10:00 10:03 10:30 11:00 11:30 12-1 1:00 1:30 2:00 DrnSethen PROGRAM SYMPOSIUM: The Crisis in Medical Teaching and Research October 10, 1980 New York Academy of Medicine Dr. Marianne J. Legato (Columbia) Dr. Brian F. Hoffman (Columbia) Dr. James Wyngaarden (Duke) Dr. David E. Rogers (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation) DISCUSSION LUNCHEON Dr. Robert Petersdort (Harvard) Dr. Francis Moore (Harvard) Dr. Donald Frederickson (NIH) Brief introductory remarks Definition of the problem. What are the scope and nature of the problems in academic medicine and how do they impact on the quality of medical care offered to the public? The clinical investigator as an en- dangered species: What are the problems in recruiting and support- ing physician research trainees? The academic medical center - a stressed American institution: What vroblems does the academic center face? Does it have a viable future? The Academic Physician: The Ouality of Life. What are the difficulties facing the academic physician himself? What kind of role model is he for the young trainee and medical student? Problems in the training of the academic surgeon. What is the future of academe vis-a-vis the discipline of surgery? The role of the government in the support and shaping of academic medicine. An historical perspective and a prediction about the future. 2:30 3:00 3:30 3:45 4:15 4:30 5:00 6:00 Dr. Paul Marks (Columbia) Mr. Alfred Stern (Chairman, Board of Trustees, Mt. Sinai Hospital) DISCUSSION Dr. Samuel Thier (Yale) DISCUSSION Dr. Theodore Cooper (Cornell) ADJOURN The nature of funding for academic medicine: support for the trainee, the established investigator and the medical center. What are the roles of the government and the private institution in such funding? What is the responsibility of the private sector and the private foundation in supporting academic medicine and clinical research? Recommendations and remedies Summary and concluding remarks Reconvene at the Cosmopolitan Club for cocktails and dinner. SPEAKER: Dr. Lewis Thomas (Sloan-Kettering)