To Mike Gorman, Traveling through Europe with you and Ernestine and Margot, Mike! Now there is an experience not described in any of the guide books. And let's start with guide books since you appeared the first day with an amputated copy of Fielding. All the countries not in the agenda had been torn out--I know you don't believe in excess baggage--and then as we "finished" a country--out it was ripped--until the final paraplegic volume was abandoned in Paris. And speaking of Paris: fighting Algerian terrorists for taxi cabs; worrying about poisoned food in that restaurant on the Bois de Boulogne where you kept bellowing (sotto voce, of course) "TOURIST TRAP"--and finally that visit to the mental hospital which at once time was an [sic] house of assignation for MANON. Her reputation may have survived operas about her by Massenet and Puccini--but not what happened when they unlocked the shed over the ancient well in the courtyard, just for us. That photograph I took still hangs on your office wall--you, shouting into the shed "MANON! MANON! VISITORS FOR YOU! BUSINESS!" You scourge your enemies and treat your friends only slightly worse. God bless you! From "Natie" (known to everyone else as Nate Kline)