Tue Journau or Biotogican CHEMISTRY Vol, 236, No. 6, June 1961 Printed in U.S.A The Enzymic Synthesis of Amino Acyl Derivatives of Ribonucleic Acid I. THE MECIIANISM OF LEUCYL-, VALYL-, ISOLEUCYL-, AND METHIONYL RIBONUCLEIC ACID FORMATION* Pact Bere,t Frep H. Beramann,t E. J. Orencann,§ anp M. Dieckmannt From the Department of Microbiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louts 10, Missouri (Received for publication, November 8, 1960) The enzymic formation of enzyme-bound amino acyl adenyl- ates from adenosine triphosphate and amino acid (Equation 1) has been recognized for several years (1-8) and enzymes specific for certain of the amino acids have been isolated in a number of laboratories (2, 9, 10). These same enzymes are now known (11-15) to catalyze a second reaction involving the transfer of the amino acyl moiety from the adenosine phosphate moiety to a specific type of ribonucleic acid (Equation 2). The over-all reaction catalyzed by such amino acyl ribonucleic acid synthet- ases' is summarized in Equation 3, - Mgt* AMP-PP + RCHNH.,COOH + enzyme ——=—> 1 ” enzyme—AMPCCHNH2R + PP; 1 Enzyme—AMPCCHNELR + RNA—OH = 0 (2) | RNA-OCCHNH.R + AMP Mgt AMP-PP + RCHNH,COOH + RNA--OH —=— (3) 0 | RNA—OCCHNER + AMP + PP * This investigation was supported by grant funds from the National Institutes of Health of the United States Public Health Service. 7 Present address, Department of Biochemistry, Stanford Uni- versity School of Medicine, Palo Alto, California. t Postdoctoral Research Fellow of the National Institutes of Health, United States Public Health Service; present address, Department of Biochemistry, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts. § Predoctoral Research Fellow of the National Science Founda- tion; present address, Medical Research Council Unit, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England. !Tnzymes which catalyze an amino acid-dependent ATP-PP exchange and ATP-dependent amino acid hydroxamate formation have been referred to as amino acid-activating enzymes (1). In- asmuch as these activities are partial manifestations of the over-all reaction leading to amino acyl RNA formation (12, 16, 17) we propose to designate this class of enzymes as amino acyl RNA synthetases and the enzyme specific for a single amino acid, e.g. leucine, as leucyl RNA synthetase. This nomenclature, we feel, is consistent with the practice of including some indication of the nature of the product formed in the reaction. Moreover, it minimizes any ambiguity arising from situations in which amino acid activation occurs by reactions not involving amino acyl RNA By the above reaction, the amino acids are bound to the ac- ceptor ribonucleic acid through an ester linkage to the 2’- or 3’-hydroxyl group of the terminal nucleotidy! ribose moiety (23- 25), and where this has been examined, each amino acid is linked to a terminal adenylic acid (16, 23-25). The results of our investigations on the mechanism of amino acyl ribonucleic acid formation are reported in the present com- munication. The purification and characterization of the specific amino acyl ribonucleic acid synthetases and the amino acid- acceptor ribonucleic acid from /scherichia coli are presented in the following papers (26, 27). The fourth communication (28) describes the enzymic removal and resynthesis of the 3’-hydroxy- ended trinucleotide portion of the acceptor ribonucleic acid. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE Materials Enzymes-~-In some of our earlier studies and in several experi- ments reported here, extracts of #. colt and a mixture of uni- formly C-labeled amino acids were used as a means of gener- ating highly labeled amino acyl adenylates. Extracts were prepared from cells grown as described in Paper II (26) by treat- ment of a washed cell suspension (4 ml of 0.05 m glycylglycine buffer, pH 7.0, per g wet weight of cells) in a cooled Raytheon 10 ke sonic oscillator for 15 minutes or by disruption in a War- ing Blendor with glass beads (26). Both types of extract were dialyzed for about 24 hours against 30 to 40 volumes of 0.01 m Tris buffer, pH 8.0. The leucyl-, valyl-, isoleucyl-, and methionyl RNA synthetases from FE. colt were prepared as described in Paper II of this series (20); the isolation of the methionyl RNA synthetase from yeast has been reported previously (2, 29). Crystalline inorganic pyrophosphatase (30) was kindly sup- plied by Drs. G. Perlmann and M. Kunitz. Amino Acid-Acceplor RNA Preparations—The acceptor RNA was isolated as described by Ofengand eé al. (27), and in almost all cases, the material eluted from Mcteola (Brown Company) was used. The concentration of the acceptor RNA is expressed in terms of its nucleotide content and determined by its optical density at 260 my in 0.01 n KOH with a value of 10.0 as equal to 1 pmole of RNA nucleotide. formation, e.g. S-adenosyl methionine (18), glutamine (19), gly- cineamide ribonucleotide (20, 21) formation, and very likely the formation of peptides (22). 1726 June 1961 C'labeled Amino Acids—The uniformly C'*-labeled amino acid mixture was obtained from the protein of Chromatium grown in the presence of NaHC™O; as carbon source (31). The protein was hydrolyzed in 6 N HCl at 110° for 18 hours. The specific activity of the amino acids was 2.5 to 3.0 x 10° c.p.m. per wg atom of carbon. pxi-Leucine-1-C™, pi-valine-1-C™, and 1-methionine-CH3-C™ were purchased from Isotope Specialties, Inc., and uniformly labeled L-isoleucine-C* was obtained from Volk Radiochemical Company. The specific activities of the amino acids ranged from 3 to 17 X 106 c¢.p.m. per wmole counted in a windowless gas flow counter. Miscellaneous—PP;* was made as previously described (29). Nucleoside mono-, di-, and triphosphates were obtained from the Sigma Chemical Company, and unlabeled amino acids were purchased from the California Foundation for Biochemical Re- search or from Nutritional Biochemicals. As pointed out else- where (26), ib was necessary in certain cases to use synthetic preparations of the amino acids to avoid trace contaminations by other amino acids. Methods Measurement of Amino Acyl RNA Formation—Depending upon the experiment, one of two assays for amino acyl RNA formation was carried out. The first determined the yield of amino acyl RNA formed when the enzyme, ATP, and amino acids were present in excess and the amount of acceptor RNA was limiting. The standard conditions for this measurement were as follows. The incubation mixture contained in a total volume of 0.5 ml, 50 umoles of sodium cacodylate buffer, pH 7.0; 0.5 umole of ATP; 1.0 wmole of MgCl, (for leucyl- and valyl RNA formation) or 5.0 wmoles of MgC (for isoleueyl- and methiony! RNA formation); either 0.8 wmole of pi-leucine-1-C%, 0.4 umole of pt-valine-1-C™, 0.03 umole of uniformly labeled L-isoleucine-C™ or 0.3 umole of L-methionine-CH;-C™; 0.2 to 1.0 umole of acceptor RNA nucleotide; 100 ug of crystalline beef serum albumin; 2 wmoles of reduced glutathione; 5 umoles of potassium chloride (for methionyl RNA formation); and either 0.9, 0.5, 7, or 3 wg of protein of the leucyl-, valyl-, isoleucyl-, or methiony! RNA synthetase preparations, respectively. The mixture was incubated at 30° for 20 minutes (a time which was sufficient for the reaction to come to completion) and the reac- tion was stopped by the addition of 0.5 to 1.5 mg of carrier yeast RNA and 3 mi of a cold solution containing 0.5 m NaCl and 67% ethanol. After 5 minutes at 0°, the precipitate was centrifuged and washed three times by resuspension in the ethanol-salt mixture. The precipitate was dissolved in 1 ml of 1.5 n NH,OH, and a suitable aliquot was dried in small dishes and counted in a windowless gas flow counter. The results are expressed as millimicromoles of amino acid bound per umole of acceptor RNA nucleotide. Data to be presented below (Fig. 5) show that, under these conditions, the amount of each of the amino acids bound is proportional to the amount of acceptor RNA added. In contrast to the first assay, which determined the yield of product, the second assay measured the rate of amino acyl RNA formation and was carried out under the conditions described above, except with less enzyme and more acceptor RNA (1.0 to 2.0 wmoles of RNA nucleotide). The reaction rate was propor tional to enzyme concentration over the range shown in Fig. 1. Measurement of Amino Acyl Adenylate Formation—The capac- ity of each of the enzymes to form amino acyl adenylates was P. Berg, F. H. Bergmann, E. J. Ofengand, and M. Dieckmann ¢ TTT € TOT TT &0.35 > Valine 4 SF Leucine 7 0.30 ~ 1 a - fe e / € oO © 0.25 /- Oo Sr / 4 2 fo |e a 0.20 Oo 413 oO 4 z x i g 0-15 }- PA + op 4 oO 8 fey > 0.101 / 4er 4 8 2 8 / S0.05- 42/7" - & 0.00 Lott 1 tt a Loti tL 9.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 06.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 Hg of enzyme protein zg. of enzyme protein gOUOTTTTTTITTTTTTTTTT CTT To 20.09 Methionine /- or fsoleucine / 4 NX a 00.08, Oo ANE oO 2 8 E o.07/- 4Er 4 2 5 <0.06f- Oo ae | 2 < x 9g Zz $0.05 7 JEP d 4 oO 7 (2 0.04 /- o 7 Sr / 7 6 2 oO 20.03 {oF 4 2002+ J 48h / 4 Oo Oo} 6 FOO01K 4 Eb 4 A. ititisittatiteriti) EVM et pp x £0.09 00 0.05 O10 O15 0.00 0.02 0.040.06 0.08 ME of enzyme protein AB of enzyme protein Fic. 1. Linear relationship of the rate of amino acyl RNA for- mation with enzyme concentration. See text for conditions. measured by the amino acid-dependent exchange of ATP and PP; (26). Inasmuch as the rate of amino acyl adenylate for- mation was the rate-determining step in the over-all exchange reaction (2, 29), the amino acid-dependent incorporation of PP;” into ATP actually measured the rate of amino acyl adenyl- ate formation. For comparisons of amino acy! adenylate and amino acyl RNA formation under the same conditions, the following assay was used. In a volume of 1.0 ml were 100 wmoles of sodium caco- dylate buffer, pH 7.0, 5 wmoles of MgCh, 2 pmoles of ATP, 2 uwmoles of PP; (specific activity, 0.5 to 1.0 X 105 ep.m. per umole), 2 umoles of the 1-form of leucine, valine, isoleucine, or methionine, 200 ug of serum albumin, 4 wmoles of recluced gluta- thione (where indicated above), 10 umoles of KCl (where indi- cated above), and enough enzyme to give an incorporation of 0.01 to 0.3 umole of PP? into ATP. The mixture was incubated at 30° for 15 minutes and the ATP was isolated and counted as previously described (2). All values were corrected for any ATP formed in the absence of amino acid. This blank was always less than 5% of that observed with amino acid. RESULTS Required Components for Enzymatic Synthesis of Amino Acyl RNA Compounds—Formation of the amino acyl RNA derivatives was observed in the presence of ATP, Mg**, a specific RNA 1728 Tasie I Requirements for amino acyl RNA formation by amino acyl RNA synthetases from E, coli The incubation mixtures and conditions used for measuring the rate of formation of each amino acyl RNA derivative are de- scribed under ‘‘Methods.’’ The column headings refer to the iso- lated enzymes which are relatively specific for the amino acids listed (26). Enzymic Synthesis of Amino Acyl RNA Derwatives. I Components Leucine | Valine | Isoleucine | Methionine amoles/mg/hour Complete.............. 3.1 21.0 | 3.3 3.3 Minus ATP............ <0.03 | <0.2 <0.02 0.1 Minus RNA........... <0.03 <0.2 <0.02 <0.1 Minus Mgtt........... 0.33 0.6 0.15 <0.4 Minus enzyme......... <0.03 <0.2 <0.02