INDEX Abnormalities in mucous glands, smokers, 97 in small airways, in smokers vs. smokers, 97, 98 Acrolein effect on respiratory tract, in rats, 104 Adipose tissue effect of nicotine, in rats, 13 AHH activity see Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity Ais pollution and smoking, 82,83 and smoking, in lung cancer development, 45,46 Auways, large effect of smoking one nonfilter cigarette, 99 Airways, small abnormalities, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, autopsy studies, 97,98 effect of smoking one nonfilter cigarette, 99 Alcohol consumption and smoking, in oral cancer etiology, 53-55 Alveolar macrophages effect of cigarette smoke, 50 Angina pectoris carbon monoxide exposure and, 11,12 coffee drinking, smoking, and, 8 smoking and, 8 Antitrypsin deficiency and smoking, in COPD etiology, 87-90 Arteriosclerosis obliterans (ASO) see Vascular disease, peripheral Arthritis, rheumatoid pulmonary function abnormalities, ing, and, 92,93 Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity role in lung cancer development, 49-52 Asbestos exposure synergistic effect with smoking in lung cancer development, 41-43 Asbestosis in smokers VS. nonsmokers, asbestos work- ers in Singapore, 95 Atherosclerosis, peripheral see Vascular disease, peripheral Atherosclerotic brain infarction (ABI) see Vascular disease, peripheral in smokers vs. non- non- in COPD development, smok- Autopsy studics emphysema development and smoking, 97 mucous gland abnormalities and smoking, 97 small airway abnormalities and smoking, 97,98 Benzo(a)pyrene and air pollution, in lung cancer develop- ment, 45,46 role in respiratory tract carcinoginesis, in animals, 46,47 Bladder cancer see Genitourinary cancer Blood cholesterol effect of smoking, 17,18 Blood coagulation effect of smoking, 18,19 Blood lipids levels effect of smoking, 17 Blood pressure effect of CO exposure, 11,12 effect of nicotine, 13 effect of smoking, 17 Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Pro- gram role of coffee drinking and smoking in myocardial infarction, 8 Bronchial epithelium changes after nitrogen dioxide exposure, in animals, 102,103 effect of filtered gas-phase cigarette smoke, in rabbits, 104,105 Bronchitis post-operative, incidence in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 92 prevalence in cement and rubber industry workers, smokers Vs. nonsmokers, 95,96 prevalence in the elderly, smokers vs. non- smokers, 78,79 prevalence in male smokers by smoking patterns, 79 prevalence in rubber industry workers, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 96 prevalence in urban vs. rural population in Mongolia, 80 prevalence in USS., statistics, 75 prevalence in woo! and cotton textile workers in North Carolina, 93 119 and small airway abnormalities, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 97,98 and smoking, effect on pulmonary func- tion, 80 summary of previous findings on relation- ship to smoking, 75-78 Bronchopulmonary diseases, non-neoplastic see also Bronchitis, Emphysema air pollution and smoking in etiology of, 82,83 antitrypsin deficiency and smoking in eti- ology of, 87-90 closing volume abnormalities, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 84-87 history of respiratory diseases and smok- ing in etiology of, 90 incidence in autoworkers, 80 occupational exposure and smoking, 80 prevalence in Boston policemen, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 82,83 prevalence in the elderly, smokers vs. non- smokers, 78 prevalence in urban vs. rural population, in Mongolia, 80 reference listings, 107-118 small airways disease, pulmonary function, and, 84-87 small airways disease, smoking, and, 84-87 summary of recent findings, 106, 107 Bullous disease incidence in men by age, race, and smok- ing habit, 90-92 Byssinosis dust exposure and smoking in etiology of, 94-96 Cadmium in emphysema etiology, in animals, 104 Cancer see also Specific site, e.g., Lung cancer summary of recent findings on relation- ship to smoking, 58,59 Carbon monoxide coronary heart disease and, 10-12 effects on cardiovascular system, 10-12 from freeway traffic, effect on myocardial work capacity and angina, 11 Carboxyhemoglobin levels coronary heart disease and, 10-12,19 Carcinogenesis experimental, 46,47 mechanism of action, in lung cancer induc- tion, in animals, 46,47 Carcinogens in cigarette smoke condensate, 47 role in tumor induction in animals, 46,47 Cardiovascular diseases see also Coronary heart disease, Vascular 120 disease, peripheral, Cerebrovascular sease relationship of smoking to, 3-19 summary of previous findings, 3,4 summary of recent findings, 19 Cardiovascular system effect of carbon monoxide exposure, 10-13 effect of nicotine, 13 Catecholamine levels effect of nicotine, in rats, 13 Cerebrovascular disease (CVD) epidemiologic studies, 16,17 incidence in longshoremen, 17 incidence in men, Framingham study, 17 incidence in women, smokers vs. non- smokers, 16,17 oral contraceptives and smoking in etiol ogy of, 16,17 Cervical cancer see Genitourinary cancer CHD see Coronary heart disease Cholesterol levels effect of smoking, 17 Chronic bronchitis see Bronchitis Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases see Bronchopulmonary diseases, non- neoplastic, Bronchitis, Emphysema Cigar smoking relationship to lung cancer, 39,40 Cigarettes filter vs. nonfilter, in reducing lung cancer risk, 40,41 Cigarette consumption see Smoking Cigarette smoke see Smoke, cigarette Ciliary activity effect of nitrogen dioxide, in rats, 103 effect of smoking, 101,102 Closing-volume abnormalities as indicator of small airways disease, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 84-87 co see Carbon monoxide Coffee drinking angina pectoris, smoking, and, 8 myocardial infarction, smoking, and, 8 Contraceptives, oral incidence of stroke and, in women smo- kers vs. nonsmokers, 16,17 COPD see Bronchopulmonary diseases, non- neoplastic Coronary Drug Project Research Group epidemiologic study of smoking and CHD, 446 Coronary heart diseases see also Angina pectoris, myocardial in- farction associated risk factors and smoking, 17 autopsy studies, 4 carbon monoxide and, 10-12 epidemiologic studies, 4 incidence in men under 60, in New South Wales, 6 incidence in men with and without ventri- cular premature beats, 4-6 incidence in middle-aged men from various countries, 6 incidence in a tribal population, New Guinea, 9 incidence in smokers vs. Peoples Gas Co. Study, 6,7 incidence in smokers vs. nonsmokers, Stockholm Prospective Study, 6 incidence in women, smokers vs. non- smokers, 9,10 nicotine and, 13 pathophysiology of, effect of carbon mon- oxide exposure, 10 summary of relationship to smoking, 3,4,19 Cotton dust exposure see Dust exposure Cough effect of air pollution and smoking, 90,91 prevalence in cement and rubber industry workers, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 95,96 CVD see Cerebrovascular disease, 16 Cytologic studies macrophage function and smoking, 104,105 nonsmokers, Dust exposure and smoking as risk factors in bronchitis development, 93,94 and smoking, as risk factors in byssinosis development, 94-96 Elderly prevalence rates for COPD in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 78 Emphysema antitrypsin deficiency and smoking in eti- ology of, 87-90 cadmium exposure in etiology of, in ani- mals, 104 premature development and smoking, autopsy studies, 97 prevalence rates in U.S., 75 pulmonary function studies and, 80 summary of previous findings on relation- ship to smoking, 75-78 Enzymes effect of cigarette smoke, in rabbit lungs, 104,105 and macrophage function, in rabbit lungs, 104,105 Epidemiological studies COPD and smoking, 78-80 lung cancer and smoking, 37 oral cancer and smoking, 53 pancreatic cancer and smoking, 57 Esophageal cancer summary of previous findings on relation- ship to smoking, 55 Exercise performance effect of carbon monoxide exposure, 11,12 and pulmonary function, smokers vs, non- smokers, 99 Filters as a factor in reducing lung cancer risk, 40,41 Framingham Study epidemiologic study of CHD, CVD, inter- mittent claudication, and smoking, 14-16 Free fatty acids (plasma) effect of nicotine, in rats, 13 Gastric cancer mortality rates in Japanese smokers vs. nonsmokers, 56,57 tea drinking and smoking in etiology of, 56,57 summary of previous findings on relation- ship to smoking, 55 Genetics role of antitrypsin deficiency and smoking in COPD development, 87-90 and smoking, role in lung cancer develop- ment, 37 Genitourinary cancer cigarette smoke condensate as cause, in animals, 58 excretion of tryptophan in smokers vs. nonsmokers with, 58 incidence in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 58 summary of previous findings on relation- ship to smoking, 57 Heart rate effect of CO exposure, 11,12 effect of nicotine, 13 121 Heart work capacity effect of CO exposure, 10-12 effect of nicotine, 13 Histological studies lung cancer and smoking, 38 macrophage function and, 104,105 Hypercholesterolemia incidence in Belgium military men, 17,18 Hypertension incidence in male Israeli civil servants, 18 Immune system response to benzo(a)pyrene-induced lung tumors, 48,49 Intermittent claudication smoking as a major risk factor, 14-16 Lary ngeal cancer summary of previous findings on relation- ship to smoking, 57 Lung cancer asbestos exposure and smoking as risk fac- tors, 41-43 epidemiologic studies, 37,38 experimental studies, 43-52 genetics and smoking as risk factors, 37 histopathologic studies in smokers vs. non- smokers, 38,39 immunologic response to benzo(a)pyrene- induced tumor, in animals, 48,49 incidence in cigar and/or pipe smokers vs. nonsmokers, 39,40 incidence in smokers vs. nonsmokers, in India, 37,38 incidence in women smokers vs. non- smokers, 39,40 mortality rates from lung cancer for men, 43 particle deposition in bronchi and site of, 44,45 Philadelphia Pulmonary Neoplasm Re- search Project histopathologic study, 38 risk reduction with filter vs. nonfilter ciga- rettes, 40,41 role of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase acti- vity and polyaromatic hydrocarbons in development of, 49-52 role of pulmonary infections and smoking in etiology of, 47,48 sex ratio statistic, 40 Xenon-133 washout technique for detec- tion of, 43,44 summary of previous findings on relation- ship to smoking, 35-37 Lung function see Pulmonary function 122 Menopause . and cardiovascular disease, in women smo- kers vs. nomsmokers, 10,19 Mitochondria effect of tobacco smoke, in rat liver, 104 Mortality from CHD, age as a factor, 6 from CHD, in middle-aged men in seven countries, 6 from CHD, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 3-6 from CHD, in survivors of myocardial in- farction, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 4-6 Mucociliary transport effect of smoking, 101,102 Mucous giand abnormalities, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 97 Myocardial infarction coffee drinking, smoking and, 8 incidence in men with and without ventri- cular premature beats, 4,5 incidence in pre- vs. postmenopausal wo- men, 10 prevalence in current vs. ex-smokers, 8 recurrency in smokers vs. nonsmokers, in Buenos Aires, 9 and smoking in India, 8 Nicotine coronary heart disease and, 13,19 effect on adipose tissue, in rats, 13 effect on peritoneal macrophages, in mice, 105 effect on pinocytosis, in mouse peritoneal macrophages, 105 effect on respiratory tract in rats, 104 Nitrogen dioxide effect on AHH activity, 52 effect on bactericidal activity, in mouse lung, 103 effect on lung physiology, in monkeys, 103 effect on pulmonary physiology, in ani- mals, 102-103 Nitrosamines role in respiratory tract carcinogenesis, in animals, 47 Occupational diseases asbestosis, in asbestos workers, in Singa- pore, 95 bronchitis, in cement and rubber industry workers, 95,96 bronchitis and respiratory tract irritation, in rubber industry workers, 96 bronchitis, in wool and cotton textile workers, 93,94 byssinosis, in cotton and wool textile workers, 93,94 COPD, in auto workers, 80 smoking and, 93-96 Occupational hazards air pollution exposure in Boston police- men, 82,83 asbestos exposure and smoking as factors in lung cancer development, 41-43 rubber industry fumes and smoking, 96 textile dust exposure and smoking, 93-96 Oral cancer alcohol consumption and smoking in etiol- ogy of, 53-55 epidemiologic studies, 53-55 summary of previous findings on relation- ship to smoking, 52,53 Pancreatic cancer incidence in cigar/pipe and cigarette smo- kers vs. nonsmokers, 55,56 relative risk in men by number of cigar- ettes smoked, 55 summary of previous findings on relation- ship to smoking, 55 Particulate matter and lung cancer development, 44,45 Peoples Gas Company Study epidemiologic study of smoking and CHD, 6,7 Peritoneal macrophages effect of nicotine, in mice, 105 Peripheral vascular disease see Vascular disease, peripheral Philadelphia Pulmonary Neoplasm Research Project jung cancer histopathologic studies and, 38 Pinocytosis effect of nicotine, in mouse peritoneal ma- crophages, 105 Pipe smoking relationship to lung cancer, 39,40 Polyaromatic hydrocarbons role in lung cancer development, 49-52 Postoperative complications incidence in bronchitic and nonbronchitic smokers vs. nonsmokers, 92 Pulmonary bactericidal activity effect of nitrogen dioxide, in mouse lungs, 103 Pulmonary clearance effect of nitrogen dioxide, in rats, 103 effect of smoking, 101,102 in smokers, ex-smokers, and nonsmokers with and without pulmonary disease, 100,101 Pulmonary function abnormalities, and rheumatoid arthritis in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 92,93 of Boston policemen, smokers vs. non- smokers, 82,83 before and after smoking one non-filter cigarette, 99 effect of cigarctte smoke, in monkeys, 102 effect of dust exposure and smoking, 95 effect of exercise performance and smok- ing, 99 effect of isoproterenol in smokers, non- smokers and bronchitics, 99,100 effect of nitrogen dioxide, in animals, 102,103 effects of smoking, in healthy populations, 80,81 effects of smoking, in patients with COPD, 80 of insurance company employees, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 80,81 of male executives, smokers, 81 of male and female smokers, in New Guinea, 81,82 of pipe and cigarette smokers, ex-smokers, and nonsmokers, 99 small airways disease, smoking, and, 84-87 of smokers vs. nonsmokers, 80-82 Pulmonary infections and smoking, role in lung cancer develop- ment, 47,48 Pulmonary macrophages effect of cigarette smoke, in rabbits, 104,105 effect of cigarette smoke extract, in sheep lungs, 105 Pulmonary physiology new animal model for testing of, 102 smokers vs. non- Renal cancer see Genitourinary cancer Respiratory symptoms see also Cough Respiratory symptoms effect of air pollution and smoking, 90,91 prevalence in cement and rubber industry workers, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 95,96 Respiratory tract carcinogenesis induction in animals, 46,47 irritation, prevalence in rubber industry workers, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 96 Seven Countries Study epidemiologic study of smoking and CHD, 6 Sex ratio in mortality rates from lung cancer, 40,46 123 Small airways disease see Airways, small Smoke, cigarette effect on jung AHH-activity, 50,51 effect on pulmonary macrophage func- tion, in rabbits, 104 effect on pulmonary physiology, in ani- mals, 102 effect on respiratory tract, in rats, 104 extract, effect on pulmonary macro- phages, in sheep lungs, 105 Smoke condensate, cigarette as cause of bladder tumors, in rats, 58 role in respiratory tract carcinogenesis, in animals, 47 Smoke, tobacco effect on mitochondrial function, in rat liver, 104 Smoking and air pollution, effect on pulmonary function and COPD prevalence, 82,83 and asbestos exposure, as factors in lung cancer development, 41-43 association with other risk factors in CHD, 6,7,17 bronchitis prevalence rates and, 79 and CHD, age as a factor, 6 and CHD, in women, 9,10 and coffee drinking, in myocardial infarc- tion etiology, 8 effect on platelet function, 18,19 as the major risk factor in intermittent claudication, 14-16 as a major risk factor in peripheral vascular disease, 14-16 trends for U.S. men, for years 1955, 1966, and 1970, 40 vasoconstrictive effects in normal subjects, 16 Smoking characteristics bronchitis prevalence rates in men and, 79 COPD prevalence rates in Yugoslavia and, 719 Stockholm Prospective Study epidemiologic study of smoking and CHD, 6 Stomach cancer see Gastric cancer Stroke see Cerebrovascular disease Sudden death incidence in men with and without ventri- cular premature beats, 5 incidence in women, smokers vs. non- smokers, 9,19 smoking as a risk factor, 46,19 Surgery complications following, in smokers yg. nonsmokers, 92 Tecumseh Study lung function differences in smokers and nonsmokers, 81 Thromboangiitis obliterans (TAQ) see Vascular diseases, peripheral Thrombosis smoking and, 18,19 Traffic effect on air pollution in Boston, 82,83 Urinary bladder cancer see Genitourinary cancer Uterine cancer see Genitourinary cancer Vascular disease, peripheral see also Intermittent claudication epidemiologic studies, 14-16 experimental studies, 16 smoking in etiology of, 14-16 Women CHD incidence in, 9,10 lung cancer incidence in, 39,40 mortality rates, in smokers vs. smokers, 9,10 mortality rates from lung cancer and asbestos exposure, 42,43 mortality rates from lung cancer, statisti- cal sex ratio, 40,45 myocardial infarction in pre- vs. post- menopausal, 10 secular trends of lung cancer development in, 40 sudden death rates in, 9,10 trends in cancer incidence rates for selec- ted sites in, 41,42 non- Xenon-133 washout technique for detection of lung cancer, 43,44 ve U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1975 O—550-814 124 ye AY Mat lc (CDC) 74-8704