Lectures on Bacteriology and Pathology, delivered at the Medical Department of George Washington University, 1897 - 1898. By Walter Reed* Washington. 1925. Contents• Bacteriology* 1. History. —— n.d. 2. Remarks on classification.- n.d. 3* Diphtheria. — 1897. Pathology* 1* Inflammation — 1898. 2* Inflammation continued. 1898. 3* Hissing. 4. Missing. 5* Catarrhal inflammation. 1898• 6* Oedema and dropsy. — 1898. 7. Thrombosis. 1898. 8. Embolism. 1898. 9. Degeneration. 1898. 10* Disorders of the hepatic circulation. 1898. 11* Fatty infiltration and fatty degeneration of the liver. 1898. 12* Cirrhosis of the liver. 1898. 13. 1.Acute supourative inflammation of the liver. 2. Acute suppurative hepatitis. 3. Abscess of the liver. 14. Liver:acute degenerative changes,Small-pox, Yellow-fever. Scarlet fever. Diphtheria. Thyphoid fever. Acute yellow atrophy.-- 1898* 15. Lung: chronic passive congestion. 1898. 16. oedema. 1898. 17. Missing. 18. Pneumonia. — 1898. 19. Acute croupous pneumonia. — 1898. 20. Broncho-pneumonia. Lobular pneumonia. Catarrhal pneumonia. —---■— 1898. 21. Missing. 22. Emphysema, Interstitial. Vesicular. Vicarious or compensatory chronic substantive emphysema. 1898. * 23. Missing. 24. Tuberculosis. — —— -4898. 25. Tuberculosis, continued. — — — — 1898. 26. Tuberculosis, continued. 1898. 27. Kidney. 1898. 28. Missing. 29. 1. Acute Pyrenchamatous degeneration. Granular degeneration. Cloudy swelling. 1898. 2. Acute Bright’s disease. Acute inflammation of the kidney. Acute diffuse nephritis. 30. Acute suppurative nephritis. Acute purulent nephritis. 1898. 31. 1.Acute glomerular nephritis. Chronic diffuse Chronic diffuse nephritis. 1898. 32. Missing. 33. Small contracted kidney.l. Chronic interstitial nephritis.2.Chronic arterio-sclerotic kidney.1898. 34. Spleen. -4898. period of scientific research upon the sub- ject of infective diseases we are brought in contact with the be- A A "H. lief that thereat cause of these diseases is a entity endow- u A 7; ed with vital properties, a contagium animaltffefctum. As to the more * intimate nature of this supposed entity, or as to the exact mode \ ... of its propagation, there were very many queer notions and sugges- tions. So long ago as 1658, there was published in'Rome a volume having the fo 11 owing title: " Scrutinium physico-medicum contagio- sae luis, quae pest is dicitur;*1 a physico-medical scrutiny of the contagious disease called the pest. The author was Athanasius Kircher, physician, philosopher and writer. Amongst other things says: 11 These little worms, which propogate the pest, are so small and subtile that they elude the natural sense, and can be brought to view only by the best microscope; atoms you might call rrt them* /.hey appear in such multitude that they cannot be counted; these are born of putrefaction, are forced out through the pores and air passages of the body with the sudorific exudations, and as they are agitated by the slightest movement of the air, just as the atoms in a ray of the sun in a darkened room, they are diffused here and there, and light on articles, and adhere to them most ten- (f aciously, and enter into all their innermost pores. I have become convinced the human being, not only dead but also living, is filled with innumerable invisible little worms; therefore, not only 2 the patient infected with pestiferous putrefaction, but also his dead body throws out through the said pores the little worms into the surrounding air and also into neighboring bodies; and as such living exudations are adhesive and subtile they penetrate into the innermost parts of the linen and clothing; therefore, when a patient is visited by a well person not used to the inclosed air; it happens that such poisonous exudations escape from the patient’s body, as well as from his bed and linen;are convoyed by the motion of the air, and blown on the hands of the visitor and on his clothes, and. as they penetrate surreptitiously through the pores, enter the in- nermost parts of the body, whereupon the visitor is attacked by the symptoms which all so afflicted have, and if his nature be not very strong and good, and throwl the poison off again, death must neces- sarily follow. Cats, dogs, pigeons, chickens, end all other do- mestic animals that live in the infected house take the contagion as soon as they touch an infected article; and though they do not have the disease on account of their nature, they carry the same into the neighboring houses, and sow the disease carry tkera in the city, etc. r A Now, although Kirch or mistook the blood corpuscles and pus cells for little worms, we must, nevertheless, concede that he puts forth in clear language the idea that putrefactive changes in dead matter, and even disease in the living body might be due to 3 the action.of minute living organisms, and that he propounded the definite view that the transmission of the infective diseases de- pended on the growth of independent minute organisms. icy tftur . - ' ' It appears to be well established that Van Leeuwenhoek, a native of Holland, and by trade a linen draper, but who added to his other accomplishments that of a grinder of lenses, was the first to observe very minute, active, motile bodies, which he naturally regarded as small animals, and hence designated them animalcules. /nu.. ~ S L 1 he found in rain water, in the intestinal contents of frogs and birds, in various infusions, and in the scrapings from his own He did not attempt further to name these organisms, but was satisfied with the plain objective description of them. From a paper with drawings submitted to the Eoyal Society in 1685, we are able to state that he saw round forms, forms having the shape of a short rod, and spiral forms. In 1673 Leeuwenhoek commenced, communieating his discov- eries with the microscope to the Loyal Society; beyond the occasion' al statement that his observations were made with simple microscopes he explained nothing by which his contemporaries could furnish them- selves with instruments like those he employed; and this silence added to the mysterious awe with which he and his work were regard- ed. He was extremely shy of exhibiting his microscopes to any one, and some of his contemporaries taxed him with greater love of praise Hayall, John, Jr., Journal of the Society of Arts, London, Sept. 10, 1886, p. 1015. 4 than of truth, because of his eagerness in claiming discoveries. Even as late as 1709 the real construction of Leeuwen- hoek’s microscopes was not certainly known. Now that we know ex- actly the kind of instrument Leeuwenhoek employed, there can be no difficulty in the admission that his reputation as a discoverer in microscopy was really based on his patience and dexterity in the preparation of his objocts, and on the skill he brought to bear on the interpretation of his observations. As to his microscopes, their construction was of the rudest kind mechanically, whilst op- tically, they consist of simple bi-convex lenses, with worked sur- faces mounted between two thin metal plates, with minute apertures through which the objects were viewed directly. At his death he bequeathed to the Royal Society a cabinet containing 26 of his mi- croscopes, which were reported upon by-Martin Folkes, Vice Presi- dent of the Society, in the Philosophical Transactions, Vol. XXII, pp. 446-463. Van Leeuwenhoek’s discovery of bacteria, or rather of these minute animalculae, led to the revival of the doctrine of (i L> rs - / o */■ " contagium vivum," and Nicholas Andry replaced Kircher’s worms by A these newly described animalculae or germs, and pushing the theory i' -an*. to its legitimate and logical conclusion, he evolved^^rgerm theory of putrefaction and fermentation; he feel-toyed that the blood and pustules of smallpox contained these minute living organisms, and that other diseases very rife about this period were the result of 5 activity of these organsims. V-arro-and-Lano-isi- ascribecl—LIi«dangerous-charact-e^-oiL^ to the actl-on of iiiv 1 siL 1~g osiiaaloulae, ond-tlio theory was acasyso freely and forcibly propagated that, even where y " a no microorganism could bo found, their presence was inferred, with the inevitable result, as Loeffler points out, that these invisible worms became the legitimate butts to shafts of ridicule, and the system being thus laughingly held up to satire, the germ theory of disease nigh discredited. Linnaeus with his marvellous powers of observation bo- C_ lieved that it was possible to rescue from this M chaos living beings, which were as yet insufficiently separated, and in which he thought might lie not only the actual contagium of certain eruptive diseases and acute fevers, but also the exciting causes of fermentation and putrefaction. The physician who most recognized the importance of these observations of Linnaeus was Plenciz, a Viennese doctor. He promulgated a causal connection between these minute animalcules discovered by Leeuwenhoek and the etiology of infective diseases. He believed that each of these diseases had its own special causative agent; that there was one germ for scar- let fever, and another for smallpox, otc. He believed that it was possible for this organism to become disseminated through the air, 6 and for it to multiply in the body, and he explained the incubation period of febrile disease as dependent on the growth of a germ within the body during the period after its introduction, when its presence had not yet been made manifest. He recognized the absur- dity of ascribing all diseases to their agency, but he put forth, with much emphasis the idea that each specific disease had a spe- cific organism as its cause• Now, although Plenciz propounded in its essentials the modern germ theory of disease, it was impossible, with the crude instruments and means then at hand, to make the necessary observa- tions to confirm his theory, and we are not surprised to find that many prominent writers of the day reje cted his explanation of the causes of disease and of fermentation. From this time until near- ly the middle of this century, the struggle was to be continued, and the theory of a contagium vivum was to pass through a stage of desperate attack and defence. Indeed, the origin of these minute anirnalculae was now beginning to occupy the minds of the most in- fluential and intellectual in our profession. Whether these tiny forms of life were the result of spontaneous generation—whether they owed their existence to preexisting forms,-was the burning question which was occupying the minds of those within and without . ' [ (r^rxJ\ the profession who were scientifically bent. Some' observers sup- posed (although they could bring forward no groat amount of evidence to substantiate their theory), that these little organisms were the 7 offspring of other organisms which were present in aM large num- bers in the air, from which they could be deposited on the material of v/hich the various infusions, etc., were made. Dr. Needham explains the whole phenomenon of the generation of living beings by the presence of a certain vegetative force which he supposes to exist in all nature, and which is always ready to form,under given circumstances the tissues of organized bodies. He wrote a comprehensive treatise in order to establish this opin- ion, making use of microscopic observations of different substances taken from the vegetable and animal kingdom. In the beginning he made infusions of vegetable and animal substances in ordinary water and, at the end of a certain time, upon examination with the micros- cope, found that these bodies had taken on a new fon? and a new ar- rangement of particles. They appeared as so many groups or little masses, which one observes, little by little, to swell, move, and transfer themselves from place to place. Finally they become de- veloped into real animalcules, which ran freely in the liquid. Needham having placed infusions of various vegetable and ani- mal substances in glass vessels, and having corked them, exposed them for a short time to the action of heat. He found in all cases that after a few days there were signs of life present in his infusions, microscopic organisms having motion were to be seen in large numbers. He argued that inasmuch as the heat had been suf- ficient to destroy the eggs if any were present, that the minute organisms which appeared had been produced by his so-called vege- tative force, which pervaded the minutest atom of the contained material. Upon these observations he founded the theory of spon- taneous generation, which he advocated with great vigor. He be- lieved that vegetable matter in infusion could give rise to animal life, and that this animal life could again be converted into a vegetable form of life. These observations of Needham were made during thejearly part of the eighteenth century, and exercised a great influence upon the opinions of men within and without the medical profession. Charles Bonnet, of Geneva, reviewed Needham’s experiments, and n . «... fHt tZt^T made the following criticisms?- h^wdvorr is Mr-— lie odnam sur-e that • -fi±£ Bottles had been sealed as carefully as if he nad sealed tiiem /( 1 A 1 (f hen® tically, A Did there not remain certain invisible openings which could have been the entrance point for animalcules of such little size as those under consideration? Is-Mr-* Needham quite Ni~f euro that or their’sp&fi, which can sustain t hurt— a heat equal to thd@E of plashes without perishing, or without LG. losing their prolific qualities 'ft* Is he quite sure that while the observer was preparing a drop of liquid for the microscope, and while he was adjusting his instrument, the animalculao which ex- isted in the air, or simply their seed, may not have been precip- 77 itated into this drop ? Is he, finally, quite sure that there did not exist animals, whose multiplication may be so rapid that they Sonnet ( C.) Considerations sur los.corps or,--anises, etc., Amster- dam, 1768, Vol. II, Chap. VI, p. 181 only require a few minutes in order to appear perfectly formed ? When one explains the presence of certain animalcules in a liquid, by having recourse to productive or vegetative forces, is one not apt to put the words in place of the things ? What idea has he of these forces ? How does he conceive that they organize matter? Transform inanimate particles into living beings, the vegetable into the animal ? Hoes he bring about this marvelous operation all at once, or by degrees ? If it is all at once, then let him describe its course of progress. All nature is opposed to the idea of spontaneous generation. Behold the varieties of fecunda- tion and of generation. Animals so unlike to each other by the manner in which they are fecundated and in which they are generated resemble each other in this, that they owe their origin to an animal of this same species. We should bo very careful in going against general laws; the exception should be rigorously demonstrated be- fore being admitted, especially when they controvert a lav/ the most universal and most constant, and the most invariable of all those of which we know anything/ therefore, whether he ha^suff iedrigorously demonstrated that the ani- malcules contained in infusions have not an origin similar to those of other animals. cm 7) Spallanzan Needham's experiments, and found that al- though he carefully boiled his infusions, and filled his vessels with the boiling infusion, and when they had become cool carefully stoppered thorn, just as Needham had stated, there always occurred a growth of minute animalcules within the vessels. Spallanzani did not believe, however, that sprang from any vege- tative force. He made many experiments on this subject, and finally contrived the following to see if possible whether it would not .finally, settle the matter. Having put to himself the question whether these minute bodies were not possibly on the walls of his vessels, or were not deposited by the atmos- phere during the process of cooling, in order to obviate every pos- sible source of contamination he subjected the vessels to the ac- tion of a flame; he then placed within a certain quantity of infus- ion, and proceeded to hermetically- seal the vessels. Next he placed them in boiling water for from an hour to an hour and a half. Infusions tins treated remained absolutely devoid of any develop- ment of microscopic organisms until such time as he broke the seal, when, within a few days; he found the presence of living organisms. Spallanzani then concluded that living organisms were necessary in order to bring about putrefaction; and that these living organisms owed their origin to pre-existing living organisms. Dr. Needham criticised severely Spallanzani1s last experiments and stated that the reason no growth had taken place in the flasks hermetically sealed was because the heat of the flame had been so great as to destroy the qualities of the contained air; that no organism could live without a certain amount of unaltered air, and that hence Spallanzani*s experiments amounted to nothing against his theory. Thus the matter stood at the end of the eighteenth century, and no further decisive experiments in this line were made until 1836, when Schultze began again an investigation of the matter. He perforated the stopper of the flask containing his infusions and introduced two bent glass tubes. One of these tubes led to a vessel containing sulphuric acid the other to one containing solu- » , tion of caustic potash. Having carefully boiled the contents of the flask, and while the s^rearning steam was still escaping from the tubes, he collected them with the chemicals before mentioned; then A from time to time, by sucking upon a tube connected with the potash vessel he drew air through the sulphuric acid into the infusion. His idea was that sulphuric acid would kill all organisms contained in the air. As the result of these experiments the growth remain- ed sterile, although a large amount of air was aspirated into the vessel containing the infusion. The advocates of spontaneous generation were still not satis- fied, and maintained that the atmospheric air had been so altered in its passage through the sulphuric acid as to be no further fit for sustaining organic life. Schwann later, instead of using sulphuric acid, used heat as 13 a moans of destroying any particles that might be present in the air and be drawn into the flask. In 1854 Schroeder and, v« Busch made a great advance in this line of experimental work; they proved that simple filtration through a layer of cotton wool was sufficient to deprive the air of its organisms. Pasteur and Chevreul soon afterwards demonstrated -t that it was quite sufficient to draw out and bend downwards the neck of the bottle in which the germ free infusion was contained, in order to insure the perfect freedom from germs of the fluid con- tained within the flask. They argued that germs, like*all* other solid particles, obey the law of gravitation, when noijpblown about by currents of air, and must settle down upon an upper surface; so that when the tube was bent downwards the organisms could not fall into its mouth. Tyndall proved that the appearance of a ray of light in a closed chamber was due to the presence of a multitude of minute particles floating in the air. When the particles had all settled to the bottom of the chamber, the ray of light disap- peared. Now, organic infusion placed in such a chamber from which the ray of light had disappeared, did not undergo decomposition, although they were left open. Schwann had already shown that blood drawn with proper precautions and put into a flask in which the air was kept germ free, might be preserved for a considerable length of time without the development of putrefaction; and later (1857) Van Dor Broeck demonstrated that the juice of grapes, urine 14 and blood could bo kopt froe of decomposition, if the vessels into which they wore received were first thoroughly sterilised by heat, and afterwards not allowed to come in contact with the outside air. humorous observers in England, Germany and France, not only con- firmed these observations, but also extended them, showing that milk egg-albumen, various vegetable substances and portions of the or- gans of freshly killed animals, could be kept from decomposition by carefully excluding the external air with its organisms. \ Thus the supports of the foundation of spontaneous genera- tion were being cut away one by one^—Me v orlihoIcry inch -s-f Ylrrn TirvK1y TJioy cti-H: had milk and loft l£u-thom as their strongholds-* ''£n~h^nod°r f 1 s +■ at ~i T4 rc nd mirik with subjecting.-it-t-o ..s^-tGmpQratu'^e-of 4-00. f-er a eonsiderttbdre-^ie; and Pact our—cuccoeded- in- st or ill sing it o-f-lhQ °—g-t Ablate as J872C Bastian, a supporter of the( doctrine of sncnt i on, to bring&orvrard an experiment was beliovnd to present \ very strongyargument in faior of that theory. Having carefullylfiltered and sterilized an infusion of white turnip, l|e placed a snail fragment of cheese within pie infusion. This was thon boiled for ten minutes\ and whilst still boiling was hermetically sealed. m, the end of three days, as countless Irying organisms were to be\ seen, Bastian considered piat these were produced from\>ion-living albuminoid materials. 15 repeatingrthese experiments, whs able to show that the Resting spores contained within thek centre of )the piece of cheese had kot been sub- jected t/o sufficient neat to destroy them/ Longer boiling, in his hands, prevented aly appearance of life* With the discov3ry of those more resistant spores the doctrine of spontaneous generation receiv- ed its final blow. ) It was easy now to explain the irregularities in the success or want of success of the foregoing experiments; nor could it be longer (doubted that bacteria were the cause ol\ putrefac- tion and fermentation, and that /these bacteria were the offspring of pre-exista ng forms, j In other words, Harveyjs law, "omne 'vivum ex ovo," or its modification, Mornr/e vivum ex mro," was shown to apply not only to the more highly organized members of the animal and veg- etable kingdoms, also to trie most microscopic unicellular crea- tures*. But we must not forget that the opponents of biogenesis had good cause for their opinions. They had applied a degree of heat to various animal and vegetable infusions such as was fully believ- ed to bring about the certain destruction of all forms of life. It would quickly destroy the ova of the higher animals, and why not, with greater the ova of these microscopic beings, which, in all probability were less tenacious of life. It is true that Muller, of Copenhagen, had, long before this date, described as occurring, especially in certain of the rod shaped forms, little shining points, arranged at regular intervals; 16 points which wo must now conclude were veritable spores; but we ov/o to Frederick Cohn the positive knowledge that certain of the rod- shaped bacteria possess the power of passing into a resting or spore stage in the course of their life history. There were sev- eral facts which led to a belief in the self of bacter- ia. First, neither the defenders nor opponents of spontaneous generation had any knowledge or concept!021 of the extraordinary powers of resistance possessed by these spore forms. Secondly, the difficulty with which heat penetrates equably into the interior of bodies was little appreciated. Certainly where the heat had not penetrated sufficiently, spores could, under certain circumstances, find a place of refuge whore they could escape destruction. Third- ly, we had no idea of the wide distribution, the well-nigh omni- presence of these little organisms. There is indeed scarcely any- thing that is free from these minute, invisible beings. The great masses which surround us, the air, the earth, the water, are as much stocked with them, as are the objects of daily use. The greater part of our food, our clothing, our dwellings, our intos- final canal, and the surface of our skin, all swarm with micro-or- ganisms. Indeed, the only field which appears impregnable to them are the fluids and tissues of the healthy body. Small wonder that the battle was a prolonged and stubborn one, and that every weak point in the armor of the opposing forces was found out and advan- tage taken of it. 17 Via oil) diov/over, trfre momentous question was—finally settled to the credit of both sides, attention b$u^neti A to the probable position of these minute organisms as exciters of disease. vifr-TO»t- i on*--¥^hiT&^!rhB&e''4^^ c4, %Zlri % " f I Remarks upon classification. Although, as we have seen, Leeuwenhoek was the first to de- scribe the organisms which we now designate as bacteria, he was satisfied, as we have stated with a simple objective description of them. He made no attempt whatever, to classify than. He evi- dently believed that they belonged to the animal kingdom. Subse- quent to his time there was being gradually accumulated a large mass of facts bearing upon these interesting and wonderfully minute living organisms. numerous isolated observations were being constantly made by the various workers, none of whom, however, were sufficiently master of their subject to enable them to make a \ any systematic attempt at classification, and the scientific re- sults obtained Y/ere hence comparatively insignificant, standing in no proportion to the amount of work expended and the number of ob- servations made, Linnaeus published tho first edition of his Systeana naturae, etc., at Leyden, in 1735, With this epoch making work the modern classification of living beings in class^orders, I . A V families, genera and species began. He established no class for microscopic organisms, although aY/are of their existence. In 1769 Ledcrmuller proposed for all such microscopic ■ - ' ' organisms the name of infusoria, and he and others described a number of forms which were discernible with the microscopes of that day. The first intelligent attempt at a classification of bac- teria was made in 1773 by Muller, of Copenhagen, Ho appeared to have a thorough appreciation of the work which he was undertaking, and, with a well defined plan set himself to arrange systematically the various organisms that had been described by previous observers. Under the head of infusoria he divided them into two classes; those that could be seen with the naked eye, and those that were invisi- ble except with the aid of a microscope. The latter class he again divided into those forming thin surface membranes, and those forming thick membranes. Under the latter he included the genus Monad, all spheroidal in form, of which he described ten species; and the genus Vibrio, including all elongated forms, whether straight or spiral, with thirty-one species. It was interesting that he distinguished species not only by their form but also by the media in which they lived or could be cultivated. Relying principally on the form of the organism, he described round and slightly oval forms, short and long rods, corkscrew shaped and snake-like organ- isms, undulating but not spiral in their movements, and also long threads or bacilli. He also referred to certain minute shining points which he saw in the rod-like forms. We have every reason to believe that these were spores, which, ninety years later, were scarcely understood, and whose signification was first pointed out, as we have already stated by :uas4criek Cohn. It must not be omit- A ted, that Muller included in each genus forms which were unquestion- ably animals. St. Vincent, in 1824, separated the monads from the vib- rio Ss, as sociating the former with a number of undoubted animals. Ehrenburg, in 1828,studying the infusoria with microscopes of modern make, was the first to establish a group consisting sole- ly of bacteria. However, like others of his day, he recorded forms included as animals. His family of Vibrionae included four genera, all filamentous bacteria, which he distinguished by their forms, viz.: 1. Bacterium, filaments linear and inflexible, three species. 2. Vibrio, filaments linear and snake-like, flexible, nine species. 3. Spirillum, filaments spiral, inflexible, three species. 4. Spiroclnaete, filaments spiral, flexible, one species The Vibrionae were described by Eh enburg as filiform animals, dis- tinctly or apparently polygastric, naked, without external organs, with a body united in chains or in filiform series as a result of inc omp1et e division. Dujardin ( 1841 ) added very little to the classification given by Muller and Ehrenburg, but he brought out several most im- portant facts. In certain large vibrions he was able to make out distinct bifurcations, the two new limbs becoming segmented trans- versely; he was also able to recognize an outer membrane or resist- ant covering on these organisms, and within this a gelatinous or protoplasmic material, and this led him him to doubt whether, after all, he was dealing with an animal form, and several forms descri- bed he relegated to the plant kingdom as algae. He also made im- portant observations on the chemistry of bacteria. He describes & <5 especially suitable for the development of bacteria fluids contain- ing such substances as phosphate of soda, hyponitrous acid, oxalate of ammonia and carbonate of soda, and ho points out that the nitrog- enous principles of the oxalate of ammonia are gradually used up in the presence of organic substances. He united the two genera Spirillum and Spirochaete of Ehrenberg, and added to the descrip- tion of the generic characters as follows: !• Bacterium, fila- ments rigid, with a vacillating movement. 2. Vibrio, filaments flexible, with an undulatory movement. 3. Spirillum, filaments spiral, movement rotatory. It will be seen that this classifica- tion leaves no place for the motionless bacilli, such as anthrax and others, and does not include spherical bacteria, now called micrococci. In 1852 Perty announced that some of these minute organ- isms belong to animal and some to the vegetable kingdom, whilst certain others appeared to him to stand on the borderland between 8jl the two. He considered that the bacteria ms*an active animal, but v A that they also pass through a stage during which they must be look- ed upon as vegetable in character. Robin in 1853 pointed out the affinity of bacterium and vibrio (of Ehrenberg ) to leptothrix, which belongs to the algae, and this v/as followed by the demonstration by Davaine, in 1859, of the vegetable nature of the bacteria and their affinity with the algae as then defined. In 1854 Cohn even more strongly insisted on the vegetable na- ture of these microorganisms. He summed up his researches as fol- lows: First, all vibriones appear to belong to the vegetable kingdom, and exhibit a very close relationship to the larger algae.., and, second, in respect to their want of chlorophyl and in their occurrence in putrefying infusions the vibriones belong to the group of water fungi. In 185r/ M&geli, placing the bacteria among the lower fungi, which give rise to the decomposition of organic substances divides these into three groups: 1. the Macorini, or mould fungi. 2, the Saccharomycetes, or budding fungi. 3. the Schizomycetes, or fission fungi, which produce putrefactive processes. Nageli col- lected all the forms then known which had certain characteristic $ - sit physiological features in common, into a he termed Schizomycetes, or fission fungi, a group which is now fully recog- nized by morphologists and physicians. He included all those low- er forms of plant life in which chlorophyl was absent, and which containwKcarbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen in definite propor- tions, which elements they were not able to assimilate and utilize in building up their substance from inorganic materials, "'hhikc the other fungi and animals they can utilize as food only such material as is presented to them in the form of living or dead organic mat- ter held in solution or combined with a considerable quantity of water. They usually set free any uncombined oxygen, and this char- actoristic feature, along with their want of chlorophyl Nageli looked upon as a special feature by which they might be distin- guished from ordinary fungi. Amongst his fission fungi he placed the forms bacterium, vibrio, spirillum and sarcinae. The classification of Davaine ( 1868 ) provides for the motionless filamentous bacteria, but does not include the micro- cocci. He makes four genera, as follows: /. Bacterium: rigid fila- ments, straight or bent, but not in a spiral, moving spontaneously. .Vibrio; flexible filaments, straight or bent, but not in a spiral, moving spontaneously. filaments straight or bent, but not in a spiral, motionless. Spirillum, filaments spiral. Following Davainefs classification, the French bacteriologists frequently speak 01 the motionless anthrax bacillus as _la pact6vi- coe. The vegetable character of the bacteria and other fungi, with what were then regarded as the lower algae having been recog- nized, the first important classification of them as plants was made by the German botanist Cohn, in 1872. He regarded them as a family of algae, with a fungal mode of life, but distributed them according to their form into four tribes: 1. Sphaerobacteria. or globules, with one genus, Micrococcus. 2. Microbacteria, or short rods, with one genus. Bacterium. 3. Dosmobactoria, or long rods, including two genera.Bacillus, straight forms, andtVibrio, undula- ting forms, or spirals, with two goner a; /-Spirillum (rigid spirals), andtfpirochaete(flexible spirals.) Colin re- garded this classification as provisional merely; nor did he believe at that time that genera and species were to be permanently estab- o lished by characters based on form alone; but adopted such charac- ters provisionally, and in accordance with the usage of his time. The observations of that day upon various fungi showed that some of them had the power, under varying conditions to assume forms diffor- f ( ing by degrees hitherto regarded as specific, or even generic. The following will show she view on this subject held by observers at that time: . M Within the last ten years I have examined thousands A of divided yeast forms, and I should bo unable to maintain, I except that there is a need oven of a division into two specific forms;" and again: " If my view is correct, the same species, in the course of generations take different morphological and physiological forms, which in the course of "ears bring about sometimes the sourness of milk, or the fermentation of wine, or the putrefaction of albuminous substances, sometimes producing ty- phus fever, cholera or intermittent fever." These erroneous observations which led to the ideas as to the extent to which such changes in form were possible were in- fluenced to a great extent by the impress then being made on the minds of biologists by the doctrine of the origin of species by descent of modification. As a result of this belief in polymor- phism, Billroth, in 1874, propounded the doctrine that true or constant genera and species id not exist amongst bacteria, holding that all known forms, with the exception of spirillum and spiro- chaete were possible modifications of a single polymorphic genus and species, for which he proposed the name of Goccobactoria sop- tica. These he declared to be capable of assuming any form from a coccus to a filament, and to be capable of any mode of bacterial activity from that of a harmless ferment to that of a virulent cause of any of the specific diseases, its transmutation depending upon varying circumstances yet to be discovered. Now although there are certain bacteria which are more or less «fchse^morphic, that is they may exhibit more than one growth form, in the course of their normal development-there are others that are strictly monomorphic, exhibiting, as far as our observations extend, only a single growth form. The discussion of these ques- tions, and the various researches which they calJc d forth, caused Cohn to make a revision of his classification of bacteria. Recog- nizing more clearly the relations existing between thorn and the fission-algae, and the differences between them and the true fungi, he published, in 1875, a classification in which he established as a primary division of the vegetable kingdom the group Schizophyta, including therein the fission-algae and the bacteria. Ke divided the Schizophytes into two tribes: 1. Olaeogenes.—Cells free, or united into glairy fam- ilies by an intercellular substance Genera.— a. Micrococcus. b. Bacterium. c. Merispomedia. d. Sarcina. e. Ascococcus. together with various unicellular algae containing chlorophyl. 2. Ilaematogenos. —Cells disposed in filaments. G-ener a. a. Bac i 1 lu s. b. Leptothrix. c. Vibrio. d. Spirillum. e. Spirochaete. f. Streptococcus. g. Cladothrix. h. Streptothrix. associated with genera of green filamentous algae. ” The following decade was fruitful in research concerning the morphology, physiology and classification of bacteria. The dis- tinctness of the group Schizomycetes, and its relation to the Schy- zophyces, as forming with it a division of the vegetable kingdom, the Schyzophyta, were rendered more and more apparent, although unanimity of opinion upon either of these opinions has not been reached up to the present time." (Tuttle.) Zopf, who loans strongly to pleomorphism, published, in 1885, the following classification, dividing the bacteria into four groups: 1. Coccacoae. —up to the present time only known in the form of cocci. Genera. Streptococcus Mer i smopecl ia Sarcina Micrococcus Ascococcus. 2„ Bacteriaceae.—Have for the most part spherical, rod-like, and filamentous forms; the first (cocci) may be wanting; the last are not different at the two extremities; filaments straight or spiral. G-enera. Bact erium. Spirillum. Vibrio Leuconostoc Bacillus Clostridium. o. Leptotricheae.--Spherical, rod-shaped, and filamentous forms; tie last show a difference between the two extremities; filaments straight or spiral; spore formation not known. Genera. Grenothrix. Beggiatoa Phragmidi othri x Leptothrix 4. Cladotricheae.—Spherical, rod-shaped, filamentous, and spiral forms; the filamentous form presents pseudo-branches; spore for- mation not known. Genera. Oladothrix. The period which has followed the classifications above given has been more fruitful in efforts to extend our knowledge of the pathogenic relations of bacteria rather them of their botanical affinities. The tendency on thepart of pathologists has been in the direction of studying the activities of bacteria in living tis- sues, and in ascertaining the results brought about by their pres- ence, while less attention has been paid to their morphological re- lations. Bearing in mind, however, that a scientific classification of bacteria, when reached, must be founded on botanical principles, physicians have been willing to leave this to the botanists, and have boon more inclined to discard generic distinctions which havo for them but slight importance. As the result, the latest clas- sification, that of the distinguished Prof. Baumgarten (1890), is the one that recommends itself to physicians.and bacteriologists. It is the one adopted by Sternberg, with slight modifications. Group I. Species relatively monomorphous. 1 Coccus 2 Bacillus 3 Spirillum a. Diploccoccus b. streptococcus. c. Merismopedia. cl. Sarcina o. Mi or o c o ccu s (St aphy 1 o c o ccu s) Genera The bacilli are included in a single genus, embracing all of those species which only form rod-shaped cells, .and filaments com- posed of rod-like segments, or straight filaments not distinctly segmented, which may be rigid or flexible• The spirilla are included in a single genus, embracing all those species in which the filaments are spiral in form, and the segments more or less spiral or comma shaped; filaments either rigid or flexible. Group II. .1. Spiralina. 2• Lcpt ot ri cheae. 5. Cladotricheae. These arc water bacteria and do not concern us here. The pleomorphous species described by Hauser, under the gen- eric name of Proteus, is included under the second group by Baum- garten; but has very properly, we think, been placed under the first group by Sternberg, and put amongst the bacilli. There is often difficulty in deciding to which genus a partic- ular microorganism should be assigned, whether to the cocci or bacilli. If we are confident that our culture is pure, we must be guided by the appearance of the separate organisms. If wo find bacilli, however short, we must assign the organisms to the bacil- li; that is, if the length exceeds the transverse diameter. There is no longer good reason for continuing the genus Bac- terium as distinguished from bacillus; since in the same culture we may have short rods and long filaments. So, too, with regard to tho genus Yibrio, the fact that the filaments are flexible, and movements sinuous, is not a sufficient generic character; for in a pure culture there nay be short rods which arc rigid, and long fil- aments which are flexible and have a sinuous movement (Sternberg.) Hence all elongated forms are spoken of as bacilli, and all spiral forms, with cork-screw like motion, as spirilla. The round forms, however grouped, are cocci or micrococci. no. Hr. R» turn to pathological ehangea vliioh the diphtheria baa 111m prod note in h.ua&n beings. One of the moot mxrkoC pathological change* Is produced Ir the lymphatic glands, the lymphatic* structure throughout the body, and this I0 rot confined to the nearest lysapha- tics in * he throat, but Involves all of the lymphatic ylandi? of the body, even the lymphatic structure of the raucous nonibraa# of th© mu 1 tntceti m n • hocallsacd necrosis arc protlucoO in the lymphatic gland©, charuo- tar Used by fragmentation of the nuclei of the cells, oo that micros* copd&Hfly one find® little am*© In section stained brightly with eo»in» and upon exrnnl nation with the higher poorer* the ram ins of the nuclei era found there in large mtihor© broken vp into little pr*rtlol*i» fr*gn*ntfttion of the miolai be It le spoken of. Not only nr© the lymphatic involved« but ve find in tho liver fatty fjexoneration of the hepatic colls, She 00236 fatty dO£fm$ra~ tlon of the g aplecn you occasionally ret a few colonic® of the diphtheria buetlluii. diphtheria bacillus la pa thegenic not only to man* but various anipmlsj the guinea-pig* om of cur laboratory animals* is specially nusceptihle ia I ho pathogenic action of the diphtheria bdellium. On# centimeter of & culture in bouillon ni thermos tat temperature f,eae rally kills a pig «etching 400 or 500 grajarms, In about SO hours. The rabbit l« lb sc susceptible* though It to «nthojt«nie for the rabbit. Chickens* pigeons* mtd bird*- aro all susceptible to the action of the diphtheria bacillus. The i %c* the sheepy the calf, the wonkeys* indeed the mouse and the rut are mph. — p. ». about the only two antasls which. sees not to bo aueeoptiblo to the action of this bnoI list* You give n mouse an enormous quantity In order to kill hfn, but a» a rule five times the cose to kill a guinsnpig or n rabbit does riot affect th© mouse or the rut. The diphtheria bacillus if. pathogenic for tie horse* which I have not m rvOfltlonod. £o* the loinlono which babe boon found It* human beings vhich nay r.re duo to action of the diphtheria bacillus* can all ho produced with pure ettf tures In animals* even to the format Ion of the false tie rib rr no. The kitten end V-& rabbit ar« the best animals to perform on to prod no© tHe trim mmfomnQ of t> $ tmetea. Mr. f ohn Wish of fohns Hopkins showed that if you a bra id the mu- cous numbrans or the trachea a little bit in the oonrm of 4U hours the an 1ml shows all i ret lent lone and cl led t of constrictIon of the larynx. Autopsy showed tipicul di-phi her I it lo membranes Just as you cso in hursim ha 1 ngs. kll of the changes which have been produced in tins Intirml <>r-y\nn-—-nerves, liver, spleen* kidm. t fatty <;arbit- ration, cloudy swelling* nnd paralysis—»hav© been produced in unimls. Mot only that, but 1 . has bmn found that he toxinlllo the bouillon culture in which th<> bacillus has boon grown can bo filtered through n Pustour filter, and the ck«mr filtrate contain- lug toxin can be injected Intb unlmle* and will produce all the aynpto’35 except the false membrane. If you wish to produce tl a false .'.-’sonbran* you- mmt Introduce the living or doc«J bacillus into animals, these ntkimlft ordinarily arc not susceptible to diththor* la they have to be Inoculated with It, octio dnngl must be done to mucous membrnn© cf the animl in order to produce dlththoria* or wo rrast inject a culture beneath the akin, and there lo no par- ticular reason to think that diphtheria has been sokhsusi looted by human beings to animals, net oven the ent* The diphtheria in fouls Is dnn to an entirely different bacillus, Mow, 1 think I told you the other nlyht that the diphtheria bacillus did not always produce some local change In the throat, that while in the gr© it majority of or.sos one finds a tjpnioal ps ouc«onmuhrurm or fibrinour exudate in the throat, while in other oases ti e patients will not hstvs lt9 and yet the patient hnn diphtheria. In other words* xho diphtheria baolllUS tmj produce Vm greatest inflarwttlrm in the throat, or practically nono at all, depending u|>oti the ituaosptibllity of the particular Individual, lactsrIologioal i im.eUaatlonr, have been of x no a finable value In bringing out thin point—-cases which formerly were never supposed to bo diphtheria, have clearly boon shown to ho by the finding of the bee Ulna in the throat, I think 1 mentioned that In oo3*3S vhloh clinically produced the appearance. of diphtheria* nO;i of these are really diphtheria, and 20;- are pseudo diphthe- ria. divided Innaw&iations of the throat into diphtheritic and psoudodlphth©rltlo, 1 think I told you that the tern diphtheritic not limited alone to e influrvnation ascribed to the Klebs- boefflr-r bacillus, but often the tens diphthtritio la applied to false diphtheria** If you wish to fee absolutely oorrewt, you will consider diphtheria ns that oaueed only fey the K1afes-hoefflar bacil- lus, and peeudodlplitfterle ao being produce! by all othere. It would be bettor If -> dropped the tom ’diphtheria* ami adopted hlphthori- tls according to t* c bacillus which cuur.es it. Diphtheritic I think I told yen mn applied to all of these various nffactions of the t throat, -tad ua.-ul purely in on anatomical carise. If you have an in- flart-intlon of the throat attended by an exudate It is called acute !)iph* r—4 diphthoritla—It m? bo c ’.unsd by tho Btroptocoeauf* pjo&Qmmt Klobs-hoofflus or soa* othor bnolllua. Thus diphtheria lc always dtie to ths Ki«dB-lioafflor bciolllas* tho bneill 119 diphtheria®. All inflammations of the throat of whatever .prado should ho ecnatiered true diphtheria, until, on rtlwoftodpio tv*Ion It. is proveu that tho baoll#u? present- le the $tphths*iaibHolllua or not. How own bo e.a about it to diagnose a co«o of acute if rout trouble? I mentioned tha fn$t that tin diphtheria baoilltui grew# very well on all sroc of our madia* on a&ar-agar on w latin nt u temperature of 20 to 22; slowly on gala tin* rapidly on «#ar at thermostat t&m~ peraturo, grove rapidly in bcuillo?? at the mm tat torsp ora turn. In sons oasoft uniformly cloud I nr: the bouillon, In others tn little granules distributed over t a surf too and rid s, and In others in little pellicles, and on gXyoarlne ayar (7d- glycerine) this was the medium on which they were formerly grown until hoerfler the Corrmn physician who first isolated the diphtheria bacillus and proved It to be the cause of diphtheria, introduced hi a mod i ms known as? hosffXar #8 21ood~aorumf and that ha» bean found to be the very boot medium on which to grow the diphtheria bacillus. I win mention briefly how tv» so nun ts prepared. TM« t s$ oerj* pos&l of Z par to of t? e blood ttcrua of the cow, *and om part glucose bouillon, bouillon containing of glucose. Ordinary bouillon you fcnew contains l/> peptone ana half of n paresat of aalt. It docs not contain any glucose, thi« mixed with th* blood aonvi contains 1 part nf grape asigar—-10 gran# to tba XI.tar* ?hln nsnsn Is ob- tained by bleeding the animal into & sterilised vessel. A half grown calf can blood 3 or 3 liters* A vary cl eon vests*! • rh S ch will hold about 2 lotors Is carried to the slaughterhouse, and. si the an 1ml *3 throat la out the froah blood la caught. After it has dotted* a sterilised rod is Introduced and th* clot stirred fran the side of tie veenel, whtsh wnniMoo t> o clot to contract, and then the vessel is put Into the loo box for about 4H ’ oura, during d i eh. time the dot contracts uilte firmly. a laics to V e button* and the scrum renalna an a straw colored liquid. If ou are fortu- nate, cone time «i yon my get one-half of the quantity cf blood ewrue% but usually ono-thlrd in all we can net. Out of 3 11 'arc of blood if you yet one you «i£W arc doing well. *lavl??g obtained your acruci you siphon it off* if it is stained trtth blood it makes no differon cc {thou.-h it is siot clear). filter imd to 3 parts of Mr. add cm pari of the gmja sufinr bouillon, formrly thcao tubes were then sterilised at a tariff a two net exceeding C5° In n blood norvm ap- paratus The r* imilory net hod La. used in this? country. Slant your tubaa and place then cither in the hot air or etean slorl User. ?he tubes are placed on t'otr oldos so that yen really have a slant* Just ar an agar riant would be* and the IhcrnoMn| Si; Hottd to DO or £5$, until the eerun !© solid tried. n * i ph* As a rule, for Id hours the diphtheria bacillus hn* outgrown all Others, though DOROtimoe you trill find that other organisms have grown equally rapidly* Xh£ colonies of diphtheria appear act opaque brow I ah colon loo, $otmwh&% like the mud turn; they nr a rathsr fftria* You will huva to see yourealfos in order to got a proper apprecia- tion of how they look* It Is not no cos nay# In prattle*! diagnosis that yon should pick out tho individual colonies* If you can aae them on *• ho slant it la bast to pick tvom out* out generally there are &o miy colonies that you will have $o go In with your loop, touch hare tnd there and stain for the or.anla-4* in pr.-jotioal work, the sterilised rrrnb la used. A little piece. of start lined cotton or a little place of absorbent cotton is trapped U ;htly around a ptooe of Iron wire -5 or h inches In length, or around a small a is ad glasa rad filed at ho end to roughen it* Xhoae are pin pieced In glass tubes with cotton plugs and utori' Is mi in the hot air atorll la or* *he health do-par treant uondr out in a little box n eternised swnfc ami tlno a blood ourt&t nl&nt, Tho raoo mmlatlori Id Vrt'i the physic Inn shall pi:, co the patient in u goou light und with thid&t- rltisod «wsb touch sono arts of the nombrine, or &imply wipe ov if f} o Interior of the throat, muovc V a swab and very lightly draw this over the surface without breaking the surface* If you have a Bd and a 3d tub* go into ono and tboij lnt*> Ue other, and into The third, lor - enlnc the organism* For pract i cal work one tube only ie used. ?his tr placed on the thereto# tat at 37", ami he next morning is ro-ady for ex&fflinntIon—after l;i to la hours. boomer* a thy line Blue is aacu ae the riuln preferably* On® aan uco the Iran stain or the other analino dies, but the hoof- florfa ‘■ lue in tre cno which stains the organisia more c):nr; oteristi* cal 1 y. * T-O'-v Swntlonon, H ir in berating to knw that the diphtheria h>%ci Hub row* inn lit the t* rcat {another point tearing on the ding-* nostio oor?$ 16 oration? after the p&tl«nl has gotten owr it. It Is important to kner? that In snuny cares, although £ Hi oxudalft is gene, culturon rhow th® dlphthnrla taiolllu* st-ill In U o throat. In other words, that patient U> still a course of ctaniser« It ba« b®sn found that after the oxvdAte lT sr*T5 rule to folios. I think I av.ld th7. oiTTf^nipht that 11 mu a n'fl'Tija i n ®p I *i on lea 3m<« or i g i s*a t #4 f rem a of raiid Inflammation of throat which no phyoioism wuX4 ham hnve aiagnoMcd ns diphtheria. Thin patient having a creator Plph. a—6. resistance Hid H-ynpionii with uo fjenbrnne at all, and the >. next arse nay to one of very ftro&t severity, if you nan mk« use of the bacteriological d lag-nos la, of ooari-# you mk# use of it, and decide the c*so find relieve yemr own anxiety, but la ot> or cn»os non# it as diphtheria of If a throat and isolate V c m%I there 1# no rollw* Vhs Kioto* dl Xto tos toon found to mint®in its vitality for ion*jj periods—in tto' first place -no have fjo reasonsto toltevo t?at the diphtheria broilIns Hmc in the external xorld,—-that t liven rn a saproyhyS It is tto dlcoaso of all diseases that Is cornunicat d by persem! contact, and it is Interesting to know ho* v -ry rodistunt l-In gntfel asttopg. rasrtlonXar bacillus is under certain oirocsss toots* • In I - dry mnribrane it ht\B boon found alive after I? or 9 w.-ake, It has ‘boon cultivated from a toy -which a child bavin*: diphtheria played with 5 months before, tbs child having gotten Its saliva on tho toy. It ton to*n found alive on blood or rum tubes nt the end of I a 5 day si, am? I to1 laws In rows old cult Tiros of gelatin h j*m r old. It is •hilled by toa'tlfig in minute® at 5i; ' 0, You ee® it does not require to boil the cloth Inc to kill tie diphtheria tocl11ns, to far as that in oomntrnsdi it is not necessary to boil tr e olot’.ing to 1111 any pathogenic bacteria nnlmm there are spores• If roe your boil- • “ re eontsm.tuat-u' -. It! • r diphtheria bacillus yon hill it at ortoe——that ends it. 1 tcld you the other right Thftt It tod born found on %r.>: bad clothing, pi Hows, etc. It haa boon found on the shoes of tiurscs rhe were attending diphtheria patients, and on t* c hair bcch of tie ear whuro they v©r# |J> the habit of fitting the pencilf they were using, and from tie amt of the ward, all of •"’hioh nmn&9 gentlemen, that yen must Isolate your sn»6» of diphtheria nw' that you must dis.infect every particle of the slothing, nil of tto cloths that the child expoetorstee on and her’ slothing and all ary to to disinfected by putting Into i carbolic solution* or a XjaOOO bichloride, and articles hang I a?? upon the vail r.f the occupied room, should also be boiled. If the patlot has bean properly cared for, ha a been property isolated, tbs chances or spread of cliphttoris In very flight, nom Interestting otoorva- tiers hnvft been **ade upon the throats of other mentors of the family ottor children of i>e- family 'Where diphtheria has occurred. Parks found In to* York rsty that Thorn there ea» noiIsolation and no si Tty rvf the disease, 401 developed jttphtherla, ana that where only alight isolation vats used only 10;l had it, to, *d*>on you have one patient In a family The has diphtheria, you should taka cultures from the months of nil of the family, IT# virulent bacillus hit# boon found in the throats of pore cor. not suffering* from diphtheria. If tray have com# its contact srlf• ijhe disenre, then It is found in largs rmrbfro; I have mentioned 50;.' in children in one Instance of 330 c ?ros of healthy throats examined in which the f.at Xante stated that they tort not knowingly eons in contact with diphtheria, a vifS» lent diphtheria bacillus ms I elated* li .a. % I bacillus m& isc-lated which grew nltogattor like the dIph- Plft bacillus, but which to« not pot ho ..cnic to gttincapli#* to uo havo the vimjlnnt diphtheria in hsnithy indivldunis, though if any of the pars or a wra ru«dO|>tthl#, such votild have tod it. sronp, is r*a nxutf&to in tl rfcat* is dno to *!»• T'ldbs-bos'ffler b*soilln«. Bnotertologioal culturo© hrtvo shown that in 00$ of tfco oft ft on tt iftr. boon shown that they wars Xftrynsoal dlphthopi*—-r.rohnhly 9C&4 of a dw« to iht K1 tho othor 10 to tho fttroptoooceus pyogottes; and etain rtanbr^Mo# IHph, p 7 Inflamatloa of th# nos#, knwm ns rombi*ts»$u8 rhinitis, Is oausad by the Klfcb~booffl«r haeillw. rfhc fern of mral diphtheria whore the £«ras olimb tip buck cf the pal«to (volm ffllwt ) lr> vary fata) the ot!nr to called KCttbrniiou# rhinitis ( "Ibrinouc rhlnltioK You can look Into v # no&o nml «oe a lltt.1# grayish *:?ud« and when you trip* It a’my pork ops 0 little blooding will follow, and yau can Instate trMB thie a culture cf the &ftito'*Lo3ffl$r bacillus* thr no pat Ionic show no constitutional *yniptan89 mJ r,$mrnhly t hooo onus or* do not give rice to diphtheria, ctlil thoro lfs danger, cause for appro ho no ion# 00 one relict bo on hie the bacillus isola- ted fron the none in about ono-half of th? msas 1- s been attenuated hac not killed to 0&in&Api£, but has given rise to a little swell- ing, %hllo in the other half of tm oases the bacillus uae virulent and killed es readily a# the diphtheria bacillus# Tho a«v?>rlty of tM id no indict ion of tha vtrulorujy of tho oiiltur® mass the throat. You may fl«d tho nost virnlont stimu- lus in tho TnJldor throat Inflursnatlons. *n.it lr. a mntt#r of lbM i ty on t 4 part £n of tha InO ivtouul. You' will hr nr something* and I mint mutton it, about the paett- d ©diphtheria bacillus. A te»eillue which \n%& denaribed sort© roar® aro by von ?offr-nn. He found It in the throats of a healthy tmlivi- duals, so did toe f fie r, and • M«? bacillus bit© been found • Ince by a number of abaft nr# rs, cultures being taken from n variety of throat roubles, generally e&aaedingl/ ..- light* A bacillu® hac boon obtain* ec? from tha threat grows nlmoot exactly like rClfcbe-boe frier1 s bast Hue nnC stal nu alfsaat exactly like it al&o, so that with the only the diagnosis could not bo mode* Yne diphtheria, bacillus stains n*ore r>fl&rly; the psoudodiphtherla bacillus grows no re luxuriantly on agar thrm the genuine diphtheria baelllue. The genuine total Hus in glucoee bouillon produces a deoidodly aold reaction nt first, Elicit afterwards bo omen alkaline* thw pseudo- diphtheria bacillus tioia not produce nay no id must, ion when growing In he bouillon practically. ilthcur.ii wo clan* as paeudur«ose. The 1 ".v-Mate effect of this ruitltonlr* is rW.lly & ufr-ct. To frequently find physiol *;ns saying that anti- toxin h oumtlvs but not sped fie, but whoa wo ©&*& to arl that* what they moan by that mttai they i - y 'U d©#» not euro thoir cue os of diphtheria, that hn« noth!f f* to do with the spsslflo char rater—* of aonrse, if .you do no t |ivs antitoxin until the renal epithelium If cloudy, and fatty degeneration of t e heart musolas h&s tc&en the Ufi of the colls fire lost *nd you do not expect It to patient* A»UteKta I not vitalise any deed i.-c but if you use it surly enough, 1U effect Is absolutely spot T'/c.. uo-tpt -The ha* done co nneh to la Indues the antitoxin rt diph- theria, vsluted irtxl it you use It by tV: *ft$oad day that It. would euro 9f>h of tbs mass, an-.’ that has been found to tu~ the result, oortainly It *euld be wh hotter to m® it ths first day. All that vs can do Is to ass It Jurt as soon as we find tint 'm huvs throat i* I do net naan In nl»rl * Inf vitheut an exudate hut In cnees you diagnoss as diphtheria, j; so ado or nc-t If thn is nna thn antitoxin turn* h-ko /our culture and study it. I think any om who ha® sm the result of ex per |(3S >i tat Ion cn air' will sss Hu effect irs the future tn tsunwa boin&& suffering- with diphtheria, Hit m oonvlnood :hut its sffssts ar* nothing but cpseifl% Ws find In ths Xabefiitory if wo luosuluts too with a swll doso, 10O n &m%Xl «!aue of an- titexin* and how r-any Ilya?—100, you have an ox^erl.tont like i ' re aomthl •/ epos If |© about that kind of thoatmontf fic t to use antitoxin. 1 think your Professor of ?-•-asU^o of ’Ticino (hr. V. t, Johnston) will Ivo -J;o ca-ne advice. ?bo b».d urticaria {fain cf t e Joints) is producaa by th% or tho horsoi not by tb# antitoxin, and cusec havo been rcy®rtsdf There thsm was a fetal frun tb# antitoxin, but of thsai havs found to be duo to ntV*r l^i^|on»t a.nd 1 go not ■ now that any oaaa has found to bo am to tdlosyfisrusf so the part of inph. r—■-o. tho I nynolf r- i »t that. nntotf»Kir; c»v r kill, although lift it) o\u*ntIve. mr thorta f •' t?ts middle Own, r-.*D •:!* !.n t/ib*;;, sauaiag mIridic aar d l.wijso. Reported by »v. B. Grubbs* Dr. Sidney Martin, Professor of pathology in University College, London, reports the following results of the antitoxine treatment at the University College Hospital ( Lancet, October 17, 1896.) The antitoxine treatment was begun at the commencement of 1895, and has been continued methodically down to the present time. The following table shows the total mortality of all cases of diphtheria admitted from 1891 to 1896, ( 1895 and 1896 being the antitoxine years:) Years. Cases. Deaths Percentage. 1891 62 27 41.9 1892 60 20 33.3 1893 105 39 37.0 1894 64 25 39.0 1895 75 21 28.0 1896 68f *About Sep. 22. 14 20.5 In other words, from 1891 to 1894 there were 291 cases admitted with 111 deaths, a percentage of 38.1. In 1895 and 1896 there were 143 cases with 35 deaths, a percentage of 25.1. The mortality in all cases of diphtheria from 1891 to 1894, according to the day of illness when admitted was: 1st to 4th day of illness, 156 cases, 58 deaths, 37.1 % 5th day and later of illness, 102 cases, 44 deaths, 43. 2 For 1895 and 1896: 1st to 4th day of illness, 97 cases, 15 deaths, 15.4 % 5th day and later of illness, 42 cases, 18 deaths, 42.8 % Under five years of age, from 1891 to 1894: 1st to 4th day of illness, 90 cases, 49 deaths, 54.4% 5th day and later of illness, 54 cases, 28 deaths, 51.8 % While in 1895 and 1896, they were: 1st to 4th day of illness, 55 cases, 11 deaths, 20.0 % 5th day and later of illness, 33 cases, 16 deaths, 48.4% The contrast between the mortality of 20.0 % and one of 54.4 % is very marked. For all cases in 1896 of those admitted during the first four days of illness, 13.7'have died. Of those admitted on the fifth day or later, 35.7 % have died. Or. Hermann M. Biggs, of New York, reports ( The Medical ews, December 12, 19, 1896 ) 1172 cases treated amongst the poor in New York City, with 118 deaths, a mortality of 10.0 %. 574 were reported to be suffering from severe or septic diphtheria at the time of the first injection. 268, or about 21.0% were reported as in good condition, or as apparently affected with a mild form of the disease when first seen.. In 355, or more than 28.0 % of the whole number, the larynx, with or without the pharynx tonsils and nares was involved. In 242 cases, in addition to the pharynx and tonsils, the nares were involved. 3 108 deaths occurred among the 355 laryngeal cases, giving a mortality of 30.4./^ 72 of the laryngeal cases were intubated, and of these 29 died, or 40.2 % in 283 of the laryngeal cases there was no operative in- terference, and in these the mortality was 27.9.% Of the fatal laryngeal cases 38 were moribund at the time of the first injection, or died within twenty-four hours afterward. If these be excluded, there remain 317 cases, with 70 deaths, or a mortality of 22.0 In a large majority of the cases treated, that is 793, only one injection of antitoxins was administered; in 352, two in- jections were made, and, in 108, three or more* In the severe cases the initial dose was large, varying from 1500 to 3500 units. Experience was that the best results were obtained from large initial ooses, and the tendency has been to constantly in- crease the size of this dose. As a rule tne patients were seen the second time at the end of twenty-four hours, and, where it was considered necessary, a second injection was then administered. The serum employed has been generally twice as potent as Behring's No. 3. During the past three months the serum contained from 400 to 500 units in each cubic centimetre. 4 Better results have been obtained from the high grade preparation, and with larger doses. In the earlier months when large quantities of serum were administered rashes were of frequent occurrence; the percentage of cases in which they appeared cannot be obtained. Since the use of the higher grade preparation of antitoxine, in which smaller doses of serum are employed, there has been a considerable diminution in the frequency with which these rashes have occurred.. Joint symptoms were of very unusual occurrence; in five # t instances abscesses followed the administration of the serum, and in none of these could the abscesses be properly charged to the serum itself. Aside from the symptoms referred to, and an occasional but temporary pyrexia, no disagreeable effects in any way attributable to the antitoxine were observed. Immunizing injections, varying from 50 to 500 units in amount were administered to 1207 persons. In five children who had been immunized laryngeal diphtheria developed within twenty- four hours of the time of the injection, and in seven others laryn- geal diphtheria appeared. A1J of these cases promptly recovered. In nine cases diphtheria developed within thirty days of the time of immunization. N° data of value are at hand regarding the occurrence of cases of diphtheria among those immunized, after thirty days; but 5 in one instance it is known that a child developed diphtheria on the 55th day after immunization, and, although it had received a curative injection, it nevertheless died of the disease. Experience shows that the protective influence cannot be depended to last longer than about four weeks, although, in many cases the period is apparently longer. In the earlier work, when larger quantities of serum were used for immunizing, especially in young and feeble infants, rest- lessness v/ith more or less pyrexia occurred in many cases during the first tv/enty-four hours, and not infrequently a rash appeared later. Since the employment of very small doses of the serum it has been unusual to see any disturbance. In one group of forty cases recently immunized with small doses, in only one case was there a local rash near the site of the injection. Mother series of one hundred and thirty cases immunized in an infant asylum, in which relatively large doses were administered to children varying in age from one day up, in seven cases only was there a mild body rash. 6 In this hospital the serum was not used. At the hospital Enfants- Malades in 1890T91~92-93, the average mortality was 33.94 ( in pure throat diphtheria.) During the months of the treatment by serum in 1894 the average mortality was 12% for those same cases. During the same time at the hospital Trousseau the mortality was 32/o (pure anginas.) The cases operated on by tracheotomy gave in former years a mortality of under the serum treatment, 49^. During the same time at the hospital Trousseau, Q6% M. Tezenas, at Lyons, has treated 146 cases with 3 deaths. Now it is necessary to subtract 128 cases from the 448, as those did not prove to be time diphtheria. There remain 320 cases of pure diphtheria, 20 of whom died within a few hours of their admis- sion to hospital, and did not receive tho serum. There remain 300 cases of v/hom 78 died, a mortality of 26%. In tho same hospital the mortality of pure diphtheria heretofore has been 50 per cent. The scrum was furnished by horses immunized by between 50 end 100000* All the children upon their entrance received 20 c.c. of the serum, one injection; 24 hours later from 10 to 20 c.c. of the serum. Pulse and temperature are the guides. If the temperature remains elevated, repeated the injection once more. The average weight of the children was 14 kilograms; so that at first injection they received a little more than l/lOOO of their weight in serum; maxi- mum quantity of serum used in any case, 125 c.c. Of pure anginas 120 causes, 9 deaths, mortality 7.5; quantity of serum usod in those cases varied from 20 to 25 c.c.. The result of the injection was that the false membrane disappeared promptly, becoming detached as a rule in 36 to 48 hours— at the latest on the third day; membrane in only seven cases persisted longer; one time, 10 days* The bacilli disappears with the false membrane. Cultures have ceased to give colonies, save in a few cases, after the third to the fifth day. Fever disappears promptly. In the less severe anginas the fall even takes place the day after the injection. The pulse falls less rapidly. Respiration does not seem to be affected; of those 120 cases 54 showed albumen in the urine. As a rule 66 per cent show albumen in the urine. Contrasting these statistics with those of MM. Martin and Chaillou we can establish with exactness the mortality of pure diph- theria anginas. Of 96 children observed by them in 1891-92 there ii-0 . were 38 deaths, a mortality of 41%. Amongst the 9 infants with pure anginas, 7 wore in the hospital less than 24 hours, and should not be reckoned in estimating the success of the treatment. So that of 113 pure anginas there were two deaths, mortality 1.7% One of these infants showed at the autopsy tuberculosis, peritoni- tis and ameloid degeneration of the kidneys and liver; and the other child had a Pott’s abscess. When we come to consider diphtheria associated with other bacteria the mortality is quite different; with the staphylococcus pyogenes the mortality in five cases—all recovered; duration of disease was longer than in the pure anginas; amount of serum required, from 30 to 50 c.c.. Associated with the streptococcus, 35 cases with 12 deaths, mortality 34.2; these are grave cases. A number of cases of laryngeal croup were saved from an operation by the prompt use of the scrum. There were 121 cases operated upon; 56 deaths; mortality 46%. Former statistics in the same hospital gave a mortality of 68%. In pure diphtheria . b croups there were 49 cases; 15 deaths; mortality 30.9%. Of the croups associated with staphyloccoccus, 8 cases and 4 deaths, 50%. Associated with streptococcus, 52 cases, 33 deaths, mortality 63%. The last are the grave cases. Roux expresses the belief that by the prompt use of the scrum, even in diptheritic croup, the opera- tion of tracheotomy will be entirely displaced by the tubage. Roux, Contribution a lr6tude de la dans la diphtdr- ic, in Lg Bulletin Medical, Sept. 5', 1894, p.799. Since 1891, Roux has pursued his studies in relation to diph- theria by antitoxine serum both upon animals and upon children. Proportion of toxine. It is necessary to plant virulent diphther- ia bacilli in bouillon, and to keep the cultures at 37° C., for several months. Roux and Yersin recommend a more rapid procedure which consists in placing the bouillon with 2% peptone in vessels with a flat bottom, and forcing a current of moist air, by means of a bellows and v/ash bottle through the culture. At the end of three weeks use of this method the culture is sufficiently rich in toxine to be employed. The cultures are then filtered through a Chamberland filter and kept in small flasks well-stoppered, and in the dark. As a rule the toxine thus prepared in doses of l/lO c.c. kills in 48 hours guinea-pigs weighing 400 grams. It can be kept for a long time provided the above directions are observed. Immunizat i on of anirria.Is. Carl Frankel first immunized guinea pigs against diphtheria by injecting them with a toxine somewhat modified by heating to 70° C. Behring recommended the mixture of the toxine with the trichloride of iodine. He prefers to inject the animal at frequent intervals with little doses. Brieger and Wassermann have obtained the same result by injecting a culture of diphtheria bacilli grown in thymus bouillon having heated it to 706 for a quarter of an hour. It was always difficult, however, to highly immunize small animals, such as rabbits and guin- ea pigs. Roux prefers to use the iodinized toxine as the diphtheria toxine; that the addition of iodine is much less dangerous than pure toxine. One should add to the toxine 1/3 of its volume of Gram's liquor just before employment, and then inject the mixture under the skin. A rabbit of average size will bear 1/2 c. c. of this liquid. At the end of a few days the injection is renewed, and continued several weeks; then the dose of the toxine is increas- ed and later the pure toxine can be used. The animals should bo weighed frequently and the injection interrupted if they begin to / lose weight. In these experiments to go slow is to gain time. Immunized dogs have been used by Bardach and Aronson, furnish- ed with very active serum; sheep and goats are also very sensitive § to the action of the poison. Roux believes that of all animals the horse is the easiest to immunize. If one agrees with Behring that the animal furnishes a serum more antitoxic according to its greater sensibility to toxine, the choice of the horse may not ap- pear to be a bad one. Nevertheless, in 1892, Roux and Nocard undertook to immunize horses against diphtheria since the experience of Roux and Vail lard in tetanus had shown that the serum of the horse, even in large doses was harmless when injected beneath the skin of other animals, and did not lead to any local reaction; be- sides nothing is easier than to draw from the jugular vein of the horse as often as one wishes, large quantities of blood. I have a horse whose jugular vein has been wounded more than twenty times with a trocar of large caliber, and yot the vessel remains perfect- '! ly soft and permeable. The immunizing power of this serum is in the neighborhood of in other words this serum has a pre- ventive power such that a guinea pig injected twelve hours before sS"0 * (Tlr& with l/l00096^0f its weight in serum is immunized against the inocu- lation of a half c.c. of a recent and very virulent culture of diphtheria. He begins with small doses ( 2 to 5 c.c. ), and states that in a month and twenty days one of his horses had received more than 800 c.c. of the toxine without presenting any other symp- toms than a temporary local oedema at the site of injection. He says a mixture of l/lO a c.c. of this sorum and one c.c. of the diphtheria toxine does not provoke any oedema injected under the skin of guinea pigs. Anti-diphoheritic scrum. II the serum of an immunised animal is added go the uoxine tho latter becomes inoffensive; this takes place not only in the body but in tho tost tube. This property of the anti-diphtheritic serum was discovered by Behring, and is the basis of his treatment of diphtheria. The nature of antitoxine is unknown to us. Animals which receive the antitoxine become refractory totho disease in a very short time. The immunity is suddenly acquired, but it does not last long; in a few weeks it disappears according to the antitoxic value and quantity of the se- rum administered* What is the action which antitoxine exercises upon the toxine? V/hen these two substances are mixed do they mutually neutralize each other, or do they continue to exist side by side ? If they do not neutralize each other why do not the effects of the poison man- ifest themselves ? We have stated that a mixture of one part of the serum to nine parts of the toxine is injected under the skin of a guinea pig it is so inoffensive that there is not even oedema; it appears that all of the toxine has been destroyed; but we do not come to this conclusion, because the same mixture which does not produce any swelling in guinea pigs produced a marked oedema in a rabbit. We would say that the anti-diphtheritic serum is not antitoxic in the proper sense of the word. Added to the toxine it leaves the latter intact. Injected inside of animals it acts upon their cells, and renders them for a time insensible to the poison of the diphtheria. The proof of this is in the fact that if a quantity of serum amply sufficient to protect young guinea pigs against a fatal dose of the virus does not prevent the death of guinea pigs of the same w eight whose resistance has been weakened by prior inoculation of organisms or the products of bacteria, if the antitoxine destroys the toxine the same quantity of the serum will show its effects with all guinea pigs of the same weight, which is not the fact. Action of serum in diphtheria of mucous Roux first studied this by inoculating guinea pigs in tho vagina after Loffler1s method. Female guinea pigs always resist the toxine if the serum is injected in a sufficient dose before the local inocu- lation. Although a false membrane forms there is less redness, less oedema, less fever, the general condition of the animal re- mains better than in control animals. On the second day the local lesions diminish and the false membranes begin to loosen themselves; the control animals die in from three to six days. He states that his serum and preventive injection of an amount equal to l/lOOOO of the animal’s weight is quite sufficient. If he waits until 12 hours after the inoculation it requires a much larger amount of scrum, as much as l/lOOO to cure the animal. He has also repeated these experiments by inoculating guinea pigs and rabbits into the trachea. He has also inoculated these animals into the trachea with a mixture of streptococcus and the diphtheria organisms, and finds that tho cases are much more difficult to cure; as a rule the animals die of a mixed infection. Results obtained with children* From the first of February until the 24th of July 448 children were treated s,t the hospital des Enfants-Malades; 109 died; percentage 24*5. During the years 1890, *91, f92, *93, 3971 infants were admitted, of whom 2029 died . 4 - ■ - per cent 51.71. Daring the same months of 1894, there onto rod the hospital Trousseau, 520 infants, of whom 316 died, equal to 60% PATHOLOGY NO. 1. Jan. o, 1898. ffe begin the subject of Pathology to night, .gentlemen, with the con- sideration of inf lamination. This is a process of fundamental importance, lying as it dees at the very oasis of our pathological knowledge. It is therefore, quite impor~ tant that as students of pathology, you should have a correct conception of what constitutes inflammation, Bntil modern methods began to be used, the ideas of the profession and of students of pathology concerning in- flammation were exceedingly vague ana confused. After Oonnheim, the great German patftoiogist, showed us now to study inflammation, pointed out at the least the tissue or tissues in wmen we couia study inflammation to best advantage under the microscope, and observe the various phenomena which there take place, the ideas concerning inflammation began to crystalize somewhat for the first time. It is very difficult to define inflammation, and a number of authors decline to give any definition. 1 have been in the habit of giving the class two definitions- one by an American, the other by a German.patholo- gist. They seem to oe about as good definitions as we have of the pro- cess. The first is one given by Oouncillman of Harvard, fie defines in- flammation as: “The sum of the phenomena which take place in the tissue as the result of an injury." Do not understand me to say some of the phenomena, but “the sum of the phenomena." Ziegler defines inflammation as: “An essential local tissue degeneration, combined with pathological exudation from the bloodvessels, brought about by some injury." The lat- ter defini ion contains many large words, and may not be clear to you, but as'we go on, you will see that it is not a difficult definition for you to understand.' You see that both of these definitions imply that some damage has been done to the tissue prior to the occurrence of inflam- mation. That'is true; inflammation follows injury to the tissue, ana this injury may be brought about by various causes. In the first place, we may divid-e the causes into five classes: 1. Thermic, (either beat or oold) 2. Mechanical. 5. Electrical. ( You can readily see that electrical injuries ao not enter largely in to the Question.) 4. Chemical. 5. Bacterial. And we believe that bacteria aot, as a rule, chemically. -All these causes may serve to do some damage to the tissues in some part of the body, and to be followed by all of the phenomena which take place in inf 1 animation, end which I may say tend toward the resair of the tissue against some injury that has been done. I said that Gohnheim taught us bow to study inflammation: He made use of the mesentery of the frog in order to be able to study micro- scopically the changes whion take place in the bloodvessels during inflam- mation. You appreciate that this structure*is extremely delicate- you nave a layer of endothelial cells, and beneath this delicate connective tissue fibers, arteries, veins, capillaries, lymphatics and a few nerves, row Gobn- heirn was particularly interested in studying the vascular changes which take place in inflammation, so he made use of the frog's mesentery for this pur- pose, and iouni that it was^most useful tissue in whicn to siuay the changes that occur. For a moment, consider the circulation of blood through the normal vessels of the frog's mesentery: You notice that the blood flows through certain vessels intermittently, with a pulsating current- these are the the blood flowing so rapidly through them that you are not able to 8 3? 0 distinguish the individual blood cells. Then thereAvesseis of the same size carrying the current in an opposite direction, usually a continuous fiow- these are the veins. Then some small vessels showing a slow irregular cur- rent, sometimes interrupted for a moment, and then going on again- these are the capillaries- the vessels connecting the arterial system with the ve- nous system. Now in the veins of the frog's mesentery, where the blood is flowing continuously, it is difficult to observe the blood cells both red A, and white; you select a medium sized vein- a vessel which appears to carry the blood toward .the intestine (of course it. is flowing in the inverse di- rection) and you will observe that there is a central core of red ceils, an axial stream of red blood cells, and between this and the wall of the vessel a olear zone in which the blood plasma flows along known as the “plasmatic zone*, and here and there in this zone you also notice white cells floating along, a few of them only, Let us suppose that the cut to the left represents a section of a frog's mesentery- of course 1 represent it, gentle- men, very diagramatioally- only to give you some slight conception of its ap- pearance. We will take this to be a vein in which the blood is flowing con- tinuously. You observe under the microscope the red blood cells in the cen- ter, and a olear zone between the stream of red blood cells and the vessel wall; here and there in this plasmatic zone you observe a white cell tumbling along, a granular body, now stopping, now being carried on by the blood cur- rent. In the capillaries also, you observe red cells proceeding singly- there is not room enough for them to flow two abreast; occasionally along passes a white ceil- a white granular body. Mow a little while after the membrane has been exposed. I have said nothing to you of the way in which the membrane should be prepared- it is not essential- how the frog is ren- dered motionless, the incision made and the mesentery drawn out. At any rate it is placed over a block of glass elevated on a slide (called a frog board) and kept continually wet with normal salt solution, so that as little injury as possible should be done to the mesentery. 8 hen you have done this carefully, you can observe ail that I am telling you here. After 15 minutes or less time, after exposure of the mesentery, you will observe a very strik- ing chenomenon; that is, the vessels become dilated. Vou observe a marked dilatation of the vessels. In other words, this yein that was normal in size when we began to look at it under the microscope, is of quite a different size now, and at the same time that the dilatation of the vessel has taken place, the rapidity of the current has also increased, so that you may put down as tie first phenomenon,dilstation of the blood vessels with in- creased rapidity of current. , , . . t . Whereas you could distinguish before the indi- vidual blood ceils, now they rush along with such rapidity, even in the ca- pillaries that you cannot distinguish them; at the same time you recognize that there is a red stream and a plasmatic stream, and you will catch sight occasionally, of white cells.in that stream; more of them than you saw be- fore, and you will notice in the capillaries also more white blood ceils than you saw before. The next phenomenon is equally interesting; the di- latation continues, but the current becomes slower. The second phenomenon: The dilatation of the vessels continues, but the current becomes slower. There is a distinct retardation in the flow of the blood current, and now you observe distinctly, what I have attempted to represent above,that in the plasmatic zone, in the clear zone, there are more white blood cells than you saw in tie normal vessel. They roil along as they did in the normal vessel, adhering here and there and being carried on further, delaying a moment and being washed on by the blood current. The 3rd phenomenon, which occurs later is a still further accumulation of the white cells in tile plasmatic zone. In other words, the white ceils pass over to the outer margin of the plasmatic zone in large numbers, until they completely line the interior of the vessel wall. You see that the interior of the vessel as you bring it into focus is // lined with white blood ceils. This is known as the marginal disposition of H the white blood cells. If 1 represented a cross section of such a vessel, I would put the red cells in the interior of the vessel (small cells in dia- gram), and then I would line its wall with the white cells (large ones). There (cross-section) you see we have an axial zone of red ceils and the white ■cells completely lining the inner surface of the wail of the bloodvessel, therefore, when you turn down on the in changing the plane of your •s focus, you come first upon the vessel wall, then a layer of leucocytes, and as you go down deeper you have the axial stream and the leucocytes on either side/, then £oing through the stream you catch the leucocytes below. This lining of the interior of the vessel with white blood cells is, as I have said, known as“tne marginal disposition of leucocytes”. Kow another phenomenon occurs which is generally seen in vigorous frogs in the course of an hour and a half or two hours after the vessel has been exposed, sometimes earlier, sometimes later; the dilatation of the vessel continuing, the cur- rent being still slow, we notice a white cell attached to the vessel wall. Observing closely, you will be able to see that the cell has a projection on the outer side of the vessel just at the point at which the cell lies, and still observing this you will be surprised to see that the bud increases in size (grows larger) at the same time the part in the interior of the vessel grows smaller, and after a while you have simply a bud inside with the larger mass on the exterior, and then the next event is c-resence of the cell entire- A /- ly outside of tr.e vessel. In other words, the blood cell which we have been observing, has passed through the vessel wall. This is known as the“emigra- And this will be found at various points along the vessel- white blood cells emigrating. This goes on until on the outside of the vessel we have them present in large numbers. connective tissue spaces outside of the vessel become quite crowded with these cells which have passed out. These are the vascular phenomena which are observed in the exposed frog’s mesentery. It is not necessary to do anything more than to withdraw it from the abdominal cavity and expose it to the contact of the atmosphere. In this case that is sufficient injury. If the mesen- tery is left exposed long enough it will . become .intensely inflamed and will necrosis, if it~Sarefully returned to the frog’s ab- domen, even after tee emigration of leucocytes has taken place and the wound closed, the whole process subsides and the health of the animal is not ma- terially disordered. You can see under the microscope these various phenom- ena, but there is another important thing which takes place that you cannot see under the microscope, though we can observe its effects in various ways: at the same time that the leucocytes are emigrating there is a fluid passing from the vessels to the tissues outside of the vessel. An exudation of lymph, and of a lymph whiob differs from the normal lymph. You have al- ready been taught that in the ordinary nutrition of the tissues lymph is passing from the bloodvessels to the tissues, intended for their nourish- ment. This takes place in ail the tissues of the body, and this lymph con- tains a few white blood cells and a certain amount of albumin. This partic- ular lymph is a lymph- which is much richer in albumen than normal lymph, and we call this fluid lymph which has escaped from the vessels into the tissues an “exudation, ”and now you see what Ziegler means by a “pathological exuda- tion”. This is not a normal physiological transudation,, but an exudation that is pathological, in that it is different from the normal lymph, being richer in albumin. This continues and often distends the tissues to a considerable extent. In the case of the frog's mesentery it reaches the surface, and you Qaa, ti> can see the lymphocytes being washed away in currents of lymph. Now so much 4' for the phenomena which take place in a transparent membrane like the frog's mesentery. Let as for a moment look at the process of. inf 1 animation in a nontransparent tissue. Take the ear of the rabbit or the kitten. If you apply to the surface of the kitten’s ear, or a rabbit’s ear a mixture of one part of croton oil to 5 or 6 parts of olive oil, rubbing it into the skin of the ear, you will produce a marked inflammation of the ear. In the course of a few hours, if you look at the ear by transmitted light you will notice that it is much redder than the fellow ear. In other words, there is an increased flow of blood to the part. The stage of hyperaemia has already set in. More blood is going to the rabbit’s ear and more blood is going away. You oan easily observe the increased size of the bloodvessels, and this is followed by a decided swelling of the ear. The redness may be greater in certain parts. There may have taken place hemorrhage at various points within the tissue and you may find that along with the swelling the .super- ficial epidermis is elevated into little blisters. The swelling would have told us that something haa escaped from the vessels into the tissues, caus- ing the thickening of the animals ear. If we break one of these little blebs or blisters we find that it contains a straw colored fluid, perhaps a little bit turbid- lymph richer in albumin. ?*e do not see it pass out of the bloodvessels but we find.it .present; it must have escaped from the vessels This reminds me that there is one point I did not mention in connection with the vascular phenomena that should be placed amongst those which you observe in the frog’s mesentery. After the inflammation reaches a certain stage, one observes not only the pas sag's of the white cells red ceils also es- cape from the vessels. That is generally present, more or less, in the ma- jority of inflammations. In some inflammations the exudate is really so rich in blood ceils that we speak of it .as hemorrhagic. The red blood cells are often observed to pass through the wall of the vessel just at the point where n iA the white blood ceils escape, and this is known as diapedesis of the red blood ceils. The engorgement may become so intense in the capillaries that A Lg the vessels break. The escape of, red blood cells by rupture of the vessel is often spoken of as rhexis.” Another point that escaped me at the time we were speaking.of emigration:of the ,white, ceils. These emigrate principally the from,small veins, also from trie capillaries: they do not emigrate from the arteries— the diapedesis of the red ceils takes place largely from the veins and also from the capillaries. 9 After observing tne rabbits ear as I said before you may find points where decided hemorrhage has taken place irrtep tie tissues. In this non- transparent tissue we found the same phenomenon that bad taken place in the transparent tissue. Let us, for a moment, take a nonvascular tissue for the study of inflammation- the cornea. If the center of a cat's cornea or a rabbit's cornea, or a frog's cornea is touched with a stick of lunar caustic a certain amount of chemical.injury is caused at the.point, just as the ap- plication of croton oil to the rabbits ear produced a chemical injury. Now, within a few hours, the bloodvessels around the margin of the cornea,- the scleral bloodvessels- are observed to.be markedly dilated, apparently in- creasing in number,, and the circumference of of the cornea begins to show a slight clouding. At the end. of 24 or 36 hours, the whole cornea has a de- cidedly ,hazy, cloudy appearance and this cloud slowly advances to the cen- tral point of injury; later the'periphery of the cornea clears up and the in- I jured spot is surrounded by quite a dense whitish looking ring. Now, if the cornea is removed and split up into its lamellae and examined microscopically, it is found that the cloud which appeared-is really due to the presence of white blood cells, which have evidently escaped from the vessels of the sclera and invaded the lymph spaces of the cornea, and advanced toward the central point of injury. In this case you have dilatation of the vessels and evidently an escape of blood cells. They must have escaped from the sole-1 ral vessels, as the cornea has no vessels. Now, gentlemen, let os consider-for:a moment- for we can only take in a pert of the subject of * inf 1 animation this - evening- tee' various clinical symp- toms which'inflammation-presents,; the so-called “cardinal* symptoms of in- flanimation, observed since the days of Oelsus in the first century of the Christian era, and which have been the common property of physicians ever since that time. ~They*are 1. redness- rubor; 2. heat- oalor; 5. swelling- tumor; 4. pain- dolor; 5. disturbance of function- functio laesa. These are the symptoms which you see clinically when you examine an inflammatory dis- turbance of the surface of the body: A boil,which is a ioc sliced inflammation 00 of the skin, ordinarily caused by the stapbyloccus aureus will present the creased cardinal symptoms of infianimation. In the first place you appreciate the m-A redness. If a surface' thermometer is applied to the furuncle, the column ascends; there is increased neat as compared with tne normal skin. The swell- ing is auite evident, especially so in the later stages; the pain is invari- ably there, and-even the disturbance of function, because; wherever a boil is located you appreciate that it interferes with the action of the part. Kow let us inquire into these several symptoms. The redness- hyperaemia- implies an increased supply of blood to the part, ft’cat is the cause of this hyper- aemia? After Bernard bad demonstrated that section of the cervical sympathet- ic nerve would cause a very intense redness or hyperaemia of the animal's ear on the corresponding side, it was thought that the hyperaemia in inflammation was due to paralysis of the vdso-aotor nerves supplying the part. However the paralysis of tne vdso-motor nerves does not account for the hyperaemia of inflammation. The hyperaemia attending the section of the sympathetic nerve comes on at once, whereas the hyperaemia of inflammation is gradual. Hyper- aemia due to section of the sympathetic is not followed by migration of leu- cocytes and escape of a pathological exudation from the bloodvessels, so that paralysis of the vdsc-motcr nerves does not account for the hyperaemia in inflammation. The two theories which are of most importance, are those of Gohnheim and Virchow. Cohnbeim believed that in inflammation the essential feature was an alteration in the wall of the bloodvessel, due to the injuri- ous influence of the agent producing the inflammation, and that this altera- tion, which could not be seen microscopically permitted the vessel to dilate rapidly and caused more blood to be brought to the part. Be considered that the injury to the vessel wall was the most important matter in inflamma- tion, and he attempted to prove this by ligating a vessel, thus depriving a certain district of its blood supply, and after an interval, allowing the blood to flow into the vessel again, fie found that the phenomena of inflam- mation took place in the parts supplied by this bloodvessel (emigration of leucocytes, dilstation.etc.) and he believed that hiscligstore had deprived the vessel wail of its blood supply and hence had, in some way, brought about the alteration in its delicate wall, the alteration be had so much in mind when he wrote of inflammation. Now the criticism that might be made to this view of Gohnheim is that in depriving the vessel wall of its blood supply, he was also depriving the tissue ceils adjacent to the vessel, and hence be was not only doing damage to tee vessel walls but to the tissue outside. We do not believe that the injury could be so limited as only to affect the vessel wall and not the tissue cells. That I think, is quite a justifiable .criticism. Then as Gounciiman says, it has been observed that the bloodvessels become di- lated sc far away from the center of inflammation as to render it impossible for us to believe that the vessel wall was injured. If the tip of a rabbit’s ear is inflamed the main artery dilates far away from the injury. Again Gounciiman calls attention to the fact that if you pass a thread- a mechanical 12 agent- through the center of a oat's cornea you produce dilatation of blood vessels around the sclera followed by emigration of ieboocytes-bloodvessels so far from the point of injury that we cannot believe that they were injured. On this account, these views of Cohnheim as to the increased hyperaemia cannot be accepted. The second view, seems to be nearer the truth. Virchow long ago expressed the opinion that the hyperaemia was due to an alter- ation in the attraction of the tissues for the blood. That in inflammation there was an increased attraction on the part of the tissues for the blood, and responding to this nature supplied more blood to the tissue, fie know that where increased functional activity is called for on the part of the tissues or a secreting organ, nature responds at once by increasing the flow of blood to tie part, it has been observed that if a part of an organ is destroyed- undergoes atrophy- the vessel supplying that organ becomes distinctly smaller as the need of ,blood is lessened. Where the main vessel of a limb is ligat- ed and the same amount of blood is required, the smaller and collateral vesseisl increase in size- Hence Virchow believes that an increased demand is made by the tissues for' blood, and that the hyperaemia is brought about by this in- creased necessity for repair on the part of the tissue and for getting rid of the consequences of the injury. At the next lecture we will take up the other cardinal; symptoms of inflam- mation. I & H'L AM M AT 10 \ oontinu ed. Dr. Reed. It may be well, gentlemen, for me to recall to your minds, in a brief review, some of the remarks that I made to you on Friday evening, on the subject of inflammation. You recall that the vascular phenomena consist- ed of a dilatation of the blood-vessels with increased rapidity of flow of the blood current; this representing the stage of active byperaeaia; that the dilation continuing the blood current became slower; that during this stage the leucocytes or the white blood ceils, which, prior to this, were seen in comparatively few numbers in the plasmatic zone (the clear space between the axial current of the red blood cells and the wall of the vessels) became, in this stage, increased in numbers, and lined the interior of the vessel. Fol- lowing this they were seen to pass through the vessel wall in considerable numbers, and I said that we had every reason to believe that a fluid exudate passed from the blood vessels at the same time. I also mentioned that the emigration was chiefly from the small veins, also from the capillaries, and that often the red blood cells were seen to leave the vessels; this phenom- enon being known as diapedesis of the red bicod ceils. I told you that the phenomena of inflammation were essentially the same when observed in a trans- parent membrane, like the frog's mesentery, or in a non-transparent part, like the rabbit's ear, or in a non-vascular part, such as the cornea. I also cailsd your attention to the cardinal symptoms of inflammation; redness, neat, pain, swelling, and disturbance of function, and told you that these cardi- Inal symptoms could be observed very readily in an inflammation of the skin, sucg as an ordinary, boil. As to the hypsraemia of the part, I mentioned sev- eral of the theories on that subject; the first being that the hyperaemia was due to the paralysis of the vase•motor nerves supplying the parts, especially after Bernard had shown that section of the cervical sympathetic in the rab- bit would cause marked ail station of the blood vessels of the ear on the same sias. I also called your .attention to the fact that this nyperaemia after section of. the sympathetic came on rapidly, whereas the hyperaemia of inflammation takes place slowly; that the nyperaemia from the vase-motor par- alysis was not followed oy emigration of leucocytes ana exudation. I mention- ed Ochnheim’s theory to account for the nyperaemia; due to an alteration in the wails of the bloodvessels caused by the agent producing the inflammation. I cited nis experiment of ligating the vessels for a time and afterwards al- lowing the blood current to be restored, ana that this was followed by emigra- tion of leucocytes ana exudation of lymph. Cofanheim believed- that this was entirely due tc,,t,b.e change taking place in the wall, as the result of the de- privation of its normal blood supply. I referred to the fact that , not only in a case of this kind were the cells of the vessel affected, but the cells of the tissues adjacent to the vessel-wail would also be affected, and that hence we could not accept, entirely, Oohnheim’s theory. Then too, the di- latation of the vessels and the nyperaemia may take place at a considerable distance from the actual focus of inflammation. I think I stated that di- latation of the main vessel of the rabbit’s ear took place when the tip of the ear only was inflamed, and the fact that destruction of tissue at the center of tne cornea woula be followed,very promptly,by dilatation of the vessels of the sclera- too far away to have their wails injured in any way by the inflammatory irritation. Then 1 said that Virchow’s theory, that in inflammation there was an altered attraction existing between the tissues and the blood, was probably nearer the truth. The fayperaemia was called forth by the needs of the tissue for repair, ana to set aside the effects of the inflammatory irritant. The temperature of the inflamed part is increased; this is due to the greater quantity of arterial blood flowing to the part in a given time, the current being too rapid to allow of the dissipation of its heat. If the in- jected ear of the rabbit whose sympathetic nerve has been cut is folded over the thermometer, the mercury ascends higher than if the normal ear is folded over tne thermometer, showing that the increased supply of arterial blood passing through in a given time, even where there is no inflammation, will cause an elevation of temnerature. John Hunter long ago showed that the tem- perature of the interior of a hydrocele sac in which inflammation had been set up was decidedly greater than the temperature of the sac immediately after the fluid baa oeen taken from it, and he further showed that the local temperature in an inflamed pleural cavity, or ‘the temperature in an inflam- mation of the deep muscles of the back, might be even less than that of the general blood temperature. In other words, Hunter showed that the tempera- ture of the inflamed part is not greater than the general blood temperature. You know that with a local inflammation we may have a rise of bony tempera- ture, known as“inf lamina tor y fever7'. This is due to influences affecting the heat center. It does net mean that the general temperature has been In- creased oy the blood flowing through the inflamea part. Careful experiments have shown that tne inflamed rabbits ear is hotter than the normal ear of the that rabbit, butAthe temperature of the inflamed ear is not greater than the tern- perature taken in the animals rectum; on the contrary, it is less- an in- flamed part may have even a less temperature than the normal part, provided the ciroulation has almost come to a stand still in the part. The pain in .is and inf1 to the pressure of the exudate upon the nerves of the part, will vary very muoh, according to the abundance of the nerve supply. A parr poorly supplied with nerves will be less painful than one which is richly supplied. A part in which the tissue.Pan. be. easily distended by the exudate will be less .painful; so that the anatomical structure of the part has a good- deal to do with the amount of pain. Inflammation of the periosteum (a fi- brous structure) is extremely painful, owing to its lack of distensibility. Inflammation about the fibrous structures of joints is also extremely painful. Sometimes the pain seems to be due to the character of the inflammatory agent acting upon the nerve fibers. The inflamed part is swollen- the swelling is due in slight part to the dilation of the blood vessels, to some extent to the increased emigration of the white blood ceils, but chiefly to the fluid exudation. Not only is the amount of exudation (lymph) which escapes from the blood vessels in inflammation greater than that under normal conditions, but more lymph is carried away from the inflamed part by the lymphatics. Gohnheim showed that if a dog's foot was placed in water sufficiently hot to produce inflammation, and a canula was inserted in the main lymphatic coming from the very . foot, the quantity of lymph was mhch increased, as compared with that which escaped from tne main lymphatic of the non-inflamed foot. This lymph, I have already told you, is much richer in albumen. The salts are not increased. This lymph is more ooagulable than normal lymph? due to the presence of white blood cells in increased numbers. Cohnheim thought that the increased exu- dation of lymph was simply due to an alteration of the vessel wall. He did not think that it was doe to increased pressure, because he observed that the lymph 'which escaped from blood vessels in chronic passive congestion of a part was not so rich in albumen as the inflammatory lymph. He thought that the walls of the blood vessels were in some way changed. The filter was changed, in character, and hence the filtrate was changed. This view leaves out of sight entirely the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels. Heidenhain has shown that, under the normal condition of nutrition of a part, the lymph which escapes from the vessels in one organ is different from that whioh passes from the vessels in another. The lymph which escapes from the lymphatics of the kidney is different from that of the and certainly here we must ascribe some influence to the endothelial cells which line the bloodvessels; it is believed now tiat the difference in the exudation is due to the altered secretory function of the endothelial cells of the bloodvessels. The swollen part contains often considerable fibrin. You have seen fibrin already in your section of the rabbits ear. The lymph which exudes from the bloodvessels is rich in fibrinogen, and the whits blood cells, many of which are undergo- ing disintegration in the inflamed part, furnish the other necessary ingre- dient, the fibrin ferment. There is also a certain amount of lime salts con- tained in the lymph, so that we have here ail of the elements necessary for the production of fibrin. This may be present in certain inflammations in very large amount. Occasionally an inflamed part is very hard and brawny, due to the amount of fibrin contained therein. The swelling of the inflamed part will depend very much upon the anatomical structure of the part. In the ease of an organ, saoh as the parotid gland, or the kidney, .the swelling will affeot the whole organ. Here the inflammatory exudate will escape into the interstitial connective tissue of the organ. In the case of an inflamed long, the inflammatory exudate will escape into the air cells, such as we see in croupous pneumonia. In the case of an inflamed pleura the exudate will accumulate within the pleural sac; and in the pericardial sac in inflammation of the pericardium. In inflammation of cartilage, which has no spaces between the ceils for the escape of the lymph, the exudation takes place within the joint. In inflammation of the skin, the exudation takes place in the subcutaneous connective tissue, ana if considerable, frequently raises the external layer of epidermis in the form of a bleb or blister. So I say the character of the swelling will depend very much upon the anatomical struc- ture of the part affected.I have stated that the white blood cells escape from the vessels- in what way do they pass through the walls of the vessels ? Oohnheim taught at first that they made their escape.by means of their ameboid movements. He afterwards abandoned this theory, observing that where the blood current came to a stand still, where there was stasis in the vessel- that em- He igration oeased-.afterwards concluded that they escaped by increased pressure, just as we believe the red blood cells are forced through the walls by in- creased pressure. However it must not be forgotten that if the.blood current ceases to flow through the vessel the leucocytes must very soon feel the want of a proper blood supply, and this may account for the arrest of their ame- boid movements am emigration, it has been found that solutions applied to the frog's mesentery which arrest the ameboid movement of the leucocyte, will also arrest their emigration from the vessels- a solution of quinine for instance. It has been shown that if the frog is completely chloroformed this will put an end to movement and emigration of the leucocytes. There seems to be no doubt that the white blood cells pass trough tbs vessel walls by their own active movements. Their escape is not a passive matter, but im- plies action on- their part. The red blood ceils, however, must escape from increased pressure. There seems to.be no other satisfactory explanation for t. . ' .... , . , what point ? their passage. 'A'ft ere ao tne leucocytes pass out oi the blood* vessels r A t A Arnold has shown pretty conclusively that they pass.,between the endothelial ceils, through tne delicate cement substance which holds the cells together. In the dilatation of the vessels, this cement substance becomes thin and wider, and furnishes a place where the leucocytes may pass through. It is not believed that they pass through the endothelial cells, but between them. As to the cause of the emigration from the vessels; in the first place, it has been found that necrotic tissue, dead tissue of all kinds, has an attrac- tion for the white blood ceils, tie can hardly imagine an inflammatory trouble so slight as not to bring about the destruction of a few cells, and wherever there are dead cells, there will be a focus for the attraction of leucocytes. Then again it has .been shown that various bacteria exert a very positive at- traction for white,blood ceils. One experimenter placed a culture.of the staphylococcus aureus inmall glass tubes, and with all precautions inserted these into the abdominal cavity of the Guinea pig (and rabbit) and found that in a short time these tubes became packed with leucocytes. In other words, cu the pus bacteria are among those which possessApositive attraction for the leucocytes. We speak of this as “chemotaxis”. Those substances whioh at- tract leucocytes we speak of as possessing positive cbemotaxis, and those whioh seem to repel the leucocytes (and there are such substances) as possess- ing negative ohemotaxis. Kow the majority of bacteria possess a positive cbemotaxis for the leucocytes, and 1 have already told you that necrotic tis- sue has also this effect. In inf 1 animation we have the two substances which particularly attract leucocytes from the blood vessels, necrotic tissue and bacteria. The variety of leucocyte which emigrates is the polynuclear or polymorphonuclear.leucocyte. - This leucocyte constitutes about 75% of the white blood ceils in normal blood, so that it is by far the most important leucocyte found in the blood. , This is the one which emigrates from the olood vessels. Gohnheim taught that ail of the cells found in the inflamed tissue consisted of polymorphonuclear leucocytes- that these constituted ail of the ceils in the inflamed part. Virchow believed that all of the ceils in the in- flamed part were derived from proliferation of the tissue ceils. He had blood called attention to the similarity between the pus cell and a but he did not consider the cells in the inflammatory exudate as being really white blood ceils. Of course Ccnnheim’s discovery of the emigration of leu- cocytes (‘/faller , of England, a number oi years before cohnheis made his ob- servation, had seen the leucocyte migrate from the bloodvessels, but his ob- servation attracted no attention).attracted the attention oi patnologists and explained the origin of many of the cells found in the inflamed tissue. CobnheiiB afterwards ascertained that the cells proper ot .the cornea in in- flammation underwent division, and acknowledged that, although at first, ail of the ceils in the inflamed part consisted of leucocytes, other cells also 9 appeared later, .and he was willing to admit that these were derived from the tissue ceils of the part; that these underwent division as we now know. So that during the first 56 or 48 hours the cells found in tne inflamed tissue 3 are escaped leucocytes. Later we find other cells, cells withAround nucleus and comparatively little protoplasm, and elongated cells, fibro-blasts, which are derived from the cells of the tissue through proliferation (division) of these cells. Councilman very properly observes that the presence of the em- igrated white blood cells and of tne fluid exudate fulfil a good ourpose. ihe leucocytes, as you know, not only can take up bacteria, especially dead bacteria, but they also serve to remove the dead ceils (necrotic tissue) of the part. It is believe! that they serve to a certain extent as food for the young eoitbeiioid cells. Certainly the lymph serves the purpose of diluting the chemical substances produced by bacteria or by necrotic tissue, and so lessens the injurious influences of such substances upon the tissues. PATHOLOGY So. 5. January 14, 1898. I shall speak to you this evening, gentlemen, concerning certain varieties of inflammation, especially those based upon the character of exudation. Be- fore I do this, let me say a word as to the meaning of "catarrhal inflammation" which you commonly meet with in your text books. This was a term introduced by Virchow to express an increased functional activity of mucous membrane, and is applied to mild inflammations affecting mucous surfaces. In the so-called catarrhal inflammations of mucous surfaces there is a certain amount of serous exudate which can easily make its way to the surface from the tissue beneath, since the mucous membrane has no such resistent layer of epithelium as that of the skin. Not only is there a certain amount of serous exulate making its way to the surface and flowing away, but the secretion of the glands is much in- creased, and added to this ere also leucocytes in small quantity. The ordi- nary mill inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose, such as an acute coryza is usually nothing more than sn inflammation of this character; we also apply the term to certain miia inflammations of the mucous membrane of toe small intestine, especially where we do not understand very well the ■J causation of these. Inflammations are very properly divided into certain classes according to toe character of the exudate: serous or ©edematous, fibrinous, hemorrhagic and purulent. These inflammations attended by a se- ll rous exudation are known as “serous inflammations" or “oedematous inflamma- tions", to tne next class Delong the “fibrinous inflammations", to the next “hemorrhagic inflammations", and to the last “purulent inflammations;" In other words, inflammations attended in the one case with a serous exudation, in the other with a fibrinous exudation, in the third a hemorrhagic exudation, I 2 and in the last by a purulent exudation. Certain inilammationf, owing to the mild action of, or the prompt removal of the cause, amount to nothing more than.serous inflammations. Here we have tie connective tissue meshes filled with a fluid containing very little fibrin and comparatively few leucocytes. Inflammation of the skin, caused by exposure to the sun is a very good example of this form of serous inflammations. The exudate may reach the surface if it is in sufficient quantity and the oau&e continues, and elevate the epitheli- um iu the form of blebs or blisters. If an individual with “sunburn” re- mains in doors, or covers the surface very promptly, this fluid may be absorb- ed and disappear, even without a rupture of the vesicle or bleb. These are the mild inflammations. We may find in the periphery of a boil for instance, meshes of the tissue filled with a serous, exudate, so that by pressing the finger one may be sole to make a pit in tpe part. Instead of calling this an oedematous or serous infianimation, it is more proper to speak of it as an “inflammatory oedema”. Certain other inflammations owing to the cause being continued, or owing to the particular specific cause, are attended with a fibrinous exudate. In all inflammations there is s certain amount of fibrin. In certain infiaffiliations, especially inflammations due to certain bacteria, the amount of fibrinous exudate is considerable. Her instance the diplococcus lanosolatus produces generally a fibrinous exudate, inflammation of the'lung produced -by this organism is attended by the outpouring•of .an exudation'ex- ceedingly rich in fibrin. This * microorganism may also cause, as I have al- ready told you, such a fibrinous exudate on the mucous surfaces of the.throat. Here there is a certain amount of necrosis of the surface epithelium, and the exudation coming-in contact with the necrotic cells, fibrin is found in large amounts and deposited upon the surface of tie tissue, "ibis inflammation is known, as I have heretofore told you, as“diphtheritio inflammation.” We have an inflammation produced by the diphtheria bacillus (Klebe- Lceffier) which is a typical fibrinous or diphtheritic inflammation, formerly, a difference was made between an inflammation attended by croupous exudate and a diphtheritic exudate. That is, if the exudate could be removed, from the mucous membrane without causing any hemorrhage, could be polled from the surface, it was des- ignated croupous inflammation. If it oould not be so removed, but its removal was attended by more or less hemorrhage from the surface, it was designated as diphtheritic - inflammation. Now it so happens that this depends upon the anatomical character of the mucous membrane, and there is really no difference in the character of the exudate in these two forms, the croupous and diphthe- ritic. If a fibrinous inflammation affects the larynx or the trachae, a mu- cous membrane which has a distinct limiting basement membrane, then the exudate can be removed, but we remove the epithelium with it. The idea that the epi- thelium was left behind undisturbed is known no longer to be true. In both cases the epithelium of the surface is removed. In the one case, where we have the basement membrane, 'it is readily lifted-off, but in the other case f where there is no basement membrane, as on the tonsil or the palate the fi- brinous exudate is intermingled with the membrane - below and cannot be easily removed. There should no longer be any distinction made between croupous and diphtheritic inflammation. Inf1amstions attended by a fibrinous exudation also affect'serous surfaces, Se have more or less of a fibrinous exudate in ail forms of acute pleurisy, pericarditis, and in many of the forms of perito- nitis. If the exudate contains a considerable Quantity of red blood cells, then it is spoken of as ,g £orffi q£ inflaMation is found especially in certain animals inoculated with the bacteria of the hem- orrhagic soeptoo semia group, and occurs in individuals with certain consti- tutional conditions, such as scurvy and purpura haemorrhagica- some constitu- tional condition, the nature of which is not known, but probably involves some change of structure of the minute bloodvessels (their walls) by which there is a great dianedesis of the red blood cells, ibat form of inflammation, known as purulent inflammation, is the one of most importance. We may by pro- longing tHe duration of the cause produce either a serous or fibrinous, or hemorrhagic exudate, such as the application of varying degrees of heat to the rabbits ear, or varying degrees in the concentration of the croton oil solu- tion. We can produce either serous, fibrinous or hemorrhagic inflammation, but we cannot produce a purulent inflammation in this way. mis is the form of -inflammation that is more especially - . the blood had even fallen below normal, Se, therefore, see tnat this escape of fluid from the vessels, in the process of nutrition, is not it*-L' £w one of simple filtration, but there other factors which enter into the A A problem, and that at all events the capillaries walls must not be con- *mJ! sidered as lifeless membranes having no part in the process. The secreted fluid, mingled with the waste products cf the tissues, is absorbed by the lymphatics and returned to the veins by the ductus thoracicifcs. If the quantity of fluid transuded is more than can be carried away by the lymphatics and blood vessels, it accumulates in the meshes of the tissues and cavities of the body. This condition is des- ignated dropsy. Tie*tern* oedema is applied to the accumulation of serous fluid in the tissues, particularly in the meshes of connective tissue. Subcutaneous oedema, extending over the greater part of the body, receives the tame A anasarca. Dropsies of the serous cavities are designated by prefixing hydro to the cavity affected: thus hydro-thorax, hydro-pericardium, hydro- peritoneum, or ascites, and hydro-cephalus. An accumulation of serous fluid in the tunica vaginalis testis is called hydrocele. (Accumulation of serous fluid in glands and canals, the outlets of which are obstructed, for example in the fallopian tube, (hydrops tubae) and in the gall blad- der, are to be distinguished from the real dropsical effusions, although the appearance of the fluids may be similar.) Although the terms transudation and exudation may be used synonymously, CL it is better to Ripply the former to dropsical effusions and the latter A to inflammatory products. The dropsical transudate collects first in the mesRhes of the tissue as free fluid, and may afterwards soak into the the tissue fibre and cells, causing spelling of these and the forma- tion of vacuoles due to the presence of drops of fluid within the cells. 1'his is most often seen in glandular epithelium, but may also be found in muscle fibres. Tissues which are oedematous appear swollen, the amount of swelling, however, being dependent largely upon the structure of the tissue, The skin and especially the subcutaneous connective tissue is able to take into its meshes large Quantities of fluid, and hence an extremity may become enormously swollen. It will then be pale, present a doughy feeling and will pit on pressure. An incision sets free an abundance of clear liquid and the tissues are seen to be thoroughly saturated with fluid. The internal organs are less capable of retaining fluids, although the lungs can contain considerable in its numerous air-sacs. Open section of an oedematous kidney, its surface will appear moist and glistening, although little fluid will escape. Character and composition. Dropsical effusions are generally clear, colorless or slightly yellow, and of an alkaline reaction. Ihey may be- st ained by an admixture of blood or biliary coloring matter. The composition of fluids, speaking generally, is the same as that of blood-plasma, excepting that it is more dilute. Instead of containing 91 per cent of water, as does blood-serum, dropsical fluids contain 98 per cent, or more. The amount of salts in both is about the same, but they differ as to the relative amountof protein which they con- tain. In this respect dropsical fluids resemble lymph, but they contain a greater amount of proteid than ordinary lymph; and even in those oases where the fluid contains the least amount of proteid, there is usually enough present to convert the fluid into a solid mass on boiling. The composition of dropsical fluids varies in the different forms of oedema. ■Thus the fluid which exudes in parts that are the subject of venous congestion is of a lower specific gravity and contains less proteid than fluid which is poured out during an inflammatory process. In the former case the specific gravity will be, perhaps, 1008, and in the latter 1018. Moreover, in the same general disease and under similar conditions the per cent of albumen varies with the location of the transudation. They say be arranged in the following order, according to their richness in albumen. 1. Tunica vaginalis testis; 2._pleura; 3_perioardiun; 4,perito- neum; 5_sub-arachncid spaces; @-suboutaneous tissue. Dropsical effusions contain but few cells and very little or no fibrin. Microscopically but few leucocytes and red blood cells are to be seen, but occasionally the latter are present in considerable number. Varieties of oedema. According to their etiology we distinguish three (3( varieties of oedema. 1. Inflammatory; 2 mechanical; 3 cachectic or hydhtfemio. /A Inflammatory odema is that which occurs in the neighborhood of a focus of inflammation. It is often designated collateral oedema. The sudden oedema of glottis, or uVula, which sometimes accompanies inflammation of the fauces is a typical example of inflammatory oedema. Here the effusion is richer in albumen than in the dropsy of passive congestion or venous obstruction (mechanical dropsy). I have already emphasized the importance of the capillary endothelium in the secretion of inflam- 7 matory lymph, and we have reason to believe that in inflammatory oedema. the same factor is concerned. Mechanical dropsy is due to some obstruc- of tion to the current blood in the veins. If the current is impeded be- yond certain limits, then the fluid part of the blood seeks a lateral out- let and escapes from the vessels. Mechanical dropsies may be general or local. The dropsy is general, when, in consequence of disease of the heart or lungs, the return flow of blood from the venae cavae is im- peded. Valvular disease of the heart is the most frequent of the gen- eral causes of mechanical dropsy. General dropsy is characterized by oedema of the subcutaneous tissues and transudation into the serous cavities. Good examples of local dropsies, due to mechanical causes, are the collection of fluid in the peritoneal cavity resulting from obstruction in the portal vein, as by cirrhosis of the liver (atrophic) or by thrombosis of the same vessel, and the oedema of an extremity from compression upon or thrombosis of its veins. Pathology of Dropsy. 1 Mechanical Dropsy. The explanation usually given for the oedema consequent upon venous obstruction is, that it is due to increased fil- tration of serum from the blood, caused by the rise of intravenous and intracapillary pressure resulting from the obstruction. It seems, how- ever, that other factors may be concerned, as to the nature of which there is a considerable difference of opinion. The two hypotheses as to this form of oedema may be designated as the mechanical and vital or * Conheim attributed this form of oedema to increased raapiIl an y_ pressure combined with permeability of the capillary wall due to malnutrition. According to Hamburger and Lazarus- Barlow the chief factor in the oedema of venous obstruction is the increased secretion of lymph by the capillaries incited thereto by starvation of the tissues and by accumulation of waste metabolic products. Recording to Welch the important factors are : 1. Increased intravenous and intr&oaplilary pressure with consequent increased transudation of serum (not alone sufficient since tying of the femoral vein generally causes no oedema.)- 2. Increased permeability of the capillary walls, which may be due to stretching by the larger quantity of blood, and starvation of the oanillary endothelium from lack of fresh supply of nutriment and oxygen. 3. Diminished absorp- tion of lymph from lack of muscular movement, from imbibition of the capillary walls with fluid, and especially as the resultAretarded capil- lary and venous flow. 4. Sometimes a watery condition of the blood rendering it easier of filtration. He should not leave out of consid- eration, as one of the important factors, the probable increased se- cretory action of the endothelial cells due to accumulation of waste products in both blood and tissues. 2. Hydraemio or oaoheotio oedema has generally been atributed to an impoverished and abnormally watery condition of the blood. It was formerly believed that diminution of the solids of the blood as well as retention of water in the blood could be the immediate cause of increased transudation from the bloodvessels. It was sup- posed that the vessel walls behaved like animal membranes and allowed fluid poor in albumen to esoape more readily than a fluid rioh in al- bumen. In this conception, the vessel walls are considered as life- less animal membranes, having no part in the passage of fluids from the vessels, fie have repeatedly stated that such a view is entirely erroneous, and that the vessel wall must be considered as a living organ, having an important function to perform in the secretion of lymph. The experiments of Oonheim and Litcheim have shown that when the vascular wails are healthy, the injection of large Quantities of salt solutions into the bloodvessels of animals causes no increased transudation in the situation in which dropsy occurs in man. We are, therefore, compelled to assume thet hydraemic or cachectic dropsy is due to some change in the capillary walls. Whether this alteration consists in increased permeability of the capillary walls or increased secretory activity of the capillary endothelium brought about by toxic products in the blood, or waste products held in the tissues, can- not be definitely stated. The most important cause of hydraemic dropsy is Bright's disease, though this form of dropsy may attend other cachectic conditions, such as tuberculosis, cancer, chronic ma- laria and chronic dysentery. .This form of dropsy is prone to appear in dependent parts of the body, and where the connective tissue is particularly lax in texture, as in eyelids and about the genitals. 1 THROMBOSIS. jf is usually defined as a blood ooagulum formed in the heart or vessels during life- it may be more broadly defined as a solid mass or plug formed in the living heart or vessels. This latter definition gives due prominence to the participation of platelets and leucocytes in the formation of the thrombus. Structure. The elements which enter into the formation of fresh thrombi are blood-platelets, fibrin, leucocytes and red corpuscles. According to the varying number, proportion and arrangement of these, is due the diversity in appearance and structure of thrombi. The red and the white are the main anatomical groups of thrombi. Many of the mixed thrombi may be regarded as a variety of the white throm- bus. Red thrombi are formed from stagnating blood and consists of fibrin, red and white corpuscles in the same proportion as occur in the circulating blood. Most thrombi are formed from the blood in motion and are white,or mixed white and red. The white color is due to the presence of platelets, fibrin and leucocytes, singly or in combination. The admixture of red corpuscles is not an essential character of the thrombus. Microscopically, fresh white thrombi con- sists of a granular material, usually in island or strands of various shapes and size, fibrin, leucocytes and a larger or smaller number of entangled red corpuscles. The granular material is derived chiefly from altered blood platelets. As to the exact manner of the formation of the thrombus, it was generally believed that the coagulation of the fibrin was the primary and essential step. Zahn taught that the first step, after injury of the vessel wall, was the accumulation of leucocytes at the damaged point, followed by the formation of fibrin. More exact and later studies would seem to show that the white thrombus starts with an accumulation, not of leucocytes, but of blood platelets. iberth and Schimmelbusoh have snown that in the mesenteric vessels of the dog, the first step consists in the collection of blood plate- lets at the seat of injury. These platelets, in consequence of their viscous metamorphosis, at once become adherent to each other and to the wall of the vessel and thus form plugs. Later (lomin. to half hour) leucocytes accumulate in large numbers followed by the formation of fibrin and the entanglement of red corpuscles. The platelets are be- lieved to be derived from disintegrating red corpuscles. The leuco- cytes accumulate, partly by reason of the sticky, projecting masses of platelets and partly attracted by ohemidtafi-tio influences. The fibrin is formed from disintegrating platelets and leucocytes. Growth, me t amor phi)stf and organization. A thrombus formed from blood in motion is at first mural or parietal! later, by increase it may fill the calibre of the vessel and become an occluding or obstructing thrombus. A primitive or autochthonous throm- bus may be the starting point of a fiflniiaufid or propogated thrombus, extending in the course of the thrombosed vessels and perhaps into com- municating Vessels. A continued thrombus is sometimes spoken of as a secondary thrombus. Thrombi are with rare exceptions (cardiac ball-thrombi) adherent to the wall of the heart or vessel. Their free surface is generally rough. The thrombus grows in length chiefly in the direction of the current of blood, but may grow in the opposite direction. The growing end of the thrombus is usually not adherent to the wall of the vessels and is in the shape of a flattened,blunt cone, A venous thrombus extends in the direction of the circulating blood,not only as far as the next branch, but frequently beyond it, in the form of a mural thrombus. At first the thrombus is soft and moist, but by contraction and extension of fluid it becomes more compact, drier, firmer and more granular in texture. The liquefactive softenings that may occur in old thrombi are espe- cially important. These may be simple or bland, septic or purulent, and putrid softenings. The simple softenings occur in bland thrombi, being especially common in globular cardiac thrombi. The interior of d these consists of a whitish or redish fluid derived from disintegra- * tion and liquefaction of the solid part of the thrombus and consists of necrotic, fatty leucocytes, albuminous and fatty granules, blood pigment and altered blood corpuscles. This softening, probably due to the action of some ferment, occurs in ordinary bland thrombi and is not generally supposed to be due to the presence of micro-organisms. Bacteria have been respectively found of late years in these thrombi, and possibly are more concerned in this softening than is generally supposed. Septic or purulent softening is a true suppuration due to the presence of bacteria, and is most frequently met with in infective thrombophlebitis. The suppuration is the result of the accumula- tion of leucocytes, which are attracted from the blood of the throm- bosed vessels and from the vasa vasorum and surrounding capillaries. Most frequently streptococci are present in the thrombus and in the walls of the vessel. Putrid softening is the result of the access of putrefactive bac- teria. Here the thrombus is dirty brown or green in color and of foul odoflf. White thrombi in veins, less frequently in arteries, may undergo calcification, forming phlebolith/s or arteriolittufs. They are gen orally spherical and lie loosely in the lumen of the vessel. Most frequently found in veins around the prostate and bladder in men, in the plexus pampiniformis of women, and in the spleen. The organization of the thrombus is one of the most interesting and important changes that take place, consisting of the substitution for 7u7 thrombus of vascularized connective tissue. The thrombus behaves as a foreign body and takes no part in the change. It is gradually disin- tegrated and absorbed largely through the activities of phagocytes. The new tissue springs from the vessel wall, the tissue forming cells being derived from the endothelium and other fixed cells in the wall. Kew vessels spring from the vasa vasorum. The new tissue, rich in cells at first, afterwards becomes fibrous and contracted. Lacunar spaces between the thrombus and the vessel wall may become lined with endothelium and serve as channels for the circulating blood. Hew vessels in the thrombus may establish connection with the lumen of the thrombosed vessel, above or below the thrombus, or on both sides. The rapidity of the onset and the course of the organizing process, will depend upon the location of the thrombus, the condi- tion of the wail of the vessel, the state of the patient and the presence or absence of infection. In favorable cases the process may be well under way within a week. The diseased wall of the vessel . may be incapable of furnishing new tissue, as in aneurysmal sacs. The uyogenio bacteria prevents or delays the process of organ- A ization. This process is a proliferative angeiitis, and is the pro- cess which leads to the closure of a vessel after ligation. The form- ation of a thrombus is no assistance in securing obliteration of a ligated vessel. Etiology. (a) flowing and other irregularities of the circulation. Diminished velocity of the blood current is not by itself a sufficient cause of thrombosis. A stationary column of blood between ligatures antiseptically applied may remain fluid for weeks. Slow circulation in combination with lesions of the cardiac, or vessel wall, or with the presence of micro-organisms or other changes of the blood, is an effi- cient cause of thrombi. Whirling or eddying motion of the current such as occurs when blood enters into normally or pathologically dilated channels from narrower ones, or over obstructions, may be of more im- portance. Thrombi ascribed to slowing of the current, often combined with eddying motion of the blood, are designated stagnation thrombi. These are divided into two groups (a) those due to local circulatory disturbances, as from ligation, or partial compression of the vessel, or from circumscribed dilations, as aneurisms, and (b) marantic throm- bi resulting from weakened hearts action, with consequent feebleness of the general circulation. Virchow, who gave this name to thrombi complicating or following anaemic and cachectic states and general infective diseases (typhoid fever and general constitutional diseases) considered that a condition of marasmus, or great prostration was the underlying factor. While mechanical of the circulation in an important accessory factor, other factors, especially lesions of the walls of the heart or vessels, enter decisively into the causation. (b) Contact of the blood with abnormal surfaces.- Lesions of the oardiao and vasoalar walls. She influence of the endothelial lining of the blood is very impor- tant in maintaining the fluid state of the blood. This influence is partly physical and partly chemical. The smooth, non—adhesive character *tuC of the inner surface of the is the physical property which comes primarily into consideration. While foreign bodies such as threads or bristles with rough surfaces introduced into the vessels cause tnrom— bosis, perfectly smooth bodies, as glass balls, may be introduced with- out producing coagulation. Blood oolleoted in vessels lined with oil or vaseline, remains fluid for a long time. Mere oontaot, therefore, with a foreign surface does not suffice to induce clotting; the result depends upon the character of this surface. Changes which impair or destroy the smooth, non-ad- hesive surface of the normal inner lining of the vessels play an important part in the etiology of thrombosis, ihere is evidence that chemical influences may incite thrombosis, That necrotic en- dothelial cells may liberate fibrin-ferment is in accordance with both physiological and pathological observations relating to the or- igin of this ferment from dead or disintergrating protoplasm in gen- eral. Contrasting the effects of mere traumation with those of trauma- tism combined with infection of the intima, lends strong support to a belief in the participation of chemical substances in the causation of certain thrombi due. to internal lesions. This has been shown in the experimental studies of valvular lesions of the heart. Aseptic laceration of the cardiac valvesgenerally leads to but slight pro- duction of thrombi upon the injured surfaces. The same lesions com- bined with the lodgement and growth of pyogenic bacteria are generally attended by the formation of considerable thrombo^ifi-vegetations. Of the structural changes of the vascular and cardiac walls which cause thrombosis, the most important are those due to inflammation, atheroma, calcification, necrosis, tumors, compression and injury. Phlebitis must be considered as an important and common cause of thrombosis. Displaced from its position, for a while by Virchow's investigations, as the primary cause, and assigned a secondary place, it has of recent years through bacteriological investigations, especial- ly of so-called marantic thrombi of infective diseases come to occupy its former position of importance. The studies of Cornil and his pupils, Widal and Vaquez, have had a great influence in maintaining the doctrine of the mycotic origin of marantic thrombi and particularly that of primahy phlebitis as the cause of these thromboses. thrombosis occurs as a complication of various infective diseases: typhoid fever, influenza, pneumonia, acute rheumatism, erysipelas, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, syphilis &c. Likewise in chlorosis, gout leukaemia, senile debility, and chronic wasting diseases and cachectic diseasis, particularly cancer, thrombosis is a recognized complication, Virchow attributed their causation to enfeebled circulation. Impaired circulation cannot serve as a common etiological factor for tnis whole class of thromboses. While many appear during great debility, others occur when the hearts action is notably weak, 'Thrombosis may ensue early A in influenza. Many of these so called marantic thrombi are unquestionably of infective origin. The observations of Vaauez on phlebitis of the ex- tremities, and Widal's have demonstrated that bacteria are often pres- ent in these thrombi and in the adjacent vascular wall. Puerperal throm- bi and the marantic thrombi of pulmonary tuberculosis have furnished the largest number of positive results, but bacteria have been found in thrombi complioatitittor following typhoid fever, influenza, pneumonia, cancer and other infective and cachectic conditions. In only a few in- stances has the specific been present: more frequently secondary invaders, especially streptococci and other pyogenetic bac- teria have been found; so that the thrombosis is considered to be often- er the result of some secondary infection than of the primary one. Bacteria have also been found in cachectic thrombosis, and here again most frequently pyogenic bacteria. Flexner has shown the frequency of secondary infections in chronic diseases. The bacteria may enter the vessel wall from the circulating blood, or from without, through the vasa vasorum or the lymphatics. In many oases bacteriological exami- nation of the thrombi of infective and cachectic diseases have given negative results. In some of these, bacteria originally present, may have died out, or we may assume with the French writers that bacterial toxins or toxic products from other sources have caused the damage to the endothelial lining of the vessels. (o) Chemical changes in the blood. There seems to be no definite and constant relation between the amount of fibrin obtainable from the blood and the occurrence of thrombosis. Peripheral thrombosis is less common in pneumonia and acute articular rheumatism, both having high fibrin-content, than in typhoid fever and cachectic states having low fibrin-content. The belief that the liber- ation of fibrin ferment in the blood-stream is an important cause 01 thrombosis, is based on the results of experiments which show that the injection of various substances into the circulation, such as laky blood, fresh defibrinatad blood, emulsions or extracts from lymphoid cells &o., may cause intravascular clotting. Just how the conditions set up in these experiments are analogous to those occurring in human beings, cannot be said; but they are probably exceptional. We lack satisfactory observations, in cases of thrombosis in human beings, of increase of fibrin-ferment in tie blood. Gonsiderable Quantities of fibrin-ferment, more than are likely to be liberated under probable circumstances in man, can be injected into the circulation without causing coagulation. Still it would be unreasonable to suppose that chemical changes in the blood are without influence upon the occur- ence of thrombosis in man. In infective and toxic conditions such changes are doubtless the,underlying factors. The circulatory dis- turbances and the alterations in the vascular wall, to which we at- tribute the production of thrombi are the result of the damage done to the heart and vessels by bacterial and other toxins. There is rea- son to believe that alterations in the formed elements of the blood, caused directly or indirectly by toxic substances, are of great signif- icance in the etiology of thrombosis. Since the platelets are probably cell derivatives, damage done to leucocytes and red cells may favor their production, and that in consequence of abnormal composition of the plasma, the platelets may more readily undergo viscous metamorpho- sis and form plugs. (d)Increase of blood platelets. Whether the occurrence of thrombosis can be brought into relationship with the increase of platelets in the blood cannot be stated. Muir's observations point to marked increase of these in chlorosis in which thrombosis is common. Several observers have found the number reduced in pernicious anaemia, which is rarely, if ever complicated with thrombosis. In febrile infections there is often a correspondence between leuoooytosis and the number of platelets. Thus in influenza, pneumonia, erysipelas, meningitis and septic infec- tions, the number of platelets is often increased; in severe oases sometimes diminished: whereas in enteric fever and malaria, the number is diminished. Hayem's observation of a rapid increase of platelets as a sequel of many aoute diseases is of interest in vies? of the greater frequency of thrombosis as a sequel than in the course of many aoute diseases. This was noted by Hayem after pneumonia and typhoid fever. Platelets are said to be often increased toward the end of pregnancy and after delivery. In cachectic conditions, in tuberculosis, and in states of bad nutrition, increase is the rule. They are said by Muir to be increased in spleno-myelogenous leukae- mia. Opon the whole there is much in support of the view that increase of platelets is an index of lowered resistance of the red corpuscles. While the foregoing statements need confirmation, attention cannot fail to be arrested by the parallelism, in many instances, between dis- position to thrombosis and increase in the number of platelets.: Al- though in others no such relationship is seen. The mere increase of platelets is insufficient to explain the occurrence of thrombosis, ie are brought back to changes in the vascular wall and disturbance of the circulation as the determinants of the localization of thrombi, whic.lf' we must recognize changes in the chemistry and morphology of the blood as important predisposing causes. Localization. Thrombosis may occur in any part of the circulating system. We distinguish arterial, venous, capillary and cardiac thrombi. (a) Arterial thrombi. {the majority of these are caused by some local injury or disease of the arterial wall, or by the lodgment of an embolus. Especially important are the thromboses of the brain, heart and extremities. Relation of arterial thrombosis to gangrene of extremities. Senile gangrene is caused either by embolism, which may lead to thrombosis, or by arterio-sohlerosis, usually associated with throm- bosis. Primary arterial thrombosis may occasion gangrene in various chronic and infective diseases. Many of these thrombosis are infec- tive in origin. We cannot say that all are caused by micro-organisms. Ihe action of infective agents in the causation of focal and diffuse diseases of the arteries is now admitted. It is reasonable to believe that arterial thrombosis complicating or following typhoid fever, acute rheumatism, pnuemonia, small-pox, &c. are often to be referred to an infected arteritis, I'he most frequent site of arterial thrombosis is in the extremities, and far more frequently in the lower than the upper extremity. Unlike venous, arterial thrombosis occurs as often on the right side as on the left. Other situations, more or less common, are the cerebral pulmonary, coronary of heart, mesentirio arteries and the aorta and its primary branches. (b) Venous thrombi. These may result from local causes, such as traumatic, compression, phlebitis, phlebo- sohlerosis, inflammation of surrounding parts, and connection of venous terminals with septic or gangrenous foci. Vascular thrombosis, due to general causes, are in the great majority of cases, situated in th:e veins. The greater ef- fectiveness of these general causes in the veins must be sought for the in special characters of the venous circulation. The slower mean speed of the blood; the low blood pressure; the flow from smaller into larger channels; the absence of pulsation; the presence of valves; fixation of the venous walls to the fasciae and bone; the existence of wide dilatations; the agency of muscular contraction; the composi- tion of venous blood, such as the higher per cent of Co all must come into consideration since they render the venous system more fa- vorable to retardation of the blood-current, and to damage of the vascular wall from impoverished and insufficient blood supply, or to prolonged contact of micro-organisms and toxic substances. That me- chanical conditions determine the localization of the majority of thrombi of infective, anaemic and chachectic diseases is shown by the preference of such thrombi for places where these conditions are in the highest degree operative. The tendency of venous thrombi to start from valvular pockets must be mentioned in this connection. Thrombi due to general causes, unlike those starting from septic foci, do not begin in the rootlits, but start usually in the main venous trunks of a mem- ber. Beginning in a medium sized vein, the thrombi may grow in a large vein, as from the femoral into the iliac and vena cava. The greater frequency of venous thrombosis in the left leg than in the right is to be attributed to the more difficult return flow from the former, due to greater length and obliquity of the left common iliac vein and its pas- sage beneath the right iliac artery. Mechanical disturbance of the cir- culation are not by themselves, alone, efficient causes for thrombosis. They simply make certain parts of the vascular system seats of election for thrombi. It is possible to exaggerate their function. The presence of micro-organisms may induce lesions of the vascular wall in any part of the circulatory system. (c) Capillary thrombi. Unless necrosis or gangrene of the tissue,, ensue, in which case, as in infarctions the capillaries are always plugged, the blood remaining fluid in the capillaries, even with ex- tensive venous and arterial thrombosis, fibrinous and hyaline throm- boses of capillaries occur in connection with the acute infective di- seases. (d) Cardiac thrombi. Post-mortem fibrinous clots must not be mistaken for true cardiac thrombi. The fresh vegetations of endocar- ditis, although generally not included in the consideration of cardiac thrombi still are genuine thrombi. Putting aside these vegetations, the conditions leading to cardiac thrombosis are different from those concerned in peripheral venous thrombosis. Cardiac thrombi are especial- ly connected with the diseases of the heart, lungs, arteries and kidneys in all of which, except pulmonary tuberculosis, venous thrombosis is un- common. Cardiac thrombosis is less apt to occur in typhoid fever, in- fleuenza and pneumonia, in which venous thrombosis is so important a complication. In cachectic states, especially phthisis and cancer, thrombi are often found in the heart, particularly when there is well marked fatty degeneration. The greater field for cardiac thrombi is afforded by diseases of the valves and walls of the heart, and especi- ally by dilation of one or more of its cavities, with cardiac insuffi- ciency; conditions in which peripheral venous thrombosis is not oosmon, /r unless in association with diseases known to dispose,\f the latter. I'ke Seats for oardiao thrombi are the auricular appendioies and the and the apices of the ventricles between the columnae comae. These recesses and pockets, in cardiac insufficiency offer the best condi- tions for slovfing of the blood-current. There is no actual stasis as is shown by the gray or reddish gray color of the thrombi. Globular thrombi are by far the commonest form of cardiac thrombi. They vary in size from a pea to a hazel-nut and may attain the size of a hen's egg. They are usually multiple; thin surface smooth or marked by lines or ribs, and their interior usually converted into an opaque gray or brownish red, grumous fluid, the whole resembling a cyst with puriform contents. The liquefaction is of the bland variety. These cysts, which have often very thin walls, rarely burst. Although no localized mural disease is to be seen with the naked eye beneath these thrombi, microscopically there is found degeneration of the epi- thelium. It is most exceptional for any organization to be found in these thrombi. The Mural thrombi found on areas of circumscribed disease of the heart wall, as on infarctions, fibroid patches, gummata, and in partial aneur- ism, are somewhat different. They may be identical in appearance with the globular cysts; but are often flat, or polypoid, stratified and more intimately incorporated with the heart wall. Apart from endocardial vegetations not much is known of infective thrombi in the heart Ball thrombi, loose in the left auricle, are rare forms of cardiac thrombi. Effects and symptoms. 1'he lesions and the symptoms produced by thrombi are due to the obstruction of the blood current caused by the thrombus and to the effects of the toxic and irritative sub- stances which may be present in the thrombus. ‘These vary with the functional importance of the part supplied by the vessel; with the rapid- ity, extent and completeness of the obstruction; with the location of the plug in heart, artery, or vein: with the size of the vessel; with the time consumed in establishing a collateral circulation, and with the nature of the thrombus. Arterial thrombosis.If colateral circulation can be readily estab- lished, an artery may be obstructed without any mechanical effects. In the cases of certain terminal arteries, as the brain, spleen and kidney, even with a slowly forming thrombus, a collateral circulation cannot be established. When an artery of the lower extremity is throm- bosed, unless collateral circulation is established the termination is in gangrene. Venous thrombosis. The direct effects of venous thrombosis are refer- able to the mechanical obstruction to the circulation and to the prop- erties of the thrombus. The free venous anastomoses in many parts of the body prevent any disturbance of the circulation of venous occlu- sion by benign thrombi. This is seen especially in the pelvic veins. A vein (renal for example) may be slowly plogged without harm. When its rapid occlusion would lead to serious results. Local dropsy, the con- ■■ sequence of passive hyperaemia constitutes the characteristic symptoms of uncompensated and venous obstruction by a thrombus, just as local necrosis does that of uncompensated arterial thrombosis. $hen venous obstruction is extreme, diapedesis of the red cells may occur. Such hemorrhages are rare in peripheral venous thrombosis, but are common with thrombosis of the portal,mesenteric, cerebral, and retinal veins. In addition to these mechanical effects, so-called benign thrombi, often set up an acute inflammation of the venous wall and surrounding e» parts; or the inflammation may antedate the thrombosis. The explanation usually given for the oedema consequent upon venous obstruction, is that it is due to increased filtration of serum from the blood, in consequence of the rise of intravenous and intracapillary pressure resulting from the obstruction. It seems, however, that other factors may be concerned, as to the nature of which there is considerable difference of opinion. The two hypotheses as to the oedema of passive congestion are the mechanical and vital or secretory. Gonheim attrib- uted this form of oedema to increased venous and capillary pressure combined with increased permeability of the capillary wall due to mal- nutrition. According to Lazarus Barlow the principal factor in the oedema of passive congestion is the increased secretion of lymph by e(3 Dy starvation of the tissues and by aooumula- lion_of_waste metabolic products . According to $elch the important factors are (1) Increased intravenous and intra-capillary pressure, with consequent increased transudation of serum (not alone sufficient, since tying of the femoral vein generally causes no oedema.) (2) Increased permeability of the capillary walls, which may be due to stretching from larger content of blood, starvation of capillary en- dothelium from lack of fresh supply of nutriment and oxygen, and in- jury from abnormal composition of blood in anaemic, infective cachec- tic and constitutional diseases, or from inflammatory irritants, (3)- Diminished absorption of lymph from lack of muscular movement, of imbibition of the capillary walls with fluid, and especially of retard- ed capillary and venous flow. (4) Arterial dilatation from irritative or inflammatory influences emanating from adjacent thrombosed veins, probably also from the asphyxiated tissues, and acting either ciirecoly upon the arterial wall or directly upon vaso-motor nerves, or reflexly. (5) Sometimes a watery condition of the blood rendering it easier of filtration. EMBOLISM. Definition, ftelch defines embolism as the impaction in some part of the vascular system of any undissolved material brought there by the blood current. The transported material is an embolus. Varieties of emboli. Unless some special epithet be used, an embolus is generally understood to be a detached thrombus, or part of it, including under this designation endocarditic vegetations. Other sorts of emboli are fragments of diseased heart-valves, calcific masses, bits of tissue, tumor cells, par. each am a to us cells, animal or parasites, fat, air, pigment granules and foreign bodies. An important classification is into bland aseptic emboli, and toxic or septic emboli, Sources of emboli, Emboli in the lungs come from the systemic veins, the right heart, or the pulmonary artery; those in branches of the por- tal veins come from tke radicles or trunk of this vein; those in sys- temic arteries from the pulmonary veins, the left heart, or some artery between the heart and the location of the embolus. She continuation of an occluding venous thrombus in the form of a partly obstructing throm- bus beyond the entrance of an important branch, and the occurrance of softening in the interior of older thrombi, are conditions favorable to the detachment of fragments. Globular thrombi in the right heart, par- ticularly in the auricular appendix, are a fruitful source of the em- boli which cause pulmonary infarction in heart disease. Vegetations of the aortic and mitral valves, especially of the latter, furnish the great majority of the emboli in the aortic system. Sits of Deposit. Emboli are carried along by the blood-stream until they are caught on some obstruction, or become lodged in a channel too narrow tc permit their further passage. Very often an embolus is caught at a bifurcation, which it rides with a part extending into each branch (riding embolus). The course followed by an embolus is determined by purely mechanical factors, of which the most important are the size and weight of the plug, the direction, volume and energy of the carrying blood-stream: the size of branches and the angles at which they are given off; and the position of the body and its members. Henoe we find emboli in the lower lobes of the lungs oftener than in the upper; and in the right lung oftener than in the left, the right pulmonary artery being larger than the left. Emboli from the left heart are carried more frequently into the ab- dominal aorta and its branches than into the carotid and subclavian arteries. The left common carotid, which is in a more direct line with the aortic stream than the right, receives more emboli. Aberrant or paradoxical embolism, ‘this designation refers to the transportation of emboli derived from veins into the systemic arteries without passing through the pulmonary circulation. Oonheim was the first to note the passage of venous emboli through an open foramen ovale into the aortic system. Anatomical characters. In cases of recent embolism, the ping can generally be recognized as an embolus without much difficulty. Such a plug lies loosely or is but slightly adherent to the vessel wall. It often presents a broken or fractured surface, which sometimes may be the fit to corresponding surface of the thrombus from which it was broken off. After tue embolus has become adherent and surround- ed by a secondary thrombus, the diagnosis becomes more difficult. An adherent plug which rides an arterial bifurcation is much more likely to be an embolus than a primary thrombus. In reaching a conclusion, weight must be given to the condition of the arterial wall: whether there be any cause for thrombosis. The detection of the source of an embolus will be of importance. An embolus is the starting point of a secondary thrombus which usually, although not always, completes the closure of the vessel, if this had not already been done by the embolus itself, and extends on either side to the next vessel given off. The same metamorphoses and process of organ- ization with consecutive changes in the vascular wall, occur with em- boli and encapsulation thrombi, as already described for primary thrombi. Mfeots. Bland emboli produce--chiefly mechanical effects refer- able to obstruction to the circulation. Septic or toxic cause also, othar changes which may be described as infective or chemical. If an artery be closed by a bland embolus, the fate of the part supplied de- pends altogether upon whether it is fed within a certain time after the obstruction with anough arterial blood to preserve its integrity and function. If the vessel is not comnletely plugged by the embolus, there may be no appreciable interference with circulation, but the closure of the lumen is usually soon effected by a secondary thrombus. The occlusion by a bland embolus of an artery with abundant anastomoses such as the arteries supplying bone, the voluntary muscles, the skin, the thyroid, the uterus, usually causes no circulatory disturbance of any importance. Sudden death say result from embolism of the trunk or main division of the pulmonary artery, of one of the cor- onary arteries of the heart, or of arteries. If an ade- ouate collateral circulation be not established, tha part dies, This occurs regularly as the result of embolism of the splenic and venal arteries, of the basal arteries of the brain, of the central artery of the retina and of the superior mesenteric artery. It is the usu- al result of one of the coronary arteries of the heart, if the pa- tient live long enough: and it is the inconstant result of embolism of the medium- smaller branches of the pulmonary arteries, of cerebral arteries, other than the basal, and of the main arteries of the extremities. Ffhen tha dead part is so surrounded with living tissue that it can be permiated with lymph, as is usually the case in the viscera, the mode of death is that described by Weigert, and named by Gonheim “ooagulative necrosis”. Here the dead protoplasm and to some extent intercellular substances, undergo chemical changes, be- lieved to be in part ooagulative. If there be enough coaguable ma- terial present, the necrotic part becomes hard, dry, opaque and some- what swollen. An area of ooagulative necrosis resulting from cutting off the blood supply is an infarct, (inf arc to stuff). Its shape corresponds to that of the arterial tree supplying it and is, therefore, as a rule, conical or wedge shape, the base being towards the periphery of the organ . The wedge shape is most marked in smaller infarcts. The colol£ is opaqse, white or yellowish, unless hemorrhage is added to the necrosis. thus have anaemic, pale or white infarcts, and red or hemorrhagic infarcts; but in the latter, no less than in the former, the essential thing is the coagulative: necrosis, the hemorrhage being merely something added to the necrosis. In the kidney, the infarct is nearly always pale in the lungs and intestine, as constantly hemorr- hagic; in the spleen or heart it may be either white or red. Hemorrhagic infarction. The explanation of the accumulation and extravasation of blood in hemorrhagic infarcts has been the subject of much speculation and experimental study. Gonheim attributed the hyperaemia in the infaroted area to the regurgitant flow from the venis and that the red cells escape by diapedesis, due to some molecular change in the vascular walls deprived of their normal supply of nutri- ment. and Little have shown that the congestion and hyperaemia are not the result of regurgitation from the venis. In situations where closure of an artery is followed by hemorrhagic infarction, tying the veins also, so as to shut off reflux from the veins, only serves to in- crease the hyperaemia and hemorrhage, and may render an infarct hemorr- hagic which would otherwise be anaemic. If, on the other hand, all vas- cular communication of a part be cut off, except that with the veins, the part undergoes necrosis, without hemorrhagic infarction. It is then quite certain that the blood which accumulates in the capillaries and small veins and is extravasted in hemorrhagic infarction, comes in through the capillary, and if they exist, the arterial anastomoses, and is not regurgitated through the veins. The red corpuscles escape by diapedesis and not by rhexis. The diapedesis does not appear to be due to molecular changes in the vascular walls, but to the slowing and stagnation of the blood and to the blood pressure- without a certain height of pressure there is no diapedesis; and with a given retardation and stasis of the blood-current, the higher the intra- capillary and intravenous pressure the greater the diapedesis. In general a high venous pressure favors hemorrhage in an infarction and a low arterial pressure opposes it. The studies of recent years upon the formation of lymph have shown that the blood-vessels in dif- ferent regions differ markedly as to their permeability, those of the intestine being probably the most permeable. This difference in per., t meability may be an important factor in determining diapedesis. How- ever, the greatest influence seems to be exercised by the resistance offered by the tissues to the escape of red corpuscles from the vessels, as pointed out by Weigart. Where this tissue resistance is low, as in the lung and in the mucosa and submuoosa of the bowel, hemorrhagic in- farction especially occurs. The resistance offered by the firm con- sistence of the kidney, is increased by the swelling and hardness result- ing from coagulative necrosis of the epithelial and other cells, and hence kidney infarcts are nearly always anaemic, although often hemorr- hagic at their margins. Metamorphoses of infarcts. A bland infarct is a foreign body, most of the oonstitutents of which ar capable of absorption and replacement by connective tissue. The red corpuscles lose their coloring matter, some of which is transformed into amorphous or crystalline haematoidin. Polynuclear leucocytes wander in from the margins; many undergo nuclear fragmentation.. This nuclear detritus mingles with that de- rived from the dead cells of the part. Granulative tissue develops from the living tissue around the infarct. In the course of time, the debris which becomes very fatty, is disintegrated and removed: new, vessels and new connective tissue grow in, and finally a scar marks the site of the infarct. Infective emboli. On account of their frequency and serious oonse- .are of auenoies, infective emboli containing pathogenic bacteria^especial sig- nificance. Such emboli constitute an important means of distribution of infective agents from primary foci of infection to distant parts of the body where the sain organisms multiply and by their chemical products A continue to show their specific activities. These emboli are often de- rived from infective venous thrombi, connected with some primary area of infection. The portal of infection may be through the skin, the alimentary canal, the respiratory, the genito-urinary passages, the middle ear, or the eye, with corresponding infective thrombophlebitis in these several situations. Or there may be, as in many oases of in- fective endocarditis, no demonstrable portal of infection. Coarse em- boli are by no means essential for causation of infective metastases, nor is it necessary that there should be any thrombosis to afford op- portunity for the distribution of micro-organisms from a primary focus. Bacteria may gain entrance to the circulation singly or in clumps; and such bacteria, without being enclosed in plugs of even capillary size, may become attached to the walls of capillaries and small vessels and o- produce local metastasis. In this way infective material coming from the systemic veins may pass through the pulmonary canil-laries without damage to the lungs, and become localized in various organs of the body. In explaining the various localizations of the infective pro- cesses in the organs of the body, we must not rely wholly on the mechanical distribution by the circulation, but must consider the vital resistance of the tissues, which varies in different parts of the body. Infective emboli are capable of producing all of the mechanical ef- fects of bland emboli, to which are added the specific effects of the micro-organisms or their products. These latter effects are essentially chemical in nature, the most important of which consist of hemorrhages, usually of small size, and of an entirely different causation from those of hemorrhagic infarction: necroses; inflammation, often suppurative in character; and in case of putrefactive bacteria, gangrenous putrefaction. The most important function of infective embolism is in the causation of pyaemia. D1G1/81RATI0H. (1) Cloudy swelling . Granular degeneration, or parenchymatous degeneration. This was a term"applied by Virchow to cells which had become enlarged in size, as he thought, by increased nutri- tion, or to cells that had become hypertrophied and showed a ten- dency to degeneration. The process is to be regarded as one of degeneration in the cell protoplasm. This change consists in the appearance in the cells of abundant albuminous granules. Especially subject to this alteration are the muscular fibres, such as those of the heart, and the parenchymatous cells of glandular organs, such as the liver and kidney. The affected car os appear swollen and of n grayish color, giving an opacity as if the tissue had been subjected to contact with boiling water. It is best seen in tne cortex 01 the kidney in patients that have died of one of the acute infections. The minor details of the structure are obsSwed-. On microscopical A. examination the cell is filled with numerous fine granules which hide the nucleus., Upon the addition of acetic acid these granules disappear and the nucleus may then be seen. They are insoluble in caustic potash, or ether. In cloudy swelling of the heart muscle, the muscle fibres contain these albuminous granules which obscure the normal striation of the fibres. Cloudy swelling sometimes passes into fatty degeneration of the cell. The process is to be regarded as a disorganization of the cell protoplasm, following the absorption of liquid into its substance and leading to a partial separation of its solid and liquid constituents 'i:he nucleus may undergo the same change. Recovery from a moderate degree of this degeneration is quite possible, in which case the cell is restored to its normal condi- tion; but after there is a complete destruction of the cell, which then breaks up into fine granular fragments. Cloudy swelling occurs especially in connection with the acute in- fectious diseases, such as scarlet fever, typhoid fever, small-pox, pneumonia, diphtheria, erysipelas, septecaemia, &c. It occurs also in poisoning with arsenic, phosphorous, and the mineral acids. It has been developed within six hours after extensive burns. Cloudy swelling is sometimes combined with a dropsical degeneration (hydropic degeneration), due to a swelling of the cells from the absorption of liauid. from the absorption of the fluid the contents of the cell ap- pear clear, and the nucleus and protoplasm are pushed to one side, sometimes vacuoles appear in the cell, Buch changes in the cells are found in oedematous tissue, in inflammatory foci and in tumors. DISORDERS OF THE HEPATIC CIRCULATION. Congestion of the liver say be either active or passive. Active con- gestion is caused by an increased flow of blood to the liver through the hepatic artery or the portal vein. Passive congestion is the result of some obstruction to the outflow of blood from the hepatic veins. Active congestion of the liver occurs during digestion and is a physio- logical condition. It also occurs in the early stages of inflammatory affec- tions of the liver and in diseases that determine an increased flow of blood to the intestine and is then pathological. Active congestion quie&Ly passes away with the removal of the cause. CHRONIC PASSIVii CONGESTION. This is a well defined condition, the causation of which is understood, it is due to any interference with the outflow of blood from the liver. Anything which obstructs the current of blood through the hepatic veins, through tne inferior vena cava above the entrance of the hepatic vein$,thro* the lung or through the heart causes passive congestion the liver. The obstruction is usually seated either in the heart or in the iangs. The various forms of uncompensated valvular lesions of the heart, particu- larly mitral ana tricuspid lesions, insuffienoy of the power of the hearts action due to myocarditis ana obstructions in the pulmonary circu- lation, such as those resulting from emphysema,Iibroida*Iiidapation of the lung are toe most frequent causes of chronic passive congestion. Tumors of the mediastinum and aneurism may bring about this condition. In consequence of the damming back of blood upon the hepatic veins, the central veinsof the lobules first, and then the lobular capillaries imnie- dlately surrounding these veins become iiMed with blood. In advanced stages A of the disease all of the capillaries are affected. As a result of the dis- tension of the capillaries the hepatic cells become compressed and undergo 7tc atrophy, especially those at the centre of ihe peripheral ceils may show fatty degeneration. Yellow or brown pigment granules are often found in the liver cells. In later stages of the disease the central ceils entirely disappear and all of the cells of the lobule may disappear. This advanced condition is designated red cyanotic atrophy. Cyanotic atrophy is often associated with more or less increase of interlobular connective tissue. In the early stages of me disease the liver is enlarged; in later stages the organ may be reduced in size and its surface may be uneven and granular. Upon section of the liver dark red points are observed surrounded by light- er areas, the red portion representing the central veins and the lighter part the periphery of the lobule, constituting the so-called nutmeg liver. nm ISPILTRAl'IOH AKD PA'I'iY DEGERIRAilOS OP MB LIVER. These are not conditions which one can diagnose clinically, but as Students of Pathology you should be acquainted with some of the conditions which lead to fatty infiltration, as well as to fatty degeneration of the cellular oon- stitutents of organs. Under normal conditions fat is found in various local- ities in the body, chiefly in the subcutaneous connective tissue, or beneath certain serous membranes, as beneath the visceral pericardium, between the layers of the mesentery, in the omentum, in bone marrow and In the liver. Physiologists tell us that tne fat found in the body is derived from three sources: 1. Prom the ingestion of foods containing fat. 2. Prom the carbohydrates. 3. Prom albuminous foods. So that fat may be introduced either as fat already, or as carbohydrates or as albumin. Formerly it was not thought that an albuminous diet led to the pro- duction of fat, but now physiologists consider this an important source of f at. The protoplasm of the cells of the body (liver cells for example) can take such complex bodies as albumin and carbohydrates from the blood and con- vert them into a simpler body f at,{previdea the protoplasm of the cells is of food . in a healthy condition.) If the assimil not in excess of the ability of the body to make use of it, then fat will be found in moderate amount in such locations as have already been mentioned. u* however there is an over consumption of fat, or substances that can be converted into iao, and at the same time, if the metabolic activity of the cell is lessened so that it cannot further decompose the fa_t elaborated from i/us albumen brought to it, then there will be an acoumuiation of fat greater than should occur in the ceils of the organ. If these two conditions act to- gether the effect will be the greater. under these oiroumst8Do.es we may have fat deposited in large quantities in the, subcutaneous connective tissue; in excessive quantities about the heart, under the visceral pericardium, between it and the myocardium; it may even be deposited between the fibers of smooth musole(heart muscle for instance) and between the fibers of voluntary muscle, these being situations where, normally, we do not find fat. This condition is ordinarily described as obesity or lipomatosis, and may be so excessive ss to constitute a pathological condition. Over consumption of food, lack of exercise and indulgence in alcoholic drinks lead to the ac- cumulation of fat within the oelis of the fiver, where it is normally found- in small amount. Under these oiroinstances the liver cells are found to be the seat of con- siderable deposition of fat, and we speak of this condition as fatty infil- tration of the liver. fatty Degeneration.- As contrasted with fatty infiltration, which may net be pathological, there is the condition of fatty.degeneration of cells. Here the fat is produced, not from ordinary albumin that is taken in the process of nutrition, but at the expense of the protoplasm of the cell itself. The albumin in the protoplasm of the cell itself is used up and becomes changed 3 into minute drops of fat. In fatty degeneration of a oell not only does its protoplasm beoome converted into fat, which is deposited generally in the form of small drops of varying size, but even the nucleus may be destroyed and disappear, provided the condition is one of complete fatty degeneration of the ceil. Fatty degeneration points very plainly to a lowered vitality of the cell, as well as to a changed composition of the blood itself. It is generally con- ceded that a diminution of the supply of oxygen to the cells plays an impor- tant part in the production of fatty degeneration. Now, there are various conditions which cause a diminution of the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. In general anaemia in which disease the haem- oglobin of the blood is reduced, unci cor.seqentiy its oxygen- carrying capacity, we find_|atty degeneration of the ceils of various organs, muscles which have been forna long time paralyzed, undergo various degrees of fatty degeneration- a fact which points clearly to diminished oxidation. „ . . . sin . . Id chronic pulmonary tuberculosis, where tnere isAextensive aestruction 01 the lung sabstanoe and henoe diminution in the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, we have a condition productive of fatty degeneration. Sudden hemor- rhage, sudden extensive hemorrhage may cause a marked fatty degeneration of ceils. Ziegler refers to sudden blindness, which sometimes occurs soon after an excessive hemorrhage, as being due to a fatty degeneration of the cells of the retina and of the optic nerve. Then again certain poisons lead to fatty degeneration of cells. Phosphor- us is one of the most important. If a dog is fed from ten to fifteen days with large quantities of phosphorus in his food, at the end of that time ex- 4 treme fatty degeneration of the liver will have taken plaoe. Iodoform, arsen- ic, the mineral acids and many of the toxic substances produced oy bacteria and fever bring about fatty degeneration. If to a fresh section of the liv- er acetic acid is added, it brings out the fat very plainly; if ether is added the fat drops are dissolved. If the section is hardened in chromic or osmic acid then the fat drops are stained very darkly. It is not always easy to determine between fatty infiltration and fatty de- I ‘ generation. In the first place, if you find fat droplets in smooth muscle, or in heart muscle, or in striated muscle, you would know that this was fatty degeneration, because fat has no business here. Ordinarily in fatty infiltra- 1 arge tion tne. a roc is quite 1 arse, a sin?ieAaroc: and but a small uart of the cells are affected. One must be governed by tne size of the fat drops, which are generally larger in fatty infiltration. In fatty degeneration the fat is de- posited, as a rule, in small drops, sometimes in excessively minute droplets, but at least in small drops of irregular size, and these are distributed uni- formly over the cell. One may still find the nucleus or this may have dis- appeared. If you find a great number of small drops in the cell and the nu- cleus has disappeared you are justified in pronouncing this to be fatty de- generation. The number and size of the fat drops in a oell, the seat of fatty degen- eration, vary, but in general the drops are very much smaller than we find them, where they have oeen deposited in the course of normal nutrition (fat- ty infiltration). AMYLOID DEGENERATION. 0-v ?TcZ/& l/^4si^c/4_ There is deposited under certain conditions, a peculiar substance, which A " is called amyloid. It is quite insoluble and remains permanently, not being afterwards absorbed. It leads to permanent loss of functions of the organ. Virchow, its discoverer, found that it gave a peculiar reaction with iodine and sulphuric acid. When stained with iodine and afterwards treated with acid, it may give a blue color. On account of this reaction it was formerly sup- posed to be of a starchy nature, but it has since been shown not to be starch or cellulose, but a nitrogeneous substance, from its supposed relation to starch it was called Amyloid. The terms waxy and lardaceous are applied to this degeneration. Tfie organs ohiefly affected are the spleen, liver, kidneys, intestine, stom- ach, adrenals, pancreas and lymphatic glands, the frequency of attack being in the order named. It may be also found in dated muscles, ovaries and uterus. It is deposited in the wail of the bloodvessels, especially in the middle coat of small arteries. It does not affeot the endothelium, ft is not de- posited in the muscle sells, but between them. It is also deposited in the connective tissue frame work of organs- between the connective tissue fibers. Though spoken of as a degeneration, it is not produced by a metamorphosis of the tissue, but is an infiltration which is deposited between the cells of the tissue. The situation of the amyloid in the walls of the bloodvessels would seem to indicate that it was formed in the blood and afterward deposited in the walls of the vessels. The amyloid itself is not, however, preformed in the blood but the material of which it is formed is derived from the blood. It is believed that it is derived from some albuminous materi- al of the blood, but as the result of the lowered metabolic power of the tis- sue, the substance thus derived cannot be converted, as under normal condi- tions, into nutritive matter, but lies in the tissues and undergoes change into the peculiar material called amyloid. This is the veiw held by Ziegler. This view receives support from tie fact that it is found in chronic diseases attended by lowered metabolic power of the ceils, lowered vitality, such as pulmonary tuberculosis, syphilis, chronic disease of bone (Potts’ disease of of the spine) and chronic suppurative processes. CIRRHOSIS CP THE LIVER. The term cirrhosis, signifyling a tawny or orange color, was applied by Laennec to the disease under ponsideration on account of the yellowish col- or of the nodules which the liver usually presents in this affection. These nodules were supposed by Laenneo to oe new growths replacing the original parenchyma, but are now knowp to be parts of the pre- existing 1iver-substanceJ As the essential change, however, was found to consist in the development of fibrous tissue, the term cirrhosis cams to be applied, not only to the liver, but also to the fibrous induration of other organs, especially of the lungs and kidney, although this applioation is etymologically incorrect. This di- sease is sometimes designated chronic indurative inflammation of the liver and chronic interstitial hepatitis. In using the term inflammation in this connection, it does not mean that the process is attended by the emigration of leucocytes and exudation of lymph. It should not, properly speaking, be designated an inflammation, since the essential change consists of an in- crease of the normal connective tissue of the organ. 7"/z * pectoration decidedly tinged with blood- we do not speak of tnese as hemorr- hages from the lung, -but in tuberculosis we have hemorrhages slight and severe and sometimes rapidly fatal. At autopsy we may find blood located in one part of the lung, the hemorrhage having taken place in another part of the lung. k hemorrhage taking place into a bronchial tube may be aspirated and carried into various parts of the bronchial tree far removed from the point of hemorr- hage. In tuberculosis when a patient has hemorrhage you may know that there is some focus of disease which has undergone softening (caseation) and- broken into the bronchial tube involving the rupture of small bloodvessels. Severe pulmo- nary hemorrhage is due to the rupture of the bloodvessels in a pulmonary cav- ity. The form of hemorrhage to which I want to draw your attention tonight is that known as hemorrhagic infarction and is due to the plugging of one or more of the terminal arteries of the lungs. In order that you may understand this subject 1 will oooupy a little time with tile subject thrombosis and embolism. A tbrombijsss- is a clot of blood formed in the heart or the bloodvessels during life. A may be eluding (closing the entire vessel) or it may only partially close the vessel,, form on one wall of s vessel, this being the so-called“parietal* thrombus. The most important cause of the formation of thrombi in vessels, or throm- bosis, is some change affecting the endothelium lining the vessel. It may be from inflammation involving the wall of the vessel,, from atheroma, calcare- ous degeneration of the wail of the vessel pressure from a tumor or from an 6 injury- all of these being causes of the clotting of blood within the vessels. I should say that thrombi may form either in the veins or the arteries, but they form more frequently on the venous side. An important secondary cause of thrombosis is retardation of the blood current. The retardation may also interfere with the proper nutrition of the endothelial ceils. You see the effects of retardation of the blood current in the formation of thrombi, coagulation of blood- in those dilatations of blood vessels which are known as aneurisms. Thrombi also form in the vessels of patients whose circulation is very weaV. Under these circumstances we find them forming in little pockets behind the valves of the veins, at the apex of the right auricle; in the cere- bral sinuses, especially of children, and in the veins of the extremities and pelvis. Thrombi forming in the vessels under these circumstances are desig- nated “Marantic” thrombi. Thrombi are divided into several varieties, red, white and mixed thrombi. If a blood vessel should be tied at two points, then the clot forming between those two points will of course, be of just the same composition as the blood itself and will give you a typical thrombus. Red thrombi form when the blood is at rest, and white or grayish white thrombi form while the blood is in motion. Many thrombi form very slowly, the disease orig- inating at one side of the vessel and the thrombi or blood clot being formed | slowly until finally the vessel is occluded. Other thrombi form suddenly, very rapidly, espeoislly by inflammation involving the wall of the vessel and so occlude the vessel quickly. The thrombus continues to grow, when once formed, generally until it reaches the next branch given off, the next anastamosing branch. One of the dangers from the presence of thrombi is the fact that the terminal part of it may be broken off and swept away by the blood current. 7 Before I refer to this let me call your attention to what takes place in the thrombus after it has thus formed. You may have organization of the thrombus or you may have a softening, these being the two most frequent changes; or calcification of the thrombus which is rare. In organization of the thrombus, which is the most fortunate change which can take place, connective tissue pre- ceding from the wails of the bloodvessel gradually invades the thrombus, new bloodvessels enter the thrombus and the place of the former thrombus is- taken by new richly vascular connective tissue. This organization of the thrombus is a fortunate occurence. Ibis is what the surgeon expects when he be lig- ates a bloodvessel- that a thrombus snail form and afterwards undergo organ- ization. Sometimes a thrombus which has formed in the continuity of the vessel and which has undergone organization may open up the channel and sc the cur- rent be partially or completely restored through the bloodvessel. The thrombi may also, as I have said before, undergo softening, if this softening is due simply to the breaking down of the central part of the thrombus (which occurs especially in large thrombi on the wails of the heart), a simple softening, the contents of the thrombus being composed of albuminous or fatty granules or leucocytes which have undergone fatty degeneration, this is one of the harm- less forms of softening, hs the thrombus softens fragments of it may be swept away and carried to other parts of the circulatory system, but they are of a a as * bland character and so do not doAmuch harm as if the thrombus bad undergone septic softening. In inflammation due to bacteria invading the walls of the bloodvessels and causing thrombosis, if these organisms undergo multiplication, the thrombus will often under go a septic softening, or infectious softening. "When particles of such a thrombus are swept away wherever they are carried they give rise to all the effects which pyogenic bacteria can produce. The 8 most important lesions in pyemia are due to the septio softening of thrombi followed by the transference of these septic particles to various parts and organs of the body. I want tc call your attention to the fact that one of the causes of miliary abscess of the liver are the formation of thrombi in some part of the general circulation or of the portal circulation, and I mentioned the fact that while the septic particles were frequently small enough to pass through the lung, they rarely caused trouble at that point, but more frequent- ly caused trouble in the liver. Row it is of importance to distinguish between thrombi and the so-called “postmortem clots”, especially as thrombi often form in the heart. The thrombus you understand is intimately attached to the ves- sel wall or to the heart wall, it is more granular in appearance, generally stratified, whereas the postmortem taken to be the immediate cause of death, is composed of red layer and an upper white or yellowish white gelatinous layer,, and the whole mass is easily removes from the wall of the heart. So that one should not fail into error of confounding a postmortem clot and a thrombus. Now if a thrombus or a part of a thrombus is broken away from its original location and carried to some other part of the circulatory system, we designate it as an embolus, and we speak of this as embolism, if an embolus is of sufficient size it may be sufficient to plug a large vessel such as the pulmonary artery and lead to immediate death, or an embolus of ficient size to plug one of the coronary arteries would lead to the like re- sult. Whether an embolus would have any effect or not would depend in the first place upon whether it was af a bland or an infectious character. If an embolus has resulted from simply softening of a thrombus then its presence may absolutely do no harm unless it lodges in one of the terminal arteries of an organ. If, however, it is a septio (infectious) embolus, then wherever it 9 lodges it will probably give rise to suppuration. A.bland emolus affecting a muscular artery with free anastomoses would give rise to no disturbance what- ever. An embolus lodging in a terminal artery, such as those of the spleen, heart, brain, kidney, lung i 11 be followed by certain definite results. In other words, the part beyond the obstruction is suddenly deprived of its blood. 8© speak of these arteries as being terminal arteries which do not have any anastamcses except through their capillaries, and I have already told you the most important organs having arteries of this character. Cobnheim designated them terminal arteries—those of the spleen, the heart, the brain, the kidney, the lung. When the vessels become occluded the part beyond must either oe re- supplied with blood or else it must undergo necrosis, The usual result is that the pert undergoes coagulation necrosis (death), so that the essential or most important factor in infarction is the necrosis which takes, place, because this is the constant phenomenon that goes with infarction. Hemorrhagic. infsection of the lung-, obstruction of the terming! arteries in the lung is often caused.by emboli swept from some other part of the body, often from the right side of the heart, especially in the last days of life. These as a rule,* when the circulation is normal, ao not give rise to any trou- * ble whatever. It is important to. bear in mind thAt emboli obstructing the ter- minai arteries of the lung has e double blood supply do not bring about anv ?h \ ; result unless the circulation is disturbed, is weakened in some, way, end hence we have infarctions forming in the lungs especially during the last days of life when the circulation is interfered with. These infarctions are always hemorrhagic in character and this is.brought about by the flowing in of blood from the surrounding capillaries into the capillaries of the obstructed dis- trict, distending them, the force of the circulation not being sufficient to 10 oarry the blood on to the veins. The result is that the oapillaries suffer in their nutrition.and permit the red cells to rapidly pass through their walls so that we have a most marked diapodesis of the red cells in the part inf arc ted. This especially in the lungs. Whether an infarction be hemorrhagic or anaemic depends upon the part in which it occurs, if the structure is loose such as that of the lungs, then toe capillaries become filled with blood and the red blood cells pass through in large numbers, filling the alveoli. If the in- farction is in an organ such as the.kidney for instance, it will.as a rule.be a pale infarction or an anaemic infarction, simply because the substance of th the kidney is comparatively solid,, necrosis takes place quickly and hemorrhage cannot take place as there is no place for the blood to go. The hemorrhagic area in the kidney would be at the margin of the infarct. In examining your section of infarction of the lung, in the first piece you will expect to see the alveoli crowded with red blood ceils, and next you will expect to see the walls of the alveoli undergoing necrosis throughout the inf arc ted area. If the infarction is a fresh one (a few days old) you see nothing.else; later there is an emigration of white blood ceils (polynuclear leucocytes) into the necrotic tissue, ;just as there would be in any other part of the body. The result of an infarction in the first place is the necrosis of the tissue; if the.patient lives long.enough the place of the inf arc ted area is taken by a growth of connective tissue from the surrounding parts. In other words, fi- brous tissue takes the place of infarction; the red.blood cells undergo dis- integration, granulation tissue forms at the margin, slowly grows into the point and finally the place where the infarct was, is taken by fibrous tissue, which shows a depression on the lung surface. Inhere do you expect to find infarcts of the lung f £t tre surface, if you are examining the lung, the 11 seat of infarction (and these may be numerous, generally more in the right than in the left lung, more apt to affect the the lower lobe than the upper) you will notice certain slightly elevated dark red or blackish areas just un- der the pleura. They may be the size of a pea or up to the size of a walnut or larger. When you make your incision into them, expect to find them wedge- shaped, the vessels being at the apex. You will of course find that the in- farcted area is firmer than the rest.of the lung, because the air has been ex- pelled and the red.blood cells have filled the whole part, you may.be able to squeeze out a little biooa from the infarct, .but as a rule it is quite dry. With the edge of the knife you can of course scrape sways blood fluid. This is the bland infarction of the lung and it occurs at the periphery of the organ where the arteries terminate. -If the embolus was a septic embolus then you would have suppurative inf 1 affixation taking place at the point of lodgment, and that we expect to show you when we take up embolic pneumonia. On Wednesday evening we will take up part of the time in a quiz, in order to see just vfhers we stand in aiseases of the lung, as these are of such great importance. I would ask you to review especially thrombosis and embolism in connection with the various forms of infarction. PATHOLOGY No. 18 F‘eb. 33, 1898. PNEUMONIA. Synonyms: Aoute inflammation of the lung. Croupous inf 1 animation of the lung Croupous pneumonia Aoute pneumonia Aoute pneumonitis Aoute fibrinous inflammation of the lung Aoute lobar pneumonia. 1 want to speak to you this evening concerning inflammatory disturbance of the lung. Inflammation of the lung substance may affect a very small part of the organ, a very small area, or it may involve a considerable ccrtion of the lung substance. In that form of pneumonia which we designate broncho- pneu- monia the inflammation is limited in extent- we have various scattered small foci of inflammation. In another form of acute inflammation of the lung, one of tbs most important that you can study, because it is of such frequent occur- rence, and which is designated "acute inf I animation” of toe lung ( which has various synonyms, as indicated above) a considerable portion of the lobe of the lung is affected- often an entire lobe. Sometimes two or more lobes are af- fected, and occasionally a lobe of each lung, or both lungs may be affected. Ibis inflammation of the lung, like all other Inf laminations of the lung has certain stages: In tbe first stage we have an active byperaenia of the part affeotef. Re- calling the vascular phenomena of inf i animat] on, we have in the lung first a marked dilatation of tbe capillaries with increased rapidity of tbe current, more blood brought to the part, more carried away- a stage which may last 24 to 4S tours, s stage tbioh »e rarely see at eutocsy; patent* rarely die in this 2 stage of the disease- the first stage cr that of acute byperaemia of the lung. Id the next( the second) stage, we have what you ail are prepared for- an exudation of lymph rich in albumen, quite a marked diapedesis of the red cells, and commencing emigration of white blood cells. The blood vessels are very muoh dilated, and the exudate, suoh as I have described, flows into the alve- oli, completely displacing the air. So that whereas in tne first stage (that of hyperaemia) the inflamed part or the lung still contains air, in the second stage the part of the lung affected is solid. If we make and incision into the lung during the second stage, we find that it is not only solid, resembling the liver, but that it has a distinctly red color. Since it resembles the liver in solidity, it is called “hepatization- red hepatization” of the lung. This stage lasts 2 to 5 days- on an average about 3 days. The lung is red because the bloodvessels are engorged (distended) and besides the air vesicles contain quite a number of red blood cells. In the next (the third) stage, that of “gray hepatization”, we find the leucocytes very much increased, as compared with the red blood ceils, the al- veoli being packed with polymorphonuclear leucocytes. This exudate exerts a certain amount of pressure upon the capillary walls, lessening the amount of blood in them, and perhaps more important still, the weakened action of the heart has a good deal to do with the diminution of the blood in the alveolar walls in this stage (gray hepatization), which also lasts 2 or three days. Upon examining sections ,qf the lung during the stage of red hepatization you will find, in addition to the red cells, a few polynuclear cells, and in addition an abuundance of threads of fibrin radiating through the alveoli, running from 'wall to wall, stained brightly with cesin- a typical fibrinous exudate. In other words, we have here an ex«-Dip of t ■“ ie ot tbe nost exauisite infxa!B_ 3 mation that any tissue can show, giving all of the elements that characterize an inflammatory exudate- red blood cells, fibrin, emigrated white cells- and because of the presence of the florin in the exudate in the alveoli, a section of the lung in the stage of red hepatization or gray hepatization, presents a granular appearance, the plugs of fibrinous exudate projecting a little above toe out surface; so that the surface is not smooth in croupous pneumonia of adults, bj*t presents a granular appearance. In addition to the inflammation of lung tissue, you also have inflammation of the pleura covering the inflamed part, not only of the pleura covering the inflamed part considerably, so that we have a pi euro-pneumonia, or a pleurisy in addition to the inflammation of the lung substance proper. This pleurisy also gives you a very good example of a fibrinous exudate. If you examine a section of an acutely inflamed pleura, you find in abundance fibrin and polynuclear leucocytes constituting the exu- date, with the subpleural vessels very much injected. If all goes well, the next stage (fourth stage) is that of resolution. The red cells have already begun to break down and to be absorbed and the contents of the alveoli- on enormous exudate weighing several pounds- must undergo some change in order to be absorbed. A part of it is raised through the bronchial tubes by the patient in the expectoration by coughing, but a very small part of it. The greater part of it by far is removed by means of the lymphatics- the absorbents of the lungs. White blood cells undergo fatty degeneration (disintegrate), the threads of fibrin become loosened from the alveoli walls, becomes granular, and this liquid exudate is readily taken up by the lymphat- ics of the lung, so that in a few days this enormous quantity of exudate is completely removed, and the alveoli restored to their former integrity. 4 This is the ordinary course in oroupous pneumonia going on to recovery. This disease affects more frequently (so statistics show) the right lung than the left, and the lower lobes of the lung much more frequently than the upper lobes of the lung. You already know the specific cause of this disease- the diplo- coccus lanceolatus. Cruopous pneumonia belongs to one of the acute infectious Co diseases caused by Frenkel's diploccus. Just bow the organism is brought to the lung we cannot say. It may be by way of the bronchial tubes, but in cer- tain cases it seems to be by way of the circulation. The lungs seem to be the o favorite organ for the action of the diploqpus lanceolatus. Certain bacteria seem to find in certain organs conditions more favorable for their growth; cer- tainly the dipioccccus lanceolatus finds in the lung a very favorable seat for its growth, and as you all know it is one of the organisms which causes a most remarkable exudate of fibrin. Cultures from the lung during the stage, es- pecially of red hepatization (2nd stage) are, as a rule,positive- with few ex- ceptions the dipiococous lanceolatus is recovered, and in some cases, the or- ganism is also recovered from the blood and from the liver and the kidney, so that under these circumstances we not only have a iooai inflammation of the lung, but a genuine septicaemia, due to this microorganism. During the stage of gray hepatization (3rd stage) cultures often fail, the diplooo&us being present still in the exudate on stained sections in large numbers but failing to grow upon media- probably on account of its having perished. I have stated that the usual result was a perfect resolution of the lung, complete obsorptior of the exudate if the patient goes on to recovery. In certain cases the ter- mination is less fortunate. Occasionally the exudate in a considerable por- tion of the lung is not absorbed promptly, its place being slowly taken by the formation of vascular connective tissue proceeding from the walls of the alve- 5 oil, gradually invading the exudate, and giving us what is known as one of the forms of ‘’interstitial pneumonia” The patient dying several weeks after the original attack, post mortem examination may show a portion of the lung still deprived of air, quite injected, and solid- oarnified as we say, resembling flesh, and it is in suoh lungs that we find that the exudate instead of being absorbed is supplanted by a new growth of connective tissue. This is a rather rare termination. Another unfortunate oooursnoe of oroupous pneumonia especial ly accompanies cases of chronic bronchial disturbance, where there is some di- latation of the bronchial tubes and a rather fitid expectoration. In these oases putrefactive bacteria, which are already in the dilated bronchial tubes, reach the inflamed area end there set up their destructive action, producing a localized gangrene of the lung, which one recognises at once from the ex- tremely repulsive odor whioh the patient’s breath gives. Gangrene of the lung though an extremely serious condition, does not always lead to tile death of the patient- it may be recovered from. Another termination is in certain lo- calized abscess areas in the lung; the polynuclear leucocytes gather in such large numbers, so infiltrating the alveolar wails, as to give rise to neorosis of certain of the alveolar walls. This is a rather rare- termination of croup- ous pneumonia. Patients who die of croupous pneumonia during the aouter stages of the disease, aie from heart failure. The dipioooccus lanceoiatus produces a toxin which acts unfavorably anon the heart muscle, and, as a rule death is by asthenia and not by apnoea. 1 have already told you that a sudden oedema may occur in inf arc ted Darts of the lung during an attaok of croupous pneu- monia. That is one of the diseases in which oedema of the lungs sometimes suddenly appears and carries off the patient. 6 Under those circumstances, unquestionably the left side of the heart is not acting as strongly as the right side, and often in this way a quick oedema of the lungs is produced, which is an exceedingly serious complication. Beyond the inflamed area as the inflammation advances, of course we have an inflam- matory oedema. A section (No, 55) taken from a part of the lung of a child who died from croupous pneumonia will be shown you tonight. It is taken from a part a little distant from the solid area, end not only shows acute pleurisy, which you want to study, but gives you a good picture of inflammatory oedema. THe sections showing red hepatization{No. 54) of the lung will be shown you when we next convene. PATHOLOGY, SO. 19. Feb. 25, 1898. ACUTE CROUPOUS PNEUMONIA. Red hepatization (8na stage) 3ray hepatization (3rd stage): Miorosoopio appearanoe. On examination oi the section of red hepatization, you will notice that there is a very marked engorgement of the vessels in the walls. In the alve- oli you see the vessels distended with red blood cells, so that the wails are three or four times thicker than they are normally. In the walls you can get the vessels out in various directions- transversely, obliquely, and longitudi nelly- and everywhere distended with red stood ceils, which are stained of a bright yellow or orange color by the oesin. The vessels also contain large numbers of polymorphonuclear leucocytes. Ifithin the alveoli you get a deli- cate mesbwork of fibrin, a large number of red blood cells, and some polymor- phonuclear leucocytes, and a few disquamated epithelial cells are present. Irt the stage of gray hepatization, the vessels in the walls of the alveoli are less engorged, the polymorphonuclear leucocytes and red blood cells have passed out of the vessels into the air cells, the alveoli are more distended than in the red stage, and their contents are sore cellular; they contain about the same amount of fibrin, a great many more polymorphonuclear leucocytes, also many more desquamated epithelial ceils. Many of the* epithelial cells are seen to be swollen and undergoing fatty degeneration, prior to their breaking down- in readiness for absorption. The fibrin filaments lose their smooth contour, become more or less granular, swollen, and vacillated. The polymor- phonuclear leucocytes may show no nucleus, or may be entirely broken up, so that one only gets fragments of the nuclei. In this stage the leucocytes and the epithelial cells degenerate and become fatty; the fibrin liquefies, and all is gotten ready for rapid absorption by way of the lymphatics. PATHOLOGY HO. 20. Feb. 28, 18S8. Broncho-pneumonia Lobular pneumonia Catarrhal pneumonia. At our last meeting , gentlemen, I spoke to you concerning that form of acute inflammation of the lung which involves a good part of a lobe of the lung; sometimes two or or more lobes of the same lung, and it may be a lobe of both lungs- the disease showing different stages in the different lobes. While one lobe is in a stage of advanced hepatization the inflammation will be just commencing another. Your attention was called to the fact that in this lobar inflammation of the lung we neve an inflammatory exudate taking place in all of-the alveoli of the inflamed part, involving them uniformly. Not only being present in the alveoli, but in the minuter bronchial tubes; an exudate which you will recall was rich in fibrin, and in the earlier stage contained numerous red blood cells which bad escaoed from tbe vessels by diapedesis, and in the later stages especially, a vast number of emigrated white blood oelis. In other words, an exudate to which the term “fibrinous” or “croupous” has been applied, ‘this form of inflammation of tbe lung is described especially by the German authors as “croupous inflammation of the lung”. Tonight I invite your attention to another form of inflammation of the lung, in which the inflammation is limited in its extent. Instead of an entire lobe being involved in the inflammation we find here and there throughout the lobe foci of inflammation, and when we come to examine into the pathology carefully we find that the inflammation has its starting point in the terminal bronchial tubes, just where the terminal bronchial tubes end in the so-called alveolar duots; just where the mucous membrane of the tube loses its ciliated cylin- drical epithelium, and takes on a low cuboidal epithelium. At this point we have the starting place for this form of inflammation of the lung, and hence it is designated “broncho pneumonia”. In this form of inflammation of the lung, the inflammation first involves the walls of the terminal bronchioles, ttrerM>h€' w-alls of khe bronchus ■ and invades the surrounding alveoli in fewer or greater numbers. Perhaps it may be only a few of these that are involved, and perhaps the inflammation may be confined to the lobule which this terminal ; bronchus supplies, or it may pass from one lobule to the adjacent lobule, in- volving several lobules. As toe inflammation is often confined to a few lo- bules, the disease is sometimes spoken of as “lobular pneumonia”, whereas croup ■ ous pneumonia is spoken of as “lobar pneumonia”-that form which involves the entire lobe. It has been found that those who are compelled to breathe an . atmosphere of dust during their occupations, such as stone cutters, millers, I jute spinners, cigar makers, coal heavers, frequently have localized points of inflammation originating about the terminal bronchioles. Of course, the small- ; er particles reaching this point are taken up by the lymphatics 8nd carried to the glands; larger particles which remain behind serve as irritating agents to bring about a localized inf 1 animation.. at this point. In stone cutters a localized fibrous change takes place about the terminal bronchioles, causing certain distinct dense fibrous nodules at this point. Ordinarily they do not appear to interfere with the function of the lung. If they are numerous, they must necessarily do so. in this way a chronic hyperplasia (increase of con- I nective tissue), is brought about. Again, experimentation has been made upon animals, causing them to breath various irritating particles reduced to a spray. Liquids undergoing putrefaction, for example, have been sprayed, and the animal oaused to breathe the atmosphere loaded with such spray. Under these circumstances a broncho pneumonia is produced- foci of inflammation lim- ited around about the terminal bronohiai tubes. The tuberole baoillus, or rather the sputum of patients with tuberculosis has been reduced to a spray in this way, and animals compelled to breathe it, and under these circumstances we find a typical tubercular broncho—pneumonia produced. Then again it has been found that if the vagus nerve is divided the animal develops broncho- pneumonia after a while. Later it was found that section of the recurrent laryngeal nerve would have the same effect. At first this was designated tro- phic inflammation of the lung; afterwards it was found out that it was a gen- uine inflammation having nothing to do with certain nerves of nutrition; that it was a genuine broncho pneumonia brought about by the entrance of particles of food and saliva into the larynx of the animal end so down to the bronohiai tubes, the larynx being deprived of its usual sensitiveness by division of the vagus or its recurrent laryngeal branch, and the animal being no longer sens- ible of the fact that these particles were entering the respiratory channels. This is a form of lobular pneumonia which occurs in patients who are camatose. Where patients suffer with coma for many days, it is apt to be followed by lobular pneumonia, which is designated “aspiration pneumonia”. Inasmuch as the particles inspired generally contain the bacteria of putrefaction, such as broncho- pneumonia is apt to spread rapidly, involving lobule after lobule: this is a serious form of broncho-pneumonia. This form of inf1ammation-Bron- oho pneumonia- is most often met with in infancy and childhood. It especially I c aoompanies certain diseases of young chiiaren, and very frequently complicates a measels, diphtheria, hooping cough and infleuenza, and is responsible forAoon- siderable mortality in these diseases of childhood. In the adult, broncho- pneumonia occasionally complicates typhoid fever; though genuine lobar pneu- monia occurs more frequently in the adult as a complication. Now, I have said that the starting point was the mucous membrane of the terminal bronchio- les, and that the inflammation spreads to wail of the bronchus, and then involves the walls of a certain number of alveoli surrounding the bronchus; now, what is the appearance of a section of a lobe in which there is broncho- pneumonia, what would one expect to find ? You recall that in croupous or lobar pneumonia when an incision is made into the lung, we find the lung uni- formly involved, presenting generally quite a uniform appearance, red or gray or yellowish, and in addition having a more or less granular appearance due to the projection of minute fibrinous particles from the air sacs. In broncho- pneumonia, on the other hand, the cut section of the lung does not present a uniform appearance. One finds scattered areas (pea sized- larger or smaller), perhaps red or grayish in color, and presenting a different appearance from the intervening lung substance, these points being a little bit elevated. You see at once that there is no uniform invoivment of the lung. These areas are firmer than the intervening lung substance, and if pressed upon generally a drop of muco-puruient exudate is forced from the center of the area- from the Dronchiai tube which is the central point. In this form of inflammation of the lung, you may find these diseminated small areas of inflammation in a lobe of one lung, or they may be scattered over ail the lobes of both lungs. Now what is the appearance of a section under the microscope? The most strik- ing difference between the exudate here and in croupous pneumonia is the lack of fibrin, the lessened amount of fibrin present in the exudate. In many oases of broncho-pneumonia there does not seem to be any fibrin present. In other oases there is fibrin, but, as s rule, not very muoh, a much less quan- tity than in croupous pneumonia, fie find the bronchial tube filled with an accumulation of white blood cells ana perhaps a few red blood ceils, fie find in the involved alveoli a few polynuclear leucocytes, occasionally an alveolus quite packed with them, fie find also some epithelial ceils which have come from the wall of the alveolus. You may find a considerable number of red blood ceils in addition to the leucocytes and epithelial cells, and in many of the alveoli you see a granular material which presents a certain amount of oedema in thse alveoli, but you do not see much fibrin. In other words, the exudate resembles a good deal that of mucous membrane, ana hence is referred to as a ■catarrhal exudate, and this form of pneumonia is called "catarrhal pneumonia”. You see at once that here we have a different exudate and that this exudate is limited in its extent. Between the foci of inflammation one may find the alveoli involved in mere or less inflammatory oedema. If everything goes well, this exudate is very much more quickly absorbed than the enormous exu- date in croupous pneumonia. The patient recovering there is no difficulty about the absorption of the exudate. Dr. Carroll will tell you as to the means of diagnosing broncho-pneumonia from croupous pneumonia, that is, as to some of the best helps in that regard. Concerning the etiology of the disease; it is found that in many oases the microorganism concerned in the diplocoocus ianceoiatus, in this case entering certainly by way of the respiratory tract and not by way of circulation, as we believe is the case in many croupous inflammations of the lung. Another organism which is frequently found is the streptococcus pyogenes. In broncho- pneumonia complicating diphtheria, the diphtheria bacillus Loeffler) has been fonud in numerous instances, sometimes in pure culture, though more often associated with the streptoooooous pyogenes. In other oases the staph- ylococcus aureaus has been isolated in pure culture. In the majority of oases of broncho pneumonia complicating la grippe, the diplocooccus lanceolatus is the causative agent, though in a few instances the infleuenza bacillus has been alone found, or in such enormous numbers as to lead to the belief that it was the causative agent. Rarely the anthrax bacillus has been found. Of course there is such a thing as invasion of the lung by the anthrax bacillus. the I would say regardingAbroncho-pneumonia of measels, diphtheria and influenza, that the dipioccocus lanceolatus is the organism most often isolated. One way in which broncho pneumonia sometimes originates I did not mention. It occasion- ally takes place in this way, A child has a bronchitis and a terminal bron- chiole or several terminal bronchioles become plugged with mucus drawn down deeply while coughing into the terminal bronchi, effectually plugging them like a stopper in a bottle. Under these circumstances the air of the occluded alve- oli is absorbed, and as I have told you congestion sets in these ataleotio air cells. Now the very muco-pus which obstructed the bronchus contains the in- flammatory agent-the bacteria-some of these microorganisms which I have al- ready mentioned- and you see that you have at once a most favorable condition for broncho-pneumonia. As regards the broncho pneumonia of hooping cough, I think it very likely that tRe bacillus of hooping cough will be found frequent- ly to be the causative factor. A section of lung which shows a bronchitis due to another form of parasite, which is interesting in the study of the subject of broncho pneumonia, especially to the veterinary students, is due to the ova of a certain worm, affecting hogs and sheep, a form of so-called pulmo- nary ? bronchitis, occurs in sheep and hogs, due to the ova of the Strongylus paradoxus in the bog, will also be shown you. Let me say just a word in studying this subject of broncho- pneumonia and oroupous pneumonia- do not be bothered with the thought of whether you are able to diagonise the two microscopically; whether they will be sprung upon you, so to speak, in an examination. We cannot get very often lungs which show the typical broncho-pneumonia that a student wants to see, in other words, half a dozen alveoli involved around the bronchiole, one that would delight one’s heart- we find that the inflammation has gone further. The case which we have tonight is of broncho pneumonia of a patient who died from diphtheria. Tbs section shows with Gram the diphtheria bacillus, the streptococcus py- ogenes and the stapbylocoooous. You won’t be able always to locate a focus of inflammation, unless you look very closely. You will observe though, as com- pared with the lung of oroupous pneumonia that the alveoli present quite a dif- ferent appearance. I never give out broncho-pneumonia on an examination, be- cause I do not think it is exactly fair, and 1 do not want the class to be r worried thinking that they are going to get a section of broncho pneumonia. Understand the pathology ana do not worry about the microscopical appearances. PATHOLOGY HO. 22. Interstitial Vesioul ar Marsh 4, 18S8. Emphysema Vicarious or compensatory chronic substantive Emphysema, ft'hen we were on the subject of oroupous pneumonia, gentlemen, I think I mentioned some of the terminations of this affection, the most common one being resolution, the exudate being absorbed and the lung structure return- ing to its normal condition. I think that 1 referrea to the fact that occa- sionally tha inflammation terminated in some part of the inflamed lung in a local accumulation of pus, known as an abscess; also, that if putrefactive bacteria reached the inflammed long by means of the bronchial tubes another I termination was gangrene- due®the action of putrefactive bacteria, known by I its extremely repulsive odor given to the breath of the patient. 1 also re- f ferred to another termination, viz: that of organization of the exudate, re- suiting in what is designated interstitial pneumonia. A section of the lung in this condition will be shown you tonight. This is one of the rare termin- ations of oroupous pneumonia, and may take two forms; one in which the new connective tissue is largely interlobular (i.e.extending from the alveolar wall into the exudate within the air sacs, gradually replacing it by rich vascular connective tissue). The other forms which this interstitial change takes is in the thickening and growth, especially of the interlobular wails (walls of the airsaos); so that we have radiating bands of connective tissue through and through the lung structure. You often see a combination of both- the interlobular growth along with the interlobular growth of connective tis- sue, which is the most common form. The lung in this condition becomes quite solid (as I have already told you), and in the fresh condition resembles a piece of flesh, hence it is called oarnified lung, carnification of the lung. This is of course an incurable affection, that part of the lung affected by being permanently disabled. It may involve a part or the whole of a lobe or even a greater portion of the lung than the lobe may be affected. You have ' had a section showing another form of pneumonia, the so-called “embolic pneu- monia”. (1 should have reminded you, however, while on the subject of croup- ous pneumonia, that another rare termination is known as “purulent infiltration| of the lung”, in which the accumulation of polynuclear leucocytes becomes so extensive that the alveolar walls are compressed, indeed the alveolar walls themselves become infiltrated with polynuclear leucocytes, so that in exam- ining a section you are scarcely able to make out the divisions between the separate alveoli. This is one of the rare terminations of croupous pneumonia,\ the lung under these circumstances having the appearance of advanced gray hepa- tization. Of course when this condition takes place it is very unfortunate for the patient. Then another form of pneumonia as I was going to say, is em- bolic pneumonia, of which you have already bade, section and the condition ex- plained to you. You know that it is due to septic material reaching the lung from some infected area on the surface of the body or in the interior of the body. These are minute metastatic abscesses in the lung, occasionally hun- dreds scattered through each lobe, and each abscess having in its center the bacteria transported from some other part of the body- a septic infarct. A septic embolus may be of sufficient size to plug a terminal artery producing, if the circulation is enfeebled, a hemorrhagic infarct. This infarct, if the patient lives long enough, is invaded by leucocytes from all sides, so much so that it becomes separated from the sound lung tissue, just as a slough tfould become separated in any other part of the body. The infarct breaks down into a purulent material and you quickly have an abscess in the lung, fhe usual condition found though is that of miliary abscess. I think in the section which you had you were able to see colonies of micrococci. The mi- croscopic section explains itself easily in the embolic pneumonia. There is also a form of consolidation of the lung, associated with chronic obstructive valvular disease of of the heart which is designated by American authors often as catarrhal pneumonia. I merely touch upon this: other authors especially the German authors, refer to this condition as Heart Pneumonia. We will not show you a section of this as it is not of sufficient importance. Microscopi- cally, the alveoli are filled with disquamated epithelium from the walls of the alveolus, many of these containing blood pigment, and the lung is generally in a condition of chronic passive congestion, often designated “heart pneumo- nia”. Of course it is not really a pneumonia; it is not a true inflammatory condition. This brings us to the end of the acute inflammations of the lung, and before we take up the subject of tuberculosis, which is one of the most important affections of the lung, I want to call your attention to one of the degenerations of the lung, designated as emphysema. By the term emphysema we understand the presence of sir in the connective tissue of the body, which is the general meaning of the term emphysema (generally in the subcutaneous connective tissue.) Emphysema of the lungs is divides into two principal forms: interstitial emphysema, in whiob the air has escaped from one or more ruptured air cells into the interlobular connective tissue or the subpleurai connective tissue; / and vesoular emphyseum (whioh refers to an entirely different form) in which the air cells have undergone an increase in size, due to an abnormal accumu- lation of air within the air ceils proper of the lung, leaning to distention of these and to atrophy of their walls, Mow there are two forms of vesoular A emphysema, generally designated acute vesicular emphysema and chronic vesicular emphysema, or chronic substantive emphysema, sometimes chronic idiopathic em- : physema; sometimes chronic diffuse emphysema. To return a moment to intersti- ] tial emphysema, this is an acute form of emphysema, and occurs frequently in children who are the subjects of diseases attended with severe paroxysmal coughi ing such as hooping cough. In a paroxysm of whooping cough the air cells along; the anterior border of the lung toward the apex of the lung may become sudden- ly so distended with air that their walls give way, admitting air into the in- terlobular or subpleurai connective tissue. At autopsy, beneath the pleura, numerous little or pea-sized blebs, pearly looking blebs, are seen, which represent the air which has escaped from ruptured air cells, iven dur- ing life the air may reach the connective tissue of the anterior mediastinum (that connective tissue just beneath the sternum) and may pass along this connective tissue into the cervical connective tissue, giving you emphysema of the side of the nook and over the shoulder- not necessarily fatal at all. A child may present such symptom as that in whooping cough and make a perfectly good recovery. Now to return to vescuisr emphysema; when one lung for in- stance is compressed by a pleural effusion, the air cells of the lung undergo considerable distention. In other words, they undergo a compensatory disten- tion- vicarious distention. I called your attention to this fact when we were considering the lung in a general way, and I told you that sometimes this over distention, this vicarious action of the lung, leads to structural changes in the lung. 'He may have in this way, where the effusion is of long standing, an emphysema of the vesoular variety produced in the other lung- vicarious or compensatory emphysema. Then again, where a number of terminal bronchi are obstructed we may have a compensatory emphysema in other lobules of the lung. While a certain number of the lobules are the seat of collapse ( atalectasis), in order to supply the necessary respiratory surface, others undergo sufficient enlargement to constitute the condition of acute compensatory emphysema. In chronic substantive emphysema- tne form which is generally understood when one speaks of emphysema of the lungs- the entire parenchyma of both lungs may be involved. As a rule the apices, the upper lobes, the anterior border of the middle and lower lobes and the lateral borders of the lower lobe are gener- ally the points involved ey'en in chronic substantive emphysema. Now first as regards the gross appearance of the lungs the seat of this disease: You can diagnose emphysema of the lungs by examining the body of the cadaver, finding prominent, rounded chest, the projection at the upper part of the chest one may see before opening the thorax. Gdod opening the thorax the lungs do not collapse. They are found to meet in the center and perhaps to entirely bide tne pericardium. They are pale and and do not give the ordinary signs of crepitation when pressed upon or when out- toey give the sensation of a soft, doughy feel. If you grasp the lobe of a healthy lung between your thumb and index finger and approximate the finger and thumb, you find that you have considerable substance between the fingers, something which dis- tinctly feel as lung parenchyma. If you grasp in the same way a lung which is the seat of chronic substantive emphysema you will be surprired to find that your fingers almost touch each other. In other words there is a marked atrophy of the lung substance here, quite obarsoteristio when pressed between the fingers. The heart extends further to the right than in the healthy conA dition, due to the hypertrophy and dilatation of the right ventricle. You can see the air vesicles of such a lung with the necked eye, pinhead sized- the dilated vesicles showing distinctly as pinhead sized areas or even larger. Microscopically, it is seen that the ind/fundibula are very much dilated and that the individual air sacs are also dilated ana have broken one into the other. Suppose we take a cut (see fig) of an ordinary bronchiole-(this fig.l) you understand is the infundibulum of a terminal bronchial tube or terminal duct with a certain number of air sacs surrounding it. Now in emphysema of course the ultimate bronchioles also have a certain number of air sacs sur- rounding them. The first change which takes place (microscopically) is in the alveolar duots and in the indifundibuium- these become much distended and the interspaces between the alveoli can hardly be seen. You will see by the sec- tion that the figures are not exaggerated. Not only that; adjoining indifundi- o buia may break into each Either, sc that you get an enormous vacancy in the \ lung substance. This dilatation is due to atrophy of the structure proper of the alveolar walls. You know in the healthy lung the alveolar wall has a Quantity of fine elastic fibers, which give it support. When atrophy of these elastic fibers takes place small openings are formed from one alveolus to an- other where they join, here a rupture occurs, this growing larger until sev- eral alveoli are converted into the common sac. You will readily understand that while this atrophy is going on in the alveolar wails, the capillary net work, which is very fine becomes much coarser, many of the capillaries become obliterated- fortunately without hemorrhage as they undergo atrophy by pres- sure. Now one of the results of this obliteration of so many of the capillar- iss of the lung, rm an interference df the proper circulation of the blood through the lungs. I think I gave you emphysema as one of the causes of chron- ic passive congestion of the liver. You now understand how it is that this di- sease causes chronic passive congestion of the liver- more work is thrown upon the right heart in emphysema and this hypertrophies, or at least it should hypertrophy if this disease continues. The hypertrophy is often followed by dilatation- compensation is broken, the right heart dilates, and gives rise to passive congestion of the liver, stomach, kidneys, spleen, etc. Microscopical- ly one frequently finds, generally finds,disease of the bronchial tubes which are the seat of inflammation,—bronchitis is present, frequently their walls * are also involved- much thickened. Now as the causation of emphysema of the lungs- there has been a good deal of discussion on this point. The majority of authors have attributed emphysema to the accompanying bronchitis, or to the presence of a chronic bronchitis. Laenneo (the great french Physician) believ- ed that the presence of bronchitis was the most important element in the pro- duction of emphysema of the lungs. Be believed that the air during inspire*- tion was carried into the alveoli, but during expiration was preventid from leaving the aiveoli by the plugs of mucus in the bronchial tubes. In this case the air cooped up in the alveoli underwent ratification by heat and sc distended the aiveoli of the lungs. Another physician, Gsdner, also attrib- uted the emphysema largely to bronchitis, but he believed that it brought about emphysema of certain lobules by causing a dilatation of certain lobules; in other words, be believed that when certain lobules were distended by the products of the bronchitis, these collapsed, as I have already told you they will do (the air being absorbed) and other obstructed lobules underwent by vicarious or compensatory emphysema. These were two prominent defenders of the inspiratory theory of emphysema. The objection to this theory, as far as the lungs are concerned, is that the expiratory act is stronger by a third than the inspiratory; so of the air succeeded in entering the air cells it should also succeed in leaving them, especially when the full expiratory force is brought into play. Gainer's theory certainly accounts for the compensatory emphysema found in broncho-pneumonia. But in chronic substantive emphysema thet requires some explanation, and it is now believed that in this disease, the air cells become ever distended as the result of expiratory force and not as the result of inspiratory force. For example, a child has hooping cough, or a patient has ohronio bronchitis with spasmodic coughing, now, during a par- oxysm of coughing the glottis is suddenly closed and the respiratory muscles acting on the base of the chest force the sir suddenly into the upper parts of the lung and as it cannot escape through the glottis, it over distends the ! air cells. Again, in an individual by reason of bis employment, blowing upon a wind instrument, when that requires a good deal of expiratory effort, will under these circumstances we have, just as in paroxysmal coughing, distend the air ceils t- the lung. The fact that the left lung is more effected than the right would also bear cut the expiratory theory, because the presence of the liver on the right side interferes with the compression on that side of the chest, consequently the left lung is more affected than the right in em- physema. The expiratory theory even does net fully explain the permanent over- distention of the sir ceils of the lung: there is something else required here, hot every individual who blows an instrument or who is a glass blower develops emphysema,nor every child who has whooping cough, by any means, in other words, giver this employment in certain individuals and you have emphysema, given the same employment in others and you have nothing of the kind. Cohnheim believed, as the result of his studies of the histological elements of the lung, that in individuals who developed emphysema as the result of in- creased expiratory force, there was a congenital lack of development of the elastic tissue of the lung. Bearing on this point, it has been ascertained that emphysema is largely a hereditary disease. Dr. Jackson of Boston, in 28 i oases found well marked heredity in 18 of these where several members of the : family were affected with emphysema, and their ancestors, etc. So that in addition to the expiratory force we must take into consideration some congeni- tal defect, some vice, some error in nutrition in order to bring about emphy- : serna. Bronchitis may either precede or accompany it and a bronchitis in some individuals may be the starting point for a chronic emphysema. You will ap- preciate that the destruction of the alveolar walls and of the capillaries leads to the diminution in the respiratory surface of the lung, in other words whereas a healthy individual, any of us or ail of us, have a certain amount of reserve lung, which we can call into pi ay when we take a slight amount of ex- ercise without showing any distress. Most of us can go up two or three flights of stairs without showing any respiratory distress. Not so with the emphyse- matous individual; he has no reserve supply of lung, and hence very slight ef- forts bring about labored respiration. If there is much bronchitis, then his respiration is labored all the while. 1’hese are the individuals who are com- paratively free from pulmonary distress during the summer months, but when the winter months come on, they are at once overtaken with this labored form of respiration. Of course it is an incurable disease, but one cannot even treat an incurable disease unless he has some conception of its pathology. On Monday evening we will take up the subject of tuberculosis, provided there is sufficient time after the Quiz. PATHOLOGY NO. 24. March 7, 1898. TOBERCOLOSIS. ‘Tonight, gentlemen, I want to just briefly call your attention to the sub- ject of tuberculosis of the lungs, by way of introduction. Tuberculosis is one of the most important diseases of these organs, because it is more fre- quently met with in practice than perhaps snyotber disease of the lungs- a disease which you all know is due to the presence of the tubercle bacillus. ¥ou can form no idea of the confusion that foraieriy prevailed concerning va- rious lesions 'which appeared in the lungs as the result of the action of tu- bercle bacillus, prior to Koch's discovery of this bacillus. The whole sub- ject has been wonderfully cleared up since we know the causative agent. Let me say that the tubercle bacillus may reach the lungs through three different channels: The respiratory channels, the bloodvessels (circulatory system), and through the lymphatics. The ordinary channel is unquestionably the respira- tory- the tubercle bacilli being taken in with the air breathed into the lungs. Now wherever the tubercle bacillus lodges ( it makes no difference in what tissue of tie body, whether In the lungs, liver, kidneys, in the connective tissue, mucous membrane, serous surface, it matters net where) it brings about * nearly always- scarcely an exception- certain quite distinctive changes; chang- es which are quite to be contrasted with those produced by ether bacteria. If the pyogenic organisms reach an organ you have certain changes; you have an emigration of polynuclear leucocytes and you have e suppuration taking place; not so with the tubercle bacillus. This organism causes certain definite changes which partake of the proliferative character. Long ago Laenneo called attention to certain minute, miliary-sized, grayish, somewhat translucent, little masses that were to be found in the lungs, and in other tissues, which if . be designated as tubercle, or “tubercles” (not tuberou-1 es). He had no idea what the origin of these was, but called attention to the fact that they en- larged and underwent certain changes in their Interior. In recent ye&rs these have been carefully studied microscopically, end when seen at different stages present certain quite different appearances. If the tubercle bacilli lodge in a tissue, let us say in the lungs- let us say that they are brought by the way of the bronchial tubes to the alveoli, or by way of the bloodvessels into the alveolar wails- wherever they lodge the tissues begin to undergo proliferation (multiplication of the fixed cells of the part), and we find in the center large, vesoular looking nuclei, certain large stained nuclei, you see nothing but the nuclei. These are designated on account of their resemblance to the nuclei of the epithelial cells, “epithelioid” cells. These epithelioid ceils are derived from the multiplication of the connective tissue cells of the part. That is, proliferative changes give rise to epithelioid cells, ceils with large oval palely stained nuclei. Then outside of these ceils we find certain smaller ceils, the round nucleus staining quite deepiy, ceils which in all re- spects resemble the ceil s seen in tie normal lymthc t-0 gland, and anich on this account are designated "lymphoid” ceils. These lymphoid ceils completely sur- round the larger epithelioid cells in the center of the tubercle. At times the multiplication of these lymphoid ceils is so great that they completely cover up the epithelioid cells, which you may not see at all, hence you can readily understand that if a section passed through the outer edge it woulci only show the lymphoid cells. Another thing, it is hard to find tubercles ■just at tte stage which will give you a true histological picture, though the : picture which I have giver you is the one that you must become acquainted with, we find in the early stages of tue tubercle that the bloodvessels (capillaries) in the part are entirely destroyed- so that the miliary tubercle is devoid of vessels, a nonvascular structure. $ow, as I said, it is difficult to find tis- sue (we had such lest year but they were ouiokiy used up) showing miliary tu- bercles in granulation tissue in which we could demonstrate easily the epithel- ioid cells and the surrounding lymphoid cells, but whether we find these or not, you know that is what takes place. After long discussion as to the or- igin of the epithelioid cells, all admit, even BaumgsrJten, who has a special theory as to the small round lymphoid cells, that these ere proliferated cells, due simply to the proliferation of the connective tissue ceils, or tissue cells of the part. Concerning the lymphoid cell there has been some dispute. Baumgarten, 'who has especially investigated the histology of tubercles or the formation of young tubercles, believes that these are the smell emigrated leu- cocytes from the bloodvessels. Very many share the same opinion with Baum- garten- others contend that these also are small proliferated connective tis- sue cells. It is impossible to say which is true- probably they are connective tissue ceils and not emigrated 1-euoooytes; it seems more probable that they are connective tissue cells. Now you may also find at the center of the tuber-j ole a ceil of an entirely different character, ana upon which a good deal of stress has been laid, which has often been called the characteristic tuber- cular cell. I refer to the giant ceil. You may find certain large cells, which when stained in the section give you an oesin stained center especially, a cell without any distinct limiting membrane, which contains s number of oval nuclei, generally scattered aroiind its periphery- sometimes 18 to 24 nu- clei in this one protoplasmic mass- a large cell with a granular center and about its periphery a considerable number of oval, rather palely (?) stained, somewhat vesicular nuclei- the so.oalied giant cell. This ceil was formerly considered characteristic of tuberculosis. We know that it is not at all. Giant cells are found in chronic inflammatory conditions' of the tissues, they are found around foreign bodies which are introduced purposely into the tis- sues of animals; they occur in the nodules of leprosy, etc., but they especial - the iy occur in tubercular lesions. Sometimes the giant cell isAcentrai cell of the tubercle, and around it will be the epithelioid cells, and around these the lymphoid cells, or the giant cells may be located somewhere in the per- iphery of the tubercle. Now, these are generally considered to be giant con- nective tissue cells, some believe from the fusion of epithelioid cells; some believe that the cell not undergoing division and its nuclei continuing to undergo division gives this peculiar picture (the nuclei being scattered around the margin- of course sometimes the nuclei may be gathered at the two poles of the ceil.) As to the origin of the giant cell, nothing is positively known. We only know that they occur in various conditions other than tuberculosis. Always be prepared to see giant ceils in miliary tubercles- do not be disap- pointed if you do not find them. Sometimes upon a stained section the tuber- cle bacilli are found located in the center of the giant ceil, so that many authors consider the giant cell as having undergone coagulation necrosis. Now what changes does tubercle undergo? In answer to that 1 will say, cer- tain definite characteristic change, due possibly in part to its being a non- vascular structure, but due in greater pert to the specific action of the tubercle bacillus. In other words the center of the tubercle undergoing ne- 3 3? 0 5? j F --—-—(underscore that about six times), tost form of necrosis which t'eigert has designated “coagulation necrosis”, and to which we apply the term “caseation”. It becomes converted into a cheesy-like material, and hence you are prepared to hear that stained with cesin you get what? all the epithel- ioid cells obliterated, a somewhat homogeneous often granular center, quite deeply stained with oesin, necrotic tissue, in the center, and this necrotic tends to spread and involve not only the miliary tubercle, but all the products of the miliary tubercle. While the lymphoid cells are being proliferated arounc ■ the margin, the necrosis, (the caseation) in the center is advancing. Indeed when you examine the majority of your sections of miliary tuberculosis, you find that the epithelioid cells have undergone necrosis; you get simply the lymphoid cells surrounding the tubercle. So, remember, gentlemen, that the tubercle bacillus, wherever it lodges causes a definite, characteristic pro- liferation of the fixed cells of the part, which is followed by caseation (ne- crosis) of the center. Observe that 1 have said nothing about the entrance of polynuclear leucocytes, ihey take no part in it. Remember though that when caseation takes place, when necrotic tissue is formed, then we have a tissue which attracts the polymorphonuclear leucocytes. The tubercle bacillus very rarely exerts any positive chemotaotic action on the polymorphonuclear cells. Councilman, however, has reported two cases of tubercslosis of the lung in which there was formation of pus at a very early stage. They are the only two cases on record that I am aware of. If any one asks you if the tu- bercle bacillus is pyogenic, say MG. It is not at all, as we understand it. fie only have migration of the leucocytes into the tubercle after necrosis has taken place in the lungs of children very early, and it is in such that we find the early migration of polymorphonuclear leucocytes into the caseation. PATHOLOGY SO. 25. TUBERCULOSIS, (continued) Marob S, 1898. During the course on bacteriology, gentlemen, I think 1 mentioned to you some of the biological characteristics of the tubercle bacillus; calling your attention to the fact that it grew best at body temperature, and that it was rather resistant to drying; that the tubercle bacillus maintained its vi- tality for a long time in the dry sputum. At the last lecture I mentioned the ways by which the tubercle bacillus entered the body putting the respiral- tory tract as the first and most important portal of entry; also mentioning the digestive tract, the genito-urinsry passages, and by wounds of the skin. Infection through the skin is less frequent, though there are numerous instan- ces on record of such infection. Children have been infected in this way following the operation for circumcision, the mouth of an individual having tuberculosis being applied to the raw surfaces sometimes, as the Jewish opera- tors do. In this way the wound' becomes infected with the tubercle bacillus, infecting the nearest lymphatic glands first, then the blood, and the patient becomes the subject cf tuberculosis. I think I called your attention to the fact that tuberculosis is an infectious disease- not only an infectious di- sease, but a contagious disease. I mentioned the. experiments cf Cornet, in which he demonstrated the t the tuberoule bacillus could be found in the dust of wards and rooms occupied by patients who had pulmonary phthisis. I also mentioned to you the observations of Strauss, who made use of the mucus dis- , ... and cnarge from tne nares ot physicians, nurses, medical students who were especial- ly in attendance on tuberculous patients, inoculating this material into the abdomen of the Guinea pig, and producing a tuberculosis in a majority of the inoculated animals. I emphasized tbs fact that the dangerous zone was the one in close proximity to the patient- the room in which the patient is living; that the tubercle bacillus is not spread everywhere; that we fail to find it in unoccupied rooms; that we failed to find it in the wards of hospitals where other classes of patients ace treated, and 1 think following this I recommend- ed to you the disinfection of the sputum. I cautioned you against permitting the sputum of tuberculosis patients to become dried, so that it might be ground under foot or reduced to a condition of powder, and hence easily raised by currents of air. As long as the sputum is moist, there is no danger from it- the danger is from the dried sputum. During the last lecture, cerhaps 1 did not mention to you the very delioate £ retioului that oan be made out in certain young mid ary tubercles- the re- mains as we believe of fibers of connective tissue. As a rule we do not see this reticulated structure, sc 1 omitted to mention it at the last lecture, having in mind the general appearance of the miliary tubercle. Looked at from ots finest histological point, a reticulum is seen in miliary tubercles occasionally. I think I also mentioned to you as regards pulmonary tuberculo sis, that the bacilli reached the lung in different ways; most often by the bronchial tubes (the respiratory channels) also by the lymphatic vessels, and also by the general circulation (bloodvessels) Of course the first channel is perfectly evident to all. In oases of tuberculous diseases of the vertebrae we have the lymphatics of the pleura first affected by the tuberculous virus, and thence the bacillus distributed through various parts of the lung. Then again we have only few tubercle bacilli reaching the lung by way of the bloodvessels (circulation), or we may have an enormous number reaching it by way or the bloodvessels. If the number is large, then we have an outbreak of an immense 1 number of miliary tubercles. Under these circumstances we have infection by a quantity of tubercle bacilli, such as occurs for instance when a tuberculous lymphatic gland ruptures into a bloodvessel, or when the bacilli have come by way of the lymphatic channels and the thoracic duct from any tuberculous scusoe When in considerable numbers, we not only have tuberculous developed in the lungs, but in various organs of the body- we find tuberculosis everywhere ex- cept in the muscles and in the skin; in certain organs more frequently than in others, the lung, kidney, spleen and liver being especially frequent. Now according to these three modes of infection we may have a foous of tuberculo- sis in any structure of the lung, involving the wail of the bronchus, within the alveoli, on the septum between the alveoli; in the lymphatics; in the in- terstitial connective tissue of the lung, affecting the pleura itself. Simply because so many of the structures or all the structures of the lung may be affected in different cases, and because the process undergoes varying degrees of rapidity in different individuals, it results that at autopsy baraly any two oases of pulmonary tuberculosis present the same appearance, bet us sup- pose for instance, that the tubercle bacilli have entered by way of the res- piratory channels, and nave lodged in an ultimate bronchiole. There we have miliary tubercles developed; the miliary tubercle may enlarge undergoing ca- seation in the center growth at the periphery so that it afterwards forms s body sufficiently large to be seen as a yellowish or a yellowish white mass in the pulmonary parenchyma. Now wa cave from this central tubercle, numer- ous others formed in its immediate vicinity, the bacilli being taken up by the lymphatics and by the wandering cells, passing back into the tissues. In this way we have a central focus and numerous foci smaller than the central one, scarred around, and then these growing in various directions may finally ap- proach each other and form what is known as a "conglomerate tubercle”. If caseation takes place in the whole area, then we have quite a large tuberculous focus. The large tuberculous nodules found in the brain and in the spleen are usually of this formation, starting from a very small center, the tubercles forming around this and undergoing enlargement and caseation until they unite. Now, under these circumstances, we may , also, at the same time have the bacil- li taken up by the lymphatics and carried a considerable distance from that point and here and there other foci develop wherever the bacilli lodge, ne have tubercles formed in this way in tie perivascular spaces; in the peribron- chial connective tissue; we may find them beneath the pleura, and so scattered through the lung, each one undergoing this coagulation, necrosis or caseation (death) in the center. Now one of the characteristics of a tuberculosis focus is that following the caseation in the center, it undergoes softening (lique- fioation). Suppose we have an area, s tuberculous focus of this kina, looai-ea in the parenchyma proper, of the lung: we will say of infection coming by way of the bloodvessels and that it has attained s considerable size in the way L I have designated (toe same epithelioid and lymphoid cells) this area in its growth reaches a bronchus and the wall.undergoes necrosis until the entire j wall of the bronchus becomes effected, undergoing this peculiar softening and 3 is at last broken through and the tuberculous materiel enters the bronchial *»• •• • tube. Under these circumstances vre have bacilli appearing in the sputum. You do not find bacilli in sputum in pulmonary tuberculosis until some area has undergone softening and these softened contents have reached the interior of a bronchus; so that in acute miliary tuberculosis affecting the the lungs the absence of baoilli from the sputum in not a basis for the conclusion tbat tbe patient has no tuberculosis. In the ordinary forms of tuberculosis, ne- crosis takes so quickly and tbe bronchus is perforated so Quickly tbat if there is any considerable amount of sputum we find tbe bacillus. Mow is there any danger in this infected material reaching tbe bronchial tubes ? Yes, very serious danger. In the first place this material is not raised, another part of it reaches other branches and is aspirated into other parts of the lung; is quickly dissemated by way of the bronchial tubes; and wherever this tuberculous jfc * material lodges it sets up s&me changes tbat I have already indicated to vou. K' Mow another important point in connection with tuberculosis of the lung, (this is important to remember) is tbat we don't always have miliary tubercles formed in the lung. We may have as a result of the tuberculous virus being Y carried to other bronchial* tubes, we will say a diffuse infiltration of tbs parenchyma of the lungs with epithelioid and ly-mpboid cells in enormous num- bers, and microscopically get no diagnostic Picture of a tubercle. This we speak of as infiltration of- the tissue, and in no tissue does it occur so often as in the lung. Another point to bear mind is that these cells ooour- ing in s wide spread infiltration have the same tendency to undergo caseation as in tbe miliary tubercle. This is what we have taking place in the so-called oases of “Galloping consumption”- considerable parts of the lungs, many lobules occasionally half of a lobe, sometimes an entire lobe and cases are on record where an entire lung has undergone the neouiiar change. First the tissues are invaded by the epitbeiiod and lymphoid cells, the alveoli being crowded with them. You may see such alveoli in some of your sections, and as a re- sult of the action of the tubercle baoilli, all of this mass undergoing oa- seation, producing what was formerly known as osseous (or oheesy) pneumonia long before we knew anything of the tubercle bacillus. There were any num- ber of theories concerning "caseous pneumonia;;; that was one of the subjects on which there was very great confusion in elucidating the pathological changes in the lungs prior to Koch's discovery of the tubercle bacillus. Now we know that caseous pneumonia is due to the specific action of the tubercle bacillus, occurring in individuals who have little resistance to the inroads of this or- ganism. Another point to be borne in mind is that wherever the miliary tuber- cle occurs, especially in the lungs it acts as an exciter of inflammation. It is itself, so to speak, a foreign body, a new the tissues in many oases appearing to resent the invasion. So don’t be surprised if you find in your section of the lung signs of inflammation about the tuberculous areas- you nearly always find them, perhaps the alveoli filled with polymorpho- nuclear leucocytes, some red cells, fibrin and oedema; all of these present with pulmonary tuberculosis. Only in case you obtained a lung at the earliest stage of acute miliary tuberculosis would you miss the inflammatory process. This is important to bear in mind. As the result of the softening of tuber- culous foci, we have appearing in the lungs certain cavities which we ail as- sociate in our minds- or those of us wno have seen many autopsies- pulmonary tuberculosis. These represent areas of caseation, where the material was broken dov(p,.. being carried away, and has reached the bronchial tube so that it could pass out by expectoration or pass to other parts of the lung, rie now believe that the pyogenic organisms are important in this connection, that is, j that they hasten the process. The staphalooooous and the streptococcus pyoge- nes especially having been found in tuberculous cavities. The cavity en- larges by this caseous degeneration taking place in its wall. These cavities are irregular as a rule, presenting many projections, and sometimes one sees skirting the walls of the cavities enlarged bloodvessels, which are often diT lated, little aneurisiai sacs from the withdrawal of the air pressure and the bloodvessels may rupture and lead to rapidly fatal pulmonary hemorrhage- though I have always told you that as a rule this hemorrhage was due to the breaking down of small miliary tubercles and is generally not dangerous, ft here there is a large aneurismal bloodvessel iH. the wail of the cavity, then the hemorrhage is large, and is sometimes fatal- within a few minutes. If a tuberculous pro- cess is to be arrested, it generally takes place by the formation of connective tissue around the tuberculous focus. Where patients have considerable resis- i tanoe to the inroads of this bacillus, we find small and large tuberculous foci (upon section) surrounded by a distinct band of quite dense fibrous tis- sue, giving rise to the so-called “fibroid tuberculosis". Indeed, the fibrous tissue may enter tbs tubercle, displacing the tuberculous tissue, so that We have a dense nodule of fibrous tissue in the lung, but' this is one of the rare occurrences. So too, we may have the connective tissue of the lung very much increased in connection with the presence of tuberculous foci scattered about in the substance of the lung, giving rise to the so-called “fibroid phthisis" in lungs where the tissues have reacted by the production of large quantities of connective tissue (which is very small in the normal lung), then again it is possible that lime salts may be deposited, the cheesy material becoming dry and healing taking place in this way. fte find in the apex of the lung occasionally at autopsy such a mass, which represents a healed tuberculous focus. In the majority of oases, however, another of these terminations takes place, of which I have already spoken to you, the process slowly and gradu- ally advancing. It is not proper to divide chronic tuberculosis into the preoavity stage and into the stage in which cavities are present in the lungs, simply because we find areas of tuberculosis in all stages in the lung; one just beginning; another already softened, and having given rise to a cavity. The tubercle bacilli generally affect lodgment in the apex of the lungs, and spread from that point toward the base. In the section this evening showing miliary tuberculosis (lungs of child) caseation has taken place rapidly and the areas are already invaded by polynuclear leucocytes, (finis) PATHOLOGY, HO. 26 March 11, 1898. TOBiRCOLOSIS (continued) The two sections wbioh you have this evening will be the last of the lung. There will be an examination on Monday evening. There was one thing wbioh Or. xReed forgot to mention in his lecture, and he has requested me to oall your attention to it, and that is, that tuberculosis is net an hereditary disease. The predisposition to tuberculosis is inherited, but not the disease itself. It is very exceptional for tuberculosis to be dis- covered in the unborn. A great many observations have been made on children born of tuberculosis parents, and few exceptions have been noticed of the diseaj sease being inherited. It is a constitutional weakness from the disease of the parents. Another thing, the tubercle bacilli may enter the body and remain latent for a number of years. Some French investigators, a few years ago, made a series of experiments upon healthy individuals. The material, they used was from the bronchial lymph glands, perfectly fresh, from persons who died from violence.• The bronchial glands were rubbed up in a mortar, and injected into Guinea pigs, and more than o0% of the Guinea pigs died of tuberculosis, showing that these apparently healthy individuals carried the tubercle bacilli in the bronchial lymph glands without manifesting any signs of the disease. The tubercle bacilli may enter by way of the respiratory tract, be deposited in the lymph glands of the lung and remain there for a number of years; then caseation occurs, there is a rupture into a pulmonary vein, and in that way the organism gets into the circulation and excites general miliary tuberculo- sis, or, the bacilli instead of entering the circsiation direct, may get into the lymph channels, and be carried by the lymph channels to the thoracic duct, and in that way enter the circulation and excite general miliary infection. The bacilli may enter the body without there being any lesion that can be de-r tected. In a number of instances tuberculosis of the retro- peritoneal lymphat- ic glands has been found without any lesion in the intestine. After the examination (Monday) we will take up the kidney. PATHOLOGY, NO. 27. March 18, 1898. KIDNEY. Histology; Acute Congestion; Chronic Passive Congestion. It is hardly necessary for me to state to you gentlemen, that the diseases of the kidney- the organ which we will now take up- are of extreme importance. I will ask you to recall briefly your knowledge of the histology of the kidney: You know that the kidney is very of ten. designated as a'compound tubular gland with epithelium of several kinds largely entering into the structure of its parenchyma; that it is quite richly supplied with blood vessels; that the epi- thelium lines certain tubular structures, and that each of the tubes runs an independent course. You recall that the kidney is divided into two areas (two parts) the “cortical”, that portion lying under the capsule, and the “pyramidal or medulary” part, that portion adjacent to the pelvis of the kidney; and that in the cortical part we find the secreting mechanism of the kidney. You recall that t,tg,kidney tubules begin with quite a wide, expanded extremity, and that the tubule at first runs a somewhat convoluted course in the cortex; then dips down into a straight tube entering even the medullary portion of the kidney; then turns upon itself and again enters the cortex- quite deeply into the cor- tex- again becomes a oonvulated tubule, and finally descends to the pyramidal or medullary section of the kidney. The first descending and ascending por- tions are designated respectively the descending and ascending limbs of fienle’s loop, the loop which is made being described as Henle’s loop, and when it de- scends a second time it is termed a straight or collecting tubule. You recall that the epithelium varies in character in the several parts of the kidney tu- bule; that the epithelium lining the capsule of Bowman (the expanded portion) is quite flat, is soon as tee tubule proper begins- starts on its course from this expanded extremity- the epithelium at onoe becomes a medium columnar epi- thelium (medium in height); that it continues of this character until the de- scending limb of Rente’s loop is reached, when it again takes on a low form but not so flat as that in Bowmans capsule. That in the ascending limb of : \ Rente’s loop it is again slightly higher constituting a low ouboidal epithel- ium. Jn the second convoluted portion it takes on a form- a columnar epithet- ium of medium hieght- which becomes still higher in the straight or collecting tubules. This you will find, of course in your Text book on the histology of the kidney. flow, let me oail your attention for a moment to the blood s.upply of the kid- 8 ney, which is of rather peculiar character. You recall that the vessels enter at the hylum of the kidney, and that branching at that point they ascend to the district between the medullary end cortical portions where they form arches, and from the convex surface of these arches are given off straight branches which pass up into the cortex, and are called "interlobular” branches; small branches „ . , . , , . . and that from these interlobular brenohesAsre given oil on either side which go to supply those peculiar structures, tbe“Malpigfaian bodies,;of the kidney. You recall that the artery upon entering the expanded end of the kidney tubule, or Bowman’*s capsule, divides into a number of branches (capillaries) and that these form quite a capillary net work within the expanded tubule, the blood afterwards leaving at the same point by the efferent artery- and that this ef- ferent artery breaks up again into another capillary district, so that we have two distinct series of capillaries- the first, a very important one forming the Malpighian bodies; the second and squally important surrounding the secreting tubules of the kidney. The kidney, therefore, has a double supply of capil- laries. The blood which leaves the Malpighian body is still arterial blood. Another thing to bear in mind is that the tuft of capillaries within Bowman's capsule is of very peculiar kind, it is the queerest, the most peculiar oepil- 1 ary net work that we know of in the body. In the first place, the branches of the efferent artery which enter Bowman's capsule do not anastamose with each other; they form loops twisted here and there; the most remarkable body which one can wish to see under the microscope, and in which no anastarnoses can be made out between the loops. In the next place, although ther< are cells within these capillaries, no one has yet made out by nitrate of sil~ ver stain that they are distinct endothelial cells. They are cells of a pe- culiar kind. Another thing to be borne in mind is that this is the only cap- illary system in the body through which albumin does not normally escape. You know that through all of the capillaries of the body we have an escape of lymph containing more or less albumin; not so with the glomerular capillaries in a condition of health- the watery portions of the urine passes out here, but unmixed with albumen. It is difficult to explain why in a normal condition albumen does not escape from these capillaries in any other portion of the body. The amount of connective tissue in the kidney is exceedingly small- found chief- ly about the blood vessels. There is very little of it in the cortex of the kidney, and that little lies between the tubules around the expanded end of the tube known as Bowman’s capsule, a very slight quantity entering Bowman’s capsule with the efferent artery, and affording a certain amount of support to the capillary net work there present. In the pyramidal portion, however, between the collecting tubules there is some connective tissue in the normal state. I think you will get a very good idea of the amount of connective tis- sue in the kidney from an examination of the first section which will be given to you tonight, and which you may take as a normal kidney barring the acute congestion which is there shown* Yon recall that this tuft of blood vessels lying with Bowman's capsule is covered with a layer of epithelium (don't forget that), so that when you are looking at a Malpighian body under the raicroscoDe, most of the nuclei which you see are nuclei external to the capillaries; not the nuclei of endothelial cells within the capillaries. A few do consist of the nuclei within the blood vessels. The majority are the nuclei of epithelr ial cells and here and there a connective tissue nucleus. Of course it is not necessary for me to remind you that in the development of the Malpighian body it pushes before it the expanded extremity of the urinary tubule, and this is what gives it its epithelial layer. In the figure x represents the expanded tubuie or Bowman's capsule, lined with very flat epithelial cells. You appre- ciate that the bloodvessels do not pierce that- dc not form a loop lying free with simply a little of connective tissue about them- but as they enter they push this capsule before them- the flat epithelial lining is turned as shown in figure, end on the edges of this sac again are epithelium; perhaps s little more elevated on the visceral layer than on the peripheral layer. Where the vessels enter the tuft, z, they push the capsule y, before it. The kidney you recall is the great excretory organ of the body, which is a point to be borne in mind. Although the lungs, the skin, and the intestinal tract help to get rid of the waste products of the body, the greater part of the result of tissue metabolism reaches the kidney and is there excreted. A large portion of water which is taken in is" finally eliminated by the kidneys, and we know dow that the watery part passes out through the Malpighian bodies or tufts. That is conclusively proven and accepted, and we know further that the solid part, such as urea, uric acid, and oreatin (these are the most important) are excreted by the secreting epithelium proper and which lines the kidney tubules. If the red blood cells, for instance undergo extensive disintegration, the hemaglobin is excreted, but we do not find it in Bowman’s capsules- we find the granular material within the secreting cells of the tubules proper. Anoth_ er important point to be borne in mind in connection with the kidney is the fact that the urine is conducted away by a certain channel, the ureter, and that this channel serves as one of the sources of infection -bacteria reaching the bladder can pass under certain conditions into the ureter and into the pel- vis of the kidney and on through the collecting tubules, finally reaching the proper secreting structure in the cortex of the kidney, giving rise to pyeione- pbretis, or the suppurative form of kidney inflammation. Another point to be borne in mind is that the amount of urine secreted depends not so much upon the pressure within the bicod vessels in the kidney as upon the amount of blood which flows through the kidney capillaries in a given time. We will have oc- casion to call your attention to this point further on. Tonight I propose to invite your attention especially to the circulatory disorders of the kidney. We have three of these: Acute congestion; chronic passive congestion; and hemorrhagic infarction of the kidney. It is inter- esting to know that in aooute active congestion of the kidney the amount of blood passing through the kidney in one minute's time may equal the weight of this organ, and that under the stimulation of certain diuretics this may take e place- such an enormous quantity of blood passing through the kidney in the space of a minute. Now there are various irritants which bring about active congestion of the kidneys, and in the early stage of this acute congestion ow- ing to the increased amount of blood which passes through the glomeruli, the urine 1 should say is very rapidly and very extensively increased. Por instance suppose an individual consumes within a short time a given amount of alcohol- 5 some form of alcoholic liquor- this gives rise to an acute congestion of the kidneys- it is there that it must be eliminated, and we know that the effect of this alcoholic intake is a prompt filling of the bladder with water. Not only alcohol, but various drugs may bring about a serious acute congestion of the kidney, which may not stop with the first stage of congestion, but goes on to inflammatory disturbance- chlorate of potash in large doses, copaiba, oil of cubebs, nitrate of potash, oantbarides, arsenic and various drugs of this char-’ acter exercise a particular irritating influence upon the kidney. Oantbarides whether taken internally or applied as a blister may give rise to serious sc- ute congestion of the kidney. Now if the dose of one of these irritants is sufficiently large it may have, as I have said, the effect of bringing about not only acute congestion of the kidney, out absolute inflammation of the or- gan, so that whereas at first the amount of urine is increased, later it is diminishea, and we have even red blood ceils appearing in Bowman's capsule and in the urine. The kidney under these circumstances (when one has an oportun- ity of examining a kidney during the stage of acute active congestion such as the section you will see tonight) is enlarged, the capsule easily tears, the surface is deeply congested and dark, red in color, and upon section the whole surface, both cortex and medullary portions, is of an intensely red color. Blood may drip from the surface; the Malpighian bodies may appear as red points scattered over the surface of the-kidney (microscopically). You will have a obance to see what the changes are and where the vessels are most dilated. The most important form of congestion of the kidney, however is chronic pas- sive congestion. This condition we have taken up in several of the organs al- ready, and 1 may here say that the same causes which produce chronic passive congestion in the iiVer may bring about chronic passive congestion in the kidney Lesions of the heart are most important; are the ones to be looked to when you have a patient with symptoms of chronic passive congestion of the kidney. This appears only when failing compensation takes place. One may find this condi- tion with advanced emphysema of the lungs. Chronic passive congestion of the kidney goes with chronic passive congestion of the lungs and of the liver. The organ presents at autopsy quite a characteristic appearance. The capsule strips easily upon section, or even before you strip away the capsule the stel- late (star-shaped) veins seem to be distended. When you incise the organ, al- though both areas of the kidney are injected, the pyramidal shows the most marked injection. Another point, the kidneys to the feel are very firm, they are resistant almost to stony hardness. An organ the seat of ohroniopassive congestion is almost of stony hardness. The injection and stony feeling are the two characteristic points to be borne in mind. Now just as in acute cond gestion of the kidney you may have albumin appearing in the urine in the later j stages, so in chronic passive congestion of the kidney you may have a small amount of albumin; not only that, but you find here the amount of urine de- creased, and you will at onoe appreciate why- owing to the venous stasis, to the stagnation of the blood current. Although the pressure is greater in the bloodvessels of the kidney, the amount of blood circulating in a given time is really lessened- less then in the normal state. Not only this, but you may find in the urine certain oasts in obronio passive congestion of the kidney- hyaline oasts derived from the albumin escaping through the glomeruli, collecting in the tubules, and assuming a certain shape, appearing in the urine as casts of the tubules, larger oe smaller, and which are sometimes con- sidered to indicate chronic inflammation of the kidney. Now bear in mind, that if you have a patient presenting the symptoms of decreased amount of urine, with/a slight amount of albumin and a few pale hyaline casts, perhaps a few blood cells, always look to the heart’s condition before you conclude that the patient has chronic Bright’s disease. Many of the so-called cures of chronic Bright’s disease are simply oases in which a chronic passive congestion of the kidney by proper remedies has been somewhat ameliorated- a few doses of digi- talis, a purgative or two to relieve the portal circulation, is promptly fol- lowed by an increased flow-of urine, a dimunition in the albumin, and a genr eral- improvement in the patient’s condition. Unless you appreciate this con- dition of chronic passive congestion of the kidneys you cannot treat the symp- toms intelligently. The thira disorder of the circulation to which { will call your attention is that of infarction of the kidney. I can refer to it in a very few words.. You appreciate what infarction is, and I will only say that any fragment of material dislodged- generally from the valves of the heart- may reach the renal arteries and plug one of its terminal branches. Under these circumstances the blood supply is cut off. 'tie do not here have the typ- ical hemorrhageic infarct- we have the pale infarct-coagulation necrosis promptly follows. It has been shown experimentally that legation of the renal- artery or vessel- for a period of two hours leads to extensive destruction of the parenchyma of the kidney-so here this is very promptly followed by oosgr uiation necrosis. This infarction is denser than that of the lung. Al- though there is a certain amount of distension of the capillaries of the part, this is generally limited to the periphery of the infarct, fte have a pale infarct with a deep border at the surface and paler towards the interior. This infarct undergoes the same changes that an infarct would, in the lungs. Follow- ing the necrosis we have the entrance of the polynuclear leucocytes and grad- ual breaking down (liquefaction) of the infarcted region, followed by absorp- tion and the proliferation of new cells from the connective tissue ceils of the kidney to supply the place. In other words a granulation tissue growing into the infarct. Finally this undergoes a fibrous change, the bloodvessels disappear, and the place of the infarct is taken by connective tissues which contracts and leaves deep scar-like marks upon the surface of the kidney, showing where the infarct has occurred. This is simply an infarct. We have here a septic infarct- under these circumstances we have an abscess which may be small or large, may be followed by healing, but more generally leads to pyelonephritis. A section of acute and chronic passive congestion will- be shown you tonight. One point which 1 omitted in describing chronic passive congestion is this: If a chronic oassive congestion lasts for a number of years it leads to an increase of connective tissues of the organ, .just as chronic passive congestion is followed by this change in other organs of the body. In this section we will see that the connective tissue is found between the tubules- whereas in the first section you will net find it, in the second section you will easily make it cut. This adds somewhat of course tc the densi- ty of the kidney, but even in kidneys where there is no incressd connective tissue we have the same stony hardness that we have in these kidneys. This is a point to be borne in mind, at the next lecture we will take up parenchy- matous degeneration cf the kidney. DR. OMRCLL, Ihe most important differences which we have cf the.sections tonight is that in acute ocngesticc the organ is enormously reddened {?), vessels are congested, epithelium swollen and somewhat cedenrsxous with albu- minous material and perhaps a red blood cell or 2 in the capsules- ohrcn. pass, increase cf conn. tiss. seme hyaline csts. in tubules, blood in capsules and tubules, epithelium swollen & degnratd, e few nuclei fail to appear, cells swollen, cloudy, slightly granular, stained brightly with eosin. PATHOLOGY 29. Merch 25, 18S8. Acute Fyrenchamatous Degeneration Granular Degeneration Cloudy Swelling 1. £cute Bright’s Disease £oute Inflammation of the Kidney £oute Diffuse Nephritis 2. It the lest lecture, gentlemen, 1 ceiled ycur attention to some of the important points in the histology of the kidney which I thought were worth mentioning, especially the difference in the epithelium in various parts of the kidney tubules. I also called ycur attention to the blood supply of the kidney and especially emphasized the histcicgcoai structure of the first cap- illary tuft—of that remarked!e mass of capillary blood vessels found in the dilated end of each kidney tubule. I might have described the Malpighian tuft with its tubuie really as a gland, as in it we have all the elements of a gland blood vessels, epithelium, and tubuie to sot as a duct to carry away the pro- duct of secretion. I also invited ycur attention to the second capillary net_ work, which is supplied by the blood passing from the Malpighian tufts. This is collected first into a single vessel, which leads from Bowman's capsule at a point opposite to the commencement of the kidney tubule, and which breaks up into a second capillary tuft around the tubules proper of the kidney. I men- tioned the fact that the amount of connective tissue in the kidney was very slight and that when cne examines a section of the kidney the nuclei found between the tubules, are generally the nuclei of the walls of the bloodvessels. There is a little connective tissue strengthening the dilated end of the tu- bule around Bowman's capsule, end there is still mere in that portion of the kidney at the junction cortical sna the pyramidal structure, srcund tie blood vessels which form the arches at that point- where we find the larger blood vessels upon sections of the kidney. Of course, e certain amount of neotive tissue is found at the surface of the kidney- spread over the kidney in the form of a delicate capsule, i then invited your attention to certain of the circulatory disorders of the kidney: first, active acute congestion of the kidney, and secondly, chronic passive congestion of the kidney, directing your attention to the fact that in chronic passive congestion of the kidney we often, end generally do, find albumen in the urine, and may find, and gen- erally do, hyaline casts in the urine, and that the presence of albumin in small Quantities, end of casts, did not warrant the diagnosis of inf 1 animation of the kidney or Bright’s disease; that it was due to the obstructive aemia, to the increase of pressure in the bloodvessels, and to nutritive dis- turbances in the epithelium iu the walls of the capillaries of the Malpig- hian tufts- in the glomerular capillary wails and the epithelium covering them;1 tonight 1 propose to say something to you about scute parenchymatous aegen- eration of the kidney first, and afterwards about acute Bright’s disease prop- er. Acute pyrenohymeteas degeneration of the kidney is also designated as "granular degeneration", and as"cioudy swelling" of the epithelial cells of the kidney, ihe term "cloudy swelling" was introduced by Virchow, and he baa in view more tten tie cloudy appearance which is seen-with the naked eye upon section of the organ, -axui~&€4~~ the appearance which is seen under the micro- scope. In this form of degeneration (you have already had a section of the kidney showing cloudy swelling) possibly Dr. Garrcli has already told you, the epithelial cells become swollen, and whereas they were before finely granular, they become, when the condition is at ail marked, coarsely granular. Sometimes they are more distinct, their outline being clearer than it was in the normal epithelium, and if the process continues, the nucleus itself may be involved, staining very poorly with bematoxylon, or else net staining at all, will have disappeared from the granular ceils affecteiby this form of degen- eration. Ihe granules which we see are albuminous in composition. £lhis is believed to be a disorganization of the protoplasm of the cell, causing its albuminous constituents to separate in these coarser particles. 'Ihe condition K. of cloudy swelling in an organ affected with this degeneration is easier di- agnosed with the naked eye than with the microscope, unless the condition is auite well marked, in the ceils. The cortex of the kidney under these circum- stances appears swollen, of a lighter color, the is lost, indeed, it frequently gives you an appearance as if it had been boiled, bad been dipped in hot water at least, giving that cloudy appearance which Virchow had in view when be designated it as cloudy swelling. Now, we believe that it is better to separate these acute degenerative changes from the inflammatory changes proper of the kidney. We find cloudy swelling or granular degeneration especially associated with acute infections- typhoid fever, croupous pneumonia, scute septicaemia, yellow fever, erysipelas; the eruptive fevers, smallpox, measles, diphtheria, etc. ihese diseases constitute one important class of the causes of cloudy swelling of tie kidney. It is also caused by various poisons, phos- phorus, antimony, arsenic, the mineral acids, chlorate of potash, and is also found in the kidneys of those who have died from extensive burns on the sur- face of the body. New in the last named condition (extensive burns) we be- lieve that this degeneration of the kidney is caused by certain toxic products circulating in the blood which aie brought to the kidney for the purpose of excretion. Beer in mind thet this cloudy swelling under these circumstances does not affect all of the epithelium of the secreting tubules, it is only found here and there in scattered patches. One explanation of this is that the epithelial cells of the kidney vary in their resistance to the action of toxic products. That may or may not be true. Another explanation is thet the secretory epithelial cells of the kidney are net all acting, not all function- ing at s given time; that at one time a certain number of cells will be carry- ing out the function of excretion, ana at another time the ceils in e differr ent part of the kidney. That is at least a rational explanation. We do not know positively why certain cells should be- affected ana others left undamaged, but this is what we find microscopically. New this form of parenchymatous de- generation of the kidney, this cloudy swelling, if it has net gmne too far, is rapidly recovered from, liven if certain cells are destroyed, their places are taken by the proliferation of other epithelial cells- the kidney has a certain amount of regenerative action in its epithelium. It is more than likely in the normal condition of the human being that portions of kidney epithelial cell may break down and be renewed, or a ceil may be disQuamated, or a number of cells, and their places taken by regeneration of ctner ceils. It is probable that in all cases of acute infection of moderate (medium) severity we have this condition of cloudy swelling of the epithelium of the kidney. Icu knew it is freouently the case that during an attack of diphtheria,' croupous pneu- monia, typhoid fever, erysipelas, etc.,examination of the urine shews a cer- tain amount of albumin. It may or may net show albumin. If cloudy swelling is at ail marked in tire kidney, we have albumin, pnder those circumstances the glomerular vessels are effected sc that they no longer prevent the albumen of the blood from passing through their walls. Sc 1 say that in the various acute infections we have every reason to believe, even though the patients make a good recovery, there is a certain amount of clcuay swelling, Aside from ecu H inflammation of the kidney, we find this in patients who have died from another disease- a patient dies of typhoid, not aue to the olcudy swelling of his kidney but perhaps from hemorrhage of the bowels, perhaps from the toxic effects of the typhoid bsciilus on the hesrt muscles, the patient dying from debility, under these circumstances we find olcudy spelling in the kidney, but the olcudy swelling did not kill the patient, but was only a part of his di~ ssase. So the majority of patients with these disturbances of the epithelium can, or readily recover. It is one stage, remember, in the fatty tion of the cells, only another step to the fatty degeneration of the epithel- ium. Under those circumstances the epithelial cells are of course completely destroyed; they do not recover their functioning power. If you have a patient with one of the scute infections end you find a certain amount of albumen in his urine and a few hyaline oasts, ac not come to the conclusion that the pa_ teint has Bright’s disease- just oear in mina the granular degeneration of ep- ithelium which goes with those infections so often. Now, as 1 have already said, we celieve that these purely degenerative affections of the epithelium should be separeted from the inflammatory affections proper of the kidney. Ihey should net be called, -as they so often are, acute parenchymatous nephri- tis, acuta catarrhal- nephritis, acute desquamative nephritis. You see those terms used especially in the milder forms of kidney affection It is better to consider ail of those simply as acute degenerations of the kidney epithel- ium, which frequently prevents the scouts affections of the kidney, but in themselves do net constitute an acute Bright’s disease. Secondly I will call your attention to soute Bright's disease. 1 said that another term which we used was “acute inflammation of the kidney" but preferably “acute diffuse ne- phritis" to express mere properly the oondition of the kidney found in this di- sease. liver sinoe Bright's memorable investigations, published in 1829, in which he showed that the condition of the urine attended by albuminuria, or dropsy, was associated with certain inflammatory disturbances of the kidney, these diseases have been designated “Bright’s disease". He deserves the credit of calling the attention of the profession mere than ?0 years ago to these in- flammatory affections of the kidney, lou will at once remember end appreciate that net every case of eibuminsria, or every case of dropsy, is necessarily a case of Bright’s disease. 1 have already told you sufficiently to warn you against this conclusion, ft'e style this inf 1 amm atcry affection of the kidney as “scute diffuse nephritis." It is universally admitted that there is here really an inflammatory disturbance; that while ail of the lesions seen in Bright’s disease of the kidney are not inflammatory there are many important lesions here tc be found-there are certain proliferative lesions, certain in- terstitial changes which are net purely, net wholly inflammatory) but never- theless there ere inflammatory lesions present in acute diffuse nepnritis, so that it is proper to disignate it nephritis, an inflammation of the kidney. Now we say diffuse, and that is meant tc show that no one structure of the kid- ney is affected in this disease aside from the ether structures of the kidney. Not only are the secretory epithelial cells involved, but also the bloodvessels the glomeruli, and the interstitial oonnegtive tissue. Ihe disease is some- times called “acute tubal nephritis", thereby implying that the condition in the tubes is the most important lesion found in the kidney. It is sometimes called “acute croupous nephritis*5, attention being particularly called to the exudate within the kidney tubules, as if that was the most important element to be found in this disease, fte do net believe that at all. We do net believe that you can separate by any hard and fast lines in acute Bright's disease, those oases in which one structure is affected and the other entirely unaffect- ed. We will have occasion very scon to point cut to you several varieties of acute Bright's disease, but we will emphasize the fact that wiile in these va- rieties one structure is more affected than the others, that ail the structures are affected in this disease of the kidney. New in the first place, let me direct your attention to the appearance of the kidney. Ibe normal kidr ney weighs about 32C grams, the normal adult kidney. In acute Bright's disease, acute diffuse nephritis, the kidney is enlarged. It will vary in weight up to | 5C0 grams; it may reach a weight of SOC grams. Ibe kidney as a rule is inject- ed- one sees this befare the capsule is removed, ifee capsule leaves the sur- face of the kidney readily, does not adhere, strips easily from the surface of the kidney, and under those circumstances one will find the greater portion of the surface of the organ injected. It may be that these in j eo ted areas are dis-: tinctly limited and that they are separated by paler areas, giving you a some- what mottled appearance to the kidney. Upon cut section the kidney presents no increased resistance to the knife, ana oerhaps in the mere severs inflam- mations of the kidney, the acute inf 1 ammatiens, Heed oozes from the surface of the organ, though this is net always the case, ihe color of the cortex varies; it may be decidedly dark red in color, or may present lighter areas showing areas of advanced cloudy swelling or even fatty degeneration of the epithelium. ‘Ihe normal striaticn of the cortex is lost, the cortex is thick- ened, decidedly increased in thickness as compared with the normal cortex; indeed, the enlargement cf the kidney is almost exclusively in the cortical portion. Of course the enlargement of the kidney is due, in great cart, to exudation from the bloodvessels, oedema cf the organ- the kidney is moist on cut section, moist when tie capsule is stripped away, the glomeruli may appear as distinctly red points scattered over the surface cf the cortex, or they may £ occur as pale, rather transparent points, ihe pyramidal structure i# general- ly injected. 1 will mention very scon one variety cf acute Bright's disease in which the kidney is but little if at all swollen. The description I have given you applies to the great majority cf cases cf acute diffuse nephritis. Now when we come to examine such kianeys, microscopically, we do not fina that the pathological change is confined to any one structure of the kidney. We find that the epithelium is always affected- the same cloudy swelling which we find in connection with the acute infections is here present, often in an ad- vanced condition, even passing on to tbs stage cf fatty degeneration cf the cells- many swollen, coarsely granular and somewhat arcpsical cells are to be seen. The glomeruli also present changes: One may find proliferation of the epithelium lining Bowman's capsule, one may find the escape cf a few leucocytes or many red blood cells into Bowman's capsule, ana one may also find a consid- erable collection cf red blood ceils in the tubules cf the kidney. More than that, one may find, ana ordinarily dees, where the disease has been cf several weeks duration, changes in the interstitial connective tissue, round cell in- filtration between tie tubules where normally it does net belong, round cell infiltration around Bowman’s capsule. So that in this disease all of the structures of the kidney ere affected. Now, having said that much, 1 will call your attention to tie fact that we may distinguish two types especially in this form of acute diffuse nephritis, viz: - 1. .Acute hemorrhagic nephritis; I 2. Acute glomerular nephritis. These are the two principal divisions of acute diffuse nephritis, based simply upon the anatomical changes which one finds in the kidney, bearing in mind that in each of these the other structures may be effected, we find for instance in certain acute inflammations of the kidney following scarlet fever mere often than any other disease, the form which may- be designated as acute hemorrhagic nephritis, simply because we find that the hemorrhage into the tubules and Bowman’s capsules is such a prominent feature and no other reason. If this lasts long enough we find marked interstitial changes. The sections which we showed last year were beautiful, showing both of these conditions. The specimens which we will show you tonight shows hem- orrhage from the same disease- another case. Both ere eauslly good specimens of acute hemorrhagic nephritis with granular degeneration of the epithelium. In this form also we find cloudy swelling, fatty degeneration of the epithel- ium, and you may find in Bowman’s capsule net only remains of red blood cells but albumin which has escaped. We believe that in all forms of acute Erigot disease the glomeruli are effected. There seems to be no reason for believe ing that they are net affected. They permit diapedesis of red bleed cells end the escape of albumen, end I have told you that these were the only cap- I illaries in the body which in health do not permit albumen to escape. It is not due to advance in blood pressure, because the pressure in acute Bright’s disease is lower in the renal vessels. It is due to defective nutrition, some change brought about by the poison producing the disease and acting upon the gicm€ruigr ogpiiXeries and their epithelial covering. Kcw let us take the second form (b), acute glomerular nephritis: Again in this disease, scarlet fever, or in other diseases especially acute ulcerative endocarditis (end the Bright’s disease which goes with it,) we find the most marked change in the glomeruli epithelium. We find changes both within the capillaries in Bow- men's capsule, which has led to a glomeruli nephritis being divided into “extraoapillary glomerular nephritis" and “intracapillary glomerular nephritis" but we find the two going together and it is net proper tc separate them. Just as by administrating csntbarides to rats one may produce acute inflamma- tion of the kidney, characterized by proliferation of cells in Bowman's cap- sule and the same change within tie capillaries, sc we also find in scarlet fever both changes. Instead of the flat epithelial ceils which we find in the condition of health, these ceils are much swollen; not only that, but we find proliferation of the cells, sc that one gets within the glomerulus a distinct crescent of cells, accumulating at that point ( y-\ even to such an extent as to press upon the glomerular capillaries ponrfeg, interferring with the oirou- 5 laticn through the tuft, ibis is seen in certain acute inflammations in the kidney- in scarlet fever etc. Ccuooilmarm in recent investigations made in the Massachusetts General Hospital has shown that this form of glomerular nephritis is very often associated with the acute inflammation of the kidney caused by the diploocoous ianoeolatus, following acute ulcerative endooarditis. Then instead of tie affection being largely outside of the caciilaries, affect * iag the proliferation cf the epithelium in the capsule, we find the capilla- ries just blocked with cells- a few white blcoa cells, e few leucocytes, but largely due tc proliferation ef the endothelial cells lining the vessels, so that they become stuffed with ceils, ihen we also find that the capillaries are closed with masses cf hyaline material, which stains deeply with eosin, end which upon staining with fibrin give the exact reaction cf fibrin- fi- brinous masses plugging the capillaries cf the glomerulus. And you recall thet any obstruction in tie glomerular capillaries, whether by compression by a orescent of epithelium lying outside of the capillaries, or an accumu- lation of cells within the capillaries, or this fibrinous plug, will lead to a defect in the blood supply in the 2nd capillary district. If the epithelial cells are to remain in the normal condition, they must have the normal supply of blood, which here they do not get, not only that, this blood contains toxic products. So remember that there is one form of ac- aoute Bright’s in which extracapillary and intraoapillary glomerular nephritis are the important feature, but do not forget that in such kidneys you always have a certain amount of hemorrhage, leu may also find, along with this glom- erular proliferation, beginning interstitial changes- in certain cases, marked interstitial changes. How these are the two most common forms of acute Brights disease. I will mention one ether which is occasionally found, and in which the amount of parenchymatous degeneration is so extensive that we are almost (h- compelled to call this an acute generative nephritis. Sometimes I am willing K to bring it in the class cf acute inflammations, and then again I am net. How- ever you do find it when a patient has been poisoned- when some toxic product is at work in the blood circulation you do find e most extensive increase of the epithelium cf tne kidney in which the secreting epithelium in many places and in nearly all the tubes has been destroyed by some toxic product, end if you choose, you may call this the 3rd form, and put it “c>; under the head of acute diffuse nephritis, and you may call it acute degenerative nephritis. I find that Dr. Oounoilmann, the Professor cf pathology at Harvard, who has spent as much time as any one else in this country in the study of patholog- ical Ofianges occurring in the kidney, mentions this form cf acute Bright’s disease, but I am willing to say that I have never seen but one oase. I did not believe until I had a obanoe to examine the kidney of a woman who died in Garfield Hospital, and who presented all the symptoms of delusional insanity. $ben the autopsy was made the kidneys were found soaroely enlarged- a little enlarged- there was a little loss of striation in the oortiosl substance, but there was nothing about the organ that would lead one to believe that the pa- tient had Bright's disease, ihe diagnosis was in doubt at the time of her death, but takinjjinto consideration the fact that she bad this delerium, and died in a comatose condition, 1 suggested before the autopsy that she probably bad Bright's disease. $hen we examined the kidney the changes were very acute and very extensive. Doubtless other oases occur.. In this oase I think there is no hemorrhage into the tubules, I think the whole lesion or most of the le- sions ere confined to the epithelial cells. Ihe glomeruli if I remember were apparently not affected in this kidney, ihere was albumin in the patient's urine, and of course the glomeruli were affected, but they did not show any chances microscopically. Now as tc the cause of scute Bright's disease (divided into acute and chron- ic forms- we take up the chronic later), ‘Ihe causes of acute Bright's disease may be classed: 1. as the acute infections, and place with these acute ulcer- ative endocarditis, in which of course we have infection with various bacte- ria. Then you-may put down extensive burns of the surface- which have been followed by acute Bright's disease. When I sneak of acute infection I also in-* dude the eruptive fevers. The one disease which occasions more acute Bright's* disease than any other is scarlet fever. Then you may put down exposure to cold. How this acts we do not know, possibly by suppressing the function of the skin, throwing extra work on the kidneys, and in this way inflammatory disturbance is begun. H any rate exposure to the cold will bring this about. Alcohol alone will hardly cause Bright's disease, but if the individual gets drunk end forgets tc go home, lies in the gutter on a odd night, he exposes himself to aoute inflammation of the kidney. Ihe late Dr. Flint mentions one oase of aoute Bright's disease whiob be believed was due to the excessive in* dulgenoe in beer without any exposure. You may also put down pregnancy as a cause of acute Bright's disease, although I may here remark that when a preg- nant woman has albumen in her urine and a few casts, it does not necessarily lead to the conclusion that she has acute Bright's disease, but certain oases of acute diffuse nephritis have taken their starting point during pregnancy; probably here the effect is toxic, is due tc some toxic product. Mew I will remark in addition that the majority of cases of aoute Bright's disease that do not terminate fatally end in complete recovery. Very few of the oases go on to chronic Bright's disease. Ihe impression among a good many physicians is that chronic Bright's disease must first be preceded by aoute Bright's di- sease. ihat is not true at ail. Chronic Bright's disease is entirely a dif- ferent affection, and although a few oases follow aoute Bright's disease, this is exceptional. If the patient does not die, the recovery is permanent. Mow as to the condition of the urine., In addition tc the albumen, which is present generally in considerable quantity, the urine contains various organ- ized constituents, red blood cells sometimes in considerable quantity, present- ing that dark smoky appearance (color) which is indicative of blood being pres- ent. then it contains also certain oasts of the renal tubules, whiob it is well to bear in mind- very pale oasts, very pale elongated bodies, which are known as hyaline oasts, and whioh probably have their origin simply in the coagulation of the albumen whioh has escaped from the glomerular capillaries. Very pale bodies are found in the urine which have distinctly rounded ends, sometimes constricted towards the center or in two or three places- bodies which you will find when you reduce your light, pale hyaline casts. Then there are casts which are decidedly granular in appearance- the granular casts- but you do net find these sc much in this form as in chronic Bright's disease, though one may find the finely granular oasts in acute Bright's disease. Anoth- er form which we find in epithelial oasts, which consists of the epithelium of the kidney separated, dequamsted, in considerable quantity. Of course these cells are held together by a homogeneous material. Sometimes these cells are decidedly granular, coarsely granular. You also get oasts of polynuclear leu- cocytes, whose nuclei have the characteristic irregular shape cf the leucocyte. Ihen casts of red blood cells which have become molded in the tubules and forced cut by the pressure of the urine. Ihese are very important in the di- agnosis cf acute Bright's disease. Hot as much attention, however, is paid to the finding of pale hyaline casts as formerly was attended to this, and I may here remark that one may find them net only in chronic passive congestion cf the kidney, but in the urine in all oases cf marked jaundice- ( put that down and underscore it; it may help you in a pinch). If you do find them in jaundice, do not conclude that the patient has Bright's disease. Where you find epithelial hyaline, and blood casts in the urine, ycu have very good mi- v orcsoopio evidence that the patient has acute inflammation of the kidney. When we come to review this subject next time, I may bring cut one or two new points, but these are the most important. I will ask you to read what Csler has tc say on aoute Bright's disease, before next lecture. I do not know bow extensive an article he has, but inasmuch as everything he says is good, that too will be good, I do net think that those of you who have Green's pathology need read the article on acute Bright’s disease. DS GARRQLL: In the first section (aoute hemorrhagic inflammation) you will find degeneration of the epithelium, absence of nuclei, an amount of congestion in the capillaries and elsewhere throughout the kidney, casts in the tubules, and also the tubules, especially tne convoluted, filled with blood, which stains very distinctly, the cells are quite well observed and you cannot mistake them for anything else. You will fisc see a tubule out in half, with a thin wall in which you get rounded nuclei of the epithelial cells. In the center you get a mass of blood, stained deeply with ecsin. In the Malpighian bodies you get your capsule with the tuft perhaps compressed, and outside of that the balance of the capsule may also be filled with red blood cells. Ibis occurs in every instance- hemorrhage into the tubule and into the glomeruli. In the second section (the case of delusional insanity- perhaps a case of uremic poisoning) there is very marked disintegration of the red blood ceils. Ihe, blood went into solution in tne serum end as the fluid transided through the epithelial cells it appeared in the tubules (?). You know the convoluted tubules are the excretory apparatus of the kidney. As the blood passes through these tubules separation of the solid elements takes place, and the blood pigment is in so- lution in the serum, this being preceded by the passing cf the cell, chiefly through the convoluted tubules. Say a convoluted tubule is cut horizontally: you will find the epithelial cells swollen, almost filling the lumen of the tube entirely. You may find opening here and there. Ihe epithelial cells are indistinctly outlines, iit the base of the cells just inside of the basement membrane you will find little dark pigment granules (hemosiderin), sometimes in a considerable amount, and sometimes only a few granules. If the tubule is out in cross section you get the same thing, with the arrangement of the pig- ment about the periphery of the tubule with the nuclei very distinct. In pyrmdi portn (col.tubuls) ere hyaline oasts; prhps u*l see smll tubuls whose epithelium is flatnd agnst their wells, won may or may’nt stain; nucli abt walls & in ontr may give homogenous mass (coegltd album) shws no nucli but pigs tu- bule, onteins no leucocyte & no epithelium. Vsls everywhere dstnded.{finis.) PATHOLOGY No. 3C. March 26, 1898. Acute suppurative nephritis Acute purulent nephritis. In bringing tc ycur notice this form cf inflammation of the kidney, acute suppurative inflammation, please do not get the idea that this is a form cf Bright’s disease, because it is not included under Bright’s disease. Ibis form cf inflammation cf the kidney is frequently taken up as a first inflammatory affection cf the organ because it is easily studied, easy to stain, and the picture under the microscope is more striking in acute sup- purative inflammation. In the acute inflammation cf the kidney, of which I spoke when we were last together, ycu will recall we bad an inflammation of the kidney produced by certain toxic substances, certain solvable chemical poisons circulating in the blood and reaching the kidney and sc bringing about certain alterations of the secreting epithelium, the interstitial con neotive tissue, and especially changes in the glomeruli. These soluable chemical poisons are generally the products cf bacterial growth in some part cf the body. Icu remember thstl mentioned the acute infectious di- seases as being one cf the great sources cf acute inflammation cf the kidney, acute Bright’s disease. Now tonight I want to call your attention tc a form cf inflammation cf the kidney which is due tc the presence of bacteria in the kidney, not the soluable products alone. Cf course there is a certain local effect from these last, as you will readily understand, but in this form of inflammation cf the kidney the bacteria have reached I the kidney as insoluable bodies; and they reach the kidney in two ways, CC6 either through the bloodvessels, when we speak cf the inflammation “hematogenous” in origin- brought by the circulatory channels- or else they reach the kidney through the urinary channels- the bladder, the ureter the pelvis of the kidney, etc.- in this case you can speak of the origin as being urinogenous. Now as regards the first variety, we find bacteria reaching the kidney especially -from a local affection of the heart valves. In ulcerative endocarditis we have one of the most prominent sources of the bacteria which are brought to the kidney. Generally the pyogenic organisms are the ones concerned, though you must remember that the diplcccccus lan- ceolatus is a frequent cause of ulcerative endocarditis and occasionally (exceptionally) brings about this acute suppurative inflammation of the kidney, We have had already a very good example of acute purulent inflam- mation of the kidney in the section of the rabbit's kidney, ihere you bad what we would call the simple metastatic purulent inflammation of the kidney; that is, a few bacteria being brought to the kidney. In that case the staphylococcus aureus, and this is the organism frequently concerned in the hematogenous variety,- perhaps a few organisms being arrested in some capillary, not large enough to plug it and create an embolus, increas- ing until finally the vessel is closed and then setting up a purulent in- flammation in their immediate vicinity. That was a good example of simple metastatic purulent inflammation of the kidney of the hematogenous variety. We find in cases of pyaemia, in oases of septicaemia (purpural septicaemia) this form of inflammation of the kidney, occasionally along with pyaemic abscesses in other parts of the body, in the liver especially, iben again, the typhoid bacillus in one case reported by P'iexncr was the cause of a very exo-ellen-t- purulent inflammation of the kidney- numerous metastatic /v miliary abscesses being scattered not only Sft through the cortex but the pyremidial structure of the kidney, the typhoid bacillus being isolated in pure culture from these. Now when we come to the urinogencus variety we find generally other organisms involved, this form of inflammation of the kidney generally is connected with some obstructive lesion at the neck of the bladder, or in the urethra- a stricture, an enlarged prostate, a tumor of the bladder- obstruct- ing the outflow of the urine. It is the form which fellows sometimes the in- troduction of a catheter, especially an unclean catheter. It used to follow quite frequently surgical operations upon the urethra and upon the bladder. It occasionally complicates acute gonorrhoea, though this is quite excep- tional; buVAis found that instead of the pyogenic bacteria being the occasion of the purulent inflammation of the kidney that here very common bacteria ere involved. Ibe bacillus ocli communis, lactis aregenes, and occasionally the common organism of putrefaction, the preteus vulgaris. In the urinogencus variety cultures more often give the coli communis and the proteus vulgaris than any other organism. Let us take a patient with some obstruction at the neck of the bladder, perhaps enlargement of the prostate in an elderly indi- vidual, perhaps an infected instrument is passed- it used to be the case end even at the present day it sometimes occurs- net only t4e4* the colon bacil- lus may be found in the urethra and may be carried in (deeper down) by the catheter, actually into the bladder. In ether oases there is no question about it that the colon bacillus passes through tbs wall of the bowel, and enters the bladder in that way, New suppose the catheter is infected; then we have just the conditions necessary for the establishment of an inflam- mation of the bladder. If there is no obstruction at the neck of the blad- der, if the urine is easily voided, then the danger from an andean catheter is comparatively slight. Remember that the great danger is in these cases where there is seme obstruction tc the outflow of the urine. Those are the cases in which you want tc be particular about the introduction of a ceth*r eter tc see that the instrument is sterile. Now the organism multiplying in the pladder- especially the preteus vulgaris can set up the most intense inr f flemmaticn of the mucous membrane of the bladder, or even without exciting ? inflammation of the bladder it is possible that the organism may creep along the ureter, especially if one ureter is pata leus, until they reach the pel- vis of the setting up a pyelitis and from that point proceed by the collecting tubules until finally the cortex, the labarynth of the kidney, is reached by the bacteria. It is worth knowing that an acute pylc- nephri- tis of this character may run its course in 10 or 12 days. I have seen two or three instances of the kend where the date of infection was well estab- lished- where the urine prior to the introduction of the catberter was free from albumen or pus, where following it 24, 48 hours or -5 days, these ele- ments begun to appear in the urine, perhaps a little bleed passes, then fel- low chills, high range of temperature, prostration and death, end at autopsy one or both kidneys are found to be affected with-an acute purulent inflam- ( mation of the urincgencus_ vare£ty. New in the first variety, where the bac- teria are brought by way of the blood, both kidneys are involved; in the sec- ond variety freauently only one kidney. If there is something peculiar about one ureter, if it is more pfilulous, if there should be some obstruction at the mouth of one ureter and tbs ether patulous, it is possible that the bac- teria will pass up one ureter, reaching only cni kidney, there setting up these destructive lesions. It is an exceedingly serious form of inflamma- tion of the kidney, the symptoms not gt el\ wepl ®srked» many cases of obscure deaths, patients dying from debility and fever following the introduction of of a catheter where we do not appreciate the cause, of these oases are due to inflammation of this form in the kidney. If one has the history of an obstructive lesion at the neck of the bladder and cystitis especially, then you have a clue to the disease, otherwise it is exceedingly difficult to form an opinion as to this form of kidney inflammation during life j i:* Now what is the condition of the kidney ? first as seen with the naked eye. As a rule the organ is considerably enlarged, one observes beneath the capsule before it is stripped away a number of circular areas, whitish or yellowish white areas, some cf them point in size, others half the size of a pea, though the majority smaller. Now upon making an incision into the organ, we find scattered^the cortex and generally through the pyramidal structure- if it has proceeded from the pelvis of the kidney- distinct milia- ry abscesses in the in the pyramidal portion, often oblong and cf consider- able size, the substance of the kidney in between being injected frequently- i miliary abscesses surrounded by a distingt hyperaemio zone. ‘Ihe surface is moist, fluid can be scraped away from the surface with the edge cf the knife, and if one makes a ocverslip or slide from the contents cf one cf these whitr ish areas, he finds innurable polynuclear leucocytes, sc yen see that it really is a condition cf miliary abscess cf the kidney in the majority cf oases. Microscopically, this form cf inflammation shows a large number of emigrated white blood cells present in the section.. You will recall that 1 said that in acute Bright's disease, one saw few emigrated leucocytes. In this form the striking picture under the microscope is seen in the tubules. You can pick out here and there with your lew power areas in which you not only find the leucocytes within the tubules, filling mere or less a number of the tubules but you find that the interlobular bloodvessels are distend- ed with polynuclear leucocytes. ‘Ibis is the striking picture. Not only that- you find that the wells of certain tubules have broken down, and this may involve s number of tubules, the whole area being crowded with polymor- phonuclear leucocytes. Ihen again in this mass you usually meet the remains of cross sections of tubules where the necrotic epithelium only shows by staining with eosin. If in examining the kidney microscopically you find a large number of leucocytes occupying the interlobular spaces and leucocytes within the tubules, and sometimes 1 may say within Bowmen's capsule in large numbers, you may come tc the conclusion that we have here acute nurulent in- flammation of the kidney of one of these two varieties. Micrcsoonically it is often impossible tc say which variety we have. If one should find the glomerular vessels stuffed with white blood cells or emigrated cells; only in Bowman's capsule and here and there in the tubes in the cortex and lim- ited tc that part- none in the cross section of the collecting tubules, none in the zone between the cortex and the pyramidal structure the emigrated leucocytes, confined entirely to the cortex, after exsminging several sec- tions you could convince yourself- you might say that here was a case of purulent inflammation in which the bacteria had reached the kidney through the blood vessels; out always examine the pyramidal portion of your section, look at the collecting tubules and see if the trouble is not there also. You sometimes find the most marked picture in that region, distinct areas in which the collecting tubules, one, two, or half a dozen ere stuffed with leucocytes, and you may find that they are more prominent at this point than in the cortex proper. Under these circumstances it would be a fair inference that the inflammation has extended through the pelvis (of the kidney) into the tubules, and was of the urincgencus variety. If you have a history of obstruction at the neck of the bladder and if one kidney only is involved of course there is no Question about the way in which the di- sease originated. it is as I have told you an exceedingly serious form of inflammation of the kidney, and as a rule the patient dies- probably always from the urincgencus variety. It is probable that a patient with metastatic abscesses of the kidney may recover. Occasionally the source of infection in the kidnev is an infective embolus, one or several of them washed from the mitral valves which first produce distinct infarction of the kidney, then give rise to large abscesses, ‘ibis is also a fatal form of inflamma- tion. lie now will ask you please to remember that this is not Known as Bright's disease of the kidney. Bright had nothing to say on this form of inflammation of the kidney, ibis is sometimes called acute interstitial inflammation of the kidney, there is interstitial inflammation but do not confound it with the chronic interstitial inflammation of the kidney, and keep it quite separate in your mind from that form. PMfiOLOGY So. 31. March 28, 1898. 1. Acute Glomerular nephritis. 2. Chronic Diffuse nephritis. 1, Ihe first section which we have tonight is one of glomerular nephritis. Ihe patient bad an acute inflammation of the joints; also purpuric spots, and was critically ill early in the attack, there was a good deal of confu- sion regarding the diagnosis in his case however, the physician in examining the patient's urine, found that there was albumen in considerable amount, and that there was some bled in the urine; also some epithelial casts. The au- topsy, as ‘.far as the bacteriological results went, showed that it was a case cf streptococcus infection from which the patient diea, but the kidney com- plication was certainly the most important immediate cause cf death. Ihe section cf which I am now speaking was hardened in Miller’s fluid, and you will see hew exquisitely the cells eie preserved, and hew well the nuclei cf the kidney epithelium stain with bematexylon. iNhen you examine this section, even with low power, you will notice that the nuclei in the glomeruli ere encr mously increased. In certain glomeruli you will see that the glomerular epi- thelium (that lining Bowman’s capsule) is increased. With a little care you can see that certain cf the capillaries are enormously dilated, being crowded with nuclei- there are polynuclear cells; there is considerable cloudy swell- ing, there is that peculiar material which is designated “hyaline material” in the tubes, which occurs from the degeneration cf epithelial cells, leu have in this section the appearance that Councilman describes as being sc prominent in the kidneys cf those who die cf endocarditis due to the dipiccooous lance- clatus. I have examined sections cf bis cases, and this is a repetition cf what we get; however, in this case the streptcccoous pyogenes was isolated from the organs sod the blood, as well as from the kidney, and was the only organism present. I do not think that it had anything to do with the rheumatic symptoms at all, or (?) the purpuric symptoms. 'Ihere may have been some other organism which accounted for the purpuric symptoms. At any rate, there was a secondary infection by the pyogenes, and that was the the organism responsible for the glomerular nephritis. ?cu will not see a more striking case of the in- tracapillary and extraospillary varieties than is here shown. Ihere is oonsid- erable proliferation of cells in Bowman’s capsule, and the number of connective tissue cells throughout the section is increased. You notice that some of the nuclei here are seen between the tubules, Kbst I went you to see is the large number of epithelial cells within Bowman’s capsule, and proliferation of nu- clei within the capillaries of the glomeruli. FAlflOLGGY NC. 52. April 1, 1898. Chronic Bright's disease Chronic diffuse nephritis 1. Large kidney without amyloid 2. Large kidney with amyloid 5. Small contracted kidney 4. Kidney of arteric-solercsis. I have given above Chronic Bright's disease of* chronic diffuse nephritis as the general term, and I have placed under that head (1) the large kidney without amyloid degeneration; (2) the large kcdney with amyloid degeneration, (5) the small contracted kidney, and (4) the kidney of enteric-sclerosis, ffle will have occasion to refer to these various form as we go along. Op to this time we have considered the acute form of inflammation of the kidney- Acute Bright's disease. At the last lecture I spoke to you concern- ing acute suppurative inflammation of the kidney, and stated that this did not belong properly under the disease (acute Bright's disease). In discuss- ing the subject of acute Bright's disease, 1 called ycur attention to the fact that the different structures of the kidney are sc intimately related one to the other, that we cannot have disease of the one without also having some change in the other. Notwithstanding that fact, 1 did call ycur attention to certain types of kidney in which, while ail of the structures were.ni ore or less A involved, one particular structure shewed a greater amount of pathological change than the other. fhe same author who directed attention to the acute forms of kidney disease also in his writings was the first to direct attention to the chronic diseases of the kidney. So that in honor of his investigations we speak of acute in- flammation of the kidney as “Acute Bright's Disease" and chronic inflammation cf the kidney as “Chronic Bright's Disease." When we take up the subject cf the classifioaticn of chronic Bright's di- sease we meet with considerable difficulty, le are here indeed entering one of the most difficult fields in pathology. It is very easy tc bring about an acute inf1smmation of the kidney in animals by means cf certain irritating substances given tc t.iem by way cf the digestive system or by way of the bloodvessels- to bring about extensive cell death, extensive parenohymatcus cnsnges in the kidney. We bring about acute suppurative lesions in the kidney, as you already know, by injecting bacteria into the general blood system, but up tc the present time no one has succeeded exoerimentaily in producing chronic inflammation of the kidney, such as we are about tc study. Ibis is the form of inflammation that comes on insiduously. No symptoms mark it in the begin- ning, and frequently the patient's kidneys are in an advanced state cf change when he first comes under observation. As cur studies and observations have multiplied, we have come tc change certain ideas which the profession former- ly held, as tc the classificaticn.cf chronic kidney inflammation, formerly the views cf frerich, a physician who gave much attention tc the study of in- flammation cf the kidney, attracted much attention, fie. believed that in these e*4c forms cf 4&e kidney inflammation we had three stages. 1, the stage cf A inflammation; 2. the stage cf degeneration; and 3 the stage cf atrophy, and 1 may say that you will meet in a very short day's journey physicians who still adhere tc Frerich's classification. 1 dare say that this view of Frerich's is one very tenaciously adhered tc by physicians of today. an easy simple classification; does away with all complications, makes it perfectly plain- tc say that the kidney is in a state of inflammation, or atrophy, that every inflamed kidney is goi.ig tc atrophy, and every atrophied kidney has been inflamed. I dc not know that anything I can say tc you will oeuse you tc accept any other classification. Now when we have really come tc study symptoms in connection with the form of kidney found at autopsy we find that Freriob's classification is almost entirely built upon pure theory; it is sup- ported by neither clinical symptoms nor pathological study. Probably one rea- son why physicians hold tc this classification of Drigbt’s disease is through the work of Mr. Granger Stuart on diseases of the kidney, a prominent Scottish writer., who wrote one of the most attractive treatises on the kidney, one of the easiest tc study and “cram” on I ever met with,* absolutely a finished pro- duction. He could from the clinical symptoms tell you .lust what degree of degeneration the patient had in bis kidney, or what degree of contraction. I studied it 25 years ago end was simply charmed with it. New, when I tell you that two patients with the identical clinical symptoms may have entirely dif- ferent changes in the kidney, you will understand that ycu'oannct accept Stu- art's endorsement of Freriob's classification. Another classification which is far better is that suggested by another German investigator, Bartels, and which has been adopted very largely by En- glish medical men. It locks upon oAPWiic Bright’s disease as including a num- ber of distinct affections of the kidney under the head of Bright’s disease. * For instance, Bartels gives first, “acute Bright’s disease”, secondly paren- chymatous inflammation of the kidney- chronic parenchymatous nephritis”. In this form the secreting structures of the kidney, the epithelium of the secret- ing tubules especially is involved- the parenchyma proper of the kidney- and if this be sc, then chronic parenchymatous nephritis is quite correct. 3. “Chronic interstitial nephritis”. In this form the connective tissue stroma of the organ is especially increased;and the 4th form "waxy degeneration of the kidneyfamyloid disease of the kidney”. New certainly this classifica- tion is far more scientific than the first- that of Frerioh. ihe only trouble is that we do not meet with examples of purely parenchymatous nephritis. It is the rarest thing. You did see that section of the acute change affecting the epithelium largely, but I emphasized the point that this was rare in chronic Bright's disease. You do not find one kidney with the lesion confined to the epithelial structure end another with the lesion confined to the connective tissue of the kidney. As far as the waxy degeneration- the fourth form- is concerned, if the amount of waxy degeneration amounts to anything it is accompanied by a genuine inflammation- genuine nephritis. Ferscnally I prefer to accept the classifi- cation which Austin Flint suggested, and which Welch of the Johns Bcpkins sup- ports. Ihey prefer to embrace chronic Bright’s disease under the general term of “Chronic diffuse nephritis and to regard the various forms which we find under this as sc many manifestations- sc many varieties- of one £nd the same disease- chronic diffuse nephritis. Accepting this classification we propose to tell you something about four forms of chronic diffuse nephritis. 1. that form which is characterized by the Targe kidney and in which there is no amy- loid degeneration present, this is known as the large white kidney of Wilkes- Gecrge Rilkes, an Fnglish physician, first having proposed this term. 2. We % will direct your attention to the large kidney with amyloid degeneration, which if you choose you may call amyloid nephritis. 5. the most important form- the small contracted kidney, synonym# for it which I will give you whenwe take up that special form- 4. Ihe contracted kidney which accompanies a general disease, (general thickening)of the blood vessels, designated “Ar- terio sclerosis. Mow, 'ttrr linrtlT5TTW',reiy: The first kidney which we will describe under chronic diffuse nephritis is the large white kidney. I have already told you that acute Bright's disease, as a rule, does net pass ever into chronic Bright's disease. That is the patient either gets well or dies, as a rule. Sometimes, however, (exceptionally) the acute disease is prolonged into a chronic condition, and then we find the large white kidney but the ma- jority of cases of large white kidney without amyloid degeneration do not orig inate as acute Bright's disease- the disease is of a slow hidden nature from the beginning. In this particular form we find at autopsy the kidney much en- larged. Instead of having the normal weight, say of 15C grams which the adult kidney weighs, it may be found to weigh £50, 500 or 400 grams. $hile the kid- ney , as a rule is pale in odor it may be mottled white and red. The oapsule strips away easily, is not adherent. Upon out section the oortex is found to be decidedly increased, mere often of a pale color but sometimes reddish areas marking hemorrhage into the tubules, or yellowish white areas marking fatty degeneration of the epithelium within the tubules. The striaticn of the kidney in the oertioal ares is obscure, and the Malpighian bodies, as a rule,- pale. The pyramidial structure, just as in all the forms of chronic Bright's \4v hr disease is congested. microscopical It the oapsule is still adherent to the section, it is net found to be thickened, but here and there through the section, one finds areas of marked increase in the con- nective tissue of the kidney- areas in which the tubules are much compressed, or have largely disappeared. Here the tubules are narrowed. In ether areas not affected by connective tissue, the tuples are even dilated much larger than normal. This connective tissue growth may show numerous cell nuclei or I may be poor in oells- present a fribrilated appearance. Bear in mind, just as I told you in aoute Bright’s disease you do not find the section of the kidney unitcrmly^diffusely affected, but we find scattered areas of disease in one ncrticn of the kidney while another portion will scarcely be disturbed. The diseased pert shows marked change in the connective tissue growth. 'Ihe con- nective tissue round about Bowman’s capsule is generally thickened and tne connective tissue of the capsule, of the tuft itself may be considerably in- creased. Ihe glomerulus may be converted into a mass of fibrous tissue. Fre- quently the glomeruli present a lobulated form, as if they were divided up into distinct lobules, and occasionally vessels are seen that have undergone a hyalins degeneration Jkd tc the epithelium of the Where the con- nective tissue has increased we generally find atrophy as well- cells which have undergone atrophic changes. In other sections of the kidney you may find oells the seat of hyaline degeneration, peculiar refractive material which appears in them as droplets and which is olcsely/the nature of fibrin. He / frequently find in fresh sections, that many of the epithelial ceils, the secreting oells, have undergone fatty degeneration. We sometimes find that the epithelium of Bowman’s capsule end the tuft has undergone considerable pro- liferation, and we get moon figures of the proliferated oells. Sometimes we find numbers of these cells lying in the tube leading from the tuft. Ihe bloodvessels, as a rule, are unaffected, though occasionally one does find some increase in the intima of the vessels- seme slight endarteritis. Here and there, especially in the mottled kidney, we find red blood cells in Bowman’s capsule, but more especially in certain tubules of the kidney. .In- deed in seme of the large mottled kidneys the amount of hemorrhage into the tuble is sufficient to constitute what is called "chronic hemorrhagic nephritic which is one of the forms of this large white kidney without amyloid degenera* ticn. Ibis is the chronic form of Bright’s disease which runs rather a short course. Ihe patient generally because we do not cure the in a year and a half or two years. You can prolong life, do e good deal of good in relieving the patients condition, but you cannot cure the condition. Ibe second form to which I will call your attention is the large kidney with amyloid degeneration, the waxy kidney- sometimes net classed with chronic Bright's disease. I do not know where your text book on the practice of med- - ioine places this amyloid degeneration of the kidney, possibly ncx with chronic Bright's disease. As I have told yen, you may designate nephritidj Ihis is of the frequent forms of chronic inflammations of the kidney- this with the small contracted kidney. Ibis is the form that gees as yon already knew with amyloid degeneration of the liver, and the diseases with which it is associated- syphilis, chronic suppuration of bone,chronic tuberculosis, etc. sc that you will net be surprised to bear me state that with this form of chronic inflammation of the kidney we have amyloid degeneration of a number of the organs, in which amyloid is deposited- spleen, liver, stomach, intestine uterus, ovaries etc. 'Ibe kidney microscopically is changed- the capsule strips as a rule, easily, though sometimes it is adherent, and we may find, I may here remark, that the amyloid kidney is sometimes smaller than the normal size. Here we find the capsule adherent, and the surface of the kidney instead of being smooth as usual, somewhat granular. Open cut section the cortex is found increased, as a rule, and pale in color. Ihe disease may be sc slight; the patient having died of some intercurrent affection, that to the naked eye no amyloid change is to be seen. As a rule, though, the amount of amyloid degeneration is sufficient to show greyish translucent areas. Ihe markings 8 P 6 of the kidney are obscure and the glomeruli are pale, Iber€Aareas of whitish or yellowish appearance, marking fatty degeneration of the cells. Ihe pyrami- dal portion is congested. 4s tc the microscopical appearance: One sees in this form very deoeded forifis changes. It is really cne cf the pleasant A of chronic Bright’s disease to get under the microscope, because you can find something without difficulty. In the first place the connective tissue stroma cf the kidney is much Many tubules are in a state of atrophy. Ihey may have disappeared entirely where this increase cf connective tissue has taken place. In the next place the glomeruli are decidedly involved by the deposit of this peculiar material of albuminous origin, (amyloid material) in the walls of the capillaries, leading finally to their obliteration. Net only in the Malpighian | tufts do we find this amyloid deposit, but we find it in larger blood vessels* j in the straight vessels- of the kidney, and in the vessels especially along the vascular zone, the zone of the blood vessels arches between the cortex and i the pyramidal portions; and you notice that just as in the liver, the amyloid is deposited in the middle coat of the blood vessels. Not only that, but we find the basement membrane propria, upon which the epithelial cell are sup- ported, thickened by the amyloid deposit; then too you find the most extensive change in the kidney epithelium- marked fatty degeneration, hyaline degenera- tion, atrophy, etc. Ibis is the form of chronic Bright’s disease which may lest many years, end which the patient may have in a well advanced condition without being aware of it. Now I think you will appreciate that although we oall one form here the large white kidney without amyloid and the other the large kidney without amyloid degeneration, you will now be ready to acknowledge that both forms, from what I have told you are really instances of chronic diffuse nephritis; that is that all of the structures of the kidney are in- volved- interstitial tissue, epithelium and blood vessels. We will speak about the other form some other time. PATHOLOGY NO. 33. April 6, 1898, Small contracted kidney 11. Chronic Interstitial Nephritis 2. Cbronio Arterio-Solerotio Kidney Synonyms: Small granular kidney Red atrophy of tbs kidney Gouty kidney. I have spoken to you already, gentlemen, concerning two of the forms of chronic Bright's disease- the large kidney, white or mottled, without waxy degeneration, end the large kidney with waxy degeneration, sometimes called "amyloid nephritis”, tav Th ere are two important varieties of chronic Bright's disease, which are embraced under the small contracted kidney. Amyloid nephri- tis and the small contracted kidney embrace the majority of cases of chronic Bright's disease. In the form of small contracted kidney we have two distinct varieties- 1st chronic interstitial nephritis, which is often referred to as the small granular kidney, red granular kidney, red atrophy of the kidney etc. “Cyanotic atrophy of the kidney” has occasionally been applied to it. New I told you that you could net accept Brerioh's ideas that the large kidney un- derwent a change into the small kidney- B'rerich’s idea being that this was the rule. Notwithstanding that fact, there are occasional cases which sofem to beer cut the idea- these ere the exceptional oases- that the large white kidney may later undergo considerable decrease in size with e still more marked in- crease of the connective tissue of the kidney. That is quite the exception, however. Sc that although there is such a thing as a secondarily contracted kidney, Awhat we refer to here in the small contracted kidney is an organ which at no time has undergone enlargement, but is what may be designated a primarily con- treated kidney. 'Ihere is every evidence tc believe that the kidney from the beginning of the disease starts on its way tc atrophy- grows smaller. This is the one form of Bright’s disease that, more than any other, has a right to be considered a distinct disease of the kidney, target us take the chronic in- terstitial nephritis as the first form of the small contracted.kidney. Ibis variety constitutes probably half of the oases of small contracted kidney. It is the.kidney which English authors have-written a good deal about, designating it as the small gouty kidney, others as the small spirit kidney, the writer being influenced by his belief that gout or the influence of alcohol was the important causative factor in the production ci this variety of kidney disease. We here find the kidney much reduced in size- reduced | or even 'i. Ibe kidney is not smooth, but rough; the capsule does not peel away when you attempt to remove it but is found tc be adherent, and when separated with force carries with it portions of the kidney structure. Not only that, before the capsule is removed, in s majority of these cases, one observes under the capsule a number of little cysts of varying size filled with clear contents, from a pin point tc pea size; sometimes many dozen of these cysts scattered under the capsule. Like other form of chronic Bright’s disease of course you understand that,both kidneys are affected, occasionally one. being in a little more advanc- ed stage than the other. When the capsule is removed I say the.kidney is rough, it presents a granular, uneven surface. Ibe parts of the.kidney which have not undergone the most advanced change present often a yellowish appearance, a greenish yellonr appearance, and the depression between these granulations on the surface of the.kidney mark the seat of the connective tissue. Just as in cirrhosis of the liver, the nodules on the surface of the liver represent the the secreting parenchyma of the liver and the depression.between the nodules the new oonneotiwe tissue, so this same condition is seen in the kidney. Upon section of the organ it is found that this atrophy affects the cortical portion of the kidney; this is reduced from i to I,sometimes to a mere line, and the pyramidal portion is, as in other forms of Bright’s, injected. Micro- scopically vse find that all parts of the kidney are involved- all of the struc- tures of the.kidney, I should say. Possibly the interstitial tissue of the organ is more.in creased than in anyother of the forms that we have yet studied] This connective tissue may radiate down as distinct large bands from the cap- sule, and one may find no remains of tubules in such.bands. In other areas the connective tissue is found increased.between the tubules and these very much compressed and atrophied. Other tubules are found decidedly dilated; some dilat- ed into small cysts owing to the contraction of the connective tissue of the kidney, interfering with the escape of the secretion from Bowman’s capsule, thus.backing up the urine in the tubules. One finds many cf the glomerular tufts completely obliterated- nothing to.be seen but s dense fibrous connective tissue. Ground other tufts Bowman’s oapsule is very muoh thickened. Occasion- ally one sees that here and there in the section one of the smaller blcodves- ¥ sels is affected, its cal reduced, owing to the increase in the intima of the vessel, .but this is in striking contrast in this form of chronic nephritis with the bloodvessels in the srterio-sclerotic kidney, as we will see. Now in addition to the increase of connective tissue which is very marked in this form; in addition to the obliteration of many of the Malpighian tufts by the connective tissue increase, in addition to the thickening of Bowman’s capsule and to the dilatation of certain tubes, and atrophy of others, we find the epithelium here, as a rule, muoh. atrophied. 'Ibis may.be especially in the tubules which are surrounded.by quite dense connective tissue. We find other 3 tubules containing epithelium that has undergone hyaline degeneration, fatty degeneration. You.know $eigert, a German pathologist, has expressed the view that in this form of obrcnio kidney disease, the first change is atrophy of the epithelium, and that all of the connective tissue increase is simply compensa- tory- to take the place of atrophied epithelium. Be has tried to sustain this view with a good deal of acute observation and reasoning, end he does not stani alone in this regsrd,.Other pathologists in this country,regard the first change in this form of chronic nephritis as affecting the secreting epithelium, but we will not stop to consider that this is true or not. It cannot.be posi- tively sustained. In the second variety of small contracted kidney- the kid- ney of arterio-solerosis, as it is called, we find very much the sameobanges, but we find especially the. bloodvessels in the.kidney affected. Kcw the first form, the chronic interstitial nephritis, is not associated with s disease of the.bloodvessels. I have said that occasionally a.bloodvessel may.be found, even in this form of kidney disease, in which the caliber of the vessel is re- duced by the thickening of the intima. On the other hand, the chronic arterio- sclerotic . kidney is the kidney which we find in connection with a general di- sease of the arteries, which was first described.by Gull & Sutton in 1891 un- der the title “irteric-Cepillary Fibrosis”- this was the first important arti- cle on the subject- Sir William.Gull, the distinguished physician who has con- tributed .so.much to.good.solid practical medicine. .Under this.general arterial disease they described,a thickening of the walls of the arteries.and capillaries which condition affected the arterial system generally. 'Ihey described it as a fibroid thickening affecting the outermost coats of the vessel- the adventitia as you have been taught to call it. Now we have every reason to.believe that the pathological histology of this disease ss interpreted,by Gull & Sutton, is net oorreot. Ihere is suoh a disease as general arteriosclerosis, and, it , is a very important disease, a very impor- tant affection for the physician to recognize.clinically. Ibis is one of the affections which you ere able to diagnose. It is that peculiar disease of the .bloodvessels which is accompanied.by an increased pressure in the vessels a plus tension as your professor of practice will describe it tc you- a thick- ening in the radial arteries, for instance, so that the vessels can be rolled under the finger, end the is with difficulty shut off in the vessel. Ibis is accompanied by a most marked hypertrophy of the heart and an accentuation of the aortic second sound. Ihese are the characteristics of the disease- general arterio-solerosis, - a disease which every graduate in medicine should be sc- A qusinted, because you are apt tc meet with it. It is a disease which is met with frequently in this.country, and it occurs not in old people, but , as a rule, in the very robust and strong middle aged people- from 4C to 5C years of age. Ihese ages embracing most of Councilmans*s oases as observed in this country. Ibis disease has.been especially written on from the pathological side by Gull and Sutton, by the German Pathologist I horns, who has contributed so much tc.cur knowledge of diseases ..of the. bloodvessels, and. in this country especially.by Ccunoilmann, the present professor of pathology at Harvard Col- j lege. Of course, your professor of clinical medicine will lecture tc you on arterio- capillary fibrosis or.general arterio-solerosis. I simply want to cal call your attention to the fact that there.are three forms of arterio- sclero- sis. First the form which is.known as (I am not speaking now of the kidney seen j' understand, but of the bloodvessels) :,nodular 3rterio-scierosis;; If you many autopsies and have seen the aorta and larger bloodvessels opened, you may have had your attention attracted to certain slightly elevated, light colored areas involving the intima of the vessel, and which were doubtless designated atheromatous patches- atheroma- this is the nodular variety of arterio-sclero.rr sis. Then again there is another variety known as “senile” arterio sclerosis “senile endarteritis” in which in elderly people, the walls of the vessels are found to be much thickened,elevated, certain exaggerated curves in the artery Oi £ where normally they do not occur- these arteries becoming quite oalcerous under K (L the disposition of lime salts. Then there is the general srterio-sclerosis, affecting all of the bloodvessels, which is found in middle aged individuals, the so-called secondary arterio sclerosis- the nodular form being designated sometimes as primary arteriosclerosis. This form which accompanies the srte- rio sclerotic kidney is the important form. Ail of these forms as Thoma has shown us are due directly to the degeneration of the muscular coat of the ves- sels, which is the first change, in the nodular variety, and in general arterio sclerosis, frequently the muscle cells are found to have undergone fatty de- generation. Most often though, the change is a deposit of a hyaline,smooth, homogenious material in the middle coat of the vessel, a material which in some respects resembles amyloid, but is of a different chemical constitution. This deposit follows either fatty degeneration or atrophy of the muscle cells. In order that the vessel shall not be weakened, what does nature do ? She strengthens the inner coat of the bloodvessels, the intima. That undergoes marked thickening, just at the point in nodular sclerosis wherftthe muscular coat is weakest, and in the same way in general arterio sclerosis. Here we have involving the large vessels and the small vessels, sometimes all of them, this peculiar change taking place in the muscle coat of the vessels, followed by a thickening o$ the intima. It is interesting to know that during life these atheromatous patches, which we see at autopsy, do not project inside of the vessel at all. Thoms hss shown by taking oasts of the vessels with parraf- fin that the wall is perfectly smooth and that there is no depression, showing that the intima is increased just enough to make the vessel smooth. After death, with the pressure removed they appear as elevated patches. Now as to the general cause of arterio-fibrosis or sclerosis: Although Thoma attributed it to increase of pressure in the smaller vessels, this fol- lowed by increased pressure in the larger vessels, we do not aooept this view at all. It seems to be some primary change- to be due to some primary oeuse- oertainly we find it in syphilitics. Then again arterio-soierosis is found in men who are compelled to do extremely hard manual labor, men who are also ex- posed to great hardships, and, as Osier says, it is at times unmistakably her- editary. He quotes some one as saying “a man is only as old as his arteries7’. Nature sometimes, as Osier remarks, makes a body otherwise very well, but puts in poor tubing, and this is the oase in this disease known as general arterio- sclerosis. For some reason the bloodvessels are s to do their proper work- from some general constitutional cause the meaia or muscular ooat of the bloodvessels undergoes this peculiar change and is followed by thickening of the intima. We find in the kidney some of the most striking changes: first the change in the bloodvessels; and the kidney symptoms, bear in mind, due to the arterial ' changes, are the most prominent symptoms ordinarily found in the disease known as arterio-solerosis. The kidney symptoms are often the organs that first oall attention to the disease- the faot that the patient has something wrong with the urine, perhaps an increase in the quantity of the urine, small amount of al- bumen in it, diminution in the specific gravity, etc. In regard to the structural changes in the kidney, we find a very great in- crease in the connective tissue of the organ, this change especially takes plac( in the oapillaris of the glomeruli, completely obliterating many of these, so A that they appear just as the glomeruli do in the kidney of chronic interstitial nephritis. We find some cystic dilatation. We do not find as marked atrophy- In other words, we may have the kidney of arterio-sclerosis not much whereas the chronic interstitial nephritis is always a small kidney; this ar- terio-solerotic kidney is occasionally a kidney of normal size or perhaps a iitJ tie reduced in size. It is extremely resistant to pressure, to tearing and to the klife. Upon section the vessels at the hylus of the kidney are found to project above the out surface, or in making section of the kidney the vessels in the intermediate zone are found to project, their walls being very much thickened and very prominent. We find perhaps the oortioal substance markedly reduced, or a little reduced- occasionally the change to the eye is extremely slight in this form of kidney sclerosis. We have the same changes in the epi- thelial structures as I have described to you in the other form; indeed you may have just the same picture microscopically in this form that you have in the first, except that the bloodvessels are different, and it is important to bear in mind that the disease of the arteries is the chief difference between these two varieties in kidney disease- one associated with general arterio-sclerosis, and the other not associated with it. In both of these forms of Bright’s di- sease, gentlemen, we have marked hypertrophy of the heart. Bright believed that this hypertrophy was due to an accumulation of urea circulating through the vessels; that it was brought about by spasm of the vessels, the urea act- ing either upon the vaso-motor center or upon the walls of the vessels, thus reducing their calibre, so putting greater action upon the heart and thus lead- ing to this hypertrophy. This is considered even yet one of the good explana- tions for the hypertrophy of the heart. Others have attributed the hypertro- phy to the obliteration of the bloodvessels in the kidney and other organs of the body, especially the general arterio-sclerosis; others still have attrib- uted it to the fact that so much blood is required to be carried through the kidney in a given time, and hence as many of the bloodvessels are obliterated, as many of the glomeruli are obliterated, the heart in order to pump a given amount of blood through fewer capillary districts, must increase its power. This may have something to do with it. Nature has seme very peculiar ways of bringing about adjustments. At any rate, although there is such extensive ob- literation of the vessels in the kidney, bear ir mind that in the small con- tracted kidney (both varieties) the urine is not diminished, but increased. The amount of urine secreted depends not so much upon the pressure as upon the quantity of blood that passes through the kidney in a given time, as I have already told you. This very much hypertrophied heart manages to send more blood through the kidney, consequently we have an increased amount of urine, but of low specific gravity. This is one of the important points in diagnosis. a If you have a patient who passes 55 or 60 ounces of urine, without or with a little albumen end doing this daily, and with as low a specific gravity as Q. 1,012, 1.010 or 1.008, be prepared for the small contracted kidney. It is one of the forms of Bright's disease- both of these varieties- ‘which stasis upon the patient very gradually. Sometimes he may be syphilitic, or a gouty indi- vidual, or a painter who has been working in lead for a number of years. -It is one of the insiduous forms of ohronio Bright's disease. I have already implied in these remarks something as to its causation. It may be that many of the oases, especially of small contracted kidney, has its origin in one of the attacks of the acute infectious disease. We do not knew. That view is coming into prominence, ihe idea that chronic malaria accounts for this varie- ty of kidney disease is sometimes held. I do not attach any particular impor- tance tc it. PATHOLOGY HO. 54 April 8, 1898. SPLEEN. 1. Acute splenic tumor 2. Chronic passive congestion 3. Infarction 4. Amyloid degeneration 5. Spleen of the leukaemia 6. Spleen of Malaria ?. Tuberculosis of Spleen. These are the most important pathological conditions of the spleen. •Ibe diseases of the spleen are in some respects of less importance than those of the liver, lungs and kidneys. Indeed, although the spleen is of im- portance in the animal economy, it does not seem to be absolutely necessary in order that the individual should have an average degree of health. Occa- sionally there is a congenital absence of the spleen. In other oases the spleen has been removed by surgical operation, the patient remaining in a fair state of health. Nevertheless, there are various diseases of the spleen with which you should have some acquaintance. I need not recall to you the histol- ogy of the spleen- you knew that it consists largely of lymphoid tissue. It is an organ made up of blood spaces, bloodvessels and lymphoid tissue- the largest collection of lymphoid or adenoid structures to be found in the body, ibe spleen consists largely of what is known as splenic pulp, and scattered through this splenic pulp we have certain well,defined localized lymphoid structures along the bloodvessels, known as the Malpighian bodies or “Malpighian follicles of the spleen. Ibe splenic pulp constitutes the greater part of the splenic tissue. It contains blood spaces generally known as venous capillaries or ve- nous spaces, whose walls are made up of spindle shaped cells and whose contents 2 consist of red blood cells and white blood cells. Ihis splenic pulp also con- tains a number of lymphoid cells- cells having a single nucleus and correspond ing to lymphoid cells of lymphatic glands, then certain larger cells with rela tive more protoplasm containing one or more nuclei, which you are already ac- quainted with as the "splenic cells" proper. As I have already said the most marked collection of lymphoid cells are those that are found around the blood- vessels- certain of the bloodvessels and smaller arteries of the spleen- and in examining a section of the spleen you will generally notice that the blood- vessel is most often deoentrally located; that is, it is not quits in the oen ter of the lymphoid cells in the Malpighian follicle- this appearance you are already familiiar with. All of this structure is supported by bands of con- nective tissue radiating from the capsule and from the hylus of the spleen. These are the coarser bands or the so-called trabeculae of the spleen, along which the bloodvessels run for quite a distance in the spleen. Then we have in addition to these coarser trabeculae, Quite a network of finer fibers which course through the splenic pulp in various directions, known as the splenic reticulum, ihere is a very delicate reticulum in between the lymphoid cells in the Malpighian follicles of the spleen. Mow then, you see that the spleen consists largely of blood spaces and of lymphoid cells. We first take up the vascular disturbances in the spleen, and I may here remark that there is an active congestion of the spleen which accompanies di- gestion. Ihe capsule covering the spleen is very distensible and permits of considerable enlargement of the organ, this enlargement occurring with each act of normal digestion. But thereis another form of active congestion of the spleen which is not physiological- it is that quite marked congestion of the spleen which attends certain of the acute infectious diseases; especially well marked in relapsing fever, typhoid fever, croupous pneumonia, and in the h b antrax spleen of animals; and in the antrax spleen of human beings also, al- though anthrax is a rare disease in the human being. You know that enlargement of the spleen is one of the clinical symptoms which we meet with during the course of typhoid fever* ihe educated physician always palpates the spleen in in typhoid, notwithstanding the fact that we have various other reliable tests for the diagnosis-of this disease. Ihe spleen is found to be much enlarged in typhoid, and I will take that as a type of acute splenic enlargement. At autop- sy it is found to be dark in color, very friable (soft and friable- easily torn) and indeed rupture of the spleen may take place during life, so that I may warn5 you against being too enthusiastic in puncturing the spleen of typhoid fever or croupous pneumonia, (sometimes in bacteriological research the physician may want a culture of typhoid bacillus and the spleen of the human being is the place to get it ) but it is better to take it after death than during life, be- cause the hypodermic needle may cause a rupture of the much softened spleen end fatal hemorrhage. Rupture of the spleen seems to be beyond surgical assistance. Upon section the spleen is of a very dark color, the splenic pulp being so en- gorged that the splenic cells have taken up a number of red blood corpuscles and are then known as “corpuscles carrying cells", these you may find in ty- phoid fever especially, or in croupous pnemonia for that matter, these cells, which are really the splenic cells proper, act as phagocytes and take up the red blood cells brought to the spleen. In addition to the blood carrying cells, we find in the pulp various areas of necrosis, You will detect those with low power. You will notice certain areas stained a little more brightly with eosin than the other parts of the pulp, and in these areas you will see numer- ous fragments of nuclei of cells, especially of the polymorphonuclear cells that have wandered into the area of necrosis. Now this condition of acute splenic tumor, as it is called, in typhoid fever, in croupous pneumonia, in septicaemia, in anthrax, is frequently referred to as acute inflammation of the spleen, scute splenitis, fie do find in the acute stages a lesger number of polymorphonuclear leucocytes in the splenic pulp than normally, and occasional- ly a necrosis goes on to absolute abscess formation, which is raer. Occasion- ally there are numerous small abscesses scattered through the splenic pulp, so that it is generally spoken of as scute splenitis, though it is more properly designated as “splenic tumor". The necrosis in the spleen do not contain group: of typhoid bacillus. In a section we find clumps of the bacilli scattered here and there in the pulp and occasionally in the vascular spaces, but just as we do not find them in the necrosis of the liver, we do not find them in the ne- crotic areas of the spleen. Probably the necrosis is brought about by the pro- duction of emboli in the bloodvessels, or primarily by the presence of the tcx- ines io the circulation. .1 think 1 told you when on the subject of the liver of typhoid that it was impossible to say whether the necrosis was due to emboli or simply to the toxines circulatin through the liver. The same applies to their production in the spleen. Seme of these marked necrosis have been de- scribed as occurring in relapsing fever, which disease has net been in this country for several years. When I was in hospital in New York, some years ago, we bad two epidemics and these were due to the spirillum Cbermieri- Obermeir being the first to detect these in the blood of the human being. It is in this form of splenic tumor (relapsing fever) that the most marked necro- sis have been found. They have also been found in in acute splenic fever and fatal oases of diphtheria. If all goes well this splenic tumor undergoes reso- lution, and the neorotio areas, which are generally minute, are replaced by a regeneration of the cells of the splenic pulp. Now as tc the second chronic passive congestion of the spleen. This needs only a word. It is caused by obstructive lesions in the heart, lung and liver, with which you are already familiar. The spleen in chronic passive congestion does not obtain the size that it does in acute splenic tumor. In- stead of being a light soft spleen it is a dark resistant spleen, at times it is but little increased in size over the normal. The resistance is due to an increase in the connective tissue proper of the reticulum of the spleen, which gives you a firmer organ to deal with. The cut surface is generally of a dark red color. The back pressure of the blood has a remarkable effect in causing atrophy of the Malpighian follicles-{hence they are not prominent in the spleen of chronic passive congestion. Neither of these conditions can be effected by remedies. Chronic passive congestion of the spleen is a permanent oondition- if a patient once has it, it remains until he ceases to be of any further par- ticular interest. Regarding the third condition- infarction of the spleen: This is another one of the vascular disturbances of the spleen. Here we have as a rule, the anaemic form of infarction. Although the splenic tissue being less resistant than the kidney tissue and resembling more closely that of the lung, may fur- nish us hemorrhagic infarctions, as a rule, anaemic infarctions are found here. They come of course with lesions of the left side of the heart or from masses of fibrin torn away from aneurism of the aorta, whether thoracic or sbdominal- generally masses of fibrinous exudate with bacteria swept from the left ventri- ole of the heart in ulcerative endocarditis. The splenic artery is a good sized vessel, and the spleen ranks about next to the kidney in being the seat of infarction. The infarction here undergoes the same change as you already have been made acquainted with in the lung and kidney. It sometimes leads to the formation of an abscess- a distinct abscess. This abscess may rupture through the capsule and cause a fatal peritonitis, or the hemorrhagic infarct may undergo resolution, liquefication and softening -its place being taken by granulation tissues, just as we saw in the lung-, finally a dense scar tissue being formed, which causes a puckering of the spleen- remaining afterwards as a distinct puckered depression on the surface of the spleen. Infarcts, as a rule, are large in the spleen. 4th. Amyloid degeneration of the spleen goes with amyloid degeneration of other organs, and is met with in two forms. In the firrt form the middle ooat of the arteries is the seat of the amyloid deposit. It even invades the Mal- pighian follicles, destroying them, and giving you, upon section, distinct, translucent, grayish areas, scattered uniformly throughout the spleen, giving rise to the so-called “sago” spleen, reminding you of sago scattered over the surface of the spleen. This is one form. The other form (the second) the reticulum proper or pulp of the spleen is invaded, and you have a general amy- loid degeneration of the splenic tissue. This goes with tuberculosis, chronic bone disease, syphilis, and diseases of that order. 5th. The spleen of leukaemia is an interesting spleen to study microscopi- cally. Ibis and the spleen of malaria are two of the most resistant forms of splenic tumor that we can meet with. In both the spleen is enlarged; in the one case (leukaemia) due to the enormous accumulation of white bloodcells in the splenic pulp, snd in the second case (malaria) due to the accumulation of malarial parasites, malarial pigment, and degenerated red blood cells,- both of these forms of collection of cells serving to cause an increase, to a marked extent, of the connective tissue of the spleen. One can better under- stand the spleen of leukaemia by studying the section than I could possibly ex- plain. You know the spleen is one of the organs which serves, like the lym- phatic glands, to filter out various particles in the blood. Degenerated red blood cells find their way to the spleen. He used to think the spleen the source of the red blood cells, we now consider it the graveyard of the red blood cells. In regard to its vascular relations; you know it has never been 1 decided whether the arteries and veins connect directly or whether the arteries! stop and there are oetain large blood spaces in the spleen without walls proper from which the vsnious capillaries lead. Others contend that the arterial cap- illaries snd the venous capillaries are in connection with each other, which is probably the true theory. As I have already said, the splenic pulp.serves to filter out various foreign bodies, pigment of all kind, hemosiderin, mala- rial blood, degenerated red blood cells, malarial parasites, white blood cells when they are in large numbers in the circulation- all of these collecting in the spleen. The spleen is one of the sources of the white blood cells (the leucocytes), so that in chronic malaria snd in leucaemia (the splenic myelogenous leuoaemoa) we find quite a collection of cells that are foreign to the normal spleen, which give rise to the swelling end to the connective tissue hyperplasia which we find under these circumstances in the spleen. 7th. The other lesion to which I will call your attention is tuberculosis of the spleen. This appears in two forms; 1st Acute miliary tuberculosis, go-