The Library of Congress Reference Department CHEMICAL WARFARE A CHECK LIST March 1, 1943 and SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 June 1, 1944 Washington 1944 The Library of Congress Reference Department CHEMICAL WARFARE A CHECK LIST March 1, 1943 and SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 June 1, 1944 Prepared by Charles H. Wentz Washington, D. C, Library of Congress 1944 Reproduced from type-written copy by Volunteer Office of the District of Columbia and Gas Protection Section, Office of Civilian Defense The Library of Congress Reference Department CHEMICAL WARFARE A Check List 1. Algan, Nureddin Munsi. * Gaz kimyasi, zehirli gazlar ve kimyevi savas. Istanbul, Yuksek muhendis mahtebi matbaasi, 1936, 549 p., illus. "Bibliografya": 2d prelim, leaf, UG447*A5 2. Auld, Samuel James Manson. Gas and falme in modern warfare. New York, G, H. Doran co., cl918, 201 p, UG447.A8 3. Bradley, Theodore F. Chemical detection of war gases for civilian defense. Chemical and engine- ering news, Easton, Pa,, July 23, 1942, p, 893-896, Selected list of refer- ences, p, 893. ' Photostat 4. Brooksbank, Alan, Gas, alerti A constructive criticism and exposition of civil and military defence against warfare gases, Melbourne, Robertson & Mullens, 1933, 159 p-, illus• UG447*B7 3* Bruere, Paul, Face au peril aero-chemique, Paris, Editions Medicis, 1936, 118 p*, illus* UG633-F8B7 6, Buscher, Hermann. Giftgasi Und wir? Leipzig, J, A. Barth, 1937, 228 p*, illus* UG447-B8 1937 -7* Burn, Walter P, Chemical warfare agents; Reference and training chart. Revised edition, Oct. 1, 1941, 1 leaf. 8* Cambridge scientists» anti-war group. The protection of the public from aerial attack; being a critical examina- tion of the recommendations put forward by the Air raid precautions depart- ment of the Home office. London, V, Gollancz, 1937, 127 p. UG635.G7G27 1937a * library of Congress catalog numbers are included at the end of each entry for which they are now available. Chemical Warfare , 2 9* Camentron, Jean. Le danger aero-chinique; quatre conferences pour les assistantes du devoir national. Paris, Charles-Lavauzelle, 1933, 80 p., 2 ed. UG447.C27 1938 10. Cameron, Donald A. .. y , • . . Chemical warfare, New York, International’pamphlets, ((c!930)), 31 p. (no.3) UG447.C3 11. Canada. Federal air raid precautions committee. Air raid precautions, general information. Issued as a supplement to -’First aid to the injured.” Ottawa, E. Cloutier, 1940, 37 p.,illus. UG447.C35 12, Coec-d, G, Lorenzo..- . > . , * • La‘ rperra chinica contro le citta.■ Torino, La Grafica modeTna, ((1935)), 131 p.,illus. Bibliography: p. 5. ' UG447.C6 13. Commission internetionale, d’ex; erts pour la protection des popula- • *tions‘civiles centre layguerre .chimique. /’ Rapports - Resolutions. Geneve, Conite International de la Croix-rouye, 1929, 155 p. UG447.C65 1929 14. Cot, Charles. ' ...Ecole pratique du seeouriste specialise en asphyxies... Paris, Le Francois, 1935, p., illus. ’ ' ’ RC87.C76 15. Cuenat, Pierre. , . La guerre aero-chinique; preface de Pierre Cot.' Paris’, Editions sociales ihternationales, 1935," 152 p. : p. 148-149’. UG447.C8 16. Dautrebande, Lucien. * ... Les gaz toxiques; physiologie, toxicoloyie, protection, therapeutique. Paris, Masson ’& cie., 1933, 371 n., illus. * * * RA1245.D3 17. Denckler, Ernst. D.enk an luftschutz und die deinenl ((Berlin, Ernst Den&kler-verlay, 1934)), 15.p. ;* ‘ \ UG630.D43 10. Denmark. Krigsministeriet. Foreloebigt reglenent for beskyttelse nod krigsgas. Koebenhavn, Central- try kkeriet , 1928, 76 p. ‘ f i * UG447.D4 19. Doering, Halther. *’ - • ■ . .. .Luftschutz und gassohutzBreslau, .Vdlkischer verlay H. Uttikal, 1934, 48 p, ■ .* . •/ • UG630.D57 20.' Dragerwerk,,,, /. ... Draege^-Gdschutz im luftschutz ... Lttbeck, Komniss ions-verlug Hi G. Rahtyens, ((1934)), 261 p., illus. ”Literntur-verzeichnis 1 : p. 251-255. UG447.D7 1934 21. Snares,1 Franz Cara.* • . La guerre des gaz, traduit de 1»allemnd par Haynond Henry. Paris, A* Michel, ((cl928)), 251 p. UG447.E6 Chemical TJarfare 22. Ettel, Viktor. C hemic lea valka. V ."'rare, Tisken Prazske akeiove tiskarny, 1052, 415 p., illus. ■?Literaturat!: p. 407-40B. UG447.ES5 23. Fairhurst, Isabel].e. Manual of high explosives, incendiaries and poison gases. Greenfield, Mass., ((cl942)), 110 p. • UC-447.F25 24. Farrow, Edward Samuel. Gas mar fare. Lev: York, Dutton, ((1920)), 253 p. UG447.F5 25. Feij, G. M. Kcrte handleiding voor het ; ebruik van gasmashers ten dienste van dan lucht- bescheminpsdienst. 5. druk. Den Helder, Sgner, (( 1S3S?)), 25 p. 1104-47.6.F4 26. Fishman, J. H. Der a? i egsc hemi sche dienst in der Re ten armee... I Machen, Verlag Dr, August Schrimpff, 1933, 112 p., illus. UG447.F5 27. Foulkes, Charles reward. :fGaslTf The story of the special brigade. Edinburgh and London, TT. Blackwood & sons, 1954, 361 p. Bibliography included in preface. UC447.F6 2G. Fradkin, Mrs. Elvira The 1:1a (Lush). The air menace and the answer. Lew York;, Macmillan, 1034, 331 p« Bibliogra- phy : p. 321-327. UG447.F67 20. France. Direction de 1*artillerie. ... Instruction technique sur la protection centre les gaz de combat. Paris, Inprimerie librairia militaire universelle, L. Fournier A cie., 1939, 142 p., illus. UG447.F68 30. Frankenberg und ludwigsdorf, Helmut von. Luftschutzrecht; recktsfomen des luftschutzes in in- und auslande. Leipzig, Pl. Loske, 1932, 160 p. Includes bibliographies. JX5153.G3F7 1932 31. Fries, Amos Alfred. Chemical warfare, ilew York, McGraw-Hill, 1921, 445 p., illus. UC447.F7 32. General electric company. Motional la;ij works, Cleveland. The story of the Development division, Chemical warfare service. ((Cleveland, Gilman printing co., clS20)), 227 p. UG447.G4 33. Gilchrist, Harry Lorenzo. The residual effects of warfare gases. Washington, D.C., U.S. Govt, print, off., 1933, 2 vols. Vol.l, part I, Chlorine; part II, Mustard. Vol.2, part III, Phosgene; part IV, Arsenical compounds. ITG447.G5 34. Graham, Betty. Gas makes dread debut in World war II : Japs hurl blistering barrage at the Chinese. Reprint, Washington daily news, Nov. 26, 1941, p. 5, illus. Chemical Warfare 4 35. Gt. Brit. Ministry of home security. Air raid precautions to be taken by users of ammonia. ((London, 1940)), 4 p. UG630.G78 1940 36. Gt, Brit, Air raid precautions dept. Anti-gas precautions for merchant ship:?ping. London, 1935, 41 p. (Air raid precautions handbook no, 7 (1st ed,)) . XJGo33.G7A294 no,7 1935 37. Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Anti-gas precautions for merchant shipping. London, 193S, 41 v. (Air raid precautions handbook no. 7 (2nd ed.)) LGG55.G7A294 no.7 1936 30. Gt. Brit. Ministry of home security. Anti-gas precautions for merchant shipping. London, 1941, 43 p. (Its Air raid precautions handbook no. 7 (3rd ed.)) UG635.G7A294 no.7 1941 39, Gt, Brit, Air raid precautions depot. Anti-gas protection of babies and young children, London, 1939, S p, UGS35.G7A7 1939 b 40. Gt, Brit, raid precautions dept. Anti-gas training., 1937, 28 p, (Air raid precautions memorandum no. 5 (1st ed,)-)" UGG35.G7A297 no,5 1937 41. Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Anti-gas training. London, July 10, 1937, 13 (Circular 701/529/4.3) 42, Gt, Brit, Scottish office. Anti-gas training. London, March 3, 1933, 4 p . (Circular no, 310G) UG447,R67 , 43. Gt, Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Anti-gas training - Gas vans and gas chambers. London, Dec. 17, 1933, 6 p. (Circular 701,520/33) 44o Gt, Brit. Mission... Army. Introduction to the Reyort of the British mission appointed to visit enemy chemical factories in the occupied zone engaged in the production of munitions of war in February, 1919.,, London, 1921, 10 p, (Grid, 1137) • ■ ~ TT73.G7 1919 45. Gt. Brit, rational health insurance joint committee. An atlas of gafi poisoning. 3d ed. ... London, 1936, 15 p., x col. pi. Found also as Appendix v, Medical manual of chemical warfare, 1939 (Gt. Brit, War office). RA1345.G7 1938 46, Gt. Brito ,;jr raid precautions dept. Care■ and .rep air of respirators. London, 1940, 15 p. (.lir raid precautions memorandum no. 13 (1st ed.)) UG6~5.G7A297 no. 13 1940 47. Gt. Brit. Ministry of home security. Chart of war gases. London, iuay, 1942, 6 p. Chemical Warfare 5 48. Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Civilian anti-gas schools. London, February 7, 3938, 3 p. (Circular 701,527/34 49. Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Civilian duty respirators fitted with microphone attachments. London, Dec. 6, 1939, 6 p. (Circular No. 320/1932) 50. Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Decontamination of materials. London, 1939, 69 p. (Air raid precautions handbook No. 4 (1st ed.)) UG635.G7A294 no.4 1939 51. Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Decontamination of clothing, including oilskin anti-gas clothing and equip- ment, from blister gases. London, 1939, 32 p. (Air raid precautions hand- book no. 4A (1st ed,) ) 'This handbook may be regarded as supplementary to A.H.P. handbook no, 4, ’Decontamination of materials’, in which it will eventually be incorporated. For this reason the handbook is provisional only.” —Foot-noues, p. 2. UG635.G7M.294 no. 4-A 1939 52. Gt. 3rit. Ministry of home security. Decontanination of clothing, including anti-gas clothing and equipment, from persistent gases. London, 1942, 31 p, (Its Mir raid precautions handbook no. 4M (2d ed.) ) UG635.G7AB94 no. 4M 1942 53. Gt. Brit. Ministry of home security. Decontamination of materials. London, 1942, 63 p. (Its Mir raid precautions handbook no. 4 (2nd ed.)) UG635.G7M294 no. 4 1942 54. Gt. Brit, TJar office. Defence against gas, London, 1935, 83 p. UG447.G7 1935 c 55. Gt. Brit. , raid precautions dept. The detection and identification of war gases. London, 1959, 53 p. (1st ed.) UG447.G7 1939 b 56. Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions dept. The detection and identification of war gases. Brooklyn, N. Y., Chemical pub- lishing co., 1940, 53 p. ’’First American edition.” UG447.G7 1940 c 57. Gt. Brit. Mir Taid precautions dept. Experiments in anti—"as protection of houses. London, Dec. 31, 1937, 7 p. (Circular 701,602/109) 58. Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions dept. First aid for gas casualties. London, 1936, 48 p» (Air raid precautions handbook no. 2 (2d ed.)) UG635.G7A294 no. 2 1936 59,. Gt. Brit. Mir raid precautions dejt. First aid and nursing for gas.casualties. London, 193G, 47 y. (Mir raid precautions handbook no. 2 (3rd ed,) ) UGG35.G7M294 no. 3 1938 SO. Gt. Brito Ministry of home security. First aid and nursing for gas casualties. London, 1941, 50 (.dir raid pre- cautions handbook no. 2 (3d ed. ) ) Amended reprint, October, 1941. UG635 .G7PJ294 no. 2 1941 Chemical TJar fare 61. Gt. Brit, Air raid precautions dept. A: Gas detection and identification service-. London, (‘.(1939)), 12 p. (.fir raid precautions memorandum no. 11 (1st ed.)) UG535.G7A297 no. 11 1939 62.. Gt, Brit. Ministry of home security. Gas detection and identification service. London, ((1941)), 10 p. (Air raid precautions memorandum no. 11 (2nd ed.)) UG635.G7A297 no. 11 1941 63. Gt. Brit. precautions dept. Inspection and repair of respirators and oilskin clothing. London, 1940, 10 p. (.hr raid precautions memorandum no, 13 (2nd ed.)) MGG35.G7A297 no. 13 1940 a 64. Gt, Brit, Ministry gf lions security. Inspection and re; air of res; irators and oilshin clcthinp, London, 1941, 22 p. (Its Air raid "recantions memorandum no. 13 (3rd ed,)) ITG655«G7A297 no. 15 1941 65, Gt. Brit. Air raid _recant ions de;t. Inspection of civilian res; irators held by the London, 1940, 5 p. (Lome security circular do.40/1940) 56. Gt. Brii. .Mr raid precautions dept.. Local staraye and distribution of civilian respirators. London, July 6, 1936, 15 p. (Circular 702,445/31) 67. ■ Gt. Brat. T/cr office. Manual of treatment of pas casualties. London, 1930, 95 p. UG447.G7 1930 66. Gt, Brit. Mar office, ... Medical manual of chemical warfare, 1959 ..., London, 1939, 110 p., iilus. penaix v. An atlas of pas pciscninp. ((3d ed.) )•'* (p, 1-15 at end) ... is also published separately, (See_, entry 45 above.) - UG4-47.G7 1939 69. Gt, Brit, Mar office. Medical manual of chemical warfare, 1939, Sup: lenent: Arseniuretted Lydropen poisoning. London, 1940, 7 p, UG447.G7 1939 Suppl. 70. Gt. Brit, Mar office. Medical mnual of chemical warfare. London, 1940, 104 p. UG447.G7 1940 b 71, Gt. Brit, 'Tar office. Medical manual of chemical warfare. Amendments (no, 1), London, 1-941, 12 p,, illuSo 194-0 b Amend. 72. Gt. Brit. TJar office. Medical manual of chemical warfare. Brooklyn, IT. Y., Chemical publishing co., 1942, 106 p. Mev. ed. TIG.447.G7 194-2 75. ■ Gt. Brit, Air raid precautions de; t. Medical treatment of pas casualties, London, 1937 (reprinted 1939), 145 p, (Air raid precautions handbook no. 3 (1st ed,)) UG635.G7A294 no. 3 1939 74. Gt, Brit. Air raid re cautions de~'t. Chemical Warfare 7 (74. cent.) Organisation of decontamination services. London, 1936, 11 p., illus. (Air raid precautions memorandum no. 3 (1st ed.)) TJG625.G7A297 no. 3 1936 75. Gt. Brit, Air raid precautions dent. Or; an i bat ion of decontamination services, London, 1938, 12 j.,, '('Air raid pre- cautions nenorandum no, 3 (2nd ed.)) UG635.G7A29? no. 3 1938 75A. Ct. Brit, Ministry of home security. of decontamination services. London, ((1942)), 8 p. (Air raid precautions memorandun no. 5 (3rd ed,)) UG835.G7A297 no. 3 1942 70. Gt, Brit, Air raid ; recautions dept. Personal protection against Gas. London, 1936, 100 p. (Air raid precautions handhooh no. 1 (1st ed.)) IJG635.G7A294 no. 1 1936 77. Gt. Bri'c, Air raid precautioiis dept. Personal protection against .pas, London, 1938, 124 p. (Air raid precautions handbook no. 1 (2nd ed,)) UG635.G7A294 no. 1 1938 ■ 78, Gt'. Brit, /hr raid precautions dept. Requirements of c:Tills respirators. London, 1939, 6 p. (A»R.P« dept, circular No. 157/1939) UGG35.G7A296 79. Gt. Brit* .Jr raid precautions dept. Revised syllabus■ of am- pas vrairiny. London, March 21, 1939, '6 p. (A.R.P* dept, circular No. 26/1939) UG635.G7A296 80. Gt. Brit Air raid recautions memorandum no. 1 (1st ed«). Treat- ment cf casualties and decontamination of • erscnnel. London, 1935, 15 p., (Air raid recant ions memorandum no. 1 (1st ed.)) ' TIC-635 iG7A29 7 no, 1 1935 81. Gt. Brit, II, M, stationery off. T/ar cases: Their nature, effects, and first aid treatment, London, Neb. 1941, 1 leaf, 82. Gt, Brit, Ministry of home security, Woarinr: of war respirators in the presence of ammonia. London, July 28, 1941, 2 p, leaflet, S3,. Gt, Brit, Ministry of homo security. ’.That to do about pas, London, April 1941, 2 . leaflet. Gt, Brit, The economic league. Gas I London, 1941, 2 p, leaflet. (Last two entries stapled together in .same folder. ) 84. Guillaume, Albert, S’il y avait'la guerreI Protepeons-nous centre les attuques aeriennes Guide, ratiquo a 11 usage des sanitaires, medecins ... Paris, Viyot freres, 1936, 220 p.~, illus. ~ DG635.F8G8 85. Maber, Fritz. Fllnf vortrHye aus den jahren 1920-19 3. Berlin, J, Springer, 1924, 92 p. Contents include: Die chemie in krieae. -Zur peschichte des p.ashriogos. QJ)3, II2 Chemical Warfare 86. Haldane, John Burden Sanderson, Callinicus; a defence of chemical warfare. New York, Dutton, ((cl925)), 84 p, TTG447.H3 87. Hampe, Erich. Der mensch und die pase ... Berlin-Steglitz, RSder-verlag, 1932, 110 p,, illus. "Literatur-verzeichnis” : p. 110. RAJ-245.K3 88. Hanslian, Rudolph. Der chenische krieg ... Berlin, E. S. Mittler & sohn, 1937-, Vol. 1: Militariseher teil, 779 p., illus, UG447.F35 1937 89. Henderson, Yandell, and Howard TJ, Haggard. Noxious gases and the principles of respiration influencing their action. New York, Chemical catalog co., 1927, 220 p., illus. Bibliography at end of most of the chapters, RA1245.H4 90, Hessel, Frederick Adam. Chemistry in warfare, its strategic importance ... and a technical appendix. New York, Hastings house, ((cl94C)), 164 p,, illus. Bibliography: p, 161-164. UG447, F43 91. Kessel, Frederick Adam. Chemistry in warfare, its strategic importance. New rev, and enl. ed,, with technical appendix. New York, Hastings house, ((1942)), 179 p., illus. UG447.H43 1942 92. Hungary. Honvedelmi miniszterium. Utasitas a hatosagi legoltalom gazvedelmi szolgalatanak ellatasara. Budapest, Turcsany npromda kft., 1939, 61 p. UA929.H6A5 1939 93. Identification of chemical agents by odor. National cajital pharmacist, Washington, D.C., Jan, 1942, vol. 3, p. 18, 94. Irish free state. Dept, of defence. Air raid precautions - Issue of respirators, Dublin, 1 leaf, (A.R.P./277) 95. Irish free state. Dept, of defence. Decontamination of materials, Dublin, ((1939)), 67 p. (Air raid precautions handbook no. 4 (1st ed.)) UG635.I 7A3 96. Irish free state. Dept, of defence. Disinfection of children’s respirators and baby anti-gas helmets. Dublin, ((1941)), 2 p. leaflet. (Air raid precautions memorandum no. 15) T,T.k98,9.I 7A3 97. Irish free state. De; t. of defence. First aid and nursing for gas casualties. Dublin, ((1940)), 43 p. (Air raid precautions handbook no. 2) UG635.1 7A3 98. Irish free state. Dept, of defence. Personal protection against pas. Dublin, ((1240)), 124 r. (Air raid precau- tions handbook no. 1 (1st ed.)) UG635.I 7A3 Chemical Warfare 9 • 99. Italy. Direzione generals della marina mercantile. ... Difesa delle navi mercantile dagli attach! mediants a;p ressivi chimici. Roma, Istituto poligrafico dello stato, Libreria, 1939, 39 p. UG447.J 7 1939 / ‘ ‘ • ’ • 100. Italy. Minister© della guerra. Istruzione per 1’addestramento e I’impiego delle unita lanciafiamne. Roma, Istituto poligrafico dello stato, Libreria, 1939, 50 p«, plates 1-TH111, illus. UG447.I 7 1939 a 101. Italy. Laws, statutes, etc. ... Nome relative alia distribuzione di maschere antigas. . Roma, Istituto poligrafico, dello stato, Libreria, 1938, 10 p. UG447.6.I 8 1938 102. Izard, L. ... La guerre aero-chimique et les populations civiles; etude historique, clinique, therapeutique et preventive. Paris, Charies-L'avauzelie & cie., 1932, 212 p., illus. "Bibliography* at end of each chapter. UG447.I 9 103. Jacobs, Morris Boris. TJar gases, their identification and decontamination. New,York, Interscience publishers, 1942, 180 p. . Includes bibliographies. UG447.J3 104.- Jotti-Neri, Eligio. La guerra dei gas asfissianti. Milano, Sdizioni 'Aurora", ((1936)), 248 p. UG447.J6 105. Kadri, Fasan. ... Hava harbinden korunmada genel bilgiler. Ankara, Kflyhocasi basimevi, 1935, 47 p., illus. ' UG447.K3 106. Kendall, James. Breathe freelyl The truth about poison gas. New York, London, Appleton- Century, 1936, 179 p. UG447.K45 107. Kinttof, Walter. Experiments in warfare chemistry; a book of experiments for protection against gas and air attacks. London, Massie publishing co., 1939, 144 p., illus. Includes bibliographies. UG447.K5 1939 108. Knipfer, Kurt. Luftschutz in bildern ... Berlin-SchBneberg, Landsnann-verlag, ((1935)), 80 p. illus. , ’ UG635.G3K 55 109. Konuralp, Hi lone t, and Avni Hefik Belman. ... Zehirli gazlerden korunma dersleri. Istanbul, Devlot 'basimevi, 1937, 58 p. illus. UG447.K65 110. Langhans, Alfred. Wehrchemie als dezinallclassifikation der feuer-, explosions-, nebel-, ranch-, giftkanpf-momente. Berlin, Vorlag "Offene worte", ((1937)), 474 p. UG447.L3 Chemical Warfare 1C 111. Lefebure, Victor. The riddle of the Rhine; chemical strategy in peace and war. Hew York, The Chemical foundation, inc., 5th Reprint - 1929, 282 n. UG447.L4 1929 112. Lenkin, William. .Chemistry in warfare. New York, Oxford book co,, 1342, 21 p., illus. ; •'■ UG447 113, Le Mita, Henri. Autour de la guerre chinique, comment eviter ce fleau. Paris, J. Tallandier, ((;cl92S)), 222 p. ”Bibliographie” : p. 211-218, UG447.L45 114. Ley, Willy. Bombs and bombing. New York, Modern age books, ((cl94l)), 124 p., illus. ’’References” : p. 123-124. UG630.L46 115. Liepmann, Heinz. ! , ; Poison in the air, Philadelphia, Lippincott, ((cl937)), 308 p.. Bibliogra- phy : p. 297-308. ” . UG447.L52 116. Los Angeles (Calif.),. County defense council.. Auxiliary deputy school. (Session five) Protection against war gases. Revised June. 1, 1942, -31 -p. , illus.:, nim. Use and care of the civilian duty gas mask. May 1942, 2 p., nim. 117. Mackintosh. Janes M. Hospital organisation and treatment of gas poisoning. Public health, London, Hoy. 1941, vol.V, p. 31-33, Photostat 118. Mac zynski, Henryk, ... Chenja i technologja gazow i dynow bojowych, Warszawa, Wojshowy insty- tut naukowo-wydavmiczy, 1933, 237 p., illus, ;fZrodia” : leaf at end. * .110-447. M27 119. Manning, Vannoy Hartrog. ... Mar gas investigations. Advance clia:ter from Bulletin 178, Mar work of the Bureau of nines, Washington, Govt, print, off,, 1319, 39 p. UG447.M3 120. Massachusetts, Committee on public safety. Gas defense and decontamination. Boston, Protection division. 1341., 31 p. (handbook- no. 8) ■ . « UA3-2G.M4-A35 121. Meyer, Andre. Les ?gaz de combat’; leur. fabrication, proprietes physiques, ehimiyues et toxieologlques, detection et analyse. 5 ed. refondue« Paris, Cha-rles-Lavauz- ell e & c i e., IS 39, 100 f . ’ UG447,114 19 33 122. Meyer, Julius. • ■.. . Die £;rundlagen .des luftschutzes, Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1335, 326. p«, illus, • . UG630.M42 Chemical Warfare 11 123. I Filler, Ulrich. Die chemische waffe iu weltkrieg und—jetzt. Berlin, Verlag Chemie, 1935, 168 p. :,Literaturverzeichnis” ; p. 168. UG44-7.MB 1955 124. New Hampshire. Civilian air defense services. Handbook on gas defense and decontamination. Concord, The Concord press, 1941, 23 p., UG447.N4 125. New Mexico. State council of national defense. ((Manual, compiled by Major Joe McCabe of New Mexico state guard)) ((Santa Pe? 194-2?)) 1 v. illus. Loose-leaf. TJG44-7.N65 126. Paarmann, Siegfried, Chemie des waffen- und maschinenwesens. 2., neubearb. aufl. Berlin, J. S’.ring- er, 1940, 266 p., illus. TP14S.P2 1940 127. Parisot, Jacques. ... La protection centre le danger aero-chinique; role des infirriieres, secouristes et assistar.tes du devoir national ... Fancy, Societe de secours am: blesses nilitaires, 1932, 148 p.. UC630.P25 128. Pascal, Paul Victor Henri. Lxplosifs, poudres, raz de combats. (2, ed.) Paris', Hermann et cie., 1930, . 320 p., illus. Contains bibliographies. TP370.P5.1930 129 o Feres, Werner. ... Luftschutz. Gas bomben drohenI 24. verb. aufl. Leipzig, ?. M. Hor- hold, 1939, 32 p., illus. *UG635,G5P4 1959 130. Petzold, Nermann, Versuche zum luftschutz, Leipzig und Berlin, B. G. Teubner, 1935, 67 p., illus. ”Literatur:? : p. 66. UG630.P4 131. Pickett, Francis Norman. Don’t be afraid of poison gas; hints for civilians in the event of a-poison gas attack.’ London, Siiri kin, Marshall, ((1934)), 41 p. UG447.P5 152. Pratt, James Davidson. Gas defence. London, British science guild, ((1955)), 18 p-. UG447.P7 135. Prentiss, August in Mitchell. Chemicals in war; a treatise on chemical warfare. New York and London, McGraw-Hill, 1937, 739 p, Biblio raphy : p. 703-729. UC-447.P75 134. Red Cross. Netherlands. ■ Nederlandsche rood© kruis, Norte handle id inc voor hull verleening bij gasa a-" vail on. . • * s-Grave nhage— Batavia, G. B. van Goer, 1940, 52 p., G.druk* RC87. 3.R4 155. Refet, ITuri. Muharebe mazieri yazan Edyiik erkani harbiye sihhiye nUfettislimi ... Istanbul, Devlet mtbaasi, 1951, 55 p. UG447• R4 Chemical Warfare 12. 136. Reynolds, R. F. 250 A. R. P. questions answered (high-explosive bombs, incendiary bombs, and war gases) .... 4th ed,. (further’rev. and enl., including an appendix on .stir- rup-pump drill). London, Jordan & sons, 1942, 85 p. Bibliography: p. 84—85 UG447.R48 1942 137. Richter, 7ilhelm. Kampfstoffrmrkung un.d heilun , Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1939, 246 p. "Schrift- tum:t : p. 226-237. UG447.R5 138. Roberts, Alfred A. The poison war, London, W. Heinemann, ((1915)), 143 p., illus. Bibliography 1 p. at end. UG447.R6 139. Rudkin press. Nutfield, Eng. How to tell & what to do if they are gassed; simple first aid for the vic- tims of poison gas, also notes on the effects of poison gas on food, animals, houses, furniture, cars. For the use of responsible people. Little Dormers, Nutfield, .Surrey, Rudkin press, ((1941)), 120 p. “Books to read and study™: p. 113, * UG447.R77 140. Rump f, Han s. Gasschutz; ein leitfaden fair den gasschutzlehrer und den gasschutznann. Berlin* E. S. Mittler & sohn,-1936, 122 p., illus, WG447.R8 1936 141. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.). Arrniia. Hhinicheskoe upravlenie. Pravila pol’zovaniia protivogazom BN s naskoi. Moskva, 1935, 15 p., illus. UG447.6.R8 1935 142, Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.), Arniia. Inspektsiia khimicheskoi podgotovki. Rukovodstvo po khimicheskoi sluzhbe RKKA. Moskva, 1927, 188 p. ' UG447.R85 1927 143. Russia. (1923- U.S.S.R.). Ami la. IQiinicheskoe. upravlenie. Vrenennoe nastavlenie no protivoldiimicheskoi oborone. Mosleva, 1936, 128 p. 85 1936 144. Sartori, Mario. The war gases, chemistry and analysis. New York, D. Van Nostrhnd, 1939, 360 p. UG447.£32 1939 145. .Shearcroft, Walter Francis Fairfax. War gases, learn and live. An illustrated handbook for the public, the civil defence services, the home guard. London, Jordan & sons, ((1941)), 24 p. UG447.343 146. Sieur, Celestine. ... Conference du medecin general inspector Sieur. Anrouleme, S. a. Imprim- erie centrals, 1932, 34 p. Caption title: Conference ... ,sur 1’a‘viation et la defense aero-cHimi quel UG630.S5J Chemical Warfare v 13 147. Skibsted, Gve de Pine. .. .Hvorledes beskyttes jep nod luftangreb? No .pie oplysnin-;er navnlig vedr- oerende personers beskyttelse op optraeden vod ulykkestilfaelde on under krigsforhold. Koebenhavn, P. Haase & seen, 1934, 103 A. ., illus. UG-630.S58 148. StacHeiberg, S. de. ... Fleau aerien; la puerre aero-chinique st la defense anti-aerienne, Lausanne, Editions Croix-violette, 1932, 224 p. incl. plates. UG-630,367 149. Stenpel, Maurits Leon van der. Luc ht be scheming, de luchtoorlog; en de be scheming van do bur; erbevolkinp. Zwolle, La Riviere & Voorhoeve, ((1939)), 64 p., illus., 2.druk. UA926.S8 150. Switzerland. Service technique du departement nilitaire federal. Instruction sur le masque a paz. Berne, Hay 1335, 12 p. 151. Switzerland. Office federal pour la defense aorienne passive. Prescriptions sur la conservation, les sains et 1•or.trotion du material do defense aorienne passive. Berne, 1935, 25 ;. 152. Switzerland. Service technique du do artonont nil it a ire federal. Reg lament technique pour 1c masque a paz. 19 p., illus. 153. Switzerland. Department militairo federal. Le service anti-gaz. 1933, 30 p. 154. Tanon, Louis. ... La protection centre les paz do combat ... Paris, Vi ot froros, 1939, 254 p., illus. At head of title; Institut d*hygiene do la Faculte do nodo- cine do Paris. "Bibliographies; p. 63. UG447.T3 155. Thuillior, Sir Henry Fleetwood. Gas in the next war. London, G. Lies, ((1939)), 179 p. Bibliography : p. xi- xii. UG447.T5 156. Underhill, Frank Poll. The lethal war gases, physiology and experimental treatment; nr. investigation by the Section on intermediary metabolism of the Modicnl division of the Ghem- ic nl warfare sorvice ... ITow Haven, Yale university press, 1920, 5C9 p., incl. tables, diagrs., plates ... RA1245.U5 157. U. S. Bureau of navigation. Havy dept. Havy training courses. Chemical warfare and the Naval medical officer. Washington, U. S. Govt, print, off., 1928, 30 p. UG447.U 65 1928 156. U. S. Cavalry school, Fort Riley,' Ton. Chemical, nc.ndonic division, the Cavalry school, Fort Riley, Hansas. { (Fto Riley, o. m. C. plr.nt, 1328)), 56 p., illus. U0447.U65 1928 b 159. IT. S. Chemical warfare service. Chord cal warfare and the Chemical warfare service. 7a shin'd on, D. C*, 1942. 38 p., illus. UG447.U65 1942 Chemical Warfare 14 160. Uo So Chemical warfare service. Chemical warfare bulletin. Review of developments in application of chemicals to military effort. Published quarterly, Washington, D. C. (Civilian defense collection has issues for Jan., July, and Oct. 1942. .Pile of ast issues, Govt. Pub. R. Ft., Library of Congress). 161. U. So Chemical warfare service., . - Chenical warfare service field manual. Vol. 1, Tactics and -technique. Pre- pared under the direction of the chief of the Chemical warfare service, Gash- ing! on, U. S. Govt, print, off., 193G, 272 p., illus. UG447.U5C 162. U. S. Chemical warfare service. Medical division*. A comparative study of world war casualties from pas and other weapons. Prepared by Cel. 17. L. Gilchrist, chief, Medical division, TTashirm ton, IT.. S. Govt, print, off., 192G, 51 p. ’‘References1* : p . 51 UG447.U65 192Ga 163. U« 3. Chemical warfare service. Exhibit of the chemical warfare service, United States army. Washington, U.S. Govt, print, off., 1927, 15 ..., illus. UP775.A1G 164. U. S. Chemical warfare service. Incendiary bombs. Tentative instructions. ((Washington)), 1940, office of the chief of Chemical warfare service, 12 nip.. UG447.U65 1940 165. U. S. Chemical warfare service. The story of chemical warfare♦ Uashington, Office, chief of the Chemical warfare service, 1939, 19 p. :fGeneral bibliography on chemical warfare7* : p, 16-19. ' UG447.U65 1939 166. U. S. Chenical warfare service. The technique of chemical weapons. Gashing!on, U. S. Govt, print, off., 1933, 101 jo, illus. (Training regulations k*o. 415 - 35) UG447.U 65 1953 167. U. S. Chemical warfare school, Ddgowood arsenal, I Id. Pam; hlots. Decontamination, 1942, 42 p., illus. (no. 12) Instructions for using gas identification sets. 1942, 7 p., illus. (no.4) The none onbat ant pas mas’:; its use and care. 1941, 25 p., illus. (no. 10) Training guide, chemical warfare; questions, answers and practical exorcises.- 1942, G7 p., illus. (no.2) ' . UG447.U585 16G. U. S. Office of civilian defense. Medical division. Cas pro- tection section. Analyses of duties and training of U. S. citizens defense corps for "as defense. Washington, D. 0., corrected Docorober 1942, 20 p., min. (0 C, D pub- lication 2206) 169. U. S. Office, of civilian defense. Civilian defense, schools. 'A p’os; ectus of the courses conducted by the Chem- ical warfare service to train instructors for civilian defense. Gaskin-.ton, IT. S. G-ovt. print, off., ((1941)), 10 p. UA927.A5 1941 b 170. Uo S. Office of civilian defense. A handbook for decontamination squads. Gashinaton, D. 0., IT. S. Govt, print, off., 1941, 62 p«, illus. UG447.UG7 1941 Chemical Warfare 15 171. U. S. Office of civilian defense. Medical division. First aid in the prevention and treatment of chenical casualties. Washington, Do Co, Medical division, ((1941).), 51 r,, illus. UG447.U67 1941 a 172. U. S. Office of civilian defense. Simulated war gas identification sets approved by the Office of civilian de- fense for sale by commercial firms. Memorandum, to Regional directors from' James M. Landis, director, Washington, D. C., Sept. 19, 1942, 4 p,, nim. 173. U. S. Office of civilian defense. Standard school lectures—civilian protection ... Series III, Gas defense. Washington, D. C., IT.rS. Govt, print, off., 1942, 77 p. UA927.A32 174. U. S. Office of civilian defense. Chicago metropolitan area. "Gas defense" test. Civilian defense series (Form 3). c. 194-2 by Kenneth L. Heaton, 10 p., mim. 175. U. S. Signal corps replacement trainin' center, Fort Monmouth,r.J. Defense against chemical attack. Port ?'ormouth, The Signal corps replacement training center, September 1942, ((40 p.)). UG447.6.U 6 1942 b 176. U. S. War de ;t. Chemical warfare agents: Reference and training chart. Issued in conjunction with U. S. War dept., "Protection against gas", UG447.UG5 1941 177. IT. So War dept. ({Training publications)) Technical manuals. The gas mask. Washington, D. 0,, 1941, 144 p. (TM 3-205) Military chemistry and chemical agents. Washington, D. 0., 1940, 164 p. (TM 3-215) Treatment of casualties from chemical agents, Washington, D. 0., 1941, 51 p. (TM 8-285) U4C8.5.A13 178. U. S. War dept. Protection against gas. Prepared by the War do; artnent with the assistance and advice of other federal agencies. Washington, D. C., TJ. S. Office of civilian defense, ((1941)), 75 p., illus. UC447.U65 1941 179. U. S. ‘'Tori: projects administration. D. C. Air raid protection bibliographical project. Library of Con,press. A special Report (prepared for the U. S. Chemical warfare service) on decon- tamination of water supplies, decontamination of materials and human skin surfaces; war ases. Washington, D. C«, Part I, October 194-2; Part II, Janu- ary 1943. Copy deposited, Libary of Congress, War Collection. 180. Vedder, Edward-Bright. Tie medical aspects of chemical warfare ... with a cha ter on the Laval med- ical aspects of clienical warfare, by Duncan C. Halt on ... Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins co., 1S25, 327 p, "References" at end of part cf the chapters. TJG447.V4 181. Vo ivenel, 1aul. ..« La guorre des gaz, journal d’une ambulance Z. Laris, La Renaissance du livre, ((cl919 ) ), 276 p. UG447.V6 Chemical Warfare 16 182. Voogt, T.7o I. de. Luchtbe scheming op jacht naar oorlorsgassen, leidraad voor gasverkenners ten p latte land©, Amsterdam, IT. v. D. 3. CQnteh, 1939, 93 p« ‘fGeraadpleegde literatuur” : p. 91. UG447.V65 185. Wachtel, Curt. Chemical warfare. Brooklyn, N. Y., Chemical publishing eo., 1941, 312 p. . TJG447.773 184. Waitt, Alder Harry. Gas warfare, the chemical weapon, its use, and protection against it. New York', Duel!, Sloan and Pearce, ((1942)), 327 p., illus. :fGhemical Warfare agents1’ (table) on lining-papers. UG447.W33 185. Waitt, Aider. Harry. Poison gas in this war. The New republic, New York, vol. 106, April 27, 1942, p. 563-565. Photostat 186. Walsh, Michael J. Outline of differential diagrams of casualties resulting from exposure to chemical warfare agents, c. 1942, 1 leaf. 187. Warthin, Aidred Scott, The medical aspects of mustard gas poisoning. St. Lours, C. V« Mosby co., 1919, 267 p., illus. Bibliography: ;. 255-264. PAL247.M8W3 188. Weil, G, P, Protection de- la population civile centre les gaz de combat et les bombes incendiaires. 9.od. Bruxelles, ((Croix-rouge de Belgique)), 1940, 52. p. UG447 .T74 189. Weiss, Ilax. Defend yourself against fires, bombs, gases. ((Boston)), c. 1942, 47 p., illus. UG447 orJ43 190. Wessnan, Ernst. Elementdr luftskyddsldra. Stockholm, E. Wessnan, ((1939)), 47 p«, illus. UG630.W39 191. v.lirth, Fritz, and Otto Huntsck« Die gefahren der luff und ihre bekampfung im taglichen leben ... Berlin, G. Stilke, 1933,- 204 p., illus. eratureverzc ichnis5’ : p. 199. WG447..W5 102a Wojnicz-Sianozecki, Zygmunt. .00 Zbiorowa obrona przeciwgazowa wiskszych skuplen ludzkich. Warszawa, Wo j showy instytut naukovjo-wydaim i czy, 1932, 110 p. UG447.W6 193. Woker, Gertrud Johanna. • ... Der kommende giftgaskriep. In auftrage der Internetionalen fnauonliga fiir frieden und freiheit. Leipzig, E. Oldenburg, ((1925)), 94 p. UG447.W63 194. Wscieklica-Pollak, Marcela. ' ■ ■ ... Slownik polsko-francusko-nicmieoko-rosyjski; Bron clicmic.zna. Warszawa, Chemical Warfare 17 (194 cont.) Wojskowy instytut naukowo-wydawniezy, 1932, 222 p. Bibliography p. 207-222. UG447.W8 195. Zeitschrift fdr das gesamte schiess - und sprengstoffuesen. > (Indexes) General-register der jahrfange 1 bis 30 (1906-1935) ... mit der sonderab- teilung ... Milnehen, Verlag der Zeitschrift ... 1938, 448 p. TT270.A1Z4 Register 1906-55 ADDENDA 196. Bebie, Jules. Manual of'explosives, military pyrotechnics, and chemical v/arfare, agents; . composition, properties, uses. New York, Macmillan co., 1943, 171, p*. •Bibliography: p. 163-168. TP270.B37 197. Eanslian, R,, and Fr. Bergcndorff. Der chemise he krieg; gasangriff, gasabwehr und rauc he rze upung. Berlin, E.S. Mit tier & sohn, 1925, 226 p, "Literaturverzeichnis" : p-,. 217-220. TJG447.H35 198, Union of democratic control. Poison gas. London, The Union, ({1935)), 63 p., illus. "Bibliography on chemical warfare" : p. 61-63. ' . UG447,U43 199. United States Chemical Warfare Association. Bulletin. lTos. : 1-2, 4-16, 18-21. Washington, D. C., 1925. :tCeased publication with no. 23.,f ' UG447.U45 200. U. S. Office of civilian defense. Medical division. First aid in thb prevention-and treatment of chemical casualties. Revised. Washington, D. C., Medical division, O.C.D., 1943, 32 p,, illus, , (OCR 2202-1) , UG447.U67 1943 201. U. S. Signal corps replacement training center. Defense against chemical attack. Instructor's lesson plans. Basic school. Prepared in collaboration with the Training standards, and service division. Fort Monmouth, N. J,, Se:tember 1942-, 40 p., mim, UG447.6.U6 1942 b Chemical Warfare SUPPLEMENT N 0. X EXPLANATORY NOTE This volume supplements a Check List on Chemical Warfare and Decontamination which was issued March 1, 1943. Many important new works and other editions of issues pre- viously cited have been acquired since the Check List was published and are included in this Supplement. The numbering of the entries in the Supplement is continued in sequence to those of the original issue. Where the Library has .been unable to secure at this time a copy of some important German or other foreign issue dealing with chemical warfare, microfilming has been employed; and such film is available in its Microfilm Reading Room. No copy of volume two (Wissenschaftlicher teil) of the third edition of Per chemische krieg, a definitive work on the subject, by Dr. Rudolf Hanslian, can be located in this country. This confirms, in some measure, a report from a reliable and author- itative source that the German Government supressed the issuance of this volume when it was about to be published. However, copies of some of the material to be used in this decond volume (see publish- er’s announcement on last page of volume one /MLlitarischer tell/, third edition, of Per chemische krieg) have now been secured by the Library and are found in this Supplement. Official publications of Great Britain (which are arranged alphabetically by title) may be assumed to be published by His Majesty’s Stationery Office unless otherwise noted. Separate sections have been added to list outstanding general works on civilian defense which contain chapters on chemical warfare, important issues on military medicine covering the medical aspects of gas warfare, and reports, protocols, etc., of internation- al conferences prohibiting the use of gas in wah. The Library -of- Congress Reference Department ‘ CHEMICAL W A 'R-F A R E A Check List SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 202. Almeida Figueircdo, Antonio df. Gases dc corabatc; patolog-ia, clinica o terapeutica, defesa passive; adquir- ido pelo Sstado raaior do -exercito para as bibliotecas regimentals. 2. "ed. corr. e. aumentada. Coimbra, Coimbra editdra, I.da., 1959 , '21*6 p*, illus. "Bibliografia”; p. 201-all. RA1245.A4 1959 203.- American-chemical society. 105th meeting, Detroit,'April 1939 "Symposium on civilian preparedness for chemical warfare." Journal of chemical education, June 1945, p. 265-266; 1. The chemist and civilian defense, by T. D. Stewart, University of California. 2. Chemical aspects of civilian defense, by Colonel A'. 'Gibson, Chemical warfare service, U.S. a ray. •' 5. Gas defense organizations, by William Cabler Moore, U.S. industrial chemicals, inc., Stamford, Conn. 4. The use of mobile units in the first aid and medical 'treatment - of gas casualties, by J. T. Cassaday, American Cyanaraid co., Stamford Conn. • ” * 5. Protection of food against chemical attack, by Morris B. Jacobs, Dept, of health. New York City. 6. The preparation of war gas identification sets, by P, G. Hickey, 0. P. and J, J, Hanley, Providence college. Providence, R.I. PHOTOSTAT /Also Issued as a reprint, by Chemical education publications, Easton, Pa., 1945, 44 p._/ 204, Avinovitskii, Iakov Lazarevich. Protivogazy, ikh ustroistvo i priraenenie. /Gas masks/ Moskva, 1928,. 61 p., illus. Bibliography; p. 61. " UG447.6.A8 1928 205. Bayer, Fritz. Gasanalyse, methoden dcr unter bcrucksichtiguhg der phys- iologiachcn wirkungen dcr gase. 2., umgearb. aufl. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1941, 514 p., illus. (Die chcmische analyse ... von Wilhelm Bottger ... xxxix* bd») ‘ QD75.05 -bd. 59 206. Berolzhciracr, Daniel Daronda. Gases used in warfare: References to tire standard reference books1. • /Reprinted from the Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, vol. 11, no, 3, page 256, March 1919/ Z6724.G2B5 2 .Chemical Warfare 207. Bly, Robert Stewart. The preparation of phenylimido-phosgene, and the chlorination of forman- ilide. Easton, Pa#, Eschenbach print. co., 1922, 10 p, 110447.5.P536 1922 208. British leather manufacturers* research association. The decontamination, by means of warm water, of leather and leather articles contaminated with blister gas; a report on trials held by the British leather manufacturers’ research association in conjunction with the Chemical defence research department, technical advisers to the Home office. London, /l94-?/, 8 p, PHOTOSTAT 209. British medical Journal. War wounds and air raid casualties; articles republished "from the British medical journal ...' London, H# K# Lewis & co,, 1959, 256 p., illus. "Chemical warfare and the doctor", etc., by E. LI, Cowell and David Dale Logan, p. 191-254.’ "References; p. 215. ‘ RD151.37 210. Brooksbank, Alan. A. Ri P. Air rarid precautions for Australians; H. E. —fires--gas. The civilians’ guide ... 8th edition. Melbourne, Robertson & Mullens, 1940, 105 p. • f • UG447.B68 1940 211. Biischer, Hermann. Gnin- und gelbkreuz. R. Hiramelheber & co., 1952, 199 p., illus. Hamburg. /Copy, Chemical warfare service library,’ Edgewood arsenal, Md./ 1 ' / Microfilm requested /a translation of this work into English, by an outside and unofficial source, is now nearing completion; early publication is expected// Canada. Director of civil air raid precautions. A*JUP. - Defence against ■ gas. Manuals. Ottawa, S. Cloutier, 1942. By I. M. Rabinowitch, scientific adviser on Chemical warfare. 212*.- • No. 1. Organization of decontamination services. 66 p. 215. ‘ * No. 2. Decontamination of materials. 78 p. 214. No. 3. ■ Personal protection against gas*. 104 p., illus. 215. No. 4’. First aid and nursing for gas casualties. 83 p. ♦ ' * ‘ * ' J 216. .... ..... No. 5.* Anti-gas precautions for merchant shipping. 66 p.,illus. 217. ; ‘ No. 6. Anti-gas precautions for animals. 52 p.', illus. • 218. : VV ' No. 7. Protection of food and water against gas. 58 p. /•Chemical Warfare 3, 219. No. 8. .Anti-gas training.- (Has been abandoned.) ' 220 . No. 9. Medical treatment of gas casualties. (Has been abandoned; but in substitution there is now issued; Gt. Brit. War office. Medical manual of chemical warf are, 1945 edit ion. Bee entry below.) 221. Canada. Director of civil air raid precautions. A.R.P. - Table of war ga-ses. What they are, how to recegnize them, what to do when gased, first aid treatment. I. 'I. Rabinowitch, comp. Ottawa, E. Cloutier, 1942, 7 p; 222. Canada, Director of civil air‘raid precautians. Incendiary bombs and how to deal with them. Ottawa, E. Cloutier, n. d., 51 p., illus. (Household series. Booklet no. 1.) /Withdrawn from circu- lation as obsolete,’ and temporarily replaced by entry below: New instruct- ions on how to fight fire bombs 'J 225. Canada. Director of civil air raid precautions. New instructions on how to fight fire bombs’, Ottawa, B. Cloutier, 1942, 4 p. ‘/Temporarily replaces entry above; Incendiary .bombs and how to deal with them^/ 224. Canada.- Director of civil air-raid precautions. Protect yourself against. poison gas. Ottawa, 3. Cloutier, 1945, 59 n. 225. Canada. Director of civil air raid precautions. Your gas mask (the civilian respirator). Revised edition. Ottawa, E. Cloutier, Oct. 15, 1942, 4 p. . . .. 226. “Canada. Federal air raid precautions committee. Renseignemerits-generaux sur les precautions centre les bombardments aeriens. Instructions suppleracntaires au manuel- ’’Premiers secours aux blesses.” Ottawa, J. 0. Patenuade, 1940, 57 p., illus. , /issued also in English. See entry 11,./ UG447.C56 227. 'Champion,paper and fibre company. Technical notes and data on civilian protection against gas, prepared by the research staff of the ... company. Hamilton, 0., 1945, 144 p,, tables, diagrs. :’3ciected references”: 2 leaves at end. UG447.C5 .' 228. Chicandard, Maurice. Manuel pratique de defense passive. Paris, J. dc Gigord, 1959, 72 p., illus. . UG447.C55 229. Couilloud, Jean Jacques Philippe. Les gaz de combat; proprie.tcs chimiques et physiologiques, therapeutique des intoxications, protection. 2. ed. Essal de contribution a la defense passive, Paris, J, 3. Bailliere et fils, 1959, 174 p., illus. ’’Bibliographic sommairc”; p. 168-171. " .UG447.C67 4. Chemical Warfare 250. Cowell, Ernest Marshall. The pocket book of first aid in accidents & air raids ( including chemical warfare). 2d ed. ,(rev.). London, Eng., G. Gill & sons, 1959, 92 p., illus. RG87 .C8* 1939 251. Davison, Forrest -Ramon. Manual of toxicology. New* York, 1959, 241 p, ’’General litcrature’1’at end of each chapter. ‘ r RA1211.D58 252. Denmark. Koraraissionen angaaende foranstaltningcr til bc- skyttelse af befolkpingen mod f/lgcrne af med ke- raiske krigsmidler, brandboraber, spraengboraber og ligncnde. Betaenkning ... K/benhavn, J. H. Schultz, 1J55, 150 p., illus. UG655.D4A5 1935 2e>«j. Dion,, S. A* Tanks, gas, bombing, liquid fire. New York, George U. Harvey, cl917, 156 p., illus. UF765.D6 254* "Don’t let yourself be Gas attack of the New York division ,■ 27;th div., U.S.A. Camp Wadsworth, Spartanburg, S. C., illus. weekly. Vql. 1, no. 5, Dec-. 8, 1917, p. 5, 25-24. D501.G55 255. Drager-vortrage; atemschutz, wicderbelcbung; aus den atera- schutzlehrgangcn des Dragerwerks. 4, dcutsche ausg. Liibeck, /Koraraissionsverlag H. G. Rahtgcns/, 1954, 185 p., illus. Contributions by various authors. HD7275.D7 1954 ,236,.- Dragerwcrk, Llibeck. • Eraeger-gasschutz ira luftschut-z; individua1-gasschutz, kollektiv- gasschutz, charakter des chemischen krieges, chemische katopfstoffe, or- ganisation dcs luftschutzes, stadtebau und luf tschutz'. 2/ ausg. Llibeck, Korrmissions-verlag H. G. Rahtgcns, 1955, 288I p., illus. ‘’Literatur- verzeichnis 277-281. /4th edition cited, .entry 20._/ UG447.D7 1935 ,257. Durfee, Charles G. ’’Incendiary bombs”; address before the New Jersey fire chiefs* associa- tion, Asbury Park, N. J., June 21, 1941. /n. p., 1941 ?/, 15 p., illus. UG447.D8 , ■ 258. Eastwood, Henry. Pood and war gases, a det&iled’synopsis of methods.of treatment of con- taminated foodstuffs. London, Sanitary publishing company, ltd., 1945, 28 p. , illus. . ~ TX571.G5E18 259. Eden, Frederick Augustus Horton. Civil defence: a basic training manual, London, Jordan & sons, 1942s 88 p., Ulus. Part 1; Anti-gas, p. 8-70. UG447.E5 Eden, Frederick Augustus Morton. Civil defence; a basic training manual. ,2d edition. London, Jordan & sons, 1945, 87 p., illus. Part 1: AntiTgas, p. 6-70. UG447.E5 1945 "'Chemical Warfare 5, 241. Errington, Reginald Hugh.’ Air raid precautions; an order book, arranged from information issued by the Horae office (vide A.R.P. Handbook no. 6, 1st ed. /Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions in factories ... cited below/). London, 1958, 96 p. UG655.G7E7 242, Forren, Harry Desmond. How to fight fires resulting from air attacks. Deep River, Conn., National foreman's institute, inc., 8 p. folder, illus. TH9511.P5 .245. "Fighting the fire bomb." Safety engineering, January 1942, p. 20-22, illus, PHOTOSTAT 244, Figurovskii, N. A. Ocherk razvitila russkogo protivogaza ... 1914-1918 gg, /An outline of the development of the Russian gas mask/ Moskva, Akademii nauk, SSSR, 1942, 99., illus. diagrs. Bibliography included in preface. UG447.6.F5 245. Fishman, J. M. Microfilm copy of English translation; ''Military chemistry; a guide for the commanding personnel of the Red .Array" (/Washington, D, C., 1952/, 2 vols., 604 p,, typed). Illustrated with photostats from the original Russian edition (Moscow - Leningrad, Government press, 1950), Photo- graphed from copy in Array War College Library. Microfilm reading room /For extracts of above in German text, see entry 26._/ 246. Pitch, William Kenneth, comp. Cas warfare; a monograph for instructors, published by the pharmaceuti- cal society of Great Britain. London, The Pharmaceutical press, 1945, 105 p, incl. tables. Bibliography; p. 98 UG447.F55 247. Flury, Ferdinand, and Franz 2cmile. Schadliche gasc, darapfe, net cl, ranch- und staubarten. Mit autorisierter benutzung des werkes; Noxious gases von Henderson und Haggard; mit 80 abbildungen. Berlin, J. Springer, 1951, 657 p., illus,, tobies, diagrs. Contains bibliographies, RA1245.F5 /For Henderson and Haggard work cited above, see entry 89. See also entry below for 2d cd. of same work,_/ '248. Pradkin, Mrs. Elvira Thekla (Kush) Chemical warfare-- its possibilities and probabilities. Worcester, New York, Carnegie endowment for international peace, 1929, 88 p. Bibliography; p/ 86-88, J1907,A6 no. 248 /Another work by Mrs. Pradkin, entry 2Bj 249. France. Ministers dc la guerre. Instruction ... sur les grenades a I’usago des troupes dc toutes arraes. Paris, Imprirncrie nationale, 1954, 74 p, and 9 folded plates. (Ge doc- ument ... remplacc 1’instruction du 15 mars 1919.) Bound with Additifs nos. 1-8 (1925-1932), UF765.F7 1925 /includes sections on gas and incendiary grenadesy 6 Chemical Warfare 250. Prance. Direction de 1 *artillerie,. . Instruction technique sur la protection'-contre les gaz de combat; approuvee par le rhinistre "de la'defense nationals et de la guerre le ,25 septembre 1939. Paris, Charles-Lavauzelle & cie., 1940, 328,p.# illus. UG447.P68 1940 251. France. Ministere de la defense nationals et: de la guerre. Direction de la defense passive. Notice sur les raesures a appliquer en cas de.surprise par les gaz. /Paris ?/, Iraprimerie nationals, Jan. 18, 1959, 6 p. 252. Pries, Amos Alfred, Lieut. Col.., chief, Chemical warfare' service, U.S.A. Chemical warfare and the chemical profession. Army, and Mavy .Register. June 12, 1920, p. 757-758 (Reprint from Chemical warfare). . Photostat requested /Another work by Fries, entry 51./ 253. Ganescu, Gheorghe. Brosura de propaganda pentru apararea populatiei civile contra gazelor otravilloare. Bucuresti, G. Ganescu /19392/, 120 p., illus. "Bibliografie"; p. 116. ' . UG447.G5 254. Die Gasraaske; zeitschrift fur ateraschutz. Hausmitteilungen der auergesellschaft A.-G. Berlin, bi-raonthly. Microfilm copies; . Years 1-11, April 1929-Decerriber 1939 (negative); year 13, no. 2, August-December 1941 (positive). Microfilm Reading Hoorn 255. G'asschutz und Xuftschutz; z.eitschrift fur-das gesamte gebiet des gas-u. luftschutzes der zivilbevolkerung. Munchen/ Berlin, monthly, illus. (includes: "Baulicher luft schutz'*, 1958-1939). • ' Microfilm copies , Years 1-5, August 1931-Dec ember 1955; years 6-9, January 1956-Novembef 1939; negative. Year 11, November-December 1941 (nos. 11-12); year 12, January-August 1942 (nos.1-6); positive. Microfilm Heading Room 256. Gay, Adrien. , • Grenade warfare; school of the grenadier, a guide for hand bombers and rifle grenadiers. 4th French ed. 1st American translation, rev. Atlanta, Ga., S. ,W. Allen & co., 1918, 152 p., illus. UF765.G3 /includes: Gas, incendiary, and smoke grenades*/ * £57;‘ ’German incendiary bombs. ” Chemical warfare bulletin, pdgewood arsenal, Md.,. April 1942, p. 107. (Reprint of article and sketch from The illustrated London news, March 1, 1941.) PHOTOSTAT 258. Hermann. "Der ,ga skirl 'eg", i_n Max S.chwarte. Der grosse krieg, 1914-1918. (Leipzig, J. A. Barth; /etc., etc../, 1921-53, 10 vols.) Vol. 4, p. 485-528. , B521.S4 Chemical Warfare 7 259. Gibrin, Charles .Andre, and Ty,-, C.,: Keckly. Defense passive organises; personnel e't materiel. Paris, Dunod, 1956, 297 p., illus. "Bibliographic" : p. 275-275. ‘ UG655.F8G5 /This largely with defense against gas./ 260, Gillert, Ernst. ' , Die karapfstoffverletzungen (i/ampfstof’ferkrankungcn) airkennung, verlauf und behandlung der durch chemische kanipfstoffe verurs’achten schaden. 5., verb, aufl. Berlin und Wien, Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1941, 108 p., illus. "Schrifttum": p. , RC971.G5 1941 Array medical library has copies of 1st ed.-, ‘1958, 86 p., and 2d ed., 1939, 108 p./ 261. Gray, Henry, comp. * *’ Chemical warfare agents - gas, bombs, first aid at a glance - Reference chart. Washington, D. G., Educational research bureau, cl942, folder 262. Gt.’Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Air raid precautions for animals. London, June 1959, 28 p., illus. (.Air raid precautions handbook no. 12. 1st ed.) UG635.G7A294 no. 12 1559 /includes sections on incendiary bombs and gas*/ 265. ’ Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions dept. t Air raid precautions in factories and business‘premises. London, 1956, 69 p., illus. (Air raid precautions handbook no. 6. 1st ed.) /See Errington, cited above,./ ' UG655.G7A294 no. 6 1956 264. Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions ,dept. " Anti-gas precautions and first aid for air casualties. London, 1935, 110 p., illus. (Air raid precautions handbook no. 2 1st ed.) , . UG635.G7A294 no. 2 1935 /2d edition, cited entry 58, has title; First aid fob gas casualties../ 265. Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Anti-gas training. London, 1938, 43 p., incl. forms. (Air raid-precaut- ions memorandum no. 5. 2d ed.) UG635.G7A297 no. 5 1938 266. Gt. Brit. National health insurance joint committee. Medical research committee. An atlas of gas poisoning. Reprinted by the Horae office (Air raid pre- cautions dept) .2ded..*..# London, 16 p. xi col. pi. RA1245.G7 1937 /First edition was‘produced in 1918 by same committee, but for official circulation only* Third edition cited, entry 45*./ 267* Gt- Wav office. .. . . Defence aga-ii^t. gap-1927. ...Provision;1.! ... London, Wyman & sons, 1927, 62 p,, illun. , 3 avlth army orders for June 17, 1927) UG447.G7 1927 /Defence against gas, i mar. util pub® by the War office October 1935, cited in entry 54 fc/ , >t Amendment g i ncu 3) Mir-.y ;;li 1928, 2 p5 " (no, 2) January 1929, 2 p. " (no, 3) May 1929, 1 p. 8 Chemical Warfare Amendments (no. 4) May 1930, 2 p. ,f (no. 5) February 1951, l.p. n (no. 6) September 1931, 1 p. ,f (no. 7} January 1932, I p. UG447.G7 1927 Amend. 268. Gt. Brit. Ministry of home security. The f ire guards handbook. London, 1942, 45 p., illus. (Air raid precaut- ions handbook no. 14 1st ed. ) UG635.G7A294 no. 14 19*1 269. Gt. Brit. Ministry of home security. Fire protection for the guidance of occupiers of factories and other business premises. London, 1942, 91 p., illus. (Air raid precautions handbook no. 15. 1st ed.) UG635.G7A294 .no. 13 1.4 270, Gt. Brit. Ministry of home security. First aid and nursing for gas casualties. London, amended reprint, March 1942, 45 p. (Air raid precautions handbook no. 2. *Sd ed.J /Earlier issues of 3d edition, entries 59, 60. 2d ed., entry 58./ UG635.G7.i294 no. 2 194., 271. Gt. Brit. Ministry of home security. First aid and nursing for gas casualties. London, 1943, 41 p. (Air rail precautions handbook no. 2. 4th ed.) UG635.G7A294 no. 2 1942 272, Gt. Brit. Ministry of food. Food and its protection against poison gas. London, 1940, 15 p. UG447.G7 1940 /Supersedes; The protection of foodstuffs against poison gas, first edition of work, cited below/ 275. Gt. Brit. Ministry Feed and its protection against poison gas. Second edition. London, 194j. 18 p. UG447.G7 1941 a /Supersedes; First edition and also Food and its protection against gas cited abovs/ 274. Gt. Brit. Ministry of home security. Kow to tackle fire bombs. London, March 1941, broadside, illus. 275. Gt. Brit. Air raid^precautions dept, incendiary bombs and fire precautions* London, 1959, 65 p., illus. (Air raid precautions handbook no. 1st ed.) UG655.G7A294 no. 9 1959 276. Gt. Brit. Ministry of home security. Incendiary bombs and fire precautions. London, 1942, 54 p., illus. (Air raid precautions handbook no. 9. 2d ed.) 1st edition was issued by the .Air raid precautions dept. UG635.G7A294 no. 9 1942 277. Gt. Brit. Horae office (A.H.P.dept.). Incendiary bomb instructional diagrams. February 1939. 2 charts, i]lus. Ho. 1. Typical kilo magnesium (electron) bomb. No. 2. Typical roof construction. Chemical Warfare 9 278. Gt. Brit* Ministry of home security. Inspection and repair of respirators and oilskin clothing and decontamin- ation of respirators. London, 1943, 31 p. , illus. (.Air raid precautions memorandum no. 13. 4th ed.) WA929.G7A3 no. 15 1943 /2d, and 3d editions: entries 65, and 64•/ 279. Gt, Brit. War office. Manual of the medical aspects Of chemical warfare. London, Aug. 6, 1926, 91 p., illus. UG447.G7 1926 260, Gt. Brit. War office. •• * Manual on the use of smoke. Issued with Array orders for July 1925. London, Harrison-& sons, 1925, 44 p., illus., tables. UG447.7.G7. 1925 ’ - 281. Gt. Brit. War office. Medical manual of chemical warfare, 1945 ... London, 1945, 68 p. incl. illus., tables. Notified in Army orders for February 1943. UG447.G7 1945 282. Gt. Brit. Ministry of health. Notes and suggestions on ... gas poisoning and its sequelae; in relation to disabled ex-service officers and men. London, 1920, 55 p.,incl. diagr. RC971.G7 283. Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions dept* ■ ; Organisation of air raid casualties services*. London, 1956, 32 p*, illus. (Air raid precautions memorandum no. 1. 2d ed.) UG635.G7A297 no. 1 1936 /The casualties described arc chiefly those of gaseous origin or those contaminated by gas./ 284. Gt. Brit. War office. Protection against gas and air raids, pamphlets. London, 1956-, illus. UG447.G68 285. Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions dept. The protection of foodstuffs against poison gas. London, 1957, 8 p, UG447.G7 1957 a 286. Gt*. Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Structural defence. /Title originally announced as; Structural precaut- ions against bombs and gas*/ London, 1959, 58 p. incl. tables, diagrs. (Air raid precautions handbook no. 5. 1st ed.) UG655.G7A294 no. 5 1959 287. Gt.' Brit. War office. Tactical notes on defence against-gas. London, Aug. 51,' 1954 , 25 p. UG447.G7 1954 288. Gt. Brit. Air mid precautions dept. (1) Training of instructors (L.A.R.P.); and (2) training of A.R.P*- personncl and members of the public in elementary methods of protection against high explosive bombs and incendiary bomb control. London, July 17, 1959, 20 p. (A.R.P. dept, circular no* 140/1959) UG655.G7A296 10 Chemical Warfare 289. Gt. Brit. Ministry of health. Treatment of gas contaminated persons. /London?/, November 1941, broad- side: large illus. chart. ' 290. Gt. Brit. Ministry of health. Treatment of gas-contaminated persons. Instructionsfor eye-douching. November 1941. 1 chart, illus. 291. Guest, Leslie Haden. If air war comes; a guide to air raid precautions and anti-gas treatment. London, Eyre &..Spottiswocde, 1957, 88 p. , illus. UG447.G8 292. Guise, Arthur B. Protecting industrial plants from magnesium fires,. /New Ydrk ? 194l/, 4 p. diagr. Reprinted from Chemical'& metallurgical engineering, June 1941. "References": p. 4. UG447.G85 295, Hackman, J. Th. /• Microfilm copy (negative) of English translation: "What direction is the search -for new war gases taking? "(/Washington, D.C*/, 1955, 29 p., typed). Translated from the Dutch: "Chemische weekblad", vol, 51, no. 21, pi 566- 575, June 1954 (QD1.C6885). Photographed from copy in. Array War College Library, Microfilm Reading Room /Review of Hackman article' in "Gasschutz und luftschutz", March 1955, p. Microfilm Reading Room 294. Haferkorn, Henry Ernest, assisted by Felix Heuraann. Poisonous gas in warfare, application, prevention, defense, and medical treatment; a short annotated bibliography of gases and kindred devices applied in the present war. /Washington, Press of the Engineer school, 19177-18. 2’pt• in 1 vol. Reprinted from Professional memoirs. Corps of engineers, U.S.arrry, and Engineer department-at-large. Vol. ix, no. 48, Novernber-Dec.eraber, ,1917;' vol. x, no. 49, January-February,' 1918. * ’,7- Z6724.G2HS 295. Hammer, Norman Y/illiarn. A catec,his(m,,Qf air rapd precautions ... the protection of 'the civil population in chemical warfare, gas first aid, and the’medical and nursing treatment of gas’cases ... 5th (rev.) ed. London, J. Bale, 1959, 2 vo1s• ' " UG447.K55 1959 296, Hanslian, Rudolf. ; Dcr chemische krieg; gasarigrif f *, gasabwehr und raucherzeugung. 2d ed., revised and considerably expanded. Berlin, E, 3. Mittler & sohn, 1927, 411 p,, illus. Microfilm (negative) from copy in Army medical library. English .translation of the above.’ Washington, D. C., 1929, 224 p. Micro- film (negative) from copy in Army war college library. /original and translation included in same Microfilm Reading Room Chemical Warfare XI 297. Hanslian, Rudolf. Der chemische krieg ... 3d edition. Completely rewritten. Berlin, 1937. Vol. 1 (Militarlscher teil). /Entry 88/ English translation of table of contents: Washington, D. C., 1943, 11 p, typed. /a complete English translation of volume now being undertaken by an independent investigator at the Library of Congress and early' publication is expected../ Der chemische krieg ... 3d edition. Vol. 2 (Wissenschaftlicher teil). English translation of the publisher's announcement of this vtlume:’ Washington, D, C., 5 p., typed. /This announcement, which appears on the back of the last page. (779’) of vol. 1, 3d ed*., is in the form of a table of contents../ /dee entry 197, for the 1st edition of Der chemische krieg. For further ref erence to Hanslian, sec ISxplan&tory note, .and'/first entry for Tempelhoff bclow.y , • 298. Hanslian, Rudolf. Der dcutsche gasangriff dci Ypern am 22. april 1915; cine kriegsgeschicht- liche studie. Berlin, Vcrlag Casschutz und luftschutz, 1954, 116 p., illus. Bibliographical foot-notes, /photographed from copy at N. Y. Pub. Libr./ Microfilm Reading Room /An abstract of this work, in English, is cited below in entry for U. 3. Chemical warfare school. Pamphlets (no. 8)./ 299. Haynes, Williams. The chemical front. New York, A. A. Knopf, 1945, 264 p. TP147.H3 500. Hederer, Charles, and Marc Francois Istin. Khiraicheskoe oruzhie ... Moskva, 1958, 509. p..f illus. UG447.H58 /a Russian translation of L'armc chiraique et ses blessurcs; etude gencrale sur les gaz dc guerre. Paris, J, B. Baillierc et fils, 1958, 696 p., illus. "Bibliographic" at end of some chapters. Copy, Army Medical Library._/ 501. Helfrich, Oregon Benson. Reactions and derivatives of dichloro-ethyl sulfide ... Easton, pa., Eschenbach printing co., 1920, 29 p. QD541.A2H528 502. Henderson, Yandell, and Howard W. Haggard. Noxious gases and the principles of respiration influencing their action. 2d and rev. edition. New York, Reinhold publishing corp., 1943, 294 p., illus. (American chemical society. Monograph scries, /no. 35/) Bibliography at end of most of the chapters. RA1245.H4 1945 /For 1st edition of this work, see entry 89; sec also Flury above/ . 303. Hcrty, Charles Holmes. The reserves of the chemical warfare service. /Washington, E. C.? National research council, 192l/, 17 p. (Reprint and circular series of the Nation- al research council, no. 16) UG447.H4 no. 16 12 Chemical Warfare 504. Hieber, Edgar .. • ■' v Der gasabwehrdienst der truppe, eln handbuch fur. den truppenausbilder. 1940- Vol. 1. 5. auflage: Grundlagen fur die gasschutzausbildung und ausbildung im gasspiirdienst. . .Berlin-Gharloftenburg, Verlag Gasschutz und luftschutz dr. Dbeling kora.-ges., 140 p., illus. UG447.H5 505. H(5rlger, Max Der zivile lutftschutz ... im auftrage des Gesundheitsamtes Basel-Stadt. Basel, B. Wepf, 1955, 120 p., illus. "Literatur-verzaichnisp.. 115. /a work on. "Gaskrieg gegen die Zivilbevolkerung. y UG650.H6 506. Hoffman, Erik. Andersen. Luft- og gaskrigen. , ? 1928 ?/, 16 p. * UG650.H65 507. ,fHow Germany surprised the Allies with poison gas in the last war ... how gas was used during the rest of the war .... how it may be used this time.r» P M*s Sunday magazine section, July 18, 1945, p. 2-5, illus. ■ ’5D8. Irish free state. Dept, of defence.. Fire extinguishers - Their application to incendiary bombs and result- ant fires. Dublin, December 1940, 4 p. (Air raid precautions memor- andum n©. 10). . ■ ; . .. ' . 509. Italy. Ministero della guerra. Istruzione sul lancio delle borabe al ... Roma, Laboratorio. foto- . litografico del Ministero della guerra, 191G, 6 p., diagr. UG447.5.P51 8 510. Italy. Minister© della guerra. Istruzione sulla difesa contro gli aggressivi chiraici. Roma, 195.0, 229 p., illus. /Copy in N. Y. Pub. Libr./ Microfilm requested. 511. Italy. Minis,tero della guerra. Direzione gcnerale di sanita militare. Manuale sanitario per la guerra chimica. Rorna, 1955, 104 p. /Copy in Array Medical Library./ Microfilm requested 512. Italy. Direzione gcnerale di sanita militare. Manuals sulla guerra chiraica per uso degli ufficiali medici. Roma, Isti- tuto poligrafico dello stato, Libreria, 1941, 91 p. RA1245.I .8 1941 . ■ 515. Italy• Ministero della guerra. . Corpse di stato maggiore. Home per la protezione antiaerea degli atabilimenti industrial!... Roma, Istituto poligrafico dello stato, Libreria, 1957,. 50 p. UG447. I 7, 19.57 514* Italy* lews, statutes . etc», 1900- Norme relative alio distribuzione di raaschere antigas ... 2d cjd. ,c:oor- dinata ed.aggiornata. Roma, Istituto poligrafico dello stato, Lihroria,; *. 1959, 15 pt , ;UG447.6.IQ, 1959 /1st edition, entry 101/ Chemical Warfare 15 515. Izzo, Attilio. • 4 Guerra chiraica c protezione antigas, , Terza edizione, aggiornata ed auraen- tata. Milano, Ulricd' Hoepli, 1958', 615 p., illus. Bibliogrofia; p.# ,591- 595. Microf ilm‘(negative) from copy in Haval Research Laboratory Library. ■■ Microfilm Reading Room Table of contents translated into English, , Washing ton, D. C., 1944%f -- 15 p.y typed.- • 516, Jodogne, Joseph. . Votre protection contre le. peril aerien. Bruxelles, A. de Boeck, 1958, 62 pv, illus. ■’ Lr-:‘ ' ’ UG635.B4J6. 517. Johnston, Joseph E., Camp, Jacksonville, Pla. Gas defense • ’ school (Arthur W. C’. Bergfield, Capt., M.R.C., comp. ). Outline of lectures on gas warfare. /l918/, 9 p., mini. UG447.J6 518. Kansas academy of science. Science and the war, a symposium ... Lawrence, Kansas., 1945, 47 p. Includes; Chemistry in the war efftrt, by‘j, ¥, Greene. D810.S2K2, 519. Kinttof, Walter. Pic grundlagcn dcr gasabwehr, mit praktischen uebungsvorschlagen. Berlin, C. Heyraann, 1941, 176 p., illus. UG447.K52 • (For-another work by same author, see entry 107, which is an 'English translation of Schulvcrsuchc zur chorale dcr karapfstoffe. Berlin, C. Heyraann, 1959, 175 p., illus.) 520, Kling, Andre. Bombes ct engins explosifs dc 1’aeronautique ‘allcraande. Paris, Service gcographique dc ltarraec, 1915, 57 p., plates, diagrs. TJF767.K6 521. Leake, Chnuncey D., rind David F. Marsh. Mechanism of action of ordinary waY gases. Science, (New York), August 28, 1942, p. 194-197. PHOTOSTAT 522. Lcfcbure, Victor. Chemical warfare: the possibility of its control. Jn Grotius society. Problems of the war ... London, vol. vii, 1922, p. 155-166. JX21.G7 vol. 7 525;. • Lcfeburc, Victor. Common sense about disarmament. London, 1952, 176 p. !lRcfcrcncesff; p. 175-176. /includes material on Chemical warfare._/ JX1974.L55 524. Lefcbure, Victor. L* enigma du Rhin; la strategic chimlque en temps de paix et cn temps dc guerre. Traduit de I’anglais par Marcel Thiers ... Paris, payot, 1922, 246 p. /a French translation of the 1st ed‘. of entry 111%/ ' J , UG447.L42 14 Chemical Warfare 325. Lankin, William. Visualized chemistry, including chemistry in warfare.- &ew York, 1945, 5”48 p, j illus. "Some helpful books for-further study”: p. 548 QD55.L494 1945 526. Linderaan, Wlodzimicrz. Ipcryt. Warszawa* Wojskowy instytut naukowo-wydawniezy, 1929, 322 p., illus. RA1245.LS 327. Ljunggren, Karl Gustav. Gasskyddets kemi. 2.- tryckningen.• Stockholm, Lund H. Ohlssons, 1939, 16 p. • UG447iL54 1959 528. Los Angeles co., Calif. Dept, of forester and fire warden. Chemical'warfare-defense. Los-Angeles, Office of the county superint- endent of‘schools, 1942, 53 p., incl. tables, diagrs, mim. UG447.L6 1942 529. Luisi, Hector. Quimica militar (guerra quimica). Montevideo, Imprenta militar, 1942, 241 p., illus. "Bibliograf ia p. 255-254. UG447iL8 530, McBride, J. • Air raid precautions against bombs and the poisonous gas of warfare, with emergency first aid. Sydney and Melbourne; Whitcombe & Tombs, 1942, 95 p., illus. Second edition. UG447.M23 1942 551. Macias Teixeira, Luiz de Sa, and Jacinto de Andrade. • perigo aero-quimico; conselhos as populacoes civis. Porto, Livraria Educacao nacional, 1940, 91 p., illus., diagrs. UG447.M25 332; Manders, H. W, Grenades for the Home guard and the U. Y. rifle and cup discharger. London, Practical press, A943?Jt 71 p., diagrs. • UP765.M5 /Includes smoke*iand incendiary grenades*,/ 535. Medical society of the District of Columbia, Medical aspects of chemical warfare. I “Decontamination. By Richard H. Meredith. Medical annals of the District’of Columbia, February 1945, p. 51-54. - PHOTOSTAT II The vesicants and their first-aid treatment. By Donald H. Stubbs. Medical annals of the District of Columbia, June 1945, p. 220-222, 247-248. ’ • PHOTOSTAT 354. ‘Muller, Ulrich, Die chemische waffc im wcltkricg und—jetzt. Berlin, Verlag Chemic, 1952, 152 p,, illus. MLiteraturverzeichnisM: p. 152, UG447.M8 535, Milller, Ulrich, Die chemisehc waff'c im weitkrieg und--jctzt.. 4, -6, erweiterte und verb, aufl. Berlin, Vcrlag Chemic, 1955, 167 p*, illus. ”Literaturverzeichnis”: p* 165 UG447 ,M8 19«5«5 /?th-9th editions of above, entry 125 Chemical Warfare 15 556. Muntsch, Otto. ”Giftgaserkrankungen und gasschut-z” in Richard Krueger., .Aratliches unterrichtsbuch uber erste hilfe. (Berlin, Deutsches rotes kreuz, 1958, 256 p.# illus.), p.,219-245. f RC87.K78 * • 357•. Hunt sch, ;0,tt o«- y Leitfaden .der pathologic und dcr karapfgaserkrankungen. Leipzig, G. Thieme, 1932, 94., illus. "Litcraturverzeichnis": p. 90-94^ ♦ /Copy, Array Medical Library/ Microfilm requested ♦ 338. -Muntsch, Otto. Leitfaden der pathologic und therapic dcr kampfbtof f erkrankuhg’cn.' 5*., verb, und verm. aufl. Leipzig, G. Thierae, 1941, 159 p., illus. (part col.) diagrs. "Lit-eraturv.erze ichnis "• p. 147-155. ' ’ ‘ RA1245.M8 1941 /a work by Wirth and Muntsch cited below; • ■ e* also in entry 191/ : 559. , Rational research council. An exhibit prepared under the auspices of the National research council with the cooperation of the Chemical war service of the United States army. Now permanently installed at the Smithsonian institute, Washington, D. 0. New York, Chemical foundation, 1921, 16 p., illus. TP6.N35 1921 b 540. Overweg, Adolf Boelling. Dio chemische waffe und das vblkerrecht, cine rechtshistorische und rechts- kritische studie. Berlin, E. S. Mittler & sohn, 1957, 150 p. ”Literaturverzeichnis”: p. 125-150.* JX5155.C509 541. Paarraann, Siegfried. Chcraie des waffen- und mnschinenwesens; leitfaden der stoffkunde fur den offiziernachwuchs der kriegsmarine. Berlin, Springer, 1956, 178 p., illus. ’'Literaturverzeichnis”: p. vii. TP149.P2 /2d edition, entry 126./ 542. Paarraann, Siegfried. , . Chemi'e des waffen- und raaschinenwesens; leitfaden der stoffkunde fur den offiziemachwuchs der kr iegsraa rine. 5., neubearb. aufl. Hit 58 textab- bildungen. Berlin, Springer, 1942, 258. p;., illus* TP149.P2 1942 * * * • * ’ ’ T 543. "Public gas cleansing centres, Leeds.” Journal of the insti- tution of municipal & county engineers. London, November 10, 1942, p. 152-154. , ... , PHOTOSTAT * »- • i ■ • ■. - 544. Red Cross. U. S. American.pattional -.Red cross. outline. First aid course for civilian defense. For use with the American Red cross First aid textbook ... and its Supplement no. 2, War gases. Washington, D. G., American national Red cross, August 1941, 58 p. ,rWar gases”: p. 50-51. ' ’ * f HV575.A5* no. 1055 16 Chemical Warfare 545. Red cross. U. S. American national Red cross. War gases. (American Red cross first aid text-book. Supplement no. 2.) Washington, D. C., American national Red cross, August 1941, 4 p. RC87.R515 1940 , Suppl. no.2 Revision of December 1941. RG87.R313 1940 Suppl. no. 2a Revision of March 1942. RC87.R513 1940 Suppl. no. 2 b 546. Reichsluftsdhutzbund. Landesgruppe Ostpteussep. Luftschutz-fibel. Berlin, Verlag "Offenc worte", /l93^/, 103 p., illus. UF625.R4 547. Reynolds, R. P., R. D. Wormrld, and J, H. Young. 250 A. R. P. questions answered (high-explosive*bombs, incendiary bombs, and war gases) 50 additional questions ’answered on first aid. 5jfch ed. (further rev. and enl., including an appendix on stirrup-pump drill). London, Jordan & sons, 1945, '95 p., illus. Bibliography; p. 94-95. UG447.R48 1945 548. Richter, Wilhelm. Karapfstoffwirkung und heilung. Leipzig, 1959 /cited, entry 157/. Table of contents translated into English. Washington, D, C., 1945, 3 p. typed. ' • 349. Richters, Claue Dduard. • Schutz der tiere und lebensmittel in cheraisclien krieg. Berlin, 1956, 48 p., illus. /Copy in Army Medical Library/ Microfilm requested 350. Richters, Claus Dduard. Die tiere im chcmischen krieg. Zv/eite, neubearbeifete und vermeRrt.e auflage. Berlin, Yerlagsbuchhandlung von Richard Schoetz, 1954, 187 p., illus. * MSc.brifttumM; p. 179-185. /Copy in Array Medical Library/ - .Microfilm requested 551. Richters, Glaus Zduard. Die tiere ira chcmischen krieg. Italian translation of the third German edition, revised and annotated by Prof. Giuseppe Perraloro: Gli animnli e la guerra chimica. /kilano/, Istituto sicroterapico railanese, 1959, 275 p., illus. ’’BibliografiaHf p, 258-265. /copy in Dept, of Agriculture Library*./ Microfilm requested 352. Richters, Claus Eduard; •: • • ■ Die tiere ira cheraischen krieg. 4th ed., enlarged.?* Berlin, J.959., 280Bp., illus. /Copy in Army Medical Library./ Microfilm requested Table, of contents ,of the 4th edition, above cited, translated into English. Washington, D. C.,'1944, 4 p., typed. 555. 'Ritter, Gerhard, and C. Pfaundlcr, eds. . Ziviler luftschutz; i.s. aufba.u und schulung. Ludwigshaven a* Rh., Ludwig Knclle, 1952, illus. UF625.R5 III B 5. Peuerschutz. 20 p., illus. Ill B 6. Die chcmischen karapfstoffe, gas schutz, entgiftung 50 p., illus. Chemical Warfare 17 III B 7. Wirkungen der chemischen kampfstoffe auf den menschlichen korper, 1,s,-sanitotswesen. 26. p., illus. Ill S 42, Praktischer feuerschutz. 15 p. Ill E 45* Praktischer gasschutz, entgiftung. 18 p. Ill E 44. Praktischer Sanit’atsdienst. 14 p. /includes deepntamino- • tion./ ■. IV Seite 401. Literaturubersdebt• p. 401-419.,' 354. Boss, T, M. The'fire guard*s pocket.chart - Including. ;a, 'table ef war gases. London-, Jordan & sons., /l945?/, 2 p. folder, illus., diagrs., tables. 555. Rurapf, Hans. Brandbombcn; ein bcitrag zum luftschutzproblem. Berlin, S* S. Mittler & sohn, 1952, 224 p., illus. "Literaturverzeichnisp. 214-216. /Another work by Rurapf, entry 14Q/ UF750.R8 556. Rurapf, Hans. Brandbombcn ... English translation. Washington, D. C., W. P, A. Air raid precautions bibliographical project, 1945, 255 p., typed; together with photostat copies of illustrations, in original text. Translated by Linda K. Meyers, volunteer consultant. 557. Russica (1925- U. 3. S. R.) English translation: "Cas defense in the Soviet array (according to the principles of the Provisional instructions for chemical defense, 1956)," Washington, D, C., 1940, 7 p., typed, photographed from copy in Array War College Library. PHOTOSTAT Translated from "Militar wochenblatt,f, vol. 124, part 1, July 1, 1959, columns 15-19. U5.M4 558. Russia (1925- U. S. 3. R.} Narodnyi komissariat oborony. Instruktsiia po primeneniiu zazhigatcl’nykh butylok. /incendiaries/ Kuibyshev, 1941, 24 p. , Ulus. UG447.R87 1941 559. Russia (1925- IT. S. S. R.) Narodnyi komissariat vnutrennikh . del. Glavnoe upravlenie rnestnoi protivovozdushnoi oborony. Vremennaia instruktsiia po tusheniiu zazhigatelfnykh aviabomb, /incend- iaries/ Moskva, 1941, 52 p. UG447.R86 1941 360, San Francisco civilian defense council. Committee on medical aspects of war gases. How to protect yourself, against war gases. San Francisco, Air raid wardens 'service, April 1, 1942, leaflet., 561. San Francisco. Civilian defense council, and the Northern California writers* program. Japanese incendiary bombs. San Francisco, the council, n.d., 5 p., illus, raim. . 562. San Francisco. Civilian war council. Report on new type bombs. Scan Francisco, the council, February 1945, 4 p. 18 Chemical Warfare 565. San Francisco. Board of fire underwriters of the Pacific. Bombs - What to do and 'when to do it. San Frbncisco, the board, 1941, 7 p. • , 564, Santos Macedo, Adriano Vieira Coelho dos. Guerra quiraica; sua tecnica -e ta*tica. Lisboa, Casa portuguesa, 1939, 271 p., illus. "Bibliografia": * p. 265-260. ' ' UG447.328 565. Sherk, Kenneth Wayne. Incendiary bombs. Northampton, Mass., cl942, 12 p., illus* UG447.S45 566. Silva Pais, Fernando Rduardo da. As forcas da seguranca na defesa passiva das grandes cidades; gases e fumos nas alberecoes da ordem (guerra de ruas). Lisboa, /impresso no Centro tip. colimial/V 1958, 191 p. ' ' * UG447.347 567. Silverman, Milton. '’The folklore of gas”, March 15, 1942, p. 11. "After the horror of Ypres”, March 22,*1942, p. 9. "They have a-secret gas", March 29, p. 9. "You must help yourself", April 5, 1942, p. 12. (Four illustrated articles appearing in the San Francisco Chronicle, Sunday supplement magazine: This world.) PHOTOSTAT 568. Die Sirene; illustrierte zeitschrift mit den mitteilungen des Reiahsluftschutzbundes. Berlin, November 1955-, bi-weekly (irregular)* Seven vols. (bound.}; November 1955-March 1940. .UA929.G5A16 /include considerable material covering various aspects of * Chemical warfare./ ** Microfilm copies; " November 1955-July 1955'; August 1955-June 1957; July 195 7-Dec ember 19.58; negative. March 1942 (no. 7); April-October 1942 (nos. 9-22); positive. Microfilm Reading Room This periodical probably supersedes; Der Reiohsluftschutz. Organ des Reichsluftschutzbundes• • Berlin, monthly. Microfilm cap i es (nega t iv e): * Year 1* Angust-October/November 1955 (nos. 1-5]. Microfilm Reading Room 569* Slomnescu, Mihail. Brosura de propagandao Ed, 5. Aparat i-va de gaze. Bucuresti, Tipo- grafiile romane unite, 1959, 48 p. ‘ tJG447.s5 1959 570* Smith, Bertram. Bombs and hanc grenades, British, French and German; a handbook showing their construction and technicalities, giving full instructions as to how to use and how to render useless. New York, Dutton, /c!918/, 90 p., illus. . , UF765.S5 Chemical Warfare 19 571. Smith, Bertram. Bombs, British, French and Geiroah. /st. John, H, B., Printed by R, Hunter/, 1918, 56 p., illus. ~ UF765.348 572* Socony-vacuum oil company, inc. Claim and safety dept. When a fire bomb strike's. Mew York, the company, 1942, 29., illus, mini. UG447.36 575. Stackelberg, S. de. Fleau aerien;' la guerre aero-chiraique ... Lausanne, 1952 ... /cited, entry 148.y Translated into English: "The aerial scourge; aero-chemical warfare ... " Washington, D. C., 1955, 201 p., typed. Microfilm (negative) from copy in Army War College Library/ * Microfilm Reading Room /a later work by Stackelberg is: Alerte aux gazl Que faire? Lausanne, Payot & cie, 1955, 254 p,, plans, diagrs. Copy, Army Medical Library,./ 574. Stettbacher, Alfred. Die s chi ess- und sprengstbf f e, mit eine'm anhang; Die chemischen karapf- mittel. 2., vollig umgearb. aufl., mit 500 abbildungen im text. Leipzig, J* A# Barth, 1955, 459 p,, illus, TP270.S8 1955 575. Stewart, Leslie. Gas cleansing stations; a manual of procedure during gas attack for casualty service personnel, members of the Home guard, industrial under- takings, and the public. London, Jordan & sons, 1942, 64 p., illus, UG447.S7 576, Stewart, Leslie. Protection and salvage of foods in wartime (including decontamination of gassed foods); a manual of procedure for the protection, storage* and salv- age of foodstuffs in warehouses,’ shops , and domestic larders ••• London, Jordan & sons, 1942, 55 p., illus, TX557.S8 577. Stiegler, Harold Winfred. The beta-chloroviny 1-arsincs and their derivatives. Fasten,' Pa.,- Eschenbach print, co., 1925, 15 p. QD412.A7S7 1924 578. Stoltzenbcrg, 'Hugo. Anleitung zur hcrstellung von ultra giften. Hamburg, G. F. Frank & co., 1950, 70 p., illus. . RA1245.S8 579.* Talia'ferro/William Hay," ed. Medicine and the war. Chicago, 111., University of Chicago press /l944/, 195 p., illus., diagrs. R111.T5 /includes*: "Chemical warfare", by F. C. McLean./ 580,* Terapelhoff, Friedrich von. /(Jaswaffe und gasabwohn Hinfiihrung in die gastakik aus grund austlandischer quellen bearbeitet* Berlin, 2* S* Mittlcr & sohn, 1957, 220 p, ,* ..illus../ Table of contents ‘translated int'o English. Washington, D* C,,’ September 1945, 2 p,, typed* /Copy of original, Army War College Library* Microfilm (negative) of original copy, Navy Research Laboratory Library*./ 20 Chemical Warfare /Generalmajor Tempclhoff (Apr. 29, 1879-Dec. 27, 1941), attached to the German High Command, was inspector of smoke screen troops, and at the time of his death, was editor of Gasschutz urid luftschutz ‘ (cited above), having succeded Dr. Rudolf Hanslian. Tempelhoff’s obituary appears in issue for January 1942./ 381. Tempelhoff, Friederich /i.e., Friedrich/ von. Arma chimica si aparorea contra gazelor; introducere in tactica gazelor culeasa din isvoare streine. Bucuresti, ’’Diana'!/, 1959, 212 p., Ildus'.* "Bibliografie":' £. 208-212. UG447.T45 /A translation into Rumanian of Gaswaffe und gasabwehr by ■*Dr. G.*Stroescu./ 382. -Wilson, John Q/uillin/, congressman, of Connecticut. Arms, ranmunition,' a irplanes, and gas masks. Speeches ... Washington, Govt, print, off.. Sept. 20, 1918, 212 p. (U.S.Congress• House of representatives. 65 cong. 2d sess. Document noi 1286.) U815.T5 383. Turkey (1920- ) Sihhat ve ictimai rauavenet veknleti. Hava harbinden korunmada yurt sihhat isleri taliraati. 'Ankara, Basvckalet matbaasi, 1955, 52 p, /Gases - war use. Gas masks/ Law 584. U. S. Army. Letteman general hospital. Presidio, San Francisco. "Defense against chemical warfare." In’Anatomy and physiology. File no. 267^.. SSS-LGH. San Francisco, 1942, p. 41-49, preceded by 6 p. of charts, mini. , UH395.A55 * * . t 585. U. S. Army air forces pre-flight school (bombardier-navi- gator) Selman Field, Monroe, La. Chemical wa-rfarc. Selman Field, Academic department, 1942, 66 p., mini. - UG447.U65 1942 a 586. U. S. Bureau of mines. ‘ Instruction chart for nil-service canister- Bureau of mines approval No. 1405. Pittsburg, U. S. Bureau of mines, NOv. 20, 1940, 1 leaf, illus. /This canister is useful, for a short period, as a protection against common war gabes^/ ■587. U. S. Chemical warfare school, Edgewood arsenal, M’d. A handbook on chemical warfare agents. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1951, 59 p. (For official use only) NG447.U.66 1951 Rare' Bk Coll. U. S. Chemical warfare school. Edgewood arsenal.. Md• Pamphlets UG447.U585 588. . No. 6. Chemical warfare miscellany. Feb. 1940, 146 p., illus. 589. . No. 11. Fire fighting as applied to military explosives and ammunition. By Maj. M. F. Barney, Ordnance dept., U.S.A., June 1942, 42 p. > Chemical Warfare 21 39°. • No. 8. The gas attack at Ypres - A study in military history. July 1940, 55 p. /An abstract of Dr. Rudolf Harislian*s Der deutschc gasangriff bei Ypern ..., cited above../ • • 591. • No. 5. Training guide - Incendiaries. Reprinted Jan. 1942; 59 p., illus, ‘/For other Chemical warfare school Pamphlets, secentry 167 ,/- 392. U. S. Chemical warfare school, Sdgewood arsenal, Md. Repair of the gas mask. Tentative. Sdgewood arsenal, 1942, 16 p., illus. UG447.6.U6 1942 595. U. S. Chemical warfare service. ' Chemical warfare field service. Bulletin'No. 1. Instructions for storing, handling, packing, shipping, and surveillance of class I, II, III,'and IV material. Washington, Govt, print, off., June 15, 1931, 91 p. UG447.U55 594. U. S. Chemical warfare service. ‘ CWS educational booklet. No. 1. The gas mask. An illustrated digest of the history and develop- ment of the military gas mask. Washington, D. C., Office, chief of Chemical warfare service, 1942, 20 p. “ * UG447.U52 396. U. 3. Chemical warfare service. Field manual. Vol. 1; Tactics and technique. Washington, Govt.’ print, off., Aug. 1, 1938, 272 p., illus. ‘ 1 UG447.U58 596. U. S. Chemical warfard service. Incendiary bombs. Tentative instructions. Washington, D. G'.* Dec. 17, 1940, 12 p., mim. UG447.U65 1940 5'97. U. S.'‘Chemical warfare service. Inspection manual. Washington, Govt, print, off., Jan. 1, 1959*, 47 p. UG447.U65 1959 b 598. U. S. Chemical warfare service. Proceedings of a board of the Chemical warfare service appointed for the purpose of investigating conditions incident to the disaster at the Cleveland hospital clinic, Cleveland, Chid, on May 15, 1929. 'Washington, Govt, print, off., 1929, 104 p., illus. RA1245.U& 399. U. 3. Chemical warfare service. Medical division. A handbook first-aid treatment for injuries from chemical agents.* ; Washington, Govt, print, off., 1951, 12 p. RC.3.U5 1951 400. U. S. Civilian protection training schools, Washington, D.C.- Instruction manual for basic courses. Washington, Civilian defense. Metropolitan area, 1942, mim. Vol. II. Gas defense. Vol. III. Fire defense. /written for use of the U. S. Citizens defense corps. Metropolitan area, by Nellie H. Holmes, assistant director of training 22 Chemical Warfare 401. U. S. Office of civilian defense. Medical division. Gas protection section. Analyses of- duties and training Of U. S. ‘Citizens defense corps for gas. defense. /Washington?/, CCD, /1942 z/9 20., mim. ‘(OCD publication,2206. November 1942; corrected December 1942) 402. U. S. Office of civilian defense. ... Charts (eight; included among 16 others in large folio labeled: A R P & Civilian defense), illus. Honolulu, T. H., 1942. Designed by E. J. Stephenson: Approach the bomb /incendiary/ ... February 10 Decontamination and shelter.• March 25. Effects of weather and surroundings 'on gas. March 25. Gasproof s.hedters. March 25. Hose connections - nozzles. Extinguishers for small fires. March 4. Magnesium bomb. February 10-. One-kilogram magnesium ‘(electron) incendiary bomb. February 4. To fight a, bomb /incendiary/ ... February 10. 403. U. S. Office of civilian defense. Chemical warfare agents: Refcrence*and training chart.. Washington, Govt, print, off., January 1945, broadside. (OCD publication 7014) 404* U. S. Office defense. Circular. Protection series. Washington, O.C.O. No. 17. Collection and analysis of samples of enemy war gases and incen- ; „ diaries at War department facilities. June 10, 1945, 1 p. No. 26. . Discontinuance of War department Civilian protection school laboratories. (Amends Circular, Protection scries, no. 17) Sept. 50, 1945, 1 p. 405. U. 3*. Office of civilian defense. Community organization for gas defense. Washington, D. C., May 1 leaf chart. (OCD publication 7017) .. 406.' U • SOffice of civilian defense. Enemy fire bombs. Washington, Govt, print, off., March 1945, t illus. (OCD publication 2016) • UG447.U67 1943 c 407. U. S. Office of civilian defense. Pacts about fighting fire bombs. Washington, Govt, print, off., February 1943, 4.p.# illus. (OCD publication 5215) 408, U. S. vOffice of civilian defense. Medical division. • First aid in the. prevention and treatment of chemical casualties. Revised, Washington,;,!). C.,.Office of civilian defense, Jdnuary'1943, 32 p., illus. (OCD publication 2202-1) UG447.U67 1945 Chemical Warfare 25 409. U. S. Office of civilian defense. , , . How to fight fire bombs. Important new instructions, revised July 1942. Washington, &ojt. print, off., 1942, large broadside, illus. New’instructions’for dealing, with, fire bombs. Issued by the U,’ S.. Office of’civilian defense, /l945 ?/, 1 leaf* 410, U. S. Office of civilian defense. How to fight fire bombs. Reprint of memorandum of July 24, 1942, plus Operations letter no. 80, Oct. 28, 1942. Govt, print, qff.,, December 1942,.7 p. t V. 411. U. S. Office of civilian defense. Medical division. , Identification of chemical warfare agents. Washington, Govt; print, off., October 1945, 16 p., illus. Bibliography: p. 16. (OCD publication 2219) * ‘ ’ UG447.U67 1945 m 412. U. S. Office of civilian defense. Medical aspects of chemical warfares Bibliography. Washington* D. C., Sept. I, 1942,’7 p.,’mim. 413. U. S. Office of civilian defense, /bnerations Washington, D.Ct/ No. 41, Aids to decontamination (May 19, 1942) No. 42. Decontamination services.(May 20, 1942) No. 42. Supplement no. 1. Functions of chiefs of emergency .medical , service and health departments in connection with de- contamination. (June 15, 1942) , , r ■ No. 46. How to protect yourself against gas. (June 9, 1942) No. 49. Presence of gas during air raids. (July 4, 1942). No. 91. Appointment’s, duties, and qualifications of state gas con- sultants and senior (local) gas officers. $Nov. 14, 1942) Supplement no. 2 to Operations letter no. 42) , - . No. 104. Duties* of the N.S. Citizens defense corps in gas defense. (Jan. 11, 1945. Supplement no. 5 to Operations leVter no. 42) No. 106. Care and distribution of gas masks. (Jan. 20, 1945) No. 109. Organization of state gas specialist schools and attendance of instructors’ at War department civilian protection school gas specialist courses. (Feb. 9, 1945) No. 124. Gas cleansing stations. (Apr. 8, 1945. Supplement no. 4 to Operations letter no. 42) No. 128. How to protect yourself against war gas#< (June 9, 1945.. Supersedes Operations letter no. 46) _ ,""..7 414* U. 3. Office of civilian defense. Releases on gas. protection. May 25, 1942, I p.; June 24, 1945, 1 p.: mini. • * • * ’* 24 Chemical Warfare 415* U. S. Office of civilian defense. The role pf the emergency medical service in gas defense. 3y W, p, Bear- ing, senior'surgeon, U.3. Public health service - Assistant chief medical officer, U.S. Office of civilian defense. Washington, Govt, print, off., n.d., 4 p. Presented at American college of surgeons war sessions, March and Afc'ri 1'1945-(OCD publication ESI7) 416. U. S. Office of civilian defense. ' Standard school lectures—civilian protection. Series II. Fire defense. ITT). Handling: ‘incendiaries'- . 14 p. * * HE. Chart of‘German ihCendiary bomb. 1 chart (folded), UA9E7.A52 417, U. S. Office of civilian defense. Plans and training /l)iv._/. The good’earth is no good. ./Bomb identif ication chart.y Reproduced by permission of Fortune magazine*, n.d, 1 poster. 418. U. S. Office of civilian defense, with the cooperation of Chemical warfare service, U.S.Array. Your .gas mask. V/ashington,-Govt. print, off., /l943 ?_/, 16 p., illus. 419. U. S. Quartermaster school. Gamp Lee, Va. Lesson plans; defense against chemical warfare. ’ Camp'Lee, Dec. 1, 1942, 21 p., mim. , ... UG447.U68 1942 j 420. U. S. Quartermaster school. Camp Lee, Va'. Text on defense against chemical warfare. Gamp Lee, Oct. 15, 1942, 221 p., illus., raim. , UG447.U68- 1942. g 421. U. S. War dept. Quartermaster general, with the cooperation of Office of chief of Chemical warfare service. Fire protection in civilian defense. Washington, D, C., U. 3. Office of civilian defense, December 1941, 44 p., illus, TH9511.U6 1941 U. 3. War dept I /Tra ining Washington, do vt. print, off. Field Manuals. U408.5.A15 ; • • 422. . v V • ' Chemical laboratory company. Nov. 15, 1942, 46 p. (PM 5-25) 425. • * • • Defense against chemical,attack. Sept. 7, 1942, 282 p., illus. (FM 21-40) 424. .’ ' Supply and field serVloev Feb. 17, 1941, 104 p. (PM 5-15) 425. . ' • ':- Tactics of chemical warfare. July 20, 1942, 122 p., illus. (PM 5-5) ♦ • ; * . : v * • - Technical manuals. * U406.5-.A13 426. . Decontaminating apparatus M3A1. Apr. 15, 1943, 210 p., illus. (TM 3-221) Chemical Warfare 25 427. _ . Gasproof shelters. May 12, 1943, 59 p., illus. (TM 5-350) 428. '*••*' ... The horse*'gas mask, M4 and M5. Nov. 13, 1942, 59 p. , illus. (TM 5-250) 429. . ‘ tant candles, tear pots, smoke pots, and chemical land mines. Apr. 15, , 42 p., illus. (TM 5-300) 430. . Livens projector Ml. Aug. 21, 1942, 36 p., illus. (TM 5-325) 451. . Mechanical smoke generator Ml (100 gallon). May 12, 1945, 245 p., illus. (TM 5-380)• • • . 452. , Meteorology. Mar. 7, 1942, 51 p., illus. (TM 3-240) 455. . Military .chemistry and chemical agents. Apr. 21,. 1942, 171 p., illus. (TM 5-216 J*u ' ; .. . 434. . Military protective construction (Passive defense measures against aerial attack). Mar. 14, 1942, 155 p., illus. .(TM 5-510) 435.* __ . Portable CheraicaI.cylinder MlA2. Feb. 11, 1942, 66 p., illus. (TM 5-515) 4e> 6. _______________ • Portable flame throwers Ml and MlAl. May 1945, 125 p., illus. (TM 5-375) 437. . Storage and shipment of dangerous chemicals. Dec. 5, 1940, 127 p. (TM 5-250) 4*i8. • • . f Treatment of casualties from chemical agents. Nov. 27, 1942, 76 p. (TM 8-285) • 439. . Use of smokes and lacriraators in training. July 5, 1940, 28 p., illus. (TM 5-305) /other technical manuals, entry 177, For complete list of training publications, see Field manual El-6; List -of pub- lications for training, Feb. 1, 1944, 548 p,J . • A file of Training publications is maintained in the Government Publications R. R. 26 Chemical Warfare 440. U. 3. Work projects administration. Air raid precautions bibliographical project.-.* Bibliography of air raid precautions and civil defense. Washington, D. C. 1941-1943, 6 vols., mim. Z6724.A3U6 « Russian supplement. Washington, D. C., February 1942, 27 p., mim. /These bibliographies contain many entries (annotated) covering various phases of chemical warfare-./ • - 441, U. 3. Work projects administration. Air raid-precautions bibliographical project. English translations of French and Belgium publications cjovering various aspects of chemical warfare* ’Typed, (carbon)!. 15 loose-leaf folders. 442. U. 3. Work projects administration. Statewide geological - «• investigation project. Texas materials for extinguishing magnesium incendiary bombs. University of Texas, June 1942, 4 p., mim. 443. Utermark, ¥/altcr-. . • Die cheraischen kempfstoffe und die industriegiftstoffe; eine darstellung ihrer wirkungen und ihrer bekhmpfung. Hamburg, 0., Meissner, /cl955/, 104 p. incl. tables,- -"Literatur- und qucllcnverseichnis"; p. 97 HA1245.U7 444. Vieira Neves, A* Element os de defesa passiva. Lisboa, Belem, 1940, 61 p., illus. UG630.V43 445. Washington (State) State defense council. Civilian protection. II, Handbook on high explosive bombs, incendiaries, war gases. /Seattle/,'the council, March 1942, 32 p., illus. UG447.W57 1942 446. Weiss, Max.- Defend yourself against fires, bombs, gases. Boston, cl942, 47 p., illus. UG447.W45 - 447, West, Clarence Jay. "Chemical warfare", in Special libraries, vol. 2, no. 3, November 1919, p. 225-256. (Bibliographic series, no. 1 ... Arthur-D. Little, inc.) . • * Photostat requested Z6724.G2W5 Also a separate /Boston? 1919/, 12 p. 448. Wilson, Robert B., Everett W, Fuller'and Milton 0« Schur. The acceleration of the hydrolysis of mustard gas by alkaline colloidal solutions. (Massachusetts institute of technology. Bulletin. February 1925.) Reprinted from American-'chemical society. Journal. December 1922, p. 2762-2765. ' , UG447.5.M8W5 449. Wilson, Robert E., Everett W. Puller and Milton 0. Schur. The solubility and specific rates of hydrolysis1 of mustard gas in water. (Massachusetts institute of technology. Bulletin. February 1925.) Reprinted from American chemical society. Journal. December 1922, p. 2867-2876. UG447.5.M8W53 Chemical Warfare 27 450. Winternitz, Milton Charles. Collected studies on the pathology of war gas poisoning from the Depart- ment of pathology and bacteriology. Medical science section, Chemical warfare service, under the direction of M. C. Winternitz ... New Haven, Yale university press, 1920, 165 p., illus. Contains bibliographies. "Published with the consent of the surgeon general, U. S. army., and the director, Chemical warfare service." RA1245.W7 451. Wirth, Fritz, and Otto Muntsch. Die gefahren der luft und ihre bekiampfung im tbglichen leben, .in der technik und im krieg. 5. vbllig neubearb. aufl. Berlin, H. Reinshagen, 1940, 287 p., illus. "Litersturverzeichnis": p. 285. . UG447.W5 1940 /l953 edition, entry 191•/ •Title page and table of contents of 3d edition translated into English. Washington, D. C., September 1943, 12 p., typed. 452. ¥/isinger, Robert. ' . Cheraische plaudereien liber goskrieg, atorazertrumraerung, vitnmine und viele andere gegenwartsprobleme. Bonn a. Rhein, Buchgemcinde, 1954, 222 p., plates, diagrs. QD39.W55 455. Woolridge, Walter Reginald. War gases and foodstuffs; chemical warfare and• London, Food manufacture, L. Kill limited, 1942, 50 p.,.plates, plan. "References": p. 50 TX571.C3W6 454. Zanetti, Joaquin Snrique. Fire from the air; the A B C of incendiaries. Hew York, Columbia Uni- versity press, 1942, 54 p., illus. Bibliography: p. 55. TP270.Z5 1942 28 Chemical Warfare A FEW IMPORTANT BOOKS ON. UlITARY MEDICINE‘.AND FIRST AID . WHICH INCLUDE A COVERAGE. OF CHEMICAL* WARFARE CASUALTIES r * ' \ . i .; 45Jp* Ashford, W. A, Air London, Williams and Norgate, 1942, 46 p. "Gas casualties": p, 41-43. RD131.A8 456. Bailey, .Edgar ,G.,*' Wartime first-aid for everyman. Bickley, Kent, University of London press, January 96'p. "The inpendiary bomb": p. 6I-65. "Gases p. 73-96. ’ ‘ ’■ •„ ' ; ’ - RC87.B2 437,. Belilips, Arthur David, Desmond K, Mulvany, and Katharine. F. Armstrong. A handbook of first aid bandaging, London, Bailliere,*Tindall and Cox, 1942, 629 p., illus. "First aid in chemical warfare": p. 322-533. RC87.B3B 458. Carnegie-Illinois steel corporation. Industrial relations. In collaboration with Office of'emergency defense coor- dination, A manual for first aid squads. Pittsburg-Chicago, the corporation, cl942, 72 p., illus,., diagrs. "First aid for war gas casualties1': p, 5,2-55. "... Gas masks": 62-67,. . . ’RC;87.;C33 459. Cole, Warren Henry, and Charles B. Puestow. First aid, surgical and medical. 2d edition. New York, London, Appleton- Century, cl943, 351 (i.e. 393) p., illus,, diagrs, 'By various authors. , "References": p. 329-333.. .-."Gas and bomb raids", by Harold C. Luethr p. 191-204 flj. "" '' ' RD131.C62" 1943 460. Eliason, Eldrige Lyon. First aid in emergencies, 11th edition. With a supplement on civilian defense and poison gases. Philadelphia, Lippincott, cl942, illus. 216 p., supplement 16 p. RCB7.E5 1942 461. Fishbein, William I, First aid, ... effective first-aid treatment for ... civilian injuries, and poisoning. Chicago, Consolidated book publishers, cl942, 64 p., illus. "War gases - Decontamination", p. 59-62. RC87.F54 462, Hurst, Sir Arthur Frederick, and others. Medical diseases of war. 3d edition. London, E, Arnold & co,, January 1943* 495 p., illus. "Gas poisoning": p. 475-491. "References" at end of chapters. RG971.H7 1943 463. Merck & co. me* Treatment of war injuries; wounds, burns, shock, poisoning by gas, with a note on decontamination. Revised August 1942. Rahway, N, J., Merck & co., 1942, 60 p. Bibliography: p, 60. RD131.M46 1942 Chemical Warfare 29 464. Military medical manual. 4th edition. Harrisburg, Pa., Mil- itary service publishing co., December 1940, 864' p.',_ illus. "Defense against chemical warfare", p. 181-199. "The medical aspects of chemical warfare", p. 521-533* /Slight- revision .of same articles which appeared in the 3d ed'. of the same publication/ ’ RC971.M65 465. Mitchiner, Philip Henry, and Ernest Marshall Cowell*. Medical organisation and surgical practice in air raids. 2d edition. London, J. & A, Churchill, 1941, 296 p., illus., plates, diagrs.* "Surgery and chemical warfare": p, 278-280. * ' RD151.M6 466. National research council. Committee on surgery. Burns, shock, wound healing and vascular injuries, Philadelphia, London, W. B. Saunders, 1943, 308 p,, illus., diagrs, /Military surgical manuals, vj Bibliography at end of each chapter of the section, Burns, "Burns in chemical warfare": p. 99-103.' ’ * RD151.N3 467. Red cross. U. S. American national Red cross. In cooperation with Medical division, U, S, Office of civilian defense. Advanced first aid for civilian defense, for use with the American Re'd cross First aid textbook ... and the Instructor's outline, first aid cours’e for civilian defense ... Washington, D. C., American national Red cross, cl941, 28 p. "War gases": p. 23-26. HV575.A3 no. 1056 468. Shirlaw, Gerald Bertram. Casualty; training, organisation and administration of civil defence casualty services. London, Seeker and Warburg, 1940, 283 p., illus,, tables, diagrs., forms. "Bibliography on A,R.P."; p. 271-278, "Gas": p, 249-251. "Chart of gases and respective treatments": p. 263-270. * ‘ . * RG87.S53 469. Squibb, E, R,, & sons. Physicians' reference book of emergency medical service, a compilation ... presenting the practical experience and lessons acquired in handling civilian war casualties. New York, E. R. Squibb and sons, 1942, 268 p., illus,, tables, diagrs, m'7ar gas injuries": p. 218-262. RD131.S78 470. /Thoms, Herbert/, ed. The essentials of emergency treatment. New Haven, Conn,, Connecticut state medical journal, cl942, 144 p., illus. Bibliography at end of most of the articles. "Chemical casualties", by Howard W, Haggard: p. 128- 137. ’ ■ RC87.T5 471. U. S. Office of civilian defense, in cooperation with American Red cross. Handbook of first aid. "lashington, Govt, print, off., December 1941, 72 p., illus. _ . RCB7.U62 /"Chemical warfare", p, 62-66, Corrected by: Supplement 1. Course in emergency field care of the injured. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1943, 7 vj RC87.U62 1941 Suppl. no, 1 30 Chemical Warfare , . 472. Francis James, and Alfred Groudson Tunstall^ First aid to the injured and sick; an advanced ambulance handbook, edited by Norman Hammer. 18th edition. Bristol; J. Wright; London, Simpkin Marshall, 1941. Reprinted 1942. 336 p., illus., diagrd. "War gases from the first-aid point of view": p. 266-303, "The collection and imme- diate care of air-raid casualties, including those affected or contaminated by gas"; p. 303-314. RC87.W29 1942 473. Wenger, Hermann Leslie, and Eleanora Sense. First aid primer, also including civilian defense health aids New York, M. Barrows, cl942, 104 p., illus. "Poison gas and incendiary bombs": p. 61-63. . RC87.W46 474* Winn, D. S, Merrick, and H. F. Hunt, First aid in air raids. New edition, revised", London, Faber and Faber, March 1942, 63 p., diagrs. "Gas": p. 34-37. RCB7.W55 1942 475. Wooders, Maria A,, and Donald A. Curtis, Emergency care. Philadelphia, F. A, Davis', 1942, 360 p., illus., tables, diagrs. Bibliography at end of some chapters. "Chemical warfare": p. 401-421 RC87.W83 SOME OUTSTANDING GENERAL WORKS ON CIVILIAN DEFENSE TTHIGH CONTAIN' IMPORTANT MATERIAL ON CHEMICAL WARFARE . 476. Abos, Raymond Delfin, comp. Field manual for bomb reconnaisance /l/agents, approved by Ordnance dept., United States army. /Los Angeles/, cl943, 1 vol. (loose-leaf), diagrs. /Includes diagrams of Japanese and German incendiary and chemical bombs^ UF767.A2 472. Atkinson, Mrs. Greswick, A.R.P. at home ; hints for housewives, London, H. M. Stationery off*, 1941, 28 p. "Incendiary bombs": p, 11-13. "What you should know about gas": p. 13-19‘‘ UA926.A8 47B. Becker, Harold R. Training manual for professional, volunteer and auxiliary firemen. Buffalo, Niagara frontier pub. co,, cl942, 270 p., illus., diagrs. ,"War gases": p, 226-235* "Incendiary bombs": p, 236-244. TH9123.B4 479. Browne, T. E. The conduct of A. R. P. incidents, a guide for the civil defence services. London, Jordon, 1941, 48 p., diagrs. "Poison gas": p. 45-48. UA929.G7B78 480. Campeche, Mexico (State)* Oomite central de la defensa civil. Proteccion de Id pbblacion civil; inetrticoiones genehales* /jampecho/. Comite oehtrctl n», 1942, 77 p., col, plates. de guerra11: p* 47-53. k929iM603 Chemical Warfare 31- 481. Capper, William Bently. A manual of civil defence for the home guard, . London, J. Growther, /l94/7, 64 p, "Incendiary bombs p. 39-46. "War gases": p. 53-53. UA929.G7G3 482. Carnegie-Iilinois steel corporation. Industrial relations. ". In collaboration with Office of emergency defense coor- dination, A manual for air raid wardens. Pittsburg-Chicago, the corporation, cl942 88, p„, illus., diagrs,- "Use and care of gas masks": p, .22-27* "Methods of gas defense": p, 28-34* "Control of incendiary bomb’s":' p, 41-49* "First aid for war gas casualties": p. 80-81, UA926.C3 483. Garrick, J. M. 250 N. F. S. questions answered ... London, Jordan, 1943, 86*p., illus., diagrs. "Incendiary bombs p.’65-80 TH9311.C3 434. Cassell, Ralph W,, and Rudolph P. Pritsel. The fireman’s textbook of entrance and promotional examination questions, including Civilian defense. 2d edition. Columbus, 0,,'College book co., 1943, 336 p. "Aerial bombing" /incendiaries/: p. 342-351* "Chemical agents and casualties": p. 351-376. ’TH9157.C3 1943 485. Ciaprini, Ernani. La guerra aerea; insidie, difese, 4* ed., riv. e cor. Roma, Editrice "L’Aviazione", Oct. 3, 1939, 247 P*, illus,, diagrs. "Offesa chimica": p. 51-54* "La guerra chimica": p. 133-173, "La defesa dagli aggressivi chimici",:, p,. 179-206, "Bibliografia": p. 245* UG630.C53 436„ Cocco, G, Lorenzo, La protezione civile contro le aggression! aeree. Torino, La Grafica moderna, 1935, 127 p., illus. UG635.I 8C6 /includes pictures of civilian anti-gas measures in several countries/. 487- Ebner, Alfred, and (for the Technical part) Oskar Neuss. SchUtze dich vor luftgefahri Berlin, Freiheitsverlag, 1935, 69 p., plates, "brai.dbomben ...": p. 47-52. "Die chemesche kampfstoffe": p. 53-59- "Gasschutzgerate und-entgiftung": p. 59-62, UG63O.E3 433* Glover, Charles William. Civil a practical manual presenting with working drawings the methods required for adequate protection against aerial attack. edition, completely revise! -and enlarged. London, Chapman & Hall, 1941, 804. p., illus., plates, diagrs. "Incendiary agents": p. 57-30. "Gas . bombs and, their effects'-; p, 81-99* "Gas-proof rooms": p. 100-173* "Individual, protection" /against gas/: p. 174-192. "...War gases": . - p. 736-764. *"Bibliography": p. 766-773* UG630.G55 1941 a 489. Gomez Guillamon, Juan. •• • . *. Defensa pasiva. Buenos Aires, "El Ateneo," 1942, 191 p., illus., diagrs, "Gases toxicos de guerra p, 85-1944. "Servicios de incendios y desescombros",: p. 155-179. "Bombardeo con gases"; p. 189-191. "Bibliografia": 2d leaf at end. UG63O.G65 32 Chemical Warfare 490. Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Air raid precautions. First American edition. Brooklyn, Chemical publish- ing co., 1941, ./29S/ p. incl. illus,, tables, diagrs,, forms. Various . pagings. In ten parts. UG635.G7A7 1941 Part II, "Organization of decontamination services." 12 p. Part VII. "Gas detection and identification service," 12 p. Part IX. "Inspection and repair of respirators and oilskin clothing." IB p. 491. Gt. Brit. Ministry of home security. Air raid precautions training bulletin no, 1. London, June 1940, 25 p., illus. Anti-gas": p. 1-13. "Incendiary bombs": p. 15-17. "Ministry of home security - Some publications recommended to instructors": p. 22-25. UG635.G7A298 492. Gt. Brit. Ministry of Air raid precautions training bulletin no, 2, .London, August 1940, 16 p. "Anti-gas": p. 1-9. "Ministry of home security - Publications recommended to instructors": p. 16, . UG635.07A29B 493. Gt, Brit..Ministry of home security. Air raids. What you must know. What you must do. London3 1940, 65 p., illus., incl. tab., diagr. "Incendiary bqmbs"; p.,23-35. "War gases": p. 36-50. "Gas casualties": p. 57-58. "Appendix. Table of war gases"; p. 62-63. "Selection of official publications": p. 64-65. UA926.G7 1940 494 * 0t. Brit. .Ministry .of home, .security. .. . Air raids. • What you must know. What you must do.' Completely re-written. • London, 1941, 65 p., illus., t.ab,., diagr. "Incendiary bomba p, 9—IB. "War gases"; p, 31-46, 62-63. "Selection of official publica- tions": p. 64-65. . ■ . . • UA926.G7 1941 495. Gt, Brit, Ministry of home security. /Atkinson, Mrs. Creswick. See above^ 496. Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Basic training in air raid; precautions. London, 1940, 85 p., illus., diagrs. Reprinted 1941. "Incendiary bomb control":, p„ 11-27. "Mar gases' and personal protection against gas": p. 38-56. "Gas casualties": p, 73-75* "Official publications": p. 84-85. (Air raid precautions training manual no. 1. 1st ed.) UG635.G7A295 no-,. 1 1941 497. Gt, Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Care and custody of equipment. London, 1940, 48 p., diagrs. "Respirators": p. 20-24. "Anti-gas clothing": p. 24-27. ,"Anti-gas ointment": p, 29. "Official publications on air raid precautions": cover pages iii-iv, (Air raid precautions memorandum no. 15. 1st ed.) UG635.G7A297 no. 15 1940 498. Gt, Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Care and custody of equipment. London, 1941, 44 p., diagrs. "Respirators": p. 13-23. "Anti-gas clothing": p. 23-26. "Anti-gas ointment": p. 27. (Air raid precautions memorandum no. 15, 2d ed.) U.G635.G7A297 no. 15 1940 Chemical T.7arfare 33 499. Guillaume, Albert* - S’il y avait la guerre I Protegeons-nous centre les attaques aeriennes, Paris, Vigot freres, 1936, 220 p., illus., diagrs. • "La question'dies, gaz asphyxiants": p. 85-102. "Secours aux gazes": p. 104-121. "La protection centre les attaques aeriennes"; p. 129-168. UG635.F8G8 500. Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson. ' A.R. P. London, V. Gollancz, 1938, 296 p, "Poisonous gases‘and smokes", etc.; p. 255-276. UG630.H32 1938 501. Hunke, Heinrich* ..... Luftgefahr und luftschutz mit besonderer berucksichtigung des deutschen luftschqtzes. Berlin, Mittler & sohn, 1933, 190 p., illus, (incl. maps, plans). "Der gasschutz": p, 147-157. "Der feuerschutz": p. 157-160. UF625.H8 502. Hyde, Harford Montgomery, and G. R. Falkiner Nuttal. Air defence and the civil population. London, Cresset press, 1937, 239 p., illus., plates- "Gas"; p. 60-81. Bibliography: p, 235-236. * UG630.H9 503. Kiddell-Monroe, N, S. Air raid warden’s reference book. Second edition. London, Cassell and co., July 1940, 128 p,, forms. "The incendiary bomb and its effects": p. 27-32. " a chemical warfare agent", etc,; p,'34-45, 47-48,‘53-59, 65-74. ' UG635.G7K5 1940 a 504. Foremans, L. J. M., and L. M, van der Sluijs. TJeest bereid! Luchtgevaar en luchtbescheming, 4. drunk. 1s-Gravenhage- Batavia, G. B. van Goor zonen’s, 1939, 68 p,, illus. "Gasbommen": p, 42-45. "Eerste hulp" /against gas, p. 46-57. "Gasmaskers": p. 58-62. UA926.K67 505. Kretz, Ake. Flyganfalli Hur skall jag handla? Gbteborg, Luftskyddsforlaget, 1940y 168 p., illus,', diagrs. "... brandbomb": p. 105-110. "Gasfaran": p. 111-124. "Svenska folkgasmasker": p. 125-137. "Svensk luftskyddslitt- eratur": p. 167. . UG635.S85K7 506, Lambert, Jordon T7. The air raid warden in America, a manual. Edited and revised by Ira W. Hirshfield. New York, Hastings house, cl942, 57 p. Smoke and war gases; p. 39-48. ' ;(i UA927.L3 507. Lucas, Edgar.* Practical air raid protection. London, Jordan & sons, 1939, 153 p., illus., diagrs. nGas bombs”: p, 26-28. "Incendiary bombs": p. 28-30. "Gas proof- ing ...": p. 31-50. ' , UG630.L77 508, Macmillan, D. Mad, A. R. P. handbook. Second edition, Dundee, Sirnmath press, August 1939, 172 p., illus. (incl. plans) tables (incl. gases and decontamination), diagrs. "Collective protection" /against p, 29-46, "Mar gases": p. 47-80. "Gas detection": p. 83-86, UG630.M17 1939 34 Chemical Warfare 509. McCarthy, John. J. Fire fighting, a practical guide for firemen and auxiliaries. .New York, Femack co., 1942, 255 p., illus. "Incendiary bombs": p, 233-245. ,rVar gases":’p. 246-250. TH9151.M2 510. Maine. Civilian defense council. Air raid school for industry, January B, 9* 10, 1942, Lewiston city hall, • Lewiston, Maine, conducted by Maine Civilian defense council in co-opera- tion with the Associated industries of Maine. ? 1942/, 169 p. incl. tables, plans, diagrs. "Ga's defense and decontamination" (Reprintec from Massachusetts committee or public safety. Handbook no. 8): p. 47-61. "Gas in warfare", by C. J. Wilson: p, 63-67. "Industrial protection agai) incendiary bombs", by Arthur B. Guise; p. 161-167. "References": p, 169. UA926.M23 19' ■ 511. ' Morayta Ruiz, Miguel. Defense pasiva contra aeronaves. /Vol. Brooklyn, Editorial tecnica ■ urida, 1942, 158 p.', diagrs., tab, "Servicio contra incendios por bom- bardeo": p. 44-51. "Servicio de defensa anti-gas": p.;95-106. "Reieren- cias bibliograficss":, p. 151-153* ; • UA926.F7 512. Muirhead, James Thorburn. ■ . Air attack on cities; the broader aspects of the problem, London, Allen & Unwin, 1938, 128’p., illus., pi., diagrs. "Incendiary bombs": p. 28-32. "Chemical warfare": p. 33-42. "Protection against, incendiary bombs-": p. 73-75. "Protection of buildings and roads against ... gas": p.. 7o-8o. < UG63O Jvl7 5 513. New York (state) State office of war training. Air raid warden instructor’s manual; a suggested course for training air rcM wardens in the state of New York. Prepared by the State office of war training programs at the request of the New York State war council and the state director;of civilian protection. Albany, c!942, l.vol., tables, forms, Section II, Local reference texos. Lesson V: "Incendiary- brao;1, 11 p,,' Lesson VI: "The civilian gas mask and war gases", 12 p„ Seenion III, Homo study outlines and guides. Lesson V: "Incendiary bombs”, 3 r. Lesson VI: "The civilian gas mask and war games'1, 4 .p. UA926.N46 1942 j 514. Prentiss., Augustin Mitchell. 0:5vil air defense; a treatise on the protection of the civil population against air attack. New York, London, Whittlesey house,, McGraw-Hill, cl941, 334 p., illus., cables, diagrr, "Protection against incendiary bombs": p, 114-126. "Protection against gas": p. 127-163,. "Decontamination service": p. 222-234. "Bibliography"; p, 313-326. UG630.P68- 515. Simon. Louis, and Maurice Arnoux. ... Defense passive centre les attaques aeriennes; premieres realisations fran-- raises. Paris, Charles-Lavauzelle, 1936, 296 p,, illus. "Le peril incen- dnaire aerien": p, 19-22. "Le peril aerien chemique": p.-23-28. "Biblio- graphie": p, 293-296. ’ ' t UG635.F8S; Chemical Warfare 35 516. Spencer, June G., ed. - . Manual for air, raid warden instructors. Worcester, Mass,, Davis press, 1942, 128 p. incl. illus., maps, tables, diagrs.,' forms. ' "Gas., attack”; p, 40-41.. "Fire fighting" /"to control magnesium bombs/7, by Dorothy Downs: p, 49-56. "Gas defense and decontamination": p. 87-111, ( UA926.S63 517. Thomas, Samuel Evelyn, * The civil defence warden’s manual. Saint Albans, Learn about press, in association with Harrap & co,, London, 1942, 256 p,, illus., tables, diagrs. Gases: p. 10-20, 64-75, 108-118, 156-160, "Incendiarjr bombs and fire": p. 56-63, ~ UA929.G7T4B 518, Thomas, Samuel Evelyn, A_practical guide to A. R. P. Eighth edition. Saint Albans, S, E. Thomas, Z19397, 95 p., illus. UG635.G7T5 1939 519, Thomas, Samuel Evelyn, Tactical training in A. R. P, for wardens and other civil defence services. Saint Albans, S. E. Thomas, 1939, 194 p., illus. "...Poison gas inci- dents": p. 81-87, 176-179. UA926.T5 520, Thomson, A. A. J. J, Het gevaar uit de lucht, 2. geheel herziene druk. Amsterdam, D. B. Centen, 1939, 106 p, "De geneeskundige hulpverleening by luchtaanvallen" /chiefly in reference to gas casualties/: .p,v74-97, •••' ' .. ' • -UA926.T55 521, U. S, Office of civilian defense, A handbook for air raid wardens. (Rev. June 1943) Washington,Govt, print, off,, 1943, 116 p,, illus., forms. "Weapons for fighting fire bombs": p. 57. 'War gas": p. 60-68. (0CD publication 1001-4) UA927.A5 1943ac 522, U, S. Office of civilian1 defense*. A handbook for rescue squads. Washington, Govt, print, off,, December 1941, 56 p., illus. Gas: p, 22-23, 36-40. Incendiaries: p, 23-24, 31t35« UA926.U62 1941 b 523. U. S, Office of civilian defense. , Medical division,. A technical manual for the Rescue service. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1943, 142 p, (0CD publication 2216) "Respiratory protective equipment": p, 14-21. "Survey of respiratory protective .*,. equipment": p. 29-30. "References on respiratory protection ,.."ip, 31. "Rescue in the presence of gas"; p. 110-113. "How to-protection yourself against gas"; p.,134. UA927.A5 1943 n 524. U. S. Office of civilian defense, 4th civilian defense region. ’ - Training manual .for instructors in civilian defense schools, prepared by Training section,.Protection division,'Fourth regional Office of civilian defense. Atlanta, Ga., 1943, 1 vol., plates, tables, diagrs., mim, "Incendiary bombs": p, 137-162, "Gas defense": p, 202-A to 257-A, UA927,A5 1943 d 36 Chemical Warfare 525. Walton, Clarence Eldon. Civilian defense; air raid precautions and the warden's job, Boston, B. Humphries, cl943> 156 p., illus, "Personal protection against war gases": p. 70-84. "References": p. 84-85. / *UA9264W26 1943 526, Wachtel, Curt. . Air raid defense (civilian). Brooklyn, Chemical publishing co., 1941, 240 p,, illus. "Protection against gases": p. 63-104. * UG630,W3 /"Chemical warfare", by Wachtel, entry 18/7 INTERNATIONAL DELIBERATIONS ON THE PROHIBITION OF THE USE IN WAR OF ASPHYXIATING, POISONOUS OR OTHER GASES Hague. 1899 527. Hague, International peace conference, 1899. The Hague declaration (iv,,2) of 1899- concerning asphyxiating gases. Washington, D. C., The Endowment, 1915, 2 p. (Carnegie endowment for international peace. Division of international law. Pamphlet no, 8) • • JX1906.A3 no. 8 Washington, 1921-22, including "Treaty ... in relation to the use of submarines and noxious gases in warfare,"' 528, U. S. President, 1921-1923 (Harding) * * Conference on the limitation of armament. Address of the President of the United States submitting the treaties and resolutions approved, and adopted ’ by the Conference ... Washington, Govt, print, off,, 1922, 132 p, "Treaties and Resolutions": p, 91-132, (67th Cong,, 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 125) * JX235* 1922. b 529. Washington,kD. G, Conference-on the limitation of armament.' Armament conference treaties. Treaties and resolutions approved and adop- ted by the Conference ... Washington, Govt, print, off., 1922, 44 p. (67th Cong,, 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 124) ‘ JX235' 1922 d ' 530. Washington, D, Cv Conference on the limitation of armament,' Conference on the limitation of .armament, Washington, November 12, 1921- February 6, 1922. Washington* Govt, print, off,, 1922,' 1757 p. English and French, /includes: Minutes, etc. Appendix, consisting of the treat- ies and JX1974.5.A55 531. Washington, D. Q. .Conference on the limitation* of armament. Conference on the limitation of armament. Subcommittees,- Washington, Govt, print, off,, .1922, 747 p, incl. tables, English and French, "Minutes of the Subcommittee on poison gas": p, 280-291. JX1974.5'.A55 1922 b Chemical Warfare 37 532. Washington, D. C. Conference on the limitation of armament. International law documents. Washington/"Govt, print, off., 392 p. upon international law at the Naval war college ,,, conduct- ed by George Grafton Wilson, ,., one of the legal advisers at the Conference Treaties and JX1974.5.A22 £33., Washington, D. C. Conference on the limitation of armament. Treaties and resolutions of the,Conference on the limitation of armament as ratified by the United States Senate; facts and tables. New York and Washington, Federal trade information service, cl922, 60 p. incl. tables. * • >' * ' JX235 1922 e 534. Washington,- D.,,C. Conference on the limitation of armament. Washington Conference on the limitation of armament. New York city, Green- wich, Conn., American association for internation conciliation, 2 vols. (International .conciliation, pub. monthly by the American association for international .conciliation .... December 1921, no. ‘169, March 1922, no, 172) ( JX1907.A8 ho. rl69y 172 Geneva. 1925 535. Conference for the supervision of the international trade in arms and ammunition and in implements of war, Geneva, 1925. Protocol for the prohibition of the use in war of asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases, and of bacteriological methods of warfare, Geneva, June 17, 1925. London, H. M. Stationery off., 1930, B p, (Gt. Brit, Foreign office. Treaty series, 1930, no, 24) English and French text. JX5133.G3C6 1925 g Geneva, 1930* Preparatory commission. Gt, Brit, Delegation to the League of nations. Memorandum on chemical warfare presented to the Preparatory commission- for the Disarmament conference by the Delegation of the United Kingdom. Geneva, November IB, 1930 ... London, H. M, .Stationery off., 1930, 2 p.* (Foreign office. .Miscellaneous no. 1? 1930)r ’ JX5390.G8 1930 a Geneva, 1932 /Preliminary documents/. 537. League of nations. Conference for the reduction and limitation of armaments ... Prohibition of the use in war of asphyxiating, poisonous and other gases and of bacter- iological methods of warfare. Geneva, 1932, 13 p. JX5390.L5 1931 38 Chemical Warfare ADDENDA- * ■ 538, Izzo, Attilio. Guerra chimica e protezione antigas. Quanta edizione, aggiornata ed aumen- tata. Milano, U. Hoepli, 1943, 464 p«, illus,, diagrs. "Bibliografia"; p. 443-446. • UG447.I-98 1943 /Third edition, entry 315/ 539* Jackson, Kirby E, Lt. Col., U.S. Chemical warfare,service, (A series of six articles on chemical warfare materials. Nos, 3 and 4 written in collaboration with Margaret Arthur Jackson, Exhaustive "References" at end of each * article. Appear in Chemical reviews. published bi- monthly for American chemical society.) . QD1.A5635 1, Chloropicrin. Vol. 14, no, 2, April 1934, P* 251-286. 2, p,-p'-Dichloroethyl sulfide (Mustard gas), Vol. 15, no, 3, December 1934, p. 425-462, 3, Lachryraators, Vol. 16, no, 2, April 1935, p. 195-242, 4, The chlorovinylarsines. Vol,-16, no. 3, June 1935, p. 439-452, 5, Sternutators, Vol. 17, no. 2, October 1935, p. 251-292. 6, Smoke-forming chemicals. Vol. 25, no, 1, August 1939, p. 67-119. /in the opinion of some author!tive sources, the above group of articles constitutes one of the best treatments on the chemistry pf chemical warfare agents so far made available .y7 540, Meyer, Julius. Der gaskampf und die cheraischen kampfstoffe. Dritte auflage, Leipzig, S, Hirzel, 1938, 376 p. illus, /Copy of this third edition and also copy of second .edition (Leipzig, Hirzel, 1926, 470 p.) found at Army Medical Microfilm of third edition requested 541. Meyer, Julius, ed. Die grundlagen des luftschutzes. Zweite auflage'Leipzig, S. Hirsel, 1942, 305 p., illus., diagrs. "Quellenverzeichnis": p, 290-295. UG630.M4a 1942 /First edition, -entry 122/7 542. .Rennie, Thpmas Alexander Culnraing, and Saul Mouchly Small, Psychological aspects of chemical warfare. New York, 1943, 45 p., mim. (Jo-siah Macy, jr. foundation. Review series, vol. 1, no. 1) RA1245.R4 543, Castresana Montero, Julian. Manual del instructor de tropas en defensa quimica y niehlas, adaptado a los programas de las academias regimentales. Madrid, Editorial Gran capitan, 1943, 125 p., illus., diagrs. UG447.C38 544* Taunton, G., comp. Defence against gas; for service, H, G. and civilian use, London, Bernards ltd., 1944, 48 p,, illus,, diagrs, (Bernards’ technical hooks no. 36) UG447.T36