/< ■4é>f CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT GUNSHOT WOUNDS. CIRCULAR No. 9. Surgeon General's Office, July 1, 1863. The accompanying tables have been compiled by Surgeon J. H. Brinton, U. S. V., from the various reports received at this office, for the periods to which the tables refer. They are believed to possess great statistical valué, and are now published for the information of the medical officers of the army, and of the profession at large, in a sepárate form, in advance of more extended details illustrative thereof. The Surgeon General desires to expresa bis gratification at the promptness exhibited by the maj'ority of medical officers in making the valuable reports embodied in these tables. Covering, themselves, a period of only four months, they are to be considered, in addition to their intrinsic valué, as an earnest for the future of still larger and more valuable contributions to the literature of surgery. W. A. HAMMOND, Surgeon General. 2 /X YO Surgeon General's Office, Washington City, D C, July 1, 1863. General: In obedience to your instructions, I have the honor to submit the following tables of gunshot injuries treated in the U. S. A. General Hospitals during the months of September, October, November, and December, 1862. These figures are obtained by the aggregation of the Consolidated tabular state- ments of nearly all of the army general hospitals in the United States for the months specified. The number of hospitals represented in the tablea is one hundred and sixty-seven. Reports from others, obviously inaccurate, have been excluded as unreliable. The statistical results thus collated are founded on the exhibit of the first edition of the "tabular statement of gunshot wounds," adopted by the Medical Department in September last. Previous to that month, the surgical statistics of the war are absolutely worthless. The only information procurable is such as can be derived from an examination of a mass of reports, all of which pre- sent merely certain figures, under the vague and unsatisfactory heading " Vulnus Sclopeticum." The adoption of the new "report of sick and wounded" was an experiment; and although as first issued, it was somewhat imperfect, it is be- lieved that the results already arrived at possess considerable professional in- terest. In the statements now presented I would direct your attention to the exist- ence of certain unavoidable deficiencies. I would also state that steps have been instituted to correct these; and I can confidently assert that if medical officers will hereafter devote more care to the preparation of their reports, future consolidations will prove of far greater valué to surgical science than those now submitted. It has been found impossible, in the present tables, to account in every detail for the entire number of cases (20,930) of gunshot injuries treated. I have therefore arranged sepárate tables, each of which is complete in itself. Thus, in table number 2,ffifteen hundred and forty-five)amputations//> have been reported, whilst in table number 4 I have been able fo account for but 1,342; but these are accounted for fully and correctly. The same remark will apply to the statement of excisions. Ñor have I been able in the present exhibits to sepárate the results of the primary and secondary operations; the necessary data for this purpose were not heretofore in the possession of the Medical Department. Such alterationa have, however, been made in the form of the blank issued to medical officers as will, it is hoped, correct this omission for the future. The results of the injuries of the different thirds of the thigh were not ob- tained by the issue of the first edition of the sick report. This omission has been already suppljed for the year 1863, and also for all cases in the present tables remaining under treatment on the first of January last. The constant transfer of patients from one hospital to another has been one of the greatest difficulties encountered in the preparation of these tables, and the utmost caution has been necessary to avoid duplication of cases. I believe, however, that this obstacle has been overeóme, and I do not think that any im- portan t errors exist in the results now offered to you. As the subject of gunshot fractures of the fémur is one of such great practical importance, 1 have extracted from the April reports, now in process of compila- tion, the statistics of these injuries for the first quarter of 1863. These I have appended in a foot note to the first table. I Avould also state that all cásea re- ported as " remaining under treatment January 1, 1863," have been taken up and accounted for in the reports of the quarter ending March 31, 1863, now being compiled. Fuller information as to the comparative results of operative and conservative surgery will, it ia believed, be obtained from the working of the recently adopted "Medical Descriptive List" system. Tabular statements containing only figures must unavoidably fail to accomplish thia important end. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, JOHN H. BRINTON, Surgeon U. S. V. Brigadier General Wm. A. Hammond, Surgeon General U. S. A. No. 1. Tabular statement of gunshot wounds treated in the U. S. A. General Hospitals during the. months of September, October, November, and December, 18^2 ; showing the number returned to duty; furloughed, deserted, discharged, died, and remaining under treatment January 1, 1863. GUNSHOT WOUNDS—SEAT AND CHARACTER. Flesh wounds. Of head....................... Of neck....................... Of trunk...................... Of external genitals............ Of upper extremities........... Of lower extremities............ Wounds of cavities. Of brain..................... Of lungs..................--- Other wounds of thoracic cavity.. Of stomach.................... Of intestines................... Of bladder.................. Other wounds of abdominal cavity Gunshot fractures. Of cranium.................... Of facial bones................ Of clavicle.................... Of scapula.................... Of humeras................... Of forearm.................... Of fémur...................... Of leg........................ Of ribs........................ 1,090 459 2,190 163 4,972 3,817 44 495 114 19 72 31 104 176 405 132 199 575 728 749 967 113 396 166 686 49 1,750 1,338 72 17 37 38 101 9 61 14 37 15 76 5 186 241 9 19 2 4 36 40 13 29 6 29 6 50 2 144 37 107 45 220 24 594 248 3 112 46 6 4 6 36 43 72 27 24 177 ]60 113 156 25 30 21 91 9 63 78 32 192 18 5 43 16 15 59 27 7 7 69 18 238 140 11 O i-I 8 rt '"3 II 487 200 1,055 74 2,219 1,875 7 163 45 7 14 7 49 65 212 71 127 243 398 372 572 56 4* No. 1.—Tabular statement, Sfc—Oontinued. GUNSHOT WOUNDS—SEAT AND CHARACTER. O M Sí d «o 2 ® d CO w O "es "o H i o d d "S M na Oí rd bD d o d a) S P 13 b£ í-l s H3 T3 "b¡> -s a> X S-4 0J d O ce P>< Remaining under treatment Jan. 1, 1863. 48 997 269 241 161 146 427 282 161 532 52 1 204 19 173 18 2 35 12 6 7 3 13 8 8 4 7 18 8 7 1 1 5 7 12 7 202 61 78 48 14 54 82 58 28 17 22 48 41 21 11 56 166 37 2 8 6 10 6 12 16 490 Wounds of joints. 137 123 94 72 189 Oí anide .................... 148 74 Contusions and injuries by spent 295 4 Total.................... 20,930 5,149 856 374 2,897 1,607 87 9,960 Gunshot fractures of fémur treattd in the U. S. A. General Hospüals during the months of January, February, and March, 1863. i o O I-I '3 S S a Upper third--- Middle third___ Lower third--- 103 143 137 22 46 35 2 1 3 53 83 85 26 13 14 1 1 2 9 25 41 38 24 26 25 53 73 65 Total....... 383 103 6 221 53 1 12 104 75 191 Note.—Of the 383 cases included in this table, 75 were received into hospital during 1862, and are embraced in table No. 1, under the caption "remaining under treatment January 1, 1863." 5 No. 2. 47S Tabular statement exhibiting the Treatment of the gunshot wounds received in the U. S. A. General Hospitals during the months of September, October, November, and December, 1862. Seat and character. tí 8 d o to c3 d o d 55 PU a w < W GUNSHOT WOUNDS. Flesh wounds. Of bead............ Of neck............ Of trunk........... Of external genitals. Of upper extremities Of lower extremities Wounds of cavities. Of brain......................... Of lungs......................... Other wounds of thoracic cavity..... Of stomach....................... Of intestines..................... Of bladder....................... Other wounds of abdominal cavity— Gunshot fractures. Of cranium--- Of facial bones Of clavicle___ Qf scapula--- Of humeras ... Of forearm —. Of fémur...... Of leg........ Of ribs .*..... Of vertebras... Of other bones. Wounds of joints. Of shoulder-joint.................... Of elbow .......................... Of wrist........................... Of bip............................. Of knee............................ Of ankle........................... Of other joints..................... Contusions and injuries by spent balls. Miscellaneous...................... Total. 1,045 455 2,178 159 4,972 3,806 33 495 71 11 67 28 99 163 374 128 191 568 722 749 949 93 40 952 266 240 158 155 242 349 164 484 23 20,429 132 11 198 120 269 299 312 23 34 23 104 52 39 5 5 1,626 38 35 39 14 8 11 8 5 381 6 4/6' No. 3. Tabular statement exhibiting the character of the Missiles in cases of gunshot wounds treated in the U. 8. A. General Hospitals during the months oj Sep- tember, October, November, and December, 1862. Seat and character, GUNSHOT WOUNDS. Flesh wounds. Of head........................... Of neck........................... Of trunk......................... Of external genitals................ Of upper extremities............... Of lower extremities................ Wounds of cavities. Of brain.......................... Of lungs.......................... Other wounds of thoracic cavity...... Of stomach....................... Of intestines...................... Of bladder........................ Other wounds of abdominal cavity--- Gunshot fractures. Of cranium........................ Of facial bones.................... Of clavicle........................ Of scapula........................ Of humeras....................... Of forearm........................ Of fémur.......................... Of leg............................ Of ribs........................... Of vertebrae....................... Of other bones..................... Wounds of joints. Of shoulder-joint................... Of elbow......................... Of wrist.......................... Of hip............................ Of knee........................... Of ankle.......................... Of other joints..................... Contusions and injuries by spent balls Miscellaneous..................... Total..................... 1,049 367 435 194 2,072 633 152 51 4,636 1,621 3,461 878 32 394 69 13 47 20 81 148 353 119 181 529 661 539 767 102 39 910 208 229 156 124 144 271 140 440 33 153 30 7 20 6 25 30 115 31 51 110 169 107 205 25 16 259 18,554 5,554 ^ e) H 453 205 1,189 89 2,566 2,307 22 227 35 6 24 14 50 79 197 69 105 371 447 378 442 66 21 524 109 142 102 87 78 164 88 124 18 10,798 165 24 186 4 307 229 25 22 9 18 28 33 38 80 6 1 56 19 13 6 5 6 12 9 141 6 1,463 ÍT5' d-as" B » d ¡t ~ c — 3 "d ~ 2. b 3 O O oj 3C¡ ~ : o o Y "o' 3" d rí i 3 « 5 ! h- tD 01 a -5 ¡ d" r¿ rí- EL d ! ^ E. d' d , y^^\-^> ' a^ 3 '^ oí O i d • c¡ ^ t-1; d d-¿ r co , 2 & ^ ' <" d b.. > ce H - T> -! | ^ 3> 5j» O ???; 'T'd >-! d/ ►H* r^ > 0 ^-^ H w O Si 02 58 > H O Sí ce OS CO r-1 tO i_i te m a m m m toi-^OD co i—i Right. is 3 o C5h-iCncnaDtO©ib.tOtOtO"JCn,b.©>b.0ú O 3 w 3 OS )—1 1-1 Left. ¡^ o "3 Oí i-i (i vj Oí w M tOíOQO ib- OÍ to ffli-itOiM-iOi^ODMHOiOOOOSMifcOD ,_, 2 >=i CO v-ii-i tO 00 CS tO i-i 10 i-i to )-i to «b. 00 Os <» On Gunshot wounds. Bl -■ i-i en tO to <( oo i-i >b- >b- to fs £ ^ N 00 Secondary opera- en lU OD co to tn I-i toooto >b. to tions. üi oototoi-icni-ioo<ícococo©ooosoD>b.o i—i i_i i-i to w oo Total. ib- OO OS tO i-i to to to ib. 00 -4 «*í b.tOCn00-i 1-1 o 1 oo Returned to duty. o oo ! os : to ! *~' ! 0° to en M ! r-1 KH ! w : toi-ics Furloughed. I—" ! : ; ; : : Deserted. I—" r-1 l—l h-l ¡ ¡ ; t-i i-i i-i oo oo o tO On on to i-i On tO OÍ Discharged. H ai o o ; wc*> ; OOOn ce co Died. to ib. OSOS l-i^ ' 1-1 ib. 1-1 os OOtOOncntOvb.'d'ente ; i-i oo o to o ! te Second operation co o ■ 1—1 ¡ r-1 te O ; oocoi-i ' * 1 M )_1 H-1 ! N> necessary. en Remaining under ta •eatment, h-1 1 i-i on oo o i-" to >u to on January 1, 18 63. os On ; *>• 00 CO oo on tO OO l-i OO 00 OÍ ib-CO iU to 1 | ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!! Secondary operatio n neces- *» '• M co ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ sary; result not jiven. 9¿/y No. 5 * Tabular statement of Excisions performed in the U. S. A. General Hospitals, and their results, during the months of September,'^ October, November, and December, 1862. \J ^r SIDE OF BODY. FOR WHAT PERIOD OF RESULTS. os PERFORMED. OPERATION. "3 "o i a oseo LIST OF OPERATIONS. 3 bu ¿d té d d o tE O 02 d d to 0) d c3 U Sh có ja H ¡M OS dn O r*> ¡1 a3 a ¿ Si OS Ph O si a o o d nd o as 0) n3 as ■a d jd d tí cu !-. as •si as nd as CSC <3 rd O to as d .2 as s-a, o3 OS rrt O £ GO !h T—l os . T-Jl-l §b d B •d rt d c3 a os « V-l O 6 Ck OQ H M Ph M Q Q W M EXCISIONS. <• Wrist ......................................... 14 25 26 7 20 25 21 45 51 3 5 8 18 40 41 21 45 51 2 1 "T 1 4 12 14 J5 8 10 1 23 26 8 5 4 7 102 8 3 5 9 53 16 8 9 16 111 i 3 1 1 2 17 12 6 9 13 131 16 8 9 16 155 1 1 3 1 11 Ankle 2 8 9 18 1 1 5 1 Hip ............................. 7 6 1 1 25 104 26 24 49 i 7 43 50 2 1 10 1 36 Total.................................... 217 154 326 2 47 313 371 6 7 5 69 56 3 228 No. 6. Extraction ofbwls during the months of September, October, November, and December, 1862. LIST OF OPF.R ATÍONí Extraction of balls and other foreign bodies Total..................... i - SIDE OF BODV. FOR WIIAT I'KRFOR.MKI). PFRIOD O].' OPERATION. RESULTS. d 3 "S có ¿ ao co d es íA d o sh d TU <-l d s-. rd S £ s k as h-! c CO d d as CO 5 o 3 rd 6 o b g r~- d " 2 d J2 o O nd Q rd as bC CJ co 0 13 5 Oh* O « as IT) CJ O as W Remaining v Januai OS d O CO '£ di 35] 253 604 86 451 312 18 1 69 n 2 179 14 351 253 604 8G 451 604 312 18 1 69 n 2 179 14 No. 7. Tabular statement exhibiting the results of thirtyfve cases of Trephining, performed in the U. S. A. General Hospitals, fr, September, 1862, to March 31, 1863. OPERATION. FOR WIIAT PERFORMED. PERIOD OF OPERATION. RESULTS. Number i of cases. Gunshot Other causes. Primary wounds. operations. Secondary operations. Rccovered. Died. Under treat-ment April 1, 1863. Trephining......................... 35 \ 30 5 3 32 5 28 2 zo ÑOTfc.—In the five cases which recovered, the operation of trephining was performed nfter gunshot injuries. Four of the operations were secondary, and one was prii ^ * POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO j-^ r^> k-r; -^, ~-, -r, .-►, m^ i-*> r^, ^ -r_ h** h-rj i-h, i-f^ ,-*, co d- o tt Hdd2tf^dE»2íTd d d; d co r-; o d- E? B S d S ^ d- c ~. ^e gsrg- ct> -- 5" ^ Qj CD O O o P S i-i ■-! O O SIS i_ih-"tocoooib.i-ienooK- h-i • © • MClSMtiH KJ00O0CD00tO0nh-itoi-ih-iHJKHtO MtOMOIMHiM-iWMMMHH ■ oooooDib.ioooencoi-ii-i)-ii-n« i-i to co i-i to ib- en Right. Left. Gunshot wounds. Other causes. Primary operat'ns. Secondary opera- tions. Total. Returned to duty. Deserted. Discbarged. Died. Second operation necessary. C rí 2 d Remaining under treatment, January 1, 1863. Secondary operation neces- sary ; result not given. oí ¿¿¡r H O H f K £- O ^ •rjq ... n v; Cd -! Cd B F o 8 ^ 2 ¿^ 5' 2 O o r- 5- o5 cicj 2 d 2 « o £. g, £.. s-^ S 9 o E5 P5 .. O. d-5' —i oo i—i i—i i—i Right. Left. Gunshot wounds. MCC"«i-i-l-Kli Other causes. Primary operat'ns. Secondary opera- tions. o t > o Total. Furlousrbed. Died. Remaining under treatment, January 1, 1863. Of^f XI ^ ^s 3 £ S-'-i « 2 i. o i—i r- 50 G0 "° ■f. a to 8 5 • -* o Qft, ^ b 44/