Tel. 23.029; 29.038 - Indirizzo telegrafico: Istgenetica - Pavia AUG 27 1962 LUCS/adm 23.48.1962 ISTITUTO DI GENETICA UNIVERSITA DI PAVIA Prot. J« tederbers VIA SANT’ EPIFANIO, 14 PAVIA Dear Joshua, Aport from a considerable gain in weight, which I am finding difficult to handle, I have greatly enjoyed my visit with you and Esther. Thank you again for your hospitality. I have just spent two weeks at the seaside and am spending a few days in Pavia to check what progress has been made with the computer. I had to give up the pro- gramme of the trip South because two of the children are ill with, I hove. minor ailments. Hyporwy This is just a short note. Enclosed is copy of some material sent to Gene. Yours ever, / : UA A (luca)