JUNGLE DESERT ARCTIC &mesujeiixU&i UNITED STATES.ARMY AIR FORCES FLIGHT CONTROL COMMAND SAFETY EDUCATION DIVISION INTRODUCTION No attempt has been made in this book- let to provide a complete and comprehensive guide to permanent bliss in the Arctic, the Desert, or the Jungle. Rather it is a brief and concise resume of suggestions which will materially aid you in the event of an emergency landing. The suggestions presented should be coupled with imagination, ingenuity, com- mon sense, and the natural instinct of self-preserva- tion—the result being no reason why you can’t beat any terrain or climate. In a lengthy list of experiences of men who have faced the situation of being forced to make it alone in the Arctic, the Desert, or the Jungle, the necessity of maintaining a high morale and faith in the idea they will eventually get back is invariably stressed. By following the few simple rules outlined on the following pages, the percentages will be all on your side. A manual containing information for emergency procedures in the Jungle, Desert and Arctic is placed in Parachute Kits and in some other types of Emer- gency Kits. 3 TO BAIL OR NOT TO BAIL N I ORMALLYj A CONTROLLED CRASH LAND- ING, WITH FUEL TO SPARE, IS PREFERABLE TO BAILING out because: The intact outline of your airplane will help searching parties to find you. The airplane will provide shelter. Residual fuel and oil can be drained and burned for warmth and to supply smoke or signals to guide searchers. Material will be available for improvised sun hel- mets, fish spears, shelter, bush knives, signalling de- vices, etc. 5 IF, HOWEVER, IT IS NECESSARY TO BAIL OUT, YOU SHOULD ATTEMPT TO : Tuck your maps and emergency rations inside your clothes. Make your way to the wrecked airplane if it is not too far away. Prepare some sort of signalling device for instant use. GENERAL SUGGESTIONS ON PREPAREDNESS.- Wear, or carry with you, appropriate clothing for the trip. Wear shoes that you can walk home in. 6 FORCED LANDINGS I N the case of a crash landing, any land- ing that you can walk away from is a good one. However, forced landings can be made in which little or no damage occurs to airplane or crew. Those landings are the result of forethought, calm execu- tion, and adherence to a few fundamental principles. The following suggestions may help you. Think them over, then plan in advance for the day when you may be confronted with the problem of putting your airplane down safely in the Jungle, the Desert, or the Arctic. Stay calm. This is the primary rule for any emer- gency. Dump bombs in “safe,” fuel, and other cargo that may endanger a successful landing, but when you dump be sure you are over open ground. Make sure that no loose equipment will be thrown around in the airplane by the impact of the crash. Warn crew members of the impending crash. Land “wheels up,” unless you are positive that the terrain is such that a “wheels-down” landing will 7 not cause a nose-over. Don’t fear a belly landing; it can be made with comparatively little damage. Maintain flying speed until the airplane is on the ground. If you lose speed while high in the air, you may spin or stall in. Don’t attempt turns near the ground; a stall may result. Land as nearly up wind as possible, never more than 90-degrees from the wind. Use your flaps so that the airplane will glide and land in the normal manner. Flaps will reduce your actual touching-down speed. If any power is available, use it to level off before striking. Just before the crash, turn off the ignition switch and the airplane master switch to avoid fire. If a solid obstruction is ahead, groundloop to kill some of your speed and to get the wing in a position where it will absorb most of the blow. 8 CHAPTER I * JUNGLE DON’T RUSH THINK THINGS OUT, THEN ACT SLEEP AND FOOD ARE IMPORTANT, DON’T FOREGO THEM IN YOUR EAGERNESS TO GET OUT 9 DON’T FEAR THE JUNGLE A man can live for weeks in the jungle with safety if he will avoid panic and use his head. GOOD FOOD AND GOOD WATER are fairly plentiful in the jungle if you know where to look for them. MOST WILD ANIMALS won’t bother you unless you bother them. There is little more chance of being bitten by a POISONOUS SNAKE than there is of being struck by lightning back home. There are no poisonous snakes in Polynesia and in Malaysia they are rare. With the exception of those of New Guinea and Assam, JUNGLE NATIVES will be friendly if you make friendly approaches to them. DON’T TRY TO BULLY THEM. MALARIA is your worst enemy. If you have your first-aid kit, start immediately to take preventive doses of Quinine or Atabrine. 10 If you were able to land or crash-land your plane in an open clearing, plan to stay with it for a few days. If you crash-landed in the trees, make a temporary camp near the wreckage. If you were following your normal flight course when you were forced down, your plane will be much easier for searchers to locate than you will be. In a multi-place plane, good quarters can be set up inside the plane by covering the door and cockpit openings with mosquito netting or with your para- chutes. SIGNALS If your plane is intact, and there is some chance that you may be able to fly it out, your first job is to secure it by digging hub-deep holes for the land- ing wheels and staking down the wings and tail. If you have no staking kit, improvised stakes can be made by burying oil cans or two or three-foot sec- tions of tree branches. Your second job is to attempt to establish radio contact and to set up signals. 11 WATER OIL S/GHAL FIRE — 0/1 FOR SMUDGE. WATER FOR WHITE CLOUDS OF STEAM BURIED CAN MAKES A GOOD MOORING "DEADMAN “ SIGNAL FIRE BURIED LOG MAKES A GOOD MOORING •’DEADMAN - EH6/NC- COWL /R£fLECTORS HUB-DEEP f HOLES FOB CHOCKS IF YOUR PLANE IS TO SERVE AS UV/N6 QUARTERS COVER OPEN DOORS AND HATCHES WITH MOSQUITO NETTING OR A SINGLE THICKNESS OF YOUR PARACHUTE Place bright-colored or reflecting objects on the wings and around the plane. Cowl panels removed from the engine nacelles and placed upside-down with their unpaintcd surfaces pointing up form good reflectors. Line them up side-by-side on the wings where they can reflect the sun and will be readily visible from the air. Lay several fires within a few hundred feet of the plane, so they can be lighted when a rescue plane is sighted during the day or heard at night. Place a small can of engine oil and a can of water near one of the fires—engine oil thrown on a fire will produce black smoke, water will send up billows of steam. Do everything that you can to make the plane stand out against its background. Remember, your plane is a green-brown that by design is a good match for the ground. Objects whose colors contrast with that of the trees and grass, such as orange life- preserver cushions, will stand out against the back- ground if they are put out on the fuselage and wings where they can be seen. If you have an emergency kit or a life-raft kit, use the large ycllow-and-blue panel to signal to rescue planes. Fold over the corners of the panel as shown on the following pages to transmit the corresponding messages. 14 PANEL SIGNALS Need Gasoline and Oil Plane is Flyable Need Tools Plane is Flyabla Need Medical Attention O K to land — Arrow Shows Landing Direction Blue Do Not Attempt Landing Indicate Direction of Nearest Civilization Yellow 15 PANEL SIGNALS Need First-Aid Supplies Need Quinine or Atabrine 4m USE BLUE ON LIGHT BACKGROUND Should We Wait For Rescue Plane? Need Food and Water Blue Need Warm Clothing Hove Abandoned Plane{ Walking in this Direction*^ Yellow 16 BODY SIGNALS Once you have sighted a rescue plane and attracted the attention of the pilot, the body signals on this and the following page can be used to transmit messages. Need Medical Assistance urgent AM O K Do Not Wait Can Proceed Shortly Wait If Practicable Need Mechanical Help or Parts—Long Delay Pick Us Up— Plane Abandoned Do Not Attempt To Land Here Land Here (Point in Direction of Landing) 17 Our Receiver Is Operating Use Drop Message Affirmative (Yes) Negative (No) Affirmative (Yes) BODY SIGNALS Negative (No) 18 MIRROR SIGNALS When the sun is shining, a mirror or any piece of shiny metal—your rear-vision mirror, a food tin, or a piece of metal from the plane—can be used as one of the best of all signalling devices. However, the mirror must be accurately aimed if the reflection of the sun in the mirror is to be seen by the pilot of a passing plane. One of the simplest ways to aim a mirror is to use an aiming stake as shown below. Any piece of wood four or five feet long can serve PESCUE PLANE MIRROR OR SHINY Piece OF . MFTAL / TOP OF MIRROR MUST B£ LINED UP W/TH TOP OP AIMING STICK AND RESCUE PLANE How an aiming stake can be used to aim a mirror for signalling 19 as the stake, or one of your party can stand in posi- tion. Hold the mirror so you can sight along its upper edge. Change your position until the top end of the stick and the plane line up, then adjust the angle of the mirror until the beam of light reflected by the mirror hits the top of the stick. If stick and plane are then kept in the sighting line, the reflection will be visible from the plane. Some emergency kits are now fitted with a special signalling mirror, which is a double-faced mirror If your kit contains a mirror with a hole in it, use os above 20 (i.e. mirrored on both sides) and provided with a sighting or aiming hole. If you have one of these mirrors, use it as shown on the opposite page. Hold the mirror about three inches away from your face and sight at the plane through the sighting hole. The light from the sun shining through the hole will form a light spot on your face and this spot will be reflected in the rear surface of the mirror. Then, still sighting on the plane through the hole, adjust the angle of the mirror until the reflection of the light spot on your face in the rear mirror just coincides with the hole. In other words, when the reflected spot disappears and the plane is still visible through the hole you can be sure that the reflected light from the sun is accurately aimed at the plane. Divide the general duties among your crew. It will help to prevent fears and panic. Post a guard every night. If you are reasonably sure that you are not within, or dangerously near, enemy-held terri- tory, the guard should keep a signal fire going con- tinuously. This will conserve your signal-pistol am- munition or flares for the more important job of signalling a rescue plane when it is actually heard or sighted. Fix your location by compass, octant, or the stars. Make scouting trips out from the plane in search of 21 STRA/GHT AHEAD TURN RIGHT TURN LEFT Mark a trail, it will keep you from wandering around in circles streams, making sure to mark a trail in the form of knife cuts on trees, bent branches, arrows, or bits of paper or cloth. Never go any distance from the plane without laying some sort of trail that can be followed back. IT IS VERY EASY TO ROAM IN CIRCLES IN THICK FOREST OR JUNGLE. WATER If you find a stream, make careful note of its di- rection and position from your camp. It will not only provide you with water for drinking, washing, and 22 cooking, but it may lead you to civilization when you decide to give up hope of rescue and start to walk your way out. If you can’t locate a stream for drinking water, dig a hole in the lowest depression near your camp. If you don’t strike water down three or four feet, try another spot. Unless you are on high ground, water should be located in a few trys. Animal trails will eventually lead you to water if you are careful not to get lost in the maze of inter- secting paths. ALL ANIMALS, WITH FEW EXCEPTIONS, TRAVEL TOWARDS WATER AT DAWN AND DUSK. WARNING : All water for drinking must be puri- fied either by boiling for three minutes or by treat- ment with Halazone tablets (or iodine if Halazone tablets are not available). Although not as effective as Halazone, tincture of iodine can be used as an emergency water purifier. Add three drops of iodine to every quart of water which has previously been boiled and cooled. After adding the iodine, stir the water thoroughly and allow it to stand for thirty minutes before drinking. Be especially suspicious of water around native villages or what looks like the remains of a native village. The water is probably polluted. 23 PURIFYING WATER WITH HALAZONE. Pour water into a canteen or other container until it is within a few inches of the top. Then drop one Halazone tablet in for each quart of water, insert stop- per, and shake the container. After a half hour, shake the con- tainer and remove the stopper. If a slight odor of chlorine can be detected, the water is ready for drinking. If chlorine cannot be detected, add one or two more tablets and repeat the process. Keep your supply of Halazone tablets in a dark, dry place — mois- ture and exposure to light cause them to lose their strength. 24 If no natural source of water can be found imme- diately, two common jungle plants will provide wat- ery saps that are thirst quenchers. A water substitute can be found in the stems of Lianas, above... Grape vines, above, and large rattans. Cut stem, drink sap Rain water can be collected by digging hole, lining with’chute After a rain, water can be col- lected from tips of large leaves 25 The stems of Lianas, Jungle grape vines, and large rattans contain a good water substitute. Cut them near the ground and drink the sap. In forests, rain water often can be collected by digging a hole and lining it with your parachute. Also, the large lower leaves of trees collect a great deal of water which can be drained off after a heavy rain. PARACHUTE Save your parachute, or as much of it as you can. The shrouds cut loose can be braided into a strong rope and the canopy can be cut and folded to form a good tent. A single parachute shroud line has a minimum breaking strength of several hundred pounds, so a double strand will be strong enough to carry your weight with plenty of strength to spare. However, shroud line will chafe easily when run over rocks or tree bark. Save your parachute pack—it can be converted into a handy knapsack for carrying tent, kit, and other supplies. The pack forms the base of the knap- sack and the web straps form the shoulder straps. Additional equipment can be carried in your gas- mask bag. 26 SAVE YOUR PARACHUTE—the canopy makes up into a good tent . .. and the pack makes a knapsack by cutting off the shaded parts 27 Don’t wear wet clothes. Dry them on a drying rack of crossed sticks CLOTHING If you were able to land your plane, check your equipment carefully before leaving for your trek back to civilization. In jungle travel it is important to keep as dry as possible. If you have them, include extra shirt, pants, underwear, and socks in your kit in spite of the weight they add. The jungle’s high tem- peratures and high relative humidity will make you sweat freely and any rapid cooling of your sweat-wet body should be avoided. Chilling due to the rapid evaporation of the sweat reduces body resistance and 28 can be the cause of pneumonia, bronchitis, stomach cramps, and skin infections like fungus and prickly heat. Wet clothing should be changed for dry as soon as practical. If you have no change of clothing, build a fire, strip, rub your body, arms, and legs vigorously to dry them and increase the circulation of your blood and then remain naked until your clothes dry. Avoid tight-fitting clothing — it is hot and con- stricts your movements. If you have your choice, cotton shirts are better than wool, they are cooler and more resistant to snagging and fungus rot. Bundles of food or life rafts can be carried on a pole by two men 29 If you have a pair of gloves, take them with you. They will protect your hands against burrs and nettles and also provide mosquito protection. LIFE RAFTS If you are travelling as a group, take your life rafts with you. They can be floated on jungle streams and can be used for transporting equipment if not yourselves. They can be separately wrapped in can- vas and swung on poles that can be carried by two men. BEFORE LEAVING YOUR PLANE BURN ALL PAPERS, TECHNICAL ORDERS, AND TRIP DATA THAT MIGHT BE RESTRICTED, CON- FIDENTIAL, OR CLASSIFIED. SECRET IN- STRUMENTS SHOULD BE SMASHED AND THE PARTS BURIED. IF YOU ARE IN OR NEAR ENEMY TERRI- TORY, BURN THE PLANE. 30 PART THE JUNGLE, DON’T TRY TO PUSH THROUGH IT Travel in the jungle forests is slow. Try to follow a stream downstream, and try as far as possible to stick to natural trails, or native trails. Don’t try to break your way through. Blundering ahead only leads to bangs on the head and thorn scratches on your face. You will get through faster if you watch your step and pick your way. Keep your head up and your chin in. If you can’t find a stream or a native trail, follow the swampy hollows which generally run in chains and eventually join a stream. In hilly country, the ridges are easier to follow than the valleys, but precipices may make long de- tours necessary. In elephant country, follow the elephant trails. Elephants do not wander aimlessly. If a track shows frequent use, follow it. Elephants never go where they are likely to fall or get bogged. Elephant trails are 3 or 4 feet wide, other game trails are a foot to 18 inches wide. You can’t look through the jungle, but sometimes you can look under it. The heavy growth of foliage generally ends about a foot above the ground. Often 31 You can't see through the jungle, but often you can see under it you can see much more of your surroundings by getting flat on your stomach than you can by stand- ing up. Rely on your compass and your map, but don’t try to follow a direct compass line. It will take coo long and be too tiring. Do your walking early in the day. Darkness comes early in the jungle. By five in the afternoon very little light can penetrate through the thick foliage. Start looking for a place to camp around three or four. 32 Take plenty of time for sleep and rest. Don’t force yourself beyond your physical limits. CAMPS In picking a camp each night, avoid the banks of streams and rivers. Pitch your tent back a few hundred feet. Try to find a slight rise in the ground. Half way up a hill is a good place to camp. If jungle growth separates you from the stream or river, all the better. Build yourself a fire every night. Wood is plentiful, A simple fire maker. Fuzz scraped from palm leaves Is good tinder. At right, a log reflector increases the heat from a fire 33 and even in rain forests comparatively dry wood can be found hanging in the network of vines and rat- tans. Any standing dead trees will be dry even if it is raining, only the outside will be wet. Wet wood can be used by splitting it and digging out the heart wood. For tinder, if you are in palm country, simply scrape the fuzz from the bottom sides of palm leaves. A simple fire maker can be made from a flat stick of soft wood and a foot and a half length of fairly hard sapling about %-in. in diameter. Bore a cone- shaped hole in the stick with your knife and whittle a similarly shaped point on the end of the sapling. To start a fire put the point of the sapling in the hole, pile your palm leaf tinder around it, and twirl the stick back and forth between the palms of your hands until the tinder catches. Before settling down for the night, gather a good supply of wood for the fire and stow it inside the tent where it will be protected from the rain. Build your fire small. It will take less wood and yet furnish enough heat for cooking. Any one of a number of types of fires can be used. Nearly all natives in the tropics—African, Australian, and East Indian—arrange the wood in a radiating pattern, like the spokes of a wheel. Such an arrangement provides a steady uniform fire. 34 WILD ANIMALS In just about ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, jungle animals will be just as frightened of you as you are of them. They will hear you long before you can see them and in most cases they will do their best to keep out of your path. If you are trav- eling alone and want some form of protection at night in a particular area where you feel large ani- mals are present, build a fire and pile on bamboos. They will go off like gunshots and make enough noise to scare away any animals that may be nearby. In Another type of parachute tent. In districts where there are ground bugs, fold the 'chute to form a floor covering 35 an emergency, a shot from your signal pistol will scare off an angry elephant or a tiger. WARNING: One of your worst enemies in the jungle is the mosquito. Never go to sleep without some sort of protection—regular netting if you have it or your parachute. Either cover the upper part of your body with it, taking care to see that your hands and face don’t touch the netting, or use it as a cov- ering for the door to your tent. If it is used as a door covering, be sure to kill all mosquitoes inside the tent after you have closed the netting door. As an addi- tional precaution, apply mosquito repellant to your face and hands if you have it. Put a good quantity behind your ears. Don’t sleep on the bare ground. If you use your parachute as a tent, fold the edges under to form a floor to keep the bugs out. Better still, rig your parachute as a hammock between two trees, or build a platform bed of saplings and branches raised from the ground. Protect yourself from mosquitoes and all bugs. 36 NATURAL FOOD Natural food is plentiful in most jungles if you know where to look for it and are able to distinguish between the edible and the poisonous. There are only three general rules beyond definite recognition— EAT NOTHING THAT HAS A BITTER TASTE UN- LESS YOU ARE SURE WHAT IT IS. AVOID ALL PLANTS THAT HAVE A MILKY SAP. ANYTHING THAT YOU SEE MONKEYS EAT, YOU CAN EAT. 37 CASHEW A small or medium-size tree. The upper, yellow- ish or purplish fruit, with the exception of the ex- treme lower tip, is refreshing and can be eaten raw WARNING: The lower seed, the cashew nut. should be roasted before eating. 38 CASSAVA A shrubby plant about four feet high with tuber- ous roots rich in starch. WARNING: There are two kinds of cassava—bitter cassava and sweet cassava. Sweet cassava roots can be eaten raw. BITTER CASSAVA IS POISONOUS RAW, IT MUST BE COOKED. 39 GUANABANO TORETE Guanabano, a tree that grows to a height of twenty-five feet, is common in Central America. The fruit, which has a brown skin, orange-colored meat, and large flat seeds can be eaten raw. It is neither meaty nor overly nutritious. 40 HOGPLUM OR CIRUELO The hogplum tree bears fruit that is reddish orange when ripe and resembles a small plum. It can be eaten either raw or cooked. It is most common in Central America. 41 NiSPERO The tree grows about fifty feet high and has dark green leaves. The fruit is small and ball-shaped and has a thin brown skin. It can be eaten raw only. Although the milky sap of the tree is not poisonous, it is NOT A GOOD SUBSTITUTE FOR WATER. 42 STAR APPLE The star apple tree grows to a height of about sixty feet and has dark green, shiny leaves. The fruit re- sembles a small apple and when cut through its brown seeds form a star. It can be eaten raw only and has a sweet taste. WATER CHESTNUT Water chestnuts, common to the Far East, grow in swampy watery places. Their stalks grow to a height of about three feet. The chestnuts are a part of the root system. They are best when eaten cooked. 44 YAMS OR YAMPI A vinelike plant common in the forests, not unlike the sweet potato. Their large tuberous roots can be eaten when cooked. 45 BANANA The banana tree is easily identified by its large long leaves and its familiar cluster of fruit. Green bananas make a good substitute for potatoes when they are boiled. 46 MAMEY The tree often grows to a height of sixty feet and has a top of glossy leaves. The fruit is brown, has a yellow or reddish meat, and resembles a peach in taste. It can be eaten raw or cooked. 47 PAPAYA OR PAPAW A straight-trunked tree bearing melon-shaped fruits in clusters like coconuts. The fruit is excellent food and can be eaten raw or cooked. The young leaves and stems also can be eaten if boiled in several water changes to remove the bitter taste. 48 PINEAPPLE Although generally cultivated, pineapples are often found growing wild in Central and South America. The fruit is located in the center of the plant. 49 RATTAN Rattans are a good source of both food and a sub- stitute for water. The tender spike at the upper end of the vine is edible both raw and cooked and the sap of the larger vines is drinkable. A man can exist for a considerable time on nothing but rattans. 50 PALM CABBAGE The spike or terminal bud in the center of the leaf cluster of a palm tree is called the “palm cabbage.” Like the rattan spike it forms a plentiful source of food. It can be eaten either raw or cooked. 51 BAMBOO SHOOTS Bamboo shoots are the spikelike young shoots grow- ing out from the base of the bamboo. The shoots can be cut off at the ground level. They can be eaten raw but are best when cooked. 52 BREADFRUIT The breadfruit tree often grows to a height of forty feet. The fruit, about a half-foot in diameter, grows near the ends of the tree’s branches. It is starchy and provides a good substitute for potatoes. Baked, the fruit resembles bread. 53 COCONUTS Besides the meat and drinkable milk of the coconut itself, the coconut palm also provides a good source of food in the form of its large terminal bud or shoot in the center of its leaf cluster. This bud is the “cabbage” and can be eaten raw or cooked. 54 DURIAN Durian are plentiful on most East Indian Islands. The eight-inch fruit has a prickly rind and a soft creamy pulp that is not only edible but considered a delicacy. Don’t let the odor of the pulp bother you. The seeds can be roasted and eaten. 55 GROUND FERNS The young shoots of most ferns growing along swift streams and rivers are edible. Boiled, they resemble spinach in taste. They also can be eaten raw. 56 SWEET POTATO Although generally cultivated, sweet potatoes often can be found growing wild. In addition to the edible tubers or roots which can be eaten either raw or cooked, the young shoots and leaves when boiled re- semble spinach in taste. 57 FISH Fish are easy to catch in most tropical streams. A hook and line will generally bring results, but since many tropical fish are suckers, a spear made by whittling sharp double points on a bamboo shaft or a small sappling will yield more food in less time. If both of these methods fail, your parachute-tent can be used as a fish net. On small streams it can be spread across a narrow portion to trap fish as they swim downstream. Your parachute can serve as a fish net and a spear can be made from bamboo 58 Don’t eat any fish that have spiny or leathery skins. Skin all fish and frogs before cooking. fish should always be boiled. Boiling is not only a precaution against infection due to pollution of the water in which the fish was caught, but it retains more of the food and vitamin value of the fish than either frying or baking. BIRDS AND ANIMALS Ground birds and small jungle animals provide a good food source, but they require more time to catch and prepare than fish. The most common are ground pigeons, turkeys, jungle rats, and monkeys. Simple snares and traps are about the best means of catching these animals. They can be set out at night when you make camp and taken up in the morning before setting out again. Don’t overcook your meat, and use as much of the animal or bird as you can. Entrails, the heart, the liver, and the kidney contain essential vitamins that will make up for any possible lack of greens and roughage in your diet. As with fish, meat should be stewed rather than fried or baked. Chunks of meat one or two inches across should be dropped into a pot of cold water over the fire. Two minutes after the water has come 59 to a boil remove the pot from the fire and place it to one side to cool to eating temperature. This per- mits the meat to cook thoroughly yet prevents over- cooking. Three monkey traps. Top, a coconut with a small hole in each end and fastened to the ground by wire or cord. Bait is placed inside. Monkey reaches in, closes fist, and won't let go even though he can't pull fist through hole. Bottom left, tip-up trap — monkey climbs inclined pole to reach food hanging on cord, pole lips up dropping him into pit. Bottom right, Monkey reaches lor bait, trips trap, sapling springs back holding monkey. Bait should be walled in at back and sides with rocks or logs to force monkey to reach in through the loop. 60 If you have no cooking pots, food can be baked by wrapping it in several layers of green leaves and burying it in hot ashes, keeping the fire on top burn- ing until cooking is completed. A similar but cleaner method is to place a number of stones which have been heated very hot in a fire in the bottom of a shallow, dry trench scooped in the ground. Cover the stones with green leaves, place the leaf-wrapped food on the leaves, surround it closely with other hot stones, and cover the whole thing with more hot stones and a light topping of dirt. It will take about two hours for most foods to cook. GAME OR FISH can be cooked on an improvised spit or stick. FAT Fat should be part of your diet. Save unused fat from animals killed. Don’t waste it. Starchy foods are easily obtained in most jungles, but proteins and fats are not. It may not always be possible to get birds and animals, so a reserve of protein and fat should be carried. Melt the excess fat in a pan, boil it for a few minutes, skim off any solid material, and pour it into a small can with a tight-fitting top— one or two empty friction-top coffee containers from 61 A4£AT WPAPPED - AV LEAVES/ ,DIRT HOT STONES 62 your emergency ration kit will serve nicely. The fat then can be used for preparing starch plants and other foods. EDIBLE INSECTS In emergencies, two groups of jungle insects form a nourishing food source— TERMITES After removing the wings, termites can be eaten raw or cooked Grasshoppers and crickets also can be eaten raw or cooked. and BEETLE GRUBS Beetle grubs can be eaten either boiled, fried, or dried. They are generally found inside dead stumps and rotted fallen trees. 63 In most clearings and grasslands Termites emerge from the ground and can be picked up by the hand- ful after a heavy rain. After removing the wings they can be eaten raw or can be fried in fat. Con- sidered delicacies by jungle natives and many ex- plorers, they not only provide considerable nourish- ment, but raw or cooked have a taste like roasted chestnuts. Grasshoppers and crickets also can be eaten. Beetle grubs are also a favorite native food. They can be found easily by hunting out dead stumps and fallen trees and listening for the scratchings of grubs inside the wood. Once grubs are located, split the log with your jungle knife and remove them. Dried in a pan suspended over a fire, they can be eaten as they are, as part of stew made up of one of the starch root plants, or they can be fried with a bttle salt and fat. 64 POISONOUS PLANTS The number of poisonous plants is not great, and few are common in the jungles and forests. Four are shown on the follow- ing pages. A safe rule to follow is to eat nothing that a monkey won’t eat, and avoid all those that have a milky sap or a disagree- able taste. 65 POISONOUS SANBOX The tree grows tall and has a trunk covered with spines. The fruit is about four inches in diameter and resembles a small pumpkin, being green when unripe and brown when ripe. The seeds contain an oil that is a violent cathartic. 66 MANZANILLO Manzanillo is found near the seacoasts along beaches. The bark is smooth and tan, the leaves are green, and the fruit resembles a small green apple. The fruit is poisonous and even the sap of the tree can cause severe inflammation and irritation. POISONOUS 67 COWITCH A plant common in thickets. The beanlike pods are not edible and should not be touched. They are covered with short, fine detachable hairs that will stick into your skin, become detached from the pod, and cause severe irritation. POISONOUS 68 VERY POISONOUS STRYCHNOS A slender, woody vine bearing ball-shaped fruit about two inches in diameter. It contains one of the deadliest poisons known — a small amount in the blood stream being sufficient to paralyze the nerves and cause death. Common in South America, it has been used by natives to poison arrows. 69 JUNGLE HEALTH Three things are absolutely necessary to your health in the jungle-—periodic doses of Quinine or Atabrinc, a Quinine substitute, the use of some sort of mosquito protection, and daily doses of salt or salt tablets to re- place the salt removed from the body by excessive sweating. 70 MALARIA Atabrine must be taken for protection against the fever symptoms of malaria. Take the first dose (i tab- let) in the morning, and the second dose (i tablet) in the evening on the first day you are in the jungle. Skip three days, then repeat the doses as on the first day. Keep this up as long as you are in a malarial area. (This dosage for gr. Atabrine tablets.) If Quinine is in the jungle kit instead of Atabrine, take two 5 gr. tablets each day, as long as you are in a malarial area. DYSENTERY Dysentery is caused by impure drinking water or food and is very likely to occur in the jungle. It can be avoided by purifying all drinking water, and by eating only food which has just been cooked or taken from a sealed container. If you become ill with dysentery, take only liquid foods and stay as quiet as possible until you are well. Add two salt tablets to each canteenful of drinking water. If your first aid kit contains sulfaguanadine tab- lets take 4 tablets every 4 hours, day and night, until your bowel movements are normal. If there is no improvement in 4 days, stop taking the tablets. 71 SNAKE BITE Snake venom acts rapidly. First-aid must be given quickly to prevent the poison from spreading throughout the body. Put a tourniquet on at once, placing it between the body and the bite. Apply it above the knee in foot or leg bites, above the elbow in hand and arm bites. A necktie, belt, handkerchief, or bandage can be used as a tourniquet. THE TOURNIQUET SHOULD BE LOOSENED FOR TEN OR FIFTEEN SECONDS EVERY TWENTY MINUTES. Apply iodine around the bite, treat your pocket knife blade tip or razor blade with iodine, and make cross incisions *4-inch long and %-inch deep across each fang mark. Then apply suction to the wound for twenty minutes before loosening tourniquet and keep up suction for at least three twenty-minute periods. This can be done by mouth if you have no snake bite kit. Spit fluid out. After the wound has been sucked for an hour, remove the tourniquet, apply iodine or sulfanilamide powder if you have it, and apply a clean bandage. 72 JUNGLE PESTS Mosquitoes as carriers of malaria, yellow fever, dengue (or breakbone fever), and filariasis are not the only jungle insects that should be guarded against. Ticks, fleas, body lice, mites or chiggers, kissing bugs, and botflies are other common jungle pests that carry diseases or cause painful sores. Al- though not insects, leeches and vampire bats (only in South America) also are dangerous. REMOVE YOUR CLOTHING TWICE A DAY AND INSPECT IT AND YOUR BODY FOR ANY TRACE OF VERMIN. TICKS can be identified by their flat oval body, small head, and comparatively large abdomen. They are carriers of relapsing fever and typhus. Ticks do not always attach themselves immediately after coming in contact with your skin. Even after the biting members are attached, infection usually does not occur until the tick has remained in place for six hours or longer. Never squash a tick on the skin or attempt to pull it out. Instead, cover it with a good coating of spit. The tick will free itself and be easy to remove. If you try to pull the tick out, his mouth will be left under your skin. Apply iodine to the bite. 73 FLEAS are small wingless brown or black insects with a flat body, small head, and large legs. The rat flea found in native vil- lages and storehouses is a carrier of bubonic plague and typhus. Avoid native huts and use your insect repellant. MITES OR CHIGGERS, very small insects resembling fleas, are common in the American tropics and in parts of West Africa and India. They are carriers of typhus. As with fleas, use repellant and avoid native huts. Chiggers bore under the skin. They should be re- moved with a sterile knife-point. The bite should be treated with iodine. BODY LICE are small, gray, flattened, six-legged, and wingless. They are carriers of typhus, relapsing fever, and trench fever. To keep from getting lice, avoid close con- tact with natives and stay out of native huts. It is easy to kill the lice, but the eggs are more resistant. Steaming of the clothing, especially the seams, generally will be effective. KISSING BUGS are large, dark brown or black, have a narrow cone- 74 shaped head, oval body, long legs, and well developed wings. Common in Yucatan and Central America, they are carriers of Chagas’ disease. Avoid native huts and abandoned buildings. They usually bite you on the face, so again mosquito netting is an important protection. BOTFLIES, common in the American and African tropics, are dangerous be- cause of their larvae. The maggot burrows into the skin and causes a painful swelling that looks like a boil. A coating of oil or kerosene placed over the hole every few hours will generally cause the larvae to come to the surface of the skin where it can be expelled by squeezing the skin. Frequent applications of wet tobacco will also kill the larva which can then be squeezed out. LEECHES, common to ponds or sluggish streams and the East Indian tropics where they cling to low- lying brush and attach themselves to a passing man or animal, look like thick short worms. Unless re- moved carefully, their bites can produce painful in- fections. Do not try to remove a leech by pulling. In- stead apply iodine, salt, 75 or tobacco juice, and it will release its hold and drop off. VAMPIRE BATS, found in Yucatan and tropical America, often bite humans and are car- riers of rabies and other animal diseases that infect humans. Im- mediate first-aid treatment consists of cauterization of the wound and applications of tannic acid oint- ment and a tight compression bandage. JUNGLE NATIVES With the exception of those in New Guinea and in parts of Assam, there are few dangerous jungle natives. When you encounter natives, try to appear confident but not aggressive. Stay away from the women. All natives are superstitious and suspicious. Through generations they have learned to trust no one. You can only win their confidence by appear- ing openhanded. String tricks—the cat’s cradles and spider webs that you did when you were a kid—are an almost universal pastime with jungle natives all over the world If you remember any of them, pick up a piece of pliable vine and demonstrate them to natives you meet. In most cases it will serve as an immediate 76 bond between you and them. If you can’t do a string trick, go through the motions to arouse their curi- osity. Be particularly careful of your treatment of natives if you are in or near enemy territory. If they want to, they can help you get back to your lines. Don’t try to use terrorist methods to get them to work for you or conceal you. Jungle natives move about a great deal, but if they are not threatened or abused they will seldom rush news of your presence to the enemy. Eat native food only when it has been well and freshly cooked and be sure all water offered you by natives has been boiled. Under no conditions sleep in or near native camps or bathe in nearby streams. Avoid close contact with any native. Don’t go around barefoot. 77 CHAPTER 2 * DESERT IF YOU ARE FORCED DOWN IN THE DESERT DON’T GET PANICKY. YOUR CHANCES OF RESCUE ARE GOOD 79 LAND YOUR PLANE I If you get lost over the desert, and your fuel supply is low, don’t fly on aimlessly in the hope of getting your bearings, Almost any place in the desert provides terrain for a good landing and a landing under full control with fuel in reserve stands every chance of success. A forced landing with a dead stick is just as dangerous in the desert as it is in any other kind of country. Prevailing ground wind directions generally can be ascertained by studying the formation of the sand dunes as you fly over them. Dunes, like ocean waves, usually run roughly at right angles to the direction of the prevailing wind. Desert weather is variable with temperatures rang- ing from 125 deg. F. midday in the summer to 25 deg. F. in the early morning hours of the winter. Winds seldom if ever reach hurricane velocities, but winds of 35 miles an hour are common and velocities of 50 miles an hour do occur occasionally. Rains are infrequent, but may be of cloudburst intensity when they do occur. Hailstorms are rare. Thin low ground 80 fogs occur occasionaly in the early morning hours, but they almost invariably clear up when the sun rises. In general, desert flying weather is uniformly good. Sandstorms are a hazard of desert flying, but land- ings during a sandstorm are no more difficult than landings during a heavy rain. Such landings invari- ably will be made into the face of a wind with a velocity of 35 miles an hour or greater—a fact that makes landings even in rough desert terrain possible. Your actual landing speed will be lowr, and your roll after landing will be short. If you can land your plane, do so. Even a wrecked plane can provide you with a good many things that will make it easier for you to walk your way out if rescue fails. 81 c *#TAY NEAR YOUR PLANE Until nightfall, Of longer, if you expect a search to be made for you. If you bailed out, and your wrecked plane is not too far away, make your way to it—the plane will be easier for rescuers to locate than you. SIGNALS Most of the signals suggested in the jungle section on page 11 will serve equally well in the desert. An additional groundstrip type of signal can also be used. It consists of scratching shallow trenches in the sand to form large letters, pouring gasoline into the trench, and lighting it when a rescue plane is sighted. The smudge formed will be visible from the air as a mes- sage. If you are equipped with an emergency parachute kit, use the colored signal marker as outlined on page 10. If a plane is heard at night, light your signal fires or flares or fire your signal pistol. If a plane is sighted during the day, signal it with a mirror or any piece of shiny metal. Properly aimed it will be more effective than fires. (See page 19.) 82 GO OVER YOUR PLANE CAREFULLY, there are a number of things that you can take with you to make travel easier. DON’T FORGET: ALL WATER AND FOOD . , . and water is more important than food. SUN GLASSES. They will protect your eyes from the sun and from blowing sand. SALT TABLETS. MAPS. MATCHES. EMERGENCY KIT. FIRST-AID KIT. SIGNAL PISTOL OR FLARES. WARM CLOTHES OR A BLANKET. In spite of the terrific heat during the day, night temperatures often drop as low as 25 deg. F. in the winter. OCTANT AND COMPASS. If the small com- pass in your kit has been broken or lost, remove the compass from the Instrument panel of your plane. The desert is one place where you can’t trust to instinct. To get where you want to go, you will need all the navigation aids available. 83 A good tent can be made either by folding your parachute canopy or by cutting a ten-foot square from it. Save the shrouds, they can be used as stake lines, bindings for an improvised knapsack made from your parachute harness, and as a line for bail- ing water out of Bedouin wells which sometimes are more than 200 feet deep. (See illustration, page 27.) CLOTHES Don’t let the midday heat of the desert fool you. The desert sun can burn you quickly, and desert nights can be cold. In consequence, wear light clothes that cover your body when it is necessary for you to be out in the sun during the day, and wear something warm at night. Your parachute can serve a double purpose here—as a shelter from the sun during the day and as a shawl for warmth during the night. One very important piece of clothing is an impro- vised woolen band that can be worn around your middle and over your stomach to prevent stomach chills. This is particularly important in summer, and the hotter the day the more important it is. The purpose of the band is to absorb your perspiration and prevent any rapid chilling of your stomach due to sudden evaporation. Take care of your shoes, and wear two pairs of 84 socks if you have them. The condition of your feet may mean the difference between getting back and not getting back. Keep your shoes free of sand and take them off during the day when you are resting under the shelter so they can dry out. If your shoes are thin, reinforce them by lacing on an outer sole improvised from the rubber floor matting in the cockpit. Unless you are wearing boots or high shoes, fashion a pair of gaiters or leggings from strips of fabric torn from your parachute or from your plane. Roll the strips spiral-puttee fashion so they cover an inch or two of the shoe tops and two or three inches Spiral gaiters of parachute cloth will keep sand out of your shoe* 85 A length of shroud line or fish line con be used to hold it on your head of your legs. These improvised wrap leggings will keep the sand out of your shoes. An effective sun hat can be made from a seat cushion. Slit it open between the seams on two ad- jacent sides. Slit through the stuffing, and mold a hollow for your head in the filling. A piece of shroud line, or a length of fishing line from your emergency kit, can be used as a chin strap to hold it on your head. It may make a funny looking hat, but it will protect your head from the sun when it is necessary for you to be out in the open during the day. 86 GETTING OUT When you feel there is no longer any hope of rescue, lay out a plan of travel and then make up your mind to stick to it. Distances in the desert are deceptive. Once you have established your position, consult your maps and plan to make your way toward some known route of travel, a source of water, or an inhabited area. Follow the easiest route possible. Avoid soft sand and rough terrain. Before you leave your plane, make sure that you have the things you will need. If it is a question of carrying either food or water, LEAVE THE FOOD AND TAKE THE WATER. You can live on a mini- mum of food, but you can’t live in the desert with- out water. BEFORE LEAVING YOUR PLANE BURN ALL PAPERS, TECHNICAL ORDERS, AND TRIP DATA THAT MIGHT BE RESTRICTED, CON- FIDENTIAL, OR CLASSIFIED. SECRET IN- STRUMENTS SHOULD BE SMASHED AND THE PARTS BURIED. IF YOU ARE IN OR NEAR ENEMY TERRI- TORY BURN THE PLANE. 87 Do your walking at night and stay out of the sun and rest during the day. Stay under the shelter of your improvised tent, particularly during midday. Conserve your strength. The slightest exertion will increase your sweating and increased sweating will increase your thirst. If you get caught in a sandstorm, put on your sun glasses, cover your nose and mouth with cloth (a strip of your parachute will do) and try to get in the lee of any shelter that may be available. If you lie down, move about frequently so you won’t be buried under the swirling sand. WATER Your life in the desert depends on your water supply. Protect it and conserve it. Sip water, never gulp it. Your first cravings can be lessened by merely moistening your mouth and throat at intervals. Water consumed rapidly is merely thrown off as excessive sweating and therefore wasted. Take your salt tablets regularly if you have them with you, the salt will make up for the loss of body fluids. If you begin to feel particularly weak add two salt tablets to your canteen of water. Don’t smoke, particularly during the day. Smoking only increases your thirst. 88 Water from desert water holes and wells should be purified either by boiling for more than three minutes or by dissolving at least one Halazone tablet to each quart (more than one tablet may be neces- sary). Iodine also can be used as a purifier if you have no Halazone tablets. (See page 24.) FOOD Food spoils quickly in the desert. Canned emergen- cy rations should be eaten as soon as the cans are opened. Unfortunately, game is neither abundant nor uni- formly distributed in the desert. In the immediate vicinity of a water hole, or where there is a light growth of brush, such game as rabbits, antelope, and birds may be found in limited numbers. However, in localities where there is nothing but drifting sterile sand, not even snakes and lizards can survive. Palms around water holes do provide a good source of food in the form of the palm cabbage, a tender shoot which extends up from the top of the trunk at the point where the leaves spread out. (See page 51.) It can be eaten raw or cooked. When you get to a native camp or inhabited area, avoid native foods prepared by natives. Instead buy or barter for raw food and prepare it yourself by 89 boiling. Almost all native-grown fruits and vegetables are contaminated; boiling will make them safe for eating. Likewise, milk as well as water provided by natives should be boiled before drinking. DESERT HEALTH heatstroke, or sunstroke as it is sometimes called, usually is caused by exposure to the direct rays of the hot desert sun, but it can hit a person who has been under cover. The symptoms are headache, dizzi- ness, red and purple spots before the eyes, and very often vomiting and unconsciousness. The skin is hot and dry, and the face is flushed and feverish. Gen- erally, the pupils of the eyes will be smaller than usual. A heatstroke victim should be placed in the shade and all clothing with the exception of his underwear, should be removed. He should be placed on his back with his shoulders raised and should be cooled by pouring whatever water can be spared over his body and fanning him to increase the evaporation. His arms, legs, thighs, and trunk should be rubbed briskly. When he regains consciousness he should be given cool water containing two salt tablets to a canteenful. If his skin gets hot again, the process should be repeated. 90 heat exhaustion. An all-in feeling, dizziness, nausea, and weakness are the first signs of heat ex- haustion. The face is pale and the skin cold. There is severe sweating. Fainting may occur. A heat-exhaustion victim should be removed to the coolest, shadiest place available, placed on his back, and given from three to five canteenfuls of cool salt water ( two salt tablets to each canteenful) during the next twelve hours. heat cramps. Heat cramps usually occur after a person has been sweating a great deal, especially if extra amounts of salt have not been taken. They bring on shallow breathing, vomiting, severe weak- ness, and dizziness. Heat cramps can be prevented by the addition of salt to the diet, especially on days when you have been sweating a great deal. If cramps already have developed, rest in the coolest place you can find and drink from three to five canteenfuls of salt water (two tablets to every canteenful) during the next twelve hours. SEE JUNGLE HEALTH (PAGE 70). 91 CHAPTER 3 * ARCTIC You can beat the ARCTIC IF YOU . . . GET PLENTY OF SLEEP AND REST AVOID TIGHT CLOTHING EAT PLENTY OF FAT KEEP DRY 93 THE ARCTIC IN SUMMER The Arctic is not always ice, snow, and cold. In late August, 80 per cent of all land north of the Arctic Circle is free of snow. Most of the remaining snow-clad 20 per cent is in Greenland. Summer temperatures in the lowlands, remote from mountains and seacoast, run around 85 to 90 deg. F. From mid-June to September there are 10 times as many mosquitoes per square mile over two-thirds of the land north of the tree line than in any equal area in the tropics. 94 THE ARCTIC IN WINTER The world’s coldest spots are not within the Arctic Circle. There probably is no spot on any seacoast within the Arctic Zone that can show a minimum as low as the —90 deg. F. temperatures recorded at Riverside, Wyoming. The lowest tem- perature recorded at Pt. Barrow, Alaska, is —56 deg. Arctic winter climate on the average is dry. Actually relatively little snow falls. Frequently what appears to be a blizzard is merely old snow being blown from one point to another by a high wind. Annual snow- fall added to annual rainfall seldom exceeds 10 inches. Heaviest snows come in the Spring. 95 ARCTIC OCEAN —The Arctic Ocean covers approxi- mately 5,000,000 square miles. Surface water has tem- peratures ranging from 28 to 32 deg. F. Toward the end of summer, two-thirds of the sea is covered by drifting pack ice seven to ten feet thick. ARCTIC SIBERIA —The coast of Siberia resembles that of Arctic Alaska. There are no glaciers on the mainland. Some large areas are completely free of persisting snow- banks. Franz Josef Land—a group of islands in the north- 96 ern and westernmost area—are mainly ice-covered pla- teaus rarely more than 1,000 feet high. ARCTIC ALASKA—The Brooks Range (7,000 to 10,000 feet) cuts across the northern tip of Arctic Alaska to form a level triangular prairie extending out to Point Barrow and the Arctic Sea. Although the range is a for- midable travel barrier, numerous cuts and passes do exist at lower elevations. There are few glaciers in Arctic Alaska. ARCTIC CANADA—The greater part of the mainland of Arctic Canada, with the exception of the Yukon terri- tory, is prairie. The Yukon, on the other hand, is moun- tainous with peaks as high as 8,000 feet. The only gla- ciers are to be found in the Canadian islands to the north and northeast. SVALBARD ARCHIPELAGO—The Svalbard Archi- pelago lies between Norway on the west and the northern tip of Greenland on the east. The chief island, Spitz- bergen, is a plateau cut by many deep fjords. Plains exist in the north and west and mountains in the south and east. Glaciers fill the valleys except in the southern interior. GREENLAND —A turtle-back island continent about 700 miles wide at its widest, 1,600 miles long, and with lengthwise mountain ranges from 7,000 to 10,000 feet high. Its coasts are the most rugged in the northern hem- isphere. An ice dome fills the center of the continent to a depth of 8,000 feet. 97 LAND YOUR PLANE W, hen an emergency develops over the Arctic, LAND YOUR PLANE if it is at all pos- sible. Crash landings on snow or ice can be executed with safety. Landings in snow should be made “wheels up” to avoid nosing over. Make “wheels down” land- ings on ice that is free of snow. Don’t wander aimlessly if you are lost. Save enough gasoline for a landing under full control with enough extra for an exploratory approach to your landing spot. Watch for blowing snow, it will indicate the direction of the ground wind. Don’t pick an area of ice or snow that looks patchy from an altitude. It may be deeply drifted snow or rough crevassed ice. Tightly packed snow drifts, known as Sastrugi, look like ocean waves from an altitude. If a landing must be made on such ter- rain, land parallel to the drifts. In searching for a good landing spot, make use of the natural “sky map.” It will save time. In the Arctic, a uniform overcast with clouds at a high level reflects the terrain below it and gives a fairly 98 dependable indication of terrain and general ground conditions. A uniform white “sky” for example, in- dicates a uniform covering of snow. If the “map” is mottled, the region directly below is likely to be pack ice or drifted snow. Blue (new) ice is indicated by grayish patches, and open water, timber, and snow-free ground show up as black areas in the cloud reflection. Bail out over the Arctic only in an extreme emer- gency and then stuff your maps, emergency rations, and as much loose equipment as you can in your pockets and inside your flying coat. Landing with your plane is important not only because it will pro- vide you with shelter, food, fuel, and equipment, but because it will serve as a marker for the planes that are sent out in search of you. Men are hard to see on the snow even from a low altitude, a plane stands out against the snow. 99 IF YOUR LANDING IS IN SNOW COUNTRY, DO TWO THINGS IMMEDIATELY one—Drain several gallons of lubricating oil from the engine oil sump. In the far north this oil will be your immediate source of fuel for heating and cooking. If you wait too long after landing, the oil will become so stiff that it will be impossible to drain it. A cowl section can be used as a receptacle. Drain a similar quantity of gasoline, but don’t spill any on your hands—it will freeze them. Drain residual oil and gasoline—they will be your main source of fuel if you have been forced down in ice country TOO If your plane is still flyable after landing, protect the tires with evergreen boughs. They will freeze to the ice if unprotected two—If conditions allowed you to make a wheels- down landing and your plane is still flyable, drain all the lubricating oil (it will be simpler to heat the congealed oil than to heat the engine if a take-off is attempted) and stake your plane to protect it from the wind. In snow country, mooring anchors can be made by burying branches, sacks, boxes, or cans in the snow and pouring water over the spot. On ice, two holes can be dug a foot apart and a hole chopped through the intervening bridge to take the mooring line. Mooring lines should be tight enough to pre- vent the plane from rocking. Some measure should also be taken to prevent your landing-wheel tires from freezing to the ice. A padding of boughs, canvas, or straw under the wheels will do the job. 101 IF WOOD IS AVAILABLE, BUILD SIGNAL FIRES OIL - BLACK SMOKE \WATER-WHITE SMOKE PLACE COWL SECTION5-5HINY SIDE UP - ON WINGS TO MAKE DEADMAN IN ICE COUNTRY, PIG TWO HOLES IN ICE, CUT THROUGH CENTER TO TAKE ROPE f TO MAKE MOORING DEADMAN IN TREE COUNTRY, BURY LOG, FILL HOLE WITH SNOW AND WATER, AND LET IT FREEZE KEEP WINGS AND FUSELAGE FREE OF SNOW TIRES WILL FREEZE TO ICE - PROTECT THEM WITH WING OR ENGINE ’ COVERS OR PINE BOUGHS SIGNALS Remove all snow and frost from your plane—it will stand out better against the snow. Remove the cowl panels from your engine (or engines) and place them, unpainted side up, on the wings. They will serve as reflectors. If wood is available, lay up several large signal fires about fifty feet each side of the plane. Lubricating oil thrown on a fire will make a smudge that will be visible for a good many miles. In snow country where there are trees, distress messages can be written in the snow by forming 200-foot-high letters with evergreen boughs. Keep your signal pistol or signal flares where you can get them quickly. If you are equipped with the basic parachute pack kit, or life raft kit, make use of the blue-and-yellow signal panel. For a description of the universal mirror, panel, and body signals, see page 11. SNOW GOGGLES As soon as possible after landing check your equip- ment. Snow goggles should be worn at all times. The snow goggles in your kit will protect your eyes against the glare. If they have been lost or broken, you can fashion a pair of Eskimo-type snow shields from a 104 Improvised snow goggles con be mode by cutting slits in wood scrap of wood about six inches long and an inch wide by burning holes or slits through it at eye width. The goggles can be held on with a short length of shroud line cut from your parachute. Don’t make your snow goggles out of metal. Metal will freeze to your skin. As an additional precaution against snow blindness, blacken your cheeks and the bridge of your nose with soot, charcoal, or dirty engine oil. The blackening will help cut down reflection. SNOWBLINDNESS CAN OCCUR DURING A BRIGHT OVERCAST AS QUICKLY AS DURING SUNNY WEATHER. 105 CLOTHING Several layers of light clothing are much warmer than a single layer of heavy clothing. Inner clothing should be fluffy and porous; outer clothing should be windproof. AVOID TIGHT CLOTHING AND TIGHT SHOES Your clothes should be loose enough to allow a free circulation of air so that your perspiration can evaporate. If it doesn’t, it will form frost inside your clothes and you will be well on your way to freezing and frostbite. One of your biggest problems will be to keep your clothes and your socks dry. If you must do heavy work, loosen your clothing and remove some of it. Avoid becoming overheated—an excess of perspiration will mean wet clothing and drying them in sub-zero weather is difficult. If you get wet, change to dry clothing as soon as possible. Frost can be removed by turning the garment inside out and beating it with a stick. To dry clothes with the heat from a fire build a rack to hold them. (See page 28.) Don’t wear tight shoes. If the shoes you have on are not big enough to allow you to wear at least two pairs of heavy socks don’t use them. Instead, im- 106 provise a pair of boots by wrapping your feet in strips of canvas cut from your wing covers, motor covers, or any other heavy material that may be aboard your plane. If rescue fails, your feet will be your only means of travel, so take care of them. Keep your hands and feet warm and dry and you will be fairly comfortable no matter what the tem- perature. An improvised warm double sock can be made by putting one pair of wool socks inside another and stuffing a layer of stuffing from a life preserver cushion into the space between the two. If your shoes are tight, improvise boots from canvas and cord 107 Double socks filled with cushion stuffing will protect your feel If you have them, a good combination for keep- ing your hands warm consists of heavy woolen inner mitts with canvas or other windproof outer mitts. NEVER TOUCH COLD METAL WITH YOUR BARE HANDS. IT WILL FREEZE TO THE SKIN. If yOU do touch metal by accident, thaw the metal loose from the skin. Don’t pull it. Tight-fitting face masks made of canvas or other cloth should be avoided. They are more of a hazard than a protection. Instead, fasten a piece of cloth across the front of your parka hood just below the 108 level of your eyes and let it hang down loosely below your collar. This type of face shield not only protects your face, but allows your moist breath to escape. don’t grow a beard if you can help it—moisture from your breath will freeze on your beard and form an ice-mask that may freeze your face. SHELTER Shelter can be provided in a number of ways. Hard-packed snow drifts can be hollowed out to provide protection for two or three men. If a semi- Protect your face with a loose cloth fastened to your parka 109 permanent type of camp is necessary, build an ice house. The ice or snow can be cut into blocks with a machete or a snow knife or with a large blade im- provised from a strip of metal salvaged from your plane. A good tent can be made out of your parachute— with the shrouds serving as stake lines. When you cut your chute free of its harness, save the harness. It can be used as an improvised pack. Pitch your tent in a sheltered spot, but not in the lee of a snow bank where it stands any chance of being buried by drifting snow. If no natural wind- break is available, construct one out of snow or ice blocks. The opening to your tent should be away from the direction of the prevailing wind and the floor should be covered with boughs, canvas wing covers, engine covers, or seat cushions In tree country, a lean-to shelter can be con- structed by arranging a framework of poles and covering it on three sides with a thick layer of ever- green boughs. Here again, the floor of your shelter should be lined with boughs, canvas, or seat cushions. If you are using a sleeping bag, air and dry it at least once every three days. Wear as few clothes as possible in your sleeping bag. Excessive body moisture will con- 110 SAVE YOUR PARACHUTE—the canopy makes up into a good tent In tree country, a lean-to can be made from evergreen boughs Ill dense and form frost inside the bag. When this happens, turn the bag inside out and beat it with a stick. A damp or frosted sleeping bag is dangerous, keep it dry. Don’t put your sleeping bag directly on the snow or ice. Protect it with a layer of evergreen boughs if they are available or with a wing cover, seat cushions, or engine covers. HEAT In tree country, wood for heating and cooking fires is no problem. Various types of fires and fire- places can be used. Shield your fire from the wind and, in snow country, don’t build it directly on the ice or snow. The melting snow will wet the wood and reduce the heat of your fire. Build it on a crib of wood or metal as shown on the next page. If no wood is available, your main source of fuel will be the oil and gasoline drained from your engine. This can be burned in several ways for cooking and heating. If the oil is congealed, mold it into small balls. Place one of the pieces in the bottom of an open-top can or any other receptacle that has a draft hole cut near the bottom. Cover it with the kapok or other stuffing salvaged from your seat cush- ions, pour a very small amount of gasoline over the 112 Build your fire on a platform of logs or metal salvaged from your plane. The platform will prevent the water from melting ice or snow from wetting the fire wood and putting out the fire top, and light it. More fuel can be added as desired. If the oil is liquid, mix a little gasoline with it, pour the mixture into the can over an improvised wick consisting of four or five strands of twisted cord or rag supported on a bent-wire tripod frame, and light the wick. A small flame inside a closed heater of this type will provide enough heat for quick cook- ing. The same type of tin-can heater can be used as an economical burner for small quantities of wood. A heater for use inside your improvised tent or lean-to need be nothing more than a candle burning inside a small tin can. Or, if you have no candles, a miniature of the cooking burner can be made. In some Arctic regions surface coal is available as A tin-can stove. A large can makes a good stove, cut stoke- hole and flue A tin-can healer that burns oil. Wire tripod supports cord wick 114 fuel. It can be found in some river valleys. On sea beaches, coal often can be found in the windrows. This coal has been scooped from the sea bottom and piled on the beach by the ice. Starting a fire with this coal may be difficult, particularly if no wood for kindling is available. Animal fats and hides also provide a source of fuel. A small chunk of caribou suet, for instance, placed on a small piece of wood and lighted, is suf- ficient to cook enough meat to last three men one day. The hide of a musk ox or a grizzly bear will cook three or four pots of food. Seal blubber also makes an excellent fuel. WARNING: DANGEROUS CARBON MONOX- IDE FUMES ARE PRODUCED WHEN ANY KIND OF FIRE OR HEATER IS BURNED IN AN UNVENTILATED SHELTER. BE SURE TO PROVIDE VENTILATION. Carbon monoxide poisoning is one of the greatest dangers in the Arctic. Carbon monoxide gas is color- less and odorless, so your only means of combating it is through adequate ventilation, particularly at night. A snow drift may cover your tent and reduce the normal ventilation through the fabric of your tent, so provide some other means of ventilation while 115 your stove or fire is burning. Keep a burner or fire going only long enough to cook your food, then put it out. FOOD Eat as much fat as you can. Fat is a heat-produc- ing food and very important to your health in the Arctic. In the winter months, animals and fish will be about your only source of natural food. The caribou provides the best meat of the land animals and the seal provides the best of the sea animals. The best parts of the caribou for eating are the head, brisket, ribs, backbone, and pelvis. As for seals, there is little preference between the various parts, although most white people prefer the liver, boiled or even frozen and raw. The heart and the kidneys provide good meat for stews. Polar bear is very likely to be tough and stringy if cooked. It is more tender if eaten raw and frozen. AVOID POLAR BEAR LIVERS, THEY ARE POISONOUS. Musk oxen has a strong flavor, but it is rich in fat. Because of the importance of fats, under no con- ditions limit yourself to a meat diet of rabbit just because they happen to be plentiful in the region 116 MUSK OX CARIBOU SEAL 117 DUCK GOOSE PTARMIGAN . OWL SWAN 118 where you are forced down. A continued diet of rabbit will produce rabbit starvation—diarrhea will begin in about a week and if the diet is continued DEATH MAY RESULT. Some Arctic birds are well supplied with fat. Geese and ducks are fat in the spring. Swans also have a good deal of fat, but cranes do not. The owl, the raven, and the ptarmigan are the chief birds that spend the whole year farthest north. The owl, con- sidered one of the best food birds, has very little fat. Ravens are not considered good because they have little meat. The same holds for the ptarmigan. On the average, all fish have enough fat to make them good Arctic food. The liver of the cod, for example, is an extremely good form of fat and can be eaten boiled. Although complete protection from scurvy can be had from a prolonged meat-and-fat diet, the rough- age value of greens is important. In an emergency, almost any local green, pleasant to the taste and suc- culent enough to be swallowed, can be eaten. There are no poisonous flowering plants or grasses in the Arctic. The only poisonous Arctic fungus is easily recognized by its yellowish red cap. All other Arctic fungi found above the nothern timberline are edible. 119 EDIBLE PLANTS There are no known poisonous plants in the Arctic above the timberline. However, play safe—avoid raw cow parsnip and mosslike lichens, they may make you sick. Berries are plentiful and nutritious. 121 SALMON BERRY (Bake Apple) A low creeping perennial. The edible berries are reddish, turning to yellow as they ripen. They are juicy, about the size of a large raspberry, and ripen in July and August. Common in the north to the Arctic Ocean. 122 MASK (Liquorice-Root) A non-climbing perennial herb of the pea family. Grows about i to 2 feet high. Pink flowers and flat seed pods. The root is edible and when cooked has a taste not unlike carrots. It matures in August and can be gathered until late fall. 123 MOUNTAIN CRANBERRY A low-creeping shrub with dark green leathery leaves. The dark red edible berries ripen in August and September and remain on the vines through winter. Widely distributed throughout northern Can- ada and found as far north as the Arctic seacoast. 124 BLUEBERRY A low shrub with many branches. The edible ber- ries, resembling commercial blueberries, are deep blue, ripening around July and August. The flowers are greenish white. 125 JUNEBERRY A low tree or shrub with bronzy-green foliage. The purplish-black berries ripen in early summer. Found in damp woods and near swamps. 126 BLACK CROWBERRY An evergreen shrub, freely branching. The black, shiny berries are juicy and sweet. Found throughout northern Canada and even on some Arctic islands. Often they can be gathered from under the snow. The berries keep well when frozen. 127 WILD RHUBARB A perennial herb 3 to 6 feet high with reddish stem and pointed leaves. Very common in the Yukon and on the Mackenzie and its tributaries, but does not occur farther east. The young, juicy stems are edible and when cooked resemble rhubarb. 128 BISTORTA A low-growing herb 5 to 10 inches high. The flowers are white or pink in the form of spikes. The root, about the size of a pecan, is edible and best when cooked. Common in dry country, chiefly north of the tree limit. 129 AVOID PARSNIP Parsnip root should be avoided. Although not poisonous, it may make you ill. Usually has a dis- agreeable taste. If peeled, stems and leaf stalks can be eaten cooked in the spring. 130 REINDEER MOSS A low, bushy, coral-like lichen that grows on the ground. Common throughout northern Canada. This and other similar lichens must be thoroughly boiled or soaked in water for several hours before being eaten. 131 COOKING In the Arctic, boiling is the easiest and best method of cooking. Boiling not only conserves fuel, but pre- serves the essential elements of the food. In summer and autumn, fresh water will be available excepting on the ice cap or on the sea. In the winter, ice or snow can be used. To cook meat in water from ice or snow, melt small bits until you have an inch or two of water, fill the pot about three-quarters full with the ice or snow, cut the meat into inch chunks and place it on top of the ice, and then put the pot on your fire. As the ice melts, the meat will sink and as the water is gradually warmed the meat will thaw. After the water has boiled for two or three minutes remove the pot from the fire and place it on evergreen boughs or a piece of wood to cool to eating tem- perature. When the meat has been eaten, the liquid remaining should be drunk. NEVER OVERCOOK MEAT, overcooking destroys the vitamins. For a variation in diet, chunks of meat can be broiled over the fire in any one of a number of ways, but the bulk of your fish and meat should be boiled. 132 WATER at sea, ice that is a year or more old can be used for drinking or cooking water. Old ice can be distin- guished from the current year’s ice by its rounded corners and by its bluish color in contrast to the milkish grayishness of salt ice. Ice a year old rarely has any noticeable saltiness, while ice two or three years old is generally fresher than the average river or spring water. In the summer, fresh water can be found in the hollows in old ice. Water fresh enough for drinking can be found even in the hollows on new ice, which itself is salty in midsummer. on land, drinking and cooking water offers no great problem. In the winter it is perfectly safe to eat snow or cracked ice in small quantities during the day when you are traveling and don’t want to take the time necessary to melt it down. Eaten in large quantities, however, it chills the stomach and re- duces your body temperature. When melting down snow or ice, don’t fill the pot at once. If you do, the snow on top will soak up the first water like a blotter and leave a cavity directly over the heated bottom of the pot and the pot may burn through. This is particularly so when, as the case probably will be, you are using tin cans for cooking 133 containers. When possible, always melt ice for water, it requires less heat and takes less time. In summer there are innumerable sources of fresh water. Lakes and streams are seldom more than a mile or so apart in the land north of the Arctic circle. Melt ice instead of snow for drinking water, it takes less heal ARCTIC TRAVEL If you were on your flight course when you were forced down, stay with your plane. Rescue planes will be out looking for you and will find you, but remember—any search takes time. Don’t give up 134 hope of rescue too quickly. The men who are out looking for you are trained in their jobs and if it is humanly possible to find you and get you out they will do it. You can help them by staying with your plane. If they cannot land and bring you out by air- plane, they will drop you the necessary equipment and supplies to help you trek out. Travel in the Arctic is difficult. You will need every aid in the way of clothing and equipment that can be made available to you. If rescue fails and you decide to walk your way out, lay your plans carefully and then stick to them. What course you decide to follow should be deter- mined largely by your location and the terrain. In mountainous or wooded areas, your best course, unless you know exactly where you are and have some definite destination, will be to follow streams and rivers downstream. They will lead you event- ually either to some post of civilization or to the coast where your chances of finding food and a native vil- lage will be good. There is just one exception to this rule—in Siberia rivers and streams should be fol- lowed upstream. The rivers in Siberia flow north, while civilization is to the south. don’t wander aimlessly. Use your compass to maintain a general direction, but don’t try to travel 135 in a straight line. Follow the contour of the land for the easiest going in the general direction that you want to go. If you have no pocket compass, remove the compass from your plane. when you camp, camp on the mountains and not in the valleys. Slopes and ridges in the Arctic are always warmer than the valleys. In thick woods, blaze a trail on the trees as you go, just in case you have to double back on your course. (For illustration of trail markings, see p. 22.) plenty of food and rest is the secret of Arctic travel, particularly in the winter. Don’t rush, cook at least one hot meal a day, and be sure to get adequate sleep. You can survive many days without food if you will relax and avoid exhaustion, don’t WORRY ABOUT FREEZING TO DEATH WHILE YOU SLEEP. Unless you are exhausted you will wake up before you freeze. Before you leave your plane make sure that you are taking everything that will help you make your way back to civilization. Snowshoes, sledges, and shelters can be made out of various parts of the plane. Cabin doors, main landing wheel doors, and bomb- bay doors make good sledges. Skis and snowshoes can be made by removing inspection panels, the cover strips over wing-root joints, or tail-wheel doors, and 136 lashing them to your feet with thongs or parachute shrouds. A section of engine cowl can be used as a container for melting water or for cooking, as a head shelter and windbreak for use with a sleeping bag, or as a fire shield for reflecting the heat of your fire into your lean-to or tent. In the case of a forced landing made wheels down on an ice floe when no rubber boat is available, an improvised raft can be made by removing the tires from your plane and lashing them together with wire and control cables. The wheels can be removed by stacking ice blocks under the wings so they will support the airplane and permit partial retraction of the landing gear. If there is sufficient time, fuel tanks also can be removed and used as floats. Such improvised rafts will help you to cross open leads and short stretches of sea, providing the water is calm. BEFORE LEAVING YOUR PLANE BURN ALL PAPERS, TECHNICAL ORDERS, AND TRIP DATA THAT MIGHT BE RESTRICTED, CON- FIDENTIAL OR CLASSIFIED. SECRET INSTRUMENTS SHOULD BE SMASHED AND THE PARTS BURIED OR THROWN IN THE SEA 137 ARCTIC HEALTH Frostbite, or local freezing, is a constant danger to anyone exposed to the sub-zero tempera- tures of an Arctic winter. Strictly speaking, frostbite cannot be prevented, but the risk can be minimized. To neglect a frostbitten spot is to invite gangrene. There is no particular pain with frostbite. Quite to the contrary, there is an absence of sensation, a numbness. Frostbite can occur without a person knowing it, so examine your face, hands, and feet frequently. The symptoms are stiffness and a grayish or whitish color of the part affected. If you are frostbitten, donT apply snow or ice. There is no fact in the old recommended cold treat- ment. Instead, warm the affected part gradually. Don’t rub the spot. Even the gentlest massage can do a great deal of harm. If frostbite appears on your face, warm it by pressing your warm fingers against it. If a wrist is frozen, warm it by grasping it with the other hand. Frozen hands and fingers can be thawed by holding them against your chest or under your armpits inside your clothes. Frozen feet are particularly serious. Try to keep your feet from freezing, but should they get frost- 138 bitten, take care of them immediately. Change to a warmer footgear if you can, or wrap them in cloth or fur until they thaw. Warm them, but don’t put them close to a heater or fire. Warm them gradually. A burning sensation follows the warming and thawing of a frozen part. The actual thawing may be extremely painful. After frostbite there may be blistering and peeling just as in sunburn. snowblindness is caused by the brilliant reflec- tion or glare from the surface of snow. Avoid it like the plague, for once you have had one case, reoccur- rences are likely to follow. Wear your goggles, either your flying goggles or your homemade wooden sun shields, at all times during the daylight. Don’t be fooled by an overcast day, and on a bright day re- member that merely lifting your goggles a half dozen times may bring on snowblindness. The first warning of snowblindness comes when you can no longer detect variations in the levels of ground. Later, your eyes will begin to burn, they will become inflamed and increasingly sensitive. They will pain when exposed even to a weak light. The best medicine for snowblindness is complete darkness. During the long periods of daylight this will mean some sort of dark bandage to exclude all light. An ice compress or cold-water compress will 139 bring some relief providing there is no danger of freezing. In most cases, snowblindness will disappear in two or three days under care. When first used again, the eyes see two of everything, but normal focus soon returns. carbon monoxide poisoning. Among all the dangers of the Arctic, the danger of suffocation by carbon monoxide is one of the greatest. Particularly for one who has never been subjected to extreme cold for extended periods, the desire to get warm and stay warm often overrules a man’s better judgment and common sense. You must depend on your cloth- ing to keep you warm. In temporary shelters, stoves, fires, and heaters should be used only for cooking and then put out. A stove burning for a half-hour in a poorly ventilated shelter can produce a dangerous amount of carbon monoxide fumes. Carbon monoxide is odorless and can overcome a sleeping person with- out warning. The treatment is fresh air. If you are in a shelter and begin to feel drowsy, watch out for carbon mon- oxide poisoning. Go outdoors, moving slowly; crawl if necessary. Breathe evenly and don’t move about. Cover yourself with robes and blankets to prevent 140 freezing, above all,, remove the source of the CARBON MONOXIDE. general. When an accident happens in the cold, shock is very likely to take place, especially if there is pain or bleeding. An injured person should be cov- ered immediately with blankets, a tarpaulin, extra clothes, or a sleeping bag. Keep the head and upper part of the body lower than the legs and lower parts. Administer warm, non-alcoholic drinks and apply heat if possible to the chest, stomach, and thighs. If it is necessary to use a tourniquet, don’t apply pressure too long at a stretch, as freezing may result. Even tight bandages can dangerously reduce blood circulation. If a tourniquet is necessary, keep the part beyond the tourniquet warm, but do not heat it above body temperature. ARCTIC PESTS From the middle of June to about the middle of September when the first of the heavy frosts come, THE WORST ARCTIC PEST IS THE MOSQUITO. During those months there are ten times as many mosquitoes per square mile over two-thirds of the land north of the tree line than the average over the same area in the tropics. Fortunately, Arctic mosquitoes are not disease carriers, but they are bothersome and during 141 the mosquito season head nets, leggings, and gloves will be important parts of your clothing. sandflies, found in large numbers on the main- land, are most bothersome in the early afternoon, decreasing their activity as the evening cools. Known as punkies, midges, and “no-see-ums,” they are per- sistent blood-suckers small enough to go through the usual netting or head net. bulldogs, sometimes called mooseflies, deerflies, or horseflies, look like overgrown house flies. Their bite is like the cut of a scalpel, drawing blood in a trickle. Bulldogs are most annoying on hot days. A head net, leggings, and gloves offer the best protection. blackflies are bad pests in certain Arctic areas, particularly in the forests during the summer months. Their bite causes severe swelling. Protection against them is the same as for mosquitoes and sandflies. Sandfly Deerfly Blaekfly 142 ESKIMO WORDS AND PHRASES Syllables spelled like familiar English words are fa be pronounced just that way. Syllables printed in heavier type are to be accented. WESTERN ESKIMO I am hungry Kish-tu-ah (the i long, as !n mice) Our food is all gone . Neck-out-voot nahng-ock Water Meek (fresh); Mahk (salt) I am thirsty Meck-soosh-too-ah Give me a drink of tea . Shy-oo-mick merry-slng-a I am cold Crow-too-ah My boots are wet . . . Comic-sig-kah maht-soong-uk My clothing is wet . . Aht-koo-kah maht-soong-uk 144 Bring a dog-sled . . . Ick-calm-erak ahk-fah-loo-kick Yes Ahng No Khang-ah Look! (at my frostbitten wrist, etc.) Tahng! I don't understand . . Ah-yo-koo-ehett-oo-a I need food Neek-a-mick pee-yoosh-tu-ah Bring men (to help) . . Ahng-oh-tit tide-loo-kay How far is it to the trad- ing post? Kite-loon yock-shig-ta kip-oosy-vig-a- Matches; fire Spitz-cot; Keen-er-it Native stove (seal-oil lamp) Kah-minny-ock; Keen-o-gak Come quickly! .... Pah-tah-gah-mick tight-ah Gun Noo-tick To the right! (dog driver's term) Jee! To the left! (dog driver’s term) Haw! Which way? Nah-goon? Tobacco To-bak-u-mick; Chew-yah-mik Where is there a white man? Nah-ne kah-sah tahng-tah 145 EASTERN ESKIMO I am hungry Kah-poong-ah Our food is all gone . Ner-key-voof peeto-Kung-i-tu-goot Water Ee-mick (fresh); ie-mock (salt) I am thirsty; I need fresh water Kee-poong-ah; Ee-mick pee-yuma-voong-ah Give me a drink of tea! (literally, I need tea!) . Tee-mick pee-yuma-voong-ah I am cold Oo-voong-ah ick-key My boots are wet . . . Kah-mig-ga cow-shook-toot My clothing is wet . . Ah-no-wog-ga cow-shook-toot Bring a dog-sled! . . . Comma-tee-nick eye-«hook-too Yes Ee-mah; Ah-high; Ah-high-la No Nowk; Nah-ga; Ah-guy Look! (at my frostbitten wrist, etc.) Tah-koo! I don't understand (refer- ring to what has been said) Two-key-siggy-lahng-ah I need food Ner-key pee-yuma-voong-ah Bring men to help . . . Ahng-oo-tee-nick ky-ko-see-geof How far is it to the trad- ing post? ..... Kah-bloona-tah-lick conn-oak oo-ah-slck-pa? Matches, or fire . . . Ee-koo-mock 146 Native stove or seal-oil lamp Koo-di-lick Come quickly! .... Klgh-geet or Klgh-sa-geet Gun Cook-e-oo To the right! (dog driver's term) Owk! or Howk! To the left! (dog driver’s term) Owk-a! or Ow-ha! Huh-dal Which way? Now koot? Tobacco Tobacco-mik Where is there a white man? Kah-bloon-ah nowk? 147 PRINCIPAL EMERGENCY KITS Alaskan Emergency Parachute Kit (Type B-l) — Compass, matches, emergency rations, gloves, mos- quito headnet, cooking kit, iodine, three-bladed knife, fish line and hooks, camphor gum, insect repellent, and bouillon cubes. Jungle Emergency Parachute Kit (Type B-2) — Compass, emergency rations, matches, iodine, qui- nine, signal flare, gloves, mosquito headnet, machete, sharpening stone, fish line and hooks, insect repel- lent, and first-aid kit. Emergency Sustenance Kit (Rations) Type E-l— This kit is intended to supply the necessary rations for operations in northern climates. One kit for every two men. The components include : U. S. Army Mountain Rations, drinking water in cans, matches, hunting knife, mess kit, mosquito headnet, gloves, fork and spoon, muckluks, ice creepers, solid fuel, grill, and sewing kit. Emergency Sustenance Kit (Implements) Type E-2 —This kit is intended to supply the necessary imple- ments for use in northern climates. One kit for each large airplane. The components include: Combina- tion .22-caliber and .410-gage shot-gun, ammunition, 148 matches, camphor cubes, flashlight, candles, fry-pan, stew pan, large spoon, butcher knife, cooking oil, machete, fishing kit, and signal flares. Emergency Sustenance Kit (Type E-5) (Over Water) -—This kit is intended for carrying in large airplanes operating mainly over water. One kit per large air- plane. The components include: Field Ration K, drinking water in cans, flashlight, bailing bucket, com- pass, matches, knife, hand axe, mirror, candles, fishing kit, flares, paulin, sea markers, and tomato juice. This kit is used in addition to the kit supplied in the life raft. OTHER KITS ARE IN THE PROCESS OF DEVELOPMENT. ON ALL FLIGHTS WHERE EMERGENCY KITS MIGHT BE OF USE, IT IS ADVISABLE TO CHECK WITH THE SUPPLY OFFICER. DETERMINE BEFOREHAND WHAT IS AVAILABLE FOR THE LOCALE OVER WHICH THE FLIGHT IS TO TAKE PLACE. 149