: Les Angeles Limes - - Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling heads the . list of prominent personal- ities. who discuss food on the television show View- point On Nutrition cur- rently seen on Sundays at 7:30 am. on KAPC-TV (moves to 8:30 a.m. after basketball seuson) and 20 other radio and TY sta- tions across the nation. _. The whole range of “man's nutrition is the sub- ject of the weekly broad- casts which combine the ideas, research, practices and viewpoints of authori- ties from universities, medical centers, and the scientific world along with personalities from the theatrical and sports . field. : Viewpoint On Nutrition {s produced and conducted by Arnold Pike who has 20 years of public affairs broadcasting to his credit. i Hardly Enough { "The intent of this series _ {s to make Americans more aware of the import of better nutrition in ‘meeting the many stresses of today," said producer .Pike. "There have been a ‘scattering of programs on . the air about nutrition but whardly enough to bridge ‘the information gap that exists about proper nutri- tion today." SO ' Viewpoint On Nutrition {s a public affairs radio-TV ‘geries presented by the | National Nutritional ;Foods Assn. in coopera- tion with various commu- nity and educational agen- cies including La Verne “ College; White Memorial ’ Medical Center: New York Institute of Technology, Extension Division; De- partment of Oral Medi- cine, University of Ala- -bama. Sun., Jan. %,1972-Sec.] 3 iewpoint on Nutrition Tells Story on TV BY SAM CATT --* °F eertainiy feel that your work in nutrition education is desperately needed and the mass me- dia approach is the only way to get it done,” wrote Jean Dart, extension home - economist, Cooperative Extension Service, Uni- versity of Nevada, to Pike. The fundamentals of nutrition are highlighted by Dr. BE. Cheraskin, M.D., -chairman. Department of Oral Medicine, University of Alabama; Dr. W.D. Cur- rier, M.D, assistant professor emeritus, USC school of medicine; Dr. Mi- ehacl Walezak, M.D, Dr. - Robert Elliot, M.D., Dr. Sydney Garfield, ).D.S. and author of "Teeth, Teeth, Teeth"; Carlton Fredericks, Ph.D.; author - Gayelord Hauser; Harvey Good, assistant professor of biochemistry, La Verne College; Dr. Leland House, M.D., chairman, depart- ment of otolaryngology, White Memorial Medical Center; Loriene Chase, . Ph.D. and others. ' "The question of how to ° turn people on, especially , youth, to right foods when nutrition has been so ig-' nored in the American way of life is the challenge we faced in developing this series," Pike said. "We found that.sports and film celebrities have large fol- Jowings and their actions and activities mav be able to influence for the good. Screen and sports person- alities have to be con- cerned about their appear- ance and fituess if they | want to continue success- fully in their fields and many adhere to nutrition and exercise regimes." Gena Rewlands, Antho-_ AMERICAN DIET—Actor Eddie Albert, left; Harry Matchett, president, National Nutritional Foods Assn. and Viewpoint on Nutritio: TV show pro- ’ ducer Arnold Pike jiook over script of program on suger products and the diet of the Americans. | ny Quale, Eddie Albert, Katherine. Helmond, ‘wine ner “Best Actress 1971" award fror her role in "The House of Blue ‘ Leaves," Don Stroud, James McEachin, - Alex Cord, Linda Kaye Hen- ning, Stephanie Steele, Eve Bruce, Jane Wyatt, Dina Merrill, Dana Wynter and Barbara Werle are among many motion pic- ture and television stars who discuss how they eat for better health. in the Viewpoint On Nutrition series, Special guests from . the athletic world include Bill Toomey, winner of the _ 1968 Olympic Games de- cathion event and Bill Pearl, holder of the "Mr. Universe" title. In Viewpoint On Nutri- tion actress Julie Harris, . who portrays a vegetarian in the play, "And Miss Reardon Drinks a Little,” appears with nutritionist Gayelord Hauser to dis- cuss the pros and cons of the vegetarian diet. It's re- | ‘peated on Channel 52, Ja 30, 3:30 p.m. ee Scheduled for February . _ are a number of special. programs, On Feb. 6 at . 7:30 a.m., Channel 7, will . be a discussion on low blood sugar and the effect of excess sugar in the diet. . Featured are actor Eddie , Albert who explains what_. he did to overcome hypo- | ‘ glycemia,, Toomey wha re- veals how he trained for’ his decathlon title and ac- tress Miss Helmond who tells how she avoids excess sugar in her food. - Quale Scheduled "Today many Americans are suffering from low -blood sugar and are not even aware of it or know how to avoid it nutrition- - ally," said Pike. "We plan to repeat a program on hy- poglycemia with Dr. W. D. Currier that brought much interest." , , .___On Feb. 13 the subject will be "Mirror, Mirror On the Wall" which covers the relationship of proper nutrition to feminine beauty and male appear- ance. Starring are Hauser, Miss Rowlands, star of the film "Minnie & Moske- witz" and Anthony Quale, star of the stage hit "Sleuth." In this telecast © foods, vitamins and miner-, als to stress for beauty, en- durance, energy and well _ being are spotlighted. _—_ On Feb. 27 Harry Mat- chett, president, National Nutritional Foods As&h., joins actors Don Stroud and James McEachin in explaining how to control weight through proper foods and eating habits. “An investment in prop- ‘er nutrition is an invest- ment in your future" is the theme of Viewpoint On Nutrition.