W--«#' ai.hi )soiu imqj saAa agi o% Suxajii ssaj si Sa\ AMERICAN POCKET LIBRARY. AGRICULTURE Authorities. — Judge Buely Sir Humphry Davy, Professor Caiman, Pedder, Biddle, J. Quincy, J. S. Skinner, and others; Papers of the Philadelphia Agricul- tural Society, and the principal Agricultural papers and magazines of the day. IMPORTANCE OF AGRICULTURE. The task of working improvement on the earth is much more delightful than all the vainglory which caa be acquired by ravaging it with the moat uninterrupled career of conquests."— Washington. The gnat business of our country is agriculture. Because it feeds us, and furnishes the materials for our clothing; it gives employment to five-sixths of our population ; it is the primary source of individual and national wealth; it is the nursing mother of manufac- ture and commerce; it is essential to national inde- pendence. Agriculture is worthy the most libera] patronage of our governments, slate and national; il ought to be enlightened by a better (and thorough) edu- catiou of the agricultural class. Agriculture, manufac- tures, commerce, stand together; but they stand toge- ther like pillars in a cluster, the largest in the centre, and that largest is agriculture. We live in a country of small farms; a country, in which men cultivate with their own hands, their own fee-simple acres; drawing not only their subsistence, but also their spirit of independence, and manly freedom from the ground they plough. They are at once its owners, its culti- vators, and its defenders. And whatever else may be undervalued, or overlooked, let us never forget, thai the cultivation of the earth is the most important la- bour of man. Man, without the cultivation of the earth, is, in all countries, a savage. When tillage be- gins, other arts follow. The farmers, therefore, are the founders of human civilization. If there lives the man who may eat his bread with a conscience at peace, it is the man who has brought that bread out of the earth by his own honest industry. The profession of agriculture brings with it none of those agitating pas- bjoqs which are fatal to peace, or to the enjoyment even of the common blessings of life: it presents few temptations to vicious indulgence; it is favourable to heilth and to long life; to habits of industry and fru- gality; to temperance and self-government; to the cul- tivation of the domestic virtues; and to the calm and delicious enjoyments of domestic pleasures in all their purity and fulness! IMPORTANCE OF AGRICULTURAL PAPERS. A good agricultural paper, contributed to by practi- cal and scientific famiers, will be of service in many points of view. It is a storehouse of agricultural know- ledge, from which farmers may always draw some- thing new and yerviceable. For its contents are made up of the best opinions and best practices, and accurate experiments of the best farmers of the world com- bined. The leading object, indeed, in the publication of an agricultural paper, is to afford to farmers a common medium through which to impart and receive instruc- tion. Amongst the most intelligent farmers in the land are always found the best patrons of agricultural newspapers: where the land is in (he highest state of cultivation, and where the domestic economy is all regulated in perfect order, you will invariably find ag- ricultural newspapers, and intelligence to appreciate them: but they are seldom met with, where neglect and ignorance prevail! Some farmers may fail for want of sufficient capital, but more for want of suffi- cient knowledge. There is no class who place more entire reliance on their skill than farmers, yet no one who is acquainted with the general agriculture of the country, will assert that it has yet reached the perfec- tion of which it is susceptible. The intent of cultiva- tion is to obtain the greatest possible amount of produce from the soil; the farmer's object being to raise it by such means as will afford him the largest profit with the least labour; and there can be no doubt, that the more scientifically be proceeds, the more effectually will both objects be gained. There is not a subject which absolutely admits of a greater improvement than the cultivation of the soil: vast improvements are in progress, and will yet be made to an almost infinite extent; the slumbering en- ergies of the farmer are awakening up, and agricul- ture, the broad foundation of a nation's prosperity, is unmantling some of the brightest features of her hidden glory! Encourage your Agricultural Papers. Measures (a Substitute).—A box 24 inches by 16 in. square and 28 in. deep, will contain a barrel. A box 16 inches by Iti 8-10 in. square, and 8 inches deep, will contain a bushel. A box 8 inches by 8 4-10 in. square, and 8 inches deep, will contain one peck. A box 4 inche; ' conta Musty Grain is made sweet by putting it in boiling water, (double the quantity of grain;, letting it cool in the water, and then dry it well. Skim the water. A single Weed may draw out the nourishment that would have given fulness to half-a-dozen ears. To be by 4 in. square, and 4 2-10 inches deep, will , free from taxes, is far less important than to be free quart. I from weeds. C2J AGRICU From the Address of Nicholas BiddU, Esq., before the Philadelphia Agricultural Society. Oct. 1840. Besides lime and other enriching substances, the cost of the mere animal manures applied to the soil of England, amounts to three hundred millions of dol- lars ; being more than the value of the whole of its foreign commerce. Yet the grateful soil yields back with interest all that is thus lavished upon it. And so it would do here, if we would only trust the earth with any portion of our capital. But this we rarely do. A farmer who has made any money spends it not in his business, but in some other occupation. He buys more land when he ought to buy more manure; or he puts out his money in some joint stock company, to convert sunshine into moonshine—or he buys shares in some gold mine or lead mine. Rely upon it, our richest mine is the barn-yard, and that whatever temptations stocks or shares may offer, the best invest- ment for a farmer is live stock and plough-shares. No soil can withstand a succession of grain crops; and instead of letting it lie fallow in order to recruit I from its exhaustion, as was the old plan, the better practice now is to plant in the same field a crop of roots. These draw their nourishment from a lower region than the grain crops do; they derive a great part of their food from the atmosphere, by their large leaves, which at the same time shelter the soil from the extreme heats; they provide a fresh and juicy food for cattle during the winter, thus enabling us to keep a large stock, which, in addition to the profit on them, furnish abundant manure with which to return to the grain crops. Now this should be our effort—more roots—more cattle—more manure—then more grain. All these improvements which may adorn or benefit our farms, are recommended to us not only by our own individual interests, but by the higher sentiment of our duty to the country. This is essentially a nation of farmers. No where else is so large a portion of the community engaged in farming ; no where else are the cultivators of the earth more independent or so power. ful. One would think that in Europe the great busi- ness of life was to put each other to death ; for so large a proportion of men are drawn from the walks of pro- ductive industry and trained to no other occupation ex- cept to shoot foreigners always, and their own coun- trymen occasionally; while here, the whole energy of all the nation isdirected with intense force upon peace- ful labour. A strange spectacle this, of one, and one only, unarmed nation on the face of the earth I There is abroad a wild struggle between existing authorities and popular pretensions, and our own example is the common theme of applause or denunciation. It is the more important then for the farmers of this country to be true to their own principles. The soil is theirs— the government is theirs—and on them depends mainly the continuance of their system. That system is, that enlightened opinion, and the domestic ties are more stable guarantees of social tranquillity than mere force, and that the government of the plough it safer, and, when there is need, stronger than the government of I the sword. TURE. 3 IMPORTANT FACTS. "A spot of land which, when pastured upon, will yield sufficient food for only one head, will abundantly maintain four head of cattle in the stable, if the crop be mown at a proper time and given to the cattle iu proper order. The soiling yields at least three times the quantity of manure from the same number of cat- tle ; and the best and most efficacious summer manure is made in the stable, and carried to the fields at the most proper period of its fermentation. The cattle, when used to soiling, will yield a much greater quan- tity of milk, and increase faster in weight while fatten- ing than when they roam the fields, and they are less liable to accidents—do not suffer by the heat, flies or insects, and are not affected by the weather, escaping also many disorders to which cattle always abroad are liable. Each head of cattle fed in the stable, if plenti- fully littered, yields annually sixteen large double cart- loads of dung." A visiter to the farm of Josiah Quincy, quoted in the Farmers1 Cabinet, says:— His farm is extensive, and surrounded by a flourish- ing hawthorn hedge, but there is not an interior fence on the premises; the whole presents a single field, de- voted to all the various purposes of agriculture; no part of it is allotted to pasture, properly speaking, as his cattle are fed in their stalls, and are never suffered to roam over the fields; and the advantages of this sys- tem are thus given—formerly, there were seven miles of interior fences to be kept in repair, but by keeping the cattle up, the whole of this expense is saved: former- ly, sixty acres of this farm were devoted to pasturage, but now, a greater number of cattle by one-lhird, arc kept on the products of twenty acres, and I never saw cattle in better condition. The saving by these means is enormous, and the immense advantages arising from it too apparent to be dwelt upon. Duriug the summer, the cattle are fed upon grass, green oats or barley, cut the day before, and suffered to wilt in the sun, and the manure which is thus saved will more than pay for the extra expense and trouble. The farm is most highly cultivated, and every kind of grain and vegetables have a place. Near London, it is the custom to sow large quantities of oats, to be cut green for stall-feeding the milk-cows; these are always sown on land most highly manured for the purpose, with four, and sometimes five bushels of seed per acre; the yield is prodigious, and is found to be one of the most valuable crops that can be grown, coming off the land iu time for a full crop of turnips for the winter, or of late potatoes. Fences. Around each post hill the earth, to carry off the water, and charr the end a few inches above the surface. Cedar fences last about 15 years, which should lead owners to inquire where the fences are to come from hereafter. Manure. — Every farmer can double the quantity of his domestic or yard manure, with scarcely any ad- ditional expense. At least fifty per cent, of the nutri- tive properties of yard manure are lost by drenching of rains, excessive fermentations, and injurious applica- tion to soil. AGRICULTURE. MANURES. Under the improved system of a rotation of crops, root culture, and alternation of grass and grain, com* bined with yard and stall-feeding of sheep and cattle, the quantity of manure produced on the farms has in many instances been quadrupled, and the amelioraiion of the soil has been in the same proportion. Ship loads of bones have been carried from this country to Europe to be crushed and used as bone-dust in fertilizing their soils; and we have been compelled to purchase, at exorbitant prices, of those nations, the wheat and other grain, that this same manure would have produced at home, and at the same time have lost to our farms the fertility it would have imparted. Scrapings of streets, leached ashes, lime, refuse from skin, leather and soap boilers' shops, slaughter houses, bones, weeds, salt, and any kind of animal or vegetable substances, by the addition of earth, may be largely in- creased in quantity and made to enrich and fertilize the soil. But whatever improvements or discoveries may be made, it seems clear that the farmer for manure must rely mainly on his stables and yards, and his study should be to render these most efficient and available. One main object should be to prevent the escape of the liquid and volatile parts of the manure, as experience proves that these are the most active in exciting or supplying plants with food and thus accelerating their growth. The yards and the stables should be pro- vided with litter, such as straw, hay, leaves, weeds, fee, with vegetable mould or muck, with the \vash of roads or the overflowing of streams, in sufficient quan- tities to absorb and retain the urine and other liquid parts of the manure, and where these cannot be ob- tained, common earth or dry sand will be found of great utility in preventing the loss which must ensue where these parts of the manure are allowed to escape from the yard. If when the farmer cleans out his yards, he were to cover them with a hundred loads of vegetable or absorbent earth, he would find in the following year a greater number of loads of the most'valuable manure, the greater part of which, without such pre- caution, would have been wholly lost. Rotted manure may afford at times more benefit to a particular crop, or may be more conveniently applied to some crops; but as a general rule, manure should be rotted in the ground where it is wanted. Some crops are rarely Injured by any quantity that can be given them, as corn, potatoes, and roots generally ; of course such should have the advantage of the first pro- cess of decomposition in the manure, while its after effect is reserved for the grains and gnsses. The great object in the application of manure should be, to make it afford as much soluble matter as possi- ble to the roots of the plant; and that in a slow and gradual manner, so that it may be entirely consumed in forming its sap and organized parts. All green succulent plants contain saccharine mu- cilaginous matter, with woody fibre, and readily fer- ment. They cannot, therefore, if intended for ma- nure, be used too soon after their death. By covering dead animals with five or six times their bulk of soil, mixed with one part of lime, and suffering them to remain fbra few months, their de- composition would impregnate the soil with soluble matters, so as to render it an excellent manure, and by mixing a little fresh quick-lime with it at the time of its removal, the disagreeable effluvia would be in a great measure destroyed; and it might be applied in the same way as any other manure to crops. Green vegetables^ when put under the soil and sub- mitted to the process of decomposition, are efficacious in restoring exhausted soils. Buckwheat and clover are striking instances of this power in green crops to fertilize soils, and both have been extensively used for this purpose, PLOUGHING. Much time and labour is saved in ploughing long in- stead of short ridges. For instauce, suppose the ridges are 78 yards long, four hours and thirty-nine minutes are spent in turnings in a day's work of eight hours! whereas, if the ridges are 274 yards long, one hour and nineteen minutes are sufficient in the same length of time. Plough deep. Let a farmer examine the extent and depth to which the roots of grain, in a loose and favourable soil, will spread, and he will cease to won- der at the failure of a crop where the subsoil has never been stirred by the plough. Small fibrous roots of vegetation extend to a depth, where the soil is loose and deep; and where vegetables thus take root they are much less affected by drought The soil being turned up to the action of the sun and air, becomes enlivened, and better fitted for producing vegetation. An acre of land yielding a ton of hay, at the usual season of ploughing greensward contains more than twelve tone of vegetable matter, consisting of the roots and tops of grass, and other vegetable re- mains upon the surface. Such a method of ploughing, then, as will be best calculated to secure for the benefit of the crop, this mas3 of enriching substance, the farm* er should not hesitate to adopt. By completely invert- ing the sward, and laying it as flat and smooth as the nature of the ground will admit, and then cultivating without disturbing the sod, with the application of a dressing of compost, land may not only be kept in heart, but wonderfully improved. The Plough* — By so placing the coulter as to form an acute angle with the plane of the share, on the land side, the beam is brought more directly over the centre of the plough, as is the case with Prouty & Mean' im- proved plough, and thereby the power necessary to move it, is applied more directly to the centre of re- sistance, and the force required to move it, and over- come this resistance, is of course less than when ap- plied, as in other ploughs, on one side. The difference in the force required for ploughs now in use, has been ascertained to be 100 per cent.; show- ing the great importance of its structure. The work which one team of horses or one yoke of oxen can perform at one plough, will require two yoke at another! AGRICULTURE. 5 GRAINS. General Remarks. The compounds in vegetables really nutritive, are very few ; farina, or the pure matter of starch, glu- ten, sugar, vegetable jelly, oil and extract. Of these the most nutritive is gluten, which approaches nearest in its nature to animal matter, and which is the sub- stance that gives to wheat its superiority over every other grain. There is a particular period at which each species of seed ought to be sown, in order to bring the plants to a perfect state of ripeness. The condition of the land is, in fact, the best guide; for, if it be in a mellow state, between drought and moisture, the seed may be put in with confidence. Some kinds, however, prefer a dry and warm soil; others, that which is more humid and tenacious. Thus, barley, rye, and buckwheat, succeed best on the for- uer; and wheat and oats on the latter. The depth at which seed should be sown is a matter of nicety, as well as of importance. If too deeply bu- ried, germination is impeded, and may be altogether prevented; while, if sown too shallow, sufficient moist- is not left in the surface to afford nourishment to the roots of the plants. The depth at which seed ought to be placed must, therefore, be regulated by the nature of the soil. If stiff, more moderate covering should be used than if light and porous; wheat, barley, and oats also require re than rye or buckwheat; but, except in a few in- ir.es, from one and a half to three inches, is in every case, the lowest to which it should be carried. Seed should be selected from the earliest and most perfect growth of the preceding year. Too much at- tention cannot be bestowed on this part of the opera- tion, as every kind of seed will produce its like. Late sowing requires one-tbird more grain to the acre, than if put in early. Land, naturally very rich and too highly manured, is apt to cause during the hot season of summer a too rapid growth of the straw, at the ex- pense of the seed. Wheat. The white are superior in the quality of their pro- duce ; the red are the more hardy; and in general, the thin and smooth-chaffed are preferred to the woolly and thick chaffed. The produce of wheat sown in spring acquires the habit of coming much sooner to maturity, than the produce of that sown in autumn. Hence the farmer, when he sows wheat in spring, should sow the produce of that which had been already sown in spring, and not the produce of that which bad been sown in autumn. This change in the habit of ripening, though it may at first view appear somewhat singular, takes place in all the cereal grasses, and also in many other cultivated plants. The minor varieties of any species of wheat, under given conditions, will remain unchanged for an indefinite period; under other circumstances, however, they degenerate—and hence, particular kinds that were once valued, have now ceised to be so. The soils of the lighter class are the best suited to wheat; and it is an error in practice to force the pro- duction of wheat on soils, and under circumstances which are better suited to the production of the other grains. No wheat, however clean or beautiful, should be sown without being soaked 12 hours in a pickle of strong ley, brine strong enough to float an egg, or lime water, and after being drained, should be rolled in pow- dered lime. As the wheat crop generally receives no after-culture, the soil should be brought into as fine condition as pos- sible. Manuring and thorough culture are indispen- sable. If it be desirable to sow wheat after a fallow crop of rye, oats, &c, the land should be immediately plough- ed or thoroughly harrowed after it is cleared—then one good ploughing with sufficient harrowing is a good preparation for the seed. As a large crop cannot be sowed in a few days, it is better to begin a fortnight too early than a week too late. Two bushels of seed to the acre of winter wheat, is not too much: less than six or seven pecks Bhould never be sown. By sowing too thin, the growth of weeds is en< raged to the great detriment of the growing crop and the loss of the owner. Ploughing in wheat is best, especially on worn land. The depth at which the seed is buried is more regular, and gives the young plants a stronger hold on the soil. Corn. As a general rule it may be laid down that any crop which matures so large a quantity of seed, must exhaust the fertility of a soil much more than a crop which does not produce seed, such as the root crops. There is probably no other crop that produces so much nourishment for man and beast as this does. It was the opinion of *' Arator," that it was "meal, mea- dow, and manure." And the manure which might be made from the fodder that is produced, if returned again to the soil from which it was taken, would keep it in a constant state of fertility, and in fact increase it from year to year. To Plant, plough well in the fall and early in Ihe spring. Manure and harrow well. Select from the bast stalks large sound ears—throw out the small, ill- shaped grains from each end. Soak in strong liquid of rich manure 12 hours. Put four grains in hills four feet apart each way. Cover one and a half inches deep, and press down with foot or hoe. Apply leached ashes or plaster, after the corn is up. Use the cultiva- tor instead of the plough, which cuts the roots and makes them bleed—besides, all that is now needed is to keep the ground loose, well pulverized and free from weeds. The ravages of the wire-worm may be stopped by slacked stone lime. Of all the grains, corn is the most valuable, taking into view quantity and price. Soaking the seed in : solution of saltpetre keeps off the worm and largely increases the crop. Topping the stalks diminishes the grain from 6 to 8 bushels the acre, without a corresponding increasi fodder. Grind corn in the ear for feeding. Pure corn meal does not appear sufficiently to distend the stomach to AGRICULTURE. bring into exercise its digestive faculties fully, without taking so much as to clog and impair its functions eventually. For this reason, a mixture of less nutri- tive materials is desirable; and one of our most suc- cessful feeders of pork has assured us, that he always mixed oats with bis corn, in the proportion of one- fourth, previous to grinding, and thinks be should find a profit in exchanging corn for oats, bushel for bushel, rather than feed the former to his pigs clear. The cob, possessing nutriment in itself, makes about the requi- site mixture with the grain, and hence is of great value for the purpose of feeding. In any district where Indian corn is extensively grown, a miller would find it for his interest to attach a cob-cracker to his machinery, as the farmers would find themselves well repaid by the great saving and superiority of the meal so made, for feeding, SEEDING. Of all the practices constituting good husbandry, none are more replete with beneficial effects, and which bet- ter repay the outlay, than that of seeding. It has be- come an established practice with good farmers to seed frequently with clover and timothy. The natural grasses yield less of quantity and nutri- ment than either clover or timothy, and some others of more recent introduction. Independent of this, its fertilizing properties to the soil must be considered. Whereas, grounds not seed- ed, by being too much exposed, soon become of so com- pact a nature as to render them in a degree impervious to either heat or moisture, without which they cannot be capable of the least productiveness. Autumn is deemed the best time for sowing timothy, and the spring for clover. ALTERNATE CROPS. The summer and winter food must have a due pro- portion to each other, and the fields of grain are not to exceed the fields of meliorating crops,—these preserve the soil, as well as produce crops; but grain reduces the soil in producing the crops. Aim at income from live stock, which improves, rather than from grain, which impoverishes your land. SAVING CLOVER SEED. The difficulties of saving the seed are imaginary; the process is simple and easy. After the clover field has been cut or grazed, let the second crop come on. The second crop produces more seed than the first, and hence the economy of first cutting or grazing the field; though from that cut for hay, a careful husbandman might easily sav.e sufficient seed for his own use. Mow when about two-thirds of the heads have turned brown, because, if cut sooner, too many seeds are unripe, and if later, too many shattei out of the heads in cradling and handling. POTATOES. Potatoes in general afford from one-fifth to one-se- venth of their weight of dry starch, One-fourth part of the weight of the potatoe at leasl may be considered as nutritive matter. The best potatoes are heavier than the inferior vari- eties. The American Farmer sayw: For some seasons pa:>t, I have only planted the top eyes, and 1 have the best crop and the driest potatoes in the country. After the lop is cut off, the remainder keeps better and longer fit for use. If housekeepers iu towns were to preserve the cuttings of the tops of their potatoes, there would be sufficient to plant all the country, without the cost of a cent for seed ! Preserving Potatoes.—Potatoes should bedug.during dry weather. They should be exposed as short a time as possible to the light, as it always injures their quality for whatever use they are intended. They should be kept in a state similar to that before they are dug,— that is, secure from air and light, with a Blight degree of moisture to prevent withering, and a temperature so low as to keep them from vegetating. The difference in the quality caused by good and bad keeping is very rarely appreciated. in planting, have a good supply of rich earth around; but elevate the hills as little as possible after planting, in order to leave the tubers to grow at the depth which they choose for themselves. Besides, a more even surface is better adapted to obtain a suppl) of moisture, by admitting the rain, &c. The distance of the hills should be governed by the space occupied by the tops; for much of the nutriment of vegetable; is taken from the air, and the tops should therefore b. allowed to expand. STOCK. Treat Domestic Animals kindly and tenderly. Domestic animals of all kinds, from a horse down to a chicken, should be treated with gentleness and mild- ness; men or boys who are rash and bad-tempered, ought not to be permitted to have charge of them or to interfere with their management. Animals that are kept in constant fear of suffering never thrive well, and they often become vicious and intractable by un- kind and cruel treatment. Keep Stock in good condition. An animal may be kept short of food in the latter part of the fall or first of winter, at a small saving of food, but at a loss in the condition of the animal. It is like salting a bog with a pound of salt—a saving of salt but loss of bacon. One dollar saved by short keep- ing of animals, will be a loss of five dollars. It will cost more through the winter, and the profit from the animals, either in growth or milk, will be lost Provide comfortable sheds and stables. Remember that a want of comfort is always a waste of flesh. Give a sufficiency of food and drink, with great regu- larity. A meal ten minutes later than the usual time, causes the animal to fret, and fretting lessens Mesh. Most animals will drink several times a day, and Bhould therefore have it as often as they want it. They should have plenty of clean litter as often as needed. With such management there will be an al- most incredible saving of food. Tight stables should always be ventilated. The breath and manure from animals always causes impure AGRICULTURE. Coarse hay and straw are readily eaten by cattle, when brine is >pnnkled upon them. Corn-stalk fudder should always be cut or chopped, —othern ise the body of the stalk is wasted. This is the best part. It is sweetest and most nutritious. And it is (he chief part iu bulk. Chop it fine, and cattle will ertt it, if the fodder bis been well cured. Quantity.—An acre of corn-stalks, cut and well secured, and chopped wheu fed, is quite as good as an acre of hay. Currying.—Nothing contribu'es more to the health and appearance of catile, than frequent curryings and rubbings; and nothing enjoys currying more, or shows greater improvement from it, than hogs. Hoven Cattle.—A band of straw, the size of the wrist, placed in the mouth, drawing it tight, and mak- ing fast the ends over the head, just behind the horns, will cause the beast to endeavour to rid itself, by chew- ing the band; :md the act of moving the tongue and jaws will permit the pent-up air to escape. Over-Feeding —Administer a pint of cider and half a pouud of old cheese, grated and mixed. Remarks on Neat Cattle. 1. The head small and clean, to lessen the quantity of offal. 2. The neck thin and clean. 3. The carcass large, the chest deep, and the bosom broad, with the ribs standing out full from the spine. 4. The shoul- ders should be light of bone, and round off' at the lower point 5. The back ought to be wide and level through- out ; the quarters long; the thighs thin, and standing narrow at the round bone ; the udder large when full, but thin and loose when empty—with large dug-veins, and long elastic teats. 6. The bones, in general, light and clean. To Select.—Adopt the practice of selecting best lambs every yeir, for stock. In a few years you have first- rite sheep. The same course will produce the same effects in every kind of animal. THE HORSE. There is no more danger of injury to the horse than to ourselves by eating a hearty meal when warm. And who ever heard of a man killing himself with a hearty dinner, because he ate it when he was fatigued or heated! It is hard driving immediately after eating grain that kills the horse. Not an instance can be shown in which he has sustained injury from eating grain merely because he was warm. We have known men, prudent in most matters, yet guilty of stuffing their horses with grain in the morn- ing just before starting on a journey ! How absurd to let your horse stand for hours, after a violent exercise, to chop up his own fodder and attempt to appease his hunger on hay. Give the horse half a bushel of oats or one peck of corn—if he has been used to grain—as soon as you lead him into the stable, and he will fill himself in an hour or two, and be willing to lie down and enjoy a nap, even before you retire to rest yourself. In any part of the country, if you see the grain put into the manger you may be pretty sure the hostler has not forgotten bis duty. Watering.—If you ride moderately, you ought to let y mr horse drink at any time on the way ; but if he has been long without water, and is hot, a load of cold water, greedily swallowed, will chill and deaden the lone of the stomach: but two or three Swallows are really necessary to cool his mouth, and may be allowed him at any time. Spavins are seldom cured: though cures ace made by------Rizler, at Frankford, Pa. Heaves.—Mix ashes in his food, and lime-water for his drink. Prevent Botts by cleanliness, and giving salt often and regularly; and,occasionally, a few potatoes. When your animal has fever, nature would dictate ; that all stimulating articles of diet or medicine should I be avoided. Bleeding may be necessary to reduce the I force of the circulation—purging, to remove irritating substances from Ihe bowels—moist, light, and easily digested food, that his weakened digestion may not be oppressed—cool drinks, to allay his thirst, and, to some extent, compensate for diminished secretions—-rest and quiet, to prevent undue excitement in bis system,—but nothing to be done without a reason. We might sum all in one general direction:—Treat your brutes like men. Cuts should be cleaned, laid smooth in the natural position, and allowed tune to cure. Sores, when large, should be protected from the air and external irritation. Bruises and Sprains should be kept quiet, or in- flammation will ensue : endevour to reduce the heat, if more than natural, and avoid the certain ' cure-alls-' Colic.—The horse rolls and is in pain. Administer a table-spoonful of strong mustard, dissolved in a black or junk bottle of water. Wrap the neck of the bottle with twine, to prevent its breaking. If inflammation is suspected, breathe a vein. A damp stable produces more evil than a damp house ; it is there we expect to find horses with bad eyes, coughs, greasy heels, swelled legs, mange, and a long, rough, dry, staring coat, which no grooming can cure. Lock-Jaw.—Throw two or three hogsheads of water on the spine. The skin becomes loose, then wrap in blankets—feed with gruel and nourishing diet. Botts are said to be too deeply buried in the mucous coat of the stomach, for any medicine that can be safely ministered, to affect them. Symptoms.—The horse hangs his bead, is drowsy, and bites himself. Try a mixture of molasses and warm fresh milk, and rub externally with spirits of turpentine; all of which may loose the botts—then work them off with a large dose or two of oil. Lam-pas (the roof) sometimes grow level with the front teeth, and impede the feeding. Touch with a lancet gently, and allow to bleed freely, instead of the usual painful cure of burning. Age.—From 5, black cavity, like the eye of a bean, in two middle teeth of lower jaw, is filled up. At 6, the two second are filled up, and at 7 until 8, the black marks of comer teeth of lower jaw fill up and disap- pear, and the tushes are no longer concave on the sur- face next the tongue, but become rouud or convex. The nnrks being npM off, "d cause this growth would be at the expense of the root Harvesting.—The evidences of the plant being ripe are a falling down of the leaves, and those of a bright freen, turning yellow and brown. The influence of rought may bring on these appearances; the observ- ing farmer will understand when this change is caused by heat, or want of moisture; indeed be has to attend to the weather, and the appearance of the approach of winter, that he may take advantage of all the growing season, and at the same time not be too late in harvest- ing, and thereby expose the crop to be injured by frost, The roots should be pulled by hand, or assisted by the Bpade when necessary. Shake the earth off them, and be careful not to strike one against another or in any way bruise them: bruising disposes them to rot Cut off the tops, being careful not to cut the beet. The leaves being cut off lessens the disposition of the root to vegetate, and it prepares them to be housed. The beets should lay on the ground until they are dry be- fore they are housed. Preservation.—The roots must not be left long on the ground exposed to the air. heat and moisture; much heat or cold are both found detrimental, as a beat of fifty-six to sixty degrees Fahrenheit, in damp wea- ther, will produce a fermentation sufficient to reduce the quantity of saccharine matter; and on the other band, beets freeze very readily, so that only a few de- grees below thirty-two will dispose them to rot. The best aired cellar is not better for securing the beet than a judiciously made pit It is most prudent j of its nourishment from the atmosph to make them large, because if a part of Ihe contents of a pit begins to spoil, the disease will spread through the whole mass. They may be made from four to five feet wide, and eight, ten, or twelve long. One to two feet is deep enough ; this hole is to be filled with beets, and piled up until they form a ridge, and the whole is to be covered with the earth dug from the pit; a drain Bhould be cut round the heap, to carry off all water, it being of importance that the beet be kept dry, and for this reason, ground naturally dry should be selected for the pits: perhaps in our severe climate it may be ne- break'down, have to be supported by sticks or frames. When the seed is ripe, which will generally be in Sep- tember, the stalks are to be cut off and tied into bun- dles to dry, and then the seed is beaten off or removed from the stems by hand. The small seeds towards ihe outer end of the branches do nol ripen well. The next process is to expose the seed to the sun, mid then it is put into sacks and kept in a dry place, where mice and vermin shall nol have access to it. The average yield of plants in France is from four to six ounces of good seed. General Remarks.—The Beet is found, under some circumstances, to degenerate, the seed of the white plant producing yellow and red roots: this tendency may be checked by changing the seed from ciay to sandy, and from sandy to clay soils. The seed, if care- fully preserved from moisture, insects, and vermin, will keep for several years; but after four years, it will not be prudent to sow it. When the object is to make sugar, care should be taken to have seed that will produce white roots; and early sowing will afford the opportunity of commencing the crushing and boil- ing at an early period. The early bruisingsprodi.ee the largest proportion of sugar. When Ihe Beet is employed in feeding cattle, one of the effects will be, to produce more and richer ma- nure, and this will place iu the farmer's power the en- tire command of his farm; he can do with it what- ever he pleases. Every encouragement is held out for the culture of bee'. It being a green crop, draws much of its nourishment from the atmosphere; and in place of exhausting the land, leaves it in fine order, tor any crop the farmer may choose to put on it. Beets in no way interfere with the cultivation of wheat, clover, barley, Indian corn, potatoes, turnips, kc. With the aid of a few beets, the profitable effects of that most useful grain, Indian corn, will be greatly increased in feeding cattle. Calves fed with beets or roots in their first winter, will generally be as good animals at the end of two years, as those that have been fed the first winter on dry food and corn, will be at the end of three years. VEGETABLES. Artichoke.—Sow early In the Spring, In rows three inches apart, or plant suckers. Asparagus.—Sow in April, in good rich soil, BEANS. English Dwarfs.—Plant as early in the Spring as the ground will work. Kidney Dwarfs.—Plant from end of April to about 20th August. Pole or Running.—Plant beginning of May, and at intervals through the season. Beets.—Sow in drills, from early In the Spring till the middle of Summer. Leave the plants 6 lo 8 inches apart in the drills. Borecole is an excellent green. Sow in Fall, either broadcast or in drills, as for Winter Spinach. Brussels Sprouts are cultivated for the small heads which are attached to the stem. Sow in the middle of Spring, ;;nd treat as Winter Cabbage. Brocoli produces heads like Cauliflower. Sow in seed bed about Ibe middle of Spring. Transplant in HORTICULTURE. 13 rich ground when 8 or 12 inches high, and treat as Winter Cabbage. Cabbage— For early cabbage, sow in Autumn, in seedbeds. Protect during Winter; transplant early in Ihe Spring. For late cabbage, sow in seed bed, middle of Spring. Transplant early in Summer. Cardoon is much used for salads, soups, and stews. Treated much like Celery. Cauliflower.—Sow, for early, in seed beds, in Au- tumn : protect from frost, in cold frames, and trans- plant in rich ground after froat ceases. For late, ma- nage as Brocoli. Carrots should be sown early in the Spring, in deep- dug and well-manured ground, in drills twelve or eighteen inches apart. Celery should be sown early in the Spring, in light rich moist soil. Transplant in trenches, highly ma- nured, when about b' inches high. Blauch by earthing up as tbey advance in growth. Chervil.—A small salad. Sow early in the Spring, and after heat of Summer. Cress.—Used as a salad. Sow very thick, in shallow drills, at iutervals through the season. Corn Salad —Used as a salad during the Winter and Spring. Sow thick, in drills, about 1st of Septem- ber, and cover with straw on the approach of cold. Cucumbers should be planted first week in May, in hills 4 I'eet apart: prepare the ground by incorporating a shovelful! of rotteu dung io each hill. Endive.—Sow last of Spring to middle of Summer, in shallow drills. Egg-Plant.—Sow in hot-beds early in the Spring; transplant in rich warm ground late in the Spring, about 30 inches apart. Egg-plant seed will not vege- tate freely without a substantial heat. Lettuce should be sown in seed-bed, in the middle of September: protect the plants through the Winter, and early in the Spring transplant in rich ground ; or sow in hot-beds in March, and at intervals throughout the season. Melon.—Plant in hills, in light sandy earth, about the first week in May. Mushroom Spawn should be planted in hot-beds of dung, covered with earth. Mustard.—Sown like Cress, and used for a salad. Nasturtium.—Sow in May. The flowers and young leaves are used as a salad; the seed-pods, with foot- FLOWERS. General Directions for their Cultivation. The Flower Garden has always been the object of admiration: its refinement and delicacy have never been questioned, while its proper cultivation and at- tention are universally considered as evidences of taste and intellect. Soil.— The first requisite to ensure the healthy growth of flowers, is soil. That most suited to the cultivation of garden flowers, is a rich mellow loam, which should be well manured and pulverized late in Ihe fall, or as early as possible in the spring. When ground is of a hard and clayey nature, the addition of sand will teud to render it less adhesive, and thus en- able your tender varieties to strike their roots deep io the earth when they might otherwise perish with drought The garden should have a regular supply of manure every fall. stalk, are gathered whilst green, and pickled as a sub- stitute for capers. Okra, or Gombo, is one of the best of vegetables. Plant in May. The seed should be sown thick, as it is liable to rot in the ground. Very rich ground is re- quired. Onions should be sown in drills, early in the Spring, in rich ground, thin, to stand 2 or 3 inches apart Parsley should be sown early in the Spring. Soak in warm water before sowing. Parsnip.—Sow in drills 18 inches apart, in good and deep-dug ground, early in (he Spring. Peas.—The best soil for Peas is a light loam. The early sorts require rich ground. Sow in drills as early in the Spring as the ground will work. Pepper.—Sow late in Spring, in drills, on a warm border; or in a frame or hot-bed, in March: set out plants 18 inches apart Pumpkin. — The Mammoth Pumpkin has been grown to the enormous weight of 225 pounds. Plant early in May, in rich soil, in hills, 8 to 10 feet apart each way. Radish.—The early kinds should be sown as soon as the ground can be worked, in a sheltered situation. Rhubarb should be sown in Autumn or early in the Spring: when in the latter, transplant in the ensuing Spring to desired situation. The stems are used for ttrts, and are fit for use before green fruit can be ob- tained, being a very desirable substitute. Salsify, or Vegetable Oyster should be sown during April. The roo;s boiled, made into cakes, with paste, and fried like oysters, much resemble them. Spinach should be sown as soon as the ground can be worked. The soil cannot be too rich for Spinach. Squash.—Cultivate same as Cucumber. Tomato.—Sow in hills 3 feet apart, on a warm bor- der, early in the Spring. As the plants advance in growth, give them support. Turnip.—For summer use sow early in the Spring. For main crop sow close of summer. The Ruta Baga requires more time to mature, and should be sown at mid-summer. Aromatic and Sweet Herbs.—Anise, Brazil (sweet), Caraway, Coriander, *Fennel, *Lavender, Marygnld Pot, Marjorum (sweet), *Sage, Summer Savory, •Win- ter Savory, #Thyme, *Mint, *Rosemary, Dill. Those marked with a * are perennial, and when once obtained may be preserved for years. The others are annuals. A. DREER. Annual seeds may be sown from the 1st April to the 1st June, with variations of success. Those sown ear- liest, flower sooner and more profusely. Sow either in small beds or in drills from one-fourth to one inch in depth, according to the size of the seed. In a monih to six weeks they will be ready Io tra^plant. Be care. ful to do this during cloudy and rainy weather. Re- move your plants carefully; set the larger flowering kinds in the rear, the smaller in front. Above all things, be careful not to crowd them, as one healthy plant is more beautiful in a garden than fifty sickly and attenuated. Tie your taller-growing kinds to painted rods: this gives an air of neatness, indispensable in a garden. If the weather, at the time of transplanting, is dry and warm, water them well for a week, and keep them entirely shaded from the sun. Do not set all out at once, but from lime to time, lest a hot season should prematurely arrive. Many tender annuals, that do not vegetate freely in Ihe open ground, and which, after vegetation, a slight chill might destroy, may be brought forward in the following manner: HORTICULTURE. BY HENRY 14 HORTICULTURE. Cultivators desirous of obtaining an early bloom, may commence by sowing their seed early in March, in pots or boxes nf earth in the houee, giving them as much sun as possible during the warmth of the day, and protecting them from the influence of a chill dur- ing night. This opention must, however, be per- formed with great care, to scarcely cover Ihe more delicate kinds, while the stronger-growing may be sown a quarter of an inch in depth. A very delicate watering-pot, which suffers the water to fall like a shower of dew over Ihe earth without washing away the most delicate seed, should be used. Give only a sufficient quantity of water ; the greatest fault with the inexperienced is their propensity to drown every plant, which is equally injurious with depriving the plants entirely of sustenance. Preserve each kind distinctly labelled. However, the most proper method, and that most generally practised by families having large gardens, is to " throw up" a small hot-bed, in which the pots containing seed may be plunged to their rims, or sown in shallow drills on earth previously placed over the manure, and should then be labelled to prevent mis- take. The Cyprus Vine, Scarlet Morning Glory, and other species of the Convolvolacex, should be soaked a few hours in warm water before beiug placed in the ground. They will then vegetate much earlier and more regularly, and will blossom sooner. Many vari- eties will vegutate much sooner by covering them with a hand-glass, which should be taken off shortly after their appearance above ground, lest they should be rendered weak and sickly by confinement. Cover Ihe bed up carefully at night, for fear of sud- den cold chilling the plants. Give them air by raising the sash on every fine day : this will render them more hardy, and capable of enduring transplanting with less danger. Lupins delight in a half-shady spot, and should never be transplanted : the seed may be sown early in March, in the open ground, and, when in city culture, kept moist after vegetation. Leaf or peat soil to mix will prove advantageous. Hardy perennial and biennial seeds may be sown about Ihe same time as the annuals. These do not blossom the first year; they may therefore be thinned out or removed from the beds in which they have been first planted: when their roots acquire sufficient strength, set out in the places they are to occupy for the succeeding year. They must be kept free from weeds, and Ihe ground occasionally loosened to facili- tate their growth. Biennials are generally raised from seed sown every year. Many varieties of hardy an- nuals flower much larger and finer in the spring, if sown the preceding summer or fall, so as to vege'ate Erevious to frost Among these, the Dwarf Rocket arkspur, Branching Larkspur, Strawberry Spinach, Evening Piimrose, Coreopsis Tinctorea, Sweet Wil- liams, Pinks, all kinds of Poppies and Gil lias. There are many kinds that do not endure the frost, but which vegetate much earlier by the seeds passing the winter in the earth. Among these, the Marvel of Peru, Double Balsamine or Lady's Slipper, Cypress Vine, Euphorbias, Sweet Peas, Convolvolus, &c, stand pre-eminent. These, however, answer nearly as well by planting in March, April, and May; and indeed, we have seen seeds of all the varieties, sown in June, flowering beautifully when the others were nearly ended. As soon as a flower begins to fade, pinch it off, and you will have several more equally as fine, to take its place, besides always having your plant neat. The strength given by the plant, to ripen seed, would then be thrown into the production of fresh flower buds. Biennials are such as are of two years' duration ; being sown one year, they flower, seed or fruit tbe Canterbury Bells, Wall Flower, Foxglove, Pinks, Dwarf Evening Primrose, and their varieties. Perennial herbaceous plants are those which die down to Ihe root yearly; the roots of which remain many years. There is no class of plants more deserv- ing general culture in the flower garden than peren- nials; for when once introduced they require but tri- fling attention: their increase is also of Ihe most en- couraging nature, being, in most varieties, effected by simply dividing or parting the roots iu the autumn or spring. Herbaceous plants may be divided into three classes, viz. — Bulbous, as the Tulip, Hyacinth, and most Lilies ; Tuberous, as the Dahlia and Paemiy ; and Fibrous, as the Phlox and Perennial Aster. These may again be divided into hardy and tender. Among Ihe bulbs, Tulips and Hyacinths are hardy; the Ja- cobean Lily, Tiger Flower (Tigridia), and Gladiolus. are tender. In tuberous roots, the Paeony is hardy ana the Dahlia tender; and in fibrous, most kinds are hardy, although in many cases they are killed by the winter and by wet saturating their crowns, on which account it is necessary they should be partially covered in winter to protect them from being injured in this manner. next, and soon after decay. Sow the seeds during April, either in spots where they are to remain, or in beds by themselves, distinctly marked; to be trans- , _... planted to desired situations early in the Fall. The tobacco: sponge or bathe over three or four times. following are among the most free-blooming and de- Keep the ground, fences, &c, clean about the flowers' sjrable sorts: Rose Campion, Holyhock, Snap Dragon, I by painting, whitewashing, &c. ' VINES. Prune hardy kinds in the Spring, by cutting out all dead or superfluous branches, regulating the remainder at an equal distance apart, when they are nailed with shreds of woollen or leather, or tied up neatly. In summer, prune so that the branches may not be too thickly crowded. Propagate by taking off joints where they have rooted, and planting in the same manner and soil as the parent, in September. Cover the roots with fine earth, and keep moist. Some varieties, as the Honeysuckle and Clematis, are readily propagated by layers and cuttings. (See Plants.) PLANTS. Roses should be pruned in the Spring: if allowed to grow straggling they neither thrive nor flower well. The rose always flowers from the young wood, and by being well trimmed more are thrown out The rose ily propagated in a deep rich soil. The Moss Rose will thrive on a clay bottom. Althea, or Rose of Sharon, Snowballs, Honeysuckles, and most kinds of soft-wooded plants, may be propa- gated in tbe Fall or Spring, by sticking cuttings one foot long, half-way down, ten inches apart, in moist shady ground, well dug and pulverized, with a north- ern aspect. Press the ground hard round tbe cutting. To propagate by layers, bend the plant down, making an incision to the under part of the shoot or joint about half an inch ; press perpendicularly two or three inches deep, and secure it iu the ground, which must be well prepared. Inoculate by taking well-ripened buds, say in July or August; make an incision in the rind, taking care not to cut through the albumen nor into Ihe wood ; cut half an inch below and half an inch above the bud, with about half the wood and bark; press the rind gently back and insert the bud, carefully closing all around and binding with bars or other strings. The plants must be perfectly healthy. Cold, late in Ihe season, must be guarded against; the tender plants removed to their winter quarters, and those that remain out through the winter. About the middle of November, protect all herbaceous plants by covering them on their crowns and roots with long manure and leaves, tying the branches up neatly, and covering with straw so as to turn off the rain and frost. Insects may be removed by a strong decoction of to- bacco juice, or one made of soft soap, sulphur, and MANUAL FOR PRODUCING SILK. 15 In rooms, plants should enjoy as much of the light and sun from the window as possible, be often turned, giving them a supply of fresh air in fine, soft weather ; divest them of all dead leaves, and water them as na- ture indicates by the earth drying in the pots. Too much water sours and rots, too liitle dries up Ihe plant, and breeds insects, fiic. Plants io a growing state re- quire more water. Seeds should be saved from the plants in the health- iest state, and those first ripe are the best Clean the seeds, and preserve only those that are full and plump, throwing out those of a light quality. Leaves are the principal organs of respiration, sy- nonymous with the lungs of animals. Dead or decay- ing leaves are apt to breed insects. Plants of all kinds should be so situated that the sun and air may have free access to any part of tbe leaves, fruit, and all parts as far as possible. The Dahlia thrives best in a deep, rich, loamy soil, with the full benefit of sun and air. In winter, the roots should be cleared of decaying parts, dead stalks or tubers, and kept in a temperature a few degrees above freezing. For late flowers, plant late. Sow seed in May, in open grounds; but in a pot of light, rich, sandy soil, as early as first April, and transplant about middle of May. Divide the roots and plant in March as Boon as Ihe eyes begin to push out in pots or green-house, and transplant wheu the weather is set- FRUIT TREES. Fruits, in a ripe and perfect state, are beneficial to health, if not eaten to excess. Stunted trees never become vigorous, nor when too long crowded in nurseries. In Grafting, 25 well placed are better than 100 grafts placed at random, and ten placed injudiciously will change Ihe whole top of a tree in a few yean, when 200 "rafts may be so scattered as not materially to change the top of the tree or its fruit. Graft only on such as are sound and vigorous. Haggling off limbs and branches and leaving stumps on the trees, which rot off and let the water into the trunk, soon destroys the tree; therefore al- ways cut or saw off smooth, when tbe wound will heal and the bark grow over. Sound vigorous trees, and no other, should be set out, as they take no more trouble or space than the worthless ones. Budding should only be done with fresh buds, on very small stocks of vigorous growth. Begin after sap starts, uotil 1st June. Later will do. M.tke incirion like a T ; raise the corners and insert the bud with as little of the wood as possible, and baudage, not too light, for three weeks. Scions may be cut in February or March, before or at the time the buds begin lo swell; or take grails size of a pipe-Btem, from bearing branches, not from side shoots nor Ihe rank growth of the top. Put in earth one third their length, keep from front, and occasion- ally sprinkle to prevent shrivelling, but not so wet as lo sprout them. Composition.—Rosin 8 oz., beeswax 3 oz.; melt up with lard, and work it like shoemakers' wax: for wounds made in pruning or grafting. Split the stock, drive in a wedge 6 or 8 inches long, open tbe split so as to admit the graft freely, sharpen end of graft and insert, matching the wood of graft and wood of the stock; remove the wedge carefully, and cover smooth over with composition, tight, to exclude air, and the sap will force its way to the graft. Seed.—Select from healthy trees, sound, ripe and fair fruit, and place in sand, in a cellar or other cool, damp place, until time to plant. If kept too dry, they seldom vegetate. Let the soil be good, well worked, not too wet; cover up and press the ground mode- rately over. Plant in Fall, before the ground is frozen, or in Spring soon as the ground can be worked. Soil.—Low, wet or marshy ground is not suitable. Soil appropriate for crops of graiu is also adapted to the cultivation of fruit trees, shrubs or vines. Occa- sional digging, mellowing Ihe ground, keeping down underbrush and weeds, and manuring, are beneficial. Cleanliness is essential. Destroy all caterpillars, noxious worms and insects, and prune off all affected parts. Scrape off rough ragged bark and moss, and wash well with soap suds or cover with a coat of lime- wash. Remove all suckers from the roots, side branches and excrescences. Grubs, which occasion disease, may be prevented by coating the roots and lower trunk, about July 1, with tar, train oil, or whitewash, and sprinkling a little lime, ashes, or soap suds, on (he ground around the tree. When seriously affected, dig Ihe earth from the roots near the surface, and search thoroughly in the bark for the grub ; cleanse off the gum, Sic, wash with ley or soap suds, or rub dry ashes over them, and close up with good fresh earth. Doing this as occasion re- quires, will ensure health and vigour. A MANUAL FOR PRODUCING SILK, Containing Directions for growing the Mulberry Tree, managing the Eggs, feeding the Worms, securing the Cocoons, and reeling the Silk ; comprising the whole process of Silk Miking. Compiled from au- thentic sources, by the Secretary of the "National Association for Promoting the Silk Culture in the United States." Philadelphia, January, 1840. Planting.— In the Middle States, plant the morus multieaulis from the 15th of April to the 15th of May —a little later or earlier, according to Ihe season. The ground to be made fine; furrows three or four feet apart; distance in the furrow about the same. Some plant one, and others one foot and a half apart. The more distant, the more the tree will branch ; but the increase of surface lo cultivate, increases the labour. Plant the layers or branches entire, or cut them into two bud cuttings, and bury them as you would corn, but not too deep. Be careful the first weeding. Hot, unfermented manure, is bad. This part of the busi- ness requires about the same skill ana management as | com, observing a dry, sandy loam: sandy, light gra- velly, or stony soils, produce Ihe sweetest leaf and the finest silk. An acre will hold 14 500 trees, the rows three feet wide, and trees one foot apart in the row ; or it will contain, if three feet each way, 4840 trees. Preserving Eggs.—Rev. Mr. M'Lean says he folded his eggs in a small tea-chest, lined with lead, and co- vered with flannel. This box was placed in one a size larger, and the space between filled with char- coal, covered with a loose board. Place in an ice-house or cool cellar, where tbe heat will not rise abovej45 degrees. Dennis says, put eggs in a glass jar, covered, and set in the ground two-thirds of its height in a cool cellar. Roberts says, use tin box or glass, not stopped tight, and keep in a dry, cool cellar, or any other coo] place where water will not freeze. Some experienced Silk-growers think the retarding process is unnatural and improper, and lhat hatching may be regulated to suit, at the same time, the require- ments of nature and the supply of food. {See Journal of Am. Silk Society. By G. B. Smith, Esq., Baltimore.) 16 MANUAL FOR PRODUCING SILK. The Cocoonery.—Cool, airy situations, are best, I done before the chrysalides are killed and the cocoons guarding as far as possible against extremes of sudden become dried. The heat of the water may be raised heat or cold, dampness, or loo great dryness. Cobb, to near the boiling point, when a handful or two of Smith, Terhoven, and others, agree in three tiers of pine boards fixed on upright posts, four feet wide, and two and a half feet above one another," with room to pass all around the frame so as easily to reach any part of it. The Hatching.—Hatch the eggs in a pasteboard box, or on sheets of paper, a table, or shelf. An ounce will give about 30,000 worm*, and upwards. Those that appear red when hatched are worthless, and should be thrown away. Give the worms young leaves, to which they will adhere; then raise the leaf, and tbua convey them to their proper places. Keep off rats, mice, roaches, and spiders, and especially auts, which guard against by smearing the upright posts, ends, &c, wiih tar or molasses, or set the ends in a cheap pan, which fill with water. Hatch when your leaves are sufficiently forward to insure a supply. The Feeding.—Give the young worms as many cut leaves as they will eat, and no more, feeding eight or ten times a day, and as late at night as you can. Nei- ther stint the worms nor waste the leaves. The leaves should be fresh, clean, and not wet. {Since this Manual was compiled, an important invention has been patented, by Mr. Edmund Morris, Burlington, N. J., which in its simple, rapid and economical opera- lion, not only promises to supersede all other modes of feeding, but to effect a revolution in the business itself, forming a new era in the history of Silk Culture.) Mr. M'Lean fed his worms without hurdles, removing the litter every third day. Keep the worms quiet, well ventilated, and do not handle or kill them by too much care. Air-slacked lime sprinkled over the shelves, and lightly over the worms themselves, once in two or three days, during ihe latter part of the feed- ing, is found highly advantageous. Some have pro- duced a pound of silk from only 50 or 60 pounds of leave?, but 150 pounds is a fair and ample allowance. The Winding.—Straw tied in small bundles and set on the shelves will do, but green oak busheB seem more natural to them, which they like to conceal them- selves among. Preserving Cocoons.—Gather the cocoons from the seventh lo the tenth day, and spread them to dry. Select those intended for seed, strip off the floss, spread them out thin, and in two or three days the moths eat out. Each female lays about 450 eggs, on muslin or paper hung up. The moth in your silk cocoons, im- mediately bill, either by exposing lo a hot sun under glasses, or by baking in an oven not too hot, or suffo- cate the moth by burning charcoal in a close room; in each case omitting the operation as soon as the worm is dead, which ascertain by opening a cocoon. Gen- erally from a half to one or two hours will answer. Reeling.—The Piedmonteae Reel is the best, and is sold for about 15 dollars. For the double operation of reeling and twisting, Brooks' machine has received Ihe highest commendation—price 40 dollars. To transport cocoons, pack them in dry boxes or barrels, shaking them down, but be careful not to mash or inden' (hem. n measuring, the bushel is heaped if (he floss is on. or level with it off. Those who prefer reeling themselves, may readily do so by observing Ihe following ' Directions.—Before the reeling is commenced, the cocoons must be stripped of their floss, and sorted into separate parcels, according io qualify. The fine co- coons are strong, hard, and of a fine close grain ; the de mi-fine are larger, and of a more loose open grain ; | the double cocoons are those formed by two worms, the fibres cross each other, and renders them difficult to reel; the soft, thin, and coarse cannot be reeled. Have a large basin of soft water, and keep at a proper heat by charcoal, or any other convenient method. Cocoons of the best quality will require a greater de- gree of heat than those of a loose and more open texture. Cocoons also require less heat, and reel better, when cococns may be thrown" inlo the basin, which must be gently pressed under the water for a few minutes, with a little brush made of broom corn. The heat of Ihe water will soon soften the gum of the silk, and thereby loosen the ends of the filaments ; you then stir the co- coons as gently as possible with the brush, until some of the filaments adhere to it; they are then separated from the brush, which is laid aside, and the filamen a raised up and the cocoons gently combed down between Ihe fingers, as (hey are raised out of the water; thi- is continued, until the floss and false ends are all drawn off, and the fine silk begins to appear, the fibres are then broken off and laid over the edge of the basin ; the floss is then cleared from the brush and laid aside as refuse silk, and the operation continued until a sufficient number of fibres are thus collected to make a thread of the size required; you then unite the fibres, and passing the thread through the eye? or guides, attach it to one of the arms of the reel. When two skeins are intended to be reeled, another thread is prepared iu like man- ner, and passed through other guide wires and attached to Ihe reel. The threads being fastei.ed to the reel, it turned with a steady motion, unlil the threads run freely and easily, for it will happen that some of the ends taken to compose the thread will prove false, and II require to be again added anew to keep up the mber designed for Ihe thread. It is necessary lo put in more cocoons than is intended to continue. While the reel is turning, the reeler must continually be gathering fresh ends to add to the thread as they may be required, because Ibe internal fibres ai e much finer than those composing the external layers. Jn adding fresh ends, Ihe reeler must attach them to the thread that is ling, by gently rolling them between the thumb and finger. A handful of cocoons must occasionally be n into the basin, and wholly immersed in the water, to be ready as wanted, to keep up the thread of squired ; care, however, should be taken not to add cocoons faster than is necessary for this purpose, for by being too long soaked in Ihe hoi water, thev will wind off in burrs. As fast as tbe silk is reeled off, the chrysalis should be taken out of the basin. Have your fingers smooth. When the water becomes discoloured it should always be changed, say two or three times daily. When the cocoons are first put into the water, if the silk comes off in bunches upon the brush, it is a sign [he water is too hot; or if in reeling it runs off in burrs, it is too hot; when the ends cannot be caught, or when caught, do not run freely, the water is loo cold. A pail of cold water should always be at hand, to be added lo the basin as occasion may require. When the cocoons give their threads freely, the reel may be turned with a quicker motion, for the quicker the motion the better the silk winds off. Intrinsic value of Trees.—A good tree will yield from three to five cents worth of silk, more or less, according to the skill and care in its management. The capital which will yield this percentage is perhaps (he only correct criterion by which to fix the value of the article. In Italy, each full grown mulberry tree pays the government an annual tax of sixteen cents. Let the early friends of the silk cause persevere in their efforts to introduce this important branch of national industry and wealth into the country. THE SILK CULTURE. The millions of dollars annually exported in specie I to pay for silk—the superiority of the silk grown in the | United States, and the ease with which, by proper ma- nagement, it is produced—the adaptation of our soil and climate to its culture —the highly favourable reports made by committees in Congress, and in several State legislatures—the fact that the actual produce of silk 1840 exceeded twenty-five thousand pounds—the recent BIRDS. 17 American improvements by which the cost of feeding is so greatly reduced, and the probability of a duty being laid on foreign silk—the fact that a farmer may raise a few pounds of silk without neglecting hh other crops or any additional expense, and that were each farmer to do so, Ihe balance of trade would be turned so largely in our favour, and a stop put to the incessant DRAIN of SPECIE, are among the private and public reasons that should dispose all to give the silk culture at least a fair trial. Governor Seward, of New York, in his recent mes- sage, presents the most cogent reasons for the advance- ment of the Silk culture, and the important fact, that two small districts in Italy, possessing less natural ad- vantages than that State, export silks annually to the amount of twenty-five millions of dollars. The instruction condensed in the foregoing Manual, is believed to be sufficient for any intelligent mind. Canaries become delicate and feeble from improper treatment. Their docility, beautiful plumage, and sweetness of notes, render them general favourites. When young, feed on a paste made by bruising rape Beed, blowing the chaff away, mixed with pieces of bread powdered. Give a tea-spoonful with a little hard egg and a few drops of water, when turning sour, 3tix fresh. Add as they grow older, scalded rape seed without bruising, chopped almond and chickweed, in hot weather twice a day. If sick, give milk of hemp seed, made by bruising clean seed and straining it through linen into water, taking the water glass away from the sick. As they advance in age, give rape and canary, and occasionally bruised hemp seed, taking the soft food away by degrees. Cuttle-fish bone is pre- ferable to loaf sugar. Cakes, apples, berries, bread soaked, Ihe water squeezed out and milk added} are good, and cabbage occasionally, when in season, is ex- cellent. Perches should be round and strong without crevices or shoulders for insects to breed or harbour, and every corner of the cage should be brushed out and kept tho- roughly clean. The Claws are sometimes so long as to occasion ac- cidents by catching in tbe wires, in which case trim them. Mortar placed in the cage facilitates the production of eggs. Teach singing by separating the bird from the others, so that he may hear no singing, cover his cage for a few days with a thin cloth, then play your flageolet or bird organ several times each day, without harshness. At the end of fifteen days, change (he thin cloth for a thick green or red serge, and keep covered till perfect in the air you wish to leach. Feed once a day and night. It is better to leach one good tune well than several imperfectly. The bird will copy all imper- fections. Bad or dull singers are improved by hearing the more spirited and perfect. Surfeit indicated by swelling of lower part of body, and occasioned by too much chickweed, salad, or soft food. Put alum in the water for three or four days, or Eut a rusty nail in the water, or common salt Put the ird, if bad, in lukewarm milk a few minutes, then wash with water, wipe and dry gently. Further information will be abundantly supplied in the monthly Journal on Silk, by G. B. Smith, Baltimore, Md., or by £. Morris, Burlington, N. J. DUTY ON SILK. In 1839 the imports of Silk amounted to 22,838,028 dollars; of which nearly 22,000,000 dollars was free of duty. Had a fair duty been imposed on this Silk, the impoverished treasury of the country would have gained 5,000,000 dollars, and the country itself would have been benefited many million dollars more, in aiding the home production of the article. It may well be said, that in imposing duties on all our produce, other countries evince a determination to protect their own industry, to encourage their own citizens, in short, to take care of themselves, leaving us to argue about the doctrine of free trade, which is free only upon one side, and whose only tendency, so far, has been to drain our country of its precious metals. Sick Birds may have boiled bread and milk with canary seed boiled in it; lettuce seed, and when moult- ing, or renewing i's feathers, indicated by drooping, putting its head under its wing, dropping small feathers, give nourishing food, as hemp seed, sponge, biscuit, &c. keep warm and quiet, and keep much iu the sun. A cola air or draft is injurious. Put in the water a little refined liquorice. Sky Larks.—Feed on seeds, but rarely on insects. Give salad leaves, gravel with a bit of green sod. Red Bird.—Teed on seeds of all kinds, whortle- berries, cherries and other fruits, insects, &c. American Yellow Bird. — Beautiful plumage and fine song. They are hardy, and the cage should be often hung out. Give plenty of water, gravel, rich oily seeds, with occasional sunflower and lettuce seeds; leaves of beet, salad, apples, and other fruits. Gold Finch.—Treat Bimilar to American Yellow Bird. Cardinal Grosbeak.—Of splendid plumage and ex- quisite song. They are hardy and may be kept with- out fire in a room most of the winter, except in the northern states. Allow frequent air and sun. Feed on rough unhulled rice and hemp, wheat, brown gravel, cracked corn, and millet occasionally, with plenty of water for bathing. These birds are long lived, the Philadelphia Museum having one which died when twenty-one years old. Java Sparrow.—Very delicate, with pretty plumage, but little music. Feed on unhulled rice and canary seed, with plenty of brown gravel. Purple Finch or Linnet.—A delightful songster. Give canary, hemp, millet, and sun-flower seeds, with juniper and cedar berries through the winter, salad and beet tops in summer. Any other of the Finch tribe may be fed on seeds generally, as the preceding. Perfect cleanliness of the cage, and a constant supply of fresh water and gravel are essential. Baltimore Oriole.—A bird of delightful plumage and rich brilliant musie, well repaying tbe utmost care. They eat fruit of all kinds, seeds, insects, &c Give BIRDS. DIRECTIONS FOR FEEDING AND GENERAL MANAGEMENT. 2 APERS. 18 NEWSP them a large cage,protection from frost, and an abun- dance of insects. Rear same as Mocking Bird. East India Oriole. — Possesses greater musical powers, and is to be treated same as the Kaltimore. American MocRing Bird.—The sweet "Bird of many Voices," imitating almost every variety of notes and sounds imaginable. Feed regularly every morning with Indian meal mixed with milk, not very stiff. Give wild cherries, cedar, elder, poke and whortle- berries. An occasional egg, boiled hard and grated ; a little raw minced beef, water for washing as well as drink, with plenty of insects, grasshoppers, spiders, par- ticularly during moulting, when they should be kept quiet and away from cold drafts of air. Regular Feeding is important. Adopt a regular hour, say eight in the morning for feeding and watering, and strictly adhere to it. If Sickly, treat kindly, give spiders daily, and meal The importance of good newspapers cannot be over-rated. The following high testimonyin their favour, in an ex- tract of a letter from the " Father of his Country," to the late Mathew Carey, Esq. was written June 25, 1788. "For myself I entertain a high opinion of the utility of periodical publications. I consider such easy vehicles of know- ledge more happily calculated than any other, to preserve the LIBERTY, stimu- late the industry, and meliorate the mo- rals of an enlightened and free people." [Signed] George Washington. No Family should be without one or more newspapers. It cultivates in chil- dren a desire for reading, and a disposi- tion to learn and improve, renders them considerate, intelligent, and more easily governed. The number of newspapers in England is 230, and the annual average number of convictions for murder is thirteen. The number of newspapers in Spain a few years ago was one, and the annual number of convictions for murder was upwards of twelve hundred. How many thoughtless young men have spent their evenings in a tavern or grog-shop, whicli ought to be devoted to reading! how many parents who never spent twenty dollars for books or for papers for their families, would glad- ly have given thousands to reclaim a son or a daughter who had ignorantly and thoughtlessly fallen into temptation ! Jin Editor's position is one of great re- sponsibility, too often misunderstood or unappreciated, and too frequently as- sumed by the vicious and incompetent. The only correction is in the people's withholding patronage from such news- worms ; gravel the bottom of the cage and keep very quiel. The Male has a regular line of white fea'hers in Ihe wing, forming almost a regular curve from tip lo shoulder. American Robin.—Sprightly, beautiful and musical. Treat similar to Mocking Bird. Red Bird or Bob-o'link.—U apt to die in November, if too well fed. Give oals, buckwheat, and canary seed, and abundant water for bathing. At other seasons feed same indiscriminately, as the Finch tribe. Red Wing or Swamp Blackbird. Treat same as Bob-o'link. Chickweed or salad, which in proper season is ex- cellent, are absolutely poison if given too early, before the bitterness is off, and the cold acrid juices are dissi- pated by the sun. papers, as indulge in personal abuse and immoralities, which make some news- papers as great a curse to the commu- nity as others are blessings. The Encouragement bestowed on the press should be prompt, liberal, and always iu advance. Advance payments are rendered essential to the weifare, if not existence of a newspaper, from the smallness of the sums, the distance to which they are scattered, and the diffi- culty of collecting, arising from the ab- sence of subscribers when called upon, the want of preparation when found, and the various delays, vexations, and expenses, always attending the collec- tion of many small sums. Besides the impositions to which publishers are ex- posed, should make their real friends willing to concur in the only rule which can afford protection against dishonest delinquents. A person receiving a newspaper is bound by law as well as custom and jus- tice, to pay for it so long as he may con- tinue to receive it, notwithstanding any agreement or direction that may have been made for its discontinuance. " A newspaper can drop the same thought into a thousand minds at the same moment. A newspaper is an ad- viser who does not require to be sought, but conies to you of its own accord, and talks to you briefly ever}' day of the common weal, without distracting your private affairs. Newspapers, therefore, become more necessary in proportion as men become more equal, and individuals more to be feared. To suppose that they only serve to protect freedom, would be to diminish their importance; they maintain civilization." NEWSPAPERS. HEALTH. 19 ADM.ON ITION, — The tavern-haunter drinks I the Fireside. Admit no rival here. Let your chief lill.he feels himself balf-ruined; he is wretched; he joys be shared by her who has forsaken all other drinks to drown his wretchedness j he does drowu it, hearts and hopes for you J by those who must inherit aud his soul along with it! honour or disgrace from your course of life. Shun the To young men, beginning life, especially to newly bar-room and the purlieus of intoxication. They are, married men, the counsel is seasonable: Reverence J to thousands, the avenues to infamy. HEALTH, PUBLIC ECONOMY AND PUBLIC HEALTH. It has been well said, by a recent writer, that if part of the large sums expended on over-fed Hospital pa- tients, and pampered nurses, on rents and Dispensaries, and outlay of medicine, were appropriated to the pre- vention of diseases among the poor, it is probable that more extensive benefits would be conferred, than cs nutritive than fresh meat. 4- Farinaceous and vegetable food, generally, is slow- er of digestion lhan animal, but ii is less heating. 5. Solid food, or fund of a certain fibrous or pulpy consistence, is more fitted for digestion in the stomach than rich soujw, jellies, and all highly conceutraled | sauces. The latter are rendered more digestible by the addition of bread. | 6. Fish are not so nourishing as the flesh of land an- imals. The white fish are less apt to disagree with the stomach than the red. 7. Roasted meat is more nourishing than boiled, but much more stimulating. 8. Bread should be perfectly raised, fully baked, and one day old. 9. Salt, and a moderate quantity of pepper, are safe : beyond this, all seasoning becomes injurious. 10. Different dishes at one meal, interfere with di- gestion. 11. All excess in eating should be avoided. The best guide is to be found in the calls of a healthy ap- petite. 12. Health, and strength of body, depend upon the health of the stomach aud consequent perfection of the digestive powers. 13. Water is the most wholesome drink. Toast and water, sweetened water, or water with a slight addi- tion of a vegetable acid, are useful diluents during the summer. 14. Distilled aud fermented liquors impede diges- tion ; and, when drunk to any extent, invariably de- stroy the tone of the stomach, and of the system gene- rally. 15. When the stomach is weak, but little fluid should be taken during or after eating. 16. Exercise should be used in the intervals between meals, but not immediately before or after them. ACCIDENTS. There are few things in relation to which people commit more egregious errors, than the proper assist- ance to be rendered to individuals to whom an acci- dental injury has occurred. In that of a wound at- tended with a profuse discharge of blood, the patient's life would be destroyed by a few moments' delay; while in every case a trifling injudicious interference in the offset, may add greatly to the subsequent danger and suffering: it is important therefore that the public generally be made aware of the proper course to be pursued, when an accident occurs, previously to the arrival of the physician. Wounds.—The only proper dressings for these acci- dents are such as are 'best calculated to keep the wounded surfaces in contact, and to defend them from Ihe air and external injury. The milder and softer the materials of which they are composed, the better: above all, everything of a heating or irritating nature should be avoided. A simple cut, which might have been healed perfectly in a few days, has often been converted into a serious, painful, and tedious sore, by such applications as brandy and sugar, turpentine, bal- sams, and the like; or by having crammed between its edges a quantity of lint, tow, soot, charcoal, or cob- tvebs; all of which are frequently resorted to. They invariably induce a degree of inflammation, which in- terrupts the healing process of nature. When a wound has been received, the first thing that claims attention is the presence of any foreign substance, as splinters of wood, portions of stone, glass, or bits of cloth, &c. These should, if possible, be at 20 HEALTH. once extracted, and the wound washed with a soft sponge or rag and water. But when the exhaustion of the patient is considerable, or the flow of blood pro- fuse, whatever foreign substances may be contained in the wound, must be suffered to remain until, in tbe judgment of tbe physician, it may be safe to attempt their extraction. The bleeding from a wound, even though at first profuse, will often in a short time cease spontaneously, and. if the injured part be kept at perfect rest, will not again return. Should this, however, not be the case, and the flow of blood is very considerable, especially if it be iu a continued stream or in jets, it should be arrested without delay, by making pressure upon the divided vessels, between the heart and the wound. When the injury has been received in either of the limbs, a firm broad ligature or bandage should be ap- plied a short distance above the wound. The best plan is to place around tbe limb a strong broad garter, suffi- ciently slack to allow of a short stick being introduced under it, and by which it is to be twisted until it is tight enough to arrest the bleeding. Of course, this is merely a temporary expedient, as the continuance of such a bandage for any length of time would be pro- ductive of injur)*. In wounds situated in a part of the body where tbe above means cannot be resorted to, the bleeding may be arrested by applying the hand firmly over the wound; or, by the finger passed within the wound, pressure may be made directly upon the orifice from which the blood proceeds. In slight wounds, which do not penetrate much deeper than the skin, nothing better can be applied thau the common sticking-plaster. This by keeping the edges of the cut together, and preventing the con- tact of the air, &c, permits the process of union to go on without interruption. Persons who have received a severe wound, or in- deed a severe injury of any kind, ought always to be kept at rest, and perfectly composed. The part espe- cially in which the wound exists, should be prevented from any degree of motion, and be kept as elevated as possible without its being placed in any constrained posture. Quiet and cheerfulness of mind are also of importance. Sprains and Bruises.—The part in which these ac- cidents have been received must be kept at perfect rest, elevated, and comple'ely free from any heavy dressings or tight bandages. The best immediate applications are cloths wet with cold water or cold vinegar and water. It jb a very common error, whenever any se- vere accident of this kind occurs, to have the indivi- dual immediately bled. In all cases of accident, much evil is liable to be produced by the loss of blood before the system has in some degree recovered from the de- pression into which it is invariably thrown upon the receipt of any severe injury: it is better always to de- lay bleeding until the advice of a physician can be procured. Burns and Scalds.—When of moderate extent, and occasioning only a redness of the skin, tbe best imme- diate application to a burn or scald is cold water or cold vinegar. The application or immersion should be continued for some considerable time, and without a moment's intermission. When the skin is raised in large blisters, these should be punctured; after which a mixture of one part of linseed oil and two of lime- water, smeared over the burnt surface, will be found a very soothing application. The burnt part may then be wrapped in raw cotton. When the burn is exten- sive, and has completely destroyed the skin, the appli- cation of spirits of turpentine is attended with the best effects: care should be taken to confine it to the in- jured parts, not allowing it to come in contact with the sound skin. As the ulcer consequent on a burn is always tedious in healing, and, when mismanaged, liable to be atleuded with an unsightly scar, or even extensive deformity, the attendance of a physician should be procured. TREATMENT OF DROWNED PERSONS. As soon as the body is recovered, wipe it dry, and wrap it up in blankets, and place it in some convenient place, with the head slightly elevated; having free ventilation in hot weather, and allowing no persons to be present except those employed in operating. Let the head be wiped dry, and covered with a woollen cap. Several attendants should be employed in rubbing the body with stimulating articles, such as mustard, hot brandy, &c, and bags of hot sand, hot bricks, Ac, ap- plied to the feet and other parts of the body. While this is being done, the mucus should be removed from the mouth and nostrils, and other persons should be employed in inflating the lungs, as follows: Insert the pipe of a common pair of bellows into one nostril, close the other nostril and Ihe mouth, then blow gently, and cause the air to escape by pressing on the chest, having first removed the finger from the nostril. This is to be continued for a long time, the object being to imitate the process of breathing. Let this plan of treatment be pursued uutil the arrival of a physician. CAUSES OF DISEASE. Insufficient Exercise.—He who does not spend seve- ral hours every day in some active exercise, must in- evitably suffer from a diminution' of bodily strength, defect of appetite, and imperfect digestion, and be- comes sooner or later the subject of disease. Late .rising and late retiring. — There are few things which contribute more to shorten life, than Ihe habit of keeping late hours, and consequently of rising from bed late in the morning. The advances of weak- ness and disease from this cause are, it is true, by very gradual steps, hut not the less certain to be ultimately felt. Breathing impure air.—A constant supply of fresh air is highly important. The air is rendered impure by being loaded with animal and vegetable exhalations, by its free circulation being prevented by a number of persons breathing it when confined in a close chamber, and by the processes of fermentation and combustion. Insufficient ablutions of tfie body.—h is not enough- Tor the preservation of health, that merely the hands, the feet, and the f.ice be washed frequeniy, but that the whole surface of the body be repeitedly purified. To all, the frequent use of the bath is an important means of preserving health. Means for bathing should be afforded in every city, and in every extensive manu- factory. Inattention to the cleanliness of clothing and dwelling*.—Independently of tbe injury which the health of individuals suffers from a neglect of strict personal and domestic cleanliness, the contamination of the air, from tbe decomposition of filth accumulated in and about a dwelling, has not unfrequently commu- nicated disease to whole families and neighbourhoods. Repeatedly white-washing the wall* of a house, aud scrubbing the floors, is not merely, therefore, a source of tasteful comfort, but a direct means of preserving health. Food rendered pernicious by modern cookery; — Adulteration in foods and drinks, and abuse of ap- petite.—While a moderate quantity of plain whole- some food is essential to the maintenance of life, all excess in its use, all complicated processes of cookery— keeping up tbe appetite beyond the wants of the sys- tem—are decidedly injurious. The health and strength of Ihe body are not supported by the quantity of food consumed, but only by so much as is capable of being converted, by the powers of the stomach, into pure chyle and blood. The unnecessary or imprudent use of medicine.— Domestic quackery has ruined many constitutions. A ith the view of preventing j "frequently Smites one i e occurred. | dose of medicine taken an attack of disease, in. _ bich otherwise would not ha HEALTH. 21 Defective and improper clothing.—Injury to health may be caused either by the clothes being inadequate to defend the wearer from the cold, or from sudden changes in the weather, by their impeding the free motions of the limbo, or by iheir compressing or bind- ing too firmly some part of the body. The influence of cold.—Disease is produced by ex- posure to the night air or iuclement weather, afiei be- ing heated in crowded apartments, or by exercise, as dancing, &c. In the poorer and improvident classes, cold, during winter, is a continued and fruitful source of suffering and disease. Intense application of the mind.—Alternate rest and activity, as well of the body as of the mind, are essential to the support of health. Long continued mental application, whether in s'udy or the cares of business, wears out the system, and exhausts the pow- ers of life even more rapidly thau protracted manual labour. Giving "way to the passions.—Experience fully proves that nothing contributes more effectually to guard the system from diiease, and to prolong life, than a calm and contented state of mind. In cultivating a peaceful and virtuous disposition, a man not only in- sures his happiness but promotes his health also. Heart-Burn, Acidity of Stomach, Water Brash.— These are some of the symptoms of indige^iou. As- certain whether the stomach does not suffer most in this way, nfter eating particular articles of animal food, such as dried and salted meats and fish ; and vegeta- bles, such as salads, radishes, tomatoes, cabbage, and even potatoes. If no fault is found from the^e causes, let the inquiry next be made into drinks, and whether the accidental omission of a favourite beverage has uot given relief. Has fresh bread or hot toast been habitu- ally used with plenty of butter? and if so, has stale bread ever been substituted in its place ? Is the corn- plainer a smoker or user of tobacco in any way ? If so, he ought to abandon entirety the use of this weed. Disturbed state of digestion coming on during the regu- lar and moderate use of proper food, the next question is, does the skin perform its duty ? Is it properly co- vered with clothes? are the feet kept dry and warm ? are ihe pores kept free by regular ablutiou and fiiction ? Indigestion or Dyspepsia, which includes (he fore- menhoned disorders, aud numerous others, as well of Ihe atom -ch as of the heart, is shown by irregular pal- pitation ; of the lungs, by asthmatic breathing; of the brain, by head-ache, ill-nature, and strange fantasies. Here the dyspeptic must a^k of him or herself the same questions as in the preceding paragraph, with ttie additional ones respecting regular duly exercise in the open air, regular hours of sleep, early to bed and early to rise, mastery of the passions, aud an especial avoid- ance of anxious cares, envy, or jealousy. Bilious disorders.—U a person is bilious, it is gene- rally owing to errors in regimen. Let these be re- formed, and the complaints will cease. But if a person would be always bilious, let him be often taking calo- mel, or blue pill, or active purges, Lee's anlibiiious, &c. and he will certainly succeed : the soundest liver will not be proof against such remedies for bile. Costiveness.—Accidental or occasional costiveness may readily be rendered hibi'ual by oft swallowing purgative medicines; the proposed cure will, when persisted in, inevitably bring on the disease. If this fatter, by time or imprudence, has become habitual, the only safe and effectual mode of relief will be in a sui'able regimen; still trying to get the proper food- mild mucilaginous and saccharine substances of the vegetable, and plain, not too much cooked, meais, among the animal kingdom. Add to this, suitable ab- lution, frictions of the skin, and out-door exercise and labour, and Ihe cure will be complete. Wakefulness.— The cure for this is not in laudanum and opium, which, much used, constitutes a habit as pernicious to health and morals as drinking ardent spirits. If something must be swallowed before going to bed, to procure sleep, let it be half a pint of hot water: mind ! as hot as it can be sipped. But the true cure will be by omitting tea or coffee, whichever has been used, in the evening; by taking plenty of exer- cise in the open air ; working at something to produce a little fatigue; and finally, rising early in the morn- ing, whether inclined to do so or not. Be up by times; sleep not during the d «y ; and retiring in good time to bed; there is no danger but you will sleep soundly during the night. Nervousness, low spirits, sick head-ache. — The cuses are, bad habits, false indulgences. Leave them off, and the cure will be complete. Neglect this ad- vice, and you may be physicked until you are a sha- dow, and your pocke's empty, and you will still be, if a female, hysterical; if a male subject, hypochondri- acal — miserable yourself, and the cause of misery in others. TOAST AND WATER. An infusion of toasted bread in water, is one of the most salutary drinks that can be taken by the sick and valetudinary. A distinguished physician Bays, five or six cups of this water, with or without sugar, were more refreshing, and sooner took off any fatigue or un- easiness, than any strong wine, strong ale, small beer, warmed coffee or tea (for he tried ihem all), or any other liquor that he knew of. It is seldom that toast and water is properly made, and we therefore think it proper to furnish our readers with the following recipe : Take a slice of fine and stale loaf bread, cut very thin (as thin as toast is ever cut), and let it be carefully toas'ed on both sidos, until it be completely browned all over, but not blackened or burned in any way; put this into a common deep stone or china jug, and pour over it, from the lea-kettle, as much clear boiling wa- ter as you wish lo make into drink. Much depends on the water being actually in a boiling state. Cover the pitcher with a saucer or plate, and let the drink be- come quite cold. It is then fit to be used : the fresher made, the better, and of course the more agreeable. In dyspepsia, and a disordered state of the bowels, toast aud water ought to be the habitual driuk. TIGHT DRESSING — CORSETS. The only rational form of dress is that which pro- tects the wearer from the vicissitudes and inclemency of the weather, and allows to the limbs their natural movements, and to all the parts and organs of Ihe sys- tem the free performance of their appropriate func- tions. Every kind and article of dress which has a contrary effect, is absolutely injurious to health, and ought at once to be abandoned. The motions of the body, as well as its erect posi- tion, depend npon the action of numerous masses of flesh, endowed with the property of active contrac- tion, and denominated roubles. The perfection with which these perform their office in either of the above respects, is always in proportion to their strength or tone, and their freedom from everjr artificial restraint. Now it is an invariable rule, that if constant pressure be made on any set of muscles, by means of a tight dress or a bandage, they will soon diminish in size, and consequently lose both their power of supporting the body in its natural position, and their ability to pro- duce the easy and natural, or in other words, graceful movements of those parts to which they belong. This is strongly exemplified by the state of a limb that has been confined by the necessary dressings in conse- quence of a fracture, or by those impostors who, in many of the European cities, bandage firmly their legs or arms until they are diminished frequently to one half their natural size, tor the purpose of exciting commiseration and extorting alms, or of avoiding mili- tary dyty. An unequivocal condemnation should be pronounced, therefore, on all those kinds of dress 22 HE A LTH. which compress, in the least degree, any part of the trunk or limbs, and which in that manner cramp the free motion of the muscles, and reduce their size and plumpness. Tight lacing, by means of corsets or bands, and laces of all descriptions, as well as tight sleeves and garters, invariably produce, more or less, these effects; and so long as their use is continued there is no means of obviating the injury which re- sults from them: and let it be recollected that this in- jury is always greater, the earlier in life they are ' ted. e have not yet enumerated all the evils produced by firmly; compressing the chest. Independently of the uneasiness which this compression inflicts upon the female, from the constrained position she is forced by it constantly to assume, indicated by the frequent shrugging and writhing of her shoulders, and constant restlessness when in full dress, and which, of itself, often gives the back an ungraceful twist, and throws the shoulders out of their natural position, other serious and permanent inroads upon health and beauty are effected. The pressure of the corset depriving, in a great measure, the muscles of the back, by which the upright position of the body is maintained, of their natural action, and the blood being prevented from cir- culating freely through their vessels, they become re- laxed, and allow the body to bend ungracefully either to one side or forwards: in time, the curvature of the spine which results, becomes permanent, and the indi- vidual is often in this manner deformed for life. But this is not all: the health and vigour of the system, the freshness and brilliancy of the complexion, the very activity and cheerfulness of the mind, depend in a very great degree upon the blood undergoing a per- fect purification in the lungs. This is effected by its being brought in contact, in these organs, with a suffi- cient amount of pure atmospheric air: whatever im- Sedes the free expansion of the chest in breathing, and iminishes the amount of air inhaled into the lungs, prevents this purification of the blood from taking place. Now, the corset, by firmly compressing the chest and loins, does this to a very great extent; so much so, that in all females who have been in the habit of wearing it from their youth, Uie chest has ab- solutely a diminished capacity, and loses that fine arched form which constitutes the beauty of the female bust. By numerous experiments it has been found that females thus circumstanced take into the lungs a much less amount of air than those who have never worn a corset. The vigour of the whole Bystem becomes in consequence prostrated; the skin assumes a sallow bue, and all the functions of life are performed imper- fectly. The lungs and heart especially suffer, ana in many cases become sooner or later the seat of incura- ble disease. The pressure by the corset upon the sto- mach and liver, is also highly prejudicial to health, by impeding digestion and the free secretion of bile; in this manner, independent of the injury inflicted upon the lungs, it causes discoloration of the skin, and a haggard, wrinkled appearance of the countenance. We urge, therefore, upon all, the disuse of this ridiculous and pernicious portion of female dress, which, so far from adding any real grace or beauty to the form, is the cause of disease, suffering, and deformity. We laugh at the folly of the Chinese belles, who compress their feet until they are no longer fitted for walking; and at the African, who flatten their noses as an indis- pensable requisite of beauty ; and yet our own females are equally ridiculous, and even more criminal, when they imagine that they improve the beauty of their chests and waists by distorting them from lhat form which nature has wisely imparted to them ; and thus, by a perverted taste, entail disease and pain upon their daughters, or hurry them into an early grave. TIGHT LACING. A physician in Albany gives a heart sickening ac- count of tbe decease of a fine and amiable young lady who fell a victim to fashion: she laced herself to death! Apart from the prevailing infatuation which leads females to commit elegant and refined suicide, she is said to have been an uncommonly intelligent and promising girl. The body presented a dreadful sight. The ribs were contracted, the chest was nar- rowed, and not half the natural room was left for the action of the heart and the inspiration of air iuto the lungs. The consequence was death ! CAUSES OF DEATH AMONGST WOMEN. The Registrar-General of England reports that thir- ty-one thousand and ninety English women died in one year of that incurable malady. Consumption. Will not this impressive fact induce persons of rank and in- fluence to set their countrywomen right in the article of dress, and lead them to abandon a practice which disfigures the body, strangles the chest, produces nerv- ous or other disorders, and has an unquestionable tend- ency to implant an incurable hectic malady in the frame? Girls have no more need of artificial bones and bandages than boys. CONSUMPTION. This disease is, doubtless truly, considered more common than in former years. There are reasons for this. Half a century ago, people lived on common, sim- ple, healthful food and drink, and were healthy. In those days the dress of men and women was plain, and suited to the climate in which they lived, and lo the various seasons of the year. At this time, how differ- ent ! The fashions of the pleasure-seekers of Europe are brought to this country, and females of all classes endeavour to imitate them, until Consumption follows, and death ends the short race. In addition to a thin dress, their clothes are tight, the natural shape is crowded upon, and it is -sometimes hard for them to stoop or breathe easy. A violent cold is taken, and a bad cough follows; symptoms of con- sumption are feared and mentioned, and at last it is seated, and the poor fashionable daughter or wife is taken away by what is called tbe Quick Consumption. THIN SHOES. The practice of wearing thin shoes is too common among American women, and cannot be too strongly animadverted upon. Let those who thus throw them- selves in the suicide's path reflect upon what they are doing. We say to every one, wear good strong thick shoes, and overshoes whenever there is water or snow in the street. Never mind if your feet do look a little large; even if (hey should appear clumsy. A little-looking foot is not of so much importance to health and happi- ness as a good pair of lungs; and those who act the part of wisdom will dress to insure health, and let Fashion and Fashion's fools go to destruction in tbe way that they love to travel. Fasting, distinct from religious ordinances, has been frequently recommended and practised, as a means of removing incipient disease, and of restoring the body to its customary healthy sensations. Howard, the cele- brated philanthropist, used to fast one day in every week. Franklin, for a period, did the same. Napo- leon, when he felt his system unstrung, suspended his wonted repasts, and took his exercise on horse-back. This list of distinguished names might, if necessary, be increased. Baglivi, the celebrated Roman physician, mentions, that during Lent, an unusually large proportion of Ihe sick in Italy recover their health. It is indisputable, that the fashionable classes in England and this country suffer from the effects of high living and the want of proper occupation. It is one of the greatest misfor- tunes that can befall human beings, to live without an aim ; to have no noble object constantly to draw forth the powers of the mind and tbe exertions of the body. HEALTH. 23 Croup requires instant attention. It arises from colds and shows itself in tightness of the breast, dif- ficult breathing and fever. Immediately soak the feet in warm water, bathe the throat and breast with goose- grease, to which hartshorn may be added. Give a tea- spoonful of Hive Syrup to a child two or three years old, and again in 15 minutes, until it causes vomiting. If very bad, and no Hive Syrup at hand, then use, 1. Lamp Oil. 2. Goosegrease and Molasses, with Onion Juice. 3. Wine and Molasses. 4. Apply a plaster of Yellow Snuff mixed with Lard to the breast: each are good. After the symptoms are abated, give some mild purgative. These remedies, promptly applied, can be relied on where the physician is not at hand. Piles.—1 oz. Cream Tartar, 1 oz. Salts Nitre, I oz Jalap, 2 02. Linitive Electuary. Mix stiff in molasses. Dose, 4 or 5 pills size of a pea. Vinegar (good) is useful in inflammatory and putrid disorders; in weakness, fa in tings, or other hysteric af- fections, bathe, smell, or drink: it cools the blood, quenches thirst, extracts the fragrance from flowers, &c. That made from cider or wine is best. Children allowed to sleep with aged people, lose their health and decline. The same is probably also true, where the sick and the healthy habitually lie in the same bed. Toothache is cured by powdered Alum, 2 drachms; Nitrous Spirit of Ether, 7 drachms: mix. See Bran- dy and Salt, Hair is preserved by Onion Juice and Brandy, rub- bed well in. Or, Tincture of Canlharides 10 parts, Hog's Lard 90 parts: to be mingled and nibbed into the roots. Or. one part of Caut ha rides Powder to eight of alcohol, carefully mixed. Polypus of the Nostril is cured by the root of the tanguinaria canadensis, or blood root. A decoc- tion is applied to the part. Rheumatism.—Dissolve half oz. Camphor in pint Spts. Turpentine, and rub well morning and night: then apply flannel. Good also for Burns, Scalds, and Bruises. Frosl-Bitten Feet—Dissolve half pound Alum in 1 gallon warm water, and soak 15 minutes. Convulsion Fits have been cured by drinking salt and water two or three times a day. Vegetable Eating, in promoting health aud longev- ity, has never yet been overrated. It will prolong and render much more comfortable those afflicted with can- cer, aneurism, ossification of the heart, consumplion,&c. Oxalic Acid is neutralized by two ounces of Magne- sia ; mix quart of water: or, by same quantity of com- mon whiting, thrown into tbe stomach. Cough.—Brown Mixture.—Stick Liquorice, 2 oz.; Gum Arabic, 1 oz.; Paregoric, 1 oz.; Antimonial Wine, 1 oz.; Rock Candy, 2 oz. Take a table-spoon- ful 3 or 4 times a day. Another.— 2 spoonfuls Molasses, 1 do. Sweet Oil, 1 do. good Vinegar, to which may be added a few drops Sweet Spts. Nitre. Take a tea-spoonful occasionally. For Tetter, cvmj. 7/<^£g^< President JEFFERSON said, " The habit of using Ardent Spirits by men in public office, has produced more Injury to the public service and more trouble for me, than any other circumstance." Ardent spirits has made at least two hundred thou- sand miserable paupers in the United States, many of whom once enjoyed a competence, if not wealth. It has annually destroyed thousands of our fellow- citizens, consigning them to a drunkard's grave, and seriously multiplying widows and orphans. It has filled the jails, prisons and penitentiaries of the United States with criminals, who have sacrificed character, society, and friends, for strong drink. It has involved a waste of property to the amount of many millions of dollars. It has burdened the country with a tax of millions of dollars for the support of its paupers. It has palsied the industry, corrupted the morals, and degraded the character of Americans; proving itself more injurious to our country than war, or famine, or pestilence. And what good thing has it done, or will it do, to counterbalance these deplorable and alarming effects? Not One. There is not a single redeeming quality. It neither prevents nor cures disease. It does not aid labour, nor promote domestic happiness. It adds nothing to national wealth or prosperity. Public attention has been awakened—an experiment of a proposed remedy for intemperance has been suc- cessfully made, proving by actual demonstration, that the power to terminate the evils of intemperance rests wilh the people. More than one million and a half of persons have signed the pledge of total abstinence, and as many more are practising upon the principle with- out signing. Thousands of merchants, grocers, and inn keepers, have discontinued the sale of ardent spi- rits ; miny distilleries have put out their fires; and everywhere the spirit of freedem from a degrading vice has been aroused. Light and love have awakened every effort, and they will accomplish the object. This object is distinctly announced to be the total dis- use of intoxicating drink in the United States and throughout the world. Parents, enlist your children on the side of total ab- stinence. It can do them no injury, and may save many of them from ruin. Let them adopt the senti- ment of the following lines. THE PLEDGE. The pledge we sign, to drink no wine, Nor brandy red, to turn our head, Nor whiskey hot, that makes the sot, Nor fiery rum, lo turn our home Into a bell where none could dwell: Tes — here we FLEDGE perpetual hate To all that can intoxicate. TEMPERANCE. 27 FEMALES Are most deeply interested in the success of tbe temperance reformation. As it advances, it dries up the fountain of woman's grief, and turns her tears of bitterness into tears of joy. Ladies, sign the tempe- rance pledge, and thus cast your influence on the side of temperance. You can banish alcohol from the nursery, the sideboard, the social circle, and the festive hall. Mothers, sisters, wives, we entreat you to throw your gentle influence around society, to hold it back from the cup of death. A REMEDY. Let it be enacted that the expense of supporting all paupers who are made such through the sale of intoxi- cating liquors, shall be equally assessed upon the deal* ers in such liquors: let every man who takes out a license be required to give ample security for the pay- ment of his share of the tax; and let the public au- thorities see that the destitute wives, widows and chil- dren of drunkards be well supported. This would put an end to nine-tenths of the groggeries ; and the fewer the sellers became, Ihe heavier would be the tax upon them. Friends of suffering humanity! why may not this plan be tried ? One cause of the prevalence of intemperance is the low price of wine, brandy, &c. Put down the spa riouB compnunds, and the genuine will not be so con stantly held out as a plausible temptation to young be- sinners. May not all who value health join in copy- ing the following and obtaining signatures to it ? PETITION To the Legislature of------ The subscribers respectfully represent, That inferior whiskey, coloured by logwood, cochi- neal, &c, flivoured to resemble in taste the liquor imitated and impregnated with spirits of turpentine, cochilus indicus, oil of vitrol and other poisonous drug-*, is sold throughout the country under the various names of wine, gin or brandy; and whereas this imposition is most injurious to health, and especially grievous to tbe sick to whom wine may be prescribed: we therefore pray your honourable body that such penalties may be imposed, by fine and imprisonment, against all who make or sell these or similar poisonous compounds, may effectually secure the health of our ciizen3 from such wicked and fraudulent practices. And your peti- tioners shall, &c. &c. TETOTALISM. The objection to beer, cider, &c. is that all Drunkards in Ihe outset commence on such mild drinks, and thus form a taste for drinking which becomes habitual, and his habit becomes a second nature, leading slowly, it may be, but surely, to all the evils and horrors of drunkenness. Besides which, as temperance becomes popular, the strongest liquors are mixed with, and drunk as cider, beer, &c. THE FRUITS ! ! Some of the great advantages of the Temperance re- formation are already realised. Witness the reduction in the rate of insurance on ships manned by Tempera tic Sailors, and the improved and comfortable condition of lilors themselves, who, in the wet, cold, and hard- ships which they undergo, confirm tbe fact that liquor L cases is not only unnecessary, but worse than useless. Witness the THREE MILLIONS who have gh the TEMPERANCE PLEDGE to Father Mathew Ireland ; where distilleries have been turned into school- houses, where, instead of crime, quarrelling, fighting) poverty and rags, now shine forth tbe Temperance blessings of peace, joy and comfort. And many are the glorious results of Temperance, many, (hat a volume might be filled with the glad tidings, which urge on the patriot and the philanthro- pist, and all good men to perseverance in this glorious work of reform. THE THEE OF DISSIPATION. The sin of drunkenness expels reason, drowns memory, distempers the body. defaces beauty, dimin- ishes strength, corrupts the blood, inflames the liver, weakens the bruin, turns men into walking hospitals,—causes internal, external, and incurable wounds,—is a witch to the senses, a devil to the soul, a thief to the pocket, the beggar's companion, a wife's woe, and children's sorrow,—makes man become a beast and a self murderer,—who drinks to others' good health, and robs himself of his own! Nor is this all; it exposes to the Divine £"% t*5d CO :z h The root of all is DRUNKENNESS!!!! 28 MECHANICS AND WORKING-MEN. MECHANICS AND WORKING-MEN. THE ABLEST MEN WERE MECHANICS. There never was a doctrine more untrue than the now almost obsolete one, derived from the false dis- tinctions of monarchies, that mechanic professions are menial, and beneath the station of a true gentle* man. The truth is, they are almost the only profes- sions that have substance, and reality, and practical utility. The greatest men in the annals of Ihe world, the men who have done most to enlighten it, and ad' vance the prosperity and the liberties of the human race, have been mechanics. It is the directness of mind, the plain good sense their pursuits inculcate, which has led to those immortal discoveries that have enriched and ameliorated the condition of the whole human race. Name but an Arkwright, a Fulton, a Watt, a Franklin, a Whitney, &c.. and" where do you find their equal ? HINTS TO MECHANICS AND WORKMEN. If you would avoid the diseases which your particu- lar trades and work are liable to produce, attend to the following hints: Keep, if possible, regular hours. Never suppose that you have done extra work, when you sit up till midnight. Abstain from ardent spirits, cordials, and malt li- quors. Let your drink be, like that of Franklin, when he was a printer—pure water. Never use tobacco in any form. By chewing, smok- ing, or snuffing, you spend money which would help to clothe you, or would enable you, if single, to make a useful present to an aged molher or dependent sis- ter; or, if married, to buy your wife a frock, or get book3 for your children. You also, by any of these filthy practices, injure your health ; bringing on head- ache, gnawing at the stomach, low spirits, trembling of the limbs, and, at times, sleeplessness. Be particular in preserving your skin clean, by re- gular washing of your hands, and face, and mouth, be- fore each meal, and of your whole body at least once a week ; and by combing and brushing the hair daily. Always have, if possible, fresh air in the room in which you work, but so that you shall not be in a draft Take a short time in the morning, if possible, and always in the evening, or towards sundown, for placing your body in a natural posture, by standing erect, and exercising your chest and limbs by a walk where the air is the purest. If confined in-doors, let your food consist, in a large proportion, of milk and bread, and well-boiled vege- tables. Meat and fish ought to be used sparingly. THE WORKING-MAN'S HOME. Home! It marks the sacred spot to which the cares and tumult of the world do not reach; and where, ex- cept in cases of extreme depravity, its vices do not in- trude. If there are gentle affections in the heart, they will break forth around the hearth-stone; if there is an hour of tranquillity amidst perturbed life, it will be that which is spent with wife and children. I would have the house of the working-man his most delightful resort. To be so, it should be pleas- ing, even in its outside. It is too common for people to think that because they are poor they must be slo- venly and dirty. A little whitewash, a little paint, a little turfing, and a few days of labour about the vines and flowers, will serve to change the whole appear- ance of the humblest enclosure. Every body is more cheerful in a neat than in a disorderly room. When work is over, and everything in its place, the visiter is more welcome, the husband's look is brighter, and an affectionate glow spreads itself through the circle. The common law has acknowledged the principle, that every man's house is his castle. It is true in more cases than one. Home is the citadel of all the virtues of the people. For by home we mean something more than one's house: it is the family that makes the home. It is the peculiar abode and domain of the wife; and this one circumstance marks it out as human, and as Christian. Sacred wedlock is the fountain not only of its pleasures, but of its moral excellence. The poorest man who has a virtuous, sensible, industrious and af- fectionate wife, is a man of wealth. Home is the abode of our children. Here they meet us with their smiles and their prattle. He who unfeignedly enjoys this, cannot be altogether corrupt; and the more we can make men enjoy it, the further do we remove them out of harm's way. No men, therefore, are bet- ter members of society, or more apt to become stable and wealthy citizens, than such as are well married and well settled. HOME VS. TAVERNS. The rivals of our Home are many and fearful. Among the direst is the drinking-place, whether known as porter-house, grog-shop, or (avern. The man who spends his evenings in these stygian fumes, grovels, and wallows away half his civilization. Where ought he to be, but by his own warm 6 reside, rewarding his wife for tbe solitary labours and vexa- tions of the day, and receiving on his own part those cheap but invaluable pleasures, which are as much above the delirium and ribaldry of the bar-room, as Ihe light of day is above the glimmer of a dipped-can- dle? I am no enemy to tavern-keepers. They are a useful class of men. Their offers of kindness to the stranger and the traveller, ought to be remembered and repaid. The worst effects of ill-conducted taverns are felt, not by the wayfaring-man, for whoBe behoof the inn is instituted, but by the throng of villagers and neighbours, who have, or who ought to have, homes of their own; who need no tavern, and who resort thither from idleness, from love of excitement, or from beastly appetite. Ah! if that bar-room could tell the history of the drunkards who have dropped off one by one, how would the hideous revelation scare the very sot. DENTISTRY—THE HAIR. 29 The tavern-haunter drinks till he feels himself half-ruined; he is wretched; he drinks to drown his wretchedness; he does drown it, and his soul along 'ithitl To young men, beginning life, especially to newly narried men, the counsel is seasonable: Reverence the Fireside. Admit no rival here. Let your chief joys be shared by her who has forsaken all other hearts and hopes for you ; by those who must inherit honour or disgrace from your course of life. Shun the bar-room and the purlieus of intoxication. They are, to thousands, the avenues to infamy. DENTISTRY, ON THE AUTHORITY OF HUNTER, KCECKER, HITCHCOCK, COMMON SENSE, AND OTHER DISTINGUISHED SURGEON DENTISTS. The Tee (A.—Attention to the cleansing of the teeth cannot be inculcated at too early an age. The neglect of brushing and washing the teeth is invariably at' tended with both disease and decay, which, by timely and daily ablutions, might have been avoided alto- gether. Those who have grown up in the omission of i salubrious habit, should lose not an instant in liling themselves of a practice so essential to genera! health and cleanliness. The extremes of heat and cold are injurious to the teeth; therefore, the water with which the teeth are cleansed should be what is termed lukewarm. They should be well but gently brushed, both night and morning; the brush should be neither extremely hard nor extremely soft, but should possess medium quality. Should the gums bleed slightly during the operation, it will produce a salutary effect. The most effectual, and indeed the only means of keeping the teeth and gums in a firm and healthy siate, is hy using the brush daily. Those who possess good teeth should be careful to preserve them. When they are in good order, and^ free from tartar, the use of soft brush once a day, with a little dentifrice occa- sionally, will be quite sufficient to keep them so; and with this the owner should rest satisfied. Tooth Powder has afforded to quackery and impos- ture a spacious field tor their operations, whereon the credulity of mankind has enabled them for years to reap a golden harvest It is obvious to all who give themselves the trouble to think, that the simpler the ingredients of its composition, the more beneficial it is likely to prove. I know of none better or more vholesome, either for cleinsing the teeth or for strengthening the gums, than cuttle-fish, prepared chalk, and orris-root, commingled together iu equal quantities, which any one may procure separately from any respectable chemist, and mix himself, Tartar.—This offensive substance, solely the effect of negligence and a want of cleanliness, proves ruin- to the teeth and injurious to health. Remove by scraping, taking care not to injure the enamel; at the same time press against the point of the tooth to keep it firm in its socket. Filing1 should never be permitted unless to remove portions of rottenness that cannot otherwise be taken out. In its unavoidable destruction of the enamel, filing is highly pernicious. Plugging cavities, either with gold or tinfoil, of good quality, should never be neglected. Carefully re- move all ro'ten portions; thoroughly cleanse and dry by me.ins of cotton; Ihen introduce the metal gradu- ally, pressing it into all parts of tbe cavity with as much firmness as possible, until it becomes a solid mass with the exterior surface, even and smooth. Tobacco Juice, whether from smoking or chewing, sUins the teeth a permanent filthy yellow, and under- mines the enamel. Instruments are required of such various sizes, shapes, Slc., in most operations, as make the services of a dentist advisable, if not indispensable. One of the evil consequences of neglect. Children will be saved much future suffering, mor- tification and expense, by having their teeih frequently looked to, and by insisting on the easily-formed habit of washing and cleansing the teeth after every meat. Tooth Powder. — Many preparations, particularly charcoal, are sure to wear away the enamel, and are therefore pernicious. Use I oz. orris-root, 2 oz. pre- pared chalk, one fourth oz. magnesia. Wild-cherry- tree bark is an excellent dentifrice. When once clean, teeth may easily be kept so by simple water and a brush. Toothache proceeding from the nerve, may be per- m»nently cured by cauterizing or burning the nerve. This is done by a wire filed to the size of the exposed surface of ihe nerve, bent at the end in a suitable di- rection. The saliva must be discharged, and the cavity dried by cotton. Then, with the extremity of the wire held in a candle until it acquires a white heat, care- fully but rapidly and slightly touch the nerve. It may be necessary to repeat it. If the wire is merely red hot it is painful, but if heated to a white heat the pain is f car eel y perceptible. Burnt Alum, kreosote, oil of cloves, laudanum, poultice of ginger, laudanum and vinegar, applied lo the face ; or mustard plaster, are sometimes of service in toothache; and brandy and salt will remove in- flammation and soreness of the gums. THE HAIR, REVISED BY Its Proper Management.—Under Ihe ordinary cir- cumstances of health, in conjunction with temperance and regular exercise, Ihe only safe and effectual means of preserving Ihe hair and of promoting its growth and beauty, is the frequent use of the comb and brush, and regular ablution. It will be readily perceived, by a reference to the structure of Ihe hair, lhat whatever has a tendency to J. D. MOORE. impede the passage of the fluids by which it is nour- ished, from the root along the tube in the centre of each hair, must necessarily prevent its proper growth, render il Ihin, and deprive it of its soft and glossy ap- pearance. There can be little doubt that this is the effect to a certain ex'ent, of the practice of twisting the hair from it. natural position, and of plaiting or firmly braiding it The injurious consequences of such 30 THE HAIR. modes of dressing the hair can only be obviated by a daily resort to the comb and a hard brush, which, by disentangling, restores it to its natural direction, and, freeing it from every restraint, enables it to receive a due supply of its appropriate fluids. The growth of the hair is not, however, always impeded by artificial means: this may result, also, from allowing it to be- come entangled and matted together—a condition to which it is extremely liable from its peculiar form. Hence, under all circumstances, frequently combing and brushing it through its whole length, is absolutely necessary lo its proper preservation. Independent of the good effects of these operations n rendering the hair pervious to the fluids which rise rom its roots, they facilitate its development also, by freeing the scalp from accidental impurities, facili- tating the circulation through its vessels, and thus en- abling the hair to perform freely itB functions. Another means of promoting the growth of this structure and insuring its permanency, is by frequently cutting it. It is in early life, particularly, that fre- quent cutting will be found highly advantageous. When the hair becomes thin and irregular, or its beauty is otherwise imjmred, we know nothing better calculated to restore its proper growth than cutting it short. , In children, keeping the hair short is a circumstance f no little importance, and should not, from any light consideration, be neglected. Their health is preju- diced by a contrary practice. Nothing is more com- mon than to see a luxuriant head of hair accompanied 1 children by paleness of complexion, weak eyes, and frequent complaints of headache. The following ex- cellent remarks in a little work entitled." Advice to Young Mothers—by a Grandmother," are recommend- ed to the attentive perusal of every parent. 'The hair in children should be cut short until they are eight or nine years old—as the cooler the head can be kept, the less danger there is of many maladies pe- culiar to that part of the body, especially water on Ihe brain. Besides, there is good reason for believing, that children who have a great quantity of hair, are those most liable to eruptions, as scald head, Slc. It is at least certain, that in tbem, eruptions are very difficult to remove. The trouble, also, of keeping long h-iir sufficiently clean, and the length of time necessary for this purpose, is often a cause of much ill humour and many cross words between children and their attend- ants, which it would be better to avoid. " Mothers whose vanity may be alarmed lest re- peated cutting the hair for so many years should make it coarse, may be assured they have no cause for this apprehension, provided the hair be kept constantly brushed." When there is any tendency to sores or eruptions on the head of children, fine combs are very apt to pro- mote them. There is no doubt that the heads of young persons which are never touched by them, may be preserved much cleaner by strict attention, than Buch as are scratched and scraped every day. If any dirt appears on a child's head, which a brush will not re- move, that particular part should be rubbed wilh a towel and soap aud water, but in general, the brush will be found quite sufficient lo keep it perfectly clean. The seldomer, indeed, a fine comb is applied to the head, the better: when, however, those of ivory, tor- toise shell, or bone, are used, the greatest care is ne- cessary lest they wound the skin aud produce a sore, or, by unduly irritating it, augment the production of the scurf they are often intended to remove. Washing Hair. — The beauty and permanence of the hair are best promoted by the strictest cleanliness. To prevent its becoming greasy and dirty, it ought to be washed frequently with soap and water. Soft and slightly warm water is best. Objections are made by some to wetting the hair— but the prejudice against the prac ice is absurd. No possible injury, but, on the contrary, much good will result from frequent washing of the head. The females of the South Sea Isltnds, remarkable for their fine long hair, promote its silky gloss and beauty by regular and frequent washing. Hygiene des Dames, approving the practice of washing, observes, iu regard to the length of the hair of females, that as the most beautiful hair is the most difficult to keep clean, it is precisely this sort which requires to be washed often and carefully, and the bath is recommended as the most convenient means of doing this. Besides, says Ihe author, the finest gloss is im- parled by the water, provided the hair be quickly dried and immediately combed and brushed. Headaches complained of by females are often occa- lioned by a deficiency of moisture in the hair, by which the comb or brush is prevented from fully de- taching the scales that form upon the scalp aud clog up the p >res destined to the passage of the perspira- tion. Husbands finding Fault.—Some men make their wives very miserable by a thoughtless habit of finding fault with everything which comes in their way. The THE WORLD: ITS EXTENT AND POPULATION. man who heedlessly finds fault on every occasion, only | Divisions of the Globe, in the Order of their Popu- lays the foundation for his own sorrow, for he takes away an important motive which actuates the wife to faithfulness and pains-taking; and she must be than a common woman, who, in the face of repeated fault-finding, can find a heait long to exert herself, only to receive again the same reward. Quarrels. — One of the commonest and roost fool- ish things in the world, is to quarrel, no matter h whom, man, woman, or child; or upon what pretence, provocation, or occasion whatever. There is no kind of necessity in it, and no species or degree of benefit to be gained by it No man ever fails to think less of himself after than he did before one: it degrades him in his own eyes and in the eyes of others; and, what is worse, blunts his sensibility to disgrace on the one hand, and increases the power of passionate irritability on the other. lousness, with their Population to a Square Mile. Pop. to a Sq. Mile ORDER OF POPULATION. Asia - Europe - Africa North America South America ORDER OF EXTENT. Ash * Africa North America South America Europe Population. 600,000,000 215,000.000 100.000,000 25,000.000 14,000,000 Sq. Miles. 16,000,000 12,000.000 9,000,000 6,500,000 3,500,000 PHRENOLOGY. 31 B>IESES«r®a®©S©e&Si 3MT5D^Sa FEELINGS, Or Affective Faculties. * Alimentiveness, appetite for food. 1. AMATIVENESS, produces Sexual Love, Desire; Physical Love. 2. PHILOPR0GENIT1VENESS, Love of Children, and Younj Beings. 3. CONCENTRATIVENESS — continues the Mind on Emotion or Ideas. 4. ADHESIVENESS,Friendship,Sociabili- ty ; Attachment generally. 5. COMBATIVENESS. Courage, Opposi- tion, Intrepidity, Quarrelsomeness. 6. DESTRUCTIVENESS, Desire lo De- stroy, Torment; Harshness, Cruelly. 7. SECRETIVENESS. Concealment, Pru- dence, Cunninz, Hypocrisy. 8. ACQUISITIVENESS. Desire to acquire Property ; Avarice, Selfishness. 9. CONSTRU'CTlVENESS.MechanicalGe- k nius, desire to build. " 10. SELF-ESTEEM, Self-respect, Personal Dignity, Pride, Haughtiness. II. APPROBATIVENESS.ThirsI for Praise, Fame, or Glory; Ambition, Vanity. 12. CAUTIOUSNESS, Circumspection, Ti- midity, Feir. Despondency. -13. BENEVOLENCE, Universal Charity, Mildness of Disposition. 14. VENERATION, Reverence, Supersti- tious Adoration, Bigotry. 15. FIRMNESS, Determination, Persever- ance, Obstinacy, Resolution. 16. CONSCIENTIOUSNESS.LoveofTrufh, Seme of Justice, Duty. 17. HOPE, Expects future good ; Cherishes Faith, Love of Scheming. 18. WONDER, Desire of Novelty, Belief in the Supernatural. 19. IDEALITY, Love of the Beautiful, 01 Excellent, Poetic Feeling. 20. MIRTHFULNESS,Wit. Humour,Glee, Love of the Ludicrous. 21. IMITATION, Expression in Arts, or Action; Mimicry. INTELLECT, Or Knowing and Reflecting Faculties. 22. INDIVIDUALITY —observes Existen- ces, Simple Facts. 23. FORM, observe Configuration and the Shape of Bodies generally. 24. SIZE—gives the Idea of Space, Distance, Dimension. 25. WEIGHT—perceives Momentum, Re- sistance, Equilibrium. f 26. COLOURING—gives perception of Col. ours, and their Harmonies. 27. LOCALITY—gives Ihe idea of Relative Position, Place. 28. NUMBER, Talent for Calculation, quick- ness in Figures. 29. ORDER, Communicates the Love of Physical Arrangement. 30. EVENTUALITY — observes and re- members Occurrences and Events. 31. TIME—perceives Duration in Nature, time in Music. 32. TUNE, Sense of Musical Harmony, Melody. f33. LANGUAGE, Verbal Memory, Fluency in Speech or Writing. 34. COMPARISON — discovers Analogies and Differences. 35. CAUSALITY — traces the Relation oi Cause and Effect. Afemory, is merely a degree of activity of the knowing and reflecting organs, each organ enabling the mind to recall the impressions which it served at first to receive. Judgment is the decision of 34 St 35 upon feelings and ideas furnished by the other faculties. The faculties, in themselves, are mere instincts; the moral sentiments and intellect being higher lhan the animal propensities. Every faculty is good in itself, but all are liable to abuse : their operations are right only when they act in harmony with each other, enlightened intellect and moral sentiment holding the supremacy. froHvenesi and Secret iveness, act through the other faculties. ..... , e. i- 3^gr^:^^ ""Wch, we do in the above synopsis, without designing to express any op.n.on upon the relattv. merit. or demerits of the science. ________^_______________________________-— 32 CANALS —RAIL-ROADS. CANALS. New For* was the pioneer in the introduction of this species of improvement. The Erie Canal, com- menced in 1817 and finished in 1825; since when Ihe canals in this State alone have been extended to 950 miles at an expense of 20,000,000; upon which the tolls collected from 1829 lo 1836, amounted to 9,983,637 dollars. TABLE, SHOWING THE COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGES OF CANALS AND RAIL-ROADS. h.m. 5 42 )s sl fe 5 §1 Era horses. 2 03 2SK 3.87 6 31 The splendid lines of artificial navigation In tho United States, exceeding 4000 miles in extent, have created internal trade, promoted agriculture and busi- ness generally to an immense extent. PRINCIPAL CANALS, Finished or in progress in the United States. In Maine, Cumberland and Oxford, 20. In Massa- chusetts, Middlesex, 27. Blackstone, 45. Farmington, 78. New York, Delaware, Hudson, &c, 82. Erie, 363. Champlain, 63. Black River, 76. Oswego, 3S. Chenango, 96. Cayuga, 20. Chemung, 23. Morris, 101. New Jersey, Delaware and Rari'an, 43. Penn- sylvania, Delaware Canal, 60. Lehigh, 66. Schuyl- kill, 108. Little Schuylkill, 20. Pennsylvania, 312. Susquehanna, 39. Western Branch, 66. Northern Branch, 76. Beaver, 30. French Creek, 46. Penn- sylvania and Ohio, 82. Sandy and Beaver, 73. Dela. ware and Maryland, Chesapeake and Delaware Can.il, 14. Maryland, Chesapeake and Ohio, 186. Virginia and North Carolina, Dismal Swamp, 23. Virginia, James' River, 150. South Carolina, Santee, 22. Georgia, Savannah and Alalamaha, 60. Brunswick, 12. Alabama, Muscle Shoals, 37. Louisiana, La- fourche, 85. Ohio, Miami, 265. Ohio and Erie, 306. Wabash and Erie, 110. Indiana, White Water, 76. Illinois and Chicago, 96. RAIL-ROADS. Rail-Roads, in the facilities they furnish of trans- porting passengers, produce, and country merchandise, as -well as in the immense amount of employment fur- nished to many thousand of labourers, mechanics, and others, are justly considered among the greatest im- provements of the age. Profits. — On eight rail-roads in Massachusetts in 1840, total receipts were 1,191,710 dollars; expenses, 534,786 dollars, leaving a surplus of 656,924 dollars. TABLE, SHOWING THE COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGES OF ANIMAL AND MECHANICAL LABOUR. "i h. m. 2 10 3 6 40 5 42 S'Sfe-J 48.75 48.25 47.66 S 4i II 3*g a>§ s ».§ •g* .OS's PRINCIPAL KAIL-ROADS, Finished or in progress in the U. States, connecting, Boston and Newburyport, 33 miles; Boston and Lowell, 23; Boston and Worcester, 160; Providence and Sloninglon, 47; Norwich and Worcester, 58; Hartford and New Haven, 40 ; Utica and Schenectady, 84 ; Troy and Ballston, 25; Mohawk and Hudson, 16; Saratoga and Schenectady, 23 ; Ulica and Syracuse, 50; Auburn and Syracuse, 25; Lockportand Niagara Falls, 20; B ffaloaud Niagaia Falls 23; Rochesler and At- tica. 47 ; Ithaca and Owego, 29; New York and Eiie, 340; Jersry City and Paterson, 15; Jersey City and Trenton, 58; Camden and Amboy, 61; Philadelphia and Trenton, 26; Philadelphia and Columbia, 82; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 93 ; Philadelphia and Nor- ristown, 17: Philadelphia and Reading, 66; Danville and Pottsvifle, 45; Lancaster and Harrisburg, 37; Westchester, 9; Baltimore and Susquehannah, 70; Williamsport and Elmita, 74 ; Reading and Port Clin- ton, 20; Little Schuylkill, 20 ; Harrisburg and Charn- ber-burg, 49; Wrightsville and Gettysburg, 42 ; New. castle and Frenchlown, 17; Baltimore and Ohio. 60; Baltimore and Washington, 40; Winchester and Har- per's Ferry, 30; Richmond aid Potomac, 75; Rich- mond and Petersburg, 21; Petersburg and Rlakely, 60; Portsmouth and Wildon, 80; Hickfordand Gaston, 18; Raleigh and Gaston, 86; Wilmington and Halifax, 161 ; Charleston and Hamburg, 135; Savannah and Macon, 200; Macon and ForsUh, 25; Augusta and Decatur, 160; Tuscumhia and Decatur, 45; Montgomery and West Point, 85; Vicksburg and Jackson, 54; Jack- son and Brandon. 8; Grand Gulf, 8; New Orleans and Nashville, 500 : Clinton and Port Hudson, 28 ; St. Francisville and Woodville, 28; Memphis and La- Cange, 50; Dayton and Sandusky, 153 ; Louisville and txington, 90; Detroit and SI. Josephs, 180; Detroit and Pontiac, 30; Toledo and Marshall, 90; Madison and Lafayette, 150; Lawrenceburg and Indianapolis, SO. RELIGION. 33 RELIGION. Christia GENERAL ENUMERATION. ns, .... 260000,000 Jens, .... 4,000,000 Mohammedans, .... 96,000.000 Idolaters of all sorts, ... 500,000,000 Total population of the world, ■ 860,000,000 PRINCIPAL RELIGIOUS DENOMINA- TIONS IN THE UNITED STATES. Baptists, ..... 492,4fl6 Melhodists, ..... 850,000 Protestant do, 50.000 Presbyterians, .... 358,0?3 Congregationalists, - - • -160 000 Catholics, (population), - - . 1,300,000 Episcopalians, do. - - - - 600000 Universalists, do. - - - . 600,000 Lutherans, ..... 63,0:0 Dutch Reformed, - - . 22,550 Christians, ..... 150,000 German Reformed, .... 30,000 Unitarians, ..... 180,000 Mennonites, .... 30,000 Friends,.....100,000 Jews, ..... 15,000 Moravians, ..... 5,800 Mormonists, .... 65,000 Shakers, ..... 6,000 New Jerusalem, .... 11,000 Making together, 4,859,030 professors of religion, and allowing three or four among the family or friends of each, and the number so ascertained will include very near, the entire population of the United Stales as pro- fessors, friends, or believers in the eternal truths of Divine Revelation, It has been truly observed that the Christian is the only religion which will bear tbe test of a rational in- vestigation ; that it is the only system which can pre- tend to a divine origin, and tbe only one to which mankind can look for a remedy against the various moral evils which prevail over the world. THE ATHEIST. The assaults of reckless men, the cavill ing of sceptics, the sneers of the scoffer, from the most powerful in times past down to Ihe miserable atheist of the present day, have accomplished nothing. Their denunciations, and revilings, and labours, have all resulted in creating no good, in advancing no interest, in defending, or com- forting, or elevating none; in administering to the wants, the sufferings, or hopes of no human being. Their labours, like their minds, are a blank—a blank as cold and comfortless, as destitute of good here or hope hereafter; a blank as dark and appalling as the void to which they would drag down and degrade the eternal and immortal scul. THE CHRISTIAN. How wonderful the contrast religion presents!! But without adverting to the fruits of Christian love and enterprize, witness throughout the civilized world, the noon-daylight of Christianity, every where abounding in proportion as the human race rises in the scale of in- telligence and civilization; and without denying the evils of bigotry, or the hypocrisy of pretenders, alike inimical to true religion—without appealing to the long line of heroes, statesmen, and philosophers; and the host of great intellects, who have made religion the study of (heir lives, and sealed it with their deaths; without enquiring if men are so bad with religion, bow much worse would they be without any—in short, without the multitude of reasons that urge men to pre- fer the hope of immortal life, to the death of a brute, let it be asked, Is it not true that the firm believers in the Gospel have a great advantage over all others ?— for this simple reason, that if true, they will have their reward hereafter; and if there be no hereafter, they can be but with the infidel in his eternal sleep, having had Ihe assistance of an exalled hope through life. Among the great multitude of the wise and good who have recorded their testimony in behalf of Christianity, the American citizen may proudly dwell on the memo- ry of WASHINGTON. A model of true greatness-; through his whole life he exhibited an example, in all Ihe relations of life, political and social, public and private, which challenges the admiration of the world. In his FAREWELL ADDRESS he says— " Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, reli- gion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labour to subvert these great pil- lars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to che- rish them. A volume could not trace all their connexions with private and public felicity. " 'Tis substantially true, that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popu- lar government. The rule indeed ex- tends with more or less force to every species of free government. Who that is a sincere friend to it can look with indifference upon attempts to shake the foundation of the fabric ?" GEOROB WASH1HGTOH. THE CHRISTIAN WORLD. This is the title of a periodical published in Phila- delphia at one dollar aud twenty-five cents per annum, without advocating any particular sect. It is devoted lo the advancement of Christianity—" Bible Chris- tianity in its essential, peculiar, and incomparable glory." Edited by T. H. Stockton. 34 MOTHERS. INFLUENCE OF WOMEN. BY JUDGE HOPKINSON. If men hold the political power of society, women have mainly in their hands the more important moral power. There cannot be a moral community where they are licentious; there cannot be a refined society where they are neglected and ignorant. Upon them depend the earliest education and first impressions of their children. They regulate, or materially influence, the principles, opinions and manners of their husbands and their sods. Thus the sound and healthful state of society depends on them. It is a remarkable historical fact, that the wife of Oliver Cromwell endeavoured to persuade him to recall the exiled king, and that all his children save one were loyal. We must believe they derived their feelings and opinions from their mother. Alfred, one of the most extraordinary men of any age, who rescued his country from her enemies by his cou- rage, and by his wisdom and energy rescued her from extreme barbarism to a high degree of civilization, in his youth was given to idleness and pleasure. His mo* ther roused in him the ambition and virtue that has made him the admiration of mankind for a thousand years. Napoleon said that to the manner in which his mother formed him at an early age, he principally owed his subsequent elevation. It was his opinion that the future good or bad conduct of a child depends upon (he mother. Mothers, while you are proud of this distinction, re- memember the responsibility it imposes on you. BE WORTHY OF IT. The list of great names might have been swelled by that of our WASHINGTON, who has paid so beautiful a tribute to the memory of her who formed his youthful mind, and by those of many thousands of others who have ascribed to the affectionate care and counsel of mothers all their virtues, their distinction and honours. But recently the eloquent and popular O'Connellthus publicly testified : 'I wept over the grave of my sainted mo- ther, who early instructed and broupht up my infant mind to the possibility of failure, but the impossibility that the lessons I re- ceived could tarnish the morals or virtues of her son; and I do sincerely believe that, when at her last expiring breath her sainted soul poured forth a blessing on my head, what- ever success 1 have had through life was owing to the efficacy of her last pleasing though melancholy lesson." THE PRECIOUS PEARL. Religion in a female secures all her inte- rests. Il graces her character, promotes her peace, endears her friendship, secures es- teem, and adds a dignity and worth indescri- bable to all her deeds. How pleasant, when the absent husband can think of home, and reflect that angels watch the place! When about to leave her a widow, bow consoling, if her character is such, that she can lean on the widow's God, and put her children; I under the guardianship of Him, who is the I father of the fatherless! Then he quita the world calm and happy, supported by the hope he shall meet them all in heaven. A HINT. It is not the money earned that makes a man weal- thy so much as what he saves from bis earnings. A good and prudent husband makes a deposit of !he fruits of his labour with his best friend: and if that friend be not true to him, what has he to hope r If he dare nut place confidence in the companion of his bosom, where is he to place it ? A wife acts nol for herself only, but she is the agent of many she loves, and she is bound to act for their good, and not for her own gratification. Her husband's good is the end to which she should aim —his approbation and love is her reward. THE MOTHER'S DUTY. Important as are schools, and invaluable as learning may be, they are nothing, nay, worse than nothing, unless right habits are formed at home. Without a proper training of the mind in early childhood, ihe learning of after life may only serve to direct bad ha- bits to evil purposes, and lead the way to greater wickedness and crime. All who have the care of children, or who feel an interest in their welfare, can do them no greater good, nor society a greater blessing, than by aiding in (he correction of bad, and the formation of good, habits. Habits in youth arc easily formed, and the hand that aids in forming them is doubly ble^ed. Let all those who love little children—let mothers, especially, watch unceasingly, and carefully nip in the bud the slightest propensity in a child Io exercise cruelty of any kinatent. 2. Joint inventors can only ob'ain a joint pa- ent. 3. An inventor may assign his right, all or part, before the patent is obtained, the assignment being first recorded. 4. The administrator or executor of a de- ceased inventor can secure a patent for the heirs. 6. All fees go into the Treasury ; and for a patent, thirty dollars must be paid in advance — two thirds to be re- paid in case application is withdrawn. 6. No answers Rich lands abound to such an extent, in almost every variety of climate and situation, in our country, ana are so easily obtained, that no advice, for selecting, can be necessary. Where there is so much to choose from, ordinary intelligence can hardly go amiss. A few hun- dred dollars, health, a disposition to labour and submit to privations, are all that is required to insure real wealth and independence. A Log Cabin is made of round, straight togs, about a foot in diameter, lying on each other and notched in at the corners, the crevices stopped with slips of wood and mortar made of clay, with a roof of rafters co- vered with bark, &c. This suffices till larger and bet- ter accommodations can be rmde. Clearing next follows. Fell the trees early in the summer. Cut large once first; let them fall in such direction as will enable you to fell the largest number of smalt ones on or along side tbem ; and felt all pa- rallel as near as possible, for convenience in rolling to- gether. Lop the limbs of lar^e trees; cut the small ones into suitable lengths to haul on to the large. By this process two men may heap and burn most of the limber, without a team. Ne er chop or draw large trees till reduced by fire. Fire the heaps the next M»y, if dry; if not, wait till July or August. Heat- ing the soil so destroys the greeu roots, and the ashes are so beneficial that a good crop of wheat or Indian corn may be had without ploughing or manuring. Plough shallow in autumn, cross plough deeper in the spring, harrow well, and be sure of golden crops. Winter chopping is sometimes preferred, and the burning done in the following August, if a dry season. See Public Lands—Agriculture—Health, Sec. ADVICE TO WESTERN SETTLERS. The following good common sense directions are by the Rev. T. Flint. "The most affectionate counsel we could give an immigrant, after an acquaintance with all districts of the western country, of sixteen years, and after having seen and felt no small share of all we have attempted to record, would be to regard the salubrity of (he spot selected, as a consideration of more importance than its fertility, or vicinity to a market." The advice to have a lancet, and learn how to open a vein, is good ; and that to have a small and well labelled and well supplied medicine chest, is not amiss, connected with I are sent to enquiries about previous similar disco- veries. 7. The petition must be signed, and witnessed by two, and addressed to the Commissioner of Paten's. 8. Plain drawings and specifications must be made, witnessed, and duplicates sent. 9. The particular spe- cification claimed must be pointed out. 10. The mo- del must be sent or left as below, with the inventor's name durably affixed. II. The fees must be remitted in coin or bv certificate of deposite. 12. Person^ hav- ing business'with the Patent Office, will be furnished with the printed laws, directions, forms, rules, &c, on application. 13. Communications with the Patent Office are by law free of postage. Models and Specimens, if deposited with any of the following Agents, will be forwarded to the Patent Office free of expense: Collectors at Portsmou'h, N. H.; Portland, Me.; Burlington, Vt. ; Providence, R. I.; Surveyor at Harlford, Conn.; Collectors al Philadelphia, Pa.; Baltimore, Md.; Richmond, Va.; Charleston, S. C.; Savannah, Ga.; New Orleans, La.; Detroit, Mich.; Buffalo, N. Y.; Surveyor at SI. Louis, Mo.; Collector at Cleveland, Ohio; Surveyors at Pittsburgh, Pa.; Cincinnati, Ohio; Louisville, Ky.; R. H. Eddy, Agent, Boston, Mass.; David Gardiner, Agent, Custom House, N. Y. EMIGRANTS. what follows, viz. "To be, after all, very cautious about either taking or administering its contents, re- serving them for emergencies, and for a choice of evils; to depend for health on temperance, moderation in all things, a careful conformity, in food and dress, to circumstances and tbe climate; and, above all, let him observe a rigid and undeviating abstinence from that loathsome and murderous western poi- son — whiskey — which may be pronounced the pre- valent miasm of the country. Let every immigrant learn the mystery, and provide the materials, to make good beer. Let every immigrant, during the season of acclimation, especially the sultry months, take me- dicine by way of prevention, twice or thrice, with ab- stinence from labour a day or two afterwards." We should say, let the immigrant, when he first ex- periences unpleasant bodily feelings in hot weather, such as headache, with loss of appetite, fast and rest from labour for a few days, and he wilt avoid sickness, and prevent the necessity of taking any physic at all. " Let him," continues the author, " have a Bible for a constant counsellor, and a few good books for instruc- tion and amusement. Let him have the dignity and good sense to train his family religiously, and not to be blown about by every wind of doctrine, in religion, politics, or opinions. Let his rifle rest, and let the game, unless it come in his way, live on. Let him cultivate a garden of choice fruit, as well as a fine orchard. Let him keep bees, for their management unites pleasure and profit. Let him prepare for silk- making on a small and gradual scale. -Let him culti- vate grapes by way of experiment. Let him banish unreal wants and learn the master secret of self-pos- session, and be content with such things as he has, aware that every position In life has advantages and trials. Let him assure himself that if an independent farmer cannot be happy, no man can. Let him mag- nify his calling, respect himself, envy no one, and raise lo the Author of all good, couslanl aspirations of thank- fulness, as he eats the bread of peace and privacy" UNITED STATES. 37 UNITED S TATES. ARMY. Army of the United States.—A Secretary of War; three Brigadier Generals; Qr. Master General; Fay- master General; Surgeon General; Chief Engineer. The whole army consists of four regiments of artillery, and s^even regiments of infantry. Ihe regular army numberB 12,539, officers and men. There are 58 mili- tary posts and arsenals in the United Slates, besides others in a state of forwardness. In times of foreign invasion, insurrection, or rebellion, the militia of the several states is under the command of the general go- vernment. The Military Academy at West Point, in New York, was established in 1802. The number of cadets is limited to 250. From the establishment of this institu- tion to September 2, 1828, there had been 1289 cadets admitted; 540 commissioned; 477 resigned; 162 dis- charged; 20 had died; aud in 1830, 213 remained. The cost of this establishment to 1828, was 1,185,421 dollars. From 1795 to 1817 inclusive, there were made at the Armory, at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, 82,720 muskets, 11,870 repaired, and 4,100 pistols; at Springfield, Mass., there we e made 128,559 muskets, 1,202 carbines, ;,nd 45,800 repaired. The expenses at (he latter place for purchases, buildings, repairs, &c, was 1,820,122 dollars. The number of muskets manufactured in the United States' armories in 1832, was 25,500; Hall's rifles, 4,360; screwdrivers, 16,960; wipers, 26,560; arm chests,7l6; and various other articles. Expenditures, 405 944 dollars. MILITIA of the United States, 1,492,444. NAVY. Navy of the United States.—A Secretary of the Navy and Board of Commissioners. There are 55 Captains; 37 Masters Commandant; 290 Lieutenants; 64 Surgeons; 42 Pursers; 9 Chaplains; and 12 Navy Agents. A Chief Naval Constructor. There are 7 Navy Yards in (he United States. One at Portsmouth, N. H.; one at Charlesfown, Mass.; one at Brooklyn, N. Y.; one at Philadelphia, Penn.; one at Washing- ton, D. C. ,* one at Gosport, Va.; one at Pensacola, Florida. The number of vessels in our Navy is 56; viz: 11 ships of the line, 12 frigates of the first class, 2 frigates of Ihe second class, 21 sloops of war, 4 brigs, and 8 schooners. In addition to the above, are the 2 steam vessels, Missouri and Mississippi. The expense of which, for the pist25 years, was 18,503,584 dollars. The annual cost of a 74 gun ship on a cruise, is 180,360 dollars; in ordinary, 6,433 dollars. Of a 44 gun frigate on a cruise, 112,000 dollars; in ordinary, 5,000 dollars. Complement of a 74, 656-men ; of a 44, 450 ; and of a sloop of war, first class, 184 men. The cost of a 36 to a 74 gun ship, is estimated at 4,500 dol- lars per gun ; of a 32, 4,000 dollars; and of a 20 gun ship, 3,500 dollars per gun. Two Dry Docks, one at Norfolk, the other at Charlestown ; cons*ructed of hewn granite of unrivalled masonry. Tbe latter is 341 feet in length, 80 in width, and 30 in depth, and cost 652,482 dollars. The dock at Norfolk cost 872,220 dollars. POST OFFICE. General Post Office.—Rates of Postage:—For every letter of a single sheet, not over 30 mites, six cents; over 30 to 80 miles, ten cents ; over 80 to 150 miles, twelve and a half cents ; over 150 to 400 miles, eighteen and three quarter cents ; over 400 miles, twenty-five cents. Double, triple, and quadruple letters, in (he same ratio. No letter can be charged with more than quadruple postage unless its weight exceeds one ounce, avoirdu- pois. Newspapers, or one sheet of printed paper, not over 100 miles to any state, and to any distance in the state where printed, one cent; over 100 miles out of the slate where printed, one and a half cents. Magazines and pamphlets, for every 100 miles, four cents per sheet; over 100 miles, six cents. If published periodically, for 100 miles, one and a half cents; over 100 miles, two and a half cents. EXPENSES, 1840, 4,705,396 dollars. Receipts, 4,539,009 dollars. Tbe privilege of franking, and receiving letters free of postage, is given to the following persons, viz:— | President and Vice President of the United States; Secretaries of State, Treasury, War, and Navy; Post I Master General and Assistants Post Master General; Attorney General; Compt's. of the Treasury; Audi's.; ; Reg. Treas.; Commissioner of tbe Gen. Land Office; j Ex-Presideuts of the United Stales ; Members of Con- gress (during the Session, and 60 days before and after j the same;) Commissioners of tbe Navy Board ; Adj't. i Gen.; Comm'y. Gen.; Imp's. Gen.; Quart. Mas. Gen.; P.iy Mast. Gen.; Sect'y. of Ihe Senate; Clerk of the House of Representatives; Superintendent of the Patent Office ; and Post Masters, not to exceed half an I ounce iu weight, and one daily newspaper. MINT. | United States Mint.—Commenced in 1792 at Phila- delphia. Tbe coinage effected from the time of its es- tablishment to 1838, including gold, silver, and copper, amounted to 77,346,448 dollars. In 1840, there were coined at Philadelphia, 2,260,667 dollars; at New Or- leans, 915,600 dollars; at Charlotte, 127,055 dollars; at Dihlouega, 123,310 dollars,—total, 3,426,632 dollars. The number of pieces coined at Philadelphia was 7,053,074; at New Orleans, 3,446,900; at Charlotte, 31,828; at Dahlonega, 26,S31.—total number of pieces, 10,-58,626. The deposites in gold in Philadelphia during the year, were 1,201,998 dollars, of which 176,776 dollars were derived from mines in the Uuited Slates. y An eagle of gold, valued at ten dollars, must weigh eleven penny-weights and six grains. A dollar must weigh seventeen penuy-weights and seven grains of silver; and a cent must weigh eleven penny-weigbti of copper. All coins ceased to be a legal tender in the United States on the 15th October, 1737, except federal cuins and Spanish milled dollars. PUBLIC LANDS. Public Lands of the United States.—The public lands within the states and territories of the United States, consist of those lands ceded by many of tbe sates to the United Slates; the latter taking the respon- sibility of extinguishing the Indian titles, together with those lands obtained from France by tbe purchase of Louisiana, and those by the cession of the Floridas from Spain. The minimum price of these lands is one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre; and, since 1820, no credit is given to purchasers. These lands are surveyed before they are offered for sale. They are divided into town- ships of six miles square, which are divided into thirty- six sections, one mile square, containing each 640 acres ; and sold in sections and parts of sections. One mile square in each township is reserved for a school fund. They hold out a most inviting prospect lo the enterprising emigrant. The quantity of unceded lands belonging to the In- dians, and lying north and west of the states and terri- tories of the United S'ates, but within tbe limits of the United States, has been estimated at about 750,000,000 acres. Allowing that (he public domain was sold at the low price of seventy five cents an acre, it would supply ample means for constructing a double track Rail-road of Quincy granite and wrought iron, from Eastport to New Orleans, and furnish a fund to procure locomotive engines, cars, &c, and keep ihe whole in repair for- ever. It might also give to each state and territory a school fund of three million dollars, and leave a balance in the treasury of many millions for miscella- neous expenditures. These lands are becoming more valuable every day, and are not only worth looking att but after. 38 GIRARD'S WILL. The Girard College for Orphans. four out-buildings, detached from the main edifice and from each other, and in such positions as shall at once answer the purposes of the institution, and be consis- tent with the symmetry of tbe whole establishment: each building should be, as far as prac'icable, devoted to a distinct purpose; in that one or more of those buildings, in which they may be most useful, I direct my executors to place my plate and furniture of every sort. "When the College and appurtenances shall have been constructed, and supplied with plain aud suitable furniture and books, philosophical and experimental instruments and apparatus, and all other matters need- ful to carry my general design into execution ; the in- come, issues and profits of so much of the said sum of two millions of dollars as shall remain unexpended, shall be applied to maintain the si id College accord- ing to my directions. "If the income, arising from that part of the said sum of two millions of dollars, remaining after the construction and furnishing of the College and out- buildings, shall, owing to the increase of the number of orphans applying for admission, or other cause, be inadequate to the construction of new buildings, or the maintenance and education of as mai>y orphans as m iy apply for admission, then such further sum as may be necessary for the construction of new buildings and the maintenance, and education of such further number of orphans, as can be maintained and instructed within Buch buildings as the said square of ground shall be adequate to, shall be taken from the final residuary fund hereinafter expressly referred to for the purpose, comprehending the income of my real estate in the City and County of Philadelphia, and the dividends of my stock in the Schuylkill Navigation Company—my design and desire being, that the benefits of said institu- tion shall be extended to as great a number of orphans as the limits of the said square and buildiugs therein can accommodate." At a subsequent period having purchased 45 acres of land, in the suburbs of the city, he says, I "ditecl that the Orphan establishment, provided for in my said Will, instead of being built as therein directed upon my square of ground between High and Chestnut and Eleventh and Twelfth Streets, in (he City of Philadel- space of equal dimensions, for an entry or'hall i phia, shall be built upon the estate so purchased from n each, for stairs and landings : In the north-east and ! Mr. W. Parker ; and I hereby devote the said estate Io u the north-west corners of the northern entry or hall , that purpose, exclusively, in the same manner as I had Stephen Girard was born in Bordeaux, France, in 1746, arrived at New York as cabin-boy in 1775, settled in Philadelphia in 1779, " a poor man, dealing in old iron, old riggiug," &c. He became a banker in 1812, and after, as shipper, merchant, builder, farmer and banker, amassing a fortune estimated at more than seven million dollars, he died in 1831. After be- queathing to his brother, sister and nieces various sums, amounting to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and other legacies to public and private purposes, the Will proceeds:— " XXI. And so far as regards the residue of my per- sonal estate, in trust, as to two millions of dollars, part thereof to apply and expend so much of that sum as may be necessary—in erecting, as soon as practicably may be, a permanent College, with suitable out-build- ings, sufficiently spacious for the residence and accom- modation of at least three hundred scholars, and the requisite teachers and other persons necessary in such an institution as I direct to be established: and in sup- plying the said College and out-buildings with decent and suitable furniture, as well as books and all things needful to carry into eflect my general design. "The said College shall be constructed with the most durable materials, and in the most permanent manner, avoiding needless ornament, and attending chiefly to the strength, convenience, and neatness of the whole: It shall be at least one hundred and ten feet east and west, and one hundred and sixty feet north and south: It shall be three stories in height, each story at least fifteen feet high in the clear from the floor to the cornice: It shall be fire-proof iuside and out- side. The floors and the roof to be formed of solid materials, on arches turned on proper centres, so that no wood may be used, except for doors, windows, and Bhutlers: There shall be in each story four rooms, each room not less than fifty feet square in the clear; the four rooms on e^ch floor to occupy the whole space east and west on such floor or story, aud the middle of (lie building north and south; so that in the north of the building, and in the south thereof, there may the first floor, stairs shall be made so as to form double staircase, which shall be carried up through the several Btories; and, in like manner, in the south-east and south-west-corners of the southern entry or hall, stairs shall be made, on the first floor, so as to f >rm a double staircase, to be carried up through the several stories; the steps of the stairs lo be made of smooth white marble: The outside walls shall be faced with slabs or blocks of marble or granite, not le^s than two feel thick, and fastened together with clamps securely sunk therein,—they shall be carried up flush from the recess of one foot formed at the first floor where the foundation outside wall is reduced to two feet: The floors and landings as well as the roof shall be covered with marble slabs, securely laid iu mortar; the slabs on the roof to be twice as thick as those on the floors. In minute particulars, not here noticed, utility and good taste should determine, ~" oted the said square, hereby directing that all the improvements and arrangements for the said Orphan establishment, prescribed by my said Will as to said square, shall be made and executed upon the said estate, just as if I had in my Will devoted the said estate to siid purpose." OTHER LEGACIES—To Philada. and N. Orleans his Louisiana estates; for improving Philnda. 500,000 dollars, and Penna. 300,000: to his brother Etiemie and niece in France a house in Bordeaux and 5.000, and his brother's six children 5,000 each ; to his nieces in Philada. Mrs. Hemphill60,000, Mrs. Haslan. 10,000, and Mrs. Clark 10,000, and her daughter 20,000. To his Captains 1,500 each ; his apprentices 500 each—to widow of Jared Ingersoll an annuity of 1000, and in annuities to Mrs. C. Girard 400, his two housekeepers 500 each, and their sisters 300 each, to different chari- There should be at'leaBt I table institutions of Philadelphia 116,000 dollars. EDUCATION. 39 EDUCATION. for the general diffusion of knowledge. — Wathinglon'i A sheriff of London, after adequate experience, de. dares that the most prominent causes of crime are to be traced to the want of education—the waut of pa- rental care, correction, aud control, &c. HABIT ! HABIT ! I trust every thing to habit; habit, upon which, in all ages, the law-giver, as well as the school-master, has mainly placed his re- liance ; habit which makes every thing easy, and casts all difficulties upon the deviation from the wonted course. Make sobriety a habit, and intemperance will be hateful and hard; make prudence a habit, and reckless profligacy will be contrary to the nature of the child grown an adult. Give a child the habit of sacredly regarding the truth—of carefully respecting the property of others— of scrupulously abstaining from all nets of improvidence which can involve him in dis- tress, and he will just as likely think of rushing into the element in which he can- not breathe, as lying, or cheating, or steal- ing.—Lord Brougham. FAMILY GOVERNMENT. We can, therefore, hardly overrate the importance of sound and wholesome family discipline and instruction. Important as are laws and civil government, family influence is paramount. It is not for legislation to af- fect materially the family, the most ancient and venerable and permanent of all the forms of society, commencing with man's history and ending only when man shall cease to be a dweller upon earth. The moral influence of families depends upon themselves. Each family to answer the ends of its existence, and contribute to the com- mon weal and glory, must care for itself, and attend to its own government, purity and happiness. Each must firmly inculcate within its own sacred enclosure the virtuous and conservative principles of truth, reve- rence, submission, peace, goodness, and love of order, which alone can give stability to the time, and safety and grandeur to the state. PHYSICAL EDUCATION. To physicil education belong the proper training and strengthening of all the powers of the body, and the avoidance of every thing calculated to injure its structure. The first and most striking error in physical educa- I tion, is the unnecessary confinement to which the child is subjected. No one that has observed a child, be- tween the ages of three and six, can doubt that nature requires that he should be almost constantly in motion during his waking hours. How painful then, how un- natural, must be his situation in school! Pent up, for six hours a day confined to one seat, and that a very uneasy one, where be is forced to sit perfectly still and silent, how irksome must be his condition, how pre- judicial to his health ! And what aggravates the evil is, that it is wholly unnecessary. For the extended confinement defeats the very purpose for which it is imposed. " The body and mind," says Sterne, " are like a jerkin and its lining. If you rumple the one, you rumple the other." Besides the injury to his health, his mind becomes heavy and dull, and his progress, consequently, is not half what it would be under a more rational course. The school-room is too small either for convenience, comfort, or health. Most children go first to school while many of their bones are still in a forming state. They go almost as early as when the Chinese turn their.children's feet into (he shape of horses' hoofs. And, at this period of life, the question is, whether the seals shall be conformed to the children, or the chil- dren deformed to the seals. Let any man try tbe ex- periment, and see how long he can sit in an upright posture, on a narrow bench or seat, without being able to reach the floor with his feet. Yet, to this position, hundreds of children are regularly confined, month af- ter month; Nature indicts uneasiness and distress if they do sit still, and the teacher inflicts his punish- ments, if they do not. The closet for hajs and coats is smaTT, or altogether wanting, so that the children ac- quire disorderly and wasteful habits with their clothes. The soom is badly ventilated, so that in cool weather when the doors and windows are kept shut, the chil- dren are forced to breathe the same air over and over, until it has become unfit for respiration, thus laying a foundation for debility and disease. — Palmer's Prize Essay. Extracts from the Preface to Taylor's DISTRICT SCHOOL OR NATIONAL EDUCATION. All who are competent to judge, and will give their due attention to the facts which this book discloses, must unite in the conclu- sion, that our present system of popular ed- ucation is radically defective. it is on this point chiefly that the public mind requires to be disabused ; it is in rela- tion to this that there exists—I speak espe- cially of this State*—a very general delusion. We are told that under the fostering patron- age of the government, more than half a million of children are taught in our com- mon schools,—our pride, as citizens of the Empire Slate, is- gratified, and we content ourselves with the general statement, omit- ting to inquire into the character and value of the instruction wbieh is thus imparted. We know not, for we care not to know, that it is in truth so imperfect and seanty as hardly to. deserve the name even of elemen- tary,—that it is unconnected with any thing * New York. THE BIBLE. 40________EDUCATION resembling moral discipline or the formation of character,—that the teachers, inexpe- rienced, transitory, snatched up for the oc- casion, are paid by salaries which hardly exceed the wages of the menial servant or the common labourer,—and that, as a neces- sary consequence, ignorant and disqualified, they are perhaps even overpaid by the pit- tance which they receive. Yet it is in such schools and by such in- structors that thirty-eight out of forty of the children of the nation are, as we phrase it, educated. We have lived in a pleasing de- lusion ; but it is time we should awake. I do not hesitate to avow the belief, that without regulations far more extensive than have yet been introduced,—a control far more enlightened and constant than has yet been exercised,—and fiscal aid far more am- ple than has yet been afforded, it is vain to expect that the character of our common schools can be truly and permanently im- proved. It is conceded by all that nothing can be done without competent teachers, and such teachers, in the number and of the qualifications required, we can never have, unless they are properly trained, and pro- perly examined, and watched, and controlled, and, above all, properly rewarded. The dissemination of this book, and of the truths which it contains, will tend thus to prepare the public mind, to produce the right state of feeling and of thought; for as- suredly it will not be read in vain by parents who are such in heart and in conscience, not in name merely. There are some truths which it may be painful to confess, yet are most necessary to be known. To the reflecting and the can- did it will not seem extravagant to say that Ihe chief source of the evils, the disorders, the crimes which afflict society, is to be found in the heartless indifference of the higher classes, the rich, the educated, the refined, towards the comfort and well-being of those they term or deem their inferiors, and their consequent neglect of the intellectual and moral improvement of those who always have been, and would seem by the order of Providence, always must be, the most nu- merous class—those who depend on their daily labour for their daily support. It is this neglect, the alienation it pro- duces, the ignorance it perpetuates, the vices it fosters, which leave marked the broad line of separation, on the one side of which are the few, indolent, disdainful, proud, on the other the many, restless, envious, discon- tented. It is this which keeps the minds of a multitude in a constant state of irritation. and which, when the base demagogue seeks to array the poor against the rich, collects the crowd of his willing auditors, and arms him with his dreaded power. It is this which caused the atrocities of the French Revolution, and which deepens and darkens the cloud that now hangs over England.* It is this neglect—the grand crime of civilized and Christian society, which, in every country, sooner or later, and in none more certainly than in our own, if continued, is destined to meet a fearful retribution. Here most emphatically is it true, that the people must be raised to the level of their rights and duties, must be made the safe depositaries of the power which they possess, or in the history of other re- publics we may read our own fate;—first, lawless anarchy—next, the calm which fear and the bayonet produce—the calm of mili- tary despotism. How then are these evils to be prevented 1 —this fate to be averted 1 1 answer, all that is odious, all that is dangerous in the dis- tinctions which the free acquisition and the lawful enjoyment of property must always create, will soon vanish, and all classes be united in the enduring bonds of sympathy and gratitude, when the rich (I include all who have the leisure or means to bestow) shall understand and feel that it is their paramount duty to improve the physical and elevate the moral condition of their fellow- beings, or, to express nearly the whole in one word—to educate the poor. Let those on whom the burden ought to fall willingly assume—cheerfully sustain it, and there will be no further obstacle to the action of the legislature, no further difficulty in organizing a system effectual, permanent, universal. » The Working Classes of England. — Mr. C. Butler, in a speech in Parliament on a late occasion, said :—" Whenever I contemplate the condition of the working classes—the deep and dark gulf that separates them from the knowledge and sympathies of their su- periors in fortune, the utter ignorance in which we are of their feelings and wants, the little influence which we have over their conduct, and the little hold which we appear to have on their affections—I shrink with terror from the wild passions and dense ignorance that appear to be fermenting in that mass of physical force. IFIHni £3H£31LISo A nation must be truly blessed, if it were governed by no other laws, than those of this blessed book; it is so complete a sys- tem, that nothing can be added to or taken from it; it contains every thing needful to be known or done ; it affords a copy for a king, and a rule for a subject; it gives instruction and counsel to a senate, authority and direc- ALPHABET FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB. 41 lion to a magistrate ; it cautions a witness, requires an impartial verdict of a jury, and furnishes a judge with his sentence ; it sets the husband as lord of the household, and the wife as mistress of the table ; tells him how to rule and her how to manage. It en- tails honour to parents, and enjoins obe- dience upon children ; it points out a faith- ful and eternal guardian, to the departing husband and father, tells him with whom to leave his fatherless children, and in whom his widow is to trust, and promises a father to the former, and husband to the latter. It defends the right of all, and reveals ven- geance to the defrauder, over-reacher, and oppressor. It is the first book and the oldest book in the world. It contains the choicest matter, gives the best instruction, and affords the greatest pleasure and satisfaction that ever were revealed It contains the best laws and profoundest mysteries that ever were penned. It brings the best tidings, and af- fords the best of comforts to the inquiring and disconsolate. It exhibits life and im- mortality, and shows the way to everlasting glory. THE PAST TO THE FUTURE. The following sentiment from an address delivered at the second centennial celebration of the settlement of Boston, is significant and impressive:—"The great comprehensive truths, written in letters of living light on every page of our history,—the language ad- dressed by eVery past age of New England to all future ages, is this—Human happiness has no perfect security but freedom; freedom none but virtue ; virtue none but knowledge; and neither freedom, virtue, nor knowledge, has any vigour, or immortal hope, except in the principles of the Christian faith, and in the sanctions of the Christian religion." dactylology, {Finger Talking,) OR ALPHABET FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB. This Alphabet explains itself. Half an hour is suffi- cient to acquire a knowledge of it, and short practice will give ease and rapidity. It may be made a means of amusement, and occasionally of real service; while to none can it be without interest. The first attempt at instructing the Deaf and Dumb was made by a Spanish monk, who died in 1584. More has been doue for them in the United States than in any other country. Note.—J and Z are figured in the air: J with the lit- tle finger, and Z with the fore finger. Significant ges- tures often express whole sentences, and by means of the Manual Alphabet all the words and phrases of con- versation can be expressed. The words should be sepa- rated, either by a slight pause, or a horizontal motion of the hand from right to left, or a snap of (he fingers. 42 LAW. THE LAW Every citizen should earnestly and con- stantly bear in mind the important fact, that his only safety, for person, property, liberty and life, is in the absolute supremacy of ihe constitution and the laws. Betting on elections.—This is an extensive and per- nicious evil, alike injurious to the citizen aud to the purity of elections. All are interested in its suppres- sion; let all then unite in getting up and presenting pe- titions to the several state legislatures for the passage of a law similar to that introduced into the Legislature of Missouri against betters and the stakeholders, and fining both to the amount of the money or property bet. AIbo punishing by hoe, any person who may publish a bet, or assist iu any way in making it, A decision in Ohio makes proprietors of stages re- sponsible for passengers' baggage, notwithstanding their caution of ** All baggage at the risk of the owners." A Non-resident.—A person having a place of busi- ness in a city or town, and boarding and lodging in an- other, is a non-resident in his place of business. Titles of land derived under sales for taxes are de- clared good by Supreme Court of Illinois. A Salesman receiving a per centage is not thereby constituted a partner. Breach of trust is where valuables are received in Ihe course of employment, for or in the name of the employer, and embezzled ; but if tbe valuables Inve come to the possession of the employer, the offence is larceny. A Husband: he is liable for goods furnished his wife, if, from ill treatment or other sufficient cause, she does not live with him; but if she leave him from unjustifiable cause, be is not liable even for necessaries, whether tbe tradesman knows of such separation or not. Erasing or altering an endorsement of a payment on a note is forgery. A town is liable for damages occasioned by any ob- struction placed on the road by human agency, and is bound to make ro.tds safe and convenient for travel- lers. Common Carriers.—The owners of a steamboat are responsible to shippers of goods as common carriers. Common carriers, if they make a wrong delivery, are responsible for any loss. The owners of goods must have them properly marked, and entered in carriers' books; and if he ne- glects to do it, he must bear the loss. UNCERTAINTY OF THE LAW. A man falls into a dispute with his neighbour, runs to his counsel, tells his story in his own way, forgets those facts which are against him,—relates the rest with that sort of exaggeration which is natural to a party,— undertakes to prove the whole case as he has stated it, —and asks for legal redress. After such an examina- tion, a suit is instituted,—the trial comes on,—the plain- tiff's witnesses are heard, they reduce in a great de- gree the colouring which ihe party himself had given; the defendant's witnesses prove many new f .cts, which totally change the complexion of the C3se,—it is decided in favour of the defendant, and tbe plaintiff ever after complains of—the uncertainty of the law. The fault, it is evident, was in himself. If he had told tbe truth in the first instance, he might have saved bis money, time and temper. At the present day every man has a fling at the un- certainty of the law. Yet upon investigation, it would appear that in at least nine cases out of ten, the uncer- tainty complained of, is not in tbe law, but in the facts to which it is to be applied. The law his sins enough of its own to answer for;— defects sufficiently abundaut—con- tradictions—doubts—even absurdities, which ought to be removed or amended,—but, with all these, we re- peat that, inproponion to the numbei of disputes which arise between man and man, there are very few cases, iu which, if the facts were clearly ascertained, any re- spectable member of the profession could not, without hesitation, say what would be the law. The event of litigation is indeed almost always un- certain: the law rarely so. Nor could any plan be devised for destroying this quality of litigation. If the most minute, distinct and intelligible rule were laid down for every variety of possible circumstances, (which, by tbe by, never has been or can be done,) there would remain sources of uncertainty almost as fruitful as those which now exist. For after all, tvhat would be the rule of law proper to be applied in any case, would depend entirely upon the facts, and those facts must be proved by human testimony, and to the satisfaction of a human tribunal; the testimony and the tribunal being both human, therefore both fallible;—the former liable to incorrectness or incompleteness occasioned by intentional falsehood, imperceptible bias, or defect of memory—the latter (throwing out of view wilful error as of rare occurrence,) equally liable to misdeci- sion from prejudice, misapprehension or defect of judg- ment. These are faults not of this or that particular system, but of human nature. They will be eutirely cured, whenever mankind shall be rendered perfect in ho- nesty, memory, apprehension and judgment, but not till then. ADVICE. In law, as in physic, it may truly be observed, that prevenion is better than the risk of cure. Tbe pre- ceding remarks on the "Uncertainty of the law," are full of instruction, and point out the risk, besides the certain expense, delay, less of time, vexation, ill-feel- ing and trouble of law-suits, which in every shape or form should be avoided. '* Agree with thine adversary quickly;" do so even at a sacrifice, being assured that the intricacies of the law, with its twisting*, and turnings ; its precedents innumerable, decisions contradictory ; its nice technic .lilies, fornn, and mysteries, are all in- exhaustible and incomprehensible, and combine, too frequently, to render law an overmatch for plain ho- nesty and simple justice. If differences arise, and a reference must be made to others, let it be lo mutual friends—to disinterested persons selected by both parties, and make up your mind to abide tbe result. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. Public attention is becoming awakened to the enor- mity of taking human life. Not only humanity bul policy is against it. There is not a point so well-esta- blished in the science of Criminal Law asthat of severe punishments increasing crimes, except, perhaps, that PRESIDENTIAL ELEC TIO N —1840. 43 of mild punishments diminishing them. The statistics on this subject are perfectly conclusive. In England, in 1821, there were 114 executions, and in 1638 only vhile crime within that period has diminished in a rapid and remarkable degree. Similar results have followed the partial disuse of the punishment of death i France, Prussia, and Belgium. Whatever experience has been acquired by this unexampled reform, has, at least, been safely and innocently gained. Some hun- dreds of offenders, had they committed their crimes a few years before, would have died by the band of tbe executioner. They have been allowed to live. Life, the only season of repentance, with all its opportuni- ties of rrgaining the favour of an offended Deity, has been continued to them ; and from this lenity, society has derived no injury, no loss. For murder, the penalty of death, as an example, is nomentary, and of no beneficial effect. It disgusts the good, and brutalizes the bad, who witness the spectacle. As an act of extreme violence, it teaches violence to the people; as an act of deliberate homi- cide, it diminishes the regard due to the sanctity of life, and renders murder less revolting to the ^in- structed mind. When will those who are chosen to make laws for s, when will men who profess Christianity, learn and practise something of the Christian spirit, against which every fe.iture of this law is at open war ? Ca- pital punishment is a blot upon our instilutions, and a disgrace to any civilized community. An account current rendered and accepted without objection being made in a reasonable time, precludes objection afterwards, and makes it a stated account. A Will dictated and taken down in pencil only, aid signed by two witnesses, is valid, if deceased was in sound mind when he gave the instructions. Murder.—The punishment of dea'h is revolting, but, nevertheless, while it continues to be the law, tbe ju- ror who racks his mind for an excuse to avoid the per- formance of a painful dutv, forgets that in saving a forfeited life, his verdict becomes a recorded license for future assassinations. NATURALIZATION LAWS. Congress alone has power to make or regulate the laws of Naturalization. An alien must renounce in court, allegiance, &c. to any foreign power, and declare intention of becoming a citizen at least two years before admission. Must swear to support the constitution, renounce any he- reditary title or order of nobility, and must have re- sided five years in the country, and satisfy the court that he has behaved as a man ol good moral character, attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of Ihe same. Excellent laws, if well administered; but how shamefully disregarded ! The mockery too frequently enacted in their administration, in at least some of our courts, is matter of pain and humiliation, and to none more so than the intelligent naiuralized citizen himself. Children of naturalized citizens, if under tweniy-tme ye*rs of a^e at the time of thei. parents'naturalization, shall, if dwelling in the United States, be considered as citizens. An alien having declared his intention, and dying before he was naturalized, bis widow and children, on taking the oaths prescribed, shill be en- titled to all the rights of citizenship. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION-1840. FOR PRESIDENT. Votes in the Electoral College. William Henry Harrison........234 Mania Van Boren..........60 FOR VICE PRESIDEiVT. John Tyler.............234 Richard M. Johnson..........48 Lytlleton Ta e»ell..........11 James Polk;.............1 Popular Vote. Hnr. V. B. Maine,........46 612 46 201 New Hampshire,.....2t;,434 32,670 - mont • -......32 445 18 029 i9ichu,Qfi7 4.SS4 Maryland,.......3 S.U2S 2S 7V2 Virginia,.......42.'01 43>U3 North C.i'olii.a, - - 4n 376 33,7-2 Georeia,...... 40 273 3I.!'33 Al.bama,..... 2S 471 33 b'.'l Mississippi,.......19. ilS IGi'io Louisiana,.......11.293 7,6'6 Tennessee,.......60,391 4B.2-9 Kentucky,.......W.489 32.616 Missouri,........22*72 29 760 Ohio..........MS, 157 124.7S2 ■ •;,„,........65,308 51.685 nois,........45.537 47,476 Michigan,.......22.907 21,008 Arkansas........4 462 6.048 South Carolina, - - • chosen by the Legislature. THE MORAL OF THE ELECTION. The spectacle of a free people submitting every thing to the, ballot boxes, and abiding the result in the decision of the majority, is indeed delightful. In ihe preliminaries there is less to rejoice at; but in ihe quiet subordi- nation to the great principles of our social system, which has just been exhibited, wc feel the highest joy. We have in it ihe as- surance that the people understand their high responsibility, as freemen: that while each citizen claims his own rights, he is willing to accord as much to his fellows. One reason for the superior quiet of ihe late elect ion is, that people no longer imagine the existence of freedom and the permanency of its institutions to depend on the result of an election. Americans have grown confi- dent in the stability of their system, and if the right men and right principles ennnot be made to succeed this time, they expect the steady workings of a sound system to bring all right at last. In the earlier days of our nation, republicanism was an experiment which had before been often tried, and had bb often failed ; and it was thought it might very possibly fail again in this its last and best effort, But it is not so now. Few men now feel rioubiful as to the full success and perpetuity of liberty in these United States. 41 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIOiN-1840. APPROPRIATE. PASSAGES FROM THE FAREWELL ADDRESS OF WASHINGTON. " The unity of government which constitutes you one people, is now dear to you. It is justly so; for it is a main pillar in the edifice of your real indepen- dence ; the support of your tranquillity at home ; your peace abroad ; of your safely ; of your prosperity ; of ihat very liberty which you so highly prize. * * * * * * * " It is of infinite moment, that you should properly estimate the immense value of your national union to your collective and individual happiness; that you should cherish a cordial, habitual, and immovable at- tachment to it ; accustoming yourselves to think and speak of it as of Ihe palladium of your political safety and prosperity; watching for its preservation with jealous auxiely ; discountenancing whatever may sug- gest even a suspicion that it can, in any event, be abandoned; and indignantly frowning upon Hie first dawning of every attempt to alienate any portion of our country from Ihe rest, or to enfeeble the sacred ties which now link together Ihe various parts. " For this yon have every inducement of sympathy and interest. Citizens by birth, or choice, of a com- mon country, that country has a right to concentrate your affeclions. The name of American, which be- longs to ynu in your national capacity, must always exalt Ihe just pride of patriotism, more than any ap- pellation derived from local discriminations. With slight shades of difference, you have Ihe same religion, nanners, hibits, and political principles. You have, in a common cause, fought and triumphed together; flu independence and liberty you possess, are the work of joint efforts, of common dangers, sufferings and success." When templed to the violence of heated partisan- ship, we have reverently remembered the farewell counsels of that/same pure and exalted patriot: " The spirit of party is, unfortunately, inseparable from our nature, having ils root in the strongest pas- sions of the human mind. * * * * 11 The alternate dominion of one faction over ano- Iher, sharpened by Ihe spirit of revenge natural to party dissensions, which, in different ages and coun- tries, has perpelrated Ihe most horrid enormities, is it- self a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disor- ders and miseries which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the abso- lute power of an individual; and, sooner or later, the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more for unate than his competitors, turns this disposition to Ihe purposes of his own elevation on the ruins of pub- lic liberty. * * * * * " It serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble Ihe public administration. It agilates Ihe community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosities of one part against another; fo- ments occasional riot and insurrection. * * * * * * * " In those of the popular character, in governments purely elective, it ndiy in August; Legislature meet fourth Monday in October; Voter, citizen of Ihe United States, one year of this, and three months' residence in the cunty where he shall otTer to vote; sends Members of Congress, 5 ; Electors, 7. MISSISSIPPI. Settled 1716, by French; capital, Jackson; General Election first Monday in August ; Legislature meet first Monday in November; Voter, citizen of the Untied States, and one year's residence in this, and in county six months, and have done military duty, or paid taxes; sends Members of Congress, 2; Electors, 4. MISSOURI. Settled 1763, by French; 60,000 »q. miles ; capital, Jetferson City ; General Election first Manday in August; Legislature meet first Monday in N member; Voler, citizen of Ihe United Slates, one vear's residence in 'his slate next preceding the elec- tion, and three months in the county ; sends Members nf Congress, 2 ; Electors, 4. TENNESSEE. Settled in 1785. by English ; 40.C00 square miles; capital, Nashville; Gen. Election firsl Tuesday in August; Legislature meet first Monday in October; Voler, citizen of Ihe United Sales, and six months in county where his vote is offered; sends Members of Congress, 13; Electors, 15. FLORIDA for near 200 years under Spain, was ceded to United Slates in 1SI9, and Ihe E ist and West formed one Territory in 1S22 ; St. Augustine is the oldest town in the United Stales; Tallahassee is the capital; Pensacola U. S. naval station. MICHIGAN. Settled in 1670. by the French 5 contains 65.000 squnre miles ; Indians, 30,000 ; capital, Detroit; Soil rich; Iron, copper and lead mines abound ; Qualifications, &c. nol ascertained. ARKANSAS Settled by French from Louisiana, and firmed from a part nf Sfissouri in 1819; contains 57,000 square miles; admitted in the Union 1836; cap. Little Rock; Qualifications of voters, &c. not yet as* eerlained. WISCONSIN. Settled by emigrants from other, principally New England States; bounded by lakes Michigan and Superior on 'heE., by Hudson Bay Co. Territories on the N., Illinois on the S., Mississippi and Iowa on the West; contains 80,000 square miles; capital, Madison. IOWA, Territory, lies between Missouri and Missis- sippi rivers, bounded on the N. by Hudson Bay Co. Territories; contains 150,000 square miles ; purchased of Sacs and Foxes. 1832; capital, Iowa Cily. INDIAN or Western Territory extends frnm the western boundary of Arkansas and Missouri to Red river on the S., and the Punca and Platte or Nebraska on the N.; roughly eslimated at about 275,000 square miles. The Western Territorv, extending to the Rocky mountains, contains 340.000 square miles. Co lumbia or Oregon Territory, claimed by the United States, is about 850 miles long N. and S„ 400 lo 700 miles broad, and estimated to contain 350,000 sq- miles. ***. TW0 SENATORS are sent from each Slate, in addition to the preceding enumeration of Members of Congress, MANUFACTURES. Estimated .Annual Value of Manufac- tures.— Aggregate value $350,000,000. Cot- Ion manufactures $-">0,000,000. Wonllendo. $70,000,000 Leather do. $40,000,000. Linen $6,000,000. Hats, caps, &c. $15,000,000. Glass $5,000 000. Paper $6,000,000. Soap and candles $10,000,000. Spirits $5,000,000. Cabinet-ware $ 10,000,000. Iron $50,000,000. FOREIGN TRADE. Ex-ports to Imports from Groat Britain and dependencies, - $19,051,181 France and do. Spain and do. - - Netherlands and do. ('hina - - - - - Mexico ----- Texas..... 18,0*7,14!) 15,971.304 2,436,166 4.764,536 3,500.700 165,718 $58,843,392 16,252,413 7.684,006 3.77-J,-«iti J ,698,433 2,164,097 1,247,880 filTR TRAT1F WTTIT rn«lrr i stuff goods 1,o00,000 dollars, linen 500,000 dollars, and OUR J.KADE WITH FRANCE. | manufactured cotton goods less than one million of In 1839 our exports to France amounted to 18.336,- dollars. This statement shows an excess of imports 35-1 dollars. The principal aricle which we send to over exports, of 14,194,467 dollars for the ye ir above France is cot'mi. Of the aggregate expors just named, 'named. In a comparison of Ihe imports from France 13 3i3,142 dollars was in cotton, 710 063 dollars in to- of 1S39 nilb those of the previous year, it appears lhat bacco, and 320.911 dollars iu rice. Our imports from they were nearly doubled—'he difference in silks alone France during the same year, reached the sum of 32,- i being nearlv 16,000 000 dollars in 1839 over the im- 531,321 dollars, of which 15,099,47* dollars was in ' pr-rts of 1638—while the i.icrea-e of exports durini —.„ norlna •«,. n.,1.. tl A \ A AAti silks; 1,379 976dollars in wi vorsted and worsted I Ihe same period was only 2,414,449. GENERAL DISTANCES—TRAVELLING ROUTE.S. 47 GENERAL DISTANCES, FROM WASHINGTON TO THE METROPOLIS OR CHIEF TOWN OF EACH STATE : ALSO, FROM EACH METROPO- LIS TO EACH OF THE OTHFRS. !5• *- — pi to oc ** * ~i n«£: Charleston li £ £ Savannah " c- £ e. £' to 3 S Mobile -. S -j „i -x *- o* G ?5i:5s§riE Natchez SoS3S SScSSs S— O oa-3SSjiSMSi»vJ U« ** O C» — U«0-JO«*©fX»03(, 3j -D-AOHJ'0t-JtOWO3»J'CDe WMrsjwjftw-iwT.rr^mc • OW-KlOtoS ! 22 88825: 11 S ~ S New Orleans 52IS NasnvHle ? 5 S g Louisville : t f ;S Cincinnati <§gig New Albany ' § E 5 Vandalia iS>£8 SI. Louis GENERAL TRAVELLING ROUTES. .From Boston lo St. Louis, Mo. To New York - Philadelphia, Pittsburg, - Louisville, ■ St. Louis, - From Boston to Augusta, Ga. To New York, .... 228 Charleston, ... 800 1128 Augusta, Ga. ... 136 1264 From New For* to New Orleans. ToCbailest.n, - - - - 900 Augusta, .... 136 10S6 Mobile, ...... 540 I57li New Orleans, ... 164 17-10 From New York to St. Louis, Mo. To Albany,.....145 Buffalo,.....363 508 De'roit,.....317 825 Chicago. II., ... 286 111! St. Louis, .... 341 1452 From New York to St. Augustine, Fl. To Charleston, - - - 900 Savannah, .... 108 1008 St. Augustine, - ■ ■ 309 1317 From New York to Chicago and Ga- lena. To Albany,.....145 Buffalo,.....363 508 Detroit,.....317 625 Chicago, 11., ... 286 1111 Galena,.....161 1272 From New York to Quebec To Albany, - Mon real, - . . - 252 397 Quebec,.....170 567 From Philadelphia to New Orleans. To Pittsburg, Pa., New Orleans, - - - 2003 2397 From Philadelphia to Mobile. To Baltimore, .... 115 Washington, - - . 40 155 Milton, N.C., - - - 2i7 402 Yoikville, S. C, - • 197 69U Abbeville, .... 106 705 Miliedgeville, . - - 115 820 Columbus, .... 133 953 Mobile, Al., - . - 2b3 1261 From Philadelphia to Nashville, Ten. To Baltimore, .... 115 Wheeling, .... 279 394 Louisville, .... 495 889 Nashville.....524 1413 From Philadelphia to Detroit. To PilUhorg.....364 Beaver,..... 28 422 L. Sandusky, - - - 199 621 Detroit,.....102 723 From Philadelphia to Niagara Falls. To Easton, Fa., ... 56 Elmira, N. Y., • • 158 214 Canandaigua. • - 70 284 Niagara Falls, ... 101 385 48 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domes- tic tranquillity, provide for the common defence, pro- mote ihe general welfare, and secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. ARTICLE I. Sec. 1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. Sec. 2. The House of Representatives shall be com- posed of members chosen every second year by the peo- ple of the several States, and the electors in each Sta'e shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch <>f tbe State Legislature. No person shall be a Representative who shall not The Senate shall choose their other officers and also a President pro tempore, in the absence of the Vice President, or when he shall exercise the oflice of President of the United Stales. The Senate shall have the sole power to try all im- peichments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall Be on oath or affirmation. When the President < f the United States is tried, the Chief Justice sh til preside ; and no | erson shall be convicted without the concur' rence of iwo-ihirds of the members present. Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal f>om office, and disqualifica- tion to hold and enjoy any office of honour, trust or profit under the United S'ates: but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment, according to law. Sec. 4. The times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be pre- Ibed in each Siate by the Legislature thereof; but have attained to the age of twenty-five years, and been I the Congress may at any time by law make or ali< years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportion- ed among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective num- bers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to ser- vice for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons. The actual enumeration shail be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United Slates, and wi'hiu every subsequent term of ten years, in such m inner as (hey shall by law direct. The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each State shall have at least one Repre- sentative; and un'il such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Provi- dence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three. When vacancies happen in the representation from any State, Ihe executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies. The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other officers, and shall have the sole of impeachment such regulations, except as to the places of choosing Senators. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Sear, and such meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless (hey shall by law appoint a different day. Sec. 5. Each house shall be the judge of the elec- tions, returns and qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business ; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the attend- ance of absent members, in such manner, and under such penalties as each house may provide. Each house may determine the rules of its proceed- ings, punish its members for disorderly behaviour, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member. Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from time to lime publish tbe same, excepting such parts as may in their judgment require secrecy ; and the yeas and nays of the members of either house on any question shall, at the desire of one-fifth of those preseui, be entered on the journal. Neither house, during the se-sion of Congress, shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for mure than three days, nor to any other place than that iu which the tun houses shall be sitting. Sec 6 The Senators and Represent ttives shall re- ceive a compensation for their services, to be ascer- tained by law, and paid out of tl ~ wry of the Sec 3. The Senate of the United States shall be United Slates. They shall in all cases, except treason, composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by felony, and breach of Ihe peace, be privileged from ar- the Legislature thereof, for six years; and each Sena- j rest during their attendance at the session of their re- tor shall have one vote. spective houses, and in going to and returning from the Immediately after they shall be assembled in conse- [same; and for any speech or debate in either house, quence of Ihe first election, they shall be divided a* ] they shall not be questioned in any other place. equally as may be into three classes. The seats of the No Senator or Represeniative shall, during the time Senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expi- for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil ration of the second year, of the second class at the office under the authority of the United States, which expiration of the fourth year, and of the third class at , shall have been created, or the emolumen's whereof the expiration of the sixth year, so thai one-third may \ shall have been increased during such time; and no be chosen every second year; and if vacancies happen j person holding any office undei the United States, shall "gnat ion or otherwise, during the recess of the [ be a member of either house during his continuance in It™ Legislature of any Slate, the executive thereof make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the Legislature, which shall then till such vacan- I cies. I No person shall be a Senator who shall not have at- | taiued to the age of thirty years, and been nine years a ci'i/en of the United Slates, and who shall not, when elrcdd, be an inhabitant of that S'ate for which he [ if he approve he shall sign it. but if not he shall shall be chosen. 'it, with his objections, to that house in which it shall The Vice President of the United States shall be Pre- j have origina'ed, who shall enter the'object ions at large sideot of the Senate, but shall have no vole, unless they on their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after be equally divided. Iiuch reconsideration two-thirds of that house shall Sec. 7. All bills for raising revenue shall originate the Hou*e of Representatives; but the Senate may concur with amendments as on other bills. ill which shall have passed the House of Re- citatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a aw, be presented to the President of the United Slates; CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 49 agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together wilh the objections, to the o her house, by which it shall like- wise be teconsidered, and if approved by two-thirds of that bouse, it shall become a law. But in all such cases the votes of both hou^e* shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the named of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each house respedively. If any bill shall not be returned by Ihe President within ten days (Sundays excepted) afier it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, iu like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their adjournment prevent its return, in which case it shall nol be a law. Every order, resolution, or voe to which the concur- rence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States ; and, before Ihe same shall take effect, shall be approved by him, or being disapproved by him, shall be repassed vy two-thirds of the Senate and House of Representa- tives, according to the rules and limitations prescribed iu the case of a bill. Sec. 8. The Congress shall have power- To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises, to nay (he debts and provide for the common defence and general welfare of the United States; but all du- ties, imposts, and excise* shJl be uniform throughout the United States ; To borrow money on the credit of the United States ; To regulate commerce wilh foreign nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes; To establish an uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on (he subject of bankruptcies through- out the Uuited States; To coin mouey, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standaid of weights and mea- To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States; To establish post-offices and post-roads; To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times lo authois and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and dis- coveries ; To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court; to define and punish piracies aud felonies com- mitted on tbe high seas, and offences against the law of nations; To declare war, grant letters of marque and repri- lal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water; To raise and support armies; but no appropriation of money to that use shall be fur a longer term than two years; To provide and maintain a navy ; To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces ; Toprovidef.tr calling forth the militia to execute the laws of tbe Union, suppress insurrections and repel in- vasions ; To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States; reserving to the States respectively, the appointment of (he officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress; To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases what- soever, over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular States, and Ihe acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the Go- vernment of the United Sales; and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the State in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock- yards, and other needful buildings ; and To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing pow- ers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any de- partment or officer thereof. Sec 9. The migration or Importation of such per- sons as any of the States now existing shall think pro- per to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight; but a tax or duty may be imposed on such im- portation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases v( rebellion or in- vasion the public safety may require it. No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed. No capitation, or other direct tax shall be laid, un- less in proportion to the census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any Slate. No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or revenue to the ports of one State over those of another ; nor shall vessels bound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of the receipts and ex- penditures of all public money shall be published fiora time to time. No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign State. Sec. 10. No State shall en'er into any treaty, alli- ance, or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal ; coin money ; emit bills of credit; make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts ; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility. No Slate shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, ex- cept what imy be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws: and the nett produce of all duties and imposts, laid bv any Slate on imports or exports, shall be for (he use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such laws shall be subject to the revi- sion and control of the Congress. No State shall, with- out the consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another State, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actu- ally invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay. ARTICLE II. Sec. 1, The executive power shall be vested tn a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four years, and, to- gether with the Vice President, chosen for the same term, be elected as follows: Each State shall appoint, in such manner as the le- gislature thereof may direct, a number of electors equal to the whole number of Senators and Representa- tives to which the State may be entitled in the Con- gress : but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector. The electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a list of all the per- sons voted for, and of the number of votes for each ; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit pealed to the seat cf the Government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the cer- tificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The per- son having the greatest number of votes shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such majority, and have an equal number of votes, then the House of Representatives 4 50 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. shall immediately choose by ballot one of them for President; and if no person have a ma3nnty, then from Ihe five highest on the list Ihe said house shall in like manner choo>e Ihe President. But in choosing the President, Ihe votes shall be taken by Slates, the representation from each State having one vole; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the Slates, and a majority of all the Stales shall be necessary to a choice. In every case, after the choice of the President, the per- son having the greatest number of voles of ihe electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should re- main two or more who have equal votes, the Senate shall choose from Ihem by ballot ihe Vice President. The Congress may delermine the time of choosing Ihe electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes; which day shall be the same throughout the United States. No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of ihe United States at the lime of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible lo the office of Presi- dent ; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have atlained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United Stales. In case of ihe removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of-the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice President; and the Congress may by law provide for the cise of removal, death, resigna- tion, or inability, both of the President and Vice Pre- sident, declaring what officer shall then act as Presi- dent, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the disability be removed, or a President shall be elecled. The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services, a compensation, which shall neither be in- creased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected; and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the United States or any of them. Before be enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation : "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faith- fully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend Ihe Constitution of the United States." , . _, . , Sec. 2. The President shall be Commander-in-Chief of the army and navy of the United S'aies and of the militia of the several Stales, when called into the ac- tual service of the United States; he may require the opinioiLin writing, of the principal officer in each_of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respec'ive offices; and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeach- ment. He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judge* of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States, whose ap- pointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law. But the Congresi may by law vest the appointment of such inferior offr cers, as they think proper, in Ihe President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments. The President shall have power to fill up all vara cies lhat may happen during the recess of the Senai by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session. Sec. 3. He shall, from time to time, give to the Congress information of the sale of the Union, and re commend lo their consideration such measures as hi shall judge necessary and expedient; he m ij-, on ex- traordinary occasions, convene both houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may ad. journ them to such time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministersi; he shall lake care lhat the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the United Sec 4. The President, Vice President, and all civil officers of Ihe United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. ARTICLE III. Sec. 1. The judici il power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such Inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the Supreme and Inferior Courts, shall hold their offices during good be- haviour, and shall, at stated limes, receive lor their services, a compensation, which shall not be dimin- ished during their continuance in office. Sec. 2. The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Conslitu'mn, ihe laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made under their authority ; to all cases affect- ing Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Con- suls: to all cases of Admiralty and Maritime jurisdic- tion ; to controversies to which the United Stales shall be a parly ; to controversies between two or more States; between a Stale and citizens of another State ; between citizens of different Stales; between citizens of the same Slate, claiming lands under grants of dif- ferent States; and between, a Slate or the citizens thereof, and foreign Slates, citizens or subjects. In all cases atfecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a Stale shall be a party, the Supreme Court shall have original ju- risdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, wilh such exceptions and un- der such regulations as the Congress shall make. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeach- ment, shall be by jury ; and such trial shall be held in the Stale where the said crimes shall have been com- mitted ; but when not committed wiihin any Stale, the trial shall be at such place or places as the Congress may by law have directed. Sec. 3. Treason against Ihe United Sta'es shall con- sist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on Ihe tes- timony of two witnesses to tbe same overt act, or on confession in open Court. The Congress shall have power to declare the pun- ishment of treason; but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture, except during Ihe life of the person attainted. ARTICLE IV. Sec. 1. Full faith and credit shall be given in each State, to the public acts, records and judicial proceed- ings of every other State. And the Congress may, by general laws, prescribe Ihe manner in which such acts, records and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof. ...... Sec. 2. The citizens of each Slate shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States. A person charged in any State wilh treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice, and be found in another Stale, shall, on demand of the execu- tive authority of the Slate from which he fled, be de- livered up, to be removed to the Slate having jurisdic- tion of the crime. No person held to service or labour in one Slate, un- der the laws thereof, ccaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be dis- charged from such service or labour ; but shall be de- livered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labour may be due. Sec. 3. New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union ; but no new Slate shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other State ; nor any State be formed by the junction of two or more CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 51 Slates, or parts of Stales, without the consent of the legislatures of the Stales concerned as well as of the The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting, the territory or other property belonging to the United Stales: and nolhing in this Constitution shall be so construed, as to prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular Slate. Sec 4. The United Stales shall guarantee to every Slate in this Union, a republican form of government, and shall protect eich "f them against invasion ; and, on application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when Ihe Legislature cannot be convened), agrunst do- mestic violence. ARTICLE V. The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the Legis- latures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in eitlrer case, shall be valid, to all intents and purposes, u pari of this Constitution, when ratified by Ihe Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by conven- tions in three fourths thereof, as Ihe one or the other mode of ratification maybe proposed by the Congress: Provided, That no amendment which may be made prior to Ihe year one thousand eight hundred and eisht shall in any manner affect Ihe first and fourth clauses in ihe ninth section of the first article; and that no Stale, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate. ARTICLE Vf. All debls contracted and engagements entered into before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation. This Constitution and the Laws of Ihe United State which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all Treatie- made, or which shall be made under Ihe authority of the United Slates shall be the Supreme Law of ihe Land : and Ihe Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or Laws of any State lo Ihe contrary notwithstanding. The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and Ihe members of the several State ^'J1*'™"'?.™ all Executive and Judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several State, shall be bound by oa^h or affirmation, to support this Constitution: but no reli- gious lest shall ever be required a. a quahficalion to any office or public trust under the United States. ARTICLE VII. The ratification of the Conventions in nine States, shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Consti- lution between the States so ratifying the same. Done in Convention, bv the unanimous' «n"n< of the States present, the seventeenth day of Sep- tember, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the twelfth. In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our """GEORGE WASHINGTON, President, and Deputy from Ftrgmia AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establish- ment oragion.orprobibitmsthefreeexe^ or abridging the freedom of speech or of the Press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to pe!ition Ihe GoveVnment for a redress of grievances. ARTICLE II. A well regulated Militia being necessary to the secu- rity of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.________________ ARTICLE III No soldier shall, in lime of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by Law. ARTICLE IV. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and erfecis, against unreasonable searches and seizures,shall not be violated.and no warrantssh .11 issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affiruia ion, and pirticuiarly describing Ihe place to be searched, and the persons or Ihiugs lo be seized. ARTICLE V. No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence, to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall becom- uelled in anv criminal case to be a witness against him- self, nor be deprived of life, liberty or property, without due process oflaw; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. ARTICLE VI. In all criminal prosecutions the accused shall enjoy Ihe rich! to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial iurv of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation ; to be confronted wilh the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favour, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defence. ARTICLE VII. In suits at common law, where the value in contro. versy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury'shall be otherwise reexamined in any Court of the United Stales, than according to the rules of the common law. ARTICLE VIII. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments in- flicted. ARTICLE IX. The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others re- tained by the people. ARTICLE X. The powers not delegated to Ihe United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are re- served to the Slates respectively, or to the people. ARTICLE XI. The iudicial power of the United States shall not be consn-ued to extend lo any suit in '»™ Wg. »£ menced or prosecuted against one of the United Stales by citizens of another State, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign State. ARTICLE XII. The Electors shall meet in their respective Stales and vote, by ballot, for President and Vice President one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same State wilh themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots Ihe person voted for as Vice President and they shall make distinct lists of alpersons votedI fora.Pre- sident, and of all persons voted for as Vice President and of the number of votes for each, which listsMhey shall sign and certify, and transmit, sealed, to Ihe seat of the Government of the United States directed to the President of Ihe Senate; the President ■of jhe Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Repre «utat ves" open all the certificates, and Ihe votes shall men be Sunted ; the person having the greatest number of votes for President shall be the President,,tsuch number bo a majority of the whole number of Electors 52 POISON ANTIDOTES—STATISTICS. appointed, and if no person hive such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not ex- ceeding three, on the list of those voted for as Presi- dent, the House of Representatives shall choose imme- diately, by ballot, the President; but in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the repre- sentation from each State having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the States, and a majority of all the Slates shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President when- ever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, be- fore the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice President shall act as President, a* in the case of the death or other Constitutional disability of the Pres- ident. The person having Ihe gieatest number of votes as Vice President, shall be the Vice President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed ; and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on tbe list, the Senate shall choose the Vice President; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators; and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary lo a choice. But no person constitution- ally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligi- ble to that of Vice President of the United States. ARTICLE XIII. If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any bind whatever, from any Emperor, King, Prince, or foreign power, such person shall ce-tse to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding auy office of trust or profit under them, or either of them. POISON ANTIDOTES. For Oil of Vitriol or Aqua-Fortis give large closes magnesia and water, or equal parts soft soap and water. For Oxalic Acid give magnesia, or chalk and water. For Tartar Emetic give Peruvian bark and water, or a strong decoction of tea un- til the bark can be had. For Saltpetre give an emetic of mustard and water ; afterwards mucilages and small doses of laudanum. For Opium or Laudanum give an emetic of mustard, and use constant motion, and if possible the stomach pump. For Lunar Caustic give common salt. Fur Corrosive Sublimate give the whites of eggs mixed with water, until free vomit- ing tales place. For Arsenic doses of Magnesia are good, but freshly prepared Iiydrated per Oxide of Iron is better. Frost Bitten.—Spirits of Turpentine ap- plied at once is a cure for freezing. Insects taken into the stomach may gen- erally be destroyed by a small quantity of vinegar, to which Bait may be added. For insects that may get into the ear, use a little Ballad oil. Burns, Scalds or Freezing are cured by " Sovereign Water," an excellent remedy, if rightly applied. Made by 4 grains White vitriol, 1 grain Blue vitriol, 1 grain camphor, half grain saffron, mixed with 2 quarts soft water. Wrap the sores with linen rags and keep constantly wet. An Ointment made of lime water and sweet oil is a soothing excellent remedy for burns, scalds, &c. Slake lime in water, let it settle and pour it off clear, and mix about equal portions of this waler and sweet oil. See pages 20 and 24. Cure for a Burn.—Wheat flour and cold water mixed to the consistency of soft paste, is an almost instantaneous cure for a burn, whether large or small. Renew before the first gets so dry as to stick. Slippery Elm bark powdered makes an excellent healing poultice for burns, sores. &c boiled with milk and about one-third bread. AMOUNT OF APPROPRIATIONS, Made at the 2d Session of the 26th Congress. Partial support of government, Congress, $ 412.000 For civil and diplomatic expenses, - < -8.030,005 For the navy,...........5,926,338 For the army,........ • 5,441,916 For fortifications,.........485,500 For the Military Academy,......160,522 For Pensions,.......... 1,144,155 For the Indian Department, ...... 875,280 For delegation of Western Seininoles, - • 15,000 For destilute Kickapoos, removal of Swan Creek and Black River Indians, • ■ • 22,000 For survey of N. E. Boundary, .... 75,000 For lunatics in Ihe District of Columbia • 3,000 For refunding duties on French ship Alex- andre,............ 1,050 For Avery, Seltmarsh & Co., ..... 9,799 For private claim*, (not pensions) amounts specified,........... 4,645 $22,606,193 COMPARATIVE AGRICULTURAL STA- TISTICS. According to the returns of the Marshals, by whom the late census was taken, Ihe Slate of New York is I behind Pennsylvania in the production of wheat to the | amount of about 2,000,000 bu.hels annually; while it excels Pennsylvania in Ihe production of rye over 3,000,000 bushels, of Indian corn 2,500,000 bushels, of oals over 2,000,000 bushels, of buck n heat 300,000 bushels, of barley 2,300,000 bushels, of poialoei 21,000.000 bushels, wool nearly 1,000,000 pounds, hay nearly 2,000,000 Ions, sugar over 8,000 000 pounds, and of products of the dairy over 8,000,000 dollars. In the proftuciion of whea', Ohio exceeds Pennsylvania aboul 3,000,000 bushels, while Virginia is but about 1,500,000 bushels behind New York in that article. In Indian corn, Tennessee lakes the lead of all Ihe Stales, pro- ducing 42,500,000 millions of bushels yearly, North Carolina 34,500,000 bushels, Virginia .about 34,000,000 bushels, Illinois 28.000,000, Michigan 22,000,000, Ala- bama 18,000,000, Missouri 15,000,000, Penn-ylvania 13,500,000, and New York 10,000,000. Of neat cat- tle, New York possesses 2,642.438, Pennsylvania 146,- 418, Ohio 1,008,313. Of sheep New York has 6,381,- 225, Pennsilvania 3,396,431, Ohio 1,964,957, Vermont 1,393,420, Virginia 1,280,736. In Ihe products of the orchard, New York and Vermont lead the other states nearly two lo one; the former being to the amount of 1,732,357 dollars, the latler 1,109,387 dollars. In cot- ton, Mississippi bears the palm, producing yearly 289,838,818 pound*,. Alabima 240,379,669 "pounds, South Carolina 148,907,880 pounds, Georgia 134,322,- 755 pounds, Louisiana 87,640,185 pounds, Virginia 10,767,451 pounds. For details, see pages 54 and 55. MONEYS, WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 53 COMMERCIAL WEIGHTS, Compared with the most frequented ports according to the Dutch Standard Grains by which oM weights are regulated. 100 lbs. in United States or London......... Amsterdam........ Cadiz............. Hamburg.......... Havre............. Leghorn........... Petersburg......... Paris............. 3 « 100 108 2-3 101 1 106 2 116 2 74 4 90 107 3 4 913-4 100 93 1-3 98 107 68 3-4 84 4-5 99 98 2-3 93 3-5 107 1-6 102 100 | 95 1(15 100 114 2-3! 109 1-6 73 2-3 70 88 2-3 84 1-3 106 1-4 101 85 5-6 93 1-2 87 1-6 912-3 100 64 1-5 77 1-4 133 2 145 1 135 3 142 1 155 2 100 2 120 3 4 112 1 2 118 1 3 129 1 83 92 4-5 100 4-5 94 1-7 98 3-4 108 69 1-3 83 1-2 100 FOREIGN MONEYS, WITH THEIR VALUES, AS ESTIMATED AT THE CUSTOM-HOUSE BY LAW. Dollars. Aur Cayes, 8 1-4 livres are equal to - • -1.00 llue or current Dollar of Denmark, accord- ing to the exchange of London. Cayennne, 8 livres 5 sols of, are equal to - - 1.00 Ducat of Naples...........80 nc of France.........- .18 3-4 rin of Trieste.......... - .48 Genoa, 6 1-3 livres are taken as.....1.00 Guadaloupe, 8 livres and 5 sols.....1.00 Guilder of Antwerp........ - .40 " Crefelt..........40 " Frankfort, and others of the 24 florin rate.........40 " Holland..........40 " Nuremburg ....... ..40 " Si. Gall, 0.40 36-100 " Triesle..........48 " United Netherlands......40 Livre of France...........18 1-2 " Geneva...........29 " Genoa, 6 1-3 livres......1.00 " Leghorn, 6 1-2 livres.....1.00 Louis d'or Rixdollar ......... .77 Marc Banco of Hamburg........33 1-3 Milre-i of Brazil, according to rate of exchange. Milrea of Madeira......... 1.00 " Portugal.........1.24 Ounce of Sicily..........2.46 Dollars. Pezza of Leghorn, 0.90 76100 Piastre of Turkey, according to rate of exchange in London. Pound Sterling of England, Scotland, and Ire* land...............4.80 Pound SterliDg of Antigua........2.22 " Barbadoes.......3 20 " Bermuda.......3.00 " Halifax........4.00 " Jamaica........3.00 " New Providence.....2.50 Rial Plate of Spain.......... Velon of Spain .----..... Rix-dollar of Bremen......... " Denmark --.......1.00 " Berlin, current, 0.68 28-100 " Hamburg......... 1.00 " Prussia, 0.68 29-100 H Saxony .......... " Sweden..........1.00 Ruble of Russia, according to the exchange be- tween London and St. Petersburg. Rupee of Bombay, Calcutta, and Sicca, each - - Rupee of Madras, 108=100 Sicca rupees. Star Pagoda of India..........1.84 St Bartholomews, 8s. 3d.........1.00 St. Kitts, 9s. Od............1.00 Tale of China............1.48 CLOTH MEASURE. Length of No. of Length of Number of a single each equal a single each equal Place. Measure. lo 100 Place. Measure. to 100 in English English in English English inches. yards. inches. yards. Amsterdam, * - Ell 27.07 132.988 Leghorn - - - Braccio 23.98 156.657 Bit a via - - • Ell 27.00 13X333 Malta .... Cauna 81.90 43.956 Bengal . - - Cubit 18.00 200.000 Naples - - ■ Ciuna 83.00 43.273 Ell 22.76 158.172 Netherlands - - Ell 39 37 91.440 China - - - - Covid 14 62 246.238 Prussia - - - Ell 26.25 137.142 Constantinople - Long Pic 27.90 129.032 Rio de Janeiro - Vara 43.50 82.758 Ell 24.71 145.690 Rotterdam - - Ell 27.20 Yard 36.00 100.000 Russia .... Arsheen 28 00 128 571 Ell 45.00 80.000 Smyrna - - - Pic 27.00 133.333 22.98 156.657 Spain - - - - Vara 33.38 107.849 46.85 76.841 Sweden - - - Ell 23.36 154.109 39.37 91.445 Venice - - • Silk Braccio 24.81 145.102 Hamburg • - Ell 22.58 159.433 Vienna - - - Silk Ell 10.66 117.416 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES, ACCORDING TO THE CENSUS OF THE YEAR 1840. STATES AND TERRITORIES. Maine........ New Hampshire - - ■ Vermont ..-..-. Massachusetts • - • - Rhode Island..... Connecticut ..... New York...... New Jersey..... Pennsylvania..... Delaware --.--.. Maryland..... Virginia...... North Carolina - -i - Soulh Carolina. -. • Georgia -..... Ohio......... Kentucky...... Tennessee ...... Louisiana....... Alabama ....... Mississippi...... Missouri ....... Indiana ---.... Illinois......- . Michigan....... Arkansas....... Florida Territory - - Wisconsin Territory Iowa Territory . • - District of Columbia 59,208 39,850 60,274 62,484 8,074 34,761 476,115 69,769 338,565 14,421 93,954 243,173 130,826 134,748 407,404 327,526 99,067 128,515 109,227 157,578 243,767 195,186 39,0S5 10,801 2,145 327,255 261,088 350,106 271,760 36,700 233,969 2,642,438 219,548 1,146,418 54,883 240,432 1,008,313 673,840 755,060 1,196,204 777,390 348,708 607,580 623,157 367,623 614,489 604,693 135,527 37,449 3,274 649,264 606,891 1,393,420 378,226 90,146 406,985 5,381,225 218,555 3,396,431 39,247 262,909 1,280,736 232,664 254,947 1,964,957 748,459 100,056 144,372 128,376 288,235 673,952 377,963 11,877 117,386 120,167 297,952 143,021 29,669 132,228 2,116,953' 269,051 1,450,531 74,228 421,520 1,916,230 888,513 1,288,314 2,084,268 2,795,630 344,685 701,100 995,739 1,072,813 1,580,051 1,394,286 393,004 104,891 4,673 $123,171 97,862 176,437 540,295 61,492 176,659 2,373,029 412,487 1,033,172 47,465 219,159 762,467 590,594 473,158 730,720 681,531 273,314 829,220 369,481 230,283 393,228 330,963 93,549 17,101 1,557 848,166 442,954 652,293 158,923 11,853,607 774,023 13,029,856 215,165 3,511,433 10,066,809 705,925 1,732,956 16,214,260 4,547,273 105 746,106 196,576 946,077 4,154,256 2,740,380 112,200 154,737 12,147 355,161 121,400 55,635 166,419 63,790 33,789 2,498,170 12,601 178,100 6,260 3,594 14,620 3,967 13,345 207,590 1,544 9,771 25,778 68,455 1,076,409 1,198,989 2,342,497 1,899,530 169,925 1,456,523 20,728,738 3,096,516 18,053,477 937,405 3,579,950 13,297,551 1,446,158 1,290,048 13,993,624 6,770.116 110,013 1,427,992 598,604 1,937,573 6,875,449 4,558,507 85 167,452 137,941 395,530 447,318 541,956 34,521 736,765 2,984,913 1,636,576 6,293,447 33,560 824,333 1,397,170 44,530 69,851 801,943 297,033 1,812 36,632 15,642 63,185 127,586 95,965 5,925 3,787 5,081 51,543 115,463 158,509 87,010 2,979 299,470 2,224,338 866,970 1,971,928 11,299 74,848 241,643 72 269 681,335 950,528 1,252.572 1,047,601 1,809,395 425,693 1,468,538 10,495,142 4,311,381 13.696,619 2,099,361 8,470,165 34,646,696 14,721,785 17,329,797 33,954,162 6,187 42.467.349 1,029,526 1,465,561 1,260,988 3,257,795 1,055,591 173,630 893,675 4.012,144 396,573 3,076,783 64,404 500,499 2,672,044 289,202 363,340 3,650,970 16,317 49.681 63.950 5,990,473 18.680,663 13.161,231 15.591,432 28,008.051 22,116,627 3,931,149 6,217 1,326,241 272 39,386 462,644 1,202,209 600,366 63,034 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES, ACCORDING TO THE CENSUS OF THE YEAR 1840. {Table continued.) AND TERRITORIES. Maine...... New Hampshire • Vermont . - . . ■ Massachusetts • - Rhode Island - • - Connecticut • - ■ New York - - - • New Jersey - - ■ Pennsylvania - - • Delaware..... Maryland..... Virginia...... North Carolina • South Carolina. . Georgia...... Ohio....... Kentucky...... Tennessee ------ Louisiana ....... Alabama .--..-- Mississippi...... Missouri ....... Indiana ..-.-•• Illinois ...--... Michigan --..-.- Arkansas....... Florida Territory - ■ Wisconsin Territory Iowa Territory • - . District of Columbia 1,392,380 i,234,901 S,206,784 1,385,652 904,773 1,414,227 3,000,508 2,074,118 S,626,923 200,712 1,058,919 !,873,470 !,697,713 1,184,386 3,600,566 !,373,034 845,935 1,560,700 1,538,628 684,491 1,548,190 1,956,887 290,887 234,063 12,035 691,053 496,647 734,047 569,425 63,417 426,160 3,160,916 326,496 1,199,963 21,880 110,836 288,740 20,008 9,264 1,024,803 30,512 36,308 13,933 171 44,870 191,158 156,442 17,953 1,231 1,039 23,132 64,955 lb. 383 301 lb. 147,481 471,651 763 6,567 33,710 1,922 170,760 350,861 602 272 34 18,916,012 92,123 74,157,841 35 51,518 1,787 164,551 252,520 6,023,309 45,053 26,542,448 120,174 6 214,301 16 83,451 20,071 8,450,727 97,657 1,821,406 50,326 415,706 12,676 65,550 2,610 59,929,671 12,199,412 7,729 3,604,534 108,181 273,190 50 28,421 947 6,673 10,767,451 128250,308 87,640,185 240,379,669 289.838,818 360,338 180 199,989 23,837,192 1,741 358 17,388 2,103 1,966 278,939 1,442 2,290 3,188 2,210 3,203 4,316 1,163 317 1,351 379 1,171 1,097,398 4,220,541 579,227 50 51,764 10,093,991 36,266 1,530,541 30,000 231,140 6,909,257 251,745 249,937,720 10,135 70 252,560 3,720,186 394,446 2,535 *¥ $1,493,713 1,585,955 4,892,097 2,273,219 218,922 1,365,653 10,497,032 1,315,676 2,271,420 232,446 446,558 1,454,861 677.849 1,701,602 930.603 150,818 197,449 389,177 69,230 751,441 433,873 S4,577 23,609 75,566 $148,249 *220,056 1,109,387 389,177 32'098 302,953 1,732,357 562,863 554,957 25,914 114,339 668,921 52,276 135,446 461,191 366,767 11,869 33,161 41,119 76,305 90,324 118,638 7,454 2,236 94 100 1,905 745 5,243 14,700 9,416 19,182 629 7,623 37,233 6,319 161,844 2,884 11,253 fcl,808,6S3 401,358 366,146 476,845 44,455 147,831 3,788,173 297,856 566,607 5,562 230,985 516,412 604,834 106,066 300,242 111,405 233,828 152,094 68,150 213,471 198,070 161,685 50,305 31,400 barrel, of tar, pitch, turpentine, and rosin. 16,600 ton, of pot and pearl ashes, principally in N. York, Ohio, and Indiana. 1,093,100 r^rji^fjK^and_698,000 pound, of . 56 STATISTICAL TABLES. TABLES OF POPULATION. STATES AND TERRITORIES. POPULATION AT DIFFERENT PERIODS. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1620. 18S0. Maine........ New Hampshire - - « Vermont ---.-.. Massachusetts - - - - Rhode Island Connecticut - - - - - New York ------ New Jersey..... Pennsylvania Delaware --.--.. Maryland --..... Virginia- ---.-.. North Carolina South Carolina.... Georgia...... Alabama -.--.-. Mississippi ----.. Louisiana -----.. Tennessee -----. Kentucky ------ Ohio......... Indiana --..--. Illinois ........ Missouri .--.--. Michigan ------- Arkansas -----.. Florida Territory - - Missouri Territory - District of Columbia 31,960 9,230 10,205 7,800 1,363 4,770 46,200 6.900 43,960 2,068 10,829 64,000 43,802 30,080 58,200 50,875 45,375 48,000 44,720 39,015 38,850 34,800 59,130 60,384 177,750 121,000 57,750 100 96,540 141,885 85,539 378,787 68,625 237,946 340,120 184,139 434,373 69,094 319,728 747,610 393,751 240,073 82,548 35,691 73,677 3,000 151,719 228,705 183,858 214,460 154,465 217,895 422,845 472,040 69,122 76,931 251,002 261,942 586,050 959,049 211,149 245,562 602,548 810,091 64,273 72,674 349,692 380,546 8S6.I49 974,622 478,103 555,500 345,591 415,115 162,686 252,433 8,850 31,502 76,556 261,727 406,511 230,760 24,520 12,282 19,783 4,762 1,062 399,462 269,633 260,679 610,014 97,210 297,711 1,913,508 320,779 1,347,672 76,739 446,913 1,211,272 738.470 581,458 516,567 308,997 136,806 215,575 684,822 688,844 937,679 341,582 157,575 140,074 31,260 30,363 34,723 14,093 24,023 33,039 39,858 298,335 244,161 235,764 523,287 83,059 275,248 1,372,812 277,575 1,049,458 72,749 407,350 1,065,366 638,829 502,741 340,969 127,901 75,448 153,407 422,813 564,317 581,434 147,178 55,211 CENSUS OF 1840. STATES AND TERRITORES. Maine,. . . - New Hampshire, Massachusetts, • Connecticut, - - Rhode Island, . Vermont, - - - New York, - - New Jersey, - - Pennsylvania, - Delaware, - - • Maryland, - - - Virginia, - - • North Carolina, - South Carolina, - Georgia, - . - Alabama, - - - Mississippi, . ■ Louisiana,... Tennessee, - - Kentucky, - - - Ohio, .... Indiana, - . - Illinois, - - - Missouri, - - - Michigan,... Florida, ... WisconsiQ ■ - Iowa - . - - Dist. of Columbia White Free co. persons. 600,443 1,353 283,951 529 728,932 8,534 301,858 8,111 105,593 3,239 291,130 718 2,382,571 50,261 350,724 20,970 1,619,115 50,571 58,581 16,926 431,441 52,000 735,812 48,425 4S4.172 22,752 259,002 8,279 363 303 2,353 288,947 1,833 178,967 1.367 112,149 22,197 629,492 5.407 591,658 7,302 1,498,593 17,102 676,296 7,018 423,330 3,120 277,357 1,433 77,815 211,001 703 8,147 521 30,506 178 42,864 153 30,657 8,361 31 2,613 105,000 447,207 246,186 327,158 253,508 188,664 195,765 115,292 188,168 183,040 6,334 4,694 Slaves in 1830, 2,000,990-in 1840, 2,369,953. Free coloured in 1840, 371,606. POPULATION OF OUR CITIES AND VILLAGES. New York Fbiladelph Baltimore Boston • Brooklyn Cincinnati St. Louis Washington Pittsburg Wilmingto: Middleton Bridgeport Norwich New London New Haven Hartford New Orleans Savannah Newbury port Wilmington, Natchez • Newport Buffalo . Portland Gardiner Canandaigua Troy - - - Dover, N. H. Providence 1640. 312,234 258,832 101,378 84,401 36,283 46,332 24,585 22,777 21,296 8,367 7,210 4,570 7,239 5,528 14,390 12,793 102,191 11,214 7,161 4,268 4,826 8,321 18,356 15,218 5,044 5,653 19,372 6,438 22,042 7,884 29,253 188,797 80,625 61,392 12,903 24,831 5,852 18,827 12,542 6,663 6,892 2,800 5,! 79 4,356 10,678 9,789 60,103 7,303 6,388 2,700 2,790 8,010 6,321 12,601 3,709 6,162 11,405 5,449 16,832 30,289 Increase. 109,645 70,135 21,753 23,019 24,830 21,551 18,783 3,950 8,754 1,704 313 1,770 2,060 1,172 3,712 3,004 52,088 3,911 773 1,568 2,036 311 12,035 2,617 1,335 6,210 Decrease. 1,036 THE POPULATION IN 1790 was 3,729,326' I 1820 was 9,638,166 1800 " 5,309,753 1830 " 12,856,407 1810 « 7,239,903 | 1840 " 17,141,876 COOKERY. 57 ERY, COO THE GOLDEN RULE. It may be laid down as a fundamental principle and one that cannot be too constantly kept in mind, that the more compounded any kind of food is, the more difficult it will be of digestion ; the more corrupt the juices which are pre- pared from it, and therefore the more positively injurious to the digestive or- gans, to the blood, and to the health. NUTRIMENT. Animal Food has more nutriment than vegetable when estimated by bulk, but far less when compared by weight, the true criterion, at the following chemi- cal analysis correctly shows; 100 lbs. Wheat contain 85 lbs. nutriment. Do. Rice *' 90 •* Do. Rye " 80 " Do. Barley " 83 " Do. Beans " 89 to 92 " Do. Peas "93 " Do. Meat, av. " 35 " Do. Potatoes " 25 " Beets, carrots, greens, turnips, &c contain a much smaller proportion. By Roasting beef loses 22 per cent, of its weight, mutton 24, lamb 22, goose 19, turkey 20, duck 27, chickens 14. By Boiling beef loses 15 per cent of its weight, mutton 10, turkey 16, chicken 13, ham & MEATS. All meat should be cooked till it is separated from the blood, and the fibres become soft and easy of diges- tion. Meat should be eaten sparingly by children, and by th"se who take but little exercise, and should be en- tirely abstained from when there is any symptom of excited action or fever. Boiling is the most economical mode of cooking meat, if the liquid is used as it should be for soup or broth. The slower meat is boiled the more tender it is. Ten pounds should boil or simmer about three hours, in cold weather longer; allowing water enough to cover tbe meat well. If it is very salt, soak it for half an hour in lukewarm water. Baking is well for le^s, loins, &c, but bad for lean thin pieces which shrivel away. Roasting is most wasteful, though some pieces seem best adapted for this mode. Wash the meat well, dry wilh a clean cloth, cover the fat with pieces of white paper tied with thread until half an hour before taking up. Turn often. Pour off the first dripping, which being liquid fat is unhealthy, and make gravy by add- ing flour and water. Twenty minutes to each pound of meat is the rule for roasting. Stew Beef, ten pounds in five quarts water, with two or three onions and some cloves, a few carrots cut in quarters, herbs, and such other seasoning as you like. Strain the gravy and add a little flour and butter. Pork is not a healthy food, though well enough for those who labour hard. It should never be eat unless thoroughly cooked. Mutton is the healthiest meat that is eaten. Veal is a delicate meat, but to be easy of digestion must be done tender. The knuckle stewed with herbs for about three hours is an excellent dish. Young Turkeys may be known by then* soft bills and toes. Young geese by fat white breast, yellow feet, and web of the foot thin and tender. Stuffing or dressing for fowls is made with grated bread crumbs, minced suet or butter, sweet marjorum or thyme, nutmeg or other spice, pepper, salt, and beaten egg. Fine cut or grated ham may be added, and potatoes. A good stuffing is made of potatoes alone with suitable seasoning. Boiled Turkey.—Stuffing of bread, parsley, lemon peel, oysters, and an onion. Season with salt, pepper, nutmeg, and one eeg mixed with a bit of butter j fasten up the skin over the crop, put the turkey iu cold wa- ter, boil slowly, skim well, and let it simmer for two hours—longer if very large. Chop the liver, Ac. for the gravy. Fowls and chickens may be done the same way, only in less time. Boil till tender. Seasoning shoold be according to taste. Fricassee.—Wash and cut the chicken into joints, scald and take off the skin, stew for an hour with a sliced onion, parsley, lemon peel, salt and pepper—or season to suit yourself. Add pint of water and bit of butter, and just before serving up add the yolk of two eggs beaten up with a tea cup of cream, stirring it in gradually. In drawing poultry be careful not to break tbe gall. Chicken Baked in Rice.—Cut into joints, season, lay it iu a dish lined with ham or bacon, add minced onion, a pint of water, and fill up with boiled rice, pressed down as much as the dish will bold. Cover with a crust of flour, and bake one hour in a slow Geese, like pork, should never be brought to the ta- ble unless thoroughly cooked. SOUPS. Soups are positively injurious to weak stomachs, and to Dyspeptics. The experiments of Dr. Beaumont, with gastric juice, prove soups to be tbe most injurious and indigestible food that is taken into the stomach— the reason being that before the process of digestion can go on the water must be separated from the nour- ishment, and hence double duty is imposed on tbe di- gestive powers. Soups occasionally eaten, and for healthy stomachs may be well enough. For children soups do well, with sufficient bread, rice and vegeta- bles in the liquid. Save the liquor in which all meats are boiled, ex- cept smoked meat, for soup or gravy, as it contains much of the essence of tbe meat. Mock Turtle Soup is made of calves head, boiled an hour gently in 4 quarts water well skimmed. Take it out, cut the meat in pieces an inch square. Slice and fry in butter 2 lbs. leg of beef and 2 lbs. of veal- slice 2 onions, and add all to the liquor, with the bones also; then 2 onions, 2 ounces green sage, some parsley, tea-spoon ground allspice, 2 do. black pepper, salt, lemon peel: stew gently for five hours; strain, and when cold take off the fat. Part the liquor and meat from the head, add Madeira or Claret if you choose, mix a spoonful of flour and a cup of butter with a lit. tie of the broth, and stir it in. Then stew an hour till meat is tender, when done add tea-spoon Cayenne, the yolks of 12 eggs boiled hard, and 12 force meat balls, if liked. Calves feet make a good soup in imitation of the above ;'boiling four in two quarts water; adding such of the other ingredients as you choose. Vegetable Soup.—12 onions, 6 turnips, 2 celery, 4 58 COOKERY. carrots, 2 ounces butter; stew gently till soft; then add 4 quarts seasoned gravy soup, made of roast beef bones, stew 4 or 5 hours, and skim. iZtce Soup.—Boil scrag end of neck veal in 4 quarts water, with 1 lb. lean ham, skim well and season, af- ter boiling down oue-half strain it, add 1 lb. rice which boil till tender. Soup for Invalids.—Cui small 1 lb. mutton or beef, stew gently in 2 quarts water, 6kiro well, when re- duced to a pint add salt, and take tea cup full at a time PUDDINGS. Apple Pudding.—Put iu a deep pan or dish a layer of apples, pared and cut up, then a layer of bread crumbs, then apples again and bread alternately until Ihe dish is full, adding sugar, and interspersing with pieces of butler, and seasoning with spice. Bake about an hour. Good with cream or without. Rice Pudding.—6 ounces rice boiled in I quart milk till tender, stirring it often, add tea-cup sugar, half cup butter, 3 eggs well beat, season and stir till quite smooth. Bake in buttered dish about an hour. Add an egg more and 1 pint milk, if you wish It like cus'ard. Boil the above if preferred, adding fruit to suit taBte, and serve with butter and sugar. Sweet Potatoe.—Boil and mash them smooth, to 2 cups full add 1 cup sugar, 1 of butter, 5 eggs, I nut meg, lemon rind, and bake with under crust. Plain Bread Pudding.—Pom quart boiling milk on 4 oz. bread crumbs, cover till cold, then add 3 beat eggs, tea-cup sugar, lemon peel, cinnamon, bake io buttered dish, and serve with sweet sauce. Custard Pudding.—I tablespoon flour, 1 pint cream or new milk, 3 eggs, rose water, ounce butter, loaf sugar and nutmeg, and bake in buttered dish half an hour. Damson Pudding.—Make a batter of 3 eggs, pint milk, 4 large spoons flour, 4 do. sugar, stone a pint of damsons, mix in batter, and boil hour and half. Plum Pudding.—Chop half pound suet, stone Tialf pound raisins, wash half pound currants, 4 ounces each of bread and flour, 4 eggs well beat, a little cinnamon, mace and nutmeg, spoonful salt, 4 ounces sugar, an ounce each of citron and candied lemon. Beat egg and spices well together, then add milk and other in- gredients by degrees, flour a fine linen cloth, pour in the batter, and in tieing allow room to swell. Boil in six quar's water 6 or 7 hours, filling up with hot water as it boils away. Mix an hour or two before cooking. BREAD. Bread making is an art, Ihe importance of which is too frequently overlooked or underrated. Heavy, sour, hard bread should never be tolerated, because good bread is more palatable, more healthy, and it should be borne in mind, is really much less expensive. There is great saving in baking bread at home, and this saving is greatest when flour is cheapest. Good flour and good yeast are requisites, but the goodness of Ihe bread depends much on Ihe kneading: the more the dough is turned and pressed and worked the liglner and belter Ihe bread will be. Proportions.— 2 gallons flour, half pint strong fresh yeast, if home-made add more. The Process.—Make a hole in the flour, in which pour the yeast mixed with half a pint warm wate Stir in the flour round the edge of this liquid with spoon to form a Ihin batter. After stirring it well for two minutes, sprinkle a handful of flour over the top of this batter, lay a warm cloth over it, and set it to rise in a warm place. When it cover and put in a warm place when in balf an hour " will rise enough for baking. The quality depends much on the time of putting the dough in the oven. Dough readily runs into Ihree stages of fermentation. It should be put in the oven during the first or saccharine, when if sufficiently baked il will be sweet and wholesome. It afterwards becomes sour and heavy. If I>ul in too soon, il will be light and as tasteless as saw dust. Good bread is marked by fine pores and a sort of Jlet work of uniform appearance. * Keep bread wrapped in a crarse towel, and where il will not dry up, or iu a tight box. // sour, from being mixed over night, melt a tea- spoon of pearl ash in a Utile milk-warm water, sprin- kle it over Ihe dough, and in balf an hour knead it again. Frozen dough is spoiled. Indian is a good addition to wheat, and requires more water, or make mush of it and then mix in. The bitterness of yeast may be remedied by putting in a little charcoal and then straining it. Rye and Indian Bread.—Mix 2 quarts of each with 3 pints boiling milk, tablespoon salt, and stir well. Let it stand till lukewarm, then stir in half pint good yeast. Knead to a stiff dough and put to rise near Ihe fire. When Ihe top is cracked over, make into two loaves and bake moderate two and half hours. Common yeast.—Boil large handful hops in two quarts water 20 minutes. Sliain and pour Ihe liquid into 3 pints flour. Stir in half pint strong yeast. lis strength is increased by 5 tea-spoons brown sugar or 6 large spoons molasses. Cork Ihe bottles loose till next dav, and then tight. If turning sour put tea-spoon pearl ash in each bottle. Another.—Boil, peel and mash mealy potatoes, which reduce wilh water or ale thin as common yeast. To every pound add 2 ounces coarse sugar, and when just warm stir in two spoons of yeast. Keep warm till fermentation is over and in 24 hours fit for use. Let sponge eight hours before baking. CAKES, Should be used sparingly. In making cakes dry the flour before a fire, sift and weigh it. W.ash and dry currants, stone raisins, pound sugar, roll it fine and sift. Dry spices first, then pound and sift. Pour hot water over almonds to remove the skin, then throw them in cold water. Pare lemon and orange peel, and then pound with a little sugar. Wash butler in cold water. The yolk and white of eggs should be separated and beaten the last thing. Sponge Cake.—l lb. pulverized loaf sugar, 9 eggs, 12 ounces flour. Beat eggs half an hour, then heat eggs and sugar together to a foam. Stir in the flour lighlly, add a little nutmeg and cinnamon. Bake half an hour in tins buttered and filled only half full. If a single cake, bake an hour. A hot oven, but not so hot as to scorch. Another.—1 lb. flour, three quarters pound pulver- ized loaf sugar, 7 eggs, grated peel and juice of a lemon, a tablespoon rose water. Beat all an hour, butter a tin, line it with paper also buttered, sift sugar over top, and bake an hour. Seed Cahe.—\ lb. flour, 12 oz. fine sugar well beat with 7 eggs, 1 oz. pounded caraway seeds, two large spoons sour cream and tea-spoon pearl ash. Bake if one cake an hour, in small tins 15 minules. Macaroons.—Beat the white of 8 eggs to frolh, add 2 lbs fine loaf sugar, 1 lb. blanched almonds pounded to paste, with rose waler. Beat all to thick paste. Place drops on a buttered tin far enough apart to ihe top ad'd'fou'rVt^nfuls fine salt, and begin to form j spread. Bake 10 minutes io moderate oven. the mass into dough, pouring as much soft, lukewarm Rice hatter Cahes.-Boii rice soft and thin ll with water as is necessary to make the flour mix with Ihe quart milk, add 3 eggs, salt, and sweeten or nol as pre- batter When the flour and batter are thoroughly . ferred. Bake same as buckwheat cakes or in tins. mixed, kneid and work the whole till it is light and Rice CoAw.-Beat 8 yolk, and 4 white, of egg, add stiff. Roll into a lump, sprinkle dry flour over il, | 6 oz. pounded sugar, and lemon peel grated, btir in COOKERY. 59 hour. ADDITIONAL. Baked Mutton Chops.—Cut neck of mutton into chops, season, lay it in a buttered dish, and pour ove~ half pound ground rice, and beat all half Bake in buttered tins 20 minutes. Sugar Cakes.—Half lb. flour, quarter butter, qu ler sifted sugar—mix the flour aud sugar, rub in tne a Da'Uer miltew |iH ,e„dcr. A poun are Indian Batter Cakes.—2 quarts milk, I quart Indian j to be eaten. They may be made green by scalding meal, I tea-cup wheal flour, 3 eggs, well beat, Ihe vinegar whiles separate, teaspoonful salt. Bake on griddle, buckwheat, Superior Johnny Cake.—Take 1 quart of milk, 3 eggs, I tea-spoonful saleratm, 1 tea-cup wheat flour and Indian meal, sufficient to make a batter of the consis- tency of pancakes. Bake quick, in pans previously buttered, aud eat warm, with either butter or milk. A good Cake.— 4 cups each of flour and Indian meal, 1 cup molasses, 2 tea-spoons saleratus, some salt. Make batter and bake. Dover Cake.—rlM pint milk, half tea-spoon pearl ash, dissolved in little vinegar, 1 lb. flour, sifted, 1 lb. powdered sugar, half lb. butter, 6 eggs, 1 glass rose- water, spice to suit taste. Stir sugar and butter to a cream, and add the spice. Beat eggs light, and stir them into the butter and sugar with the flour. Add the milk, and stir all hard. Butter a large pan, and put in the mixture. Bake two hours or more in a moderate oven. If not thick, an hour or an hour and a half will do. Wrap in a thick cloth, and keep from air, and it will keep good for two weeks. Ginger Loaf.—A. pint Molasses, a pint buttermilk, a tea-spoon saleratus dissolved in il, four eggs, flour till stiff as for pound cake, add ginger and spices. Jinette Cakes.—Quarter of sugar, quarter of butter, beat lo a cream to 2 egss, tea-spoon saleratus, tea-cup milk, mix in enough flour, roll out thin, cut with a tumtiler, bake on buttered tin 15 minutes. frost or Icing for Cakes.—Beat Ihe whites of 4 eggs to a stiff foam, add gradually three-quarters of a Eound best loaf sugar pounded and silled, mix juice of alf a lemon, or tea-spoon rose-water. Beat Ihe mil- lure till very light, place the cake near the fire, pour over the icing, and smooth with a knife or back of a spoon. Breakfast Batter Cakes.—I pint milk, 3 eggs, large spoonful butter, 2 do. yeast, and flour enough lo make stitfbatler; let Ihem stand lo rise all night where it is not loo warm, and bake on a griddle or in tin rings. Tea Batter Cakes— Beat 2 eggs, add half pint milk and lea-cup cream, half tea-spoon pearl ash, lea-spoon salt, wilh nutmeg, cinuamonor rose-water. Add (lour till Ihick and smoolh. Bake brown on griddle, or in a buttered pan. . Pan Cakes may be made very good by frying the above baiter in hoi lard. Rice Pudding.—I quart milk, quarter pound rice, I ouuce sugar, tea-spoon ginger. Swell the rice w " water, and bake an hour. ._. cabbage lea' Mangoes.—Cal small holes in Ihe sides of large cu- cumbers, to extract the seeds, which mix with mustard seeds, horse radish minced fine, add mace, cloves, pep- per and salt, mix well, aud s'uff Ihe large cucumbers or peppers full, and bind up with new thread. Then boil vinegar with pepper, salt, ginger, and mace, and pour it boilin" hot over the mangoes 4 successive days, oftener. Pack away close, filling up with Ihe spiced ..negar. When melons or peppers are used, instead of holes in the sides, cut out the stem, and put in lime for 8 days, and in strong vinegar for 18 days. A little mustard and sweet oil may be added lo Ihe stuffing, and chopped garlic, if liked. PIES. Mince Pies.—This expensive and unhealthy dish is made thus: boil 3 lbs. lean beef tender, and when cold, chop fine ; chop 3 lbs. or less clear beef suet, and mix, sprinkling in a table-spoon salt. Chop fine 6 lbs ap- ples, and 4 lbs. raisins, and 2 lbs. currants well washed, add all to Ihe meat, season wi h a spoonful cinnan.on and powdeied nutmeg, pounded mace and clones, and 1 lb. brown sugar, half pound citron, grated oraige peel, and thin il with good cider, and mix all well to- ^ Another.—2 lbs. lean beef boiled, 1 lb. suet chopped fine, 3 lbs. apples, 2 lbs. raisins or currants, 1 lb. sugar, season and mois'en with new cider or cream. Make a good paste, and bake an hour. To have Mince at any time.—Prepare as above, put in earthen pot, pound it down and cover with best molasses, and keep it from freezing. Beets cut in square pieces, and add vinegar, sugar and spices, makes a delicate, beautiful pie. Lemon Pies—3 good lemons, pare and slice Ihin, add a lea-cup sugar, a tea-cup molasses, and a lea-cup of water. Sprinkle in a lillle flour, and bake as a gooseberry pie, which in laste it resembles. PRESERVES. Glass is the best for preserves. Cover tight and keep dry. Currants may be preserved without sugar, by care- fully cutting the fruit from the stalks so as not to wound il when quite dry. Drop the currants in bottles, which slop tight wilh cork and bury in Ihe garden, neck down. .... Cherries and damsons may be preserved in the same way. Fruit, to preserve, is better not over ripe. Good sugar is cheaper in Ihe end than poor, for pre- 60 COOKERY—USEFUL DIRECTIONS. Raspberry Jam.—Weigh equal parts of sugar and raspberries. Mash and boil the fruit, then add tbe su- gar ; when it boils skim well and let it boil 20 minutes. Strawberry Jam is made same as the raspberry. Peach Jam.—Wipe, stone, and boil, adding one- third sugar. Another.—Peel and stone, mash the peaches over a fire till hot, then rub through a sieve, and add a pound of loaf-sugar to each pound of peach pulp, boil 12 min- utes, and skim. Quinces.—Preserve by paring thin, cut in quarters. and to every five pounds add three pounds sugar, and half pint water. Cover tight, and simmer gently 3 hours. Or Ihey may be preserved whole. Currant Jelly.—Strain ihe juice, add pound and quarter sugar to each pint juice. Boil gently, and skim till it is clear. Raspberry and strawberry jelly is made same as the currant. Apple Jelly.—4 lbs. apples, pared, chopped, and boiled tojuicypulp, 3 lbs. sugar, boil to.a jelly, and fla- vour with lemon. DRINKS. Table Beer, cheap and wholesome. 8 bottles water, 1 quart molasses, 1 pint yeast, 1 table-spoon cream tar- tar, mixed and bottle in 24 hours. Ginger Beer.—4 dozen bottles may be made of 3 oz. good ginger, 3 lbs. sugar, 1 oz. cream tartar, 2 lemons, 1 gill strong yeast, 3 and a half gallons water. Roil the ginger and sugar 25 minutes, then pour it on tbe sliced lemon and tartar, mix, and when milk-warm, add the yeast. Let it work 2 or 3 days, and skim it well. Strain it iuto a cask, bunged tight, and in a couple weeks, draw off and bottle, tieing the cork down. If necessary, add a little more yeast. Temperance Beverage —10 gals, water, 15 lbs. lump sugar, whiles of 8 eggs, well beat and strained j mix cold ; boil and skim well, add half pound ginger, and boil 20 minutes. Pour the liquor on the thin rinds of 7 lemons; when cool, pour in cask with 2 spoons yeasi, stir 2 oz. isinglass shavings in 1 quart of the warm fluid, and put all in the cask. Next day stop il up, and in 3 weeks bottle, and in 3 months it will be a delicious and safe drink. Another.—20 quarts water, 6 lbs. sugar, 5 oz. white ginger, 1 oz. stick liquorice, boil well together, and add, when cold, a little good yeast, barrel for ten days, and then bottle it, putting a lump white sugar in each bottle. Spruce Beer.—Pour 8 gallons boiling water in a cask containing 8 gallons cold water, then add 16 lbs. molasses, and a strong decoction of the small twigs and leaves of Ihe spruce, or a few table-spoons essence of spruce, mix well, and then add balf pint good yeast; keep in temperate place, with the bung-hole open till sufficiently worked, then bottle it, and drink in a day or two. Another.—I oz. hops and spoonful ginger to each gal. water, boil, strain, anj add 1 pint molasses, _J half ounce essence of spruce. When cool, add tea> yeast, and lei il ferment in a clean tight cask till di and then bottle. Sprigs of spruce fir may be boiled instead of the essence. Switchel, a pleasant, wholesome drink, is made of molas>es, vinegar and water, mixed in suitable propor lions. Common Bur.—2 gallons water, large handful hops, fresh gathered spruce, or sweet fern, and 1 quart wheat bran; boil 2 or 3 h^urs, strain and stir in, whi1- hol, 2 cups molasses. When lukewarm, pour in clean barrel, and add a pint yeast. Shake it well to- gether, and use next day. Lemonade.—3 lemons and half pound loaf sugar to 1 pint of water, makes a strong lemonade, pleasant, sa lubrious and refreshing. Water i< the best beverage of the healthy. Bad wa ter is doubtless injurious. It may be improved by fil tering, which cools and purifies it. Filter water by putting a bit of sponge in the hole at the bottom of a common flour pot, or spread a piece of flannel over the bottom of a vessel perforated wilh one or more holes, then over (he flannel spread a layer of fine charcoal, and over this a layer or bed of fine sand, four or five inches thick, through all of which the wa- ter will filler clear as chryslal. Rain Water is the best for drinking, cooking or washing, when it can be had pure. Every house should have a reservoir in which to collect rain water, which always, with, and sometimes without, filtering, will be found an advantage, especially where water is impure and hard. PASTE. For Pies, 6 oz. butter, 8 oz. flour, worked well to- gether, wilh as little water as possible. Roll out thin. Another.—Quarter pound lard or suel, large table. spoon bu'ter, pound flour and water enough to mix ■tiff. Roll thin. For Tarts, 1 oz. sifted loaf sugar, 1 lb. flour, make into stiff paste, with 1 gill boiling cream, 3 oz. butter. Work it well, and roll out thin. Custard Pudding.—I pint milk, 3 large spoons flour, 6 eggs, salt, sugar and spice to your taste. Another.—2 eggs and 3 large spoons sugar beat light, 1 pint milk, and spice to your taste. Bake in cups or in paste. Cuj> Cake.—3 cups sugar, 1 butter, 5 flour, 3 eggs, tea-spoon pearl ash, all beat together, with spice as you please. Lemon Iu Cream.—Stir a pound of powdered loaf sugar into a pint of cream, add the grated rind and juice of 5 lemons, or flavour with essence or oil of le- mon ; mix and beat all gradually into 3 pints of cream. Cover and let it stand an hour, then strain it into the freezer, (a long tin vessel, with a tight lid,) close and stand in tbe ice tub, whicb fill with a mixture of equal quantities of coarse salt and ice broken small, that it may lay compact around Ihe freezer. Snow is better than ice. Press down and keep turning till (he cream is froze, which will be in 2 hours. Occasionally scrape down the cream. Be careful not to let the salt fall in the cream, and do not freeze so long as to freeze out the flavour. When cream is deficient, eggs are sometimes beat up ilb milk, or arrow root is powdered and rubbed smooth in a little cold milk, and added to the cream. Strawberry Ice Cream.—Hull 2 quarts strawberries, add half pound fine sugar, cover and stand an hour or two, then mash through a sieve till all the juice is pressed out. Stir in sugar enough to make a thick sy- rup. Then mix by degrees with 2 quarts cream, beat- ing it hard. Freeze as above. Raspberry, pineapple, and other fruit ice cream make according to preceding receipt. Vanilla ice cream made by splitting up balf a va- nilla bean, boiling it slowly in half pint milk till the flavour is drawn out. Mix it in same as the strawberry, and freeze as directed. USEFUL DIRECTIONS. Ink spilt on a carpet take up with a spoon, then pour on clean water and apply the spoon again, and repeal this till the stain is out. Polish Mahogany by rubbing it once a week wilh cold drawn linseed oil, wipe off tbe oil, and rub with a dry cloth. Flies.—Keep from frames, glass, 4c, by boiling 4 sir brush. leeks in pint water, and washing ith a toft Flannel—Wash in hot, clean suds, and never rinse. Wet ClotAesshould not be worn near a fire, or so as to occasion sudden heat. Keep in motion till dry can be had, then change at once, and give the feet a long heating. Black Silks wash in warm small beer and milk. Windows, clean with a damp linen cloth, then a dry one, then dust over powdered whiting in muslin, which clean off with wash-lealber or dry cloth. Clean Paint without using cloth. Remove dirt with a fine brush. If soiled, dip flannel in pearl asb or soda water, wash and dry quickly. USEFUL DIRECTIONS. 61 Grease Spots are removed from cloth, silk, &c, by essence of lemon rubbed on with a rag. Balls to take out grease spots. Moisten dry fuller's earth wilh lemon juice, add powdered pearl ash, and mix well, and make in little balls—dry well in the sun. Use by moistening the spots with water, rub on tbe ball, then dry and bFushoff. Moths are kept away by oil of lavender, tobacco, black cepper, or camphor. Wood, for fuel, should be as dry as possible, as the heat requiied to evaporate the moisture in green wood is equivalent to a loss of 23 per cent. Under Beds are made lasting, soft, elastic and sweet from the inner husks of corn. Grease may be taken out of silk by powdered mag- nesia applied immediately to Ihe wrong side. Acid from apple butter, and some other acids, will sometimes decompose the glazing of earthen ware, and renders it a dangerous poison. Bed Bugs may be removed by a strong decoction of the | lant called water pepper, or smart weed. But the best remedy is strict cleanliness. Pure Wine is made of 3 gallons water, 5 lbs. bloom raisins stoned, put in narrow-mouthed s one jug, covered with a fine rag, kept near fire ten days, and then racked off. Beets roasted like potatoes are sweeter and richer than boiled. Potatoes.—An Irish journal says : " Put them in a pot or kettle without a fid, wi h water just sufficient to cover them ; after the water lias come nearly to boil, pour it off, replace it wilh cold water, into which throw a good portion of salt—the cold water sends the heat from the surface to the heart, and makes the po- tatoes mealy—after they are boiled, and the water poured off, let them stand over the fire for 10 or J5 minutes to dry. Ink on Mahogany.—Take out by diluted vitriol, touch with a feather, then rub it quickly. Ink.—Make with 2 gallons soft water, pound and half bruised galls, keep near a gentle heat for 2 or 3 weeks, stirring often; then add half pound each of copperas, logwood chips, and gum arauic, some loaf sug>r, lemon peel, and gill brandy. Starch.—Feel and grate a quantity of potatoes, put the pulp in a coarse cloth, aud press between two boards to a dry ches, or soapy water that has been used in washing. Charcoal, when burning, should have an uncovered vessel of boiling water over it, the vapour of which will counteract the deleterious fumes. Powdered Charcoal will remove smells, impurities, &c, from old gl.iss vessels, after the grosser parts have been scoured off with sand and potash. A Perfume for linen, &c, is made of rose leaves dried in the shade, mixed with powdered cloves, scraped mace, and put in little bags. Cement China with lime sifted through fine muslin, to be dusted on after the edges are moistened wilh white of egg. Join quickly, and tie secure. Rust on Steel remove by sweet oil first, and in 48 hours rub with unslacked, powdered lime. Mend iron pots, pans, &c, by sifted lime mixed with well beaten whiles of eggs till reduced to paste, then add iron file dust, and cover the cracks, &c. Mend Glass or China with 2 quarts litharge, 1 quick lime, and 1 of flint glass, separately powdered fine, and worked into a paste with drying oil. Marble iron stains remove with spirits of vitriol and lemou juice mixed, wet the spots, and in few min- utes rub with sofi linen. Clean Teeth.—I quart soft water, 2 oz. lemon juice, 6 grains burn! alum, 6grainssall. Mix. Boil a min- ute, strain and bottle for use. Rub teeth once a week with it. Seepage 29. Wltite Teeth.—Use a mixture of honey with purest pulverised charcoal, but not so often as to wear the enamel of the teeth. Fire in chimneys extinguish by closing doors and windows, and throwing on the coals water, a handful flourof sulphur, or salt, and stop up tbe fire-place tight, so as to shut off all draft. 62 GENERAL CONTENTS. Substitute for Tea.—5 parts of petals of red rose dried, 1 part rosemary leaves, 2 parts balm leaves. Mix. A desert-spoonful makes half a pint of infu>ion. Use wilh cream aud sugar, same as tea. Instead of the injury lo Ihe nervous system which foreign tea oc- casions, this is found to strengthen the s'nmach and nerves, and keep up a healthy digestion. It is not only far more healthy, but more economical, and quite as palatable. ^ Aiwther. —Young strawberry flowers and leaves dried, nol in the sun, but in the air, and not washed, and used same as China lea, are used in Germany, and found a good substitule j also, young and lender leaves of the sloe tree, or black Ihorn, properly dried. Hair.—Honey water promotes its growth, made by mixing 4 lbs. honey, and 2 lbs. dry sand in a large ves- sel j disiil with geutle heat, to a yellowish acid water. —See page 29. i Sugar Vinegar.—\ gallon water, 2 lbs. brown su- gar, and little yeast. Expose 6 mom lis lo the sun. Cream and milk can be very well imitated by beat- ing an egg, and then pouring boiling tea over it gra- dually, to prevent its curdling. Bread should never be eaten until 1 day old. Un- less where the digestive po.vers of an ostrich are pos^ sessed, fresh hot bread will snnner or later bring on Dyspepsia, with its train of miseries. AMERICAN POCKET LIBRARY OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. With upwards of One Thousand Valuable Recipes. GENERAL AGRICULTURE. Comprising a mass of information on the management of Soil, Manures, Grass, Grain, Roots, Horses, Cattle, the Dairy, &c, &c, carefully gleaned and condensed from the papers of the Philadelphia Agri- cultural Society, the agricultural pa- pers of the day, and the actual experi- ence of the best practical Farmers. HEALTH. Furnishing instructions for the treatment of Wounds, Poisons, Bruises, and diseases generally, and especially for the PRESERVATION nf Health; condensed, in part, from the Journal of Health, conducted by an Association of Physicians, and edited by Dr. Bell, the best medical writer in the United States, and which has re- ceived the sanction of Professors in the Universityof Pennsylvania and others. Containing, in addition, a large num- ber of valuable recipes, &c, all of which may at times be of importance to families and individuals. POLITICAL. The Constitution of the United States, entire, with the Amendments, a national document which should be in the possession of every Free- man. Also, the year in which each State was set- tled, and by whom, number of square miles, time of holding Elections, qualification of Voters, Members of Congress, Electors, &c, in each State in the Union, Office Hunters, &c , by Judge Hopkinson. SUGAR BEET. Here is furnished ample instruc- tions for the cultivation of the Sugar Beet, by James Ronaldson, Esq., who visited Europe expressly for the purpose of adding to the agricultural products of ihe United States. SILK CULTURE. Comprising the Manual for pro- ducing and reeline Silk, growing the Foliage, rae- "<"*c.......••••"........^"JTc-i—w.ta,.1.:..............« L. I Tight Dressing, its Evils.......... 31 Lobelia, or Emetic Herb, Account I Tnin shoes, Advice about........ 22 of............................. S* I Toothache Cured................. 23 Law. of .Naturalization........... 36 T<.„„........................... 13 Law, The........................ 42 Thompsoninn................... 26 TEMPERAKCE, Important Testi- mony of....................... 28 Tetotali.m, ita Blessings.......... 27 Travelling Routes................ 47 M. Useful Direction.. Macaroons.......................58 Mocking Bild.................... 18 Modern Cookery Pernicious....... 20 Mechanics and Workiugmeu, their Intere.t........................28 | Vegetable.....................12, 23 Mothers, Duty of................ 34 vine............................. 14 Mini, United State............... 37 Vinegar, Ha Virtue............... 23 Moral of the Election............ 43 Votera, Qualifications of in each Meats, toConk................... M| State,........._................ *• Measures and Weight., Compara- Tables in Foieign Porti Medicine................... Medicinal Herb............. Moneys Foreign, value of as by Law N. 63 Wound.. Dressing and Care of... .....J' i Water, to Puiify................ .....25 : while Hazel.it. Virtues......... fixed i WORLD, Extent and Population o .....63 | Women, Influence of, by Judgi Hopkir "• ,, «,„., /..Ille ...... 7 Western Selllera, Advice to......at .on Importation............ » . ^Cattle-..........y [[""Z 18 Wa.hinglou'. Farewell Addreaa, 38, 44 ............................ >■ Se„0°,oe........... .......21 Weight, and Mea.ure., Couapara- Death, Cause of among Women... 31 I Navy. (63) C. SHERMAN AND CO., PRINTERS, 19, ST. JAMES STREET, PHILADELPHIA.