The pre'Vnt difordc-r in the bowels, of which ( f, nmny perfons have died, should cattfi m pen- j pie agaiuft drinking malt liquors o* my, kind. ( Gin, brandy, or red port, mixed w th water, is i the proper beverage The medicine, if he difirdcr inc'C*fe , is a dofc of bark, vviththree , tdroos of opium in it. , I We feel a pltafu-e in announcing t■> 'he i üb- lic any new and ufefju difoovcry.’*~V/e «rc in formed that Dr. John Elliot, of Netvnnn- Street, the ingenious Author of levetai ddco- vtries in ciiyn iftry and phyfiology, has invented a preparation front thefubftance called /fio■ . £u- nefe, which he ha-' found, by a variety ofdrials, to be the moft certain remedy yet known in in- flammatory and putrid fevers whether eruptive or other. The difeovery, it feems, v*as fog- I gefied to him by the known chemical properties of that in conjunction with his own theory of the animal ccconomy. He does no* i pretend that it is alike powerful in eve / .pecie - j of fever, or that it is always efficacious witnout [ the aftiftanre of other remedies; thefe atec.i- -| cun fiances of which he can only judge 'torn a ; review of the patient’s cafe. But experience, we are told, authorizes him to aflert, that it :; >he moft effectual remedy tbst he has yet tried in the diforder mentioned ; and • nly requefts that he may he allowed the advantage of being called in as early as pr ffihle in the diftafe, as he c-.n he lets anfwtrable for the efficacy of the medicine, iti proportion as the fever has made greater ra* vspes on the conftitutidn. Dr. Elliott, we'earn, ! only ufes this remedy in his ownpradlice; and has no intention of making it a quack medicine. C. G. Romeo and Juliet, with Harlequin Free Mralo’n. i For the Ague One ounce of ftick liquorice cut into foalt pieces and made into tea ; when the cold fit is going off, let the patient go to bed and drink as much of the tea, and a< hot as poflible, till it brings on a fweat, and then he Hill till the {wealing is over. This generally cures at once taking, but hardjy ever fai sif taken twice. The pat'em'i* to dnnk nothing hut weak liquorice tea for common drink, for thiec or four days after the fever is gore •»-A gentleman of Huntingdon lias cured fcveral pet forts of the prelent malig» nant agues and fevers by the above. DoCl >r Freeman (Till continues to deliver to the Ladies his molt ufeful and curious book, called “ The Ladies Friend,'* containing twenty four feClions of the infirmities and di/eafos incident to married and Tingle women, and methods to re« move the molt obfiinate difeafes, together with ti e PiaCiical Midwifery, thirteen curious engravings of the difTcrent po- fitions of the infant in the womb, with feventy five different prdC'ipfions for ditbrders incident to children and men ; in the introduction of which is a Phyfical and Agronomical Defctiption of Animation, or the fuppofed time the Lul enters the body of the infant, as well as when the whole is ptrfefted, jointed, an*l organized in the womb, &c &c, price 6s. bound, gilt and lettered, at No 9, Sal fhury (quare, Flect-ftrcet, ’where it may be had fealed up, if ordered. No woman ought to be without this publication. The author may he con Allied. For by me thy days JhaU be multiplied, and the years of thy life incretifed. This mod ingenious publication may he had of Mr. Card, ner, bookfcller, in the Strand; Mr, Turpin, St. John’*. Areet, WeO Sfnithfield; and by all bookfeller* in the King* dom.