THE GENEALOGY OF WM. THORNTON PARKER, A. M., M. D, OF BOSTON, MASS. BORN. JANUARY 8th, 1818. DIED. MARCH 12th. 1855. Contributed by his son, .. WM. THORNTON PARKER, M. D., NEWPORT, R. T. THE GENEALOGY OF WM. THORNTON PARKER, A. M., M. D. OF BOSTON, MASS BORN. JANUARY 8th, 1818. DIED. MARCH 12th, 1855. Contributed by his son, WM. THORNTON PARKER, M. D., NEWPORT, Ti. I. NEWPORT, R. I.: JOHN P. SANBORN, Printer. 1888. GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM THORNTON PARKER, A. M., M. D. Contributed by his son, W. Thornton Parkkr, M. D., Newport, R. I. William Thornton Parker was the son of Dr. Benja- min Parker. He graduated at Dartmouth, in 1838; studied medicine with Dr. A. L. Pierson, of Salem, and received his medical degree at Harvard, 1841. Soon after receiving his medical degree, Dr. Parker settled in South Boston where he established himself in an excellent practice and made for himself an honorable reputation as a skilful physician and surgeon and a devout and consistent Churchman. He was a man of great ability, both in his profession and in art-—his anatomical atlas being a work of remark- able beauty and professional accuracy. He married Miss Clementina Morse, daughter of Hon. Elijah Morse, of Boston, and granddaughter of William Jackson, Esq., M. IX, of London, England, son of William Jackson, one of the Aldermen of London. The marriage took place at 'Trinity Church, Boston, January 8th, 184b, Rev. Joseph Clinch officiating. He died at Jamaica Plain, Mass., March 12th, 1855, aged 37 years. (See New Eng. (ten. Register, July, 1887—p. 263 et seq.) Dr. Parker’s genealogy can be traced as follows: His first ancestor in America was Abraham Parker, who early settled in Woburn, Mass., being taxed there September 8tli, 1645, the first tax payer in the country on record. He was made freeman the same year. lit* married November 18th, 1644. 4 GENEALOGY OF WILLIAM THORNTON PARKER. Miss R ,ose Whitlock, by whom he had the following chil- dren:— 1. Ann, born October 29, 1645. 2. John, born October 30, 1647. • 3. Abraham, born November 8, 1650; died 1651. 4. Abraham, born August, 1652. 5. Mary, born November 20, 1655. 6. Moses. 7. Isaac, born September 13, 1660. 8. Eliza, born April 10, 1663. 1/ !’ C