i t Cs=a IN THE F.Moraa cbfomolith Phil^ H . Vaber pin xT POKTORI OIF ILM WITO WMM WW KW&K, solitary follicles enlarged,and shaven-beard appearance of Feyers patches. H. Faber pinxl K Moras chrornolilh Phila. P OSMIUM? © IPOgOTg m ©iYUKi US, near the ileocaecal valve Shaven-beard appearance.- u.ra Dpi, pin x P Moran FKtL 3IIiR!IDg imEHTiRY. META STATUS F® 15 fl OIF OWE B H Faber pinxf F.Moraa chromotith. phtC MLeiGWDM §¥ TCOI (£®[L®N. N0.115. Medical Section. H Kalior jmuc F.Moir«s chromoLilh. Hrilad * e®y.®iß? ©rets @p e©o,m«gKii@isi§ ©Y^ißnmisr, H Faber pinx! FMoras chrornolith Phila eiLiißi £Yi?i @f (mia-eMMie » F.Moras chramolirh.Phlla F® LILD eMILK ®L®EIS§ iIF EilL®R3o=(g[H!K®liSlolg iYSIMTIimf The colon is thickened and anaemic {?©t.y©ilLMi it©l®® ®F ©it®lM=o©ffliiill© ®tf©[lKnMSY4 The colon is thickened and anaemic ! Vttbor*pnix Moras chromolifh PM* IFOlklkieiMflK MIIL!gIEKg IP g®t®KL=!§«®rail® OYSUMfIKT. The edges of manj of the ulcers are Fringed wuh pseudo*membrane . H. Faber Pin*! F,floras,chromolith Phil" my®MBS ooo.©fi®@ ip The edges of manjof Fhe ulcers are Fringed with pseudo-membrane H Pabe.r pmxl p.Moras chromolith Phila c3®ufoiw ®if iMigitmpotM© e®LiKi wifh patches of pseudo membrane, and small ulcers. H .Faber plnx* F.Moras chromolith. Phil* !FiClTD®[ffl ilSgl^iOKl© wilh patches of pseudo membrane, and small ulcers. || ri^inaUi of thep -dn the Third Medical Volume. Moras <■ !*.romoltth Fh ■ . ; it? gpiyim itweim* H .Faber pinxT F.Moras chromolith, Phi I * YWMD® ®[F IPEWJ&i [p^TElnHlio cromolith.f hiiad* H Faber plnx* PIYER’S IMTgIK!.= IF II HR . taken near the !leo-coecai valve. .Moras chro'nobth PVifl11 H Faber pinx' PikeiSLIMED IF iY lIKi IMT(gf3.= lf,Il'WllIIS , taken near the lleo-coecal valve. Faber pm**. r.Moras cromolifh,PhtladJ iteilMTll® PETER*® PAT EH Hi.- (Fg\7 IE Theleff piece From l"he upper.rhe nghf from rhe lower part of rhe ileum H. Faber, pmx F, Moras chromolilli. Phil’ i^ATEH ES.= EEW 1 [fS The left piece from the upper the right from the lower part of the ileura. H- Faber pinx F.Moras chromolirh. Phil * PUKIFiKMIIKKS i LIE EftilF TKIH DLEiOM. The right hand piece shows the mucous, the left the peritoneal surface H Fab f D:r <' 7. Wofas UL (£ EGMTD ffl 1M OIF TTiKI E I LEU [MI IMii.