AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY Wy held at Philadelphia for Promoting Useful Knowledge 104 South Fifth Street Philadelphia, Pa. 19106 November 18, 1975 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Palo Alto, California 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: I believe there is no one in our Society who knew the life and work of our late and greatly lamented member Edward Tatum better than you. I hope very much that you will write a biographical memoir of him for the YEAR BOOK. As you know these articles do not run to more than 2,000 words. They do not require a photograph or a bibliography. I should like to have the manuscript by late summer of 1976 in order to get it into the YEAR BOOK for that year. Sincerely yours, 4. 4” 4 CG CaN NAL ha George W. Corner Executive Officer