.< c C one ^S ^<: « c< < ««' m if „ ccc c«- ccr«r -mQX:Q7XQ7j^l-QrQ7K.Q7:Q7)Q7QVV7)^ Surgeon General's Office Ik cfec&cn,............,...............'...:...'........ *>£ !i&^aQ<^daQg^ 1 CATALOGUE OF THB FLOWERING PLANTS AND FERNS, OF OHIO. BY J. S. NEWBERRY, M.D. COLUMBUS: RICHARD NEVINS, PRINTER. 1860. j-\-TVT\e/r<. ox K534o CATALOGUE OF THE FLOWERING PLANTS AND FERNS OF OHIO. The following catalogue was prepared at the request of the Ohio State Medical Society, and was presented and ordered to be published at the meeting in Cincin- nati, 1854, but by a miscarriage in the mail was not included in the proceedings of that meeting. Though presenting but an imperfect view of the vegetation of Ohio, as the first effort toward the formation of a complete flora of the State, it will perhaps not be thought by botanists to be entirely without value or interest. It includes many facts not yet in possession of the public, and such as perhaps would never be put on record in any other form. When submitted to the Medical Society this list of species formed but a portion of a report on the botany of the State, more particularly in its relations to medicine. That report embraced a brief exposition of the generalities of the geographical botany of Ohio, with an attempt to deduce from the facts then in my possession some of the influences which have controlled the distribution of plants within our boundary lines ; also, from a point of view more strictly medical, a notice of some of the remedial agents included in our flora. The circumstances under which this catalogue is now pub- lished forbid anything but the briefest possible allusion to the subject matters of that report; and yet the value of a list of the plants inhabiting our State would be greatly enhanced if the distribution of the species over the different portions of the area which they occupy were also indicated, and the generalities at least of the relations which the vegetation sustains to the physical geography. 4 Some general idea of the influences which have determined the distribution of species will perhaps be gained from the following brief extracts from the botanical report: " The causes which have controlled the distribution of plants over any portion of the earth's surface are intimately connected with, and often seem to center in, its geological and physical structure and its climate; or more immediately in the chemical composition and mechanical structure of its soil; the prevailing tempera- ture ; and the average precipitation of moisture. The radiation of species from their place or places of origin—which in the minds of some naturalists has bad such controlling influence in giving diversity to the floras of different continents, or even to distinct geographical districts of the same continent — has bad no ap- preciable bearing on the distribution of plants within the limited area of the State of Ohio; an area which forms but a part of another and far greater one over which the vegetation has a common character, and in which the distribution of plants has been determined mainly, if not only, by local causes. As a single block, however, may be an essential part of a great and complicated structure so the florula of Ohio will doubtless some day be shown to be an indispensable ele- ment in the great systematic whole of the flora of America, which future botanists, wiser than we, will be able to portray not only in all its internal symmetry, but in its relations to the present vegetation of the entire globe; aud perhaps even to that which existed on our planet during the different geological periods. With all that, however, we have at present nothing to do. I do not now know of a single < plant which is peculiar to the surface of our State, though it is possible there are a few such. The botanical importance of. the flora of Ohio consists exclusively, then, in the grouping of its elements within this area, and the relations of these groups to the floras of adjacent and larger surfaces. That greatest diversifier of vegetation in districts of limited extent, altitude, has played no part in the distri- bution of our plants, as there are no points within the State which rise five hun- dred feet above the average plane, and none that are one thousand feet above the lowest. "Differences of temperature, depending on differences of latitude, have pro- duced more appreciable results, and it will be seen by reference to the accompa- nying catalogue that the number of species restricted to the northern or southern portions of the State is considerable, though as compared with those whose range is general or restricted by other causes, it is small." " The influences which have affected the range of plants east and west are, as we shall see, quite as potent as those which act along the meridians of longitude. These causes center in the differences of physical and geological structure pre- 5 sented by the eastern and western borders of our territory. The traveler going from the summit of the Allegbenies westward to the prairies of Illinois finds the strongly contrasting physical characters of two great areas meeting and blending in Ohio. The western portion of the State, so level and monotonous, has much the aspect of the prairies; the eastern portion, on the contrary, is occupied by what may be perhaps justly regarded as the foot-hills of the mountains. The Florae of these two regions are as different as their surfaces, and the vegetation of the different portions of Ohio is assimilated to that of the districts to which tbey are adjacent. " Lifferences in geological structure have been principally felt in an east and west direction. The out crops of the various formations occupy belts of surface which have a general north and south bearing ; though near the northern border of the State these bands are strongly curved eastward." "It should also be said that over the northern third of the State the soil of most localities is not derived from the rock which immediately underlies them ; but beds of clay, gravel, or sand transported by drift agency conceal the rocky substrata, and by determining the character of the soil have also determined the character of the vegetation, and as a consequence the system of agriculture pur- sued with success. ****** A few examples will suffice to show the connection which exists between the local character of the vegetation of different districts within the State and the physical influences which have been enumerated above. In the extreme northeastern portion of Ohio, on the highlands back from Lake Erie, the winter temperature is more severe and the fall of snow is much greater than at any point south and west of this. Here are the only ever- green forests in the State, forests of Hemlock— (Abies canadensis) — continuous with those which cover the flanks of the Alleghenies in Northern Pennsylvania. It is especially in this region that the northern plants of our Flora—such as are indicated by Prof. Gray as ranging "from New England to Wisconsin and north- ward "— are found. A number of these, however—especially of the Orchidaceae which grow in cold peat bogs — are also found in the spbagnous swamps which exist in the depressions among the bills of the northern portion of the coal region, and thence stretch around within the basin of Lake Erie to the line of Michigan. These swamps are wholly or entirely covered with a growth of larch or white pine, and are the favorite habitats of the side-saddle flower, two species of Drosera, Cassandra calyculata, several species of Vaccinium, and nearly all the Orchidaceae included in the catalogue. These plants, with some others which grow in the rocky ravines of the streams flowing into Lake Erie — (Aconitum uncinatum, Cir- 6 cea alpina, etc.,)—form the northern florula of Ohio; plants whose southern range has been limited by southern temperature or summer drouth. The geological basis of the northern and eastern parts of the State is formed by the equivalents of the Hamilton, Portage and Chemung rocks of the New York geologists, and by the carboniferous conglomerate; the latter a coarse massive sand-drop which underlies the coal measures. Of these the first three are highly argillaceous, and by their decomposition produce a clay soil of most tenacious and retentive character. This soil is not restricted to the area occupied by the out- crops of the rocks which furnish it, but these being soft and readily acted upon by the drift agents, have been extensively eroded, and their debris spread over the conglomerate ; even reaching on to the slopes of the bills of the coal basin. This region was originally covered with a dense forest of beech, maple, tulip, elm, asb, hickory, and linden, and is agriculturally especially adapted to grazing. This fact, and no preference of inhabitants, has made the Western Reserve the dairy of the West. To this general character exhibited by the greater part of the district under consideration, there are many local exceptions. Over large surfaces thick beds of sand and gravel — the later drift deposits — were once spread, which have not been removed by subsequent denudation; and such surfaces, having a porous substratum, and a sandy or loamy soil, in a state of nature sustained on the up- land forests of white, black and red oak, with hickory in the swales, and black asb in the swamps. In cultivation, these uplands have produced good crops of cereals, and now form out-lots of the great wheat field of the State. * * * The eastern portion of Ohio is occupied by the bills of the coal region, and the narrow valleys which divide them. This district has an average elevation greater than that of any other considerable area in the State, and the surface is more varied and picturesque. The rocky sub strata are alternations of coarse and mas- sive sandstones, argillaceous shales and limestones, with thinner beds of coal, potter's clay and iron ore, which in their local predominance, have in turn given a local character to the soil, and hence to the indigenous and introduced flora. As a general rule, however, the surface is covered by forests of oak, with here and there a tulip and black walnut, and on the sandy ridges the cbesnut, which shuns the clay. As in other sections, the character of the flora is here given by the greater development of genera and species more sparsely distributed over all our own and adjacent States. There are, however, a few plants which, though common here, are scarcely known west of the line of out crop of the Devonian shales, which passes north and south just east of Columbus. Among these, the most conspicious are the Kalmias (K. latifolia and K. angmtifolia) The great laurel, {Rhododendron maximum), etc., etc., which properly belong to 7 the flora of the Allegbenies, and which recur again only in the Ozarks, or moun- tains of the Far West. The red cedar, the juniper, the white, red and yellow pines, are scattered over this district, and give a distinctive character to its flora. Immediately bordering the region occupied by the coal basin is a comparatively narrow belt of country in which the Hamilton and Chemung grtfups form the sur- face rocks. To the northeastern extension of this belt I have before referred. In the central and southern portions of the State, the Chemung and Portage rocks become much more sandy and massive than on the Reserve. The topographical features, and the soil to which they give rise, exhibit corresponding differences, being closely assimilated to those of the adjacent conglomerate and coal measure surfaces. Hence it becomes impossible to draw any botanical line between the Waverly sandstone belt and the carboniferous area which it borders. The Ham- ilton shales, however, continue the same highly argillaceous and bituminous strata wherever exposed. The outcrop of these rocks has been planed down to a nearly uniform level surface, now generally covered by a tenaceous clay soil, sustaining its characteristic flora. The belt occupied by the soil derived from the Hamilton shales is quite irregular, and much more extensive than the outcrop of the parent rock. It includes nearly all the Lake shore east of Sandusky, a large part of the counties of Cuyahoga, Lorain, Medina, Erie, Huron, Crawford and Delaware. Farther south, the line of outcrop is narrower, the evidences of drift action not discoverable, and the overlying Waverly sandstones more largely developed, and hence the Hamilton clays are much less conspicuous. The characteristics of the surface, soil, and flora of this district may be well studied in making the trip from Cleveland to Columbus by rail, a great part of the line of the C. & C. R.R. running through it. Though surrounded by a highly culti- vated territory, it is yet, for the most part, in the state of nature—its dense for- ests of elm, maple, beech, linden, etc., stretching for miles along the track without interruption or variety. Though cold, wet and difficult of subjugation, the soil must ultimately be regarded as among the most valuable in the State ; as with judicious treatment it will yield to the farmer more certain, if not constantly, lar- ger returns than that of the most productive grain growing districts. There are, perhaps no plants which, within the State, are absolutely restricted to the belt of country under consideration; but the grouping both of forest trees and under- growth upon it is such as to render it one of our most distinctly defined botanical districts. The western half of the State is almost entirely based upon the cliff limestone, which includes representatives of the Corniferous, Onondaga, Helderberg and Niagara limestones of New York. The surface is generally level and monotonous. 8 The soil is calcareous, derived from the decomposition of the underlying rock, or from the drift deposits, which are spread over a large part of it. the vegetation is mingled, aborescent and herbaceous—forest and prairie. The forest trees are mostly oaks—white, black, black-jack, laurel, burr, etc., with hickory, beech and elm. The prairies appear first as lake-like openings in the forest, but near the northwest corner of the State they occupy a large part of the surface, and with their island-like clumps of timber, exhibit all the aspect of the prairies of the far west. The farmers are both stock-raisers and grain-growers—the staple crops com and wheat, especially the former. The flora of this immense region, as might be inferred, is of a mixed character, and even more than that of the other districts I have noticed, refuses to submit to any narrow rules of classification. It has, however, a peculiar facies, due to the relative abundance of the species that compose it, and also to the presence of a number of the prairie plants of the west, here on the eastern limits of their range.* The southern botanical district of Ohio, the region including the valleys of the Ohio river and its tributaries, possesses no very tangible unity of character. Its geological structure is exceedingly varied, as is its soil, the contour of the surface, and, as a consequence its vegetation; it may, however, be characterized as the region of rich alluvial bottom lands now yielding year after year unequaled crops of corn—the great staple of this district—but in the state of nature covered with impenetrable jungles of Vernonia and Eupalorium, or with dense forests, to which sycamore, black locust, black walnut, paw paw, etc., give an aspect quite different from that of the wooded districts of the sections of the State we have before considered. In the warm nooks of the valley of the Ohio, are many plants •The discussion of the question of the origin of prairies would here find an appropriate place, but it is a subject not to be disposed of in a few words; and the space which this article already occupies, almost necessitates its exclusion. Since this catalogue was prepared, however, the writer has spent a large part of several years on the prairies of nearly all parts of the con- tinent where prairies exist. During this time, the question of the causes controlling the distri- bution of arborescent and herbaceous vegetation received special attention ; and while he does not flatter himself that he has fully succeeded in the analysis of these influences, he feels justi- fied in reporting the following conclusions, to which he has been led by his observations ■ 1st. The great controlling influence which has operated to exclude trees from so large a portion of our territory west of the Mississippi is unquestionably a deficiency of precipitated mature. To this cause are due the prairies of Oregon, California, New Mexico, Utah, Nebras- ka, Kan, as, Arkansas and Texas. Throughout this great area, we find every variety of surface, and £oi of every shade of physical structure or chemical composition-unless in exceptional circumstances, where it receives an unusual supply 0f moisture-if not utterly sterile, covered with a coating of grass. 2d. To the great « plains," the typical prairies of the far west, the theories which have been 9 which belong to the flora of the lower Mississippi Valley, several of which will be found noticed in the catalogue. The number of these is, however, relatively small; and the peculiar aspect of the flora of this district, as contrasted with those already noticed, is given by the abundance of species which are found, though perhaps rarely, as far north as the centre of the State. Of these the forest trees which alone attract the attention of others than botanists, will suffice for examples. Some of these have already been enumerated, and to them may be added the persimmon, the coffee tree, and the red bud, which, though conspicuous objects in the flora of this region, are unknown in the northern part of this State. * * * * * * * *■ * The sources from which the accompanying catalogue was compiled, are as fol- lows : A catalogue of the Plants of Franklin county, by W. S. Sullivant. A catalogue of the Plants of Fairfield county, by Drs. Bigelow and Hor. A catalogue of the Plants of Cincinnati, by Thomas G. Lee. A catalogue of the Plants of Cincinnati, by Joseph Clark. A Synopsis of the Flora of the Western States, by Prof. J. L. Riddell. Manuscript catalogues of the Plants in Summit and Cuyahoga counties, by the writer. I am also indebted to Dr. Kellogg, of Cincinnati and Dr. Canfield, now of Monterey, California, for valuable information in reference to the plants of Geauga and Lorain counties. The brief sketch of the geographical botany of the State proposed for the origin of prairies, viz: that of Prof. Whitney, that they are due to a peculiar fineness of soil; or that of M. Lesquereux, that they are the beds of ancient lakes ; that of M. Desor, that they are the lower and level reaches of sea bottom; or, finally, that which attributes them to annual fires, are alike wholly inapplicable. 3d. The prairies bordering on, or east of the Mississippi, may^be, and doubtless are, partly, or locally due to one or more «f the conditions suggested in the above theories; but even here the great controlling influence has been the supply of water. The structure of the soil of the prairies coinciding with the extremes of want and supply of rain characteristic of the climate, have made them now too wet and now too dry for the healthy growth of trees. A sandy, gravellv or rocky soil and sub soil, more thoroughly saturated with moisture, and more deeply penetrated by the roots of forest trees, afford them a constant supply of the fluid which to them is vital. This, as it seems to the writer, is the reason why the knolls and ridges composed of coarser materials are covered with trees, while the lower levels, with finer soil, are prairies. Where greater variation of level exist, the highlands are frequently covered with trees, in virtue of the greater precipitation of moisture which they enjoy. J. S. N. 10 is drawn from the notes of the writer, whose geological and botanical rambles have led him to explore more or less thoroughly each of the districts specified. I have thought it best to show, as far as necessary brevity would permit, the distribution of the plants enumerated; and the name of each species will be seen to be followed by ihe section of the State, as Central, Northern, Southern, etc, to which it is restricted, so far as known. The names of such plants as are gen- erally distributed over all, or nearly all parts of the State, are followed by the word general, abbreviated to Gen., indicating their range. Many of the rarer plants are referred to the localities, sometimes unique where they have been found, with a citation of authorities. CLASS I. EXOGENS. Order I. RANUNCUL ACE^E. Anemone, L. cylindrica, Gray. Long-fruited anemone. N. nemorosa, L. Wind-flower. Gen. Pennsylvania, L. Pennsylvanian. N. Virginiana, L Tall anemone. Gen. Act^ea, L. alba Big. Cohosh. Gen. rubra, Willd. Red baneberry. N. Aquilegia, L. Canadensis, L. Wild columbine. Gen. Clematis, L. Virginiana, L. Virgin's Bower. Gen. ochroleuca, Ait. C. viorna, L. Leather-flower. C. and N. Hepatica, Dill, triloba, Choix. Round-lobed Hepatica. N. acutiloba, D. C. Sharp-lobed Hepatica. Gen. Ranunculus, L. aquatilis, L. White water-crowfoot. Gen. flammula, L. Spearwort. Gen. Purshii, Rich. Yellow water-crowfoot. Medina Co. reptans, L. Creeping spearwort. Gen. pusillus, Poir. Gen. abortivus, L. Small-flowered crowfoot. Gen. sceleratus, L. Cursed crowfoot. Gen. recurvatus, Poir. Hooked crowfoot. Gen. repens, L. Creeping crowfoot. Gen. fascicularis, Muhl. Early crowfoot. N. bulbosus, L. Buttercups. N. Pennsylvania, L. Bristly crowfoot. N. acris, L. Tall crowfoot buttercups. N. rhomboideus, Goldie. Sandusky. Dr. Kellogg. 11 Tiialictrum, L. Anemonoides, Micbx. Rue-anemone. Gen. dioicum, L. Early meadow-rue. Gen. cornuti, L. Meadow-rue. Gen. Isopyrum, L. biternatum, T. and G. Enemion. N. and C. Caltha, L. palustris, L. Marsh Marigold. Gen. Coptis, Salisb. trifolia, Salisb. Gold-thread. N. Tbollius, L. Iaxu3, Salisb. Spreading globle-flower. C. Delphinium, L. tricorne, Michx. Dwarf Larkspur. Gen. consolida, L. Wild Larkspur. Clarke, Cin. azureum, Mich. Azure Larkspur. Gen. exaltatum, Ait. Tall Larkspur. Gen. Aconitum, L. uncinatum, L Wild Monkshood. Summit Co. Hydrastis, L. Canadensis, L. Orange-root. Gen. Cimicifuga, L. racemosa, Ell. Black Snake-root. Gen. Trautvetteria, Fischer and Meyer, palmata, F. and M. False Bugbane, Mansfield, Dr. Kellogg. Order II. MAGNOLIACE^E. Magnolia, L. acuminata, L. Cucumber Tree. Gen. Liriodendron, L. tulipifera, L Tulip Tree. Gen. ANONACE^E. Asimina, Adens. triloba, Dunal. Common Pawpaw. Gen. MENISPERMACE^E. Menispermum, L. Canadense, L. Canadian Moonseed. N. BERBERIDACE^E. Leontice, L. Thalictroides, L. Pappoose-root. Gen. Jeffersonia, Bart, diphylla, Pers. Twin-leaf. Gen. Podophyllum, L. peltatum, L. May-apple. Gen. CABOMBACE.E. Brasenia, Schreb. peltata, Pursb. Water-shield. N. NYMPHiEACE^E. Nelumbium, Juss. luteum, Willd. Great Water-lily. Sandusky Bay, Scioto River, Ohio River. Nymph^a, Tourn. odorata, Ait. Sweet scented water-lily. Gen. Nuphar, Smith, advena, Ait. Yellow water-lily. Gen. SARRACENIACE.E. Sarracenia, Tourn. purpurea, L. Side-saddle Flower. Peat bogs, N. PAPAVERACE.E. Sanguinaria, Dill. Canadensis, L. Blood-root. Gen. Chelidonium, L. majus, L. Celandine. Introduced N. Stylophorum, Nutt. diphyllum, Nutt Celandine Poppy. C. and S. Papaver, L. somniferum, L. Common Poppy. Escaped from cultivation. Argemone, L. Mexicana, L. Mexican Poppy. Escaped from gardens. • 12 FUMARIACEJE. Dicentra, Bork. cucullaria, D. C. Dutchman's Breeches. Gen. Canadensis, D. C. Squirrel Corn. Gen. Adlumia, Raf. cirrhosa, Raf. Climbing Fumitory. Rocky ravines, N. Ohio. Corydalis, Vent, aurea, Willd. Golden Corydalis. Gen. glauca. Pursh, Pale Corydalis. Gen. Fumaria, L. officinalis, L. Common Fumitory. Escaped from gardens. CRUCIFER^E. Nasturtium, R. Br. natans, D. C. Water Cress. Gen. palustre, D. C. Marsh Cress. Gen. Cheiranthus, R. Br. Hesperidoides, T. and G. Wild Rocket. C. and S. Ohio. Cardamine, L. hirsuta, L. Water Cress. Gen. rotundifolia, Michx. Gen. rhomboidea, D. C. N. Dentaria, L. laciniata, Muhl. Toothwort. Gen. diphylla, L. Pepper Root. Gen. maxima, Nutt. Cin., Clarke, Taylor's Creek, Lesqx. Arabis, L. lyrata, L. Wall Cress. N. hirsuta, Scop. Gen. laevigata, D. C. Gen. Canadensis, L. Sickle-pod. Gen. dentata, T. and G. Cen. 0. patens, Sulliv. Cen. 0., Lorain Co., Dr. Kellogg. Turritis, Dill, glabra. Tower Mustard. Gen. Barbarea, R. Br. vulgaris, R. Br. Winter Cress. Gen. Erysimum, L. Cheiranthoides, L. Worm-seed Mustard. N. arkansanum, Nutt. Western wall-flower. C. and S. Sisymbrium, L. officinale, Scop. Hedge Mustard. Gen. canescens, Nutt. Tansy Mustard. Cen. 0. Slnapis, Tourn. nigra, L. Black Mustard. Gen. arvenis, L. Field mustard. Gen. alba, L. White Mustard. Naturalized gen. Draba, L. verna, L. Whitlow-grass. Gen. Capsella, Vent. Bursa-pastoris, Mcench. Shephard's Purse. Gen Lepidium, L. Virginicum, L. Wild Pepper-grass. Gen L campestre, L. Field Pepper-grass. Clarke, Cin. Oamelina, Crantz. sativa, Crantz. Wild flax. Introduced gen. CAPPARIDAOE^E. Polanisia, Raf. graveolens, Raf. Polanisia. Cuyahoga Co. VIOLACE^E. Solea, Ging. concolor, Ging. Green Violet. Gen Viola, L. blanda, Willd. Sweet White Violet. Gen cucullata, Ait. Common Blue Violet. Gen ' Muhlenbergii, Torr. American Dog Violet. palmata, L. Hand-leaf Violet. Gen pubescens, Ait. Downy Yellow Violet. Gen striata, Ait. Pale Violet. Gen. sagittata, Ait. Arrow-leaved Violet Gen rostrata, Pursh. Long-spurred Violet. Gen. 13 tricolor, L. Var. arvensis. Pansy. Hearts-ease. Introduced. rotundifolia, Michx. Round-leaved Violet. N. primulaefolia, L. Primrose-leaved Violet. N. Canadensis, L. Canada Violet. N. hastata, Michx. Halberd-leaved Violet. N. pedata, L. Bird-foot Violet. Lancaster, Dr. Bigelow. tenella, Muhl. Clarke, Cin. CISTACE^E. Heliakthemum, Tourn. Canadense Michx. Frost Weed. Rocky Rose. Gen. Lechea, L. minor, Lam. Pinweed. Gen. DROSERACEJE. Drosera, L. rotundifolia, L. Round-leaved Sundew. Peat-bogs. N. longifolio, L. Long-leaved Sundew. Peat bogs. PARNASSIACE^E. Parnassia, Tourn. Caroliniana, Michx. Grass of Parnassus. Cleveland. HYPERICACE^E. Hypericum, L. pyramidatum, Ait. Great St. John's Wort. Gen. perforatum, L. Common St. John's Wort. Gen. corymbosum, Muhl. Spotted St. John's Wort. Gen. mutilum, L. Small St. John's Wort. Gen. ellipticum, Hook. Gen. sarothra, Michx. Orange Grass. Pine Weed. Gen. Canadense, L. Canadian St John's Wort. Gen. sphserocarpon, Michx. Columbus, Lesqx. Kalmianum, L. Kalm's St. John's Wort. Summit Co. prolificum, L. Shrubby St. John's Wort. Summit Co. Elodea, Pursh. Virginica, Nutt. Marsh St. John's Wort. Gen. CARYOPHYLLACE.E. Saponaria, L. officinalis, L. Soapwort. Escaped from cultivation. Silene, L. stellata, Ait. Starry Campion, N. Pennsylvanica, Michx. Wild Pink. N. Viro-inica, L. Fire Pink. Lancaster, Dr. Bigelow. nocTiflora, L. Night-flowering Catchfly. Lancaster. Introduced. antirrhina, L. Sleepy Catchfly. Gen. nivea, D. C. Columbus, Sullivant. rotundifolia, Nutt. Round-leaved Catchfly. S. regia, Sims. Royal Catchfly. S. Agrostemma, L. Githago, Lam. Corn Cockle. Gen. Arenaria, L. lateriflora, L. Sandwort. Gen. serpbyllifolia, L Thyme-leaved Sandwort. Introduced. Stellaria, L. longifolia, Muhl. Stitchwort. Gen. media, Smith. Chickweed. Introduced. lono-ipes, Goldie. Long-stalked Stitchwort N. pubera, Michx. Great Chickweed. Cin., Dr. Kellogg Cerastium, L. vulgatum, L. Mouse ear Chickweed. Gen. viscosum, L Larger Chickweed. Gen. arvense, L. Field Chickweed. Gen. 14 nutans, Raf. oblongifolium, Torr. Lorain Co. Spergula. arvensis, L. Corn Spurrey. Gen. Anychia, Michx. dichotoma, Michx. Forked Chickweed. Gen. Mollugo, L. verticillata, L. Carpet-weed. Gen. PORTULACCACE^E. Portulacca, Tourn. oleracea, L. Purslane. Gen. Claytonia, L. Virginica, L. Spring Beauty. Gen. Caroliniana, Michx. Gen. MALVACEAE. Abutilon, Tourn. Avicennse, Gsert. Indian Mallow. Gen. Sida, L. spinosa, L. Prickly Sida. Introduced. Nap^ea, Clayt. dioica, L. Glade Mallows. Cin., Clarke. Malva, L. rotundifolia, L. Low Mallow. Introduced gen. sylvestris, L. High Mallow. Introduced gen. Hibiscus, L militaris, Cav. Halbert-leaved Mallow. Cuyahoga Co. moscheutos, L. Marsh Mallows. North and Central Ohio. TILIACEJE. Tilia, L. Americana, L. Linden Tree. Bass-wood. Gen. LINACE^E. Linum L. Virginianum, L. Virginian Flax. Gen. usitatissimum. Common Flax. Naturalized gen. GERANIACE^E. Geranium, L. maculatum, L Spotted Geranium. Gen. Carolinianum, L. Carolinian Crane's-bill. Gen. Robertianum, L. Herb Robert. Gen. OXALIDACE./E. Oxalis, L. violacea, L. Violet Wood Sorrel. Gen. stricta, L. Yellow Wood Sorrel. Gen. BALSAMINACE^E. Impatiens, L. pallida, Nutt. Touch-me-not. Gen. fulva, Nutt. Jewel-weed. Gen. LIMNANTHACE^E. Flo3rkea, Willd. Proserpinacoides, Lindl. Fake Mermaid. Gen. RUTACE^E. Xanthoxylum, Colden. Americanum, Mill. Prickly Ash. Gen. Ptelea, L. trifoliata, L. Shrubby Trefoil. C. and S. 15 ANACARDIACE^E. Rhus, L. Typhina, L. Stag-horn Sumach. Gen. glabra, L. Smooth Sumach. Gen. copallina, L. Mountain Sumach. Gen. venenata, D. C. Poison Sumach. Gen. toxicodendron, L. Poison Ivy. Gen. VITACE^E. Vitis, Tourn. Labrusca, L. Fox Grape. Gen. aestivalis, Michx. Summer Grape. Gen. cordifolia, Michx. Winter or Frost Grape. Gen. Ampelopsis, Michx. quinquefolia, Michx. American Creeper. Gen. RHAMNACEJ3. Rhamnus, Tourn. Alnifolius, L'Her. Alder-leaved Buckthorn. Gen. lanceolatus, Pursh. Buckthorn. Gen. Ceanothus, L. Americanus L. Jersey Tea. Red Root. Gen. CELASTRACEiE. Stapiiylea, L. trifolia, L. Bladder-nut. Gen. Celastrus, L. scandens, L. Bitter-sweet. Gen. Euonymus, Tourn. Americanus, L. Burning Bush. Gen. atropurpureus, Jseq. Burning Bush. Spindle Tree. Gen. ACERACEiE. Acer, Tourn. spicatum, Lam. Mountain Maple Bush. Gen. saccharinum, Wang. Sugar Maple. Rock Maple. Gen. dasycarpum, Ehrh. White Maple. Gen. rubrum, L. Red Maple. Swamp Maple. Gen. Pennsylvanicum, L. Striped Maple. Whistle Wood. E. nigrum, Michx. Black Maple. Sugar Tree. E. Negundo, Mcench. Aceroides, Mcench. Ash-leaved Maple. Box Elder. C. and S. HIPPO CAST ANACE JE. Aesculus, L. glabra, Willd. Ohio Buckeye. Gen. flava, Ait. Big or Sweet Buckeye. Gen. POLYGALACE^E. Polygala, Tourn. sanguinea, L. Milkwort. Gen. verticillata, L. Whorl-leaved Polygala. Gen. senega, L. Seneca snake-root. Gen. incarnata, L. Flesh-colored milkwort. C. and S. cruciata, L. Cross-leaved Polygala. Lorain Co. paucifolia, Willd. Fringed Polygala. N. fastigiata, Nutt. N. LEGUMINOS.E. Vicia, Tourn. Americana, Muhl. American Vetch. Gen. cracca, L. Tufted Vetch. N. Caroliniana, Walt. Carolinian Vetch. N 16 Lathyrus, L. palustris, L. Marsh Lathyrus. Gen. venosus, Muhl. N. ochroleucus, Hook. N. myrtifolius, Muhl. N. Phaseolus, L, perennis, Walt. Wild Bean Vine. Gen. diversifolius. Kidney Bean. Lorain Co., Dr. Kellogg. Apios, Boerh. tuberosa, Mcench. Ground Nut. Gen. Amphicarp^ea, Ell monoica, Nutt. Pea Vine, Hog Pea Vine. Gen. Robinia, L. pseudacacia, L. Locust Tree. C. and S. Tephrosia, Pers. Virginiana, Pers. Goat's Rue. Cat Gut. Gen. Trifolium, L. pratense, L. Common Red Clover. Introduced gen. repens, L. Creeping or White Clover. Gen. reflexum, L. Buffalo Clover. West. 0. Gen. stoloniferum, Muhl. Running Buffalo Clover. Cin., Dr. Kellogg. Melilotus, Tourn. officinalis, Willd. Yellow Melilot. Introduced gen. leucantha, Koch. Sweet-scented Clover. Introduced gen. Psoralea, L. onobrychis, Nutt. C. and S. Desmodium, D. C. nudiflorum, D. C. Naked-flowered Tick Trefoil. Gen. acuminatum, D. C. Gen. pauciflorum, D. C. Few-flowered Tick Trefoil. Gen. rotundifolium, D. C. Creeping Tick Trefoil. Gen. Canadense, D. C. Bush Trefoil. Gen. canescens, D. C. Hoary Tick Trefoil. Gen. cuspidatum, T. and G. Sharp pointed Tick Trefoil. N. rigidum, D. C. N. Marilandicum, Booth. Lancaster (Bigelow). Dillenii, Darling't. Gen. paniculatum, D. C. Long-leaved. Gen. strictum, D. C. Milan, 0., Dr. Kellogg. Lespedeza, Michx. procumbens, Michx. Trailing Bush Clover. Gen. violacea, Pers. Common Bush Clover. Gen. capitata, Michx. Headed Bush Clover. Gen. repens, T. and G. Gen. birta, Ell. Hairy Bush Clover. Gen. Stylosanthes, Swartz. elatior, Swartz. Pencil Flower. C. and S. Astragalus, L. Canadensis, L. Canadian Milk Vetch. Gen. Crotalaria, L. sagittalis, L. Rattle Box. Cin., Ward. Medicago, L. sativa, L. Lucerne Medick. Naturalized N". Lupinus, Tourn. perennis, L. Common Lupine. Gen. Baptisia, Vent, tinctoria, R. Br. Wild Indigo. Gen.' leucantha, T. and G. White-flowered Bapt. Banks of Ohio River alba, R. Br. Cent. 0. Sullivant. australis, R. Br. Blue False Indigo. Clarke, Cin. leucophsea, Nutt. Cin., Kellogg. Cercis, L. Canadensis, L. Judas Tree. Red Bud. C. and S Cassia, L. Marilandica, L. American Senna. Gen. nictitans, L. Wild Sensitive Plant. Lancaster, Bigelow ChamEecrista, L. Sensitive Pea, Dwarf Cassia. S° Gleditschia, L. triacanthus, L. Honey Locust. Gen. Gymnocladus, Lam. Canadensis, Lam. Coffee Tree. S. ROSACEA. Prunus.L. Americana, Marsh. Red Plum, Yellow Plum. Gen Cerasus, Tourn. Pennsylvania, D. C. Wild Red. Cherry. Gen. 17 Virginiana, D. C. Choke Cherry. Gen. serotina, D. C. Black or Wild Cherry. Gen. pumfla, Michx. Sand Cherry. N. Spir^e\, L. opulifolia, L. Nine Bark. Gen. salicifolia, L. Queen of the Meadow, Meadow Sweet. Gen. tomentosa, L. Hardhack. Gen. lobata, Murr. Siberian Red Spiraea. C. and S. aruncus, L. Goat's Beard. 0. and S. Gillenia, Mcench. trifoliata, Mcench. Indian Physic. Knox Co. stipulacea, Nutt. Bowman's Root. S. Agrimonia, Tourn. Eupatoria, L. Agrimony. Gen. parviflora, Ait. Summit Co. Sanguisorba, L. Canadensis, L. Burnet Saxifrage. N. Geum, L. strictum, Ait. Yellow Avens. Gen. Virginianum. L. White Avens. Gen. rivale, L. Purple Avens. Gen. vernum, T. and G. C. and S. Waldsteinia, Willd. Fragarioides, Tratt. Dry Strawberry. Geauga Co. Canfield. Potentilla, L. fruticosa, L. Shrubby Cinquefoil. Gen. Canadensis, L. Common Cinquefoil. Gen. Norvegica, L. Norwegian Cinquefoil. Gen. Fragaria, Tourn. Virginiana, Ehrh. Scarlet or Wild Strawberry. Gen. vesca, L. Alpine, Wood, or English Strawberry. N. Comarum, L. palustre, L. Marsh Cinquefoil. N. Rubus, L. odoratus, L. Rose-flowering Raspberry. Gen. strigosus, Michx. Wild Red Raspberry. Gen. occidentalis, L. Thimbleberry, Black Raspberry. Gen. villosus, Ait. High Blackberry. Gen. Canadensis, L. Low Blackberry, Dewberry. Gen. hispidus, L. Bristly Blackberry. N. triflorus, Rich. Three flowered Raspberry. N. cuneifolius, Pursh. Wedge-leaved Blackberry. Lorain Co., Kellogg. Rosa, Tourn. setigera, Michx. Michigan or Prairie Rose. Gen. Carolina, L. Carolina or Swamp Rose. Gen. lucida, Ehrh. Shining or Wild Rose. Gen. rubiginosa, L. Eglantine, Sweet Brier. Naturalized. blanda, Ait. Early Wild Rose. Cin., Clarke. Crataegus, L. crus-galli, L. Cockspur Thorn. Gen. coccinea, L. Crimson-fruited Thorn. Gen. tomentosa, L. Black Thorn. Gen. punctata, Jacq. Cin., Clarke. flava, Ait. Summer Haw. Cin , Clarke. Amelanchier, Medic. Canadensis, T. and G. Shad or Juneberry. Gen. Pyrus, L. coronaria, L. Crab Apple. Gen. arbutifolia, L. Chokeberry. Gen. LYTHRACE^E. Lythrum, L. Hyssopifolia, L. Grass-polly. Gen. Ammannia, Houst. humilis, Michx. Low Ammanma C. and fe. Decodon, Gmel. verticillatum, Ell. Swamp Loose Strife. Gen. Cuphea, Jacq. viscosissima, Jacq. C. and S. 2 18 ONAGRACE^E. Epilobium, L. coloratum, Muhl. Colored Epilobium. Gen. molle, Torr. Soft Epilobium. Gen. angustifolium, L. Willow Heib. Rose-bay. N. palustre, L. Marsh Epilobium. N. Oenothera, L. biennis, L. Common Evening Primrose. Gen. fruticosa, L. Perennial Evening Primrose. Gen. pumila, L. Dwarf Evening Primrose. N. Ga|ura, L. biennis, L. Biennial Gaura. Gen. filipes, Spach. Slender-stalked Gaura. Cin., Kellogg. Ludwigia, L. alternifolia, L, Bastard Loose Strife. Gen. palustris, Ell. Water Purselane. Gen. polycarpa, Short and Peter. Gen. Circ^ea, Tourn. lutetiana, L. Larger Enchanter's Night Shade. Gen. alpina, L. Alpine Enchanter's Night Shade. Cleveland. Proserpinica, L. palustris, L. Spear-leaved Mermaid Weed. Gen. Myriophyllum, Vaill. spicatum, L. Spiked Water-milfoil. Gen. verticillatum, L. Water-mil foil. Gen. heterophyllum, Michx. N. PASSIFLORACE^E. Passiflora, L. lutea, L. Yellow Passion-flower. C. and S. GROSSULACE^E. Ribes, L. Cynosbati, L. Prickly Gooseberry. Gen. floridum, L. Wild Black Currant. Gen. rotundifolium, Michx. Wild Gooseberry. N. hirtellum, Michx. Gen. rubrum, L. Common Red Currant. Geauga Co., Dr. Canfield. CTJCURBITACE^E. Sicyos, L. angulatus, L. Single-seed Cucumber. Gen. Echinocystis, T. and G. lobata, T. and G. Wild Balsam Apple. Gen. CRASSULACE^E. Sedum, L. ternatum, Michx. Stone-crop. Gen. telephioides, Michx. Wild Orpine. Eastern Ohio. Penthorum, Gronov. sedoides, L. Virginia Stone-crop. Gen. SAXIFRAGACE.E. Saxifraga, L. Virginiensis, Michx. Early Saxifrage. Gen. Pennsylvanica, L. Tall Saxifrage. Gen. aizoon, Jacq. North Eastern. Heuchera, L. Americana, L. Alum Root. Gen. villosa, Michx. Cin., Ward. Sullivantia, T. and G. Ohionis, T. and G. Highland Co., Sullivant. Tiarella, L. cordifolia, L. Gem-fruit. Gen. Mitella, Tourn. diphylla, L. Currant Leaf. Bishop's Cap. Gen. nuda, L. Dwarf Mitella. Cleveland. Chrysosplenium, Tourn. Americanum, Schw. Water-carpet. Gen. Hydrangea, Gronov. arborescens, L. Common Hydrangea.' S. 19 HA.MAMELA.CEjE. IIamamelis, L. Virginica, L. Witch Hazel. Gen. UMBELLIFER^E. Hydrocotyle, Tourn. umbellata, L. Umbellate Pennywort. N. Americana, L. Pennywort. N. Sanicula, Tourn. Canadensis, L. Black Snake-root. Gen. Marilandica, L. Gen. Eryngium, Tourn. Yucccefolium, Michx. Button Snake-root. Gen. Daucus, Tourn. Carota, L. Carrot. Naturalized gen. Pastinaoa, Tourn. sativa, L. Common Parsnip. Naturalized gen. Archemora, D. C. rigida, D. C. Water Dropwort. Cowbane. Gen. ambigua, D. C. S. Archangelica, Hoff. atropurpurea, Hoff. Angelica. Gen. hirsuta, T. and G. Gen. Heracleum, L. lanatum, Michx. Cow Parsnip. Gen. Conioseltnum, Fischer. Canadense, T. and G. Hemlock Parsley. Gen. ^Ethusa, L. cynapium, L. Fool's Parsley. Gen. Thaspium, Nutt. barbinode, Nutt. Meadow Parsnip. Gen. aureum, Nutt. Smaller Meadow Parsnip Gen. trifoliatum, Nutt. Three-leaved Meadow Parsnip. Gen. Zizia, D. C. integerrima, D. C. Golden Alexanders. Gen. Discopleura, D. C. capillacea, D C. Bishop Weed. Gen. Cicuta, L. maculata, L. Spotted Cowbane. Gen. bulbifera, L. Narrow-leaved Hemlock. Gen Cryptotenia, D. C. Canadensis, D. C. Honewort. Gen. Osmorrhiza, Raf. longistylis, D. C. Sweet Cicely. Gen. brevistylis, D. C. Short-styled Cicely. Gen. Cilerophyllum, L. procumbens, Lam. Chervil. Gen. Sium, L. lineare, Michx. Water Parsnip. Gen. Ligusticum, L. Actseifolium, Michx. Lovage. N. and E. Conium, L. maculatum, L. Poison Hemlock. Introduced gen. Erigenia, Nutt. bulbosa, Nutt. Harbinger of Spring, or Turkey Pta. Gen. ARALIACE.E. Aralia, Tourn. racemosa, L. Pettymorrel Spikenard. Gen. nudicaulis, L. Wild Sarsaparilla. Gen. spinosa, L. Angelica Tree. S. hispida, Michx. Bristly Aralia. N. Panax, L. quinquefolium, L. Ginseng. Gen. trifolium, L. Dwarf Ginseng. N. CORNACE.E. Cornus, Tourn. florida, L. Flowering Dog-wood. Gen. alternifolia, L. Gen. paniculata, L'Her. White or Panicled Cornel. Gen. sericea, L. Kinnikinnik. Gen. circinata, L'Her. Round-leaved Dogwood. Gen. Canadensis, L. Low Dogwood. N. Nyssa, L. multiflora, Wang. Pepperidge or Gum. Gen. 20 CAPRIFOLIACE^E. Lonicera, L. sempervirens, Ait. Trumpet Honey-suckle. N. E. parviflora, Lam. Small-flowered Honey-suckle. C. and N. ciliata, Muhl. Fly Honey-suckle. N. hirsuta, Eaton. Hairy Honey-suckle. N. grata, Ait. Evergreen Honey-suckle. N. flava, Sims. Yellow Honey-suckle. Gen. Diervilla, Tourn. trifida, Mcench. Bush Honey-suckle. N. Triosteum, L. perfoliatum, L Feverwort. Gen. Sambucus, Tourn. Canadensis, L. Common Elder. Gen. pubens, Michx. Panicled Elder. N. Viburnum, L. . acerifolium, L. Maple-leaved Viburnum. Gen. dentatum, L. Arrow-wood. Gen. Lentago, L. Sweet Viburnum. Gen. prunifolium, L. Black Haw. Sloe. Gen. pubescens, Pursh. Downy Viburnum. Gen. nudum, L. Naked-stalked Viburnum. Withe Rod. N. RUBIACEJ5. Galium, L. Aparine, L. Common Cleavers, or Goose Grass. Gen. trifidum, L. Dyers' Cleavers. Goose Grass. Gen. concinnum, T. and G. Bed straw. Gen. triflorum, Michx. Triflowering Galium. Gen. pilosum, Ait. Hairy Galium. Gen. circaezans, Michx. Circae-like Galium. Gen. asprellum, Michx. Rough Cleavers or Clivers. Gen. latifolium, Michx. Cin., Clarke. lanceolatum, Torr. Gen. boreale, L. Northern Bed-straw. Gen. Cephalanthus, L. occidentalis, L. Button Bush. Gen. Mitchella, L. repens, L. Partridge Berry. Gen. Hedyotis, Lam. coerulea, Hook. Dwarf Pink. Innocence. Gen. purpurea, T. and G. Gen. var. longifolia. Long-leaved Dwarf Pink. Gen. var. ciliolata. Clustered Dwarf Pink. Gen. VALERIANACE^E. Valeriana, Tourn. pauciflora, Michx. C. and S. sylvatica, Rich. Wild Valerian. N. Fedia, Gaert. olitoria, Vahl. Pawnee Lettuce. Introduced gen. Fagopyrum, T. and G. Wild Common Salad, or Lamb Lettuce. Gen. radiata, Michx. Gen. umbilicata, Sullivant. C. and S. patellaria, Sullivant. C. and S. DIPSACEJE. Dipsacus, Tourn. sylvestris, Mill. Wild Teasel. Naturalized gen. COMPOSITE. Vernonia, Schreb. fasciculata, Michx. Iron-weed. Gen. Noveboracensis, Willd. New York Vernonia. Gen. Liatris, Schreb. squarrosa, Willd. Blazing Star. Gen. 21 spicata, Willd. Gen. scariosa, Willd. Gay Feather. Gen. Kuhnia, L. Eupatoroides, L. Gen. Eupatorium, Tourn. perfoliatum, L. Thorougb-wort Boneset. Gen. purpureum, L. Trumpet-weed. Gen. verticillatum, Willd. Cin., Clarke. ageratoides, L. White Snake-root. Gen. aromaticum, L. Aromatic Eupatorium. Gen. sessilifolium, L. Sessile-leaved Eupatorium. Gen. Conoclinium, D. C. coelestinum, D. C. Mist-flower. Cin., Kellogg. Sericocarpus, Nees. conyzoides, Nees. White-topped Aster. Gen. Aster, L. corymbosus, Ait. Corymbed Aster. Gen. , Novi Angliae, L. New England Aster. Gen. patens, Ait. Spreading Aster. Gen. var. phlogifolius. Gen. cordifolius, L. Heart-leaved Aster. Gen. prenanthoides, Muhl. Prenanthes-like Aster. Gen. Novae-Belgii, L. New York Aster. Gen. Tradescanti, L. Tradescanti Aster. Gen. ericoides, L. Heath-like Aster. Gen. miser, L. Starved Aster. Gen. multiflorus, Ait. Many-flowered Aster. Gen. Isevis, L. Smooth Aster. Gen. macrophyllus, L. Large-leaved Aster. N. concolor, L. One-colored Aster. S. sericeus, Vent. Silk-leaved Aster. S. azureus, Lindl. Blue Aster. S. Shortii, Boott. Short's Aster. S. undulatus, L. Wave leaf Aster. S. sagittifolius, Willd. Arrow-leaved Aster. Gen. puniceus, L. Red-stalked Aster. Gen. dumosus, L. Bushy Aster. Gen. Bimplex, Willd. Willow-leaved Aster. Gen. tenuifolius, L. Narrow-leaved Aster. Gen. carneus, Nees. Flesh-colored Aster. Gen. longifolius, Lem. Long-leaved Aster. Gen. aestivus, Ait. N. Erigeron, L. Canadense, L. Canadian or common Fleabane. Gen. bellidefolium, Muhl. Robin's Plantain. Gen. Philadelphicum, L. Narrow-rayed Plantain. Gen. annuum, Pers. Daisy Fleabane. Gen. strigosum, Muhl. White-weed Daisy. Gen. Dipplopappus, Cars, umbellatus. T. and G. N. linariifolius, Hook Gen. amygadalinus, T. and G. S. Boltonia, L'Her. glastifolia, L'Her. S. Solidago, L. squarrosa, Muhl. Ragged Golden Rod. N. bicolor, L. Two-colored Golden Rod* Gen. latifolia. L N. . Ciesia, L Blue-stemed Golden Rod. Gen. stricta. Ait. Upright Golden Rod. Lorain county. Kellogg. rigida, L. Hard-leaved Golden Rod. Gen. Ohioensis, Riddell. Gen. Riddellii, Frank. Riddell's Solidago. C. and W. patula, Muhl. Spreading Golden Rod. Gen. 22 arguta, Ait. Sharp-notched Golden Rod. Gen. Muhlenbergii, T. and G. Gen. altissima, L. Tall Golden Rod. Gen. ulmifolia, Muhl. Elm-leaved Solidago. Gen. nemoralis, Ait. Gen. Canadensis, L. Canadian Golden Rod. Gen. serotina, Ait. Smooth Golden Rod. Gen. lanceolata, L. Grass-leaved Golden Rod. N. gigantea, Ait. Gigantic Golden Rod. Gen. Virga-aurea, L. European Golden Rod. N. speciosa, Nutt. Showy Golden Rod. Gen. tenuifolia, Pursh. Gen. virgata, Michx. C. and S. Sullivant. Chrysopsis, Nutt. Mariana, Nutt. Knox county, Dr. Kellogg. Inula, L. Helenium, L. Elecampane. Int. Gen. Eclipta, L. procumbens, Michx/ S. Silphium, L. laciniatum, L. Rosin Weed. Polar Plant. Gen. perfoliatum, L. Cup Plant. Gen. terebinthinaceum, L. Prairie Burdock. C. and S. var pinnatifidum. C. and S. trifoliatum, L Ternate-leaved Silphium. Gen. integrifolium, Mich. Gen. Polymnia, L Canadensis, L. Leaf-Cup. Cin. Uvedalia, L. Yellow Leaf-Cup. Cin. Ambrosia, Tourn. trifida, L. Tall Ambrosia. Gen. artemisiaefolia, L. Hog-weed. Xanthium, Tourn. strumarium, L. Clot-weed. Gen. Heliopsis, Pers. laevis, Pers. Ox-eye. Gen. Echinacea, Mcench. purpurea, Mcench. Purple Cone-flower. C. and S. Rudbeckia. laciniata, L. Gen. hirta, L. Rough Cone-flower. Gen. fulgida, Ait. C. and S. triloba, L. C. and S. speciosa, Wender. N. Helianthus, L. giganteus, L. Gen. strumosus, L. Downy Sun-flower. Gen. decapetalus, D. Ten-rayed Sun-flower. N. var. frondosus. N. hirsutus, Raf. S. mollis, Lam. Soft-leaved Sun-flower. Gen. microcephalus, T. and G. S. grosse serratus, Martens. Notch-leaved Sun-flower. S. divaricatus, L. Spreading Sun-flower. S. tracheliifolius, Willd. Gen. doronicoides, Lam. Leopard's Bane Sun-flower. Gen. cinereus, T. and G. Sullivant's Sun-flower. C. Actinomeris, Nutt. squarrosa, Nutt. Gen. helianthoides, Nutt. Gen. Coreopsis, L. tricbosperma, Michx. Tick-seed Sun-flower. Gen. tripteris, L. Gen. aristosa, Mich. Lorain county. Kellogg, Bidens, L. frondosa, L. Leafy Burr-Marigold,°or Beggar's Ticks. Gen. connata, Muhl. Trifid Burr-Marigold. Gen. cernua, L. Water Burr-Marigold. Gen. 23 chrysanthemoides, Michx. Radiate Burr-Marigold. Gen. bipinnata, L. Spanish Needles. Gen. Beckii, Torr. Beck's Burr Marigold. Geauga Co., Canfield. Helenium, L. autumnale, L. Sneeze-weed. Gen. Maruta, Cass. Cotula, D. C. May-weed. Gen. Achillea, L. millefolium, L. Yarrow. Gen. Leucanthemum, Tourn. vulgare, Lam. Ox-eye Daisy. Int. Tanacetum, L. vulgare, L. Tansy. Int. Gen. Artemisia, L. biennis, Willd. Wormwood. N. Canadensis, Michx. Sea Wormwood. N. Gnaphalium, L. de^urrens, Ives. Decurrant-leaved, Life-everlasting. Summit Co. polycephalum, Michx. Fragrant Life-everlasting. Gen. uliginosum, L. Mud Life-everlasting. Gen. purpureum, L. Purple Life-everlasting. Gen. Antennaria, Gaert. plantaginifolia, Hook. Mouse-ear Life-everlasting. Gen. margaritacea, R. Br. Common Life-everlasting. N. Filago, Tourn. Germanica, L. German Cud-weed, naturalized. Gen. Erechthites, Raf. bieracifolia, Raf. Fire-weed. Gen. Cacalia, L. suaveolens, L. Wild Caraway. Gen. atriplicifolia, L. Orache-leaved Caraway. Gen. tuberosa, Nutt. Indian Plantain. C. and W. reniformis, Muhl. C. and W. Senecio, L. aureus, L. Golden Rag Weed. Gen. var obovatus. C. and S. Centaurea, L. cyanus, L. Bachelor's Button. lot. Gen. Cnicus, Vaill. beaedictus. Blessed Thistle, sparingly naturalized. Cirsium, Tourn. lanceolatum. Scop. Common Thistle. Gen. altissimum, Spreng. Gen. discolor, Spreng. Tall Thistle. Gen. pumilum, Spreng. Pasture Thistle. muticum, Michx. Swamp Thistle. Gen. arvense, Scop. Canada Thistle. Lake Shore. Virginianum, Michx. Gen. Onopordon, Vaill. acanthium, L. Cotton Thistle, sparingly naturalized. Lappa, Tourn. major, Gaert. Burdock. Int. Gen. Krigia, Schreb. Virgirtica, Willd. Dwarf Dandelion. N. Lesq. Lactuca, Tourn. elongata, Muhl. Trumpet Milkweed. Cin. K. Cynthia, Don. Virginica, Don. Cleveland. Hieracium, Tourn. venosum, L Veiny-leaved Hawkweed. W. Gronovii, L. Grcnovius' Hawkweed. Gen. Canadense, Michx. Canadian Hawkweed. N. scabrum, Michx. Rough Hawkweed. 0. and N. paniculatum, L. Slender Hawkweed. Gen. Nabalus, Cass, albus, Hook Lion's Foot. N. altissimus, Hook. Tall Nabulus. N. racemosus, Hook. C. crepidineus, DC. C. and S. virgatus, D. C. C. and S. asper, T. and G. W. Mulgedium, Cass. Floridanum, D. C. Blue Lettuce. C. acuminatum, D. C. C. leucophaeum, D. C. S. Sonchus, L oleraceus, L. Low Thistle. Naturalized gen. asper. Vill. Gen. Taraxacum, Haller. Dens-leonis, Desf. Dandelion. Naturalized gen. 24 LOBELIACE^E. Lobelia, L. cardinalis, L. Cardinal Flower. Gen. syphilitica, L. Blue Cardinal Flower. Gen. inflata, L. Indian Tobacco. Gen. spicata, Lam. Clayton's Lobelia. Gen. Kalmii, L. Kalm's Lobelia. Stark Co. CAMPANULACE^E. Campanula, Tourn. Americana, L. American Bell Flower. Gen. aparinoides, Pursh. Prickly Bell Flower. Gen. rotundifolia, L. Rock Bell Flower. Kelly's Island, Kellogg. Specularia, Heist, perfoliata, D. C. Venus' Looking Glass. Gen. ERICACEAE. Gaylussacia, H. B. K. Resinosa, T. and G. Huckleberry. N. dumosa, T. and G. Lorain Co., Kellogg. frondosa, T. and G. Dangleberry. N. Vaccinium, L. stamineum, L. Deerberry. E. and N. Pennsylvanicum, L. Low Blueberry. E. and N. corymbosum, L. High Whortleberry. E. and N. var. pallidum. E. and N. macrocarpon, Ait. Common Cranberry. E. and N. Gaultheria, Kalm. procumbens, L. Wintergreen. Gen. Epig^ea, L. repens, L. Trailing Arbutus. Gen. Cassandra, Don. calvculata, Don. Bracted Leather-leaf. Summit Co. Oxydendrum, D. C. arboreum, D. C. Sorrel Tree. C. and S. Azalea, L. nudiflora, L. False Honeysuckle. N. viscosa, L. East. Lesq. calendulacea, Michx. Lancaster, Bigelow. Rhododendron, L. maximum, L. Rose Bay. Lancaster, Bigelow. Kalmia, L. latifolia, L. Mountain Laurel. Hills E. 0. angustifolia. Sheep Poison. Lancaster, Bigelow. Ledum, L. latifolium, Ait. Labrador Tea. Lorain Co., Kellogg. Pyrola, L. elliptica, Nutt. Pear-leaved Wintergreen. Gen. secunda, L. One-sided Pyrola. N. rotundifolia, L. Round-leaved Pyrola. C and N. Moneses, Salisb. uniflora, Salisb. Lorain Co., Kellogg. Chimaphilla, Pursh. umbellata, Nutt Pipsissewa. C. and S. maculata, Pursh. Spotted Wintergreen. C. and S. Monotropa, L. uniflora, L. Indian Pipe. Gen. hypopitys, L. Beech drops. Gen. AQUIFOLIACE^E. Prinos, L. verticillatus, L. Winter Berry. Black Alder. Gen. Nemopanthes, Raf. Canadensis, D. C. Canadian Holly. Summit Co. EBENACE^E. Diospyros, L. Virginiana, L. Persimmon Tree. C. and S. 25 PLANTAGINACEiE. Plantago, L. major, L. Common Plantain. Nat gen. cordata, Lam. Heart-leaved Plantain. Gen. lanceolata, L. Lance leaved Plantain Int. gen. Virginica, L. Virginian Plantain. Gen. pusilla, Nutt. Gen. PRIMULACE^E. Dodecatheon, L. Meadia, L. American Cow-slip. C. and S. Lysimachia, L. ciliata, L. Heart-leaved Loosestrife. Gen. stricta, Ait. Loosestrife. Gen. quadrifolia, L. Four-leaved Loosestrife. Gen. lanceolata. Hybrid Loosestrife. Cent. longifolia, Pursh. Prairie Mongwort. Gen. Naumburgia, Mcench. thyrsiflora, Reich. Tufted Loosestrife. N. and C. Trientalis, L. Americana, Pursh. Chickweed Wintergreen. N. Anagalis, Tourn. arvensis, L. rimpernel. Nat. N. Samolus, L. floribundus, H. B K. Water Pimpernel. Gen. LENTIBULACE^E. Utricularia, L. vulgaris, L. Common Bladderwort. Gen. cornuta, Michx. Horned Bladderwort. Gen. gibba, L. Cent, and S. intermedia, Hayne. Lorain Co., Kellogg. minor, L. N. OROBANCHACE.E. Epiphegus, Nutt. Virginiana, Bart. Beech Drops. Gen. Conopholis, Wallr. Americana, Wallr. Cancer Root. Summit Co. Aphyllon, Mitch, uniflorum, T. and G. Gen. BIGNONIACE^E. Tecoma, Juss. radicans, Juss. Trumpet Creeper. S. Catalpa, Scop. Bignonioides, Walt. Catalpa. Int. Martynia, L. proboscidea, Glox. Unicorn Plant. Int. ACANTHACE^E. Dianthera, Gronov. Americana, L. Water Willow. Gen. Dipteracanthus, Nees. strepens, Nees. Gen. ciliosus, Nees. Gen. SCROPHULARIACE^E. Verbascum, L. Thapsus, L. Common Mullein. Nat. Gen. blattaria, L. Moth Mulkin. Nat. Gen. Linaria, Tourn. Canadensis, Spreng. Canadian Snap-Dragon. Gen. vulgaris, Mill. Toad Flax. Nat. Sorofhularia, Tourn. nodosa, L. Figwort. Gen. Collinsia, Nutt. verna, Nutt. Tall Pink. S. Chelone, Tourn. glabra, L. Snake-head Salt Rheum Weed. Gen. 26 Pentstemon, Mitchell, pubescens, Sol. Beard Tongue. Gen. Mimulus, L. ringens, L. Monkey Flower. Gen. alatus, Ait. Wing-stem Monkey Flower. Gen. Conobea, Aublet. multifida, Benth. S. W. Gratiola, L. Virginiana, L. Hedge Hyssop. Gen. aurea, Muhl. Golden Hyssop. E. and N. Ilysanthes, Raf. Gratioloides, Benth. S. Veronica, L. Virginica, L. Culver's Physic, N. Anagallis, L. Gen. Americana, Schwein. Brooklime. Gen. scutellata, L. Skull-cap, Marsh Speedwell. Gen. serpyllifolia, L. Thyme-leaved Speedwell. Gen. peregrina, L. Purslane Speedwell. Gen. arvensis, L. Corn Speedwell. Int. gen. agrestris, L. Neck-weed Speedwell. Int. gen. officinalis, L. Officinal Speedwell. Cent. Buchnera, L. Americana, L. Blue Hearts. Columbus, Sull. Seymeria, Pursh. macrophylla, Nutt. Large Seymeria. S. Gerardia, L. purpurea, L. Large Purple Gerardia. Lancaster, Big. tenuifolia, Vahl. Small Purple Gerardia. Gen. flava, L. Gen. quercifolia, Pursh. Gen. auriculata, Michx. Cent. pedicularia, L. Trumbull Co., Kell. integrifolia, Gray. W. Pedicularis, Tourn. Canadensis, L. Lousewort. Gen. lanceolata, Michx. Branching Lousewort. Gen. Malampyrum, Tourn. Americanum, Michx. Cow Wheat. N. Castilleja, Mutis. coccinea, Spreng. Painted Cup. N. VERBENACEJE. Verbena, L. hastata. L. Vervain. Simpler's Jay. Gen. urticifolia, L Nettle-leaved Vervain. Gen. angustifolia, Michx. Narrow-leaved Vervain. Gen. stricta, Vent. Mullein-leaved Verbena. W. Phryma, L. leptostachya, L. Lop-seed. Gen. Lippia, L. lanceolata, Michx. Fog Fruit. C. and S. LABIATES. Isanthus, Michx. coeruleus, Michx. False Pennyroyal. Gen. Mentha, L. viridis, L. Spearmint, Nat. Gen. piperita, L. Peppermint, Nat. Gen. Canadensis, L. Horsemint. Gen. arvensis, L. Corn cr Field Mint. Columbus. Nat. Sullivant. Lycopus, L. Virginicus, L. Hoarhound. Bugle-weed. Gen. Europaeus, L. Waterhound. Gen. Collinsonia, L. Canadensis, L. Horse Balm. Gen. Hedeoma, Pers. pulegioides, Pers. Pennyroyal. Gen. Cunila, L. Mariana, L. Dittany. C. and S. Blephilia. ciliata, Raf. Gen. hirsuta, Benth. Hairy Blephilia. Gen. Monarda, L. didyma, L. Mountain Mint. N. fistulosa, L. Hare Mint. Bergamot. N. punctata, L. Horse Mint. Gen. 27 Bradburyana, Beck. S. and W. Salviv, L. lyrata, L. Meadow Sage. S. Nepeta, L. cataria, L. Catnip. Int Gen. Glechoma, Benth. Gill-over-the-ground. Gen. Lopiianthus, Benth. nepetoides, Benth. Giant Hyssop. Gen. scrophulariaefolius, Benth. Giant Hyssop. Gen. Pycnantiiemum, Michx. lanceolatum, Pursh. N. linifolium, Pursh. Gen. muticum, Pers. Gen. iocanura, Michx. Mountain Mint. Gen. pilosum, Nutt. Gen. Calamintha, Mcench. glabella, Benth. Cen. Sullivant. Origanum, L. vulgare, L. Wild Marjoram. Int. L. Lesq. Brunella, Tourn. vulgaris, L. Self-heal. Gen. Scutellaria, L. canescens, Nutt. Gen. lateriflora, L. Mad Dog Skull-cap. Gen. pilosa, Michx. Gen. integrifolia, L. Gen. parvula, Michx Gen. galericulata, L. Common Skull-cap. Synandra, Nutt. grandiflora, Nutt. Large flowering Synandra. C. and S. Physostegia, Benth. Virginiana, Benth. Dragon's Head. C. and W. Lakium, L amplexicaule, L. Dead Nettle. Nat. Stark Co. Leonurus, L. cardiaca, L. Mother-wort. Nat. Gen. Stachys, L. palustris, L. Hedge Nettle. Gen. aspera, Michx. Hedge Wound-wort, Gen. sylvatica, Nutt. Wood Stachys. Gen. Marrubium, L. vulgare; L. Hoarhound. Escaped from Gardens. Galeopsis, L. tetrahit, L. Hemp Nettle. Nat. Gen. Trichostema, L. dichotomum, L. Blue Curls. S. Teucrium, L. C.inadense, L. Germander. Gen. BORAGINACE.E. Echium, Tourn. vulgare, L. Viper's Bugloss. Nat. Symphytum, Tourn. officinale, L. Comfrey. Escaped from Gardens. Onosmodium, Michx. Virginianum, D. C. False Gromwell. Gen. Carolinianum, D. 0. Gen. Lithospermum, Tourn. arvense, L. Com. Gromwell, Wheat Thief. Nat. Gen. latifolium, Michx. Broad-leaved Wheat Thief. Gen. canescens, Lehm. Puccoon. Gen. officinale, L. Officinal Wheat Thief. Int. Cent. Mertensia, Roth. Virginica, D. C. Lungwort. Gen. Myosotis, L. palustris, With. Forget-me-not. Gen. var. laxa. Gen. arvensis, L. Gen. verna, Nutt. Gen. Echinospermum, Swartz. Lappula, Lehm. Burr-seed. Int. Gen. Cynoglossum, Tourn. officinale, L. Hounds-tongue. Nat. Gen. Virginicum, L. Gen. Morisoni, D. C. Beggars' Lice. Gen. HYDRO PHYLL ACE^E. Hydrophyllum, L. Virginicum, L. Virginia Water-leaf. Gen. Canadense, L. Burr-flower. Gen. 28 macrophyllum, Nutt. S. and W. appendiculatum, Michx. Gen. Phacelia, Juss. bipinnatifida, Michx. Gen. Purshii, Buckley. Cent, and S. fimbriata, Michx. Cent, and S. parviflora, Pursh. Cent, and S. POLEMONIACE^E. Polemonium, Tourn. reptans, L. Greek Valerian. Gen. Phlox, L. paniculata, L. Panicled Phlox. Gen. maculata, L. Gen. divaricata, L. Early-flowering Lychnidea. Gen. glaberrima, L. Cent, and W. subulata, L. Moss Pink. Gen. pilosa, L, Cent, and W. Caroliniana, L. Cent, and W. CONVOLVULACE^E. Quamoclit, Tourn. coccinea, Mcench. Cypress Vine. Int. S. Ipomcea, L. lacunosa, L. Mornipg Glory. S. W. pandurata, Mayer. Gen. Calystegia, R. Br. sepium, R. Br. , Dutland Beauty. Gen. spithamaea, Pursh. Erect Bindweed. Gen. Cuscuta, Tourn. epilinum, Weihe. Flax Dodder. Int. N. chlorocarpa, Engel. Gen. Gronovii, Willd. Gen. glomerata, Choisy. W. SOLANACE^E. Datura, L. Stramonium, L. Thorn Apple. Introduced gen. Hyosciamus, Tourn. niger. Henbane. Introduced Lake Shore. Physalis, L. viscosa, L. Ground Cherry. Gen. Philadelphica, Lam. S. and E. Nicandra, Adans. Physaloides, Gaert. Apple of Peru. Sparingly nat. Solanum, L. dulcamara, L. Bitter-sweet. Gen. nigrum, L. Black Night-shade. Gen. Carolinense. Horse Nettle. Cent, and S. GENTIANACEJ3. Sabbatia, Adans. annularis, Pursh. American Centaury. Gen. Frasera, Walt. Carolinensis, Walt. American Columbo. Gen ' Bartonia, Muhl. tenella, Muhl. Cleveland. Obolaria, L. Virginica, L. Pennywort. Lancaster, Big. Gentiana, L. crinita, Frcel. Blue-fringed Gentian. Gen. quinqueflora, Lam. Five flowered Gentian. Gen. dctonsa, Fries. Shorn Gentian. N. ochroleuca, Frcel. Straw-colored Gentian. Gen. saponaria, L. Soapwort Gentian. Gen. Andrewseii, Griesb. Gen. puberula, Michx. Cent., Sullivant. Menyanthes, Tourn. trifoliata, L. Buck bean. Cent, and N. 29 APOCYNACE^E. Apocynum, Tourn. androssemifolium, L. Dogs-bane. Gen. cannabinum, L. Indian Hemp. Gen. ASCLEPIADACE^E. Asclepias, L. Cornuti, Dec. Common Milkweed. Gen. Sullivantii, Engel. Cent., Sullivant. phytolaccoides, Pursh. Poke-leaved Milkweed. Gen. purpurascens, L. Purple Milkweed. Gen. quadrifolia, Jacq. Gen. verticillata, L. Whorl-leaved Asclepias. Gen. incarnata, L. Rose-colored Milkweed. Gen. tuberosa, L. Butterfly Weed. Milkweed. Gen. Acerates, Ell. viridiflora, Ell. Green Milkweed. Gen. longifolia, Ell. Long-leaved Acerates. Gen. Enslenia, Nutt. albida, Nutt. S. Gonolobus, Michx. macrophyllus, Michx. S. and W. OLEACE.E. Ciiionanthus, L. Virginica, L. Fringe Tree. S. Fraxinus, Tourn. Americana L. White Ash. Gen. viridis, Michx. Green Ash. Gen. sambucifolia, Lam. Black or Water Ash. Gen. quadrangulata, Michx. Blue Ash. Gen. pubescens, Lam. Red Asb. Summit Co. Ligustrum, Tourn. vulgare, L. Privet. Introduced. ARISTOLOCHIACE^E. Aristolochia, Tourn. Serpentaria, L. Virginia Snake-root. Gen. Asarum, Tourn. Canadense, L. Wild Ginger. Gen. CHENOPODIACE^E. Chenopodium, L. album, L. Hog-weed. Indigenous gen. urbicum, L. Introduced gen. hybridum, L. Tall Goose-foot. Introduced gen. botrys, L. Oak of Jerusalem. Introduced gen. ambrosioides, L. Ambrosia Goose-foot. Introduced gen. anthelminticum, L. Worm Seed. Gen. Blitum, L. capitatum, L. Strawberry blite. N. AMARANTACE^E. Acnida, L. cannabina, L. Water Hemp. Cent, and S. Amarantus, Tourn. bypocbondriacus, L. Prince's Feather. Introduced gen. hybridus, L. Hybrid Amaranth. Int. Gen. retroflexus, L. Int. Gen. albus, L. White Cock's Comb. Int. Gen. spinosus, L. Spiny Amaranth. Int. S. Euxolus, Raf. pumilus, Raf. False Amaranth. Brownhelm, Kellogg. Iresine, P. Br. celosioides, L. S. 30 PHYTOLACCACE^E. Phytolacca, Tourn. decandra, L. Poke-weed. Gen. POLYGONACE^E. Polygonum, L. orientale, L. Knot-grass. Escaped frcm Gardens gen. amphibium. L. Knot-weed. Gen. nodosum, Pers. Gen. Pennsylvanicum, L. Penn. Knot-grass. Gen. persicaria, L. Spotted Knot-grass. Naturalized gen. bydropiper, L. Naturalized gen. bydropiperoides, Michx. Bird Polygonum. S. aviculare, L. Gen. tenue, Michx. Slender Knot-grass. Gen. Virginianum, L. Gen. arifolium, L. Hastate Knot grass. Gen. sagittatum, L. Scratch-grass. Gen. convovulus, L. Knot Bind-weed. Gen. cilinode, Michx. Gen, dumetorum, L. Gen. ramosissimum, Michx. Lake Shore. Fagopyrum, Tourn. esculentum, Mcench. Buckwheat. Introduced gen. Rumex, L. verticillatus, L. Naked-spiked Dock. Gen. altissimus, Wood. Peach-leaved Dock Gen. Hydrolapathum, Hudson. Gen. crispus, L. Yellow Dock. Introduced gen. obtusifolius, L. Broad-leaved Dock. Introduced gen. Acetosella, L. Field or Sheep Sorrel. Introduced Gen. LAURACE^E. Sassafras, Nees. officinale, Nees. Sassafras. Gen. Benzoin, Nees. odoriferum, Nees. Spice Bush. Gen. THYMELACE^E. Dirca, L. palustris, L. Moose Wood. Gen. EL^EAGNACE^E. Shepherdia, Nutt. Canadensis, Nutt. Summit Co. SANTALACE^E. Comandra, Nutt. umbellata, Nutt. Bastard Toad Flax Gen. LORANTHACE^E. Phoradendron, Nutt. flavescens, Nutt. False Mistletoe. C. and 8. SAURURACE^E. Saururus, L. cernuus, L. Lizzard's Tail. Gen. CERATOPHYLLACE^E. Ceratopkyllum, L. demersum, L. Hornwort. Gen. echinatum, Gray. Gen. 31 CALLITRICHACE.E. Callitriche, L. verna, L. Water Starwort. Gen. var. platycarpa. Black River. Kellogg. linearis, Pursh. Black River. Kellogg. PODOSTEMACE^E. Podostemum, Michx. ceratophyllum, Michx. River Weed. Gen. EUPHORBIA CE.E, Euphorbia, L. corollata, L. Flowering Spurge. Gen. peplus, L. Int. gen. maculata. Spotted Spurge. Gen. dentata, Michx. Tooth-leaved Spurge. S. W. polygonifolia, L. Knot-grass Spurge. Lake Shore. hypericifolia Eye-bright Spurge. Gen. Phyllanthus, L. Carolinensis, Walt. S. Acalypha, L. Virginica, L. Three seeded Mercury. S. W. Caroliniana, Walt. S. W. URTICACE^E. Ulmus, L. fulva, Michx. Slippery or Red Elm. Gen. Americana, L. American or White Elm. Gen. racemosa, Thomas. Cork Elm. N. Celtis, Tourn. occidentalis, L. Hackberry. C. and S. Morus, Tourn. rubra, L. Mulberry, Gen. alba, L. Int. gen. Urtica, Tourn. gracilis, Ait. Nettle. Gen. dioica, L. Int. gen. urens, L. Int. gen. Laportea, Gaudich. Canadensis, Gaud. Wood Nettle. Gen. Pilea, Lindl. pumila, Gray. Rich Weed. Gen. Bcehmeria, Jacq. cylindrica, Willd. False Nettle. Gen. Parietaria, Tourn. Pennsylvanica, Muhl. Pellitory. Gen. Cannabis, Tourn. sativa L. Hemp. Escaped from cultivation. Gen. Humulus, L. Lupulus, L. Hop. Gen. PLATANACE.E. Platanus, L. occidentalis, L. Sycamore. Gen. JUGLANDACE.E. Juglans, L. cinerea, L. Butternut, White Walnut. Gen. nigra, L. Black Walnut. Gen. Carya, Nutt. alba, Nutt. Shag-bark Hickory. Gen. sulcata, Nutt. Thick Shell-bark Hickory. Gen. tomentosa, Nutt. White Heart Hickory. Gen. microcarpa, Nutt. Small-fruited Hickory. Gen. glabra, Torr. Pig Nut. Gen. amara, Nutt. Bitternut Hickory. Gen. myristicteformis, Michx. Nutmeg Hickory Nut. Stark Co., Klippart. 32 CUPULIFEELE. Quercus, L. alba, L. White Oak. Gen. tinctoria, Bart. Black or Yellow Oak. Gen. palustris, Du Roi. Pin or Water Oak. Gen. castanea, Willd. Chestnut Oak. Gen. macrocarpa, Michx. Overcup White Oak. Gen. var. olivaeformis. Mossy-cup Oak Gen. coccinea, Wang. Scarlet Oak. Gen. imbricaria, Michx. Lanrel or Shingle Oak. Gen. prinoides, Willd. Gen. ilicifolia, Wang. Scrub or Bear Oak. Gen. nigra, L. Black-jack Oak. Gen. prinus, var. discolor. Swamp Chestnut Oak. Gen- prinus, var. monticola. Gen. obtusiloba, Michx. Gen. Castanea, Tourn. vesca, L Chestnut. Gen. pumila, Michx. Chinquapin. Marietta, Rid. Fag us, Tourn. ferruginea, Ait. Beech. Gen. Corylus, Tourn. Americana, Walt. Hazel. Gen. Carpinus, L. Americana, Michx. Hornbeam. Gen. Ostrya, Micheli. Virginica, Willd. Hop Hornbeam, Iron-wood. Gen. MYRICACE^E. Myrica, L. cerifera, L. Wax Myrtle. Lake Shore, Rid. Comptonia, Solander. asplenifolia, Ait. Sweet Fern. N. gen. BETULACEJE. Betula, Tourn. lenta, L. Black or Mahogany Birch. Gen. nigra. Red Birch. Gen. excelsa. Soft or Yellow Bircb. N. pumila. Dwarf Birch. C. and N. Alnus, Tourn. incana, Willd. Alder. N. serrulata, Ait. Common Alder. Gen. SALICACE^E. Salix, Tourn. Candida, Willd. White Willow. C. and N. tristis, Ait. Sage Willow. Gen. humilis, Marshall. Gen. rostrata, Rich, Beaked Willow. N. alba, L. White Willow. Int. Digra, Marshall. Black Willow. C. and S. fragilis, L. Crack Willow. Int. lucida, Muhl. Shining Willow. Gen. sericea, Marshall. Gen. petiolaris, Smith. Long-stalked Green Osier. Gen. cordata. Heart-leaved Willow. Gen. angustata, Pursh. Narrow-leaved Willow. Gen. longifolia, Muhl. Long-leaved Willow. Gen. Populus, Tourn. tremuloides, Mich. American Aspen. White Poplar. Gen. grandidentata, Michx. Large Poplar. Gen. monilifera, Ait. Cotton Wood. C. and S. 53 angulata, Ait. Western Cotton Tree. C. and S. balsamifera, L. Balsam Tree. Gen. candicans, Ait. Balm-of-Gilead. Gen. QYMNOSPERM^. CONIFER.E. Pinub, Tourn. inops, Ait. Jersey or Scrub Pine. C. or S. rigida, Miller. Pitch Pine. C. and S. strobus, L. White Pine. N. Banksiana, Lam. Scrub Pine. S. and N. Abies, Tourn. Canadensis, Michx. Hemlock Spruce. Gen. Larix, Tourn. Americana, Michx. Tamarack. N. Cupressus, L. Thyoides, L. White Cedar. E. and S. Juniperus, L. communis, L. Common Juniper. Summit county. Virginiana, L. Red Cedar. Gen. Taxus, Tourn. Canadensis, L. Dwarf Yew. N. and C. CLASS II. ENDOGENS. ARACE^E. Arum, L. triphyllum, Toit. Jack-in-the-Pulpit. Gen. Dracontium, Schott. Green Dragon. Gen. Peltandra, Raf. Virginica, Raf. Arrow Arum. N. Calla, L. palustris, L. Water Arum. N. Symplocarpus, Salisb. foetidus, Salisb. Skunk Cabbage. Gen. Acorus, L. Calamus, L. Sweet Flag. Gen. LEMNACE^E. Lemna, L. trisulca, L. Ivy-leaved Duck-meat. Gen. minor, L. Lesser Duck-meat. Gen. polyrrhiza, L. Gen. TYPHACE^E. Typha, Tourn. latifolia, L. Cat-tail Flag. Gen. var angustifolia. Gen. Sparqanidm, Tourn. ramosum, Hudson. Burr Reed. N. and C. angustifolium, Michx. N. and C. simplex, Michx. N. and C. NAIAD ACE^. Naiab, L. flexilis, Rostk. Naiad. Gen. Zannichkllia, Micheli. palustris, L. Horned Pondweed. Gen. Potamoqeton, Tourn. natans, L. Broad-leaved Pondweed. Gen. pectinatus, L. Fennel-leaved Pondweed. N. compressus, L. Gen. praelongus, Wulf. Long-stalked Pondweed. N. pauciflorus, Pursh. Grassy Pondweed. Gen. fucens, L. Shining Pondweed. N. Robbinsii, Oakes. Robbin's Pondweed. N. Dr. Canfield. 3 34 ALISMACE^E. Triglochin, L. palustre, L. Marsh Arrow Grass. N. and C. maratimum, L. Sea Arrow Grass. N. and C. Sceuchzeria, L palustris, L. Summit county. Alisma, L. Plantago, L. Water Plantain. Gen. Sagittaria, L. variabilis, Eng. Arrow Head. Gen. i HYDRO CHARIDACE^E. Anacharis, Rich. Canadensis, Planch. Water Weed. Gen. Vallisneria, Micheli. spiralis, L. Eel Grass. Gen. ORCHIDACEAE. Orchis, L. spectabilis, L. Showy Orchis. Gen. Gymnadenia, R. Br. tridentata, Lindl. C. and S Platanthera, Rich, rotundifolia, Lindl. N. orbiculata, Lindl. Gen. Hookeri, Lindl. N. bracteata, Torr. f*N. hyperborea, Lindl. N. flava, Gray. ' Gen. ciliaris, Lindl. N. lacera, Gray. N. psycodes, Gray. C. and N. fimbriata, Lindl. Gen. leucophaea, Nutt. Gen. blephariglottis, Lindl. N. peramcena, Gray. S. Goodyera, R. Br. pubescens, R. Br. Rattle-Snake Plantain. Gen. repens, R. Br. Gen. Spiranthes, Rich'd. gracilis, Bigel. Ladies' Tresses. Gen. latifolia, Torr. N. cernua, Rich'd. Gen. Listera, R. Br. cordata, R. Br. Tway Blade. E. and N. Arethusa, Gronov. bulbosa, L. Bulbous Arethusa. Lorain Co., Kellocm Pogonia, Juss. Ophioglossoides, Nutt. Gen. pendula, Lindl. Summit Co. verticillata, Nutt. Chardon, Canfield. Calopogon, R. Br. pulchellus, R Br. Grass Pink. Gen. Tipularia, Nutt. discolor, Nutt. Gen. Microstylis, Nutt. Ophioglossoides, Nutt. Adder's Mouth. C. and S. Corallorhiza, Haller. multiflora, Nutt. Coral Root. Gen. odontorhiza, Nutt. Dragon's Claw. Gen. innata, R. Br. S. W. Aplectrum, Nutt. hyemale, Nutt. Adam and Eve. Lancaster, Bigelow. Cypripedium, L. pubescens, Willd. Ladies' Slipper. Gen. acaule, Ait. Acaulescent. N. and C spectabile, Swartz. Showy Ladies' Slipper. N. and C. parviflorum, Salisb. Yellow. N. and 0. candidum, Muhl. White. N. and C. Liparis, Richard. Liliifolia, Richard. Tway Blade. Gen. Loeselii, Richard. N. 35 AMARYLLIDACEJl. Hypoxis, L. erecta, L. Star Grass. Gen. H^EMODORACE^E. Aletris, L. farinosa, L. Colic Root. S. IRIDACE^E. Iris, L. versicolor, L. Blue Flagg. Gen. lacustris, Nutt. Hocking Co., Big. Sisyrinchium, L. Bermudiana, L. Blue-eyed Grass. Gen. DIOSCOREACE^E. Dioscorea, Plumier. villosa, L. Yam Root. Gen. SMILACE^E. Smilax, Tourn. rotundifolia, L. Green Brier. Gen. var. quadrangularis. Gen. tamnoides, L. Gen. hispida, Muhl. Gen. glauca, Walt. Gen. herbacea, L. Gen. TRILLIACE.E. Trillium, L. cernuum, L. Gen. erectum, L. Bath Flower. Gen. var. album. Gen. sessile, L. Sessile-flowered Trillium. Gen. grandiflorum. Salisb. Large-flowered Trillium. Gen. nivale, Riddell. Snowy-flowered Trillium. Gen. erythrocarpum, Michx. Smiling Wake-robin. N. Medeola, Gronov. Virginica, L. Cucumber Root. Gen. LILIACE^E. Polygonatcm, Tourn. biflorum, Ell. Solomon's Seal. Gen. giganteum, Dietrich. Gen. multiflorum, Desf. Lancaster, Bigelow. Smilacina, Desf. racemosa, Desf. False Solomon's Seal. Gen. stellata.'f Desf. Gen. trifolia. Desf. Summit Co. Scilla, L. Fraseri, Gray. Wild Hyacinth. Gen. Allium, L. Canadense, Kalm. Canadian Onion. Gen. - tricoccum, Ait. Lance-leaved Onion. Gen. cernuum, Roth. Nodding Onion. Gen. Clintonia, Raf. borealis, Raf. N. Lilium,L. Philadelphicum, L. Lily. Gen. Canadense, L. Yellow Lily. Gen. superbum, L. • Superb Lily, Turk's Cap. Gen. Erythronium, L. Americanum, Smith. Yellow Adder's Tongue. Gen. albidum, Nutt. White Adder's Tongue. Gen. 36 MELANTHACELE. Uvularia, L. grandiflora, Smith. Bellwort. Gen. perfoliata, L. Gen. sessilifolia, L. Gen, Prosartes, Don. lanuginosa, Don. E. Streptopus, Michx. amplexifolius, D. C. „ Summit, Co. Zygadenus, Michx. glaberrimus, Michx. Summit Co. glaucus, Nutt. Columbus, Sullivant. Melanthium, Gronov. Virginicum, L. Cent, and S. Stenanthium, Gray, angustifolium, Gray. Cent, and S. W. Veratrum, Tourn. viride, Ait. White Hellebone. N. Cham^elerium, Willd. luteum, Gray. Devil's Bit. Gen. JUNCACE^E. Luzula, D. C. pilosa, Willd. Hairy Wood Rush. Gen. campestris, D. C. Field Wood Rush. Gen. Juncus, L. effusus, L. Bull Rush. Gen. filiformis, L. Thread Rush. N. setaceus, Rostk. Bristly Rush. S. scirpoides, Lam. Gen. acuminatus, Michx. Gen. militaris, Bigel. Bayonet Rush. S. nodosus, L. N. Conradi, Tuck. Gen. marginatus, Rostk. Gen. stygius, L. North, Lesq. tenuis, Willd. Slender Rush. Gen. bufonius. Toad Rush. Gen. Pontederia, L. cordata. Pickerel Weed. ^N. Gen. Schollera, Schreber. graminea, Willd. Water Star Grass. Gen. COMMELYNACE^E. Commelyna, Dill, erecta, L. Day Flower. S Virginica, L. S. W. Tradescantia, L. Virginica, L. Spider-wort. Gen. pilosa, Lehm. S. XYRIDACE^E. Xyris, L. Caroliniana, Walt. Yellow-eyed Grass. Gen. bulbosa, Kunth. Lancaster, Big. CYPERACE^E. Cyperus, L. diandrus, Torr. Diandrous Sedge. Gen. var. castaneus, Torr. Gen. strigosus, L. Gen. dentatus, Torr. Gen. filiculmis, Vahl. Cent, and S. retrofractus, Torr. Cent, and S. ovularis, Torr. Gen. flavescens, L. Yellow Sedge. N. Lesqx. inflexus, Muhl. Cent. phymatodes, Muhl. Cent. 37 Kyllingia, L. pumila, Michx. C. and S. Dulichium, Rich'd. spatheceum, Pers. Gen. Elkochabis, R. Br. Equisetoides, Torr. Horse-tail Rush. Gen. obtusa, Schultes. Gen. olivacea, Torr. South Lesqx. palustris, R. Br. Marsh Club Rush. Gen. tenuis, Schultes. Slender Club Rush. Gen. rostellata, Torr. Gen. acicularis, R. Br. Hair Club Rush. Gen. intermedia, Schultes. Turf Club Rush Gen. Scirpub, L. Planifolius, Muhl. Flat-leaved Club Rush. N. pungens, Vahl. N. lacustris, L. Lake Bull Rush. Gen. maratimus, L. Sea Bull Rush. Gen. fluviatilis, Torr. River Rush. N. eriophorum, Michx. Wool grass. Gen. lineatus, Michx. Gen. polyphyllus, Vahl. Gen. Eriophorum, L. Virginicum, L. Cotton Grass. Gen. alpinum, L. N. vaginatum, L. Sheathed Grass. N. gracile, Koch. N. polystachyon, L. Many-spiked Grass. Gen. Fimbrisiylis, Vahl. capillaris, R. and S. Gen autumnalis, R. and S. Cincinnati, Kellogg. Fiurena, Rottb. squarrosa, Michx. Umbrella Grass. N. Ceratoschcenus, Nees. corniculata, Nees. Horned Rush. Gen. Rhynchobpora, Vahl. fusca, R. and S. Beak Rush. Gen, capillacea, Torr. Gen. glomerata, Vahl. S. and W. alba, Vahl. White Bog-rush. C. and S. Cladium, P. Browne, mariscoides, Torr. Twig Rush. Gen. Scleria, L. triglomerata, Michx. Whip Grass. Gen. pauciflora, Muhl. Gen. verticillata, Muhl. Gen. Carex, L. chordorhiza, Ehrh. Sedge. N. rosea, Schk. Gen. cephalophora, Muhl. Gen. Bparganioides, Muhl. Gen. stipata, Muhl. Gen. bromoides, Schk. Gen. vulpinoidea, Michx. Gen. decomposita, Muhl. Gen. paniculata, L. Gen. trisperma, Dew. N. Deweyana, Schw. N. tenuiflora, Wabl. N. stellulata, Good. Gen. scoparia, Schk. Gen. festucacea, Schk. Gen. straminea, Schk. Gen. aurea, Nutt. N. vulgaris, Fries. N. crinita, Lam. Gen. polytrichioides, Muhl. Gen. 38 squarrosa, L. Gen. Buxbaumii, Wahl. N. triceps, Michx. Gen. virescens, Muhl. Gen. gracillima, Schw. Gen. formosa, Dewey. N. and E, Davisii, Torr. and Schw. Gen. lanuginosa, Michx. Gen. Pennsylvanica, Lam. N. Novae-Anglise, Schw. N. pubescens, Muhl. Gen. oligocarpa, Schk. Gen. laxiflora, Lam. Gen. tetanica, Schk. Gen. anceps, Muhl. Gen. plantaginea, Lam. N. Careyana, Torr. Gen. digitalis, Willd. Gen. sylvatica, Hudson. Gen. OSderi, Ehrh. N. flava, L. N. Backii, Boott. N. Hitchcockiana, Dewey. Gen. folliculata, L. Gen. intumescens, Ruidge. Gen, lupulina, Muhl. Gen. tentaculata, Muhl. Gen. oligosperma, Michx. N. aristata, R. Br. N. hystricina, Willd. Gen. longirostris,£Torr. N. limosa, L. N. umbellata, Schk. South, rare. muricata, L. South, rare. lagopodioides, Schk. Gen. Shortiana, Dewey. Gen. panicea, L. Gen. Sullivantii, Boott. Columbus, Sullivant. arida, Torr. and Schw. S monile, Tuck. Gen. stenolepis, Torr. S. squarrosa, L. Gen. hirsuta, Willd. S. pseudo-cyperus, L. N. Willdenovii, Schk. Gen. vulpina/L.- Gen. retroflexa, Muhl. Gen. bullata, Schk. Gen. granularis, Muhl. Gen. platyphylla. Carey. N. Grayii, Carey. Cent. vesicaria, L. JT. ampullacea, Good. Cent. tenella,_Schk. C. and N. crus-corvi, Shuttle worth. S. 39 stricta, Lam. Gen. teretiuscula, Good. Gen. GR AMINES. Leersia, Solander. Oryzoides, Swartz. Cut Grass. Gen. virginica, Willd. White Grass. Gen. Zizania, Gronov. aquatica, L. Indian Rice. N. miliacea, Michx. S. Alopecurus, L. geniculatus, L. Fox-tail Grass. Gen. pratensis, L. Fox-tail Grass. Gen. Phleum, L. pratense, L. Timothy Grass. Nat. gen. Vilfa, Adans. vaginaeflora, Torr. Rush Grass. Gen. Sporobolus, R. Br. heterolepis, Gray. Columbus, Sullivant. Agrostis, L. scabra, Willd. Hair Grass. Gen. vulgaris, With. Red Top Grass. Nat. gen. Cinna, L. arundinacea, L. Wood Reed Grass. Gen. Muhlenbergia, Schreb. glomerata, Trin. Gen. Mexicana, Trin. Gen. sylvatica, T. and G. Gen. Wildenovii, Trin. Gen. diffusa, Schreb. Drop-seed Grass. Gen. capillaris, Kuntb. Gen. Brachyelytrum, Beauv. aristatum, Beauv. Gen. Calamagrostis, Adans. Canadensis, Beauv. Reed Grass. Blue Joint. Gen. Oryzopsis, Michx asperifolia, Michx. Mountain Rice. Stipa, L. avenacea, L. Feather Grass. Gen. Aristida, L. dichotoma, Michx. Poverty Grass. Gen. stricta, Michx. Upright Aristida. Gen. Eleusine, Gaert. Indica, Gaert. Wire Grass. Nat. S. Spartina, Willd. cynosuroides, Willd. Cord Grass. Gen. Leptoohloa, Beauv. mucronata, Kunth. S. Triouspis, Beauv. Seslerioides, Torr. Tall Red-top Grass. Diarrhena, Raf. Americana, Beauv. S. Dactylis, L. glomerata, L. Orchard Grass. Introduced gen. Kceleria, Pers. cristata, Pers. Gen. Eatonia, Raf. Pennsylvanica, Gray. Gen. obtusata, Gray. Gen. Melioa, L. mutica, Walt. Melic Grass. S. Glyceria, R. Br. fluitans, R. Br. Manna Grass. Gen. acutiflora, Torr. Lancaster, Bigelow. Canadensis, Trin. N. obtusa, Trin. South, Riddell. nervata, Trin. Gen. Poa, L. annua L. Annual Spear Grass. Gen. sylvestris. C. and S. alsodes, Gray. N. serotina, Ehrh. Meadow Red-top. N. pratensis, L. Ky. Blue Grass. C. and S. compressa, L. Virginia Blue Grass. C. and S brevifolia, Muhl. C. and S. Eragrostis, Beauv. reptans, Nees. Gen. pilosa, Beauv. Introduced gen. poseoides, Beauv. Introduced gen. capillaris, Nees. C. and S. Festuoa, L. tenella, Willd. Slender Fescue Grass. Gen. 40 duriuscula, Fuller. Hard Fescue Grass. N. Lesqx. elatior, L. Tall Fescue Grass. Int. gen. nutans, Willd. Gen. Bkomus, L. ciliatus, L. Gen. secalinus, L. Cheat, Chess. Int. Gen. Kalmii, Gray. Gen. Uniola, L. latifolia, Michx. Spike Grass. S. Phragmites, Trin. communis, Trin. Cane. C. and S. Triticum, L. repens, L. Wheat, Couch Grass. Gen. Lolium, L. perenne, L. Darnel. Int. gen. Elymus, L. Virginicus, L. Wild Rye. Gen. Canadensis, L. Gen. striatus, Willd. Gen. Gtmnostichum, Schreb. Hystrix, Schreb. Gen. Hqrdeum, L. pusillum, Nutt. Barley. C. and S. jubatum, L. N. Aira, L. flexuosa, L. Hair Grass. C. and S. ccespitosa. L. N. Dantiionia, D. C. spicata, Beau. Wild Oat Grass. N. Trisetum, Pers. Palustre, Torr. S. molle, Kunth, N. Avena, L. striata, Michx. Oat. N. Anthoxanthum, L. odoratum, L. Sweet-scented Grass. Nat. gen. Phalaris, L. arundinacea, L. Canary Grass. Gen. Milium, L. effusum, L. Millet Grass. N. Paspalum, L. fluitans, Kunth. S. Gray. Panicum, L. sanguinale, L. Fine Finger Grass. Int. gen. capillare, L. Annual Field Panic. Gen. latifolium, L. Gen. microcarpon, Muhl. Gen. xanthophysum, Gray. N. dichotomum, L. Gen. crus galli, L. Int. gen. agrostoides, Spreng. Gen. virgatum, L. Salt-lick Panic. Gen. clandestinum, L. Gen. depauperatum, Muhl. Gen. Setaria, Beauv. verticillata, Beauv. Fox-tail Grass. Int. Gen. glauca, Beauv. Int. gen. viridis, Beauv. Int. gen. Cknohrus, L. tribuloides, L. Bur Grass. Lake Shore. Andropoqon, L. furcatus, Muhl. Beard Grass. Gen. scoparius, Michx. Gen. Virginicus, L. Gen. Sorghum, Pers. nutans, Willd. Wood Grass. C. and S. CRYPTOGAMIA. ACROGENiE. EQUISETACE^E, Equisbtum. arvense, L. Field Horse-tail Rush. Gen. sylvaticum, L. Wood Horse-tail Rush. Gen. limosum, L. Pipes. Gen. hyemale, L. Scouring Horse-tail Rush. Gen. 41 rariegatum, Schl. Black River, Kellogg. icirpoides, Michx. N. FILICES. Polypodium, L. vulgare, L. Common Poly-pod. G«n. bexagonopterum, Michx. C. and S. phegopteris, L. C. and S. incanum, Willd. S. Pteris. aquilina, L. Common Brake. Gen. Adiantum, L. pedatum, L. Maiden Hair. Gen. Woodwardia, Smith, angustifolia, Smith. N. E. virginica, Willd. N. E. Camptosorus, Link, rhizaphyllus, Link. Walking-leaf. Summit Co. Asplenium, L. Ruta-muraria, L. Wall-rue Spleenwort. Gen. montanum, Willd. Elyria, Kellogg. ebeneum, Ait. Ebony Spleenwort. Gen. angustifolium, Michx. Swamp Spleenwort. Gen. thelypteroides, Michx. Silvery Spleenwort. Gen. filix-foemina, R. Br. Gen. trichomanes, L. Dwarf Spleenwort. Gen. pinnatifidum, Nutt. Elyria, Kellogg. Dioksonia, L'Her. punctilobula, Hook. Mountain Fern. Gen Woodsia, R. Br. glabella, R. Br. Elyria, Dr. Kellogg. Cystopteris, Bernh. bulbifera, Bernb. Gen. fragilis, Bernb. Gen. Aspidium, Swartz. Thelypteris, Swartz. Shield Fern. Gen. Nove-boracense, Willd. Gen. marginale, Swartz, Gen. spinulosum, Swartz. Gen. cristatum, Swartz. Crested Fern. Gen. Goldianum, Hook. Goldie's Fern. Gen. acrostichoides, Swartz. Gen. var. incisum, Gray. Gen. Onoclea, L. sensibilis, L. Sensitive Fern. Gen. Lyqodium, Swartz. palmatum, Swartz. Climbing Fern. S. and E. Osmunda, L. regalis, L. Royal Flowering Fern. Gen. Claytoniana, L. Gen. cinnamomea, L. Cinnamon-colored Fern. Gen. Botrychium, Swartz. lunarioides, Swartz. Moon-wort. N. Virginicum, Swartz. Rattle-snake Fern. Gen. var. simplex. Elyria, Kellogg. Ophioglossum, L. vulgatum, L. Adder's Tongue. C. LYCOPODIACE^E. Lycopodium, L. lucidulum, Michx. Shining Club Moss. Gen. inundatum, L. Marsh Club Moss. N. annotinum, L. Interrupted Club Moss. N. dendroideum, Michx. Tree Club Moss. N. clavatum, L. Common Club Moss. N. Carolinianum, L. S. complanatum, L. Ground Pine. Gen. Selaginella, Beauv. rupestris. Spring. Gen. HYDROPTERIDES. Azolla, Lam. Caroliniana, Willd. Gen. \ V I CATALOGUE s/t/S s£ AiJJi *f > >>A3» v> > >, ■ ass >>>i>> »*>- >> "» >> ^ >> >^- - ^ »^ 3> A >5 t». >>:>'■: >X>Jl >•■> i» > > » :» r»#> a i 7>:» # > :>3>> >:» a> : S> >7> i: » > -^ : > _:> ■ > a ■■— "»i •> ' >> o : > > y>$ >.> 3 »> ■• > »:£ - ■> » A> x>7 _> »^ ' ■> .-> "~»r -* ) 9 > ^ > ^ >> > ~> )- !> > 5 > ^ ODD >^ >) ) ^ » >o -> J » > > > i > ^ > ^ i >> >>s»0 »' * ..3 >.a>)A> ; :> > o - > L>*> >s- >) ^«»!j > ) > » 3 »1 > > ■ ■» ^»»_£ > . 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