kTB-PH-YEL 11 :-THE CMLk'C.ELFAFE 'LAY.' PUBLIC HEALTH ANT ELI A PE TECHNICAL BULLETIN. PHffik GHQ • SCAP AF0- 500- February •'-.1948 1, General Background a. '♦Tho Child-'Tblfare Law> passed by-'the Fiet 21 Noyember'i947,,'became effective, in part, on 1 January 1948 and will become wholly effective, 1 April 1948 (Article r63), The law supersedes • and repeals the .’’Law‘ for prevention of Cruelty to Children” and the “Juvenile Training1 and Education -Law”. (Articles 65, 66, 67, 68). b. Generally, the Japanese hold to the theory that a child under 14 years of age cannot-commit a-crime?, and that the child is disgraced if it is necessary for him to appear before a court, This concept accounts-for the placement of children, particularly for those under 14 years of age, in in- stitutions for juvenile training'and'education (Kyogo-iri) by a.geqcies or in- dividuals rather thhn through court action,. • This' philosophy also Is based on the theory that treatment of delincuency should be corrective in nature rather than punitive‘. Lack' of training personnel/ training facilities, .literature, and supervision over institutions by qualified persons-has often: defeated', this progressive attitude. c. Social workers in Japan realize that the relaxed attitude jof, the Japanese family throughout the war years coupled v/ith the fact that there are now h;great number bf children from broken iamilics bus increased the delin- quency problem measuroably, Institutions have retrogressed bucease- la-ckf of trained personnel, lact oi lunds for up’ eop of facilities and equipment since'1938, and inability to irepair-T/ar damaged institutions. d. Community Chest funds for private institutions, more national funds for public institutions, and an increase in training opportunities for social’'workers as‘well: as ah'increase in-’interest -in social-work as a‘profession, will help to overcome these difficulties, . : ' • ; : , ,* *4 •, ‘ "It should be. •noted that the Child Welfare Lav/fis.-only pnq/of several affecting Children,r Education: lairs,’/labor law$, and ;the new. Juvenile Court Lavr'j yet to be written,-are expected toh have . considerable .influence „• on the card of ■children in Japan, ■ " • ./ ■' , ; •- • • : £*• ’ Central and Prefecture! Child. Welfare: Boards; ’ r* • • - *• . * "■ , - A continuing-interest In chile' weIfare:programs is best guaranteed -by actual-participation of the community in.the, program. Artioles-;8, 9*and 10 of the new Chif .'f7elfarb Law-provide'for National (Central) ■ and Prefecture! Child Welfare Boards of A5 and 20 members respectively, the members to be chosen from public officials, persons now in children1 s health or welfare services, and those who have knowledge of,and experience, in work with children* Interest of welfare officers in the appointment of prefoctural Board members and in the successful inauguration of its work by the Board will insure a successful program. Ministerial instructions to the prefectures will point out that ex- isting child, welfare committees or outstanding members will be incorporated into the Child Welfare Boards, and that community committees may be continued as sub-committees. Membership is honorary and is for a two year term, excepting for public officials, who may not exceed 25% of the total membership. The chairman is to be elected by tho Board( and meetings are to.be called by the governor or at the request of 25% of the membership* lutios and activities of the Board shall be: a. For the purpose of investigating and discussing the welfare of children and of expectant and nursing mothers: - b. Answering-the inquiry of governors or making recommendations- to the governors or the administrative officers concerned: t c. fo request information of administrative offices by way of special-reports personal, explanations, etc: ‘ d.. To determine if licenses shall bo removed from agencies who do not meet proscribed minimum standards; . e ■* To determine need for homes-for Juvenile Training and Educa- tion-(Kyogo-in). . : , • f* To review recuests for certification of persons' who d.e'sire to offer their homes os foster homes. Governors are responsible for appointment of board members' and they are authorised to appoint managers, and clerks who will, manage the Boards under" the direction of the chairman* , - ... Evaluation of' existing committees of similar, type by Western standards leaves, much to be dot ired in- nay o.f independent thought and action* When government: officials are members of the- committee, they' are prone,' tei assume full direction, and, in fact, are urged to do so, by-the average" Japanese committee member. The usual result, unless the Board members ore persons of independent mind and of sufficient community stature, is that the committee will not criticize any actions which "the **official'1 group may desire to per- form. , Converselyi"when, officials arc not members-, the committees tend to dis- integrate for lack- of. direction.. Child. Welfare Boards should be" encouraged, to have as members such men as newspaper publishers, industrialists, professional persons, labor leaders and others of like stature who will tike an active in- terest in the program and-will be. in a position to criticize official acti- vities or inactivity .when such criticism .seefns justifijd. 3. Child T.olfafo. Officials (Articles 11. 13. U. 29. 62. 61) a. Qualifications, The inauguration of child welfare officials (Jido Fukushi-shi) represents the first time in Japanese history that community social 'workers have boon hired by the government. Their duties are to "work for the promo- tion of welfare of tho children and expectant and nursing mothers, acting as their councillors for their care, health and general welfare"• Child welfare officials shall be rualified as second clrss officials, either clerical or technical and shall fall under any of the following qualifications:• (l) One who has boon engaged in child earn, health or welfare services not less than two years: (2) One who has a degree of "Gakushi" from a department of a university specializing in either psychology, pedagogy, sociology: (.3) Physician (A) One, who, has graduated from a training school or a training facility for child, welfare officials or workers for child welfare agencies designated by the ministry of Welfare: (5) Other persons whom the Minister of Welfare deems qualified as a child welfare official. Instructions to prefectures state that child welfare officials should be persons of practical ability, skilled as case-workers, and be of mature character. Records of applicants, along 'with recommendation of the governor s all be submitted to the Ministry of Welfare for approval. b.- Puties. The total, number, whilo admittedly insufficient, , represents an important first step. The successful operation of:these officials and their acceptance by the1 community may affect future numerical increase as well as the-use of paid officials in other welfare programs (see Incl, #1, "Placement Chart"). ■* Governors are cautioned that the officials shall be located in areas which have demonstrated-special need, for their services, and that they are not to-be’ used as clerical workers unless specifically hired for that purpose. Generally, the officials are to work with the Child Welfare Center, district, city, town or village offices,, however, they arc prefoctural officials (see -Incl #2), Mere specifically, their duties are prescribed as follows: (1) To study and be well acquainted with the conditions of child- ren and. expectant mothers in his district; (2) To know the resources of the community and to be able to give consultant services on individual child welfare problems. (3) To discover, through referrals by Minsei-iin and through their own initiative, individual children and families in need of consultation services during early stages of child misbehavior or delinquency. (4) To maintain good and effective liaison with other governmental officials to assure cooperation in his work. (5) To cooperate closely with Child Welfare Centers and children's institutions and assist them with advice and consultation. (6) To keep good records which are readily available. 4* Child Welfare Workers (Articles 12, 13, 14, 29, 62, 64) The term “Child Welfare Worker (Jido-iin)!I is used in the Child * Welfare Law to designate volunteer, unpaid welfare workers who have definite responsibilities under the provisions of the law. In order to avoid estab- lishing a second group of volunteer workers, the law provides that the duties of the child welfare workers will be assumed by the Minsei-iin. The term, Child ’Welfare Worker, is, therefore., used to designate Minsei-iin. According to Article 64 the term of office of all Minsei-iin ends 31 'March 1948 and reappointments will be based on experience, education, or interest in child- rens work* Child Welfare Workers will cooperate with Child Welfare Officials in the execution of their duties. This article is the only major change pro- posed by the Iiet ’Welfare Committee and was based on a desire to increase the efficiency of the Minsei-iin, 5• Child Welfare Center or Station (Jido-Sodan-sho), The Child Welfare Center is seen by the Japanese as the hub of all child welfare work in the prefecture. At present there are Centers in the larger prefectures only,' According to the law the purpose of the Center is * to wpromote the welfare of children through consultation and for study - social, mental, psychological and physical - of their"capacities”, It is hoped that the Centers will eventually bo staffed with doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers as needed and that services will be available to the general public, schools, and. juvenile courts,' The Centers may have facilities for temporary sheltering of the children when necessary. Those now operating are being used for medical and psychological examinations and for holding pickup children for cuarantine periods previous to placement (Articles 15, 16, 17, 18). Previous to the establishment of a Child Welfare Center (station) gover- nors are requested to submit area and building plans and proposed personnel and budgetary requirements to the Ministry of Welfare for approval. Governors may plan for more than ohe center in the prefecture, however, one station shall be designated as the Central Child Welfare Center, The head of the Central Center may order the heads of" other centers in the prefec- ture to submit reports as required. Areas of responsibility are to be desi- gnated by the governor. Hoads of Child Welfare Centers may request Child Welfare officials or workers to make necessary investigations and shall make available to those wofkors all information'regarding the- child-or its- family contained on file. When, upon the advice of a Child Welfare Center, a child is to be placed in an institution or a foster family, the center is required to fur- nish all available information to the head of the institution or family con- cerned , , Heads of institutions of families are required to report any deaths which occur or other changes effecting the child, to the center concerned. Institutional or-foster home care may be terminated or suspended at the request of family or institutional heads with approval of the head of the Child Welfare Center, 6. Maternal and Child Health Program (Articles 19. 20. 21. 22. 23). This program, while it is the function of the Children’s Bureau of the Ministry of Welfare through its Maternal and Child Health Section, is primarily a health and health education program. In the prefectures the personnel will be in the department of Health (Eisei-bu) and will operate through that fepartment and through Health Centers and private physicians, midwiyes, nurses, etc. It is to be noted that the school health program remains a function of the Ministry of Education. The lav; provides a wide, general framework for maternal and child, health programs under which the Bureau is now attempting to inaugurate a specific plan. ..... While some restrictions are being placed on the program for the present, the following items will probably be included; a. A modified Maternal and Child Health Handbook for medical record b, A plan for location of and treatment of physically handicapped and weak children. c. Free pre-natal, delivery and post'-partum care in hospitals - under certain conditions. d. free or partially free venereal disease treatment under cer- tain conditions. e, Physical examinations for children of pre-school age with parti- cular emphasis on those under one year of age. f. Training courses,, lectures, and written material for doctors, midwives, nurses and other interested technicians as well as for the general public, g. Education regarding infant and maternal mortality and a drive to increase pre-natal examinations as well as to teach.better delivery and post-partum care methods* h. Prevention of childhood diseases through education and preven- tive medicine. * 7. -Provisions' for Protection of Children (Articles 25. 26. 27. 28. 29 «■ 30, 31i-.32.~33. ~3Z. >9.~60, 61.. 62 a. In an attempt to emphasize public responsibility for children the lav/ points out that "any person who has discovered a child without' a guardian or with an inadequate guardian shall report the child to the' Child V.elfare Center, the Child, Jfe If a re officials or to the Juvenile Court". The head of the Center records social arid"‘ffiedice 1 -information as required, and depending on the circumstances involved may; (1) Give admonition to the child or the child’s guardian or reque'st' them to submit a written' oath or pledge ♦ (2) Provide the child or his guardian with the guidance and service of child welfare officials or child welfare v/orkers. (3) Place the-child in a foster home or an institution. (h) Refer the child to the Juvenile Court* The law provides that court action shall be used to remove children from abusive or neglectful parents or guardians when such parents object to ■ release of the children. Properly certified child welfare officials are authorized to enter premises in order to carry out investigations1 when the necessity is indicated. b. The following acts ara specifically prohibited: (l) Making a show of deformed or crippled children* (2) To let children beg or to beg by means of a child* (3) To allow children under fifteen years of age to do acro- batic feats or circus riding for a public show. (h) To allow children under fifteen-years of age to sing, play, or do other performances from house to house , on the 'street or similar places as a public show, _ (5) To allow children under fifteen to act as waiters "/here liquors are served. (6) To allow children to practice obscene acts. This article prohibits the use of girls under the age of 18 as prostitutes. (7) To transfer the custody of a child to a person who may violate the foregoing prohibited acts or other laws regarding children* Article 34 also prohibits exploitation of children in institutions and provides that minimum standards as well as Labor Laws and Ordinances shall be respected.' Items 3, 4-and 5 do not apply to children' over 14 years of age who have completed compulsory education or its equivalent. Employees of Child Welfare Centers who reveal personal information re- garding clients without due reason shall be imprisoned up to 6 months or fined not more than 3,000 yen. Persons refusing information, interfering with, or avoiding the execution of duties of the child welfare workers or public officials concerned with child welfare work or who refuse to answer questions, make a false statement, or cause a child not to answer or to answer falsely, shall be fined up to 5,000 yen. 8. Child Veil* re Agencies (Articles 36. 37. 38. 39. 40, 41, 42. 43. 44). “ a.- Those persons wishing to establish a private agency falling under the jurisdiction ol the Child T:.’elfare Law (agencies listed below) shall app1y for approval to the prefectural governor concerned. Applications shall include the following information: (1) Name, kind of agency and location. (2) Grounds and building plans and equipment list. (3) Method oi operation. (4) Budget of income and expenditures. (5) Proposed initial date of operation. (6) History and economic status of those who wish to establish such an agency* (7) Articles of incorporation, rules of the 'foundation juridi- cal person and other regulations of an association or legal body. ;b• Applications to the governor to permit termination of an agency shall include: (l) Reasons for termination. (2) lisposition of the inmates* (3) lisposition of the property. c. The following agencies are those included under the' Child Wel- fare. Law: ■ ' ' " ■■ • ' > (l) Josan-Shisetsu (Maternity Horae or Hospital) is the agency which renders free maternity services, - - : (2) Nyuji-in (infant’s Home) is the agency-for children under two years of'age whose mothers are deceased, ill and unable to’provide pro- per care, or who for any other reason are unable to provide care. (3) Boshi-ryo ’(.Mother’s .and-Children’s Home) is the agency which provides care for widows with dependent .children or women in equivalent circumstances' etic: their dependent., children.,. (A) Hoikujo.. (Day Nursery) is an agency offering day-care for ■ infants and pre-school children. . . (5) Jido-KoseiAShisetsu (Children’s Recreational Agency) are children’s playgrounds or similar recreational centers* (6) Iogo-Shiset.su (Orphanage, or. Dependent Child’s Institution) is an agency offering full time a re to orphans and other needing such care. .. .... (-7) • Seishih-Hakujakuji-Shisetsu (Home'for Feeble minded child- ren) is the agency for the care and training of the feeble' minded child. (B) Ryoiku-Shisetsu (Home; for Physically handicapped children) are agencies for physically weak, children or for the vocational guidance and therapeutic treatment of the physically handicapped. (9) Kyogo-in (Home for juvenile training and education) is the home for .children under-1A years of age (upon entering) who ere delinquent or p re delinquent. Certain matching funds are available to governmental bodies who may wish to build these institutions, however, the prefectural administrative office must give prior approval, At the request of the Child Welfare Board, cities, towns and villages may be ordered" by the governor to establish such agencies. 9. mlVilmum 'Standards (Articles A5. Ao» 58,) The Ministry of Welfare is authorized", with the assistance of the ■ Central-Child, Welfare Board, to. establish minimum standards-for the equipment and operation of all children’s institutions. Heads of such agencies may be requested to submit reports and public A Yamagata A T ott ori 3 Fukushima A Shimane 3 Ibaraki 3 Okayama A T ochigi A Hiroshima 9 Gumma A Yamaguchi 10 Saitama 6 Tokushima 3 Chiba 7 Kagawa 3 T okyn 50 Ehime 6 Kanagawa 23 Kochi 3 Niigata 6 Fukuoka 19 T oyama A Saga 3 Ishikawa 5 Naga saki 7 Fukui , 3 Kumamoto 6 Yamanashi 3 Oita 5 Nagano 6 Miyazaki 3 Gifu A Kagoshima A Shizuoka 9 Aichi 20 Mie 7 Shiga 3 Incl #1 Total 373 Incl #1 Incl #2 Medical Bureaus Ministry of Welfare __ (Children's Bureau Ministry of Welfare, Matters pertaining to Child Health Pref. Pept. of Health ! ‘ r ‘ Pref. Pept.of Welfare Children's Section Maternal - Child Health Section Matters pertaining to' Child Health Social Affairs Section Public Health Centers Maternal and Child Health Services Child Welfare, Center f 'Child Welfare Officials 1 City-Town Village or Ward Office Workers- Minsei-iin , Officials of chile! welfare centers and child welfare officials are prefectural employees responsible to the Children's Section in the prefectures, child welfare officials are to cooperate in every way with Child r'slfare Centers, c it y-t own-village or ward offices, and 7/ith Minsei-iin. City-town-village- ward offices and dansei-iin are responsible to the Children's Section only in matters concerning Child Welfare. Bodies which Establish or Maintain Item ol Expense and Bodies Pie marks Ordinary Expe diture Extra- which bear the expense B cries tion Prefecture Cities Nation Towns,Villages ordinary lx .enditure which be ir the Expense Prefecture Cities, towns Villages Established by iv.etro- 1, Local Child V'elfare Board i i 1 polis Hokkaido and 2. Chi IT1 Welfare Officials & . j Prefectures Child Welfare dor] ers 1 2 1 2 1 3. Child Welfare Centers (Ota) 8/10 2/10 J I 1 2 1 2 I re lecture p 4. Expenses recuired for Health 1 } Prefecture s Guidance for Expectant and nur;: in met hr rs & t he Gua rd ia ns of infants & pre-school children j for those unable to pay for such 1 services 8/10 2/10 1 irelectures 5. Maternal & Child Handbook 1 2 1 2 j Irefectures 6. f or the Care oi those in lying-in i agencies,mother1s homes & Pay ! Nurseries,established by let rope- 1 lis,Hokkaido & Prefectures. 8/10 1/10 1/10 I Prefectures 7. Institutional Care or Poster s/io 1/10 1/10 t Home Care j f re lectures 8. Temporary Care of Children 5/. 10 1/10 1/10 1 I Prelectures 9, lor those' in others1 Homes Nurseries & Homes for Physically Ha nd ic a pp e d(de1icate child re n)who J are mainly not in need of public ' - • . aid i. 1/3 1/3 Prelectures 10, For other agencies (Exclusive of • •• ' • . .. .... .V Infant Homes & Children’s Recreat- ionai Agencies for those not in 1 need of Public Aid) 8/10 i Ao 1/10 1 ■ 2 1 2 Prefectures 11, l or Training Agencies for 1 f i ' Personnel • i 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Prelectures 12, Por costs of Care of Mothers’ Homes & lay Nurseries for 1 j those unable to pay 8/10 1/10 1/10 } Incl. #3 PATIO 01 EXPENSES .. jR ENFORCE. E.T j> THE CHILE "ELiARE LA1” Ordinary Expenditure Extra- -ordinary Expenditure Bodies which Establish Item of Expense and Bodies.which Bear the B od ie s which bear. the Expense or Maintain Remarks Expense . N E.tion Prefecture- Cities Nation Prefecture C i ti .<=> p Villages town Q .villages Towns Established by Cities 13. For those in uotnor’s Homes, 1/3 1/3 i 1/3 Towns and Villages lay Nurseries and Homes for Physics ly Hanc icapped ; .Children who are Mainly not in need of Public Aid’ \ Established by Cities 14. For other Agencies lying-in 8/lC . .1/10 1/10 1 2 4, T owns a n,d Vi 1 la go s , Agencies, Mother1 s Homes, • 5J, lay Nurseries or others. } Established by Cities 15. For Training Agencies for i 1 i*. 1 1 2 1 4: Towns and Villages Personnel Established by Bodies 16. lor care in lying-in Agenciq s other than the above hcth?r,& Homes, and Pay Nurse rie s B/10 1/10 1/10 Established by Bodies 17. lor care in other Agencies other than the above (exclusive of Infant’s Homes i a nd G hi 1 d re n ’ s Re c re a 11ona1 ■ Agencies for those mainly / . not in need of Public Aid B/10 1/10 1/10 RATIO OF EXPENSES I OR ENFORCE; ENT Of' THE CHILI "ELF A RE LAW CHIEF ?;EUARE L (Jido Fukushi-ho) CHAPTER I. General Provisions Art. 1, It is the duty of ell citizens of the Nation to have children born and grown up with healthy mind and body. Every child shall have equal opportunity for security of life and loving care. Art. 2. The Nation and the local public bodies are responsible as well as guardians of children for their healthy growth; Art. 3. The preceding two Articles point out the principle to insure the welfare of children which should be always borne in mind in enacting all laws relating to children. Part I. Pefinitions Art. A, The term "child" in this law means the child under eighteen years of age; the subdivision of the child is as follows: (l) "Infant" — child under one year old; (2) "Preschool child"—child from one year to the entrance in primary school; (3) "Minor" — child above primary school age and under eighteen years of age. Art, 5. The term "expectant or nursing mother" in this law means a woman who is pregnant or who has not passed one year after delivery. Art. 6, The term "guardian in this law means the person who has actual custody of the child including "the holder of parental right". The term "the holder of parental right" in this law. means the parent or legal guardian in case there is no parent. Art. 7. The term 11 Jido-fukushi Shisetsu" (child welfare agency) in this law includes Josan Shisetsu (lying-in agency), Nyuji-in (infant home), Boshi-ryo (mothers1 home) ,* Hoikujo (day nursery), Jidb Kosei Shisetsu (Children1 s recreational a-gency)logo Shisetsu (home for dependent, neglected end abused children), Ryoiku Shisetsu (home for physically handicapped children) and Kyogo-in (home for juvenile training and education)• Part II. Child Welfare Board Art. B-. For the purpose of investigating and discussing the problems of welfare oi children and expectant and nursing mothers, central and local Child Welfare Boards are to be established. A local Child-Welfare'Board is to be established in Tokyo Metropolis, Hokkaido and in every local and urban prefecture. The Central Child Welfare Board is under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Welfare and the local Child. Welfare Board under that of the prefecture Governor. The Central Child Welfare Board shall ansuer the inouiry of the Minister of Welfare to make recommendations to the Ministers concerned about child welfare* The local Child. We If a re Board shall answer the inquiry of the governors of the prefectures or make recommendations to the admini- strative officers concerned. The Child Yielfare Board may ask the administrative office con- cerned for the presence and explanation by competent officials and presentetion of documents when there is special need. Art. 9* The Central Child Welfare Board consists of not more than forty five persons and the local Child Welfare Board not more than twenty persons. Temporary board members may be appointed for studying special problems when necessary. The Minister of Welfare and the governors of the prefectures shall appoint members and temporary members of the central or locsl Child Welfare Board respectively from public officials concerned, those who are engaged in child care, child health and welfare services end those who have knowledge of and experience in work with children, Thxre will be a chairman for each Child Welfare Board selected by vote of the members, Art, 10. Further rules and regulations regarding the tenure of office of members of the Child Welfare Board, duties of the chairman of the Board and operation of the Board, etc. will be prescribed in t he Orde r; Part III, Child Welfare Official and Child 'welfare Worker Art, 11, Child welfare Officials are to be appointed in Metropolis, Hokkaido and each of the prefectures. Child welfare officials are to work for the promotion of welfare of children and ex.octant and nursing mothers giving advice and counsel for their care, health and general welfare. The child welfare official executes his duties described in the preceding Paragraph in the district assigned by the governor of the pre- fecture . The status of the child welfare official is that of prefecture official either clerical or professionalj he shall be appointed from among those experienced in or have education in welfare work such as cailc care and health of children and expectant and nursing mothers. Art, 12; Chile! welfare workers shall be assignee1 to areas of cities, towns and villages (including special ward, the same hereinafter). Chile* welfare workers shall cooperate with chile' 'welfare officials concerning the execution of their duties. I-insei-iin appointed under the Minsei-iin ordinance are to assume the duties of the child welfare workers. Child ’welfare workers are to work under the direction and sup rvision of the governors of the prefectures. Art. 13* The heads of cities (including the head of special wards, the same hereinafter), towns and villages may give child welfare officials and child welfare workers their opinions in regard to matters prescribed in Art. 11, Paragraph 2, Art. IP. Further rules and regulations regarding the qualification,, and status of child welfare officials and necessary matters concerning child welfare officials and child welfare workers, will be prescribed in the Order, Part IV. Child Welfare Center art. Id, Metropolis, hokkaido and the prefectures shall establish Child Welfare Centers* The purpose of the Child Welfare Center is to promote the welfare of children through consultation and determining the child's capacity. Art. 16, The Child. Welfare Center shall be staffed with a director and. staff officials. Tho status of the director and staff officials is that of the prefecture! official either clerical or professional. The director manages tho Center under the supervision of the prefecture governor. Staff officials are responsible for consultation and determination, pro- vided for by the preceding Article, under supervision of the director. The'Child Welfare Center may employ necessary workers besides those authori- zed previously. Art, 17, Child Welfare Conor shall provide facilities for temporary shelter ox children 7/hen necessary. *rt, 18. Further rules and regulations regarding the area to be covered by the Child Welfare Center and other necessary matters concerning the Child Welfare Center will be prescribed by Order. CHAPTER II, Welfare Program and Security art, 19. Prefecture governors shall encourage expectant end nursing mothers or the guardians of infants and preschool children to receive health guidance from health centers, physicians, midwives or public health nurses lor maternal and child health. Expectant and nursing mothers and guardians of infants and preschool children shall receive health guidance by health centers, physicians, mid- wives or public health nurses for maternity and children's health. The prefecture governors may give her. 1th examinations of infants and preschool children. The prefecture governors shall make arrangement for payment, according to the Order, for expenses for health guidance of expectant and nursing mothers and guardians of infants and. preschool children who arc not able to pay.. Art. 20, The woman who has conceived shall report her pregnancy as soon as possible to the head of the city, town or village with a diagnosis paper of pregnancy from the physician or midwife. The diagnosis ’.aper however is not necessary if there is any ade- quate reason as the absence of a physician or a midwife within a reasonable distance. nit. 21.' The prefecture governors shall, in accordance with the Order, issue a Materna1-&-Child Handbook for each expectant mother who has reported hc-r pregnancy under the preceding Article. When expectant and nursing mothers receive such health guidance from health centers, physicians, midwives or public health nurses, the necessary remarks shall be entered in the Materna1-&-Ghild Handbook. This provision applies when guardians of infants and preschool children receive health guidance from health centers, physicians, midwives or public health • nurses-for the health of, their infants and preschool children. further rules and regulations regarding the Materna1*&-Child Handbook are to be prescribed by Order. Art. 22. The heads of city, town and village shall admit indigent expectant mothers to the lying-in agency for delivery when it is necessary for their health. This provision does not apply in case it cannot be carried out for any adequate res son such as the absence of a lying-in agency within a reasonable distance. Art, 23. The head of the city, town and village shall admit to the mothers1 home and give protection to widowed women or women under similar circumstances and their children when they ceemtho welfare of such child re aj is endangered. The provision does not apply in case it cannot be out lor any adequate reason such as the absence of the mothers’ home within a reasonable distance. Art, 2A. The head of city, town or village shall admit infants and preschool children to day nurseries for care whose guardians are considered not able to give thorn adequate care due to their work or other res sons such as illness. This provision does not apply in case it cannot be carried out for any adequate reason such as the absence of a day nursery within a re a s onab le d i s t a nc e . Art. 23, Any person who has discovered a chile v/ithout a guardian or v/ith an inadequate guardian shall report the child to the Chile hollars Center or its officers. Provided, children who come under the protective measur s o£ the juvenile court are outside the scope of this provision. Art. 26. The head of the Child. Re If a re Center shall take up any of the following procedures fop such children reported under the provisions of the preceding Article when it is deemed necessary: (The same procedure applies when children come or are brought to the center for consultation.) (l) Children who fall under Art. 27 shall be reported to the governor of the prefecture; (2) Provide ‘the child or his guardian, with the guidance and services-of the; child welfare official or the child welfare workers. •- The report required by the.preceding Paragraph, Item (1), shall contain the child's name, address, age, history, behavior, health conditions, and other facts helpful for understanding the child. art; 27. The prefecture governor shall follow any of the following procedures for the child reported as provided under the preceding Article, Paragraph 1, Item 1, in accordance /ith the Order. (l) Give the child or the child's guardian admonition or let thorn submit a written oath; (2) Provide the child or his guardian with the guidance and services of the child welfare official or child welfare worker; (3) Placo the child under the care of a foster parent (the individual who wishes to bring up a child deprived of proper parental care by reason of absence or inade- ■quancy of the guardian and whom the prefecture governor has approved, the same hereinafter) or infant home, home for dependent children, home for physically handicapped children, or home for juvenile training and education (Kyogo-in), The procedure of the preceding Paragraph, Item 3, shall not be carried out without the consent of the holder of parental right over the child. i rt. 28. The prefecture governor may take any of the following pro- cedures in case the guardian so abuses the child or is so neglectful as to violate the penal laws or the danger of same may be indicated and the holder of parental right over the child objects to the procedure of the preceding Article, Paragraphl Item (3); • (l) Taking the procedure of the preceding Article, Paragraph 1, Itern 3, with the approval of the Court of fornestic Relations in case such guardian is the holder of parental right over the child; (2) In case the guardian is not the holder of legal parental right over the child, the child shall be returned to the holder of parental right,. Provided, if such transfer is deemed to be against the welfare of the child the pro- cedure of the preceding Article, Paragraph 1, Item 3, shall be taken with approval of the Court of Lomestic Relations, The approval in the preceding Paragraph, in the application of Lomestic Relation Court Law, is considered to belong to A group of Art. 9, Paragraph 1 of the same law. Art. 29. The prefecture governor may order child welfare workers or public officials concerned with child welfare werk to enter the place where the child is, his residence or the premise where children are engaged 'in work and make necessary investigations cr ask questions. Such public officials shall carry a certificate to show their official capacity. Art, 30, The prefecture governor may ask foster parents to sub- mit necessary reports about children placed under their care. Art. 31. The Minister of Welfare or the prefecture governor may extend up to twenty years of age the care of the child in the home for feebleminded children, the home for physically handicapped children or the homi for juvenile training and education under the provision of Art, 27, Paragraph 1, Item 3, provided that the Child Welfare Center reviews such case individually and determines the need for such action. Art. 32, The prefecture governor may vest th? head of Child Welfare Center with the whole or a part of the power to take the pro- cedures provided under Art. 27, Paragraph 1. x-rt. 33. The head of the Child Welfare Center may place such child pending decision as to disposition provided under art. 26, Paragraph 1, under the protection of a temporary shelter or consign the child to a suitable individual for temporary care when he deems it necessary. The prefecture gover or may, when he dooms it necessary, place such child, under the temporary care of the head of the Child welfare Center or let him place the child under the care of a suitable individual until any of the procedures provided under art. 27, Paragraph 1 is taken. Further rules and regulations regarding temporary shelter are to be prescribed by Order* art. 34. The following actions are prohibited; (1) To make a show of deformed or cripple d children; (2) To allow children to beg or to beg by means Cx‘ a child; (3) To alio / chile’ren under fift ;on years to act in acrobatic feats and. circus riding for public shows (A) To allow children under fifteen years to sing, play or make" other performances from house to house,- on the street or similar places with the .purpose of public show; (5) To allow children under fifteen years of age to engage in occupations where liquors arc served; • (6) To allow children to practice an obscene act. (7) To transfer custody of the child to a person who is in danger of practicing any of the actions described in the preceding items or in danger of violating any of the penal laws abqut the child with the. know ledge of such facts, or to transfer it to another person with the knowledge of forgoing dangers involved. In Yogo-Shisetsu (homo for dependent children), Seishin Hakujakuji- Shisetsu (home for feebleminded children), Ryoiku-Shisetsu (home for physically handicapped children), and Kyogo-in (home for juvenile training and education), beyond the scope of the object prescribed by Art. Al, A2, A3 and AA respectively the children shall not be exploited. Such protection defined in the preceding Paragraph shall be afforded by the minimum standards as provided in Art. A5 with due respect for the spirit and provisions of the Labor Laws and Ordinance affecting children*. CHAPTER III. Child Welfare Agencies Art. 35. The Nation, Metropolis, Hokkaido and the prefectures shall, establish Child Welfare Agencies according to the Order, Cities, towns, villages and oth~r parsons may .establish Child Welfare Agencies .with the approval of the administrative office in accordance- with the Order. The prefecture governor may order cities, towns and villages to establish the Child Welfare Agencies after securing the opinion of; the local Welfare Board. Facilities to train:personnel for.the Child Welfare Agency may be attached to the Child Welfare Agencies. Art. 36. Josan-Shisetsu (lying-in agency) is the agency to admit and render maternity services for expectant mothers Who are in-need of sue services but are not able to pay. Art. 37. Nyuji-in (infant home) is an agency to provide the infants indoor care, ' Care provided under.the preceding Paragraph may he extended until the infant reaches two’ years of,age* irt. 38. Boshi-ryo (mothers' home) is an agency to a8reit and give protection i‘or widowed 'women or women under similar circuits c.nc-w wi dependent children, ' , Art. 39. Hoikujo (day nursery) is an agency to give daily care for the infants and the preschool children by request of their guardians. Art, 40. Jido-kosei-shisetsu (children’s recreational agencies) are agencies which provide facilities for children’s healthy play for the promotion of their health and cultivation of their sentiment such as the children’s playgrounds and the children’s centers. Art. 41. Yogo-shisetsu (agencies for dependent children) aim to extend protection by indoor care for those children, except infants, without guardians, maltreated, or who are deprived of adequate care. Art. 42. Seishin-Hakujakuji-shisetsu (home for feebleminded children) is to admit feebleminded children for care and. give them education necessary lor their future self support. Art, 43. Hyoiku-shisetsu (home for physically handicapped children) are agencies to admit physically weak children for the promotion of their health conditions in a suitable environment or the physically handicapped children to give them therapeutic treatment and. vocational guidance for their future self support. Art. 44. Kyogo-in (home for juvenile training and education) is the agency to admit and. guide delinquent and predelinquent children. Art, 45. The Minister of Welfare shall establish minimum standards for the equipment and operation of the child welfare agencies after securing to the opinion of the Central Child Welfare Board. Art. A6. In order to maintain minimum standards under the provisions of the preceding Article the administrative office may require the heads of such agencies to submit necessary reports or send the public officials con- cerned with child welfare work to investigate. When such Child Welfare Agencies do not maintain minimum standards, the administrative office may order the agencies to correct it or terminate their services after securing the opinion of the Child Welfare Board, Art. 47. Superintendents of Child Welfare Agencies may assume the parental right over children in their charge when it is necessary. They do not, .however, exercise it over the supervision of properties which belong to such children when there are parents for these children. Art. 48, The education of children in homes for dependent, feeble- minded and physically handicapped children who fall under the provision of the School Education Law, Art. 22 or 39, will be given in accordance with the provision of the School Education Lav/, The superintendent of the home for juvenile training and education shall regard those children under his care who completed the course of primary or middle school under the provision of School Education Law as graduated from primary or middle school. Matters relating to the curricula of schools described in the pre- ceding Paragraph shall be approved by the supervisory board under the provision of School Education Law, Art. 20 or 38, Matters related to the curricula in the homes for juvenile training and education which are approved under the provision of the preceding Paragraph are to be supervised by the Minister of Education (with the homes for juvenile training and education established by those other than the Nation. They are supervised by the supervisory office of the prefecture). Those who are acknowledged under the provision of the Paragraph 2 are regarded as graduated from the primary or middle school under the provision of School Education Law. Art, 49. Further rules and regulations relating to the personnel for ther Child ’Welfare Agencies and other necessary matters concerning the Child Welfare Agencies will be prescribed in the Order. CHAPTER IV. Expenses Art. $0. Expenses required for the following purposes shall be borne by the prefecture; (l) Expenses required for the Local Child Welfare Board. (2) Expenses required for child welfare officials and Child Welfare Workers; ’ (3) Expenses required for Child Welfare Centers (exclusive of expenses required for equipment); (A) Expenses required for measures prescribed in Art. 19, Paragraph A; (5) Expenses required for the Maternal-and-Child Handbook'; (6) Expenses required for care ol those in the lying-in agency, mothers’ home or day nursery, established b\ the prefecture; (7) Expenses required for procedures provided under Art. 27 (exclusive of the expenses required for the care of children in infant homes, the homes for dependent children, homes for the feebleminded children or homes for juvenile training and education established by the Nation); (8) Expenses required, for temporary protection of children; (9) Expenses required • for the equipment of Child Welfare Penters and Child Welfare Agencies, and facilities for training of : personnel provided-by the prefectures. Art. 51. Expenses required for the following purposes shall be borne by cities, towns and villages; (l) Expenses required for the procedures provided under Art. 22 to 24 inclusive (exclusive of the expenses required for the care of individuals in lying-in agencies, mothers’ home or day nursery established by the Nation, Metropolis, Hokkaido or the prefecture); and (2) Expenses required for equipment for Child Welfare Agencies and facilities for training of personnel provided by cities, towns and. villages. Art. 52. The National Treasury shall pay, according to the Cabinet Order, one half of the expenses required for the provisions of Art, 50, Items 1, 2, 3 and 9 and Art. 51, Item 2 (and from one half to one-third inclusive for the expenses on equipments at the mothers’ home, the day-nursery and the homes for physically handicapped children in Art. 50, Item 9 and Art. 51, Item 2). Provided, with the expenses under Art. 50, Item 9 and 51, Item 2, it does not apply to the expenses for the equipments of the infant homes other than those with the object of admitting infants for whom the fee for admission can not be charged and of the children’s recreational agencies. Art. 53. The national Treasury is to subsidize, in accordance with Cabinet Order, eight-tenths of the expenses borne by local public bodies provided under Art. 50 and 51 besides the provisions of the pre- ceding Article. Art, 54. The prefectures shall, in accordance with Cabinet Order, subsidize one-fourth of the expenses required for the provision of Art, 51, Item 2 (end from one-third to one-fourth inclusive for the equipments of the mothers1 homes, the day nursery and the homes for ' physically handicapped children). Provided, it does not apply to the expenses for the equipment of infant homes other than those with the object of admitting infants for whom the fee for admission cannot be charged and of the children's recreational agencies. • Art, 55. The prefecture shall in accordance with the Cabinet Order pay one-tenth of the expenses required for the provision of Art, 51, Item 1, Art. 5&. Minister of Welfare, the governors of prefectures or the heads of cities, towns and villages shall collect, within a certain time limit, fees for expenses falling under any of the following items from those cared for or persons responsible for the care of such indivi- duals. This provision does not apply when it is ascertained by the head of cities, towns and villages, after securing the opinion of the child welfare official or child welfare worker, that the person cared for or persons responsible for the care of such individuals are unable to meet the expenses: (l) Expenses required for the measures provided under Art. 22, 23, 24 or Art, 27, Paragraph 1, Item 3; and (2) Expenses required for the temporary protection. In case of the proviso above, the city, town and village shall bear one-tenth of such expenses.. Provided, it does not apply to the cases prescribed by the Order, The collection of fees under the provision of Paragraph 1 may be entrusted to the governors of the prefectures or to the heads of cities, towns and villages of the residence or the location of property of the persons cared for or persons responsible for the care of such individuals. When there are persons not paying within the time limit the fees to be collected under the provision of Paragraph 1, the procedure for the re- covery of National taxes in arrears may be. applied. CHAPTER V. Miscellaneous provisions Art, 57, Metropolis, Hokkaido, Prefectures, cities, towns, yillages and other public bodies shall not levy taxes or other duties on the lands and buildings for the following uses. It shall be otherwise with those on charge basis: (l) The buildings to be used mainly for the child welfare program; (2) The site of such buildings described in the preceding Item and the grounds to be used for child welfare services# Art, 58. The administrative office may withdraw the certificate of approval from child welfare agencies established with the approval under the provision of Article 35, Paragraph 2, in case they violated the Law, the Order of the Law or the settlements derived from the Law. The administrative o flee may order the Child welfare agencies who have not secured approval under this Law or whose certificate of approval has been taken away under the provision of the preceding Paragraph to terminate their services after securing the opinion of the Child Welfare Boards. • • Art. 59, Any person who is dissatisfied with the settlement made by the Minister of Welfare, the governors of the prefectures, or the heads of citiesy town, villages and the Child Welfare Centers in accordance with the provisions of this Law and, related orders, may appeal to the adminis- trative office. •. r . Art. 6Q. Any person who has violated the provision of Art. 34, Paragraph. 1, Item 6 shall be imprisoned for a period not exceeding ten years or fined over 2,000 yen find not in excess of 30,000 yen. Any person who has violated any of the provisions of Art. 32, Paragraph 1, Items from 1 to 5 and 7, and Paragraph 2 of the same Article shall be imprisoned for a period not exceeding one year or fined not in excess of 10,000 Yen, Such person who employs the child shall not evade the punishments provided under the preceding two Paragraphs for the reason that he was not aware of the child's age. It is, however, otherwise when no error is involved on the part of such person in ascertaining the age. Art. 61, The employees of the Child Welfare Center who made an investigation about children and havo revealed without due reason con- fidents! information secured in the course of executing their duties shall be punished by imprisonment not exceeding six months or fine not exceeding 3,000 Yen. Art, 62, Any person, who without due reason, refuses, interferes with or avoids the execution of duties by child welfare workers or public officials concerned with child welfare work under the provision of Art, 29 or who does not answer their questions or makes a false statement or who forces the child not to answer or to make false answer, shall be fined not in excess of 5,000 Yen. Supplementary Provisions Art, 63. This Law shall go into effect on January 1st, 1928. It is provided, however, that the provisions of Articles 19, 22, 23, 22, Item 2, 6, 7 and 9 (exclusive of the part concerning equipment for the Child Welfare Center) of $0, 51, 52 and 55, and the parts of Articles 52, 53 and 56 concerning the aoove provision shall go into effect on April 1st, 1928. Art. 64. The term of Minsei-Iin appointed under the Minsei-Iin Ordinance shall bo regarded as expiring on the day after three months have passed from the day of the enforcement of the provision of Art. 12, Paragraph 3. In selecting Minsei-Iin following the expiration of the term under the provision of the preceding Paragraph, those qualified tp execute the duties under Art. 12, Paragraph 2-shall be chosen. Art. 65. Lav/ for Prevention of Cruelty to Children and Juvenile Training and Education Law shall be repealed. Punishment, applied for the actions under the provision of these Laws before the repeal shall be continued to be valid after the repeal of these Laws. Art. 66. All the procedures by the governors of Metropolis,- Hokkaido and. the prefectures under the provision of Art. 2 of Law for Prevention of Cruelty to Children shall be superseded by the corresponding provisions of this Law. Art. 67. At the time this Law goes into effect, the existing homes for Juvenile training and. education and the facilities to train personnel under the provisions of Juvenile Training and Education Law snail bo regarded as those established under the provisions of this Law and the inmates of these homes are regarded as those admitted under the provision of Art. 27, Paragraph 1, Item 3. Art, 68, At the time this Lav/ goes into effect the existing homes for juvenile training and education whose school curricula have been approved by the Minister of Education under the provisions of Juvenile Training and Education Law, the provisory clause of Art. 24, Paragraph 1, shall be regarded to have secured the approval by the sup rvisory board under the provision of School Education Law, Art. 20 or 38, as provided under Ait. 48, Paragraph 3 of this Law, Art. 69. At the time this Law goes into effect the existing child welfare agencies among the welfare facilities provided under the Daily Life Security Law shall be regarded as those provided by this Law. Art. 70. At the time this Lav/ goes into effect the existing child welfare agencies which do not fall under Art, 67 and the preceding Article may continue to exist under this Law with the approval by the administrative office according to the Order. Art, 71, "The head of the special ward" in the Art. 22, 23, 24 and 56, Paragraph 1, shall read as "the gov rnor of Tokyo Metropolis" in the case of the special wards of Tokyo Metropolis and the "special ward" in the Ait. 51 and 56, Paragraph 2, shall read as "Tokyo Metropolis" in case of Item 1 of Art. 51 for the time being. Art. 72, with children over fourteen veers of age who completed the courses of compulsory education provided under the School Education La7/, Art. 96 or courses considered as higher than its equivalent, the provision of Art. 34? Paragraph 1, Item 3 to 5 inclusive shall not apply. TRANSLATION OF A PAMPHLET ISSUED BY THE CHILD EN’S BUHEAU TIT LED ”What is Child. Welfare Law?” 1, Making Children Happy, All Japanese children should grow up to become good citizens with love and protection of their parents. But there are some children who have no parents or whose parents are unable to bring up their children because of various reasons. It is stated in the lav; that all Japanese children will be brought up happily. The state will assume the parental responsibility in care of those Unfortunate children. Child ’Welfare Law was promulgated on 12 December 1947, and a part was enacted from 1 January 1948 and the all law was enacted on 1 April 1948, 2, Who will protect Children? It’s parents’ responsibility to take care of children but who will protect orphans? Ytfhat will you do if there are undesirable persons in the environment exerting bad influence on children although their parents are trying to give them proper care* The fact that social influence on children is as strong as parental influence can be proved by the cases of parents who are ignorant of their children’s delinquent behaviours. Citizens - Children belong to all citizens All citizens oi the nation must protect children, it is stated in the beginn- ing of Child Welfare Law, ”It is-the duty of all citizens of the Nation to have children born and grown up with healthy mind and body.” If the neighbor’s children become bad, yours will become bad, too, because of their influence. In order to make your children good, you must make the neighbor’s good. It is the responsi- bility of all citizens of the nation to make children happy. Nation. Prefectures. Cities. Towns and Villages - public servant for children The Law states uthe Nation and the local public bodies are responsible as well as guardians of children for their healthy growth,” The first responsibility in care of child rests upon parents or legal guardians. But in case of inadequate guardianship or of lack of it, it is the responsibility of nation and prefectures to provide care they need. The business affairs of Child Welfare Law are caaried on chiefly by Children’s Bureau, Ministry of Welfare, Children’s- Section of pre- fecture and Children’s section-of City, Town and Village (Sometimes by Social Affeirs Section, Welfare Section ), They will make plans to solve children’s pro- blems. Child Welfare Board. (Jido Fukushi linkai) - public opinion for children Child Welfare Board acts as a consultant for the Government taking the public opinion into consideration in order to make children happy. They will make study of the problems of children, expectant mothers and women in confinement and also promote children’s happiness. There are the Central Child Welfare Board in Ministry of Welfare and the Local Child Welfare Board in Prefectures. The members of committee consist of the officials in the related fields and others who are interested in welfare of children. Child Welfare Officials and Child Welfare Workers - Counsultants for Children They are concerned with any problems related to children, expectant mothers or women in confinement and will give them care and guidance. Child Welfare officials are the Payed government Officials who specialize in children’s problem working outside of the Government Office, Child Welfare Workers are Minsei-iin who have good understanding of the problems of children. Both of them are stationed in all the parts of Japan, Child Welfare Workers are in ©very village, and town. Child Welfare Center - Scientific Protection with Love for Child All the problems of children are dealt here. After thorough studies of children from various angles - physical, mental, environmental, and educational the best plans are made for them. According to the plans, they will receive care and guidance. Child. Welfare Officials or Child Welfare Workers may make referral to Child Welfare Centers, Or Child Welfare Centers may be contacted directly. Child. Welfare Agencies - Harry and Cheerful Agencies for Children Child Welfare Agencies include those for protection of Orphans, and mentally or physically handicapped children, and for providing recreations. These agencies must conform to the minimum standard, given in the law and ordinance in order to have them provide children with loving care and education which are given in nor- mal family life. Agencies which are found not functioning properly will have to be discontinued and the work of good agencies will be encouraged. Foster Parents - Persons who bring up Children Orphans or children with inadequate guardians may bo brought up by the person; who are willing to take care of them. This expenses will be paid by the prefecture These who wish to become fester parents send the applications to the governors and their names will-be registered. 3• How to Safe-Guard Happiness of Children Maternal and Child Handbood-Mothor ’s Health at first Maternal and Child Handbook will be given to expectant mothers as spon as they report their pregnancy to the city, town or village office. This handbook is used to protect health of mother and child - protection of mother during the pregnancy and confinement and of child from birth until he reaches the school age. The health instructions they receive from doctors, midwives, and public health nurses are recorded in the Handbook, The health guidance is given free of charge to those who cannot afford to pay for. This Handbook is needed in order to re- ceive specially rationed articles. Agencies for Maternity Care - Confinement at Hospitals It is desirable to have confinement at hospitals. There are maternity hospitals for these who cannot afford private hospitals. Infant Homes (Nyu.1i-in) Infant Homes take care of the babies whose parents cannot bring them up from some reasons and orphan babies. Homes for Mothers and Children (Boshi-Rvo) - For Mothers and Children with no lathers. Widows with children can bring up their children living in Homes for mothers and children receiving the aid for livelihood.. lav Nurseries - Children at Cay Nurseries while Mothers work. Cay nurseries take care of their children while their mothers are working or who cannot receive adequate care during the day time. Children’s Recreational Agencies - Plays for Children. These agencies provide wholesome supervised plays which promote mental and physical growth of children. After children come home from kindergartens, day nurseries, or schools, they can spend happy hours there. Play is the mental nour- ishment for children. Inadequate plays are often responsible for children’s delin- quency. Homes for Pependent Children (Yogo Shisetsu). Foster Parents - Taking, the £liL ce of Parent, Orphans, children without proper guardians, maltreated, forced into anti-eocial behaviours, or who ?/ill be happier when they are separated from their parents ere brought up by foster parents or in Homes for Pependent Children, Homes for Feeble-minded Children - Pare of Mind• Children of sub-normal mentality may be trained to be independent or made to minimize their dependency in the future by proper education developing their good points at specialising agencies. Homes for Physically Handicapped Children (Ryoiku Shisetsu) ~ Care of Body Homes for physically handicapped children include agencies for delicate children, agencies for crippled children which give them the treatment to minimize their handicaps and provide them with vocational training in order to make them independent in the future, and for the blind and the deaf and dumb which give them vocational training, •. Home for Juvenile Training and Education - Society is Responsible for Bad Children Telinquent children or those who have tendencies for becoming delinquent must be removed from their bad environment and treated at the early stage. Otherwise they will exert bad influence on the society. Homes!for Juvenile Training and Education give these children tender care and education which will make them good —children. To not have the Children Without Guardians on Street - Early riscovery It is asked to report to a Child Welfare Center when children without guardians being abused by the guardians, or forced into anti-social behaviours are found. It may be reported to policemen, child welfare workers, or child welfare officials. These children must have propoer care before they acquire deep rooted bad habits or develop unfortunate personality traits. Consultation. Guidance - Won't put off1 consultation When consultations are made concerning children, expectant mothers and women ih confinement, Child Welfare Officials or Child. Welfare Workers may give them guidance or refer them to child welfare centers, child welfare agencies or other proper agencies. Or the persons with the problems may go directly to Child Welfare Centers or Child Welfare Agencies, Child Welfare Workers will arrange free care the poor who are unable to pay for hospital care or baby's care at Infant Home. To not Abuse Children - Bad Adult will be punished Those who violate the law which forbid maltreatment of children are punished. 4, Let's bring up the future citizens healthy. Japan has started reconstruction of the nation as a cultural nation. It is important to bring up the children of-today healthy because they are responsible for the future development of Japan, It seems difficult to understand the meaning of the cultured nation, but it may be easily understood in terms of a happy nation for children. To make children happy is a means to establish a cultured nation and at the same time the fact that children are happy proves that the country is already cultured. Let's think about a happy peaceful home built around children. A cultured nation must be like this. When children are neglected, even rich homes become dreary places, A nation with many delinquent children can not be called cultured nation. Since the old time there was a tendency to think children as the center of family life in Japan, The culture of a nation is determined by the fact whether or not children receive proper care. Children are the treasure of the nation. Let’s bring up children happily, for establishment of cultured Japanl What do they do at Children’s Bureau? Children are the national treasures. The future development of Japan rest on their shoulders. However, after the war due to the poverty of peoples’ live- lihood children became mentally and physically unhealthy. Especially there was a sudden increase in the number of war, and repatriated orphans, delinquent and vagrant children. Therefore, Children’s Bureau was established on March 1947, in Ministry of Welfare in order to promote welfare of children. At present there are four sections in the Bureau - Planning Section, Foster Care Section, Child Care Section, and Maternal and Child Health Section, Planning Section Since the fundamental purpose of child welfare law is to make all homes happy places built around children with parental love and all child welfare agencies to be made cheerful agencies with the supports of citizens, this section is carrying on various kinds of work for promotion of children’s welfare and. dissemination of the idea of child welfare in order to give a better understanding of children to the citizens and to have them built their daily life around child- ren. The business affairs of Child Welfare Board., child welfare officials, child welfare workers and child welfare centers are administered in this Section, Research and statistics concerning children, coordination and adjustment necessary for promotion of welfare of children are also carried on by this Section. Foster Care Section This section administers the business affairs of all Japan relating to pro- tection of children including care and protection of orphans, vagrant and feeble- minded children, prevention of juvenile delinquency, education and protection of juvenile delinquents, prevention of cruelty to children and foster parents. It coordinates and gives guidance to the agencies for protection of children, for feeble-minded children, foster parents and homes for juvenile education and pro- tection. Also it handles the business affairs relating the material necessary for protection of children, including the building material for establishing child welfare agency, and all the material to be used for children or for agencies. Child Care Section It coordinates and gives guidance to the work of day nurseries, homes for mothers and children, agencies for children’s recreation, protection of foundlings The training program of nursery teachers and establishment of the standard for nursery teachers are handled here1. It is working toward higher standard for child welfare. Maternal and Child Health Section, This section deals with all the affairs concerning protection of health of expectant mothers and women in confinement and babies including maternal and child handbook, health instructions, special nutrients, prevention of diseases, etc,, and also health problems of children in general. It coordinates and supervises infant homes, maternity agencies, and agencies for handicapped children. The work con- cerning prevention of still birth, premature birth and miscarriage, their statis- tics, and guidance and supervision of midwives belongs to this section. Attention; Welfare Officer Kosei Shorei No. 11 APPROVED TRANSLATION OF ENFORCEMENT REGULATION of CHILD WELFARE Law 31 March 1948 Chapter I, Child Welfare Station Article'1, When the Child Welfare Center is planned to be established, the paper filled as the following items shall be submitted in order to secure the approval of Welfare Minister. The -same applies when a change in any one of the Items a to d is to be made. a. Name and address; b, Area to be covered and its population; c. Scope and structure of the buildings and equipments with its map; d. Fixed number of its personnel; e. Budget of incomes and expenditures; f, Expected date to commence its service. Article 2, The governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido or the Prefecture shall designate one of the Child Welfare Center as the Central Child Welfare Center, The Central Child welfare Center shall give assistance to and help coordina- tion of the Child Welfare Centers within Metropolis, Hokkaido or the given prefecture. Article 3» The head of the Central Child Welfare Center may order the heads of other Child Welfare Centers in Metropolis, Hokkaido or the Prefecture to sub- mit the necessary report. | Article 4# In case the area to be covered by a Child Welfare Center is to be determined, attention shall be paid to the number of children and the social circumstances in the given area. Article 5* The head of the Child Welfare Center may ask the child welfare officials and child welfare workers of his area to make the necessary investiga- tions , Article 6, The child welfare officials and child welfare workers shall give the reports of the conditions and make their recommendations regarding the neces- sary matters for the children and expectant and nursing mothers in their areas to the mayor of the city, town, or village (inclusive of the special ward mayor as will be the same hereinafter) and the head of the Child Welfare Center of his area. Chapter II, Welfare Program and Security Article 7* When one wishes to receive health guidance who is not able to meet her expense under the provision of Child Welfare Law (Law as will be called hereinafter), Article 19, Paragraph 4, she shall show the health guidance paper issued by the governor of metropolis, Hokkaido or the Prefecture to the physician or the midwife designated by the governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido or the prefecture. Article 8, The health guidance is to be issued by the governor of Metropolis Hokkaido or the prefecture via the mayor of the city, town, or village at the application by expectant or nursing mother, or the guardian of infant or preschool children* The application of the preceding Paragraph shall be presented to the governor of Metropolis, 'Hokkaido or the prefecture via the mayor of the city, town, or village of her residence or the place she is (it is applied only when one has no establishment of residence or when it is not clear, as will be the same herein- after) , on the paper of the following form accompanied with the certificate by a child welfare official or child welfare worker certifying that the bear or~fails — under Law, Articl 19, Paragraph 4* a. Name, date of birth, vocation, residence of the person who wishes to have health guidance or the place she is; b * Name and vocation of the guardian of the person of the preceding Item in the case he is an infant or preschool child. Article 9* The governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido or the prefecture may order the physician, midwife or the public health nurse who gave the health guidance under Law to submit necessary reports. Article 10, Necessary matters concerning the form of the health guidance paper and the procedures of Law, article 19, Paragraph 4, besides those in the preceding throe'Articles, shall be regulated by each governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido or the prefecture. Article 11, Issuance of Maternal-and-Child Handbook under the provision of Law, Article 21, Paragraph 1, shall be made through the mayor of the city, town, or village of residence of the pregnant woman or the place she is* Article 12, Woman who has born two infants or more at a delivery shall have as many Maternal-and~Ghild Handbooks as the number of the infants. Article 13 • In case the woman who has received Maternal-and-Child Handbook should find that she is not pregnant she shall report it immediately to the mayor of the city, town or village and take the measure for returning the Maternal-and- Ghild Handbook to the governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido or the prefecture. Article 14* In case the expectant or nursing mother should die, the house- holder or any relative of her family shall immediately report to the mayor of the city, town or village and take the measure for returning the Maternal-and-Child Handbook to the governor of Metropolis, Hokkaid© or the prefecture. Provided that it does not apply in the case her infant is living. Anyone who has not received the Maternal-and-Child Handbook should become a new guardian of an infant or preschool child shall receive the Maternal-and-Child Handbook, Provided that she shall not receive it in the case she has receive the Maternal-and-Child Handbook for that infant or preschool child* Article 15. The Maternal-and-Child Handbook may be used, according to the regulation by the governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido or the prefecture, for the special rations necessary for pregnancy, delivery or child care and for the necessary purposes for the welfare of expectant or nursing mothers, infants or preschool children. Article 16, In the case the Maternal-and-Child Handbook was damaged, lost or its space was finished, reissuance may be applied. Article 17. The form of the Maternal-and-Child Handbook shall be determined by Minister of Welfare separately. Article 18, Besides the regulations of the preceding seven Articles, issuance and other necessary matters concerning the Maternal-and-Child Handbook shall be regulated by the governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido or the prefecture, or the mayor of the city, town or village*. Article 19# Anyone who wishes to enter a lying-in agency or a mothers’ homes, or a guardian who wishes to have her infant or preschool children admitted to a day nursery under the provisions of Law, Articles 22 to 24 inclusive, shall apply in her person or by her guardian or a related person to the mayor of the city, town or village of her residence or the place she is with the following form. a. Name, date of birth and vocation of the person to be admitted and the person who applies for admission; b. Address of residence and the length of the residence, or the place she. is; c. Reason for application. The mayor of the city, town or village shall take up any of the measure of Law, articles 22 to 24 inclusive when he deems it necessary if no application under the preceding Paragraph has been made. Article 20* The head of Child "Welfare Center shall give all the data necessary for guiding the child or his guardian to the child welfare official or child wel- fare worker in case the former is referred bo the latter for the guidance provided by Law, Article 26, Paragraph 1, Item b. Article 21, In the case of the preceding article, the head of Child Welfare Center shall tell the name and address of the assigned child welfare official or »child welfare worker and the assignment to the child or his guardian. At the time the procedure of the preceding Paragraph is to be made for the child, the head of the Child Welfare Center shall ask the presence of the child’s guardian. Provided that it does not apply in the case there is no guardian or it is against the child’s welfare. Article 22, The child welfare official or child welfare worker shall give his opinion to the head of the Child Welfare Center in the case he considers the procedure for the child or his guardian under his guidance by Law, Article 26, Paragraph 1, Item b, should be terminated, suspended or changed. Article 23. The head of the Child Welfare Center may terminate or suspend the procedure of Law’, Article 26, Paragraph 1, Item b and take the procedure of Item a of the same Paragraph for the child at any time. Article 24• At the time the child or his guardian is placed under the guidance jo£ the child welfare official or child welfare worker by the provision of Law, Article 27* Paragraph 1, Item b, the provisions of Article 20 to 23 inclusive shall be applied# Article 25 • The governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido or the prefecture shall tell the child or his guardian about the child welfare agency to which the child is to be admitted and the matter of the expense for the care of the child in the at the time ho would take the measure to admit the child to a child welfare agency under the provision of Law, Article 27., Paragraph 1, Item c. The provision of Article 21, Paragraph 2 shall be applied with the case of the preceding Paragraph, Article 26. The governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido or the prefecture shall send the record containing the items proscribed in Law, Article 26, Paragraph 2, of the child to be admitted to the superintendent of the child welfare agency, that, in the. case the child is to be admitted to Kyogo-in established by the Nation (National Kyogo-in as will be called hereinafter), the governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido or the prefecture shall secure the approval of superintendent of National Kyogo-in with the reason for admission. Article 27. The superintendent of the child welfare agency shall notify the governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido or the prefecture through the Child Welfare Center who had made the diagnosis of the child the following immediately: a. When an inmate died; b. When the release, termination, suspension or a change of the measure is being considered. Article 28, The governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido or the prefecture may at any time take steps to, terminate, suspend, or change the procedure of Law, Article 27, Paragraph 1, Item c, according to the opinion of the head of Child Welfare Center and the superintendent of the child welfare agency* Article 29, The superintendent of the child welfare agency shall notify the head of the Child Welfare Center who had made the diagnosis of the ch.ild and the mayors of the city, town or village of the child*s permanent and established residences, when the child is admitted or discharged under the provision-o£-Law,- Artiele '27 > Paragraph 1, Item c. Article 30. Anyone who wishes to bring up the child without a guardian-or with inadequate guardian under the provision of Law, Article 27, Paragraph 1, Item c shall apply to the governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido or the prefecture the Child Welfare Center under whose jurisdiction the area of his residence belongs. article 31* The governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido or the prefecture shall enter the name, address, age, history, economic status and any other necessary items for caring the child of the person who has made the application of the preceding Article and with whom he considers as adequate person with the referaice to the opinion of the Child Welfare Board, into the foster parent register. Article 32. The provisions of Articles 25 to 29 (exclusiv of the provision of proviso of Article 26) shall be applied with the case of the foster home care under the provision of Law, Article 27, Paragraph 1, Item c. Article 33. Besides the provisions of the preceding three Articles, the form of the foster parent register and other necessary matter concerning the foster parent shall be determined by the governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido or the prefecture with the reference to the Local Child Welfare Board, Article 34# Tne form of the certificate provided under the provision of Law, Article 29 shall be per the attached table No, 2, Article 35* In the case the head of the Child Welfare Center has given or ordered to give the temporary shelter under the provision of Lay/, Article 33, Paragraph 1 or paragraph 2, he shall notify the date the shelter was begun and the place immediately to the child’s guardian. Article 36. At the temporary sheltering home for children, the necessary attentions in regard to the child*s age, sex, etc,, shall be padi. The minimum standards provided, under Law, Article 45> for the home for dependent, neglected and abused children, shall be applied with the equipments * and operations of facilities for temporary sheltering of the children under Law, Article 17. Chapter III, ■ Child Welfare Agencies Article 37* Anyone who wishes to obtain the approval of Law, Article 3$, Paragraph 2, shall apply to the governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido or the prefec- ture with the following form: a. Name, kind of agency, and location; b. Scope and structure of the buildings and equipments with its map; c. Method of operation; d. Budget of income and e>penditure; e, lixpected date to commence the service. In case those other than city, town or village (inclusive of the special ward as will be the same hereinafter) wish to obtain the approval of Law,article 35* Paragraph 2, they shall apply to the governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido or the prefecture with the following items in addition to the application paper of the preceding Paragraph: a. History and the economic status of those who wish to establish; b, articles of the in corporation, the rules for the foundational juridical person and other regulations of an association or a legal body. Paragraph 1 or 2 is applied in the case a change in any of Paragraph 1, Items a to c inclusive and the preceding Paragraph, Item b is made. article 38. In case the person who has established the Child Welfare Agency under the provision of Article 35> Paragraph 2, wishes to terminate the agency, he shall apply to the governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido or the prefecture with the f oilowing form: a. The reason to terminate the work; b. Dispositions of the inmates; c. Disposition of the properties. Article 39, anyone who wishes to establish facilities for the training of personnel of the child welfare agencies shall secure the approval of Minister of Welfare. It applies when he wishes to terminate the work. With the approval of the preceding Paragraph, the provisions of Article 37 and 3B shall be applied. Chapter IV, The Examination of the Nursery Teacher Article 40, Anyone who wishes for the examination of the nursery teacher shall fall under any one of the following qualifications: a. One who has graduated from a high school under School Education Law, one who has finished the 12 years ordinary course of the school Education (inclusive of one who has finished the equivalent course other than ordinary course) or one who has approved by Minister of Education to be equal to or higher than this. b. One who has the experience of the child care in the child welfare agency for over three years; c, -and others whom Minister of Uelfare deems to be an adequate person. Article 41. The examination of the nursery teacher shall be made on the following subjects: a. General social work; b. Child psychology; c. Principles of health and hygiene, and physiology; d. Theory and practice of nursing; e. Theory and practice of nutrition; f. Theory of child care; g, Practice of nursery. article 42, The governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido or the prefecture shall give at least one examination of the nursery teachers a year. article 43. anyone who wish for the examination of the nursery teachers shall apply to the governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido or the prefecture with the following application paper with her name, present and permanent addresses: a,- Personal history; b„, A copy of her census register; c. Written certificate to show that she falls under any one of the Items of Article 40; d. Photo, Article 44. anyone who has illegally applied for the examination of the nursery or violated the provisions concerning the examination shall be barred or cancelled if passed, ouch persons may be barred for examination for period within three years. article 45* A chairman shall be elected by the Board of Examination of Nursery Teachers, The chairman of the Board shall manage over all the business of the Board of examination of nursery teachers. Article 46* There will be clerks not exceeding 5 persons for the business of the Board of Examination of Nurseiy Teachers, The clerks take charge of the general affairs of the Board under the direc- tion of their superior officers. Article 47* Besides the provisions of this Chapter, necessary matters con- cerning the examination of nursery teachers shall be regulated by the governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido or the prefecture. Chapter V, Expenses Article 48. In case Minister of Welfare, the governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido or the prefecture, or the mayor of the city, town or village should collect the expense under the provision of Law, Article 56, Paragraph 1, he shall designate the amount and date of payment with the full statement of account. Article 49* In case the child welfare official should give his opinion or certifying to the mayor of city, town or village under the provision of Law, article 56, the proviso of Paragraph 1 or of article 8, Paragraph 2, he shall refer to the opinion of the child welfare worker who is in charge of the area of the beneficiary1s residence or the place where the latter is. Article 50* The provision of Law, article 56, the proviso of Paragraph 2 shall be for the following cases: a, when the beneficiary and the spouse, the descendant or ascendant of the same address has not resided at the place for over one year consecutively; b. h'hen the child was admitted to the National Child Welfare agency; and c, Besides the above Items, when the governor of Metropolis, Hokkaid* or the prefecture consider the case should be remitted. Supplementary Provisions Article 51- This regulation shall go into effect from January 1, 1948, except as provided for in the provisions Article 63 of the Law which shall go into effect from April 1, 1948, after which date it shall cover the total provi- sion of the Law. Article 52, The Enforcement Regulation for Juveniel Training and Education, the Regulation for the Expectant and Nursing Mothers’ Handbook and 1933 the Ordinance of Home Ministry, No. 21 (Designation of the kinds of occupations and actions under Article 7 of Law for Prevention of Cruelty to Children) shall be repealed. Article 53. The Expectant and Nursing Mother*s Handbook issued under the provision of Regulation for Expectant and Nursing Mother's Handbook shall be considered same as the Maternal-and-Child Handbook under the provision of Lav;, Article 54. The examination of the Nursery Teachers shall be held from 1948, Article 55. The high school under School Education Law in Article 40, Item a includes the middle school under repealed Middle School Ordinance, Article 56. The child welfare agencies under the provision of Law, Article 70 shall apply for the approval of the governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido or the prefecture by the provision of Law, Article 35, Paragraph 2, before June 30, 1 S48 * Attention: Welfare Officer AP WH07ED THAW OF CABINET ORDER "OH MFORlMSm OB CHILD WELFAHE LAW * r oeirei hp. 7^ 31 March 1948 Chapter I. Child Welfare Board Article I. The number of Child Welfare Board members shall he as auth- orized in Article 10 of the Child Welfare Law (hereinafter referred to as the Law) of which public officials shall not exceed one fourth of the total numbers appointed. Article 2. The tenure oi office of the said members, excepting the public officials shall he two years. In the event of vacancy the tenure of office shall he the time left hy his predecessor. Article 3* The chairman of the Child Welfare Board shall preside over the hoard and in the case of his absence the hoard shall appoint an acting chad man. Article W, The chairman shall call the Beard into session whenever he deems it necessary or at the request of one fourth or more of the Board members. Article 9* A quorum for a meeting shall he one half of the members of the Board. A decision shall he made hy a majority of those who are present. In case of tie the chairman of the Board shall cast the deciding vote. Article 6. The Child Welfare Board shall have secretaries not exceed- ing 8 persons in case of Central and 6 in case of Local who are not the members of the Board, and who shall he appointed hy Minister of Welfare »r the governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido of the prefecture respectively. The secretaries will manage the affairs of the Board under the direction of the chairman. .article 7. Child Welfare Board shall have clerks not exceeding 6 per- sons in case of Central and A in case of Local who are not the members of the Board and who shall he appointed hy Minister of Welfare or the governor of i‘*etropolis, Hokkaido, or the prefecture respectively. The clerks works under the direction of his superior officials. Chapter II. Child Welfare Official and Child Welfare Worker Article 8, The Child Welfare official shall he the second class clerical or technical ofxicial end shall he required to have any one of the following qualifications; a. One who has been engaged in the care of children and expect- ant or nursing mothers and service on health or welfare not less than two years. h. One who has a degree of rrGakuchin from a department of a university specializing in either psychology, pedagogy cr sociology. c, Physician d. One who graduated from a training school or a training fac- ility far the Child Welfare Official or Workers for the Child Welfare Agencies designated hy the Minister concerned, and e. Other persons having equal and similar qualification for the Child Welfare Officials. Article 9* Hue head of Child Welfare Station will he second class clerical or technical official and the workers therein will be second or third clerical or technical officials and they shall be the persons with knowledge and experiences in the child care, health and welfare services. Chapter III, Child Welfare Agencies Article 10, Metropolis, Hokkaido and the prefecture shall establish a. Kyogo-in (Home for juvenile training and education) as prescribed in Article 35» Paragraph 1, of the Law in Metropolis, Hokkaido and each pre- fecture. National Kyogo-in shall be established and so designated and shall admit only those who were diagnosed at Child Welfare station as psycho- pathic personality or specially delinquent character. article 11, Where public welfare institutions or agencies as pre- scribed in Article 7' of the Law are not adequate or available, mothers and children receiving or requiring mb lie assistance vjh 0 are in need of institutional care may be placed in private institutions. Article 12. Child Welfare Agencies and the training facilities for the workers of Child Welfare Agencies established by the Nation, Metropolis, Hokkaido, prefectures, cities, towns or villages (inclusive of special wards as will be the same hereinafter) are placed under the-administration of the governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido and prefectures or the mayor of the cities, towns and villages (inclusive of the special ward mayor) respectively as prescribed in Article 49 of the Law, Article 13. The women designated to take care of the children in child welfare agencies will be called nursery teachers and shall have one of the following qualifications: a. One who graduated from the training school or a training facility for the nursery teachers designated by the Minister concerned, and b. One who passed the examination for the nursery teachers. In each of Metropolis, Hokkaido and the prefectures, a board of examination for the nursery teachers shall be established by each governor under his control for the determination of massage of and the management of all matters pertaining to the examination. Number of the board members shall be limited within ten persons, The governor of Metropolis, Hokkaido or the prefecture will appoint the board members out of public officials not to exceed k in num- ber and others with knowledge of and experience in the service of child care, health or welfare. iubject matters of procedure of and any other necessary matters about the examination shall be prescribed by Minister of Welfare, Chapter IV, Expenses Article lU, National or prefecture! subsidies for the expenses to be borne by the Metropolis, Hokkaido, prefectures, cities, towns or villages are as outlined in Article hO, 51* 5?» 53» 5i+ and 3? the Law, Those not * mentioned in s'dld Articles are as desi mated in this Chapter, Article 15, Subsidies of the preceding Article shall be made for the balance which is settled by subtracting the amount collected under the pro- vision of Article paragraph 1 of the Law and the amount of contribution and other incomes from the to'tal amount of expenditure a aid out by Metro- polis, Hokkaido, prefectures, cities, towns or villages for the fiscal year. In case the equipment for which subsidy has been ins.de should he used for other additional purposes, the basis of subsidy for the said equipment shell be settled balance of the expenses for what has actually - — —1111 1 been utilized for child weixare. In case the amount to be subtracted under the provision cf the preceding two paragraphs should be over the total amount which the Metro- polis, Hokkaido, prefectures, cities, towns or villages have borne for the fiscal year, the balance shall be subtracted from the amount of expenditure of coming fiscal year or years. Article l6. National subsidies prescribed in Article 5? of the Law, shall be one half of the settled balance for the Child Welfare Agencies of the following Item a, one third for those of Item b and prefectural subsi- dies prescribed in Article of the Law, shall be one fourth of the settled balance for those of Item a, one third for those of Item b. a, Tire mothers’ home, the day nursery and the home for physically weak children for indigent mothers and children who have no one to pay for their care, as defined in the proviso of Article 5o» paragraph 1 of the Law and the home for physically handicap red children, where crippled child- ren are cared. b. The mothers* home, the day nursery and the homes for physic- ally handicapped children which do not fall under the preceding Item. Article 17, In such cases prescribed by Article 11 of this Order government funds may be used to reimburse the private institution up to an amount not to exceed those rates established by the government for per capita cost of care. Article IS, The subsidized money by Nation, Metropolis, Hokkaido and the prefectures under the provisions of the preceding three Articles may be ordered to be returned wholly or in part: a. In case a Child Welfare Agency should be ordered to terminate its work by the -provision of Article L6, paragraph 2 of the Law. b. In case the certificate of approval for a Child Welfare Agency should be cancelled by the provision of Article 58, paragraph 1 of the Law, c. In case Guild Welfare Station, Child Welfare Agencies or the facilities for the training of personnel of Child Welfare Agencies should violate the Law, Order or the disposition derived from the Law and Order, d. In case Child Welfare Station, Child Welfare Agency or the facilities for training of personrel of Child Welfare Agencies should term- inate the v/hole or apart of its work or should be utilized for the purpose other than expected at first. e. In case the condition for subsidy is violated, and f. In case subsidy wa,s secured by means of fraud. Supplementary Rule Article 19. This Cabinet Order shall go into effect from January 1st, except as provided for in the provision of Article 63 of the Law which shall go into effect from April 1st, after which date it shall cover the total provisions of the Law, Article 20, Enforcement Ordinance of Juvenile Training and Education _ Law and 1933* Imperial Ordinance No, 210 (Matters concerning the' expense to be borne under the Law for Prevention of Cruelty to Children and National subsidy), shall be repealed. Article 21, The department of university in Article B, Item b of the cabinet order includes the department of university under University Ordinance. article 22, At the time this Cabinet Order goes into effect, the women who are taking care of the children in the Child Welfare Agencies may engage in the their work up to December 31st, 1950* despite the provision of Article 13, paragraph 1 of this Cabinet Order, after which date they must comply with the said Article, MATERNAL AHD CHILD HEALTH PROGRAM 19 July 19US Maternal and Child Health Section Ministry of Welfare Policy Future Japan as a civilized peace loving country shall need to have full security of the health of mothers and children. With the aim of a great reduction of mortality and morbidity of mothers, infants and preschool children of this country and promotion of children’s health and development in view, the basic program is to be established and various necessary facilities will be installed within five years. 1, Health measures for pregnant and nursing mothers are to be carried out with special emphasis on the following items: a. Reduction of maternal and fetal deaths by means of early diag- nosis and treatment of toxemias during pregnancy. b. Reduction of number of miscarriages, premature and stillbirths by means of early diagnosis and treatment of syphilis in pregnant women. c. To reduce the maternal deaths and stillbirths due to malposition of fetus and hemorrhage of childbirth by inproved obstetrical practices. d. To prevent tuberculosis of mothers and children by diagnosis of pregnant mothers. 2. Measures for the reduction of infant and child deaths shall be carried out with special eiiphasis on the following points: a. To reduce the infant deaths due to such outstanding causes as con~ l genital debility, enteritis and diarrhea, pneumonia and congenital syphilis. b. To prevent all contagious diseases of childhood. 3, For the improvement of constitutional strength of infants and children, enphasis shall be laid on the following points; ' a. To provide standards and nutritional guidance for infants so that the supply of cow’s milk and milk products to artificially or mixed fed infants will be sufficient and proper. b. To provide standards for children’s food and its distribution to preschool children in order to give them sufficient amount of protein, fat, calcium, iron and vitamins. Inclosure #3 Details for Carrying Out !• Strengthening maternal and child health network. a. Establishment of Maternal and Child Health Committee. Maternal and Child Health Committee will he established as a sub- committee of Central Child Welfare Board for the study of permanent plans for decreasing death rates and inproving health conditions of pregnant and nursing mothers, infants, and preschool children, and promoting maternal and child health services. b. Strengthening ,administrative organization. Maternal and Child Health Section will be established in every Prefectural Health Bureau, where officials in charge of health for pregnant women, nursing mothers, infants and preschool children and a physician for crippled children shall be staffed. c. Expansion and adjustment of the network for maternal and child health guidance (to be accomplished in three years). (l) Expansion of maternal and child health services in each public health center. (a) Personnel for maternal and child health services. Following members are to be staffed in each public health center; two second-class technical officials - obstetri- cian and pediatrician (now being one in number), two third-class clerical officials (now being zero in number, so far as maternal and child health services are conr* cerned), and two midwives in charge of child health guidance (now being Wo) and two midwives in charge of health guidance for pregnant women and nursing mothers (now being one). (b) Adjustment of equipment and personnel necessary for vis- iting services in health centers. Equipment and personnel readjustments for workable plan shall be made for health centers to carry out visiting services of health examinations and health guidance for pregnant women, infants and preschool children in the given areas. 2. Thoroughgoing health guidance for mothers and children a. Thoroughgoing health guidance for pregnant and nursing mothers, infants and preschool children by means of the Maternal and Child Handbooks. For this purpose Maternal and Child Handbooks will be distributed for all in- fants and preschool children op to six years of age during and 19^9. h. Compilation of a manual for health guidance of pregnant and nurs- ing mothers, infants and preschool children. Manual for health guidance of pregnant and nursing mothers, infants and preschool children will he made and health guidance will he carried out as follows; (l) Pregnant women Complete medical examinations shall he given twice for a pregnancy - at an early and a late stage. Any finding at the first examination shall he followed up hy monthly or more often examinations hy physicians. In addition to the above, health guidance hy midwives onee a month during pregnancy shall he encouraged. (2) Cursing mothers Besides health guidance hy a midwife in the post-partum period, an examination and guidance hy physicians shall he given for each nursing mother within two months after delivery. (3) Infants and preschool children. (a) Health guidance hy visiting nurses shall he given for each infant of less than oiie month of age. (h) General Examinations shall he given to all the infants and preschool children twice a year, and any finding shall he followed up hy monthly or oftaner examinations done hy a physician* (c) Eor the prevention of special diseases, preventive in- jections and other necessary measures shall he taken for infants and preschool children. Methods to carry out. (l) The health .guidances as mentioned above are to he carried out chiefly hy public health centers; hut, in order to fill in the gaps visiting services as mentioned in paragraph 1, Item d, (h) will take an active part. (2) Cooperation of private physicians and midwives will he secured in each local community through Medical Association and Mid- wife Division of the National Association for Midwives, Public Health Nurses and Clinical Nurses, etc. 3» Agencies for Maternal and Child Health (five year program) a. Lying-in Agencies - approximately 22, OCX) beds. Lying-in agencies with beds (out of which total number of existing beds is deducted) in the whole country are planned to be established at the rate of "beds for each 100,000 population, so as to meet the need of pregnant women with abnormal delivery (20 percent) and those who are in need of public aid (ll percent), (total estimated number of these pregnant women are 730,000). b. Infant homes - approximately 23*000 beds. Infant homes with 26,500 beds (out of which total number of east- ing beds is deducted) in the whole country are planned to be established, at the rate of 35 teds for each 100,000 population, so as to meet the need of the infants in need of special care with medical, social or economical reason. c. Homes for weak children- approximately 185,600 beds. Homes for weak children with 22,000 beds (out of which total num- ber of existing beds is deducted) in the whole country. A home with 100 beds at least shall be established in each prefecture. d. Hones for crippled children - approximately 11,000 beds. Homes for crippled children with 11,700 beds (out of which total number of existing beds is deducted) in the whole country are planned to be established, at the rate of 15 beds forsach 100,000 population, so as to meet the need of crippled children in need of special care. 4, Measures for the improved nutrition of pregnant and nursing mothers and infants and children. These measures aim at the promotion of secretion of "breast .milk, the reduction of infant and child death caused "by gastric disturbances and the pro- motion of development by better nutrition. a. Establishment of the committee for the nutrition of mothers and children. , Adequate supply of protein, fat and calcium for pregnant and nurs- ing mothers shall be planned and carried out and discussions on the plan for the problems of the production, quality and distribution of food for infants and children shall be made. b. Perfect rationing of cow’s milk products for artificially and mixed fed infants. c. To bring up the rationing of food for the infants at weaning period (6-12 months after birth) adequate in kind and quantity. d. To provide a complete supply of protein, fat, calcium and vitamins for preschool children. 5. Improvement of maternal and child health technique. For the purpose of inproving the maternal and child health technique, the following training courses will he given for the workers concerned; a. Health administration officials (central and prefectural). (l) Central - (a) Training courses for prefectural officials in charge of maternal and child health. One week course in Tokyo (in the fiscal year of 19US). Central - (b) Training course for health center officials in charge of maternal and child health. In each block, one week course (in the fiscal year of 19*+S>). (2) Prefecture!- (a) Training courses for the workers concerned with maternal and child health, such as private physicians and midwives. In each prefecture (these courses are to be consigned with the National Association of Midwives, P.H.N. and Clinical Nurses) (in the fiscal year of 19%). (a) Training courses for child welfare workers and others concerned in each prefecture. (The course will be con- signed with Minsei-iin Association) (in the fiscal year Of 19*49). b. Technical officials concerning maternal and child health service in health centers. (l) Training courses for the physicians in charge of maternal and child health service in health centers. Training courses of special technique are to he given. Three- month course for maternal health and three-month for child health. (2) Training courses for the public health nurses and midwives in charge of maternal and child health services. Three-month course for each. The training courses mentioned in [Jo arc to be consigned with the Aiiku-Kai, and are to be completed in three years after 19^9. .6, Diffusion of maternal and child health thoughts, a. Maternal and child health care. A car loaded with educational materials for maternal and child health is planned to go around in each village or town. The whole country is to he divided into eight blocks; one car is allotted for each block. Motion pictures and lantern slides. b. Production of motion pictures and lantern slides for maternal and child health. c. Radio and press, etc. Maternal and child health education through radio and papers in central and local districts. d. Printed-materials for health guidance. Printed materials for the education of maternal and child health such as advice cards for babies in weaning period, and other leaflets, pamph- lets and posters are to be distributed through health centers, schools and women1 s. organ! zations. S. Public Health measures for the special problems of mothers and children to he considered. In order to take necessary steps for the prefectures with high mortality like Aomori and ten other prefectures, investigations on the actual conditions will he made and measures necessary will he acted upon.