Gc587*p '$r*Wib :,y;;i:i;" W. rt-vCO* •ftKaju* ■: ■** -, r w&**W&ll*fl6KS&**~*- ANATOMY A LECTURE INTRODUCTORY TO THE COURSE DELIVERED IN THE PHILADELPHIA ANATOMICAL ROOMS, FIFTH SESSION, 1825-6. BY JOHN D. GODMAN, M. D. LECTURER ON ANATOatY AND PHYSIO LOOT. ''Si quis me redarguere potest et demonstrare quod non recte sentiam aut agam, l«to anirno sententiam mutabo; VERITATEM enim quxro qua; nemini unquam damno fuit. Ego quod est mei officii ago, cauera non me avellunt."......Marcus Antoninus. ^ --. jK J PUBLISHED BY THE CLASS. U- "..... ... ■ 'l&ifh* PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY WILLIAM FRY. 1826. \1Z& At a meeting- of the class attending1 Dr. J. D. Godmas's Anatomical Lectures, held January, 1826, Thomas Old, M. D. was called to the Chair, and Joshua Whitall appointed Secretary. The following reso- lutions were unanimously adopted:— Resolved, That a committee of two gentlemen be appointed to wait on Dr. Godman and request for publication, a copy of his Introductory Lecture to the present course. Resolved, That should this request be complied with, the same com- mittee be instructed to cause the Lecture to be published in a pamph- let form. Whereupon Henry F. Askew and Perrin Barker, were appointed to carry these resolutions into effect. THOMAS OLD, Chairman. JosnuA Whitall, Secretary. ANATOMY TAUGHT BY ANALYSIS. A LECTURE, &c. THE History of Medicine anterior to the time of Hippocra- tes is lost in the obscurity of fable, though we must believe with Celsus, that in all ages it existed in some form, however rude and insufficient this may have been.* Notwithstanding the high degree of improvement to which our science was brought by the Coan Sage and his disciples, its progress to- wards perfection has been exceedingly slow, and almost univer- sally impeded by an evil of the first magnitude—the disposi- tion to speculate upon slight and insufficient data, to the neglect of accurate and patient observation. By this the most ardent and enthusiastic inquirers after truth have been allured from the right v/ay, and followed the brilliant crea- tions of their own fancies, until the realities of facts have ceased to present a charm, or to excite even a temporary in- terest; and eventually, those who might have extended the boundaries of knowledge and augmented the usefulness of our science, have expended their best efforts in endeavouring to bring all the operations of nature into subjection to their own preconceptions. Hence ensued the innumerable hosts of theories and systems, which so long attracted the admiration and wasted the time of students of medicine; many of thesethe- ories consecrated by the force of talent which gave them birth* rest quietly beneath splendid monuments which the labours of their founders have erected to their memory—while a far * " Hxc [Medicina] nusquam quidem non est." 4 larger number of humbler fortune, have sunk into well merit- ed oblivion, or occasionally flit around their former abodes, the melancholy memorials of time misspent and industry unavailingly exercised. To a student of medicine, glowing with the ardour of youth, and feeling for the profession he has adopted all the enthu- siasm of a first love, this disposition to speculate upon a slen- der capital of knowledge, is accompanied by serious incon- veniences, and followed by lasting injuries. Too frequently the acquisitions made merely by reading for a few months, are permitted to inspire him with vain notions of accounting for the most mysterious processes; the observation of a few insulated facts fill his mind with the hope of being able to build up a system which shall brave the shocks of time and accident—while from a superficial examination of instru- ments of surgery, he is induced to believe that his ingenuity can supply all their deficiencies or add perfection to every excellence. When any one allows this disposition to sway his mind, study soon grows drudgery, and the patient obser- vation of fact becomes distasteful and irksome: the indulged imagination roves to new excesses, and when the period of study is ended, and the physician should go forth prepared to render assistance to his fellow creatures, by having learned the true conditions of the organs, actions and laws necessary to health, he enters a world of his own creation ; he sees what he has been accustomed to imagine, and exerts himself to avert evils which have existence solely in his own brain. Before he awakes from this dreaming condition, his sober companions, who have been content to learn the facts con- nected with their profession, and deduced their principles of action from the knowledge they have gained of the opera- tions of nature, outstrip him in the career of professional use- fulness and distinction, win the admiration and respect of society, and enjoy the fruits of their well merited success, while our speculatist is lamenting that his talents are ne- 5 glected—his efforts unavailing—and his fertility of invention thrown away upon a stupid and undiscriminating world. Allow, however, that this is a heightened picture, and the extreme of an injurious mode of acting—let us ask ourselves whether we do not often experience that impatience which urges us to generalize from slight reading or a small collection of facts ? Whether we do not jump to conclusions without examining the ground with sufficient accuracy? Whether we are not more willing to adopt a labour-saving doctrine than be at the trouble of carefully examining how far it is support- ed by facts? Should we discover that we are subject to feel- ings of this sort, we have need to be on our guard—we must form a good resolution into a steady habit of action, in op- position to this unphilosophical spirit, and tie our attention down to the investigation of useful facts, however seemingly dry and uninteresting, until imagination is brought into sub- servience to reason, and its excursive vigour is so far re- strained as to lighten our task without turning us from our proper course. The truant disposition of which we have been speaking, has impeded the study of our department no less than that of the science in general. Centuries elapsed between the earlier steps of its improvement, and even down to the be- ginning of the lives of many who are yet in being, it existed nearly in the condition in which it was left by its first culti- vators. But the true mode of study being once fairly re- verted to, the study of facts and not of opinions, the celerity of improvement outstripped the most ardent anticipation, and the veil interposed by prejudice and scholastic dogma- tism was forever withdrawn. A new and steady light was substituted for the feeble and flickering glare of conjecture— a new impulse was given to all departments of science, and medicine underwent a regeneration, from which the most' gratifying hopes may be formed of her future beneficial in- fluence. 6 But, as the science of medicine, is a collective term for a great number of sciences, with which the physician must be to a certain extent acquainted, our hopes of the future, cannot be followed by fruition, unless you, who are to be the agents in producing these desirable consequences, are tho- roughly resolved to undertake the work in the proper spirit, and to contribute each his part, to the consummation so de- voutly to be wished. I wish you to cherish your enthusiasm, as a precious endowment without which nothing good or great can be effected; but I would also endeavour to persuade you to secure its endurance, by engaging in the pursuit of pro- fessional excellence with a thorough persuasion that your la- bour is to be immense—your privations many—the obstacles of great magnitude, and the necessity for exertion uninter- rupted : but comfort yourselves at the same time by the re- collection that your reward is exceedingly great, if you per- sist to the end. Should you ask what reward can be ade- quate to a life of so much exertion; what recompense can be offered for such toils—what remuneration can be given for all that must be relinquished ? I bid you to pronounce the name of Hippocrates, of Sydenham, of Boefhaave, Harvey, Holler, Jenner, Hunter, Rush, and the sacred few, who like them have heaped benefits on mankind by their professional labours; whose names are associated throughout the world with honour and blessing by all who are capable of estimating the value of knowledge and loving their fellow creatures: look at their imperishable renown, which, towering with in- destructible grandeur over the wrecks of empires and nations, will survive as long as mankind are susceptible of generosity and gratitude—and answer these questions for yourselves ! 1 It is true that to some studies the mind is invited by the beauty of the objects to be examined, and its ardour kept alive by the rapid progress which is made; there are others to which the way is less delightful and the interest excited is neither so intense nor inspiring, although nothing is present- 7 ed to repulse or offend; but anatomy has not an inviting as- pect, nor are its concomitants suited to stimulate the in- curious to labour nor to rouse the indolent or indifferent to en- thusiasm. The first approach to this science is generally made amidst the gloom of prejudice and the confusion of ig- norance ; the first glance at it, is most commonly that of aversion and the first attempts to acquire its elements prac- tically, are almost uniformly made in disgust. To these im- pediments may be added numerous factitious difficulties flowing from various sources, among which, the want of a proper conviction of the true value and universal appliptrfion of anatomy to medicine, the inaccuracy and inappropriateness of many books first placed in the hands of students, and the dangers to which they are in many places exposed by ven- turing to appeal from books to the knife, may be enumerated as of the greatest magnitude. When we consider all such circumstances, together with the actual extent of the subject and the vast number of facts which are to be remembered, it will not appear surprising that comparatively so few grow fond of the study, and those who become perfectly acquainted with its details so extreme- ly rare. Neither shall we be surprised that many persons content themselves with alleging these difficulties as a cause of their want of ardour, or that they remain satisfied with a superficial knowledge of the subject rather than make the necessary exertion in order to become profound. In fact, he who would study anatomy properly should be endowed with no ordinary share of resolution, should be thoroughly convinced of the importance and necessity of making his best efforts, and have an enlightened view of all the benefits an- atomy is capable of conferring on the subsequent steps of his professional career. His progress must be slow, in order to be sure, for although he may be gifted with the brightest tal- ents, and grasp at the the treasures of genius with a hand of 8 power, yet without untiring and enduring perseverance he cannot anticipate an ultimate triumph over the obstacles to his success. Anatomy is unquestionably the foundation on which the healing art is based—its application to every department of practice is continual. We may derive advantage from con- sidering it in some of its bearings on the other segments of the great circle of medicine. As anatomy teaches us the structure and connexions of the parts composing our bodies, one of the immediate consequen- ces of studying it is the acquisition of some ideas relative to the functions they perform. The anatomist imperceptibly be- comes a physiologist even when most busied in examining the details of construction, and when he subsequently enters on the special study of the functions he speedily acquires clear and precise notions of the actions of individual parts; of their relations to the whole system; and of the reciprocal in- fluence of the parts on the whole. Careful induction and ex- periment teach him to trace out the laws which make health and life dependent on the uninterrupted succession of certain actions ; and as the light of anatomy is shed upon the more minute parts of the system, his views increase in comprehen- siveness, he looks upon his profession with a higher feeling of respect, and a fuller glow of hope for its further improve- ment and usefulness. Having acquired a well grounded knowledge of natural or healthy functions, the student no longer finds it difficult to comprehend how various diseased conditions may be produ. ced, and he is able to detect the earliest aberrations from health by symptoms imperceptible to such as are not ac- quainted with the structure and function. He is also prepared to foresee the results which must ensue from a continuance of such disarray, as well as to distinguish between secondary symptoms and such as are original: thus while one less thoroughly imbued with the requisite knowledge would be 9 treating a patient for consequences, he would more efficient- ly apply his powers to the removal of the causes whence they sprung. This power of discrimination may be perfected to a very high degree, and almost in the direct ratio of our ac- quaintance with the structure and functions of the various organs in the body. It is an unfortunate notion that a stu- dent may devote too much time to anatomy; because at the time he engages in business he can rarely or never enjoy the opportunity of renewing his anatomical researches, and he is continually liable to be called on to treat diseases or injuries, which, to be properly understood and judiciously managed, will require his clearest recollection of the minutest points in anatomy. It is on occasions which baffle the ignorant and confound those who have been negligent, that ths value of your anatomical labours will become apparent, and public ap» probation will manifest a vast difference between the esteem bestowed on him who has not spent his youth in vain, and that, shown to one who has been content with forms and ob- servances, instead of striving to acquire knowledge. Under all circumstances, the practitioner who bears his anatomical and physiological knowledge constantly in mind, has in the most difficult situations a chart by which to steer, and is ac- quainted with resources upon which he can rely; while one destitute of this assistance is tossed upon a sea of doubt, is entirely at the mercy of accident, can make but random efforts to extricate himself from danger, and knows not the point to- wards which he is hastening. Surgery in all its various subdivisions, may be said to have no existence independent of anatomy, being constantly en- gaged in the preservation of the natural conditions of the body, either by mitigating the effects of injury, replacing what has been broken or disjointed, or else in removing of what has become noxious. The usefulness and excellence of the sur- geon is in immediate proportion to his familiarity with all the details of organization, with all the minute and curious B 10 relations of parti. To discharge his professional duties to advantage, and do proper honour to himself and his profes- sion, nothing in anatomy which is attainable should be un- known to him—nothing should be unexplored by him that can possibly shed light on the changes which disease may produce, or on the nature of morbid conditions which enlight- ened dexterity might relieve. If we examine what surgeons have been distinguished as public benefactors in all ages and countries from the time of the immortal Vesalius to the present hour, we shall find that they have been those who were most profoundly ac- quainted with anatomy and physiology, and who have most assiduously and practically devoted themselves to their cul- tivation. It is true that empirics have at different times, gained celebrity by the performance of certain operations, but we must recollect how many persons must have perished under their hands before their skill was obtained; and how little they were guided by any principle in the course they pursued. That anatomical knowledge alone, constitutes its possessor a surgeon, is what we do not pretend to advance; but without it a surgeon* cannot exist, for the term to be cor- * In a note to my translation of Coster's Manual of Surgical Operations I have attempted to point out the true character of a " surgeon," and take the liberty of introducing it here for the benefit of those who have not the work above mentioned. " The difference between a surgeon and a mere operator, may be more thoroughly appreciated by contrasting them :—the surgeon inquires in- to the causes and removes the consequences of constitutional or loca] disease—the operator inquires into the willingness of his patient to sub- mit, and resorts to the knife. The surgeon relies on the restoration of the healthy actions by regimen and medicine—the operator relies on himself, and cuts off the diseased part. The surgeon, reflecting on the comfort and feelings of his patient, uniformly endeavours to save him from pain and deformity—the operator considers his own immediate ad- vantage, and the notoriety he may acquire, regardless of all other con- siderations. The surgeon reluctantly decides on the employment of in- 11 rectly applied, can only be given to those who, to a proper degree of collateral information, have added a thorough and practical knowledge of the construction, relations and func- tions of the organs composing the human frame. To be a surgeon without a knowledge of anatomy, is as impossible as that a blind man should be a painter; to such a person all colours would be darkness—to such a surgeon every variety of texture would be but one confusion. If we consider every branch of medical education and prac- tice in detail, we shall discover that each has a more or less im- mediate reliance on anatomy and physiology, and that all the best established principles of medicine are founded upon the knowledge of structure and function. Anatomy is the only department which may be strictly declared to have an inde- pendent existence, inasmuch as Physiology, Pathology, The- rapeutics and Surgery exist only in immediater eference to it; and the sciences of Materia Medica and Chemistry pertain to medicine, only so long as they refer to the other branches which presuppose an acquaintance with anatomy. No incentive to exertion can be wanting after you have seen and felt how intimately and inseparably connected our science is, with all that is rational and useful in medicine. Without it physiology cannot exist—pathology cannot be studied—practice would be reduced to random experiment— and surgery degraded from the high rank it now holds. With- out the torch of anatomy to direct his movements, the efforts struments—the operator delays no longer than to give his knife a keen edge. The surgeon is governed by the principles of medicine—the operator most generally by the principle of interest: one is distinguish. ed by the numbers he has saved from mutilation and restored to useful- ness—the other by the number of cripples he has successfully made. The surgeon is an honour to his profession and a benefactor to his fel- low creatures—the mere operator renders the profession odious, and is one of the greatest curses to which mankind, among their manifold miseries, are exposed." V2 of the accoucheur would be in vain, on those occasions wheit (thus aided) his judicious interference is attended with life and safety to the mother and her tender offspring. Without a knowledge of anatomy and physiology in vain might the chemist follow nature through her mysterious combinations, to discover agents of greater potency and usefulness than those already employed: in vain might the student of ma- teria medica cull the drugs of distant climes, or explore the boundless regions of our own land for medicinal sub- stances. Such then being the importance of anatomy, and its abso- lute necessity to the formation of a good physician, it may excite surprise that any votary of medicine should neglect opportunities of procuring that knowledge, which is the grand axis his profession revolves upon, and to which continu- al reference must be made in the performance of the most ordinary professional duties. The importance of anatomy is often assented to with readiness, but it is too frequently not properly felt until the individual is placed in situations where all his deficiencies stare him in the face, and his mind is agonized by recollections of valuable opportunities irretriev- ably lost. A greater misfortune can scarcely be imagined than to witness operations performed by those who have no better knowledge of anatomy than is supplied by their indis- tinct recollections of demonstrations imperfectly attended to, or the anatomical details given in descriptions of surgical operations. This mode, of studying anatomy on the living subject, is unfortunately not so rare as it should be, though the evil is daily decreasing: your presence in our city at this sea- son, is the most satisfactory guaranty that it soon must en- tirely cease to exist. Independent of the utility of this science, the wonders of animal organization afford avast extent of intellectual grati- fication to the learner. He who looks on the body but slight- ly, sees much to admire in the adaptation of parts, and the com- 13 bination of the whole. He may remark, that the organs of sense are so arranged as to bind together by a community of desires and expressions—he may see that strength is combined with mobility, energy with'elegance, grace with motion, and beauty with repose. He may remark how the mind imparts to the countenance all the varieties of expression, indicative of its emotions—but he cannot so fully appreciate even these cir- cumstances; cannot so truly feel the excellent perfection of design, the unerring correctness of operation, the richness of beauty, or the harmonious accord which pervades every in- strument and function of our systems, like the man who has possessed himself of the principles by which he should judge, and learnt enough to teach him how to admire. Take for example the eye, that organ which seems to live only when influenced by the mind. Let it be seen under the impulse of exalting passion, or debasing propensity; when it sparkles with exuberance of joy, or rolls in the lustrous languishment of love; when it beams the intensity of devo- tion, or flashes forth the electric light of genius: or behold it when anger, hate, or fierce revenge, shed their lurid influence over the soul—how wonderful are the changes, how endless the variations of expression. Yet the wonders of its organi- zation exceed even the number and beauty of these. The texture of its coverings, the delicacy of its fluids, the tenuity of its nerves and vessels, are individually objects of astonish- ment when examined. The observer finds that it is not only a perfect instrument for receiving the rays of light, but that it is furnished with a beautiful apparatus for directing its surface to every point, and is endowed with other organs to moder- ate the intensity of light and preserve its surface from inju- ry. It is no longer a single instrument, but a combination of the most admirable organs; each perfect in its kind, each inde- pendent of the other, yet the co-operation of the whole abso- lutely essential to produce the least of the expressions refer- red to. 14 Vou are doubtless willing to admit the importance and general utility of anatomical knowledge; but, you may possi- bly urge that the difficulties to be encountered in its acquisi- sition are of a magnitude commensurate with its usefulness. To say that there are not some serious obstacles in the path of even the most devoted student would be incorrect; yet it is a fact, that the worst of these obstructions may be surmount- ed by those who have courage and perseverance enough to make the attempt. There is however no "royal road" to an- atomy—no short rout by which her treasures may be attained. Various methods have been devised to render the path which must be trodden less rugged, and to aid the progress of the traveller by affording him every facility for understanding the nature of the country through which he must pass. Among others the person who now has the honour of addressing you has made an effort with a similar view. As many of you are unacquainted with the true character of this method, I beg leave to lay before you such a description of it, as will enable you to form an opinion as to its possible advantages, and to compare it with the mode of teaching commonly employed. In order that you may judge of it to greater advantage we will refer to the ordinary method, succinctly and fairly, previous to entering on an explanation of our own. In the usual academic course the bones are first individual- ly and collectively demonstrated; and then the muscular sys- tem is made the subject of examination. To make the student acquainted with the muscles, they are prepared in private previous to the time when they are to be shown to the class—carefully denuded of every particle not belonging to their composition, during which process the superior layers must be raised in order that the subjacent ones may receive the same preparation. In this state, the student sees the parts in a condition, which in nature they never have, however adroitly they may be replaced by the anatomist who performed the dissection, inasmuch as their configuration must be to a 15 certain extent materially altered during their cleaning up; and by the removal of all the connecting and modifying textures to which they owe so many of their peculiarities. The lec- turer may, it is true, verbally supply the deficiency and relate how and why certain parts were removed, but this is a very slight compensation, as the student does not see what was there, nor does he comprehend the difference its presence would make. A similar difficulty arises when the other parts of the system are presented; they are demonstrated in a state of insulation, they are shown alone and almost entirely se- parated from their natural relations. They are successive- ly brought before the student and they are thus shown to him in order that he may know how they ought to be, in order that he may imagine them in their natural conditions and relations, by mentally recombiningall the parts which are separated, and by supplying all the matter which has been dis- placed. Let me ask such of you as have any experience, if when present at such demonstrations, you felt as if looking at the actual anatomy of the parts? If you did not feel that something was wanting to convince you of its reality, that some link of the chain was withdrawn which seemed to de- stroy all proper connexion between what you heard and what you saw? Or let us ask of those who have attempted to use the knife themselves, after no other preparation than the com- mon course of reading and seeing demonstrations thus made, what was their feeling and what their progress? Are they not universally at a loss? Scarcely recognizing any thing which has been shown them; having no idea of the manner in which the appearances were produced by the dissector, nor of the experience and skill requisite to the production of the views they have seen. The ordinary mode of teaching in public demonstrations is by the most difficult process for the student. The person who prepares the dissection in private, analyses the parts, by separating, and then presents them to his class in order 16 that they may see them in this condition, and learn from them as far as possible,,by mentally supplying their connexions and relations; thus the operation becomes synthetic to the learner whatever it may have been to the teacher. To con- vey a general idea of the parts composing the human frame, this method is adequate to the purpose; but to qualify the student for forming a correct notion of the rela- tions and actual conditions of structure, and to enable him to enter with advantage upon the exercise of practical anatomy is what daily experience shows not to be the case. I have thus endeavoured to lay before you a fair view of the common method of teaching anatomy in public demon- strations, and without the slightest wish to detract from its merits. Indeed, were I to choose a method which would af- ford the greatest opportunity for display with the least diffi- culty to the lecturer, it would be the one just described. But not having yet forgotten my own feelings when attempting to learn anatomy from such demonstrations, I am inclined to prefer a mode which, although the most difficult for the teach- er, is, according to my experience, the most advantageous to the learner. The method we shall now consider is one which I first in- troduced into the public lecture room nearly five years ago, and consists in the employment of the most natural and easv mode of teaching, by making the analysis of the parts in the presence of the class; showing how the organs are connected and how they should be separated. The difference between the introduction of this mode of teaching into the public class room, and employing it in private to prepare the parts for de- monstration, need not be dwelt on—in the latter case an in- dividual separates and examines the parts for his own benefit; according to the method I have adopted, the dissections are made before the eyes of the class, at the same time that the relative positions and functions of the parts are explained. It was never pretended that a new mode of analysis was dis- 17 covered—-the plan proposed was to employ a well known mode of examination in such a way as greatly to lessen the student's difficulties, abridge his anxieties and toils, and show him how to accomplish, what under ordinary circumstances must long have remained a mystery. This mode of teaching anatomy was called analytic, (not because the usual process is less analytic to the preparer, but,) because the student parti- cipates in the analysis; it was called a new method not be- cause the parts had never been thus separated before, but be- cause it had not previously been introduced into the public lecture room, in order to show pupils how to do the same in private. Whether a similar idea ever occurred to any one else I know not—nor have I ever met with, or heard of any record of the fact. You are not for a moment to suppose that this method re- quires the teacher to begin abruptly with whatever part may fall under his knife, and thus to jumble promiscuously, integuments, arteries, veins, muscles or nerves. Far from it; he may be as systematic and methodical as in the ordinary mode of demonstration. We will suppose that the bones have been described and the study of the soft parts is to be commenced. The subject is brought before you untouched; you are informed that the muscles are to be the special ob- jects of attention, but in exposing a muscle, the class see all the parts as they are removed, and how they are connect- ed with it, conceal its appearance, or modify its action. It is the muscle however, which is then the principal object, the other parts are but cursorily glanced at, sufficiently to warn the student, that he is to encounter them and show him how they are to be removed. Having done this, the muscle is dis- played; its figure, and peculiarities of origin, connexion, rela- tive position, insertion and function are detailed, and the stu- dent knows on the evidence of his own senses what other- wise he could only have learned from the lips of the teacher. Supposing then that the muscular system has thus been dis- C 18 posed of, and the arterial system is to be the next subject of demonstration; the heart and vessels are laid bare before the class, the arteries are pursued throughout their distributions, and are shown in their natural relations. All the parts with which they are connected are incidentally mentioned, and the manner of removing them shown, so that the student not only Jearns that such and such vessels exist, but sees how they ex- ist in relation to other organs'; at what depth they are situa- ted, how they pass to their distributions and the manner of cutting down upon them to most advantage and with greatest facility. A similar course is pursued when the nervous sys- tem is studied; the class again see the other textures, as rela- ted to this system and become familiar with the structure, which under ordinary circumstances must for a long time re- main unknown. Further explanation of this method of teach- ing is not at present necessary; suffice it to say, that the principle of showing the student the actual characters of the human structure is uniformly adhered to. There is no rea- son why after showing the parts in connexion and then se- parating them before the class, the same textures should not be again shown, prepared in the usual way; in order by the first to exhibit their condition in the living machine; and by the last to furnish a diagram of any one system of parts insu- lated from all the rest. We have already adverted to the fact, that the method we have proposed is not the easiest one, and that if the feelings of the lecturer were solely to be consulted, it would not be preferred. It will not appear singular then, that those who are engaged in demonstrating in the usual way should un- willingly think of relinquishing their mode, or be induced to approve or adopt a more difficult new one. But, as this is a matter which is eventually to be decided by the general voice of the medical community, we do not despair of seeing the time when the usual mode of demonstration will be so far changed as to allow the student to see in the lecture room 19 something of the mystery by which the parts are made to as- sume such curious appearances, as are there frequently pre- sented. The liberal and enlightened of those who teach an- atomy in the usual manner, are willing to acknowledge the difficulties and defects of their method, however little they may be inclined to use that which has been proposed to you. Those who will be at the trouble of examining and under- standing, must perceive that it has the advantage of keeping continually before the student the relations of parts, and making the connexion between structure and function more evident; that it teaches the pupil how to conduct his own researches and makes a more lasting impression on his mind ; inasmuch as he can remember what he sees and hears much better than what he hears alone. In my commendations of this method, I speak, after five years experience in the employment of it, and after having been honoured for many successive courses with the presence of as numerous, as respectable and as enlightened classes of pupils, as have ever attended private lectures in this city. If I believed it less valuable than another mode, I would at once abandon it entirely—but feeling convinced that it is highly advantageous to the learner, and susceptible of being improved to a still more beneficial extent, I ask for it nothing but an impartial trial, a fair estimation, and then, to be received or rejected as it may deserve. For myself, I ask no favors; I seek no patronage; but such as you can deliber- ately and spontaneously offer: it would humble me to receive that from your good nature, which'l can alone accept as a testimonial of your matured approbation:—I should despise myself, as I do all that is base and unworthy, could I stoop to excite your passions, instead of deciding your judgements, in my favour; or attempt to poison your minds, against those who are my rivals in the competition for professional renown. PHILADELPHIA ANATOMICAL ROOMS. MEMBERS OF THE CLASS. 1825-6. Henry Neill, M. D. Thomas Old, M. D. Dr. Edmund Irby, Dr. Thomas Davis, Amos Ward, David S. Thomas, Albert G. D. Vethake, James Culbertson, H. H. Hubbard, Thomas P. Bagwell, Sidney S. Prince, Thomas B. Custis, David Bowman, Thomas It. Brinckle, Lewis Springer, Martin Reed, William A. Penniman, Perrin Barker, Joseph Shallcross, William R. Rose, Thomas Custis, Edward Stanbery, Jacob W. Ludlam, J. Mechlin, Jr. Pugh Houston, John L. Dorsey, Raleigh T. Browne, Francis M. Boykin, Peyton S. Cocke, John E. Nicholson, R. W.Williams, Philadelphia. Virginia. Alabama. Berkley, Va. Edenton, Georgia. Edenton, Ga. Newark, N. J. Pennsylvania. Georgia. Accomac, Va. North Carolina. Accomac, Va. Accomac, Va. Wilmington, Del. Wilmington, Del. North Carolina. New Fork. Granby, Connecticut. Pennsylvania. Virginia. Accomac, Va. Zanesville, Ohio. New Jersey. Washington, D. C. Florence, Alabama. Fredericktown Md. Fredericksburg, Va. Isle of Wight, Va. Surrey, Va. Sussex, Va. Columbia, Ga. 22 William Lewis, Hugh M. Neisler, Gunning F. Bedford, William Shultice, Robert Montgomery Bird, George Spackman, Henry B. Bauman, Charles Ellis, Jr. William M. Fenimore, Ellis Leftwich, Henry F. Askew, Joshua Whitall, Caspar Morris, George C. Dillard, George Ware, Enoch P. Hoopes, John N. Sebrell, J. K. Bonsall, Charles Evans, James W. C. Nadenbousch, George A. Sykes, Benjamin H. Stratton, Samuel W. Bowie, Henry K. Lathy, P. Q. Beekman, Richard C. Corbin, Caspar W. Pennock, Dorie S. Ball, W. V. S. Crocker, James Adair, Fowler Holt, Joel W. Dupuy, Joshua Rhoads, Daniel Bedinger, Sidney W. Smith, Sussex, Va. Athens, Ga. Baltimore, Md. Fredericksburg, Va- Delaware. Philadelphia. Lancaster, Pa. New Jersey. New Jersey. Bedford, Va. Wilmington, Del. Woodbury, N. J. Philadelphia. Green County Ga. Morgan, Ga. Chester Co. Pa. Surrey, Va. Delaware Co. Pa. Philadelphia. Berkley Co. Va. Greenville, Ga. Mount Holly, N. J. South, Carolina. Northumberland, Pa. New, Jersey. Virginia. Chester Co. Pa. Washington, Ga. Georgia. Indiana, Pa. Georgia. Prince Edward Va. Philadelphia. Virginia. District of Columbia. Edward T. King, Roger Davis, Samuel W. Groome, P. M. Kollock, William M. Bonwill, John Thornton Stoxe, John M. Kinnear, George Fox, Jr. Martin Weaver, James Knox Luckie, Hudson S. Burr, Caleb Ash, Samuel A. Barton, George Powell, Rockefeller Dakin, William F. H. Davis, Charles T. Davis, John S. Whitehill, Lewis Rodman, Peregrine B. Battell, Herndon McKee, Robert Fulton, Edward F. Martin, John B. Groves, C. Conwell, Charles H. Martin, William Finney, John M. Raiford, William Johnson, Andrew Thomson, William Means, Alabama. Chester, Pa. Elkton, Md. Savannah, Ga. Delaware. Pittsburg, Pa. Lexington. Philadelphia. Germantown, Pa. Georgia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. Chester Co. Pa. Wilmington, Ohio. Maryland. Norfolk, Va. Columbia Pa. Pennsylvania. Delaware. South Carolina. Maryland. Lehigh, Pa. Columbia, Tennessee. Lehigh, Pa. Virginia. South Carolina. Delaware. Chambersburg, Fa. Shippensburg, Pa. 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