CERTIFICATES, 1 ■'.# u OF TOE SINGULAR EFFICACY OF THOSE Justly Esteemed & HigMy PREP/H&D AND SOLD, WHOJLESAL^, BY W. T. Conway, Chemist, No. 1, Hamilton^! 4 Place, Common-street; BOSTON, y; And retailed by his appointment, by most Druggists, Book- sellers *nd Post-masters, throughout the United States. ■#■"'■ pTTo prevent imposition the outside printed •wrapper it signet ty tie safe Proprietory J «« \V. T. CONWAY." At you value health, observ* this I S0Ua-BY__Sfi&ClAi^A£KOi^ Mr. JO#N TIEBOUT, Bookseller, No. 438, Water.street, New-York.... Wholesale and retail Agent, Take care of this Pamphlet as it may be of servict on some faturc orcuroo* A DR. RELFE'S BOTANICAL DROPS. CERTIFICATES. SARGENT ROGERS, No. 32, Hanovtr- street, Boston., doth hereby certify that ha was severely afflicted with an eruption for fifteen years, all over the head, hands, legs, arms, and various parts or tht body, (and many Urge blotches in the face) o.ten times forming a solid cnm as thick as a dollar and as large as the palm of his hand, attended with the most tormenting itching, burning and blotches. In this truly distressing situation almost de- Fii^ii of hope, havi.ig triedevery other Medicine in vain, was cured by taking Dr. Rclfe's N ■- -&>zaniea7~Drepy: -prepared by W. T. COtiWAY, Hamilton Place, and doth ^ ^hereby certify that he^was cured by his Medicine alone without any other Medical assistance, Boston, ^une 1, 1814. ""^.{Signed) SARGENT ROGERS. Thisis to cert ifjyt hat T, PLYTHORA" BLISS, of Lebanon, Con. had be*n horribly afflicted with an extreme scrofulous complaint, and after following the advice and prescriptions^ the most experienced in fite countrv, and without re- . v lief. I, by the advice of a friend, had recourse to ' Dr. R.ilfie's Botanical Drops* f-i'\ prepared by W. T. Conway, which to my surprise pi oduccd almost instanta- \ necus relief. Witness my hand, PLYTtfPRA BLISS. Witness—Dyer fef Ho-ujes, Windham. Oct.1, i*i6. Mr. JARED CARROLL, of Charle?town, was severely afflicted witha pain- ful scrofulous rrupton on the upper lip, with little intermission, for 20 years ; Hern to Englaud and Ireland, and while there placed himself under Professional men of the greatest eminence, without relief; returned.to this country, tried e>ery thing without benefit, when he was advised to try ' Dr. Reifies £ptanice afflicted. —-*-— WILLIAM PAYSON, of Boston, 10 years old, was 4 years afflicted with five holet through his foot, went oncrgtcherthe whole time, had his foot opened twice by an eminent Stfrgeon ; the bone scraped, add at length resigned as past relief, his death •xpectel, W'liTn to the surprise of every 'oi\e*hi$ health was restored in 10 days, 48 pieces of boie cam • a.vay, and his foot perfectly healed by taking thes« Drops, an J is now run- S.jj about Boston as well as any other boy (not lame ) without crutche s. A-man of Roxbury, well known was 25 years afflicted with pain and w^'insss :r« his :• ";ns. wrist and bind. at\ ength there formed four foul ulcers in his wrist, 011- of which'7:^1.eat through his wrist another was three inches deep her was two inches deep, the whofo 3:sclirer having tr eel every thing ;r. vain and suffered an operation on his hand, v as cuied by taking tour Dot- tles. On examination the bone was found shattered, and by taking i!t c Drops ct.ly, tw* pieces came away. N- N. Wright, of Boston, was 3 year* afflicted with a.Fever Sore on one •f his I'-'gs, had tried most Medicines without e-ffict. vas ) was a long lime aff.ictedwiilu.l^ Leprosy, which ccvered her all over with scales, could not b/nd a Joint without gtts>hir.g out of blood, attended with n.cst tor. "•'■'iting itching, burningand blotches, wa-coifined to her bed for many nonthsr '.vnred by taking 6 Bettles of Dr. Reife's Botanical Drops, after the ad or 3d Bi le was able to attend to her usUil family-concerns. A Toung Lady of Boston, war afflicted with a violent Humourir.ber*ye# '•nd re&jited all Medicine, was cure by three Bottles of the Drcy-s. A V 4 fgST The following »andtd and liberal lettfc from that eminent Physician, D*. Johh S, i,angdon, of Limeric, confirms still further the superior efficacy of these Preps. *• Doctor W. T. Conway—Sir, it is with pleasure that I inform you, that Doctor Relfe's Botanfcal -Drops' have been of great-service in these parts, in the following complaints—Salt Rhoum, Scald Head, Eruptions on the skin and disorders ol the stomach. '• I am, sir, with respect your friend, "JOHN S. LANGDON, Physician." Limerie, June 18, 1818. • These Drops are a radical cure for Scurry, Scrofula, St. Anthony*s Fire, Leprosy, Pimpled Faces, Sor« Legs, Ulcers, Venereal Taints when mercury has failed, are the best Spring and Autumnal Physic, nnd may be given to children with perfect safety. Price ONE DOLLAR. fc§r Ask JocDr. Relfe's Botan- ical Dropt—Observe the Signature " W. T. CONWAY," on the outside printed wrapper. ————— Abstract of a letter from Dr. Todd, Saco, to W. T. Ccnway. •• YounDr. Relfe's Botanical Drops are a certain, and most excellent Medi- cine for alt Cutaneous Krupticns. 4| One Hundred and Twenty Thoufand Perfbns!! It is computed, die arijiually of Consumption ; originating principally from ta- king cold, commencing with cough, then difficulty of breathing, and pain in the side. At length thi lungs became affected, Consumption ensues, and Death closes the scene.—Alas 1 Too often does prejudice, by listening to some, arid adopting the opinions of others, prevail, thereby preventing a trial of such Me- dicine as might afford relief, under the idea that no relief can be obtained.-•» Scarcely a case occurs, but may be relieved by the timely application'of Dr. Relfe's Afthmatic Pills. As a proof of "which, the following interesting Cures are submitted, tltougt ntoti'ves the most humane, to public perusal. A Gentleman, of Charleftewn, Mafft. wasfeverely afflicted with an Afthma 4 years, and for the last six months his death was daily expected ; when to the surprize of every one, on taking only two boxes of these Piils, his health was perfectly restored. An elderly Lady, of Bofton, was affli&ed 16 years with a moft violent cough, difficulty of breathing, wheezing, &c. would often cough till black in the face, and expecting to be suffocating every instant, could not lay down in her bed tor 4 years, seldom slept but at short intervals, was restored to perfect fcraHJj by taking only % boxes, her sleep ivas restored on (be second night. 1 A young Lady, of Bolton, was -fc^crely ami&ed for three years, with a violent cough, difficulty of breathing, spitting of blood, pain in the side, depri- ved of sleep, and unvrrsal debility. In this distressing state, after having tri- ed all other Medicine in vain, -ind resigned as past relief, on taking only 2 box- es of these Pills, her lough and the wnole of the symptoms left her, sleep was restored, and her health was perfectly established. Mr.------ Stetson, of Hanover> was 9 years affiicled with violent pain in his rij^ht breast, attended at times with great difficulty of breathing, and wholly incapable of attending business. Alter havin? in vain tried all other Medicines, was cured, and his health perftctly restored by z boxes of these pills. A Gentleman, of Plymouth, 70 years of age, was cured of an Afthma by 3 boxes, after 'laving been afflicted upwards of 30 years. An elderly Lad :, her daugijter and grand daughter, were each dread- fully afflicted with Asthma, and were all of them cured and restored to perfect health by 7 boxes. Judge-------, had been afflitted many years with a violent cough and difficulty of breathing, was cured by 2 boxes and restored to perfect health. A Letter addreffed to the Proprietor, by Dr. J. S. Langdon, Phyfician, Limerick, speaking of these Pills, runs thus—"I have tried JDr, Relfe's Asth~^ matic Pills, in Asthma, difficulty of breathing aod consumption, it/ben all other Medicine bad failed, and have found them most excellent.'* A Letter from Dr- Jtfofes Holbrook, of Bath, Me. runs thus;—<• I have ried your Dr. Relfe's Asthmatic Pills with a patient of mine whose case had tesisted every thing—the cough has certainly left her." A Letter from Matthias Day, Efq. Poftmafler, Newark, mentioning these Pills, says—" Your Dr Relfe's Astimatic Pills gain credit daily." A Letter from W. King, Elq. Bridgeport, Com fays—" Tie sales of your Medicine is lood, chillnefs and lhiverings, the forerunners of fevers, &c. Common colds are removed ;n a few hours. The aged will experience relief equally agreeable and inftantaneous, even when the lunga are affected. Price 1 doll. fl^-Afk for Dr. Relfe's Afthmatic PilU. One box, containing 12 Pills, frequently effefts a cure. To prevent imposition, the outfide printed wrapper ie figned by the fole Proprietor, W. T. COft WAY %*Qbferve this as you value health. A r Dr. Relfe's Antihilious Pills. For Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Listlessness, Head-ache, Costiveness, Flat. ulence, Cholic, Bilious affections, &c. To comment on the efPcacy of these Pills, after a successful experience of many years in England has established their reputation, Is needless : Suffice it to observe, that for redundancy of Bile, Flatulence, Costiveness, Head ache, fee. &c, they will undoubtedly prove far more serviceable than those drastic purges too frequently employed, and wil' not only at.the same time fend to re- move the offending cause by gentle motions, and strengthen the digesting Or- gans ; but improve the appetite and renovate the system, which otherwise in a little time would be liaWe to Jaundice, Fevers, &c, DIRECTIONS." Three or four Pills to be taken when occasion require, or atfcight when going to bed. Price One Dollar the Qox. I British Jntisejjlic Dentrifice. The Tooth Ache is not only prevented by this Dentrifice, bat it render* the Teeth beautiful and white (though heretofore b!aek) removes the cause of focter arising from decayed teeth, eradicates the scurvy trom the gums, and at the same time it restores to them their original efflorescence, imports to the breath a most delectable sweetness. Price t dollar. A correspondent writes thus : — UI have recommended your Dentrifice, and have only " to observe, it has afforded universal satisfaction, and wants but to be known to be generally used." t< Dr. yebb's Celebrated Liniment. >£ For Rheuamtism, bruises, sprains, chilblains, numbness, '"* ftiffnc88 in the joints, &c. The relief is immediate, and cure frequently in | 24 hours. The following is knee utfarly as farge as his head, on using this Liniment and taking Botanical Drops,-was cured in ten weeks. Dr. Relfe's Aromatic Female Pills, For Obstructions, Debility, Hypocondria, W. These Pills cleanse, purify, and caus« a free circulation of the blood when in a manner suspended, assist the female when nature requires it, whereby health is established, and the patient before pale as death, restored to a lively and ani< mjied complexion. They are likewise conducive to the health of married tar dies, unless when pregnant, at which time they must not be taken. Price 3 dots. KT Albion Corn Plaister ! 1 This Plainer affords instant relief, at