(~/fo. £> Qddidd- (ddtzeet-, dddodtonS, (dd'edzuazyS, /§ 3 d. (29&D; Qd dey deave to cadd youn/ attention/ to a new medicad diccovezy, fd tde cuze/ ofpulmonary consumption, wdicd dad dut zee entity deen/ intzoduced to ides yiudd'c of tdid countzy, undeni tde/ name/ of F QU§ EL'S PAJUU W Y IT fc . o/dode/ of ouni ydyoiciand wdo Stave/ examined tdid medicines, and deen/ mac/e/ acquainted witd tde/ inyzedientd of wdicd it id comyoded, exyzefd yzeat datidfaction/ in/ zefezence/ to it did a zemec/y iddudnonazy comydaintd. ■ Qsd. Qsd. //Stayed, tde/ (ddtate/ Qd^dayeii, tedtified to itd uziequaided viztued, ad you may dee/ lay Slid ceztficatet dezewitd. Odd youz zecommendatiozz/ of tSte/ medicines may Slaved yzeat inf/uenceS witdyiezdond amony youz acquaintance/ duffeziny yzom/ iddi Sono n a zy dioeaoei Qd Staves taden/ tdes didezty to cadd youz attention/ to tdid zemedy,fzon/ tdet conviction/ tdat tdzouyd itd ayency muc-d may des addeviated. Qdan,/ amazes tdat tdezet aze' many woztddf nod-tzumd in/ tdes mazdet, cdziminy to des zemedied- /oz ddondumy tionS, and tdat it id- to did-tinyuidd zeaddy oyeefied- fzon/ mezes quaedezy ,■ dut od dave/ do mued confidences in/ tdes dead'ny viztued- of tdid- medicine, tdat, if you deaizeS it, of ddadd des dayiyiy to dend you a tziad dottd/ free oe charge, wdicd you can/ tzy uyon/ any yatient amony youz ac-quai?ita?ice in/ tde first oz middle dtayed- of condumytioni and Qd widd adides dy tdes zedudt ad- to itd eyficacy. dfouz did’t ddezvant, F. J. LAFORME, Sole Agent. Dr. A. A. HAYES’ CERTIFICATE, “FOUSEL’S PABULUM VIT-ffi.33 “ This preparation, by chemical analysis, was proved to be free from Opium or any of its compounds, nor were any of the Alkaloids present. It does not contain any mercurial or mineral substance, but consists wholly of volatile diffusible agents, which afford vapors freely at a moderate temperature. Most of the substances present are officinally used in alleviating pulmonary disease, but the device by which they are combined is new and original, and adapts the compound to inhalation or other modes of administration.” Respectfully, (Signed,) A. A. HAYES, 16 Boylston Street, State Assayer. Boston, Dec. 19th, 1857.