<$5: AN INAUGURAL. DISSERTATION ON STRYCHNIA: PRESENTED TO THE PeWJfacttitpfS^I College, MAY 1st, 1858, PRIOR TO RECEIVING THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MEDItlNE AND SURGERY. BY ALEXANDER. P. REID. JHonttc al: PRINTED BY JOHN LOVELL, AT THE CANADA DIRECTORY OFFICE ST. NICHOLAS STREET. 1858. it 5S Air INAUGURAL DISSERTATION 05 STRYCHNIA: PRESENTED TO THE xbieal iaenftg of IMiil College, MAY 1ST, 1858, PRIOR TO RECEIVING THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MEDICINE AND SCRpCRY. BY ALEXANDER, P. REID. Montreal: PRINTED BY JOHN LOVELL, AT THE CANADA DIRECTORY OFFICE, BT. NICHOLAS STREET. 1858. ESMIiam 22inght, fH.B. PROFESSOR OF MATERIA MEDICA IN M°GILL COLLEGE. AND TO THE OTHER fSUmbcta at tlje fSltBtcal JFarultg at tfjat JSttbersttg, THE FOLLOWING PAGES ARE DEDICATED, AS A TRIBUTE OF FRIENDSHIP, AND ALSO OF GRATITUDE FOR THE GREAT BENEFIT DERIVED FROM THEIR VALUABLE TKACHING, AND THE MANY INSTANCES OF PERSONAL KINDNESS, BY THEIR FRIEND AND FORMER PUPIL, THK AUTHOR The Medical Faculty of McGill College desirous of marking their appreciation of the high merits of the Inaugural Disser- tation on Strychnia, by Alexander P. Reid, M.D., have awarded it the unusual distinction of publication. The appro- bation, thus bestowed, falls upon the production of a young gentleman who had to contend against several difficulties in its composition. Without the aid of superior directions, limited to a few of the treatises in more common use, and un- supplied with chemical auxiliaries of the more delicate sort, he has yet managed to put forth many originalities, particu- larly in the experimental department of Toxicology, and to give them such a maturity of elaboration as fits them for practical employment. His Essay is founded upon one to which, in the previous year, was adjudged the premium in the Materia Medica Class of the University. The leisure the author has since enjoyed, and the opportunities afForded him while further pursuing his studies in the chief cities of Great Britain and Ireland, have not been allowed to pass away without being devoted to the work of its improvement. CONTENTS. Page History,.......................................................... 9 Preparation,....................................................... 9 Chemical Characteristics and Sensible Properties,..................... 11 Tests,........................................................ 11 Delicacy of Tests,.............................................. 15 Experiments on Animals,........................................... 15 Detection in Organic Liquids,....................................... 17 Action of Tests with Xux Vomica,................................... 18 Strychnia obtained from Compound Solutions,......................... 19 Physiological Effects,.............................................. 19 On Vegetables,............................................... 19 On Animals,.................................................. 20 On Man,...................................................... 20 Post-mortem appearances,.......................................... 21 Modus operandi..................................... ............. 21 Uses,............................................................. 23 Administration,................................................... 24 Antidotes,........................................................ 24 Salts of Strychnia,................................................. 27 Strychnia with Oxygen acids,........................................ 27 Sulphate of Strychnia,.............................................. 28 Nitrate " .............................................. 28 Acetate " ...............•.............................. 28 Strychnate " .............................................. 28 Tannate " .............................................. 28 Chromate " .............................................. 29 Carbazotate " .............................................. 29 Benzoate " .............................................. 29 Gallate " ............................................. 29 Strychnia with Halogen Radicals,............................... 30 Strychnia and Chlorine,...................................... 30 Hydrochlorate of Strychnia,...................................... 30 Ohloruretted Hydrochlorate of Strychnia,.............................. 31 mi. Strychnia and Iodine,........................................ Hydriodate of Strychnia............................................ Ioduretted Hydriodate of Strychnia,.................................. Strychnia and Bromine,...................................... Hydrobromate of Strychnia,......................................... Bromiuretted Hydrobromate of Strychnia,............................ Strychnia and Fluorine,............................................ Strychnia and Cyanogen,........................................... Hydrocyanate of Strychnia,......................................... Hydroferrocyanate of Strychnia,..................................... Hydrosulphocyanate of Strychnia,............................. Strychnia with the Metals,..................................... Metal acting as an Acid—Strychnia and Antimony,.............. 36 Antimoniate of Strychnia,.......................................... Strychnia and Arsenic,................................... Arsenite of Slrvchnia,....................................... , ................ 36 Arseniate do., ............................. The Metal acting in part as a base with Strychnia—Strychnia and Copper,.................................................. Double Sulphate of Copper and Strychnia,............................. Strychnia and Platinum,..................•................... Hydrochlorate of Strychnia and Platinum, ........................... 37 Strychnia and Mercury,....................................... Hv.lrochlorate of Strychnia and Mercury, ............................ qo Hvdrocvaiiiite do. do., ............................ 38 Strychnia and Iron,.......................................... Hydriodate of Strychnia and Iron,................................... °° STRYCHNIA. History.—This alkaloid, called also Vauquelina and Tetanine, was discovered in 1818 by Pelletier and Caventou. It is found in the Strychnos Nux Vomica, S. Ignatia, S. Colubrina, &c. It is for the most part united with another alkaloidal principle, Brucia, and both are combined with an acid, the Strychnic or Igasuric. It is the active prin- ciple of these plants, and is the agent that causes the fatal effects in death resulting from ingestion of Nux vomica, Ignatius bean, and of false Angustura bark. Brucia is even said to be merely strychnia combined with coloring matter. Preparation.—It is chiefly obtained from nux vomica bean. The different Pharmacopoeias give a method for its preparation. The most common plan is to make two decoctions of the coarse powder of the seeds, or digest it in water acidulated with sulphuric acid—the latter is the most preferable—and to this lime is added, which combines with strychnic and sulphuric acids, leaving strychnia and brucia free. All fall down. The alkaloids are separated from the precipitate by alchohol; they are again converted into sulphates, and are isolated by ammonia; they are furthermore dissolved in hot alcohol and decolorized, and the solution, upon cooling, deposits the strychnia, while the brucia remains dissolved. Molyn's method is to subject the powder to fermentation with yeast for 10 days, thereby facilitating the subsequent process. This is proposed on account of the mucilage which the seeds contain, causing the decom- position of the saccharic and gummy constituents, evolving carbonic acid, and forming lactic acid, which, acting on the strychnate, forms the soluble lactates of the alkaloids. The seeds generally contain one part of the alkaloid in 200, but the St. Ignatius bean yields 1.4 per cent., according to Christison. B 10 I have prepared this alkaloid in a different manner, by adding, to the acidified decoction, iodine dissolved in iodide of potassium. An insoluble compound is thrown down, from which the iodine may be abstracted by liquor potassse; this, when decolorized, may be crj>tallized from its solution in alcohol. In this method the iodine may be all saved, as it ..•an be easily separated from the filtered solution. Bromine appears to act similarly to iodine in this respect. From analogy, I should think that chlorine might be economically used instead of either of the two substances previously mentioned. The great difficulty appears to be its application in the gaseous condition. I )< ive found, however, that by treating the acid decoction with chloride (hypochlorite) of soda, (made by precipitation from hypochlorite of lime and carbonate of soda) which, when washed and dried, is to be acted on by liq. potass., although liq. soda would answer the same purpose, the precipitate appearsoto dissolve when the alkali is added, but the strychnia falls to the bottom in flocculent masses. It should be collected a:,d decolorized in the usual manner, and then crystallized from alcohol, or from solution of a sulphate as a salt. In these processes I prefer the hypochlorite of soda formed by preci- pitating the lime from the solution of the hypochlorite by carbonate of soda. This preparation is far superior to the common article, in being much purer, because when chlorine gas is conductel into solution of carSonate of soda only half of the base unites with the cblorine, the other existing as bicarbonate of the alkali, and thus is rendered so far impure ; and in general it is a much weaker compound, on account of the diffi- culty in causing the chlorine to be absorbed, which is not the case with lime in the form of caustic hydrate. I find it almost impossible to pre- cipitate strychnia in the acidified decoction by the common preparation, although readily affected by the other solution. While engaged with these preparations, I was led to believe that the chemical constitution of hypochlorite of soda is different from that gene- rally received, and that in reality it is a chloruretted chloride of sodium, or a solution of chlorine in chloride of sodium, with other compounds of these elements existing as impurities from faulty manufacture, thus resembling the ioduretted iodide of potassium. When chlorine is con- ducted into a solution of soda, chloride of sodium and chlorate of soda are first formedvand then free chlorine remains in the liquid, Hypochlo- rous acid is also formed, and appears to be due to the action of chlorine on chlorate of the alkali, and not, as has been said, to the union of its oxygen with the haloid radical directly, because combination does not occur unless the elements have been some time acting on one another, 11 and upon the addition of an acid, as the sulphuric, chlorine gas, almost pure, is evolved. Sensible Properties.—When pure, strychnia is a crystalline sub- stance—white, inodorous, and intensely bitter ; when rapidly crystallized it is granular, but by the spontaneous evaporation of the alcoholic solution it takes the form of the octohsedron or four-sided prism. It is fusible, but not volatile. The bitterness is such, that 1 part is distinguishable in 80.000 of water. Chemical Characters.—Equivalent weight, 334. Composition, C42H22NJ2 oi (Regnault), O»HieN03 (Liebig). It is very insoluble in water, requiring 6667 parts for complete solution at 50° F., equal to about 14 ounces of water for each grain; of boiling water it requires 2200 parts. It is almost insoluble in absolute alcohol or ether when in its free state, but more soluble in common alcohol; by heating, tin's pro- perty is still farther increased. It is also moderately soluble in fixed and volatile oils. As an alkaloid it saturates acids, and even displaces other vegetable bases, as brucia and morphia, and also some metallic oxides are partly separated from their combinations with acids forming double salts. It is destroyed by a heat under that of redness. Sulphuretted hydrogen is evolved when it is fused with sulphur. It is very soluble in diluted acids, forming salts. The common strychnia is reddened by nitric acid, but if pure is unaffected: the color is due to the action of the acid on brucia. Tests.—1st.* It is found crystallized in short prisms, or as a greyish powder with a bitter taste. 2nd. Scarcely soluble in alcohol and water, and slightly so in ether, but readily in acetic acid. 3rd. Heated on platinum foil it burns, becomes charred", evolving a smoky flame and poisonous vapour, leaving a residue of carbon. 4th. Nitric acid reddens it, without evolving nitrous acid. 5th. Soluble in diluted acids, and from a hot solution crystals may be deposited on cooling. 6th. The solution is precipitated by tannic acid or tincture of galls. 7th. Alkalies, as ammonia, give a white precipitate. 8th. It is precipitated yellowish- white by terchloride of gold, whereas morphia reduces gold. The precipitate with gold is not re-dissolved by boiling, but the liquid acquires a pink-red color, and on the other hand morphia gives the metallic gold in powder. 9th. The red color by nitric acid is discharged by chloride of tin. 10th. It is unaffected by sesquichloride of iron or iodic acid and starch ; it is thus also distinguished from morphia. 11th. Potash pre- cipitates the alkaloid from its salt, and it is not easily re-dissolved by • These tests are taken from Taylor's " Medical Jurisprudence." 12 excess of precipitants, whereas morphia is only precipitated from a strong solution, and it is easily dissolved by slight excess of potassa. 12th. Strong sulphuric acid produces no change of colour in pure strychnia, but if a drop of solution of bichromate of potash be added, the mixture acquires a crimson hue, passing to deep blood-red; or if, instead of the bichromate, either the the deutoxides of manganese or lead be added, a very nice play of colors is produced, which passes through shades of blue, violet, purple, and crimson, to blood-red. I do not think that the bichromate answers as well as either of the others, because the acid causes a colour with it much like what strychnia produces, and in weak solutions this might be a fallacy that is not liable to be met when the others are used. Morphia causes a green-tinted fluid with these tests. 13th. White tinted precipitates are caused by iodide of potassium, and the sulphocyanide of this same base gives white crystals. Solution of bichloride of platinum gives a yellow powder. There is a newer test than these, the active agent of which is elec- tricity. When the two poles of a powerful battery are brought in contact in the fluid containing strychnia, placed within a depression on a piece of platinum foil, a series of colours are produced. In reality we have no good test for strychnia in solution upon which we can rely in difficulty. This was clearly evident in the trial of Palmer for poisoning Cooke by strychnia, where the presence of this alkaloid could not be proved. Nevertheless strychnia is a substance which has really marked and peculiar chemical qualities : it is a base easily separated from the com- bination in nux vomica, and by no means hypothetical, like methyl, acetyl, etc. Remembering these facts, and that it forms distinct com- pounds with numerous and varied elements, that through them, it may be separated from complex mixtures, whether mechanical or even che- mical, and that it gives distinctive reactions with various agents at the command of the practical chemist, either as regards colour or precipitate, or both, I commenced a few investigations with regard to its chemical properties, to find if it would not be possible to detect small quantities, and be able to separate it from organic mixtures, by some newer and more certain method than those in vogue. As far as I am able to judge, I have found out a method by which I can accomplish these ends, and likewise detect some of the other alkaloids. It is a very simple one, and I trust will be found useful. I found that by a certain re-agent with which I was manipulating, a deep brick-red or brown- coloured precipitate was thrown down from a solution of strychnia, but caused no change with the mineral acids, sulphuric, nitric, hydrochloric, 13 or phosphoric, nor none with the acetic, oxalic, or hydrocyanic. No similar effect was produced in any metallic solution or compound, and I tried all the common bases, alkaline and mineral, nor in a solution of sugar or dextrine. The alkaloidal precipitate is deposited in all acid solutions (except that of the nitric if strong). It is decomposed when boiled with the other strong mineral acids. The only objections are, that quinine and veratrine give somewhat similar precipitates, but morphia produces no visible change. The veratria precipitate may appear similar at first, but becomes of a light yellow colour when washed and dried. That with quinine is very dark brown ; whereas that with strychnia is a tint between the other two, or brick-red. Bebeerine causes a precipitate very similar to quinine and very difficult to distinguish from it. Santonine gives no apparent re-action. The strychnia precipitate is easily distinguished by compari- son with the others, and more surely by a method to be mentioned in another place. The re-agent used, and above referred to, was the saturated solution of iodine in a solution of iodide of potassium, diluted so as to present a cherry-red tint. The iodine will not act in the compound state, or I should rather say as an iodide, because it then gives another kind of precipitate, the iodide of strychnia, which is a white crystalline salt. The ioduretted solution is to be added drop by drop to the strychnia. As each one arrives at the bottom of the test-tube, it appears to be fringed by a ditty-white precipitate, which when agitated, acquires a brownish colour. Upon standing, a sediment of the same tint subsides from this mixture ; unless in a very dilute solution, when it remains suspended, causing a muddy appearance. This differs materially from the effect it causes with water ; then, only, the drop falls to the bottom, without even tinging the fluid, and when shaken up, gives a transparent solution of the peculiar iodine tinge; no further change resulting as the iodine is soluble in the iodide of potassium which is present. If the re-agent be added to a strychnia solution, in which blood exists, the colour of the precipitate is masked ; but, if much of the alkaloid be present, it can be easily distinguished, and if allowed to stand, will fall to the bottom, and, upon being collected, its nature can be determined. The bitter infusions give no re-action with the test, and in them strych- nia can be detected without any difficulty. If the strychnia precipitate be acted on by strong sulphuric acid, it becomes brownish-yellow. That with veratria, gives with the same acid, a beautiful play of colours, first yellow, next red, and then violet. Quina and bebeerina similarly acted on become greyish-brown. 14 Strong nitric acid produces nothing characteristic with either, and there is the same absence of distinguishing change when sulphuric acid and bichromate of potash are used. But, if in place of the last-mentioned salt, binoxide of manganese be used, the strychnia precipitate becomes first purple inclining to red, then reddish-brown ; at other times a greater play of colours is elicited, but with veratria, bebeerina and quina nothing remarkable is visible. Another test previously mentioned, as applied to the solid substance, which I have found yielding valuable information, is sulphuric acid and a solution of bichromate of potash added to a very dilute solution of strychnia. I prepare this test by adding to an ounce of water as much of a saturated solution of the salt just named as will render the whole of a light straw yellow colour, say about 16 drops, and then about 50 drops of the acid. To a part of this mixture the liquid, containing strychnia? is to be added and then boiled ; at first there is no change, but as the fluid becomes hotter, the colour becomes gradually deeper in tint and finally blood-red. If the desired alteration be not brought about, it may be hastened by a few drops of sulphuric acid. If the solution of strych- nia be very dilute, it will be better to add the proper amount of acid and salt directly to it and then proceed as in the former case ; but sometimes the fluid will require to be boiled for a good while, even several minute*, before any change becomes visible, and sometimes it will not form until it cools, but then it is not generally well marked. It may be said that sulphuric acid will cause this change by acting on the solution of bichromate, even when no strychnia is present. To effect this, however, both agents must exist in very large quantity, and even then the colour differs much, being lighter and inclining to a rose tint; but if it be merely of the strength mentioned there is no visible change even after prolonged ebullition. This test it will be observed differs from the same ap ligation of the same re-agent to solid strychnia in several points, as in the requirement of heat, &c.; and of the two it is the most delicate. I have not yet found any substance that will give the same result with this mixture that strychnia does. It is bleached by morphia and after a time the green oxide of chrome is precipitated. Veratria causes no change nor does quina. Neither blood, sugar, starch, nor dextrine give any appearances that constitute an objection. Iodine, sugar, and most organic liquids dissipate the colour of the solution. Chloride of lime has the same effect. Santonine, bebeerine, the alkalies, acids, and all others I have tried appear to be equally negative. If the iodine test be added to the bichromate test, when reddened by 15 strychnia, a dense reddish brown precipitate falls, but if added to one containing no strychnia a dark green is formed. Liebig mentions that if chlorine be added to a solution of this alka- loid it causes a white precipitate and that bromine acts similarly. I have found that a watery solution of bromine gives a yellowish tinted precipitate with strychnia, but it is not more than one fourth as delicate as that of iodine, resulting probably from the light colour which is given by it in contradistinction to the brown afforded by the ioduretted solu- tion, neither is there the same opacity of the mixture produced with the former as with the latter. I have not found that solution of chlorine gas gives nearly so well-marked a re-action as that of the chloruretted solu- tion before mentioned. It. might have the advantage of decolorizing or- ganic liquid, but as a tist is not at all desirable. Delicacy of Tests.—With the ioduretted solution I can detect one grain in solution in four pints of ordinary water, and in pure water by comparison I can discover the presence of one grain in a gallon of ihe fluid. In this case the liquid becomes milky from the precipitate being suspended in it, and it is so light that it will scarcely fall to the bottom, and if we allow that the ounce of water weighs 500 grains, then one part of strychnia can be thus detected in 64,000 of water nearly. I have even been sensible of its presence in solutions much weaker than these. With the bichromate solution test I find it is difficult to distinguish one part in 16,000 of water. This test is most distinctive and can be relied on if the proper change appears, but this will not be brought about if any organic compound be present at the time ; even the presence of a little alcohol being enough to mask that of the alkaloid. Experiments on Animals.—I poisoned a chicken with the cyanide of strychnia. At first I gave it the Jyth of a grain and in two hours ^th more; in twenty-four hours it got y'gth of a grain, and in twenty-four hours or thereabouts, after it had recovered from the previous effects, I gave it the £th of a grain, which caused death.' I then separately boiled in water, acidulated with sulphuric acid, the contents of the crop, the membrane itself, the intestines, the liver, the lungs, the brain, and the spinal cord. After removing any great excess of the acid by carbonate of lime I tried all the tests for the alkaloid, but failed in getting any re- liable result. The bichromate solution was decolorized, a*d the iodine test gave the appearances to be mentioned in a subsequent page, which rendered it impossible to be certain of the product, the liquids be: :.g very high coloured. Tincture of gulls gave a precipitate, but that >.;s caused by the gelatine present. The solutions were then evaporated until almost dry, and this extract 16 digested in strong alcohol for some days. This solution was evaporated also until most of the alcohol had disappeared; to this water was added, which dissolved the salt of strychnia in solution, but threw down some white matter insoluble in that fluid. To the filtered products these tests were applied. (1). The ioduretted solution. It caused the characteristic precipitate vhich was proved to be strychnia by sulphuric acid and binoxide of manganese, or Marchand's test, so that no room could be left for doubt- Another portion of this, by a method to be mentioned, yielded the alka- 1 /idal strychnia and was recognised to be such by the tests given from Taylor. (2). The bichromate test. This gave nothing decided, perhaps from a small quantity of orgauic matter being present, which threw down the green oxide of chrome. In adding to this the iodine test the strychnia was separated as easily as though it had been a simple solution. (3). The taste was found to be bitter. (4). An alkali (potash) did not cause any appreciable precipitate. (5). Tannic acid produced a white curdy precipitate which on re-solution by sulphuric acid was proved to be strychnia. The evidence of the pre- sence of the alkaloid in the liver was well marked, and also in the intes- tines, but not to the same extent. But the largest quantity was found in the crop, as might be supposed. This part contained rather a homo- geneous mixture, and was quite filled. The diluted acid extract was a tenacious, gummy mass, of a dark colour. The others were much simi- lar. I also examined the lungs, brain, and spinal cord—each separately— but was not able to detect the presence of the poison. I afterwards examined the stomach of a kitten poisoned by T\th of a grain of the acetate. It contained bread, meat, and coagulated milk; upon these being similarly treated, as in the first experiment, a thick muddy liquid was separated. To this mixed solution the iodine te3t was added, and I thought I could detect the peculiar fringed border when first added, but on shaking it up there was nothing distinguishable other than what is seen in most organic mixtures. To this liquor potass, was added, which had no other effect than decolorizing the mixtute and decomposing the strychnia, compound. In a little while the alkaloid fell down as usual, and was proved to be such by Marchand's test, thus doing away with the trouble of evaporating the solution and then again dissolving. The precipitate was also proved by the bichromate solution test. Another kitten was poisoned by the double chloride of mercury and strychnia. The quantity given I do not think could have exceeded 17 Jffth of a grain. The contents of the stomach were treated as in the former. The iodine test was added to a small quantity of the filtered products, which caused a change similar to that last described. When the potassa was added all the precipitate disappeared. To render the mixture more liquid, water was added. Nothing was seen for some hours, but gradually a very light fiocculent precipitate appeared and gradually sank to the bottom. This was proved to be the alkaloid by Marchand's and the bichromate test. When a precipitate forms after the addition of potassa it appears to be almost distinctive of strychnia. From the liver of an animal, poisoned with about the same amount of the same salt, several hours after it had been taken, when treated in a manner similar to the others, evidence of the presence of the alkaloid was also procured although I only used about the J„ th part of the filtered product. This precipitate was washed three or four times and the play of colours with Marchand's test was very delicate, but yet distinctive. Evidence was also afforded with the bichromate test which became visi- bly reddened. When instead of the precipitate I used the filtered liquid this solution was decolorized. I should think, judging from these few experiments, strychnia can be detected in very minute quantities well, when existing in heterogeneous mixtures and in complicated chemical compounds. In the first case mentioned, two weeks elapsed between the death of the animal and the detection of the poison. Strychnia is not easily decomposed at common temperatures. It has even been found in the urine, and in soma cases I have boiled the organic mixtures containing it for very many hours without affecting it. Detection' of Strychnia in Organic Liquids.—The method of procedure in this case is similar in design to that pursued with most other poisons. By boiling the stomach and contents, or any of the vis- cera, as the liver in water, acidified by sulphuric acid, a liquid may be obtained from which the alkaloid may be separated by evaporation con- ducted almost to dryness, and then acting on it with alcohol which will dissolve the salt of strychnia. If now the alcohol be driven off, the al- kaloid will be left almost pure, as detailed in one of the cases in the last section. The action of these liquids on the iodine test does not in general vary very much. When first added it appears to separate in flakes, the iodide of gelatine, as if coagulated, and the rest of the fluid is tinged with it; and in a little while there is a precipitate which sometimes very much resembles that with the alkaloid ; but when it is not present, liq. potass dissolves them all and decolorizes the fluid, although sometimes heat is 18 required to effect this object, and even if any were to remain it would not give the distinctive re-action with Marchand's test. If the iodine test be added to a warm solution of gelatine a re-action similar to that with strychnia appears; but this is no objection, because when it is boiled it becomes liquid, and again on cooling gelatinizes ; and if potassa be added to it, it is readily dissolved and decolorized. The bichromate solution test is almost invariably decolorized by or- ganic liquids. The iodine test will not act if the strychnia be in solution in al- cohol, because the precipitate is soluble in that fluid ; but if it be diluted with water, or the alcohol be separated by evaporation, it will act with its accustomed energy. The method now most generally used for separating strychnia from organic solids, is to boil them for 15 or 20 minutes in dilute solution of oxalic acid. This is then shaken up with sulphuric ether, which has the property of separating the oxalate of strychnia; and the ether being evaporated, will leave the salt in its crystalline form. But I think it would be more convenient to use chloroform instead of ether, because it has the same property, and from its greater specific gravity, it would re- main at the bottom, and could be either separated by decantation or by pouring into a funnel and then allowing the chloroform to run off into a receptacle placed underneath to receive it; but it is evident this would only answer where the alkaloid was present in considerable quantity. A method much more preferable, and giving less trouble, I have re ferrcd to in the previous section. To accomplish this, first make a de- coction of the substances in diluted sulphuric acid, and, to the hetero- geneous and compound filtered mixture, add the iodine test, this causes an abundant precipitate including the strychnia, then add strong solu- tion of potassa to this, which will dissolve everything except the alkaloid, it only being set free and in this state will fall to the bottom of the test- tube, which precipitate being washed and collected, can have the other distinctive test applied to it. This method has a great advantage, be- cause there will not likely be any loss, having few processes to go through which require filtration. Action of Test with Nux Vomica.—A simple infusion of the seeds yielded nothing very distinctive, but when acidified by sulphuric acid, the characteristic result was obtained and proved to be so by Mar- chand's test, and moreover I obtained the free alkaloid by potassa, which on being dissolved in acetic acid, was precipitated by an alkali, tannic acid, &c. The bichromate test gives with the infusion a green-coloured fluid, caused by the separated oxide of chrome. 19 If we compare the present method of detecting strychnia in nux vomica seed, with that above detailed, I think the advantage in favour of the latter will recommend it to preference. As the alkaloid only exists in the seed to the amount of a half per cent, one hundred grains of the latter would be required to furnish half a grain of the former. The powder of the seeds has proved poisonous in doses even as small as fifteen grains (Dr. Traill) ; in thirty grains taken at two doses (Dr. Christison); fifty grains caused death in two other cases; and as the only method of proving that death was caused by this drug is by detecting the presence of the alkaloid, great difficulties exist in the way of verifying the fact. Taylor in his work on Poisons recom- mends us to digest the powder in alcohol, and from this obtain an ex- tract which is to be boiled in water with calcined magnesia. The alka- loids being precipitated by the alkaline earth, are taken up by digesting in boiling alcohol, and then obtained from this in the usual way. It may be easily conceived that this process would not be likely to yield the desired product when only from thirty to fifty grains are to be ope- rated upon ; whereas by the Iodine test it can be precipitated directly from the diluted acid decoction, and the Iodine separated by Potassa. I should therefore think at least that there would be less room for mis- take in the latter method. Strychnia re-obtained from Compound Solution.—If the com- pound of Strychnia and Iodine which is,obtained in the precipitation by the Iodine test be collected, washed, and dried, a brownish powder is obtained which if it be digested in Liq. Potassae, the Iodine is abstracted by the alkali (as proved by the starch test) and the alkaloid is obtained as a whitish powder insoluble in either excess of alkali or alkaline Iodide. This may be proved to be Strychnia by its solubility in diluted acids, its bitterness, and the play of colours caused by sulphuric acid and binoxide of manganese or lead. I have found that a strong solution of Potassa is much superior to Liquor Ammonise" for abstracting the Iodine from the compound powder, the alkaloid being obtained much purer. When Ammonia is used, heat is very frequently required. Stiychnia can also be obtained from the reddened solution, obtained by the Bichromate test, by precipitating as usual by the Iodine, and collect- ing the brownish powder which with Potassa will give the accustomed reactions. It is remarkable that sulphuric acid and binoxide of manganese will give the play of colours as well with the precipitated Ioduretted Iodide as with the pure alkaloid. Physiological Effects.—1. On Vegetables.—It is poisonous to all classes of plants. 20 2. On Animals.—It is equally destructive to animals of every species. Its effects on the vertebrata are very uniform ; although the carnivora are more affected by it than the herbivora, being in this respect similar to belladonna and stramonium—thus, half a grain will kill a dog, but a much larger than a proportional quantity will be required to kill a horse. The bird called the Buceros Rhinoceros is said to eat the Strychnos nuts with impunity. I placed the Jyth of a grain on the tongue of a kitten, it walked about apparently unconcerned for 18 minutes, about that time it had spas- modic contractions of all the limbs, the legs were set out as props to keep it from falling. The whole body became rigid and respiration was rendered impossible by the contractions of the muscles of the chest. In about two minutes it became again quite flaccid, and breathed with apparent ease for a few seconds, when the spasmodic action again com- menced. This continued for eight or ten minutes when death super- vened. The body remained quite flaccid after death. I put rather less than \ of-a grain into the cellular tissue of the fore leg of another kitten of the same age : it was not affected for about ten minutes, after which the spasms came on. The contractions of the muscles appeared to be more violent than in the previous case and death happened much sooner. The body was likewise flaccid and not rigid. A pigeon took about the r\ of a grain on a piece of toast, it flew, away unaffected, but in 15 minutes returned and took \ of a grain more, after which it remained picking about for four or five minutes when it began to be a little irregular in its movements appearing as though the legs were tied, this increased gradually ; it flew away as usual, but just on reaching the top of a house it fell as if shot, after a while it flew for 20 feet farther when it again fell. The spasms did not appear to come on very often ; finally the head was bent directly round on the back, and the tail became depressed, and the head bent forwards again, and the bill rested on the ground, the eyes closed and it then died. It had also the same difficulty of breathing, and the same want of rigidity after death,—being in all these cases different from the spasmodic fixedness of the muscles after death in the human subject. 3. On Man.—Three degrees of operation of Nux Vomica may be admitted. I. Increase of tone and diuresis. II. Rigidity and convul- sive contractions of the muscles. III. Tetanus, asphyxia and death. I. The effects of Strychnia are very similar to those of Nux Vomica. Although I am not aware that it acts as a diuretic, it has been found in the urine, and if so it may produce diuresis. It is undoubtedly a very powerful tonic; as seen in its power of arresting the attacks of ague, 21 and of strengthening the coats of the bowels and preventing constipa- tion. II. The effects of the alkaloid in the second degree precisely resemble those of Nux Vomica—although a less quantity of the latter is requir- ed to cause spasmodic action than of the former, if we be guided by the proportion of Strychnia which is supposed to exist in it. The pulse does not appear to be much affected, although it is said to be in- creased during the convulsive attacks. III. The third degree of operation is similar in both, each producing tetanus, asphyxia and death. The lower jaw in the inferior animals does not appear to be so violently closed, as accounts of fatal cases in the human subject would lead us to suspect. It is closed no doubt when there is a general spasm of all the muscles; but when it has a local action, merely, the jaws appear in general to be under the control of the will, because they are opened and closed in the ineffectual efforts to res- pire, taking in a mouthful of air and trying to force it into the lungs when the respiratory muscles fail to act. The similarity in the physio- logical effects between Strychnine and Nux Vomica were very well ex- emplified in the fatal case of John Parsons Cook, which happened in 1856, his symptoms being similar to those described by Pariera : he was unable to turn in bed without bringing on violent paroxysms, or to be handled or even spoken to, without a dread of the fatal spasms com- ing on. He had to keep perfectly still. Post Mortem Appearances.—After death in the human subject the body remains very rigid—this was one of the prominent symptoms in Cooke's case. It also existed in the case of a young woman poisoned with Nux Vomica, reported by Mr. Oilier. That this does not occur in the lower animals is generally admitted, which shows that it must affect their muscular systems differently. Venous congestion is observed in all these cases which may be expected as a result of obstructed circula- tion through the lungs. Occasionally there is a slight redness or inflam- mation of the alimentary canal, and at times softening of the brain and spinal cord, but these are not very fully substantiated. Modus Operandi.—When Stiychnia is introduced beneath the skin it is a local irritant, although it produces its constitutional effects by absorption or nervous influence. In one of the animals experimented on I found a large space inflamed where I had put ?'T of a grain of Strychnia 2 to 3 days previously. When the alkaloid was introduced I moved the skin over the subjacent muscles so that it might be diffused across their surface without being wounded by the knife. I subsequently found that the inflammatory action was only excited where 22 the alkaloid was in contact. There is no doubt but it will act as an irritant in the stomach and cause vomiting, although this symptom is not always present. Pareira says Strychnia is absorbed, and it must be, as it has been found in the urine, and I have detected it in the liver ; but I can scarcely believe that it acts only by absorption, be- cause, in all the case3 that I examined, I found that when death came on very rapidly the poison remained intact in the stomach, even the colour was unaffected, and this could be easily detected when I used the Ioduretted Iodide, the similar compounds with Bromine, and also the double chloride of Strychnia and platinum, all of which are extremely insoluble preparations. Each of these has a distinct colour and each was detected unchanged, apparently, in the several cases, and in some the dose was very minute. I think that if it were only the exceedingly small quantity which could have been absorbed that acted, death would have scarcely happened so soon. About one-third of a grain caused death in a few minutes, and the greater part by far, as near as it could be judged, still remained within the folds of mucous membrane, rolled up in the bolus in which it was given. In another case, I found the scales of the platinum salt lying along the back of the pharynx, gullet, and cardiac orifice, seeming not even to have passed into the stomach, as it was given in butter, which adhered to the mucous membrane in its passage downwards. Again, when it is applied endermically, it acts much quicker than when given by the stomach; and if absorbed, it could scarcely be assi- milated in so short a time. These insoluble preparations do not cause any inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, nor cono-es- tion in any part, in so short a time. It appears to act similarly to Prus- sic Acid, contact being sufficient. This acid will act even if applied to the unabraded skin in its pure state as well as the conjuctiva— surfaces which do not absorb as readily as some others. In similarity, Strych- nia will act if merely applied to the mucous membrane of the mouth; and this is rather an excretory than an absorbing surface. From what I have seen, I am lei to believe that either of these poi- sons will act w'erever applied, provided the part be supplied with sen- tient nerves, upon the extremitv of which the tonic impression is first made, and transmitted thence through the sensory nerves to the spinal cord. Here the effect communicated must be very powerful, otherwise the cord would not be irritated in such a manner as to excite all the motor nerves proceeding from it with such a deadly result. But the reason why, or how it is done, is a mystery which has not yet been solved. 23 From appearances, the cerebrum is not, or but little, affected at first; it is so, most likely, towards the close of the scene; because the con- gestion of the venous system will, by the pressure caused on the cere- brum, affect all the nerves leaving it, and will appear to be narcotic. From what has been said, I think that when it acts as a poison in a very short time, or if a large dose have been given, it acts through the nerves of sensation; and if it be some time in acting, or small doses fre- quently repeated, then it will cause death by absorption and conveyance to the nervous centres. It cannot be doubted but Strychnia affects the spinal cord, and that portion of it called the " anterior columns," as proved by Matteuci and Majendie; and that it is not solely due to its local action on the mus- cles, but that they only obey the nervous stimulus, although it is stated that the alkaloid has been detected in their tissue. It can also be proved in another way that it acts on the cord, because even complete decol- lation will not prevent the spasms; but they cease at once if a piece of whalebone be passed down the canal so as to destroy the cord. If, how- ever, but a portion be thus injured, then only the muscles that receive their nervous supply from this part will be unaffected by the poison ; the part untouched being affected as usual. Segalas, from his experiments, concluded that the irritability of the heart was exhausted. It has a peculiar action on paralysed muscles which has been differently explained, but not yet satisfactorily. These muscles are generally affected before the sound ones, and sometimes it is the reverse. It is supposed to prove fatal both by exhaustion, and stoppage of respiration from spasm of the respiratory muscles. Uses.—it is chiefly used in paralysis; but should be withheld, if recent and resulting from apoplexy, when the clot is still supposed to exist. There are cases on record in which it has been said to have caused in- flammation of the brain when given at an improper period. Neverthe- less, it is useful in paralysis resulting from apoplexy, where the clots have become absorbed and the muscles, from long want of use, refuse to obey the nervous stimulus. Iu these cases, it can do no harm when properly given, because all the parts are in a healthy state; and, when the muscles are excited, they gradually come to acknowledge the nervous sway to which they have been long unaccustomed. It is also useful in other nervous affections, as Chorea, Epilepsy, Hys- teria, Neuralgia, and Hypochondriasis. It has been given in Tetanus without increasing the convulsions. It is also used in Dyspeptic affec- tions as pyrosis and gastrodynia; also in Colica Pictonum combined with morphia, in Prolapse of the rectum, in Borborygmi, in Dysentery 24 and constipated bowels. In the last case, it is used when the retention of the faeces is due to a deficient tonicity of the muscular coat of the bow- els. It is contraindicated in febrile states of the system. Dr. Wright (Professor of'Materia Medica, McGill College, Montreal) recommends it to be preceded by purgatives, local depletion, and a slight mercurial- ism, in paralytic affections resulting from apoplexy. He says it is very beneficial in paralysis resulting from rheumatism,'or the mineral poisons, as lead, arsenic, &c. He recommends it to be administered locally in amaurosis, as a weak solution applied by way of friction, over the tem- ple, or behind the ear, ot to the nucha; or these parts may be first blis- tered, and then either dusted with the powder or moistened with the solution. He also speaks well of it in Spermatorrhoea, impotence, chronic Diarrhoea, Diabetes ; and, as a tonic for persons of sedentary habits, and nervous individuals, he also believes it often is suitable. Dr. Fraser (Professor of Institutes of Medicine, McGill College) recom- mends it in cases of deficient tonicitv of the whole system, 100th part of a grain, with ten drops of Tinct. Ferri Muriatis, given three times a day. The mixture acts not only as a tonic and neurotic, but also as a hsema- tinic, which in these cases is always indicated. Administration.—As a tonic it should be given in doses of from T£^th to Jffth of a grain, and as a neurotic from J^th to TVh. It is best ex- hibited as a liquid combined with an acid, as the acetic, to promote its solubility. When given in the form of pill it is much more difficult to be certain of its equal division. The doses of its salts are similar to that of the alkaloid. It is first to bo given in small doses, and by gradually increasing them, the constitutional action may be brought out. Antidote.—The contents of the stomach arc to be evacuated as quickly as possible, where either strychnia or any of its salts have been taken, because no chemical antidote is known. Probably astringents, as tannin, green tea, infusion of galls,