HOW TO MAKE YOUR HAIR GROW Any person, whether bald or suffering from falling hair, dandruff, or greyness, may correct these conditions and grow new hair in luxuriant abundance by the Crystolis process, s : : : Hair grown on heads that have been bald for years, not at all extraordinary, by the use of this new triumph of science, : : s : IF YOU have tried to arrest your hair troubles, you certainly appreciate by this time how almost impossible it is to do so by any of the various hair tonics or pomades now sold or recommended. All such things have an unlimited record of failures. Many of the preparations advertised to grow hair have in some instances produced a slight downy growth of hair but here the matter ended, as the preparation did not contain enough of the necessary hair growing elements to produce live, strong hair, con- sequently a growth of downy fuzz was the best one could hope to obtain from their use. Crystolis has solved the problem, and is the complete answer to the question which has been constantly asked by nearly all bald people. How can I grow a new head of hair? The question has been not so much how to accomplish this, but with what can it be done. All specialists who have given this matter due consideration agree on the point that something must be applied to the scalp that will feed and nourish the hair roots, and at the same time open up the hair follicles which have become clogged through the glazing or tightening of the outer skin of the scalp. In Crystolis scientists have found the correct principle for producing these results, and its untarnished record of growing hair in hundreds of cases where the patron had been bald for years, is the most convincing proof that it is a powerful promoter of hair growth. It opens the pores quickly, and the hair soon shows the effects of its wonderful, exhilarating and life-producing qualities, and it is a common occurrence for an entirely new growth of live strong hair to make its appearance after one week’s use of the treatment, and to have produced a growth of one inch in length at the end of another month. Dandruff, itching scalp, fall- ing hair, and so forth is often completely stopped by two or three applica- tions, therefore no one need envy a beautiful head of hair, for by the use of Crystolis you can quickly grow your own thick and abundant. LOOK AT YOUR HAIR TO-DAY—DELAYS ARE FATAL. SIMPLY BECAUSE you have not lost your last twig of hair is no sign you should any longer neglect your most valuable asset to personal appearance. When dandruff, falling 'hair, greyness or irritations of the scalp make their appearance, do not wait until people are remark- ing about the way your hair is falling or how your waist or coat is always covered with dead hair and dandruff, but avoid such criticism by giving your scalp the attention it needs, and which you, for the sake of personal appearance, cannot afford to neglect. Crystolis will overcome your trou- bles, and is also unsurpassed for making the hair light and fluffy and for imparting to it a beautiful gloss and lustre. HOW TO MAKE YOUR HAIR GROW AND CORRECT UNNATURAL CONDITIONS OF THE SCALP. WE DO NOT BELIEVE that hair can actually be made to grow by the use of hair tonics, pomades, salves, or other preparations of this kind. The majority of such preparations are only food for the parasites which destroy the hair growth. By the use of Crystolis these parasites are immediately killed; the scalp is nourished; the hair follicles and bulbs that contain the hair roots are induced to open and strong live hairs come forth. It is one of the very best preparations for producing a clean healthy scalp, and for imparting to the hair a beautiful and glossy lustre. Therefore we advise every man, woman and child who has any regard for his or her appearance to obtain Crystolis and use it occasionally. It contains no harmful ingredients, but on the contrary we regard it as extremely beneficial to the scalp. If you will once use Crystolis and see what a nice clean appearance it gives to your hair and how it brings out the beauty of its natural colour, we feel confident that we .need never urge you to purchase it. If your hair to-day is in good condition, keep it so. Crystolis will enable you to go through life with a beautiful head of hair and a clean healthy scalp which will be admired by all who know you. NATURE’S WARNING. WITH MAN the first warning is loosening of the hair, which is first noticed by the occasional hairs wrhich are seen on the coat collar (a most disgusting sight), and by an excessive amount of dead hair found in the comb, and by pieces of hair being scattered over your dress- ing table and on the pillow where you have slept. If this is not checked the loss of hair will steadily increase until complete baldness results. When a man becomes bald there is no question but what he has through his negligence of not caring for his hair added many years to his looks. His appearance will often indicate that he is 50 or 55 years of age, when in reality he may not be over 40 at the most. The presence of dandruff or scurf is also a serious warning that should not go unheeded, as it indi- cates the presence of parasite life in the scalp. WITH WOMEN the loss of hair is of far more consequence, as they usually replace what has fallen off with puffs, switches, and so forth, made of false hair, which in many cases has been cut from the heads of the peasant women of Russia or China. In this way skin and blood diseases are contracted that are practically incurable, and such cases are being reported to the Medical Board almost daily. Besides no one is deceived but the wearer herself, and it is lamentable to see our young women of to-day adorning their heads with these cheap and disease-breed- ing transformations, puffs, etc. With women the warning of an unnatural condition of the scalp is always noticeable for some time before the loss of hair has progressed to any extent. With some the first symptoms are excessive dryness of the hair, while in other cases these reverse and the hair becomes damp and oily, sometimes even splitting at the end. The natural thing to do in either case is to feed and replenish the scalp, tone up the hair roots, so that the hair itself can grow in strength and vigor. But how can this be done? By Crystolis, which will supply the scalp with a genuine hair-growing food which is necessary to the life of the hair, and which the scalp in its weakened condition has failed to do. It strengthens the hair roots and strong, live hair grows forth in abundance. Dandruff disappears as if by magic; the falling of the hair is stopped, and the grey and faded hair is restored to its natural colour and beauty. WHY MOST SO-CALLED HAIR GROWERS FAIL. MOST SO-CALLED HAIR GROWERS fail to produce results because they are designed merely to promote hair growth without correct- ing the real underlying cause of the trouble. It is useless to try and promote hair growth, unless you first remove the cause that is re- tarding its progress. It is very similar to giving a person morphine who is suffering from rheumatism. The morphine may relieve the pain tem- porarily but it does not remove the cause of the disease and is therefore not a proper treatment. We believe the great success we have had with Crystolis and the marvelous results which it has produced are entirely due to the fact that it first destroys all parasites and assists Nature to re- store the scalp to its natural healthy condition. When this has been ac- complished Nature will assert itself and assisted by the powerful hair- promoting qualities of Crystolis a strong and vigorous growth of new hair will soon cover the scalp. BALD PATCHES QUICKLY COVERED BY NEW HAIR GROWTH. ALOPECIA AREATA OR BALD PATCHES are also caused by the living parasites which have concentrated their disastrous work to small portions of the scalp. This insidious disease is most destruct- ive to the hair follicles and should receive prompt attention at the very outset. Crystolis should be applied in such cases twice daily, night and morning, until the hair has been completely restored and the spots are again covered by healthy, glossy hair. This condition of the scalp is most humiliating to the sufferer as they are so often subjected to criticism by those whose thoughtlessness is most galling and unpardonable. WASHING THE HAIR. IT IS DIFFICULT to say just how often the scalp should be cleansed as so much depends upon the condition of one’s scalp. If there is a ten- dency to dandruff, or if the scalp is inclined to throw off an excessive amount of oil, the head should then be shampooed once every seven days and in all cases the washing of the hair should never be put off for longer than two weeks at a time. Soap should never be used for cleansing or shampooing the hair as it always contains a certain amount of alkali which is extremely harmful to the hair itself. They are especially deadly to the young hairs in the early stages of their growth, the ammonia, alkali, etc., work their way into the very heart of the delicate young hair and shrivel it up. Is is of great importance that the scalp should be cleansed often so that the pores will not become clogged, still it would be better to never wash the scalp than to use soap for this purpose. For the benefit of our own patrons we have prepared a shampoo powder that has all the necessary requirements for cleansing the scalp, and embodied in this are ingredients which are essential to healthy hair growth. These powders are packed in a neat little box, containing a supply sufficient to last six weeks, and are sold for 50 cents per box. BALDNESS NOT A SIGN THAT THE HAIR ROOTS ARE DEAD. MANY MEN THINK because they have neglected their hair until they have become bald, that they must remain so, as the general im- pression is, that if a man be bald the roots of his hair are dead. This in the majority of cases however, is a great mistake. When you stop to consider the matter you will at once realize that a hair root is the hardest thing possible to kill. If you doubt this statement, ask a proprie- tor of any institution where superfluous hair is removed, either by elec- tricity or depilatories. They will tell you that it is almost impossible to accomplish this, and even when it is done by the electric needle the operation is quite painful, and the needle itself must be sunk deep into the flesh in order to destroy the hair roots themselves. Even after death the hair continues to grow for months. In cases of baldness the hair has simply been gnawed loose from its sac by living parasites, whose action on the scalp causes it to become glazed over and in this way the hair bulbs become enclosed, and in consequence hair growth becomes impossible. With proper treatment, however, these conditions will be overcome, bald- ness will disappear and the hair will grow forth as soft and luxuriant as ever. When you pull a hair from your head the root does not come with it. Another hair will grow from the same root unless the opening becomes clogged by the skin over the open aperture. By the use of Crystolis men who have been bald for years have grown new heads of hair which were as soft, luxuriant and beautiful as anyone could wish for. Repeated cases of this kind which have come under our observation are conclusive proof that the hair roots will remain alive encased in their little bulbs or sacs for many years, and it is simply a question of proper treatment in order to remove the trouble which retards the hair growth. WARNING. BEWARE OF HAIR TONICS which contain ingredients that are delet- erious to the scalp; which produce a pleasing effect to-day at the expense of to-morrow; which give an agreeable sensation with the inevitable result of a complete loss of hair and scalp troubles of the worst kind. We positively guarantee that Crystolis does not contain the slight- est quantity of sugar of lead, cantharides, or other poisonous substances. Many of the preparations which can be bought for a few shillings per bot- tle have a very pleasing odour, but they will ultimately ruin the hair roots and destroy the follicles, thus bringing about certain baldness. WE DO NOT ASK YOU to stand before your mirror by the hour rub- bing some worthless preparation into your scalp until your fingers ache and you are sick at heart; we do not ask you to steam or singe your hair or do other things that are disgusting and disliking to you. We grow your hair by a simple and natural process that feeds the hair roots, nourishes the scalp, and at the same time destroys the parasite life which is gnawing your hair away. By feeding and nourishing the scalp and by bringing about healthy conditions, grey or faded hair is re- stored to its natural colour, and the scalp put in the best possible con- dition. Give us two minutes at night and three in the morning, and Crystolis will do the rest. No long waits; no tedious delays. Since its discovery it has been introduced into nearly every country, and from the experiences we have had with this marvelous product, we believe we are safe in saying that no other treatment for promoting hair growth has ever reached such a degree of perfection as Crystolis. It acts scientifically and in an entirely different way from any other treatment ever discovered. It deserves the fullest confidence from every person as its action in pro- moting a new hair growth is not a matter of guesswork or theory, but a fact fully and completely established by its long and successful record. At the Brussells International Exposition this last year Crystolis was awarded the Gold Medal and a Certificate of Honor. CRYSTOLIS PRODUCES QUICK HAIR GROWTH. OUR FAITH IN CRYSTOLIS. OUR FAITH IN CRYSTOLIS is most convincingly shown by the iron- clad guarantee and bond which we give to every purchaser, and which cannot but convince even the most sceptical of our strong faith in its merits. Then, too, there is not a member of our firm who does not use it freely, and it is needless to say there is not a case of baldness amongst any of our members. If it contained anything injurious we cer- tainly would not use it on our own heads. In conclusion, we recommend it to you knowing that by so doing we are offering you the best, the most complete, the most scientific treatment for promoting hair growth that has ever been discovered, and we assure you that the most gratifying results and complete success will be obtained from its use. Our terms are liberal, and we will hold your correspondence as sacredly confidential. Order to-day. CRESLO LABORATORIES SCRANTON, PA., U. S. A. Not for Sale by Druggists. British Agency: 6 and 8 Bouverie Street, London, E.G.