CARELESS AND UNSCIENTIFIC MIDWIFERY, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SOME FEATURES OF THE WORK OF MIDWIVES. Read before the Medicae and Chirurgicae Faculty of the State of Maryeand at its Ninety-seventh Annual Session, April 23-27, 1895. IV S. Smith, M. D., Physician to the Police Department, Baltimore. In the performance of the various du- ties that belong to our profession we are ofttimes brought in contact with con- ditions which arouse our sympathy as well as demand our scientific aid. In my own professional career nothing has thus far so deeply impressed me as the observations made in the lying-in chamber, where the parturient woman has to undergo not alone the unavoid- able and natural pains of childbirth, but too often, also, the far more serious suffering brought upon her by the gross manipulations and hazardous practices of ignorant and officious midwives. These observations, I regret to say, have lately happened with such frequency as to induce me, or, I could more truly say, provoke me, to present this paper to the Faculty ; and if I should succeed in at- tracting your attention to the subject, I shall feel that my crude remarks upon a commonplace and uninviting topic are not altogether valueless. Such a hope, at least, together with a sincere desire to assist, however feebly it may be, in the satisfactory solution of a perplexing problem, constitute my only apology for appearing before you on this occasion. I know full well that there is no neces- sity for me to adduce arguments or relate experiences to you to show the incom- petency of midwives as we meet them at the present day. Three-fourths of them have absolutely no knowledge of the physiology of labor, or of the dangers to which a lying-in woman is exposed. It is therefore a reasonable and natural deduction that almost everything they do is in violation and defiance of the well known principles applicable to sci- entific midwifery. Since, however, I am so unfortunate as to reside and prac- tice in a community where they are es- pecially numerous, and it is thought especially unskillful, I have thought that a brief reference to recent cases il- lustrative of their more common and dangerous procedures might not be un- interesting. Mrs. K., aged 22 }7ears, was confined in December last ; she was a lad)7 with excellent personal and family history, muscular and well-developed, with am- ple pelvis and normal birth-canal. One week after her confinement I was called to see her in spite of the protestations of her nurse that she only had “malaria” and would soon be “ all right.” Her pe- culiar appearance and the offensive odor emanating from her at once led me to sus- pect septicemia, and upon examination my suspicions were confirmed. I found a mass of putrid placental debris in the uterine cavity and a deep laceration of the cervix. The usual treatment of cleaning out the uterus, applying hot carbolized vaginal douches and adminis- tering supporting remedies, was at once instituted, but although her temperature fell somewhat, she soon succumbed to the septic intoxication. The husband informed me that she had been given a large amount of ergot in the beginning of labor, which, to my mind, satisfac- torily explained the laceration of the cervix, the difficulty in delivering the placenta, as well as the sad events which followed. Another case of a different character was that of Mrs. F., a young woman whose general health was good, but who had a contracted pelvis. This was her second unsuccessful attempt at deliver- ing a living child, and her sister had died shortly after an instrumental labor. These facts were well known to the mid- wife, who, notwithstanding, had been 2 in attendance forty-eight hours when I was called. I found that the membranes had been ruptured and that the uterus was in a state of extremely rigid and te- tanic contraction due to the influence of about tw7o ounces of ergot, which had been administered to her, as was said, to expedite (?) her labor. Efforts at version proved unavailing, and not hav- ing the necessary instruments, I sent for Dr. E. E. Neale, of this city, who with my assistance, and that of a great deal of perseverance and physical prowess, finally succeeded in delivering by means of cephalotripsy. Fortunately, this woman’s uterus was not ruptured, and by the assiduous use of antiseptics, in- fection was prevented ; but it was not through any want of carelessness or of vigorous efforts to force delivery through an impassable mechanical obstruction that she did not meet with the same fate as the lady to whom I have just referred. I will cite another case, that of Mrs. E., a multiparous woman, who had pre- viously had no difficulty during the par- turient period. She had been in labor only about two hours when I was sent for in great haste in the middle of the night ; this time the midwife wanted me. Hurrying to her bed-side I found an absolutely normal presentation ; in fact, the child’s head was resting on the perineum almost at the vulvar outlet, but all pains had ceased. Nothing could be easier. The forceps were ap- plied, the head was simply lifted from its resting place, and delivery was com- pleted without the slightest trouble. Here was a case of simple uterine iner- tia, with a non-resistant perineum in which an oxytocic was clearly indicated, and would have given relief in a short time. None, however, had been em- ployed, and the greatest fears were en- tertained for the woman’s safety. In the practice of a certain other woman, whom I have in mind, I was for a time somewhat at a loss to understand the remarkable number of still-births. As they occurred for the most part in healthy multiparae, I concluded that the cause could be traced to her rather than to any abnormalities with which she had to deal. After I had learned the extent of her obstetric work and dis- covered the freedom with which she used her “forcing drops” the mystery was cleared up. At least, in several cases I am able to say that every other cause was carefully excluded, and I wras irresistibly led to believe that nothing else explained the fatalities. The mode of action of ergot in these cases being a mechanical compression of an incarce- rated cord, an interference with utero- placental circulation, or a peculiar toxic influence which it is known to have. Many other cases might be cited, but these few I think will bear me out in saying that monthly nurses are almost always utterly ignorant of the conditions with which they have to deal, entirely unfamiliar with the indications for the use of drugs, inexcusably negligent in not calling for aid when they know it is required, and criminally culpable for their assumption of the functions of a physician in the most serious cases. The injury that is being done by these audacious and unskilled individuals, both in the sacrifice of human life and the production of chronic invalidism, is simply incalculable. Tarnier, the cele-. brated French obstetrician, has said “In the country as in the town, in the most magnificent palace as in the humblest cottage, the enemy of the lying-in woman is the microbe.” This is a for- cible statement of a scientific fact, and I would not amend it save to say that it is not the microbe per se that is at fault, but the hand which permits or causes its transportation to the vulnerable parts of woman’s organism. And the typical old gin - guzzling midwife, with her pockets full of “forcing drops,” her mouth full of snuff, her fingers full of dirt and her brains full of arrogance and superstition, is at least the greatest pal- pable enemy of a physiological puerpe- rium. There is, as I have intimated, something peculiarly pathetic in the death of a woman under such circum- stances as I have related ; and while I would not raise my hand to hinder any human being in the proper pursuit of an honorable avocation, I think that some corrective influence should be brought to bear upon this stupendous wrong. 3 In other countries, notably in England, Germany and Denmark, especial precau- tions are taken by police and sanitary authorities to supervise the work of mid- wives and hold them to strict account- ability. Indeed, in many of our own large cities the question has been agi- iated with more or less effect. Is it not time that we also should take some de- cided steps in this direction ? I shall now speak of the attitude and habit of the general practitioner in his obstetric work. The wonderful achieve- ments of recent years point unmistak- ably toward the path along which a practically unanimous profession will eventually tread. Indeed, all specialists in this line and all the large Materni- ties are at present pursuing substanti- ally the same course in obstetric man- agement. But among private practi- tioners there is still shown an adherence to antique methods which is greatly to be deplored. Why this should be, it is somewhat difficult to explain. Bacteri- ology, that prolific realm in the micro- scopic world, is, as we must admit, often based on uncertain theories, and is still chiefly an experimental branch of path- ological research ; but, new though it is, it has already led to the most bril- liant practical results, and has influenced to a greater degree our knowledge and our treatment of disease than any other department of medical science. And, among its accomplishments, nothing, it seems to me, should be more cheering and gratifying to us than the light which it has thrown upon the subject of puer- peral infection. I think we may safely say that the introduction and scientific application of asepsis and antisepsis to surgical and obstetric practice marks the greatest advance in medical science which the present century has seen. It is now almost universally admitted that the so-called accidents and complications of the puerperal state are due to an in- fection, that the infecting agent is a micro-organism which gains entrance to the blood through some part of the genital tract, and that unless such or- ganism be introduced these affections will not take place. And yet there are practitioners who hoot the idea of the aseptic or antiseptic management of la- bor. I would not be considered an en- thusiast on this subject, but, if err I must, I would rather err upon the side of unwarrantable enthusiasm than upon that of unjust and unreasoning apathy. I would not be carried away by the al- luring suggestions and golden promises that are being held out by microscopists throughout the world, for “Oft expec- tation fails, and most oft there where most it promises ; ” and, on the other hand, I would not be so blinded by cus- tom and prejudice as to fail to recognize and profit by the enduring and substan- tial facts which have been laid before us. Many honorable and able physicians do not follow aseptic and antiseptic principles because they considered them superfluous. They have had, they say, hundreds of cases of confinement with- out losing a single patient. This at first sight seems a strong and convincing argument, but, while they may not have had a death from what they choose to call puerperal metritis, peritonitis, or even acute puerperal septicemia, if they would go a little beyond the usual period of the lying-in and search for their cases of pneumonia, pericarditis, endocarditis, arthritis, abscess and ty- phoid fever, they would find many of them traceable to puerperal infection. Besides this, mortality alone is not the only factor to be taken into considera- tion. Innumerable cases of permanent ovarian, tubal and uterine disease date their origin from the parturient cham- ber. Another argument used by the opponents of scientific midwifery is that labor is a natural process, and re- quires, as a rule, no scrutiny or precau- tions on the part of the accoucheur. This is equally untenable, for no matter how naturally or with what comparative ease a woman may pass through her confinement, she is in all cases a wound- ed woman ; presenting to us, not only the extremely sensitive and receptive uterine wound, but numerous tears, con- tusions and abrasions of the genital tract, which, while they may not be perceptible to us, are yet sufficiently large to admit myriads of pathogenic microbes. There is always a certain 4 amount of traumatism connected with the parturient act, and no woman can with scientific accuracy be said to be free from danger because her labor has been normal. Then again it has been said that aseptic midwifery involves an expenditure of money and a waste of time, and is for that reason inapplicable in many cases. The truth is that, with a proper appreciation of the object to be attained, it may be so simplified as to be practicable in any household. Fortu- nately, public sentiment is being en- lightened on this subject and is begin- ning to demand the advantages of scientific work in midwifery. And, as we are in a certain sense the guardians of those who have committed their physical welfare to our professional keeping, we should feel that they have a right to demand the best treatment which knowledge and experience have placed at our disposal, and that ours is the duty to give it to them. Real prog- ress in science cannot be measured, as we know, by laboratory researches, but by the degree of service which such researches render the physician in the advancement of the healing art. I began my paper in an apologetic strain, and I shall close it in like man- ner. I am conscious of the fact that I have offered nothing new, and that to most of you my remarks seem like a thrice-told tale. It may be, however, that there are some general practitioners among us who, like myself, have not hitherto sufficiently appreciated the im- portance of the work that is going on around us. To such especially would I direct my humble effort, with the hope that in our future labors in this import- ant field we shall look with greater favor and consideration upon the mag- nificient results which have been ob- tained by the faithful observance of aseptic and antiseptic methods. I do not know to what extent the Faculty has in former years considered or dis- cussed the subject of midwives, but I am convinced that there is urgent need for some definite co-operation on the part of the profession designed to restrict, if not to eradicate, the great evils which flow from the unbounded and unguided freedom with which careless and ig- norant women are accustomed to pursue their self-appointed work. Reprinted from the Maryland MEDICAL Journal, June 8, 1895.