w •j*^"-/" ^KPW-' **wV cify" ^sfljf- IU ^o^a-Qo^ao.aaocjQjoaoaoaoQjGQO'^-r-'% Surgeon General's Office 3? X £ li & A-MlttX ec-Uo-n, N< A<#*/&/ PRESENTED BY jyC, J(e^c^s^tr, m ^/^■•v^ILa y>: ^<*\ **.%: <** V _£., >r~^ a-<- fafSAAaes' * J . \ A SYSTEM OF ANATOMY * 119 The Small Intestines......110 The Duodenum - - - - - 111 Jejunum and Ileon - - - - - - 113 The Mesentery - - - - - 115 Of the great Intestines.....117 The Csecum and Colon - - - 118 The Rectum.......122 The Omentum - - - - 125 CHAPTER III. Of the Liver, the Pancreas, and the Spleen. Of the Liver SECTION I. 128 VI GoNTEMs. SECTION II. Of the Pancreas - - 141 SECTION III. Of the Spleen ----- - 145 CHAPTER IV. Of the Urinary Organs, and the Glandulse Renales. SECTION I. Of the Glandulse Renales - - 154 SECTION II. Of the Kidneys and Ureters - - - 155 SECTION III. Of the Urinary Bladder - - 162 CHAPTER V, Of the Male Organs of Generation. SECTION I. Of the Testicles and their Appendages - 171 SECTION II. Of the Vesiculae Seminales and the prostate Gland 181 SECTION III. Of the Penis ------- 184 CHAPTER VI. Of the Female Organs of Generation. SECTION I. Of the External Parts of Generation - - 200 SECTION II. Of the Vagina - - _ - - 203 SECTION III. Of the Uterus, the Ovaries, and their Appendages 205 SECTION IV. Of the bladder and Urethra.....213 CONTENTS. VU PART IX. OF THE BLOOD VESSELS. CHAPTER I. Of the General Structure and arrangement of the Blood Vessels. SECTION I. Of the Arteries - - 226 SECTION II. Of the Veins - 233 CHAPTER II. A Particular Account of the Distribution of the Arteries. SECTION I. Of the Aorta, or the Great Trunk of the Arterial System 236 SECTION II. Of the Branches which go off from the Arch of the Aorta 238 SECTION III. Of the Branches which go off between the Arch and the Great Bifurcation of the Aorta - - 272 SECTION IV. Of the Arteries which originate at and below the Great Bifurcation of the Aorta - 285 CHAPTER III. Of the particular Distribution of the Veins. SECTION I. Of the Superior, or Descending Vena Cava, and the Veins which communicate with it - - 300 SECTION II. Of the Inferior Vena Cava, and the veins connected with it - - 309 Vlll CONTENTS. PART X. OF THE NERVES. Nerves of the Brain - 323 Of the Cervical Nerves - - - 343 Nerves of the Diaphragm - 346 Brachial Plexus - 347 Nerves of the Arm - 348 The Dorsal Nerves - 352 Of the Lumbar Nerves - 353 The Sacral Nerves - - 356 Sciatic Plexus --_--, 357 Great Sciatic Nerve - 358 Great Sympathetic Nerve 361 Nerves of the Heart 363 Nerves of the Abdominal Viscera - - -" - 368 PART XI. OF THE ABSORBENT VESSELS. CHAPTER I. Of the Absorbents of the Lower Extremities—the Abdomen and the Thorax. SECTION I. The Absorbents of the Lower Extremities - 376 SECTION II. The Absorbents of the Abdomen and Thorax - 381 CHAPTER II. Of the Absorbents of the Head and Neck, of the Upper Extre- mities, and the Upper Part of the Trunk of the Body. SECTION I. Of the Absorbents of the Head and Neck - - 391 SECTION II. Of the Absorbents of the Arm, and Upper Part of the Trunk - «Q51 OTOTBffi « AmATMTW* PART VI. OF THE NOSE : THE MOUTH : AND THE THROAT. CHAPTER I. OF THE NOSE. The prominent part of the face, to which the word nose is exclusively applied in ordinary lan- guage, is the anterior covering of two cavities which contain the organ of smelling. These cavities are formed principally by the up- per maxillary and palate bones; and, therefore, to acquire a complete idea of them, it is necessary to study these bones, as well as the os ethmoides, the vomer, and the ossa spongiosa inferiora, which are likewise concerned in their formation. In addition to the description of these bones, in the account of the bones of the head, it will be use- ful to study the description of the cavities of the nose which follows it. See vol. I, page 64. After thus acquiring a knowledge of the bony structure, the student will be prepared for a descrip- tion of the softer parts. Vol. II. 1 2 The External Nose. SECTION I. Of the External Nose. The superior part of the nose is formed by the ossa nasi, and the nasal processes of the upper maxillary bones, which have been already described; (see vol. 1, pages 42—46.) but the inferior part, which is composed principally of cartilages, is much more complex in its structure. The orifice, formed by the upper maxillary and nasal bones, is divided by a cartilaginous plate, which is the anterior and inferior part of the septum, or partition between the two cavities of the nose. The anterior edge of this plate projects beyond the orifice in the bones, and continues in the direction of the suture between the ossa nasi. This edge forms an angle with the lower edge of the same cartilage, which continues from it, in a horizontal direction, until it reaches the lower part of the orifice of the nose, at the junction of the palatine processes of the upper maxillary bones ; where a bony prominence is formed, to which it is firmly united. The upper part of the anterior edge of this cartilage, which is in contact with the ossa nasi, is flat, and is continued into two lateral portions that are extended from it, one on each side, and form a part of the nose: these lateral portions are sometimes spokeu of as distinct cartilages; but they are really continuations of the middle portion or septum Below the lower edge of these lateral portions are situated the cartilages which form the orifices of the nose, or the nostrils. Of these, there is one of con- siderable size, and several small fragments, on each side-of the septum. Each of the larger cartilages forms a portion of a.i oval ring, which is placed ob- liquely on the side of the septum : so that the extre- Of the Nose. 3 mity of the oval points downward and forward, while the middle part of the oval is directed upwards and backwards. The sides of this cartilage are flat, and unequal in breadth. The narrowest side is in- ternal, and projects lower down than the cartilagi- nous septum : so that it is applied to its fellow juf - the other nostril. The external side is broader, and continues backward and upward to a considerable distance. The upper and posterior part of this oval ring is deficient; but the remainder of the nostril consists of several small pieces of cartilage, which are fixed in a ligamentous membrane that is connected by each of its extremities to the oval cartilage, and thus com- pletes the orifice. The anterior parts of the oval cartilages form the point of the nose; and the ligamentous portions, the alae or lateral parts of the nostrils. When the external integuments and muscles are removed from the lower portion of the nose, so that the internal membrane and these cartilages only re- main, the internal membrane will be found attached to the whole bony margin of each orifice, and to each side of the whole anterior edge of the middle carti- lage, which projects beyond the bones. This mem- brane is afterwards continued so as to line the oval cartilages and the elastic membrane of the ala nasi, to the margin of the orifice of the nostril. The internal portions of the oval cartilages being situated without the septum, and applied to each other, they form the external edge of the partition between the nostrils, or the columna nasi; which is very moveable upon the edge of the middle cartilage. The orifices of the nostrils, thus constructed, are dilated by that portion of the muscle, called Levator Labii Superioris Jilaeqiie Nasi, which is inserted into the al;e nasi. 4 Of the Cavities of the Nose. They are drawn down by the depressor labii su- perioris alseque nasi. They are pressed against the septum and the nose by the muscle called Compres- sor Naris, which has however an opposite effect when its upper extremity is drawn upwards by those fibres of the occipito-frontalis, which descend upon the nose, and are in contact with it. The end of the nose is also occasionally drawn down, by some muscular fibres which descend from it, on the septum of the nose, to the orbicularis oris : they are considered as a portion of this muscle by many anatomists, but were described by Albinus as a separate muscle, and called Nasalis Labii Sujje- rioris. When inspiration takes place with great force, the alae nasi would be pressed against the septum if they were not drawn out and dilated by some of the mus- cles above mentioned. SECTION n. Of the Cavities of the Nose. To the description of the osseous parts of the na- sal cavities in vol. I, page 64, it ought now to be added that the vacuity in the anterior part of the os- seous septum is filled up by a cartilaginous plate, connected with the nasal lamella of the ethmoid bone above, and with the vomer below. This plate sends off those lateral portions already described, which form the cartilaginous part of the bridge of the nose. It should also be observed that at the back parts of these cavities are two orifices called the Posterior Nares, which are formed by the palate bones, the vomer, and the body of the sphenoidal bone, and are somewhat oval. The nasal cavities, thus constructed, are lined by a peculiar membrane, which is called pituitary from Sehneiderian Membrane. 5 its secretion of mucus, or Sehneiderian after an ana- tomist who described it with accuracy.* This membrane is very thick and strong, and abounds with so many blood vessels, that in the liv- ing subject it is of a red colour. It adheres to the bones and septum of the nose like the periosteum, but separates from them more easily.* The surface which adheres to the bones has some resemblance to periosteum; while the other surface is soft, spon- gy, and rather villous. Bichat seems to have con- sidered this membrane as formed of two lamina?, viz. periosteum, and the proper mucous membrane; but he adds, that it is almost impossible to separate them. It has been supposed that many distinct glandu- lar bodies were to be seen in the structure of this membrane by examining the surface next to the bones;f but this opinion is adopted by very few of the anatomists of the present day. The texture of the membrane appears to be uniform ; and on its sur- face are a great number of follicles of various sizes, from which flows the mucus of the nose. These follicles appear like pits, made by pushing a pin obliquely into a surface which retains the form of the impression. They can be seen very distinctly with a common magnifying glass when the mem- brane is immersed in water, both on the septum and on the opposite surface. They are scattered over the membrane without order or regularity, except that in a few places they occur so as to form lines of various lengths, from half an inch to an inch. The largest of them are in the lower parts of the cavities. It may be presumed that the secretion of mucus is effected here by vessels which are mere continuations of arteries spread upon a surface analogous to the * Conrad Schneider, a German professor, in a large work, " De Catarrhis," published about 1660. f See Wiuslow, section X. No. 337. " Olfactory Nerves. exhalents, and not convoluted in circumscribed mass- es, as in the case of ordinary glands. The arteries of this membrane are derived from various sources: the most important of them is the nasal branch of the internal maxillary, which passes into the nose through the splieno-palatine foramen, and is therefore called the Sphenopalatine Artery. It divides into several twigs, which are spent upon the different parts of the surface of the nasal cavities. Two of them are generally found on the septus of the nose : one, which is small, passes forwards near the middle; the other, which is much larger, is near the lower part of it. Two small arteries called the anterior and poste- rior ethmoidal, which are branches of the ophthal- mic, enter the nose by foramina of the cribriform plate of the ethmoidal bone. These arteries pass from the orbit to the cavity of the cranium, and then through the cribriform plate to the nose. In addi- tion to these, there are some small arteries derived from the infra orbital, the alveolar and the palatine, which extend to the Sehneiderian membrane; but they are not of much importance. The veins of the nose correspond with the arteries. Those which accompany the ethmoidal arteries open into the ocular vein of the orbit, which terminates in the cavernous sinuses of the head. The other veins ultimately terminate in the external jugulars. The nerves of the nose form an important part of the structure ; they are derived from several sources ; but the most important branches are those of the ol- factory. The olfactory nerves form oblong bulbs, which lie on each side of the crista galli, on the depressed por- tions of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone, within the dura mater. These bulbs are of a soft con- sistence, and resemble the cortical part of the brain Olfactory Nerves. 7 mixed with streaks of medullary matter. They send off uumerous filaments, which pass through the fora- mina of the ethmoid bone, and receive a coat from the dura mater as they pass through it. These filaments are so arranged that they form two rows, one running near to the septum, and the other to the surface of the cellular part of the eth- moid bone, and the os turbinatum : and in addition to these are some intermediate filaments. When the Sehneiderian membrane is peeled from the bones to which it is attached, these nervous fila- ments are seen passing from the foramina of the eth- moid bone to the attached surfaces: one row passing upon that which covered the septum, and the other to that of the opposite side; while the intermediate filaments take an anterior direction, but unite to the membrane as soon as they come in contact with it. All of these can be traced downwards on the aforesaid surfaces of the membrane for a consider- able distance, when they gradually sink into the substance of the membrane, and most probably ter- minate on the internal villous surface; but they have not been traced to their ultimate termination. They ratify so that the branches form very acute angles with each other. On the septum the different branches are arranged so as to form brushes, which lie in con- tact with each other. On the opposite sides, the dif- ferent ramifications unite so as to form a plexus. Dr. Soemmering published last year some very elegant engravings of the nose, representing one of his dissections, which appears to have been uncom- monly minute and successful.* These represent the ramifications as becoming more expanded and delicate in the progress towards their terminations, * They are entitled, Icones organorum humanorum olfactus. 8 Spheno-palatine and other Nerves of the Nose. and as observing a torturous course, with very short meandering flexures. It is to be observed that the ramifications of the olfactory nerve, thus arranged, do not extend to the bottom of the cavity. On the external side, they are not traced lower than the lower edge of the eth- moid, or of the superior spongy bone: and on the septum, they do not extend to the bottom, although they are lower than on the opposite side. On the parts of the membrane not occupied by the branches of the olfactory nerves, several other nerves can be traced. The nasal twig of the ophthalmic branch of the fifth pair, after passing from the orbit into the cavity of the cranium, proceeds to the nasal cavity on each side by a foramen of the cribriform plate; and after sending off some fibrillar, descends upon the anterior part of the septum to the point of the nose. The spheno-palatine nerve, which is derived from the second branch of the fifth pair, and enters the nose by the spheno-palatine foramen, is spread upon the lower part of the septum and of the opposite side of the nose also, and transmits a branch through a canal in the foramen incisivum to the mouth. Se- veral small branches also pass to the nose from the palatine and other nerves: but those already men- tioned are the most important. A question has been proposed, whether the olfac- tory nerve is exclusively concerned in the function of smelling, or whether the other nerves above men- tioned are also concerned in it. It seems probable that this function is exclusively performed by the olfactory nerve, and that the other nerves are like the opththalmic branch of the fifth pair, with respect to the optic nerve. In proof of this, it is asserted that the sense of smelling has entirely ceased in some cases, where the sensibility to mechanical irritation of every kind has remained unchanged. If the ol- Extent of the Sehneiderian Membrane. 9 factory nerve alone is concerned in the function of smelling, it follows, that tliis function must be con- fined to the upper parts of the nasal cavities; but it ought to be remembered, that the structure of the Sehneiderian membrane, in the lower parts of these cavities^ appears exactly like that which is above. The surface of the nasal cavities and their sep- tum, when covered with the Sehneiderian membrane, corresponds with the osseous surface formerly des- cribed. The membrane covers the bones and car- tilage of the septum, so as to make one uniform re- gular surface. From the upper part of the septum, it is continued to the under side of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid, and lines it; the filaments of the olfactory nerve passing through the foramina of that bone into the fibrous surface of the membrane. It is continued from the septum, and from the cribri- form plate, to the internal surface of the external nose, and lines it. It is also continued backwards to the anterior surface of the body of the sphenoidal bone ; and, passing through the foramina or openings of the sphenoidal cells, it lines these cavities com- pletely ; but in these, as well as the other cavities, its structure appears somewhat changed : it becomes thinner and less vascular. At the above mentioned foramina, in some sub- jects, it forms a plait or fold, which diminishes the aperture considerably. From the upper surface of the nasal cavities, the membrane is continued downwards over the surface opposite to the septum. On the upper flat surfaces of the cellular portions of the ethmoid, it forms a smooth uniform surface. After passing over the first turbinated bone, or that called after Morgagni, it is reflected into the groove, or upper meatus, immedi- ately within and under it: the fold formed by the membrane, as it is reflected into the meatus, is rather Vol. II. 2 10 Distribution of the Sehneiderian Membrane. larger than the bone : and the edge of the fold there- fore extends lower down tnan the edge of the bone, and partly covers the meatus like a flap, consisting only of the doubled membrane. This fold generally continues backwards as far as the sphcno-maxillary foramen, which it closes; the periosteum, exterior to the foramen, passing through it, and blending itself with the fibrous surface of the Schneideriau mem- brane within. Here the spheno-palatine nerves and arteries join the membrane. Below this meatus, it extends over the middle (formerly called the upper) turbinated bone, and is reflected or folded inwards on the under side of this bone, and continued into the middle meatus below it. In the middle meatus, which is partly covered by the last mentioned turbi- nated bone, there are two foramina: one communi- cating with the maxillary sinus ; and the other with the anterior cells of the ethmoid and the frontal si- nuses. The aperture into the maxillary sinuses is much less in the recent head, in which the Sehnei- derian membrane lines the nose, than it is in the bare bones. A portion of the aperture in the bones is closed by the Sehneiderian membrane, which is extended over it: the remainder of the aperture is unclosed ; and through this foramen, the membrane is reflected so as to line the whole cavity. As a por- tion of the foramen is covered by the membrane, and this portion as well as the other parts of the cavity is lined by the membrane, it is obvious that at the place where the membrane is extended over the foramen in the bone, it must be doubled ; or, in other words, a part of the aperture of the maxillary sinus is closed by a fold of the Sehneiderian mem- brane. This aperture varies in size in different subjects, and is ofteu equal in diameter to a common quill. It is situated in the middle of the meatus, and is covered Eustachian Tube. 11 by the middle turbinated bone: immediately above it, is a prominence of the cellular structure of the eth- moid bone, which has a curved or semicircular figure. Near this prominence, in the same meatus, a groove terminates, which leads from the anterior ethmoid cells and the frontal sinuses. From the middle meatus, the membrane proceeds over the inferior turbinated bone, and is reflected round and under it into the lower meatus. It appears rather larger than the bone which it covers; and therefore the lower edge of the bone does not extend so low as the lower edge of the membrane, which of course is like a fold or plait. The membrane then continues and lines the lower meatus: here it ap- pears less full than it is in the turbinated bone. In this meatus, near to its anterior end, is the lower ori- fice of the lachrymal duct: this is simply lined by the Sehneiderian membrane, which is continued into it, and forms no plaits or folds that affect the orifice. Orifice of the Eustachian Tube. Immefciatety behind each of the nasal cavities, on the external side, is the orifice of the Eustachian Tube. It has an oval form, and is large enough to admit a very large quill. Its position is oblique; the upper extremity being anterior to the other parts of the aperture, and on a line with the middle mea- tus, while the centre is behind the inferior turbinated bone. The lower part of the oval is deficient. This tube is formed posteriorly by a cartilaginous plate. It is lined by the membrane continued from the nose. The cavities of the nose answer a twofold purpose in the animal economy: they afford a surface for the ex- pansion of the olfactory nerves; and a passage for the external a»r to the windpipe, in respiration. The function of smelling appears to be dependent, to a certain degree, upon respiration. It has been a?- 12 Observations respecting the Nose. sorted that unless the air passes in a stream through the nose, as in respiration, the perception of odour does not take place; that in persons who breathe through wounds and apertures in the windpipe, the function of smelling is not performed. It is rather in confirmation of this proposition, that most per- sons, when they wish to have an accurate perception of any odour, draw in air rapidly through the nose. Although the ultimate terminations of the olfactory nerves cannot be demonstrated like those of the optic and auditory nerves, it is probable, from the appear- ance of the fibres, while they are distinguishable, that they are finally arranged with great delicacy. It is certain that the impressions from whence we derive the perceptions of many odours must be very slight; as some odorous bodies will impregnate the air of a large chamber, for a great length of time, without losing any sensible weight. With respect to delicacy of structure and sensibility, it is probable that the nose holds a middle rank be- tween the eye or ear, and the tongue: and on this account the mucus is necessary as a covering and defence of its surface. It has been ascertained, by the investigations of che- mists, that this mucus contains the same%gredients as the tears already described, viz. animal mucus and water; with muriate of soda, and soda uncom- bined; phosphate of lime, and phosphate of soda. The animal mucus, which is a most important ingre- dient in the composition, resembles the mucilage formed by some of the vegetable gums in several particulars; and differs from them in others. The mucus of the nose, if it remain there long after it is secreted, becomes much more viscid in consist- ence, and changes from a whitish colour to one which partakes more or less of the yellow. It is probable that an incipient putrefaction may occasion these changes in it. The use of the frontal, maxillary and other sinuses, communicating with the nose? has been the subject of some inquiry. As there can be no stream of air through them, and as the membrane lining them is Use of the Sinuses of the Nose. 18 neither so thick, villous nor flexible as that lining the nose, it may be concluded, a priori, that they are not concerned in the function of smelling. This opinion is strengthened by the fact, that very young children, in whom these sinuses scarcely exist, en- joy the sense of smelling in perfection. The follow- ing fact is also in support of it. The celebrated Dessault attended a patient, in whom one of the frontal sinuses was laid open by the destruction of the bone which covered it anteriorly. This patient was able to breathe a short time through the sinus when the mouth and nose were closed: At the re- quest of Dessault he breathed in this manner when a cup of some aromatic liquor was held near the opening of the sinus: and had not the least percep- tion of odour. This experiment was repeated seve- ral times. Many physiologists believe that these sinuses have an effect in modulating the voice. CHAPTER II. OF THE MOUTH. The general cavity of the mouth is formed ante- riorly and laterally by the connexion of the lips and checks to the upper and lower jaws; so that the teeth and the alveoli of both jaws may be considered as within the cavity. Above, it is bounded princi- pally by the palatine processes of the upper maxil- lary and palate bones, and the soft palate, which con- tinues backward from them in the same direction. Below, the cavity is completed by several mus- cles, which proceed from almost the whole internal circumference of the lower jaw, and, by their con- nexions with each other, with the tongue and the os hyoides, form a floor or bottom to it. The tongue is particularly connected to this surface, and may be considered as resting upon and supported by it. To acquire an idea of the parietes of this cavity, after studying the upper and lower maxillary bones, the orbicularis oris and the muscles connected with it, especially the buccinator, ought to be examined ; and also the digastricus, the mylo-hyoideus, genio- hyoideus, and genio-hyoglossus. By this it will appear that the lips and cheeks, and the basis or floor of the mouth, are formed in a great measure by muscles. Upon the internal surface of these mus- cles, a portion of cellular and adipose substance is arranged, as well as glandular bodies of different sizes; and to these is attached the membrane which lines the inside of the mouth. * This membrane passes from the skin of the face to the lips, and the inside of the mouth; and, al- though it is really a continuation of the skin, there Internal Surface of the Mouth. 15 is so great a change of structure, that it ought to be considered as a different membrane. At the orifice of the lips it is extremely thin, and so vascular that it produces the fine florid colour which appears there in health. It is covered by a cuticle, called by some anatomists. Epithelium, which has a proportionate degree of delicacy, and can be separated like the cu- ticle in other parts. When this cuticle is separated, the lips and the membrane of the mouth, appear to be covered with very fine villi, which are particular- ly apparent in some preparations of the lips after in- jection and maceration.*" Under this membrane are many small glandular bodies of a roundish form, called glandular labiales, whose excretory ducts pass through it to the inner surface of the mouth, for the purpose of lubrifying it with their secretion, which is mingled witli the saliva. The membrane, which lines the inside of the lips and cheeks, is somewhat different from that which forms the surface of the orifice of the mouth : it is not so florid ; the blood vessels in its texture are larger and not so numerous. This change, however, takes place very gradually, in the progress of the mem- brane, from the orifice of the lips to the back part of the cheeks. Glandular bodies, like those of the lipsr are situated immediately exterior to this membrane of the cheeks, between it and the muscles: their ducts open on its surface. These glands are called Buccales. This lining membrane is continued from the inter- nal surface of the lips and cheeks to the alveolar portions of the upper and lower jaws, which are in the cavity of the mouth, and covers them, adhering firmly to the periosteum. ♦ Ruysch had a fine preparation of this structure. See Thesauw? VII. Tab- III. Fig. 5. 16 Gums.—Surface of the Hard Palate. The teeth appear to have passed through aper- tures in this membrane, and are surrounded by it closely at their respective necks. The portion of membrane, which thus invests the jaws, constitutes the gums; which have now acquir- ed a texture very different from that of the mem- brane, from which they Were continued. They are extremely firm and dense, and very vascular. It is probable that their ultimate structure is not perfectly understood. In the disease called scurvy, they tumify and lose the firmness of their texture : they acquire a livid co- lour, and are much disposed to hemorrhage. From the alveoli of the upper jaw, the lining mem- brane is continued upon the palatine processes of the upper maxillary and palate bones, or the roof of the mouth. This membrane of the palate is not quite so firm as that of the gums, and is also less florid : it ad- heres firmly to the periosteum, and thus is closely fixed to the bones.- There is generally a ridge on its surface, immediately under the suture between the two upper maxillary bones; and some transverse ridges are also to be seen upon it. On the internal surface of this membrane are small glandular bodies, whose ducts open on the surface of the palate. It is asserted, that this membrane has a limited degree of that sensibility which is essential to the function of tasting ; and, that if certain sapid sub- stances are carefully applied to it, their respective tastes will be perceived, although they have not been in contact with the tongue. The membrane is continued from the bones above mentioned to the soft palate, or velum pendulum pa- lati, which is situated immediately behind them. This soft palate may be considered as a continuation of the partition between the nose and mouth: it is at- Soft Palate.—Uvula. 1^ tached to the posterior edge of the palatine processes of the ossa palati, and to the pterygoid processes of the sphenoidal bone. Its interior structure is mus- cular. The upper surface is covered by the mem- brane of the nose, the lower surface by the membrane which lines the mouth. The muscles, which contribute to the composition of this structure, are the circumflexi and the le- vatores palati above, and the constrictores isthmi faucium and palatopharyngei below. (See vol. I. page 190—191.) Thus composed, the soft palate constitutes the back part of the partition between the nose and mouth. When viewed from before, with the mouth open, it presents towards the tongue an arched surface, which continues downwards on each side until it comes nearly in contact with the edges of that organ. On each of the lateral parts of this arch, are two pillars, or rather prominent ridges, which project into the mouth. These ridges are at some distance from each other below, and approach much nearer above, so that they include a triangular space. They are called the lateral half arches of the palate. Each of them is formed by a plait or fold of thelining membrane of the mouth, and contains one of the two last mentioned muscles: the anterior, the constrictor isthmi faucium ; the posterior, the pa- lato-pharyngeus. These muscles, of course, draw the palate down toward the tongue when they contract. From the centre of the arch, near its posterior edge, is suspended the uvula, a conical body, which varies in length from less than half an inch to rather more than one inch. It is conuected by its basis to the palate; but its apex is loose aud pendulous. This body is covered by the lining membrane of the mouth. It contains mauy small glands, aud a mus- cle also, the azygos uvulae, which arises from the posterior edge of the ossa palati, at the suture which Vol. II. 3 18 The Tongue. connects them to each other, and, passing posteriorly upon the soft palate, extends from the basis to the apex of the uvula, into which it is inserted. By the action of this muscle, the length of the uvula can be very much diminished; and when its contraction ceases, that body is elongated. The pendulous part of the uvula can also be moved, in certain cases, to either side. It is commonly supposed, that the principal use of this little organ is to modulate the voice ; but there are good reasons for believing, that it has another object. It was remarked by Fallopius, (and the ob- servation has been confirmed by many surgeons since his time) that the uvula may be removed completely without occasioning any alteration of the voice, or any difficulty in deglutition, if the soft palate be left entire. The soft palate is so flexible, that it yields to the actions of the levatores palati, which draw it up so as to close the posterior nares completely. It also yields to the circumflexi or tensores, which stretch it so as to do away its arched appearance. It is therefore very properly called the Palatum Molle. It is also frequently called the Velum Pen- dulum palati, from the position which it assumes. The Tongue, Which is a very important part of this structure," is retained in its position and connected with the parts adjoining it, by the following arrangements. The os hyoides, which, as its name imports, re- sembles the Greek letter v, or half an oval, is situat- ed rather below the angles of the lower jaw, in the middle of the upper part of the neck. It is retained in its position by the sterno-hyoidei muscles, which connect it to the upper part of the sternum ; by the coraco-hyoidei, which pass to it obliquely from the Structure of the Tongue. 19 scapula; by the thyro-hyoidei, which pass to it di- rectly' upward from the thyroid cartilage : all of which connect it to parts below. To these should be added the stylo-byoidei, which pass to it oblique- from behind and rather from above; the mylo- hyoidei, which come rather anteriorly from the late- ral parts of the lower jaw; and the genio-hyoidei, which arise from a situation directly anterior and superior, the chin. When these muscles are at rest, the situation of the os hyoides is, as above described, below the angles of the lower jaw: when those, in one particular direction, act while the others are passive, the bone may be moved upwards or down- wards, backwards or forwards, or to either side. This bone may be considered as the basis of the tongue; for the posterior extremity of that organ is attached to it; and of course the movements of the bone must have an immediate effect upon those of the tongue. The tongue is a flat body of an oval figure, but subject to considerable changes of form. The posterior extremity, connected to the os hy- oides, is commonly called its basis; the anterior ex- tremity, which when the tongue is quiescent, is rather more acute, is called its apex. The lower surface of the tongue is connected with a number of muscles, which are continued into its substance. This connexion is such, that the edges of the tongue are perfectly free and unconnected; and so is the anterior extremity for a considerable distance from the apex towards the base. The substance of the tongue consists principally of muscular fibres intermixed with a delicate adipose substance. It is connected to the os hyoides by the byoglossus muscle and also by some other muscular fibres, as wrell as by a dense membranous substance, which appears to perform the part of a ligament. 20 Structure of the Tongue. This connexion is also strengthened by the continu- ance of the integuments from the tongue to the epi- glottis cartilage, to be hereafter described ; for that cartilage is attached by ligaments to the os hyoides. The tongue is thin at its commencement at the os hyoides; but it soon increases in thickness. The muscular fibres in its composition have been consi- dered as intrinsic, or belonging wholly to its internal structure; and extrinsic, or existing in part outside of this structure. The linguales muscles are intrin- sic : (Vol. I, page 189,) they are situated near the uuder surface of the tongue, one on each side, sepa- rated from each other by the genio-hyo-glossi mus- cles, and extending from the basis of the tongue to its apex. These muscles can be easily traced as above described; but there are also many fibres in the structure of the tongue, which seem to pass in every direction, and of course are different from those of the linguales muscles. To these two sets of fibres are owing many of the immensely varied motions of the different parts of the tongue. In addition to these, are the extrinsic muscles, which originate * from the neighbouring parts, and are inserted and continued into the substance of the tongue. Among the most important of these muscles, are those which proceed from the chin, or the genio- hyo-glossi. They are in contact with each other; their fibres radiate from a central point on the inside of the chin, and are inserted into the middle of the lower surface of the tongue : the insertion commenc- ing at a short distance from its apex, and continuing to its base. As the genio-hyo-glossi muscles have a consider- able degree of thickness, they add much to the bulk of the tongue in the middle of the posterior parts of it. The hyo-glossi and the stylo-glossi, being conti- Papillae of the Tongue. 21 nued into the posterior and lateral parts, contribute also to the bulk of these parts. The tongue, thus composed and connected, lies, when at rest, on the mylo-hyoidei muscles; and the space between it and these muscles is divided into two lateral parts by the above described genio-hyo-glossi. In the space above mentioned, is a small salivary gland, of an irregular oval form; the greatest diameter of which extends from before backwards, and its edges present outwards and inwards. It has several excretory ducts, the orifices of which form a line on each side of the tongue. This gland is very promi- nent under the tongue ; and when the tongue is rais- ed it is particularly conspicuous: it is called the Sublingual. The lining membrane of the mouth continues from the inside of the alveoli of the lower jaw, which it covers, over the sublingual glands to the lower sur- face of the tongue. In this situation it is remarkably thin ; but, as it proceeds to the upper surface of the tongue, its texture changes considerably; and on this surface it constitutes the organ of taste. The upper surface of the tongue, although it is continued from the thin membrane above described, is formed by a rough integument which consists, like the skin, of three laminae. The cuticle is very thin; and under it, the rete mucosum* is thicker and softer than in other places. The true skin here abounds with eminences of various sizes and forms, all of which are denominat- ed Papillae. The largest of these are situated on the posterior part of the tongue, and are so arranged that they form an angle rather acute, with its point * M. Bichat appears to have had doubts whether the real rete mucosum existed here. He says that he could only perceive a decussation of vessels in the intervals of the papilla:, which, as he supposes, occasioned the florid colour of the tongue. 23 Papillae of the Tongue. backwards. They are commonly nine in number : they resemble an inverted cone ; or, are larger at their head than their basis. They are situated in pits or depressions, to the bottoms of which they are connected. In many of them there are follicles, or perforations, which have occasioned them to be re- garded as glands. They are called Papillae Maxi- tnae, or Capitatx. The papillae, next in size, are denominated fungi- form by some anatomists, and Mediae or Semilenti- culares by others. They are nearly cylindrical in form, with their upper extremities regularly rounded. They are scattered over the upper surface of the tongue, in almost every part of it, at irregular dis- tances from each other. The third class are called conoidal or villous. They are very numerous, and occupy the greatest part of the surface of the tongue. Although they are called conoidal, there is a great difference in their form ; many of them being irregularly angular and serrated, as well as conical. Soemmering and other German anatomists consi- der the smallest papillae as a fourth class, which they call the filiform: these lie between the others. It is probable that these papillae are essential parts of the organ of taste; and their structure is of course an interesting object of inquiry. The nerves of the tongue have been traced to the papillae, and have been compared by some anato- mists to the stalk of the apple, while the papillae resembled the fruit; but their ultimate termination does not appear to have been ascertained.* * In the explanation of the plates, referred to in the following sentence, Soemmering observes, that when the fibrillac of the lin- gual nerve of the fifth pair are traced to the papillae of the second class, they swell out into a conical form ; and these nervous cones are in such close contact with each other, that the point of the finest needle could not be insinuated into the papilla without touching a nerve. Blood vessels of the Tongue. 23 Soemmering has lately published some elegant engraved copies of drawings of these papillae, when they were magnified twenty-five times ; from which it appears that a very large number of vessels, par- ticularly of arteries, exist in them. These vessels are arranged in a serpentine direction, and are pro- minent on the surface; but they appear doubled, and the most prominent part is the doubled end.— This arrangement of vessels is perceptible on the sides of the tongue, as well as on the papillae. Behind the large papillae is a foramen, first de- scribed by Morgagni, and called by him Foramen Caecum. It is the orifice of a cavity which is not deep; the excretory ducts of several mucous glands open into it. On the upper surface of the tongue, a groove is often to be seen, which is called the linea mediana, and divides it into two equal lateral parts. Below, the lining membrane of the mouth, as it is continued from the lower jaw to the tongue, forms a plait, which acts as a ligament, and is called the frsenum linguae. It is attached to the middle of the tongue, at some distance behind the apex. The tongue is well supplied with blood vessels, which are derived from the lingual branch of the external carotid on each side. This artery passes from the external carotid, upwards, inwards, and forwards, to the body of the tongue. In this course it sends off several small arteries to the contiguous parts, and one, which is spent about the epiglottis and the adjoining parts, called the Dorsalis Linguae. About the anterior edge of the hyo-glossus muscle, it divides into two large branches : one of which, called the Sublingual, passes under the tongue be- tween the genio-hyo-glossus and the sublingual gland, and extends near to the symphysis of the upper jaw; sending branches to the sublingual gland, to the 24 Blood vessels of the Tongue. muscles under the tongue, to the skin, and the lower lip. The other is in the substance of the tongue, on the under side near the surface, and extends to the apex. The veins of this organ are not so regular as the arteries : they communicate with the external jugu- lar ; and some of them are always very conspicuous under the tongue: these are called ranular. It is to be observed, that the vessels on each side have but little connexion with each other ; for those of one side may be injected while the others continue empty. The tongue is also well supplied with nerves, and derives them from three different sources on each side, viz. from the fifth, the eighth, and ninth pairs of the head. The lingual portion of the third branch of the fifth pair, passing under the tongue, enters its substance about the middle, and forms many minute branches, which pass to the papillae of the fore part of the tongue. The glossopharyngeal portion of the eighth pair, sending off several branches in its course, passes to the tongue near its basis, and divides into many small branches, which are spent upon the sides and middle of the root of the tongue, and also upon the large papillae. The ninth pair of nerves are principally appro- priated to the tongue. They pass on each side to the most fleshy part of it, and after sending one branch to the mylo-hyoideus, and another to com- municate with the lingual branch of the fifth pair, they are spent principally upon the genio-glossi, and linguales muscles. The tongue answers a threefold purpose. It is the principal organ of taste. It is a very important agent in the articulation of words; and it assists in Salivary Glands. 25 those operations upon our food, which are perform- ed in the mouth. The Salivary Glands.. The salivary glands have such an intimate con- nexion with the mouth that they may be described with it.* • There are three principal glands on each side: the Parotid, the Submaxillary and the Sublingual. They are of a whitish or pale flesh-colour, and are composed of many small united masses or lobuli, each of which sends a small excretory duct to join similar ducts from the other lobuli, and thereby form the great duct of the gland. The Parotid is much larger than the other glands. It occupies a large portion of the vacuity between the mastoid process and the posterior parts of the lower jaw. It extends from the ear and the mastoid pro- cess over a portion of the masseter muscle, and from the zj^oma to the basis of the lower jaw. Its name is supposed to be derived from two Greek words which signify contiguity to the ear. It is of a firm consistence. It receives branches from the external carotid artery and from its facial branch. From the auterior edge of this gland, rather above the middle, the great duct proceeds anteriorly across the masseter muscle; and, after it has passed over it, bends inward through the adipose matter of the cheek to the buccinator muscle, which it perforates obliquely and opens on the inside of the cheek op- posite to the interval between the second and third molar teeth of the upper jaw. The aperture of the duct is rather less than the general diameter of it, and this circumstance has the effect of a valve. When the duct leaves the parotid, several small glandular bodies called sociae parotidis, are often * For a general account of glands, see the appendix to this volume, Vol. II. 4 26 Parotid and Submaxillary Glands. attached to it, and their ducts communicate with it The main duct is sometimes called after Steno, who first described it. When the mouth is opened wide, as in gaping, (here is often a jet of saliva from it into the mouth. The parotid gland furnishes the largest proportion of saliva. It covers the nerve called Portio Dura, after it has emerged from the foramen stylo-mastoideum. The second gland is called the Submaxillary. It is much smaller than the parotid, and rather round in form. It is situated immediately within the angle of the lower jaw, between it, on the outside, and the tendon of the digastric muscle and the ninth pair of nerves internally. Its posterior extremity is con- nected by cellular membrane to the parotid gland; its anterior portion lies over a part of the mylo- hyoideus muscle; and from it proceeds the excretory duct, which is of considerable length, and •passes between the mylo-hyoideus and the genio-glossus muscles along the under and inner edge of the sub- lingual gland. Iu this course the duct is sometimes surrounded with small glandular bodies, which seem to be appendices of the sublingual gland. It termi- nates under the tongue, on the side of the frsenum linguae, by a small orifice which sometimes forms a papilla.* The orifice is often smaller than the duct ;_in con- sequence of which, obstruction frequently occurs here, and produces the disease called ranula. The sublingual gland, which has already been mentioned, lies so that, when the tongue is turned • Lassus informs us that Oribases, afterwards all the Arabians, and subsequently Guy De Chauliac, Lanfranc, Achillini Berenger De Carpi, Charles Etienne, Casserius and several others have given the description of these salivary ducts, notwithstanding which Whar- ton, a physician of London, attributed to himself the discovery of them on the bullock in 1656.--Ed. I Sublingual Gland.—-Saliva. 27 up, it can be seen protruding into the cavity of the mouth, and covered by the lining membrane, which seems to keep it fixed in its place. It lies upon the mylo-hyoideus, by the side of the genio-hyoideus; and is rather oval in form and flat. Its greatest length is from before backwards; its position is ra- ther oblique, one edge being placed obliquely in- wards and upwards, and the other outwards and downwards. It has many short excretory ducts, which open by orifices arranged in a line on each side: they are discovered with difficulty, ou account of their small size, and sometimes amount to eighteen or twenty in number. In some few instances, this gland sends off a single duct, which communicates with the duct of the submaxillary gland. The salivary fluid secreted by these glands is in- odorous, insipid, and limpid, like water; but much more viscid, and of greater specific gravity. Water constitutes at least four fifths of its bulk; and animal mucus one half of its solid contents. It also con- tains some albumen, and several saline substances : as the muriate of soda, and the phosphates of lime, of soda, and of ammonia. It is probable that this fluid possesses a solvent power with respect to the articles of food. There are small glandular bodies, situated be- tween the masseter and buccinator muscles, opposite to the last molar tooth of the upper jaw, whose na- ture is not well understood: they are called Glan> dulse Molares. The motions of the tongue are very intelligible to a person who has a preparation of the lower jaw be- fore him, with the tongue in its natural situation, and the muscles, which influence it, properly dissected. Its complicated movements will appear the neces- sary result of the action of those muscles upon it, and the os hyoides; and also upon, the larynx, with 28 Observations on the Tongue. which the os hyoides is connected. The muscular fibres of the tongue itself are also to be taken into this view, as they act a very important part. Although the tongue appears very necessary, in a me- chanical point of view, to the articulation of many words, yet there are cases where it has been en- tirely deficient, in which the parties, thus affected, have been able to speak very well in general, as well as to distinguish different tastes.* The tongue is also a very delicate organ of touch. We can perceive the form of the teeth, and the state of the surface of the mouth, more accurately by the application of the tongue than of the fingers. On the three nerves which go to the tongue, it is ge- nerally supposed that the lingual portion of the third branch of the fifth pair is most immediately con-i cerned in the function of tasting, as it passes to the front part of the surface of the tongue. The glosso-pharyngeal are probably concerned in the same function on the posterior part, while the ninth pair of nerves seems principally spent upon the muscular parts of the organ. It is obvious that the tongue is most copiously supplied with nerves. This probably accounts for the great facility of its motions, and the power of continuing them. * There is a very interesting paper on this subject, in the Me jnoirs of the Academy of Sciences for the year 1718, by Jussieu ; in which he describes the case of a female, fifteen years old, ex- amined by himself, who was born without a tongue. In this paper he refers to another case, described by Rolland, a surgeon of Sau- mur, of a boy nine years old, whose tongue was destroyed by gan- grene. In each of these cases the subject was able to articulate very well, with the exception of a few letters : and also enjoyed the sense of taste. 4 CHAPTER 111. OF THE THKOAT. To avoid circumlocution, the word throat is used as a general term to comprehend the structure which occurs behind the nose and mouth, and above the oesophagus and trachea. This structure consists, 1st, Of the parts immediately behind the mouth, Which constitute the Isthmus of the Fauces : 2nd, Of the parts which form the orifice of the windpipe, or the Larynx ;—and 3d, Of the muscular bag, which forms the cavity behind the nose and mouth that terminates in the oesophagus, or the Pharynx. section I. Of the Isthmus of the Fauces. In the back part of the mouth, on each side, are to be seen the two ridges or half arches, passing from the soft palate of the root of the tongue, mentioned in page 17? and said to be formed by plaits of the skin containing muscular fibres. The anterior plait, which contains the muscle called Constrictor Isthmi Faucium, passes directly from the side of the root of the tougue to the palate, and terminates near the commencement of the uvula. The posterior plait runs from the palate obliquely downwards and back- fards, as it contains the palato-pharyngeus musele, hich passes from the palate to the upper and pos- terior part of the tyroid cartilage. In the triangular space between these ridges is si- tuated a glandular body, called the Tonsil Jlmyg- 30 Tonsils.—Epiglottis. dala. This glaud has au oval form, its longest dia- meter extending from above downwards. Its sur- face is rather convex, its natural colour is a pale red. On its surface are the large orifices of many cells of considerable size, which exist throughout the gland. These cells often communicate with each other, so so that a probe can be passed in at one orifice and out at the other. Into these cells open many mucous ducts, which discharge the mucus of the throat, for the purpose of lubricating the surface, and facilitating the transmis- sion of food. The epiglottis, or fifth cartilage of the larynx, is situated at the root of the tongue, in the middle, be- tween the tonsils. The part which is in sight is partly oval in form, and of a whitish colour. Its po- sition, as respects the tongue, is nearly perpendicu- lar, and its anterior surface rather convex. The membrane continued from the tongue over the epiglottis is so arranged that it forms a plait, which extends from the middle of the root of the tongue along the middle of the anterior surface of the epi- glottis, from its base upwards. On each side of this plait, or fraenum, at the junc- tion of the surfaces of the tongue and of the epiglot- tis, there is often a depression, in which small por- tions of food sometimes remain ; and a small fraenum, similar to that above described, is sometimes seen on the outside of each of these cavities. The epiglottis is situated immediately before the opening into the larynx. The above described parts can be well ascertained in the living subject, by a person who has a gener^ knowledge of the structure. Thus, looking into vm mouth, with the tongue depressed, the uvula and soft palate are in full view above, and the epiglottis is very perceptible below; while the two ridges or la* Of the Larynx. 31 teral half arches can be seen on each side, with the tonsil between them. section II. Of the Larynx. In this structure are five cartilages, upon which its form and strength depends, viz. the Cricoid, the Thyroid, the two Arytenoid, and the Epiglottis, These cartilages are articulated to each other, and are supplied with muscles by which, certain limited motions are effected. The basis of the structure is a cartilaginous ring, called the. cricoid cartilage, which may be considered as the commencement of the windpipe. It may be described as an irregular section of a tube: its lower edge, connected with the windpipe, being nearly horizontal when the body is erect: and the upper edge very oblique, sloping from before, backwards and upwards: in consequence of this, it has but little depth before, but is eight or nine lines deep behind. The Thyroid cartilage is a single plate, bent in such manner that it forms an acute angle with two similar broad surfaces on each side of it. It is so applied to the cricoid cartilage, that the lower edge of the angular part is at a small distance above the front part of that cartilage, and connected to it by ligamentous membrane: while its broad sides are ap- plied to it laterally, and thus partially inclose it. The upper edge of the angular part of the thyroid cartilage forms a notch; and the natural position of the cartilage is such, that this part is very promi- nent in the neck ; it is called the Pomum Adami. Both the upper and lower edges of the thyroid cartilage terminate posteriorly in processes, which 32 Arytenoid Cartilages and Ligaments. are called Cornua. The two uppermost are longest J they are joined by ligaments to the extremities of the os hyoides. The lower and shorter processes are fixed to the cricoid cartilage. The thyroid cartilage, therefore, partly rests upon the cricoid cartilage be- low, and is attached to the os hyoides above. It is influenced by the muscles which act upon the os hyoides, and also by some muscles which are in- serted into itself. It is moved obliquely downwards and forwards, in a slight degree, upon the cricoid cartilage by a small muscle, the crico-thyroideus, which arises from that cartilage and is inserted into it. The Arytenoid cartilages are two small bodies of a triangular pyramidal form, but slightly curved backwards. They are placed upon the upper and posterior edge of the cricoid cartilage, near to each other; and their upper ends, taken together, resem- ble the mouth of a pitcher or ewer; from which cir- cumstance their name is derived. Their bases are broad ; and on their lower surfaces is a cavity, which corresponds with the convex edge of the cricoid car- tilage, to which they are applied. At these places, a regular moveable articulation is formed, by a cap- sular ligament between each of these cartilages and the cricoid, in consequence of which they can be in- clined backward or forward, inward or outward. From the anterior part of each of these cartilages, near the base, a tendinous cord passes forward, in a direction which is horizontal when the body is erect, to the internal surface of the angle of the thyroid. These ligaments are not perfectly parallel to each other; for they are nearer before than behind. The aperture between them is from two to five lines wide when the muscles are not in action; aud this aperture is the orifice" of the windpipe : for the exterior space, between these ligaments and the circumference of the thyroid, is closed up by membrane and muscle. Epiglottis. 33 At a small distance above these ligaments are two others, which also pass from the arytenoid to the thyroid cartilages. They are not so tendinous and distinct as the first mentioned, and cannot be drawn so tense by the muscles of the arytenoid cartilages. They are also situated at a greater distance from each other, and thus form a large aperture. On the external side of the upper extremity of each of the arytenoid cartilages, and nearly in con- tact with it, is a small cartilaginous body, not so large as a grain of wheat, and nearly oval in form. These are connected firmly to the arytenoid carti- lages, and are called their appendices. Being in the margin of the aperture of the larynx, they have an effect upon its form. The arytenoid cartilages are the posterior parts of the larynx : the Epiglottis, which has already- been mentioned, is the anterior. When this carti- lage is divested of its membrane, it is oval in its upper extremity, and rather angular below, termi- nating in a long narrow process, which is like the stalk of a leaf. It is firmly attached to the internal surface of the angular part of the thyroid by this lower process; and, being placed in a perpendicu- lar position, one of its broad surfaces is anterior towards the tongue, and the other posterior, towards the opening of the windpipe. It is attached to the os hyoides by dense cellular texture or ligament, and to the tongue by those plaits of the membrane of the mouth, which have been already described. It is elastic, but more flexible than the other car- tilages ; being somewhat different in its structure.— Its surface is perforated by the orifices of many mucous ducts. There is a small space between the lower part of this cartilage, and the upper part of the thyroid and Vol. II. 5 34 Rima Glottidis.—Glottis. the ligamentous membrane passing from it to the os hyoides. In this is a substance, which appears to consist of glandular and of adipose matter. It is supposed that some of the orifices on the lower part of the epiglottis communicate with this substance. In the erect position of the body, the epiglottis is situated rather higher up than the arytenoid cartila- ges, and at the distance of ten or twelve lines from them. The membrane which covers the epiglottis, is ex- tended from each side of it to the arytenoid cartila- ges ; and being continued into the cavity of the la- rynx, as well as upon the general surface of the throat, it is necessarily doubled: this doubling forms the lateral margins of the orifice of the cavity of the larynx. In these folds of the membrane are seen very delicate muscular fibres, called the Aryteno- epiglottidei. The membrane continues down the cavity of the larynx, and, covering the upper ligaments, pene- trates into the vacuity between them and the lower ligaments, so as to form a cavity on each side of the larynx, opening between the two ligaments, whioh is called the Ventricle of Morgagni. The shape of these cavities is oblong. Its greatest length extends from behind forward, on each side of the opening into the windpipe formed by the two lower or prin- cipal ligaments: so that when the larynx is removed from the subject, upon looking into it from above, you perceive three apertures : one in the middle, formed by the two lower ligaments ; and one on each side of it, between the lower and upper liga- ment, which is the orifice of the ventricle of Mor- gagni. The aperture between the two lower ligaments is called the Rima Glottidis, or Chink of the Glottis ; the upper aperture, formed by the fold of the mem- Arteries and Nerves of the Larynx. 35 brane extending from the epiglottis to the arytenoid cartilages, may be termed Glottis. If the windpipe is divided near the larynx, and the larynx inverted, so that the rima glottidis may be examined from below, the structure appears still more simple : it resembles a septum fixed abruptly in the windpipe, with an aperture in it of the figure of the rima glottidis. The anterior surface of the two arytenoid carti- lages is concave. This concavity is occupied in each by a glandular substance, which lies between the cartilage and the lining membrane ; and extends itself horizontally, covered by the upper ligament of the glottis. The nature of these bodies is not perfectly understood; but they are supposed to se- crete mucus. The membrane, which lines the cavity of the glottis being continued from the mouth and throat, resembles the membranes which invest those parts. In some places, where it is in close contact with the cartilages, it appears united with the perichondrium, aud acquires more firmness and density. The general motions of the larynx are very intel- ligible to those who are acquainted with the muscles which are connected with the thyroid cartilage, and which move the os hyoides. They take place par- ticularly in deglutition, and in some modifications of the voice; and also in vomiting. The motions of the particular cartilages on each other can also be well understood, by attending to the origin and insertion of the various small muscles connected with them. The most important of these muscles are the crico-arytenoidei postici and later- ales, the thyreo-arytenoidei, the arytenoidei obliqui, and the arytenoideus transversa. Thv effects of their actions appear to be the dilating or contracting 36 Arteries and Nerves of the Larynx. the rima glottidis, and relaxing or extending the li- gaments which form it. The arteries of the larynx are derived from two sources, viz. the superior thyroid, or laryngeal branch of the external carotid ; and the thyroid branch of the subclavian. The nerves of the larynx also come to it in two very different directions on each side. It receives two branches from the par vagum; one which leaves that nerve high up in the neck, and is called the Superior Laryngeal branch; and another which proceeds from it after it has passed into the cavity of the thorax, and is called from its direction the Recurrent. The extreme irritability of the glottis is unequivocally demonstrated by the cough which is excited when a drop of water, or any other mild liquid, or a crumb of bread enters it. Notwithstanding this, a flexible tube, or catheter, has several times been passed into the windpipe through the rima glottidis, and been endured by the patient a considerable time. The cough, which occurs when these parts are irritat- ed, does not appear to arise exclusively from the irritation of the membrane within the glottis; for, if it were so, mucilaginous substances, when swallowed slowly, could not suspend it. Their effect in reliev- ing cough is universally known; and as they are only applied to the surface exterior to the glottis, it is evident that the irritation of this surface must also produce coughing. Several curious experiments have been made to deter- mine the effect of dividing the different nerves which go to the larynx; by which it appears that the re- current branches supply parts which are essentially necessary to the formation of the voice, whilst the laryngeal branches supply parts which merely in- fluence its modulation, or tone. See Mr. Haigh- ton's Essay on this subject: Memoirs of the Medical Society of London, Vol. III. The Thyroid Gland.—The Pharynx. 37 The Thyroid Gland May be described here, although a part of it is situated below the larynx. This body consists of two lobes, which are united at their lower extremities by a portion which extends across the anterior part of the windpipe. Each lobe generally rises upwards and backwards from the se- cond cartilaginous ring of the windpipe over the cricoid cartilage and a portion of the thyroid. It lies behind the sterno-hyoidei and sterno-thyroidei muscles. It is of a reddish brown colour, and appears to consist of a granulous substance ; but its ultimate structure is not understood. It is plentifully sup- plied with blood, and receives two arteries on each side: oue from the laryngeal branch of the external carotid : and the other from the thyroid branch of the subclavian. Notwithstanding this large supply of blood, there is no proof that it performs any secretion; for al- though several respectable anatomists have supposed that they discovered excretory ducts passing to the windpipe, larynx, or tongue, it is now generally agreed that such excretory ducts are not to be found. Several instances have however occurred, in which air has been forced, by violent straining, from the windpipe into the substance of this gland.* * There are two membranous expansions in the neck which should be noticed in its dissection. The first called Fascia Superfi- cialis lies immediately beneath the skin, may be considered as a continuation of the fascia superficialis abdominis, and is strongly connected to the base of the lower jaw, being also spread over the parotid gland. It is not very distinct in all subjects. The second is called the Fascia Profunda Cervicis; it extends from the larynx and thyroid gland to the upper part of the sternum and first ribs, the great vessels, &c. of the superior mediastinum are placed im- mediately below it.—Ed. 38 Structure of the Pharynx. SECTION III. Of the Pharynx. The pharynx is a large muscular bag, which forms the great cavity behind the nose and mouth that terminates in the oesophagus. It has beeu compared to a funnel, of which the oesophagus is the pipe; but it differs from a funnel in this respect, that it is incomplete in front, at the part occupied by the nose and mouth and larynx. It is connected above, to the cuneiform process of the occipital bone, to the pterygoid processes of the sphenoidal, and to both the upper and lower maxil- lary bones. It is in contact with the cervical vertebrae behind; and, opposite to the cricoid cartilage, it ter- minates in the oesophagus. If the pharynx and oesophagus be carefully dis- sected and detached from the vertebrae, preserving the connexion of the pharynx with the head; and the head then be separated from the body, by di- viding the articulation of the atlas and the os occi- pitis, and cutting through the soft parts below the larynx; the resemblance to a funnel will be very obvious. In this situation, if an incision be made from above downwards through the whole extent of the poste- rior part of the pharynx, the communication of the nose, mouth, and windpipe, with this cavity, will be seen from behind at one view. The openings into the nose, or the posterior nares, appear uppermost. Their figure is irregularly oval or oblong: they are separated from each other by a thin partition, the vomer. Immediately behind, on the external side of each of these orifices, is the Eustachian tube. The soft palate will appear extending from the lower boundary of the posterior nares, obliquely Structure of the Pharynx. 39 backwards and downwards, so as nearly to close the passage into the mouth. The uvula hangs^from it; aud, on each side of the uvula, the edge of the palate is regularly concave. Below the palate, in the isthmus of the fauces, are the ridges or half-arches, and the tonsils between them. The half-arch which presents first, in this view, runs obliquely downward and backward, and not parallel to the other. Close to the root of the tongue is the epiglottis erect; and, immediately adjoining it, is an aperture large enough to admit the end of a middle-sized finger. This aperture is widest at the extremity next to the epiglottis, and rather narrower at the other extremity: it is the glottis or opening of the windpipe. When the larynx is elevated, the epi- glottis can be readily depressed so as to cover it completely. The extremities of the arytenoid cartilages, and their appendices, may be recognised at the posterior edge of the glottis. At a short distance below this edge, the oesophagus begins. The Pharynx is composed of the membrane con- tinued from the nose and mouth internally, and of a stratum of muscular fibres externally. The in- • ternal membrane is very soft and flexible, and per- forated by many muciferous ducts. The surface which it forms is rather rough, owing to the mucous glands which it covers. It has a red colour, but not so deep as that of some other parts. It is con- nected to the muscular stratum by a loose cellular membrane. The muscular coat consists of three different por- tions, which are considered as so many distinct muscles. The fibres of each of these muscles originate on each side, and run in an oblique direction to meet in 40 Structure of the Pharynx. the middle, thus forming the posterior external sur- face of the dissected pharynx. The fibres of the upper muscle originate from the cuneiform process of the occipital bone, from the pterygoid processes of the os sphenoides, and from the upper and lower jaws, near the last dentes mo- lares, on each side. They unite in a middle line in the back of the pharynx. The fibres of the middle muscle originate princi- pally from the lateral parts of the os hyoides, and from the ligaments which connect that bone to the thyroid cartilage. The superior fibres run obliquely upwards, so as to cover a part of the first mentioned muscle, and terminate in the cuneiform process of the occipital bone; while the other fibres unite with those of the opposite side in the middle line. The fibres of the lower muscles arise from the thyroid and the cricoid cartilages, and terminate also in the middle line. Those which are superior, running obliquely upwards; the inferior, nearly in a transverse direction. It is obvious, from the origin and insertion of these fibres, that the pharynx must have the power of contracting its dimensions in every respect; and, particularly, that its diameter may be lessened at any place; and that the whole may be drawn up- wards. SYSTEM OF ANATOMY. PART VII. OF THE THORAX. Before the thorax is described, it will be in or- der to consider the Mammae ; Or those glandular bodies, situated on the anterior part of it, which, in females, are destined to the se- cretion of milk. These glands lie between the skin and the pecto- ral muscles, and are attached to the surfaces of those muscles by cellular membrane. They are of a circular form; and consist of a whitish firm substance, divisible into small masses or lobes, which are composed of smaller portions or lobuli. Between these glandular portions a great deal of adipose matter is so diffused, that it consti- tutes a considerable part of the bulk of the mammae. The gland however, varies greatly in thickness in the same person at different periods of life. The mammae become much enlarged about the age of puberty. They are also very large during pregnancy and lactation; but after the period of childbearing, they diminish considerably. They are supplied with blood by the external and internal Vol. II, 6 43 Mammae. mammary arteries, the branches of which enter them irregularly in several different places. The veins correspond with the arteries. From the small glandular portions that compose the mamma, fine excretory tubes arise, which unite together and form the great lactiferous ducts of the gland. These ducts proceed in a radiated manner from the circumference to the centre, and termiuate on the surface of the nipple.* They are commonly about fifteen in number, and vary considerably in size : the largest of them be- ing more than one-sixth of an inch in diameter. They can be very readily injected by the orifices of the nipple, from a pipe filled with mercury, in subjects who have died during lactation or preg- nancy ; but they are very small in subjects of a dif- ferent description. It has been asserted,^by respectable anatomists, that these ducts communicate freely with each other ; but they do not appear to do so : each duct seems to be connected with its proper branches only.f Haller appears to have entertained the remarka- ble sentiment, that some of the ducts originated in the adipose matter about the gland, as well as in the glandular substance.^ The papilla, or nipple, in which these ducts ter- minate, is in the centre of the mamma : it consists of a firm elastic substance, and is nearly cylindrical in form. It is rendered tumid by irritation, and by certain emotions. The lactiferous ducts terminate upon its extremi- ty. When it is elongated they can freely discharge * Described in the 16th century, by Charles Etienne, Veralius and Posthuis, but their uses were unknown.—Ed. •f See Edinburg Medical Commentaries, vol. l.page 31—a papei by Meckel.—Ed. % Elementa Physiologic Tom. 7, Pars 11, page 7. Mammae. 43 their contents; but when it contracts, this discharge is impeded. The skin immediately around the nipple is of a bright red colour in virgins of mature age. In pregnant women it is sometimes almost black ; and in women who have borne children it is often brown- ish. It abounds with sebaceous glands, which form small eminences on its surface. This gland exists in males, although it is very small. In boys, soon after birth, it has often been known to tumefy and become very painful, in conse- quence of the secretion and accumulation of a whitish fluid, which can be discharged by pressure. It also sometimes swells and is painful, in males at the age of puberty. There have been some instances in which it has secreted milk in adult males ; and a few instances also in which it has been affected with cancer, in the same sex. The mamma is plentifully supplied with absorbent vessels, which pass from it to the lymphatic glands in the axilla. Its nerves are principally derived from the great plexus formed by the nerves of the arm. CHAPTER I. OF THE GENERAL CAVITY OF THE THORAX SECTION I. Of the form of the Cavity of the Thorax. The osseous structure of the thorax is described in vol. I. page 94. The cavity is completed by the intercostal muscles, which close the vacuities be- tween the ribs; and by the diaphragm, which fills up the whole space included within its lower margin. If we except the apertures of the diaphragm, which are completely occupied by the aorta, the vena cava, and the oesophagus, &c. the only outlet of this cavity is above: it is formed by the upper ribs, the first dorsal vertebra, aud the sternum. The figure of this aperture is between that of the circle a d the oval; but it is made irregular by the verte- bra, and by the upper edge of the sternum. When the superior extremities and the muscles appropriated to them are removed, the external figure of the thorax is conical; but the cavity formed by it is considerably influenced by the spine, which pro- trudes into it; while the ribs, as they proceed from the spine, curve backwards, and thus increase its prominency in the cavity. The diaphragm has a great effect upon the figure of the cavity of the thorax. It protrudes into it from below, with a convexity of such form that it has been compared to an inverted bowl; so that, although it arises from the lower margin of the thorax, the cen- tral parts of it are nearly as high as the fourth rib. Pleurae. 45 The position of the diaphragm is also oblique. The anterior portion of its margin, being connected to the seventh and eighth ribs, is much higher than the posterior portion, which is attached to the eleventh and twelfth. In consequence of the figure and position of the diaphragm, the form of the cavity of the thorax re- sembles that of the hoof of the ox when its posterior part is presented forwards. section II. Of the arrangement of the Pleurae. The thorax contains the two lungs and heart, as well as several very important parts of smaller size. The lungs occupy the greatest part of the cavity t and to each of them is appropriated a complete sac, called Pleura, which is so arranged that it covers the surface of the lungs, and is continued from it to the contiguous surface of the thorax, which it lines. After covering the lung, it is extended from it to the spine posteriorly, aud the sternum anteriorly: so that in tracing the pleura in a circular direction, if you begin at the sternum, it proceeds on the inside of the ribs to the spine ; at the spine it leaves the surface of the thorax, and proceeds directly forwards towards the sternum. In its course from the spine to the sternum, it soon meets with the great branch of the windpipe and the blood vessels, which go to the lung : it continues on these vessels aud round the lung until it arrives at the anterior side of the ves- sels, when it again proceeds forwards until it arrives at the sternum. Each sac being arranged in the same way, there is a part of each extended from the spine to the sternum. These two laminae form tlie great vertical septum of the thorax, called Mediasti- num. They are situated at some distance from each 46 Mediastinum. other ; and the heart, with its investing membrane or pericardium, is placed between them. The pericardium is also a complete sac or blad- der, which, after covering perfectly the surface of the heart, is extended from it so as to form a sac, which lies loose about it, and appears to contain it. This loose portion adheres to those parts of the la- minae of the mediastinum with which it is contigu- ous ; and thus three chambers are formed within the cavity of the thorax : one for each lung, and one for the heart. The two laminae of the pleura, which constitute the mediastinum, are at different distances from each other, in different places. At the upper part of the thorax, they approach each other from the internal edges of the first ribs ; and, as these include a space which is nearly circular, the vacuity between these laminae is necessarily of that form, at its commence- ment above. Here therefore is a space between them above, which is occupied by the great transverse vein that carries the blood of the left subclavian and the left internal jugular to the superior cava; by the trachea; by the oesophagus ; and by the subclavian and caro- tid arteries, as they rise from the curve of the aorta. This space is bounded below by the above mention- ed curve of the aorta. The heart and pericardium are so placed that there is a small distance between them and the ster- num : in this space the two laminae of the mediasti- num are very near to each other; and cellular sub- stance intervenes between them. This portion of the mediastinum is called the Anterior Mediastinum. Posteriorly, the heart and pericardium are also at a small distance from the spine; and here the lami- nae of the mediastinum are at a greater distance from each other, and form a long narrow cavity which. Preparation of the Thorax. 47 extends down the thorax in front of the vertebra?: this is called the Posterior Mediastinum. It con- tains a considerable portion of the aorta as it des- cends from its curve, the oesophagus, the thoracic duct, and the vena azygos. The aorta is in contact with the left lamina, and can often be seen through it when the left lung is lifted up. The oesophagus, is in contact with the right lami- mina : in its progress downwards, it inclines to the left side and is advanced before the aorta. The vena azygos appears posterior to the oesopha- gus ; it proceeds upwards until it is as high as the right branch of the windpipe : here it bends forward, round that branch, and opens into the superior cava, before that vein opens into the right auricle. The thoracic duct proceeds upwards from below* lying in the space between the aorta and the vena azygos, until the beginuing of the curve of the aorta, when it inclines to the left, proceeding towards the place of its termination. The formation of the mediastinum, and the arrange- ment of the pleura, as well as the connexion of these membranes with the parts contained in the thorax. may be studied advantageously, after the subject has been prepared in the manner now to be de- scribed. Take away, from each side, the five ribs which are situated between the first and last true ribs, by se- parating their cartilages from the sternum, and their heads from the spine; so that the great cavities of the thorax may be laid open. The precise course of the mediastinum is thus rendered obvious; and the sternum may now be divided with a saw throughout its whole length in the same di- rection ; so that the division of the bone may cor- respond with the space between the laminae of the mediastinum. Separate the portion of the sternum cautiously, so as 48 Preparation of the Thorax. to avoid lacerating the laminae of mediastinum ; and keep them separate, while the trachea is dissected from the neck into the cavity of the thorax; the great transverse vein and the descending cava are dissected to the pericardium; and the left carotid artery, with the right subclavian and carotid, are dissected to the curve of the aorta, taking care not to destroy the laminae of the mediastinum. After this preparation the upper space between the laminae of the mediastinum can be examined ; and the relative situation of the trachea and the great vessels in it can be understood. The anterior me- diastinum can also be studied: the root of each lung, or its connexion with the mediastinum, may be seen perfectly; and the precise situation of the lung, in its proper cavity, may be well conceived. After this, while the portions of the sternum are sepa- rated, the pericardium may be opened, and the heart brought into view: the attachment of the pe- ricardium, and to the mediastinum, and to the dia- phragm, may be seen with advantage in this situa- tion. The portions of the sternum may now be detached from the ribs, with which they remain connected; and further dissection may be performed to examine the posterior mediastinum and its con- tents, and the parts which constitute the roots of the lungs. CHAPTER II. OF THE HEART AND THE PERICARDIUM, AND THE GREAT VESSELS CONNECTED WITH THE HEART. SECTION II. Of the Pericardium. The heart is inclosed by a membranous sac, which, upon a superficial view, seems only con- nected with its great vessels ; but which, in fact, ad- heres closely to the whole of its surface. From this surface it is extended to those vessels; from which it proceeds, after the maimer of the reflected mem- branes, and forms an inclosure that lies loosely about the heart. If it were dissected from the heart, with- out laceration or wounding, it would be an entire sac. The pericardium, thus arranged, is placed be- tween the two laminae of the mediastinum, and ad- heres firmly to them where they are contiguous to it: it also adheres firmly to the diaphragm below, and thus preserves the heart in its proper position. The figure of the pericardium, when it is dis- tended, is somewhat conical; the base being on the diaphragm. The cavity formed by it is larger than the heart after death, but it is probable that the heart nearly fills it during life; for, when this organ is distended by injection, it often occupies the whole cavity of the pericardium. The pericardium is composed of two laminae, the internal of which covers the heart, as has been al- ready described; while the external merely extends over the loose portion of the other, and blends itself Vol. II. 7 50 Of the Heart. with the mediastinum, where that membrane invests the great vessels. The internal surface of the pericardium is very smooth and polished; and in the living subject is constantly moistened with a fluid, which is probably effused from the exhalent vessels on its surface. The quantity of this fluid does not commonly ex- ceed two drachms; but in cases of disease it some- times amounts to many ounces.* It is naturally transparent, but slightly tinged with red in children, and yellow in old persons. It is often slightly tinged with red in persons who have died by violence. SECTION II. Of the Heart. The great organ of the circulation consists of mus- cular fibres, which are so arranged that they give it a conical form, and compose four distinct cavities within it. Two of these cavities, which are called Auricles, receive the contents of the veins; the other two com- municate with the arteries, and are called Ventricles. The auricles form the basis of the cone; the ven- tricles the body and apex. The structure of the auricles is much less firm than that of the ventricles, and consists of a smaller proportion of muscular fibres. They appear like appendages of the heart, while the ventricles com- pose the body of the viscus. T-ie ventricles are very thick, and are composed of muscular fibres closely compacted. * The pericardium has been so distended, by effusion in dropsy, that it has formed a tumour, protruding on the neck from under the sternum. This tumour had a strong pulsating motion. It dis- appeared completely when the other hydropic symptoms were re- lieved. Connexions of the Heart. 51 The figure of the heart is not regularly couical; for a portion of it, extending from the apex to the base, is flattened ; and in its natural position, this flat part of the surface is downwards. It is placed obliquely in the body ; so that its base presents backward and to the right, and its apex forward and to the left. Notwithstanding this obliquity, the terms right and left are applied to the different sides of the heart, and to the different auricles and ventricles; although they might, with equal propriety, be called anterior and posterior. The two great veins, called Venae Cavae, which bring the blood from every part of the body, open into the right auricle from above and below; the right auricle opens into the right ventricle ; and from this ventricle arises the artery denominated Pulmo- nary, which passes to the lungs. The Pulmonary veins, which bring back the blood from the lungs, open into the left auricle; this au- ricle opens into the left ventricle; and from this ventricle proceeds the Aorta, or great artery, which carries blood to every part of the body. The heart is preserved in its position, 1st, by the venae cavae, which are connected to all the parts to which they are contiguous in their course; 2d, by the vessels which pass between it and the lungs, which are retained in a particular position by the mediastinum ; 3d, by the aorta, which is attached to the mediastinum in its course downwards, after making its great curve; and 4th, by the pericardium, which is attached to the great vessels and to the mediastinum. By these different modes the basis of the heart is fixed, while its body and apex are per- fectly free from attachment, aud only contiguous to the pericardium. The external surface of the heart, being formed 58 Right Auricle. by the pericardium, is very smooth : under this sur- face a large quantity of fat is often found. The two auricles are contiguous to each other at the base, and are separated by a partition which is common to both. The Right Auricle originates from the junction of the two venae cavae. These veins are united at some distance behind the right ventricle,* and are dilated anteriorly into a sac or pouch, which is called the Sinus, and extends to the right ventricle, to which it is united. The upper part of this pouch, or sinus, forms a point with indented edges, which is detached from the ventricle, and lies loose on the right side of the aorta. This point has some resemblance to the ear of a dog, from which circumstance the whole cavity has been called auricle ; but by many persons the cavity is considered as consisting of two portious: the Auricle, strictly speaking; and the Sinus Veno- sus, above described : they however form but one cavity. This portion of the heart, or Right Auricle, is of an irregular oblong figure. In its posterior surface, it is indented; for the direction of the two cavae, at their junction, is not precisely the same ; but they form an angle, which causes this indentation. The an- terior portion of the auricle, or that which appears like a pouch between the ventricle and the veins, is differ- ent in its structure from the posterior part, which is strictly a portion of the veins. It consists simply of muscular fibres, which are arranged in fasciculi that cover the whole internal surface: this is also the case with the point, or that part which is strictly called auricle. * In this description the heart is supposed to be in its natural position. Right Ventricle. 53 These fasciculi are denominated Musculi Pecti- nati, from their resemblance to the teeth of a comb. That part of the internal surface, which is formed by the septum, is smooth ; and the whole is cover- ed by a delicate membrane. On the surface of the septum, below the middle, is an oval depression, which has a thick edge or margin : this is called the Fossa Ovalis. In the foe- tal heart, it was the Foramen Ovale, or aperture which forms the communication between the two auricles. Near this fossa is a large semilunar plait, or valve, with its points and concave edge uppermost, and convex edge downwards. It was described by Eu- stachius, and, therefore, is called the Valve of Eu- stachius. Anterior to this valve, and near the union of the auricle and ventricle, is the orifice of the proper vein of the heart, or the coronary vein. This orifice is covered by another semilunar valve, which is some- times reticulated. The aperture, which forms the communication be- tween the right auricle and right ventricle, is about an inch in diameter, and is called ostium venosum. From its whole margin arises a valvular ring, or du- plicature of the membrane lining the surface: this circular valve is divided into three angular portions, which are called Valvulx Tricuspides. From their margins proceed a great number of fine tendinous threads, which are connected to a number of distinct portions of muscular substance, which arise from the ventricle. The right Ventricle, when examined separately from the other parts of the heart, is rather triangular in its figure. It js composed entirely of muscular fibres closely compacted; and is much thicker than the auricle, although not so thick as the other ven 54 Right Ventricle. tricle. Its internal surface is composed of bundles or columns cf fleshy fibres, which are of various thickness and length. Some of those columns arise from the ventricle, and are connected with the ten- dinous threads, which are attached to the margin of the tricuspid valves : the direction of them is from the apex of the heart towards the base. Others of the columns arise from one part of the surface of the ventricle, and are inserted into another part. A third species are attached to the ventricle throughout their whole length, forming ridges or eminences on it. The columns of the two last described species are very nu- merous. They present an elegant reticulated surface when the ventricle is laid open, and appear also to occupy a considerable portion of the cavity of the heart, which some of them run across in every di- rection near the apex. They are all covered by a membrane continued from the auricle and the tricus- pid valves ; but this membrane appears more delicate and transparent in the ventricle than it is in the au- ricle. A portion of the internal surface of the ventricle, which is to the left, is much smoother and less fasci- culated than the rest: it leads to tber orifice of the pulmonary artery, which arises |rom it near the ba- sis of the ventricle. This artery is very conspicuous, externally, at the basis of the heart. It is very evident, upon the first inspection of the heart, that the valvulae tricuspides will permit the blood to flow from the auricle to the ventricle ; but must rise and close the orifice, and thereby prevent its passage back again, when the ventricle contracts. The use of the tendinous threads, which connect the valves to the fleshy columns, is also very evi- dent; the valve is supported by this connexion, and prevented from yielding to the pressure and opening a passage into the auricle. The blood, Left Auricle. 55 therefore, upon the contraction of the ventricle, is necessarily forced into the pulmonary artery 5 the passage to which is now perfectly free. Into this artery the membrane lining the ventricle seems con- tinued ; but immediately within the orifice of the artery it is formed into three semicircular folds, each of which adheres to the surface of the artery by its circumference, while the edge constituting its diameter is loose. In the middle of this loose edge, is a small firm tubercle, called Corpusculum Arantiu* which adds to the strength of the valve. Each of these valves, by its connexion with the artery, forms a sac or pocket, the orifice of which opens forward towards the course of the artery, and the bottom of it presents towards the ventricle. Blood will, there- fore, pass from the ventricle in the artery, and along it, without filling these sacs ; and on the contrary, in this course, will compress them and keep them empty. If it moves in the artery towards the heart, it will necessarily fill these sacs, and press the se- micircular portions from the sides of the artery against each other: by this means a partition, or sep- tum, consisting of three portions, will be formed be- tween the artery and the heart, which will always exist when the artery compresses (or acts upon) its contents. It is demonstrable, by injecting wax into the artery, in a retrograde direction, that these valves do not form a flat septum, but one which is convex towards the heart, and concave towards the artery; and that this convexity is composed of three distinct parts, each of which is convex. At the place where these valves are fixed, the artery bulges out when distended by a retrograde injection. The enlarge- ments thus produced are called the Sinuses of Val- salva, after the anatomist who first described them. * After Arantius, a professor at Bologna, who first described it. 56 Left Ventricle. The valves are called Semilunar; and, although they are formed by a very thin membrane, they are very strong. The Left Auricle is situated on the left side of the basis of the heart. It originates from the junction of the four pulmonary veins ; two of which come from each side of the thorax, and appear to form a large part of it. It is nearly of a cubic form; but has also an angular portion, which constitutes the proper au- ricle, that proceeds from the upper and left part of the cavity, and is situated on the left side of the pulmonary artery. This auricle is lined by a strong membrane, from which the valves between it and the ventricle ori- ginate: but it has no fleshy columns or mu*culi pec- tinati, except in the angular process properly called auricle. These valves, and the orifice communicating with the ventricle, resemble those which have been alrea- dy described between the right auricle and ventricle; but with this difference, that the valvular ring is di- vided into two portions only, instead of three, which are called Valvulas Mitrales. The tendinous threads, which are connected to the muscular columns, are also attached to these valves, as in the case of the right auricle. These valves admit the passage of blood from the auricle into the ventricle, but completely prevent its return when the ventricle contracts. One of them is so situated that it covers the mouth of the aorta while the blood is flowing into the ventricle, and leaves that orifice open when the ventricle contracts, and the passage to the auricle is closed. The Left Ventricle is situated posteriorly, and to the left of the Right Ventricle: its figure is different, for it is rather conical, and it is also longer. The internal surface of this ventricle resembles Muscular Fibres of the Heart. 57 that of the right ventricle ; but the columns carneae are stronger and larger. On the right side of this ventricle is the mouth of the aorta. The surface of the ventricle near this opening is smooth and polished to facilitate the pas- sage of the blood. The mouth of the aorta is furnished with three semilunar valves, after the manner of the pulmonary artery, but the former are stronger; the corpuscu- la arantii are better developed in them. Indeed Mr. Hunter does not admit of their existence in the pul- monary artery. The sinuses of valsalva are about the same size in both arteries. The cavity of this ventricle is supposed to be smaller than that of the right: but the amount of the difference has not been accurately ascertained. This ventricle must have much more force than the right, as its parietes are so much thicker. Their thickness often exceeds half an inch. The difference in the strength of the two ventri- cles probably corresponds with the difference be- tween the extent of the pulmonary artery and the aorta. The thickness of the septum between the ventri- cles is thicker than the sides or parietes of the right ventricle, and less thick than those of the left. The muscular fibres of the heart are generally less florid than those of the voluntary muscles: they are also more closely compacted together. The direc- tion of many of them is oblique or spiral; but this general arrangement is very intricate: it is such, however, that the cavities of the heart are lessened, and probably completely obliterated, by the contrac- tion of these fibres.* ♦ Mr. Home has given a precise description of the muscular fibres of the heart in his Croonian Lecture. London Philosophical Transactions for 1795, part 1, page 215. Vol. II. 8 58 Coronary Vessels, $c. The external surface of the heart is covered by that portion of the pericardium which adheres to it. Adipose matter is often deposited between this mem- brane and the muscular surface; being distributed irregularly in various places. This membrane is continued from the surface of the ventricles over that of the auricles. When it is dis- sected off from the place of their junction, these sur- faces appear very distinct from each other. The proper blood vessels of the heart appear to be arranged in conformity to the general laws of the circulation, and are very conspicuous on the surface. There are two arteries which arise from the aorta immediately after it leaves the heart, so that their orifices are covered by two of the semilunar valves. One of these passes from the aorta between the pul- monary artery and the right auricle, and continues in a circular course in the groove between the right auricle and the right ventricle, and sends off its prin- cipal branches to the right side of the heart. The other artery of the heart passes between the pulmonary artery and the left auricle. It divides into two branches: one, which is anterior, passes to a groove on the surface, corresponding to the septum between the two ventricles, and continues on it to the apex of the heart, sending off branches in its course; another, which is posterior and circumflex, passes between the left auricle and ventricle. The great vein of the heart opens into the under side of the right auricle, as has been already men- tioned : the main trunk of this vein passes for some distance between the. left auricle and ventricle.* * It was asserted by Vieussens at an early period, in the last century, and soon afterwards by Thebesius, a German Professor, that there were a number of small orifices in the texture of the heavt, which opened into the different cavities on both sides of it. Ttiis assertion of a fact so difficult to reconcile with the general principles of the circulation, was received with great hesitation •. The Great Vessels. 59 From the course of these different vessels round the basis of the ventricles of the heart, they are ge- nerally called Coronary Vessels: the arteries are de- nominated, from their position, Right and Left Co- ronary. The nerves of the heart come from the cardiac plexus, which is composed of threads derived from the intercostal or great sympathetic nerves, and the nerves of the eighth pair. SECTION III. Of the Aorta, the Pulmonary Artery and Veins, and the Venae Cavae ; at their commencement. The two great arteries, which arise from the heart, commence abruptly, and appear to be extremely dif- ferent in their composition and structure from the heart. They are composed of a substance, which has a whitish colour and very dense texture, and i<* very elastic as well as firm and strong. When the pericardium is removed, these arteries appear to proceed together from the upper part of and although it was confirmed by some very respectable anatomists of the last century, it was denied by others. Some of the anato- mists of the present day have denied the existence of these orifices, and some others have neglected them entirely. The subject has lately been brought forward in the London Phi- losophical Transactions for 1798, Part I, by a very respectable anatomist, Mr. Abernethy, who states that he has often passed a course waxen injection from the proper arteries and veins of the heai-t into all the cavities of that organ, and particularly into the Left Ventricle. But it was only in subjects with diseased lungs that this was practicable. The existence of this communication between the coronary ves- sels and the great cavities of the heart seems therefore to be proved. The easy demonstration in such subjects is ingeniously referred by Mr. Abernethy, to the obstruction of the circulation in the lungs: and he regards the communication as a provision enabling the co- ronary vessels to unload themselves, when the coronary vein can- not discharge freely into the right auricle* 60 Pulmonary Artery and Veins and Venae Cavx. the basis of the heart: the pulmonary artery being placed to the left of the aorta with the left auricle on the left side of it, and the right auricle on the right side of the aorta. The pulmonary artery arises from the most anterior, arid left part of the basis of the right ventricle, and proceeds obliquely back- wards and upwards ; inclining gradually to the left side for about eighteen or twenty lines ; when it di- vides into two branches which pass to the two lungs. The aorta arises from the left ventricle, under the origin of the pulmonary artery, and immediately proceeds to the right, covered by that vessel, until it mounts up between it and the right auricle: it then forms a great curve, or arch, which turns back- ward and to the left, to a considerable distance be- yond the pulmonary artery. In this course, it cros- ses the right branch of the pulmonary artery; and, turning down in the angle between it and the left branch, takes a position on the left side of the spine. The course of this artery, from its commencement at the ventricle, to the end of the great curve or arch, is extremely varied. The uppermost part of the curve is in the bottom of the chamber formed by the separation of the la- minae of the mediastinum when they join the first rib on each side. From this part of the curve three large branches go off, viz. one, which soon divides into the carotid and the subclavian arteries of the right side ; a se- cond, somewhat smaller, which is the left carotid ; and a third, which is the left subclavian artery. When the heart and its great vessels are viewed from behind, (after they have all been filled with injection; and the pericardium, mediastinum, and windpipe have been removed,) the aorta appears first, descending behind the other vessels ; the pul- monary artery then appears, dividing so as to form Pulmonary Artery and Veins and Venae Cavx. 61 an obtuse angle with its two great branches, each of which divides again before it enters the lung to which it is destined. Under the main trunk of the pulmonary artery is the left auricle : its posterior surface is nearly of a square form, and each of the pulmonary veins pro- ceeds from one of its angles. These veins ramify in the substance of the lungs, at a very short distance from the auricle: the two uppermost of them are si- tuated rather anterior to the branches of the pulmo- nary artery. In this posterior view, the pulmonary vessels of the right side cover a great part of the right auricle, as it is anterior to them. The lower portion of the auricle, with the termination of the inferior cava, is to be seen below them. Above them, the superior cava appears; and in that part of it, which is imme- diately above the right branch of the pulmonary ar- tery, is the orifice of the vena azygos. In its natural situation in the thorax, the superior cava is connected by cellular membrane to the right lamina of the mediastinum, and supported by it. At a small distance below the upper edge of the sternum, it receives the trunk formed by the left sub- clavian and internal jugular vein which passes ob- liquely across the sternum below its inner edge, in the upper space between the laminae of the mediasti- num. CHAPTER III. OF THE TRACHEA AND THE LUNGS. Although the principal part of the windpipe is situated in the neck above the cavity of the thorax, it is so iutimately connected with the lungs, that it is necessary to describe them together. SECTION I. Of the Trachea, Trachea is the technical name for the windpipe, or tube which passes from the larynx to the lungs. This tube begins at the lower edge of the cricoid cartilage, and passes down the neck in front of the oesophagus as low as the third dorsal vertebra, when it divides into two branches called Bronchia, one of which goes to the right and the other to the left lung and ramifies very minutely in them. There is in its structure a number of flat cartila- ginous rings placed at small distances from each other, the edges of which are connected by mem- brane so that they compose a tube. These cartilaginous rings are not complete, for they do not form more than three-fourths or four- fifths of a circle; but their ends are connected by a membrane which forms the posterior part of the tube. They are not alike in their size or form ; some of them are rendered broader than others, by the union of two or three rings with each other, as the upper- most. The lowermost also is broad, and has a form which is accommodated to the bifurcation of the tube. Their number varies, in different persons, from fif- teen to twenty. Structure of the Trachea. 63 These rings may be considered as forming a part of the first proper coat of the trachea; which is com- posed of them, and of an elastic membrane that oc- cupies all the interstice between them; so that the cartilages may be regarded as fixed in this membrane. A similar arrangement of rings exists in the great branches of the bronchia; but after they ramify in the lungs, the cartilages are no longer in the form of rings: they are irregular in their figures, and are so arranged in the membrane that they keep the tube completely open. These portions of cartilage do not continue throughout the whole extent of the ra- mifications ; for they become smaller, and finally dis- appear, while the membranous tube continues with- out them, ramifying minutely, and pipbably forming the air cells of the lungs. This membrane is very elastic : the lungs are very elastic also; and it is probable that their elasticity is derived from this membrane. On the inside of this coat of the trachea is an ar- rangement of muscular fibres, which may be called a muscular coat. It is best seen by peeling off or removing the internal coat to be next described. On the membranous part of the trachea, where the cartilaginous rings are deficient, these muscular fi- bres run evidently in a transverse direction : in the spaces between the cartilages their direction is lon- gitudinal. There is some reason to doubt whether these longitudinal fibres are confined altogether to the spaces between the cartilaginous rings, and at- tached only to their edges, because there .is a fleshy substauce on the internal surface of the rings, which appears to be continued from the spaces between them. The internal coat of the trachea is a thin and de- licate membrane, perforated with an immense num- 64 Black Glands of the Bronchix. ber of small foramina, which are the orifices of mu- cous ducts. On the surface of this membrane there is an ap- pearance of longitudinal fibres which are not distri- buted uniformly over it, but run in fasciculi in some places, and appear to be deficient in others. These fasciculi are particularly conspicuous in the ramifi- cations of the bronchia in the lungs. On the posterior membranous portion of the tra- chea, where the cartilages are deficient, a conside- rable number of small glandular bodies are placed, which are supposed to communicate with the mucous ducts that open on the internal surface. If these bodies are removed from the external surface of this portion, and the muscular fibres are also removed from the internal, a very thin membrane only re- mains, which is very different from that which is left between the rings, when the fleshy substance is removed from that situation. The reason of the deficiency in the rings, at this posterior part, is not very obvious.* It continues in the bronchia until the form of their cartilages is changed in the lungs: if it were only to accommo- date ♦the oesophagus, during the passage of food, there would be no occasion for its extension to the bronchia. At the bifurcation of the trachea, and on the bronchia, are a number of black coloured bodies, which resemble the lymphatic glands in form and texture. They continue on the ramifications of the bronchia some distance into the substance of the lungs. Their number is often very considerable ; and they vary in size from three or four lines in dia- * Doctor Physick has advanced the opinion that it enables a person to expel the mucus of the lungs by contracting the size of the tra- chea, and consequently increasing the velocity or impetus of the air.-Ed. Root of the Lungs. 65 meter to eighteen or twenty. As lymphatic vessels have been traced to and from them during their course to the thoracic duct, they are considered as lymphatic glands. SECTION 11. Of the Lungs. There are two of these organs: each of which occupies one of the great cavities of the thorax. When placed together, in their natural position, they resemble the hoof of the ox, with its back part forward; but they are at such a distance from each other, and of such a figure, that they allow the me- diastinum and heart to intervene; and they cover every part of the heart anteriorly, except a small portion at the apex. Each lung fills completely the cavity in which it is placed, and every part of its external surface is in contact with some part of the internal surface of the cavity; but when in a natural and healthy state, it is not connected with any part except the laminae of the mediastinum. One great branch of the trachea and of the pulmonary artery pass from the medias- tinum to each lung, and enter it at a place which is rather nearer to the upper rib than to the diaphragm, and much nearer to the spine than the sternum : at this place also the pulmonary veins return from the lung to the heart. These vessels are inclosed in a membrane, which is continued over them from the mediastinum, and extended from them to the lung. Thus covered, they constitute what has been called the Root of the Lung. When their covering, derived from the mediasti- num, is removed, the situation of these vessels ap- pears to be such that the bronchia are posterior, Vol. II. 9 06 Colour of the Lungs. the branches of the pulmonary artery are rather above and before, and the veins below and before them. Each of these vessels ramifies before it enters into the substance of the lungs : the bronchia and the branches of the pulmonary artery send each a large branch downward to the inferior part of the lungs, from which the lower pulmonary veins pass in a direction nearly horizontal, lu general, each of the smaller ramifications of the bronchia in the lungs is attended by an artery and a vein. Each lung is divided, by very deep fissures, into portions which are called Lobes. The right lung is composed of three of these lobes, and the left lung of two. The lungs are covered, as has been already stated, with the reflected portion of the pleura continued from the mediastinum, which is very delicate, and almost transparent. They have, therefore, a very smooth surface, which is kept moist by exudation from the arteries of the membrane. The Colour of the Lungs is different in different subjects. In children they are of a light red colour; in adults they are often of a light gray; owing to the deposition of a black pigment in the substance im- mediately under the membranes which form their external surface. Their colour is often formed by a mixture of red and black. In this case they are more loaded with blood, and the vessels of the in- ternal membranes being distended with it, the red colour is derived from them. The black pigment sometimes appears in round spots of three or four lines in diameter: under the external membrane it is often in much smaller por- tions, and sometimes is arranged in lines in the in- terstices of the lobuli, to be hereafter mentioned. It is also diffused in small quantities throughout the substance of the lungs. Structure of the Lungs. m The source of this substance, and the use of it, are unknown. The lungs are of a soft spongy texture; aud, in animals that have breathed, they have always a considerable quantity of air in them. They consist of cells, which communicate with the branches of the trachea that ramify through them in every part. These cells are extremely small, and the membranes which compose them are so thin and delicate that if they are all filled by an injection of wax, thrown into the trachea, the whole cellular part of the lung will appear like a mass of wax. If a corroded preparation be made of a lung injected in this manner with force, the wax will appear like a concretion. These effects of injections prove that the mem- branes of which the cells are formed are very thin; and, of course, that their volume is very small when compared with the capacity of the cells. In those corroded preparations, in which the ra- mifications of the bronchia are detached from the wax of the cells, these ramifications become ex- tremely small indeed. If the lungs of the human subjects, or of animals of similar construction, be examined when they are inflated, their cellular structure will be very obvious, although, their cells are so small that they cannot commonly be distinguished by the naked eye. Each of the extreme ramifications of the bronchia appears to be surrounded by a portion of this cellular sub- stance, which is gradually distended when air is blown into the ramification. This cellular substance is formed into small por- tions of various angular figures, which are denomi- nated Lobuli: these can be separated to a consider- able extent from each other. They are covered by the proper coat of the lungs, which is extremely de- 68 Structure of the Lungs. licate, and closely connected to the general covering derived from the pleura. Between the lobuli, where they are in contact with each other, there is a por- tion of common cellular substance, which is easily distinguished through the membrane covering the lungs. This is very distinct from the cellular struc- ture which communicates with the ramifications of the bronchia, and contains air; for it has no com- munication with the air, unless the proper coat of the lungs be ruptured. If a pipe be introduced by a puncture of the external coat of the lungs, and this interstitial cellular membrane be inflated, it will compress the lobuli. This cellular membrane is al- ways free from adipose matter: it may be easily ex- amined in the lungs of the bullock. Upon the membranes which compose the air cells, the pulmonary artery and vein ramify most minute- ly ; and it seems to have been proved within the last thirty years, by the united labours of chemists and physiologists, that the great object of respiration is to effect a chemical process between the atmospheric air, when taken into the air cells, and the blood which circulates in these vessels. In addition to the blood vessels which thus pass through the substance of the lungs, there are several smaller arteries, denominated Bronchial, which arise either from the upper intercostal, or from the aorta itself: they pass upon the bronchia, and are distributed to the substance of the lungs. The veins which correspond with these arteries terminate ulti- mately in the vena azygos. The nerves of the lungs are small in proportion to the bulk of these organs. They are derived princi- pally from the par vagum and the intercostal nerves. The elasticity of the air cells of the luugs and of the ramifications of the bronchia which lead to them, appears by their rapid contraction after distention, The Thorax of the Foetus. 69 and by the force with which they expel the air which is used to inflate them when taken out of the thorax. The Thorax of the Foetus. In the cavity between the laminae of the medias- tinum, where they approach each other from the first ribs, is situated a substance which is denominated the Thymus Gland. This substance gradually diminishes after birth, so that in the adult it is often not to be found: and when it exists it is changed in its texture, being much firmer, as well as greatly diminished. In the foetus it is of a pale red colour; and during infancy it has a yellowish tinge. It generally ex- tends from the thyroid gland, or a little below it, to the. pericardium. From its superior portion two la- teral processes are extended upwards: below, it is formed into two lobes, which lie on the pericardium. If an incision be made into its substance, a fluid can be pressed out, which has a whitish colour, and coagulates upon the addition of alcohol. Although it is called a gland, no excretory duct has ever been found connected with it. The blood vessels of this body are derived from the thyroid branches of the subclavians, from the in- ternal mammaries, and the vessels of the pericardium and mediastinum. Tlie Heart, And the great arteries which proceed from it, have some very interesting peculiarities in the foetus. In the septum between the two auricles, is a fora- men of sufficient size to permit the passage of a large quill, which inclines to the oval form, with its longest diameter vertical when the body is erect. On the left side of the septum, a valve, formed by the lining membranes, is connected to this foramen; and 70 The Thorax of the Foetus. allows a free passage to a fluid moving from the right auricle to the left, but prevents the passage of a fluid from the left to the right. This structure is evident- ly calculated to allow some of the blood which flows into the right auricle from the two venae cavae to pass into the left auricle of the heart, instead of going into the right ventricle. As the contents of the left auricle pass into the left ventricle, and from thence into the aorta, it is obvious that the blood, which passes from the right auricle into the left through this foramen, must be transmitted from the system of the vena cava to the system of the aorta without going through the lungs, as it must necessa- rily do in subjects who do not enjoy the foetal struc- ture. The Pulmonary Artery and the Aorta Have a communication in the foetus, which is very analogous to the communication between the auricles of the heart. From the pulmonary artery, where it divides into the two great branches, another large branch conti- nues, in the direction of the main trunk, until it joius the aorta; with which it communicates at a small distance below the origin of the left subclavian artery. In the young subject that has never respired, it ap- pears as if the pulmonary artery was continued into the aorta, and sent off in its course, a branch on each side, much smaller than itself, to each lung. In subjects that have lived a few days, these branches to the lungs are much larger; and then the main pulmonary artery appears to have divided into three branches : one to each lung, and one to the aorta; but that which continues to the aorta is larger than either of the others. In the course of time, however, this branch of the aorta is contracted, so that no fluid passes through it; General Observations. 71 and it has the appearance of a ligament, in which state it remains. The course of the blood from the right ventricle, through the pulmonary artery, to the aorta below its curve, is more direct than that from the left ventricle to the same spot, through the aorta at its commence- ment. The column of blood in the aorta below its curve is evidently propelled by the force of both ven- tricles : and this circumstance, although it seems to proceed merely from the state of the foetal lungs, is particularly calculated for the very extensive circu- lation which the foetus carries on, by means of the umbilical arteries and vein in the placenta. The Lungs of the Foetus Differ greatly from those of the adult. They ap- pear solid, as if they were composed of the paren- chymatous substauce which constitutes the matter of glands, rather than the light spongy substance of the lungs of adults. They differ also in colour from the lungs of older subjects, being of a dull red. They have greater specific gravity than water: but if air be once inspired, so much of it remains in them that they ever afterwards float in that fluid. The nature of the process of respiration, and its effects upon the animal economy, particularly upon the action of the heart, appear to be much better understood at this time than they were before the discovery of the composition of the atmosphere, by Dr. Priestly and by Mr. Scheele. The publications upon this subject, which have appeared since that period, viz. 1774, are therefore much more interesting to the student of me- dicine than those which preceded them. Two of these publications ought to be particularly noticed by him : viz. an essay, by Dr.Edward Goodwyn, intitled, "The Connexion of life with respiration ;'? and—the " Phy- 7& Cases of Malformation. siological Researches of M. Bichat upon Life an Form of the Stomach. While the oesophagus is in the posterior mediasti- num, it is in contact with several small absorbent glands, especially when it first assumes a situation to the right of the aorta. These glands were for- merly believed to be particularly connected with this tube, but they are now considered a; belouging to the absorbent system. They are sometimes greatly enlarged: SECTION II. Of the Stomach. This most important organ, which occasionally exerts a powerful influence upon every part of the body, appears very simple iu its structure. It is a large sac, which is so thin when much iu- flated that at first view it seems membranous, but upon examination is found to be composed of seve- ral laminae or coats, each of a different structure. It is of considerable length, but incurvated. It is much larger at one extremity than the other, and changes so gradually in this respect, that it would appear conical if it were straight. It is not, however, strictly conical, unless it is greatly distended; for when moderately distended, a transverse section is rather oval than circular. It is therefore considered as hav- ing two broad sides or surfaces, and two edges, which are the curvatures. It has been compared by the auatomists of different nations to the wind sac of the musical instrument called the bag-pipe.* The orifice in which the oesophagus terminates is at a small, distance from its largest extremity, and is called Cardia. The orifice which communicates * The student ought not to attempt to acquire an idea of the form of the stomach without demonstration, for a view of one moment will be more serviceable than a long description. Position of the Stomach. 97 with the intestines is at the termination of its small incurvated extremity, and is called the Pylorus. Tho two ends of the stomach being thus very dif- ferent in size, are denominated the great and small extremities. The two curved portions of the sur- face are also called the great and small curvatures. The two flat portions of the surface, or the broad- sides, are called the anterior and posterior surfaces. The situation of the stomach in the abdomen is nearly transverse : it lies principally in the left hy- pochondriac and epigastric regions, immediately be- low the liver. The great extremity of the stomach is in the left hypochondriac region, and the lesser extremity in the epigastric region, under the left lobe of the liver. The upper orifice, or Cardia, is nearly opposite to the body of the last dorsal verte- bra; and, owing to the curved form of the stomach, the other orifice, or Pylorus, is situated at a small distance to the right of that bone, and rather lower and more forward than the cardia: both orifices be- ing in the epigastric region. The position of the stomach is oblique in two respects ; it inclines in a small degree from above downwards, from the left to the right; and it also inclines downwards and forwards, from behind. Its two orifices are situated obliquely with respect to each other; for, if the stomach, when placed with its small curvature up- wards, were divided into two equal parts by a verti- cal plane passing lengthways through it, they would be found on different sides of the plane. As the oesophagus terminates in the stomach im- mediately after it has passed through an aperture of the diaphragm, it is evident that the stomach must be somewhat fixed at that place; but it is more moveable at its other orifice; for the extremity of the duodenum, into which it is continued, is move- able. Vol. II. 13 98 External Coat of the Stomach. The stomach is connected^ the concave surface of the liver by the reflexion or continuation of the peritoneum,, which forms the lesser omentum. This membrane, after extending over each surface of the stomach, continues from its great curve in the form of the large omentum, and connects it to different parts, especially to the colon. There are likewise folds of the peritoneum, as it passes from the dia- phragm and from the spleeu to the stomach, which appear like ligaments. Notwithstanding these various connexions, the stomach undergoes considerable changes in its posi- tion. When it is nearly empty, and the intestines are in the same situation, its broad surfaces are pre- sented forwards and backwards ; but when it is dis- tended, these surfaces are presented obliquely up- wards and downwards, and the great curvature for- wards. When its anterior surface is presented up- wards, its orifices are considerably influenced in their direction, aud the oesophagus forms an angle with the plane of the stomach. The stomach is composed of four dissimilar lami- nae, which may be demonstrated by a simple pro- cess of dissection. There is first a coat or external covering conti- nued from the peritoneum : within this, and connect- ed to it by delicate cellular substance, is a coat or stratum of muscular fibres: contiguous to these fibres, internally, is a layer of dense cellular sub- stance, called a nervous coat; and last is the inter- nal coat of the stomach, called villous, or fungous, from the structure of its surface. The external or first coat of the stomach, as has been already stated, is continued from the concave surface of the liver to the lesser curve of the sto- ma i h in two delicate laminae, which separate when they approach the stomach, and pass down, one on Muscular and Nervous Coats of the Stomach. 99 each side of it, adhering firmly to it in their course: at the opposite curve of the stomach they again unite to form the great omentum. The stomach is there- fore closely invested by the peritoneum on every part of its surface except two strips, one at the lesser and the other at the greater curvature. These strips or uncovered places are formed by the separation of the laminae above mentioned, which includes a trian- gular space bounded by the stomach and these two laminae. In these triangular spaces, at each curva- ture of the stomach, are situated the blood vessels which run along the stomach in those directions, and also the glands which belong to the absorbent vessels of this viscus. The peculiar arrangement of the laminae at this place is particularly calculated to permit the dilatation of the stomach. When it is dilated the laminae are in close contact with its sur- face, and the blood vessels being in the angle form- ed by the adhesion of the two laminae to each other, are so likewise: when it contracts, the blood ves- sels appear to recede from it, and the laminae are then applied to each other. Where the peritoneum thus forms a coat to the stomach, it is stronger and thicker than it is between the liver and stomach. In a recent subject it is very smooth and moist, but so thin that the muscu- lar fibres, blood vessels, &c. appear through it. If it is carefully dissected from the muscular coat, it ap- pears somewhat flocculent on that surface which ad- hered to the muscular fibres. It seems to be most abundantly furnished with serous vessels ; but it has been asserted by Mascagni and Soemmering, that a large proportion of its texture consists of ab- sorbent vessels. The cellular substance which con- nects this to the muscular coat appears no way dif- ferent from ordinary cellular membrane. The Muscular Coat of the stomach has been de- 100 Internal Coat of the Stomach. scribed very differently by respectable anatomists; some considering it as forming three strata of fibres, and others but two. If the stomach and a portion of the oesophagus attached to it be moderately dis- tended with air, and the external coat carefully dis- sected away, many longitudinal fibres will appear on every part of it, that evidently proceed from the oesophagus : these fibres are particularly numerous and strong on the lesser curvature of the stomach.— Beside the longitudinal fibres there are many that have a circular direction, and these are particularly numerous towards the small extremity; but it has been doubted whether there are any fibres in the muscular coat of the stomach that go directly round it. The whole surface, of the stomach, when the peritoneal coat is removed, appears at first view to be uniformly covered by muscular fibres ; but upon close examination, there are interstices perceived, which are occupied with firm cellular membrane. In contact with the internal surface of the muscu- lar coat is the cellular stratum, which has been called the Nervous Coat of the stomach. It-is dense and firm, of a whitish colour, resembling condensed cellular membrane. It was considered as different from ordiuary cellular membrane; but if air be insi- nuated into its texture, by blowing between the mus- cular and villous coats, while it connects them to each other, it exhibits the proper appearance of cel- lular substance. It however adds greatly to the ge- neral strength of the stomach, and the vessels which terminate in the villous coat ramify in it. The internal coat of the stomach in the dead sub- ject is commonly of a whitish colour, with a tinge of red. It is named villous, from its supposed resem- blance to the surface of velvet. It has also been called fungous, because the processes analogous to the villi are extremely short, and its surface has a Gastric Liquor. 101 granulated appearance; differing in these respects from the internal surface of the intestines. It is con- tinued from the lining membrane of the oesophagus, but is very different in its structure. Many very small vessels seem to enter into its texture, which are derived from branches that ramify in the nervous coat. It is supposed by several anatomists of the highest authority, to have a cuticle or epithelium; and it is said that such a membrane has been sepa- rated by disease. It ought however, to be remem- bered, that the structure of the villous coat of the stomach and intestines, is essentially different from the structure of the cuticle. The internal coat of the stomach is generally found covered, or spread over, with mucous, which can be readily scraped off. This mucous is certainly effused upon it by secreting organs, and it has been supposed that there were small glandular bodies ex- terior to the villous coat, which furnished this secre- tion ; but the existence of such bodies is very doubt- ful, as many skilful anatomists have not met with any appearance that could be taken for glands, ex- cept in a very few instances, which would not be the case if those appearances had been natural. Pores, perhaps the orifices of mucous follicles, and also of exhalent vessels, are very numerous, but no proper glandular masses are attached to them. Glands, as have been already said, are found in the triangular spaces between the laminae of the peritoneum at the great and small curvatures of the stomach, but these evidently belong to the absorbent system. Besides the mucous above mentioned, a large quantity of a different liquor, the proper Gastric Juice, or fluid of the stomach, is effused from its surface. It hasxbeen supposed that this fluid is furnished by the small glandular bodies believed to exist between the coats of this organ; but, admitting the existence of these 103 The Pylorus. glands, they are not sufficiently numerous to produce so much of* it as is found, and it is therefore proba- ble that this fluid is discharged from the orifices of exhalent vessels in the internal surface. Much information respecting the gastric liquor has been obtained within a few years past by the researches of physiologists, and they are generally agreed that it is the principal agent in the effects produced by the stomach upon alimentary sub- stances.* As the muscular coat of the stomach frequently varies its dimensions, the villous and nervous coats, which have no such power of contraction, cannot exactly fit it. They therefore generally appear larger, and of course are thrown into folds or rugae. These folds are commonly in a longitudinal direction; but at the orifices of the stomach they are arranged in a radiated manner, and sometimes they are observed in a transverse direction. They de- pend upon the contraction of the muscular fibres, and disappear entirely when the stomach is laid open and spread out. At the lower orifice is a circular fold, which is permanent, aud constitutes the valve denominated * On this subject the student may consult with advantage, M. Reaumur. In the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences for 1752. John Hunter. London Philosophical Transactions for 1772; and also his observation on the Animal Economy, 1786. Dr. Edward Stevens. Inaugural Thesis de Alimentorum Con- coctione. Edinburgh, 1777. The Abbe Spalanzani. Dissertations relative to Natural His- tory, &c. The first volume of the English translation contains the author's dissertations on digestion, and also the first paper of Mr. Hunter, and the Thesis of Dr. Stevens, as well as an account of the experiments of Mr. Gosse of Geneva. In addition to these, there are several interesting essays hi the French, German, and Italian languages, a compilation of which is to be found in Johnson's " History of the progress and present state of Animal Chemistry." See Vol I. page 180. Lymphatics and Nerves of the Stomach. 103 Pylorus. It appears like a circular septum with a large foramen in its centre, or like a flat ring. The villous and nervous coats of the stomach contribute to this, merely by forming the circular fold or ruga; and within this fold is a ring of muscular fibres, evi- dently connected with the circular fibres of the mus- cular coat of the stomach, the diameter of which at this place is not larger than that of an intestine: the fibres of this ring seem a part of the muscular coat projecting into the cavity of the stomach and duode- num. If a portion of the lesser extremity of the sto- mach and the adjoining part of the duodenum be detached, and laid open by a longitudinal incision, and then spread out upon a board, the internal coat can be very easily dissected from the muscular, and the pylorus will then appear like a ridge or narrow bundle of muscular fibres, which runs across the ex- tended muscular membrane. It is evident that when the parts are replaced so as to form a cyliuder, this narrow faciculus will form a ring in it. Thus ar- ranged, the circular fibres can readily close the low- er orifice of the stomach. The pylorus separates the stomach from the in- testine duodenum; and this separation is marked exteriorly by a small circular depression, which cor- responds exactly with the situation of the pylorus. The arteries of the stomach are derived from the Coeliac, the first branch which the aorta sends off to the viscera of the abdomen. This great artery, im- mediately after it leaves the aorta, is divided into three branches, which are distributed to the stomach, the liver, and the spleen, and are called the Supe- rior Coronary or Gastric, the Hepatic, and the Splenic. Beside the first mentioned branch, which is distributed principally to the neighbourhood of the cardia and to the lesser curvature, the stomach receives a considerable branch from the hepatic, 104 The Intestines in general. which passes along the right portion of its great cur- vature, and has been called the right gastro-epiploic, and another from the spleen, which passes along the left portion of the great curvature, and has been call- ed the left gastro-epiploic. In addition to these branches, the splenic artery, before it enters the spleen, sends off several small arteries to the great extremity of the stomach, which are called vasa brevia. These vasa brevia generally arise from the main trunk of the splenic artery, but sometimes from its branches. The veins which receive the blood from these arteries have similar names, and pursue correspond- ing courses backwards; but they terminate in the vena portarum. The absorbent vessels of the stomach are very nu- merous and^large: they pass to the glands which are on the two curvatures, and from thence to the thoracic duct. It is an important, fact relative to the history of digestion, that there are good reasons for doubting whether chyle commonly passes through them, notwithstanding their number and size.* The nerves of the stomach are derived principally from the two great branches of the par vagum, which accompany the oesophagus and are mostly spent upon this organ. It also receives branches from several plexus, which are derived from the splanch- nic portions of the intercostal nerves. section in. Of the Intestines. The intestines form a continued canal from the pylorus to the anus, which is generally six times * Sabatier, however, in one subject observed white lines on the stomach, which he suspected to be lacteals. See his account of the absorbents of the stomach. Villous Coat of the Intestines. 1Q5 the length of the subject to which they belong. Al- though the different parts of this tube appear some- what different from each other, they agree in their ge- neral structure. The coats or laminae of which they are composed are much like those of the stomach, but the peritoneum which forms their external coat does not approach them in the same manner; nor is it continued in the form of omentum from the whole tube, their being only a certain portion of intestine, viz. the colon, from which such a process of perito- neum is continued. The Muscular Coat, like that of the stomach, consists of two strata, the exterior of which is com- posed of longitudinal fibres, which adhere to the external coat, and do not appear very strong. The other stratum, consisting of circular or transverse fibres, is stronger, as the fibres are more numerous. It is observable that they adhere to the longitudi- nal fibres: aud they seldom if ever form complete circles. The cellular substance immediately within the muscular fibres resembles the nervous coat of the stomach in its firmness and density. It is likewise so arranged as to form many circular ridges on its internal surface, which support to a certain degree the permanent circular plaits of the internal coat, called valvulse conniventes. The inner surface of the internal coat has been commonly compared to that of velvet, and the coat is therefore called villous; but there is certainly a considerable difference between these surfaces; for if a portion of the small intestine be inverted, and then suspended in perfectly transparent water, in a clear glass, and examined with a strong light, it will appear like the external surface of the skin of a peach, on which the down or hair-like processes are not so close as those, on velvet. On this surface, Vol. II. 14 106 Lieberkuhn on the Villous Coat. between the villi, there are many orifices of mucous follicles and of exhaling vessels.* Exterior to the villous coat, many very small glandular bodies are sometimes found, which are called after their de- scribers Glandulse Brunneri and Peyeri. The internal coat of the upper portion of the in- testinal tube is arranged so as to form a great num- ber of transverse or circular folds or plaits, called Valvulx Conniventes, which do not generally extend round the intestine, but are segments of circles ; they are so near each other that their internal edges, which are very moveable, may be laid upon the folds next to them, like tiles or shingles. It is evident that this arrangement of the internal coat must add greatly to its length. This coat is extremely vascu- lar, so that in the dead subject it can be uniformly coloured by a successful injection. The minute struc- ture of it has been the subject of very diligent in- quiry. There can be no doubt but that an immense number of exhaling aud of absorbent vessels open upon it; but there are many different opinions re- specting the termination of one set of vessels aud the commencement of the other. A very interesting accoutit of the Villous Coat was published in 1744, by Lieberkuhn, who was con- sidered by his cotemporaries as a most expert prac- tical anatomist, and was also very skilful in micro- scopical examinations, for which he was particularly calculated, as his natural powers of vision were un- commonly strong. In his essay he refers to his preparations, which were at Berlin, and which ap- pear to have excited great surprise in the minds of * It appears clearly, from the account of Lieberkuhn, that the orifices or terminations of the arteries on the intestines, are distinct from the follicles; for he forced injection from the arteries into the cavity of the intestines, and found the follicles still filled with mu- cous. He then urged the injection farther, and filled t'-.e follicles, or forced the mucous out of them. Hewson and others on the Villi. 107 the members of the Academy of Sciences of Prussia, at a time when one of the first anatomists of Europe, the celebrated Meckel, was of their number. According to this account, the internal surface of the small intestines abounds with villi, and with the orifices of follicles. These villi are about the fifth part of a line iu breadth. In each of them is a cavity filled with a soft spongy substance, which has one or more orifices communicating with the intestines, and from which also proceeds a lacteal vessel. Ou the membrane which forms this cavity, blood vessels are most minutely ramified. This cavity he calls an ampullula, and supposes it to constitute the principal part of the villous. By injecting the arteries of the intestine, he was able to pass a fluid through the ampullula into the cavity of the gut; he kept a stream of air in this way passing through the am- pullula until it was nearly dry and stiff', and then laid it open with a fine instrument. From the ap- pearances which then presented, he inferred that the cavity of the ampullula was occupied with a spongy or cellular substance. Around each villus he found a number of mucous follicles, which often were filled with a tenacious mucous: and distinct from these must be the exhalent orifices, which discharged a fluid injected by the arteries without passing through the mucous follicles. Lieberkuhn died early, and left but one essay on this subject, which was originally published in Hol- land, in 1744, but has been republished by the Aca- demy of Berlin, in their Memoirs; ajid also by Mr. John Sheldon, of London. This account of Lieberkuhn appears to have been admitted by Haller; but it has been rigidly scrutinized by some of the anatomists of London, who were particularly interested with the subject; as they had paid great attention to the absorbent 108 Fyfe and others on the Villi. system, and were very successful iu the investiga- tion of it. The late Mr. Hcwson, whose opinion is entitled to the greatest respect, rejected the idea of the am- pullula, and believed that the villi are composed of networks of lacteals, as well as arteries and veins; although he added that " this is the only circum- stance concerning these parts in which he should differ from this very acute observer."* Mr. Sheldon agrees with Lieberkuhn : but Mr. Cruikshanks asserts, that, u in some hundred villi, he has seen the lacteals originate by radiated branches, whose orifices were distinct, on the sur- face of the villous." The villous being transparent, when the intestine was immersed in water, these branches, filled with chyle, could be seen passing into the lacteal. Mr. Cruikshanks therefore sup- poses that Lieberkuhn was mistaken, and that the spongy cavity, or ampullula, was the common cellu- lar membrane, connecting together all the arteries, veins, nerves, and lacteals. It seems probable, from Mr. Cruikshanks' state- ment, that Dr. William Hunter held the same opinion with himself. And there is also reason to believe that Monro the second, who studied anato- my at Berlin, held a different opinion from Lieber- kuhn. Mr. Fyfe, who has been much employed in the investigation of the absorbent system, and must be perfectly acquainted with the preparations of Mon- ro, asserts that each lacteal takes its rise upon one of the villi by numerous short radiated branches, and each branch is furnished with an orifice for im- bibing chyle. * Several of the late French writers adopt the opi- * See Hewson's Experimental Inquiries, vol. 2, page 171. Division of the Intestines. 109 nion of Lieberkuhn ; but his countryman Soemmer- ing gives a different account of the subject. He says, that, besides the blood vessels, each villous consists of a fine network of absorbeut vessels, whose ori- fices may be distinctly recognized; and that from six to ten of these orifices are sometimes discovered. Mascagni, who has published the most extensive work upon the absorbent system that has yet ap- peared, supposes Lieberkuhn to have been mistaken, and confirms the description of Hewson: but he also agrees with Hewson in his opinion of the general ac- curacy of Lieberkuhn. Notwithstanding their differences respecting the origin of the lacteals, all these observers have agreed, that the orifices which communicate with the lacteals are on the villi; and that these villi contain also very fiue ramifications of blood vessels. They have also agreed, that the surface of the intestines in the intervals of the villi seems occupied with the orifices of ducts or of exhalent vessels.* Division of the Intestines. Although there is a considerable degree of uni- formity in the structure of the intestinal canal, dif- ferent parts of it are very distinguishable from each other by their exterior appearance, by their size, their investments, and their position. The first division is into two great portions, whicli are very different from each other in their diameter and length, as well as their situation : the first por- tion being much smaller in diameter, and near four times the length of the other. * On this subject the student will consult, with advantage, Hew- son's Experimental Inquiries, vol. 2d; Sheldon's Histoiy of the Absorbent System, part 1st ; Cruikshanks on the Anatomy of the Absorbing Vessels; and the Historia Vasorum Lymphaticorum Corporis Humani, of Mascagni. 110 Division of the Intestines. These portions are therefore known by the names of Great and Small Intestines, and the line of sepa- ration between them is very strongly marked ; for they do not gradually change into each other, but the al- teration in size and in exterior appearance is very abrupt, and their communication is not perfectly direct. A considerable portion of the Great Intes- tine is fixed immoveably in the abdomen, while a large part of the Small Intestine is very moveable. Each of these great portions of the intestinal tube is subdivided into three parts. Thus, in the Small Intestine, there is a piece at the commencement called Duodenum, a great part of which has no coat from the peritoneum, and is immoveably fixed in one situa- tion ; while all the remainder of the small intestine has a uniform covering from the peritoneum, and is very moveable. This last piece, notwithstanding its exterior uniformity, is considered as forming two parts. The uppermost two fifths form one part, which is called Jejunwn; and the remainder is called Ileum. The Great Intestine commences in the lower part of the right side of the abdomen, and after proceeding up that side crosses over to the left, along which it descends to the lower part again, when by a peculiar flexure it proceeds to the cen- tre of the posterior margin of the pelvis, from which it passes down to the anus. A short portion of this intestine, which is above its junction with the ileum, is called Cxcum ; the part which proceeds from this, round the abdomen, is called Colon; and the por- tion which is in the pelvis is called Rectum. Of the Small Intestines. Previous to the description of the small intestines, it is necessary to observe, that the Mesocolon, or process of the peritoneum connected to the trans- verse portion of the colon, forms a kind of moveable Commencement of the Small Intestines. Ill and incomplete septum, which divides the abdomen into an upper and lower apartment. Above this septum are the stomach, with the commencement of the duodenum, the liver, and the spleen ; below it, that portion of the small intestine which is called jejunum and ileum, makes its appearance. The por- tion of the intestine which passes from the stomach to the jejunum, and is called Duodenum, is so much involved by the mesocolon, that the greatest part of it cannot be seen without dissecting the mesocolon from its connexion with the back of the abdomen.— For the duodenum proceeds backwards from the pylorus, and passing down behind the peritoneum, enters a vacant space between the two laminae of the mesocolon ; it proceeds for some distance in this space, and then emerges on the lower side of the mesocolon. Here the duodenum terminates, and the small intestine then is invested by the peritoneum in such manner as to form mesentery, which conti- nues with it throughout its whole course to the great intestine. This portion of the intestine, although very uniform in its exterior appearance, as has been observed before, is divided into Jejunum and Ileum : the jejunum being the upper portion, which begins at the mesocolon; and the ileum the lower portion. which opens into the great intestine. Of the Duodenum. The length of this intestine is equal to the breadth of twelve fingers, and hence its name. It is very different from the rest of the small intestine, not only as respects its position and investment by the peri- toneum, but on account of its connexion with the liver and pancreas, by means of their excretory ducts, which open into it. From this connexion with these glands, probably, all the peculiarities of its position are to be deduced. 112 Situation of the Duodenum. When the stomach is in its natural situation, the pylorus is at some distance from the back of the abdomen. The duodenum proceeds backwards from this point, and passes near the neck of the gall-bladder, being here connected with the small omentum; it then curves downwards, and descends before the right kidney, sometimes as low as the lower part of it; then it curves again, and passes. over to the left: after it has arrived at the left side of the spine, at the second or third lumbar vertebra, it projects forwards and downwards to form the je- junum. The only portion of this intestine which is moveable, is that which is in sight as it proceeds immediately from the pylorus, being about an inch and a half, or two inches in length. The remain- der is connected to the back of the abdomen, and lies between the two laminae of the mesocolon. In its progress it passes before the aorta and the vena cava, but the principal branch of the vena portarum is before it. The duodenum is larger in diameter than any other part of the small intestines, and has a stronger muscular coat. Its general situation admits of great dilatation, and it has been called a second stomach. Its internal coat is strictly villous, in the anatomical sense of the word ; and its folds, the valvulae conui- veutes, begin at a small distance from the pylorus. The orifices of many mucous ducts are to be seen on its surface. It is supposed that some of these are the terminations of ducts from the glands of Brunner, which sometimes appear in the villous coat, or very close to it exteriorly ; being small flat bodies, with a depression in the centre, and a foramen in the de- pression. They are sometimes very numerous at the upper extremity of this intestine, and diminish gradually towards the other extremity. The biliary and pancreatic ducts open posteriorly Jejunum and Ileum. 113 into the duodenum, rather above the middle of it. The orifice of these ducts is generally surrounded by a small tubercle, which is oblong, somewhat rounded at one extremity, and pointed"at the other. Sometimes this orifice is in a plait, like one of the valvulae conniventes. Most commonly the two ducts unite before they perforate the coat, so as to form but one orifice; and sometimes they open separately, but always very near to each other. Absorbent vessels, which contain chyle, are found on the duodenum. The Jejunum and Ileum Are situated in the abdomen very differently from the duodenum. When the cavity is opened, and the omentum raised, they are in full view; and every portion of them, except the two extremities and the parts near them, can readily be moved. This free- dom of motion is owing to the manner in which they are invested by the peritoneum; or in the technical language of anatomy, to the length of their meseute- ry. They agree in their structure with the general description of the small intestines, but their muscu- lar coat is rather weaker than that of the duodenum. The valvulae conniventes are very numerous and large in the upper part of the tube, or the jejunum ; and gradually diminish in number, until they finally disappear, in the lower part of the ileum. The vil- lous coat is in perfection in the jejunum, the villi being more conspicuous here than in any other part of the intestinal tube. There are frequently found, exterior to this coat, but intimately connected with it, many small glandular bodies of a roundish form, which are often clustered together at that part of the intestine which corresponds with the interstice of the laminae of the mesentery. They are called Peyer's glands, after the anatomist who first described them; Vol. JI. 15 114 Distinction between Jejunum and Ileum. and are supposed, like the glands of Brunner, to se- crete mucus. If a portion of the jejunum be inverted, and moderately distended with air, these bodies ap- *pear very distinctly in it, dispersed at small dis- tances from each other. In the ileum tbey appear in small clusters, which often have the appearance of disease. No natural line of separation for distinguishing the jejunum and ileum from each other, is to be found ; but these names are still retained: and therefore a rule laid down by Wiuslow is generally adopted, viz. to name the first two-fifths of the tube jejunum, and the remainder ileum. There are, however, some important differences between these portions of the intestine. In the jejunum, the valvulae conniventes are so nu- merous, that they lie in contact with each other, as shingles on the roof of a house; in the ileum they gradually diminish in number, and finally disappear, In the jejunum the villi are much stronger than they are in the ileum. It is very difficult to acquire a precise idea of the arrangement of this part of the intestinal tube, while it is hi the abdomen, especially if it be much distend- ed ; but if it be separated at each extremity from the intestine with which it is connected, and the mesen- tery cut off from the back of the abdomen, and the whole then spread out upon a flat surface, it will appear, as has been already said, that the intestine is arranged so as to form a semicircle or large curve; the concavity of which is opposite to the back of the abdomen, while the convexity presents forward. It will also appear, when thus placed upon a table, that the intestine, while connected with the mesentery, is laid into many folds. It has been supposed, that the middle portion of the mesen- tery, and the intestine connected with it, is generally Construction of the Mesentery. 115 in the umbilical region; and the two portions on the sides of it are in the iliac regions: but their si- tuation in the abdomen varies considerably at differ- ent times. When the viscera of the pelvis are empty, a large portion of the small intestine is in the pelvis: but when those viscera are filled, the intestine is in the general cavity of the abdomen. TJie Mesentery Is a process of the peritoneum, wiiich is formed in the manner of a plait or fold, and of course con- sists of two laminae. These laminae proceed from the back part of the abdomen, and are so near to each other, that they compose one substantial pro- cess ; having cellular and adipose substance, blood vessels and nerves, with absorbent or lacteal vessels and their glands, between them. The form of this process, when it is separated from tfie back, and the intestiues are detached from it, is somewhat semicircular 1 that portion of its margin or edge which corresponds to the diameter of the semicircle, is connected to the back of the ab- domen, and called the root of the mesentery ; the edge, which is the circumference of the semicircle, is connected with the intestine. The edge connected with the back of the abdomen is commonly about five or six inches in length : the semicircular edge, instead of extending fifteen or eighteen inches, the ordinary proportion, is attached to a portion of intes- tine sometimes twenty-four feet in length. The mesentery on account of this great difference between its diameter and circumference, has been compared to the ruffle of a shirt sleeve ; its roots being taken for the plaited edge of the ruffle, and the circumfer- ence for its loose edge. But the comparison is not precisely accurate; for the mesentery is not plaited at its root, but perfectly smooth, and free from every 116 Root of the Mesentery. kind of fold. It begins to enlarge towards its cir- cumference, and enlarges to that degree, that it falls into plaits or folds: precisely such as would exist in a semicircular piece of membrane about six inches in diameter, if a number of simple incisions, of about an inch and a half in length, were made in a radiated direction from its circumference, and if por- tions like a sextant or quadrant were taken from a circular membrane three inches in diameter, and united by their edges to these incisions, so that their circumference might be continuous with the circum- ference of the large semicircular piece. In this case, the portions like quadrants or sextants would as- sume a folded position like the edge of the mesen- tery, while the middle of the semicircular piece would preserve its regular form without folds; as is the case with the mesentery at some distance within its circumference. By many additions of this kind, the circumference of a membrane, which was originally a semicircle of five or six inches, may be extended so as to exceed greatly that of the mesentery. It seems of course impossible to form an accurate mo- del of the mesentery with a single piece of membrane or paper; but it may be easily made with clay, or any ductile substance. A model of this kind must necessarily be folded after the manner of the mesen- tery ; and its circumference, like the mesentery, would appear as if formed of portions of the circum- ference of smaller circles united to each other.* The root of the mesentery commences with the jejunum on the lower side of the mesocolon, at the left of the spine, and extends downwards near to the right iliac region ; crossing the spine obliquely. * A model, upon the plan first mentioned, was invented by Dr. J. G. Shippen. It has been proposed, I believe by M.'Gavard, to make one with a single piece of buckskin, of a semicircular form, by stretching it at the circumference. Appearance of the Cxcum and Colon. 117 When it is examined in its natural situation, the peri- toneum is found continued from the back of the ab- domen to the intestine; it then surrounds the intes- tine, and continues from it to the back of the abdo- men again. There must therefore be two laminae of peritoneum in the mesentery, and there must be a small portion of intestine answering to the interstice between these laminae, which is not covered by the peritoneum. The blood vessels, and absorbent or lacteals, pass most commodiously to the intestines between these laminae ; for they are connected with large trunks that lie on or near the spine, and the root of the mesentery commences there. The glands connected with the lacteals or absorb- ents are very conspicuous in the mesentery, and are commonly called mesenteric glands. They are of different sizes, from more than half an inch to one or two lines in diameter. They are very numerous, and scattered irregularly, but are seldom observed very near to the intestine. They are often enlarged in consequence of disease, especially in children. The nerves of the small intestines, which are derived principally from the superior mesenteric plexus, are also to be found here. The adipose matter between the laminae of the mesentery is very often in a large quantity, but varies in proportion to the general quantity of adeps in the subject. OF THE GREAT INTESTINES The Cxcum and Colon Are very differeut from the small intestines in many respects. They are much larger in diameter. Their external surface is marked by three longitudi- nal bands of a light colour, which extend the great- est part of their length, and are placed nearly at 118 Position of the Cxcum. equal distances from each other. The spaces be- tween these bands are marked by transverse indenta- tions, which pass from one band to the other at short but unequal distances. At these indentations the coats of the intestine are pressed inwards, as if a fine thread had been drawn round it externally, while the spaces between them are full and tumid, and on this account are called cells. The great intestine, with these appearances, be- gins, as has been already observed, in the right iliac region, by a rounded end which rests on the fossa or concave surface formed by the costa of the ileum; from this it is continued upwards in the right lum- bar region, anterior to the kidney, until it arrives near the liver, when it forms a curve, and passes directly across the abdomen to the left side. In this course it approaches so near to the under side of the liver, that it is often in contact with it, and with the gall-bladder, which, after death, tinges it with a yellow colour. On the left side it passes down the lumbar region, before the kidney, to the left iliac region; here it is curved so as to resemble the Roman letter S, inverted ; this curve generally car- ries it to the right side of the spine, and then brings it back to the centre of the sacrum. Here the in- testine changes its course, and passing into the pelvis, continues downward, in contact with the sacrum and coccygis, and partaking of the curvature of those bones, until it terminates at the anus, where it is connected with the sphincter and levator ani muscles. About two inches from the commencement of the great intestine the ileum opens into it laterally ; and all that portion which is between its commencement and the insertion of the ileum is termed Cxcum, or the blind intestine : that part of the great tube, which is included in its course from the insertion of Structure of the Colon. 119 the ileum to the posterior part of the brim of the pelvis, is called Colon ; and the remainder, or the part which is contained in the pelvis, is termed Rec- tum. The Cxcum is nearly as wide as it is long ; it is fixed in the right iliac fossa by the peritoneum, which invests it so that the great body of the intes- tine projects from the surface of the fossa covered by the peritoneum-; but a portion is in close contact with the surface, aud connected to it by cellular membrane. Its external surface, covered by the peritoneum, is marked by two of the bands or stripes before mentioned, which proceed on it length- ways. These bands are in full view, but the third band is generally on that part of the intestine which rests on the iliac fossa, and is therefore out of sight. At the rounded extremity of the caecum, situated anteriorly and internally, is a small process resem- bling an earth-worm in form and size; this is there- fore called Appendieula Vermiformis. It is hollow, and communicates with the cavity of the caecum at the place of junctiou; and like the caecum, has its other extremity closed up. It is composed of the same number of coats and has the same structure as the great intestine: its length varies from two to four inches. The longitudinal bands above mentioned com- mence at the junction of this appendix with the caecum, and continue throughout the extent of the colon. They appear to be formed by some of the longitudinal fibres of the muscular coat, which are arranged close to each other. These fibres seem to be shorter than the coats of the intestine, and the in- terior coats adhere firmly to them. Thus are pro- duced the indentations and cells ; for if the bands are divided transversely, the indentations disappear, 120 Valve of the Colon. and the surface of the intestine becomes uniform. One of these bands is covered by the mesocolon. The circular or transverse fibres of the muscular coat of the caecum and colon are very delicate, and not numerous. The internal coat differs materially from that of the small intestines, although at first view they seem to resemble each other; for if a portion of the ileum and of the colon be inverted and suspended in water, no villi can be seen with the naked eye on the internal coat of the colon, while those of the ileum are very visible. The glands exterior to this coat are larger than those on the small intestines. Instead of valvulae conniventes, are the ridges made by the indentations or depressions above des- cribed, which separate the incomplete cells from each other. These ridges differ essentially from the val- vulae conniventes, because all the coats of the intes- tine are concerned in their formation, whereas the valvulae conniventes are formed by the villous coat only ; they also project into the cavity of the intes- tine, while the valvulae are laid on its surface. They pass only from one longitudinal band to another, and, in consequence of this, the cells are small, and the position of each band is very evident when the intestine is laid open. The communication of the ileum with the great intestine has been already stated to be on the left side of it, about two inches from its commencement. The aperture is so constructed, that it is considered as a valve, and is called the Valve of Bauhin, or of Tulpius, after the anatomists who have described it.* The appearance of the aperture is as follows : If the caecum, with a small portion of the ileum and • Posthius in 1566; Vidus Vidius about 1569 ; Alberti in 1581, and Varolius who died in 1575, each lay claims to the discovery of it. Bauhin's claims are in 1579. Ed. Structure of the Valve of the Colon. 12i of the colon, be separated from the other intestines, and kept in an inflated state until it be so dry as to preserve its form when opened, and then if the cae- cum and colon be laid open opposite to the aperture of the ileum, a large, transverse ridge, resembling some of the ridges or folds just described, will be seen projecting into the cavity of the intestine. In the internal edge of this fold is a long slit or opening, which forms the communication between the two in- testines. It is obvious that the form of this fold must be that of a crescent; and that its two surfaces with the slit between them, must have the appearance of two lips, which would readily permit a fluid or sub- stance of soft consistence to pass from the ileum into the great intestines, but must impede, if not prevent, its passage back ; especially if the large intestines were distended, as then the lips would be pressed against each other. When the peritoneal coat is dissected from each of the intestines at their place of junction, and this structure is then examined from without, it appears as if a transverse or half circular indentation had been formed by the villous coat of the great intestine, and that the internal coat of the extremity of the ileum was pressed into this indentation, and united to the internal coat of the great intestine which form- ed it; while there was a slit, both in the indentation and in the end of the ileum, which formed a commu- nication between the cavity of the great intestine and the ileum. The longitudinal fibres of both intestines, as well as their external coats, seemed to be united, so as to form a common cover for them ; while the circular fibres were blended in the two portions of the indentation which form the lips of the orifice. This orifice is, of course, transverse with respect to the intestine. It has been observed, that there was a difference in the thickness and strength of the Vol. 11. If3 122 Position of the Rectum. two lips or valves; that the lower valve was the strongest, and appeared to have the largest propor- tion of muscular fibres in its composition. At the extremities of the orifice, and near each end of the fold or ridge, are tendinous fibres, which give strength to the structure : they are called the Reti- nacula of Morgagni, as they were first described by that anatomist. There is great reason for believing that this valve cannot prevent the retrograde motion of the contents of the intestines in all cases ; for in some instances of hernia and of colic, matter perfectly stercoraceous has been vomited, and the probable inference from such a state of the ejected matter is, that this matter has been in the large intestines. It is also said, that suppositories and enemata have been discharged by vomiting. On the right and left sides of the abdomen, the colon is in close contact with the posterior surface of the cavity. The peritoneum, which covers this sur- face, extends over the intestine also, and thus retains it in its position. The great arch of the colon, which is loose and moves far from the back of the abdomen, is invested by the two laminae of the omentum, which, after surrounding it, unite again and form mesocolon. Connected with the exterior surface of the colon are many processes, composed of adipose membrane, varying in length from half an inch to an inch and a half: these appear to be of the nature of the omentum, and are therefore generally denomi- nated Appendices Epiploicx. The Rectum. After forming the sigmoid flexure, the colon ter- minates ; and the rectum begins opposite to the low- er surface of the last lumbar vertebra, and nearly in contact with it: from this it proceeds downwards," Structure of the Rectum. 1S3 forming a curve like the sacrum, until it terminates at the anus, where it is invested with the muscles called the sphincter and levator ani. It is called rec- tum, because in this course it is supposed not to in- cline to either side; but it is often found on one side of the middle line.* This intestine being in contact with the posterior surface of the pelvis, is covered, on its anterior sur- face only, by the peritoneum which lines the poste- rior surface of the pelvis; and it is fixed in this situation by the peritoneum, as the colon is on the right and left sides of the abdomen, but more loose- ly ; and therefore the term Mesorectum has some- times been applied to that portion of the peritoneum which is analogous to the mesentery and mesocolon. The peritoneum does not extend to the end of the rectum; for it is reflected at the lower part of the pelvis from the rectum to the bladder, or uterus, and does not line the bottom of the pelvis ; so that the lower part of this intestine, as well as of the other viscera of the pelvis, is below the peritoneum, aud not connected with it. The muscular coat of the rectum is much thicker and stronger than that of any other intestine. The strata of longitudinal and circular fibres which com- pose it are very distinct from each other. The lon- gitudinal fibres are most numerous, and terminate at the insertion of the fibres of the levator ani muscle. The lower circular fibres are intimately connected with the sphincter ani. The internal coat is very vascular, but the villous structure is not apparent. Mucous follicles are also very numerous; and there are likewise some distinct glandular bodies exterior to this coat, which vary in size in different subjects. • Morgagni and Haller supposed it to be commonly on the left of the mftldle line: and Sabatier on the right. 124 Absorbents and Nerves of the Intestines. The quantity of mucous discharged from the rec- tum in certain cases of disease, is sometimes very great. The internal coat, in consequence of the con- traction of the circular fibres exterior to it, some- times forms longitudinal folds, which have been called its columns; these often disappear when the intestine is opened lengthways and spread out. By the contraction of the longitudinal fibres, the internal coat is often thrown into folds or doublings, that ttiust assume a transverse or circular direction ; they occasionally pass down through the sphincter, and form the prolapsus ani. The rectum is most plenti- fully supplied with blood vessels, to be described hereafter; and it may be observed, that, on the lower part of the internal coat, the veins are particularly numerous. The internal coat of the rectum terminates ab~ ruptly just within the anus, and is united to a pro- duction of the skin, which, like the covering of the lips, is very delicate aud vascular, and has an epi- thelium, or very thin cuticle, spread over it. The levator and sphincter ani muscles, with which the termination of the rectum is invested, are described in the first volume. The Absorbents of the Intestines are commonly denominated Lacteals.* They originate on the in- ternal surfaces of these viscera, as has been already described. After passing through the lymphatic glands, which are so numerous on the mesentery, they generally unite and form one of the great trunks which compose the thoracic duct. It is asserted, that some of the absorbent vessels of the lower in- testines unite to the lymphatics of the loins. * The lacteals were first observed by Erasistratus and Herophi- lus, of the school of Alexandria, during the reign of the Ptolemies ; and subsequently by Asellius, of Pavia, in 1622, the knowledge of them having been lost for 1900 year.—Ed. Origin and Arrangement of the Omentum. 125 The Nerves of the Intestines are principally de* rived from the intercostals, or great sympathetics. From each of these nerves, while they are in the thorax, an important branch, called the rami) ssplanch- nicus, arises. These splanchnic branches pass through ihe diaphragm, and are the chief contributors to the ganglions and plexuses formed in the abdomen. A plexus, derived from this source surrounds the supe- rior mesenteric artery, and another the inferior me- senteric ; and from these proceed the nerves of the intestines. The Omentum Requires a separate description, although several circumstances connected with its structure have been already noticed. It often varies in its position ; but when it is rendered firm by a quantity of adipose matter, it is spread over the intestines like an apron, extending from the lower edge, or great curvature of the stomach, towards the bottom of the abdomen. As has been already said, it is an extension of the peritoneum, in two laminae, from the concave surface of the liver to the lesser curvature of the stomach; and these laminae, after surrounding the stomach, come in contact with each other near its great curva- ture. From this portion of the stomach, from the, commencement of the duodenum, and also from the spleen, the Omentum, composed of two laminae, de- scends over the colon and the small intestines more or less low into the abdomen ; it is then folded back- wards and upwards, and is continued until it meets the great arch of the colon : here the laminae again. separate and inclose that portion of the intestine, on the posterior side of which they again approach each other, and form a membrane like the mesentery, of two laminae, which passes from the concave or pos- terior surface of the colon to the back of the abdo- 126 Origin and Arrangement of the Omentum. men, where it is continued into the membrane which lines that surface. This last portion is the Mesoco- lon: the portion between the liver and stomach is called the Omentum of Winslow, or the lesser omentum ; and the great portion between the sto- mach and colon is called the Great Omentum, or the omentum gastro colicura. There is also a process of peritoneum continued from that portion of the colon which is on the right side of the abdomen, and from the caecum, which extends to some distance ; it is formed of two laminse, that compose a cavity of an angular form. This has been called the Omen- tum Colicum. The great and small omentum, with a portion of the peritoneum on the back of the abdomen, form a sac, which incloses a distinct cavity in the abdomen. The anterior part of this sac is composed of two laminae, and between these laminae are the stomach and the great arch of the colon. This cavity, form- ed by the two- omenta, communicates with the gene- ral cavity of the abdomen by a foramen of a semicir- cular form, called the Foramen of Winslow, which is behind the great cord of the vessels that go to the liver. The omentum is so delicate in structure, that when free from fat, it is very liable to laceration merely by adhering to the fingers, if they are dry. Winslow therefore advised that some unctuous sub- stance should be rubbed on the hands, before they were applied to it. The appearance of the great omentum is very dif- ferent in different persons. In the emaciated, it appears like a delicate transparent membrane; in the corpulent, it is like a broad mass of adeps, which sometimes is very thick. When it is thus loaded with adeps, it is most commonly spread over the small intestines : when it is free from fat. it is often Varieties in the Appearance of the Omentum. 127 compressed together, so as to form a small mass near the arch of the colon, on the left side. The principal blood vessels of the omentum are derived from those of the stomach, and are called gastro epiploic arteries and veins. The use of this membrane in the animal economy has not been ascertained with certainty. It seems probable that one of its principal objects is to pro- tect the small intestines, and lessen the friction con- sequent upon their motion; but it has been supposed 'o answer several other important purposes.* *See HalleriElementa Physiologic, vol. VI. page 381. Gavard. Traite de Splanchnologie, page 350. )r. James Rush's Inquiry into the use of the Omentum. CHAPTER 111. OF THE LIVER, THE PANCREAS, AND THE SPLEEN. SECTION I. Of the Liver. Tins largest viscus of the abdomen, when in a healthy condition, is of a reddish brown colour. If it is taken out of the subject, and laid on a flat surface, it is flat, but in the abdomen it is convex and concave. It is situated in the right hypochondriac region, which it occupies entirely ; and extends through the upper portion of the epigastric into the left hypo- chondriac region. Being placed immediately under the diaphragm, and in close contact with it, as well as with the inner surface of the right hypochondriac region, it partakes of their form, and is convex above and concave below. When thus situated, it is of an irregular figure, between the circle and the oval, but it is broader at the right extremity than at the left, and very irregular in thickness. The edge or margin which is in contact with the posterior part of the right hypochondriac region, is very thick. It gradually becomes thinner towards the left, and also towards the front: so that the right margin, and a large portion of the posterior margin, is very thick, while the left and the anterior margin is thin. The upper convex surface of the liver, when in its natural situation, is smooth : the lower concave surface is marked by several grooves or fissures and eminences. One of these, called the Umbilical or the great fissure, commences at a notch in the ante Lobes and Fissures of the Liver. 129 rior edge of the liver, to the left of the middle, and continues to the posterior edge. At the commence- ment of this fissure the umbilical ligament enters; and at the termination, or near it, the vena cava is situated. Opposite to this fissure, on the upper or convex surface, is a ligament passing from the dia- phragm to the liver, which is called the falciform. The fissure and the ligament divide the liver into its two great lobes, the Right and Left. Another great fissure, called the transverse or principal, commences in the right lobe and extends to the left, crossing the first mentioned- fissure at right angles, and extending a very short distance beyond it. It is very deep, and rather nearer to the posterior than the anterior edge of the liver. In this fissure, near to its right extremity, the great vein, called vena portarum, and the hepatic artery enter, and the excretory duct of the liver, commonly called the hepatic duct, comes out. About the mid- dle of the fissure are two prominences, one on each side; these were called the portae, or gates of the liver, and hence the great vein was called vena por- tarum. This vein has two very large rectangular branches, which constitute what is called the sinus of the vena portarum, and they occupy the principal extent of the fissure. The liver is in close contact with the vena cava behind ; and there is either a groove in it for the pas- sage of the vein, or this great vessel is completely inclosed by it. There is also an excavation on the lower surface of the liver, which is occupied by a portion of the gall bladder. Besides the great lobes above mentioned, there are also two or three prominent parts on the concave surface, which are denominated lobes. One of these, called Lobulus Spigelii, is obloug, with two sides, and an angle continued along its whole length, Vol. II. 17 130 Li gam cuts of the Liver. which extends from the transverse fissure to the posterior margin of the liver. It is situated between the posterior part of the transverse fissure, or ductus venosus, and the vena cava. The anterior extremity of this lobe, which forms one. of the margins of the transverse fissure, is some- what bifurcated, and has been called lobulus cauda- tus. The largest portion of the bifurcated end forms a process like a papilla, and is one of the portae. Between the umbilical fissure and the depression for the gall bladder is a protuberant space, which varies from an inch and a quarter to two inches in breadth. This has also been called a lobe, Lobulus Quartus or Anonymus, its posterior point opposite the papilla of the lob. spig. forms the other porta of the liver. The peritoneum is extended from the surface of the abdomen to the surface of the liver, in such man- ner as to cover it, and to form ligaments, which have a great effect in retaining it in its proper situation. The whole posterior edge of the liver is in contact with the back of the abdomen. The peritoneum above the liver is reflected to the upper surface of it, and the peritoneum below it to the lower surface; so that two laminae of the peritoneum pass from the lower part of the diaphragm at the back of the ab- domen to the posterior edge of the liver. These processes of the peritoneum are considered as form- ing two ligaments, which are called the right and left lateral ligament^. A portion of the posterior surface of the liver, uncovered by the peritoneum, is often in contact with a portion of the tendon of the diaphragm, also uncovered by peritoneum : around this place of contact, the peritoneum is extended from the diaphragm to the liver, and thus forms what has been called the coronary ligament of the liver. The peritoneum of the right side of the diaphragm, and of the abdominal muscles, as far down as the Mode of supporting the Liver. 131 umbilicus, is extended to the liver, and joins it on the convex surface immediately opposite to the um- bilical fissure. The peritoneum from the left side of these parts does the same; and as these reflections of the peritoneum are continued from so low a part as the umbilicus, they are extended not only to the convex surface of the liver, but also to the great notch, and along the umbilical fissure. From the umbilicus proceeds a round cord-like li- gament, which in the fcetal state was a vein, that passes to the great fissure of the liver, and along it. The process of the peritoneum above mentioned is so connected with this cord, that it incloses it in its lower edge, and the whole is called the falciform ligament of the liver. The cord, when named se- parately, is the umbilical or the round ligament; and the membrane or laminae of the peritoneum forms the suspensory ligament. Besides these, the perito- neum on the lower side of the liver is so arranged, that it not only extends to the stomach, but to the duodenum and the colon. By these ligaments the position of the liver must be fixed to a great degree; arid there is one addition- al connexion, which must have a great effect in re- taining it in its proper situation. The vena cava receives two or three great veins from the liver, at the place where it is in contact with the posterior edge of that viscous; these veins of course pass di- rectly from the substance of the liver into the cava, and connect it to that vessel. As the cava is sup- ported by the heart, and also by the diaphragm, it must afford a considerable support to the liver. When the stomach aud intestines are distended, they must also contribute in a considerable degree to the support of the liver. The liver has a strong tendency, when we are erect, to change its situation ; and some considerable 132 Acini of the Liver.—Proper Coat of the Liver. support is necessary to counteract this tendency. It would move to the right, when we lie on the right side, if it were not in contact with the ribs; and it inclines to the left, for want of such support, when we lie on the left side. It has been computed, that the liver descends about two inches, when the position of the subject is changed from the horizontal to the erect. As it is in contact with the diaphragm, it is obvious that it must be influenced by the motions of that muscle, and that it must descend when the diaphragm con- tracts. The liver is composed of a substance which has some firmness of consistence, although it is yielding; and is also somewhat brittle or friable.* When cut into, the sections of many tubes, or vessels of dif- ferent diameters, appear on the cut surface. When the texture of this substance is more closely ex- amined, it appears somewhat granulated, or com- posed of very small bodies, which were called acini by the anatomists who first described them. The whole substance is inclosed by the peritoneum, which is extended to it from the surface of the abdomen in the manner that has been already described. It has also a proper coat or capsule; and on the posterior edge, where the laminae of the lateral ligaments pass from the diaphragm to the liver, at some distance from each other, a portion of the liver, covered by this coat and by cellular substance, is in contact with the diaphragm. The same thing occurs like- wise at the coronary ligament.f The liver holds the first place among the glands * It has been fractured in the living body by external violence. | Many anatomists deny the existence of this coat; but if one of the laminae of the ligaments be carefully peeled off from the sur- face of a liver which is slightly affected by putrefaction, it will be apparent, although very thin. It was described by M. Laennec. in Le Journal de Medecine for 1803. Vessels of the Liver.—Hepatic Artery. 133 of the body for size, but it is still more remarkable for some other circumstances in its economy. In addition to an artery, which passes to it as arteries do to other glands, there is a large vein which also enters it as an artery; and after ramifying through- out the liver, communicates, as does the artery, with other veins, which carry the blood from this gland into the vena cava and the general circulation. There are therefore three species of blood vessels in the liver; and with these are found the vessels which carry out of the gland the fluid secreted by it, or the bile. The artery of the liver is denominated the Hepatic Artery. The vein which goes to the liver is called the Vena Portarum, from the place at which it en- ters. The veins which carry to the vena cava the blood brought to the liver by the hepatic artery and the vena portarum, are called the Hepatic Veins; and the duct through which the bile flows out of the liver, is called the Hepatic Duct. Three of these vessels, the Hepatic Artery, the Vena Portarum, and the Hepatic Duct, enter the liver at the great fissure, at the spot where the prominences exist called the portae; hence the name vena portarum was applied to the vein. These vessels ramify in the manner presently to be described; and it is ascertained by minute ana- tomical investigation, that the liver is entirely com- posed of the ramifications of these vessels and of the hepatic veins, with absorbent vessels and nerves, which are connected together by cellular membrane. It has been already observed, that the first great branch sent off by the aorta in the abdomen, the Cceliac, divides into three branches, which go re- spectively to the stomach, the liver, and the spleen. The Hepatic is generally the largest of these branches. In its progress towards the liver it sends i&4 Vena Portarum. off "an artery to the stomach, called the gastrica dex- tra. At the great fissure it divides into two branches : the right branch, which supplies the right lobe of the liver, is of course the largest. This branch sends.off one to the gall bladder, which is called the. cystic artery; and also some smaller branches : it passes under the hepatic duct, and ramifies through the great lobe of the liver. The left branch is dis- tributed through the left lobe of the viscous. It cau be proved by injection, that the hepatic artery com- municates not only with the hepatic veins, but with the biliary duct, and the vena portarum also. It has been disputed whether the size of this artery is greater than would be requisite for the nourishment and animation of the liver. The Vena Portarum, the great peculiarity of the liver, originates from all the chylopoietic viscera ex- cept the liver, and is of course formed by the union of the veins which correspond to all the branches of the cceliac and mesenteric arteries, as they are dis- tributed to the stomach and intestines, the spleen, the pancreas, and the omentum. The veins from the intestines generally form two great trunks, which are denominated the greater and lesser mesenteric veins. The great mesenteric vein is situated to the right, and rather before the mesenteric artery.— After it has approached the origin of the artery it separates from it, and passes behind the pancreas : at this place, nearly in front of the spine, it is joined by the great vein of the spleen, which forms almost a right angle with it, and these constitute the great trunk of the vena portarum. The lesser mesenteric vein, which corresponds to the inferior mesenteric artery, and brings blood from the pelvis and from the left part of the colon, becomes finally a large vessel, and commonly unites with the splenic about an inch and a half before its junction with the supe- Vena Portarum.—Hepatic Dtict. 135 rior mesenteric vein. The vena portarum, thus formed, proceeds towards the liver, inclining to the right, and is generally about three inches in length : in its course it sometimes receives small veins, which in other cases pass to its splenic and mesenteric branches. When it has arrived at the great trans- verse sinus of the liver, it divides into two large- branches, each of which forms nearly a right angle with it. Their size is so great, that, when distended with injection, they appear like an independent vessel, into which the vena portarum enters; and on this account they are called the great Sinus of the vena portarum. They do not adhere firmly to the glandular substance of the liver, but are united to it by cellular membrane. The right branch is the widest and shortest. It generally divides into three branches; an anterior, a posterior, and a lateral branch; which ramify minutely, and extend them- selves in the right lobe. The left branch is much longer, and continues to the extent of the transverse fissure. Near its termination it is joined by the umbilical ligament, which has been already men- tioned. This branch is generally in contact with a branch of the hepatic artery and of the hepatic duct; and ramifies, like the right branch, into the conti- guous parts of the liver. The Hepatie or excretory duct originates, by very small vessels, from the acini or corpuscles of which the liver is composed, and into which the minute ramifications of the vena portarum and hepatic arte- ry extend. They accompany these vessels, increas- ing as they increase, although the fluid they con- tain moves in an opposite direction; and two large branches which they ultimately form are situated at the portae of the liver, in contact with the great branches of the vena portarum and the hepatic artery. These three vessels are in contact with each other 13b' Hepatic Veins.-—Nerves of the Liver. before they enter the liver. The biliary duct is an* terior, the vena portarum posterior, and the artery to the left of them. They are accompanied by nerves and lymphatic vessels, and are surrounded by a considerable quantity of cellular substance, and thus arranged are partially covered with perito- neum. The cellular substance which invests them continues with them into the liver, and is more particularly connected with the vena portarum. It is called Glisson's Capsule, and was supposed to have some contractile power, which assisted the cir- culation of the vena portarum ; but that idea is now altogether abandoned. The hepatic veins, which receive the blood of the hepatic artery and the vena portarum, open into the anterior part of the vena cava, where it is in contact with the liver. Gene- rally there are three of these veins, but sometimes there are only two ; in which case one of them is formed by two others, which unite immediately be- fore they open into the vena cava. It is to be observed, that the various branches of these veins do not accompany those branches of the vena porta- rum or hepatic artery to which they correspond, but form very large angles with them. This is proba- bly owing merely to their termination in a part so distant from that in which the artery and the vena portarum originate; but it is very different from what occurs in other glands. The Nerves of the Liver are derived from the semilunar ganglions of the splanchnic nerves. From these many nerves proceed, which form a network denominated the solar plexus. From this plexus many threads are sent off, which form a network that is divided into the right and left hepatic plexus. These plexuses surround the hepatic artery and the vena portarum, and accompany them in their ramifi- cations throughout the liver, being inclosed by Glis- Lymphatics. 137 son3s capsule. They receive some threads from the stomachic plexus, formed by the par vagum. Al- though the number of nervous fibres is very consi- derable, their bulk, compared with that of the liver, is very small. The Lymphatics of the Liver are extremely nu- merous ; and those in that portion of the peritoneum which invests the liver may easily be rendered con- spicuous : for by pressure the injected fluid can be forced from the trunks and large branches into the small ramifications, in opposition to the valves. When all the surface is injected in this manner, it has the colour of the substance injected; as is the. case with parts which are very vascular, when the blood vessels are injected. The deep seated lymphatics are also very nume- rous in the liver, and communicate freely with the superficial. The superficial lymphatics which are on the upper surface, proceed through the diaphragm into the thorax in their course to the thoracic duct. Those which are deep seated emerge from the liver at the portae, where the great vessels enter, and unite with the thoracic duct in the abdomen, after passing through several glands. The lymphatics of the lower surface unite with the deep seated. The glandular or parenchymatous substance of the liver is of a reddish brown colour, and mode- rately firm consistence. When it is cut into, the cut surface exhibits the sections of the branches of the different blood vessels above mentioned, and of the excretory ducts. These vessels are often distin- guishable from each other. The section of the biliary duct appears the thickest; that of the artery next; the vena portarum is next in order; and, last of all, the venae hepaticae. The branches of the vena portarum are surrounded Vol. II. 18 x'tiH Glandular Substance of the Liver. by cellular substance, or Glisson's capsule; and therefore adhere less to the substance of the liver than the branches of the hepatic veins. The sec- tions of the hepatic ducts have often bile in them, and are therefore termed pori biliarii. The branches of the artery are also very distinguishable. When the internal substance of the liver is brought into view, and examined accurately, it appears to be formed of small bodies, or acini, which are distin- guishable from each other. If the liver happens to be torn or lacerated, the lacerated surfaces are rough and irregular, owing to the separation of these acini from each other. It is asserted by several microscopical observers, that a minute branch of each of the aforesaid vessels can be traced into each of the acini. It is also de- clared, that if each of these vessels be injected se- parately with mercury, oil of turpentine coloured, or a saturated aqueous solution of gutta gamba, there is no part of the glandular mass as large as a grain of mustard seed in which these vessels will not be found. Several anatomists of the first character have likewise declared, that a fluid properly injected into one of these vessels, will occasionally pass into all of them. Thus an injection will not only pass from the vena portarum to the biliary duct, but to the hepa- tic artery and veins also. It will likewise pass, in a retrograde course, from the biliary ducts to the vena portarum, and to the hepatic artery and the hepatic veins; or from any one of the four orders of vessels into the three others.* The great peculiarity of the liver is, that venous blood, instead of arterial, is brought to it for the purpose of secretion. Thus, the great vein of the * I have tried the experiment and find the assertion to be cor- rect—Ed. Peculiarity of the Liver.—Gall Bladder. 130 chylopoietic viscera, instead of passing to the cava, enters the liver by the transverse fissure, and takes on the office of an artery; its coats, on this account, being much thicker and stronger than those of the hepatic veins.* The Biliary or Hepatic Duct is formed of very minute vessels, which originate in the acini above described; these unite together like veins until they form considerable branches, which finally compose the great ramifications of the biliary duct. This duct is very strong and firm, and on its internal sur- face are the orifices of many mucous follicles or ducts. It passes from the transverse fissure of the liver, with the hepatic artery, as before described, and, at the distance of an inch and a half or two inches from the fissure, it unites with a duct from the gall bladder, which is called the Cystic Duct, This duct is nearly equal in length to the hepatic, and after running almost parallel »to it, at length unites so as to form an acute angle with it. The cystic duct is smaller than the hepatic, and they unite much like two branches of an artery. The Gall Bladder, from which the cystic duct arises, has the shape of a pear, with a very long neck, curved in a way to be hereafter described. It is situated in a superficial pit or cavity in the con- cave surface of the right lobe of the liver; and its fundus, or basis, often projects a small distance be- yond the anterior edge of the viscus. Its position is such, that it extends from before backwards, and inclines rather to the left; of course, therefore, when the subject lies on his back, the bottom of the blad- der is the uppermost part of it; when he lies on the * A case is related by Mr. Abernethy, in the London Philosophi- cal Transactions, in which the vena portarum terminated in the vena cava below the liver, without communicating with it. The hepatic artery was the only vessel which carried blood to the organ, and was unusually large ; the liver being nearly of the natural size. Some bile was in the gall bladder, but it was less acrid than usual. 140 Gall Bladder. left side, it is also higher than the neck; and when he lies on the right side, it is the lowermost. The gall bladder consists of an internal coat, and one that is cellular or nervous, and has somewhat of a fibrous appearance. This coat connects the gall bladder to the surface of the pit or cavity in which it lies. The peritoneal coat of the liver is extended from the surface of the viscous over that part of the surface of the gall bladder which is not in contact with it. The internal coat has a peculiar structure, with a faint resemblance to that of the villous membrane. It is so arranged as to form very fine folds, which have various directions: in some places they make a network; in others, as the neck of a bladder, they are longitudinal. Many mucous follicles exist on its internal surface. The neck of the gall bladder is suddenly bent down or curved* upon itself, and twisted, so that it resembles the neck of the swan, when the head of that bird is applied to one side of its breast. A branch of the hepatic artery, which leaves it before it enters the liver, is appropriated to the gall bladder, and is therefore denominated the cystic artery. The veins corresponding to this artery empty themselves into the vena portarum.* The lympha- tic vessels are united to those which are found on the lower surface of the liver, and the nerves are derived from the hepatic plexus. The gall bladder appears to be merely a reservoir, into which bile passes through its duct in a retro grade direction. If air be blown through the he- patic duct from the liver, it will pass to the gall bladder almost as freely as it passes to the duode num. * It has been justly observed by John Bell, that the veins would not terminate thus, if bile were secreted by.tke gall bladder. Ductus Communis Choledochus.—The Bile. 141 The biliary duct from the liver, after receiving the duct from the gall bladder, takes the name of Ductus Communis Choledochus. It is wider than either of the other ducts, and near three inches in length. It passes down before the vena portarum, and on the right of the hepatic artery, to the posterior surface of the right extremity of the pancreas. It passes through a small portion of that gland, and then per- forates the muscular coat of the duodenum; after which it proceeds from half an inch to an inch be- tween this coat and the villous, and opens into the cavity of the intestine. The orifice forms a tubercle which extends lengthways of the intestine, and is rounded above and pointed below, with a slit in it. While this duct is in contact with the pancreas, a duct from that gland generally opens into it, so that the biliary and pancreatic fluids enter the duodenum by the same orifice ; but sometimes the pancreatic duct opens into the duodenum by a distinct orifice, very near to that of the biliary duct. The Bile, or fluid secreted by the liver, appears to an- swer a two-fold purpose in the animal economy. It produces a chemical effect upon the alimentary mix- ture which passes from the stomach through the intes- tines ; and it increases the peristaltic motion of those important organs. By an inverted action of the duodenum, some of this fluid is frequently carried upwards into the stomach: it then often produces only slight derangement of the functions and sensations connected with that viscous; but sometimes violent vertigo, and even convulsions, seem to have arisen merely from the presence of a large quantity of bile in the stomach : for they have gone off completely upon the discharge of bile by vomiting. Notwithstanding these effects of bile in certain cases, in which a great deal of it exists in the sto- mach, it is often carried into the mass of blood in large quantities, and appears to be mixed with the 142 The Pancreas. serum, and to circulate through the body, without pro* ducing any very sensible effect: thus many persons who are deeply tinged by bile in their blood, experience but few effects that can be imputed to the mixture of it with the circulating fluids; and neither the brain nor the heart appear to be much influenced by the circumstance. Bile is miscible with water and with alcohol, and also with oily substances; and it often assumes a green colour, when mixed with acids. The colour of the al- vine discharges is derived from the bile, and they are therefore sometimes very green, when the acetous fer- mentation takes place in the contents of the stomach and bowels. It is asserted by some chemists, that ten parts in eleven of the human bile consist of water; that albu- minous matter composes about one fortys-sixth part of it; and that there is nearly an equal quantity of re- sinous matter in it. There is also a small quantity (one part in 244) of uncombined soda dissolved in it, and a smaller quantity of neutral salts, consisting of soda combined with the phosphoric, sulphuric and mu- riatic acids. In addition to these there is a very small quantity of phosphate of lime and of oxide of iron, and some yellow insoluble matter. The bile in the Gall Bladder is generally more vis. cid than that which is found in the Hepatic Duct. SECTION II. Of the Pa?icreas. Thk pancreas is a glandular body, which has a strong resemblance to the salivary glands in seve- ral particulars. It is seven inches in length, and is irregularly oblong in its form, one extremity being much larger than the other. Its large extre- mity is in contact with the duodenum, and it ex- tends from this intestine in a transverse direction to the spleeu, to which it is connected by the omentum and by blood vessels. It is not invested by the peritoneum, but is situated in the space which exist* The Pancreas. 143 between the two laminae of the mesocolon, as they proceed from the back of the abdomen, before they come in contact with each other. It is anterior to the aorta and vena cava, and to the mesenteric vein, or main branch of the vena portarum; being con- nected to these parts by cellular membrane. At the right extremity, which is connected with the duodenum, is a process of the gland that extends downwards in close contact with the intestine.— This is called the head of the pancreas, or the lesser pancreas. The position of the pancreas is such, that one of its surfaces looks forwards and rather upwards, and the other backwards and downwards; one edge is of course posterior and superior, and the other ante- rior and inferior. The posterior of these edges is much thicker than the other, and has a groove or excavation which is occupied by the splenic blood vessels. This gland differs from the other large glands of the abdomen, inasmuch as it has not a large artery particularly appropriated to it; but instead of this, it receives branches from the contiguous arteries. The arterial blood of this gland is partly supplied by the splenic artery, which, in its course from the main trunk of the cceliac to the spleen, while it is in the groove at the edge of the pancreas, sends off into the gland one considerable branch called the great pancreatic, and a number of small branches, which go off in succession. In addition to these, the pan- creas receives vessels from one of the branches of the hepatic artery, before it sends off its great rami- fications, as well as small twigs from several other contiguous arteries. The veins correspond with the arteries, but ultimately are discharged into the vena portarum. The pancreas resembles the salivary glands in 144 Pancreatie Duct. colour, and also in texture ; for it is of a dull white colour with a tinge of red, and it appears to consist of small bodies of a granulated form, which are so arranged as to compose small masses or lobes that are united to each other by cellular membrane.— Each of these granulated bodies receives one or more small arterial twigs, and from it proceeds not only a vein but a small excretory duct, which, uniting with similar ducts from the adjoining granu- lated portions or acini, forms a larger duct in each lobe or mass ; these open into the great duct of the gland, which proceeds through it lengthwise from the left extremity, in which it commences, to the right. This duct is situated in the body of the gland, which must be dissected to bring it into view. It is thin and transparent, like the ducts of the salivary glands, and is rather larger in diameter than a crow's quill. In its progress towards the right extremity of the gland it gradually enlarges, aud commonly receives a branch from the part called the lesser pancreas. It most commonly unites with the biliary duct before it opens into the duodenum : sometimes these ducts open separately, but very near to each other. They penetrate the coats of the intestine rather obliquely, and between four and five inches from the pylorus. This canal is sometimes called Ductus Wirsungi, after an anatomist who published a plate of it. The pancreas has an irregular surface, and no coat which covers it uniformly. It is invested by cellular membrane, which also connects its different lobes to each other. Absorbent vessels and nerves are traced into it. The portion called the lesser pancreas adheres to the duodenum, and when it is enlarged by disease. Size of the Spleen. 145 the passage of aliment through that intestine is much impeded, and sometimes completely obstructed.* It is now generally believed that the fluid secreted by the pancreas is similar to that which is produced by the salivary glands. SECTION III. Of the Spleen. The Spleen is a flat body of a bluish colour, and an irregular oblong form, with thick edges, which are indented in some places. wit is various, in different subjects, both in size ai»4 form. Its most common size is between four and five inches in length, and about three or four inches in breadth; but it has often been found of more than four times this size; and it has also been seen not much longer than an inch. Its ordinary weight is between six and nine ounces; but it has varied in different subjects from eleven pounds to one ounce. It is supposed, by many physiologists, that it frequently varies in size in the same individual. It is situated in the left hypochondriac region, in contact with the diaphragm, below the eighth rib. The position.of the spleen is somewhat oblique,— one extremity being directed downwards and rather forwards, and the other upwards and backwards; but when the stomach is distended, the lower end of it is pushed forward by the great extremity of that viscus. * In general it is so deeply seated ia/the left hypo- * In several cases where examination after death evinced that , . the pancreas had become enlarged and indurated, particularly at the right extremity, the principal symptoms were jaundice; great uneasiness after taking food; vomiting some time after eating, but not immediately ; extreme acidity of the matter rejected. Vol. II. 19 146 Enlargement of the Spleen, chondriac region, that it is out of view when the sub- ject is opened in the ordinary way: but in some cases of enlargement, after the intermitting fever, it has extended downwards, nearly as low as the pel- vis ; and towards the right side, beyond the umbi- licus. The external surface of the spleen is convex, in conformity to the surface of the diaphragm, with which it is in contact. The internal surface of the spleen is irregularly concave, having a longitudinal fissure which divides it into two portions. The spleen is invested by the peritoneum, one process of which is often extended from the dia- phragm, above and behind it, in the form of liga- ment. Another process of the same membrane is extended to it from the great extremity of the sto- mach. The peritoneum is aiso continued from the spleen in the form of omentum. Within this peritoneal covering is the proper coat of the spleen, which is so closely connected to it, that many anatomists have considered them as one membrane: they are, however, very distinct at the great fissure, but the external coat is extremely thin. The proper coat of the spleen is not very thick ; it is dense and firm, aud somewhat elastic, but not much so. It is partly transparent. The spleen has a large artery, which is one of the three great branches of the cceliac. This vessel runs in an undulating manner in a groove in the upper edge of the pancreas, and in this course sends off many small branches to supply that gland. The splenic artery, before it arrives at the spleen, divides into five or six branches, which are also undulating in their progress, and penetrate into the body of the viscus at the above-mentioned fissure. These branches are distributed to every part of the viscus, and ramify minutely. Vessels of the Spleen. 147 From these branches, or from the main trunk be-* fore it ramifies, three or four smaller branches pro- ceed to the left extremity of the stomach. They are called vasa brevia or arterise breves. The arteries which enter the spleen are accom- panied by veins that emerge from it, and unite to form a great trunk. This trunk observes a course corresponding to that of the splenic artery, and re- ceives veins from the stomach and pancreas, which correspond with the arterial branches sent to those organs. The splenic vein is one of the principal branches of the vena portarum. The splenic artery is very large in proportion to the viscus to which it is sent, aud the vein is unusu- ally large in proportion to the artery. The vein is also very tender and delicate in its structure. The absorbent vessels of the spleen are very nu- merous. It has been asserted, that when those of the external coat of the spleen are injected, they are sufficient to form a fine network on it. The absorb- ents of the deep-seated parts unite to the superficial at the fissure where the blood vessels enter. They terminate in the thoracic duct, after passing through several lymphatic glands. The nerves of the spleen are derived from the so- lar plexus: they form a plexus round the vessels, and accompany them through the viscus. The spleen consists of a substance which is much softer than that of any other viscus of the abdomen. This substance is made up either wholly or in great part of the ramifications of the splenic artery and vein, which are demonstrated by injections to be very minute and numerous in this body. There are also many fine white cords, like threads, which pass from the internal surface of the inner coat of the spleen into its soft substance, in which some of them ramify. These cords connect the substance of the spleen 148 Malpighi on the Structure of the Spleen. pretty firmly to its coat, and they seem to have the effect of rendering the exterior part of the substance more firm and dense than the internal. They are particularly conspicuous if the spleen be immersed in water, and the coat pulled off while it is in that situation. The spleen has a strong resemblance to the glan- dular organs, but has no excretory duct, and its par- ticular function is not very obvious : for these reasons the structure of this organ is a subject of very inter- esting inquiry. Malpighi, who took the lead in researches of this nature, before injections of the blood vessels with wax were in use, after investigating the structure of of the spleen by long maceration, by boiling, by in- flation, by the injection of ink or coloured fluids, and by examination with microscopes, declared that its structure was cellular ; that the cells communicated more freely with the veins than the arteries; and that they might be considered as appendices of the veins. He also asserted, that a large number of j white bodies or vesicles were to be found in those cells, and throughout the whole substance of the spleen, which were in bunches like grapes, and pre- served their whitish colour although the vessels around them were injected with a coloured fluid. This description of Malpighi appears to have been admitted by some of the very respectable anatomists who were cotemporary with him; but it was most zealously opposed by Ruysch, who exhibited the spleen so completely injected with wax, that it ap- peared to be composed entirely of vessels.* Ruysch appears to have paid great attention to * Two plates, taken from drawings of these preparations, are published in Ruysch's works. One is attached to Epistola Pro- blematica Quarta, in the second volume ; and the other to Thesau- rus Septimus, in the third volume. De La Sone on the Spleen. 149 this subject, and to have made many preparations of the spleen. From these he derived the opinion, that the substance of this orgau was entirely composed of arteries, veins, absorbent vessels and nerves; and that if it were properly injected before it was dis- sected, no other structure would be found. He stated, that the minute ramifications of the blood vessels appeared to have acquired a peculiar quality, and were so soft and delicate, that their texture was destroyed by the least friction; and that by the' slightest degree of putrefaction.they appeared to be reduced to a fluid state. He also denied the exist- ence of cells, or of the whitish bodies described by Malpighi. The question thus at issue between these great masters of their art, was very carefully examined by M. Be La Sone, a French physician, whose obser vations are published in the Memoirs of the Acade- my of Sciences for 1754. After repeating the pro cesses of each of these anatomists, and instituting some others in addition, he adopted the opinion that there was in the texture of the spleen a pulpy sub- stance which was not a mere coagulum, but which, however, could not be injected. He derived his opinion from this fact among others. After macerating the spleen a considerable time, and injecting water into the vessels until it re turned colourless, he iujected ink, and confined it some time in the vessels by tying them : he then allowed the ink to flow out of the vessels, and made various sections of the spleen, but no ink appeared in the pulpy substance, although it was visible *in many small vessels which ramified in that substance. He observes that this could not have been the case, if the pulpy substance had been composed entirely of vessels, as was supposed by Ruysch. He also examined the spleen after it had been 150 Holler and the French Anatomists on the Spleen, injected with wax, according to the manner of Ruysch, and believed not only that the pulpy mat- ter remained uninjected, but that Ruysch himself, in his own preparations, removed this substance, supposing it to exist for the mere purpose of con- necting the vessels to each other. To see the blood vessels in the same state of dis- tention in which they were during life, he tied the splenic vessels in a living animal, and removed the spleen with the ligatures on the vessels. In this situation he boiled it, and then examined the ap- pearance of the vessels and the pulpy substance.— From these, as well as his other observations, he decided, that the pulpy substance did not consisl entirely of vessels, but was an additional and dif- ferent structure. He also suggested, that as the brain and the muscular fibres were so covered by blood vessels in the injected preparations of Ruysch, that they ap- peared to be composed entirely of vessels, when in fact they consisted of a different substance, so the pulpy substance of the spleen was covered or ob- scured by the blood vessels which passed through it, without constituting its whole substance. He confirms the account of Malpighi respecting the Whitish Vesicles or Follicles; and states, that in a majority of cases they are not to be discovered without a particular preparation ; but that they are generally made obvious by long maceration of the spleen in water. In his opinion they are the most essential part of the organ. •Notwithstanding these investigations of M. De La Sone, the question respecting the structure of the spleen remains not completely decided even to this day. Haller, who was perfectly well acquainted with the subject, inclined to the opinion of Ruysch; British Anatomists on the Spleen. 151 while Sabatier adopted completely the opinion of De La Sone. It appears from the statement of Gavard, that Desault did not admit the existence of the transpa- rent bodies ; although he believed that the pulpy substance of the spleen consisted of cells which re- sembled those of the cavernous bodies of the penis. Boyer, whose descriptions of the animal structure appear to have been formed with scrupulous exacti- tude, admits the existence of transparent bodies: sometimes so small as to be scarcely visible, and sometimes as large as the head of a pin. He oh serves, that the best method of examining them is to place a very thin slice of the spleen between the eye aud a strong light, when .the transparency of these bodies occasions the slice of the spleen to appear as if perforated. As to the general structure of the pulpy substance, he avows himself unable to decide respecting it; but observes, that upon examining the cut surface of the spleen, you perceive black liquid blood flow from the vessels; if you then scrape this surface, you may express easily a species of sanies different from that which flows from the vessels, which, after exposure, becomes red, and resembles coagulated blood; whe- ther this is contained in the capillary vessels, or in the cavities of this organ, he acknowledges himself unable to determine. Notwithstanding the sentiments of these French gentlemen, many of the British Anatomists, who are entitled to great attention on account of their skill in minute injections, have adopted the ideas of Ruysch. Among these are to be mentioned the late Dr. F. Nicholls, and many of the anatomists of London, as well as the second Professor Monro, of Edinburgh. There are, however, two remarkable exceptions to this account of the British anatomists. The late 15& British Anatomists on the Spleen. Mr. Falconar, who wrote a dissertation on the situa- tion and structure of the spleen, which contains the sentiments of the late truly respectable Mr. Hew- son,* after stating that the organ was extremely vas- cular, so that when injected it appeared like a mere congeries of vessels, makes this unequivocal asser- tion—that there are innumerable cells dispersed throughout the whole substance of it, which are so small that they are only to be discovered by the aid of a microscope ; and are to be seen after steeping a thin piece of spleen, the blood vessels of which have been minutely injected, in clear water during a day, and changing the water frequently. He also adds, that the ultimate branches of the arteries and veins form a beautiful network on each cell; and that these cells are sufficiently distinguished from the irregular interstices of the cellular substance, by their round figure and their great regularity. Mr. Kverard Home, in his papers on the struc- ture and uses of the spleen, confirms the account of the vesicles in this organ; and adds, that these vesi- cles are occasionally seen in a distended and in a contracted state. That when distended they are twice as large as when contracted, and are distin- guishable by the naked eye; whereas, when con- tracted, they require a magnifying glass to be dis- tinctly seen. These observations appear to have been made upon quadrupeds.* Professor Soemmering appears to unite in the ge- neral sentiment of the British anatomists, that the spleen is simply vascular. He says, that the tuber- culi which sometimes appear in it/when examined with a magnifying glass appear to be composed en tirely of vessels. * See Experimental Inquiries, vol. III. t See the London Philosophical Transactions for 1808. Questions relating to the Structure of the Spleen, iod There are therefore two questions not perfectly decided respecting the spleen. First. Whether its general structure is simply vascular, or whether there is any other structure, either cellular or more substantial, which composes its general bulk. Second. Whether the small transparent vesicles, originally described by Malpighi, are to be regarded as essential parts of the structure of the spleen. With respect to the first question, the injections of Ruysch, and of the British Anatomists in general, and even of Mr. Hewson, as well as of Haller and Soemmering, seem to afford positive facts in opposi- tion to those of a negative kind adduced by M. De La Sone, and render it highly probable that the ge- neral structure is simply vascular. But the second question stands on different grounds. The existence of small transparent vesi- cles, although denied by Ruysch, and neglected by the British Anatomists in general, was asserted as a positive fact by Malpighi and De La Sone; and their assertions have been confirmed, not only by most of the French Anatomists, but also by Hewson and and Home among the British. The sentiments of physiologists respecting the functions of the spleen, are more discordant than those of anatomists respecting its structure; although the subject has been considered by many authors of great ingenuity.* * See M.Lieutaud. Elementa Physiologic. Hewson's Experimental Inquiries, vol. III. Dr. Rush. Medical Museum, vol. III. Haller. Elementa Physiologist, torn. vi. pag. 414 Vol. IT. 20 CHAPTER IV. OF HIE URINARY ORGANS, AND THE GLANDULAi: RENALES. The urinary organs consist of the Kidneys, which are situated in the lumbar regions; of the Bladder, which is in the pelvis; of the Ureters, which are flexible tubes or canals that pass from the kidneys to the bladder; and of the Urethra, or tube through which the urine is discharged from the bladder. These organs have but little connexion with the peritoneum. The kidneys arc behind it; and a con siderable quantity of cellular membrane is placed between them and it. The ureters are also behind it; and but a part of the bladder is invested with it. The Glandulx Renales are described with the urinary organs, on account of their contiguity to the kidneys; and to avoid a derangement of the natural order of description they are considered first. The urethra pertains to the organs of generation as well as to the urinary organs, and can be des cribed most advantageously with them. SECTION I. Of the Glandulx Renales. These are two small bodies, situated on the psoas muscles, one on each side of the spine, behind the pe- ritoneum and above the kidney, being in contact with its upper and anterior edge. They have an ir- regular semilunar 'figure with three sides, one of The Kidneys and Ureters. 153 which is accommodated to the convexity of the kid- ney. Their colour is commonly a dull yellow. The appearance and texture of these bodies have some resemblance to those of glands, and hence their name, but they have no excretory duct. When they are laid open by an incision, a cavity often appears, which is somewhat triangular, and from the lower part of it a small thin ridge arises.* A small quantity of fluid is generally found in it, which has a very dark colour in adults, is yellowish in young subjects, and red in infants. These bodies have not a single artery appro- priated to them, as the spleen has, but receive small branches from several contiguous sources; viz. from the arteries of the diaphragm, from the cceliac artery or the aorta, and from the arteries of the kidneys. There is generally one principal vein, as well as some that are smaller, belonging to each of these bodies: the large vein on the right side generally opens into the vena cava, and on the left into the left emulgent vein. These bodies were first described by Eustachius, and have been regarded with attention by many anatomists since that period. They exist in a great number of animals; but their nature and functions are altogether unknown. SECTION II. Of the Kidneys and Ureters. The kidneys are two glandular bodies which se crete the urine. They are of a dull red colour, and their form has a strong resemblance to that of the bean which bears their name. They have a pecu- * The cavity in these bodies has sometimes been sought for in vain. Haller found it in sixteen cases out of nineteen. 156 The Kidneys. liar texture, which is uniform, and not granulated or composed of acini; and they are covered by a thin delicate tunic, which has no connexion with the pe- ritoneum. They are situated in the lumbar regions of the ab- domen, one on each side of the spine. They are opposite to the two last dorsal and the two first lumbar vertebrae. They rest principally upon the psoas and quadratus lumborum muscles, and their position is oblique; the concave edge presenting in- wards and forwards, the convex edge backwards, and the upper extremity approaching nearer to the spine than the lower. The Right Kidney is situated rather lower than the left: it is below the posterior part of the right lobe of the liver, and behind the duodenum and the colon. The Left Kidney is below the spleen, and behind the descending portion of the colon. Each of the kidneys is below and very near to one of the glandulae renales. They are surrounded with a large quantity of lax adipose membrane, which in corpulent persons forms a very large mass of adeps around them; while iq the emaciated they are surrounded with a membrane almost free from fat. Each kidney has two broad sides, two extremities, and two edges. The side or surface which is posterior, when the kidney is in its natural situation, is rather broader than the other. The upper extremity, or portion, is also broader and larger than the lower. The edge which is pos- terior and external is regularly convex; the anterior edge is concave; but the concave edge, or margin, is not very regular. In the middle it is largely in- dented ; in this indentation is a deep fissure, which separates the two broad surfaces or sides of the gland from each other; and here the breadth of the posterior surface is evidently greater than the anterior ^ The Kidneys. 15; Each of the kidneys receives a large artery, which proceeds immediately from the aorta, nearly in a rectangular direction. A vein, which opens into the vena cava, accompanies the artery. It is obvious, from the situation of the kidneys with respect to the great vessels, that the artery on the right side must be longer than that on the left, and that the reverse of this must be the case with the veins; the veins are also anterior to the arteries. At the great fissure these vessels divide into several branches, which enter the kidney at that place. The branches of the vein are before and above; those of the artery are below, and in the middle. Surrounded more or- less by the branches of those vessels, is a membra- nous sac, the breadth of which extends from above downwards. This sac terminates in a tube that proceeds from the lower part of the fissure down to the bladder. The sac is denominated the pelvis of the kidney, and the tube a ureter: each of these parts will sqon be more particularly described. The substance of the kidney, as has been already said, is uniform in its texture, and of a reddish brown colour. When it is divided by an incision made length- ways, and from its convex to its concave edge, there appears to be a small difference in the different parts of it. The exterior part, which is called cortical, is rather more pale in colour and softer in consistence i.han the internal part. It varies in thickness, so that some writers have described it as equal to two lines, and others to one third of the kidney. In a majority of subjects it will be found between the two statements. The interior part is called medullary, or tubular. and appears to be composed of very fine tubes. These tubes are so arranged, that a number of pa- pillae or cones are formed by their convergence, and project into the fissure of the kidney. These pa- ±5& » The Kidneys. pillae have been supposed to consist of a substance different from either of the two above mentioned, but they appear to be formed merely by the tubular part. The arteries, accompanied by corresponding veins, and by nerves and absorbent vessels, after ramifying in the fissure of the kidney, proceed into its sub- stance, and continue their aborescent ramifications until they have arrived very near the exterior surface. They arc so uniformly distributed to the different parts of the organ, that when the blood vessels are injected with wax, and the substance of the kidney is removed from the injected matter, as is the case in corroded preparations, the injection exhibits ac- curately the form of the kidney. The large branches of the blood vessels occupy the vacuities between the papillae in the fissure of the kidney. When they penetrate the substance of the kidney, they are inclosed by sheaths which are derived from the coat of the gland, and are sur- rounded by membrane, which frequently contains adeps. There are commonly ten or twelve papillae in the fissure of each kidney, but there are sometimes more and sometimes less than this number. These pa- pillae are surrounded by a membranous sac of a cor- responding form ; the papilla being a cone, and the sac resembling the upper part of a funnel. The sac is therefore called an infundibulum, or calyx. Sometimes there are two papillae in each infundibu- lum, and then the form of the sac is not so regular. The infundibulum adheres to the base of the pa- pilla, but lies loose about the other parts of it. Each infundibulum communicates, at its apex, with the pelvis of the kidney. The Pelvis, as has been already mentioned, is a membranous sac which terminates in the ureter, ex- Cortical and Tubular Portions of the Kidney. 15b terior to the kidney. This sac generally divides itself, in the fissure of the kidney, into three large irregular branches, each of which very soon termi- nates in three or four of the infundibula above de- scribed. That portion of the sac which terminates in the ureter, is exterior to the kidney. When the interior parts of the kidney are exposed to view, by the section above mentioned, after the arteries and veins have been minutely injected, the cortical part will be found to consist almost entirely of the minute ramifications of these vessels. Among them are some small bodies, which are dispersed through the substance, like berries on a bush: these are asserted also to be composed of vessels. The tubular part certainly proceeds from this vascular corticle substance : for Ruysch, and aftei him several other injectors, have filled these tubes with injection thrown into the arteries. The tubuli, of which this part is composed, seem to arise obscurely from the cortical part. They soon assume somewhat of a radiated direction, and are finally arranged so as to form the papillae or cones above described. On these papillae or cones some of them can be traced, uniting with each other, to form larger tubes, which terminate on the surfaces of the papillae, in orifices large enough to be seen distinctly. From these orifices urine may be forced out, by compres- sing the papillae. On this account the tubes have been called tubuli uriuiferi. In the foetal state the kidney is formed of a num- ber of distinct lobuli, each of which consists of a papillae with the cortical matter connected to its base. Soon after birth these lobuli coalesce ; and in two or three years the substance of the kidney appears uniform, as above described. In some ani- mals this tabulated structure continues during life : 160 Nerves and Lymphatics.—Coat of the Kidney. in them, and also in the foetus, each lobe appears like a distinct organ. Although in the adult kidney this structure has disappeared, the papillae and the tubular part connected with them are somewhat de- tached from each other, in a manner corresponding to their original arrangement. The Nerves of the Kidneys originate from the semilunar ganglion, formerly mentioned. They form a plexus round the blood vessels, and go with them into the gland. The kidneys have internal aud external absorbent vessels, although the external vessels are very small. These absorbents pass through glands in the lumbar region to the thoracic duct. The proper coat of the kidney is said, by some anatomists, to consist of two laminae; but this can- not be shown in common cases. It appears simple in its structure, and very flexible. ^ It is but slightly connected to the glandular substance which it in- closes, and may be easily peeled off. It is reflected inwards at the fissure of the kidney, and can be traced inwardly to some distance, forming sheaths for the vessels. In this internal situation it is very thin. The Ureters. The pelvis of the kidney terminates exteriorly in the Ureter, which is a membranous cylindrical tube, rather flattened, and between three aud five lines in diameter, with some variations in this respect. The Ureters descend from the pelvis of the kid- ney so as to pass obliquely across the psoas muscle and the great iliac vessels. They are behind the peritoneum, but in contact with it. They approach the pelvis near the junction of the os ilium with the sacrum, and thence descend forwards and inwards, surrounded with loose cellular membrane, to the Structure of the Ureters. iui lower part of the bladder, into which they are in- serted at its external and posterior part. They first penetrate obliquely the muscular coat, and then pro- ceed between the muscular and internal coats, from half an inch to an inch, in an oblique direction, from without inwards and forwards, when they terminate by small orifices in the internal coat, each of which is at an equal distance (rather more than an inch) from the orifice of the urethra, thus forming a trian- gle with it. The ureters are said to have three coats. The exterior appears to be derived from the cellular sub- stance : within it is another, which has been regarded very differently by different anatomists; some consi- dering it as merely membranous, and others as mus- cular. If the ureter be laid open, and the internal coat peeled off, the muscular structure of this coat is often very perceptible. The internal coat is called villous, or mucous, and is continued from the internal coat of the bladder. Over this coat mucous is constantly spread, which defends it from the acrimony of the urine. It is very difficult to separate the two last mentioned coats from each other. The ureters receive blood vessels and nerves from those of the neighbouring parts. Their internal coat is very vascular, and is also very sensible of irrita- tion. The passage of a small urinary calculus can be traced from the pelvis of the kidney to the blad- der, by the exquisite pain and the spasmodic affec tions which it often excites. Vol. II. 21 162 Situation of the Bladder. section in. Of the Urinary Bladder. The urinary bladder is a large sac, of a muscular and membranous structure, which occupies the an- terior part of the cavity of the pelvis, immediately within the ossa pubis. The size of the bladder is in a continued state of variation, according to the quantity of urine secreted. When moderately distended, it is of an irregular oval form, but rather more flat at its lower extremity than above. It varies in form according to the dif- ferent circumstances of the pelvis to which it has been subjected. It is fixed firmly and immoveably to the pelvis, immediately within the symphysis pubis; so that it is always to be found there of a larger or smaller size. This fixture is produced by the attachment of the lower portion or fundus of the bladder to the parts beneath it, but principally by the anterior liga- ments of the bladder which proceed one on each side from the lateral surfaces of the prostate gland, and are inserted into the pubis of the corresponding side at the lower part of the symphysis. These ligaments are in fact the extension of a membrane (called by the French Anatomists, the pelvic aponeurosis) which proceeds from the upper part of the pelvis to the side of the prostate gland and bladder, and which may be seeu by turning off the peritoneum from the levator ani muscle.* It is sometimes completely empty, and occupies no more space than the thickness * See Thesis on Femoral Hernia, &c. by Gilbert Breschet. Pa- ris, April, 1819. Colles' Surgical Anatomy, Dublin, 1811, for a more minute account of this membrane. En Situation of the Bladder. 1(53 of its coats requires. When moderately distended, it occupies a considerable portion of the pelvis : when distention increases, it presses the parts poste- rior to it against the sacrum, and extends itself above the brim of the pelvis into the general cavity, rising not only to the umbilicus, but in some cases to the epigastric region. In males the relative situation of the bladder and rectum is such, that the upper and middle part of the rectum is behind the bladder; but the lower part of the rectum, following the curve ;of the os sacrum and coccygis, is below the posterior part of the blad- der. In females the vagina and uterus are situated be- tween the bladder and rectum ; so that the connexion of these last mentioned parts is very different in the two sexes. The peritoneum is reflected at the anterior part of the brim of the pelvis from the abdominal muscles, which it lines, to the upper part of the bladder, which is generally contiguous to the brim of the pel- vis. It continues over to the posterior side of the bladder, and passes down upon it some distance to- wards the lower part; but before it has arrived at the bottom, it is reflected towards the sacrum. In males it extends from the bladder to the rec- tum, and in females to the vagina and uterus; so that there is a considerable portion of the lower part of the bladder which is not invested by the perito- neum. It also follows that when the bladder is ex- tended into the abdomen, and rises above the brim of the pelvis, that part of it which presents anterior- ly, and is in contact with the abdominal muscles, is without a covering of peritoneum, being below it. The bladder is composed of a coat consisting of muscular fibres, of a stratum of cellular substance immediately within this, and of an internal lining 164 Muscular Coat of the Bladder. membrane, which has been called villous, but, as there are no villi perceptible on it, may be more properly denominated raucous. It should be observed, that, in addition to these coats, the bladder has a peculiar investment of the peritoneum, as has been already described ; and also of the common cellular membrane, which is placed between it and every part to which it is con- tiguous. The Muscular Coat of the Bladder consists of fibres which are not spread over it of a uniform thickness, but are thin in some places, and in others are collected in fasciculi. They run in every direc- tion : some appear longitudinal, others circular, and some oblique; and there are interstices between them which are occupied by cellular membrane. The longitudinal fibres originate from the lower part of the bladder ; and as this is the fixed part of that viscus, it is the place from which these fibres must necessarily act. These fibres are generally exte- rior. There is no arrangement of muscular fibres to which the term of sphincter can properly be applied; but many anatomists have thought that the fibres near the neck of the bladder, by their separate con- traction, might prevent the escape of urine ; this sentiment, however, is contrary to that of several very respectable writers. The direction of the fibres, taken collectively, is such, that, when they all contract, the cavity of the bladder is completely obliterated. The cellular substance between the muscular and internal coats is dense. It yields in a remarkable manner to distention, and recovers its original dimen- sions very easily. From its analogy to a similar coat in the intestines, it is called the Nervous Coat. The Internal Coat of the bladder is of a light co- lour in the dead subject, when it has been free from Internal Coat of the Bladder. 165 disease. It has been called villous improperly; for the villous structure is not apparent upon its surface. Being continued from the integuments of the body which are extended along the urethra, it has been inferred, that the surface of this coat was formed by the epidermis; and some respectable authors have supposed that they had seen cases in which portions of the epidermis of the bladder had separated and been discharged : but these appearances are very equivocal, and it is by no means certain that an epidermis exists there.* The fasciculi of fibres of the muscular coat occa- sion this coat to appear very irregular, but these irregularities correspond exactly with the arrange- ment of the fibres of the muscular coat. When the internal coat is separated by dissection from the muscular, its surface is very smooth and uniform. In the recent subject, when no disease has previously existed, it is always spread over with mucous of a light colour, but nearly transparent, which can be easily scraped off. This mucous is spread upon the surface so uniformly, that it must be derived from sources which are situated upon every part of the surface ; but these sources are not very obvious. On the membrane of the nose the orifices of many raucous ducts are very visible, but such orifices are not to be seen on this surface.— Haller mentions that he has seen mucous glands near the neck of the bladder ; and it is stated by the pupils of Desault, that, -in one of his courses, he pointed out a number of these glands, in a subject who had been afflicted with a catarrhal affection of the bladder. » In the fauces and the follicles of the tonsils an effusion of coagu- lable matter, in consequence of inflammation, often forms crusts, that may be mistaken for sloughs of the integuments, although those integuments remain entire. 166 Mucous of the Bladder. Notwithstanding that the sources of this mucous are obscure, the quantity of it is sometimes immense. In some cases, where the secretion is increased by the irritation of a calculus in the bladder, the urine is rendered somewhat viscid and white coloured by the mucous mixed with it; which, after the urine has been allowed to remain for some time, subsides in such quantities as demonstrates that many ounces must be secreted in the course of the twenty-four hours. The same circumstances occur, without the irritation of calculus, in the disease called catarrhus vesicae.* It is probable that, in healthy persons, a great deal of it passes off unperceived, being dissolved or dif- fused in the urine. From the quantity and the regu- lar diffusion of this mucous on the surface of the bladder, there is the greatest reason for believing that it is effused from every part of the surface; and it is a question that has not been decided whether it is discharged from glandular ducts too small to be perceived, or from the exhalent extremities of the blood vessels. It is probable that the use of it is to defend the internal coat of the bladder from the acri- mony of the urine. The symptoms of a stone in the bladder, as well as of several other diseases, evince that this coat is endued with a great degree of sensibility. It is evident that the essential parts iu the general structure of the bladder are the muscular coat and the internal coat last described: but in addition to the account of them, there are some other important circumstances to be noted in the description of this organ. It has been already stated, that the form of the bladder was an irregular oval, although it was * In some cases this mucous soon becomes putrid, and during the putrefactive process deposits a substance which appears to be cal careous. Orifice of the Urethra. 167 somewhat varied in different persons. The oval form is not much altered at the part called the neck of the bladder, where the urethra passes off from it. The orifice of the urethra is situated anteriorly at the low- ermost part of the bladder. On the lower surface of the urethra, at its commencement, and on the bottom of the bladder, immediately connected with the urethra, is situated the Prostate Gland, (to be here- after described with the organs of generation,) which is a firm body, that adheres strongly both to the bladder and urethra. This circumstance gives^ par- ticular firmness and solidity to that part of the blad- der. It has also been observed, that the bladder is attached firmly to the ossa pubis, at its neck, about the origin of the urethra. Each of these circum- stances have an effect upon the orifice of the urethra; and when the bladder is opened, and this orifice is examined from within, it appears to be kept open by the connexion of the bladder with the prostate and has been very justly compared to the opening of the neck of a bottle into the great cavity of that vessel.* The orifices of the two ureters are at equal dis- tances from the orifice of the urethra, and form with it the angles of a triangle. That part of the internal surface of the bladder which is within this triangu- lar space, is more smooth than the remainder of the same surface, probably in consequence of the adhe- sion of the bladder to the prostate, and to other parts exterior to it. * The late Mr. Lieutaud, and after him the French anatomists of the present day, have described a small tubercle at the lower and posterior part of the orifice of the urethra, which resembles the uvula in form. It has not been noticed here; and M. Boyer states, that it is often scarcely perceptible. He, however, makes a re- mark which is very worthy of attention, viz. that it is very subject to enlargement in old people, forming a tumour which impedes the discharge of urine. Sabatier has also made the same observation. 168 Ligaments and Vessels of the Bladder. That part of the bottom of the bladder which is immediately behind the triangular space, is rather lower than this space; and but a small portion of cellular membrane exists between it and the rectum ip males, and the vagina in females. The upper part of the bladder is connected wTith tha umbilicus by means of a ligament, which passes between the peritoneum and the abdominal muscles. This ligament consists of three cords. One of these, which is in the middle, arises from the coats of the bladder, and was, in the foetus, the duct called ura- chus; the other two, which are connected to the bladder principally by cellular membrane, were ori- ginally the umbilical arteries.* The middle cord is of a light colour and fibrous structure; it is thickest at the bladder, aiid gradually diminishes as it ap- proaches the umbilicus. In a few instances it has been found to be hollow. In its progress to the umbilicus it becomes more or less blended with the / linea alba, or the tendons of the abdominal muscles. The other cords are generally solid. After passing from the umbilicus to the bladder, they continue on the sides of that viscus, and finally terminate at the hypogastric or internal iliac artery. In the very young subject these cords are invested by distinct processes of the peritoneum, but their position is exterior to the peritoneum. As the bladder is situated very near most of the large ramifications of the hypogastric artery in the pelvis, it receives branches from several of them; viz. from the umbilical arteries before they termi- nate; from the pubic; from the obturators, &c These branches ramify in the cellular membrane exterior to the muscular coat, and also in the cellular sub- stance between the muscular and internal coats. It • See the accounts of these parts in the description of the Abdo- men of the Foetus. General Observations. 169 has been conjectured, that their terminations in ex- halents on the surface of the bladder are remarkably numerous. The veins correspond with the arteries, but they are very numerous on the lower and lateral parts of the bladder, and by uniting with the veins of the rectum form a remarkable plexus. The Lymphatic Vessels of this organ do not ap- pear more numerous than those of other parts. They pass on each side the bladder in the course of its blood vessels, and unite with the larger lymphatics, and the glands which lie upon the great blood ves- sels on the sides of the pelvis. The Nerves of the bladder are derived both from the intercostal nerve and from the nerves of the me- dulla spinalis, which pass off through the sacrum; and therefore the bladder is more affected than the viscera of the abdomen, by injuries of the medulla spinalis. The action of the muscular fibres of the bladder in ex- pelling urine, and the effect of those fibres which are situated near the orifice of the urethra in retaining it, can be considered with more advantage after the struc- ture of the urethra and the muscles connected with that canal have been described. It has been stated, that the internal coat of the bladder is very sensible; but it may be added, that in consequence of disease about the neck of the bladder, the natural sensibility appears most inordinately in- creased. When the intensity of pain which accompa- nies these complaints, the frequent recurrence of pa- roxysms, and their duration, are taken into view, there seems reason to believe that none of the painful af- fections of the human race exceed those which arise from certain diseases of the bladder. Happily these diseases are not very common. The function of the kidneys is to secrete urine, and that of the bladder to retain it until the proper time for evacuation. Vol. II. 22 170 General Observations. The urine may be regarded as an cxcrementitiou? fluid, which contains many substances in solution that are constantly found in it, and many others that arc Occasionally in it, which are taken as aliment or me- dicine, and pass to the bladder with little, if any, change. The odour of the rose leaf, the colour of rhubarb, &c. are occasionally perceived in urine. The substances constantly found in urine are nu- merous. The chemical account of the subject is so long, that it cannot be detailed here; but the student ought to make himself acquainted with it, and he will read with great advantage Johnson's History of Ani- mal Chemistry, vol. 2d, page 363; and also Thomp son's Elements of Chemistry, page 333> CHAPTER V. OF THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. These organs consist, 1st, of the Testicles, and their appendages. 2d. Of certain parts denominated the Vesiculae Seminales and the Prostate Gland, which are si- tuated near the commencement of the urethra, and are subservient to the purposes of generation. 3d. Of the Penis. SECTION I. Of the Testicles and their appendages. The Testicles are two bodies of a flattened oval form. Each of them has a protuberance on its up- per and posterior part called Epididymis, and is connected to parts within the cavity of the abdomen by a thick cord, which proceeds to it through the ab- dominal ring. Each testicle also appears to be con- tained in a sac, which is suspended by this cord and covered by the common integuments. That portion of the common integuments which forms the external covering of the testicles, is deno- minated The Scrotum. The skin of the scrotum, although it is very often in a state of corrugation, has the same structure with that on other parts of the body, except that it is 172 Structure of the Scrotum. rather thinner and more delicate. The superior de licacy of this portion of the skin is evinced by the great irritation produced by the application of sti- mulating substances, and the desquamation of the cuticle, which seems to be the effect of irritation. There are many sebaceous follicles in this portion of skin ; and after puberty there are often a few long hairs growing out of it, the bulfcs of which are often very conspicuous. There is a small raised line in the middle of this skin, which commences at the root of the penis, and proceeds backwards, dividing it into two equal parts : this line is denominated Raphe. The corrugation which so often takes place in the skin of the scrotum, appears to be occasioned by the contraction of certain fibres, which are in the cellu- lar substance immediately within it. This cellular substance appears to be attached in a particular way to the skin; and it also invests each testicle in such a manner, that when they are withdrawn a cavity is left in it. It has long been observed, that no adipose matter is found in this cellular substance; but it is often distended with water in hydropic diseases. As the contraction and corrugation of the scrotum has been imputed to this substance, it has been ex- amined with particular attention by anatomists, and very different sentiments have been entertained re- specting it. While some dissectors have asserted that muscular fibres could be seen in it, which they have denominated the Dartos Muscle; others have said that this substance was simply cellular, and without any muscular fibres. This difference of sen- timent may possibly have arisen from the different conditions of this part in different subjects; for in some cases there are appearances which seem to jus- tify the assertion that muscular fibres exist in this structure. After the testicles are removed, so as to leave the Action of the Dartos Muscle. 173 cellular substance connected with the skin, if the scrotum be inverted, and this substance examined in a strong light, many fibres will appear superad- ded to the common cellular structure; and sometimes their colour can be distinguished to be red. It is not asserted that this will be uniformly the case; but certainly it has often been observed in this way. The existence of an organ which possesses the power of contraction, within the skin of the scrotum and connected to it, is evinced by the corrugation which takes place when the 6crotum is suddenly ex- posed to cold, after having been very warm. This corrugation occurs in a very sudden and rapid man- ner, in some cases, in which the wounded scrotum is thus exposed for the purpose of dressing: for example, upon removing an emollient poultice from this part some days after the operation for the cure of hydrops testis, by incision, if the air of the chamber be cool, a motion of the scrotum will take place, almost equal to the peristaltic movements of the in- testines. The Arteries of the scrotum are derived from two sources. One or two small arteries, which arise from the femoral artery, between Poupart's ligament aud the origin of the profunda, are spent upon it. These are called the external pudic arteries. It also re- ceives some small branches from the internal pudic artery. The Nerves of the scrotum are principally derived from the lumbar nerves. The Spermatic Cord. The cord which proceeds to the testicle through the abdominal ring, appears at first view like a bun- dle of muscular fibres; but it consists of an artery and veins, with many lymphatic vessels and nerves, and also the excretory duct of the testicle, connected 1^74 Cremaster Muscle.-—Bloodvessels of the Testicle. to each other by cellular substance, and covered by an expansion of muscular fibres which are derived from the lower edge of the internal oblique muscle of the abdomen, and continue from it to the upper part of the testicle. These fibres constitute the Cremaster Muscle. The artery above mentioued is called the Sperma- tic. It commonly arises from the front of the aorta, very near its fellow, at a small distance below the cmulgents : and is not much larger than a crow's quill. It proceeds downwards behind the perito- neum and before the psoas muscle and ureter.— While it is in contact with the psoas muscle, it joins the ramifications of the vein. It afterwards meets the vas.deferens, and proceeds through the abdomi- nal ring to the back part of the testis. Before it ar- rives at the testis it divides into several branches, two of which generally go to the epididymis, and the others penetrate the tunica albuginea on the upper and back of the testicle, and ramify very minutely on the fine membranous partitions which exist in that body. In addition to the spermatic artery, there is a small twig from the umbilical branch of the hypo- gastric, which passes to the spermatic cord along the vas deferens. The branches of the spermatic vein are much larger than those of the artery: several of them pro- ceed from the testicle so as to correspond with the arterial branches ; and in addition to these there are many smaller, which also arise from the testicle and epididymis. In their course up the cord they rami- fy, and again unite, so as to form a considerable plexus, which is called the Corpus Pampiniforme, and constitutes a considerable part of the volume of the spermatic cord. As they proceed upwards they unite into a few lymphatics and Nerves of the Spermatic Cord. I7n larger veins ; and finally, on the psoas muscle, they generally form one trunk, which continues upwards so as to unite with the vena cava on the right side, and the emulgent vein on the left. Sometimes, but not often, there are several sper- matic veins on each side. The Lymphatic Vessels of the testicle are very numerous, considering the size of the organ* Six or eight, and sometimes more, large trunks have been injected, running upon the cord, and continuing to the glands on the back part of the abdomen. The Nerves of the testicle are derived from those which supply the viscera of the abdomen, and are to be found in the cord although they can scarcely be traced to the testicle. A small plexus, called the spermatic, is formed by fibres from the renal plexus and from the sympathetic nerve. These fibres accompany the spermatic vessels, and in all probability enter the body of the testis and the epi- didymis. The spermatic cord and cremaster muscle receive filaments from the second lumbar nerve. In addition to these vessels, the Vas Deferens, which is much firmer than either of them, is always to be distinguished in the back part of the cord. They are all covered in front and on the sides by the cremaster muscle, which passes with them from the lower margin of the internal oblique, through the abdominal ring, and continues to the upper part of the external coat of the testicle, which is a sac appa- rently containing that organ, and upon this sac it is spread out and terminates. The Tunica Vaginalis. The External Coat of the testicle, which is com monly called the Tunica Vaginalis, is a complete sac which incloses the testicle as the pericardium incloses the heart. It covers the body of the testicle 176 Coats of the Testicle. and epididymis, and adheres closely to them. It is then reflected from them so as to form a loose sac, which appears to contain them. The cavity of the tunica vaginalis commonly extends above the body of the testis up the cord, and is oval or pyriform.— This sac is so reflected from the body of the testicle that there is a place on the upper and back part of that body at w hich the blood vessels enter it, with- out penetrating the sac. It resembles the peritoneum and other serous mem- branes in texture, and is therefore thin and delicate. It always contains a quantity of moisture, sufficient to lubricate the surface which it forms. When the tunica vaginalis is laid open, the testi- cle appears as if it were contained in the posterior part of its cavity. The testicles, as has been already stated, are of a flattened oval form. Their position is somewhat oblique, so that their upper extremities look upwards and forwards, their lower extremities downwards and backwards, and their edges present forwards and backwards. The body of the testicle is very firm, in conse- quence of its inclosure in a very firm coat called Tunica Albuginea. Upon the upper and posterior part of it is the protuberant substance, called Epididy- ?nis, which is less firm, being exterior to the tunica albuginea. The blood vessels of the testicle pass into it on the posterior edge, at some distance below the upper end. The Tunica Albuginea, In which the body of the testicle is completely inclosed, is firm and dense; and upon this coat its particular form depends. It is of a whitish colour, and has a smooth external surface. It is thick as well as strong. The epididymis is exterior to it. Form and Connexions of the Epididymis. 177 It is only perforated by the blood vessels, lympha- tics and nerves, and by the vasa efferentia, which carry out the secretion of the testis. One portion of the tunica vaginalis adheres very closely to it, and the other appears to contain it. The portion which adheres to it is with difficulty separated, but it is a distinct membrane. The Epidydimis Differs in colour from the testicle, being more or less reddish. It commences at the upper and ante- rior extremity of the testicle, and passes down the posterior edge to the lower end. At the commencement the epididymis is somewhat rounded in form, and its upper part, or head, has been called the globus major: as it descends it lessens, and about the middle of the testicle it is fiattish. It is firmly attached to the body of the testicle, at the upper end, where the vasa efferentia pass to it; and it is also attached to it below; but at the middle it appears nearly detached from it. It has therefore been compared to an arch resting with its two extre- mities on the back of the testis; it is, however, in contact with it at its middle; but about the middle it only adheres by oue of its edges to the body of the testis, and generally by its internal edge. It has a coat which is less firm than the tunica albugi- nea of the testicle, described on the last page. The tunica vaginalis of the testicle is so reflected as to cover a great part of the epidydimis which is not in contact with the testicle, and also those surfaces of the epidydimis and testis which are in contact with each other and do not adhere. The Body of the Testicle. When the tunica albuginea is cut through, and the substance of the testicle examined, it appears Vol. II. 23 178 Tubuli, Septa and Blood vessels of tlte Testicle. to consist of a soft pulpy substance of convoluted threads, of a yellowish brown colour, which is di- vided into separate portions by very delicate septa, attached to the internal surface of the tunica albugi- nea at the posterior part of the testicle. After ma- ceration, by using a fine needle to detach them from the cellular substance, these threads may be drawn out to a great length. In some animals they are larger than in the human species: in them, it is said, they are evidently hollow, and that very small blood vessels appear in their coats. When mercury is injected into the vas deferens, or excretory duct of the testis, in a retrograde course, it cau be per- ceived in these ducts in the human subject. These delicate septa, or partitions, are united to the internal surface of the tunica albuginea at the posterior part of the testicle, at which place there is a body called Corpus Highmorianum, which has been regarded very differently by different anato- mists. It is a long whitish substance, which extends lengthwise on the posterior part of the testis; and was supposed by Haller to resemble one of the sali- vary ducts. It is now, however, generally agreed to be of a cellular structure, and to contain and support the ducts which pass from the substance of the testi- cle to the epididymis. The blood vessels pass into the body of the testi- cle upon these septa, and are continued from them to the filaments or tubes of which the body of the testi- cle consists. As in some animals blood vessels are distinguished on these tubes, there is the greatest reason to believe that a direct communication sub- sists between them, without the intervention of any other structure, no other structure having been dis- covered : but at the same time it ought to be observed," that these tubes have not yet been injected from the blood vessels. Some ingenious anatomists have in- Blood vessels and Structure of the Testicle, fyc. 179 jected the artery going to the testicle so successfully, that the injection has passed from it into the veins coming out of the testicle ; but it is not now said by any of them, that they have filled the tubes in this manner. Mercury will pass into these vessels from the ex- cretory duct of the testicle; and by means of an in- jection in that way, the structure of the testicle can be unravelled. This structure is as follows: The cavity formed by the tunica albuginea is divided into a number of apartments by the very thin septa, or partitions, above mentioned. From the filamentary or tubular matter which fills each of these chambers, proceeds a number of small tubes or vessels, which observe a straight course; they are therefore called Vasa Recta. These vasa recta unite with each other and form a network on the back <5f the testis, within the tunica albuginea, which is called Rete Testis. From this network other vessels, from twelve to eighteen in number, denominated Vasa Efferentia, proceed through the albuginea to the epididymis. These vessels are convoluted in such a manner as to form bundles of a conical form, which are called Coni Vasculosi. The number of these corresponds with the number of the vasa efferentia, aud they com- pose about one third of the epididymis, viz. all the upper part of it. The single tubes which form each of these cones, successively unite into one duct, which is convoluted so as to form all the remainder of the epididymis. The lower part of the epididy- mis is turned upwards on the back of the testicle, the tube gradually enlarges and is less convoluted, and finally becomes straight: it then takes the name of 180 Course of the Vas Deferens. Vas Deferens, and continues on the back of the tes- ticle and at the inner side of the epididymis to the spermatic cord.* f A small solitary vessel or duct, has been observed by Haller, Monro, aud several other anatomists, to proceed from the upper part of the epididymis: sometimes it unites to the epididymis below, and sometimes it proceeds upwards. The nature of this vessel has not been ascertained with certainty. The Vas Deferens Is a very firm tube about one line in diameter, which is not perfectly cylindrical exteriorly, although the cavity formed by it is so. This cavity is so small in diameter, that it will only admit a fine bristle. The coats of the duct have, of course, a considerable thickness. The internal coat forms a soft surface, analogous to that of the mucous mem- branes : the external is firm, and its texture resem- bles that of cartilage. Owing to the small size of the cavity, the internal coat has not been separated from the external. * De Graff appears to have been the first anatomist who made much progress in the successful investigation of the structure of the testicle ; and Haller ought to be mentioned next to him, on ac- count of the plate exhibiting this structure, and the explanation of it, which he published in the Philosophical Transactions of Lon- don, for 1749. This plate has been republished by the second Monro, in the Literary and Physical Essays of Edinburgh, and also in his Inaugural Thesis. Haller has likewise republished it in his Opera Minora. It represents not only the vasa efferentia and the cones formed by their convolutions, but also the rete testis and the vasa recta. Haller could inject no further than this ; but Monro and Hunter soon after succeeded so as to fill a considerable portion of the body of the testicle with mercury, injected by the vas deferens. f In Mr. Charles Bell's Anatomical collection in London, there is a preparation by his assistant, Mr. Shaw, in which the tubuli testis are completely injected with quicksilver and unravelled. I saw also in Leyden, one nearly as successfully executed by Profes- sor Sandifort.—Ed. Course of the Vas Deferens. 181 It passes upwards in the posterior part of the spermatic cord, and continues with it through the abdominal ring, under and exterior to the perito- neum ; soon after this it leaves the cord and dips down into the cavity of the pelvis, forming a curve on the side of the bladder, and proceeding back- wards, downwards and inwards. In this course it crosses the ureter, and passes between it and the bladder. On the lower part of the bladder the two vasa deferentia approach each other so gradually, that they appear to be nearly parallel. They pro- ceed forward between the vesiculae seminales, which are two bodies irregularly convoluted, that are placed in a converging position with respect to each other, and communicate with the vasa deferentia. The vasa deferentia finally terminate almost in contact with each other in the posterior part of the prostate gland, where they perforate the urethra. At the distance of about two inches and a half from their termination they enlarge in diameter, and become somewhat convoluted. At the posterior margin of the prostate they come in contact with the anterior extremities of the vesiculae seminales, and unite with them. After this union they diminish in size, and become conical; and passing a short distance through the substance of the prostate, during which they approach each other more rapidly, they pene- trate the urethra, so as to open in it on each side of a small tubercle, called the Caput Gallinaginis, soon to be described. SECTION II. Of the Vesiculx Seminales and the Prostate Gland. The Vesiculx Seminales are two bodies of a whitish colour, and irregular form, being broad and flat at their posterior extremities, and terminating in 182 Structure of the Vesiculx Seminales. a point at the other. Their surfaces are so convo- luted, that they have been compared to those of the brain. They are situated between the rectum and bladder, and are connected to each by cellular mem- brane. When the vesiculae seminales are laid open by an incision, they appear to consist of cells of a conside- rable size, irregularly arranged ; but when they are carefully examined exteriorly, and the cellular mem- brane about them is detached and divided, they ap- pear to be formed by a tube of rather more than two lines diameter, and several inches in length, which terminates, like the caecum, in a closed extremity.— From this tube proceed from ten to fifteen short branches, which are closed iu the same manner.— All these tubes are convoluted so as to assume the form of the vesiculae seminales above described ; and they are fixed in this convoluted state by cellular membrane, which firmly connects their different parts to each other. It is obvious, that tubes thus convoluted, when cut into, will exhibit the appear- ance of cells, as in the present instance. This convoluted tube, composing the vesiculae seminales, terminates in a very short duct, which is nearly of the same diameter with the vas deferens, and this duct joins the vas deferens so as to form an acute angle. From the union of the vesiculae seminales with the vas deferens on each side, a canal, which seems to be the continuation of the vas deferens, proceeds through part of the prostate to the urethra, which it perforates. These canals are from eight to twelve lines in length; they are conical in form, their largest extremity being equal to the vas deferens at that part. If air or any other fluid be injected through the vas deferens into the urethra, it will pass at the same Function of the Vesiculx Seminales. 183 time into the vesiculae seminales, and distend them. It has been observed, that a fluid passes in this man- ner much more readily from the vasa deferentia into the vesiculae seminales, than it does from these last mentioned organs into the duct. These organs were generally regarded as reser- voirs of semen, and analogous to the gall bladder in their functions, until the late Mr. J. Hunter pub- lished his opinion that they were not intended to contain semen, but to secrete a peculiar mucous sub- servient to the purposes of generation. He states the following facts in support of his opi- nion. A fluid, very different from semen, is found after death in the vesiculae seminales. In persons who have lost one testicle, a consider- able time before death, the vesiculae seminales on each side are equally distended with this peculiar fluid. In the case of a person who had a deficiency of the epididymis on one side and of the vas deferens on the other, the vesiculae were filled with their pe- culiar fluid! The sensation arising from redundance of the secretion of the testes, is referred to the testes, and not to the vesiculae seminales. In some animals, there is no connexion between the vasa deferentia and the vesiculae seminales. See Observations on certain parts of the Animal Economy, by John Hunter. The Prostate Gland Is situated on the under and posterior part of the neck of the bladder, so as to surround the urethra. Its form has some resemblance to that of the ches- nut, but it has a notch on the basis like that of the figure of the heart on playing cards, and it is much larger than the chesnut of this part of America. 184 Prostate Gland.—The Penis. The basis of this body is posterior, and its apex anterior; its position is oblique, between the rectum and the symphisis pubis. Below there is in some cases a small furrow, which, in addition to the notch above, gives to the gland an appearance of being divided into two lobes. By turning away the vesi- culae seminales and vasa deferentia from the under surface of the bladder we bring into view a small tubercle at the upper part of the base of the prostate, called by Sir Everard Home the third lobe. When diseased it projects into the cavity of the bladder. It adheres to the urethra and neck of the bladder. Its consistence is very firm and dense, resembling the induration of scirrhus rather more than the ordi- nary texture of glands. This gland receives small branches from the neighbouring blood vessels, and has no artery of considerable size exclusively appropriated to it. As it lies in close contact with the urethra, the ducts which pass between it and the urethra are not to be seen separate from these bodies; but ducts can be seen in the substance of the gland, which perforate the urethra, and open on the sides of the caput gal- linaginis to the number of five or six on each side. By pressure a small quantity of a whitish fluid can be forced from these orifices, which is rather viscid, and coagulable in alcohol. The particular use of this fluid is not known. SECTION in. Of the Penis. The penis, when detached from the bladder, and the bones, to which it is connected, and divested of the skin which covers it, is an oblong body, which is rounded at one extremity and bifurcated at the other. Penis. 185 It is composed of three parts, viz. two oblong bo- dies, called Corpora Cavernosa, which, at their com- mencement, form the bifurcated portions, and then unite to compose the body of the organ ; and a third part, of a spongy texture, which is connected to these bodies where they unite to each other, on the under side, and continues attached to them during the whole extent of their union, terminating in an expanded head which covers the anterior extremities of the corpora cavernosa. The urethra passes from the neck of the bladder, on the underside of the penis, to its anterior extremity, invested by this third body, which is therefore called Corpus Spongiosum Ure- thrx. The two bifurcated extremities are attached each of them to one of the crura of the pubis and ischium; and they unite to form the body of the penis imme- diately anterior to the symphisis pubis, to which the lower part of it is also attached ; so that the penis is firmly connected to the middle of the anterior part of the pelvis. The urethra proceeds from the neck of the bladder, between the crura of the ischium and pubis and the crura of the penis, to join the body of the penis at its commencement, and near this place its connexion with the corpus spongiosum begins ; so that there is a small portion of the urethra be- tween the neck of the bladder and the commencement of the corpus spongiosum, which is not covered by the corpus spongiosum. This is called the membra.- nous part of the urethra. The penis, therefore, consists of two oblong bo- dies of a cellular structure, which originate separate- ly, but unite together to form it; and of the urethra, which joins these bodies immedately after their union, and is invested by a spongy covering, which by its expansion forms the anterior extremity not only of the urethra but of the whole penis. These Vol. II. 24 186 Corpora, Cavernosa Penis. three bodies, thus arranged and connected, are co- vered by cellular membrane and skin in a manner to be hereafter described. The Corpora Cavernosa, Which compose the body of the penis, are two ir- regular cylinders, that are formed by a thick dense elastic membrane, of a whitish ligamentous appear- ance and great firmness. They are filled with a sub- stance of a cellular structure, which is occasionally distended with blood. The crura of these cylindri- cal bodies, which are attached to the crura of the ischium and pubis, are small and pointed at the com- mencement, and are united to the periosteum of the bones. Iu their progress upwards they enlarge, and at the symphisis of the pubis they unite so as to form an oblong body, which retains the appearance of a union of two cylinders applied to each other length- ways ; for above there is a superficial groove passing in that direction, which is occupied by a large vein : and below there is a much deeper groove, in which the urethra is placed. Between these grooves is a septum which divides one side of the penis from the other. It appears to proceed from the strong mem- brane which forms the penis, and is composed of bundles of fibres, which pass from one groove of the penis to the other, with many intervals between them, through which blood or injection passes very freely. Sometimes these bundles of fibres, with their inter- vals*, are so regularly arranged, that they have been compared to the teeth of a comb. This septum ex- tends from the union of the two crura to their termi- nation. Each of these cylinders is penetrated by the main branch of the pudic artery, which is about equal in size to a crow's quill. These arteries enter the cor- pora cavernosa near their union, and continue Cells of the Corpora Cavernosa. 187" through their whole extent, sending off branches in their course; the turgescence and erection of the penis is unquestionably produced by the blood which flows through these vessels into the penis. The interior structure of the penis, when examined in the recent subject, is of a soft spongy nature, and seems stained with blood. If any fluid be injected through the arteries this substance appears cellular, and may be completely distended by it. When air is injected, and the structure becomes dry, the penis may be laid open ; the cellular structure then ap- pears as if formed by a number of laminae and of filaments, which proceed from one part of the inter- nal surface of the penis to another, and form irregu- lar cells. It has been compared to the lattice-work in the interior of bones; and it is suggested by M. Koux, that the fibres of which the structure consists resemble those of the strong elastic coat of the penis.* If these cells are filled with coloured wax, injected by the artery, and the animal substance is then de- stroyed by placing the preparation in a corroding liquor, the wax which remains shows that the mem- branes forming the cells are very thin. These cells communicate freely with each other; and therefore, if a pipe be passed through the strong coat of the penis, the whole of them can be filled from it by the ordinary process of injection. • Mr. Jno. Hunter says on this subject, " That the cells of thte corpora cavernosa are muscular, although no such appearance is to be observed in men ; for the penis in erection is not at all times equally distended. The penis, in a cold day, is not so large in erection as in a warm one ; which probably arises from a kind of spasm, that could not act if it were not muscular. In the horse, the parts composing the cells of the penis appear evidently muscular to the eye, and in a horse just killed, they con- tract upon being stimulated."—Ed. 188 Corpus Spongiosum.—Bulb. The Urethra Is a membranous canal, which extends from the neck of the bladder to the orifice at the extremity of the penis; and for a very great part of its length is invested by a spongy structure, called the corpus spongiosum urethrae. It proceeds from the neck of the bladder along the upper part of the prostate; from the prostate it continues between the crura of the penis until their junction: it then occu- pies the great groove formed by the corpora caver- nosa on the lower side of the penis, and continues to the orifice above mentioned. At a small distance from the prostrate gland the spongy substance which invests it commences, and continues to its termination. After this spongy substance has arrived at the termina- tion of the corpora cavernosa, it expands and forms a body of a particular figure which covers the extre- mities of the corpora cavernosa, and is denominated the Glands Penis. The Corpus Spongiosum begins at the distance of eight or ten lines from the anterior part of the prostate. It is much larger at its commencement than at any other part except the glans, and this enlarged part is called the Bulb. It surrounds the whole of the urethra, and with the exception of the bulb and the glans penis, is of a cylindrical figure. It is formed by a membrane which has some resem- blance to the coat of the penis, but is much thinner, and by a peculiar spongy substance, which occu- pies the space between the internal surface of this membrane and the external surface of the canal of the urethra. The membrane and the spongy sub- stance, form a coat to the urethra, which, with the exception of the enlargement before mentioned, is about one line thick. After this spongy substance has arrived at the termination, its coat adhere? firmly to the coat of the penis. Structure of the Corpus Spongiosum. 18^ The Bulb, or first enlargement of the corpus spongiosum, is oblong, and rather oval in form; it is marked by a longitudinal depression in the mid- dle, which is very superficial. It consists entirely of the spongy substance above mentioned. The Glans Penis is also composed of the same spongy substance, but the coat which covers it is more thin and delicate than that of the other parts of the urethra. The lower surface of the glans is fitted to the extremities of the corpora cavernosa, but it is broader than the corpora cavernosa, and therefore projects over them on the upper and lateral parts of the surface of the penis. The edge of the prominent part is regularly rounded, and is denominated the Corona Glandis. Several small arteries pass to this spongy struc* ture. The pudic artery, as it passes on each side to the corpora cavernosa, sends a branch to the bulb of the urethra. The same vessel in the substance of the penis, also sends branches to the urethra: and the artery on the back of the penis terminates in small branches, which penetrate the substance of the glans. By these vessels blood is carried to the spongy substance of the urethra, which is occasionally dis- tended in the same manner that the cavernous bodies of the penis are distended during the erection of thai organ. But the cellular structure of this organ is not so unequivocal as that of the corpora cavernosa; for if it be injected with coloured wax, and corroded in the usual manner, the injected matter will exhibit an appearance which has the strongest resemblance to a convoluted vessel, like the vas deferens in the epididymis.* * Mr. Hunter says, " that the corpus spongiosum urethra: and glans penis are not spongy or cellular, but made up of a plexus of veins. This structure is discernable in the human subject; but is much more distinctly seen in many animals^as the horse, &c."—Ed. 190 Internal Surface of the Urethra, The Canal of the Urethra, Which conveys the urine from the bladder, is a very important part of the urinary organs. It con- sists of a vascular membrane with a smooth surface, which is perforated by the orifices of many mucous follicles, some of which are of considerable size. It is extremely sensible, and has so much power of contraction, that some persons have supposed mus- cular fibres to exist in its structure. It is differently circumstanced in different parts of its course. While surrounded with the prostate it adheres firmly to that body, seeming to be supported by it; and here its diameter is larger than it is far- ther forward. On the lower or posterior side of this portion of the urethra, is an oblong eminence, called Verumontanum, or Caput Gallinaginis, which commences at the orifice of the urethra, and conti- nues throughout the whole portion that is surrounded by the prostate gland, terminating at the point of that body. The posterior extremity of this tubercle be- gins abruptly, and soon becomes thick and large; anteriorly it gradually diminishes to a line, which is sometimes perceptible for a considerable distance in the urethra, in a straight forward direction. In the upper edge or top of this body is a groove, which is produced by a mucous follicle; on the lateral sur- faces, anterior to the middle, are the orifices of the common ducts of the vesiculae seminales and vasa deferentia (see page 182,) which are sufficiently large to receive a thick bristle. Near these, on each side, arc five or six smaller orifices of the excretory ducts of the prostate gland. At the distance of an inch before the extremity of the bulb of the urethra, in the lining membrane, are the openings of two ducts, one on each side, that lead to small glandular bodies called Cowper's glands, which are situated on each side of the urethra below the bulb, but are covered by the acceleratores urinse muscles. Mucous Ducts of the Urethra. 191 The diameter of the urethra lessens after it leaves the prostate. That portion of the canal which is between tlris gland and the bulb, without invest- ment, and therefore called the membranous part, is the smallest in diameter. After it is invested with the spongy substance it has a small enlargement, and then continues nearly of one size, until it arrives near the glans penis, when it again enlarges and alters its form, being no longer cylindrical but flattened. Its broad surfaces have now a lateral aspect. From the bulb of the corpus spongiosum to this last enlargement, the appearance of the inner surface of the urethra is uniform. The membrane is thin and delicate, and in a healthy subject, who has been free from disease of these parts, is of a whitish co- lour ; but blood vessels are very perceptible in it. When it is relaxed, it appears to be thrown into longitudinal wrinkles; but it admits of considerable extension, being somewhat elastic: when extended, its surface appears smooth, as if it were covered with an epithelium. Mr. Shaw, of London, has described a set of vessels immediately below the in- ternal membrane of the urethra, which, when empty, are very similar in appearance to muscular fibres.— He says he has discovered that these vessels form an internal spongy body, which passes down to the membranous part of the urethra, and forms even a small bulb there. His preparation with a quicksil ver injection of the part is certainly a very satisfac- tory proof of its existence.* Throughout the whole extent of this part of the urethra, are the orifices of a great many mucous ducts or sinuses, which pass obliquely backwards. Many of these are so small that they cannot be penetrated by * See Med. Chirurg.—Transactions of London--vol. 10th 192 Mucous Ducts of the Urethra. a bristle, or probe of that size; but some are larger. It has not been observed that any glandular body immediately surrounds them, although they secrete the mucous with which the urethra is lubricated.— On the lower side of the urethra, near the commence- ment of the glans penis, there is one or more of them, so large that their orifices sometimes admit the point of a small bougie.* These organs, when inflamed, secrete the puri- form discharge which takes place in gonorrhoea.— In a natural state they produce the mucous which is constantly spread over the surface of the urethra, to defend it from the acrimony of the urine, and which passes away with that fluid unperceived. The surface of the urethra is endued with great sensibility, and is therefore liable to great irritation from contact with any rough body or any acrid sub- stance. Irritation, thus excited, induces a state of contraction, which is particularly remarkable, as no muscular fibres are to be seen in its structure.— When a bougie has been passed into the urethra for a considerable distance, if it cannot proceed the whole way, it sometimes happens that the instru- ment will be discharged by a steady uniform mo- tion, which seems to proceed from a progressive contraction of the urethra, beginning very low down. At particular times, after the urethra has been much irritated, it will not receive a bougie, although at other times a bougie of equal size may be passed to the bladder without opposition. This cannot depend upon that elasticity which was noticed before.f * They were discovered by Plazzoni, of Padua, in 1621. Their number, according to Loder, amounts to about 65—See his plates. Ed. f Sir Everard Home, whose professional opinions are of great weight, has lately described in the Transactions of the Royal Society, the appearance of the lining membrane of the Urethra Contractile Power of the Urethra. 193 Upon the two crura of the penis, or the beginning of the corpora cavernosa, are fixed the muscles called Erectores Penis, which are described in the first volume.* These muscles cover the crura of the penis from their origin to their junction, and not only compress them, but also influence the motion of the penis when it is distended. The bulb of the urethra is covered by a muscular coat, called the Accelerator Urinx,* which has the effect of driving forwards any fluid contained in the cavity of the urethra, and also of giving the same direction to the blood in that part of the corpus spongiosum. There is also the Transversus Perinei on each side, that passes transversely from the tube- rosity of the ischium to the bulb of the urethra.— Finally the lower part of the sphincter ani muscle, which is nearly elliptical in form, is inserted by its anterior poiut into the muscular covering of the bulb of the urethra. Upon removing the integuments, these muscles are in view ; and the course of the urethra from the bladder is concealed, particularly by the anterior point of the sphincter ani. When the sphincter ani is dissected away from its anterior connexions, and the cellular and adipose substance, which is sometimes very abundant, is also removed, the lower surface of the membranous part of the urethra may be brought into view, as it proceeds from the prostate gland to the bulb of the corpus spongiosum.! when viewed through a microscope of great powers. From this paper it seems that he is fully convinced of its muscular struc- ture.—Ed. * See description of «« Muscles about the Male Organs of Gene- ration. Vol. I. Part II. Chap. II. f The natural situation of the membranous part of the urethra, and of the prostate gland, as well as their relative position with respect to the sphincter ani, rectum, 8cc. can be best studied by a Vol. II. 25 194 Contractile Power of the Urethra. When the accelerator urinse is removed from the bulb of the urethra, there will appear two bodies, which have some resemblance to flattened peas. They lie one on each side of the urethra, in contact or nearly so with its bulb, and from each gland pro- ceeds an excretory duct of an inch and a quarter in length, between the corpus spongiosum and the lining membrane of the canal of the urethra, and opens into the latter. Its orifice is found with some dif- ficulty but is large enough to admit a bristle. These are Cowper's glands.* The penis is connected to the symphisis pubis by a ligamentous substance, which proceeds from the back or upper surface of the organ to the anterior part of the symphisis, and connects these parts firm- ly to each other. Thus constructed, of the corpora cavernosa and the urethra with its corpus spongiosum, and attach- ed to the pelvis as above mentioned, the penis is in- vested with its integuments in the following, man- ner, t lateral view of the contents of the pelvis; which is to be obtained by removing carefully one of the ossa innominata, and dissecting the parts which were inclosed by it. • These glands were discovered by Mery, in 1684, and described by Cowper, in 1699. A third gland, smaller than the preceding, connected with the curve of the urethra under the symphisis pubis, was discovered by Cowper, and Morgagni speaks of having ob- served a fourth.-^-En. f There are several fascia and ligaments about the perineum which should be connected with the account of its viscera. Im- mediately beneath the skin of the perineum is the Perineal Fascia, a thin but strong membrane, which extends from bone to bone, oc- cupying the space between the anus and the posterior part of the scrotum. It is rather better seen in lean subjects than in fat ones, for in the latter it is converted in part into adipose membrane. When a rupture occurs in the posterior part of the urethra, this fascia prevents the urine from showing itself immediately in the pe- rineum, and drives it into the cellular structure of the scrotum. Immediately beneath the perineal fascia are placed the muscles; when they are removed the bulb of the urethra may be seen very advantageously, extending in the middle of the perineum almost to Integuments of the Penis. 195 Integuments of the penis. The glans penis, the structure of which has been already described, is covered by a continuation of the skin, which appears altered in its texture so as to resemble in some respects the skin of the lips, and in like manner is covered by a delicate production of cuticle. Around the corona of the glans, especially on its upper part, there are whitish tubercles, which are of different sizes in different persons, but always very small. The skin adheres firmly to the whole extent of the corona of the glans, and is very delicate in its structure as it continues from the glans upon the bo- dy of the penis; but it gradually changes, so as to assume the appearance and structure of a common skin, and continues in this state over the penis. The adhesion of the skin to the ligamentous coat of the corpora cavernosa also becomes more loose, owing to the quautity and texture of the cellular substance which connects them. The skin thus connected to the penis, has commonly more length than that or- gan, even in its extended state. In consequence of this greater length, and of its adhering firmly around the corona glandis, it necessarily forms a circular the anus. It is not loose and pendulous, but is attached by its pel- vic surface to the triangular ligament of the urethra. This liga- ment is a septum between the perineum and the pelvis, and connects itself to the pelvic or internal edges of the rami of the pubis and ischii as far down as the origins of the crura penis. It extends from the arch of the pubis to the line mentioned, and fills up all the space between the bones of the opposite sides. It consists of two lami- nae, and Cowper's glands are placed between them. About an inch below the symphisis pubis a perforation is made in this ligament for the passage of the membranous part of the urethra. Just below the symphisis pubis, between the two laminae of the triangular ligament, i* placed a much stronger ligament, called the pubic, which is about half an inch broad, its lower edge is thick and rounded. For further detail on the subject of the fascia of the pel- vis, see Lessons in Practical Anatomy, by the present editor.—Ed. 196 Integuments of the Penis. . fold or plait, which varies in size according to the length of the skin. This fold is generally situated at the commencement of the firm attachment of the skin to the body of the penis, or around the glans ; but it may be formed any where upon the body of the penis by artificial management. This duplicature, or fold of the skin, when it takes place so as to cover the glans, is called the Prepuce; and the skin which is very tender and delicate for some distance from the glans, forms that surface of the prepuce which is in contact with the glans when it covers that body. There is also a small fold of the skin, which is longitudinal in its direction, that commences at the orifice of the urethra, and extends backwards, on the lower surface of the penis. It is unvarying in its position, and is called the Frenum. It is a general observation, that adeps is not found in the cellular substance which connects the skin to the body of the penis; but this cellular substance is distended with water in some hydropic cases. From the skin immediately below the glans, and from small follicles on each side of the frenum, is secreted an unctuous fluid, which, when allowed to continue, becomes inspissated, and acquires a caseous consistence and colour, as well as a peculiar odour. It sometimes also acquires an acrimony which pro- duces inflammation on the surface with which it is in contact, as well as the copious secretion of puri- form fluid. The distribution of the pudic artery in the penis, has already been mentioned ; and a further account of its origin and progress to its destination, will be found in the general account of the arteries* Some- times small branches of the external pudic arteries, which originate from the femoral, are extended to the penis; and it has been asserted, that branches of Blood Vessels and Absorbents of the Penis. 197 the middle haemorrhoidal artery have also been found there, but this does not often occur. The Veins of the penis are of two kinds: those which originate in the corpora cavernosa, accompany the corresponding branches of the pudic artery, but communicate more or less with the plexus of veins on the lower and lateral part of the bladder. There is also a great vein which occupies the groove on the back of the penis, between the corpora caver- nosa, that appears particularly appropriated to the corpus spongiosum urethra; for it originates in the glans penis, and receives branches from the urethra as it proceeds backwards. There are often two of these veins, one in the groove and the other more superficial: they generally unite near the root of the penis. The comraon trunk then passes between the body of the penis and the symphisis pubis, and ter- minates in a plexus of veins at the neck of the blad- der, which is connected to the plexus above men- tioned on the lower and lateral parts of the same viscus. The Absorbent Vessels of the penis take two differ- ent directions on each side. Those which arise from the integuments generally, unite so as to form a few trunks on the back of the penis, which divide near the root of the organ, and proceed to the glands of the groin. Those which originate from the interior parts of the penis, accompany the blood vessels, and terminate in the plexus of lymphatics in the pelvis. It ought to be noted, that the superficial lympha- tics generally enter the upper inguinal glands. The Nerves of the penis are principally derived from the lower sacral nerves, which unite in the plexus that forms the great ischiatic. From these nerves a branch on each side originates, which passes like the pudic artery, between the sacro-sciatic liga- ments. In this course it divides into two branches, one 198 „A erves.—General Observations. of which passes below to the muscles of the penis and urethra, and to the contiguous parts; and some of its branches seem finally to terminate in the dartos : the other branch proceeds along the crura of the pubis and ischium, and passing between the sym- phisis pubis and the body of the penis, arrives at the upper surface or dorsum of the penis, along which it continues on the outside of the veins to the glans, in which it terminates. In this course it sends off seve- eral branches, some of which terminate in the inte- guments of the penis. After an examination of the relative situation of the muscles and blood vessels of the male organs of gene- ration, there appears reason to doubt, whether the erection of the penis can be referred to pressure upon the veins which return from that organ. Albinus has written on this subject. See Academicarum Annota- iionum, lib. ii. caput xviii. Haller has also considered it, and stated the opinions of several anatomists, in his Elementa Physiologise, torn. vii. page 555. The manner in which the urine is confined in the blad- der does not appear to be clearly understood. The connexion of the neck of the bladder with the prostate, and the appearance of the contiguous narts of the blad- der, do not render it probable that uYese parts act like a sphincter. The late J. Hunter, who paid great at- tention to the functions of these organs, was very de- cided in his opinion that the contraction ol the urethra produced the effect of a sphincter of the bladder. He has published some very ingenious observations re- specting the manner in which urine is discharged from the bladder, in his Treatise on the Venereal Disease, part III, chapter IX. Mr. Hunter also long since asserted, that the vascular convoluted appearance of the corpus spongiosum ureth- rse was more distinct in the horse than the man. In the fifth volume of the Lecons d'Anatomie Comparee of Cuvier, the very learned and ingenious author con- firms the declaration of Hunter, respecting the vascu- lar convolutions of the corpus spongiosum of the horse. He states, that the corpora cavernosa of the penis of the elephant appear to be filled in a ereat degree with General Observations. 199 rhe ramifications of veins, which communicate with each other by such large and frequent anastomoses, that they have a cellular appearance. A similar struc- ture exists in the horse, camel, bullock, deer, &c. and in them all these communicating branches can be dis- tinguished from those which extend the whole length of the penis. The corpus spongiosum urethrse, according to M. Cu- vier, is constructed in a similar manner. From these facts he is induced to believe that this structure per- vades the whole class of mammalia. CHAPTER VI. OF THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. The female organs of generation consist of the Uterus and Ovaries, with their appendages ; and of the Vagina, with the structure which surrounds its external orifice. The uterus is situated in the pelvis, between the bladder and rectum ; and the ovaries are on each side of it. The vagina is a very large membranous canal, which passes from the uterus downwards and forwards, also between the bladder and rectum, and opens externally. Connected with the orifice of the vagina are seve- ral bodies, which are called the external parts of ge- neration, in order to distinguish them from the ute- rus and ovaries, and their appendages, and also from the canal of the vagina; which are called the inter- nal parts. The bladder of urine lies above and in contact with the vagina: the urethra is also intimately con- nected with it. The descriptiou of the bladder and urethra is therefore placed at the end of this chapter SECTION I. Of the External Parts of Generation. The adipose membrane, immediately anterior to the symphisis pubis, and on each side of it, forms a considerable prominence in females, which, at the age of puberty, is covered with hair, as in males. This prominence is denominated the Mons Veneris. The exterior orifice commences immediately be- low this. On each side of this orifice is a promi- Labia Externa.—Clitoris. 201 nence continued from the mons veneris, which is largest above, and gradually diminishes as it descends. These prominences have some hair upon them. They are called the Labia Externa. Their junction be- low is denominated the Fourchette. The space between the place of their junction and the anus is rather more than an inch in extent, and is denomi- nated the Perineum. As the skin which forms the labia is continued in- ternally, it becomes more thin and soft, and is cover- ed by a more delicate cuticle. It is also more or less florid, and secretes a peculiar mucous. In the upper angle, formed by the labia externa, is the upper extremity and glans of the clitoris. The Clitoris is a body which has a very strong resemblance to the penis, but there is no urethra at- tached to it. It has two crura of considerable length, which originate, like those of the penis, from the crura of the pubis and ischium, and unite at the symphisis of the pubis so as to form a body, which is uot much more than an inch in length, and is broad in proportion. The extremity of this organ, called the Glans of the Clitoris, forms a small tu- bercle, which is covered above and on the sides by a small plait or fold of the skin, denominated the Pre- puce. These parts are lubricated by a secretion similar to that which is observed round the glans penis. The crura of the clitoris have muscles similar to the erectorcs penis. The interior structure of the Clitoris is very similar to that of the corpora caver- nosa of the penis, or the corpus spongiosum of the urethra. It appears constructed for a similar disten- tion, and is endued with the same sensibility as the penis. The two lateral parts are also separated from each other by a septum, resembling that of the penis. It is united to the symphisis pubis by a ligament. Vol. II. 26 20S Nymphx.—Hymen. The Prepuce of the clitoris has a semicircular form: below its extremities two folds or plaits com- mence, one on each side, which are situated obliquely with respect to each other, so as to form an angle. These folds are denominated the Nymphx. The Nymphx extend from the clitoris downwards nearly as far as the middle of the orifice of the vagina. They are situated within the external labia, and are formed by the skin after it has become more delicate in its texture. Their surface however is often some- what corrugated. There are many blood vessels in their internal structure, and it is supposed they are occasionally somewhat tumid. They are flat, and their exterior edge is convex ; so that they are nar- row at their extremities, and broad in the middle. Their breadth is very variable, and in some instances is great, lu a majority of cases it is equal to one fourth of their length. Their colour in young sub- jects is of a bright red; in women advanced in years and who have had many children, they are of a brown red, and sometimes of a dark colour. The use of these parts is not very evident. They have been supposed to regulate the course of the urine as it flows from the urethra, but their effect in this respect is not great. They have also been sup- posed to favour the necessary enlargement of the parts in parturition. The orifice of the urethra is situated about an inch and one quarter further inward than the clito- ris. It is often rather less than the diameter of the urethra, and is somewhat protuberant. The orifices of mucous ducts are to be perceived around it. The orifice of the urethra is at the commence- ment of the canal of the vagina. Immediately with- in this orifice is situated the membrane denominated Hymen. The Hymen is an incomplete septum, made by a The Vagina. 203 fold or duplicature of the membrane which forms the surface contiguous to it. Sometimes it is circu- lar, with an aperture in the centre. Sometimes it has a resemblance to the crescent, the aperture be- ing at the upper part of it. The hymen has fre- quently been found without a perforation, and has therefore prevented the discharge of the menstrual evacuation. It is generally ruptured in the first in- tercourse of the sexes ; and some small'tubercles, which are found on the surface of the vagina near the spot where it was situated, are supposed to be the remains of it. These tubercles are called Ca- runculx Myrtiformes. section n. Of the Vagina. The canal of the vagina, commencing at the hy- men and the orifice of the urethra, is rather more narrow at its beginning than it is further inward. From this place it extends backwards and upwards, and partakes in a small degree of the curve of the rectum : while the bladder, which is above it, and rests upon it, increases the curvature of the anterior part. It is much larger in women who have had children than in those who have not. The membrane which lines the vagina resembles, to a certain degree, the membranes which secrete mucous in different parts of the body. Its surface appears to consist of very small papillae; and at the anterior extremity of the vagina it forms a great number of rugae, which are arranged in a transverse direction, both on the part of the vagina connected to the bladder, and on that part which is connected to the rectum, while the lateral parts of the vagina are 204 Corpora Cavernosa.—Sphincter Vaginx. smooth. These rugae are most prominent in the mid- dle; so that a raised line appears to pass through them at right angles. This line extends from with- out inwards. The rugae on the part next to the blad- der are the strongest. This arrangement of the surface of the vagina does not extend beyond the external half of the canal: on the internal half part, or that nearest the uterus, the surface is smooth. The rugae are considerably diminished in women who have had children. Throughout this surface are to be seen, in some cases with the naked eye, the orifices of mucous fol- licles or ducts, which occasionally discharge consi- derable quantities of mucous. Exterior to this lining membrane of the vagina is a dense cellular structure, which has not yet been completely investigated : it is of a lightish colour, and has some resemblance to the texture of the body of the uterus. It is very vascular, and appears to be of a fibrous structure. It may be very much distended, and seems to have a contractile power. At the anterior extremity Of the vagina, on each side of it, there is, superadded to this, a cellular, or vascular substance, from eight lines to an inch in breadth; which, when cut into, resembles the cor- pora cavernosa, or the corpus spongiosum of the pe- nis. These bodies commence near the body of the clitoris, and extend downwards on each side of the vagina. They have been called Plexus Reteformis, and Corpora Cavernosa Vaginx, and are supposed to be occasionally distended with blood, like the cli- toris and penis. These corpora cavernosa are covered by muscular fibres, which pass over them on each side from the sphincter ani to the body of the clitoris; to each of which organs they are attached. These fibres con- Unimpregnated Uterus. 205 stitute the sphincter vaginae muscle, and contract the diameter of the vagina at the place where they are situated. The transversus perinei muscles also exist in tha female. They pass from the tuberosities of the ischia, and are inserted into a dense whitish substance in the perineum, to which the anterior extremity of the sphincter ani is likewise attached. The vagina is in contact with the rectum behind : the bladder lies upon it and anterior to it. A small portion of peritoneum, to be reflected to the rectum, is continued from the uterus upon the posterior part of it. The lateral portions of it are invested with cellular substance. The anterior extremity of the uterus, which is called the Os Tineas, projects into it from above. section III. Of the Uterus, the Ovaries and their Appendages. The Uterus Has been compared to a pear with a long neck.— There is of course a considerable difference between the body and neck; the first being twice as broad as the last. Each of these parts is somewhat flattened. In subjects of mature age, who have never been pregnant, the whole of the uterus is about two inches and a half in length, and more than one inch and a half in breadth at the broadest part of the body: it is also near an inch in thickness. It is generally larger than this in women who have lately had children. The uterus is situated in the pelvis between the bladder and rectum, and is inclosed in a duplicature or fold of the peritoneum, which forms a loose septum that extends from one side of the pelvis to the other, and divides it into an anterior and posterior cham 206 Ligaments of the Uterus. ber. The posterior surface of this septum is opposed to the rectum, and the anterior to the bladder. The two portions of this septum, which are between the uterus and the lateral parts of the pelvis, are called the Broad Ligaments. On the posterior surface, the Ovaries are situated on each side of the uterus, being inclosed by a pro- cess of the ligament or septum. Above them, in the upper edge of the septum, are the Fallopian Tubes, which are ducts that commence at the upper part of the uterus on each side, and proceed in a lateral direction for some distance, when they form an angle and incline downwards to the ovaries. These ducts are inclosed between the two laminae of the septum for the greater part of their length. The peritoneum, which forms the septum, is re- flected from it, posteriorly, to the rectum and the posterior surface of the pelvis, and anteriorly, to the bladder. In its progress, in each direction, it forms small plaits or folds ; two of which extend from the uterus to the rectum posteriorly, and two more to the bladder anteriorly : these are called the Anterior and Posterior Ligaments of the Uterus. 'The other ligaments, which proceed more imme- diately from the uterus, are called the Round Liga- ments. These arise from each side of the uterus, at a small distance before and below the origins of the fallopian tubes, and proceed in an oblique course to the abdominal rings. These ligaments are also in- vested by the peritoneum. They pass through the rings and soon terminate. In the body of the uterus is a cavity which ap- proaches to the triangular form ; and from which a canal proceeds through its neck. This cavity is so small that its sides are almost in contact, and the canal is in proportion; so that this organ is very thick in proportion to its bulk. Structure and Cavity of the Uteru*. 207 The substance of which the uterus consists is very firm and dense: it is of a whitish colour, with a slight tinge of red. There are many blood vessels, with nerves and absorbent vessels, in its texture. The nature and structure of this substance has not yet been precisely ascertained. It appears very differ- ent indeed from muscle; but the uterus occasionally contracts, with great force, during labour. It is not rendered thin by its enlargement during pregnancy, and the blood vessels in its texture are greatly en- larged at that time. Exteriorly, the uterus is covered by the peritone- um, as has already been mentioned. Internally it is lined with a delicate membrane that has some re- semblance to those which secrete mucous, and is ge- nerally of a whitish colour, abounding with small orifices that can be seen with a magnifying glass. This membrane is so intimately connected to the substance of the uterus that some anatomists have supposed it was merely the internal surface of that substance, but this opinion is now generally aban- doned. It is supposed that the colour of this mem- brane is more florid about the period of menstruation. The cavity of the uterus, as has been observed be- fore, is triangular in form. When the organ is in its natural position, the upper side of this triangle is transverse with respect to the body, and the other sides pass downwards and inwards. In each of the upper angles are the orifices of the fallopian tubes, w hich are of such size as to admit a hog's bristle. The two lower lines of the triangle are slightly curved outwards at their upper extremities; so that the upper angles of the triangle project outwards, and the orifices of the fallopian tubes are nearer to the external surface than they otherwise would be. The lower angle of the cavity of the uterus is oc- dipied by the orifice of the canal, which passes 208 Structure and Cavity of the Uterus. through the neck of the organ; this orifice is from three to four lines in diameter. The canal is about an inch in length, and is rather wider in the middle than at either end. On the anterior and posterior portions of its surface are many small ridges which have an arborescent arrangement, one large ridge passing internally from the commencement of the canal, from which a number of other ridges go off in a transverse direction. These ridges extend nearly the whole length of the canal. In the grooves, be- tween the ridges, are the orifices of many mucous ducts. There are also on this surface a number of transparent bodies of a round form, equal in bulk to a middle sized grain of sand ; the nature and use of which is unknown. They have been called Ovula Nabothi, after a physiologist, who published some speculations respecting their use, about the com- mencement of the last century. The canal of the neck of the uterus is very dif- ferent from other ducts, for it seems to be a part of the cavity to which it leads, and when the cavity of the uterus becomes enlarged in the progress of preg- nancy, this canal is gradually converted into a part of that cavity. The lower extremity of the neck of the uterus is irregularly convex and tumid. The orifice of the canal in it is oval, and so situated that it divides the convex surface of the neck into two portions, which are called the Lips. The anterior or upper portion is thicker than the other. This extremity of the uterus protrudes into the vagina, and is commonly called Os Tincx. As the anterior portion or lip is larger and more tumid than the posterior, the vagina extends further beyond the os tincae on the posterior part than on the anterior. Fallopian Tubes.—Round Ligaments. 209 The Fallopian Tubes Are two canals, from four to five inches in length, which proceed between the laminae of the broad liga- ments, from the upper angles of the uterus, in a transverse direction, to some distance from the ute- rus, when they form an angle, and take a direction downwards towards the ovaries. They are formed, for a considerable part of their extent, by a substance which resembles that of which the uterus consists, and are lined by a membrane continued from the internal membrane of the uterus. Their extremities appear to be composed of mem- brane, which is rendered florid by the blood vessels in its texture. At the commencement their diameters are extremely small; but they enlarge in their pro- gress. This enlargement is gradual for the first half, and afterwards sudden; the enlarged part is more membranous than the small part, and has a bright red colour. The large extremity is loose in the ca- vity of the pelvis, and is not invested by the laminae of the broad ligaments. Near the termination the diameter is often contracted; after which the mem- brane which forms the tube expands into an open mouth, the margin of which consists of fringed pro- cesses : this margin is also oblique, as respects the axis of the tube; and the different fringed processes are not all of the same length; but the longest are in the middle, and the others regularly diminish on each side of them: these processes constitute the Fimbrix of the fallopian tubes. The internal surface of the large extremities of these tubes is extremely vascular; and there are some longitudiual fibres of a red colour to be seen on it. The Round Ligaments, Which have already been mentioned, are cords of Vol. II. 27 210 Structure of the Ovaries. a fibrous structure, with many blood vessels in them They arise from the uterus below the origin of the fallopian tubes, and proceed under the anterior la- minae of the broad ligaments to the abdominal rings, through which they pass; and then the fibres and vessels are expanded upon the contiguous cellular substance. The Ovaries Are two bodies of a flattened oval form; one of which is situated on each side of the uterus on the posterior surface of the broad ligament, and invested completely by a process of the posterior lamina, which forms a coat, and also a ligament for it. The size of this organ varies in different subjects, but in a majority of those who are about the age of matu- rity it is between ten and twelve lines in length. It is connected to the uterus by a small ligament, or bundle of fibres of the same structure with the round ligaments, which is not more than two lines in di- ameter, and is included between the laminae of the broad ligament. The process of the broad ligament forms an exter- nal coat to the ovary; within this is the proper coat of the organ, which is a firm membrane. This mem- brane is so firmly connected to the substance of the ovary which it encloses, that it cannot be easily se- parated from it. The ovary is of a whitish colour and soft texture, and has many blood vessels. In virgins of mature age it contains from ten to twenty vesicles, formed of a delicate membrane, filled with a transparent coagulable fluid. Some of these vesi- cles are situated so near to the surface of the ovary that they are prominent on its surface; others are near the centre. They are very different in size; the largest being between two and three lines in Arteries of the Uterus. 211 diameter, and others not more than one third of that size. In women who have had children, or in whom conception has taken place, some of these vesicles are removed ; and in their place a cicatrix is found. It has been ascertained, that during the sexual intercourse with males, one of these vesicles, which was protuberant on the surface, is often ruptured, and a cavity is found. A cicatrix is soon formed, where the membrane was ruptured; and in the place occupied by the vesicle there is a yellow substance denominated Corpus Luteum. This corpus luteum generally continues until the middle of pregnancy: it often remains during that state, and for some time after delivery, but it gradually vanishes. The cica- trization continues during life. In many cases these cicatrices correspond with the number of conceptions which have taken place ; but they often exceed the number of conceptions, and they have been found in cases where conception has not been known to have taken place. In very old subjects, where conception has never taken place, the vesicles are either entirely removed, or small dense tubercles only remain in their place. The Arteries Of the uterus are derived from two very different sources; viz. from the spermatic aud from the hy- pogastric arteries. The spermatic arteries, instead of passing directly down to the abdominal ring, proceed between the laminae of the broad ligament, and send branches to the ovaries, which may sometimes be traced to the vesicles. They also send branches to the fallopian tubes and to the uterus. 'Those which are on the opposide sides of the uterus anastomose with each other, and also with the branches of the hypogastric 212 Veins of the Uterus. arteries. There are also branches of these arteries in the round ligaments, which accompany them to their termination outside of the abdominal ring. The principal arteries of the uterus are those de- rived from the hypogastric, which sends to each side of it a considerable branch, called the Uterine. This vessel leaves the hypogastric very near the origin of the internal pudic, and proceeds to the cervix of the uterus : it passes between the laminae of the broad li- gaments, and sends branches to the edge of the uterus, which penetrate its texture. The branches which are in the texture of the uterus are very small indeed, in young subjects. In women who have had children they are considerably larger; but during pregnancy they gradually enlarge with the growth of the uterus, and become very considerable. These arteries ob- serve a serpentine and peculiarly tortuous course. Those on the opposite sides anastomose with each other. The Veins Of the uterus, like the arteries, form spermatic and uterine trunks. The Spermatic Vein is much larger than the artery. It ramifies as in males, and forms a very large plexus, which constitutes the cor- pus pampiniforme. Many of the veins which form this body, originate near the ovary : a considerable number also come from the fallopian tubes and the uterus. The spermatic vein and its branches are greatly enlarged indeed during pregnancy ; and it is said that they are enlarged the same way during the menstrual discharge. # The most important veins of the uterus are the branches of the Uterine Veins. They are extremely numerous, and form a plexus on the side of the ute- rus ; from which two or more uterine veins proceed in the course of the artery, and join the hypogastric. Lymphatics.—Bladder and Urethra. 21S These veins also are greatly enlarged during preg- nancy. The Lymphatic Vessels Of the uterus, and its appendages, are very nu- merous. In the unimpregnated state they are small; but, during pregnancy, they increase greatly. They proceed from the uterus in very different directions. Some that accompany the round ligaments go to the lymphatic glands of the groin. Others which take the course of the uterine blood vessels pass to glands in the pelvis, and a third set follows the spermatic arteries and veins to the glands on the loins. The Nerves Of the ovaries are derived from the renal plexus, and those of the uterus and vagina from the hypo- gastric plexus, or the lower portions of the sympa- thetic, and the third and fourth sacral nerves. SECTION III. Of the Bladder and Urethra. The situation of the Bladder, as respects the sym- phisis pubis, is nearly alike in both sexes; but that part of it which is immediately behind the insertion of the ureters is rather lower in males than in fe- males. The bottom of the bladder rests upon the upper part of the vagina, a thin stratum of cellular substance only intervening: when that viscus is dis- tended it forms a tumour, which compresses the va- gina. The ureters are inserted, and the urethra com- mences in the same part of the bladder, in both sexes. The length of the Urethra is between one and two inches. When the body is in a direct position, it is nearly horizontal; but it is slightly curved, with 214 Gradual Change in the Gravid Uterus. its convexity downwards. It is immediately above the vagina, and it passes below the body of the cli- toris. The external orifice of it is rather more than an inch within the glans or head of the clitoris. This orifice is somewhat prominent in the vagina. In the internal or lining membrane of the urethra there are many orifices of mucous follicles, and also longitudinal wrinkles, as in the urethra of males. The diameter of the female urethra and its orifice in the bladder are greater than they are iu the male. For this reason it has been supposed, that women are less liable to calculus of the bladder than men.* The urethra is intimately connected with the ex- ternal coat of the vagiua, and between them there is a spongy cellular substance which makes the rough surface of the vagina prominent; so that the urethra has been supposed, although erroneously, to be in- vested with the prostate. It is capable of great ar- tificial dilatation. Of the Changes induced in the Uterus in the progress of Pregnancy. The alteration which takes place in the size of the uterus during pregnancy is truly great. About the conclusion of that period, instead of the small body above described, which is almost solid, the uterus forms an immense sac, which extends from the ter- mination of the vagina in the pelvis, into the epigas- tric region; and from one side of the abdomen to the other; preserving, however, an ovoid figure. This change is so gradual at first, that the uterus does not extend beyond the cavity of the pelvis be- fore the third month, although at the end of the seventh month it is very near the epigastric region. For the first six months the body of the uterus * It has however been asserted that they are also less liable to calculi in the kidneys. General Observations. 215 appears principally concerned in the enlargement: after this the cervix begins to change, and is gra- dually altered, so as to compose a portion of the sac, rather of less thickness than the rest of the uterus; the mouth being ultimately an aperture in a part which is much thinner than the other portions of the organ. The change which takes place in the texture of some of the appendages of the uterus is very impor- tant. The Broad Ligaments, which seem particularly calculated to favour the extension of the uterus, are necessarily altered by the change in the size of that organ, but not entirely done away. The portion of peritoneum of which they are formed must be very much enlarged with the growth of the uterus, as it continues to cover it. The Round Ligaments are much elongated; and they observe a more straight course to the abdominal ring. The Fallopian Tubes are enlarged; and instead of passing off laterally from the uterus, they now proceed downwards by the side of it. The Ovaries appear rather larger and more spongy: their relative situation is necessa- rily lower. The change in the Uterus itself is particularly in- teresting. The great increase of its size is not at- tended with any considerable diminution of thick- ness in its substance ; nor are the arteries much less convoluted than before pregnancy, as might have been expected. They are greatly enlarged in diame- ter, and the orifices of the exhalent vessels on the internal surface of the uterus are much more percep- tible. The veins are much more enlarged than the arte- ries, and in some places appear more than half an inch in diameter. They are not regularly cylindri- S16 Peculiarity of the Female Hottentots. cal, but rather flat. They anastomose so as to form an irregular net work. The uterus appears much more fibrous and mus- cular in the gravid than in the unimpregnated state. The contractile power of the gravid uterus is not only proved by the expulsion of its contents, but also by very vigorous contractions, which are occa- sionally observed by accoucheurs. Although the general effects which result from the par- ticular conditions of the uterus in pregnancy, men- struation, &c. evince that the influence of this organ upon the whole system is very great, yet it seems pro- bable that the sexual peculiarities of females are espe- cially dependent upon the ovaria. This sentiment is confirmed by an account of a wo- man in whom the ovaria were deficient, which is pub- lished in the London Philosophical Transactions for 1805, by Mr. C. Pears. The subject lived to the age of twenty-nine years. She ceased to grow after the age of ten years, and therefore was not more than four feet six inches in height: her breadth across the hips was but nine inches, although the breadth of the shoulders was fourteen. Her breasts and nipples never enlarged more than they are in the male subject.— There was no hair on the pubes, nor were there any indications of puberty in mind or body. She never menstruated. At the age of twenty-nine she died of a complaint in the breast, attended with convulsions. The uterus and os tincse were found not increased beyond their usual size during infancy. The cavity of the uterus was of the common shape, but its coats were membranous. The Fallopian Tubes were per- vious. " The Ovaria were so indistinct that they rather showed the rudiments which ought to have formed them, than any part of the natural structure." Another case, which confirms the aforesaid sentiment, is related in one of the French periodical publica- tions. It has been long known that a race of savages near the Cape of Good Hope were distinguished from the generality of their species by a peculiarity about the pudendum. An account of this structure has been Peculiarities in the Abdomen of the Foetus. 217 given with some precision by Messrs. Peron and Lesueur, in a paper which was read to the National Institute of France. It is a flap or apron, four inches in length, which is united to the external labia near their upper angle, and hangs down before the clitoris and the external orifice of the parts of generation. It is divided below into two lobes, which cover the orifice. It is formed by a soft distensible skin, free from hair, which is occasionally corrugated like the scrotum, and is rather more florid than the ordinary cutis.* The Abdomen of the Foetus. The difference between the foetus and the adult, in the cavity of the abdomen, is very conspicuous at the first view. The Liver in the foetus is so large that it occupies a very considerable part of the abdomen. Its left lobe, which is larger in proportion than the right, extends far into the left hypochondriac region. The Bladder of urine, when filled, extends from the cavity of the pelvis a considerable distance to- wards the umbilicus; so that the greatest part of it is in the cavity of the abdomen. A ligament of a conical figure extends from the centre of the upper part of the bladder to the umbilicus ; with an artery on each side of it, which is soon to be described. 'This ligament, which is in the situation of the ura- chus of the foetus of quadrupeds, is hollow, and thus frequently forms a canal, which has a very small diameter, that communicates with the bladder by an aperture still smaller, and continues a short distance from the bladder towards the umbilicus. In a few rare instances this canal has extended to the umbili- cus, so that urine has been discharged through it, but the ligament, is commonly solid there. * This jMper has not yet been published by the Institute, but it is referred to by M. Cuvier in his Lecous d'Anatomie Compare>, vol. v. page 124—Messrs. Peron and Lesueur were naturalists who accompanied captain Baudin in his voyage of discovery. Vol. II. 28 218 Descent of the Testicle in the Foetus. The Stomach appears to be more curved in the foe- tus than in the adult. The Great Intestine does not extend sufficiently far, beyond the insertion of the ileon, to form the caecum completely. The Glandulx Renales are much larger in pro- portion in the foetus than in the adult. The colour of the fluid they contain is more florid. The Kidneys are tabulated. The Testicles in the foetus are found above the pel- vis, in the lumbar region, behind the peritoneum, un- til two months before birth. Thus situated, their blood vessels and nerves proceed from sources which are near them; but the vas deferens, being connect- ed to the vesiculae seminales by one extremity, is ne- cessarily in a very different situation from what it is in the adult: it proceeds from the testicle downwards to the neck of the bladder.—While each testicle is in this situation, it is connected with a substance or ligament, called Gubernaculum, of a conical or py- ramidical form, attached to its lower end, and extends from it to the abdominal ring. This substance is vascular, and of a fibrous texture: its large extremi- ty adheres to the testicle, its lower and small extremi- ty passes through the abdominal ring, and appears to terminate in the cellular substance exterior to that opening, like the round ligament in females. The Gubernaculum, as well as the testicle, is behind the peritoneum; and the peritoneum adheres to each of them more firmly than it does to any of the surround- ing parts. It seems that, by the contraction of the Gubernaculum, the testicle is moved down from its original situation to the abdominal ring, and through the abdominal ring into the scrotum. Thejjeritone- uin, which adheres firmly to the gubernacrrium and testicle, and is loosely connected to the other parts, yields to this operation; and when the testicle has Descent of the Testicle in the Foetus. 219 arrived near the abdominal ring, a portion of the pe- ritoneum is protruded a little way before it into the scrotum ; forming a cavity like the finger of a glove. The testicle passes down behind this process of the peritoneum, and is covered by it as it was in the ab- domen. Although it appears protruded into the ca- vity, it is exterior to it, and behind it; and the vessels, &c. which belong to the testicle are also exterior to it. The cavity formed in the scrotum, by this process of the peritoneum, necessarily comraunicates with the cavity of the abdomen at its formation ; but very soon after the testicle has descended into the scrotum, the upper part of this cavity is closed up, while the low- er part of the process continues unchanged, and con- stitutes the Tunica Vaginalis Testis. In some in- stances the upper part of this process does not close up, and the communication with the cavity of the abdomen continues. The descent of the intestine into the cavity thus circumstanced, constitutes that species of hernia which is denominated Congenital.* The most important peculiarities in the abdomen of the foetus are those connected with the circulation of the blood. The internal iliac or hypogastric arteries are larger * These interesting circumstances respecting the original situa- tion of the testicle, and its descent into the scrotum, were discover- ed and elucidated by Haller, Hunter, Pott, Champer, and several other very respectable anatomists and surgeons. There is however a difference of opinion, between some of them, as to the time when the testicle leaves the abdomen. Haller thought the testicles were seldom in the scrotum at birth. Hunter and Camper found them so generally. It has been suggested that there are some national peculiarities in this respect; that amongst the Hungarians, for example, the tes- ticles often remain above the abdominal ring until near the age ol puberty. The student will find an interesting description of the situation of the testis, and its descent, in the foetus, in the " Observations on certain parts of the Animal Economy," by John Hunter. 220 Umbilical Vessels. than the external iliacs. Their main trunks are continued on each side of the bladder to its fundus; and proceed from it, with the ligament, to the umbi- licus; when they pass out of the abdomen to go along the umbilical cord to the placenta. These arteries are now denominated the Umbilical, and are very considerable in size. After birth, as there is no cir- culation in them, they soon begin to change: the ca- vity of them is gradually obliterated, and they are converted into ligaments. They are exterior to the peritoneum, and contained in a duplicative of it. A vein also called the Umbilical, which is much larger in diameter thau both of the arteries, returns from the placenta along the cord, and enters the ca- vity of the abdomen at the umbilicus. It proceeds thence, exterior to the peritoneum, but in a duplica- ture of it called the Falciform Ligament, to the liver, and enters that viscus at the great fissure; along which it passes to the left branch of the sinus of the vena portarum, into which it opens and dis- charges the blood which flows through it from the placenta. It opens on the anterior side of the branch of the vena portarum, and from the posterior side of the branch, opposite to this opening, proceeds a duct or canal, which opens into the left hepatic vein near its junction with the vena cava. This communicating vessel is called the Ductus, or Canalis Venosus; to distinguish it from the duct which passes from the pulmonary artery to the aorta, and is called Ductus, or Canalis Arteriosus. This venous duct carries some of the blood of the umbilical veiu directly to the vena cava; but it is much smaller than the um- bilical vein, and of course a considerable quantity of the blood which passes through the umbilical vein must pass through the liver, by the vena portarum, before it can enter the cava. In some foetal subjects, if a probe of sufficient Object of the Circulation in the Placenta. 221 length be introduced within the umbilical vein and pushed forwards, it will pass to the heart without much difficulty or opposition, as if it proceeded along one continued tube, although it really passes from the umbilical vein across the branch of the vena por- tarum, and then through the ductus venosus, and through a portion of the left hepatic vein, into the inferior vena cava. If the umbilical vein be injected with a composi- tion, which will be firm when cool, it appears to terminate in a rounded end, which is situated in the transverse fissure of the liver: the sinus of the vena portarum, into which this vein enters, appears like two branches going off, one from each side of it, and the ductus venosus like a branch continuing in the direction of the main trunk of the umbilical vein. The umbilical vein, in its progress through the fissure of the liver, before it arrives at the sinus of the vena portarum, sends off a considerable number of branches to each of the lobes of that organ, but more to the left than to the right lobe. After birth, when blood ceases to flow through the umbilical vein, it is gradually converted into a liga- ment ; and the venous duct is also converted iuto a ligament in the same manner. The vena portarum, which before appeared very small, when compared with the umbilical vein, now brings all the blood which Alls its great sinus, and increases considerably in size. It has been ascertained by anatomical investiga- tion, that the umbilical arteries above mentioned, after ramifying minutely in the placenta, communi- cate w itli the minute branches of the umbilical vein ; and it is probable that the whole blood carried to the placenta by these arteries, returns by the umbilical vein to the foetus. It is clearly proved by the effects of pressure on 222 Object of the Circulation in the Placenta. the umbilical cord, in cases of delivery by the feet, as well as by other similar circumstances, that this circulation cannot be suspended for any length of time without destroying the life of the foetus. From these circumstances, and from the florid colour which the blood acquires by circulating in the pla- centa, it seems probable that the object of the circu- lation through that organ is somewhat analogous to the object of the pulmonary circulation through the lungs of adults.* * During the first four months of pregnancy a very small vesi- cle, which does not exceed the size of a pea, is found between the chorion and the amnios, near the insertion of the umbilical cord into the placenta. It is connected to the foetus by an artery and a vein, which pass from the abdomen through the umbilicus, and pro- ceeding along the cord to the placenta, continue from it to the ve- sicle. The artery arises from the mesenteric, and the vein is united to the mesenteric branch of the vena portarum. It is probable that these vessels commonly exsist no longer than the vesicle, viz. about four months ; but they have been seen by Haller and Chaussier at the termination of pregnancy. They are called Omfihalo Mesenteric vessels. The vesicle is denominated the Umbilical Vesicle. This inexplicable structure is delineated in Hunter's Anatomy of the Gravid Uterus, plate xxxiii. figures v. and vi.; in the Aca- demical Annotations of Albinus, first book, plate i. figure xii. ; and also in the Icones Embryonum Humanorum of Soemmering, figure ii. SYSTEM OF ANATOMY. PART IX. OF THK BLOOD VESSELS. The blood vessels are flexible tubes, of a peculiar texture, through which blood passes from the heart to the different parts of the body, and returns again from these parts to the heart. They are to be found, in varying proportions, in almost every part of the body, and seem to enter into its texture. The tubes which carry blood from the heart, are more substantial and more elastic than those through which it returns to the heart. They are generally found empty after death; and, therefore, were called Arteries by the ancient anatomists, who supposed that they carried air, and not blood. The tubes which return the blood to the heart are denominated Veins. They are less substantial and less elastic than arteries, and are generally full of blood in the dead subject. There are two great arteries, from which all the other arterial vessels of the body are derived. They are very justly compared to the trunks of trees, and the smaller vessels to their branches. One of these great arteries, called the Aorta, carries blood to every part of the body. The other great vessel, called the Pulmonary Artery, carries blood exclusively to the lungs. 224 > The Blood vessels in general. The veins which correspond to the branches of the Aorta, unite to each other, so as to form two great tiunks that proceed to the heart. One of these trunks, coming from the superior parts of the body, is called the Superior, or Descending Vena Cava. The other, which comes from the lower parts of the body, is called the Inferior, or Ascending Vena Cava. The veins which correspond with the branches of the Pulmonary Artery, and return to the heart the blood of the lungs, are four in number : two of them proceeding from each lung. They are called Pul- monary Veins. In many of the veins there are valves, which pre- vent the blood they contain from moving towards the surface and extremities of the body, but allow it to pass towards the heart without impediment. From the construction of the cavities of the heart, and the position of the valves which are in them ; as well as the situation of the valves at the commence- ment of the great arteries, and the above mentioned valves of the veins, it is evident, that when the blood circulates, it must move from the heart, through the aorta and its branches, to the different parts of the body, and return from these parts through the venae cavae to the heart; that, when deposited in the heart by the venae cavae, it must proceed through the pul- monary artery to the lungs, and return from the lungs through the pulmonary veins to the heart, in order to pass again from that organ into the aorta. It is also certain, that the blood is forced from the heart into the arteries, by the contraction of the mus- cular fibres of which the heart is composed ; and that the blood vessels likewise perform a part in the cir- culation, they propelling the blood which is thus thrown into them: but their action appears to depend upon causes of a complex nature. CHAPTER I. OF THE GENERAL STRUCTURE AND ARRANGEMENT OF THE BLOOD VESSELS. SECTION I. Of the Arteries. The arteries are so much concerned in the im- portant functiou of the circulation of the blood, that every circumstance connected with them is very in- teresting. They are composed of coats or tunics, which are very elastic and strong, and which are also very thick. In consequence of the firmness of their coats, they continue open, after their contents are discharg- ed, like hard tubes. They submit to great dilata- tion, and elongation, when fluids are forced into them, and return to their former dimensions when the distending cause is withdrawn. This elasticity is particularly subservient to the circulation of the blood. It admits the artery to distend readily, and receive the blood which is thrown into it by the con- traction of the heart. It also produces the contrac- tion of the artery ; which takes place as soon as the action of the heart ceases; and this contraction of the artery necessarily forces the blood forward, as the valves at its orifice prevent it from returning to the heart. The motion of the artery, which is so easily per- ceived by the touch, and in many instances also by the eye, is completely explained by the discharge of blood into the artery from the heart, and by the Vol. II. 29 228 Structure of the Arteries. elasticity of the vessel, by which it re-acts upon the blood. In some cases it is not simply the diameter of the artery which is enlarged, but a portion of the vessel is elongated; and this elongation, by pro- ducing a curvature of it, renders its motion more visible. In the aorta, and probably in its large branches, Elasticity seems to be the principal cause of the con- tinuance of the motion which is originally given to the blood by the heart. But there are many circum- stances connected with the smaller vessels, which evince that they exert a power which is very differ- ent indeed from elasticity. Thus the application of local stimulants or rubefacients, and of heat, is fol- lowed by an increase of motion in the arteries of the parts to which they are applied. Neither of these causes could produce their effect by the influence of elasticity : but the effect of these and other similar causes is uniformly produced ; and a power of inde- pendent motion, or Irritability, is thus proved to exist in these vessels, and seems essentially neces- sary to the circulation of the blood. The Structure of the Arteries Is, therefore, a subject of importance, and has re- ceived a considerable degree of attention from anato- mists. They are composed of a dense elastic substance, of a whitish colour. Their external surface is rough, and intimately connected with the cellular membrane, wrhich every where surrounds it in varying quanti- ties. Internally, they are lined with a thin mem- brane, which is very smooth and flexible, and is also very elastic. The substance which composes the artery, and is situated between the cellular invest- ment and the internal membrane, consists of fibres, which are nearly, though not completely, circular, Structure of the Arteries. 227 but so arranged as to constitute a cylinder. These fibres may be separated from each other so as to form laminae, which have been considered as differ- ent coats of the arteries ; but there is no arrange- ment of them which composes regular distinct strata. The coats of arteries may, therefore, be separated into a greater or smaller number of laminae, according to the thickness of these laminae. The fibres which compose these laminae appear to be united to each other in a way which readily al- lows of their separation, at the same time that they form a firm texture. Although arteries thus appear essentially different from muscles in their hardness and their elasticity, as well as in their general tex- ture, they are considered, by a great majority of anatomists, as partaking more or less of a muscular structure. In the human subject their structure is very diffi- cult of demonstration, and great differences exist in the accounts which are given of it, even by anato- mists, who agree in the general sentiment that the arteries are muscular. Thus Haller believed that muscular fibres were most abundant in the large arteries, while J. Hunter thought the reverse. Hunter appears to have investigated this subject with great attention, and supposed the muscular substance, in the composition of arteries, to be inte- rior, and the elastic matter exterior; that in large arteries this muscular substance is very small in quantity, and gradually increases in proportion as the artery diminishes in size. He howrever observes, that he never could discover the direction of the mus- cular fibres.* When the great talents of Mr. Hunter as an • Treatise on the Blood, &c. Vol. I. p. 113. Bradford's edition. 228 Question respecting the muscularity of Arteries. anatomist, are considered, this circumstance cannot fail to excite a belief that the existence of these fibres is not certain : and if to this be added the fact, that even the red coloured substance of the arteries is elastic, and in that respect different from muscu- lar substance, the reasons for doubting must be in- creased. Bichat appears to have entertained very strong doubts on the subject; but he stands almost alone ; for a large number both of the preceding and cotem- porary anatomists, seem to have adopted the senti- ment, that the arteries have a muscular structure. The student of anatomy can very easily examine this subject himself, by separating the coats of ar- teries into different laminae ; and by viewing the edges of the transverse and longitudinal sections of those vessels. While thus engaged with this ques- tion, he will read with great advantage what has been written upon it by Mr. Hunter, in his Treatise* on the Blood, &c. See chapter second, section 3. Bichat ought also to be read upon this subject, which he has discussed in his Anatomie Generate—System Vasculaire a Sang Rouge, article Troisieme, &c. and also in his Traite des Membranes, article Sixieme. The belief of the irritability of arteries does not, however, rest upon the appearance of their fibres. 1. It is asserted by very respectable authors,* that they have been made to contract by the appli- cation of mechanical and of chemical irritation, and also of the electric and galvanic power. 2. A partial or local action of arteries is often produced by the local application of heat and rube- facients, as has been already observed. * See Soemmering on the structure of the Human Body. Vol. IV. German edition. Dr. Jones on the Process employed by nature for suppressing Haemorrhage, 8cc. Proofs of the Irritability of the Arteries. 229 3. Arterial action is often suspended in a particu- lar part by the application of cold. It has also been observed that the arteries have for a short time ceas- ed to pulsate in cases of extreme contusion and la- ceration of the limbs.* 4. When arteries are divided transversely in living animals, they often contract so as to close completely the orifice made by the division. 5. In a horse bled to death, it was ascertained by Mr. Hunter, that the transverse diameter of the arte- ries was diminished to a degree that could not be explained by their elasticity. He also found that, after death, the arteries, especially those of the smaller size, are generally in a state of contraction, which is greater than can be explained by their elas- ticity : for if they are distended mechanically, they do not contract again to their former size, but conti- nue of a larger diameter than they were before the distention; although their elasticity may act so as to restore a very considerable degree of the contraction observed at death. The contraction, which is thus done away by dis- tention, Mr. Hunter supposed to have been produced by muscular fibres : for, if it had been dependent on elasticity, it must have re-appeared when the dis- tending power was withdrawn. It therefore seems certain, that the arteries have a power of contraction different from that which de- pends upon elasticity; but whether this depends upon muscular fibres superadded to them, or upon an irritable quality in the ordinary elastic fibres of blood vessels, is a question which is not perhaps completely decided. * This local suspension of arterial motion by cold, &c, applied local I ■-, is very difiV.uk to explain ; as the action of the heart and the elasticity of the arteries appear sufficient to account for the pulsa- tion of the large arteries. 230 General Observations on the Arteries. The motion of the blood in the arteries appears to depend, 1st, Upon the impulse given to it by the action of the heart. 2dly, Upon the elasticity of the arteries, in conse- quence of which they first give way to the blood impelled into them, and then re-act upon it; and 3dly, Upon the power of contraction in the arte- ries, or their irritability. In the larger arteries the blood seems to move as it would through an inanimate elastic tube, in conse- quence of the impulse given by the heart, and kept up by the arteries themselves. In the smaller ves- sels it seems probable that the motion of the blood depends in a considerable degree upon the contrac- tion which arises from their irritability. The obvious effect of the elasticity of the arteries is to resist distention and elongation, and to coutract the artery to its natural state, when the distending or elongating cause ceases to act. But it must also resist the contraction induced by the muscular fibres, and restore the artery to its natural size when the muscular fibres cease to act after contracting it, as has been observed by Mr. Hunter. It seems probable that all the fibres of which the artery consists are nearly but not completely circu- lar ; for it is not certain that there are any longitudi- nal fibres in the structure of an artery. The internal coat of these vessels is very smooth, but extremely dense and firm ; and seems to be ren- dered moist and flexible b}r an exudation on its sur- face. It adheres very closely to the contiguous fibres of the coat exterior to it, but may be very readily peeled off from them. It is of a whitish colour, and, like the fibrous structure of the artery, is very elastic. Like that substance also it is easily torn or broken, and, when ligatures have been applied to General Observations on the Artirles. 231 arteries, it has been often observed that the fibrous structure and the internal coat have been separated, while this external cellular coat has remained en- tire. The arteries are supplied with their proper blood vessels and lymphatics. It is to be observed, that the blood vessels are not derived from the artery on which they run, but from the contiguous vessels. These vessels have nerves also, which are rather small in size, when compared with those which go to other parts. Arteries appear to have a cylindrical form, for no diminution of diameter is observable in those portions of them which send off no ramifications. When an artery ramifies, the area of the differ- ent branches exceeds considerably that of the main trunk. Upon this principle the aorta and its branch- es have been compared to a cone, the basis of which is formed by the branches, and the apex of the trunk.* The transverse section of an artery is circular. There are no valves in the arteries, except those of the orifices of the aorta and the pulmonary artery, at the heart. The valves of the pulmonary artery have been described in the 51st page of this volume, and those of the aorta have an exact resemblance to them, but are rather larger. The course of the arteries throughout the body is obviously calculated to prevent their exposure to pressure, or to great extension from the flexure of the articulations by which they pass. With this view they sometimes proceed in a winding direction ; and when they pass over parts which are subject to great * According to Brussiere the relation of the branches of the aorta to its trunk is as 25 to 16; Helvetius reckons the orifice of the aorta in comparison with its branches as 64 to 71. Lassus__Ed. 232 General Observations on the Arteries. distention or enlargement, as the cheeks, they often meander; and, therefore, their length may be in- creased by straightening, without stretching them. Their course apppears sometimes to have been calculated to lessen the force of the blood, as is the case with the Internal Carotid and the Vertebral ar- teries. In the trunk of the body the branches of arteries generally form obtuse angles with the trunks from which they proceed. In the limbs these angles are acute. The communication of arteries with each other is termed Anastomosis. In some instances, two branch- es which proceed in a course nearly similar, unite with an acute angle, and form one common trunk. Sometimes, a transverse branch runs from one to the other, so as to form a right angle with each. In other cases, the two anastamosing branches form an arch, or portion of a circle, from which many branches gooff. By successive ramifications, arteries gradually di- minish in size, until they are finally extremely small. The smallest arteries do not carry red blood, their diameters being smaller than those of the red parti- cles of that fluid, the serous or aqueous part of the blood can, therefore, only pass through them. Many of the arteries which carry red blood, and of the last mentioned serous arteries terminate in veins, which are in some respects, a continuation of the tube reflected backwards.* j Malpighi and Leeuwenhoek declare, that by the aid of a mi- croscope, they have seen arteries terminating in the veins. Haller advances formally his own experience in support of his assertion. Other anatomists have seen, that in blowing into an artery, the air passed into the corresponding veins. Nevertheless Derverney and some others say, that a particular substance is interposed between the extremities of these vessels. Ruysch in his Thesaurus Anato- micus VI. No. 73, says in repletione arteriarum, replentur estplu- rimum quosque venae, et vice versa, ita ut impossibile videatur pre- cise dicere quomodo res se habeat. Discours sur FAnat.—Ed. * General Observations on the Veins. 233 They likewise terminate in exhalent vessels, which open upon the external surface, and upon the various internal surfaces of the body. The secretory vessels of glands are likewise the termination of many ar- teries. SECTION II. Of the Veins. These tubes, which return to the heart the blood carried from it by the arteries, are more numerous than the arteries, and often are larger in diameter. They generally accompany the arteries, and very often two veins are found with one artery. In addition to these last mentioned veins, which may be called deep-sealed, there are many subcuta- neous veins which appear on almost every part of the surface of the body. The capacity of all the veins is therefore much greater than that of all the arteries. Those subcutaneous veins, which are of consi- derable size, communicate very freely with each other, and also with the deep-seated veins. The trunks of the veins, in those places where no branches go off, are generally cylindrical. There are, however, some exceptions, in which these ves- sels are irregularly dilated, as sometimes happens in the case of the internal jugular vein. It is, how- ever, not easy to determine from the appearance of veins injected after death, respecting their situation during life, as their coats are very yielding; and it is very probable that they are, therefore, preterna- turally dilated by the injection. Veins, directly or indirectly, originate from the termination of arteries: but they do not pulsate as the arteries do, because the impulse given to the Vol. 11. 30 234 Coats of Veins. blood by the heart is very much diminished in con- sequence of the great diminution of the size of the vessels through which the blood has passed. In some cases, however, when blood flows from an opened vein ; the extent of its projection is alter- nately increased and diminished, in quick succes- sion, as if it were influenced by the pulsation of the heart. The Coats of Veins differ considerably from those of Arteries,—for they are thinner, and so much less firm, that veins, unlike arteries, collapse when they are empty. They consist of a dense elastic substance, the fibres of which are much less distinct than those of arteries, but some > f them are to be seen in a longi- tudinal direction. These fibres can be made to con- tract by local irritation ; for if a vein be laid bare in a living animal, and then punctured, it will often contract so as to diminish its diameter very consi- derably, although no blood shall have escaped from the punctures. Next to the elastic substance is the internal coat, which is smooth and polished. It is separated from the substance exterior to it with difficulty, although it may be taken from it very easily in the vena cava. This internal coat is more ostensible than the in- ternal coat of arteries, and is not, like the latter, dis- posed to ossification. It is frequently so arranged as to form valves, which are plaits or folds, of a semilunar form, that project from the surfaces into the cavities of these vessels.* Two of these valves are generally placed opposite * The valves of the veins were first described by Charles Etieme of Paris in 1546. In 1547, Amatus, a Portuguese, saw at Ferrara those at the mouth of the vena azygos. Sylvius of Paris announced them about the same time in the jugular, brachial and crural veins. Fabricius Aquapendente claims the discovery for himself in 1574. Lassus.—Ed . Colour of the Blood in the Veins. 235 to each other; and, when raised up, they form a septum in the cylindrical cavity of the vessel. The septum, thus composed, is concave towards the heart. The valves have a great effect in preventing the contents of the veins from moving in a retrograde course: they, therefore, necessarily modify the ef- fects of lateral pressure, in such a manner, that it propels the blood forward, or to the heart. These valves are generally found in the veins of the muscular parts of the body, especially in those of the extremities. They are not found in those veins which are in the cavities of the body, nor in the internal jugulars.—They are placed at unequal distances from each other. The coats of the veins are somewhat transparent; and, therefore, those veins which are subcutaneous have a bluish aspect, which is derived from the co- lour of the blood they contain. The colour of the blood in the veins is different from that in the arteries, being of a darker red. The situation and arrangement of the large trunks of veins is much alike in different subjects ; but the branches, especially those which are subcutaneous, are very variable in their situations. CHAPTER IL a PARTICULAR ACCOUNT OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE ARTERIES. SECTION I. Of the AORTA,* Or the Great Trunk of the Arterial System. When the heart is in its natural position, the right ventricle is nearly anterior to the left, and, therefore, the aorta, where it originates from the left ventricle, is behind the pulmonary artery, and covered by it. Its first direction is so oblique towards the right side of the body, that it crosses the pulmonary artery behind, and appears on the right side of it. It has scarcely assumed this position before its course alters, for it then proceeds obliquely backwards, and to the left; so as to form a large curve or arch, which extends to the left of the spine* The position of this curve or arch is so oblique, with respect to the body, that the cord or diameter of it, if it were extended anteriorly and posteriorly, would strike the cartilage of the second or third right rib about the middle of its length, and the left rib near the head. In consequence of this position of the curve, the aorta crosses over the right branch of the pulmonary artery, and the left branch of the windpipe : and assumes a situation, in front, and to the left of the third dorsal vertebra : from this situa- tion it proceeds downwards ; in front, but rather on * This name was given by Aristotle.--Eo, Situation of the Aorta in the Thorax and Abdomen. 237 the left side of the spine, and in contact with that column. The aorta, as well as the Pulmonary Artery, for a small distance from the heart, is invested by the pericardium ; and, when that sac is opened, ap- pears to be contained in it. After crossing the right branch of the Pulmonary Artery, a ligament is inserted into it, which proceeds from the main trunk of the pulmonary artery at its division : this ligament was the Canalis Arteriosus in the foetus. As the aorta proceeds down the spine, it is situated between the two laminae of the mediastinum, and in contact with the left lamina, through wlrich it may be seen. It descends between the crura of the diaphragm, in a vacuity which is sufficiently large to admit of its passage without pressure from the surrounding parts, and is still in contact with the anterior surface of the spine, but rather to the left of the middle of it. It continues this course along the spine until it arrives at the cartilaginous substance between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae, when it divides into two great branches of equal size, which form an acute angle with each other. These are denominated the common, or primitive iliac Arteries. From the aorta in this course are sent off the arteries which are distributed to all the parts of the body for their nourishment and animation. From the curve proceed the great branches which supply the heart, the head, the upper extremities, and part of the thorax. Between the curve and the great primitive iliac arteries, the aorta sends off those branches which supply the viscera contained in the cavities of the thorax and abdomen,* and part * It ought to be observed here, that the viscera in the lower part of the pelvis receive some branches from the internal iliac arteries. £38 Origin of the Subclavian and Carotid Arteries. of the trunk of the body. The great ILIAC branches of the AORTA are divided into smaller arteries, which supply the whole of the lower ex- tremities and some of the viscera of the pelvis. SECTION II. Of the Branches which go off from the arch of the AORTA. The proper arteries of the heart, denominated co- ronary arteries, proceed from the aorta so near to the heart that their orifices are covered by the semilunar valves, when those valves are pressed against the sides of the artery. These arteries have been described in the account of the heart.—See p. 50. The arteries of the head and of the upper extre- mities proceed from the upper part of the curve in the following manner. A large trunk, called arteria innominata, goes oft* first. This is more than sixteen lines in length, when it divides into two branches: one of which supplies the right side of the head, and is denomi- nated the right carotid : the other proceeds to the right arm, and from its course under the clavicle, is called, at first, the right subclavian. Almost in contact with the first trunk, another artery goes off, which proceeds to the left side of the head, and is call- ed the left carotid. Very near to this, arises the third artery, which proceeds to the left arm, and is denominated the left subclavian. From these great branches originate the blood vessels, which are spent upon the head and neck and the upper extremities. As these arteries arise from the curve of the aorta, they are situated obliquely with respect to each other. The arteria innominata is not only Situation of the Common Carotid Arteries. 239 co the right, but it is also anterior to the two others : and the left subclavian is posterior, as well as to the left of the left carotid and the arteria inno- minata. THE CAROTID ARTERIES. The two carotid arteries above mentioned have been denominated common carotids, to distinguish them from their first ramifications, which are called internal and external carotips. THE COMMON CAROTIDS Proceed towards the head on each side of the tra- chea : at first they diverge, but they soon become nearly parallel to each other, and continue so until they have ascended as high as the upper edge of the thyroid cartilage, when they divide into the inter- nal and external carotids. These arteries arc at first very near each other, and rather in front of the trachea; they gradually diverge and pass backwards and outwards on the sides of it, and of the oesophagus, until they have ar- rived at the larynx. In the lower part of the neck they are covered by the sterno mastoidei, the sterno hyoidei, and thyroidei, as well as by the platysnu myoidei muscles. Above, their situation is more su- perficial ; and they are immediately under the pla- tysma myoides. On the inside, they are very near the trachea ani larynx, and the oesophagus ; on the outside, and ra- ther anterior to them, are the internal jugular veins; and behind, on each side, are two important nerves called the intercostal and the par vagum. These blood vessels and nerves are surrounded by absorb- ent vessels. 240 External Carotid Artery. The common carotid arteries send off no branches from their origin to their bifurcation; and they appear to preserve the same diameter through- out their whole extent. In some few instances the right carotid has been found larger than the left. The external and internal branches into which they divide, are nearly equal in the adult; but it is sup- posed that the internal is the largest during infancy. The relative position of these branches is also dif- ferent at the commencement from what it is after- wards. The internal carotid forms a curve which projects outwardly, so as to be exterior to the ex- ternal carotid, while this last proceeds upwards, and rather backwards. THE EXTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY May be considered as extending from its commence- ment, which is on a line with the superior margin of the thyroid cartilage, to the neck of the condyle of the lower jaw, or near it. At first it is superficial; but as it proceeds up- wards it becomes deep-seated: and passing under the digastric and stylo-hyoidei muscles, and the ninth pair of nerves, is covered by the Parotid Gland. After this, it again becomes superficial; for the temporal artery, which may be regarded as the continuation of the external carotid, passes over the zygomatic process of the temporal bone. As the external carotid supplies with blood the upper part of the neck and throat, the exterior of the head and face, and the inside of the mouth and nose; its branches must necessarily be numerous, and must pass in very various directions. Thus, soon after its commencement, it sends off, in an anterior direction, three large branches; viz. to the upper part of the neck, to the parts within the lower jaw, and to the cheeks and lips. These are deno- External Carotid and its Branches. 241 minated, the superior thyroid, the sublingual, and the facial. It then sends off to the back of the head one which is called the occipital; and, as it proceeds upwards near the condyle of the lower jaw, another which passes internally, behind the jaw, to the deep seated parts in that direction. Af- ter this, it forms the temporal artery, which supplies the forehead and central parts of the cranium. Be- sides these larger branches, the external carotid sends off two which are smaller; one from near the origin of the sublingual artery, which is spent prin- cipally upon the pharynx and fauces, and is called the inferior pharyngeal: and another, while it is involved with the parotid gland, which goes to the ear; and is therefore called posterior auris. These arteries are distributed in the following manner: 1. The superior thyroid branch (Domes off very near the root of the external carotid, and sometimes from the common trunk; it runs ob- liquely downwards and forwards, in a meandering course, to the thyroid gland, where it is spent. During this course it sends off one branch to the parts contiguous to the os hyoides; another to the neighbourhood of the larynx: and a third branch, which may be termed laryngeal, that passes with a small nerve derived from the laryngeal branch of the par vagnm, either between the os hyoides and thy- roid cartilage, or the thyroid and cricoid cartilages, to the interior muscles of the larynx; and finally returns again to terminate externally. While in the thyroid gland this artery anasto- moses with the inferior thyroid, and also with its fellow on the opposite side. Vol. II. 31 £42 Branches of the External Carotid. 2. The lingual, or sublingual branch, Goes off above the last mentioned artery, and very near it; but in a very different direction, for it runs upwards and forwards, to the tongue. In this course it crosses obliquely the os hyoides, and is commonly within the hyoglossus muscle. It gives off branches to the middle constrictors of the pharynx, and to the muscles contiguous to the tongue. It also sends off a branch which penetrates to the back of the tongue, which is called, from its situation, Dorsalis Lingux. At the anterior margin of the hyoglossus muscle it divides into two branches, one of which passes to the sublingual gland and the adjacent parts, and is thence called Sublingual; while the other branch, the Ranina, passes by the side of the genio glossus muscle to the apex of the tongue. 3. The facial or external maxillary, Buns obliquely upwards and forwards uuder the ninth pair of nerves, the stylo hyoideus muscle and the tendon of the digastric, across the lower jaw and cheek, towards the inner corner of the eye, in a ser- pentine course. Before it crosses the jaw it sends off several branches, viz. to the pharynx, the tonsils, the inferior maxillary gland and the parts contiguous to it. It also sends a branch towards the chin, which passes between the mylo-hyoideus, the anterior belly of the digastric, and the margin of the lower jaw . and some of its branches continue to the muscles of the under lip. This branch is called the Submental. This artery then passes round the basis or inferior edge of the lower jaw, very near the anterior margin of the masseter muscle, and is so superficial that its pulsations can be readily perceived. After this turn, its course is obliquely upwards and forwards. Near the basis of the jaw it sends off a branch to the mas- Branches of the External Carotid. 243 seter, which anastomoses with small branches from the temporal; and another which passes superficially to the under lip aud contiguous parts of the cheeks. This last is called the Inferior Labial. After the artery has passed as high as the teeth iu the lower jaw, it divides into two branches ; which go, one to the under, and the other to the upper lip: that to the upper lip is largest. These branches are called Coronary. The Coronary Artery of the lower lip passes under the muscles called Depressor Anguli Oris, and Or- bicularis Oris, into the subsiance of the lip, and anastomoses with its fellow of the opposite side. The Coronary Artery of the upper lip passes un- der the zygomaticus major aud the orbicularis, and very near the margin of the upper lip internally. It also anastomoses freely with its fellow on the oppo- site side. These anastomoses are frequently so con- siderable that the arteries on one side can be well filled by injecting those of the other. The coronary branches, as well as the main trunk of the facial ar- tery, observe a serpentine or tortuous course; in con- sequence of which they admit of the motions of the cheeks and lips, which they would greatly impede if they were straight. From the upper coronary artery a branch con- tinues in the direction of the main trunk of the fa- cial artery, by the side of the nose, which extends up- wards, sendng off' small branches in its course, and finally terminates about the internal angle of the eye and the forehead. 4. The inferior pharyngeal Is a very small artery; it arises posteriorly from the external carotid, opposite to the origin of the sublin- gual, and passes upwards to the basis of the era- 244 Branches of the External Carotid. nium. In this course it sends several branches to the pharynx, and to the deep seated parts immediately contiguous. It also sends branches to the first ganglion of the intercostal nerve, to the par vagum, and to the lym- phatic glands of the neck ; and finally it enters the cavity of the cranium by the posterior foramen la- cerum. In some cases it also sends a small branch through the anterior foramen lacerum. 5. The occipital artery Arises from the posterior side of the external caro- tid, nearly opposite to the facial, but sometimes higher up; it ascends obliquely, and passes to the back part of the cranium, between the transverse process of the atlas and the mastoid process of the temporal bone. In this course it passes over the internal jugular Vein and the eighth pair of nerves, and under the posterior part of the digastric muscle; it lies very near to the base of the mastoid process, and under the muscles which are inserted into it. After emerg- ing from these muscles, it runs superficially upon the occiput, dividing into branches which extend to those of the temporal artery. The occipital artery sends off branches to the muscles which are contiguons to it, and to the glands of the neck. It also gives off the following branches : One called the Meningeal, which passes through the posterior foramen lacerum to the uuder and back part of the dura mater : one to the exterior parts of the ear: another which passes downwards, and is spent upon the complexus, trachelo mastoideus, and other muscles of the neck: and several smaller ar teries. Branches of the External Carotid. 245 The artery next to be described, is sometimes sent off by the occipital artery. 6. The posterior auricular, or stylo mastoid artery, When it arises from the external carotid, comes off posteriorly from the artery, where it is involved with the parotid gland, and passes backwards between the meatus auditorius externus and the mastoid pro- cess. It then ascends, in a curved direction, and terminates behind the ear. In this course it sends off small branches to the parotid gland, aud to the digastric and sterno mas- toid muscles. Sometimes a distinct branch, which is particularly visible in children, passes through an aperture in the meatus auditorius externus, and is spent on its internal surface. It also sends off a branch which enters into the Stylo Mastoid Foramen, and supplies small vessels to the membrana tympani and the lining membrane of the cavity of the tympanum ; to the mastoid cells; to the muscle of the stapes, and to the external semi- circular canal. One of these vessels anastomoses, in the upper and posterior part of the cavity of the tym- panum, with a small twig derived from the artery of the dura mater. When it has arrived behind the ear, the Posterior Auricular Artery terminates upon the external ear and the parts contiguous to it. 7. The INTERNAL MAXILLARY ARTERY* Arises from the external carotid under the parotid gland, at a little distance below the neck of the con- * The general situation of this artery, and the distribution of se- veral of its most important branches, cannot be understood without a knowledge of the bones through which they pass. The student of surgery will therefore derive benefit from a re-examinatiou of these bones, and of the zygomatic fossa, &c. when he studies this artery. 246 The Internal Maxillary Artery. dyloid process of the lower jaw, and extends to the bottom of the zygomatic fossa ; van ing its direction in its course. It is rather larger than the temporal. a. It first sends off one or two small branches to the ear, and a twig which penetrates into the ca- vity of the tympanum by the glenoid fissure. b. It also sends oft* a small artery called the Less- er Meningeal, which passes upwards, and after giving branches to the external pterygoid and the muscles of the palate, passes through the foramen ovale, and is spent upon the dura mater about the sella turcica. c. It then sends off one of its largest branches, the Great or Middle Artery of the Dura Mater, which passes in a straight direction to the foramen spinalc, by which it enters into the cavity of the cranium. This artery ramifies largely on the dura mater, and makes those aborescent impressions which are so visible in the parietal bone. It generally divides into two great branches: the anterior, which is the largest, passes over the anterior and inferior angle of the parietal bone : the posterior branch soon divides into many ramifications, which are extended lateral- ly and posteriorly. It furnishes the twig which passes to the ear by the hiatus of Fallopius, and anastomoses with the small branches of the stylo mastoid artery. It also supplies some other small vessels which pass to the cavity of the tympanum by small forami- na near the junction of the squamous and petrous portions of the temporal bone. d. The next branch sent off by the internal max- illary leaves it about an inch from its origin, and is (See Vol. I. page 73.)—He ought to be well acquainted with this subject, if he should undertake the management of necrosis of the iv/ bones ; or of those fungous tumours, which sometimes originate i the antrum maxillare ; as well as of several other complaints. The Internal Maxillary Artery. 217 called the Inferior Maxillary. It passes between the internal pterygoid muscle and the bone, and af- ter giving small branches to the contiguous muscles, enters the canal in the lower jaw, in company with the nerve. This caual has a very free communica- tion with the cellular structure of the jaw, and the artery in its progress along it sends branches to the respective teeth and the bone. At the anterior maxil- lary foramen, this artery sends oft' a considerable branch, which passes out and anastomoses with the vessels on the chin, while another branch passes for- ward and supplies the canine and incisor teeth and the bone contiguous to them. Sometimes the inferior maxillary artery divides into two branches before it has arrived at this fora- men. In this case, one of the arteries passes out of the foramen, while the other continues to the sym- phisis. e. Two branches pass off to the temporal muscle, which originate at a small distance from each other: one of them passes upwards on the tendon of the temporal muscle; the other arises near the tuberosi- ty of the upper maxillary bone: tbey are called the exterior deep, and the interior deep temporal artery. They are both spent upon the temporal muscle; but the interior branch sends a small twig into the orbit of the eye. f. There are some small branches which pass to the Pterygoid Muscles and to the Masseter, which arise either from the internal maxillary artery, or from the anterior deep temporal. They are general- ly small, and often irregular. g. An artery, particularly appropriated to the cheek, perforates the buccinator muscle from within outwards, and generally terminates on the buccina- tor, the zygomaticus major and the muscles of the lips. This Artery of the Cheek is very irregular in 248 Tlie Internal Maxillary Artery. its origin, sometimes arising from the internal maxil- lary, sometimes from the deep temporal, and some- times from the suborbitary, or from the alveolar artery, to be immediately described. h. The Alveolar Artery, or the Artery of the Upper Jaw, arises generally from the internal max- illary, but sometimes from one of its branches. It winds round the tuberosity of the upper jaw, and sends branches to the buccinator muscle, to the bone and the gums, to the antrum highmorianum, and some of the molar teeth : and also to the teeth gene- rally, by means of a canal which is analogous to that of the lower jaw. i. The Infra orbitar Artery arises from the inter- nal maxillary in the zygomatic fossa, and soon enters the infra orbitary canal, through which it passes to the face, and emerges below the orbit of the eye, supplying the muscles in the vicinity, and anasto- mosing with the small ramifications of the two last described arteries, and also of the facial artery and the opthalmic. This artery in its course sends off small twigs to the periosteum, the adipose membrane, and the mus- cles in the inferior part of the orbit, and also to the great maxillary sinus or antrum highmorianum, and to the canine and incisor teeth. j. The Palato Maxillary, or Superior Palatine Artery, arises also in the zygomatic fossa, aud, de- scending behind the upper maxillary bone, enters the posterior palatine canal. It generally forms two branches, the largest of which advances forward, supplying the palate and gums, and finally sends a twig through the foramen incisivum to the nose, while the posterior branch, which is much smaller, supplies the velum pendulum palati. k. The Pterygo Palatine, or Superior Pharyngeal, is a small vessel; which sometimes arises from the Temporal Artery. §49 artery next to be mentioned. It is spent upon the upper part of the pharynx, and a branch passes through the pterygo palatine foramen, which is spent upon the arch of the palate and the contiguous parts. l. The internal maxillary at length termi- nates in the Spheno-Palatine, or Large Nasal Arte- ry, which passes through the spheno-palatine fora- men to the back part of the nose. This artery sometimes separates into two branches before it en- ters the foramen ; sometimes it enters singly, and divides into two branches soon after; one of them is spread upon the septum, and the other upon the external side of the nose; each of these branches ramifies very minutely upon the Sehneiderian mem- brane and its process in the different sinuses, and also in the ethmoidal cells. 8. The TEMPORAL ARTERY Is considered as the continuation of the external carotid, because it preserves the direction of the main trunk, although the internal maxillary is larger. After parting with the internal maxillary it pro- jects outwards; and passing between the Meatus Auditorius Externus and the condyle of the lower jaw, continues upwards, behind the root of the zygo- matic process of the temporal bone, to the aponeuro- sis of the temporal muscle: on the outside of which, immediately under the integuments, it divides into two large branches denominated anterior and poste- rior. Before this division the temporal artery sends off several branches of very different sizes. One, which is considerable in size, and called the Transverse Facial Branch, advances forwards across the neck of the condyle of the lower jaw, and giving small branches to the masseter, ruus parallel to the parotid duct, and below it. This branch is spent Vol. II. 32 4 250 Temporal Artery.—Internal Carotid. upon the muscles of the face, and anastomoses with the other vessels of that part. The temporal gives off small branches to the pa- rotid gland and to the articulation of the jaw. From the last mentioned branch small twigs pass to the ear, one of which enters the cavity of the typanum by the glenoid fissure. While this artery is on a line with the zygomia, it sends off a branch called the middle temporal artery, which penetrates the aponeurosis of the temporal muscle, and ramifies under it upon the muscle in an anterior direction. The two great branches of the temporal artery are distributed in the following manner. The Anterior passes up in a serpentine direction on the anterior part of the temple, and supplies the front side of the head, and the upper part of the forehead. The Posterior extends upwards and backwards, and supplies the scalp on the lateral and middle part of the cranium, and also the bone. Ramifications from each of these branches anasto- mose on the upper part of the cranium with those of its fellow of the opposite side. The anterior branch also anastomoses on the forehead with the facial and ophthalmic artery; and the posterior branch with the occipital artery on the back part of the head. THE INTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY Is sometimes called the Artery of the Brain, as it is almost entirely appropriated to that viscus. From its origin to the commencement of its ramifi- cations the course of this blood vessel is peculiarly tortuous. In consequence of which the force of the blood in it is greatly diminished before it arrives at the brain. An instance of this curvature occurs immediately Curvatures of the Internal Carotid. 251 after its separation from the external carotid, when it protrudes outwards so much as to be exterior to that vessel; after this it ascends to the carotid canal, and in its course is in contact, or very near the par vagum and intercostal nerves. The carotid canal in the os petrosum is by no means straight; it forms a semicircular curve, for- wards and inwards ; and its upper portion, which is nearly horizontal, opens obliquely against the body of the sphenoidal bone, at a small distance from it. Therefore, after the artery has passed through the canal, it must turn upwards to get fairly into the ca- vity of the cranium ; and of course, its direction while in the canal, forms almost a right angle with its direction before it enters, and after it emerges from it. In consequence of this curvature, much of the mo- mentum of the blood must be impressed upon the cranium. After the artery has arrived at the end of the ca- / rotid canal, and has turned upwards to get within the cavity of the cranium, it bends forwards, and passes nearly in a horizontal direction, through the cavernous sinus on the side of the sella turcica, to the anterior clinoid process; here it again forms a considerable curve, which is directly upwards, and then it perforates the dura mater. These curvatures must also deprive the blood of the carotid of a portion of the momentum which it has retained after leaving the bone. The object of these various flexures of the internal carotid appears to be analogous to that of the Rete Mirabile in certain quadrupeds, which is formed by the division of this artery into many small branches, that reunite again, without producing any other ef- fect than the diminution of the momentum of the blood. 252 Ophthalmic Artery. During its course from the place of bifurcation to its entrance into the carotid canal, the internal caro- tid artery very rarely sends off any branches. In the canal it gives off a small twig which enters the ca- vity of the tympanum; and sometimes a second which unites with the Pterygoid branch of the inter- nal maxillary. As it goes by the sella turcica, it passes through the cavernous sinuses, and gives off two branches which are called the Posterior and Anterior Arte- ries of the Cavernous Sinus or Receptacle. The posterior branch goes to that part of the dura mater which is connected with the posterior clinoid process, and the cuneiform process of the occipital bone. It likewise gives branches to several of the nerves which are contiguous, and to the pituitary gland. The anterior artery also gives branches to the contiguous nerves, to the dura mater, and the pitui- tary gland. When the internal carotid turns upwards at the anterior clinoid process, it sends off the OPHTHALMIC ARTERY Which passes under the optic nerve through the foramen opticum into the orbit of the eye, and is about a line and a half in diameter. Although this artery enters the orbit under the optic nerve, it soon takes a position on the outside of it; but afterwards gradually proceeds to the inner side of the orbit, crossing over this nerve in an ob- lique direction, and finally passes out of the orbit near the internal angle. In this spiral course it sends off numerous branches, viz. a. To those parts which are auxiliary to the eye. b. To the ball of the eye. Branches of the Ophthalmic Artery. 253 c. To the cavity of the nose, through small fora- mina in the ethmoid bone, and d. To the forehead and external side of the nose. These branches generally go off in the following order. 1. The Lachrymal artery arises soon after the ophthalmic arrives within the orbit, and passes above the abductor muscle to the lachrymal gland, where it terminates, sending off many small branches in its course. 2. The Central artery of the retina also leaves the ophthalmic soon after its arrival in the orbit: it is a small vessel which penetrates into the centre of the optic nerve, and passing with it into the eye is spread upon the internal surface of the retina. Here it appears to terminate in the adult; but in the foetus it is continued through the vitreous humour to the capsule of the crystalline lens. 3. While the ophthalmic is passing over the optic nerve the branches which enter the ball of the eye leave it. Their number varies, but they form three classes, viz. The Long Ciliary, the Short Ciliary, and the Anterior Ciliary arteries. (See description of the eye, vol. i. p. 352) the supra orbitary and muscular branches leave it also near the same places. 4. The Supra Orbitary Branch often gives off several muscular twigs: but it passes out of the orbit through the supra orbitar foramen, and generally divides into two branches, one of which is spent upon the periosteum, and the other upon the skin and muscles of the forehead. 5. There are sometimes two muscular branches, a Superior and an Inferior. The superior branch is often deficient: when it exists it supplies the levator palpebral, the levator oculi, obliquus superior, &c.; but these parts are often supplied by the branches above mentioned. The supra orbitar so frequently 254 Branches of the Ophthalmic Artery. gives off branches to the muscles that it has been called the Superior Muscular Branch. The inferior muscular branch is more constant. It commonly supplies the rectus inferior, the adductor, and the inferior oblique muscles, and also the lachrymal sac, and the lower eyelid, &c. When the artery is ou the inside of the nerve it sends off the two branches to the cavity of the nose, viz. The Ethmoidal Arteries ; and also, branches to the eyelids. 6. The Posterior Ethmoidal branch is first. It passes between the levator and adductor muscles, and above the obliquus superior; and penetrates the cavity of the cranium by the posterior orbitary fora- men : after giving some twigs to the dura mater, it passes to the posterior cells of the ethmoid by the foramina of the cribriform plate of that bone, and sends a small branch to the Sehneiderian membrane on the back part of the septum of the nose. 7. The Anterior Ethmoidal artery arises from the ophthalmic nearly opposite to the anterior orbitary foramen, through which it passes: and after enter- ing the cranium is distributed like the other through some of the foramina of the cribriform plate to the anterior cells of the ethmoid bone, and to the ante- rior part of the Sehneiderian membrane on the sep- tum of the nose, to which it sends a considerable branch. In its course it sends twigs to the frontal sinuses, and to the dura mater and its falciform process. 8. The arteries of the Palpebrx are called Supe- rior and Inferior; they leave the ophthalmic near the loop or pully of the superior oblique muscle. The inferior comes off first; it sends branches to the ligaments of the tarsus, the caruncula lachrymalis, and the parts connected with the cartilage of the un- der eyelid, and unites with the lachrymal artery near Branches of the Ophthalmic Artery.—Carotid. 255 the external canthus, forming an arch called the In- ferior Tarsal Arch. 9. The Superior Artery supplies the superior part of the orbicularis muscles, the ligament and carun- cula also: and it likewise unites with a twig of the lachrymal, and forms the superior tarsal arch. Soon after sending off the palpebral branches, the Ophthalmic Artery arrives at the internal canthus, and then finally divides into two branches, the nasal and the frontal. 10. The Nasal Branch passes above the superior part of the lachrymal sac and the ligament of the eye- lid to the nose ; after sending a twig to the frontal muscle and the lachrymal sac, it passes down the side of the nose and anastomoses with the fascial artery. 11. The Frontal Artery is not so large as the na- sal ; it generally divides into three parts. A super- ciliary branch which is principally spent upon the eyebrows ; a superficial branch which is spent upon the forehead ; and a branch which is distributed to the pericranium. The internal carotid, soon after parting with the ophthalmic, sends off, in a posterior direction, a branch to join one from the vertebral artery. From its destination this vessel is called the arteria com- municans. After this it sends off another branch, which is so large that it may be considered as a continuation of the main trunk: this is called the middle artery of the brain, or the Arteria Sylviana. It runs outwards nearly in the direction of the fossa Sylvii, which se- parates the anterior from the middle lobes of the ce- rebrum. In its course it divides and subdivides iuto numerous branches which are spread upon the Pia Mater, aud finally enter the surface of the brain in a very minute state. 256 Right and Left Subclavian Arteries. The internal carotid then terminates in a branch which is smaller than the last mentioned, and from its situation is called the Anterior Artery of the Brain, or Arteria Callosa. This vessel first inclines towards its fellow on the opposite side, and after ap- proaching within half an inch of it, forms another curve, and runs forward to the anterior part of the brain, dividing itself gradually into branches which pass in several directions. When these anterior arteries are nearest to each other, a small transverse branch, which passes at right angles, connects them together. This branch completes the anterior part of the Circle of Willis. It crosses immediately before the sella turcica and pituitary gland, and sends off branches which pass to the third ventricle, to the fornix and septum lu- cid um, and also to the pia mater. The Anterior Arteries of the brain also send off branches to the optic and olfactory nerves; to the opposite surfaces of the two hemispheres on each side of the falx; to their inferior surfaces, and to the corpus callosum. They have likewise some branches which anas- tomose with those of the middle artery of the brain, and of the vertebral artery. The SUBCLAVIAN Arteries. The right subclavian may be considered as the continuation of the arteria innominata. This last mentioned artery, after leaving the aorta, forms a curve or arch, which extends obliquely backwards and outwards, over the first rib to the axilla, crossing the trachea in its course. At the distance of an inch and a quarter, or an inch and a half from its origin, it sends off* the right carotid, and then, assuming the name of Right Subclavian, continues in the above stated direction. The Left Subclavian Artery. 25^ The cord of the curve of this artery, and the cord of the curve, of the aorta, are not in the same direc- tion, but form an angle with each other. The position of the left subclavian is some- what different from that of the right. Its origin is posterior, and, therefore, the direction of the cord of its curve is more immediately lateral. The curve or arch is also smaller. The situation of the two sub- clavians as relative to the contiguous parts, is, there- fore, somewhat different; but each of them proceeds between the anterior and the middle scaleni muscles, aud when they have arrived at these muscles, their respective positions are very similar. The anterior and middle scaleni muscles arise from the transverse processes of several of the cervi- cal vertebrae, and are inserted into the first rib, one before the other, so as to leave a considerable space between them. The subclavian arteries pass through this space, and before they arrive at it, but when they are very near the above mentioned muscles, they send off several very important branches in va- rious directions, viz. to the cavity of the cranium, to the parietes of the thorax, to the thyroid gland, and to the lower part of the neck. They proceed near to the scaleni muscles before they send off any branches ; and it is to be observed, that the subclavian veins which correspond with these arteries, are anterior to them, for they pass before the scaleni muscles, and not between them. The internal mammary Artery Goes downwards, from the lower and anterior part of the subclavian, along the inner side of the anterior scalenus muscle. It proceeds, exterior to the pleura, across the cartilages of the true ribs, and near their middle; and, continuing between the cartilages and the diaphragm, exterior to the peritoneum, termi- Vol. II. 33 258 Course and Distribution of the Inferior nates on the rectus abdominis muscle, in branches which anastomose with those of the epigastric artery. In this course it gives branches to almost all the parts to which it is contiguous, viz. to the muscles and glands at the lower part of the neck; to the thymus gland; to the parts in the intercostal spaces; to the sternum; to the mediastinum and pericar- dium ; to the diaphragm and to the muscles of the abdomen. From some of its ramifications upon the parts be- tween the ribs, small branches go off to the mamma, and thereby give a name to the artery. There is also a small vessel which is sent off by the mamma- ry artery, or by one of its upper branches, which ac- companies the phrenic nerve to the diaphragm. The inferior thyroid Artery Arises from the upper side of the subclavian nearly opposite to the origin of the internal mammary. It passes upwards and inwards, between the carotid artery and the spine, to the thyroid gland : then it anastomoses with the branches of the superior thy- roid on the same side, aud with those of its fellow on the opposite side. This vessel sometimes sends off large branches to the muscles at the lower part of the neck. The vertebral Artery Arises from the upper and posterior part of the sub- clavian. It goes upwards and backwards between the muscles which lie on the front of the spine, and passing under the transverse process of the sixth or seventh cervical vertebra, enters into the canal form- ed in the transverse processes of the vertebra. In this course, as it proceeds from the third to the se- cond cervical vertebra, it inclines outwards laterally, and, in its passage from the transverse process of Thyroid and the Vertebral Arteries. 256 the second to that of the first vertebra, it forms a considerable curve, the convexity of which has a lateral and external aspect. After passing the trans- verse process of the Atlas, it is turned suddenly backwards, in a groove, and finally passes through the great occipital foramen into the cavity of the cra- nium. It then proceeds upon the cuneiform process, of the occipital bone, under the Medulla Oblongata, and joins its fellow so as to form an acute angle with it near the union of the medulla oblongata with the pons Varolii. From each of the vertebral arteries, before their union, there generally goes off a small branch called the Posterior Meningeal, which is spent upon the posterior part of the dura mater. The trunk formed by the union of the vertebral arteries is called The BASILAR Artery. It extends forward near to the anterior part of the pons Varolii, where it bifurcates; but previously sends off several branches on each side. The first pair go off in a lateral direction, soon after its com- mencement, near the back part of the pons Varolii, and are spent upon the medulla oblongata, the pons Varolii, and the other contiguous parts, and also upon the fourth ventricle and the Plexus Choroides of that cavity, They are called the Posterior or In- ferior Arteries of the Cerebellum. Two other lateral branches, which are called the Superior Arteries of the Cerebellum, go off from the Basilar artery, near its anterior extremity. These are principally spent upon the crura of the cerebel- lum and cerebrum; upon the cerebellum itself, and the contiguous parts. Soon after sending off the last mentioned arteries, the Basilar artery divides into two branches, which also take a lateral direction, and are of considerable 260 Arteries of the lower part of the Neck. size. In their course outward, these branches are curved with their convexity forward. About ten or twelve lines from its commencement, each of them sends off a branch called the Arteria Communicans, which passes directly forward, and communicates with the iuternal carotid, thus forming the arrange- ment which is called the Circle of Willis.* After sending off these arteries, they continue their lateral direction, and are distributed principally to the pos- terior parts of the cerebrum. These terminating branches of the Basilar Artery are called the Poste- rior Arteries of the Cerebrum. The superior intercostal Artery Arises from the upper part of the Subclavian, after the Vertebral and Thyroid arteries, and very near them. It descends by the side of the spine across the first and second ribs, near their heads, and exte- rior to the great intercostal nerve. It generally forms two branches, which are appropriated to the mus- cles, &c, in the first and second intercostal spaces, and sometimes a small branch is continued to the third intercostal space. From each of these branches a small vessel proceeds backwards, and is spent upon the contiguous muscles, &c. on the back of the thorax. The Intercostal Artery also sends a branch upwards to the deep seated parts of the neck. In addition to the arteries above mentioned, there are several others of considerable size which origi- nate either directly or indirectly from the subcla- * The arteria communicans is also considered as a branch of the Internal Carotid. The arrangement here alluded to is very remark- able. As the branches which pass off laterally from the single trunk of the Basilar rfrtery unite to the Internal Carotids, and the Inter- nal Carotids are united to each other, there is an uninterrupted continuation of artery, which incloses a portion of space of a deter- mined form ; but this form resembles an oblong square more than a circle. By this connexion blood will pass from any one of the four arteries of the brain to all the others. Branches that go off in the Axilla. 261 vian, and are spent upon the lower portion of the neck, and the contiguous parts. These arteries are very different in different subjects, especially as to their origin. Two of them, which have been called the Anterior and Posterior Cervicals, are generally distributed to the muscles and other parts which lie on the lower portion of the neck anteriorly and pos- teriorly. A third, which passes transversely on the lower part of the neck, is called the Superior Scapular. In some cases the two Cervical Arteries arise from the subclavian, after the mammary and the thyroid, in a common trunk, which soon divides. Very fre- quently they go off from the Inferior Thyroid. Sometimes one of them goes off from the Inferior Thyroid, and the other from one of the branches of the Subclavian.* The Superior Scapular most commonly arises with some other artery, and very often from the Inferior Thyroid. It runs transversely outwards, within and above the clavicle, and passing through the notch in the upper costa of the scapula, divides into branches which are distributed to the parts on the dorsum of that bone. The subclavian artery, in its progress from the aorta to the axilla, forms an arch or curve, over the first rib, as lias been already observed. The ante- rior scalenus muscle is before it, and the great nerves of the upper extremity are above it. After passing * Haller paid great attention to the arterial system, and made many dissections, with a view to engravings of it, which he pub- lished with descriptions, in folio fasciculi. These fasciculi have been collected, and, with some other en- gravings, form a large volume, entitled icones anatomic^, which is truly valuable. There are some very interesting observations on this work of Haller s, and also on these arteries, in a description of thf arteries, by Dr. Barclay of Edinburgh, which I have read with advantage, as well as a work on the muscles bv the same author. 262 Branches that go off into the Axilla. between the scaleni it descends upon the first anc second rib into the axilla. The nerves which were above, descend with it: at first they are necessarily exterior to it, but they form a plexus which the artery enters into, so as to be partly surrounded by them. This course of the artery is obliquely under the clavicle, and behind the pectoral muscle. In the axilla, the vessel and nerves which surround it are placed between the tendons of the pectoralis and the latissimus dorsi muscles. Here the artery takes the name of axillary, and sends off several impor- tant branches. The principal branches that go off from the axil- lary artery are distributed. 1st. Anteriorly, to the pectoral muscle, and the parts on the anterior surface of the thorax. 2d. Posteriorly, to the muscles which are on the scapula and contiguous to it; and 3d. To the parts which are near the upper extre- mity of the os humeri. Anterior Branches. The arteries which go to the pectoral muscle, &c. are very various in different subjects, both as to their number, origin, and size. They have also been called by different names, as Tfioraeicx, Mammariae Externx, tyc. There are almost always three of them, and very often more; one of them, which is called by several authors the Acromialis, proceeds towards the end of the clavicle, and generally passes out at the interval between the deltoid and the pectoral muscle, send- ing various branches to the contiguous parts; the largest of its branches often passing in the direction of the interstice between those muscles. Another of these arteries, which is called Superior Branches that go off in the Axilla. 263 Thoracic, is generally very small: it often is a branch of the above mentioned Acromialis. There is very often to be found here an artery called the Inferior Thoracic, or the External Mam- mary, which is of considerable length, although its diameter is not very great. This artery originates near the two last mentioned, and sometimes from the Acromialis. It often extends downwards as low as the sixth rib, and send branches to the anterior part of the thorax, to the mamma, and the other contigu- ous parts. Many of the small branches of this ar tery anastomose very freely with those of the internal mammary. There are always small arterial branches in the axilla, which ramify upon the glands and adipose matter always existing there. They often arise by one common trunk, which is called the Axillary Thoracic. Posterior Branch. One large artery is commonly sent to the muscles on the scapula, which is called the Scapular, the Common Scapular, or the Internal Scapular. It commonly passes off from the axillary after the tho- racic arteries, and supplies the muscles on both sur- faces of the scapula. This large vessel passes down- wards a short distance in the direction of the inferior posta of the scapula, and soon sends off a branch that winds round to the dorsum of the bone, to be distributed to the infra spinatus and the contiguous muscles, which is called the Dorsalis Scapulx^ The main trunk then inclines to the subscapularis muscle. and generally divides into two branches, which are distributed to the subscapularis, teres major, latissi- mus dorsi, &c. Sometimes the Scapular artery divides into two branches before it sends off the dorsal. In this case 264 Humeral Artery. the last mentioned artery goes off from one of those branches. Branches near the Os Humeri. The arteries which are near the body of the os humeri at its upper end, are generally two in number, and denominated the Anterior and Posterior Circum- flexx. Sometimes they arise separately, and some- times in a common trunk from the axillary artery. Frequently one of them arises from the scapular. The Anterior Circumflex passes between the united heads of the biceps and coraco brachialis muscles and the body of the os humeri, at a small distance below its head. It sends branches to the capsular ligament, the periosteum of the os humeri, the membranes of the groove for the long head of the biceps, the upper portions of the biceps and coraco brachialis, and some contiguous muscles. The Posterior Circumflex proceeds between the subscapularis and teres major muscles, and contin- ues between the os humeri and the head of the triceps and the deltoides. It is distributed to the muscles and parts about the joint, especially the deltoides. These arteries surround the os humeri, and the small branches anastomose with each other. The Posterior Circumflex is much larger than the An- terior. The great artery of the arm proceeds from the axilla to the elbow; and, during this course, is gene- rally denominated The HUMERAL Artery.* Its direction is influenced by the position of the os humeri. When the arm hangs down, with the palm of the hand presenting forward, this direction is * It is also called Brachial Artery by several writers. Branches of the Humeral Artery. 265 somewhat spiral. The situation of the artery is on the inside of the biceps muscle, and between that muscle and the triceps extensor. It also continues very near and on the inside of the tendon of the bi- ceps, and under the Aponeurosis which proceeds from that tendon. In consequence of the spiral or oblique course of the artery, its direction would be from the inside of the tendon of the biceps to the ra- dial side of the fore arm, but soon after it passes across the joint of the elbow, it divides into two branches: one which preserves, for some distance, the direction of the Main Trunk, is called the Ra- dial artery: the other, which inclines obliquely downwards and towards the ulna, is the Common Trunk of the Ulnar and Interosseal arteries. During this course, the humeral artery sends off several branches to the muscles and other parts on the os humeri. The largest of them is denominated the Profunda Humeri, or Spiralis. This artery very often arises as high as the insertion of the latissimus dorsi, and passing between the heads of the triceps extensor muscle, proceeds downwards under that muscle, in a spiral direction, towards the external or radial condyle. It sends several branches to the triceps and the contiguous muscles, and one con- siderable branch, which is generally called the Pro- funda Minor, to the parts contiguous to the internal condyle. The ramifications of these branches near the condyle frequently anastomose with small branch- es of the radial and ulnar arteries.* A small branch frequently arises from the Hume- ral artery, at a short distance from the Profunda Humeri, which sends a ramification to the medullary * The Profunda sometimes originates from the scapular, or one of the circumflex. The profunda minor sometimes has a distino* and separate origin, lower down than the other Vol. 11. 34< 266 Radial Artery. foramen of the os humeri. This vessel is, therefore, denominated Arteria Nutritia. There are very often several anastomoses between the branches of the humeral artery, which originate above the elbow, and certain branches of the Radial and Ulnar arteries, which are called from their di- rection recurrents. Among these arteries there is generally one of considerable size, which proceeds across the elbow joint near the internal condyle, Sometimes this is the ulnar recurrent, which goes up to anastomose with the branches of the profunda; but more frequently it is a separate branch of the Humeral artery, which goes off a little above the elbow, and passes across the articulation, near the internal condyle, to anastomose with the branches of the ulnar artery. This artery is denominated the iflnastomotica. There are often other branches sent off by the humeral artery; but they are commonly small, and very irregular. The two great ramifications of the humeral arte- ry on the fore arm have very different directions. The Radial artery preserving the course of the main trunk, while the Common Trunk of the Ulnar and Interosseal projects from it in a direction downwards and towards the ulna, passing under the pronator teres, &c. The radial Artery, Passing over the pronator teres muscle, proceeds between the supinator radii longus and the flexor carpi radialis, very near to the lower end of the ra- dius, without changing its direction materially, being deep seated above and superficial below; it then alters its course, and, passing under the tendons of the extensors of the thumb, to the back part of the Course and Ramifications of the Radial Artery. 267 radius, it continues between the metacarpal bones of the thumb and of the index finger, when it divides into three branches. In this course it gives off but few branches. The first is the Radial Recurrent, which passes upwards and towards the external condyle, and frequently anastomoses with the ramifications of the profunda humeri. The branches which it sends off between the origin of the recurrent and the lower end of the radius are generally very small, and distributed to the parts immediately contiguous to the artery.— Before it turus under the tendons of the extensors of the thumb, it sends a branch over the wrist towards the root of the thumb, from which proceeds a branch to anastomose with the volar branch of the ulnar; and another, not so large, which is frequently con- tinued on the radial or external side of the thumb, very near to its extremity. While the radial artery is under the aforesaid tendons, it sends off small branches to the back of the wrist and back of the hand, and often to the back of the thumb. Those which are distributed to the wrist and back of the hand, generally auastoraose with the small branches of the ulnar and interosseal arteries. The three branches into which the radial artery divides between the metacarpal bones of the thumb and index are, 1st. a branch to the external side of the index ; 2dly, a branch to the thumb, that some- times divides into two which pass up on the anterior or volar surface, and sometimes continues, without much diminution, on the internal side of the thumb, near to the end of the last phalanx; and, 3dly, a branch, called Palmaris Profunda, which dips down into the palm of the hand, aud, proceeding in con- tact with the metacarpal bones, under the flexor tendons, &c. forms an arch which extends across the 268 Origin of the Ulnar and Interosseal Arteries. hand, and often terminates by anastomoses with another arch, soon to be described, which is formed by the ulnar artery. This flexure, which is denominated Arcus Pro- fundus, sends off branches of a very small size, which are distributed to the bones, ligaments, muscles, &c. contiguous to it. The COMMON trunk of the ulnar and INTEROSSEAL Arteries Passes under several of the muscles which originate from the internal condyle, and between the flexor sublimis and the flexor profundus. Before the Ulnar Recurrent goes off from this vessel, the inte- rosseal artery often leaves it. This recurrent artery passes upwards between the muscles of the internal condyle, and distributes branches among them. It then passes up in the groove behind the internal con- dyle, and anastomoses with the branches of the "Anastomotica or Profunda Humeri. The ulnar and interosseal arteries separate from each other at the distance of fifteen or twenty lines from the origin of the radial artery, very near the commencement of the interosseal ligament. The interosseal Artery, In a majority of cases arises in a single branch from the common trunk of the ulnar and interosseal. When it does so, the single branch soon sends off the Pos- terior Interosseal artery, which perforates the inte- rosseous ligament, and passes down on its posterior surface, while the main branch continues on the an- terior surface of the ligament, aud is denominated the Anterior Interosseal Artery. In some cases the main branch proceeds on the anterior surface as low as the upper edge of the pronator quadratus muscle, before it sends off the posterior branch. Sometimes Course of the Ulnar Artery. 269 the anterior and posterior interosseals arise sepa- rately. In this case the posterior soon perforates the ligament. The Anterior Interosseal passes down almost in contact with the ligament, and gives branches to the contiguous parts in its course. It generally perforates the interosseous ligament near the wrist, and sends off many small branches to the back of the wrist and hand, which anastomose with the small branches of the radial and the posterior interosseal arteries. The Posterior Interosseal soon gives off a recur- rent or anastomosing branch, and then proceeds downwards towards the wrist, sending branches in its course to the extensor muscles and tendons. This vessel sometimes divides into two branches. The ulnar Artery. The Ulnar artery proceeds among the muscles obliquely downwards, and is not superficial until it has arrived within three or four inches of the carpus : it then continues towards the hand, sending off' very small branches in its progress. It passes over the annular ligament at the wrist, and winds round the pisiform bone: here it is supported by a delicate ligament, which seems to lie upon it: from this it passes upon the palm of the hand, under the aponeu- rosis palmaris, and. over the tendons of the flexors of the fingers. When thus situated, it forms, in perhaps a majority of subjects, an arch or bow, called Arcus Sublimis, which extends across the palm of the hand, from the ulnar towards the radial edge, and, after sending branches to the fingers, &c. from its convex side, terminates near the root of the thumb, by anastomosis with that important branch of the radial artery, which passes up on the inside 270 Digital Arteries. of the thumb. The Arcus Sublimis almost always sends off small branches to the integuments. &c. on the palm of the hand. It often sends off, near the root of the metacarpal bone of the little finger, a branch which passes between the flexor tendons and the metacarpal bones, and anastomoses with the Ar- cus Profundus. It then generally sends off a branch to the inner or ulnar side of the little finger ; and af- terwards three branches in succession, which pass from its convex side towards the angles formed by the fingers. These are called The Digital Arteries. When they have arrived near to the heads of the first phalanges of the fingers, each of these arteries divides into two branches, one of which passes along the side of one of the fingers to its extremity, and the other on the opposite side of the next finger: and in this way they pass on the sides of all the fingers, except the inside of the little finger and the outside of the index. These branches of the digital arteries are called Digito Radial aud Digito Ulnar arteries, according to the sides of the fingers on which they are placed. They are situated on the angle, if it may be so term- ed, which is formed by the anterior and lateral sur- faces of each finger. In their course from the basis to the extremity of the finger, they send off very small transverse branches, which anastomose with each other, especially near the other. Some trans- verse branches are observable on the posterior as well as the anterior surfaces. Near the extremity of each finger, beyond the insertion of the flexor tendon, the extremities of these arteries ramify mi- nutely. Some of these small branches go to the skin, and others anastomose with their fellows of Bronchial Artery. 271 the opposite side. Some also go to the back of the fingers.* section in. Of the Branches which go off between the arch and the great bifurcation of the AORTA. PART I. In the Cavity of the Thorax. THE aorta sends branches to the Lungs, to the oesophagus, and to the parietes of the thorax. The bronchial Arteries Are the vessels which go from the aorta to the rami- fications of the trachea, and the substance of the lungs. They are not large, aud are very irregular as to number and origin. In a majority of cases the right lung is supplied, in part, by a branch from the first aortic iutercostal of that side; while the left lung receives two or three branches from the aorta directly. In some cases a large vessel arises from the aorta, which divides into two branches, one of which goes to each lung. • The distribution of the radial and ulnar arteries in the hand, is very different in different subjects. Upon examining a large number of injected preparations in Phi- ladelphia, it was found that, in a very small majority of them, the ulnar artery formed an arcus sublimis, whose branches extended as far as the ulnar side of the index, and sometimes beyond it. That, in near a third of the preparations, the ulnar artery rami- fied without forming an arcus, and supplied only two of the digital branches, viz. the first two on the ulnar side. In such cases the radial artery generally made up the deficiency of the ulnar, but in a few instances the interosseal was extended on the palm of the hand, and supplied the radial side of the middle finger and the cor- responding side of the index. In a few instances also the ulnar artery was still more deficient. and the radial was proportionally extended. 272 Oesophageal and Intercostal Arteries. The Bronchial arteries frequently send small branches to the posterior mediastinum, the pericar- dium, &c. Injections have shown, that there is a direct com- munication between these vessels and the branches of the pulmonary artery. The Oesophageal Arteries Are very small vessels, which generally arise from the aorta, but sometimes are branches of the bron- chials or intercostals that are spent upon the oeso- phagus. They occur in succession, and sometimes are five or six in number. They also send twigs to the contiguous parts, and the lowermost often de- scend to the stomach. TJie Inferior Intercostals Are the arteries which proceed directly from the aorta to the parietes of the thorax. Their name is derived from their position between the ribs. 'They are ra- mified on the intercostal muscles and ribs, and on the pleura and some of the contiguous parts. They are called Inferior or Aorta Intercostals, to distin- guish them from the superior intercostals, which are derived from the subclavian artery. Their number varies from ten to eight, according as the superior intercostals are more or less numerous. They originate in pairs on the posterior surface of the aorta. The uppermost of them pass obliquely upwards, and the lowermost nearly in a horizontal direction, to the lower edges of those ribs to which they are appropriated. They meet the rib near its tubercle, or place of junction with the transverse process of the vertebra, aud then proceed forward, between the internal and external intercostal mus- cles, in a superficial but large groove, which is ge- nerally to be found on the interior margin of the Intercostal Arteries. 273 lower surface of the rib.* There is necessarily a difference in the length of the right and left intercos- tals, owing to the position of the aorta, which is rather on the left of the spine. In consequence of this circumstance, the oesophagus is anterior to, and also in contact with those of the right side. They generally send off an important branch, call- ed the Dorsal, which arises near their origin, and, passing backwards, sends ramifications to the mus- cles of the back. From this dorsal branch also proceeds a ramification, which enters the spinal cavity, and is spent upon its membrane and upon the medulla spinalis. After the Intercostals, in their progress forward, have passed beyond the middle of the ribs, they send off a branch, which generally proceeds very near to the upper side of the lower rib. The main trunk generally leaves the lower edge of the rib when it has arrived within one third of the length of the bone from its anterior extremity. It then generally di- vides into several branches, some of which are spent upon the pleura, and others on the intercostal and the contiguous muscles. According to the situation of the different inter- costals, some of their ramifications communicate \\ ith those of the internal and external mamillaries, of the phrenic, the lumbar, or the epigastric arteries. See Vol. I. page 95. Vol. II. 35 274 Cavity of the Abdomen. PART II. In the Cavity of ike Abdomen. The aorta passes into the cavity of the abdomen between the crura of the diaphragm, as has been al- ready mentioned. In its course from the crura to its great bifurcation, it sends off* one pair of small arte- ries, called Phrenic, to the diaphragm. Three sin- gle arteries, the cceliac, the superior, and the in- ferior mesenteric, to the viscera of the abdomen. A pair of large arteries, the emulgents, to the kid- neys, with several that are very small to their appendages; as the Spermatices, Capsular, the Ure- teric, and the Adipose. In addition to these, there is one pair of small arteries that go to the testicles, or to the ovaria and the uterus, and four or five pair, called Lumbar Arteries, that go off laterally, like the intercostals, to the parietes of the abdomen, and to the muscles, &c. on the back, which are contigu ous to them. The phrenic Arteries Are ramified on the concave surface of the dia- phragm, and are almost always two in number ; they are denominated right and left from their position. They commonly originate separately from the aorta, but sometimes they arise in a comraon trunk which soon divides. In some instances they are derived from the cceliac. In a few cases, the aorta furnishes one, and the cceliac the other. Each of the phrenic arteries commonly crosses the crus of the diaphragm on its respective side, and proceeding laterally, in a circular direction, often ramifies so as to form an in- Distribution of the Cceliac Artery. 215 ternal and external branch. Each of them Gene- rally sends branches to the cardia or oesophagus, to the glandulse renales, and other contiguous parts. The CCELIAC Artery Is the first great branch given off by the aorta in the abdomen, and is distributed almost entirely to the stomach, the liver, and the spleen. It projects from the anterior part of the aorta so as to form a right angle with it, and is of course nearly horizon- tal, when the body is erect. The main trunk of this great artery is so remark- ably short, that it has been compared to the stump of a tree : for at the distance of half an inch from its origin, it generally divides into three branches, which pass to the stomach, the liver, and the spleen, and are, therefore, denominated the Gastric or Co- ronary, the hepatic and the splenic arteries. The first mentioned branch may be called the superior coronary or gastric artery, To distinguish it from other branches, soon to be de- scribed. It is commonly in the centre of the three great ramifications of the cceliac, and is also the smallest of them. It proceeds from its origin to the upper orifice of the stomach or cardia, and continues thence along the lesser curvature of that viscus, un- til it approaches near to the pylorus. In this course it sends branches to the oesophagus, which frequently inosculate with the oesophageal arteries. It also fur- nishes branches to the cardia, which partially sur- round it; and on this account, the artery has been called Coronary. Some of these last mentioned branches are often continued on the great extremity of the stomach, and anastomose with those ramifica- tions of the splenic artery, called Vasa Brevia. It continues on the lesser curvature between the 276 Distribution of laminae of the small omentum, and sends off succes- sively branches which pass between the peritoneal and muscular coats, and are distributed to the ante- rior and posterior surfaces of the stomach, communi- cating with the branches of the inferior gastric arte- ries, soon to be described.* the hepatic artery Proceeds from the great ramification of the cceliac to the transverse fissure of the liver called the Portm, in which it generally divides into two branches. In this course it very frequently sends oft* an artery to the pylorus, which ramifies about the small extre- mity of the stomach, and often inosculates with some of the branches of the superior coronary. This branch is called the Pylorica, and sometimes it arises from the artery next to be mentioned. The GASTRICA INFERIOR DEXTRA, Which also generally originates from the main trunk of the hepatic, but sometimes from one of its branches. It is an artery of considerable size, which proceeds along the great curvature of the sto- mach, from the pylorus towards the great extremity, between the laminae of the anterior portion of the omentum, and distributes its ramifications to both sides of the stomach, and also to the Omentum. In its progress from the hepatic artery to the stomach, it sends off branches to the Duodenum, and to the right end of the Pancreas. The two great branches into which the hepatic artery divides, are denominated right and left, from the lobes of the viscus, to which they are respective- ly appropriated. The right branch is the largest.— » This artery sometimes sends a branch to the liver. When this is the case, it is always very large. the Splenic Artery. 277 Before it penetrates the substance of the liver, it sends off a branch to the gall bladder, called the Cystic Artery. The branches of the hepatic artery ramify very minutely in the liver, as has been stated in the ac- count of that organ. The last great branch of the cceliac is Tlie SPLENIC Artery, Which is generally supposed to be larger than the hepatic in adults, although it is less in children. It proceeds in a transverse direction from its origin to the spleen : its course is not straight, but meandering or serpentine. It is situated behind and above the pancreas, and passes along the groove in the upper edge of that viscus. In its progress, it sends off many small branches, and one that is of considera- ble size, to the Pancreas. It also sends one branch to the left extremity of the stomach, which arises commonly from the main trunk, but sometimes from the ramifications, which are soon to be mentioned. This branch, which is called The GASTR1CA inferior sinistra, Is sometimes, but not often, very large : Its course is from left to right. It is situated between the laminae of the anterior portion of the omentum. It sends some small branches to the omentum, and others which are larger and more numerous, to both sides of the stomach. Some of these last mention- ed anastomose with the ramifications of the gastrica dextra, which come from the hepatic. When the splenic artery approaches near to the spleen, it divides into four, five, or six branches, each of which penetrates into that viscus by a dis- 278 Distribution of the Superior Mesenteric tinct foramen, and then ramifies in the manner de- scribed in the account of the structure of the spleen.* Either from the splenic artery, or from these ra- mifications, four or five branches pass to the large extremity of the stomach, and ramify there, commu- nicating with the vessels already described. These arteries have received great attention from physiolo- gists, and are denominated Vasa Brevia. The SUPERIOR MESENTERIC, Which is the second great branch given off in the abdomen by the aorta, is not very different in size from the cceliac, and originates about half an inch below it. It is distributed to the small intestines ; to that portion of the great intestine, which is situated on the right side of the abdomen ; and to the arch of the colon. From its origin it proceeds downwards, under the pancreas, and over the lower portion of the duodenum, to the commencement of the mesentery. When it has arrived between the laminae of that mem- brane, it descends in a direction which corresponds with that of the root of the mesentery,* and forms a gentle curve, with its convexity directed towards the intestines. It necessarily diminishes as it descends, and generally terminates by anastomosing with one of its own branches.—This great artery sends off some very small ramifications to the pancreas and the duodenum, while it is in their vicinity. It also sends two or three branches to the transverse part of the colon, to the right portion of the colon, to the be- ginning of the great intestine, and the contiguous portion of the ileon. These branches are commonly termed the Colica Media, Colica Dextra, and Ileo * It frequently happens that the splenic artery divides only into two or three branches, and they subdivide so as to form five or six, which penetrate the spleen. j See Vol. II. page 115. and the Inferior Mesenteric Arteries. 279 Colica. From the convex side of the curve, the superior mesenteric seuds off the important branches which pass between the laminae of the me- sentery, and supply the Small Intestines. These branches are numerous, and many of their ramifica- tions anastomose with each other so as to form arches. From these arches go oft* other branches, which anastomose again with some of similar origin ; and this process is repeated successively several times, so that a net-work of blood vessels seems to be formed on the mesentery. From the mesentery the small ramifications are continued in great num- bers to the intestines. Some of them anastomose with each other on the coats of the iutestine; but an immense number of minute arteries are continued to the villous coat, so that, when they are successfully- injected, the surface of that coat appears uniformly coloured by the injected.* The INFERIOR MESENTERIC Artery Does not go off from the aorta next in order after the superior mesenteric, but succeeds it immediately on the intestines, and continues the arterial ramifications to the left portion of the colon, to which the branches of the superior mesenteric do not extend. This artery arises between the origin of the einul- gents, and the great bifurcation of the aorta, and pro- ceeds downwards, inclining to the left, but keeping near to the aorta. There are generally three branches distributed to the left portion of the colon, which arise from this artery, either separately, or by a common trunk which soon divides. It frequently happens, that one of these arteries arises separately, and two by a common trunk. These are called the Left * See the account of the termination of these arteries, at page lie of this volume. 280 Emulgent and Capsular Arteries. Colic arteries; and are also sometimes denominated, from their position, Superior, Middle, and Inferior. The Superior generally anastomoses with that branch of the superior mesenteric, which is called Colica Media, and forms a remarkable arch, called the Great Mesocolic Arch. The ramifications of the other branches frequently anastomose with each other, and are finally spent upon the left portion of the colon. The main trunk, diminished by sending off these branches, but still of considerable size, runs down- wards on the posterior part of the intestine rectum, between that intestine and the sacrum, where it often divides into two-branches, which continue near to the termination of the rectum. From them proceed many ramifications that are spent upon the rectum. Some of these ramifications anastomose with each other, and others with the ramifications of the hae- morrhoidal artery, soon to be mentioned. The EMULGENT or RENAL Arteries Are the large vessels which pass from the aorta to the kidneys. They arise between the superior and inferior mesenteries, one on each side; and proceed in a direction which is nearly rectangular to the aorta. The right emulgent artery is necessarily longer than the left, and it generally passes behind the vena cava. When they approach near the con- cave edges of the kidneys, each emulgent commonly divides into three or four branches, which pass into the fissure of that organ, and ramify in the manner described in the account of it. Sometimes two arte- ries proceed from the aorta to the kidney: but this is not a frequent occurrence. The Capsular Arteries Are the small vessels which pass to the glandulx Adipose and Spermatic Arteries. 281 renales. There are almost always several of them appropriated to each gland. They often arise on each side from the cceliac artery, the aorta, and the emulgent. The Adipose Arteries Supply the adipose substance surrounding the kid- neys.—There are several of them on each side, and, like the last mentioned arteries, they are very small, and arise from several sources as well as the aorta. The testicles and ovaria are supplied by the Spermatic Arteries, Which are very remarkable for their great length and small diameter. In a majority of cases these vessels arise from the anterior surface of the aorta, a little below the emulgents : but it often happens that the left spermatic arises from the emulgent on that side. They also sometimes arise from other neighbouring arteries. It has been observed when they arise from the aorta, that the origin of one of them is generally higher than that of the other. They pass downwards, so as to form an acute angle with the aorta, and proceed behind the perito- neum, and before the psoas muscle and ureter. While "this artery is in contact with the psoas muscle, it meets with the ramifications of the spermatic vein, and, in its progress to the abdominal ring, also joins the spermatic cord. In this course it sends off some very small twigs to the contiguous parts, and others that anastomose with similar ramifications from the mesenteric, epigastric, &c. Before it arrives at the testicle, it divides into several branches, two of which generally go to the epididymis, and the others penetrate the upper and back part of the tunica albuginea. Vol. II. 36 £82 Spermatic Arteries. The Spermatic Arteries in the Female, Instead of passing to the abdominal ring, proceed between the laminae of the broad ligaments, and send branches to the ovaria, which, in some cases, may be traced to the vesicles. They also send branches to the fallopian tubes and uterus, and to the round ligaments. Those which are on the op- posite sides of the uterus, anastomose with each other and with the branches of the hypogastric ar- teries. The lumbar regions are supplied with arteries, which originate, like the intercostals, from the pos- terior part of the aorta between the thorax and pel- vis. There are four or five of these vessels on each side, and they are denominated The Lumbar Arteries. They pass between the spine and the psoas muscles, and send branches to the spinal cavity, to the mus- cles of the lumbar regions, and the abdominal mus-* cles. They anastomose with the internal mammary, the epigastric, the circumflex of the ilium, &c. A small artery passes off singly from the posterior part of the aorta at its bifurcation, which is called , The Middle Sacral Artery. It proceeds down the middle of the sacrum to the os coccygis, and sends off lateral branches, which arc" spent upon the contiguous parts, and inosculate with the arteriae sacrae laterales. General Account of the Internal Iliac. 283 SECTION IV. Of the Arteries which originate at and below the Great Bifurcation of the Aorta. The PRIMITIVE ILIACS Form an acute angle with each other. They proceed downwards behind the peritoneum, very near the margin of the pelvis, without sending oft* any branch of importance. At the junction of the sacrum with the ossa ilea, they divide into two great branches : the internal iliac, or hypogastric, which des- cends into the pelvis; and the external iliac, which passes under the crural arch to the lower ex- tremity. The INTERNAL ILIAC, or HYPOGASTRIC, Is distributed, in part, to the viscera of the pelvis .and the organs of generation, and also to the large muscles exterior to the pelvis : it is, therefore, very large, although not quite equal to the external iliac. It has already been mentioned, that in the foetal state, this vessel appeared to continue in a curved direction from its origin to the lower part of the side of the bladder, and from thence to the umbilicus, under the denomination of the Umbilical Artery. From the convex side of this curve the different branches of the internal iliac go off. In the foetal state they are very small in proportion to the umbi- lical artery; but as the artery becomes ligamentous, these branches increase in size. In the adult, the arrangement of these vessel is very different. The internal iliac generally divides into two great branches: theGluteal, which passes through 284 Smaller Branches of the Internal Iliac. the sacro sciatic notch, and ramifies on the exterior and upper part of the os ilium: and the Ischiatic, which passes downwards on the outside of the tu- berosity of the ischium. The first of these large ramifications passes out of the pelvis above the pyriform muscle, and the last of them below it. Several smaller arteries arise from these branches uear their origin, or from the main trunk of the internal iliac, which are distributed to the different parts of the pelvis; and one important branch of the ischiatic, called the Pudic, proceeds downward on the inside of the tuberosity of the is- chium. The first of the smaller branches which the inter- nal iliac commonly sends off, is called the lleo Lumbalis: It sometimes arises from the gluteal artery, and sometimes from the main trunk of the internal iliac. It passes outwards under the psoas muscle, and sud- denly divides into two branches. One of them pro- ceeds upwards, and is distributed in the lumbar re- gion, while the other ramifies on the iliacus interuus muscle, and is spent on the contiguous parts. There are also two or three small arteries called Arteria Sacrm Laterales, Which sometimes arise singly, and sometimes in common, from the great trunk. They also occa- sionally originate from the gluteal artery. These vessels enter the anterior foramina of the os sacrum, to be distributed on the cauda equina and the mem- branes which invest it. Some of their ramifications anastomose with branches of the sacra media and other contiguous arteries. On the anterior side of the internal iliac, near the origin of the above mentioned vessels, a ligament which was originally the umbilical artery, goes off' Smaller Branches of the Internal Iliac. 283 to the side of the bladder, and continues from thence to the umbilicus. Sometimes it continues pervious for a short distance, and then small branches pass from it to the bladder. In the female it also sends small branches to the uterus and vagina. In addition to these Vesical Arteries derived from the umbilicals, there are other branches distributed to the bladder, which arise very differently, in dif- ferent subjects, from branches which are soon to be described, as the hemorrhoidal, pudic, &c. From the anterior side of the internal iliac, or from one of its great branches, an artery often arises which passes out of the pelvis through the aperture in the margin of the ligamentous membrane which closes the foramen thyroideum of the os innominatum; this is called the Obturator Artery. This vessel, while it is in the pelvis, often sends small branches to the bladder and its appendages, and to the obturator interims muscle. After it passes out of the pelvis, it frequently divides into branches; some of which are spent on the obturator externus, and the contiguous muscles, and others go to the hip joint. The origin of this artery is variable. Most commonly it arises from the internal iliac, but often from the ischiatic, and sometimes from the gluteal. In some instances it originates in a way that is par- ticularly interesting when the operation for crural hernia is to be performed, viz. from the epigastric artery, soon to be described : for in this case the ob- turator artery sometimes nearly surrounds the neck of the hernial sac* • See Astley Cooper's great work on Hernia, Vol. I. There is reason to believe that this position of the artery occurs more frequently than has been supposed. '286 Larger Branches of the Internal Iliac. A small artery passes from the internal iliac or one of its branches, to the rectum, which is called the ' Middle Hemorrhoidal, From its situation between the branches which are sent to that intestine from the inferior mesenteric, and those which go to it from the pudic. This artery is spent upon that part of the rectum, which is above and in contact with the sphincter. It sends branches to the prostate and vesiculae seminales in males, and the vagina and bladder in females. In females there is a peculiar artery, The Uterine, Which originates either from the internal iliac, near the origin of the ischiatic, or from one of its branches. It passes between the laminae of the broad ligaments to the cervix uteri, and penetrates the texture of that organ. The size of this vessel varies with the va- rying size of the uterus. The gluteal or posterior iliac Artery, One of the two great branches of the internal iliac, proceeds exteriorly through the sciatic notch above the pyriform muscle, very near the edge of the bone. On the outside of the ilium it generally divides into two branches, one of which ramifies between the gluteus medius and minimus, and the other between the medius and maxiraus. It is principally spent upon these muscles, and sends branches to the con- tiguous parts. The ischiatic Artery, The other great branch of the internal iliac, passes through the sciatic notch below the pyriform muscle, and proceeds* downwards, between the great tro- chanter of the os femoris and the tuberosity of the ischium, under the gluteus maximus muscle. Soon Pudic Artery. 287 after its origin, it commonly sends off a considerable branch, the Arteria Pudica, which also passes downwards: it then continues its course as above mentioned, and its principal branches are distributed to the gluteus maximus and the muscles of the upper and back part of the thigh, while its smaller branches go to the os sacrum and coccyx, and the contiguous small muscles. The pudica interna, As has been just mentioned, is often a branch of the ischiatic artery, but sometimes originates immediate- ly from the internal iliac. It proceeds downwards and inwards, diverging from the ischiatic, and pass- ing between the two sacro sciatic ligaments to the interior side of the tuberosity of the ischium, whence it continues on the inside of the crus of the os ischi- um and pubis until it approaches the symphisis, when it generally divides into three branches, which arc spent upon the organs of generation, from which circumstance the name of this artery is derived. One or more branches from it also pass to the lower part of the rectum and sphincter ani, and arc called the Lower Hemorrhoidal Arteries. In its course it sends off many small branches to the contiguous parts; one of which, called the Peri- neal, leaves it near the transversus perinei, and passes between that muscle and the skin, and be- tween the bulb of the urethra and the crus of the penis, to the scrotum. When the Pudic has arrived near the bulb of the urethra it sends a branch into it, which is continued into the corpus spongiosum urethras, and ramifies there minutely. At the symphisis of the pubis, it sends off a se- cond branch, which passes to the back of each crus, and, proceeding along it, parallel to its fellow, ter- §88 External Iliac.—Branches of the External Iliac. minates in the glans penis: in this course it sends branches to the elastic coat, to the integuments, and to the prepuce. This vessel is called the Arteria Dorsalis. The main trunk of the pudic artery then penetrates the corpus cavernosum, and proceeds through it in a straight direction. Its ramifications appear to be distributed through the internal structure of the cor- pus cavernosum, and some of them extend through the septum to the other side, while others pass to the corpus spongiosum urethras. The EXTERNAL ILIAC, The great artery of the lower extremity, appears soon after birth, like a continuation of the primitive iliac, and proceeds along the brim of the pelvis be- hind the peritoneum, to Poupart's ligament or the crural arch, under which it passes. The psoas muscle is at first in contact with it on the outside, and the internal iliac vein on the inside. As it passes under Poupart's ligament, it is imme- diately anterior to the psoas and iliacus internus muscles where they are united, and the crural nerve is exterior to it. Before it arrives at the lower edge of Poupart's ligament, it sends off The Epigastric Artery, Which arises on its internal side, and proceeds downwards and inwards about half an inch, then it turns upwards and inwards, and continues in that direction for a small distance, after which its course is less oblique. It passes between the peritoneum and the abdominal muscles, behind the spermatic cord, and the round ligament in females. It generally changes its oblique direction after passing about two inches, and then proceeds in con- General Account of the Femoral Artery. 289 tact with the rectus, and very near its external edge. Its ramifications are expended upon the anterior parietes of the abdomen ; and, after it has arrived as high as the umbilicus, it commonly divides into branches, which often inosculate with the ramifica- tions of the internal mammary.* An artery, which is rather smaller than the epigastric, arises nearly opposite to it, but rather lower, from the external side of the external iliac. It is called The Circumflex Artery of the Os Ilium, And proceeds upwards and outwards to the upper margin of the os ilium, along which it continues very near to the spine. It is distributed principally to the abdominal muscles, to the iliacus internus and the psoas, and the parts contiguous. The artery of the lower extremity, after passing under Pouparfs ligament, takes the name of FEMORAL Artery, And proceeds downwards in a direction so spiral, that although it is in front at the upper part of the thigh, it is completely behind at the lower part. It sends branches to the muscles of the thigh, as the aorta does to the viscera of the abdomen, viz. by a few large vessels which extend and ramify to a great distance among them. The situation of the abductor muscles, and their attachment to the os femoris, is such, that the artery in this course must necessarily perforate their com- * Several respectable surgeons have been taught by experience, that when the abdomen is distended by ascites, the position of the epigastric artery is so much altered, that it will sometimes be found in the middle of the oblique line, which extends from the umbilicus ro the superior anterior spine of the ilium. Vol. II. 37 290 Branches of the Profunda and the Femoral. mon tendon, which it does at the distance of one third of the length of the bone from its lower end. The aperture in this tendon corresponds precisely with the general course of the artery; and before the artery enters this perforation, it is on the internal side of the bone; after it has passed the perforation, it is on the posterior side of it. After passing through.the tendon of the abductors, it is denomina- ted The Popliteal Artery, and it retains this name until it divides. It then proceeds downwards, being very near the bone, and between «the tendons of the flexors of the leg, covered by the great nerve of the lower extre- mity, and very often also by the vein. After cross- ing the articulation of the knee, when it is between the heads of the gastroc nemii muscles, at the lower edge of the poplitcus muscle, it divides into the an- terior tibial and the comraon trunk of the peroneal and posterior tibial arteries. The femoral artery, soon after emerging from Poupart's ligament, seuds off very small branches to the inguinal glands, and other contiguous parts. It also sends off the External Pudics Which are two or three small arteries that are gene- rally spent upou the Scrotum in males and the Labia Pudendi in females. About two inches below Poupart's ligament, the great branch which has been called the muscular artery of the thigh, leaves it. This vessel is com- monly denominated ARTERIA PROFUNDA. It arises from the back part of the trunk of the femo ral, and passes downwards and backwards, in a way that has been compared to the separation of the in- Branches of the Profunda and the Femoral. £91 ternal iliac from the external. Very soon after its origin, it sends off two branches, which proceed, one on the internal, and the other on the external side of the thigh, and are called the circumflexa interna and externa. It then passes downwards behind the trunk of the femoral, and sometimes very near it, on the adductor muscles, and finally divides into branches. which are called the Perforating. The External Circumflex Sometimes arises from the femoral, but most com- monly is a branch of the profunda, as above stated. It passes uuder the rectus and tensor vaginae femoris towards the great trochanter, and generally divides into two branches, one of which continues in the transverse direction, and sends branches to the up- per and back part of the thigh, and the parts con- tiguous to the joint; while the other descends in the course of the rectus femoris muscle, and some of its ramifications extend near to the outside of the knee. The Internal Circumflex Is often smaller than the other. It generally passes between the psoas and the pectineus muscles, and continues round the thigh towards the lesser tro- chanter. Its ramifications are expended on the upper portions of the adductor muscles and the muscular parts contiguous to the lesser trochanter. It also sends branches to the articulation. The Perforating Arteries Are two or three ramifications of the profunda, which pass through the abductor muscles, and are expend- ed upon the flexor muscles on the back of the thigh. Some of the terminating branches of the profunda itself are also called perforating arteries. The next branch of importance which is sent off 292 Branches about the Ham. by the femoral artery, leaves it before it enters the aperture in the tendon of the adductors, and is called The Anastomotic Artery. This vessel soon inclines downwards. Its ramifi- cations extends into the vastus internus muscle; some of them follow the tendon of the adductors, and ramify about the internal condyle. Several small branches go off from the great artery soon after it passes through the tendon of the adduc- tors, which are distributed to the contiguous mus- cles. Some of them are also called Perforating Arteries. Among them is the principal medullary artery of the os femoris. In the ham, the great vessel there called POPLITEAL, generally sends off sev eral small branches. Two of them go off on the inside, one above and the other below the knee; and two on the outside in the same manner. They are named, from their situation, The Superior and Inferior Internal, and The Superior arid Inferior External Articulary Arteries. The Superior Internal artery perforates the teu- don of the adductors above the internal condyle, and ramifies minutely on the inner side of the joint. The Superior External artery passes through the lower portion of the biceps above the external con- dyle, and ramifies minutely on the outer side of the joint. Its superior ramifications anastomose with those of the descending branch of the external cir- cumflex, while its inferior ramifications communicate with those of the corresponding artery below. The two inferior arteries originate nearly opposite to the middle of the joint, and pass downwards. The Inferior Internal artery passes under the Arteries of the Leg. 293 internal head of- the gastroc nemius muscle, on the posterior and internal side of the head of the tibia. Its ramifications communicate with those of the cor- responding artery above and of the tibialis antica. Below they also extend to the interior of the joint. The Inferior External artery passes under the external head of the gastroc nemius and the plantaris muscle, and continues under the external lateral and the capsular ligament. It is distributed on the external and inferior part of the articulation, and sends also some branches to the interior of the joint. There is frequently an azygous vessel, called the Middle Articular artery, which arises from the back of the popliteal, and is distributed to the posterior part of the articulation. The popliteal artery, after this, sends off a few small branches to the heads of the muscles of the leg, and among them one of considerable length, to each of the heads of the gastroc nemii. At the under edge of the popliteus muscle, it sends off horizon- tally a large branch which passes directly forward between the tibia and fibula, above the commence- ment of the interosseous ligament. After this it con- tinues to descend, nearly in the same direction* un- der the soleus muscle, behind the tibia; but before it has proceeded further than twelve or fifteen lines, it sends off a branch which forms an acute angle with it, and approaches near the fibula, along which it descends. The branch sent off anteriorly, is called the An- terior Tibial artery. The main trunk, which continues downwards, is called the Posterior Tibial artery; And the branch which descends near the fibula is called the Peroneal or Fibular artery. 294 Anterior Artery of the Leg. The anterior tibial Artery, After its arrival on the anterior part of the Leg, passes down close to the interosseous ligament, with the ti- bialis anticus muscle on the inside, and the extensor communis on the outside, in the first part of its course ; and afterwards, with the extensor pollicis pedis on the outside of it. It gradually inclines in- ternally as it descends, so that a little above the an- kle it is upon the front part of the tibia. It proceeds thence with the tendons of the extensor digitorum pedis, under the annular ligament, to the upper sur- face of the foot, on which it continues to the inter- stice of the first aud second metatarsal bones, where it descends to anastomose in the way presently to be mentioned. In this course it sends off, soon after it has arrived at its anterior situation, a recurrent branch, which is distributed to the heads of the muscles and the ligaments of the articulation, and which anastomoses with the branches of the iuferior articular arteries. It also sends off, on each side, many arterial twigs to the contiguous muscles, and very frequently one branch of considerable size, which passes down near the fibula. When it has arrived near the end of the tibia, it sends a branch on each side, called the Internal and External Malleolar. On the top of the foot, among several smaller arteries, it sends off a branch under the extensor brevis digitorum pedis, which passes outwards and forwards, and supplies the muscles, &c. on the upper part of the foot. This vessel is called Arteria Tarsea. There is also another branch, called Metatarsea, which generally arises about the middle of the foot, and passes obliquely outward and forward, supplying the contiguous parts. Posterior Tibial and Peroneal Arteries. 295 The Anterior Tibial artery, having arrived at the space between the metatarsal bones of the first and second toes, bends down to the sole of the foot, but previously sends off a branch which passes near the external edge of the metatarsal bone of the great toe, and divides into two branches, one of which goes to the outside of the great toe, and the other to the op- posite side of the toe next to it. The posterior tibial Artery, After sending off the anterior tibial, parts with the Peroneal or Fibular, as has been already stated, and then continues on the back of the tibia, behind the internal ankle, to the sole of the foot. The Peroneal or Fibular Artery Is not commonly so large as either of the two other arteries of the leg, nor is it so constant. It passes down very near the internal edge of the fibula. It is in contact, for some distance, with the tibialis pos- ticus muscle, and is anterior to the soleus and the flexor pollicis longus; it sends branches to the contiguous muscles. After it has passed along two thirds of the length of the fibula, it frequently, but not always, divides into an anterior and a posterior branch. The anterior peroneal soon perforates the interos- seous ligament, and passing down some distance on its anterior surface, continues to the ankle aud upper surface of the foot. It gives ramifications to all the contiguous parts in its progress, and anastomoses with some of the small ramifications of the tibialis antica. The posterior peroneal branch is the continuation of the main trunk. It passes behind the external malleolus, and ramifies upon the external side of the foot. 296* Arteries of the Foot. The posterior tibial artery passes down, inclining rather obliquely inwards, between the gastroc ne- mius internus, which is posterior to it, and the tibia- lis posticus and flexor digitorum, which are anterior to it. Upon the leg it gives off many small branches, one of which, termed the Arteria Nutritia Tibiae, comes off high up,* and, after ramifying as it de- scends, sends a branch to the medullary foramen of the tibia. At the lower part of the leg the Posterior Tibial is situated rather superficially between the tendo Achillis and the tibia. It proceeds thence behind the internal ankle in a deep situatiou, covered by an annular ligament, and passes between the abductor muscle of the great toe and the bones of the tarsus. It then divides into two branches—the internal and the external plantar arteries. The Internal Plantar Artery Is commonly much smaller than the other ramifica- tion. It passes in the direction of the internal edge of the foot, but at some distance from it. and often lies between the aponeurosis plantaris and the ab- ductor pollicis. It frequently terminates by anasto- mosing with one of the arteries of the great toe, and in its course sends off several branches to the conti- guous parts on each side of it. The External Plantar Artery Is the continuation of the main trunk. It proceeds outwards and forwards between the short flexor of the toes and the flexor accessorius; and continues afterwards between the first of these muscles and the abductor of the little toe. At the metatarsal bone of * This artery sometimes comes off from the popliteal. A TABLE fT« fee page 297.] EXIUBITING THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE BRANCHES OF THE AORTA. which UK spent upon the substance of the Heart. The COMMON TRUNK Of the Right Subclavian an Right Common Carotid. At the Curvature, the side of the trachea, and < divide at the upper edge of the thyroid cartilage, into •ted to the exterior of the head, and the upper parts of the neck. It gives off [The Tongue. Sublingual Gland. The Pirn The inferior PhW, {£ £tfi£SS£? ""• The Occipital - The posterior part of the Cranium externally. _. _ 4 . ... \ The cavity of the Tvinpanum. The Posterior Auricular J Pam contiglloU510 the external Ear. ("The Superior and Inferior Maxillary bones. _. , ... -ii ] The Fauces. The Pterygoid muscles. The The Internal Maxillary ^ PaIale T|ie Dura Mater. The Interior of the c The anterior and lateral parts of the Cranium, £ externally. The Temporal The Ophthalmic Arterj-, to the Eye and its appendages. The Anterior Artery of giving off small branches in its course Commencement of the Sympathetic Nerve. 361 About the middle of the foot it divides into four branches, one of which proceeds to the inside of the great toe; and a second to the angle formed by the great toe and the toe next to it, where it divides and sends a branch to the opposite sides of those toes: the other two branches are distributed in a similar manner, to the succeeding toes. These digital branches are connected with each other by small ra- mifications. The External Plantar Nerve proceeds with the external plantar artery towards the external side of the foot, between the short flexor of the toes and the flexor accessorius. Near the external edge of the foot, about the posterior end of the metacarpal bones, it divides into three branches. One proceeds to the outside of the little toe; another passes to the angle between the fourth toe and the little toe, and divides into branches which are distributed to the corre- sponding sides of these toes. The third branch pro- ceeds more deeply in the foot, from the external to- wards the internal edge of it, and is spent upon the deep-seated contiguous muscles. THE GREAT SYMPATHETIC OR INTERCOSTAL NERVE Commences in the cranium with those small ramifi- cations of the pterygoid branch of the upper maxil- lary nerve, and of the sixth pair, which accompany the carotid artery through the canal in the petrous portion of the temporal bone. These small nerves form a network which surrounds the artery in the canal, and gives rise to the incipient sympathetic, a small cord which passes down close to the nerves of the eighth and ninth pair of the neck. Opposite to the second cervical vertebra, this nerve is swelled or dilated, so as to form a body of a light red colour, which is more than an inch in length, and has the form of two cones united to each other at their bases. This is the Superior Cervical Ganglion of the Sym- Vol. II. 46 362 First Ganglion, and other Cervical pathetic Nerve, and from it the nerve descends, be hind the Par Vagum, on the front part of the neck. This ganglion receives twigs from the first, second, third and fourth pairs of cervical nerves, and also from the eighth and ninth nerves of the head. It sends off several twigs, which pass behind the caro- tid artery, at its bifurcation, and are joined by twigs of the PortioDura and the Glossa-Pharyngeal nerves. From these united twigs proceed very small ramifi- cations, which accompany several branches of the external carotid artery, aud some of them pass down with the Common Carotid. This superior ganglion also furnishes small twigs which accompany the Glosso-Pharyngeal to the tongue and pharynx. Sometimes a twig from it passes on the back part of the thyroid gland to communicate with the recurrent nerve. From this ganglion go off some small branches, which, uniting with others from the superior laryngeal nerves, form the supe- rior or superficial cardiac nerve, which will be soon described. The trunk of the Sympathetic Nerve descends, on the front of the neck, from this ganglion, as has been already stated. In its course it receives very small twigs from the fourth and fifth cervical nerves, and sends some very small twigs which appear to go to the oesophagus, and some which unite to the la ryngeal nerve and go to the thyroid gland. Some twigs, which are larger, proceed from it into the thorax, and go to the cardiac plexus hereafter to be described. Opposite to the interval between the fifth and sixth cervical vertebrae it forms another ganglion, of an irregular shape, much smaller than the first. This ganglion, in different subjects, differs in size as well as in several other respects. Sometimes it is en- tirely wanting, and sometimes it is doubled. It is Ganglions and Branches of the Sympathetic. 363 denominated the Middle Cervical, or Thyroid Gang- lion. When the fourth, fifth, and sixth cervical nerves do not send ramifications to the sympathetic nerve, this ganglion receives twigs from them. The Middle Cervical, or Thyroid Ganglion, sends many ramifications downwards. Some of them enter the thorax and contribute to the formation of the Cardiac Plexus; others accompany the inferior thyroid artery, and, with twigs from the recurrent nerve, form a plexus which extends towards the thyroid gland. Some proceed downwards before, and others behind, the subclavian artery, to the next ganglion; and among them is generally one which may be regarded as the trunk of the Sympathetic. This third Ganglion is denominated the Inferior Cervical, or the First Thoracic. It is almost con- stantly found in the same situation, viz. between the transverse process of the last cervical vertebra and the head of the first rib, and is partly covered by the origin of the vertebral artery. It is generally larger than the middle ganglion. It receives branches from the sixth and seventh cervical, and the two first dor- sal nerves. Ramifications pass from it to the par vagum and recurrent nerve, and also to the cardiac and pulmonary plexus. From this ganglion the Sympathetic Nerve pro- ceeds downwards on the side of the spine, as will be described hereafter. The Nerves, of the Heart, Being derived from branches which have already been mentioned, are now to be described. They arise principally from an arrangement of nerves denominated the Cardiac Plexus, or Plex- uses, which is situated about the curve of the aorta, and extends, on the posterior side of it, from the root of the arteria innominata to the bifurcation of 364 Branches of the Sympathetic. the pulmonary artery. This plexus is composed of nerves which are principally formed by the union of small ramifications that are derived from the three above mentioned ganglions of the Sympathetic Nerve, and the nerve itself; and also from the Par Vagum and some of its branches. These nerves are denominated the Cardiac.— They descend on their respective sides of the neck, but are somewhat different on the different sides.— On the right side three nerves have been described as particularly entitled to this name, and on the left side but two. The first on the right side is denominated Supe- rior or Superficial Cardiac Nerve. It generally arises by several fine threads, which unite into one delicate cord that passes down by the side of the common carotid. When it has arrived on a line with the middle ganglion, it sends a twig to the thy- roid plexus, and another that communicates with a twig from the par vagum, which continues down- wards on the carotid artery. After passing beyond the ganglion, it divides into several branches, which unite themselves to branches of the recurrent nerve that are going to the middle ganglion. The second, which is denominated the Middle Cardiac, the Great Cardiac, or the Deep Cardiac, is the largest of the three. It arises from the Mid- dle Cervical or Thyroid Ganglion, by five or six fine fibrils, which finally form one, that passes before and across the subclavian; and at that place, as well as lower down, it receives twigs from the par vagum: below this, it is joined by a considerable twig from the recurrent, and terminates in the Car diac Plexus, to which it contributes largely. The third cardiac nerve of the right side is called the Inferior, or the Small Cardiac Nerve. It origi- nates from the third, or lower cervical ganglion, by Branches of the Sympathetic. 365 many fibrils which unite into a smaller number that form a plexus. It crosses behind the subclavian, and proceeds on the outside of the Arteria Innomi- nata to the curve of the aorta ; continuing between it and the pulmonary artery, to the anterior coronary plexus. In this course it receives several fibres from the recurrent and the par vagum. On the left side the first cardiac nerve arises from the upper ganglion. The second derives its origin from the two lower ganglions. The left superior or superficial cardiac nerve arises like the right, by many distinct fibres, and proceeds downwards in the same way. It descends between the carotid and the subclavian, and when it has ar- rived at the place where they originate from the aorta, it divides into a great number of small ramifications. Some pass before the aorta, either to join the branch- es of the inferior cardiac, or to unite with the cardiac branches of the left nerve of the par vagum. The others proceed behind the aorta, and enter into the common cardiac plexus. The second cardiac nerve of the left side may be called the Great Left Cardiac, and has a double origin as above mentioned. The principal branch in its composition arises from the lowest cervical ganglion, and passes behind the transverse portion of the subclavian artery. Where the inferior thyroid arises from the subclavian, this branch receives a considerable number of ramifications, which arise from the upper ganglion, and are interwoven with each other before they unite to it. It passes behind the curve of the aorta, and terminates in the great cardiac plexus, which it particularly contributes to form. Rei-Q it is joined by many fibres from the par Vagum. 366 Plexus formed by the Nerves of the Heart. The Cardiac Plexus Is situated principally behind the curve of the aorta, at a small distance above the heart. It commences as high as the origin of the Arteria Innominata, and extends downwards to the bifurcation of the pulmo- nary artery. As has been already mentioned, it is principally composed of branches from the middle cardiac nerve of the right side, and the inferior cardiac nerve of the left; but it receives branches from the superior cardiac of the left, and sometimes of the right side. Some fibres of the inferior cardiac of the right are also united to it. Many branches proceed from this plexus. A small number pass upon the aorta, and seem to enter into its texture.* Some of them also combine with the ramifications of the Par Vagum in the anterior pulmonary plexus. The majority proceed to the basis of the heart, near the origin of the pulmonary artery and the aorta, and constitute the proper nerves of that organ. They accompany the coronary arteries, and are so ar- ranged around them that, by some anatomists, they have been said to form plexuses, which have been denominated Coronary. The Sympathetic Nerve, as has beeu stated above, proceeds from the ganglion, called the Lower Cer- vical, or the First Thoracic, before the neck of the first rib. It continues to descend, in the same direction, along the spine, exterior to the pleura, to the inferior part of the thorax. Near the head of each rib it forms a ganglion, which unites with the intercostal nerve behind it, by two branches, and thus forms an indirect communication with the medulla spinalis. * It has been asserted, that some of the anatomists of Paris have traced these nerves on the aorta, to a great distance from the heart. Sympathetic Nerve, and its Splanchnic Branches. 367 From several of the uppermost of these ganglions, small twigs proceed to the pulmonary plexus, and also to the great trunk of the aorta, below the curve, forming a species of network, or plexus, upon it. From the ganglions near the heads of the fifth and sixth ribs, and from four or five of the ganglions which succeed them, small nerves arise, which pro- ceed downwards on the sides of the bodies of the vertebrae, and unite into one trunk that is denomi- nated the Splanchnic Nerve, because it is distributed to the viscera of the abdomen.—This nerve proceeds behind the crus of the diaphragm, on its respective side, into the abdomen. A second and smaller nerve, of the same destination, called the Lesser Splanchnic Nerve, arises lower down, from two or three of the lowermost dorsal ganglions, and penetrates sepa- rately into the cavity of the abdomen : it then gene- rally divides into two branches, one of which unites to the great splanchnic nerve, and the other proceeds to the renal plexus, soon to be described. As soon as the great splanchnic nerve has entered the abdomen, it divides into many branches, which commonly form small ganglions on each side of the coeliac artery, but above it. These ganglions are generally contiguous; but sometimes they are at a small distance from each other, and united by nerves. They are, however, commonly spoken of as one, and called the Semilunar Ganglion. They are of irregu- lar forms, and very different from each other in size, as well as form. Those formed by the splanchnic nerve on one side are sometimes different from those on the other. From this assemblage of ganglions proceed many small nerves, which are woven together so as to form a network denominated the Solar Plexus. This plexus is situated anterior to the spine and the crura of the diaphragm; behind the stomach, and 368 Arrangement of the Nerves of the above the pancreas ; and is extended upon the cceliai *ind superior mesenteric arteries. Some ramifications from the par vagum and the phrenic also join it. The lower part of the solar plexus, which sur- rounds more immediately the coeliac artery, is termed the Coeliac Plexus. From it networks of nerves ex- tend upon the great branches of the artery to the or- gans which they go to. They extend to the stomach (although it is sup- plied by the par vagum) along the superior coronary or gastric branch of the coeliac; and the fibres in their composition being spread upon the coats of the sto- mach, unite with the branches of the par vagum, which are also spread upon them. A similar network, denominated the Hepatic Plexus, extends upon the Hepatic Artery, and from it to the Vena Portarum ; and accompanies those ves- sels into the substance of the liver. It also sends branches to the biliary duct and gall bladder; to the stomach by the arteria gastrica dextra; and to the omentum. The Splenic Artery is invested by a similar but smaller arrangement of nerves, denominated the Splenic Plexus. In its course to the spleen, this plexus sends some nerves to the pancreas; and also to the stomach and omentum, with the left gastric artery. The superior mesenteric artery is surrounded by a network, which extends *o it directly from the solar plexus, and is the largest of all which proceed from that plexus. The Mesenteric Plexus at first nearly surrounds the artery, and proceeds with it between the laminae of the mesentery. In this course it sends branches, with the arteria colica dextra, to the trans- verse portion of the colon. Between the laminae of the mesentery, it sends ramifications with all the branches of the artery, to the small intestines gene- Abdominal Viscera. 369 rally; to the coecum, and the right portion of the colon; as well as to the mesenteric glands. From the lower part of the solar plexus a network proceeds, on the front of the aorta, to the inferior mesenteric artery, and surrounds it. Nerves from this plexus accompany the artery to the left portion of the colon and the rectum. Some of their raraifi* cations combine with those of the hypogastric plexus. The, Emulgent Artery is attended by nerves, which are arranged like a network on its anterior and poste- rior surfaces, and are denominated the Renal Plexus. They are derived from the solar plexus, and fre- quently contain small ganglions. They proceed with the artery to the fissure of the kidney, and are distributed with its different ramifications, in the sub- stance of the organ. Some branches pass from them to the renal gland with the capsular artery. Before the renal plexus arrives at the kidney, it sends off, from its inferior part, some new fibres, which, after joining some others from one of the lum- bar nerves, accompany the spermatic arteries, and are, therefore, called the Spermatic Plexus. In the male, these fibres proceed through the abdominal ring, and many of them go to the testis, but they are fol- lowed with great difficulty, on account of their small size. In the female, they go to the ovary and the fallo- pian tube. From the great plexuses above, a small network continues downwards on the aorta, receiving fibres from the intercostals on each side; at the great bifur- cation of the aorta it divides, and is joined on each 6ide by many ramifications from the third lumbar nerves, which thus form a plexus of considerable extent, that sends nerves to the bladder, rectum, and vesiculae seminales in males; and to the uterus and Vol. II. 47 370 Termination of the Sympathetic Nerve. vagina, as well as the bladder and rectum, in fe- males.* This is called the Hypogastric Plexus. The plexuses above mentioned are derived from the splanchnic nerve, which came off from the Sym- pathetic in the thorax. The Sympathetic Nerve, after giving off the lesser splanchnic, is diminished in size, and approaches nearer to the bodies of the vertebrae. It passes through the crura of the diaphragm, and then pro- ceeds forwards and downwards upon the spine, be- tween the tendinous crura of the diaphragm and psoas muscle; near the vena cava on the right side, and the aorta on the left. In this course, it gene- rally receives one or two small cords from the ante- rior branch of each of the lumbar nerves : these cords proceed downwards and forwards, between the bo- dies of the vertebrse and tbe psoas muscle, and a ganglion is generally formed at the place where they join the nerve. In its descent on the lumbar vertebrae, the Sym- pathetic sends off several nerves that unite to the network which descends on the aorta from the plexus above. After passing over the lumbar vertebrae, it descends into the pelvis, close to the sacrum, on the in- ner side of the great foramina: here it also forms gang- lions, and communicates with the sacral nerves, and likewise with the hypogastric plexus. It terminates on the os coccygis, where its minute fibres join those of the opposite side. * Although the testicle receives nerves which are derived from the Sympathetic, the penis and other external parts of the organs of generation do not: the nerves which accompany the pudic arterv being derived from those which unite to form the great Sciatic. SYSTEM OF ANATOMY. PART XL OF THE ABSORBENT VESSELS.* The absorbent vessels are small transparent tubes, of a delicate structure, which exist in considerable numbers in almost every part of the body. These tubes originate upon the surfaces of all the cavities of the body; and of the cellular membrane, in all the various parts into which it penetrates ; upon the internal surface of the stomach and the intestines ; and probably upon the skin. Those which originate in the Lower Extremities and the Cavity of the Abdomen, unite and form a large trunk called the Thoracic Duct, which proceeds through the thorax, and terminates in the left Sub- clavian Vein, at its junction with the Internal Jugu- lar. Those of the Left Upper Extremity, the Left Side of the Head, and the contiguous parts, form a trunk which terminates in the same place. While the re- maining absorbents, or those of the Right Upper Extremity, and the Right Side of the Head, 8£c. also form a trunk, which terminates in the corresponding part of the Right Subclavian Vein. The absorbent vessels of the middle size, which * Discovered at Leyden in 1650, by Olaus Rudbeek, and at Co- penhagen in 1651, by Bartholine.—Ed. 372 Structure of the Absorbent Vessels. arise from the union of the small vessels, and unite to form the larger, in their progress to these large vessels, pass through certain bodies which have been denominated Conglobate Glands, and may be consi- dered as appendages of the absorbent system. The absorbent vessels are composed of two coats, which are thin, but dense and firm, and also elastic. The coats of the thoracic duct may be separated from each other. The internal surface of the exte- rior coat is fibrous. The internal coat is a delicate but strong membrane.—There is great reason to be- lieve that the above mentioned fibres are muscular, or at least irritable : for the absorbent vessels have been observed, by Haller, to contract upon the ap- plication of strong sulphuric acid. They have also been observed to propel their contents with consider- able rapidity, by their own contraction, independent of pressure, or of motion communicated by any other body. Blood vessels are sometimes observable in the coats of the larger absorbents, in injected subjects. The vascularity of these tubes may also be inferred from the inflammation which frequently takes place in them. Nerves have not been traced into their texture; but the absorbents seem to be painful when they are inflamed, and, therefore, it is probable that they are supplied with nerves. The absorbent vessels are very generally supplied with valves, which are much more numerous in some of them than in others; and are different in their number, in the same vessels, in different subjects. Very frequently there are several valves in the course of an inch: sometimes a valve will not appear in the course of several inches. In the Thoracic Duct, the number of valves is very different in different subjects. These yalves are folds or plaits of the in- Commencement of the Absorbents. 373 ternal membrane, and are of a semi-circular form. There are commonly two of them together, originat- ing from opposite sides of the vessel. The absorbents are generally somewhat dilated on the side of the valve which is next to their termina- tion, and this occasions their knotted appearance when they are injected. The object of this valvular structure seems to be the prevention of retrograde motion of the contained fluid, in consequence of la- teral pressure. Where the different trunks of the absorbents open into the veins, there are one or two valves to prevent the regurgitation of the blood into them. The valves of course prevent the injection of the branches of these vessels from their trunks.—In some animals the valves have sometimes been ruptured, or forced back; and the absorbents have been injected in a retrograde direction. There are but two or three instances upon record where this has been practicable in the Human Subject. In consequence of the impracticability of injecting the small branches from the larger, the absorbent vessels cannot, generally, be demonstrated at their commencement, or origin. It is, however, to be ob- served, that the Lacteals, or Absorbents of the Intes- tines, appear no way different from other absorbents; and they have been seen distended with chyle, from their commencement, in certain subjects who had died suddenly. Their origins have been described very differently by different observers. Mr. Cruikshank describes them as originating on the surfaces of the villi, by a number of very small radiated branches with open orifices; which branches soon unite to form a trunk. Lieberkuhn believed them to commence in the form of an ampullula.—Seepage 105 of this volume. The second Monro also believes that the absorb- 374 Conglobate Glands. ents begin by very small tubes, with open orifices, in several species of fish.* It is stated by Dr. Soemmering, upon the authority of Haase, a German anatomist, that when mercury is forced backwards in the absorbent vessels of the foot and the heart, it has sometimes escaped on the sur- faces of those parts. The probable inference from these facts is, that those vessels originate by open orifices on the surfaces of the heart and foot. The bodies connected with the absorbent vessels, which are called Conglobate Glands, are generally of a roundish, or irregular oval form, and somewhat flattened. They are of various sizes, from two liues in diameter to more than twelve. Their colour is frequently whitish, but sometimes it is slightly in- clined to red. They are. invested with a covering of cellular membrane, which appears like a membranous coat; and they are. connected to the contiguous parts by a loose cellular substance. When the absorbent vessels connected with these bodies approach near to them, they divide into a number of ramifications, most of which enter into the substance of the gland, while some of them run over it. On the opposite side of the gland a number of branches go out, which unite and form trunks similar to those which entered the gland. The vessels which enter the gland are called Vasa Inferentia, and those which go out of it Vasa efferentia. * These vessels are generally much convoluted in the substance of the glands, so that those bodies sometimes appear like a mere convolution of absorb- ent vessels. There has been much diversity of senti- ment respecting the structure of these organs, j * See his work on the Structure and Physiology of Fishes, p. 34. f Mr. Abernethy states, that the mesenteric gland of the Whale consists of large spherical bags, into which a number of the lacteals open. Numerous blood vessels are ramified on the surfaces of these Fluid contained in the Absorbents. 375 The absorbent vessels, in the different parts of the body,generally contain fluids resembling those which are found in those parts. Mr. Hewson opened the large absorbents in many living animals of different kinds, and found that they contained a transparent fluid, which coagulated when exposed to the, air. The arrangement of these vessels resembles that of the veins in several respects. Many of them are superficial; but there are also deep-seated absorb- ents which accompany the blood vessels. cysts; and injection passes from them into the cyst. He also found cells in the glands of the absorbent vessels, in the groin and the axilla of the horse.—See Philosophical Transactions, for 1796, Part I. CHAPTER I. OF THE ABSORBENTS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES, THE ABDOMEN, AND THE THORAX. Under this head are arranged the ramifications of all the vessels which unite to form the Thoracic. Duct. SECTION I. Of the Absorbents of the Lower Extremities. These absorbents, like the veins, are superficial and deep-seated. The Superficial lie in the cellu- lar membrane, very near the skin; and form an irre- gular network which extends over the whole limb. They are, however, most numerous on the internal side. The Deep-seated accompany the arteries like the veins, and there are two at least to each artery. The Superficial Absorbents Have been injected from the toes so as to form a network, which occupies the upper surface of the foot. They have also been injected in a similar manner on the sole. Those on the upper surface of the foot generally proceed upward on the anterior and inner side of the leg; but some of them pass ou the external side of it. Those on the sole are con- tinued on the back of the leg, but communicate very frequently with the anterior vessels. Some of the absorbents from the outside of the foot and leg enter into some of the popliteal glands, soon to be de- scribed ; but they are not numerous; and the princi- pal number continues up to the glands of the groin. Absorbents of the Lower Extremity. 377 The absorbents which originate on the surface of the thigh, as well as those which pass over it from below, incliue gradually along the anterior and pos- terior surface, to the internal side of it; on which they proceed, in great numbers, and very near to each other, to the inguinal glands. Superficial ab- sorbents proceed also from the buttock and lower part of the back, from the lower part of the abdo- men, the perineum, and the exterior of the genital organs, to these glands. The Deep-seated Absorbents Are named from the arteries they accompany. The Anterior Tibial Absorbents. The anterior tibial artery is generally attended by one which comes with it from the sole, and by another which commences on the upper surface of the foot. The first mentioned absorbent continues with the artery. The last, often passes through an aperture in the interosseal ligament, about one third of the distance from the ankle to the knee, and ac- companies the fibular artery, while the anterior tibial artery is joined by other absorbents about the same place. In some instances a small absorbent gland occurs in this course, at a short distance below the knee. The Posterior Tibial Absorbents Have been injected from the under side of the toes. They accompany the ramifications on the sole of the foot; and after uniting, continue with the main trunk up the leg, where they enter the popliteal glands. The Peroneal Absorbents arise also from the sole of the foot, and its external side. They accompany the peroneal "artery, and terminate in the popliteal glands, which' receive also the absorbents from the knee and ham. Vol. II. 48 378 Absorbents of the Lower Extremity. From these glands four or five absorbent vessels proceed, which accompany the great blood vessels of the lower extremity; and, proceeding with them through the aperture in the tendon of the adductors, continue upwards until they enter some of the glands of the groin. The glands of the ham and groin, which are so intimately connected with the absorbents of the lower extremity, are very different from each other. The Popliteal Glands, or those of the Ham, are but three or four in number, and very small in size. They are generally .deep-seated, and very near the artery. The Inguinal Glands vary in number, from eight to twelve or more. They are superficial and deep- seated. The superficial communicate principally with the superficial absorbents. The lowermost of them are at some distance below Poupart's ligament, and the uppermost are rather above it. They are exterior to the fascia of the thigh. Their number is generally six or eight, vvhile that of the deep-seated is but three or four. The superficial absorbents from below, approach very near to each other, and enter these glands. They are commonly distributed among three or four of the lowermost; but some of them pass by these, and proceed to one that is higher up; and some- times there are absorbent vessels which pass to the abdomen without entering into any of the glands of the groin. The deep-seated absorbents pass into the deep- seated glands, which, as has been already observed, are but few, and lie very near the artery under the fascia of the thigh. The two sets of glands are connected to each other by many absorbent vessels that pass between tbem. The vessels which finally . go out of these glands are considerably less in num- Inguinal and External Iliac Glands. 379 ber than those which enter into them. They pro- ceed under Poupart's ligament, and, in some in- stances, a large proportion of them passes through three glands which lie below this ligament, and are often so arranged, that they lie on each side of the great femoral vessels, and above them. One very frequently is found on the inside of the femoral vein, in the vacuity between it and the internal part of the ligament. All the absorbents of the lower extre- mity, however, do not enter these glands. Some pass along the great vessels and enter other glands near the margin of the pelvis. Some also descend a short distance into the pelvis, and unite with ves- sels that are passing from the pelvis to the plexus and the glands that surround the external iliac. The absorbents which proceed from the glands last mentioned, joined to those which pass under Poupart's ligament, without entering these glands, and some which come from the pelvis, form a large plexus, which almost surrounds the external iliac vessels, aud contains many glands. . These External Iliac Glands vary in their number from six to ten or twelve. They lie on the side of the pelvis, in the course of the external iliac vessels, aud some of them are of considerable size. These glands and the plexus of absorbents, extend in the track of the iliac vessels, to the first lumbar vertebra. In this course they are joined by the plexus which comes from the pelvis; and soon after they arrive at the Lumbar Glands, which form a very large assem- blage, that extends from the bifurcation of the aorta to the crura of the diaphragm. These glands lie irregularly, on the aorta, the vena cava, and the lumbar vertebrae. Most if not all the absorbents above mentioned pass through* some of them ; and from the union of these absorbents, some 380 Absorbents of the Testicles, fyc. of the great branches, which unite to form the thora- cic duct, are derived. In this course from the thigh to the lumbar glands, these absorbent vessels are joined by several others. The Superficial Absorbents of the scrotum commonly enter into the upper inguinal glands, and thus unite to the great body of absorbents. The Absorbents of the Testicles originate in the body, and the coats of the testicle, and in the epidi- dymis, and are remarkably large and numerous. They proceed along the spermatic cord, through the abdominal ring, to the lumbar glands. These ves- sels are remarkable for the little communication they have with each other. The Deep-seated Absorbents of the Scrotum accom- pany the absorbents of the testicle to the lumbar glands; but those which are superficial enter the upper inguinal glands. The Absorbents of the Penis are also deep-seated and superficial. The deep-seated arise from the body of the penis, and accompany the internal pudic artery into the pelvis. The superficial ibsorbents arise from the prepuce, and pass along the dorsum of the penis. There are frequently several trunks which receive branches from the lower surface of the penis in their course. At the root of the penis they generally separate to the right and left, and pass to the glands on the respective sides. In females, the absorbents of the interior of the clitoris accompany the internal pudic artery. Some, which arise about the vagina, pass through the ab- dominal ring with the round ligament; and others proceed to the inguiual glands. Absorbents of the Pelvis and the Kidneys. 381 SECTION n. Of the Absorbents of the Abdomen and Thorax. The Absorbents of the lower portions of the pa- rietes of the Abdomen and the Pelvis unite into trunks that follow the epigastric, the circumflex and the iliac, as well as the lumbar and sacral arteries, &c. They proceed to some of the glands which are in the groin; or in the external iliac, the hypogastric, or some of the contiguous plexuses. The Absorbents of the Womb are extremely nume- rous; and, in the gravid state, are very large. Those which are on the neck and anterior part of the uterus, join the hypogastric plexus. Those which are on the posterior part of the body, accompany the sper- matic vessels. The Absorbents of the Bladder pass to small glands on its lateral and inferior parts, and finally join the hypogastric plexus. The Absorbents of the Rectum are of considerable size. They pass through glands that lie upon that intestine, and unite with the lumbar plexus. The Absorbents of the Kidney are superficial and deep-seated. They are very numerous, but, in a healthy state of the parts, are discovered with diffi- culty. Cruikshank describes them as they appeared, filled with blood, in consequence of pressing upon the kidney when its veins were full of blood. Mas- cagni did not inject the superficial vessels with mer- cury; but describes them as they appeared when filled with colourless size, after he had injected the blood vessels of the organ with the coloured fluid.— The deep-seated absorbents pass out of the fissure of the kidney with the blood vessels, and unite with the superficial: they proceed to the lumbar plexus, and pass into different glands. 382 Lacteals, or Absorbents of the Intestines. Absorbent vessels can be proved to proceed from the pelvis of the kidney, and the ureters, by artifices analogous to those above mentioned. The Glandulx Renales are also supplied with ab- sorbents, which are numerous in proportion to the size of the organs. They commonly join those of the kidney. The Absorbents of the Intestines Have generally been called LACTEALS, from th« white colour of the chyle which they contain : but there seems no reason for believing that they are dif- ferent in their structure and nature from the absorb- ents in other parts of the body. A small number of them appear as if they formed a part of the structure of the intestines, and originated from their external surface, as they do in other parts of the abdomen ; while the principal part of them are appropriated to the absorption of the contents of the cavity of the intestines. The first mentioned absorbents run between the muscular and peritoneal coats, and proceed for some distance lengthways on the intestine, while the others proceed for some distance within the muscular coat, with the arteries ; and after passing through it, con- tinue between the laminae of the mesentery. Branches of these different absorbeuts are fre- quently united in one trunk; so as to prove that there is no essential difference between them. The absorbents which come from the internal sur- face of the intestines commence in the villi. The manner in which they originate has been the subject of considerable inquiry, as has been stated in the account of the intestines.* The lacteals or absorbents of the intestines are * See page 105. Lacteals, or Absorbents of the Intestines. 383 very numerous. They pass between the laminae of the mesentery to glands which are also seated be- tween those laminae. The number of these glands is very considerable,* and they are various in size —some being very minute, and others eight or ten lines in diameter. They are generally placed at a small distance from each other, and are most nume- rous in that part of the meseutery which is nearest to the spine. They are almost always at some dis- tance from the intestines. They appear to be pre- cisely like the absorbent glands, in other places. These absorbent vessels, in their course frequent- ly divide into branches ; which sometimes go to the same gland, sometimes to different glands, and some- times unite with other absorbent vessels. As they proceed, they frequently enlarge in size. When they have arrived near the spine, they frequently form three or four trunks, and sometimes one or two; which proceed in the course of the superior mesen- teric artery, until they have arrived near to the aorta. Here they either pass into the thoracic duct, or de- scend and join the trunks from the inferior extremi- ties, to form the thoracic duct. The absorbents of the great intestines are not equal iu size to those of the small; but they are numerous. They enter into glands, which are very near, and in some places, in contact with the intestine; and are commonly very small in size. The vessels which arise from the caecum, and the right portion, as well as the arch of the colon, unite with those of the small intestines ; while the vessels from the left side of the colon, and the rectum, proceed to the lumbar glands. The absorbents of the intestines are frequently injected with mercury; but the injection does not proceed to their termination with so much facility as * They have been estimated between 130 and 150. 384 Absorbents of the Stomach. it does in other vessels of the same kind. They have, however, very often been seen in animals, who were killed for the purpose after eating milk ; and in se- veral human subjects who died suddenly during digestion.—The description of the origin of the lacteals, quoted in page 108, from Mr. Cruikshank, was taken from a subject of this kind, of which an account is given in his work on the absorbing ves- sels, p. 59. It is worthy of note, that in several instances, in which the lacteals were thus found distended with chyle, the glands in the mesentery were also uniform- ly white. The Absorbents of the Stomach- Axe of considerable size, and form three divisions. The vessels of the first set appear upon both sides of the stomach, and pass through a few glands on the small curvature, near the omentum minus.— From these glands they proceed to others, which are larger, and which also receive some of the deep- seated absorbents of the liver. The vessels from these glands pass to the thoracic duct, near the origin of the coeliac artery. The second arise also on both sides of the stomach, and pass to the left extremity of the great curvature to unite with the absorbents of that side of the great omentum. They then proceed with the lymphatics of the spleen and pancreas, to the thoracic duct. The last set pass off from the right extremity of the great curvature, and unite also with absorbents from the right portion of the omentum. They proceed near the pylorus, and go to the thoracic duct, with some of the deep-seated absorbents of the liver. Although the absorbents of the stomach are deep- seated, as well as superficial, it is a general senti- ment, that they do not contain chyle in the human Absorbents of the Liver. 385 subject; notwithstanding chyle has been found in the absorbents on the stomach of dogs, and some other animals. It ought, however, to be remember- ed, that Sabatier has, in some instances, seen white lines on the stomach, which he supposed to be lacteals. The Absorbents of the Liver Are especially interesting, because they have been more completely injected than those of any other vis- cus. They are deep-seated and superficial. The superficial it has been already observed admit of in- jection in a retrograde direction, and, therefore, can be exhibited most minutely ramified. They commu- nicate freely with each other, and also with the deep- seated vessels, by their small ramifications ; so that the whole gland has been injected from one large vessel. The gland is so large, that the absorbents of the superior and inferior surfaces proceed from it in dif- ferent directions. A large absorbent is generally found on the sus- pensory ligament. This is formed by the union of a great many branches that arise both on the right and left lobes, but principally on the right. It often passes through the diaphragm at an interstice which is anterior to the xiphoid cartilage, and then proceeds through glands on the anterior part of the pericar- dium. Several absorbents proceed to the lateral ligaments on each side, and then pass through the diaphragm. Some of these branches return again into the abdo- men, and the others generally run forwards in the course of the ribs, and join those which passed up from the suspensory ligament. The trunk, or trunks, formed by these vessels, either pass up between the laminae of the mediastinum, and terminate in the up- Vol. II. 49 386 Absorbents of the Liver and Spleen. per part of the thoracic duct; or they accompany the internal mammary arteries, and terminate on the left side in the thoracic duct, and on the right in the trunk of the absorbents of that side. The Absorbents on the concave side of the Liver areas numerous as those on the convex side: they are also very abundant on the surface of the gall bladder. The greatest part of them join the deep- seated vessels. The Deep-seated Absorbents proceed in considera- ble numbers from the interior of the liver through the portae. They accompany the biliary ducts and the great blood-vessels of the organ ; and, after passing through several glands, near the vena portarum, ter- minate in the thoracic duct, near the commencement of the superior mesenteric artery. Mascagni states, that the absorbents of the liver will be distended, by injecting warm water into the biliary ducts, or the vena portarum. He also observes, that in those preparations in which the superficial vessels are completely injected, in the retrograde direction, the peritoneal coat of the liver appears to be composed entirely of absorbent vessels; and to be connected to the membrane within, by many filaments which are also absorbent vessels. The Absorbents of the Spleen Are composed of superficial and deep-seated vessels; jbut they differ greatly from those of the liver, in this respect, that the superficial vessels are remarkably small in the human subject. Mascagni however asserts, that when the blood- vessels of the spleen are injected with size, coloured with vermilion, these absorbents will be filled with colourless size. In the spleen of the calf the superficial absorbeuts are remarkably* large. Absorbents of the Pancreas.—Thoracic Duct. 387 In the human subject the superficial absorbents of the spleen proceed from the convex to the concave surface, and there communicate with the deep-seated absorbents, which proceed from the interior of the organ with the blood-vessels. These Deep-seated Absorbents are very numerous, and also large. They accompany the splenic arte- ry; and in their course pass through many glands, some of which are said to be of a dark colour. The glands lie on the splenic artery, at a short distance from each other. The absorbents of the spleen re- ceive the absorbents of the pancreas in their course; they unite with the absorbents of the stomach and the lower surface of the liver, and pass with them to the thoracic duct. Little has been latterly said by practical anato- mists respecting The Absoi'bents of the Pancreas. Mr. Cruikshank once injected them in the retrograde direction; he found that they came out of the lobes of the pancreas in short branches like the blood ves- sels, and passed at right angles into the absorbents of the spleen, as they accompanied the artery in the groove of the pancreas. THE THORACIC DUCT,* Or common trunk of the absorbent system, is formed by the union of those absorbent vessels which are collected on the lumbar vertebrae. These vessels, as it has been already observed, are derived from various sources, viz. The Lower Extremities; the lower part of the Trunk of the Body; the Organs of Generation; the * First discovered by Eustachius in the horse, 1564, but he con- siders it a vein for the nourishment of the thoracjp viscera. Ed, 388 Commencement of the Thoracic Duct. Intestines, with the other Viscera of the abdomen and pelvis, except a part of the liver. Their num- ber is proportioned to the extent of their origin : for, with the numerous glands appropriated to them, they form the largest absorbent plexus in the body, and are spread over a considerable portion of the aorta and the vena cava. The manner in which these vessels unite to form the thoracic duct, is very different in different sub- jects ; but in a majority of cases it originates imme- diately from three vessels, two of which are the trunks of the absorbents of the lower extremities, and the other is the common trunk of the lacteals and the other absorbents of the intestines. These vessels generally unite on the second or third lumbar vertebrae; and, in some instances, the trunk which they form dilates considerably, soon af- ter its commencement; in consequence of which it was formerly called the RECEPTACLE of the CHYLE. At first it lies behind the aorta, but it soon inclines to the right of it, so as to be behind the right crus of the diaphragm. In the thorax, it ap- pears on the front of the spine, between the aorta and the vena azygos, and continues between these vessels until it has arrived at the fourth or third dor- sal vertebra. It then inclines to the left, and pro- ceeds in that direction until it emerges from the thorax, and has arisen above the left pleura, when it continues to ascend behind the internal jugular, nearly as high as the sixth cervical vertebrae : it then turns downward and forward, and, after descend- ing from six to ten lines, terminates in the back part of the angle formed by the union of the left internal jugular with the left subclavian vein. Sometimes, after rising out of the thorax, it divides into two branches, which unite before they terminate. Some- times it divides, and one of the branches terminates Absorbents of the Lungs. 389 at the above mentioned angle, and the other in the subclavian vein, to the left of it. The orifice of the thoracic duct has two valves, which effectually prevent the passage of blood into it from the vena cava. There are sometimes slight flexures in the course of the duct; but it generally inclines to the left, iu the upper part of the thorax, as above mentioned; and is then so near the left lamina of the mediasti- num, that if it be filled with coloured injection, it can be seen through that membrane, when the left lung is raised up and pressed to the right. The duct sometimes varies considerably in its dia- meter in different parts of its course. About the mid- dle of the thorax it has often been found very small. In these cases it generally enlarges in its progress upwards, and is often three lines in diameter, iu its upper part. Many anatomists have observed it to divide and to unite again, about the middle of the thorax. Absorbents of the Lungs. The absorbents of the lungs are very numerous, and, like those of other viscera, are superficial and deep-seated. The large superficial vessels run in the interstices between the lobuli, and therefore form angular figures of considerable size. In successful injections, the vacancies within these figures are filled up with small vessels, and the whole surface appears minute- ly injected. Mascagni observes, that the superficial vessels are very visible when any fluid has been effused into the cavity of the thorax ; or wheu warm water is in- jected, either into the blood vessels of the lungs, or the ramifications of the trachea. Cruikshank de- monstrated them by inflating the lungs of a still born 390 Absorbents of the Lungs. child; in which case the air passes rapidly into them. The deep-seated absorbents accompany the blood- vessels and the ramifications of the bronchiae. They pass to the dark coloured glands, which are situat- ed on the trachea at its bifurcation; and on those portions of the bronchiae which are exterior to the lungs. The injection of the absorbents, which pass to and from these glands, seems to prove that they are of the same nature with the absorbent glands in general, notwithstanding their colour. They are numerous, and they vary in size; from a diameter of two lines, to that of eight or ten. From these glands, some of the absorbents of the left lung pass into the thoracic duct, while it is in the thorax, behind the bifurcation of the trachea; others proceed upwards and enter into it near its ter- mination ; while those of the right lung terminate in the common trunk of the absorbents of the right side. CHAPTER II. OF THE ABSORBENTS OF THE HEAD AND NECK ; OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES, AND THE UPPER PART OF THE TRUNK OF THE BODY. The absorbents from the various parts of the head pass through glands, which are situated on the neck, or the lower part of the head. Those on the head are the least numerous, and also the least in size.— Some of them, which are generally small, lie about the parotid gland. Several of them, which are also small, are on the occiput, below and behind the mastoid process. Sometimes there are two or three on the cheek, near the basis of the lower jaw, about the anterior edge of the masseter muscle. Below the lower jaw, in contact with the sub-maxillary gland and anterior to it, there are always a number of these glands, which are generally small, but often swelled during infancy. The Glands on the Neck are the most numerous. Many of them are within the sterno-mastoid muscle, and accompany the internal jugular vein and the carotid artery down to the first rib. Many also lie in the triangular space between the sterno-mastoid muscle, the trapezius, and the clavicle ; therefore it has been truly said that the glands of the neck are more numerous than those of any other part, except the mesentery. They are frequently called Glandulx Concatenatx. It has already been mentioned that the various absorbents, which are connected with these glands, unite on each side into a trunk, which on the left passes into the thoracic duct, and on the right into the common trunk of the absorbents of that side. 393 Absorbents of the Head and Neck. SECTION I. Of the Absorbents of the Head and Neck. There is the greatest reason to believe that the brain and its appendages are supplied with absorb- ents like the other parts. Some of these vessels have been discovered in the cavity of the cranium ; but very little precise information has as yet been obtained, respecting the extent, or arrangement of the absorbent system, in this part of the body. The absorbents on the exterior of the head are as numerous as in other parts of the body. Ou the occiput they pass down, inclining towards the ear, and continue behind it to the side of the neck; be- hind the ear they pass through several glands.—- From the middle or temporal region of the cranium, they pass with the carotid artery before the ear, and enter some small glands that lie on the parotid ; from which they continue to the neck. They are on every part of the face, and unite, so that their principal trunks, which are very numerous, pass over the basis of the lower jaw, near the facial artery. They enter into glands, which are also very numerous, immediately under the jaw, or which are sometimes to be found on the cheek, at the anterior edge of the masseter muscle. All the absorbents of the exterior part of the head pass to the glands on the side of the neck, already described. Those from the interior of the nose accompany the ramifications of tbe internal maxillary artery, and proceed to glands behind the angle of the lower jaw; into which glands also enter the absorbents of the tongue and inner parts of the mouth. The absorbents of the thyroid gland, on the left side, pass down to the thoracic duct; those on the right, unite to the trunk of the absorbents on that Absorbents of the Hand and Arm. 393 side, near its termination. It has been remarked that they can be readily injected, by thrusting the pipe into the substance of the gland. SECTION II. Of the Absorbents of the Arm and Upper Part of the Trunk. The absorbents of the arm are superficial and deep- seated, like those of the lower extremity. The superficial absorbents have been injected on the anterior and posterior surfaces of the fingers and the thumb, near their sides. On the back of the hand they are very numerous, and increase consi- derably in their progress up the fore arm. As they proceed upwards, they incline towards the anterior surface of the fore arm; so that by the time they have arrived at the elbow, almost all of them are on the anterior surface. The absorbents on the anterior part of the hand are not so numerous as those on the back. Sometimes there are digital branches from the fingers, and an arcus in the palm ; but this bow is not formed by one large absorbent, analogous to the ulnar artery. On the contrary, its two extremi- ties are continued over the wrist, and pass on the fore arm like the absorbents. At the elbow, some of them often pass into one or two small glands, which are very superficial; but the whole of the absorbents, somewhat reduced in number, as some of them unite together, pass along with the blood vessels into the hollow of the arm pit 5 where they enter the axillary glands. There are generally one or more vessels which pass in the course of the cephalic vein, between the pectoral and the deltoid muscle, and enter into some of the glands under the clavicle. Vol. II. 50 394 Absorbents of the Upper Part of the Trunk. There are almost always several glands in aud near the axilla. Some of them are very near the great blood vessels ; sometimes one or more of them are much lower; sometimes they are to be found under the pectoral muscle. They are commonly not so large as those of the groin, and are surrounded with fat. The deep-seated absorbents originate also at the fingers, and soon accompany the branches of the ar- teries. Those which attend the radial artery, origi- nate on the back of the hand, and also in the palm, where they are associated with the arcus profundus. They go up with the radial artery to the elbow, and sometimes pass through a small gland about the middle of the fore arm. Those which attend the ulnar artery, commence under the aponeurosis palmaris, and go with the ar- tery to the elbow ; at the bend of the elbow they are generally joined by one or more, which accompany the interosseal artery; there they unite, so as to form several trunks which pass up to the axillary with the humeral artery. They sometimes pass through one or two glands, which are near the elbow; and they receive in their course, deep-seated branches from the muscles on the humerus. The absorbents from the anterior and external part of the thorax, and the upper part of the abdo- men, also proceed to the axilla, and euter into the glands there; those which are deep-seated, joining the. deep-seated vessels. The absorbents of the mammae pass to the same glands; and when they are affected, wijh the virus of cancer, can often be perceived, in their course, in the living subject. The absorbents of the uppermost half of the back. and those of the back of the neck, go likewise to the axilla. The absorbent vessels, collected from these vari- Facts relating to Cutaneous Absorption. 395 rious sources, proceed from the exterior to the inner- most glands, but with a considerable diminution of their number; they accompany the subclavian vein, and are reduced to one or two trunks, that gene- rally unite before their termination. On the left side, the absorbents of the head and neck generally open into the thoracic duct, as has been already ob- served ; and those of the left arm also open into the thoracic duct, or into the subclavian vein very near it. On the right side the absorbents from each of these parts empty into the common trunk; which often is formed by the union of large vessels, from four sources; viz. the Head, the Thyroid gland, the right Arm, and the right cavity of the Thorax, &c. The diameter of the trunk is very considerable; but it is often not more than half an inch in length. It generally opens into the right subclavian vein, at the place where it unites to the right internal ju- gular. Two respectable physiologists of Europe (M. Seguin, of Paris, and the late Dr. Currie, of Liverpool) have doubted whether absorption takes place on the exter- nal surface of the skin.* This question has been exa- mined in a very interesting manner by several gra- duates of the University of Pennsylvania, who chose it for the subject of their inaugural theses; viz. Drs. Rousseau, Klapp, Daingerfield, Mussey, and J. Brad- ner Stewart. The three first of these gentlemen state, that when spirit of turpentine, and several other substances which are commonly supposed to be absorbed by the skin, were applied to it in a way which prevented their volatile * I believe that M. Seguin's Memoir on this subject was read to the Academy of Sciences a short time before the meetings of that body were suspended. It was published by M. Fourcroy, in La Medicine Eclairee par les Sciences Physiques, vol. iii. An extract from M. Fourcroy's publication may be seen in the 19th chapter of the first volume of Dr. Currie's " Medical Reports on the Effects of Water," &c, in which is also contained a statement of the Doctor's own experiments and reflections. 396 Experiments of K. Boerhaave and J. Hunter. parts from entering the lungs by respiration, no ab- sorption took place. But when they inspired air im- pregnated with exhalations from these substances, they perceived satisfactory proofs that the exhalations en- tered the system. From these facts they inferred that when those articles entered the body by absorption, they were taken in by the lungs, and not by the exter- nal surface. On the other hand, the two gentlemen last mentioned, state that after immersing themselves in a bath con- sisting of a decoction of rhubarb, of madder, or of tur- meric, their urine became tinged with these sub- stances. They also assert that the colouring matter of these different articles is not volatile; and, there- fore, could not have entered the lungs during the ex- periments.* The statement in page 374, from Dr. Soemmering, that when mercury is injected backwards in the absorbent vessels which originate on the foot, it will sometimes appear in small globules on the skin of the foot, has an important connexion with this subject.t ^.bout the middle of the last century, it was generally believed by anatomists, that absorption was performed by the veins. Tim doctrine seemed to be established by the experiments of Kaaw Boerhaave, which are re- lated, with many other interesting statements, in his work entitled *' Perspiratio Dicta Hippocrati," &c, published at Leyden, in 1738. In these experiments it appeared to the author, that when the stomach of a dog was emptied of its contents, and filled with warm water, immediately after death, the water passed into the minute ramifications of the veins of the stomach, * The Thesis of Dr. Rousseau was published in 1800. Those of Drs. Klapp and Daingerh\ Id in 1805. Dr. Mussey publishedin the Third Supplement to the Medical and Physical Journal of Dr. Bar- ton, in 1809. Dr. Stewart published in 1810 Additional observa- tions by Drs. Klapp, Rousseau and Smith, are published in the Phi- ladelphia Medical Museum, vol. i. new series. •f Since the publication of the first volume, the author has enjoyed the advantage of consulting a translation, in manuscript, of some parts of the German edition of Dr. Soemmering's valuable work on the Structure of the Human Body. Experiments of Magendie and Delile. 397 and from them to the vena portarum, and ultimately to the heart, in large quantities. This account appears to be disproved by some experi- ments of the late John Hunter, made about twenty years after, and published in the Medical Commenta- ries of Dr. William Hunter, Part I.----Mr. Hunter's experiments have been considered as establishing the fact, that absorption (in the intestines at least) is per- formed exclusively by the lacteals, or proper absorbent vessels, and not at all by the veins. Kaaw Boer- have is of course supposed to have been mistaken; and Mascagni, who has repeated his experiment, re- fers the appearance of water in the veins to transuda- tion, through the coats of the intestines; which he has observed to take place to a great degree. In the year 1809, a memoir was presented to the na- tional institute of France by Messrs. Magendie and Delile, which contains an account of some experiments that have an important relation to the above mentioned subject.*—The authors being greatly surprised at the rapidity with which the poison of Java, &c. appeared to enter the sanguiferous system, instituted a series of experiments to determine whether these substances proceeded to that system by the circuitous route of the absorbent vessels, or by the shorter course of the veins. Two of their experiments are especially interesting. They made an incision through the parietes of the ab- domen of a living dog, who had eaten a large quantity of meat some hours before (that his lacteals might be visible from their distension with chyle,) and, draw- ing out a portion of the small intestine, they applied two ligatures to it, at the distance of five inches from each other. The portion of intestine between these ligatures was then separated by incision from the rest of the intestinal tube, and all the lacteals, blood ves- sels, &c. which passed to and from it, were divided, except one artery and a vein. A considerable length of this artery and vein were detached from all the sur- rounding parts, so that the authors supposed these * The title of the paper is a " Memoir on the Organs of Absorption jn Mammiferous Animals." A translation of it was published in the Medical and Philosophical Register of New York, and in several Other periodical works. 398 Experiments of Magendie and Delile. vessels to form the only connexion between the por- tion of the intestine and the rest of the body. Into the cavity of the intestine, which was thus circumstanced, they introduced a small quantity of the poison, and, to their astonishment, it produced its fatal effects in the same manner it would have done if it had been intro- duced into the intestine while all its connexions with the body were entire. This experiment, they assert, was repeated several times, without any difference in the result. After several other experiments, they finally separated the thigh from the body of a living dog in such a man- ner that the crural artery and vein were left undivided. A quill was then introduced into the artery, and two ligatures were applied to fix it round the quill. The artery was then divided between the two ligatures. The vein was managed in the same manner. There was, therefore, no communication between the limb and the body, except by the blood which passed through the divided vessels and the quills. The poison was then introduced under the skin of the foot, and soon occa- sioned the death of the animal: its deleterious effects commencing about four minutes after its application to the foot. This experiment appears to prove deci- dedly that the blood is the vehicle by which poison, when applied to the extremities, is carried to the body; although it may not determine the question whether this poison was taken up by the absorbents or by the veins.* Some other experiments made by the authors gave re- sults, which are very difficult indeed to explain. They wished to know if the blood of an animal thus con- taminated, would produce similar effects upon another animal; and, with a view to ascertain this point, they insinuated a small piece of wood, covered with the poison, into the thick part of the left side of the nose of a dog. Three minutes after the introduction of the poison, they transfused blood from the jugular vein of the same side, into one of the veins of another dog. About one minute after the commencement of the * This experiment has been repeated in Philadelphia. See Pro- fessor Chapman's Medical and Physical Journal for February 182,. No. 10.—Ed. Report of the Committee of the Institutes. 399 transfusion, the effects of the poison began in the dog to which it was applied, and continued until his death. Transfusion into the veins of the other dog went on during the whole time, and he received a large quan- tity of blood from the dying dog, without producing any effect.—They varied this experiment in the fol- lowing manner. The thigh of a dog was separated from the body; the artery and the vein were arranged as in the former experiment; and poison was intro- duced into the foot. Three minutes after the intro- duction of the poison, the blood of the crural vein was passed into the jugular vein of another animal, and transfusion was continued five minutes without pro- ducing any effect upon the animal receiving the blood; it was then stopped, and the crural vein was so ar- ranged that the blood flowed from it into the animal to which it belonged. This animal very soon exhibited symptoms of the operation of the poison.* From these very interesting experiments the authors in- fer that"foreign matters do not always proceed through the Lymphatic or Absorbent Vessels, when they enter into the Sanguiferous system." This memoir was referred by the Institute to four of its members, who are particularly distinguished by their profound knowledge of anatomy and physiology. These gentlemen, after stating their belief that the functions of the lymphatic or absorbent system have been com- pletely ascertained by the experiments and obser- vations of Hunter, Cruikshank, Mascagni, &c, say further, that, in their opinion, the above mentioned inference ought to be a little modified, and that facts are not sufficiently numerous, or applicable to the point in question, to justify the inference that foreign matters do not always proceed through the Lymphatic or Absorbent Vessels, when they enter the Sangidferous system. But they also add, that, as the author is still engaged in a series of experiments on the subject, they will suspend their judgment respecting the inferences to be deduced from the present statement. * An account of these experiments was published by M. Magendie in a pamphlet. A statement of them is also contained in the report made to the Institute by the committee to whom the memoir was referred, which is published in the Journal de Physique, for March 1813. In that statement this last mentioned experiment is omitted. 400 Of the Absorbent System. The most extensive account of the absorbent system iu contained in the " Historia et Ichnographia Vasorum Lymphaticorum Corporis Humani" of Mascagni.— "The Anatomy of the Absorbing Vessels of the Human Body, by W. Cruikshank;"—and " The Description of the Lymphatic System, by Win. Hewson," (the second volume of his Experimental Inquiries)—are also very interesting publications. A most interesting series of inquiries and experiments in regard to the laws of absorption will be found in Professor Chapman's Journal of the Medical and Physical Sciences, No. 6, in a report of a Committee of the Academy of Medicine, signed by Doctors Law- rence, Harlan, and Coates, of this city.—And a continuation of the same will be found in No. 10, of the same Journal, signed by Doc- tors Lawrence and Coates. Since the publication of the latter, to the regret of all who knew him, and to the great loss of Anatomy and of Physiology, the indefatigable and excellent Lawrence is no more.—Ed . APPENDIX. OF THE BLOOD. THE blood of a healthy person indicates a ten- dency to coagulate very soon after it is discharged from the vessels which naturally contain it, although it is perfectly fluid in those vessels. If it remain at rest, after it is drawn from the vessels, it soon coagulates into a solid mass, of a soft texture. From this solid mass a fluid is soon ob- served to issue, which first appears in very small drops on almost every part of the surface. These drops quickly increase and run together, and in a short time the fluid surrounds the solid mass, and exceeds it in quantity. The solid part which thus appears upon the spontaneous separation of the blood, is denominated Crassamentum or Cruor: the fluid part is called Se- rum. The substance which contains the red colour of the blood remains with the Crassamentum. The Serum, when it separates without agitation, is free from the red colour. The colouring matter may be separated complete- ly from the Crassamentum by washing it with water. The blood, therefore, consists of three parts, viz. the Serum; the Substance which coagulates spon- taneously ; and the Colouring Matter. Vol. II. 51 402 Appendix.—Of the Blood. THE SERUM Has a considerable degree of consistence, although it is much thinner than blood. In its perfectly na- tural state, it is almost transparent, aud appears to be very lightly tinged with a greenish yellow colour; but it is very often impregnated with a portion of bile, which is probably carried to the blood vessels by the absorbents. It contains a large quantity of albumen, or matter like the white of an egg. If heated to 140° of Fahrenheit, it becomes opaque; and when the heat is increased to 156 or 160, it is firmly coagulated. It is also coagulated by alcohol, by mineral acids, and by rennet.* It is proved by' chemists, that it contains a small quautity of pure soda. It therefore changes several of the blue co- lours of vegetables green. It is also found to con- tain a similar quantity of the muriate and the phos- phate of soda, and the phosphate of lime. These saline substances were discovered by diluting serum with water, aud exposing the mixture to heat, by which the albumen was coagulated into flocculi: these flocculi were separated by filtration : the li- quor was then diminished by evaporation, and the salts obtained from it by crystallization. Serum likewise contains a portion of sulphur com- bined with ammonia. When it is exposed to a coagulating heat, a small portion of it remains fluid. This fluid portion has been supposed to contain a considerable quantity of gelatine ; but it is contend- ed by Mr. Brande,f that Gelatine does not exist iu * See Hewson, Vol. I. p. 139.—I suspect that some particular management is necessary in the use of rennet. ■j- In hisResearches on the Blood communicated to the Royal So- ciety of London in 1812, and republished in the Eclectic Reper tory, for April 1813. Appendix.—Of the Blood. 403 the serum of the blood, and that this portion consists of albumen combined with a proportion of alkali. It is also asserted by Dr. Bostock,* one of the latest writers on the subject, that the serosity of the blood (theterm applied to the last mentioned fluid) con- tains no gelatine; but that, with a minute quantity of albumen, it consists of a large portion of an animal matter, which is different either from gelatine or al- bumen, being unlike either of them in its chemical qualities. THE CRASSAMENTUM Is rendered very different in it!*appearance, by the different circumstances in which it may coagulate. When the blood remains at rest immediately after it is drawn, the crassamentum which forms in it is a concrete substance, without the smallest appearance of fibre in its composition. If the blood is stirred with a rough stick, while it is flowing from an animal, a large portion of it will concrete upon the stick in a fibrous form, so as to resemble a mass of entangled thread, some of the red colouring matter still adhe- ring to it. The crassamentum, in either of these forms, may be washed perfectly white; the red colouring matter passing completely away with the water. In this state it appearsf to have all the chemical properties of the fibrous matter of muscular flesh. It also re- sembles the gluten of vegetables, being soft and elas- tic. The name fibrin is now generally applied to it. If fibrin is washed and dried, its weight is very small indeed when compared with that of the blood * See his Observations on the Serum of the Blood, in the M^dico- Chirurgical Transactions, Vol. II, republished in theEclecti. Re- pertory, for October 1812. f By the experiments of Mr. Charles Hatchett, published iu the London Philosophical Transactions for 1800. 404 Appendix.—Of the Blood. from which it has been obtained. It is, therefore, probable that a considerable proportion of the bulk of the crassamentum, as it forms spontaneously, de- pends upon the serum which exists in it, and can be washed away. The spontaneous coagulation of the blood, which appears to depend principally upon the Fibrin, may be prevented by the addition of several foreign sub- stances to the blood, when it is drawn. It is subject to great variations that depend upon the state of the body at the time of bleeding; and in some conditions, it does not take place at all.* In a majority of dead subjects the blood is found more or less coagulated in the veins ; but in some subjects it is found without coagulation. It is as- serted that it does not coagulate in subjects who have died suddenly, in consequence of anger, lightening, or a blow on the stomach. THE COLOURING MATTER. When the blood vessels iu the transparent parts of certain living animals are examined with magnifying glasses, it appears that the red colour of the blood is owing to bodies of a globular form, which are dif- fused through a transparent fluid. The appearance of these bodies has been examined, with great atten- tion, by many physiologists, since the publication of Leuwenhoeck, in the London Philosophical Transactions.! * See an Inquiry into the Properties of the Blood, by the late Wm. Hewson : and Experiments by his son, T. T. Hewson, in the Eclec- tic Repertory, J.in 1811.—See also a Treatise on the Blood, &c. by the late J. Hunter. f Among the aiost distinguished of these observers were Father de la Torre, Haller, Hewson, Fontana, Spalanzani, J. Hunter Ca- vallo. Some short accounts of Leuwenhoeck's original observations on the blood are to be found in the Philosophical Transactions of Lon- Appendix.—Of the Blood. 405 Several of these gentlemen have described the ap- pearance of the blood very differently ; but Haller, Spalanzani and J. Hunter agree that the figure of the red particles is globular.* Hunter observes further, that the red globules do not run into each other as two globules of oil would do when divided by water; and he believes that they cannot unite.— At the same time they seem not to have the proper- ties of a solid : for when circulating in the vessels, they assume elliptical forms, adapting themselves to the size of the vessels. They also excite no sensa- tion of solidity when touched. They appear to be more heavy than the other parts of the crassamentum: for in healthy blood the lower part of the mass contains more of the colour- ing matter than the upper part; and in the blood of persons who labour under acute local inflammation, they often subside completely from the upper part; and thus occasion what is called, by Mr. Hewson, the inflammatory crust, or size. It has been observed by Mr. Hewson, and also by Mr. Hunter, that the globules do not retain their form in every fluid. They are said to be dissolved don, for 1664, in the fasciculi which are numbered 102 and 106. A more full description is contained in Boerhaave's Academical Lec- tures on the Theory of Physic. See the section on the nature of the blood. The glasses of Father de la Torre were transmitted from Naples to the Royal Society of London in 1765. They were accompanied by a letter from Sir F. H. E. Stiles, to which are subjoined some ob- servations by the Rev. Father himself. The letter and the observa- tions are published in the 55th volume of the Transactions of that so- ciety. In the year 1798, Tiberius Cavallo published an Essay on the Medicinal Properties of Factitious Air, with an appendix on the Nature of the Blood; in which is contained a further account of the glasses of De la Torre. * I believe that this is also the opinion of Fontana—In J. Hunter's work on the Blood there are some interesting observations on micro- scopical deceptions. See the note, commencing in page 39, Brad- ford's edition. 406 Appendix.—Of the Blood. very quickly in water, and then they form a fine clear red. Several of the neutral salts, when dis- solved in water, prevent the solution of the globules. Mr. Hunter informs us, that the vitriolic acid, when greatly diluted, does not dissolve them, &c. The muriatic acid, when three times as strong as vinegar, destroys their colour without dissolving them, al- though when more diluted, it dissolves them. The colour of the blood has, for a long time, been supposed to depend upon Iron. About the middle of the last century, Vincentius Menghini published in the Transactions of the Academy of Sciences of Bologna, an account of experiments which contri- buted to establish this sentiment. In this account he stated, that, after washing the colouring matter from the crassamentum, he had separated it from the water by boiling; in which case it either rose to the surface of the water, or subsided, and left the water clear. After drying, with a gentle heat, some of the colouring matter thus separated, and then re- peatedly washing it, he found that it contained a considerable quantity of iron, which was attracted by the magnet After exposing a large quantity of the colouring matter to an intense heat, he found in it a small piece of iron, of a spherical form, but hollow ; and a powder which was attracted by the magnet, but appeared more like rust of iron than iron filings. He believes the seat of this iron to be in the colouring matter of the blood, as neither the serum nor fibrine appeared to contain it. According to his calculation, the blood of a healthy man contains more than two ounces of iron. This doctrine of Menghini has been very gene- rally admitted; and several chemists of the first character, viz. Bucquet, Fourcroy, Vauquelin, &c. Appendix.—Of the Blood. 407 have made experiments to ascertain the substances with which the iron in the blood is combined. But within a few years, doubts have been ex- pressed on this subject by several physiologists, and especially by Dr. Wells, and Mr. Brande. The first of these gentlemen, in his " Observations and Experiments on the Colour of the Blood" pub- lished in the London Philosophical Transactions for 1797, states three reasons for rejecting the opi- nion that the colour of the blood is derived from iron. 1. The colour of blood is destroyed by a heat less than that of boiling water; whereas no colour arising from a metal is destroyed by exposing its subject, in a close vessel, to such a heat. 2. If the colour from a metal, in any substance, be destroyed by any alkali, it may be restored by the # immediate addition of an acid; and the like will happen by the addition of a proper quantity of an alkali, if the colour has been destroyed by an acid. The colour of blood, on the contrary, when once destroyed, can never be brought back, either by an acid or an alkali. 3. If iron be the cause of the red colour of blood, it must exist there in a saline state; since the red matter is soluble in water. The substances, there- fore, which detect the smallest quantity of iron in such a state, ought likewise to demonstrate its pre- sence in blood; but upon adding Prussian alkali, and an infusion of galls, to a very saturated solution of the red matter, he could not observe " in the former case the slightest blue precipitate; or in the latter that the mixture had acquired the least blue or pur- ple, tint." Mr. Brande, in a paper entitled " Chemical Re- searches on the Blood," &c. communicated to the Royal Society of London iu 1812, relates many ex- 408 Appendix.—Structure of the Glands. periments which were made on the colouring matter of that fluid, with acids, alkalies, astringents, &c. &c. From these experiments, he also infers, that the co- louring matter of the blood is perfectly independent of iron. In support of this inference, he adds, that the Ar- menian dyers, in the preparation of their finest and most durable red colours, use blood in addition to madder, in order to insure the permanency of these colours. As the compounds of iron convert the co-* lour of madder to gray and black, the production of a bright colour, by the addition of blood to madder, he regards as a proof, that iron is not the colouring matter of blood. Many estimates have been made of the quantity of blood in the human body; but some of the best in- formed physiologists have regarded them as falla- cious. STRUCTURE OF GLANDS. Any original structure that discharges from the blood vessels a fluid different from those which they naturally contain, may be considered as glandular. The function or process by which such fluids are derived from the blood vessels is called secretion. A structure of this kind seems to exist in very different situations: for it is distinctly circumscribed in many of those bodies commonly denominated glands, which are of a very precise form ; and it is also diffused on some very extensive surfaces. The gastric liquor, a most important secretion, is proba- bly discharged from vessels which open, like exha- lents, on the internal surface of the stomach; and not from any circumscribed bodies, which are gene- rally denominated glands. The name of gland is theoretically applied to Appendix.—Structure of Glands. 409 several bodies which cannot be proved to secrete any fluid whatever; and also to those bodies con- nected with the absorbent vessels, which are called the Lymphatic Glands ; but it is most commonly ap- propriated to those organs which discharge a fluid different from the blood. The structure by which mucus is secreted in some places, appears to be very simple. Thus in the Sehneiderian membrane and the urethra, there are small ducts from four to six lines in length, and equal in diameter to a bristle, which appear to he formed of the membrane on which they open. From these ducts mucus issues to cover the surfaces of these membranes. In many instances there is no substance resembling that of the circumscribed gland- ular bodies, connected with these ducts; but the secreted fluid seems to be discharged into the ducts from the small vessels on their surfaces. The ducts of this nature in the urethra are denominated La- cunx. In some other parts of the body, the cavities into which mucus is discharged are somewhat different, both in form and size, from those above mentioned, and are called Follicles. These cavities are sur- rounded with more or less of a pulpy vascular sub- stance, which has been considered as glandular, and essential to the mucous secretion. The circumscribed bodies, which are commonly called glands, differ in their internal appearance and texture, from the other parts of animals. The sub- stance of which they consist differs very much in the different glands ; and thus renders the liver, kid- neys, salivary glands, mammae, &c. very different from each other. Some glands, as the salivary, &c. are composed of several series of lobuli that suc- cessively diminish. The smallest of these are de- nominated Acini. Each of them is connected by a Vol. II. 52 414 Appendix.—Structure of Glands. small artery and vein, to the large blood vessels of the glands ; and also sends a branch to join the ex- cretory duct. These Acini are therefore connected to each other, by the blood vessels and excretory duct of the gland, and also by the cellular membrane, which covers them externally, and occasions them to adhere to each other where they are in contact. In consequence of this structure, these glands have a granulated appearance. The liver, when incised with a sharp instrument, appears differently; but when broken into pieces, it seems to consist of small acini. Some other glands, as the Prostate, appear to be uniform in their texture, and have none of this granulated appearance. The structure of glands has long been an interest- ing object of anatomical inquiry, and was investiga- ted with great assiduity by those eminent anatomists, Malpighi and Ruysch. Malpighi, as was formerly observed, used ink and other coloured fluids in his injections. He was also very skilful in the use of microscopes, and took great pains in macerating and preparing the subjects of his inquiries. Ruysch, on the other hand, used a ce- raceous injection, and was most eminently successful in filling very small vessels with it. Malpighi be- lieved that there were follicles or cavities in glandu- lar bodies, which existed between the extremities of the arteries and the commencement of the excretory ducts of those bodies, and that in these cavities the secreted fluids underwent a change.—Ruysch con- tended, that the arteries of glands were continued into execretory ducts without the intervention of any cavity or follicle ; that the small bodies, which had been supposed to contain follicles or cripae, were formed by convulsions of vessels, and that the change of the fluid, or the process of secretion, is produced by the minute ramifications of the artery. Appendix.—Structure of Glands. 410 A very interesting account of this subject is con- tained in two celebrated letters, which passed be- tween Boerhaave and Ruysch in the year 1721, and are published at the end of the fourth volume of the works of Ruysch. The opinion of Ruysch has been most generally adopted by anatomists, and has derived support and confirmation from several anatomists since his time.— The late Mr. Hewson declared his conviction that the small globular bodies which are scattered through the kidneys, and were supposed to be follicles or criptse, are merely convoluted arteries. He also as- serted, that the acini which appeared in the mammae as large as the heads of pins, when the excretory ducts of that gland were injected with vermilion and painters' size, proved to be the minute ramifications of the excretory duct, which divided very suddenly into branches so small, that they could not readily be seen by the naked eye.* Notwithstanding these reasons for supposing that the excretory ducts of glands were derived simply from the arteries of those bodies, it is said that the late Dr. W. Hunter used to declare his belief, that there was a part in glands which was not injected, in his preparations; and to say further, that he be- lieved his preparations were injected as minutely as those of Ruysch. All of these opinions have been strenuously con- troverted by the Italian anatomist, Mascagni, who believes that the arteries terminate only in veins; and of course that they neither form exhalent ves- sels, nor communicate with the excretory ducts of glands. His idea of the structure of glands is dif- ferent from those either of Malpighi or of Ruysch. He supposes that glands contaiu a great number of •See Experimental Inquiries, vol. ii. p. 178. 412 Appendix.—Structure of Glands. minute cells ; that the arteries, veins, and absorbent vessels are spread upon the surfaces of these cells, in great numbers, and very irregularly. From these cells very small canals originate, which unite to form the small branches of the excretory ducts.—- According to his idea, the secreted fluid is dis- charged through pores or orifices of the blood ves- sels, into the cells, and proceeds from them, through the canals, into the branches of the excretory ducts. Absorbent vessels, iu great numbers, originate from these cells. In his great work on the absorbent system, when treating on the termination of arteries and the com- mencement of veins, (Part I. Section 2.) he asserts, that if the kidneys are successfully injected with size, coloured with vermilion, and then laid open by a section with a razor, it will be found that the size without the colour has passed into cells, which are very numerous; that the arteries and veins are ra- mified most minutely on the surfaces of these cells, and that the tubuli uriniferi, as well as the absorbent vessels, originate from them. He supposes that a considerable portion of the fluid thus passing off from the blood vessels, is com- monly taken up by the absorbent vessels of the kid- neys ; for in two cases iu which he found the ab- sorbent vessels obstructed, a diabetes existed, which he considered as the effect of the inactivity of the ab- sorbents. He asserts, that in the liver, pancreas, mammae, and also in the salivary and lachrymal glands, the minute arteries and veins are also distri- buted upon the surfaces of cells ; and that very small canals arise from these cells, and unite to form the small branches of the excretory ducts. This great anatomist appears to have been much Appendix.— Structure of Glands. 413 occupied with microscopical observations, and has gone largely into the discussion of this subject.* It must, however, be acknowledged, that no information which has as yet been obtained respecting the struc- ture of glands, enables us to explain their wonderful effect upon the fluids which pass through them. It re- mains yet to be ascertained why one structure forms saliva and another bile; or why so much apparatus should be necessary for the secretion of milk, when adipose matter appears to be produced by the mere membrane in which it is contained. Dr. Berzelius, professor of Chemistry at Stockholm, in a late work on animal chemistry, asserts, that if all the nerves going to a secretory organ are divided, se- cretion will cease, notwithstanding the continued cir- culation of the blood. From this, he thinks, that se- cretions depend upon the influence of nerves, although he cannot explain their effects. Mr. Home, after relating some experiments upon blood and serum, made with the Voltaic Battery, proposes the following questions, among others: Whether a weaker power of electricity than any which can be kept up by art, may be capable of separating from the blood the different parts of which it is composed; and forming new combinations of the parts so separated : —Whether the structure of the nerves may enable them to possess a low electrical power, which can be employed for that purpose ? &c. See the London Philosophical Transactions, foi 1809, Part Il.t * The late Dr. W. Hunter, in his Medical Commentaries, (p. 40,) avowed his belief, that the fluids, which appear occasionally in the various cavities of the body, transude through the coats of the blood vessels. Mr. Hewson (Experimental Inquiries, Vol. II. Chap. 7.] suggested several reasons for dissenting from this opinion ; but Mascagni has endeavoured to support it.—See a long notu to the above mentioned section of his work, page 74. f Mr. Wollaston has also published a small paper on this subjec' in the Philosophical Magazine, Vol. 3i GLOSSARY,* EXHIBITING THE DERIVATION OF CERTAIN ANATOMIQAL TERMS. A. ACETABULUM. The cavity which receives the head of the thigh-bone; from acetum vinegar: so called, because it re-r presents the acetabulum or saucer of the ancients, in which vinegar was held for the use of the table. Acini. From acinus a grape. Acromion. A process of the scapula; from otpoj extremity, and a/tttt the shoulder. Anastomosis. The communication of vessels with one ano- ther; from «r« through, and yo/*« mouth. Anatomy. The dissection of the human body; from «»«, and i-ijuto to dissect. Anconeus. A muscle; so called from «>»6iv the elbow. Aorta. AepT» from; *** air, and *»§«« to keep. Aponeurosis. A tendinous expansion; from ««■«, and Mi/pov a nerve ; from an erroneous supposition of the ancients, that it was formed by an expansion of nerve. Apophysis. A process of a bone; from ccttoqvu to proceed from. A synonyme of process. Arachnoides. A net-like membrane ; from ap«^v» a spider, and «//o; likeness. Artery. From «ug air, and n%w to keep ; because the ancients supposed that air only was contained in them. Arthrodia. A species of connexion of bones; from «p0po« to articulate. Arytsenoides. The name of two cartilages of the larynx; also applied to some muscles of the larynx; from «pvraf«tJ» to divide. Diarthrosis. A moveable connexion of bones; from A«g*go« to articulate. Digastric. From «f/c twice, and y*s*z a belly ; having two bel- lies. Diploe. The spongy substance between the two tables of the skull; from c/WAo* to double. Duodenum. The first portion of the small intestines ; so called because the ancients supposed that it did not exceed the breadth of twelve fingers; from duodenus, consisting of twelve. Dura Mater. The outermost membrane of the brain; called dura, because it is much harder than the other membranes, and mater, from the idea of the ancients that it was the source of all the other membranes. E. Embryo. The child in the womb is so called before the fifth month, after which it is termed foetus; from iftfyu* to bud forth. Enarthrosis. An articulation of bones; from «in, and a^flgo* a joint or articulation. Enteric. Belonging to the intestines; from wt^ot an entrail or intestine. Epidermis. The scarf or outermost skin ; from «n upon, and £iqt*.K the skin. Epididymis. The small oblong body which lies above the tes- ticles; from tin upon, and frfvptK; a testicle. Epigastric. The superior part of the abdomen ; from «*•< upon, and >*«T>i£ the stomach. Epiglottis. A cartilage of the larynx so called; from %*t upon, and v\«it?ic the aperture of the larynx, being situated upon the glottis. Epiphysis. A portion of bone growing upon another bone, but Vol. II. 53 418 Glossary. separated from it by a cartilage: from iwi upon, and q>uu to grow. Epiploon. The membranous viscus of the abdomen, which co- vers the intestines, and hangs to the bottom of the stomach; from tiwrxta to swim upon. Ethmoid. From ifl^ec a sieve, and n/of resemblance; being per- forated like a sieve. F. Fascia. An expansion, enclosing other parts, like a band; from fascis a bundle. Falciform. Shaped like a sithe; from falx, a sithe. Fasciculus. A little bundle, dim. of fascis a bundle. Fauces. The plural of faux, the top of the throat. G. Ganglion. Tafyxm, a knot in the course of a nerve. Gastrocnemius. The muscle which forms the thick of the leg; from >*$*f a belly, and k»»^» the leg. Genio. Names compounded with this word belong to muscles which are attached to the chin, as genio-glossus—genio- hyoideus, &c; from >«sx»v» a cavity, and »/x«toc the buttocks. Gomphosis. return?, a species of immoveable connexion of bones; from ycp.>iv Hymen, the god of marriage. Hyoides. A bone of the tongue, so called from its resemblance to the Greek v; from v, and mfot resemblance. Glossary. 419 Hypochondriurn.. That part of the body which lies under the cartilages of the spurious ribs; from i** under, and x6'^{«c a cartilage. Hypogastric. The lower region of the fore part of the abdo- men ; from «V» under, and y«c»£ the stomach. I. Reon. A portion of the small intestines; from #«Xt» to turn j being always convoluted. Ischium. The part of the os innominatum upon which we sit; from^e-^wa to sustain. L. Lacuna. The excretory duct of the glands of the urethra and vagina; from lacus a channel. Lambdoidal suture. So called because it is shaped like the let- ter x; from x, and t/2os resemblance. Larynx. The superior part of the windpipe; x<*{«;>£ the larynx. M. Masseter. A muscle of the face, which assists in the action of chewing; ftetaraofxcu to chew. Mastoid. From /t*«*o$ a breast, and u«• to eat; because it carries the food into the stomach. 42Q Glossary. Olecranon. The elbow, or head of the ulna; from «x««? the cu- bit, and xgavot the head. Omentum. An abdominal viscus; so called from omen a guess; because the soothsayers prophesied from the inspection of this part. Omo. Names compounded with this word belong to muscles which are attached to the scapula, as omo-hyoideus, &c, from af*ot the shoulder. Omoplata. The scapula or shoulder blade; from «/*os the shoul- der, and ir\*Tvt broad. Osteology. The doctrine of the bones; from o$io» a bqpe, and Xoytc a discourse. P. Pancreas. A viscus of the abdomen ; so called from its fleshy consistence ; from km all, and Kgtat flesh. Parenchyma. The substance of some of the viscera was so called, from va^nuu to pour through. Parotid Gland; from *«g« near, and owe the ear; because it is situated near the ear. Pelvis. A bony cavity shaped like a basin ; from wixuc a basin. Pericardium. The membrane which surrounds the heart; from ittft around, and xagJ1** the heart. Pericranium. The membrane which covers the bones of the skull; from *•«§/ around, and x{««o» the cranium or head. Periosteum. The membrane which surrounds the bones ; from Ttg* around, and oy»o> a bone. Peristaltic motion of the intestines; from «*^us-xx«, to contracL Peritoneum. The membrane lining the abdomen, and cover- ing its viscera; from jn^nwa to extend around. Phalanx. The bones of the fingers and toes are called pha- lanxes, from their regular situation, like a « the loin, being situated in the loins. Pterygoid process. From {oa to make hard. Sesamoid bones. From rmrtun a grain, and »/ an entrail. 422 Glossary. Symphysis. A connexion of bones; from cv^va to grow to- gether. Synarthrosis. A connexion of bones; from o; a sword, andwfos likeness. Z. Zygoma. The cavity under the zygomatic process of the tem poral bones; from £«>oj a yoke. ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO VOLUME II. Page Pasre Aorta 50 & 236 Artery, internal maxillary245 Adhesion of lungs 73 mammary257 Abdomen 82 intercostals supe- regions of 86 rior 260 contents of 85 interosseal 267 situation of vis intercostals infe- cera 87 rior 272 Acini of liver 132 iliac primitive 282 Arteries, structure of 226 internal 283 Artery, axillary 262 ilio lumbar 284 aorta thoracic 270 iliac external 288 abdominal 274 internal plantar 296 adipose 281 ischiatic 286 anastomotic 292 lingual 242 anterior tibial 294 lumbar 282 basilic 259 middle of brain 255 bronchial 270 mammary exter- carotid 239 nal 262 external 240 mesenteric supe- internal 250 rior 278 callous 256 infe- cervical 261 rior 279 circumflex 564 occi- cceliac 275 pital 244 capsular 280 ophthalmic 252 circumflex of ili oesophageal 271 um 289 obturator 285 ofthig h-291 pharyngeal infe- emulgent 280 rior 243 epigastric 288 phrenic 274 facial 242 pudic internal 287 femoral 289 external 290 gastric 275 profunda femoris 290 right 276 perforating 291 left 277 I popliteal 292 gluteal 286 posterior tibial 295 humeral 264 peroneal ib. hepatic 276 plantar external 296 heemorrhoidal 285 radial 266 innominata 238 stylo-mastoid 245 VOL. II. a 11 INDEX. Artery, subclavian 256 scapular superior 260 internal 263 spiral 265 splenic 277 spermatic 281 sacral middle 28 lateral 284 thyroid superior 241 inferior 258 temporal 249 ulnar 268 uterine 286 vertebral 258 Arterial system, plan of l297 Abdominal viscera, nerves of 368 Absorbents, structure of 371 of lower ex- tremity 376 of abdomen S81 of thorax 389 of head and neck 391 of upper ex- tremity 393 Absorption, cutaneous 395 Black glands 64 Bile 141 Bladder of female 213 Blood vessels in general 223 Blood 401 colouring matter of 404 Cavities of nose Coecum Colon Corpus pampini forme Corpora cavernosa Corpus spongiosum Canal of urethra Clitoris Canalis arteriosus Cava Coronary veins 4 118 119 174 186 188 190 201 220 299 ib. Chorda Tympani 335 Crassamentum 403 Duodenum IU Ductus communis 141 Dartos 173 Ductus venosus 220 Descending cava 300 External nose 2 Eustachian tube 11 Epididymis 177 Fauces 28 Foetus, thorax of 69 heart of ib. lungs of ib. abdomen of 217 Female organs of genera- tion 200 Fallopian tubes 209 Gums 16 Glandulse molares 26 Glottis 34 Gastric liquor 101 Great intestines 117 Gall bladder and duct 139 Glandulee renales 154 Ganglions 321 ofGasser 327 sphino palatine 329 cervical 361 semilunar 367 Glands, structure of 408 Glossary ' 415 Heart 50 malformations of 72 nerves of 363 Hepatic duct 139 Hymen 202 Hottentots, peculiarity of 216 Intestines 104 villous coat of 105 division of 109 INDEX. iii Intestines), small 110 Nerves, lumbar 353 Integuments of penis 195 laryngeal superior 339 Ilium 113 maxillary inferior 332 ^ * superio r3i9 »•* Jejunum 113 musculo cutane- T* ous 348 :«# Kidneys 155 median ib. ninth pair 340 Larynx 31 olfactory 6. 3:3 arteries and nerves optic 324 of 35 opthalinic 327 Left auricle 55 obturator 355 ventricle 56 par vagum 338 Lungs 65 recurrent 339 Legallois on heart 79 radial 350 Liver 128 sixth pair n r» ^ ligaments of 130 seventh pair 334 Labia externa 201 sacral 356 Lacteals 389 sciatic 358 Mouth 14 sympathetic 361 Mamma; 41 splanchnic 367 Mediastinum 46 third pair 325 Muscular fibres of heart 57 tibial posterior 360 Mesentery 115 ulnar 349 Male organs of generation 171 (Esophagus 94 Nose 1 Omentum 125 nerves of 8 Orifice of urethra 167 Nerves of liver 136 Ovaries 210 Neck of the bladder 167 Nerves, structure of 319 Parotid gland 25 accessory 347 Pharynx 37 of arm 348 Pleuree 45 of brain 323 Pericardium 49 cervical 343 Pulmonary arteries and circumflex 351 veins 61 crural 355 Peritoneum 90 cardiac 363 Pylorus 102 of diaphragm 246 Pancreas 141 dorsal 352 Prostate gland 183 eighth pair 336 Penis 184 fourth pair 325 Prepuce 196 fifth pair Sv6 Placenta 221 fibular 359 Plexuses 321 glosso-pharyngeal 337 internal cutaneous 351 pulmonary 340 brachial 347 IV INDEX. Plexuses lumbar 354 f- cardiac 366 solar 367 Rima glottidis Right auricle ventricle 34 52 53 Rectum 122 Round ligaments 209 Sehneiderian membrane 5 Sinuses of nose 12 Soft palate Salivary glands Submaxillary gland 17 25 26 Sublingual gland Saliva ib. ib. Sabatier on foetal circula - tion 75 Stomach 96 lymphatics and nerves of 103 Spleen 145 Scrotum 171 Serum Spermatic cord 173 Tongue papillae of blood vessels of 18 20 23 nerves of 24 Throat 28 Tonsils 29 Thyroid gland 37 Thorax 41 Trachea 62 Thymus gland Tunica vaginalis 69 175 albuginea Testicle 176 177 descent of 218 Thoracic duct 387 Uvula 17 Urinary organs Ureters 154 160 Urinarv bladder 162 Urethra of male 188 of female 202 Uterus 205 changes of, in preg- nancy 214 Umbilical arteries 219 Venae cavae 61 Valve of colon 120 Vena Portarum 134 Vessels of liver 133 Vas deferens 180 Vesiculee seminales 181 Vagina 203 Veins, structure of 233 distribution of 298 Vena azygos 301 Veins, axillary 308 anomalies of 317 basilic 308 cephalic 308 Cava inferior 309 capsular 312 circumflex 314 external jugular 306 emulgent 312 external iliac 314 epigastric 315 external saphena 316 femoral 315 hepatic 311 hypogastric 313 intercostal superior 303 iliac primitive 313 jugular internal 304 lumbar 313 middle sacral ib. mesenteric superior 311 phrenic inferior 310 Vena portarum 311 Veins pulmonary 317 subclavian 307 splenic 311 spermatic 312 saphena major 315 vertebral 304 vesical 313 ANATOMICAL PLATES. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES OF OSTEOLOGY. Plate XIX. Fig. 1. A Front-view of the Male Skeleton. A, The os frontis. B, The os parietale. C, The Coronal suture. D, The squamous part of the temporal bones. E, The squamous suture. F, The zygoma. G, The mastoid process. H, The temporal process of the sphenoid bone. I, The orbit. K, The os malee. L, The os maxillare superius. M, Its nasal process. N, the ossa nasi. O, The os unguis, P, The maxilla inferior. Q, the teeth, which are sixteen in number in each jaw. R, The seven cervical vertebrse, with their intermediate cartilages. S, Their Transverse processes. T, The twelve dorsal vertebrae, with their intermediate cartilages. U, The five lumbar vertebrse. V, Their transverse process. W, The upper part of the os sacrum. X, Its lateral parts. The holes seen on its fore part are the passages of the undermost spinal nerves and small vessels. Opposite to the holes, the marks of the original divisions of the bones are seen. Y, The os ilium. Z, Its crest or spine, a, The anterior spinous processes, b. The brim of the pelvis, c, The ischiatic niche, d, The os ischium. e, Its tuberosity, f, Its spinous process, g, Its crus. h, The foramen thyroideum. i, The os pubis, k, The symphysis pubis. 1, The crus pubis, m. The acetabulum, n, The seventh or last true rib. o, The twelfth or last false rib. p, The upper end o£ the sternum, q, The middle piece, r, The under end, or car- tilage ensiformis. s, The clavicle, t, The internal surface of the scapula, u, Its acromion, v, Its coracoid process, vv, Its cervix.'x, The glenoid cavity, y, The os humeri, z, Its head which is connected to the glenoid cavity. 1, Its internal tu- 2 Explanation of the j-tu^.i ,*/ ^s^r .. «*■». bercle. 2, Its internal tubercle. long head of the biceps muscle 01 me arm. •*, me internal condyle. Between 4 and 5, the trochlea. 6, The radius. 7, Its head. 8, Its tubercle. 9, The ulna. 10, Its coronoid process. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, The carpus; composed of os naviculare, os lunare, os cuneiform, os pisiforme, os trapezi- um, os trapezoides, os magnum, os unciforme. 19, The five bones of the metacarpus. 20, The two bones of the thumb. 21, The three bones of each of the fingers. 22, The os femoris. 23, Its head 24, Its cervix. 25, The trochanter major. 26, trochanter minor, 27, The internal condyle. 28, The external condyle. 29, The rotula. 30, The tibia. 31, Its head. 32, Its tubercle. 33, Its spine. 34, The malleolus internus. 35, The fibula. 36, Its head. 37, The malleolus externus. The tarsus is composed of. 38, The astragalus ; 39, the os calcis; 40, The os naviculare; 41, Three ossa, cuneiformia, and the os cu- boides, which is not seen in this figure. 42, The five bones of the metatarsus. 43, The two bones of the great toe. 44, The three bones of each of the small toes. Fig. 2. A Front-view of the Skull. A, The osfrontis. B, The lateral part of the os frontis> which gives origin to part of the temporal muscle. C, The superci- liary ridge. I), The superciliary hole through which the frontal vessels and nerves pass. EE, The orbitar processes. F, The middle of the transverse suture. G, The upper part of the orbit. H, The foramen opticum. I, The foramen lacerum. K, the inferior orbitar fissure. L, The os unguis. M, The ossa nasi. N, The os maxillare superius. O, Its nasal process. P, The external orbitar hole through which the superior maxil- lary vessels and nerves pass. Q, The os malae. R, A passage for small vessels into or out of, the orbit. S, The under part of the left nostril. T, The septum narium. U, The os spon- giosum superius. V, The os spongiosum inferius. W, The edge of the alveoli, or spongy sockets for the teeth. X, The maxilla inferior. Y, The passage for the inferior maxillary vessels and nerves. Fig. 3. A Side-view of the Skull. A, The os frontis. B, The coronal suture. C, The os pa- rietale. U, An arched ridge which gives origin to the temporal muscle. E, the squamous suture. F, The squamous part of the temporal bone: and farther forwards, the temporal process of the sphenoid bone. G, The zygomatic process of the temporal bone. H, The zygomatic suture. I, the mastoid process of the temporal bone. K, the meatus auditorius externus. L, Theor- biter plate of the frontal bone, under which is seen the trans Explanation of the Plates of Osteology. 8 verse suture. M, The pars plana of the ethmoid bone. N.The os unguis. 0:, The right os nasi. P, The superior maxillary bone. Q, Its nasal process. R, The two dentes incisores. S, The dens caninus. T, The two small molares. U, The three large molares. V, The os malae. W, The lower jaw. X, Its angle. Y, The coronoid process. Z, The condyloid process by which the jaw 13 articulated with the temporal bone. Fig. 4. The posterior and right side of the skull. A, The os frontis. BB, The ossa parietalia. C, The sagit- tal suture. D, The parietal hole, through which a small vein runs to the superior longitudinal sinus. E, The lambdoid su- ture. FF, Ossa triquetra. G, The os occipitis. H, The squa- mous part of the temporal bone. I, the mastoid process. K, The zygoma. L, The os malae. M, The temporal part of the sphenoid bone. N, The superior maxillary bone and teeth. Fig. 5. The External Surface of the Os Frontis. A, The convex part. B, Part of the temporal fossa. C, The external angular process. D, The internal angular process E, The nasal process. F, The superciliary arch. G, The super- Ciliary hole. H, The orbitar plate. Fig. 6. The Internal Surface of the Os Frontis. AA, The serrated edge which assists to form the coronal suture. B, The external angular process. C, The Internal angular process. D, The nasal process. E, The orbitar plate. F, The cells which correspond with those of the ethmoid bone. G, The passage from the frontal sinus. H, The opening which receives the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone. I, The ca- vity which lodges the fore part of the brain. K, The spine to which the falx is fixed. L, The groove which lodges the su- perior longitudinal sinus. Plate XX. Fig. 1. A Back View of the Skeleton. AA, The ossa parietalia. B, The sagittal suture. C, The lambdoid suture. D, The occipital bone. E, The squamous suture. F, The mastoid process of the temporal bone. G, The os malae. H, The palate plates of the superior maxillary bones. I, The maxilla inferior. K, The teeth of both jaws. L, The seven cervical vertebrae. M, Their spinous processes. N, Their transverse and oblique processes. O, The last of the twelve dorsal vertebrae. P, The fifth or last lumbar vertebra. Q,The transverse processes. R, The oblique processes. S, The spinous process. T, The upper part of the os sacrum. U, The posterior holes which transmit small blood vessels and nerves. « Explanation of the Plates of Osteology. 5 Fig. 6. The External Surface of the Osseous Cirole, which terminates the meatus auditorius externus. A, The anterior part. B, A small part of the groove in which the membrana tympani is fixed. N. B. This, with the subsequent bones of the ear, are here delineated as large as the life. Fig. 7. The Internal Surface of the Osseous Circle. A, The anterior part. B, The groove in which the mem- brana tympani is fixed. Fig. 8. The situation and Connexion of the Small Bones of the Ear. A, The malleus. B, The incus. C, The os orbiculare. D, The stapes. Fig. 9. The Malleus, with its Head, Handle, and Small Processes. Fig. 10. The Incus, with its Body, Superior and Inferior Branches. Fig. 11. The Os Orbiculare. Fig. 12. The Stapes, with its Head, Base, and two Crura. Fig. 13. An Internal View of the Labyrinth of the Ear. A, The hollow part of the cochlea, which forms a share of the meatus auditorius internus. B, The vestibulum. CCC, The semicircular canals. Fig. 14. An External View of the Labyrinth. A, The semicircular canals. B, The fenestra ovalis which leads into the vestibulum. C, The fenestra rotunda which opens into the cochlea. D, The different turns of the cochlea. Fig. 15. The Internal Surface of the Os Sphenoides. AA, The temporal processes. BB, The pterygoid process- es. CC, The spinous processes. DD, The anterior clinoid processes. E, The posterior clinoid process. F, The anterior process which joins the ethmoid bone. G, The sella turcica for lodging the glandula pituitaria. H, The foramen opticum. K, Th6 foramen lacerum. L, The foramen rotundum. M, The foramen ovale. N, The foramen spinale. Fig. 16. The External Surface of the Os Sphenoides. AA, The temporal processes. BB, The pterygoid process- es. CC, The spinous processes. D, The processes azygos. E, The small triangular processes which grow from the body of the bone. FF, The orifices of the sphenoid sinuses. G, The foramen lacerum. H, The foramen rotundum. I, The foramen ovale. K, The foramen pterygoideum. 6 Explanation of the Plates of Osteology. Fig. 17 The External View of the Os Ethmoides. A, The nasal lamella. BB, l he grooves between the nasal lamella and ossa spongiosa superiora. CC, The ossa spongiosa superiora. DD, The sphenoidal cornua. See Fig. 16. E. Fig. 18. he Internal View of the Os Ethmoides. A, The crista galli. B, The cribriform plate, with the dif- ferent passages of the olfactory nerves. CC, Some of the eth- moidal cells. D, The right as planum. EE, The sphenoidal cornua. Fig. 19. The right Sphenoidal Cornu. Fig. 20. The left Sphenoidal Cornu. Fig. 21. The External Surface of the Os Occipitis- A, The upper part of the bone. B, The superior arched ridge. C, The inferior arched ridge. Under the arches are prints made by the muscles of the neck. DD, The two con- dyloid processes which articulate the head with the spine. E, The cuneiform process. F, The foramen magnum through which the spinal marrow passes. GG, The posterior condyloid foramina which transmit veins into the lateral sinuses. HH, The foramina lingualia for the passage of the ninth pair of nerves. Fig. 22. The internal Surface of the Os Occipitis. AA, the two sides which assist to form the lambdoid suture. B, The point of the cuneiform process, where it joins the sphenoid bone. CC, The prints made by the posterior lobes of the brain. DD, Prints made by the lobes of the cerebellum. E, The cruciform ridge for the attachment of the process of the dura mater. F, The course of the superior longitudinal sinuses. GG, The course of the two lateral sinuses. H, The foramen magnum. II, The posterior condyloid foramina. Plate XXL Fig. 1. A Side-View of the Skeleton. A A, The ossa parietalia. B, The sagittal suture. C, The oa occipitis. DD, The lambdoid suture. E, The squamous part of the temporal bone. F, The mastoid process. G, The meatus auditorius externus. H, The os frontis. I, The os malae. K, The os maxillare superius. L, The maxilla inferior. M, The teeth of both jaws. N, The seventh, or last cervical vertebra. O, The spinous processes. P, Their transverse and oblique processes. Q, The twelfth or last dorsal vertebra. R, The fifth, or last, lumbar vertebra. S, The spinous processes. T, Oppnings between the vertebrse for the passage of the spinal nerves. U, The under end of the os sacrum. V, The oscoc- ^M*'-- £&*■> >-V s ST > V v/ c»^ Explanation of the Plates of Osteology. 7 cygis. W, The os ilium. X, The Tanterior spinous processes. Y, The posterior spinous processes. Z, Ischiatic niche, a, The right os ilium, b, The ossa pubis, c, The tuberosity of the left os ischium, d, The Scapula, e, Its spine, f, The os hu- meri, g, The radius, h, The ulna, i, The carpus, k, The me- tacarpal bone of the thumb. 1, The metacarpal bones of the fingers, m, The two bones of the thumb, n, The three bones of each of the fingers, o, The os femoris. p, Its head, q, The trochanter major, r, The external condyle, s, The rotula. t, The tibia, u, The fibula, v, The malleolus externus. w, The astragalus, x, The os calcis. y, The os naviculare. z, : he three ossa cuneiforma. 1, 'I he os cuboides. 2, The five meta- tarsal bones. 3, The two bones of the great toe. 4, The three bones of each of the small toes. Fig. 2. A View of the Internal Surface of the Base of the Skull. AAA, The two tables of the skull with the diploe. BB, The orbitar plates of the frontal bone. C, The crista galli, with cribriform plate of the ethmoidal bones on each side of it, through which the first pair of nerves pass. D, Vhe cunei- form process of the occipital bone. E, The cruciform ridge. F, The foramen magnum for the passage of the spinal mar- row. G, The xygoma, made by the joining of the zygomatic processes of the os temporum and os inalfe. H, ^hepars squa- mosa of the os temporum. I, The pars mammillaris. K, The pars petrosa. L, The temporal process of the sphenoid bone, MM, The anterior clinoid processes. N, The posterior cli- noid process. 0, The sella turcica, P, The foramen opticum. for the passage of the optic nerve and ocular artery of the left side. Q, The foramen lacerum, for the third, fourth, sixth, and first of the fifth pair of nerves and ocular vein. R, The foramen rotundum, for the second of the fifth pair. S, The foramen ovale, for the third of the fifth pair. T, The foramen spinale, for the principal artery of the dura mater. U, The entry of the auditory nerve. V, The passage for the laternal sinus. W, The passage of the eighth pair of nerves. X, The passage of the ninth pair. Fig, 3. A View of the External Surface of the Base of the Skull. A, The two dentes incisores of the right side. B, The dens caninus. C, The two small molares. D, The three large mo- lares. E, The foramen incisivum, which gives passage to small blood vessels and nerves. F, The palate-plates of the ossa maxillaria and palati, joined by the longitudinal and trans- verse palate sutures. G, The foramen palatinum posterius, for 8 Explanation of the Plates of Osteology. the palatine vessels and nerves. H, The os maxillare superius of the right side. I, The os malae. K, The zygomatic process ot the temporal bone. L, The posterior extremity of the ossa spongiosa. M, The posterior extremity of the vomer which forms the back part of the septum nasi. N, The pterygoid pro- cess of the right side of the sphenoid bone. 00, the foramina ovalia. PP, The foramina spinalia. QQ, The passages of the internal carotid arteries. R, A hole between the point of each pars petrosa and cuneiform process of the occipital bone, which is filled up with a ligamentous substance in the recent subject. S, The passage of the left lateral sinus. T, The posterior con- dyloid foramen of the left side. U, The foramen mastoideum. V, l'he foramen magnum. W, The inferior orbitar fissure. X, The glenoid cavity, for the articulation of the lower jaw. Y, The squamous part of the temporal bone. Z, The mastoid process, at the inner side of which is a fossa for the posterior belly of the digastric muscle, a, The styloid process, b, The meatus auditorius externus. c, The left condyle of the occi- pital bone, d, The perpendicular occipital spine, ee, The in- ferior horizontal ridge of the occipital bone, ff, The superior horizontal ridge, which is opposite to the crucial ridge where the longitudinal sinus divides to form the lateral sinuses, ggg, The lambdoid suture, h, The left squamous suture, i, The parietal bone. Fig. 4. The anterior surface of the Ossa Nasi. A, The upper part, which joins the os frontis. B, The un- der end, which joins the cartilage of the nose. C, The inner edge, where they join each other. Fig. 5. The posterior surface of the Ossa Nasi. AA, Their cavity, which forms part of the arch of the nose. BB, Their ridge or spine, which projects a little to be fixed to the fore part of the septum narium. Fig. 6. The external surface of the Os Maxillare Superius of the left side. A, The nasal process. B, The orbitar plate. C, The un- equal surface which joins the os malae. D, The external or- bitar hole. E, The opening into the nostril. F, The palate- place. G, The maxillary tuberosity. H, part of the os palati. I, The two dentes incisores. K, The dens caninus. L, The two small dentes molares. M, The three large dentes molares. Fig. 7. The internal surface of the Os Maxillare Superius and Os Palati. A, The nasal process. BB, Eminences for the connexion of the os spongiosum inferius. D, The under end of the la chrymal groove. E, The antrum maxillare. F, The nasal spine, Explanation of the Plates of Osteology. 9 between which and B is the cavity of the nostril. G, The palate-plate. H. The orbitar part of the os palati. I, The na- sal plate. K, The suture which unites the maxillary and palate bones. L, The pterygoid process of the palate bone. Fig. 8. The external surface of the right Os Unguis. A, The orbitar part. B, The lachrymal part. C, The ridge between them. Fig. 9. The internal surface of the right Os Unguis. This side of the bone has a furrow opposite to the external ridge ; all behind this is irregular, where it covers part of the ethmpidal cells. Fig. 10. The external surface of the left Os Mal;e. A, The superior orbitar process. B, The inferior orbitar process. C, The malar process. D, The zygomatic process. E, The orbitar plate. F, A passage for small vessels into or out of the orbit. Fig. 11. The internal surface of the left Os Malje. A, i he superior orbitar process. B, The inferior orbitar process. C, The malar process. D, The zygomatic process. E, The internal orbitar plate or process. Fig. 12. The external surface of the right Os Spongiosum In- ferius. A, The anterior part. B.The hock-like process for cover- ing part of the antrum maxillare. C, A small process which covers part of the under end of the lachrymal groove. D, The inferior edge turned a little outwards. Fig. 13. The internal surface of the Os Spongiosum Inferius. A, The anterior extremity. B, The upper edge which joins the superior maxillary and palate bones. Fig. 14. The posterior and external surface of the right Os Palati. A, The orbitar process. B, The nasal lamella. C, The pterygoid process. D, The palate process. Fig. 15. The interior and external surface of the right Os Palati. • A, The orbitar process. B, An opening through which the lateral nasal vessels and nerves pass. C, The nasal lamella. D, The pterygoid process. E, The posterior edge of the palate process for the connexion of the velum palati. F, The inner edge by which the two ossa palati are connected. Fig. 16. The right side of the Vomer. A, The Upper edge which joins the nasal lamella of the R 10 Explanation of the Plates of Osteology. ethmoid bone and the middle cartilage of the nose. B, The inferior edge, which is connected to the superior maxillary and palate bones. C, The superior and posterior part which receives the processes azygos of the sphenoid bone. Fig. 17. The Maxilla Inferior. A, The chin. B, The base and left side. C, The angle. D, The coronoid process. E, The condyloid process. F, The beginning of the inferior maxillary canal of the right side, for the entry of the nerves and blood vessels. G,The termination of the left canal. H, The two dentes incisores. I, The dens caninus. K, The two small molares. L, The three large mo- lares. "■ Fig. 18. The different classes of the Teeth. 1, 2, A fore and back view of the two anterior dentes in- cisores of the lower jaw. 3, 4, Similar teeth of the upper-jaw. 5, 6, A fore and back view of the dentes canini. 7, 8, The an- terior dentes molares. 9,10,11, The posterior dentes molares. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, Unusual appearances in the shape and size of the teeth. Fig. 19. The external surface of the Os Hyoides. A, The body. BB, The cornua. CC, The appendices. % Plate XXI. Fig. 1, A Posterior View of the Sternum and Clavicles, with the ligament connecting the clavicles to each other. a, The posterior surface of the sternum, bb, The broken ends of the clavicle, cccc, The tubercles near the extremity of each clavicle, d, The ligament connecting the clavicles. Fig. 2. A Fore-view of the Left Scapula, and a half of the Clavicle, with their Ligaments. The spine of the scapula, b, The acromion, c, The infe- rior angle, d, Inferior costa. e, Cervix, f, Glenoid cavity co- vered with cartilage for the arm-bone, gg, The capsula liga- ment of the joint, h, Coracoid process. \, the broken end of tbe clavicle, k, Its extremity joined to the acromion. 1, A li- gament coming out single from the acromion to the coracoid process, m, A ligament coming out single from the acromion, and dividing into two, which are fixed to the coracoid process. Fig. 3. The Joint of the elbow of the left arm, with the Li- gaments. a, The os humeri, b, Its internal condyle, cc, The two prominent parts of its trochlea appearing through the capsu- lar ligament, d, The ulna, e, The radius, f, The part of the ligament including the head of the radius. Uw ^ v/ o 7\ msagB^ .) Explanation of the Plates of Osteology. 11 Fig. 4. The Bones of the Right-Hand, with the Palm in view. a, The radius, b, The ulna, c, The scaphoid bone of the carpus, d, The os lunare. e, The os cuneiform, f, The os pisiforme. g, Trapezium, h, Trapezoides. i, Capitatum. k, Unciforme. 1, The four metacarpal bones of the fingers.- m, The first phalanx, n, The second phalanx, o, The third pha- lanx, p, The metacarpal bone of the thumb, q, The first joint. r, The second joint. Fig. 5. The posterior View of the bones of the Left Hand. The explication of Fig. 4. serves for this figure; the same letters pointing out the same bones, though in a different view. Fig. 6. The Upper Extremity of the Tibia, with the Semilu- nar Cartilages of the Joint of the Knee, and some Ligaments. a, The strong ligament which connects the rotula to the tu- bercle of the tibia. bb,The parts of the extremity of the tibia, covered with cartilage,*which appear within the semilunar cartilages, cc, The semilunar cartilages, d, The two parts of what is called the cross ligament. Fig. 7. '! he Posterior View of the Joint of the Right Knee. a, The os femoris cut. b, Its internal condyle, c, Its ex- ternal condyle. d,The back part of the tibia, e, The superior extremity of the fibula, f, The edge of the internal semilunar cartilage, g, An oblique ligament, h, A large perpendicular ligament, i, A ligament connecting the femur and fibula. Fig. 8. The Anterior View of the Joint of the Right Knee. b, The internal condyle, c, Its external condyle, d, The part of the os femoris, on which the patella moves, e, A per- pendicular ligament, ff, The two parts of the crucial liga- ments, gg, The edges of the two moveable semilunar carti- lages, h, The tibia, i, The strong ligament of the patella, k, The back part of it where the fat has been dissected away. 1, The external depression, m, The internal one. n, The cut tibia. Fig. 9. A View of the inferior part of the Bones of The Right Foot. a, The great knob of the os calcis. b, A prominence on its outside. c,The hollow for the tendons, nerves, and blood ves- sels, d, The anterior extremity of the os calcis. e, Part of the astragalus f, Its head covered with cartilage, g, The internal prominence of the os naviculare. h, The os cuhoides. i, The os cuneiform internum ; k.—Medium : 1,—Externum, m, The metatarsal bones of the four lesser toes, n, The first—o, The second—p, The third phalanx of the four lesser toes, q, 12 Explanation of the Plates of Osteology. The metatarsal bones of the great toe. r, Its first—s, Its Obliquus superior, or trochlearis. h, Abductor, i, The eye-ball. Fig. 4. Shows the Eye-ball with its Muscles. a, The optic nerve, b, Musculus trochlearis. c, Part of the os frontis, to which the trochlea or pulley is fixed through which,—d, The tendons of the trochlearis pass, e, Attollens oculi. f, Adductor oculi. g, Abductor oculi. h, Obliquus in- ferior, i, Part of the superior maxillary bone to which it is fix- ed, k, The eye-ball. Fig. 5. Represents the Nerves and Muscles of the Right Eye, after part of the Bones of the orbit have been cut away. A, The eye-ball. B, The lachrymal gland. C, Musculus abductor oculi. D, Attollens. E, Levator palpebrae superior- is. F, Depressor oculi. G, Abductor. H, Obliquus superior, with its pulley. I, its insertion into the sclerotic coat. K, Part of the obliquus inferior. L, The anterior part of the os fron- tis cut. M, The crista galli of the ethmoid bone. N, The posterior part of the sphenoid bone. 0, Transverse spinous process ot the sphenoid bone. P,The carotid artery, denuded where it passes through the bones. Q, The carotid artery within the cranium. R, The ocular artery. Nerves.— a a, The optic nerve.—b, The third pair, c, Its joining with a branch of the first branch of the fifth pair, to form 1,—The lenticular ganglion, which sends off the ciliary nerves, d. e e, The fourth pair, f, The trunk of the fifth pair. g, The first branch of the fifth pair, named ophthalmic, h, The frontal branch of it. i, Its ciliary branches, along with which the nasal twig is sent to the nose, k, Its branch to the. lachrymal gland. 1, The lenticular ganglion*, m, The second branch of the fifth pair, named superior maxillary, n, The third branch of the fifth pair, named inferior maxillary. o,The sixth pair of nerves—which sends off p, The beginning of the great sympathetic, q, The remainder of the sixth pair, spent on c, The abductor oculi. Fig. 6, Represents the head of a youth, where the upper part of the cranium is sawed off,—to show the upper part of the brain, covered by the pia mater, the vessels of which are minutely filled with wax. . AA, The cut edges of the upper part of the cranium. B, D 26 Explanation of the Plates of the Muscek. The two tables and intermediate diploe. BB, The two hemi spheres of the cerebrum. CC, The incisure made by the falx. D, Part of the tentorium cerebello super expansum. E, Part of the falx, which is fixed to the crista galli. Fig. 7. Represents the parts of the External Ear, with the Parotid Gland and its Duct. a a, The helix, b, The antihelix. c, The antitragus. d, The tragus. e.The lobe the ear. f, The cavitas innominata. g, The scapha. h, The concha, i i, The parotid gland, k, A lym- phatic gland, which is often found before the tragus. 1, The duct of the parotid gland, m, Its opening into the mouth. Fig. 8. A view of the posterior part of the external ear, meatus auditorius, tympanum with its small bones and Eus- tachian tube, of the right side. a, The back part of the meatus, with the small ceruminous glands, b, The incus, c, Malleus, d, The chorda tympani. e, Membrana tympani. f, The Eustachian tube, g, Its mouth from the fauces. Fig. 9. Represents the anterior part of the right external ear, the cavity of the tympanum—its small bones, cochlea and semicircular canals. a, The malleus, b, Incus, with its long leg, resting upon the stapes, c, Membrana tympani. d, e, The Eustachian tube covered by part of—f f, The Musculus circumflexus palati. 1, 2, 3, The three semicircular canals. 4, The vestibule. 5, The cochlea. 6, The portio mollis of the seventh pair of nerves. Fig. 10. Shows the muscles which compose the fleshy substance of the Tongue. a a, The tip of the tongue, with some of the papillae mini- ma, b, The root of the tongue, c, Part of the membrane of the tongue, which covered the epiglottis, d d, Part of the musculusUyo-glossus. e,The lingualia. f, Genio-glossus. gg. Part of the rtylo-glossus. SJT ?'i N7/7 ^ 1" ■*? V"l**i r. I *~ ,.^\ •\J H-^ •*. vl^£:» Vv*