Dunglison's American JVtedical Library. SELECTIONS IN PATHOLOGY AND SURGERY; OR, AN EXPOSITION OF THE NATURE AND TREATMENT OF LOCAL DISEASE; EXHIBITING NEW PATHOLOGICAL VIEWS, AND POINTING OUT AN IMPORTANT PRACTICAL IMPROVEMENT. ILLUSTRATED BY CASES. BY JOHN DAVIES, SURGEON TO THE GENERAL INFIRMARY AT HERTFORD, AND LATE EDITOR OF THE LONDON MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY A. WALDIE, 46 CARPENTER STREET, 1839. TO THE GOVERNORS OF THE GENERAL INFIRMARY AT HERTFORD, THIS WORK IS INSCRIBED, WITH EVERY SENTIMENT OF RESPECT, BY THEIR VERY OBEDIENT SERVANT, THE AUTHOR. Hertford, June 20*7?, 1839. PREFACE. The author hopes that he will not be considered as arrogating too much in claiming the character of novelty to the pathological views promulgated in the present work. If, however, it should be pointed out, by those more extensively acquainted than himself with medical literature, that similar views have been already made known, he will readily relinquish all claim to originality. The physiological principles upon which the pathology of inflammation here set forth is based, were published eleven years ago, in a series of essays in the Medical Repository, and the London Medical and Surgical Journal, of which the author was then editor. The principles developed in those essays are founded upon a long course of experiments, repeated so frequently as to leave little doubt as to their correctness. The object of the second part of the work is to bring into general notice a remedy whose superior curative properties, as an external application, appears to be but little known to the profession. This remedy is iodine in liquid form. Respecting the employment of iodine as an external remedial agent, the author lays no claim to originality; but, with the exception of a small volume, published some years ago, by Mr. Buchanan, he is not aware that the mode here recommended for its application has been pointed out to the public. During the last ten years the author has employed the remedy in question very extensively, both in infirmary and private practice, and the object of the present work is to acquaint the profession with the result of his experience respecting its use during that period. Being very desirous that a knowledge of the curative properties of iodine, as an external agent, should be diffused as extensively as possible amongst the members of the profession, the author has caused the second part of the work to be published in a separate volume. SELECTIONS, Ac. PART I. LOCAL PATHOLOGY. INFLAMMATION. According lo the pathology of the present day, the term “ inflam- mation” is applied to almost every disease to which the human body is subject. The consequence of this view of the nature of disease is, that inflammation has been divided into numberless varieties, and scarcely any two authors agree respecting the manner in which the divisions ought to be made. Thus, according to some, we have the acute and the sub-acute or chronic: others furnish us with the adhesive, the suppurative, and the ulcerative: others divide the disease according to its immediate seat, or to the tissue which is affected; while others again classify it according to its tendency to spread, or to confine itself to a limited space. The dispute in every instance is, not whether the disease be inflamma- tion or not, but whether it ought to be classified under one head or under another. With regard to the proximate cause of inflammation, pathologists have been equally at variance in opinion. It has been attributed to error loci of certain particles of the blood; to the existence of irritating or acrid matter in some of the humours; to the viscidity of the blood itself, thereby causing lentor in its movement through the vessels; while most of the pathologists of the present day dis- card all notion of the blood having any thing to do with the causa- tion of the disease, and seek for the origin of the malady in the solids alone. By some of them it is attributed to an increased action of the arteries of the inflamed part; by others to a dimi- nished action; by others to an increased action of the capillaries, thereby causing them to attract more blood to the seat of disease than naturally belongs to it; whereas others again attribute all the mischief to irritation in the extremities of the nerves. In fact, the theories of inflammation are as various as the aspects which the disease presents to the senses of the observer. Notwithstanding all the theories that have been advanced respect- ing the nature or proximate cause of inflammation, all must agree, that the visible and tangible signs of it depend upon the condition 8 DAVIES ON PATHOLOGY AND SUItGERY. of the arteries of the inflamed part, and upon the modification of the circulation of the blood within them. Taking these facts as the groundwork of the enquiry, we shall proceed to examine what this condition really consists in; we may then be able to assign some rational or probable cause for the inflammatory appearance put on by so many diseases, possessing in all other respects such various properties, and leading to consequences so differ- ent in their nature. First, however, as our views differ essen- tially respecting the natural functions of the vessels principally engaged in the representation of the more striking phenomena of inflammation, from those of any author with whose works we are acquainted, it is necessary to say a few words upon that subject. A view of the Mechanism and Structure of the Blood-vessels.1 The apparatus which conduces to carry on the circulation of the blood consists of a forcing1 machine, to which is attached an elastic tube, which tube divides and sub-divides into innumerable ramifications. These ramifications unite into larger branches, which branches again unite into larger and larger tubes, until, lastly, they form only two trunks which deliver the blood back to the machine from which it originally started. We are first to notice the peculiar texture of the heart. This organ differs in respect to texture from all the other muscles. It is remarkably dense; its fibres are firmly bound together by trans- verse striae, and, compared with the other muscles of the body, very little cellular membrane intervenes between these fibres. This modification of structure indicates considerable strength, but with a limited scope of motion ; for we find those muscles whose sphere of motion is extensive, imbedded in proportionately a large quantity of cellular tissue. The texture of the arteries is also peculiar, but it is well adapted for the functions which they have to perform. Yery erroneous notions respecting the muscularity of these vessels have been enter- tained by authors and by anatomists generally. In order to be able to determine this point, it is necessary to define what are meant by muscular fibres. It must be admitted that a muscle, like all other bodies, has cer- tain distinct characters which determine it to be what it is. It is composed of a greater or less number of elastic fibres, placed parallel to each other; and these fibres are bound together, at in- tervals, by striae or smaller fibres, each being separated from the rest by a very small portion of cobweb-like tissue. The primitive 'This subject has been treated at length, in a series of essays published by the author, in the Medical Repository for 1S27 and 1828, of which he was then editor. Only a short sketch of.the experiments and deductions therein given can be adduced here. LOCAL PATHOLOGY. 9 or simple fibres are gathered together into fasciculi or small bundles, surrounding each of which there is a larger quantity of cellular tissue than is found around every simple fibre. The muscle is composed of a number of these fasciculi or compound fibres, and, like them, the whole body of it is invested in a coat of cellular tissue. This is the character of muscular structure. Now, the next question is, do we find any thing in the coats of the arteries corresponding with the above definition? We presume not; that is, we presume so upon a very strict examination of their structure. Including the external coat, which is composed of condensed cellular membrane, an artery is made up of three layers or coats. The innermost layer, which, on one side, presents a polished surface for the blood to move on, is formed of a highly elastic tissue, but nothing like muscular fibres are discoverable in it. The next layer is also considerably elastic, but less so than the innermost coat. This being the coat usually considered muscular, we have paid much attention to its structure; but upon the minutest examination, nothing could be discovered in its texture to correspond with the fibres of muscle. The mistake may have occurred from consider- ing the fibrous processes, which unite it to the outermost coat, as muscular fibres; for, with the exception of these, scarcely any tissue in the body presents less the appearance of muscle. The outermost layer is likewise elastic, but its elasticity is inferior even to that of the middle coat, though its toughness considerably exceeds that of the latter. An artery, thus composed of its different layers of coats, is elastic to a considerable degree; but the elasticity does not depend upon muscular fibres. Indeed, such a structure, as will be pointed out hereafter, would be inconsistent with the functions which these vessels are destined to perform in the animal economy. It may be noticed that the elasticity of the arteries is somewhat greater in the longitudinal than in the circular or transverse direction. With regard to the veins, they have been deemed almost unwor- thy of notice by authors. It is true that, in a surgical point of view, they are less important than the arteries, but, 'physiologically considered, they are scarcely so. Although the veins are greatly more elastic than the arteries, yet few, if any, anatomists have attributed their elasticity to muscular fibres. The range of calibre in this class of vessels is very con- siderable ; and it may be remarked that their elasticity is much greater in the transverse or circular direction than in the longitu- dinal. This quality is different in them, in that respect, from what it is in the arteries, whose range of calibre is not, upon the whole, very extensive, compared with that of some other elastic tissues. As this subject is of considerable importance towards a right un- derstanding of the functions of the blood-vessels, we may be allow- ed to offer a few more remarks upon it. 10 DAVIES ON PATHOLOGY AND SURGERY. In the human body, as well as in the bodies of all the higher classes of animals, we find that a considerable part of the structure is endued with the property of elasticity. Thus, the voluntary muscles, for the most part, are highly elastic; so are all the organs of which the alimentary tube is composed; so are, likewise, the urinary and the gall bladders; the uterus is endued with the same property in a different modification ; the arteries and the veins ; the lacteal tubes and the thoracic duct, as well as the ducts of the secre- tory glands, &c. are all possessed of an analogous property; but it differs in degree and modification in each organ, according to the duty—according to the extent of motion—which the organ has to perform. Thus, in the voluntary muscles, it enables them to shorten themselves from one third to one half their natural length ; whereas, the stomach, the urinary bladder, &c. possess a scope of motion ten times as great. In the small intestines the scope is less than in the urinary bladder; the veins possess the elastic property still less than the small intestines, and the arteries less than the veins. Now, we find here a general analogy in a number of organs, but each presents a modification peculiar to itself, and which quali- fies it for its own particular function. It is characteristic of a mus- cle to contract in one direction only, that is, in the direction of its fibres, because its ultimate object, with the exception of the sphinc- ters, the heart, and a few others, is not so much to undergo motion itself as to move other parts to which it is attached. On the other hand, the urinary bladder will contract almost equally in all direc- tions. In this respect it differs essentially from muscle; for the lat- ter will only display its elastic property in one direction. It cannot be said that the sphincters, the heart, the pharyngeal muscles, &c. are exceptions to the rule, for we find no instance of muscular mo- tion otherwise than in the direction of the fibres of the moving mus- cle. Again, the motion—accordingly the elastic property—in the small intestines is both in the longitudinal and circular directions, but much greater in the former than in the latter ; whereas in the colon and rectum the reverse is the case. The arteries, being situ- ated so near the bones, and consequently being liable to great and sudden extension, by the movements of joints, are very yielding longitudinally; whereas, although elastic to a considerable degree in the circular direction, yet much more power is required to force their extension in the latter than in the former direction. The veins are equally elastic with the arteries longitudinally, and are fully capable of following the motions of joints without the risk of being ruptured; but as, in the due performance of their peculiar office, they are required to undergo a ready and rapid change of calibre, their elastic property in the direction of their circle exceeds that of their longitudinal direction. Having exhibited this view of the structure of the blood-vessels, we shall next proceed to a short examination of the functions which their different parts have, each, to perform. LOCAL PATHOLOGY. 11 On the Functions of the Blood-vessels. Any one who will take the trouble to examine the action of the heart in a living animal will be satisfied that, during its contrac- tion, the fibres are drawn below the medium of their elasticity. The contraction is active; but the dilatation of the cavities is passive, depending simply upon the elasticity of the structure of the organ. If the heart be taken out and placed on the hand before its action has ceased, and then if the hand be gently closed round it, every time the ventricles contract, the organ will be felt to exert consi- derable force : it will be felt to swell and harden, and to cause a good deal of pressure against the hand ; but, during the dilatation of its cavities, it will be felt merely to relax its fibres, without any active force. The idea obtained by means of the sense of touch respecting the nature of the heart’s action is fully confirmed by that of vision. When viewed in active operation, and regularly supplied. with blood, its contraction will be seen to take place in a very quick and sudden manner, whereas its dilatation appears quite passive, and it takes a much longer time to be accomplished. Again, when view- ed in action, not supplied with blood, that is, when the organ has been removed from the body, or when the blood has been allowed to escape through a puncture of one of the principal vessels, the contraction will be seen to consist in an active jerk, and to be over in an instant ; whereas the motion which corresponds to the dila- tation of the ventricles, when the viscus is regularly supplied with blood, will consist comparatively of a slow and gradual elongation of the fibres ; which fully satisfies the mind that it depends merely upon these fibres recovering the medium of their elasticity, after having been compelled by some previous cause to contract them- selves below that medium. It may, perhaps, be asked, by what power are the muscular fibres of the heart enabled to shorten themselves below that medium which characterises them as an elastic substance? In explanation of this point we must be permitted to offer a few remarks, which may not, perhaps, be generally considered to pertain to the practi- cal part of the subject, but which are essential towards acquiring a rational idea of the pathology of inflammation. Every organ, and even every tissue, in the animal body must be viewed, physiologically, in two conditions: first, as composed of material molecules which contribute to make up the structure, and which, according to their proportions in the different organs, are endued with all the properties of matter in general, and are subject to all the laws which govern the material world : second, as parts endowed with something in addition to the common properties of tangible matter, which something1 confers upon them the character 1 This subject is discussed at great length in the essays to which refer- ence has been already made. 12 DAVIES ON PATHOLOGY AND SURGERY. of vitality. It is unnecessary, in this place, to enter into an enquiry of all the properties which distinguish animate from inanimate matter: it is sufficient for our present purpose to state generally, that those properties and those functions or effects only are to be attributed to life which an organ is capable of manifesting in a liv- ing state, and which it is not capable of exhibiting in the state of death. Thus, the liver, as a material organ, is as perfect for some time after death as before, yet blood may be forced through it in vain, so far as the secretion of bile is concerned. The dead stomach is equally insensible to the presence of food; nor will the dead kid- ney show any disposition to secrete urine, though fresh blood be injected into it. It is true that a muscle which has been attached to two or more points during life will contract, when liberated, even after death ; but it accomplishes this effect by a property connected with its material structure, and which is equally manifested by In- dian rubber and other inanimate substances endued with the quality of elasticity. The phenomenon of contraction in a living muscle is very different from that exhibited by the same muscle in an in- animate state. Nature, by her laws, has destined all things to be as they are. We may examine their properties, we may compare the properties of one substance with those of others, and observe what each substance is capable of doing, so far as our senses fur- nish ns with the means of so doing, but if we attempt to search into the why and the wherefore they have the power of doing what they do, our curiosity will be very likely to meet with disappoint- ment. Now, to return from this apparent digression, we may state that the medium of elasticity of the heart is at that point where the fibres rest quiescent after death. That point corresponds to the state of expansion or extension of its cavities during life. The contraction of the organ is caused by its vital principle; it is a vital operation, acting for a very short period of time before re- suming a state of repose. During the cessation of the vital energy, the elastic force of the fibres comes into play. As soon as this lat- ter has accomplished its part, and has restored the muscular fibres to the point where resides their medium of elasticity as material substances, the vital force is repeated, and it acts again upon the muscle as pressure would upon any elastic body. This active, vital contraction, and passive, elastic dilatation or extension of the muscular tissue, go on alternately, both in the auricles and ventri- cles ; and when the ventricle undergoes the one kind of motion the auricle undergoes the other, and vice versa. It follows from these facts, of which any one may satisfy himself by minute and accurate examination, that the vital contractility of the heart is a power opposed to its innate elasticity. The force of the former is very considerable, as may be felt by pressing the organ in the hand. Its duration is only momentary. It appears to be over as suddenly when the organ is on the point of death as when it acts in full vigour on being first exposed to view. After LOCAL PATHOLOGY. 13 death the organ rests in the state of expansion—that state into which it has been brought by its elastic property. That the heart propels the blood into the arteries by the contrac- tion of its ventricles, is a fact in physiology generally admitted ; ‘but it has been, and is still, a very disputed question as to whether ✓the power of the heart be the sole cause of the motion of the fluid throughout the circulating system. We shall first enquire what share, if any, the arteries perform in the office of circulation. Without re-describing experiments already published more than ten years ago, we may be allowed to state generally, that the coats of the arteries do not undergo any sensible motion during the cir- culation of the blood. We have repeated experiments upon ex- periments respecting this point, and the result was a conviction that, with the exception, in some instances, of a small portion of the root of the aorta, the arteries are mere passive tubes in the office of circulation. Having made this general declaration, it may be necessary to reconcile some known facts with the statement so unhesitatingly expressed. It will, perhaps, be asked, if the arteries merely supply passive channels for the motion of the blood, how can the “ pulse” be ac- counted for? Do we not feel the artery beat on placing the finger on it? Nay, do we not sometimes see it pulsate through the skin — that is, see the skin move over it? Do we not, when sitting cross legged, often see the pendent foot move simultaneously with the pulse, in consequence of the beating of the popliteal artery? These and other similar questions will be asked by those who have taken it for granted that the arteries contribute an important share in for- warding the motion of the blood. But all these facts are easily ac- counted for without supposing the vessels to perform any move- ment like that of the pulse. They occur from the following cause: the arteries are always full of blood. Every contraction of the left ventricle drives the column a step forward. The motion may be compared to that of a rod pushed forward from one end; but in- stead of being solid like a rod, the column of blood is fluid, and contained within an elastic tube. The blood being fluid, and the containing tube being soft and elastic, almost any degree of pres- sure, however slight, on the artery will cause a depression or in- dentation of its coats ; and as the contractions of the heart cause the blood to be driven forward with great power, the column ex- erts a force, at each contraction, to raise the indentation or de- pressed portion of the coats of the vessel. In like manner, in cases where the skin is seen to pulsate over an artery, the pulsation is caused by the tightness of the skin in that part, owing to the position of the limb at the time. If the ves- sel which, in such a case, produces the motion or pulsation of the skin, were laid bare, which would, of course, cause the removal of the pressure on its coats, not the slightest pulsation could be dis- covered in it. In a similar way, the pulsation of the pendent foot 14 DAVIES ON PATHOLOGY AND SURGERY. when one is sitting cross-legged, is occasioned by the pressure of the knee of the corresponding limb on the popliteal artery. If an artery be laid bare, and the finger be placed very lightly upon it, no pulsation will be felt; and to the sight the vessel will present an unmoving cord. Even a powerful lens will not enable us to discover any pulsation in it. Also, in some very thin per- sons, the principal arteries of the arm exhibit a thick cord through the skin ; and, in these cases, if the finger be laid very lightly on the vessel no pulsation will be felt; but the slightest pressure on its coats will cause an indentation or depression, and will immedi- ately communicate the sensation of pulsation to the finger. The importance of this subject entitles it to more consideration than can be bestowed upon it according to the confined limits marked out for this work ; but we may, in passing, notice, that no property usually attributed by physiologists to the coats of the ar- teries would enable them to render any assistance to the heart in the propulsion of the blood. Now, let us just consider two points, respecting which no small degree of error exists. In the first place, it is maintained by some authors, that the ar- teries are always in a state of “ forced distention,” that, in fact, the blood within forces them to expand beyond their medium of elasti- city. If such were the case, it is difficult to conceive in what way they could render any assistance to the heart; for not only would that organ have then to move forward the whole weight of the column of blood, but it would also be required to force the expan- sion of the arteries. What else than the power of the heart, driv- ing the fluid into them, could force them to expand? It may be further demanded, what benefit could result from such a state of things? Nature does not often, probably never, create an useless obstruction merely for the sake of showing her capability of crea- ting a force strong enough to overcome it. Secondly, it is a common error to suppose, not only that the arteries pulsate independently of the heart, but also that their pul- sations may be slower or quicker than those of that organ. That a subject so easily put to the proof should have been so long allow- ed to remain a source of error, does not argue much in favour of the industry of physiological writers. It causes some trouble to satisfy one’s self upon points requiring a series of experiments on animals, but it is less pardonable to propagate error respecting a subject which any one may prove without even quitting his easy chair. The pulse will often vary in the number of beats in a given time. One minute it may beat 85, and the next it may beat 87 or 88, or perhaps only 82 or 83. But is this any proof that it depends upon the action of the arteries? If the pulsation of the heart itself be examined, if will be found to vary quite as much as that felt in the arteries. The fact is, that the pulse or beat is felt in every part of the arterial system at the very same instant of time, and that LOCAL PATHOLOGY. 15 instant of time is the same as that in which the ventricles of the heart contract. The only way in which the arteries could assist in propelling the blood forward, so as to aid the heart, would be by a series of con- tractions and dilatations following one another along the course of the tubes. If the vessels possessed such a power, then we might expect the pulse to vary in different parts of the body, nay, in dif- ferent parts of the same tube; for while one part was in a state of contraction, another, two inches above, would be in a state of dila- tation, and so on throughout the whole course of the tube. In the alimentary canal, especially the large intestines, such a motion may be observed to be continually going forward. In fact, there exists no other power for the propulsion of the faeces. In the arte- ries, however, the fact is equally certain that no such motion exists, but that an exposed artery will present to the eye the appearance of an immovable cord. Having established these preliminary facts respecting the state of the heart and arteries during the natural and unobstructed circula- tion, we next come to that part of the subject upon which mainly rests our new views respecting the pathology of inflammation. We shall, therefore, place the statement before the reader under two heads: 1st. The only motion which the arteries undergo is that of gra- dual contraction, and of gradual dilatation, so as to adapt them- selves to the quantity of blood within them ; 2d. The calibre of all the arterial branches, during life, and in a healthy state, is below the medium of their elasticity. The overlooking or being ignorant of these two facts have led pathologists into endless absurdities respecting the pathology of in- flammation ; at any rate, respecting the theory of the phenomena presented by it. Now, during life and health the blood-vessels are always full of blood. Whatever artery or vein we examine it will never be found empty. It is true that the vessel is sometimes remarkably small in proportion to what it is found at other times, or to the correspond- ing vessel of another person ; yet, still, when examined it will prove to be, according to its size, full of fluid. For instance, the superficial veins of the arm are sometimes so small as to render it difficult to puncture them with the lancet; whereas at other times they show themselves in the form of thick blue ropes. But however small they may be they always preserve their cylindrical form ; and though sometimes not so large as a crow-quill, yet if punctured they will be found full of blood. The veins on the back of the hand will occasionally present very pro- minent cords when the member is allowed to hang down. While in this state, if the hand be raised above the level of the heart, so as to allow the fluid to gravitate towards that organ, the veins will be found to diminish immediately in size ; but the diminution will not be owing to their falling into a flat shape, as we see them after DAVIES ON PATHOLOGY AND SURGERY. death, for they will still present the cylindrical form, though the cylinders will be very small compared with their former size. The venous system is subject to this constant change of calibre in its several parts ; its power of adaptation, therefore, to the size of the column of blood within is very great. When the calibre of one part of it diminishes, that of some other part must necessarily in- crease in proportion, so as to make up for the diminution. These vessels are, of course, well adapted for the sudden changes which take place in them. Their structure is considerably more yielding than that of the arteries, yet it is sufficiently dense to enable them, when endowed with vitality, to preserve their cylindrical form un- der the ordinary pressure of the atmosphere. Now, we find this principle considerably modified in the coats of the arteries. The object of the veins is simply to return the blood to the heart; and whether more or less of it moves through one channel than another—whether a larger or a less proportion finds its passage through the superficial, or the deep seated veins—is per- fectly immaterial, so long as the right side of the heart receives its regular supply. In the arteries the case is different. Every branch of an artery conveys nourishment to some seat or other. Every twig is charged with the conveyance of all the materials requisite for the nutrition, secretion, and other functions connected with the seat which it goes to supply. This being the case, although the stoppage of the blood through a branch of an artery is not fatal to the part which it supplies, for nature has provided other means of conveying nutriment to it, still a limb would suffer great evil if changes in the calibre of its arteries were to take place so frequently and so suddenly as they do in its veins. When an artery of some size is obstructed, it is well known that some time must elapse be- fore the limb which it supplies recovers its natural warmth and healthy condition. It is therefore reasonable to expect that the arteries would be less liable to a sudden and rapid change of calibre than the veins. In truth such is the case. The ordinary change which the arteries undergo is the following: supposing the body to contain twenty pounds of blood : the arteries will be perfectly full—that is, every part of their inner coat will be in contact with the column of blood within : we abstract one pound of blood ; the arteries will still be ns full as before: we abstract two pounds more : yet not a portion —not a quarter of an inch—of the arterial tubes will be empty: we go on abstracting more and more ; nevertheless, if we examine any part of the arterial system, we shall find the vessels perfectly full, until the animal be actually dead from loss of blood. The vessels adapt themselves to the column of blood within them; and as the diameter of that column is reduced by abstraction, the dia- meter of the vessel also which contains it diminishes in the same proportion. On the other hand, as the mass of blood in the system undergoes an increase, the arteries will gradually enlarge, so as to allow it LOCAL PATHOLOGY. 17 sufficient space. They will not be in a state of forced distention, for the pressure of their contents will not be greater than if the fluid column were only half the diameter. The relation between the coats of the vessels and the blood will be the same whether the system contains forty pounds, or twenty. This property of the arteries we have proved, beyond the power of dispute, by repeated experiments. By a series of bleedings, at short intervals, allowing just time enough between them for the circulation to recover its equilibrium, the blood-vessels may be re- duced to so small a calibre as almost to render their canals imper- vious. This fact is so well known to butchers that their practice is entirely founded upon it in their mode of killing veal. By re- peated bleedings and starvation, for two or three days, almost every drop of blood may be abstracted from the animal at the last bleed- ing, and the flesh will be left bleached. When an animal is bled to death at once, life ceases to exist before the vessels have had time to adapt themselves to their contents. The disturbance is so sudden and so great that the inherent powers of all the organs are destroyed ; and, after a certain quantity of the vital fluid has es- caped, death ensues, leaving still a considerable portion of blood in the system. On the contrary, when intervals are left between the bleeding, so as to enable the vessels to modify their calibre, and suit themselves to their new relations, the animal will live with a very small portion of blood in its body. Then comes the enquiry, upon what does this remarkable pro- perty of the blood-vessels depend ? Does it depend upon the innate elasticity of their coats? The answer must be in the negative; for if the animal were bled to death at once, the circumference of the arteries would be found much greater after the cessation of life than it was immediately before death, when the blood has been abstracted by repeated bleedings. We must therefore seek for the cause of the property in something not essential to the vessels as mere ma- terial tubes. In a word, this property of contractility is conferred upon them by the principle of life, which resides in their coats and which regulates their functions as vital agents: We have already alluded to that principle in its relation to the heart, and have assigned to it the power by means of which the contraction of that organ takes place. One of its essential proper- ties, in alliance with the elastic tissues, is contractility. The heart expands by the force of its elastic structure, but it contracts by the force of its vital properties. The same properties, in a different modification, are recognised in the alimentary canal; in the urinary-bladder; thoracic duct, &c. If these several parts be examined in a living animal, the mind will become satisfied that the vital action or movement con- sists in contraction merely, and that the dilatation of the tube is caused by other agents. In the alimentary tube—take the large intestine as the best specimen—the dilatation of one portion is caused by the contraction of the portion immediately behind 18 DAVIES ON PATHOLOGY AND SURGERY. forcing on the contents. A long series of such contractions and dilatations incessantly succeed each other, and, generally speaking, the dilated portions are filled principally with gas, which appears to be the agent—in addition to the excrernentitious matter—em- ployed for the purpose of expanding the tube. The cavities of the different reservoirs are expanded by their fluid contents, in a measure opposed to both their inherent elasticity and vital contractility. For instance, if the bladder of an animal, when full of urine, be exposed, and a small puncture be made into it, as the urine escapes, the vessel contracts; which proves that not its vitality, but its contents, kept it in an expanded state. The tendency of its vital property is to cause it to contract; not to ex- pand. The arterial tunics are provided with other means of dilating their cavities. Their structure is of such a nature that, if either extended or compressed, as soon as the force which extended or compressed it is removed, it will instantly resume its former state. In other words, the coats of the vessels are endued with an elastic power which constantly tends to preserve their calibre of the same size. But, as in the heart, that power is opposed by another, capable, in some measure, of overcoming its effects. The difference appears to be, that in the heart its action is alternate with that dependent upon the elastic structure of the organ ; whereas in the arteries the contractile force is unceasingly in operation. We now come to the most important part of this subject. A ma- terial fact, which has been overlooked by physiologists, is, that the calibre of the arterial tubes is always below that point which would obtain if the vessels were allowed to submit to their innate elastic forces. Instead of obeying the laws of dead matter, and of remain- ing at that state at which their elastic medium would place them, they are forced to submit to the vital force of contractility, and thereby reduce their canals to some extent below that medium. This subject has been already discussed in another place. The present work will riot permit its being fully entered into. It must suffice to state generally, that experiments have proved the fact, that if an animal be gradually bled to death the arteries will reduce their calibres more and more, until their canals become, ultimately, almost obliterated; and that, when the animal has become actually dead, and has remained so for some time—sometimes longer and sometimes shorter—the vessels will again dilate and assume that state in which consists the medium of their elasticity as dead mat- ter, at which point they will afterwards remain. Moreover, the circumference of some of the principal arterial branches has been measured in animals from whom no blood had been previously abstracted; the animals were then killed, and the vessels injected without any force beyond that necessary to throw in the wax. In every instance where the experiment was accurately LOCAL PATHOLOGY. 19 and satisfactorily made, the vessels measured more after than before death. This remarkable property of the arteries increases in degree as we approach the extremities of the vessels. In the root of the aorta it. appears to be quiescent during the ordinary state of the circula- tion. On the contrary, as we stated before, that portion of the tube is forced somewhat beyond its medium of elasticity at every con- traction of the left ventricle. This must tend to soften the jerk caused by the sudden contraction of the heart upon the column of blood, and to modify the motion of the current. As the blood moves onward it enters into a more capacious chan- nel, and its velocity becomes less and less at every step, until, in the extreme branches, its motion is so slow that the jarring of the heart is not at all felt. The fluid glides on slowly and in an even stream, as may be seen with the microscope, and as is also proved when the skin is pricked. Now, independently of direct experiments, there are several ac- knowledged facts which prove the blood-vessels to be more capa- cious after death than during life. We have already noticed the practical knowledge of butchers, that an animal may be drained of nearly all its blood by slaughtering it by repeated bleedings, instead of by one bleeding. This can only happen by the vessels closing themselves, by means of their vital contractility, upon what re- mains of the blood after each abstraction. After death has occurred they are again expanded by the influence of their elastic property. When a ligature is applied to an artery the vessel beyond it will contract into a thin cord, and will become in time perfectly imper- vious. Again, we are well aware that when an artery of a moderate size is cut across, and left exposed, the bleeding soon ceases, in conse- quence of the circular contraction of the vessel, until, at last, only a little lymph is seen to ooze out. If the contraction depended upon its elasticity it would take place immediately on the vessel being divided. Moreover, it is a well known fact, that the vessels generally are not half full of blood after death. Why should that be the case ? During life they are quite full, as has been already stated. Is it that a great part of the blood has escaped, or is it that its vessels have become enlarged, that such a difference should be found to exist in the two states? It cannot be denied that some of the serum of the blood exudes through the coats of the vessels some hours after death, but that such a quantity as would be required t > fill up the vacancy observed in the arteries should escape in that manner is by no means probable. It will, perhaps, be asked, how is the fact to be accounted for, that the arteries empty themselves at the time of death, if they exert no propelling power on the blood? The reply is, that the arteries render no assistance to the heart as far as relieving that organ of 20 DAVIES ON PATHOLOGY AND SURGERY. any power which may be necessary to move the column of blood all the way round, from the left to the right side, is concerned. The organ is endued with sufficient power to do so without any aid. But when the action of the heart has ceased, there is then a small degree of power exerted by the vessels on their contents, and that force results from their vital contractility. It must be considered that the blood moves along a channel whose area is continually increasing ; and that, therefore, the ob- stacles to its motion are much less than if the tubes were of the same diameter throughout. Now, as death approaches, the blood first begins to meet with an obstruction in the lungs, owing to the failing of the respiratory functions. The left side of the heart, not receiving its regular supply of blood, acquires a quick but feeble action, which proceeds from little to less, until, at last, its move- ments entirely cease. During this time the arterial tubes are also deficiently supplied, and, according to that law which induces them to preserve their mutual relations with their contents, they gradually contract more and more as the heart’s action diminishes, until their canals become almost obliterated by the time that death actually takes place. By this slow and gradual contraction, and the channel gradually increasing in area, from the root of the aorta to the utmost extent of its branches, the gentle pressure of the coats of the vessels on the blood induces it to move forward towards the capillaries. But when death has actually ensued the coats expand again, by the elasticity of their structure, and present, on examina- tion, the appearance of large empty tubes. To sum up this part of the subject, we may conclude; 1st. That the contraction of the heart depends upon a vital cause ; but that its expansion is owing to the natural elasticity of its structure. 2d. That no motion takes place in the arteries calculated to pro- pel the blood forward. That the heart is the sole agent which moves the blood through the arteries, and that the latter are mere passive tubes as far as the circulation is concerned. 3d. That the pulse depends solely upon the contraction of the left ventricle ; that it is simultaneous in every part of the body, corresponding to the action of the heart, and that the arteries them- selves possess no power of pulsating. 4th. That the only mechanical motion connected with the arte- ries is a gradual contraction, dependent upon their vital contrac- tility, and a gradual dilatation, dependent upon their elasticity, so as to enable them to adapt themselves to the quantity of blood which they contain at the time. 5th. That the diameter of all the arterial branches is smaller during life than after death : that, during the former state, their contractile property retains their calibre below their medium of elasticity, but that, when the vital principle has actually forsaken their coats, they acquire that medium, by the elastic force of their structure. LOCAL PATHOLOGY. 21 On the Pathology of Inflammation. The elements of inflammation, from Celsus down to the present time, have been considered to be pain, heat, redness, and swelling. That the disease is generally attended by these marks cannot be denied, but, according to the pathology of the present day, ap- pearances called inflammation are often seen in parts after death where two. at any rate, of the elements have been unobserved du- ring life. We shall first consider the two last of the four essentials above mentioned, namely, the redness and swelling which are presented to the eye and feel of the observer by a seat undergoing the process of inflammation. That the redness of the part is owing to the quantity of blood contained in it, cannot be doubted, and, we believe, has not been disputed ; but the question is, by what pathological process does the part acquire the increased quantity? Some will answer, “ by an increased action of its arteries;” while others again will maintain that the disturbance is caused by “ increased action of the heait while some will attribute all the mischief to the “irritability of the nerves.” That the arteries do not act in the way generally supposed, has been already shown. They do not do so even in their principal branches ; much less do they at their extremities. In the smaller vessels the blood glides on in a smooth and even stream, and pre- sents no appearance of being pushed about by the action of the arteries; nor does it seem to suffer any of the shock by which it was first put in motion. But supposing the arteries did act as represented: how could they, by that means, increase the quantity of blood in the inflamed part? In the first place, the arteries could dispose of no more blood than was supplied to them by the heart; and, in the second place, an increased action of the arteries of a part, far from tending to augment the quantity of blood in it, would necessarily tend to diminish that quantity. The quicker they acted the faster the fluid would be driven on to the veins, and, instead of presenting an appearance of redness, the part ought to put on a paler aspect than natural. How an increased action of the heart can determine more blood, in proportion, to one part than to another, it is difficult to under- stand. The left ventricle of the heart contracts and throws out its contents into the aorta ; this quantum is pushed on by another dis- charge from behind, and the same thing goes on in uninterrupted succession. This is all the mechanical influence which the organ exerts on the blood. Now, we frequently find one leg of a person inflamed while the other is healthy; but how can the heart direct more blood to one leg than to the other ? When the organ has dis- charged the blood into the aorta, it has done with it. It cannot, therefore, be the agent which distributes or apportions the fluid to 22 DAVIES OX PATHOLOGY AND SURGERY. the different parts of the body. If we could suppose the whole body to be in a state of inflammation, we might then, by a stretch of the imagination, suppose the increased action of the heart to be the cause of it; but the notion that the heart can produce a greater determination of blood than natural to a particular part is inconsis- tent with possibility. All obscure phenomena are generally attributed to causes equally obscure—upon the principle, probably, that inasmuch as two nega- tives will make a positive, so ought two obscurities to make one transparency. The functions of the capillaries are but little under- stood : their properties, and the mode by which they perform those functions, are still less so ; consequently, various effects, which could not be otherwise accounted for, have been attributed to them. They have been supposed to be the agents which relieve the arte- ries of their contents at the time of death, and in order to be able to perform that office they have had various imaginary properties conferred on them. By some they have been supposed to act their part by suction : others have thought attraction to be the means employed for the accomplishment of the object; but whether they act by means of the one or the other of these properties, or by any other property, it is certain that physiologists have relied greatly upon the aid of these diminutive giants for the accomplishment of phenomena for which they could not otherwise account. As a yrima facie proof that the arteries are not exhausted of their contents by any power of suction, or of attraction, in the ca- pillaries, the greater part of the blood after death is found to have passed quite through them, into the veins. The capillaries of the skin contain scarcely any blood after death in ordinary cases, and those of other seats much less than they do during life, in propor- tion to the quantity in the system. If the capillaries exerted an attractive power on the blood the consequence would be, that the fluid would move towards them from both sides, that is, both from the arterial and venous sides, and the capillaries themselves would be found to form the centre of the mass. Even if their relations were with the arterial blood only, the greater part of the fluid must be found in their immediate neighbourhood if any attractive influ- ence existed between the two. The same would be the case if they could by possibility be supposed to exert a power of suction on it. But we find the blood principally in the veins, as before stated, and in the pulmonary artery, having passed quite through the supposed seat of attraction. A power of suction must presume a vacuum in the capillary vessels, and a degree of atmospheric pressure on the arterial tubes sufficient to compress their parietes, so as to push on the fluid within. What is there in the mechanism and structure of the ca- pillaries calculated to enable them to cause a vacuum? While the blood is circulating, the capillary tubes are full of fluid, and, while in this state, it is evident that they can exert no power of suction on the rest of the mass. Even if we suppose them empty—which LOCAL PATHOLOGY. 23 would be supposing a thing which can hardly happen—still they must possess some innate power of expansion, so as to create a vacuum within, before any effect could be produced upon the blood in their neighbourhood. We know of no such power connected with the capillary tubes. Indeed, we know of no inherent power of expansion in any of the tissues, except that dependent upon the elasticity of their structure. A power of suction in the capillaries must also, as stated, pre- sume a degree of atmospheric pressure on the arterial system suffi- cient to compress the coats of the vessels and to diminish the dia- meter of their tubes. Now, that the pressure of the atmosphere on the arteries, as well as on all other parts of the body, except the interior of the skull and of the cylindrical bones, is very considerable, no one can dispute. It is, in fact, equal to about, fifteen pounds to every square inch of surface. It is also true that by relieving a part from some of that pressure—for instance, by the application of an exhausted cupping- glass—the arteries will expand very considerably, and the part im- mediately acquires a greater influx of blood. But it must be borne in mind that this is not the natural state of the part. The circum- stances under which it is placed by the application of the exhausted glass are different from those under which nature intended it should exist. Under the ordinary pressure of the atmosphere the arteries will maintain a certain calibre. If the pressure be increased by any extraordinary weight—by standing up to the neck in water for instance—their diameter will necessarily diminish. If, on the other hand, the weight be reduced—as by the application of an exhausted glass—their diameter will increase. As the arteries, therefore, are destined to bear the ordinary pres- sure of the atmosphere on the surface of the globe without under- going a change of calibre; and as this pressure is equal on all the surface of the body, and on the internal parts, through the medium of the soft structure—on the capillary tubes as well as on the arterial branches—it is evident that it can contribute no share whatever towards forwarding the blood from the trunks towards the extremities of the arterial system. With regard to capillary attraction being the cause of preter- natural determination of blood to a part, it may be said that this cause, if it existed, ought to act at all times the same. It ought to act in one part as well as in another. What can make the capil- laries of an inflamed leg more attractive than those of the other leg? We shall not enquire at present what share the nerves may exer- cise in producing the phenomena of inflammation; but it must be clear to every one that they can exert no mechanical influence on the blood. They may, or may not, conduce to modify the vitality of the vessels, so as to induce them to put on those appearances which they exhibit in an inflamed part, but the nerves cannot, as direct agents, attract the blood from one part to another. 24 DAVIES ON PATHOLOGY AND SURGERY. All those causes failing to account for the mechanical phenomena —that is, the redness and swelling—of inflammation, it becomes necessary to seek for some other causes which, so far as we are acquainted, have not yet been pointed out by authors. Physiology is a science applicable to living bodies alone; no theory, therefore, which does not take into its estimate the proper- ties of life can be founded on facts. A living body is endued with all the qualities of dead matter. It possesses form, solidity, weight, colour, extension, and all other properties which are capable of being recognised by the organs of sense. Its elements are also subject to chemical laws, like those of the rest of the material world; and by the new combinations into which they may enter, and the new relations which they may form with one another in the order of causation, either parts or the whole of the ma- terial fabric may undergo extensive changes in constitution. But living bodies possess some properties in addition to those common to matter in general, and these are the properties which stamp their character, and which distinguish them from dead matter. It will be asked, perhaps, what do these properties consist in? In reply it can only be said that they are to be recognised from their phenomena or effects in union with tangible matter—or, in a phy- siological sense, in relation with the materials of which the body is composed—but so far as the essence or principle upon which they immediately depend is concerned, it would be extraneous to the object of this work to institute any enquiry. Those who feel curiosity respecting such speculations are referred to the essays already alluded to. The properties of life manifest themselves in their alliance with particular seats or organs only. In a word, all the phenomena which an organ is proved to produce during life, and which it is incapable of producing after death, are fairly attributable to the vital properties connected with it. During life the liver will pro- duce bile: after death it will not do so. Now, as we know, at any rate assume, bile to be manufactured from the blood, and as we call that species of change “secretion,” we have a right to infer that the vital properties of the liver confer the power of secretion on that organ. In the stomach it is the same: in the kidney, the pan- creas, the salivary glands, &c., it is again the same: yet, still, it must not be forgotten that the “secretion” is special—that it is differently modified—in every secreting organ. Again, life manifests itself in the nerves by the phenomenon of sensation. A dead nerve will not feel, though perfect so far as structure is concerned. In connection with nervous matter, then, the vital principle is the agent of sensibility, and the phenomenon resulting from the alliance of the two is sensation. Moreover, if we examine—as we have already partly done—the properties of life in their relations with the elastic tissues, we shall find invariably that the phenomenon presented by the union of the two is contraction. This being the case, we are justified in in- 25 LOCAL PATHOLOGY. ferring that nature destined the vital properties of these tissues to be those of contractility. In this class of tissues may be placed the heart, the arteries, the veins, the absorbents, the alimentary canal, the urinary and gall bladders, the ducts of the secretory glands, the uterus, &c., in all of which contraction is the vital function, and the opposing notion, namely, dilatation, as before observed, depends either upon the innate elasticity of the structure, or upon the internal pressure of the contents of the vessel. In the arteries, as well as in every distinct seat, the vital properties are modified of such a nature as to suit them for the peculiar office which the vessels have to perform. In the heart they manifest themselves by a quick and sudden contraction ; in the arterial tubes, on the contrary, the contraction is slow and gradual, and, during perfectly healthy state, uniform in proportion throughout the whole arterial system. The tubes are always full: if a pound of blood be abstracted, the vessels adapt themselves closely to the remainder: when the mass of blood increases, by the sudden absorption of liquids from the alimentary canal, or by the gradual augmentation of the circulating fluid, the calibre of the tubes, on the contrary, enlarges, so as still to suit them to the increased diameter of the column. This dilatation is caused by the contractile or vital pro- perties giving way to the innate elastic force of the tunics, in a manner analogous to that of the dilatation of the heart after the contraction of its ventricles has ceased. We may infer that the arteries are never filled up to the point constituting their medium of elasticity; and that such a state of plenitude could not exist, not only compatibly with health, but even with life. The power of adaptation to the quantity of their contents in- creases in a progressive ratio as we trace the tubes from the root of the aorta towards the capillaries. In the extreme branches of the arterial system the range of change in the area in the channels is very considerable. We sometimes witness a transient blush over- spread the pallid face. In such a case it is probable that the diameter of the vessels doubles itself at least. But their dilatation is often only momentary: their contractile properties soon resume their power: their calibre decreases; and the redness” entirely dis- appears in a few minutes. In an inflamed part the mechanism is precisely the same; but the cause is different, and the eflrect, being according to the nature of the cause, is more permanent. In a work intended to lead to practical results it would be in- consistent to enter intoany the oretical speculations respecting the immediate or proximate cause of these phenomena. With regard to the phenomena themselves, and the properties of the different tissues upon which our remarks have been made, any one may satisfy himself who will take the trouble to examiue the facts, and to bestow a moment’s reflection upon them. It is sufficient, in this place, to state, that there exists a certain vital relation between the blood-vessels and their contents, which enables them to adapt them- selves to each other, and to maintain a regular proportion between 26 DAVIES ON PATHOLOGY AND SURGERY. the one and the other. Whether the vital properties be immediately and solely connected with the nervous fibrils, or with some other particular tissue, or whether they pervade all the coats of the vessels, does not come within the province of enquiry at present; for it is enough to know the fact that certain phenomena are mani- fested by certain tissues and certain organs in a vital state, which those tissues and organs are incapable of exhibiting in a state of death. Now, in the case of blushing, it is often that the face alone assumes increased redness. It may be asked, how do the aiterial branches of one part only of the body manage to acquire more blood than their due proportion? The heart pumps out the fluid equally for the benefit of all the branches. The power, therefore, of causing the disproportion must reside in the arteries themselves. Then conies the question—the most important question—by what process, or by what means, do the arteries of one seat succeed in obtaining more than their proportionate share of blood? The answer is short and clear—simply and solely by e7ilarging their diameters or calibres in that seat. We have already proved that the arteries are mere passive tubes so far as the movement of the blood is concerned: that they are never in a state of forced distension, although it is quite possible that they may sometimes contain more blood than is compatible with health: that they do not pulsate: that their calibres are always below the point constituting the medium of their elasticity as material bodies: that their only mechanical movement consists in a gradual diminution and a gradual dilatation of their canals, so as to fit them to the diminution and increase of the mass of blood: that the range of this movement extends downward from that point which forms the medium of their elasticity, to an almost obliteration of their canals: that the movement is regulated by two distinct and different causes, namely, the diminution of calibre by vital contractility—a property connected with the life of the vessels, and the augmentation of calibre by elasticity—a property depend- ent on the peculiar structure of the arterial coats. When these properties of the arteries are considered, it is easy to conceive that the contractile force may vary in degree in different seats. We may again refer to the case of blushing, where a sudden mental emotion causes a temporary reduction of the contractile power, so as to allow the vessels to expand by the force of their elastic property, and admit into their canals more than their pro- portionate share of blood. Soon, however, the contractile force returns; the vessels resume their natural calibre; the circulation is equalised throughout the system, and the local seat loses its “redness” and recovers its natural hue. Now, if the cause were different—if it were of such a nature as to weaken permanently the contractile power of the vessels—more especially if it totally destroyed that power—then the vessels would be incapable of resuming their natural diameters; an undue pro- LOCAL PATHOLOGY. 27 portion of blood would constantly exist in them; the seat of the disturbance would present the appearance of redness, and some degree of swelling, and furnish all the characters of incipient In- flammation. In a word, the visible and tangible characters of inflammation depend entirely and solely upon an undue enlargement of the capillary extremities of the arteries. The enlargement may, and often does, extend some distance towards the larger branches, but its origin is invariably in the capillary tubes, and its extension takes place by continuity along the vessels. This enlargement enables them, as a matter of course, to hold more blood than the quantity naturally or proportionally belonging to them; which circumstance is the cause of the “redness” of the inflamed part. Owing to the increased calibre of myriads of minute vessels, and, consequently, to their containing more blood than usual, the seat of disease presents, as a matter of necessity, the character of “swelling;” which is very properly laid down as another element of inflammation. But, after a time, the swelling takes on a differ- ent character, and is dependent upon a very different cause. The capillary tubes, having lost their contractile property, and their substance having, consequently, become relaxed and their parietes become thinner, allow some of the more serous portion of the blood to ooze through, the albumen of which coagulates in the interstitial spaces of the inflamed part, and gives rise to a more durable “swelling” than that by which the disease was distinguished in its more incipient stage. We shall not, in this place, enquire into the cause of animal heat, for it would be foreign to the intention of this work. It may be stated as a general fact, but not without exceptions, that the heat of a part bears some proportion to the quantity of blood it contains. It is possible that the heat of an inflamed part may be sometimes greater than that of the blood in the great arterial trunks ; but the facts we possess are not sufficient to decide that point. It is undeniable that the temperature of the blood is, in general, higher in the trunks than in the extremities of the vessels. Now, as there is an undue accumulation of blood in an inflamed part, it is natural, according to the above fact, that there should also be an increased accumula- tion of “heat.” Another fact may likewise be noticed, which we shall point out more particularly by-and-by, namely, that the mo- tion of the blood is very slow in a seat undergoing the process of inflammation, so that more time is allowed for the fluid to disen- gage its caloric than in the ordinary course of the circulation in the same seat. There are, therefore, two physical causes to account for the augmented temperature in the seat of inflammation ; which are, first, a superabundance of the fluid vehicle, charged with the distribution of heat; and, second, the diminished velocity of that fluid in the inflamed part, thereby allowing more time for the ex- trication of its caloric. With regard to the influence of the nerves in the production of 28 DAVIES ON PATHOLOGY AND SURGERY. increased heat, we deny not the fact; nor do we, on the contrary, fully acknowledge it. If it be a fact, it can only be stated as such ; for by what means the nerves are capable of raising the tempera- ture of a part has not yet been explained. It may be casually re- marked, that the mere sensation of heat in a part is not always a proof of increased temperature when tested by the thermometer. We now come to the consideration of the remaining element of inflammation, namely, “ pain.” What is pain? What are its re- lations? Has it any tangible properties? Is it a physical entity, forming a link in the chain of causation ? Or is it a mental, im- material essence, which cannot be analysed. Nature appears to have endowed every being with a disposition to preserve its identity. Why she should have done so, it would not be a very profitable employment of time to enquire, for the enquiry could lead to no satisfactory result. It is sufficient to know, that from a drop of dew on the cabbage leaf, lip to the “ lord of the creation” himself, there reside in the being an innate disposi- tion to self-existence, and an inherent and unceasing effort to self- preservation. The drop of dew, or a drop of quicksilver, or a piece of chalk, or a crystal of Glauber’s salts, or a rose tree, or an insect, or man himself, will, one and all, resist a change of form and a dissolution of identity of the being until subjected to some cause stronger than that by means of which the identity is pre- served. Now it would be a mere useless speculation to argue the point, as to whether inanimate bodies, or even vegetables, suffer any thing analogous to pain in the transition from one state to another; but pain appears to be an almost—we may say, in a strict philo- sophical sense, absolutely—essential attendant on the change of form—that is, on the process of death—in animal bodies. It pre- cedes the actual dissolution or the change of identity of the being, and is probably intended to warn him of the existence, or the approach, of causes inimical to him. This property, like every other recognised in the animal body, is in alliance with a certain organisation or special tissue. The pain is a nullity in the seat of the inflammation, and can only be developed in its full character by its communication with the brain. It may be said that pain is an effect, composed of elements : that it is no pain without the combination of all its elements: that these are derived partly from the brain, and partly from the seat of dis- ease: that the three other elements of inflammation may exist in combination without “pain,” unless a direct nervous communica- tion subsists between the seat of disease and the brain ; and that, on the contrary, pain can have no existence in the absence of all derangement of some part of the body. Pain, then, is a vital effect —an effect peculiar to living bodies—resulting from the combina- tion of causes derived partly from the seat of derangement and partly from the brain. It is an index implanted by nature to warn the individual that there is something wrong in the economy— LOCAL PATHOLOGY. 29 that causes are in operation, which, if not neutralised by other causes, may lead to a change of identity. We must now return, in order to account for some physical phe- nomena, which have only been yet casually noticed, connected with inflammation. The exciting causes of inflammation are many and various, and are very different in their nature; but the proximate cause, or, more properly speaking, the mechanical condition of the extreme vessels of the inflamed part, is the same in every case. The excit- ing cause may be mechanical, such as the prick of a pin ; the laceration of the soft parts ; a blow from a heavy body ; an inci- sion by a sharp instrument, &c.: or, it may be chemical, such as the effect of corrosive acids, or other caustic substances ; the effect of intense caloric ; of irritating substances, either animal or vege- table, which have the property of removing the cuticle, &c.: or it may be of that nature which, for want of a more determinate term, may be called vital—that is, the cause may consist in the relation or operation of agents conveyed to the part through the medium of the blood, or some other vehicle, which agents are not cognisable by our senses : in other words, our means of examination are not sufficiently perfect to enable us to obtain a precise knowledge of their nature. But, notwithstanding the great variety of causes which may con- duce to give existence to those phenomena which, according to the pathology of the present day, when combined in the same seat, are called “inflammation,” the invariable effect of all of them on the capillary vessels is to diminish the contractile poioer of those ves- sels, so as to enable them to give way to the elastic force of their structure, and to the increased pressure of the blood within them, which increase, as we shall presently show, is a necessary conse- quence of their altered condition. As this subject is of the first importance, and as we are anxious that our views should be well understood, in order, if correct, that they may be generally adopted, or in order, if erroneous, that they may be refuted, we must be permitted to enlarge a little on it here. As the arteries are mere passive tubes in the function of circula- tion, the motion of the blood through them must necessarily obey the same laws as the motion of fluid in inanimate tubes similarly constructed. Lt is influenced by gravitation ; by atmospheric pres- sure, to the extent already stated ; by the increasing and decreasing area of the different parts of the channels along which the fluid moves; by the number and degrees of the angles which it meets in its course; by the friction caused by its contact with its conducting tubes, and by other causes which influence the motion of fluids in confined canals. As the heart forces the blood forward, by vis a tergo, into the canal of the arteries, it must follow that it will find its way in equal proportions into all the arterial branches in their ordinary or natu- ral state. The proportion must, of course, be calculated from the 30 DAVIES ON PATHOLOGY AND SURGERY. diameter of the arterial trunk and all its branches. The velocity of the fluid in all the system, as well as the quantity of it moving through every branch, will maintain its due proportion as long as the tubes are in their natural and healthy state. The quantity passing through each arterial branch will be according to the size of that branch, allowing for the difference in the angles of the dif- ferent vessels. It is necessary to distinguish between velocity and quantity of motion. Velocity of motion may be the same in one drop of fluid as in a gallon, and so may the quantity; but before the two can be equal the drop must move 61440 times faster than the gallon. If we suppose the drop and the gallon to pass through equal space in equal time, their velocity will be equal; but as the gallon contains 6L440 times the quantity of fluid which the drop does, the quan- tity of motion in the gallon will be that number of times greater than in the single drop. Quantity, in a word, is made up of the velocity and weight of the moving body ; whereas velocity regards the time only which a body occupies in moving through a given space, and has no relation to the weight of that body. Now, if fluid be forced, or be allowed to flow, through a tube varying in diameter in different parts, the velocity of its motion will also vary in exact proportion to the variation of the diameter of the canal in which it moves ; still the quantity of fluid which will pass through every inch of the length of the canal in a given time will be precisely the same. Where the tube is narrower the velocity will be greater, and where the tube is larger the velocity will be less; but the diminished velocity will be made up in the increased diameter of the column of fluid in the wider parts. If we suppose such a tube to vary even fifty times in its diameter in the course of its length, any quantity of fluid moving through it, sup- posing it to be full, will pass in equal time through every inch of its length. In the narrower parts, the velocity will be great, but the diameter of the column will be small : in the wider parts, the velocity will be slow, but the diameter of the column will be great; so that the result will be, that precisely the same quantity will be discharged at one end as will have entered at the other. If we suppose the diameter of the aorta to be equal to two, and that of its branches collectively to be equal to four, it will follow that, as all the blood injected into the former must pass through the latter, so its velocity in the former will be double that in the latter. But, as a strike off against the rapidity of movement in the aorta, the column of blood in the branches collectively will be double that in the trunk. Thus, if we add the diameter of the column in the trunk to its velocity, the product will be the quan- tity of motion: if again we add the diameter of the column in the extreme branches to the velocity with which the blood moves in them, the product will be the same in both—we shall have the same quantity. In a word, the velocity will bear an inverse pro- portion to the diameter; whereas the quantity that will move LOCAL PATHOLOGY. 31 through any given space in a given time will be the same in every part, notwithstanding the variation in the diameter of the different parts of the tube. A necessary consequence that must follow from the above facts is, that the quantity of fluid existing at any time in a wider portion of the tube must be greater than that existing in a narrower portion of the same length. If we suppose an aneurism of the trunk of the aorta, for instance, it is evident that more blood is contained in the aneurismal sac than in any other portion of the vessel of equal length ; but it is equally evident that not a larger quantity of blood can pass through the sac in a given time, than through a space of the same length in another part of the tube; because the amount discharged at the distal side must be just equal to that which en- tered at the proxymal side of the aneurism. In the same manner, as the diameter of the capillary branches collectively is very considerably greater than that of the root of the aorta, so the quantity of blood actually existing in every inch of their length, collectively, must be, even in their natural and healthy state, incalculably greater than that contained in an inch of the aorta. But in proportion as the area of the channel increases, so does the velocity of the motion decrease, until, towards the extreme ends of the tubes, the fluid glides on at a comparatively very slow rate. Owing to the elasticity of the fluid column, and to the slight yielding of the walls of the canal, the effect of the jarring action of the heart is entirely lost in the extreme branches of the system. The motion is even, and extremely slow, so as to allow time for the new relations into which the blood enters before its return by the veins. From the foregoing facts it must follow, that, if the calibre of any one or more of the capillary branches should become enlarged from any cause, whether that enlargement be temporary or perma- nent, during the time of its continuance that branch or branches will contain more blood than their due proportion, according to the natural and healthy state. Another necessary consequence of the enlargement will be a diminution of velocity in the motion of the fluid through the enlarged branch or branches. This is the exact condition of the capillaries in a seat undergoing the process of inflammation. The contractile power of one or more of the ex- treme vessels is reduced, or sometimes destroyed, by some cause— the causes, as stated before, may be very various and dissimilar in their physical nature ;—the vessel then obeys the elastic force of its coats, and expands: the column of blood within, immediately, as a matter of course, augments its diameter; its velocity diminishes in the inverse ratio of its increased diameter, and the part presents all the physical phenomena of inflammation. It is clear that the exciting or morbific cause may act upon a narrower or upon a wider scale. For any thing we know to the contrary, it may sometimes consist in a mere obstruction in the extremity of one of the capillary tubes, thereby giving rise to the 32 DAVIES ON PATHOLOGY AND SURGERY. commencement of the derangement; which derangement may extend to the tubes in the immediate neighbourhood of the ob- structed vessel, and augment in degree as the extension increases. If such a cause ever exists its action must be mechanical, in the first instance, in its nature, like that of an external wound. It is probable that inflammation thus occasioned, in an otherwise healthy constitution, would be of a phlegmonous character ; and it might extend by continuity of vessels over an extensive seat, as the dis- ease often does when proceeding from an external wound. Or the cause may be of such a nature as to act upon a considerable num- ber of tubes at once, and reduce, or totally destroy, according to its degree, their contractile powers. Such a cause would have its relations with the vital department of the vessels, and would modify, or entirely neutralise, the vital properties upon which their contractility depends. It may be supposed to be conveyed through the medium of the blood; and as it must be admitted that the vital properties of all the seats or tissues are differently modified, so we may easily conceive the morbific cause or principle to be capable of passing through various seats or tissues without forming any alliance with them, and yet to form a relation with another tissue to which it bears an affinity, and with which it may be brought into contact in the course of circulation. If such a cause be admitted, it may be inferred that the inflammation resulting from its opera- tion would be of an erysipelatous character. But these specula- tive views may be either rejected or adopted, according to the reader’s own fancy. Whatever the nature of the cause may be, the mechanical condi- tion of the capillaries is the same in kind in every species of inflam- mation. When the disease is slight, the enlargement of the vessels is not considerable, any more than the proportional quantity of blood contained in them. The velocity of its movement, also, is not much diminished. But, when the vessels have been entirely deprived of their contractile force, the enlargement proceeds to the utmost limit to which the vessels are capable of extending. The motion of the blood ceases; the fluid coagulates, and the inflamed part dies. An approach to this state of things, depending upon the same physical cause, takes place in almost every large aneurismal sac; the velocity of the blood through the enlarged space is so greatly diminished, compared with the rest of the vessel, that a part of the fluid coagulates in its cavity. When the vessels have exceeded their natural calibre they be- come subject to another mechanical cause, whose constant tendency is to enlarge them more and more. It is well known that, according to the laws of hydrostatics, fluid contained in vessels presses equally in all directions. The absolute pressure on the containing vessel will be in proportion to the ex- tent of surface exposed to the fluid. The same rule holds good with regard to the arteries. The heart propels the blood into the aorta with a certain force: that force exerts a pressure on the LOCAL PATHOLOGY. 33 internal surface of the arteries according to the extent of that sur- face—that is, the pressure is so much to every square inch, or the square of any other measurement, according to the degree of force. In the healthy state of the arteries, the thickness and strength of their coats are proportionate to the diameter of the vessels; the pressure is therefore in equal ratio throughout their whole course. For instance, an inch in length of the aorta presents a much larger surface to the blood than an inch in length of the radial artery: so does an inch in length of the radial expose to the fluid a surface considerably larger than an inch of a capillary tube; so that, as the sum of pressure is in proportion to the extent of surface exposed to the fluid, it must follow that the force exerted on an inch in length of the aorta is very considerably greater than that exerted on the same length of tube towards the arterial extremities. But, in order to secure the safety of the vessels, the coats of the trunk and larger branches are made much thicker and stronger than those of the extreme ramifications. It will appear clear, from the above facts, that, when the capacity of the capillaries in any seat becomes preternaturally or dispropor- tionally enlarged, the pressure of the fluid within them will in- crease in the same proportion as the enlargement. The pressure is according to the square of the surface, and if, instead of present- ing a surface equal to 1, the vessels in their state of preternatural enlargement or inflammation present a surface equal to 3, the force exerted on their parietes will, of course, be three times that which is natural to them. The tendency, as well as the general conse- quence, of this increased pressure must be, it is evident, to increase their calibre still more; and the greater the preternatural expan- sion, the greater will be the force tending to augment it. We may refer again to an aneurismal sac in illustration of this principle. A small or incipient aneurism, is, comparatively, slow in its growth, because, at its commencement, its diameter is not much larger than that of the tube in which it is situated; conse- quently, the pressure upon its parietes does not materially exceed that on an equal length of the rest of the tube. As, however, the sac enlarges, the pressure equally increases, and the proportion which originally existed between this part of the tube and the other parts becomes less and less. Having acquired a certain size, the aneurism grows rapidly, because the force within it increases with its growth. When the sac is of a certain size, let us suppose there to be a given pressure on its internal surface; when that surface has doubled in extent, the pressure will also double in amount; so that, at this point, the sac will have twice the tendency to enlarge that it had when only half the size. The enlargement and the tendency to enlarge increase in a regular proportion. The contractile force of the arteries must be considered as differ- ing in degree in different individuals, in different parts of the same individual, and in the same individual at different times. In this respect it is analogous to every vital property of which we possess 34 DAVIES ON PATHOLOGY AND SURGERY. any knowledge. For instance, the liver secretes more regularly in one individual than in another; and the bile is more healthy in the same individual at one period than at another. Moreover, the secretion of the liver may be normal, and that of the kidney ab- normal, in the same individual at the same time. In like manner, absorption may be deficient in the peritoneal cavity, and efficient in the cavity of the pleura, of the same person. In fact, the ana- logy is derived from every vital function in the body. The above fact, applied to the capillary vessels, will account for the degree or intensity of the inflammation of any seat. The cause which acts in producing the disturbance of the equilibrium may be of such a nature as merely to weaken the contractile force of the tubes in the smallest degree; or it may be such as totally to destroy that force. Between these two points there are various degrees; and, as a consequence, the inflammation may present various degrees of intensity. Although the least degree of expansion increases the tendency to a greater expansion, by reason of the augmented pressure within the tubes, yet there exists a provision, on the other hand, in the constitution of the vessels themselves, which acts in opposing the effects of that increased pressure. It must be borne in mind that the contractile power of the tubes serves to maintain their calibre at all times below that which would obtain if the elastic force were allowed its full play. It is evident that the more the calibre is reduced below the point of the medium of elasticity, the greater will be the resistance offered by the elastic power of the structure. The tendency to expand in the coats of the vessels—leaving out of consideration the pressure of the blood—diminishes as the expan- sion advances towards the medium of elasticity; so that the resist- ance to the contractile force becomes less and less as the calibre enlarges. The result must be, that, if the cause of the derangement be of such a nature as only to weaken the contractile power in a small degree, though the remaining power may not be able to retain the calibre in its normal state, yet, as its opposing force— namely, the elasticity—progressively decreases as the tubes expand, the power of contractility which remains may be sufficiently strong to prevent the expansion from extending very far. It will, perhaps, be argued against all the foregoing views, that the capillary vessels of an inflamed part are felt to pulsate very strongly, therefore there must be an increased action of the vessels themselves ; that the large branches running towards the inflamed seat beat much stronger than natural; and that the heart itself often partakes of the disturbance. That the pulsation felt in the inflamed part is sometimes strong, cannot be denied. For instance, in a case of whitlow of the fore- finger, or of inflammation of the hand, the inflamed seat is felt to throb strongly, and the pulse in the radial artery is found much stronger than natural. But these facts are easily accounted for without attributing any pulsating action to the vessels themselves. 35 LOCAL PATHOLOGY. If the radial artery, or any one of its larger branches, were to be exposed, in such a case no motion whatever would be seen in its coats. Now, the strength of the pulse in an artery, as a general rule, is in proportion to the size or diameter of the vessel. The brachial beats much stronger than the radial; the femoral stronger than the anterior tibial, where it passes over the instep ; the common carotid stronger than the temporal, &c. In fact, whatever artery be felt, there will be found a regular proportion between the size of the vessel and the strength of the pulse; and it may be stated that all other peculiarities in the pulse depend upon the action of the heart. We have then observed that the diameters of the vessels in an inflamed part are considerably increased in some cases, and that there is an augmentation of their calibre in every instance. In some instances, as in inflammation of the cornea of the eye, vessels which usually do not admit the red globules of the blood become equal to small needles in diameter, and present a red, arborescent appearance. This occasionally takes place even when the inflam- mation is not what is termed “ very high” in degree; and the phe- nomena attending the disease in this peculiar tissue will furnish us with some idea of the increased diameter assumed by the capilla- ries in seats whose texture will more readily yield to the expansion of their coats. The phenomenon of pulsation in an inflamed seat depends upon the enlargement of myriads of vessels which are too small, in the healthy state, to impart to the finger the effect of the stroke of the heart, but which, in their state of enlargement, com- municate the effect of the jar, as all other arteries of a similar diameter do. In consequence of this preternatural state, or preter- natural enlargement, of the capillaries, if we place the hand on the seat of inflammation, we, of course, feel a regular and sometimes strong pulsation, upon precisely the same principle as we do in a larger vessel, namely, in consequence of the impression we produce in the arterial coats by the very means we use in feeling them— that is, the pressure of the fingers. This subject may be illustrated by facts connected with certain tumours; with what are called “erectile tissues;” with nsevi ; with the gravid uterus, &c. In some sarcomatous tumours the arteries are found remarkably large, and they will communicate the feel of a very strong pulsation to a finger placed on them ; yet the arterial connection of the tumour with the part on which it grows is sometimes so slight that the new growth may be removed without the slightest risk of hemorrhage. The fact is, that the arteries of the healthy part in the neighbourhood of the tumour have only slightly enlarged, and the pulse, if felt in them, would be of a strength similar to that of any other artery of the same size. But these are in connection with the arteries of the tumour: the column of blood is continuous through them into the latter vessels: the vessels of the new growth are very considerably larger than those immediately connecting it with the part in which it is situ- 36 ated: they bear a similar relation to the latter as an aneurism does to the artery to which it is attached: in consequence of their great size, of the column of blood being continuous between them and the heart, and of the .pressure of the fluid within them being in proportion to the surface exposed to it—the resistance, in other words, the “pulse,”—is felt, as a matter of course, very strong if the finger be placed on them. In a similar manner, the vessels of a naevus, whether arteries or veins, are very considerably larger than those which connect them to the general vascular system. So are likewise those of the gravid uterus. The strength of the pulse in each, and all, of them will be proportionate to the diameter of the artery at the point where it is felt, whether the vessel be connected by a small or a large branch to the general arterial system. The derangement which gives rise to the inflammation may be very limited in extent, as may be noticed from the prick of a needle; or very extensive, as often occurs from lacerated or punc- tured wounds, or in what is commonly called “spontaneous in- flammation.” When the cause is slight, the extent of the derange- ment is generally limited, and all the phenomena are slight. It is seldom, or never, that the inflamed part can be circumscribed by a distinct line of demarcation. Generally, the enlargement of the capillaries ends imperceptibly in the normal diameter of the branches with which they are continuous. At other times, the augmented calibre extends to some of the principal arterial branches leading to the inflamed part. When this occurs, the pulse felt in these branches will be, of necessity, stronger than natural, because the column of blood presses on a larger surface. For instance, in a severe inflammation of the hand or fingers, the radial artery will partake of the disturbance: it will lose a part of its contractile power : its calibre will sensibly enlarge : the diameter of the column of blood within it will consequently increase; and, instead of im- parting the sensation of a radial pulse, the amount of pressure on the finger will be such as to produce a pulse equal to that of the brachial artery in its ordinary state. It may be noticed that the sensation of throbbing which the person himself, who is the subject of the inflammation, feels in the inflamed part, is owing to the tightness of the integuments, and to the density of the tissues surrounding the enlarged vessels. This tightness or density causes a compression of the parietes of the vessels, upon the same principle as the finger does in feeling the pulse; and the coats react and impart the impulse to the nerves of sensation distributed in the integuments. In internal inflammations, such as pleuritis, peritonitis, &c., there is a total absence of the sensation of throbbing; because, however the enlarged vessels may be compressed by the surrounding tissues, yet, as the nerves of the inflamed seat are not those destined for the office of sensation, and as the pulsation is not powerful enough to be communicated to the surface, through the medium of the parietes of the chest or abdomen, DAVIES ON PATHOLOGY AND SURGERY. LOCAL PATHOLOGY. 37 like that of an aneurism, for instance, no sense of throbbing is per- ceptible to the sufferer. The only feeling is that of pain, which, as already observed, is a property attendant on almost all vital de- rangements in the animal system. That the action of the heart is often disturbed in cases of local inflammation, affords no reason to conclude that the inflammation depends upon the disturbance of the heart. That would be mis- taking the effect for the cause. The action of the heart is disturbed in hysteria, in hydrophobia, in epilepsy, in chorea, and in a variety of other maladies wherein none of the phenomena of inflammation are observable, but no one ever thought of attributing those affec- tions to any derangement of the heart. The fact appears to be, that, in inflammation, there exists a certain vital derangement—a reduction of the vital powers—a modification of some of the vital properties—and the necessary consequence is pain: pain is a pro- perty related with the nervous system: the centre of this system, in the higher animals, is in the brain: from the brain some of the effects of the pain are transmitted to the heart, probably through the medium of the same system, and the consequence is a derange- ment of its natural function. In fewer and more common terms, the derangement of the action of the heart is caused by the inflam- mation ; not the inflammation by the derangement of the action of the heart. If the views we have taken respecting the properties of the arte- ries are founded on facts, it might be considered sufficient to state them simply, without any further explanation ; but as, possibly, some may be disposed to dispute them, without taking the trouble of examining the facts upon which they rest, we may be permitted to say a few words upon the advantages derived from the nature of those properties, and to show that they are the best adapted for the functions which the arteries are destined to perform in the animal economy. That the coats of the arteries are endued with an elastic pro- perty, no one will dispute. We are told, very justly, in all proba- bility, as a general principle, “that nature does nothing in vain.” What, then, is the object of the elastic quality in the coats of the arteries? It will, perhaps, be answered, “to press the blood forward along the tubes.” But, before it can do so, it is clear that the ves- sels must be first forced out beyond the medium of their elasticity, and that they can only react on the blood by their resilient force, or their effort to resume that medium. Now, let us ask, by what power can they be forced out? There is no power with which we are acquainted that can act upon them, calculated to force their expansion, except that of the heart. But, as it is a law of nature that the resistance should be equal to the force applied, the power of the heart would be totally wasted, or spent to no purpose, if it went to force the vessels beyond the medium of their elasticity, in order that, by their resilience or reaction, these vessels might, in their turn, press the blood forward; because the same quantity of 38 DAVIES ON PATHOLOGY AND SURGERY. power which would be expended by the heart in dilating the arte- ries would suffice to move the column of blood a distance equal to that to which the re-action of the vessels would move it. In such a state of things, there would be one force set up to oppose another, without any object or advantage to be gained. On the other hand, the reason why the ordinary and natural calibre of the arteries should range below the medium of their elas- ticity is quite clear, when once pointed out. It will not, we presume, be disputed that the mass of blood in the body varies very considerably in quantity at different times. Some persons swallow two or three quarts of liquid within a short period, most of which remains for a time in the vessels, before the kidneys can act in throwing it off. In cases of cholera, we have inject- ed above two gallons of water, containing carbonate of soda in solution, into the veins of persons at one time, yet nothing like over distension seemed to take place.1 Some practitioners are in the habit of abstracting two or three pounds of blood at once in cases of inflammation, or of inflammatory fever, and a much larger quantity is frequently taken away by repeated bleedings within a short period of time. Now, if the contraction of the arteries de- pended upon their elastic quality, and their dilatation upon the force of the heart forcing the blood against their parietes. it is diffi- cult to conceive how they could adapt themselves to the great 1 In the first patient in whose case this practice was adopted, we were, together with Dr. Furnivall of this town, who assisted us, rather surprised at the large capacity of the vascular system. He was a bargeman, naturally strong and healthy, but, before the operation, reduced, in a very few hours, to the very last stage of cholera. A vein in the arm was opened, and syringeful after syringeful injected, until nearly two gallons of fluid were thrown in before the skin appeared to change its aspect. Gradually, how- ever, the interstices began to fill; the shriveled appearance of the skin began to relax; the blue colour gave way to a more natural hue, the man, who had been some time quite insensible, and in a state almost doubtful whether he was alive or not, opened his eyes, and became gradually able to answer questions put to him; the pulse became perceptible at the wrist, and the change was altogether most extraordinary. Considerably more than two gallons of fluid were injected, yet the surface of the body was hardly re- stored to its natural fulness. In this case there came on, shortly, attacks of an epileptic nature, which were repeated at intervals of some minutes until he died; which occurrence took place some hours afterwards. In five other cases, in which the injection was practised, the temporary good effects were equally striking; but not one of the patients permanently recovered. The practice was only adopted in the very last stage of the worst cases. They were all roused for a time, and none but the first suffered any cerebral affec- tion from the injection, although equally large quantities of fluid were thrown in. The effects in all these cases were the following: as soon as,or immediately after, a sufficient quantity of fluid to rouse the patient was in- jected, either a vomiting came on, or the bowels acted, so that, in a few minutes, a quantity about equal to that injected was discharged from the body. A repetition of the experiment was invariably followed by the same train of effects; namely, first, a temporary rousing ; then an enormous dis- charge from the bowels, leaving the patient each time in a state similar to that in which he was before the injection. LOCAL PATHOLOGY. 39 variation in the quantity of the fluid contained in them. If the quantity were great the force required on the part of the heart to dilate the vessels must be enormous, for it is in the nature of an elastic body to increase its resistance the more it is stretched beyond the medium of its elasticity. On the other hand, if the fluid were reduced in quantity, so as not to be sufficient to fill the vessels up to the medium of their elasticity, there would necessarily be a vacuum in some part or parts of their canals. If such were to happen, it is evident that a fatal disturbance must take place in the circulation. The column of blood would be broken, and the heart would not receive a regular supply of fluid to act upon. But, regulated in their calibre by a vital property, which always retains their diameter below the medium of their elasticity, but which, owing to the vital relation subsisting between them and the blood, yields gradually to an increase in the quantity of their con- tents, the arteries are fully capable of adapting themselves to any variation which may take place in the circulating mass, so as, under all ordinary circumstances, to embrace the column of fluid in such a way as to leave no vacant space within the vessels. It may be said that the maximum of blood in the system, compatible with health, or perhaps with life, would fill up the vessels to that point which constitutes the medium of their elasticity. What the minimum may be is uncertain, but that the tubes are capable of diminishing their calibre to a very small comparative size, we have had abundance of proof. As a guard against any inordinate pressure on the interior of the arteries, from over distention, the veins are so capacious, and so capable of accommodating themselves readily to the amount of their contents, that the mass of blood might temporarily receive great increase without causing very material inconvenience. The quan- tity of blood in the veins must depend upon that transmitted to them by the arteries. In a word, the arteries possess a complete command over the veins, and the calibre of the latter will be de- termined, as a general rule, by the supply which they receive from the former. But it is, on the other hand, quite evident that a disturbance of the equilibrium between the two systems of vessels could not last long without causing serious injury. If we suppose the veins to contain more than their due proportion at any time, as one end of the column continually discharges itself into the right side of the heart, and thence into the lungs, these organs would soon become over-loaded if the left side were not equally ready and capable of passing it off into the arteries. In the natural state of the circula- tion the equilibrium is soon restored by the mutual correspondence of the action of the two sides, after having been disturbed by sud- den exertion of the body, or any other cause. The circle must be at all times a continuous column : in other words, every artery and vein is full of fluid throughout the circle ; but their diameters will depend entirely upon the quantity of blood in the system. 40 DAVIES ON PATHOLOGY AND SURGERY. From the facts which have been stated in this section, we are justified in concluding: 1. That the calibre of all the arterial branches, in the normal state, bears a uniform proportion throughout the system. 2. That the proportion is governed by a vital property residing in the coats of the vessels, and bearing a relation to the blood within them. 3. That any reduction in the amount of the vital power of the vessels will allow their calibre to be enlarged by the force of their elasticity. 4. That the immediate consequence of a preternatural enlarge- ment of the vessels is an increased influx of blood into them. 5. That the visible phenomena of inflammation result from a number of the capillary branches of the arteries having lost a part, or the whole, of their contractile power, thereby having become enlarged in their calibre, so as to admit, and retain, an undue pro- portion of blood. 6. That, while the capillaries are in the state last mentioned, the velocity of blood within them undergoes a decrease, although the quantity of fluid existing in them has acquired an increase; which increase imparts to the seat of disease the character of redness. 7. That the strength of the pulsation of an artery—in other words, of the “ pulse”—bears some ratio to the size of the vessel at the point where it is felt. Thus, if a branch whose diameter in one part is equal to 2, expands a short distance further on into a dia- meter equal to 4, the “ pulse” felt at the latter part of the branch will be much stronger than that felt at the former, where the tube is smaller, although the latter is nearer the heart, which is the source of the pulsation. 8. That the throbbing felt in an inflamed part depends upon an increase of size which the capillaries have acquired in consequence of a reduction, or loss, of their contractile power; thereby pre- senting a larger internal surface to the force of the heart through the medium of the column of blood ; and, 9. That the preternatural expansion may extend to a principal arterial branch leading to the seat of the inflammation, and, by con- sequence, may give rise to an increase of strength in the pulse in that branch compared with its normal state. Cause of Difference in the Character of Inflammation. What are the physical causes which serve to give inflammation the great varieties of character observed in different cases? In some cases it presents the appearance of hardly any thing more than a mere blush, attended with a slight pain, and a trifling in- crease of heat in the part, and its duration is almost the only thing which distinguishes it from a blush. In others, the characters of the disease are more striking; the redness shows a deeper body; the pain is more intense; there is a degree of fulness or swelling LOCAL PATHOLOGY. 41 of the part, and its temperature is augmented ; yet, in a few hours, or a few days, it may resume its natural state by means of the vis medicatrix of nature alone. Sometimes the disease spreads over a great extent of skin, without causing much disturbance among the deeper seated tissues; whereas, at other times, the subcutaneous cellular membrane of nearly a whole limb may be destroyed by it, where the integuments themselves suffer comparatively little. In some instances, the vessels of the inflamed part assume a new func- tion, and give rise to the formation of pus in one place, and in another throw out a mixture of lymph and fibrine, whilst in a third the fluid product is mere serum. In one case the disease eats up the part by piecemeal, or by small ulcerations, whereas, in other cases, it destroys the vitality of a whole limb at once. In fact, the varieties of character presented by “ inflammation,” according to the general application of the term, are very numerous. The two principal divisions of inflammation made by authors has been into phlegmon and erysipelas. The former has been de- fined as being less disposed to spread than the latter; more ple- thoric in its character; less dangerous in its tendency,though more active in its nature; the inflamed part opposing greater resistance to the pressure of the finger, and presenting more fulness and swelling, with a deeper intensity of redness. Erysipelas, on the other hand, has been considered more insidious in its character, sometimes spreading to a great extent without affording any clear proof of the magnitude of the mischief going forward ; to show, according to the common expression, less “ action” in the inflamed seat, yet to have a greater tendency to destroy its vitality; to op- pose less resistance to pressure, and to be altogether more diffuse in its character than phlegmonous inflammation. Now, that inflammation presents these extreme differences in different instances is well known to every practitioner; but it is also equally certain that there are cases, even more numerous, occurring, which belong to the one class as much as to the other. In order to reconcile these, which, in truth, form the great majority, authors have termed the doubtful cases “phlegmonous erysipelas,” thus thinking, we suppose, that they must be right if they applied a term embracing both divisions of the disease. The principal divisions have been again subdivided in various ways. We have the “acute” and “chronic,” which are the oldest terms we possess respecting the subdivision of the disease ; but the term “ chronic” has been of late years changed for the term “sub- acute.” So far as we can perceive, one is as applicable as the other ; but neither will convey any precise or distinct idea of either the nature or degree of the malady. How long must the inflam- mation last before the term “chronic” will apply to it? Again, where is the line to be drawn between the “ acute” and “ sub-acute?” How are the degrees to be measured? What is the scale to consist of? Intensity of symptoms ? Who is to judge of the comparative intensity? If we were to estimate the degree or intensity of the 42 DAVIES ON PATHOLOGY AND SURGERY. disease by the heat, redness, and swelling observed in the part— which are the only outward signs of inflammation—vve should often find all these much less in a limb on the point of running into a state of gangrene than in many cases where the tendency is con- siderably less serious. In some instances we find considerable redness, and some degree of swelling, without any perceptible in- crease of temperature, and unattended with any sensible pain. This state of the vessels is called congestion by some authors, and chronic inflammation by others. From the great difference of opinion among pathologists, re- specting the mode of classifying the varieties which inflammation presents in different cases, there is reason to suppose that various diseases are arbitrarily included in that term, which bear but slight, if any, resemblance to each other in their nature. That the same disease may differ in degree in different cases, is reasonable to sup- pose ; but that the same disease should present itself sometimes in the form of a small pimple, as in the measles, and other exanthe- matous affections; at other times in a circumscribed tumour of a determinate extent, as in a common boil; in other instances in a diffused form, of unlimited extent, &c., and should lead to such a variety of terminations, is not probable; and we doubt the benefit that can arise, in a practical point of view, from viewing it in that light. There are three things to be considered as determining the na- ture of a disease, and it is probable that these will embrace all the varieties which diseases can present under any circumstances. These are— 1st. The nature or properties of the cause which conduces to create the vital derangement; 2d. The tissue or immediate seat upon which the cause exerts its influence; and 3d. The general constitution of the patient, or the constitution of the tissue upon which the cause primarily acts. In a work like the present, it is unnecessary to discuss these points at length, for the treatment of a disease is determined upon, in general, from the more prominent signs which characterise it. In order to point out, and to render clear, our notions respecting the immediate operation of various causes in the production of dis- ease, more space would be occupied than can here be applied to the subject. But it may be noticed shortly, that it should not be forgotten that disease is a state or condition of a part possessing vital proper- ties ; and that, in analysing its character, these properties should never be left out of the estimate. The properties of life might be discussed 'physiologically in the abstract, as distinct entities from those of the material fabric; but, in a practical point of view, it is convenient to consider them as parts of the constitution of the tis- sues with which they are connected. In looking upon them in this light, our enquiry should be directed to two points; first, what is LOCAL PATHOLOGY. 43 the amount of all that a tissue can do: in other words, what is the sum total of its functions? Second, in what way can that tissue suffer—what character does it put on under the influence of a morbific cause? In proceeding in an enquiry like this, the legiti- mate mode consists in not attributing any effects to vital properties which can be proved to depend upon mechanical causes; and, on the other hand, to assign to the vital department of the tissues those effects which, from their nature, cannot owe their existence to causes of a mechanical kind. For instance, the motion of the blood in the vessels has, among other causes, been attributed to an innate mobile power existing in the fluid itself. It is true that the globules of the blood, examined through a powerful microscope, are seen to move among themselves, even out of the vessels, for a short period, while the blood remains fluid ; but this fact affords no proof that they are capable of progressive motion along the tubes of the ves- sels. Facts equally convincing, and even more so, prove that the blood is not capable of moving along the vessels by its own inhe- rent impulse, for when the power of the heart is removed from it, its progressive motion immediately ceases. On the other hand, it is evident, according to the extent of our present knowledge, that the secretion of bile, of gastric juice, &c., cannot be the effect of a mechanical cause, for we know of no ana- logous products emanating from any combination of mechanical powers. And although chemistry enables us to discover the mate- rial elements of which these secretions are composed when out of the body, yet no power of chemistry is capable of compounding fluids suited for the offices which these have to discharge in the animal economy. Now, it is one property of every tissue endowed with life to pre- serve its own identity. In the course of the operations going on in the body every tissue maintains its own distinct character, notwith- standing the constant removal and renewal of the material mole- cules of which its structure is composed. The mucous mem- branes do not assume either the character or the functions of the serous membranes; nor do either of these transfer themselves into cellular tissue; nor into muscular fibres; nor into gland, &c. Each preserves itself, feeds itself, renovates itself; thus maintaining a marked character, which distinguishes it from all other tissues. As we know of no mechanical or chemical process in nature ana- logous to this, we are justified in attributing it to vital causes. Hence, each tissue, during life, is endowed with an innate power of preserving its own identity, by the agency of its vital properties. The next thing which each tissue is capable of doing, is to per- form the function for which it is destined. It will, perhaps, be said, that we know nothing of the nature of the powers by means of which it is capable of accomplishing such an object. It may be replied, that we are equally ignorant of the power which brings a stone to the earth ; which binds together the particles of which the stone is composed; which determines one crystal to be different 44 DAVIES ON PATHOLOGY AND SURGERY. from another, &c. We only know that certain properties are con- nected with the elementary constitution of bodies, which prompt or compel those bodies to do what they do; and that, when the same properties are in combination, the same effects will always follow. In this respect, our knowledge will apply with equal correctness to the functions of living parts. What we find these parts do, we know them capable of doing. In the normal state, each organ per- forms a distinct function, and observation has proved what that function is. Observation also proves that certain causes conduce, while operating, in modifying that function. As, therefore, facts prove these points respecting the nature and properties of the organs, it follows that, as every tissue which enters into the compo- sition of each organ forms an essential part of its constitution, each tissue of which the structure of the organ is made up must possess properties peculiar to itself—properties differing in modification from those of all other tissues. As mere conduits for the blood, the properties of the capillary vessels in all the organs, and all the tissues, are similar. The ves- sels are equally capable of adapting themselves to their contents in one seat as in another. Their elastic quality will expand them, and their contractile power will reduce their capacity, in the liver as well as in the stomach ; in a serous, as well as in a mucous, membrane; in a gland as well as in a muscle: but it must be con- sidered that contractility is only one vital property connected with them. By examining this subject according to the principles already laid down, namely, that if the effect be different the cause must also be different, we are led to conclude that the modification of the vital properties of the capillaries is different in every seat—in every tissue of which an organ is composed. This conclusion is founded upon the facts, first, that the physical characters of all the tissues are different; and, second, that the nature of their functions is dif- ferent. We may instance the liver and the kidneys in illustration of this point. Although secretion is the function of each, yet the product of the function is different, notwithstanding it is derived from the same mass of blood in both. As all the structure, in the first step of vitality, and all the secre- tions resulting from the structure in a vital state, in the second step, are derived from the same common mass of blood, and as both are dependent upon some property connected with the extremities of the arteries, it must follow that if this property were the same in all the extremities, the structure must be the same in every part, and, as a consequence, there could be only one function. This proposition is as self-evident as that two and three will make five. The necessary inference, therefore, is, that the secerning, and in the secretory organs the secreting, extremities of the arteries— whatever their form or nature may otherwise be—differ in their vital properties in every tissue, so as to be suited for the particular office which they have to perform in each seat. In this respect LOCAL PATHOLOGY. 45 they are analogous to all the works of nature; and it would be as fruitless to enquire why they should be so, as to enquire why a heavy body should gravitate towards the earth. It must suffice to know that if the effect be different, the cause of that effect must be also different. According to the foregoing view, the extreme vascular branches are different in their modification in every tissue, so as to suit them for their particular functions; although, in all parts, they possess the property of contractility, which enables them to adapt their calibre to their contents. As this is the case, it will follow, as a consequence, that even the same cause acting upon them in dif- ferent tissues, may—nay, must, in some respects—give rise to different modifications of phenomena. One common consequence may follow in all, namely, dilatation of their canals, and, conse- quently, the admission of an undue share of blood, attended by the other characteristics of inflammation ; but that inflammation must differ in its modification in every tissue, according to the peculiar properties of the vessels in each. As the various shades of differ- ence in these properties cannot be defined, because the effects re- sulting from them are so minute, in some instances, as to escape our observation, we must found our illustrations upon tissues some- what in the gross. Now, as a general principle, we find the tendency of inflamma- tion of the serous membranes to be the secretion of a sero-fibrinous fluid, and the formation of adhesions between their opposite sur- faces. This is the case in the common or diffused variety of the disease. It is true, that, in some peculiar inflammations of those membranes, granular ulcerations and the secretion of pus are found to have taken place; but any one may satisfy himself that, in such cases, it is not the general serous tissue that has suffered as a prin- cipal, but certain points either enveloped within its texture, or situated immediately behind it. These points evidently differ in their physical characters from the membranous tissue itself; but as, like all other tissues, however small in size, they must owe their existence to vessels and to the blood, their arteries must be specially modified in their properties, and must, therefore, bear special rela- tions or affinities to any causes which may act upon them. By continuity, or by immediate contiguity, the disturbance may, and always does more or less, extend to the vessels of the general tissue, which, consequently, is made to partake of the disease, and to give exit to its own peculiar morbid fluid, which becomes mixed with the more purulent matter emanating from the original seat of the disease. In almost all cases of this description, the leading cha- racters of the inflammation are stamped by the properties oi the tissue originally affected. As an analogous principle, we find that the tendency of the mu- cous membranes, in a state of inflammation, is to secrete ] a.nc* that this modification of tissue is not endued with that adhesive property which forms a distinguishing part of the character ol the 46 DAVIES ON PATHOLOGY AND SURGERY. serous membranes. Inflammation of the mucous tissues, also, has a much stronger tendency to cause softening and ulceration than that of any other tissues. Like the serous membranes, the mucous are liable to suffer in an extensive degree; in other words, their inflammation has a tendency to spread over a great part of their surface. Like the serous membranes, also, when traces of inflam- mation are found in circumscribed spots, it will be discovered, on close examination, that the origin of the disease was not in the membrane itself, but in certain points or glands either enveloped in its substance, or situated immediately in contact with it. In the cellular membrane, again, we find the inflammation sui generis. When limited in extent, its tendency is to form a circum- scribed abscess, if it does not terminate in what is commonly called “resolution.” On the contrary, when the cause acts upon a wider scale, death ensues in the tissue, and extensive sloughings take place, if the vital powers of the general system be sufficiently strong to bear the effects of the constitutional disturbance. The tendency of the disease is similar in all the parenchymatous structures. The consequence, in its first degree, is a resumption of their normal state by the vessels—a restoration, by virtue of the vis medicatrix— of the innate principle of self-preservation implanted in the consti- tution of all bodies—of their contractile power. In its second de- gree, its tendency is to limit itself, by forming a circumscribed abscess. By this means the vessels are enabled to ease themselves of a part of their undue burthen. In the last degree, the conse- quence is the death of the tissue affected. Owing to the entire destruction of the contractile power of the capillary vessels, the blood, whose motion has decreased in velocity in proportion to the expansion of the tubes containing it, comes to a complete stagna- tion, and the secerning function—the function by means of which the structure is perpetuated—ceases. The result, of course, is the death of the part. These peculiarities of inflammation in the different tissues are general in the animal body. Where they differ, the difference is only in modification, for the general character of the malady is the same. The same analogy is discoverable in all the tissues. When the skin is the seat of the inflammation, the disease puts on a very diffusive character, which has its peculiarity, like that of other seats. Here, it is commonly called erysipelas. As the vessels of the skin must be modified differently from those of all the other tissues, ac- cording to the principle already stated, it is natural that they should exhibit their sufferings, under the influence of a morbific cause, in a manner different from all others. From the foregoing observations, then, it must, we should con- ceive, be admitted that the nature of the tissue affected has a consi- derable share in determining the character of the inflammation. Irr fact, we may say that the tissue constitutes the basis which is to form the distinguishing points in its character, because inflamma- tion of the same tissue always presents phenomena very similar in their nature, though differing in degree and modification. In the next place, it may be enquired how far the character of the inflammation is determined by the nature of the cause which produces it? The fact cannot be refuted, that the same tissue presents, in general, similar characters while in a state of inflammation—that, as already observed, the serous membranes furnish a fluid 'peculiar to themselves, and show a great disposition to unite their surfaces— that the mucous membranes secrete pus, and are not disposed to form .adhesions—that the cellular membranes, and the parenchy- matous tissues, readily run on to sloughing, if the disease be so extensive as to preclude the formation of a limited pfbscess—that, in the true skin, the disease is diffuse in its character; peculiar in its sensations, owing to its immediate connection, with the nerves of touch; dangerous in its tendency, owing, probably, to the same cause producing disturbance of the cerebral functions: that its secretions are serous or lymphatic, which appear in the form of blisters, similar to those secreted by the same tissue under the ac- tion of vesicatories. The same analogy applies to the glandular tissues. It is true that the liver, the kidneys, the mammse, the testes, the pancreas,