GENERAL ORDERS, No. 19. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Offi< e Washington, January 23, 1863. 1.. By direction of the President, Hospital Chaplain C. W. Denison, having left this country for Europe, is dropped from the rolls of the Army. 11.. By direction of the President, Surgeon William W. Nassau U. S- Volunteers, is dismissed the service of the United States. 111.. General Orders,” No. 1, from the Headquarters Army of the Potomac, dated January 5, 1863, dismissing 2d Lieutenant Jacob Hoffman. 1st New Jersey Cavalry, for suffering himself and party to be surprised and captured by the enemy on the 2d December, is con- firmed by the President. By order of the Secretary of War: L. THOMAS, Adjutant General. Official: Assistant Adjutant General.