-On-Fi htin?- enne-Fli oxygen-on-nucleic-acids-and-proteins- On-F s it ne Swine Flu thas been known for several years. It ‘To the Editor: a ‘leads to inactivation of viryses and The news article: “Researchers Find contributes to the ‘control of. viral _Large-Doses_of-Vitamin-C-May-Dam-- diseases —by—vitamin—C-—It—has—been age Gene Material” (May 20) describes evident that animals have some mech- observations by a research ‘team in. anism.to,protect their genetic material _the Cancer Research Center_of the against this sort_of damage. For_¢ eX-_ —“University_of British Columbia_on the -ample,_the mouse_shows.a ‘low_muta-_ mutagenic action of ascorbic acid, tion rate, even though it manufactures metal ions and oxygen, and quotes ' vitamin C in its own cells at a rate one of the imvestigators ae Suggesting i f-nineteer” that - should - "a! d—massive- “grams of the- vitamin-per~day- for &- doses of vitaniin C.” I have advocated man. It is Jikely that human beings the use-of-vitamin. Cin: amounts of have-the same protective mechanism, | several grams per day to prevent Or and that there is Jittle danger of harm- a the corto ane hi la - ful effects from ingesting the amounts ectious diseases, Inc's ing influenza, of vitamin C, several grams per day, _and I think that it may be of impor- that most animal synthesize for them-_ tance in relation to the expected epi- =)... Nee DATING. demic of swine: flu that people™ not Selves ---—-__ UNS ate of be: discouraged -from_making . proper Linus Pauling - Institute of . Science and Medicine ° use of ‘this -valuable - substance. - The . . -action of ascorbic acid, metal ions and Menlo Park, Calif, May 21, 1976