EMULSION OF WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES 1% ALCOHOL For centuries the value of Olive Oil, as a food and as a laxative, has never been questioned. Combined with Hypophosphites and Oxidaze, we have an ideal preparation, agreeable to the taste, easily digested, combining in one, the known food value of the best table Olive Oil, the tonic properties of the hypophosphites and the germicidal and anti- septic properties of the Oxidaze Tablets. OXIDAZE EMULSION OF OLIVE OIL is a valuable preparation for those who are looking for health. Can be readily taken by many who cannot take Cod Liver Oil in any of its forms. OXIDAZE EMULSION OF OLIVE OIL is a highly concentrated food, a very valuable article of diet. The body wastes away when deprived of fat, and pure vegetable or fruit fat is a de- sirable form of supply. OXIDAZE EMULSION OF OLIVE OIL is a valuable aid to digestion and is a reliable tissue builder, blood and nerve renovator. OXIDAZE EMULSION OF OLIVE OIL is a food and is perfectly adapted to the needs of the body in many directions. Through its nourishing and tissue building qualities it protects the nerves from depletion and wear. It builds up the body SO THAT IT ARRESTS AND WARDS OFF DISEASE. Always use OXIDAZE EMULSIONS in PREFERENCE to any other. Ask your Druggist for OXIDAZE EMULSIONS and accept no other. PRICE, $1.00 PER BOTTLE DIRECTIONS One-half to one tablespoonful three times a day after eating. Children one-half tc one teaspoonful. AMERICAN OXIDAZE CO., Worcester, Mass. Every original package of Oxidaze Emulsion bears the signature of Guaranteed by The American Oxidaze Company under Food and Drugs Act, June 30, 1906. Serial No. 44735. Registered by the American Oxidaze Company in Canada under the Proprietary or Patent Medicine Act, Xo. 2350 rnmim OF WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES 7% ALCOHOL For fifty years the medical profession has recommended and used Cod Liver Oil in chronic wasting diseases, such as Tuberculosis, Scrofula, Rickets, and Malnutrition. It is an easily digested food, and undoubtedly causes an increase in body weight. Eminent medical authorities, recognized as being conservative and accurate in their statements, give as charac- teristics of Cod Liver Oil that it increases bodily temperature, increases red corpuscles, re- lieves anaemia, rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia, scrofula and catarrhal conditions. It is more easily digested and assimilated than other fats. While the principal function of Cod Liver Oil is dependent upon its food value, OXI- DAZE EMULSION of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites contains important and effective medicinal properties that fully meet the complex pathological conditions that obtain in the above mentioned diseases. This cannot as truly be said of all other Cod Liver Oil Emulsions, This OXIDAZE EMULSION can be borne by the stomach where the ordinary Cod Livei Oil Emulsion is rejected. In OXIDAZE EMULSION the unpleasant taste of Cod Liver Oi is largely covered by the Oxidaze it contains. OXIDAZE is composed of several different vegetable ingredients of well known rem- edial value. OXIDAZE EMULSION contains no opium or any of its derivatives. It con- tains no chloroform, no cocaine, no narcotic or other drug that produces the “drug habit.’ OXIDAZE EMULSION represents the valuable constituents and properties of Emul- sion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites with the Added Value of the Oxidaze Tablet Medica ment used in as large proportion as is consistent with the dosage. It is absolutely pure and will give you the most satisfactory results. It is carefully prepared by most able and reliable chemists and pharmacists. It is safe as a family remedy. Always use OXIDAZE EMULSION in PREFERENCE to any other Cod Liver Oil Emul sion. Ask your Druggist for OXIDAZE EMULSION and accept no other. DIRECTIONS One-half to one tablespoonful three times a day after eating. Children one-ha'f to one teaspoonful. AMERICAN OXIDAZE CO., Worcester, Mass. Every original package of Oxidaze Emulsion bears the signature of Guaranteed by The American Oxi- daze Company under the Food and Drugs Act, June 30, 1906. Serial No 5092. Registered by The American Oxidaze Company in Canada under the Proprie- tary or Patent Medicine Act, No. 2350.