MISSOURI STATE SERIES. First Lessons IN PHYSIOLOGY * FOR USE IN THE COMMON SCHOOLS. By C. L HOTZE, Author of “ First Lessons Physicsetc. REVISED AND ENLARGED. ** ST. LOUIS: American School Book Co Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1897, by W. B. BECKTOLI) In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. PREFACE. The propriety of teaching some of the sciences in our common schools is so well esta1 ' shed as to require no further arguments. Nor does it seem necessary here to justify the claims of physiological science; educators, and the people generally, are agreed that a knowledge of “ the machine which we run and which © runs us ” is of the utmost importance. The question now under discussion is, how much of Physiology can be taught in the upper grades of the common without infringing upon the other studies? To facilitate the solution of this problem, as well as to meet the wishes expressed on many sides to see the essentials of Elementary Physiology arranged after the manner of the author’s “ First Lessons in Physics,” the present volume has been prepared. It comprises thirty-nine lessons on the structure and functions of the human body, the subject-matter being treated with reference to the wants of the young people in the classes alluded to. PREFACE. These lessons profess to present the amount of physiological science which should be taught in the common schools. They include the essentials of hygiene, which are treated in immediate connection with the function of the organ to which they refer. Many technical terms, and all “rules” of hygiene based on mere assumption or personal bias, together with a host of trivialities frequently met with in works of the kind, have been excluded. For while the teacher under favorable circumstances can easily go beyond the limits of the text, it is an objectionable feature in a school book if, after its purchase, pupils are obliged to skim, or omit, any part of it. Portions of recently slain animals should be used for demonstration, and the young learner be constantly urged to observe for himself. The present revised edition contains a new chap- ter— Lesson XL. — on Alcohol and its effects, Stim- ulants, Narcotics, etc., etc., which sufficiently meets the requirements recently made by several States of the Union to teach those topics in the common schools. In this Lesson, as well as throughout the work, the author has deemed it best to keep his text within the limits of understanding of the young people for whom the book is intended. CONTENTS. LESSON I. pagk. Organic and Inorganic Matter.—Animal Structure 9 LESSON II. The Skeleton 13 LESSON III. The Head.—Cerebro-Spinal Axis.—Teeth 17 LESSON IV. Review 22 LESSON V. The Trunk 24 LESSON VI. The Limbs.—Ligaments 27 LESSON VII. Cartilages.—The Larynx 30 LESSON VIII. Review 33 LESSON IX. Muscles.—Fat 35 LESSON X. Muscles as Motor Agents.—Walking 38 LESSON XI. Muscles, continued.—Work of Muscles 42 LESSON XII. Review 48 LESSON XIII. The Skin.—Hair and Nails.—Excretion of Skin 51 LESSON XIV. The Blood 54 LESSON XV. Circulation of Blood 1 58 LESSON XVI. Circulation of Blood II 62 LESSON XVII. Review 69 LESSON XVIII. The Lungs 74 LESSON XIX. Respiration 79 6 CONTENTS. LESSON XX. page. Review 84 LESSON XXI. Air and its Relation to the Human Body. 1 87 LESSON XXII. Air and its Relation to the Human Body. II 92 LESSON XXIII. Review 9^ LESSON XXIV. Food 101 LESSON XXV. Digestion. I 106 LESSON XXVI. Digestion. II. (Stomach) —... no LESSON XXVII. Digestion. Ill (Intestines) 113 LESSON XXVIII. Assimilation 119 LESSON XXIX. Review — 126 LESSON XXX. Nervous System. I. Different Parts 130 LESSON XXXI. Nervous System. II. Functions of Different Parts 137 LESSON XXXII. Review 142 LESSON XXXIII. The Senses in General.—Sense of Touch 144 LESSON XXXIV. Taste and Smell 148 LESSON XXXV. Sight. I - 15° LESSON XXXVI. Sight. II 154 LFSSON XXXVII. Hearing....... 159 LESSON XXXVIII. Review 163 LESSON XXXIX. The Mind 166 LESSON XL. Alcohol— Stimulant - Narcotics 172 Questions r73 Glossary of Words Index *9^ PHYSIOLOGY. 4» „tfeSSO% Vx jhf'SWu* in Q LESSON I. ORGANIC AND INORGANIC MATTER—ANIMAL STRUC- TURE. From time immemorial all tilings around ns have been looked upon as either living or lifeless. Liv- ing objects are plants and animals;—lifeless, such substances as mineral-coal, iron, sand, rocks, water or air. Although in the present advanced state of science it is often difficult to draw the line, yet that distinction is still maintained, because between 10 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. things like those last mentioned, and substances such as wood or flesh, the differences are very striking. All so-called lifeless substances are comprised un- der the head of inorganic matter, while the vegeta- ble and animal worlds form the organic matter. The distinction between these two great classes of materials is based upon form, coherence, growth, composition and derivation. Form.—The sharp angles and straight lines of a crystal, the nearly regular features of most frag- ments of rock, are characteristic. On the other hand, notice the general absence of straight outlines in living structures, the curved shape of leaves and flowers, the rounded forms of the higher animals, and particularly those of the human body. Distin- guish between the fracture of a lump of mineral-coal and that of charcoal. It will be your impression that inorganic matter, generally speaking, assumes forms of a severer pattern. Coherence.—Particles of sandstone cling together owing to cohesion, without having any other mutual relation. A fragment of sandstone truly represents the original rock of which it once formed a part, in- asmuch as it possesses all the properties of the rock. The particles of a tree cohere likewise, but they are closely dependent upon one another. A piece of wood does not strictly represent the tree from which it came, because in different parts of the same tree the wood may have different properties. Hence, the coherence of organized matter greatly differs from that of substances of the inorganic world. ORGANIC AND INORGANIC MATTER. 11 Growth.— If the growth of a crystal, or of an or- dinary rock, could be plainly observed, it would be found to consist in a mere adding of particle after particle on the outside, without any interior devel- opment. Nor would it be found accompanied by decay, or repair, going on at the same time; whereas, plants and animals, during their growth, always decay in part—that is, while they are building up they also lose waste matter, only the building up is far greater in quantity than the waste. This is true, regardless of the manner in which a plant grows, whether, for example, like most of our trees, it grows by adding superficial layers or rings around the .stem, or, like Indian corn, by developing from within. Animals grow by interior development. 'Carbonic acid gas and water-vapor are two products •of animal waste. Plants and animals make up the 'Organic world, or world of organisms, and all organ- isms differ in their manner of growth from objects belonging to the inorganic world. Inorganic substances present a mere building up without corresponding development of all parts; while an organism develops throughout, and thereby attains gradually to a higher organization. The grain of corn generates the plant; the egg brings forth the bird; the infant develops into the full grown man. Nothing of the kind takes place in inorganic matter. Composition.—Copper, gold and iron are exam- ples of elemental bodies ; on being subdivided re- peatedly, each yields its like again. Water is an 12 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. example of a compound body; it is composed of, and may be resolved into, two elements: hydrogen and oxygen. Clay, another compound body, con- sists of three or four elements. All these substances are inorganic; and nearly all inorganic substances are less complex in composition than organic bodies, such as wood or flesh. They are also more stable; that is, they do not decompose so readily. Derivation.—An organism is derived from a pa- rent ; inorganic matter is not. This is one of the most peculiar characteristics of organisms. Organisms live, develop and die; inorganic bodies are not said to live, develop, or die. The structure of a higher animal, required for the complete display of its capacities, may be repre- sented thus: 1. An apparatus to convert food into a fluid which will develop and maintain the body, and to remove waste materials. 2. A system of vessels to convey this fluid to all parts of the body. 3. A muscle or heart, which, by contracting and relaxing, pumps the fluid into the vessels. 4. A mechanism for respiration, so as to purify the fluid by a fresh supply of oxygen. 5. Contractile cords or muscles to set the different parts of the body in motion. 6. A mass of nervous matter, with nervous fibres spreading over the body, to receive impressions from the outer world, and to convey manifestations of will, &c., to the various portions of the body. BONES. 13 LESSON II. BONES — THE SKELETON. 1. Experiment.—Expose a bone to the action of intense heat. Its shape will be preserved, but it will no longer be strong and tough; it will not sup- port as much weight as before. It has now lost its animal substance. 2. Experiment.— Soak a bone in dilute acid. Its shape will be retained, but its firmness is destroyed; it may now be bent without breaking. It has lost its mineral substance. The composition of bones is a close union of ani- mal and mineral substances. In the normal bone both substances exist in definite proportions. A deficiency in the mineral ingredients (chiefly lime), as is the case with bones in early life, causes the bones readily to bend; while an excess of lime, always found in the bones of old people, renders the bones brittle. The structure of bones shows a net-work of small canals and layers of bone substance. Bones are less dense at their centers; many of them contain a fatty substance, called the marrow. Bones grow and con- stantly renew their particles. 14 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. The growth of bones.— Every bone of an adult was at one time a cartilage. It did not become hardened uniformly throughout its mass, but the process of ossification—that is, the deposition of mineral mat- ter in the cartilage—took place first at particular points, called the centers of ossification. Thus the long bones of an infant contain at least three such centers or bony masses, one in the middle part of the bone (then as yet a cartilage), and one situated toward each end. In the adult these three osseous centers are united into one solid bone. When the edges or ends of bones in their growth come to touch each other, they either form joints or articulations, in order to enjoy motion upon each other; or they grow firmly together, forming sutures. Sutures may be readily ascertained in the bones composing the skull. The skeleton consists of all the bones in the hu- man body, the total number of which is about two hundred and ten, excluding the teeth. Besides, there is found a firm, elastic tissue called cartilage or gristle, such as the outer ear or the lower part of the nose. The skeleton forms the framework of the body. It is usually divided into three distinct portions : the head, the trunk, and the (upper and lower) limbs (Fig. 1). It contains three cavities; the uppermost is a hollow box of bone, the skull or cranium; this contains the brain, and has attached to it the jaws and the remaining bones of the head. Frontal Bone - - Upper Jaw Lower Jaw Collar Bone Chest ' or Thorax. ' ... Occipital Bone Vertebrae of the Neck. • - - Vertebral Column. - - Shoulder Blade - - Upper Arm. - - Lower Arih. - Pelvis. _. Wrist. Palm. > - Fingers. Lower Arm. Upper Leg. Knee-pan Lower Leg. Tarsus, or Instep. Metatarsus. Metatarsus.. Toes. Fig. 1.—Thk Skeleton 16 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. Below this a bony case or basket is seen, called the chest or thorax; and further down a bony basin, the pelvis. The chest and the pelvis, together with the backbone, form the trunk of the body. The arms, or upper extremities, are attached to the up- per part of the chest by means of the collar-bone and the shoulder-blade. The legs, or lower extremi- ties, are fastened to the lower part of the trunk. Bones, like all organic structures, consist of cells, that is, of cellular tissue ; the cells are more or less of a hexagonal form. Bones are renewed even more rapidly than any other portion of the body except the nails, the skin and the hair. The natural pro- cess by which broken bones are restored is remark- able. The immediate result of the injury is an effusion of blood around the broken parts. This is soon replaced by a watery fluid, after some time, thickens into a jelly-like mass. In a month or two this mass hardens, and slowly acquires the properties of bone; months after this the bones, if carefully treated, unite perfectly. THE HEAD. 17 LESSON III. THE HEAD—THE CEREBRO-SPINAL AXIS—THE TEETH. The head (Fig. 2) consists of the bones of the skull, face and ear. Its principal parts are : FIG. 2. 1. The frontal bone. 2. Two side bones, which form the uppermost part, and part of the right and left sides of the skull. 3. Two temporal bones, one on each side of the lower part of the frontal hone. 18 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. 4. The occipital bone, extending down the neck. 5. The upper jaw. 6. Two cheek bones. 7. Nose bone. 8. The lower jaw, easily separable from the re- maining parts of the head. 9. The sphenoid bone, forming the base of the skull (not visible in Fig. 2). The upper jaw contains the upper row of teeth, the lower jaw, the lower. The lower portion of the nose consists of cartilage, which remains soft during life. The roof of the mouth is a thin but hard bone, forming part of the upper j aw. The various bones of the head are firmly joined together, although they contain fissures and holes. According to the preceding lesson, the skeleton is composed of head, trunk and limbs ; and the trunk separable into chest or thorax, and pelvis. The young student will do well to observe that the head contains two distinct cavities : the cavity of the skull and that of the face, which are entirely separated from each other. The former contains a mass of nervous substance which is called the brain. This substance is continued down to the lower end of the pelvis, in the shape of a downward tapering cord, called the spinal cord. This cord together with the brain, pass under the name of cerebrospinal axis. Thus, we discover that the skull together with the vertebral column (Fig. 8), form a tube very much expanded above and exceedingly narrow at its lower end ; and that this tube is completely insulated, in the first place, by the bones of the skull, and sec- ondly, by the vertebral bones, or vertebrce. cp:rebro-spinal axis. 19 The other cavity, that of the face, con- tains the mouth. The mouth is part of an- other tube, called the alimentary canal, which extends from the mouth through the entire length of the trunk in front of the vertebral column (Fig. 3). The cavity of the mouth may be considered the ex- panded upper end of the alimentary canal, just as the cavity of the skull forms the upper expanded end of the tube containing the spinal cord. The cavity of the mouth contains two rows of teeth, one in tne upper jaw, me otner in me lower. Each tooth has a crown, neck and fany or fangs. The crown is the portion which projects beyond the gum. The neck is that portion immediately below the crown and on a level with the edges of the gum. The fang, or fangs if there be more than one, comprises all be- low the neck (Fig. 4). -Fig. 3 VERTICAL SECTION OF THE HUMAN BODY. A. L.—Alimentary canal. V. C.— Vertical column. C. S.— Cerebrospinal axis. 20 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. The crown is covered with an exceedingly hard substance, called enamel; this is the hardest por- tion of a tooth, and the hardest substance in the human body. It forms a very thin layer, and serves as a protection to the principal constituent of all teeth, the dentine or ivory. This dentine is hol- lowed out into a cavity, which contains a very sen- sitive mass of nervous matter, the tooth-pulp (Fig. 4, a). Teeth are partially composed of bony mat- ter; they differ from bones in possessing enamel and dentine, which bones have not. Teeth have no growth. a b c d e / There are thirty-two teeth in number, sixteen in each jaw. The four front teeth in each jaw are adapted for cutting purposes, and therefore named incisors (b). On each side of them is a tooth with one cusp—that is, with a pointed crown (c). It is called the eye-tooth, or, because it resembles the long, tearing tusk of the dog, the canine. Next on either side is a tooth (d) with two cusps on the crown, lar- ger than the preceding teeth, and called bicuspid. Adjacent to it are teeth with more than two cusps, FIG. 4. TEETH. 21 the molars or grinders (e and/), the broadest and most powerful of all. The crowns of the molars in the lower jaw have four or five cusps, while those in the upper have one cusp less. In the early period of life, each jaw has ten tem- porary or milk teeth. At the age of six or eight the upper portions of these teeth fall out, or are ‘shed,’ while the fangs are absorbed. Then appears the second or permanent set of teeth, thirty-two in number. The following formula shows that the molars of the child are replaced by the bicuspids of the adult: Formula of Arrangement and number of Teeth. Mo Ca In Ca Mo Upper, 2 1 4 1 2 = 10 Lower, 2 1 4 1 2 = 10 Temporary Teeth. =20 Mo Bi Ca In Ca Bi Mo Upper, 3 2 1 4 1 2 3=16 Lower, 3 2 1 4 1 2 3=16 Permanent Teeth. =32 Familiar Facts. — Sudden changes of tempera- ture, owing to very cold or very hot food or drink, are dangerous to the teeth, as they may cause the enamel to crack. Acids and metal toothpicks should be avoided. Teeth require cleansing with water and a soft brush, especially after meals. Any injury to the enamel is irreparable, and, as it causes the den- tine beneath to decay, may involve the loss of the tooth. (Compare Lesson XXV.) Bead “Toothacheby S. Parsons Shaw. Lippincott, Philadelphia. 22 FIKST LESSORS IN PHYSIOLOGY. LESSON IV.—REVIEW. Lesson i.— 1. Inorganic matter differs from organic, mainly in form, coherence, growth, composition and deriva- tion. 2. An organism is an organized structure belong- ing either to the vegetable or animal kingdom. 3. Only organisms live, develop and die. The hu- man body is the most perfect organism known. 4. The structure of a higher animal required for the complete display of its capacities may be repre- sented thus: 1. An apparatus to convert food into a fluid which will develop and maintain the body, and to remove waste materials. 2. A system of ves- sels to convey this fluid to all parts of the body. 3. A muscle or heart, which, by contracting and relaxing, pumps the fluid into the vessels. 4. A mechanism for respiration, so as to purify the fluid by a fresh supply of oxygen. 5. Contractile cords or muscles, to set the different parts of the body in motion. 6. A mass of nervous matter, with nerv- ous fibres spreading over the body, to receive im- pressions from the outer world, and to convey mani- festations of will, &c., to the various parts of the body. REVIEW. 23 Lesson ii.— 5. Bones consist of animal and mineral material. The former renders them tough and elastic ; the lat- ter gives them strength. 6. The animal substance in bones may be removed by heat; the mineral, by the action of acids. 7. Bones grow and constantly renew their particles. 8. The number of bones in the human body is about two hundred and ten. 9. Cartilages are firm, elastic tissues. 10. The skeleton may be divided into head, trunk and limbs. 11. Bones, like all organic structures, consist of cellular tissue. Lesson iii.— 12. The head consists of the bones of the skull and those of the face and ear. 18. The principal parts of the head are: 1. The frontal bone. 2. The side bones. 3. The occipital bone. 4. The temporal bones. 5. The upper jaw. 6. The cheek bones. 7. The nose bone. 8. The lower jaw. 9. The sphenoid bone. 14. The cerebro-spinal axis comprises the spinal cord and the brain. 15. A tooth is composed of a crown, a neck and one or more fangs. 16. The tooth-pulp is enclosed by dentine; the dentine is capped by the enamel. 17. The number of milk-teeth is twenty. 18. Each jaw of an adult should contain sixteen teeth: four incisors, two canines, four bicuspids and six molars. 24 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. LESSON V. THE TRUNK. 3. Experiment.—The carcass of a quadruped, if placed in a wooden box punctured on all sides, and buried in the ground close by an ant-hill, will after a few weeks be reduced to a skeleton, which may be used to advantage in studying the human skeleton. The skull is supported by an upright column, called the spinal column or back-bone. It consists of twenty-four separate vertebrae, which are so fastened together that the entire number appears as an un- broken pillar, forming the central, most important, and, let us add, the most wonderful part of the skel- eton. Nearly all the organs of the body seem to rely upon it for their support. It helps to form the back wall of the chest and abdomen, which are maintained by the pelvis or haunch bone. The vertebral and joints of the back-bone may be ascertained by the touch ; they begin with the back part of the neck and pass down to the pelvis. In a similar manner locate the ribs, which extend from the right and left of each vertebra in the thorax and encircle the chest. They are fastened in front to the breast bone or sternum. Find the two collar bones or clavicles, and observe their form. Next examine the VERTEBRAE. 25 two shoulder-blades; together with the clavicles they form the shoulder, and protect the lungs from above. The vertebral are perforated, that is, they contain a nearly oval cavity about an inch wide, filled with the spinal cord (Fig. 5, d). This cord extends down to the lower end of the pelvis. The spinal column protects the spinal cord within; it serves to bear the head aloft and to give the body its erect position. Fig. 5. A VERTEBRA. HORIZONTAL SECTION. TWO VERTEBRAE.—SIDE VIEW. Each vertebra presents the appearance of a hol- low cylinder, to the rear portion of which are at- tached seven superficial elongations or processes (Fig. 5, b and c). These processes are joined to ribs, ligaments (Lesson VI.) and muscles. The number of ribs fastened to the sternum is fourteen, seven on each side. The eighth and ninth ribs, on each side, do not reach far enough to the front; the tenth, eleventh and twelfth are shorter yet. These ten ribs are called the ‘ false ’ ribs. 26 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. Between each pair of vertebrae is an interstice of about one-sixth the height of the body of the verte- bra. This space (Fig. 5, e) is occupied by two layers of cartilage, attached to the two bones. These car- tilages render the spine elastic, and make its joints yield and work with ease. (All of the bones named in this connection, except the body of each vertebra, are flattened and without cavity.) The pelvis supports the spinal column and the ab- domen. It is formed by the two hip-bones, which are held together by the lower part of the spinal column, the sacrum. During the day the spinal column, while in erect position, supports the weight of the head, arms, and nearly the entire trunk. This compresses the lay- ers of cartilage between each pair of vertebrae so as to diminish the length of the column. Hence, the human body is actually a little shorter toward even- ing, and resumes its normal length when lying in a horizontal position, or after a night’s rest. Elderly persons shrink in height, because their interverte- bral cartilages harden and become thinner; this accounts for their stooping posture. Persons in the habit of bending the head forward too far compress the front part of those cartilages, while the rear portion thickens. In course of time the cartilages lose their elasticity, and the spine becomes curved or ‘ crooked.’ The erect position of the spinal col- umn is one of the essential requirements of health. LIMBS. LESSON VI. THE LIMBS.—LIGAMENTS. Tty. 6 Examine your arms, and locate their bones. You will find a long bone in the upper arm, and two long bones in the lower. So there is in the upper leg a long bone, the longest and strongest bone in the skeleton; and there are, also, two long bones in the lower leg. The hand (Fig. 6) is composed of three parts: the fingers, the palm and the wrist. The wrist contains eight little bones, placed in two rows ; together with the bones of the fore-arm, they form the wrist-joint. The palm has five bones. The four fingers have three bones each; the thumb contains only two. The entire hand, therefore, contains twenty-seven bones. The foot, in a similar manner, is composed of the toes, the metatar- sus, and the tarsus or instep. The great toe contains two bones; the remaining toes, like the fingers of the hand, have three bones each (Figure 1). The instep has seven 8ones ofthe Arm and Hand. 28 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. bones ; the metatarsus, five. In all, there are twenty- six bones in the foot. The heel supports the rear portion of the foot, or the whole body when the body is in erect position. The knee-jpan covers the forepart of the knee-joint. The mechanism which adapts the limbs in the human body to their manifold uses is remarkable for its effective plan and devices. No animal ex- hibits a system of joints which is movable in so many directions, and yet is so firm and stout. No animal possesses such gracefulness in the motions of its limbs, combined with so vast a capacity of exertion and endurance. The limbs are joined to the trunk in a manner such that they enjoy motion in every direction— upward, downward, forward, backward, and in a circular manner. This is secured by a ball-and- socket joint where the globular-shaped head of a bone plays in a cup or socket. The elbow and the ankle have each a hinge-joint, which allows forward and backward motion only. The foot does not rest upon its whole lower sur- face, but, having the form of an arch, it touches the ground only at the heel and at the ball of the toes in front. All the bones composing this arch, or “ hollow of the foot,” are fastened to each other by ligaments in such a manner as to give them a large amount of spring-force with which to resist the ef- fects of pressure produced by the weight of the body and by the jar against the ground. To convince one of the truth of this, he needs but place the hollow of the foot upon the round of a ladder. LIGAMENTS. 29 Ligaments.—The movable joints are fastened to- gether by ligaments. Ligaments are firm, fibrous bands with very little mobility. The bone to which a ligament is fastened may be broken by an acci- dent, without harm to the ligament itself. If our joints were formed by the direct contact of bones, these bones could scarcely play upon each other; hence, there is cartilaginous tissue between them, to give them a greater or less amount of play and elasticity. In the movable joints the surfaces which play upon each other are covered with cartilage. Moreover, they are enveloped by a sort of sac, which secretes a lubricating fluid resembling the white of an egg. Familiar facts.—Animals can not move their claws separately; man is able to move any of his fingers independently. No animal except the hat is competent, with his fingers, to make a span equal to the entire length of the hand. While many an animal has something like fingers; while the bird possesses a flying apparatus, and the horse greater capacity for running than man, man alone has so perfect a machine as the human hand with which to execute such complicated motions and to assume such manifold positions and forms. Read Dress and Care of the Feet. Sam. R. Wells, Publisher, 389 Broadway, New York. Read The Hand, by Sir Charles Bell. Harper & Bros. 30 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. LESSON VII. CARTILAGES — LARYNX — TRACHEA. Examine, and compare with each other, the nasal cartilage, the external ear and the gullet of a bird. The first is an appendage to a bone, the second is not directly connected with any bone, the third is a structure entirely independent of bones. All three are illustrations of a dense, firm substance, called cartilage or gristle. It is nearly related to bone* but lacks the mineral ingredients of bone, and is,, therefore, softer and more elastic. The chief uses of cartilage are the following: (1.) To yield smooth surfaces for easy friction in the joints; and to act as a cushion in shocks. (2.) To fasten "bones together without destroying freedom of movement, as between the vertebrae. (3.) To serve as a firm yet not unyielding frame- work, as in the larynx and trachea. (4.) To adapt itself to all purposes where firm- ness, toughness, elasticity and strength are re- quired. The Larynx. — To the rear of the tongue is an aperture, the glottis, with a sort of fleshy cover, the epiglottis (Fig. 7). This aperture leads to a cavity, the larynx, whose sides are composed of cartilage. LARYNX. 31 The lower continuation of the larynx forms a long tube, the trachea or windpipe, composed of cartila- Epiglottis. Larynx. Trachea. Right Bronchus. .Left Bronchus. Fig. 7.—Lahynx and Tbachea. ginous rings, some of which may he felt from with- 32 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. out. These rings are complete only in front; in the rear, where the trachea rests against the gullet, their ends are connected with each other by a thin mem- brane and by muscular fibres. The trachea, after entering the thorax, separates into two branches, the right and left bronchi. These enter the lungs and divide further into a great many smaller bronchial tubes. The larynx is the organ of the voice. It contains within its cartilages, immediately below the epiglot- tis, two elastic lips, known as the vocal chords. These chords are controlled by certain muscles, so that they can close the larynx against the passage of air to or from the lungs. They can also be re- laxed, or shortened and lengthened, so as to throw currents of air passing between them into vibra- tions— that is, so as to produce sound. During in- spiration the vocal chords are widely separated; during expiration they relax somewhat, and are nearer together. Questions : 1. Why is not the spinal column made up of a single bone in place of the vertebra? ? 2. Why are not all the ribs attached to the ster- num ? 3. When has the human body greater length than usual ? 4. State why this is the case. 5. How does a bone differ from cartilage ? REVIEW. 33 LESSON VIII.— REVIEW. Lesson v.— 1. The spinal column directly supports the skull; it is itself supported by the pelvis. 2. The spinal column consists of twenty-four sep- arate bones or vertebrae. 3. The trunk contains the spinal column ; twenty- four ribs, twelve on each side; the breast bone, two clavicles and the two shoulder-blades; two hip- bones and the sacrum. 4. The spinal column protects the spinal cord within ; it serves to bear the head aloft, and to give the body its erect position. Lesson vi.— 5. The arm is composed of a long bone in the up- per arm, two bones in the lower, and twenty-seven bones in the hand. 6. The leg is composed of a long bone in its upper part, two bones in the lower, and twenty-six bones in the foot. 7. The ball-and-socket joint permits motion in all directions; the hinge-joint, only in two. 8. The arch of the foot renders the foot better ca- pable of supporting the weight of the body. 9. The movable joints are fastened together by ligaments. Ligaments are firm, fibrous bands with very little mobility. The bone to which a ligament is fastened may be broken by an accident without 34 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. harm to the ligament itself. If our joints were formed by the direct contact of bones these bones could scarcely play upon each other; hence, there is cartilaginous tissue between them, to give them a greater amount of play and elasticity. In the movable joints the surfaces which play upon each other are covered with cartilage. They are envel- oped by a sort of sac, which secretes a lubricating fluid resembling the white of an egg. Lesson vii.— 10. The chief uses of cartilage are: 1. To yield smooth surfaces for easy friction in the joints, and to act as a cushion in shocks. 2. To fasten bones together without destroying freedom of movement, as between the vertebrae. 3. To serve as a firm yet not unyielding framework, as in the larynx and trachea. 4. To adapt itself to all purposes where firmness, toughness, elasticity and strength are re- quired. 11. The larynx consists of a cavity surrounded by cartilages ; it is the organ of the voice. 12. It contains the vocal chords, which produce sound by causing currents of air passing between them to vibrate. 13. The trachea consists of cartilaginous rings, which are complete only in front. 14. The right and left bronchi are two branches of the trachea; they divide into finer bronchial tubes. 15. The epiglottis serves as a protection to the larynx. MUSCLES. 35 LESSON IX. MUSCLES — EAT. 4. Experiment.— Stretch out one arm and let its upper part be grasped by another person. Then slowly bend up the fore-arm; the person will now feel that a portion of the upper arm is swelling; in fact, there is now a compact mass of flesh which was not observably so prominent before, and which relaxes again when the arm is stretched out. Could we remove the skin after the arm is bent up, we would find a mass of red flesh or muscle, called the biceps muscle. The motion of this muscle is, like all motion, the manifestation of a force; in the present case, the force of the will. The flesh or muscle is the carrier of this force. A muscle is an aggregation of minute fibres, each of which is again composed of minute fibrils, held together by a delicate membrane. All the motions in the animal body are performed by muscles. Muscles, generally speaking, are the organs of mo- tion. The above experiment shows that muscles pro- duce motion by means of their contractility. This is the first property of muscles. Contractility implies the power of shortening and lengthening, and it is 36 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. in this way that muscles move the bones to which they are attached. The second property of muscles is their sensibility. As a general thing, healthy mus- cles are not very sensitive; witness the slight pain caused by a cut in the flesh. Their sensibility con- sists in this, that they can communicate to the mind the state and condition in which they are. If, for example, a muscle is fatigued, or in a state of cramp, we immediately become conscious of it. About ten minues after death the muscles of the body pass, spontaneously, into a state of contrac- tion very nearly like that which takes place during life. This produces a general stiffness of the entire body, and is known as the rigor mortis, or post-mor- tem rigidity. There are two kinds of muscles, distinguished by their structure and mode of action: first, the volun- tary muscles, as the biceps and nearly all the mus- cles used for moving bones. The action of volun- tary muscles is, to a large extent, controlled by the will. Second,, the involuntary muscles, as in the tra- chea, the bronchi and the digestive canal. These muscles are beyond the control of the will. Thus, whether we will or not, the process of respiration goes on day and night. The roughness of skin, called goose skin, is caused by the action of involun- tary muscular fibres in the skin. It is usually the result of cold, electricity, or sudden mental impres- sions. In children, and in some adults, we notice a soft tissue, called adipose tissue, or fat. It exists in FAT. 37 nearly all parts of the body. Its chief uses are the following: 1st. The fat, which is situated directly beneath the skin, prevents much of the heat of the body from escaping, because fat is a bad conductor of heat or cold. 2d. Fat serves as an elastic packing material to wrap delicate structures, such as the palm of the hand and soles of the feet. 3d. It serves as a store of combustible matter— that is, it may be burnt up in the system, and thus become a source of heat to the body. 4th. It serves to fill the cavities of the long hones. It is then called marrow. Read Woman’s Form. Harper’s Magazine, Vol. 37, July, 1868. 38 FIRST LESSONS IN PHYSIOLOGY. LESSON X. MUSCLES AS MOTOR AGENTS—WALKING. [First read Lesson XVI, “ The Lever,” in Ilotze’s First Lessons in Physics.] 5. Experiment.—Straighten the arm and extend it horizontally ; place a five-pound weight on the hand. To uphold this weight a muscular effort, or force, of about 100 pounds is required, to say noth- ing of the effort to sustain the weight of the arm itself. Before investigating this phenomenon, the young student should he reminded that the human arm is a lever with its point of support, or fulcrum, at the point o (Fig. 8) in the shoulder-joint; and that, in virtue of this joint being a ball-and-socket joint (page 28), the arm enjoys motion in a variety of Fig-8 directions; and that all these motions are exerted by strongly-developed muscles, extending from the shoulder-blade, clavicle and thorax to the upper arm, to which they are attached (pp. 43 and 45.) MUSCLES AS MOTOR AGENTS. 39 The weight (Fig. 8) is supported by a shoulder- muscle, through which the power is exerted at the point b. Joining the points o, b and a (the weight) by straight lines, a bent lever, ob a, with fulcrum at o, is formed. The weight evidently operates at the end of the long lever-arm, a b, while the muscular power at b operates only by the short lever-arm, o b. The ratio of the two lever-arms is about as 20 to 1. This explains why the live pound weight, at the end of the long arm, acts with a momentum of nearly 5X20 = 100 pounds; and why the strong shoulder- muscle at the end of o b, in order to balance this mo- mentum, must pull upward with a force of (nearly) 100X1 = 100 pounds. It also accounts for the fact, known to every one, that it requires exertion to hold the arm extended, even without any additional weight in the hand. The strong shoulder-muscle here mentioned is omitted in Fig. 8, because it would prevent o b from being seen. This muscle is the chief but not exclu- sive supporter of the weight of the ball and that of the extended horizontal arm; in this it is assisted by other muscles, among which is the biceps—the mus- cle visible in Fig. 8. The lever, o b