration rapid, difficult/7.—Respiration rapid, oppressed, anxious/8.—Rapid and anxious respiration (after five or six hours)/94.—Breathing became more frequent,206. —Breathed hurriedly (after half an hour)/55.—*Frequent involuntary deep breathing/11.—Breathing oppressed/32.—Great obstruction to the 212 OPIUM. breathing/65.—Embarrassed respiration, which soon amounted to an agony, without the least symptom of narcotism ; much the same sensation was pro- duced by each inspiration experienced by the inhalation of pure nitrogen gas, the air seeming to leave the lungs without having performed its func- tions, there being at the same time a sense of dryness in the fauces and larynx/33.—[1300.] Breathing very considerably embarrassed, the inspi- rations and expirations being separated by an unusually long interval, and accompanied by slight rattling/97.—Deep, hurried respiration/46.—Respira- tion moderately disturbed, rather frequent and anxious,'82.—Oppressed res- piration/71 ; (after seven hours)/25.—Respiration difficult and rattling/90.— Great difficulty in breathing/16.—Breathing difficult, and was performed with intervals of half a minute at least betweeu each respiration (after four hours)/19.—Breathing difficult (after half an hour); stertorous, six in a minute (after six hours and a quarter)/78.—Straitened, difficult breath- ing,47b.t—Difficult respiration/1.4:—[1310.] Breathing short/90.—"Respira- tion laborious and drawn at long intervals?''9.—Breathing laborious, at times stertorous, at others accompanied with a distinct stridor (after eight hours)/25.—"Respiration difficult, oppressed, especially at night?.—Respira- tion difficult, impeded,92.—Respiration became difficult, as if the pectoral muscles were tense (fifth day),118.—On awaking, breathing heavy and op- pressed/06.—"Breathing laborious (after six hours)/27; (after one hour)/76 316. —Respiration difficult,90; (after one hour)/51269.—Respiration anxious/'3.— [1320.] Impeded respiration, dyspnoea/6.—Respiration interrupted/.—He suddenly became blue in the face and tried to cough, but had no breath (suffocative catarrh), followed by deep sleep, with cold sweat over the whole body (after thirty hours)/.—Attacks of suffocation during sleep (night- mare)/.—Attacks of suffocation/90.—Complete apoplectic respiration (after three hours); the apoplectic respiration nearly suspended (after eight hours)/45.—Excessive dyspnoea (after four hours)/36.—Dyspnoea (fourth day)/67.—Dyspnoea, as if threatened by stitch in the side, and tension in the scapulae/8.—Asthma,".§—[1330.] Breathing gradually becoming heavy and oppressed; stertorous (after six hours and a quarter); respiration 6 (after nine hours) ; 8, no stertor (after nine hours and a half) ; 8, attended with a soft sighing moan (after eleven hours) ; 11 (after twelve hours and a quarter) ; 12 (after twenty-nine hours)/78.—Breathing regular, but deeper and slower than usual/42.—Respiration very deep and sonorous (after three hours and a half)/45.—"Respiration loud, difficult, rattling?1.—Respiration loud, difficult/6.—Respiration loud, heavy/6.||—Breathing somewhat loud and slow (after eleven hours)/33.—* Respirations long and sighing/6.—Un- usual sound of respiration/22.—Loud breathing, soon,225.—[1340.] *Deepand frequent sighing/47.—Snoring loudly/43.—*Snoring respiration,31; (after one hour and a half)/18.—Snoring on expiration during sleep/.—"Respira- tion rattling (after six hours)/24.—Deep heavy respiration/1.—"Deep stertor- ous breathing?1; (after seven hours)/49.—Respiration moaning, deep, ster- torous/49.—*Stertorous respiration/44156198, etc.—Respirations stertorous (after five hours); hurried (after seven hours and a half)/07.—[1350.] Stertorous breathing; respiration from 6 to 8 (after two hours and twenty minutes)/93.—Respiration stertorous, 10 per minute (after five hours)/41.— Respirations 11, stertorous (after five hours and twenty minutes)/09.—Res- piration 12, stertorous (after three hours and a half)/97.—Respiration 14, f Original revised by Hughes. J Omit anxiety.—Hughes. \ Original revised by Hughes. || Not found. — Htjuhes. OPIUM. 213 stertorous/95; (after seven hours),296.—Respiration 20, stertorous (after three hours) ; slow (after four hours),300.—Rapid stertorous breathing (after eight hours)/15.—Stertorous breathing; occasionally there was such an impedi- ment in the respiration that the face became livid, and the child appar- ently dead/14.—Breathing stertorous, and accompanied by hiccough (after fifteen minutes).208.—Breathing stertorous and embarrassed (after twenty hours)/26.—[1360.] Respiration stertorous, with a mucous rattle from the throat (after six hours and three-quarters)/06.—Respiration stertorous, noisy/02.—"Respiration slow and stertorous?*; (after two hours and a half)/8; (after six hours and a half)/34, etc.—"Respiration slow and stertorous, very slow?**.—"Deep, slow, stertorous, puffing respiration?'19.—Breathing slow and stertorous (after thirty minutes) ; very laborious, each inspiration giving a long struggling sound ; it would draw four inspirations, at the rate of 16 per minute, and then cease to inhale about thirty seconds, when the four inspira- tions would again be drawn; on the fourth inspiration a general spasm of the the muscles would seize it (after three hours) ; after remedies it breathed con- tinuously, but with great difficulty, at the rate of thirty inspirations to the minute, for twenty minutes (after six hours) ; after this it would draw only three respirations at the rate of 12 to the minute, when spasms would occur, and the suspensions of breathing become longer. At the tenth hour it drew but two inspirations together about twelve seconds apart, and then suspended for nearly a minute; it continued to labor for breath in this way until the end of the eleventh hour, when it died/29.-—Respiration slow, irregular, and ster- torous (after three hours aud a half ),288.—Respiration slow, laborious, stertor- ous, and very irregular ; sometimes more than a minute would intervene be- tween the respirations, when inspiration would suddenly occur, accompanied with a loud and disagreeable snore (after one hour and a half)/57.—"Breath- ing irregular, slow, and stertorous, respirations eight in the minute (after seven hours),"8.—Breathing labored and stertorous (afterfour hours and a half)/59. —[1370.] Breathing very irregular, with stertor (after four hours)/75.— Respiration stertorous and difficult/11.—Respiration 12, slightly stertorous (after five hours)/03.—Respiration slightly stertorous (after three hours)/98301. —Occasional stertorous breathing/22.—Respiration sobbiug, interrupted/.— "Respiration moaning, slow (after four hours),68.—Loud breathing and convulsion; his hands clenched, and his teeth firmly set; breathing ster- torous after the convulsion passed off (after six hours)/89.—Respiration deep, difficult, interrupted during the convulsions/51.—Frequent deep in- spirations, with convulsive motions of the jaw/55.— [1380.] He breathed convulsively for ten times in a minute, then did not breathe for a minute (after seven or eight hours)/89.—Gets his breath with great exertion and anxiety, with open mouth/8.—Respiration short aud rattling, from time to time stopping entirely for half a minute/3, f—Respiration rattling, slow, and irregular,267.—Iu some, difficulty of breathing is a prominent symptom, increasing gradually to an urgent sense of suffocation, and de- pending generally on oedema of the lungs or effusion into the pleural sac/32. —Breathing slow aud labored from the amount of mucous secretion accu- mulated in the bronchi, which caused a noise equal and in all respects simi- lar to that of the "death rattle,"335.—Complete apoplectic respiration (after three hours)/35.—Respiration irregular (after four hours)/36266; (third day),267 277 332.—Respiration quiet, at times associated with a kind of grunt/50. —At times some single deep respirations, at other times arrest of breathing f "Schnarchendes " is "rochelnden " in the original.—Hughes. 214 OPIUM. for some minutes/.—[1390.] Respiration irregular, threatening suffoca- tion/8.—Respiration oppressed, not only difficult, but also irregular/8.— Respiration at one time stertorous and loud, at another heavy and very weak/7.—Breathing very irregular (after eleven hours),240.—Breathing very irregular, with a tendency to become weaker at every moment, occasionally ceasing altogether, until again awakened by artificial means,284.—Respira- tion ceases ; for five minutes he seems dead ; then short sudden gasps, as if he would hiccough/3.—Respiration very variable, and often only 5 per minute/87.—Respiration variable, occasionally full and deep, then ceasing for a time/22.—Respiration became less laborious, followed by copious per- spiration/46.—Respiration is arrested for a minute at a time, then recom- mences with a deep sigh/X—[1400.] Respiration three or four timesin a minute, with sighing/88.—Respiration three or four times per minute ^jerk- ing, and somewhat stertorous,242.—Respiration not quite four to the minute, obstructed by accumulation of mucus (after fifteen hours) ; later a bloody mucus bubbled out of the nostrils, on turning him upon the right side,263. —Respiration slow (after one hour) ; but four to the minute, the intervals between the inspirations irregular, and each time we had to resort to shak- ing and slapping the patient to provoke the automatic action of the respi- ratory muscles, and to raising him suddenly to the sitting posture, for the same object (after five hours),263.—Breathing slow and heavy, but not ster- torous,284.—Respirations four or five per minute (after eight hours)/13.—Res- pirations not quite seven per minute/*2.—Respiration eight per minute/94.— Respiration slow/; (after one hour)/80 204; (after half an hour)/27.—Respira- tion very slow/86 338.—[1410.] Respiration constantly shorter and shorter,81.— Respiration slow, difficult, stertorous,30.—Respiration slow, with from time to time a deep inspiration,292.—Respiration constantly less and less frequent till death/1.—"Respiration slow, sighing?39150.—Respiration slow and sonor- ous (after five hours and a half)/43.—Respiration slow and embarrassed,168. —Respiration slow, interrupted, attended with occasional moaning,238.— "Respiration slow, now and then moaning (after forty-eight hours)/67.— Breathing slow, laborious, and accompanied with a loud mucous rhonchus (after eighteen hours)/26.—[1420.] Breathing slow and laborious/72; (after two hours)/75274.—Respiration slow, being about 20, deep drawn/83.— Breathing less frequent than natural, but without any stertor (after four hours)/01.—Extraordinarily slow respiration, with thready pulse, 110, re- mained after the poisoning/53.—Respiration slow, but otherwise natural (after one hour)/54.—Respiration slow, almost imperceptible (after two hours)/84.—Breathing slow, almost imperceptible, and suspended at inter- vals/39.—Respiration rare (after one hour and a half)/00.—Breathing very shallow, both chest aud abdomen being almost immovable (after twelve hours)/83.—Respiration shallow/81; (after a quarter of an hour)/82.—[1430.] Respiration very imperfectly carried on, being; scarcely perceptible, and occasionally slightly stertorous (after six hours)/07.—Respiration interrupted (after half an hour)/46.—Respiration exceedingly weak,268.—By a casual observer, respiration would not have been discovered (after seventeen hours)/47.—Respiration scarcely perceptible/48340.—Breathing not percep- tible/73248.—Respiration imperceptible, at times with some noise,91.—Res- piration perfectly inaudible, and some attention necessary to perceive the motion of the ribs (after two hours and a half)/36.—Respiratory function suspended (after two hours)/50. f Kevised by Hughes. OPIUM. 215 Chest.— Lungs somewhat oppressed/35345.—[1440.] Oppression of the chest/03; (first, third, fifth, and seventh days)/35235a.— Indescribable op- pression in the chest/32.—Oppression of the cliest, making respiration diffi- cult, and lasting a quarter of an hour (after 12 drops)/00.—Anxiety, with contraction and tightness of the chest/2.—Heaviness in the ches't, with frequent need of taking a deep breath, with at times gasping for air; the clothes were too tight; the beat of the heart could not be felt (after two hours)/151.—Pressure in the thorax frequently occurring, causing hacking cough, which always relieved it for a short time (after 3 drops)/06.—Pain in the chest (fourth day)/67.—Violent pain in the chest (tenth day)/35 235\ —Very violent pain in the chest, lasting through the afternoon, and mak- ing respiration difficult (sixth day),235.—Pain in the chest, and a cough, which has continued ever since, five or six years (after the discontinuance of the drug)/77.—[1450.] Tensive pain beneath the short ribs, along the attachment of the diaphragm, while breathing/.—Constriction of the chest, as if it were stiff; difficult respiration/9.—Recurring stitches starting from within the thorax and extending outward, especially towards the right scapula (after 3 drops),106.—He feels heat in the chest (perceptible to him- self)/6.—Front and Sides. Constrictive (pinching) pain in the ster- num and back, felt on motion/.—Drawing-tearing pain in the side of the chest/.—Excessive pressive pain in the right side of the chest, even when not breathing, with stitches in the same side during inspiration (after one hour)/. Heart and Pulse.—Heart. Violent beating of the heart,155203.— Pulsations of heart accelerated (after fifteen minutes)/91.—Circulation in- creased in rapidity, with a sensation of heat,67.—[1460.] The imperfect and irregular action of the heart became now more alarming than ever, and was more so when in a reclining than in a sitting posture (after five hours),263. —Heart's sound exceedingly weak/68.—Heart's action healthy, but feeble, varying with the respiration/22.—Heart's action could not be felt,286.— Heart's action suspended/73.—Anxiety about the heart and restlessness (after two hours),99.f—Sensation of faintness and failing about the heart, seizing him as often as he was dropping asleep,"4—Burning, as from glow- ing coals, in the heart, so that she thought that she would die/2.—Painful stitch in the region of the heart (fourth day)/35.—Pulse. Pulse between 70 and 80, never above 84 ; in strength it was as remarkable for its healthy character as for its number (after seventeen hours)/47.—[1470.] Pulse regu- lar (after three hours); -102, weak (after fourteen hours),298.—Iu every in- stance the pulse has been quickened, and sometimes rendered sensibly fuller, in two or three minutes, e. g., from 66 to 68, and from 70 to 76; after a longer or shorter interval, e. g., in from five minutes to an hour, determined by the dose, the beats return to what they were at the beginning, and some- times afterwards descend a little below this; the manifest effect, in all these experiments, is increase of frequency, and often of fulness also,320.— Pulse accelerated, full, and hard/42.—Acceleration of the pulse by 10 beats (soon after 25 drops)/19.—Accelerated pulse/71213 216.—Pulse accelerated, somewhat excited, during the forenoon (after 1 drop)/08.—Pulse increased by 10 beats, large, and hard ; three hours after the dose it lost its fulness and hardness, and during the afternoon (after seven or eight hours) was not more rapid than before (after 2 drops)/06.—Pulse frequent, full/38.— t Constantly renewed doses of Opium was the only palliative, even then for only a short time.—Hahnemann. X Revised by Hughes. 216 OPIUM. Pulse contracted, hard, increased about 10 beats; this condition of the pulse disappeared after three hours, and in the afternoon the circulation was quite normal (after 3 drops)/06.—Pulse increased by_8 to 10 beats, rather full and hard (two hours after 2 drops)/07.—[1480.] Pulse 60 (be- fore taking); 68 (after forty-eight minutes); 72 (after one liour),113a.f— Pulse very rapid and weak (after eight hours)/15.—Pulse very small and rapid (after eleven hours)/33.—Pul«e rapid and feeble; could scarcely be felt; intermittent (after three hours)/80.—Pulse more rapid, but weaker than usual (after 6 drops)/05.—Pulse more rapid than usual, rather full aud hard (after 16 drops)/02.—Pulse rapid and unusually weak, with rapid anxious oppressed respiration (after several hours)/8.—Pulse rapid,267.— Rapid pulse, with headache,99.—Pulse hard, rapid, violent, with difficult impeded respiration,92.—[1490.] Pulse violent, rapid, hard, with dark-red face/2.—Pulse hard, large, frequent/55.—Pulse hard and rapid (after two hours)/12; (second day)/03.—Pulse rapid, small and hard/90.—Small quick pulse (after two hours and a half)/10.—Pulse quick/21; (after six hours)/24. —Pulse hard, regular/09150.—Pulse hard, contracted, not much more fre- quent than natural (after forty-eight hours)/67.—Pulse sharp (after four hours)/54.—Pulse quick and full (second and third days)/61.—[1500.] Pulse strong/.—Pulse large, soft, accelerated by 14 beats/19.—Pulse large, slow, with heavy deep respiration/1.—Pulse large, slow, with slow heavy stertor- ous respiration,30.—Pulse moderately full and slow/84.—Pulse full, of nearly normal frequency (after one hour)/63.—Pulse full/78.—Pulse full and hard (after seven or eight hours)/89.—Pulse full, slow, and laboring/11.—Pulse 60 and full (after eleven hours)/45.—[1510.] Pulse 70, full and strong (after one hour and a half)/73.—Pulse 70 to 80, full and soft (after half an hour)/22.—Pulse 90, full and strong/87.—Pulse 95, full and soft (after one hour)/54.—Pulse full, amounting to 110 per minute/68.—Pulse 120, full and strong/56.—* Pulse full, regular, and slow; later, respiration became more and more stertorous?*2.—"Pulse small, weak, and frequent?90.—Pulse slow and stroug (after a quarter of an hour)/40.—Pulse slow, undulating, soft/99.— [1520.] "Pulse slow and soft?35.—Pulse slow, very soft/39.—Slow pulse/ 243. —Pulse slow, probably not exceeding 45 (after twenty or thirty minutes)/09. —Pulse slow, small and faltering, but not irregular/49.—Pulse slow and feeble (after seven hours) ; afterwards not to be felt at the wrist/02.—Pulse slow and small (after four hours)/01204; (after fifteen minutes),208.—Pulse slow and feeble (after four hours aud a half)/59.—Slow, obscure pulse/93.— *Pulse slow, with slow stertorous respiration; exceedingly red distended face, and extremely profuse perspiration, with convulsions,68.^—[1530. J Pulse slow, full, regular, with deep stertorous respiration/1.—Pulse slow and feeble (after two hours)/84.—Pulse slow and laboring/32.—Intermit- tent pulse (after seven hours)/49.—Pulse irregular, intermittent (after two hours)/51.—Pulse rapid, irregular/03.—Pulse full, slow, and very irregular (after seven hours),258.—Pulse at first full, slow, afterwards weaker/8.— Pulse 94, full, strong, but irregular (second day)/44.—Pulse sometimes full and nearly normal, at others scarcely perceptible, neither slow nor labored/32. —[1540.] Pulse, which after an hour and a half was 105, fell after six hours to 90/50.—Pulse 60 and intermittent/83.—Pulse 70 (before the experi- f It is to be noted that the pulse was first taken while sitting quietly and writ- ing; the subsequent observations were made while moving about in the open air.— ElOHKKR. X From Opium with spirits of hartshorn.—Hahnemann. OPIUM. 217 ment) ; 73 or 74 (twenty minutes after 1 grain) ; 77 (twenty minutes after 2 grains)/58.—Pulse 80/28; (after five hours and twenty minutes)/09.—Pulse 90, feeble and irregular (after five hours and a half),143.—Pulse 90 (second day),284.—Pulse 100 (after three hours),300.—Pulse 108/16.—Pulse 130/08.— *Pulse 80 (after five hours) ; 120, weak and irregular (after six hours)/03. —[1550.] Pulse 50, soft and full (after two hours and twenty minutes) ; 90, small and soft (after three hours) ; later, almost gone/93.—Pulse 96 (after two hours and a half) ; 100, small and feeble (after six hours and a quarter); 104 (after nine hours); 136 (after ten hours); 140 to 150 (after twelve hours and a quarter) ; 150 (after thirty hours)/79.—Pulse 82, full and incompressible (second day) ; 78, a little full and more compressi- ble (third day); 78 (fourth day)/55.—Pulse about 100, irregular, but full (after three hours and a half)/45.—Pulse, when it could be reckoned, 126 (after one hour) ; 55 (after six hours)/27.—Pulse diminished by about 14 beats the first four hours; after ten hours accelerated about 30 beats,13.f— In five minutes, pulse beat 74; ten, 74; fifteen, 74; twenty, 76; twenty- five, 78 ; thirty, 80 ; thirty-five, 72 ; forty, 70 ; forty-five/64 ; fifty, 64 ; fifty-five, 66 ; sixty, 70; seventy-five, 70; ninety, 70/°b.—In two minutes, pulse beat 70; five, 74; ten, 76; fifteen, 76; twenty, 74; twenty-five, 74; thirty, 74; thirty-five, 72; forty, 72; forty-five, 70; fifty, 70; fifty-five, 70; sixty, 70; I could scarcely perceive any variation in the strength or fulness of the pulse,30.—In five minutes, pulse beat 68; ten, 68; fifteen, 70; twenty- five, 70; thirty-five, 74; sixty, 76; ninety-five, 76; one hundred and twenty, 76; one hundred and fifty, 72 ; one hundred and seventy, 68 ; two hundred, 68; three hundred, 68; three hundred and sixty, 68/29.—In five minutes, pulse beat 54; fifteen, 54; twenty, 57; twenty-five, 58; thirty-five, 54; forty, 52 ; forty-five, 52 ; sixty-five, 54 ; diuner, after which it rose to 64/27. —[1560.] Pulse 95 (before the experiment) ; 86, soft and easily compressed (after fifteen minutes); 83, weak and soft (after thirty, and forty-five minutes); 90, weak and small (after one hour)/29a.—Pulse 108, firm and regular (before the experiment); 88, soft (after ten minutes); 84 (after twenty, and thirty minutes); 84, weaker (after forty minutes); 72, feeble and small (after fifty minutes); 76, weak and not quite regular (after sixty minutes); 90, regular and rather stronger (after seventy minutes) ; 96 (after one hundred and twenty minutes); 108 (after one hundred and eighty minutes)/29.—In five minutes, pulse beat 70; ten, 66; fifteen, 68; twenty, 70; twenty-five, 67; thirty, 68; thirty-five, 70; forty, 70; fifty, 67; sixty, 68; seventy, 62;% eighty, 60; ninety, 58; one hundred, 54; one hundred and ten, 53 ; one hundred and twenty, 56; one hundred and thirty, 56; one hundred and forty, 58; one hundred and fifty-five, 59; one hun- dred and seventy, 57; had supper 9.15, 64/26.—12 o'clock, pulse 64, one drop of tincture of Opium in a little water; 12.3 o'clock, pulse 70; 12.10 o'clock, pulse 68 ; 12.20 o'clock, pulse 68, at which it coutinued ; increased the action of the heart at first by 6 beats in a minute, and afterwards by 4 beats for a considerable time; the action of one dose, with one effect only/28. —In five minutes, pulse beat 44 ; ten, 44; fifteen, 44; twenty, 44 ; twenty- five, 50; thirty, 52; thirty-five, 54; forty, 48 ; forty-five, 48 ; fifty, 46; fifty-five, 46 ; sixty, 46 ; seventy, 46 ; eighty, 44 ; ninety, 42; one hundred, 42; one hundred and ten, 40; one hundred and twenty, 40; one hundred f From the inunction of 2 drachms of Opium (after fifty minutes).—Hahne- mann. X Very weak. 218 OPIUM. and thirty-five, 44; after twenty-five minutes had elapsed there was a manifest increase as well in the strength and fulness as in the frequency of the pulse; in an hour this began to diminish, and continued decreasing till near the end of the experiment,30*.—Its pulse, during the last two inspira- tions, was about 50 to the minute; during the spasm and suspension of breathing it would run up to about 100, become very weak, and finally cease at the wrists about six seconds before the breathing was resumed (after three hours); from 90 to 100 (after six hours); would cease at the wrists before the breathing was resumed (after ten hours)/29.—Her pulse, which was large, equal, and not very frequent, sank, aud began to intermit a quarter of an hour before her death,u.f—In some, irregularity and fee- bleness of the pulse, with pain in the cardiac region, indicate the super- vention of organic disease, or severe functional disturbance, of the heart,232. —Pulse thready/16; (second day)/90.—Laboring pulse/31.—[1570.] Pulse fluttering and scarcely perceptible/88.—Pulse intermittent, irregular, small, 100 (third day),267.—Pulse weak and irregular (after three hours) ; 120, very weak (after five hours and a half)/01.—Pulse weak and irregular, 124 (after three hours)/05.—Pulse weak and irregular (after five hours) ; be- came imperceptible, and he died (after seven hours and a half)/07.—Pulse weak and irregular (after six hours and three-quarters) ; almost impercep- tible (after seven hours and three-quarters)/06.—Pulse slow and irregular (after half an hour)/62.—Pulse became smaller, more frequent, and irregu- lar/39.—Pulse slow, irregular, and feeble (after one hour and a half)/01.— Pulse 60, but not strong (after one hour and a half ),318.—[1580.] Pulse 75 and weak (after two hours and a half)/36.—Pulse 90, not strong (after two hours)/05.—Pulse could be slightly felt, about 90, and very irregular/86. —Pulse 100, feeble (after half an hour)/27; (after fifteen hours)/63; (after three hours and a half)/97; (after two hours and a half)/02.—Pulse 110, very weak,295.—Pulse 120, weak (after seven hours)/96; (after seven hours and a half)/04.— Weak, sinking, tremulous, and irregular pulse (after eight hours)/35 X—Pulse feeble, beating 40 to the minute/74.—Pulse feeble (after two hours)/47174; (after five hours)/41; (after twelve hours)/73.—Pulse very weak (after three hours and a half)/99.—[1590.] Pulse weak/51.—Pulse very feeble, difficult to count (after two hours)/56.—* Feeble, irregular pulse (after six hours and a half)/34.—Pulse exceedingly feeble/48; (after four hours),275 343.—Pulse frequent and weak/81332.—Pulse weak and frequent, and sometimes fluttering,182.—The pulse became more and more feeble, and the patient died/57.—Pulse reduced from 108 to 72, with chilliness and shivering, diminished activity, great weakness, though with increased hun- ger/4.—Pulse small, and slightly increased in frequency (after a quarter of an hour)/82.—Pulse weak, suppressed, slow, small,47b.—[1600.] It dimin- ishes the rapidity of the pulse and respiration,88.—The pulse was depressed, and exhibited the phenomenou of prostrated excitability, being small and almost imperceptible (after about half an hour)/47.—Pulse small and feeble (after two hours)/75.—Pulse weak (after one hour and a half),200.—Pulse feeble, scarcely to be felt (after one hour and three-quarters)/85.—Pulse, which could scarcely be felt, extremely small and irregular (after six hours)/07.—Pulse feeble, threadlike, and scarcely perceptible/38.—Pulse 96, small (second day),292.—Pulse 100 (after two hours and a half) ; small and quick (after six hours and a quarter)/78.—Pulse 120, small and irregu- lar/94.—[1610.] Pulse 120, small and weak (after twenty-six hours and a | Kevised by Hughes; effects of a scruple.—Hahnemann. OPIUM. 219 half)/72.—Pulse 126, small, and irregular in force (after one hour)/76.— Pulse small and weak (one hour after 3 drops)/04.—Pulse small (after 6 drops)/04. —Pulse almost imperceptible in the radial artery/42. —Pulse scarcely perceptible,252; (after four or five hours)/85.—Almost pulseless/21. — Pulse almost imperceptible and irregular (after three hours and a half ),288.—Pulse scarcely to be felt/41.—Impulse of heart could not be felt (after four hours)/19.—[1620.] The pulse could not be felt, but ou apply- ing the ear to the chest the heart's action was quite perceptible/14.—Pulse scarcely to be felt, and tremulous (the next morning)152.—Absence of pul- sation at the wrists; slight beating of the carotids/48.—No pulse percepti- ble at wrist (after eighteen hours)/26.—Suppressed pulse/37; (after thirty- five minutes)/37; (after five or six hours)/94; (after two hours)/96. JSTech and Bach.—Great swelling and violent pulsation in the veins of the neck,269.—The back was stiff and straightened (a kind of tonic spasm), (between one and two hours)/.—Bending of the spine, frequently to such a degree as to assume a circular form/92.—"The back was curved like an arch, from the violent trembling motion of all the limbs, that irritates all the nerves,52.—Back painful (after one hour)/29*.—[1630.] Drawing- tearing pain in the back/.—Sensation of heat, alternating with coldness, along the spine (after half an hour)/13.—Sensation as if there were pres- sure inward in the back and in the thorax up to the nape of the neck; the muscles and vessels seem contracted (after 3 drops)/06.—Pressive pain be- tween the tip of the right scapula and the posterior wall of the thorax (after 2 drops)/06.—Pains in the dorsal muscles, at times extending into the thorax (after 2 drops)/06.—Pain in lumbar region (after five days)/01. Extremities.— Trembling of the hands and feet (tenth day)/18.— "Tremulous motion of all the limbs?2.—Convulsive trembling of the limbs/. —Trembling of the upper and lower extremities (sixth day)/35.—[1640.] Spasmodic trembling of the limbs,86.—Limbs agitated by a nervous trem- bling/90.—Clonic spasms of the extremities/67.—Involuntary motions of the arms, fingers, and toes/77. — General spasms of extremities (after three hours)/29.—A good deal of tremor of the various limbs,286.—Tremors in the limbs/77.—Convulsive movements of the extremities (after two hours)/19.— Nails quite purple/43.—Limbs drawn up/77.—[1650.] The limbs lie immov- able and remain wherever they are placed,54.—Limbs immovable/68.— Joints flexible (after six hours)/24.—Limbs flaccid ; unable to walk (after four hours)/01.—All the limbs quite flaccid, and would remain wherever placed/86.—Limbs flaccid/87.—Relaxation of the limbs, and weakness/1.— Limbs relaxed and the body felt quite flaccid (after four hours)/75.— Muscles of limbs relaxed (after eleven hours)/40; (after one hour and a half)/57.—The limbs hang down relaxed (after forty-eight hours)/67.— [1660.] Increased immobility of the limbs,82.— Limbs powerless (after fourteen hours)/98; (after two hours and a half )/02; (after six hours),303; (after six hours and three-quarters)/06.—Weakness of the upper and lower extremities/19.—Weariness in the legs and forearms/198.—Heaviness of the limbs (after one hour and a quarter)/; (third day)/13.—Heaviness of the limbs, especially of the left arm/03.—Limbs, especially the thighs, very heavy (half an hour after 2 grains)/58.—Heaviness, like lead, in the arms and feet, making all motion difficult (half an hour after 1 grain)/58.— Heaviness in the limbs, and some stiffness in them on rising (after a quarter of an hour)/58.—The limbs feel asleep and heavy (second day)/03.—[1670.] Uneasiness in the sound limbs, that could not rest a moment in any place/2. —Numbness in the limbs and body generally/77.—Numbness and insensi- 220 OPIUM. bility of the limbs/6.—Numbness and insensibility of the limbs, with cold- ness of the whole body (after two hours),82.—Numbness of the limbs (five or six years after the discontinuance)/77.—Numbness in limbs, lasting forty-eight hours/91.—Cramps in the limbs/49.—If she passed over the usual time for taking a dose, she felt the most distressing sensations about the joints, not of pain, but such as she is unable to describe/77.—Jerkings with pains in the muscles, especially of the limbs (first day)/35. Superior Extremities.—Superior extremities shook violently/64. —Arm. [1680.] Automatic motions of the arms/39.—Attacks of trem- bling in the left arm (after three hours)/.—A convulsive motion, back and forth, in one or the other arm/.—Arms hung motionless by her side (after two hoursV96.—Some twitching of the arms/74.—The left arm is paralyzed (after forty-eight hours)/8.f—Feeling of numbness, extending from the left shoulder to the tips of the fingers, most severe on the palmar surface of the hand, thumb, and little finger, lasting six minutes, returning after twenty minutes, though less severe, and lasting only four minutes (after six hours),u°a.—Drawing and tearing, now in the right, now in the left fore- arm, iu the evening (seventh day)/18.—Hand. Tremors in my hands (after two hours aud three-quarters)/011.—"Trembling of the hands?8 m.— [1690.] Hands of a purple color/56.—Hands livid (after eighteen hours)/26. —Transient twitching in the hands (tenth day)/18.—"Numbness and sensa- tion of swelling in the hands and forearms (second day),282.—Touch so much affected that she could not execute any needle-work/77.—Fingers. Fin- gers blue/86.—Fingers and wrists occasionally jerked by spasmodic twitch- ings of the tendons/84.—Sensation of numbness in the left little and ring fingers, extending from the second joints to the tips of the fingers ; it felt as though the fingers had been constricted for a long time, a sensation lasting only about four minutes, and disappearing after rubbing with the other baud, in the evening (second day)/10.—A sudden drawing-tearing pain in the second joint of the right ring finger, aggravated by motion, re- lieved by rest, lasting ten minutes, and gradually disappearing and ex- tending above the wrist to the head of the radius, where it lasted for more than two hours (second day),110.—Crawling in the fingers, as if asleep, in- creasing on grasping anything/. Inferior Extremities.—[1700.] Lower extremities very much flexed and cold (after three hours)/80.—Trembling of the lower extremities (ninth and tenth days),235.—Trembling, especially of the lower limbs and about the lumbar region (first day)/35.—Stiffness in legs (soon)/51.—Legs stiff and with difficulty separated/28.—Stumbling gait (first, fourth, and tenth days)/35.—Weakness of the lower extremities/03.—Lame gait/92.— Heaviness and weariness of the legs; his gait became stumbling, so that though he made but a few visits he was as weary as after a long journey on foot (second day)/10.—Sensation of weariness in the lower extremities/17. —[1710.] Weariness of the lower extremities, especially of the knee-joints (eighth day)/35.—Violent pains in the knee and hip-joints, which became so excruciating that I could neither sit nor lie, once (after 8 to 10 grains daily for a fortnight) ; removed by 8 grains in two pills/30.—Long-continued sensation of numbness and prickling in the left lower extremity, occurring after sitting only a short time, and not relieved by walking about (after two hours)/12.—Crawling in the lower extremities/354.—Thigh. Trem- bling of the thighs (second day)/35.—Creeping shivering on the anterior f Revised by Hughes. OPIUM. 221 surface of the right thigh, extending down to the knee, lasting a few sec- onds; after a quarter of an hour it commenced in the nape of the neck, and extended down the back to the sacrum, lasting only a few moments, without subsequent heat, disturbance of the circulation, or thirst, at 6.30 P.M. (first day)/100.—Drawing on the outer side of the right thigh (within ten minutes)/12.—Tensive pain in the flexor muscles of both thighs, extend- ing to the hollows of the knees, lasting only twelve minutes, in the fore- noon (second day)/10.—Rheumatic pain in the thighs (after 1 drop)/08.— Sensation as if some liquid were moving up and down in the left thigh (first day)?35.—Knee. [1720.] The knees were bent/64.—Trembling and a paralyzed feeling in the knee-joints/X—Stiffness and weariness in the knees (eighth day)/35.—Weariness in the knee-joints (fifth day)/35.—Weari- ness in the knees (ninth day)/35.—Weakness in the knees/19.—Feeling of weakness in the left knee-joint (after two hours)/12.—Weakness, especially in the knees, with frequent yawning and stretching (after 1 drop)/08.— Feeling of paralysis in the kuee-joiuts, with dull pain (first day)/35.— Paralyzed sensation in the knee-joints (second and third days)/35.—[1730.] Transient acute pain in the hollow of the knee (third day)/35.—A sudden lightning-like tearing along the outer side of the right knee, extending to the outer surface of the leg as far down as the malleolus, disappearing as suddenly as it came (second day)/10a.—Leg. Legs slightly drawn up (after two hours)/'6.—Legs unable to support the weight of the body (after two hours),196.—Weakness of the legs/8.—Weariness and sensation of heaviness in the legs, on rising from a seat, lasting till towards 6 p.m. (second day)/10*. —Sensation of heaviness in the legs (third day)/10.—Great weariness in the legs/19.—Distressing spasmodic jerking in the muscles of the calves?11.—Crawl- ing sensation in both legs (second and eighth clays)/35.—[1740.] Almost no sensation in the legs,".f—Foot. Swelling of the feet/.—The foot was so stiff and sensitive that he could not walk or step upon it/.—Heaviness of the feet after eating (after two hours)/.—Numbness of the foot/. Generalities.—Strong convulsions, which affected the muscles of the trunk and extremities to such a degree as to make him as stiff as a frozen corpse; these spasms would continue from ten to fifteen minutes at a time, and then partially relax for two or three minutes, recurring several times (after fourteen hours); ceased altogether, a warm perspiration breaking out over the body (after fifteen hours and a half)/02.—Frightful convul- sions (after a quarter of an hour)/40.—Frightful convulsions, with terrible pains,128.—Frightful convulsions and images before the eyes/03.—General convulsions (after two hours)/51; (after three hours)/11315.—[1750.] * Con- vulsions ^J 87.—Convulsions (soon),140150; (after five or six hours)/94199; (after three hours)/11199222; (after one hour)/88.—Immediately attacked with a convulsive fit and died/23.—Convulsions and death (after five hours aud a half)/10.—Convulsions, with screaming, bending the head backward, at times opisthotonos/78.—Convulsions become stronger; the patient utters plaintive groans and tears everything within her reach ; bites her hands and arms ; four persons are necessary to keep her iu bed/90.—Convulsions of the extremities and face (after nine hours) ; death (after nine hours and a half)/09.—The fits were almost continual (second day)/90.—After rousing her to give a dose of tincture of belladonna, there was an almost convul- sive struggle of resistance, attended by violent excitement, and followed f Revised by Hughes. X From large doses.—Hahnemann. 222 OPIUM. by sudden and complete collapse; entire cessation of respiration; pulse barely perceptible ; face pale; lips livid ; pupils unchanged and eyes rolled upward and outward, to the extreme limits of their orbits (after four hours and a quarter) ; relieved by injection of atropia/18.—Occasional convul- sions/93.—[1760.] Convulsive twitches in the muscles, especially of the abdominal extremities/83. — Convulsive movements/8. — Muscles strongly convulsed (after one hour); the violent action of the muscles occasionally relapsed, but was alternated with slight subsultus/27.—Alternations of spasmodic contractions of the limbs and complete relaxation ; these alter- nations took place every two or three minutes, at times with bending of the head aud trunk backward/99.—Some slight convulsive contractions of the muscles, especially of the hands and face (after three hours)/35 X— Attacked with hysteria/63.—First effects similar to hysteria/63.—Spasms/69. —Convulsive spasms occurred at regular intervals, when the eyes stared, with twitching and contraction of the muscles of the extremities/46.—The child continued to lie in the spasms, with violent screaming, alternating with stertorous respiration ; with distortion of the eyes, contractions of the fingers aud opisthotonos/89.—[1770.] He bends his head backwards (a kind of tonic spasm in the nape of the neck), (after one hour)/.—Tonic spasm and epileptic convulsions,85.—Tonic spasm/8.—Commencement of a tonic spasm, bending her backward (opisthotonos),8.—Clonic spasms accom- panied with screamiugs and tears/90.—Clonic spasms, especially of the lower extremities, with loss of consciousness (third day),267.—Spasms of the mus- cles of the face and extremities/90.—Spasms like opisthotonos, always end- ing with trembling, followed by profound quiet, with relaxation of the limbs/55.—Spasmodic movements, accompanied by cries/8.—Slight spasms (after thirty-five minutes)/37. — [1780.] Slight spasmodic contraction of muscles of face and extremities/38. — Slight spasmodic movement (after eleven hours)/40.—Epileptic attacks, with violent delirium,68.—Epilepsy,68. —Condition seeming apoplectic, with stertorous, rattling respiration, open mouth, pale face, covered with icy-cold perspiration, left eye completely closed, the right partly open, pupils dilated, eyeball paralyzed, with blue nails, a very full pulse, without sensation, without motion, followed by death/25.—Paralysis/2.f—Limbs and body powerless,295.—Rigors,2J3 290.— Rigidity of the whole body (after one hour)/8.—Rigidity of the muscles/03. —[1790.] Whole body paralyzed and stiff/3.;);—Started up in a fit and threw his arms about, vomited, and then sank, as if exhausted (soon)/80.— He tosses the feet up and down, as if in convulsions, with a sudden loud cry/.—At times the patient raised himself and violently scratched either his face or chest/55.—Their gesticulations are so whimsical as to excite mirth and merriment in those most inclined to pity them/86.—Jerkings and throwing the arms about/89.—Whole system excited/06.—A nervous tremor about her (second day) ; continues to a great degree (fifth day),201. —Appeared nervous and twitched frequently (soon)/11.—Trembling of the whole body, as if he were frightened, with some jerking of the body aud twitching of the limbs, affecting only the flexor muscles, with external coldness of the body/.—[1800.] Every fibre in the body trembles,186.— Trembling, sick, and so giddy that he could not walk without a stick; he ate no dinner, and continued in this state, sometimes in bed, sometimes walking about, until evening (one case)/34.—Tremulous motion of the whole f From too many and too large doses.—Hahnemann. X Revised by Hughes. OPIUM. 223 body (second and third days)/55.—Trembling (after 4 to 6 grains)/30; (one hour after 2 grains)/58; (fifth and tenth days)/35 235»348.—* Trembling of the whole body (fifth day),235.—Trembling of the whole body from time to time/50.—Body tottered when erect/64.—Twitching/49.—Twitching of the whole body/39189.—"Twitching and involuntary contractions of the muscles (after six hours and a half)/78.—[1810.] No movement beyond that of the lips and chest of an unusually powerful frame/22.—They are easily known by a kind of rickets, which this poison never fails to produce at last/50.— The only signs of susceptibility to outward impressions were: 1st, slight contraction of the upper eyelids when water was forcibly dashed upon them ; 2d, liquids introduced into the mouth were slowly swallowed, and, as it seemed to me, somewhat more readily when the patient was imperatively told to do so; 3d, when asked to show her tongue, while the mouth was forcibly kept open, there were some slight attempts to move it/84.—Sup- ported in an erect posture by two strong men, who were holding her up by the shoulders, with her head hanging lifeless upon her breast, her hair in disorder, her eyes bewildered, and her countenance pale and ghastly ; her limbs were unable to do their duty in supporting her, her body was sus- pended as it were in the air, with the points of the toes touching the floor; the muscles were in a complete state of relaxation (after five hours and a half)/43.—Lying on his back/42.—Lying with the knees drawn up, for six hours and a half/86.—He appeared twenty years older than he really was/4. —Bloodvessels injected,67.—The whole body was quite stiff, extremities cold, eyes convulsively distorted and half open/52.—The child could not support its head, or take a step without assistance/32.—[1820.] He lies as if in a sunken slumber,82.—Total attenuation of body/92.—The same breathing, look and pulse that I have several times seen in apoplectic attacks/89.— The body wastes and the muscles lose their tonosity/32.—"Emaciation and debility?12.—Their pale and melancholy figures would be sufficient to raise our pity, did not their lengthened necks, their heads turned to one side, their backbone distorted, their shoulders raised up to their ear, and a number of other extravagant attitudes, which result from their disease, exhibit a picture of the most ridiculous kind/50.—Very much emaciated/63 is* i66_—Emaciation and weakness/62.—Emaciation/8.—Great relaxation of the muscular system (after two hours)/84.—[1830.] Muscles in a complete state of relaxation, and he was obliged to be supported in a chair (after three hours and a half)/45.—Muscular system completely relaxed (after fifteen hours)/64340.—Muscles were in a state of complete relaxation; she had lost the power over them, and was so feeble as to be unable to support herself in an erect position without assistance (second day)/44.—Every muscle iu a state of relaxation (after six hours)/24; (after six hours and a half)/34.—Entire muscular system so relaxed that the tongue hung out of the mouth, and was pushed about by the end of the stomach-tube, in certain positions, folding back into the fauces, and apparently obstructing respiration (after one hour) ; muscular system, if possible, more relaxed than ever (after five hours)/63.—Failure of muscular power (after thirty-five minutes)/37.— All the muscles are relaxed/6; (after three hours and a half)/88; (after half an hour)/18.—The muscular tone is relaxed, so that a kind of paraly- sis follows/4.—Muscular force sunk in lassitude and languor,232.—Muscles of her body became soft and relaxed/44.—[1840.] Muscular system not much relaxed/28.—Muscles flaccid (after six hours)/27.—After several hours the child fell into collapse, with cold face and extremities; pupils at first contracted, but before death widely dilated; pulse rapid, small, weak, 224 OPIUM. smaller in the right arm than in the left; visible and very violent beating of the carotids; distension of the jugular veins; respiration varying, some- times superficial, sometimes deep aud with much noise, as in agony, with distension of the anterior and upper portion of the neck; abdomen re- tracted, hard, and tense; running of mucus from the mouth ; the child be- came rigid, opened its mouth and eyes; the face at last becarae puffy and violet-colored ; features drawn ; followed by death, without convulsions/99. —The people seldom attain the age of forty, if they have begun to use Opium at an early age/92.—Becoraes old early/8.—The offspring of Opium- smokers are weak, stunted, and decrepit/12.—The acuteness of all her senses was restored by the usual dose, the want of which was indicated by heat and flushing of the face/77.—Some of these unfortunate creatures have ^yry necks, for the muscles become rigid; the head is seen contorted to one side or the other, or one shoulder is considerably higher than the other, or the head appears almost buried beneath the shoulders/86.—By-and-by the figure stoops, and a peculiar shuffling gait is acquired, by which alone a practiced eye may recognize an old Opium debauchee/32.—In the morning these creatures have a most wretched appearance, evincing no symptoms of being refreshed or invigorated by sleep, however profound/12.—[1850.] He is not deprived of sight or hearing, but of the senses of taste, smell, and touch, in relation to external objects, though he feels his cheeks cold when he touches them (after one hour and a half ),82.f—His mental and bodily powers are destroyed/92.—Nothing on earth can equal the apparent quiet enjoyment of the Opium-smoker; there is a lightness of the head, tingling in every limb; the eyes seem to be enlarged, and the ears sharpened to hearing; an elasticity and inclination to mount on high are experienced ; all pains are gone, and pleasure now remains; all weariness has vanished, and freshness takes its place; the loathing of food previously experienced is changed to a relish for what is piquant, and a great desire is often felt for some particular food ; the tongue is now loosened, and tells its tale, for whatever is secret becomes open, and what was intended for one becomes known to all. Still there is no excitement, but rather a calmness, soft, soothing, and sedative. He dreams not, nor thinks of the morrow; but, with a smile in his eye, fills his pipe with the last of his allowance. Slowly inhaling it he seems to brighten up, the smile that sparkled in his eye ex- tends to other features, and his appearance is one of complete yet placid enjoyment. Presently the pipe is slowly displaced, or drops by his side; his head, if raised, is now laid on the pillow; feature after feature gives up its smile; the eye becomes glazed; the upper eyelid drops; the chin and lower lip fall; deeper and deeper inspirations follow; all perception is gone; objects may strike the eye, but no sights are seen ; sounds may fall on the ear, but none are heard, and so he passes into sleep, disturbed and broken, from which the wretched being awakes to a full conception of his miseries/32.—The effects produced on the health by abandoning the habit of Opium-smoking, after it has become deeply rooted, are even worse than the perseverance in it. A gloomy despondency is added to the usual symptoms of the ordinary stage of depression ; a state ensues somewhat like a low state of delirium treraens, attended with extrerae prostration of strength, and often with exhaustiug diarrhoea aud vomiting; all pre-exist- ing diseases are aggravated, dropsy frequently ensues, and death may soon f Last clause revised by Hughes. OPIUM. 225 result, most generally by effusion into the great cavities, and general ana- sarca. When these effects have begun to show themselves under a compul- sory cessation of the habit, the most marked improvement of health is pro- duced by resuming it. The result of the examination of several hundred Opium-smokers ou this point was, that, by their own confession, the extent of their indulgence was limited only by their means, and the spontaneous abandonment of it impossible. The writer of an essay on the Opium trade says, " There is no slavery on earth to name with the bondage into which Opium casts its victims; there is scarcely one known instance of escape from its toils, when once they have fairly enveloped a man," 232.—The effects were strongest if I were unwell, or if anything had in the least de- ranged the fuuctious of the economy; for instance, if I had been up all night; if I had been sick and vomited, and taken no food, 2 or 3 grains would have as much effect as otherwise 4 or 5 grains/30.—The torments of the victim of Opium, when deprived of this stimulant, are as dreadful as his bliss is complete when he has taken it/92.—If deprived of laudanum for a single day, the most unpleasant symptoms came on ; loss of sleep and appetite and an indescribable feeling of languor, with a corresponding de- pression of spirits, and slight involuntary motions of the limbs, all of which were readily relieved by the accustomed dose of laudanum/81.—After dis- continuing its use she was more miserable than before; all the symptoms returning with increased severity, and for the first six months she was almost entirely helpless/77.—If the dose be not taken at the usual time, there is great prostration, vertigo, torpor, discharge of water from the eyes, and in some an involuntary discharge of semen, even when wide awake. If the privation be complete, a still more formidable train of phenomena takes place. Coldness is felt over the whole body, with aching pains in all parts. Diarrhcea occurs; the most horrid feelings of wretchedness come on ; and if the poison be withheld, death terminates the victim's existence/12. —At length their whole organization assimilated to such a state of mind and body, and they have grown up to the size of manhood, with the avenues of their brains practically closed by drugs, so that they still have merely infautile powers of mind and strength of body. Joseph is very gluttonous and masturbates in the most shameless manner. George has a most perfect equanimity of general foolishness and indolence iu all his faculties. But William is a powerful genius on digestion, and robs the swine and dogs of all the crumbs he can skim out of their food,230.— [I860.] Most Opium-eaters dislike wine and brandy; but this is not always the case. The exhilaration is most striking in the state of the mind; all is order, harmony, vigor, and tranquillity; there is no shadow of that bru- tality which most decidedly belongs, raore or less, to vinous intoxication. No greater misery can be felt than the Opium-eater experiences when his accustomed stimulus fails him, or the dreadful reaction sets in, which is as striking to observers as it is painful to himself; the mind is much en- feebled ; the eyes lack lustre; the sensations are all disordered ; the appe- tite is lost; the limbs seem incapable of supporting the body's load ; exist- ence is loathsome; no substitute can be found for the potent juice, for to the greater number of the lovers of Opium wine and brandy are disgust- ing; they nauseate instead of diffusing a genial glow. The accustomed dram is the only relief to be found iu this sad state, and the deluded victim flies to his debauch whenever the opportunity presents itself, although self- condemnation and the ridicule of his friends await him, and although idiocy aud deformity stare him in the face/86.—Any meal, taken within vol. vir.—15 226 OPIUM. half an hour or later, after a dose of Opium, speedily brought on all its effects, and it seemed in a considerable degree higher. If taken within an hour after dinner, the effects appeared later than usual and were less in degree; I even sometimes could hardly perceive them at all, if the dose had been a moderate one/39.—Every appearance of a man dying of com- pression of the brain (after four or five hours)/45.—He believed it to be a case of epilepsy, from appearances and from what was told him ; death (after twelve hours),265.—Dropsical tendency/5.—* Apoplexy not infrequent,00 f 64 87 »6_—i^e effects were the stronger the shorter the time since a former dose had been taken, even if the effects caused by the latter seemed to have subsided/30.—The effects would last an hour or two (after 2 grains)/30.— The effects seemed to be stronger the earlier in the day the Opium had been taken/30.—Cold, rest, but particularly sleep, also retard the appear- ances of the effects, and prolong them/30.—[1870.] (When applied directly to a nerve, it does not diminish its functions)/5.!-—Strumous affections of all kinds are apt to be developed, and the constitution is prone to succumb without resistance under all violent diseases/32.—Analyses of the blood, for some time before and after taking, showed the solid constituents of the fibrinous portion increased, the watery portion also increased; the solid constituents of the blood freed from fibrin diminished, the watery portion of the same increased; the solid constituents of the serum diminished, the watery portion slightly increased, the albumen somewhat diminished ; the extractives and salts very slightly increased; the fibrin of the blood di- minished ; blood-globules diminished ; blood-clot diminished ; serum largely increased,234.—Blood drawn from the arm was black/03.—Blood flowed from a vein that had been opened recently (until death)/1.—Impaired vol- untary motion (after 4 to 6 grains)/30.—It diminishes the power of moving the muscles,33.—It destroys the activity of the voluntary muscles, dimin- ishes sensation, and causes sleep,90.—When applied to the muscles it very soon destroys their irritability/5.—The muscles can be moved with diffi- culty/7.—[1880.] Vital energy decreasing (after twelve hours)/25.—Sensa- tion of strength,162.—Sensation as though he had not slept enough (after two hours and a half)/06.—The symptoms, except the trembling, disap- peared after coffee, but soon returned (first day),235.—The symptoms disap- peared after a cup of black coffee/18.—Did not feel so refreshed and invig- orated in the morning as usual (after 8 drops)/05.—Refreshed for a moment by cool air (tenth day)/18.—Intolerance of the open air, aud a sensation as if he would take cold/.—Cannot lie on the left side, and experiences pain in it, even on attempting to turn in bed (third day)/55.—A cigar, which he attempted to smoke at 10.30 a.m., as usual, caused vertigo, great nausea, inclination to vomit, cold sweat over the whole body, and trembling of the limbs ; momentarily relieved by a glass of fresh water (third day)/13.— [1890.] Great restlessness/49 290.—Oppression, with restlessness, confused ideas, and sparks before the eyes; with burning disagreeable heat of the head, extending over the whole body,62.—Restless (soon)/89.— Physical restlessness; a kind of anxiety (first day)/35.—Restless night,245.—Uneasi- ness (third day)/13.—Night very restless/92.—General debility (second day)/84.—Great sense of debility and lassitude/77.—Body debilitated, so that I was obliged to remain on the sofa all day (second day)/60.—[1900.] Unfitted for all work; weak and debilitated,25.—Slight heaviness (after fifty-five minutes)/08.—Indolence and inaction ; neglect of business or work, f From large doses.—Hahnemann. | Revised by Hughes. OPIUM. 227 and consequent poverty ; wife and children are disregarded ; not unfre- quently theft supplies the only resources for persevering in the fatal pleas- ure/32.—Indolence/7*86.—Indolent, in the morning, on rising (seventh day)/35.—Relaxed, indolent/5.—Movements indolent/7.—Weariness, with unsteady gait (third day)/13.—Weariness (one hour after 1 grain)/58.— Weariness over the whole body (first day)/13".—[1910.] Inclination to lie down/8.—Great inclination to lean against everything, to stretch out the feet, and support the head upon the hand/.—Great weariness and sleepi- ness (three hours after 1 grain)/00'.—Weariness and exhaustion (after 3 drops)/04.—General weariness and exhaustion (after 1 drop)/07.—Unusual weariness and perspiration (after 2 drops)/03.—Weariness in the knees, elbows, and masseter muscles (soon after a dose)/19*.—Was not refreshed by sleep at night, but rose in the moruing quite as sleepy as in the evening when he went to bed (after 2 drops)/03.—He could scarcely move his feet; could scarcely go forward, though making every exertion,82.—Weariness, after long Opium sleep/9.—[1920.] Overpowering weariness/2.—A pleas- ant kind of weariness, as from intoxication,62.—Felt so weak that he could move his limbs only with difficulty, at the same time there was an internal restlessness that constantly impelled him to change his position, whether sitting or lying (after 4 drops)/03.—Very easily fatigued by his ordinary occupation/11.—Weakness/4; (sixth day)/14.—Weakness of the whole body (after 2 drops),109.—General weakness (tenth day)/18.—A certain weakness and indolence continued for several days after the proving,235*.—Could not walk on account of weakness of legs (after four hours)/54.—Unusual weak- ness (after 3 drops)/03.—[1930.] Gait slow, tottering/.—He lay in a con- dition of the greatest weakness,90.—Tottering; cannot walk without reel- ing/2.—Loss of power; sinking of the forces/5.—Sinking of the strength/7 98.| —Weakness; all external objects distress him; he is sleepy, stupid, con- fused, sad, and his thoughts leave him,67.J—Continued weak/69.—Seusation of great weakness and prostration, extending through all the nerves, espe- cially the sciatic nerve/59.—Great weakness (after eight minutes)/39; (after half an hour)/290; (after sixty minutes)/29; (fourth day)/84.—Great weak- ness and stupefaction (second day)/39.—[1940.] It causes perceptible dimi- nution of strength, and impairs the tone of the tissues, and motion/7b.— Discomfort; feeling of weakness of body and mind (after eight, and twelve hours)/.—Weakness,53^—Weakness, with inclination to sleep (one hour after 3 drops)/04.—Weakness and exhaustion, with disinclination for phys- ical and mental work (after 8 drops)/05.—More exhausted after waking, from restless dreams through the night,90.—Slightly exhausted, and did not speak with his usual firmness of voice (after eight hours and a half)/4*.— General exhaustion aud weariness (after 2 drops)/09.—Exhaustion of strength and inability to move/7.—Exhaustion (after eight, aud twelve hours)/.—[1950.] Complete prostration of strength/37; (first day)/35; (fifth day)/13*, etc.—Prostration (fifth and eighth days)/18.—Extreme prostration of mind and body, after awaking from the somnolency and dreams (from too large or too frequent doses)/31.—Great prostration; sinking of all the vital forces/8.—Prostration of the whole body/19.—Very weak, prostrated. (second day)/15*.—Languor, and lack lustre of eye/12.—A pleasing kind of languor, gradually increasing (after forty minutes)/0b.—Languor/8;, im- f Even to death.—Hahnemann. X After the primary action of Opium.—Hahnemann. \ From the daily abuse of Opium.—Hahnemann. 228 OPIUM. mediately/If—Languor and indifference succeeded the delirium (after three hours)/27.—[I960.] General lassitude and exhaustion (second day after 2 drops)/09.—A lassitude and exhaustion, and strong propensity to sleep, were the late and last effects, more or less, sooner or later, in propor- tion as the earlier effects had been more or less strong, and lasted a shorter or longer time. If, for instance, I had taken from 4 to 6 grains, at 10 or 11 A.M., I sometimes experienced a burning heat creeping throughout my limbs, but which was particularly strong in my palms, followed by exhaus- tion, at 9, 10, or 12 p.m., or thereabout; sometimes I experienced lassitude and propensity to sleep next morning, when I got up at 8 or 9; sometimes at noon, or any other time during the day or night. I cannot exactly de- termine how long this state of relaxation lasted, but I think I sometimes felt it on the third and fourth days, after having continued most part of the second, or at least made its appearance on that day. If I had taken 10 full grains, the second day I perceived the symptoms of giddiness, trem- bling, etc., in a much milder degree than on the first; on the third day I was well, active, and cheerful; on the fourth I began to be de- spondent, tired, and exhausted, and continued in that state to the sixth and even seventh day/30.—General feeling of lassitude (five or six years after discontinuance)/77.—Syncope, for some time/71.—Languid and weak feeling (after twenty hours)/45.— Faintness/7*4— With increased vigor she endeavored to rise from bed, but immediately fell into faintness, and was dizzy; on lying down again her activity returned/2.—Sudden faintness so that I could scarcely reach a seat (fifth day)/14.—[Faintness recurring every quarter of an hour; it closed the eyes, allowed the head to hang down, with weak respiration, without consciousness, with unchanged pulse ; followed by somewhat spasmodic shuddering of the body, and, after a few minutes, the paroxysm ended with sighing, followed by anxiety]/6.§ —Sensation is blunted and at times entirely destroyed,90.—[1970.] Sensa- tion is first diminished, afterward reflex irritability/.—Feeling as after a night of debauch (second day)/15a.—"Felt very strangely" (after half an hour)/02.—Inability to walk far without aching pains in the limbs (five or six years after discontinuance)/77.—After long indulgence he becomes sub- ject to nervous or neuralgic pains, to which Opium itself brings no relief/92. —Very violent pains (after a quarter of an hour)/40.—Woke in the morn- ing with pains in the limbs aud loins, bathed in perspiration/39.—Bones affected with dull gnawing pains for some hours, in the morning,232.— Frightful pains, that pierced through the marrow of the bone/5.||—Burn- ing pain and irritation/1.^—[1980.] Sudden jerking over the whole body woke him from sleep/19.—Sensation, at one time as if flushes of fire, at another, as if ice-cold water were running through the veins/2.—The right half of the body, as far as the toes, seems beaten, with flushes of heat and burning pain,111.—Disagreeable sensations with the coldness (after fifty minutes); did not go off until after supper/29. Shin.—Surface of body pale, and covered with profuse perspira- tion (after four hours)/94. — Pale (after seven hours)/49; (after half an hour),262321.—Surface of body pallid and contracted/83.—Skin livid/43.— Great lividity of the skin, particularly of the extremities/46.—Color of the f Revised by Hughes. X Omit Muller.—HuanES. \ The symptoms of Muller's patient, before and after the Opium, were so similar that they are very dubious.—Hughes. || In confirmed Opium-eaters.—Hughes. \ From the external use.—Hahnemann. OPIUM. 229 skin pale and bluish/8.—[1990.] Skin of extremities and face blue (after four hours),236.—Blue color of the skin, especially of the genitals/, f—The cyanosis became very intense, and raore extended than before (third day),267.—Cyanosis of the lips, tips of the fingers and toes/67.—Blue spots here and there over the body (after fifteen hours)/6.—Redness of the whole body/9.—Skin of a red and inflamed color (he being a fair man, the sou of a native of Persia), and all the veins, even to the minutest branches, were uncommonly distended, and had the appearance of being stuffed and gorged with their contents (after half an hour)/22.—Congestion of the sur- face, especially about the neck and chest, increased/39.—Redness and itch- ing of the skin/7.—Red spots on the cheeks, that are pale,62.—[2000.] Skin dry, rough, and of a dirty color/63.—Skin dry, parched, of a sunburnt color/65.—Skin dry to touch and shrivelly, aud of a tawny color/62.—Skin brown/66.—Skin resembled leather/64.—Almost black,265.—It irritates the skin, removes the hair, and causes itching/1.—It removes the hair, causes itching, corrodes the skin, and draws blisters/7.—When applied to the skin as a plaster it causes great heat and pain, draws blisters, irritates the skin, and occasions mortification/81.—Eruptions. Eruptions on the skin, with at times itching/4.—[2010]. A large pimple, sensitive to touch, on the side of the neck/lfia.—Frequent eruptions, with biting itching in the skin after the sweat,90.—Small red, itching tetter here and there in the skin.62.4;— Burning itching and eruption of pustules/3.§ — Elevations, like hives, that itch violently, on the extensor surface of the left thigh, lasting several days, aud gradually disappearing/19.—A burning-sticking pain about the right wrist, with pimples as large as millet-seeds, surrounded by red areola on the back and also in the paim of the hand; on the same evening two similar pimples appeared on the right cheek, and were sensitive to pressure (after 5 drops)/16*.—Some suffer excessively from boils and carbuncles, from the latter of which few confirmed Opium-smokers recover; foul, indolent ulcers are extremely common among the poor/32.—Sensations. Skin insensible/52268.—Pruritus (after five hours)/2.||—Intolerable itching of the skin (second day)/57.—[2020.] Intolerable itching over the whole surface, which was warm and dry (second day)/73.—Itching over the whole body; after scratching, appearance of thick, red pimples (hives), that itch greatly, but soon disappear/2.—Burning and sometimes itching in the skiu/2.^[— Fine sticking itching here and there in the skin/.—Very troublesome itch- ing,98.—Troublesome itching over the whole body/7.—Intolerable itchiness over the whole of his skin, so that he kept five or six persons coustautly employed in scratching him (after half an hour)/22.—Intolerable itching and burning heat of the face after the poisoning/55.—Sensation of biting and burning in the skin, especially of the face (after one hour)/03.—Itch- ing of the nose (after ten minutes)/92.—[2030.] Itching in the nose, and not very rarely all over the body (after 4 to 6 grains)/30.—Itchiug, espe- cially on the upper part of the body, extending from the chest over the face, particularly on the nose,62.—Itching on the arms and shoulders,62.— Violent itching about the anus (third day)/35.—Disagreeable crawling in the hands and feet, which changes to a frightful, incessant rolling,66.—Vio- lent itching on the legs, in the evening,62.—Formication on the left leg (fifth day),215. Sleep.—Sleepiness. Yawning twice (after half an hour)/11.— f During the opisthotonos of S 1773.—Hughes. J Revised by Hughes. § From the frequent use of Opium.—Hahnemann. || Revised by Hughes. 1f Revised by Hughes. 230 OPIUM. Yawning frequently repeated (after a few minutes),111; (fifth day)/13.— Yawning for a quarter of an hour, with pain in the joints of the jaws as if they would break/.—[2040.] Slight drowsiness (after eleven hours)/45.— *Drowsiness (after twenty minutes)/29; (after three-quarters of an hour)/29*; (after two hours, two cases)/32220; (after a few minutes,)258, etc.—"Drowsi- ness with the headache (after two hours),30". — Very drowsy (after five hours)/03.—Constant drowsiness (after two hours)/12.—Very drowsy, but easily roused up and able to walk about (after five hours and twenty min- utes)/09.—Very drowsy all day/31.—Extreme languor and drowsiness super- vened, which threatened a deep and perhaps fatal sleep/32.—"Great disposi- tion to drowsiness (first day)/4.—"Extreme drowsiness, amounting almost to sopor?83.—[2050.] "Exceedingly droivsy (after two hours)/96 336.—Unusually drowsy (after half an hour); exhibited a peculiar facility for going to sleep in any possible position (after four hours)/55.—She soon became very drowsy; she could be aroused by shaking and loud speaking, and then knew every one around her, looking at them with a half-intoxicated ex- pression, understanding all that was said to her (after two hours and a half) ; could not be aroused by shaking or loud speaking (after six hours and three-quarters) ; more easily aroused, but instantly falls asleep again (after application of electro-magnetism), (after eight hours and a quar- ter); now rose up to the sitting posture, and got off the couch to walk across the room, supported by two persons, looking about her with an alarmed and bewildered expression, but apparently not recognizing any one; she was, however, sufficiently awake to drink a cup of strong coffee, taking the cup in her hand (after nine hours and a quarter)/78.—Somewhat sleepy, followed by a few minutes' slumbering (one hour after 2 grains)/58.— *Great desire to sleep; it was very difficult to keep awake ; but during the night sleep was restless, with much perspiration (after 3 drops)/06.— Very sleepy (after a quarter of an hour)/82.—Constant desire to slumber at night, with increased thirst, and almost clean and dry tongue, dark at the edges; cracked lips/262.—"Sleepiness?862119213; (after ten minutes)/92.— Sleepiness; slumbering; stupefaction/4.—During the fourth day was very sleepy, so that it troubled me at my work, on which account I did not take the daily dose till 9 p.m., when I took 20 drops of the tincture; fifteen minutes afterwards my head felt much relieved; I was especially lively;- I then went to bed, read for about twenty minutes, when I became so sleepy that I was obliged to lay aside the book; could no longer keep my eyes open; all efforts to keep off sleep were unavailing; I gradually becarae more and more sluggish, till at last I was unable to reach a glass of water standing near me, though I made every effort. My mental powers were also very much bluuted; I gradually fell asleep; after about two hours I was awakened by loud cries for help in the street; after this I was unable to sleep; my memory lost its clearness, and I was unable to follow any connected thought/13*.—[2060.] Sleepiness and extreme disinclination to work (after 2 drops)/08.—Sleepiness, so that he was able to keep awake only with the greatest effort, and it was scarcely possible to talk connectedly (two hours after 18 drops)/00.— Could not rouse himself iu the morn- ing/70.—Sleepiness while writing at a table, followed by sleep for about twenty minutes, after which he woke, feeling quite well (first day)/13a.—So great sleepiness that he could not keep awake; lay down on a lounge, and immediately fell asleep, about noon (second day)/10.f—Unusual sleepiness f This may possibly be ascribed less to the action of the drug than to the fre- quently interrupted sleep of the preceding night. OPIUM. 231 about 8 a.m. (second day)/15.—Almost irresistible sleepiness after eating; best described by the adjective narcotic,117.—Constantly sank down into sleep; heard nothing; could answer nothing/70.—Irresistible sleep (imme- diately after taking 2 grains or more), that, however, was disturbed by dreams, and on waking he was not refreshed, but experienced nausea/8.— Sudden falling asleep (after a few minutesV6.—[2070.] Sleepy, with actual though restless sleep (first day)/35.—Soon fell asleep, and continued for six hours,220.—Soon fell asleep/11222.—On lying down instantly fell asleep/16.— Intoxicated with sleep while awake/.—Sleep, with consciousness ; he heard everything, but could not rouse himself; woke after two hours/6.—Stupid sleep, without consciousness, with rattling in the chest/4.—Instead of healthy sleep, it easily causes a stupid slumber,90.—Stupid slumber/1.—The slumber was so stupid that he could not be made to answer/4.—[2080.] Constant slumbering, with half-open eyes; carphologia and picking all about/4.— A kind of stupid sleep, with half-open eyes; the eyeballs turned upward uuder the lids; mouth more or less open, with stertorous inspiration/.— Slumber/'81; (after one hour),270.—Quiet, pleasant slumber, from which he was constantly awakened by frightful jerking in the limbs,2.—Sleep rather quiet; sweat violent/2.—Sleep, with redness of the face/8.—As soon as effort was intermitted sleep recurred, even when walking (after a quarter of an hour)/7.— Deep sleep/24219; (after one hour)/46; (after two hours)/47.— "Sound sleep, with stupefaction and partly open eyes?90.—Dropped suddenly into sleep, and could be as suddenly aroused/'05.—[2090.] Overcome by deep sleep, so as scarcely to be roused by all the efforts of her atten- dants/37.—Overpowering sleep, during which, however, he was sensible of pain, and when pinched, opened his eyes/1.—The patient could be roused from sleep by shaking and by speaking to her; she then complained, and wished to die/7.—Deep, still sleep (after two hours and a half)/36.—Fell into a sleep from which he could not be roused/87.—In a deep sleep, frora which every effort that her husband could devise could not arouse her. I shook her smartly, pinched, and bawled loudly into her ear, but could not perceive the slightest marks of sensation or consciousness; after vomiting, caused by sulphate of zinc and irritation of internal fauces, she was some- what aroused, though still very drowsy, and desirous to be left alone; later, coma greatly increased/42.— "Deep, sound sleep, with rattling respiration, as in an apoplectic person?6.—Sound sleep, with rattling respiration, as after apoplexy (after six hours)/6.—Great somnolence and feebleness, but the child could be aroused (after eleven hours)/80.—If the dose is a little too large, or repeated too often, the excitement and energy are changed iuto somnolency and the stage of delicious dreams; on awaking from these the prostration of body and mind are extreme/31.—[2100.] The soporific power of Opium is very much diminished by very great pain or by great grief.99.— The sleep caused by Opium passes into unusual stupefaction/7.—If allowed to remain unmolested for a few moments he lapsed into a deep sopor, whence he could with difficulty be roused to utter a whimpering cry, which was overcome midway by recurring sleepiness (after one hour)/54.—Sopor (after twenty-five minutes)/52.—During the following night sopor, alternated with delirium/00.—Sopor, disappearing towards morning, but the patient sank during the following night/37.—Completely torpid/73.—Considerable torpor, from which he could be aroused only with difficulty (after one hour)/76.— State of torpor, from which he was easily aroused (after three hours); very drowsy ; if left for a moment he became quite insensible (after three hours and a half)/01.—Sleeplessness. During the period of taking Opium she had 232 OPIUM. very little sleep, and in the intervals she could not attempt to sleep from want of desire, so that she generally worked all night; what sleep she had was generally in the daytime, and that little was much confused and easily ended/77.—[2110.] Night sleepless, with restlessness and delirious talk- ing,62.—"Sleeplessness, full of unwelcome fancies and imaginations, that were entirely distinct from surrounding objects, as in delirium,90.—Inability to fall asleep for a long time in the evening (possibly to be ascribed to an ex- tremely painful boil on the left natis), (second day),110.—It never affected him with sleep or drowsiness, but rather hindered his repose when he hap- pened to take an overdose/4.—Would like to go to sleep, but cannot/90.— Loss of sleep/81348.—No sound sleep after taking the drug?89.—Did not sleep during the night/40.—Slept but little (first night)/85.—Did not sleep at night, and says she has not since admission (fifth day)/55.—[2120.] *A1- though he is "sleepy he is unable to fall asleep, with slow pulse,38.—In a condition between waking and sleep he had dreams and images of dragons, skeletons, and frightful ghosts and masks,90.—Sleep interrupted by frequent waking, after which he was unable to fall asleep again for a long time; one night rose as early as 3 o'clock/13.—Restless night; slumbering alter- nating with waking; much irrational talking; hot skin aud stupefaction, during which he lies coiled up in a heap,62.—Night sleepless, restless,62.f— Restless sleep, from which he woke stupid,171.—Disturbed sleep, watchful- ness/32.—Unrefreshing sleep, with general perspiration/8.—Some had more or less disturbed sleep/32133.—Restless sleep, full of sighing and moaning,99.— [2130.] Sleep restless the forepart of the night, the latter part sound and refreshing/198.—Sleep unrefreshing, interrupted by restless dreams (after 1 drop)/09.—Sleep at night restless; awakened about midnight by oppression of the chest (after 18 drops)/00.—* The night, that was usually quiet, with uninter- rupted sleep, was now very restless, with constant tossing and tumbling about; the sleep was frequently interrupted and was only partial; was conscious of every noise in the street, even the ticking of the clock and watch distressed hira. The most varied dreams disturbed the whole night; was unable to rise as early as usual, and felt weaker than on the preceding evening before going to bed ; the head was heavy and dull; after a glass of water became fully awake (third night)/13.—Night unusually restless ; he rose from bed to urinate, but suddenly became so dizzy and nauseated that he was obliged to lie down ; this lasted a quarter of an hour, after which he fell asleep (after 7 drops)/05.—Inclination to sleep; she had scarcely closed her eyes, when she was aroused by most frightful images, when she spoke discon- nectedly, aud did not recognize the bystanders/03.—Starting in sleep for several nights/97.—During a deep sleep there was frequent sighing, and at times jerkings of the body/67.—Startings, and a strange chaos of happy and disagreeable visions, if sleep sometimes surprised me while sitting in a chair (after 4 to 6 grains)/30.—Sleep interrupted by startings/9.—[2140.] Sleep full of startings in fright; whenever he closed his eyes it seemed as though he had lost his reason (after three hours)/2.—Starting up in sleep; after waking he seemed intoxicated and half delirious.90.—Sleep full of fright- ful fantasies and frightful dreams/7.—On dozing, started up and evinced great incoherency both in language and action (after one hour)/91.— Moaning cries in sleep/.—Starting up in sleep,90.—Unintelligible prattling during the intoxicated sleep/.—Sobbing during sleep (after two hours)/.— f Instead of " sehlaflose," the original is " traumlose," which, however, may mean the same thing.—Hughes. OPIUM. 233 Dreams. Restless sleep, full of dreams (tenth day)/35.—Anxious sleep, disturbed by the saddest dreams, so that while intoxicated with sleep he seemed to float in a constant delirium/8.—[2150.] Anxious sleep, full of dreams (after seven hours)/8.—Sleep full of dreams/.—Frightful dreams/7; (seventh day) ; of falling from heights (tenth day)/55.—The sleep of Opium is not without dreams (from rather large doses),90.—Thousands of wonder- ful and vivid dreams, during which he spoke aloud/39.—Exceedingly vivid, fretful dreams; he always fails to succeed ; many cause vexation and ill humor (after two hours)/.—Anxious dreams/8.—Busy with numerous fancies and imageries all night during sleep,90.—Lascivious drearas aud nightly emissions,95.—Joyous dreams/8.—[2160.] Unusual wild dreams at night; he, however, woke only once, soon after midnight (after 6 drops)/00.— Wild dreams disturbed his sleep (after 18 drops)/00.—Sleep disturbed by dreams, sometimes agreeable, sometimes frightful; sleep ending in either coma or apoplectic death, with convulsions/7.—Dreams at times pleasant, at times sad, at other times anxious and fearful,90.—Opium affects the brain and causes restless dreams/6.—The sleep of Opium is always associated with dreams and visions,59.—Dreaming (after Opium), in a man free from dreams for a long time/7. Ferer.—Chilliness. Chilliness immediately, in the evening, in bed, after which, as soon as she fell asleep, she broke iuto sweat, which was very profuse about the head/.—He complains of chilliness/5 98.—Chilliness over the abdomen, with dryness of the mouth, without desire for drink/.— [2170.] Chilliness in the back/.—Chilliness in the back, with suppressed, scarcely perceptible pulse/2. — "Body cold (second day)/90; (after one hour)/19.—Cold and clammy (after seven hours)/58.—Cold and weak (second day)/01.—Cold and pulseless (after four hours)/36.—Cold and lifeless (after five hours and a half)/43.—Complains of being affected with a greater degree and a different kind of coldness to any he ever experienced before (after one hour)/29*.—Complains of being cold (after twenty minutes); continues, and is accompanied with disagreeable sensations (after fifty minutes); still complains of being cold (after one hundred and twenty minutes)/29.—Cold- ness, with stupefaction/5.—[2180.] Cold and shivery (after half an hour) ; skin feels cold (after half an hour); complains much of being cold all over, but particularly his feet (after three-quarters of an hour)/X—Inclined to shiver/5.—Temperature greatly diminished/44.—Diminished warmth/.—At first (accordiug to the thermometer) diminished warmth, afterwards in- creased perspiration,61.—Surface of body cold and livid/87 X—Surface cold (after six hours and a half)/78.—Surface of body cold and bluish (after one hour and a half)/57.—Surface of body cold/81; (after two hours)/84; (after one hour and three-quarters),185214, etc.—Surface cold and purplish, from imperfect aeration of blood (after five hours)/63.—[2190.] Surface of the body and hands cold and clammy (after four hours)/01.—Surface and extremities cold (after two hours)/75.—Skin very cold (after a quarter of an hour)/82; (after twelve hours)/83.—Skin universally cold, and partially suffused with a glutinous moisture (after eight hours)/35345.—Skin and ex- tremities cold/73.—Skin pale, cold, and clammy/74.—Skin cold and pale/72; (after four hours)/55.—Skin cold, particularly over the extremities (after one hour)/54.—Skin cool and clammy/38341.—Skin of the body rather cold and dry/90.—[2200.] Nose cold ; extremities cold and rigid/44.—Face cold/99.—Face cold and exsanguine (after four hours)/19.—Face cold and livid (after two hours and a half); flushed (after six hours and a quar- ter)/79.—^Extremities cold/48174; (after five hours),241339, etc.—Extremities 234 OPIUM. as cold as marble,204.—Extremities cold and livid/88.—Extremities cold, with tetanus (after two hours)/47.—Coldness of the extremities externally/8. —Icy coldness of the limbs/23.—[2210.] Hands, arms, and feet cold (after two hours and a half)/79.—Hands and feet cold/39; (after seven hours)/49. —Coldness of the feet (five or six years after the discontinuance)/77; (tenth day)/35.—* Temperature of the body cool; head somewhat warmer (after forty- eight hours)/67.—Febrile paroxysms; at first chilliness, then transient heat of the face (with a white tongue and sweat before midnight)/.—Febrile paroxysms; sleep during the chill; during the chill there was no thirst; during the heat, thirst, and profuse general perspiration/.—Febrile parox- ysms; at first shaking chill, afterwards heat, with sleep, during which he sweat very profusely/.—(Febrile paroxysms ; trembling chill, with thirst, then increased heat of the whole body, inclination to uncover, with strong, full pulse, dryness of the fauces, without thirst, and with vivid ideas and vivid memory), (after one hour)/.—Alternation of moderate warmth with coldness/.— Heat. Heat/.—[2220.] Increased heat/799.—Distressing sen- sation of heat (after two hours),292.—Heat, with thirst/7.—Intolerable heat, with great anxiety/2.—Heat and perspiration over the whole body/19.— Great heat of the body/90.—It increases the heat of the whole body, and leaves a dryness of the mouth and thirst/7.—Heat of the body, with great anxiety/7.—Sensation of heat in the whole right half of the body/11.—In- ability to sleep at night for a long~ time, on account of heat and headache (after 2 drops)/07.—[2230.] Hot fever, with fantasies, which come on after a short sleep, and last twelve hours, after which he is very weak and at- tacked with nausea, accompanied with weak pulse; three hours afterwards, again fantasies, that last forty-eight hours, with full, hard pulse, after which there is sleep for eight hours/9.—Feverish, soon/89; (third day)/84.—In- creased temperature of the body/16*.—Increased warmth over the whole body, with some perspiration (second day)/13. — Constantly increasing warmth, seeming to commence at the stomach and to extend over the whole body, with moist skin (first day)/13.—Increased warmth over the whole body, especially in the head; once, copious perspiration (after 3 drops)/06. — General warmth of the whole body, with heat and redness of the cheeks, and full, hard pulse, about 10 beats more rapid than usual (after 2 drops)/09. —Sudden warmth over the whole body, soon followed by general perspira- tion and feeling of increased vigor (after 2 drops),106.—Warmth over the whole body, especially in the head, followed by sudden perspiration (after 2 drops),107.—Sensation of warmth extending from the head to the right forearm/11.—[2240.] Slight warmth (after twenty minutes), and soon after a degree of moisture on the skin/°b.—Entire surface of the body intensely hot, and remained so to the time of his death/64.—Surface of the trunk warm, lower extremities cold (after three hours)/80.—Skin very hot (second day)/84.—Hot skin (after three hours); afterwards cold/11.—Skin hot (after one hour)/27; (after eleven hours),245.—Skin over her body felt hot, fever- ish, and was covered with a clammy perspiration,144.—Skin dry and hot; bloodvessels injected (first day)/15a.—Skin generally dry, hot, and turgid/16. —Skin hot, rough, without moisture/92.—[2250.] Skin at times dry, hot, at other times slight perspiration/9.—Skin warm, moist/39; (after two hours)/12.—Skin warm/28.—*Head hot/90242; (after half an hour)/62.— "Heat in the face, with perspiration collecting in large drops (two hours after 18 drops)/00.—Glowing heat of the face and perspiration on the head (ten minutes after 1 grain)/°°a.—Heat and perspiration on the face (after 8 drops)/00.—Burning heat in the face, with a sensation of heat, especially in OPIUM. 235 the eyes, without thirst, six evenings in succession/.—"Redness and heat of the cheeks, with a sensation of burning in them?19a:—Increased warmth of the face (twenty minutes after 1 grain)/58.—[2260.] Increased temperature of the cheeks and articulations of the jaws, with a sensation of burning, as also in the concha/19*.—Warmth in the face and scalp, with the headache (after 4 drops) ; repeated after other doses,100.—Sweat. Profuse perspira- tion (third day)/13177; (after 4 grains)/13 237 277.—Profuse perspiration, with sleepiness (sixth day)/13.—Profuse perspiration, about midnight, an hour after falling asleep/191.—Profuse perspiration, that lasts twelve hours,92.f— Frequent perspiration,6890.—Causes almost constant perspiration/722343740 n 89 95_—Perspiration increased/.—Increased perspiration over the whole body (after 12 drops)/00.—[2270.] Perspiration over the whole body, in the afternoon (after 1 grain)/00a.—Perspired freely, soon,X—Perspired very freely, so much so that her mother frequently wiped her face with a cloth (after half an hour)/78.—Skin soft and warm (after two hours and twenty minutes); moist and warm (after three hours)/93.—Skin clammy and warm (after sixteen hours)/45.—Skin moist (after six hours)/24.—Gen- eral perspiration/; (after eight hours)/8; (after 4 drops)/03.—General per- spiration over the extremely hot body, with great thirst, full, hard pulse, bright eyes, and mental activity/2.—Sweat all over, in the morning, during sleep, with inclination to uncover (after twelve, and thirty-six hours)/.— Skin covered with abundant sweat/68.—[2280.] Face bathed in perspira- tion and moderately warm, while the extremities were quite cool (after eight hours)/15.—"Slight perspiration on forehead (after one hour),176.— Sweat, especially on the upper parts, while the lower are hot and dry,62.— Thick sweat first on the head, afterwards over the whole body, like drops of dew, and sleep,62.4;—Perspires a good deal during the night, and towards morning has cold chills (fourth night)/55.—Sweat, and eruption of red rash, with itching,90.—When the sweat is more profuse, then there is more itch- ing of the skin, with general eruption, while all the senses vanish, touch, vision, and smell/7.—Perspiration on walking rapidly (seventh day)/35.— Sweat only on physical exertion/.—Perspires easily at night (ninth day)/3°. —[2290.] Strong perspiration the whole afternoon (one case)/34.—Bathed in cold clammy sweat,335.—Colliquative sweats (after five or six hours)/94. —Cold sweats/48.—* Cold perspiration over the whole body, except the feet, and especially on the head?23.—Body was covered with cold clammy perspi- ration,164; (after seven hours)/02.—Cold clammy sweat came out on the body ; large drops stood on his bald head/93.—*Cold sweat on the fore- head/; (tenth day)/18.—Limbs covered with cold sweat/52. Conditions,—Aggravation/ Toward morning), Cold chill.—(Morn- ing), Pale and dispirited; on awaking, headache; dryness in anterior por- tion of tongue; bitter taste; colic, followed by diarrhceic stool; 5 a.m., urging to stool, with pasty evacuation ; stool; 8 a.m., tenacious yellowish- brown stool; dry cough and scraping in larynx ; on awaking, pain in limbs and loins; gnawing pain in boues; bathed in perspiration ; on rising, indo- lent; could not rouse himself; during sleep, sweat all over; 8 a.m., sleepi- ness.—(Forenoon), 8 a.m., confused feeling in head ; while reading, dim- ness of vision ; 10 and 11 a.m., emptiness in stomach and sensatiou of hunger; pulse accelerated ; pain in flexor muscles of both thighs.—(Noon), No appetite.—(Afternoon), Depression of spirits; inability and disinclina- tion for work; tearing pain in occiput; griping in abdomen ; diarrhcea- f In "convalescence."—Hughes. J Revised by Hughes. 236 OPIUM. like stool; 2.30 p.m., tenacious yellowish-brown stool; constipation ; copious emission of uriue; pain in chest; perspiration over the whole body ; strong perspiration. — (Afternoon and evening), Headache; dryness in nose.— (Evening), Pressive headache in left side of vertex and forehead ; head- ache in occiput; burning sensation in eyes; while sitting still, roaring in ears ; three thin stools, with burniug in anus; thin stool; 6 p.m., hard brown stool, with great exertion ; hard evacuation, with difficulty ; copious yellow urine; drawing and tearing in forearm ; numbness in left little fin- ger ; itching on the legs ; unable to fall asleep ; in bed, chilliness ; burning heat in face.—(Night), Weeping; headache and heat; griping in abdomen, followed by emission of flatus; 9 to 12 p.m., liquid stools; in sleep, erec- tions; 2, 3", and 3.45 A.m., tickling in larynx, with cough ; sleep restless ; desire to slumber; sleepless; easy and great perspiration.—(About mid- night), Awakened by oppression of chest; liquid stool; profuse perspira- tion.—(Midnight), Rumbling in abdomen; desire for stool; burning in rectum ; watery evacuation.—(After midnight), Evacuation of large quan- tity of urine.—(Open air), Eyes seem moist.—(On awaking), From a nap, feeling of intoxication; headache and stupefaction; languid and stupid expression of countenance; from a dose, nausea; breathing heavy and oppressed ; from a nap, difficult micturition.—(After awaking), Dizziness ; difficulty in moving tongue ; qualmishness ; impotency.—( While awake), Intoxicated with sleep.—(While breathing), Pain beneath short ribs.— (During chill), Thirst.—(During colic), Arms spasmodically closed.— (During convulsions), Bloody liquid exudes from nose.—(After dinner), Pressure above stomach; indigestion.—(After eating), Roaring in ears; vomiting; pressure in epigastric region; cough; sleepiness.—(Exertion at stool), Sensation as if passage through rectum were closed.—(Physical exer- tion), Sweat.—(Taking food), Pain in stomach.—(During inspiration), Stitches in right side of chest.—(Looking to right or left), Vertigo.—( While lying down), After dinner, throbbing, with rising and sinkiug of the stom- ach.—(Motion), Pain iu occiput, neck, and vertebrae; pain iu sternum; pain in second joint of ring finger.—(Moving about), Inclination to vomit.— [Pressure), Tenderness in epigastric region; stomach hot and painful; pain in stomach.—(Raising head), Sensation as if heavy substance moved to and fro in head.—( While reading), Sensitive pressure above right frontal emi- nence.—(Reclining posture), Irregular action of heart.—(Rising from a seat), Weakness and heaviness in the legs.—(On rising), Heaviness and stiffness in limbs.—( Wliile in warm room), After walking in the open air, stoppage of the nose.—(After sitting), Numbness in left lower extremity.— (During sleep), Attacks of suffocation. — (After sleep), Intoxication.— (Smoking a cigar), Vertigo, nausea, inclination to vomit, trembling of the limbs, and cold sweat.—(Before and after stool), Colic.—(Stooping), Vertigo. —(Swallowing), Pain in throat; cramp in oesophagus; cough. — (After swallowing), Cramp in oesophagus.—(Wliile talking or whistling), Humming in ears.—(Touching anus), Burning pain ; pressive pain in rectum.—(Turn- ing in bed), Pain in stomach.—(Urinating), Pain iu bladder ; iu the morn- ing, some spasms; sensation as if passage through urethra were closed ; cutting pain in genitals.—( While walking), In street, nausea ; rapidly, per- spiration.—( While writing), Obscuration of vision ; at a table, sleepiness. Amelioration.—(Towardmorning), Sopor.—(Toward noon), Dulness in head.—(Drink of milk), Griping in abdomen.—(Drinking water), Tick- ling in larynx, and dry cough.—(Eructations), Qualmishness.—(Eating white sugar), Nausea and accumulation of water in mouth.—(Soft evacua- OPLIA—OPUNTIA. 237 tion), Colic.—(Leaning against cold wall), Headache.—(Motion), Pressive feeling in head ; pressive sensatiou in eyeballs.—(Moving about), Pressure above stomach; pressure in abdomen.—(External pressure), Headache in forehead ; pain in right frontal eminence.—(Rubbing), Pain in right frontal eminence; pressive sensation in eyeball; numbness in left little finger.— (Stroking with hand), Tension in skin of forehead.—( Walking about), Pres- sure in epigastric region. OPLIA. Authority. Dr. Demeures, Journ. de la Soc. Gall., Ser. 1st, vol. 4, p. 110, "effects caused by pounding the insect called Opliafarinosa."f Head.—Next day, dulness of the head, as if he had received blows on the head.—Stupefying pain in the forehead.—Headache over the left orbit, an hour after. Ege.—Pain in the left eyeball, afterwards extending over the whole left side of the face. JVose.—Immediately, the tip of the nose is painful to touch; it even feels warmer. Throat.—Slight acidity in the bottom of the throat. Stool.—Three hours after, several liquid diarrhoeic stools, of an ash color, with borborygrai, and slight colic also, eight hours after.—A hard stool, twenty-four hours after; four hours after this, an ash-colored diar- rhceic stool.—[10.] Third day, hard stool at noon ; 5 p.m., another copious, diarrhoeic, ash-colored stool. — Fourth day, stool at noon not so hard; another stool at 5 o'clock, copious, ash-colored, but not quite so loose.— Fifth day, stool at 11 o'clock, normal, copious; another stool at 5 p.m., very liquid and very abundant. Generalities.—Sixth day, everything has regained its normal condi- tion. Sleep.—Falls asleep late, in the evening. OPUNTIA. Opuntia vulgaris, Mill. (Cactus opuntia, L.). Opuutia alba spina. Natural order, Cactacese. Preparation, Tincture of flowers, No. 1; of stems, No. 2. Authorities. 1, Dr. Burdick, N. A. J. of Horn., N. S., 5, Aug. 1874, p. 48, effects of one or two deep inhalations of the tincture of flowers of O. vulgaris; 2, Dr. R. E. Kunze, Trans. Eclectic Med. Soc. of N. Y., 1875, proving of J. H. Fitch, M.D., who took 10 drops of tincture of O. alba- spina at 6.30 p.m., 1 drachm at 11.45 p.m. first day, 1 drachm at 8 A.M. second day, same 6 p.m. third and fourth days; 3, one symptom of O. vul- garis, from Murray, App. Med., 3, 343 (from A. H. Z., 19, 128). JUind.—Aberrations of mind, not entirely conscious of mental va- grancy (eighth day),2.—The mind appears to be much affected, and does not appreciate any of its morbid condition ; much tempted to do things one should not do (eighth day)/.—Involuntary blasphemous mood (eighth f The editor of the Encyclopedia is unable to determine the proper name of this animal. 238 OPUNTIA. day)/.—In a few minutes, desire to be at prayer; go there, and in a minute or two desire to go out and " tidy " up ; soon went out on an errand down- stairs, then corae up and go again to prayer (first day)/.—Fit of swearing at evening after coming home; praying in the morning, swearing on dis- appointment in plans; fit of rage, at 6 p.m., on thwarting of plans (third day)/.—In the afternoon, fit of petulance, angry at near relatives, swearing mood, not at all pleased, cannot get over the thought of injuries done by friends (eighth day),2.—Petulance and desire to be at work; very irritable; cannot stand the least trifle (eighth day)/.—Very vindictive at night (tenth day)/.—Felt an intense desire to be busy; could scarcely give way to the wishes of the frieuds with whom I was associated (ninth day)/.— [10.] Felt remarkable freedom in doing what 1 had to do; mind pretty clear (ninth day),2.—Stopped in the midst of my work as if by an irresist- ible power (thirteenth day)/.—Neglect business all day (sixth day)/.— Lazy, diffident in transacting business (seventh day)/.—Omits the first letter of a word in writing, transposes the first and second letters, writing the second first and the first second (second day),2.—Omit the first letter of the last syllable of a compound word (eighth day),2.—Transpose in writing the two final letters of a word uuless writing very slowly (eighth day),2. Head and Eye.—Headache of rather a mild form, a tensive feeling in the brain (fifth day)/.—Sensation as if the head were transfixed with a lance or spear (third day)/.—Pain in the globe of the right eye early, con- tinuing (ninth day).2.—[20.] Towards evening pain through the globe of the eye (ninth day)/.—Burning smarting in margin of eyelids, with feel- ing of contractions in line of eyelashes/. Nose, F\ice, and 3Iouth.—Left nostril bleeds on picking, a little blood and watery phlegm (eighth day)/.—Slight bloody mucous discharge from the left nostril (eighth day)/.—Pale face (fifth day)/.—Bite the in- side of cheek on chewing on right side (eighth day),2.—The teeth appear sensitive (I may have taken cold), (eighth day)/.—Tea tastes very insipid (it is not very strong); yesterday strong tea was very agreeable (eighth day)/.—Saliva in the mouth (third and fourth days)/. Throat and Stomach..—Great raising of mucus (phlegm from the throat), at 4 p.m. (seventh day)/.—[30.] Considerable mucus from the throat (eighth day)/.—Throat feels sore in afternoon, choked or pinching feeling around the top of the larynx (third day)/.—Horripilation on swal- lowing (first day)/.—Appetite uot first rate at breakfast, restricted at dinner (fifth day)/.—Went without dinner (ninth day)/.—"Nausea, extending from the stomach down into the bowels, with sensation as if diarrhoea would set in?.—Nausea, with dull heavy pain in stomach, with feeling as if cramps would set in/.—Alternate nau.-ea of stomach and bowels/. Abdomen, Rectum, and Stool.—Bloatedness at the abdomen (eighth day)/.—Pain through the spleen and heart (after one hour)/.— [40.] Sensation as if the contents of the bowels in lower portion of abdo- men were very acrid ; worse in median line/.—Excoriating sick feeling in lower third of abdomen, with sensation as if the bowels had all settled down into lower part of abdomen/.—Urgent desire for stool; evacuation rather loose (after one hour)/.—At eveuing stool, at first easy, afterwards hard (sixth day) ; urging to stool in the morning, soft, but difficult (seventh day)/.—In straining at stool, varicose veins on left side enlarge very greatly (eighth day)/.—Evacuation of bowels smell like strong drugs (eighth OPUNTIA. 239 day)/.—Bowels move oftener than natural (third day)/.—Loose stool, at 4 p.m. (eighth day),2. Urinarg and Sexual Organs.—Not able to wait on urinating (ninth day),2.—Urine increased in frequency, much more copious (eighth day),2.—[50.] Urine increased in quantity, not in frequency, all day (eighth day)/.—Urine free (third day)/.—Bloody urine/.—Pain in the right tes- ticle ; priapism, with lascivious desire; drawing pain in right testicle (after second dose, first day).2.—Atrophied appearance of the external genital organs (eighth day)/.—Seminal emission (tenth day)/. Respiration, Chest, and Heart.—Heaving respiration, which does not give relief of chest oppression (third day),2.—Single heaving res- piration (second day)/.—Respiration with slight heave of the chest, fol- lowed by less marked heaving respiration, gradually becoming quick and natural, still chest feels at ease (eighth day),2.—Oppression of the chest relieved by a single heaving respiration ; single violent chest heave to the respiration, producing an agreeable feeling at chest (after twenty minutes, second day),2.—[60.) Cold strikes straight through the chest, upper portion (eighth day)/.—Sticking pain through the heart (after one hour)/. Neck.—Pain in muscles of neck, left side anteriorly, at 12.25 p.m.; later, pain in the muscles of the right side of the neck below ear, momen- tarily on the right side anteriorly of the neck ; pain and ache ou both sides of the neck below ears, coming on and passing off (fourth day)/. Extremities.—Pain in the proximal ends of the first and second metacarpal bones of left hand (second day)/.—Pain in left arm just below the elbow, palmar aspect (after one hour),2.—After kneeling or resting on lower limbs they become numb, with tingling or pricking (eighth day)/.— Arranged one of the drawers of my desk; after kneeliug, lower limbs asleep, immovable (this is a two days' old symptom), (eighth day)/.—Pain in muscles on the inner side of left leg (second day),2.—Pain in head of left fibula (second day)/.—Pain in right little toe (second day)/. Generalities, Skin, Sleep, and Fever. — [70.] Feeling of prostration/.—Bad feeling, involving the nervous system (fifth day),2.— Nervous at night (seventh day)/.—Have had for a few days an eruption of pimples on the neck just back of the left ear, covering the mastoid pro- cess and bleeding easily (eighth day)/.—At night dream of women (sec- ond day)/.—Feeling of coldness/.—Very cold and chilly, (the day is cold and weather changing), (eighth day)/.—Cold feeling, with ache at the neck just below the ear, in the sterno-mastoid muscles, near their insertion (eighth day)/.—Cold feet, feel chilly in a cold room (eighth day)/.—Cold feet; coldness of the body (ninth day)/.—[80.] Cold feet (eighth day)/. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), Praying mood ; urging to stool.—(Afternoon), Petulant mood ; sore throat; 12.25, pain in muscles of left side of neck; pain in muscles of right side.—(Toward evening), Pain through globe of eye.— (Evening), Fit of swearing.—(Night), Vindictive mood.—(Heaving respiration), Oppression at chest.—(After kneeling on lower extremities), Numbness.—( When writing), Confusion of mind. 240 ORIGANUM. ORIGANUM. Origanum marjorana, L. Natural order, Labiata?. Common names, Sweet marjoram ; Mairan ; la Marjolaine. Preparation, Tincture of the plant. Authorities, Provings by Dr. Cessoles, Rev. Horn, du Midi (from A. H. Z., 37, 139),f 1, effects, on self, of. one drop of tincture, on two occasions ; 2, a girl, aged 24, took daily doses of tincture increasing from one to five drops at a dose; 3, a young woman took one dose of 30th dil., repeated after eight days. 3Iind.—It was impossible to remain tranquil/.—Her disposition was very much affected ; after the fifth or sixth day she became earnest, fearful, silent, sad, discontented, despairing, and weary of life; afterwards (after ten or twelve days), irritable, restless, with great anxiety and full of ideas, with need of active exercise, of running in the open air,2.—Sadness the whole day, followed by lively mood and excessive joyfulness, with thoughts of marriage, distraction of mind, and desire for active exercise, impelling her to run?. Head and Nose.—Vertigo on lving down in the evening/.—Head- ache in the temples/.—Nosebleed (twenty-third day)/.—Sensation of con- striction and tickling in the tip of the nose (sixteenth day)/. Stomach and Abdomen.—Loss of appetite/.—Excessive thirst at night/.—[10.] Hiccough/.—Violent pain in the abdomen woke her from sleep at night (eighth to tenth days),3. Urinary and Sexual Organs.—Frequent necessity to pass urine, waking from sleep as many as four times in one night/.—Desire for coition,2.—"Increased desire for coition?. Chest and Rack.—Swelling and itching of the nipples, frequently recurring (after twenty-seventh day)/.—Pains beneath the scapulae (first day)/. Extremities.—Cramp in the sole of the right foot, in the left leg, also in the fingers and in the shoulder, at times in the morning, at other times in the evening (after ninth day)/.—Pains in the right hand (first day)/.—Rheumatic pains in the right foot, frequently recurring and disap- pearing (after nine days)/.—[20.] Pains in the toes (after one day)/. Generalities. —Great physical prostration/.—Uneasiness/.—Pains in the legs and side, becoming so violent that Camphor was taken after five or six days/.—The pains continued to recur in varying degrees of severity during the first two weeks,2. Skin.—Pale red spots on the legs, thighs, and abdomen (after two weeks),1.—Painful red pimples on the outer portion of both legs (fourteenth and fifteenth days)/.—Itching of the nipples, with pain in the breast re- curred during the whole proving/. /SV^eyA—Frequent waking from sleep in fright/.—Frequent waking from sleep with trembling,2.—[30.] Vivid anxious dreams/.—Lascivious dreams/. —Exciting dreams,2. Fever.—Heat of the head; as the heat increased, the head was invol- untarily turned from side to side/. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Evening), On lying down, vertigo.— (Night), Excessive thirst. f Original not accessible. OSMIUM. 241 OSMIUM. Osmium, an element. Osmium tetroxide (Osmic acid), Os04. Preparation, Dilutions, with absolutely pure water, of Osmic acid ; or triturations of the precipitated metal. Authorities. 1, Berzelius, Poggendorf's Annals, 1835, effects of vapor; 2, Swauberg. ibid.; 3, Claus, effects of inhaling the fumes, from Brauell, by Bojanus, Int. Horn. Presse, 5, 193; 4, effects on Hellmann, an assistant to Claus; 5, Brauell, effects of small doses on himself; 6, Bojanus (1. c), effects of fumes of crude and of inhalation of 1st dec. dil.; 6 a, same, provings with 10-drop doses of 1st dec. dil.; 7, Stokes, Month. Horn. Rev., 3, 164, took 2 grs. of 3d trit. (first day), same twice (second and third days), once fourth and fifth day, twice seventh day, once eighth and eleventh day (took three doses of Merc. sol. and two of Bell., thirteenth day); 7 a, same, subsequently took 3d trit., 1 grain first, second, third, and fourth days; 7 b, same, subsequently took same dose daily, for seven days; 8, H. D. Noyes, N. Y. Med. Journ., July, 1866, p. 269, a doctor, after heating a compound of Iridium and Osmium, took a piece from the crucible and held it near the left eye (^a similar effect had occurred before); 9, Ray- mond, Progress Med., 1874, a man, after working daily with large amounts of Osmium, aud exposed to its fumes, became sick, hitherto he had been perfectly well; 10, C. Hering, provings with triturations of metal, Her- ing's Monograph on Osmium; 11, Neidhard, provings by olfaction, of Os- mium oxide, ibid.; 12, Raue, provings by olfaction, ibid.; 13, Mrs. Paschal, provings with 6th cent, trit., ibid.; 14, Genth, effects of iuhalation of fumes, ibid.; 15, Wcehler, effects of fumes, ibid.; 16, Hardenstein, ibid. 3Iind.—Morose mood/.—Irritable, at times even angry/.—He gets very impatient on account of an itching, on going to bed, which prevents sleep,10.—Misplacement of words in the same phrase (1st dec.),10.—Disin- clination for every work/; (after two hours)6*.—Thoughts of accidents having happened to others, by a blow, a fall, or being dashed to pieces; gradually these thoughts grow upou him, as if he were to do the same in- juries to others (after several weeks),10.—Inward weakness; thinks he will have to give up practice on account of mental weakness, in the evening, when riding out,10. Head.—Frightful headache, depriving him of sleep,9.—Terrible head- ache above and under the eyes, on oue side, tearing towards the ear; worst under the eyebrows; the eye waters and is weak (a similar effect frora other influences, f. i., Oxide of kakodyl)/4.—[10.] Dull headache, like a band round the head above the ears; after the second dose, the dull head- ache extends from the base of brain into the jaws (third day); at night, dull aching at base of skull and in jaws (fourth day)/.—Intense dulness of the head, with heat in it (soon after 1st dec.),10.—Dulness of the head, with pressure and heaviness, especially in the left frontal eminence.6*.—Dull head all day (second day)/b.—Head feels dull and full (after two hours)/*. —Heaviness of the head/45.—Muddled head (fifth day)/.—Peculiar feel- ing in the head (soon after olfaction),10.—Forehead. Headache in the right upper side of the forehead, a tearing to and fro, deep in; at the same time similar pains in the bones of the limbs, deep in, in the evening (first day, 1st dec.),10.—Pressing headache in the localities of the organs of ide- ality (after olfaction)/2.—[20.] Pressing headache in the forehead, soon VOL. VII.—16 242 OSMIUM. followed by ulcerative pain in the left leg and gluteal muscles, at 9 p.m. (five minutes after twice repeated olfaction)/1.—Great pain in the upper right side of forehead (soon after olfaction),10.—Compressive pain in the forehead and temples/.—Temple. Headache, principally in the tem- ples, with pain in the larynx, and hoarseness/3.—Severe pressing pain in the left petrous bone, upwards and backwards of the ear (after tritura- tion),10.— Vertex and Parietal. All the afternoon had fulness and aching at the upper and back part of the head, indoors and out; worse by throwing the head back (second day)/.—Occipital headache continued (sixth day)/.—External Head. Falling out of hair is increased and continues (twelfth day, after 1st dec.),10. Eye.—Immediately struck with a sharp pain, he shut the eye and drew back. In ten minutes he came to my office. The lids were spas- modically closed, light very distressing, and pain in the globe severe. The conjunctiva and sclera were intensely injected, and lachrymation profuse. Pupil of natural size and activity. Sight dim, viz., ^, and reads only No. 3 of Jseger at ten inches. All objects look dim. This dimness is not the effect of lachrymation, because wiping away the tears does not better the vision. Accommodation perfect. There are no muscse nor phospheues; the visual field normal. By the ophthalmoscope, both the inverted and up- right image, no material change discovered. The media clear, the optic nerve pink, but not unlike the other eye. The external inflammatory syrpptoms continued for oue day, and then the eye resumed its normal condition, both in appearance and function/.—Extremely violent pains in the eyes/.—[30.] Violent pain around the left eye, as if externally on the bone (half an hour after 1st cent.),10.—Burning pain in the eyes, from going into an atmosphere containing vapors of Osmium/.— Sensation as if the axis of vision was moved back and forth a short distance, without moving the eyes; with closed eyes, in the evening (first day, 1st dec.),10.— Burning sensation in the eyes, with profuse lachrymation,34.—Extremely violent burning pain in the eyes, with very copious lachrymation/.—Ex- tremely small quantities of the vapor act violently on the eyes aud lungs/5. —Lid. Muscular twitchings, both felt and seen, in the levator of the right upper lid, relieved by rubbing, but always returning and lasting two hours, during the morning (second day)/a.—Violent itching in left inner canthus; irresistible desire to rub it (second day, after 1st cent.),10.—Lachryma- tion. Lachrymation, aggravated by fixing the eyes upon any object/.— Conjunctiva and Rail. Burning sensation in the conjunctiva/.— [40.] Pressive pain in the eyeballs/.— Vision. Acuteness of vision di- minished, so that large objects, somewhat distant, seem enveloped in a fog, and cannot be distinctly recognized/.—Dimness of vision, especially of the right eye', that cannot be removed by wiping; it seems as though a mist were before the eye, or the room were full of smoke,6.—Decrease of sight; could just tell night from day, but could not discern the large letters on a title-page; this remarkable affection of the sight lasted, each time, after smelling Bioxide of Osmium, for three or four days,2.—When attempting to read, letters run together, so that he cannot distinguish them/4.—The candlelight is surrounded by a bluish-green circle, the outer margin of which is bright red ; if the light is removed to the distance of ten or fifteen paces from the eyes the circle disappears, and the flame seems indistinct, as if enveloped by a cloud of dust or smoke/.—Candlelight sur- rounded by a bluish-green circle, bordered by an ashy-gray margin, becom- ing larger as the light was removed/.—The flame of the caudle seemed OSMIUM. 243 surrounded by a green circle, bordered by a red margin, which was larger or smaller, according to the distance from the light/.—Candlelight sur- rounded by a yellowish circle ; at the distance of about ten feet it had a diameter of three inches/.—In the evening, a very large rainbow-hued ring around the flame of every candle, whenever he is exposed to an at- mosphere smelling of Osmium, even slightly/5.—[50.] The flame of the lamp, iu the evening, seeraed much larger and more confused than natural/. Ear.—Earache, first in the right, then in the left ear, in the evening (first day, 1st cent.),10.—Ringing in the right ear (half an hour after 1st dec), with pain (immediately after trituration),10. Nose.—Coryza/.—Constant discharge from the nose,3 4.—Constant run- ning from the nose, with a sensation as if the nose were full/.—Secretion from the nose/.—Sneezing/.—Frequent sneezing, with increased secretion of mucus in the nose/.—Frequent ineffectual efforts to sneeze/.—[60.] From the posterior nares, lumps of phlegm easily loosened,10.—Sensation of fulness iu the nose, as if coryza would come on/.—Prickling sensation in the nose, with increased secretion of mucus,6.—Peculiar irritation in the nose, throat, oesophagus, and trachea, as if he had been burnt with hot water/.—Very violent burning irritation in the nose/.—Sensation in the nose as though blood rushed into it from the head,6.—Irritation in the Schneiderian membrane, like that caused by snuff/.—Nose and larynx very sensitive to cold air,6.— Smell. The sense of smell is diminished (second day),6.—Senses of smell and taste blunted,6.—[70.] Smell similar to Chlorine?9.—The stinging odor of the acid remained for a long time in the nose, and afterwards changed to a sensation like that after one has re- ceived a blow upon the nose (odor of blood)/. Face.—Dull aching in jaws and at base of brain, at night (fourth day)/.—Cold jerks in the left upper jaw and front teeth, after olfaction,10. —Pain in the muscles of chewing, after eating wheat bread (from two to three hours),10. Mouth.—Teeth and Gums. The teeth creak, more than usual when rubbing them with the finger (1st dec.),10.—The pain in the right upper tooth returned, but was drawing, and was relieved by sucking the tooth with the tongue (third day)/*.—Jerking pain in a right upper hollow tooth, very painful, frequently preventing speech (have had a pain in this back tooth before, but it was of a very different character)/*.—Broad swelling above the root of an upper left incisor, with pain and numbness; suddenly, after eating pears; disappeared after silicea (fourteenth day, after 1st dec.),10.—Tongue. There was a red stripe on the middle of the tongue, that pained as if sore; the edges of the tongue were rough and covered with small pimples; the tongue was sensitive to the slightest touch, when eating and drinking/3.—[80.] Tongue much coated ; coffee tastes badly (third day, after 1st dec.),10.—General Mouth. Mouth sticky and pasty, as after a long illness (after a few hours)/*.—Saliva. In- creased secretion of saliva, with frequent need of spitting/.—Copious sali- vation, with constant expectoration of mucus, with retching, without incli- nation to vomit/.—Copious salivation/.—Salivation/.—Taste. Taste blunted/*.—Taste of blood in the mouth/.—Metallic taste (after two hours)/*.—Tobacco does not taste as usual, it causes a scraping in the throat; cigars cannot be smoked, because they provoke cough and aggra- vate the rawness in the larynx/. 244 OSMIUM. TJiroat.—[90.] Burning irritation in the pharynx/.—Sensation of in- creased warmth along the oesophagus, in the chest (immediately)/1. Stomach— Appetite. Loss of appetite/ ; for dinner (sixth day)/h.— Great aversion to his coffee and tobacco, even their odor was disgusting/.— Eructations. Incessant, extremely distressing eructations of the odor and taste of the drug, with great nausea, so that he thought he would vomit every moment, which, however, he did not; this was accompanied by much spitting of the saliva, which constantly accumulated in the mouth, and which was very watery (after twenty minues),6*.—Empty eructations, at first without taste, afterwards having the taste and odor of the acid, re- lieving the nausea (soon)/*.—Eructations of the odor of radish (after a few hours)/*.—Nausea and Vomiting. Sensation of qualmishness and discomfort, in the abdomen below the navel, with a feeling of weakness (after a few hours)/*.—Feeling of qualmishness in the pit of the stomach, while riding, in the open air (second day)/*.—Qualmishness and extreme discomfort, with dull pain and heaviness in the pit of the stomach, after eating/*.—[100.] Nausea, without accumulation of water in the mouth, and without retching/.—Nausea, with accumulation of water in the mouth/; obliging frequent spitting (immediately)/*.—Frequent attacks of nausea, without any cause (after several days)/*.—Nausea and discomfort in the pit of the stomach, in the morning (second day)/*.—Nausea, without vom- iting/.—Vomiting of much watery mucus, of the odor and taste of the acid, with numerous blackish-green flakes of mucus, looking like the de- posit that the acid causes when brought in contact with organic substances; vomiting paroxysmal, at first of water, afterwards of yellowish and tena- cious substances ; after vomiting eructations of gas of the odor and taste of the acid, with continued salivation (after half an hour),6*.—General Stomach. Distension of stomach and bowels, with difficult passage of flatus, in the evening (third day)/b.—All the evening had distension of stomach and abdomen, although the dinner was only plain roasted mutton and potatoes (first day)/b.—At 6 p.m., weakness of stomach, almost amount- ing to nausea, and aversion to cocoa, usually so well relished; this, hy-the- by, occurred during the digestion of meat pudding, and requires a glass of brandy and water, at 10.30, to set matters right (after three hours and a half)/*.—All day yesterday and to-day there has been uneasiness in the stomach, increasing to anxiety and contraction ; worse after food, and much aggravated by stimulants (eighth day)/.—[HO.] Constrictive pain in the stomach, in the forenoon (seventh day)/b.—Before dinner (which I take at 12.30), felt contractive pain and weight in epigastrium ; this is often attended by a feeling in the stomach as if I had swallowed a lot of stones from a newly laid road (sixth day)/\—During the proving my digestion suffered a good deal, and during about nine or ten days, I felt no attraction to the pleasures of Venus, although at all other times very easily excited thereto. My suppressed report ran thus: " Venereal appetite sup- pressed for eight or ten days; the conjugal act when performed was done by a sheer act of volition, and the usual thrill in ejaculation was absent (in a letter to the Editor, Aug. 3d, 1877")/. Abdomen.—Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen, as if in the in- testines air were mixed with water, indeed one can feel the bubbles of air passing through the intestines, though there is no pain,6.—Rumbling and moving about in the abdomen (after a few hours),6*.—Slight griping in the bowels, at night (second day)/".—Abdomeu very sensitive, and distended all the afternoon (fourth day); again troubled with distension,all the after- OSMIUM. 245 noon and evening (fifth day); bowels distended, in the afternoon (sixth day)/".—Sensation like great weakness in both groins towards the spermatic cords (soon),10.—Pressure on both inguinal rings (sixth day)/b. Rectum and Stool.—Urging to stool, but only passage of flatus, in the afternoon (second day after 1st dec.),10.—[120.] Stool very hard, then soft, preceded by violent urging, followed by frightful burning in the anus preventing sleep, with desire for stool, but only a little yellowish mucus was passed/*.—(Diarrhceic stool after drinking coffee), (1st cent.),10.— Diarrhcea-like, bloody stools, accompanied and followed by colic; he evac- uated black blood, as much as two or three centimeters every time (did not suffer from haemorrhoids)/.—Evacuation soft, almost pasty, though formed thin, otherwise normal, at 9 p.m., following a normal stool, at 10a.m. (first day),6'.—Mushy stools in the morning, afternoon, and evening (1st dec.),10.—In the morning, first hard, then thiu soft stool, of a striking orange-yellow color (after olfaction, third day),10.—The bowels were not moved till 4 p.m. ; the evacuation was passed hastily, with burning at the anus; it was bilious and partly fluid (second day); no evacuation to-day, only a small lump, like a marble, passed, after trying very hard to relieve myself (fourth day) ; no evacuation to-day until 10 p.m., it was dry and full of air (sixth day); bowels relieved at 10 a.m. ; evacuation small in volume and quantity (seventh day); the bowels remain costive (eleventh day)/b.—The bowels are confined, but move daily/.—Evacuation delayed, small and constipated (fifth day)/. Urinary Organs.—Urine. Urine very albuminous,9.—[130.] In the evening perceived the urine to be strongly scented, somewhat like vio- lets, very highly colored, and apparently full of bile (fifth and sixth days)/.—Urine brown and scanty all day (second day); this morning the urine was scanty, and strongly scented, but not so dark as before (third day) ; scanty and dark-colored urine (fourth day) ; now begins to be more free and less colored (eleventh day)/".—Much bright-red sediment in the urine, in part deposited on the bottom, in part adhering to the sides of the vessel/8. Sexual Organs.—Male, Pain in the spermatic cords, especially in the left (the same which he had after phosphoric acid), (soon after tritu- rating; the same again after 1st dec.),10.—Pain in the spermatic cords, ex- tending into the testicles, with inflammatory swelling of the right inguinal glands, as large as a pigeon's egg; this lasted ten days/.—Glans penis red- dened, on the left side ; during coition a longer lasting emission of semen (1st dec.),10.—Throbbing, stinging, pricking, pinching pain on the left side of the glaus penis (after trituration),10.—Violent yet undefined pain at the tip of the glans penis and in the foreskin (1st cent.),10.—Pains in the right testicle (immediately after olfaction),10.—Pain iu the testicles, so that he could not sleep the whole night/.—[140.] Very hard erections (sixth and following days after 1st dec.),10.—Very hard erections; frequently soon after midnight, always on awaking in the morning, without exception, either before or with it; later, they continue longer, even after rising ; moderate sexual desire (tenth and eleventh days, after 1st dec.),10.—Erec- tions every morning, earlier and harder,10. Respiratory Organs.—Larynx, Trachea, and Bronchi. Small lumps of phlegm easily loosened from the larynx,10.—The mucus hangs in the larynx like a thread, irritates to hawking and cough, causing retching and almost vomiting; after sneezing it is loosened very easily (eleventh day after 1st dec.),10.—With a slight cough and coryza a very 246 OSMIUM. severe- pain in the larynx; it pains her to talk, every word she speaks hurts her/3.—Sore pain in the larynx/.—Burning irritation in the larynx and trachea/.—Irritation in the larynx, with hacking cough/.—Tickling in the larynx and trachea/.—[150.] Tickling in the larynx/.—Scraping in the larynx, provoking cough/.—Slight rawness in the larynx (eleventh day) ; increasing until the thirteenth day, when it was a very severe laryngeal catarrh, the voice hoarse, weak, and low, and almost extinct; lay in bed all the morning, and took three doses of Merc, sol, and two of Bell, which carried off the attack, in the afternoon/.f—Scraped, raw sensation, and prickling in the larynx, not provoking cough,6.—Scraped, raw sensation in the epiglottis/.—Sensation in the larynx, causing frequent havyking,6.— Profuse secretion of mucus in the air-passages, with constant inclination to cough/.—Tedious secretion of phlegm from the air-passages (after inhaling vapors of Osmium)/.—Very extensive bronchitis/.— Voice. Hoarseness, with pain in the larynx, for eight weeks; she was hoarse when talking, but particularly when singing, so much so, that she could not sing at all; the hoarseness was much worse each time after going into the open air (riding out or walking), as soon as she came home/3.—[160.] Hoarseness,5.— Cough and Expectoration. "Paroxysms of convulsive coughing?.— Frequent cough/.—Cough, with sensation of constriction in the air-pas- sages/.—Cough, only in the morning (after three days)/.—Cough, on rising; violent short bursts of cough, without expectoration (fourteenth day after 1st dec.),10.—Cough short, dry, accompanied and followed by pain in the larynx and trachea, extending to the middle of the sternum, as if raw and sore; very violent, as if the mucous membrane would be torn off Avith every paroxysm of cough,6.—Cough dry, racking, difficult to loosen/.—Dry spas- modic cough/.—Hacking cough, relieved by deep inspiration/.—[170.] Constant hacking cough/.—Hacking cough and irritation in the larynx, aggravated by motion, in the open air/.—Cough, with secretion of color- less mucus (after several hours),6.—After a cold, while nursing a sick child, aud losing sleep at night, slight cough with pain in the larynx, she had also some coryza, but continued to take Osmium 6th cent.; the tongue be- came very sore, the pains iu the larynx very severe; she was taken with hoarseness; she was afraid she would get the croup, and took Spongia and Hepar, which relieved somewhat/3.—After coryza, the cough returned during the day, very severe and disturbing sleep until midnight; a slight but irresistible tickling irritation in the larynx, causing short bursts of cough, increasing in violence ; after repeated sneezing something is loosened, like a little round lump, which he is compelled to swallow (fifth day),10.— Hawking of mucus frequently accompanied by attempts to vomit,5.—In- cessant expectoration of mucus, causing inclination to vomit/.—Respi- ration. Difficult respiration/.—Difficult respiration, which was almost asphyxia, with dry skin, and temperature of 40.6° C./.—Difficult whis- tling respiration/.—[180.] Difficult respiration, with dyspnoea/. Chest.—Moist rales in the chest and larynx on breathing,6.—Pneumo- nia very peculiar and extremely obstinate ; possessing a singular motility, occupying at one time a certain portion of the lung, at another time chang- ing its place/.|—Air, containing vapors of Osmium, affects the lungs when f I am not positive that the laryngeal affection was medicinal, but I am very much inclined to think it was. % Autopsy showed the whole left lung in the third staqje of gray hepatization ; in the other lung, red hepatization; there were also found indications of approaching OSMIUM. 247 inhaled/.—Oppression of the chest/4.—Oppression of the chest, with diffi- cult respiration, as if the lungs were collapsed and they could not get air enough, relieved by deep inspiration/.—Tightness of the chest; dread of breathing; one can feel the air entering the bronchial tubes by the sore pain it causes,6.—Pain near the left lower rib, about a quarter of a circle towards the front; a dull stitch (immediately after olfaction),10.—Rawness in the chest provokes hawking and hacking cough/.—Sensation of dryness in the chest,6.—[190.] Pain beneath the sternum ou coughing, extending to both sides of the chest, with a burning soreness, as if everything were raw; after coughing a long time some lumps of yellow tenacious mucus were loosened,6. Heart and Pulse.—Pulse 90, when I am well it is 72 (sixth day); 80 (seventh day)/b.—Pulse 80 before taking the powder (second day) ; 78 (third day); 84 at 11 a.m. (fourth day)/*. Neck and Rack.—Pains iu the back/.—A peculiar pressing pain in the back, extending from the scapula to the sacral region, aggravated by motion and by cough/.—Pain iu the lumbar region/.—Pressure iu both loins, that on coughing extends into the testicles/.—Pressive pain in the sacral region/. Exti'emities.—The limbs feel as heavy as lead, with weariness and heaviness in them, especially in the knees, was unable to stand long (after two hours),6*. Super ior Extremities.—Shoulder and Arm. Pulsating, dull stinging on the inner side of right shoulder-joint (after olfaction)/2.— [200.] Severe pinching pain in the left upper arm, a handbreadth above the elbow, inwardly and on the inner posterior side; often repeated and very severe, for fifteen minutes (soon),10.—Sensitive pain in the middle of the left humerus; soon after in the fingers of the left hand (two hours after olfaction),10.—Elbow. Violent bone-pain in the left elbow (immedi- ately after olfaction),10.—Forearm. Violent pinching in the bones of the right forearm (after 1st cent.),10.—Drawing on the inside of the right fore- arm (after olfaction)/2.—Dull weary pain deeply seated in the left radius, aggravated by lifting anything or by allowing the hand to hang down, lasting three days, gradually disappearing; on the third day, the pain ex- tended to the same place in the right forearm but was much less severe/*. —Burning pressure on the outer side of the right forearm (after olfac- tion),10.— Wrist. Pain in the left wrist-bones, in the morning after stool (second day after 1st cent.),10.—Finger. Severe pains in the right fore- finger, especially in the phalanx, stinging and twitching towards the point, in the forenoon (after a week),10.—Burning pains in the left ring finger (sixth day after 1st dec.),10.—[210.] Aching pain in the metacarpo-pha- langeal joint of left thumb (fifteenth day)/.—Irregular attacks of stabbing in the tips of the fingers, particularly those of the left hand (fourth day)/. —Several times I have.felt the stabbing pains in the tips of the thumb and fingers of the left hand/b. Inferior Extremities.—Fulness and restlessness in the legs which becomes quite unbearable, he does not know what to do with them, and finally he has to lie down, at 9 p.m. (fifth day after 1st dec.),10.—The legs and feet feel as if too full (1st cent.),10.—Yesterday aud to-day felt a draw- gangrenous dissolution ; the bronchial glands enlarged, red and soft; the kidneys showed the second stage of Bright's disease; in the stomach were large ecchymosed spots. 248 OSMIUM. ing aching in the left quadriceps tendon, each side of top of patella, varied by occasional shoots below the external malleolus, and on the instep of left foot (fourteenth day); aching of left knee is less severe, and ceases at night (fifteenth day)/.—Sudden pain in the hip-joint as if it would be dis- located, preventing walking, but lasting only a few minutes,6.—Severe pains in the right ankle, which do not prevent walking (first hour),10.— Pinching pain in ankles (first cent.),10.—Flying, cutting pains in the bones and joints of the right foot (first hour, after olfaction),10.—[220.] Pinching, pressing pain in the heel, as if in the bone, first left, then right (second day, after 1st cent.),10. Generalities.-— Was obliged to keep his bed ten days on account of weakness, from which he was not free until the third week/.—Indolence/. —Weakness,5.—Great weakness of the whole body, so that he was fre- quently obliged to sit down/.—Weary, as after a very long walk (after two hours)/*.—Felt very weak and easily tired (thirteenth day)/.—Gen- eral sick feeling (after a few hours),6*.—Feeling so poorly, I took no more medicine (ninth and tenth days)/.—I rise jaded/b.—[230.] Feel restless aud fidgety (eighth day)/.—Arose feeling jaded, after a restless tossing night (second morning)/*.—Arose very tired, with muddled head and ach- ing limbs and body, and was thus all day (fifth day)/. Skin.—Red spots on the dorsum of the hand/6.—The fold of the skin remains attached to the growing nail; more on the right side, and mostly on the middle fiuger (fourteen days after 1st dec.),10.—Copious exanthema on the forearm and on the dorsal and palmar surface of the hands and on the cheeks,9.—Red-brown papules on the skin of the forearm, and hand, with desquamation of the epidermis,9.—Small pointed vesicles, surrounded by red areola, with intolerable itching, on the back of the left hand, be- tween the thumb and index finger (in a spot where, six years before, scabies had broken out); some vesicles appear on the ulnar margin of the same hand, extending from the metacarpal joint to the phalanges of the little finger, on the outer surface of the wrist; also on the right hand violent itching, but no vesicles; these vesicles disappear after twenty-four hours (third day),6.—Burning stitches in the skin on many places, particularly in the right upper lid ; worse at the inner border of the nail of the fourth finger of the left hand, where it burns like fire (soon after 1st dec.),10.— Prickly heat disappears on the upper half of the body and increases ou the lower, first on the thigh, then on the leg, then on the ankles (after several days),10.—[240.] Itching, as from crawling insects, on the shoulders and back, in the evening, when going to bed ; it scarcely permits sleep, and makes him very impatient (nine days after 1st dec.),10.—Violent itching on a place an inch wide and a hand long above the crest of the left ilium, towards the abdomen ; the place is red, with many small pointed spots, as if tetter would appear (seventh and following days after 1st dec.),10.—The itching on small spots near the left hip returns, when the erections return, at 3 to 4 a.m. (thirteen days after 1st dec.),10.—Violent itching on the legs and ankles (first day, 1st dec.),10. ' Sleep.—Overpowering sleepiness (after two hours)/*.—Sleepiness/.— Night sleepless/.—Restless tossing night (first night) ; slept badly ; tossed about as before (third night)/*.—Sleep restless every night, with dreams of painful events (seventh day); sleep is haunted by dreams of activity and of events of a serious and important character, but they are not remem- bered on waking (eleventh day)/b.—Restless night (first day)/\—[250.] OSMIUM—OSTRYA. 249 Nightmare during sleep/.—Confused, but not frightful, dreams of fire, at night,6*. Fever.—Shivering, especially in the back/.—Fever, with difficult res- piration,9.—Sweat in axilla, smelling of garlic (eighth day), especially in the evening and at night, lasted for a week,10. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), Twitching in the levator of right upper lid; nausea; on awaking, erections; cough; on rising, cough ; after stool, pain in left wrist.—(Forenoon), Pain in stomach ; pain in right forefinger.—(Afternoon), Bowels distended ; urging to stool.— (Evening), Headache; 9 p.m., headache in forehead ; ring around flame of candle ; flame of candle seemed larger ; earache ; 6 p.m., weakness in stom- ach ; distension of stomach and bowels; fuluess and restlessness in legs; urine strongly scented; when riding out, inward weakness; on going to bed, itching; sweat in axilla.—(Night), Aching at base of skull; aching in jaws and base of brain : sleeplessness; sweat in axilla.—( Open air), Hoarseness.—(Breathing), Moist rales in chest and larynx.—(Coughing), Pain beneath sternum; pain in back.—(After drinking coffee), Diarrhceic stool.—( While eating and drinking), Tongue sensitive.—(After eating), Wheat bread, pain in muscles of chewing; pears, pain and numbness in teeth; qualmishness. — (Fixing eyes upon any object), Lachrymation.— (Hanging hand down or lifting), Pain iu radius.—(Motion), In open air, hacking cough ; pain in back.—(Riding in open air), Qualmishness.— (Smoking cigars), Rawness in larynx.—(Stimulants), Uueasiness in stomach. —(Talking), Pain in larynx.—(Tobacco), Scraping in throat.—(Throwing head back), Headache in upper part and back of head. Amelioration.—(Deep inspiration), Hacking cough; oppression of chest.—(Rubbing), Twitching in levator of right upper lid.— (Sucking tooth with tongue), Paiu in upper tooth. OSTRYA. Ostrya Virginica, Willd. Natural order, Cupulifera?. Common names, Iron-wood, Hop-hornbeam, Lever-wood. Preparation, Tincture of the heart-wood. Authorities. 1, Dr. W. H. Burt, Trans. West, Inst, of Horn., 1867-8, p. 139, effects of decoction from heart of the tree evaporated to a powder and triturated to 2d dec, dose 20 grains; la, same, second experiment with 20 grains of 3d dec. first day, 40 grains second day, 60 grains third and fourth days; 1 b, same, effects of 2 grains of crude powder; 1 c, same, effects of 5 grains of crude; 2, E. H. King, Thesis Hahnemann Med. Coll., proving with 3d dil. in water, repeated doses; afterward tincture, doses of 5 to 100 drops; 2a, same, took 1st dec. trit., 5 to 25-grain doses; 3, same, proving of Dr. H. T. Snyder, with 50-drop doses of tincture; 4, same, proving of Dr. W. S. Moffatt, proving with the tincture; 4a, same, effects of large doses of fluid extract. Head.—Light feeling in the head, with the distress in the epigastric and umbilical regions; walking aggravates the pain iu the head (after two hours)/.—Light feeling of the head, with the constant slimy taste (second day),'a.—Dull headache, with a numb prickling feeling of the head, face, and hands, for the last hour; the head is especially affected (after three hours)/b.—Dull headache, at 6 a.m. (second day)/.—Slight headache in 250 OSTRYA. the raorning, which continued most of the day, and in the evening had a sharp pain immediately back of the mastoid process of the temporal bone; the pain seemed to pass from within outwards (twenty-third day)/.—Dull headache, with constant distress in the umbilicus (second day)/*.—Slight headache, with an uneasy feeling throughout the system (half an hour after second dose, second day)/.—Very slight headache, hardly sufficient to no- tice (twenty-fourth day)/.—Slight pain in the head (after eleven hours, third day"1/.—[10.] By spells numb feeling of the head (after five hours)/". —Forehead. Severe headache in the frontal region ; at first the head- ache was of a throbbing character, but gradually it grew more dull; worse on the right side (fifteen hours after first dose, twenty-second day)/.—Walk- ing or stooping produces severe throbbing pains in the forehead, passing off in an hour (second day),lc.—Dull frontal headache, with frequent nausea, lasting but a moment (after two hours and a half )/b.—Dull frontal head- ache (after fourteen hours),lc; (third day)/.—Slight frontal headache (after two hours)/; (after ten hours)1*.—Temple and Parietals. Severe pressing pain in the right temple; (fifteen minutes after first dose, second day)/.—Pain in the right temple of a pressing character (fifth day)/— Dull pain in the temples (after five hours),1'.—Slight pain in the right temple, and also in the right lower molars (fourth day)/.—[20.] Dull headache, more in the right side of the head than in the left (after three- quarters of an hour, first day)/.—Right lateral headache, in the morning (third day),3. Ear.—Drawing pain deeply seated in the left ear (after first dose, sec- ond day),3. Mouth.—Boring pain in the right lower molar teeth (after first dose, second day)/.—Slight pain in the right lower molars and also in the right temple (fourth day),3.—"Tongue coated yellow at the root (fourth day)/.— Slimy coppery taste in the mouth (after five hours and 2d aud 4th dec.)/*. —Slimy taste in the mouth (fourth day),1*.—Constant slimy taste in the mouth, all day (third day)/*.—Slight bitter taste in the mouth (fourth day)/.—[30.] Sweet slimy taste, with distress in the umbilicus, at 2 p.m. (second day),'c.—Rough bitter taste in the mouth (second day)/c. Stomach.—Appetite. Appetite very much increased, so that the prover can eat three times the usual quantity (after eleven hours, third day)/.—Increase of appetite/; (twenty-first day),2.—Awoke at 4 a.m., with great desire for something to eat (second day),1".—Slight increase of the appetite,2*.—Decreased appetite (twenty-second day)/.—"Loss of appetite for breakfast and dinner (second day)/c.—Not much appetite, in the morn- ing (twenty-second day)/.—Nausea. "Frequent nausea, with the dull frontal headache (after two hours and a half)/b.—[40.] Nausea, with the distress in stomach and bowels (third day)/*.—Nausea (after a quarter of an hour, first day)/.—Nausea, with the pains in the umbilicus (second day)/*.—Nausea, with distress in the umbilicus (after one hour); severe (after three hours),1*.'—Nausea, with the distress iu the epigastric and um- bilical regions (first day),10.—Qualmishness, with the distress in stomach and bowels (after one hour)/.—General Stomach. Stomach sour, with frequent eructations of food (after ten hours),lb.—Awoke several times in the night with very sour stomach, with distress aud soreness of the stom- ach and whole of the bowels (third night),1*.—Sour stomach, in the evening (first day),1*.—Distress in bowels and stomach, with qualmishness (after one hour)/.—[50.] Distress in the stomach (after one hour),lc.—Burning distress in the stomach (after fifteen minutes)/.—Dull distress in the whole OSTRYA. 251 epigastrium (after one hour)/".—Uncomfortable sensation in the epigastric region, a sensatiou as if an indigestible substance were in the stomach con- tinuing until breakfast (7.30 a.m.), which partially relieved it; it totally disappeared before 12 m. (soon after first dose, sixteenth day); the same sensation as yesterday morning, but to a less extent, and lasting a shorter time (after first dose, seventeenth day)/.—Rode all the forenoon iu the country ; the atmosphere was very cold; had frequent pain in the epigas- tric aud umbilical regions, with nausea, several times; now have constant distress in the epigastric and umbilical regions (after five hours)/0.—Con- stant distress in the epigastric and umbilical regions, with nausea, and light feeling in the head (after two hours)/.—A number of times through the afternoon and evening had hard sickening pains iu the epigastric and um- bilical regions (first day)/1'.—Awoke several times in the night with cutting pains in the epigastric region (first night)/0.—Sinking sensation in the epi- gastric region (after a quarter of an hour),3. Abdomen.—Hypochondrium. Dull pains iu the right hypo- chondrium, aggravated by walking, with the dull headache and nervous- ness (after five hours)/".—[60.] Have had constant dull pains in the right lobe of the liver and whole epigastrium for the last hour, with frequent eructations of sour fluid (after seven hours),16.— Umbilicus.—Retraction of the umbilicus (after nine hours, third day)/.—Several times through the day had hard pains in the umbilical region (third day)/".—Hard, sickening pains in the umbilicus at 3 p.m. (second day)/".— Frequent hard, cutting pains in the umbilicus, extending into the hypogastric region, with nausea (after four hours, second day) ; with desire for stool (after five hours, second day),1*. —Neuralgic pain in the umbilical region (after nine hours, third day)/.— Distress iu the umbilicus with the nausea (after one hour); have had con- stant distress in umbilicus, with occasional pains in the stomach (after three hours). Have had constant distress in the umbilicus, with frequent sharp pains in same region aud stomach (after five hours); constant aud severe pain in umbilicus all the evening (first day) ; several times 'this morning have had a dull distress in the umbilicus (second day)/*.—Hard, aching distress in the umbilical region, with severe nausea ; the distress extends all over the bowels, but is the greatest in the umbilicus; this has been the leading symptom (second day ^".—Occasional pain in the umbilical region, with borborygmus and tenesmus (third day)/.—General Abdomen.— Rumbling in the bowels (after five hours); for the last hour loud rum- bling of the bowels, with pains in the umbilical and hypogastric regions, and desire for stool, relieved with frequent emissions of very fetid gas from the bowels, showing that the liver is very prominently affected (after eleven hours, third day),1*.—[70.] Some flatus (second night)/.—Flatus, followed by a loose stool (eleven hours after first dose, second day)/.— Have had frequent spells of distress in the abdomen, with rumbling in the bowels (after fourteen hours)/0.—Cutting colicky pains in the abdoraen, followed in a short time by a mushy stool, accompanied with burning at the anus aud slight tenesmus, in the afternoon (twenty-fourth day)/.— Awoke several times in the night with distress in the bowels, worse by moving (second night) ; occasional pains iu the morning ; constant distress in the whole of the bowels all day, with frequent nausea (third day); dis- tress in the bowels, not so severe as yesterday (fourth day); for three days afterwards occasional pains through the bowels,1*.—The bowels felt as if bound by lead poisoning (after nine hours, third day)/. Rectum and Stool.—The rectum feels sore; a protruded feeling 252 OSTRYA. after stool (fourth day)/.—Desire for stool; natural stool, first one to-day (after three hours)/*.—Slight inclination for stool, at 8 a.m. (fourth day),3. [80.] Loose stool (eleven hours after first dose, second day); with slight tenesmus, in the morning (third day); bilious stool with tenesmus and strain- ing; afterwards (at noon) a bilious stool, very thin, with pressing for stool afterwards; in the evening a watery stool with tenesmus and sore feeling in the rectum (fourth day); loose stool without tenesmus (fifth day)/.—Severe tenesmus (after seven hours), followed by diarrhoeic stool ; tenesmus con- tinued an hour and a half (third day)/.—Mushy stool, accompanied with burning at the anus and slight tenesmus, in the afternoon (twenty-fourth day)/.—Soft stool (after five hours, second day); dark-colored mushy, very fetid stool, with distress in the whole of the bowels (after two hours, fourth day)/*.—Natural dark-colored stool (after fourteen hours),10.—Small natural stool (after two hours and a half); natural stool (after seven hours); black, dry, lumpy stool at 6 p.m. (second day) ; stool of natural consistence, but very black (third day)/b. Rack.—Back so painful that it is with difficulty that I can turn over in bed (after thirteen hours) ; so painful that I cannot stand erect; it is a regular attack of lumbago, whether caused by the Ostryin or not, remains to be proved (after sixteen hours); the pains in the back remained four days, I took Macrotin, Bry. and Nux, to relieve it, the pain was so severe. A year ago I had an attack of lumbago which lasted a week/.—Dull pains in the whole dorsal region (after ten hours),1".—Have had a great deal of pain in the dorsal region, extending into the left hypochondriac region (third day)/*.—5 p.m., since 2, have had constant pain in the lumbar region, worse when stooping or walking (after seven hours)/. Extremities.—[90.] Arms and legs ache (after five hours),1".—Dull pains in the arms and legs (after seven hours),1".—Fine drawing rheumatic pains in the first joint of the left forefinger and little finger, lasting ten minutes (after five hours),1*.—Fine drawing pains in the fingers (second day)/c.—Frequent drawing pains in the fingers in the morning (third day)/*.—Awoke several times with a cramplike pain in the lower extremi- ties (first night),3.—Pain iu the lower extremities, worse when walking (third day)/.— Drawing pains in the right ankle (first day)/0. Generalities.—Very nervous, with dtill headache, and dull pains in the right hypochondrium, aggravated by walking (after five hours),1".— Feeling nervous (first day)/0.—[100.] Numb, prickling feeling of the head, face and hands, the head is especially affected, with the dull headache (after three hours),1".—Feeling very languid (after ten hours),1".—Feeling languid, with constant pain in the lumbar and sacral region (after eleven hours)/.—Feeling of weakness or debility, with gentle perspiration covering the entire surface (after eleven hours, third day)/.—Uneasy feeling through- out the system, with slight headache (half an hour after secoud dose, second day)/.—Slept well, but feeling as though I had not slept any (second morn- ing)/b.—The system feels as though it had been acted upon by an active or drastic purgative (after eleven hours, third day)/.—A slight tonic effect/*. Sleep.—Constant disposition to yawn (after ten hours),1".—Rested and slept much better than the previous night (twenty-second day)/.—[HO.] Slept well and sound (twenty-third night)/.—Slept well all night (third night)/.—Did not sleep well, was very restless, as if produced by strong tea (fourth night),3.—Slept but little, was not sleepy (twentieth night)/. Fever.—Cold, chilly sensations about the shoulders (second day)/b.— Gentle perspiration covering the entire surface, with a feeling of weakuess or debility (after eleven hours, third day)/. OZONUM—OXALICUM ACIDUM. 253 Conditions.— Aggravation.—(Morning), 6 a.m., headache; right lateral headache; loss of appetite; dull distress in umbilicus; drawing pain in fingers.—(Afternoon), Sickening pain in epigastrium ; 3 p.m., pain at umbilicus; mushy stool with burning at the anus.— (Evening), Sharp pain back of mastoid process of temple; sour stomach ; sickening pain at epigastrium ; pain in umbilicus.—(Night), Cutting pain in epigastric re- gion.—(Moving), Distress in bowels.—(Stooping), Throbbing pain in fore- head ; pain in lumbar region.—( Walking), Throbbing pain in forehead; pain in head ; pain in right hypochondrium ; pain in lumbar region ; pain iu lower extremities. OZONUM. Ozone, Nascent oxygen. Authorities. 1, Dewar and McKendrick's Nature, 9, p. 104, experiments on themselves by breathing ozonized air for eight minutes, when they were obliged to desist; 2, Hearder, Nature, 9, 182, effects of ozonized air; 3, Dr. J. T. O'Connor, MSS., effects of inhaling Ozone. Eye, Nose and Throat.—Tingling of the conjunctiva and skin of face,1.—Sneezing, with the cough/.—Irritation of the fauces and glottis/. Respiratory Organs and Chest.—The experiment was fol- lowed by violent irritating cough and sneezing, and for five or six hours thereafter by a sensation of rawness in the throat and air-passages/.—A considerable amount of irritation over the respiratory tract, very similar to that experienced when recovering from an attack of influenza, and I found that I could often produce the same irritation by removing the prime con- ductor from the cylinder of an electrical machine, and holding my face in such a position as to breathe the copious ramifications of electricity that were thrown off from it/.—A suffocating feeling in the chest; a tendency to breathe slowly/. Rack and Extremities.—Pain excessive in whole sacral region, apparently in the articulations, especially a sensation of tiredness all through the pelvic viscera, even iu the perineum/.—The thighs and legs feel as if overworked ; excessively fatigued/. Skin.—A tingling of the skin of the face and conjunctivae/. OXALICUM ACIDUM. Oxalic acid, C2H204. Preparation, Triturations. Authorities. (Nos. 1 to 11 and 14 to 16, inclusive, from Hering, Amer. Arzneipf.); 1, Koch, provings; 1 a, same, subsequent proving; 2, same, proving on another; 3, same, proving on another; 4, same, proving on a woman; 5, Neidhard, proving with the 1st dec. trit.; 6, Dubbs, ibid.; 7, E. Smith, ibid.; 8, Floto, ibid. ; 9, Williamson, proving with 1st dec. trit.; 10, Kitching, ibid.; 11, C. Hering, 1st dec. trit., and aqueous solution ; 12, Reil, Horn. Vjs., 2, 316, proving with a solution of 50 grains to 8 ounces, dilutions made 1 to 8; took first day, 2d dil., 20 drops twice, second day 30 drops twice, and so on, increasing doses daily to 100 drops the seventh day, then took 1st dil. 20 to 100-drop doses, then began tincture thirteenth day, 15 drops, and increased doses to a dessertspoonful every two hours on 254 OXALICUM ACIDUM. eighteenth and nineteenth days; 13, same, proving, on a man, with 2d dil.; 13a, same, with concentrated sol., 7 to 90 drops, three times a day; 14, Houigberger, from Hering; 15, Pehrson, from Hering; 16, Gasewich, from Hering; 16 a, Royston, London Med. Repos., 1814, vol. 1 p. 382, ^ ounce, in a woman, death in forty minutes; 17, Fraser, Edin. Med. and Surg. J., vol. 14, 1818, p. 607, effects of ^ ounce, in solution, in a man (death after two weeks); 18, Mollan, Dubl. Hosp. Rep., 1818, p. 329, effects of 2 ounces-, in a woman; 19, Scott, Edin. Med. and Surg. J., 1825, vol. 24, p. 67, effects of about 2 drachms, in a girl, aged twelve; 20, Lovegrove, Lancet, 1827, 2, p. 512, effects of about an ouuce, in a man ; 21, St. George's Hosp. case, from Lancet, 1827, 1, 447, effects of about an ounce, in a man ; 22, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1827, 1, p. 137, effects of an indefinite amount, in a girl, aged fifteen; 23, Tolefree, Bost. Med. and Surg. J., 1835, p. 158, effects of l ounce, in a woman ; 24, Edward's case, in Taylor on Poisons, p. 206; 25, Taylor, Guy's Hosp. Rep., 1838, p. 353, effects of sev- eral drachms, in a man ; 26, Semple, Lancet, 1840, 2, 187, effects of I ounce, in a girl, aged twenty-three; 27, Schreyer, Mitthl. d. Ver. f. Nat. und Heilk. (Hygeia, 9, 121), 1840, effects of, in indefinite araouut, in a man ; 28, Todd, Lancet, 1841, 2, 145, effect of a pennyworth, in a young woman ; 29, Webber, Hufel. Journ., 1841, Hygeia, 17, 481, a girl took a solution for suicide; 30, Tapson, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1842, p. 491, effect of a pennyworth, in a woman, aged fifty; 31, Jackson, Bost. Med. and Surg. Journ., 1844, 30, p. 17, effects of 1 ounce, in a man; 32, Hazeltine, Bost. Med. and Surg. Journ., 31, p. 39, 1845, effects of ^ ounce, or more, eight days after childbirth; 33, Ogilvy, Bost. Med. and Surg. J., 1845, p. 179, effects of between 1 and 2 ounces, in a woman ; 34, O'Shea, Lancet, 1845, 2, 293, effects of over 1 ouuce, in a man; 35, Wady, Lancet, 1846, 2, 39, effects of 1 ounce, in a man ; 36, Barbara, Prov. Journ., 1847, p. 544, effects of about 1 ounce, in a woman, aged thirty-seven ; 37, Cooke, effects of \ ounce, in a man, Lancet, 1847, 2, p. 4 ; 38, Clarke, Bost. Med. and Surg. Journ., 1848, vol. 38, p. 24, a man took about 1 ounce, with senna ; 39, Bashaw, Trans. Am. Med. Assoc, 1849 (from Dubl. Med. Press, 1847), effects of 1 ounce; 40, Bowne, Lancet, 1841, effects of 3 drachms, in a woman ; 41, Deane, Prov. Journ., 1851, p. 344, effect of f ounce; 42, Di- dana, Am. J. Med. Sc, 1851, p. 532, effects of an indefinite amount, in a woman ; 43, Buchner, Toxicology, effects of \ ounce, in a woman ; 44, Kuhn, Horn. Vjs., 2, 316, poisonous effects, in a man ; 45, Hildebrand, Vjs. f. ger. Med., 3, 256, effects, taken in coffee, in a girl; 46, Wood, Month. Journ. Med. Sc, 1852, p. 227, effects of a large quantity; 47, Bar- ker, Assoc Med. Journ., 1855, p. 1073, effects of \ ounce, in a boy of six- teen ; 48, Oyez, Gaz. des. Hop., 1858, effects of \ ounce, in a woman ; 49, Thudichum, Med. Times aud Gazv 1860, p. 39, effects of 10 grains, taken for purpose of experiment; 49 a, same, effects of 10 grains; 49 b, same, repeated; 49 c, same, repeated ; 50, Christison, general effects ; 51, Arrow- smith, from Christison; 52, Page, Lancet, 1860, p. 509, effects of 1 ounce; 53, Ikiu, Lancet, 1860, effects of 1 ounce; 54, Bradley, Med. Times, 1850, vol. 22, p. 283, 2 drachms, in a man ; 55, Cuff, Med. Times and Gaz., 1862, effect of an indefinite amount; 56, Woodman, Med. Times and Gaz., 1864, effects of about £ ounce; 57, Ellis, Lancet, 1864, effects of 1 ounce, in a woman; 58, Beale, Lancet, 1867, a woman took i ounce; 59, Herapath, Med. Times and Gaz., 1868, effects of f ounce, in some limewater, death in a few minutes ; 60, Stewart, Glasgow Med. Journ., 1870, effects, 16| grams; 61, Finnell, Med. Rec, 6,260, effects of about 1 ounce; 62, Good- OXALICUM ACIDUM. 255 fellow, Brit. Med. Journ., 1871, a man took about a teaspoouful; 63, Starr, Phil. Med. Times, 1871, a child, aged one year, "swallowed a piece;" 64, Dougall, Glasgow Med. Journ., 1872, a boy, aged three years, took about 4 grams; 65, omitted ; 66, Sharp, Essays ou Med., 1874, effects of Ty h grain; 66 a, same, effects of 2'0th grain ; 66 6, same, effects of T^th graiu twice ; 67, Jackson, Bost. Med. and Surg. Journ., 1875, effects of 2 tablespoonfuls of a solutiou, death on third day ; 68, Med. Times, 1841, p. 15 (Woodman and Tidy, Forensic Med. and Tox., p. 431), effects of £ ounce, in a girl of seventeen, recovery ; 68 a, ibid., 1 ounce, in a man, death on fifth day. Mind.—Emotional. Somewhat delirious (second evening)/6.—De- lirious, with paroxysms of violent struggling (third day)/6.—He became delirious, and in his delirium got out of bed alone (third day),67.—Deliri- ous at times (sixth day)/1.—Delirious, and soon after expired (eighth day)/1.—Delirium (ninth and tenth days)/1.—Appeared like an insane person/7.—Great cerebral excitement, with dry coldness of the surface, and an imperceptible pulse/0.—Nervous and vascular excitement, as from alco- hol, constituting a feeling of hilarity, and the pulse one-third more frequent than usual, and tense,10.—[10.] General excitement, in the evening/.— Hallucination (tenth night)/7.— Starts violently when the door slams; rather external thau internal starting,11.—Great cheerfulness of the mind ; quicker in thought and action/.—The whole forenoon unusual vivacity and power of concentration, which is still more decided iu the afternoon/. —Great increase of animation through the day, with playfulness and mirth- fulness, which of late years has not been natural to him (first, second, and third days),6.—General exhilaration of the mind (third day),11.—He feels more composed than usual, and very much exhilarated/.—Hilarity and cheerfulness/.—Philoprogenitiveness, (?) greater love of his children, in one in whom this feeling was always predominating ; a decidedly expressed and clearly distinguishable symptom, it being not traceable to any other cause/1.—[20.] Taciturn/1.—Manner rapid and nervous/2.—Peculiar quick- ness of manner (after six hours)/7.—Heaviness of manner (after seven days)/7.—Occasional agitation of manner (after three days)/7.—Violently agitated with fear/3.—(Remarkably ill-humored, in the afternoon and evening),11.—Anxiety and apprehension, with vertigo and headache (third and fourth days)/.—Great distress and fear of death/1.—Distressed and anx- ious (fourth day)/1.—[30.] Moaning/7.—Intellectual. Unusual power of concentration of the mind/.—Greater presence of mind ; the relations of the world seem to be clearer to him,0.—Seems, in its primary action, to di- minish the power of concentrating his ideas, and afterwards to increase it/. —The power of concentration of mind disappears while reading; is obliged to read a sentence three or four times before he can comprehend what he has read (after three hours)/.—In the morning, power of meditation very difficult and slow; is hardly able to answer questions (second day)/1.— Disinclined to work (fifth day)/2.—Disinclination to work, irritable mood (second day)/.—Disinclination to conversation/.—Aversion to talking, with a feeling of fulness in the face and excitement (first day)/1.—[40.] Stupor (tenth day)/1.—Patient, stupid, depressed,29.—Fell to the floor and appeared stupid ; the other women lifted her on the bed ; she seemed partly roused, and tried to second their efforts; she then became insensible, and soon died/6.—Stupefaction/4.—Very little consciousness/1.—Loss of con- sciousness for eight hours (frora 2 drachms),50.—Unconscious a few minutes before death/1.—Insensibility/047.—Insensibility, and in less than an hour after taking the draught death ensued/5. 256 OXALICUM ACIDUM. Head.— Vertigo. Vertigo/4.—[50.] Vertigo, in the morning (fourth day)/.—Vertigo, in the morning, with anxiety and headache (third day) ; still worse (fourth day)4.—Vertigo, in the morning, with weariness and thirst (third day)/.—Vertigo, as if he would fall down, when looking out of the wiudow, in the evening/.—On lying down, vertigo, like a swimming, towards the left side/1.—A kind of vertigo always, on rising from a seat, without whirling, like a vanishing of sense, in the upper and internal part of the head (second to fourth days)/1.—Giddy directly/8; (after one hour)/066; the whole day/.—General Head. Apoplexy/4.—Head troubles him very much (eighth day)/1.—Headache (twenty-four hours after 2 scruples),50; (second day)/6.—[60.] Dull headache (next day, after 2d trit.),10.—Violent pulsating headache, in the evening, after wine (fifth day)/.—Pain, pressing inwardly between the vertex and occiput, on a spot not larger than a dollar, on the middle line (after a quarter of an hour)/1. —Violent pain iu head (third day)/1.—Violent pain in the head, especi- ally in the forehead, with dulness, after exerting the mind (seventh day)/. —Pains in small spots in the head, very violent and sensitive to touch/5. —Dulness of the head, with pressure, as if the head were compressed from both sides, above and behind the ears, by a screw, preceding and accom- panying the stool (second day)/1.—Emptiness in the head, sensation of faintness, as if all the blood had left the brain, with anxiety/.—A very peculiar lightness while walking, like a flying forward, though dependent on weakness (first and second days),'1.—Forehead. Headache extend- ing from the frontal eminence laterally towards the temporal region ; fol- lowed by closing of the eyes, so that she wished to sleep (fourth and fifth days)/.—[70.] Intense frontal headache/8.—Pressive headache in the fore- head (third day)/2.—Pain in the forehead and eyes, as in the beginning of coryza (second and third days)/2.—Woke in the morning with pain in the frontal region, that disappeared after a copious stool, about 11 a.m. (tenth day)/2.—Headache in the left frontal region, iu the morniug, on waking (fourteenth day)/2.—Sharp pains in the forehead and vertex, with a feeling of lightness; the pain is most acute over the left eye and in the left temple (soon)/.—Continual dull pain in the forehead and vertex,6.—Dull pains, with occasional sharp pains in the forehead,6.—(Removes immediately a dulness in the forehead, to which he was frequently subject in the morning)/.—Pressure in the forehead, in the forenoon, on rising (third day)/.— [80.] Heaviness in the forehead and vertex (in the morning, after taking the acid in the evening)/.—Fulness in the forehead, above the eyes/.—Throbbing pain in the forehead (after two, and three hours)/.—Temple and Vertex. Painful pressure in the right temple (confined to a small spot); the pain is also jerking, sliding; soon after the same sensation in the hollow of the left knee/1.—Pains in the temples/4.—Pain in the left temple, extending as far as the lower jaw (after one hour and a half)/.—Jerking in the left temple/.—Dull headache in the vertex/; (from one-tenth)/; Pain in the vertex, very soon/.—Parietals and Occiput. One-sided headache, a cutting from the right side of the forehead, behind the ear, down to the insertion of the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle (third day)/.—[90.] Pain along the base of the occipital bone, returning several times, during the first two days,9. Eye.—Eyes sunken, surrounded by blue rings, in the forenoon ; suc- ceeding a violent diarrhoea, in the moruing (third day)/.—Sunken eyes (after one hour)/8.—Eyes glassy,60.—Presses the eyelids together (fourth day)/.—Corrugated eyebrows,40.—Very violent pain within the left eye, in OXALICUM ACIDUM. 257 a short narrow streak (after a few hours)/1.—Violent gnawing pain and sensation of soreness in the eyes and orbital regions, with dull headache/. —Sensation as if sand were in the left eye, without inflammation, in the evening (second day)/.—Pressure in the upper part of the eyes, during walking/11.—[100.] Eyes weak, with general sick feeliug (second day)/. —Lid. Dry mucus in the margins of the lids, in the morning, which could be removed only in small granules (seventh day)/.—Eyelids closed (after one hour and a quarter),26.—Biting in the left inner canthus (sev- enth day)/.—Conjunctiva. Conjunctivae dusky; distinct arcus senilis at the upper part of both eyes/2.—Rail. Pain in both eyeballs, but worse in the left one/.—Eyeballs prominent/7. — Pupils. Pupils very much contracted ; insensible,60.—Pupils greatly contracted,60.— Vision. Small objects at a short distance seem larger than natural, as at the first look he thought they were at a greater distance than they really were; lines and hairs a few inches from the eyes seemed as large as straws (in a myopic person),11. Ear.—[HO.] Pressure behind the ears, preceding and accompanying the stool (second day)/1.—Fine stitches in the left ear, in the evening/.— In the afternoon, occasionally a pain in the depth of the ear, as if in the Eustachian tube, near the throat; worse on the right side/1.—A kind of slight blowing noise in the left ear/. Nose.—Dilated aloe nasi,40.—A vesicle in the right nostril, in the morn- ing on rising, with stitches and pain on touch ; the wings of the nose are swollen, at times more on the right side, at other times more on the leftr every two or three days for two weeks/*.—Sneezing, with chilliness, in the evening after tea,5.—Watery running frora the nose, with sneezing/.—Stop- page of the nose/4.—Pain in the nose (second day)/1.—[120.] The nose is very painful, in the evening, extending from the tip towards the right side; a sticking-burning pain, with swelling and shiny redness (eleventh day); still swollen, but not so painful (twelfth day) ; less (thirteenth day),1*. — Lancinating stitches through the right nostril, on inspiring through the nose (eleventh day)/. Face.—Objective. Twitching of muscles of face,40.— Face, lips,, throat, and tongue swollen and livid/1.—Face sunken (eighth day); hip- pocratic (ninth day)/1.—Countenance hippocratic/3.—Red face, with shak- ing chill, in the evening/.—The face is redder than usual/1.—Face flushed (third day)/6.—Countenance gradually assumed a darker tinge/1.—[130.] Face pale, lips blue/3.—Face and lips blue (second day)/6.—Look yellow, pale, eyes sunken (fifth day)/.—Pale look and no appetite, at noon (fourth day)/.—Expression pale, eyes sunken, with nausea (fourth day)/.—Face pale/4.—"Face pale and livid?0.—Pallid countenance (after one hour)/8.— Face extremely pallid (after four hours),36.—Countenance pale aud hag- gard/1.—[140.] Face tumid and of a livid complexion (second day)/1.— Lividity of the face/2.—Look stupid/1.—Face appeared dull and heavy (after one hour and a quarter)/6.—The countenance indicated the most pressing danger (after half an hour)/6*.—Features anxious and pallid/4.— Expression of the face anxious,60; (eighth day)/1; (after fourteen hours)/4, etc.—Very desponding look (twelfth day)/6.—Subjective. Sensation of fulness in the face, and excitement, with disinclination to conversation (first day)/1.—Sensation of fulness in the face/1.—[150.] An internal sen- sation of heat, particularly in the face, for several hours, during the fore- noon/1.—Drawing pain, with rigidity, near the angle of the lower jaw, first in the left, then in the right side, but longer in the left/.—Lips and vol. yn.—17 258 OXALICUM ACIDUM. Jaw. Puffiness of the lips (second day)/2.—Lips shrivelled and sore (after nine hours),30.—Upper lip trembling; lower jaw relaxed/1.—Lower jaw spasmodically closed/7. Mouth.— Teeth. Teeth covered with sordes, similar in appearance to that observed iu cases of low fever (eleventh day)/7.—Dull pain in the first molar tooth of the right upper jaw, which is very distressing (after fifteen minutes)/.—Dull aching pains of the molar teeth of the right and left upper jaw; worse in the right jaw (lasted nearly all day, but passed away towards evening),6.—Cutting pains in the hollow back teeth, at noon (seventh day)/.—[160.] Pain in a hollow back tooth, in the evening (eighth day)/.—A cold jerking sensation in a left upper incisor/1.—A pain in a hollow tooth, in the evening (third day)/.—Teeth seem on edge (first day)/2. —Set the .teeth on edge, immediately (one tablespoonful); the roughness of the teeth persisted a long time/9.—Teeth not only rough when ground upon each other, but they were painful when the air passed in a rush through the open mouth, as is the case during the deep inspiration of yawn- ing ; every voluntary deep inspiration produced such an amount of this painful teuderness in my teeth that a so-called gooseskin (spasm of the cutis aud erection of the papillae) was produced; this hyperesthesia of the teeth persisted through the following day, although in a less degree/9".— Gums. Bleeding of the gums during friction of them; has had the same occasionally before, but it was this time unexpectedly soon, and much more copious,11.—The gum is painful in several places, as if there were blisters upon it (eighth day)/.—Burning pain in the gum of a left lower incisor, with pustules, surrounded by bright-red areola and swelling (ninth to thir- teenth day)/.—Tongue. Tongue swollen, and covered with a thick white coat, as if it had been scalded (soon) ; natural towards edges, elsewhere coated (after teu hours and a half) ; clean and moist at edges, centre as yesterday (second day); covered with a white crust (third day) ; can best be likened to the dry coating of sugar on sweetmeats, interspersed with red patches (seventh day) ; covered with thick white dry coat (eighth day) ; iu patches, with some desquamation (tenth day); reddish-brown and parched (eleventh day)/7.—Tongue and throat red and sore (after six hours); remained about the same for three days, when the redness of the tongue was replaced by a slight yellow coating/8.—[170.] Tongue and throat were redder than usual, soon ; paler, had a dingy whiteness about them; were hot and dry to touch, in the evening,41. —Tongue and fauces very red/2.—Tongue large, cedematous, and covered with thick woolly fur (soon); red at sides and aphthous (second day); much more healthy and cleaning (third day)/2.—Tongue and pharynx covered with red and white spots, swollen and painful; swallowing was very difficult,60. — Tongue swollen and red; very firm and tender on pressure (second day)/2.—The tongue was red, swollen, tense, and tender (second day),50.—Tongue dry, sore, and excoriated ; worse towards the point; continued all day and even- ing,6.—Tongue livid and swollen, so that he could with difficulty project the tip of it beyond the teeth (second day); tongue has a thin brown coat and red dry tip (fourth and fifth days) ; covered with a bright yellow coat (sixth day); brown (eighth day) ; dry, has a brown coat, aud red dry tip (ninth day)/1.—Tongue white (second and fourth days),21.—[180.] Tongue and fauces whitened, as if they had been boiled (after one hour)/6.—Tongue white and dry (third day),21.—Tongue covered with a coarse white fur, with red interspaces (second day),30.—Tongue coated (after fourteen hours)/4.— Tongue, which he protruded slowly when asked to, was slightly coated OXALICUM ACIDUM. 259 (second day),67.—Tongue brown and dry (after four hours)/6.—Tongue and lips unusually pale/7.—Tongue of a pale-gray color,62.—Tongue rather cold than hot/7.—A few mouthfuls made the tongue rough and the teeth worse/9*. —[190.] Roughened the tongue (one tablespoonful)/9.—Burning, as from pepper, on the left half of the tongue (after forty-five minutes)/.—Tongue and mouth occasionally become inflamed,56.—General Mouth. Forci- ble closure of the mouth and drawing down of its angles,40.—Palate vesi- cated (after fourteen hours)/4.—Buccal cavity inflamed (fifth day),2.— Acrid burning sensation in mouth, gullet, and stomach,19.— Burning sensa- tion in the mouth, throat, and oesophagus, immediately/2.—Severe burning sensation iu the mouth and throat,04.—Burning sensatiou in mouth and throat for several days/5.—[200.] Soreness of mouth and tongue (second day)/2.—Mouth sore all over (after nine hours),30.—Considerable soreness of mouth and posterior nares (second day)/2.—Dryness of mouth/2.—Dry- ness in the mouth, with ulcers in it/4.—Disagreeable sensation of the soft palate and uvula (after 1 pint of gruel)/9".—Saliva. "Profuse secretion of saliva, immediately (after one tablespoonful)/9.—"Increased flow of saliva,m. —Mucus iu the mouth and expectoration, with clean tongue (third day)/. —"Accumulation of water in the mouth, after yawning (fourth day)/.— [210.] Much mucus in the mouth (ninth day)/.—Taste. Strong acid taste, immediately/1.—Intensely acid and astringent taste/9.—Taste quite acid/6*.—Taste strongly acid/666b.—The sour taste increased with every mouthful/90.—Sour taste while taking the drug, lasting about ten minutes, and leaving a scraping sensation in the fauces, that obliges hawking (first day)/2.—Sour taste in the whole mouth, in the morning, as if the drug were still in the mouth (third and fourth days)/.—Sour taste in the mouth, during a nap, in the forenoon (second day, after thirty six hours)/1.—In rinsing the mouth, a sour taste in it (first day)/1.—[220.] Very sour taste,30. —"Sour taste,6i.—Dry and burning taste in mouth and fauces (after twenty minutes),20.—Taste highly disagreeable, acid, and astringent/9".—Water has a sweet taste/6.—No taste to food, with nausea and a coated tongue (fourth day)/.—Taste of the drug in the mouth, in the evening (third day)/.—Speech. Speech labored, but a word or two being articulated at a time (second day),67. Throat.—Occupied herself in pulling from her throat strings of ropy mucus,61.—Increased secretion of mucus in the throat, during the first hours/.—[230.] Augments in the first hour the secretion of mucus from the throat/.—A natural secretion of mucus from the throat is diminished/. —Great heat and sense of burning about throat and fauces/2.—Burning sensation and pain on pressure in throat,40.—Burning sensation iu the throat/1; (in evening, first day)/7.—" Horrible feeling of burning at the throat and stomach," soon/1.—Intense burning pain in throat and stom- ach/2.—Burning pain in throat and epigastrium, directly/8.—Burned her throat and mouth very much,30.—Violent pain in throat,28; (after one hour)/6.— [240.] Violent pain in the throat on swallowing, in the morning, after rising; better at noon (sixth day); on the next day swallowing is almost painless, but there begins a scraping in the upper part of the throat, that continues to the eighth day/.—Dryness and pain of throat on swallow- ing/2.—Scraping sensation in the throat, with difficulty of swallowing ; the tonsils and arches of the palate seem slightly red, and are covered with adherent mucus, that can be expectorated only after hawking a long time (nineteenth day)/2.—Throat raw, with scraping in it, in the morning, on rising (fourth day)/.—Throat very rough, scraped, on rising; can speak 260 OXALICUM ACIDUM. only with effort (fifth day)/.—Great constriction of the throat (after one hour),30.—Uneasiness and constriction in the throat (after nine hours),30.— (The chronic sore throat, to which he is subject, feels much better),11.— Had had, for several days past, sore throat, resembling cancrum oris, at- tended by ptyalisra, but no fetor of breath (after three weeks)/2.—Ton- sils. Scraping and biting sensation in the tonsils, as if the uvula were swollen, always most severe after a dose (eleventh day),12.—Fauces and Pharynx. [250.] A sensation in the fauces as if there was acidity in the stomach (second day)/1.—Constant scraping sensation, as from mucus, in the fauces, though nothing could be seen (seventh day)/2.—Great irri- tation in fauces/7.—Soreness of the fauces on swallowing, for two hours, in the morning/.—Pharynx inflamed (after fourteen hours)/4.—Dryness in the pharynx, in the forenoon, after diarrhcea (third day)/.—Burning in pharynx aud oesophagus (after fourteen hours),34.—(Esophagus. Sense of constriction about the oesophagus (after twelve months)/4.—Swallow- ing. Swallowing difficult, on account of burning pain in mouth and fauces (after one hour aud a quarter)/6.—Difficulty of swallowing,54; for several days/5.—[260.] Pain in swallowing and burning in oesophagus/8.—Empty swallowing is painful, in the evening (third day); swallowing of food, in the evening (fourth day)/.—Complaints on swallowing anything that was not perfectly bland (after twelve days)/7.—External Throat. In the even- ing, after walking, during sitting, a violent itching in a small spot ou the neck, the right side of the hairy scalp, and on the left side of the trunk,11. Stomach.—Appetite. Great increase of appetite/1.—Sensation of hunger, about 11 p.m., though he had eaten three times during the afternoon, at 12, 2, and 7 (first day)/1.—Little appetite at noon, with thirst; no ap- petite, in the evening (third day); no appetite, at noon (fourth and fifth days),2.—Loss of appetite/1.—Aversion to tobacco-smoking, in the morn- ing, with longing for it in the evening (first day)/1.—(Coffee is not relished at noon), (first day)/1.—Thirst. [270.] Intense thirst,2741; (after one hour),30; (after six hours)/8, etc.—Unusual thirst, at 3 p.m. (second day)/. —Thirst, for several days/5.—Thirst, with white-coated tongue and nausea (fourth day)/.—Thirst, in the morning, with weariness and vertigo (fourth day)/.—No thirst, and rather a repugnance to water/.—Eructations. Eructations (after three-quarters of an hour),40.—Very sour eructations, an hour after coffee, at breakfast (fifteen hours after ^ grain)/.—Many eructa- tions of air and emission of flatus, with rumbling and gurgliug in the ab- domen, at noon (fourth day)/.—Many eructations of gas (fourteenth day)/2. — [280.] Many tasteless eructatious, especially alter a dose (fifteenth day),12.—Painful eructation (eighth day)/7.—Acrid eructations, for sev- eral days/5.—Sour eructations, with pains and loss of appetite/4.—Eructa- tions of gas, in the afternoon (second day)/.—Eructations of wind, tasting of the food he has eaten,6.— Eructations of tasteless wind after each meal?.— Eructations and passage of flatus downwards/.—Eructations aud discharge of flatus per anum/.—Hiccough. Hiccough, at 11 a.m., lasting some time, though he had eaten nothing solid ; as soon as he thinks of it the hiccough returns (first day)/1.—[290.] Singultus (after second day); fre- quent during the day, with paiuful hawking (third day)/7.—Nausea. Qualmishness of the stomach, with sickness (after six hours)/.—Slight sickness of the stomach/.—Qualmish sensation of emptiness and nausea in the stomach (after the solution)/.—Nausea, after eating (second day after \ grain)/.—Nausea, at 10 a.m.,succeeding diarrhoea (third day); the same in the morning after diarrhoea (fourth day)/.—Nausea, with cutting in the OXALICUM ACIDUM. 261 abdomen, in the morning (fifth day)/.—Nausea, qualmishness, thirst (fourth day)/.—Nausea (after three-quarters of an hour),40; (after one hour),66; (after a dose, eighth day)/2.—"Nausea and frequent vomiting?4.—[300.] Nausea, during dinner; he thought he would be obliged to vomit, though he did not (third day)/.—Nausea aud occasional vomiting (after nine hours)/1.—Very sick (after fifteen minutes); vomited blood (after one hour),58.— Sense of sickness at scrobiculus cordis,22.— Immediate repug- nance, strong desire to avoid deglutition aud to spit the fluid out/9.— Vomiting. Vomiting/7880; several times (second day),'21; (soon)/8, etc. —Violent vomiting (after seven minutes)/5.—Violent vomiting, like beer, only much redder (after ten minutes),30.—Violent vomiting follows the accession of pain, either immediately or in a few minutes,50.—Vomiting and irritability of stomach, for several days,85.—[310.] Vomiting soon ; later the matter vomited became tinged with blood/7.—Slight vomiting of food (second day)/6.—Vomiting and purging incessantly till death, which occurred in twenty-five minutes after the poisou was taken/3.—Repeated violent vomiting, with frequent desire for stool/5.—Immediate burning pain and bloody vomiting/8.—Vomiting " drops of blood," 31.—Frequent vomiting, and bloody (first day),21.—Vomited blood, mixed with mucus, every half hour for five hours/8.—Frequent bloody vomiting and diar- rhoea,60.—Vomited bloody matters, as well as some white fluid, which did not contain any crystals/7.—[320.] Vomited copiously a fluid of a dark bloody color (after teu minutes)/6.—Matters vomited were tinged with blood, and very soon they consisted, to all appearance, of pure blood, of a bright arterial color, and fluid; two hours and a half later it began to take, and gradually took the form of coagulation, and ceased towards night/1.—Vomited a pint of mucus tinged with blood (after fifteen min- utes),20.—Vomited matter having the appearance of bile with clots of dark blood/6.—Vomiting of a fluid of a dark bloody color (after ten minutes)/9. —Vomited a dark-colored fluid (after half an hour)/6*.—Vomiting of bloody frothy mucus/2.—Pain and vomiting of thick slimy mucus,68*.— Vomiting of dark grumous bloody matter (after fourteen hours)/4.—Vomit- ing immediately ; ejected matter consisting of a frothy watery fluid ; after standing a short time, a brownish precipitate fell to the bottom of the vial, leaving above a clear transparent fluid of a brownish tinge/3.—[330.] Vomited a greenish-black matter/6.—Vomiting of a dark liquid, followed by death/3.—Vomiting of a bilious liquid with black clotted blood/9.— Vomited a fluid of a yellowish color (fourth day)/6.—She vomited instan- taneously almost all the poisoning material; the vomited matter was like milk when seen on the floor, and when she vomited iuto the bucket, it ap- peared to turn the water into milk ; death in ten minutes, or very shortly after/9.—Had vomited twice; at first only the solution she had taken, and subsequently a dark-colored, bloody-looking fluid, in which were numerous white membranous patches (in twenty minutes)/2. — After thrusting a leather strap into the fauces and drinking warm water, vomiting took place, and the acid was so strong as to change the black color of his vest to a red-brown where it flowed upon it; great jactitation and distress, with incessant vomiting; the matter evacuated by vomiting was of a thick grumous and jelly-like fluid, of a yellow-green, mixed with white flocculi. I learned that the first spontaneous vomiting, and that produced by the action of the Ipecac, brought up a quantity of dark-brown matter like chocolate (first day) ; he vomited through the night (first night), a yellow thick fluid (after twenty-five hours and a half); a grass-green fluid with 262 OXALICUM ACIDUM. mucous sediment and white flocculi (after thirty-nine hours); still vomit- ing a little yellow fluid (fifth day) ; matter thrown up was grass-green, with grumous sediment (seventh day); desires to vomit, but does not (tenth day)/1.—Efforts to vomit/8.—Retching (after one hoar)?8.—General Stomach. In the evening, after tea, pyrosis, with much emission of flatus, and pressing downwards/.—[340.] Every evening, pyrosis?.—Burning heat in the stomach (immediately)/8.—Soreness of stomach (second day)/7.— Feeling of emptiness in the stomach, so that he was obliged to eat some- thing between meals (eleventh day)/2.—Emptiness and qualmishness in the stomach (fourteenth day)/2.—Griping and twisting pains in the stomach, (fifteenth day)/2.—Violent pains iu the stomach and abdomen, obliging him to sit bent over; these pains seem to be aggravated by the sugar in the coffee and tea (nineteenth day)/2.—Gnawing sensation in the stomach, like hunger ; it was scarcely possible to eat a morsel at dinner ; even the first spoonfuls of soup caused urgent desire for stool, which was diarrhcea- like, yellow, slimy, serous, and associated with tenesmus (nineteenth day),12. —Slight gnawing burning in the stomach, and eructations (after one hour and a half)/.—Gnawing pain in the region of the stomach/3.—[350.] Burning pain in stomach, and generally also in throat (immediately),50.— Terrible burning pains in the stomach/3.—Iutense burning pain in the stomach and throat/2.-^Intense pain in the stomach/8; (from 7 drachms),50; (immediately)/2; (after one hour)/667, etc.—Excessive pain, heat, and op- pression in epigastric region (after twenty minutes)/0. — Great pain in stomach, after use of stomach-pump (first day)/1.—Great pain in stomach and tenderness on pressure (second day)/1.—Severe pain in region of stom- ach (after seven minutes)/5.—Terrible pain in the stomach, so that the patient cried aloud/7.—Pain in stomach (instantly)/2.—[360.] Pain in the stomach, eructations, acidity, and loss of appetite/4.—Pain in the stomach and belly/9.—Pain after food (second day)/6.—Pain and oppression at stomach, with continual efforts to vomit/8.—Slight pain in the stomach (first night)/2.—He wakes up at night with a most violent pressive pain, like a heavy weight in the pit of the stomach ; it comes and goes at in- tervals of fifteen minutes, but diminishes in force at each renewal ; it lasts altogether about two hours; discharge of flatus relieves the pain (after 5 drops of Oxalic ether, taken iu the morning),0.—"A great deal of burning at the pit of the stomach?1.—Pain, heat, and soreness at pit of stomach (after ten minutes),30.—Griping sensation in the pit of the stomach (sixth day),12. —Held his hands without pressure, and with a look of agony, to the pit of the stomach/1.—[370.] Sensation of emptiness in the stomach, similar to hunger, disappearing after eating,13*.—" Gathering at the stomach,"31.— Warmth in the stomach (after half an hour)/.—Great irritation in stom- ach/7.—Pressure in the stomach (after a few minutes)/.—A sensation of grasping in the stomach, very transient (after a few secouds)/.—The acid sensation extends to the stomach, on taking the drug/.—(His natural weakness of the stomach is much diminished), (second day)/.-^Cardiac extremity of stomach and epigastrium very tender (after fourteen hours),34. —Tenderness upon pressure of stomach and bowels (after six hours)/8.— Ejfigastrium. [380.] Considerable tenderness over the epigastrium, which was resonant on percussion (second and third days)/2.—Rolling about on the floor, complaining of agonizing and burning pain at the epigastrium, extending to the oesophagus aud pharynx, accompanied by violent but in- effectual efforts to vomit (after half an hour)/7.—Evidently suffering much pain, which was increased when pressure was made in the epigastric re- OXALICUM ACIDUM. 263 gion/3.—Every touch of the epigastric region caused a most violent pain/7. —Severe pain at the epigastrium, increased on the slightest pressure/1.— Excruciating pain in the epigastrium/*.—The slightest pressure on the epigastrium occasioned pain/1.—Burning sensation and pain on pressure in epigastrium,40.—Pain at epigastrium (first day)/7 62 64.—Burning pain in the epigastrium and right hypochondriac and iliac regions, and tenderness on pressure in those situations, especially over the cardiac end of the stomach ; the abdomen generally felt hot to touch (after nine hours),30. Abdomen.—Hypochondria. [390.] Bruised pain in the left hypochondrium, after lying down, lasting half an hour,5.—For half an hour after retiring, a continued pain in the left hypochondrium/.—A stick- ing pain in the left hypochondrium (after three hours),9.—Pain between hypochondrium and navel, on the left side, like a development of flatu- lency (after half an hour)/. — Umbilicus aud Sides, Colic pain around the umbilicus, and in the right iliac region, coming on by parox- ysms,6.—Coliclike pains in and around the navel, every day,6.—Colic about the umbilicus, with difficult emission of flatus/.—Slight sticking pain in the umbilical region, in the evening/.—Distressed feeling around the navel, and through the whole abdomen, with a sensation of great weakness in the latter (second day),6.—Coliclike pains in the umbilical region, with painful pressing downwards towards the anus, and flatulent troubles,5.— [400.] Pain about the umbilicus and emission of flatus, at uight/.—Sen- sation of soreness on touching, all around the navel/.—Pain round the navel, like colic, repeatedly, but always after the symptoms in the head/.— Pain in the region of the navel, with emission of flatus, in the night/.— Pain in region of navel, with painful pressing down towards the anus and flatus/.—Dull achiug pain in the right side of the abdomen, the whole afternoon, on a small spot/.—Pain like a cramp, a little to the left of the umbilicus, and several minutes after, colic paiu in the right iliac region; eructation of tasteless wind, several times (5 p.m., first day)/.—General Abdomen. Much rumbling and rolling in the bowels, as from water, without pain, in the evening (third day)/2.—Rumbling in the abdomen (fifth and sixth days)/2; immediately after dinner (third day)/.—Constant rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen, in the afternoon (second day)/.— [410.] Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen, especially in the left side, followed by diarrhoea, and afterwards nausea, after taking coffee, at breakfast (fourth day)/.—The whole evening, rumbling in the bowels, with pressing downwards/.—Abdomen very tender (third day)/1.—Abdomen distended by flatus (eighth and ninth days)/2.—Frequent emission of flatus (fifteenth day)/2.—Much offensive flatus (sixth day)/2.—Much emission of flatus (fifth day)/2.—Much flatulent movement in the abdomen, day aud night (seventh day)/2.—Great flatulency the whole day, with expulsion of wind downwards; swelling of the abdomen, with dull colic-like pains at intervals in and around the umbilicus, but worse in the right iliac regiou; itching at the anus, with a crawling sensation, as if from worms, aud which was relieved by rubbing the parts for several minutes ; it returned several times during the night,6.—Emission of flatus and eructations/.—[420.] Difficult emission of flatus, in the evening (first day) ; difficult pressing out, in the morning (second day),11.—Difficult discharge of flatus?1.—Flatulent colic, as if he had eaten unripe fruit, on waking up at night, below the navel, which is increased by movement after getting up; the pain diminishes duriug rest and returns periodically (the night after taking it); in the morning, after breakfast, on walking about, the same pain returns, gets better about 264 OXALICUM ACIDUM. 9 o'clock, and disappears entirely, at 12 o'clock/.—Colic and diarrhoea/8.— Very sick, with colic and urging to stool, so that he drank a glass of wine; this was followed by painful dulness of the head, in the evening (second day)/.—Violent colic, so that he cried aloud, immediately after rising, in the morning, followed by very copious diarrhoea, that was afterwards re- peated (third day)/.—Very violent colic, as if diarrhcea would occur (seven- teenth day)/2.—Violent symptoms of irritation in the alimentary canal (after 2 drachms),50.—Cutting in the abdomen woke her, at 5 a.m. ; it re- turned periodically during the whole day; also chilliness, alternating with heat (fourth day) ; the same cutting reappeared the next morning/.—Cut- ting in the abdomen, in the forenoon, after a thin stool in the morning/.— [430.] Griping in the abdomen (after eight hours)/; (after six hours)/8; (after one hour)/6.—Griping pain in belly, which drew her up double/8.— Pain on pressure over the abdomen (third day)/6.—Severe pain in the bowels, and frequent inclination to stool (in a patient who lived thirteen hours after swallowing the liquid),50.—Pain in the abdomen (six hours after \ ounce, diluted in water),50.—Violent pain over the whole abdomen,60; (second day)/8.—Dull aching pain in the abdomen, worse round the um- bilicus/.—Pains in the abdomen, at night, as if diarrhoea would occur (secoud night)/.—"Burning and pain in the abdomen?*.—Sensation of sore- ness in the abdomen/. — [440.] Distressed feeling and great weakness in the whole abdomen, with flatulent colic/.—Sensation as of diarrhoea in the abdomen,11.—Unpleasant scraping in the abdomen about the umbilicus, with a sensation as if a stool would occur, which did uot (twelfth day)/2.— Violent stitches in the whole abdomen, extending to the region of the spleen, was then obliged to take a deep breath, whereupon it disappeared (third day)/.—Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. Pain in the descending colon, followed by a free evacuation of mushy stool, in the evening (after one hour) ; a similar pain returned the second evening/.— Constrictive pain in the descending colon, in the evening, after supper, with violently cutting coliclike pains in the abdomen, with constant desire for stool, and pains, lasting the whole evening (second day)/.—Coarse rum- bling in the right groin, in the ccecum, and noises of flatus after a stool (second day)/1.—Violent pain, in a small spot, very deep internally above the right ilium, towards the side, when yawning, breathing, and also in different postures (third day)/1.—Sharp aud constant pain in the left iliac region,6.—On sitting down after a walk, violent effort to discharge flatus (as from a small spot on the left iliac region); sensation as if the part would burst/. Rectum and Anns.—[450.] Burning in the rectum, during the night (twentieth day)/2.—Violent tenesmus in the upper part of the rec- tum, in the morning, on rising, not like diarrhoea, but in a long and nar- row streak, extending downward in the right side of the rectum, very pain- ful, and similar to cutting with a kuife; repeated on sitting down to stool; afterwards, a pressing-cutting pain in the right side of the rectum ; after the stool there remains an undefined sensation iu the anus for half an hour (second day)/1.—Pressure towards the anus (fifth day)/.—In the evening a slight pinching from flatus, near the anus/1.—Frequent pains in the anus, disturbing sleep, at night (twenty-first day)/2.—In the anus a dull slow stitch, often returning/1.—Repeated, but ineffectual, efforts for stool; ten- esmus constant (twentieth day)/2.—Ineffectual desire for stool (twenty-sec- ond day)/2.—Desire for stool, in the morning, on lying down, with desire to uriuate (an hour after taking milk), (second day)/1. OXALICUM ACIDUM. 265 Stool.— Diarrhoea. Violent purging/1; directly/5.—[460.] Purged violently and passed blood in the stools (after one hour)/8.—Purging (after one hour),3066; the faeces of a natural color (after ten niinutes),36.—Feeling of diarrhoea immediately after drinking coffee/1.—Had excessive catharsis, and was evidently suffering excessive tormina (after half an hour),16*.— Diarrhcea at 7 a.m., and a very copious pasty evacuation, preceded by fine colic, followed by raore violent colic, then general sick feeling, desire for stool, and recurrence of the diarrhoea the same forenoon ; in the afternoon diarrhoea, with constant desire for stool, and evacuation of the undigested food taken at dinner (second day),1.—Copious diarrhcea, preceded by vio- lent colic, in the morning, after rising; at 9 o'clock, very thin watery diar- rhcea, with great weakness and prostration, followed by nausea aud tension in the calves; in the afternoon, again diarrhcea (third day)/.—Copious pasty stool, preceded by rumbling in the abdomen and colic (twelfth day)/2. —Scanty pasty stool at 8 a.m., and a copious one, with great urging, at noon (fifteenth day),12.—Very violent diarrhoea-like evacuation at 3 and 7 p.m. (eighteenth day),12.—Constant involuntary discharge of fluid faeces, occasionally mixed with blood,50.—[470.] Bowels have been moved three times, and rather relaxed, which is unusual (second day)/6*.—Three thin pasty discharges, during half an hour, after breakfast; three again at noon; at 8 p.m. another, somewhat harder, with some pressure towards the anus (fifth day) ; on the next day there were three somewhat hard stools, from morning till noon, without pressure towards the anus,2.—Very watery diar- rhoea three times a day (fourth day)/.—Three stools (second night); two of natural color (third day) ; mixed with blood (fourth day)/6.—Two pas- sages of the bowels during the day/.—Injection produced a free discharge of a green slimy matter (second day) ; discharge from bowels remained much the same for three days, when it assumed a better appearance/8.— At 6 a.m. was suddenly seized with a distressing feeling in the whole ab- domen, followed in several minutes by twisting in and around the umbili- cus, with a discharge, in a few niinutes, of a small quantity of hard faeces, of a dark-brown color; in half an hour, again violent pain and bearing down, followed by a loose evacuation, of a muddy-brown color, accompanied by colic pains in the navel; below the navel he felt a bearing down, and griping pains in the anus; the latter were so severe as to produce severe nervous pains through the head, with heat in this organ ; after retiring to bed the same pains returned again in five minutes, followed by a copious evacuation of consistent dark muddy-brown faeces; on going to bed the pains invariably returned ; he was obliged to sit or stand ; is better during motion (had to take Merc. sol. 2d to be relieved of the pain)/.—Bowels opened at 9 A.m., and again at 4 p.m.; slight colic pain in and around the umbilicus, just before the afternoon evacuation/.—Stool thin, loamy, on the third day (after there had been no stool on the second day)/.—Stool rather pasty aud tenacious; evacuated after longer and greater urging than usual (after the solution)/.—[480.] Evacuation pappy, light brown ; in the afternoon, again, passage from the bowels pappy, thick, and short; during the passage, violent stitches in the fleshy part of the left thumb, like little quick cuts of a knife; after the passage, a heavy rumbling in the right side of the abdomen (caecum) and noise from flatus (second day)/1.—Stools pasty and tenacious, evacuated with great effort; weakness of the limbs and of the whole body/3*.—A quantity of mucus was evacuated after the stool (eleventh day)/2.—Serous stools, with some streaks of blood and much tenesmus (twentieth day)/2. — Stool, with bloody mucus aud tenesmus 266 OXALICUM ACIDUM. (twenty-first day)/2.—Blood passed with stools (third day)/1.—Dejections contain filaments of whitish matter, similar to the crust on the tongue (tenth day),17.— Constipation. "Constipation (in two persons who re- covered),50; (twelfth and thirteenth days)/*13.—Stool hard, with much mucus and some blood (sixth day)/.—Stool omits every other day, and continues very irregular; constipation, at the most, two days for three or four weeks/.—[490.] Stool omitted (third day); somewhat indolent (fourth day); omitted (fifth day); occurred with much pressure and was hard (sixth day); copious, though hard stool; faeces covered with mucus (tenth day)/2.—Stool light brown, pasty, mealy; at the same time a small quan- tity of clear urine was passed (second day),11.—Stool somewhat indolent; micturition rather more frequent than natural; the quantity rather smaller than usual (from g^^th)/. Urinary Organs.—Woke towards morning with pain in the left kidney/1.—In the evening, slight pain in the region of the right kidney/.— Intense pain in the region of the kidneys/6.—(Feeling of fulness in the bladder),11.—Bladder distended with urine, but cannot pass (tenth day)/1. —Slight burning pain through the urethra to the orifice, as though a drop of acrid urine would pass, in the evening (second day)/.—Slight burning, with a somewhat voluptuous sensation in the urethra, during micturition, at noon (eighth day)/.—[500.] Violent burning during micturition ; the urine is passed only in drops (sixth night)/. — Micturition and Urine. Passed urine involuntarily (third day)/7.—Frequent desire to urinate; the urine is of a lighter color (second day)/1.—Urging to pass water, with copious discharge; the water is of a lighter color than usual/. —Disposition to pass water every two hours, and in large quantities (sec- ond day); inclination to pass water every hour, and in large quantities each time; slight burning in passing the urine, which is clear, and of a straw color (third day),6.—Urine passed more frequently, in a smaller quantity than usual/3.—Diminished desire for micturition (eighth to tenth day)/2.—She passed no water during the whole ten hours,61.—Profuse flow of light-colored urine frequently during the evening,6.—Copious discharge of urine, at 5 a.m.,9.—[510.] Passes less urine than usual, in the raorning (second day)/1.—The urine passed in the morning and evening was exceed- ingly acid, even after standing thirty-six hours in a warm room; deposited numerous crystals of uric acid; indications of oxalates of lime were recog- nized in the milky-white sediment (nineteenth day)/2.—For more than a week her urine was loaded with enormous crystals of oxalate of lime; a single drop on a glass slide yielded hundreds of crystals, together with blood-disks; some of these crystals were quite one-fiftieth of an inch in diameter, which may, perhaps, account for the intense pain in the region of the kidneys/6. Sexual Organs.—Male. Red points on the glans penis, without itching or soreness/1.—Pain in the glans penis, six or seven thrusts, not very violent, but very annoying, always on urinating (second and third days)/1.—During walking, iu the evening, a pretty severe pain and heavi- ness in both testicles, shooting along the spermatic cords; worse on the right side/.—Itching in the testicles and spermatic cords/.—Erections, without cause, on lying down in the forenoon, followed by pain in the tes- ticles on going out (first day); after going out, pain in the testicles and spermatic cords; worse in the latter, and worse on the right side (first day)/1. —Erections, with dulness in the occiput, after sleep, in the forenoon (second day)/1.—Erections and lascivious dreams (sixth night)/1.—[520.] Excite- OXALICUM ACIDUM. 267 ment of the sexual function, repeatedly/.—Emission interrupted by waking (first night); it followed on the fourth night/.—Great increase of sexual desire during the night and morning, with voluptuous dreams every night, for three nights,6.—Excessive sexual desire (fifth day),6.—Female. A great deal of burning pain in the genital organs/1. Resjjiratory Organs.—Larynx. On walking in the open air, tickling in the larynx, with a sensation of sticking; he coughs several times; the larynx feels swelled,8.—During speaking, a sensation of mucus in the larynx, hoarseness; he has to expectorate more than usual/1.—A few mouthfuls irritated the glottis/9*.— Voice. Voice very rough,60.—■ Voice rough before going to bed (third day)/.—[530.] Hoarse (third day)/7.—Voice very hoarse (second day)/8.—Lost her voice for eight days, but whether this depended on the action of the Oxalic acid or not it is difficult to say/4.—Directly after the recovery from the first effects a new symptom presented itself, namely, alteration of the voice. The man, previ- ous to taking the Oxalic acid, possessed a remarkably deep bass voice, now reduced to a very low key, giving you the idea of a person talking in an undertone. This " weakness " of the voice remained for more than a month, without any amelioration, during the greater part of which period his legs used, for several hours a day, "to go to sleep," as he termed it. Nine weeks from the time of taking the acid his voice had become much stronger, but he says he "cannot sing his old songs any longer, as his voice is so altered ;" in fact, it is a complete old man's voice/4.— Cough and Ex- Jjectoration. Constant dry cough on violent exertion (third day)/.—Vio- lent dry cough, caused by tickling in the throat, with violent pains in the chest, afterwards somewhat persistent, in the morning (after fifteen hours)/. —Cough aud tickling in the throat, in the evening (after five, and six hours)/.—Some slight cough, with soreness of chest (fourth day)/6.—Slight cough (fifth day)/1.-—Slight cough, from tickling in the larynx and trachea; also sensation of soreness in the larynx/.—[540.] Desire to cough, but can- not for pain in his side (fourteenth day)/1.—Has a little cough, and ex- pectorates a considerable quantity of greenish mucus (fifth day),30.—Ex- pectoration of thick yellowish mucus from the throat/.—Hawking up of thick yellowish-white phlegm, with a black lump in the centre, of the size of a pea (first day)/.—Expectoration of hard mucus in lumps, and watery running from the nose, with sneezing,8.—Expectoration of crumbly tena- cious mucus by hawking (third day)/.—Respiration. Respiration very quick and laborious/1.—"Great oppression of the breath?5.—"Respiration difficult?7; in the forenoon (third day)/; (fourth day)/1.—"Difficulty of breathing, with constrictive pain in the larynx, and wheezing; oppression of the whole chest, towards the right side?.—[550.] * The breathing slightly spas- modic?*.—Respiration very slow (after four hours); quicker than natural (fourth day;/6.—"Felt as though his breath was going; was almost stran- gled," immediately/1.—Breathings 14 (before the proving); 16 (after five minutes); 15 (after ten minutes)/6*.—Dyspnoea marked; tracheal rales very loud, so loud that I was unable to make any satisfactory examination of the chest; I could not even hear the heart-sounds (second day),67.—Pres- sure and tightness of respiration, on every violent motion, in the evening (third day)/. Chest.—"Sharp shooting pain in the left lung and heart, extending down to the epigastrium, lasting for some seconds (from 5 grains TVth, fourth day)/. —Iu the afternoon, stitches several times in the left lung (fifth day)/.— Sharp lancinating pain in the left lung, coming on so suddenly that it de- 268 OXALICUM ACIDUM. prived him of breath for several seconds, and then gradually subsided (sixth day),6.—Some tightness in the chest, with inclination to take a deep breath (after one hour aud a half)/.—[560.] Pressure upon the chest, as if it were ulcerated, at noon (second day)/.—Sore pain, like a sore sticking, in the chest, that afterwards extends backwards to between the scapulae, at 2 p.m. (third day),1.—Pains in the chest when coughing/.—Feeling of constriction across the chest, and the breathing is rather short (fifth day),30.—Dull pain in the middle of the chest, extending through to the scapula (after two, and three hours)/.—Stitches in left breast, more during walking,8. Heart and Pulse.—Heart. Sensation as if ulcerated in the prae- cordial region, with heaviness of the chest, as in asthma or in dropsy of the chest, in the evening/.—Oppression at praecordia, with sighing (after two hours)/5.—Fine stitches in the praecordial region (second day)/.—Stitches iu the heart, extending towards the upper abdominal region/.:—[570.] A pain in the heart, that extends forward from the posterior and lower por- tion, in the forenoon, while lying down, and afterwards, also, while walking in the street; very violent electric-like beats extending outward from a place rather near to and below the nipple to the sternum (second and third days)/1.—"Heart in a continual fluttering palpitation?1.—Immediately after lying down in bed, at night, palpitation of the heart, for half an hour, three nights consecutively,5.—After going to bed, at night, the heart made its beatings sensible in an unusual manner, and attracted attention/6'.— Heart's impulse much diminished (after four hours)/6.—Heart's action ex- ceedingly feeble, and the sound barely audible (after nine hours),30.—Heart- sounds imperceptible, and the pulse could be felt only at long intervals,60. —Heart's action irregular, and the sounds somewhat distant, but otherwise normal/2.—Depressed circulation,50.—There seemed to be no capillary cir- culation ; there was no pulsation in the radial artery, and it was extremely feeble in the brachial (second day),67.— Pulse. [580.] Pulse 110 and sharp (second day); 120 and wiry (third day); 110 and hard (fourth day); 98 and softer (fifth day); quick and tremulous (eighth day)/1.—Pulse hard and contracted (after twenty minutes),20.—Pulse more frequent than usual, 100 and over/.—Pulse more rapid than usual (third day)/.—Pulse quick aud small (after one hour and a quarter)/6.—Pulse increased in frequency, from 100 to 108/u.—Pulse 105, hard and rapid, at noon (fifth day)/.— Pulse more frequent, and harder than usual,8.—The pulse is more frequent than usual, and tense,10.—Pulse small, quick and' wiry (after fourteen hours)/4.—[590.] Pulse almost extinct, but could be felt by touch, and was found to be extremely weak, rapid, and so irregular that it could not be counted (first day); 130, very small and threadlike (second day); 132, fuller and hard (fourth day); full, hard, and intermittent, 122 (fifth day); full, not hard, 100 (sixth day); hard, 104 (seventh day); 100 (eighth and ninth days); almost insensible to touch, very weak (tenth day)/1.—Pulse more or less intermitting during the entire day; at 8 p.m. it was 125,small, irritable, and intermitting; next morning 100, small, irritable, but not in- termittent; 94, fuller aud less irritable (third day)/1.—Pulse 72, five hours after taking food (before the proving); 76 (after five minutes); 72 (after ten minutes); 70 (after fifteen, aud twenty-five minutes); soou after 9 o'clock had a cup of cocoa, went to bod at 10.30, when the pulse was about 60 (after three hours and a half),66.—Pulse scarcely perceptible at the wrist or temples, later, 96 and firm (after four hours); 120, rather small (after six hours); 100, feeble; 106, weak (eleventh day); 86 (twelfth day)/7.—At first pulse could not be felt, afterwards 104/\—Pulse 90 and OXALICUM ACIDUM. 269 weak, soon; 95 (after six hours)/8.—Pulse 82 (before the proving); 86 (after five minutes); 80 (after ten minutes); 82 (after twenty-five min- utes),6'1*.—Pulse 92 and feeble (after one hour and a half )/2.Xpu]se 7^ quick and small (seventh day),2.—Pulse 72 (before the proving); same (after five minutes); 68 (after fifteen minutes); 72 (after thirty minutes); 68 (after forty-five minutes, and also fifteen and thirty minutes after second dose),66".—[600.] Pulse fell from 70 to 65 in three minutes; 60, after thirty minutes, it became rather more frequent aud fuller; 60, small and slow, following the diarrhoea and chill, afternoon (second day); 60, after the diarrhoea, in the forenoon (third day)/.—Small, rapid, feeble pulse (like that of abdominal collapse), (after one hour)/6.—Pulse rather small (fourth day); in the evening small and contracted, with violent shaking chill/.— Pulse small/'.—Pulse small and irregular (after half an hour),57.—Pulse small, tremulous, intermittent,27.-—Extreme feebleness of the pulse/2; (twenty-four hours after 2 scruples)/6.—Pulse small and weak,29.—Pulse weak/4.—Radial pulse scarcely perceptible (after four hours)/6; (after nine hours),30.—[610.] "Pulse scarcely perceptible (after two hours),3554.— The pulse at the wrist was imperceptible (after half an hour)/6*.—Pulsa- tion of the radials disappeared (after two hours),61.—Pulse imperceptible/3 47. —The pulse in every case became imperceptible, and even in those who recovered it could not be felt for several hours; this state of the pulse was accompanied with deadly coldness, clammy sweats, sometimes lividity of the nails and fingers,50. Neck anil Rack.—Smarting soreness around the neck, as if chafed by the collar,9.—Bruised sensation in the back, extending from the shoul- ders to the loins, on waking (second day)/1.—Acute pain in the back, grad- ually extending dowu to the thighs, occasioning ere long great torture, aud continuing almost to the moment of death (the first symptoms in a patient who had swallowed \ ounce; he died in thirteen hours),50.—Dorsal. Deep burning pain betweeu the scapulae, in the evening (second day)/.— The back feels as if bruised and stiff, in the morning, especially beneath the tip of the left scapula (second day)/1.—[620.] Pain as if something were sticking beneath the point of the right scapula, very acute, while sit- ting (second day)/1.—Pain as if something were sticking in the right side, below the shoulder, towards the back, in a small spot, which he had indeed frequently experienced, now very acute, while sitting,11.—Lumbar. In- tense lumbar pain (second day)/6.—Pain in the small of the back, during the whole of the day, somewhat relieved after a hard evacuation (eighth day)/2.—Pain in the small of the back, on both sides of the spine, in the re- gion of the kidneys (eleventh day)/2.—Pain in the lumbar region, betweeu the last ribs and hip, extending towards the right side, after rising from a bent posture/1.—Sticking pressure above the right hip during hiccough/1. —Stitches above the hips during hiccough/1.—During yawning, a pressing stitch above the right hip, which takes away his breath/1.—Cold creeping, especially extending upward from the lower portion of the spine/.—[630.] After rising from the recumbent position, a pain iu the region of the right loin, between the last rib and hip/1.—* Weakness in the loins and hips, ex- tending down to the lower extremities (frora 5 grains y-g-th)/.—Pains shooting down frora the loins to the limbs, the patient seeking constant relief in a change of position (in a patient who died in thirteen hours),50.—Sensation of numbness in sacrum/.—The pain in the sacrum, habitual to him, in the morning, is gone; instead of it a bruised sensatiou in the back, from the shoulders to the loins (second day)/1. 270 OXALICUM ACIDUM. Extremities.—Contractions of the arms and legs,60.—Trembling of the limbs/7.—Lividity of extremities/2.—Hauds, arras, legs, and feet were of a livid color and cold, and she could hardly move the legs at all (after nine hours),30.—Uneasiuess in limbs and feet, which he is hardly able to keep quiet for a few minutes at a time/.—[640.] "Strange sensation of numbness about his limbs?1.—Numbness and tingling in the extremities, and the legs drawn up toward the abdomen/4.—Oxalic acid has a decided action on the joints, ankle, knee, hip, wrist, shoulder/. Superior Extremities.—"Numbness from the shoulders to the tips of the fingers?1.—Numbness in right arm (second day)/7.—Sensation of numbness in the left arm (after a quarter of an hour)/1.—Shoulder. Sharp shooting pain in the right shoulder-joints, coming on suddenly, and lasting about fifteen minutes (one hour after 3 grains TVth),6. — After lying down in bed, a twitch in the left deltoid muscle, and in a few minutes one in the right,10.— Upper Arm. Violent pressive pain in the middle of the upper arm, as if in the bone, frequently a jerking, so that he was obliged to stretch and move the arm, the whole evening/1.—The muscles of the upper arm are painful, as if beaten (fourth day)/.— Wrist. Pain, as if sprained, in the right wrist, which he had had for some time, became much worse, in the forenoon ; in the afternoon he was frequently obliged to crack it (first day) ; it returned on the second day ; he was obliged to stretch and bend it until it cracked; on both days> while writ- ing, a violent jerking stitch in the ulnar region near the wrist; on the third day it was very distinct and very frequent in the articulation of the ulna; the right wrist was constantly painful, as if it had been sprained or dislocated; if he attempted to lift anything, he was obliged to let it fall; repeated sticking pain in it, especially when writing (after six, eight, and twelve hours, third day); the right wrist remained painful; after some weeks it suddenly became so much worse that the slightest motion was intolerable; he was obliged to sit and hold the hand straight up, resting upon the elbow day and night; the pain was frightful; could neither eat nor sleep for several days; at first Causticum speedily relieved ; afterwards the hand became better than formerly, and the inclination to stretch and crack the wrist disappeared/1.—Hand. [650.] Frequently his hands were invol- untarily clenched when awake/1.—Heaviness of the left hand ; motion of the fingers follows the will slowly and with difficulty (fourth day)/.—Sen- satiou as if the hand were dead,50.—Fingers. Fingers contracted, and finger-nails dark/1.—Finger-nails were dark, and remained so for several days/1.—Fingers semiflexed, rigid, the thumbs bent into the palm of the hand (after four hours)/6.—Fingers livid (after two hours)/5.—A sudden jerking in the metacarpal bone of the left index finger, soon afterwards in the ulnar side of the hand externally, then in the right side of the head, etc; from time to time, peculiar jerking pains, like short pulsations, in small spots, of only short duration (third day)/1.—A piercing burning- sticking pain deep internal in the right middle finger, especially in the last phalanx, but also in the other fingers, though less severe, similar to gouty pains, the whole third day/.—[660.] The fingers of the left hand, especially the index finger, become drawn inward (fourth day)/.—Ting- ling sensation in fingers (after six hours)/7.—Sudden violent thrusts, as with a knife or lancet, in the ball of the left thumb (during stool), (second day)/1.—Violent stitches in the ball of the right thumb, in the evening, while writing (fourth day)/1.—Tensive pain in the fleshy part of the left OXALICUM ACIDUM. 271 thurab, with heat, nurabness, and a sensation of swelling, lasting about half an hour (after thirty minutes),10. Inferior Extremities.—"Blueness, coldness, and almost complete immobility of the lower extremities; had not eutirely disappeared after fifteen days,5; (from 2 drachms),50.—"Slight lameness and stiffness in the lower ex- tremities?.—During the entire day he had frequent cramps in the legs and feet, which were soou relieved by pressure/1.—Hip. Sticking pain in the right hip-joint,9.—Knee. A very violent contracting pain in the external tendon of the left knee (first day)/1.—[670.] Great weakness in the knees, on going upstairs, lasting some time after the cessation of other symptoms,11.— Jerking-sliding pain in the hollow of the left knee,11.—Leg and, Ankle. Tension in the left calf, while walking; in the afternoon, after diarrhcea (third day)/.—Aching pain in the right ankle-joint, with a feeling of swelling of this part and the whole right foot (from 5 grains TVth)/.— Foot and Toe. Sharp shooting pain on the instep of the right foot, lasting for half an hour, at intervals. The same pains the next day, last- ing five minutes. Sharp pain in right ankle-joiuts, several days after the first pains,6.—In the morning on rising, the toes of the right foot are spas- modically flexed, without pain, repeated at noon, after sitting some time (third day)/. Generalities.—Lies upon his back, with his knees drawn up very high (third day)/1.—Lay supine (after four hours)/6.—She lay iu bed ex- hausted, aud in a state of insensibility, for four hours/6.—General redness of the body (after twelve days)/7.—[680.] The symptoms from Oxalic acid usually intermit, for some hours or a day, and then return in a diminished degree/. — Some, who are generally much affected by cold weather, appear better able to bear it/.—Convulsions/540.—Convulsions, with two or three deep inspirations, before death,50.—Convulsion, either at the time of death or before,50.—Slight convulsion and death (after twenty minutes)/8.—Symptoms of collapse, with convulsions, followed by death (third day),60.—Violent spasms/7.—Spasms, followed by death (after three- quarters of an hour)/5.—Two persons had mimic spasms, when moving a tablespoonful about in their mouths, and said they felt as if they should never laugh again/9*.—[690.] The effect on the nerves was the production of mimic spasms, or the pulling of the face, which acid fruit and vegetables, such as rhubarb, produce/9.—Spastic contraction of the muscles of the jaws and extremities,40.—Violent tremors/8.—Slight convulsive twitchings (second day),60.—Twitching/8.—Sudden jerking (a short but very distinct pain) in the metacarpal bone of the left index fiuger, soon afterwards on the outer side of the ulnar margin of the left hand, and at last in the right side of the head (first day)/1.—Restless during night (first day)/1.—Very restless night (second day)/1.—Very restless (eighth day),21.—Increasing emaciation (after seven days)/7.—Debility and Prostration. [700.] Increasing debility (after twelve days); death (fourteenth day)/7.—Gen- eral lassitude and feebleness, particularly of the lower extremities (after a few hours)/9.—Extreme lassitude of the body/.—Lassitude, disinclined to work/.—Weariness, in the morning (fourth day),2.—Excessive weariness, during and after going upstairs (secoud day),11.— Indolent, so that he could scarcely sit up ; he lay down, and felt well while lying; without sleepiness he continued lying with the eyes closed, in the morning (second day)/1.—Feeling of weakness over the whole body (twelfth day)/2.—Great weakness (seventeenth day)/2. — Weakness of the extremities, with in- creased transpiration over the whole body, especially sweat in the axillae ; 272 OXALICUM ACIDUM. the weakness in the extremities extended over the whole body, so that the work which was usually easy, was very fatiguing, and followed by a sensa- tion as after excessive muscular exertion (from the solution)/.—[710.] Great weariness, obliging him to lie down, that seemed uncommonly agree- able; a crawling weariness, with a feeling of fulness in the whole body ; at noon, after eating, and again in the evening (first day)/1.—Weakness first noticed in the extremities, extending over the whole body ; was scarcely able to do any light work,13*.—Weakness, with perspiration/4.—Inclined to lie down and close the eyes, without sleepiness, in the morning (second day),11.—Trembling of the whole body, with weakness (third day) ; so great that she could scarcely walk (fourth day)/.—Loss'of strength/7.— Gait slow and unsteady/7.—Relaxed condition/2 63.—Expression of counte- nance and the other symptoms indicated great prostration of strength (after half an hour)/7.—Great weakness and prostration during the diarrhcea, in the forenoon (third day)/.—[720.] Great prostration, with a feeling as if the spine were too weak to support the body (twentieth day)/2.—Prostra- tion/8.—Complete prostration of strength (after fourteen hours)/4.—Pros- tration of all vital powers/1.—Great exhaustion/1.—Feels generally sick, with diarrhoea, in the forenoon (second day)/.—General sick feeling; sen- sation as though the hands and feet were trembling (four hours after ^ grain)/.—Symptoms of slight collapse/2.—Faintness ; her hands and feet felt dead ; her senses seemed to be " going," and she so far lost her con- sciousness as not to have a clear idea of what occurred subsequently (after one hour),30.—Faintness and rattling respiration, followed by death/8.— [730.] Faintness/4.—Faintness, prostration of strength, collapse and death, within three minutes after the poison was taken/3.—Sensibility. The pains and other symptoms reappear as soon as he thinks of them, as, for example, when writing them down ; especially the pain in the hollow of the left knee, in one arm, hip, etc./1.—The pains from Oxalic acid, as soon as he thinks about them, return, particularly that in the knee, the hiccough, etc./1.—Nervous symptoms appear mostly in those patients who have taken the diluted acid,50.—Ascending steps was especially distressing (twentieth day)/2.—Sensations. A sensation in the upper part of the body, espe- cially in the head, like a fine crawling and surging, but so fine that it is only like a.current, while lying down ; it seems to be rhythmical, but not with the pulse; it seems as though the blood were streaming in this man- ner through the capillaries ; he distinctly feels it stream through the whole body from below upward and from within outward; the sensation is more distinct while the attention is directed to it; in the forenoon (second day)/1. —A feeling as after a debauch the previous night, dull headache, with a gnawing-tensive pain, and soreness in the eyes and superciliary regions, lassitude, disinclination to occupation, reading, etc, and inclination to stretch, with occasional yawning; relief by walking in the cool open air (next day after 2d trit.),10.—The pains seem to be excited and aggravated by movement, as the pains in the bowels, testicles, back, etc./.—Pain, but chiefly great lassitude and weakness of the limbs, and next morning numb- ness and weakness there, as well as iu the back; this affection was at first so severe that she could hardly walk upstairs; she recovered entirely in a few days (after about 2 drachms),50.—[740.] Pains in the left side/8.—Ex- cruciating pain/7.—All the pains of Oxalic acid occupy a small place, one- half to one inch in length, aud of the thickness of a quill; at times they move through this space, frequently they occupy the whole of it; this is the case not only in the Eustachian tube, but also in the wrist, hypochon- OXALICUM ACIDUM. 273 drium, hollow of the knee, etc./1.—After very sound sleep for eight hours he felt as if bruised and stiff, in the morning; could scarcely get out of bed until it was quite late (first day)/1.—General numbness/7; (after six hours)/8.—A peculiar general numbness, approaching to palsy,50.—Sense of numbness and tingling or pricking iu the back and thighs (twenty-four hours after 2 scruples),50.—Numbness and weakness of the back and lower extremities, so much so as to render it difficult for her to go upstairs, grad- ually going off in the course of a few days (second day)/9.—She was, for the greater part of the time, able to walk about the room until towards the middle of the day, when she complaiued of numbness from the shoulders to the tips of the fingers/1. Six in.—Skin constantly dry (second day)/.—[750.] The fold of skin around the nails of the third, fourth, and fifth fingers becomes cracked and inflamed (from external application to the middle finger), (from Hering). —Skin of face, head, chest, and nates covered with red spots or petechiae, appearing as if bespattered with blood (sixth and seventh days)/1.—Anom- alous efflorescence on a great portion of the body (second day); nearly dis- appeared (third day),32.—An eruption or mottled appearance of the skin, in circular patches, not unlike the roundish red marks on the arms of stout healthy children, but of a deeper tint/1.—Peculiar eruption over the whole surface; it was an exanthema, and the dermatologist would call it roseola; as it subsided it left the skin very dark, so much as to attract the notice of his visitors; the cuticle afterwards desquamated/1.—Eruption appeared over the whole body, similar to the maculae of typhus, but passed off next day (after nine days)/9.—Two days since, an eruption appeared over the body similar to the maculae of typhus, which has not completely disap- peared (twelfth day)/6.—Eruption over the whole body, papular and itchy (twelfth day),17.—On a spot on the right index finger, where a cut, from a penknife, had healed four days ago, a very paiuful pustule appears (2d trit.)/.—During shaving the skin is more sensitive/1.—[760.] Itching on the neck/. Sleep.—Sleepiness. Very violent yawning,8.—Constant yawning, followed by accumulation of water in the mouth, in the evening (fourth day)/.—Inclined to stretch and yawn,1.—After dinner, sleepiness, and profound sleep while in a sitting position/.—Long uudisturbed sleep (very unusual), with profuse nightsweat; the wet shirt feels very cold on waking (third night)/.—Very profound and long sleep; on rising from bed quite stupid ; he lies down again and sleeps one hour longer (second day)/1.— He is more inclined to sleep at night than usual/.—Great sleepiness, in the morning (second day),11.—Tendency to sopor, alternated with restlessness (second day),17.—[770.] Drowsiness, for several days/5.—He raised him- self up in bed in alarm, looking round the room, but on recollecting where he was, he lay down again, repeating the same action in an hour (first night, after 3 grains /^th trit.),6.—Conscious when aroused, but immedi- ately lapses into a sleepy state (after four hours)/6.—Frequent startings in sleep/1.—Sleeplessness. Slept very little through the night, and when he did, had constant dreams, with starting, and then waking up with fright; the dreams were of an unpleasant character (first night)/.—Little sleep (first night),30.—Sleep very restless, but without dreams (second day)/. —Being awakened by a noise in the night, he could not go to sleep again for two hours/.—Dreams. Dreams of rapidly sliding walking ; he glides on his way with every step without difficulty; dreams also that water is poured upon him (second day)/.—Continual and vivid dreams, always of VOL. VII.—18 274 OXALICUM ACIDUM. a frightful nature; he wakes often, and dreams constantly/. — [780.] Dreams of an agreeable and lascivious nature, and of a character of re- ality,10.—Has had dreams which he cannot remember (first night)/1. Fever.— Chilliness. Violent shaking chill, with small contracted pulse, red face, and sensation of heat, without actual warmth of the head, and icy-cold hands, as if dead, in the evening (fourth day)/.—Chilliness the whole dav; with heat on every, even slight, exertion (fifth day)/.— Several slight rigors (sixth and seventh days)/1.—Chilliness, in the after- noon, after the diarrhoea (second day)/.—Chilliness, alternating with heat, the whole day (fourth day)/.—Skin cold,37.—Surface cold and clammy/052; (after half an hour)/7 60.—Face and hands livid, and cold as a stone,67.— [790.] Hands, face, and feet cold, aud covered with perspiration/7.—Face and extremities pale aud cold/8.—Creeping of cold, particularly from the lower part of the spine upward/.—Trunk and extremities become icy cold (after two hours)/5.—"Extremities cold (after four hours)/68841; (after one hour)/8.—"Extremities cold, and the nails livid?7.—Hands icy cold, as if dead, in the evening, with shaking chill/.—"Feet and legs icy cold?0.— Feet quite cold, in the evening (third day)/.— Heat. Very hot/8.— [800.] General sensation of heat/.—Heat in the face and hands (fourth day)/.—Some heat, at first in the face, and afterwards in the left leg, as from external warmth (second day)/1.—Flushes of heat and sweat, in the morning, with sharp pains in the forehead and vertex (soon),6.—Flushes of heat and perspiration all over the body?.—Exhausting fever, with dyspepsia and singultus (in a patient who seemed at first to be doing well, but was carried off afterwards with the above-mentioned fever in twenty-three days),50.—Skin hot (fourth day)/141.—Temperature in the axilla 97/ 6.— Sweat. Increased perspiration, especially in the axillae/3*.—Forehead bedewed with perspiration (after twenty minutes),20.—Cold perspirations, especially about the forehead/1.—Body covered with a cold clammy per- spiration (after four hours)/6.—Skiu partially bedewed with a cold sweat,18. —Perspiration and weakness/4.—Clammy moisture bedewed the whole frame,17.—Clammy perspiration,2550.—He perspires less than usual/.—Cold clammy perspiration/4. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Toward morning), Pain in left kid- ney.—(Morning), Vertigo, with anxiety, headache, weariness, and thirst; on waking, pain in frontal region ; headache in left frontal region ; mucus in margin of lids; sour taste in mouth; thirst; nausea, with cutting in ab- domen ; 6 a.m., distressed feeling in abdomen; cutting pain in abdomen; after rising, colic, with diarrhoea; on rising, tenesmus; diarrhoea; 7 a.m., diarrhoea; on lying down, desire for stoof; 5 a.m., copious discharge of urine; increase of sexual desire; dry cough; bruised sensation in back; on rising, toes flexed; weariness; sleepiness; flushes of heat.—(Morning and evening), Acrid urine.—(Forenoon), On rising, pressure in forehead ; eyes sunken and surrounded by blue rings ; sensation of heat in face ; during nap, sour taste; 11 a.m., hiccough; 10 a.m., nausea; sick feeling, with diarrhcea; 8 a.m., scanty stool; cuttiug in abdomen; erections, and on going out, pain in testicles; after sleep, erections, with paiu in occiput; after diarrhcea, pain in pharynx; respiration impeded; while lying down, pain in heart; pain iu right wrist.—{Noon), Pale look and no appetite; pain in hollow tooth ; eructations, with rumbling and gurgling in abdomen ; copious stool; pulse hard and rapid; pressure upon chest; after eating, weariness.— (Afternoon), Vivacity and power of' concentration; ill-hu- mored ; 3 p.m., thirst; pain in right side of abdomen ; rumbling in abdo- OXALICUM ACIDUM. 275 men ; eructations of gas; diarrhoea, with desire for stool; stitches in left lung; after diarrhoea, chilliness.—(Evening), General excitement; ill- humored; when looking out of window, vertigo; after wine, headache; sensation as if sand were in left eye; red face, with shaking chill; stitches in left ear; sneezing, with chilliness; nose painful; no appetite; pyrosis and emission of flatus ; pain in umbilical region ; rumbling iu bowels ; pain in descending colon, with pain in abdomen and desire for stool; pain in region of right kidney; burning in urethra; profuse flow of urine; cough and tickling in throat; ulcerated sensation in praecordial region ; burning pain in scapulae; pain in upper arm; weariness; yawning; hands cold, with shaking chill; chilliness; itching in a spot on neck.—(Night), 11 p.m., hunger; pressive pain in pit of stomach ; pain about umbilicus and emission of flatus; pain in region of navel; on waking, flatulent colic; burning in rectum ; pains iu anus; increase of sexual desire; after lying down, palpitation of heart; voluptuous dreams.—(Walking in open air), Tickling in larynx ; pain in heart.—(Breathing), Pain above right ilium.— (Deep breath), Stitch in abdomen.—(After taking coffee), Rumbling in bow- els ; feeling of diarrhoea.—( When coughing), Pains in chest.—(During diarrhoea), Weakness and prostration.—(After diarrhoza), Nausea.—(During dinner), Nausea. — (After dinner), Rumbling in bowels; sleepiness.— (After eating), Nausea.—(Exertion), Heat; dry cough.—(After exerting mind), Pain in head.—(During hiccough), Pressure above right hip; stitches above hips.—{Inspiring through nose), Stitches through right nos- tril.—(Deep inspiration), Teeth painful.—(Lying down), Vertigo; crawl- ing sensation in upper part of body.—(After lying down), Pain in right hypochondrium ; twitch in deltoid muscles.—(Duringmicturition), Burning in urethra.—(Moving), Pain in testicles, back, etc.—( Violent motion), Pres- sure and tightness of respiration.—(Pressure), Pain in throat; tenderness in stomach; pain in epigastric region; pain in abdomen.—(Rising from bed), Stupid feeling.—(Rising from seat), vertigo.—(Rising from bent pos- ture), Pain in lumbar region.—(Rising from recumbent position), Pain in region of right loin.—(While sitting), After a walk, effort to discharge flatus; pain beneath right scapula.—(During speaking), Hoarseness.— (Ascending stairs), Weakness in knees ; weariness.—(Before stool), Dulness of head ; pressure behind ears.—(During stool), Dulness of head ; pressure behind ears; stitches in the left thumb.—(Sugar in tea or coffee), Pains in stomach and abdoraen.—{Swalloicing), Pain in throat; soreness of fauces. —(On thinking of them), Reappearance of pains and other symptoms.— (Touching part), Stitches and pain in right nostril; pain in epigastric region.—(While walking), Lightness of head; pressure in upper part of eyes; in the morning, pain in testicles; stitches in right breast; bruised sensation in back ; after diarrhoea, tension in left calf.—( While writing), Stitches in ulnar region ; stitches in left thumb.—(During yawning), Stitch above right hip.—(After yawning), Accumulation of water in mouth. Amelioration.—(Morning), Power of meditation.—( During motion), Pain in abdomen.—(Pressure), Cramp iu legs.—( While reading), Power of concentration.—(During rest), Flatulent colic.—(After stool), Fain in fron- tal region.—( Walking in open air), Symptoms relieved. 276 PiEONIA. P^ONIA. Paeonia officinalis, Linn. Natural order, Ranunculaceae. Common names (G.), Pfingstrose, Gichtrose; (Fr.), Pivoine. Preparation, Tincture of the root, dug in spring (preparations from the root dug in August proved inert), (Geyer, Hygeia, 21, 305). Authorities. 1, Praktischen Mitthl. d. Corresp. Gesellschft. Horn. Aerzte, 1827; 2, Helbig, a; 3, Helbig, b; 4, Geyer, effects of 6 to 18 drops of tinc- ture ; 5, Heger, effects of 8 to 110 drops of tincture and 1 and 2 grains of dried sediment from tincture ; 6, Schelling, A. H. Z., 28, 182, effects of ex- pressing the juice ; 7, Oppenheim, Zeit., 1850 (Viertljhrschft fur Horn., 2, 474, effects of a cupful of a decoction of the flowers taken by a girl of nine- teen for suppression of the menses). 3Iind.~- Slight delirium (fifth day)/.—Great nervous excitement/.— Apprehension (second day)/.—Great internal anxiety and apprehension, without cause, in the evening (first day)/.—Depression/.—Very irritable and depressed, without cause, after 5 p.m. (second day)/.—Extremely ill- humored/. Head.— Uertigo. Constant vertigo, with nausea, that was relieved by a glass of water,6.—Vertigo, confusion and heaviness of the head, in a warm room/.—[10.] Vertigo, especially on walking about the room, and reeling to and fro/.—Vertigo on every motion ; constant reeling in the head,6. — Great reeling and unsteadiness (second day),6. — General Head. Rush of blood to the head/.—Rush of blood to the head, with pressure and dull pain below the forehead, after 5 p.m. (second day)/.— Rush of blood to the head and face, with perspiration (second day)/.— Head heavy, dull, dizzy, with a feeling of heat in it (second day)/.—Sen- satiou of fulness in the whole head (second day)/.—Pain and confusion of the head/.—Pressive headache, with dulness, roaring in the ears, flickering before the eyes, soon/.—[20.] Gnawing headache/.—Forehead. Vio- lent pressive pain in the forehead and orbits (in the morning and evening, first day, also on second day)/.—Pressure and dull pain iu the forehead/. —Temples. Boring pain from without inward in the right temporal re- gion/.—Jerking tearing in the right temporal region, extending into the head/.—Parietals. Pressure and sticking in the left side of the head, above the eyebrow (second day),6.—Pressing headache in the left side, after dinner/.—Occiput. Heaviness in the occiput/.—Pressure in the occiput (in the morning and second day)/.—Pressive pain in the occiput and nape of the neck (second day)/. Eye.—[30] Eyes red and watery (fifth day)/.—Eyes dry (smarting), not easy to open (second day),6.—Most violent paius in the left eye (third and following days)/.—Pressive pain in the left eye, which gradually be- came more violeut,.and afterwards a tearing; on the third day the inflam- mation of the eye was quite violent, the conjunctiva injected, opening of the eye difficult, partly on accouut of the pain, partly on account of photo- phobia, with profuse lachrymation ; this inflammation continued for eight days/.—Pain in the eye continued and became very violent, until complete conjunctivitis of the eyeball aud inner surface of the lids developed, with much lachrymation and contracted pupils, lasting about fourteen days/.— Burning of the eyes and lids,6.—Burning in the eyes, itching, and sensation P.EONIA. 277 of dryness (second day)/.—Pressure in the left eye (third day)/.—Lid. Very acute stitches iu the right upper lid, towards the inner canthus, not relieved by rubbing/.—Itching in the right upper lid at short intervals/. —Ball and Pupil. [40.] Inflammation of the left eyeball, with pain in the eye, as if a sharp grain of sand were under the upper lid (second dayV.—Contracted pupils, with inflammation of the eyes/. Ear.—Very acute stitches from within outward in the right ear (sec- ond day),6.—Pinching behind the right ear/.—Constant ringing in the ears/.—Ringing in the left ear/. Nose, F'ace, and 3Iouth.—Stoppage and dryness of the nose, in the morning, in bed (second day)/.—Stoppage of the nose, in the evening (second day)/.—Face red and puffy (fifth day)/.—Violent pressure ex- tending from the articular fossa of the lower jaw through the inner ear; relieved by keeping the jaws open for a long time, as, for example, when drinking; aggravated by pressing them together/.—[50.] Crawling in the upper lip,1.—Tongue red (fifth day)/.—Biting sensatiou in the posterior portion of the palate, in the evening (after five days)/. Throat.—Constant scraping in the throat; was obliged to cough and hawk to loosen it; also the posterior nares feel as in catarrh and full of mucus/.—Heat in the throat and fauces, aggravated by hawking (second day),6.—Heat in the throat; sensation of burning heat in the fauces, ex- tending up to the pharynx (second day),6.—Sensation as of an acrid burn- ing vapor coming up in the throat (second day)/.—Difficulty of swallow- ing/- Stomach .—Loss of appetite/.—Great thirst/.—[60.] Nausea, soon/. ' —(Nausea, seething in the head, with vanishing or obscuration of the senses and attacks of faintness, from going into a warm room after a moderate walk),6.—Vomiting and painful diarrhcea (third, fourth, and fifth days)/. —Cutting iu the region of the stomach and transverse colon, followed by a soft stool/.—Periodical, frequently recurring stitches extending upward from the middle of the epigastric region/.—Burning in the epigastric re- gion, at night (first night)/. Abdomen.— Umbilicus. Cutting about the umbilicus, lasting a quarter of an hour, and returning after about three hours, and again after five hours/.—Cutting in the umbilical region,0.—Drawing crawling beneath the umbilicus, disappearing on scratching/.— General Abdomen. Rumbling in the abdomen/.—[70.] Abdomen sensitive, especially along the transverse colon and epigastric region, that was hard and retracted (fifth day)/.—Cutting colic/.—Colic/.—Colic transversely across the upper abdomen/.—Griping pain in the abdomen, lasting only a few seconds, pre- ceded, and especially followed, by anxiety, trembling of the limbs and arms, as though he were frightened ; he became apprehensive when any one spoke to him, aud unpleasant news affected him exceedingly; in the forenoon (second day)/.—Pressure in the abdomen/; (after twenty drops)/.—Crawl- ing iu the abdomen/. Anus and Stool.—"Biting itching in the anus, that provokes scratch- ing; the orifice seems somewhat swollen; in the afteruoon (second day)/. —Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, with colic (after 110 drops)/.—Five diarrhoea- like stools/.—[80.] Pasty diarrhoea, with a feeling of faintness in the ab- domen and burning in the anus after the stool, that returns after six hours; it came on suddenly, was followed by internal chilliness, occurring gener- ally a few hours after he felt the worst/.—Several thin stools, soon/. Urinary and Sexual Organs.—Frequent and copious micturi- 278 P^ONIA. tion, disturbing sleep at night (first night)/.—Micturition somewhat im- peded by a constrictive sensation iu the region of the neck of the bladder, so that the urine was passed only in driblets/.—Burning micturition, with scanty urine/.—External genitals swollen, painful/. Respiratory Organs.—Hawking caused by accumulation of tena- cious mucus in the throat, with scanty expectoration/. Chest.—Rush of blood to the chest/.—Heat in the chest/.—Pressure in the chest, towards the forepart, near the middle of the sternum (fourth and fifth days)/.—[90.] Transient pains in the upper and forepart of the chest, beneath the manubrium of the chest, that can scarcely be distin- guished from a kind of pressure, lasting a few seconds, in the morning (fifth day)/.—Pains iu the chest at the same hour, aud lasting two hours (second day)/.—Dull stitches in the thorax, from before backwards, as if through the heart/.—Front and Sides. Violent pressure in the mid- dle of the sternum, which was somewhat relieved during the night, but becarae more violent the next morning, and continued to recur the whole forenoon (second aud third days)/.—A very transient sharp pressive pain in the lower portion of the right side of the chest, in the ribs, above the hepatic region, in the morning (after two days)/.—Pressing pain near both sides of the lower portion of the sternum, while eating/.—Cutting pressure iu the left side of the chest (while sitting bent over)/.—Pressure and stitches to the right of the ensiform process (first day)/.—Violent stitch extending vertically through the whole left half of the chest, beginning beneath the clavicle and extending down to the diaphragm ; it was most violent in the region of the heart, at the moment of expiration, and was aggravated by walking about; it lasted two hours (first and third days)/.—Stitches in the left side of the chest, extending downward (second day),0.—[100.] Stitches in the right side of the chest, near the sternum, on a level with the nipples, at 4 p.m./.—A persistent sticking iu the left thorax, parallel with the axis of the body, on every inspiration, from 3.30 to 5, and also at 9 p.m./.—Throbbing extending through the right side of the thorax and from the posterior portion to the nape of the neck, where it ended iu intermitting pinching/.—Sticking in the left side of the thorax (third day)/.—Sticking pains near the right nipple, aggravated by walking (first day)/. Heart and Pulse.—Pressure beneath the heart, as from great anxiety/.—Pulse somewhat contracted (fifth day)/. Neck and Puck.—Periodical sticking pains in the last cervical vertebra (third day)/.—Sharp stitches in the scapulae/.—Fine boring pain in the left scapula, relieved by motion/.—[110.] Stitches in several places in the back, disappearing on scratching/.—Pinching, now in the dorsal, now in the abdominal muscles/.—Griping, at one time in the dorsal, at another in the abdominal muscles/. Extremities.—Paroxysmal tearing pains in the extremities, followed by a sensation of numbness/.—Jerking and tearing in the extremities (fifth day)/. Superior Extremities.—Aching in the right upper arm, extend- ing to the region of the elbow, relieved only by motion, for several days/. —Ou flexing the arms, the muscles across the elbow-joint feel tense, as though there were a pressure upon them/.—Violent cramp in the ulna, at the wrist joint/.— Sticking griping in the left wrist, behind the thumb/.— The right ring finger, upon which he had, four weeks previously, received a blow with a blunt rapier, seemed as far as its first and second phalanges completely dead, cold, devoid of blood, shrivelled, yellow, and without P^ONIA. 279 sensation, in the afternoon (fifth day)/.—[120.] Slight pain in the tips of the left fingers, almost a tearing/.—Feeling of deaduess in one finger (third day)/. Inferior Extremities.—Some sudden thrusts on the inner side of the left knee, from within outward/.—Violent cramp in the right knee- joint, while sitting/.—A sensati >n in the lower portion of the calf, as though the aponeurosis of the muscles and tendons were drawn tense, or as though they had been bruised, making it difficult to walk, towards evening/.— Weary pain in the ankles, while sitting/.—Unusual painfulness of the corns/.—Sensation as though a splinter were sticking in the skin of the right great toe, as ofteu as it was touched, as though the toe pressed against the shoe, in the evening (second day)/.—Very violent pain, as from pres- sure, iu the left little toe, for several days (after three days)/. Generalities.—No steadiness while walking; reeling about in the head, with staggering of the limbs/.—[130.] Great weakness and prostra- tion of all the limbs, in the evening,6.—Weakness, with heaviness of the limbs; better after eating/.—Weakness/.—Weakness; great uneasiness when walking, with heaviness of the chest and limbs, so that she was fre- quently obliged to stand still (second day)/.—Worse after the sleep at night, at noon, and iu rainy weather/. Skin.—*A small ulcer on the perineum, near the anus, that con- stantly oozes moisture of a very offensive odor; it is painful for eight days,1.—Seusation of prickling itching and fine sticking on the skin, iu the open air (second day)/.—Fine prickling sticking in the skin, first on the chest, then in the muscles of the shoulders and arms down the side of the back, soon,6.—Very transient sticking crawling in the fingers, in the sides/. —Burning biting, as from nettles, ou the head, chest, and limbs, associated with itching, that provokes rubbing, soon/.—[140.] Crawling in the tip of the uose/.—Crawling, as from something alive, and a bristling sensation iu a spot on the left forearm/.—Very painful itching in the concha/.— Itching on the calves, disappearing on rubbing/.—Burning itching in the toes, that are swollen and that seem contracted, and a pain as though a sharp knife were thrust through them at short intervals/. Sleep.—Extremely sleepy the whole afternoon (first day)/.—Sleep very restless during the whole proving; duriug the first night, disturbed by burning in the epigastric region, afterwards by voluptuous dreams, with emissions, or by anxious, sad, and vivid dreams of death, etc./5.—Sleep restless, dreamy, with unremembered dreams,6.—Starting on falling asleep, even during the day,2.—Sleep unrefreshing, and disturbed by numerous and unrefreshing dreams, at night/.—[150.] Sleep, after midnight, dis- turbed by amorous dreams (first night)/.—Sleep became very much dis- turbed by anxious dreams, that amounted to real nightmare, even with a dream of a distinct figure sitting upon the chest, making respiration very anxious/.f—Sleep disturbed by anxious and frightful dreams (dreams of the death of relatives, etc.), (second night)/.—Vivid, wonderful, and am- orous dreams, at night (first night)/.—Dream of a ghost, who was sitting upon his chest and oppressing his breath, so that he frequently woke groan- ing (fourth night)/.—Numerous dreams, at night, and also amorous dream, with emission/.—Many unremembered dreams, at night (after 110 drops)/. f f At this time I was utterly ignorant of the fact that both Dioscoridcs and Plinius had stated that nightmare could be cured by this drug, the former by the use of the seeds, the latter by the use of the root.—Gkykr. 280 P^ONIA—PALLADIUM. —Amorous dream, with emission (after 110 drops)/.—Anxious dreams, at night (after 40 drops)/.—Very anxious dreams (second night)/.—[160.] Quarrelsome dreams (second night)/. Fever.—Shivering/.—Woke after midnight with great heat over the whole body, and also with unusual warmth in the region of the stomach/.— Heat over the whole body, disturbing the sleep, at night (first night)/.— Skin very warm (fifth day)/.—Heat in the head/.—One ear was hot, the other cold, at 5 p.m. (second day)/.—Burning heat in the face/.—Burning heat in the face, back, and chest, with cold extremities/.—Heat and burn- ing, as of nettles, on the chest, neck, back, and shoulders (second day)/. Conditions. — Aggravation. — (Morning), Pressure in occiput; in bed, stoppage and dryness of the nose; pain in chest; pressive pain in right side of chest.—(Morning and evening), Pressive pain in forehead.—(Fore- noon), Pressure in the middle of the sternum.—(Noon), All symptoms.— (Afternoon), After 5 p.m., irritable and depressed; rush of blood to head, with pressure and pain; 5 p.m., one ear hot, the other cold ; 4 p.m., stitches in right side of chest; biting itching in anus; sleepy.—(Toward evening), Sensation as if muscles and tendons of calves were drawn tense.—(Even- ing), Anxiety and apprehension ; biting sensation in palate; stoppage of the nose; weakness and prostration of all the limbs.—(Night), Burning in epigastric region ; unrefreshing sleep, disturbed by dreams; heat over the whole body.—(After midnight), Sleep disturbed by amorous dreams; woke by heat over the whole body.—(Open air), Pricking, itching and sticking on the skin.—(After dinner), Pressing headache in left side.—( While eat- ing), Weakness and heaviness of the limbs.—(After eating), Pressive pain near both sides of sternum.—(Hawking), Heat iu throat and fauces.—(In- spiration), Sticking in left thorax.—(Motion), Vertigo.—(Pressing jaws to- gether), Pressure from lower jaw to inner ear.—(After sleep at night), All symptoms.—(Going into a warm room after a moderate walk), Nausea; seething in the head ; obscuration of senses; attacks of faintness.—(Warm room), Confusion and heaviness of head.—(Sitting bod over), Cutting pres- sure in side of chest.—( While sitting), Cramp in right knee-joint; pain in ankles.—(Touching toe), Sensation as if splinter were sticking in it.— (While walking), No steadiness; weakness and weariness; heaviness of chest and limbs.—( Walking about), Stitch in left half of chest; pain in nipple.—{Rainy weather), All symptoms. Amelioration.—(Keeping jaws open), Pressure extending from lower jaw to inner ear.—(Motion), Boring pain in left scapula; aching in right upper arm.—(Rubbing), Itching on calves.—(Scratching), Crawling beneath umbilicus; stitches in back.—(Glass of water), Vertigo, with nausea. PALLADIUM. Note by Dr. Lippe.—"What you find in my text-book on Palladium are only the characteristic symptoms taken from provings made and col- lected by Dr. Hering. I could make no additions. Confirmed are the mental symptoms as compared with those of Platina; also the ovarian symp- toms." The editor, therefore, will not publish the symptoms from Lippe's text- book, but, with others eager to cure the sick, will wait impatiently till the original provings may be given to the world. PANACEA. 281 PANACEA. This drug was obtained from an unknown but common tree in Brazil. Brazilian names, Azougue dos pobres (Mercury of the poor); Cabedula; Erva carnevra. Authority. Mure, Pathogenesie Bresil. 3Iind.—Desire for solitude (secoud day).—Dissatisfied with herself; everything wearies her (third day). Head.—Vertigo, which increases the headache, at 6 a.m. (second day). —Dizziness; she bends backward as if she would fall over, at 7.30 p.m. (second day).—Violent headache, worse when bending over to the left, at 6 a.m., (second day).—Headache, which increases her dissatisfaction (third day).—Heaviness of the head (second day).—Pain as if a rusty saw were drawn rapidly across above the orbits (second day).—Heaviness over the forehead, worse when drowsy, at 10 p.m. (first day).—[10.] Pain in the forehead and temples (second day).—Pain as if the temples were squeezed in a vice (second day).—Pressive pain in the vertex, with dizziness; this pain shifts to the left eye, followed by a sensation as if a rocket rushed out of it, at 7.30 a.m. (third day). 3louth.—Pain in a decayed tooth, as if a penknife were thrust iu it, at 7 a.m. (third day).—Great heat in the tongue, with a sensation as if small drops of ice-water fell upon it, at 9 a.m. (second day).—Very bitter mouth, on rising, at 5 a.m. (second day). Stomach.—Hunger, causing a burning in the stomach (second day). —Hunger, with aversion to food (second day).—Nausea (secoud day).— Empty feeling in the stomach, with desire to eat (second day).—[20.] Suffocative feeling, as from a ball, in the pit of the stomach ; she cannot hook her dress (second day). Abdomen.—Pain as from a knife-stab, at the navel, going around the abdomen, and euding at the loins (second day).—Pain, as from knife- stabs, in the flanks and navel (third day). Respiratory Organs and Chest.—Sense of strangulation, at 9 A.M. (third day).—Tearing, increasing from the chest to the oesophagus, at 7 a.m. (second day).—Pain rising up in the chest, with pulling (second day). Puck.—Bruised pain in the loins, as from blows with a stick, at 6 a.m. (second day). Extremities.—Pain, as from a blow with a hammer, on the left shoulder (second day).—Pain at the shoulder-blade, when inclining the head to the left side (second day).—Pain from the right wrist to the elbow (second day).—[30.] Great trembling of the right hand (third day).— Numbness of the left hand; it cannot be moved, at 6 a.m. (third day).— Cramp frora the index fiuger to the elbow (second day).—She cannot kneel for any length of time (second day).—The knees give way, at 4 p.m. (sec- ond day).—Cramps in the feet, extending into the bends of the knees (second day).—Sensation as if the toe-nails were plucked out (second day). Generalities.—Weariness as after a long journey, at 8 p.m. (second day).—Syncope (second day). Sleep.—Spasmodic yawning, which stops suddenly (second day).— [40.] Drowsiness (second day).—Great drowsiness, with heaviness of the eyes, at noon (second day). 282 PAPAVERINUM—PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. Fever.—Chill, on going into the open air, at 7 p.m. (second day).— Chilliness all over (third day).—Great heat, followed by considerable cold- ness, at 10.30 p.m. (first day). Conditions.—Aggravation—(Morning), 6 a.m., vertigo; headache; 7.30 a.m., pain in vertex ; 7 a.m., pain in decayed tooth ; on rising, 5 a.m., bitter mouth ; 9 a.m., heat in tongue; sense of strangulation; 7 a.m., tear- ing from chest to oesophagus ; 6 a.m., pain in loins ; numbness of left hand. —(Noon), Drowsiness, with heaviness of eyes.—(Evening), 7.30 p.m., diz- ziness; 10 p.m., heaviness over forehead; 8 p.m., weariness; 7 p.m., on going out, chill; 10.30 p.m., heat, followed by coldness.—(Bending to left), Headache.—(Bending head to left side), Pain at shoulder-blade.—( When drowsy), Heaviness over forehead. PAPAVERINUM. An alkaloid obtained from Opium ; formula, C,,H21N04. Preparation, Triturations or solutions of the salts. Authority. Dr. Hormann, Wieu. Med. Woch., 1868,18, 58, 59 (Am. J. Med. Sc, 1889, 58, p. 228), took on three successive days, doses of 1, 3, 5, 7, and 8 grains of the muriate of P. Head.—Acute frontal headache, after the disappearance of the epi- gastric pain, without any muscular relaxation or weakness. Stomach,—Severe hiccough, which disappeared in six minutes, and was followed by epigastric pain (one hour and a half after third dose).— Epigastric pain after the disappearance of the hiccough. PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. Paris quadrifolia, Linn. Natural order, Liliaceae. Common names, Herb Paris ; Embeere ; La Parisette. Preparation, Tincture of the whole plant, when in fruit. Authorities. (Nos. 1 to 7, from Stapf's collection, Archiv. f. Horn., 8, 1, 177.) 1, Hahnemann; 2, Gross; 3, Hartmann; 4, Langhammer; 5, Stapf; 6, Teuthorn; 7, Wislizenus (Nos. 8 to 12, from Hartlaub and Trinks, R. A. Ml., 3, 149); 8, Hering, from H. and T., and also additional symptoms, Archiv. f. Horn., 13, 1, 171 ; 9, Bethmann ; 10, Hartlaub; 11, Ruckert; 12, Nenning ; 13, Gesner, Epist. Med., fol. 53, from Roth. Journ. de la soc. Gall., Mat. Med., 1, p. 471; 14, Berridge, N. Am. J. of Horn., N. S., vol. 3, j). 504, a woman took a dose of " 9m " (Fincke). Mind.—Foolish ; talks a great deal about every subject, changes from one subject to another, talks in order to talk, and even would do so if alone, is even delighted with his own frivolity and ridiculous talk (first day)/.—Lively, talkative (first day)/2.—Inclined to be vexed and dissat- isfied with people for insignificant reasons, and to relieve himself in a few contemptuous words (first day)/.—Disinclination for mental work,10. Head.—Sudden whirling vertigo, especially while sitting/.—Vertigo; everything whirls around with her/.—Vertigo after reading aloud ; talk- ing and looking intently were difficult, aud he felt as if a violent headache would come on ; aggravated by going upstairs, which caused a pressure from withiu outward, in the whole head, with a sensation of intoxication/. PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. 283 —Dulness of the head/10.—Dulness in the head, like vertigo, disappear- ing on walking in the open air (after two hours)/2.—[10.] The head is heavy; the cervical muscles will not hold it upright; it sinks forward/.— Internal headache like a bubbling, on waking at night; he was unable to fall asleep again on account of internal restlessness/.—Headache, while smoking the customary tobacco (after five hours)/.—It seemed as though a^violent headache would come on ; increased towards evening, in the open air/.—Sharp stitches in the top of the head, to the left of the vertex/2.— Pressure in the whole head, from within outward/.—"Sticking pain in the middle of the head and in the temples; afterwards a heavy pressure upon the forehead, especially on stooping?1.—"In the evening everything was worse; the pain in the forehead involved the whole sinciput; it seemed as though the scalp were contracted and the bone scraped sore; the margins of the lids were red and hot; it seemed as though a thread were tightly drawn through the eye to the middle of the head, which was very painful (second day)/1.— The pains in the head were aggravated by thought/2.—Sensation in the head, as though the meninges and brain were tense, with a tensive sensa- tion in the occipital region as if the skin there were thicker and could not be wrinkled (first day)/.—[20.] A sensation as if the dura mater were drawn tight over the brain, lasting a long time, especially in the occiput/. —Feeling of swelling of right forehead, right temple, and right side of head, for a minute; before midnight (fourth day)/4.—Sensation through the whole head, as if it were puffed up; especially as if the temples and eyes were forced outward (after one hour)/.—Forehead. Painful pressure above the left orbit, that seems to press down the upper lid/.—Constant paiuful pressure, deep in the right frontal eminence (after one hour)/.—■ Sensation as if a sharp point were pressed against the right frontal emi- nence (a superficial sticking pressure), (after one hour)/.—Constrictive pressive pain in the forehead (first day)/1.—Stupefying headache, throb- bing like the pulse, in the left forehead/.—A slight waving and throbbing headache (in the left side of the forehead), on going upstairs.8.—Sticking and gnawing in the left frontal region, followed by gnawing in the left lower jaw, very painful (first day)/2.—[30.] Benumbing stitches in the left side of the forehead (after one hour)/.—Temples and Parietals. "Pressive pain in the right temporal region, that is relieved by pressure of the hand (after two hours)/.—Frequent persistent pressure in the head, espe- cially in both temples/1.—Slight pressure in the left temple/.—Fine stitches in the left temple,10.—A very sore painful spot, only when touched, in the left parietal bone (occurring in the night), as after a hard bruise, although nothing abnormal is to be seen (after twenty-four hours)/.—Stitches in the right side of the head (after one hour)/2.—Occiput and External Head. Pressure in the occiput/1.—Intermitting drawing pain in the mus- cles of the right side of the occiput (after three hours)/.—The hair falls out and is painful ou the vertex,8.—[40.] Some fine scurf on the head,10.— Tension in the skin of the forehead and occiput; it seems as though the skin were tightly adherent to the bone and almost immovable/.—Itching over the whole head, with some burning after scratching,10.—Pain in the scalp when touched, as if the hair were paiuful (after one h< ur and a quarter)/. Eye.—Discharge of thin mucus from the eyes and nose, that caused sighing/.—Much purulent mucus in the eyes, in the morning/.—The eyes seem swollen, as if their orbits were too small (so that he could not easily move the eyes); with inability to fix the vision steadily upon anything, as 284 PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. if all objects were moving/.—Sensation of slight burning and biting in the eyes/.f—Burning and lachrymation of the eyes (fourth day)/2.—A cool sensation in the right eye (first day)/1.—[50.] "Some stitches through the middle of the eye, and some cloudiness before it/1.—Painful tension beneath the left eye/2.—Orbit and Lid. Painful pressure in the upper margin of the orbit, as if in the bone,12.—lerking and twitching of the right upper lid (after half an hour)/.—Hardened matter in the inner canthi during the day, with burning pain, especially when touched,2.—Crawling on the margin of the right upper lid (after two hours and a half)/.—Painful burning in the inner canthi/.—Lachrymal Apparatus and Ball. Lachrymation, in the morning, after rising/.—"The eyeballs seem too large (first day)/1.—Teariug pressure ou the upper surface of the right eyeball,10. —[60.] "Pupils dilated (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Unsteady vision, as if he had been weeping/1.—A swimming before the eyes/1. Ear.—A sudden pain in both ears, as if a wedge were being driven into the meatus, that forces it open ; at last it was very violent only in the right ear ; relieved for only a short time on boring in with the finger (while walking in the open air, in the evening), (after ten hours)/.—Tearing in the right ear, as if the ear would be toru from the head (after ten min- utes)/.—Tearing in the left ear/2.—Sensation as if burning heat were com- ing out of both ears/2.—Sensatiou as of a thick mist before both ears, as though he could not hear well (after half an hour)/.—Ringing in the left ear (after four hours)/10.—Ringing and twinging in the ear/1. Nose.—[70.] Violent sneezing,10.—Frequent sneezing/1.—Bleediug of the nose (after three hours); violent (after six hours)/.—Red and greenish nasal mucus is blown from the nose?.—Alternation of fluent and stopped coryza?.—Stopped coryza?.—Nose very much stopped, in the morning after rising; with difficulty he blows out some mucus mixed with blood/.— Feeling of fulness in the upper part of the nose, with blowing of thick mucus streaked with blood from the nose/.—Smell altered; milk and bread smell like bad meat/. Face.—Paleness of the face (after twelve hours)/.—[80.] Tension and pressure in the left cheek (after five minutes),2.—A scratching pressure be- neath the malar bone (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Hot stitches in the bone of the left cheek, that was also somewhat painful to touch,10.— The upper lip is thick and cracked, with tetter about the mouth/1.—A blister within the lower lip (after half an hour)/.—Stitches iu the upper lip, nape of the neck, hands, and feet, as if under the skin/1. Jlouth.—Teeth and Gums. Toothache, almost like a tickling, aggravated in the afternoon, and worse at night; aggravated by cold and warmth (third aud fourth days)/2.—Painful drawing in a hollow back tooth ; cold causes a jerking pain; worse in the forenoon ; relieved by walking; lasting five days (after three days)/2.—Drawing pain in a hollow tooth,10.—Drawing and throbbing in the teeth,11.—[90.] Pain, as if all the teeth were loose; the opeu air penetrated them and caused a sensation of coldness; together with a wrinkled sensation of the gum and a pain, as if burnt (second day)/1.—Sensation as if the gum were loose (first day),11.— Pain every morning, as if a knife were cutting the gum,11.—Tongue. Tongue rough and coated white, as if covered with millet-seeds (after one hour and a quarter)/.—Root of the tongue brown, in the morning, after rising,2.—Tongue dry and rough/2.—The tongue seemed too large and ■j- From the exhalutions of the juice of the plant. PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. 285 broad,"—General Mouth. A tense swelling on the hard palate, near the last back tooth, as large as a pigeon's egg, almost without pain,10.— The mouth was completely dried up, in the morning, on waking,2.—At times a very sudden sensation of dryness, with a scraping sensation, far back on the palate, with accumulation of much tasteless water in the mouth, as in hunger/.—[100.] Dryness and tickling burning on the hard palate/.—On the palate a sensation as if denuded,11.—Pain in the skin of the palate; the next day it desquamated in large pieces/.—Saliea and Taste. Profuse accumulation of water in the mouth, after breakfast,12.— Accumulation of saliva in the mouth that, though tasteless, puckered the mouth like an astringent/.—He was frequently obliged to spit out watery saliva (after four hours)/.—White slimy froth in the corners of the mouth, in the morning/.—Taste and odor of cresses and onions in the mouth/.— Bitter taste, with dryuess and roughness of the tongue (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Flat slimy taste in the mouth,10. Throat.—[HO.] Pressure, from within outward, in the throat, as from a ball that continued to grow larger and would burst the throat open, on stooping, and especially in the evening/1.—Pressure, like a ball in the throat, when swallowing, aud at other times, frequently returning (first day),11.—Scraping in the.throat (first day)/.—Sharp sticking scratching in the throat, especially in the evening,11.—Tearing in the muscles of the throat and nape of the neck/2.—Pressure in the right tonsil/1.—Hawking, caused by accumulation of mucus in the fauces?.—Dryness of the pharynx,13. —Burning, and afterwards scratching, in the pharynx/.—A sharp stitch in the pharynx,10. Stomach.—Appetite. [120.] Great appetite (first day)/.—Hunger, soon after a nutritious meal/.—Smoking tobacco is not relished/.—Eruc- tations. Frequent empty eructations, with pressure, extending up into the chest, in the forenoon/2.—Clear tasteless water rises from the stomach, in the morning, without nausea/2.—Disagreeable nauseous eructations/.— Uprising from the stomach,10.—Hiccough. Hiccough (after three-quar- ters of an hour)/.—Constant hiccough, after eating/.—Nausea. Nausea and acid taste/1.—[130.] Qualmishness in the stomach/1.—General Stomach. The epigastric region was distended, as from flatulence, and was sensitive to touch (first day)/2.—Audible rumbling, extending from the stomach to the throat/2.—Violent griping in the stomach, relieved by eructatious, in the afternoon/2.—Burning, extending from the stomach into the abdomen/2.—Burning, like heartburn and nausea, rising from the ab- domen into the chest, after breakfast/2.—Pressure in the stomach, relieved by eructations (first day)/.—In the morning, a sensation as of a stone lying in the stomach (second day)/.—Sensation of fulness in the stomach (first day)/2.—Warmth iu the epigastric region/.—[140.] Digestion was uot as good as usual/. Abdomen.—Sticking in the right hypochondrium,12.—Acute pressure in a small spot in the left side of the abdomen,10.—A pressure, as if some- thing hard were lying in a small spot to the left, above the navel/.— Rumbling in the abdomen, below the stomach, as from emptiness (after one hour and a half)/.—Moving about in the abdomen and emission of flatus,10.—Violent cutting colic, with ineffectual desire for stool, after dinner/2.—Cutting and rolling in the abdomen, with two stools/2.—Grip- ing in the whole abdomen, especially about the navel, in the afternoon, while sitting, relieved by walking/2.—The abdomen became full and un- comfortable, after eating/.—[150.] Sensatiou of tension iu the whole ab- 286 PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. domeu/.—Uneasiness in the abdomen/.—Pressive pain in the abdomen/. —Cramplike tearing in the whole of the abdominal muscles, extending up to the pit of the stomach, worse while sitting bent over than while walking (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Painless rumbling and gurgling in the lower abdomen/.—Cutting in the left groin, while walking (after one hour)/2. Rectum and Stool.—Ineffectual desire for stool,12.—He was obliged to go to stool more frequently than usual ; the evacuation was always un- satisfactory and somewhat pasty (first aud second days)/.—Two normal stools in quick succession,12.—Diarrhoea-like stool (second day); twice (third day)/2-—[160.] Stool very offensive, like bad meat/.—Stool some- what thin, slimy (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Frequent stools (after fifteen hours)/.—Stool somewhat hard, difficult (after three hours and a half)/. Urinary Organs.—Tenesmus of the bladder, in the morning, always after urinating (after three-quarters of an hour),4.— Violent burning iu the orifice of the urethra, while sitting (after two hours and a half)/.— Burning in the urethra, above the glans penis, during micturition/.— Drawing in the anterior part of the urethra (after eighteen hours)/.—Fine stitches in the forepart of the urethra (after one hour and a quarter)/.—De- sire to urinate every ten or fifteen minutes, with burning during micturi- tion/.—[170.] Micturition delayed ; there was urging, but he was obliged to wait a few minutes before any passed/.—The urine seems to be increased (first day),12.—Urine more scanty than usual (first day),8.—Urine very dark-yellow for several days, that, however, deposited no sediment, even after standing a long time/.—Urine very pale-yellow (after three hours)/2. —The uriue is somewhat acrid/2.—Urine fiery; after standing, a flocculeut film in the middle, and later a reddish sediment is deposited, and a thin iridescent film forms upon the surface/.—The urine becomes very turbid and covered with an iridescent film, after standing/. Sexual Organs.—Increased sexual desire ; very hard erection,8.— Increased sexual desire aud iucreased voluptuousness during coition/.— [180.] Nightly emission/.—Menses three days too early/2. Respiratory Organs.—Larynx and Trachea. Irritation to hack, in the larynx, as lrom the vapor of sulphur; on hacking, only a very little mucus is expectorated, and alter a very few minutes the irritation re- turns, aud he is obliged to hack auew/.—Slight burning in the larynx,12.— He was constantly obliged to loosen mucus from the larynx and trachea,10.— Trachea (and mouth) completely dried up, in the morning, on waking, with some hoarseness?.—Rawness in the trachea, causing a deep bass voice,2.— Voice. Hoarseness so great that he could not utter a loud word, period- ically recurring every quarter or half an hour, without any painful sensa- tion in the throat (after one hour and a half)/.—Some hoarseness/1.— Cough and Expectoration. He began to cough immediately on lying on the left side, iu bed/.—[190.] Constant hacking and coughing, without expectoration, immediately on lying down in bed ; he hacks so violently that he has sparks before his eyes/.—Constant hacking, in the morning, after rising, without any expectoration ; after about half an hour some greenish tenacious mucus is raised/.—Frequent hacking; he endeavors to loosen tenacious mucus that seems to be firmly adherent to the posterior part of the larynx?.—He hawks and expectorates greenish tenacious mucus from the larynx?.—Constant hawking of mucus, as if much mucus were lying in the upper part of the larynx, which he was obliged to loosen, followed by ex- pectoration of white tenacious, tasteless mucus/.—For several days together PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. 287 he constantly expectorates, without pain, lumps of mucus from the upper portion of the trachea, even without much hawking/.—Respiration. Frequent deep inspiration,12.—Respiration somewhat oppressed.12. Chest.—Frequent stitches through the lungs/1.—Collection of mucus in the chest, without any inclination to expectorate it (after four hours and three-quarters)/.—[200.] A biting-gnawing pain on the sternum (after half an hour)/.—Very violent drawing-cutting pain in the left side of the chest and abdomen, upon which he was lying, that commenced above in the diaphragm, seeming to extend through it and down into the abdomen, and then continued as a cutting pain through the small intestines, till at last it extended to the entrance of the true pelvis, where it disappeared, but almost at the same instant it appeared again in the chest; with this, res- piration was difficult and only superficial, iu the evening, after lying down, gradually relieved after lying upon the back (after twelve hours)/.—Very violent, at one time cutting, at another sticking, sensation in the right side of the thorax, near the ensiform cartilage, the pain seeming to be midway between the back and sternum, as if in the middle of the chest, though more towards the right side/.—Dull pressure in the right side of the chest,10.—Dull stitches in the left side of the chest,10.—Stitches in the right side of the chest, extending thence into the right clavicle and iuto a right back tooth, and lastly into the right calf/2.—Transient cramp in the left sterno cleido-mastoid muscle/.—Violent pressive sticking in the left nipple, during inspiration (after five hours and a half)/.—Pulsating painful sen- sation, with painful sticking when touched, in a small spot beneath the left nipple/. Heart and Pulse.—Pinching pain in the heart and lungs, several times; when stooping it seemed as though a stone were lying upon the back/1.—[210.] Palpitation during rest and motion, in the evening,2.—The pulse is diminished a few beats (after two hours),12. Neck and Rack.—* The neck feels stiff and swollen if turned around?1. —Tension iu the muscles of the neck and nape, so that the head was almost involuntarily drawn forward/.—Paralytic pain in the left side of the nape of the neck, when bending the head to the left side,10.—^Sensation as if a great weight were lying upon the nape,2.—Stitches through and through both sides of the back and nape of the neck/1.—Stitches, extending into the back, while sitting/2.—Long-continued stitches beneath the left scap- ula,12.—Fine paiuful stitches close to the spine, between the four last right ribs, aggravated during inspiration (after three hours)/.—[220.] Sharp pulselike stitches in the coccyx,2.—Tearing in the coccyx, while sitting,12. Extremities.—Distressing heaviness in all the limbs, with internal coldness, iu the evening/1.—Sensation on every motion, as if the joiuts were broken, and on stretching them out as if they had been pressed in; on turning about, a seusation as if they were swollen and sprained/1.— Cramplike twinging pains in the joiuts, almost continually/1.—Constaut stitches in all the joints, especially in the evening/1.—Several tendons are sore to touch/1. Superior Extremities.—Shoulder and Arm. Tearing in the left shoulder/2.—Stitches iu the shoulders, as if in the bones/2.—Tear- ing in the shoulders, extending into the fingers/2.—[230.] A burning seu- sation in the left shoulder, as if in the bone,10.—Drawing in the upper arm,10.—Heaviness of the right arm/2.—Sensatiou of heaviness in the arms, even during rest (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Elbow and Fore- arm. Tearing iu the right elbow and malleolus of the foot/2.—Pain in 288 PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. the forearm, as if he had been writing a long time, worse when the arm hangs down/.—Violent tearing in the right forearra in every position (after four hours and a half)/.— Wrist and Hand. Cramplike pain above the left wrist (after one hour)/.—Trembling of the hands (second day)/1. —Drawing in the metacarpal bones,10.—[240.] Stitches in the palm of the left hand,10.—Tearing in the right palm/2.—Fingers. "The fingers often feel asleep?112.—A paralytic sensation in the finger-joints, afterwards in the 'arm, and also in other joints/1.—Drawing pain in the thumb and index finger,10.—Tearing in the thumb,12.—Violent tearing in the whole left index finger, without impairment of its motion (after two days)/.—Violent tear- ing in the first joint of the right middle finger,10.—Pain like a suppuration or like congestion of blood in the tip of the middle finger/.—Drawing deep in the middle finger/.—[250.] Dull stitches on the back of the index fiuger,10.—Bubbling-like stitches iu the bone of the index finger,10. Inferior Extremities.—Paralytic drawing in the whole lower extremities, during rest aud motion,10.—Drawing in the lower extremities/. —Hip and Thigh. Tearing in the hip-joints/2.—A sudden violent tearing in the right hip, while sitting/2.—A painful sensation in the right hip-joint, only while walking; if, when walking, he puts the left foot to the ground while the right is extended backward to its farthest point, just before bringing it forward there is a drawing in the right hip-joint, as if the foot were forcibly pulled backward/.—Fine needlelike stitches in the right hip, returning paroxysmally (after one hour)/.—Drawing on the inner side of the left thigh/1.—Tearing on the outer side of the right thigh, extending to the heel, while sitting/2.—[260.] Gnawing in the posterior surface of the thigh,12.—A stitch in the left nates,10.—Knee and Leg. Painful tension in the right knee only while resting part of his weight upon it when bent, uot when standing erect, sitting, or lying/.—Tearing in the left knee,10.—Cramplike pain about the right patella, not relieved by any motion (after three hours and a half)/.—A pain extending up along the tendons of the right popliteus, while standing (after two hours)/.—Draw- ing in the lower end of the tibia, in bed,10.—Tearing in the calves/2.— Ankle. Paralytic pain in the left ankle, as if the ligaments were re- laxed,10.—A numb pain in the inner malleolus,10.—[270.] Sharp violent stitches in the left inner malleolus, while sitting (after one hour and a half)/.—Slight drawing in the external malleolus,10.—Tearing in the right external malleolus,12.—Foot attd Toes. The feet seem weary and trem- ulous, while walking/2.—A paralytic pain in the sole of the left foot, when stepping upon it, continuing for several days/.—Dull stitches on the back of the right foot (after one hour and a quarter)/.—Violent painful stitches in the sole of the foot, transversely across above the balls of the toes (after two hours)/.—Pinching on the back of the foot (after ten hours)/.—Tear- ing in the sole of the foot/2.—Tearing in the right heel, and thence along the outer margin of the foot to the little toe/2.—[280.] Dull drawing iu the os calcis,10.—Loug-continued formication in the heel/2.—Such violept tearing in the right great toe that she could cry out, while sitting,12.— Jerking in the right great toe, in the evening, while sitting/2.—Acute stitches in the forepart of the right great toe,10.—Drawing burning beneath the toes, especially in the evening/1. Generalities.—Weakness,10.—Weariness, as after a journey on foot/. —Feeling as after intoxication/.—Discomfort, so that he was obliged to lie down/. Skin.—Eruptions. [290.] A red curved stripe above the navel, PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. 289 along the anterior line of the ribs, with painful pressive sensation, especi- ally in the middle/.—Papular eruption on the forehead, with pressive pain when touched/.—-Small dry pimples, with itching biting, above the left eyebrow; the biting is aggravated by scratching, and then it seems as if fine points (splinters) were sticking in the skin/.—Red itching tetter on the cheek and on the ramus of the lower jaw, like millet-seeds, that is pain- ful on rubbing and scratching, and is not moist/.—An itching pimple on the right side of the chin, that was painful after scratching (after twenty- four hours)/.—A pimple, the point of which is filled with pus, in the mid- dle of the upper lip, outside of the red, surrounded by red areola (after half an hour)/.—Itching pimples on the metacarpal bones of the right index and middle fingers, with pain after scratching (after three hours and a half)/.—Papular eruptions, the points of which were filled with pus, and which were surrounded by a red swelling, on the upper lip, beneath the nose (after four hours)/.—Sensations. The whole skin seemed sore to touch/1.—Crawliug in several places in the skin, without itching, for a few minutes/.—[300.] Crawling on the inner surface of the left hand, almost as if asleep (after one hour and a half)/.—Violent itching here and there in the skin,10.—Excessive itching biting and burning on the left side of the lower jaw and beneath its left margin, in the evening, before going to sleep; in the morning, after rising, there were to be seen bloody pimples, like millet-seeds, that had been scratched open/.—Violent itching on the coccyx,10. Sleep.—Constant yawning (after four hours)/.—Frequent yawning, with sleepiness/2.—Yawning, with sleepiness, in the afternoon (after twelve hours)/.—Sleepiness after dinner, and sleep with restless dreams/.—Sleepi- ness during the day,10.—Sleepy very early in the evening/2.—[310.] Par- tial sleep all night (after four days)/2.—Sleep short, broken/1.—Restless sleep three nights in succession/2.—Constant tossing about the bed, only half asleep,10.—At night, on waking, he thought to find himself in a very strange aud solitary place/2.—Sleep, in the afternoon, with many voluptu- ous dreams, with profuse emission and hard erection,8.—Sleep at night full of dreams/.—Anxious dreams all night, for several nights/2. Fever.—Chilliness. Decided chill, as if he trembled all over in- ternally, in the evening, and also in the forenoon/1.— Chilliness in the chest, abdomen, and lower limbs, with gooseflesh and yawning, with icy-cold feet (after one hour and a quarter)/.—[320.] Chilliness in the lower limbs, and a sensation of contraction in the skin, while the abdomen, upper limbs, and feet are warm (after two hours and a half)/.—Creeping shiverings (after ten minutes)/.—Some coldness, in the evening, on lying down (second day)/2.—Constant sensation of coldness, as if all the internal parts were drawn together by the cold, aud they trembled back and forth (second day)/1.—Coldness of the whole right half of the body, from the head to the feet, while the other half was of the natural warmth (after four hours and a half)/.—Small icy-cold spots, as large as the tip of the finger, here and there in the skin/1.—Feet constantly cold, especially at night/1.— Heat and Sweat. Heat starting from the nape of the neck and ex- tending down the back, several times during the evening/1.—Sensation of heat in the face/1.—Increased warmth of the whole body (after three- quarters of an hour)/.—[330.] Frequently warm and anxious over the whole body/2.—The fingers are at one time hot, at another cold, as if dead, and of a dead color/1.—Heat and perspiration on the head, with nausea, after breakfast (first day)/2.—Frequent warmth and perspiration over the VOL. vii.—19 290 PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. whole body/2.—Warmth and perspiration on the upper part of the body, with increased full pulse (after one hour and a half)/2.—After a light diuner, flushing of warmth, with perspiration over the back and on the forehead, followed by shivering in the back, with cessation of the perspira- tion, and dry burning heat, with redness of the face (after two hours and a half)/.—Very profuse perspiration/3.— General biting-itching perspira- tion, in the morning, on waking, that obliges scratching (after twenty-two, and forty-eight hours)/.—Perspiration, on waking, about 3 a.m./2. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), Mucus in the eyes; after rising, lachrymation, nose stopped; pain in gum; after rising, root of tongue brown; on waking, mouth dried up; slimy froth in corners of mouth; tasteless water rises from stomach; sensation as if a stone were lying in stomach; after urinating, tenesmus of the bladder; on waking, trachea dried up, with hoarseness; ou rising, constant hacking; on wak- ing, biting-itching perspiration ; 3 a.m., on waking, perspiration.—(Fore- noon), Drawiug in a hollow tooth ; empty eructations, with pressure; chill. —(Afternoon), Toothache; griping in stomach ; while sitting, griping in abdomen; yawning, with sleepiness; sleep, with voluptuous dreams.— (Evening), In open air, headache; all symptoms; while walking in the open air, pain in both ears; pressure, as from a ball, in throat; sticking scratching in throat; after lying down, drawing and cutting pain in left side of chest and abdomen ; palpitation; heaviness in all the limbs, with coldness; stitches in the joints; while sitting, jerking in right great toe; burning beneath toes; before going to sleep, itching-biting burning in left side of lower jaw; early, sleepy; chill; on lying down, coldness; cold feet; heat from nape of neck down back.—(Night), On awaking, internal head- ache ; restless sleep ; anxious dreams.—(Before midnight), Feeling of swell- ing of right forehead, right temple, and right side.—(Cold air), Coldness in teeth, with wrinkled sensation and pain in gums.—(In bed), Drawing along lower end of tibia.—(Bending head to left side), Paralytic pain iu left side of neck.—(After breakfast), Accumulation of water in mouth; burning rising from abdomen into chest: heat and perspiration on the head, with nausea.—(Cold and warmth), Toothache.—(After dinner), Cut- ting colic, with desire for stool; sleepiness; sleep, with restless dreams.— (After eating), Hiccough ; abdoraen full and uncomfortable.—( Going up- stairs), Vertigo; throbbing headache in forehead.—(Hanging arm down), Pain in forearm.—(During inspiration), Sticking in left nipple; stitches close to spine, between four last right ribs.—(Lying down in bed). Hacking and cough.—(Lying on left side in bed). Cough.—(During micturition), Burning in the urethra.—(Motion), Sensation as if the joints were broken. —(After reading aloud), Vertigo.—(Resting part of weight upon right knee when bent), Painful tension.—(Scratching), Biting iu pimples above left eyebrow.—(After scratching), Pain in pimples ; head, burning.—( While sit- ting), Vertigo; bent over, tearing in abdominal muscles; burning in the orifice of the urethra; stitches extending into back ; tearing in the coccyx; tearing in right hip; tearing in outer side of right thigh ; stitches in left inner malleolus; tearing in right great toe.—( While smoking), Headache. —(While standing), Pain extending along tendons of right popliteus.— (Stepping upon part), Pain in sole of left foot.—(Stooping), Pressure in forehead ; pressure in throat, as from a ball; sensation as if a stone were lying on back.—(Stretching joints out), Sensation as if they had been pressed. —( When swallowing), Pressure, as from a ball, in throat.—(Thinking), Pain in head.—(Touching part), Pain in eruption on forehead; pain in scalp; PASTINACA—PAULLINIA PINNATA. 291 burning pain in inner canthi; pulsating sensation and sticking pain in spot beneath left nipple ; skin seeraed sore.—(Turning about), Sensation as if joints were swollen and sprained.—(!Funn'/<(7 neck), Swollen and stiff feel- ing.—( While walking), Cutting iu left groin ; painful sensation in right hip- joint; feet seem weary and tremulous. Amelioration. — (Eructations), Griping in stomach; pressure in stomach.—{Lying on back), Pain in left side of chest and abdomen.— (Pressure of hand), Pain in right temporal region.—(Walking), In open air, vertigo ; drawing in hollow back tooth; griping in abdomeu. PASTINACA. Pastinaca sativa, L. Natural order, Umbelliferae. Common name, Parsnip. Preparation, Tincture of the roots (of the second year, when they are very poisonous). Authorities. 1, Dr. Unger, Gaz. des Hop., Sept. 1846 (Lond. Med. Gaz.), effects of eating the old roots, cooked, in a family of four; 2, same, in a neighbor; 3, Dr. Pupcke, Pharm. Journ., 1848, p. 184, effects of wild roots, cooked, in seven children. Mind.—Illusions, loss of consciousness, quiet delirium ; the illusions were confined to vision, and the patients stared and grasped at imaginary objects in the air, etc.; some of them did not speak at all, others only in- distinctly or incoherently; two of them used inarticulate sounds; almost uninterrupted attempts to get out of bed/.—All labored under delirium tremens; they were in constant motion, talking incessantly, without know- ing what they said, and fancied they saw objects which had no existence. They fought with each other and were occasionally attacked with fits of convulsive laughter. They rejected everything that was offered them and were obliged to be restrained by force (first evening)/. Head. — Vertigo and general uneasiness/.—Giddiness/. — Sense of weight in head (second day)/. Eye.—Pupil dilated (first evening)/. Face.—Staring look/.—Look vague (first evening)/.—Change of color of the face/.—[10.] Countenance pale (first evening)/. Mouth.—Tongue clean, moist, and trembling (first evening)/. Stomach.—The irritability of the gastric nerves appeared in all of them much depressed, for emetics in double the usual doses had no effect; but after repeated doses of a concentrated aqueous solution of sulphate of zinc, vomiting was effected, and perfect convalescence followed in a few days/. Respiratory Organs.—Breathing somewhat difficult and slow,. Heart and Pulse. — Suppressed (unterdrtickter) beating of the heart and pulse/.—Pulse appeared smaller, weaker, aud slower than usual (first evening)/. PAULLINIA PINNATA. Paullinia pinnata, D. C. Natural order, Sapindaceae. Common names (Brazilian), Guaratirabo, Timbo-sipo, Cururu-ape. 292 PAULLINIA PINNATA. Preparation, Trituration of the fresh roots. Authority. Mure, Pathogenesie Bresilienne. Authorites omitted. 31 hid.—Fear of becoming consumptive (seventh day)/.—Melancholy (first day)/.—Sadness and drowsiness all day (first day)/.—She wants to remain quiet and retired (third day)/.—Lazy and disinclined to work (first day)/. Head.—Dizziness ; the head falls forward (third day)/.—Obnubila- tion (first day)/.—Heaviness of the head, with pain in the .right temple (third day)/.—Heaviness of the head and forehead (sixth day)/.—[10.] Pain in the middle of the head, as if a nail were driven in (second day),2. —Pain in the head, with iuability to bend it forward, in the evening (sev- enth day)/.—Very painful sensation as from an iron bar, compelling the head to bend forward (fourth day)/.—Headache, as if the head was cov- ered with a leaden cap, and then struck upon (second day)/.—Headache, at night (third day)/.—Headache all day (sixth day)/.—Splitting head- ache (eighth day)/.—Headache, in the morning (ninth day)/.—Weight on the forehead, above the left eye, at 8.30 p.m. (first day)/.—Pain above the eyes, piercing to the brain (first day)/.—[20.] Pain in the right tem- ple (first day)/.—Pain in the left temple (second day)/.—Hammering in the temple and above the left eye (fourth day)/.—Headache iu the right temple (fifth day)/.—Hammering sensatiou in the vertex, felt painfully in the temples (sixth day)/.—Headache on the left side (first day)/.—Severe pain in the middle aud right side of the head (first day)/.—Pain in the right parietal region, like a pressure from within outwards (first day)/.— Great itching and suppuration at the back part of the head (fifth day)/. Eye.—Pains in the eyebrows, intersecting at the root of the nose (fourth day),1.—[30.] Lancinations in the right eye, with lachrymation (tenth day)/.—Pricking in the left eye, which weeps, and is much inflamed (fourth day)/.—Redness of the sclerotica (fourth day)/.—Profuse lachrymation, especially of the left eye (eighth day)/. Ear.—Cutting pain in the cartilage of the left ear, extending to the left side of the neck (sixth day)/.—Pain in the right ear (seventh day)/. —Dull pain in the left ear, at 2 p.m. (third day)/.—Heat in the ears (secoud day)/.—Roaring in the left ear, for a quarter of an hour (fourth day)/. F'ace.—Sting as from an insect, below the right eye (third day)/.—■ [40.] Lancinations in both jaws (first day)/. Mouth.—Pain in the right teeth (second aud fourth days)/.—R uigh, swollen tongue (first day)/.—The tongue feels as thick as a finger (third day)/.—Dry mouth (first day)/.—Bitter mouth (fifth day)/.—Profuse saliva (fifth day)/. Throat.—Scraping sensation in the throat (first day)/.—Digging in the throat (ninth dav)/.—Itching and formication in the throat (fourth day)/. Stomach.—[50.] Great appetite all day (tenth day)/.—Very hungry at dinner-time (eighth day)/.—Want of appetite (first and eleventh days)/. —Desire for dainties (second day)/.—Unusual desire for coffee and fruit (fourth day)/.—Great desire to drink and smell coffee (fourth day)/.— Loathing at the sight of food (fourth day)/.—Loathing of food (second day)/.—Loathing; tongue thick and clammy (after a few minutes, first day)/.—Nausea, on waking (second day)/.—[60.] Nausea (third day)/. —Great nausea (sixth day)/.—Sensation, while talking, as if a stone were PAULLINIA PINNATA. 293 buried deep in the stomach, for an hour (seventh day)/.—Pain in the car- diac region, at 2 p.m. (first day)/. Abdomen.—Pain, as from a tight cord, around the hypochondria (fourth day)/.—Paiu in the left hypochondrium (first day)/.—Borborygmi iu the right hypochondria (first day)/.—Lancinations in the liver (third day)/.—Transient pain in the hepatic region (first day)/.—Bruised pain in the hepatic region, when touching the right ribs, worse when walking (second day)/.—[70.] Lancinations in the splenic region, at noon (sixth day)/.—Internal trembling in the umbilical region and left hypochondrium (first day)/.—Pain, as from a penknife stab, in the umbilicus (fourth day)/.—Pain around the umbilicus (sixth and tenth days)/.—Painful stitches in each side of the abdomen (eighth day)/.—Pain in the whole abdomen (fourth day)/.—Colic, followed by a reddish diarrhceic stool mixed with slime (second day)/.—Pain in the whole abdoraen, aggravated by contact (first day)/.—Pressure in the hypogastrium (fourth day)/.— Acute pain like a penknife stab in the hypogastrium, during a stool (fourth day)/.—[80.] Crampy pain in the left side of the hypogastrium (fourth day)/.—Lancinations in the left flank (third day)/.—Pain in the left groin, at 8 a.m. (second day)/.—Pain in the groin, as if the nerves of the thigh were cut (fourth day)/. Stool.—Diarrhoea (sixth day)/.—Constipation for two days (fourth day),2. Urinary and Sexual Organs.—Frequent and ineffectual urg- ing to urinate (second day)/.—Great ardor urinae (third day)/.—Momen- tary stabbing sensation in the ovaries (eighth day)/. Respiratory Organs.—Hoarse voice (first day)/.—[90.] Violent cough, with inflammation of the throat (seventh day)/.—Dry aud short cough (eighth aud tenth days)/.—Dry cough (eleventh day)/.—Yellowish, bitter, difficult, aud tenacious expectoration (first day)/.—Bloated, streaked expectoration (seventh day)/.—Short and rapid breathing, with nausea (first day)/.—Short breathing (first and seventh days),2. Chest.—Oppression of the chest (eleventh day),2.—Pressure as from an iron band around the waist; with pricking in the upper part of the thorax, worse during movement (seventh day)/.—Pressure on the chest and sides, as if squeezed between iron plates, and then stabbed with a pen- knife, causing severe tearing pain (sixth day)/.—[100.] Pain in the chest (sixth day)/.—Burning in the chest, around the breast, which feels as if compressed by an iron band (fifth day),2.—Intolerable itching, with burn- ing sensation in the chest (fourth day)/.—Burning in the chest (ninth day)/.—Weak feeling in the chest (second day)/.—The chest feels as if breaking open with a crack (third day)/.—When drawing breath, the chest feels as if opened (eighth day)/.—Paiu under the sternum (seventh day)/. —Burning in the front part of the chest (first day)/.—Suffocation and burning in both sides of the chest (fourth day)/.—[110.] Lancinations under the right breast, at 1 p.m. (third day)/.—Lancinations in the right side of the chest, at 4 p.m. (fourth day)/.—Acute lancinations under the right arm (third day)/.—Lancinations in the right side of the chest, at 3.30 p.m. (sixth day)/.—Lancinations in the right side of the chest (tenth day)/.—Pain in the right side of the chest, at 7.30 p.m. (first day)/.— Severe pain in the right side of the chest, at 4 p.m. (second day),2.—Pain iu the right side of the chest, under the clavicle and right axilla, at 6 p.m. (fifth day)/.—Pain in the right side of the chest (sixth day)/.—Pain in the right side of the chest (eleventh day)/.—[120.] Pain in the left side 294 PAULLINIA PINNATA. of the chest, as far as the arm, as if it was scratched (ninth day)/.—Pain in the left breast (first day)/.—Lancinating pain, as if a knife were thrust into the left nipple, at regular intervals (sixth day)/. Heart.—The pain in the heart extends to the last ribs, at 6 p.m. (first day)/.—Lancination in the praecordial region (first day)/. Neck and Rack.—Pain in the right side of the nape of the neck, at 7 p.m. (second day)/.—Paiu in the neck (third day)/.—Paiu in the neck, relieved in the open air (fifth day)/.—Burning all down the back (tenth day)/.—Pain in the scapulae (first day)/.—[130.] Pain from the arm to the chest, at 8 a.m. (fifth day)/.—Bruised pain in the loins ; she cannot raise herself after stooping (ninth day)/.—Pain in the left buttock (second day)/. Extremities.—Bruised feeliug in all the limbs (third day)/.—Pain in the joints (seventh day)/. Superior Extremities.—Numbness in the shoulders (ninth day)/. —Pain in the right shoulder, disappearing by friction (ninth day)/.—Pain in the right shoulder, at 1 p.m. (sixth day)/.—Pain in the inner part of the right arm (fourth day)/.—Pain under right arm (fourth day)/.—[140.] Pain in the left arm when stretching it out (fifth day)/.—Pain in the left arm, extending to the back (second day)/.—Pain near the right elbow, at 9 p.m. (second day)/.—Numbness of the arms (first day)/.—Pain in the right wrist (seventh day)/.—Acute pain in the left wrist (first day)/.— Crampy pain in the left hand, for an instaut (seventh day)/.—Cramp in the palm and fingers of the left hand, extending into the arm (fifth day)/. Inferior Extremities.—Pricking as with innumerable pins in the upper part of the left thigh, for four or five minutes (sixth day)/.—Rheu- matic pain in the knees (sixth day)/.—[150.] Trembling of the legs (first day)/.—Weakness and heaviness in the legs (first day)/.—Weariness of the legs (ninth day)/.—Pain in the legs, which became stiff when walking (fifth day)/.—Pain in the right ankle, as if sprained (ninth day)/.—Numb- ness of the feet, after going upstairs (third day)/.—Lancinating pain in the heel (second day)/.—Numbness in the sole of the right foot, and in the knee (first day)/.—Pain under the sole of the foot, when walking, in- creased by pressure (second day)/. Generalities.—Staggering gait (fifth day)/.—[160.] Rigor, when rising, in the moruing (fourth day)/.—Profound ennui (second day)/.— Constant ennui (fourth day)/.—When walking, feels as if going backwards (first day)/.—Desire to walk (sixth day)/.—Inclination to lie down (first day)/.—General lassitude (fourth day)/.—Violent pressive pain, as if a stone were forced into the side (fifth day)/.—Pain as if a knife were sunk into the right side (seventh day)/.—Lancination as after chewing cloves; a persistent symptom (first day)/.—[170.] She feels bruised all over (eighth day)/. Skin,.—Eruption of red patches on the face and chest (first day)/.— Ulceration of the legs, with itching (eleventh day)/.—Intense itching under the left arm (ninth day)/.—Itching in the hand and fingers, so that she scratches them raw (second day)/. Sleep.—Sleeplessness (fifth day)/.—Very restless sleep (sixth day)/.— Disgusting dreams about a leprous woman (first day)/.—Dream about a leper with bleeding sores (third day)/.—Dream about wanting to open the chest and look into it (sixth day)/.—[180.] Dream about seeing a mangy dog approaching her, covered with sores; she takes hold of it, and it bites her; uttering loud cries, she awakes, and feels a great pain in the chest PAULLINIA SORBILIS—PEDICULUS. 295 (eighth day)/.—Dreams about dead people (fifth day)/.—Vision of dead persons (fifth day)/.—Sad dreams (seventh day)/.—Dreams about dead people; wakes up in tears (tenth day)/. Fever.—Great coldness (second day)/.—Great coldness of the arms, chest, and entire head, excepting the ears (third day)/.—Coldness, at first in the upper part of the body, then all over (first day)/.—Coldness all over, in the eveniug (second day)/.—Coldness, at 3 p.m. (sixth day)/.— [190.] Horripilation, with drowsiness and arthritic pains (sixth day)/.— Alternate heat and colduess of the face (first day)/.—Heat of the face (third day)/.—Heat in the soles of the feet (fourth day)/. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), Headache; 8 a.m., paiu in left groin ; 8 a.m., pain from arm to chest; when rising, rigor.—(Noon), Lancinations in splenic region.—(Afternoon), Dull pain in left ear ; 2 p.m., pain in cardiac region ; 1 and 3.30 p.m., lancinations under right breast; 4 p.m., lancinations in right side of chest; 1 p.m., pain in right shoulder; 3 p.m., coldness.—(Evening), Pain in head ; 8.30 p.m., weight in forehead ; 7.30 p.m., pain in right side of chest; 6 p.m., pain in right side of chest under clavicle and right axilla; 6 p.m., pain in heart extends to ribs ; 7 p.m., pain in right side of nape of neck; 9 p.m., pain near right elbow; coldness.—{Night), Headache.—(Contact), Pain in abdomen.—(After going upstairs), Numbuess of feet.—(During movement), Pressure around waist.— (Pressure), Pain under sole of right foot.—(During stool), Pain in hypo- gastrium.—(After stooping), Unable to raise herself.—(Stretching), Pain in left arm.—(When talking), Sensation as if a stone were buried in stomach. —(When walking), Pain in hepatic region ; legs become stiff; pain uuder sole of right foot; feeling as if going backward.—(On awaking), Nausea. Amelioration,.—(Open air), Pain in neck.—(Friction), Pain in right shoulder. PAULLINIA SORBILIS. See Guarana. PEDICULUS. Pediculus capitis. Natural order, Of insects, Hemiptera. Preparation, Tincture. Authorities. Mure, Pathogenesie Bresil. 1, Ch. D. Jolly; 2, M. Ruof- finel; 3, M. Benard; 4, Mine. Al. J., aged twenty-seven; 5, Mile. D. R., aged eighteen. 3Iiud.—Very merry, in the evening (eighth day)/.—Merry mood, at 3 p.m. (second day)/.—Great unmeaning merriment (fourth day)/.—Ex- cessive merriment; she laughs at everything (eighth day)/.—Good-natured and obliging (tenth day)/.—Causeless melancholy; she worries about trifles (sixth day)/.—Irritability; causeless anger (eighth day)/.—Mali- cious, jeering temper (eighth day)/.—Entire carelessness about the present or future (fourth day)/.—[10.] Strong disposition to study (eighth day)/. —Inclination for study, with quickness of apprehension (fourth day)/.— Eagerness for work (fourth day)/.—Writes with feverish rapidity, in the evening (twelfth day)/.—Words came more easily (he usually stammers), (first day)/. 296 PEDICULUS. Head.—Confusion of the head, on rising, in the morning, with beating in the right temple (second day)/.—She is awakened in the night by a dizziness, with inability to open the eyes (nineteenth day)/.—Violent headache, with dizziness and nausea, at 11 a.m. (second day)/.—Violent headache, worse on stooping, at 7 a.m. (third day)/.—Violent headache, with nausea, when walk- ing (sixth day)/.—[20.] Headache (thirteenth day)/4.—Headache, and pres- sure on the nasal protuberance, at 10 a.m. (second day)/.—Headache, with pressure in the orbits, which prevents raising the eyes (eleventh day)/.—Less headache than on the day before (fourth day); headache appearing at very short intervals, and abating immediately (fifth day); better (sixth, seventh, and eighth days); intolerable pain from 5 to 7 p.m. (ninth day); the head- ache is less frequent and severe (thirteenth to thirtieth day)/.—Acute in- termittent lancinations in the head, worse when stooping (fourteenth day)/. —Heaviness of the head (third day)/.—Dull pain in the head, when rising, in the morning (sixth day)/.—Dulness of the head (first day)/.—Fore- head, Temples, and Vertex. Violent headache, with lancination in the forehead, when walking (eighth day)/.—Violent frontal headache, from 5 to 7 p.m. (first, second, and third days); less headache than on the day before (fourth day)/.—[30.] Violent frontal headache (twelfth day),5.— Frontal headache, so that she cannot move her head, all day (first day) ; at 11 a.m. (third and seventh days); when walking and after a meal, at 8 p.m. (fourth day); increased by bending the head forward (eleventh day)/. —Lancination in the forehead (second day)/.—Lancination in the left temple (thirteenth day)/.—Weight at the vertex (seventh day)/.—Pa- rietals and External Head. Lancinations in the right parietal bone, for a quarter of an hour (twelfth day)/.—The hair falls off (ninth day)/.—(The hair, which was fast falling out before the proving, ceases to do so), (fourth day)/.—Horripilation in the left half of the scalp, as if the hairs would bristle up, at 9 a.m. (second day)/.—Contraction of the scalp (twelfth day)/.—[40.] Sensation as if she were lifted from the ground by the hair (nineteenth day)/.—Itching of the scalp (after half an hour, first day)/; (sixth day)/.—Itching of the scalp, in front (fifth day); at 9 p.m. (eleventh day)/.—Itching of the scalp, as if lice were running all over it (seventh day)/. Eye and Ear.—Rings around the eyes (third day)/; (fifth day)/.— Smarting in the eyes, as if from weeping (ninth day)/.—Sensation as frora gravel iu the eyes (third day)/.—Weariness of the eyes, with redness and smarting (eleventh day)/.—Smarting around the eyes (third day)/.— Weight over the left orbit, with itching in the corner of the right eye (ninth day)/.—[50.] Pupils dilated; eyes seem larger (eighth day)/.— Weakness of sight during the whole proving (ninth day)/.—Dimness of sight when walking; the brain feels as if compressed, with throbbing and severe pain, on rising in the morning (twentieth day)/.—Great Weakness of sight; cannot read or sew; at 1.30 p.m. (eleventh day)/.—Itching in the right ear (thirteenth day)/.—Heat in the ears, at 4 p.m. (eleventh day)/.—Roaring in the ears, at 8 p.m. (third day)/.—Cracking in the right ear, when eating, at 2 p.m. (fifteenth day)/.—Whizzing in the ears when whistling (fifteenth day)/. Nose and Face.—Inflammation of the nasal fossae (sixth day)/.— [60.] Lancinations in the root of the nose, for five minutes (twelfth day)/. —Swelling aud redness of the face (eleventh day)/.—Scarlet redness of the face (twenty-third day)/.—Deep redness of the face (fifth day),1; (eleveuth day)/.—Redness of the face (third day)/.—Swelling of the left cheek for PEDICULUS. 297 a day and a half (sixteenth day)/.—Formicant pain in the right cheek (third day)/.—Dry, swollen, and very red lips; heightened color of the face (seventh day)/.—Lips black and cracked (third day); in the evening, during the last days of the proving,5.—Weariness of the lower jaw, as after chewing a long time (eleventh day)/. Mouth and Throat.—[70.] Lancinations in the right upper mo- lars (ninth day)/.—Tongue very painful, red, and much fissured (eleventh day)/.—Very painful sensation of burning and pricking ou both sides of the tongue, which is red and deeply cracked (tenth day)/.—Small pimples in the mouth (ninth day)/.—Scraping in the throat, at 8 a.m. (eighth day)/.—Scraping in the throat, with some hoarseness (ninth day)/.—The scraping in the throat continues, but is less severe than yesterday, at 7 a.m. (ninth day)/.—The sore throat keeps getting worse until evening, and lasts all night (eighth day)/.—Dryness of the throat (thirteenth to thirtieth day)/.—Sore throat, every evening, for four days (twelfth day)/.—[80.] Sore throat, with constriction of the pharynx, which prevents deglutition (thirteenth to thirtieth day)/.—Constriction of the pharynx (eleventh day)/.—Scraping in the tonsils, when swallowing, especially on the right side, lasting all day and continuing the next (ninth day)/.—Constant swallowing of saliva (thirteenth to thirtieth day)/. Stomuch and Abdomen.—Hunger, with inability to swallow food ; the pharynx feels contracted, followed by faintness and nausea; at 8 a.m. and at noon (sixth day)/.—Aversion to food (eighth and twentieth days)/.—Thirst, with hoarseness ; less scraping in the throat; in the even- ing (ninth day)/.—Constant nausea, in the evening (nineteenth day)/.— Difficult digestion, with contraction of the stomach (seventh day)/.—Colic in the stomach, with lancinations in the umbilical region (third day)/.— [90.] Slight colic (second day)/.—Violent colic, making her scream and weep, for half an hour, at 9 p.m. (eleventh day)/.—Colic and diarrhoea, after dinner (second day)/. Stool, Urinary and Sexual Organs.—Diarrhoea in the even- ing, continuing the next morning (first day)/.—Very soft stools, in the evening (fifth day)/.—Small hard stool (ninth day)/.—Small hard stool (tenth and eleventh days)/.—Frequent and copious micturition, even four times in an hour (sixteenth day)/.—Frequent and copious discharge of watery yellowish-green urine, during the last days, with stool almost every day (before the proving she was usually constipated)/.—Urine light yel- low, and very odoriferous (sixteenth day)/.—[100.] Yellow clear urine since the commencement of the proving (tenth and eleventh days)/.—Red urine (third day)/.—Male. Prolonged erection, without sexual desire (second and third days)/; (second day)/.—Prolonged erection (fourteenth day)/.—Emission at night, without amorous dreams (fourteenth day)/.— Female. Very painful lancinations; great heat and itching in the uterus (twenty-third day)/.—Shifting pain in the uterus; she cannot lean upon it; in the evening (twenty-third day)/.—Painful stitch in the uterus (twenty- third day)/.—Leucorrhcea (sixth day)/. Respiratory Organs, Chest, and Rack.—Dry cough (fifth day)/.—[110.] Dry spasmodic cough (thirteenth to thirtieth day)/.—Con- stant feeling of suffocation (second day)/.—Transient sensation of strangu- lation, especially in the evening, after eating (eighth day)/.—Suffocative feeling in the chest, from 4 to 6 p.m. (first day)/.—Suffocative sensation in the chest, which is painful to touch, at 8 p.m. (eleventh day)/.—Pains in the chest increased by contact, at 9 p.m. (fifth day)/.—Pain in the 298 PEDICULUS. breasts when drawing breath (eighth day)/.—Frequent pain in the loins when standing (fourth day)/. Supei'ior Extremities.—Bruised pain on the shoulders and arms, which are very sensitive to touch (fifteenth day)/.—Severe pricking on the arm, as with a pin (after two hours, first day)/.—[120.] Return of rheu- matism in the right arm (third day),2.—Pain in the bend of the right elbow, especially when extending it (eleventh day)/.—Smarting raw pain on the left forearm, increased by contact (this pain appeared six months before), (fourth day)/.—Redness of the hands, with blue spots (eleventh day)/.—Swelling and redness of the hands (eleventh day)/.—Itching, red- ness, and swelling of the veins of the back of the right hand, at 9 a.m. (second day),5.—The hands tremble so much that she cannot sew (fourth day)/.—Small lancinations on the back of the left hand, at 2 p.m. (ninth day)/.—Lancination and severe itching at the first phalanx of the middle finger (fourth day)/. Inferior Extremities.—Great weakness of the legs (sixth day)/.— [130.] Violent lancinations above the right knee-pan (thirteenth day)/.— Very violent lancinations above the left knee-pan, for a quarter of an hour (twelfth day)/.—Weariness of the knees, especially the left knee, which gives way when standing, at 7 p.m. (fifth day)/.—Weariness of the knee and upper part of the left leg, from 4 p.m. until evening (thirteenth day)/.—Throbbing for some seconds above the left knee-pan ; it was felt the evening before; it is very circumscribed in a space of not more than eight to ten centimeters in diameter (sixth day)/.—Ganglion under the foot, as large as an almond, hard, swollen, and extremely painful wheu walking (twelfth day)/.—The ganglion on the foot continues (thirteenth to thirtieth day)/. Generalities.—Eleven days after all the symptoms had disappeared, a swelling of the breast, the face, and almost the whole body set in, accom- panied by several of the symptoms of the last days of the proving, especi- ally the constriction of the pharynx. This condition becoming seriously troublesome, relief was sought for in homoeopathy. China10 was adminis- tered successfully, and in a few days the prover was restored to health, but the itching and the large pimples, produced by the drug, remained for a long time afterwards/.—The latter part of the proving was marked by a prostration and a sort of moral weakness, which, although not excessive, differed very widely from the primary condition of excitement (sixteenth day)/.—Works very hard ; increase of physical strength (fourth day)/.— [140.] Increase of physical strength (fourth day)/.—His movements are quick and lively (seventh day)/.—Jerks and startings, in the evening, when sitting or lying, during the last days of the proving/.—Great weari- ness when standing; dizziness aud faint feeling; for an hour, at 9 a.m. (ninth day)/.—Numbness, while drawing breath, for a quarter of an hour (second day)/.—Dull feeling (twenty-third day)/.—Shuddering aud rigors, without feeling cold (fifth day)/.—Nervous shuddering (ninth day)/. Skin.—Red spots on the cheeks, white spots on the hands, in place of the former pimples (second day)/.—Redness of the face, hands, and feet (which last were always of a greenish-white) ; shoulders and arms not so white as usual (fourth day)/.—[150.] The skin comes off in small scales from the forepart of the left leg (fourth day)/.—Eruptions. Miliary pimples on the face, forehead, temples, and chin; they are vesicular, with a red base, and a black point at their centres ; they came out in the course of the day (fifth day)/.—Miliary pimples, on a red base, and swollen in PEDICULUS. 299 their centres, at the nape of the neck; they do not itch, but the friction of the cravat causes a raw feeling (sixth day),1.—Miliary eruption on the inside of the arms and forearms (fourth day)/.—Miliary eruption, with violent itching, on the inside of the thighs (third day)/.—Miliary eruption on the calves, with itching, increasing in the evening, at 3 p.m. (second day),2.—Some of the pimples disappear and are replaced by others (third day)/.—Small red inflamed pimples on the temples, shoulders, arms, and legs (seventh day)/.—White pimples on the forehead (first day)/.—Small pimples on the forehead (sixth day)/.—[160.] White pimples, with a black point in the centre, in the left corner of the mouth (sixth day)/.—White pimples, much swollen, above the left breast (fourth day)/.—Red swollen pimples, white at their centres, on the chest and pit of the stomach (sixth day)/.—Small red pimples, with black points in their centres, on the right sterno-mastoid muscle (eighth day),3.—Pimples on the back, a centimeter in breadth, white in the centre, and smarting severely (fourth day),5.— Reappearance of the pimples on the nape of the neck (third day)/.—Pim- ples on the nape of the neck, which, although very large, itch less than the small ones, which remain, in the morning (fourth day) ; they disappear (fifth day)/.—Pimples on the back, smarting, swollen, and inflamed, as if blood would issue from them ; they are a centimeter in breadth, white, very red at their circumferences, with black points at their centres (seventh day)/.—Pimples still come out, from time to time, on the thighs and shoul- ders (thirteenth to thirtieth day)/.—The left shoulder and arm are covered with small red inflamed pimples, like gooseflesh (fourth day)/.—[170.] Red pimples on the shoulders (fourteenth day)/.—Small red pimples on the hands; they last for an hour, and leave red marks, like bites (seventh day)/.—Many small pimples, black in their centres, on the left knee (fourth day)/.—Small red itching pimples on the right calf (nineteenth day)/.—After putting the feet in hot water, they are covered with small red pimples, without itching, at 9 a.m. (third day)/.—Sensations. Horripilation all over, eight or ten times in succession (after half an hour, first day)/.—Formication on the tips of the middle and index fingers (third day)/.—Pricking all over, especially on the anterior portions of the thigh and left arm, from 8 to 11 p.m. (third day)/.—Pricking in the face, and eruption of small red inflamed pimples, at 6 p.m. (third day)/.—Pricking all over, all day (third day)/.—[180.] The itching lasts a long time/.— Great itching during the night (sixth day)/.—Itching all over, when walk- ing or sitting (third day)/.—Itching all over, especially on the wrists (fifth day); better (ninth day); less itching (thirteenth to thirtieth day)/.— Itching all over (thirteenth day)/; (thirteenth and twenty-third days)/; (eighth day)/.—Itching all over, with redness (ninth day)/.—Itching all over, especially in the evening (eleventh day)/.—The itching becomes gen- eral, grows less at times, and then gets worse again (fourth day)/.—Violent itching on the left temple (sixth day)/.—Long itching of the left eyebrow; it extends to the face (third day)/.—[190.] Itching in the concha of the right ear (thirteenth day)/.—Itching in the concha of the left ear, when lying down, in the evening (second day)/.—Itching in the concha of the left ear (sixth day)/.—Itching of the tip of the nose, as from worms (third day)/.—Itching and pricking on the left wing of the nose (sixth day)/.— Itching on the lower part of the right side of the face (sixteenth day)/.— Itching of the face and scalp (third day)/.—The whole beard itches (sixth day)/.—Itching at the nape of the neck and between the shoulders at 5 p.m. (third day)/.—Great itching of the nape of the neck almost all night 300 PEDICULUS. (sixth day)/.—[200.] Itching on the nape of the neck, left temple, and back (sixth day)/.—Itching on the back (tenth day)/.—Itching of the forearm, in the evening (fourth day)/.—Itching of the right forearm, in the evening, when lying down (fourth day)/.—Itching of the external portion of the left wrist, at 10 p.m. (first day)/.—Itching of the wrists (third day)/; (sixth day)/.—Itching on the left wrist (first day)/; (tenth day)/.—Itching on the backs of the hands (fourteenth day)/.—Itching on the ring finger (fifteenth day)/.—Itching on the first phalanx of the right index finger (third day)/.—[210.] Redness and itching of the right hip, for half an hour (thirteenth day)/.—Ttching at the bend of the leg, as frora nettles (fourth day)/.—Itching here and there at night (first day)/.—The itching continues as bad as ever; it grows worse on the calves in the even- ing (sixth, seventh, and eighth days)/-—Very severe itching on the right instep; it does not last long (tenth day)/.—Itching spreading over the back and soles of the feet (eleventh day)/. Sleejt.—Yawning (sixth and ninth days); from 3 to 8 p.m. (eleventh day)/.—Drowsiness (ninth day)/.—Frequent waking (first day)/.—Awakes early in the morning for several days (tenth day)/.—[220.] Sleeps very little (second day)/.—Very restless night (second day)/.—Restless sleep (eighth day)/.—Dreams. Frightful dream about dissecting one of his friends (first day)/.—Frightful dream about a monstrous black figure, which flew up to the sky and darkened the sun (eighth day)/.—Dream about seeing acquaintances walking on the water (seventh day)/.—Dream about going through the yards of a great many houses and reaching the banks of the Seine, where he sees people sporting and skating (in the sum- mer season) with the water up to their thighs (has not dreamt before for a year), (seventh day)/.—Dream about being sick in a filthy hospital, full of vermin, and having a copious discharge of water from the nose (sixth day)/.—Dream about being left to die by famine in a dungeon, whence he escapes by crawling out (sixth day)/.—Dreams about conspiracies and in- surrections, then amorous dreams, with a pollution (tenth day)/.—[230.] Dream about enormous lice (ninth day)/.—Pleasant dreams (sixth day)/. —Dream about being very friendly, then amorous (eleventh day)/.—Con- fused dreams about being pursued (eighth day)/. Fever.—Chilliness and shuddering (second day)/.—Chilliness all over (ninth day)/.—Coldness, shivering, and trembliug, for a quarter of an hour, at 5 p.m. (eleventh day)/.—Coldness, with rigors and trembling, at 5 p.m. (ninth day)/.—Cold hands, with heat of the face, at noon (ninth day)/.— Fever (second day)/.—[240.] Rigors; great heat and dryness of the ex- tremities (first day),2.—Heat of the skin (third day)/.—Heat in the head and hands, at 8 p.m. (second day)/.—Heat of the head (first day)/.—Head burning hot, with bright-red face (ninth day)/.—Heat and deep redness of the face, all the afternoon (sixth day)/.—Heat of the face (fifth and thir- teenth days)/.—Great heat of the hands (fifth day)/.—Sweat of the face (first day)/.—Sweat of the feet, followed by great coldness (thirteenth to thirtieth day)/.—[250.] Cold sweat of the feet, followed by great coldness, at 10 p.m. (twelfth day)/. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), On rising, confusion of the head; beating in right temple; dull pain in head; pressure and throbbing in brain ; 8 a.m., scraping in throat; pimples on nape of neck; sleepless- ness.—(Forenoon), 7 a.m., headache; 10 a.m., headache and pressure in nasal protuberance; 11 a.m., headache, with dizziness and nausea, frontal headache; 9 a.m., dizziness, faintness, horripilation in left half of scalp; PEDICULUS—PENTHORUM. 301 itching, redness, and swelling of the veins of the hauds.—(Noon), Cold hands, with heat of face.—(Afternoon), 3 p.m., merry mood; 5 to 7 p.m., headache; 1.30 p.m., weakness of sight; 4 p.m., heat in ear; 3 p.m., heat and redness of cheeks; 4 to 6 p.m., suffocating feeling in chest; 4 p.m. till evening, weariness of knee and leg ; 5 p.m., itching on nape of neck, chilli- ness, coldness; 3 to 8 p.m., yawning.—(Evening), Merry mood; writes rapidly; 9 p.m., itching of scalp; 8 p.m., roaring in ears;" lips black and cracked ; sore throat; nausea; 9 p.m., colic; diarrhcea; pain in uterus; after eating, sensation of strangulation ; 8 p.m., suffocating feeling in chest; 9 p.m., pain iu chest; when sitting or lying, jerks and startings; miliary eruption on calves ; when lying down, itching in concha of left ear ; itching of forearm; 10 p.m., itching of left wrist; itching on calves; itching all over; 6 p.m., pricking in face and eruption ; 8 to 11 p.m., prickiug all over; 8 p.m., heat in head and hands; 10 p.m., cold sweat of feet; coldness.— (Night), Dizziness; itching.—(After dinner), Colic ; diarrhcea.—(Eating), Cracking in right ear.—(Putting feet in hot water), Red pimples on feet.— (Sitting), Itching all over.—(Standing), Pain in loins; weariness of knees; weariness.—(Stooping), Headache ; lancinations in head.—{Swallowing), Scraping in tonsils. — ( Walking), Headache ; lancinations in forehead ; dimness of sight; ganglion painful underfoot; itching all over.—( Whis- tling), Whizzing in ears. PENTHORUM. Penthorura sedoides, L. Natural order, Crassulaceae. Common name, Stonecrop. Preparation, Tincture of plant. Authorities. 1, Dr. D. B. Morrow, U. S. Med. Invest., N. S., 3, p. 565 (Eclectic Med. Journ., 1875), effects of tincture, doses of 10 drops, and after one hour 20 drops, ou second day 40 drops, third day 60 drops at 9 a.m., and 50 drops at 1 p.m. ; 1 a, same, effects of 100 drops; 2, Dr. Scud- der, took 20 drops ("a young man took same dose and had similar effects "). 3lind.—During both provings the mind was dull and exceedingly dis- couraged and desponding, everything wrong but dinner/ u.—Reading in- terfered with because of mental dulness (second day)/.—Mind became so dull I gave up reading and lay upon the founge (third day)/. Head.—Ou closing ray eyes felt like I was floating; vertigo (third day)/.—Headache continued, could not read ; went to hear Boutwell, fol- lowed his argument with difficulty, was much annoyed by the little noises made by the audience (second day)/.—Headache came on aj^ain (third day)/.—(When commencing the proving, had a dull, heavy headache, with heat and soreness in the sacrum ; this was cured), (third day),1.—An un- pleasant heavy pain in the forehead, about the edge of the hair (after four hours)/.—Catarrhal aching in forehead,1*.—[10.] The fulness in the sinci- put became an ache, as though a weight pressed down upon it (second day)/.—Itching of the hairy scalp (second day)/. Eye and Ear.—The inner superior tarsal border of both palpebra itched aud burned (third day)/.—A full sensation iu supraorbital region (a hearty supper), (first day)/.—Ringing and singing in both ears,1*. Nose.—^Discharges from nare3 thick, puslike, streaked with blood, and an odor as if from an open sore (third day)/.—*A peculiar wet feeling 302 PENTHORUM. in my nares as though a violent coryza would set in, which did not; the secretion frora the nose became thickened and puslike, but not increased. Wet feeling in trachea and bronchia, passing from above downward, as if a coryza would set in, followed by a slight feeling of constriction, which passed from above down through the chest (first day)/.—*The catarrhal feeling repeated itself (third day)/. — Nose felt stuffed, as if swollen (second day)/.—Sense of fulness of the nose and ears (after four hours)/.—[20.] A secondary symptom, a drawing or contractile feeling of the muscles of the side of the nose affected with catarrh/*.—Itching in the nares,la, Mouth.—Prickling-burning sensation on the tongue, as though scalded (first day)/.—Increased flow of saliva (first day)/.—The bloody sputa con- tinues,'\ Throat.—The posterior nares feel raw, as if denuded of epithelium/*. Stomach.—Appetite increased (third day)/.—Eructations aud dejec- tions of little collections of odorless flatus expelled with force (second day)/.—An unpleasant sensation of disgust and nausea, lasting for three hours, but not interfering with the following meal, which was eaten with greater relish/.—Soreness in epigastrium; this symptom appeared at first, not recorded because thought idiopathic/*. Abdomen.—[30.] Borborygmus (second day)/.—Parietes of abdoraen felt thickened (second night)/.—A clawing, uneasy sensation about the umbilicus, which gradually passed to lower bowel (second day)/.—Twitch- ing of muscles in abdomen (second day)/. Rectum and Anus.—A crawling sensation in lower rectum as though a worm tried to escape (second day)/.—Burning in rectum at stool, continuing through afternoon/*.—Itching of anus; haemorrhoids, with ach- ing in sacrum and in sacro-iliac symphysis (some weeks after proving)/*. Stool.—Semi-fluid evacuation of the bowels next morning, having been somewhat constipated,2.—Some weeks after proving, suffered from consti- pation, an atonic condition of the bowels and rectum/*.—Was costive when commencing proving; had two natural stools from yesterday's medi- cine (third day)/. Urinary Organs.—[40.] A dull aching in kidueys (third day)/.— The bladder became sore to pressure (third day)/.—Urine still increased in flow, with burning along the urethra when micturating (third day)/.— Urine continued in increased flow for more than a week, as did the burn- ing iu the urethra (after three days)/.—Urine clear, passed more frequently (second day)/.—Urine actively acid, as shown by litmus; no cloud on boil- ing; threw down a sediment with sulph. acid, ammonia, and argent, nitri- cum and nitric acid, when boiled ; the next day after the dose it was alka- line, as shown by litmus, and only precipitated with argent, nitricum; slightly cloudy, with caloric; unloaded, but increased in quantity/*. Sexual Organs.—Sexual orgasm (second night)/.—Erythismus of the sexual system, almost a satyriasis; a slight varicocele of longstanding was apparently cured (some weeks after proving); this condition was suc- ceeded by a corresponding depression of sexual function, approaching im- potency, after mouths of time returning to the normal condition/*. Respiratory Organs.—In the morning, a cough seemed to come from deep in the chest, with soreness throughout the chest (third day)/. Chest.—Slight feeling of constriction, which passed from above down through the chest, followed the wet feeling in trachea and bronchia (first day)/. PENTHORUM—PERSICA. 303 Pulse.—[50.] Pulse regular, at 58 (first day)/. Neck and Rack.—Aching through basilar region, from back to frout/\—The aching in sacral region reappeared, but subsided as the medi- cine was eliminated,1*.—Aching in sacrum and in sacro-iliac symphysis, with the itching of anus, haemorrhoids/*.—(When commencing the prov- ing, had heat and soreness in the sacrum, with a dull, heavy headache ; this was cured), (third day)/. Extremities.—Arm went to sleep (numb), (second night)/.—Hand felt swolleu (second night)/.—A trembling feeling of legs for several days, with soreness of knees/.—While on the lounge the muscles of the leg were suddenly contracted, jerking up the foot as iu stepping; in a moment the right one performed the same manoeuvre (third day)/. Skin.—A long-cured impetiginous eczema reappeared on both legs,1'.— [60.] A few hot prickings in the skin (second and third days)/.—Itching of face and forehead/*.—The itchings repeated themselves (third day)/. Sleep and Fever.—Fantastic dreams (second night)/.—Voluptuous dreams and increased sexual desire, sympathetic with urinary excitement,*1. —A very few cold chills rushed in succession up the spinal column (first day)/. PERSICA. Amygdalus (Prunus) Persica. Natural order, Rosaceae. Common name. Peach. Preparation, Tincture of the flowers. Authority. Dr. Demeures, Journ. de la Soc. Gal., Ser. Ire, vol. 4, p. 118. 1, effects of pounding the flowers while preparing the tincture; 2 and 3, provings with the tincture. Eye.—Pressure and itching in the eyes frora reading, in the evening; it seeras as if there were a foreign body in the eyes/.—Lachrymation, at night, from reading, three days after; this symptom lasts four days/.— Dazzling before the eyes, in the morning; it is impossible to read; objects seem to waver in a zigzag direction ; ceases after two hours (after twelve hours)/.—The sight, the same evening, by candlelight, was wholly unfa- tigued by late reading, nine hours after (a curative effect and a reaction frora a previous reverse condition)/. Nose.—The nasal cartilage and the upper jaw are painful to touch, as if they had received a blow from a fist (only when touched); the nasal cartilage feels as if thinner than usual/.—Persistent loss of smell/. Face.—Raw pain in the middle of the lower lip, lasting five hours/.— Small swelling on the left lower jaw, in front of the facial artery, causing pain and itching/. Mouth.—Loss of taste ; what he eats appears deprived of any kind of flavor, even that of sea salt; this state persists like that of the loss of smell,3. Abdomen.—[10.] Internal pain in the left side of the abdomen, always vertically, following a line drawn from the extremity of the carti- lage of the tenth rib to the anterior superior spine of the ilium (after three days and a half)/. Sexual Organs.—During stool, ejaculation of semen, without pollu- tion or erection, followed by a peculiar feeling of emptiness in the hypo- gastrium, and of pain in the genital organs, such as follows sexual excess. 304 PERSICA. At the same time painful lassitude in the legs, then pain above both hips, but more especially in the sacral region (after ten days)/.—Indifference to sexual intercourse, lasting raore than six months/. Chest.—During dinner, stinging pain under the false ribs as from a sharp point, likewise under the shoulder-blades ; this pain is short-lasting (after twenty-four hours)/.—Severe and deepseated prickings above the left nipple, several times/. Heart and Pulse.—Sharp pains in the region of the heart, verti- cally, following a line parallel to the axis of the body/. Superior Extremities.—Extreme liability to sprain both wrists, accompanied with weakness in these parts/.—Fatiguing pains in both wrist- joints, and at the same time in both feet; the pain is raore severe in the left ankle and left foot (after thirteen days)/.—The wrist-joint, which had been hurt, aud had been cured by this remedy, six mouths previously, be- came again momentarily painful (after four days)/.—Pain as from a sprain in the right wrist-joint, which prevents hira frora seizing an object, from lifting it, and from squeezing it with his hand, during twelve hours (after eighteen hours)/.—[20.] Little shootings between the index aud middle fingers of the left hand (after nine and ten days)/. inferior Extremities.—Drawing and pain in the left thigh, which soon ceases/.—Lancinations in the posterior part of the right thigh, always in the direction of its length (after nine days and a half)/.—Painful twitchings all along the right thigh, on the outside (after eight days)/.— Numbness in the left knee, in the raorning, in bed, which ceases on rising. Three hours after this symptom, acute paiu in a transverse direction, in the end of the left metatarsus, which ceases in a few minutes, and is fol- lowed by tension and painful stiffness in the left calf, which goes off as quickly (after four days),2.—Next morning, when wishing to rise, inability to bend the knees; in a few moments, this sensation passes off, and I get up without any trouble (seventy-two hours after all the symptoms have disappeared)/.—Paiu in both knees, and at the same time in the right ankle-joint, which impedes walking/.—The legs are numb and stiff when sitting, even on a low chair; likewise the feet, as if they had been held in a false position/.—Prickings, in the form of laucinations, in the outer por- tion of the left leg, along the peroneus muscle/.—Painful lancinations, a little above the internal malleolus of the left foot/.—[30.] At the same time as the eruption,a sharp pain under the right great toenail, only when pressing on the nail, not when walking,8.—Internal pain iu the bend of the left fourth toe; this pain lasts only a few minutes (after three days and a half)/.—The itching aud the pain under the left toenail are experienced anew. The pain under the nail is unaccompanied with heat or swelling (after three days)/.—Pricking pain in the lower extremity of the tarsus, at the root of the fourth toe, in the evening, when writing (after three hours and a half)/. Generalities.—A single glass of wine is sufficient to intoxicate him ; this symptom also lasts six months,3. Skin.—Small tumor, size of a nut, on the lobe of the right ear, very painful to touch/.—Obstinate itching on different parts of the body, in the head, in the forehead, in the temples, in the middle of the back, in the arras, on the abdoraen, over the thighs, on both hams, on portions of which (regions) there appears an eruption of very small, poiuted pimples, the top of which was torn off by scratching, leaving a red, bleeding point. The tops of these pimples before they were detached, were filled with a PETIVERIA. 305 clear liquid. The itching was at times intolerable, obstinate, deepseated ; not, however, voluptuous; only pleasure was felt when scratching. When the inclination to scratch was resisted, the itching, after being for some time aggravated, ended in a stinging, as if a needle were slowly and deeply thrust into the part, a feeliug which ceased on applying the hand. This itching aud the eruption lasted for a month/.—At night, iu bed, a general itching, which evades the hand when scratching/.—Itching of the temples, in the morning, a few moments after in the hairy scalp, in every part of the head, in the lobes of the ears, in the forehead. This symptom lasts three hours, at the end of five days/.—Sudden local itching, obliging him to scratch immediately on the face, and in every part of the body/. PETIVERIA. Petiveria tetrandra, Gom.f Natural order, Phytolaccaceae. Common names (Brazilian), Pipi, Erva de Pipi, Raiz de Guin6. Preparation, Trituration of the fresh root. Authorities. Mure, Pathogenesie Bresilienne. 1, Dr. Moreira; 2, Mile. Norma; 3, Mile. Sylvia; 4, Mile. Celia; 5, Mile. Nina ; 6, M. Cyprien Huet. 3Iind.—Excessive gayety/.—The least thing excites inordinate mirth; she is inclined to sing/.—Merry and disposed to sing/.—Inclination to sing/.—Disposed to laugh and jest (first, day)/.—He laughs and sings all day/.—Sadness unto tears, with headache (second day)/.—Sadness and tears; in her grief she remains seated, without motion or speech. All these head symptoms come on within an hour, early in the afternoon (sec- ond day)/.—Sadness and inclination to weep; shortly after, involuntary weeping, in the morning (sixth day)/.—[10.] Evanescent and confused ideas/.—Things occur to her for a moment, and then suddenly vanish from her recollection/.—Loss of memory/. Head.—Heaviness of the head, on waking (after eight hours)/.— Numbuess and compressive sensation as if the head were bound with a warm cloth/.—Feeling of fulness in the head, as if it would split, espe- cially in the afternoon (third day)/.—Feeling of fulness in the head (sec- ond day)/.—Deepseated dull pain in the upper part of the brain, worse from contact, when talking and when sitting; relieved by walking and motion in general (first day) ; pain less severe (second day)/.—Sensation as if hot water were dashed on the scalp, penetrating to the brain (second day)/.—Feeling as if warm water were in the head/.—[20.] Just when lying down in bed, feeling as from a loud explosion in the head, the noise passing through the ears (third day)/.—Headache, with a small and weak pulse; heat of the face, especially the right cheek, deeply felt, al- though the skin seems cool (first day)/.—The headache becomes lighter and changes,and finally disappears (third day)/.—Headache, on waking/2. —Headache, with weight on the eyes (second day)/.—Forehead. Pain- ful weight on the forehead, worse when opening the eyes, with external f So given by Mure ; but it is probably identical with the Mexican and West Indian species, P. alliacea, Linn. The figure given by Mure corresponds to the latter plant; moreover, Mure states that the plant exhales a strong alliaceous odor. VOL. VII.—20 306 PETIVERIA. heat of the head, at 2 p.m. (first day)/.—Great heaviness in different parts of the forehead, when bending the head forward, at noon (sixth day)/.— Severe lancinations at the upper part of the forehead, and within the head on the left side ; lasting for a minute, at noon (second day)/.—Deep- seated paiu, at times in the forehead, at times in the nape of the neck/.— Pain in the forehead, with compressive sensation iu the brain, aggravated by walking/.—[30.] Pain and heat in the forehead, with pressure on the eyes, at 3 p.m. (second day)/.—Boring pain at the top of the forehead (second day)/.—Temples. Lancinating pain in the right temple, shift- ing suddenly to the left, and thence to the vertex, where there is a burning sensation (second day)/.—Stabbing sensation in the right temple, at 3 P.M. (first day)/.—Pressive pain in the temples/.—Benumbing and deepseated pressive pain on both temples, with dull pain in the vertex (second day)/. —Dull pain, with beating in the left temple (third day)/.—Sensation as if a finger were pressed on the right temple, with great sensitiveness to contact, at noon (second day)/.— Vertex, Weight at the vertex, which seems to press on the brain, with heaviness of the eyelids, aud difficulty in opening them, without sleep/.—Pain at the vertex, as if from a blow; dull pain on the left side of the top of the head, worse when turning the head, or walking, at 11 a.m. (second day)/.—Parietal and External. [40.] Pain in the upper part of the left parietal bone, as if the skull would split (first day)/.—Dull paiu at a spot on the scalp, with pressure on the right side of the occiput/. Eye.—Eyes half closed, swollen externally, surrounded by blue rings, especially next to the nose, for three days/.—Rapid inflammation of the left eye, while at dinner, so that she had to leave the table; it continues three days/.—Heaviness of the eyes, and prostration as from sleepiness, although she is not actually sleepy/.—Great sensitiveness of the eyes to daylight/.—Weight on the eyelids, compelling her to close the eyes; on doing so, she sees a variety of figures (sixth day)/.—Pains in the eyes, as if the balls were pushed out of their sockets by some foreign body/.—Dull pain as frora a blow on the right eye, relieved by pressure, at noon (second day)/.—Bruised pain in the outer parts of the orbits/.—[50.] Boring pains in the right upper eyelid (first day)/.—Painful burning at the mar- gin of the eyelids, worse on closing them/.—Lachrymation, with sensation of sand in the eyes/.—Redness of the conjunctiva, especially near the left inner canthus/.—Sight weaker and dimmer than usual/.—Dim sight after dinner (second day)/.—The flame of a candle looks yellow, and surrounded by a yellow halo/. Ear.—Attack of deafness in the right ear, as if it was stopped up/. Nose.—Coryza (third to fifth day)/.—Frequent sneezing, in the after- noon (fifth day)/.—[60.] The veins of the nose are swollen and bluish/.— Redness of the wing of the nose and left cheek (third day)/.—Nose slightly inflamed and shining/.—Dull pain over the root of the nose, in the even- ing (first day)/.—Dull pain at the root of the nose, in the evening/.—Pain in the left wing of the nose, spreading to the opposite side; followed by congestion over the bridge of the nose, at noon (second day)/.—Slight pain within the nose/. Face.—Redness of the left cheek,3.—Bruised pain in the zygomatic processes/.—Sensation as if a needle were stuck into the upper lip, from within outwards; on rising, in the morning (eleventh day)/. 3Iouth.—[70.] Toothache/.—Buruing tongue, as if scalded, on rising, in the morning (second day)/.—Sensation in the mouth and throat, as after PETIVERIA. 307 eating acid and resinous fruit, in the morning (second day)/.—Dry mouth/. —Flow of watery and cold saliva, depositing a kind of ashy sediment, and whitish granules, which taste and smell like bile, but are not bitter; when rising, in the morning/. Throat.—Sensation in the throat, as after eating something astrin- gent,1 6.—Paiu in the throat, with difficulty in swallowing saliva/. Stomach.—Sharp lancinations in the epigastrium, from within out- wards, in the evening (fifth day)/.—Lancinations in the stomach, after dinner (seventh day)/.—Acute and seated pain in the whole stomach, when getting up/.—[80.] Stomachache, with seusation of internal cold- ness,2. Abdomen. — Long, blue horizontal spots, on the right hypochon- drium,6.—Lancination in the hypochondria,6.—Sharp aud lancinating pain which goes through the spleen from below upwards (second day)/.—Bor- borygmi, in the morning, in bed (second day)/.—Dull pain in the bowels and hypogastrium (second day)/.—Frequently repeated slight acute and circumscribed pains in the groins/.—Slight colic in the descending colon/. Stool.—Diarrhoea of dark mucus, mixed with fecal matter, in separate hard pieces (third day)/.—Constipation, for three days/. Urinary Organs.—[90.] Micturition every five minutes, from 11 a.m. until evening, with heat in the urethra (second day); three or four times an hour, without pain (third day)/.—Copious urination, in the morn- ing/.—Urine more profuse and lighter-colored/.—Light-colored and copious urine (second and third days),6.—Light-colored, watery urine, \yithout smell or sediment (third day),1.—Pale uriue (after three days)/. Respiratory Organs.—The voice seems to come from afar/.—The voice becomes hoarse, from coughing/.—Suffocation, with cold feet, which obliges her to remain in bed, in the evening (sixth day)/.—Offensive breath/. Chest.—[100.] Deepseated, dull pain in the chest beneath the ster- num, when moviug the neck, at noon (second day)/.—Slight pain at the sternum, when bending the head forward/.—Violent lancinations under the right breast, at each inspiration/. Heart.—Contraction and throbbing in the region of the heart, in the evening (fourth day)/. Rack.—Strained feeling iu the spine, on lying down, in the evening, as from lifting a heavyweight; it is aggravated by sitting upright, or bending backwards, and disappears ou bending forwards (first aud secoud days)/. Extremities.—Numbness, which is felt three different times, in the upper and lower limbs, after rising from bed (second day)/.—Paralytic numbness of the arms aud legs, in the morning (fifth day)/.—Paiuful numbness of the outer part of the arms and legs/.—Numbness of the arms and legs, with deepseated pain, sometimes in the forehead, sometimes in the nape of the neck, and aversion to movement, in the morning (fifth day)/.—Weariness of the arms aud legs, with numbness, as after a long march, in the morning (fourth day)/.—[HO.] Heaviness and numbness of the extremities, in the eveniug (first day),6.—Heaviness and weariness of the limbs, in the morning (sixth day)/.—Bruised pains in the arms and legs (sixth day),2. Superior Extremities.—Twisting sensation in the shoulder-joint, when stooping (third day)/.—Pricking on the right shoulder, followed by iuflammatory redness for a quarter of an hour/.—Pain at the outer part 308 PETIVERIA. of the left arm, with a large red inflamed spot like erysipelas/.—Numb- ness of the right arm/.—Weariness and numbness of the left arm, with pain in the elbow-joint (first day)/.—Dull pain and numbness, such as is felt on touching the brachial nerve, where it passes over the inner condyle of the humerus; aggravated by contact, at noon (first day),6.— Pains, like the stings of ants, in the muscles of the upper and inner portion of the elbow/.—[120.] Pain in the elbow-joint, extending to the wrist/.—Red- ness and intense inflammation of the outer portion of the left forearm, at 11 a.m. (second day)/.—Numbness at the posterior and internal portion of the forearm/.—Bruised feeling in the muscles of the right forearm, at the inner side, between the radius and the ulna, in the morning (first day)/.— Paralyzed sensation in the forearms and finger-joints; the fingers feel numb, in the evening (third day)/.—Sharp pain, with sensation of painful roughness in the forearm, in the evening (first day)/.—Burning pain in the left radius, with bruised sensation when touched (third day),3.—Pain in the externa] middle part of the right forearm, as if pierced with thorns ; similar pain, less acute, in the left arm/.—Pain, as frora a blow, in the forepart of the tibia/.—Bruised pain in the forearm/.—[130.] Internal sharp pain in the right wrist-joint, which appears more severe externally; a similar pain, but less intense, in the left wrist/.—Numbness at the wrist, in the course of the cubital nerve, with sensitiveness to contact, in the evening (second day)/.—Pain in the right hand, converging from the cir- cumference to the centre/.—Slight crampy pain in the tendons of the palms of the hands, and in the forepart of the wrist. Similar pain in the tendons of the ring fingers (sixth day) ; crampy pains in the hands renewed (ninth day) ; slight cramps (twelfth day)/.—Crampy pain in the muscles of the right hand, especially at the thumb, in the morning (first day),6.—Violent crampy pain in the muscles of the palm of the right hand, for five min- utes/.—Numbness of the finger tips, especially the ring finger/.—Numb- ness of the right fingers, for several hours, in the afternoon (first day),6.— Sudden pain in the left little finger, running all along the forearm, becoming seated in the elbow-joint, and increasing gradually, with a feeling of con- striction, in the morning (second day)/.—Pains in the last fingers of the right hand, as if struck by a mallet, at noon (second day)/.—[140.] Cramp in the right little finger (tenth day)/.—Crampy pain in the left little finger/.—Lancination and heat, as from a whitlow, at the tip of the right thumb, extending to the first joint/. Inferior Extremities. — Sensation in the middle of the right thigh, as from the bite of an ant, with itching aud heat after scratching/. —Sudden numbness of the knees, with dull pain in the tibia, at noon (first day)/.—Dull pain in the knee-joint and bend of the knee, especially on the first day,6.—Nurabness of the legs, with aversion to movement/.— Numbness and slight itching in the right leg down to the foot, at noon (second day)/.—Numbness frora the knees to the soles of the feet, where it became seated, at noon (first day)/.—Weakness and numbness of the legs, especially when rising, iu the afternoon (first day)/.—[150.] Weakness in the legs, so that the knees give way, in the afternoon (second day)/.— Weakness in the legs and kuees, when stooping/.—Cramp in the calves, during the night (second day)/.—Bruised paiu in the calf, aggravated by contact/.—On getting out of bed, in the morning, numbness and itching of the right foot (first day)/.—Acute lanciuating pain in the metatarsal bone of the left little toe/.—Pricking pain in the left little toe; a few moments after, the toe seems to turn under, in the forenoon (eighth day)/. PETIVERIA. 309 Generalities.—Rigor all over, when lying down/.—General pros- tration, with disposition to lie down, but no sleep, at 9 a.m. (third day),3.— Attacks of general weakness, every morning, after rising from bed,6.— [160.] Prostration as from drowsiness, but without inclination to sleep/.— General prostration, as from sleepiness/. — Aversion to movement; she wants to keep quiet/.—When walking, it seems as if she did not touch the ground, and would fall/.—The body seems insensible when lying down, and she feels as if in a swoon/. Skin.—Two small dark-yellow spots ou the neck/.—Dulness of the sentient faculty when lying down, as if the body were numb/.—Sensation of a pustule on the cheek, as large as a pea, with tension of the skin; for some seconds. Violent itching at the same place,6.—Sensation under the left lower eyelid, as if stung by ants/.—Lancinations all over, like the biting of ants, followed by itching on the back part of the forearm, in the morning (second day)/.—[170.] Lancinations all over, as if from needles, followed by itching from the elbow to the hands, with small blue spots ou the arm, back, and feet (second day)/.—Lancinations and itching in the inner aud upper part of the forearm, in the morning (second day)/—Vio- lent itching in the hypothenar eminence of the left hand, followed by an inflammatory swelling, in the evening (third day)/.—Intense and sudden itching on the bridge of the nose,6.—Itching iu the palm of the left hand/. —Itching of the last two fingers,6. Sleep.—Drowsy all day, with frequent yawning, without any desire to lie down,0.—Drowsy after dinner, without going quite to sleep (second day)/.—Drowsiness all day, with frequent yawning, but no inclination to lie down/234.—Sleepiness after breakfast, with yawning (first day)/2.— [180.] Sleepiness after dinner (second day),2.—Sleep regular and more prolonged than usual, for three days/.—Regular and even deep sleep, longer than usual, for the first three days/ 3.—Sleeps longer in the morning (first day)/ 2.—Sound sleep, commencing early, and lasting longer than usual, for three days/.—Deep sleep, at 10 a.m. (first day)/.—Deep sleep (second day)/.—Regular, prolonged, and deep sleep, the first three days,2.—Deep sleep, beginning earlier and lasting longer than usual, for four days/.— Wakes at 4 a.m., and falls asleep again a quarter of an hour afterwards/. —[190.] Quiet sleep, in spite of disturbing dreams, which she forgets on waking (second day)/.—No sleep in bed/.—Light and broken sleep after breakfast, at 9 a.m. (first day)/.—Dreams about corpses, from which she starts up all in a cold sweat/.—Sad dreams about sickness in her family (fifth day)/.—Sad dreams, which she does not recollect/.—Insignificant or unpleasant dreams, scarcely recollected on awaking/.—Uupleasant dream which she does not recollect on waking/.—Unpleasant dreams, not remem- bered on waking/.—Dreams about quarrelling, which she does not recollect on waking/.—[200.] Dreams about bullying and fierce quarrels (second day),6.—Dreams, which are entirely forgotten/. Fever.—Horripilation all over, with sweat; his hair stands on end, at 9 a.m. (second day)/.—Excessive coldness of the hands and feet, piercing to the bones (seventh day)/.—Cold feet, in bed, in the morning/.—Cold feeling iu the interior of the bones, at noon (fourth day)/.—Febrile heat, with pale face and cold hands, iu the evening (sixth day),2.—Dry heat all over, especially in the palms of the hands/.—Superficial heat all over, as from exposure to the sun, although the feet are cold/.—Redness and heat of the left ear, for some minutes (third day)/.—[210.] Sensation of heat in the face, although the skin feels cold/.—Heat in the loins (second day)/. 310 PETIVERIA. —Heat in the skin of the arms, as if slightly burnt, after passing the hand over it/.—Dry heat in the palms of the hands, for several days/.—Profuse cold sweat and coldness all over, with horripilation after the first sleep (sixth day)/.—Profuse cold sweat after the first sleep/.—Sweat in the palms of the hands, in the evening (second day)/. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), Sadness and weeping; on rising, sensation as if needle were stuck in upper lip ; burning tongue ; sen- sation in mouth and throat, as after eating some resinous fruit; on rising, flow of watery saliva; lancinations iu epigastrium ; in bed, borborygmus ; copious micturition; paralytic numbness of arms and legs; numbness of arms and legs, with pain in forehead ; weariness of arms and legs, with numbness; heaviness and numbness of extremities; bruised feeling in muscles of right forearm; pains in muscles of right hand; pain in left little finger; on getting out of bed, numbness and itching of right foot; after rising from bed, general weakness; lancinations all over, followed by itching on forearm; lancinations and itching on upper part of forearm; long sleep; 4 a.m., wakes and falls asleep after a quarter of an hour; in bed, cold feet.—(Forenoon), 11 A.M., pain at vertex and pain in left side of top of head; 11 a.m. till evening, micturition every five minutes; 11 a.m., redness and inflammation of outer portion of right forearm; pricking pain in left little toe; 9 a.m., prostration ; 10 a.m., deep sleep; 9 a.m., after breakfast, light and broken sleep.—(Noon), When bending head for- ward, heaviness in forehead; lancinations in forehead ; sensation as if a finger were pressed in right temple; pain in right eye; pain in left wing of nose; when moving neck, pain in chest beneath sternum ; paiu and numbness at elbow; pain in last finger of right hand ; numbness of knee, and dull pain in tibia ; numbness aud itching in right leg ; numbness from knees to soles of feet, where it becomes seated; cold feeling in interior of bones.—(Afternoon), Head symptoms ; feeliug of fulness in head ; 2 p.m., on opening eyes, weight in forehead; 3 p.m., pain and heat in forehead, with pressure in eyes; stabbing sensation in right temple; sneezing; numb- ness of right fingers; when rising, weakness and numbness of legs. — (Evening), Pain at root of nose; pain over root of nose; suffocation, with cold feet; contraction and throbbing in region of heart; on lying down, sprained feeling in spine; paralyzed sensation in forearms and finger-joints; sharp pain in forearm ; numbness at wrist; itching in left hand ; febrile heat, with cold face and hands; sweat in palms of hands.—(Night), Cramp in calves.—(Bending head forward), Pain at sternum.—(Bending back- ward), Sprained feeling in spine.—(After breakfast), Sleepiness, with yawn- ing.—(Contact), Paiu and numbness at elbow; pain in calves.—(Closing eyelids), Burning at margin.—( While at dinner), Inflammation of left eye. —(After dinner), Dim sight; lancinations in the stomach ; drowsiness ; sleepiness.—(When getting up), Paiu in stomach.—(Inspiration), Lancina- tions uuder right breast.—(On lying down in bed), Feeling as from loud explosion in head.—( When lying down), Rigor ; body seems insensible.— (Passing hand over arms), Heat in skin.—(After rising from bed), Numbness in upper and lower limbs.—(Sitting upright), Sprained feeling in spine.— (When stooping), Twisting sensatiou in shoulder-joint; weakness and numb- ness of legs.—(When talking and sitting), Pain in upper part of brain.— (Turning head), Pain in vertex.—( Walking), Pain in forehead; pain in vertex.—(On waking), Heaviness of head ; headache. Amelioration. —(Bending forward), Sprained feeling in spine.— (Motion), Pain in upper part of brain.—(Pressure), Pain in right eye. PETROLEUM. 311 PETROLEUM. Rock-oil; Stein-oel; Oleum petrae. The crude Rangoon oil, thin and light yellow, is to be used. Authorities. 1, Hahnemann, Chron. Krank-n., vol. 4; 2, Foissac, ibid.; 3, Benson, Trans. Horn. Med. Soc. St. of N. Y., 1868, p. 297, proving with 10 drops of 1st dec. dil.; 4, Schelling, A. H. Z., 83, p. 189, effect of P. 300th given a person suffering from chilblains on fingers, cold hands and feet, and weak vision ; 5, Berridge, N. Am. J. of Horn., N. S., 2, 51, proving with one dose of the 3000th (Jenichen); 6, Knorre, A. H. Z., 6, 38, effects of external application ; 7, Jellinck, Wien. Med. Halle, 1861 (A. H. Z., Mon. BL, 5, p. 6), effects of a teaspoonful of P. taken by a woman to break an attack of intermittent fever; 8, Weinberger, Wien. Med. Halle, 1863 (S. J., 121, 34), two cases of asphyxia from the vapor; 9, Meyer, Journ. de Brux., 1865 (S. J., 127, 295), effects of a glassful taken for beer ; 10, E. C. Beckwith, Am. Horn. Obs., 1865, p. 363, effects of drinking the refined oil in a child two years old ; 11, same, another case; 12, Bassett, Am. Horn. Obs., 1869, p. 368, effects of three tablespoonfuls of the refined oil (for lamps), repeated next day ; 13, Muller, A. H. Z., 81, p. 81, about 2 ounces, in a woman ; 14, El Criterio Med. (A. H. Z., 78, p. 151), about a quarter of a pound, in a man; 15, Humbert, Journ. de Chim. Med. (A. H. Z., Mon. BL, 22, 48), case of poisoning; 16, Gross (A. H. Z., Mon. BL, 21, 27), effects of a swallow in a man; 17, same, case related by Dr. Clemens, poisoning of a man, suffering from gallstones, by Petroleum ; 18, same, effects of ex- ternal application to itch ; 19, Steininger, Mittbl. d. Aertz. Ver. in Wien, 1872 (S. J., 155, p. 13), effect of about a pint, in a woman forty-five years old; 20, Ziemssen, Handbuch, 1, 459, chronic effects of fumes on workers. Paraffin Oil.—Dr. Dyce Duckworth, Med. Times and Gaz., 1864 (2), 650, M. J., a^t. twenty-two, worked in the manufactory ; he often spilt some on his trousers, and generally saturated the parts over his thighs ; his hands and forearms often covered with the oil; eruption after working one week ; suffers from bronchitis, 21. Paraffin.—Alex. Ogston, M. D., Edin. Med. Journ., vol. 17, Dec. 1871, p. 544, effects on workmen engaged in manufacture of P. at Messrs. Miller's Chemical Works in Aberdeen ; they have the skin over portions of the body, especially of hands and arms, but also of feet and legs, brought for many hours daily in contact with the P. shale, 22. 3Iind.—At first an extravagant and exaggerated couditiou of mind, with internal trembling, followed by sadness and despondency/.—He rose up and then got out of bed/—General excitement/4.—A little wine taken at dinner goes to his head and makes him stupid/,—The child becomes fierce and uncontrollable/.—Inclined to be very angry every morning/.— Angry rage aud peevishness,1.—* Violent, irritable, offended at trifles?.—■ Excessive anxiety/.—[10.] Auxiety at the noise of a crowd of many people/. —* Great fear-fulness; violent shock from a fright at a trifle/.—Fear of death (after two hours)/4.—Dejected in the morning, quiet, with dimness of vision (after twenty-two, and twenty-three days)/.—Dejected (after twelve days)/.—Sad aud discouraged, and a sick feeling of weakness of the heart/. —* Very quarrelsome; he is easily aroused?.—Ill-humored, quarrelsome, in the morning, on waking/.—* Vexed about everything, even at the smallest trifle; he will not answer/.—Quarrelsome, peevish, lachrymose (after a few hours)/.—[20.] Quarrelsome and passionate/.—Fretful and indolent 312 PETROLEUM. (after sixteen days)/.—Constant complaining (after two hours)/4.—Dis- contented with everything/.—Out of humor; very much inclined to hypo- chondria, with a feverish condition, lasting fourteen days/.—* Very irrita- ble; everything makes him very disagreeable and gloomy; he cannot be quiet about many things, which usually seem trifling, and with the greatest effort he cannot be cheerful/.—Hypochondriac while walking in the open air; inattentive in conversation, etc./.—Very irresolute/.—Very little am- bition/.—No desire to work; no pleasure in objects of which he was usually fond, hence intolerable ennui/.—[30.] Impairment of the mental powers,20. —He cannot easily free himself from the subject on which he is talking/. —Loss of will power/.—He lost all power of thought/.—Impaired mem- ory,20.— Very forgetful and disinclined to think?.—He was only partly con- scious all day, as if only half alive/.—*Loss of consciousness (after one hour),13.—Comatose condition for twelve hours/3. Head.—Confusion and Vertigo. Confusion of the head, in the morning (fourth day)/.—[40.] Confusion of the head and general discom- fort (after twenty hours)/.—After eating a little the head seems befogged, dizzy, and confused?.—The customary smoking befogs him (after three hours)/.—* Vertigo (after eight hours)/3; (after two hours)/420.—Violent vertigo, obliging him to stoop forward, with paleness of the face and nau- sea, more while standing than sitting, disappearing on lying down, together with a slow pulse, eructations and yawning, loss of appetite, and pressure in the abdomen/.—Constant vertigo, with roaring in the ears, in the even- ing (second day)/6.—Vertigo and nausea, in the evening, in bed, especially when lying with the head low/.—Vertigo frequently while walking/.— Vertigo and nausea on stooping/.— Vertigo on stooping and on rising from a seat/.—[50.] Vertigo on rising up from lying down; while lying down, heat in the face/.—Vertigo, seeming to be in the occiput, as if she would fall forward, especially on raising the eyes/.—Dizzy, as if intoxicated/8.— Dizziness immediately after dinner (after nine days),1.—General Head. Rush of blood to the head, after eating/.—A feeling of a rush of blood to the head, on every rapid motion, that causes a stitch through the brain/.— ^Heaviness of the head, in the morning, with a sensation of fuluess and heat in it, especially on stooping and sewing/.—*Head heavy (third day)/.— Dulness of the head, in the morning, thick, heavy, full of heat/.—Dulness of the head, with pain/.—[60.] * Dulness of the head, as if enveloped in a fog?.—Violent pressure in the head, on stooping/.—Pressure iu the head, teeth, and antrums of the upper jaw/.—Pressing in the head, with a kind of qualmishness (after two days)/.—Pressure and pressing in the head (after twenty-four hours),1.—Feeling of compression in the brain/.—Tension in the head/.—Feeling of tension in the dura mater daily, with dulness/.— A feeling of tension and pulling in the dura mater/.—Headache,20.—[70.] Dull headache, from morning till evening, with drawing towards the fore- head, together with violent chill, lasting till noon/.—* Attack of headache every morning?.—Headache, in the morning, on rising, for several days/.— Headache immediately in the morning, lasting until after breakfast/.— Headache, in the evening, after walking in the open air/.—Violent head- ache, especially above the eyes (first night)/6.—Pressive headache (after two weeks)/3.—Tearing headache, in the evening/ — Pinching headache (after two days)/.—Constrictive, contractive headache/.—[80.] Constric- tive drawing headache/.—Drawing headache, preceded by drawing pain in the right arm/.—Extremely painful drawing, as from a sprain, in the muscles, extending from the mastoid process to the clavicle on both sides; PETROLEUM. 313 a tearing every five minutes (after eleven days)/.—Trembling, waving, and roariug in the head aud in the ears, as of rush of blood to the head, though without sensation of heat/.—Sticking and much heat in the head/.—Ex- cessive sticking jerking in the head, on stooping and walking; after every few steps she was obliged to stand still/.—Sticking, together with pressure, in the head, and nausea/.—Boring in the head/.—Sensation of screwing together in the head/.—Beating in the head/.—[90.] Distressing sensatiou in the head, as if everything in it were alive and turning and twisting about, with dread of work/.—A sensation on the head as if a draft of cold wind were blowing across it/.—Forehead. Pain about an inch above right eyebrow, and painfulness of the bone, then a pressure, only when stooping (after fifteen minutes). Ditto, but also very slight pain there when not stooping; this also occurred afterwards now and then, but there was no pain or pressure when not stooping; when stooping and repeatedly pressing the bone, the pain in bone is worse at the^r^ pressing (after fifty minutes). Nearly all gone (after three hours and one-third). The same symptoms on stooping as before (after fifteen hours and five minutes). Pains in head as before (9.30 a.m., second day). Pain and tenderness of bone to pressure returned, just above right supraorbital ridge, when stoop- ing (forty-eighth day). After rising from bed, the same slightly ; after breakfast, just as before (forty-ninth day)/.—*Pressure in the forehead, with some stitches over the eyes (after twenty-six days)/.—Afterpart of day and night, dull frontal headache/2.—Headache, frontal, dull, and disagreeable; worse while the nausea remained ; the dull headache continued till about 11 o'clock the third day, when there was a slight haemorrhage from the nose, after which the headache was relieved/.—Drawing headache in the forehead, with stitches above the eyes/.—Sticking pain in the forehead, in the morning, on waking, soon extending over the posterior portion of the head/.—Violent pulsating waving, especially in the forehead, as though the head would burst; better on motion/.—Temples. Cramplike head- ache in the left temple/.—[100.] Cramplike transient drawing in the tem- ples/.—Cramplike very acute drawing and pressure in the left temple (after four days)/.—A pinching drawing extending up to the left temple (after eleven days)/.—Pressive drawiug in the right temple, even noticed during a nap (after a few hours)/.— Vertex and Parietals. Violent pressure on the vertex, with dizziness/.—Pain in right side of vertex, in evening (eighth day)/.—Bruised pain on the vertex, as if it were soft/.—Dull jerk- ing stitches on the vertex, extending into the head, in the evening, soon followed by persistent pressure in it/.—Transient rising of heat into the left side of the head, with persistent redness of the cheeks, after eating/.— Headache on the right side ; she could not open the eyes, could not hold the head upright; she was obliged to lie down/.—[110.] Both sides of the head are painful to touch, as if suppurating/.—Pain in the left side of the head, as if suppurating/.—Throbbing stitches in one side of the head, above the eye?.—Occiput and External Head. *Heaviness, like lead, in the occiput (second and third days)/.—* Pressure and sticking pressure in the occiput, in the morning?.—^Pressure in the occiput/.—* Pinching in the occiput?.—Sticking in the left side of the occiput, in the afternoon/.— *Pulsation in the occiput when lying upon it?.—Throbbing in the occiput all day/.—[120.] *Profnse falling of the hair?.—Falling of the hair for three days, especially after twelve days/.—Some soft swellings on the scalp, with excessive pain when touched/.—Papular eruption on the head/.— Bruised pain in the scalp/.—The head seems numb externally, like wood 314 PETROLEUM. (after three days)/.—*Much itching on the scalp (after ten hours)/.—^Itch- ing on the scalp; after scratching, a pain as if sore?. Eye.—Eyes sunken (after half an hour)/.—Eyes glistening (after two hours)/4.—[130.] Eyes staring, glassy/.—Eyes staring wildly about (after six hours),11.—*Eyes very dim (after twenty-two days)/.—Twitching of the eyes/.—Blinking and winking with the eyes,1.—Weakness of the eyes/.— Eyes easily fatigued/.—In the morning he cannot open his eyes ; vision is dim and misty/.—* Burning in the eyes and pressure, with dimness on exert- ing them?.—* Burning in the eyes (after five days)/.—[140.] *Much pressure in the eyes, especially in the evening by the light/.—Violent pressure in the eyes, as from sand/.—Pressure in the eyes, in the evening,1.—Stitches in the eyes and lachrymation/.—Stitches extending from the outer canthus towards the inner/.—Stitches in the eyes when pressed upon and when not/. —Cutting in the eyes on exerting them by reading/.—Throbbing pain in the right eye/.—Biting and heat in the eyes,1.—Biting in the eyes, as from smoke/.—[150. J Biting in the eyes/.—Itching sticking and burning in the eye/.—* Itching and sticking in the eyes?.—The eyes often feel as though they would be distorted/.—Painful sensitiveness of the eyes to daylight; he was obliged to keep them covered/.— Hrow and Orbit. Sticking and beatiug in the eyebrows/.—Slight tenderness to touch of under surface of right supraorbital ridge (in bone), near inner canthus; not affected by position ; this was noticed slightly last evening (10 a.m., second day). Pain in same spot of supraorbital ridge when head was bent down (11.20 a.m., second day). Tenderness of orbit less; when repeatedly pressing it, it is most tender to the first pressure (4.10 p.m., second day). Supraorbital ridge less tender; on stooping, pain over right eye (in same spot as before), and tenderness of bone there to pressure (7.45 a.m., third day). Pain in ridge, worse on stooping and walking (10 a.m., third day). Pain in ridge felt when stooping only, especially directly after stooping; some tenderness still (1 p.m., third day). Pain in same place iu orbit on beginning to walk in open air, soon going off on continuing to walk (between 12 m. and 1 p.m., third day). Tenderness less ; pain in ridge only felt directly after stooping, going off soon even if I continued the stooping posture, and less severe; pain in same spot for a minute when beginning to walk in open air, going off on continuing to walk, and less severe than before (after 1 p.m., third day). No pain in ridge (even on stooping) on rising from bed, and little tenderness; soon the tenderness increased, with pain, worse on stooping; much better in afternoon (fourth day). Scarcely any tenderness, and what existed was first felt at 8 A.M. (fifth day). A little more tenderness and pain in ridge, in morning (sixth day). Some pain, but very little tender- ness, at the same part of ridge, in morning (eighth day). Teuderuess of bone to touch at under surface of right supraorbital ridge (inner end), whether stooping or not; sometimes pain over ridge when not stooping, during morning (forty-ninth day)/. — Lids. An inflamed swelling, as large as a pigeon's egg, in the inner canthus, like an incipieut lachrymal fistula, together with dryness of the right side of the nose, lasting several days/.—Trembling and twitching of the lids/.—Twitching of the right lid/. —[160.] Burning and pressure in the inner canthus/.—Violent biting on the eyelids (after two hours)/4.—Itching and dryness of the lower lids (after twelve days)/.—LacJtrymat ion. Lachrymation for five days (after six days)/.—Lachrymation in the open, not cold, air/.—Frequent lachry- mation, even in the house (after sixteen days)/.—Much water presses out* of both canthi/.— Conjunctiva and Pupil. * Conjunctivitis and PETROLEUM. 315 blepharadenitis (after three weeks)/3.—Pupils greatly dilated for several days; with the left eye he cannot distinguish letters at a short distance; at a greater distance they are distinct, but smaller/.—Greatly contracted pupils, insensible to light (after half an hour)/.—[170.] Pupils contracted, insensible/.— Vision. Far-sighted/.—Double vision with both eyes/.— *The visual power is weak, the eyes misty (after five and six days)/.—Dis- turbance of vision (after two hours)/4.—Eyes frequently obscured, with at times double vision of some objects (after fourteen days)/.—Sparks of fire before the eyes/.—Black spots before the eyes, that prevent reading/.— Flickering and fluttering before the eyes; objects seem to have a fine mo- tion,1.—Twitching before the eyes, in the evening (after ten days)/.—[180.] Flickering and black figures before the eyes (after eighteen days)/.—At times something seems to float and twitch before the eyes, though she sees all clearly and distinctly if she fixes the eye upon them/. Ear.—Yellowish bloody discharge from both ears, without odor, thin, more copious from the left than from the right (after two weeks)/3.—* Red- ness, rawness, soreness, and moisture behind the ears?.—* Inflamed and pain- ful swelling of the meatus auditorius?.—* The meatus auditorius is swollen?. —Pressure in the ears, with heat (after five days)/.—*The ear is painful externally (from the vapor of the drug)/.—Cramplike drawing in the right ear (after seven days)/.—Cramplike pain in the right ear (after sixteen days)/.—[190.] Painful drawing aud jerking in the right ear (after five days)/.—Jerking pain in the left ear (after thirteen days)/.—Tearing in the right ear/.—Sticking in the ear (after eight days)/3.—At first, tickling and sticking in the ear, followed by stiffness in the articulation of the jaw, as if it would crack aud creak, on moving it/.—Cutting in the left ear/.— Bubbling in the ears,1.—Itching within the left ear, with a bloody discharge (after forty-eight hours)/.—Hearing. *Diminished hearing (after five days)/.—Loss of hearing in the right ear, within which is a painful draw- ing, extending from the eye (after thirty-eight days)/.—[200.] Something seemed to come before the ear on eructating, so that he could not hear, immediately/.—Noises in the ears, at one time as from a clock, at another as from a waterfall (after eight days),13.—*Roaring in the left ear, like a rushing of water, with at times cracking in it, for three evenings (after twenty-one days)/.—*Roaring, as of a wind, in the ears and diminished hearing?.—Roaring and pain in the ears/.—Singing and roaring in the ears during the menses/.—* Ringing in the ears (after eight days)/3.—Sing- ing in the ears/.—* Cracking in the ear from time to time (after twenty-eight days)/. Nose.—^Ulcerated nostrils/.—[210.] A pimple in the nose/.—^Bleed- ing of the nose (after a few hours)1.—Bloody mucus is blown from the nose, in the morning/.—A scab in the fold of the left wing of the nose, without pain/.—Slight haemorrhage from the nose, relieving the headache (third day)/.—Very violent coryza nearly the whole day (second day)/.—Coryza, with stoppage of the nose (first day)/.—Violent catarrh (after thirteen days)/.—Coryza, lasting till noon (third day)/.—Chronic catarrhs,20.— [220.] Sneezing, with catarrh in the throat, that provokes cough/.—Much sneezing, with sleepiness, towards evening/.—Sneezing daily and very fre- quently/.—Stoppage of the mucus in the nose; he was obliged forcibly to blow out at night small masses/.—Stopped catarrh and ulcerated nostrils/. —A tensive pain in the root of the nose, extending across from one eye- brow to the other, and an ulcerative pain when touched/.—Burning on and near the nose (after a few hours)/. 316 PETROLEUM. Face.—Face distorted (after two hours)/4.—Face bluish-red/.—Great persistent paleness of the face/.—[230.] Face sunken, pale ; forehead cov- ered with cold sweat, with sunken eyes (second day)/.—*Pale (after half an hour),9; (in chronic cases)/2.—Lips cracked/.—Lips bluish-red,8.— Swelling of both lower jaws; painful on stooping and on pressure/.—The right articulation of the jaws easily becomes dislocated, with great pain, in the morning, in bed/.—Drawing and tension on the jaw, beneath the ear/. Mouth. — Gum. ^Swelling of the gum, with sticking pain when touched/.—A blister on the gum/.—A biack hollow blister by a lower molar, sensitive to water and cold air; the tooth is painful even on open- ing the mouth/.—[240.] The gum between the lower incisors seems in- flamed, with sticking and burning pains/.—A pustule on the gum, above a hollow tooth, like a dental fistula/.—The gum is painfully sore when chewing/.— Teeth. The teeth are constantly unclean/.—All the lower, and part of upper, teeth are elongated and painful, as if ulcerating/.— Drawing pain in the upper incisors, with a feeling of coldness (after ten days)/.—Cutting and constrictive pain in the teeth/.—Pain in the teeth, as if ulcerating, with throbbing pressure in the right lower jaw, extending to the ear and posterior cervical muscles/.—Pressive pain in the right back teeth/.—Boring toothache/.—[250.] Drawing toothache/.—Sticking tooth- ache, as with a knife, in both jaws, most violent at night; she was unable to remain in bed/.—Toothache, with a thickly swollen cheek ; she cannot lie upon it at night on account of the pain ; is obliged to rise up iu bed/. —Toothache after breakfast/.—Tearing in a hollow tooth, from evening till midnight, with a sore painful gum/.—Sticklike jerk in the teeth every evening till 11.30/.—Pain in the teeth if the open air enters them/.—A stitch in a hollow incisor/.—Feeling of numbness of the teeth, and pain on biting upon them/.—Both canine teeth seem too long, in the morning/.— Tongue. [260.] Tongue coated (after four days)/.—Tongue foul (in chronic cases)/2.—The tongue is covered with yellowish spots/.—Tongue coated in spite of all efforts to clean it/.—Tongue coated white in the cen- tre, with a dark streak along the edges (third day)/.—*Tongue white?.— Tongue dry, coated (second day)/.—The tongue aud right side of the pal- ate, towards the cervical muscles, are raw and sensitive, so that he does not dare to eat or move anything hard in the mouth ; acid and salt things cause smarting, as if the tongue were sore/.—General 3Iouth. Ulcers form on the inner surface of the cheek,1.—*Bad odor from the mouth; even the saliva has an offensive odor/.—[270.] Bad odor frora the mouth, no- ticed by others/.—Mouth offensive, at times like garlic, at others foul/.— Mouth very pasty for twenty days/.—Mouth slimy, with no desire for food or drink/.—Bitterness in the mouth, after breakfast, with scraping in the throat and eructations/.—Insipidity and saliva in the mouth, as from a disordered stomach/.—Dryness in the mouth, in the morning/.—Violent burning in the mouth, throat, and stomach, immediately/4.—Saliva and Taste. Profuse accumulation of saliva in the mouth always after eating; was obliged to spit a great deal/.—* Great accumulation of mucus in the month and nose?.—[280.] *Slimy taste in the mouth, with a white tongue/. —Acid, slimy taste in the mouth/.—Bad taste/.—Bad taste iu the mouth (second day)/6.—Taste as of a disordered stomach and heaviness iu the head/.—*Sour taste in the mouth?.—Bitter sour taste, in the morning/.— Rancid taste in the throat/.—Foul taste, as of spoiled meat,1. Throat.—Constant hawking of mucus, in the morniug, with headache/. —[290.] He was constantly obliged to hawk up thick mucus, especially in PETROLEUM. 317 the morning/.—Throat covered with mucus/.—Swelling of the throat and dryness iu the mouth/.—Inflammation of the throat, immediately,15.— Great dryness in the throat, causing much cough/.—Dryness of the throat (after a few hours)/6.—Dryness in the throat, with eructatious and loss of power,1.—Dryness in the mouth and throat, in the morning, so violent that it took away her breath/.—Stopped sensatiou in the posterior nares/.— Violent tickling in the throat, extending to the ear, on swallowing/.— [300.] Violent burniug in the throat, immediately,16.—Sore pain in the throat, and a feeling as if ulcerating/.—Sticking pain in the throat on swallowing, as if it were prevented by a fish-bone/.—Sticking sore throat only on swallowing/.—The throat seems swollen internally/.—Fauces and Pharynx. Burning in the fauces, oesophagus, and upper part of the thorax (after twelve hours)/3.—Constriction of the pharynx (after half an hour)/.—Sensation of rawness in the pharynx, extending to the stomach (after six days)/.—Rawness in the pharynx on swallowing/.—Scraping and scratching in the pharynx/.—[310.] Crawling in the pharynx and nose, as from snuff/.—Sic a 11 owing. When swallowing, a portion is forced up into the choanae/.—External Throat. * Swelling of the sub- maxillary glands?.—Violent painful swelling of the submaxillary glands/. Stomach-.—Appetite and Thirst. ^Ravenous hunger frequently, so that she became quite sick on account of it, and was also frequently awakened at night by it/.—* Ravenous hunger, but speedy satiety after a stool?.—Insa- tiability at dinner/.—During this trial the appetite was variable, at times couid not eat, at others relished a hearty meal/2.—A nibbling appetite/.— No appetite and no thirst/.—[320.] Violent unquenchable thirst (second day)/.—Excessive thirst,10; (after thirty minutes)/1; (after two hours),14. —Much thirst all day/.—Thirst (secoud day)/9.—*Much thirst for beer, for a whole week/.—Eructations. Frequent eructations (second day)/6.— ^Repeated hot, sharp, sour eructations and uprisings?.—Scraping eructations, even after a light meal (after four days)/.—Eructations, with pressure in the stomach, after a glass of milk (third day)/.—Eructatious, with pressure in the abdomen/.—[330.] Eructations, all the afternoon, after eating/.— *Eructations, tasting like bad eggs, in the morning (after twenty-four hours)/. —Sharp sour eructations, after dinner/.—Sour eructations, with weak vision/.—*Sour eructations, that set the teeth on edge/.—Uprisings of sour water into the mouth, after breakfast/.—Tasteless eructations all day/.— Unpleasant eructations/2.—Hiccough and Heartburn. Violent hiccough, as many as three times a day, for several days/.—Violent hic- cough twice in the evening, followed by much sneezing (after thirty-six hours)/.—[340.] Heartburn, in the morning,1.—Heartburn, towards even- ing, and eructations/.—Rancid heartburn/.—Nausea. After a normal (second) stool, qualmishness and a feeling of weakness (after twenty-four hours)/.—* Qualmish sensation in the stomach (after twenty-four hours)/.— Qualmishness on coughing/.—* Violent nausea, with cold sweat and sticking in the right side of the abdomen/.—^Incessant nausea (after two hours)/4. —*Sudden nausea on walking, with accumulation of water in the mouth; sudden heat of the face and vertigo, lasting a quarter of an hour (after four- teen days)/.—* Nausea every morning, immediately after waking; she could not eat breakfast?.—[350.] *Nausea, in the morning, on waking, lasting an hour, till breakfast/.—Momentary nausea, in the morning or evening, with efforts to vomit/.—*Nausea, in the morning, with accumulation of water in the mouth,1.—*Nausea and qualmishness all day (after six, and ten days)/.—* Nausea all day, often so violent that it takes away the breath, with- 318 PETROLEUM. out vomiting?.—Nausea, all day, with loss of appetite, sour taste in the mouth, and dry white tongue/.—Nausea, with eructations (after twenty- four hours)/.—Slight nausea, which increased (before two hours and a half); before 7 a.m. the sickness of the stomach had increased, so that at one time I thought I should vomit; so great during the day that several times I was obliged to lie down ; the attacks came on every ten or twenty minutes, and lasted from three to five; they extended up into the throat, and the parts about the larynx seemed constricted/.— Vomiting. * Vio- lent vomiting (after one hour)/3.—Constant vomiting of bile and blood/.— [360.] Whenever she swallowed liquids, it was followed by violent efforts to vomit; vomiting of bile, at times mixed with blood (second day)/.— General Stomach. The epigastric region was so distended that he was obliged to press the hands tightly upon it, in spite of the great sensi- tiveness (after two hours)/4.—Distension of the stomach, in the afternoon/. —Stomach aud abdomen very sensitive to touch (second day)/.—Stomach and abdomen frequently painful; at one time they seem constricted, at another distended/.—Violent burning in the stomach (second day)/.— Burning in the throat, stomach, and right side of the abdomen/.—Burning in the pit of the stomach (first night)/6.—Stomach and pharynx seemed to be on fire (after two hours)/4.—Sensation of constriction of the diaphragm (after half an hour)/.—[370.] *Feeling of great emptiness in the stomach, as after long hunger,1.—Feeling of emptiness in the stomach, with stupe- faction in the head/.—Fulness, with pressure, iu the pit of the stomach, after a very moderate dinner (after three days)/.—Pressure in the stomach and diarrhoea, in the afternoon, preceded by colic/.—Pressure in the stom- ach, fasting, removed by eating/.—Pressure in the pit of the stomach, two mornings in succession, fasting, with nausea/.—Violent pains in the stom- ach/.—Violent pain in the pit of the stomach, as if something would be torn away/.—Pain in the stomach, in the morning/.—Pinching in the pit of the stomach (after two days)/.—[380.] Clawing in the stomach, as from taking cold ; woke her very early in the morning/.—Clawing in the stom- ach, as after taking cold, with anxiety, in the evening, lasting a quarter of an hour/.—Cutting about the stomach, with desire for stool (after four days)/.—Stitches in the pit of the stomach, in the afternoon/.—Intolerable heaviness in the stomach, relieved by violent exercise on foot/.—The stom- ach feels relaxed/.—Very bad feeling in stomach and bowels at intervals/2.— Much insipidity and uneasiness after eating/.—Discomfort after supper/. —A little food, especially sour-krout, "braun-krout," etc., disorders his stomach and digestion, especially in stormy weather, so that he has diar- rhoea day and night/.—[390.] All food, even the slightest, disorders her stomach ; she cannot tolerate anything/.—A little food causes fuluess and apprehension (second day)/.—It seems apparent that Petroleum at first causes complete paralysis of the stomach and oesophagus, so that emetics had no effect, and only after irritating the epigastric region with friction was it possible to induce vomiting/. Abdomen.—Hypochondria. Pressure in the left hypochon- drium (after twelve days)/.—Pressure in the hepatic region/.—Stitches in both hypochondria, disappearing without emission of flatus/.—Stitches in the hepatic region, on some physical exertion/.— Umbilicus and Sides. Violent constrictive pain about the navel and in the pit of the stomach,16.—Awoke at 5 a.m. with pain below umbilicus; on movement the pain became sharp and cutting, aud increased the desire to have a pas- sage from the bowels (second day)/.—Clawing and biting about the urn- PETROLEUM. 319 bilicus, iu frequent paroxysms/.—[400.] Clawing in the umbilical region (first night)/6.—Clawing in both sides of the abdomen, from below upward, with heaviness in the lower extremities and great sleepiness/.—Stitches in the right side of the abdomen, with nausea/.—General Abdomen. Abdomen swelled (after thirty minutes)/1.—Distension of the abdomen, for two days (after three days)/.—Abdomen wonderfully distended or bloated,10. —Abdomen very much distended, from drinking a little (after four days)/. —Abdomen very much distended, in the evening, on going to sleep/.— Distension of the abdomen, especially after a meal, with pressure below the pit of the stomach/.—Abdomen distended, tense, with indolence, in the afternoon, lasting several hours/.—[410.] Abdomen distended by flatus/. —Flatulent distension, after a stool/.—Rumbling in bowels, at 5 a.m. (sec- ond day)/.—Griping and rumbling in the abdomen, in the evening/.— Rumbling in the abdomen, in the evening/.—Emission of much very offen- sive flatus, for many days/.—Very offensive flatus, before a thin stool/.— Belching of wind/.—Accumulation and moving about of flatus in the ab- domen (immediately)/.—Violent cutting colic for two days, with clawing, in the abdomen, followed by many eructations, vomiting of clear water, diarrhcea, aud headache (after a few hours)/.—[420.] * Violent colic, with efforts to vomit (immediately)/5.—* Cutting colic, late in the evening; she was obliged to bend up/. — Cutting colic, several times in the morn- ing, followed by diarrhoea of a very offensive camphorated odor, with ineffectual urging after the evacuation/.—Colic, as from taking cold/.— Colic, with pressive pain/.—Colic (after two hours),14.—Paiuful tension across the whole abdomen, with pain in the lower portion of the left side of the abdomen, as if something would break through, or as from au in- ternal sore, in paroxysms for two or three hours/.—Tension and cramps in the abdomen (after three days)/.—Griping iu the abdomen, every ten minutes; she was always obliged to bend together (after thirteen days)/. —Griping in the abdomen, several evenings (after forty-eight hours)/.— [430.] Griping in the abdomen and diarrhoea, the whole day (after twenty- four hours)/.—Pressure aud griping in the abdomen, as after taking cold, woke him about midnight/.—* Cutting in the abdomen (immediately, and again after seventy-two hours, in the morning on waking, and several times during the day)/.—* Cutting in the upper abdomen, with nausea and diar- rhoea, woke him at 4 a.m. (after forty-eight hours)/.—Much cutting in the abdomen, for two days, and evacuations, at first fecal, afterwards of bloody mucus, with little faeces/.—* Cutting in the abdomen, as from taking cold, followed by diarrhoea, with pressure (after thirty-six hours)/.—Drawing cut- ting in the abdomen, with eructations and emission of flatus/.—Violent pains in the abdomen, especially along the transverse and descending colon (after twelve hours)/3.—Slight pain in transverse colon and left lum- bar region (before two hours and a half)/.—A kind of crawling falling asleep of the abdominal muscles, extending to the thighs, while sitting; she was obliged to rise and walk about (after twenty-one days)/.—[440.] Feeling of diarrhoea in the abdomen, without a stool, in the evening/.— Unpleasant itching, internally, in the abdomen, not relieved by external rubbing/.—Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. Pressure in the right inguinal ring (after a few hours)/.—Pain in the groin, as if a hernia would protrude, on every paroxysm of cough/.—Cramplike pain in both groins, like a pressure, when walking and lying, but mostly while sitting/.— Sticking in the right groin, following a nocturnal emission/. Rectum and Anus.—Constant feeling of weakness in the rectum/. 320 PETROLEUM. —Pressive pain in the rectum two days before the menses ; she was obliged to bend forward ; whenever the body became erect there was a sticking in the rectum, aud when walkiug the stitches increased/.—Rectal fistula/.— Frequent urging to stool (second day)/6.—[450.] Frequent urging to stool, always with scantv diarrhcea-like discharge, with much pressure, as if there were'still much more to pass (after twenty-four hours)/.—Frequent urging to stool, always followed by a scanty diarrhcea-like discharge,, with much pressure, as if more would follow/.—Stool evacuated only after much ex- ertion, as if there were not power in the rectum to expel it/.—No stool for two days, but much urging; the rectum seems too weak to expel the faeces (after four, and five days)/.—Stool difficult to pass, with a sore pain in the anus/.—Scabs on the margin of the anus, with a tickliug smarting sensa- tion/.—Burning pain in the region of the anus/.—Burning and sticking iu the anus (after eighteen days)/.—Pressure in the anus (after six days)/. —Violent smarting stitch, extending from the anus over the ilium to the glans penis (first day)/.—[460.] Itching in the anus, on going to sleep/.— Itching of anus/2. Stool. — Diarrhoea. Violent diarrhoea; evacuations involuntary (after one hour)/3.—Profuse diarrhoea/.—*Diarrhoza, with cutting colic?.— Diarrhcea, with a disordered stomach, especially in stormy weather/.—In- clination to diarrhoea and two soft stools (after twenty-four hours)/.— Diarrhcea-like stool twice, followed by excessive exhaustion/.—Profuse mucous diarrhoea (after a few hours)/.—Free movement; diarrhceic, light- ish-brown color, and very thin, at 6 a.m.; an hour later, had an urgeut desire to have a movement, but did not go out, and it passed off; the de- sire, ineffectual, however, returned a little later. No more movements of the bowels till about 6 p.m., when a natural movement occurred (second day). At 3 a.m. was awakened by an urgent desire to have a stool; move- ment very free and watery, came with a gush, a little pain just before and after; awakened again at 5 o'clock and had another similar movement; also another at 6 a.m. ; at 8 a.m., had an ineffectual inclination to a move- ment (third day)/.—[470.] Diarrhoea of much bloody mucus (after four days)/.—Frequent stools, consisting only of bloody mucus, with great weakness/.—Watery stools, with colic, for six days/.—Stools watery, con- taining scrapings of the intestines and blood (second day)/.—Copious thin stools (soon)/9.—Frequent thin stools/7.—Soft difficult stool, as from inac- tivity of the intestines/.—Evacuation of ascarides/.—Stool soft, but with tenesmus/.—Copious, pasty, browuish-yellow stools/.—[480.] The child passes blood with a difficult stool/.—Mucus with the stool,1.—Ascarides pass with the stool/.—The stool becomes harder in the secondary action (after twenty-eight days)/.—No stool (first day); two thin stools (secoud day)/6.—Bowels a little constipated/2. Urinary Organs.—Kidneys and Bladder. Catarrh of the pelvis, of the kidney, aud of the bladder (second day),19.—Bladder moder- ately distended ; micturition excessively painful and very scanty (second day)/.—Violent constriction in the region of the neck of the bladder, at both sides of the mons veneris, especially during micturition, duriug which the urine often stopped/.—Cutting in the neck of the bladder, at the com- mencement and close of micturition/.—[490.] Burning in the neck of the bladder, during micturition,1.—Pressure upon the bladder; is obliged to urinate as many as ten times in the afternoon ; he always waits a long time before the uriue passes (after nine days)/.—Jerking iu the urethra, as in ejaculation of semen/.—Burning pain in the urethra, towards evening/. PETROLEUM. 321 —Itching in the female urethra on urinating, preceded by urging to urin- ate/.—Burning pains during micturition (first night)/6.—3Iicturition and Urine. Very frequent micturition, always very scanty (after four, and seven days)/.—Micturition twice as frequent as usual and far more than the liquid taken (after twenty-four, twenty-five, and twenty-six days)/.—He woke two or three times at night to urinate, and passed much urine/.—Profuse micturition (after ten days)/.—[500.] *Involuntary mic- turition/.—Much micturition, at night/.—Frequent desire to uriuate; the urine passes in a divided stream, with burning pain, and with a tearing in the glans penis/.—Frequent desire to urinate, but only a little urine is passed/.—Desire to urinate, with burniug micturition (first day)/.—^Drib- bling of urine, after micturition?.—Offensive odor to the urine; it deposits a red slimy sand that adheres tightly to the vessel/.—The urine has a very ammoniacal odor/.—Burning urine/.—Urine bloody red and turbid/.— [510.] Urine suppressed (after twelve hours) ; scant, with brick-colored sediment and of carbon-oil smell (secoud day)/1.—Urine brown, of a very offensive aud sourish odor/.—Urine, with a white sediment (after niue days)/.—Very dark-yellow urine, with much red sedimeut (after three, and four days)/.—Dark-brown clouds in the urine, after standing awhile/—■ The urine speedily deposits a red sediment, and the surface is covered with a glistening film/.—Albumen and sugar were found in the urine (second day)/9.—Discharge of mucus with the urine/. Sexual Organs.—3Iale. Tearing and twinging stitches in the seminal ducts, especially of the right side (after two days)/.—Burning in the genitals, with some discharge of blood (after a few hours)/.—[520.] A smooth red spot on the glans penis, without sensation (after twelve days)/.—Reddish eruption on the glans penis, with itching/.—Teariug in the glans penis (immediately)/.—A stitch in the penis while urinating/.— Itching in the glans penis, becoming a sticking/.—Red aud moist soreness on the side of the scrotum,1.—An itching pulling in the right side of the scrotum, persistent/.—Itching and moisture on the scrotum?.—Cramplike pain in the left testicle (spermatic cord?), with retraction of the scrotum/. —Erections every morning on waking (first eighteen days)/.—[530.] It restored erections and sexual power, for two months/.—Frequent erections, without amorous thoughts (after twenty-one days)/.—Erections at night, without amorous thoughts,1.—Two emissions (first night)/.—Emission dur- ing caresses (after eleven days)/.—Emission, followed by anxious heat, in the morning (after forty-eight hours)/.—Violent desire for an emission, in the morning, after waking, within the genital organs, without flatuleut symptoms (after four days)/-—Emission delayed on coition (after twenty- one days)/.—Less inclination to coition and less excited fantasies than usual (the first days)/.—Female. Soreness near the pudenda/.—[540.] Profuse leucorrhcea daily, for several days (after a few hours)/.—Leucor- rhcea like the white of an egg/.—The menstrual blood causes itching on the genitals,'.—Menses too early (after four days)/.—Menses some days too early and too scanty (the fourth day)/.—Menses several days too early (after eight days)/.—Menses about five days too early (after two days)/.— Menses about six days too early/.—Menses delayed about ten days, till the time of the full moon (after twenty-four days)/.—Reappearance of the long-absent menses (after six days)/.—[550.] Aversion to coition (in a female), (first four weeks)/. Respiratory Organs.—Bronchi and Trachea. Bronchial catarrh, with frothy, wine-yellow sputum of an oleaginous appearance and VOL. VII.—21 322 PETROLEUM. consistence (after three weeks)/3.—Rattling in the trachea on breathing, in the evening, in bed/.—Rattling in the trachea, in the evening, in bed, before falling asleep/. — Voice. Voice weak (after half an hour)/.— ^Hoarseness, in the afternoon/.—Great hoarseness, for several days/.— Cough and Expectoration. Cough always on smoking/. — Dry vexatious cough that takes away the breath ; she cannot cough it out/.— Coughing and retching/.—[560.] Cough towards evening, caused by irri- tation, low down in the trachea, affecting the chest/.—* Cough, at night?.— Very violent cough, only at night, after falling asleep/.—Cough from low down in the chest (after three days)/.—Cough, with scraping in the throat (after four days)/.—Cough, caused by dryness in the throat (after ten days)/.—Short cough (after eighteen days)/.—Cough, caused by scraping in the throat (after nineteen days)/.—Violent cough and much expectora- tion for eight days (after twenty-three days)/.—Profuse expectoration of grayish-white mucus from the pharynx/.—Respiration. [570.] Respi- ration short and rapid (after half an hour),9.—Difficult respiration, espe- cially on ascending steps, on beginning to walk, and on loud talking/.— Sobbing respiration (second day)/.—If the child fell down once or hit against anything, it immediately lost its breath/.—Dyspnoea, in the even- ing, for several hours/.—Dyspnoea and suffocation, as from constriction of the trachea, with tickling, provoking a dry cough/.—Complete asphyxia/. Chest.—Pneumonia on the right side (possibly caused by dashing with cold water)/.—Very painful cramplike spasm in the chest, that takes away the breath, immediately after eating, in the morning and at noon; stooping relieved, though the difficulty of breathing returned on rising again/.— * Oppression of the chest, at night, and restless sleep/.—[580.] Oppression of the chest and difficult breathing, more while sitting than while walking/. —Pressure aud digging in the chest/.—Pressure and tightness in the chest, in the afternoon/.—Sticking in the chest and constrictive pain in the head on coughing/.—Sticking in the chest/.—The chest is very sensitive to cold air, and if she sits in it, the chest is very much oppressed, for several days afterwards/.—Feeling of coldness in the chest, in the praecordial region/. —Front and Sides. Pressure upon the upper part of the sternum, at night, disappearing after eructations/.—Pressure upon the sternum, in the morning/.—A griping pressure above the chest from the forepart/.— [590.] Sticking-cutting pain in the forepart, from the right side of the chest to the left, if he beuds the body to the left (during a meal)/.—Vio- lent pain in the chest below the arm, more tearing than sticking; it lasts the whole night, after going to bed/.—Sticking in the right, then in the leftside of the chest, just under the arm/.—Acute pressive-drawing pain oh the left short ribs, on the left chest, and in the right hypochondrium/.— Violent stitches in the side/. Heart and Pulse.—Great praecordial anxiety (after two hours)/4. —Violent stitch at the heart, taking away the breath/.—At times, palpi- tation for a moment/.—A kind of palpitation extends as far as the um- bilicus, in the evening, while sitting still/.—Violent circulation of blood, on slight motion/.—[600.] Violent orgasm of blood, in the evening, with a bitter taste/.—Violent pulse, especially on walking and going upstairs (after two or three days)/.—Violent pulse, while walking, with paleness of the face and difficult speech (after nine davs)/.—Pulse 140 (after twelve hours); 130 (second day); 100 (third day); 80 (fourth day)/1.—Pulse excited/6.—Pulse excited, hard, not compressible, 60 to the minute (in health, 80); afterwards sank to 48 (after half au hour)/.—Extremely PETROLEUM. 323 small, thready pulse/.—Pulse contracted (after two hours)/4.—Pulse and respiration imperceptible/. Neck and Back.—Neck. The right side of the neck seems stiff/.— [610.] *Heaviness in the nape of the neck?.—Pressive pain in the nape of the neck, aggravated by the slightest motion/.—* Very painful distressing drawing in the nape of the neck, extending up to the occiput?.—*Paiu in the nape of the neck?.—Back. Spine bent backward and stiff (opisthotonos),10. —Vertebral column bent backward and stiff (after thirty minutes)/1.— The spine is paiuful from comfortable riding iu a wagon, as from a shock/. —Stiffness iu the back/.—Stiffness and drawing in the back/.—Drawing in the back, disappearing on bending backward/.—[620.] Heaviness in the back/.—Pressure, heaviness, and weariness in the back (after eleven days)/.—Pain in the back so violent that he could not move/.—Pain, as from a sprain, iu the back and scapulae, extending into the chest, two or three times a day, impeding respiration/.—Cramp in the back and ribs, with pearly drops of perspiration on the face aud arms, for three-quarters of an hour, followed by profuse mucous diarrhoea (after a few hours)/.—A painful jerk in the back, always on swallowing, also with incomplete eruc- tatious, at times also without swallowing, during rest; but always followed by oppressed respiration/.—Tearing stitches in the back and left shoulder (first day)/.—Dorsal. Pain, as from a sprain and pressure, between the scapulae, extending forward iuto the chest/.—Tearing in the back, between the scapulae, so that she could not move,1.—Lumbar. Great weariness and stiffness in the small of the back and coccyx, in the evening/.—[630.] Weakness in the small of the back, after walking (after eight days)/.— Violent but trausient pain in the small of the back, on rising from a seat (after fourteen days)/.—Cutting paiu in the small of the back, in the morning after risiug, and in the evening before going to sleep, only on moving about aud stooping, not on standing upright/.—Pain as from a sprain, in the small of the back, in the morning, in bed, also while sitting/.— Paiuful jerking in the small of the back, on various motions/.—Sacrum. * The coccyx is painful on sitting?. Extremities.—Weakness of the joints (after fifteen days)/.—*The upper aud lower extremities seem stiff aud without joints, in the morning after rising/.—Twitches in the limbs during the day (after seven days)/.— Uneasiness of the limbs; caunot remain in any place/.—[640.] Heaviness of all the limbs, and indolence/.—Heaviness in the limbs and weariness in the back, at night/.—Cramplike drawing and pressure in the limbs (after five days)/.—Cramps of the extremities, extending into the toes and fin- gers/.—Bruised sensation in the limbs, in the evening; he does not know where to put them (after thirteen days)/.—The upper and lower extremi- ties easily fall asleep/. Superior Extremities.—Shoulder. Pressure upon the shoul- ders and iu the back/.—Frequent jerking in the right shoulder (after eight hours)/.—Tension and drawing in the shoulder/.—The shoulder-joint is painful on raising the arm/.—[650.] Paiu as from a spain in the shoulder- joint, on raising the arm/.—Drawing pain in the left shoulder, extending to the elbow/.—Arm. Erysipelatous inflammation of the arm, with burn- ing pain/.—In the morning, in bed, the arm stretched itself; he was invol- untarily obliged to stretch it out/.—Muscular twitches in the arms/.— * Great weakness in the arms?.—Internal trembling of the arm/.—Sharp pressure on the right upper arm, commencing like a jerking (after sixteen days)/.—A sudden cramplike pressure, here and there, in the arm/.— 321 PETROLEUM. Violent cramp in the upper arm, renewed by holding a trifle in the hand, and on the slightest motion ; the deltoid muscle became very hard; the next day the spot was painful, as if beaten/.—[660.] Tearing in the right upper arm/.—Drawing pain in the right arm, then in the head/.—Stitches up and down the whole right arm, extending above the elbow, especially on bending the arm, also during rest/.—The arms and hands fall asleep easily if he lies upon them at night/.—The left arm falls asleep, for several days,1.—Elbow. Paralysis about the elbow-joint, for two days/.—The right elbow-joint began to be painful and to swell ; the swelling became so great that it obliterated the fold of the elbow and the olecranon process of the ulna ; here rapidly developed an abscess, which afterwards rapidly disappeared/3.—Rheumatic drawing in the fingers and elbow-joints of both sides; it was interesting to note that pronation of the arm caused pain, while flexion did not cause pain in the joint, but in the axillary fossa ; while supination was painless/3.— Wrist and Hand. The wrist is pain- ful, as if sprained/.—Sticking in the right hand, extending into the fingers, in the morning, in bed (after fifteen days)/.—[670.] Drawing pain in the right hand aud index finger (third day)/.— Fingers. In the evening, stiffness, first of one finger only, then of the other fingers, at last extend- ing through the whole arm, with an attack of faintness; on walking rap- idly, in the open air, it all disappeared except persistent palpitation and heaviness of the arm (after nineteen days)/.—Pain, as from a sprain, in the first joint of the thumb/.—Splitting pain ou the first joint of the right thumb/.—Transient stitches in the ball of the right thumb (after six days)/.—Drawing in the fingers, for a moment/.—Picking in a wart on the finger, in the evening, in bed; the warts when touched are very sore/.— Burning pain in the warts on the fingers, as if they would suppurate, in the evening, in bed/.—Sticking pain in the last joint of the index finger, as from a splinter in the bone, with itching externally/.—* The fingernails are painful when touched, as if bruised?.—[680.] *Tips of the fingers rough, cracked, fissured, with sticking-cutting pain (after eight days)/.—Draw- ing in the tips of the fingers,1. Inferior Extremities.—Pain and stiffness in the lower extremi- ties (after five days)/.—The lower extremities are heavy/.—Sense of heavi- ness in the lower extremities (second day)/6.—Great heaviness of the lower extremities; they totter while walking/.—Drawing pain in the left lower extremity/.—Uneasiness in the lower extremities ; was constantly obliged to move them back and forth/.—Cramp in the calves, thighs, and feet, all day?.—When putting right foot to grouud in walking, sudden sharp pain in outer side of right thigh, but most felt at outer side of hip and outer and anterior part of knee; it came on every time I put my right foot to the ground, making me limp; after a few minutes was only felt in right knee (when walking as before); afterwards, when sitting and raising right leg to cross it over left, pain in right knee; all this lasted five to ten minutes (10 a.m., sixth day)/.—[690.] Constant paralytic sticklike asleep sensation frora above the knee down to the foot, while walking and sitting/.—Hip and Thigh. Pressure in the hips, while sitting/.—Transient drawing pain in the left hip-joint (after seven days)/.—Pain, as from a sprain, in the hips, near the sacrum, on motion/.—Gouty pain iu the hip, knee, and ankle-joints, at night/.—*The thighs are stiff and heavy, on walking/.— Tensive pressure in the thigh, posteriorly above the hollow of the knee/.— Transient jerking pain in the left thigh (after sixteen days)/.—Pain in the left thigh, on motion ; she could not rise from a seat on account of it (after PETROLEUM. 325 eight days)/.—Painful tearing in the thigh, during the menses/.—[700.] When walking quickly, the muscles of left upper thigh (inner side, rather posteriorly) felt tight for a few minutes, in morning (eighteenth day)/.— Cramp in the thighs all day/.—Knees. *Stiffuess in the knees aud ankles,1.—*Stiffness of the knees and legs/.—Stiffness in the hollows of the knees and in the legs (after nine days)/.—Painful weakness in the knees, in the morning, immediately after rising from bed/.—Weakness of the right kuee while walking, disappearing on continuing to walk/.—Cracking in the knee, as if a cartilage slipped, with pain on moving it/.—Tension in the knee on the first step after sitting/.—Tension aud burning in the hol- lows of the knees/.—[710.] Tearing in the left knee, in the evening; she could not stretch it out/.—Sticking in the right knee-joint, as from a sprain, in the evening, while walking aud lying down, not while sitting/.—Stitches in the knees?.—Cramp in the left knee, while walkiug/.—Cramplike pain in the kuee-joint/.—Pulling pain, with tickling, in the knee-joiuts/.— Bruised pain in the knees and tibiae/.—Pain in the patella, as after a blow/. —Frequently a cold spot on the kuee, from which a cold stream extended through the whole extremity/.—Leg and Ankle. Places on the lower legs painful to touch, during the menses/.—[720.] Tearing, sticking, aud pressure ou the leg, in a spot formerly ulcerated/.—The lower leg, and especially the ankle, seemed surrouuded by an iron baud/.—Jerking in the right leg, from the knee-joiut down, painful only when walking/.—Para- lytic pressive drawing in the left tibia and forearm, alono; the extensor surfaces (after twenty-four hours)/.—Cramplike drawing iu the right tibia/. —Violent cramp in the legs, immediately/.—Cramp in the calves, at night,1. —Pain in the tibiae, on walking/.—Paiu, wheu walking, in muscles on outer side of right lower leg, very near the ankle; to-day, also, paiu there on flexing and extending right foot or leg (thirteenth and fourteenth days),5. —Cracking iu the ankle on moving the foot/.—[730.] Cramp in the teudo Achillis, at night/.—Foot and Toes. Swelling of the feet for several days/.—Stiffness of the foot and, on moving it, cramp in the sole/.—Heavi- ness of the feet and whole body/.—Pressive pain ou the foot, and a weakness below the external malleolus/.—Violent drawing and jerking in the feet (after nine days)/.—Drawing in the foot, for a moment, while walking,1.— Cramp in the feet, with tension of the tendons of the dorsal surface (after three weeks)/3.—Tension in the foot, when walking (after seveu days),1.— Swollen sensation in the feet/.—[740.] Swelling and heat in the anterior portion of the sole of the foot, two evenings in succession, lasting au hour, with burning/.— Cramp in the soles, at night (after eight, and eleven days),1. —Tearing in the heels, in the morning, on waking,1.—Throbbing in the soles of the feet, worse when he became quiet/.—Tearing drawing in the ball of the right great toe/.—Pressure in the right heel/.—*Stitches, as from a splinter, in the heel?.—The toes are drawn inward by a cramp, iu the evening/.—Pressure in the ball of the great toe as if it had been frozen, or as if an iron band were about it/.—*Burning pain in the corn?.—[750.] *Stitches in the corns?.—Pain, as from a sprain, in the first joints of the toes, on stepping/.—Stitches, as from needles, crossing in different direc- tions through the toes/. Generalities.—Visible emaciation, with good appetite/.—Loss of flesh (in chronic cases)/2.—The parts of the body upon which he was lying became very red/.—General convulsive movements (after two hours)/4.— Violent tetanic spasms; the patient suffered frightful pains, at times fol- lowed by general rigidity, accompanied by incessant cries; after ten mm- 326 PETROLEUM. utes' quiet, the paroxysms would return with renewed violence; during this no liquid could be taken, and six men were unable to hold the patient on account of the violence of the paroxysms/5.—Twitchings in sleep at noon and at night/.—Trembling, in the morning, on rising,1.—[760.] After riding, descending frora a carriage, and walking up and down in the open air, sudden violent nausea and so great weakness that she sank down, with inclination to stool, very cold sweat on the head, throat, and chest, and complete paleness of the face and blue rings around the eyes; after a stool violent chill, and afterwards, in the evening, some heat/.—Restless (after half an hour),9.—Very restless (after two hours)/4.—Patient very restless, tossing to and fro, with constant cries (second day)/.—Restless; he does not know what to do with himself,1.—Constant desire to change the posi- tion (after two hours)/4.—Night restless (first uight)/6.— Very weary, in the morning, in bed; the limbs feel bruised (after eleven days)/.—Overpower- ing weariness/.—Weariness and bruised sensation in the limbs, especially in the evening, on lying down/.—[770.] Great weakness, without any cause (after fifteen days)/.—Great weakness, after a walk (after eleven days)/. —Great weakness and dizziness after a stool; the vision vanishes, and he is obliged to close his eyes in order to recover himself/.—Very weak, in the morning, on rising; she was obliged to sit still for half an hour to col- lect herself/.—So weak that the limbs were painful on account of weari- ness/.—So weak that she was obliged to sleep while sitting/.—A kind of nervous weakness of the whole body, after a short walk/.—Weakness of the body, aud heaviness of the lower extremities/.—He easily became weary from a slight exertion/.—The weakness that he had frequently experienced disappeared after eating/.—[780.] Physical weakness and prostration, during the menses/.—Exhaustion of the whole body, in the morning; he could only with effort walk about the room, and was obliged to lie down again/.—Powerlessness (after seven days)/.—Sudden, almost momentary, loss of power, even a faiutness, with paleness of the face and sudden nausea, quickly coming and going, lasting a quarter of an hour (after four, and five days)/.—Feeling of faintness, in the morning, on entering the house after going out; he felt sick, heat mounted into the face, and a veil seemed to come before the eyes, with a feeling of compression in the temples ; he was near fainting, but he gathered himself up, and everything passed off in three minutes/.—Feeling of faintness before an approaching storm/.—A slight vexation affects her very much; the taste becomes bitter; the appe- tite is lost; a short walk then affects her; she has frequent diarrhoea, or- gasm of blood on falling asleep, eructations and nausea, restless sleep, and the next morning a trembling and waving through the whole body, diar- rhoea, and an internal misery, so that tears constantly stand in her eyes (after nine days)/.—Everything seems too hard to her, while sitting and lying/.— Takes cold easily; she becomes faint on account of it/.—The open air affected him, while walking; he was averse to it/.—[790.] Dread of the opeu air/.—Dared not repeat the dose; patient could not leave the bed until 11 a.m.; at 12, noon, symptoms all gone (third day)/2.—(The chil- blains and the cold feet, for which the Petroleum had been given, disap- peared), (after three days)/.—Sick, fearful, weeping at trifles/.—An inde- scribable feeling of sickness, with great anxiety (after half an hour)/.— Tremulous tension through the whole body, with apprehension and ill- humor and cracking in the joints/.—A general intolerable sensation, as if severe illness were impending, with a tremulous condition and great weak- ness (after three days)/.—Taking cold causes headache, lachrymation, in- PETROLEUM. 327 flammation of the throat, cough, and coryza (after two days)/.—Pain, as from a sprain, in the arms, chest, and back, in the forenoon (after eighteen days)/.—Felt the least paiu when lying down/.—[800.] Weary pain in the shoulders, spine, and loins/.—Sharp jerking pressure in one or another part (after sixteen days)/.—Drawing pressure here and there in the bones, not relieved by walking in the open air (after three days)/.—Frequent drawing iu the trunk/.—The whole body jerked together, in the evening, in bed, while still awake/.—Stitches here and there in the body (second and third days)/. Skin.—Cyanosis and marble-like coldness of the whole body, especially of the extremities/.—* Unhealthy skin; even slight wounds suppurate and spread?.—Eruptions, Dry. Yellow spots on the right arm (after six days)/.—*Skin of the hands fissured (after thirteen days)/.—[810.] Skin of the hands cracked and rough?.—Redness and moist soreness on the upper and inner portion of the lower extremities (after twelve days)/.—A large red spot on the left kuee, afterwards with pressive pain/.—Papular erup- tion about the eyes/.—Papular eruption on the eyelids/.—^Eruption on the outer ear, lasting thirty days/.—Papular eruption on the right ear, dis- appearing in the evening (after five days)/.—Papular eruption on the face/.—On left cheek, at anterior border of whiskers, a pimple, painful to touch (eleventh day)/.—Papular eruption at the corner of the mouth, with a sticking pain/.—[820.] Scabby pimples above the upper lip, with stick- ing pain when not touched/.—Eruption on the lips/.—Papular eruption on the abdomen, burning when touched/.—Small itching pimples on the angle between the scrotum and thigh/.—Pimples, that itch very much, on both legs/.—Greatly inflamed papular eruption above the knee/.—*Frup- tion between the toes?.—Eruption of nodules and pimples on the exposed skin, speedily breaking out on those who are, for the first time, engaged in the manufacture, lasting for a few weeks or months, and then generally diminishing or disappearing. In a few exceptional individuals the erup- tion does not disappear, but, assuming a chronic character, produces so marked and prolonged an affection of the skin that the general health be- comes impaired, and the cessation of this employment becomes a necessity. In the acute form of the eruption, which soon appears in those exposed to the influence of crude paraffin, the skin of the hands, wrists, arms, feet, and legs becomes covered with a rash of bright-red nodules, closely approxi- mate to each other, and usually largest and most numerous on the wrists, or wherever the dress tightly embraces the skin ; the dorsal aspects of the parts being most severely affected, and the palms of the hands aud soles of the feet enjoying a complete immunity; similar nodules arise, though to a less extent, on the face, ueck, and other parts of the body to which the oily matters find access; on examining minutely the skin of those affected in this way, the following are the leading peculiarities of the eruption: the bright-red nodules, hard to the touch, tender on pressure, varying little in size, which is about equal to that of a grain of barley, are of a rounded form, and consist each of a single hair-follicle with the parts immediately surrounding it, which are inflamed, indurated, and reddened; the hair emerges from the very summit of the nodule, and the orifice of the hair- follicle is much enlarged and easily visible to the naked eye as an aperture of a magnitude similar to that of a pinhole in a card ; the dilatation extends to the deeper part of the follicle, which forms the kernel of the inflamed knot, the retention of its contents evidently contributing to the inflamma- tory induration around; the gaping mouth of the follicle exhibits masses 328 PETROLEUM. of cast-off epithelial scales, dry and friable instead of greasy and tenacious ; the nodule has little of the tendency to run on to suppuration observable in an ordinary comedone, and its coutents cannot be squeezed out; on the contrary, the redness and induration, after remaining for some little time, gradually diminish, and finally disappear, leaving the hair-follicle en- larged, and its mouth gaping sb as to exhibit the retained epithelial masses, these latter being rendered more distinct by continued retention and accumulation of dirt; in fact, the acute form of the eruption consists of successive crops of these nodules, which are at the same time seen iu all stages of their growth, full development, and subsidence ; while the skin between them, studded with the black gaping mouths of such follicles as have already passed through or are about to undergo the process, retains, contrary to what is observed in the chronic form of the malady, its natural pliancy and elasticity. In all paraffin-workers patency and enlargement of the hair-follicles continue, to some extent, so long as they are engaged in this manufacture, and the black dots in the skin of their hands and face strike the eye of the observer at once; men with dark complexions and strong hair being especially deformed in this way, while fair complex-. ions and light or reddish hair escape comparatively unaffected ; a few ex- ceptional individuals, with swarthy complexions and hairy skins, suffer so much from an exaggerated patency of the follicles that they are compelled to quit their occupation and seek a more suitable calling. When the dis- ease assumes a chronic form it exhibits the following characteristics: the backs of the feet and toes, the dorsum of the hand, and the backs of the fingers between, but not over, the joints, exhibit a peculiar honeycombed appearance of the skin, which is elevated, thickened, and inelastic, so as to prevent or render difficult and painful the flexion of the fingers and hands ; these elevated honeycombed patches are of natural color, and not inflamed (except where the isolated papule exhibits the appearance described under the acute form), but consists of densely grouped arrays of hair-follicles, with the indurated cutis between and around them, the follicles packed with dry brittle accumulations of epithelial scales, so extensive as to be easily visible through the dilated mouths of the follicles, these latter being large enough to admit the extremity of an ordinary probe ; the hairs them- selves have disappeared frora these patches, having probably become atrophic from the pressure of the epidermic masses, while cracks and bleed- ing fissures traverse the indurated parts, and in rare instances a follicular abscess gives variety to the picture; the knuckles of the fingers and toes, the palms of the hands, aud the soles of the feet remain unaffected by the disease; in the subjects of the chronic malady the complexion is pale and the tongue foul, while the loss of flesh betrays the effects of the sleepless nights caused by the constant irritation and pain of the skin of the affected extremities,22.—Eruptions. 31oist. On the front of the thighs and legs, and the backs of the forearms, there is a vesicular eruption ; it is everywhere similar iu character; on the thighs there are some thickened patches of cuticle and sordes covering part of the eruption ; the vesicles are aggregated in places and isolated at the margins; there is no itching in the affected parts, but some irritation is complained of (after three weeks) ; two days later, has had two baths; some of the cuticle and sordid matter is re- moved from the thigh, and the nature of the disease is better seen; some of the vesicles seem inclined to be pustular at their summits; a hair is seen in the centre of each of them/1.—^Blisters on the heel?.—Eruptions, Pustular. [830.] *The patient was unable to bend the head forward or to PETROLEUM. 329 turn it on account of the pain caused by the development of abscesses on the nape of the neck; these furuncles were associated with a moist eruption on the margin of the hair of the occiput, like eczema; one boil after another opened and discharged, and the vertigo and other head symptoms disappeared?'6.—A pustule on the nose (after seven days)/.—A pustule on the right wing of the nose, painful to touch/.—A pustule, with a red areola, internally, on the lower portion of the septum of the nose/.—Eruption of small pustules on the face/.—A pustule on the chin, painful to touch/.—Sticking in an ulcer/.—A boil on the upper lip/.—Two boils on the anus, that disap- peared without opening (after three weeks)/3.—A boil in the axilla, with pain more tearing than sticking, threatening to suppurate/.—[840.] On the forearm a boil, with sticking pain, when touched/.—A large boil on the thigh (after twenty-five days)/.—Violent sticking in a painless soft boil, that had existed for several years, on the upper and inner portion of the right thigh/.—Sensations. * Painful sensitiveness of the skin of the whole body; all clothing is painful?.—The skin on the left side of the back is paiuful, as if abraded/.—Burning over the whole body, while walking/. —Burning in the hands, in the morning, on wakiug (after six days)/.— Burning in the palms of the hands (after four days)/.—Buruing itching on the external malleolus/.—* Itching of the lids; he was obliged to rub them?.— [850.] Itching in the skin, with a shaking chill/.—Itching over the whole body, in the morning, while still half awake/.—*Itching of the tip of the nose?.—Itching here and therein the face (from the vapor)/.—*The nip- ples itch and have a mealy coating?.—Itching in the bend of the elbow (after twelve days)/.—Itching in the palms of the hands (after sixteen days)/.— Itching ou the finger-joints/.—Itching in a red spot on the upper and inner side of the thigh/.—Itching stitches over the whole body, with great anxiety, at 7 p.m./. Sleep.—Sleepiness. [860.] Great sleepiness and weariness in all the limbs/.—Sleepiness (second day)/.—Sleepiness during the day (after seventeen days)/.—Sleepiness while sitting still, for several evenings/.— (Sleepiness at. noon ; falling asleep while playing the piano), (first day)/. —Weary and sleepy, in the morning (third day)/.—He lies in a constant slumber/.—Sleeplessness and Dreams. Restless sleep and anx- ious dreams (after ten days)/.—Sleepless nights (in chronic cases)/2.— Restless sleep and frequeut waking (second day)/.—[870.] Sleep restless at night, full of dreams, with cold feet and frequent waking (third night)/. —He imagined that some one was lying near him/.—She started up in sleep; had palpitation, trembling, vomiting, aud profuse diarrhcea-like stool/.—Starting up at night from frightful dreams/.—Starting up in the evening in sleep, so that the limbs trembled,1.—Snoring in sleep, in the morning/.—Unable to fall asleep for a long time, iu the evening, in bed, and tossed about all night/.—He tosses about at night in bed, and sleeps for only a quarter of an hour at a time/.—No sleep at night, only fantasies about the same disagreeable subject, with nightsweat/.—Dreamy slumber, t at night/.—[880.] Sleep at night interrupted by emissions and desire to urinate/.—Sleep at night full of dreams/.—Confused dreams at night, and frequent w&king/.—Anxious dream at night/.—Afivid horrible dreams, every night/.—Vivid unremembered dreams (after two days)/.—Constant dreams of one and the same subject, though lying iu different postures (first day)/.—Dream of lewdness and murder, with great anxiety, repeated during the midday nap, as if he were murdering the same person/.— Dreams of robbers, etc. (first night)/.—Frightful dreams of robbers, every 330 PETROLEUM. night/.—[890.] Frightful dreams every night; each dream continues all night, and in the morning she is weak/. Fever.—Chilliness. Excessive chill from morning till noon, with dull headache, and drawing towards the forehead all day (after twenty- four hours)/.—Violent chill, at 10 A.M., with coldness of the bauds and face, without thirst, for half an hour; then in the afternoon heat of the face, especially of the eyes, with thirst, for an hour/.—Chilliness every afternoon, at 3 or 4 o'clock, lasting two hours, with cold bauds and dryness of the mouth/.—Chilliness in the evening, followed by flushes of heat in the face/.—Violent internal shaking chill, at 10 p.m., lasting a quarter of an hour, for several evenings/.—Shaking chill, every evening/.—Violent shaking chill/.— Shaking chill, at 7 p.m., lasting an hour, followed by per- spiration in the face and over the whole body, except the lower extremi- ties, which were quite cold (after six days)/.—Chilliness through the whole body; he was obliged to lie down (after seveuty-two hours)/.—[900.] Chill, followed by heat, with great thirst (after a few hours),16.—Chilliness, with trembling of the whole body ; the face was cool, the cheeks bluish, with blueness of the fingers and nails, with pulse 66, but hard, temperature 36.6° C, towards moruing (second day)/6.—The air affected him very much ; while walking in the evening he was chilly (in July)/.—Fever and chilliness, with complete exhaustion, and a painful sensation in the whole body (after two days)/.—Shivering on the back and loins in a warm room (first day)/.—The hands were constantly chilly; she was obliged to cover and wrap them up/.—Temperature depressed/.—Coldness, in the evening, in bed, so that she could not get warm, followed by nightsweat/. —Skin cold and dry (gooseflesh), (after half an hour),9.—Lower extremi- ties cold (after two hours)/4.—[910.] Feeling of coldness in the right lower extremity, at night/.—Feet icy cold, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., with heat of the head (second day); (had never been so cold for so long a time before)/. —Coldness of the feet at night, preventing sleep/.—Cold feet, every even- ing/.—Unable to fall asleep for four hours on account of cold feet (second day)/.—Febrile coldness, at 6 p.m., and blue nails (after seven days)/.— Heat. Fever, with full pulse and burning in the skin, though without pain/.—He became intolerably hot at night under the bedclothes ; was obliged to uncover from time to time/.—Anxious heat at night (with itch- ing), so that he was beside himself with despair, and did not know what to do/.—Heat and chill at the same time (almost like a shaking chill), both internal, at 10 p.m., with a weeping mood/.—[920.] Sensation of heat over the whole body, lasting thirty-six hours/.—Heat over the whole body, in the morning, on waking/.—Flushes of heat over the whole body (after five days)/.—Flushes of heat, six or eight times a day, so that he immediately perspired all over/.—Flushes of heat in the face, burning hot hands, dry tongue, and accelerated respiration, every evening from 5 to 6/.—Heat from 5 to 6 p.m., several evenings (after nine days)/.—Violent heat of the head and nose, especially after a glass of wine ; was obliged to go into the open air to cool off (second day)/.—Heat in the head ; cold, moist hands/. * —Sensation of heat and perspiration, mostly on the head, after eating/.— Heat of the face, redness of the cheeks/.—[930.] Sensation of heat in the face (after three days)/.—Much heat of the face all day, especially after dinner (after four days)/.—Heat of the face and head (after six days)/.— Heat of the face aud eyes (immediately)/.—Burning heat on the forehead and face, with itchiug/.—Heat, with buruing pain in the mouth, before midnight; after midnight, chilliness (after four days)/.—Heat and dryness PETROLEUM. 331 in the trachea, with internal heat of the body, with discomfort, irritability, and exhaustion/.—Heat in the soles and bands during the menses/.— Sweat. At first, heat in the hands, and then perspiration in the palms/. —Profuse nightsweat (after six days)/.—[940.] Very profuse nightsweat (after twenty-four hours)/.—He easily broke into a perspiration/.—Profuse perspiration on the head, in the evening, after lying dowu/.—(Woke on back twice, on one occasion perspiring on body and right hand. It was a hot night, therefore this symptom is somewhat doubtful), (first night)/.— Perspiration at first on the back at night, that woke him about 4 o'clock; followed by internal dry heat, with discomfort, on account of which he could not fall asleep agaiu/.—Perspiration on the back and chest, while at rest, during the day/.—Profuse perspiration in the axilla/.—Much perspi- ration on the hands/.—Perspiration on the legs, as far up as above the kuees and on the forearms, especially on the wrists/.—* Profuse perspiration on the feet (after fifty-six days)/.—[950.] Perspiration on the soles/. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), Angry; dejected, quiet; on waking, ill-huraored; confusion of head; heaviness of head; dulness of head ; headache ; on rising, headache; on waking, sticking pain in fore- head ; pressure in occiput; unable to open eyes; vision dim and misty; bloody mucus blown from nose; in bed, right articulation of jaw painful; canine teeth too loug; dryness in the mouth ; bitter, sour taste; hawking of mucus, with headache; dryness in mouth and throat; eructatious tast- ing like bad eggs; heartburn ; after waking, nausea ; pressure in the stom- ach ; pain in the stomach ; clawing in the stomach ; 5 a.m., pain below umbilicus ; rumbling in bowels ; cutting colic ; on awaking, cutting in the abdomen ; 4 a.m., wakened by cutting in the abdomen, with nausea and diarrhoea; on awaking, erections ; emission, followed by heat; on awaking, desire for emission in genitals; pressure upon sternura ; pain in small of back ; after rising, extremities seem stiff; iu bed, arm stretched itself; sticking iu right hand; after rising, weakness in the knees; ou waking, tearing in the heels; on rising, trembling; weakness ; exhaustion ; on entering house after going out, faintness; on waking, buruing in the hands ; itching of the whole body ; weary and sleepy ; snoring in sleep ; on waking, heat in the whole body ; 4 a.m., wakened by perspiration on back. —(Forenoon), Pain in arms, chest, and back; chill, with headache; 10 A.m., violent chill.—(Noon), Sleepiness.—(Afternoon), Sticking in left side of occiput ; after eating, eructations; distension of the stomach ; pressure in the stomach and diarrhcea; stitches in the stomach; abdomen distended ; hoarseness ; pressure aud tightness in the chest; 3 or 4 p.m., chilliness; febrile coldness and blue nails.—(Toward evening), Sneezing, with sleepi- ness; heartburn; eructations; burning pain in urethra; cough.—(Even- ing), Vertigo, with roaring in the ear ; in bed, vertigo and nausea ; after walking in the open air, headache; tearing headache ; pain in right side of vertex ; stitches in vertex, followed by pressure ; pressure in the eyes ; twitching before eyes ; roaring in left ear; tearing in a hollow tooth ; sticking in teeth ; hiccough ; clawing in stomach ; on going to sleep, abdo- men much distended ; griping and rumbling in abdomen ; cutting colic; griping in abdomen ; feeling of diarrhoea in the abdomen, without stool; in bed, rattling in trachea; dyspnoea; while sitting still, palpitation ; or- gasm of blood, with bitter taste ; weariness and stiffness in small of back and coccyx ; bruised sensation in limbs; stiffness of fingers and arms; picking in a wart on the finger; in bed, pain in warts; tearing in left knee ; while walking and lying down, sticking in right knee-joint; swell- 332 PETROLEUM. ing and heat in sole of foot; on lying down, heaviness and bruised sensa- tion in limbs; in bed, whole body jerked together; while sitting still, sleepiness; chilliness; 10 p.m., internal shaking chill; shaking chill; cold- ness ; cold feet; 5 to 6 p.m., heat; after lying down, perspiration on head. —(Night), Sticking toothache ; much micturition ; cough ; oppression of chest; pressure upon upper part of sternum ; heaviness in the limbs, and weariness in the back ; gouty pain in hip, knee, and ankle-joints; cramp in the calves; cramp in teudo Achillis ; cramp in soles of feet; restless sleep ; dreamy slumber; coldness in right lower extremity ; feet cold ; heat. (Before midnight}, Heat, with burning pain in mouth.—(About midnight), Awakened by pressure and griping in abdomen.—(After midnight), Chilli- ness.—(Acid and salt things), Smarting on tongue.—(Open air), Lachryma- tion ; entering teeth, pain.—(Bending arm), Stitches up and down arm.— (Bending body to left), Cutting pain iu right side of chest.—(After break- fast), Toothache ; bitterness in mouth ; uprisings of sour water.—(During caresses), Emissions.—(When chewing), Gum sore.—(Coughing), Sticking in chest, and pain in head; nausea.—(Paroxysms of cough), Pain in groin. —(After dinner), Dizziness ; heat of the face ; sour eructations; moderate one, fulness, with pressure in the stomach.—(Eating a little food), Disor- ders his stomach, and causes fulness and oppression.—(After eating), Head seems befogged; rush of blood to head ; rising of heat into left side of head, with red cheeks; accumulation of saliva ; in the morning and at noon, cramplike spasm in chest; iusipidity and uneasiness; heat and per- spiration on head.—(Following nocturnal emission), Sticking in the right groin.—(Incomplete eructations), Painful jerk iu back.—(Exerting eyes), Burning and cutting in them.—(Physical exertions), Stitches in hepatic region.—(Flexion of arm), Pain in axillary fossa.—(Going upstairs), Vio- lent pulse.—(Keeping quiet), Throbbing in soles of feet.—(Lying upon part), Pulsation in occiput.—(During menses), Singing and roaring in ears; tearing in thigh ; places in knee painful to touch ; weakness and prostra- tion ; beat in soles and hands.—{Menstrual blood), Itching on genitals.— (During micturition), Constriction in region of neck of bladder; cutting in neck of bladder; burning pain.—(After micturition), Dribbling of urine. (After a glass of milk), Eructations, with pressure in the stomach.—(Motion), Rapid, feeling of a rush of blood to brain ; slight, violent circulation of blood ; pressive pain in nape of neck ; cramp in upper arm ; pain in hips; paiu in left thigh.—(Moving about), Cutting pain in small of back.—(Moving foot), Cramp in ankle and sole.—(Pressure), Painfulness of bone above right eye; lower jaw painful.—(Pronation of the arm), Pain in arm.— (Putting right foot to ground in walking), Pain in hip and knee.—(Raising eyes), Vertigo. — (Raising arm), Shoulder-joint painful.—(During rest), Stitches up and down arm.—(Biding in a wagon), Spine painful.—(Rising from a seat), Vertigo; pain in small of back.—(Rising up from lying down), Vertigo.—(Sewing), Fulness and heat in head.—(Sitting in cold air), Oppression of chest.—( While sitting), Crawling; falling asleep of the abdominal muscles; cramplike pain in both groins; pain in small of back; coccyx painful; pressure in the hips; sticking sensation from above knee to foot.—(On going to sleep), Itching in anus.—(During sleep), Noon and night, twitchings.—(Smoking), Befogs him ; cough.—(Stepping), Pains in first joint of toe.—(After stool), Dizziness ; ravenous hunger.—(Stooping), Vertigo and nausea ; pressure in head ; sticking and jerking in head ; sen- sation of fulness and heat in head ; pain above right eyebrow; lower jaw painful; cutting pain in small of back.—(Stormy weather), Diarrhoea, with PETROSELINUM. 333 disordered stomach.—(Before an approaching storm), Faintness.—(Sivallow- ing), Sticking pain in throat; rawness in pharynx; liquid, vomiting; pain- ful jerk in back.—(After supper), Discomfort.—(Touch), Finger-nails pain- ful.—(On urinating). Itching in the female urethra; stitch in penis.— (Walking), In open air, hypochondriac ; vertigo; sticking jerking in head; suddeu nausea; violent pulse; stitches in body; rapidly, muscles of left thigh felt stiff; weakness of right knee ; cramp in left knee ; painful jerk- ing in right leg, from knee-joiut; pain in tibia ; pain in muscles of right lower leg; sticking sensation from above knee to foot; thighs stiff and heavy ; tension in foot; burning over the whole body.—(After walking), Weakness ; nervous weakness of whole body ; weakness in small of back.— ( Warm room), Shivering in the back and loins.—(Wine taken at dinner), Goes to his head and makes him stupid. Anieliorat ion.—(Bending backward), Drawing in back.—(Fating), Pressure in stomach.—(After eating), Weakness.—(Exercise on foot), Heavi- ness in stomach.—(After eructations), Pressure upon sternum.—(Haemor- rhage from nose), Headache.—(Lying down), Vertigo.—(Motion), Pulsating roaring in forehead.—(Stooping), Cramplike spasm in chest.—(Walking rapidly in open air), Stiffness in fingers and arm. PETROSELINUM. Carum petroselinum, Benth. (Petroselinum sativum, Hoffm., Apium petroselinum, L.) Natural order, Umbelliferae. Common names, Parsley, Petersilie, Le Persil. Preparation, Tincture of the whole plant. Authority, Bethmann, Archiv. f. Horn., 18, 3, 34, symptoms observed. Urinary and Sexual Organs.—* Discharge of a milky fluid from the urethra (fifth day).—* Orifice of the urethra agglutinated with mucus (sixth day).—(Yellow discharge from the urethra.)—(Albuminous dis- charge from the urethra.)—*Slight burning in the navicular fossa while urinating (fifth day).—* Drawing and sticking in the navicular fossa, that after urinating changed to a cutting biting (fifth day).—(Crawling rather than burning, extending frora the perineum through the whole urethra, while urinating.)—Creeping crawling in the isthmus of the urethra, in the morning, iu bed (fourth day).—At first a creeping crawling, then a pres- sure in the urethra, in the region of Cowper's glands, in the morning in bed, relieved while standing and sitting (fifth day).—[10.] Drawing fol- lowed by itching of the navicular fossa.—Drawing and pressure just behind the navicular fossa. — *(Frequent voluptuous tickling in the navicular fossa.)—*Frequent desire to urinate, recurring nearly every half hour, caused by a crawling stitch behind the navicular fossa.—*(Priapismus, without cur- vature of the penis.)—Profuse emission, towards morning. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Toward morning), Emission.—(Morn- ing), In bed, creeping crawling in the isthmus of the urethra; crawling, then pressure, in the region of Cowper's glands.—(While urinating), Buru- ing in the navicular fossa; crawling through the urethra. Anieliorat ion.—( While standing and sitting), Crawling and pressure in the region of Cowper's glands. 334 PHALLUS—PHASEOLUS. PHALLUS. Phallus impudicus, L. Natural order, Fungi. Common name, Stinkhorn. Preparation, Tincture of whole fungus. Authority. Kaleniczeusko, effects of an infusion, five or six spoonfuls, taken during twenty-four hours, for experiment, L'Union Med., 1865, No. 34. Head.—Vertigo. Eye.—Difficult vision.—Obscuration of vision.—Objects seem colored gray, as in smoke. Throat.—Great dryness of the throat, with irritation, as from black pepper. Stomach.—Loss of appetite.—Devouring thirst.—Violent vomiting, with profuse salivation.—Gastroenteralgia. Abdomen,—[10.] Painful sensitiveness of the whole abdomen. Stool.—Watery diarrhoea. Urinary Organs.—Urine deep-red, depositing a sediment of urates of lime and soda. Respiratory Organs.—Dry, oppressive cough. Generalities.—Great feebleness of the whole body. Sleep.—Sleepiness. Fever.—After a few days all the pores became opened; profuse viscid perspiration. PHASEOLUS. Phaseolus vulgaris, L. Natural order, Leguminosae. Common names, Bean, Bohrae. Preparation, Trituration of (raw) beans. Authorities. 1, Dr. Deraeures, Journ. de la Soc. Gall., Ser. Ire., vol. 4, p. 112, effects of eating raw beans; 2, William Dale, Esq., Brit. Med. Journ., April, 1864, p. 471, effects of eating mildewed beans, in a child. He could only be roused by speaking loudly/.—Soon after, headache from fulness of the brain; every movement of the head increased the pain, which was chiefly seated in the forehead and orbits. The headache lasted from noon till bedtime, ceased when in bed, but returned at 10 o'clock next day, while writing. The headache occupies the forehead/.—Two hours after, the pain in the head returned, while writing; it is more local- ized, being fixed in the right side of the forehead/.—The headache con- tinued till as late as the 18th Juty, but diminished gradually each day/.— The right eye is paiuful to touch, as if it had received a blow/.—When wrinkling the skin of the forehead, pain in the right orbit/.—Pain over the right orbit whenever I read or wrote, or exercised the brain (sixth to eleventh days)/.—Scalding pain in the right orbit/.—Very smart itching in the inner canthi/.—[10.] The eyeballs are painful to touch/.—Pupils widely dilated and insensible to light/.—The features expressed suffering/. —Two or three days after, pain iu the epigastrium when touched, but felt more ou touch in the region of the pyloric valve. The cartilage of the last true right rib is paiuful to touch, as if bruised/.—Pressure on the ab- PHELLANDRIUM. 335 doraen apparently gave pain, as the child shrank from it, and drew up his legs,2.—Pain, like hernia, in the right inguinal ring; this pain lasts all day (nineteenth day)/.—Breathing slow and sighing,2.—The pulse at the wrist rapid and almost imperceptible/.—Pain to touch, in the extremity of the head of the right humerus; this symptom only lasts a few hours (thirteenth 'day)/.—A hard, rounded, projecting, movable tumor, painful to touch, appears all of a suddeu, above the right nipple, in a full state of develop- ment (fifteenth day)/.—[20.] Bedewed with cold perspiration/. PHELLANDRIUM. CEnanthe phellandrium, Lamk. (Phellandrium aquaticum, Linn.). Natural order, Urabelliferae. Common names (G.), Wasser-fenchel, Pferde-kuemrael, Ross-fenchel. Preparation, Tincture of the seeds. Authorities. Hartlaub and Trinks, R. A. M. L., 2, 138. 1, Neuning; 2, Richter, Arznm., ii, p. 211; 3, Turnbull, Pharm. Journ., 1853, p. 590, effects of seeds in large doses, from Woodville's Med. Botany. 3Iind.—Sensation of intoxication in the open air, that disappears in the house/.—Intoxication,2.—Very much excited and joyous, in the even- ing (second day)/.—Lively mood, with facile movements of the body, with agreeable warmth/.—Apprehension, with tightness about the chest, au hour and a half after dinner/.—She was apprehensive, and everything that she thought about fretted her, although she continued active at her work (after four hours)/.—Depressed mood and sadness the whole forenoon/.—Sad, depressed, taking no pleasure in anything (after a quarter of an hour)/.— Sad mood and fear the whole day, as from impending misfortune; she wept, and was prone to think upon sad subjects (third day)/.—[10.] Everything fretted her; she had a morose expression (after one hour)/.— Very ill-humored and sad (after two hours and a half)/.—Ill-humored all day/.—Ill-humored, peevish/.—Deeply absorbed iu herself and in thought (after four hours)/. Head.— Vertigo. Vertigo/.—Vertigo, so that she could scarcely open the eyes/.—Vertigo, both while sitting and moving about/.—Vertigo, even to falling backward/.—The vertigo is worse in the opeu air; gradu- ally disappears (after half an hour)/.—[20.] Vertigo, so that she easily falls forward, backward, and to the side, in the house; better in the open air; worse while lying down (after five minutes)/.—Vertigo, that is worse when walking; it seems as though something projected from the forehead, so that she could not see over it (after eight minutes)/.—Vertigo and dulness of the head (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Vertigo and heaviness of the head ; it threatens to fall to the side to which he turns it (after eight minutes)/.—General Head. The head falls back and forth, while walking/.—Head dizzy and confused, as after intoxicatiou, at 1 p.m!/.— Obscuration of the head, as if intoxicated/.—Remarkable sensation of weight in the head, accompanied with giddiness, intoxication, etc./.— Heaviness of the head,2.—Great heaviness of the head, that continued a long time, so that she thought she would be obliged to lie down (after ten minutes)/.—[30.] Sensation of heaviness of the head, as if the head would be drawn backward to the nape of the neck (after half an hour)/.—The head seems heavy, as if a weight were in it (after a quarter of an hour)/. —The head seems large, full, and heavy (after half an hour)/.—Sensation 336 PHELLANDRIUM. of fulness and heaviness in the head, so that she did not know how to hold it (after half an hour)/.—Dulness of the head/.—Dulness and headache the whole forenoon (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Headache, with perspi- ration on the top of the head as far as the forehead, a quarter of an hour after dinner, soon followed by coldness of the head/.—A sound in the brain, as if one were beating on a metal that was freely swinging, which woke him, after which the sound gradually died away, at 5 A.M. (eighth day)/.— The dull headache and most of the head troubles disappear during dinner/. —The head symptoms seem relieved in the opeu air/.—Forehead. [40.] A back-and-forth movement in the forehead, almost as if the head were moving back and forth (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Pressive sensation in the left frontal region, with a sensation of warmth in it (after two hours and a half)/.—Sticking in the right frontal region, that lasted a long time/. —Tearing in the forehead (after one hour and a half)/.—Pressive tearing extending to the right frontal region, while standing, three-quarters of an hour after dinner/.—A dizzy headache in the left frontal region, with in- creased warmth of the head and hands, without perspiration (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Temples. Pressure in the right temple/.—Fine sticking in front of the left temple, that soon disappears (after a quarter of au hour)/.—A sticking burning in the left temple, at 9 p.m./.—Intermitting burrowing in the left frontal region (after two hours and a half),1.— Ver- tex. [50.] * Pain fid heaviness of the vertex, as if a hard body were lying upon it (after two hours)/.—A burrowiug pressure on the top of the head, more to the left side (after three hours)/.—An almost burning coustrictive sensation on the top of the head, more towards the forepart and left side/. —A constrictive sensation extending from the vertex to the sinciput (after one hour and a half)/.—Painful throbbing and sticking on the vertex, that lasted a long time, at 3 p.m./.—A sudden painful stitch in the vertex, so that it drew the head backward (after one hour and a half)/.—Two tearings and a stitch in the right side of the vertex, after eating (after two hours)/.—A hot orgasm extending from the occiput to the vertex, and a slight dull stitch in the left side of the vertex, a quarter of an hour after dinner/- — Varietals. Compressive pain in both sides of the head, with dull headache (after one hour)/.—Tearing in the upper part of the right side of the head, on shaking the head (after three hours)/.—[60.] Pain- ful tearing in the right side of the head, extending downwards (after one hour)/.—Occiput and External Head. Very distressing inter- mitting pressure in the occiput (after two hours and a quarter)/.—An almost burning constrictive sensation in the occiput, lasting three-quarters of an hour/.—Pressive duluess in the occiput, that lasted a long time (after half an hour)/.—Dull headache, especially in the sinciput/.—Painful tear- ing in the occiput (after two hours and a quarter)/.—A slight burrowing in the left occipital protuberance (after eight minutes)/.—Some sharp stitches in the right side of the occiput (after one hour)/.—Itching on the scalp, relieved by scratching (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Itching above the right side of the forehead, relieved by scratching, at 9.30 p.m./. —[70.] Itching on the left temple, relieved by scratching, but returning, and only entirely relieved after repeated scratching, at 2.30 p.m./.—Itch- ing on the right side of the head, relieved by scratching, an hour and a half after dinner/.—Itching on the right side of the occiput, relieved by scratching (after two hours and three-quarters)/.—Biting, like fieabites, in a small spot on the upper part of the right side of the head, relieved by rubbing (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Two stitches, like fieabites, on PHELLANDRIUM. 337 the right side of the occiput, followed by sore smarting on the spot (after two hours and a half)/. Eye.—Sensation of dryness and burning in the eyes, lasting half an hour (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Dryness of the eyes, with sticking in them, iu the house and in the open air (after a quarter of an hour)/.— Intermitting pressure about both eyes (after three hours)/.—Frequent biting in the left eye, as from something corrosive/.—Sticking itching in both eyes, that disappears on rubbing (after half an hour)/.—Itching in the right eye, that disappears on rubbing, at 8 p.m./.—[80.] Itching in the left eye, disappearing on rubbing, after dinner,1.—Orbit and Lid. Frequent tearing in the right upper orbital margin, in the bone (after four hours)/. —The eyelids close from heaviness and sleepiness (after five minutes)/.— Frequent twitching of the left lids (after two hours and a half)/.—Tearing in the right lower lid, near the outer canthus, after dinner/.—A tension and buruing in a very small spot on the left lower lid (after three-quarters of au hour)/.—The lids burn, in the morning, during and after rising (sec- ond day)/.—Itching-sticking biting in the inner canthus (after one hour)/. —Biting on the left lid, lasting a long time (after two hours and a quar- ter)/.—Biting burning in the left upper lid, almost like that caused by horseradish or Mezereum, at 9.30 p.m./.—[90.] Biting itching on the left lid, at 3 P.M. (third day)/.—Itching in the left lower lid, that disappears after rubbing,1.—Itching in the right inner canthus, that disappears on rubbing/.—Lachrymal Apparatus. * Increased lachrymation in both eyes, with biting (after one hour)/.— Watering of the eyes in the house and in the open air (after two hours and a half)/.—The eyes are very watery, in the morning, but not agglutinated (second day)/.— Vision. Dimness of vision, with and without the vertigo, while sewing (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Dimness, like a mist, before the eyes, that lasts three hours, while sewing (after half an hour)/. Ear.—Itching tearing behind the left ear, that frequently returns (after one hour and a half)/.—Painful tearing behind the left ear, at 3 p.m./.— [100.] Painful boring deep in the left ear, that extends to the left jaw (after three hours aud a half)/.—Painful boring within the left ear, soon disappearing (after three hours and a half)/.—Frequent paiuful tearing in the right ear, half an hour after dinner/.—A fine tearing in the right external meatus (after one hour)/.—Itching biting within the right ear, that extends still deeper on boring in with the finger (after three hours and a half)/.—Crawling itching externally and within the right ear, that dis- appears on boring in with the finger and on rubbing, half an hour after dinner/.—Singing and noises in the right ear, at 8 a.m. (second day)/. Nose.—A number of vesicles in the right nostril, that at first itch, then become confluent, and smart only when scratched off/.—Both nostrils are red, burning, and, together with the upper lip, are swolleu, with coryza and hoarseness (third to fifth day)/.—Sneezing twice, half au hour after dinner/.—[HO.] Fluent coryza, with hoarseness (fifth day)/.—The nose is stopped, in the evening, so that she is obliged to sit up at night to get air; on the next morning fluent coryza (fourth day)/.—Could scarcely get air through the nose on account of the stoppage, with roughness of the voice (first and second days)/.—She had no smell in the nose for three hours (after one hour)/. Face.—Pale look, without sensation of coldness, an hour and a half after dinner/.—Tension of the skin of the left side of the face, with in- creased warmth/.—Tension in a small spot on the left cheek, that disap- vol. vii.—22 338 PHELLANDRIUM. pears on rubbing (after two hours and a quarter)/.—Violent pinching on the left cheek, with tearing to and fro for some time, in the open air; a kind of violent twitching (after two hours and a half)/.—A fine stitch, like a fleabite, between the chin and lower lip, somewhat to the right side, after eating (after one hour and a half)/.—Tearing in a small spot on the left lower jaw (after four hours)/. Mouth.—Teeth and Gum. [120.] Stitches, as with needles, and tearing, in the last upper left back tooth, aggravated by touch of the tongue, at 1.30 p.m./.—Some tearing in the last lower right back tooth, in cool air, disappearing in the house, in the evening/.—Fine tearing in the cavity of a left lower back tooth, at 8.30 p.m./.—Transient tearing in a right upper cavity/.—Itching tearing in the roots of an upper and opposite lower back tooth of the right side, during dinner/.—The gum of the two left lower incisors is red and swollen ou the posterior surface, with an ulcerative pain when pressed upon, at 5.30 p.m. (second day)/.—Biting sensation, almost like a burning, on the gum, on the inner surface of the anterior lower incisors/.—Tearing in the gum of the right upper back tooth, that soon disappears (after half an hour)/.—Tongue and Gen- eral 3Iouth. Red vesicles, that burn like fire, on the right margin of the tongue, towards the tip (sixth and seventh days)/.—Burning biting on the tip of the tongue, as from blisters, soon disappearing/.—[130.] Burn- ing prickling on the tip of the tongue/.—The mouth and throat are so dry at night that she can swallow only with difficulty (after forty-eight hours)/. —Saliva. Constant accumulation of saliva and spitting, lasting half an hour (after half au hour)/. — Frothy saliva, which she is frequently obliged to spit out, half au hour after dinner/.—Taste. Sweet taste in the mouth, after drinking water, half an hour after diuner/.—The taste of beer seems very bitter/.—Taste of cheese on the tongue (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Slimy taste in the mouth (soon)/. Throat.—Mucus collects in the throat and provokes hawking (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Hawking of mucus, in the evening, on account of rawness in the throat/.—[140.] Chokes easily while drinking, in the even- ing/.—Dryness in the throat, at night, and thirst for beer, in the morning, especially for fresh milk (fourth day),1.— Dryness in the throat, with thirst, in the morning, that disappears after breakfast, repeated the follow- ing day (ninth day)/.—Rawness in the throat that frequently disappears and returns (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Rawness in the throat, with hoarseness, that lasts a long time (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Rawness in the throat that provokes hawking (after one hour)/.—Sensation of raw- ness in the throat, with short breath (after two hours)/.—At 4 p.m., the pressure and sticking iu the throat return and last till 6, when they gradu- ally disappear; the pain is noticed only on empty swallowing and on swal- lowing saliva, not while eating, and compels hawking, after which swal- lowing becomes painless; the throat is not sensitive externally, and the parts are not red (second day)/.—Sore throat, with pressure and sticking, during empty swallowing, and at other times; she noticed nothing of it after taking food, from 4 to 7 p.m./.—Sore throat; stitches when swallow- ing, and at other times; it disappears on eating bread, but immediately afterwards returns, at 4 p.m./.—[150.] Stitches in the throat, more while swallowing than at other times (fifth and sixth days)/.—A burning sensa- tion in the oesophagus, extending downward (immediately)/. Stomach.—Appetite. Increased hunger; she wanted to eat con- stantly, contrary to habit (after one hour and a half)/.—She has no PHELLANDRIUM. 339 hunger ; it constantly seems as though the stomach were full/.—She has no hunger; indeed she is averse to food, yet she eats her usual meal at noon/.—She eats only soup at noon, without appetite/.—Loathing of the veal that had been eaten iu the evening (sixth day)/.—Thirst. Thirst, at 5 p.m. (third day)/.—Great thirst, in the morning (sixth day)/.—Thirst neither before, during, nor after the chill/.—[160.] Thirst for milk and aversion to water, that disappears for awhile after taking soup, in the morning (second day)/.—Thirst for milk and beer, with aversion to water (fourth day),1.—Desire for acids, with thirst, in the morning (fourth day)/. —Aversion to and dread of water, with thirst, though she could easily take liquid food; the whole forenoou and after eating/.— Eructations. Eructations, tasting of the food eaten at diuner, an hour previously/.— Eructatious, with an odor almost of bedbugs (after half an hour)/.— Empty eructations, at 8 p.m./.—Inclination to eructate, and ineffectual eructations, with pressure in the stomach (after half an hour)/.—A seusa- tion as if an acrid pungent exhalation rose from the stomach, with an in- effectual effort to eructate (after three hours)/.—Nausea. Loathing, so that she was frequently obliged to spit (after eight minutes)/.—[170.] Nausea in the stomach, like qualmishness; she wished that she could eruc- tate (after one hour and a half)/.—A slight qualmishness iu the stomach (after one hour)/.—She woke after midnight with anxiety, nausea, and loathing, that came from the abdomen into the stomach ; she was obliged to rise, and had two diarrhcea-like stools in succession, with pressure and tenesmus, followed by sore paiu in the anus, after which she fell asleep (the evening before she had eaten potatoes and vinegar), (fifth day)/.— Nausea and qualmishness, followed by pressure in the stomach, disappear- ing on empty eructations/.—Nausea, qualmishness, and loathing, in the stomach, lasting a long time/.—General Stomach. Oppression of the stomach, that disappears after rising (after five minutes)/.—An indescrib- able disagreeable sensation in the stomach/.—A very sick and empty feel- ing in the stomach (after one hour)/.—Sensation of faintness and empti- ness in the stomach, with constant painless movements about in the intes- tines (after two hours and a half)/.—Sensation as if the stomach were full of water that would rise up, followed by a sensation as if a large round body were twisting about in the stomach, that afterwards fell downward, followed by rumbling in the stomach (after half an hour)/.—[180.] Long- continued burning in the stomach (soon)/.—Pinching and cutting about the epigastric region/.—Dull stitches above the pit of the stomach, though without affecting respiration (after five minutes)/. Abdomen.— Umbilicus and Sides. Pinching and constriction about the umbilical region/.—Sudden painful pinching about the navel, that soon disappears (second day)/.—Some short twingings in the right side of the abdoraen (after one hour and three-quarters)/.—A constrictive pain in the right side of the upper abdomen, while eating, thence it ex- tends in a straight line to the left side, where it becomes a sticking; after ' rising from a seat and on walking about it disappears/.—Sudden burning in the right side of the upper abdomen (after half an hour)/.—A biting, internally, in the right side of the upper abdomen (after two hours and a half)/.—Biting in a small spot to the right of the navel (after two hours and a half)/.—General Abdomen. [190.] Very violent audible rumbling and gurgling in the whole abdomen (after two hours)/.—The abdomen seems very much distended (after two hours)/.—Slight but fre- quent emission of flatus, at 1.30 p.m./.—Incarceration of flatus by the ribs 340 PHELLANDRIUM. and in the sacral region, in the morning (second day)/.—Qualmishness in the abdomen, with frequent emission of flatus and thin stool, without tenes- mus, at 9 a.m., lasting the whole day (fourth day)/.—Pressure in the ab- domen, caused by flatus that is not passed, in the morning (second day)/. —Pressure in the upper abdomeu and about the navel, at 2 p.m. (third day)/.—Burning, extending from the abdomen up into the stomach, fid- lowing the eructatious of the drug (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Movings about in the whole abdomen (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Short moving back and forth in the upper abdomeu, causing coldness (after half an hour)/.—[200.] Moving about in the intestiues that causes coldness (immediately)/.—Feeling of coldness iu the abdomen, after the stool/.— Icy coldness iu the intestines, that continues for a quarter of an hour, after spirituous drinks (soon)/.—Long-continued sensation of coldness in the abdomen (after two hours and a half)/.—Pinching in the abdomen, espe- cially about the navel, with very soft stool (second day)/.—Pinching in the upper abdomen and desire for stool, but only flatus was emitted, an hour after dinner/.—Pinching and cutting in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would occur, at 3 a.m. ; a hard stool, however, resulted, after which the pains were relieved for a time, but returued again after half an hour, fol- lowed by a liquid stool and tenesmus, when the pains gradually decreased in severity (fourth day)/.—Cutting pains in the abdomen, that cease after the evacuation of soft faeces, at 7 p.m./.—Long-continued, though fre- quently intermitting, aching iu the upper abdomen, at 2 p.m./.—Hypo- gastrium. Cutting in the middle of the lower abdomen, that extended on the right side to the epigastric region, and was very painful (after three- quarters of an hour)/. —[210.] Frequent intermitting pinching in the lower abdomen (after two hours and a quarter)/.—A dull stitch in the right flank, during inspiration, and on bending towards that side a violent stitch in the right inguinal region, after dinner/. Rectum, Anus, and Stool.—Burning in the anus, with an in- effectual desire for stool, at 1.30 p.m./.—Itching in the anus, that becomes a burning, after rubbing/.—Stool, preceded aud accompanied by the flatu- lence, griping in the whole abdomen, and succeeded by tenesmus in the anus/.—Normal stool, the upper surface of which was glistening, followed by burning in the anus (after one hour and a half')/.—The usual stool, three times in one day, with emission of much flatus/.—Very thin stool, followed by tenesmus aud sore pain in the anus (relieved by Rheum.), (sixth day)/. —Soft stool in the evening, though he had had a hard stool in the fore- noon/.—No stool all day, but transient urging thereto, only in the after- noon and evening/.—[220.] Two hard stools, with painful pressure (third and fourth days)/.—Hard stool, with pressure/.—Very hard stool, with violent pain in the anus (second day)/.—Very copious hard stool, accom- panied by some clawing (second day)/. Urinary Organs.—Desire to urinate, although he had urinated only five minutes before/.—Desire to urinate, but only a very little is passed, with violent burning, in the evening/.—Increased secretion of urine, in the forenoon/.—The urine passed the second time after an hour was very pale; again, after two hours, pale, almost greenish, although he had druuk nothing/.—Urine pale, almost as clear as water, passed four times/.—Evacuation of very pale urine, as clear as water, although he had urinated only three-quarters of an hour before/.—[230.] Urine scanty (soon)/.—Urine very scanty/. Sexual Organs.—Itching on the prepuce, removed by scratching/. PHELLANDRIUM. 341 —The menses, that had just begun, ceased (after two hours)/.—Menses seven days too early ; coming on with weakness and prostration, that were relieved by walking about, without the usual symptoms/.—Menses twelve days too early, lasting only a day and a half, and very scanty, though with- out any difficulties; quite unusual,1.—On the appearance of the menses, great weakness, yawning, violent bruised pain in the inner surfaces of both thighs, so that she could neither sit, stand, walk, nor lie on account of great pain; somewhat relieved by leaning the body towards the left side, and disappearing in the afternoon ; all unusual; the menses lasted only eight days, *floived only in the morning and evening, and rather more profusely than usual?. Pesjiiratory Organs.— Voice. Hoarseness, with rawness in the larynx (after two hours and a half')/.—Cough and Expectoration. Some paroxysms of cough, at 1.30 p.m./.—Some paroxysms of cough, at 3 p.m./.—[240.] Dry cough, with suffocation and short breath, in the even- ing (third day)/.—Cough, with mucus in the throat, that provokes constant hawking and coughing, and is not relieved by sitting up at night (third day)/.—Dry cough, in the afternoon (fifth day)/.—Frequent easy expecto- ration of mucus, in the morniug/.—(The usual daily expectoration of mucus, in the morniug, ceases), (second day)/.—Respiration. Short- ness of breath, with oppression of the chest (after one hour and a half)/.— Shortness of breath, while walking (after one hour)/. Chest.—Pressure in the chest, while standing, that provokes deep breathing (after a quarter of an hour),1.—Pressure upon the chest and tightness of breath (after four hours)/.—Stitches iu the chest on inspira- tion and on yawning, an hour and a half after dinuer/.—Front. [250.] Burning in the upper part of the sternum, and at the same time in the middle of the left scapula, while standing (after four hours)/.—The lower portion of the sternum aud pit of the stomach sensitive to pressure (after one hour and a half)/.—Sharp stitches in the upper part of the sternum, somewhat to the right side, not affected by respiration (after four hours)/. —Sharp stitches in the middle of the chest on breathing, after dinner (after one hour and a quarter)/.—Sides. Stitches in the costal carti- lages, to the left of the pit of the stomach, on various motions of the trunk, but not during rest, at 7 p.m./.—Oppression of the right side of the chest, in a spot as large as the hand, while breathing (after one hour and a half)/.—A dull painful stitch in the right lower false ribs, by the back (after one hour and a half)/.—A dull stitch in the left side of the chest, beneath the left axilla (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Sharp stitches deep iu the left chest (after three hours and a half)/.—Violent dull, suc- cessive stitches in the last right false ribs/.—[260.] Some dull stitches in the last true ribs, extending towards the ensiform cartilage, not affected by inspiration, and at the same time a painful sensation iu the stomach, like a screwing together, after dinner/.—Violent stitch in the left lower false ribs, at 2 p.m./.—Pressure in the left side of the chest, upon which he was not lying, that disappears on lying upon the side, and does not re- turn, in the morning, before rising (second day)/.—31amma'. *Some sharp stitches extending inward beneath the left mamma, not affected by breath- ing (after two hours)/.—Frequeut and dull stitches iu the right mamma (after three hours)/.—*Very painful tearing stitches, that extend through the whole left mamma, at 3 p.m./.—*A violent stitch through the right mam- ma near the sternum, extending to the back between the shoulders, then downward into the right side of the sacrum, that was very painful on breathing; 342 PHELLANDRIUM. immediately after dinner/.—Biting sticking in the right nipple, in the evening, before lying down/. Heart and Pulse.—He feels the beating of the heart in the fore- part of the chest, like a beating and thumping (after one hour and a half)/. —Some sharp stitches in the praecordial region, with drawing, not aggra- vated by motion or breathing (after three hours)/.—[270.] Pulse 64 (after a quarter of an hour) ; 60 (after two hours)/.—Pulse 82, with general warmth (after two hours)/.—Pulse 73, rather hard and full/.—Pulse 80, one hour after dinner/. Week and Bach.—3Teck. A sensatiou in the left side of the neck, beneath the lower jaw, as if approached by a glowing hot iron (after one hour and a half)/.—Tearing in the left side of the neck beneath the lower jaw, then in the left side of the head, whence it extends behind the ear and down into the lower jaw, where it becomes a gnawing (after two hours)/.— Twitching in the cervical vertebrae betweeu the shoulders (after four hours)/.—Bach. If, while sitting, she moves the trunk, there is a stitch, here and there, in the back, in the groins, etc., an hour and a quarter after dinner/.—Some sharp stitches between the shoulders, half an hour after dinner/.—A twinging or constrictive sensation in the lower end of the left scapula (after one hour aud a quarter)/.—[280.] A sharp stitch in the lower end of the left scapula, while eating (after one hour and a half)/.— The small of the back is painful, as if beaten, while sitting, relieved by walking, an hour and a half after dinner/.—A dull painful stitch in the lumbar region on deep breathing (after two hours and a half)/.—Violent biting in the right side of the sacrum, so suddenly that she starts up (after three hours and a half)/.—Some violent painful stitches in the sacrum, at 5 P.M./. Superior Extremities.—A fine tearing in the left shoulder, to- wards the forepart (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Tearing in the right shoulder, that soon disappears (after one hour and a half)/.—Tearing in the inner surface of the right upper arm, extending into the shoulder, while eating (after two hours)/.—Itching or twitching in the middle of the inner surface of the right upper arm (after three hours)/.—Tearing in the right elbow-joint (after two hours and a quarter)/.—[290.] Fine tearing on the under surface of the left forearm, at 8 p.m.,1.—A fine tearing iu the left ulna, two inches above the wrist, immediately after eating (after one hour and a half)/.—Tearing in the right ulna, extending from the elbow to the middle of the forearm (after two hours aud a half)/.—Fine tearing between the second and third joints of the left middle finger, towards the back of the hand (after two hours)/.—Tearing iu the right thumb, towards the tip (after two hours and a half)/.—Tearing in the first joint of the thumb towards the front, at 2 p.m./.—Intermitting jerking-tearing in the first phalanx of the right thumb, half an hour after dinner/. Inferior Extremities.—A long dull stitch in the right hip by the sacrum (after two hours)/.—Painful tearing, extending down in the ante- rior surface of the right thigh, just above the knee (after three hours and a half)/.—Drawing pain, extending downward, in the bend of the left knee (after one hour and a half)/.—[300.] Sensation in the knees as if blood were flowing into them or were accumulating in them, almost like a burning, while sitting and standing, but not while walking, at 1 p.m./.— Fine tearing, extending from the left knee down on the tibia, at 9 p.m./.— Tearing in the right calf, extending downward (after half an hour)/.— Grumbling in the left calf, as after walking a long time, that lasts a long PHELLANDRIUM. 343 time, at 1.30 p.m./.—Weakness of the feet, and afterwards of the whole body, lasting half an hour (after five minutes)/.—A slight tearing in the upper margin of the right foot, near the little toe (after half an hour)/.— Fine tearing iu the soles of the right foot, towards the toes, like lightning, at 9 p.m./.—Fine tearing iu the sole of the right foot, in the morning (second day)/.—A tearing in the left heel posteriorly (after three hours and a half)/. Generalities.—She was so weary that she could scarcely move her feet, the whole forenoon/.—[310.] Sensation of weakness in the whole body, especially in the knees, while sitting, aud on moving about, an hour after dinner/.—Motion and the open air seem to mitigate or remove most of the symptoms/.—Most of the symptoms seem to occur while sitting and standing, and even while lying down/. Skin.—Small blue spots like petechias, between the breasts aud the neck, which are without sensation, and which disappear the following day without desquamation (after forty-eight hours)/.—The pimple on the upper lip (above mentioned) began to burn/.—A pimple, like a wart, on the right side of the neck, without sensation (sixth day)/.—A peculiar sensation over the whole body, as if all the vessels were in a tremulous motion, while sitting and standing, an hour after dinner/.—Sensation as if a fly were above the right eyebrow (after two hours)/.—Burning, biting, and corro- sive itching sticking, like electric sparks, here and there, in the head, trunk, nose, ears, cheeks, chest, arras, etc., from 8 to 10 p.m./.—Biting in the bend of the right knee (after two hours and three-quarters)/.—[320.] An almost burning or prickling sensation on the right surfaces of both calves, while standing, sitting, and walking; in the right calf the sensation extended down to the heel, almost as after a long walk and fatigue, lasting half an hour, at 1 P.M./.—Itching in various places, soon relieved after scratching/. —The itching is easily removed by rubbing or scratching, and does not reappear/.—Itching in the right eyebrow, that is soon relieved by scratch- ing (after one hour and a quarter)/.—Burning itching on the left concha, relieved by scratching, at 9 p.m./.—Itching on the left ear, soon after on the right, relieved by rubbing, in the evening, before lying down (third day)/.—Itching about the left ear, relieved after rubbing (after three hours)/.—Itching on the right side of the nose, relieved by scratching, at 2.30 p.m./.—Itching in front of the right nostril, disappearing after scratch- ing, at 3 p.m./.—Itching on the left cheek, relieved by scratching, half an hour after dinner/.—[330.] Itching on the nape of the neck, relieved by scratching (after two hours and three-quarters)/.—Itching on the right breast, relieved by scratching, at 9.30 p.m./.—Itching on the right side of the sacrum, that disappears after scratching, an hour after dinner/.—Buru- ing itching on the upper margin of the left scapula (after two hours and a half)/.—Itching on the left scapula, near the axilla, at 8 p.m./.—Itching on the lower surface of the left wrist, relieved by scratching (after three hours)/.—Itching on the back of the right hand, by the first Auger-joints, an hour and a half after dinner/.—Itching aud biting on the outer surface of the right thigh, that is not removed by scratching, after dinuer/. Sleep.—Yawning and stretching (after one hour and a quarter)/.— Yawning, with sleepiness (after three hours and a half)/.—[340.] Fre- quent yawning (third day)/.—Frequent yawning, without sleepiness, an hour and a half after dinuer/.—Sleepy, so that she would fall asleep while standing at work, lasting an hour (after ten minutes)/.—She could scarcely keep her eyes opeu on account of weariness aud sleepiness/.—Long 344 PHELLANDRIUM. sleep, in the morning, during which she hears everything/.—Woke after midnight, but soon fell asleep again/.—She woke at times from sleep before midnight, followed by long sleep, in the morning/.—Frequent waking, at night/.—Woke early, in the morning/.—Woke twice, towards raorning, with a feeling as if the limbs would fall asleep/.—[350.] She was unable to fall asleep before 2 a.m./.— Dreams. Dreams of lightnings, with great fright (second day)/.—Pleasant drearas of gardens, parties, excite- ment, etc./.—Various unremembered dreams/.—Dream of a robbery, in which he received many blows/. Fever. —Chilliness. Coldness and chilliness, with frequent shaking, about 8 p.m., continuing even after lying down; she could scarcely get warm in bed, till midnight, though the skiu was not cold to touch/.— Shivering, as if she had been dashed with cold water, lasting half an hour (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—Chilliness, with shivering, at 7 p.m., not relieved by the warmth of the stove, but disappearing in bed, about 9 p.m. (third day)/.—Shivering, from 4 to 10 p.m., when she fell asleep ; could be relieved neither by the warmth of the stove nor of the bed (third day)/.—Chilliness and shiveriug over the whole body, with gooseflesh on the arms, and cutting pains in the epigastric region, from 6 to 10 p.m./.— [360.] She was chilly, even in bed, during the first quarter of an hour, at 9.15 p.m./.—Shivering, with some thirst, lasting from 4 p.m. till night (third day)/.—Neither heat nor perspiration before, during, nor after the chill/.—A feeling of diminished warmth of the body, an hour after din- ner/.—Was more cold than warm the whole day/.—Heat. Pleasant warmth over the whole body (after a quarter of an hour)/.—Very great heat, first in the temples, especially in the left, then in the rest of the head, with perspiration on the head and hands, with onty moderate warmth of the skin, that soon disappears/.—Development of heat in the head, more on the left side, with redness of the face and increased warmth of the hands/.—Sensation of warmth in the head, with coldness of the forehead, that disappears in the open air (after three-quarters of an hour)/.—In- creased warmth in the head, with dulness (after two hours)/.—[370.] Warmth and perspiration of the head and nape of the neck, with the usual warmth of the skin, and seusatiou of warmth in the hands, without per- spiration, soon disappearing (after two hours and a half)/.—Heat in the head, with thirst for milk, after dinner/.—Sensation of heat and perspira- tion on the scalp, with a feeling of warmth iu the hands; the heat seems to start from the left side of the occiput, where it continues a burning or distress for a long time, as in the calves, at 1.30 p.m./.—Rising of warmth with perspiration about the forehead, while standing, after breakfast (after two hours and a half)/.—Heat and redness of the face, that disappeared in the open air (after one hour)/.—Burning on the cheeks, with redness of the face, without perceptibly increased warmth/. Conditions.— Aggravation.—{Morning), 5 a.m., beating sound in brain; during and after rising, lids burn; eye watery; fluent coryza; thirst for fresh milk; dryness in throat, with thirst; thirst; thirst for milk and aversion to water; desire for acids, with thirst; incarceration of flatus; 9 a.m., qualmishness, with emission of flatus; pressure in abdomen; easy expectoration of mucus; before rising, pressure in left side of chest; tear- ing in sole of right foot; 8 a.m., itchiug in left scapula; long sleep; early waking.—(Forenoon), Depression and sadness; dulness and headache; 8 a.m., singing and noises in right ear; aversion to water; secretion of urine; weariness.—(Afternoon), 1 p.m., head dizzy and confused; 3 p.m., throb- PHELLANDRIUM. 345 bing and sticking in vertex ; 2.30 p.m., itching in left temple; 3 p.m., biting itching on left lid; tearing behind left ear; 5.30 p.m., gum of left lower incisor red and swollen; 1.30 p.m., stitches in last upper back tooth ; 4 p.m., sore throat; 5 p.m., thirst; 1.30 p.m., frequent emission of flatus ; 2 p.m., aching and pressure in upper abdomen ; 1.30 p.m., burning in anus, with desire for stool ; transient urging to stool; 1.30 and 3 p.m., paroxysms of cough; cough; dry cough; 2 p.m., stitches in left lowrer false ribs; 3 p.m., stitches in left mamma; 5 p.m., stitches iu sacrum; 2 p.m., tearing in first joint of thumb; 1 p.m., while walking, sensation as if blood were flowing into knee and accumulating ; 1.30 p.m., after walking, grumbling iu left calf; 1 p.m., pricking sensation in both calves; 2.30 p.m., itching on right side of nose; 3 p.m., itching in front of right nostril; 4.30 p.m., shivering; 4 p.m., shivering, with great thirst; 1.30 p.m., heat and per- spiration in skull.—(Evening), Excited, joyous ; 9 p.m., sticking burning in left temple; 9.30 p.m., itching about right side of forehead ; 9.30 p.m., biting burning in left upper lid ; 8 p.m., itching in right eye ; nose stopped ; tearing in left lower back tooth ; 8.30 p.m., tearing in cavity of left lower back tooth ; hawking of mucus; while drinking, easily choked; loathing of veal; 8 p.m., empty eructations; 7 p.m., cutting pain in abdomen; soft stool; transient urging to stool; desire to urinate; dry cough, with suffo- cation ; 7 p.m., on motion of trunk, stitches in left costal cartilage; before lying down, biting stitch in right nipple ; 8 p.m., tearing in under surface of left forearm ; 7 p.m., tearing, extending frora left knee down, on tibia ; tearing in sole of left foot; 8 to 10 p.m., burning, biting, etc., over body; 9 p.m., itching on left concha; before lying down, itching on ears; 9.30 p.m., itching on right breast; 6 to 10 p.m., chilliness and shivering, with gooseflesh on arms; 8 p.m., coldness and chilliness; 9.15 p.m., chilly in bed.—(Night), Mouth and throat dry; dryness in throat and thirst for beer; 3 a.m., pinching and cutting in abdomen ; frequent waking.—(After midnight), Anxiety, with nausea and loathing.—(Open air), Sensation of intoxication ; vertigo; pinching in left cheek, with tearing to and fro.— (Bending to right side), After dinner, stitch in right inguinal ring.—(Bor- ing in ear with finger), Itching biting in right ear.—(Breathing), Stitches in middle of chest; oppression of right side of chest.—(Deep breathing), Stitch in lumbar region.—(During dinner), Itching and tearing in roots of back teeth, on right side.—(After dinner), Apprehension and tightness about chest; headache, with perspiration on head, followed by coldness; hot orgasm, from occiput to vertex ; itching on right side of head ; tearing in right lower lid; itching in left eye; crawling itching externally and within ear; sneezing; pale look, with sensation of coldness; frothy saliva; aversion to water; pinching in upper abdomen and desire for stool; stitches in ribs and ensiform cartilage; on breathing, stitch iu right mamma; stitches between shoulders ; tearing in right thumb; while sitting or moving about, weakness of the whole body ; sensation as if vessels over whole body were in tremulous motion; itching on right thigh ; yawning, without sleepi- ness.—( While eating), Pain in right side of upper abdomen ; stitches in left scapula ; tearing in inner surface of right upper arm.—(After eating), Tear- ing and stitch in right side of vertex ; stitch between chin and lower lip; tearing in left ulna.—( While in the house), Vertigo.—(During inspiration), Stitch in right flank.—(On inspiration and yawning), Stitches in chest.— ( While lying down), Vertigo.—(On appearance of menses), Weakness, yawn- ing, pains, etc.—(On-motion of trunk), Stitches in left costal cartilage.— (Moving trunk, while sitting), Stitches here and there.—(Pressure), Pain in 346 PHELLANDRIUM—PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. gum of left lower incisors.—(After rubbing), Itching in anus becomes burn- ing.—(While sewing), Dimness of vision.—(Shaking head), Tearing in upper part of right side.—( While sitting), Small of back painful.—( While sitting and moving about), Vertigo.—(Sitting, standing, and lying down), Most symptoms.—(While standing), Pressive tearing to right of frontal region; pressure in the chest; burning in upper part of sternura and middle of left scapula; after breakfast, warmth, and perspiration about forehead.—(After spirituous drinks), Icy coldness in intestines.—(After stool), Feeling of coldness in abdomen.—( While swallowing), Stitches in throat.—(On empty swallowing), Sore throat, with pressure and sticking.—■ ( Touching with tongue), Stitch in last upper back tooth.—( While walking), Vertigo; head falls back aud forth ; shortness of breath. — (Drinking water), After dinner, sweet taste in mouth. Amelioration.—(Open air), Vertigo; warmth in head and coldness in forehead; heat and redness of face.—(Boring into ear with finger), Crawling itching externally and within the right ear.—(During dinner), Headache, and most head symptoms.—(Eating bread), Sore throat.— (Empty eructations), Qualmishness and nausea.—(After evacuation of soft stool), Cutting pains iu abdomen.—(In the house), Sensation of intoxication ; head symptoms ; tearing in left lower back tooth.—(Lying upon left side), Pressure in left side of chest.—(Motion in open air), Most symptoms.— (After rising), Oppression of chest.—(Rising from a seat and walking about), Pain in right side of upper abdomen.—(Scratching), Most itchiugs.—(Sub- bing), Biting in upper part of right side of head; itching in both eyes; itching on left lower lid ; itching on right inner canthus ; itching in eyes; crawling itching externally and within ears; tension in a spot on left chest.—( Walking about), Weakness and prostration ; pain in small of back. PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. Glacial phosphoric acid (Metaphosphoric acid, H2OP205 or HPO.,). Preparation, Triturations of the acid obtained by the method of Hahne- mann. Authorities. (Nos. 1 to 14, from Hahnemann, Chr. Kr.) 1, Hahnemann ; 2, Becher; 3, Franz; 4, Gross; 5, Gutmann ; 6, Fr. Hahnemann; 7, Herrmann; 8, Hartmann ; 9. Laugharamer ; 10, Meyer; 11, Stapf; 12, Teuthorn; 13, Wislicenus; 14, Hering; 15, Herinigke, A. H. Z., 79, 157, proving with the 3d cent, dil., two or three doses daily, for seven days; 16, Schelling, proving with the 12th dil., three times a day, A. H. Z., 84, 43; 17, Robinson, proving with the 1000th dil., a dose every third morn- ing, Br. J. of Horn., 25, 327; 18, Andrews, experiment on self, beginning with 20 drops of acid and increasing the dose to 4 drachms, Am. J. of In- sanity, 1869, p. 113; 19, Dr. G. Gale, manuscript, proving with the 30th dil. (from Dr. Farrington, of Philadelphia). JMLind.—Emotional. The sensations experienced on taking frora 40 drops to 3 drachms were those of moderate alcoholic stimulation. There was slight pain through the frontal region, and a buoyancy and lightness of feeling rather agreeable. When larger doses were taken there was a feeling of drowsiness, an inclination to lie down, and an unwillingness to undertake mental labor. This continued for some hours/8.—Lively viva- cious mood (after twenty-four hours)/.—Very lively and frequently quite let loose/.—Very lively and good-humored/.—He is beside himself, and PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. 347 hot from the slightest vexation/.—She dances, without consciousness, vio- lently and wildly, for several days, without lying down, except at night/. —Internal uneasiness hindered him at work/. — Lachrymose, as from homesickness/2.—Sad and solicitous concerning the future/.—[10.] Sad- ness and feeling of solicitude, as if she would be sick/.—Sad/.—Sad, earn- est, discouraged only when walking in the open air, the farther he walks the more it increases; in the house it gradually disappears, and he becomes more lively/.—Depression (after four days)/.—Apprehension, as if the chest were too tight, with internal heat (after eight hours)/.—Great anx- iety ; was obliged to lie down, in the afternoon (third day)/.—Anxiety and restlessness throughout the whole body,1.—He was constantly complaining about his illness/4.—He looks very ill-humored and morose, so that every one asks hira what the matter is, although he is not sick,11.—Very ill- humored, weak, aud sleepy, in the morning on rising/.—[20.] Very ill- huraored, peevish, irritable/1.—Discontented with himself, reproachful/.— Very irritable depressed mood, with physical prostration/.—Obstinate about everything/.—Easily vexed and easily gets into a passion/.—*Quiet, indifferent, and much boring in the nose/4.—Indifferent, restless/1.—In- tellectual. Hastiness in speech ; he cannot do anything rapidly enough/. —When readiug, a thousand different thoughts come to mind; he can un- derstand nothing; what he reads is obscure, and everything is immediately forgotten, with difficult recollection of what he has known a long time,10. —He cannot get rid of an idea, and the thoughts connected with it do not come to him/.—[30.] *He cannot find the right word when talking (after two hours)/.—*Loss of ideas and weakness of mind; on thinking he becomes dizzy?.—*He cannot collect his thoughts in proper order/.—Indolent, dull, uubalanced mind, without fancy; disinclination for even agreeable men- tal work/1.—*He speaks unwillingly; talking is irksome/1.—*He speaks little, and answers questions unwillingly/.—^Disinclination to talk,9.— His intellect was affected/.—^Disinclined to work?.—Constant fretfulness, with disinclination to talk/.—[40.] * Almost complete loss of memory of the occurrences of the day (first day)/6.—Quiet fretfulness/.—He cannot be alone without losing his thoughts and becoming unconscious, in the morning/. Head.—Confusion and Vertigo. * Confusion of the head, lasting three hours/.—* Confusion of the head (after four days)/.—Confused head- ache, on entering a warm room, in the evening/.—* Vertigo; the head sinks forward and backward, immediately/.— Vertigo, in the morning, even to falling down, while standing/.—Vertigo, in the morning, in bed ; on closing the eyes, it seems as though the feet rose and as if he were standiug on his head/.—Vertigo, several mornings, on rising/.—[50.] Vertigo, towards even- ing, while standing and walking; he staggered as if intoxicated; several evenings/.—Frequent vertigo, caused by heat in the head, even while sit- ting; he often nodded involuntarily while writing; things seemed to whirl around, the table to fall down, and while walking and standing he was in danger of falling forward, or was obliged to take a step in advance in order to steady himself,10.—Vertigo and reeling, while walking (first day)/6.— Vertigo, on rising after sitting a long time/.—Vertigo, after reading/.— Vertigo, while sitting; constantly feared to fall/4.—Vertigo, on stooping/4. —Vertigo all day/.—General Head. Weakness of the head, in the morning, after rising, as if he would reel/.—Heaviness in the head/.— [60.] Great heaviness in the whole head, with violent pressure, extending to the left frontal eminence/.—Dulness in the head for two hours after 348 PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. eating/.—Dulness in the head during and after eating/.—Dulness in the head and limbs, as after intoxication or loss of sleep/.—*Dalliens of the whole head?.—*Dulness of the head; inability to think?*.—* Dulness in the head, as after excessive coition, lasting three days, immediately/.—Head befogged, in the forenoon, as from loss of sleep or as after night-watching/. —Dull headache, with tingling in the head; on coughing, pain as if the head would burst/.—Extremely violent pressure in the head, in the after- noon/.—[70.] Violent, extremely hard pressive pain as if on the surface of the brain and in the periosteum of the portion of the skull upon which he was just lying, on waking after midnight; on continuing to lie upon the part, the pain became intolerable; on lying on another place, it there began with equal violence, but disappeared in the former place/.—Pressure in the head, and a bitter taste in the mouth, in the morning (fifth day)/. —Pressure in the brain, behind the left ear/.—* Pressure, as from a weight in the head, from above downward, or as if the upper part of the head had been beaten/.—^Pressure in the head, especially on ascending steps/.— Pinching pressure and tearing here and there in the brain/.—Pressive and sticking pain in all parts of the head, at intervals/.—Headache, as if the brain were pressed upward, with paiuful pulsating throbbing in it/.—Pres- sive headache, with weakness, heaviness, and nausea, from reading a short time (second day)/6.—Constant headache/.—[80.] Violent headache, oblig- ing him to lie down, with stiffness of the nape of the neck/.—Headache, caused by the slightest jar, or excessively aggravated by noise/.—Head- ache, as after lifting, like a heaviness/.—Burning headache in the upper part of the brain/.—Headache, immediately on waking, in the morning, disappearing on rising/.—Prickling headache, in the morning, on rising, lasting till noon/.—Roaring in the head/.—Paiuful shattering in the head, while walking/.—Hacking, as with a hatchet, in the head/4.|—Jerking through the head, from behind forward, at pulsating, rhythmical intervals/3. —[90.] Jerking in the head/.—Boring in the head, as if a hole would be bored through the skull, especially on the vertex/.—Some beatings, as with a hammer, in the head/.—Pain in the whole brain, as if it were compressed/. —Forehead. * Violent pressure in the forehead, in the morning, on wak- ing, so that she was quite stupid and could not open the eyes; the pains scarcely permitted her to talk, and were aggravated by the slightest motion/.— Violent pressure in the right frontal eminence, extending outward,8.—Vio- lent pressure extending from the forehead towards the nose/.—Hard pres- sure, almost as if bruised, in the forehead or temples, as if on the surface of the brain, on reflecting, especially in the evening, though not preventing thought,1.—Hard pressure in the left side of the forehead/.—Pressure and gnawing in the forehead, at the root of the nose/.—[100.] Pressure in the forehead, as after intoxication,10.—Dulness in the forehead, especially in the orbits/.—Dull headache in the forehead and temples, with tolerably good humor/.—Headache in the forehead, on suddenly turning the head and on stepping hard/.—Dull stitches in the middle of the forehead, from within outward/.—Temples. Violent pressure in the right temple, frora within outward/.—Pinching pressure in the right temple/.—Pinching pres- sure in aud on the right temple, aggravated by motion/.—Pinching dull hard pressure in the left temple, at rhythmical intervals/.—Pressive pain in the right temple/.—[110.] Hard pressure above the left temple, extend- f Cured by Staphis.—Hering. PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. 349 ing to the occiput, with dread of motion,10.—Boring, with pressure, in the left temple/.—Violent sticking in the right temple, extending into the eye,10. —Violent sticking in the right temple/.—A dull stitch in the right temple, shooting like an arrow deep into the brain, at frequent intervals/.—Some sharp thrusts in the right temple/.—Pain as if both temporal bones were pinched together with pincers/.—Pain as if both temples were squeezed to a single piece, in the evening, in bed/.—Drawing in the left temple and anterior cartilage of the ear, becoming a pressure on motion/.—Tearing in the left temple, extending to the forehead, aggravated by motion/.— Ver- tex and Parietals. [120.] Drawing pressure in the right side of the vertex and occipital bone, aggravated by motion/.—Intermitting dull stick- ing pressure deep in the left side of the vertex/.—Violent forcing and press- ing out at the vertex, lasting three days/.—Sticking, with drawing, on the vertex, relieved by pressure/3.—A sharp persistent stitch in the vertex ex- ternally, aggravated by touch/.—Tearing in the vertex and occiput/.— Dull crawling headache in the sinciput, with perspiration on the forehead,6. —Feeling of warmth on the side of the parietal bone/.—A pinching pres- sure in the parietal bones, aggravated by motion/.—Occiput and External Head. Pinching-tearing pressure iu the occiput, aggravated by noise or the slightest motion/.—[130.] Painful pressure in the right side of the occiput, extending outward (after an hour and a half)/.—Pres- sure in the occiput, as though he were lying upon something hard,10.—Pres- sure in the occiput, as from a hard body, relieved by rubbing,10.—Pressive pain in the right side of the occiput, also in part extending forward, all day, aggravated by pressure and turning the head (after seven hours),5.— Heaviness and pressing forward in the occiput on bending the head for- ward, disappearing on bendiug it backward/.—Headache in the occiput, obliging him to lie down/.—Drawing pain in the occipital bones every day/.—Bruised pain in the occiput, at the insertion of the cervical mus- cles/.—Digging boring in the right side of the occiput/.—Profuse falling of the hair/.—[140.] Painful elevatious on the scalp, with a sensation as if he were pulled up by the hair, with bruised pain when touched/.—Feel- ing of coldness on the scalp/.—The scalp is painful to touch, as if sore, or as from pulling the hair/.—Dull paiu in the scalp/.—Burning pain on the right side of the scalp/.—A burning stitch on the head/.—Itching on the scalp?. Eye.—Objectire. Glassy look in both eyes, with almost involun- tary motion of the eyeball, mostly when staring straight ahead/.—Eyes weak, glassy/2.—Eyes lustreless/.—[150.] Staring look/.—Inflammation of the eyes, and a stye on the upper lid/.—Eyes sunken, weak/.—Blue riugs around the eyes/ 10.—Swelling of the lower integuments of the eye and beneath the lids,10.—Subjective. Burning in the eyes, with burning lachrymation,10.—Sudden burning in the left eye,10.—Burning and pressure in the eyes; she cannot look at the light, in the evening/.—Burning in the integuments of the eye all day, and burning itching in the inner canthus/. —Biting burning in the eyes, especially in the evening, by the light/.— [160.] Pressure in the eyes, as if they were too large, with immobility, as if he had not slept enough, with dulness in the head,10.—Pressure in both eyes, extending backward/.—Sensatiou as if the eyes were being pressed out, causing frequent blinking/.—Constant pressure upon the eyes after looking too long at an object, obliging him to close the eyes/.—Sudden pain in the left eye, as from a grain of sand, or as from a pimple/.—The eyes are painful, in the morning, on opening them; she cannot keep them 350 PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. open long/.—Violent headache above the eyes, so that she could not open them/.—Stitches above the left eye, extending up into the head/.—Itching and pressing in the eye/.—Itching of the eye/.—Orbit and Lid. [170.] Dull pressive pain above the orbits, with stitches behind the ears, in the afternoon/2.—Sharp sticking in the thin bony wall of the orbit, towards the root of the nose,10.—Pressive pinching in the upper margin of the left orbit/.—Swelling and redness of the lower lid/.—Agglutination of the eyes/.—Dry matter on the lids, in the morning, with smarting, on cleaning the eyes/.—Twitching of the lower lid, towards the inner canthus (after nine hours)/3.—The eyelids are heavy, as if they would close/.—Percep- tible coldness of the inner margin of the lids, ou closing the eyes/.—Burn- ing on the inner canthus, as from too much air and light, mostly in the afternoon, relieved by pressing the lids together/.—[180.] Burning beneath the upper lid/.—Pressure beneath the left lower lid, aggravated by press- ing upon it, and then immediately disappearing/.—Pressure and a sensa- tion of heaviness in the right eyelid/.—Pressure in the left lower lid/.— Drawing stitches through the lids, from one canthus to the other, with sharp stitches in the canthi and around the orbits,13.—Sudden stitches, as if electric, beneath the right lid, so that he was obliged to press the eyes together,10.—Lachrymal Apparatus. Biting water runs from the eyes (after a few hours)/.—-Lachrymation of both eyes/.—Ball. A yel- low spot iu the white of the eye, towards the inner canthus, though still more towards the cornea, together with dimness of vision, that disappears on dilating the pupil, by holding the hand before it,10.—Pain, as if the eye- balls would be forcibly pressed together and into the head/.—[190.] Dull pain, at one time sticking, at another buruing, piercing the right eyeball at the external canthus, followed by a sensation as of a broad surface of snow before the eyes on which fiery points were falling, afterwards as if a fiery surface were before the eye, on which glistening white points were falling/. —Pupil. Excessive dilatation of the right pupil, increasing on exerting vision, and even after seven days it was four times as large as the left (im- mediately)/.—Pupils greatly dilated (after eight hours and a half)/.— Pupils dilated for six hours (after three hours),10.—Pupils dilated (after one hour)/9.—Pupils at first dilated, then contracted, for sixteen hours (after one hour)/2.—Pupils contracted for several days (after half an hour)/1.—Contraction of the pupils, without effect upon vision (after three- quarters of an hour)/.— Vision. Sees better at a distance (curative action in one short-sighted)/.—Increased short-sightedness,14.—[200.] Eyes weak, sunken/.—Weakness of the eyes, more iu the forenoon than in the afternoon; distant objects seem enveloped in a mist, and become distinct only on exerting vision; every near somewhat bright object blinds him, and causes pressure in the eyes; the same thing also happens if he comes suddenly into the dark/.—Everything farther than six paces seems en- veloped in a fog,14.—Dimness of the eyes, with flickering and pressure in the inner canthus, if she looks long at one spot; after rubbing, tears come, and the dimness disappears/.—While sewing, reading, and writing, it seems as though a mist were before the eyes ; she cannot distinguish letters, but at a distance everything is bright and clear; if she looks away from her work a moment, then she is able to see near objects better, though the dimness of vision immediately returns on reading; without pain in the eyes/.—Flickering before the eyes while reading by the light/.—Black stripes before the eyes; wiping does not relieve; it seems as though he must look out under the forehead with the head bent over/4.—In the even- PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. 351 ing while sitting, large ciphers seem to come before the eyes, wherewith the head feels very dull and bad, and at last very hot/. Ear,—Swelliug aud heat, with burning and itching in both ears l — roin -?g^afc t,meS °nly a simple tearil)g. in the cartilage of the left ear'7 — NX'I ^me jerking in the lobule of the right ear/3.—Sticking itchin* in the lobule of the right ear (after two hours)/.—Tearing in the external anci middle ear,10.—Drawing in the right external and middle ear/.—Spas- modic drawing pain in the ear?.—Spasmodic drawing pain in the right ear, .—Stitches in the ear, with drawing pain in the jaws and teeth 1 —An almost painful stitch in the left ear, that disappears on putting the fino-er into the ear (after six hours and a half)/.—Stitches in the ears, only&on every musical sound or stroke of the bell, also during her own singing2 — btitches in the ears, with drawing paiu in the left cheek/.—[220.] Long- continued fine stitch, deep iu the right ear/.—Burning stitches in the ears ' —itching stitches within the right ear, persistent while moving the lower jaw (after twenty-seven hours)/.—Hearing. * The watch which he usually hears at twenty paces can only be heard at ten?.—*B.e cannot hear a watch at a moderate distance; three paces from the ear it is distinct, but close to the ear he does not hear the ticking, only a hissing/.—* Roaring in the ears every day, .—Roaring in the ears, from evening on, though not while lying in bed, but returning in the raorning,1.—Roaring in the ears, especially iu the right (after fifteen hours)/.—*Roaring in the ears, with difficult hearing/.—Ringing, as of bells, in the ears,10.—[230.] Ringing in the left ear, at night/.—Loud re-echoing of every sound in the ear,14.—Constant singing in the ears, worse while lying down/.—Screaming in the ear, on blowing the nose/.--He is intolerant of musical sounds for a long time,2. —Sound in the bedroom, at night, as though a bird or bat were flapping about endeavoring to escape/9.—Illusion of sense, as if he heard the stroke of a bell, or heard things move that were lying high up near him out of sight.3. Nose.— Swelling on the back of the nose, with also red spots on the sides, that now appear, and now disappear, with a tense sensation,10.—Vio- lent coryza/7.— Violent coryza, with red margins of the nostrils/4.—[240.] Discharge of matter from the nose/.—■*Bleeding of the nose, and frequent blowing of blood from it/.—Nose dry/4.—Swelling aud sore sensation in the choanae/.—Bitter mucus frequently passes from the choanse into the fauces and mouth/.—Accumulation of mucus in the nose/.—Crawling and burning in the nose/.—Smell. Smell extremely acute/.—Odors take away his breath/. Face.—■*Paleness of the face?.—[250.] Paleness of the face, in the morning, immediately after rising, with inclination to stare/.—Face fre- quently dark red, for a moment, with flushes of heat in the face/.—Ten- sion of the skin of the face, as if albumen had dried on it. with extremely perceptible heat/.—Cheek and Up. Fine, very transient drawing through the left cheek into the ear/3.—Burning pain in a small spot on the left cheek/.—The lower lip is cracked in the middle/.—Burning pain in the left side of* the lower lip/.—Violent burning pain in the lower lip, persistent even on moving it/.—Dull sticking and crawling on one point on the red of the lip/.—Jaw. The lower jaw, in front of the ear, is pain- ful, as if it would be torn frora the articulation, aggravated by chewing/. —[260.] Pain, like a broad pressive stitch, in the glands beneath the left corner of the lower jaw, when touched, associated with sore throat inter- nally/.—Dull pressive-drawing pain in the right augle of the lower jaw/. 352 PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. Mouth.— Teeth. Profuse bleeding of a hollow tooth/.—Violent toothache in a hollow tooth, on getting food into it, disappearing on pick- ing it out/.—Burning pain in the front teeth, at night/.—Teeth set on edge, as from a corrosive acid/.—Pain in a wisdom tooth/.—Jerklike tear- ing in the right upper back teeth, not affected by chewing/.—Tearing in the teeth, extending into the head, as if the teeth would be pressed apart and forced out, aggravated by the warmth of the bed and also by everything hot or cold/.—Tingling, like a tingling burning, iu the hollow teeth/.— [270.] Boring-sticking toothache, ending with swelling of the cheek/.— An almost painful feeling of coldness in the roots of the back teeth, espe- cially on chewing anything, disappearing after eating/.—Gums. Bleed- ing of the gum on the slightest touch/.—The gum is swollen interually, and paiuful ou eating and touch/.—Sore paiu in the whole gum when touched, with bleeding when rubbed/.—Tongue. *Tongiie coated white (after twenty-four hours)/.—Swelling of the tongue, with pain, when talk- ing/.—*Dry sensation on the tongue and palate, without thirst/.—Burning on the tongue (immediately)/.—Burning in several points, as from some- thing corrosive on the tongue/3.—[280.] Sticking in the tip of the tongue/. —Sticking pain in the right side of the tongue/.—Itching stitches in the tip of the tongue/3.—Itching on the tongue, for several days/.—General Mouth. Mouth slimy, oily, with thirst, in the morning/.—*The palate is dry, without thirst/.—Great dryness in the mouth, in the afternoon, with much tasteless, glutinous, soapy mucus, that he frequently spits out/1.— Pain in the mouth, as if sore and raw, when not swallowing/.—Painful soreness in the arch of the palate, and rawness in the throat, especially on expiration/.—Burning, posteriorly, on the arch of the palate, as if it were inflamed and sore/.—Saliva. [290.] Much frothy saliva, of a sharp taste, in the mouth (after two hours)/.—Much acid saliva in the mouth/. —Taste. Constant sour taste in the mouth/3.—Foul insipid taste/.— Foul musty taste in the mouth/.—Herby taste in the mouth, in the morn- ing, also at breakfast/.—Bread tastes bitter as gall, with otherwise natural taste/.—Long after-taste of bread, with some scraping in the throat/.— After-taste to food, especially to bread, in the morning/.—Food has little though not unnatural taste/. Throat.—[300.] Inflammation of the throat internally, with blisters and biting pain/.—Sore throat, on the left side, like an ulcer, throbbing, tensive, and feeling dry when not swallowing; speech is difficult, and swallowing causes a scraping sore pain, extending into the ears, where there is also a scratching, sticking pain/.—Sore throat, as if raw ; she is obliged to hack, and it is painful on talking and swallowing/.—Feeling of soreness in the throat when swallowing/.—Rawness of the throat, that prevents talking/.—Inclination to cough, caused by tickling in the pit of the throat/.—Sticking in the throat, on swallowing food/.—A pressive stitch in the throat, as soon as he swallows saliva/.—Smarting in the throat when not swallowing/.—Scraping in the throat, on swallowing bread/.—[310.] Constrictive pain, as if the pit of the throat were constricted, worse on bending the neck/.—The throat, in the region of the thyroid cartilage, is painful on swallowing/.—Fauces and Swallowing. Scraping feel in left side of fauces, felt as though au ear of barley or something of the kind was in the throat/7.—Could not swallow easily ; it seems as though something were lying behind the palate,10. Stomach.— Appetite and Thirst. Ravenous hunger woke him at night/.—The child constantly longs for food, without eating it/4.—*Loss PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. 353 of appetite?.—* Excessive thirst?.—Thirst for cold milk, that scarcely can be quenched/.—Much thirst for beer, all day, after the colic,10.—Eruc- tations. [320.] Constant eructations of gas, always preceded by rum- bling in the stomach, after eating/2—Frequent eructations of gas/3.— Burning sour eructations, not audible, not rising up to the mouth/.—In- complete disagreeable eructations/.—* Sourish eructations, an hour after a meal/.—Nausea and Vomiting. Excessive nausea, so that she was obliged to lie down (after eating), preceded by twisting about in the stom- ach/.—Even the look of black bread nauseates, especially on account of its sourish odor; when eating it almost causes vomiting/.—Nausea,as if in the palate/.—Very qualmish, in the evening, obliged to lie down,1.— Qualmish nausea, in the epigastric region,12.—[330.J Sour vomiting,14.— Vomiting of food, and then vomiting nearly every hour, day and night, till morning,6.—Stomach. Rumbling and gurgling in the epigastric re- gion/.—* Acidity in the stomach?1.—Feels uncomfortable and auxious, after eating,1.—Colduess in the stomach/.—Burning in the stomach beneath the pit of the stomach, afterwards extending to the left side,10.—Heaviness in the stomach like lead, after eating/.—Pressure in the stomach, before and also after eating, aggravated by motion/.—Pressure in the stomach aud great sleepiness, after eating and drinking/.—[340.] ^Pressure in the stom- ach, as from a weight, after every meal, with sleepiness, so that he could work at nothing/.—* Pressive pain in the stomach, whenever the pit of the stomach is touched; he cannot button the clothes tightly/.—Pressive stitches in the pit of the stomach, as if something would be pulled away,14,—Stitches in the pit of the stomach, and a drawing, extending thence to the small-of the back/. Abdomen.—Hypochondria. Griping in the hypochondria, ex- tending towards the left side/.—Pressive pinching, after waking, in the morning, just above the hepatic region, extending thence to the umbilical region/.— Pressure and pressing in the hypochondria, with great anxiety, so that he thought he would die, mostly while sitting/.—Feeling of heavi- ness in the liver/.—Burning pain, in one spot, in the hepatic region/.— Stitches in the hepatic and splenic regions/.— Umbilicus and Sides. [350.] Iutermittiug, pressive, dull stitches about the umbilical region, and ou many other parts of the body and limbs/.—Periodic pressive griping in the umbilicus/.—Griping and pinching in the umbilical region, while sit- ting,10.—Constant, violent pressive griping in the umbilical region/.— Burning and smarting in the umbilical region, while walking, in the open air/.—Violent rumbling in the left side of the abdomen/.—Excessive, griping constriction of the intestines, from both sides of the umbilical re- gion/.—Tensive sticking pain in the whole right side of the abdomeu and chest, that almost takes away the breath/. — General Abdomen. ♦Distension of the abdomen, entirely relieved by emission of flatus/.— Much emission of flatus, smelling like garlic (first day)/6.—[360.] Much flatulence and emission of flatus/.—Unusual eraissiou of flatus, of a gar- licky odor, for half an hour, in bed, in the evening {second day)/6.—In- carcerated flatus/.—Audible rumbling in the abdomen/.—Loud rurabliug in the whole abdomen, especially in the upper abdomen, only while lying down/.—Gurgling in the abdomen, as from the swashing of water if he bends forward or backwards, even when touching the abdomen/.—Fulness in the abdomen, immediately after a meal, though with tolerable appetite/. —Contraction in the intestines, in the morning, duriug stool, followed by biting in the rectum/.—Tension of the abdomen, with nausea/.—Tension vol. vn.—23 354 PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. in the abdomen, with a sensation of fulness, without flatulence/2.—[370.] Tensive pain in the upper abdomen, that almost takes away the breath/.— Griping colic, in the evening, on walking/.—Pressive griping pain in the abdomen, like flatulent colic, on walking in the open air/.—Pinching, griping pain in bowels, followed by diarrhoeic stool, as if Colocynth or some drastic medicine had been taken,17.—Cutting colic, while walking/.— Previous to coughing, he cries out with pain in the abdomen/.—Cutting pain, by paroxysms, transversely through the abdomen/.—Cutting pain in the abdomen, together with dull sticking pressure in the coccyx/.—Cutting griping in the abdomen, as in diarrhcea, in the evening, before going to sleep/.—Cutting pain in the abdomen, with drawing in the pelvis, at night/.—[380.] Sticking paiu in the abdomen, beueath the last left ribs, aggravated by inspiration/.—Fine intermitting stitches in the abdomen, extending to the pit of the stomach, especially on becoming erect, while sitting/3.—Needle-like stitches in the abdominal muscles on the left side/3. —Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. At the close of micturition a sensation as if a weight were lying in the lower abdoraen and pressing towards the genitals (after half an hour)/.—Stitches very low down iu the abdomen, just above the pubis, only when changing the position, as when he begins to walk or just sits down,1.—Pressure in several places in the lower abdomen?.—Swelling of the inguinal glands/4.—The inguinal glands are painfully swollen; can scarcely stretch out the foot/4.—Some bubbling-like jerkings in the right groin/.—Pressure outward in the right groin, as if a hernia would protrude, while walking, aggravated by pressure,0.—[390.] Gutting pain in the left groin/. Bectum and Anus.—Protrusion of haemorrhoids, as large as pig- eons' eggs, during stool/.—Tearing in the rectum and indications of diar- rhcea, without stool/.—Frequent desire for stool/.—Long-continued pressure and tenesmus after a stool, without colic; the first part of the evacuation was always hard, afterwards pasty,12.—Ineffectual desire for stool, lasting twenty-four hours, and followed by a difficult stool; the next day none at all/.—Tearing in the anus and penis, in the evening and morning/.—Itch- ing stitches around the anus externally/.—Biting in the anus, as from something sharp, after a difficult stool/.—Biting itching in the anus/. Stool.—Piarrhoea. [400.] Diarrhoea every quarter of an hour, for four times, with colic/.—*Diarrhoza, not prostrating?.—Stool soft, every two or three hours (after twenty-four hours)/.—*Thin whitish-gray stools/.— *Stool involuntary, pasty, bright-yellow, with a sensation as if he would emit flatus?.—Stool evacuated with great exertion, though it was not hard/.— Stool soft and copious (after seventy-two hours)/.—Stool only after thirty- two hours, at first hard, then pasty,10.—Stool very hard, difficult (after thirty hours)/.—Stool hard, crumbly,10. — [410.] Stool hard (after five hours),0.—Stool daily the first six days, afterwards only every forty-eight and later only every seventy-two hours/.—Constipation. Unusual con- stipation, with frequent ineffectual desire,15.—No stool, with very much dis- tended abdomen/.—No stool, with flatulent distension of the abdomen, for two days (after ten days)/. Urinary Organs.—Bladder and Urethra. Painful spas- modic constriction in the bladder without desire to urinate/.—Swelling about he orifice of the urethra/.—Violent burning in the urethra, that stops the flow of urine, immediately followed by desire to urinate/.—Burning while urinating, and before the water flows a cutting with ineffectual straining/. —While urinating, burning, followed by increased gonorrhceal discharge/. PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. 355 —[420.] Crawling in the urethra, when not urinating,1.—Drawing from the urethra to the anus/.—Dragging in the urethra and rectum, as with cutting water/.—Stitches in the urethra when not urinating (immediately)/. —Painful stitches iu the end of the urethra/3.—Frequent sensation of raw- ness in the urethra, aud at times sticking in it/.—3licturition and Urine. Retention of urine, the first seven hours ; then more frequent, but more scanty micturition than usual, with burning in the neck of the bladder,10.—Urging to urinate, with scanty discharge (after half an hour to three hours)/.—Desire to uriuate as many as eight times a day and two or three times at night,"'.—Pressure to urinate, together with burning/. —[430.] Micturition, with cutting burning in the urethra, and cramplike pain in the small of the back/.—Frequent micturition (after twenty-four hours)/.—*Frequent emission of watery urine, that often could scarcely be retained (after ten, and fourteen hours)/.—Frequent profuse discharge of urine, during the last days/.—*Copious and frequent micturition, for sev- eral days/.—Urine as clear as water, depositing a sediment after standing/4. —Urine clear, watery/3.—Urine copious and clear during the proving, afterwards remarkably dark and turbid/5.—Urine pale as gin, copious, flows out freely, as if the urethra were very large/9.—Urine very pale, in which a thick whitish cloud speedily formed/.—[440.] Uriue profuse, dark- colored, forming a cloud (second day)/. Sexual Organs.—Male Falling of hair frora the genitals/.— Swelling of the spermatic cord, with dulness of the head/.—Hardness and tension of the spermatic cord/4.—Excessive erections, without sexual de- sire/.—^Erection, in the morning, in bed/.—*Erections, in the morning, while standing/.—Erections, at night, which formerly had entirely ceased (third day)/6.—Swelling of the penis, without cause, for several minutes,8. — Burning cutting in the glans penis, with pressing-out pains in the groins/.—[450.] Sore pain in the condylomata, while walking and sitting/. —Heat and burning in the condylomata/.—Fine stitches in the tip of the glans penis/.—Sensation of heaviness in the glans penis, especially when urinating/.—Itching fiue stitches in the glans penis/.—Crawling itching on the posterior portion of the penis externally/.—Inflamed swelling of the scrotum/.—Sore paiu iu the scrotum/.—Swelliug of the left testicle/4. —Pressure in both testicles, aggravated by walking and touch/.—[460.] Burning tearing in the left testicle, and burning in the prostate gland, with frequent erections/.—Drawing smarting, as from soreness, in the tes- ticles/.—*Very profuse emissions,1.—Profuse emission/7.—Loss of sexual desire/.—Emission, without erections, at night (first night)/6.—Emission, while pressing at stool/4.—With normal, physical, and mental sexual desire and ability for continued coition, the penis finally becomes relaxed, with complete satisfaction, without emission/. — Female. Leucorrhcea, for several clays after the menses/.—Profuse yellowish leucorrhcea, with itch- ing for four or five days, some days after menstruation/.—[470.] The menses that had been suppressed for several months, returned at the full moon/. Mespiratory Organs.—*Exceedingly violent bronchitis, that seemed to be capillary, associated with fever, with exacerbation in the eveniug, dyspnoea, pressive pain under the sternum, violeut sneezing, great thirst, violent coryza ; the profuse secretions seemed to be purulent rather than slimy or serous?'0.— Voice. * Great hoarseness?.—Cough and Expec- toration. At times inclination to cough, that causes only a few stitches in the palate, but no cough/.—* Cough seems to be caused by tickling with a 356 PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. feather, extending from the middle of the chest to the larynx?4.—*Dry cough, caused by tickling, low down in the chest, just above the pit of the stom- ach ; the cough is worse in the evening, after lying down?.—Cough, caused by burning in the chest/. — * Constant irritable cough?.—Cough causes headache, as if the skull would burst/.—Cough, with vomiting of food/.— [480.] Cough, with inclination to vomit/.—Violent cough, that provokes vomiting, though without pain/.—* Cough, in the morning, with yellow expec- toration?.—* Violent cough, with copious expectoration, causing pain in the abdomen/.—* Cough, with expectoration of an herby taste and odor?.—Cough, with expectoration, preceded by fulness in the chest, on waking/.—*Cough, with hawking of mucus, that was thinner than usual (it is generally in little balls), (second day),16.—*Expectoration of a salty taste, in the morn- ing (fourth day)/6.—Itespiratiou. Want of breath, on waking from a sleep of half an hour, in the forenoon, with uneasiness aud perspiration of the body/.—* Respiration difficult and oppressed, with small stitches between the short ribs, mostly on the left side/. Chest.—[490.] Indications of nausea in the chest, and accumulation of water in the mouth/.—Great anxiety on the chest/.—Oppression of the chest, in the afternoon ; it constricts the chest, with stitches/.—Painful oppression of the chest, when beginning to walk/1.—Violent pressure over the whole chest, waking from sleep, at night; it extends to the abdomen, and disappears after the emission of flatus/.—Pressure in the chest for sev- eral hours (fifth day)/.^-Pressure in the chest, extending to the stomach, making her feel oppressed/.—Pressure upon the chest, at night, so that she breathed with difficulty/4.—Burning in the chest and throat, extending up into the mouth, during the cough and fluent coryza, often, also, when she does not cough/.—A buruing sore pain by the last ribs, internally/.— [500.] *Pain in the chest, as from weakness or after sitting a long time, through the whole chest, relieved by walking/.—Pain in the chest, as if constricted/.—Crawling pain in the chest, while at rest; on stooping, touch, and every motion, there was a soreness on the sternum/.—Pinching stitches in the whole chest/.—Front and Sides. Pressure in the middle of the chest, as if it would press the sternum outward, most violent on expiration, aggravated by pressure upon the sternum, stooping, and coughing/.—Pres- sure aud oppression behind the sternura, making respiration difficult/.—■ Burning iu the middle of the chest, after a vexation (first day)/6.—Burn- ing-itching pain in the middle of the chest aud in the upper abdominal region, with frequent hawking of mucus (first day)/6.—Dull stitches in the middle of the sternum/.—Pressive pain in the left side of the chest, most violent on breathing/.—[510.] Periodic pressive pinching beneath the short ribs/.—Cutting pressure in the left side of the chest, on taking a deep breath/3.—Pinching pressure anteriorly near the sternum, beneath the last right false rib/.—Cramplike pressure in the right side of the chest, in the region of the seventh rib/.—Intermitting pinching pressure iu the chest, about the seventh rib, near the sternura/.—A sensation in the side of the chest as if the ribs were beaten in/.—Painful cramp in the chest or dia- phragm, in the region of the lowest right ribs, occurring suddenly aud un- expectedly; she could not soon become erect, but was obliged to sit bent over, with sticking ou breathing/.—Pain on the lowest right ribs, on press- ing upou them/.—Boring pinching in the left chest, persistent while breath- ing/.—Burning-cutting pain on the left chest, while sitting, aggravated by touch,10.—[520.] Sharp sticking in the upper part of the chest beneath the right arm, taking away the breath for a moment,10.—Sharp stitches in the PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. 357 region of the right lower ribs/.—Stitches in the lower portion of the right side of the chest while sitting, on inspiration, disappearing while walking/. —Persistent dull boring stitches in the left chest, more violent on inspira- tion/.—Dull stitches in the left side, between the last ribs and pelvis, ex- tending through the whole abdominal cavity, more violent on inspiration/. —Pinching pressure in the region of the left nipple/.—Sharp pressure on the left mammary gland,6. Heart and Pulse.—Violent pinching pain in the region of the heart, extending towards the sternum, at intervals, while walking in the evening,14.—Palpitation always after starting up in sleep/.—Pulse strong/. —[530.] Pulse full, with distended temporal arteries and distended veins ou the hands/3.—*Pulse irregular, frequently intermitting one or two beats,13. Neck and Back.—Neck. Painful stiffness of the left cervical mus- cles; it is tense up to the head/.—Feeling of stiffness in the uape of the neck during rest, disappearing on motion/.—The right cervical muscles are very sore/.—Spasmodic drawing in the right cervical muscles, extend- ing to the eye, on turning the head/.—Drawing-sticking pressure in the nape of the neck, imperceptibly extending towards the occiput, and there disappearing/.—Pressure in the forepart and sides of the neck/.—Painful pressure on the left side of the neck, as if it would become sore internally, though aggravated neither by swallowing nor talking/.—Jerking sensatiou in the nape of the neck during rest, though more frequent on raising the head/.—[540.] Burning sore pain on the side of the nape/.—Pinching pain iu a small spot in the neck/.—Back. Tearing pain in the back, at night/.—Painful tearing on the left scapula, while sitting with the body bent forward/.—A concealed drawing and pressure, like a gnawing, in the bones, beneath the tip of the scapula/.—Small violent jerking stitches in the middle of the spine/.—Pinching pain in the middle of the spine/3.— Painful drawing, as if beaten, iu the dorsal vertebrae, mostly while sitting/. —Lumbar and Sacral. Intermitting tearing in the small of the back, on rising after stooping; on standing still, a quiet jerklike drawing/. —Intermitting, suddenly drawing-pressive paiu in the small of the back, mostly while standing, less while walking, disappearing on pressure, sitting down, and on stooping/.—[550.] Burning pain in a small spot just above the small of the back/.—Pain, as from something alive, in the small of the back, like a drawing and pressure, at times tearing, only distinctly felt while standing/.—A violent stitch in the small of the back, on rising after squatting down/.—Stitches in the region of the kidneys/.—A stitch in the loins on lifting, continuing while sitting, but immediately disappearing on moving about/.—Fine stitches on the coccyx and sternum/3.—Itching biting on the coccyx, above the rectum/. Extremities.—* Bruised pain in all the joints, in the morning, in the arms and lower extremities and nape of the neck/.—Crawling, as if asleep, and loss of power in the upper and lower extremities/.—Feeling of con- traction in the limbs/.—[560.] Falling asleep of the arms and lower ex- treraities, at night, so that the limbs must be moved by others/.—The hands and feet feel bruised, as if paralyzed/.—Cramplike drawing in the hands and feet, as if asleep, in the evening and morning/. Superior Extremities.—Shoulder. The eighth day of the proving (the day after the last dose) I experienced an acute boring and drawing pain between the scapulae, followed by restless sleep; on the next morning the pain had extended to the left shoulder-joint, where it remained 358 PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. constantly for eight weeks; it increased daily in intensity, and after two weeks seemed to have reached its greatest severity; it was of a boring, digging, drawiug character, and had an almost intermittent type; it would wake me from sleep between 2 and 3 a.m., after which it was impossible for me to fall asleep again ; the axillary and radial nerves seemed especi- ally affected; transient pressure on the shoulder had no effect, but lying on the left side aggravated it; there was some relief on moving the shoulder and arm, and also transient relief on raising the left arm over the head; every movement impeding the circulation of blood caused aggravation, but every movement that accelerated it caused relief; it was almost intol- erable during absolute rest (for example, when shaving); it lasted from 2 to 8 a.m., when it was better; another aggravation occurred about 2 p.m., followed by a remission about 4; another exacerbation from 7 or 8 to U p.m.; beer and wine aggravated it; motion in the open air gave relief; the bone did not seem affected, but the pain seemed to have its seat in the nerves. For three weeks I hoped for spontaneous relief, but I was obliged to take antidotes; Ferrum and Cocculus afforded the most relief. Even after three months there remained perceptible numbness over the region of distribution of the radial nerve of the left hand/5.—Pinching pressure be- neath the right axilla, opposite the nipple/.—Swelling of the axillary glands, disappearing of itself/.—Pinching pressure on the tip of the right shoulder/. —Tearing in the left shoulder and hand/.—Rheumatic-paralytic pain in the right shoulder-joint/4.—Drawing and throbbing in the shoulder-joint/. —Arm. [570.] The arm (that had been injured) became stiff and pain- ful on every motion ; the haud becarae as heavy as lead ; in an ulcer there were picking and sticking aud tearing, and sticking in the ball of the thumb and in the fingers; a painful buruing was felt internally in the hand, and on allowing the arm to hang down blood seemed to shoot into the hand/.—* Weakness of the arms, so that he trembled, in the forenoon/. —Drawing iu both arms, downward from the shoulders/.—Drawing in the upper arm, extending from the elbow to the shoulder/.—Muscular jerkings in the upper arm, relieved by motion/.—Painful jerking tearing in the arms, fingers, and limbs generally/.—Paralytic pinching pressure in the upper arms, aggravated by touch/.—Burning, as with glowing coals, here and there in the arm and on the shoulder/.—An itching stitch in the upper arm, not relieved by scratching/.—Elbow and Forearm. Drawing cutting in the elbows, wrists, and first finger-joints/.—[580.] Burning sen- sation in the tips of the elbows/.—Pain in the elbow-joint on touch/.— Pinching pressure in the forearm, extending inward and outward/.—The forearms are painful, as if bruised, when lying upon the table/.—Painful pinching heaviness in the right forearm/.—Pinching pain above the right wrist/3.—Paralytic pain iu the forearm externally, below the elbow, not preventing motion of the arm/.—Sharp sticking boring on the inuer side of the left forearm, near the bend of the elbow, worse during rest/.— Wrist, Hand, and Fingers. Sensation of stiffness and pinching in the wrist, aggravated by motion/.—Violent spasmodic tearing pains in the left wrist (possibly from taking cold in the hands when out of bed), (first night)/6.—[590.] Tearing transversely above the right wrist,10.—Trembling of the hands while writing, with crawling and itching iu them/3.—Griping pinching between the right metacarpal bones, as if they were squeezed to- gether/.—A tearing rolling up and down, at times with stitches, in the bones of the hands, fingers, and forearms/.—Drawing stitches in the palms of the hands/.—Falling asleep, paleness, yellowness, and wrinkling of the PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. 359 fingers, with slow, very small, scarcely perceptible pulse,10.—Sharply cir- cumscribed deadness on one side of the left index finger, during the chill/. —Numbness of the tips of the fingers/.—Painful pressive drawing iu the little finger, especially in the joint, disappearing on bending the finger into the hand/.—Tearing in the fingers, especially in the joints, with tension on motion, as if the tendons were too short/.—[600.] Cramplike pain in the fingers of the left hand, without affecting motion/.—Violent sharply stick- ing tearing on the first phalaux of the right middle finger/.—Stitches in the finger-joints/.—Intermitting dull stitches in the ball of the thumb/.— Fine stitches through the back of the right thumb, extending as far as uuder the nail,13. Inferior Extremities.—Muscular twitches here and there, espe- cially in the lower extremities/.—He thought that he staggered while walking/.—Falling asleep of the lower extremities, while sitting/.—Rheu- matic paralysis of the whole left leg/4.—Heaviness in all the joints of the lower extremities, soon becoming painful/4.—[610.] Tearing in the lower extremity, extending from the thigh to the great toe/4.—Hip. Heaviness and lameness in the hip-joint when beginning to walk after sitting, disap- pearing after some motion,8.—The hip-joint is painful when walking and on touch, as if broken/.—Tensive and bruised pain in the right hip-joint, worse on motion/.—Paiu in the hip-joint, on rising from a seat/4.—Cramp in the hip-joint, tearing through the whole leg, intolerable while eating and sitting/4.—Thigh. Weariness and anxious restlessness in the thighs while sitting, so that he is obliged constantly to move the foot,10.—The thighs feel weary; can scarcely proceed; worse after sleep,14.—Cramplike drawing in the left nates, while walking/.—Itching jerking in both gluteal muscles/.—[620.] Sharp pressure on the muscles of the right thigh, ex- tending to the knee/3.—Tearing pressure in the upper part of the outer surface of the thigh, and at the same time in the tibia/.—Pressure in both thighs, a hand's breadth above the knees/.—Dull pressure in the thigh/. —Pressive-pinching pain in the right thigh/.—Burning sensation in the posterior femoral muscles while standing, disappearing on walking/.—The thighs and legs are painful, as if bruised, when walking,10.—Bruised pain transversely above the middle of the thigh, as if it would break, while walking, so that he staggered,10.—Bruised pain in the femoral muscles/.— Tearing in the upper part of the thigh, as if extending up from the hollow of the knee/.—[630.] Painful pulsating jerking extending from the middle of the thigh to the knee/3.—Violent stitches in the thighs on motion, most while sittiug aud on rising from a seat/.—Dull boring stitch in the left thigh, near the abdominal ring, during rest/.—Knee. Pressive pinching above the knee, on the thigh externally/.—Painful drawing deep in the left knee and extending down to the tibia, when, iu walking, the body is supported upon that leg/.—Tensive pain in the tendons under the knee, worse on motion and also on touch/.—Sticking pain in the right patella, worse on motion/.—Leg. Weakness in the legs, when walking,10.—Per- ceptible pulsation in the lower leg, during rest/.—Spasmodic drawing in the leg, even at night, in bed ; during the day she was obliged to rise and walk about, and at night move the leg back and forth/.—[640.] Pressure in both legs, below the knees/.—Pressive pain iu the right tibia during rest, disappearing on walking/.—Dull pinching pressure just beneath the left knee, lasting two to six seconds, every five or six minutes/.—Burning tearing in the tibia, extendiug from above downward, at night/4.—Spas- modic pinching in the left calf, relieved for a time after rubbing/3.—Sharp 360 PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. stitches in the lower portion of the tibia/.—Cutting sticking in the calf, extending downward/.—Crawling in the right leg/.—Ankle. Dull para- lytic pain in the ankle while at rest, with cracking on motion/.—Pain in the ankle, as if sprained, even in the morning, in bed/.—[650.] Tensive- sticking pain in the right inner malleolus, extending up to the tibia/.— Foot. Slight swelling of the feet, with burning in the soles/5.—The left foot is quite numb, insensible, and dead, only on walking/.—Tensiou and an asleep sensation in the anterior portion of the right foot and iu the toes, when walking/.—Cramplike pains in the feet, caused by motion,14.—Vio- lent spasmodic drawing in the feet, especially in the sole and balls of the toes of the right foot, preventing sleep till midnight, without coldness of the feet; relieved after 10 o'clock (third day)/6.—Pinching pressure in the soles of the feet/.—Intermitting pressure in the sole of the left foot, extending towards the great toe/.—Tearing and painful drawing along the right external plantar nerve,15.—Smarting pain on the outer side of the right foot, in the morning/.—[660.] Burning in the soles and head/4.— Burning in the feet and soles/.—Burning stitches in the soles, especially in the evening; in the morning only burning in them/.—Violent jerklike stitches in the sole of the right foot/.—Stitches in the soles and heels, and during rest leaden heaviness in them/4.—The heels and balls of the toes are painful, as if sore, on stepping,14.— Toes. A nail grows into the flesh, causing inflammation and pain,1.—Swelling of the malleolus of the great toe, with buruing and throbbing; when touched, a knifelike stitch, causing jerking in the toes; even the dread of being approached, or hiccough, causes the pain/4.—Sticking and burning in the corns for eight days/.—All the toes are sore, as if ulcerated/4.—[670.] Pinching pressure in the two last right toes/.—Tearing stitches on the ball of the left great toe/.—Persistent boring stitch in the left little toe, during rest and motion/. Generalities.—Emaciation, with suffering expression and sunken eyes/.—A kind of epilepsy, immediately/.—It was noticeable that, in spite of my troubles and the loss of sleep during the first month, I was fresh and bright; only after two months I became exhausted and generally depressed/5. —Restless, and full of anxiety, as if she would be sick/.—Great uneasiness, force, and surging of blood ; he seems beside himself/.—Uneasiness of the body, in the evening, with itching in the canthi, nostrils, on the face and scalp/.—He is constantly obliged to change his place, because the pains are less on motion than during rest/4.—[680.] Very much affected by walking, weak and prostrated; on entering the house, chilliness (after twenty-four hours)/.—* Weakness of all parts of the body?.—* Weakness; dis- inclination for every business (first day)/6.—*Weak and prostrated/.— *Weak and apathetic, in the morning (second day)/6.—Physically weak; mentally depressed (fourth day)/.—* Weak, in the morning, after rising, with pale expression, so that she was obliged to lie down again for some time, when she felt well,1.—Weakness after ascending steps, with pain in the pit of the stomach/*.—"Physical weakness?3.—"Exhaustion so great that he sank down and was obliged to be carried to bed, after eating (breakfast)/. —[690.] Very sensitive to cold air/4.—Feeling of raging in the blood,1.— "Physical heaviness; mental inactivity?.—Every injured spot is painful, as if sore/.—Bruised sensation in the hips, arms, thighs, and nape of the neck, as from growing pains, together with some tearing stitches in all these parts, especially on ascending steps and on beginning to walk/.—Acute pain, like scraping with a knife, in the periosteum of all the bones,10.—All the pains PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. 361 are unaffected by external pressure/.—The pains at night are relieved by pressure/4.—Coffee seems to aggravate, but not rum/4. Skin.—Eruptions,, Pry. Increased redness of the whole body, with some large red spots, without sensation, on the shoulders, and red stripes above the patellae, and from the hips to the umbilicus, with great sensitiveness to the air; the warmth of the bed feels good/3.—[700.] Red spots, that burn like fire, on the thighs and legs/.—Rash over the whole body, burning more than itching/.—Small nodes on the forehead/.—A large pimple, painfully sore when touched, on the forehead/.—A large pimple behind the lobule of the right ear, painfully sore, especially when touched/.—A pimple in the tip of the nose, with throbbing in it, and pain wheu touched/.—Eruptions of large pimples on the face?.—Burning painful pimples on the end of both lips/.—An oblique crack, as if cut, on the right side of the upper lip, with sore pain, especially on moving the lip, for several days/1.—Eruption on the margin of the lower lip, near the corner of the mouth/.—[710.] Small red pimples on the scrotum aud pos- terior portion of the penis, with a sensation of heat in it/.—Eruption on the scapulae, without itching, painful only on touch/.—Red pimples on the back, chest, and neck, especially above the scapulae, particularly in the evening, less noticed in the morning, only sensitive to rubbing and touch of the clothes, lastiug fourteen days/3.—Eruption of red smooth pimples on the forearm and throat, with red areolae, painful as if sore only on touch/.—Eruption on dorsa of both hands, has a depressed centre like a grain of wheat; hands look as if covered with white of egg; skin dry, cannot sweat/9. — Skin of the hands dry, rough, and wrinkled/.—Red pimples, as large as the head of a pin, on and between the fingers, without sensation, lasting five days, finally with white elevations in the centre (after eleven days),2.—Sore spots on the toes, loins, and pubis/4.—Erup- tions, 3Ioist. Suppurating excoriating blisters on the red of both lips, with tensive biting, even when not touched; they became covered with dark-colored skin, which easily rubbed off on washing, after which they bled and were sore to touch, with biting pain/.—Vesicles near the fra^num preputii, itching only on pressure/.—[720.] Moist itching vesicles on the fraenum preputii, preceded by crawling/.—Vesicles on the nates, balls of the toes, and toes,14.—Deeply seated, hard, itching vesicles ou the ball of the thumb/4.—Inflammation and suppuration behind the finger-nail/.—A bursa between the metacarpal bones becomes extremely painful, especially at night, mostly on touch/.—Vesicles on the balls of the toes/4.—Erup- tions, Pustular. An itching scab beneath the septum of the nose/.— Red pimples, smaller than a bean, on the cheeks and nose, filled with pus, and itching, especially when touched/.—Yellowish-brown scabby pustular eruption on the lower lip, towards the corner of the mouth, without pain, lasting six days,6.—Small furuucles on the left chest and left side of the back/7.—[730.] A boil on the right shoulder/4.—Red papular tetters on the backs of the fingers, without sensation/.—A boil on the nates/.— Pimples, itching violently, on the knee and calf, during the day, and espe- cially in the evening, in bed, with burning after scratching; the pimples become confluent, spread, and change to ulcers, that bleed easily,10.—Sen- sations. The skin is everywhere sore; even shaving is painful/4.—Burn- ing pain iu the skin of the left side of the forehead/.—Burning pain in the skin of the cheek, near the right comer of the mouth/.—Burning on the chest,6.—Burning on the chest externally/.—Buruing pain in ulcers/.— [740.] Smarting pains in wouuds, even in wounds of the bones/.—Crawl- 362 PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. ing and creeping, as from insects, on the face, and also on other parts/.— Crawling, as from ants, on the scrotum, after scratching, changing to a burning and sore pain/.—"Formication over the whole body, with some fine stitches/13.—Formication, here and there/.—Boring stitch in the skin of the upper abdomen, persisting during inspiration and expiration/.—Itch- ing crawling on the body and on the hands, in the evening, after lying down/.—Violent sticking-burning itching in various places; after scratch- ing the burning and sticking are aggravated, with increased redness/.— Itching biting on the forehead/3.—Itching in the whole face/.—[750.] The tip of the nose itches; is obliged to scratch it,10.—Itching on the scrotum/. —A long itching stitch on the scrotum/.—Itching crawling in the fraenum preputii/.—Itching stitches, as from numerous fleas, between the breasts, on which account she woke about midnight, and could neither lie quietly nor sit, but was obliged to rise and walk about,6.—Itching biting on the right false ribs, obliging scratching/.—Sudden itching, here and there, on the back, arms, pubic region, and even on the scalp, only transiently re- lieved by scratching/1.—Itching and perspiration on the back/.—Itching biting about the lumbar vertebrae, and on other parts of the truuk, also on the thigh ; was obliged to scratch/.—Itching stitch on the coccyx/.— [760.] Itching on the backs of both hands, aggravated by scratching/.— Biting itching on the left middle finger, soon recurring after scratching/.— Itching on the right hip/.—Itching on the tibia/.—Itching biting on the left leg, that returned more violently than ever after scratching, which it provoked/.—Violent itching on the malleolus; scratching causes redness/. —Itching on the heels/. Sleep.—Sleepiness. Much yawning, that brings water from the eyes/.—Constant yawning and stretching of the upper extremities, with sleepiness,8.—Persistent yawning, for a quarter of an hour (second day)/6. —[770.] Incessant yawning, in the forenoon and evening (first day)/6.— Frequent yawning and chilliness, from 9 to 10, and from 4 to 6, with cold feet, in the evening (first day)/6.—Great sleepiness and weariness, during the day, relieved by walking; sleeplessness at night; heat and perspira- tion, from evening till midnight/.—Overpowered by sleepiness, after dinner ; he falls asleep while talking,10.—Sleepiness that closes the eyes, with yawn- ing, all day, especially in the evening/.—Sleepy early in the evening, and great sleepiness in the morning, for a long time?.— Could not arouse himself, in the morning, and was very sleepy/.—Falls asleep early, as from weak- ness, and sleeps more soundly than usual/.—Sleep so sound that he could scarcely awake, in the morning/.—He unavoidably fell into a sound and deep sleep, while writing/.—[780.] Sound sleep during the day, inter- rupted sleep at night,14.—In slumber, he jerked the hands, talked, and moaned with half-open eyes/.—He moaned very much in slumber/.—At one time a laughing, at another a weeping expression in slumber, with distortion of the half-opened eyes/.—Singing in sleep/4.—He frequently bit the tongue, at night, in sleep/4.—Frequent starting up in fright, at night, as though he were falling into water or from a height/.—Sleep- lessness. Falling asleep late in the evening, for several hours; there were large ciphers before the eyes, disappearing on rising, in bed/.—No sleep, from 2 to 4 a.m., on accouut of flow of ideas (first night)/6.—Fell asleep, late in the evening (after three days)/.—[790.] Woke much too early at night, with difficult falling asleep again/.—Restless, in the morn- ing, in bed/.—Restless sleep, with dry heat (after six days)/.—Anxious waking/.—Woke about 1 a.m., with sad solicitous thoughts, with tolerably PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. 363 clear consciousness, lasting half an hour, followed by quiet sleep till morn- ing/1.— Dreams. "Sleep full of dreams, with erections?.— Wonderful dreams/.—*Lascivious dreams, with emissions,5.—Vivid dream of feast- ing, as in the day/.—Vivid, shocking, unremembered dreams/1.—[800.] Dreams pleasant before midnight, fearful though little remembered after midnight/.—Dreams every night of the last things that had happened in the evening/.—Dreams causing uneasiness/.—Anxious dreams of dead people, with fear, on waking/.—Dreams, in part vexatious, in part indif- ferent ; towards morning he places the arms under the head; they then fall asleep/.—Dreams full of quarrel and strife, night restless,9. Ferer.—Chilliness. "Sensation of coldness, consisting more of an in- ternal shivering than of external coldness (first day)/6.—Shaking chill, in the forenoon, with blue nails, tearings in the wrists, and paralytic weakness of the arms,1.—Frequent cold creepings, with chilliness and palpitation/.— Chilliness, in the evening, on lying down, and heat all over on first waking, without thirst (after twelve Lours)/.—[810.] Chilliness, even to trembling, in the evening, followed, in the morning, by heat of face, dryness of the mouth, and sticking sore throat on swallowing/.—Violent shaking chill from afternoon till 10 p.m., followed by dry heat, so great that he almost lost consciousness/.—Chilliness over the whole body, with drawing in the limbs, woke her in the evening, after an hour's sleep, every night, without subsequent heat/.—Chilliness and coldness for an hour, towards evening, without thirst, and without subsequent heat/.—Chilliness, even while walk- ing in a warm room/1.—*Chilliness over the whole body,10.—Chilliness by paroxysms, the whole forenoon, like a general shivering, even in the house, with blue, icy-cold hands, and dry palate, without special thirst/.—Shak- ing chill over the whole body, with icy-cold fingers, without thirst (an hour after eating); after four hours, increased warmth, without thirst,10.—Creep- ing shivering chills, from time to time, lasting a minute, without thirst, im- mediately followed by just as sudden heat, alternating with chilliness/.— Attacks of shivering, in the evening, followed, in the night, by exhausting perspiration (second day)/.—[820.] Chilly sensation in the face, temples, forehead, as from a cold wind, with a feeling of coldness in the tips of the fingers, that were also quite cold externally/1.—Frequent sensation of cold- ness in the right cheek, with a feeling of swelling in the left, without exter- nally perceptible change of temperature/.—Nose cold/4.—Feeling of cold- ness, with chilliness and coldness in the abdomen/4.—Shivering over the abdomen, with cold finger tips, for two hours, without thirst, mostly on the entrance of the slightest open air, without subsequent heat/2.—Feeling of icy coldness in the right upper arm,10.—Constant coldness on the lower extreraities, extending from the malleoli to the calves/.—Alternations of shivering and heat, in the evening/.—Frequent alternations of chill and heat, in the evening; dry heat in the face, without redness, with chilliness; after the heat, still more violent chill, cold creeping over the whole body; profuse perspiration during sleep, towards raorning, if after waking, he falls asleep again/.—Heat. Catarrhal fever, soreness in all the limbs, and loss of taste/.—[830.] Internal heat through the whole body, without thirst, not perceptible externally, and without redness of the cheeks, with deep respiration and apprehension/3.—"Heat over the whole body, in the evening, followed by a restless night.1.—Much heat and perspiration all over, day and night, with excessive thirst for water/.—Dry heat, on going to sleep (fourth day)/.—Febrile heat, without thirst, from 11 to 5, in the day- time/4.—Cannot tolerate heat/4.—Heat of the whole head, in the evening, 364 PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. after lying down, with very cold feet, and only moderately warm body/.— Heat in the head, with icy-cold hands, on talking much/.—Heat of the face, without redness, but with thirst, in the afternoon/.—Heat in the side of the face upon which he is not lying/.—[840.] Much heat in the face, at night/.—Heat in the cheeks aud ears, iu the evening, before falling asleep/. —Heat iu the cheeks, and flushes of heat in the back, in the evening, ou walking in the open air/.—Increased warmth in the palms of both hands/. —Burning heat in the soles, with soreness between the toes/.—Sweat. Profuse perspiration all over, especially on the genitals, while walking in the open air/.—He perspires immoderately, while walking,1.—Attacks of perspiration all over, while sitting/.—"Profuse sweat, in the morning?.— Perspiration, in the morning, with heavy dreams of dead people and of being pursued,1.—[850.] Profuse perspiration for two nights, about mid- night, aud on waking, commencing on the head, and most profuse on the' chest/.—Sweat all night, with hot feet and hot forehead/4.—Sweat on the nape of the neck, especially during sleep, in the daytime/4. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), Ill-humored, etc.; loss of consciousness when undisturbed; vertigo; on rising, vertigo; after rising, weakness of head; pressure in head ; on waking, headache, disappearing on rising; on waking, prickling headache; pressure in forehead; eyes painful on opening them ; dry matter on the lids; after rising, paleness of the face; mouth slimy, etc.; bitter taste in mouth ; herby taste in mouth ; after-taste to food ; after waking, pain above hepatic region ; during stool, contraction in the intestiues; tearing in anus and penis; in bed, erections; while standiug, erections; cough, with yellowish expectoration; expectora- tion of a salty taste; pain in all the joints; drawing in hands and feet; pain in outer side of right foot; weak and apathetic; sleepiness; in bed, restlessness; sweat.—(Forenoon), Head befogged; weakness of eyes; on waking, want of breath; weakness of the arms; 9 to 10, yawning, with chilliness; shaking chill; chilliness; 11 to 5, febrile heat.—(Afternoon), Anxiety; pressure in the head; burning in inner canthus; dryness of mouth; oppression of chest; 2 p.m., paiu in shoulder; 4 to 6, yawning, with chilliness ; till 10 p.m., shaking chill, followed by heat; heat of face. —(Towards evening), While standing and walking, vertigo; chilliness.—■ (Evening), On enteriug a warm room, headache; pain in temple; by the light, biting burning in the eyes ; pain above orbits ; stitches behind ears ; while sitting, ciphers before the eyes ; qualmish ; in bed, emission of flatus of a garlicky odor; before going to sleep, cutting griping in abdoraen ; on walking, griping colic ; tearing in anus and penis ; bronchitis ; after lying down, cough; while walking, pain in region of heart; drawing in hands and feet; 8 to 11 p.m., paiu in the shoulder; burning stitches in soles; uneasiness of the body; red pimples on back, chest, and neck; in bed, itching in pimples on knee and calf; after lying down, itching crawling in the body and hands; yawning; sleepiness; till midnight, heat, with perspiration; on lying down, chilliness; on waking, heat; shivering; al- ternations of chill and heat; heat of head and cold feet; heat in cheeks and ears; on walking in the open air, heat in cheeks, and flushes of heat in the back.—(Night), Ringing iu left ear; in bedroom, sound as if bat were flapping about; burning pain iu front teeth; ravenous hunger; cut- ting paiu in abdomen; drawing in pelvis; erections; pressure over chest; tearing pain in back ; falling asleep of arms and lower extreraities ; 2 to 8 a.m., pain in shoulder; tearing in tibia; pain in bursa, between metacar- pal bones; interrupted sleep; heat of face; early waking; dreams of the PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM. 365 last thing that happened in the evening; perspiration.—(About midnight), Awakened by itching stitches between the breasts.—(Before midnight), Pleasant dreams.—(After midnight), Fearful dreams.—(Ascending steps), Pressure iu the head ; bruised sensation in the hips, arms, thighs, and nape of neck.—(Walking in the open air), Sadness; burning and smarting in umbilical region ; griping in abdoraen ; perspiration.—(Beer), Pain in shoulder.—(Bending backward and forward), Gurgling in abdomen.— (Bending head forward), Heaviness in occiput.—(Bending neck), Pain in throat.—(Black bread), Nausea.—(Blowing nose), Screaming in the ears. —( When body is supported upon part in walking), Drawing in left knee, extending to tibia.—(Breathing), Pressive pain in left side of chest; pinch- ing in left chest.—(Deep breath), Pressure in left side of chest.—(Burning in chest), Cough.—(Coffee), The pains.—(Changing position), Stitches in abdomen.—(Chewing), Pain in lower jaw; colduess in roots of back teeth. —(During chill), Deadness of one side of left index finger.—(Closing eyes), Coldness of inner margin of the lids.—(Cold things), Tearing in teeth.— (Coughing), Pam in head; pressure in middle of chest.—(After dinner), Sleepiness.—(After drinking), Pressure in the stomach.—(Eating), Pain in groin ; cramp iu hip-joint; tearing through leg.—(After eating), Dulness in head ; eructations of gas ; sourish eructations ; nausea ; uncomfortable, anxious ; heaviness in stomach ; pressure in stomach, with sleepiness.— (On entering house), Chilliness.—(Becoming erect while sitting), Stitches in abdomen.—(Expiration), Soreness in arch of palate; rawness in throat; pressure in middle of chest.—(Food in hollow tooth), Toothache.—(Hot things), Tearing in teeth.—(Inspiration), Sticking pain iu abdomen; stitches in right and left sides of chest.—(Lifting), Stitch in loins.—(Lying down), Ringing in ear; rumbling in abdomen.—( When part is lying upon table), Pain in forearm.—(Lying upon part), Pain in periosteum of skull.—(Lying on left side), Pain iu shoulder.—(After a meal), Fulness in the abdomen.— (Motion), Pressure in forehead and right temple; tearing in left temple ; pressure in right side of vertex and occipital bone; pinching pressure in parietal bone; pressure in occiput; soreness on sternum; stiffness and pricking in wrists; pain in right hip-joint; stitches in thighs; pain in tendons under knee; pain in right patella; cracking in ankle; pains in foot.—(Moving lower jaw), Stitches in right ear.—(Musical sounds), Stitches in ears.—[Noise), Headache; pressure in occiput.—(Pressure), Pressure in right groin ; pain in right side of occiput.—(Pressure upon lids), Pressure beneath left lower lid.—(Pressure upon sternum), Pressure in the middle of the chest.—(Pressure upon part), Pain in lowest right ribs.—(While pressing at stool), Emissions.—(Raising head), Jerking sensatiou in nape of neck.—(Reading), Rush of thoughts, etc.; headache ; mist before eyes ; by light, flickering before eyes.—(After reading), Vertigo.—( When reflect- ing), Pressure in forehead and temples.—(Rest), Stiffness in nape of neck; boring in inner side of forearm; stitch in left thigh; pulsation in lower leg; pressive paiu in right tibia; pain in ankles; heaviness in soles aud heels.—(Rising from seat), Pain in hip-joint.—(Rising after sitting), Ver- tigo; tearing in small of back; stitch in small of back.—(While sewing), Mist before eyes.—(After scratching), Burning and sticking; itching on back of hands; itching biting on left leg.—(Sitting with body bent forward), Tearing on left scapula.—( While sitting), Vertigo; sore pain in condy- lomata ; griping and pinching in umbilical region ; drawing in dorsal ver- tebrae; falling asleep of lower extremities; cramp in hip-joint; tearing through leg; weariness and restlessness in thighs; perspiration.—(After 366 PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM—PHOSPHORUS. sleep), Weariness of thighs.—( While standing), Pressure in hypochondria ; pain in small of back.—(After starting up in sleep), Palpitation.—(Stepping hard), Headache in forehead.—(Stooping), Vertigo; soreness on sternum. —(During stool), Protrusion of haemorrhoids.—(After stool), Tenesmus; deficient, biting in anus.—(Swallowing), Food sticking in throat; pain in region of thyroid cartilage; pain in throat; sore throat.—(Talking), Pain in tongue; paiu in throat; heat in head and icy-cold hands.—(Think- ing), Dizziness.—(Tickling in throat), Inclination to cough.—(Tickling in chest), Cough.—(Touch), Stitch in vertex; pain in groin; pressure in tes- ticles; cutting pain iu left chest; soreness on sternum; pressure in upper arms; pain in elbow-joint; pain in hip-joint; pain in tendons under knee. — (Touching part), Bleeding of gum; pressive paiu in pit of stomach.— (Turning head), Headache in forehead ; pressure in right side of occiput; drawing in right cervical muscles.—( While urinating), Heaviness in glans penis; burning.—(After a vexation), Burning in middle of chest.—(On waking), Cough and expectoration.—( Walking), Vertigo and reeling; shat- tering in head; cutting colic; pain in condylomata; oppression of chest; pressure in testicles; heaviness aud lameness in hip-joint; staggering; pain in hip-joint; weakness in the legs ; drawing in left nates ; pain in thighs and legs; pain above middle of thigh ; numbness in left foot; tension in right foot and toes; perspiration.—( Wine), Pain in shoulders.—( Writing), Mist before eyes ; trembling of the hands. Amelioration.—(Bending head backward), Heaviness, etc., in occi- put.—(Bending finger into hand), Drawing in little fiuger.—(Dilating pupil), Yellow spot ou white of eye.—(After eating), Coldness in back teeth.—(Emission of flatus), Distension of abdomen; pressure in chest.— (Motion), In open air, pain in shoulder; stiffness in nape of ueck; muscu- lar jerkiugs in the upper arm; stitch in loins—(Pressure), Sticking and drawing [in vertex; pain in small of back ; night pains.—(Pressing lids together), Burning in inner canthus.—(Putting finger into ear), Stitch in left ear.—(Rubbing), Pressure in occiput; pinching in left leg.— (Sitting down), Pain in small of back.—(Stooping), Pain in small of back.—( Walk- ing), Pain in chest; stitches in right side of chest; burning in posterior femoral muscles; pain in right tibia; sleepiness and weariness. PHOSPHORUS. The element, Phosphorus. Preparation, Triturations. Authorities. (Nos. 1 to 29 from Hahnemann, Chr. Kr., 2d ed.) 1, Hahnemann; 2, Goullon ; 3, Gross; 4, Hering; 4 a, "RL;" 5, Schreter, 6, Stapf; 7,"Bds.;" 8, Hartlaub ; 9,"Mbn.;" 10, "Ng.;" 11, Borchwitz; 12, Bouttaz (not accessible, Hughes); 13, Brera, in Voigtel (effects of h to 2 grains, Hughes); 14, Buchner, in Voigtel; 15, Conradi, in Hufel. Journ. (not found for lack of reference, Hughes); 16, Horn's Archiv (not accessi- ble, Hughes); 17, Hufeland's Journ. (VII, 3, 114, statement about over- action, Hughes); 18, Jahn, Mat. Med. (II, 203, general statement, a mere copy from Voigtel, Hughes); 19, Kortum (Hufel. Journ., X, 2, 41, effects of 1 grain in divided doses, Hughes); 20, Le Roi, in Bouttaz; 20a, same, in Voigtel (effects of 3 grains, Hughes); 21, Lobsteiu (Rech. et Obs. sur le Phosphore, 1815, a collection of observations from authors, Hughes); 22, Menz, in Bouttaz (not accessible, Hughes); 23, Robbi (Beob. ueber der Phosph., 1818, statements and observations, Hughes); 24, Vater, in PHOSPHORUS. 367 Voigtel; 25, Voigtel, Arzneimittellehre (IV, 46, statements from authors, Hughes); 26, Weigel, Diss. Iuaug. d. Phosph. us.; 27, Weickard, in Bout- taz (in Voigtel, effects of 2 to 3 grains, Hughes); 28, Htb. and Tr.; 29, Zisler, in Bouttaz.; 30, Wm. H. Holcombe, M.D., proving of Ph., took 20 drops of tincture twice first day, three times secoud day, and at 9 a.m. third day; 40 drops 10 p.m., third day; 20 drops, 9 a.m., fourth dav; 30 drops, 10 a.m., fifth day, N. Am. J. of Horn., 1858, p. 144. (Nos. 31 to 42 prov- ings from Dr. Sorge, "Der Phosphor," Leipzig, 1862.) 31, Dr. A. L., aged forty, took 3d. dec. dil., 4 drops, first day, 6 drops second day, 8 drops third day, 10 drops fifth and eighth days, 12 drops twenty-first day, 10 drops twenty-fourth, thirtieth, and thirty-first days, 4 drops thirty-fifth day; 32, Dr. B. took 25th dil. daily, in the morning, for six days; 32 a, same, took 12th dil., repeated doses; 32 6, same, took 2d dil. daily for seven days, 5 to 15-drop doses; 32c, same, took subsequently the 12th dil., repeated doses, for some time; 32 d, same, took 3d dil., repeated doses; 32 e, same, took 3 to 6-drop doses of an alcoholic solution of P.; 33, Otto B., aged fifteen, took 3 drops of 1st dec. dil. first, second, and fourth days; 33a, same, took crude alcoholic solution of P.; 34, Otto R., aged seventeen, took 1 to 5-drop doses of 1st dil. for nearly three months, with interrup- tions; 34a, same, took repeated doses of 2d. dil.; 34 6, same, took again 1st dil.; 34c, same, took again 2d dil.; 34 d, same, took again 1st dil.; 35, G. Muller, took 1st dil. daily for four days; 36, "R.," aged twenty, took 3 to 10-drop doses of 1st dil. every raorning, and after some days took 5- drop doses of 2d dil.; 36 a, same, took 2-drop doses of alcoholic solution of P.; 36 b, same, took 2d dil.; 37, Carl Schenk, aged twenty-seven, took one dose, 3 drops, of alcoholic solution of P.; 37a, same, took repeated doses of 1st dil.; 37 6, same, took various doses of 3d dil.; 37c, same, took 2d dil.; 37d, same, took again 1st dil.; 38, Rosalie B., aged seventeen, took 3d dil. every morning; 38a, same, took 2d dil.; 39, Miss T., aged thirty- two, took 3 drops of 25th dil. daily for three days ; 39 a, same, subsequently took 11th dil.; 39 6, same, took 2d dil., repeated doses; 40, Madame L., aged thirty-two (suffering from anteflexion uteri), took repeated doses of 2d dil.; 41, Miss S., aged tweuty-three (habitually suffering for eight days before menses with restless sleep, bad dreams, aud the day before with cramp in calves and in abdomen, great pain in back ; usually passed first meustrual day in bed ; menses last eight or niue days; evacuation of bowels difficult; stools hard), took 1st dil., beginning eight days before menses, daily for a week, 3 to 7-drop doses ; 42, Dr. Sorge, took 1st dil. first, secoud, and fourth days; 42a, same, 1st dil. first, third, aud fourth days; 426, same, 1st dil., one dose, first and second days ; 42 c, same, 3d dil., one dose; 42d, same, 3d dil. first and second days; 42e, same, 2d dil. first and second days; 42/, same, 1st dil. first and third days; 42#, same, 4th dil.; 42h, same, 1st dil.; 43, E. R. Heath, took 5 drops of tincture, Am. Horn. Rev., 5, 215, 1865 ; 44, Robinson, provings, Br. J. of Horn., 25, p. 327, 1867, "an old male took of a solution of one globule of the 30th dil. in 8 ounces of water, a dessertspoonful every third morning ;" 45, same, a young female took a globule of 1st dec. dil. four times a day for eight days; 46, same, a young female took 3d dec dil. three times a day; 47, same, a female took 30th dil. night and morning; 48, same, H. R., took 20 to 50 drops of tinc- ture at bedtime; 49, E. W. Berridge, M.D., N. Am. J. of Horn., 1875, p. 379, proving of Dr. David Wilson with one dose of "CM., Fincke;" 50, Dr. H. Noah Martin's provings, Hahn. Month., 12, p. 353, Dr. Kirk's prov- ing with amorphous Phosphorus; 51, same, Dr. Gumpert's symptoms; 52, 368 PHOSPHORUS. same, Dr. Hand's symptoms ; 53, Alphonse Le Roy, Mem. de Soc. Emula- tion, Paris, 1797 (from Sorge), provings on himself with a solution of P. in Theriacum, effects of 2 to 3 grains (same as No. 20, T. F. A.) ; 54, Wei- gel, Inaug. Diss., 1797 (from Sorge), proving on himself with 1 grain dis- solved in oil (same as No. 26); 55, Bouttaz (from Sorge), took of a solution of 4 grains in 4 drachras of Naphtha vitrioli, 20 drops every two hours (same as No. 12); 56, Worbe, a man, twenty-eight years old, took 1^ grains in hot water, and, experiencing no effects, three days afterwards repeated the dose, death on ninth day, Mem. luc a la Soc. Med. d'Emulat., Paris, 1825 (from Wibmer); 57, Dieffenbach, Fror. Notizen, 23, No. 493 (A. H. Z., 74, 77), an apothecary took, as an experiment, 1 grain of P., triturated with sugar, first day, 2 grains second day, 3 grains third day; 58, Groben- schutz, Med. Zeit. Ver. Preuss., 1843 (Frank's Mag.), poisoning by Phos- phorus paste in food; 59, Shephard, Lancet, 1843, 1, p. 435, effects of suck- ing matches, in a child two and a half years old (fatal) ; 60, Lafargue, Lond. and Edin. Med. Journ., 1843, effects of sucking matches, in a child six months old; 61, Huss, from a work on Chronic Alcoholism, effects of inhaling vapor of P. (Hempel's Mat. Med., 1, 722); 62. Strohl, Gaz. Med. de Strassburg, 1845, effects on a workman in a match factory; 63, same, in a woman; 64, same, in a woman; 65, same, in a woman; 66, same, general effects; 67, Roussel, Mem. de la Acad, des Sc, effects on workers iu match factories; 68, Belfour, Northern J. of Med., effects in workers; 69, Neumann, Preuss. Ver. Zeit., 1846 (S. J., 53, 212), effects of working four years in a match factory, in a healthy girl; 70, same, a girl, aged seventeen, worked seven years; 71, same, in a woman, aged twenty-seven, who worked two years; 72, Lorinser, S. J., 53, p. 76, effects of fumes of P. on workmen; 73, Annal. de Therap., 1846 (A. H. Z., 33, 57), effects of fumes of P. on workmen ; 74, Pluskal, Oest. Med. Woch., 1846 (Br. J. of Horn., 6, 284), effects of playing with matches a great deal, in a girl; 75, Dr. Walker, Br. J. of Horn., 4, 287, effects on a workman ; 76, Bibra and Geist, Br. J. of Horn., 11, 116, observations of Gendrin on workers, mostly women; 77, same, a woman, aged thirty-four; 78, same, in a man; 79, same, in a man, after working nine months (no phthisical predisposition); 80, Sunderlin (Sorge's Mon.), took i grain in oil; 81, Bibra and Geist, Br. and For. Med.-Chir. Rev., 1848, p. 446, effects on Barbara Klein, aged twenty-two, a worker in P.; 82, Simon, Lancet, 1850, Vol. 1, p. 44, effects on a worker for twelve years; 83, Russian Med. Zeit., 1850 (S. J., 70, 97); 84, Dassier, Journ. de Toul, 1851 (S. J., 74,168), effects of a large amount of rat poison, in a girl; 85, Boudant, Gaz. des Hop., 1851, effects of a large amount of P. paste, in a man ; 86, Bell, Pharra. Jouru., 1852-3, 12, p. 517, effects on a woman, worker in match factory; 87, Weihe, S. J., 82, 87, gen- eral effects; 88, Lewinsky, Zeit. d. K. K. Gesell. d. Aerzte zu Wien, 1853, effects of P. from matches, in a girl, aged twenty-two; 89, Deitz, Wurt. Corr. BL, Vol. 22, A. H. Z., 48, 176, effects of P. fumes; 90, Marcy, N. Am. J. of Horn., 1855, p. 94, proving by inhaling 3d dec. dil., in a woman, aged twenty-two, iuhalation repeated daily for several days; 91, same, another prover by inhalation ; 92, same, a third prover; 93, Cabot, Bost. Med. and Surg. Journ., 1855, p. 268, effects in a female worker in P.; 94, Campana, Journ. de Chim. Med., 18£5 (S. J., 101, 145), poisoning by matches; 95, Marchand, Gaz. des Hop. (Bost. M. aud S. J., 53, p. 323), effects of P. paste in soup, on a man, death on third day; 96, Muller, A. H. Z., 50, p. 163, effects on a woman of about 3 grains, scraped from matches; 97, Flugel, S. J., 90, 297, Vjs. f. Ger. Med., 1856, poisoning by PHOSPHORUS. 369 matches; 98, Wood, N. Y. J. of Med., 1856, p. 312, worker in P.; 99, Leudet, Archives Gen. de Med., 1857 (N. Am. J. of Horn., 7, p. 137), poi- soning by matches; 100, same, in a woman; 101, Nitsche, Dubl. Hosp. Rep., 1857, from Zeit. d. K. K. Gesell. d. Aerzt. z. Wien., poisoning by matches; 102, Kraus, All. Wien. Med. Zeit., 1857 (from Sorge), poisoning by matches; 103, Elwert, A. H. Z., 53, 171, poisoning by matches; 104, Halsey, Am. J. Med. Sc, 1858, p. 357, worker in P. factory; 105, Coover, Br. Med. J., 1858, p. 846, two children poisoned by matches; 106, Tueffard, Journ. de Chim. Med., 1859 (S. J., 104), poisoning by P.; 107, Rokitansky, Wien. Med. Zeit., 1859 (S. J., 105,170), a girl poisoned by matches; 108, Mertens, J. de Chim. Med., 1860 (S. J., 107, 171), effects in a man of rub- bing some P. paste into a cut in the finger; 109, Kopp, All. Wien. Med. Zeit., 1859 (S. J., 105, p. 297), a girl ate six packets of matches; 110, Kas- par's Vjs. (from Sorge), poisoniug of a woman by P. paste; 111, Zeidler, Annals of Berlin Charities, 1860, a woman drank an infusion of a thousand matches, repeated next moruing and evening; 112, von Hauff, Wurt. Corr. BL, 1860 (S. J., 109, 41), effects in three persons of eating soup containing Phosphorus paste; each received about 3 grains of P., first case; 113, same, a boy, aged six years ; 114, same, a girl, aged four; 115, Paul, Edin. Month. J., 1860, p. 388, effects in a girl, aged twenty-six, of Ph. in coffee, death on the eighth day; 116, Lilienthal, N. Am. J. of Horn., 9, 448, effects of working in a match factory; 117, Frickhoffer, Nassau Med. Jhrb., 1861 (S. J., Ill, 24), poisoning by a solution of matches; 118, L'Union, 12, 201, tox. by a solution of matches; 119, Ogston, Br. and F. Med.-Chir. Rev., 1861, p. 350, tox. by scrapings of matches; 120, Cutler, Bost. Med. and Surg. J., 66, 393, a child, aged two, ate P. from ninety-two matches; 121, Paget, Med. Times and Gaz., 1862, effects on a man working in P.; 122, same, second case; 123, Lewin, a girl ate tops of a thousand matches, Med. Times and Gaz., 1862; 124, Adams, Med. Times and Gaz., 1862, a worker in P.; 125, Sorge, a woman poisoned by matches, Sorge's Monograph; 126, Wagner, Archiv de Heilk., 1862, a girl, aged thirteen, ate P. paste; 127, Gallavardin, Annals d'Hyg. Publique, 1855, poisoning of a man by P. mixed with food; 128, Hoering, Med. Corr. BL. 1862, a woman, aged thirty- two, poisoned by one hundred matches; 129, Fritz, Archiv Gen. de Med., 1863, a girl poisoned by paste scraped from sixty matches; 130, Fritz, Ranvier and Verliac, Treatise ou P. Poisouing, Paris, 1863, poisoning by matches; 131, same, another case; 132, Bucquoy, L'Union Med., 1863, poisoning of a woman by matches; 133, Lancereaux, L'Union Med., 1863, poisoning of a man by matches; 134, same, poisoning of a man by P. paste; 135, same, poisoning of a girl, aged twenty-two, by matches; 136, same, a man poisoned by matches; 137, Richardson, Br. and F. Med.-Chir. Rev., 1863 (from Tuengee), effects observed in nineteen cases of poisoniug; 138, Karrajan, A. H. Z. Mon. BL, 8, 29, a man took a solution in beer of eight packets of matches; 139, Fraser, Med. Times and Gaz., 1863, a woman took P. paste; 140, Guillabert, L'Art Med., 13, 311, a girl of eighteen took a solution of matches in hot water; 141, Maunkoff, A. H. Z. Mon. BL, 8, 16, a woman of twenty-three took an infusion in cold water of one thousand matches (10 to 12 grains of P.); 142, same, a woman took an infusion of about three thousand matches; 143, same, a man took an infu- sion of one thousand matches in coffee; 144, same, a womau poisoned by one thousand matches in coffee; 145, Ozanam, L'Art Med., 19, p. 146, a woman took P. scraped from one hundred and twenty matches, death seventh day; 146, Woodmau, Med. Times and Gaz., 1864, poisoning of two vol. vn.—24 370 PHOSPHORUS. woraen by P. paste; 147, von Bunan,Vjs. f. Ger. Med., 1864, poisoning by P. in milk ; 148, Levi, Gaz. Hebdom., 1864, effects of eating matches; 149, Memorabilien, 1864, p. 245, effects of eating raatches; 150, Guillabert, Gaz. des Hop., 1865, a woman poisoned by matches; 151, Ogle, Med. Times and Gaz., 1865, effects in a worker in P.; 152, Hunt, Am. J. Med. Sc, 1865, p. 353, a worker in matches; 153, Krug, Archiv de Heilk., 1865 (A. H. Z., Mon. BL, 12,54), a girl, aged fifteen, ate two packets of matches ; 154, same, another case; 155, Meyer, Virchow's Archiv, 1865 (S. J., 136, 209), effects of eating matches; 156, Pastau, Virchow's Archiv, 1866 (A. H. Z., Mon. BL, 13, 24), a woman took a solution of eight packets of matches in hot water; 157, Hsesseler, Archiv f. Ger. Med., 1866 (S. J., 136, 209), a child poisoned by matches; 158, Blix, Gaz. Hebdom., 1866 (S. J., 136, 209), a man took Phosphorus; 159, same, a man poisoned by matches; 160, Heschel, Wien Med. Woch., 1866, poisoning by matches; 161, Habershon, Med.-Chir. Trans., 1867, a woman, aged twenty-eight, drank a solution of rat poison ; 162, Hillier, ibid., a child sucked matches (about twenty-four) ; 163, Mul- ler, Inaug. Diss., Berlin, 1867, poisoning of a woman, aged twenty-two; 164, same, another case, Ph. in hot coffee; 165, Pestel, L'Union Med., 1867, a man poisoned by soup containing matches; 166, Klett, Wurt. Corr. BL, 1868 (Br. and F. Med.-Chir. Rev., 1869, p. 542), a woman, six months pregnant, ate ends of matches; she died in six Lours, an hour after deliv- ery ; 167, Weihe, Inaug. Diss., Berlin, 1867, a woman poisoned by matches ; 168, Rummel, H. and P. Zeit. f. Med. (S. J., 144, 31), a woman poisoned by matches; 169, Gross, Inaug. Diss., Berlin, 1867, a man poisoned by matches; 170, Maschka, Prag. Vjs., 1867 (A. H. Z. Mon. BL, 16, 58), a girl, aged twenty, took infusion of matches in hot water; 171, Guenzler, Med. Corr. BL, 1867, p. 68, a woman poisoned by matches; 172, Taylor, Guy's Hosp. Rep., 1868, p. 242, a girl of thirteen poisoned by Ph. rat poison, death on sixth day; 173, Fournier and Ollivier, L'Union Med., 1868, No. 86, a girl, fourteen, employed four years in match factory; 174, Dujardin-Beaumetz (N. Y. Med. Journ., 1868, p. 534), effects of small doses; 175, Matthieu, Preuss. Med., 1868 (S. J., 144, 31), a man took a lot of matches; 176, Haselhorst, Inaug. Diss., Berlin, 1868, a boy of seventeen poisoned by matches; 177, Huber, Deutsch Archiv f. Klin. Med., 1868, p. 611, a man poisoned by P. paste ; 178, same, a man ate food containing P. paste; 179, Concato, Rivista Clin., 1868 (S. J., 144,31), poisoning by matches; 180, Thiersch, Archiv de Heilk., 1868 (A. H. Z. Mon. BL, 18, 57), general P. necrosis in workers; 181, Lenftleben, Virchow's Archiv, 36. 520, poisoning by application of P. in oil to a raw surface; 182, Water- house, Br. Med. Journ., 1869, 2, p. 454, a girl took P. paste, recovery; 183, Kay, Lancet, 1869, 1, 836, a woman took an ounce of P. paste, death on third day; 184 to 189, Porte, Inaug. These, Paris, 1869, cases of P. necrosis; 190, Schultz and Reiss, Annal. des Charite Krankenhauser, Ber- lin, 1869, a man poisoned by an indefinite amount; 191, same, another case; 192, same, a girl poisoned by three hundred matches; 193, same, a girl took five hundred matches; 194, same, a woman took same; 195, same, a girl took one thousand matches; 196, same, a girl took one hundred raatches; 197, same, five hundred matches; 198, same, a large number of raatches; 199, same, a man took one thousand matches; 200, Ebstein, Archiv de Heilk., 1869, a woman took an infusion of matches; 201, Knce- venagl, Berlin Klin. Woch., 1869, a woman took an infusiou of matches; 202, Lange, Berlin Klin. Woch., 1870, a man took an infusion of matches; 203, Kohler, ibid., poisoning by two hundred matches; 204, Battmann, PHOSPHORUS. 371 Archiv de Heilk., 1871, a woman took a solutiou of matches in wine; 205, Andant, Journ. de Therap., 1871, matches in soup, effect on a woman; 206, same, on the son; 207, Anderson, Lancet, 1871, 2,189, a child sucked the heads of matches; 208, Rommelaere, Traite de P. Intox., Bruxelles, 1871, girl, aged seventeen, took infusion of matches in coffee, cured by tur- pentine ;f 209, same, another case, poisoned by matches, cured by turpen- tine; 210, Anstie, Practitioner, 1873, 11, 103, a man, subject to migraine, took three pills, each containing g'^th grain of P., daily for about a week; 211, Wegner, Virchow's Archiv, 55 (B. J. of Horn., 31, 29), poisoning by P.; 212, same; 213, Sharp, Essays on Med., p. 720, took twice 1 drop of P., 1st cent, dil.; 214, Biermer, Corr. Bl. Schweiz., 1873, p. 269, poisoning of a woman by matches ; 215, Jacobson, Deutsch Archiv f. Pr. Med., 1874, p. 467, poisoning of a woman by matches; 216, Courtenay, Med. Times and Gaz., 1876, p. 461, child poisoned by P. paste ; 217, Morse, U. S. Med. Invest., 1876, p. 488, effects of inhaling the fumes of burning P.; 218, Goullon, Int. Horn. Presse, 10, 496, a man engaged in packing a large quantitity of matches; 219, same, a woman poisoned by eating matches; 220, Tardieu, Empoisonnernent, a girl, aged nineteen, poisoned by matches; 221, same, D'Hielly, a girl, aged twenty-three, poisoned by matches; 222, same, Brulle, These, Paris, 1860, a girl poisoned by matches; 223, same, a woman poisoned by matches; 224, same, a woman, two months pregnant, poisoned by matches; 225, same, Tungel's case of a woman poisoned by matches; 226, same, Tungel's case of a man poisoned by matches; 227, Breyton, These, Paris, 1865, a woman poisoned by matches; 228, Gallard, Annal. d'Hyg., secoud ser., vol. 31, a woman poisoned by matches; 229, Piffard, Hosp. Gaz. and Archives of Clin. Surgery, 1877, p. 294, effects of tri-daily doses of T^-Qth to ^th grain of P. given for psoriasis; 230, Boling, N. Orleans Med. and Surg. Journ., 1854, experiments on a healthy negro boy with tincture, doses \ drop to 500 drops (only immediate effects ou pulse reported ; those not showing any deviation from health are omitted, T. F. A.); 231, same, experiments on a healthy man, 10 to 200-drop doses, omitted ; 232, Bemis, N. Orleans M. and S. Journ., 1867, effects of a box of rat poison, in a woman. 3Iind.—Emotional. *Violent delirium, at first alternating with intervals of consciousness, afterwards interrupted; this delirium, which pre- ceded death, was erotic, with indications of great excitement of the sexual system, followed by stertorous respiration and death/11.—About 6 p.m., vio- lent delirium supervened; the patient became restless, wished to get out of bed, and at last had to be tied (fourth night) ; towards morning, delirium gave place to coma, and he died after a short agony, at 7 a.m. (fifth day)/9. —Sudden delirium, followed by a comatose state, interrupted by occasional screams (niuth night); delirium (tenth day)/00.—Delirium, with fear of death, carphologia, aud shrill cries, with at times stiff bending of the body backward/6.—* Violent delirium (with intense icteric color of the skin), (fifth day); this lasted till after the seventh day ; the patient forgot to pass water, respiration was very difficult, the pulse very small, skin dry, tongue broivn?01.—Violent delirium (fourth day),202.—Mania (after five days)/94.— Delirium, in which the patient got out of bed aud was found lying on the floor, screaming frightfully and tossing about/25.—Delirium, with constant attempts to escape ; it was necessary to confine the patient to the bed ; this f Symptoms observed subsequent to turpentine not included, although she suf- fered from jaundice, bile in urine, etc. 372 PHOSPHORUS. was followed after some hours by complete unconsciousness, with sunken face/38.—[10.] Delirium, with loud screaming, followed by death (fourth day),154.—Delirium, with fearful cries, striking and biting about him, so that four or five persons were required to restrain him/48.—Delirium (fourth day); dozed off frequently, but only to lapse into a semi-delirious state (sixth day); a peculiar phase developed itself in his delirium ; wherever he turned his eyes he saw faces ; they swarmed by him in long panoramic succession; they leered at him over the footboard of the bed; they squinted at him through the windows, or came trooping in wheu the doors were left ajar; he would watch these apparitions for hours, complaining that they would not let him sleep (eighth day) ; the haunting faces of the previous hallucination had disappeared, and he fancied he was some one else, or that he was in several pieces and could not get the fragments properly adjusted (tenth and eleventh days)/17.—Delirium, followed by coma and death,126159. —Delirium; the patient tried to get out of the room and out of the house (secoud and third nights)/71.—Slight delirium just before death (eighth day)/96.— Iu some cases, evidence of delirium and coma/37.— Delirium, with restlessness, on the last day/23.—Died delirious, with symptoms of pa- ralysis/66.— Delirium at times (third day)/09.—[20.] "Delirium (ninth day)/7155; (after ten to twelve days)/75; (ninth day)/77181.—Slight loqua- cious delirium (fifth day)/21.—"Loquacious delirium (fifth day)/36.—Exhil- aration of the spirits/74.—Foolish, disconnected talking, followed by quiet delirium, with lucid intervals/8.—Attempts to jump out of bed, symptoms of excitement alternating with sopor (tenth day)/77.—The patient became very much confused in mind, sang, cried aloud, passed urine and faeces in- voluntarily (fifth day)/93. — Succession of piercing screams and strong clinching of the hands (fourth day)/19.—Constant frightful screaming and biting, and tearing the pillow with the teeth/25.—Involuntary starting on some one's opening the door; noise very troublesome to me (after second dose, second day),30.—[30.] Extreme excitement, with very great heat, great thirst (seventh day),140.—Great excitement; she sang, laughed, and afterwards fell asleep; on the next morning woke with great anxiety (after half an hour),X — Great emotional excitement (fourth day)/1; (second day)/08.—Great emotional excitement, without any cause,40.—Excited by every trifle/.—Excited and passionate, almost without cause,1.—"Excited mood (first day),X—General excitement, followed by delirium, and after- wards by somnolency, afterwards again by delirium (third day)/71.—"Told those about him repeatedly that he could not possibly recover, and gave some disjointed directions about his business affairs?1''.—Reveries, with preoccupa- tion of mind (fifth day)/40.—[40.] As the darkness of night began to in- close the earth, my peace was disturbed by the most frightful visions and thoughts; constant fear of death, with an almost uncontrollable desire to commit suicide (after twenty-four hours)/3. — Delirious fantasies, while slumbering and waking, as if she were on a distant island; had a great deal of business, was a noble lady, etc./.—Very vivid fancies, caused by reading a foolish story, so that I was obliged to make earnest exertion to do my work,X—Such vivid fantasies usually in the evening, that the presence of disagreeable things caused shuddering/.—Passionate, at times/. —"Shamelessness; she uncovers herself and wishes to go naked, as if insane?. —Imagines he has hydrothorax/1.—Patient, apathetic, delirious at times (fourth day)/69.—"Thepatient was apathetic and sluggish (third and fourth days); on the fifth day became agitated, continuing through the sixth day, when he became delirious, screamed without answering, always complained PHOSPHORUS. 373 of pains, but did not designate the locality/34.—*Great apathy, so that the patient was almost unwilling to talk,96.—[50.] Patient lies apathetic, screams out how and then, so loud that it aroused all in the house ; at other times she is unconscious, gives no answer when called, though there are free intervals during which she recoguizes those about her (ninth day); on the next day consciousness fails entirely ; on the eleventh day she re- gains consciousness, which she does not again lose/15.—* Apathetic ; he answers very slowly, moves very sluggishly/34.-—"Patient apathetic; at times tossing about the bed and moaning (sixth day)/99.—The mind that had been clear to the tenth day became confused, the patient became apathetic, followed by death/91.—* Apathy (fourth day)/93; (after five days)/14219.— Joyfulness/8.—Was obliged to laugh against her will while she was sad/.— "Spasmodic laughing and weeping?.—Freedom of mind, good humor, with agreeable warmth of the whole body, especially of the hands, that are quite red from rush of blood; everything seems brighter to her (second day),10.—Very good-humored, especially in the afternoon,10.—[60.] Lively, good-humored ; she sings and hums to herself,10.—Hypochondriac/.—Mo- rose, very much affected by every object, especially by people or noises/.— Morose and indolent/.—Inconsolable grief, with weeping and crying, in the morning (after five days)/.—Moaning and groaning/14.—Cried loudly in bursts (sixth day)/07.—Moody, melancholy, and violent weeping, towards morniug, on waking from a dream, that caused depression of spirits; he could not stop weeping or get quiet, but continued to moan for. more than a quarter of an hour.8.—"Melancholy?.—"Sadness and melancholy, as if some misfortune had happened (after fourteen days),10.—[70.] "Sadness in the twilight, for several evenings in succession, at the same hour/.—"Filled with gloomy forebodings (sixth day)/17.—"Great sadness?03.—* Weary of life?.— Sad and ill-humored, though not weeping/.—"Sad mood and very suscepti- ble to emotional disturbances, especially to apprehension, through the whole proving?. — "Sad, apprehensive, despondent,10.—"Sad, silent, reflective?0.— "Sad and despondent for a long time,10.— "Sad, depressed?.—[80.] "Mental depression, and a most uncommon fearfulness or timidity, with a great sense of fatigue (fourth day),30.—"Great depression?9 lb%.—"Great dejection (after five days)/. — "Depressed, mood, despondent?.—"Very much depressed in spirits, with disinclination to work, without cause (seventeenth day)/1.— "Despondency (fourth day)/31.—My mind was greatly oppressed with mel- ancholy ; tears would start without cause; a feeling of dread, as if await- ing something terrible, yet unable to resist or move, overcame me ; some- times it seemed as if I was beginning to bloat, and then I could hear a multitude of voices saying in high glee, "Fill him up a little more and he will burst," followed by demoniacal laughter, which made the cold chills run over me. I imagined myself an aurora borealis, and could distinctly hear voices shouting, " Beautiful! Oh, was not that splendid?" as the pains became more severe and lasting ; soon, however, the agony became so great that it threw off in a measure the stupor that clouded my senses (after five hours)/3.—*Anxious oppression,1.—"Dull and oppressed, ill-natured/1.— When thinking of anything disagreeable, he falls into a kind of apprehen- sion, the sensation of which is mostly in the pit of the stomach/.—[90.] Apprehensive, as if she were grieving about something, frequently recur- ring,10.—Increasing anxiety and restlessness (after three days),143.—"Great anxiety?1,1.—Internal anxiety/8.—Anxiety; oppressed, as if I had heard unpleasant news/1.—"Anxiety and restlessness, with much sweat on the fore- head and heat of the head?.—* Great anxiety and irritability when alone?.— 374 PHOSPHORUS. Great anxiety and restlessness, immediately, in bed, in the evening/.— She woke every morning with anxiety/.—"Attack of anxiety, as if below the left breast, that was so painful that her whole body trembled, -at times with bitter eructations and palpitation?.—[100.] She is made anxious by a dis- agreeable event, mingled with fear and vexation, and is inclined to weep/. —Anxiety all night, without heat, as if he had murdered some one, with constant tossing about/.—Much anxiety, in the evening (after eight days)/. —"Anxiety, as if he would die, at times, in the evening (first day)/.—Anx- iety, as from impending misfortune/.—Anxiety and heat,15.—"Anxiety?b 103. —Anxiety and internal restlessness, without grounds therefor/.—"Anxiously solicitous concerning the unfortunate termination of her illness?.—Discouraged about his health/.—[110.] Anthropophobia/.—*Horrible fearfulness, late in the evening, as if a horrible face were looking out from every corner?.— "Fear and dread, in the evening?.—An indescribable feeling of fright/2.— Very easily frightened.1.—Frightened feeling, as if I was about to be run over by a locomotive/2.—The world was frightful to him, only weeping could relieve him ; soon afterwards complete dulness and indifference,1.— "Did not like to be alone?0.—"Felt nervous, as if I were going to die?2.—Very ill-humored,10.—[120.] Ill-humor during the last days of the proving; she became exceedingly sensitive to the crying of a child, which affected her very unpleasantly, which had never before been the case,39b.—Ill-humored/ 7; (third day)/5.—Very bad humor, even under the best circumstances/.— Ill-humored and fretful,10.—He woke very ill-humored every night after midnight/.—Out of humor with everything, sad, fretful,10.—Very irritable mood; every word excites her and she becomes despondent on account of it/.—* Very irritable mood?.—*■ Very irritable and fretful mood (second day)/2. —Very irritable and excited mood, so that she was excited by the least trifle,40.—[130.] Mental irritability, uncommon vehemence in argument (third day),30.—Irritable and peevish/.—Very peevish before dinner at the merest trifle, followed by a sensation of heat and then pressure in the stomach; afterwards nausea, with much heat in the face, and complete loss of appetite/.—Very peevish, and unable to forget the cause of vexa- tion/.—Very peevish, in the forenoon/.—More peevish than ever/.—*Felt exceedingly petulant all day ; nothing went right; felt as dissatisfied with myself as with others; seemed as if everybody said or did something to provoke me,90.—Very much affected, even by a slight vexation/.—Vexa- tion causes violent anger and rage/.—Great vexation from the slightest cause, with cold hands, hot face, and palpitation/.—[140.] Vexed, so that he was beside himself at every trifle/.—She is very easily vexed/.—Very easily provoked to anger/.—Obstinate,6.—Tenderness (secondary action)/. —Tender mood/.—Very capricious, sensitive/.—Indifferent to her child, of whom she was usually fond/.—Extremely discontented/.—Discontented and irresolute/.—[150.] My wants were numerous and varied/3.—"Great indifference to everything?.—Feeling of indifference, with prostration and heaviness of the head, in the evening (first day),42b.—"Indifferent mood (firstday)/2f; (fifth day),X—"Indifferent?4".—Intellectual. ^Increased activity, during the first days/9.f—"My mind became very clear; I could remember with the utmost distinctness my past life; orations delivered during college days I could rehearse word for word, and tell the day and circumstances attending their delivery; lectures I had heard years before | Not found.—Hughes. PHOSPHORUS. 375 came before my mind (after twenty-three hours)/3.—Rush of ideas that were difficult for her to put in order,1.—Distracted in mind, though in- clined to work/.—"Disinclined to work, and uuhappy, though without con- fusion of the head/.—[160.] "Disinclination for every work?9b.—"For one or two months there was very great indisposition to mental or physical ex- ertion, much more marked than that which almost every one feels and knows under the name of " spring fever," 30.—*Disinclination to study or converse,51.— ^Disinclination to study,50. —"No inclination to work?4*.— *Aversion to thought or mental activity,3".—inability to think,52.— *Could not study nor keep his mind on any particular subject long at a time,50.— *Slow flow of ideas, absence of mind?.—Forgetful and dizzy/.— [170.] "Forgetful and stupid, so that he did something quite different from what he wished/.—Loss of intelligeuce (tenth day)/00.—Conciousness re- mained perfect to the last/42.—Seems stupid, at night, on waking/.—Patient stupid, tossing about the bed, frequently rising up, and calliug out the names of people/95.—"Stupid (fourth day)/63.—The patient is very stupid; at times screams out without apparent cause (sixth day)/69.—"Stupefaction (third day)/14; (fourth day)/19. —Stupefaction, followed by death/58.— *Lay most of the time in a stupor, from which he could be roused, how- ever, for an instant, only to lapse back into low muttering lethargy (tenth aud eleventh days),217. — [180.] Recognized no one (after seven days)/6.—Frequently failed to recognize those about (tenth and eleventh days)/17.—"Loss of senses, as if he could not grasp any thought, with head- ache/.—"Unable to collect his senses, in the morning on rising; the head is dizzy, heavy, and painful, as if he had been lying at night with the head too low/.—"He took no notice of things which were passing about him, but his responses were always correct (third day)/9.—"Seems dumb and dazed for many days?.—Consciousness impaired (fourth night)/8.—Seemingly uncon- scious, and perfectly quiet, except when, at intervals of from two to three minutes, tetanic spasms with opisthotonos occurred (after one hour)/82.— Senses impaired/17181.—The period of twelve days was to the patient almost a complete blank ; he remembered scarcely anything which occurred during that time/17.—[190.] "Unconscious (sixth day)/07216.—Loss of conscious- ness, and quiet, alternating with restlessness (eleventh day)/77.—Sudden loss of consciousness, with screaming, attempts to escape, biting and sobbing by paroxysms, after which she lay quiet for some time (fifth day)/53.—Un- consciousness, with convulsions and black vomiting (followed by death)/07. —Sudden loss of consciousness, restlessness and tossing about the bed, groaning and crying aloud, pulse 140, followed by collapse and death, after five days/70.—Entirely unconscious, with throwing of the hands and feet about the bed (fourth day)/63.—She soon became unconscious, and so re- mained for over twenty-four hours; during this condition she frequently changed her position, often drew her legs up against the abdomen ; there was a low temperature, 31.2° in the axilla, 31.8° iu the anus. The patient was completely apathetic, pupils insensible to light, pulse small, thready, 80, respiration 30, inspiration short, expiration long aud stertor- ous ; the heart gradually became weak, and the patient died/04.—Loss of consciousness, coldness; followed by convulsions and death (fourth day)/14. —Sopor, with great restlessness, followed by coma and death/14.—After the cessation of the sickness, the child lay in a drowsy, stupid, and comatose condition, till within a few hours of its death, when it was seized with con- vulsions, and died in one of the paroxysms,60.—[200.] She continued get- ting more drowsy, and died comatose (third day)/39.—The patient became 376 PHOSPHORUS. partly comatose, although the intellect was not impaired, shortly before death/20.—Coma, followed by death,148.—Prostration, followed by coma and death/35.—Comatose state, cries, trismus, death (eleventh day),100.— Coma (fifth day)/9; (ninth, tenth, and eleventh days)/00; (fourth day)/63181. Head.—Confusion, with dulness and pressure in the head, without real pain (second day)/03.—Confused uncomfortable feeling in the head, in the morning, after rising/.—Confused headache, as in impending coryza/.— Long-continued confusion of the head, as if he had not slept enough,10.— [210.] "Confusion of the head?.—The head became so confused, after din- ner, that she could scarcely collect her senses/.—Head dull, confused (after four days)/.—Confused feeling in the head (fifteenth day)/01.—Violent vertigo, in the evening, while walking; everything seemed to turn about; while standing it disappeared, and returned while walking/.—Vertigo, so violent at noon that he came near falling from a chair/.—Transient but violent vertigo, in the evening, lasting ten seconds/.—Attack of vertigo, so that he did not know exactly where he was, every day, after dinner/.— * Vertigo several times a day; she staggered while waucing, so that people might think her intoxicated?.—Vertigo, followed by nausea and pressing-down- ward pain in the middle of the brain, with stupefaction, and sensation as if he would tumble down, in the raorning and after dinner; then, in the afternoon, nausea, heartburn, red face, and sensation as if something were seated in the throat, with sadness and weeping without cause ; in the even- ing, mistiness before the eyes and itching of the eyelids/.—[220.] * Vertigo, in the morning, constantly increasing, like a heavy pressing downward of the forepart of the head, with a faintish nausea, and on stooping, black- ness before the eyes, with much sneezing, lasting till evening, relieved in the open air (after seven days)/.—* Vertigo, in the morning, after rising from bed?.—Vertigo, so that he tumbled about, in the morning, after rising/.— *Vertigo, in the foreuoon ; also while walking everything turned around with her; she staggered, and did not have a firm step/.—Vertigo, frequently at noon, so that on going out he had to take great care to prevent falling/.— Sensatiou of vertigo, in the afternoon, as if the chair upon which he was sitting was much higher than usual, and as if he were looking downward, followed by a hypochondriac mood, with sleepiness and weakness, lasting till towards 9 p.m./.—A kind of vertigo, after eating, in the eveniug; objects seem partly dark and invisible, with flickering zigzags and rings before the eye, preventing vision ; the head seems to turn around ; he does not really know whether he is really sitting upon the chair/.—Awoke with violent vertigo and nausea, about 10 p.m.,10.—Vertigo, with headache, and accumulation of much saliva; she was obliged to spit a great deal, for three days/.—Attack of vertigo, as if it turned him around ; afterwards he found himself standing, with outstretched arms, as if he had attempted to take hold of something to steady himself/.—[230.] On closing the eyes, vertigo, as if she were whirling around/.—The vertigo which she had at times, in a very slight degree, becarae much raore frequent and persistent, so that for several hours she felt as if intoxicated,40.— Vertigo, with dulness or stupefaction of the head, as if her senses would vanish, at times, on coming into a warm room from the open air,10.—* Vertigo, on rising from a seat,10. —Vertigo, as though the head were turning in a circle, in the evening, in bed/.—"A kind of vertigo, as though all the blood rushed to the head, on turn- ing over, in the evening, in bed/.—Vertigo, on stooping, with chilliness and nausea, from time to time/.—Vertigo, on suddenly turning and raising the head/24.—"Vertigo, with slight headache?1. — * Vertigo? 43 89; (second PHOSPHORUS. 377 morning),99168; (sixteenth day)/97, etc—[240.] "Vertigo; he was obliged to lie down for several days, because as soon as he made any effort to rise the vertigo returned,218.—* Vertigo in the head and roaring in the ears, on rising (tenth day)/76.—Vertigo, with some headache/25.—Vertigo, with trembling/25.—Vertigo, with exhaustion (third day)/43.—Vertigo, with blackness before the eyes,10.—Vertigo, after eating (after three hours),90.— Vertigo, on rising from dinner (after nine days)/.—Painful dizziness, eight mornings in succession?.—Very dizzy and near fainting, after a second stool/.—[250.] Dizziness, with violent headache, shivering, and chill, with- out thirst, alternating heat in the head, shivering, and discomfort over the whole body (after thirty-six hours)/.—Dizzy attack; if she turned herself once she did not know where she was, the same after stooping, in the fore- noon/.—Dizziness in the head, on moving/.—Dizziness, in the morning, after waking, so great that she had to be assisted frora bed/.—Dizziness, in the evening, in bed/.—Dizziness, with a feeling of lightness in the head following it, increased in the afternoon,50.—Slight dizziness, with sensation as if the muscles, in walking, would lose their equilibrium (after first dose, second day),30.—Feeling of lightness in the head,50.—General Head. Very heavy dull feeling in the head, after eating,50.—* Great dulness of the head and vertigo, obliging him to lie down?.—[260.] Great dulness of the head, worse at noon, relieved by the repeated washing of the face with very cold water/9b.—Great dulness of the head, with some symptoms of coryza, without real pain or heat, relieved by washing with cold water, by cold air, or motion, worse on sitting and also on stooping,39b.—Dulness of the head, especially in the region of the frontal sinuses, in the forenoon; after dinner there was real stupefaction, with vertigo, so that she was obliged to lie down, associated with great feebleness of the whole body, with some cramps in the hollows of the knees/9b.—Dulness of the head and general exhaustion, so that she falls asleep while reading, during the men- ses/.—Dulness of the head, after eating/.—Stupid dulness of the head, worse in the fore and upper part of the bead,10.—General slight dulness of the head,9.—"Stupid feeling in the head?0.—"Head felt dull and heavy (after two days)/17.—*Dulness of the head,89; (fifth day)/03149; (fourth day),193. —[270.] Dulness of the head, with toothache/9b.—Dulness of the head, better in the open air/9.—"Great heaviness in the head (after eighteen days)/.—Heaviness, powerlessness, and confusion of the head, in the morn- ing/.—Heaviness of the head ; he saw as through a veil/.—"Heaviness of the head, with some vertigo?*.—Heaviness and dizziness of the head, better in the open air/4.—"Heaviness of the head (first day)/042b37b.—Heaviness and warmth of the head/7b.—Heaviness and dulness of the head, with a sensation as if she had received a blow upon it,40.—[280.] * Great weakness of the head, so that she could not endure any sound of the piano?.—Weakness of the head ; when thinking about it the head aches/.—Weakness of the head; from laughing, stepping hard, or on stretchiug out the limbs, a throbbing and beating in the head, especially violent after sitting a long time/.—Feeling of fulness in the head/9b.—Fulness and confusion iu the head/.—Fulness in the brain, not as if it were filled with blood, and with- out preventing thought/.—Fulness of the head, with stoppage of the ears, without diminished hearing, except on swallowing,10.—Rush of blood to the head, with burning heat and redness of the face, while sitting,10.—Rush of blood to the head, that could not be endured/6.—Blood rushes to the head easily, towards evening/.—[290.] "Rush of blood to the head, 192538a.—Vio- lent dull headache, with nausea, eructations, and accumulation of water in 378 PHOSPHORUS. the mouth/.— Dull headache, as from studying too much, with some dizzi- ness, that after thinking was not noticed, and apparently disappeared en- tirely/23.—Dull headache, with a feeling as if he had not slept enough/46. —"Dull headache?9.—Heat of the head, with dull headache, in the morn- ing/4'1.—Dull headache, as after night watching,10.—Dull headache and bad humor, in the morning, on waking, and after rising (second day),10.— Dull pain in the whole head, with dizziness, so that he could not hold up the head well, and at times could not see well; on turning the head the pain was aggravated, and extended down into the face, somewhat better on leaning it forward, without heat, with accumulation of water in the mouth and general prostration and sickly look ; these symptoms continued to in- crease for three or four days, only somewhat relieved by sleep, uutil there appeared, in the middle of the forehead, an irregular circle, about as large as a half dollar, with a border half an inch broad, consisting of turgid skin of the forehead, which was warmer than the surrounding part; the red- ness disappeared on pressure, but immediately returned (eczema erythema- tosuni); in the middle of this circle there was an irregular round spot of normal skin; the diseased part of the skin was painless, but cold water and cold air caused smarting/74.—Dull pain in the whole head, with some pressure in the eyes and sleepiness, while sitting still, in the raoruing (fourth day)/5.—[300.] Dull pain, with heaviness of the head and per- spiratiou/1.—Headache, consisting of a sensation of heaviness, extending to the eyeballs, as if the head were drawn forward by a weight, with a feel- ing of fulness and heaviness in the face, as if too full of blood, like that after studying too intensely ; when the headache was the worst it was ac- companied by drawing in the left side of the occiput; the headache was only transiently relieved by smelling of spirits of wine, and by shaking the head, aggravated by mental work/2.—Pressive onesided headache, that disappears on walking in the open air (immediately)/.—Pressive headache here and there, changing to a pain, as if the surface of the brain were beaten and bruised/.—Pressive headache, or a confusion, with jerking or tearing in the head, every morning on waking, aggravated by motion/.— Internal pressive headache, mostly on the right side, as if the head were too heavy, with some dulness of the head, and teusion in both cheeks, as from too much blood/2. — Pressive and pinching headache/.— Pressive headache, deep in the right side of the forehead and parietal bone, with ill-humor, in the evening (first day)/2.—Pressive headache, extending as far as the occiput, with a sensation of looseness in the brain, ou stooping and rising again/6.—Pressure in various places in the head, as if there were pimples under the skin/.—[310.] Pressure shoots back and forth in the brain/.—Seusatiou in the head as though heavily pressed upon,34c.— Violent headache, on riding (fifth day),30.—Violent headache, iu the morn- ing, lasting till noon,34d.—Violent headache, from stooping (iu the open air), (after eleven days)/.—Headache while reflecting, in the evening,10.— Headache, 74115118, etc.—Violent headache/33156; (third day)/64 X (fourth day)/92.—Headache, that began immediately after lying down in bed, two evenings in succession/.—Headache at night, following nausea in the evening/.—[320.] Headache, with nausea, while lying, and as it disap- peared a kind of vertigo/.—Headache with the fever (second day); head- ache (fourth day); with fever, iu the afteruoon (sixth day),90.—Headache above the left eye, with floating spots before the vision/.—Head hot; he complained chiefly of headache (first day); headache less severe (second day)/01.—Headache returned on the fourth day, with great prostration/42.— PHOSPHORUS. 379 Constant aching in the head/*.—Headache increases, in the afternoon,50.— Headache when beginning to walk, and renewed by any, though slight, motion/.—Headache, from the slightest vexation/.—Mental application caused headache,50.—[330.] Headache every day, after dinner/.—"Head- ache, with dizziness, all day (third day),30.—The headache, except some confusion and stoppage of the ears, disappears almost entirely after dinner, while walking in the open air, but soon returns in a warm room,10.—A little headache ; lancinating darts through the forehead, at intervals (third day)/9.—Drawing headache, in the morning, changing towards noon to a kind of vertigo, with flickering before the eyes, disappearing after eating, but returning about 2 o'clock, with excited circulation, lively mood, and mental excitement; in the evening following, unusual weariness and ex- haustion, with incapacity for any work/.—Constrictive headache, every other day/.—Constant and intense pain in the head (second day)/50.—Pain in the head, with some vertigo/4*.—Pain, as if the head would burst, so violent that she wept aloud, from 6 a.m. till after lying down, in the even- ing,10.—Violent pains in the head,91; (sixth day)/15.—[340.] Pain ; dis- turbance in the head/66.—Bruised pain, or a beaten sensation, in the brain, from afternoon till falling asleep, in the evening, disappearing during sleep/.—Painful stupefaction in the head, in the morning, on waking, only disappearing some time after rising,1.—Violent numb and dizzy sensation, with pressive pain in the head, disinclination and inability to work, espe- cially to perform mental labor, and sleepiness; almost entirely relieved after lying quietly and partly sleeping, returning only after rising and mov- ing about, with a feeling as if there were no firmness in the head, and with sore pain in various places in the head when touched, for several days/.— Complains that her head swims (after three days and a half),145.—Digging and burrowing in the head, from time to time, with dulness the whole day, extending more towards the right side and towards the nose, during rest and motion, and only relieved in the cool air,10.—Anxiety and heat in the head, with red, hot hands, frequently recurring, and apparently relieved while standing,10.—Sensation of heat in the head and moving about, as from a foreign substance,10.—Uneasiness in the head, in the forenoon,10.— Slight tearing in the head, especially above the right eye/.—[350.] Vio- lent tearing in the upper part of the head, extending as far as the zygoma, in the afternoon, while sitting,10.—Tearing stitches in various parts of the head (after five weeks)/.—Some stitches in the head, in the evening (after five hours)/.—Stitches in various places in the head, especially in the evening/.—Turning in the head, in the evening, while lying in bed ; she could not lie, but was obliged to rise, followed by four diarrhcea-like stools, with violent shaking chill, and afterwards violent heat and sweat all over/.—Tickling in the head,10.—Several jerks in the head, especially during a difficult stool/.—Sensation as if the brain stiffened, on remaining in the open air/.—Humming and tingling in the head, almost all day,10.— Violent roaring in the head, mostly while sitting/.—[360] Tingling in the head (after two hours)/.—Periodic jerking-throbbing headache in the root of the nose, for eight days together, always about 9 o'clock, extending also into the nose and eyes, most violent about noon, when she vomited/.—Vi- bration in the head, on talking loudly, so that he did not dare to talk loud/.—Pulsation in the head, in the morning, on waking/.—Throbbings in the head/37.—Throbbing iu the head, while lying down/.—Throbbing pain in and on the upper part of the head, especially on chewing, painful to touch/.—Takes cold easily in the head/.—The head feels freer in the 380 PHOSPHORUS. open air,10.—Forehead. Dulness and heaviness in the forehead; the head falls forward, relieved in the open air and by wrinkling the forehead, returning in the house, and aggravated by stooping,10.—[370.] Dull pain in the forehead, with heat,10.—"Dull headache in the forehead, better in the open air ?ib—"Dull pain in the whole forehead, extending to the root of the nose and to the upper lids, with some vertigo, aggravated by turning the head or by any violent motion,37b.—Pressure, extending from the right side of the forehead to above the eye,10.—"Pressure in the forehead, extending towards the root of the nose,10.—Pressing-out headache above the eyes, as if the fore- head would come out, rather external (after twenty-four hours)/.—* Pres- sive headache in the forehead, extending into the eyes, as if they^ would be pressed out?.—Pressive headache in the forehead, in the evening/.—* Pres- sive headache in the forehead, above the eyes, two days in succession, from morning till night, with a burrowing in the upper part of the head (after four days)/. —Burning headache in the frontal region, at times, with nausea,10.—[380.] Burning headache in the forehead?.—Distracting head- ache through the forehead and temples, with frequent sharp, shooting pains (fourth day)/17.—Violent tearing pain in the outer and upper por- tion of the right forehead, as if she had received a blow; the pain seemed to be in the flesh ; sore when grasped/8*.—Tearing in the forehead,10.— Headache in the forehead, above the eyes, woke her every morning, and gradually disappeared after rising, twenty-one days in succession/.—Ter- rible headache, especially in the frontal region (first to third day)/06.— Sticking headache in the forehead, during the menses; the eyes close; she desires to lie down/.—Frontal headache/09.—*Headache in the frontal region, with heat in the head, on waking, with disinclination to arise or move about,50.—Violent drawing paiu in the bone in the left side of the forehead, which seemed to be somewhat warmer than natural, without ver- tigo (first day),X—[390.] Very acute pain in the forehead (second day)/27.—Periodic pain in the forehead, mingled with stitches, especially in the left side, worse in the afternoon and evening/.—A fixed frontal pain, situated above the eyes (first night)/15.—Pain in forehead/1.—Jerks in ^the forepart of the head, as if pieces of lead shook about in the brain/.— Stitches, at times burning, in the frontal region, in the vertex, and on the side of the head, extending iuto the left side of the occiput, and into the temples, with, at times, a sensation as if one pulled on the hair, or as if the head would burst, at times after dinner or iu the morning, mostly while sitting, and sometimes disappearing on rubbing,10.—Slight stupefaction and headache in the forehead, between the eyes, disappearing after dinner, but returning au hour afterwards and lasting till evening/.—Transient crawl- ing headache in the forehead/.—Temples. Swelling of the right tem- poral bone and upper jaw/6.—Pressure in the right temporal region, begin- ning on waking, in the morning, aggravated by motion, especially by stooping, felt only in the house, and always disappearing iu the open air/3. —[400.] Pressive headache, alternately in the temples aud on the top of the head, with a feeling of fulness in the brain, though not like au orgasm of blood (after two hours)/.—Drawing-pressive pain in both temples,6.— At 10 a.m., neuralgic paiu, from left temporal to occipital region/2.— Stitches in the right temple, in the evening (after a few hours)/.—Stitches in the temples, in the evening, with pain in the whole head/.—Tearing in temples, vertigo in the forehead, and throbbing, with stitches on the ver- tex,10.—Tearing in both temples, transiently relieved by pressure, almost immediately returning violently,10.—Frequent jerking in the upper part of PHOSPHORUS. 381 the left temple, followed by drawing to the side of the forehead, after dinner,10.—"Throbbing pain in the temples, frequently for half an hour/.— Vertex and Farietals. Pressive headache, here aud there, in the vertex on the surface of the brain/.—[410.] *Dull stupefying headache (on the vertex),10.—Cramplike drawing beneath the vertex, with stitches in the temples/.—Spasmodic contractive pain on the top of the head, in the after- noon and evening (after five days)/.—Pain ou the vertex, as if congested/. —Stitches, as with needles, in the crown/.—Hammering and sticking on the vertex, coming from the forepart of the head,10.—Throbbing in the vertex, also in the left side of the head, especially in the occiput,10.—Dull pain in the left half of the head,10.—Coldness in the left side of the head, with pain deep in the ear/.—A cold cramplike pain over the whole left side of the head/.—[420.] Paiu iu the right side of the head/3.—Head- ache on right side, from mental application/0.—Drawing-pressive headache, now in the right, now in the left side, with dulness,10.—Drawiug pain in a small spot on the right side of the head, in the evening,10.—Drawing pain in the right side of the head, deep in the maxillary, frontal, temporal, and parietal bones,42c.—Tearing-drawing pain in both sides of the head, with painfulness of the hair to touch, that occurs in the evening, and is aggra- vated at night (third day)/.—Violeut tearing in the right side of the head, extending upward, in the evening, while sitting,10.—Tearing in the upper part of the right side of the head, as if she were pulled up by the hair, while.sitting,6.—Shooting from the side of the head towards the root of the nose, and to the ball of the right hand,10.—Stitches in the right side of the head, for several days/.—[430.] Stitches in the left half of the head/.— Stitch in the right half of the brain, extending outward towards the right parietal eminence, followed by pressure and heaviness of the right arm (after five minutes, fifth day),31.—Pulsating paiu, deep in the brain, in the right side of the head, in the evening,10.—Throbbing and gnawing in the right parietal bone, as if in the bone, in the evening,10.—Occiput. Dull pain in occiput, with fever and flushed face/2.—Pain in back of head aud left side of head, lasting from 3 to 6 p.m./2.—Heaviness in the occiput and nape of the neck (fifth day)/2'.—Heaviness, with pressive paiu iu the occiput (eleventh day)/1.—The occiput and nape of the neck are painful and very stiff/.—Transient pressive pain, as if in the bone, in the side of the occiput (after twenty-three days)/1.—[440.] At first sticking and then pressure, in the occiput, followed by violeut throbbing in the forehead/.— Some stitches in the occiput, on the right and left side, without headache (after four hours),40.—Stitches in the occiput/.—Violent pulsation in the occiput (sixteenth day)/97.—Pulsation in the occiput, on rising (tenth day)/76.—External Head. " The hair falls out profusely (first days)/— "Falling of the hair; the roots seem dry?.—"A spot above the ear becomes bald (after twelve days)/.—^Unnatural accumulation of dandruff/0.—Itching pimples on the scalp, as painful as a boil to touch/.—[450.] The eruption on the head smarts and bites, with but little itching,1.—Shiny, but not in- flamed, painless swelling on the forehead, with a most violent headache above the eyes/.—Many scabs on the scalp, that sometimes itch (after eight days)/.—Soreness of the scalp on the crown of the head, increased by pressure (after one hour and a half),90.—Head still sore on the top (after seven hours),90.—"Sensation as if the skin of the forehead were too tight, with anxiety, for many days (after three hours)/.—Burning pain, externally, on the head; it was hot to touch, without increased warmth of the rest of the body, with loss of appetite, and lying down (after nine days),1.—Pres- 382 PHOSPHORUS. sure on the scalp, in the face, and on the throat/.—Sensitiveness, exter- nally, and jerking on the vertex, as if some one were pulling the hair,10.— Boring and throbbing in the right side of the scalp, while sitting,10.—[460.] * Violent itching on the scalp?.—Itching of the scalp/4. El/e.—Object ire. "Blue rings about the eyes?4"38a.—Broad blue rings around the eyes/.—Puffiness of the eyes (second day)/14.—Pujfiness and swelling about the eyes?.—Swelling of the parts about the eye/.—Eyes much sunken (fourth day)/65.—"Eyes sunken (fourth day)/40.—Eyes sunken, with a geueral sickly look (after ten days)/6.—[470.] Puffy about the eyes/13.— Inflammation of the eyes, with burning and itching in them (after a few hours)/.—Inflammation of the eyes, with stitches/.—Inflammation of the eyes (after twenty-seven days)/.—Inflammation of the right eye, while the left was weak/.—Redness, inflammation, swelling, and agglutination of the right eye, with burning pain, for two days/.—Inflammation and red- ness of the eye, with itching and pressive pain/.—Rush of blood to the eyes; he is sensible of the eyeball, though not disagreeably so/.—Redness of the white of the eye, with itching and smarting, and discharge of much burning-smarting water/.—Eves and skin of the forehead yellow (seventh day)/03.—[480.] White of the eye deep yellow (third day)/42.—Jaundice of the sclerotic (ninth day), of the whole body (tenth day)/91.—Jauudice commencing in the sclerotic (second day)/05.—Yellowness of the white of the eye/Vf"—Slight icteric color of the white of the eye (third day)/56.— Sclerotic was yellow (fourth day)/65.—Jaundice of the sclerotic (fourth day)/92.—Icteric color of the sclerotic (fourth day)/98.—Twitching of the muscles beneath the right eye/.—Eyes dull aud expressionless/32.—Slib- jectire. [490.] Sensitiveness of the eyes to the candlelight, in the even- ing/.—Eyes weak and sleepy/.—Great weakness of the eyes, especially in the morning on waking, somewhat better on rising (after five days)/.— Eyes weak and unsteady (sixth day)/17.—Inclination to look with only one eye/.—Burning pain in and about the eye/.—Eyes heated, with burning in them, for four or five minutes frequently during the day/.—Dryness of the eye, soon disappearing,10.—Dryness of the eyes, iu the morning, on waking,10.—Dry sensation in the eyes/.—[500.] Sensation of pressure in the eyes, aggravated by the light (after fifty-one hours)/56.—Pressive pain above the eyes/7.—Pressure aud heaviness in the eyes, like an inclination to sleep/.—Pressure and sticking in the eyes; they are dim and weak/.— Pressure in the eyes, with dimness/.—Pressure in theeyes/.—Pressure and burning in the eyes for two days/.—Pain in the eyes; it seemed to the patient as though grains of sand were under the upper lids (fifteenth day)/27. —Pressure inward above the margin of the left eye, after dinner,10.—The eyes are painful when reading by daylight or candlelight/.—[510.] Deep- seated pain in the eyes (third day),30.—Burrowing pain in the eyes/.— Tension in the eyes,10.:—Stiffness iu the eyes, with lachrymation/4.—Sensa- tion of sand in the eyes/.—Sticking and dryness in the eyes,10.—Sticking behind the eyes/.—Stitches in the left eye, aud a stye on the lower lid/.— Biting and dryness in the eyes, while reading/.—Biting in the left eye (after three hours),10.—[520.] Itching in the eyes/.—Itching in the left eye, relieved by rubbing,10.—Orbit. Violent tearing in the lower margin of the orbit, as if the flesh would be torn loose,10.—Dull pressive pain iu the orbits/.—Flashes of pain in the upper part of the orbits (third day),30. —Tickling in the periosteum about the eyes/.—Lid. Agglutination, in f Not found in Voigtel.—Hughes. PHOSPHORUS. 383 the morning, with burning and sticking in the eyes, and dimness of vision, as from a veil/.—Agglutination, in the morning, on waking, and difficult opening of the eyes,10.—Eyes gummy, on waking, in the morning (after twenty hours),90.—Agglutination of the inner canthi, in the morning,1.— [530.] Agglutination of the lids, followed by watering of the eyes,10.— Agglutination in the raorning, with suppuration and lachrymation during the day/.—Swelling of the right upper lid, with itching and pressure/.— Swelling of the left eyelid, with painfulness of the bones of the orbit when touched/.—A kind of gaseous swelling of the right upper lid/.—Puffiness, especially of the lids and face, so that a depression, caused by the pressure of a finger, was but slowly obliterated ; on other parts of the body, nape of the neck, back, etc., the relaxed tissues, when pinched by the fingers, but slowly regained their smoothness/6.— Twitching in the lids and external canthus of the left eye, very frequently repeated/.—Sensation in the right external canthus as if something sharp, salt, or biting were in it, without redness/.—Burning in the upper lids (after three hours)/.—Pain in the margins of the lids/.—[540.] A feeling in the right eye as if the edge of the lid had been roughly grazed or rubbed/4.—Pressure in the upper lids/. —Fine sticking in the inner canthi, worse in the open air, in the morning,10. —Itching in the lids frequently during the day/.—Lachry mat ion. Profuse lachrymation, even at night/.—Profuse lachrymation (after several days)/6.—Lachrymation very easy, in the open air?.—Lachrymation, iu the morning, while at work, with dimness of the eyes (after four days)/.— Lachrymation,6.—Lachrymation, biting, and mucus in the right eye, in the evening,1.—[550.] Watering of the eyes, in a warm room,10.—Watering and dimness of the eyes, while reading,10.— Conjunctira. Redness of the conjunctiva, with a feeling as if something were in the eye, that obliged constant wiping and rubbing/.—Conjunctiva and whole body slightly jaun- diced, but on the face there were portions of the skin of a deeper and red- der color, as if from circumscribed erythema or from subcutaneous effusion (fifth day)/61.—Icteric color of the conjunctiva and of the whole skin/48.— The conjunctiva had a deep-yellow tint (seventh day)/6.—Conjunctiva yellow (after eight days)/70; (third day)/78; (second day)/15.—Conjunctiva dirty yellow,97.—Slightly jaundiced color, especially of the conjunctiva; this icterus increased until the seventeenth day, after which it steadily diminished until the forty-eighth day/01.—Icterus of the conjunctiva and skin, with enlargement of the liver and spleen, and appearance of bile in the urine/70.—[560.] A little yellowish tint appears in both conjunctivae, especially at the internal angles; the icteric coloration of the eyes became more and more manifest, and extended also to the face and extremities (third day) ; jaundiced hue very evident all over the body (fourth day),99.— Hall. Icteric color of the eyeballs (third day)/41.—Burning in the eye- ball for half a minute/.—Sticking and tearing extending into the right eyeball, in the afternoon, while sitting/.—The eyeballs are painful, as if pressed ; looking aggravated the paiu/.—Darting pains in the eyeballs (fourth day)/01.—Fupil. Pupils of both eyes were greatly contracted/16. —"Pupils very much contracted?.—Pupils contracted under the influence of light (fourth day),165.—The pupils were so dilated that only a narrow ring of the iris was visible, and they were uninfluenced by light (fourth day)/01. —[570.] Pupils were widely dilated, and reacted feebly to light (third day)/8.—Pupils very much dilated/29.—Pupils dilated; the patient did not perceive objects brought near the eyes (fifth day)/21.—Pupils dilated, slug- gish/81.—Pupils dilated before death (fifth day)/36.—The pupils were equal, 384 PHOSPHORUS. but dilated/51.—Pupils dilated (third day)/78; (after nine days)/79.—Pupils slightly dilated, sensitive to light (fourth day)/63.— Vision. "He sees more distinctly in the morning, in the twilight, than during the day?.—The patient, who retained perfect consciousness, stated that in the horizontal position he could perceive a feeble ray of light, but that when he sat up he could not see at all (fourth day)/01.—[580.] The sister stated that there had been a loss of sight during the evening (fifth day)/61.—She said at times her sight left her (third day)/83.—Shortsightedness; contours of distant objects are undefined (as if washed)/.—"Giving out of the eyes while reading,10.—Obscuration of vision, followed by death (eighth day)/25.— Vision very weak, dazzling of the eyes; she was unable to thread a needle (twenty-first day)/27.—"She was obliged to hold objects near in order to see distinctly; at a distance everything seemed enveloped in a smoke or mist, but she could long retain distinct vision by holding objects near her; she could see better when the pupils were dilated by shading the eyes with the hand/.—Dreamy and indistinct sensation, as if objects were passing to and fro before the eyes (after one hour and a half),90.—Vision lost during de- lirium (fifth day)/36.—Frequent sudden blinding, and a sensation as of a gray covering before the eyes/.—[590.] Blinding of the eyes by the day- light/.—The patient complained that she was constantly blinded by the light, although the room was darkeued, with dilated pupils, almost insen- sible to light/11.—"Cloudiness or dimness of vision?2.—The eyes are very dim ; he sees little/.—"Everything seems in a mist, with some loss of con- sciousness/.—*A green halo about the candlelight, in the evening,1.— Trembling objects in front of vision, in the morning, on waking ; they seem to have indistinct contours/.—"Flickering before the eyes and roaring in the head?.—"Sparks before the eyes, in the dark?.—"It seems as though a black veil were before the right eye?.—[600.] *Black floating points before the eyes,1.—Floating dark points before the eyes; these points change their position from time to time/9b.f—"Dark objects and spots before the eyes?0.— Large black spots float before the eyes, after eating/. Ear.—Discharge of pure blood from the ears,224.—Swelling of the con- cha/6.—Pimples, with stitches in the ears/.—Sticking in the lobule of the right ear,10.—Dull drawing pain in the lobules of the ears/.—Violent stick- ing throbbing behind the ear, in the lobule,10.—[610.] Frequently very acute needlelike stitches in the right external meatus auditorius,10.—Pain- ful tearing just beneath the right ear, while sitting, disappearing on rub- bing,10.—Painfulness in the outer ear, at night, waking him from sleep/.— In the lobule of the right ear pain like a hard pressure with the hand, and such sensitiveness that she could not tolerate a cloth upon it, disappearing in the evening,10.—Moisture within the ear/.—Earache?.—Pressure in both ears in a warm room, disappearing in the cold,10.—Pressure iu both ears/. —Dry sensation in the ear, with and without roaring/.—Burning sore pain within the ears/6.—[620.] Acute drawing paiu in both ears/.—Sudden shooting in the left ear and then roaring in it; soon afterwards difficult hearing, and then discharge of yellowish moisture for several weeks ; after external pressure upon the ear, she hears better for a moment/.—Jerking f This prover took Phosphorus on account of internal hyperemia of the eyes, with sensitiveness to lamplight and inability to work long by the light; even dur- ing the day she could not sew long without pressure in the eyes and photophobia; this was not relieved by Phosphorus, but she subsequently improved by repeated bloodletting. PHOSPHORUS. 385 in the left ear,10.—Violent tearing beneath the right ear,10.—Frightful stick- ing and tearing in the ear and in the head around it; it seems as though it would split open/.—Tearing in the right ear, also in the forenoon, while sitting,10.—Violent stitches through the ear and teeth, at night/.—A violent jerking stitch from the left ear iuto the lobule, while sitting,10.—Stitches in the ear/.—Sharp stitches deep in both ears/.—[630.] Pulsation in the right ear, after rapid walking/.— Tickling in the ears, as if a veil were drawn over them/.— Violent itching in the ear?.—"Something seems lying constantly in front of the ears,10.—"At times something seems to be in front of the right ear?.—Hearing. ^Hearing difficult,181.—Difficult hearing, with a feeling as if a foreign body were in the ear/.—Sense of hearing was lost (fourth day)/01.—Hyperaesthesia of all the seuses, especially of hearing and smell/.—"Re-echoing of every tone that is spoken distinctly in the same pitch?. —[640.] "Strange and peculiar words re-echo loudly in the ear like an echo?. —Noises and ringing in the left ear/.—Noises in the ears,137.—"Loud re- echoing in the ears, in the morning?.—Ringing in the ears?% 52.—Frequent ringing in the ears, that at times reminded her of lovely melodies/1.—Con- stant singing in the ears, worse when lying down/.—Constant whizzing in both ears,10.—Violent roaring iu the ears (sixteenth day)/97.—Violent roar- ing in the ears (after twenty-three days)/.—[650.] Roaring, buzzing, and ringing in the ears, impairing the hearing/6.—Roaring in the ears?9; (fifth day)/55.—Roaring in the right ear/2. Nose.—Objective. *Swelling of the nose, that is painful to touch/. —"Sivelling of the nose, with coryza?.—"Swelling of the nasal bones?6.—Vesi- cles in the right nostril, burning only when touched,10.—"Soreness of the Schneiderian and mucous membranes, with bloody scabs on the margins of the nostrils,96.—* Ulcerated nostrils (sore nose)/.—Dark redness of one wing of the nose, with a smarting pain when touched/.—[660.] Itching and pim- ples in the nose/.—"Internal inflammation, of the nose, with a sensation of dryness, and slow bleeding of the nose,1.—" Chronic inflammation of mucous membrane of the nose; nose swollen and dry; cannot draw air through it,116.—"Polypus in the nose?.—Violent sneezing towards evening, with dul- ness of the head and heaviness of the limbs (seventeenth day)/1.—Frequent sneezing, without discharge/3*.—Frequent sneezing several evenings in suc- cession, without coryza/.—"Frequent sneezing?.—Frequent sneezing (after half an hour)/.—Spasmodic sneezing, with violent pain in the head and distortion of the limbs, with constriction in the chest/.—[670.] Sneezing, immediately after dinuer/.—Ineffectual efforts, then afterwards complete sneezing and eructations,10.—Frequent inclination to sneeze and frequent sneezing, with dread of it, on account of violent pain in the throat, as if somethiug would be torn out, several mornings,10.—Sneezing, with rumbling in the left flank,10.—Sneezing, with watering of the nose/2.—* Occasional sneezing, which aggravates the unpleasant and stuffed feeling of the breast (after first dose, second day),30.—Very transient attacks of sneezing, fol- lowed by stoppage of the nose, without having taken the slightest cold,40.— Fluxion from the nose, which soon became permanent/'.—Three were labor- ing under permanent fluxious/6.—Running from the nose, especially when near a window where air is entering, for two days/9.—[680.] Much dis- charge of mucus frora the nose, without coryza/.—Water, without mucus, runs from the nose, in the open air/.—Membranous clots in the nose, with- out itching and stoppage/.—* Greenish-yellow discharge from the nose?.— Yellow mucus in the nose, in the morning, with blowing of blood/.—Vio- lent fluent coryza, with great dulness of the head, loss of appetite, and vol. vn.—25 386 PHOSPHORUS, general sick feeling (after forty-eight hours)/.—Fluent coryza, with much sneezing/3*.—Fluent coryza, and discharge of much mucus,10.—Fluent coryza from one nostril and stoppage of the other,10.—Fluent coryza/.— [690.] Fluent coryza of only water,10.—Very persistent coryza/.—Fre- quent coryza, that'suddenly appeared and as suddenly disappeared,40.— Coryza, with much heat in the head (after eight days)/.—Profuse coryza, with stoppage of the nose,10.—Coryza, after a walk/.—Coryza, in the even- ing?.—"Frequent alternations of fluent and stopped coryza,10.—Coryza, with frequent sneezing and pressive pain in both sides of the head/6.—* Coryza, with inflammation of the throat and great dulness of the head?.—[700.] Sen- sation as though coryza would come on, disappearing after sneezing a few times,40.—Sensation of coryza and fuluess iu the uose, especially in the upper part of the left side, with loose mucus,10.—Violent catarrh, with hoarseness/.—She is inclined to catarrh ; is constantly obliged to blow the nose/.—Nasal and bronchial catarrhs/2.—Serous catarrhs are common/6. —Stopped catarrh?.— Very profuse epistuxis (second day)/27.—Profuse bleed- ing from the nose (seventh, eleventh, fourteenth, twentieth, and thirty-third days); the later attacks were always accompanied by profuse sweat?01.—Very profuse nosebleed (after twenty-four days)/.—[710.] "Frequent and profuse nosebleed?.—Violent nosebleed, in the evening (after seveu days)/.—"Fre- quent blowing of blood, with yellow mucus, from the nose, in the morning?.— ^Frequent blowing of blood from the nose/.—Bleeding of the nose (imme- diately, also after seventeen days)/.—"Epistaxis (sixth day)/15; (tenth day)/77.—"Bleeding of the nose several times a day, often quite profuse (ninth day), continuing very obstinate, even after three weeks/98.—Nosebleed, espe- cially during stool/.—"Bloody mucus from the nose?1.—"Blowing of blood from the nose, with purulent mucus?6.—[720.] "Some drops of blood undis- charged from the nose?.—"Bloody streaks in the nasal mucus?.—Subjec- tive. Stoppage of the nose, now of the right, now of the left side; the nose was stopped, with sneezing, in the house, in the evening/3*.—Stoppage of the nose, with pain extending to the middle of the forehead,37b.—"Stop- page of the nose?0.—Stoppage of the nose aud difficult breathing woke him, at night/.—Nostrils stopped every morning/.—"Stoppage of the nose, so that she could breathe only with the mouth open,10.—"Sensation of stoppage of the nose, with dulness of the head, as if coryza would develop?.—* The nose feels stuffed up (after several days)/6.—[730.] "Feeling of fulness in the nose,10.—Heat and dryness of the nasal fossae (first night),115.—"Sensation of dryness in the nose?.—"Sensation of dryness in the nose, with a constant sensation as if it would be stuck together?0.—Frequent desire to blow the nose (fourth day),10.—Frequent sensation as if drops of water passed from the nose,10.—"Sore pain in both nostrils, even when touched?.—Violent pain in the nose, in the forenoon/.—Pressive sensation in the nose, as in coryza,10. —Boring in the nose uutil blood comes/.—[740.] Itching in the nose/.— Frequent itching in the left nostril, in the morning,10.—Itching in the nose and bleeding after rubbing/.—Itching tickling in aud on the nose, also after dinner,10.—Smell. "Smell especially acute, with the headache?.—Smell more acute than usual, especially for offensive odors/.—The smell of the drug was constantly with hira (after two days)/17. Face.—Objective. Hippocratic face/5.f—His features had a sort of fixity, which impressed upon his physiognomy a singular air of sadness, languor, and wandering of mind (seventh day)/6.—Countenance fixed and f Preceding death.—Hughes. PHOSPHORUS. 387 anxious/32.—[750.] Expression, when aroused, that of profound bewilder- ment (sixth day) ; the expression of bewilderment and confusion which came over his face was frequently painful to behold (teuth and eleveuth days)/17.—Sleepy expression/with complete consciousness (tenth day)/77.— Countenance peritonize/3.—Face pinched (eighth day)/15.—Features con- tracted and the countenance had an air of stupidity (fourth day)/65.—■ "Face sunken, earthy; eyes deepseated, hollow, surrounded by blue rings (after six, and seven hours)/.—Falling in of the features (fourth day),173.—"Ex- pression of general weakness?1.—Countenance expressive of pain (fifth day)/61.—"Pale, sickly expression, in the evening,10.—[760.] "Pale sickly color of the face (after eight days)/.—Face pale, eyes sunken, surrounded by blue rings (secoud day)/.—Deathly pale, with cool skin and suppressed pulse, only 20 (not followed by death)/75.—"Pale, yellow face?.—Patient very pale/14.—Sudden remarkable paleness of the face, with chilliness, colic, and headache (after twelve days)/.—"Face pale, earthy, sunken (third day)/09.—Pale and thin, and has an anxious look/04. — Pale; features slightly changed (second day)/00.—"Face pale?3 77; (third day),113114; (after ten hours)/40157. — [770.] "Face pale, sunken?03. — Marked pallor of the face/19.—"Icteric color of the face (fourth day),155.—* Yellow color of the face?18. —Face the color of old parchment (tenth aud eleveuth days),217.—Yellow- ish hue to the face/25.—Alternating redness aud paleness of the face (fourth day)/14.—Redness of the face?.—Face red and congested/9.—Face very red/49.—[780.] Face red and of au anxious expression/78.—Face greenish red (eighth day)/03.—Face dark leaden-colored, not jaundiced (fifth and sixth days)/40.—In the morning the face was red, iu the afternoon the turgescence had increased (second day) ; turgor of the face heightened, and in the afternoou it had assumed a remarkable bluish-red color, from which, however, the middle of the face was perfectly free; a colorless band of about an inch in breath, extended frora the highest point of the fore- head to the chin, and was sharply defined, giving the face a most peculiar appearance (third day); the bluish-red color of the face had changed into a perfectly c)ranotic hue, the median line remaining free from all color (fourth day)/01.—Flushing of face during fever/2.—Rush of blood to the face, with a feeling as if it were distended, in the open air, disap- pearing in the house,10.—"Face swollen and ozdematous?21.—Much swelliug of the face/22. — "Puffiness of the face?. — Face somewhat puffy (second day)/20.—[790.] "Face pale, puffy?'9.—Puffiness of the side of the face upon which he has been lying/.—Tension of the whole skin of the face/.— Subjective. Burning in the face, about the nose and upper lip, as from something acrid/.—Warmth creeps over the upper portion of the face with increased redness, with obscuration of the eyes/.—"Tearing pains in the face?e*.—Tearing in the bones of the face and temples, as if everything would be torn out, constantly increasing till 8 p.m.,10.—Aching in the facial bones/.—Cheek and Upper Jaw. Frequent livid flush over left cheek/1.—Excessive, almost bluish redness of the cheeks, without sensation of heat, at 8 a.m./.—[800.] Cheeks red (third day),'142.—Swelling of the right cheek, corresponding to three carious upper teeth with expected ne- crosis of the jaw; after a few days, however, it had entirely disappeared,201. —Swelling of the cheek (third day); became much larger, harder, and painful, and extended over the left side of the throat (fourth day)/73.— Swelling of the cheek and gum without pain/.—Twitching of the muscles of the cheeks/.—Twitchiug in the left malar bone, disappearing after rub- bing,10.—Pressive pain in the malar and maxillary bones and teeth, espe- 388 PHOSPHORUS. cially on chewing, swallowing food, and on going from a cold iuto a warm room/.—Tearing in the malar bone,10.—Tension in the malar bones, as if they would be forcibly pressed towards each other, disappearing on rub- bing/.—A stitch in the left cheek/.—[810.] Necrosis of the left upper jaw, with hectic fever, sleeplessness, entire loss of appetite/87.—On the upper jaw of the right side there is likewise partial necrosis, as the probe can be passed over a portion of bare bone. Considering the extent of the disease, aud the consequent drain to the system, he enjoys tolerable health/0.—At the end of three years her face began to swell and she then left the busi- ness; the swelling gradually increased, and she entered the hospital; several teeth were extracted, with but little relief; she appears to have repeatedly left and returned to the hospital, with the swelling continuing, until atjast an abscess formed in the superior maxillary bone, which left it carious/3.— Violeut pain in right upper jaw, which was soon succeeded by swelling and abscess of the gurus ; eight teeth in succession becarae rapidly carious aud were removed ; this had some effect on the swelling, but it soon increased again, extending to the cheek and part of the neck; according to the patient's account, the suppuration at the commencement had a strong odor of Phosphorus. Pregnancy appeared to have proved favorable to the dis- ease, but on new examination, there was found to be a necrosis of the supe- rior'maxilla/3.—About two years before her entrance into the hospital, she began to have severe pain in the second molar tooth of the left upper jaw. The tooth was carious and was removed, but the wouud always re- mained open, though the pain ceased. Seven months before her entrance, there was swelling affecting the whole gum on that side, and extending in- wards to a considerable extent over the roof of the mouth. Soon after this, there was a discharge of pus from the alveolus of the tooth, and also from the left nostril, and this state of things continued, the swelling not having diminished since the abscess first broke. Soon after the tooth be- carae affected, one of the others becarae loose and painful, and was ex- tracted. Meantime the left cheek had become unnaturally full. Three months later the alveolar process was found to be diseased, and all the re- maining teeth of that maxilla were extracted except the two incisors and the wisdom tooth. Several pieces of dead bone were removed, and the antrum was found to be in communication with the mouth. Two months later, the jaw became again the seat of pain, which in the course of a month became so great as to prevent sleep. On eutrance, there was much swelling, soreness, and pain about the gum and roof of mouth. The mid- dle incisor remained, but was quite loose. The antrum was open, and there was a good deal of semi-purulent offensive discharge,93.—Pain in the left upper jaw, with swelling of the upper lip ; the pain afterwards disappeared for awhile, but the lip remained swollen ; several abscesses formed in the mouth, discharged matter between the teeth, and the patient had some of the back teeth drawn and experienced relief frora pain for a time, but afterwards it considerably increased and the gum became swollen, so that the mouth could scarcely be opened and the bone became denuded/9. __Gums began to soften and swell, violent pains in the teeth of the upper jaw followed, with swelling extending over the whole cheek; the teeth becoming carious, fell out, and a fetid suppuration proceeded from^ the sockets; on examination, the bone was found largely diseased/4.—Lips, Upper lip swollen, every morning/.—Eruption ou the red of both lips, at times with stitches/.—Deep crack in the middle of the lower lip?.—[820.] Painful blisters as large as peas, filled with lymph, on the inner surface of PHOSPHORUS. 389 the lower lip/.—Painful ulcer on the inner surface of the lower lip/.— "Lips parched (fifth day)/61.—Lips and face pale/39.—Lips very dark (eighth day)/15.—Dryness of the lips and palate, without thirst,10.—Lips blue/3.—Lips livid (seventh day)/6.—Lips dry all day,10.—Skin about both lips rough/.—[830.] Numbness of the right side of the upper lip and of the tip of the tongue (first day),42b.—Heat in the lips, that were denuded of epithelium (after seven hours)/40-—Burning, like fire, of both lips,10.— Burning pain on the red of the lower lip, with white blisters on its inner surface, with burning pain (after eleven days)/.—Burniug stitches on the margin of the upper lip, while sitting,10.— Chin. Gradually a red swelling appeared ou the under part of the chin ; at first it was the size of a four- penny piece, and quickly enlarged until it extended over the face as far as the eyes; except upon the chin, however, the swelling remained pale and doughy; upon the original swelling of the chin there was found a group of pustules of the size of hempseed and larger, which, after discharging their thin turbid contents, formed an ulcer the size of a sixpence ; at the same time the parts beneath became disorganized into a thin, slightly dis- colored offensive purulent mass. A disagreeable smell also emanated from the mouth ; the gums and teeth, particularly the front teeth of both jaws, became loose from salivation, which set in at the same time ; and the child, from the commencement of the affection, complained much of toothache aud headache. Withiu eight days the ulcer had destroyed the soft parts, even to the bone; after the use of remedies for ten days, three thin pieces of bone, the size of a bean, detached themselves from the surface of the lower jaw at the chin, and on the following days other small very thin fragments of bone were observed upon the lint; upon this the sanious dis- charge was arrested ; the surface of the ulcer became clearer and began to discharge a thin pus, and to form granulations; three weeks after the ex- foliation, the ulcer was cicatrized/4.—Suffered much from violent tooth- ache, accompanied with considerable swelling of the right side of the face ; he had a double tooth extracted, but without relief; the affection progressed so quickly that in a short time he ceased to be able to follow his employ- ment ; one tooth after another dropped out; he became so weak that he was unable to work ; a swelling of the size of an egg formed below the right orbit, which in a fortnight burst, discharging a large quantity of white pus; he continued to get worse, all the teeth having fallen out, the gums of the lower jaw retracted, and he now presents the following appearance: The right cheek is considerably swollen; at the right angle of the lower jaw exists an opening, discharging laudable pus, through which the probe can be passed a couple of inches along bare bone; two inches anterior to this there is another aperture likewise leading to dead bone ; on opening the mouth, the whole of the lower jaw, as far as the ascending rami and down to the reflection of the mucous membrane on the cheek, is quite dead, denuded, and of a leaden-grayish color/5.—Closure of the jaws so that she could not separate the teeth/.—Trismus/48.—Glandular swelling of the articulation of the lower jaw/.—[840.] Inferior maxillary bone completely denuded of soft parts, aud its surface grayish, rough, rugous, and covered with a fetid suppuration. After remaining a month, she left the hospital, and died soon after/2.—Out of eighty-eight cases reported, in thirty-two the upper jaw, in thirty-eight the lower jaw, and in ten both jaws were affected/7.—Necrosis of the inferior jaw with all the ordinary symptoms, with removal of the jaw and recovery/85.—Necrosis of the jaw, with cedematous swelling of the face and neck/89.—Necrosis, preceded by great 390 PHOSPHORUS. pains, in the lower jaw,188.—Necrosis of the jaw, during the progress of which the patient was attacked with the most violent erysipelas, which threatened her life/86.—Seized with toothache, and swelling on the right side of the lower jaw; to relieve it the gums were lanced, and, finally, the tooth extracted; after this the pain ceased, but the swelling gradually in- creased, until a spontaneous opening formed on the under side of the jaw, with a discharge of pus, which has continued since; she remained in the factory until one week previous to her admission into the hospital. Upon examination after her admission, the inferior maxilla was found necrosed on the right side, and partially on the left; the jaw was painful, and that side of the face swollen ; the discharge was at times profuse, and a part of it took place through the buccal cavity, rendering it very annoying; her appetite was good, but mastication difficult and painful; the necrosis gradually extended, but her general health continued good/8.—Two years ago he began to be troubled with carious teeth: the three molars on the left side of the lower jaw became so painful that he was obliged to masti- cate on the right side exclusively. Afterwards the teeth on the right side pained hirn, and he was forced to employ the left ones again. Two months ago he took cold, and after a few days, he found a swelling about the left side of the lower jaw, accompanied with pains in the bone, extending to different parts of the head and face. He had three teeth extracted, which were rotted away at their crowns, but their faugs were entire. At the time of his admission, the three remaining incisors were quite loose; entire gum on left side swollen and spongy ; fetid pus escaping on the slightest pres- sure, from the previous site of the extracted teeth ; a probe passed into these openings strikes on bare bone ; over these parts there was considerable exterior swelling ; pulse quick and feeble ; general strength impaired ; face puffy and very pallid; sleep disturbed by pain in the jaws and general articular pains. The pain aud swelling increased on the right half of the face, speedily bringing it into the same condition as the half first affected. The ulceration of the gum over the diseased alveoli advanced ; and as the several openings became confluent, the alveolar margin of the bone became exposed. The soft parts rapidly retracted from the surface of the bone, and the denudation became every day more complete, and its exposure was attended with a copious and most fetid suppuration. Frora then until now the only difference that has occurred has consisted in the gradually advancing isolation of the bone/2.—Began to suffer with toothache in the right side of lower jaw; this lasted for some time, and was followed soon by a hard lump upon the outside of the jaw; the paiu continued to in- crease and the swelling to enlarge until an abscess formed in the sub- maxillary region, and burst, and discharged a large quantity of purulent matter. Upon introducing a probe iuto the discharging orifice, I found that it led directly to the jaw, which was deprived of its periosteum and in a necrosed condition; there was, however, no indication that exfoliation had taken place frora any part of the jaw, but, on the contrary, the whole bone was firm and solid. At this time the disease seemed to extend only frora the right lower canine tooth to the angle of the same side of the jaw. Later he presented himself in a condition much worse than before; now from weakness and exhaustion he had been forced to give up his occupa- tion. All the teeth upon the right side of the jaw have loosened and fallen out; besides several openings upon the outside of the face, that were freely discharging pus, there were two or three inside of the mouth, from which there issued a large quantity also, and which led directly to the diseased PHOSPHORUS. 391 bone. The disease now seemed to involve the whole of the right side of the lower jaw, without there being made the least attempt, seemingly, by the periosteum to replace the dead bone with a new casing of osseous de- posit such as usually forms in ordinary cases of necrosis; nor was there any disposition to exfoliate or to form a sequestrum, but on the contrary the whole jaw was as firm and solid as at the time when it was first exam- ined. His constitution had now become seriously affected, as he was much emaciated and weakened by the great drain of pus that was constantly poured forth from the diseased parts. Later, in the mouth cau be felt and easily seen the denuded jaw for an extent of two inches. His breath smells very offensively. The disease now extends from the right temporo-maxil- lary articulation to the left lower canine tooth. He cannot eat solid food, though his appetite is tolerably good/04.—During the last half year she had occasionally suffered from toothache on the right side of the lower jaw. In a few mouths it became more severe aud ceased to be limited to the carious teeth, and extended through the whole jaw, over the cheek, and even to the temporal region and the neck. At the same time considerable febrile disturbance, with occasional rigors, supervened, accompanied by swelling of gums and cheek, with erysipelatous redness of the latter. Ou admittance, the examination showed the right cheek much swollen, and very tense towards the eye, the mouth, the chin, and neck ; the tenderness most considerable in the vicinity of the lower jaw. Pain deepseated, throbbing, piercing, concentrated at the angle of the jaw, and radiating thence over the adjacent soft parts. . Extreme tenderness on pressure. The gums of the diseased side of the jaw much swollen, tense, darkened, and tender; the mucous membrane of the cheek equally so; between the angle of the jaw and first molar, fetid pus of a phlegmonous character oozed out on pressure. The first and fourth molars ou the right side of the lower jaw were carious, the other molars deficient. The swelling of the gums increased, became more tense, extended to the soft palate; dysphagia and salivation supervened, and the jaw became almost immovable. Sup- puration increased, pus laudable, but fetid. During the second week, the four incisors and one molar became loosened, suppuration ichorous and rusty, gums softened and livid, formation of sinuses on the external and internal surface, through which the probe reached the bone, which appeared in part rough, iu part smooth. In the progress of the disease, increased retraction of gums from the alveolar surface, fresh abscesses, increased dis- coloration, and burrowing sinuses, so that the entire jaw was exposed to the probe, both externally and internally. The bone appeared almost entirely detached from the soft parts, floating in an excessively sanious fluid/1.—[850.] The disease appeared to commence by a swelling in that part of the jaw whence a tooth had been extracted two years before; the swelling continued to extend until the entire bone became affected. He said that he had suffered great pain through the entire jaw, and that his nights had been sleepless. He looked very ill, was much emaciated, and he presented a curious appearance of the mouth, which was pursed up into a round aperture in consequence of the protrusion forward of the enlarged jaw. There were two fistulous openings, one on each side of the upper part of the neck ; and a probe introduced struck the angle of the jaw, which was quite dead. I examined the mouth and found the jaw quite dead. I could distinguish every part of the bone except the condyles, which were imbedded in soft tissue. There was a large quautity of fetid discharge around the bone, but the principal part came from the vicinity 392 PHOSPHORUS. of the condyles. The outside of the cheeks about the masseteric regions was much thickened. The teeth were all gone, and the appearance of the jaw was that from an edentulated cranium,124.—Toothache in the left lower jaw, formation of an ulcer on the side of the middle back tooth with vio- lent pains; as the ulcer opened a piece of bone was discharged ; at last the cheek became swollen and erysipelatous and abscesses formed, which discharged much matter; the necrosis of the bone progressed until the whole half of the lower jaw had to be removed,70.—A carious molar of the right side of the lower jaw was extracted; from this time (seven months since) the peculiar Phosphorus necrosis may be said to have fairly begun, and it progressed rapidly, for the subject of it was compelled to give up the charge of his department about a fortnight after the tooth was drawn. The face was very much deformed by indurated swelling, which was par- ticularly couspicuous on the right side and about the chin ; three fistulous openings, surrounded by flabby granulations, were upon the right side of the neck; from these fetid pus exuded freely ; a horribly offensive odor came from the mouth, and saliva and pus were constantly dribbling out; the gums were spongy on the margin, but partook of the general induration at the sides ; four sound but loose teeth occupied the right alveolar cavities; the upper jaw seemed healthy; the patient could not part the two jaws suf- ficiently to introduce a finger with facility ; a probe detected necrosed bone both on examination in the mouth and through the sinuses; the ex aminations gave excessive pain ; a portion of the left lower jaw only seemed clear of the disease; the symphysis was completely involved/52.—The dis- ease seems first to attack the gum of diseased teeth; it usually makes its appearance in a year or a year and a half after beginning work in the factory; it is still questionable whether the disease is due to Phosphorus, Phosphoric acid, or to the ozone generated by the Phosphorus, or even whether it may not be due to general chronic Phosphorus poisoning. The lower jaw was affected in nine cases out of ten, the upper jaw in one case ; the disease very seldom spread from the upper jaw to the bones of the face. The first symptom was tensive pain iu the teeth, then looseness of the teeth and discharge of matter between the gum and teeth; if now the teeth be drawn the swelling and pain increase and involve the whole half of the jaw; usually the disease progresses slowly and irregularly, with transient periods of improvement; the soft parts covering the jaws, cheeks, sides of the mouth, become swollen and intolerably painful; one tooth after another becomes loose, and every pressure upon the gum causes discharge of pus; the pus often is discharged through the cheek externally. The skin of the margin of the lower jaw becomes red, soft, loosens, and at last infiltrated ; from this infiltration there follows a discharge of matter that seems to corae from the alveolar process; wherever the opening is probed denuded bone is found ; at the same time it is found that the periosteum that has been loosened from the bone has a new deposit of bone on its inner surface, so that the sound passes between two surfaces of bone, one consisting of old bone, the other of new growth; the denuded bone decays in various direc- tions and is gradually discharged with the matter. After two or three years these necrosed pieces of bone separate from the whole extent of the jaw. With this the patient suffers from fever, at times violent, considerable emaciation ; nutrition is very much disturbed on account of the difficulty of swallowing, and the digestion suffers on account of the mixture of offen- sive matter with the food ; sleep at night is possible only by means of in- creasing doses of Morphia, and the patient gradually sinks with hectic PHOSPHORUS. 393 and exhaustion. During the prostration tuberculosis frequently develops; at times also lobular pneumonia, terminating in gangrene of the lung and pyohsemia/80.—The Phosphorus disease of the jaw consists in the first stage of an inflammatory swelling of the gum and soft parts of the mouth, extending over the face and neck, associated with the development of masses of osteophyte of varying extent and thickness about the jaw ; in the second stage the teeth become black, the gum recedes, the osteophytes suppurate, aud the jaw becomes denuded, rough, and blackish or grayish- green, and the teeth fall out; this stage is associated with the most violent pain in the face and head, disturbance of digestion, sleeplessness, fever, salivation, fistulous burrowing of the matter iu the muscles and integu- ments of the face, which became erysipelatous, followed by exfoliation of the bone, and sometimes by extension of the necrosis to all the bones of the skull, and death with hectic fever/7.—Necrosis of the jaw; the disease begius as toothache, involving one or more teeth in the upper or lower jaw; the disease spreads to the jawbone, which increases in volume and becomes painful to pressure; afterwards the soft parts become swollen, especially the gums and cheeks, in the latter erysipelatous inflammation develops, even extending over the whole side of the face and down on to the neck; the patients have fever, yellow color of the skin, especially of the face, loss of appetite, thirst, irregular stools ; the pain at last extends to the ear and temple, with increased secretion of saliva. Various teeth become loose, and between them there is a discharge of offensive matter, that collects in various parts of the jaw under the gum or under the skin externally, and gradually makes its way into the mouth or through the skin, usually by a number of circuitous channels. The teeth fall out, the jaw becomes denuded, and the necrosis either becomes circumscribed or in- volves the whole jaw/2.—Diseases of the gums and maxillary bones, termi- nating in necrosis and sometimes in death, were not uncommon; the com- plaints only appeared after a sojourn in the factory for at least two years, aud in individuals habitually exposed to the fumes ; all the workmen whom he had observed had decayed teeth before the disease commenced, not unfrequently before commencing the manufacture; many other work- men with sound teeth have preserved them in the midst of phosphoric vapors, a fact which induces him to believe that carious teeth constitute a predisposing cause of the disease/7.—The disorder at first resembled ordi- nary toothache, attended, however, with swelling of the face ; as the severity of the symptoms increased she became a patient at the Royal Infirmary, but derived little benefit from the treatment; six months later all the teeth on the right side of the lower jaw fell out, or were removed without diffi- culty, before the jaw was removed, and on the left side as far as the second bicuspid, all the teeth were sound. There is a great deal of new callus thrown out in the situation of the old bone, so much so that there will be scarcely any disfigurement frora the loss of the jaw, a little from the loss of the teeth ; she can close her jaw and chew her meat and bread well; the bone and teeth of the upper jaw are in a perfectly healthy state, and she now enjoys excellent health,86.—Scrofulous subjects are most affected, and in them the disease is most fatal; almost all the girls employed have the gums more or less affected, and at their junction with the teeth a red ulcerated line, like that produced by mercurial salivation, is apparent. When the individual is robust and the necrosis is confined to a small por- tion of the bone, exfoliation takes place and a gradual cure follows, but where there exists any tendency to scrofula, phthisis becomes developed, 394 PHOSPHORUS. and the patient sinks under the combination/8.—Sharp pain and difficulty when masticating, in the middle of the left jaw (first day)/73.—[860.] Pressure, drawing, and tearing in the lower jaw, extending towards the chin,10.—Jerking in the lower law, almost like toothache/.—Violent draw- ing in the lower jaw/.—Tearing in the right lower jaw, extending frora the mental foramen backward (first day),X—Tearing in the maxillary bones, in the evening, while lying down, disappearing on eating and moving the jaw/.—A violent stitch in the middle of the left lower jaw, extending deeply through the cheek and eye, to the forehead,10. Mouth.—Teeth. Profuse purulent discharge from sockets of teeth/21. —Discharges frora all the sockets of the teeth/22.—Looseness of all the lower incisors, so that they could be taken out/.—Looseness of the teeth, so that she could not chew/.—[870.] The last right upper back tooth be- came somewhat loose, sensitive, and apparently elongated,X—Teeth of lower jaw became loose/21.—Sordes on the teeth/3; (eighth day)/34.—Teeth discolored, gray/02.—One tooth becomes hollow (after ten days)/.—Soon lost all teeth in the upper jaw/22.—Necrosis of the jaw was usually associ- ated with caries of the teeth, but one case was reported in which all the teeth were absolutely sound/7.—Sudden bleeding of the upper back teeth, without cause/.—Involuntary, somewhat painful gnashing of the teeth, as from spasm/. —Bluntness of the teeth (after eighteen days)/. —[880.] When biting, the teeth seem smooth, as if they had been rubbed with soap or fat,10.—Her teeth felt loose, and the gums bled readily/7.—Feeling as if the teeth were chattering, with general trembling, in the morning, on wak- ing/.—* Pain in the teeth?6121 X—Pain in the teeth of the right lower jaw; formation of abscesses, with caries of the bone/1.—Violent pain in the left back teeth on violently blowing the nose, that ends with chattering of the teeth and subsequent heat in the cheeks/.—The teeth of the affected side were painful, when pressed (fourth day)/73.—Violent toothache on the left side, and two days afterwards very painful swelling of the throat, with five large white blisters in the mouth/.—Very unusual and violent pain in the teeth, immediately upon eating some candy (after second dose, second day),30.—Toothache, in the morning, after waking, in two lower back teeth, disappearing after rising,10.—[890.] Violent toothache, in the evening, in bed, three evenings in succession/.—Toothache, only at night, in bed, dis- appearing on rising/.—Toothache, on walking in the open air/.—Tooth- ache in a hollow tooth, caused and aggravated by the warmth of the bed (after twenty-two days)/.—Toothache, with headache and excitement in the blood,39b.—Violent toothache, that always begins when eating, during the menses/.—Toothache, with swelling of the cheek/.—Toothache always on becoming heated,39b.—A sore kind of toothache/.—Pressure upon the left upper and lower teeth, from behind forward (after eight days)/.— [900.] Pressing pain in the left upper back teeth/2h.—Boring-burning toothache, aggravated by cold or warmth or chewing, so that the patient could take only liquid or soft food ; at times the pain became dull, like a sensation of numbness; at times it seemed as though all the teeth were loose and would fall out/6.—Constant boring in a right back tooth/.— Gnawing in a lower left back tooth,10.—Violent gnawing and boring in a tooth, in the morning and evening, while lying in bed/.—Tearing in the right upper back teeth, at times shooting, frequeutly returning, and always relieved by pressure,10.—Tearing in the right upper baok teeth/.—Tearing in a left lower cavity, disappearing on pressure,10.—Tearing extending from the back teeth to the zygoma, disappearing on rubbing, while sitting/0.— PHOSPHORUS. 395 Tearing in the teeth all day, evening or raorning, mostly in the open air or after going into the house/.—[910.] Sticking tearing in several roots of the right upper teeth, in the evening, disappearing on pressing upon them,10. —Toothache (tearing?) in the upper incisors, caused by inspiring cool air, by warm food, and by touch/.—Tearing and boring in a left back tooth iu every position, even on touch and chewing,10.—Drawing pain iu the an- terior incisors/.—Drawing in a lower back tooth,10.—Drawing in the lower back teeth, followed by stitches in the right upper jaw, extending into the ear, in the morning,10.—Drawing and burrowing in the teeth/.—Drawing toothache, with cold hands and feet/.—Some little twitches in decayed teeth (after first dose, second day),30.—Very painful jerking tearing in the roots of the right upper back teeth,10.—[920.] Jerking pain iu two hollow teeth on openiug the mouth, with great sensitiveness to touch of the tongue, renewed by chewing, if auy food gets into them,10.—Throbbing jerking and sticking in the teeth frora the slightest open air, not in the house or when the cheeks are wrapped up/.—Throbbing pain in the two right upper back teeth (fourth day),42a.—Pulsation in a left hollow canine tooth, from getting cold air into it, frequently repeated ; usually he never suffered frora tooth- ache/2".—Violent sticking pain in the upper incisors, with great swelling of the upper lip/.—Gums. The gums aud teeth, particularly the front teeth of both jaws, became loose from salivation ; she complained much of toothache/4.—Looseuess of the gums of the upper and lower incisors, that bled easily ; every morning, on rising, the anterior surface of all the incisors was covered with mucus and blood ; the gums of these teeth and of the eye- teeth, all of which were sound and firm, were swollen above aud below, very red, the margin became grayish-yellow, and looked as if suppurating; it bled easily on pressure (the posterior surface of the gum was normal), with bad odor from the mouth,37d.—"The gum bleeds easily, and is separated from the teeth?.—The gums bled readily, and her teeth felt loose/7.—Gums bloody (eighth day)/15.—[930.] "Bleeding of the gums on the slightest touch?. —"Bleeding from the gums?bl.—Bleeding of the gums, with pain (third day)/13.—A bleeding ulcer by a hollow back tooth,10.—Ulcer ou the gum, after toothache/.—Ulcer on the gum, with swelling of the upper lip (after seventeen days)/.—Great swelling of the gum/.—Swelling of the gum above a bad tooth/.—Swelling of the gum, with itching/.—Swelling of the gura and swollen cheeks, before and after menstruation/.—Sore painful swollen gum,D.—[940.] "Inflammation of the gum?.—Gum and tongue covered with a tenacious, dirty-yellow, or blackish mucus (third day)/09.—Dirty-brown coating on the gum, that seemed to be loose, and bled when touched,102.— The gums of the affected side were of a violet color (fourth day)/73.—"Pain- ful sensitiveness of the gum, on account of which he could not eat, with two small ulcers on it?.—Burning and sore pain in the gum, internal, to the upper front teeth/.—The gum is painful, as if sore/.—Itching and throb- bing in the gum/.—Tongue. Two small clear blisters, burning when touched, on the tip of the tongue,10.—Many small red bleeding points, with burning, on the anterior surface of the tongue,10.—[950.] Small ecchymo- ses ou the tongue and lips/60.—Blisters on the tongue, an hour after eating/. —Left margin of the tongue swolleu,32e.—Tongue large and moist (fourth day)/65.—Tongue swollen, especially on the left side, with redness and ve- sicular swelling of the papillae/26.—Swelling about the root of the tongue (second day)/.—* Tongue swollen, dry, and blackish along the median line?3*. —Tongue slightly coated (second morning)/15.—Tongue pale, moist (second 396 PHOSPHORUS. day)/64228.—Unclean tongue/9.f — [960.] Tongue furred/7 7981.—Tongue much furred (second day)/62.—Tongue loaded (first day)/01.—Tongue coated (after ten days)/6; (third day)/7*89. — Tongue thickly coated/39; (third day),143.—"Tongue coated like fur?.—Tongue coated and inclined to become dry (third day)/47.—Tongue dry, coated (tenth day)/15.—Two slimy streaks along the tongue/19.—Tongue coated white,97102; (third day)/56.—[970.] "Tongue dry, white (after eight days)/75.—Tongue burning, coated white, at night,10.—White slimy tongue, with slimy mouth,10.—Tongue white and moist (first day)/8.—"Tongue chalky white?48.—Tongue heavily coated a dirty yellow (sixth day); dry, fissured, and thickly coated a dirty brown (tenth and eleventh days); cleaned tardily/17.—"Tongue coated yellow (sec- ond day)/7*; (fourth day)/55.—Tongue yellowish posteriorly, with a red stripe anteriorly/03.—Tongue covered with a gray coating (fifth day)/64.— *Tongue gray, dry in the middle (third day)/41.—[980.] Tongue red and swollen (after one hour)/82; (second day),183.—The tongue, in both, was in- tensely red, bare of epithelium, and the papillae strongly prominent/46.— The tongue is red, dry, rugose (after three days and a half)/45.—"Tongue red and dry (fourth day)/71.—"Tongue red in the middle, somewhat slimy/25. —Tongue dry, brownish-yellow/01.—"Tongue brown and dry in the middle?10. —Tongue coated with a thick fur, dark centre, aud red edges/3.—"Tongue dry, and brown down the centre (third day)/39.—Tongue very dry, with thick brownish coating (eighth day)/38.—[990.] Tongue dry aud dark-colored (eighth day)/15. — Tongue brownish-black/38. — "Tongue dry and black (eighth day)/34.—Tongue black, coated/75.—Tongue dry (fifth day)/55.— Tongue dry, not coated (after fifty-one hours)/56.—Dryness of the tongue, without thirst,10.—Sensation of dryness on the tongue, with thirst/2*.— Tongue dry, but clean (fifth day)/61.—Tongue dry and parched (fifth day),207216.—[1000.] Tongue aud throat dry (second day)/05.—Burning on the tip of the tongue, with a sensation as if there were an eruption,10.— Burning on the tongue, afterwards extending to the soft palate,X—Burn- ing posteriorly on the right side of the tongue,10.—Burning on the tongue, afterwards extending to the larynx, where it provoked frequent cough, afterwards extending into the choanse, causing an unnatural smell/2*.— Burning on the tongue/2d.—The tip of the tongue feels burnt and raw,10.— Transient burning sensation on the tongue, after every dose/3.—Slight transient burning on the tip of the tongue/2d.—The tip of the tongue feels burnt, all day/2*.—[1010.] Painful irritation of the tongue and oesophagus, as if one were thrusting a needle down,10.—Prickling sensatiou on the frae- nuin linguae,10.—Fine stitches in the tip of the tongue/.—Paiu in the frae- num linguae and palate, that prevents eating and talking/.—A sense of swelling in the tongue (after three-quarters of an hour)/00.—General JMouth. Breath was "light" (phosphorescent), (immediately)/61.—A thick white vapor exhaled from his mouth and from what he vomited (after one hour)/65.—Breath was smelling very alliaceous (after one hour)/82.—A distinct alliaceous odor was given off from the breath (sixth day)/07.— Breath smelled strongly of Phosphorus, filling the whole room with its characteristic odor (second day) ; fetid and cadaverous in smell (fourth day)/17.—[1020.] Breath smelt strongly of Phosphorus/39.—Breath had a garlicky odor (third day)/39.—Bad odor from the mouth (third day)/7*.— Exceedingly offensive smell from breath (first day)/62.—Breath extremely fetid (fourth day)/73.—Offensive odor to the breath/02.—Breath offensive, f See S. 3812.—Hughes. PHOSPHORUS. 397 even to myself/3.—Breath cool (third day)/11.—Mouth tightly closed (after seven days)/6.—The mouth could only be opened with difficulty for exam- ination (fourth day)/73.—[1030.] A paiuful pimple on the inner surface of the cheek/.—Painful blisters in the mouth, with sore throat on swallowing, and thirst/.—Blisters on the palate, that suppurate and burst/.—Pustules in the corner of the mouth/.—Separation of the mucous membraue of the jaws and palate/22.—Rawness of the mouth, and feeling of soreness in vari- ous places/.—Redness and soreness of the lining of the cheeks,'51.—In many parts patches of the mucous membrane were quite destroyed/51.—Mucous membrane of the mouth pale/60.—Blood comes into the mouth (after twenty- four hours)/.—[1040.] A bloody fluid constantly flowed from the left corner of the mouth (fourth day)/73.—"Bloody erosions here and there in the inner surface of the cheek?01.—Sensation of blood in the mouth/9b.—"Dryness in the mouth, with very cold feet/.—Dryness and rawness of the palate, in the forenoon,10.—Excessively dry sensation in the mouth, glutinous, with violent thirst; though he drank much water the thirst was not relieved,6.— Sensa- tion of dryness in the mouth, with burning on the tongue, compelling to drink at night/2*.—Constant alternation of dryness and moisture in the mouth,6.—"Dryness in the mouth?1; (tenth and eleventh days)/17.—Much heat and dryuess in the mouth at night; she was obliged to drink several nights/.—[1050.] Dryness of the mouth, with thirst/2".—Dryness of the mouth (second day); increased (third day)/01.—Mouth tender and dry/1. —Burning sore pain in all the soft parts of the mouth and face, extending through the Eustachian tubes, with much redness and some swelling, with a feeling as though all the parts were sore and covered with ulcers/6.— Burning superiorly ou the palate/.—Severe burning pain in the mouth (immediately)/61.—Burning-biting sensation in the palate, with dryness and thirst,32'.—Burning in the palate/2iration. Breathing rather hurried,50.—Respiration became slow, rattling, shortly before death/38.—Respiration slow and easy (after seven days)/6.—Respirations slow/32.—Shortness of breath and vertigo/.—*Res- piration always very short after coughing,10.—* Short respiration,157.— [2420.] "Tightness of breath after the slightest food?.—"Breathing short and attended by a violent pressive kind of pain in upper part of sternum, for a minute or so, at intervals of two to three days/4.—Respiration 40, inter- rupted by attacks of dyspnoea (third day)/11.—Respiration 40, deep, asso- ciated with contraction of the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscles, at times ster- torous (fourth day),163.—Vesicular respiratory murmurs, with souorous, almost tympanitic percussion/9.—Slight crackling could be heard at the end of each inspiration at the base of the right lung (old pleuritic adhe- sion), (fifth day)/61.—Respiration became stertorous shortly before death/20. —Moist rales, with very weak vesicular respiration (fourth day)/09.— "Mucous rales were easily distinguishable in different portions of both lungs, but more noticeable in the lower lobes (sixth day)/17.—"He could breathe only with a loud rattling noise?.—[2430.] Respiration becarae like a suppu- rating bronchitis/48.—Gasping on ascending a hill/.—*Respiration anx- ious, panting, oppressed (second day),220.—"Anxious, short, and hurried respiration, with elevation of the whole thorax, and especially of the left side?9. PHOSPHORUS. 427 —Anxious respiration while reflecting/.—"Respiration anxious, frequent (third day),153.—*Respiration very labored (second day)/05.—Disposition to take deep inspiration, with discomfort ou doing so (after first dose, sec- ond day),30.—"Inclination to take a deep breath,10.—Respiration deep and difficult (fourth day)/71.—[2440.] Respirations deep (fifth day),140.—Respi- ration difficult and irregular (third day)/78.—Difficult and quickened res- piration/7.—Respiration a little difficult (eighth day)/00.—Respiration diffi- cult, though auscultation revealed no rales (after three days and a half)/45. —*Respiration difficult (seventh day)/34.—Difficult respiration, in the evening, in bed (after three days)/.—Difficult respiration on account of tension in the pit of the stomach,10.—Great difficulty of breathing,91.— "Respiration superficial, 36 (second day)/09.—[2450.] ^Respiration is im- peded by rapid walking (after a few hours)/.—Respiration impeded from fulness of the abdomen, in the forenoon, in all positions,10.—Oppression of breath, with chilliness and violent headache, so that he could scarcely col- lect his senses (after an hour)/.—* Oppression of breath (first day)/6.— *Respiration very much oppressed, breathing very short?.—"Patient com- plained of want of air, though she frequently took a deep breath?10.—"Sense oj suffocation and involuntary passages on the least motion?3.—"Feeling of suffo- cation?1.—"Dyspnoea and extreme prostration?66.—*Dyspnoea (tenth day)/00. —[2460.] Dyspnoea, with transient nausea/.—Dyspnoea on taking a deep breath/.—Dyspnoea, with at times pain or a small stitch in the right side of the chest, above the heart, without cough, never observed while walk- ing, but after sitting a long time/4d.—*Great dyspnoea,89. Chest.—Constantly rubbing the breast and region of the stomach, during spells of unconsciousness (sixth day)/17.—Glandular swellings under the arms,50.—"Percussion over the lower portion of the thorax was dull on the right side, with indistinct bronchial respiration and numerous rales, partly dry, partly moist; on the left side vesicular murmurs and some moid bronchial rales?61.—Percussion brought forth a clear tone in the middle of the right side of the thorax; auscultation revealed diffused mucous rales, with pec- toriloquy/9.—In some cases, especially in those of a scrofulous teudency, tubercles of the lungs develop, with hectic fever, in addition to the necrosis of the jaw/2.—"The respiratory organs become rapidly involved, and the lungs rapidly suppurated, with formation of cavities and purulent exudation into the cavity of the thorax, with infiltration of the mesenteric glands, tubercu- lar ulcers in the intestines, etc./2.—[2470.] Considerable irritation was felt about the lungs (after a few minutes)/17.—Severe pain in the posterior part of the left lung, sometimes aggravated upon inspiration, sometimes not (third day),30.—Frequent sharp pains, as though a knife were thrust into the lungs (after two days); no pain (sixth day)/17.—"Frequent stitches through the lungs, especially on deep inspiration (fourth day),30.—Contrac- tion of the whole lung/.—"Lungs felt clogged; dyspnoea troublesome?3. —"Sensation of heat in the lungs (after first dose, second day),30.—"Raw feeling of the lungs, particularly the left one (after one hour and a half),90. —"Soreness of the lungs greatly increased; find great difficulty in taking a full breath (after seven hours),90.—"Cannot fill my lungs as usual (worse on left side)/1.—[2480.] * Weakness of the chest?.—Weakness of the chest for several days, and a feeling as if she would discover pain in it/.—Towards 6 p.m., very weak feeling in the chest, slight pains in different parts of the chest, and disagreeable cough, lasting until after retiring,50.—"Heat in the chest?11.—Glowing sensation throughout the chest and epigastrium (after second dose, third day),30.—"Rush of blood to the chest?.—Rush of blood to 428 PHOSPHORUS. the chest on every emotion, with a cramplike drawing between the scapulae/. —*Ru*h of blood to the chest and head (after forty-eight hours)/.—Trem- bling of the chest and hands, as if he had drank too much coffee,1.—*Great oppression of the chest, so that the patient, during the attack of cough, and in order to expectorate, must sit up in bed, when she experiences great pain, with a constrictive sensation under the sternum; mucous rattling; rhonchus sibilans in the two inferior thirds of the right lung, in the upper third of the right lung anteriorly, and in the lower half posteriorly; uncommonly clear tone on percussion; almost complete immobility of the ribs at these parts; great arching of the pectoral walls?1.—[2490.] "Oppression of the chest, in the morning, in bed, lasting half an hour/.—"Oppression of the chest, after walking in the open air, at night, so that she could not perfectly yawn?.—Oppression of the chest, as if very hot blood surged up to the throat, in the raorning (after thirteen days)/.—"Oppression of the lower portion of the chest, with shortness of breath, in the evening,10.—"Oppression of the chest, in the morning, with palpitation and nausea, lasting an hour/. —An anxious oppression of the chest/.—Oppression of the chest, above the ensiform cartilage, with tightness of breath, always ou stooping, always relieved by becoming erect, in the evening,10.—Frequent oppression of the chest, with nausea/.—"Frequent oppression of the chest?.—"Oppression of the chest, with anxiety, after dinner?.—[2500.] Oppression of the chest, worse while sitting, relieved by eructations (after twenty-two days)/.—Transient oppression of the chest/28.—Slight oppression of the chest?0.—Sensation of great distress in the chest (fifth day)/40.—*Distressing anxiety and pressure in the chest, amounting to real suffocation, so that deep inspiration was difficult but not impossible, with burning and sticking pains behind the sternum?9.—"Anxiety in the chest, with want of breath?.—Anxiety in the chest, with throbbing in the lower portion of the right side of the chest/. —Anxiety in the chest, in the evening/.—Anxiety and heaviness in the chest, as if compressed, with arrest of breathing,10.—*Heaviness of the chest, as if a weight were lying upon it/.—[2510.] Sensation of heavi- ness in the chest on inspiration, while walking, immediately after dinner,10. —"Tightness of the chest, as from rush of blood, especially in the morning, on waking/.—"Tightness of upper part of chest (after several days)/6.— "Tightness of the chest (after thirteen days)/.—"Tightness about the chest, as if the air was forcibly kept out?1.—"Tightness of the chest (fifth day)/2*.— Tightness of the chest aud pit of the stomach (first day),X—At 5 p.m., feeling of fulness about chest/1.— Tension and dryness in the chest,19 25.— Tension on the chest, without dyspnoea?.—[2520.] Sensation as if the clothes were too tight about the chest/.—Tight tensive sensation on the chest/.— * The chest is constantly tense, as if a band were about it?.—Tight tensive sen- sation behind the chest/.—A feeling of constriction about the chest began to be troublesome (after two days),217.—"Constrictive pinching sensation very high up in the chest?.—"Feeling of constriction in the chest, with painful, difficult breathing, in the morning,50.—Spasmodic contraction in the chest/. —Pressure upon the lower portion of the chest/.—"Pressure in the chest, so that he could not breathe easily (immediately)/.—[2530.] Pressure in the upper part of the chest, drawing downward, followed by empty eructa- tions/.—Pressure upon the chest and short breathing, after eating/.—Con- tractive pressure in the upper part of the left chest/.—Contraction in the chest, with pressure or pinching in the upper abdomen/.—Violent burning pain in the lower portion of the chest (oesophagus), stomach, and through the whole abdomen/6.—Pain in lower part of chest, when drawing a long PHOSPHORUS. 429 breath,60.—Pleuritic pains through the thorax, extending into the throat and down the right arm/3.—Darting pains in the chest (third day); pains in breast intolerable (fourth day)/01.—Severe pains in his chest/1.—Pains in the chest,92.—[2540.] "Pain and tightness in the chest (third day)/71.— Pain, as if bruised, behiud the right breast, beneath the axilla, on pres- sure,10.—Pain in the chest, especially on inspiration/.—Fugitive pains in both thorax and abdomen (after second dose, second day),30.—(Three months have elapsed since the proving, and I have beeu uucoinmouly free from fugitive thoracic pains, which have generally annoyed me with ap- prehension of a tubercular diathesis),30.—Bruised pain in the upper part of the chest, on motion, stooping, and touch/.—Sore paiu in the clavicle, when touched and when not/.—Soreness on pressure, on both sides, under the short ribs,50.—Rawness in the chest (after twenty-four hours)/.—A feeling iu the chest and abdomen as if everything would sink together/.— [2550.] Catarrhal coating of the chest, in the morning/.—Violent aching in the pectoralis major muscle/.—"Cramp in the chest, at night; he thinks he will suffocate?.—Cramp in the chest that constricts it, several evenings in succession/*.—Cramp in the chest, after riding in a carriage, toward evening/.—Drawing cutting beneath the short ribs, while walking/.— * St itches and slicking in various parts of the chest, especially while sitting, at times with burning,10.—Painful dull stitches beneath the left breast, deep internally, on rising from a seat,10.—Stitches in the chest, externally, with- out affecting respiration/.—A stitch iu the right clavicle, at the shoulder,10. — [2560,] Stitches iu the chest and back, and also in the right arm, on motion, especially at night, in bed (after eleven days)/.—Transient stitches in the upper part of the chest, at the origin of the neck/.—Sensation of dryness in the chest/9.!—Itching, internally, in the chest/.—Itching in the chest (trachea), and beneath the pit of the throat, with dry cough, that does not relieve it/.—Front and Sides. "Intense sensation of heat be- hind the sternum?09.—Burning sensatiou ou the lower end of the sternum, extending towards the left clavicle, after dinuer,10.—Acute pain behind the sternum and in the epigastric region (first day)/23.—Great pain behind the sternum, extending into the stomach (after one day),224.—Pressive pain be- low the middle and somewhat to the right of the sternum, with slight op- pression of the chest, relieved by eructations (first day)/2*1.—[2570.] Stick- ing, comraenciug at the sternura aud extending through the chest to the left scapula, aggravated by working, worse iu the evening while spinning; in the evening the sticking was usually accompanied by slight chilliness, lasting only a few minutes, followed by slight perspiration; during this paroxysm she was obliged to keep very quiet, else she suffered from a feel- ing of apprehension, with palpitation ; the corresponding portion of the back was very sensitive to pressure?1.—Stitches, as with knives, in the middle of the steruum, extending to the right scapula, from morning till evening, somewhat relieved during breakfast; so violent that they took away his breath, aggravated by inspiration, relieved by motion (fourth day),10.—■ Drawiug-pressive pain in the left side of the thorax and abdomen, relieved by rubbing with the hands, and disappearing after eructations of wind and emission of flatus, disturbing sleep, towards morning/2'.—Dull pressure upon the right ribs, with dulness of the head, mostly iu the parietal por- tion,39b.—Pressive sensation beneath the short ribs of the right side/2*.— Pains in the upper portion of the right side of the chest, affecting respira- f See S. 2518.—Hughes. 430 PHOSPHORUS. tion, afterwards changing to a deeply seated pain corresponding to the sixth and seventh ribs, so that deep respiration was at times impossible; with this burning pain there was a constant desire to cough, which was with difficulty suppressed on account of the pain (tenth day)/6.—Three females in Charity Hospital (doses-g^th to^gd) complained of pain in the left side; upon examination we found distinct pleuritic friction, without preseut or subsequent serous effusion,229.—Acute pain in the left side, when taking breath, increased by a full respiration (after one hour and a half),90.— Dull pain, like rheumatism, in the left thorax/2'.—Pain in the right side of the chest, as if the skin were raised up with a needle,10.—[2580.] Short sticking pain in the right side of the chest,X—Shooting pains in the right side of the chest (after first dose, second day),30.—A stitching pain on the right side, under the false ribs, when riding horseback,50.—Violent stitches in both sides of the chest, during rest and motion/.—"Stitches in the left side, beneath the ribs, lasting five days/.—"Stitches in the left side of the chest, on breathing?.—Stitches in the right side of the chest, on breathing,2.— Dull stitches in the left side of the chest, relieved by deep inspiration/2'1.— Beating, as from a finger, on the right side of the chest, while sitting,10.— Chest symptoms are worse on the left side,50.—Mainline. [2590.] Anx- ious feeling beneath the left breast, with bitter eructations, every day/.— Burning and pinching, externally, beneath the right breast, with mount- ing of heat into the head,10.—During the day, three or four attacks of vio- lent cramp pain in the breast, high up under the sternum, lasting from fifteen to thirty seconds, and disappearing, with flatulent eructatious (fourth day),30.—Pain in the fleshy part of the right breast, as if a gland were vio- lently pressed/.—Pain half an inch below nipple, shooting like electricity, lasting three-quarters of an hour/2.—At 3.30 p.m., pain from left nipple to right nipple, from right nipple to right shoulder, thence down to little finger on right side/2.—Stitches in the mammary glands,10.—Stitches be- neath the left breast, with much anxiety.1. Heart and I*ulse.—"Anxiety about the heart, associated with nausea and a peculiar sensation of hunger, somewhat relieved by eating, dis- tressing her even in bed, sometimes for several hours, after 10 p.m./1.— Sensation of warmth above the right side of the heart and beneath the left clavicle (after ten minutes); this warmth afterwards extended to the tip of the left scapula and to the acromion process, while at the heart it dis- appeared/2.—[2600.] Sensation of pressure above the heart, extending to the region of the thyroid gland, as from incarcerated flatus, with frequent need of taking a deep breath, and slight attacks of nausea (after five min- utes),42.—Slight pressure in the praecordial region, not relieved by eructa- tions/7.—"Pressive sensation about the heart (first day)/7.—Praecordial pain/37. —Great anxiety iu the praecordial aud epigastric regions/10.—Heaviness of the praecordial region,X—Aching in the praecordial region on every par- oxysm of cough,X—Rush of blood to the heart aud palpitation, that be- comes very violent after eating (after nine days)/.—The heart is not en- larged and in its normal position, but the impulse is of a whirring character; the first sound of the heart at the apex is blowing, the second clear; at the orifice of the heart a systolic murmur is heard (seventh day)/76.—Bruit de souffle with the first sound of the heart (after sixteen days)/27.—[2610.] Pecu- liar blowing sound, synchronous with the systole of the heart, over the arch of the aorta (eighth day)/38.—Marked bellows murmur with the first sound of the heart (after three days and a half)/45.—The second sound of the heart accompanied by a peculiar blowing sound, best heard at the base of the PHOSPHORUS. 431 heart; heart's action weak ; pulse 20,X—Blowing sounds of the heart per- sisted for a long time after the poisoning?'16.—At the base of the heart systolic murmurs were heard (fourth day)/73.— Heart's sound dull; systole always accompanied by blowing sounds (fourth day),198.— The systolic blowing sound of the heart still remained after three weeks?91.—The second sound of the heart was very feeble (fourth day)/93.—Heart's sound very feeble, scarcely audible, with systolic murmur (seventh day)/96.—Heart's sound remarkably dull and feeble/95.—[2620.] Heart's sound weak; pulse small (second day)/15.—Heart's sound weak, scarcely perceptible on accouut of their whirring character; the first sound was always accompanied by a blowing noise, though both sounds were audible (fifth day)/97.—Second sound of the heart and great vessels no longer audible (fourth day)/01.—Beats of the heart regular aud deep (after seven days)/6.—^Violent palpitation (fifth day)/55.—Violent palpitation, lasting one or two minutes (third day),164.— Violeut palpitation, at night (fifth night)/.—Violent pulsation in the morn- iug, in bed, on waking, aud in the eveniug on lying down/.—Thumping of the heart for two hours after dinner, frequently provoking cough, with red- ness frequently mounting into the face (fourth day)/.—Violent palpitation, in the afternoon, after slight emotional excitement, lasting an hour, so that he could not remain lying down ; another slight attack on going to sleep (after ten days)/.—[2630.] "Somewhat violent beating of the heart on slight motion, especially of the left arm, on sitting up in bed, stretching, etc., dis- appearing during rest/.—"Frequent violent palpitation?.—Frequent palpi- tation, during which she was very much inclined to weep, and seemed very unhappy without reason/1.—Palpitation, at times for two, three, or six vio- lent beats (while walking aud sitting after a meal); while lying on the left side, at night, only for one or two beats/.—"Palpitation and anxiety, in the evening and morning, on waking, in bed?.—Palpitation, in the morning, after the usual breakfast/.—Accelerated circulation/823.—Palpitation, with ringing in the ears, with a feeling of uneasiness in the blood, with much tossing about and numerous unpleasant fancies, preventing falling asleep, in the evening, after going to bed,39b.—Heart's impulse noticed over an in- creased area, at times intermittent/9.—Heart very weak; pulse very small, often imperceptible, 72; temperature 37.6° (sixth day),199.—[2640.] Heart weak (third day)/78.—Pulse. Pulse very rapid, scarcely perceptible, with pale skin and diminished temperature (third day)/11.—Pulse rapid, very small, 144; temperature 38.9°; in the evening (seventh day),196.—Pulse in- creased ; increased warmth aud comfortable feeling over the whole body/1. —Pulse accelerated, small, hard/.—Pulse rapid aud full,10 21.f—Pulse rapid and small/325.—"Pulse rapid and weak?.—Pulse rapid (seventh day)/34.— "Pulse rapid, soft?25.—[2650.] Hard rapid pulse/5.—Pulse rapid, small, soft (third day)/43.—Pulse rapid, full, hardish/9.—Pulse small, rapid (third day)/22.—Face natural in color, with rapid pulse and oppression of breath- ing,50.—The pulse, which had continued normal the first three days, rose from 72 to 88 (fourth day)/38.—Pulse full and quick (sixth day); wiry and quick (tenth and eleventh days)/17.—Weak and quick pulse (fourth day)/8.—Pulse increased/5.—Pulse moderately accelerated, sometimes in- termittent/9.— [2660.] Pulse rather quick (fifth day)/07.—Pulse short and quick,50.—Pulse full and quite frequent/20.—Pulse 124, very feeble (fourth day)/93.—Pulse 120, regular (second day)/08.—Pulse very compressible, 120/95.—Pulse 140 (second day)/62.—Pulse 112 (fourth day)/73.—Pulse f In Lobstein's case no fulness is mentioned.—Hughes. 432 PHOSPHORUS. 100, weak and quick/66.—[2670.] Pulse tense, 92 (third day)/41.—The pulse was a little hard (seventh day) ; disappeared at the wrist towards evening (eighth day)/6.—Pulse 90 (after three days and a half)/45.—Pulse 90 and feeble (second day) ; no pulse at the wrists (third day)/83.—Pulse 84 per minute (fourth day)/65.—Pulse at first 80 to 90, afterwards normal, then just before death 120 to 140, small, compressible, at last scarcely per- ceptible/81.—Pulse 70/1.—Pulse 70 and feeble (after one hour),182.—Pulse weak, 66,X—Pulse 64, regular, but very feeble and easily obliterated/32. —Pulse small, thready, 60 (third day)/09.—[2680.] Pulse sraall and soft, about 60 (seventh day)/76.—Pulse small, regular, 60 (fifth day)/97.—Pulse down from 50 to 60 (fifth day)/00.—Pulse 40, 42, contracted and scarcely perceptible (third day)/78.—Pulse slow, at times full and hard (after two, three, and eight hours),10.—"Pulse feeble (second day)/06.—Pulse weak, al- most imperceptible/19.—Pulse of a weak thready character,216.—Pulse 20 (not followed by death)/75.—Pulse not accelerated during the paroxysms of heat,10.—[2690.] Pulse 136, very small and irregular, the day before death/55.—Pulse small, 120/03.—Pulse small, thready, 96 (second day)/09. —"Pulse small, compressible, 80 (second day)/30.—Pulse 84, small and weak, with respiration of 16, temperature 37.7° (after fifty-one hours)/56.—Pulse small, soft, 56 (second day), afterwards rising to 60 and 65,lb0.—"Pulse small and soft?59.—Pulse small, compressible, thready, 64 (secoud day)/20. —Pulse small, frequent/17.—Pulse small, feeble (second day)/05.—[2700.] Pulse very sraall (fifth day),164.—Pulse very small and weak, scarcely per- ceptible (fourth day)/02.—Pulse intermittent, thready, and varying from 53 to 135 (after twenty-four hours)/3.—The pulse iutermits after every three to six beats/19.—Pulse 108 (eighth day); 132 (ninth day)/38.—Pulse 74 (before the experiment); 76 (after one and two minutes); 74 (after three minutes) ; 72 (after four, five, and six minutes); 70 (after seven and eight minutes); 72 (after ten minutes; ; 74 (after twenty minutes, and con- tinued),213.—74 (before the experiment); 72 (after one, two, aud three min- utes) ; 70 (after four, five, six, and seven minutes) ; 72 (after eight and ten minutes) ; 70 (after twenty niinutes, and continued some time longer),213.— Pulse 90, weak (second day); increased in frequency and weak (110), (third day)/39.—Pulse 120 to 140, with a temperature of 38.8°,190.—Pulse frequent (first day); 92 (second day); morning 100, but moderately full and strong; 140, small and weak, in the afternoon (fourth day)/01.—[2710.] Pulse fell to 75 (after ten hours); rose to 90, became feeble and irregular (after sixteen hours); 70, regular, in the morning; 60, strong and regu- lar, in the afternoon (second day) ; 60, regular (third and fourth days) ; 72, feeble and irregular, in the morning; 90, feeble, at noon; 125, rapid and very feeble, in the afternoon; 130, very weak, in the evening (fifth day); imperceptible just before death (sixth day)/40.—Pulse almost imper- ceptible, 110 (sixth day),207.—No pulse could be felt at either wrist, and the first sound of the heart was scarcely audible (fifth day)/61.—Elder pulseless,105. Neck and Back.—Glands of the neck swollen/16.—A hard lump as large as a hazelnut, in the neck beneath the chin, painful to touch/.— Neck stiff/.—"Stiffness in the nape of the neck?.—Peculiar kind of painful stiffness at nape of neck/8.—A strange kind of catch at nape of neck, like what is called a " crick " in the neck/4.—[2720.] Soreness in the nape of the neck; right side worse when pressed upon; came on at 9 a.m.; pain worse when twisting the head to the left, not to the right side,50.—The an- terior cervical muscles are painfully sensitive to touch and motion/.—Feel- PHOSPHORUS. 433 ing as of a weary weight ou the nape of the neck/.—Pressure in the nape of the neck/.—Tearing in the bloodvessels of the right side of the neck, extending to the shoulder,10.—Tearing in the nape of the neck, when stooj - ing and when not,10.—Coldness and tearing in the leftside of the neck,10.— Twitching of the cervical muscles/.—Sticking in the anterior portion tf the neck, extending towards the right ear, and tearing extending thence to the vertex/0.—Stitches in the left side of the neck,10.—Back. [2730.] Tension in all the muscles of the back (twelfth day)/1.—Pressure iu the back and right hypochondriac regions, very painful to pressure (fourth day)/93.—The back seemed bruised, so that she was constantly obliged to turn in bed (second day),220.—Violent pain in the spiual column, in the re- gion of the insertion of the last false ribs (third day)/11.—Violent pain in the back, as if beaten, during the menses/.—Intolerable, periodically re- curring pains iu the back, preventing walking/.—Violent pain in the back, on sitting a long time/.—Much pain in the back and small of the back, so that he could scarcely rise from a seat/.—Pain in the back after walking,1. —Pains in the back (second day),205.—[2740.] The patient complained only of pain in the back and calves (thirteenth day),215.—Dull sensation, as from fulness of blood in the whole spine, with at times a paralytic sensation in the os sacrum (fifth day)/2*.—Heaviness over the back and small of tl e back (third day),X—Heaviness and weariness in the back, on lying down/. —Feels paralyzed in the back and arms after the midday nap/.—A feel- ing as though the back were asleep or sprained, after the midday nap/.— Interrupted stitches in the spine all day, at various hours (after twenty-two days)/.—Dorsal. "The spinous processes of the dorsal vertebrae be- tween the scapulae became exceedingly sensitive to pressure, also the mus- cles between the spinous processes and the left scapula were sensitive, much worse on the left side; sticking pains were noticed, beginning at the bone near the left scapula, and extending forward through the chest, or in the reverse direction, from before backwards, at times also extending to the upper arm, relieved by firm pressure upon the back, by rest, and by warmth ; the pains were aggravated by lifting, by working; worse during the menses, and es- pecially aggravated by unpleasant emotional excitement and by vexation?1.— A very decided and remarkable sensation as from a draft of cold air frora being too near a half-opened window, in the muscles of the right scapula and along the posterior portion of the right upper arm to the elbow, or a sensa- tion as if a raw wind were blowing upon a moist surface ; at the elbow this sensation changed into a numbness that extended to the fingers (second day),X—Pressure just beneath the scapulae/.—[2750.] Sensation as if some one were tightly grasping both scapulae, on lifting and carrying anything with both hands,10.—Heaviness in the upper portion of the back (second day)/2b.—"Pains in the back between the shoulders (third day)/15.—Pain as from a plug in the left scapula/.—*A rather burning pain between the scapulae,210.—"Dullpain between the shoulders (first day),X—Jerkiug paiu in the left scapula, extending into the shoulder, while sitting,10.—Sticking pain in the right scapula?.—Throbbing and tearing in the right scapula, as if in the bone, soon recurring after rubbing,10.—"Throbbingpain in a small spot between the shoulders,10.—[2760.] Tearing in the left scapula, disap- pearing on rubbing,10.—Tearing in the right scapula,1.—A violent stitch in the dorsal muscles above the left hip (after seven days)/.—Stitches in the right scapula,10.—Stitches in the scapula (second day),5.—Stitches beneath both scapulae; frequent stitches lasting a quarter of an hour/.—Lumbar, Weakness in the small of the back, as if asleep, while sitting and on rising from a seat/.—Weakness and lameness in the small of the back/.—Weak- vol. vn.—28 434 PHOSPHORUS. ness of the lower portion of the back/6b.—Nervous weakness in the loins, after an emission/.—[2770.] Tremulous sensation in the lower portion of the spiue, in the jaws and fingers, for some time/6.—Great nervous sensitive- ness, associated with weakness, most severe in the lower portion of the spine, in the regiou of the last lumbar vertebra and in the sacrum ; every slight exertion fatigued him, and the carrying of a small basket, which usually would have been a mere trifle, caused pain along the whole back/6.—Re- gion of the kidneys very sensitive to pressure/64.—Burning in the small of the back, especially with delayed menstruation/.—Pressive, at times vio- lent, sticking pains deep in both kidney regions; these regions were sensi- tive to only great pressure/4.—Pressive pain in the last lumbar vertebra, near the right side of the spine, while sitting, and at times also while stand- ing/41.—Severe pain at the base of the spine (after six hours),90.—Pains darting from the small of the back towards the splenic region (after third dose, second day),30.—Pain in the small of the back, after sitting a long time (after eleven days),1.—Pain in the small of the back, above the sacrum, and in the neighboring parts of the ilium, especially on sitting bent and after dinner, with great weakness/.—[2780.] Pain in the small of the back, while rising from stooping and standing, less while walking/.—Pains in small of back?9b; (third day)/41181; (sixth day)/15.—Gnawing pain in the small of the back and sacrum, where it disappears ou rubbing,10.—Vio- lent pain in the loins (fifth day)/01.—Pains iu the loins (third day)/15181.— Sharp stitches in the lumbar and splenic regions (fourth day),30.—Stitches in the lumbar region (after first dose, second day),30.—Stitches in the lumbar vertebrae, that cause crying out,10.—Sacral. Pain in the sacrum at its union with the last dorsal vertebra, as if I had lifted too heavy a weight (after one hour); not noticed while sitting, lying, stooping, or rising, but only while standing and walking; aggravated by standing with the sacrum bent backward, coughing, and especially when standing on one foot with the other turned inward and forward, also by bending towards one side ; pressure upon the sacrum was not sensitive, but on the spinal processes of the two last lumbar vertebrae and the neighboring parts it caused a sensa- tion of numbness and rigidity in both feet; this symptom gradually disap- peared in the afternoon/28.—Very sharp stitches in the left sacro-iliac region behind (after second dose, third day),30.—[2790.] Paralyzed sensation iu the upper portion of the os sacrum, and in the lower lumbar vertebrae (first day),X—Transient pain extending from the coccyx through the spine to the vertex, that drew the head backward during the stool/.—The coccyx is painful to touch, as from an ulcer/.—Paiu in the coccyx that impedes every motion ; she can find no comfortable position ; followed by painful stiffness of the nape of the neck (second day)/. Extremities.—Convulsions of the limbs (second day)/30.—Trembling and convulsive moveraents of the limbs/17.—Stretching of the limbs and chest in the morning, in bed/.—Couvulsive movements, with contractions of the extremities (third day),220.—Violent spasmodic pains in the upper aud lower extremities (fourth day)/71.—Spasmodic movements of the upper and lower extremities/57.—[2800.] Could not extend my limbs, but lay with them drawn up/3.—Paralysis of all the limbs, in the morning, in bed, dis- appearing after rising/.—"Loss of power in all the limbs, especially in the joints, and as if paralyzed, with good appetite?.—* Great weakness of the limbs, especially of the thighs, in the morning, soon after rising/.—"Great weak- ness in the limbs, for more than three weeks/.—* Weakness and prostration in the extremities, especially in the knee-joints, with slight sticking and burn- PHOSPHORUS. 435 ing in them, worse in the morning after rising, and aggravated by rest, re- lieved by walking, for several days/.—Constant weakness in the arm and knee-joints/.—* Weakness in all the limbs (third day)/5.— Weakness and prostration in all the limbs (first day),X—Grent feebleness of the limbs?9".— [2810.] Feeling of fatigue in the limbs, in the evening (first day)/2".— Very painful sensation of lassitude in the arms and limbs (second day),227. —Prostration of the limbs/91.—The hands and feet seem prostrated/.—The limbs frequently fall asleep,40.—The arras and legs easily fall asleep/0.— Falling asleep of the arms and feet at night, that woke her,40.—Falling asleep of the hands and feet/.—The hands, feet, and nose seem stiffened/. —The hands and feet feel paralyzed, in the morniug, after rising/.—[2820.] The hands and feet feel dead/.—Numbness of the extremities (second day)/00181.—Indolence in the limbs, especially in the forenoon/.—Indo- lence and heaviness in the limbs?.—"The hands and feet are as heavy as lead?.—Heaviness in the joints of the arms and knees/.—Heaviness in the extremities, in the morning, before rising/.—Heaviness of the limbs, during a storm/.—"Heaviness of the limbs (seventeenth day)/1.—"The extremities be- came as heavy as lead, and at last paralyzed, with pains in the muscles (fourth day)/42.—[2830.] Heaviness in the limbs, back, lower extremities, almost only in the morning, on waking/.—Very unpleasant fulness and heaviness of the limbs,X—"Heaviness of the hands and feet?.—He experienced all night severe pains in both the upper and lower limbs; these pains, which he compares to cramps, persist all the time, but undergo occasional exacer- bations, during which the muscles are stiffly contracted (second night)/9.—■ Pain in all the limbs/.—Pains iu the extremities, causing loud cries (eighth day)/96.—At the expiration of three days the pains seemed to leave my bowels and settle iu my joints, producing a crackling noise on motion/3.— Transient pains in the joints,40.—Pains in the limbs/2.—All the joints are painful, mostly on motion/.—[2840.] Bruised pain in all the limbs/.— Bruised pain aud heaviness in the left knee and elbow,1.—Bruised feeling in the extremities, on going upstairs/2*.—Drawing-pressive pains in one or another joint, worse during rest, relieved by motion,40.—Drawing pains in the limbs,181.—Drawing pains in the joints, after rising, in the morning,40.— Drawing in the arms and lower extremities,with weeping mood (after thirteen da}rs)/.—Violent drawing in the right arm and leg, at night/.—Cramps, with lancinatious and contractions of the arms and limbs (first night)/20. —Cramps in the extremities (after ten to twelve days)/75.—[2850.] Pain- ful cramps in the limbs, calves, and feet (second day)/05.—Excessively painful cramps in the limbs (twentieth day),227.—Tearing in the right fore- arm and knee, as soon as she becomes cold/.—While in a state of rest, the muscles of the whole body, but especially those of the extremities, seemed to be twitching to and fro, though they were not painful; different mus- cles or bundles of muscles twitched at different periods ; at times the twitch- ing stopped, but it was easily excited by contact/1.—Slight tremulous sen- sation in all the limbs, as after emotional excitement/9*.—Transient stick- ing and pressive sensations in one or another joint,40.—Needle-like stitches caused by pressure of the fiuger, in both the upper and lower extremities (fourth day)/64.—A feeling as if dislocated in all the limbs, on rapid mo- tion/.—Sensation as though a fluid ran from the trunk into the limbs, es- pecially into the knees, elbows, and wrists/1*.—Burning in the hands and lower extremities/.—[2860.] Frequent crawling in the limbs/6b.—Crawling and numbness in the limbs was noticed for a long time after the proving/2". Superior ^Extremities.—* Weakness of the arms, so that she could 436 PHOSPHORUS. not rest them (after sixteen days)/.—Weakness in the joints of the arms, with distended veins in the hands/.—Paralysis of the left arm (tenth day)/7. —"The arms become numb, while working,40.—Falling asleep of the left arm, with numbness of the fingers (without coldness) aud contraction of them, especially in the morning, after which the arm is quite weak/.—"The arm, upon which the head was resting, fell asleep?.—Falling asleep of the right arm, in the morning (after eight days)/.—"Falling asleep of the arms?.— [2870.] Sensation as though the right arm were asleep, in the evening/6. —Heaviness of the right arm, so that he could not raise it as easily as usual, as if the shoulder-joint were stiff (half an hour after first dose)/1.— Heaviness of the whole right arm, and when it hung down a sensation as if it were drawn downward (eighth day)/1.—Heaviness of the right arm during and after washing (fourteenth day)/1.—Remarkable heaviness of the right arm, noticed on writing, soon after rising, in the morning (sev- enteenth day)/1.—Heaviness of the arm while writing (twenty-third day)/1. —Heaviness of the whole right arm, with such great stiffness and pressure in the right shoulder on washing,-brushing the teeth, and on combing the hair, in the morning, that I was obliged to let the arm hang down (twenty- sixth day)/1.—Violent pain, extending from the left shoulder-bone to the muscles of the arm, both above and below the elbow, with coldness at the back of the hand, and terminating with pricking at the finger-ends/4.— Pain, sensation of numbness, aud loss of power in the right arm, mostly about the elbow-joint, in the eveniug, when lying down in bed, disappear- ing on changing the position of the part, though soou afterwards returning, and so frequently repeated/.—Paralytic sore pain in the arm, with trem- bling, if she holds anything in the hands/.—[2880.] Pain, as from a sprain, in the right arm/.—Transient pains in the arm (nineteenth day)/1. —Drawing tension in the muscles of the arms, extending from the shoulders half way down the forearms/.—Drawing pain in the whole arm, increasing in the evening/.—Drawing and tearing in the arms/71.—Tearing in the left arm and hand/.—Dull tearing in the bones of the right arm and hand,X—Tearing in the right arm,X—Shooting, like an electric pain, down the right arm into the little finger/2.—Constant crawling and an asleep sensation in the right arm,40.—Shoulder. [2890.] Swelling of the axillary glands, with burning pain in the skin of the arm/.—Glandular swelling, the size of a hazelnut, in the left axilla, suppurated and dis- charged/0.—Two glandular swellings in left axilla rapidly increased in size lor one week and then gradually disappeared; very hard, red, and painful; worse in the afternoon, eveniug, and forepart of the night; slight pressure did not increase the pain, but hard pressure made them very paiu- ful ; from these, running down the inner surface of the left arm to the wrist, small lumps, about the size of a pea split in half, at irregular inter- vals, worse from pressure or rubbing quickly,50.—Glandular swelliug in the right axilla, increased to the size of a turkey's egg, hard and painful, in the afternoou and during the night, less towards morning ; in about a week suppurated, and discharged a quantity of thin, bloody pus; pain was of a stitching and dull character; discharge became offensive before healing,50. —Heaviness in the shoulders aud arms (after two days),1.—Stiffness of the right shoulder, a kind of tension, extending up to the occiput (third day)/1. —A tensive pressive sensation in the deltoid and upper dorsal muscles, extending up the nape of the neck (eighth day)/1.—Tension and pressure in the muscles of the shoulder and nape of the neck of the right side (four- teenth day)/1.—Tension, stiffness, and heaviness of the right shoulder, so PHOSPHORUS. 437 great that the arm must be allowed to hang down for some time, while brushing the teeth (twentieth day)/1.—"Feeling of stiffness and pressure in the shoulder, with, heaviness of the arm, on washing, in the morning (twenty- third day)/1.—[2900.] Tension and pressure in the shoulder, with a feel- ing of stiffness, especially noticed on raising the arm to comb the hair or brush the teeth, so that I was obliged to let the arm hang down ; this ten- sion lasted nearly the whole morning (twenty-fifth day)/1.—Pains in the region of the right shoulder (third day)/14.—Pain, as from a sprain, in the right shoulder, especially on raising the arm/.—Rheumatic pain in the right shoulder, extending to the upper ribs, lasting an hour (after seven days)/.—Dull painful stitch in the left shoulder, after dinner, disappear- ing on motion, with long, consequent, painful sensitiveness of the part,10.— Rheumatic pain iu the right shoulder, in the morning, after waking (after thirty-six hours)/.—Paiu in the shoulder-joints, after walking in the open air/.—The shoulder is painful on touch and motion/.—Slight burning pressive sensation in the right shoulder-joint, especially on raising the arm, while washing (after 10 drops, eighth day)/1.—Pressure and drawing in the shoulders/.—[2910.] Boring in the right shoulder, after dinner, aggra- vated by motion, relieved by rest,10.— Tearing in the left shoulder, especially at night, in bed?.—Tearing iu the left shoulder, also iu the joints, at times, with tearing in the knee, mostly after dinner,10.—Dull stitches, extending broadly from each other, uuder both axillae,10.—Tearing in the left shoulder, with headache/.—Cracking in the shoulder-joint/.—Stitches in the axillae, extending through the shoulders,10.—Sticking and stitches in the right shoulder,10.— Upper Arm. "Great weakness of the upper arms?.—Pain- ful pressure iu the periosteum of the humerus and radius, like a bone-pain (after six hours)/.—[2920.] Tearing in the outer surface of the right upper arm, appearing after rubbing the forearm, together with visible twitching,10. —Tearing in the upper arm,1.—At 3 p M., the pain in the knees gone, aud now feel some of it in the left arm above the elbow/1.—Rheumatic pain in the right upper arm, after a slight cold/.—Bruised pain in the right upper arm, while sitting,10.—Bruised pain in the left humerus, extending up and down, from the elbow to the shoulder, while sitting,10.—Elboiv. The elbow-joint is painful, as if broken/.—A blow and jerking in the condyles of the elbow, while sitting,10.—Gnawing pain in the right elbow, extending towards the shoulder, while sitting,10.—Tearing and boring in the elbow- joint, extending towards the shoulder,10.—[2930.] Tearing aud drawing in the right elbow-joint/. — Tearing and sticking in the right elbow,10.— , Stitches in the elbow-joints, after a fright, and then also iu an abraded spot on the foot/.—Forearm. Prostration and weakness, especially in the forearms/2'.—Slight pressive pain in the muscles on the ulnar side of the right forearm, while washing, in the morning, followed by heaviness of the whole arm (second day)/1.—Drawing pain in the right arm, extending from the elbow to the knuckles, with some nausea and ravenous hunger/4''. —Bruised pain in the right radius,10.—Violent tearing on the inner side of the left forearm, as if the skin would be rubbed off, in the morning,10.— Tearing, extending from the elbow along the inner side of the forearm down towards the thumb-joint, as if the bone would be torn out, disappear- ing after rubbing,10.—Tearing in the forearms, especially about the wrists,10. —[2940.] Paralytic tearing in the bones of the right forearm, ou the dor- sal surface of the metacarpus, that once extended iuto the humerus; after a few hours (towards evening), the whole dorsal surface of the right hand felt numb for awhile (first day)/2b.— Wrist. Swelling of the wrist, with 438 PHOSPHORUS. throbbing in it as in an ulcer, with tearing, extending into the fingers, even duriug rest, and still worse on moving the wrist, that was stiff (after taking cold (?) )/.—Acute stitches in the wrists, during rest (after seventeen days)/. —Tearing in the wrists, with paralytic weakness, in the evening,10.—Pain, as from a sprain, in the wrist,10.—Hand. He did not die, but his hands ever afterwards remained paralyzed/27. — Paralysis of both hands and fingers, lasting only half an hour (fifth day)/64.—Violent contraction of both hands; the right hand was greatly pronated, the thumb adducted towards the middle finger, the index and middle finger extended, the fourth and fifth fingers partially flexed ; the left hand was in a similar condition, only the last three fingers were strongly flexed; therewith the patient com- plained of drawing and pain in both hands and arms; in the muscles of the thumb and little finger were noticed violent fibrillar twitchings (third day)/64.—Paroxysms of contraction of both hands, accompanied by tearing pains in the extremities (appearing like hysterical attacks), (third day),192. —Rapid swelling of the hands and fiugers/.—[2950.] The right hand be- came swollen as far as the wrist, soft and oedematous ; the base of the index finger and the whole finger thickened, became grayish-black, gangrenous; sensitiveness to pressure almost completely disappeared; there was no pain; the whole bone mummified, as in gangrenus senilis; amputation of the first phalanx became necessary/08.—Rush of blood into the hands (and head), as if coming from the stomach, with injected veins on the backs of the hands,10.—"Trembling of the hands?*.—"Trembling of the hands, so that he was unable to wn'fe/'XTrembling of the hands, so that he was unable to write down his symptoms (seventh day),103.—Trembling of the hands, in the morning/.—Heaviness and trembling of the hands while allowing them to hang down, with redness and distended veins, and a feeling as if blood were forced into them,10.—Hands and arms restless (sixth day)/72.—Fall- ing asleep of the right hand, in the morning, in bed (after nine days)/.— "Falling asleep of both hands, in the morning, on waking; there was a sen- sation of numbness (twenty-first day)/.—[2960.] At times his hands seem' paralyzed for several hours,1.—Sensation of numbness on the flexor surface of the right hand (first day),X—Acute sensation of stiffness in the hands, especially in the middle fiuger of the right hand (twenty-fifth day)/1.— Drawing in the right hand (second day)/1.—Drawing in the hands and fingers, after wetting the hands with warm water/.—Tearing in the hands, especially iu the knuckles, mostly at night, in bed/.—Tearing in the meta- carpal bones/.—Pressive pain iu the right metacarpal bones (second day),X—Tearing and cracking in the hands and wrists,10.—Deepseated and very severe pains in the bones of the left hand and fingers (third day),30.—[2970.] Burning and sticking in a spot on the inner margin of the right hand,10.—Burning sensatiou in the hands, without external heat/. —Fingers. Paralysis of the fingers; she had the power of feeling, but could scarcely move them,2.—From time to time the fingers are drawn bent, as from cramp?.—Jerking of certain fingers/.—Swelling of one finger, with pain, mostly when pressed/.—Swelling of the first joint of the thumb, pain- ful when touched, and a tensive pain, as if sprained, on motion/.—Weak- ness and jerking iu one finger, all day/.—Violent jerking in the left little finger/.—Paralytic jerking of the right thumb at times, while writing, so that he could scarcely hold a pen/.—[2980.] Contraction of the adductors of the thumb and flexors of the index finger (fifth day)/40.—Frequent sen- sation of stiffness and swelling in the right finger-joints, so that she could not use the needle/0.—"Numbness and insensibility in the fingers of one hand, PHOSPHORUS. 439 with falling asleep of those of the other; the middle finger of the right, hand was quite numb, dead, bloodless, and cold, in moderately cold air/.—Seh- sation of numbness in the tip of the right little fiuger and thumb (first day)/2*.—*My fingers were all thumbs/3.—*Heaviness in the tips of the fingers?.—Tension in the fourth and fifth fingers of both hands, as if sprained/.—Tension in the fingers of the left hand/.—Gnawing sensation in the second phalanx of the right middle finger (fourteenth day)/1.—Pain, as from a sprain or wrench, in the first joint of the thumb, on motion/.— [2990.] Pain, as from a sprain, in the thumb, on grasping anything/.— Paiu, as from a sprain, in the finger-joints (after six days)/.—Acute stick- ing pain in the bone in the ball of the right little finger (first day)/2b.— Pressive paiu in the right middle finger and elbow/6.—A pressive sensa- tion iu the extensor digiti medii, extending up into the middle of the fore- arm (fourteeuth day)/1.—Cramplike drawing and tearing in the little finger,1.—Tearing in the right little finger,10.—Transient tearing in the knuckles and thumbs/.—A kind of burning sticking in the tips of the fingers of the right hand, repeated several times, in the evening (second day)/1.—Slight burning, moving back and forth, along the bone of the second phalanx of the right index finger (after fourteen days)/1.—[3000.] Crawling in all the fingers of the right hand, and in the index finger and thumb of the left hand, and in the outer toes of the right foot, and in the red portion of the upper lip ; iu the right thumb there was also, at times, a sensation of warmth (second day),X—Numb crawling in the ungual phalanges of the right little finger and thumb (first day),X—"Numb crawling in the tips of the fingers of the right hand, in the left thumb, and in the right little toe (first day),X Inferior Extremities.—Swelling of the lower extremities disap- peared (after nineteen days)/15.—Gait so unsteady that she thought she would fall at every step/1.—Spasmodic contraction of the lower extremi- ties, so that she could not stretch them out, during the menses/.—Violent tonic spasms of the lower extremities and feet, which were outstretched ; followed by spasms of the upper extremities and afterwards trismus, so that it was impossible to open the mouth, a few hours before death,138.— Great uneasiness in the lower extremities, with icy-cold hands, especially in the evening/.—* Weakness and weariness in the lower extremities, especially on ascending steps?.—Much weakness and prostration, especially in the lower extremities and knees, with a feeling of looseness in the knee-joints, so that he could scarcely stand, at times relieved by walking,10.—[30l0.] Weari- ness in the lower extremities, in the morning/.—Great weakness of the lower extremities ; she easily falls down/.—Lower extremities very sensi- tive to touch,191.—Sensation as though she had been deprived of the lower extremities, although their sensibility and motility remained intact (secoud day)/40.—Muscles of the lower extremities, especially of the thighs, ex- ceedingly painful to pressure (eighth day)/96.—Falling asleep of the left lower extremity, without cause, in the morning/.—Very paralyzed sensa- tion in the right lower extremity, at night/.—Complete insensibility of the lower extremities and of the body, as far up as the chest, before death (fifth day)/36.—*Complete insensibility of the lower extremities and of the body, asfar up as the chest (fifth day)/21.—Pain in the lower extremities, in the morning, on rising, as after a long walk/.— [3220.] Bruised pain in the lower extremities, as from excessive weariness, at night/.—Drawing pains in the lower extremities, extending from the knees to the tips of the toes ; putting one leg over the other in bed caused most violent pain (third 440 PHOSPHORUS. day),164.—"Heaviness in the lower extremities (after four days)/.—Tearing in the lower extremities,X—Tightness in the whole right lower extremity, even duriug rest/.—Tension in the lower extremities and a pressive stiff pain in the left lower extremity/.—Cramplike contraction in both lower extremities and feet, with jerking/.—On attempting to walk my feet and limbs seemed swollen and glued to the floor/3.—Hip. Painful paralyzed sensatiou in the left hip in the evening, so that he could step upop it with difficulty, though without trouble while sitting and lying/.—A feeling in the right hip as if it were held tightly, without pain, while sitting,10.— [3030.] The right hip-joint was painful?.—Violent pain in the region of the right hip (after half an hour),90.—Pain, as if sprained, in the hips/.—Dull pain in the hip-joints, as from a hard bed; at night, in bed, was obliged to change his position constantly ; it soon disappeared, in the morning, after rising/.—A violeut stitch in the right hip, extending to the chest/.— Stitches in the left hip, disappearing on rubbing, after dinner,10.—Thigh. On the upper third of' the lower extremity (below the knee) are two mod- erately extensive wounds, not extending to the bone. After the necrotic parts had been thrown off and granulation was commencing, they were attacked by nosocomial gangrene; after this had been subdued by strong caustic remedies, extensive gangrenous periostitis of the tibia, with severe febrile disturbance, supervened; the periosteum peeled off from a large area upwards, as far as the knee-joint; the hone was rough. It being impossible to expect this to heal, and as the enormous suppuration, the high fever, and the continual sleeplessness were threatening to completely exhaust the patient, amputation of the femur above the condyles was per- formed on the 4th of February. During the operation it was observed that the periosteum, although of normal thickness, and apparently of in- tact structure, adhered but very loosely to the bone, and could be turned back as far as the condyles with the greatest facility. We were obliged to take away the sutures a few days after the operation on account of the great pressure of the shaft of the bone against the soft parts; as soon as this was done, the periosteum of the whole circumference of the shaft peeled off right up to the trochanter minor, and fell back with the soft parts in the form of a flabby funnel-shaped sac, so that the superficially necrosed shaft, to the length of half a foot, stood out free. With con- tinued high fever, irregular rigors, and increasing collapse, death followed on the sixth day after the operation/12.—Soreness on the inner portion of the thighs/.—Violent pressive pain on the left ischium, on sitting a long time/.—Bruised pain in the middle of the thigh ; the place is painful to touch, so that he cannot walk on account of pain/.—[3040.] Very severe bruised pain in the muscles of the thighs/32.—Momentary tearing pain in the left thigh, extending up from the knee/.—Pain in the tendons of the semi-membranosus and semi-tendinosus/fl.—Drawing pain in the thighs, re- lieved by walking, which he was obliged to do/.—Violent drawing back and forth in the thigh, during the midday rest/.— The nates are painful, as if suppurating, on sitting a long time/.—Visible painful jerking in one natis and thigh/.—Dull pain, extending along the posterior surface of the thigh, from the lumbar region to the knee, as after great exertion in lifting, worse duriug rest, and becomiug so violeut that she was obliged to leave company and return home, relieved by moving about,40.—Transient pres- sive and boring pains, as if in the bones of the left thigh and leg (twenty- firth day)/1.—Rhythmical tearing on the posterior portion of the thigh, iu the evening, after lying down,10.—[3050.] Tearing jerking on the posterior PHOSPHORUS. 441 portion of the thigh superiorly, extending to the knee, during and after walking in the open air, every four minutes, with sore pain in the part when touched/.—Burning in the thigh, very much aggravated by touch/. —Sticking and burning in the right thigh, just above the knee, at short intervals, disappearing on rubbing, while sitting,10.—Twitching in the nates/.—Pulsation in the nates/.— Knee. Knees drawn up (sixth day)/72. —Trembling of the knees/ X—Rheumatic symptoms in the left knee, making it difficult to go upstairs; on suddenly bending the knee she expe- rienced tightness of the tendons, and the internal condyle of the thigh was sensitive to pressure/9b.!—Feeling of rhematism in the knees and small of the back,34b.—Heaviness in the hollows of the kncex?Cb— [3060.] Cramplike tensive sensation in the hollows of the knees, lasting all day,X—Goutlike tension in the knees, as if sprained ; they are hot to touch/.—Tightness of the tendons under the knees, as if they were too short, while walking/.—■ Paralyzed feeling in the left kuee/.—Spasmodic drawing in the knee, when walking/.—Drawing from the left knee to the foot (after twenty days)/.— Drawing pain from the knees to the feet?.—Drawing frora the knee to the foot, in the evening, always followed by painful jerking (after fifteen days),1.—Tearing in the knees and patellae, at times, as if in the bones, sometimes disappearing on rubbing, also after dinner,10.—Tearing pain, extending from the knee to the back of the foot, with falling asleep of the anterior portion of the left foot, disappearing on rubbing,10.—[3070.] Tear- ing in the knees, in the open air, several eveniugs/.—Violent tearing, ex- tending from the knee-joint to the inner side of the calf, as if the flesh would be torn from the bone, disappearing on rubbing, after dinner,10.— Tearing in the hollow of the right knee, at night/.—Pain, as from a sprain, in the left knee/.—Dull pain about the right knee-joint/.—Slight pain, like rheumatism, in both knees, in the morning/1.—Stitches in the knees, by paroxysms, at night/.—A stitch on the inner surface of the right knee on every step, but on raising the limb, while sitting, a bruised pain ; it disappears on rising from the seat,10.—Leg. Trembling of the legs like a shuddering,10.—Sudden red inflamed swelling and smarting pain between the calf and hollow of the knee/.—[3080.] Very marked hyperaesthesia of the legs (fourth day)/64.—Auasarca of the lower extremities made its appearance (after about two weeks) ; became excessive in the course of three or four days, but disappeared entirely in the space of a fortnight/17. —Sensation as though a soft foreign substance were lying between the ar- ticular surfaces of the knees and ankles, so that walking was exceedingly difficult; when walking she was obliged to be very careful to prevent fall- ing, with some swelling of the soft parts about the joints, without redness or pain ; flexion gave rise to a sensation of great rigidity, but there was no crepitation or fluctuation/6.—An unusual sensation in the leg, like a falling asleep, when riding one leg over the other,40.—"Legs feel heavy and weary?0. —Very remarkable sensation of numbness in the left leg, from the knee to the toes, with at times a sensation as if hot blood circulated through it,40. —Numbness of the right leg, as if fallen asleep, without formication/43.— Numbness of the left leg, while lying on the left side; relieved by lying on the back or right side,50.—After sitting a long time the legs become numb and insensible, disappearing on 'moving about/4d.—Falling asleep, extending from the calves to the feet, as if the circulation were arrested by f She had this symptom the year before; at this time there was no apparent cause for it. 442 PHOSPHORUS. a tight band below the knee/.—[3090.] Great sensitiveness of the muscles of the calves (fourth day)/31.—Violent pain in the bend of the left leg,10.— Muscles of the calves very painful to pressure (sixth day),199.—Muscles, especially of the calves, painful (fourth day)/56.—Paralytic drawing pain in the malleoli, extending up to the knee/.—Pain in the tibiae, on walk- ing/.—"Bruised pain in the periosteum of the tibice, that is always sore to touch?.—Bruised pain in the tibiae/.—Cramp in the legs/19.—Cramp in the calves, followed by jerking in the legs, on stretching them out, when walk- ing/.—[3100.] Cramp in the calves?; (sixth day)/27.—Cramp in the feet and legs (first night)/15.—Rhythmical tearing in the left tibia, in the fore- part above the foot, in the morning, on waking,10.—Tension in the right calf, when walking/.—Tearing stitches, extending down the tibia/.— Stitches, as with a knife, on the outer side of the right leg, about the mid- dle of the tibialis anticus muscle ; this pain was repeated during the day, at longer or shorter intervals, but especially as a burning sticking, at times acute ; they occurred only while sitting and on crossing the legs, and while standing, not on motion ; the points to which they constantly recurred were about the middle of the tibialis anticus, and at the origin of the extensor communis dig. ped. (twenty-fourth day)/1.—Ankle. Pain in the ankle, as if sprained, on walking; tension on stepping upon it (after four days)/.— The ankle is easily sprained and wrenched, when stepping/.—Pain in the left ankle, extending up to the calf,1.—Painful feeling iu left instep/1.— [3110.] Swelling of the tendon by the right malleolus/.—Stitches in the malleoli, often lasting for hours, so unpleasant that she complained of them, relieved by motion,40.—Violent stitches in the left ankle/0.—Sticking pain in the right malleolus, about which it is swollen; she could not step on account of the pain/.—Tearing in the left malleolus, at night, so that he could not sleep/.—Foot. Increased swelling in the feet, with severe pain in the bones of the same, but continue warm as they did at first (after two hours); feet very sore and painful, in the afternoon (first day) ; feet not quite so bad, a dull pain in the joints (third day). The puffiness of the toes and feet, and the gouty pain in the great toes continued for several weeks, rendering it quite difficult and painful to walk or stand,90.—"Swell- ing of the feet, in the evening (after seven days)/.—Swelling of one foot/.— Swelling of the feet, even in the morning/.—"Swelling of the feet, on walk- ing?.—[3120.] Heaviness of the feet, as if swollen/.—Heaviness of the feet (after eleven hours)/34*340.—Heaviness of the feet; walking was less vig- orous, with frequent stumbling over an uneven path (fifth day)/2a.—Heavi- ness of the feet, so that walking was difficult/*3.—Heaviness of the feet, so that standing was troublesome ; he was obliged to sit/4.—* Weariness and heaviness of the feet?4c.—Weakness and a sensation of falling asleep in the feet, with great uneasiness/.—An uuusual sensation of numbness in the feet, especially when crossing them, while sitting (twenty-fifth day)/1.— Pains in the feet (fifth day),225.—Dull drawing in the right metatarsal bones (second day),X—[3130.] Jerkings and lightnings in the feet/.—The feet and toes, formerly frozen, began to be very painful, especially in the shoes, while walking (after forty-eight hours)/.—Falling asleep of the left foot when riding it over the other leg/.—"Paralyzed feeling in the feet?.— Transient sensation of nurabness in both feet,40.—Tearing pains in the feet/8*.—Violent tearing and sticking in the feet, so that he was unable to sleep, at night/.—Stitches in the swollen feet/.—Pain in the soles, on walk- ing ; they are red/.—Constaut inclination to cramp in the soles and toes/. —[3140.] Cramp in the soles (after three days)/.—Pain in the soles, as if PHOSPHORUS. 443 she had walked too far/.—Tearing stitches in the soles of both feet/.— Jerking in the feet, with crawling cramp in the soles/.—Distressing sensa- tion of dryness in the soles (after twenty-seven days)/.—Tearing and sticking in the soles, so that he could not step upon them/.—Tearing on the inner margins of the left sole, extending from the heel, while sitting,10. —Cramp in the soles/.—Beating pain in the heels, at night; she was obliged to rub them till warm, which gave relief/.—Tension in the heels, in the morning, in bed/.—[3150.] Crawling in both heels/.—The corns on the'heels are painfully sensitive to the slightest pressure, even to the bed covering/.—Toes. Chilblains appear in March (after nine days)/.—Old corns on the little toe begin to be painful, also the toe swells/.—Stitches in the corns, that afterwards disappear/.—Increased pain, accompanied with swelling and an inflamed appearance all around the joint of the left large toe (after twenty hours),90.—The great toe is painful, as if frozen/.— Stitches in the corns, while walking/.—Pain in the corns, which pierces through the bone and marrow/.—Violent pain in the left great toe/.— [3160.] Acute pain in the joint of the left great toe (after one hour and a half),90.—Pressive pain and burning in the toes, that had been frozen, while in the shoes, on walking/.—Tearing in the toes, while sitting, disappearing on rubbing/0.—Jerking in the left great toe, while sitting,10.—Violent sticking pressure, like a boring with a knife, in the corns/.—A pricking sensation in the right great toe, increased while walking (after one hour and a half),90.—Violent stitches in the ball of the great toe, with inflam- mation in it/.—Stitches in the left great toe, worse on motion, in the even- ing/.—A violent stitch in the right great toe,10. (generalities.—Greatly increased vigor on the following days,53.— [3170.] Increase of the general health/8.—Increase of muscular activity/74. —Increased muscular power/5. — ^Emaciation,73151218.— Extreme emacia- tion?1.—Reduced almost to a skeleton (tenth day)/17.—Rapid emaciation?02. —Emaciation, especially in the hands, so that the veins were very promi- nent/.—She turned the head alternately to the right and left, and kept the eyes fixed/35.—'Those who have been often affected by inflammatory catarrh, and these constitute the majority, are strikingly emaciated, sometimes suffer from palpitation of the heart, although the heart or large vessels are not diseased/6.—[3180.] At one time the patient seemed quiet, as if sleepy, at another made most violent jerking motions of the upper and lower extremi- ties (fourth day)/63.—*She lay constantly on the right side, throwing the body about, but especially the head/25.—The patient lay upon the left side, with the feet drawn up, because it was impossible to lie in any other posi- tion (fourth day)/71.—He lay only on the right side, at night,1.—"Dorsal decubitus (fifth day)/21.—He walks as if paralyzed, without noticing it him- self/.—Symptoms of paresis of the right side of the face and right arm, fol- lowed by complete paralysis of the facial and hypoglossal nerves (second day)/60.—Consumption aud hectic fever/1.!—*Mucous membranes pale (fifth day)/97.—Death caused especially by erysipelas and inflammation/3 is2027-j-—[3190.] The affection of the bone is difficult to characterize; it is not a simple caries, nor is it a simple necrosis; the soft parts detach them- selves from the bone to a large extent, and leave below a bony, gray, rough, but solid surface, and a gray fetid suppuration exhales ; after an uncertain period this separates, without any appearance of new bone being formed/6. t With S. 1490, 1571, 2023.—Hughes. j In one case all parts of the corpse were luminous. 444 PHOSPHORUS. —Swelling of the body (fourth day)/72.—* Vomiting of nearly pure blood (fifth day). Vomiting, or rather regurgitation, without effort, of nearly pure blood, with very profuse epistaxis, oozing of blood from both ears; the blood of these haemorrhages was very fluid and difficult to coagulate (twenty- first day). The next day the patient raised a little blood from the throat; with these haemorrhages nervous symptoms returned, pain and numbness of the left arm, and afterwards of other extremities, pain in the region of the throat, stric- ture of the throat, and sensation of suffocation; as the haemorrhages dimin- ished, the skin became more deeply jaundiced. After more than a month the haemorrhage returned ; the stools contained a large quantity of pure blood; there was epistaxis, regurgitations of blood in the throat, and hsematuria, followed by great prostration, almost complete loss of voice, very feeble pulse, cold extremities, bruit de sovffie with the first sound of the heart; these haemorrhages gradually diminished, and ceased entirely after about a week. On the fiftieth day there were renewed haemorrhages from the throat, nose, auus, bladder, with pain in the right iliac fossa and in the thigh of the same side, with weakness of the limbs, so that the patient was unable to walk; these renewed haemorrhages lasted several days, except a little blood with the urine, which continued for five days; the patient was very much less prostrated by this haemorrhage than by the preceding. After seventy days blood reappeared in the urine ; the patient stated that she had lost as much as two glassfuls of nearly pure blood with the urine. On the next day there was profuse vomiting of blood; the urine continued to be colored by blood for nine days. This patient, even after three months, suffered from weak- ness, the bruit de souffle in the praecordial region persisted, and though she was pregnant she did not miscarry; the blood seemed to be completely re- stored, and her vital forces re-established; but afterwards, in the fifth month, she was taken with profuse uterine haemorrhage, which, however, was arrested, and miscarriage did not take place; she passed through her pregnancy, and was delivered without accident, but afterwards she was seized with inveterate diarrhoea, not bloody, which could not be stopped, and which terminated her life eight months after the poisoning?24.^—"Haemorrhages from free surface and from the tissues?*1.—Orgasm of blood from the customary smoke (after twenty-four hours)/.—Frequent orgasm of blood, with at times violent palpitation/.—Great orgasm of blood/.—Orgasm of blood, at night, with chilliness and trembling, together with uneasiness in the intestines/.—Con- stant orgasm of blood, in the evening, and a feeling of warmth/.—Rush of blood at night; he hears the rush through the body at the same time/.— [3200.] "Discharge of blood from various parts of the body, haemoptysis, bleed- ing of the gums, haemorrhoids, etc./.—*Small wounds bleed very much/.— * The blood when drawn seemed very pale, and under the microscope exhibited only about twice as many red as white corpuscles (tenth day)/76.—"A drop of blood drawn from the finger had a grayish-red appearance, containing only twice as many red as white corpuscles (seventeenth day)/97.—Very great anaemia remained after the poisoning/76.|—Extrerae anaemia/73; (sixteenth day)/27.—The general appearance is that of a person laboring under typhoid fever, great depression, and general prostration ; she can with difficulty raise herself in bed (after three days and a half)/45.—"The patient presented the phenomena of ataxia and adynamia, that reminded one of typhoid fever/30. f Autopsy showed only a slate-colored tint of the whole mucous membrane of the intestinal canal. I The patient had taken iron during the latter part of the trouble. PHOSPHORUS. 445 —*Lax muscular system/7.—"Muscles became flabby?3.—[3210.] "General relaxation of muscular power; when going upstairs the muscles of the lower extremities seem to refuse to act, so that she was in danger of falling down?6.— Towards evening an incomplete attack of syncope, whilst drinking a glass of cider (second day)/00.—"Motions involuntary and uncertain, as one attacked with palsy?3.—* Considerable tremulousness, especially of the hands, whilst writ- ing (third day),30.—Trembling/1 X—Tremulousness, in the morning, with perceptible jerking in the limbs (after eight days)/.—Muscular tremors, amounting even to clonic spasms, contractions, and general convulsions; symptoms of collapse, with weakness of the heart, but perfect cousciousness, followed by death/81.—Trismus, with clonic spasms of the limbs, dilated and insensible pupils, profuse sweat, and death (after ten days)/79.—Con- vulsions/1 59 88105 X—General convulsions, that lasted almost without inter- mission for two days (after which the patient lived for three days)/4.— [3220.] Convulsions on the fourth day preceding death,202.—Convulsively agitated (after seven days)/6.—Convulsed, hands clenched, and eyeballs fixed (first day),172.—Convulsions, followed by death/28.—Symptoms of irri- tant poisoning, with convulsive attacks, apparently of an hysterical kind; she died at the end of seventy-seveu hours/29.—Spasms, followed by death (tenth day),37.—Spasms/20.—One worker, especially exposed to the fumes, was attacked with fatal tonic spasms (the post-mortem showed spinal arach- nitis and partial softening of the spinal cord)/3.—Weariness, on walking, with pains in the limbs (after three weeks)/50.—*The patient complained of great weariness/60.—[3230.] *Great weariness,125.—After getting the feet a little wet and cold, weariness in all the limbs, burning in the hands, headache and lying down, followed the next day by coryza/.—"Unusual weariness from a short walk, with some headache/.—Weariness and exhaus- tion of the whole body, in the morning, after wakiug, disappearing after rising,10.—Weariness in the whole body, especially in the thighs, in a usu- ally robust man (after nine days)/.—So weary in the afternoon after a little wine that he was obliged to sleep for a few hours, followed by a sleepless night (after forty-eight hours),1. — "Great debility?119.—*Weakness/03181; (sixth day)/17.—*Weak, oppressed sensation all day,1.—Frequent sudden attacks of' great weakness/.—[3240.] Weak and.sick, towards noon, with- out cause ; was obliged to lie down for an hour (after fifteen days)/.—Great weakness, with nausea/.—Much weakness, in the morning, on rising/.— ^Weakness and prostration,170.—Great weakness, in the morning, on rising, and during the day general sick feeling, heartburn, aud after rapid motion ravenous hunger and trembling of the limbs/.—Hysterical weakness, so that she could scarcely move the leg, with constant yawning, uprisings, and distress and pressure on the chest/.—*Great weakness of the whole body,34b. —"So weak that he was unable to work?'".—* Very weak; could lie only on his back (seventh day)/6.—She feels very weak (especially in the evening) dur- ing the menses ; has pain in the back, as if beaten and torn, drawing in the whole body, palpitation, with anxiety, griping above the stomach, with con- strictive pain ; is weary and weak, even to sinking down, and cannot keep up on account of great nausea; is obliged to lie down/.—[3250.] Weak, sore, aud almost helpless/3.—Even those patients who are affected iu a slighter degree are in a state of excessive weakness/6.—General weakness, with evening fever/2.—Sudden weakness/02; (first day)/53.—"Extreme weak- ness and prostration (after fifty-one hours)/06.—Very weak and almost speechless (fifth day)/72. — *Gr'eat weakness (fourth day)/72176; (fourth day)/98, etc.—"Patient so weak that he could scarcely raise his hands (seven- 446 PHOSPHORUS. teenth day)/97.—*Patient complained only of weakness (first day)/15.— "Extreme weakness, being unable to walk without support?16.—[3260.] "Com- plaining of weakness (eleventh day)/15.—* General weakness,X—* The pat lent constantly became weaker from day to day?59.—Great weakness of the whole body, especially of the affected parts, after eating/.—* Weakness and pros- tration of the whole body, with heaviness of the feet, so that walking was diffi- cult?4i.—*Walking fatigues him very much/.—"Feeling of weakness in the back, as if crushed, followed by weakness of the extremities and trembling after the least exertion. When admitted into the hospital, both the lower limbs were so feeble that the patient was only able to stagger for a moment or two with a trembling step; when attempting to stand, his knees shook and gave way; his hands and arms trembled when he attempted to use them; so feeble that the patient was neither able to raise himself nor to remain in a sitting posture; all efforts to help him were fruitless; he continued to live three or four years longer, although the paralysis went on increasingly,61.— "After urinating, in the morning, he is so weak that he has to lie down?.—**S'e?t- sation of weakness and prostration, almost with tremulousness (fourth day),42.— * Weakness of the whole body™* X—[3270.] * Weakness and prostration for several days/6.—Weak and prostrated, with peevish, fretful mood (fourth day),35.—*Remarkably weak and depressed, without the slightest desire to attend to ordinary business,X—Great weakness, with frequent yawn- ing (third day)/03.—* Weakness so great that the patient could scarcely speak?10. —The symptoms began to abate (after twenty-three hours); I was not able to assume an upright position while walking, or endure much fatigue for some time, uor did I become free from the effects for more than two months ; I regained my strength very slowly/3.—Dressed myself with difficulty aud went to my office; I was as weak as one suffering from a long and severe fit of illness; I then took eight pellets of Camphor3, this being the first I had taken, the attack being so sudden and prostrating I was not able to help myself to medicine or call assistance (after thirty-five hours)/3.— Not able to assume an upright position, while walking, for some time/3.— Sudden general loss of power, with great heat in the face (after eleven days)/.—General great and sudden loss of power/.—[3280.] Loss of all power/1.—* Excessive exhaustion (third day)/09141143; (second day)/20.— * Utterly exhausted, after a walk of an hour (fourth day)/17.—General exhaustion, with attacks of faintness/9.—"General nervous exhaustion; inexpressible heaviness of the whole body, so that every motion was difficult and unpleasant; the patient desired to keep the bed, and dreaded motion?6. —General exhaustion towards noon, less in the afternoon,10.—"Exhaus- tion, especially in the chest, for several days?.—"Exhaustion of mind and body, in tlie morning?.—Exhaustion (after two hours)/56.—Profound pros- tration?1 m 148 149, etc.—[3290.] General prostration?4* X— Very great pros- tration (fifth day)/34; (after eleven days)/27. — General prostration, re- lieved by stimulants,X—The exertion or attempt to move my arms, hands, or eveu turn myself, produced great prostration/3.—"Prostration of mind and body (second day)/.—Prostration (second day)/7*; (after sixteen hours),140.—Prostration, similar to that of typhus (fourth day)/73.—Faint- ness/23 61 H0137; (fifth day)/45.—Great restlessness (fourth day)/14; (third day),147; (seventh and eighth days)/96.—Extremely restless, and appeared to suffer much pain, rolling about its head aud moaning/62.—[3300.] Very restless (fifth day)/07.—Very great and general anxiety and restlessness (third day),95.—Constant restlessness, with continual crying and sleepiness, followed by death (ninth day),222.—Patient restless, in bed (third day)/21.— PHOSPHORUS. 447 Patient restless and delirious, with talking, afterwards somnolent/67.—Gen- eral restlessness, also tossing from side to side (sixth day)/72.—Restless and irritable (fifth day),161.—Jactitation and restlessness (tenth day)/77—Restless- ness (fourth day)/63; (second night)/06.—Great uneasiness (after two days)/. —[3310.] Uneasiness/5.—Uneasiness at night, caused by pressure in the stomach and nausea/.—Uneasiness during a storm/.—Some uneasiness (im- mediately) ; general uneasiness (malaise), (second day)/5.—Agitation (sec- ond day)/18.—Frequent desire to change the position, while lying in bed/03. —Must move about, not satisfied in auy particular place,50.—Violent start- ing of the whole body, whilst falling asleep (second night),30.—Xervoussyrap- toms, worse in afternoon and evening/2.—Great excitement of the nervous system/74.—[3320.] Collapse suddeu, pupils dilated and insensible, extremi- ties cold, pulse scarcely perceptible and intermittent, followed by death/42. —Collapse/66.—Collapse and great restlessness (fourth day)/8.—Condition of complete collapse; limbs relaxed, patient unconscious, could scarcely be roused by loud cries into the ear/6.—Elder, collapsed/05.—Collapse, with tightly closed jaws, followed by death/95.—Collapse, with cold skin, feeble pulse, and some stupidity (sixth day),225.— Takes cold easily, in the open air, that causes griping in the abdomen, pain in the nape of the neck, stiffness of the arras, toothache, lachrymation, hiccough, cutting and sticking in and above the stomach, dulness of the head, or at last coldness and moist cold- ness of the feet and hands, with a hot cheek, etc./.—Feeling of taking cold in the whole body, with chilliness and sleepiuess/.—Sensitiveness to cold weather/.—[3330.] Takes cold on rising, after a little nightsweat, with toothache and slight jerking in the teeth/.—A kind of insensibility of the whole body/2.—General malaise, with extrerae exhaustion (second day),221. —Decided malaise, with feeling of exhaustion (third day),30.—Tremulous feeling in the whole body, like a pulsation,10.—"Paralyzed and sick feeling in the whole body?.—General sick feeling prevents sleep at night, till 2 o'clock/.—The whole right side feels paralyzed, with nausea/.—Feeling of mental and physical paralysis, in the morning, after rising, lasting all day/. —Feeling as if paralyzed, after sitting, lasting several minutes/.—[3340.] Sensation of paralysis, with a tremulous sensation over the whole body (first day),X—Feels paralyzed and bruised, in the morning, after rising (after six days)/.—Great sense of fatigue, with mental depression, and a most uncommon fearfulness and timidity (fourth day),30.—" Great languor and disinclination to movement, but the sufferer still kept about his usual employments (third day)/17.—Languid, unwilling to exert themselves (sec- ond day)/05.—Great sense of fatigue (first day) ; the feebleness did not pre- vent her from walking about all day in the raiu (second day)/00.—Great lassitude (second day)/36.—Extreme lassitude; the patient was scarcely able to turn or move in bed (second day),205.—Felt indolent all day (second day),90.—Feel stupefied, intoxicated, dizzy, and reeling, on waking, at night/. —[3350.] A certain light and comfortable feeling in the whole body/5.— General sick feeling, prostration of all the limbs/.—Unpleasant sensation of sickness and discomfort in the whole body, especially in the stomach, even in the open air/020.—Sick, prostrated, joyless, out of humor with everything/.—Sick feeling in the whole body, weakness aud exhaustion in the joints, especially in the knees, on motion, and while sitting (after four- teen days)/.—Anxiety and uneasiness in the blood, after eating a little/.— Tensive drawing in the glands, even on the neck/.—Very tired feeling, without having taken the usual exercise (after second dose, second day)/0. —Feeling of increased vigor (third day) ; of exhaustion (fourth day)/6.— 448 PHOSPHORUS. At no time was I free from pain/3.—[3360.] General pains (fourth day)/34. —In intolerable pain (fifth day)/65.—The slightest motion caused great pain/3.—Pain in right side, with occasional stitches/1.—She complained of pain in the whole body, especially in the bones of the limbs/35.—Tran- sient drawing and numb pains here and there in the body,40.—Drawing pain in the bones of the left arm aud in the lower jaw; also other pains, mostly transient, in various parts of the body, reminding him of rheuma- tism, from which he had never suffered/6.—Tearing pains over the whole body/91.—Darting cutting pains gave me much distress, starting from one point and flashiug over the whole abdominal region, each one haying a sepa- rate starting-point (after five hours)/3.—Slight fugitive pains during the night (first day),30.—[3370.] Distressing burning and boring pains in the bones, that at night became intolerable and almost prevented sleep; the pains were especially severe in the bones of the skull, palate, and nasal bones, and in the teeth (after two weeks)/6.—Burning in the whole right side of the body/.—The moment the bowels begin to move, the pains assume the form of cramps,42.—Soreness of the body all over,50.—It seemed as if a flame of fire was passing through me/3.—"Heaviness of the upper part of the body, with a sensation as if everything about the chest were too tight, lasting all day/V—Pressive heaviness of the head, spine, and in all the limbs, with ill-humor, toward evening (first day)/2a.—Heaviness and a feeling of fulness of the whole body (first day),X—He complained also of being heavy and dull, and inclined to sleep,151.—"Painful heaviness in the whole body, now in the chest, now in the head of the thighs and legs, now all over at the same time, which made him very inactive and extremely fretful; previously there was gen- eral exhausting perspiration/.—[3380,] ^Heaviness in the whole body/. —"Numbness of the whole body, accompanied by a pricking sensation, as being encompassed by innumerable needles that just touched, aud, on the slightest motion, entered my body, at first severe, then followed by vibrations of less distinctness/3.—The whole body feels bruised, powerless, and constantly sleepy; wherewith he is very pale, though with appetite/.—Sensation as if the muscles in walking would lose their equilibrium, with slight dizziness (after first dose, second day),30.—At times transient, at times sticking or pressive sensations in various joiuts or bones of the body (twenty-fourth day)/1.—Some piercing stitches here and there in the body/.—Stitches in different parts, passing off soon/1.—Violent stitches/55.—The symptoms first manifest themselves upon the alimentary tract, afterwards upon the respira- tory organs, and then upon the skin/0.—The pains are worse from 5 or 6 p.m. till towards morning/.—[3390.] He experiences pains previous to change of weather/.—*Lying on the left side at night causes anxiety (after nine- teen days)/.— The pains always commence when eating, and last as long as he continues to eat, at noon and in the evening/.—General improvement in the cold open air,X—The open air seems good to him, and he feels better in it (after one, and two hours),10.—She is impelled to walk a long distance in the open air/.—Most of the symptoras cease in the afternoon, after eat- ing,10.—The symptoms gradually disappeared after dinner/2.—General relief after supper and a glass of beer (second day)/7*.—Better after sup- per/1. Skin.—Objective. [3400.] "Jaundice?53154167, etc.—General jaundice (fourth day),164; (third day)/21.—General jaundice, commencing on the fourth day,228.—General jaundice, especially of the conjunctiva (fourth day),131.—General jaundice, with delirium, rapid pulse (fifth day)/36.— Jaundice (fifth day); becoming more intense after twenty-four hours, ac- PHOSPHORUS. 449 companied by a febrile condition, with delirium, irregularity of the pulse, followed by great prostration and death two days afterwards/33.—Jaundice, exteuding over the whole body, iucreasiug daily, from the fourth to the tenth day, associated with great enlargement of the liver, and with great weakness of the heart's action/98.—Jaundice (third day); on the follow- ing day accompanied by extreme pain in the epigastrium and vomiting of black thready substances consisting of blood,222.—Jaundice commenced on the fifth day and rapidly increased, with enlargement of the liver, which was very painful to pressure (fifth day),196.—Jaundice, especially of the chest and abdomen (fourth day),X—[3410.] Commencing jaundice (third day); jaundice very decided (fourth day),100.—There was a jaundiced con- dition of the skin, except iu the face, which was congested (fourth day)/65. —Jaundice commenced iu the face and extended over the whole body (third day)/36.—Skin and conjunctivae were jaundiced (fourth day)/62.— Jauudice commenced in the eye on the third day, and gradually extended over the whole body/23.—Jaundice (fifth day); increased on the following day, associated with enlargement of the liver, that was also sensitive to pressure/94.—Jaundice of a yellowish-brown color (sixth day),193.—Jaun- dice very intense (seventh day) ; had decidedly decreased, instead there was remarkable paleness of the skin and of the mucous membrane, which continued for some time (after eight days)/76.—Jauudice commenced after four days, associated with confusion of mind, and later with delirium/90.— Jaundice commenced in the conjunctiva, on the fourth day, and the next day became raore general/34.—[3420.] The skin became yellow, with dis- tension and sensitiveness of the epigastric and right hypochondriac region, with constant moaning aud semi-unconscious condition, half-open eyes and mouth, pulse 150, respiration difficult, with twitching of the face and arms, followed by great distension of the abdomen, swelling of the liver, that was very sensitive to touch (fourth day)/71.—Skin intensely yellow (eighth day)/38.—Intensely yellow color of the skin (sixth day)/76.—Whole body intensely yellow, towards evening (eighth day)/6.—Skin of a dark-yellow color, with livid appearance of the lips, nose, forehead, and extremities, on the day of death/38.—General yellow color, especially of the eyes/25.— Jaundice color of the skin/32 X—Icteric color/07.—Yellow color of the whole body (fifth day)/15.—Skin assumed a yellow color (sixth day); yel- low tinge, darker and more visible (eighth day)/15.—[3430.] The skin suddenly became yellow (fourth day),202.—Whole body of an icteric tint (sixth day)/07.—Yellow color of the surface of the body (third day); this icterus increased, became associated with delirium, and she died on the sixth day/00.—Skin deeply orange-yellow, with sclerotic very yellow (fifth day)/55.—Icteric color of the skin and eyes increasing (third day)/43.— Pale-yellow color of the skin/6.—Skin over the thorax became slightly yellow (third day)/38.—Slight general yellowness commenced to appear ou the eyes, the chest, the limbs (after four days and a half)/40.—Paleness of the skin, such as is only seen in leuchaemia (fourth day)/73.—"Remarkable paleness of the skin and mucous membrane?02.—[3440.] Peculiar paleness of the whole body,96.—The skin is pale, at times dirty-yellow, puffy, especially of the face/2.—Jaundice has disappeared, but has given place to general paleness of the skin ; the mucous membraue was entirely bloodless (six- teenth day),197.—Skin had a dark appearance (sixth day)/72.—Limbs blue (fifth day)/65.—Ends of the fingers and lips cyanotic (third day)/09.—Skin presented a livid shade (seveuth day)/6.—The left foot was of a dark- bluish color, and cold (third day)/39.—The surface of the body had a gen- VOL. VII.—29 450 PHOSPHORUS. eral bluish appearance (third day)/39.—Peculiar bluish-red color of the toes and of both elbows, as if suffused with blood (fourth day)/01.—[3450.] Skin dry (third day)/63.—Skin dry and wrinkled/3.—Skin perfectly dry (third day)/01.—Skin dry and parched (sixth day)/17.—Skin dry, dirty- yellow in the face, other parts gray/7.—The skin loses its elasticity ; when pinched into folds it returns to its normal condition very slowly/7.—Haemor- rhage from the subcutaneous cellular tissue of the thorax, and especially of the lower extremities (after death, also found in the anterior and pos- terior mediastinum, endocardium, pleura, parenchyma of the right lung, and mesentery)/91.—Raw bleeding surface under the scabs,50.—Erup- tions, Dry. The skin is covered with numerous peach-colored spots, in the centre of which were discovered red spots of purpura (fiJbrth day)/34.— Numerous red spots on the body, associated with great weakness, recog- nized as purpura; on the next day the oldest spots became brownish-red, while the newest were bright-red/60.—[3460.] Upon the arms are seen some red spots, which disappear on pressure (sixth day)/00.—Red points, with corrosive itching, iu a spot as large as the hand, in the bend of the right elbow/.—Bluish-red spots under the skin, especially on the legs; bleeding from the leechbites was very difficult to stop; it was necessary to keep them constantly and tightly bound (fifth day)/53.— Numerous small bluish spots, almost like petechiae, on the legs/.—A large yellow spot on the abdomen, to the side of the navel/.—Brownish, dark, at times elevated, spots in the hollows of the knees, on the chest, forehead, and below the corner of the mouth/.—Transparent coppery spots on the body/.—Spots ou the feet?.—"Petechial spots in the skin?3'2.—"Spots similar to purpura hemorrhagica, at the base of the neck, on the shoulders, and backs of the hands (sixth day),140.—[3470.] Numerous petechiae, of a dull livid hue, over the epigastrium/32.—Some spots of purpura were observed on the chest (seventh day),115.—Small ecchymosed spots on the chest and face (after.seventh to eighth day)/5.—Ecchymosis over the abdomen/67.—"Spots of ecchymosis over the skin (third day)/21.—Purple-like exanthema over the whole body, especially on the lower extremities (fourth day)/73.—Exan- theraatous spots over the anterior portion of the abdomen, disappearing on pressure with the finger,209.—Desquamation of the skin of the face/.—Des- quamation of the epidermis/.—The skin of the hands is very rough and dry/.—[3480.] The skin cracked over the finger-joints, as from great cold/.—Indurations in the skin (of the nates)/.—Itchiug, scabby, cracked, and scaly eruption on different parts of the body; the arms and hands most affected,50.—On the anterior and posterior borders of the axillary space the skin was chapped, rough, and scaly ; appeared first on the right, and then on the left side,50.—* (Edema of the lids and about the eyes?03.— "Lips and eyelids became ozdematous?1. — Both had urticaria ; in the younger, much resembling measles, in the elder, raore raised, crimson, and less cres- centic/46.—Violent urticaria, with numerous large hives and great itching (first and second days),42g.—"Anaesthesia of the skin,181.—Covered with itch- ing eruption of a troublesome character/1.—[3490.] Sore abraded spots, with redness and smarting or sticking pain, in the skin of various parts/. —Pimples and indurated spots and also brownish and reddish-blue spots have an increased color/.—Pimples all over the body ; color bright-red, with an almost intolerable itching; scratching seemed to relieve it for the time being only, in the afternoon,90.—Fine gritty eruption on the forehead and chin/.—Pimples on the face and wing of the nose/.—Papular eruption on the face/.—Some red pimples on the face/.—Eruption on the face, raw, PHOSPHORUS. 451 red, mottled, somewhat elevated/.—Papular eruption on both cheeks/.— An itching spot on the left side of the lower jaw; was obliged to scratch till sore/.—[3500.] A painful pimple on the right wing of the nose/.— Papular eruption in the right corner of the mouth/.—Many freckles on the nose, in the morning, after being heated by exercise at night (after twelve days)/.—A few pimples, with burning-sticking pain, on the margin of the labiae, lasting fourteen days/.—Violently itching pimples in the axilla, that bum after scratching/.—Itching eruption upon the anterior surface of the arms, from the bends of the elbow down nearly to the wrist/0.—Itch- ing eruption on the anterior surface of the arras,50.—Eruption on the right hand, extends along the anterior surface of the ulnar side of the hand; on the left, it extended over the metacarpal bone of the thumb,50.—Warts ap- pear on the hands/.—Eruption on the thighs and legs,50.—[3510.] Large pimples on the posterior portion of the thigh, painful to touch/.—Several small spots, like freckles, on the lower portion of the tibia/.—Erup- tions, M.oist. A peculiar eruption affected the skin about the joints, consisting of small vesicles, in groups, without any areola, followed by des- quamation of thin scales, that were frequently renewed/6.—Vesicular erup- tion, with thin transparent fluid, afterwards milky,50.— Much itching, eruption, and itch-vesicles/. — Itching nettlerash eruption, with large blisters, over the whole body, even on the face/.—Vesicular eruption behind the ears/.—Vesicles, with burning pain, in the concha/.—Vesicles in and about the nose, so that it is alraost inflamed/.—Vesicular eruption, more on the right than on the left hand ; also between the fingers of both hands ; crusty and cracked,50.—[3520.] Itching vesicles between the fingers and in the hollows of the knees/.—Painful hard blisters, here and there, without itching/.—Exudation of black blood frora the scar of an old blister/.—Blisters, like gangrene, that burst and exude water/.—Heat blisters on the backs of both hands, with itching, worse at night/.—The blisters and ulcers on the feet increased/.—Blister on the heel, which breaks, becomes moist, and is very painful on walking (after fourteen days)/.—Eruptions, Pustular. Pustular eruption on the forehead (twentieth day); two days later it extended over the face, as large as a barleycorn, surrounded by a bright-red areola, in the centre of which was the opening of a hair-follicle; at the same time ecthymatous pustules de- veloped on the nates, about the anus, and a few days later a furuncle, as large as a hazelnut, on the left natis, that discharged a greenish bloody matter; these healed completely about the thirty-second day/01.—Pustu- lar eruption on the chiu/16.—Frequent pustules and scabs on the face, after the slightest injury of the skin/.—[3530.] Pustular eruption on the hands and arms, like ecthyma; purpura of the whole body/73.—Round spots of tetter over the whole body?.—Tetter above the upper lip/.—Tetter in the left corner of the mouth, with cutting and sticking/.—Tetter above the knees and below the patellae/.—Corners of the mouth ulcerated (after thirteen days)/.—"Obstinate ulcer about the nail, that would not heal?.—*Ulcers bleed on the appearance of the menses/.—Inflammation and swelling of the left nipple and whole left breast, with great pain and suppuration, after ten days/.—Erysipelatous inflammation of one breast (covered with eruption), with swelling, redness, burning, sticking, and at last suppura- tion/.—[3540.] A boil on the margin of the orbit/.—Small boils on the nape of the neck, chest, and thighs/.—Two boils on the abdomen/.—Sup- purating boil, with burning pain, in the groin/.—Two boils, surrounded by red areola, with a dark color.in the centre, ou the thigh/67:—Large boils 452 PHOSPHORUS. on the thighs, chest, and forehead/.—Subjective. Peculiar insensibility of the skin of the extremities (first day); sensibility so much diminished that she could not pick up a pin between her fingers (second day),100.— Skin dry, hot, and burning (eighth day)/15.—Skin painful to the slightest contact (hyperaesthesia), (second day)/05.—The skin is painful, especially on the vertex, as from a blow, aggravated by pressure/".—[3550.] A soft relaxed feeling of the skin/6.—Sticking pinching, externally, on the neck, while walking in the open air/.—Pinching contractive pain in an old scar/.—Burning itching over the whole body (after ten days)/.—Burning in a wart, as in a suppurating wound, in the evening, after lying down/.— Burning smarting in the skin of the face, as after being in the cold sharp air/.—Buruing in the skin of both upper arms/.—Burning in the arms and thighs/.—Burning sensation in the palms of the hands/.—"Formica- tion?91.—[3560.] In the left arm he experienced a continued sensation of formication under the skin/1.—Formication on the right fingers/6.—For- mication of the right fourth and fifth fingers (first d;iy),42b.—Formication of the left thumb/2.—Formication in the thighs (first night)/15.—Creeping and twitching sensatiou under the skin/1.—Intolerable feeling of ants over the whole upper part of the body, especially on the neck, chest, and occi- put, on comiug into the house,X—Crawling on the hands, in the open air, while yawning (after a quarter of an hour),10.—Violent crawling on the second knuckle of the left third finger.X—Crawling in the feet, at night, as if asleep/.—[3570.] Crawling, as from ants, on the feet aud toes/.— Crawling beneath the toes/.—Frequent stitches iu the skin, like fieabites/. —Stitches in a boil on the throat,1.—Frequent small stitches in the skin of the abdomen/.— General itching over the whole body (after twenty-two days)/.—Itching over the whole body, at night, with much heat and dry- ness of the mouth (after twelve hours)/.—Sticking itching over the whole body, during the menses/.—Itching (or biting like formication), here and there, relieved by rubbing,10.—Irresistible desire to scratch, which tempo- rarily relieved; continued scratching caused a raw, smarting, burning, sore feeling,00.—[3580.] Itching formication in the paralyzed parts?123.— Itching of a wart on the forehead/.—Violent itching of the face, so that she scratched till it was all bloody and raw/.—Itching of the upper lip, with pain, after rubbing/.—Much itching aud biting about the abdomen; on the arms and thighs, red streaks, caused by scratching (after twenty-six, and twenty-seven days)/.—Itching in the navel itself, that could not be relieved by rubbing (after six hours)/.—Itching on the right side of the chest and abdomen, disappearing on scratching,10.—Violent itching, at night, on the arms, lower extremities, back, and abdomen (after twelve days)/.— Violent itching in the right axilla, and a glandular swelling as large as a pea/.—Much itching on the arms/.—[3590.] Itching of the hands/.—Intolerable itching in the hands, in the evening, in bed/.—Very acute sticklike itching on the backs of both hands, so that he cannot fall asleep, at night; scratching does not relieve it/.—Itching on the hips/.— Violent itching in a small spot on the thigh, with smarting, after scratch- ing/.—Itching on the thigh and patella/.—Itching on the back, and in the hollows of the knees,1.— Troublesome itching of both legs?1.—Violent itching on the calves aud tibiae/.—Violent itching on the soles and toes, in the evening/.—[3600.] Itching beneath the toes and on the soles/. Sleep.—Sleepiness. Constantly wishes to yawn and cannot/.—Fre- queut yawning, stretching, and sleepiness, even after diuner,10.—Constant yawning, with great weakness (fourth day)/03.—Frequent yawning, with PHOSPHORUS. 453 chilliness, in the evening,10.—Constant yawning and watery urine, during the attacks of pain/.—* Yawning (tenth day)/00.—"Drowsiness?39; (after ten hours)/40.—"Heavy and drowsy?9.—"Very drowsy, and retired at 11.30 p.m., but was long in getting asleep?1.—[3610.] Felt an uneasiness, accom- panied by drowsiness, which was unusual (after five hours)/3.—Drowsy and fell asleep, in which state she continued for twenty hours, with scarcely any intermission (third day)/07.—The elder manifested all day long a strong disposition to sleep ; the same in the younger, though in a less de- gree/46.— "Increased sleepiness (fifth day)/28.—"Sleepy and stupid, hard to keep awake?2. —"Constant sleepiness (fourth day)/15.f —Overpowering sleepiness; on falling asleep sudden starting up, with talking irrationally, or during sleep erotic ecstasies or lascivious dreams, also with automatic movements, as in sexual intercourse/6. —Overpowering sleepiness, after dinner/.—*Great sleepiness during the day, even before dinner/.—:i Great sleepiness (third day)/26; (fourth day)/8.—[3620.] Great sleepiness (fifth day) ; restlessness (sixth day)/15.—Sleepiness, during the day, after walk- ing in the open air, and after dinner/.—"Sleepiness during the day (after ten, and eleven days)/.—*vSleepiness,7.— Much sleepiness in the evening/. —Sleepiness after eating?.—Sleepiness after dinner (after fifteen days)/.— Very sleepy until 11 a.m./0.—Very sleepy in the evening; could "hardly keep his eyes open,50.—Sleepy, as if dizzy, without being able to sleep,1.— [3630.] "Sleepy, while eating?.—"Sleepy, early in the evening, followed by restless sleep?2*.—Sleep, at night, sound and stupid ; in the morning, on waking, she had no desire to rise, but wished rather to lie down again,39b.— She lies in a stupid slumber, during the day/.—Long-continued sleep, in the morning (second day),10.—Very long stupid sleep/.—Somnolence (fourth day)/00; (after sixteen hours)/40181.—Increasing somnolence (eighth day)/38. —Somnolency and death on a suddeu increase of all the symptoms (sixth day)/73.—The patient became somnolent, could not answer intelligibly, screamed from time to time; the screaming became so incessant and terri- ble that she was removed to the delirium ward, after which she died (fifth day)/93.—[3640.] Complete sorauoleuce ; when aroused the patient seemed to be in a raging delirium, aud beat about him (fifth day)/90.—Very sopor- ous/.—Sopor interrupted by screaming (eighth day)/55.—Starting up in fright on falling asleep/.—Crying out and talking in sleep, at night/.— Frightful starting up in sleep, towards morning,10.—He lies at night on the back, with the left hand uuder the occiput/.—Great inclination to sit sleeping, with the head bent forward (after five hours)/.—Sleepless- ness. Insomuia (fifth day)/36.—Sleeplessness?3 91164, etc.—[3650.] Night sleepless (seventh night)/38; (fifth day)/55; (fifth to tenth day)/01.—Sleep- less, from 1 to 4 a.m.,10.—"Sleeplessness and uneasiness, in the evening, in bed (after thirty-six hours)/.—Sleepless, inclined to study much later than usual (secoud and third nights),30.—Is not sleepy, in the eveniug in bed, followed by light sleep, so that every slight noise wakens him/.—Sleepy, but uuable to sleep (second day)/27.—Night sleepless aud restless, with delirium (second night)/71.—* Very restless nights, constant dreaming?.— Very restless sleep/.—Restless nights, on account of many dreams/.— [3660.] Night restless/03; (fourth day)/40.—Restless sleep, at night/X— Restless sleep, with tossing about aud drearas, and while awake anxiety in the whole body/.—*Sleep restless and full of dreams ; headache, in the morning, on waking/.—(Sleep restless)/6 X—Restlessness, that prevents f Coincident with commencing enlargement of the liver. 454 PHOSPHORUS. sleep, several nights/.—Restless sleep, at night, and lascivious dreams, with emissions, whereupon he became very wide awake, afterwards but little sleep, only confused in the morniug hours, before 6 o'clock/.—Restless, dreamy sleep, at night, with much tossing about (third day),X—Restless night; waking frequently (third night)/0.—Night restless, woke towards 4 a.m., aud could not fall asleep again (fifth day)/03.—[3670.] Restless night; was a long time getting asleep/1.—Was unable to sleep; the desire to sleep was very great, but I could not find a comfortable position (after five hours)/3.—Little sleep (third night)/9.—Somewhat restless, at night (sec- ond night)/05.—Restlessness (first night); much greater, the sufferer rolling from side to side in fitful slumbers, and getting up frequently for water (second day); very restless (fourth day)/17.—Sleep interrupted/8.—Restless and no sleep, during the night (fourth night)/72.—Tossing about and weep- ing, all night, with anxious dreams/.—Little sleep, owing to restlessness (first night); with constant tossing from side to side; bemoaued his inability to sleep (sixth day)/17.—He was obliged to turn over constantly, at night/. —[3680.] Great uneasiness, at night, with anxiety/.—Uneasy sleep, with many dreams and frequent waking, for several nights/.—"After waking, in the evening and night, he cannot fall asleep again for a long time?.—*He cannot fall asleep before midnight, is obliged to get out of bed, and only after lying down can he fall asleep?.—She could not fall asleep, at night; on account of a feeling as if the eyes would not close, she was obliged to close them with the hands, with a whirling iu the head (after six days)/.—"He cannot fall asleep until 1 o'clock on account of restlessness, also he cannot get the feet warm, four nights in succession/.—She is unable to fall asleep, in the evening, on account of uneasiness, and ou waking she is immediately restless (after five days)/.—" Cannot fall asleep,atnigkt,fortwo or even four hours?.—Difficult falling asleep, and frequent waking,10.—Difficult falling asleep, in the evening, with restless tossing about,X—[3690.] She could not fall asleep, at night, after going to bed, on account of numerous fan- cies ; sleep throughout the night was partial, and associated with confused fancies,39b.—Lies a long time in bed, in the evening, before falling asleep/. —Frequent waking on account of heat, without sweat, at, night?.—Frequent waking, at night, with chilliness/ 10.—Waking after three hours'sleep, tor- mented by heavy anxious dreams/.—After falling asleep, preceded by long-coutinued restlessness, she woke with oppression, as from a weight on the chest, and difficult respiration (after twenty-two days)/.—Sleep dis- turbed by frequent waking/03.—She woke towards raorning, started up iu fright/.—Frequent waking, at night, with boring in the teeth/.—Anxiety during unconscious sleep, ringing the hands as in despair, sobbing, lament- ing, tossing about, short breath ; in fear she grasps at bystanders, or delir- iously grasps after them/.—[3700.] Feeling in the morning as if he had not slept enough, weak and indolent?.—Even quiet sleep does not refresh her/.—Awoke at 7 a.m., feeling unrefreshed/1.—Dreams. Distressing dreams of vermin,10. — Unusually vivid and constant dreams, at night (eleventh day)/1.—Many dreams upou scientific and philosophical subjects (first night); many dreams, character unremembered (second night); erotic dreams (third night) ; a fearful dream of being bitten by a ferocious black horse, so vivid as to make a very paiuful impression on the mind (fourth day)/0.—The fitful slumbers were filled with dreams of fighting, or of vio- lent physical exertion, accompauied by a running comment of incoherent talk (eighth day)/17.—Vivid dreams, at night (second day)/1.—Unusually vivid dreams remembered after waking, in the morning (quite unusual), PHOSPHORUS. 455 (twenty-third day)/1.— Vivid dreams full of restless work and business, which he could not finish?.—[3710.] Vivid dreams/.—Vivid, partly recollected dreams,10.—Historical dreams, every night,1.—Nightmare, so that he cried out, from a dream of imminent danger,X—Uninterrupted remembered dream of the busiuess of the day, at night/.—Vexatious dream/.—Dreams of dead people, of fights, etc.,10.—Sleep full of dreams, interrupted, ex- hausting/.—Dream of robbers/.—Dream of a haemorrhage,1.—[3720.] Sad dreams/.—Fretful dreams/.—Hideous dreams/2.—Immediately on falling asleep, he dreams of things that make him anxious,and he wakes/.—Dreams of fire, with crying out and beating about her/.—Heavy anxious dreams, towards morning/.—Frightful aud anxious dream (first night)/.—Confused dreams, at night/.—Anxious phantasm, on falling asleep, as if a bad man grasped him by the throat and tried to choke him (after four days)/.— Auxious dream, as if an insect were stinging behind the ear/.—[3730.] Anxious dreams (after forty-eight hours)/,—Very anxious dreams/.—Anx- ious dreams of biting animals; she cried out and woke in great anxiety/.— Dream that she was pinched ou the back and breast, and tickled on the soles/.—Solicitous dreams of necessary business, for attention to which he frequently rose and made preparations/.—"Frequent lascivious dreams, with emissions,X—"Lascivious dreams and emissions?*'50.—Frequent lascivious drearas, with erections/4.—Ludicrous dreams,1. Fever.—Chilliness. Chilliness (fourth day)/31; (third night)/15.— [3740.] "Severe chill, followed by a fever, flushed cheeks, the left oae much more than the right (after two hours); fever, with headache, but no chill (second day) ; considerable fever, in the evening, with a whitish discharge from the vagina (fifth day); fever, with headache, in the afternoon (sixth day),90. —Chilliness and trembling of the whole body, especially of the abdomen, at night, on waking from anxious dreams; great orgasm of blood and op- pression of the chest, so that he could not get a breath and could scarcely rise (after ten days)/.—"Constant chilliness towards evening, (first day)/2c; (third day)/56. — The patient complained of constant chilliness (third day)/11.—Frequent chilliness (first day)/; (second day)/15.—Feeling of chilliness, alternating with heat (second day); fever increased (after three days)/17.—Chilliness, with increased temperature and pulse (third day)/43. —Chills, accompanied with ringing in the ears, most in the right,02.—Chil- liness on rising/25.—Chilliness, even in a warm room (second morning),103.— [3750.] Chills at 1 p.m., lasting till 5 p.m. (this symptom came three days in succession)/2.—Chilliness over the whole trunk, as if it were in cold water, without thirst, not relieved by an overcoat and a glass of beer/7.— Chilliness over the whole body, lasting half an hour, after every dose,41.— Internal chilliness several afternoons, for half an hour or an hour, and at times with a sensation as of hot water in the pit of the stomach and in the back/. — Chilliness, in the evening, on falling asleep?.—Chilliness, with cold hands and pale face, frequent nausea, empty eructations, while walking in the open air, at 7 p.m./2.—Chilliness while sitting, not while walking/.—Chil- liness and symptoms of fever (third day)/73.—Chilliness for two hours, iu the morning, with yawning, without subsequent heat/.—Much chilliness, with cold hands and feet, during the menses/.—[3760.] Chilliness in the hands, though they were warm, red, and the veins distended,10.—-Chilliness towards 6 p.m., and falling asleep from weakness; towards midnight, wak- ing from heavy dreams, with profuse general perspiration/.—*Chilliness, every evening, with shivering, without thirst, though with dryness of the throat/.—"Chilliness, with anxiety, in the evening?.—He was so chilly that 456 PHOSPHORUS. he trembled all over, even by a warm stove,10.—Violent chill before the stool/.—Chilliness in the back and arras, followed by chilliness in the head (second day)/2.—Chilliness and shivering, with loss of appetite, and with- out subsequent heat/.—Creeping chill up the back during the day/.— Chilly, several evenings, after lying down in bed/.—[3770.] Violent shak- ing chill; cold creeping over the back ; was obliged to lie down and cover himself, when he became warm only slowly, and on putting the hands out of bed there was immediately renewed shivering, with stiffness of the hands from cold and painful dulness of the head, without subsequent heat (after twenty-six hours)/.—"Violent shaking chill, at night, with looseness of the bowels four times, followed by great heat and perspiration all over, and pre- ceded by perspiration before midnight, for several nights/.—Violent shaking chill, followed by sweat, at night; on the days previously, great restlessness for two days together (ninth day)/.—Shivering chill over the back/.— Shaking chills/2.—"Constantly more shivering, then warmth, lasting only a short time; the shivering was not relieved by the warmth of the stove (after three hours),10.—Frequent shivering, with yawning, and with at times gooseflesh on the arras,10.—Shivering over the whole body, without chilli- ness/.—Shivering, with pain in the head and stomach (after three hours),10. —Slight shivering, alternating with heat of the head and hands (after three hours),10.—[3780.] Slight shivering at 7 p.m.,10.—Great coldness/32.—Gen - eral coldness (after three weeks)/00.—Coldness of the whole body, especially of the extremities (second day)/30.—Complained of being very cold (fifth day)/61.—Long-coutiuued coldness, without thirst, then thirst, at night; after the fever, diarrhoea,10.—Coldness every afternoon, and weakness for several days/.—Coldness ; lack of warmth in the whole body/2.—Cool feel- ing over the whole body,10.—Skin cold (after three days and a half)/45; (second day)/83.—[3790.] Skin dry and cold (second day)/20.—Coldness in the head and body, frequently alternating with heat (after two hours),10.— Body cold (fifth day)/65.—Face aud hands cool/7.—The extremities became cold, covered with clammy sweat, shortly before death/20.—Extremities cold, bluish (seventh day)/25.—"Coldness of the limbs?325.—"Extremities cold?01119161, etc.—"Cold.hands?.—Icy coldness of the hands and feet all day, even in bed/.—[3800.] Sensatiou of coldness in the lower extremities (second day)/40.—*Coldness in the knees constantly, at night, in bed/.— Cold feel in the insteps of both feet/4.—Feet icy cold ; he could not get them warm even in bed (in June)/.— Heat. Violent fever, with red, hot face (fourth day)/13.—Of one hundred and seventy workers in match fac- tories (mostly boys), one hundred and twenty were attacked with typhus, often complicated with pneumonia and bronchitis, that often developed into consumption/3.— Woke, at night, in fever, alternations of heat and chill, with violeut pains in the head, abdomen, and lower extremities, afterwards vomiting, before midnight, lasting more than twenty-four hours, with dis- appearance of appetite and sleep (after fourteen days)/.—Suddeu fever, with great restlessness, colicky pain in the epigastric region, with retention of stool and urine (third day)/4.—Fever, two days in succession, during the menses; in the first afternoon chilliness, then heat and headache, without thirst; the second day chilliness, for an hour, at noon, then spasmodic shak- ing of the whole body, with chattering of the teeth, followed by heat, espe- cially in the head, and headache (after ten days)/.—"Fever from 5 to 6 p.m. ; first violent chill, so that he could not get warm, followed by heat, with thirst, and internal chilliness, and after the latter had passed off, heat and per- spiration all night, in bed, till morning (after eight hours)/.—[3810.] Fever, PHOSPHORUS. 457 with very quick pulse,21.f—Fever, during the night, and vomiting (after twelve hours)/79. —Fever, with thickly coated tongue/9.— Well-marked fever/7.—The greater number suffer from fever/6.—"Fever, in the afternoon, for many days; heat, with or without previous chill/.—Fever, with tossing about the bed/14.—Inflammatory fever/1.—Feverish (sixth day); more feverish (seventh and eighth days),115.—Moderate fever at first, afterwards sinking of the temperature/81.—[3820.] Feverish excitement/9.—During the first five days the patient had a moderate but regular elevation of tempera- ture, in the evening; in the morning it was nearly normal, or even lower, with a relatively given frequency of the pulse (from 104 to 120). On the sixth day there was a constant fever of the remittent type, continuing and reaching its highest point in the evening of the eighth day, when the pulse was exceedingly small and soft. After the eighth day the temperature fell. On the thirteenth day there began a more regular intermittent form of fever, with a decided shaking chill; on the thirteenth day a shaking chill at 8.15 a.m., lasting twenty minutes, with a temperature of 41.8° C; pulse 140; the temperature fell, during the copious perspiration, to 40.1°, iu the evening rising to 41°. On the fourteenth day chill in the morning, tem- perature 40.6°; temperature in the evening, during the copious perspira- tion, 37.9°. On the seventeenth day a third chill, in the evening, lasting twenty-five minutes. On the eighteenth day the fourth chill, beginning in the morning, lasting half an hour; temperature 41°, falling in the evening to 38.8°. The next morniug 38.2°, after which there was almost a regular dimiuution of temperature, without a regular type till the twenty-eighth day. There was, on the average, the normal temperature until the thirty- second day, when there was a fifth chill, beginning in the morning, with sweat in the evening; also a chill on the thirty sixth day, in the morning, after which there followed a remarkably low temperature for a long time, 36.4°, and even 36.1°, in the morniug, and 36.8° to 36.9° in the evening, then the patient had no chill nor fever for nearly four weeks. On the sixty-third day there was a seventh chill, lasting twenty minutes, tempera- ture 37.4°. On the sixty-fifth day a chill, temperature. 38.3°. Seventy- first day a chill. Seventy-ninth day two chills, the first at 8 a.m., the second about 10 a.m.; temperature fell in the afternoon to 36.7°, next morning 36.2°; after this there were three additional chills, during which the temperature did not rise above 38°. On the one hundred and twenty- ninth day the sixteenth chill, temperature 38.8°. On the one hundred and thirtieth day the seventeenth chill. On the one hundred and forty-third, one hundred and forty-fourth, one hundred and forty-sixth, and one hun- dred and forty-ninth days, chills, after which there was no chill for more than three weeks/01.—Temperature exceedingly high/16.—Temperature very much increased (eighth day)/38.—Increased heat of the whole body,50.— Febrile heat from 2 to 3 and from 6 to 7 p.m., especially in the face (after fourteen days)/.—Dry heat, at night, without thirst, with pain in the part upon which she lies, as from a hard bed/.—General heat towards 8 p.m., with loss of thirst, not preceded by shivering/.—General heat, with sweat, without thirst, from 7 to 12 a.m.,10.—General, not disagreeable, increased warmth of the body/.—[3830.] Great heat in the body (second day)/72.— Great heat from 1 to 4 a.m., with short breath, without thirst, with general transient perspiration, dry lips, and dry tip of the tongue; the posterior portion of the mouth is moist/.—Paroxysms of anxious heat at tiraes (after ■j- Original revised by Hughes. 458 PHOSPHORUS. six days)/.—Sensation of heat, and heat?31925.—Heat through the whole body, with a sense of internal pruritus, with rush of blood to the head,54.— Anxious heat over the whole body, after breakfast (after half an hour),10.— Heat over the whole body, especially in the head and hands, with bitter- ness in the mouth and nausea in the stomach (after two hours and a half),10. —Heat, iu the forenoon, lasting two hours, with thirst for, beer, and pre- ceded by shaking chill, aud followed by chilliness ; all this transpired in a dreamy slumber, with much motion of the hands,1.—*Heat, at night, with- out thirst, and sweat, from which he frequently woke?.—*Febrile heat and sweat,* at night, with ravenous hunger, that could not be appeased, fol- lowed by chilliness, with chattering of the teeth, and external coldness; after the chill internal heat, especially in the hands, with constant external coldness?. —[3840.] Some heat of the body preceding the stool/.—Attacks of flushes of heat, especially in the evening, with slight febrile restlessness and burn- ing heat in the palms/.—Flashes of heat and cold across the shoulders (after six hours),90.—On thinking very intently she is attacked with heat, as if dashed with hot water/.—Constant heat, sweat, and thirst/.—Internal warmth through the whole body, with dulness in the head/.—Frequently increased warmth of the whole body at times, while sitting, disappearing in the open air or after dinuer, at times also with anxiety, as if sweat would break out,10.—Warmth of the whole body, with itching internally/6. —The warmth of the room seemed intolerable, on account of dry heat in the face, head, and feet,X—Warmth over the whole body/5.—[3850.] Warmth and sweat over the body, especially on the shoulders, lasting a long time; only the feet are dry; an hour after dinner,10.—Heat first in the hands, then in the head, then in the nape of the neck, with a feeling as if sweat would break out (after three hours),10.—Mounting of heat frora the chest iuto the head and whole abdomen, while eating soup, with a feel- ing as if sweat would break out,10.— Frequent rising of heat from the back into the head, with redness of the face, in the afternoon, while sitting,10.— Increased sensation of warmth in paralyzed parts/3.—Skin very hot (tenth and eleventh days)/17.—Skin hot and dry/9120; (second day)/62.—Skin dry, not very hot (third day)/43.—Skin hot (fifth day)/07.—Skin of the whole body very hot, alternating with chilly sensations, in the night, then profuse perspiration, during sleep,60.—[3860.] Heat in the head and chest on ex- cited talking/.—Heat in the head, with dulness, better by moving about,50. —Much heat, and sensation of heat in the head, especially in the forehead aud face (also in the hands), at tiraes with throbbing in the head, at times mounting up (from the back), and disappearing in the cool open air,10.— Heat in the head, then in the whole body, and also in the feet, as if sweat would break out, an hour after dinner,10.—Heat and perspiration on the head and hands, even on the feet, with only moderate external warmth, lasting three minutes; afterwards, about 2 o'clock, alraost every half an hour, and also the following day, though at longer intervals, and even in the open air,10.—Increased heat in the head (after oue hour and a half),90. —Transient heat and perspiration on the head and hands (after two hours),10.—Heat and redness of the face, with slight perspiration on the forehead and dulness of the head (after twelve hours)/.—Heat and redness of the ear/.—Violent heat in the face, with red spots after washing/.— [3870.] Much heat in the face, immediately after eating/.—Great heat in the face, towards evening (after fourteen days)/.—Much heat, in the even- ing, especially iu the face, with vertigo (after eight days)/.—Frequent par- oxysms of heat, especially in the face, with dryness of the mouth, without PHOSPHORUS. 459 thirst/.—"Heat of the cheeks (first day),X—* Glowing heat of one or the other cheek, every evening, lasting two hours, without' thirst/.—Tempera- turf 39.8° in the axilla (second day)/08.—The chest is very warm exter- nally, .—Feverish feel in hands and feet, at night/4.—Feet, which were habitually cold, very warm (after one hour and a half)/°. — Sweat. [3880.] * Profuse perspiration over the whole body (second day)205 — *Profuse sweats/2; (seventh day)/79148138142.—* General perspiration (fonrth day), .—*She perspires very profusely on slight exertion,1.—The patient sweated profusely, and the vapor arising frora the body gave out au in- tensely phosphoric odor, particularly perceptible on raising the bedclothes; sweat raore profuse and odor stronger in the evening (fourth day)/01.— Perspiration smelling of sulphur/5.—Free perspiration (fourth day)/65.— Perspiration during dinner,10.—Perspiration on the body, with coldness of the head/.—*Perspiration all over, every morning, exhausting him (after tw.enX^ur hours)/. — [3890.] Increased perspiration and secretion of uriue/8 21—Flushes of perspiration, in the forenoon,10.—Perspiration, in the morning, lasting three days/.—^Perspiration, in the morning, in bed, especially about the feet and hands/.—"Anxious perspiration (after a few hours)/.—"Perspiration during sleep, after midnight, lasting till morning, without thirst,10.—*Perspiration and feeling of anxiety, towards morning/. —"Slight perspiration, after waking, in the morniug (third and fourth days),10. —Skin moist (fifth day)/61.—Perspiration at first only on the anterior half of the body, especially on the abdomen, afterwards on the chest, then under the shoulders and on the back, disappearing during dinuer/.—[3900.] Profuse perspiration, especially on the head and chest/02.—"Perspiration on the head and hands, frequently alternating with transient coldness (after three days),10.—Perspiration only on the head, afterwards in the house, after moving about in the open air (after one hour),10.—Perspiration only on the head and palms of the hands, after eating soup (after one hour and a half),10.—Perspiration on the forehead luminous/5.f—Forehead covered with perspiration/9.—Sweat on the forehead/8.—Perspiration on the face, with coldness of it and nausea, iu the forenoon/.—Perspiration on the palms (after three-quarters of au hour),10.—Moisture all over the body, but more particularly in the palms of the hands and on the chest (after one hour and a half)/°.—[3910.] Sweat on the feet/.—Surface cold, and be- dewed with a perceptible though slight moisture/32.—Skin covered with clammy perspiration,203.—"Cold clammy sweat (third day)/09.—Whole body covered with cold sweat, towards evening (eighth day)/6.—Skin moist, and not particularly hot; there was a peculiar garlicky smell on approaching the bed (second day),139.—"Skin covered with cold sweat (fourth day),147.— "Profuse nightsweat (first night)/.—"Nightsweat (after one, and five days)/. —Perspiration and turbid uriue at night, preceded by weakness all day, immediately/.—[3920.] Nightsweat for six nights (after four days)/. Conditions.— Aggravation.—(Morning), Grief; on waking, anxiety; on rising, unable to collect senses; after rising, confused feeling in head ; vertigo; dizziness; heaviness of head; heat of head, and dull headache; while sitting still, dull pain iu head ; on waking, pressive headache; head- ache; on waking, stupefaction in head; pulsation in head; headache in forehead; weakness of eyes; on waking, dryness of eyes; agglutination of eyes, etc.; in open air, sticking in inner canthus; twilight, vision better; on waking, trembling objects in front of vision; re-echoing iu ears; sneez- f Not found.—Hughes. 460 PHOSPHORUS. ing; yellow mucus in nose; blood and yellow mucus from uose; nostrils stopped; itching in left nostril; upper lip swollen ; toothache; gnawing and boring in tooth ; on waking, feeling as if teeth were chattering, with general trembling; drawing in lower back teeth ; sour taste ; glutinous taste ; hawking of mucus; on waking, dryness of throat; rawness iu throat; pressure in throat; after rising, thirst; 8 to 9, nausea; qualmish nausea; after stool, sour vomiting; distended pain in stomach ; pain in stomach ; in bed, pressure in stomach ; colic ; heat in abdomen and face ; 4 a.m., woke with pain iu bowels and diarrhcea ; pain in abdomen ; on waking, pressure in lower abdomen ; in bed, spasm in rectum ; three semifluid stools; desire to urinate; micturition; erections; hoarseness ; after rising, cough ; op- pression of chest; on waking, tightness of chest; constriction in chest; ca- tarrhal coating of chest; on waking, pulsation ; in bed, stretching of limbs aud chest; paralysis of limbs ; after rising, weakness in limbs ; before ris- ing, heaviness in the extremities ; after rising, drawing pain in joints ; fall- ing asleep of arras; tearing in inner side of left forearm; trembling of hands; falling asleep of hands; weakness in lower extremities; falling asleep of left lower extremity; pain in lower extremity; on waking, tear- ing in left tibia ; in bed, tension in heels; tremulousness; on waking, weari- ness and exhaustion; on rising, weakness; after urinating, weakness; ex- haustion of mind and body ; after rising, feeling of mental and physical paralysis; after heated exercise at night, freckles on nose; perspiration.— (Forenoon), Peevish; vertigo; dulness of head; uneasiness in head; 10 a.m., neuralgic pain from left temple to occiput; paiu in nose; nausea and qualmishness; pressure in lower abdomen ; indolence in limbs; towards noon, exhaustion.—(Noon), Vertigo; dulness of head ; before eating, thirst; sticking colic, etc. — (Afternoon), Good-humored; dizziness; headache; while sitting, tearing in head ; pain in forehead ; 3 to 6 p.m., pain iu back and left side of head ; while sitting, sticking and tearing in right eyeball; heartburn; 1 to 11 p.m., uausea; griping in abdoraen; griping jerk in lower abdomen ; 5 p.m., fulness about chest; swelling in axilla ; nervous symptoms; pimples over body; 1 to 5 p.m., chills; internal chilliness; coldness; while sitting, rising of heat frora back into head.—(Toward even- ing), Rush of blood to head.—(Evening), Vivid fancies; in twilight, sad- ness ; in bed, anxiety and restlessness ; fear ; while walking, vertigo ; after eating, vertigo; in bed, dizziness; 10 p.m., woke with vertigo; while re- flecting, headache ; stitches in head ; iu bed, turning in head ; pressive headache iu forehead; pain in forehead ; stitches in temples and paiu in head ; drawing pain in right side of head; while sitting, turning in right side of head; throbbing in right parietal bone; pulsating pain in brain ; sensitiveness of eyes to candlelight; lachrymation, biting mucus in right eye; green halo about candlelight; sneezing ; coryza ; nosebleed ; in house, nose stopped ; pale, sickly expression ; while lying down, tearing in maxil- lary bones; toothache; gnawing and boring in tooth ; tearing in roots of right upper teeth ; bitterness in mouth and throat; sour eructatious; in bed, nausea; vomitiug; distended pain in stomach; after lying down, cramp in stomach ; 9 p.m. till midnight, pressure in stomach; 10, stitches in pit of stomach ; before going to sleep, cutting colic ; griping and con- striction below navel; cutting in intestines; after eating, pressure in lower abdomen ; sensatiou in rectum ; cutting in rectum; after walking, itching in anus; on falling asleep, stitch from neck of bladder into penis; burning in urethra; pruritus of glans penis; on reading aloud, dry cough ; in bed, difficult respiration ; oppression of lower portion of chest; anxiety in chest; PHOSPHORUS. 461 cramp in chest; sticking through chest; 10 p.m., anxiety about heart; on lying down, pulsatiou ; pain in arm ; swelling in axilla ; uneasiness in lower extremities; pain in left hip; after lying down, tearing in thigh ; drawing from knee to foot; in open air, tearing in knee ; swelling of feet; on mo- tion, stitches in left great toe ; orgasm of blood; weakness; nervous symp- toms ; after lying down, burning in wart; in bed, itching in hands ; itch- ing in soles and toes ; yawning, with chilliness ; sleepiness ; flushes of heat; glowing heat of cheeks.—(Night), After midnight, woke ill-humored; to- ward morning, on waking from a dream, moody and melancholic; on wak- ing, stupid ; headache; pain in ear; stoppage of nose; toothache; tongue burning, coated white ; dryness of mouth, with burning heat; thirst; eruc- tations, tasting like rotten eggs; vomiting of mucus, tasting of olive oil; feeling as of a disordered stomach ; griping and twisting in stomach ; dis- tension of abdomen; pressure in lower abdomen; erections; emissions; after waking, constriction in larynx; woke about midnight by tickling in trachea; about midnight, paroxysms of cough; 2 a.m., cough and expec- toration of mucus; after walking in open air, oppression of chest; cramp in chest; on motion, stitches in chest and back; falling asleep of arras and feet; drawing iu arm and leg ; swelling in axilla; in bed, tearing in right shoulder; tearing in hands; paralyzed sensation in right lower extremity ; bruised pain in lower extremity; in bed, dull pain in hip-joints; tearing in right knee; stitches in knees; tearing in left malleolus; beating pain in heels; orgasm of blood; uneasiness; 5 or 6 p.m., till towards morning, pains; intoxicated feeling; pain in bones; itching of blisters on hands; crawling in feet; itching over whole body ; restless; frequent waking; his- torical dreams; before midnight, chill, preceded by perspiration; in bed, coldness in knees; sweats.—(About 9 o'clock), Throbbing headache.—(Open air), Sensation as if brain stiffened ; rush of blood to face; water from nose ; throbbing, etc., in teeth ; paiu in kidueys ; cough ; while yawning, crawl- ing in hands.—( Walking in open air), Toothache ; sticking pinchiug in neck ; pain in genitals ; paiu in shoulder-joints.—(After walking in open air), Pain in genitals; itching and crawling in anus.—(Cold air), Pulsation in left hollow canine tooth ; cough.—( When alone), Anxiety and irritability. —(Ascending a hill), Gasping.—(Ascending stairs), Bruised feeling in ex- tremities ; weakness and weariness of lower extremities.—(Odor of beer), Nausea.—(After a glass of beer and a segar), Heartburu.—(Bending to one side), Pain in sacrum.—(At breakfast), Paiu in throat.—(Breathing), Stitches in side of chest.—(Burning in choanae), Unnatural smell.—(Burning in larynx), Cough.—(Chewing), Pain in molar and maxillary boues and in teeth ; toothache.—(After a chill), Paroxysms of cough.—(On closing eyes), Vertigo.—(Cold), Toothache.—(Coming into house), Feeling of ants over whole body.—(Coughing), Sore pain in throat; pain in stomach; pain in abdomen and chest; pain at base of sternum; paiu iu sacrum.—(On cross- ing legs), Stitches in right leg.—(in. the dark), Sparks before eyes.—(After dinner), Confusion of head; vertigo ; headache; jerking in upper part of left temple; pressure inward above margin of left eye; sneezing; stitch in palate; hiccough ; pain in stomach ; teusiou and pressure about stomach ; griping in abdomen ; sticking aud clawing in left side of anus ; cough ; op- pression of chest, with anxiety; burning in lower end of sternum; tearing iu shoulder; sleepiness.—(After every dose), Chilliness.—(Drinking), Cough. —(After drinking milk), Sour taste; sour eructations; vomiting.—(Drinking water), Thirst; empty eructations.—(Drawing long breath), Paiu in lower part of chest.—(During attacks of pain), Yawning and watery urine.— 462 PHOSPHORUS. (When eating), During menses, toothache; burning in abdomeu ; at noon and evening, pains; soup, mounting of heat from chest into head.—(After eating), Vertigo; head heavy, dull; candy, pain in teeth; blisters on tongue; scraping in mouth and weariness; saliva tastes of food; bitter taste; thirst; hiccough; eructations; sour eructations; empty eructations; acidity; qualmishness; pressure in stomach ; pulsation beneath pit of stom- ach ; pressure in abdomen, with distension ; at noon and evening, twisting colic, with rumbling in the abdomen ; urging to stool; pressure upon chest and short breathing; rush of blood to heart, and palpitation; weakness; anxiety and uneasiness in blood ; heat in face ; sleepiness.—(After an emis- sion), Weakness in loins.—(Unpleasant emotional excitement), Pain from scapula through chest.—(Exercise), Cough ; slight perspiration.—(Mental exertion), Headache; pressive headache ; headache on right side.—(After exertion at stool), Pain above anus.—(During eructation), Pain in cardiac orifice of stomach.—(Every other day), Constrictive headache.—( Warm food), Tearing toothache.—(After food), Tightness of breath.—(After a fright), Stitches in elbow-joint.—(Fulness in abdomen), Impedes respiration. —(Going into house from out of doors), Cough.—( Going from a cold to a warm room), Pain in malar and maxillary bones, and in teeth.—(Grasping any- thing), Pain in thumb.—(In the house), Dulness and heaviness in the fore- head.—(Becoming heated), Toothache.—(Inspiring cool air), Toothache.— (Inspiration), Heaviness in chest; pain in chest; stitches in sternum ; deep stitches through lungs.—(Irritation in larynx), Cough.—(Lifting), Pains from scapula through chest.—(Lifting and carrying anything with hands), Sensation in scapula.—(Light), Pressure in eyes.—(Daylight), Blinding of eyes.—(Looking), Pain in eyeballs.—(On lying down), Singing in ears; heaviness and weariness in back.—( While lying down.),Headache : throb- bing in head ; pain in haemorrhoids; dry cough.—(Lying on right side), At night, anxiety ; pain iu hepatic region.—(Lying on left side), Numbness of left leg.—(After a meal), Waterbrash ; nausea, etc.—(During menses), Stick- ing headache in forehead ; pain in place of hernia ; colic ; sticking itching in haemorrhoids; pressure on urinating; paius from scapula to chest; paiu iu back ; contraction of left lower extremity; sticking itching over whole body; chilliness, with cold feet.—(After midday nap), Paralyzed feeling in back.—(Motion), Pressive headache; slight headache; violent, dull pain in forehead ; tension in abdomen; bruised pain in upper part of chest; stitches in sternura ; beating of heart; rapid, dislocated feeling in all the limbs; joints painful; boring in right shoulder; pain in joint of thumb ; pain.—(Moving about), Dizziness; numb and dizzy sensation in head.— (Moving wrist), Tearing iu swollen wrist.—(Pressure), Pain in epigastrium and stomach ; sensitiveness of epigastric region ; pressive sensation in stom- ach ; deep burning pain in epigastric region ; pain in hypochondria ; pain in hepatic and epigastric regions; pain in abdomen ; pain behind right breast; pain in skin—(Putting one leg over the other), Pain.—(Raising arm), Ten- sion and pressure in shoulder; pain in right shoulder; pressure in right shoulder.—( While reading), Biting and dryness in the eyes; watering and dimness of eyes ; giving out of eyes.—(Beading a foolish story), Vivid fancies. —( While reflecting), Anxious respiration.—(Respiration), Full, pain in left side.—(During rest), Weakness and prostration in extremities; stitches in wrist; pain in thighs.—(During midday rest), Drawing in thighs.—(Rid- ing), Headache.—( While riding in a carriage), Nausea ; drawing and ten- sion in stomach ; micturition.—(After riding in a carriage), Cramp in chest. (Riding horseback), Pain in right side.—(Rising up in bed), Nausea; vomit- PHOSPHORUS. 463 ing, etc.—(Rising from a seat), Vertigo; stitches beneath left breast; weakness in small of back.—(Rising from stooping), Pain in small of back.— (After rubbing), Nosebleed. — (Scratching), Red streaks on ab- domen.—(Scratching in throat), Cough.—(After scratching), Burning in pimples in axilla. — (Singing), Hawking.—(While silting), Dulness of head; roaring in head ; tearing in right side of head ; boring and throb- bing in right side of scalp; rush of blood to head; tearing beneath right ear; jerking stitch from left ear into lobule; buruing stitches in margin of upper lip; burning-hot uprisings; jerks from stomach to throat; pres- sure iu pit of stomach ; stitches in right side of abdomen, with tearing in head ; pain in haemorrhoids ; urging to urinate; dry cough ; oppression of chest; stitches and sticking in chest; beating in right side of chest; jerk- ing pain in left scapula; weakness in small of back; a long time, pain in back ; pain in last lumbar vertebra; bent, pain in small of back ; pain in upper arms ; jerking in condyles of wrist; gnawing pain in right elbow ; stitches iu right leg ; ou crossing feet, numbness; tearing in soles ; tearing in toes ; jerking in left great toe ; warmth of body.—(After sitting a long time), Throbbing and beating in head; dyspnoea ; pain in small of back; pain in left ischium; pain in nates; paralyzed feeling.—(Sneezing), Pain in throat.—(While standing), Desire to urinate; pain in small of back; pain in sacrum ; stitches in right leg.—(Before stool), Pain and stitches in rectum.—(During stool), Difficult, jerks in head; pressure; smarting in rectum ; crawling aud itching in rectum.—(After stool), Protrusion of haemorrhoids; burning in anus and rectum; scratching in anus; soreness in anus ; tenesmus in anus and rectum.—(Stooping), Vertigo; headache ; duluess of head; dulness and heaviness in forehead ; pressure in right temporal region ; tensity of parotid gland; regurgitation of bile; bruised paiu in upper part of chest.—(Stooping and rising again), Pressive head- ache.—(During a storm), Heaviness of the limbs ; uneasiness.—(After sup- per), Rumbling in abdomen.—(Swallowing), Pain in malar aud maxillary bones, and in teeth; sore throat; swelling of tonsils; bread, pressure at cardiac orifice of stomach.—(Talking loudly), Vibration in head.—(Excited talking), Heat in head and chest.—(Tension in pit of stomach), Difficult respiration.—(Thinking intently), Heat. — (Thirst), Pain in spleeu and groins.—(Tickling in throat), Dry cough.—(Odor of tobacco),_Nausea.— (Touch), Pain in nose; burning in vesicles in right nostril; pain in wing of nose; tearing toothache; pain in stomach ; pain in upper part of chest; burning in thigh.—(Turning head), Pain in head; dull pain in forehead. —(Turning and raising head), Vertigo.—(Twisting head to left side), Sore- ness in nape of neck.—(While urinating), Pain in urethra; burning and cutting; pain in urethra and penis; pain in prepuce.—(After urinating), Pain in forepart of penis.—( Vexation), Anger; rage ; headache ; pains from scapula through chest.—( Walking), Pain in stomach ; rapidly, respiration im- peded ; pain in blister on heel—( While walking), Griping and cutting in up- per abdomeu; cutting in leftside of lower abdomen; stitches in anus; itching in anus ; incontinence of urine ; bearing down and pain in uterus ; cutting beneath short ribs ; tightness of tendons under knee ; drawing in knee ; ten- sion in right calf; pain in ankle; swelling of feet; pain in soles ; stitches in corns; burning in toes; pricking in right great toe; weariness.—(After walking), Coryza ; pulsation in right ear; pain iu back.—(In a warm room), Pressure in ears.—( Warmth), Toothache; cough.—( Warmth of bed), Tooth- ache.— (After wetting hands in warm water), Drawing in hands and fingers. —(Previous to a change of weather), Pain.—(Odor of wine), Nausea — (Working), Sticking through chest; pain from scapula through chest; 464 PHOSPHORUS HYDROGENATUS. numbness of arms.—( While writing), Heaviness of right arm.—( Yawning), Pain in throat. Amelioration.—(Morning), After rising, headache; paralysis of limbs; weariness.—(Afternoon), After eating, the syraptoras ; pain in lobule of right ear; after lying down, bitterness in mouth.—(Open air), Vertigo, etc.; dulness of head ; heaviness and dizziness of head; dulness and heavi- ness in forehead; dull headache in forehead; pressure in right temporal region; the symptoms ; warmth of body ; heat iu head.—(Walking in open air), Pressive headache; after dinner, headache.—(Cold air), Dulness of head ; digging and burrowing in head ; pressure iu ears.—(Becoming erect), Oppressiou of chest.—(Bending up), Colic.—(Coffee), Distension of abdo- men; diarrhcea.—(After dinner), Stupefaction in forehead; the symptoms.— (Drinking water), Nausea.—(Eating), Tearing in maxillary bones; griping pain in epigastric region ; anxiety about heart.—(After eating bread), Sour taste.—(After eating), Dryness of throat.—(Emission of flatus), Pain in left side of thorax and abdomen.—(Eructations), Pressure in stomach ; oppres- sion of chest; pain in left side of thorax and abdomen.—(After eructa- tions), Stitches iu pit of stomach.—(Deep inspiration), Stitches in left side of chest.—(Lying quietly), Numb and dizzy sensation in head.—(Lying upon abdomen), Colic and sticking pain.—(Lying on back), Numbness of left leg.—(Lying on right side), Colic; numbness of left leg.—(Motion), Dulness of head ; sensatiou of distension in abdomen; pain in joints ; stitches in left shoulder; stitches in malleoli.—(Moving about), Heat in head and dulness; dull pain in surface of thigh.—(Movingjaw), Tearing in maxil- lary bones.—(Pressure), Tearing in right upper back tooth; tearing in lower cavity ; pains from scapula through chest; exauthematous spots over the abdoraen.—(Rest), Pains from scapula through chest; boring in right shoulder. — (Rubbing), Itching in left eye; tearing beneath right ear; twitching in left malar bone ; tearing from back teeth to zygoma ; tension iu malar bone; griping in right hypochondrium ; stitches aud buruing in right hypochondrium; pain in leftside of thorax aud abdomen ; tearing in left scapula; pain in small of back; tearing along forearm ; stitches in left hip; tearing from knee to back of foot; tearing from kuee-joint to inner side of calf; tearing iu toes; itchiug.—(Scratching), Itching iu right side of chest and abdomen.—(Shaking head), Headache.—( While sitting), Desire to uriuate ; cough.—(Smelling of spirits of wine), Headache.— ( While standing), Vertigo; anxiety aud heat in head.—(Stimulants), Gen- eral prostration.—(After supper), The symptoms.—(After supper and a glass of beer), The symptoms.—(Swallowing), Sensation in throat.—(After swal- lowing), Paiu in throat.—(Walking), Weakness and prostration in extrem- ities ; weakness and prostration iu lower extremities; pain in thighs; pain in tibiae; cramp iu calves.—( Warmth), Pains from scapula through chest.— ( Washing face with cold water), Dulness of head.—( Wrinkling forehead), Dul- ness and heaviness in forehead. PHOSPHORUS HYDROGENATUS. Phosphoretted hydrogen ; Phosphene, PH3. Authority. Dr. Breunar, Peters. Med. Zeit., 1865 (S. J., 127, 163), ef- fects of inhaling the gas, while preparing some " hypophosphites." After working about three months, he began to notice flickering points in his field of vision, which rapidly enlarged, and in four weeks rendered PHOSPHORUS HYDROGENATUS-PHYSALIA. 465 it impossible to fix his vision upon any object, especially in reading. At the same time a diarrhoea developed, with weakness and unsteadiness of the arms, that gradually rendered it very difficult for him to write. The unsteadiness of the lower extremities was associated with undercurreut shooting pains iu them and iu the abdomen, and his gait became very tot- tering. The teeth also began to crumble, both the healthy and carious teeth, without any pain. There was no headache, vertigo, nor anaesthesia, no sensitiveness of the spine, no disturbance of hearing, nor of the mental powers. At last ataxia of the muscles that control articulation became apparent, so that it was necessary to make a great effort of the will to ar- ticulate the word he wished to speak; swallowing also became somewhat difficult. The patient exhibited a complete expression of ataxia; he stood with the extremities separated; co-ordinated movement (walking) was wholly impossible wheu the eyes were closed ; the patient would stagger and fall down. There was no anaesthesia of the skin or muscles ; electric irritability of the muscles was, indeed, extraordinarily increased, and there was also no muscular atrophy. The optic nerve was extremely irritable, reflex optic symptoms could be produced not only by irritation of the tri- geminus, but also from the nape of the neck, from the lower angle of the scapula, and often from the upper arm. The auditory nerve was normal, though exhibitiug some symptoms of hyperaesthesia. The patient was gradually cured by electricity. PHYSALIA. Physalia pelagica. Animal kingdom ; sub-kingdom, Ccelenterata. Class, Hydrozoa. Sub-class, Siphonophora. Order, Physophoridae. Common name, Portuguese man-of-war. Authorities. 1, George Bennett, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1831, vol. 8, p. 678, effects from being stung by the animal; 2, ibid., effects on Dr. Clark Abel. On taking hold of the animal, it raised its tentacles and stung me on the second and ring finger. The sensation was similar at first to that pro- duced by the nettle; but before a few minutes had elapsed, a violeut ach- ing pain succeeded, affecting more severely the joints of the fingers, the stinging sensation at the same continuing at the part first touched. On cold water being applied, with the intention of removing or lessening the pain, it was found rather to increase than diminish the painful effects. The irritation resulting from the poisonous fluid emitted by the animal extended upwards, increasing iu extent and severity (apparently acting along the course of the nerves), and in the space of a quarter of au hour, the pain in the forearm (which was more particularly referable to the inner part) was very violent, aud at the elbow-joint it was still more so. It may be worthy of remark, that when the joints became affected the pain always increased. The pain became at last almost unbearable, and was much in- creased ou the affected arm being moved ; the pulse of that arm was also much accelerated, and au unnatural heat was felt over the whole surface. The pain extended to the shoulder-joint; and on the pectoral muscle be- coming attacked by the same painful sensation, an oppression of breathing was occasioned, which we find produced in a similar manner by rheuma- VOL. VII.—30 466 PHYSOSTIGMA. tism, when it attacks that muscle; and it proved very distressing during the time it remained. The continuance of the pain was very severe for nearly half an hour, after which it gradually abated, but the after-effect was felt during the remainder of the day in a slight degree of numbness and increased temperature of the arm. About two hours after I had been stung, I perceived that a vesicle had arisen on the spot; and when children have been stung, I observed that numerous small vesicles arose, similar to those produced by the nettle/.—"Whilst employed in collecting some sea- weed floating about the ship, I observed a species of Physalia, so small and transparent that I at first mistook it for an air-bubble; but on catch- ing it in my hand, was soon couvinced of my error, for wrapping its long tendrils round one of my fingers, it stung like a nettle, but with much more severe effect. In about five niinutes the pain in my finger abated, but an uneasy sensation extended up the inside of the arm, which soon terminated in an aching pain in the armpit, accompanied by a sense of restriction within my chest; within fifteen minutes all uneasiness ceased," 2. PHYSOSTIGMA. Physostigma venenosura, Balfour. Natural order, Leguminosae. Common name, Calabar bean. Preparation, Triturations of the whole bean. Authorities. 1, Christison, Pharm. Journ., 1855, p. 474, proving on self, ate % of a bean in afternoon and £ of a bean the next morning; 2, Frazer, Edin. Med. Journ., 1863, proving on self, took 6 grains of pow- dered bean ; 3, same, effects of 8 grains ; 4, same, effects of 10 grains; 5, same, effects of 10 minims of tincture ; 6, Robertson, Edin. Med. Journ., 1863, effects of chewing bean ; 7, Maclaren, from Fraser, effects of chew- ing and swallowing a small piece, in a woman ; 8, Wells, Med. Times and Gaz., 1863, effects of application of y^th of a minim (equalling T4Tth grain of bean) to lower lids of eyes, normal pupil a trifle more than a line ; 8 a, same, effects of application to eyelid, in a woman, suffering from paralytic mydriasis, can read only No. 16 test type ; 9. Ogle, Br. Med. Journ., 1863, effects of application to eye ; 10, von Graefe, Deutsche Klin., 1863, experi- ments on the eyes of nine healthy persons ; 11, same, Archiv. f. Oph., 1863, experiment on a man destitute of an iris ; 12, David Young, Ed. Med. Journ., 10, 192, poisoning of a boy, aged three, by eating the bean ; 13, same, in a boy, aged six ; 14, Cameron and Edwards, Med. Times and Gaz., 1864, poisoning of a large number (60) of children, by eating the beans; they averaged 2 to 4 beans each ; one boy ate 12 and recovered ; 15, same, in a woman ; 16 and 17, Harley, Brit. Med. Journ., 1863, two cases of poi- soning ; 18, Lingen, Petersb. Med. Zeit., 1864, a young man ate a whole bean ; 19, Robertson, Ed. Med. Journ., 1863., effects on eye; 20, Rev. W. O. Thompson, effects on natives in Calabar, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., 22, 305 ; 21, Todd, Indiana Journ. of Med. (M. and S. Rep., 1873), effects of 25 drops of tincture, every fifteen or twenty minutes, till 200 drops were taken ; 23, Dr. H. L. Chase, Trans. Mass. Horn. Med. Soc, 2, proving with 1st trit, 1 grain, first and second days; 23a, same, subsequent proving, 1st trit., took 2 to 4-grain doses, first, third, fourth, sixth, and seventh davs; 24, Dr. Charles Cullis, proving with one dose of 1st trit., ibid.; 25, Mrs. S., aged thirty, took 1 grain of 1st trit., ibid.; 26, Dr. C. Wesselhceft, PHYSOSTIGMA. 467 proving with 3d trit. doses, raorning, first day, morning and evening, third day, afternoon, fourth day; 26 a, same, second proving, 3d trit., morning and eveniug, first day, morning, second day ; 26 b, same, 1st trit., night and morniug, for three days ; 27, Mrs. P., aged forty-nine, with " irritable eyes, museae volitantes," etc., proving with 1st trit., daily, for three days ; 28, Miss H. C, aged forty-two, proving with 1st trit., first, second, fourth, fifth, and sixth days (prover menstruated only twice the past year) ; 29, Mrs. N., aged forty, proving with 1st trit.; 30, Dr. H. B. Clarke, proving with 1st trit., daily, for three days ; 31, same, proving in a young man, with 1st trit. (symptoms not repeated after a subsequent dose) ; 32, same, in a boy aged five, effects of 1 grain of 1st trit.; 33, Dr. William P. Wessel- hoeft, proving in a lady, aged thirty-five, with one dose of 3d trit. ; 34, Dr. William E. Payne, proving with 3d trit., doses for three days ; 34 a, same, subsequently took one dose (20 grains) ; 35, same, in a woman, aged thirty- five, effects of a dose of the 30th trit.; 36, same, in a man, one dose; 36 a, same as last, second proving, one dose of 3d trit.; 37, Dr. Robert C. Smedley, proving with 30th, repeated doses for eleven days, then 3d dil. twelfth to seventeenth day; 38, Dr. S. Lilienthal, effects of one dose of 30th trit., Trans. Am. Inst, of Horn., 1874 ; 39, Dr. H. C. Houghton, effects of one dose of 3d, ibid.; 40, Miss S., aged twenty, took one dose of 3d trit., ibid. ; 41, "X.," a man, took 3d trit., and after several days took the tinc- ture, ibid. ; 42, Dr. Berridge, a man took 5 or 6 grains of P., evening and morning, ibid. ; 43, Dr. S. Swan, Hahn. Month., 1874, 9, 266, one dose of 1 m. (44 to 68, provings of Am. Inst, of Hom. Trans., 1874); 44, R. W. Stone, took 1 grain of 1st dec. trit., repeated doses first and fourth days, 2d dec. trit. twelfth day, and 5 grains at one dose sixteenth day; 44 a, same, took solution of 2d trit., repeated doses; 45, G. W. Flagg, one dose of 30th trit.; 45 a, same, second dose after eight days ; 45 6, same, third dose after a week ; 46, C. E. Rowell, a dose of 30th trit. first day, repeated doses of 1st trit., afterward second to eighth days ; 46 a, same, subsequent proving, 30th trit. (no result), then 3d trit. (no result), then 1st trit. (no. result), theu 1st dec. trit., repeated doses for five days ; 46 b, same, three months later took a dose; 47, D. J., from Rowell, a large dose of 1st trit.;. 48, E. J., took 1st trit. for three days, and on seventh day ; 49, W. W. French, took 30th trit., one dose; 49 a, same, 30th trit., a dose first aud second days; 50, G. S. Farmer, took 30th trit. two days, and on eighth day ; 51, P. N. Crosby, took 30th trit., first, third, fifth, sixth, and eighth days ; 52, J. P. W., took 30th trit., three doses, symptoms after third dose; 53, Th. Foote, took 30th trit., one dose ; 54, J. M. Dart, took 30th trit., one dose, subsequently repeated ; 55, L. L. Barnard, took 30th trit. (no symptoms), then 3d trit; 56, F. A. Gile, one dose of 30th trit; 57, J. W. R., one dose of 3d trit.; 58, W. H. Titus, one dose of 3d trit., subsequently repeated with same results; 59, A. McDouald, one dose of 30th trit.; 60, W. H. William, effects of 30th; 61, C. Wesselhoeft, proving of Mrs. Nichols, repeated doses of 30th ; 62, C. S. Collins, 3d trit., repeated doses; 63, A. L. Kennedy, took 3d trit.; 64, L. T. Hayward, took 3d trit.; 65, Dillingham, took 3d trit; 66, Alfred K. Hills, a woman, took 30th dil.; 67, Miss Griffith, took a dose of 30th ; 68, H. A. W., a woman, aged thirty-seven, took a dose of 30th ; 69, Sharp, Essays, 1874, p. 771, effects of 5 drops of tincture, rubbed over eye and temple; 69 a, same, effects of 1 drop as before; 69 6, same, 10 drops as before; 70, Dr. Barbosa, Bull. Gen. de Therap., vol. 88, p. 45 (from Lisbon, Marseilles Med.), a large number of observatious on effect of extract applied to eye; 71, Dr. Far- 468 PHYSOSTIGMA. rington's MSS., provings (furnished to this work), P. G. Souder, 30th dil., three times a day, for a week ; 71 a, same, 3d trit., three times a day; 71 b, same, 30th dil., three times a day for nine days ; 71c, same, 30th dil., four times a day, for three days; 710", same, 3d trit, three times a day for twelve days. 3Iind.—Acted foolish ; said it made him crazy (second day)/1.—Felt quite exhilarated during the morning; very gloomy towards noon (second day)/1.—Felt great anxiety about friends at home; could notget'thera out of my mind (third day)/8.—Feel very irritable (third day)/4.—Does not wish to speak to some of his friends/0.—Mental faculties unimpaired, unless perhaps it might be that I felt no alarm where ray friends saw some reason for it (after 12 grains)/.— Uncommon mental activity (second day),30.—Per- fect impossibility to concentrate my mind or to trauslate a single line (fourth day); perfect disinclination to any mental work; laziness and apathy reign supreme (fifth day)/8.—Difficulty of thinking or doing mental work (second day)/2.—[10.] It was difficult to concentrate thought (fourth day)/3*.—Did not feel the usual flow of spirits, and was obliged to make an extra effort in speaking with people/61'.—Her thoughts wandered, and she had difficulty iu fixing her attention,25.—Mind wanders from study (third day)/6.—Peculiar inability to express my thoughts clearly and in- telligently, with the headache (twelfth day)/4.—My mind is disturbed; cannot concentrate it, at times, on any one thing; unsettles me for study/2. —Could not put my mind ou anything; could not recollect anything; a mental exhaustion, not confusion/3.—Nothing was right; too many things in the room ; continually counting them/8. Head.—Confusion and Vertigo. In five minutes he felt as if he had drank a glass of liquor; the head was confused, there was vertigo, and the legs lost their strength; he staggered like a drunken raau, and went to bed with his head swimming. He fell asleep, but woke repeatedly through the night with terrible thoughts ; he feared he was becoming crazy, and that he might get up and do some michief/4.—Vertigo and slight nausea, at 4.30 p.m. (seventh day),X—[20.] Giddiness, in some cases/4.— Giddiness/2; (after one hour)/6.—Giddiness, very disagreeable (after one hour); with a constrictive feeling of head (after seven hours and a half) ; giddiness has been a constant symptom (after thirteen hours and a half),X —A slight degree of giddiness (after fifty minutes)/.—A slight giddiness, which occurred iu fifteen minutes, was ascribed to the force of the imagi- nation, and I proceeded to take a warm shower-bath, which process, with the subsequent scrubbing, might take five or six minutes more; the giddi- ness was then very decided, and was attended with the peculiar indescribable torpidity over the whole frame which attends the action of Opium and Indian hemp in medicinal doses. I now swallowed the shaving water which I had just beeu using, by which the stomach was effectually emptied. Nevertheless, I presently became so giddy, weak, and faint that I was glad to lie down supine upon the bed. On getting up, after a tolerable dinner, I was so giddy as to be glad to betake myself to the sofa for the evening (after 12 grains)/.—Dizziness (after ninety-five miuutes)/.—Diz- ziness in the head, at 3 a.m. (third day)/3.—Dizziness, and a sensation of wavering in the brain was felt in walking (after half an hour),23.—In walking .downstairs, great dizziness and dimness of vision. Progression and gait very unsteady ; encountered the wall and handrail more than once on the way out/.—There was dizziness in walking, aud it required an effort of the will to keep from staggering (third day),X—[30.] Dizziness, PHYSOSTIGMA. 469 with faintness and muscae volitantes, on moving, at 1 r.M. (fourteenth day)/3.—At night a strauge dizziness was perceptible ; she held to the bed- stead to keep from falling, and made an effort to shake off the feeling/5.— In the evening, in church, when in passing people in the doorway, if they stepped in front of me, felt very dizzy (second day),66.—Unable to continue reading, especially because of the dizziness (after seventy-five minutes),2.— Dizziness (after sixty minutes); iu a slight degree (second day)/.— Gen- eral Head. Head drooping listlessly,12.—Head feels as if it were falling forward; vertigo; stumbles on going up aud downstairs (third day),60.— Brain feels tired (fifth day)/7.—Brain felt confused, after waking from midday nap (fifth day)/7.—Sensation as if the brain were loose and rolling about in the skull (after one hour)/6.—[40.] Stupid feeling in the head (third day)/2.—Stupid feeling in the head (third day),50.—Head feels stupefied,jit 7 p.m. (eighth day),50.—Head feels dull and heavy (tenth day),50.—During the whole time of proving she felt heavy and dull in the head/9.—Dull heavy feeling in the head, at 8 a.m. (sixth day)/1.—Heavy feeling in the head, and darting pains through the temporal regions, worse from motion (after one hour)/6*.—Head dull, heavy, and full (fifth day)/7. —Dull heavy feeling of bead ; headache through forehead/5.—Feeling as if something heavy were pressing the braiu out (sixth day)/7.—[50.] A dull, heavy, bruise-like pain in the whole brain, but rather more severe in the left temple, with a sensation of general fatigue ; this contiuued through- out the day till evening, together with a general sensitiveness to cold or change of temperature (after four hours)/4*.—Dull pain, and a disagree- able confused feeling in the head, worse from motion (after ten hours and a half)/6.—Darting pains in the head (after six hours and a half)/6.— Deepseated pain in the head, all day, aggravated by making a heavy or misstep, as if the brain were bruised (second day)/4.—Awoke with aching pains in whole brain, worse on left side (second day)/5.—Pain in the top and forepart of my head ; this increased until I had to lie down ; much better when I sat up in bed; strong pressure also relieved (second day)/8. —Pain in head, more severe over left eye, commencing in the morning; in the afternoon growing worse, and gradually increasing till 10 p.m., then beginning to subside; at same time, head bathed in warm perspiration (seventh day)/1.—Cannot study for the pain in my head (third day) ; could not study (fourth day)/4.—Headache (second day)/1; (third day)/**52. —A severe headache occurred after drinking freely of new milk, which generally agreed with him (fifth day),'X—[60.] (During the afternoon, a severe attack of my habitual headache set in (had a sunstroke about seven years ago, and since then the left frontal and temporal region is liable to severe pressing-boring pain, as if a coal of fire were imbedded there, and the heat radiating to all sides ; the veins of the forehead are swollen and stand out prominently), steadily increasing towards evening), (second day); (old headache moderately on left side), (sixth day)/8.—Headache began about 5 o'clock, across top of forehead, increased till after going to bed and asleep, lying down,40.—Constant headache, not severe, but more of a dull heaviness; confused feverish feeling, alternating from the forehead to the top of the head (eighth day)/1.—(While travelling, in the cars, had an attack of the customary headache, which lasted from noou till late at night; pain and throbbing in the forehead, worse on moving; irresistible desire to sleep; soporific sleep, extremely distressing; paleness of the face; the sleepiness he never had before; the face was pale, and the attack was unusually severe), (second day)/6.—Sudden attack of headache, with nausea 470 PHYSOSTIGMA. and bitter rising, followed by dull pain under the sternum ; it was increased by suddenly turning the head, bending forward, or throwing the shoulders forward. On auscultation, heart's action was found to be retarded, with diminished impulse; rate, 56; there were no abnormal sounds, but the radial pulse was very irregular and weak. He thinks the symptoms may have come from a strain he had about a month ago, in lifting a heavy weight, as he had a similar feeling at the time; he lifted moderately the same day he took the medicine, but was unaware of any strain at the time (third day)/1.—Dull stupid headache, from the top of the head down through the head, in the evening (sixth day)/1.—Dull headache, at 8 p.m. (second day)/lc.—Dull headache, at 10 a.m. (third day)/5.—(Have been suffering from a dull pressing headache for nearly six months; compara- tively free from it in the morning, on rising, but increased by the least mental exertion, until at night, after retiring, it would become almost un- bearable ; accompanying the pain were sleeplessness and inability to stop thinking; in the course of an hour or two, the headache would pass away suddenly, with a sharp radiating flash of pain, sometimes starting from the occiput and passing forward, at other times passing from before backwards; this headache I found to disappear after taking this medicine)?4.— Some headache (after eleven hours); arose with a dull headache, not persistent, at 8 a.m. (second day),45b.—[70.] Headache at times severe, generally a dull solid feeling (third day)/8.—Awoke at about 3 a.m. with a severe pressing headache, confined to sinciput and over left eye (ninth day)/1.— Stupefying headache; dull pain through forehead, worse over the left eye (after one hour and a quarter) ; headache increased ; continuous through the eutire day uutil about 6 p.m. (third day)/1.—Arose at 8 a.m. with a heavy aching head, better after rising (second day)/5*.—Heavy headache and pain in eyes, with much heat iu head and face, at 2 p.m. (tenth day)/3. —Tensive headache; braiu and scalp feel tight (secoud day)/2.—Head- ache, with fulness and a sense of faintness (sixth day)/1.—Congestive head- ache, all the forenoon (twelfth day)/3.—Headache, of a burning aching character, at 7 p.m. (eighth day),50.-^Headache, in the morning, with epis- taxis, left side (sixth day)/7.—[80.] Headache, in the eveniug (fifth day); in the morning (sixth day)/1.—Walking increases the headache/8.—Trou- bled with headache for some weeks after, which was greatly relieved during mental application, and aggravated when walking in the open air/8.— During the afternoon some headache, increasing towards eveuing; pain subsided by 10 p.m.; head feels strange and confused (eighth day)/1.— More or less headache or heavy feeling about the head, during the day (second day)/5.—Fulness of head, almost to faint feelings, at times/2.— Dull pressure encircling the head, with the sleepiness (third day),26.—Con- stricted feeling in the head, as if some tight bandage were tied around it (after two hours and a half),X—After taking the medicine, in the morn- ing, fasting, there was a feeling of constriction around the entire top of the head, as if a tight cap were being pressed down as far as the temples; at the same time there was a severe pressure along the sagittal suture, as if from fulness iu the longitudinal sinus, and dull aching in each temple; similar effects appeared each night and morning, about fifteen minutes after taking the medicine/615.—A stimulus, as he called it, in the neck, in occiput, going through the whole head until it reached the eyes ; this lasted an afternoon and evening/1.—[90.] Constant desire to move the head from side to side (ninth day)/3.—Increase of head symptoms, with a little per- spiration (after sixty-five minutes)/.—Forehead. Severe pressing pain PHYSOSTIGMA. 471 in the forehead, as though something hard was bound tightly on it, accom- panied by dizziness while walking; this lasted all the forenoon, gradually subsiding (fourth day)/3*.—Deepseated pain in the forehead, with desire to rub it (third day),X—Heavy pain in frontal region, worse from motion (after one hour and a half)/6.—Darting and transient pains in frontal aud temporal regions (after fifteen minutes); worse from motion (after half au hour)/6*.—Intolerable pain over both orbits (sixth day)/7.—Sharp pain in the supraorbital region, running off towards the nose (third day),60.—A burning and aching pain in forehead, at 9 A.M., continuing duriug the day, and until retiring, at night (third day),50.—An aching burning pain in forehead, at 1 p.m. ; frontal headache on eatiug, exercise, or mental exer- tion, at 4 p.m. (eighth day),50.—[100.] Pain in the right frontal region (sixth day)/3.—Pain iu the head, over the right eyebrow, extending to the temple (fourth day)/3.—Pain over right eye, all the evening/5.—At 3 p.m., have had, since noon, a persistent, dull, aching pain, not very severe, and situated over left eye; the pain was from motion or pressure (second day),45b.—Pain in head, over the right eye, dull aud weary (after three hours and three-quarters, second day)/9*.—Woke up with severe headache in forehead (second day); headache light at 12 M. (third day). This headache was very severe, and never before experienced ; could not put my mind on anything, could uot recollect anything; a mental exhaustion, not confusion/3.—Severe and sudden headache, over right eye, with pulsa- tion felt in occiput, at 2 p.m. (fifteenth day)/4.—Severe headache, over the right eye, lasting two days (after ten days)/4.—Violent frontal headache, with slight chills and fever, at 8 p.m. (third day); hot aud dry skin, at 10 a.m., at times extending to the vertex, in the afternoon (fourth day)/1.*— Headache iu left frontal region, with sensation of heat in the abdomen, and slight nausea, at 10.15 a.m.; headache continues, but dull and heavy, at 11.15 a.m.; headache has become general over the whole head, with qualmishness and slight perspiration over the body, at 4 p.m. ; headache continues, with qualmishness, at 10 p.m. (second day). Headache less, in the morning; has continued nearly all day, with lame bruised feeliug in the region of kidneys (third day)/4.—[110.] Awoke with headache in left frontal region, which afterwards extends all over the head; the pain is of a dull heavy character; at 1 p.m. the headache still continues, but seems to increase in the left frontal region ; at 10 p.m., still continues; cau hardly sit up (second day). The headache is the worst I ever had ; cannot study for the pain in my head; not so tormenting, at 10 p.m. (third day). Head- ache, dull, heavy; began in left frontal eminence; extended deep into brain; headache, when walking in the open air, lying down; could not study (fourth day)/4.—Heavy, dull, and oppressive frontal headache, with peculiar inability to express my thoughts clearly and intelligently, at 10 a.m. (twelfth day)/4.—Heavy headache over left eye and extending over whole forehead, but most severe over left eye, as from a blow, at 1 p.m. (second day)/5*.—Dull frontal headache, in the evening (second day)/1*.— Dull frontal headache, at 2 p.m. (second day)/1''.—Dull heavy headache in forehead, before rising/5.—Woke next morning with a dull frontal head- ache; by noon the headache involved the whole cerebrum; great fulness of the bloodvessels of the brain/8.—Wakened iu the morning with dull, heavy, frontal headache, over the eyes, which passed off on rising (third day)/7.—Some frontal headache (ninth day)/0.—Fulness in forehead and tendency to ache, with the sense of fatigue (after five hours); a dull heavy ache, more in right side (after thirteen hours)/4.—[120.] Constant weight 472 PHYSOSTIGMA. over the eyes, at 5 p.m. (fifth day) ; at 8 p.m. (eighth day)/1"; at 8 p.m. (second day)/lc.—Feeling of constriction around the forehead and temples, changing iuto oppressive pain over the left orbit, and extending to the forehead and temples; very troublesome in reading (after half an hour)/6. —Sensation as of a rush of blood to the frontal and temporal regions (after fifteen minutes)/6.— Temples. Pressure in temples (seventeenth day),33. —Pain through the temples, as from pressure of blood to the head, with throbbing of the arteries on the side of the neck, at 4 p.m. (twelfth day)/3. —Occasionally there was severe, sharp, dartiug pain in the right malar bone, and in the ramus of the jaw ou the right side (fourth day)/3*.—Dart- ing pains in the temporal regions, worse frora motion (after eight hours)/6. —Numbness of the temples, and crawling sensation over the head, at 4 p.m. (sixteenth day)/3.—Severe pain in both mastoid processes (after ten minutes)/4*.—Pain in both temples; in right temple, shooting pain down to second bicuspid tooth (two hours after first dose, sixth day)/7.—[130.] Flashes of pain in the right temporal region (second day)/3.—Dull pain in both temples, with pressing outwards in the frontal region (second day),60.—In church, had a dull aching in temporal and frontal regions, at 11 a.m. ; in the evening, the sound of the organ caused the return of head- ache; slight headache until retiring, worse in frontal and temporal region (second day). Same headache, only more intense, with such sleepiness that the effort to keep awake produced nausea, at 1 p.m. ; this headache did not abate until about 6 p.m. (fourth day). Headache still occasionally but very slight, and sleepiness, as before (fifth day). Worse in a warm room, especially after being iu open air (sixth day)/6.—Skin of forehead and nose felt tense, making it difficult to close the eyes; this feeling con- tinued for some fifteen or twenty minutes, in church, then a remission, then commenced again (second day)/6.—Headache in the temples (ninth day)/8. —Headache in the right temple, at first a heavy dull pain ; afterwards it be- came pulsative, and occasionally darting and quivering, like the motions of electric fluid passing from cloud to cloud, or from the cloud to the earth (tenth day)/4*.—Throbbing of temporal and carotid arteries (second day)/3. — Vertex. Expansive sensation in top of the head (after one hour)/5.— A pressing, from within outwards, in vertex and temples, which continued for five hours after taking the last dose,X—Intense painful pressure in vertex and both temples; the pressure in vertex extending over to occiput; pain so severe as to oblige lying down (sixth day)/7.—[140.] Pressure (bearing down) on top of head (after seven hours and a half, second day)/2.—Dull weight along the vertex, mostly on the left lobe of the brain (third day)/6. —Parietals. Spasms of pain, at intervals of five and ten minutes, sharp and lancinating, in region of right parietal eminence, lasting one or two niinutes, leaving a sore bruised feeling; headache relieved, in evening, by close attention t(/a metaphysico-theological sermon, renewed by coming out into open air (second day)/8.—Shooting pains through the right side of the head, extending down into the back part of the neck, worse when rising up or when walking, at 11 a.m. (eighth day)/lb.—Sharp pains, first in left side of the head, then in the right side/5.—An undefinable pain in the right side of the head, with a feeling as if it would increase; nevertheless it did not, but continued the same throughout the day (third day)/4.— On awakening, pain on right side of head and right side of neck, with the feeling as though I had slept too sound; feels sore and stiff, similar to what is called a stiff neck; cannot bear my pillow high ; feel as though my head would be easier on a single pillow/2.—Lateral headache, early in PHYSOSTIGMA. 473 the morning, with fear of openiug his eyes, because he feared it would in- crease the pain (second day)/7.—Noise affects me (child crying); caused lateral headache (third day)/6.—Lateral headache, which seems deep in the brain, nearly always relieved by eating (after four days); coming on while riding iu a carriage (seventh day)/6.—[150.] Sharp headache on right side, transient (tenth day)/4.—Some headache ; worse on right side (ninth day),™.—Occiimt and External. Dull paiu in left occiput, lasting ten minutes (five minutes, after second dose)/1.—Occipital head- ache, more of a tired sensation, in cerebellum (sixth day)/8.—Contracted feeling of the skin of the forehead, which extended to the eyelids, causing an effort to close or open them (second day),68.—A buruing spot in centre of forehead (third day),50. Eye.—Left eye was red and swollen (fourth day)/8.—Right eye first iuflamed, then the left; sclerotic red, dry, and swollen ; eyes feel best when closed/8.—Burning of eyes, and bloodshot appearance of them, all the forenoon (eleventh day)/3.—His father stated that " his eyes were working," or as his mother said, "as if the nerves were upon him,""13.—[160.] (Eyes unusually free from black spots, in the raorning), (second day)/7.—Eyes very dull and heavy, at 2 p.m. (fifth day),X—Eyes heavy/3.—Eyes sleepy- like/2.—Great pressure on the eyes, with muscae volitantes. The medicine affects the sight very much, producing these spectres constantly flitting before the sight; long snakes or worms, both dark and light; also waves before the eyes, giving objects a tremulous motion, as if it gave the same quality of involuntary motion to the optic nerve that it does to the motor nerves, and made the sight movable ; also a slight sensatiou of double sight, as if the images of objects would be multiplied (seventeenth day)/3. —* Continued drawing twisting sensation in the eyes (thirteenth day)/ld.— Sharp shooting and drawing sensation in the right eye, at 1 p.m. (fifth day)/lh. —Drawing twisting sensation in the eyes, at 3 p.m. (fifth day),X—Since 11 a.m., have had great drawing twisting sensation in the eyes, at 8 p.m. (tenth day)/lb.—^Drawing sensation in the eyes, at 6 p.m. (third day)/1*.— [170.] *Eyes are sore, and give pain when moved from side to side, at 6 p.m. (second day)/5*.—* Eyes smart; lids feel sore (third day)/1.—(Was asked by a physician if I do not suffer from diplopia, *as the muse. int. seems not to do its work rightly, and the axis of the eyes differs in each ; but my eyes only felt weak, with lachrymation, especially of left eye, from which I suffer when having my usual headaches), (sixth day)/8.—Slight aching pain in left eye (after five hours)/5.—*Felt film over the eyes, and blur; objects mixed (after teu minutes) ; after which dull pain over the eyes, and between the eyes, lasting for one hour; sometimes have had similar feelings, but not often/6—Pain in the left eye, with museee volitantes/3.—*Eyes feel weak (third day)/4.—Eyes sensitive (eighth day), and feel weak (ninth day),50.— If a very weak solution is used, so that the accommodation is not markedly affected, we find that on attempting to use binocular vision, as in reading, a disturbance exists, consisting of pain, blurring, and straining, so that one eye must be closed, which is relieved by a weak concave glass; it seems as though the ordinary will, impulse, caused too great an action of the accom- modation,10.—Had the symptoras in the eye all the morning, with much burning of the balls (sixth day)/3.— Orbit. [180.] Aching pain in pos- terior part of orbit, extending back into the brain; worse on reading (aches so cannot read), causing nausea (second day)/5.—Lids and Lach- rymal Apparatus. Twitching of upper eyelids, at 4 p.m. (fifth day); of left most, which is very annoying (seventh and ninth days)/8.—When 474 PHYSOSTIGMA. the accommodation becomes affected by Phyostigma, twitchings (spasmodic) of the lids ensue/9.—Sensation of contractiou of the eyelids, with difficulty of opening them, and a suffusion of tears when wide open (after fifteen minutes) ; it required an effort to keep the left eyelid open ; this lasted till night, with pain in right side of upper jaw (second day)/7.— Cannot bear to raise the lids (sixth day)/7.—If Physostigma is applied to the lids it pro- duces immobility of them/.—Eyelids feel heavy (second and fourth days)/4. —Lids, which are usually heavy, were less heavy, aud can look more steadily at an object; but lids grow heavier again later/5.—At night, in- tense itching of the edges of the eyelids and inner canthus of the right eye (sixth day)/3.—Eyes suffused with tears (after seven hours and a half, second day),62.—Ball. [190.] *Pain in the eyeballs (third day)/1.—Se- vere pains in the right eyeball, darting frora within outward ; relief from pressing on the eyes ; the pain continued at intervals, from 6^ to 10 p.m., when it seemed to shift to the supraorbital ridge, and continued till about 12 (after eleven hours and a half). As soon as I got up, at 7 A.m., expe- rienced severe darting pains in both eyes; pain darting outwards; experi- enced no pain after breakfast; as soon as I sat down to study, at 7 p.m., had the same darting pains in the left eye and superciliary ridge; same character of pain, and relieved by pressure and moving about; pain grad- ually diminished until 11 p.m. (second day)/9.—Pain, with sharp stitches, in the ball of right eye, and in the frontal bone, with a distinct pain run- ning obliquely into the temporal bone, in the evening (first day). Pain deep in, over top of ball; ran up from inner canthus to the right frontal eminence, then down obliquely outward into temple ; dull miserable pain; same in eye and forehead returned, not as severe, but more general over the forehead, relieved by motion out of doors (second day)/7.—A drawn, twisted sensation in the eyeballs, at 8 p.m. (second day); especially in the right, at 7 p.m. (third day)/10.—Towards the end of the myotic action there is experienced a painful tension, partly in the equator of the ball, partly iu the ciliary region,10.—Great fulness of the eyeballs, as if they were too large, with a sensation as if the lids were too tight on closing them (first night)/3.—Swollen sensation, with burning in the eyeballs (third day)/3.— Nervous achings iu the whole ball, which extended along the supraorbital nerves, and over half the head,10.—The circulation in the fundus of the globe is not affected,10.—Pupil. Decided dilatation of the pupil, very soon/9*.—[200.] Pupils dilated (third day),50.—After the myosis had passed off there is usually mydriasis of a slight degree for several days, especially during the raorning hours ; this seems to depend upon a kind of fatigue of the sphincter, which passes off duriug the day under the reflex stimulus of light,10.—A very slight dilatation of the pupil was perceived/9.—The myotic effects of the extract began to be noticed after fifteen to thirty minutes; the maximum contraction was obtained iu from thirty to forty minutes; the myosis continued stationary from twenty minutes to three hours; the action of the drug was limited to the eye to which it was ap- plied,70.—On carefully watching the progress of the myosis (contraction of the pupil), the iris is seen to contract convulsively with little jerks or twitches; they are very small and rapid jerks, and would easily escape observation. While the iris was under the influence of Physostigma in all stages it was sensitive to light, that is, it would contract still more from a sudden strong light, even when the myosis had reached a high grade; this seems to show that the sensibility of the retina remains unaffected. The myosis lasts from two to four days,10.—Pupils contracted (fourth, fifth, and PHYSOSTIGMA. 475 sixth days) ; very much contracted (eighth day)/6.—Pupil very much con- tracted (after one hour),69b.—Pupils contracted (second day)/2; (second morning)/7; (fourth and eighth days)/8.—In about two-thirds of the cases the pupils were contracted, and there was double vision/4.—Not only was the pupil of the healthy eye rapidly contracted, but even the paralyzed pupil, which, before the application, measured three and a half lines, was contracted to two-thirds of a line (the size of a pin's head), within half an hour after the instillation of the extract. The maximum of contraction of the pupil was the same in each eye, but the left regained its original size sooner; it also always remained active under the influence of light, whereas the right was quite immovable. The sight of the right eye also rapidly improved, for within a quarter of an hour of the application she could read with it the very finest print, and this whilst its pupil was two and one-third lines in diameter. The effect upon the ciliary muscle was raore marked in the left than in the right eye, for in the former the near point was approximated to three inches, the far point to five and a half inches; in the right eye the near point was never brought closer than eight inches, nor the far point nearer than eleven inches. Stronger concave glasses were consequently required for distant objects by the left than by the right eye. The effect upon the accommodation also ceased much sooner in the right than in the left eye, for in the former the myopia had disap- peared five hours after the application, whereas six days afterwards the sight of the left eye for distant objects was still improved by a concave glass of thirty-six inches focus/*.—[210.] In a woman aged twenty-four, the sight of the right eye was so far impaired that she could only distin- guish light from darkness, that pupil being very sluggish uuder the action of light, and much larger than its fellow. I applied a drop of the weakest solution between the lids of the right eye; after half an hour the pupil had become so contracted that it was only about half the size of the other oue. In an experiment on another woman, the pupil of the eye to which the solution was applied was contracted one-half after fifteen minutes. Third experiment: a drop of the weak solution was applied between lids of right eye ; no visible change in the left pupil was perceptible (after eight miuutes) ; it had become slightly contracted (after twenty-three min- utes) ; contracted to half the size of its fellow (after twenty-six minutes); it was less than half as large as its fellow (after twenty-eight minutes); this pupil was only about equal to a pin's head in size, the pupil of the other eye having become larger than it had previously been (after thirty- three minutes). Fourth experiment: I applied a drop of the weakest solution between the lids of the right eye ; no visible change (after eight minutes) ; pupil contracted to the size of a pin's head (after twenty min- utes) ; very much contracted, but not to so great a degree as before (after nine hours) ; still contracted, but almost as large as the other pupil (after twenty-one hours). The woman first mentioned had the stronger aqueous solution applied between the lids of the right eye; the pupil was reduced to the size of a pin's head (after twenty-seven minutes). A woman of middle age had applied to left eye a drop of the weaker solution, now some days old ; no change (after sixteen miuutes) ; a drop of the stronger solu- tion more recently made was applied ; in four minutes more the pupil was slightly contracted, and in twenty minutes still later very much so/.— Pupils slightly contracted/2.—Accommodation. Decidedly tight feel- ing, referable pretty accurately to the ciliary region of that eye, as if some- thing were creeping about in it (after five minutes) ; this continued with 476 PHYSOSTIGMA. occasional rather sharp pains in the ciliary region (after ten minutes); an attempt to read with both eyes instantly increased this pain, and the type was confused, as if by a disturbance of the power of accommodation. The near point of the left eye (Jaeger, No. 1) was at six inches and three- quarters, that of the right eye being fifteen iuches. thus indicating a spasm of accommodation in the left, and a diminished power in the right eye; with this change, the effort to look at the type or optometer with either eye, or with both, much aggravated the sense of distress in the left eye; the type looked smaller with the right eye than with the left; the far point seemed the same as before in both eyes (after thirteen minutes). I could see Jaeger 17 at fifteen feet, but with the left eye with a remarkable oscil- lation in the distinctness, so that the type came and went, at one instant quite clear, then indistinct, which coincided with the sensations present in the ciliary region, as if the ciliary muscle was undergoing irregular con- tractions ; the left pupil was now observed to have become rather suddenly contracted to the size of a large pin's head (after twenty minutes); and to avoid repetition, I may state that this contraction continued to the full amount for eighteen hours, then gradually relaxed during about three days, after which it was like its fellow; as it gradually dilated, it also resumed gradually its mobility under light, whether falling on its own or the oppo- site retina, or on both ; with the sudden contraction of the pupil came also a sudden twilight gloom, as of an eclipse of the sun, much raore marked when the left eye only was open ; but this gloom soon lessened, owing, probably, to the retina, by continuance, becoming accustomed to the quan- tity of light admitted, aud on the next day it was hardly noticeable. The pupil being extremely small, we noted astigmatism ; the vertical bars of a window were seen clear and sharp at from six to ten feet, the horizontal bars within the same range having thin edges, slightly hazy, but rendered clear by a concave cylindrical glass of fourteen inches focus suitably placed ; distant objects seen by the left eye through a concave spherical glass of fifty inches focus were very decidedly diminished in size (after twenty-five minutes). The near point by No. 1 Jaeger was for the left eye at six and a half inches, for the right eye only at ten and a half inches, not nearer or farther off, and even at this distance indistinct, whereas with the left eye the letters were crisp and clear; to this better sight of the left eye two causes contributed, the larger size of the retinal image, from the greater nearness of the type to the eye, and the smallness of the pupillary aper- ture ; with the left eye the near point for vertical lines was at eight and a half inches, for horizontal lines at six and a half inches ; with the right eye the near point for vertical lines was at eleveu aud a half inches, for horizontal lines at seven and a half inches (after thirty hours). The straiued feeling of the eye was less after half an hour, but did not quite cease until the next morning; the attempt to read continued painful all the evening, and even next day both eyes were somewhat uneasy in sustained vision of near objects with both eyes or either of them. Both eyes alike as to accommodation, and in both the uear point for vertical and horizontal lines was one inch nearer the eye than natural^ viz., for horizoutal lines near point seven inches, vertical lines near point nine inches; and at twenty-four feet each eye could read No. 18 of Jaeger, only the letters were more sharply defined with the left, and looked rather smaller. By way of comparison I accurately examined the accommodation for horizontal and vertical lines with each eye, and found both eyes alike; the near point for horizoutal lines being nine inches, for vertical liues ten inches for each, PHYSOSTIGMA. 477 one inch more remote from the eye than after eighteen hours from the in- stillation of the-solution of the bean (tenth day)/.—The action on accom- modation consists in the approximation of the far point (myopia), and also of the near point; this contraction does not usually progress steadily, but by spasms or jerks (just as the pupil contracts); the far point is approxi- mated sooner than the near point,10.—Daturin paralyzes accommodation and dilates the pupil like Atropin, but Physostigma introduced after Daturin restores the accommodation and produces strong myopia, while the pupil is still widely dilated/9.— The accommodation recovers before the pupil?9.—The phenomena of the accommodation lasts much shorter than does the myosis. The approximation of the near point lasts longer than that of the far point,10.— Vision. Can see farther than usual (is naturally myopic), (second day)/2.—Double vision/5.—Vision |, with the use of a positive cylindrical glass ^ (hyperopic astigmatismus) ; range of accom- modation ±, 5 (before the experiment) ; myopia ^ ; near point remains at 5^ iuches, though accommodation is reduced £, f (after nine minutes). From this time the myopia gradually increases, and soon a slight nearing of the near point begins, with no trace of pain. Myopia y1^; near point 5 inches; accommodation only ■/„; visual acuteness diminished to I (after twenty-two minutes).f Myopia A, \; near point, 4| inches; accommoda- tion only T\; vision very iudistinct at a distance, on account of large dis- persion circles (after thirty-two minutes). Accommodation same ; myopia begins to diminish (after forty-four minutes). Accommodation 1; myopia TV; near point the same (after forty-seven minutes). Accommodation |; myopia T'g ; near point a little farther (after fifty-two minutes). Accom- modation & ; myopia 2\ ; near point 5 inches (after one hour and fourteen minutes). Accommodation \, ^ (nearly normal); near point 5 inches; myopia only -'T (after one hour and fifty-two minutes). The action on the ciliary muscle seems entirely independent of the presence of the iris. Slight biting in the conjunctiva, which passed off in a minute/1.—[220.] When Atropin was first dropped into the eye (using a solution 4 grains to the ounce), in an -hour aud a half the nearest point was, left eight inches, right twelve inches; then Physostigma was used, aud in half an hour could only see distinctly between six and a half aud nine inches; after this Physostigma gradually predominated, and near vision became distinct/9.—Visual acuteness often sinks to one-half the normal under its use,10.—Objects distant more than one foot seem dim and indistinct; all objects seemed nearer and larger ; pupils unchanged (after ten minutes); pupils contracted to one line in diameter (normal size, two lines); objects distant more than nine inches are dim ; all objects seem one-half larger and nearer (after twenty minutes); pupil two-thirds of a line (the other pupil two and a half lines in diameter) ; no distinct vision beyond eight iuches (after thirty minutes) ; pupil one-half line (other pupil normal) ; on reading, heaviness and fatigue of the eye ; dull aching aud heaviness on using the eyes; eyes feel strained (after seventy miuutes). Iu a subse- quent experiment, concave eight enabled him to see at a distance, but not nearer thau five inches/9.—One observer could bring his vision with perfect clearness to the normal, but only with very great and painful exertion,10.— Dimness of vision (after sixty minutes),2.—Sight bad at all times; rather dull; clouds passing over the sun interrupt his walking (second day)/1.— f This diminution of visual acuteness-in this case is not dependent on contracted pupil, as had been supposed in other cases.—T, F. A. 478 PHYSOSTIGMA. For the last three days he has had attacks of partial blindness ; on attempt- ing to write he was unable to see the line (sixth day)/1.—Letters seem in constant motion, and can only be seen at a large visual angle,10.—Bright daylight seems like twilight, the result of the largely contracted field of vision,10.—Vision seemed hazy or misty, while walking; better at once by keeping quiet (fourth day)/4.—[230.] Bright marks when looking at an object; dark-yellowish spots on book when reading, covering one or two of the letters/5.—Muscse volitantes, both black and white (tenth day)/3.—Had musca? volitantes very much (fourteenth day)/3. Ear.—Pressure on the tympanum of each ear, which is painful (second day)/1.—Uncomfortable sensation in right ear; felt inclined to bore in with the finger; picked the ear and removed some wax, after which slight pain (after one hour and a half) ; with eructation, a sudden pain running from the throat along the Eustachian tube to the middle, leaving a tran- sient stabbing pain in the middle ear; the pain to the ear repeated ; the uncomfortable sensation (desire to bore) occurred repeatedly for several successive evenings/9.—While writing, felt pain in right ear (fourth day)/1. —Considerable sharp pain in right ear, with the stiffness of the neck (third day); only a little soreness remaining (fourth day)/6.—Sharp shooting pain in the right ear, at 6.45 p.m. (fourth day),X—Shooting pain in the left ear, at 3 p.m. (fifth day)/1".— Fulness in ears (third day),50.—[240.] Sensation of crawling feeling in left ear (third day)/6*.—Ears feel as if stopped up (ninth day),50.—Hearing. The ear symptoras were as if every sound went through the ear ; ears very sensitive to sound (fifth day),46a.— Partial deafness in the right ear, at 9 p.m. (fifth day)/10.—Since 11 a.m., have had partial deafness in the right ear, at 8 p.m. (tenth day)/lb.—Slight deafness iu the right ear (fifth day),X—Iu the evening, hammering in right ear, while external ear felt as though hot air were blowing on it (third day)/1.—Singing or tuning, like escaping steam, after lying down at night/5.—Buzzing and ringing in the right ear, at 7 p.m. (third day),X Nose.—A small boil appeared on the inside of the right nostril; it was very painful, the pain extending up to the eye and right side of the head ; it broke on the fourth day, with but little discharge (after five days)/4.— [250.] Slight epistaxis, right side, iu evening (fifth day); left side, with the headache, in the morniug, and while at supper (sixth day)/7.—Nose aud throat filled with mucus; have had a similar sensation within a week (second day)/5.—Flueut discharge of clear coryza (after two days),X— Frequent sneezing (after one day),X—Sneezing (sixth day)/3.—Twitchings in the nose, and involuntary expansion of the nostrils (sixteenth day)/3.— A sensation exactly as if the nose was going to bleed, and the peculiar taste which goes with it, at 2 and 8 p.m. (fifth day)/3.—Burning heat in the nose, and sensation as if it would bleed, at 4 p.m. (nineteenth day)/3.— Nasal passages feel as if a fresh cold were coming on; smarting aud tin- gling in the nose, aud several times sneezing (after fourteen hours)/4.— Sensation of contraction in the alse nasi and upper lip, with frequent desire to rub them, which relieved for the time ; this lasted about twenty minutes (third day),X—[260.] An intolerable itching and tingling of the left nostril, in the morning, with moisture of the same nostril; return of the itching, in the afternoon, with dryness of same nostril; again, in the even- ing, with moisture (fourth day)/7.—Nose stuffed and hot/6. Face.—Face flushed and red/5.—Paleness of the face, with the head- ache (second day),26.—Countenance very pale (after 12 grains)/.—Pale face/310.—Very pale/4.—Looked tired, in the morning (second day)/2.— PHYSOSTIGMA. 479 Pain and flushing of the face, on rising from a sitting position (fourth day)/8.—Neuralgic pain in the right side of the face (second day)/0.— [270.] Had a curious feeling in my face; felt better when my mouth was open ; at times this feeling extended down into toy neck; I cannot describe it, but it seems to be of a cramping nature, or in spasms; at the time when this was the worst, my.left hand became quite numb, and it bothered me to hold on to anything; this I noticed most when I went to look at my watch (fourth day)/8.—* Sensation of contraction of the whole left side of the face, with slight numbness (after one hour, second day)/3.—Occasionally severe pain in the right side of the upper jaw, like toothache, although the teeth on that side have all been extracted, with difficulty in keeping the eye open (second day)/3.—Pain in the side of the jaw where there were teeth (first day),23*.—Fierce pains in lower jaw, right side (second day),34. Mouth.—Teeth. Teeth felt rough, which brushing did not remove, in the morning (second day)/8.—Quivering sensation in the teeth, as if they were resting on a sounding-board of a piano (nineteenth day)/3.— Tony lie. Tongue coated white, and having an oily feel, with a very bad taste in the mouth (fourth day)/8.—Tongue coated slightly, more heavily towards the root (second day),46b.—Tongue feels rough to the touch (after half an hour, second day)/9*.— [280.] Tongue dry and rough and sore (fourth day)/1.—Dryness and smarting of the tip of the tongue and lips continued all day (first day); dryuess and smarting of the tongue the same as yesterday (second day)/3.—A raw feeling of the tongue, very disagree- able iu swallowing/2.—Tongue felt as if scalded (after twenty minutes, fourth day); the scalding sensation was all on the left side (fifth day) ; continuance of scalding (sixth day) ; felt on right side (seventh day) ; the scalding of tongue still continued, although the surface felt well (eighth and ninth days)/38.—The tongue became very sore on the left side, quite back to the root, and it was very hard to move it, as if it was stiff, lasting nearly a day (fourth day)/3.— Tongue felt sore on tip and rough, at 4 p.m. (third day)/1.—Smarting of end of tongue; feels as if burnt by hot liquid/5. —Numbness and tingling smarting of the tongue and lips, with a constant desire to moisten them (after fifteen minutes)/3*.— General Mouth. Involuntary twitching of the mouth, also of the eyebrows, and beating or throbbing and twitching between the eyebrows; also numbness from be- tween the eyes down through the nose, at 8 p.m. (sixth day)/3.—The roof of the mouth feels as if covered with patches of loose skin ; has a yellowish copper-colored appearance; at 9 p.m. (fifth day),X—Taste. [290.] Me- tallic taste iu the mouth, at 9 p.m. (fifth day)/'0.—Taste in the mouth like creasote, on waking, in the morning (secoud day)/9.—Very bad taste in mouth; have had similar symptom within a week (second day)/5.—Bad taste in the mouth, full of saliva (after half au hour, second day)/9*.—Pad taste all day (third day)/1.—Arose in the morning with a bad taste in my mouth, as though I had been confined in a close room all night (secoud day)/8.—Saliva. Profuse salivation (second day)/8.—Thick lathery sa- liva from whole buccal surface, though drug at once swallowed/.—Mucus ran from the mouth,20.—Speech,. Power of speech retained long after in- ability to swallow,20.—[300.] Felt a sluggishuess of articulation, aud to avoid any show of this, made a strong effort of the will to speak slowly and firraly (after 12 grains)/. Throat.—Throat and nose filled with mucus; had a similar seusation within a week (second day)/5.—Collection of clear mucus iu the throat, at 6 p.m. (third day)/1*.—Throat became very sore, with a feeling of a fish- 480 PHYSOSTIGMA. bone lodged in throat; swallowing of saliva very painful; at 9 p.m. (second day)/4.—This evening (9 p.m.) my throat is very sore; tonsils and soft palate inflamed, dark-red, with stinging pain (fifth day); throat not so much inflamed (sixth day); smarting of left tonsil (after a quarter of an hour); left tonsil slightly inflamed; radiating redness of tonsil (after half an hour, eighth day); back part of throat very sore this evening (ninth day)/6.—Throat very sore, especially when swallowing, at 8 p.m. (fourth day)/1*.—Back part of throat very sore, at 8 p.m. (teuth day)/8.—Sensa- tion of soreness in the throat, at 2 p.m. (second day), with constricted feel- ing when swallowing (fourth day) ; throat quite sore, at 5 p.m. (fifth day),X —Throat began to be sore on the right side; seemed to be a little spot not larger than a pea, which bothered me a great deal in swallowing (second day); still sore at right side (third day)/8.—Throat quite sore; burning- scraping raw feeling, with a constrictive feeling when swallowing; at 7 p.m. (first day) ; throat much improved (fifth day) ; slightly sore (thir- teenth day),X—[310.] Slight soreness of the throat, when swallowing (fourth, fifth, and eighth days)/1; (8 p.m., second day)/lc.—Slight soreness of the throat, worse when swallowing (second day)/1.—Throat full (third day)/1.—Had a feeling as if a ball were coming up to the throat?.—A pain- ful constriction of throat; soreness felt all through the posterior portion of pharynx, with painful swallowing of saliva, at 7 p.m.; throat became dry by 10 p.m. (fourth day). The pain and constriction of pharynx still con- tinued, and examination showed small ulcers, with yellow centres, on right side of pharynx, behind tonsil; posterior nares also dark-red, at 4 p.m. (fifth day). Throat very sore; very difficult to swallow; surface studded with fine ulcers, especially on right side, where the pain is greatest, from 4 to 10 p.m. (eighth day). Uvula considerably elongated, and though I have discontinued medicine for two or three days, the throat symptoms continue, though less violent (tenth day)/4.—Constriction of throat and difficulty of swallowing (after five minutes); during the whole afternoon the throat was very sore, examination showing enlarged tonsils and elongated uvula; swallowing of saliva or speaking very painful; the posterior part of tongue also very painful to touch; saliva was not increased (sixteenth day)/4.— Constricted feeling of the throat, when swallowing, in the evening (second day), with great soreness at 6 p.m. (third day)/la.—Throat felt constricted, as before, except that it was higher up (second day); very much constricted, and great difficulty in eating, passing away before breakfast was eaten; examination shows the posterior superior portion of mouth injected (third day),X—Throat very painful, when swallowing; raw scrapy burning sen- sation in the throat, at 9 p.m. (fifth day)/10.—Pain extending from the throat to the left ear, wheu swallowing, at 3 p.m. (fifth day)/lb.—(Esoph- agus and External Throat. [320.] All gone feeling along the oesophagus (third day)/4".—There was noticed, while he was sleeping, an unusual pulsation of carotid arteries; upon examination, the actiou of the heart was found to be irregular (third day)/2.—Submaxillary gland very tender and tumefied (fourth day)/8. Stomach.—Appetite. Appetite increased (fifth day)/7.—Hunger, but can find nothing to satisfy it; disposed to try one thing"after another; food has a flat taste,65.—No appetite (fourth and sixth days)/6.—Loss of appetite (sixth day)/7.—Appetite not very good for breakfast (second day); no appetite for breakfast (third day)/4.—Appetite not so good as usual, with occasional nausea (first day)/4.—At tiraes I noticed that I did not care for eating; appetite previously good at any time/2.—[330.] Less appetite PHYSOSTIGMA. 481 since taking the medicine (seventeenth day)/3.—Bad appetite (second morn- ing),0.—Morbid appetite (fourth day)/1".—Declined food (second day),1213. —Disinclined for breakfast; no appetite (second day)/2.—Perfect disgust for food of every kind, during the whole proving/8.—Disgust for food, for tobacco, and coffee, and especially for cold drinks (I am a great water- drinker), (third day). There is not so much disgust for food, still I do not relish my usual cup of cafe au hit, and the toast remains untouched; no appetite (fourth day). Ate some light breakfast from mere habit, but still no desire for food (fifth day). Ate a very light breakfast, with very little relish (sixth day)?\—Thirst. Began in ten minutes to have thirst, which increased till they begged for water, then the power of swallowing was lost,20.—They suffered greatly from thirst, and drank readily large quantities of warm water/4.—Very thirsty, in the afternoon (seventh day)/8. —[340.] Have had no thirst at all to-day; usually drink considerable with my meals; drank scarcely any to-day; somewhat thirsty this even- ing, which may be due to eating beans at tea (second day),X—Great desire for cold water all the evening; the more I driuk the raore I waut (second day)/6*.—No thirst (sixth day)/6.—Disgust especially for cold drinks (third day); no thirst (third to sixth day)/8.—Eructations. Repeated eruc- tations from stomach of warm air, tasteless/9.—Eructations (after six min- utes)/.—A good deal of tasteless eructations, without relief (tenth day),X —Tasteless eructatious/5.—Empty eructations, at 7 p.m. (third day)/lc.— Several empty eructations (two hours after second dose, secoud day)/1.— [350.] Eructations, without the epigastric sensations, considerable nausea, and dizziness (after one hundred minutes)/.—Some eructations at 4 p.m. (second day)/4.—Hiccough. Violent and very unusual hiccough for forty-five minutes, with great distress for breath, relieved at once by sleep, at 8.30 p.m. (second day); on waking again, violent hiccough, half hour, at 2 a.m. (third day)/4.—Three distinct hiccoughs, followed by belching of tasteless gas; something unusual, but don't know that it is a symptom (after one hour)/4.—Hiccough, from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m., of violent charac- ter (third day); hiccough from 9 p.m. till 11 p.m.; ceased on retiring (eighth day),50.—Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea, and sinking feel- ing in the stomach, immediately/.—Nausea (after seventy-six minutes)/ 15; (after one hour)/6*; (after half an hour, second day)/9*.—Constant nausea, but no vomiting, only some waterbrash (third day)/8.—Nausea and qualm- ishness, with the headache.54.—On waking, in the morning, nausea (second day)/9.—[360.] Nausea on lying down, though none was felt before (after two hours, second day)/4*.—Nausea (third day); constant, with some relief after vomiting (fourth day),X—Nausea, at 10 p.m (second day); in occa- sional attacks (fourth day); slight nausea, with chilly creeps passing up the back, at 2 p.m. (fifth day); slight nausea and vertigo, at 4.30 p.m. (seventh day)/lb.—Nausea, caused by the pain in the orbit (second day)/5. —Breakfast caused slight nausea (second day)/6.—The sound of the organ caused nausea (second day),66.—Slight nausea, in the morning; very dis- tinct nausea in throat, feeling as if he would be sick, at noon; could not eat much dinner, at 1 p.m., on account of the nausea; he had to lie down, which relieved the nausea, after which he could eat a little more; after agaiu resting, all symptoms passed off (second day)/2.—Slight nausea ; this nausea does not seem to have any reference to eating, as it sometimes has come before and sometimes after eating (eleventh day)/3.—Slight nausea (at 10 a.m., fourteenth day)/3; (after one hour)/6; (after fifteen minutes)/6*; (at 3.40 p.m., third day)/5; (at 3 p.m., second day)/8; (at 7 p.m., third VOL. VII.—31 482 PHYSOSTIGMA. day),X—Sick at the stomach (third day)/1; (eighth day)/8.—[370.] The smell of Havanas was disgusting and sickening (third day)/8.—Should nausea or vomiting set in, they often recover/0.—Inclination to vomit (after a quarter of an hour) ; after copious draughts of water and mechanical irritation he produced vomiting, with great retching, followed by collapse, with cold sweat in drops over the whole body,18.—Copious vomiting; he was so feeble as to be unable to completely eject the vomited water/3.— Short attacks of vomiting and diarrhcea (first day)/8.—Vomiting com- menced soon in most of the cases/4.—Vomiting of acrid fluid (second day),60.—Stomach. Pricking sensation in the stomach and abdomen, followed by rumbling, and slight colic pains in the region of transverse colon, lasting nearly an hour (after one hour); pricking sensation in the stomach and bowels, at 9.30 a.m. (second day)/4.—During the pain, sensitiveness over the region of the stomach to pressure (tenth day)/4*.— Hard pain in the stomach (the next day)/5.—[380.] Sharp pains in the stomach, shooting upwards, at 9.30 a.m. (second day)/4.—After dinner, upon going out of doors, had a pain in my stomach, which caused me to feel sick at the stomach ; this pain was followed by a crampy feeling in fundus of bladder (second day)/6.—Griping pains in the stomach and great oppression (after two hours and a half ),X—Crampy pain in stomach, with the desire for stool (eighth day)/8.—Transient pains in stomach, with sen- sation as of undigested food (after seven hours and a half)/6*.—Burning sensation in the stomach, with hot eructations (after three hours)/6.— Heaviness in the stomach (after half an hour)/1.—Weight in the stomach, as from undigested food (after one hour)/6.—A feeling as if a hard body were lying in the stomach, like undigested food (after fourteen hours)/4.— Stomach pressed (third day)/1.—[390.] My food lay hard in my stomach all day (third day),X—Stomach effectually emptied after drinking the shaving water which I had just used; later, I could not vomit; the ab- dominal muscles acted too feebly ; the sickness ceased, and never returned (after 12 grains)/.—Feeling of emptiuess in storaach and bowels (sixth day)/7.—Sense of emptiness and weakness at stomach, without hunger, at 3 p.m. (seventeenth day)/3.—Felt as though (mucous coat?) (of) stomach swelled, continuing all day (two hours after second dose, second day)/1.— Felt slight contraction in region of stomach (second day); contractionf in region of stomach more plainly marked, continuing four or five days, at- tended with dull pain in left side and forepart of head ; not relieved by food; appetite as usual (after three days); the symptoms began to diminish on the sixth day, and had disappeared about the eighth day/3.—Stomach unsettled (after four hours and a half),36a.—Slow digestion (second day)/0. —Griping pain in the pit of the stomach (after four hours and a half), with soreness to pressure (after ten hours and a half)/6.—Sensation at the pit of the stomach as if undigested food oppressed it (after one hour, third day)/4.—[400.] A breathless sensation at the pit of the stomach, with a hard feeling as of undigested food; a disposition to make deep inspirations: these sensations were momentary, coming and going (after one hour and a quarter, second day; after oue hour, third day)/4.—Trembling of the nerves at the pit of the storaach, accompanied with slight nausea, aud a sensation of faintness (fifth day)/3.—Felt the nervousness at the pit of the stomach, in front of the body most (ninth day)/3.—Soreness at the pit of the stom- f It is to be noted that what one prover distinguished as contraction, another describes as swelling of stomach. PHYSOSTIGMA. 483 ach, at 10.30 a.m. (seventeenth day)/3.—Much weakness at the pit of the stomach, with the nervous symptoms (fifteenth day)/3.—Violent epigastric symptoms (after three minutes)/.—Epigastric sensation perceived (after five minutes),0.— Epigastric sensation, accompanied with eructation (after five minutes); slight sensation in the epigastric region (after fifteen min- utes) ; more intense aud accompanied with eructations (after twenty min- utes) ; epigastric sensation recurs, without eructatious (after thirty minutes); sensations in epigastric region occur in quick succession (after fifty-five minutes)/.—Epigastric region sore to pressure (after seven hours and a half)/6'.—Violent oppression in the epigastric region (after a quarter of an hour)/8.—[410.] Complained of severe pain in the epigastric region, aud begged that he might be laid upon the bed/2.—At 2 a.m. was awakened by a pressive pain in the epigastrium, just under the ensiform cartilage, extending up into the chest and down the arms; paiu in epigastrium seemed to be produced by hard pressure against the lower end of the ster- num, and extended all along the lower edge of the ribs, at the attachment of the diaphragm, and through to the back to about the third dorsal ver- tebra ; the sensation was as if the pain was squeezed out into the arms ; 4he paiu seemed to alternate between an ache and an acute quick pain, but was occasionally pulsative (after ten days)/4.—Darting pain in epigastric region (after four hours) ; have felt the pain in the epigastric region all the time, except when asleep (after twenty-five hours and a half)/6.— Soreness and transient pains in epigastrium (after four hours and a half)/6*. —A slight degree of peculiar sensation in epigastrium (after ten minutes); recurred (after forty minutes); much increased: it now resembles the some- what painful sensation which is produced when large pieces of food are sud- denly swallowed, and recurs at intervals ; it is at first slightly indicated by a sensation in the thorax, near the upper part of the sternum; this extends downwards, becoming more and more intense until it reaches the epigas- trium, when it is almost painful, and eructations usually occur; there is a distinct escape of gas, and this is followed by a reversal of the direction of the pain from the lower sternum to the throat, so that eructations occur at the middle of this sensation (after fifty minutes)/. Abdomen.—Hypochondria. Darting pains in right hypochon- drium (after two hours and a half)/6*.—Griping pains in right hypochon- drium (after half an hour)/6*.—Sharp lancinating pains in left hypochon- drium, left thigh, and left forefinger, passing off very soon, and immediately followed by a sharp pain in the region of the liver, passing upwards and towards the sternum, lasting but a few minutes, at 9.50 a.m. (secoud day)/4. ■—Woke up heavily (not unusual), with considerable stiff pain in region of liver, posteriorly (second morning)/2.—Considerable stiff pain iu regiou of liver, posteriorly, in the morning, on waking; tender on slight pressure, and on first moving; went off' after moving a little (second day); same pain in liver region returned, in the morning (third day)/2.—[420.] Pain in the region of the liver, at 10.25 a.m. (second day)/4.—Hard sore paiu in splenic region, descending to inguinal region, across hypogastric region, quite severe and increased by motion; in the evening the pain was so severe it caused me to extend the legs (three hours after second dose, sec- ond day)/1.—Sore pain in spleen, for two hours (third day)/1.— Umbili- cus and Sides. About 6 p.m., felt soreness in the umbilicus, and a sensation as though corset had pinched it; on examination, about 8 p.m., found the part very much inflamed (blood-red), very sore, and could not bear the contact of the clothing (fourth day) ; the following morning, in- 484 PHYSOSTIGMA. flammation somewhat decreased, but part still sore; soreness and inflam- mation continued about four or five days, growing gradually less/7.— Drawing pain in umbilical region (seventh day)/7.—Pain in the umbilical region (second day)/9.—Sharp pain in the umbilical region (fifth day)/7. —Severe pain in the umbilical region/3.—Severe colicky pains in the left side of the abdomen (second day)/8.—At 4 a.m., he arose with a soreness, not a pain, in the left side of the abdomen, which was painful on pressure ; at 8 a.m., the soreness continued; it was painful when moving about, and was aggravated by riding; this soreness covered a spot as large as the palm of the hand, and continued five days/4.—[430.] Slight stitches in the left side of the abdomen (third day)/7.—General Abdomen. Rum- bling in bowels, at 10 p.m. (fifth day)/1.—Rumbling in the bowels, as from wind ; some passed off (third day)/5.—At 8.40 p.m., rumbling and gurgling, with heat in the abdomen and slight colic pains; the symptoms, except colic, continue till 11 p.m. (after twelve hours and a half); bowels feel full, with some rumbling and heat (second day)/4.—Gurgling in the bowels, with the sensation as if diarrhcea would set in (fifth day)/8.—In morning, before second dose, and lasting all day, noisy emission of flatus from bowels (second day)/2.—Unusual escape of flatus peranum (second day)/4. —Great amount of flatulence, smelling like carrion (fourth and fifth days)/1.—Discharge of much foul-smelling flatulence, from below (third day),X—Passed great quantities of flatus (after six hours); great quan- tities of flatus passed ; this seems to be generated in the rectum, as there is neither distension or rumbling in the abdomen ; it is first perceived just as it is ready to escape, and if restrained, rapidly augments in volume; there is very little odor (ninth day)/3.—[440.] Passage of much wind, odorless/5. —Called up by quite severe colic, during stool, and relieved by stool, at 6.30 a.m. ; another slight attack of colic; seems to be flatulent, at 7 A.M.; before and during stool, at 9 a.m., 3.40 p.m., at 6.30; slight colic before dis- charge, at 10.15 (third day)/5.—Sensation of heat in the abdomen, with the headache (second day)/4.—Bloated feeling of the abdomeu (fourth aud fifth days)/1.—A sense of distension, with soreness of abdomen (second morn- ing),30.—(Have had uneasiness in the abdomen all the morning, as though bowels were loose, and I should have colic; have had similar symptoras within a week ; some uneasiness in the abdomen, as if the bowels were about to move, at 5.30 p.m.; there has been a remission of these feelings during the day; at 8.30 p.m., rattling in the abdomen, with feeling as though the bowels were about to move, and that the stool would be diarrhceic (second day) )/5.—Bowels feel uneasy, as if they would move soou, at 5.50 p.m. (sec- ond day),04.—A feeling of looseness of bowels, with slight desire for stool, at 3 p.m. (second day) ; am usually regular at stool, occurring every day about 7 P.M./5b.—The bowels feel as if they would move at any time, at 3 P.M. (third day)/4.—Pain in the bowels, which seem to be distended with gas; could sit up only a short time, when I would be compelled to lie down again, on account of the pain in bowels; this pain was worse every time I stood erect (third day)/8.—[450.] Woke about 4 a.m. with griping pain in bowels; griping pains usually before the stools, but not much re- lieved by the stools, Verat. alb. 30th, and old rye whisky failed to relieve; at 10 a.m., a dry griping pain in the colon transversum (or stomach?), (third day); slept moderately well, but the paroxysmal light gripes dis- turbed me; as long as I lay on my right side, well covered up, I could rest aud doze, but as soon as I turned on my back, the griping returned with full force, and was only relieved by turning on my right side agaiu (third PHYSOSTIGMA. 485 night). The least motion increases the dry griping pains in the upper part of the abdomen; they differ somewhat from yesterday, as they extend to the back, causing there a lame sensation, as if support was needed ; towards evening the griping steadily increased (in spite of D'.oscorea and Lilium), and the warmth of bed was early sought for relief (fourth day). The grip- ings continued the same till about 3 a.m. (relief by lying on right side, aggravation on back), when I rested more quietly till about 7 a.m. ; off and on still griping pains (fifth day). Off and on the reminiscences of the old intestinal cramps, but no flatus (sixth day). Sometimes still some crampy sensation in pit of stomach (seventh day)/8.—At 3 a.m., was awakened with distressing pain in the abdomen, not relieved until 11 a.m., after the stool (fifth day)/lc.—Severe pain across the abdoraen (transverse colon), (after half an hour, second day)/9*.—Pinching crampy paiu in the abdomen, at 3 p.m. (third day),X— Clutching pain in the abdomen, at 4.30 p.m. (seventh day); before the stool, at 7.30 a.m. (ninth day)/lb.—Dull pain in bowels, with feeling of looseness (second day)/1.—Pain in bowels during stool (tenth day)/8.—A few complained of pain in the bowels, but not at first/4.—Pain in region of the arch of colon, mostly on right side, with stitches of pain extending through to back; pain increased, at night, so as to frequently wake me up/2.—Considerable pain accompanying stool; pain being located just below the umbilical region (sixth day)/1.—[469.] Sensation of fulness and dull pain in transverse and descending colon (fourth day)/7.— Hypogastrium and Iliac Meg ion. Soreness in left side and hypogastric region, hurting me to stand (third day)/1.—A former pain in right hypogastric region, which had now been absent for two years, returned, more troublesome than it usually had been (fifth day),-8.—In the evening, colicky pains, low down in the abdomen, were succeeded by a copious loose discharge from the bowels (third day),30.— Tenesmus and dull pain in transverse and descending colon, with the diar- rhoea/7.—Sharp and cutting pain in the lower part of the abdomeu, more as if in the muscles than the organs (fourth day)/9.—Drawing pain iu the right iliac region, relieved by lying on the right side, by pressure, on walk- ing in the open air, and eating; worse by lying on back and left side (second day )/9*.—Shooting pains in the left iliac region (after thirteen hours)/4.—Pain in the groin, alternating from left to right, at 6 p.m. (third day)/1*.—Dull pain in the groin (fourth day),X—[470.] Occasional shoot- ing pain in the groin, extending into the right testicle (fifth day),71b.—Pain iu the groin, with slight swelling, at 8 p.m. (eighth day)/1'1.—Pain in the groin, at 7 p.m. (third day)/1'.—Pain in the groin (after one day); con- stantly (fifth day); slight (seventh and eighth days),™.—Slight pain, ex- tending from the left hip into the groin, at 2 p.m. (secoud day),X Rectum and Anus.—Sphincter ani swollen and rigid ; evacuation painful ; rectum protruding, swollen, aud very sensitive (third day); anus still very painful (fourth day) ; hard lumps, like piles, protruding and very painful (fifth day); piles worse, burning, and very sensitive; used Cos- moline with excellent effect, as it quickly allayed the burning (sixth day); piles better during the day; at night the burning pain was so great, could get no rest till Cosraoline was applied, when I soon fell asleep (seventh day); piles much worse ; one large soft protuberance on the left side of anus, and two large hard lumps, that seem attached to the sphincter, on the right side; they are dark-blue aud very painful (eighth day); piles very hard, protruding, and causing great pain, while sitting or walking ; the suffering was so great I took Physometra, 50 ra. F.; shortly after 486 PHYSOSTIGMA. taking it the pain and soreness lessened, aud I slept well (ninth day); found the pain all gone and the piles decreasing in size (tenth day) ; had entirely disappeared (eleventh and twelfth days)/3.—Soreness in the rec- tum and urethra, aud suspect I have taken cold (third day)/5a.—Return of piles, which have not troubled him for three years/5.—Tenesraus, at 4 p.m., continuing an hour, when there was an evacuation of a soft thin stool; the tenesraus was a feeling all the time as though he had been to stool (third day)/0.—Tenesmus after the stool (third day); before and after the stool (seventh day),X—[480.] Tenesmus of rectum with the diarrhoea/7. —Desire for stool, but was much constipated; faeces hard and not much in quantity (three hours after third dose); three hours later, a very loose diarrhoea (watery), with some flatus. Some five days since the proving has affected me, aud yet incliued to looseness of bowels/2.—Anus sore, in- clined to protrude a little (as if from relaxed sphincter)/5.—Burning at the anus with the stools/0. Stool.— Diarrhoea, Freely purged/3.—Purging in a few cases,14.— Short attacks of diarrhoea and vomiting (first day),28.—Large diarrhceic stool, with burning at anus, at 8.45 a.m. (bowels had moved just previous to taking the drug, and am nearly always constipated), (second day)/4.— Diarrhceic stool, with burning at the anus, at 8.10 a.m. (third day)/4.— Stool very loose and weakening/0.—[490.] Soft thin stool, followed by great exhaustion; color of stool quite natural (third day) ; stool light- colored and very soft, not thin or watery (eighth day) ; quite thin and light-colored, followed with tenesmus, in the morning; thin at 12 M.; stool soft, and some tenesmus, at 9 p.m. (ninth day) ; quite natural (tenth day),50. —A very copious stool, at 11 a.m. ; passage from bowels of a yellowish color and soft consistency, at 3.30 p.m.; usually have but one passage from bowels each day, sometimes go two days; evacuation of a foul smell, at 6.30 p.m. ; stool at 10.30 (second day) ; stool at 6.30 a.m. (third day). Since proving, have been having two or three stools a day, at irregular tiraes, not large, yel- lowish ,X—Frora 5 a.m. to 9 a.m., had about eight to nine large watery stools; the first ones mixed with fecal matter, the later ones light-yellow, watery, gushing out in a stream, with faint feeling, and cold sweat on the forehead ; griping pain usually before stool, but not much relieved by the stool; the continual calls of nature drove me up, although the stools were, by 10 a.m., not more than a tablespoonful, and odorless (third day). Several times (two or three) a desire for stool, but only a small quantity of water escaped, and once some very foul-smelling flatus (fourth day). A bilious stool at 10 a.m. (fifth day)/8.—Soft, large, brown stool, at 7 a.m. ; small thin yel- low stool, smelling sour, at 2 p.m. ; a small watery one, mixed with undi- gested food, smelling very sour, at 7 p.m. ; small watery, at 10 p.m. (sec- ond day). Thin watery, with tenesmus afterwards, at 4 p.m. (third day). No stool (fourth day). Voided a large stool, part of which was natural looking, remainder black, like tar, at 7 A.M. (fifth day). Voided a natural- looking stool mixed with black lumps, followed by a small discharge of mucus, at 6 p.m. (sixth day). Small, thin, lumpy stool; tenesmus before and after stool, at 4.30 p.m. (seventh day). Small hard stool, covered with a jelly-like slime, at 7, and again'at 7.30 a.m. (ninth day). Natural- looking stool, at 7 a.m. (tenth day)/lb.—Bowels, which had been somewhat costive, moved twice, in the morning; two soft stools after dinner, with tenesmus and dull pain in transverse and descending colon; last stool fetid and brownish ; two stools in the evening, with similar pains and tenesmus during and after stool; stools soft, brownish, and fetid, slight tenesmus of bladder at the same time (fourth day). Two soft mushy stools after break- PHYSOSTIGMA. 487 fast, with same kind of pains ; same kind of stool and paiu, and tenesmus of bladder, after dinner and supper (fifth day). Same kind of stool after breakfast, with tenesmus of rectum and bladder, during and after stool (sixth day). Constipation during the days I took none, and when I re- commenced had four passages in one day, but not loose,37.—Feel for a half hour before stool as if had been to stool (eighth day),50.—Stool, first regu- lar, then irregular and loose/5.—Bowels move, but not a profuse discharge; stool of a yellow color, at 5.10 a.m. (sixth day)/1.—No movement of bowels (second day) ; desire several times without stool (third day); one small bard stool (fourth day) ; very copious discharge from bowels, light-colored, with intense crampy pain in lower part of bowels while at stool (not often), in the forenoon and again at 4 p.m. (fifth day) ; had au operation from the bowels ; it was nearly impossible to pass stool owing to the contraction of the sphincter, at 8 p.m. (seventh day); desire for stool early this morning, while in bed, with crampy paiu in stomach, but after getting up the desire for stool left me (eighth day) ; constipated (ninth day); stool, with much urging, very hard and dark-colored; pain in bowels during stool, at 9 a.m.; urging, with passages of stool much lighter than usual, at 9.05 a.m. ; very copious diarrhceic stool, yellow-colored, with burning-smartiug pain (all three stools within fifteen minutes), (tenth day) ; constipated (eleventh day)/8.—Had a natural stool, at 9.30 a.m. ; one of softer consistency than natural at 11.40, another at 4.45 p.m. Desire for stool, but no stool, al- though I strained very hard, at 10.30 p.m. (second day). Operation of bowels at 6.15 a.m., of a slightly yellow color aud foul smell; soft con- sistency, at 2.10 p.m. (third and fourth days). Had been coustipated very much for years ; no operation without injection. Have a desire for stool every night, and a copious evacuation every morning since the proving (fifth day)/6*.—[500.] Stool neither hard nor soft, but dark and offensive, at 6.30 a.m. ; discharge, with colic before and during stool, with some burning at the anus, at 9 a.m.; desire for stool, with rumbling in the bowels, at 3.40 p.m.; soft stool, with some colic before and during dis- charge, at 6.30 p.m. ; large offensive stool, with some tenesraus, and slight colic before the discharge, at 10.15 p.m. (third day)/5.—Constipation. Constipated (fourth and fifth days)/1.— Bowels excessively constipated (a very unusual condition with the prover), (tenth day)/4*.—Constipated (very unusual), (second day)/6*.—Bowels constipated (third day); have had no operation to-day (fourth day); none to-day, but have urging with- out stool (fifth day) ; desire without stool, at 9 a.m., and again at 11 a.m., with much urging and straining (sixth day) ; operation from the bowels large, light-yellow color, and soft consistency, at 7 a.m. ; operation of bowels, soft consistency, at 9 a.m. ; desire, without stool, at 12 m. and 7.30 p.m. (seventh day) ; operation from bowels, at 7.30 a.m. ; stool, with much straining to pass a small amount, at 2.30 p.m. (eighth day); desire for stool early this morning, with large stool of light-yellow color (ninth day); bowels constipated (tenth day); no stool (eleventh day); several operations from bowels (soft consistency), (twelfth day); three passages from bowels (thirteenth daj)/6.—No stool for last four days (sixth day)/1.—Full, natural-looking stool, at 3.45 a.m.; small stool, smelling sour, at 8 a.m. (second day); natural-looking stool, at 11 a.m. (fifth day), (bowels had not been moved for sixty-nine hours previously)/1'.—Stool lumpy, mingled with watery discharge (first night) ; coustipated (very unusual), (second day)/6*.—Stools very hard and in round balls, but quite easily expelled (fourth day)/8. 488 PHYSOSTIGMA. Urinary Organs.—Kidneys. Lame bruised feeling in the region of the kidneys with the headache (third day),54.—[510.] Bruised sore feel- ing in region of kidneys (second day)/7.—Bladder and Urethra. Sensation of fulness of the bladder, as from retention of urine, at 3 p.m. (eighth day),X—Sensation of distension of the bladder, at 3 p.m. (third day),X—Slight tenesmus of the bladder, with the diarrhoea/7.—Crampy feeling in fundus of bladder followed the paiu in the stomach (second day)/6.—Soreness in the urethra aud rectum, and suspect I have taken cold (third day)/5*.—Pain in the urethra just after micturating/8.—3Iicturi- tion and Urine. Frequent micturition (after two days)/ld. — Fre- quent desire to urinate; goes to the chamber several times with the incli- nation, but passes no urine/5.—Almost constant desire to urinate, with the dull pain in the back, passing large quantities of reddish urine (third day),60.—[520.] Did not urinate for the last eight or ten hours, although frequent and copious micturition is rather the rule with me (third day); hardly any urine passed during the day (fourth day); micturition freer (fifth day); urination natural, though not so frequent as usual (sixth day)/8.—Upon rising, passed more than the usual araount of urine, of a clear, slightly yellow color (secoud morning),46b.—Increased secretion of uriue, with difficult retention of it, in the forenoon (second day)/7.—The quantity of urine passed is slightly increased (second day) ; increased and of a pale yellow color, all day (third day) ; urine increased in quantity, and contains mucus; number of passages of urine increased ; yellow color of urine; the amount of urine passed is greater than the amount of fluid I drink (fourth day); urine scanty (seventh day); passed a large amount of yellowish-colored urine containing mucus (uinth day)/6.—The urine was greatly increased in quantity,60.—Urine increased in quantity, and yellow in color (fourth day); increased in amount (ninth day)/8.— Slight increase in flow of urine (second morning)/7.—Urine profuse, fre- quent, high-colored, and smelling strong, at 7 p.m. (third day),X—During the pain, frequent and excessive flow of pale and odorless urine (tenth day),X—Profuse flow of very clear urine; the urates were less than nor- mal in quantity; phosphates in excess/8.—[530.] Passed large quantities of colorless urine (second day) ; urine profuse and very clear; passed nearly a vesselful during the night, by nine emissions (third day)/8.—Urine of a clear yellowish color, at 7.10; passed uriue at 8, 8.30, and 11 a.m. ; passed a small quantity of muddy urine at 12; passed urine at 6, 9.30, and 11 p.m. (third and fourth days)/6*.—Uriue high-colored, smelling strong, at 3 p.m. (third day)/lb.—Urine light-colored and very abundant (second day)/6*. Sexual Organs.—Male. Frequent erections, with but slight sexual desire, in the forenoon (second day)/6.—Two emissions, without dreams or excitement/5.—Female. Pains in the worab, as if menses were coming on (sixth day)/3.—A great deal of leucorrhcea (ninth day)/3.—Leucor- rhcea and much weakness, at 4 p.m. (eighth day)/3.—(At the time of taking Calabar bean, had been troubled with a bland, milk-white, stringy leucor- rhcea for about two months, not at all profuse, but rather scauty; have not been troubled with it since taking the bean)/7.—[540.] My condition altogether very like that induced by profuse flooding after delivery (forty minutes after 12 grains)/. Respiratory Organs.—Bronchi. Irritation of right bronchi/5. —Cough. (Dry tickling cough, at 6 p.m. (old ailment)),(sixth day)/7.— Cough, caused by tickling in the throat (after half an hour, eighth day)/6. PHYSOSTIGMA. 489 Slight constant inclination to cough, from filling the lungs/5.—Slight cough; coughs till small white plug of mucus is thrown off/5.—Respi- ration. Oppressed breathing (third day),60.—*Labored respiration (first night)/3.—* Sighing respiration (after one hour)/6*.—* Yawning and sigh- ing respiration (tenth day),34.—[550.] Respiration accompanied with a little difficulty, and with a slight degree of dyspnoea (after ninety minutes) ; re- quires an effort (after one hundred and ten minutes)/.—In the morning his breath was offensive (third day)/2.—During the proving there was shortness of breath, and a sensation of collapse of the lungs, as if all the air was expelled at each expiration, causing long and deep inspirations and a sighing expiration/3.—Dyspnoea, at 10 p.m. (second day)/lb. Chest.—Cannot fill left lung, as it produces a dull pain in upper part, relieved by pressure,65.—Stitching pain near the apex of the right lung, at 5 p.m. (fifth day),X—Soreness around the body at the waist, at 6 p.m. (fourteenth day)/3.—The severest pain in the left side, and entirely unlike any pain in the lungs that I have had/3.—Pain iu right deltoid muscle, which kept me awake during forepart of night, which was relieved only by violent motion (pain, nervous, uneasy)/7.—A slight pain in right side, in region of sixth and seventh ribs, at 7 p.m. (eighth day),50.—[580.] Severe muscular paius beneath the clavicles, extending down the inner sides of both arms, at 3.45 p.m. (fifteenth day)/4.—Slight twitches across the pec- toral muscles (after 12 grains)/.—Awoke with stitches in left breast; un- able to take a long breath ; symptoras continued all day; pains were so uncomfortable that no more medicine was taken (fourth day); pain in left side all gone (fifth day)/2. Heart and Pulse.—Heart. Dull pain in region of heart, lasting nearly au hour (after three hours)/2.—Uneasiness and distress about the heart, mostly without violent palpitation, but with a fulness and pulsation over the body, so that I counted the pulse, 72, by the ear; this uneasiness is principally at night, causing restlessness, tossing from one side to the other, with dry heat all over,43.—I took a cup of strong coffee, after which I speedily felt an indefinable change within me, and on examining the condition of the heart, I found it had become perfectly and permanently regular (five hours after 12 grains)/.—* Violent palpitation of the heart, with the nervous motions (fourteenth and fifteenth days)/3.—Violent pal- pitation of the heart, with throbbing all over the body, at midnight (first day)/3.—Woke about 2 a.m., with a rapid tumultuous action of the heart as in high fever; but there was no unusual heat (fourth day)/3.—Happen- ing to get upon the left side, my attention was, for the first time, directed to the tumultuous action of the heart, which compelled me to turn again ou the back, to escape the strange sensation (after 12 grains)/.—[570.] As the fresh bracing air strikes me, a choking sensation, with fluttering of the heart (suffered frequently from this nervous affection between the age of sixteen and twenty) overcame me, and oppressed me during the whole forenoon ; I heard and felt the fluttering of my heart in the throat, with the sensation of faintness by motion, and some relief in a recumbent sitting position, uot by lying down (Bromine50 without relief); fluttering keeps steadily on, with attacks of vertigo, towards evening, especially when changing position ; heart's action irregular, thus about its action,--------, v v v, one, two, intermission; one, two, three, intermission ; one, two, three, four; the choking sensation in pit of the throat is steadily present; some- times it seems to me as if I could hear every artery of my body beat; I 490 PHYSOSTIGMA. took a dose of Sulphur30; in about twenty minutes afterwards a severe aggravation set in ; I had to lean forward to catch my breath ; deep sigh- ing relieved me ; hot sweat stood on my forehead; my hands were cold aud damp ; this lasted about a quarter of an hour, when the spasmodic action of the cardiac ganglia gradually ceased and I had a comfortable evening (fifth day). Heart's action still irregular, and sometimes tumul- tuous ; radial pulse weak, 75, every eight to ten minutes beat intermitting (sixth day),38.—While sitting still, he felt a pulsation through the whole body, particularly in the chest; each beat of the heart was distinctly per- ceptible in the chest and temples (after thirteen hours, third day, and other times),26.—The heart and pulse extremely feeble and tumultuously irregular (forty miuutes after 12 grains)/.—Could readily count my pulse iu the carotids, and hear the two sounds of the heart as my head lay upon my pillow (second day)/8.—Pulse. Pulse accelerated (fifth day)/7.—Accel- eration of pulse (96), usually about 74 (tenth day)/4*.—Pulse of right side nearly double in strength that of the left (fifth day)/4.—Pulse 60, at night (first day) ; 84, in the morning (second day),60.—Pulse 93 (second day)/8. —Full pulse, 72 (second day)/5.—[580.] Pulse 70 (before the proviug); re- duced to 65, at times/2.—Pulse slow (after three hours and three-quarters, second day),X—The pulse has been, through the whole time, from 66 to 69; when well about 70/4.—No change in frequency of pulse till twenty minutes, when it began to diminish in frequency aud strength; afterwards could not be counted/.—Pulse slow by several beats (fourth day)/9.—Pulse 50 to 60, with feeble impulse (sixth day)/1.—Pulse small and frequent/8.— Extremely feeble pulse/4.—Feeble pulse/5.—Pulse feeble and slow/2.— [590.] Pulse variable (after one hour),36a.—Pulse variable, full, and strong (after one hour and a half )/6.—The pulse had been examined at different times within fifteen minutes and found to average 68 (before the experi- ment) ; 74 (after six minutes); 72 (after ten miuutes); 76 (after fifteen minutes) ; 75 (after twenty minutes) ; 72 (after thirty minutes) ; 69 (after thirty-five minutes) ; 66 (after forty minutes) ; 68 (after forty-five min- utes) ; 64 (after fifty minutes) ; 65, full aud regular (after fifty-five min- utes) ; 62, and rather feeble (after sixty minutes) ; 62 (after sixty-five minutes) ; 60, very small and wiry, but regular (after seventy minutes) ; 62 (after seventy-five minutes) ; 60, thready, aud difficult to count (after eighty minutes) ; 60 (after eighty-five minutes); 58 (after ninety minutes) ; 59, very feeble, with occasional intermissions (after ninety-five minutes) ; 56 (after one hundred minutes) ; 56, thready and intermittent (after one hundred and five minutes); 58 (after one hundred and ten minutes) ; 60 (after two hours) ; 59 (after two hours, five minutes) ; 60, rather fuller (after two hours, ten minutes); 58 (after two hours, twenty minutes)/.— Normal pulse, 60 to 65; at 5.30 p.m. 83, full and strong (first day) ; 74, full and strong (third day) ; 76, in the raorning, not as full or strong; at 5 p.m., variable, 76, quite weak (fifth day) ; not having taken any medi- cine for three days it returned to 60/5.—Pulse averaged 70 (before the ex- periment) ; 76 (after five miuutes); 63, thready and feeble (after one hour) ; 54 (after one hour and a half) ; between 52 and 60 for one hour longer ; 68, strong and full (after four hours)/.—Three calculations of the pulse within fifteeu miuutes gave an average of 74 per minute (before the experiment); 76 (after three miuutes) ; 70 (after five minutes) ; 72 (after ten minutes); 66 (after fifteen and twenty minutes); 68, soft and com- pressible (after thirty minutes) ; 62 (after thirty-five minutes); 64 (after forty-five minutes); 58, and very feeble (after fifty-five minutes) ; 60 (after PHYSOSTIGMA. 491 sixty-five niinutes) ; 57 (after seventy-five minutes) ; 54, soft and com- pressible, and with occasional intermissions (after eighty minutes) ; 57 (after ninety-five minutes) ; 63, rather stronger (after two hours); 58 (after two hours, ten miuutes); continued to range between 60 and 70, till three hours after the commencement of the experiment/. Neck and Rack.—Neck. Inclination to stretch out the neck, " to run the head out," from uneasy sensations iu the back of the neck (ninth day)/3.—Stiffness of right side of neck ; not able to move the head, with a feeling of drawing and tension, which lasted several days (sixth day)/7.— Stiffness of neck on left side,65.—While taking usual morning cold bath, was suddenly seized with stiffness in right side of neck, which extended during the day to the right shoulder, and also to clavicle, which felt sore, and was swollen over sterno-mastoid muscle; there was much pain frora every attempt to move, and was relieved from leaning head towards right side ; this pain continued quite acute all day, extending towards evening through right lung also ; at times the pain in neck and shoulder was so severe as to cause nausea ; considerable sharp pain also in right ear (third day). Stiffness in neck and pain in ear almost entirely disappeared, only a little soreness remained (fourth day). A little soreness still in muscles of neck (fifth day),66.—[600.] Pain in back of neck, reaching to first dorsal vertebra (after two hours and a half, second day)/2.—In the afternoon, a peculiar pain across the back of the neck, I should say at the base of the brain, as if it were cutting off the body from the head ; it went right through the neck, and seemed to go to the back part of throat, which was stiff and sore ; a feeling of loss of power and sensation in the back of head, as if the head would fall over forward, and the natural supports of the head would no longer hold it back; this was followed by pains all down the back of the neck, especially iu the most prominent bone there, and on each side of it, drawing whenever the head was turned (fifth day)/3.— Soreness and pains, as from rheumatism, in left side of neck (after four hours and a half)/6*.—Seemingly rheumatic pains iu left side of neck and shoulder of same side (second day)/6.—Rack. Back very weak ; am un- able to stand erect (continued two days), (after three days),60.—Pain in the back came on again, at 2 p.m. (sixteenth day)/3.—Dull pain in the back, with almost constant desire to urinate (third day),60.—Dull pain and down- ward pressure in the back, accompanied by the appearance of the menses (after two weeks)/7.—Chilly, creepy sensations passing up the back, at 7 p.m. (first day),X—A creeping numbness over the back of the head, and all down the spine, especially in the part between the hips; between 8 and 9 p.m. (fifth day)/3.—[610.] Stiffness and pain going all down the spine ; with these paius in the back there is an inclination to bend forward, as if hard to sit up straight (at 1 p.m., nineteenth day)/3.—Cramplike stitches up aud down the spine/5.—Dorsal. After dinner there came on a heavy pain in the back, under the left shoulder, which, after continuing severe for au hour, slowly passed away/5.—Pain under right shoulder-blade, felt while sitting, transient (deep), in the afternoon,40.—(Pain under right shoulder- blade), (old ailment), (sixth day) )/7.—Aching in region of and below right scapula/8.—Stitches uuder interior angles of scapula? during expiration/5. —Lumbar. Backache, which kept me restless all night; pain seemed to be in region of the kidney ; no position favored the pain in my back (second day)/8.—An unusual feeling, a drawing pain low in the back and abdomen, with bearing down, as if the menses were coming, although it was a week before the time ; but, after four hours, it all passed off (after 492 PHYSOSTIGMA. third powder, on the second raorning). The menses came at the right time, and without the usual unpleasant premonitory symptoms/9.—The rest of the night, after 3 a.m., I felt a dragging pain over the left hip, towards the back ; I slept, but was conscious of dull pain (first night)/7.—[620.] Dull heavy pain over the left hip, aud extending to the back ; this con- tinued through the afternoon and evening, with bearing down, strongly in- dicative of the return of the courses ; the paiu diminished gradually in the night, and I slept soundly (after three hours, secoud day),27.—Pain in the lumbar region of the back (after second day),™.—Pain in back, between the hips, and a slight feeling of numbness in the region of the worab, at 6.30 p.m. (eighth day)/3.—Soreness iu lumbar region (after four hours and a half); with dull, heavy pains (after fourteen hours and a half J ; the severe heavy pain has followed me all day (second day),X—Pain on mo- tion, in the sacral region, to the left of the spine, as if strained by lifting, with a feeling that a violent motion would produce lumbago (ninth day)/3. —Pain in left of sacrum, in the afternoon (fourth day) ; in the morning (fifth day)/1.—Contractive pain of the anterior surface of os coccygis, as if dvsentery were coming ou ; since verified (second day)/3. Extremities.—The limbs felt weary, as after great fatigue, with a constant desire to move (fourth dav),23a.—Heaviness and weakness of limbs (third day),50.—A numb or tired feeling of limbs (fifth day)/7.—[630.] A certain pleasant feeling of slight numbness in the limbs, like that which precedes the sleep caused by Opium or Morphia, which I remarked when awake for a minute, once or twice during the night (after 6 grains)/.— Bruised feelings in my joints (second day),5S.—Slight stiffness in the joints, at 9 p.m. (seventh day),™.—Pain in limbs (eleventh day)/3.—Slight pains in the limbs (seventh day)/8.—Darting pains in joints ; more in the legs than arms, extending up into the body ; pain in my knees, worse when I flex them (third day)/8.—Neuralgic stitches in muscles of knees and arms/2. Superior Extrem ities.—Shoulder. Sharp shooting pain in the left shoulder, at 7 a.m. (fourth day)/lc.—Rheumatic pain in left, shoulder, at 8 p.m. (second day)/1.—Drawing rheumatic pains through the left shoulder (after six hours)/9.—Arm. [640.] Nervous, uneasy pain in right arm (second day)/7.—Sharp pain, first in left arm, then in the right, involving the shoulders of either side/5.—A momentary constrictive pain suddenly seized the left arm, extending around, just above the elbow (after ten hours and a half)/4.—The next day felt pains in right arm (as from hitting the nerve), tingling, extending from elbow down the ulnar surface and into the third finger, repeatedly for three days/9.—Pains down the arms, with weakness of the same (sixteenth day)/3.—Tired feeling in arms, and difficulty in lifting them (fourteenth day)/3.—A dumbbell, previously used with ease, was fouud a great burden, and the arm was with difficulty extended with it (after twenty minutes)/.—Numbness in the left arm (after two days),™.—Nurabness in the left arm and down the ring finger, at 7 p.m. (sixth day)/3.—Numb feeling down the left arm (sixth day)/1.—[650.] Burning throbbing sensation in the left arm and hand, as if it had been out iu the snow or cold, with the sensation felt on coming to the fire, also a nervous, tremulous, weak feeling in the arm, at 11 a.m. (sixth day)/1.— Elbow. Sharp darting pain in the right elbow-joint, extending down the outside of the arm to the two middle fingers (third day)/3*.—Acute pain in left elbow, and darts of pain frora thence to fourth aud fifth fiugers, same side (these pains seemed to begin in left side of neck and elbow, and thence PHYSOSTIGMA. 493 extend to left leg, locating in left knee, and were constant for hours), (after seven hours and a half)/6*.—Forearm. Deep pain in muscles of right forearm and wrist came on about 8 p.m., and with it a dull aching pain at times occurred (first day). Pain moving; gnawing in inner aspect of wrist, deeply situated ; from wrist it ran up along ulnar side of forearm to elbow ; had a desire to move the arm and work it out, which did not relieve (second day)/7.—Dull numbness of the left forearm, with stitching pain passing down the arm, at 5 p.m. (fifth day)/lb.— Wrist. Aching in the joints of wrists and hands, also in the knees (after fourteen hours)/4.— Wrists feel weak ; dull aching pain in them/5.—Sharp pain iu the left wrist, at 11 a.m. ; frequent recurrence of the pain, lasting about five min- utes at a time, at 8 p.m. (eighth day)/1".—Pain in right wrist, as if squeezed and gradually let go (deep iu the bone, in the afternoon),40.—[660.] Pain in dorsum of right hand (sixth day)/7.—Hand and Fingers. Hands powerless/2.—Hands feel trembling, as if he must make an effort to keep them steady (secoud day)/2.—Numbness of the left hand, as if asleep (seventh day)/3.—Benumbed sensation in hands, very much increased by feeling of the pulse, at 11.30 a.m. (fifth day)/4.—At 3 a.m. I had ten or twelve sharp darts of pain through my right thumb, at the rootof the nail, and several weaker ones through the finger-joints of the right hand (second day)/7.—Sharp pain in forefinger of left hand (sixth day)/7.—Sen- sation of paiu iu the right knuckle, as from the sting of a bee, pain lasting about two hours, at 2 p.m. (sixth day)/1. Inferior Extremities.—Pain in lower limbs, at 9 a.m. (tenth day)/3.—A feeling as if all the power were going out of my limbs (legs), and they would give way under me, and I could not walk across the room, as if the cause of the weakness came from the spot in the back betweeu the hips, aud took away all power below that spot from the limbs, at 6.30 p.m. (eighth day)/3.—Slight twinging pain in the lower limbs (fourth day) ; particularly sharp momentary twinges in the ankle (fifth day)/8.— [670.] Lower extremities felt unusually warm/5.—A feeling of weakness, as though paralyzed, passed downward from the occiput through the back to the lower extreraities; the feeling in the legs was like that known as being asleep (after fifteen minutes, second day); same feeling in legs, but the sensation less perceptible in the back (after fifteen miuutes, third day),30. —Slight difficulty in walking (after seventy-five minutes); great difficulty (after one hundred and ten minutes)/.—Staggered and was scarcely able to walk/2.—Staggering gait/5.—Staggering ou attempting to walk/4.— Could neither stand nor walk,13.—Hip. Stiffness in the hip and knee- joints (after two days) ; continued stiffness of lower limbs (fifth day) ; slight stiffness (eighth and thirteenth days),™.—Slight stiffness in the left hip, at 7 p.m. (third day),X—Slight stiffness of the left hip and right kuee, at 9 p.m. (fifth day)/10.—[680.] Slight stiffness in the left hip, at 2 p.m. (second day) ; at 9 a.m. (third day); still continues (fourth and eighth days)/16.—Left hip and right knee quite stiff, at 6 p.m. (third day),X— Stiffness in the hip and knee joints (fourth to eighth day)/1.—Thigh. Severe cramplike pain in the left popliteal space; walking was very pain- ful ; it lasted two hours, gradually passing off; during rest the pain ceased, but commenced again on motion; but by continued motion it was relieved (one hour after second dose, seventh day)/3*.—Pain in the left thigh, and in both knees, after walking only a few steps, about noon (fourteenth day)/3.—A few thrusts with an aching sensation down the left thigh (after thirteen hours)/4.—In the afternoon, when walking, felt a stiffness in both 494 PHYSOSTIGMA. rectifemoris muscles (second day)/2.—Frequent paroxysms of muscular twitchings in the lower third of vastus externus muscles; these parox- ysms came on every time I sat down, and so continued all day (third day)/9.—Severe aching in glutei muscles, right side, neither increased nor diminished by walking (third day)/8.—Knee and Leg. (The knee was better, in the morning), (second day)/7.—[690.] A numb pain was felt in the knees and ankles, while sitting, with desire to move frequently (third day)/3*.—Pain ou the outside of knee (thirteenth day)/3.—Shooting pain under the left knee, near or in the popliteal spice, returuing again and again (after twelve hours)/*.—Going downstairs, pain uuder the patellae of both knees (fourth day)/9.—Weakness in the right knee, at 9 a.m. (third day)/16.—Ou walking, feeling of unsteadiness from knees downwards, so that he had to tread carefully, especially when eyes are shut; feels as if he must look to see where he is going. On going out in open air must take a stick to steady himself, and has a feeling of weakness about the ankles. Determined exertion of the will relieves the unsteadiness (second day)/2.— Cramps iu calf of left leg, in bed/5.—Intermittent, momentary constrictive paiu around the left leg, just above the ankle (after eleven hours and a half)/4.—Sense of weight in the legs (after two days)/1*-—A sensatiou as of a drawiug of cords behind the leg aud the knee, making it hard to walk, especially upstairs, at 6.30 p.m. (eighth day)/3.—[700.] Gnawing sensatiou in the left tibia, at 2 p.m. (second day) ; at 9 a.m. (third day) ; still continues (fourth and eighth days)/lb.—Gnawing sensation in the left tibia, at 6 p.m. (third day)/1*.—Sharp twinges in the right iustep (after half an hour)/8.—Foot and Toe. Cramp in the left foot, in the even- ing, while in a warm bath (thirteenth day)/3.—Numbness in left foot/5.— Pain iu right great toe, trausieut; ache around the toe,40. Generalities.—Only one case proved fatal, a boy of six years, who ate six of the beans and did not vomit; he lived about two hours/*.—The appearances presented were as if the nervous system Lad received a great shock, amounting to complete collapse, in the worse cases/4.—Looked sleepy, listless, and depressed, and begged to be put to bed/3.—Collapse after the vomiting/8.—[710.] Convulsions and twitchings (especially in the back) ; death in thirty minutes,20.—Trembling of legs, as if I could not walk straight, at 7.30 a.m. Seized with violent trembling all over, in the street, at 9.30 a.m. Felt for an instant as if I should lose consciousness, and could hardly get home; riding in a car for twenty minutes did not relieve the sensations; these trembling spells came on in fits, and at the least thing that startles ; at 10.30 A.m. trembling of hands, so that I could hardly sew ; this spell lasted an hour, when the soreness at the pit of the stomach came on (seventeenth day)/3.—Almost instantly felt a shuddering and trembling run down through all the nerves of the body; the sensations appeared to begin in the head and run down through the pit of the stomach, where they were strongest of all, and through the womb and all the body. The chief sensation in the head was the one in the middle of the forehead, be- tween the eyes, above and over, and in the left eye a pain, with muscse voli- tantes/3.—Very restless through the night (first night)/4.—Somewhat rest- less towards morning (first day)/4.—Very restless in bed, not feeling satis- fied in any position, at 10 p.m. (fifth day)/1.—Quite restless through the night (seveuth night)/1.—Very restless, moving from side to side, throwing the arms about the head, but no position seemed to afford relief (tenth day)/4*.—Restless (first, second, and third nights)/7.—A constant desire to change from side to side/2.—[720.] Feeling of great debility (after six PHYSOSTIGMA. 495 hours and a half, third day)/4*.—Great sense of fatigue (general), as from long-continued labor, with fulness in forehead, and tendency to ache, mostly right side, continuing through the afternoon (after five hours)/4.— Rather fatigued duriug the forenoon (second day)/8.—Sensation of general fatigue, with the headache (after four hours)/1*.—Disinclination to move (fourteenth day)/3.—General weariness of whole body ; easily exhausted upon going upstairs ; greatly exhausted after a stool (third day). Very weak, especially in groins, at 9 a.m. ; some weakness of body, and easily exhausted, at 9 p.m. (fourth day). A little weak (fifth day). Easily ex- hausted (sixth day). General weakness and tired feeling; weakness after stool; great weakness of right side (eighth day). Great weakness and stupidity; feel as if I had been out carousing the night previous (or as those feel who do go out carousing at night), (ninth day). Some weakness, at 9 a.m. ; tired feeliug, at 10 p.m. (tenth day). Easily exhausted (eleventh day). Some exhaustion on walking (twelfth day),50.—Great deal of weak- ness and torpor since taking the medicine (eighth day)/3.—A steady erect position was with difficulty retained while going through with the dumbbell exercises (after twenty minutes) ; muscular weakness still experienced (after two hours aud ten minutes)/.—For the rest of the forenoon I felt too weak to leave my bed (five hours after 12 grains)/.—Felt stupid and giddy as she walked along the street, with a sensation of a great feebleness over the whole body, rendering progression a matter of difficulty?.—[730.] Much weakness and leucorrhoea, at 4 p.m. (eighth day)/3.—Sense of weakness, ex- tending from the head downwards through the back and legs, attended in the legs by the thrilling sensation heretofore described ; slight exertion caused lameness and weakness in small of back (after three hours),30.—Dur- ing the forepart of the day (which was sultry) be had at times a feeling of weakness, though there was uncommon mental activity (second day),30.—On walking became excessively tired ; could hardly get along (fourth day)/4.— Muscular weakness on going upstairs (third day)/5.—Muscular weakness (after teu minutes)/.—I tried to raise myself on my elbow to vomit, but failed ; I made a second, more vigorous, effort, but scarcely moved ; at once it struck me, "This is not debility, but volition is inoperative;" in a third effort I was more nearly successful, and in the fourth, a resolute exercise of the will, I did succeed, but could not vomit; the abdominal muscles acted too feebly, nor were they much aided by a voluntary effort to make them act (after 12 grains)/.—Felt very languid aud dull (second day)/4.— Feeling languid, at 1 p.m. (second day)/2.—General languor (ninth day),50; (8 a.m., sixth day)/1; (9 a.m., third" day)/16.—[740.] Very marked sensa- tion of languor and indisposition to move, but by an effort of will my mus- cles were as fully under my control as before/1.—General lassitude and dizziness; had to stop reading/.—Some lassitude (third day)/5.—Her whole frame seemed lessened and powerless (secoud day),25.—Complete muscular relaxation, with continued fibrillar twitchings of the muscles,18.— Quite prostrated/4.—Very prostrate and pale (forty minutes after 12 grains)/.—Appeared to be perfectly prostrated/2.— Great prostration of muscular system; feel as if I had taken a five-mile walk (after one hour and a quarter); still have this same feeling of prostration, with some head- ache, at 12 M.; prostration not so marked, at 10 p.m. (second day); pros- tration and headache light, at 12 M. (third day)/3.—Prostrated; felt severely indisposed ; had to lie down and wanted the doors to be shut (third day)/1. —[750.] Complete relaxation of the whole body, as if every nerve were uustrung, even to the eyes, which felt as if all power to see were going out 496 PHYSOSTIGMA. of them, at 6.30 p.m. (eighth day)/3.—Great feeling of prostration, nervous, tremulous, especially felt in the left arm, at 7 p.m. (third day),X—General feeling of prostration, at 8 p.m. (fourth day)/1*.—Felt completely prostrated and obliged to lie down, at 10 a.m. ; only wanted to be let alone, be well covered with woollen blankets, shut my eyes, and doze away the tirae, at noon (third day). All I wish is to rest and sleep, if the gripes would only allow it (fourth day). As the day wore on a general prostration set in agaiu, as if my feet were too weak to hold me up; reading was tiresome, and speaking an effort; I tried to walk out, but had to give up on account of general prostration and soreness of bowels, produced by the motion (sixth day)/8.—Extreme faintness, not, hosvever, unpleasant (forty niinutes after 12 grains)/.—Faintness with the dizziness (fourteenth day)/3.—At- tacks of faintness (after a quarter of an hour)/8.—Sensation of faintness, with the trembling of the nerves at the pit of the stomach (fifth day)/3.—Great aversion to usual cold bath (third day)/8.—Very great reluctance to take my accustomed bath ; felt uucomfortable after bathiug; did not enjoy the bath (second day)/7.—[760.] Am in the habit of taking a cold sponge bath every morning, but I feel a perfect horror for cold water, and therefore omit it (fourth day)/8.—I have noticed that both days I felt the weakness have been particularly cool and bracing/3.—General sensitiveness to cold, or change of temperature, with the headache (after four hours)/4.—Exces- sively uervous; cannot endure pain; specially sensitive during the filling of a tooth (eighth day)/4.—Felt sickish (after a very few minutes)/.—Felt sick, and lay down in bed (after two hours and twenty minutes)/.—Com- plained of sickness (second day)/213.—Felt uucomfortable (secoud morn- ing)/.—On walking, uoticed some two or three times during the day, on raising my foot, a momentary feeling as though I was going up, floating- like, and on foot touching ground an unpleasant feeling that made me feel a shuddering sensation pass over me/2.—Confused feeling, dull, stupid, sluggish, at 8 a.m. (third day)/1*.—[770.] Dull and sluggish (fourth day)/16.—Dull and sluggish throughout the day (after two days),™.— Feel dull and languid (second day)/*.—Just before 6.30 p.m. I felt a sud- den access of vigor, and felt particularly strong, and the symptoras which followed seemed to come like a reaction (eighth day)/3.—Feels as if he had taken a cold (second day)/1.—Feel sore and stiff all over ; feel as if I had taken a severe cold (second day)/6.—A kiud of paralyzed feeling in the left side throughout (after fourteen hours and a half)/6*.—Intense suf- fering, producing perspiration ou forehead (tenth day)/4.—Pains, which are of a darting character, wander from one place to another (fourth day)/8. —Darting pains in various parts of the head, aggravated by motion (after eight hours and a half)/6*.—[780.] Slight momentary pains in various parts of the body, as twinging pain in the fingers of the left hand (after a few minutes)/8.—Various twinging pains about the body (after half an hour)/6.—Occasionally sharp pain in different parts of the body, head, limbs, knees, and elbows (fifth day)/3*.—The severity of the pains fright- ened her, and she declined to continue the proving/5.—(Felt the customary stitches in the left side), (after half an hour, second day)/7.—(All old ail- ments returned with renewed force), (sixth day)/7.—Nervous motions go not only down through the body, but through the arms, and it seems as if a little stronger dose would make the arms move; this time the motions were accompanied with violent palpitatiou of the heart, at 3 p.m. (four- teenth day) ; with much weakness at the pit of the stomach (fifteenth day)/3.—A strange indescribable sensation throughout the system, continu- PHYSOSTIGMA. 497 ing many days (after half an hour)/5.—For two weeks after taking the last dose had frequeut recurrence of the head, throat, hip, and knee-joint, symp- toms, growing gradually less frequent and severe/1.—All the forenoon I was engaged in packing a camphor-chest; I was in the midst of crude caraphor, which suspended the symptoms entirely for the time; but very soon afterwards, in less than an hour, they returned (fourth day)/3.— [790.] In the first action of the medicine, all the symptoras run through two days, with one exception, that of soreness in the tongue and difficulty of moving it; the medicine has begun a second round or course, which has been much longer (third day). All the symptoms are more decided, dis- tinct, and prolonged than the first time, and the medicine seems to act more searchingly than in the first round, although the dose has not been repeated (fifth day)/3.—The symptoms continued without abatement for about six- teen hours, notwithstanding several remedies had been tried; at length the fact that the pain seemed to be produced by hard pressure on the lower end of the sternura, led to the selection of Arnica30, which afforded prompt and decided relief/41.—The chief action of this medicine seems to me to be in the nerves; all the other symptoms have been entirely accessory and secondary; and it seems to me, so far as I can judge, to have a very curi- ous double action on the nervous system ; the nerves in front of the body (which I believe are the? voluntary nerves, or? nerves of raotion), it ap- pears to excite to involuntary motion, causing trembliugs, and going up and down in wavelike motion, all down through ; but the nerves in the back of the body (the? passive nerves or nerves of? sensatiou), it seems to paralyze and numb, and during this numbing process it causes a good deal of pain, very similar to a pain in a tooth when its nerve is dying or being killed/3. —The medicine seemed to act more on the left side than on the other/3.— I think the medicine hinders voluntary motion as well as causes involun- tary motion/3.—Better in warm room, from not moving/5.—Walking seeraed to relieve the pains, but I had not strength to continue any length of time (second day)/8.—Worse from motion, better in the open air (after two hours and a half)/6*.—State very like the effects of an overdose of Aconite (after 12 grains)/.—Symptoms wore off gradually in two or three days (after six days)/6. Skin.—[800.] Eruption upon the back about the size of fieabites; the same petechial eruption on the arms (fourth day)/8.—Fever blisters iu and around left nostril (seventh day)/7.—Applied to the skin it benumbs, and causes a pricking all over the spot/.—Itching of the left palm (fourth day),X Sleep.—Sleepiness. Yawning (second day)/8.—Continual yawning, with a drowsy feeling all day (secoud day),60.—For three or four days I felt irrepressible drowsiuess, especially from early morning till 2 p.m. ; this continued for a week. The drowsiness was diminishing (after two weeks)/7. —In the worst cases there was great drowsiness, while others complained of giddiness/4.—Became drowsy, aud slept for two hours, but the mind was so active all the while that I was not conscious of having been asleep (two hours after 12 grains)/. —Drowsy at 11.30 a.m.; lay down aud slept in afternoon (which I am not accustomed to); dreamt my head was full, and as if brain was revolving upwards from frontal sinus to occiput, and that I was almost blind (fifth day) ; drowsy, at 9 a.m. (sixth day)/7.— [810.] Sleepy (second day)/1.—Irresistible desire to sleep; soporific sleep, ex treraely distressing, with the headache (second day); felt drowsiness and desire to sleep all the forenoon, even while driving; after dinner the drow- vol. vn.—32 4d8 PHYSOSTIGMA. siness, instead of passing off by exercise, increased, and for two hours he slept soundly, without dreams, in an uncomfortable position ; he could arouse himself only with great effort; the sleepiness continued for an hour, even while walking in clear, cool air and bright sunlight; slept well all night (this is never the case after having even a short nap iu the after- noon), (third day). He awoke at 6 a.m., and felt bright for two hours, when he became sleepy again while driving, with dull pressure encircling the head; after a light dinner, sleepiness became irresistible, and he slept some time; went to bed early and slept well (third day); drowsiness all the day, until after two hours' work in the garden, causing profuse perspira- tion, which expelled the drowsiness in part (fourth day); felt it slightly (fifth day)/6.—Felt sleepiness while riding, for two mornings; after dinner he felt great drowsiness, which was very difficult to shake off; his desire for sleep was uncontrollable ; he would fall asleep so quickly that he was surprised on waking up that he had slept; a few hours of hard exercise would remove the drowsiness ; he slept just as well at night as if he had not slept in the afternoon/6b.—Such sleepiness that the attempt to keep awake produced nausea, with the headache/6.—Intense sleepiness, which I thought came from the medicine (sixth day)/3.—I am not usually a heavy sleeper, but was intensely sleepy in the morning; almost impossible to get myself up, as if drugged (sixteenth day)/3.—I went to bed an hour and a half earlier than usual; was so sleepy I could not keep my eyes open ; slept till after daylight, an hour later than I usually do (first night),X— Very sleepy at 3 p.m., hardly able to keep awake, till finally relieved by sleep (after five hours, third day)/2.—Heavy sleep ; feel tired before rising ; profound sleep; does not see why he should sleep so soundly/5.—(Slept better than for six months before (first night) ; slept very soundly (second night); slept unusually well (third night); curative? C. W.)/1.—[820.] During the proving I awoke every morning to hear the clock strike 2, and generally fell asleep after 5/3. — Sleeplessness and Dreams. Sleeplessness before midnight; disturbed sleep after (second night)/8.—(In the evening I was not drowsy as usual, but wakeful), (first day)/8.—Falling asleep frequently, but always awoke suddenly, without relief; the following night scarcely closed the eyes in sleep; thoughts very active; an idea started, kept on with unusual persistence (tenth day)/**.—Sleep rather rest- less (first night) ; slept restless the whole night (sixth night)/8.—Sleep dis- turbed ; wide awake about 2 a.m., and remained awake till about 5, then a very deep, short sleep of about an hour; on awaking a very disagreeable feeling, as though I had slept too sound, with pain on right side of head and right side of neck,02.—Conscious of having remained awake for some time iu a dreamy state (first night),5.—Vivid, pleasant dreams/5.—He dreamed that he was a lion/4.—Sleep was disturbed by lascivious drearas, and by emissions early in the morning/4.—[830.] Horrid dreams all night (fourth day)/5. Fever.—Chilliness. Very cold/4.—Chills in paroxysms (second day)/5.—Felt chilly, in the evening (first day)/1.—The heat of the bed was agreeable, as I could not throw off the sensation of chilliness which fol- lowed me the whole day (third day)/8.—Chilly creeps passing up the back, with the slight nausea, at 2 p.m. (fifth day),X—Chilly sensation in my back, soon commenced to yawn and have bad feelings, a sort of bruised feeliug in my joints ; every draft of air seemed to make me shudder; every time I moved the same bad feeling would come upon me (second day)/8.—Chilly on the right side of the back, at noon (second day),60.—My limbs become PHYSOSTIGMA. 499 chilly, with a vague feeling of discomfort; but warmth to the feet relieved this, and a sinapism over the whole abdomen was peculiarly grateful when it began to act (after 12 grains)/.—Feverish, with chilly creeps up the back (fourth day)/1*.—[840.] Hands are cold, then hot and red/5.—Feel cold all the time (after nine hours and a quarter)/6.—Cold and clammy skin,14. —Heat. Slight chills and fever, with the violent frontal headache, at 8 p.m. (third day) ; with hot and dry skin, at 10 a.m.; symptoms constantly growing worse, at noon (fourth day),71*.—Temperature about 100° (second day),58.—Feverish, at 2 p.m. (third day),71*.—Dry heat all over, with the uneasiness and distress about the heart/3.—Much heat in head and face, with heavy headache and pain in eyes, at 2 p.m. (tenth day)/3.—Head hot and throbbing in temples, at 2 p.m. (third day)/1*.—Forehead hot and feverish, at 2 p.m. (fifth day),X—[850.] Face hot, flushed, and suffused, together with a feeling as if a change into a lower temperature would pro- duce chill, continuing through the afternoon (after five hours)/*.—Sensa- tion of heat in face and down the back, as when the sun shines directly upon you on a cold day, while lower extremities were rather chilly, in the evening (second day)/6.—Hot cheeks (after seven hours and a half second day)/'.—Dry heat iu the hands (first night)/3.—Paroxysms of buruing in palms of hands (third day)/1.—Sweat. Profuse sweat on the least exer- tion (after three hours and three-quarters, second day),X—Perspire very easily,65.—Perspiration over the whole body, on waking in the morning, brought on by any excitement during the day (second day)/9.—Cold sweat in drops over the whole body, after the vomiting,18.—A little perspiration, with the head symptoms (after sixty-five miuutes); copious perspiration all over the body (after seventy-five minutes)/.—[860.] Strong-smelling sweat around the genitals; prepuce tender and swollen, with some eruption on the glans penis, which was easily excited, with a burning-itching sensation (these all disappeared in about forty-eight hours), (fourth day)/8.—Slight perspiration over the body, with the headache (second day)/*.—Skin moist, at 8 p.m. (fourth day),X Conditions.—Aggravation. — (Toward morning), Very restless.— (Morning), Early, symptoms/1; exhilarated; headache, with epistaxis; constriction around top of head ; 9 a.m., paiu in forehead ; before rising, dull headache in forehead; on awaking, dull frontal headache; early, lat- eral headache ; eye symptoms, with buruing of the balls ; 7 a.m., on rising, darting pains in both eyes ; mydriasis; itching of left nostril, with moisture; tired look; teeth felt rough; ou waking, taste in mouth like creosote ; bad taste; on waking, nausea; pain in region of liver; 4 a.m., on rising, sore- ness in left side of abdomen ; uneasiness in bowels; 4 a.m., griping pain in bowels; 7.30 a.m., before stool, pain in abdomen; offensive breath; pain in left of sacrum ; 7 a.m., shooting pain in left shoulder; 7.30 a.m., trem- bling of the hands; 8 a.m., confused feeling; early, till 2 p.m., drowsiness; while riding, drowsiness; sleepiness; early, sleep disturbed by lascivious drearas; on waking, perspiration over whole body.—(Forenoon), 8 a.m., dull heavy feeling in head ; 8 and 10 a.m., dull headache; 8 a.m., heavy headache; congestive headache; while walking, pain in head, with dizzi- ness; 10.15 a.m., headache in left frontal region; 10 a.m., heavy frontal headache; 11 a.m., while in church, aching in temporal region; shooting pains through right side of head; 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., drawing-twisting sen- sation in eyes ; eyes bloodshot and burning ; 11 A.M. to 8 p.m., partial deaf- ness ; 9.30 a.m., pricking sensation in stomach; sharp pains in stomach; 10.30 a.m., soreness at pit of storaach ; 9.50 a.m., pain in left hypochon- drium, thigh, and forearm; 10.25 a.m., pain in region of liver; 10 a.m., 500 PHYSOSTIGMA. griping pain in transverse colon ; 8.10 a.m., diarrhoeic stool, with burning at the anus; secretion of urine, with difficult retention; erections, without sexual desire; in fresh bracing air, choking sensation, with fluttering of the heart; 11 a.m., burning-throbbing sensation in left arm and hand ; pain in left wrist; 11.30 a.m., uumbed sensation in hands; 9 a.m., pain in lower limbs; weakness in right knee; gnawing sensation in left tibia; 9.30 a.m., trembling all over; 10.30 a.m., trembling of the hands ; 9 and 11.30 a.m., drowsy; 10 A.m., dry, hot skin.—(Toward noon), Gloomy.—(Noon), Nau- sea in throat; chilly on right side of back; all symptoms.—(Afternoon), 4.30 p.m., vertigo and nausea; 1 p.m., on moving, dizziness; till 10 p.m., pain in head; headache; 5 p.m., headache; 2 p.m., headache and pain in eyes ; 1 p.m., pain in forehead ; 4 p.m., on motion, exercise, or mental exer- tion, frontal headache ; pain over right eye ; 3 p.m., aching pain over left eye; 2 p.m., headache over right eye; 4 to 10 p.m., headache, with qualm- ishness ; 1 p.m., headache over left eye; 2 p.m., dull frontal headache; 5 and 8 p.m., weight over eyes ; 4 p.m., pain through temples, with throbbing of the arteries of the side of the neck; numbness of the temples and crawl- ing sensation over the head ; 1 p.m., headache in temporal region, with sleepiness; 2 p.m., eyes dull and heavy; 3 p.m., drawing-twisting sensation in eyes; 4 p.m., twitching of upper lids; 3 p.m., shooting pain in left ear; 2 and 8 p.m., sensation as if nose were going to bleed ; itching of left nos- tril, with dryness; 4 p.m., tongue sore on tip and rough ; 6 p.m., collection of mucus in throat; 2 p.m., soreness iu throat; 4 to 10 p.m., throat sore, studded with ulcers; 3 p.m., when swallowing, pain extending from throat to left ear; thirsty; 4 p.m., eructations ; 5 to 8 p.m., hiccough ; 3 p.m., sense of emptiness and weakness in stomach; 6 p.m., soreness in the umbilicus; 3 p.m., looseness in bowels; pain in abdomen; 4.30 p.m., cutting pain in abdomen ; 5.50 p.m., bowels feel uneasy ; 6 p.m., pain in groin ; 2 p.m., pain extending from left hip into groin ; 3 p.m., sensation of fulness and disten- sion of the bladder; urine high-colored and smelling strong ; 4 p.m., leucor- rhcea and weakness; 6 p.m., dry cough ; 5 p.m., sticking pain in apex of right lung; 6 p.m., soreness around the body, at the waist; 3.45 p.m., pains beneath clavicle; pain at base of brain ; 2 p.m., pain in back; 1 p.m., stiff- ness and pain down spine; while sitting, pain under right shoulder-blade; 6.30 p.m., pain in back, between hips ; pain in left of sacrum ; 5 p.m., numb- ness of left forearm, with pain; pain in right wrist; 2 p.m., pain in right knuckles ; 6.30 p.m., weakness of legs ; 6 p.m., left hip and right knee stiff; when walking, stiffness in both rectifemoris muscles; 6.30 p.m., sensation as of a drawing of cords behind leg and knee; 2 and 6 p.m., gnawing sen- sation in left tibia ; sense of fatigue ; 4 p.m., weakness and leucorrhcea; 1 p.m., languid feeling; just before 6.30 p.m., suddeu access of vigor ; nervous motions through body, with palpitation of the heart; 3 p.m., sleepy ; 2 p.m., chilly creepings up back, with nausea ; feverish ; heat in head ; faee hot and flushed.—-(Toward evening), Headache.—(Evening), 7 p.m., all symp- toms/071; in passing people, dizziness; 7 p.m., head feels stupefied ; head- ache ; 7 and 8 p.m., headache ; 8 p.m., frontal headache ; dull frontal head- ache ; 6 p.m., drawing sensation in eyes; eyes sore and painful when moved; 6^- to 10 p.m., pain in right eyeball; 10 to 12 p.m., pain in right supra- orbital ridge; 7 p.m., on studying, darting pain in left eye and superciliary ridge; pain and stitches of ball of right eye; 7 p.m., twisted sensation in right eyeball; 8 p.m., twisted sensation in the eyeballs ; uncomfortable sen- sation in right ear; 6.45 p.m., sharp shooting pain in right ear; 7 p.m., buzzing aud ringing in right ear; hammering in right ear; external ear PHYSOSTIGMA. 501 felt as though hot air were blowing on it; 9 p.m., partial deafness in right ear; itching of left nostril, with moisture; 8 p.m., twitching of the mouth and eyebrows, etc.; 9 p.m., roof of mouth feels as if covered with patches of loose skin, and has a yellowish appearance; metallic taste in mouth; swallowing of saliva painful; throat sore ; tonsils and soft palate inflamed ; 7 and 8 p.m., throat sore ; 10 p.m., throat dry; when swallowing, constricted feeling of throat; 9 p.m., scrapy burning sensation in throat; desire for cold water; 7 p.m., empty eructations; 8.30 p.m., hiccough ; 9 to 11 p.m., hic- cough ; 10 p.m., nausea; rumbling in bowels; 8.40 to 11 p.m., rumbling and gurgling, with heat, iu abdomen ; 8.30 p.m., rattling in abdomeu ; col- icky pains low down in abdomen ; 8 p.m., pain in groin, with swelling; 7 p.m., pain in groin ; profuse urine, highly colored and strong-smelling; 10 p.m., dyspnoea ; 7 p.m., pain in right side ; chilly creeping sensation passing up back ; 8 and 9 p.m., numbness over back of head and down spine; 8 p.m., pain in left shoulder; 7 p.m., numbness in left arm and ring fiuger; 8 p.m., pain in muscles of right forearm; 8 p.m., pain in left wrist; while in warm room, cramp in left foot; 10 p.m., restless in bed; chilly; 8 p.m., chills, with frontal headache ; heat in face and back ; 8 p.m., skin moist.— (Night), Dizziness; constriction around top of head; 3 a.m., pressive head- ache ; aching of eyelids and inner canthus of right eye; after lying down, singing; 2 a.m., awakened by pressive pain in epigastrium; on awaking, hiccough; pain in region of arch of colon; pain in right deltoid muscle; uneasiness and distress about heart; woke with rapid tumultuous action of the heart; after 3 a.m., dragging pain over left hip; dart of pain through right thumb ; restless sleep; horrid drearas.—(Before midnight), Sleepless- ness.—(Midnight), Palpitation of the heart, with throbbing over the body. —(After midnight), Disturbed sleep.—(Going into open air), Headache.—: (Mental activity), Symptoms.—(Bending forward or throwing shoulders for- ward), Headache.—(Closing lids), Sensation as if they were too tight.— (Cold or change of temperature), Sensitiveness, with headache.—(After din- ner), On goiug out of doors, pain in stomach ; heavy pain in back, under left shoulder ; sound sleep ; great drowsiness.—(After drinking new milk), Headache.—( While driving), Sleepiness, with dull pressure encircling head. —(Exercise), Symptoms,50.—(Exertion), Profuse sweat.—(During expira- tion), Stitches under interior angle of scapula.—(Feeling of pulse), Beuumbed sensation in hands.—(Flexing knees), Pain in part.—(On going up and down stairs), Stumbling.—(Going upstairs), Exhaustion ; muscular weak- ness.—(Going downstairs), Pain in patellae of both knees.—(When looking at an object), Bright marks.—(On lying down), Nausea.—(Lying down), Headache.—(Lying on back), Griping in abdomen in right iliac region.— (Lying on left side), Pain in right iliac region.—(Making heavy or misstep), Pain in head.—(Motion), Heavy feeling in head and pains through tem- ples ; pain in head ; pain in frontal and temporal regions; darting pain in temporal region; griping pain iu upper abdomen; pain in sacral region; all symptoms.—(After micturating), Pain in the urethra.—(Noise), Lateral headache.—(Pressure), Epigastric region sore.—(Reading), Pain iu poste- rior part of orbit.—(When reading), Dark-yellow spots on book.—(While riding in carriage), Lateral headache.—(Riding), Soreness in left side of abdomen.—(Before rising), Tired feeling. — (Rising up), Shooting pain through right side of head.—(Rising from sitting position), Pain and flush- ing of the face.—(Sitting down), Paroxysms of muscular twitchings in vastus externus muscle.—( While sitting), Still, pulsation felt through whole body; pulse very painful; numb pain iu kuees and ankles.—(Sound of organ), 502 PHYSOSTIGMA—PHYTOLACCA. Headache in temporal region ; nausea.—(Standing erect), Pain in bowels.— (Before stool), Griping pains.—(Before and after stool), Tenesmus.—(After stool), Exhaustion.—( With stool), Burning at the anus.—( While at supper), Epistaxis, right side, with headache.—( When swallowing), Soreness of throat; throat painful.—( While taking morning cold bath), Stiffness iu right side of neck.—(Travelling in cars), Headache, sleepiness, etc.—(learning head), Headache.—(After vomiting), Cold sweat over whole body.—(On waking), Headache; stitches in left breast; from midday nap, brain felt confused. —( Walking), Dizziness; headache; shooting pains through right side of head; vision hazy or misty; piles painful; ou raising foot, floating-like feeling; on foot touching ground,shuddering sensation ; unsteadiness from knees downwards ; pain in left thigh and both knees ; stupid giddy feeling, with sensation of feebleness; became very tired.—( Walking downstairs), Dizziness and dimness of vision.—( Walking in open air), Headache.— ( While writing), Pain in right ear. Amelioration.—(Morning), Headache.—(Evening), 10 p.m., pain in head.—(Open air), All symptoms. — (Open air and while lying down), Symptoms/1.—(Mental application), Headache.—(Close attention to a ser- mon), Headache.—(Closing eyes), Symptoms,50.—(While in midst of crude camphor), All symptoms.—(Eating), Lateral headache ; pain in right iliac region.—(Hard exercise), Drowsiness.—(Exertion of will), Unsteadiness from knees downwards.—(Going out), Symptoms/9.—(Leaning head toward right side), Pain in clavicle.—(Lying on right side), Gripings in bowels.—(Motion out of doors), Pain in forehead and eyes.—(Moving about), Pain in eyes.— (Violent motion), Pain in right deltoid muscle.—(Continued motion), Pain in left popliteal space.—(Outdoors and walking), Symptoms/5.—(Pressure), Pain in right iliac region ; pain in upper part of lung.—(Pressing on eyes), Paiu in right eyeball; pain in eyes.—(Keeping quiet), Symptoms,50.—(On retiring), Hiccough.—(After rising), Headache.—(Sitting up in bed), Pain in top and forepart of head.—(Sleep), Hiccough.—(In warm room), All symptoms.—(Walking), Pains; in open air, pain in right iliac region. PHYTOLACCA. Phytolacca decandra, L. Natural order, Phytolaccacese. Common names, Poke, Garget-weed. Preparation, Tincture of the root. Authorities. 1, Schultz, Inaug. Thesis, effects of large quantities of the root (from Bigelow, Med. Botany) ; 2, Bigelow, Am. Med. Bot., effects of large doses ; 3, same, effects of scruple doses in Dr. Geo. Hayward; 4, Jahr's New Manual, by Hem pel, symptoms, from Trans. Am. Inst, of Horn., vol. ii (original not to be had); 5, Dr. S. Rosa, Am. Mag., 1, p. 329, 1851, effects in two young women of taking about 3 ounces of an infusion of 4 to 5 ounces of root in cold water; 6, Flumiani, Journ. de Chim. Med., 1858, p. 458, effects of eating the stems, in three boys; 7, Dr. Donnelly, effects of powdering the root, from Griffith's Med. Bot. (Hale's New Remedies, 2d ed.); 8, Burt, provings with Phytolacca and " Phytolaccin," Hale's New Remedies, 2d ed.; 9, Dr. C. H. Lee, Hale's New Remedies, effects of eat- ing a lot of the berries, in a boy; 10, Paine, "Concentrated Medicines, 1865" (eclectic), from Hale, effects of 1 to H-grain doses in healthy per- sons ; 11, H. Barton Fellows, from Hale, proving with small doses (1 to 1^ PHYTOLACCA. 503 drops) of tincture ; 11a, same, 12 pellets 2d dec. dil., first day, 15 pellets, fourth day; 11 b, same, 8 drops of 2d dec. dil.; 12, Dr. Marshall, proving with the tincture, repeated doses for four days of 10 drops to 4 drachras, frora Hale ; 13, J. Lester Keep, effects of inhaling the powder of the root while grinding it, frora Hale; 14, Dr.----, proving, from Hale, effects of fumes from slicing the green root; 15, Griggs, from Hale, effects of 2 or 3 drachras of tincture iu a boy six years old ; 16, Warren, Trans. Hom. Med. Soc. of St. of N. York, 1865, eff'ects of chewing and swallowing small bits (3 or 4 grains) of the fresh root; 17, Bahrenburg, Western Hom. Obs., 3, 126, 1866, effects of eating a small piece of the root; 18, Cooley, Trans. Hom. Med. Soc. of State of N. Y., 1870, proving with 5 grains, 4 p.m., first day, 10 grains, 8 a.m.,third day; 19,Gilman, Med. Invest, 1871, p. 19, effects on a family of eating the fresh root grated with horseradish ; 20, Ravvl- ings Young, American Practitioner, 9, 380, three children ate the root at 11.30 a.m., and at 12 ate a hearty dinner; 21, Grasrauck, Ohio Med. aud Surg. Rep., 8, 289, a woman suffering from a slight pain in the right hip took, three times a day, a small swallow of an infusion of 3 ounces of P. in a pint of whisky; 21 a, same, effects of smaller doses of same in a man; 22, C. H. Lee, Bib. Horn., 1874, p. 182, effect on a child of eating the ber- ries; 23, W. S. Searle (MSS. to editor of this work), effects of eating grated root (by mistake for horseradish), in a man about sixty years old ; 24, same, in another, aged twenty-one ; 25, omitted ; 26, Williamson, Trans. Penu. State Hom. Med., Soc, 1871, p. 179, effects of chewing and swallow- ing small pieces of the fresh root; 27, Whipple, Eclectic Med. Journ., 35, p. 560, a woman suffering from inflammation of right breast took of a so- lution of 10 drops of tincture in 3 ounces of water, a teaspoonful, and in an hour a tablespooful ; 28, Libby (MSS. to editor), effects of eating the root for a trivial complaint; 29, Craig, Richmond and Louisville Med. J., 1869, p. 237, a man aged twenty-nine ate half a root six iuches long. 3Iind.—Feeling of iutoxication and weakness on rising and walking about (second day)/6.—Increased cheerfulness of the miud/.—The miud has been gloomy since I began taking it, and more than usually irritable (fourth day) ; more cheerful (fifth day)/1.— Great loss of personal delicacy; there appeared to be a total disregard of all surrounding objects, and no dis- position to adjust their persons under any circumstances?.—*Sense of entire indifference to life, and disgust for the business of the day, on waking, early iu the morning/.—Indisposition to mental exertion, with the heavy aching feeling in the head and vertigo (after three hours and a half, fourth day)/1*.—The patients in a half stupor all the time, and would fall asleep immediately after a paroxysm of cramping had passed/9. Head.— Vertigo. Alarming vertigo, with nausea (after half an hour)/.—* Vertigo?31620; (after one hour and a half)/9.—[10.] Vertigo, with dimness of vision/.—Dulness, giddiness, and vertigo/.—I have some- times observed slight narcotic symptoms during the operation of Phyto- lacca, particularly vertigo/.—Transient giddiness/.—He never noticed any dizziness or stupor from it, although he had always been particular in his inquiries to know if any such symptoms took place/.—Slight dizziness, with the heat in the head (after three hours, third day)/8.—General Head. Head thrown backward to its utmost extent/.—Dulness of the head/I9.—Dulness in the head, with the general disturbed feeling in the stom- ach (after half an hour)/6.—Dull feeling in the head/.—[20.] Heaviness in the head, and especially in the temples/.—About 11 a.m., a feeling of heaviness or weight in the head, and vertigo began ; the heavy feeling extended down 504 PHYTOLACCA. through the shoulders and chest, and later in the day through the legs (third day)/1*.—Some heaviness of the head, accompanied by a feeling on the back part of the tongue as if burut, soon/16.—A heavy aching feeling in the head, with vertigo and indisposition to mental exertion (after three hours and a half, fourth day),X—* Headache, with sickness at the stomach?9. —Headache (after one hour and a half)/9; (after third dose, second day); slight all day (third day)/2.—During the forenoon I had a severe head- ache, which began soon after breakfast; a part of the time the whole head ached ; a part of the time the pain was in the temples, and was accompanied by a slight vertigo, and a part of the time the pain was most marked in or confined to the occiput; walking or riding increased the pain, but walk- ing the most (fourth day)/1.—Headache, with sickness of the stomach, from walking/.—Headache/ 7.—Pain through the whole head of a dull character (after three hours and three-quarters)/6.—[30.] Pains throughout the head, aching/.—The pain in head is increased by looking down and by stooping/. —Moving, transitory pains in various parts of the head, almost constantly, generally iu one side at a time, but more frequently and most severe on right side?.—No pains in head until leucorrhcea commenced, then had pain through both temples/7.—*Sore pain over the head, worse on the right side aud iu damp weather, as if an attack of sick headache were approaching/. —* Sensation of soreness in the interior of the head?9.—* Sensation of soreness in the interior of the head, deep in the brain?.—Pressure in the head, as if it would burst, at 3 p.m. (second day)/8.—Many of the symptoms, especially those about the head and throat, are better after breakfast, while the heat aud many of the abdominal symptoms are worse, in the afternoon/.— Forehead. Dulness, with sensation of weight in the forehead/.—[40.] Dull pain in the forehead/.—Dull, steady, aching pain, principally in the forehead/.—Dull, heavy headache in the forehead, a constant symptom ; sharp, shooting pains in right temple/.—Heavy aching pain about the forehead, after dinner/.—* Dull, pressing pain in the forehead, accompanied by slight nausea, with cool perspiration on the forehead and feeling of weakness (after one hour and a quarter) ; the nausea and headache were somewhat relieved by eating supper, but soon returned/6.—Headache, commencing in the frontal region and extending backward?3.—Pain in the region of time and mirthfulness, on the right side/.—Pain in the forehead and temples very severe, with a feeling of lassitude (first night)/.—The pains in the head are chiefly in the forehead, and worse after dinner/.—* One-sided pain just above the eyebrows, with sickness of the stomach?.—[50.] Slight pain in the forepart of the head, with increased sense of hearing/.—Slight pain in the tuberosities of the forehead/.—Slight fulness of forehead, with con- stant gaping/.—Pressure in the forehead, after dinner, most in the glabella/. —Pressure ou forehead and upper parts of both eyes, painful/.—Slight pres- sure across the forehead, with gaping/.—Slight constriction across the fore- head/.—Temple. Severe pain in the temples (after four hours)/8.—Pain in the temples, with pressure outward (after three hours, third day)/8.— Pain in the temples and forehead, at 7 a.m. (second day),18.—[60.] Pain in the left temple, followed by buruing in the skin, in the left region of time/. —Drawing pain in the right temple/.—Pain and pressure in the temples (after two hours)/8.—Pressure on the temples and constrictive feeling at the prsecordia, like the feeling that precedes sea-sickness/.—Pressure in the temples/.—Pressure in the temples and over the eyes/.— Vertex. Heaviness at the top of the head (soon after fifth dose)/2.—Pain in the top of the head, and a sensation as if the brain were bruised, when stepping PHYTOLACCA. 505 from a high step to the ground/.—* Pressure in the top of the head, with dryness, lasting an hour (fifteen minutes after second dose, second day)/2.— Headache in the vertex, beginning while riding, at 5 p.m. ; motion in- creased the pain and caused vertigo; pain lasted until I went to sleep at night (after five hours and a half ),X— Pari rials, [70.] Throbbing headache on right side/8.—Oeciput. Pain in the back of the head (after five hours)/5.—Dull, bruised pain in the occiput (after two hours and a quarter)/6.—Pain in the left region of combativeness/. Eye.—Eyes deeply sunk in their orbits (after a few hours)/7.—Eyes sunk deep in their sockets and surrounded by a livid circle (after one hour and a half)/9.—Eyes became much inflamed, and tears flowed continually (after three hours)/4.—The eyes ached and were subjectively sore (second day)/4. —Sensation of twitching about the eyes/4.—Shooting pain from the left eye to the top of the head, which passes off and returns at short intervals/.— [80.] Shooting from the left eye to the top of the head/.—Pressure iu the eyes/.—Some painful pressure on the upper part of both eyes and fore- head/.— * Sandy feeling in the eyes?.—Smarting in the left eye/.—Sensa- tion in the eyes like that caused by horseradish/.—Feeling in the eyes and nose as if a cold would come on/.—Burning and smarting sensa- tion in the left eye, with great flow of tears/.—*The prominent feel- ing in the eyes is that of smarting?.—The symptoms of the eyes and eye- lids are worse in the morning, but the vision is worse in the evening/. —[90.] During oue of the provings the symptoms of the eyes became so severe that Sulphur was taken as an antidote, and all the subsequent symptoras appeared on the left side/.—When enumerating the symptoms of the eyes only, we find the left one most frequently mentioned/.—Orbit. Aching pain along the lower half of the right orbit/.—Pressure around the eyes, in the afternoon, as if the eyes were too large/.—Pressure over the eyes/.—Lids. Eyelids agglutinated and cedematous, as if poisoned (sec- ond morning) ; this state continued two days/4.—Agglutination of the eyelids, during the night/.—Reddish-blue swelling of the eyelids, worse on the left side and in the morniug; cannot close the eyes without paiu all the forenoon, better in the afternoon/.—Soreness on closing the eyelids/. —Lids feel as if granulated, and the tarsal edges have a scalded, hot feeling, as if raw (fourth day); granulated, sandy sensation in the lids, with same sensation upon the edges (fifth day)/4.—[100.] The lids felt as if coals of fire were laid upon them/4.—Sensation as if a grain of sand were lodged under the left eyelid, causing a secretion and flow of tears from that eye/. —Smarting in the internal canthi of both eyes, but worse in the left one, and very much aggravated by gaslight, in the eveniug/.—Itching at in- ternal canthi of the eyes, very severe, which causing the application of the finger to rub the eye, the ball became very painful from the slightest pres- sure/.—Lachrymal Apparatus. Eyes and nose ran freely, like water, for two hours, and stopped shortly before vomiting stopped/7.—Flow of tears all the time frora the eyes, relieved in the open air/.— Pupil. Great dilatation of pupils (after five hours),20.—Pupils dilated/8; (after one hour and a half)/9.— Vision. Long-sightedness/.—Dizziness of vision now began to be manifest (after four hours and a quarter) ; impairment of vision increasing (after five hours)/6.—[110.] Diplopia ; not only two, but four and five reduplications of an object were apparent; the objects, whether double, triple, or otherwise, were in the same horizontal plane (first day); the diplopia grew worse, in the evening, and again three or four re- duplications were visible (second day); the same eye symptoms, with 506 PHYTOLACCA. evening exacerbation (third day); diplopia, with twitching (fourth day); only when suddenly raising the eyes to look at a higher object (fifth day)/4. —Obscurity of vision/2.—Dimness of vision/9; (after one hour and a half),29.—Aversion to light/8.—Photophobia, in the morning/. _ Ear.—Pain in both ears, worse in the right one/.—Shooting pain in the right ear, very quick/.—A sensation of obstruction in the left Eusta- chian tube, with a rushing sound in the ear of the same side, and a feeliug as if the hearing were dull, while at the sarae time it is sensitive to the most minute sounds/.—Irritation in one of the Eustachian tubes/.—In- creased sense of hearing, with pain in the forehead/.—[120.] Increased sense of hearing; the right is most affected/. Nose.— Pustule in the nostril (fifth day)/4.—Flow of mucus from one ■nostril, while the other is stopped/.—Discharge of mucus from one nostril at a time, sometimes one and sometimes the other/.—Coryza/.—Severe coryza (after three hours, third day; after four hours, fourth day)/8.— Fluent coryza, for two days (after two days)/4.—All the effects of a severe coryza/.—Total obstruction of the nose when riding, so that one is forced to breathe altogether through the mouth, and cannot relieve himself by blowing the nose/.—Stoppage of the right nostril/.—[130.] During the night one nostril was stopped up (second day)/1*.—Sensation in nostril is smarting aud stinging, at9 a.m. ; have ridden in open carriage three hours; sensation in throat almost entirely gone, at 1 p.m. ; have been in a warm room about two hours and find symptom returning, but less violent, at 5 p.m. (second day)/6.—Sensation in the right nostril as if tickled with a stiff feather (after three hours and a quarter)/6.—He felt first a burning sensation in the nose, then dryness in the throat, which soon produced spre- ness; then, watery discharge from the nostrils, which increased until the nose became " stuffed," 13.—*Drawing sensation about the root of the nose?.— Drawing sensation above the root of the nose/.—*Feeling in the nose and eyes as if a cold would come on?. Face.—Sickly-looking countenance; sclerotica and face of a dark- yellow color (second day)/6.—Expression as though suffering from cholera/. —Countenance pale and hippocratic/.—[140.] Paleness of the face, which looked sunken, blue, and suffering/9.—* Paleness of the face?.—Face very red, almost purple, alternately very pale/8.—Face flushed/7.—Suffering intensely with pains in the joints, and bones of the face and head ; her sufferings were such that she had notslept for many nights; the pains pro- ceeded from the " nodes," especially on the frontal bone, and resembled very much those of periostitis/1. — Pain in the superior maxillary and teeth, at 11 a.m. (secoud day),18.—Pain in the superior maxillary (after three hours, third day)/8.—Jaws ached awfully the whole time; seemed as though could not open or stir them/7. JSIouth.—Teeth. Teeth all ache, are very sore, and feel elongated/.— Shooting pains in the molar teeth of the upper and lower jaws of the right side/. — [150.] Irresistible inclination to bite the teeth together/.— Tongue. Tongue coated white/22.—A white coating made its appear- ance on the tongue the third day; it still continues (sixth day)/2.—Tongue coated yellow, and dry (after three hours, third day)/8.—Tongue swollen and yellow/4.—* Tongue feels rough, with blisters on both sides, and a very red tip; great pain in the root of the tongue when swallowing,8.—Tongue aud lips dry/8.—* Great pain in root of tongue, fauces, etc.?.—A feeling on the back part of the tongue as if burnt accompanied the heaviness of the head,X—Slight feeling of smarting and coldness towards the tip of the PHYTOLACCA. 507 tongue/.—General Mouth. [160.] Great congestion and swelling of the soft palate and tonsils; the right tonsil is half as large again as the left; both are of a very dark red/.—Swelling of the soft palate/.—Small ulcers on the inside of the right cheek, like those caused by Mercury/.— Tenderness aud heat iu the roof of the mouth and on the tongue/.—Dry- ness of the palate, in the morning/.—Saliva. Profuse secretion of saliva each day/2.—Profuse secretion of saliva, in the morning (second day)/2.— Constant flow from mouth, throat, and salivary glands of a thick, ropy, tenacious secretion (after two hours and a quarter)/6.—^Secretion of saliva increased?3.—Mouth fills with water/.—[170.] Flow of saliva into the mouth/.—The saliva is yellowish and has a metallic taste/.—Cold, sticky, stringy saliva/4.—No saliva,27.—Taste. Metallic taste in the mouth (fourth and fifth days)/2 8.—Taste like nuts, in the mouth/.—Taste, bitter at first, but leaving a slight feeling of smarting and coldness towards the tip of the tongue/. Throat.—^Redness and soreness of the throat (after third dose, second day)/2.—* Sore throat and swelling of the soft palate, in the morning, with a thick white and yellow mucus about the fauces, after the removal of which the throat feels better, and still better after breakfast/.—*Soreness of the throat, and a feeling when swallowing saliva as if a lump had formed there; the same sensation is felt on turning the head to the left side?.—[180.] *Throat sore; the isthmus congested and of a dark-red color; dryness of the throat, with some swelling of the tonsils/2.—*Throat felt sore, fauces congested and of a dark color; dryness of the throat; the tonsils were a little swollen,9.—^Sensation of rawness and scraping in the throat and ton- sits, as if something had lodged at the root of the tongue (second day)/6.— * Feeling of rawness and excoriation in the throat (after three hours and three- quarters)/6.—* Roughness and rawness of the throat?.—Feeling in the throat as though it was burned (after four hours)/8.—Pain and suffocation in the throat, fauces, and lungs (after three hours, third day)/8.—Pain and suffo- cating feeling in the throat and lungs (after two hours)/8.—While riding, in the forenoon, a sensation of a plug in the throat, not relieved by hawk- ing; this sensatiou was replaced by an increased discharge of mucus from the posterior nares, which was detached with difficulty, and which continually excited a disposition to attempt to expel it (fourth day)/1*.—Seusation of a lump in the throat/.—[190.] Sensation as of a lump in the throat, that causes a constant inclination to swallow ; sensation as if an apple-core had lodged in the throat/.—*A sensation of the throat being so full that it felt choked ; hawking to rid the throat and posterior nares of mucus; the raising of the mucus succeeded the feeling in the throat; a sensation of fulness and as if something had lodged on the left side of the throat came on after bending the head forward iu writing, and was aggravated by turning the head to the left/16.—* Pressing pain in the right side of the throat?.—*The throat feels very dry and sore, especially on swallowing, in the afternoon/.— * Throat very dry, rough, and sore, with a feeling of a lump therein,19.— * Dryness of the throat, which soon, produced soreness?3.—* Dryness, soreness, roughness, and redness in the throat, all the time (fourth day)/2.—* Great dryness of the throat?8.—Dryness in the throat, on going to bed/.—Dryness in the throat, worse in the morning/.—[200.] Felt the medicine all the way from the throat down into and through the abdomen/7.—Tonsils. * Tonsils and palate congested, and of a dark-purple color?.—* Tonsils sore and somewhat swollen, in the morning (second day),12.—* Tonsils red and swollen (after third dose, second day)/2.—Fauces. Eruption iu the fauces 508 PHYTOLACCA. and oesophagus (after three months)/1.—* General soreness of the posterior fauces, and apparent, extension of the irritation into one of the Eustachian tubes?.—* The fauces experienced an uneasy sensation of dryness, which pro- voked a hacking and dry cough (after twenty minutes)/.—Slight fulness in the fauces (first day); sensation of fulness in the fauces and upper part of the larynx, and a sensation as of a lid there, which lasted until afternoon (soon, second day) ; the same feeling of fulness that was previously noted, with a disposition to hawk up mucus from the throat, though none could be raised (third day)/1.—Feeling as if a ball of red-hot iron had lodged in the fauces and whole length of the oesophagus, when swallowing; the pain was so great that I could eat nothing but fluid for two days; constant choking sensation/.—^Smarting in the fauces (after a few minutes)/1*.— [210.] Dryness of the fauces, most in the morning/.—Sensation of dryness of a spot in the fauces on the left side, in the morning, continuing until after breakfast/.—Pharynx. Roughuess in the pharynx (constantly)/. —Roughness in the pharynx/.—Unpleasant sensation of dryness in the pharynx, towards morning, which makes him cough/.—Sensation in the pharynx like that caused by eating choke-pears/.—*Dry sensation in the upper part of the pharynx, disposition to hawk and clear the throat, without affording relief (after three hours and a quarter) ; dryness of the pharynx and hawking still continues; have raised several small pieces of tough, sticky mucus, at 9 a.m. ; have ridden in open carriage three hours ; sensa- tion in throat almost entirely gone, at 1 p.m. ; have been in a warm room about two hours, and find symptoras returning, but less violeut, at 5 p.m. (second day)/6.—Swallowing. *Difficulty of swallowing, which became so severe that he was unable to swallow even water; every attempt to swallow was attended with excruciating shooting pains through both ears,13.— * Could not swallow because the throat felt so dry and rough?8.—Fxtemal Throat. A very peculiar pressure and tension in the parotids/ 8. Stomach. — Appetite. [220.] Raging appetite/. — Hungry soon after eating/.—Canine hunger/.—The usual appetite remains, notwith- standing the nausea of the stomach/.—Diminished appetite/.—Little or no appetite for several days/7.—Loss of appetite/.—Thirst. Intense thirst (after one hour and a half)/; (after five hours),20.—Thirst, towards morning, with the feverishness/7.—Considerable thirst (first night)/7.— Fruetations. [230.] Continued eructation of gases while vomiting/7. —Eructatious of sour fluid/.—Eructation of flatus/.—Eructations, with spitting of water/.—Eructations of air/.—Eructations/.—Regurgitation of food through the evening and until I went to sleep,X—Hiccough. Hiccough, with great inclination to vomit, but no nausea/.—Nausea and Vomiting. Effects first felt on awaking from an after-dinner nap ; nausea, which passed off and recurred in ten minutes, again passed off and recurred, was first felt after two hours/3.—Nausea, with the vertigo, immediately followed by violent retching and vomiting, ejecting the con- tents of the stomach, which consisted of the ingesta (after half an hour); vomiting now continued at intervals of from one to five minutes, ejecting a transparent mucus, slightly tinged with yellow/.—[240.] Nausea, on being awoke out of sleep, in the night/.—Sickness of the stomach accom- panying the headache/.—Feeling of sickness, as if he would vomit/.— Sickly feeling in the stomach/9.—Nausea, with a very faint feeling/.— Nausea, with severe pain in the umbilical region/.—Nausea (after one hour)/.—Nausea, with the heat in the head (after three hours, third day)/8.— Slight nausea, with the dull pressing pain in forehead (after one hour and PHYTOLACCA. 509 a quarter) ; somewhat relieved by eating, but soon returning with increased severity; commenced to vomit ingesta; vomited violently at intervals of ten or fifteen minutes; nausea relieved, and pain in forehead increased by vomitiug (after two hours and a quarter); vomited au acrid substance, which caused a feeling of scraping and excoriation in the throat (after three hours); continued acrid vomiting; took a glass of warm water to prevent the empty retching which was becoming very painful (after three hours and three-quarters) ; drank another glass of warm water, and vom- ited again in ten minutes (after four hours and a quarter) ; drank a cup of strong coffee, which the stomach rejected in fifteen minutes (after four hours and three-quarters)/6.—Slight nausea most of the time (second day)/8.— [250.] Slight nausea, with profuse vomitiug, without much pain attending it, but a good deal of distress in the stomach/.—Nausea and violent vomit- ing, the ingesta of a dark-red color/.—Nausea aud vomiting, the ingesta of a dark-red color/2.—Nausea, followed soon by vomiting and purging, continuing for about six hours (after two hours)/4.—Deathly sickness all the time; position made no difference about sickness/7.—Violent vomiting/. —Vomiting severely and frequently (after half an hour)/9.— Violent vom- iting of clotted blood and slime, with retching, intense pain, and desire for death to relieve?9.—Seized so suddenly with violent cramps and vomiting that they had no time to get to bed, but lay upon the floor, unable even to call for assistance (after half an hour)/9.—Free vomiting at intervals of twenty or thirty minutes (after one hour and a half); continued to vomit until 6 a.m. (second day),20.—[260.] In about two hours after the second dose he complained of feeling sick at his stomach, aud in a few rainutes raore violent vomiting began, first of food, then of greenish matter, finally of a dark black matter, mixed with clear blood; it required great effort to vomit; this symptom continued nearly all night, but was somewhat relieved in the morning, and at 2 p.m. had ceased/8.—Soon after, all who had eaten of it began to vomit; the matter ejected was first the aliment and a dark bilious substance, which came away with as little effort as vomiting in Asiatic cholera; the vomiting and purging continued all the afternoon, but the vomiting ceased after taking black coffee; the emesis took place every fifteen or twenty minutes/7.—In one case there was no vomiting, but most profound prostration/.—Repeated vomiting in two cases (after one hour)/.—Vomiting, with but little distress in the stomach/.—The vomiting was without effort and easy, no taste, but bitter/7.—A scruple was admin- istered by him in nearly thirty cases, in all of which, except in one case, it operated as an emetic, usually three or four times thoroughly, though not severely, generally commencing its operation on the stomach in an hour, and rarely continuing longer than four. He fouud it to excite little or no nausea previous to its operation, and though it made a powerful impression on the system, it never produced any disagreeable or uuusual symptoms/. —Ten grains of the powder will rarely remain on the stomach, and twenty or thirty produce a powerful operation by emesis, and generally by cathar- sis. In its mode of operation this medicine has some peculiarities, a part of which are favorable, others disadvantageous. Its advantages are, that it operates with ease and seldom occasions pain or cramp. Its disadvan- tages are : 1. That it is slow in its effects, frequently not beginning to oper- ate until an hour, and sometimes two hours, after it is taken. 2. That it continues to operate for a greater length of time than is usual for emetics, although, as far as I have been able to observe, it is readily checked by an opiate. These disadvantages, however, are not constant; I have repeatedly 510 PHYTOLACCA. known it commence operating in fifteen minutes, and cease after four or five ejections. The representations of patients as to any unpleasant feelings under its effects are not greater than we should naturally expect, when it is recollected that no emetic is altogether comfortable in its operation/.— The substances vomited appeared dark-brownish in color at first, afterwards light-yellow,24.—Soon commenced vomiting, first the contents of stomach, and afterwards a bitter watery mess, which continued almost incessantly from 9.30 p.m. until 5 A.M./7.—[270.] During the third attack of nausea, colic and purging began ; the paiu was not severe, and had no special characteristic; he vomited and purged ten or twelve times with so little discomfort, that he calls it the best evacuant that he ever took/3.—Stom- ach. Tenderness to the touch of the pit of the stomach/.—Epigastric ten- derness (second day)/0.—Feeling of weakuess at the stomach, which caused frequent yawning, that was attended by a stitching pain through the part/16. —Great oppression of the epigastric region, with a sensation of weight (after one hour and a half)/.—Burning pain in epigastric region (after one hour and a half),29.—Great distress in the stomach and bowels/.—In great agony; complained of his stomach, where he felt constrictive gripings/2.—In great agony ; he complained of his stomach, saying that it was pinched together/. —General disturbed feeling iu the stomach, with dulness in the head, in- creasing for an hour (after half au hour) ; felt better immediately on going into the open air; sat down to tea; unpleasant feeling in the head and stomach returned; could eat nothing; head and stomach symptoms have nearly all disappeared (after three hours and a quarter)/6.—[280.] When completely aroused from their narcotism, they complained of intense epi- gastric pain, great thirst, and chilliness (after five hours),20.—Severe pain in the stomach, on pressure, causing him to cry out/.—Pain in the stomach (after five hours)/5.—While riding, I had a simple aching pain in the re- gion of the pylorus, which gradually worked up into the chest on the same side (after one hour and a half, third day)/1.—With the stools much pain in the stomach, upon pressure, which made him cry/2.—Pain in the region of the pylorus/.—Pains in the cardiac portion of the stomach, aggravated by a full inspiration and by walking/.—The pain at the pit of the stomach felt like a pain resulting from traumatic injury/.—Bruised and sore feeling at the pit of stomach, with pain in the same place (second day)/6.—Intense burning pain in the stomach and bowels, which seemed swollen, and became very sore (after two hours, and again at 9.30 p.m., third day)/4.—[290.] A burning sensation in the stomach, with tenderness of the bowels, and a peculiar heat in the rectum, which is soon followed by tenesmus aud mu- cous aud bloody discharges,10.—Violent pressure in the stomach, on waking, in the morning, with accumulation of water in the mouth ; disappears after rising/.—Cutting in the pit of the stomach and in the abdomen/.—Cutting- tearing strainiug pains in the stomach, followed by soreness to pressure/9. —Heat in the stomach, after taking the drug (third day)/2.—The symp- toms of the stomach, throat, and mouth are worse in the morning/. Abdomen.—Hypochondria. Heavy aching pain in hypochon- drium, which left as soon as leucorrhcea commenced/7.—Digging pain in the right hypochondrium, in the upper and outer portion of the liver, pre- venting motion ; first felt at 2 p.m., then every morning before daylight, some soreness remaining through the afternoon and evening/.—Cannot lie on the right side, after midnight, on account of penetrating pain in the right hypochondrium/.—Violent dull pressing pain in the left hypochon- drium, in the evening, so that he cannot remain in the sitting posture; he lies on the painful side all night, and the pain is gone the next morning/. PHYTOLACCA. 511 —[300.] Recurrence of pain in abdomen, in evening (this pain finally lo- cated itself in the splenic region), (fourth day)/4.—Pain in the left hypo- chondriac region, when walking/.—The diarrhcea appears to be kept up by the increased action of the liver and consequent redundancy of bile, with but little tormina and tenesmus/.— Umbilical. Constant dull pain in the umbilical region, worse by motion/.—Great distress in the umbilical and hypogastric regions/.—Burning distress in the umbilical region/.— Burning-griping pains in the umbilical region/.—Burning-griping pains in the region of the umbilicus/2.—Violent cramping paiu about the umbilicus, soon followed by a copious discharge from the bowels/.—Boring pain to the left aud a little above the umbilicus, continuing but a few minutes/.— [310.] Severe colicky pains in the umbilical region/.—A pain which com- menced at the scrobiculus became intolerable/.—Pain in the umbilical re- giou, with desire for stool/.—General Abdomen. Frequent passage of wind downwards/.—Wind passes the bowels constantly, of a very fetid nature/.—Flatus was abundant/4.—Emission of flatus relieves the pain in the bowels/.—Rumbling noise in the bowels/.—Rumbling in the bowels, sometimes with desire for stool/.—Great rumbling in the bowels, with pain in the umbilical region/.—[320.] Bowels very tender on pressure, and pain severely when walking/.—Very weak, especially in the abdomen (second day)/7.—Considerable griping pains and cramp in the abdomen, with the purging, in the afternoon (first day)/7.—Gripiug pain in abdoraen, as before a diarrhoea/9.—Griping in bowels (after one hour and a half)/9.—Griping pains, without diarrhoea/.—Gripiug all day long, followed by the passage of offensive flatus; the griping disappears in the night/.—Griping pain, as before a diarrhoea/.—Sensation in the bowels as if a diarrhoea would fol- low/.—Bowels felt like moving, but did not/7.—[330.] Cutting in the abdomen/.—Some of the abdominal symptoms disappear in the uight/.— Pain in the region of the transverse colon, at 7 a.m. (second day)/8.—Deep- seated but not severe pain in the left iliac region/.—Neuralgic pain in the left groin/. Rectum and Anns.—If continued it produces permanent haemor- rhoids,10.—Peculiar heat in the rectum, with the burning sensation in the stomach,10.—In the middle of the night, neuralgic paiu shooting from the anus and the lower part of the rectum along the perineum, to the middle of the penis, followed in a few minutes by a neuralgic pain in the right great toe/.—Continual inclination to go to stool, with much straining,19.— Continual inclination to go to stool/. Stool.—[340.] Violent purging/.—Purging, severely and frequently (after half an hour)/9-—Severe purging after the vomiting ; the stools were thin, dark-brown/.—Diarrhoea, with sickly feeling in the bowels ; copious discharges of blood, mucus, and what looked like scrapings of the inner sur- face of the intestines; involuntary stools, frora straining, which continued even in sleep/9.—Purging all the afternoon, with considerable griping pains and cramps in the abdomen ; in the night the passages were without pain ; the diarrhcea continued several days/7.—Diarrhoea, which lasted three mornings, after the other symptoms had passed off; the dejectious were very abundant, and did not cease until they became almost watery ; they came on at 1 or 2 a.m., and lasted until after breakfast/4.—At the same time the vomiting began diarrhoea set in, with fearful tenesmus ; could not leave stool for a moment; the pain did not cease for au instant; the stool was at first yellow, then of" greenish matter, finally dark bloody matter, this continued all night, and in the morning was somewhat relieved, 512 PHYTOLACCA. and at 2 p.m. had ceased/8.—Diarrhcea, attended with a sickly feeling in the bowels, but no tormina or tenesmus/.—Purging (after one hour and a half); had ceased (fifth hour),20.—Purging/.—[350.] Purging continued for about six hours (after two hours)/4.—Copious discharge of bile from the bowels/.—Copious discharge from the bowels, soou after a violent cramping pain about the umbilicus/.—If continued, it sometimes produces dysentery,10.—Had usual full and satisfactory stool, at 9.30 a.m. ; had another full stool, unusual, at 2.30 p.m. ; another natural stool, very un- usual, at 7 p.m. (second day)/6.—(The bowels, which have been more than usually loose for the past six weeks, have been more regular since I began taking the medicine (fourth day) ; more constipated), (fifth day)/1.—Three stools duriug the day, the first one is hard and preceded by griping, and the others with pains moving about in the abdomen/.—After the vomiting had ceased, there were a number of liquid, dark-brown stools, with much paiu in the stomach upon pressure, which made him cry/2.—Mushy stool/. —Stools during the first days light-yellow, loose, and very loud/4.—[360.] Mucous aud bloody discharges and tenesmus soon follow the heat in the rectum,10.—Stool soft and mushy, with undigested food in it, sometimes with straining/.—Stool of mucus, with straining/.—Stool soft and mushy/. —Soft papescent stool, followed by a very faint feeling/.—Dark, papes- cent stools, with undigested food in them/.—Dark lumpy stool/.—Hard stools/. Urinary Organs.—Weakness, pain, and soreuess in the region of the kidneys/9.—Weakness, dull pain, and soreness in the regiou of the kidneys, most on the right side, and connected with heat/.—[370.] Un- easiness down the ureters/.—Strainiugto pass water/9.—Copious nocturnal urination/.—Neither emesis nor catharsis took place until the latter was prompted by the use of castor oil/5.—Retention of urine, for ten hours/0.— Slight suppression of urine with the pain in the loins (after three hours, third day)/8.—The uriuary secretion was at first diminished, afterwards increased ; the urine remained acid and became decidedly albuminous; the specific gravity became greatly iucreased ; the bottle used to measure the urine became completely covered with a white deposit about oue-sixteenth of an inch thick/.—Urine double iu quantity and clear as water, the last two days (fourth day)/2.—A chalklike sediment in the urine/. Sexual Organs.—Sharp pain running up each spermatic cord (one hour after second dose, third day)/2.—[380.] Hard grinding pain shootiug up both spermatic cords, in the morning (fourth and fifth days)/2.—Con- tinual soreness of the spermatic cords, instead of the paroxysmal pains ex- perienced on the preceding days (sixth day)/2.—A gurgling sensation in the prostate gland, repeatedly in the afternoon/.—The woman was in her seventh month of pregnancy, and came near having a miscarriage ; bear- ing-down pains; involuntary straining, and haemorrhage per vagina; pains like labor-pains; could feel the uterus contract under my hand, the uterine pains continued at intervals, the second day/9.—Towards morning a leucor- rhcea commenced, which was profuse, ropy, and not irritating/7.—Sensation as though the courses would appear, all the time/7. Respiratory Organs,—Larynx and Trachea. Sensation of roughness in the bronchia/.—Tickling in the left side of the larynx, with hacking cough, and aching in the right side of the breast, and great dry- ness of the throat/.—* Dryness of the larynx (one hour after fourth dose)/2. —Dryness in the trachea, in the moruing (second and third days)/2.— [390.] Feeling of dryness in lower part of the trachea and large bronchus PHYTOLACCA. 513 (after third dose, second day),12.—Sensation as if the trachea were strongly grasped; evening, grew worse (after fourth dose)/2.— Voice. * Hoarseness (after one hour and a half)/.—At tiraes there is hoarseness, but this is not continual (fourth day)/2.—Cough and Expectoration. Dry cough (second and third days) ; with but little expectoration (fourth and fifth days)/2.—Dry bronchial cough, with the sensation of roughness and slight increase of heat in the trachea and bronchi/.—Cough, towards morning, from dryness in the pharynx/.—Hacking cough/.—With the increase of the secretion of bile, there is a dry irritative cough, aud almost constantly recurriug transitory pains in different parts of the head/.—Cough, with expectoration of a tough mucus (after two hours)/8.—[400.] Almost con- stant expectoration of a tough mucus (after four hours),18.—Respira- tion. Shortness of breath/.—Inspiration short and sighing,20.—Difficult breathing; inability to breathe through the nostril/3.—Feeling as though I were breathing through an open sponge (after four hours)/8.—Continual moaning and gasping for breath/.—Sighing, slow respiration/.—Breathing shallow (after one hour and a half),29. Chest,—Pain and suffocation in the lungs, throat, and fauces (after three hours, third day)/8.—Paiu in the lungs, at 7 a.m. (second day),18.— [410.] Severe paiu in the right lung (after four hours)/8.—Paiu in the left lung (after three hours, third day)/8.—Pain in the chest with the restless- ness (first night)/8.—Tenderness of the muscles of the chest, as if they were bruised/.—Pain in the right side of the chest, so bad after midnight as to prevent sleep; aggravated by lying on the right side; disappears after getting up, in the morning/.—Pain in the right side of the chest, about the region of the nipple, passing through to the back, felt on taking a long breath, and on bending the shoulder backwards; better in the after- noon/.—Aching pain in the right side of the breast/.—In the night I awoke with a lameness in the left side, near the cardiac region, with much nervous restlessness ; could not get to sleep again for a long while; the lameness was felt whenever I moved, but more particularly during expira- tion (fourth night). (These pains through the chest appeared occasionally for some months after I took the last dose)/1.—Some lameness in the left side of the chest and shoulder (fifth day)/1.—(Swelling of breast began to leave at once, and almost entirely disappeared, leaving only a small bunch in site of old cicatrix)/7.—[420.] The symptoms of the chest are worse after miduight, better iu the afternoon, and most of them on the right side/. Heart and Pulse.—Constrictive feeling at the praecordia, with pressure in the temples/.—Great pain in praecordial region, very much worse by walking/.—Occasional shocks of pain in the region of the heart, and as soon as the pain in the heart ceases, a similar pain appears in the right arm/.—Could feel the heart beat very distinctly/8.—Pulse rapid/8.— Pulse rapid and very feeble (after five hours),20.—Pulse 80 (before the proving); 84 (after third dose, second day, and remained so during the proving)/2.—Pulse 110, full but soft, at 3 p.m. (second day)/8.—Pulse over 100/3.—[430.] Pulse hard aud full, at 7 a.m. (second day)/8.—Tense, strong, full pulse, of about 100 per minute, after he had just ceased to purge/3.—Pulse very low, towards evening (after a few hours)/7.—Pulse slow and feeble (after one hour and a half)/9.—Pulse small, depressed (after one hour and a half)/.—Pulse small and threadlike, irregular, aud with much agitation in the chest, especially about the region of the heart/. Neck and Rack.—Hardness of the gland on the right side of the vol. vn.—33 514 PHYTOLACCA. neck/8.—^Stiffness in the right side of the neck, worse in bed, after mid- night/8.—*JSleck has felt stiff for several nights (seventeenth day)/4.—Awoke in the morning, with stiffness about the neck (second day)/2.—[440.] * The back is very stiff, every morning?.—Towards evening, while riding, a laming pain began in the left side of the back, below the shoulder-blade ; at 9.30 p.m., the pain had reached the region of the spine, and was of a pricking, stitching character (fourth day),11.—Severe pain behind the scapulae, when walking/.—Intense griping pain in small of back/9.—Pain in the back of the neck, running down the spinal column, at 11 a.m. (second day)/8.— Pain in the loins, with slight suppression of urine (after three hours, third day),18.—Pain in the left lumbar region, followed immediately by severe itching/8.—* Constant, dull, heavy pain in the lumbar and sacral regions, aggravated by motion/.—*Pains shooting from sacrum down both hips (out- side) to feet. This was kept up all the time/7. Extremities.—Intense cramps of the extremities; they would gather the muscles iuto great knots, hard and ridged, coming on suddenly, con- tinuing a few moments, and then in a moment they would be flaccid and sore,19.—[450.] Rheumatic symptoms in all the joints, at 3 p.m. (second day)/8.—Sudden translation of internal pains to the extremities/.—The pains in the extremities are always iu the outer portion of the limbs/. Superior Extremities.—Shoulder. Both shoulder-blades ached all the time/7.—Left shoulder ached for some time, about noon (fourth day)/1.—Paiu throughout the muscles of the left shoulder/.—For several days pain in right shoulder-joint, only felt ou sudden motion (seventeenth day)/4.—A lasting paiu in the left shoulder-blade, as if from a blow/ 8.— Dull aching pain and tenesmus along the top of the right shoulder, along the superior edge of the trapezius muscle, increased by pressing upon the part and by contracting the muscle/.—Sensation of weight and pressure on both shoulder-blades, as after carrying a heavy load/.—[460.] Sensa- tion of weight and pressure on both shoulder-blades/9.—Sensation of weight and pressure ou both shoulder-blades, as after carrying a heavy load/.— An occasional sensation as if a small piece of cold iron were pressed on the painful shoulder-blade/8.—Severe rheumatism in the left shoulder,21*.— Arm. Arms ache/.—Spasmodic jerkings of the arms and legs/.—Arms were almost paralyzed ; no strength in them ; could not lift the babe/7.—• Weakness aud aching in the bone of the right arm above the elbow, ag- gravated by motion aud extension/.—Dull aching paiu and excessive ten- derness, as if from a bruise, in the muscles of the outside of the right upper arm, most severe for about two inches above the elbow, felt particularly when the part is pressed upon and touched, and when extending the arm/. — Pain appears in the right arm after a similar pain ceases in the heart/. —[470.] Pain at the humeral insertion of the left deltoid muscle/.—Slight drawing pains in the right upper arm/.—Tenderness in the outside of the left arm just above the elbow, when pressing upon it, and when extending the arm/.—Twitching and fluttering of the muscles of the right upper arm, while it is resting on a table/.—Forearm. The forearms ached after going to bed ; the pain seemed to be in the bones, and was uninfluenced by position (first day)/1'.—Rheumatic drawing in the right forearm/.—Rheu- matic drawing iu the left forearm along the ulna, and the same sensation in the right leg/.—Hand and Fingers. Spasmodic jerkings of the hands and legs,22.—Rheumatic pains iu the hands and feet, sometimes in the arms and legs/.—Drawing pain in the right hand, now and then, by shocks upwards to the elbow/.—[480.] Rheumatic pains, first in the left PHYTOLACCA. 515 hand, and afterwards in the right one/.—Neuralgic pains in the palm of the right hand/.—Rheumatic feeling in the little finger of the right hand, very annoying when writing/.—Occasional frequent suddeu pricking in the points of the fingers, as if from electric sparks/.—Lancinating pain in the little and ring fingers of the right hand,4—Violent shooting pain in the fleshy part of the left thumb, lasting about half a minute/.—Shooting, like needles, in the end of the left thumb/.—Shooting in the finger-joints, sometimes in one haud and sometimes in the other/.—Ends of the fingers all throb and ache, as if they were going to suppurate (this symptom lasted three days),8. Inferior Extremities.—-Weakness of lower extremities; could walk with difficulty/.—[490.] Lower extremities very weak; could not stand up/7.—Heaviness in the lower extreraities, as if they were asleep, in the afternoon/.—The symptoms of the lower extremities are worse in the afternoon/.—Severe cramps in lower extremities (after one hour and a half),29.—Thigh. * Neuralgia pain on the outer side of the left thigh?.— Neuralgic pain in the external part of the left thigh/.—* Neuralgic pain in the external part of the right thigh?.—*Sciatica?.—Knee. Heaviness in the knee-joints, tired frora a little walk/.—Pains in the knees and arms, with the restlessness (first night),18.—[500.] Rheumatic pain iu the right knee, in the afternoon, increasing in the open air, and especially on a damp day/.—Rheumatic feeliug in the left knee, with the sensation of shortening of the tendons behind the knee, when walking/.— Leg. Legs ache and feel very stiff about the knees, aggravated by walking/.—Rheumatic pains below the knees and in the arms/.—Rheumatic drawing in the right leg and in the left forearm along the ulna/.—Severe pains through both ankles and feet,27.—A stinging paiu in the left instep, relieved by pressure (second day)/1"-—Foot and Toes. A striking pain in the ball of the left foot, which lasted about half an hour (after three hours, fourth day),X—Paius at a spot on the ball of the right foot, which had been frostbitten years before, and in a corn never painful before/.—Pain on dorsum of right foot, at four o'clock in the morning/.—[510.] Neuralgic pain in the right big toe, in the middle of the night/. Generalities.—Extremities stiff; hands firmly shut; feet extended and toes flexed; eyes bleared and dancing; pupils contracted; lower lids drawn down ; teeth clenched ; lips everted and firm ; muscular rigidity was general and opisthotonos established; the circulation numbered 85 beats per minute; pulse soft and unresisting; respiration difficult and op- pressed; mucous rale, distinct and audible anywhere in the room; the contraction of the masseters precluded the idea of addressing remedies by mouth, and the amount of mucus in the bronchia? that of administering amesthetics (after one hour); during the next hour he had increased mus- cular rigidity generally, with convulsive action of the muscles of the face and neck (the chin drawn closely down to the sternum), which condition would last five or ten minutes, to be succeeded by partial relaxation, and return iu twenty minutes more with the same violence/0.—Great desire for cold water, to be bathed in it; could scarcely keep him from dashing water over himself/8.—In some instauces convulsions/.—The secretion of tears, saliva, bile, urine, and the menses is increased/.—Faintness; felt as if he would fall, and grasped objects for support (after two hours)/*.—Faintness (soon),29.—Extreme faintness/.—Felt very weak (second day)/8.—Began to feel general weakness and discomfort (after three hours)/*.—[520.] Great prostration accompanying the vomiting and purging; much debility/. 516 PHYTOLACCA. —Feeling of weakness, with the dull pressing pain in forehead (after one hour and a quarter)/6.—* Weakness (after oue hour)/.—Prostration of strength/7.—Greatly prostrated, and could speak only in a whisper (after one hour and a half)/9.—Seemed strong until she tried to get up, then was not able to stand, was obliged to be raised up at last to vomit; was left very weak and prostrated, which passed off gradually/7.—Feeling a lassi- tude and indisposition to move (second day)/6.—In the evening a feeling of general lassitude has existed since 12 o'clock (fourth day)/1*.—Feeling of lassitude, with the headache (first night)/8.—Dread of movement/9.— [530.] Toward evening we were confined to our beds, and the whole family were alarmed, thinking we would die (after a few hours)/7.—Great mus- cular debility and lassitude, with desire to lie down (after three hours) ; muscular weakness increasing (after three hours and three-quarters); de- bility and trembling on motion increased (after five hours),16.—*Sore and somewhat stiffened (second day)/5.—*Feel sore all over, from head to foot, at 7 a.m. (second day)/8.—*Feeling of soreness in the muscles (third day)/9.— Throbbing sensation throughout the whole system,28.—The pains shoot in- wards and upwards/.—The pains are sometimes followed by itching and burning/.—Tiansitory pains/.—The pains all partake of the nature of neuralgia; they are pressing and shooting, sometimes sore, drawing, and aching; the pains are all made worse by motion and by pressure/.—[540.] Sticking-stinging pains in various parts, but always in the extremities, and from without inwards, and near the surface (after four days)/1*.—We find the symptoms predominating in the right side of the head and neck, the right upper extremity, the right side of the chest, and the right lower ex- tremity/.—When a pain occurred it came with its full force at once, and so continued till it ceased, and then was followed by drowsiness and stupor, aud even full sleep/9.—Many of the symptoms are attended with heat/.— All the symptoms took place in from twenty to thirty rainutes after nausea was first felt,0.—In the above extract there are forty symptoms located on the right side, and thirty-one on the left. In several instances the symp- toras appeared on the left side first, and either passed over to the right, or the next symptom occurred on the right side/.—All the symptoms worse on motion and in the open air, except the headache, which was relieved in the open air (after three hours and three-quarters)/6.—All the symptoms, ex- cept the pain in the bowels, somewhat aggravated, at 11 a.m. ; most of the symptoms begin to subside at 10 p.m. (second day)/8.—All symptoms re- lieved while lying down, except the scraping and excoriation of the throat, and the expectoration of tenacious saliva (after five hours)/6.—All the symptoms relieved by eating, especially those in the throat (second day)/6. —[550.] The pain was less when in the open air/4. Skill.—Surface shrunken and of a leaden color/.—She was covered from the crown of the head to the soles of her feet with an eruption the like of which I never beheld ; it began on the scalp and spread downwards to the very toe-nails; it consisted of erythematous blotches of irregular shape, slightly elevated, of a pale-red or piuk color, very sore and painful, itch- ing slightly only on desquamation but too sore to allow any scratching for relief, and terminating in a dark-red or purple spot, takiug about thirty days for each to pass through its various stages of eruption and desquama- tion, and about the same length of time to advance from the head to the feet, so that the eruptiou could be seen at one tirae in all its stages of de- velopment; there was no accompanying fever, no swelling. After Merc, sol., 3d. x trit., which relieved the sleeplessness, and finally also the pains, the PHYTOLACCA. 517 eruption grew worse rather than better, and even invaded the conjunctiva and mucous membrane of the nose and mouth; and now, after a lapse of three months, it is in the fauces and oesophagus, having entirely disap- peared from the external surface/1.—Eruption on the upper lip, left side/. —Eruption of spots on the chest of the size of lentils, elevated, with great itch- ing/.—Pustule behind the right ear/.—A small boil behind the right ear/. —A painful boil on the left side of the neck/.—Suppuration of a tumor behind the right ear, with a discharge of matter and blood/8.—Suppura- tion of painless tumors/.—[560.] Drawing in cicatrices/.—Ou the third day after taking the medicine an itching commenced on his hands and feet, and spread over the entire body ; four hours after this began a rash showed itself, following the same course that the itching did ; with this the itching started with renewed force,and became so severe that he could hardly con- tain himself; the more he scratched the worse the itching grew ; skin hot and dry; it seemed as if he would burn up; great desire to pour cold water on himself, which would relieve him for a few moments, but was al- ways worse afterwards; he could not lie in bed, as the heat of the bed was more than he could bear, it aggravated the itching so badly ; his skin was very red, aud if he exercised, so as to feel the ieast warm, little vesicles could be discerned under the cuticle,28.—Itching on the left leg, on the calf, which afterwards appeared also on the right leg, and was accompanied in the latter part of the time with a lichen-looking eruption; the itching lasted two or three weeks, and was always worse in the first part of the night, often hindering me from falling asleep until midnight/16. Sleep.—Sleepiness. Yawning/.—Frequent gaping in the daytime/. —Drowsiness/.—Sleepiness/; (after one hour and a half)/9—We all passed a restless night (first night)/7.—Sleeplessness. Restless through the night, with pains in the knees, arms, and chest (first night)/8.—Sleep rest- less and disturbed, during the first half of the night, by scraping and tick- ling in the throat, which occasioned a frequeut disposition to cough/6.— [570.] Very restless, though suffering no paiu ; could not get to sleep until late (third night); much nervous restlessness; after waking could not get to sleep again for a long time (fourth night)/1.—Restless sleep at night; he lies on his stomach/.—Very wakeful at uight/. Fever.— Chilliness. Chilliness (after five hours),20.—During the night, after the nausea, etc., had passed away, external chilliness, with perspiration ; putting the hand outside of the clothes sends a shiver over him ; coldness and internal shivering in stomach and bowels during the pains, even though these parts felt hot to him externally/3.—Coldness/9.—Great coldness (after one hour)/.—Great colduess aud withered appearance of the extremities; they felt like the hauds and feet of the dead/9.—During the whole of the sickness, from first to last, the patients complained of a sense of coldness/.—The whole body was cold; some shivering, but not so much as the general coldness would warrant/9.—[580.] The tempera- ture of the surface of the body appeared greatly below the natural stan- dard, without moisture/.—Skin cold, somewhat bluish (after one hour and a half)/29.—Coldness in the head/19.—Extremities cold, towards evening (after a few hours),17.—Coldness of the feet, with increase of the capillary circulation about the face and head/.—Heat. Towards morning became very feverish and thirsty, with burning all over, but more particularly in the bottom of the feet, which seeraed bloated like puff'balls, although they were not hot to the hand/7.—Alternately very hot, then very cold hands and feet/8.—Some fever (first night)/7.—Heat in the head, with slight diz- 518 PHYTOLACCA. ziness and nausea (after three hours, third day)/8.—Heat in the head,4.— [590.] Heat in the face, after dinner/.—Heat on the left side of the face, in the afternoon/.—Heat, with redness of the face aud a sensation of ful- ness about the head, and coldness of the feet/.—No fever or heat any- where except in face and head/7.—Sweat. Profuse sweat and great sensa- tion of coldness accompanied the vomit and purging,24.—Free sweating of the feet, most under the toes/.—Cool perspiration, especially on the fore- head and hands (after three hours)/6.—Cool perspiration on the forehead, with the dull, pressing pain in the forehead (after one hour and a quar- ter)/6. Conditions.—Aggravation.—(Morning), 7 a.m., pain in temple aud forehead; swelling of eyelids; symptoms of eyes and eyelids; dryness of the palate ; secretion of saliva ; sore throat; swelling of soft palate ; dryness of throat; dryness of fauces; dryness in pharynx; on waking, pressure in stomach ; symptoms of stomach, throat, and mouth ; before daylight, pain in right hypochondrium ; diarrhoea; pain in spermatic cords; dryness in trachea; 7 a.m., pain in lungs; stiffness of neck and back; 4 o'clock, pain in dorsum of right foot.—(Forenoon), Heaviness or weight in the head; headache; while riding, sensation as of a plug in throat; 11 a.m., pain in back of neck and spinal column ; the symptoms.—(Afternoon), 3 p.m., pres- sure iu head; pressure around eyes; on swallowing, dryness and soreness of throat; a gurgling sensation in parotid gland; abdominal symptoms; heaviness in lower extremities ; symptoras of lower extremities ; heat on left side of face ; heat.—(Evening), Photophobia ; on going to bed, dryness of throat; pain in left hypochondrium; sensation in trachea; while rid- ing, pain in left side of back; general lassitude.—(Night), Agglutination of eyelids; towards morning, thirst and feverishness; on being woke out of sleep, uausea; 9.30 p.m. to 5 a.m., vomitiug; paiu from anus into lower part of rectum ; towards morning, pain in left side ; after midnight, chest symptoms; stiffness of neck; pain in right big toe; forepart, itching; rest- less sleep; chilliness ; toward morning, feverishness (Open air), Rheumatic pain iu right knee; the symptoms.—(Bending shoulder backwards), Pain in right side of chest.—(Contracting part), Pain in trapezius muscle.— (After dinner), Aching paiu about forehead; pains in forehead; pressure in forehead; heat in face.—(After eating), Hunger.—(Extending arm), Aching in right upper arm; pain and tenderness in arms.—(Gaslight), Smarting iu the internal canthi of both eyes.—(Full inspiration), Pain in cardiac portion • of stomach.—(Looking down), Paiu in head.—(Lying on right side), Pain in chest.—(Motion), Headache in vertex ; pain in umbili- cal region ; pain in lumbar and sacral regions ; aching in right upper arm ; pains.—(Odor of root), Nausea.—(Pressure), Paiu in storaach ; pain in tra- pezius muscle ; pain and tenderness in arms; pains.—(Resting arm upon table), Twitching and fluttering of the muscles.—(Riding), Pain in head ; obstruction of nose; pain in stomach, passing to chest.—(Rising and walk- ing about), Intoxicated feeling.—(Stepping from high step to ground), Pain in top of head.—(Stooping), Paiu iu head.—(When swallowing), Pain in root of tongue; saliva, feeliug as if a lump were in throat.—(Taking a long breath), Pain in right side of chest.—(Turning head to left side), Feel- ing as if a lump were in throat.—( Walking), Pain in head ; headache, with sickness of the storaach ; pain in cardiac portion of stomach ; pain in left hypochondriac region; pain in bowels ; pain in praecordial region; pain behind scapula; rheumatic feeling in left knee; aching in legs.— PICRICUM ACIDUM. 519 (Damp weather), Sore pain in head.—( Writing), Rheumatic feeling in little finger of right hand. Amelioration.—(Morning), After rising, pressure in stomach ; pain in chest—(Afternoon), Pain in right side of chest; chest symptoms.— (Night), Griping.—(Open air), Headache ; flow of tears; disturbed feel- ing in stomach; pain.—(After breakfast), Head symptoms.—(Black coffee), Vomiting.—(Eating), The symptoms.—(Eating supper), Pain in forehead. —(Emission of flatus), Pain in bowels.—(While lying down), Most symp- toms.—(Pressure), Pain in left instep. PICRICUM ACIDUM. Picric acid (Carbazotic acid), a trinitrophenol. Formula, C6Ht(N02)3.OH. Preparation, Solutions in alcohol (or triturations). Authorities. 1, Parisel, These, Paris, 1868, took three pills, each contain- ing y'^th grm. of P. acid, and half an hour later took two more; 2, same, proving on a man by a dose of 5 grms; 3, same, proving on a woman with a dose of 4 grms. (Nos. 4 to 10, L. B. Couch's provings, N. Y. Journ. of Horn., 2, 149, 1874.) 4, Lance, took one dose of 30th cent. dil. on first, fourth, and seventh days; 4 a, same, another proving, one dose of 30th; 5, L. B. C, took 30th dil. first day, two doses of 10th dil. third day, a dose of 30th fourth and sixth days; 6, Sullivan, took a dose of 5th dil. first day, a dose of 30th dil. fourth day; 6a, same, subsequent proving, a dose of 30th dil.; 6b, same, subsequently took 30th dil. first, third, and fifth days; 7, W. S. F., took 30th four days in succession, without result, then a dose of 1st cent. dil. in morning of first, third, and fifth days; 8, J. E. T, having taken the 30th, 15th, and 5th, without result, took the 1st on the first, third, fifth, eighth, eleventh, twelfth, and fourteenth days; 9, Anderson, took 30th first and second days, without symptoms, then took the 25th on third day; 9a, same, took same dose once; 9b, same, three weeks later, took 2d cent. on first and second days; 10, Gallup, took a dose of 5th dil.; 10a, same, repeated; 11, T. F. Allen, proving on a man, aged thirty-five, took one dose of 30th on first, second, third, seventh, and eighth days; 12, same, an un- married woman, aged twenty-six, took 30th on first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth, tenth, and thirty-sixth days; 12 a, same, subsequent prov- ing, a dose of 30th dil. first, three doses second, one on the third and fourth days; 13, Dr. John S. Linsley. MS. to Editor, proving with a dose of 30th, subsequently repeated. (Nos. 14 to 18 provings by Prof. S. A. Jones, MS. forwarded for this work.) 14, J. O. Garmon, aged thirty-two, weight 172, took 10 drops of 2d dec. dil., 2 a.m., first day; 12 drops, 9 a.m., second day, 20 drops third and fourth days, 16 drops fifth day, 25 drops sixth day, 30 drops seventh day, 25 drops eighth day, 20 drops ninth, tenth, and eleventh days; 15, J. A. Baker, took 10 drops of 1st dec. dil. morning of first, second, third, fourth, and fifth days, 15 drops sixth day, 10 drops seventh day, 15 drops eighth, ninth, and tenth days; same, three times, eleventh day; 20 drops, three times, twelfth day; 25 drops 9 a.m., 30 drops 1 p.m., and 20 drops 6 p.m., thirteenth day; 16, J. D. Baker, aged thirty- seven, took 10 drops of 1st dec. dil. daily for ten days, same twelfth day, 20 drops thirteenth and fourteenth days; 17, E. E. Adams, took repeated doses of 1st dec. dil. for sixteen days (usually four doses a day), 10 to 40- drop doses ; 18, Geo. A. Taber, aged twenty-three, took 1st dec. dil., 8 p.m., 520 PICRICUM ACIDUM. first day; 10 p.m., second day; at 12 m., 2 and 3 p.m., aud 20 drops at 4 p.m., third day; 18 a, same, twenty-five days after last dose took 20 drops at 9 p.m., first day ; 20 drops of 2d dec. dil. 8 a.m., and several tiraes dur- ing the day pellets saturated with the 1st dec. dil., second day; pellets of 1st third and fourth days, two powders of 1st dec. trit. eighth and ninth days; 18 b, sarae, took 3d trit., 10 grains, 7 and 9 p.m., first day; 6.30 a.m., second day ; 10 grains 2d dec. trit. 3, 6, and 9 p.m., second day, and 6.45, 9.30, and 11 a.m., third day; 10 grains 1st dec. trit. at 2.15, 4, and 9 p.m., third day; 20*grains 10.15 a.m., 10 grains at 3 and 6 p.m., fourth day, and 1 p.m., fifth day; 20 grains 4.45, fifth day; 30 grains 7.45 a.m., 4.45 p.m., sixth day ; 20 grains 8.30 a.m., seventh day ; 40 grains 10.15 a.m., eighth day; 20 grains at 9 and 11 a.m., ninth day, and at 10 a.m., tenth day. JUilld.—While enjoying the society of gentlemen, the idea of marriage seemed unendurable,1281.—Low spirits (second and twelfth days)/5.—A great desire to be alone (eleventh day)/6.—Very irritable (after third dose, thir- teenth day)/5.—Great indifference and lassitude (fourth day)/a.—* Great indifference; lack of will-power to undertake anything (fourth day),9.—Dis- inclination for mental or physical work; desire to sit still; aversion to talking or movement, with the headache (second day); dulness and indif- ference ; disinclination to talk and study ; takes no interest in surrounding things (third day),10.—Can't collect thoughts at all or study (fifth day)/. —During the day could not keep my thoughts to study; I could read for a little time, then my mind would seem to be played out (sixth day)/8*.— [10.] Prostration of mind after writing for a time (eighth day)/86. Head.— Vertigo. At 6 p.m. vertigo, with nausea, on least motion; at 9 p.m. vertigo and nausea, with the intense pain in frontal region and vertex; could not sit up; greatly aggravated by even raising the head (second day)/*.—Vertigo worse, in the evening (thirteenth day)/7.—Ver- tigo, on stooping or bending of the head and on lying down (eleventh day)/7.—Dizziness and vertigo, lasting half an hour, worse when rising up from sitting position, at 12 m. (thirteeuth day)/.—General Head. Head felt congested (eleventh day)/7.— Sensation of fulness and heaviness of the head, with disinclination for mental or physical work, at 12 noon ; fulness and heaviness increased until 2 p.m., when it developed into a severe throbbing headache; worse on the left side, but chiefly in the left eye and occipital region ; markedly aggravated by going upstairs, which causes an intense throbbing pain in the eyeball; headache relieved at 4 p.m. (second day); fulness aud heaviness of the head, followed by throbbing pains in the eye and occiput (left), but not as marked as before (third day),10.— Heavy (fulness) dull pressing pain iu the head, as if full of blood (after nine hours)/4.—Fulness and heaviness of the head, with disinclination to do anything (after four hours); headache increases, and finally develops into an intense throbbing pain in left side of the head, chiefly in the eye- ball and forehead, and extending backwards to occipital region ; better from keeping quiet; worse from motion, and greatly aggravated by going upstairs,10*.—Heaviness of the head, alternating with a sensation of empti- ness (after half an hour)/.—[20.] Head feels heavy (first, second, and third days)/5.—Head feels dull and heavy (after seven hours, twelfth day)/; (third day)/1.—Dull heavy feeling in the head (third day)/*.—Head feels as if falling forward (after four hours, fifth day)/.—Headache of a heavy bliuding dizzy character, with great fulness; head feels as if it would burst open ; head feels as if too small; pains mostly iu the vertex and frontal regions; stooping aggravates the pains, and causes vertigo; headache comes PICRICUM ACIDUM. 521 on at 9 a.m., and steadily increases until I go to bed ; scalp sensitive to touch; sore aching in infraorbital region (after oue hour, fifth day) 6b — Dull general headache (seventh day)/4.-Dull headache; could not get to sleep until 2 o clock, after going to bed at 9 (tenth day)/6.—Dull heavy headache lasting all day coming first on the right side, then spreading to the left (ninth day)/.—Slight dull headache (ninth day),14.—A peculiar dull continuous pain all over the head; aggravated by motion, turning the head, and stooping ; relieved by lateral pressure upon the head (after seven hours and a half fourth day)/.-[30.] Dull pain diffused throughout the head (sixth day)/4.—Severe headache all day, aggravated on rising better in open air (eleventh day)/6.—Headache, which he never before had, was one of the most marked symptoms/.—Head much worse, in the evening • cannot study (sixth day) ; head somewhat affected, in the evening (seveuth day),'.—Headache, with trembling, afternoon and evening (ninth dav) • headache, in the evening (tenth day)/5.—Headache (after first dose, twelfth day) ; continued (after third dose, twelfth day)/5.—Headache, with heat in the head (after first dose, thirteenth day)/5.—Headache slight, in the morning, probably in consequence of oversleeping (thirty-ninth day)/2.— Slight headache more or less all day,.confined to the upper part of anterior and middle lobes of brain, also above the eyes; the character of the pain is dull, with an occasional shoot of pain (ninth day)/7.—Not much head- ache in the forenoon ; more severe in the afternoon (fourteenth day)/7.— [40.] Slight headache for two days after taking the medicine/7.—At 8 p.m. full pressing sensation in the head, from within outwards, as if the head would fly apart; greatly aggravated by motiou and by study (second day)» -—At 9 p.m. severe pressing pains in the head, laterally, from within outwards, with sensation as if the frontal bones would split open ; aggra- vated by turning the head, moving the eyes, or from the least motion (sec- ond day)/.—Pains generally about the head, relieved bv pressure (after ten hours)/1.—Felt well before taking the drug, but in a'short time pain came in head, an exact repetition of previous symptoms (eighth day)/1.— Do not feel able to study on account of pain in head (third day)/5.—All the head pains ceased by bandaging the head tightly (fifth day),4.—Heavy throbbing pains iu the head, extending from behind the ears forward to the supraorbital notch, and thence downward into the eye, with the great soreness and lameness, especially on left side (fifth day)/.—Burning along the coronal suture (after second dose, twelfth day)/5.—Head symptoms con- tinued for several days after discontinuance of drug/5.—Forehead. [50.] Dull headache iu the front and right side of head, with heat in head and upper part of body (after two hours) ; in the evening pain in the head, with some thirst and heat, chiefly in the temples, and burning sensation in external ears (first day)/6.—At 7 p.m. dull steady frontal headache (with vertigo when rising and when walking), (second day)/.—Dull heavy pain in frontal region, extending to the vertex, worse from motion, at 10 a.m.; at 1 p.m. headache worse, aggravated by the least motion, stooping, bowing the head, or rolling the eyes ; at 5 p.m. intense pressing headache, as before (second day),6*.—Intense pain in frontal region and vertex, with vertigo and nausea, at 9 p.m. (second day)/*.—Dull sleepy pain in the forehead, with sour eructations (lasting an hour), at 3 p.m. (second day)/.—Dull heavy frontal headache, with great heaviness and weakness in small of back and limbs (fourth day)/.—Slight frontal headache, with sickness at the stomach, as from a weight (third day)/.—Headache confined to front part of head ; shoots from outside to centre, quite severe, lasting all the evening 522 PICRICUM ACIDUM. (twelfth day)/7.—In thirty minutes a dull pain in forehead and temples, worse on the right side (first, second, and third days); headache not so severe (sixth day)/5.—Slight frontal headache, extending to vertex, of a dull heavy tingling character, all of the evening (second day)/7.—[60.] Same kind of headache as usual in superior part of anterior lobes of brain (after third dose, third day)/7.—Headache in anterior and superior part of head, lasting all the eveuing (eighth day)/7.—Headache confined to back part of anterior and top of middle lobes of brain ; pain dull, with an occa- sional throb (eleventh day)/7.—Temples. Beating of temporal arteries (first, second, third, twelfth, and thirteenth days)/5.—A disagreeable dull headache, severest over right temple, passing around occiput (after four hours, second day)/4.—Dull sleepy pain over left temple (after nine hours, fifth day)/.—Sharp and severe pain in right temple, running to back of head (after twenty minutes) ; soon after it appeared in left temple, extend- ing to suboccipital region ; these pains lasted but a short time (first day). Same pains as yesterday, but more severe in left temple; lasted about an hour (after fifteen minutes, second day). Pain in left temple, sharp and neuralgic in character, disappearing iu left and going to right temple; it alternated between the two temples, and was more severe than on the two preceding days (after five minutes, third day)/1.—Severe sharp intermit- ting pain in the left temple (after ten hours, sixth day)/.—Sharp cutting pain iu left temple, over a small transverse branch of the temporal artery (second day)/.—The pains of the head have been changeable, alternating between right and left temple, sometimes occurring in centre of forehead (third to seventh day)/1.—[70.] The pains in the temples increased, and also the pain iu the forehead; all these pains extended to the back of the neck (after twenty miuutes, seventh day)/1.—All pains very severe, espe- cially a pain iu right temple, which extends over the eyebrow to the inner angle of right eye (after four hours, seventh day)/1.—Slight dull and throb- bing paiu in right temple (after thirty minutes, first day, and after one hour, secoud day)/4.—Pressing headache between the temples (after second dose, eleventh day) ; headache increased (after third dose, eleventh day)/5. —Formication over right temporal region, running up over parietal bone (after two hours and a half, first day, and after one hour, second day)/4.— Vertex. Full heavy feeling in the vertex, at 8 a.m. (second day)/b.— Full feeling on top of head (tenth day)/2.—Full heavy headache iu the vertex, worse when stooping and moving eyes (after four hours and a half, third day)/1-.—Slight headache in top of head, soon after taking medicine (tenth day); same pain in vertex (eleventh day)/7.—The usual headache to-day more severe, in the afternoon (fifteenth day)/7.—[80.] More head- ache in the vertex, aggravated by studying and bendiug the head forward (after second dose, sixteenth day)/7.—No headache this morning, but dur- iug the night, when I awoke, I had considerable through the upper and back part of head ; I have felt this several times during the day (sixteenth day)/7.—Headache, throbbing on top of head, aggravated by turning to lie on back, with the nausea (tenth day)/2.—Slight twinges of pain on top of head, at 9 p.m. (thirty-ninth day)/2.—About 11 a.m. pain in vertex, with slight fever (second day),16.—Parietals and, Occiput. Felt a slight dart of pain on right side of head, about the middle of the afternoon (four- teenth day)/7.—Headache, mostly in right side, with occasionally a shoot- ing pain through the temples from right to left side (seventh day)/4.—Pain in the right side of the head, running behind the ear (after two hours and a quarter)/4.—Contracted or squeezed sensation of left hemisphere of brain PICRICUM ACIDUM. 523 on going into open air, at 6.30 p.m. (second day)/*.—Dull pain in right lower occipital region, beginning at 11.15 a.m. and lasting till 12.30 p.m.; the pain came on gradually and as gradually subsided (third day)/8''.— [90.] Pain in right lower occipital region, at 8 p.m., lasting about an hour, and at the same time a sensation as of a band passing along the right parietal emineuce (fourth day)/86.—At 9.15 a.m. dull pain in right lower occipital region, which comes and goes at short intervals (fifth day)X— At 1 p.m. pain in lower right occipital region, coming on at intervals since 11 a.m. (eighth day),X—A dull pain began in right lower occipital region at 8 a.m. and continued two hours (ninth day); beginning about 4 p.m. and lasting until 10 p.m. (eighteenth day),X—Dull heavy throbbing and burning pains, commencing in occiput and extending forward to supra- orbital foramen, and thence down into the eyes, which throb and feel sore to the touch (after ten hours)/3.—Pain in lower right occipital region again comes on, lasting about an hour (fourth day),18*.—At 6 p.m. pain in lower right occipital region, as though right side of cerebellum was loose; keeps throbbing; worse ou walking; better while sitting quiet; passes off in about an hour (fourth day),18*.—In the evening, pain in the right and lower part of occiput (eighth day)/8*.—Pain in right side and lower part of occiput, coming on about 4 p.m., finally extends upwards over towards the right supraorbital region, continuing about three hours (ninth day)/8*.—In the afternoon, pain for a few minutes in right and lower side of occiput (tenth day)/8*.—[100.J In the afternoon, pain in right and lower side of occiput (fourteenth day)/8*.—Pain in lower and right side of occiput, in the even- ing; did not last more than half an hour (nineteenth day),18*.—Heavy pain in occipital region, extendiug down the neck and spine (after nine hours)/*. —Paiu in back of head and neck (third day)/1. Eye.—Bright yellow color of the sclerotic, skin, and urine (second morning)/.—Eyes to-day markedly yellow, being stained by the acid (sev- enth day)/8b.—Yesterday I observed a slight dryness of my eyes, and a slight tingling or smarting, worse by coustaut use and lamplight. This morning there was some thick acrid matter in the comers of my eyes, worse by constant use and lamplight (ninth day); eyes smart and are dry, same acrid mucus in corners (tenth day)/7.—On waking, and for an hour after- wards, eyes felt as though there were sticks in them; inflammation of eyes has partly subsided (eighteenth day) ; felt all the evening as though there were sticks in them (twentieth day)/8*.—Seusation as if sand was in the eyes, with smarting pain and acrid tears (fourth day)/.—Eyes feel dry, as if full of sand (seventh day)/2.—[110.] Eyes have felt throughout the proving as if dry, and inner surface of lids feel rough (tenth day)/2.— Awoke with sharp stinging pains in both eyes, at 7 a.m. (sixth day)/.— Eyes feel sore (tenth day)/6.—Eyes feel worse on moving them, or turn- ing them upwards (fifth day)/.—Gaslight hurts the eyes (after ten hours)/*. — Orbit. Pressure over both eyes, worse from studying and motion, better from sitting still (after eleven hours, eleventh day)/.—Pain over right eye in supraorbital region, sharp and vibrating, stopping a moment or so, and beginning again (lasted half an hour), (after five hours)/.—Dull pain in the supraorbital region, coming from the occiput (after four hours), worse from movement and stooping (second day)/.—Dull, heavy headache in supraorbital region, as before (after six hours, eighth day)/.—Slight pain in supraorbital region and in the back of the neck (after three hours and a half)/.—[120.] Severe aching pain iu the left supraorbital notch, at 6 p.m. (eighth day)/.—Head feels disagreeable and sore, especially the supra- 524 PICRICUM ACIDUM. orbital region, at 5 p.m. (second day)/*.—Dull pain iu supraorbital region (sixth day)/.—Supraorbital and frontal headache, raore or less all day (thirteenth day)/7.—Throbbing over the right eye (after four hours, seventh day)/1.—Lids. Lids sore and slightly swollen (third day)/6.—Styes, with soreness and swelling of lids (fifth day)/1'.—Margins of lids very red on waking (thirty-ninth day)/2.—Agglutination of eyelids, on waking, iu the morning ; had to " pick my eyes open " (seventeenth day)/8*.—Great heavi- ness of the lids; can't keep them open (fifth day)/.—[130.] Heat in upper eyelids, with increased flow of lachrymal secretion (after second dose, thirteenth day),15.—In the evening, heaviness of eyelids, with a little burn- ing in the eyes (sixteenth day)/8*. — Heaviness of the lids (after ten hours)/*. — Lachrymation. Lachrymation (fifth day)/; (after ten hours")/'.—Eyes watery; stinging pain in them (after four hours, fifth day)/. — Conjunctiva. Conjunctivitis (fifth day)/. — Conjunctiva in- jected (after ten hours)/*.—Conjunctivae greatly inflamed, right eye is the worst; hard work to keep eyes open ; makes eyes feel sticky to read ; eyes better from washing in cold water and in cold air, worse in warm room (seventeenth day)/8*.—Rail. Aching pain in the eyeballs, which feel sore ; worse by moving thera ; better by closing them and keeping quiet (second day)/*.—Eyeballs sore to touch, with photophobia (third day)/6.— [140.] Severe, sharp, shooting pain in centre of the eye, exteuding back to occipital region ; pain seemed to follow the course of the optic nerve (third day)/6.—Sore, painful sensation in the eyeball; pains in the eyes aggravated by strong light, and by turning the eye ; cannot bear to look at a bright light (fifth day)/6.—Heavy, pressing, smarting, and burning pains in the eyeball, relieved by pressure (after teu hours)/*.—A shooting pain from right eyeball to right side of occiput, lasting but a few seconds (after ten miuutes),X—Pupil. Dilated pupils (fifth and seventh days)/; (after ten hours)/*; (fifth day)/b.— Vision. Sight dim and confused (tenth day)/6.—Have to bring objects close to the eyes to see them ; seem to be looking through a veil; cau see to read clearly only at one point, about five inches from the eyes (after ten hours)/*.—While reading, sight is blurred, seemingly caused by winking mucus over the pupils (sixteenth day)/8*.—Everything seems blurred, as if looking through a fog or a thick veil; can read only with book about five iuches from the eyes (fifth and seventh days)/. — Air looks smoky (sixteenth day)/8*. — [150.] Sparks before the eyes (after half an hour)/.—Whirling of objects (after half an hour)/. Ear.—Ears began to burn and look puffy, with a sensation as if worms were crawling on them ; these symptoms lasted two hours (after six hours)/. —Burning sensation in external ears, with the headache (first day)/6.— Pain behind the right ear, running down right side of neck (after four hours, seventh day)/1.—Buzzing and hissing in the ears (after half an hour)/. Nose.—Bleeding of the nose (right nostril), with heat and congestion of the head (after six hours and a half); bleeding of right nostril again (after seven hours and a half, and fourteen hours)/.—Nose filled with mucus; can breathe only through the mouth ; relieved by going into open air (third aud fourth days)/.—Small furuncle in the left nostril,101.—Sting- ing pain in right side of nose (after four hours, seventh day)/1.—[160.] * Sensation as if something were pressing greatly on the bridge of the nose nose (fifth day)/8*. Face.—Tingling sensation of lips (after thirty minutes, first day, after PICRICUM ACIDUM. 525 one hour, second day)/4.—Irregular dull pain in inferior maxillary bone, with beating in molar teeth (after two hours and a quarter),14. 3Iouth.—Saliva white, frothy, and .stringy; hangs in long strings to the floor (eighth day)/.—Taste sour; bad taste in mouth (after four hours fifth day)/.—Sour bitter taste in the mouth (third day)/.—Bitter taste in the mouth (second day)/a.—Bitter taste in mouth, with great thirst (twelfth day)/6.—Bad taste in mouth of gas (fourth day)/. Throat.—Throat sore, feels rough and scrapy on swallowing, better while eating; feeling of soreness only felt on empty deglutition (eighteenth day),Xf—[170.] Throat sore, worse on the left side, a rough scrapy sen- sation on swallowing, better after eating, worse after sleep (seventeenth day),18*.—Sore throat; disagreeable sensation back of and above soft palate, at 10 a.m. (second day) ; still continues with great debility (third day)/*. —Throat feels raw, scraped, stiff, and hot, as if burnt; throat red ; collec- tion of thick white mucus ou tonsils; great difficulty in swallowing, with sensation as if throat would split open (eighth day)/.—Raw feeling in the left-side of the throat, extending from behind forward to the submaxillary glaud ; worse when swallowing (second day)/*.—Rough, raw, scraped sen- sation in the throat (left side), (secoud day)/6.—A feeling as though a plug were in the throat, while swallowing saliva, also immediately after swallow- ing (fifth day)/8*.—Throat dry and husky (fourth day)/.—Sensation as if something, was in lower part of oesophagus (second day)/*. Stomach.—Appetite. Appetite increased till to-day; have no desire for auy kind of food, though I eat as usual, but without relish (eighth day)/4.—Very hungry, in the evening, obliged to eat (eighth day)/2.— [180.] Appetite poor, disgust for food (eleventh day)/6.—No appetite for breakfast; could not eat anything (eighth day)/2.—No appetite (third day)/'1 ; (fourth day)/.—No appetite; disgust for food ; at noon (second day)/*.—No appetite; aversion to food (second day)/*.—Thirst. Great thirst, with bitter taste in mouth (twelfth day) ; thirst continues (thirteenth and fourteenth days)/6.—Very great thirst for cold water, which is drank in large quautities without relief (eighth day)/.—Some thirst (eleventh day)/6.—Some thirst with the headache (first day)/6.—Eructations. Frequent eructations (third day)/5.—[190.] Sour eructations of gas and ingesta (after eleven hours and a half, third day)/.—Intense raising of wind (tenth day)/6.—Bitter eructations after breakfast (second day).**.— Nausea. Awoke at 5 a.m., with a deathlike, faint, nauseated feeling in stomach and abdomen, aggravated on rising and moving around ; went back to bed, fell asleep, and on waking a second tirae, experienced the same sensation as on first waking (eighth day); awoke with the nauseated feeling this morning, but not so bad as yesterday morning (ninth day),12.—■ Nauseated faint feeling at epigastrium most of the tirae (eleventh day) ; occasionally throughout the day (twelfth day)/2.—Nausea, accompanied by intermittent griping pains in the epigastric region, continuing until night (second day),10.—Nausea (second day)/*.—Nausea followed the dry cough (after three hours and a half)/.—After retiring, nausea, with head- ache (tenth day)/2.—Nausea, ou retiring (eighth day)/2.—[200.] Nausea, with the vertigo (second day)/*.—Slight nausea, for an hour or two after taking the drug (eighth day)/86.—Sickness at the stomach, as from a weight, with slight frontal headache (third day)/.—Waterbrash (fourth •j- Took a dose of Cocculus 30 to-day, for throat. x 526 PICRICUM ACIDUM. day)/.—Stomach. Oppressive feeling in epigastric region (first, second, third, and thirteenth days)/5.—Disagreeable pressure as of a weight in pit of storaach, desire to belch wind, with no result, seemingly powerless to do so (after two hours and a half, second day)/4.—All the morning have felt a faint feeling at epigastrium (thirteenth day)/2.—Intermittent griping pains in the epigastric region, continuing until night, accompanied the nausea (second day),10.—A dull pain in cardiac region of stomach, while eatiug breakfast, at 7 a.m. (fourth day),X—Sharp pain in epigastric re- gion (after four hours and a half, third day)/4. Abdomen.— Umbilicus. [210.] Shooting pain through left um- bilical region, from before backward (after nine hours)/4.—During the evening, some pain in umbilical region (third day)/4.—Quite a sharp pain about umbilicus, on left side (seventh day)/4.—Stitches through the right side in region of liver; seem to be mostly in the muscles (second day)/*.— General Abdomen. Fulness of abdomen (after seveu hours)/4.— Much flatus, in the evening (third day)/4.—Flatus during the day (elev- enth day),14.—Wind in the bowels passed up and down, not marked (sixth day)/6.—Pass a great deal of wind from the bowels on moving (third day)/.—Flatus, with much rumbling iu abdomen (seventh day)/4.—[220.] Rumbling and much flatus (fourth day)/4.—Rumbling in the abdomen, with crampy pain aud flatus (after three hours, third day)/.—Rumbling in small intestines (after one hour)/4.—Awoke at 7 a.m., with dull, rum- bling, and coliclike pains in the abdomen (sixth day)/.—Rumbling pain in the abdomen (after four hours, fifth day)/.—Awoke with pain in the abdomen, and strong erections (third day)/.—Crawling stinging pains in abdomen (fourth day)/.—Some pain iu abdomen aud neck of bladder (sixth day)/4.—Pain in bowels, lasting all the forenoon, with very little headache; pain in bowels less than usual (after third dose, third day),17.— Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions. Occasionally, all day long in hypogastrium, a sensation of giving way (second day)/2.—[230.] A slight vacant and sore feeliug in hypogastric region (first day)/2.—Slight colicky- like pain in lower part of large intestines (second day); colicky pains worse (third day)/7.—Severe pain in the left inguinal region, on walking, and aggravated by going upstairs (after eight hours),10*.—At night (11 o'clock), an aching sharp paiu in right iliac region above the ovary, sore on pressure (eighth day)/2. Rectum and Amis.—Sharp pain shooting around the anus, at 9 p.m. (thirty-ninth day)/2.—Stinging aud itching at the anus during and after defecation (second dajr)/. Stool.—Diarrhoea. Diarrhceic stool, with burning and smarting at the anus (fifth day)/".—Four thin stools, with great prostration/.— Stool twice before 9 a.m., like gruel, slightly yellow or yellowish-gray (third day)/7.—Stool rather copious, oily, yellowish (after one hour); re- peated (after two hours); again (after two hours aud three-quarters)/.— [240.] Stools loose, light-colored, with cutting and smarting at the anus, during and after defecating (second day),4*. — Stools light-colored, and passed with much burning and smarting in the anus, continuing an hour afterwards (eighth day)/.—Soft, light-colored, stool, passed with much straiuing (sixth day) ; soft stool, with tenesmus (tenth day)/.—Scanty, soft stool, with burning at the anus, at 3 p.m. (second day)/.—Small, in- effectual, soft stool, followed by drawing up of the anus, and accompanied by some tenesmus (third day),\—Stools shoot away in soft plugs, followed by much flatus; bowels move very easily (after eight hours, second day)/1. I lyJFJr M _r J1) -- \Jf\ \Jp 11 V T.»."White. Heal tli. Medication. Elimination. f5r<77//7/?e* MAY 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 MAY 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 '24 2 5 MAY JIX10. 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 . 550 . 5-ro . 530 . 520 . 510 . 500-. 490 . 4B0 . 470 . 460 . 450 . 440 , 430 . 42i> . 410 . 400 . 390 . 380 . 070 . 360 . 350 . 340 . 330 . 310 . 310 . 300 . 'tao . 280 . 270 . 260 . 250 . 240 . 230 . 2%0 . 210 . 200 . 190 . 100 . 170 . ISO . 150 . 140 . 130 . ItO . 110 . 100 . 090 . oeo . O70 . oeo . 050 . 040 . 030 . ozo . 010 . 009 . 008 . 007 . 006 . 005 —■ _.-_ .__ — — — T __ 1 V -- -- __. -/ h} - — ._. -- -- - t r— -, '--- --~ :IE -- — - - - — —- — -- -- -- ii — -^■ T ----- IZ — i Jfc 1 \ ......J ;_Z 1 — — -- X J \ r / / a -- _... p .:.-- : — — _L 1 / i 1 X / } — h-1 / \j ...... jr r zj || ! T\ ft ' ZI \ [1 '"I ! "" --H ZZL __. / --- -- ... ZI V -- -- tf I ^ _... •■ - --- zt zt —- :rt zt I \ ZT -- X zL — —+— 1 V zr • I v Al — V —t— —- — — .._ -- __.. — _._. — — _ t | _._. — -— —-- --1 — — — —1--1—1—1--1--1--1 i i ^N.B. Tlie dotted Lines in each Table indicate the MEAN zfor each Cycle PHOSPHATES. r.'N.AVhite. Health. Medication. Elimination. ^ftZZMZtfttf. MAY. 8 9 10 11 12 13 J.4 15 16 MAY. 17 lb 19 20 21 22 23 24. 25 MAY JI'NE. 26 .'" 20 29 3 0 31 1 2 !1 6'60 6 50 6.40 6 30 6 20 6 10 6 00 5'JO 580 5.70 5.G0 550 5.40 ' 5 30 5.20 5.10 \ 5.00 4 90 480 \ 4. TO 4 60 1.50 1 440 I 4 30 4 2(1 110 f 400 , 390 380 3.70 3ISO 3 50 3.40 j 3.30 320 | ' 3IO J 3.(10 290 7.H0 ■z.~o 260 :'. 50 ZIO ■23(> ■I ■'.(> >lf) ■loo 1.90 ISO 170 ,.., .. 1 i t 1_____ ^ ___. A xix - — 1 —- — — t |\ -- I ft — l\ 1 1 — l\ 1 1 .._ /1 1 ' 1 — ' —- t A -, I /\ 1 /\ , / \ ZZL -13 _fe ___ f ~r L_ / \ t" IZ f iz fz x_ r t^ - |_ Jr it zt ZZL _L ZT —1_.... ZI ZI ZI zt — I~ zt zt _ _. J l_ A <*- L. t— k 4- f — -fV — — —■ 3£ \- H i- f- t n — — :-:; •— 3T 7 \ , r X p i — h - ■N f V ■ - \ ^ i — "^ w — -» » —- ~ - — --- i i.J -t- -zt_ •--- ._.. — ..... ..... ... —- V I L_ 1.00 r — — — — - - -— __ 1.Z . J j—j— Syik^ATTErS. It ENAVhite. Heal til. Me die c ion. Elimination. Grammes. MAY. 8 9 10 11 12 "13 14 .15 16 MAY. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 5 MAY. JUNE. 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 3.70 660 3 50 3.40 3.30 320 3.10 3.00 2.90 2.80 2.10 2.60 2.50 2.40 2.30 2.20 2.10 2.00 1.90 1.80 no 1.60 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20 1.10 _._ — i .— 1 • 1 1- -i 1 ~! | I _ J A i A 1 J =7 °[ .__ L_-J -j \ H —-. __ . __l__ —.— __- _—- \ , \ v *» V I \ } 4 \ 1 V - \ i _.. L —- — ~ ...._. \ — — i __ V l i. .[ X 1 ■- ^ 1 TAWLM IV. CHLORIDES FN White. Health. Medication. Elimination. Grammes. ' MAY. 8 9 10 11 12 23 14 15 16 MAY. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MAY. JUNIC. 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 16.001 ■ _ i 15.00^ 14.001 / \ 1 / \ 13.00 = i /£00 t A 1 11.00= A \ Jl , -- -- 10.00 = ] \, A 1 -- 1 9.00 = V 1 f \ 8.00 = f \ 700 = — — 1 1 ! -- &00 = . |_. _ i \, 5.00 = j 1 1 i— i --- V 4.00 = 3.00 ^ i__ 1 I t _ .. I PICRICUM ACIDUM. 527 —For some time had been quite constipated, but now have a passage every day (seventh day),11.—Bowels continue regular, passing easily at night and morning; passages very quick, as if greased, followed by much wind; stools have a strange odor, but not disagreeable, rather a sweetish smell, as of boiling sap (seventh day),14.— Const!pat ion. Bowels constipated ; only one difficult passage to-day (eighth day); very much constipated iu evening, no movement of bowels; pressing-down sensation in rectum, with desire for stool, but could pass nothing (ninth day); bowels regular (elev- enth day),u. Urinary Organs.—Bladder and Urethra. In the evening, a sharp pain in region of bladder, worse on the right side, lasting only a few seconds (fourth day),X—[250.] Some pain in region of bladder and in abdomen generally (fourth day),14.—Burning during urinating, and after (second day),5.—A sensation of jerking drawing in the urethra (after second dose^ thirteenth day),15. — Slight pain after micturition (twelfth day),17.—ZMictarition. During the morning more frequent micturition than usual (fifth and sixth days),18".—In passing urine it kept dribbling after I got through (second day),X — Urine. Urine profuse (second day); urine had become scanty (sixth day) ; dark-yellow, Avith strong odor (eighth day),16.—Increased flow of pale urine (second day),15.—Increased flow of urine (fifth, eleventh, and thirteenth days),15.—Urine increased, light-colored ; specific gravity, 10.23 (ninth day). Before the proving, it had given acid reaction ; specific gravity, 1020,5.—[260.] Urine profuse; color normal; very hot when passed, accompanied with burning pain in urethra (fifth day) ; urine passed with burning, scalding pain (seventh day),4.—Urine increased, and of a light-amber color (eighth day); in- creased and of a light color, at 7 p.m. (ninth day) ; still pale and increased (twelfth day),8.—Urine yellow in the morning, and of an increased quan- tity during the day (twelfth day),15.—Urine continued yellow for some tirae after discontinuance of drug,15.—Uriue dark-red, in the evening (third day),14.—Urine dark, specific gravity, 1030; indications of sugar; the test was good with the copper solution, also by fermentation test (fourth day) ; very highly colored (fifth day),14.f—Urine dark, high-colored; specific gravity 1025 to 1028; quantity about normal; urination followed by burn- ing (fifth day),6b.—Urine highly colored (tenth day),14.—Urine of a milky olive hue (thirteenth day),17.—Urine red (after two hours),1.—[270.] Urine light-colored and profuse, burning in the urethra, during and after urinat- ing; urethra feels as if burnt (second day),4*.—Urine normal in color, but much less in quantity than it has been for three months past (third day),17. —Urine rather scanty, of a dark-yellow color (tenth day); yellow aud profuse (twelfth day); very profuse (thirteenth and fourteenth days),16.— Urine passed in the previous twenty-four hours has a heavy deposit of urates (third day),X—Urine passed in the previous twenty-four hours shows urates quite abundant (seventh day),X—The Laboratory Daily Record, for May 18-19, 19-20, 20-21, gives the following data for uro- hsematin, using HN03 test. May 18-19, color between Plates V aud VI, N. and V.; May 19-20, color between Plates VI and VII; May 20-21, color between Plates VII and VIII. The actual color-plates used for com- parison, are those given in Thudicum, On the Pathology of the Urine, 1st edition.—(Note by Dr. S. A. Jones.) f As I have not been able to tjet such testimony from any other prover, I hold his evidence sub judice.—S. A. Jones. 528 PICRICUM ACIDUM. F. N. WHITE FIRST CYCLE—HEALTH. ^"° a a a O a ~ u u ■d Date. 11 3 3 a a c. CO a a a * ^2V i W \/ap«. I ^ snidiqsw do Aavaan ivnoiivn snidiqsw do Aavaan ivnoiivn snidiqsw do Aavaan ivnoiivn snidiqsw so kv X ! j( NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE x % jr&. 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