UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH Biochemistry Unit, Zoology Department, Telephone 42080 West Mains Road, irofr. Ledersers, Edinburgh 9. Department of Genetics, College of agriculture, University of Jisconsin, Madison, 6, “isconsin, th U.S.A. Cetober 16°~ Dear Dr. Lederberg, After tiriting to you yesterday I reallised that Jennifer lioyle and I had described the autolytic" protoplast release and its possible relation to cell srowtu in one enclosed article. You may perhaps find other ~oints of interest in it, including the reason for our interest in removing bacterial cell walls witout injuring the enclosed protoplasts. I think verhass I should apologise for showering you with reprints, and nenuscripts. lly excuse is the hope that you may derive some pleasure from reading then. I am sorry the “L"' forms do not look like being seneticall; interesting — Do you expect them to throw sny light on the BP, F— factors in coli? One might expect these to belong to the celi- wall as do the phage type factors. No doubt this must Lave been one Sf your first considerations om obtaining the isolsted protovlases. The aspect of this problem which interests me , varticulatly is the nechanism whereby large (DN...) molecules pass frou one celi to the other through the cell membranes, while small molecular weisnt solutes are retained. Vith kind regards, yours sincerely, Pde -Mbelell