13). Camner, et al. (BP 8) reported on clearance rates in 17 young and middle-aged ex-smokers who had stopped smoking for 3 months. These workers noted that mucociliary clearance of 6 ym. fluorinated ethylene propylene (Tefion 120) particles tagged with Tc®™ measured at 2 hours post-inhalation had improved at 3 months post-quitting in 11 of 17 patients. Mean retention of particles was significantly higher prior to stopping smoking than at 8 months (P <.05), and also was higher at 1 week post- cessation compared to 3 months post-cessation (P =.005). In this study, the volume of inhaled aerosol was not controlled. In addition, coughing after inhalation of the particles was reported to be conspicuously absent or rare, whereas in the Thomson study (BP 67), the effect of coughing during the study was not discussed. g “Me wma Smokers (18) Nonsmokers (23) pHealthy a = Ex-smokers (9) Parcent of Initial Lung Burden 8 v — oo. ar =e Nonamokers (6) 40f- O09” Tots aq Smokers (17) Vries Fo 110 «(016 «600.16 0.17 ° o12 0.38 «(048 «= 0.68 (0.32 0.37 rg exsmoners 6) Healthy Group 0.15 nN _, Not Significant O11 0.01 0.06 0.12 Pe F 2.86 0.70 1.34 1.66 191 1.54 1,32 0.56 . 30) Impaired Group ane P i 1 ° Not Significant 1 J 1 J 3 4 5 6 Time After inhalation (hr) j 1 ! 1 1 2 Ficure 13.—Mean clearance curves for smokers, ex-smokers, and nonsmokers in the healthy group and the group with respiratory impairment. F= Snedecor’s F; the values required for significance at the 5 percent level are 3.19 for the healthy group and 3.35 for the impaired group. SOURCE: Thomson, M. L., Pavia, D. (BP 67). The question of whether the short-term effect of cigarette smoking on enhancing mucociliary transport is specific to ciga- rette smoke, or is due to a nonspecific reaction of the tracheo- bronchial tree, was investigated by Camner, et al. (BP 7) who found that inhalation of inert carbon particles by 8 normal sub- jects (including 2 smokers) resulted in similar or enhanced 101 pulmonary clearance rates compared to the control states. These results suggest that the increased mucociliary transport effected by short-term exposure to cigarette smoke may be a nonspecific reaction. Westergaard and Olsen (BP 68) studied ciliary activity in biopsy specimens from the larynx and carina in 20 patients and found that there was no ciliary activity in epithelial cells from these sites in the entire group of 16 moderate and heavy smokers, while in 3 nonsmokers and 1 cigar smoker normal ciliary activity was observed. Studies in Animals Binns and Clark (BP 1) described a new experimental model for testing the short- and long-term effects of cigarette smoke on pulmonary physiology. By using male cynomolgus monkeys which were fitted with a specially designed smoking device, these au- thors demonstrated marked increases in total pulmonary resist- ance in animals smoking approximately 12 cigarettes per day, for 5 days per week. These changes stabilized at about 20 weeks of exposure and extended through the 6-month test period. The changes in pulmonary resistance were statistically significant (P <.001). After 6 months, no changes in tidal volume, respira- tory rate, or dynamic compliance were noted. Histologic sections of lungs from smoking monkeys showed clumping of pulmonary alveolar macrophages containing pigmented granules and foamy cytoplasm. These nonspecific cytologic changes have been observed in other animals exposed to cigarette smoke. Previous editions of this report (1972, 1973) have described experimental evidence concerning the production of emphysema- tous changes in rat and guinea pig lungs by exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO.), one of the gaseous components, of cigarette smoke. Freeman, et al. (BP 18) described experiments whereby low (10 to 15 p.p.m.), intermittent doses of NO, administered over the normal life span of rats resulted in more severe changes of the pulmonary parenchyma than those previously reported; these changes included fibroblastic proliferation, epithelial hy- pertrophy, loss of cilia in the respiratory bronchioles, fibrosis of alveolar ducts, destruction of alveolar walls, and enlargement of alveolar air spaces. These authors calculated a 29 percent loss of ventilatory surface in the NO,-exposed rats, occurring in a pan- lobular distribution. The lungs of the NO,-exposed rats had greater residual volumes than the controls, and these rats suf- fered from hypoxemia, hypercarbia, and acidosis, as well as a compensatory polycythemia. Thus, by administering lower doses of NO, intermittently, survival of these rats was prolonged (com- pared with survival of rats receiving continuous NO,), and the 102 development of a full-blown picture of emphysema similar to that seen in humans was produced. The relative role of NO, in the causation of emphysema in humans is still unknown. In another series of experiments, Giordano and Morrow (BP 91) studied mucociliary clearance rates in female rats exposed continuously to low doses of NO, (6 p.p.-m.) over 4 period of 6 weeks. They found a significantly decreased rate of clearance in rats exposed to NO, than in nonexposed rats (P <.02). In those animals with a decrease in mucociliary activity, the effect of NOz was reversible within 7 days following this long-term low dose exposure. Goldstein, et al. (BP 22) reported on the effects of low level NO. exposure on bactericidal activity of the mouse lung. They first infected mice with radioactively labelled Staphylococcus aureus and then exposed them to different concentrations of NO, for 4 hours. The authors then measured pulmonary radioactivity and bacterial concentrations. They found that at concentrations of 7, 9.2, and 14.8 p.p.m. NO, the level of radioactivity was unchanged, but bacterial counts were greater in the NO-- exposed mice (P <.05), and they concluded that the bacterici- dal activity of the NO,-exposed animals was significantly less than that of control animals at these concentrations of NO.. In a series of experiments where mice were first exposed to 1.0, 2.38, and 6.6 p.p.m. NO: for 17 hours and then infected with the label- led Staphylococcus aureus, pulmonary bactericidal activity was decreased in the mice exposed to the latter two concentrations of NO, (P <.05 and P <.01). In both sets of experiments, the physical removal rates of bacteria by the pulmonary tree (as measured by the degree of remaining radioactive label) was not influenced by NO: These experiments suggest that the retarda- tion of pulmonary bactericidal activity was due to dysfunction of the cellular elements of the pulmonary defense mechanism (i.e, pulmonary alveolar macrophages [PAMs]) in the NO.- exposed mice. Fenters, et al. (BP 15) exposed four monkeys to low dose NO, (1 p.p.m.) for 16 months and infected these animals with influenza virus. Three control monkeys were exposed to the virus, but not to the NO. The NO,-exposed animals had higher hemag- glutination-inhibition and serum neutralizing antibody responses against the virus than the nonexposed animals. Pathologic ex- amination of the lungs of these animals demonstrated slight to moderate emphysema in the NO.-exposed and virus-infected monkeys, along with thickening of the bronchial and bronchiolar epithelium, and no such changes in. those animals only infected with virus. 103 Dalhamn (BP 18) conducted experiments on 40 live rats, exposing them to cigarette smoke of different chemical composi- tions. The cigarette smoke was analyzed for “tar”, nicotine, pH, acrolein, nitrogen oxides (NO), acetaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide (HCN), and carbon monoxide (CO). The author found an in- verse correlation between the number of puffs required to produce ciliostasis of the tracheobronchial tree and the amount of acro- lein, HCN, CO, “tar”, and nicotine found in the cigarette smoke. The data appeared to indicate that the majority of the effect was caused by the “tar” and acrolein content of the cigarette smoke. Gairola and Aleem (BP 19) studied the effect of the water soluble and insoluble fractions of tobacco smoke on rat liver mitochondrial function. These investigators found that both fractions were effective in inducing a decline in energy produc- tion by the mitochondria, but to differing degrees, thereby suggesting some difference in their mechanisms of action on mitochondria. Snider, et al. (BP 59) exposed rats to 0.1 percent cadmium chloride solution by aerosol, and were able to demonstrate cen- trilobular emphysema in these animals after 10 days. Since cadmium has been found in cigarette smoke, and smokers and patients with emphysema have been shown to have elevated tis- sue levels of cadmium at postmortem, further studies defining the role of cadmium in the development of pulmonary. emphy- sema in man would be useful. In Snider’s experimental pro- tocol, animals exposed to 1 percent of CdCl, developed a severe hemorrhagic necrotizing chemical pneumonia, and the lower dose of CdCl, also elicited a hemorrhagic response, although no evi- dence of such an inflammatory response was evident 10 days post-exposure. CYTOLOGIC AND HISTOLOGIC STUDIES Experimental evidence indicates that cigarette smoke can im- pair the function of pulmonary alveolar macrophages (BP 52). Pulmonary macrophages appear to be the primary defense against bacterial invasion of the pulmonary parenchyma and also serve to remove particulate contaminants from inspired air. In recent experimental work, Powell and Green (BP 53) in- vestigated the mechanism of action of cigarette smoke on macro- phage function. By using histochemical staining techniques, these workers found that the filtered gas phase of cigarette smoke (FGP) inhibited aldehyde dehydrogenase activity in rabbit pul- 104 monary alveolar macrophages (PAMs). This effect of FGP was inhibited by prior addition of cysteine to the medium. The loss of enzyme activity correlated with the loss of macrophage phago- cytic function (which was also prevented by the prior addition of cysteine). No other enzyme was inhibited by cigarette smoke (except for G6PD in those preparations of cells which adhered to glass). By using crystalline glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate de- hydrogenase, the authors demonstrated that FGP inhibited ac- tivity of this enzyme, and the degree of inhibition was directly related to the period of incubation (most of the inhibition oc- curring within the first five minutes). This enzyme was not inhibited by FGP in the presence of cysteine. When enzyme activity was assayed in cell preparations, glyceraldehyde 3- phosphate dehydrogenase activity was reduced by FGP. This inhibition was dose-related to FGP. FGP did not influence G6PD or LDH activity in the pulmonary alveolar macrophages. These experiments suggest that FGP inhibited the glycolytic pathway within the pulmonary alveolar macrophages concurrent with the impairment of phagocytic activity of these cells. The authors postulated that FGP may act as a sulfhydryl agent (thereby explaining the protective effect of cysteine) in the disruption of the activity of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase. York, et al. (BP 72) showed that incubation of sheep pul- monary macrophages with tobacco extract resulted in an initial stimulation, then inhibition of macrophage oxygen consumption. When cigarette smoke extract was incubated with the macro- phages, & continuous decrease in oxygen consumption was ob- served, proportional to the incubation period and concentration of smoke extract (figure 14). The enzymatic mechanism of the inhibition of macrophage respiration was not examined in these experiments. Invertase placed in a medium of calf’s serum results in en- hanced pinocytosis by sucrose-laden mouse peritoneal macro- phages (monocytes). Schwartz, et al. (BP 56), utilizing this test system, reported that nicotine inhibited invertase-induced pinocytosis by sucrose-laden mouse peritoneal monocytes by 29 and 18 percent, depending on the concentration of nicotine added to the medium. The contribution of this type of pinocytosis to the bactericidal activity of these monocytes is unclear at present. 105 O: Uptake, Percent of Control T t ¥ ai J c T ' v T v v t 120 F Viability 100 fF po. = 100 ‘SO amen ape, . = - Orme on wg, 3s mat A ep anee, 2 so Fr —ameeg “| 80 8 > Initial Rate - 5 60 F 4 60 5 2 bo 4 é 40 70 2 3 be “4 & > 20 PF 4+ 20 0 1 A i i i i 1 l i 1 1 l i 1 0 0.2 0.4 06 . 08 1.0 1.2 14 Smoke Extract, ml Ficure 14.—Effects of aqueous cigarette smoke extract on initial oxygen uptake, final oxygen uptake, and cell viability of pulmonary macrophages. SOURCE: York, G. K., et al. (BP 72). SUMMARY OF RECENT NON-NEOPLASTIC BRONCHOPULMONARY FINDINGS Results from epidemiologic studies on elderly populations demonstrate an increased prevalence of respiratory symp- toms and impairment of pulmonary function among smokers of both sexes compared to nonsmokers. Data from several recent studies indicate that standard pul- monary function tests and physical work capacity are impaired in apparently healthy smokers compared to nonsmokers. Recent epidemiologic data suggest that smokers who retain their cigarettes in their mouths continuously while smoking (“droopers”) have a higher prevalence of chronic bronchitis than those smokers who remove the cigarette from their mouths between puffs. A recent epidemiologic study confirms the observation that cigarette smoke and air pollution act synergistically in the development of symptoms of respiratory disease. Results from several recent studies indicate that cigarette smokers have a higher prevalence of functional abnormali- ties of the small airways than do nonsmokers. 106 Results from a recent study suggest that although a history of lower respiratory disease as an infant is related to the preva- lence of cough at age 20, cigarette smoking is a far more important factor in the development of cough in young adulthood. Data from a major retrospective study indicate that cigarette smoking is related to the development of bullous disease of the lung. Experimental studies in animals have shown that exposure to nitrogen dioxide, a constituent of the vapor phase of cigarette smoke, results in emphysema-like changes in the pulmonary parenchyma, diminished mucociliary clearance, and impair- ment of bactericidal activity of alveolar macrophages. Data from experimental studies have demonstrated that the filtered gas phase of tobacco smoke may effect changes in pulmonary alveolar macrophage metabolism through inhibition of the glycolytic pathway ; cigarette smoke may also impair oxygen consumption and pinocytic activity of pulmonary alveolar macrophages. BRONCHOPULMONARY DISEASE REFERENCES . Binns, R., CLARK, G. C. An experimental model for the assessment of the effects of cigarette smoke inhalation on pulmonary physiology. Annals of Occupational Hygiene 15 (2-4) : 237-247, November 1972. Brooxs, A. G. F., WALLER, R. E. Peak flow measurements among visitors to a public health exhibition. Thorax 27(5): 557-562, September 1972. . Burst, A. S., Ross, B. B. Closing volume as a simple, sensitive test for the detection of peripheral airway disease. Chest 63 (4, Supplement) : 298-308, April 1973. . Buist, A. S., Ross, B. B. Predicted values for closing volumes using @ modified single breath nitrogen test. 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(Incidence of chronic bronchitis in women. The role of tobacco.) Revue de Tuberculose et de Pneumologie 33 (6): 194-797, 1969. 72-1083. BRINKMAN, G. L., BLocK, D. L. Chronic bronchitis in a working population. Journal of Occupational Medicine 14(11): 825-827, November 1972. 72-0648. BRINKMAN, G. L., BLock, D. L., CRESs, C. Effects of bronchitis and occupation on pulmonary ventilation over an li-year period. Journal of Occupational Medicine 14(8); 615-620, August 1972. 112 72-0979. 73-0465. 72-0360. 73-0160. 73-0037. 74-0069. 72-1108. 73-0296. 73-0643. 73-0299. 73-0807. CUNNINGHAM, D. A., Montoys, H. J., Hiccrns, M. W., KELLER, J. B. Smoking habits, chronic bronchitis and shortness of breath and physical fitness. Medicine and Science in Sports 4(3): 138- 145, 1972. DEtorr, L., PUDELSKI, J., OKLEK, K., RoZANowICcz, A., SEDLACZEK, A. Obraz epidemiologiczny przewleklych nieswoistych chorob pluc u mezezyzn miasta Zabrza. Wplyw palenia papierosow i pracy zawodowej. (Epidemiological picture of chronic non- specific pulmonary diseases in men, at Zabrze. The effect of smoking and of professional work.) Gruzlica i Choroby Pluc 40(10) : 889-896, October 1972. ELLEFSEN, P., Tos, M. Goblet cells in the human trachea. Quan- titative studies of a pathological biopsy material. Archives of Otolaryngology 95(6): 547-555, June 1972, FELKEL, H., Kupix, A., FEUEREISL, R., GALLAS, I, REI, I. Chronic bronchitis in manual workers employed in the open air and in a factory hall. IN: Brzezinski, Z., Kopezynski, J., Sawicki, F. (Editors). Ecology of Chronic Nonspecific Respiratory Diseases, International Symposium, Warsaw, Poland, September 7-8, 1971. Warsaw, Panstwowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich, 1972. pp. 114-116. Ferris, B. G., Jr., Hiccrns, I. T. T., Hiccrns, M. W., Peters, J. M. Chronic nonspecific respiratory disease in Berlin, New Hamp- shire 1961 to 1967. A follow-up study. American Review of Respiratory Disease 107(1): 110-122, January 1973. Ferris, B. G., Jr., RANADIVE, M. V., Peters, J. M., MURPHY, R. L. H., Burcess, W. A., PENDERGRASS, H. P. Prevalence of chronic respiratory disease. Asbestosis in ship repair workers. Archives of Environmental Health 23(3): 220-225, September 1971. FEUEREISL, R., KRZHIVANEK, I., REM, I., KuBIK, A., FELKEL, K. Deistvie Kureniya na Serdechno-Legochnuyu Funkktsiyu. (Effect of smoking on cardiopulmonary function.) Klinicheskaya Medit- sina 50(7) : 82-84, 1972. Fox, A. J., TOMBLESON, J. B. L., Watt, A., WILKIE, A. G. A sur- vey of respiratory disease in cotton operatives. Part I. Symp- toms and ventilation test results. British Journal of Industrial Medicine 30(1) : 42-47, January 1973. FRAPPIER-DAVIGNON, L., ST.-PIERRE, J. Gtude de l’effet combiné de la pollution atmosphérique, de Vexposition professionnelle et des habitudes de tabac dans les affections pulmonaires obstruc- tives. 2. Firme d’alimentation: exposition professionnelle nulle. (A study of the combined effects of atmospheric pollution in occupational exposure and smoking habits on obstructive pulmon- ary diseases. II, The food industry: No occupational exposure). L’Union Médicale du Canada 102(7): 1542-1546, July 1978. Gorruies, L. S., BaLcHuM, O. J. Course of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease following first onset of respiratory failure. Chest 63(1) : 5—8, January 1973. Grecc, I., NuNN, A. J. Peak expiratory flow in normal subjects. British Medical Journal 3(5874) : 282-284, August 4, 1973. 113 72-1260. 72-1089. 73-0054. 73-0475. 73-0413. 72-0760. 73-0301. 73-0478. 73-0303. 73-0166. 73-0168. 73-0041. 73-0482, 114 HAENSZEL, W., HoucEen, A. Prevalence of respiratory symptoms fy Norway. Journal of Chronic Diseases 25(9) : 519-544, Septembey 1972. . HUrreMaNnN, U., OswaLp, P., Lope, H., Huckaur, H. Wher deg Einfluss langjahrigen Zigarettenrauchens auf die Lungenfunk. tion jugendlicher Normalpersonen. (Lung function studies iy young apparently healthy cigarette smokers versus non-smokers.) Respiration 29 (3) : 270-287, 1972. HirreMann, U., Scuiren, K. P. Cronisch obstruktive Lungenerk. rankungen: Klinische Erscheinungsformen und ihre Korrela. tion zur gestérten Atmungsfunktion. (Chronic obstructive lung disease: Clinical symptoms and their correlation to lung func- tion disorders.) Klinische Wochenschrift 50(20) : 944-962, October 15, 1972. ImMBus, H. R., Sun, M. W. Byssinosis. A study of 10,133 textile workers. Archives of Environmental Health 26(4): 1838-191, April 1973. IRAVANI, J. Effects of cigarette smoke on the ciliated respiratory epithelium of rats. Respiration 29(5/6): 480-487, 1972. JAIN, B. L., ABRAHAM, E., Koxan, A. R. A study of ventilatory lung functions in smokers from a tropical area. Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 75(6): 103-108, June 1972. JEDRYCROWSKI, W. Badania epidemiologiczne wplywu warunkow srodowiska pracy na wystepowanie przewleklych nieswoistych chorob ukladu oddecliowego. (Epidemiological studies concerning the influence of working conditions on the incidence of chronic nonspecific respiratory diseases.) Przeglad Lekarski 29(8) : 737-748, 1972. Kreetstis, J. A. Diffusing capacity in bituminous coal miners. Chest 63 (4) : 501-504, April 1973. KostrEwskt, J. Chronic non-specific lung disease in Krakow. Sante Publique; Revue Internationale 15(2): 209-216, 1972. Kozarevic, D., RoBerTs, A., Prrc, B. Prevalence of chronic obstruc- tive lung diseases among rural and urban populations in two different areas of Yugoslavia. IN: Brzezinki, A., Kopezynski, J., Sawicki, F. (Editors.) Ecology of Chronic Nonspecifie Respira- tory Diseases, International Symposium, Warsaw, Poland, Sep- tember 7-8, 1971. Warsaw, Panstowowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich, 1972. pp. 178-184. Kusix, A., FEUEREISL, R., GALLAS, J., KAVAN, F., FELKEL, H., REIL, I. Air pollution and prevalence of chronic non-specific res- piratory disease in males aged 16 and 18 years residing in Prague 7. IN: Brzezinski, Z., Kopezynski, J., Sawicki, F. (Edi- tors). Ecology of Chronic Nonspecific Respiratory Diseases, In- ternational Symposium, Warsaw, Poland, September 7-8, 1971. Warsaw, Panstwowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich, 1972. pp. 50-54. Kuso, R., ONO, M. Kitsuen no koto poripu ni oyobosu eikyo ni tsuite. (Influence of smoking on the development of laryngeal polyps.) Jibi to Rinsho 17(2) : 122-125, 1971. KUPERMAN, A. S., RIKER, J. B. The variable effect of smoking on pulmonary function. Chest 63(5): 655-660, May 1973. 73-0058. 73-0038. 72-1092. 72-1284. 73-0485. 738-0486. 72-0042. 72-0772. 72-1057. 72-0775. 73-0314. Luz, T. P., BUSTAMANTE, H. T, DE, SZKLO, M., STROZENBERG, A. “Complexo de sintomas respiratorios” e “rinite vasomotora”. Prevalencia em operarios da fabril juta de Parintins, Amazonas; (Junho de 1971). (“Respiratory symptoms complex” and “vaso- motor rhinitis.” Prevalence among the jute manufacturing plant workers in Parintins, Amazonas; [June 1971].) Revista Bra- siliera de Medicina 29(4): 184-187, April 1972. McCa.uuM, R. I. Respiratory disease in foundrymen. British Jour- nal of Industrial Medicine 29(3): 341-843, July 1972. Martin, R. R., ANTHONISEN, N. R., ZurTer, M. Flow dependence of the intrapulmonary distribution of inspired boluses of ™ Xe in smokers and non-smokers. Clinical Science 43(3): 319-329, September 1972. Martin, R. R., Linpsay, D. L., Despas, M. D., MAcKLeM, P. T., ANTHONISEN, N. R. Reversible small airway obstruction associ- ated with cigarette smoking. Chest 63(4, Supplement): 31S, April 1973. Matuur, K. C., Misra, S. N. Incidence of pulmonary diseases among wool workers. Indian Journal of Chest Diseases 14(3): 172-178, July 1972. Mercnant, J. A., LUMSDEN, J. C., KitpurNn, K. H., O’FALLON, W. M., Usna, J. R., GERMINO, V. H., Jr., Hamitton, J. D. An industrial study of the biological effects of cotton dust and cig- arette smoke exposure. Journal of Occupational Medicine 15 (3): 212-221, March 1973. MercHant, J. A., Lumspen, J. C., Kitpurn, K. H., O’FALLON,. W. M., Uspa, J. R., Germino, V. H., IJr., Hami.ton, J. D. Dose response studies in cotton textile workers. Journal of Occupa- tional Medicine 15(3): 222-280, March 1973. Rispout, J. A., DESosEL, N. L., SPECTOR, Cc. H., Torti, D. D., Urquiso, C., Massun, A. L. Epidemiologic surveys on air pollu- tion. IN: Englund, H. M., Beery, W. T. (Editors). Proceedings of The Second International Clean Air Congress, Washington, D. C., December 6-11, 1970. New York, Academic Press, 1971. pp. 201-209. Rosgins, W. T. Bronchial epithelium in cigarette-smoking college students. Journal of the American College Health Association 20(3) : 209-211, February 1972. Saxaxura, Y., Proctor, D. F. The effect of various conditions on tracheal mucociliary transport in dogs. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 140(3) : 870-879, July 1972. ScHLESINGER, Z., GoLDBoURT, U., MEDALIE, J. H., Riss, E., NEv- FELD, H. N., ORON, D. Pulmonary function and respiratory dis- ease among adult male Israelis. Variations by age and birthplace. Israel Journal of Medical Sciences 8(7) : 957-964, July 1972. Suctu, I., PRODAN, L., ILEA, E., CocArua, A., Cororv, M., OprEa, V. Factori care intervin in grabirea sau prelungirea timpului de instalare si evolutie a silicozei. (Factors promoting and hinder- ing the time of apparition and evolution of silicosis.) Clujul Medical 45 (2/3) : 803-307, 1972. 115 73-0651. Tse, K. S., WARREN, P., Janusz, M., McCartay, D. S., CHERNIACK, R. M. Respiratory abnormalities in workers exposed to grain dust. Archives of Environmental Health 27(2): 74-77, August 1973. . 72-0222. VAN GANSE, W. F., Ferris, B. G., Jr., COTES, J. E. Cigarette smoking and pulmonary diffusing capacity (transfer factor). American Review of Respiratory Disease 105(1): 30-41, Jan- uary 1972. 73-0316. WALTON, M. Industrial ammonia gassing. British Journal of In- dustrial Medicine 30(1): 78-86, January 1973. 73-0503. WiLson, R. W. Cigarette smoking, disability days and respiratory conditions. Journal of Occupational Medicine 15(3): 286-240, March 1973. 72-0663. Wysocki, M. Testy spirometryczne TQT i FEV %—wlasciwosci i przydatnosc w rozpoznawaniu przewleklego zapalenia oskrzeli. (Spirometry tests TQT and FEV—their properties and useful- ness in diagnosis of chronic bronchitis.) Gruzlica i Chorogy Plue 40(1); 35-44, January 1972. Part IT (Additional articles which were reviewed but not discussed in the text.) AtsBy, R. L., GHADIALLY, F, N. Atypical cilia in human bron- chial mucosa. Journal of Pathology 109(1): 75-78, January 1978. 73-0047. ALBERT, R. E., LIPPMANN, M., PETERSON, H. T., JR., BERGER, J., SANBORN, K., BOHNING, D. Bronchial deposition and clearance of aerosols. Archives of Internal Medicine 131(1); 115-127, January 1973. 72-0647. ASTIN, T. W. Reversibility of airways obstruction in chronic bron- chitis. Clinical Science 42 (6) : 725-738, 1972. 73-0157. CARILLI, A. D., Korzen, L. M., FISCHER, M. J. The chest roent- genogram in smoking females. American Review of Respiratory Disease 107(1) : 138-186, January 1973. Davipson, F. F., GLAZIER, J. B., Murray, J. F, The components of the alveolar-arterial oxygen tension difference in normal subjects and in patients with pneumonia and obstructive lung disease. American Journal of Medicine 52: 754-762, 1972. 73-0583. Esser, H. J.. MENNINGER, F, F., Jn., BOGDEN, A. E., Mason, M. M. Immunological deficiency associated with cigarette smoke inhala- tion by mice. Primary and secondary hemagglutinin response. Archives of Environmental Health 27(2): 99-104, August 1973. 73-0128. Evans, M. J., CABRAL, L. J., STEPHENS, R. J., FREEMAN, G. Cell division of alveolar macrophages in rat lung following exposure to NO; American Journal of Pathology 70(2): 199-208, Feb- ruary 1973. 73-0129. Evans, M. J., CABRAL, L. J., STEPHENS, R. J., FREEMAN, G. Re- newal of alveolar epithelium in the rat following exposure to NO: American Journal of Pathology 70(2): 175-198, February 1973. 73-0474. Hirst, R. N., JR., Perry, H. M., JR., CRUZ, M. G., Pierce, J. A. Elevated cadmium concentration in emphysematous lungs. Amer- iean Review of Respiratory Disease 108(1): 30-39, July 1973. 116 72-0614. 73-0810. 73-0254. 73-0411. 72-1046. 73-0415. 73-0476. 73-0346. 72-1240. 73-0646. 72-0590. 72-0766. Ho, W., BenNToN, M., FURST, A. The clearance of benzo(a)pyrene and ferric oxide from mouse lungs. Proceedings of the Western Pharmacology Society 15: 58-60, 1972. Hott, P. G., Keast, D. Acute effects of cigarette smoke on murine macrophages. Archives of Environmental Health 26(6): 300-304, June 1973. Hott, P. G., Keast, D. Cigarette smoke inhalation: Effects on cells of the immune series in the murine lung. Life Sciences 12(8, Part 2): 377-383, April 22, 1973. Hout, P. G., Keast, D. The effect of tobacco smoke on protein synthesis in macrophages. Proceedings of the Society for Experi- mental Biology and Medicine 142 (4) : 1243-1247, 1973. Icoioxa, M. Model experiments on absorbability of the airway mucous membrane of SO: and NO: gases. Bulletin of the Tokyo Medical and Dental University 19: 361-375, 1972. Inavanl, J. Flimmeraktivitat im Respirationstrakt nach chronischer Zigarettenrauchexposition. (Ciliary activity in the respiratory tract after chronic exposure to cigarette smoke.) Rehabilitation, Praventivmedizin, Physikalische Medizin, Sozialmedizin 25 (1/2): 40-42, 1972. Jones, R., Botpuc, P., REID, L. Goblet cell glycoprotein and tra- cheal gland hypertrophy in rat airways: The effect of tobacco smoke with or without the anti-inflammatory agent phenyl- methyloxadiazole. British Journal of Experimental Pathology 54(2): 229-239, April 1973. Kanner, R. E., Kuauser, M. R., SATANABE, S., RENZETTI, A. -D., Jn., BicLer, A. Pathologic patterns of chronic obstructive pul- monary disease in patients with normal and deficient levels of alpha,-antitrypsin. American Journal of Medicine 54(6): 706—- 712, June 1973. Kosminer, S., FELUS, E., WYSACKI, J. Ocena niektérych h wyynu- eznikéw odpornosci humoralnej u palaczy papieroséw. (Evalua- tion of some humoral resistance determinants in smokers.) Polski Tygodnik Lekarski 28(2): 47-50, January 8, 1973. Lewis, A. J., NicHotus, P. J. Effect of inhaled cigarette smoke on content, release and breakdown of histamine in guinea-pig lung. Life Sciences 11 (23, Part 2): 1167-1171, December 8, 1972. Lewis, C. I, McGeapy, J. C., TONG, H. S., ScnHuttz, F. J., SPEARS, A. W. Cigarette smoke tracers: Gas chromatographic analysis of decachlorobiphenyl. American Review of Respiratory Disease 108(2) : 367-370, August 1973. Lewis, C. I., McGreapy, J. C., WAGNER, J. R., Scuuttz, F. J., Spears, A. W. Dichlorbenzophenone as ‘a nonradioactive tracer for cigarette smoke-gas chromatographic analysis of tracer. American Review of Respiratory Disease 106(3): 480-484, Sep- tember 1972. McFapbeNn, E. R., JR., LINDEN, D. A. A reduction in maximum mid- expiratory flow rate. A spirographic manifestation of small airway disease. American Journal of Medicine 52(6): 725-737, June 1972. Mackie, P. J., Despas, P. J., LEROUX, M. Site of airway obstruc- tion in asthma. Chest 63(4, Supplement) : 28S, April 1973. 117 73-0306. 72-1286. 73-0423. 71-1180. 7866. 78-0313. 73-0497. 73-0781. 73-0610. 73-0434, 73-0652. 118 Martin, R. R. Altered morphology and increased acid hydrolagg; content of pulmonary macrophages from cigarette smokers 4 American Review of Respiratory Disease 107(4): 596-601, Apri 4 1973. 8 MitcHELL, C. A., ZUSKIN, B., Bovsuys, A. The effect of cigarette: smoke and g-adrenergic antagonists on small airways. American Review of Respiratory Disease 107(6): 1098-1099, June 1973, Oscuerwirz, M., Epiavircn, S. A., BAKER, T. R., JARBOE, T. Differ. ences in pulmonary functions in various racial groups. American, Journal of Epidemiology 96(5): 319-827, November 1972. -- PARKINSON, D. R., STEPHENS, R. J. Morphological surface changes in the terminal bronchiolar region of NO:-exposed rat lung. Environmental Research 6(1): 37-51, March 1973. ‘ RYLANDER, R. Free lung cell studies in cigarette smoke inhalation experiments. Scandinavian Journal of Respiratory Diseases 52(2) : 121-128, 1971. Simonsson, B. G. Clinical and physiological studies on chronic bronchitis. I. Clinical description of the patient material. Acta Allergologica 20(4) : 257-300, 1965. SrepBines, J. H., IR. Two observed associations between respira- tory allergies and hypertension in nonsmokers. American Journal of Epidemiology 97(1); 4-15, January 1973. SToLoFF, I. L. Bullous lung disease in short order cooks. Journal of Occupational Medicine 15(3): 202-203, March 1973. TasHKIN, D. P., LEVY, S, E., THOMPSON, J. H., Simmons, D. H., Gorpon, B. M. Puimonary effects of chronic nicotine adminis- tration in young and old Fischer-344 rats. Proceedings of the Western Pharmacological Society 16: 209-214, 1973. Tomas, W., Hort, P. G., Keast, D. Effect of cigarette smoking on primary and secondary humoral responses of mice. Nature 243 (5404) : 240-241, May 25, 1973. THURLBECK, W. M. Small airways disease. Human pathology 4(2): 150-152, June 1973. VassaLLo, C. L., DoMM, B. M., Pos, R. H., DUNCOMBE, M. L, Gee, J. B. L. NO: effects on alveolar macrophage phagocytosis and metabolism. Archives of Environmental Health 26(5): 270- 274, May 1978. Warr, G. A., MARTIN, R. R. Response of human pulmonary macro- phage to migration inhibition factor. American Review of Res- piratory Disease 108 (2) : 371-378, August 1973.