m ny - k * A -v fl ' 7" V yv; V t /^ v .^^ \'}.f, y^ pfvur \ ft >^i^ /^^ -v\: fWi Wm »* **.^£. T* waJ mt;: .!$? >£ A>& *" ^ *l *>&# fo -**& '5$ Ift "MP yl T'- ^fe. -T Aa ^ ol w A */?;^ i)X fy »,"'j|» v«Si Te gk eT 4ft ^ 04 n ^ilfc, 0* Ys ^ i.f 3 A JI&. XJ The Board of Health, «v fxlf rf 0 W v* ft fit YiS!&. y^%y, -0 V v TV #"% v FOR.THE POBJT QR DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA, IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Co all to tofiom t|je0e ^resente sfjall come, Greeting; /^ CERTIFY AND MAKE KNOWN, That through the blessing of GOD, the City and District of Philadelphia and the vicinity thereof is entirely free from all kinds of malignant contagious diseases............. a-Wz<#^£ /sctzc ^Ccl^ZZ^. IN SOLEMN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have caused these presents to be signed by our President, countersigned f J ^ || ^ h our Secretary, and sealed wittiik*Seal of our office, —^^ at the City[of PHtadelphia, this ^-oo day of &p£~Z44£r- intheyear^our^Lord one thousg&dreight hundred and ^^ ^£^ i\± xi 5 b 3 Z2/^ AX iS'& XX Tv^xT Iy*t|fy\l ?}U&XT fx-^xT * 6-tin j T"ijr*f y« 4& ef ||*;| x^^$h| |f#xt ti#f| rx **&. a J ^_______ ^/President, Secretary. Ctt?ofS|»'iabeip|)ta,fs. CERTIFY, That the names o4 ■**»"* fAe Port of Philadelphia, and that full faith is due to their above Certificate, :-^,.i|>»«ww»it»i. ZAT WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the said City to lw affixed, the /&****«4^-^*u* day of e^&*^*u/£r 4TD. one thousand eight hundred and y^ <-» Tf *w y* ti O^^aT ^X-^xT TSjifeOT Tv^**9T T'xiJrXT :X4ffrXf [PRI.VTKD JBY JOHN POUL90M.J ***• f •" ~7\ *~nr' «*» j _*» «.,«;•■ ,L. ■•&<■.* '^a^' .J^ i i A^j«4 W-' -5- -A J - o- - */- . j^^V^ ■- ^4F T%'.M' aV* !#*T; * ^ r*"?r- •-*% jfT '—r '■* ! cV|ifii€*^U^!l^l;-' ~-T •-ate**- !*&* '#V.. v ub J;= £>; cv • ,.','. a. A} J* >'■ -,.|^*V^ •*& ' ' ' • 1 I* ----------■ ■•!.■> .xr ^.Vstt v^ yr*V: V 5m ©ftft biuuuilU^m '-va.-^ > ^./^ «s- ■ a£ «■ *T^t',lT;il: ' V " •i>- *C >l ^ilt t***V >. .■"^»*-* «*»i^ ^Jt>. ^^ ^v\ >-*XV # --^r - ^. yr ""' ^1^ -- ' - - ■ - — — T-f ftt- -'3T ^ 1 fP52«b'* \W\V6 flf/V':"? n <& ■ K m £ tfV) fe ,\Y / «*«IB|*' ? V- >> ■ A *