Sermo, hes been given the "go. chead" signal by ccRMP ond is ‘expected to bei i swing, within the next three or four menths| : oe. The p purpose of the Registry i is to follow up, ‘through, their physicians, the e patlan ~ with permanent pacemakers who reside in Areas IV, V, VI and VIIL of Califor p> ~ _RMP's, Patients will be entered into the Registry when they have a permane > Pacemaker implanted and a follow-up will be made at regular: intervals. ~The Registry is particularly interested in the patterns “of utilization (geographic) of pacemakers; the effect of pacemakers on mortality and morbidity; and the “value of a central information and retrieval system to the patient-and the p “ticing physician. It is hoped that these objectives will be met by the. regul follow-up of patients and the recovery of paceman when Patients die or hav “pacemakers changed. _ e ue - The project. will be suparvised by Dr.. Michoel Bilitch and will be operated © (sss. staff.consisting of the Pacemaker Registrar; a part-time medical educatio > Research Assistant (under the direction of Dr. John’S. Lloyd, ‘Assistant: -Co- © ordinator, Evaluation for Area V) a secretary, and a a number of professio _ consultants. barge 1 Eads me sie Technical assistance in ‘pacemaker performance check-out i is being pi prov idec "by. the Electro Magnetic Techniques Division of the ‘Aerospace’ Corporation EI Segundo. Mr. Herb Wintraub and his technical staff will be of great hel Cites who will ae include Medi¢ ‘Alert Foundation. n : ‘Bilitch, “who | is 5 Assoctate Professor « of Medicine n ‘Cardiology at USC*Scho ‘of Medicine is'in charge of the Arrhythmia, Clinic at. LAC-USC ‘Medical ‘Center _ AREA 'V CARDIAC RESCUE COURSE .. for police, sheriff, and County fire de= mee -_ partment instructors has been cancelled, - due announcement received-on | April ! from DRMP: "The following _ | Item on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation ae Training, excerpted from the Minutes of © the National Advisory Council of RMP, Dee. 16-17, 1969, is ‘announced: for. the © first time: | "RMP grant fu nding for proj- ects in cardiovascular i r suscitation train _ ing must be. limited to activities which ore directed principally to medical and « allied health personnel. Such personnel | must be employed in hospitals and other — inpatient facilities, outpatient or | , emergency facilities operated by or dir - Be ectly related to institutions which can. : provide immediate cles care."” a : a” * * 2 "HOSPITAL MEDICAL STAFF CONFERENCE. cS 6 has accepted 225 participants, reports o WILLIAM A. MARKEY, About 30% are | ~~ from AREA V, 36% from other Southern _ ~ California, locations, and 33% from else- “where in. Califoritia. Of the registrants, about 80%" ‘aie eras are ad- fee 5 oes ‘there's a neW tile roof and: ‘new | fees ‘and it t really beacon nice. x LE AREA V REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS | : Sepak uP ie Room ‘Tuesdoy, Ai 21: | _ CONE, L. A. “1:30 pam. Los Angeles . Q ay . _COMP = ee he 8g Md Personal Health Services oe 6: 30 p.m, fe Ra eA Re er "Les Angeles — Weare ; ak 22° \ 2 Saat Mai 6 INFORMATION s: Donald W. Petit, M.D. William A Markey, MS. ee Russell D. Tyler, wo. + SER YS gos "Gladys Ancrum, br. Pa. “Dorothy E. Anderson, wR. “Kay D. Fuller, RN. : + Noesing “Leon C. Hauck, MPL. 2 Health Data =" John §. Lloyd, Ph.D.” = Evaluation * cee, , Elsie M, MeGulf > D "Clyde €. Madden, A.C.S.¥. Toni Moors, B.A. 2S" Lois A2Pingatron a Vivien E. Warr, R.N.