ISTITUTG BH WILANESE Feb.8, 1953. Dear Joshua, Much of my time is spent on Conrress organization,a very dull task, but I try to keep as active as I can in the laboratory. Some thme has elapsed since I got your lesser Christmas letter sthank- you for it,as well as for the offprints of the fundamental Salmonella peper,end the very good Lac paper hy Mrs.Lederberg. I am sending under seperate cover four copies of offprints -the Heredity paper and the abstract from the Italian microbiology Congress. Tell me if you want more copies. Dealing first with personal business : 1) I heve not yet prepared the microfilm of the paragglutination papers but shall do so next week/I hope you were in no hurry/ 2) I h@ve sent you under separate cover a complete collection of the Boll.Soc.Tht.iicrob.Sez.ital.,except years 30-31-~32. Public ation was stonped in '43. There is no charge for it : we still have a few copies left. 3) You dom not need to thank me for the sbove. In fact I am alrea- dy thinking of asking you somethinz on exchange,and exactly,one or two of the U-tubes which you use for filtra ion experiments.I have a great difficulty in finding glass filters that filter sterile. 4) A young bacteriologist from Rome, Dr.Calef,has started working with me on K-12 senetics. He has an #.D. and is an ective and bright young chap (25) with good experience of bacteriology. He would like to spend next academic year in your laboratory,and is looking - has asked Buzgzati to get him one- for a sgholarship to this aim. Can you ° accomodate him after October / F719 SRe utd also be interested about it hecause I may be able to offer him a job on his return 5) I doubt that I shall be able to come to the States before the Spring of 1954. This summer we are busy wwth fConsresses ;the only op- portunity would have been the CSHS,but I have not been invited. I une derstand Hayes was invited some months ago. Ihope I shall see you at the Genetics Congress,although Congress time is the worst for talkine shop. I wonder if you will be able to stay in Burope some tim after Sept.the 12th? 6) Hayes has got : 1) an F strain ; 2) an Hfr strain. His Fe (58-161/S) is very poorly transducible and gives 70% F- protorophs when crossed to W 677 F+. I should consider it as a weak FT, His Hfr,obtained spontaneously from an old culture of 58+161/S transduced to P+ seems from his descriptions entirelywakin to mine. He asks my Hfr,because his is STAzgr and he cannot test St-resistance of gametes, I would really see no reason to deny it;I should only ask that it be not circulated to other laboratories, STITUTE $6 WILANES 7) Jim Watson has spent here a few days in January.He has a theory to explain segregations - but the theory,which may help to explain some facts,does not fit quantitatively.I understand he is sending you | copy Of a manuscript about it. Turning to my work , 1) FT: there is probably a locus loosely linked with methionine (but not with B, or colicine B-resistance which are linked with me- thionine).In fact,crossing FT which is M- to TLB -ST on minStMetB the M- recombinants are more often F- than B+, rt recémbinantsv tested | sofar (only a dozen) show : hégmal recombination rate (F has low recombination rate and high incidence of Becombination of the St-locus in 80%; segregation into F+ and F-,with 50% frequency,when backcrossed to TLB,-S*F+,with one exception giving 100% P-., Three such FT recone binants,including the last,can be trahsduced though with very poorly, to F+.jaybe FT itself is transducible buta at a very low rate. When I heard of Hayes's results with his FY I tested samme Py transfer in recombination using the third f-F- straan in existence,i.e.iirs, Lederberg's strain ;it gave all F+ recombinants when crossed to "LB. F+ with one exception. £kxisa This strain has the same canacity of adsorbing F+ as TLB|-F-. There is probably a correlationhe between a) transducibility to F+ 3; b) adsorption capacity ; @) % of Fe recome binants (with complications due to segregation ) with various F- stra- ins.xk I shallsw see if I can get some quantitative data about this. 2) Heat or acetone killed F- (and F+) cells can adsorb Fs atwattr®, much as living cells. I am trying to get the F-receptor in a cell-free condttionsif successful,it should permit to make a crucial test of the carrier hypothesis by Hayes,which I do not yut believe,ins pite of the Salmonella mwxidengex analogy. This proof could also be carried out with dead cells,but a soluble receptor would be cleaner.Of course, therevmight always be the escape,for Hayes,that the receptor does not inactivate the F-virus by adsorbing it,but by making its reproduc— tion in the cell impossible : a rather capntious objection. Yowever,the exoeriment has yet to be done, , 3) The quantification of the adsorption experiment,and some other work which I have started on the kinet#ts (for insitance,there is a strong dilution effect sless than 10° meixx F+ cells/ml will caase al- most no infection) are being made possible by t'e use of the StAzT crossing method.It is now quite reproducible. I use Penassay broth with 1% Béfico agar in it,and pour plates with 10° “azide,10” T,,104 micrograms St,end bbout 10’ cells from a preincubated mixture. Reco:bi- nation rates ar= as follows : TLB,-S7F+ x TLBy-Az "TTF, 4x10-7; P-xF+, ISTITUTO 10° «3 F+x r+ ,107| ; F- x F-, 0 or occasionally 2 or 3 colonjes out of the 109 parental cells plated.Have you started on the kinetics proper? I should very much like to leave yam the physical aspects, and consider rather the biological aspects,ugE hife stage and con- ditions of transfer,and production of F+. LT pdb uh yom wom abe Sf. a)The only coli-line ,the Feagent of which seems to be pretty active on FT x FTis the Waksman coli. Unfortunttaly,I am unable to get a stable F+ infection with Waksman F to any K-12 F- line. I have had to work with mewmge 4 trois,which is obviously not as clean as one would like. For instance (cultures enclosed),a methionineless or homocystineless coli Waksman (1288/33 which I got from Davis ,and is probably allelic to M- of 58-16l;syntrophy tests not well done, however ),plus M-S'RFY (original Frs= strain No.219 of which a cultu- re is enclosed,and corresponds to a StF mutant from strain No.8) ; plus a recombinant from Fr x F+,which is B,-St°M+Xy1-Mal- ,on mini- mal streptomycin B,-All recombinants are Ayl+Nal+(with 1% XyltMait) and a few B.-. The same menage a trois would be sterile or almost so if the F-donor were an M-&t°F+ of the K-12 line. However,when Fyis acting as recor bination-determiner,thep pattern of reconbinattdon is aifferent from that of Fy(from K-12) ;it would seem that Fy, determi- nes easily the transfer of M+(saemasinnaliyxacesmpanr,never that of TL+,very rarely that of St and linked genes. It would seem a sort of "preferential trandduction",although the existence of a low pro- portion of “co-"transduced markers would seem to make this a aiffe- rent case altogether from Salmonella and K-12v(admittedly more si- milar to the last onesnothing is filterable thréaéugh Seitw with the Fe system). The difficulty of having stable Fy transduction has led me to stop temporarily this line; however,the finding of other F+ agents permitting PX crossesvweems rather intesesting,eand it weultd—-be-very seems attractive to try on an Pr ypt your fertile coli- strains other than K-12. The two FT strains which I have-sent am sending seem-Father are not ideal,but if the menare a trois “i tn a SS foreign coli gives higher yield than a cross between the foreign coli and she M-STFT strain this may be an indication of an effect. Fould you be interested to have it tried in your laboratory with other coli strains ? I hope you will . Another question : have you been able to secure stable F transduction from coli Waksman? 5) Your work with Hfr is very interesting.Could you send me H 313, and W-1578 ? Incidentally, how did you get F- in the P-G- ? Was it obtained with nitrogen hustard? I am also sending: which &s B,-lLac-,and gives 100% F- on crossing,