‘AREA ‘V LIBRARY SERVICES COMMITTEE” The Library Services Committee ts now. approximately half-way through a survey ° the needs of Area V for library services. This is being accomplished by holding mee ings in each of the eight "districts" of Area V to bring together hospital ‘administ: tors, librarians, chairmen of library committees, in-service nursing directors, di tors of medical education in hospitals, representatives from the Public Health: Dept and County Medical Association Districts, public library systems, nursing school | libraries, college libraries, Pharmaceutical: company librartes and social service agencies. ee BE At each meeting, ‘the ‘current + thinking of the committee > about proposed improvements in library servi ces is communicated fo those | present; an attempt i is made. fo assess ex isting resources; and the © perceived needs of health professi : resources is solicited. oS . : ~ The néed rriost frequently mentioned at each of the meetings, ‘states, Dr... Lloyd, (Area Vv staff) i is that: of Froining for ton profesional bray attendants uw / Chairman’ John Connor and Dr. Lloyd agree that mn isa a Surprising degree of ' ~-shustasm 0 on n the Part of those who attend the, | meetings. vo Pt RMP all COMMITTEES / Staff. f Consultant a Paul Ward announced that there will be an opportunity. to submit ‘proposals prion, to establishment of the once-a-year ‘view must be received by. Feb. 1, 1971. Décisions regarding continuation or modi-" ‘fications to projects completing their 3rd | “year must also be made at the April meet- Ing’ of CCRMP, oe Regional Stroke. Committee . Staff Consultants ‘adopted: the following’ _ resolution prepared by the Stroke Com- mittee: - Be it resolved that the State Stroke Categorical Committee express ” to. CCRMP Staff Consultants the impor~ ° tance of meeting the needs of.the stroke . ‘patients on national, state and local tevels.. . _Basic to this is the creation of an awareness’. and: interest in the establishment of programs. .» by which the condition of the stroke patient . ~ and supervision of such as ‘diabetics ~arthrities, colostomy patients; voca tional: counseling where modifica - will'be improved and in the institution of techniques through which he will be pro- tected. Further, it requests that CCRMP staff. notify. the two Heart Associations in... ‘the state of its concern and offer them its” : “support in carrying out the. recommenda- tions of the newly constituted Council on Cerebral: Vascular Diseases. of the Ameri-.. coe can Heart. Association." : Regional Related Diseases Committee” - Representatives of the ‘Areas have de- cided to hold a Nephrology. Conference * December 12, 13 and [4, at a'site still ‘to bi “decided. “Attendanice of 100-150. As anticipated. - “care Spraipted the committee to prepa ie for. distribution a statement ‘ hich gt } schedule. Submissions for the April re- ; “ ~ cee benefits for medical care: /-s-eonnection with all legislation havi to do. with delivery of health servic : which would include health i insurane “delivery and new delivery. of serv e: and other such related measures cot ‘a3 sistent with HEW.and other priorit we urge that all such services be ona. comprehensive basis to ensur physicians are: P.T., O.1., speech therapy; home health services by li ‘censed agency; outpatient, labora measures, experiments. in the method tinuity of care and rehabilitation cluded in such services prescribed by outpatient Xray; health educatio or job. change i is indicated; ; family rv Tuesday, Sst tel | | AREA Woden, Sept 2 a AREAV | AREAV Thursday, Sept. 3 CCRMP _ Monday , Sept. 7 Tuesday, Sept. 8 AREAV . | AREA ae — Weare See 2 AREA V AREA V- - “AREA V Friday , Sept, “WS AREA V » AREA ‘ADVISORY GROUP MEETINGS. FOR i970: oe COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN’S MEETINGS: Area Advisory Group Thursdays Sep 0 2 oe Cancer Subgommittee. Stroke & : Ad Hoe Stroke ou Alljed | Hel ‘Staff Consultants | HO LIDAY | Cardiac Coordinating . : Committee: ‘Chairmen. 9: 304 a.m, | RMP Conference Room AREA V. SS CEND! MEDICA. PROGRAMS. ~12. noon. a = 980 ain m. Conference 5 Room 12 neon.- 2 p.m. RMP Conference Room “2 pem, : - “5 p. ms. Airport “Marina Hotel, L.A. RMP. Office’ Closed | “W380 cam. RMP Conference Rm 7:80 sin. RMP-Conferenée Rm. 9:30 asm; Conference Room | 2 412 agen RMP’ Conference. Rm. : : soe t we {Gorteria Be We :30 ¢ a.m. RMP Conference Rm B osNovenber 10 ed « October 2 cind October 6, 7 4 ci, : Say 7 - October 28, 29, 30 CCRMP. Full Committee : Ge a, ame = 5 pem. Airport "Marina Hotel,.Los Angeles :4 ” CCRMP. Reatoral Conference Asilomar, Califomia a AREA V PEOPLE Newest. addition to Area V Advisory: Group is S. Leonard Dart, PhD, Professor of Phy~ pres, Joint Scténce Dept. of Claremont Col-. .eges, who.will be a member-ot-large,, rep resenting the Claremont-Pomona area.: Dr. John S, Lloyd, Asst. Coordinator for Evaluation for Area V announces the’pro-. emotion of Bruce M.: Barnhill, formerly ‘enior Research Assistant, to the post of Evaluation Specialist for Area V,. Mr. Barnhill will ass ist Dr. Lloyd in building evaluation plans into RMP proposals and. carrying out evaluation activities for the Area, in addition to supervising Research Assistants assigned to RMP projects. Barbara J. Andrew, PhD is replacing William R, Wolfers as the person-respon- _ sible to Dr. Lloyd for evaluation of the Chronic Respiratory Disease Project. Dr. Andrew recently received her PhD in higher education from USC and is now Asst. Professor of Medical Education Research, ei ivien E. ‘Warr, RN, ccU Nursing “instructor, took off Aug. 19 for an ex-. citing trip around the world, As she . travels, Vivien plans to visit CCU's in Australia, New Zealand, S. Africa, .. England, Portugal, Germany, Ttaly and. (Y “urbados. Invitations to visit hospitals - ‘rave been arranged by Bill Markey and Dr. George C. Griffith of RMP Staff.” Sister M. Nancy, Asst. Administrator: of | Little Company .of Mary Hospital i in Tor= rance has been instrumental in arrang= at “ing visits to other hospitals run by the ’ Order of Blue Nuns. Highlights of the - visits will be reported in future issues of V-MINUTE NEWS, Milford G. Wyman, MD (CCU Project Dir ector) has been appointed to a subcoimit- tée of the Regional CCU Coordinating Committee to examine the objectives, — goals, and future of the RMP=Rand Study . which | is ‘currently a joint effort by Areas 7! and IV, Le Julian Haywood, ‘MD will represent Area V ona new Editorial Board which has been created to éstablish general policies _ for the CCRMP Coronary Care Newsletter to ensure that it will be truly representa- - tive of both nurses and physicians through- out California. - kek & An Ad Hoc Committee on Continuity of Care for Cancer Patients has been appointe to study the areas of vocational rehabilita- tion, re-employment, discharge planning _and similar problems related to cancer pa- tients. The special committee, chaired by Michael Gilliam, RN ‘is composed of Mrs. Anita Busacca, ACSW (Social Workers Committee) Robert McKenna, MD, Miss Loris G.. Phillips, ACSW (Cancer & Social Workers. Committees) Mrs. Flor- ence Reckow, RN, (Liaison Nurse from City of Hope) Catherine Cordoba, (Am- erican Cancer Society) N; Elane Wilcox, PhD, (Cancer Committee). Also'in at~ tendance at the group's first meeting on + ‘Auge 10 were Lewis W. , Guiss, MD (Can- eer. Committee) Dorothy E. Anderson, - (Area V Staff) and Mrs..Ann Braatz (o special assignment to Area V from ‘Ameri~ can Cancer Society, The committee plans to ascertain how many hospitals have dis- charge planning and continuity of care : programs, and a response fron batients a as to their needs in regard to hospital and health: facility care." t Area v Staff ‘Donald W. Petit, M.D. Area Coordinator William A. Matkey, M.S, Deputy Coordinator Russell D. Tyler, M.D. Operations Division Frank F. Aguitera, M.P.A. Community Programs Gladys Ancrum, Dr. PH. _ Coronary Care Program _~ Dorothy E. Anderson, M.P.H. Community Programs ” Kay D. Fuller, R.N. ‘Nursing * Leon C. Hauck, M.P.H. Heaith Data John S. Lloyd, Ph.D. . Evaluation Elsie M. McGuff Communications “Clyde E. Madden, A.C.S.W. Social Work Toni Moors, B.A. Community Programs Robert E. Randle, M.D. Continuing Education Luis A. Pingarron East Los Angeles Vivien E. Warr, RN. | Coronary Care Programs ~ Committee Chairmen Avea Advisory Group - Chester A. Rude Cancer Lewis W. Guiss, M.D. So o oe Chronic Disease ~ Russell D. Tyler, M.D. a E See Cardiac == George ©. Griffith, M.D. e — 2 —. ee Continuing Education Phil R. Manning, M.D. D0 gb sz i si ; 5 Hospital Adininistrators Henry B: Dunlap, MPH ° mos 2 hg a. #5 Berk > 2 “Library Services ~~ John M. Connor, MAL ree as E= Bose 2 Nursing@ _ Fotine O'Connor, RN. ,. 8 BBs 8. Bigs y Stoke Robert H, Pudenz, M.D. ee & Se Bed. = Systems & Computers . Lee D. Cady, M.D. cooege Boo pe fee a fe tO ve re g. a cae Social Workers . | Bernice W. Harper, A.C.S.W. eps oy al Checking In -- 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. Presiding: Congerence 9:00 - 9:15 Conference 9:75 - 10:00 Conference 10:00 ~ 70:75 10:15 - 10:30 10:30 - T4:15 71:75 - 11:30 77:30 - 12:45 12:45-- 1:30 1:30 - 3:00 3:00 - 3:30 Conference #7 id iho oS PROGRAM City of Hope: Miss Beuriee Aarons uSC: Miss Louise Nelson S.F.V.S.C.: Has. Noama Warner Greetings and Remarks Robert M. S£oane Metehetd? W. Spellman, M.D. Claude Cook, Ed.D. The RMP: What it 4s and How 4 Works Donald W. Petit, M.D. C.W. Buggs, Ph. D. Donald G. Brayton, M.D. Ouestions and Answers Break Overview of Dietetics Activcties cn RMP: Miss Jubta Kula Questions and Answers Lunel Reports of Two RMP Area IV Pacyects Ageced Health Worksop Hing Shecla Cadman o21 Mess Wem Gurney Northeast Valley Health Praoject Mr$. Opal GreLiain Task Forees Summary Dorothy E. Anderson Martina D. Sricman, Hed, Gladys Matthewson Adjournment Zip, Return this You will be notified and INVITATION OF Organization City. Los Angeles District Leadership Conference #1 City of Hope Medical Center CALIFORNIA DIETETIC ASSOCIATION ACCEPTANCE Altadena, Ca 91001 750 W. Harriet nelose check for $6 registration fee, payable to CDA-los Angeles District. *orm and check in the enclosed ervelope before September 1. sheck returned if registration has been closed. "lease check here and return form if you cannot accept this invitation. [J felephone Be sure to give complete address so acknowledgment can be mailed. chairman, Mrs. Roselyn Harris, R.D., 797-8865 Vaxge Street (FORNIA DIETETIC ASSOCIATION : LOS ANGELES DISTRICT INVITATION RMP Leaderehip Conference #1 City of Hope Medical Center Tuesday, September 15, 1970 The California Dietetic Association recognizes a need to help dietitians in leadership positions become better informed about the Regional. Medical Programs. This Conference is designed as 4 forum for exploration of ways in which the dietitien can help to achieve the purpose of RMP which is to use existing knowledge in improving the care of patients with heart, cancer, stroke and related diseases. One Conference will be conducted in each of three different geographic areas. You are invited to participate with ethers from your area in the Conference at City of Hope Medical Center. The invitation list includes chief dietitians, therapeutic dietitians, dietary consultants, college teachers, public health nutritionists, physicians who have involvement or interest in the RMP, and others involved in RHP. Atten- dance will be limited to 100 pergons. Advance registration is required; there will be no registration at the door. The Registration Fee is $6 which includes lunch and a copy of the proceedings. Five clock hours of continuing education heave been requested for ADA members. Please complete and return the enclosed acceptance form with your check for $6 before September 1. You will receive a letter to exchange at the door for your ticket-or your check will be returned if registration has already reached the maximm number. A mep with paricing directions will be sent with the letter. Kra. Roselyn Harris, R.D. 750 W. Harriet Altadena, Ca 91001 7197-8865