ZWB I8586 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE guide to RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION. AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE WASHINGTON. 1958 ^X. ? : -• 1 ,.%} .err IUBI NATIONAL L I B (p*. R Y OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRAE. S3 IP (& IS |i 3I1VN 3NI3I03W JO A B V II 8 I 1 IVNOIIVN • 3 N I 3 I a 3 W JO ABVBBIT IVNOIIVN 3NI3I03W JO A a V H 8 II 1 V N O s ABVBail IVNOIIVN CINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDM m-\ -\ k' A 7 Al I X ^ V / IW J X \ ^ V ? V —*/ £2T' NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE guide to RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE Editors: Scott Adams National Institutes of Health Frank B. Rogers, M. D. National Library of Medicine WASHINGTON, 1958 ffi®cafl'ffiikffiSi.iLE^iini!ijiia /Won . xWB loo 1952 c I ,. :.,■: y of McOiCiNt ASHING! X 0. C. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE PUBLICATION NO. 602 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, 17. S. Oovemment Printing Office Washington 25, D. C. - Price 40 cents GUIDE TO RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION............................ iii Part I. SOURCES Chapter 1. Russian Medicine from Western Language Sources, by Estelle Brodman............ 1 Chapter 2. Russian Medicine from Russian Language Sources, by Galina Zarechnak........... 9 Chapter 3. Russian Literature in Translation, by Scott Adams....................... 17 Chapter 4. Procurement of Russian Medical Literature, by Samuel Lazerow.................. 25 Chapter 5. List of Selected Russian Serial Titles, compiled by Etta Christiansen Bachrach .... 31 SELECTED REFERENCES ..................... 49 Part II. TRANSLATIONS Chapter 6. Khristo Trenkov, Medical Bibliography, translated by Stanley Jablonski; edited by Scott Adams....................... 51 Chapter 7. L. la. Basias, Medical Libraries in the USSR, translated and abridged by Scott Adams....................... 69 Chapter 8. T. F. Makarova, The Medical Press in the USSR, translated by Galina Zarechnak; abridged and edited by Scott Adams........ 77 CONTRIBUTORS............................ 89 i GUIDE TO RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE INTRODUCTION During recent years the interest in Russian scientific literature has become more general and more intense. Yet there have been two formidable obstacles to a better understanding of Russian science, and in particular, Russian medicine: the language bar- rier, and unfamiliarity with the published systematic approaches to the literature. It is with the purpose of remedying this latter deficiency that the editors have assembled the papers and translations offered in this Guide. The work is not intended as a definitive handbook, but rather as a modest vade-mecum to assist physicians, medical librarians, and members of other health professions interested in searching the Russian medical literature. Its conception and preparation instance a mutual concern of two agencies of the Public Health Service: the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health. The National Library of Medicine, with a traditional respon- sibility for the global collection of the literature of medicine and allied sciences, has not neglected the literature of Slavic coun- tries, including the Soviet Union. The first page of the first vol- ume of the Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office (1880) contains references to Russian literature that are still part of the collection. Toward the end of World War II, and until 1947, the Library enjoyed a cordial exchange relationship with various libraries and institutions in the Soviet Union; these exchanges have been resumed and enlarged since 1955. It may be conjectured that the Library contains the largest collection of Russian medical literature existing outside the Soviet Union. Through the years, through its published annual Catalog and the Current List of Medical Literature, and through preparation of a number of published bibliographies and lists based on or including Russian medical literature, the Library has met its responsibilities for providing access to the medical literature of the Slavic countries. iii In the summer of 1956, at the instance of the Appropriations Committee of the United States Senate, the National Institutes of Health undertook 'to provide,through grantor contract,a Russian medical research translation program" with the objective of pro- viding the American scientific medical professions with informa- tion on the "full findings of Russian medical research." Tech- nical and substantive features of the new program were well under way by the beginning of 1957. In a wide variety of ways—through translated journals, abstracts, reviews, directories, bibliographies and guides, the National Institutes of Health Russian Scientific Translation Program has attempted to meet the needs of those engaged in biomedical research, both basic and clinical. The National Institutes of Health and the National Library of Medicine have joined forces in this cooperative effort. SCOTT ADAMS National Institutes of Health FRANK B. ROGERS National Library of Medicine iv Chapter 1 RUSSIAN MEDICINE FROM WESTERN LANGUAGE SOURCES by Estelle Brodman Medicine, which has always considered itself international in scope, has been aware for generations of the difficulty which the Russian language interposed in transmitting knowledge of Russian medical practice and research to the western world. As long ago as the mid-19th century, efforts were being made to bring to western scientists some information on medicine in Czarist lands.1 In addition, many Russian medical journals were pub- lished entirely in foreign languages or contained summaries in French or German.2 The effort being made today to learn the substance of Russian medical literature and transmit that knowl- edge to non-Russian reading scientists has, therefore, historical precedent. This chapter will attempt to describe some of the more com- mon present-day western language bibliographic publications which give the interested investigator knowledge of and a perspec- tive on Russian medical literature. Starting with these tools, com- mon in all good western medical libraries, an investigator can learn much about the Russian medical literature and will be led to further works on the subject, of which he might otherwise have been unaware. It goes without saying, of course, that there exist Krebel, Rudolph. Russlands naturhistorische und medicinische Literatur. I. Abtheilung. Die in nichtrussischer Sprache er- schienenenSchriften und Abh and lung en. Jena, Mauke, 1847. 220p. [Part II never published.] 2See, for example, the Medizinische Zeitung Russlands, St. Peters- burg, published 1844-60 and under other titles to August 1914. 1 2 RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE many other sources of information not mentioned here which will be found helpful. General bibliographic handbooks, such as the Handbook of Medical Library Practice,3 contain much on Russian medical literature. Lists of translations, such as UNESCO's Index Translationum,4 and large-scale subject bibliographies, such as Murray and Kopech's work on tissue culture,5 or the National Library of Medicine's bibliography on cancer chemotherapy,6 are examples of other fertile sources for we stern-language informa- tion on medical publications emanating from Russia. U. S. National Library of Medicine. Catalog. Washington, Library of Congress, 1949 - Quinquennial cumulation 1950-54 in 6 volumes, 3 volumes of Authors and 3 volumes of Subjects. Annual volumes since 1955. Published as a supplement to Library of Congress Catalogs. Author section contains works received and cataloged at the National Library of Medicine during the period covered; the subject section is limited to works of the past 25 years, except for ref- erence and historical works, bibliographies, biographies, peri- odicals, reports of congresses, and certain statistical and insti- tutional documents. Does not index journals, for which see the Current List of Medical Literature and other indexing tools, although some serials are analyzed. The National Library of Medicine receives about 15,000 non- serial titles yearly; of these approximately 5% are in the Russian language. All of these titles are listed in the Catalog. Current List of Medical Literature. Washington, National Library of Medicine, v. 1, 1941 - Although published since 1941, the Current List of Medical Lit- erature completely changed character in 1950, and this description refers only to the volumes which have appeared since that date. ^Doe, Janet and Marshall, Mary Louise, eds. Handbook of medi- cal library practice . . . Chicago, American Library Assn., 1956. 4Index translationum; Repertoire international des traductions. Paris, UNESCO, 1948. " ^Murray, Margaret R. and Kopech, Gertrude. A bibliography of the research in tissue culture, 1884 to 1950 . . . N. Y., Academic Press, 1953. 2 v. °U. S. Armed Forces Medical Library. Cancer chemotherapy; a WESTERN LANGUAGE SOURCES 3 Appears monthly. January through May and July through No- vember issues in 3 parts: (1) Register of numbered articles arranged under journal titles, which are themselves arranged alphabetically; (2) Subject Index; and (3) Author Index. The two indexes refer back to complete citation in Register by number. The June and December issues are cumulations of the indexes in the previous 5 issues. Indexes over 110,000 articles in about 1,500 journals; in 1957 the number of Russian language articles indexed was over 6,150. No monographs ("books") are included; transliterates and trans- lates titles of articles. Russian material is indicated by the ab- breviation "(Rus)" in the subject index. The largest western medical index to Russian literature; it should be the first source examined by anyone searching for cur- rent Russian medical literature, since its yield is much greater than that of other works. Quarterly Cumulative Index Medicus. Chicago, American Medical Assn., 192T^ At present about 2 years behind in its publication schedule. Now appears semi-annually. Indexes about 1,400 journals, but is not so rich in Russian journals as the Current List of Medical Literature (q. v.). Arranged alphabetically with authors and subjects in one large dictionary arrangement. Under author's name the full citation is given, with Russian titles transliterated. The cita- tion is repeated under the subject, except that the title is trans- lated into English. A list of the journals indexed is to be found at the front of each volume. Separate lists of monographs ("books"), none of which are in the main body of the Quarterly Cumulative Index Medicus, are also furnished, but few of these titles are in Russian. One portion of these lists is arranged alphabetically by author; the other is arranged by subject. U. S. National Library of Medicine. Bibliography of Medical Reviews. Washington, 1956 - Annual. A comprehensive listing of over 2,000 review articles in medicine and its allied fields. Volumes 1 and 2, 1956-57 con- tained articles originally listed in the Current List of Medical Literature (q.v.) only, but volume 3, 1958 will contain articles from non-Current List sources as well. The material is arranged by broad subjects. A list of abbreviations of journal titles pre- cedes the body of the work. The information given for any article 4 RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE is the same as that in the Current List of Medical Literature; the proportion of Russian articles is approximately the same. Abstracts of Soviet Medicine. Part A - Basic Medical Sciences. Amsterdam, Excerpta Medica Foundation, 1957 - "Abstracts of the medical literature of the USSR in the fields of anatomy, anthropology, embryology and histology, physiology, biochemistry .and pharmacology, endocrinology, medical micro- biology, immunology and serology, general pathology and patho- logical anatomy, cancer." A quarterly abstracting journal published in English by Excerpta Medica in Amsterdam under a partial grant from the National Institutes of Health, Public Health Service, Washington, D. C, and with the cooperation of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, which has appointed a board of Russian editors to the Excerpta Medica staff. These editors contribute abstracts in Russian; additional abstracts are selected from the Meditsinskii Referativnyi Zhurnal and Russian journals, and the resulting col- lection is translated by the Foundation in Amsterdam. About 1,000 signed abstracts, varying in length from a few lines to a page, are published annually, although the same article sometimes ap- pears more than once. The arrangement is by large subject group; each issue has an author index, and a subject index is published for each volume. Articles in this section are sometimes used in sections of Excerpta Medica itself. Each abstract provides transliteration and translation of the title, and the address of the author. The number of tables or illus- trations in the original, but not the number of bibliographic refer- ences, is reported. Abstracts of Soviet Medicine. Part B - Clinical Medicine. Am- sterdam, Excerpta Medica Foundation, 1957 - "Abstracts of the medical literature of the USSR in the fields of internal medicine, pediatrics, neurology and psychiatry, sur- gery, orthopaedics and traumatology, obstetrics and gynaecology, oto-, rhino-, laryngology, ophthalmology, dermatology and venere- ology, radiology, chest diseases, infectious diseases, public health, social medicine and hygiene." For a description, see Part A - Basic Medical Sciences. About 1,800 abstracts yearly. Excerpta Medica. Amsterdam, v. 1, 1947 - A collective title for a series of abstracting journals published in English in Amsterdam, Netherlands. At present (1958) there WESTERN LANGUAGE SOURCES 5 are 18 sections, any one of which can be purchased separately (e.g., Section 4, Medical Microbiology and Hygiene; Section 7, Pediatrics; Section 16, Cancer). Sections vary in the number of references published per year and some references are used in more than one section. About 80,000 references to journal arti- cles are contained in the entire set for one year. Individual issues are arranged by classified subject groups; there is an author index in each issue and annual author and subject indexes. For each article gives author, author's address, title of article in original language and also translated into English, journal title, volume, issue, and inclusive pagination. Tables and illustrations are noted. Unless the abstract has been prepared by the author or the editorial staff of Excerpta Medica, it is signed and dated by the abstracter. Abstracts vary in length but are generally 5-15 lines long. The amount of Russian material varies from section to section, but the recent addition of Russian members to the editorial boards of the various sections has increased coverage from that country. A translating service is also offered. Die medizinder Sowjetunionund der Volksdemokratien in Referat. Berlin, v. 1, 1954 - A monthly abstracting journal in German of medical literature from the USSR and satellite areas. About 5,000 signed abstracts are published yearly. Abstracts are arranged in classified order with a monthly author index. Volume 4, no. 1 (January 1957) con- tains a list of the journals abstracted, arranged by country. For each article gives UDC classification number, subject headings, author, title (translated into German), full citation, number of (a) illustrations, (b) tables, and (c) references, and address of authors. References vary in length from a few lines to a page or more. Biological Abstracts. Philadelphia, 1926 - Issued monthly with an author index and an annual subject index. Its sections on physiology, nutrition, pharmacology, path- ology, anatomy, embryology, and animal production, microbiol- ogy, immunology, and parasitology are perhaps most useful for medical literature. Publishes about 45,000 abstracts per year, arranged by subject classification. For each article gives author and his address, title of article in original language and in English translation, and the abstract (wherever possible written by the author or from the author's summary). Each issue has list of New Books and 6 RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE Periodicals Received, and Subject Finder Lists for Biochemistry and Fisheries Biology. The number of abstracts of Russian arti- cles has been increasing, and about 2,500 will be included in 1958. Chemical Abstracts. Easton, Pa., 1907 - The oldest and largest American abstracting tool in existence, publishes approximately 107,000 references per year from 7,000 periodicals. Includes physiology, pharmacology, and nutrition, as well as biochemistry. Appears semi-monthly in classified form with author and numerical patent indexes in each issue and annual author, subject, formula, and patent indexes. Decennial cumula- tions of indexes are also produced, and a 27-year (1920-46) collec- tive formula index. A list of periodicals abstracted and libraries which possess them was published in 1956. Approximately 13.5% of all abstracts are for Russian articles. Express Contents of Soviet Journals Currently Being Translated into English. N. Y., Consultants Bureau, Inc., announced for publication for May 1958. A monthly advance "Table of Contents" in English of all Soviet journals being translated into English on a continuing basis. (For further information on Russian journals in translation, see Chap- ter 3.) For each journal also gives publisher of translation, sub- scription price of translated journal, and estimated date when the particular issue will be issued in translation. An annual volume for 1957 is being offered for sale separately from the general subscription. About a dozen biological and medical journals will be listed in the first number of Express Contents. France. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Centre de Documentation. Bulletin Signaldtique... Paris, 1940 - "2e Partie. Sciences biologiques. Sciencespharmacologiques. Industries. Alimentaires. Agriculture." Sections may be pur- chased separately. Formerly called Bulletin Analytique. A monthly classified abstract journal, Part II contains about 60,000 articles per year, with author indexes in each issue, which are cumulated for the year, but with no alphabetical subject in- dexes. Articles from the Russian literature appear, but the per- centage has not been determined. For each article gives the author's name in transliteration, his address, a notation that the article is in Russian, a translation of the title, and a short (1-3 sentences) unsigned abstract. Figures and tables, but not WESTERN LANGUAGE SOURCES 7 bibliographic references are noted. Microfilm and paper copies of the articles abstracted can be obtained from the Centre. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Library. Bibliography of Agri- culture. Washington, Department of Agriculture, 1942 - A classified list of approximately 100,000 books, pamphlets, and articles in all languages on subjects pertaining to agriculture and allied sciences which have been received in the Library of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Each issue contains an author index; an annual cumulation of these forms the last issue of each volume. Of particular significance to medicine are the sections on microbiology, entomology, animal industry (especially veterinary medicine) and agricultural engineering (especially sewage and waste disposal and water supply). U. S. Department of Agriculture and State Agricultural Extension Service Publica- tions appear in separate lists in each issue. For each book gives authors, title, place of publication, publisher, date, number of pages, and call number in the Department of Agriculture Library. For each article lists authors, title (in original for common lan- guages and in translation for others), abbreviated journal title, volume, inclusive pagination, and date. Translated titles have the language of original noted, and English summaries are also indi- cated. The proportion of Russian material is about 15%. U. S. Library of Congress. Monthly Index of Russian Accessions. v. 1, 1948 - Before 1958 under title: Monthly list of Russian accessions. Contains a list of books, periodicals, and periodical articles in Russian received by the Library of Congress and a number of other American cooperative libraries. A list of periodicals in- dexed forms Part C of each issue. Part A is made up of mono- graphs (books) arranged alphabetically by author under broad headings, with an indication of the library possessing the work. Titles are given in transliteration and translation. Part B is the index to periodical articles, arranged by broad subject of journal and then by individual journals, like the Register Section of the Current List of Medical Literature, q.v. A detailed subject index is also furnished; here only the translated title of the work is given. Annual author and periodical location indexes are published. TECHNIQUE OF SURVEYS To make an English-language survey of current Russian medi- cal literature on a particular subject usingthe commonly available 8 RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE western language sources, it would probably be most satisfactory to search the sources in the following order: 1. Monographs a. NLM Catalog b. Monthly Index of Russian Accessions 2. Articles a. Current List of Medical Literature b. Abstracts of Soviet Medicine c. Specialized subject bibliographies Although these sources will not provide access to the total Russian medical literature, they are likely to lead to the most important items in the shortest time. Starting with the references found in them, it should be possible to extend the search more widely. RUSSIAN MEDICINE FROM RUSSIAN LANGUAGE SOURCES by Galina Zarechnak Western language tools used to approach Russian medical lit- erature provide access to a significant segment of that literature. But the worker who would be sure that he has taken into consid- eration the larger body of this literature must proceed from the tools described in Chapter I to similar Russian publications. Some 4,400 medical bibliographies were published in the Soviet Union from 1946 to 1955; in spite of this extensive activity there is a lack of systematic bibliographic approach about which even Russian researchers have frequently complained. There are no current cumulative medical bibliographies; it is helpful therefore to consult general bibliographies, especially those in which the material is cumulated for longer periods of time. For this rea- son, as well as for the fullness of bibliographic information, gen- eral bibliographies are included in this survey. MEDICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIC WORKS TSentral'nyi referativnyi meditsinskii zhurnal. (Central medical abstract journal) Moskva, Medgiz, 1928-1941. (From 1928 to 1935 as TSentral'nyi meditsinskii zhurnal.) Monthly, selective, annotated list of books and articles in the Russian language published in the USSR, with abstracts of the more important titles. From 1932 to 1941 it also included abstracts of foreign literature. In 1938 this journal was reorganized into four series: 1. Theoretic medicine; 2. Internal diseases; 3. Surgery; 4. Microbiology, Sanitation, Public Health. 9 10 RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE Very irregular in scope and arrangement, but important as the only medical abstracting tool in the Russian language in the years before World War II. Ceased publication in 1941. Nauchnaia literatura SSSR; sistematicheskii ukazatel' knig i zhurnal'nykh statei, 1928. Meditsina. (Scientific literature of the USSR; a systematic index of books and papers published in periodicals, 1928, Medicine) Moskva, Ogiz RSFSR, 1931. A classified bibliography of all literature in the field of medi- cine (monographic and serial) published in the USSR in all lan- guages in 1928. Lists 11,000 titles of which 7,000 were annotated. Contains author and subject indexes. Has a list of journal titles indexed. Meditsinskaia literatura SSSR; sistematicheskii ukazatel' knig i zhurnal'nykh statei. (Medical literature of the U.S.S.R.; sys- tematic index of books and papers published in periodicals) Moskva, Vsesoiuz. inst. eksper. med. im. A.M. Gor'kogo, 1931-36. Continued Nauchnaia literatura SSSR. 1928. Meditsina but under different sponsorship. Volumes for 1931-1933 retained classified arrangement; volumes for 1935 and 1936 were arranged alphabetically by subject, with an author index and classified index attached. Not annotated. Has a list of sources. Volume for 1934 was never published. Sovetskaia literatura po meditsine; ukazatel' knig i statei. 1941- 44. (Soviet literature on medicine; index to books and articles. 1941-44) Sostavili B. A. Ivanov i E. V. List. Moskva, Akademiia meditsinskikh nauk SSSR, 1948. Arranged alphabetically by subject, with author index; lists over 29,000 titles. Includes books, pamphlets, journal articles, symposia, transactions, conference reports, teaching guides. Also contains list of sources used in compiling the volume. Sponsored by the State Central Medical Library. Reflects chiefly the holdings of that Library, as well as those of the All- Union Book Chamber and the Lenin Public Library. Meditsinskaia literatura SSSR; ukazatel' knig i statei. 1945-46. (Medical literature of the USSR; index to books and articles. 1945-46) Sostavil B. A. Ivanov. Moskva, Medgiz, 1954. Continues Sovetskaia literatura po meditsine (see above), and is arranged in the same way, except for the addition of a classified RUSSIAN LANGUAGE SOURCES 11 index and a list of reviews of books published in 1941-44. It in- cludes literature for 1945 and 1946, as well as material received too late to be included in the previous volume. Literature for following years is to be covered in volumes now in process. Sovetskoe meditsinskoe referativnoe obozrenie. (Soviet medical abstract review) Moskva, Medgiz, 1948-1956. Appeared in 15 series, as follows: 1. Normal and pathologic morphology and embriology 2. Normal and pathologic physiology, biochemistry, phar- macology, and toxicology 3. Internal diseases 4. Microbiology, infectious diseases, epidemiology 5. Surgery 6. Oncology 7. Neuropathology and psychiatry 8. Obstetrics and Gynecology 9. Children's diseases 10. Dermatologic and venereal diseases 11. Diseases of the eye 12. Ear, nose and throat diseases 13. Stomatology 14. Health resorts and physic therapy 15. Public health, hygiene and sanitation, history of medicine The number of issues published annually for each series varied from two to four. Covers only Soviet medical literature (books and articles, including Trudy and dissertations). Each section is arranged by broad classification. Has signed abstracts, averaging 20-25 lines. There are annual author and subject indexes covering all series. Ceased publication in 1956 and was replaced by Meditsinskii referativnyi zhurnal (see below). Meditsinskii referativnyi zhurnal. (Medical abstract journal) Moskva, Medgiz, 1957 - Important classified Russian medical abstracting tool. Appears in four sections, 12 issues each in one year. Contains abstracts, annotations, and bibliographic citations of selected books and arti- cles on practical aspects of medicine. Theoretical problems are not covered. 470378 O -58 -2 12 RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE Issues for 1957 contained approximately 33,000 abstracts. The four sections are as follows: 1. Internal medicine; infectious diseases; endocrinology; neuropathology and psychiatry; health resorts, physiotherapy and medical physical training; skin and venereal diseases. 2. Surgery; neurosurgery; traumatology and orthopedics; urology; oncology; otolaryngology; stomatology; ophthalmology. 3. Obstetrics and gynecology; pediatrics. 4. Organization of public health; history of medicine; hygiene and sanitation; epidemiology; medical radiology. Continues Sovetskoe meditsinskoe referativnoe obozrenie, but with the addition of coverage of foreign literature. Referativnyi zhurnal. Biologiia. (Abstract journal. Biology) Moskva, Akademiia nauk SSSR, 1954 - One of the twelve sections of Referativnyi zhurnal, which is the major Soviet scientific abstracting journal. This section is pub- lished in 24 issues a year; it contained 70,000 items in 1955 and 107,000 in 1956. Classified arrangement. Each issue has author index. Cumu- lated author index published annually. The scope is broader than indicated by the title. By an agree- ment with the Academy of Medical Sciences, "theoretical" papers in biomedicine are also included. Besides, abstracts of purely medical literature, even case reports, are given selectively as well. There is no clear division between biological and medical (including veterinary) literature. Literature of medical interest is scattered throughout such sections as Virology, Microbiology, Morphology of man and animals, Physiology of man and animals, General problems of pathology. There is a noticeable trend away from the "critical" type of abstract toward the objective method of the Western abstracting journals. Referativnyi zhurnal. Khimiia. Biologicheskaia khimiia. (Ab- stract journal. Chemistry. Biological chemistry) Moskva, Akademiia nauk SSSR, 1955 - Through 1954 an integral part of section Khimiia (Chemistry). Has the same arrangement as the Biology (see above). Abstracts on the medical aspects of biochemistry are given in the section Medical biochemistry, but other sections, as Pharmacology and Toxicology, Biochemistry of microbes, Vitamins, Nutrition, also cover medical material. RUSSIAN LANGUAGE SOURCES 13 Bol'shaia meditsinskaia entsiklopediia. (Great Medical Encyclo- pedia) Glav. red. N. A. Semashko, Moskva, Aktsionernoe ob-vo Sovetskaia entsiklopediia, 1928-36. 35 v. Although not a true bibliographical tool, the Great Medical En- cyclopedia is included here because of its value as a practical starting point for subject approach. After each article substan- tial numbers of references are given. A second edition of this by now outdated work, edited by A. N. Bukulev, started appearing in 1956. So far three volumes have been published. GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHIC WORKS Knizhnaia letopis'; organ gosudarstvennoi bibliografii SSSR. (Book annals; national bibliography of the USSR) Moskva, 1907 to present. Most important Soviet general bibliography; with important differences roughly comparable to the American Cumulative Book Index. Published weekly with quarterly cumulative author and subject indexes. Lists all new books and pamphlets printed in the USSR in all languages and registered in the Ail-Union Book Chamber. Contains a list of published dissertation abstracts. Arranged according to the Soviet classification scheme; gives full bibliographic information and prices. Ezhegodnik knigi SSSR. Sistematicheskii ukazatel'. (Bibliographic annual of books of the USSR) Moskva, 1925 to present. Sus- pended 1930-34, 1936-42, inclusive. From 1925-29 as Knigi v—godu (Books in — year). At pres- ent published semi-annually, this general bibliography represents a half-yearly cumulation of titles published in Knizhnaia letopis', with omission of minor departmental publications, transactions of institutions, university publications and textbooks. In classified arrangement, with author and title index to Russian publications and a similar index to languages other than Russian. Also has an author index to translations from other languages into Russian. Entries are numbered consecutively from the beginning of the year. A total of 13,550 entries, of which 632 were on medicine, were listed in the first semi-annual cumulation of 1956 (published in 1957). It is usually a year behind in publication. 14 RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE Letopis' zhurnal'nykh statei. (Annals of periodical articles) Moskva, 1926 - (1926-37 as Zhurnal'naia letopis'). Published weekly since 1946. A comprehensive general clas- sified index of articles published in the USSR in the Russian lan- guage and found in periodicals, transactions, symposia, bulletins, and other serials, with a section on medicine. Popular journals, abstracting journals and administrative bulletins are excluded. Each issue has a list of the 130-140 journals analyzed weekly. Contains quarterly author and geographic indexes, and an annual cumulative list of serials covered. The 1956 cumulative list con- tained about 1,300 serial titles, including transactions, symposia, almanacs, etc., of which some 180 were on medicine. Similar to indexes to periodical literature published by the H. W. Wilson Company. Letopis' periodicheskikh izdanii SSSR. (Annals of periodical pub- lications of the USSR) Moskva, 1933 - Important bibliographic directory of serials, periodicals and newspapers published in the USSR. Issued annually from 1933 to 1939 under various titles; suspended during the war and resumed publication in 1946. It is now being published in quinquennial cumulations, the first volume covering 1950-1954. It has two parts: 1) List of journals, transactions and bulletins, and 2) news- papers. In addition to the five-year cumulative volume, two issues of this title are published yearly, the one giving current irregular serial titles, and the other giving information on changes of titles, added titles and ceased titles. Entry for each title indicates year of establishment and number of copies printed. Major lists have classified arrangement. Various indexes, such as title index, index by languages, issuing bodies, place of publication, are help- ful in locating and establishing entries. Letopis' retsenzii. (Annals of book reviews) Moskva, annually 1934-38; quarterly since 1939. A selective list of reviews, critical evaluations and annotations of books, articles and other materials. Classified, with an index to authors, titles and editors and an index of reviewers. Also gives a list of newspapers from which references were taken. Comparable to H. W. Wilson's Book Review Digest. RUSSIAN LANGUAGE SOURCES 15 Bibliografiia sovetskoi bibliografii. (Bibliography of Soviet bibli- ographies) Moskva, v. 1, 1939 - Suspended during the war. Annual bibliography of bibliographies. A comprehensive list of separately published bibliographies as well as those appearing in books and periodicals. Uses same classification scheme as Knizhnaia letopis'; has author and title index. Periodicheskaia pechat' SSSR. 1917-1949. (Periodical Press of the USSR. 1917-1949) Moskva, 1955 - An important set, planned in ten volumes, of which so far four volumes have been published. Vol. 7, Zhurnaly, trudy i biulleteni po meditsine, fizkul'ture i sportu (Journals, transactions and bulletins in medicine, physical culture and sports) was published in 1956. Has classified arrangement. Entry is under the latest name with cross reference to previous titles. Gives detailed bibliographical information. Indexed by title, languages, place of publication, and issuing bodies. SUMMARY For a researcher interested in a particular subject field, the first tool to consult is the appropriate section of Meditsinskii referativnyi zhurnal; for literature earlier than 1957, Sovetskoe meditsinskoe referativnoe obozrenie should be used. However, one has to take into consideration that neither is comprehensive. Meditsinskii referativnyi zhurnal covers only clinical medicine, public health, and the history of medicine. For current materials on non-clinical and experimental medicine the Biologiia and Biologicheskaia khimiia sections of the scientific abstracting journal (Referativnyi zhurnal) have to be consulted. The easiest approach to current monographic literature is through the cumulative general bibliography Ezhegodnik knigi SSSR. This bibliography is selective, and for an exhaustive re- search it is necessary to check first the quarterly indexes of Knizhnaia letopis' and then the individual issues for full bibli- ographical information. For reviews of literature in special fields it is wise to scan current issues of subject journals such as Arkhiv patologii and Uspekhi sovremennoi biologii. The yearly volumes of the Bibli- ografiia sovetskoi bibliografii provide complete information on bibliographic sources on a specific subject. Chapter 3 RUSSIAN LITERATURE IN TRANSLATION by Scott Adams Translation from foreign scientific literature is but one spe- cialized aspect of a general problem in scientific communication.1 By accident of history, that foreign literature which appears today to be the most essential to understand is in a language popularly considered to be among the most difficult to learn: Russian. Scientists' demands for Russian translation services, already substantial, have sharply increased in recent years, in direct proportion to the increase of interest in Russian science. Private industry and government agencies have concentrated on making Russian scientific research and technology available in English translation. Much has already been accomplished; still more translation activity is planned. In general, the availability of Russian scientific publication in translation has three aspects: The cover-to-cover translation of journals and monographs; the service translation of journals and individual scientific papers; and the consolidation and servicing of individual translations through pooled effort. COVER-TO-COVER JOURNAL TRANSLATION The appearance of cover-to-cover translated journals is a relatively recent development. The first translated journal to ap- pear was the Journal ofgeneral chemistry of the USSR (Consultants For a general discussion of the problem of scientific translation in its many forms, see: UNESCO. Scientific and technical translating, and other aspects of the language problem. Paris, UNESCO, 1957. $4.00. See also: National Library of Medicine. Scientific translations; a preliminary guide to sources and serv- ices. Washington, G.P.O., 1957. 15 cents. (PHS Publication No. 514) 17 18 RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE Bureau, 1949); there are now—counting the fractionation of the Doklady and the Izvestiia of the Academy of Sciences—forty-nine English translations of Soviet scientific journals published or an- nounced for publication in 1958. Titles of interest to biology and medicine are listed below (a single asterisk indicates that the title is published with support from the National Institutes of Health; a double asterisk indicates that the title is published with support from the National Science Foundation): Translated Journals Now Available ♦Biochemistry (Biokhimiia) Consultants Bureau. 6 issues per year. $20. Translation began with v. 21, 1956. ♦Biophysics (Biofizika) Pergamon Institute. 6 issues per year. $30. Translation began with v. 2, 1957. ♦♦Bulletin of the Academy of sciences. Division of chemical sciences. (Izvestiia Akademii Nauk SSSR) Consultants Bureau. 12 issues per year. $95. Translation began with 1952 volume. ♦Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine. (Biulleten' eksperimental'noi biologii i meditsiny) Consultants Bureau. 12 issues per year. $20. Translation began with v. 41, 1956. Colloid journal (Kholoidnyi zhurnal) Consultants Bureau. 6 issues per year. $80. Translation began with v. 14, 1952. Journal of analytical chemistry (Zhurnal analiticheskoi khimii) Consultants Bureau. 6 issues per year. $80. Translation began with v. 7, 1952. ♦♦Journal of general chemistry of the USSR. (Zhurnal obshchei khimii SSSR) Consultants Bureau. 12 issues per year. $170. Translation began with v. 19, 1949. ♦Journal of microbiology, epidemiology and immunobiology. (Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii) Pergamon Institute. 12 issues per year. $50. Translation began with v. 28, 1957. ♦♦Microbiology (Mikrobiologiia) American Institute of Biological Sciences. 6 issues per year. $20. Translation began with v. 26, 1957. Pharmacology and toxicology. (Farmakologiia i toksikologiia) Consultants Bureau. 6 issues per year. $25. Translation* TRANSLATION 19 began with v. 20, 1957. (Supported by contribution from 11 U. S. pharmaceutical firms) ♦♦Plant physiology (Fiziologiia rastenii) American Institute of Biological Sciences. 6 issues per year. $15. Translation began with v. 4, 1957. ♦Problems of hematology and blood transfusion (Voprosy gematologii i perelevaniia krovi) Pergamon Institute. 6 issues per year. $20. Translation began with v. 2, 1957. ♦Problems of oncology (Voprosy onkologii) Pergamon Institute. 6 issues per year. $30. Translation began with v. 3, 1957. ♦Problems of virology (Voprosy virusologii) Pergamon Institute. 6 issues per year. $20. Translation began with v. 2, 1957. Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences USSR. Biochemistry section. (Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR) Consultants Bureau. 6 issues per year. $65. Translation began with v. 112, 1957. ♦♦Proceedings of the Academy of sciences, USSR. Biological sciences. (Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR) American Institute of Biological Sciences. 6 issues per year. $20. Translation began with v. 112, 1957. Proceedings of the Academy of sciences USSR. Chemistry section. (Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR) Consultants Bureau. 6 issues per year. $95. Translation began with v. 106, 1956. ♦Sechenov journal of physiology of the USSR. (Fiziologicheskii zhurnal SSSR im. I. M. Sechenova) Pergamon Institute. 12 issues per year. $45. Translation began with v. 43, 1957. Soviet journal of atomic energy. (Atomnaia energiia) Consultants Bureau. 12 issues per year. $75. Translation began with v. 1, 1956. Selected and abridged papers from Atomnaia energiia are pub- lished in the Journal of nuclear energy. Pergamon Press. 3 volumes per year. $20. Addresses of Publishers American Institute of Biological Sciences Consultants Bureau 2000 P Street, N. W. 227 West 17th Street Washington 6, D. C. NewYorkll, New York Pergamon Institute 122 East 55th Street New York 22, New York 20 RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE Economic Considerations O'Dette2 has argued the economic advantage of cover-to-cover journal translation as opposed to the repetitive and duplicative translation of individual papers on request. In general, proven frequency of demand for an identifiable concentration of scientific papers constitutes a favorable condition for cover-to-cover trans- lation. This condition exists more frequently where the journals cover either a highly competitive technological field, or, at the other extreme, theoretical development and basic research. Translation is expensive, and high subscription rates defeat the primary purpose of translation. Accordingly, some form of financial support is necessary to enable the more conventional pricing of the journals. Thirteen of the 20 journals in biology and medicine are published under grants or contracts which subvent the cost of translating. Distribution Those of the above translated journals supported by the Na- tional Science Foundation are available through subscription from the grantee (American Institute of Biological Sciences), at prices which reflect NSF support. Those supported by the National Institutes of Health3 are distributed to 400 medical libraries in accordance with a list developed by the Medical Library Associa- tion. The NIH-sponsored journals are also available at reduced prices from the publishers. Subscriptions for the remaining journals should be placed with the respective publishers. To provide current information about individual papers pub- lished in cover-to-cover translated journals, Consultants Bureau, Inc. issues a monthly Express Contents.4 This publication covers all journals currently translated, and, since it indexes from the original Russian issues, frequently provides advance information. ^O'Dette, R. E. Russian Translation. Science 125:579-85 (Mar. 29, 1957). Adams, Scott. Problems in communicating Russian science. Federation Proceedings 16:716-20 (Sept. 1957). ^Express contents of Soviet journals. New York, Consultants Bureau, 1958. Monthly. $25 per year. TRANSLATION 21 Monographs The publication of translated monographs, as opposed to journals, is a more conventional undertaking, and traditionally a commercial one. Russian publishing practice favors the inde- pendent publication of small research monographs comparable to the German Beiheft or the American journal supplement. Not- withstanding the proportionately larger numbers of this class of literature, relatively few have been translated into English. On recommendations of a Scientific Advisory Committee, the National Institutes of Health is sponsoring the translation and publication of the following by the Pergamon Institute: Smorodintsev, A. A. Gemoragicheskii Nefrozonefrit (Hemorrhagic fever). Medgiz, 1953. Moscow. 125 p. Timakov, V. D. Izmenchivost' Mikroorganizmov (Mutability of microorgan- isms). Medgiz, 1956. Moscow. 208 p. Utkin, I. A. (Symposium, edited by) Teoreticheskie i Prakticheskie Problemy Meditsiny i Biologii v. Eksperimente na Obez'ianakh (Theoretical and practical problems of medicine and biology in experiments with monkeys). Medgiz, Moscow, 1956. 198 p. Zdrodovskii, P. F. and Golinevich, E. M. Uchenie o Riketsiakh i Riketsiozakh (The study of rickettsia and rickettsial diseases). Medgiz, 1956. Moscow. 492 p. Zil'ber, L. A. (Collected Works - edited by Prof. G. V. Vygod- chikov) Problemy Patogeneza i Immunologii Zlokachestvennykh Opu- kholei (Problems of pathogenesis and immunology in malig- nant tumors). Medgiz, 1956. Moscow. 268 p. TRANSLATING SERVICES The number of medical scientists able to read or translate Russian scientific papers for their own use is small. Most re- quire the services of others, or go without. In general, translating facilities available fall into three categories: 1) Foreign language facilities available in universities. 2) Facilities offered by individual commercial translators. 3) Facilities offered by translating organizations. Academic facilities, particularly in universities with Slavic study programs, are occasionally available. Where the needs are 22 RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE modest, translation is more of an accommodation than a service. One drawback is the difficulty of finding translators with both linguistic and scientific competence.5 Commercial translating firms can be located in the classified telephone books of most of our larger cities. Many of them ad- vertise special aptitude for scientific and technical Russian. Individuals and firms of proven competence frequently advertise in the scientific journals. Finally, the agencies which publish translated journals have assembled "stables" of translators with proven skills, and offer to undertake service translation in their advertising. Costs of Translation Prices charged for Russian scientific translation reflect both a competitive market, and a sliding scale based on the difficul- ties of the original text. For these reasons, they may vary from $12 (or lower) per thousand Russian words to $25 (or higher). Translation Standards Translation is not a science; rather it is a precise art. The translator must be as much aware of the accepted scientific ter- minologies in English as he is of the customary usages in the Russian scientific prose. His is an impossible task. The standard that both reader and professional translator can agree on can only be approximated: translations should be accu- rate, should be in lucid, scientifically acceptable English, and should have neither unplanned omissions, nor the intrusion of personal bias. One of the handicaps to the maintenance of high standards has been the absence of a Russian-English medical dictionary. This deficiency has recently been repaired by the publication of a 27,000 word dictionary prepared by Stanley Jablonski of the National Li- brary of Medicine. Copies of the dictionary have been distributed to libraries as a part of the NIH Russian translation program. 6 TRANSLATION POOLS Considerable ingenuity has been devoted to the problem of put- ting scattered individual translations to more general use. The 5See discussion in the UNESCO report. Op. cit. DJablonski, Stanley. Russian-English medical dictionary. N. Y., Academic press, 1958. $10. TRANSLATION 23 National Institutes of Health, for example, publishes a monthly list of translations, and provides a lending service.7 The advantages of pooling translations made by various indus- tries and government agencies moved the Special Libraries As- sociation to establish a central collection and register located in the John Crerar Library, 86 East Randolph Street, Chicago. A sizeable collection of Russian translations maintained in the Library of Congress was consolidated with the Special Libraries Association Pool in 1957. There are now approximately 20,000 scientific and technical publications from all languages in the John Crerar Center. Newly cataloged translations are listed in a published index Translation Monthly. The John Crerar Library provides photocopy service for translations located. In addition the Center lends copies of available translations at a service fee of $1.50 per translation, and offers a subscription to groups of the catalog cards from which Translation Monthly is prepared. Cards representing all Russian translations received— approximately 3,100 per year in all fields—cost $75 per year. Standing orders may also be placed by subject at a cost of five cents per card. Comparable pooled efforts exist in England, where the Associ- ation of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux has central records for translations prepared in the United Kingdom.9 The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research issues a monthly Translated contents list of Russian periodicals,10 which includes a supplement giving information on Russian translations which are or may shortly be available in the United Kingdom. D.S.I.R. has a cooperative scheme, whereby the costs of a given translation are prorated according to the number of requestors. The possibility of cooperation of these national centers is being actively explored, with the objective of consolidating all informa- tion about the existence of English language translations in science and technology. 7U. S. National Institutes of Health. Library. Recent transla- tions, a selected list. Bethesda, Md. Monthly. translation Monthly. Chicago, John Crerar Library. 1955- $5 per year. 9ASLIB, 4 Palace Gate, London, W8. lOTranslated contents list of Russian periodicals. London, H.M.S.O., 195 - Monthly. £4 per year. Chapter 4 PROCUREMENT OF RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE by Samuel Lazerow Russian medical literature, like other literature, is available by purchase or on an exchange basis. It is also available through the extensive interlibrary loan service of the National Library of Medicine. Before discussing these several means of procurement, it might be well to make an estimate of the output of Soviet medi- cal publications. SOVIET MEDICAL PUBLICATIONS According to Soviet figures, some 2900 medical monographic (i.e., non-serial) titles were published in the USSR in 1956; this is three times as many as were published in 1951. The publica- tion Pechat' SSSR za sorok let (Forty years of publishing in the USSR) states that of this total 938 titles may be described as "sci- entific medical literature," whereas the remaining titles embrace manuals, teaching guides, pamphlets, leaflets, brochures, and broadsides. This would seem to be confirmed by independent surveys, which show that about 60% of Russian medical mono- graphs consist of 30 pages or less. From this and other evidence it would appear that the total Soviet output of substantive medical monographs is now of the order of some 1,000 titles per year. Again, Russian sources indicate that 62 medical journal titles are being published in the Soviet Union. This figure can easily be misleading, however; it does not take into consideration the many serial (but not strictly periodical) titles which are published, such as the various Trudy, of irregular frequency, which report a high proportion of the significant work. The list of selected serial titles which appears in the following chapter records 137 prominent titles; there are a hundred additional current titles recorded in the serial record of the National Library of Medicine. These extra titles have not been listed for various reasons: 25 26 RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE sometimes the Library's holdings are fragmentary; in some in- stances the titles are of a general scientific or general biblio- graphic nature, rather than being strictly medical; occasionally the titles lean more in the collected works than in the serial direction. Often it is not clear whether conference proceedings are or are not of a continuing nature. A reasonable estimate of the number of substantive Russian medical serials might there- fore lie in the vicinity of about 150. Comparing these figures with similar figures for the United States, it would seem fair to state that the Russians place pro- portionately more emphasis on monographic publication than do American medical men. PROCUREMENT BY PURCHASE The major source for the purchase of Russian medical litera- ture in the United States is the official outlet of the Soviet book- trade agency Mezhdunarodnaia Kniga, the Four Continent Book Corporation, located at 822 Broadway, New York 3, N. Y. Com- mercial catalogs issued by Mezhdunarodnaia Kniga and available from Four Continent may be used for selection. Sovetskie knigi (novinki); katalog dlia zaiavok (New Soviet books; order catalogue) is a catalog of newly published books issued in many languages including English. This list, which appears weekly, is highly selective and represents only a fraction of titles published in Knizhnaia letopis', the Soviet national bibliography. For books in non-Russian languages the catalog Sovetskie knigi (novinki); knigi na iazykakh narodov SSSR (New Soviet books; books in languages of the peoples of the USSR) is available. There are also similar catalogs issued irregularly on different subjects, including Sovetskie novye knigi po meditsine (New Soviet books on medicine). For the selection of serial literature the catalog Newspapers and magazines of the USSR may be used. Here the titles may be chosen from the lists arranged both by subject and by Union Republics. Success in obtaining a particular title depends on Who pub- lished it and the size of its printing. Titles published by Medgiz, the State Publishing House for Medical Literature, are more easily available abroad than are books published by other houses, especially those of the more remote republics of the Union. The importance of Medgiz is increased by the fact that its editions are frequently larger than those of the other publishing houses. Manuals and teaching guides published by universities and other research institutions, as well as reports and conference proceed- ings, are usually printed in severely limited editions and are PROCUREMENT 27 therefore not exported in large quantities, if at all. For this reason publications of Medgiz (1956; 588 titles) represent the bulk of material which is both desirable and available. The next important medical publishing houses are the Ukrmedgiz of the Ukrainian Republic (1956; 170 titles) and Gruzmedgiz (1956; 110 titles). Russian medical books may also be ordered, of course, through regular dealers in foreign medical books. The procurement situation as described here concerns chiefly the acquisition of current material. Efforts to acquire older ma- terials are likely to be disappointing; in the Soviet Union most books are published in runs allowing only very small reserve stocks after initial distribution. Most books are therefore out of print within a short time after publication. PROCUREMENT BY EXCHANGE The role of exchange as a method for the procurement of Soviet scientific literature has assumed tremendous importance during the past few years. Until 1954, the Lenin State Library of the USSR in Moscow was charged with the responsibility for international exchanges; Russian libraries wishing to exchange material with foreign institutions had to do so through the Lenin library. This centralized method was too cumbersome and time-consuming to be effective. As a part of the general widening of cultural rela- tions with foreign countries, in 1954 permission was granted to other libraries to conduct direct exchanges. This opened up a method of procurement which, if properly approached, may be used very effectively. Direct exchange with Soviet libraries and research institutions has several important advantages: (1) The library in the Soviet Union is interested in acquiring material for itself and therefore tries to accommodate its exchange partner. (2) It has sources of old materials and back issues through checking its own duplicate files and those of other libraries. (3) Many libraries and research institutions are engaged in publishing activities, especially along the lines of bibliographic tools, reports, and symposia, which can easily be obtained directly from the issuing body. Very often these are publications not available through commercial channels. (4) Central libraries of various Union republics have better ac- cess to their local markets and can be most useful in acquiring materials issued locally. At present, the National Library of Medicine has exchange arrangements with some 20 libraries in the Soviet Union. The most successful exchanges are conducted with the State Central 470378 O -58 -3 28 RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE Medical Library in Moscow and the Saltykov-Shchedrin Public Library in Leningrad. A more limited, but very active exchange is carried out with libraries in Kiev (Ukrainian SSR), Tiflis (Georgian SSR), Alma-Ata (Kazakh SSR), where the publishing activity is remarkably flourishing, and in other republics. Exchange can be carried on in different ways, either on an item-for-item or a page-for-page basis, or by priced exchange with a preliminary agreement on the conversion rates of American and Soviet currency. Desiderata lists and lists of offerings should be prepared with consideration given to size, location, and the interests of the counterpart library. Only in this way can satis- factory results be expected. The U.S. - U.S.S.R. Agreement on Exchanges, announced Janu- ary 27,1958, is certain to increase the fruitfulness of this method. Under this Agreement, exchanges of literature as well as of sci- entists, doctors, and students will take place during 1958 and 1959. Section XIII on Exchange of Exhibits and Publications states "(2) Both parties will promote the further development of exchange of publications and various works in the field of science and tech- nology between scientific institutions and societies and between individual scientists and specialists. (3) Provision will be made for the Central Scientific Medical Library of the Ministry of Health of the Union of Soviet Republics and corresponding medical libraries in the United States to exchange medical journals." COLLECTION OF THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE As far back as 1873, the National Library of Medicine had well-established contacts with Russian medical and scientific institutions, especially with the St. Petersburg Academy of Sci- ences (now the Academy of Sciences of the USSR). The first volume of the Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon Gen- eral's Office (1880) lists some 30 Russian serial titles received. Some issues date as far back as the first half of the nineteenth century, as for instance the Memoires de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersburg, of which the first volume was published in 1830. The Russian acquisition program of the Li- brary was interrupted by the first World War, was reestablished and showed limited gains in the early thirties following U. S. recognition of the Soviet Union, improved greatly during the period of Soviet-American cooperation during the second World War, faltered and failed in the ensuing "cold-war" period, and has revived since the Geneva Conference of 1955. The National Li- brary of Medicine currently receives and catalogs about 75-80% of the substantive medical publications of the USSR, and indexes PROCUREMENT 29 the most prominent periodicals regularly in the Current List of Medical Literature. All material in the National Library of Medicine collection is available through the interlibrary loan service. Individuals desir- ing access to Russian materials need only request them of their local libraries, which may in turn borrow the material from the National Library of Medicine. Monographs are usually lent in original form; journal articles are usually furnished as photo- copies, which may be retained. All interlibrary loan service is furnished free of charge. Chapter 5 LIST OF SELECTED RUSSIAN SERIAL TITLES compiled by Etta Christiansen Bachrach [All titles listed here are currently received by the National Library of Medicine. Titles preceded by an asterisk are indexed in the Current List of Medical Literature. Titles issued by the Akademiia nauk SSSR (USSR Academy of Sciences) are indicated by the abbreviation AKNAUK. Titles issued by Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniia SSSR (USSR Ministry of Public Health) are indicated by the abbreviation MINZDRAV. Titles published by MEDGIZ are so indicated.] ♦Akusherstvo i ginekologiia (Obstetrics and gynecology) Moscow. 1936- Irregular. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz. Formed by the union of Zhurnal akusherstvai zhenskikh boleznei (Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases) 1886-1935, and Ginekologiia i akusherstvo (Gynecology and obstetrics) 1922-1935. *Antibiotiki (Antibiotics) Moscow. 1956- Bimonthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz ♦Antibiotiki; sbornik perevodov, obzorov i referatov inostrannoi periodicheskoi literatury (Antibiotics; a collection of transla- tions, reviews and abstracts of foreign periodical literature) Moscow. [1948?]- Bimonthly. Issued by Izdatel'stvo inostrannoi literatury Contains review articles 31 32 RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE Aktual'nye voprosy obezbolivaniia (Present-day problems of anesthetization) Moscow. 1957- Issued by TSentral'nyi institut usovershenstvovaniia vrachei (Central Institute for the Post-Graduate Edu- cation of Doctors) Aktual'nye voprosy perelivaniia krovi (Present-day problems of blood transfusion) Leningrad. [195?]- Issuedby Leningradskiinauchno-issledovatel'skii institut perelivaniia krovi (Leningrad Research Institute of Blood Transfusion) Aptechnoe delo (Pharmacy) Moscow. 1952- Bi monthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz ♦Arkhiv anatomii, gistologii i embriologii (Archives of anatomy, histology and embryology) Moscow. 1931- Frequency varies. (Current nos. bimonthly) Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz. Continues Russkii arkhiv anatomii, gistologii i embriologii (Russian archives of anatomy, histology and embryology) 1916-1930. ♦Arkhiv patologii (Archives of pathology) Moscow. 1946- Bi monthly. Published by Medgiz. Continues Arkhiv patologicheskoi anatomii i patologicheskoi fiziologii (Archives of pathological anatomy and pathological physiology) Azerbaidzhanskii meditsinskii zhurnal (Azerbaijan medical journal) Baku. [1927?]- Monthly. Issued by Azerbaidzhanskii meditsinskii institut (Azer- baijan Medical Institute). Continues Bakinskii medi- tsinskii zhurnal (Baku medical journal) Biofizika (Biophysics) Moscow. 1956- 8 nos. per year. Issued by AKNAUK ♦Biokhimiia (Biochemistry) Moscow. 1936- Bi monthly. Issued by AKNAUK SELECTED SERIAL TITLES 33 ♦Biulleten' eksperimental'noi biologii i meditsiny (Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine) Moscow. 1936- Monthly. Issued by Akademiia meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (U.S.S.R. Academy of Medical Sciences) Published by Medgiz Deistvie izluchenii i primenenie izotopov v biologii (The effect of radiation and the use of isotopes in biology) Moscow. [1950?]- Annual. Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR. Novaia seriia (Proceedings of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences. New series) Moscow. 1935- 3 times a month. ♦Eksperimental'naia khirurgiia (Experimental surgery) Moscow. 1956- Bi monthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz ♦Farmakologiia i toksikologiia (The journal of pharmacology and toxicology of the U.S.S.R.) Moscow. 1938- Bimonthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz Fel'dsher i akusherka (The doctor's assistant and midwife) Moscow. 1936- Monthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz ♦Fiziologicheskii zhurnal SSSR imeni I.M. Sechenova (Sechenov physiological journal of the USSR) Moscow. 1932- Frequency varies. (Current nos. monthly) Issued by AKNAUK. Continues Russkii fiziologicheskii zhurnal imeni I.M. Sechenova (The Russian journal of physiology) 1917-1931. Fiziologichnyi zhurnal (Journal of physiology) Kiev. 1955- Bi monthly. Issued by Instytut fiziologii Akademii nauk URSR (Insti- tute of Physiology of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences) 34 RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE Fiziologiia rastenii. (Plant physiology) Moscow. 1954- Bi monthly. Issued by Akademiia nauk SSSR (U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences) ♦Gigiena i sanitariia (Hygiene and sanitation) Moscow. 1932- Frequency varies. (Current nos. monthly) Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevaniia (Industrial hy- giene and occupational diseases) Moscow. 1957- Bi monthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz ♦Izvestiia Akademii nauk Kazakhskoi SSR. Seriia fiziologii i meditsiny (Bulletin of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences. Series of physiology and medicine) Alma-Ata. [195?]- Irregular. Izvestiia Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriia biologicheskaia (Bulletin of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences. Biological series) Moscow. 1936- Bi monthly. Khimiia i meditsina (Chemistry and medicine) Moscow. 1954- Quarterly. Issued by Vsesoiuznyi nauchno-issledovatel'skii khimiko- farmatsevticheskii institut (All-Union Research Chemico-Pharmaceutic Institute) ♦Khirurgiia. (Surgery) Moscow. 1937- Monthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz. Continues Sovetskaia khirurgiia (Soviet surgery) 1931-1936. ♦Klinicheskaia meditsina (Clinical medicine) Moscow. 1923- Frequency varies. (Current nos. monthly) Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz SELECTED SERIAL TITLES 35 Laboratornoe delo (Laboratory affairs) Moscow. 1955- Bi monthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz Materialy po evoliutsionnoi fiziologii (Materials on evolutional physiology) Moscow. 1956- Annual. Issued by Institut evoliutsionnoi fiziologii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Evolutional Physiology of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences) Materialy po toksikologii radioaktivnykh veshchestv (Materials on the toxicology of radioactive substances) Moscow. 1957- Issued by Institut gigieny truda i profzabolevanii Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (Institute of Industrial Hy- giene and Occupational Diseases of the U.S.S.R. Acad- emy of Medical Sciences) ♦Meditsinskaia parazitologiia i parazitarnye bolezni (Medical parasitology and parasitic diseases) Moscow. 1932- Bimonthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz Meditsinskaia promyshlennost' SSSR (The medical industry in the U.S.S.R.) Moscow. 1949- Bi monthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz ♦Meditsinskaia radiologiia (Medical radiology) Moscow. 1956- Bi monthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz Meditsinskaia sestra (The nurse) Moscow. 1944- Monthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz Meditsinskii rabotnik (The medical worker) Moscow. 1938- Frequency varies. Issued by MINZDRAV and TSentral'nyi komitet Profes- sional'nogo soiuza meditsinskikh rabotnikov (Central Committee of the Medical Workers' Union) 36 RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE Meditsinskii referativnyi zhurnal (Medical abstract journal) Moscow. 1957- Monthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz ♦Mikrobiologiia; zhurnal obshchei, sel'skokhoziaistvennoi i promyshlennoi mikrobiologii (Microbiology; journal of gen- eral, agricultural and industrial microbiology) Moscow. 1932- Frequency varies. (Current nos. bimonthly) Issued by AKNAUK ♦Mikrobiologichnyi zhurnal (Journal of microbiology) Kiev. 1934- Quarterly. Issued by Instytut mikrobiologii Akademii nauk URSR (Institute of Microbiology of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences) Novyi khirurgicheskii arkhiv (New archives of surgery) Kiev. 1921- Frequency varies. Issued by MINZDRAV ♦Ortopediia, travmatologiia i protezirovanie (Orthopedics, traumatology and prosthesis) Moscow. 1955- Bi monthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz Parazitologicheskii sbornik (Parasitologic collection) Moscow. 1930- Annual. Issued by Zoologicheskii institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Zoological Institute of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences) ♦Patologicheskaia fiziologiia i eksperimental'naia terapiia (Pathological physiology and experimental therapy) Moscow. 1957- Bimonthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz ♦Pediatriia (Pediatrics) Moscow. 1937- Frequency varies. (Current nos. bimonthly) Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz. Continues Sovetskaia pediatriia (Soviet pediatrics) 1934-1936. SELECTED SERIAL TITLES 37 Pediatriia, akusherstvo i ginekologiia (Pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology) Kiev. 1936- Bi monthly. Issued by Ministerstvo okhorony zdorov'iaURSR (Ukrain- ian Ministry of Public Health) Pirogovskie chteniia (Pirogov readings) Moscow. 1954- Annual. Issued by Akademiia meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (U.S.S.R. Academy of Medical Sciences) and Vsesoiuznoe nauchnoe obshchestvo khirurgov (All-Union Scientific Society of Surgeons) ♦Problemy endokrinologii i gormonoterapii (Problems of endo- crinology and hormone therapy) Moscow. 1955- Bimonthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz Problemy fiziologicheskoi akustiki (Problems of physiological acoustics) Moscow. 1949- Issuedby Komissiia po fiziologicheskoi akustike Akademii nauk SSSR (Commission on Physiological Acoustics of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences) ♦Problemy fiziologicheskoi optiki (Problems of physiological optics) Moscow. 1941- Irregular. Issued by AKNAUK ♦Problemy gematologii i perelivaniia krovi. (Problems of hem- atology and blood transfusion) Moscow. 1956- Bi monthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz Problemy neirokhirurgii (Problems of neurosurgery) Kiev. 1955- Annually. Issued by Nauchno-issledovatel'skii institut neirokhirurgii (Research Institute of Neurosurgery) Problemy sudebnoi psikhiatrii (Problems of forensic psychiatry) Moscow. 1938- Irregular. Issued by TSentral'nyi nauchno-issledovatel'skii institut sudebnoi psikhiatrii (Central Research Institute of Forensic Psychiatry) 38 RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE Problemy stomatologii (Problems of stomatology) Kiev. [1954?]- Issuedby Kievskii meditsinskii stomatologicheskii institut (Kiev Medical Stomatological Institute) and Khar'- kovskii meditsinskii stomatologicheskii institut (Kharkov Medical Stomatological Institute) ♦Problemy tuberkuleza (Problems of tuberculosis) Moscow. 1936- Frequency varies. (Current nos. bimonthly) Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz. Continues Bor'ba s tuberkulezom (The struggle against tuberculosis) 1932-1935, and Voprosy tuberkuleza (Problems of tuberculosis) 1923- 1931. Referativnyi zhurnal. Biologiia (Abstract journal. Biology) Moscow. 1954- S em i-monthly. Issued by Institut nauchnoi informatsii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Scientific Information of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences) Referativnyi zhurnal. Khimiia (Abstract journal. Chemistry) Moscow. 1953- Semi-monthly. Issued by Institut nauchnoi informatsii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Scientific Information of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences) Referativnyi zhurnal. Khimiia. Biologicheskaia khimiia. (Ab- stract journal. Chemistry. Biological chemistry) Moscow. 1955- Semi-monthly. Issued by Institut nauchnoi informatsii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Scientific Information of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences) ♦Sovetskaia meditsina (Soviet medicine) Moscow. 1937- Frequency varies. (Current nos. monthly) Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz Sovetskii krasnyi krest (The Soviet Red Cross) Moscow. [1951?]- Bi monthly. Issued by Soiuz obshchestv Krasnogo kresta i Krasnogo polumesiatsa SSSR (Union of the Societies of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, U.S.S.R.) SELECTED SERIAL TITLES 39 ♦Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie (Soviet public health) Moscow. 1942- Frequency varies. (Current nos. bimonthly) Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie Kirgizii (Soviet public health in Kirghiz) Frunze. 1938- Bi monthly. Issued by Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniia Kirgizskoi SSR (Kirghiz SSR Ministry of Public Health) ♦Sovremennye problemy onkologii (Contemporary problems of oncology) Moscow. 1949- Irregular. Issued by Izdatel'stvo inostrannoi literatury Contains review articles ♦Sovremennye problemy tuberkuleza (Contemporary problems of tuberculosis) Moscow. [1950?]- Bimonthly. Issued by Izdatel'stvo inostrannoi literatury Contains review articles Stomatologiia (Stomatology) Moscow. 1937- Frequency varies. (Current nos. bimonthly) Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz. Continues Sovetskaia stomatologiia (Soviet stomatology) 1931-1936, Odontologiia i sto- matologiia (Odontology and stomatology) 1926-1930, and Zhurnal odontologii i stomatologii (Journal of odontology and stomatology) 1923-1925. Teoriia i praktika fizicheskoi kul'tury (Theory and practice of physical culture) Moscow. 1937- Monthly. Issued by Komitet po fizicheskoi kul'ture i sportu SSSR (U.S.S.R. Committee on Physical Culture and Sports) ♦Terapevticheskii arkhiv (Archives of therapeutics) Moscow. 1923- Frequency varies. (Current nos. bimonthly) Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz 40 RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE ♦Trudy Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (Transactions of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Medical Sciences) Moscow. 1949- Irregular. Trudy Gel'mintologicheskoi laboratorii. Akademiia nauk SSSR (Transactions of the Helminthology Laboratory, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences) Moscow. 1948- Irregular. Trudy Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta ukha, gorla i nosa (Transactions of the State Research In- stitute of Otorhinolaryngology) Moscow. [195?]- Ir regular. Trudy Instituta eksperimental'noi i klinicheskoi khirurgii i gematologii Akademii nauk Gruzinskoi SSR (Transactions of the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Surgery and Hematology of the Georgian Academy of Sciences) Tiflis. 1948- Ir regular. ♦Trudy Instituta epidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigieny imeni Pastera. (Transactions of the Pasteur Institute of Epidemi- ology, Microbiology and Hygiene) Leningrad. 1953- Irregular. Continues the same title issued by the Institute under its former name: Leningradskii institut epi- demiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Pastera (Leningrad Pasteur Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology) Trudy Instituta fiziologii. Akademiia nauk Belorusskoi SSR (Transactions of the Institute of Physiology, Belorussian Academy of Sciences) Minsk. 1956- ♦Trudy Instituta fiziologii. Akademiia nauk Gruzinskoi SSR (Transactions of the Institute of Physiology, Georgian Acad- emy of Sciences) Tiflis. [194?]- Annual. Continues the same title issued by Tiflis University. Trudy Instituta fiziologii. Akademiia nauk Kazakhskoi SSR (Transactions of the Institute of Physiology, Kazakh Acad- emy of Sciences) Alma-Ata. 1955- ♦Trudy Instituta fiziologii imeni LP. Pavlova. Akademiia nauk SSSR (Transactions of the Pavlov Institute of Physiology U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences) Moscow. 1952- Annual. SELECTED SERIAL TITLES 41 Trudy Instituta genetiki. Akademiia nauk SSSR (Transactions of the Institute of Genetics, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences) Moscow. 1935- Irregular. Trudy Instituta klinicheskoi i eksperimental'noi kardiologii, Akademiia nauk Gruzinskoi SSR. (Transactions of the In- stitute of Clinical and Experimental Cardiology, Georgian Academy of Sciences) Tiflis. 1952- Irregular. Trudy Instituta klinicheskoi i eksperimental'noi khirurgii. Akademiia nauk Kazakhskoi SSR (Transactions of the Insti- tute of Clinical and Experimental Surgery, Kazakh Academy of Sciences) Alma-Ata. 1954- Irregular. Trudy Instituta kraevoi patologii. Akademiia nauk Kazakhskoi SSR (Transactions of the Institute of Regional Pathology, Kazakh Academy of Sciences) Alma-Ata, 1952- Irregular. Trudy Instituta mikrobiologii. Akademiia nauk Latviiskoi SSR (Transactions of the Institute of Microbiology, Latvian Academy of Sciences) Riga. 1952- Irregular. ♦Trudy Instituta mikrobiologii. Akademiia nauk SSSR (Transac- tions of the Institute of Microbiology, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences) Moscow. 1951- Annual. Trudy Instituta morfologii zhivotnykh. Akademiia nauk SSSR (Transactions of the Institute of Animal Morphology, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences) Moscow. 1949- Irregular. Trudy Instituta vysshei nervnoi deiatel'nosti. Seriia fiziolo- gicheskaia. Akademiia nauk SSSR (Transactions of the In- stitute of Higher Nervous Activity. Physiological series. U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences) Moscow. 1955- Annual. 42 RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE Trudy Instituta vysshei nervnoi deiatel'nosti. Seriia patofizi- ologicheskaia. Akademiia nauk SSSR. (Transactions of the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity. Patho-physiological series. U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences) Moscow. 1955- Annual. Trudy Instituta zoologii i parazitologii. Akademiia nauk Kirgizskoi SSR. (Transactions of the Institute of Zoology and Parasitology, Kirghiz Academy of Sciences) Frunze. 1955- Continues the same title issued by the Academy under its former name: Kirgizskii filial Akademii nauk SSSR (Kirghiz Branch of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences) Trudy Kazakhskogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo kozhno-vene- rologicheskogo instituta. (Transactions of the Kazakh Re- search Institute of Dermatology and Venereology) Alma-Ata. [194?]- Trudy Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledovatel'- skogo instituta travmatologii i ortopedii (Transactions of the Leningrad State Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics) Leningrad. [195?]- ♦Trudy Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigienicheskogo meditsinskogo instituta (Transactions of the Leningrad Medical Institute of Sanitation and Hygiene) Leningrad. 1949- Irregular. Trudy Novosibirskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo insti- tuta (Transactions of the Novosibirsk State Medical Institute) Novosibirsk. 19-- Irregular. Trudy Pervogo Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo in- stituta. (Transactions of the First Moscow Medical Institute) Moscow. [1935?]- Irregular. Trudy Stalinabadskogo meditsinskogo instituta im. Abuali Ibn- Sino. (Transactions of -the Stalinabad Medical Institute) Stalinabad. [195?]- Irregular. Trudy TSentral'nogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta rent - genologii i radiologii (Transactions of the Central Research Institute of Roentgenology and Radiology) Moscow. 1934- Irregular. SELECTED SERIAL TITLES 43 ♦Trudy Vsesoiuznogo obshchestva fiziologov, biokhimikov i farmakologov. (Transactions of the All-Union Society of Physiologists, Biochemists and Pharmacologists) Moscow. 1952- Irregular. Uchenye zapiski Leningradskogo ordena Lenina gosudar- stvennogo universiteta. Seriia biologicheskikh nauk. (Annals of Leningrad University. Biological sciences series) Leningrad. 1935- Irregular. Uchenye zapiski. Pervyi Leningradskii meditsinskii institut. (Annals. First Leningrad Medical Institute) Leningrad. [195?]- Ukrains'kyi biokhimichnyi zhurnal. (Ukrainian biochemical journal) Kiev. 1946- Issued by Instytut biokhimii Akademii nauk URSR (Insti- tute of Biochemistry of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences). Continues Biokhimichnyi zhurnal (Bio- chemical journal) 1938-1941. ♦Urologiia. (Urology) Moscow. 1923- Frequency varies. (Current nos. bimonthly) Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz ♦Uspekhi biologicheskoi khimii (Advances in biological chem- istry) Moscow. 1950- Issued by Akademiia meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (U.S.S.R. Academy of Medical Sciences) ♦Uspekhi sovremennoi biologii. (Advances in contemporary biology) Moscow. 1932- Bimonthly. Issued by AKNAUK Vestnik Akademii meditsinskhkfr nauk SSSR. (Journal of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Medical Sciences) Moscow. 1946- Irregular. Published by Medgiz Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR. (Journal of the U.S.S.R. Acad- emy of Sciences) Moscow. 1931- Monthly. 470378 O - 58 -4 44 RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE ♦Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. (Journal of dermatology and venereology) Moscow. 1932- Frequency varies (Current nos. bimonthly) Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz. Continues Venerologiia i derma- tologiia. (Venereology and dermatology) 1925-1931. ♦Vestnik khirurgii imeni I.I. Grekova. (Grekov journal of surgery) Moscow. 1922- Frequency varies. (Current nos. bimonthly) Issued by Khirurgicheskoe obshchestvo Pirogova (Pirogov Surgical Society) Published by Medgiz Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta. Seriia biologii (Journal of Leningrad University. Biology series). Leningrad. 1956- Quarterly. ♦Vestnik oftalmologii (Journal of ophthalmology) Moscow. 1937- Bi monthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz. Continues Sovetskii vestnik oftal- mologii (Soviet journal of ophthalmology) 1932-1936. ♦Vestnik oto-rino-laringologii. (Journal of otorhinolaryngology) Moscow. 1936- Bi monthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz ♦Vestnik rentgenologii i radiologii (Journal of roentgenology and radiology) Moscow. 1920- Frequency varies. (Current nos. bimonthly) Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz Visnyk Akademii nauk Ukrains'koi RSR (Journal of the Ukrain- ian Academy of Sciences) Kiev. [1947?]- Monthly. Continues the Academy's Visti. (News) ♦Voenno-meditsinskii zhurnal (Journal of military medicine) Moscow. 1930- Frequency varies. (Current nos. monthly) Issued by Glavnoe voenno-meditsinskoe upravlenie Mini- ster stva oborony SSSR (Central Office of Military Medicine of the U.S.S.R. Ministry of Defense) SELECTED SERIAL TITLES 45 Voprosy kardiologii. (Problems of cardiology) Erivan. 1956- Issued by Sektor meditsiny Akademii nauk Armianskoi SSR. (Sector of Medicine of the Armenian Academy of Sciences) ♦Voprosy kliniki i lecheniia zlokachestvennykh novoobrazovanii. (Problems of the clinical course and treatment of malig- nant neoplasms) Riga. 1953- Irregular. Issued by Institut eksperimental'noi meditsiny Akademii nauk Latviiskoi SSR (Institute of Experimental Med- icine of the Latvian Academy of Sciences) Voprosy kurortologii. (Problems of spa treatment) Riga. 1953- Irregular. Issued by Institut eksperimental'noi meditsiny Akademii nauk Latviiskoi SSR. (Institute of Experimental Med- icine of the Latvian Academy of Sciences) Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii i lechebnoi fizicheskoi kul'tury. (Problems of spa treatment, physical therapy and medical gymnastics) Moscow. 1955- Bi monthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz ♦Voprosy meditsinskoi khimii. (Problems of medical chemistry) Moscow. 1955- Bi monthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz Voprosy morfologii i fiziologii. (Problems of morphology and physiology) Riga. 1955- Irregular. Issued by Institut eksperimental'noi meditsiny Akademii nauk Latviiskoi SSR (Institute of Experimental Med- icine of the Latvian Academy of Sciences) Voprosy morfologii perifericheskoi nervnoi sistemy. (Prob- lems of morphology of the peripheral nervous system) Minsk. 1949- Ir regular. Issued by Institut fiziologii Akademii nauk BSSR (Insti- tute of Physiology of the Belorussian Academy of Sciences) and Minskii meditsinskii institut (Minsk Medical Institute) 46 RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE ♦Voprosy neirokhirurgii. (Problems of neurosurgery) Moscow. 1937- Frequency varies. (Current nos. bimonthly) Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz Voprosy okhrany mater instva i detstva. (Problems of maternal and child welfare) Moscow. 1956- Bimonthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz ♦Voprosy onkologii. (Problems of oncology) Moscow. 1955- 6 nos. per year. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz ♦Voprosy patologii serdechno-sosudistoi sistemy. (Problems of pathology of the cardiovascular system) Moscow. 1952- Irregular. Issued by Izdatel'stvo inostrannoi literatury Contains review articles Voprosy perelivaniia krovi. (Problems of blood transfusion) Kiev. [195?]- Issued by Ukrainskii nauchno-issledovatel'skii institut perelivaniia krovi i neotlozhnoi khirurgii (Ukrainian Research Institute of Blood Transfusion and Emer- gency Surgery) ♦Voprosy pitaniia. (Problems of nutrition) Moscow. 1932- Bi monthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz Voprosy psikhologii. (Problems of psychology) Moscow. 1955- Bi monthly. Issued by Akademiia pedagogicheskikh nauk RSFSR (R.S.F.S.R. Academy of Pedagogic Sciences) Voprosy sudebno-meditsinskoi ekspertizy. (Problems of medico-legal examination) Moscow. 1954- Annual. SELECTED SERIAL TITLES 47 Voprosy travmatologii. (Problems of traumatology) Gorki. [195?]- Issued by Gor'kovskii nauchno-issledovatel'skii institut vosstanovitel'noi khirurgii, ortopedii i travmatologii (Gorki Research Institute of Reconstructive Surgery, Orthopedics and Traumatology) Voprosy tuberkuleza. (Problems of tuberculosis) Riga. 1956- Issued by Institut eksperimental'noi meditsiny Akademii nauk Latviiskoi SSR (Institute of Experimental Med- icine of the Latvian Academy of Sciences) ♦Voprosy virusologii. (Problems of virology) Moscow. 1956- Bi monthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz Voprosy vysshei nervnoi deiatel'nosti. (Problems of the higher nervous activity) Erevan. 1952- Irregular. Issued by Institut fiziologii Akademii nauk Armianskoi SSR (Institute of Physiology of the Armenian Academy of Sciences) Vrachebnoe delo. (Medical affairs) Kiev. 1918- Frequency varies. (Current nos. monthly) Issued by Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniia USSR (Ukrain- ian Ministry of Public Health) Zdorov'e. (Health) Moscow. 1955- Monthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz Zdravookhranenie Kazakhstana. (Public health in Kazakhstan) Alma-Ata. [1941?]- Monthly. Zdravookhranenie Rossiiskoi Federatsii. (Public health in the Russian Federation) Moscow. 1957- Monthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz Zhurnal fizicheskoi khimii. (Journal of physical chemistry) Moscow. 1930- Frequency varies. (Current nos. monthly) Issued by AKNAUK 48 RUSSIAN MEDICAL LITERATURE ♦Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii. (Jour- nal of microbiology, epidemiology and immunobiology) Moscow. 1935- Monthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz. Formed by the union of Zhurnal mikrobiologii i immunobiologii. (Journal of micro- biology and immunobiology) 1930-1934, and Zhurnal epidemiologii i mikrobiologii. (Journal of epidemi- ology and microbiology) 1932-1934. ♦Zhurnal nevropatologii i psikhiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova. (Korsakov journal of neuropathology and psychiatry) Moscow. 1952- Bi monthly. Issued by MINZDRAV Published by Medgiz. Continues Nevropatologiia i psi- khiatriia. (Neuropathology and psychiatry) 1935-1951. Zhurnal obshchei biologii. (Journal of general biology) Moscow. 1940- Bimonthly. Issued by AKNAUK ♦Zhurnal vysshei nervnoi deiatel'nosti imeni I.P. Pavlova. (Pavlov journal of the higher nervous activity) Moscow. 1951- Bi monthly. Issued by AKNAUK Zoologicheskii zhurnal. (Journal of zoology) Moscow. 1931- Frequency varies. (Current nos. bimonthly) Issued by AKNAUK Continues Russkii zoologicheskii zhurnal. (Russian journal of zoology) 1916-1930. SELECTED REFERENCES Adams, Scott. Post-war Soviet serials of medical interest. Washington, Army Medical Library, 1950. 24 p. [mimeo] Out of print. Adams, Scott. Problems in communicating Russian science. Fed. Proc. 16:716-20 (1957) Beyerly, Elizabeth. A Russian abstracting service in the field of sciences: Referativnyi Zhurnal. ASLIB Proc. 8:135-40 (1956) Beyerly, Elizabeth. Translations from the Russian; a guide to sources. Rev. Doc. 23:33-41 (1956) Beyerly, Elizabeth. The documentation of western science in the Soviet Union. Am. Doc. 8:98-102 (1957) Beyerly, Elizabeth. Abstracts of Soviet medicine; an appraisal. Bull. Med. Lib. Assoc. 46:194-8 (1958) Gelfand, David. A directory of medical and biological research institutes of the USSR. (Public Health Service Publication No. 587) Washington, 1958. 345 p. Hoseh, M. Scientific and technical literature of the USSR. J. Chem. Ed. 33:397-402 (1956); 34:182-5 (1957); 34:235-8 (1957) Jablonski, Stanley. Russian-English medical dictionaries. Bull. Med. Lib. Assoc. 45:149-54 (1957) Liepina, R. G. Soviet abstracting services and procedures. Wash- ington, National Science Foundation, 1958. 10 p. [mimeo] Mackay, A. L. Sources of Russian scientific information. ASLIB Proc. 6:101-10 (1954) O'Dette, R. E. Russian translation. Science 25:579-85 (29 March 1957) Panov, D. Yu. Institute of Scientific Information of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. J. Doc. 12:94-100 (1956) UNESCO. Scientific and technical translating and other aspects of the language problem. Paris, UNESCO, 1957. 282 p. $4.00 U. S. Library of Congress. Science Division. Scientific and tech- nical serial publications; Soviet Union, 1945-53. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1954. 118 p. 60 cents U. S. National Library of Medicine. Scientific translations: a preliminary guide to sources and services. (Public Health Service Publication No. 514) Washington, Government Printing Office, 1957. 12 p. 15 cents [2d ed. to appear in August 1958] Whitby, T. J. Account of a library visit to the USSR. May-June 1957. (A report submitted to the Graduate School of Library Service, Rutgers University.) Washington, 1957. 103 p. [Type- written MS] Zarechnak, Galina. The Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. (A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Catholic University of America.) Wash- ington, 1958. 126 p. 49 Chapter 6 RUSSIAN MEDICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY1 by Khristo Trenkov (Elin Pelin Bulgarian Bibliographic Institute) Translated by Stanley Jablonski Edited by Scott Adams The efficient use of the enormously expanded Soviet medical literature depends on the development of Soviet medical bibliog- raphy. Starting with 1877, medical literature can be located chiefly through Meditsinskoe obozrenie (1874-1918) published by the Society of Physicians in Moscow in pre-revolutionary Russia. During the two decades following the October Revolution, Soviet medical literature was listed in the review Nauchnaia literatura SSSR. Sistematicheskii ukazatel' knig i zhurnal'nykh statei [Sci- entific literature of USSR. Systematic index of books and articles published in journals]. Duringthe post-revolutionary era the pub- lication of an experimental index was initiated, Meditsinskaia literatura SSSR. Ukazatel' knig i statei zhurnalov i sbornikov [Medical literature of USSR. Index of books and articles published in journals and collective works]. Volumes were published for 1931 to 1933, 1935, and 1936. Following the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of USSR in 1936, the task of maintaining these annual indexes was entrusted to the special office, Meditsinskoe bibliograficheskoe biuro [Office of Medical Bibliography] of Vsesoiuznyi Institut Eksperimental'noi Meditsiny [Ail-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine] in Leningrad. Publication of the abstract journal Tsentral'nyi referativnyi me- ditsinskii zhurnal [Central medical abstract journal] was initiated in 1936 as a replacement for Tsentral'nyi meditsinskii zhurnal [Central medical journal] published in Leningrad (1928-36). lAn abridged translation of pages 17-49 of Meditsinskata biblio- grafiia; v pomoshch na nauchnite rabotnitsi [Medical bibliog- raphy; an aid for scientific workers], Sofia, Durzhavno Izdatelstvo Nauka i Izkustvo, 1956. 51 52 TRENKOV After World War II medical bibliography started a new and a greater phase of development. In the field of bibliographical in- dexes as well as in the field of reference tools and recommended bibliographies an ever-increasing number of publications insure the maximum utilization of Soviet medical literature. Their ap- pearance is associated with the appearance in the literature of names of medical bibliographers: A. E. Molotkov; M. P. Multa- novskii; B. A. Ivanov; A. M. Gasparian; D. M. Rosiiskii; S. M. Gitman; E. A. Tiutriumova. GENERAL MEDICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES The nerve center of Soviet medical bibliography is at present the Tsentral'naia nauchnaia meditsinskaia biblioteka [State Cen- tral Scientific Medical Library] of the Ministry of Public Health of USSR. The library was organized after the October Revolution and today it contains 1,000,000 volumes, thus being the largest medical library in the Soviet Union and one of the largest in the world.2 This library published over 100 bibliographic works dur- ing 1917-52; 61 of these works were published during the post- war period 1946-52. The staff of the Central Library is engaged at the present time in the cumulation of a complete bibliographic index of Soviet medical literature. A systematic list of medical literature pub- lished during the war was printed under the title: Ivanov, B. A., and List, E. V. Sovetskaia literatura po medit- sine. Ukazatel' knig i statei, 1941-44. [Soviet medical lit- erature; index of books and articles published during 1941- 44] Moscow, Akad. Med. Nauk, 1948. xxx, 1004 p. This extensive work contains a subject index of 29,000 titles. A new index of medical literature covering the period 1945-46 was prepared by B. A. Ivanov and published late in 1954. The 1947-48 and 1949-50 indexes are now in press. Since 1946 the Central Library has been publishing two 50-60 page bulletins to provide current information on the newest devel- opments in the field of medicine. The first publication is a monthly, Novaia meditsinskaia literatura SSSR [New medical literature of USSR]. This bulletin contains information about medical books 2For further information about the library see: Kolosov, P. I. Tsentral'naia nauchnaia meditsinskaia biblioteka. (Ktridtsatpia- tiletiiu so dnia organizatsii) [Central Scientific Medical Library; 3 5th anniversary of its organization]. In: Sovetskaia bibliografiia; Sbornik statei i materialov. 2(35) 1953, p. 57-64. RUSSIAN MEDICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 53 and articles in Russian and other languages. The material is arranged in a systematic order according to specialties. The second publication is the bulletin Meditsina za rubezhom. Referaty iz inostrannykh zhurnalov [Medicine in foreign countries. Foreign periodical references] published six timesper year. This contains information on works in the field of medicine of major interest to Soviet medical scientists and practitioners. Both publications are printed in a small number of copies—the first publication in 500 copies and the second in 350 copies—and they are distributed chiefly to medical schools and to scientific research institutes. Since 1947 the State Central Medical Library has operated a special section which prepares references and translations and supplies bibliographic information to various institutions and sci- entific workers. The library informs its users through the bul- letin Spiski referatov novoi zarubezhnoi literatury [Current list of references of foreign literaturej. This bulletin is published six times per year in 350 copies. The library also publishes a separate publication, Informatsionnyi biulleten' Bibliografiches- kogootdela Referativnogo biuro pri GTsNMB vypolnennykhbiblio- graficheskikh spravkakh [Information bulletin of the Bibliographic Section of the Reference Department of the State Central Scientific Medical Library on completed bibliographic reference work]. This bulletin is published two or three times per year in about 350 copies. The staff of the Central Library is also engaged in the cumu- lation of a general retrospective bibliography. Its files contain selected entries on articles and on other material published be- fore the Revolution in journals and collective works. The file containing 75,000 entries is divided into subject and author indexes. A bibliography of medical articles published in nonmedical lit- erature during the period of 1800-1917 is also being prepared. The library maintains several current reference files. Fol- lowing the joint session of the Academy of Sciences of USSR and the Academy of Medical Sciences of USSR on the theory of I. P. Pavlov on the higher nervous activity, the library was asked to establish an index on works of I. P. Pavlov and on his theory and on its application in theoretical and clinical medical literature published during the period of 1874-1952. The file contained 18,000 entries in 1952. The library maintains other special files also. One of these files (started in 1946) contains annotated references on current literature pertaining to the organization of public health in the USSR, in people's democracies, and in capitalistic countries. Another file, Pioneers of Russian medicine, contained 35,000 slips late in 1952. This file lists information on articles, notes, 54 TRENKOV obituaries and other data about physicians and medical workers published in medical literature from its beginning to the present time. The Central Library is also engaged in publication of recom- mended bibliographies to aid scientific workers. The library issues a sufficient number of recommended bibliographies cover- ing various subjects both for practicing physicians and for sub- professional medical personnel. Active bibliographic functions are conducted also in large Soviet medical libraries other than the Central Scientific Medical Library. The most active are the Republican Scientific Medical Library in Kiev and the Kharkov Scientific Medical Library (or- ganized in 1861).3 The Kharkov library issues, among other bibliographies, a list in 500 copies of bibliographic references and indexes under the title Bibliograficheskie spravki i ukazateli, vypolnennye KhGNMB v... godu [Bibliographic references and indexes prepared at the Kharkov State Scientific Medical Library during the year...]. The Library of the Ministry of Public Health of the Georgian Republic and the Tiflis State Medical Institute prepared an extensive index containing about 7,200 titles of sci- entific medical literature published in Georgia.4 Numerous other bibliographies are published by individual medical institutes in the Soviet Union. Soviet medical workers follow with special interest foreign medical literature. One of the publications covering foreign medical literature has been mentioned already, Meditsina za rubezhom [Medicine in foreign countries], issued by the State Central Medical Library. Additional information on foreign lit- erature is obtainable through publications of the Vsesoiuznaia gosudarstvennaia biblioteka inostrannoi literatury [All-Union State Library of Foreign Literature]. One of these publications is alist of recent acquisitions of large Soviet libraries, Svodnyi biulleten' novykh inostrannykh knig, postupivshikh v krupneishie biblioteki SSSR. Seriia A. Estest- vennye nauki, meditsina, sel'skoe khoziaistvo, tekhnika [Union bulletin of recent acquisitions of foreign books in large libraries of USSR. Series A. Natural sciences, medicine, agriculture, ^During the period of 1950-53 these two libraries published 77 bibliographic indexes. (Burbas, A. Meditsinskie biblioteki Ukrainskoi SSR TMedical libraries in the Ukrainian Soviet Social- ist Republic]. Bibliotekar1 No. 11, 1954. 30 p.) 4Vachnadze, E. A., and Dzhaparidze-Iosida, P. V. Meditsina, 1921-47. Bibliogr. spravochnik [Medicine, 1921-47; bibliographic survey]. Tiflis, Gruzmedgiz, 1951. 494 p. RUSSIAN MEDICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 55 technology]. This bibliography includes annually about 20,000 titles (5,000 on medicine) and it has been published bimonthly since 1949. Foreign scientific journals covering various fields, including medicine, received currently in 29 of the largest libraries of the USSR are listed in the following publication: Svodnyi katalog inostrannykh nauchnykh zhurnalov, postupiv- shikh v krupneishie biblioteki SSSR. Estestvennye nauki, meditsina, sel'skoe khoziaistvo, tekhnika [Union catalog of foreign scientific journals received in largest libraries of USSR. Natural sciences, medicine, agriculture, technology]. 1952. Izd-vo inostr. literatury. 1955. 300 p. Another publication of the library should be mentioned also, since it contains articles on certain areas of interest to medical scientists: Biofizika, biokhimiia, fiziologiia, mikrobiologiia. Sistematicheskii ukazatel' statei v inostrannykh zhurnalakh [Bio- physics, biochemistry, physiology, microbiology. Systematic index of articles published in foreign journals]. This bulletin has been published since 1948, usually ten times per year in the form of a booklet. Material on endocrinology, immunology, cancer and other malignant neoplasms is also included in the bulletin. The bibliography covers exhaustively the contents of 200 foreign publications. Selected foreign books on natural sciences, including medicine, are listed and analyzed in Novye knigi za rubezhom. Ezhemesiach- nyi kritiko-bibliografichiskii biulleten' [New books published in foreign countries. Monthly critico-bibliographic bulletin] pub- lished by Izdatel'stvo inostrannoi literatury [Publishing House of Foreign Literature] in Moscow. Dissertations presented to the medical institutes and faculties are listed in special bibliographic indexes: The medical depart- ment of the Moscow University is represented by two bibliographies prepared by V. N. Ternovskii in 1930 and 1949. The more recent publication is: Ternovskii, V. N. Bibliografiia dissertatsii Meditsinskogo fakul'teta Moskovskogo universiteta [Bibliography of dis- sertations of the medical department of the Moscow Uni- versity]. Moscow Akad. Med. Nauk, 1949. 64 p. About 1,500 dissertations presented at Ukrainian medical schools and scientific research institutes are listed in the follow- ing index: 56 TRENKOV Gasparian, A. M. Dissertatsii, zashchishchennye v medi- tsinskikh vuzakh i nauchno-issledovatel'skikh institutakh Minister stva zdravookhraneniia USSR. (1935-48 gg.) Bibliogr. ukazatel' [Dissertations presented in medical schools and in scientific research institutes of the Ministry of Public Health of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, 1935-48; bibliographic survey]. Kiev, Gosmedizdat USSR, 1952. 128 p. There are some indexes of dissertations presented in individ- ual institutes: Zamkova, A. N. Dissertatsii zashchishchennye v Tsentral'nom institute usovershenstvovaniia vrachei. (Anotir. ukazatel'). 1935-46 gg. [Dissertations presented at the Central Insti- tute of Postgraduate Medical Education; annotated index of dissertations published in 1935-46]. Moscow, 1948. 100 p. Batunin, M. P. Doktorskie i kandidatskie dissertatsii, zashchi- shchennye v Gor'kovskom gosudsarstvennom meditsin- skom institute im. S. M. Kirova s 1935 po 1949 g. [Doctor and candidate dissertations presented at the S. M. Kirov Gorki State Medical Institute during 1935-49]. Gorki, 1949. 16 p. Muganlinskii, R. Bibliografiia dissertatsii Azerbaidzhanskogo meditsinskogo instituta za 25 let [Bibliography of disserta- tions of theAzerbaidzhan Medical Institute presented during 25 years]. Izvestiia Akad. Nauk Azerb. SSR, 1945. kn. 12. p. 84-109. Reviews of current doctor and candidate dissertations are printed in full in the bibliographic bulletin Knizhnaia letopis', published weekly by the All-Union Publishing House in Moscow. Certain scientific institutes publish reports on all their works; for example: Ivanov, A. S. Nauchnaia rabota Astrakhanskogo gosudarstven- nogo meditsinskogo instituta im. A. V. Lunacharskogo za 35 let (1918-1953). (Bibliogr. ukazatel') [Scientific work of the A. V. Lunacharskii Astrakhan State Medical Institute pub- lished during 35 years, 1918-53; bibliographic survey]. Astrakhan, 1953. 118 p. The following index, containing over 1,500 titles, appeared as a supplement to Trudy Astrakhanskogo meditsinskogo instituta, Vol. 11: RUSSIAN MEDICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 57 Karynbaev, S. R., and Koriakin, I. S. Bibliografiia nauchnykh rabot Kazakhskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta im. V. M. Molotova za 20 let (1932-1952 gg.) [Bibliography of scientific works of the V. M. Molotov Kazak State Medi- cal Institute published during 20 years, 1932-52]. Alma- Ata, 1954. 102 p. The bibliography contains 1,642 references. Soviet abstract publication is on an especially high level. In 1941, because of wartime activities, the Tsentral'nyi referativnyi meditsinskii zhurnal [Central medical abstract journal] was re- placed by a new reference publication of the State Medical Pub- lishing House (Medgiz), Sovetskoe meditsinskoe referativnoe obozrenie [Soviet medical abstract review]. Under this common title, Medgiz published 15 individual serials under separate head- ings since 1948 and 1949.5 This publication includes, selectively, abstracts of Soviet med- ical periodicals, articles, and books. Each serial is published annually in two, three, or four numbers averaging 100-120 pages. Annotations are signed. Each annotation contains about 20-25 lines of print. As an additional service to facilitate the usage of Sovetskoe meditsinskoe referativnoe obozrenie, Medgiz separately publishes subject and author indexes. Six indexes have been pub- lished to date; the first index, covering the period of 1948-49, was published in 1950 and the last index, covering 1954, was published in 1955. Sovetskoe meditsinskoe referativnoe obozrenie is an irreplace- able tool in systematic investigation of the newest achievements of Soviet medical science. 6 SUBJECT BIBLIOGRAPHY [The references noted below have been selected, rearranged and condensed from the author's discursive treatment of special subject bibliography. The section is not intended either by the author or the editor to be complete, or even comprehensive, but is here offered as an introductory outline to Russian medical bibliography. 5For a listing of these 15 sections, see Chapter 2. [Ed.] &As of January 1957, this publication was replaced by the Medit- sinskii referativnyi zhurnal [Medical abstract journal] published in four sections, each issued quarterly. See Chapter 2 for a list. [Ed.] 58 TRENKOV Under each heading the author cites an appropriate section of the Sovetskoe meditsinskoe referativnoe obozrenie (see Chapter 2). For reasons of space, this standard reference has not been in- cluded in the translation. Both it and its successor, the Medit- sinskii referativnyi zhurnal are indispensable for the subject approach to Russian medical literature. Bibliographic appendices to the textbook literature cited by the author have been omitted, since it is assumed that the diligent reader will review this in his search. An asterisk preceding an entry indicates that the work is in the collection of the National Library of Medicine. - Editor] ANATOMY - NEUROANATOMY ♦Shur'ian, O. S., Piskorskaia, N. Y., Stoliarova, T. N. Ote- chestvennaia literatura p o voprosam morfologii nervnoi sistemy [Russian literature on the problems of morphology of the nervous system]. Kiev, Akad. Nauk USSR, 1955. 201 p. Signal'nye sistemy mozgovoi kory; spisok literatury [Signaling systems of the cerebral cortex; list of the literature]. Kiev, 1953. 7 p. BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY ♦Referativnyi zhurnal: Biologicheskaia khimiia [Abstract jour- nal: Biological chemistry]. Moscow, Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1955 + Semi-monthly abstract journal issued by the Institute of Scientific Information, Academy of Sciences. BIOLOGY ♦Referativnyi zhurnal: Biologiia [Abstract journal: Biology]. Moscow, Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1954 + Semi-monthly abstract journal issued by the Institute of Scientific Information, Academy of Sciences. Includes experimental and medical biology. ♦Uspekhi sovremennoi biologii [Advances in modern biology]. Moscow, Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1932 + This monthly review journal has a recurring section "Biologicheskaia literatura SSSR" [Biological literature of the USSR]. Simonovskaia, V. G. Ukazatel' soderzhaniia I-XX tomov zhurnala Uspekhi sov- remennoi biologii 1932-45 [Index to Vol. 1-20 of the journal Advances in modern biology]. Moscow, Akad. Nauk SSSR 1946. 47 p. RUSSIAN MEDICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 59 CANCER ♦Sovremennye problemy onkologii [Current problems of oncol- ogy]. Moscow, Izd. Innostr. Lit. Irregular. Reviews predominantly of Western literature. ♦Fediushin, M. P. Nekotorye materialy k istorii russkoi onkologii [Certain data on the history of Russian oncology]. Trudy Akad. Med. Nauk SSSR, v. 26; Voprosy onkologii, 1953, no. 6, p. 285-87. ♦Ivanov, B. A. Onkologiia; bibliografiia russkoi literatury za 1890-1937 gg. [Oncology. Bibliography of Russian literature, 1890-1937]. Tsentr. Referat. Med. Zhurnal, Supp. 1939, Ser. A, v. 22, no. 1-4. Onkologicheskaia pomoshch' i profilaktika raka. Bibliografi- cheskii ukazatel' literatury, 1948-52 gg. [Oncological aid and the prevention of cancer; Bibliographic index, 1948-52]. Kharkov, Knizh. Palata USSR, 1953. 37 p. Rak. Kratkaia bibliographiia otechestvennoi literatury za 1950-53 gg. [Cancer; Short bibliography of Russian litera- ture, 1950-53]. Riga, 1953. 37 p. DENTISTRY Bernadskii, Iu. I. Sovetskaia stomatologicheskaia literatura [Soviet stomato- logical literature], v. 1, 1917-45. Moscow, Medgiz, 1951. 692 p. DERMATOLOGY - VENEREOLOGY ♦Gitman, S. M. Bibliograficheskii ukazatel' russkoi dermatologii i venere- ologii za 1900-31 gg. [Bibliographic index of Russian der- matology and venereology, 1900-31]. v. 1, Moscow, Gos. Izd. Biol. & Med. Lit., 1935. 538 p. * v. 2, 1932-38. Moscow, Medgiz, 1951. 460 p. Gasparian, A. M. Bibliograficheskii ukazatel' otechestvennoi literatury po gonoree za 40 let, 1900-39. [Bibliographic index of Russian literature on gonorrhea for the 40 years, 1900-39]. Kharkov, Kharkov Med. Inst., 1941. 143 p. 60 TRENKOV CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM ♦Voprosy patologii serdechno-sosudistoi sistemy [Problems of pathology of the cardiovascular system]. Moscow, Izd. In- nostr. Lit., 1952 + Reviews predominantly of Western literature. Nazarova, M. A. Zabolevaniia serdechno-sosudistoi sistemy; Bibliografiia otechestvennoi literatury za 1917-49 gg. [Diseases of the cardiovascular system; Bibliography of Russian literature, 1917-49]. Moscow, Medgiz, 1953. 519 p. ENDOCRINOLOGY Rossiiskii, D. M. Sistematicheskii ukazatel' russkoi literatury po endokri- nologii i organoterapii s 1860 g. do 1926 g. [Systematic index of Russian literature on endocrinology .and organo- therapy, 1860-1926]. Moscow, Gos. Izd., 1926. 93 p. Lechebnoe primenenie gormonal'nykh preparatov i ikh sinteti- cheskikh analogov. Kratkii bibliograficheskii ukazatel'. [Therapeutic application of hormonal preparations and their synthetic analogues; Short bibliographic index]. Kharkov, Knizhnaia Palata USSR, 1952. 24 p. HEMATOLOGY Perelivanie krovi. Bibliograficheskii ukazatel' otechestvennoi literatury... za 1939-50 gg. [Blood transfusion; Biblio- graphical index of national literature. . . 1939-50]. Kiev, Gosmedizdat USSR, 1952. 112 p. ♦Iurovskaia, I. I. Perelivanie krovi. Bibliografiia russkoi i inostrannoi lit- eratury za 1934 do 1938 gg. [Blood transfusion. Bibliography of Russian and foreign literature, 1934-38]. Moscow, 1940. 124 p. Kenig, E. Mezhdunarodnaia bibliografiia po voprosam perelivaniia krovi i ucheniiu o krovianykh gruppakh; 1900-33 [Interna- tional bibliography on problems of blood transfusion and blood groups; 1900-33]. Vol.1. Leningrad, 1935. 225 p. Galagan, A. D. Vnutriarterial'noe perelivanie krovi (1871-1953). Biblio- graficheskii ukazatel'. [Intra-arterial blood transfusion, 1871-1953. Bibliographic index]. Kharkov, 1955. 48 p. RUSSIAN MEDICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 61 HISTORY OF MEDICINE ♦Rossiiskii, D. M. Bibliograficheskii ukazatel' russkoi literatury po istorii meditsiny s 1789 g. do 1928 g. [Bibliographic index of Rus- sian literature on the history of medicine, 1789-1928]. Moscow, Narkomzdrav, 1928. 55 p. ♦Grombakh, S. M. Russkaia meditsinskaia literatura XVIII v. [Russian medi- cal literature of the 18th century]. Moscow, Akad. Med. Nauk SSSR, 1953. 282 p. INTERNAL MEDICINE Kovtunenko, E. F. and Liber man, D. L. Iazvennia bolezn'. Bibliograficheskii ukazatel' literatury [Peptic ulcer; Bibliographic index of the literature]. Kharkov, Knizhania Palata USSR, 1952. 84 p. ♦Liberman, D. L. Revmatizm; Bibliografiia otechestvennoi literatury 1935-53 gg. [Rheumatism; Bibliography of Russian literature, 1935- 53]. Kharkov, 1954. 239 p. LEGAL MEDICINE Bokarius, V. N. Sudebnaia meditsina, sudebnaia psikhiatriia, kriminalistika, sudebnaia khimiia. Bibliografiia za 1951 g. [Forensic medicine, forensic psychiatry, criminology, and forensic chemistry. Bibliography for 1951]. Leningrad, 1952. lip. Bibliograficheskii ukazatel' po sudebnoi meditsine i pogranich- nym oblastiam [Bibliographic index on forensic medicine and peripheral fields]. Minsk, 1936. 124, 22 p. MICROBIOLOGY ♦Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii [Journal of microbiology, epidemiology and immunobiology]. Moscow, Medgiz, 1932 + Includes a current index to the literature of microbiology by B. A. Ivanov. Bibliografiia i referaty rabot za poslevoennie gody, 1946-51 [Bibliography and abstracts of work in the post-war years 1946-51]. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1952. 108 p. 62 TRENKOV MILITARY MEDICINE Bibliografiia po voennoi meditsine za gody Velikoi otechest- vennoi yoiny, 1941-45 gg. [Bibliography of military medi- cine for the years of World War II, 1941-45]. Published serially in issues of Voenno-meditsinskii zhurnal [Journal of military medicine] in 1946-47. ♦Ivanov, B. A. and Rokhlin, la. A. Voennaia meditsina. Ukazatel' literatury [Military medi- cine; Index of the literature]. Moscow, 1941. 36 p. Ekel'chik, L. R. and Kholodkovskaia, N. N. Bibliograficheskii ukazatel' russkoi literatury po voprosam voennoi meditsiny, 1910-1930 gg. Vyp. 1 [Bibliographic index of Russian literature on problems of military medi- cine, 1910-30. No. 1]. ♦Invanov, B. A. Voenno-polevaia khirurgiia; Bibliografiia russkoi literatury za 1914-38 gg. [Military field surgery; Bibliography of Russian literature 1914-38]. Moscow, Narkomzdrav, SSSR, 1939. 97 p. Drugov, Iu. V. Bibliografiia po voprosam sanitarno-khimicheskoi zashchity . .. 1915-35 gg. [Bibliography on the problems of sanitary- chemical defense. .. 1915-35]. Moscow, Medgiz, 1940. 264p. NEUROLOGY - PSYCHIATRY ♦Nevskii, V. A. O bibliograficheskikh trudov moskovskikh nevropatologov i psikhiatrov [Bibliographic works of Moscow neuropatholo- gists and psychiatrists]. ZhurnalNevropat. i Psikh. 55:540- 43 (1955). Nikolava, I. I. and Mestiashvili, M. G. Bibliograficheskii ukazatel' nauchnykh rabot po nevrozam pogranichnym sostaianiiam i psikhozam, vypolnennym gru- zinskimi avtorami [Bibliographic index of scientific works on neuroses, borderline conditions and psychoses published by Georgian authors]. Tiflis, 1946. 32 p. NURSING Liberman, D. L. Rabota meditsinskoi sestry. Kratkii bibliograficheskii ukazatel' literatury... za 1947-51 gg. [Work of the nurse; Short bibliographic index of the literature ... 1947-51]. Kharkov, Knizhnaia Palata USSR, 1951. 32 p. RUSSIAN MEDICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 63 OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY ♦Akusherstvo i ginekologiia [Obstetrics and gynecology]. Mos- cow, Medgiz, 19 p. This journal has a current bibliographic section: Otech- estvennaia literatura po akusherstvu i ginekologii [Rus- sian literature on obstetrics and gynecology]. ♦Mikhnov, S. D. Sistematicheskii ukazatel' russkoi akushersko-ginekologi- cheskoi literatury s ee vozniknoveniia do 1901 g. [System- atic index of Russian obstetrical and gynecological literature from its beginning to 1901]. Iurev, 1901. 574 p. Mazhbits, A. M. Bibliografiia nauchnykh trudov Tsentral'nogo instituta aku- sherstva i ginekologii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniia SSSR za 150 let, 1797-1947 [Bibliography of scientific works of the Central Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Ministry of Public Health, USSR for the 150 years, 1797-1947]. Leningrad, Tsentr. Inst. Akush. i Ginekol., 1947. 160 p. Chepurnaia, D. T. and Suetina, L. I. Obezbolevanie v rodakh; Bibliografiia otechestvennoi litera- tury [Anesthesia in labor; Bibliography of Russian litera- ture]. Kharkov, Knizhnaia Palata USSR, 1953. 132 p. OPHTHALMOLOGY Bibliografiia po peresadke rogovitsy; Otechestvenniia litera- tura, 1840-1950 [Bibliography of corneal transplantation; Russian literature, 1840-1950]. Uchen. Zapiski Ukr. Eksp. Inst. Glazn. Boleznei. 2:345-69 (1952). Shagov, M. A. and Shagova, E. M. Bibliografiia prof essional'nogo glaznogo travmatizma, 1893- 1954 gg. [Bibliography on occupational eye injuries, 1893- 1954]. Leningrad, 1954. 88 p. Liberman, D. L. and Pis'menaia, F. G. Novoe v lechenii glaznykh bolezni: Antibiotiki, vitaminy, gormony. Kratkii bibliograficheskii ukazatel', 1954-55 gg. [Advances in the therapy of eye diseases: Antibiotics, vitamins, hormones. Short bibliographic index, 1954-55]. Kharkov, 1955. 32 p. Shenberg, M. G. and Liberman, D. L. Glaukoma, 1949-53 gg. Kratkii bibliograficheskii ukazatel'. [Glaucoma, 1949-53. Short bibliographic index]. Kharkov, 1954. 41 p. 64 TRENKOV OTORHINO LARYNGOLOGY Mikhaloits, N. I. Bibliograficheskii ukazatel' sovetskoi zhurnal'noi otolarin- gologicheskoi literatury, 1924-38 [Bibliographic index of Soviet periodical otorhinolaryngological literature, 1924-38]. Ordzhonikidize, 1940. 200 p. PARASITOLOGY Aronova-Zlatopolskaia, F. S. Sovetskaia meditsinskaia gel'mintologiia; Bibliograficheskii ukazatel', 1940-49 gg. [Soviet medical helminthology; Bibli- ographic index, 1940-49]. Kiev, Gosmedizdat USSR, 1952. 48 p. PEDIATRICS ♦Vail, V. S. Bibliografiia otechestvennykh dissertatsii po pediatrii, detskim infektsiiam i organizatsii detskogo zdravookhra- neniia [Bibliography of Russian dissertations on pediatrics, childhood infections and the organization of child health]. Voprosy pediatrii, okhrany maternistva i detstva. 1952, no. 4, p. 60-63. Berkovich, I. M. Bibliografiia zhurnala Pediatriia; Predmetnyi ukazatel', 1922-52 [Bibliography of the journal Pediatriia; Subject index, 1922-52]. Moscow, Medgiz, 1955. 123 p. Lechebno-profilakticheskaia pomoshch' detiam; Bibliografi- cheskii ukazatel' literatury ... 1946-51 gg. [Therapeutic and prophylactic pediatric aid; Bibliographic index of the literature... 1946-51]. Kharkov, Knizhnaia Palata USSR, 1951. Pitanie detei rannogo vozrasta; Bibliograficheskii ukazatel' s annotatsiiami [Infant nutrition; Annotated bibliography]. Kharkov, 1952. 28 p. Iasli. Kratkii bibliograficheskii ukazatel'. [Nurseries; Short bibliographic index]. Kharkov, Knizhnaia Palata USSR, 1953. 31 p. ♦Vail, V. S. Fiziologicheskoe uchenie I. P. Pavlova v pediatrii [Physi- ological teaching of I. P. Pavlov in pediatrics]. Pediatriia. 1953, no. 2, p. 58-72. RUSSIAN MEDICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 65 PHARMACOLOGY Lazarev, N. V. Sovetskaia promyshlennaia toksikologiia; Bibliograficheskii ukazatel' [Soviet industrial toxicology; Bibliographic index]. Leningrad, 1939. 224 p. Fitontsidy; Kratkii spisok literatury v pomoshch' praktiches- komu vrachu [Phytoncides; Short list of the literature for the practicing physician]. Kiev, 1952. 15 p. PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY ♦Aptechnoe delo [Pharmacy]. Moscow, Medgiz, 1951 + This journal carries a current bibliographic section: Novaia literatura po aptechnomu delu [Newpharmaceuti- cal literature]. Elkin, I. I. and Eidel'shtein, S. I. Raboty otechestvennykh avtorov po antibiotikam, 1870-1950 gg.; Bibliografiia [Works of Russian authors on antibiotics, 1870-1950. A bibliography]. Moscow, 1953. 132 p. PHYSIOTHERAPY Shimanko, I. I. Bibliografiia po fizioterapii za 20 let, 1918-1937 gg. [Bibli- ography on physiotherapy for the 20 years 1918-1937]. Moscow, 1941. 228 p. Liberman, D. L. Vrachebnyi kontrol' nad fizicheskoi kul'turoi. Bibliografi- cheskii ukazatel' otechestvennoi literatury 1941-54 gg. [Medical control of physical culture; Bibliographic index of Russian literature 1941-54]. Kharkov, 1955. 2 vol. Galagan, A. D. and Alekseev, M. V. Kurorty, sanatorii i doma otdykha USSR. Chast' I. Bibli- ograficheskii ukazatel' literatury za 1933-53 gg. [Health resorts, sanatoria and rest homes in the Ukrainian SSR. Part I. Bibliographic index of the literature, 1933-53]. Kharkov, Knizhnaia Palata, USSR, 1954. 114 p. PHYSIOLOGY Raboty po fiziologii v izdaniiakh Akademii nauk, 1735-1934 [Works on physiology in the publications of the Academy of Sciences, 1735-1934]. Moscow, Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1935. 64 p. 66 TRENKOV PUBLIC HEALTH ♦Freidlin, S. la. Bibliografiia sovetskogo zdravookhraneniia za 10 let, 1938- 47 gg. [Bibliography of Soviet public health for the 10 years 1938-47]. Moscow, Medgiz, 1949. 140 p. ♦Alieva, A. V. Literatura o zdravookhranenii stran narodnoi demokratii [Literature on public health in the peoples' democracies], Sovet. Zdravookhranenie, 1954, no. 4. p. 57-60. Iakolev, I. N. Ukazatel' literatury za 1917-1947 gg. po voprosam sanitar- nogo prosveshcheniia [Index of the literature for 1917-1947 on problems of health education]. Moscow, Tsentr. Inst. San. Prosveshcheniia, 1949. 184 p. Rozanov, S. I. Sbornik anotatsii i perechen' rabot po obshchei i kommunal'- noi gigiene za 1936-1946 gg. [Collection of annotations and list of works on general and communal hygiene, 1936-46]. Moscow, Akad. Med. Nauk, 1949. 172 p. Chepurnaia, T. D. Gigiena truda, profilaktika travmatizma i organizatsiia travmatologicheskoi pomoshchi v sotsialisticheskom sel'- skom khoziastve. Kratkii bibliograficheskii ukazatel' lit- eratury 1948-54 gg. [Occupational hygiene, prevention of injuries and organization of traumatological aid in socialistic agriculture; Short bibliographic index of the literature, 1948-54]. Kharkov, 1955. 45 p. RADIOLOGY ♦Molotkov, A. E. Bibliografiia russkoi rentgenologii za 1896-1940 gg. [Bibli- ography of Russian roentgenology, 1896-1940]. Leningrad, 1941. 684 p. SURGERY Bibliografiia russkoi khirurgii i ee pogranichnykh oblastei za 1914-24 gg. [Bibliography of Russian surgery and related fields, 1914-24]. Moscow, Biomedgiz, 1927. 243 p. ♦Nesterenko, A. I. and Kamenskaia, M. I. Ukazatel' dissertatsii po khirurgii i smezhnym voprosam, zashchishchennykh v 1953-55 gg. [Index of dissertations on surgery and associated problems presented during 1953-55]. Vestnik Khirurgii im. Grekova, 1956, no. 1, p. 149-50. RUSSIAN MEDICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 67 SURGERY (cont.) Skorodinskaia, V. V., Puchkovskaia, N. A. and Ershakovich, E. G. Tkanevaia terapiia; Bibliografiia otechestvennoi literatury [Tissue therapy; Bibliography of Russian litera- ture]. Kiev, Gosmedizdat USSR, 1955. 88 p. ♦Likhachev, A. G. Tkanevaia terapiia; Bibliografiia otechestvennoi literatury [Tissue therapy; Bibliography of Russian literature]. Mos- cow, Medgiz, 1953. 71 p. ♦Bibliografiia sovetskoi travmatologii [Bibliography of Soviet traumatology], Leningrad, Medgiz, 1933-43. Annual. Nauchnye raboty vyshedshie iz Instituta neirokhirurgii im. Akad. N. N. Burdenko ... za 25 let, 1929-53 gg. [Scientific works of the N. N. Burdenko institute of neurosurgery ... for the 25 years, 1929-53]. Moscow, Medgiz, 1954. 285 p. Inorodnye tela; Bibliografiia otechestvennoi literatury [Foreign bodies; Bibliography of Russian literature]. Kharkov, 1951. 32 p. Chepurnaia, T. D. and Liberman, D. L. Peresadka tkanei; Bibliograficheskii ukazatel' literatury [Tissue transplantation; Bibliographic index of the litera- ture]. Kharkov, Knizhnaia Palata USSR, 1953. 48 p. TUBERCULOSIS Moskovskii nauchno-issledovatel'skii tuberkuleznyi institut im. Shvaitsara; Nauchnye raboty ... za 30 let, 1918-48 [The Shvaitsar Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Tuber- culosis; Scientific works... of the 30 years, 1918-48]. Mos- cow, 1948. 47 p. UROLOGY Gasparian, A. M. Bibliograficheskii ukazatel' russkoi literatury po urologii za 10 let, 1930-39 [Bibliographic index of Russian urological literature for the 10 years, 1930-39]. Kharkov, 1940. 92 p. Gasparian, A. M. Bibliograficheskii ukazatel' russkoi literatury po urologii za 30 let, s 1900 po 1929 g. [Bibliographic index of Russian urological literature for the 30 years, 1900-29]. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1931. 92 p. Chapter 7 MEDICAL LIBRARIES IN THE USSR1 by L. la. Basias (State Central Scientific Medical Library, Moscow) Translated and Abridged by Scott Adams .. .With the establishment of the Soviet state, the situation of Russian medical libraries changed radically. The importance V. I. Lenin attached to libraries is a matter of general knowledge. "In order to participate rationally, intelligently, successfully in the revolution, it is necessary to study," he wrote in the first days of the October Revolution in November 1917 in an article "On the Goals of the Public Library in Petrograd." The doors of the university libraries were opened wide to all physicians, and in May 1919 the State Central Scientific Medical Library (GTsNMB) was organized—the first public medical library in the country. By law, the library became the center of scientific medical infor- mation and of medical bibliography. It was charged with "work on scientific medical bibliography, the development of bibliographic methodology, the development and extension of subject indexing, the publication of bibliographic works and guides in all branches of medicine, the study of problems of the history of Russian medi- cal publication, etc.; the guidance of the scientific bibliographical work of the Institutes of the Ministry of Health and of the scientific establishments under local health agencies (on special problems), and in specific cases the scientific and scientific educational institutions under other departments; the establishment of bibli- ographic summaries for the scientific press, scientific institutions, and individual scientific workers; the organization and provision of information to scientific medical groups abroad concerning From Sorok let sovetskogo zdravookhraneniia. [Forty years of Soviet public health.] Moscow, Medgiz. 1957. pp. 505-11. 69 70 BASIAS medical literature of the USSR; the training of scientific cadres in the medical library field (librarians, bibliographers, editors, and publishers) by means of specialized seminars, courses, fel- lowships, etc.; participation in the work of scientific medical and bibliographic meetings, societies, and organizations through papers and reports, as well as publicity in the general medical press favoring the systematic development and strengthening of the concept of scientific medical bibliography." By 1934 there were 345 medical libraries with total collec- tions of 4,110,000 printed units.2 -In 1930, medical education was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Narkomzdrav, and this served to stimulate the development of communication among the medical libraries. The decree of the Narkomzdrav SSSR of May 29, 1939, indicating that "to the medical libraries belongs the ex- clusive role of familiarizing medical workers with the periodical and monographic medical literature"promoted the planned devel- opment of Republic, Oblast, and other libraries headed by the State Central Scientific Medical Library as their organizational, methodological, and bibliographic center. The first All-Union conference of medical library workers in 1940, in summarizing the variety of accumulated experience, stressed the necessity of coordination of library work with the goals of public health and medical science. This organic linkage of the medical libraries in the USSR with public health and .medical science sets them apart from analogous libraries of the capitalist countries. At the present time the Soviet Union possesses the largest system of medical libraries in the world. In the USA, together with Canada, there were 374 medical libraries in 1950, with total collections of 7,453,000 printed units.3 The 402 largest medical libraries associated with the Ministry of Health of the USSR have collections totalling nearly 20,000,000 printed units. In addition to these the libraries of the universities, of the Academy of Sci- ences, and of the Union Republics, of the Military Medical Acad- emy, of the V. I. Lenin, the M. E. Saltykov-Shchredrin libraries, 2"Pechatnaia edinitsa" (printed unit). The common Russian unit in library statistics. It consists of any independently prepared printed work, book, pamphlet, or serial issue, which bears a unique printing order number. [Ed.] 3Dr. Basias has based her statistics on the Directory of medical libraries belonging to the Medical Library Association. Balti- more, 1950. In addition to the fact that Dr. Basias compares American volume counts (12 issues of the American journal of medical sciences equals one volume) with printed units (6 issues of Biofizika equals 6 units), this directory excludes non-members and is now (1958) eight years old. [Ed.] RUSSIAN MEDICAL LIBRARIES 71 and a number of other public libraries, possess important col- lections of medical literature. There are large libraries in the many thousands of the medi- cal and prophylactic establishments. The number of readers in medical libraries, their attendance, and the number of books cir- culated is enormous. In 1955—in 15 republic and 57 oblast libraries, in 88 libraries of medical (educational) institutes and 241 libraries of scientific research institutes, the records show that 360,000 readers borrowed more than 12 million books. The best organization of library service is to be found in the Ukraine, where there are medical libraries in all the oblasts and in the larger districts (rayons). In the Uzbek SSR on January 1, 1957 there were 36 medical libraries with total collections of 974,500 printed units. In the Tadzhik SSR the medical libraries have collections of 274,300 printed units. The Republic Scientific Medical Library at Stalinabad supervises a system of medical libraries with collections exceeding 90,000 printed units. The State Central Scientific Medical Library counted 18,405 readers, 170,000 visitors, and 651,000 books charged out. Seventy thousand books were circulated by loan, of which 14,000 were sent at the request of libraries of scientific and medical agencies in various cities of the USSR. However, in Siberia, in the Kazakh SSR and in a number of other areas where new towns and settlements are springing up and developing at an incredible speed, medical workers are not yet provided with regular library and bibliographic services. The establishment of a system of medical libraries of various types in these areas is an urgent goal for the years immediately ahead. An acquisitions officer in the State Central Scientific Medical Library has resumed book acquisitions assistance to the new libraries through redistribution of the unutilized collections of the fully-stocked libraries of the European part of the USSR. One of the basic units of any library is its catalog. It is gen- erally known that the subject catalog offers indispensable assist- ance in the selection of literature in medical libraries. Its organi- zation requires highly qualified workers, and a scientific ally - based system of subject headings. The system developed in the State Central Scientific Medical Library in 1934 has become con- siderably out of date today, and has now been radically revised in line with the latest achievements of medical science and tech- nology. A new list of subject headings was published in 1957. It permits the establishment of uniform subject catalogs in all the medical libraries of the country. This will also be furthered by centrally prepared catalog cards for medical literature issued by the All-Union Book Chamber, with which are supplied, starting 72 BASIAS October 1, 1955, the subject headings of the State Central Medi- cal Library. The 20th Congress of the Communist Party adopted a resolu- tion raising the scientific work of the higher educational institu- tions. It is not possible to fulfill this without good information services to the scientific groups. Demands on the library have been increased on the part of medical institutes and groups of scientific students. The large number of new disciplines, of new research methods, of new apparatus and the like call for inde- pendent work on the part of the students with the scientific lit- erature. By the decree of the Ministry of Health USSR July 31, 1956, an elective course of medical bibliography has been intro- duced into the medical (training) institutes. The importance of medical libraries as organs of scientific information is steadily growing. The numerous questions asked of medical libraries reflect the new goals established for sci- entists as aconsequence of new scientific discoveries. Acclimati- zation of the population in the eastern and northern districts, new labor environment brought about by rapid technical progress, new methods of diagnostics and therapy, etc., have created a large number of problems for practicing physicians. Medical bibliographic literature increased significantly in the years of Soviet power. In the 125 years (1792-1916) there were published in Russia 660 medical bibliographies; in the 10 postwar years alone (1946-1955), according to the figures of the All-Union Book Chamber, there were published 4,434. However, the dispersion of this work and the absence of plan- ning and coordination lead to the conclusion that scientific infor- mation in the fields of medicine is still far from matching the ever growing needs. The current pace of development of the medical sciences, the growth of specialization and interdepend- ence, and particularly the new relationships between medicine and other sciences—biology, biophysics, electronics, etc.—create an ever greater number of problems requiring study from multiple approaches. All this produces demands of many varieties on scientific in- formation which daily become harder to satisfy. It is not by chance that national and international conferences and congresses of scientists in various disciplines devote themselves to the search for and study of new forms and methods for the organization of scientific information and ways for its dissemination. In the absence of immediate and continuous contact of bibli- ography with scientists, it is difficult to select from the huge spate of literature those particular items necessary for one's work. The bibliographer must understand the tasks facing the RUSSIAN MEDICAL LIBRARIES 73 scientist, the complex of problems in which he is interested, and his methodology. V. V. Stasov, for many years a worker in the Public Library of St. Petersburg (now the Saltykov-Shchedrin State Public Library), pointed out that a properly informed li- brarian is the first helpmate for any researcher or serious in- vestigator; he can be of more benefit to the researcher than the best handbook. In order to dispense such detailed and specific information, special cells should be established within the scien- tific research institutes. There are already a number of actual examples in the following institutes: The Institute of Sanitary Education, of Legal Medicine, of Obstetrics and Gynecology, etc. These achievements are closely tied into the development of the scientific information work of medical libraries. Working with the tremendous flood of medical literature, medi- cal libraries amass highly valuable informational material. The importance of libraries today is based not so much upon the quan- tity of volumes which they own, as upon their ability to make optimum use of the materials they possess in servicing medical science and practice. The quantity of materials increases from year to year, and it is more and more difficult to control it. The headlong rate of scientific progress requires rapidity of informa- tion concerning the latest developments of science, and leads to the rapid obsolescence of a significant part of the published lit- erature. It is generally agreed that a considerable part of the literature is inferior in its scientific respects. All the more urgent are the demands on bibliography for the selection of the truly worthwhile literature, for eliminating the "trash" from catalogs and bibliographic guides, in conformity with their designated purpose and the scientific needs of readers in the medical library. The problem of selection is one of the most pointed problems of contemporary scientific libraries. As early as 1944 the Sec- ond All-Union Conference of Medical Library Workers proposed as its most important task information advisory service to sci- entists and practicing physicians; and the Fourth All-Union Con- ference in February 1957 marked a rather wide expansion of most variegated forms and methods of this activity. Libraries develop and publish subject and selective bibliographies, information bul- letins, comprehensive indexes of Soviet medical literature, bibli- ographies of the work published in the individual Republics, in scientific-research and medical institutes, personal bibliogra- phies, calendars of important dates; they organize occasional and historical exhibits of the literature, and the like. As an example, one may cite the work of the Kharkov State Scientific Medical Library. Its collection totals 504,000 printed 74 BASIAS units. In 1956 it served 6,720 persons, and issued to them 322,000 printed units, of which 67,000 were loaned. Its collections are made available to readers through 18 catalogs and card indexes. Its subject catalog contains more than 552,000 cards. Verbal reference service was given in 1956 to 12,115 persons; by cor- respondence 263 highly specialized questions were answered. Questions on the literature were forwarded from Voroshilovsk, Noril'sk, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Komsomol*sk-on-the-Amur, etc. In 1956 the library compiled seven subject bibliographies, and published them by letterpress in printings of 1,000 copies. In addition to this, two bibliographies compiled in 1955 were pub- lished by letterpress in editions of 1,000 copies: Pneumoconiosis and Recent Advances in the Treatment of Eye Diseases. They distributed these bibliographies without charge to 784 agencies in the USSR and 53 addresses in the Peoples Democracies. A bul- letin Bibliographical Guide and Index to the Contributions of the Kharkov State Scientific-Medical Library, 1955 was printed in a mimeographed edition of 1,500 copies, and distributed to all Republic and Oblast medical libraries. Ten reviews of the for- eign literature (covering 260 references) were completed for the library's readers; the library sent out 4,725 news letters report- ing its receipts of new medical literature; 12 "subject" exhibits were prepared, including two traveling ones. Material for lec- tures, reports, etc., was selected for medical workers in the dis- trict on 349 subjects, and 152 reference lists were compiled. Of notable interest was an experiment with sending a bookmobile with literature and a traveling exhibit to conferences of physicians in the district. There were five such visits. The library found that they stimulated a wider circulation of medical literature. Many examples of success in scientific-medical library work may be cited along the lines of reference service to medical workers in the Republics and Oblasts. While the Republic and Oblast scientific-medical libraries are developing successfully selective bibliographic service for prac- ticing physicians, the State Central Scientific Medical Library has established the goal of planning the creation of annual indexes of Soviet medical literature, of subject bibliographies, which include with the fullest possible completeness all the most significant world literature on current problems of medical science and practice. In 1957 will be published the following works prepared by the State Central Scientific-Medical Library: annual indexes of Soviet medical literature for 1955 and 1956; in 1958 will be published the annual index of Soviet medical literature for 1957. In addition to this, retrospective indexes of Soviet medical literature for 1954, RUSSIAN MEDICAL LIBRARIES 75 1953 and 1952 are being prepared for the press. The State Central Scientific Medical Library has published the following subject bibliographies: Military Field Surgery—a bibliography of Rus- sian literature from 1914-1938 (B. A. Ivanov), Grippe—Russian and Foreign Literature from 1934-1938 (N. D. Abramov), Blood Transfusion—a Bibliography of Russian and Foreign Literature, 1934-1938 (I. O. Iurovskaya), Cardiovascular Pathology—biblU ography of Soviet medical literature from 1917 to 1949, a continu- ation of which is planned for publication in 1957, etc. A Division of Scientific Information was established in 1956 in the Institute for the Organization of Public Health and the History of Medicine. To this Division was assigned the important work of establishing various types of abstract information. Starting with 1957, it is publishing a journal4 abstracting all the Soviet medical periodical literature and about 1,000 selected foreign journals. Only the united forces of all organizations concerned with scientific medical information (The All-Union Institute of Scientific Information of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, the All- Union Book Chamber, the Publishing House for Foreign Litera- ture, etc.), can rapidly attain that level and scope of scientific medical information which is necessary for the most expeditious introduction into practice of the latest accomplishments of medi- cal science and technology. It is essential to attract qualified specialists to information work; without this it is impossible to guarantee either a proper quality or speed of information retrieval. Problems of constructing various bibliographical and informa- tional publications urgently require solution. These are concerned with the identification of user groups, the methods and procedures for the selection of materials, the standardization of bibliographi- cal description, abbreviations, and the like. Medical libraries have successfully developed exchange of lit- erature with foreign countries. The State Central Scientific- Medical Library conducts exchanges with 810 establishments in 62 countries. For example, in the USA it exchanges literature with 132 establishments, in England with 86, in France with 130 and in Italy with 103, etc. In a short period (25 to 30 years) medical libraries have be- come an indispensable and important link in Soviet public health. They owe this to no small degree to the devotion and enthusiasm of their workers, who have discovered a great variety of forms 4The Meditsinskii referativnyi zhurnal. This Division is apparently organized on the lines of its prototype, The Institute of Scientific and Technical Information in The Academy of Sciences USSR. [Ed.] 470378 O - 58 - 6 76 BASIAS and methods for acquainting medical workers with the scientific medical literature, and with the accomplishments of science and technology. At this new stage, since the 20th Congress of the Communist Party has demanded the more rapid application to daily life of the accomplishments of science and technology, it is necessary that the leaders of public health and scientific institu- tions, the medical community as well, and first of all the medical societies devote particular consideration to medical libraries. The book, which carries the very latest accomplishments of medical science and technology, needs to reach medical workers in the shortest time possible. The tireless search for ways and means which may serve to accomplish this end constitute the mission of medical libraries. Chapter 8 THE MEDICAL PRESS IN THE U.S.S.R.1 by T. F. Makarova Translated by Galina Zarechnak Abridged and Edited by Scott Adams [Introduction: Most Soviet medical books and journals from 1918 to 1923 were published by Narkomzdrav (Peoples' Com- missariat for Public Health). From 1923 to 1928 Narkomzdrav's publishing activities were supplemented through agreements with Gosizdat (State Publishing House). These agencies joined forces in 1928 to form Gosmedizdat (State Medical Publishing House), which in 1931 took on added responsibilities for publishing bio- logical literature, and was reorganized under the name Bio medgiz (Biological-Medical Publishing House). In 1937, responsibility for publishing biological literature was reassigned, and Medgiz (State Publishing House for Medical Lit- erature) began its uninterrupted career under the control of the Ministry of Health, USSR. — Editor] 1940 as a Publication Base Line ... Up to the Second World War, Medgiz had published 2,796 titles of books and journals with a total of 247,945 copies. This publication had concentrated on textbooks, monographs and man- uals. The following figures, for example, show the publication of textbooks in 1940: From: Sorok let sovetskogo zdravookhraneniia (Forty years of Soviet public health). Moscow, Medgiz, 1957. pp. 479-501. 77 78 MAKAROVA Textbooks for Textbooks for higher medical middle medical schools (Med-VUZes) schools Total Number of titles 15 17 32 Signatures 396 281 677 Printing (in thou- 178 197 375 sands of copies) The number of copies of each textbook for higher medical schools was insignificant, ranging between 5,000 and 30,000 copies, or 10 to 25 percent of the need; the same situation prevailed in regard to the textbooks for the middle schools. Besides textbooks for the higher and middle medical schools, Medgiz also issued student guides. The number of such guides was larger than the total num- ber of textbooks; in 1940, 19 titles were issued in a printing of 232,000 copies. There were 86 titles of scientific monographic literature with a printing of 213,000 copies. In addition, 20 titles of Trudy of institutes and congresses were published with a total printing of 20,000 copies (theaverage number of copies did not exceed 1,000). Medgiz published 150 titles of popular and popular-scientific literature in 1940, with a printing of 13,516,000 copies. The majority of these publications (90 out of 150) were broadsides and posters with a total of 11,000,000 copies. Periodicals pub- lished by Medgiz in 1940 were represented by 46 journals with a printing of 391,880,000 copies. The following figures show the publishing output of medical literature during World War II. 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 Number of titles 809 802 629 420 282 Printing (in thou- 36,588 42,660 11,739 7,902 3,658 sands of copies) As we can see from the table, the publishing of medical litera- ture during the war decreased very sharply. Up to 1945, the high number of titles was due chiefly to the small number of pages per publication; these were instructions, leaflets and other types of literature published for physicians on the front and at home, as well as for public sanitary and anti-epidemic education. The paper supply of Medgiz at the end of the war was reduced to almost a third of previous consumption. MEDICAL PRESS 79 Post-War Publishing After the war, the scope of Medgiz's publishing activity in- creased, as is shown in the following table: 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 Number of titles 411 462 532 567 498 Printing (in thou- 9,757 11,220 9,984 10,797 12,397 sands of copies) The Session of VASKHNIL (All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences im. Lenin) on biological problems (1948) and the Joint Session of the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR devoted to I. P. Pavlov's teaching on physi- ology (1950) requested a reorganization of research, which was reflected also in the activity of Medgiz. During these years selected works of I. P. Pavlov and I. M. Sechenov were re-issued by Medgiz and by the Academy of Medical Sciences, while the Academy of Sciences USSR published a full collection of I. P. Pavlov's works. During the second post-war five-year plan the production of Medgiz expanded greatly as shown by the following data: 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 Number of titles 505 506 942 829 895 Printing (in thou- 10,465 17,310 20,531 20,307 23,792 sands of copies) These figures show that even in 1953 all indices of the pre- war year 1940 were surpassed. The number of printed pages in- creased more than twice. The paper supply of Medgiz increased more than twice; in 1951 it was 2,852 tons per year, as compared to 1,013 in 1940. Earlier, a great deal of attention was paid to the editing of text- books for medical schools, the publication of which was reduced greatly during the war. The publishing of textbooks for 1951-1955 is shown in the following figures: Titles Printing (1,000's) Textbooks for higher medical schools 81 2,385 (Med-VUZes) Textbooks for middle medical schools 79 4,281 Total 160 6,666 80 MAKAROVA Thus, in five years, 160 textbooks were issued with a total circulation of 6.5 million copies. The students received textbooks written by the most prominent scientists of the country: a text- book on general surgery by I. G. Rufanov, two textbooks on inter- nal diseases by E. M. Tareev and by V. F. Zelenin and E. M. Gel'shtein, two textbooks on propedeutics of internal diseases by A. L. Miasnikov and by A. I. Strukov, a textbook on normal phys- iology edited by Academician K. M. Bykov, a textbook on path- ological physiology by D. E. Al'pern, a textbook on psychiatry by V. A. Giliarovskii, a textbook on nervous diseases by E. K. Sepp, M. B. Tsuker, and E. V. Shmidt, a textbook on obstetrics by I. F. Zhordaniia and many others. The number of copies published in- creased greatly, sometimes reaching 75 to 100 thousand copies. During the second post-war five-year plan, large numbers of scientific monographs were published, as were manuals for physicians, nurses and medical assistants, reference books and bibliographies, a total of 1,031 titles with a total of 15,879,000 copies. Among these books the following deserve special recognition: Etiudy zheludochnoi khirurgii (Studies on gastric surgery) by S. S. Iudin, Kostno-sustavnoi tuberkulez u detei (Bone-and-joint tuber- culosis in children) by T. P. Krasnobaev, Vrozhdennye poroki serdtsa i khirurgicheskoe lechenie ikh (Congenital heart diseases and their surgical treatment) by A. N. Bakulev and E. N. Meshalkin, Tsirkuliatsiia krovi v mozgu (Blood circulation in the brain) by B. N. Klossovskii, Kostnosustavnoi tuberkulez (Osteo-articular tuberculosis) by P. G. Korneev, Rukovodstvo dlia vrachei po trav- matologii (Manual on traumatology) by V. V. Gorinevskii, Opera- tivnaia ginekologiia (Operative gynecology) by I. L. Braude, Kurorty SSSR (Health resorts of the USSR) edited by Kurashov, Ocherki patologicheskoi fiziologii vysshei nervoi deiatel'nosti (Pathological physiology of the higher nervous activity) by A. G. Ivanov-Smolenskii, Bolezni podzheludochnoi zhelezy (Diseases of the Pancreas) by N. I. Leporskii, Differentsial'naia diagnostika zabolevanii legkikh (Differential diagnosis of pulmonary diseases) by G. R. Rubinshtein, Uchenie o rikketsiiakh i rikketsiozakh (Studies on rickettsia and rickettsioses) by P. F. Zdrodovskii and E. M. Golinevich, Rentgenodiagnostika zabolevanii kostei i sustavov (Rentgenodiagnostics of bone-and-joint diseases) by S. A. Reinberg, Ognestrel'nye rany cheloveka (Gunshot injuries in man) by I. V. Davydovskii, Trudy po izucheniiu vysshei nervoi deiatel'nosti (Works on the higher nervous activity) by N. I. Krasnogorskii, Kora golovnogo mozga i vnutrennie organy (Cerebral cortex and internal organs) by K. M. Bykov, Gipertonicheskaia bolezn' (Hyper- tension) by A. L. Miasnikov, Klinicheskaia gematologiia (Clinical MEDICAL PRESS 81 hematology) by I. A. Kassirskii and G. A. Alekseev, Izbrannye proizvedeniia (Selected works) of A. D. Speranskii, Tsitoarkhitek- tonicheskii atlas golovnogo mozga (Cyto-architectonic atlas of the brain) edited by S. A. Sarkisov and others. At the same time Medgiz published a 35-volume work Opyt sovetskoi meditsiny v Velikoi otechestvennoi voine 1941-45 (Ex- perience of Soviet medicine in the Great Patriotic War 1941-45), a work which has no counterpart in the history of world wars. Besides these, a great number of books issued in series were published: Vydaiushchiesia deiateli otechestvennoi meditsiny (Outstanding scientists of Russian medicine); Klassiki meditsiny (Classics of medicine). The Academy of Medical Sciences started publication of I. I. Mechnikov's works, Medgiz published Selected works of N. A. Semashko, and Z. B. Solov'ev, M. I. Barsukov's VelikaiaOktiabr'skaia sotsialisticheskaia revoliutsiia i organiza- tsiia sovetskogo zdravookhraneniia (The Great October Socialist Revolution and organization of Soviet public health), and the first volume of Istoriia meditsiny (History of medicine) edited by B. D. Petrov. A great number of books in the series "Library of the practitioner," the "Library of the sanitary physician and epi- demiologist," and the "Library of the middle-grade medical worker" were published. At the instance of the Ministry of Public Health, a series of lectures on organization of public health, edited by N. A. Vinogradov and N. S. Khmelev, was issued in the series "Library of the physician-organizer." Health Education Literature The nature of popular-scientific literature and books on sani- tary education changed at that time. Instead of leaflets and broad- sides, small pamphlets with a wide circulation were published for readers of different levels. The aim of these brochures was to raise the understanding of sanitation in the population, and to pro- vide instruction on questions of hygiene, which would prevent various diseases and preserve health and work efficiency. During these five years, almost 42.5 million copies of health education literature was published by Medgiz alone. If we take into consideration the fact that the popular literature on sanita- tion is reprinted on the Union republic, "krai," and "oblast" levels, the figure will be still higher. 82 MAKAROVA Journal Literature The number of journals, reduced greatly during the war, started to rise again. In 1951 Medgiz published 25 medical journals; in 1955, the number rose to 38. The frequency of journals also in- creased, as well as did their size and circulation. Including the Soviet Medical Reference Review, 1,342 issues of journals were published by Medgiz from 1951 to 1955, for a total circulation of 18,787,000. In October 1953, the Moscow medical publishing houses merged. Medgiz absorbed the publishing house of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, established in 1946, the publishing house of the Central Institute for the Postgraduate Studies of Physicians, the publishing department of the Institute of Sanitary Education and also the smaller publishing houses of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent. After the merger, the publications of Medgiz increased con- siderably and the subject planning became broader. The struc- ture of the publishing house was changed; more editorial boards were created, and changes occurred in the staff and character of the Editorial Council. The editorial board became an organ of production, with monthly meetings to examine current problems and approve solutions. To effect better subject planning, the editorial boards of Medgiz made a great effort to study the current topics. This activity was in cooperation with the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Health, the research institutes and the Ministries of Health of the USSR and the RSFSR. Medgiz prepared a problem plan for the years 1956-60 for the publication of medical literature on basic problems of medical science and practice. This plan has been approved by the Sci- entific Council of the Ministry of Public Health. A further growth of Medgiz's publications in the first year of the third post-war five-year-plan is seen in the table given below. The number of titles of textbooks for higher medical schools in- creased 71 percent, for middle medical schools 23 percent, while the circulation of textbooks for higher schools increased 67 per- cent, and for middle schools 50 percent. There were more than three times the number of scientific medical titles in 1956 than in 1951, and the total printing increased almost two-and-a-half times. MEDICAL PRESS 83 Increase in Production of Medical Books 1956 over 1951 _____Titles_______ Printing in thousands Number Percent Number Percent 1951 1956 increase 1951 1956 increase Higher medical 14 23 71.4 427 714 67.2 schools (Med- VUZes) textbooks Middle medical 17 21 23.5 720 1,082 50.0 schools textbooks Scientific medical 50 160 320.0 567 1,327 234.0 books Among the books published in 1956, the following works aroused great interest: Patologicheskaia anatomiia i patogenez boleznei (Pathological anatomy and pathogenesis of diseases) by I. V. Davydovskii, Arteriovenoznye anastomozy (Arteriovenous anas- tomosis) by B. A. Dolgo-Saburov, Slovo kak fiziologicheskii i lechebnyi faktor (The printed word as physiological and thera- peutic factor) by K. I. Platonov, Lechenie i profilaktika boleznei serdtsa i sosudov (Treatment and prophylaxis in heart and vas- cular diseases) by V. F. Zelenin, Nekotorye metody issledovanii i funktsionarnaia otsenka sistemy krovoobrashcheniia (Some methods of investigation and functional evaluation of the circula- tory system) by N. N. Savitskii, Klinicheskie lektsii po nervnym bolezniam (Clinical lectures on nervous diseases) by S. N. Davidenkov, Neoperativnaia ginekologiia (Inoperable gynecology) by I. L. Braude, M. S. Malinovskii and A. I. Serebrov, and other works. In 1956 Medgiz started publication of multi-volume editions of native Russian manuals on clinical subjects, such as manuals on neurology, pathological anatomy, health resorts. In the next few years (1958-60), our clinicians will have several volumes of a number of manuals on surgery, internal diseases, obstetrics and gynecology, dermatological and venereal diseases, tuberculosis and others. The publication of the second edition of the Bol'shaia Meditsinskaia Entsiklopediia (Great medical encyclopedia), edited by A. N. Bakulev, was started in 1956 with a circulation of 100,000 copies. Popular-scientific literature and books for mass distribution have had a remarkable growth. 1956 production attained an in- crease of over 300 percent over 1951 in all aspects. 84 MAKAROVA Big changes took place in the publication of the periodical lit- erature. The number of journals published by Medgiz increased greatly. This growth is shown in the table below, which compares the data for 1951 with 1957. Increase in Publication of Medical Journals 1951 - 1957 Number Percent 1951 1957 increase Issues 186 438 235.5 Circulation (in thousands 2,622 10,833 413.1 of copies) The journals Akusherstvo i ginekologiia, Aptechnoe delo, Gigiena i sanitariia, Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie have a circula- tion of over 20,000 copies per month, while the journals Pediatriia and Khirurgiia run over 25,000 copies. Very popular among the physicians is the journal Klinicheskaia meditsina which is pub- lished at 40,000 copies per month. Sovetskaia meditsina has a circulation of 50,000 copies. Meditsinskaia sestra and Fel'dsher i akusherka, intended for the technical medical personnel, have a circulation of over 100,000 copies. The popular-scientific illus- trated journal Zdorov'e is very popular; its circulation is 300,000 copies. The value of journals published by Medgiz is very great. This is shown by the data compiled on the publishing of medical jour- nals in the USSR as a whole and that done by Medgiz alone for the years 1940 and 1956 as well as for 1957. Total in Journals published USSR by Medgiz 1940 1956 1940 1956 1957 Number of titles 68 61 46 45 52 Number of issues per year 489 443 342 328 438 Circulation (in thousands 3,162 8,427 2,532 7,827 10,833 of copies) Amount of paper in tons 373 1,029 381 959 1,483 In addition to native journals, in 1956 Medgiz began a transla- tion into Russian of the journal Living conditions and health, the organ of the International Congress of Physicians published in Vienna. MEDICAL PRESS 85 The newspaper Meditsinskii rabotnik (Medical worker), the organ of the Ministries of Health of the USSR and RSFSR and the Central Committee of the Union of Medical Workers, has a spe- cial position in the periodical press. Meditsinskii rabotnik has been published since January 15, 1938. The circulation of the journal, which in 1938 had 60,000 copies per year, has grown to 330,000 copies in 1957 at a frequency of two issues per week. A wide range of medical workers, technical medical workers, public service workers, leaders of the Party, and other Soviet organiza- tions read the Meditsinskii rabotnik. The newspaper is truly popular with its public; this is seen from the increasing number of letters, articles and notes received by the editors, which grew from 9,359 items in 1950 to 27,238 in 1956. The paper is devoted to current problems of public health, experience, discussions on various problems in science, and in practice and medical service of the population. Publishing Outside of Moscow-Leningrad In addition to the activities of Medgiz, medical literature is also published by the publishing houses of the republics, regions, and districts. These publishing houses issue scientific mono- graphs, manuals, guides, and textbooks for medical institutes and medical schools in Russian, as well as in the native language of the particular republic. A great deal of popular-scientific and educational literature is issued in the languages of the various nationalities. According to the catalogues of the Vsesoiuznaia knizhnaia palata (All-Union Book Chamber) the output of medical literature by the publishing houses of the republics is shown in these figures: Circulation (in thou- Titles sands of copies) 1,365 7,034 741 2,788 751 5,210 2,384 5,694 472 2,738 257 1,718 515 3,741 483 3,802 Republics Years Azerbaidzhan SSR 1928-1956 Armenian SSR 1928-1956 Belorussian SSR 1928-1956 Georgian SSR 1928-1956 Kazakh SSR 1936-1956 Kirgiz SSR 1936-1956 Latvian SSR 1940-1956 Moldavian SSR 1940-1956 (Continued) 86 MAKAROVA Circulation (in thou- Republics Years Titles sands of copies) RSFSR^ 1928-1956 34,100 376,439 Tadzhik SSR 1928-1956 353 1,464 Turkmen SSR 1928-1956 303 1,273 Uzbek SSR 1928-1956 1,822 10,281 Ukrainian SSR 1929-1956 7,306 64,560 Estonian SSR 1940-1956 486 2,815 Lithuanian SSR 1940-1956 896 5,681 *The data on RSFSR include medical publications of Autonomous Republics, Regions, and Districts, as well as the production of Medgiz and other specialized publishing houses (Academy of Med- ical Sciences, TsIU [Central Institute for Advanced Training], and others) before the merger with Medgiz. Among the books published by publishing houses of the repub- lics, the following should be mentioned: Klinicheskie lektsii po vnutrennim bolezniam (Clinical lectures on internal diseases) by Prof. N. P. Afonskii; Patogenez, klinika i lechenie maliarii (Pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, and treatment of malaria) by M. R. Nazidov in Azerbaidzhan language (Gosizdat of Azer- baidzhan SSR); Travmaticheskii shok i ostrye krovopoteri (Trau- matic shock and heavy loss of blood) by Prof. V. V. Babuk (1953); Issledovanie ortopedichskikh bol'nykh (Examination of orthopedic patients) by Prof. V. O. Marks (Gosizdat of the Belorussian SSR, 1956); Brutsellez i organy zreniia (Brucellosis and organs of vision) by V. P. Roshchin (Gosizdat of the Kazakh SSR, 1952); the monographs of L. Gol'berand A. Kroin: Khimicheskoe issledovanie krovi i ego klinicheskoe znachenie (Chemical examination of the blood and its clinical significance) in Latvian (Riga, 1950); Rezul' - taty novykh issledovanii po voprosu o pravil'nom pitanii i vita- minakh (Results of new studies on problems of proper nutrition and vitamins) by Kirkhenshtein (Gosizdat of the Latvian SSR, 1954); Immunitet, razdrazhaiushchaia terapiia pri tuberkuleze i neobenzinol (Immunity, stimulation therapy in tuberculosis and neobenzinol) by Prof. I. I. Kairiukshtis (1956); Prakticheskaia ginekologiia (Practical gynecology) by V. Baronas (Gosizdat of the Lithuanian SSR). The State Medical Publishing House of the Ukraine, the Ukr- medgiz, and that of Georgia, Gruzmedgiz, are two big specialized publishing houses of medical literature. Ukrmedgiz was organized in 1931 as an outgrowth of the pub- lishing house Nauchnaia mysl'; this had existed as a co-operative MEDICAL PRESS 87 doctors' association since 1922, with 50 percent of the book stock belonging to the Narkomzdrav of the Ukrainian SSR. From 1922 to 1927 this publishing house accomplished a great deal in the consolidation of the small publishing houses which existed at that time in the Ukraine. At present Ukrmedgiz publishes medical literature in the Ukrainian and Russian languages. The output of literature pub- lished by Ukrmedgiz in the years 1950-1955 is reflected in the following table: 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 Titles 53 77 109 86 151 170 Circulation (in thou- 5,680 1,248 1,650.3 4,040 5,202 3,503 sands of copies) In 1956 Ukrmedgiz published four medical journals: Vrachebnoe delo (Medical practice) in Russian, monthly; Pediatriia, aku- sherstvo i ginekologiia (Pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology) in Ukrainian, 6 issues per year; Novyi khirurgicheskii arkhiv (New surgery archives), and Oftalomologicheskii zhurnal (Journal of ophthalmology) in Russian, 6 issues per year. Gruzmedizdat, the Medical Publishing House of the Georgian Republic, has been in existence since 1921. As shown in the fol- lowing table, it increases its output every year. 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 Titles 80 90 65 120 173 116 Circulation (in thou- 272.5 260.8 224.0 90.2 359.7 217.5 sands of copies) According to Knizhnaia palata (Book Chamber) of the Georgian SSR, in this Republic, 2,712 titles of medical literature with a circulation of 63,689,000 copies were issued from 1921 to 1956. It is difficult to cover all medical literature published in the USSR by the individual republics, "krais," and "oblasts" in a brief survey. Our country has an enormous system of research insti- tutes and medical institutes with numerous research personnel. For this reason, local publishing houses issue a great number of valuable medical literature, such as: Kanon vrachebnoi nauki abu-Ali Ibn-sina (Avicenna) (Canon of the medical science by Avicenna) in two volumes, issued by the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR in 1954; Istoriia meditsiny Gruzii (History of medicine in Georgia) by M. G. Saakashvili and A. B. Gelashvili, 88 MAKAROVA published in Tbilisi in 1956 (in Georgian); Scientific works, dedi- cated to the 150-year anniversary (1802-1952) of the Tartu Uni- versity (in Estonian); Diagnostika vnutrennikh boleznei (Diagnos- tics of internal diseases) by L. A. Oganiasian (in Armenian); and many others. Furthermore, journals are also issued in the vari- ous republics; for instance, the following are issued in the Rus- sian language: Zdravookhranenie Belorussii (Public health in Belorussia), Zdravookhranenie Kazakhstana (Public health in Kazakhstan), Zdravookhranenie Tadzhikistana (Public health in Tadzhikistan), Meditsinskii zhurnal Uzbekistana (Medical journal of Uzbekistan), Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie Kirgizii (Soviet pub- lic health in Kirgizia), Izvestiia Akademii nauk Kazakhskoi SSR (Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR) Series on medicine and on physiology; and in the native language are issued the following: Azerbaidzhanskii meditsinskii zhurnal (Azerbaidzhan medical journal); Zdravookhranenie (Public health), in Armenian; Sovetskaia meditsina (Soviet medicine) in Georgian; Okhrana zdorov'ia (Health protection) in Lithuanian, and many other journals. It is enough to say that, according to Vsesoiuznaia knizhnaia palata (AU-Union Book Chamber), in forty years of the Soviet regime the following publication goal was achieved: 58,200 titles of medical literature with a total circulation of 547,600,000 copies, comprising a total of 2,716,200,000 signatures. Not a single country in the world has such a large output of medical literature. The medical press plans its development according to the re- quirements of medical science and the practice of public health, trying to inform the readers of the best, the most progressive effort put forth by scientists, physicians, and practical workers in the struggle for the health of the people. CONTRIBUTORS SCOTT ADAMS Librarian, National Institutes of Health ETTA CHRISTIANSEN BACHRACH Cat^og Division, National Library of Medicine ESTELLE BRODMAN Assistant Librarian for Reference Services National Library of Medicine STANLEY JABLONSKI Index Division, National Library of Medicine SAMUEL LAZEROW Assistant Librarian for Acquisitions National Library of Medicine FRANK B. ROGERS, M. D. Director, National Library of Medicine GALINA ZARECHNAK Acquisition Division, National Library of Medicine 89 . . . SANS TACHE . . . Mary E. Dement Celia C. Dorn Ray W. Grim David P. Gelfand Marjorine M. King Gratia Labbe Alice E. Luethy * Joseph McGroarty Cornelia J. Reister Doris L. Scott U. S. GOVERNMENT; PRINTING OFFICE: 1958 o - 5NAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE N A T I O N A I L I B R A R Y OF M E D I C I N E N A T I O N A I I I B R A R Y O F M E D I C I N E NATI [ \AlX/ -^mT^ "" «M? 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