U ,^ NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE REFERENCE DIVISION STAPHYLOCOCCAL INFECTION A bibliography, covering literature of 1952 through May 1958 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service Washington, D.-C. June 1958 PREFACE The development in staphylococci of résistance to antibiotics has resulted in the acquisition of lethal properties not confined to single clinical cases9 but occasionally causing hospital épidémies^ notably in nurseries, maternity wards and surgical wards* Hospital outbreaks are sometimes so gênerai that they necessitate closing the entire hospital. Nor is this condition confined to the hospital; it is also found in the home, the school and in the community. This bibliography consists of références to English, French and German literature on the clinical and epidemiological aspects of staphylo- coccal infection, Bacteriological studies were not considered per se, but they appear in many articles as an adjunct to the main thesis. The références were selected from the public catalog of the National Library of Medicine, Quarterly Cumulative Index Medieus, Current List of Médical Literature and from sections9 4f 6,7,99 and 17 of Excerpta Medica: Médical Microbiology and Serology, Internai Medicine, Pediatrics, Surgery, and Public Health, Social Medicine and Hygiène; ail available issues of thèse publications for the period 1952 to May 1958 were searched» The most récent numbers of selected periodicals, not yet indexed, were examined for pertinent articles. 11953 To facilitate finding material that might be of spécial interest, a 'ATIONA1 L'RP.npv Or MEDIANE ■WASHINGTON, D. C capital letter is appended to each entry; this indicates the nature of its main content: S Case or cases caused by antibiotic sensitive or résistant staphylococci. H Staphylococcal infection in hospital; epidemiological studies, occurrence, prévention* C Staphylococcal infection in the home, school or community. DOROTHY BOCKER, M.D. Médical Off icer National Library of Medicine May 30, 1958 STAPHYLOCOCCAL INFECTION A bibliography, covering literature of 1952 through May 1958. lo Adams, R, Prévention of infection in surgical wounds. N. H England J„ M., 1957, 256: 625-628. 15 références, 20 Aicardi, J. Traitement des staphylococcies pleuropulmonaire. S Vie méd., Par., 1954, 35: 983-988. 3. Altman, S. G» and Brandt, M. L. A fatal complication of S gynecological surgery. Am. J. Obst., 1955, 69: 425-428. 4. American Academy of Pediatrics. Standards and recommenda- H tions for hospital care of newborn infants, full term and prématurée Evanston, Hl., Am. Acad. Pediat., 1957, 144p» Note: Epidémies, p0 32-36; Outline for self-rating of newborn nurseries, p. 137-140. American Médical Association. Conférence on Staphylococcic Infections. H J. Am„ M. Ass., 1958, 166: 1177-1203. 50 Mudd, S. Staphylococcic infections in the hospital and community, p. 1177-1178. 6. Wise, R. I0 Principles of management of staphylococcic in- fections, p„ 1178-1182. 70 Burnett, W. E. and others. Program for prévention and eradication of the staphylococcic infections, p. 1183-1184. 8. Brown, J. W. Hygiène and éducation within the hospitals to prevent staphylococcic infections, p. 1185-1191. 23 références. 9. Blair, J. E. and Carr, M. Staphylococci in hospital-acquired infections; types encountered in the United States, p. 1192-1196. 24 références. 10. Godfrey, M. E. and Smith, I. M. Hospital hazards of staphylo- coccic sepsis, p. 1197-1201. 11. Langmuir, A. F. Ecologie and epidemiologic aspects of staphylococcic infections in hospitals, p. 1202-1203. 19 références. 2 American Public Health Association. Symposium on Staphylococcal H C Infections. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1958, 48: 277-318. 12. Ravenholt, R. T. and Ravenholt, O. H. Staphylococcal infec- tions in the hospital and community: Hospital environment and staphylococcal disease, p. 277-287. 13. Wentworth, F. H., Miller, A. L. and Wentworth, B. B. Obser- vations relative to the nature and control of épidémie staphylo- coccal disease, p. 287-298. 14. Fekety, F. R., Buchbinder, L., Shaffer, E. L., Goldberg, S., Price, H. P. and Pyle, L. A. Control of an outbreak of staphylococcal infections among mothers and infants in a suburban hospital, p. 298-310. 15. Murray, W.A., McDaniel, G.E. and Reed, M. Evaluation of phone survey in an outbreak of staphylococcal infection in a hospital nursery for the newborn, p. 310-318. 16. Anderson, P. H. and Stone, D. M. Staphylococcal food poisoning C associated with spray-dried milk. J. Hyg., Londp, 1955, j)3: 387-397, 17. Andreassen, R. and Jensen, N. K. Bacterial endocarditis foUowing mitral valvulotomy. Ann. Int. M., 1956, 45: 534-540. 27 références. 18. Apple ton, D. M. and Waisbren, B. A. Prophylactic use of chloram- H phenicol in transurethral resection of prostate gland* J. Urol., Balt., 1956, 75: 304-313. 19. Arnaud-Battandier, L. P. Entérite staphylococcique post-anti- S biotique. Pédiatrie, 9: 868-870. 20. Austrian, R. Staphylococcal enteritis as a complication of anti- S biotic therapy. N. York State J. M., 1955, 55: 2475-2479. 17 références. 21. Baden, W. F. Staphylococcal, and subséquent candida albicans S enterocolitis complicating novobiocin therapy. Am. J Obst 1957 74: 47-52. 22. Bahnson, H. T., Spencer, F. C. and Bennett, I. L., Jr. Staphylo- H coccal infections of the heart and great vessels due to silk suture Ann. Surg., 1957, 146: 399-406. 3 23. Baldwin, J0 N0, Rheins, M.B., Sylvester, R. F., Jr., and Shaffer, H T. E. Staphylococcal infections in newborn infants. IH. Coloniza- tion of newborn infants by staphylococcus aur. pyogenes. J. Dis. Child., 1957, 94: 107-116. 24. Ballou, CF. and Kirchner, F. C Post-mitral valvotomy staphylo- H coccal endocarditis; report of a case. Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1957, 26: 237-24JL 25. Barnard, H. F. The sterilization of woolen fabrics. Brit, M. J., H 1952, 4748: 21-24. 26. Barber, M. Staphylococcal infection in hospital. Proc. R. Soc. H M., Londo, 1956, 49: 266-268. 16 références. 27. Barber, Mo and Wilson, B. D. R. Spread of staphylococcus aureus H in a maternity department in the absence of severe sepsis. J. Obst. Gyn. Brit. Empire, 1953, 60: 476-482. 28. Bariéty, M., Coury, C., Poulet, J., Acar, J. and Abelanet, R. Con- S sidérations diverses à propos d'une staphylococcie pulmonaire mortelle; emphysème sous-cutané et médiastinal par perforation dans l'espace extrapleural. Bull. Soc. med. hôp., Paris, 1954, 70: 1019-1028. 29. Barnett, W. Oc Staphylococcal empyemia in infancy. Am. Surgeon, S 1957, 23: 713-719. 30. Barrow, G. I. Clinical and bactériologie al aspects of impétigo con- H tagiosoc J. Hyg., Lond., 1955, 53: 495-508. 31 références. 31. Bastin, R. and Morin, H. Evolution et traitement des endocardites S staphylococciques. Gaz. méd. France, 1957, 64: 1337-1345. 32. Battersby, E. F. and Stringer, H. Pathogenic staphylococci in a H maternity annex. N. Zealand M. J., 1954, 53: 420-422. 33» Baylon, H., Darbon, A. andDulac, J. F. A propos de 12 observa- S tions de septicémie à staphylocoque. Bull. Soc méd. mil. fr., 1956, 50: 110-115. 34. Beau, He, Dorland, P. and Magnet, Un cas de staphylococcie pul- S monaire à foyers multiples, associé à une ostéomyélite massive de l'os coxal et â une arthrite aiguë* coxo-fémorale. J. radiol. électr., 1953, 34: 364-366„ 4 350 Beaven, D, W. and Burry, A. F. Staphylococcal pneumoma in H the newborn; an épidémie with 8 fatal cases. Lancet, Lond», 1956, 271: 211-215. 36. Bellidenty, C. and Potier, D. Sur un cas de pyopneumothorax S staphylococcique chez un nourrisson de 6 mois. Méd. trop., Marseille, 1957, 17: 276-278. 37. Benhamou, E., Albou, E. and Laaban, J. Les péricardites in- S fectieuses aigttes à germe connu; a propos de 6 observations. Arch0 mal. coeur., 1954, 47: 795-806. 15 références. 38c Berger, M. IV. Prophylaxe. Praxis, Bern., 1956, 45: 676-677. H The final article in a séries on staphylococcal infections, 39. Berker, F. and Napp, J. H. Resistenz-Probleme in Krankenhaus; H die Hâufigkeit resistenter Staphylokokkenstâmme in Nasen-Rachen- Raum von Patienten und Personal verschiedener Kliniken. Deut. med. Wschr., 1953, 78: 470-472. 40. Bernheim, M., François, R. and Astreoud, J. Lobectomie S pratiquée avec succès chez un nourrisson de trois mois présentant une staphylococcie pleuro-pulmonaire avec pyopneumothorax. Pédiatrie, 1956, 11: 583-587. 41. Bertrand-Fontaine, T. La cortico-thérapie dans le traitement des S septicémies a staphylocoques. Bull. Acad. nat. méd., Par., 1957, 141: 547-550. 42. Bess, J. A., Steinbring, W. R., Willard, C. and Felton, H. M. H Epidemiologic study of a hospital outbreak of micrococcic in- fections. J. Am. M. Ass., 1958, 166: 731-734. 43. Binder, L. Uber die Rtfntgensymptôme der primâren Staphylo- S kokkenpneumonie im Sâuglings-und KLeinkindesalter. Fortscho Rantgenstrahl., 1955, 82: 585-590. 44. Bishoff, R. J. The incidence and significance of antibiotic-re- H C sistant organisms in hospitals and communities. Delaware M. J., 1957, 29: 97-100. 19 références. 45. Blanche, D.W. Osteomyelitis in infants. J. BoneSurg., 1952 S 34A: 71-84. 5 46. Blas, F. Mo Les staphylococcies pleur o-pulmonaires du nourrisson; SH problèmes thérapeutiques. Thesis (Paris-1955). 79p. 70 références. 47. Blattner, R. J. Problems associated with résistant staphylococci. H Med. Bull. U. S. Army Europe, 1957, 14: 7-8. 48. Blog, H. C, Connor, C.A.R., Newman, W. and Kenny, M. Pro- S longed staphylococcemia; report of a case. N. England J. M., 1955, 252: 185-187. 49. Blowers, R. and Potter, J. Clean beds. Lancet, Lond., 1957, 272: H 629-631. 50. Blowers, R. and Wallace, K. R. The sterilization of blankets with H cetyl trimethylamine bromide. Lancet, Lond., 1955, 268: 1250-1251. 51. Blowers, R., Mason, G. A., Wallace, K. R., and Walton, M. Con- H trol of wound infection in a thoracic surgery unit. Lancet, Lond., 1955, 269: 786-794. 22 références. 52. Bondi, A», Pfaff, F., Free, E„ and Swerlick, R. Public health HC aspects of the development of antibiotic-résistant staphylococci. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1954, 44: 789-793. 15 références. 53. Bonnet, P., Bonnet, J. L. and Bonnet, I. Abcès métastatique du S nerf optique au cours d'une septicémie à staphylocoques. Rev. otoneur., Par., 1955, 27: 480-481. 54. Boute, M. L., Latiers, P. and Bougaux, C. Documents cliniques S concernant les staphylococcies pleuropulmonaires du nourrisson. Acta chir. belg., 1954, 53: 21-29, 55. Boy, J., Wallon, D. and Lauras, H. Prostatite suppurée à staphylo- S coque chez un nourrisson de 5 semaines. Arch. fr. pédiat., 1953, 10: 1071-1074. 56. Bret, J., Coupe, C., Bardiaux, M. and LeGros, R. Les staphylo- S coccies vaginales en dehors et au cours de la grossesse; pathologie du post-partum et pathologie néo-natale; prophylaxie; traitement. Gyn. obst0, Par., 1957, 56: 410-419. 57. Breuning, M. Behandlung chronischer Staphylokokkentrâger mit H Tetrazyklin-und Antipiolnasensalbe. Zbl. Gyn., 1957, 79: 29-32. 17 références. 6 58. Briggs, J. No Staphylococcic pneumonia in infants and young H children. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1957, 76: 269-272. 59. Brodie, J., Kerr, M. R. andSommerville, T. The hospital H staphylococcus; a comparison of nasal and faecal carrier states. Lancet, Lond„, 1956, 270: 19-20, 60. Brodie, J., Jamieson, W. andSommerville, T. Complications of H oxytetracycline and tetracycline therapy related to a defined typé of résistant staphylococcus. Lancet, Lond., 1955, 269: 223-225. 61. Brown, P. D. Two cases of staphylococcal psoas abscess in patients S on cortisone therapy. WestAfr. M. J., 1956, 5: 134-136. 62. Brown, W. J.,- Winston, R. and Sommer s, S C Membranous S staphylococcal enteritis after antibiotic therapy; report of two cases. Am. J0 Digest Dis., 1953, 20: 73-75. 63. Brun, J., Viallier, J. and Kalb, J. C. Staphylococcie pulmonaire S pseudo-tuberculeuse à germes streptomycino-résistants très aggravée par un traitement streptomycinique; guérison avec péni- cilline et erythromycine. Lyon méd., 1956, 88: 197-201. 64. Budetti, J. A. andSeydell, E. M. Childhood granulomas; report ai S a case of obstructive growth in the ear canal. J. Kansas M. Soc. 1957, 58: 591. 65. Buisine, A. and Lefebvre, R. Méningite à staphylocoques chez un S enfant de 3 mois; guérison. J. se. méd. Lille, 1953, 71: 304-307. 66. Bunn, P., Baltch, A., Osborne, W. and Caaarili, L„ Staphylococci; SH on the ubiquitous nature of human infections and their control by anti- microbial agents singly or in combinations. Ann. Int. M., 1958 48- 102-113. --- 67. Burton, I. F. andSosin, A. Erysipelatous skin necrosis in a newborn S infant caused by lethal toxin of staphylococcic origin. Pediatrics 1956 18: 249-253. 68. Butter, J. R„ Acute fulminating enterocolitis foUowing the use of S antibiotics. South. M. J., 1954, 47: 224-226. 7 Canadian Hospital Association. A symposium on controlling staphylo- H coccus. Canad. Hosp., 1958, 35; 37-50. 69. Swanson, A. L. Hospital organization, p. 37-42. 70. Dempster, G. Baeteriological fact finding. p. 42-44. 71. Ruane, M. K. Nursing technique, p. 45-46. 72. Buchan, D. J. On the médical wards. p. 47-48„ 73. Nanson, E. M. On the surgical wards, p. 48-50. 74. Cant, W. Ht, Roberts, K. D. and Roger s, K. B. Suppurative péri- S carditis due to penicillin-and streptomycin-resistant staphylococcus, Arch. Dis. Childh., Lond., 1955, 30: 465-466. 75. Carr ère, L. Emploi des autobactériophages dans le traitement des S staphylococcies. Montpellier méd., 1955, 47: 457-461. 76. Case 133: Massachusetts General Hospital. Am. Practitioner, 1953, S 4: 58-60. 77. Case 43262: Massachusetts General Hospital. N. England J. M., S 1957, 256: 1238-1242. 78. Casewell, H. T. Hospital staphylococcal infections. Mod. Hosp., H 1958, 90: 49-51. 79. Castellani, A. Erythema axillarum perstans of micrococcal origin. S Dermatologica, Basel, 1956, 113: 202-206. 80. Cayla, A., Perrot, R. and Froideval, P. Sur un cas mortel de S colite staphylococcique suraigCîepar terramycine. Bull. Méd., Par. 1954, 68: 415-416. 81. Champendal, P. Etude bactériologique à propos d'une épidémie de H staphylocoques en milieu hospitalier. Thesis (Berne-1957) 45p. 63 références. 82. Chaptal, J. and Campo, A. Les pyopneumothorax à staphylocoques S du nourrisson et de l'enfant. Poumon, Par., 1954, 10: 49-56. 83. Chaumont, A. J. and Oppermann, A. Accident de travail mortel S d'origine thérapeutique. Ann. méd. lég., 1956, 36: 107-111. 8 84. Chevalley, M., Binet, J. Pc and Vermeil, G. Pneumonectomie chez S un nourrisson de deux mois atteint de staphylococcie pleuro-pul- monaire. Presse méd., 1955, 63: 1393-1394. 85. Childs, S. B. and Beatty, E. C, Jr. Fatal enteritis; relation to S antibiotic therapy. Arch. Surg., 1954, 68: 486-490, 86. Christianson, C. S., Dacquisto, M. P. and Dobbs, W. H. Micro- S coccic (staphylococcic) enteritis; recovery following shock. Gastroenterology, 1954, 26: 645-649. 87. Clapper, W. E., Secrest, R. R. and January, H. L. Clinical re- SH sults and résistance of organisms remaining after treatment with erythromycin. Antibiotics Annual. 1956-1957, p. 616-632. 88, Clarke, A. J., McGeoch, A. H. andSippe, G. R. Neonatal infection H of the skin by staphylococcus pyogenes. Med. J. Australia, 1956, 43: 655-658. 89. Claverie, P. Les staphylococcies pleuro-pulmonaires du nourrisson. S Toulouse méd., 1956, 57: 203-222. 90. Clément, R. , GerbeauxP J., Le Brigand, H., Combes-Hamele, A. S and Blas, F. Problèmes thérapeutiques des staphylococcies pleuro- pulmonaires du nourrisson. Presse méd., 1955, 63: 788-792. 91. Clinicopathologic conférence. Baptist Mémorial Hospital. J. S Tennessee M. Ass., 1953, 46: 469-473. 92. Coenegrachst, J. Un cas de staphylococcie. Rev. méd. Liège. S 1954, 9t 741-742. 93. Colebeck, J. C. and Sutherland, W. H. Staphylococcal infections H in surgical units; the need for comprehensive control. Canad. J Surg., 1957, 1: 8-15. 94. Colbeck, J. C. Studies in hospital infections. The importance of H fomites in the spread of staphylococcal infections, with particular référence to mattresses and washing facilities. Canad. Serv. M J 1956, 12: 563-580. 20 références. ° * ' ' 95. Colebrook, L. Infections acquired in hospital. Lancet Lond 1Q5B H O. ODS QÛ1 * 9 » *'W» ** 9 96. Combe, P. , Raffi, A. and Tricoire, J. Pleurésie purulente à S staphylocoques d'allure primitive traitée par antibiotiques et méta- cortandracine chez un enfant de six mois. Pédiatrie, 1957, 12: 207-209 97. Cook, E., Eastman, G. and Bunn, P. The use of novobiocin in the S management of acute pneumococcal and staphylococcal infections. Antibiotics Annual, 1956-1957, p. 396-401, 98. Cook, J., Parrish, J, A. and Shooter, R. A. Acquisition of Staph. H aureus by newborn babies in hospital maternity department. Brit. M. J., 1958, 5062: 74-76. 99. Cook, J., Elliott, C. Elliot-Smith, A., Frisby, B. R. and Gardner, H A. M. Staphylococcal diarrhoea, with an account of two outbreaks in the same hospital. Brit. M. J., 1957, 5018: 542-547. 44 références. 100. Corridan, M. Antibiotic-résistant staphylococcal pseudo-membranous S enteritis. J. Clin. Path., Lond., 1956, 9: 131-135. 20 références, 101. Coste, F., Delbarre, F., Basset, G. and Barset, F. Syndrome malin S apparenté au phénomène de Schwartzman au cours d'une staphylo- coccie maligne. Sem. hôp., Paris, 1957, 33: 1252-1256. 102. Coutel, Y. and Ger beaux, C. Staphylococcies fécales du nourrisson. S Nourrisson, 1956, 44: 53-66. 103. Cramer, R. and Rossi, E. Uber BrechdurchfâHe mit fatalem Kreis- S laufkollaps bei Kindern nach Chloromycetin-und Terramycinmedika- tion; Diskussion Uber die Staphylokokkenenteritis. Helvet paediat. acta., 1953, 8: 544-560. 104. Creyx, M., Leng-Lévy, J., David-Chaussé, J., Serres, A. and S Laborie, G. Septicémie à staphylocoques archi-lente. J. méd. Bordeaux, 1955, 132: 795-803. Bibliography, p. 801-803. 105. Crichton, J. U. Chronic staphylococcal enteritis in infants. J. S Pediat., S. Louis, 49: 553-557. 106. Crosnier, R., Darbon, A., Dulac, J. F., Laurens, P. and Maître, S L. Méningite purulente à staphylocoque; échec des antibiotiques usuels; action spectaculaire de l'érythromycine. Bull. Soc. med. hôp., Paris, 1954, 70: 16-21. 107. Crowe, E. J. Acute staphylococcal enterotoxin food poisoning in a C Victorian town. Med. J. Australia, 1954, 41: 468-470. 10 108. Cruickshank, R. The epidemiology of skin infections. Brit. M. J., H 1953, 4801: 55-59. 109. Cunningham, J. A. and Beaven, D. W. Fatal enterocolitte due to S antibiotics; a report of three cases. N. Zealand M. J., 1955, 54: 644-647. 110. Dack, G. M. The rôle of enterotoxin of micrococcus pyogenes var. S aureus in the etiology of pseudomembranous enterocolitis. Am. J. Surg., 1956, 92: 765-769. 18 références. 111. Dailheu-Geoffray, P. Deux cas de maladie d'Osier à staphylocoque S doré. Concours méd., 1955, 77: 4429-4430. 112. Dalton, J. C. B., Williams, B. and Atkins, L. Staphylococcal S endocarditis after mitral valvulotomy. Report of three cases. N. England J. M., 1956, 254: 205-210. 113. Dardis, M. and McNicholl, B. Staphylococcal osteitis of the maxilla S in a newborn infant. J. Irish M. Ass., 1957, 41: 28-29. 114. Darke, C. S., Gray, J. E., Race, R.R. and Thompson, R. B. Fui- S minating Staphylococcal pneumonia associated with influenza virus C; report of a fatal case. Brit. M. J., 1957, 5045: 606-609. 115. Dearing, W., Heilman, F. R. and Sauer, W. G. Micrococcic (staphy- H lococcic) enteritis foUowing the use of aureomycin or terramycin. Gastroenterology, 1954, 26: 38-40; passim. 116. Déchêne, E. Considérations thérapeutiques concernant la pleurésie H purulente staphylococcique du nourrisson. Laval méd. 1955, 20: 1053-1064. — 117. Degos, R., Garnier, G. and Guilaine. Psoriasis pustuleux S généralisé; phases de pustules isolées avec staphylocoques patho- gènes. Bull. Soc. fr„ derm. syph., 1957, 64: 155-157. 118. Delom, P., Pinson, Bernard and Soulage. Deux abcês*du foie à S staphylocoquesc Marseille chir., 1954, 6: 150-154. 119. Demeulenaere, L. and others. Considérations à propos de trois S cas d'enterotoxicose staphylococcique. Arch. mal. aDD die-est Par., 1955, 44: 1087-1089. FF° 6 ' 11 120. Denys, P. andStammen^ J. Les staphylococcies pulmonaires et H pleurales du nourrisson. Acta paediat. belge, 1956, 10: 84-99. 121. De Vries, J. A. and Pritchard, J. E. The increase in serious S staphylococcal infections as shown by post-mortem investigation. Canado M. Ass. J., 1955, 73: 827-828. 122. Dick, H, «L and Mullin, E. W. Myxoma of the heart complicated S by blood-stream infection by Staphylococcus aureus and Candida parapsilosis. N. York State J. M., 1956, 56: 856-859. 123. Didier, Rc and Samana, M. Pyo-pneumothorax à staphylocoque et S bacille pyocyanique chez du nouveau-né» Pédiatrie, 1955, 10: 565-570. — 124. Difiore, Jc Staphylococcus aureus septicemia, meningitis, endo- S carditis and septic embolization. N. York State J. M., 1956, 56: 1948-1949. — 125. Disney, M. Ec, Wolff, J. and Wood, B. S. Staphylococcal pneu- H monia in infants. Lancet, Lond., 1956, 270: 767-771.. 126. Dôbiâs, G., Ballô, T. and Keményvâri, J. Uber den Einfluss des H Kolostrums auf den Staphylokokken-oC - Antitoxintiter der Neuge- borenen. Zschr. Immiinforsch., 1957, 114: 105-114. 127. D'OelsnitzP M., DûcaSc, D. and Long, P. Staphylococcie pulmonaire S à forme df abcès multiples chez un enfant de trois ans. Pédiatrie, 1954, 9: 73-76. 128. Dolman, CE. The staphylococcus; seven décades of research S (1885-1955). Canad. J. Microb., 1956, 2: 189-200. 57 références. 129. Douglas, A. and Knights, H. T. Some public health aspects of an H outbreak of penicillin-resistant staphylococcal infection in a maternity hospital. N. Zealand M. J., 1956, 55: 378-387. 18 références. 130. Dougherty, J. W., Reisch, M. and Lewis, G. M. Lowered re- S sistance to infection resulting from cortisone and corticotropin. N. York State J. M., 1954, 54: 2964-2967. 131. Dowling, H. F., Lepper, M. H. and Jackson, Go G. Observations C on the epidemiological spread of antibiotic-résistant staphylococci, with measurements of the changes in sensitivity to penicillin and aureomycin. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1953, 43: 860-868. 13 références. 12 132. Dowling, H. F., Lepper, M. H., Caldwell, E. R., and Spies, H.U. H Staphylococcic endocarditis; an analysis of 25 cases treated witn antibiotics together with a review of récent literature. Medicme, Balt., 1952, 31: 155-176. 49 références. 133. Drimmie, A. M* Cross-infection in a children's ward; the pneumô- H coccus as a tracer organism. Scot. M. J., 1957, 2: 288-292. 134. 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