j\hMUTHB$£h PPARATU5. I larjufad-urers aij3 Irrjporrers. hj m 295 Fourth Avenue, Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children Bldg., S. E. Corner 23d Street, ; ORhO A A-' <■■ !/' ■ '' ^' '& AKY EfrAL'SOFFlU 0(o, 189i. BY KNAUTH BROS. »:J»>::x::;:<<^ ♦ ♦ ♦ »<♦> I lli In compiling this Catalogue we have aimed to illus- trate and price, Instruments and Apparatus of recent invention only. IVe have omitted extracts from Journals and ^Med- ical Hooks describing their uses, as this list is intended only as a ready reference, alphabetically arranged, from which on* patrons can select the articles they desire to purchase. The prices affixed are 1NET, and are as low as is consistent with first class workmanship and material, and do not include charges for transportation. We WdtMINnr all 'our Instruments; they are tested when finished, as severely as any should ever be, when used in practice, and zee will exchange, upon their return, any broken in consequence of a flaw, or bent on account of imperfect tempering. Our TE1H5 are CMSIH; or if goods are ordered C. O. T)., a sufficient amount to cover Express charges should accompany the order. When ordering, lEFElEIUCE to flmmPER will clearly indicate the article desired. CPOTMTI0INI3 cheerfully furnished on special Instru- ments, or on Cases complete with Instruments or Empty. Plate 1. l-'Lr^icieL-ras' at2ol >i ryeons' ^v jopfie:; Plate 1, Amputating 16 Plate 2. P% SI G1 i^' -Sv ))))fi^c,. Plate 2. Amputating Plate 3. Fh* ci >, ^^ieia.T2S a.T2d -rv rojc:ot2v rt }j}Jlies ^?V; VJPLl Plate 3. Amputating Plate 4. 1 f2N_sicviai2s' evtxl ^v rgeoi2s ^v'ppfie v Plate 4. Amputating 6G13 Plate .',. PBv^siGiaL'iJS a.T2ol i^v rgjs.OT2_5' .^v. pptiss.. Plate 5. Amputating Plate 6. Fh^s>\e,Mx.T2& ai2ol ^v r<]<=ioi2s' ^bv'ppfies. LMate <>. Anaesthetic Apparatus Plate 7. 1'facieia/us' a.i2cl >v roj^ouv,' -S\^ ppties. Plate 7 Aspirators Plate s. I "fi^siovuxiW ivi2(-l ^v roj-=--C)i2s' -Jbv'ppi ie._$. Plate s. Aural fllllllllllllllllllll <1l ■J\ h S>5 \ Plate 10. Pb^icisxra-s' olT2o1 >v rgjeoi^v,' -bv ppfi &A. Plate 10. Aural Plate 11 I I2^S1G.1<\T2&' ai2cl -^V "T£J^012s ^v pp£i< Plate 11 Chemical Plate 12. PB/sigiarcs' aree! ^bbrvieorcs' -bv \-j\> ppl les. Plate 12. Artificial Leeches Cupping Dermic Plate 13. Phvsiciaoas' exrc3 .Surgeons,' bv: ppfi^A- Plate 13. Dental Plate 14. Pi2v_siGiex.T2s' ai2tl ,Swr£j«=:OT2$' -Sv/pp£W.s. Plate 14. Diagnosis Plate i:> P^2y sic.ia.T2S aT2?I ^i rgsoi2s' Svppfiec,. Plate 15. Diagnosis Plate 16. lA:^ siGiai2_s' aT2ol -Sv ry^couc, i^ppf. les. Plate 16. Electro-Medical Plate 17. P"bv^siGiaT2s' aT2ci Sv rcje:OT2s' -bv ppfiec Plate 17 Electrodes Plate 18. P"B^siGiaT2s' aT2cl -Sv/th-J(=:©t2$' .Suppfi^s. Plate 18. Electrodes I II 111s *■' I 1S81 1682 1683 9 1694 169? 1698 1697 Plate 19. Pf2\^SlGiaT2s' aT2Cll ^DV 'r£je:012 s' .St ppfie$. Plate 19. Plate 20. I f2\^^]©ia.T2s' aT2C'I SVroj<^C012^' Sv: ppfies. Plate ">0. Eye Plate 21. Pb^*iGiaT2s' aT2el -St rgeoT2C,' .Stppfie^ Plate 21, Plate 22. Phv/js,ieyia_T2s' -,\T2c3. ^bu roje©T2«) otppfi&s. Plate 22. Eye 0 �999999999995 Plate 23 PWsiGiaT2s' aT2oi b^rgsoTJ^' St ppfiei Plate 23. 4023 Plate 24. Pfi^siGiaiQs' aT2el ^St/rgj&eyrae,' ^t/ppfies. Plate 24, Eye ■^s^^EESE —^^ Plate 25. P"B^siGiaT2s' aT2c! St r£j=:oi2 s St pptisc,. Plate 25. Eye A 4uT j^ ^>-* ,4016 Plate 20. P"B^sieiaT2s' aT2(E. .Sv/rgje.©T2$' -Svppfiss. Plate 26. Gynaecological Plate 27. Pr2^siGiaT2s' aT2cl Sa- rgjeoTis, St'ppfWc,. Plate 27 Gynaecological Piate 28. P"B\^siGiaT2s' aT2ol St rfj<=:.e>i;>5' -Stppfie S.S. Plate 28. Gynaecological 7275 Plate 29. P"B\^siGiaT2s' aT2(3. St rgjeoiav,' bv ppf ie s Plate 29. Gynaecological Plate 30. Ftty SI Gl aT2S aT2 3 St rgre:©T2e)' Su]j]j(ies. Plate 30. Gynaecological Plate 31. l>AvsiGiaT2S at23 Str0s©T25' Stppfies. Plate 31. Gynaecological Plate 32. Pf2^siGiaT2s' aT2cl St/rgjeiOT^js,' JSt/ppfies. Plate 32. Gynaecological Plate 33. I t2v^siGiaT2s' aT2cl St roj<^e>T2s' St ppfie;. Plate 33. Gynaecological Plate 34. P"B}^siGiaT2s' aT2cl S)t^rf2^^iGia.T2s' ar23 St rgf<=:©T2s' St ppf 1GS. Plate 43. Gynaecological Plate 44. P"B^siGiaT2s' ai23 Sn^rgjeorae,' -Stppfies. Plate 44. Gynaecological Plate 4.' Pf2^S1GiaT2s' aT2C-i Sv r£J&OT2s ^v ppfie<. Plate 45. Gynaecological Plate 46. Pb\^siGiai2s' ar23 S>Vrgjs.©T2^' Supplies. Plate 46. Hernial Plate 47. !>(2^siGiaT2s' an3 Sv r£js:©T2s Sv ppfie:^. Plate 47 Human Bones Plate 48. P"b^siGiaT2s' aT2cf S>tyrcj6:©T2Q, Sv ppf. i^A- Hypodermic Syringes Plate 48. 999945 999945 09 Plate 49. P"B^siGiaT2s' O.T23 St vojp 0125' Stppfiss. Plate 49. Inhalers B533 Plate 50. Pf2^siGi'ai2s' ai23 St;ryeo72_$' St ppfi^S- Plate 50. Insufflators �0991473 Plate 51. l>l2^iiciaT2s a"ra3 ^>\-rge-Qn^ Stppties Plate 51. laryngeal Plate 52. I i22/siGiaT2s' ar2c-i St;r(j(=i©i2Q, Sv ppAie$. Plate 52. Laryngeal 2S11 Plate 53. Pf2VSlGiai2s' aT2C-i St lXJGOT^C,' St ppllGS Plate 53. Laryngeal Plate 54. Ph^siGia72s' ai2ol St rgjeiOT^Q,' Stppti^^. Plate 54. Laryngeal Plate 55. Pl2> i>ioiai2S aT2o [ Av rcjeou^,' Sv pptics. Plate 55. Laryngeal Plate 56. Pr2\^siGia72s' aT23 ,Sv/rg-e.©T2$' -St/ppfiexQ,. Plate 56. Microscopic Plate 57. Pl2^i5iGiaT2&' aT23 St-rgjeons St ppf is.s Plate 57, ftasal Plate 58. Pf2VsiGiaT2s' aT2cf -St/rgfeoraQ,' .St/ppfisiQ,. Plate 58. Nasal Plate 59. PfivsiGiai2s' ai23 St/r£je.OT2Q)' St/ppfis.s. Plate 59. Nasal Plate 60. Pf 2^siGiaT2s' aT2ol S5t/rT2C,' Svpptie.^. Plate 62. Obstetrical Plate 63. i f2VjsiGiaT2s' ar23 -Svrgje.©T2$',^t pp ties. Plate 63. Obstetrical Plate 64. P"6^siGiaT2s' ai23 iWrgje©T2$' ,St/ppfie$. Plate 64. Harelip Oesophageal Oral 4120 Plate 65. Pbv >3 S SKviaT2S ar2d. ,ct-r£je©T2s otpptnes Stpjpfn Plate 65. Oral Plate 66. Pr22£siGiai2s at23 S)t/r£fe.©T2$ S>t/ppfie$. Plate 66. Orthopedic 4443 Plate 6: Pf2\/SlGiaT2s' aT23 Stryeoi2js' Sv ppfies. Plate 67. Orthopedic 99999999 �99999999 Plate 68. P"B\/siGiaT2s' a?23 -Sv/rgje©T2S)' iWppfie$. Plate 68. Orthopedic 14 Plate 69. Pt2\^siGiaT2s' ai23 .St/rgje©T2t,' Stppties. Plate 69. Orthopedic Plate 70. Pf2v;siGiaT2s' aT23 St/rgje©72$' -Swppfieo,. Plate 70. Orthopedic 3603 Plate 71. Pi2v^siGiaT2s' aT23 S)t/"rGje©T2^' Stppties. Plate 71. Orthopedic Plate 72. P"B\^siGiaT2s' at23 S\JrQ€LOT2$ iWppfiee,. Plate 72. Orthopedic Plate 73. P"B^siGiaT2s' ar23 SW"rgTe©T2$' .St/ppfies. Plate 73. Plaster Bandage Plate 74. P"B^S1GiaT2s' aT23 h\JTQ€KDJ2^' -St/ppfi <£.«,. Plate 74. Pocket Case Plate 75. P"6^siGiaT2s' aT23 ^t/rge©T2Q,' -Sv/ppfies. Plate 75. Pocket Case Plate 76. P"6>jsiGiaT2s' aiQc-i -St/rgjeoTae,' .St/ppfiee,. Plate 76. Pocket Case Plate 77. l>f2N^siGiaT2s' ai23 AvrgeoT25* StppiAes. Plate 77. Pocket Case 4962 Plate 78. Ptay'si Glares' a?23 -Sv-rgreoreo,' St/ppfieie,. Plate 78. Post Mortem 379�73 Plate 79. ^vsiGiares' are3 .St/rgreQres,' .Svppfies. Plate 79. Rectal Plate 80. Pre^siGlares' are3 ^t/-rgfe©ree,' Sn^ppfiee,, Plate 80. Rectal Plate 81. x "tivsic--1ares' are3 Strgeores' Stppfies Plate 81. Rectal 999999999990 Plate 82. Pre^siGiares' are3 ,Sv/rgfe©T2$' ^Ar/ppfiee,. Plate 82. Restraints Plate 83. Pre^siGiares' ar23 •Svrgje.oree,' .S^ppfiejs. # Plate 83. Snares 1508 Plate 84. Pf^siGlares' are3 S)t/rg|e©T2$' ,S>Vppfie$. Plate &L Splints Plate 85. Prej/siGiares' are3 -Sv/rgeoree,' -S"u/ppfie.S. Plate 85. Tonsil Staphyloraphy Uvula n 5989 5990 6997 5991 5985 598"] 59*82 599*8 6001 6003 5999 6012 5987 5986 5994 5995 5992 6990 5993 Plate 86. PreV si Glares' are3 SWrgjeoree,' ,Sv/ppfi<£S. Plate 86. Sundries Plate 87. Pre^siGlares' «vt2<3. -Sv/rgsore^' -St/ppfiss. Plate 87 Sundries 3934 ^•V/«-"alV. *" I ~\<% ibESl'il1^^ 3939 75930546�9�7 Plate 88. Pfi^siGiares areol Sv/rgcone,' S>t/ppfie.e,. Plate 88. Sundries 6.325 6326 6327 6328 6329, 6330 6336 6337 6338 Plate 89. P"B/siGlares' are3 .St/rgjeioree,' .St/ppfie.s. Plate 89. Suture JRGEONS' SilktonDyed. Dressing Plate 90. Pfr/siGlares' are3 iWrgr&ores,' St/ppfise,. Plate 90. Syringes Plate 91. Pfov^siGiares' are3 .St/rgfeores,' St ppfles. Plate 91. Tracheal �317176767 Plate 92. Pfr/sigiares'. are3 -St/rgje-oree,' ,St/ppfi&$. Plate 92. Trocars Plate 93. Pre/si Glares' are3 -St'rgje.ore^,' -S-u/ppfies, Plate 93. Urethral 1157 Plate 94. Pf2N/siGiares' are3 5vrgeoi2^' .S*/jdjd£i©$. Urethral Plate 94. 04 Plate 95. Pf2/siGiares' are3 St'^georee,' ^>t/ppfie.s Plate 95. Urethral 3251 Plate 96. PB^siGlares' are3 S\JTQ€^G>n^' -Sv/ppfise,. Plate 96. Urethral Plate 97. Pre^siGiares' are3 ibtyrgje-orej*,' -St/ppL iei. Plate 97. Urethral Plate 98. Pfr/siGlares' are3 ,S"t/rgj., 2oz., loz.,V«oz. $ft. $ ft. §» ft. $ ft. $ft. §*ft. Borated..........45 .50 .55 Carbolated.......45 .50 .55 .60 .60 .60 '0 .70 .70 2.80 .65 .95 .90 .90 .90 .85 1.00 Corr. Subl.......45 .50 Iodoform, 5jS... Plain............40 .45 .50 .55 Salicyhited......70 .75 .80 .85 Absorbent Cotton Mops, 1", 1J4", 2" diam. Carbolated, $ doz. .25 .30 .40 Iodoform, " .45 .60 .75 Plain, " .15 .25 .30 Sublimated, " .25 .30 .40 Absorbent Lint, ft. packages..................$ ft. .65 " oz. " ..................$ ft. .85 Acid Brush, (J lass.....................................15 Acid Drop Bottles, 1 oz...............................35 ...... 2 "...............................45 Acoumeter, Politzer's............................... 2.50 Actual Cautery, see Cautery. Acupressure Forceps. Allis'Angular, 1 Sharp Point........,,,...... 1.25 " Curved, 1 " " ................. 1.25 1 " " Scissors Handle 2.00 2 " " ................. 1.25 Needle " ................. 1.25 " " " " Scissors Handle 2.00 " Straight, 1 Sharp " ................. 1.25 " " Needle " ................. 1.25 Milne's.......................................... 1.00 Acupressure Pin..............................$ doz. .05 Acupuncture Trocar, Silver Canula................. 1.00 Adams' Hemorrhoidal Syringe...................... 2.50 Iris Knife....................................... 1.00 Peritoneum Hook.............................. 1.50 Rhinoplastos................................... 2.25 Splinter Forceps................................35 Subcutaneous Section Knife.................. 1.00 Saw, Larjre............ 3.00 " Small............ 2.00 Adenoid Forceps, see Post Nasal Forceps. Adhesive Plaster, see Plasters. Ady's llerine Dilator...............................10.50 Aesthesionieters. Birdsall's....................................... 2.50 Carrol 1 s......................................... 2.15 Elsberg's........................................ 5.2.> Hammond's................................... ~-00 Peckham's...................................... 3.75 Sieveking's..................................... 3.00 Vance's......................................... 3.50 Agnew's Adjuster and Forceps...................... 1-J5 Canaliciila Knife............................... 1-00 Eve Douche................................... 1.25 Hernia Instrument............................ 4-50 Iridectomy Knife.............................. 1.00 Iris Forceps.................................... I-01' Ho. Plate. Fig. hi*. 53 21 Agnew's Lachrymal Syringe, see Ophthalmic. 54 Needle Holder and 0 Needles...................$3.25 55 88 3775 Nose Nozzle, Glass, Round.......... io 56 88 3774 " " Hard Rubber, Oval......'....." !l5 57 88 3776 ........ Round............15 58 34 47 Seizing Forceps................................ 1.75 59 Strabismus Hook, with Eye....... 75 60 25 4229 Spring Tattoo...................................3 35 61 25 4228 Tattooing Needle.............................'.. 1.25 8 Air Bag, see Politzer's Air Bags. 87 Cushion, see Invalid Cushions. 62 87 62 Pillows, 9" x 13", 10" x 16", 12" x 18", 14" x 23". 1.50 1.75 2.50 3.00 Air Receivers and Pumps. 63 Burgess' Pump and Receiver...................15.00 64 Champion Receiver, 8 Gallon.................. 7.50 65 55 65 " and Hydraulic Pump.. .45.00 66 55 66 " Pump................................10.50 67 55 67 " Hydraulic Pump................!!..25.00 68 McLean's Receiver and Pump.................27.50 69 55 69 Novelty Pump........................ 3500 70 55 70 Plated Receiver, 7"x28" 37 00 71 55 71 " with Regulator, 9" x 18"!! !!24!oO 72 55 72 " Screw Valve, 9" x 16"___22.00 73 55 73 " Stopcock, 9" x 16". 20 00 Zf D? \\ „ V, „ ". and Pump, with Spray Tubes.30.00 75 5.) 75 Quick Service Pump..................... 12 00 76 55 76 Sass' " ................... ...... 750 77 Standard Receiver, Jap'd, 13' x 25"...'..........30'00 78 54 5951 Albolene Spray, Codman's......1.25. Whitall's 75 79 57 3410 Allen's Cotton Carrier......................... ..'" jjj 80 Ear Polypus Forceps....................\......3*00 81 Nasal Septum Knife.........................i'qO 82 Snare........................... ......ir"m 83 88 3767 Soft Rubber Double Nozzle.................... i'oo 84 7 5170 Universal Pump................. ...... g'oo 85 35 6935 Uterine Dressing Forceps___ ................. 150 86 95 FTT21 Alligator Forceps, Urethral, Curved' " 4,'nn 87 95 6721 » » » 'straight.'.!!!!!........ 4TO 88 Allingham's Ligature Carrier..... ' 250 89 65 2045 Mouth Gag........ .............Ton 90 Pile Clamp...................................... qS 91 80 5248 Scissors and Director........!!!!!!!!!!!!.......450 Allis' Acupressure Forceps. 92 75 30 Angular, 1 Sharp Point..... 12s 93 75 31 Curved, 1 " " .........'.!'.'.!........... \% %t •,- 00 « I \\ \\ Scissors Handle.!!!!!!! 2'.00 SJO to £6 2 .... 1 25 96 75 24 |' Needle " ........A A!!!!!!!!!!! L25 97 " " " Scissors Handie___!!!!200 98 75 26 Straight, 1 Sharp " ................. f 25 99 " Needle " ..... ...... 1 "oe 100 6 141 Ether Inhaler........... ................kfl 101 6 142 » » Folding.........'................. 1$ 102 46 2:373 Herniatome......... ............... co= 103 75 24 Suture Forceps...............................?"|? 104 Allison's Differential Stethoscope "' ......9'm 105 79 5252 Aloe's Rectal Speculum ...................?m 106 23 4057 Althof's Iridectomy Scissors!........................ 9 £{ 107 AlumPencil............ ........................^j} 108 36 108 Amniontome, Wenck's.,.!,!!.!!!!!!!',!!'.',',',',.......175 I-'rev^siGlares' a;2«.l At I'yeuw^ -bv/ppiies. Amputating, No. 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 Operating and Trepanning Cases. Plate. Fig. Amputating . 5 110 General Oper. £.a b -o Pnta a o r -So "O -t-" b- ' © o P- . >•- .a .,_o 3 ti g £"5- 4 M|lA ® w «m ^ a 2 a-, . a • ° ^ J°m.gg £ a3»OS5-2 be .8 =5" 05^ Ph 72 £ m Al^|^ ..........1 . 5 114 Minor 5 115 5 118 Trepan'g " 1 1....1... 1 1 1..1 2. 1.. 2 12 ..1.. ..1.. ..1.. ..1.. ........1 .. 1 1....1!. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1..1 ..13 1 ......1 ..1 4.. ...1..1 ...1..1 ..1.... ...1..1 ....1 1111..1.. 11111..1 1..1........ 1..1 1....1 .1..1 1........ .1 1..1........ ...1 1 1........ .1..1.......... ...1..1........ .111 1........ XX ..11 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 ... 3 1 ..1 1 1 sa Hi a .s a 3 1 1 1 1 1..1 op %.-■ c-z~^ -:/- £~ '£ ....1 !!!! i" ....i 1..1 i.. i ,.i.. i ..2 £ ..12.... ..121 2 112.. 2 ..12.... ..12..2 ..1212 ..12..2 ..12..2 ..12..2 ..12.... 1 ..12 = is- ..1. ..1 ..1 ..1 ..1 ..1 ..1 i'!! ..i ..i _; 6 ° f ? ^c d U O 0*3 0 Scudder's..............................."....... 3-00 Sims'............................................ 1-25' Speirs'-George's................................ 2. ,.> Squibb's......................................... 1.00 Thallon's........................................15.00 Anal Dilator, Rigand's............................... <-)0 Sims'................................... 3.00 " Thebaud's Sphincter Ani............. 6.00 Anal Fissure Knife, Blandin's....................... 0.00 Boden hammer's................ 3.(5 Anal Speculum, see Rectal Specula. Supporter, Mathieu's Prolapsus Ani........... 3.00 " Prolapsus Am and Pile............ 4.50 Anatomical Models, Furnished to Order. Syringe, with 3 Tips and Stopcock............. *.;>0 Anderson's Vaginal Capsules .................$ Box .60 Andrew's Artery Forceps............................ l-<5 Drop Tube, for Middle Ear.................... 1.00 Powder Blower, for Middle Ear................ 2.00 Stone Searcher................................. 1.50 Anel's Eye Syringe, H. R., with Gold Points........ 3.00 " " " " Silver " ........ 2.50 Plated," Gold " ........3.75 No. Plate, 182 21 183 21 184 21 185 21 74 70 186 65 187 188 189 190 191 192 6 193 194 6 195 6 196 4 197 95 198 199 200 87 201 202 14 11 203 80 204 205 75 206 75 207 75 208 209 75 210 211 212 213 75 214 75 215 75 216 75 217 75 218 75 219 75 220 75 221 75 222 75 223 75 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 75 232 233 75 234 75 235 75 236 237 75 238 75 Fig. Prica. 4114 Anel's Eye Syringe, Plated,with Silver Points......$3.50 4114 " " Silver " Gold " ...... 7.00 4114 " " " " Silver " ......6.50 4092 EyeProbe........................................28 Aneurism Needle, see Artery Needles. Ankle Brace, see Orthopedic. 2045 Annandale's Mouth Gag............................. 4.00 Antiseptic Glass Bowls, 6", 10", 12", 16' diam. 1.00 " Bottles,with 2.50 3.00 5.00 1 Spool, Large.......26 "2 " " .......5* " Boxes, " Cover, 2oz., 4oz., 8oz. .10 .15 .20 " 3Spools,5^"x2JCx?J4"2.2& 192 Antiseptic Sprays, Hank's...........................;2.08 " Heuel's........................... 5.00 194 " Little's..,........................3.71 195 " Weir's.......,____..............12.00 Antiseptic Tray, see Trays. Wool, see Lambs' Wool, 196 Antrum Drill, Pope's................................. 2.26 3021 Aponeurotome................,....................... 1.26 Applicator, see Aural, Laryng.. Nasal, Rectal, Ure- thral and Uterine Appl's. Apron, see Dissecting Aprons. Archer's Operating Chair, Price on Application, 881 Physicians' Cabinet............................. 15.00 " with Desk Top........... 25.00 6069 Arnold's Flexible Stethoscope........................76 Stei'ilizer, see Sterilizers. 5233 Arnott's Grooved Probe............................. 1.00 Arrow Forceps, Bill's................................. 1.75 220 Artery Clamp Forceps, Halstead's.................1.50 206 Houze's...........................................2.50 207 Jones'............................................ 1.50 Koeberle's....................................... 1.75 Little's.......................................... 1.50 Nott's............................................ 4.50 Pean's............................................75 " Fenestrated.............................. ].50 HeartShape.............................. 1.50 " Fenestrated................ 1.50 Long Jaw................................ 1.25 " Oval, Fenestrated........................ 1.50 T Shape.................................. 2.00 Sabine's........................................... 1.75 Senn's............................................. 2.00 Tait's...........................................!! J75 . Thornton's T Shape................... ......... 2!00 Wood's.......................................".. '.75 Wyeth's........................................ 1 26 Artery Claw Forceps, Steam's..............!!.!!!!! 6.00 Artery Compressors, Aorta............... " 325 grid don's................................'.'.'.'."!!!! 4o'.00 Buck's......................................., 27 08 Carotid Artery.................... g qq Erichson's..........................'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.ISM Gross'............................................ 3.50 Skey's............................................18-00 See Tourniquets. Artery Constrictor, Speir's.......... 1 75 233 Artery Forceps, Andrew's......... " "' 1 Vb blow's........................:.::::::::::::: 2:« Cleborne's.......................... 2.25 Coxeter's.....................".'"............. k* Esmarch's Bulbous..........A.....','.'.'....."" 175 Fenestrated...........'....'......... 1*75 209 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 211 223 234 235 237 238 P^-S1^^12^ areH Svrgjeores' Sv ppfi^is. Po. Plate. 239 240 (■> 241 ,,) 242 ,i 243 ,■> 244 75 245 !•> 246 247 75 248 75 249 10 250 ,,i 251 i ■> 252 ",', 253 75 254 75 255 256 257 75 258 . i 259 75 260 261 74 262 263 74 264 80 265 26H 267 268 ',4 269 270 74 271 70 272 76 273 274 19 275 19 12 276 277 10 278 10 279 37 280 80 281 79 282 79 283 79 284 4H 285 7 286 7 287 7 28H 7 289 7 290 92 291 292 293 294 295 7 296 7 297 7 298 7 299 300 7 301 302 303 804 92 305 306 48 307 92 308 y2 309 310 33 54 Rll 9 312 y 313 9 314 u 315 316 TAJ 817 50 318 50 319 11 320 l Spiral End, Plated...............................50 320 Aural Bistouries, Buck's Probe Point............... 1.00 321 " Sharp " ............... 1.00 322 Aural Curettes, Buck's................................35 Quire's.......................................... 1.25 Sexton's......................................... 1.25 Spoil's............................................75 Aural V.\ 'clots, Politzer's..............................20 Aural Evelet Forceps, Politzer's..................... 1.00 Aural Forceps, Allen's............................... 3.00 Avcrv's......................................... 3.25 Bacon's.......................................... 1.(5 liumstcad's..................................... 2.75 332 Hinton's...................................,...2.75 " Double Joint.......................... •>■'-•> 334 McKay's........................................ }-7] North's.......................................... IfO 336 Noves'........................................... f00 337 Politzer's, Cotton.............................. 1-25 338 " Polypus.............................. 1.2o 339 Pomeroy's....................................... I-50 No. Plate KR- 340 9 340 341 y 1*46 342 9 342 343 !) 343 344 9 344 345 9 345 346 y 346 347 348 y 348 349 y 349 350 y 350 351 y 351 352 353 74 353 354 9 354 355 9 355 356 9 350 357 y 357 358 y 358 359 y 359 360 361 9 361 362 y ;it>2 363 y 303 364 83 15(H 365 83 15(Xi 366 SI 1533 367 368 8 368 369 8 368 370 8 368 371 8 379 372 8 379 373 8 379 374 8 374 375 8 374 376 377 8 3'i 7 378 8 378 379 8 379 380 8 379 381 8 379 382 8 382 383 8 383 384 H 383 385 8 383 386 y 349 387 388 74 363 389 74 389 390 74 390 391 74 90 391 392 90 6182 393 8 393 394 395 8 395 396 8 395 397 8 397 398 8 398 399 400 90 400 401 402 403 404 9 3396 405 10 1475 406 10 1475 407 3 1358 408 409 50 2545 410 88 6141 411 41 6172 412 37 7126 413 7 6595 414 415 61 416 61 416 417 62 3880 418 25 4070 419 25 4230 420 44 4717 421 422 62 3881 423 424 425 426 90 427 428 37 3590 429 430 34 7115 431 !12 1)889 432 2!) 7190 433 2 433 434 73 434 435 2 433 436 437 73 437 438 73 437 Price. Aural Forceps, Roosa's.............................$1.25 Sexton's, Dressing...............................65 Foreign Body........................ 2.75 Toynbee's, Ant.-Post. or Lateral.............. 1.25 Universal.......................................3.00 Urbanitseh's.................................... 1-75 Wilde's...........................................65 Self-Closing............................. 1.00 Aural Furuncle Knives, Buck's...,.................. 1.00 Aural (iorgeret, Wilde's..............................65 Aural Hooks, Angular............................... 1.00 Devil's Screw....................................50 Elsberg's, Aug ular Screw...................... 1.25 Gross', and Spoon...............................35 Aural Mastoid Knives, Buck's....................... 1.00 Burnett's........................................1.00 Green's.......................................... 1-00 Politzer's....................................... 1.00 Aural Myringotomes, Buck's, Angular...............75 Straight..............75 Prout's...........................................75 Aural Scissors, Gruber's............................. 1.75 Simrock's.......................................3.25 Aural Scoop, Politzer's............................... 1.75 Aural Snares, Blake's..............................,. 2.00 Bosworth's, Straight and Curved..............1.75 Wilde's......................................... 1.50 Aural Specula, Glass, Reflecting.....................35 Gruber's,Hard Rubber, Set of 4................50 Plated, " "3............... 1.25 Silver, " "3............... 2.75 Knapp's, Hard Rubber, " "4................50 Plated, " "3............... 1.25 Silver, " "3............... 2.75 Kramer's, Plated................................75 " with Set Screw...............90 Milikin's......................................... 1.00 Speir's...........................................50 " Self-Retaining.......................... 2.00 Toynbee's, Hard Rubber, Set of 4..............50 Plated, " "3............. 1.25 Silver, " "3.............2.75 Turner's, Plated, " "3............. 1.25 Wilde's, Hard Rubber, " " 3....'..........40 Plated. " "3..............75 Silver, " "3............. 2.25 " Gorgeret...............................65 Aural Spoon, Politzer's, Hard Rubber...............50 and Hook, Gross'......................35 " " Perforator, Gross', in Case...... 1.50 " Spatula, " " " ...... 1.50 " " Spiral End Appl., Gross'..........50 Aural Syringes, see Syringes, Hard Rubber. Bag..............................................50 Blake's......................................... 3.00 Gruber's......................................... 3.00 Kramer's....................................... 1.75 with Stopcock....................... 2.25 Pomeroy's.......................................2.00 Sexton's........................................ 3.50 Smith's.......................................... 2.75 Soft Rubber.....................................30 Aural Tensor Tympanum Inst., Gruber's........... 1.75 Weber's...........6.00 Trocar........................................... 1.00 Tympanum Perforator..........................75 Auricles, Leather Covered...................%i pair 3.00 Silk "...................%i pair 4.00 Auspitz's Dermal Scoop.............................. 1.50 Endoscope......................................15.00 Auto-InsutHator, Bridge's............................50 Automatic Cutoff, Sass'.............................. 1.50 Suture, Hoff's.................................. 4.00 Aveling's Polypotome................................ 6.00 Transfusion Apparatus........................ 3.00 Avery's Ear Forceps................................. 3.25 Axilla Thermometer, Ivory Scale................... 1.50 Axis-Traction Forceps, see Obst. Forceps. Handles, Reynold's............................. 2.75 Ayres' Obstetrical Perforator.....................4.50 tJaader's Linear Knife,,.......,,, ,,,,„„........ 1.25 Tattooing Needle............................... 1.50 Babcock's Pessary, with Belt, Silver................10.00 Bachelder's Embryo Forceps....................... 9.00 Perforator...................................... 3.75 Bacon's Ear Forceps..............................!!! \\-j-, Baer's Uterine Dilator......................!!!!!!!!. ti!">0 Dressing Forceps...............!.... 2.75 Baer's-Goodell's Vaginal Speculum................. 4 of) Bag, See Cabin, Ice, Obstetrical, Politzer, Sponge and Water Bags. Bag Syringe, see Syringes. Baker's Intra-1* tori no Syringe................,,..... 1.00 Baker Brown's Perineum Needle.................!!. !oo Ball's Stem Pessary..............................'. \ \ \ i'.oq Tenaculum Forceps......................!..!!! L50 Uterine Dilator.............................',... qjjq Vaginal Speculum.....................!.!!"" 750 Bandage, Esmarch's, Complete............'.'.'.'A."!! L75 Fracture..............!!.'!!'.'.!! J30 Strap and Chain Only........'.' 1.00 Eugenie................................... 2 00 Bandages, Empire Elastic Web, 2", 2U\ 3* "' 9 Feet Long...............50 .60 .75 I5 " " ...............65 .75 LOO 4 P"B^.$igists' areel .SiArgjeiores' -Sv/ppfiss. Price. 514 515 516 617 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 627 528 629 530 631 632 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 464 455 466 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 *480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 11 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 .80 1.15 1.15 1.15 2.40 1.00 2", . .60 . .70 . .80 .1.00 2", i.'io 3*, 1.25 1.25 1.25 2.75 1.10 1.40 1.40 1.40 3.15 1.25 2^" .70 .80 1.20 1.35 23^", L25 4". 1.50 1.50 1.50 3.50 1.50 3". .80 1.20 1.40 1.60 3'. 1.25 Plate, fig. Bandages, Gauze, $ dozen— 10 Yards Long by ljf, 2", Borated...........85 " Carbolized........85 Corn Subl.........85 Iodoform........1.75 Plain..............60 Bandages, Martin's Pure Gum, 73 444 9 Feet Long.............. 73 444 12 " " .............. 73 444 15 " " .............. 73 444 18 " " .............. Bandages, Plaster of Paris, 12 Feet Long, $ doz. Cans. 15 " " " " . 18 " " " " . 24......... Bandages, Roller, 1" xl Yard, <& dozen........ P x3 '............ I^"x3...... ....... 2" x3 " " " ....... 2^'x3 " " " ....... 2" x8 " " " ....... 2^'x8 " " " ....... 3" x4 " " " ....... 3" x8 " " " ....... M'xo............. 3^"x8.....' ....... 4" x6 " " " ....... 4" x8 " " " ....... Bandage Gum, or Rubber Dam— Nos. 18, 21, 23, 26, 31, Stubs' Gauge.......$ B>. $3.00 73 466 Bandage Knife, Esmarch's........................... 1.25 Bandage Rollers, Crocker's.......................... 4.50 73 468 Fine............................................. 2.25 Plain.............................................75 Bandage Saws, Fowler's.............................. 2.25 471 Bandage Shears, Angular, Ring Handle, Heavy.... 2.00 Flannel. 1.25 1.75 2.00 4.00 4.75 3.00 5.25 4.00 6.75 5.75 7.25 1.75 . 2.25 Muslin. .07 .20 .30 .35 .45 .90 1.15 .70 1.25 1.15 1.50 1.25 1.75 471 471 471 476 477 479 480 481 49 5849 32 6890 1502 Light...... 1.50 Brun's........................................... 7.50 Bull's............................................ 1.50 Esmarch's....................................... 2.00 Henry's.......................................... 5.00 Sayre's.......................................... 5.00 Seuter's......................................... 3.50 Szymanowsky's................................. 6.50 Wackerhagen's................................. 4.50 Wight's......................................... 2.75 Bank's Bougie, Whalebone...........................90 Urethrotome...................................15.00 Barclay's Stethoscope.................................75 Barker's Inhaler...................................... 3.25 Ointment Bougie................................90 Barnes' Obstetrical Forceps......................... 6.00 Spirometer..................................... 8.00 Suppositor...................................... 1.50 Tampon Speculum............................. 1.50 Uterine Dilator.................................35 Vaginal Speculum, 2 Blades................... 1.75 Wire Ecraseur.................................. 3.75 6052 Bartlett's Stethoscope............................... 4.00 Bartley's Pocket Urinary Test Case................. 2.00 93 4876 Baruch's Circumcision Scissors...................... 1.85 86 Basin, see Pus Basins. 95 497 Bates' Urethral Haemostat.......................... 3.00 Urethrotome...................................11.25 Baths, Bumstead-Lee's Mercurial...................2.00 21 500 Eye...............................................15 Hot Air......................................... 3.75 Maury's Apparatus............................ 9.00 Van Buren's " ............................ 1.50 Warm Water for Extremities.................10.00 11 505 Water, Copper................................. 1.75 " Soft Rubber, Universal..............15.00 26 Bath Speculum, see Vaginal Specula. 16 Batteries, see Electric Apparatus. Baudelocque's Pelvimeter........................... 6.00 12 508 Baunscheidt's Instrument........................... 1.75 Oil, Genuine.................................... 2.00 " Imitation................................... 1.25 26 7197 Baxter's Vaginal Speculum.......................... 2.00 Bead Saw............................................. 4.50 Beaker Glasses. 513 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64 oz. doz. 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.50 3.00 3.50 5.00 6.00 8.00 4884 Beard's Piesmeter.................................... 2.65 3947 Beaumont's Concealed Canalicula Knife............ 6.00 Bed, see Operating Bed, Water Bed. 3810 Bedford's Guarded Blunt Hook and Crotchet...... 4.50 3816 Obstetrical Forceps............................ 6.00 3882 Perforator...................................... 1.75 Bed Pans, Earthen Ware............................. 1.00 Emmet's........................................ 3.75 521 Hank's, Agate.................................. 4.00 521 " Zinc.................................... 1.50 523 Hospital........................................ 2.75 Jones'........................................... 4.00 " Douche and Pan......................... 5.00 Bed Pan, see Cushions. 4071 Beer's Cataract Knife................................ 1.00 4146 " Needle................................85 Bell's Urethral Sound.................................95 3438 Belocq's Canula, Plated...............................75 3438 " Silver.............................. 1.75 Benique's Sound...................................... 1.00 Bennett's Posterior Nares Syringe.................. 7.50 No, 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 . 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 Plate. Fig. Prift. 61 3817 Bethel's Obstetrical Forceps.........................$6.M 83 1503 Bettman's Jarvis Snare.............................. 3.00 75 234 Bigelo w's Artery Forceps........................... 2.25 97 6733 Catheter Syringe...............................3.25 Evacuating Apparatus.........................9.00 with Stand............12.00 99 3081 " " Latest..................22.50 99 3067 Lithotrite......................................30.00 85 6507 Billing's Tonsilotome................................ 7.50 Bill's Arrow Extractor............................... 1-7."j Bilroth's Artery Clamp.............................. 0.1X1 Aspirator Needle...............................3.75 2 5344 Retractor, 2 Prong............................. 1.00 2 5345 " 3 " ....................•......... 1.00 2 5345 " 4 " ............................. 1.25 Sounding Board................................ 1.15 15 40 Birdsall's Aesthesiometer............................ 2.50 98 3022 Bisector, Wood's..................................... 3.25 57 3499 Bishop's Nasal Speculum............................ 1.25 76 Bistoury, see Minor Surgery, Pocket Case. Bistoury-Cache, Bodenhamer's...................... 7.50 95 3251 Civiale's......................................... 3.75 98 3025 Depuytren's....................................18.00 24 3952 Jaeger's ......................................... 6.00 80 556 Rectal .......................................... 4.75 Bisulphateof Mercury..........................$ oz. .15 Blackman's Retractor................................ 1.00 Blakeley's Vaginal Speculum........................ 1.50 Blake's Inner Ear Mirror............................ 5.75 8 393 " " Syringe...........................3.00 Obstetrical Forceps............................ 6.00 83 1504 Polypus Snare..................................2.00 9 6661 Tuning Fprk.................................... 6.00 Blake White's Metratrep.............................10.50 Nott's Speculum .............................. 2.50 26 7202 Sims' " Plated........................ 1.25 26 7202 " " Aluminum...................2.00 Syringe......................................... 4.50 Blanchet's Cataract Exhauster...................... 1.50 Blandin's Bone Staff................................. 2.25 Fistula Knife.................................. 6.00 21 3942 Blitz's Canalicula Dilator............................ 2.75 22 3983 Extirpation Forceps........................... 2.25 98 3041 Blizard's Lithotomy Knife, American............... 1.25 98 3042 " " English.................. L^ 62 3883 Blot's Perforator..................................... 4.50 78 5035 Blow Pipes, Post-Mortem.............................10 Self-Acting, Alcohol........................... 3.00 Wight's......................................... 8.00 98 3034 Blunt Gorgets, Keyes' Lithotomy................... 1.75 Plain Lithotomy................................ 1.75 63 3810 Blunt Hook and Crotchet, Bedford's................ 4.50 63 3811 Guarded........................................ 3.25 63 3809 Plain............................................ 1.00 80 169 Bodenhamer's Anal Fissure Knife................... 3.75 Bistoury Cache................................. 7.50 Blandin's Knife................................ 6.00 80 589 Curvilinear Forceps............................ 3.25 81 590 Rectal Irrigator................................ 1.75 81 5235 " Sounds, 10 Sizes.........................75 79 5257 " Speculum............................... 1.75 Recto-Colonic Endoscope...................... 5.50 Reflector and Lens.............................10.00 Spring Ligating Forceps....................... 3.25 Boldt's Spear Pointed Knife......................... 1.00 36 7113 Steel Tenaculum.................................50 36 6856 Uterine Curette.......................... 125 81 4905 Bolton's Pile Bougie..................................75 Bonafont's Eustachian Catheter Holder............ 1.50 57 3501 Nasal Speculum............................... 1.25 62 4934 Bond's Placenta Forceps............................. 1.75 89 Bone Drainage, see Drainage. 4 603 Bone Drills, Brainard's, Set of 5.................... 2.50 4 604 Buck's, Set of 3............................. 2.50 4 605 " .......................................... 2.00 4 606 Fluhrer's........................................ 1.50 Gaillard's....................................... ].75 4 608 Hamilton's...................................".' 4!so 4 609 Howard's..............................;........ 5.00 4 610 Marshall's............................ 150 4 611 Plain.......................................!.!!'. i$> " with Guard............................... 4.50 Stock and Drills..................... 4 50 4 614 Wyeth's, $ Set of 12.....................!..!!!! 4.00 Bone Cutting Forceps, see also Chisels. 3 615 Curved Rongeur.............................. z.'i 3 616 Darby's " and Bone Holder.............. 3.O1J 3 617 Hamilton's Serrated Bone Cutter.............. 7.50 Heuel's Bone Forceps.......................... 2.50 Hoffman's Gouge Forceps...................!.. s!oo 3 620 Isaac's Bayonet Forceps, Large...............3 51) 3 620 " " Medium............. 3.00 3 620 " » Small............... 2.50 3 623 Liston's Bone Forceps......................... 1.75 | 623 " " " with Spring....'.'.!.!!!! 2.00 % 625 « Curved................. 1.75 % 5»5J with Spring.... 2.00 % 627 Knee-Bent............. 1.75 q «fl ™ *, tj " with Spring. 2.00 3 615 Post's Rongeur...................... o -)(1 3 630 Satterlee's Bone Forceps..........!!!!......... i 75 I ¥Q c+ "^ D " " with Spring.'.!!!!!!!'. 2'.00 3 615 Straight Rongeur................... »r$ 3 633 Velpeau's Bone Forceps..... ..............3'on 3 634 Bone Holding Forceps, Farabeuf's Osteb'phdr!'.!"' 5'no 3 6*5 Ferguson's Lion Jaw.............. ' %'or. Hamilton's Osteophor....... .............. 3'qq Pre^siGiares' arecl -Sv-rgjeioreQ,' -Sv'ppfierQ,. No. Plate. Fig. Price. 637 Bone Holding Forceps. Van Buren's Bayonet......§1.75 Bone Gouges, see (iouges. 638 Bone Scoops, Hebra's................................ 1.25 363 Politzer's....................................... 1.75 640 Volkmann's..................................... 1.25 Bone Staffs, Blandin's................................ 2.25 642 Prince's......................................... 2.50 4590 Borck's Cyst Elevator................................ 1.00 3411 Bosworth's Applicator................................75 Chromic Acid................3.00 1506 Jarvis' Snare.................................... 1.75 3419 NasalClamp.................................... 1.50 3457 " Saw, Up or Down Cut................... 1.25 3502 " Speculum, Steel...........................75 3502 " " Wire..........................25 1520 Polypus Snare.................................. 1.50 1506 " " Comb. Straight and Curved.... 1.75 3494 Rhinoplastos.................................... 2.50 6464 Tongue Depressor...............................50 Bottles, see Acid Drop, Antiseptic, Ligature, Spec- ific Gravity and Water Bottles. 3428 Bougies, Nasal, Yearsley's.............................35 Oesophageal, see Oesophageal Bougies. Ointment, Barker's..............................90 Casper's.............................. 1.25 5799 " Van Buren's, Cupped................90 Pile, see Pile Bougies. Rectal, see Rectal Bougies. Urethral. a CO" Q 3 ES 5 g 659 94 659 a Boule...........................60......... 660 " " 2 Bulbs...................75......... 861 94 667 " " 3 " ...................90......... 662 94 662 " Ventre.........................60......... 663 94 663 Conic.......................50... .35......... 664 94 664 Cylindrical, 1-12............35 .10 .25 ... .50 ... 665 94 664 " 13-18............35 .15 .25 ... .65 ... 666 94 666 Exploring........................60......... 667 94 667 " 3 Bulbs................90......... 668 94 668 Filiform, Bank's..........................90 669 94 669 " " Ang.....................90 670 94 670 " Bulbous, " ....................30 671 94 671 " " Screwpt.................30 672 94 668 " Hunter's.......................50 673 94 673 " 1 Probe................35.......20 674 94 674 " 2 " 20"......................50 675 94 675 " Whalebone Centre.......60......... 676 94 676 Olivary.....................50 .60 .50 ... .75 ... 677 94 677 Otis'Bulbous........................15...... 678 94 678 Piffard's Fossal Bougie a Boule.........15...... 637 3 3 638 3 639 9 640 3 641 642 4 643 41 644 57 645 646 83 647 57 648 59 649 •>t 650 57 651 83 652 83 653 59 654 65 665 57 64 656 m 94 81 81 70 1 679 24 680 21 681 21 682 19 683 25 684 25 685 21 686 25 687 41 688 689 690 36 691 692 37 693 36 694 36 695 37 696 31 697 31 698 31 699 35 700 26 701 40 702 45 703 704 705 706 707 708 37 709 38 Bow Leg Brace, see Orthopedic. Bow Saw, see Amputating Saws. 3948 Bowman's Canalicula Knife.......................... 1 710 711 30 712 28 713 26 714 26 715 36 7 716 45 717 45 718 45 719 45 720 36 70 721 4 722 723 24 724 4 725 78 Cataract Exhauster............................ 2. Director......................................... Eye Speculum.................................. 1, Lens Spoon, Concave........................... 1. " Flat............................... 1. Probes, H. R.....35. Plated... .25. Silver... . Stop Needle..................................... 1. 687 Bozeman's Button.............................$ doz. 1. " Adjuster.......................... 1. Shaper............................ 2. Blunt Hook...................................... Columning Specula, 3 in Set................... 6. Convex Edge Knife, Right or Left............ 1. Counter-Pressure Hook......................... Curette.......................................... !• Delicate Knife.................................. 1. Depressor....................................... !• Double Hooked...................... 2, " Urethral and Perineal................ 1. Dressing Forceps, with Catch.................. 1. Duck Bill Speculum............................ 1. Intra-Uterine Back Flow Tube................ 1. " -Vaginal Drainage Dilator............... 3. Needle...................................$ doz. 1. " Holder..................................2. Operating Chair, Price on Application. Perineal Elevator............................... 3. Renal Sound.................................... 4 Scalpel, Angular, Right or Left............... 1. Scissors......................................... 3 Smith's Pessary............................... ■ • • Sounds, 6 Sizes and Handle...............$ set 4. Speculum, Vaginal, 3 Blades................... 8. (Sims')..................... 1. " " " Aluminum.......... 2. Tenaculum...................................... Utero-Vesical Drainage Support.............. <, Vaginal Dilator................................. • Y' Support................................ 1, Vulvo-Vaginal Drainage Dilator.............. 4. Wire Adjuster.................................. !• Brace, Bow Leg, see Orthopedic. 6613 Brace and Guarded Trephine........................14. Brace for Trephine...................................1U- 4046 Bradford's Twin Cataract Needle.................... 4. 603 Brainard's Bone Drills. 5 in Set....................... ~. 5030 Brain Knife.......................................... l- 4172 3949 4177 4126 4127 4093 4147 1195 6977 1195 6857 6978 7173 7174 7175 6938 7206 6961 702 6979 7037 4720 7061 7205 7206 7206 102 716 7185 4721 719 7601 No. Plate, 726 63 727 63 728 63 729 730 40 731 732 61 733 40 734 735 736 737 738 27 739 27 740 21 741 61 742 37 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 64 750 64 751 752 753 754 755 42 756 757 2 758 49 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 64 768 64 769 64 770 771 772 773 774 775 64 776 777 64 778 779 780 59 781 782 9 783 9 784 785 9 786 9 787 9 788 9 789 9 790 4 791 4 792 84 793 9 794 9 795 9 796 9 797 798 8 799 800 801 802 803 9 804 92 805 806 807 53 808 809 91 810 60 811 62 812 30 100 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 88 820 821 73 822 823 73 824 73 825 826 827 73 828 829 36 830 831 1027 1149 1316 6254 3820 7088 7209 7209 4096 3822 742 50 2545 93 4862 5121 5121 4603 5348 5850 96 6765 4578 4578 777 768 3459 320 321 1064 1064 312 313 322 605 604 1919 348 354 358 359 314 6640 6436 6574 3823 4936 7008 88 818 821 823 824 827 6878 Price. Braun's Cephalotribe......................•.........^13-^5 Colpeurynter.................................... -'0 Decapitating Hook............................. 2.00 Simpson's Obstetrical Forceps................. 6.00 Tampon Expeller............................... 1-"j> Trephine Perforator..........................."00 Tri-Form Obstetrical Forceps.................18.00 Uterine Syringe................................ J.2|> Braxton-Hicks' Ecraseur............................H-~:_> Breast Pumps, English............................... ••» Hard Rubber.................................... l-oO Breus' Obstetrical Forceps...........................15.00 Brewer's Vaginal Speculum, Aluminum............ 2.50 Plated................. 2.00 Brewster's Lachrymal Cuppeil Sound, Silver........ 1.00 Brickell's Obstetrical Forceps....................... 6.00 Perineal Stay................................... .60 Briddon's Artery Compressor........................45.00 Bridge's Insufflator....................................50 Nasal Douche....................................50 Brigg's Lithotome.................................... 5.25 Phimosis Forceps............................... 2.35 Pocket Case, see Pocket Cases.................. 9.00 Bristle Probangs, Fine............................... 1-25 Plain.............................................75 Stanford's...................................... 1-50 Bronchotome, Pilcher's.............................. 4.50 Brown's Air Tampon................................. 3.00 Hypodermic Syringe........................... 1-75 Ovariotomy Clamp............................. 9.00 Pessary...........................................60 Retractor, Blunt................................ 1.25 Spirometer..................................... 8.00 Syringe and Applicator........................15.00 Urethral Speculum............................. 4.00 Urethrametome................................20.00 Brun's Bandage Shears............................... 7.50 Epiglottis Forceps............................ 3.25 Brunton's Otoscope, Hard Rubber.................. 4.25 Plated.......................... 4.25 Brushes, Glass, Acid...................................15 Hard Rubber Socket for Wagner Holder......18 Wire Handle.....................................10 Wood " .....................................18 Brush Holders, Child's .............................. 1.75 Lefferfs......................................... 1.56 Mackenzie's.................................... 1.00 Noyes'........................................... 1.50 Rectal.......................................... 1.50 Ruppaner's......................................50 Seeger's......................................... 1.50 Wagner's, 1 doz. Brushes, 2 Stems............. 1.75 Bryce's Urethral Applicator......................... 3.75 Buchanan's Rectangular Staff....................... 1.75 Bucklin's Nasal Saw, 2 Blades........................ 2.00 Buck's Arterial Compressor.........................27.00 Bistoury, Probe Pointed....................... 1.00 Sharp " ....................... 1.00 Chain Saw Conductor.......................... 2.00 Chisel, Mastoid, Large..........................75 Small...........................75 Cotton Probe....................................15 " Silver..............................40 Curette..........................................35 Drill, Bone....................................,. 2.00 " Mastoid, Set of 3.......................... 2.50 Extension Apparatus.......................... 5.00 Furuncle Knife................................. 1.00 Mastoid Process Knife......................... 1.00 Myringotome, Angular..........................75 ^ Straight.........................75 Needle, Folding.................................1.25 Nozzle, Ear......................................50 Periosteotome.................................. 1.75 Pin Conductor, Folding, Slide Catch........... 1.25 Plain..................75 Pipette for Middle Ear..........................25 Porte Acid Glass................................10 Rectum Trocar, Plated...... 1.75. Silver.....2.25 Sponge Holder...................................50 Suspension Apparatus.........................13.50 Throat Forceps................................. 1.75 Throat Lancet.................................. 1.85 Tracheotomy Guide............................ 1.50 Budd's Obstetrical Forceps.......................... 6.00 Placenta " .......................... 1.75 Uterine Probe, Hard Rubber...................25 Buggy Cases, see Vial Cases. Bulbs, Atomizer Bulbs Only........................ .25 2 " Complete, Black............. 1.25 2 " " White.............75 Syringe, Bulbs Only, Double Neck..............25 " " " Single " ..............25 Bulb Fittings, Cuppling, Thread or 2 Olives.........10 Valve Box.......................................35 Bullet Extractor, Mose's............................. 2!,50 Bullet Forceps, American............................ 1.50 Flexible......................................... 4.50 Gross'.......................................!!!. i.7r, Hamilton's...............................'.!!!.!! 1.75 Leonard's........................'....'..',...'!!!! 7!.50 Thomasin's........................ ........... iV, U. S. Army.........................!!!!!!!! A!! L25 \\ eisse's.................................... 7 5Q Bullet Scoop.................................!......j 25 Buiiet Screw........................!.!!!!!!!!!.....150 Bullet Seeker................. .....................75 Pr2/>AsiGiare.$' areci ^Vrg-eioreQ,' iWppfiers. No, Plate . Fifr. 832 73 471 833 73 471 834 835 836 837 96 6766 838 839 97 6736 840 11 840 841 11 840 842 11 843 844 845 53 6437 846 9 ,355 847 848 849 98 3032 850 851 852 853 854 8 7352 855 8 7852 856 43 4723 857 858 40 7032 859 40 7a33 860 26 7211 861 862 863 74 998 864 865 866 867 35 7116 868 35 6939 869 35 6939 870 871 35 7116 872 80 5299 873 874 875 80 5299 876 35 7127 877 878 27 7212 879 35 7399 880 87 880 881 87 881 882 16 883 884 885 78 5038 886 887 888 889 890 891 14 6058 892 14 6059 893 14 6060 894 895 45 4724 896 31 7016 897 24 898 899 900 59 3438 901 59 3438 902 83 21 902 903 904 91 1 905 906 24 3963 907 908 909 62 4943 910 12 66(H) 911 59 3420 912 95 6731 913 914 15 41 915 916 93 1155 917 45 4725 918 45 4725 919 920 31 7017 921 12 7162 922 24 4005 923 23 3992 924 22 4138 925 78 5056 926 78 5039 927 „ „, _ Price. Bull's Bandage Scissors, Light.......................$1.50 " " Strong.................... 2 00 Bumstead's Canulated Forceps................ 2 75 Holt's Divulsor...........................'......15'00 Lee's Lamp.................... ..............2 00 Maisonneuve's Urethrotome'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'......... 9-00 Retention Catheter............ 1 50 Urethral Svringe......... ..........jV, Bunsen Burner, Plain..........................!!!!'.! !25 " with Slide...........A..............35 Burdick's Obstetrical Forceps............. 6 75 Burette, see Mohr's Burettes. Burge's Obstetrical Forceps................... 22 50 Stricture Dilator, Curved or Straight......... 7.50 Throat Forceps............. 3 25 Burnett's Mastoid Knife.......................... l'oo Burrall's Atomizer........................'.'.......... 1*25 Burrow's Stethoscope................'.'.'.'. '........ l'oo Bush's Gorget.............................'.A..'.'" 3^5 Pile Needles and Holder.....................!'. 2.25 " Scissors............................... 100 Butcher's Saw........................................10.00 Buttle's G onorrhoea Svringe.................!.!! 3 50 Inhaler, Hard Rubber...............;.......75 Plated................................. 1.25 Pessary........................................40 Probe, Sound and Sponge Holder.......'.$ set L50 Scarifier.........................................60 " and Tenaculum...................... L50 Vaginal Speculum..............................75 Button, Getschel's, White Metal.............$ doz. .40 Buzzle's Obstetrical Forceps........................ 7.50 Byf ord's Caustic Holder..............................75 Clamps...................................$ set 13.50 Obstetrical Forceps............................ 6.00 Pelvimeter...................................... 6.00 Tenaculum Forceps............................ 2.00 Uterine Dressing Forceps...................... 1.25 with Catch......... 1.50 " Scissors................................ 2.25 " Sponge Holding Forceps............. 2.00 Byrne's Double Tenaculum......................... 4.50 Needle Forceps................................. 3.00 Reflux Catheter and Adjuster................. 1.85 Tenaculum Forceps.............'............... 4.50 Tumor Forceps................................. 2.25 Uterine Fixator................................ 1.75 Vaginal Speculum............................. 7.50 Vulsellum Forceps............................. 1.75 V^abinBags...... 13", 14", 15", 16", 17", 18". 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 Cabinet, Archer's.....................................15, " with Desk Top....................25, Cabinet Battery, see Electric Apparatus. Callender's Drainage Canula......................... 2, Calvarian Clamp, Satterthwaite's...................4, Hook........................................... 1, Camman's Cardiometer.............................. 3, Stethoscope, Cylindrical........................ " Fine.............................. 2. " Folding.......................... 2. Intra-Costal....................... with Rubber Band............... 1. " Spiral Spring___........... 1, " Spring Joint............... 1. Campbell's Intra-Uterine Stem................'<$ set 3. Pessary, Soft Rubber........................... Repositor........................................ Tumor Forceps................................. 2. Canalicula, see Ophthalmic. Canton Operating Chair, Price on Application. Canula a Chemise..................................... 1. Epistaxis, Belocq's, Plated...................... Silver...................... 1, Gooche's......................................... Lachrymal, see Ophthalmic. Levret's........................................ 4. Nasal Polypus................................>. . Trachea, see Trachea Tubes. Capital Saw, see Amputating Saws. Capsules, Anderson's Vaginal................$ box . Capsulotome, Knapp's............................... 1. Carbon-Dioxide Generator.......................... 7. Cardiometer, Camman's............................. 3. Carey's Lever, Placenta............................... Carmalt's Punch for Transplantation............... 4, Caro's Nasal Clamp.................................... Urethral Speculum.....'........................ 1, Carotid Artery Compressor, Coming's.............. 6, Carroll's Aesthesiometer............................. 2, Knot Tier..............................'........ 1, Orchitis Compressor........................... 1, Retroflexion Pessary, Hard Rubber............ " . " Soft " ............ Stethometer.................................... 2, Uterine Repositor.............................. 2, Vaccinator....................................... Carron de Villard's Eye Needle....................... Fixation Forceps............................... 2, Lid Forceps.................................... 3. Cartilage Knives, Gouley's.......................... 1, Steel Handle.................................... Virchow's...................................... 1 Oases, see Amputating, Post-Mortem Cases. Dissecting, Sound Cases. 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 Plate. Fig. Price. Cases, see Hypodermic, Thermometer Cases. Ophthalmic, Vial and Buggy Pocket Cases. Caspar's Ointment Bougie.........................$1.26 58 5073 Cassellberry's Nasal <'utting Forceps..............3.00 90 Catarrhal Syringe, see Syringes, H. K. Catgut, see also Ligature, 3 Coils on Spools. 89 2964 Carbolized, Ofi, 3 " " .......60 89 2964 Chromatized, ofc, 3 " " .......60 89 2964 Juniper Oil, 3 " " .......60 89-2964 Sublimatized, 5%, 3 " " .......60 89 2974 Tablet Bottles, with 1 Coil as above...........20 97 2244 Catheter Guides, Keyes'.............................55 97 2245 Otis'............................................75 Catheter Holders, Bonafont's, Aural..............1.50 Plain, Urethral................................35 pi o h . X s a oc tP 939 940 941 942 943 944 944 946 947 948 949 1900 951 6961 954 955 956 957 960 961 964 965 960 947 968 968 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 a £ ^ 5 ~ ^ c Catheters. cqw fa K Oh £ m v. Bougie Pointed.................75.................... Combined..............................60 .... 1.75__ Conical.................50 .50 .50.................... Cooling............................1.751.50.... 2.751.85 Cowan's................... ....................5.00..., Cylindrical,^. I to 12. .35 .10 .25........ .75........ "13 "20. .35 .15 .25.........75........ Curved.............60.................... Dble. Current, Female;... 1.25 1.25 1.75 1.00 ..., 2.75 1.85 Male........1.251.25 1.751.00.... 2.751.85 " Elbow.............75.....50.................... Eustachian.........................25 .50___1.00___ Exploring, Bulbous............60................... Female....................,.........35 .25.....60..., Fritche's.................,............1.75............ Goodman's.........................65 .65___1.25___ Gouley's, Tunneled......,...........; 1.25. .. 2.50.... Grooved, Rushmore's.............................1.15 Gross', Spiral..........................1.25.... 2.25 .... Hutchinson's.........................; ........3.00 .... Huter's..............................: 1.00.... 1.75 .... Jacque's...........................................50 Kelly's, Dble. Current................3.00............ Male,No. 1 to 9.........,.........60 .35.... 1.25 .25 " 10 " 12...................60 .35.... 1.75 .25 Marcy's, Dble. Current............................1.85 Mercier's................50.....50...: .... 1.00........ Nelaton's...........................................25 Nott's, Dble. Current.....1.25 1.25 1.75 1.00 .... 2.75 1.85 Olivary, No. 1 to 12... .50 .50 .50.........85........ " 13 " 20... .50 .75 ..50.........&5........ Curved................60.................... 1.75.. 2.50.. 2.00.. 2.75.. 1.50.. .75.. 60 Open End..............50.....50........ Otis' Retention.......................1.00 Parker's, Combined...................1.00 Prostatic..............1.00 .50 .60.....60 Reflux.............................1.501.50 Sims' Self-Retaining..............75 .75 " Sigmoid......................50 .40... Skene's Dble. Current............1.50 1.50 .... 2.75 Self-Retaining............65 .65 .... 1.25 . Squire's Vertebrated.................2.75.... 4.00.. Teevan's...............................1.75............ Thompson's...........................1.25.!!. 2.25!!!! Bumstead's................1.50.! 2.50 ! 97 960 Velvet Eye........................................ go Warren's Door................................' 4.50___ " Vermicular................! .... .'" 2!25 "." ________Willard's..............................2.25 . 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 67S3 Catheter Syringes, Bigelow's...................... 3.25 Dick's................................ " 2 50 Otis', Silver Nozzle.............!.!!........... 2 50 120 Catlings, Long................................ .....2!25 120 Medium................ " 2° on 120 Small.......................'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.A'.'.'.'.'" 175 Caustic Forceps, Gardner's........ " 1*75 6842 Sims'.........................A!!!::.......... 250 1003 Caustic Holders, Aluminum Case.............. " 150 Aural, Elastic................................. 1*25 Byf ord's.................. ........75 chiari's..........................!.!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4!ob Dugas'....................... 375 Ebony Case, Silver Holder..!.....'.!...........75 Gross' Urethral, Silver.............. ' 3'oe Hard Rubber Case, Long...........!!!!!!.....a5 "4 " " Short....................'. !25 „,, Silver Holder.............75 Holder and Curette Combined...... 1 75 Jarvis' Laryngeal..................... ....... 7*50 Knapps'............................ V).", Lallemand's, Urethral, Silver ............... 3'oh Mitchell's....................... ' 125 Silver Case and Holder, Short!!!!! A!!!!!!!! L00 Wood " with Pencil.. .°ng................ 1'io See also Crucibles. 7003 Caustic Probes, Lcnte's, Heavy Silver, 2 Bulbs... 1.50 7004 " Light " 2 " 1 00 6733 Caustic Syringes, Bigelow's. '' 3 0 Sc-uin's............................. 2.(0 Su. Plate, 119 15 120 121 122 99 123 65 71 124 125 54 126 97 127 128 58 129 52 130 131 50 132 83 133 53 134 135 91 136 137 138 86 139 43 140 44 141 61 142 143 144 51 145 57 146 147 148 149 63 150 151 152 153 12 154 12 155 93 156 93 157 93 158 67 159 93 160 161 162 61 16a 1 164 51 55 165 166 10 167 10 168 10 169 10 170 10 171 lo 172 86 F'2. 1119 3084 2047 5953 972 4855 2805 2547 1506 2816 6548 4729 4730 3829 2859 3504 1149 1153 1154 1155 1150 1157 4408 7541 3831 123 1478 1478 1480 1478 1478 1480 942 10 184 185 10 74 186 187 188 189 24 190 12 191 192 193 30 194 36 195 36 196 36 197 36 198 36 199 36 200 34 201 202 12 203 97 204 205 78 206 78 207 44 208 209 27 210 211 63 212 213 63 ^214 (53 1215 63 1216 63 173 174 97 942 175 176 46 2362 177 178 179 68 180 181 182 183 3814 1492 5044 5066 5020 4006 508 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 7159 943 5045 504c 4736 7215 1211 1213 1214 1211 1216 Trice. Clinical Thermometers, Syphon Shaped...........tO.75 Clinical Thermometer Cortittcate...................50 Clover's Ether I n ha lor..............................15.00 Evacuating Apparatus.......................10.00 Mouth :ary......................... 2.25 Galvanic "......................... 1.25 Obstetrical Forceps........................... 6.00 Coleman's Pessary...................................30 Colin's Foreign Body Instrument..................22.50 Lamp.......................................... 4.00 Nasal Speculum............................... 1.50 Pelvimeter.................................... O.OO Pile Forceps, Double.........................15.00 Colonic Exploring Sound.......................... 6.00 Colpeuryntei-s, Braun's..............................70 Peterson's......................................75 with Stopcock..................... 1.00 Stopcock, Hard Rubber.......................25 Comedone Extractor, Piflard's.....................25 and Acno I aneet........... i.ej Compressor, Artery, see Artery ( ompicssor. Compressors, Scrotal, Carroll's..................... 1.00 Doisneau's.................................... 2.00 11 awes'...........................;............ 2.25 Miliano's............ ..... ]'>.") white's.................!!!!!!!!.!!.!!!!!!!!!!! 2!25 Comstock's Gymvpod.............'..................15.00 with Speculum...............18.75 Obstetrical Forceps.......................... 5.25 Conant's Knives and Saw.......................... 6.00 Stem Pessary.................................. 2.00 Concave Mirror, see Mii-roi-s. Condenser, see Air Receivers. ( ougester. Penis.................................... 3.50 Conversation Tubes, Mohair, ('onical, 3 Feet!!!!!! 2.50 5 " ...... 4.00 Cylindrical.......... 1.50 Silk, Conical, 3 Feet................. 3 00 " ^ , " 5 " .......................... 5.00 Cylindrical............................... 2.00 Cooling Catheter, Plated........................ 1.50 Cooling Coil, see Water Coils. Cooling Sound, Wintcrnitz's, Silver............... 2.75 Soft Rubber......... 1.85 Coomb's Eye Speculum.............................85 Cooper's Hernia Knife............................. .75 Copper Pencil, in Wood Case.................A!!.! .25 Cord Carrier, Plain, Fillet......................... 4.50 Scholler's...................................... 3.00 Corey's Placenl a Forceps............!!!..........2'50 Cornets, Ear, Silver.....................!.'.'.'.'$ pair L50 Corning s Carotid Artery Compressor............. 0.00 Obstetrical Forceps.................... 000 Corn Instruments, see Manicure Inst. Costotome Chisel........................... ] p-, Rib Shears........................'............ 3'•>;-, Cotton, see Absorbent Cotton. Cotton, " " « Mops. Cotton Carriers, Buck's............. 11 Kelsey's.........................................!>'', Porte Meche........................'...........~>r, Couching Needle......................!..............£'•> Counter Irritation, Baunscheid't's Inst..!!!!!!!!!!. ].75 .Oil, Gen......... 2.0U " Imt..... 1 4'5 Counter-Pressor, Skene's................. ] 00 ( ounter Pressure Fork, Nilsen's ....'.'.'.............75 Counter Pressure Hooks, liozeman's .....'.'.'.!!.....50 Emmet's........................... 'qq Sims'........................................50 Counter Pressure Staff, Harris'..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'" 150 Tenaculum, Hanks'___!!....... 150 Cowan's Trachelorrhaph / Forceps ... ' 3'no Uterine Dilator, Set of 3....... .......j'g5 Vaccination Shield, Cotton... .25'."'sil!k'" '50 Vertebratcd Catheter.... " Von Cowgill's-Hey's Saw................' ..............o 65 Coxeter's A rtery Forceps............".'.! '50 Dissecting " ...... 'an Stem Pessary......................... " i\e Cracour's Oesophageal Dilator.......... "' 1*50 Vaginal Speculum........ "" "4*75 Crampton's A rtery Needles........ ' "'38 Y>nir 3Y5 Cranioclasts, Simpson's...... ...........V l 7A Tarnier's..................."................ot{'m Craniotomy Forceps, Elliott's . ...........""'-= Meigs'........................;;............... o ik Simpson's...... ........... ?"Ja Thomas' ....... ....................... 4'qq Pre^^iGiares' areoi *S\Arojeores' .S\ypppT=:s. No, Plate. FiR. 1217 49 2539 1218 19 4179 1219 19 4180 1220 24 4047 1221 25 4128 1222 25 4129 1223 25 4214 1224 1225 87 3929 1226 22 3971 1227 63 3810 1228 '03 3811 1229 63 !5809 1230 49 1230 1231 49 1230 1232 4 6611 1233 1234 4 6613 1235 30 1235 1236 30 1235 1237 30 69 1237 1238 22 4058 1239 24 4032 1240 21 4096 1241 94 5799 1242 1243 40 6255 1244 12 1244 1245 12 1245 1246 12 1246 1247 1248 12 1244 1249 12 1249 1250 12 1250 1251 9 3 3 57 25 59 80 36 1252 36 6863 1253 37 3591 1254 1255 1256 65 6489 1257 1258 1259 27 7217 1260 1261 1262 1263 44 4737 1264 33 6893 1265 1266 35 7129 1267 1268 1269 87 1269 1270 87 1269 1271 87 87 1271 1272 12 1272 1273 12 1273 1274 12 1274 1275 44 4738 1276 44 4739 1277 44 4740 1278 44 4741 1279 30 7064 1280 1281 1282 1283 41 4590 1284 1285 43 24 4804 1286 1287 87 3939 1288 3 616 1289 3 1065 1290 1291 78 5049 1292 29 7219 1293 90 7315 1294 90 7315 1295 24 4007 1296 1297 60 3833 1298 14 6064 1299 1 5496 1300 1301 39 3662 1302 1303 39 3663 1304 42 4606 1305 30 6997 1306 26 7222 1307 26 7220 1308 38 7040 1309 1310 U6 7610 Price. Creosote Inhalers, Robinson's......................$0.25 Critchett's Eye Speculum, Over Nose.............. 1.00 ft " " Temple........... 1.00 Iris Needle.......................... ..........85 Lens Spoon, Concave......................... 1.00 " Flat.............................. 1.00 Strabismus Hook..............................75 Crocker's Bandage Roller.......................... 4.50 Crosby's Operating Bed, Price on Application. Cross-Bar Entropium Forceps...................... 1.75 Crotchets, Bedford's................................ 4.50 Guarded....................................... 3.25 Crotchet and Blunt Hook.......................... 1.00 Croup Kettle, Fine................................. 2.75 " Plain................................. 1.50 Crown Trephine.................................... 3.50 :' Guarded........................... 4.50 " with Brace........................14.50 Crucibles, Platina, Deep............................ 2.50 " Shallow......................... 1.85 Porcelain...................................... 1.00 Crutch, see Orthopedic. Culbertson's Iricystome.............................12.00 Iris Hook...................................... 9.00 Cupped Sounds, Brewster's Lachrymal, Silver___1.00 Van Buren's Urethral.........................90 Cupping, Dry, Junod's Arm or Boot...............15.00 Thomas' Dry Cupper......................... 1.00 Cupping Cups, Glass.................................10 " and Rubber....................35 " with Brass Fittings............35 Soft Rubber....................................75 Tin.............................................15 Cupping Cup Stopcock, Plated.....................50 Cupping Pump..................................... 1.75 Curette, Bladder, Mussey's......................... 1.75 Curette, sec Aural Curettes or Scoops. " Bone " " " " Dermal " " " " Nasal " Ophthalmic" " " " Post Nasal " " " " Rectal " " " " I'terine " " " Curette Forceps, Emmet's.......................... 2.50 Currie's Canulated Needle.......................... 5.25 Curtis' Section Knife............................... 2.75 " " and Frame.....................9.00 Cusco's Tongue Holding Forceps..................2.75 Vaginal Speculum, Folding.................. 2.00 " Ludlam's........ 2.25 " " Improved................ 2.00 " " " Thomas'....... 2.00 " " Plain..................... 1.75 " Stiff Handle....... 2.00 Cushier's Cup Pessary.............................. 3.50 Cushing's Pelvic Abcess Dilating Forceps......... 4.00 Trocar and Forceps........................... 4.00 Vulsellum Forceps........................... 2.25 without Catch............ 2.00 Cushions, Combined Cushion and Bed Pan........ 3.75 Kelly's Obst. or Operat'g, 22"x44'............5.00 20"x44"............ 4.00 Perineal, 14"x34-............ 3.00 See Invalid Cushions. Cutaneous Punch, Keyes'........................... 1.75 Cutipuncture, Sherwell's........................... 3.75 Cutisector, Piffard's................................ 3.75 Cutter's Cup Pessary with Belt.................... 1.00 Plain " " " .................... 1.00 Ring " " " .................... 1.00 Thomas' " " " .................... 1.00 Uterine Sound................................ 1.00 Cyrtometers, Flint's................................ 6.00 Warren's...................................... 4.50 Wood's........................................ 7.50 Cyst Elevator, Borck's Ovarian.................... 1.00 Cystitis Eyelet, Emmet's............................15 Cystocele Pessaries. Skene's........................................ 1.00 Cystotome, see Ophthalmic. Czermack's Uvula Hook........................... 1.25 l^aggett's Operating Table, Price on Appl. Darby's Bone Holder and Rongeur................ 3.00 Chisel, Gouges and Levator............$ set 4.50 Darling's Chain Hook...............................50 Scalpel..........................................50 Darrow's Vaginal Speculum, with 2 Blades........ 9.00 Davidson's Syringe..................................75 ................................. 1.00 Daviel's Curette................................... 1.00 Davis' Hernia Instrument..........................11.25 Obstetrical Forceps........................... 5.75 Stethoscope................................... 2.75 Dawbarn's Aseptic Saw............................ 3.50 Ether Inhaler................................. 4.25 Needle Forceps............................... 5.25 Dawson's-Erich's Speculum........................ 9.00 Needle Forceps............................... 2.65 Ovarian Clamp................................ 6.00 Probe, Flat, Hard Rubber.....................50 Sims' Speculum............................... 3.50 Dilating...................... 4.00 Uterine Scissors............................... 3.50 Vaccinator.................................... 2.75 Wire Twister.................................. 1.50 No. 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 Plate, 23 Tig. Priee. Dayton's Vaporizer.................................$0.50 Debris Curette, Mussey's........................... 1.75 Syringe, Van Buren's......................... 2.00 Tube and Obdurator.......................... 1.00 1315 Decapitating Hook.................................2.00 1316 " Braun's........................2.00 Deformity Apparatus, see Orthopedic. 3664 De Gaine's Russian Needle Holder................. 2.50 2367 De Garmo's Hernia Syringe........................ 4.50 6569 Delaborde's Tracheal Dilator....................... 2.75 3994 De la Roza's Fixation Forceps..................... 1.50 4048 Iris Needle................................... 1.25 Delerv's Hysterotomy Clamp......................3.00 2048 Denhard's Gag..................................... 2.50 3834 Denman's Obstetrical Forceps..................... 5.25 Iris Needle.....................................85 Dennison's Stethoscope............................ 4.00 1327 Dental Floss, Plain, 12 Yard Spools.........$ doz. .65 1327 Waxed, .....' .........$ doz. .85 1329 Dental Forceps, Root, Straight, Upper Front.....1.50 1330 " Half C'd, *' or Lower. 1.50 1331 " Full " Lower............ 1.50 1332 " Half " Upper or Lower. 1.50 1333 " Universal, " Back.....1.50 1334 " Bayonet, " ........... 1.50 1335 Molar, Plain Beaks, Lower....... 1.50 1336 Incisor, Upper, Lateral.......... 1.50 1337 Molar, Universal, Upper.......... 1.50 1338 " Lower, R. or L............ 1.50 1339 " Cowhorn, Lower, R. or L. 1.50 1340 " Upper Left................ 1.50 1341 " " Right.............. 1.50 1342 Bicuspid'1 .................... 1.50 1343 " Lower................... 1.50 1344 Molar, Bayonet, Upper Right.... 1.50 1345 " " Either Side.....1.50 1346 " " Upper Left.....1.50 1347 " Lower Right.............. 1.50 1348 " Cowhorn, Upper, R. or L . 1.50 1349 " Lower Left............... 1.50 Dental Root Elevator................................75 " Extractor..............................75 Dental Syringes, see Syringes, Hard Rubber. Turn Key..................................... 1.50 3990 Depilator, Henry's.................................. 1.75 Depressor, Tongue, see Tongue Depressors. Vaginal, see Vaginal Depressors. 3025 Depuytren's Bistoury Cache.......................18.00 5052 Enterotome................................... 3.75 3049 Lithotomy Scalpel............................ 1.25 De Rigal's Stone Holder and Breaker..............50.00 1358 Dermal Scoop, Auspitz's........................... 1.50 1859 Piffard's....................................... 1.25 Desmarre's Cautery Iron...........................].25 3972 Entropium Forceps........................... 2.00 4167 Eyelid Retractor.............................. 1.00 Many-Pronged Hook......................... 1.50 4072 Paracentesis Trocar.......................... 1.00 4144 Scarificator.................................... 1.00 Desormeaux's Endoscope..........................35.00 Detmold's Metacarpal Saw......................... 1.15 2548 De Vilbiss' Powder Blower......................... 1.00 5956 Spray___...................................... 1.50 351 Devil's Screw Hook. ................................50 4943 Dewey's Placenta Hook.............................75 1372 Diagnostic Tube, Toynbee's.........................50 659 Dick's Bougie a Boule...............................60 Caustic Syringe............................... 2.50 7223 Dickens' Vaginal Speculum....................... 6.75 Diefenbach's Needle Forceps...................... 2.25 286 Dieulafoy's Aspirator, Large.................... 35.00 286 " Small.......................25.00 Dilating Catheter and Syringe, Otis'............... 2.50 6959 Forceps, Vesico-Vaginal, Thomas'........... 2.00 Dilator, see Anal, Rectal Dilators. " Lithotrity, Tracheal " " Nasal, Urethral " " Oesophageal, Uterine " Ophthalmic, Vaginal " Prostatic 3949 Directors, Bowman's.......................... 35 5133 Hamilton's, $ set, Plated.....75. Silver.. L25 Herniotomy, see Hernia Director. 5134 ¥Teuc?s:..................................$ set 2.00 1384 Hunter's...................... w» 3027 Little's.............................'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. LOO 1386 Director and Aneurism Needle................... !25 1387 " Scoop........................ .....25 1388 " Tongue Tie.............. "25 1389 " " "Delicate..........!'.!!!!!! !65 Dish, see Evaporating Dishes. Disk, " Electric Disks. Dissecting Aprons, Plain........................ 2 50 With Sleeves and Pockets...................' 3.5Q 1392 1393 1394 1395 a 0 SO 0 a n5 3 3 Dissecting Cases. 0 3 u c a I 0 0 0 u 0 a 0 0 8 0 £ a A contains 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... ... 2.00 B 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 ... ... 2.50 C i 1 1 1 3 1 1 ... ... 3.0# D " 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 ... ... 3.5t See Post-Mortem Cases Prev^siGiares' areoi S^rgje:ores' Sv ppfle:^. No. Plate. Fig. ' Price. 1396 78 5045 Dissecting Forceps, Coxeter's......................$0.50 1397 Dissecting Gowns, Full Sleeves.................... 8.00 1398 Half Sleeves................... .............. 6.75 1399 No " ................................... 5.50 1400 Dissecting Hooks, Darling's........................80 1401 7s 5048 Double..........................................35 1402 78 5041 Plain, with Chain.............................20 1403 78 50:S9 Dissecting Knife, Cartilage.........................35 1404 78 5040 Dissecting Scalpels, Ebony Handle.................35 1405 78 5049 Metal Handle ..................................75 1406 78 5067 Dissecting Scissors, Curved.........................75 1407 78 5068 Straight........................................30 1408 Dissecting Sleeves, Fine.....................$ pair 6.00 1409 Plain...................................$ pair 4.50 78 Dissectinu, see Post-Mortem. 95 Divulsor, " Urethral Divulsors. 1410 24 4008 Dix's Spud...........................................75 1411 Dobell's Stethoscope.............................. .75 1412 65 6490 Tongue-Holding Forceps..................... 3.25 1413 93 1156 Doisne ui's Compress............................... 2.00 1414 Dolbeau's Dilator...................................18.00 1415 99 3015 Guide for Lithoclast.......................... 2.65 1416 99 3014 Lithoclast..................................'... 5.00 1417 Dome Top Vaginal Speculum...................... 1.00 1418 Dome Trocars, Fitch's Aspirating................. 1.50 1419 92 4630 Ovarian, Tait's................................12.00 1420 44 4747 Donaldson's Flexion Pessary....................... 1.50 1421 Donder's Ear Spout..................................50 1422 15 6702 Doremus' Ureameter............................... 1.25 1423 Double Kachitome................................. 8.00 1424 8 1424 Douches, Aural, Lucae's Reflux.....................50 1425 " Sexton's.......................... 7.50 1426 90 1426 Catarrhal, Warner's...........................75 1427 Eye, Agnew's..............................1.25 90 Nasal, see Nasal Douches. 40 Uterine, see Uterine Douches. 90 Vaginal, see Vaginal Syringes. 1428 8 7352 Vapor, liuttle's, Hard Rubber................75 1429 8 7352 " " Metal........................ 1.25 1430 " Hardy's................................ 3.00 Douche, sc 1474 Lur. Artificial, to Order Only. 9 I,a, Instruments, see Aural. 51 Ear Mirror, see Mirrors. 1475 10 1475 Ear trumpets, Auricles, Leather Covered......... 3.00 1476 10 1475 " Silk ......... 4-00 1477 10 1477 Compact...................................... ~-~J 1478 10 1478 Conversation Tube, Conic, Mohair.......... 2.o0 1A. "}Q 10 1478 " " Silk..............3.00 1480 10 im ;: Cyl., Mohair............ 1.50 1481 10 1480 " MUs............... %™ 1482 10 1482 Corrugated.................................... o-w 1483 10 1483 Dipper Shaped................................ o.au 1484 Dome " ................................ *}•"" 1485 10 1485 German Silver................................ *•«« I486 10 H86 Japanned, Martmeau s....................... o.ou No. 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1487 1487 1487 1485 1492 1493 1494 1494 1494 6677 6677 1502 1503 1504 1520 1506 83 1508 1510 1506 1514 1519 1520 83 1524 1528 1529 1530 1532 1533 1534 7226 30 6824 29 7228 74 5135 16 1552 16 1569 16 1573 16 1575 Price. Ear Trumpets, London, Small, Black or Plated.. .S2.50 Medium, " " — 8.00 " Large, " "* ■ ■ ■ • 3.50 Long, Japanned.............................. 2.50 North's Ear-Phone...........................15.00 Silver Cornets..........................$ pair 1.50 Straight, Japanned........................... 1.75 Telescopic, Hard Rubber, 2 Parts............2.25 " " " 3 " ............. 3.00 Plated............................ 3.50 Tympanums with Silver Stem................ .20 " Gold '• ................40 Walking Cane with Trumpet................ 6.00 Echoscope, Speir's.................................. 4.50 Ecraseurs and Snares. Ashe's Snare, with 3 Tips..................... 6.00 Barnes' Wire Ecraseur....................... 3.75 Bettmann's Snare............................. 3.00 Blake's " ............................. 2.00 Bosworth's " ............................. 1.50 " " with 2 Tips................. 1.75 Braxton Hicks' Ecraseur....................11.25 Chassaignac's " Sm'l, 10.50. L'ge.. 15.00 Cintrats' " .................... 1.85 " Serre-Noeud....................... 7.00 Cohen's Snare, with 2 Tips................... 1.75 Douglas'....................................... 6.00 Edward's Ecraseur............................13.50 Elsberg's " ............................ 3.00 Emmet's " ............................26.00 Gibb's " ............................ 2.25 Gleitzmann's Cautery Snare.................12.00 Hope's Snare.................................. 8.00 Jarvis' " ................................... 1.25 " with 2 Tips...................... 1.50 Jones' " ................................... 6.00 Koeberle's Serre-Noeud...................... 4.50 Penn's Snare.................................. 3.75 Sajou's " .................................. 1.50 " with2Tips...................... 2.00 " " Scissors Handle................. 6.75 Sims' Ecraseur................................26.00 Skene's Wire Ecraseur........................ 5.75 Smith's " " Curved................ 3.00 " Straight............... 3.00 " with 2 Tips............4.00 Thompson's " ........................19.00 Wilde's Snare................................. 1.50 Wright's " ................................. 7.00 Edebohl's Needle Holder........................... 2.75 Vaginal Speculum............................ 3.50 " " with Bucket.............. 4.50 Edward's Caustic Holder........................... 1.75 Ecraseur.......................................13.50 Stem Pessary.................................. 2.00 Ehrich's Vaginal Speculum........................ 7.50 Elastic Bandage, sec Bandages. Elastic Ligature, see Ligature. Elastic Ligature Carriers, Hamilton's.............. 3.7J Helmuth's..................................... 2.5C Ostrom's...................................... 2.2.:1, Elastic Stockings, see Orthopedic. Eldrige's Bullet Probe...............................35 Urethral Path-Finder........................26.U. ELECTRIC APPARATUS. Cabinet Batteries, Barrett Dry Cell.............225.0b G. F. Hospital, 40 Cell..........................191.Q. *' 60 " ..........................20t.(X; " AVall, 30 45 60 Cell. 60.00 71.00 82.50 Mcintosh No. 1, no Cells; No.2, 30; No.3, 36 Ceiio, 1*0.00 64.00 72.00 Cautery Batteries, G. F., Complete............. ]9.5. No. Plate. Fig, 1580 1581 1582 1583 10 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 16 1622 16 1634 1661 1661 1661 1661 1665 1661 1661 1661 17 1675 17 1679 „_ _ Price. ELECTRIC APPARATUS. Magneto-Electric Batt's, Davis' and Kidder's...;:0.50 Pocket Batteries, Barrett Dry Cell, No. 7.......10.00 Gaiffe System, Double Cover.............!!!!'.! 5.50 " " Single ".................4.50 Static Batteries, Atkinson's, Price on Application. G. F,, Holtz's........*............... 225 00 Storage Batteries, G. F., No. 1 2......3 26.25 33.75 45.00 ELECTRIC APPARATUS SUNDRIES. Burrs, Drills, Etc. Nasal Burr Drill, Goodwillie's............ 4.50 Knife " " .................. o.OO Burr...................................... 1.50 " ...................................... 1.50 " ...................................... 1.50 ...................................... 1.50 ...................................... 1.50 " ...................................... 1.50 " ...................................... 1.50 " ......................................1.50 " ...................................... 1.50 Trephines................................ 1.50 ................................ 1.50 ................................ 1.50 " (ruarded, Myles'.............. 4.50 " Scissors Drill, Goodwillie's...........;__7.50 Carbons, Climax..................................20 Florence..........................................20 G. F. Cautery.................................20 Piffard's..........................25 " Faradic................................... .20 " Galvanic...........................•........]5 Mcintosh Combined.............................20 " Family................................15 Galvanic..............................10 " Physicians'............................20 No. 3..................................25 Norwood with Cell...............................80 Phenix................................,..........20 Cells, Barrett Dry Faradic........................ 1.50 " " Galvanic........■...............30 " " Pocket........................ 1.50 Climax.......................................... .40 Florence.......................................40 Gaiffe............................................ 1.50 G. F. Cautery....................................75 " Faradic, Glass...........................35 H. R............................ 1.15 " Galvanic, G lass............................20 H. R.............................35 " Piffard's Cautery......................... 1.15 Mcintosh Cautery, H. R........................ 2.40 Family, " ........................ 1.00 " Faradic Part of Comb'd............. 1.50 " Galvanic............................. 3.00 " Physicians'.......................... 1.50 Norwood, Complete with Carbons..............80 Phenix............................................40 Chemicals, Bichromate of Soda.............|1 ft. .25 Bisulphate of Mercury....................$ oz. .15 Chromic Acid............................."(j} to. .50 Dry Compound, G Charges.............y p'k'ge .60 Conducting Cords, Cautery...'............y pair 2.75 Cotton Covered..........................y pair .35 Silk " .........................y pair .50 Zincs, Climax....................................20 Florence.......................................15 Gaiffe..................................$ i>air -25 G. F. Cautery..................................75 Piffard's.........................30 " Faradic..................................20 " Galvanic.................................15 Kidder Tip, No. 5......................$ pair .75 "Platin. Plate............... 1.25 Mcintosh Cautery............................ 1.00 Combined..........................20 " Family..............................15 Galvanic.......................... .10 " Physicians'.........................20 No. 3................................25 Norwood, Mounted............................20 Plain................................10 Phenix..........................................25 Electric Disks, Armadillo Ankle..................75 Arm............................................ 1.50 Head............................................. 1.50 Knee............................................ 1.75 Soles.....................................<$ pair .75 Thigh........................................... 1.85 Waist............................................ 3.75 Wrist............................................ .75 Garratt's Adult, 5" x 8"......................... 2.00 Child, 2" x5"..........................80 Oblong, 4" x 12"...................... 2.75 " " 4" x 18" ...................... 4.00 ELECTRODES. Arm............................................... 1.50 Aural and Nasal...................................35 Ball.................................................35 Beard's Base Needle..............................,r.O Current Changer........................: 7.50 Electrode with Band................... 1.00 Brush, Metallic....................................50 No. flite. Fij; 1680 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 172i 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 ELECTRODES. Catheter, Silver. Price. .51-85 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 8 1681 8 1682 8 1683 8 1684 8 -1685 8 1686 8 1687 8 1688 8 1689 8 1690 8 1691 8 1692 8 1693 8 1694 8 1695 8 1696 8 1697' 8 1698 8 1699 8 1700 8 1701 8 1702 8 1703 8 1704 8 1705 8 1700 8 1707 8 1708 8 1709 8 1710 I I I* 1S Cautery Burners. C (3 >3 Y Side Cutting, R. & L............. ........1.85 1.50 Spiral, Small............................. 1.85 1.50 " Medium........................... 1.85 1.50 " Large.............................. 1.85 1.50 Flat, Small ............................. 1.85 1.50 " Medium........................... 1.85 1.50 " Large............................... 1.85 1.50 Porcelain Core, Small................... 1.85 1.85 " " Medium................. 1.85 1.85 " Large................... 1.85 1.85 Post Nares............1.85 ___ 8.1 Pointed............................75 .75 1.;".() Bulbous...........................75 .75 1.50 Loop............................. 1.15 1.15 T.:70 Curette, Straight................ 1.15 1.15 1 .50 R. &L.......................... 1..'0 Knife, Flat.....•......................... 1.50 Broad Loop...................... l.,r0 " Lancet............................ l.fji " Curved, R. & L........... 1.15 1.15 1.50 Angular, R. & L..................75 .;r>l.i.O Side Point, It. & L...................... 1.85 " Knife, " ........................ 1.85 Square " Flat......................... 1.85 Oblique Knife, R. & L........... 1.15 1.15 1.85 Porcelain Core, Post Nares............1.85 Pointed....................................... Bosworth's, with Shield..................... 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.50 l.r.fl i.ro i.r.o 1.15 1.85 8 1711 8 1712 8 1713 8 1714 8 1715 8 1716 8 1717 8 1718 7 1720 7 1721 7 1722 17 1727 17 1729 17 1730 17 1730 17 1732 17 1733 17 1734 17 1735 17 1739 Cautery Canulas, Nasal........................... 1.00 Nasal, Angular................................. ] .Ml Laryngeal...................................... 1.25 Cautery Handles, Plain, for Eve Electrodes___ 2.75 " Dental " .... ;..75 Plain, for Nasal or Throat Electrodes......... : .75 Universal Snare Handle........................ 8.00 " " Flemming's............lo.uo Comb............................................ ].oo Cup Shaped....................................... i.m Dental...........................................;,o Disk.............................................:■() Ear................................................ l.oo " Double........................................ j.25 Elastic, Urethral or Uterine..................... 2.00 Electrolysis Needles...............................15 Needle Holder................ 150 Eye Cup.............. Foot Plate, Covered Metal................................. Hair Brush................................ . ] Hand Plate.....................................!. ] Interrupting Handle............................. i Laryngeal......................................... Metallic Handle.........■.......................... " Scourge..............................__ " Sound.................................... Nasal .50 1.00 .00 1741 1741 1741 1741 1741 1741 Neck......................... Needle Holder for 1 Needle. "2 " . "3 " . "4 " . 5 6 1.50 .80 90 1.15 1749 1751 17 1752 1753 1755 1757 1758 17 1760 17 1761 1762 1739 1739 17 1707 Olives Only.........................................10 Pole Changer..................................... 3!7,-, piated.............................;;;;.....=-, Sound........................................... 50 Sponge Covered.................................. 1 "(jo \\ CuP..............................!!!!!!!!! !ss " Holder................... A!!!!!!!!!!!! 1.00 " ail(l Current Breaker.!!!..!".'.'.'" 2 25 Tongue.................... ~r. Tonsil .........................'.'...................A) Universal Handle................................... 50 Urethral........................." "g.-, Uterine.......................... A!!!!!! Vr> " Elastic-................!!.!!!!!!!!!'.'.'.! 2 i ii " Spiral......................!!!!!!!!'.!! ~ 85 " with'"um and stem...................... ]ii Vaginal Ins'dae'-d. , ,oth Currents. ...A'......... ;{ o Pbv&lGlfXT2S>' aT2(l Sv/rgj&oms' ^v/ppf !<£.<,. 11 lo. Plate. 1769 17 1770 17 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 17S9 1790 1791 1792 1793 57 1794 2 1795 2 1796 2 1797 33 1798 63 1799 1800 60 1801 85 1802 35 1803 81 1804 1805 89 1806 1807 1808 83 1809 50 1810 1811 1812 1813 58 1814 1815 91 1816 1817 1818 1819 62 1820 30 1821 7 1822 37 1823 1824 86 1825 80 1826 80 1827 80 1828 1829 1830 30 1831 1832 5 1833 5 1834 39 1835 92 1836 1837 1838 38 1839 38 1840 88 1841 88 1842 38 1843 43 1844 1845 36 1846 36 1847 34 1848 32 1849 34 1850 34 1851 31 1852 30 1853 30 1854 1855 1856 32 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 95 1863 95 1864 95 1865 95 1866 95 1867 95 1868 fig, Pric. - ELECTRODES. 1769 Vaginal Insulated.............. SI 00 1770 " Plated.........................' ' .75 Wheel, H. R., with Metallic Points.............. 3.00 ELECTRO MAGNETS. Bradford's.........................................18.75 Gruening's................................!.!!!.!! o.oo ELECTRO-METERS, ETC. Galvanometers, Mcintosh, Large................ 5.50 Medium.............. 4.00 " Small................ 3.25 Milliamperemeters, Barrett's, No. 4..............30.00 " 4a............20.00 G. F.............................................15.00 Kidder's Pocket................................20.00 Mcintosh........................................20.00 Motors, C. ('., y* Horse Power....................22.50 C. C. Cords, Push Button, etc., for above...... 3.75 " Flexible Shaft and Handpiece............11.25 Rheostats, Mcintosh ( oil, 0- 3 Ohms......... 8.00 " 100-2500 " .........24.00 " Hydro-Platinum..........20.00 " New Carbon............... 8.00 Water...................... 4.75 Rheotomrv. Mcintosh Automatic................ 9.50 Graduated..................12.00 1793 1794 17.95 1796 6894 1213 3KS6 6042 6942 7018 1444 1514 2540 3451 3505 2817 6554 8 6181 1810 0825 205 6980 1100 7107 0801 0803 3621 3022 :J668 4627 7041 7042 7043 7044 7045 4750 7104 7106 7613 6897 6944 6945 7019 6998 6998 6897 1862 3257 1862 1865 1S66 1867 Elevators, Dental....................................75 Trepanning.....................................75 I'terine, see I'terine Repositors. Elevator and Lenticular Knife.................... 1.25 " Raspatory.............................75 " Scoop................................. 1.25 Ellinger's Uterine Dilator.......................... 0.50 Elliott's ('raniotomy Forceps...................... 2.75 lntra-I'terinc Speculum..................... 5.25 ( Ibstotrical Forceps.......................... 5.00 Uterine Dressing Forceps.................... 1.25 with Catch....... 1.50 " Repositor............................ 2.50 Elliottson's Stethoscope............................ 3.00 Ellis' Spiral Drainage...............y doz. lengths 1.50 Elsbcrg's Aesthesiometer.......................... 5.25 Angular Screw Hook......................... 1.25 Ecraseur...................................... 8.00 Insufflator.................................... 1.50 Nasal Polypus Forceps....................... 1.75 " Speculum............................... 1.75 Pocket Laryngoscope........................ 2.50 Sponge Holding Forceps..................... 4.50 Tongue Depressor............................ 3.00 Trachea Tube, with Valve................... 6.00 Ely's Otoscope...................................... 4.50 Embalming Pump with 3 Tips and Stopcock...... 7.50 Embryotomy Forceps, Bathelder's................ O.oo Tiemann's..................................... 2.00 Emnut's Applicator with Slide, Silver............. 1.0(1 Aspirator No. 2............................... 8.00 Ball and Socket Knife........................ 3.75 Bed Pan....................................... 3.75 Counter Pressure Hook.......................50 " '• " and Tenaculum..... 1.75 Curette........................................ 1.00 " Forceps................................ 2.50 Cystitis Fvelet.................................15 Ecraseur......................................20.00 Enucleator.................................... 1.15 Fistula Tube...................................25 Needle, Round Point..................y doz. .50 " Triangular Point.............. " " .75 Forceps............................... 2.25 Ovarian Trocar............................... 3.00 Perineal Rei ractor........................... 5.25 Ring Pessary...................................25 Scissors, Angular, Delicate................... 2.50 Full Curve, R. \- L................. 3.25 " Knee-Bent........................... 2.25 Slight Curve, R. & L................ 2.75 Urethral, Button Hole.............. 6.00 Smith's Pessary................................30 Sponge Dilator................................ 1.85 Tenaculum.....................................50 Double............................ 3.75 Twisting Forceps............................ 1.75 Uterine Dilator............................... 1.50 " Dressing Forceps.................... 1.25 " " " with Catch........ 1.75 Elevator.............................. 3.00 " Silver Probe...........................75 " Heavy.................. 1.00 " Tourniquet........................... 4.oo Vaginal Speculum............................ 5.00 Water Dilator................................ 1.50 Endoscopes, Auspitz's..............................15.00 Desormeaux's.................................35.00 Glass.......................................... _.35 Laveu r's.......................................15.00 K lot z's. Si I ver................................. 2.00 Otis,' Hard Rubber............................75 1.00 .75 2.00 1.00 1.75 Smith's........................................ 5.00 Skene' Meatus................ Plated................. Folsom's Speculum. Urethral No, 1869 1870 1871 1872 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 192C 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 Plat; 95 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 26 94 Blades. I860 Endoscopes, Weir's....................... Engelman's Placenta Curette........... 5052 Enterotomes, Depuytren's.............. 5051 Plain............................... Entropium Force)is. see Ophthalmic. Enucleation Scissors, " f',s;;2 Enuclcators, Emmet's................... 50i 3 Sims'................................ O 85 Yarrow's....................... Epiglottis Forceps, Bruns'..............^ Epilating " sec Ophthalmic. 3438 Epistaxis Canula, Belocq's, Plated...... 3438 " " Silver....... 3420 Epistaxis Clamp, Care's.................. Epistaxis Tampon........................ Erichson's Arterial Compressor.......... 237 Esmarch's Artery Forceps, Bulbous..... 238 " " Fenestrated " " Torsion...... Bandage Shears..................... Combination Inst. H'dle........75 Drop Bottle................................... Fracture Bandage............................ Irrigator...................................... Mask......................................... Ovariotomy Clamp........................... Plaster Knife and Wedge..................... Stopcock, 1 Conic Point, Automatic......... 2 Olive " " ........ Tourniquet Clamp, Hard Rubber............ " S. R. B'gc and Strap with Chain. Ether Inhaler, see Anaesthetic Inhalers. Eugenie Periodical Rubber Bandage............... Eustachian Catheters, Ferguson's................. Fitzgerald's................................... Hard Rubber................................. Noyes' Silver, R. or L........................ Plated......................................... Sexton's....................................... Silver, Coin.................................... Pure................................... Woake's....................................... Eustachian Catheter Holders, Bouafont's......... Pomeroy's..................................... Wire Clamp................................... Eustachian Tnfiators, see Politzer's Bags. 2564 Sexton's....................................... Nozzle................................ 2532 Evan's Pocket Inhaler.............................. 1913 Evaporating Dishes, 2", 3", 4", 5", 6". .25 .30 .35 .40 .50 Expeller, see Sponge Tent Expellers. 1914 Exploring Director................................. 3544 Needle, Hard Rubber Case.................... 3544 " Plated Case........................... Shell Handle, Folding............... Trocar, see Trocars. Kxsection Drills, see Bone Drills. Pri e. SO. 75 2.25 3.75 1.75 l.U 3.25 3.25 471 148 434 2583 149 4607 466 6136 0136 6527 433 1900 1901 1900 1900 1900 1.75 .50 .50 18.00 J. 75 1.75 1.50 2.00 .75 .20 2.50 .75 4.50 1.25 .75 1.00 .30 1.75 2.00 1.50 1.75 .25 1.50 .50 .95 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 2.50 .50 1.50 .75 .50 .75 .25 .25 .75 Spike for Transfixing Bones...... 1919 Extension Apparatus, Ruck's.......... 1919 " Levis'........... see Orthopedic. 274 Eye, Artificial. 500 1025 1926 1927 6510 634 3487 3486 2818 6112 6113 6112 3442 6116 238 322 4133 635 8070 5591 6529 1954 1955 5053 5043 5061 Bath. Cases Filled to Order. Douche, Agnew's.............. Classes, Price on Application. Instruments, see Ophthalmic. Shades, Double................. Single................. Eyelet, Politzer's..................... Eyelet Forceps, Politzer's........... .35 5.00 5.00 6.00 .15 1.25 .25 .15 .20 1.00 p ahnstock's Tonsilotome......................... 3.50 Faraboeuf's Osteophor............................. 5.00 Faradic Battery, see Electric Apparatus. Farnham's Alligator Cutting Forceps............. 4.50 " Fenest...... 4.50 Fauvell's Laryngeal Polypus Forceps............. 2.75 Throat Forceps, Double Joint............... 4.00 Feeding Tubes, English, Plain..................... l.oo Funnel End.............. 1.25 French..........................................75 Paine's Nasal, Soft Rubber....................75 Velvet Eye................................. 115 Felt, Koehler's.........................$ square ft. .40 Russian..........................^ square ft. .60 Fenestrated Artery Forceps, Slide Catch.......... 1.50 Ear Scoop......................................35 Lens " Levi's.............................. 1.00 Ferguson's Eustachian ( 'atheter.................! L50 Lion-Jaw Bone-Holding Forceps........... 2.25 Lithotrite.....................................is. 75 Sequestrum Forceps........................ ! \ !s.7 Stethoscope___............................... .7 -, Tubuiar Speculum, see Vag. Spec. Field Tourniquets, Prussian........................50 U. S. Army...............................'. 'pi Filiform Bougie, see Bougies. Fillet, Obstetrical............................ .< 50 Finger Cot, Alpha....................A.'.!!!!..... 05 Protector.......................!!.!!!!!!!!!!!! A5 May's Articulated.!!.!.!!!!!!!!! 1.50 Finnell's Knife, Saw and Handle....... 8, 25 Post-Mortem ('h isel........................ 'j^ Needle. Bayonet...............15 12 P"Bj£§i©i auras' a.T2cl !S\Jr ?o45 2047 65 2047 " 85 2048 65 2049 65 2051 65 2052 65 2056 Price, Fischer's Iris Forceps..............................$0.90 Phimosis " ............................... 2.00 Fistula Needle.......................................10 Tube, Emmet's.................................25 Fitch's Aspirator Needle or Trocar................ 1.50 Clamp Forceps................................ 2.75 Dome Trocar Catheter....................... 4.50 Handy Aspirator............................. 3.50 Ovarian Dome Trocar........................10.00 Pocket Scale.................................. 1.00 Uterine Sound................................ 1.00 Vaginal Speculum............................ 2.00 Wire Twister................................. 2.75 Fitzgerald's Eustachian Catheter.................. 1.75 Fixation Forceps, see Ophthalmic. Fixators, Uterine, Byrne's......................... 1.75 See Uterine Tenacula. " " Forceps. Flannel Bandage, see Bandages. Fletcher's Aneurism Needle........................ 2.25 Flint's Aspirator................................... 3.50 Cyrtometer................................... 6.00 Percussor, Hard Rubber Handle..............50 Metal " ..............75 Pleximeter.....................................20 Trocar......................................... 2.75 Flood's Artificial Leech Glass.......................75 Fluhrer's Aluminum Bullet Probe................. 1.50 Crochet Drill................................. 1.50 Fork........................................... 2.00 Grooved Retractor........................... 1.75 Set for Wiring Bones.........................13.50 Spray Tube.................................... 3.75 Wire Suture....................................35 Foetal Skeleton, etc., see Osteological. Folsom's Nasal Speculum.......................... 1.00 Foot, see Osteological. Foster's Operating Table, Price on Application. Speculum Holder, with 2 Blades.............11.75 Vaginal Syringe.............................. 3.00 Fountain Syringe, see Vaginal Syringes. Four-Bladed Pocket Instrument.................. 3.75 Fowler's Antiseptic Ligature Carrier.............. 2.75 Bougies, Set of 16 Sizes....................... 5.00 Bow Pessary.................................. 1.75 Ether Inhaler, Folding....................... 1.75 Needle Holder................................ 2.50 Pessary........................................ 1.25 Plaster Bandage Saw......................... 2.25 Fox's Electrolysis Needle and Holder............. 1.75 Eye Speculum................................. 2.00 Head Band.................................... 6.00 Fracture Apparatus, Buck's Extension............ 5.00 Levis' " ........... 5.00 Bed, Skinner's.................................25.00 Box............................................ 2.00 " Fry's...................................... 4.00 Cradle, Salter's................................10.00 Rest, Volkman's Sliding...................... 3.00 Splint, see Splints Fraenkel's Nasal Speculum........................ 1.25 Pneumatic Apparatus........................15.00 Rhinoscope.................................. 6.00 Uvula Hook................................... 1.25 Fraenum Probe and Spatula........................65 Fraser's Intra-Vaginal Svringe.................... 2.25 Pessary........................................ 1.00 Freeman's Electrolysis Needle, Large............. 3.75 Small............. 1.50 French or Metric Scale, Plated Gauge............. 2.50 French's Vaginal Speculum........................ 1.00 Fricke's Artery Forceps............................ 1.50 Fritsche's Needle " ............................. 2.75 Uterine Dilator............................... 1.15 Bozeman's Reflux Catheter.................. 1.75 Frost's Vaginal Douche............................ 1.85 Fry's Fracture Box................................. 4.00 Fryer's Self-Retaining Speculum.................. 9.00 Sims' Speculum............................... 1.50 Transfusion Apparatus....................... 4.75 Fullgraf's Laryngeal and Post Nasal Douche..... 1.75 Spray......................... 2.25 Nasal Douche................................. 1.75 Fumigators, Bumstead's-Lee's Lamp.............. 2.00 Maury's Apparatus........................... 9.00 Van Buren's " ........................... 1.50 " Lamp.............................50 Funis Clamp, Pulling's..............................30 Funnels. }£ Pt. 1 Pt. 1 Qt. ^ Gal. Glass, Plain, .10 .15 .25 .35 " Ribbed, .15 .20 .30 .40 Hard Rubberv .25 .45 .65 Papier Mache, .25 .35 .45 .65 Furuncle Knife, Buck's........................... 1.00 ^iags, Allingham's. > >.. >..........................4.00 Anuandale's................................... 4.00 Cover's....................................... 2.50 Dei.^ard's..................................... 2.50 Goodw.:.Hb's................................... 3.50 " Elastic........................... 2.00 Mussey's....................................... 5.00 O'Dwyer's.................................... 2.50 Parker's....................................... 1.75 Roe's.......................................... 1.85 Weir's...:..................................... 5.25 Whitehead's.................................. 9.00 No. Plate 65 fig. 2057 2058 19 4182 2059 21 3943 2060 2061 4 16 6612 2062 2063 2064 2065 31 7020 2066 2067 2068 2069 31 7176 2070 51 2070 2071 51 2071 2072 51 2071 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 76 5554 2085 49 5324 2086 43 4754 2087 91 5 6555 2088 2089 2090 3 1067 2091 77 2581 2092 2093 91 6556 2094 91 05:,; 2095 96 6770 2096 2097 2098 9 5351 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 23 3950 2105 93 4865 2106 89 2107 14 11 56 4953 2108 90 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 52 3414 2114 2115 45 4757 2116 45 4757 2117 45 4757 2118 45 4757 2119 5 3627 2120 3 2121 77 6174 2122 2123 90 2124 83 902 2125 37 3593 2126 28 7243 2127 33 6899 2128 4(1 954 2129 2130 65 2049 2131 2132 59 3426 2133 57 3508 2134 64 4267 2135 65 3108 2136 2137 2138 85 5985 2139 8.-, 5986 2140 85 5987 2141 52 6000 2142 65 98 6471 2143 79 5263 2144 59 5071 2145 3 2145 2146 3 1065 2147 3 2147 2148 24 4011 2149 3 2149 Price. Gags, see Lock-Jaw Instruments. Gaillard's Bone Drill................................81-/5 Galante's Eye Speculum............................ L50 Galezowsky's Canalicula Dilator................... 1.85 Strabismometer............................... 4-50 Gait's Trephine........................• •........... ^-75 Galvanic Battery, see Electric Apparatus. Galvanometer, see Electro-Meters. Galvano-Depilator, Duhring's..................... 1.75 Fox's, Holder and Needle.................... 1.75 Gardner's Caustic Forceps......................... 1.75 Manifold Instrument, Complete............. 4.50 Gariel's Air Pessary................................ 1-25 Garrigue's Serrefin.................................. -10 Transfusion Apparatus...................... 2.7o Vaginal Depressor............................ LOO Gas Bracket, Adjustable, Plated................... 7.00 Gas Stands, Adjust., Plain Arm, for Desk, 18"..... 5.00 Jointed...... 18".....6.00 to Stand on Floor, 48"..... 9.00 Gastric Fistula Tube............................... 1-00 Gastro-Mundator................................... 6.50 Gauge, American, Van Buren and Keyes'......... 2.50 English and French, Gouley's................2.50 French and English Nos., Bumstead's....... 2.50 Yd. in Cans or Jars. .1x1 .20. ..........lxl .20. .......' ..lxl .30. " " " ..lxl .15. Yds. 1x5 .65 1x5 .65 1x5 1.25 1x5 .50 65 Gauze, Borated, 10$ Carbolated, " Iodoform, " Plain, Sublimatized, I...... „ ,.lxl.20. lx5 1 to 2,000, f Gauze Bandage, see Bandages. Gay's Open Ring Scissors, see Scissors. Gedding's Respirator......................'......... 3.75 Gehrung's Pessary...................................25 Gendron's Split Trachea Canula...................5.50 General Operating Case, see Amputating Cases. George's Ether Inhaler............................. 2.75 Gerne's Pleximeter................................. 1.75 Gerster's Chisel..................................... 2.00 Iodoform Duster, Sm. .35; Medium .50; Large .75 Mallet..........................................35 Tracheal Tampon.............................13.50 ............................13.50 Urethrotome..................................16.50 Getchel's Buttons, White Metal............$ doz. .40 Getz's Set of Aspirating Trocars...................4.75 Giant Hook......................................... 2.00 Gibb's Laryngeal Ecraseur......................... 2.25 •' Spray, Silver..................... 1.75 Gibson's Ligature Instrument...................2.25 Gidding's Uterine Sound........................... 1.00 Gilette's Obstetrical Forceps....................... 7.00 Girard Teulon's Canalicula Instrument........... 5.00 Girdner's Phimosis Forceps........................ 1.50 Glass Brush..........................................15 Drainage, see Drainage. Pleximeter, Hess'..............................40 Glasses, see Beaker and Test Glasses. " Magnifying and Watch Glasses. Gleet Syringe, Harrison's........................... 1.00 See Urethral Syringes. Gleitsmann's Cautery Snare........................12.00 Laryngeal Dilator............................ 6.25 Gleitsmann's Post Nasal Forceps..................2.50 Rhinoplastos............................... 9 00 Trichlor. Acid Applicator, Set of 6.......... 1.50 Globe Operating Chair, Prioe on Application. Globe Pessaries, Glass....................... .25 Gold, 1^", 30.00; 1%", 35.00; 2", 40.00; 2J4", 45.00 Hard Rubber............................ .75 Silver, V/%\ 4.50; 1M",5.00; 2", 5.50; 2J4",6.00; 2^", 6.50; 2M", 7.00. Glovers' Needle..............................y doz. .25 Gloves, Soft Rubber.........................y pair 2.00 Gnawing Forceps, see Bone Cutting Forceps. Goetz's Suture Instrument.........................6.00 GonorrhoeaSyiinges, Buttle's..................... 3.50 Harrison's..................................... 1.00 See Urethral Syringes. Gooche's Canula.................................... .50 Goodell's Perineum Needle..................!...... !25 Speculum.......................!!!!!!!!!.!!! 4!oo Uterine Dilator................. ............. 700 Goodman's Catheter, Hard Rubber......!!!!!!!! !65 Goodwillie's Levator............ 1 25 Mouth Gag.....................!'.'.'.'.!!'.'.'.!!!!! 3'.50 " Elastic..................... 2 00 Nasal Dilator, Soft Rubber....................60 " Speculum................. 50 Oral Saw..........................!!!!!!!!!!!! 2!25 " Speculum.................!.............6*00 Spicula Forceps............. ................ 150 Splitting " ...............'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'........2!00 Staphyloraphy Knife, Convex, Sh'p Pt...... 1.15 4| " " Rd. " ...... 1.15 Concave Probe Pt.... 1.15 Needle..................y set 9.00 Tongue Depressor........... 65 Gorget, see Lithotomy. Gorget-Formed Anal Speculum. 1 50 Gottstein's Post Nasal Curette... . '' " 1*75 Gouges, Bone, Curved, Hand....................... l'oo Darby's, and Chisels.....'.'.'.'.'.Wseb 4.50 Luer's....................... o 00 Ophthalmic, Foreign Body.".'.'.''.'.'! LOO Plain, Large........ 175 Pf^JSiGievLijs' ecrccl -SvrgjGO-ras* -Sv/ppfiec,. Ko. Plate. Fig. Mee 2150 9 363 Gouges, Bone, Politzer's z,\-r, §151 9 2151 " Schwartze's Mastoid!!'.!!!!'.'.!!..!!" .'75 "J-lo* J -ilo^ Szymanowsky's..................... 1.75 3 Gouging Forceps, see Bone Cutting Forceps. 2153 95 2153 Gouley's Beaked Bistoury.......... 1 00 2154 78 5056 Cartilage Knife ..........1'm 2155 97 955 ( ith: t °r St -iff. 125 2156 Cysto Pvlomcter............ "" '"l800 2157 96 6771 Dilating Urethrotome. ...............ll'^ o\%Q m ^ Dilator for Oyer-Disten.ling........'.'.'A.'.!!!! 9.'ob 2159 80 52.>3 Director, Arnott's....... 100 2160 95 6704 Divulsor.......... ................. s,'', 2161 94 673 Guide, Whalebone...... ' '•>{) gjgg _ Hydro-Hiemostat....... .................... in 2163 99 3016 Lithoclast, Double Lever. ................ 700 2164 " SiivIo " ........ fi'.ai 2165 99 3071 Lithotrite ... ' .....................o£ J 2166 95 32.-13 Mcatotom: i\l\ %}%l Nusal < lamp..............................!!!!". 5>,o gloo „ Prostatectome.............. 30 00 2169 9o 6700 Prostatic (iland Dilator...........!!!!'!!" "l200 2170 Searcher for Stone.. l'oo 2171 94 5804 sound............a:::::::::::.............. 75 2172 Tenaculum............ -,n 2173 97 955 Tunneled Catheter......'..'AAA............. ]'A 2174 94 5,805 "• sound ............... 7,'- %\Vk qr «E? \\ ^^throtome.'.'.'.'.!!!::::::::::::::: ^ 2176 96 6u3 " " imp.................. 9(0 Gown, see Dissecting Gowns. %Yll n oi^q ^ra'~>k 2310 Parallel................. ......... 7{~?. 2311 Smith's........................'.'.'.'.'.'.'.......... 3 75 2312 Harelip Pins, Plastic.................. ""y doz 05 2313 Removable Point, Silver......... V 35 Harelip Pin Conductors, Buck's.......... 75 Post's...................... '75 Harelip Scalpel.....................'.'.'............75 Harelip Scissors, Angular.......................... l'oo Hamilton's...................... ..........75 Harelip Truss, Hainsby's........... " /an 6639 Harris'-Wood's Trocar..... ..............300 Harrison's Catheter, Plated..... 1.75. Silver.....275 Prostatic Dilator.................... " " ]'i 5 Trocar and Canula.........................g'gk Urethral Syringe.................".'.'.......... i'rjn 's Eye Speculum......... .....05 Uterine Dressing Forceps...A'.'.'"" " 1V5 >2 2811 Hartwell's Drop Tube. ................... 1'^ 17 3936 Harvard Operating Chair, Price on Application"' .___Harvey's Uterine Dressing Forcens. 37 3596 6901 7046 7108 7109 7119 6900 7046 2308 2315 19 4184 Hart's Ev< 87 4582 Hassenstein's Otoscope .. ................ o'r 93 1157 Hawes' Orchitis Compressor ... ................o'£ 14 6070 Hawksley's Stethoscope....... ................. H% 2333 Hnwlov'o Vo..i.,nl o.J--- ........................75 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 "u" *v,,y o * denial nyrniife. . . o nf\ 24 4039 Hayes'Knife Needle .... ......................... ?"59 38 7047 Haywood Smith's Scissors..'.'.'...................... i™ .« 9™ §ea£ BanJi' see. Mil-ror Head Bands................ W 46 2369 Heat0n S Herma Syringe........................... 300 3 638 Hebra's Bone Scoop.....!.......................... 3.50 Heburn's Nasal Curette.... ............. x"£ 26 7249 Vaginal Speculum............................ ,■$ 26 7249tt , A'. ■ -A Aluminum:::;:;;.........lm Hegar's Uterine Dilators, set of 25................14m Heine's Osteotome, to Order Onlv ........... 3110 Heister's Oral Speculum . « 5239 Helical Needles, Right or Left .'.'^.VA.''.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'. 125 65 14 PB^SIGISL-Qe,' £VT2f3 S\JVCJ€1(DJ2S,' ,Sv/pp£l <=:«,. No. Mate 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 73 2351 93 2352 93 2353 22 2354 93 2355 46 2356 74 2357 46 2358 ■46 2359 40 2360 46 2361 46 2362 46 2363 46 2364 40 2365 46 2366 46 2367 46 2368 46 2369 46 2370 2371 46 2372 40 2373 46 2374 46 2375 46 2376 H 2377 2378 92 2379 2380 2 2381 2382 48 2383 39 2384 74 2385 89 2386 74 2387 0 2388 12 2389 2390 43 2391 2392 2393 2394 1 2395 58 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 15 2401 15 2402 15 2403 28 2404 2405 2406 9 2407 68 2408 43 2409 61 2410 43 2411 43 2412 41 2413 2414 2415 45 2416 45 2417 59 2418 ,58 2419 2420 2421 77 2422 62 2423 95 2424 2425 2426 48 2427 88 2428 2429 2430 86 2431 54 2432 75 2433 4 2434 .2435 33 2436 28 2437 2438 75 2439 31 2440 74 2441 2442 2443 94 2444 49 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 J2 2450 % Prico. Helmuth's Ligature Carrier........................$2.50 Rectal Speculum............................. 2.50 Sonde a Dard....................■.. .'.......450 „*„ Henna's Pelvic Abcess Dilator and Trocar!'.'.'.!!!! 7!00 476 Henry's Bandage Shears........................ 5 00 4866 Best Phimosis Forceps.............. 3 00 2352 Cartilage Scissors...................... ' 3 75 3990 Depilating Forceps............... 175 7358 Scrotal Clamp.................... ""600 2355 Hernia Directors, Hinged.......................... 1.00 1384 Hunter's........................................50 24357 Levis'............................a.:..:::::.: a-i 2358 Peter's............ " i'sii 2359 Plain...................'.'.A .A .A:.'.'.'.'.'.A'.'.'.'.' .50 2360 Hernia Instruments, Agnew's............... 4' 50 2361 Redfern-Davis'...............................11.25 2362 Hernia Knives, Cooper's..... 75 2363 Stewart's........................'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'." " 375 2364 Tesse's............................... 100 2365 Hernia Needle, Dowell's............................75 2366 Saw............................................ 1.25 2367 Hernia Syringes, De Garmo's....................!. 4:50 2368 Heaton's................. 3 00 2369 " .....................................'; 3.50 Warren's......................................25.00 23d " ...................................... 6.75 2372 Hernia Syringe Tube, Warren's.................... 1.50 2373 Herniotomes, Allis'............... 5 25 2374 Wales'.................................'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 1 !(X) 2375 Warren's.................................... 4.50 4953 Hess' Glass Pleximeter..............................40 Heuel's Antiseptic Spray........................... 5.00 307 Aspirating Needle.............................35 Bone Forceps................................. 2.50 1796 " Scoop and Levator..................... 1.25 Ether Inhaler................................. 7.50 2493 Hypodermic Syringe......................... 1.25 3674 Needle Forceps............................... 3.00 4926 Pin Conductor.................................75 1440 Punch..........................................75 5134 Probes and Directors........................ 2.00 1796 Scoop and Spado.............................. 1.25 2884 Heurteloup's Artificial Leech...................... 5.00 Heurteloup's Lithotrite and Mallet................18.75 4763 Hewitt's Pessary.....................................75 Staff and Knife............................... 3.00 Vaginal Speculum............................ 2.25 Hewson's Torsion Forceps......................... 6.00 5501 Hey's Saw........................................... 1.25 3478 Heyman's Nasal Curette Forceps.................. 2.25 Hibbard's Atomizer................................ 1.50 Powder Blower............................... 1.50 Hicks'-Braxton Wire Ecraseur.....................11.25 Cephalotrite..................................18.00 1109 Thermometer, Indestructible Index......... 1.25 1112 " Minute....................... 3.00 1111 " Lens Front................... 2.50 7252 Higbee's Vaginal Speculum, 3 Sizes................ 2.00 Higgins' Aspirator.................................15.00 Hinde's Palate Retractor............................75 332 Hinton's Polypus Forceps......................... 2.75 Double Joint........... 3.25 Hip Splint, see < )rthopedic. 4765 Hitchcock's Anteversion Pessary...................60 3839 Hodge's Obstetrical Forceps....................... 4.00 4766 Pessary, Hard Rubber.........................20 4766 " Soft " .........................60 6172 Hoff's Automatic Suture........................... 4.00 Hoffmann's Gouge Forceps........................ 3.00 Pleximeter.....................................75 4768 Hofmann's Pelvic Pessary......................... 1.50 4769 " " with Sac............... 1.50 3460 Holbrook Curtis' Nasal Saw........................ 1.25 4856 Post Nasal Forceps........................... 2.75 Holden's Resonator................................. 1.75 Tracheotomy Instruments.............y set 15.00 3649 Hollow Needle, Tiemann's.......................... 3.00 3885 Holme's Perforator................................ 3.50 6708 Holt's Divulsor...............................y set 13.50 Hooper's Post Nasal Forceps...................... 2.50 Hope's Snare........................................ 8.00 2475 Horton's Hypodermic Needle...................... 1.00 3772 Hosmer's T-Shaped Nozzle, Plated.................50 Hot Air Bath....................................... 3.75 Water Bag, Van Buren and Keyes'..........3.75 " Bath...................................10.00 " Bottle, see Water Bottles. 6019 Household Steam Atomizer........................ 3.50 206 Houze's Haemostatic Forceps...................... 2.50 609 Howard's Bone Drills............................... 5.00 Tarnier's O bstetrical Forceps................18.00 6903 Uterine Dilator............................... 6.75 7254 Vaginal Speculum............................ 2.50 Howe's Soft Rubber Drainage Tube............... 1.85 247 Hunter's Artery and Needle Forceps.............. 1.50 7177 Depressor.......................................50 1384 Director........................................50 Divulsor and Urethrotome...................26.00 Ehrich's Vaginal Speculum.................. 6.75 668 Filamentous Wedge...........................50 2533 Inhaler.........................................75 Obstetrical Forceps........................... 6.75 Pessary........................................ 1.15 Trilabe.........................................15.00 Urethral Tourniquet......................... 5.00 6X4 Uterine Dilator...............................10.50 Uterine Sound.................................75 No. 2451 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 Plate. 28 45 30 7255 4773 5935 152 2309 98 3047 40 3919 48 48 2467 2469 2470 2471 2472 2248 2249 2475 2470 2472 2470 2480 2480 2482 2483 2483 2483 2483 2487 2487 2482 2493 2495 2480 2480 2482 2483 2483 2483 2483 2487 2495 4843 2509 2509 2511 2512 2513 2514 Price. Hunter's Vaginal Speculum.......................$2.50 Hurd's Pessary...................................... 1-00 Husson's Sponge Holder............................50 Hutchinson's Prostatic Catheter................... 3.00 Spirometer....................................25.00 Hutchison's Ether Inhaler......................... 3.50 Harelip Forceps.............................. 2.25 Ligating Needle............................... 1.85 Lithotome................................... 5.25 Ointment Catheter in Case................... 7.00 Svringe with 3 H. R. Tubes. ... 2.25 ' " " 3 Silver " ....... 6.00 Osteotome..................................... 4.50 Prepuce Forceps.............................. 1.50 Transfusion Apparatus.......................20.00 Huter's Flat Catheter.............................. 1.00 Hydrocele Trocar, see Trocars. Hydrometer Jars on Foot, 6" 8" 10" 12" 15" 18". .25 .30 .40 .50 .75 1.00 Hypodermic Needles, Excelsior.....................40 Exploring......................................35 Gold............................................60 Greene's, Extra Fine...........................35 " Re-Inf orced. Extra Fine............50 Hasmorrhoidal, Concealed Point..............75 Probe " Silver.......50 Horton's; Curved............................. 1.00 Letter's.........................................25 _'lated, Fine...........25. Medium..,.......15 " Re-Inforced...........................35 Platina........................................60 Hypodermic Syringes with Cases. A, Single Fen., no Finger Bars, Leather Cov'd.. 1.25 B, Double........ " " .. 1.35 C, " " with " " " " .. 1.50 D, " '..... " 4 Vials, Alligator 2.25 E, " " " " " 4 " Morocco. 1.75 F, " '..... " 6 " Alligator 2.75 G, " " " " " 6 " Morocco. 2.25 H, " " " " " 4 " Metal.... 2.00 I, Expan.Pack.," " " 3 " " ....2.25 K,..........Leather Covered 2.00 Hypodermic Syringes, Fowler's.................... 2.25 Koch's Lymph................................ 1.75 Leiter's........................................ 1.75 Pocket........................................ 1.25 Silver Barrel.................................. 1.50 Hypodermic Syringe and Aspirator............... 2.75 Hypodermic Syringe Bottle, Leiter's...............35 Plain, with Stopper and Plug.................10 Tablet..................................$ doz. .10 Hypodermic Syringe Cases. Style A and B..................................25 "A " B, Hard Rubber................. 1.00 .&5 11 D........................................ 1.00 " E.........................................65 " F........................................ 1.25 " G.........................................90 " H........................................ 1.00 Syringe and Aspirator Combined............ 1.00 Hysterophore, Zwank's............................. 1.00 Hysterotomies, Peaslee's, 1 Blade................... 3.50 2 " ................... 4.75 Simpson's..................................... 4.75 Skene's........................................ 5.00 Stohlman's.................................... 5.25 White's........................................ 9.00 Hysterotomy Clamps, Delery's..................... 3.00 Thomas'....................................... 2.50 |ce Bags, Eye........................... 1 87 2518 Rubber Cloth with Screw Cap, 9"..... 80 2519 Spinal, Pure Gum, 12" 16" 20"' 1.25 1.35 1.50 Throat " "7"... .75. 9"... .90. 11". 1. 86 2521 Ice Caps, P. G., Flat................ 1 86 2522 P. G. Helmet, No. 1. .1.50. No. 2.'.i'.75.'' No.'3 2, Illuminator, see Endoscopes, Laryngoscopes. " Lamps, Ophthalmoscopes. Immisch's Thermometer, Gold.....................16. Silver................... 7 45 4775 Inflatable Ball Pessary, Pure Gum.. .50. White 45 4776 Ring, " " " 50 " " 45 4777 Inflated Ring " « « '50' « "' ' 59 3464 Ingal's Nasal Saw..................'.;.*..'..... " 1 " Scissors.............................. 2 " Septum Knife............... ..... 1 57 3509 " Speculum............................1 6 Inhalers, Anassthetic, see Anassthetic Inhalers 49 2532 Evan's.............. 49 2533 Hunter's..................v.'.v.:::::;::........ Jahr's......................... ..............30 49 2535 Mackenzie's Eclectic........A A 6 Nicoll's.......... " q 1230 Porter's Croup Kettle,' Plain 2538 Ramage's.................... 2539 Robinson's Creosote...'.'.'....... 2540 " Nozzle............" 2541 Roe's..........................;; See Vapor Douches. Insane, see Restraints for the Insane Insufflators, Andrew's, for Middle Ear •> 2543 Atlas............ ............. 7 2544 Bishop's...........!!!!!!!!!!.................. 2545 Bridge's................. .1.50. Fine. 1.5 l)i5V^,i©i8LT2s' so2gI Sv rgj €10125 Sv ppfWs,. 15 50 He. Plate, 2546 50 2547 50 2548 50 2549 50 2550 50 2551 2552 50 2553 50 2554 50 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 50 2560 2561 50 2562 50 2563 50 2564 50 2565 50 2566 2567 2568 2569 44 2570 45 2571 44 30 40 2572 91 2573 91 2574 91 2575 91 2576 91 2577 2578 2579 50 91 2580 2581 50 77 24 2582 90 2583 90 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 3 2589 2590 14 2591 2592 82 2593 82 2594 37 2595 27 2596 2597 35 2598 2599 24 2600 25 2601 25 2602 2603 21 2604 21 2605 2606 97 11 2607 2608 58 2609 52 2610 58 2611 59 2612 57 2613 57 2614 2615 57 2616 59 2617 57 26ia 57 2619 2620 83 2621 83 2622 49 2623 49 2624 60 2625 60 2626 30 2627 2628 30 2629 2630 30 2631 40 2632 40 2633 2634 61 2635 2636 75 2637 2638 2639 2640 Fig. Price. 2546 Insufflators, Clay's..................................s l .00 2547 Cohen's Pharyngeal......................... 1.50 2548 De Vilbiss'.................................... I.iki 2549 Elsberg's Pharyngeal......................... 1.50 2550 Hard Rubber Scoop...........................75 Hibbard's..................................... 1.50 2552 Knapp's Aural.................................75 2550 Laryngeal......................................75 2554 Leffert's Laryngeal........................... 1.50 Nasal................................ 2.50 Lusk's Asphyxia...............................75 Nasal.......................................... 2.50 2558 Powder Tubes, Post Nasal.....................15 2559 Kauchf uss'.....................................75 Rectal......................................... 1.50 2561 Robinson's Asphyxia......................... 1.00 2562 " with 3 Hard Rubber Tips........ 1.50 2563 Sajou's Nasal..................................50 2564 Sexton's Aural................................ 1.50 2565 " " ................................ 1.50 Urban's Pocket............................... 1.75 2567 Whitall's.......................................75 Interosseous Saw, Lente's ......................... 1.00 4730 Intra-Uterine Galvanic Pessaries, Cole's.......... 1.25 4702 I lank's........................................ 1.00 4822 Thomas'....................................... 1.00 Intra-Uterine Speculum, see Uterine Speculum. Syringe, see Uterine Syringes. 2052 Intubation, O'Dwver's Gag*.___................. 2.50 2573 •' Scale........................35 2574 " Set, Complete in Case.....20.00 2575 " Tube and Obdurator......2.25 2576 " " Extractor............ 3.75 2577 " " Introducer.......... 3.75 Invalid Chairs, Circular and Price on Application. 2579 Invalid Cushions 9", 10", 11", 12", 13", 14", 15", 10", 17", 18". 1.251.50 1.75 1.85 .2.00 2.15 2.25 2.35 2.50 2.75 2547 Iodoform Dusters, Cohen's......................... 1.50 2581 Gerster's, Small, .35; Medium, .50 ; Large... .75 Iris, see Ophthalmic. 2582 Irrigators, Bottle, Ys gal., 1 gal., 2 gal., 3 gal., 5 gal. .85 1.35 2.50 3.25 5.00 2583 Esmarch's..................................... 2.50 Wound...........................1 qt., 2 qts. 2584 " Graduated............... 1.50 2.00 2584 " Plain..................... 1.00 1.50 2584 " Grad., Open at Bottom.. 1.50 2.00 2584 " Plain, u " " .. 1.00 1.50 See Douches, Uterine Douches. " Syringes, Vaginal Syringes. 620 Isaac's Bone Forceps.........'.................,___2.50 Ives' Obstetrical Forceps........................... 5.25 4957 Ivory Pleximeter....................................75 Scale Axilla Thermometer . ................. 1.50 5338 \J ackets, Straight, for Insane, Long.............. 7.50 5338 " " " Short ............ 6.O0 3597 Jackson's Perineal Needle...........................85 7257 Vaginal Speculum............................ 2.50 Retractor............................ 1.25 7408 Vulsellum Forceps........................... 1.75 Jacobson's Lithotrite...............................22.50 3952 Jaeger's Bistoury ( ache............................ 6.00 4074 Keratome, Angular........................... 1.00 4075 " Straight........................... 1.00 Ophthalmostate or Fixator.................. 6.IK) 4141 Plate, Lid Holder, Hard Rubber..............35 4141 " " " Ivory..................... 1.00 Jahr's Inhaler.......................................30.00 960 Jaque's Catheter.....................................50 Jar, see Hydrometer and Museum Jars. Jarvis' Excisor...................................... 3.75 3474 Fenestrated Cartilage Forceps............... 3.25 2791 Laryngeal Applicator........................ 7.50 3496 Nasal Rongeur................................ 3.25 3488 " Septum Punch......................... 6.25 &510 " Speculum...............................35 3511 " " Operating....................75 Rhinometer................................... 6.75 5386 Rhinoscopic Mirror and Depressor...........3.00 3491 Steele's Septum Forceps...................... 7.50 2617 Tape Holder...................................50 3456 Transfixion Needle............................40 Trimming Scissors............................ 6.75 1519 Wire Snare.................................... 1.25 1520 " " Curved and Straight............. 1.50 5322 Jeffrey's Respirator for Mouth.................... 1.50 5:123 " " and Nose.........2.25 3843 Jenks' Obstetrical Forceps, Long.................. 6.00 3844 " " Small.................. 4.00 7001 Uterine Probe............................... 1.00 " Scissors..............................3.00 7071 " Sound............................... 1.75 Vaginal Speculum............................6.00 7072 Jennison's Sound...................................2.25 0969 I'terine Douche.............................. 1.50 6970 " " Improved................... 1.50 Jewett's Microscopic Section Cutter...............6.75 3845 Obstetrical Forceps........................... 7.50 Johnson's Double ('anula and Obdurator.......... 7.00 207 Jones' Artery Clamp Forceps..................•.... 1.50 Articulated Scissors.......................... 1.50 Bed Pan...................................... 4.00 " " and Douche......................... 5.00 Douche................................„'....... 1 .o< 1 No. Plate. Fig. Price. 2641 Jones' Ecraseur.....................................$6.00 2642 35 6950 Uterine Dressing Forceps.................... 4.50 2643 Vaginal Speculum............................2.50 2644 6 153 Junker's Methylene Inhaler........................ 7.50 2645 Junod's Arm or Boot...............................15.00 66 Jury Mast, see Orthopedic. 2646 Jute, Plain.....................................$ ft. .25 2647 Tarred...................................$ ft. .40 2648 2649 91 6559 8650 27 7260 2651 41 2651 2652 2653 89 4593 2654 2655 2656 42 4609 2657 2658 40 87 98 961 2659 3045 2660 2661 40 7093 2662 30 6830 2663 40 961 2664 2665 80 5240 2666 2667 80 4915 2668 80 5241 2669 81 5306 2670 79 5266 2671 79 5265 2672 80 5250 2673 80 5308 2674 2675 49 1230 2676 49 1230 2677 90 7338 2678 97 2244 2679 12 1272 2680 89 1447 2681 2682 2683 98 3034 2684 90 7338 2685 99 14075 2686 2687 88 6139 2688 89 1447 2689 97 6744 2690 93 7363 2691 2692 2693 97 6745 2694 2695 93 7359 2696 43 4778 2697 44 4780 2698 2699 2700 2701 24 3963 2702 74 1008 2703 24 3969 2704 8 1448 2705 8 379 2706 8 379 2707 OO IW73 2708 2709 24 4014 2710 24 4015 2711 21 4120 2712 24 3970 2713 23 4154 2714 ss 3773 2715 20 4246 2716 20 4247 2717 20 4248 2718 2719 50 72 58 2552 2720 3478 2721 58 3451 2722 58 3467 2723 14 6072 2724 65 6486 2725 65 69 6486 2726 2727 2728 93 4868 2729 85 7156 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 8 374 2735 8 374 2736 8 35)5 2737 8 395 2738 2739 38 7049 l^aemmerer's Uterine Sounds, 4 in Set.........4.50 Kangaroo Tendon, Fowler's........................25 Keene's Trachea Tube.............................. 4.75 Vaginal Speculum............................ 4.00 Keith's Compressing Forceps...................... 2.25 ...................... 3.00 Drainage Tube.................................35 Ligature Forceps............................. 1.15 Needle..................................$ doz. .50 Ovariotomy Clamp........................... 7.50 Tenaculum.....................................75 Kelly's Antiseptic Double Flow Catheter......... 3.00 Cushion, see Cushions. Leg Holder.................................... 2.00 Powder Blower.............................. 2.25 Silver Uterine Syringe........................ 3.75 Uterine Applicator............................75 Douche............................... 3.00 Kelsey's Applicator..................................25 Fistula Knife................................. 1.75 Hasmorrhoidal Svringe....................... 2.50 Pile Clamp.................................... 3.75 Proctotomy Knife............................ 1.25 Rectal Bougie, Soft Rubber.................. 1.00 " Retractor.............................. 1.75 Speculum.............................. 2.00 Scoop, Rectal................................. 1.75 Tumor Forceps, Plain.. 1.75. With Catch.. 2.00 Kenilworth's Vaginal Speculum................... 3.75 Keratome, see Ophthalmic. Kettles, Croup, Fine................................ 2.75 Plain............................... 1.50 Keyes' Bladder Washer............................ 3.75 Catheter Guide................................55 Cutaneous Punch............................. 1.75 Drainage Tul>o................................2.25 Evacuating Tube, Curved.................... 6.75 " Straight................... 6.00 Gorget, Blunt................................1.75 Irrigator...................................... 3.75 Lithotrite.....................................26.00 Perineal Retractor............................ 1.75 Stopcock, Two Way.......................... 1.00 Tube for Drainage."........................... 2.25 Ultzraan's Syringe, Plated___1.50. Silver... 3.00 Varicocele Needle..............................85 Improved.................. 4.50 Keyser's Eye Speculum............................ 2.25 Kiefer's Urethral Nozzle............................50 King's Pelvimeter.................................. 3.00 Scrotal Clamp................................. 4.00 Kinloch's Pessary, Anteversion.....................90 Retroflexion.....................75 Urethrotome.................................18.75 Kline's Obstetrical Slipper...........,......

. y pkge., 2.00 1.10 .60 .30 Lamps, Bodenhamer's..............................10.00 Bumstead-Lee's............................... 2.00 2859 Collin's........................................ 4.C0 Henry's........................................ 6.00 2862 Mackenzie's, Black or Plated................. 3.50 2863 Improved " ................. 3.50 Maury's....................................... 9.00 Pocket........................................ 3.25 Roe's..........................................25.00 Sceger's.......................................20.00 2870 Stratton's, for Gas, Plated................... 2.25 " Oil, " ................... 2.50 Students', G lass Reservoir................... 4.00 Metal " .................... 3.00 Tobold's, Large..............................16.50 Small..............................10.50 Van Buren's...................................50 See Laryngoscopes; Spirit Lamps. 2760 Lancets, Abcess, Hard Rubber Handle.............40 2760 " Shell " .............50 " Weir's .50 2763 Spring, Fine......'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. L50 2763 " Plain..................................75 2765 Thumb, Evan's................................75 2765 " Hard Rubber Handle.................35 2765 " Shell " .................45 2768 Vaccine.........................................50 2769 " with Comb, Shell Handle.............65 4187 Landolt's Eye Speculum...........................•. 1.50 5352 Lange's Retractor.................................. 1.50 5353 " Angular......................... 2.00 Trachea Tampon.............................. 9.00 Langenbeck's Anuerism Needle................... 1.00 5596 Artery Forceps................................35 6531 Bandage Clamp............................... 1.00 Bone Hook and Levator...................... 1.25 1059 Cheek Retractor.............................. 1.50 5354 Retractor, Blunt.............................. 1.25 5355 " Sharp.............................. 1.50 5576 Seizing Forceps............................... 1.75 5596 Serreslin........................................35 Staphylor. Knife, see Staph.................. 1.50 6010 Suture Holder................................ 2.25 6012 Tenaculum.................................... 1.00 6588 Tracheatome.................................3.00 6567 Tracheotomy Blunt Hook....................75 6571 " Double " ................... 2.25 4025 Lanne's Forceps Needle............................ 3.25 Laryngeal Applicators and Brushes. Child's Brush and Caustic Holder............ 1.75 3414 Gleitsmann's Appl., 6 in Set.................. 1.50 2791 Jarvis' " ......................... 7.50 Leffert's Brush Holder....................... 1.50 7003 Lente's Silver Probe, Light.................. 1.00 7004 " " " Heavy..................1.50 Mackenzie's Brush............................ 1.00 Noyes' Brush Holder......................... 1.50 775 Ruppaner's Brush Holder.....................50 Seeger's " " .................... 1.50 777 Wagner's, 12 Brushes and Holder............ 1.75 768 Wire Handle Brush............................10 769 Wood " " ............................10 Laryngeal Catheter, Schroetter's.................. 2.25 2803 Laryngeal Caustic Holder, Concealed.............. 1.75 2804 Laryngeal Curette.................................. 1.25 2805 " Cohen's.......................... 1.25 Laryngeal Dilators, Cohen's........................ 7.50 Gleitsmann's.................................. 6.25 2808 Mackenzie's...................................15.00 IMcSherry's with Tube........................12.00 2810 Whistler's...............................$ set 13.25 2811 Laryngeal Drop Tube, Hartwell's.................. 1.50 Ecraseur, Gibb's...............................2.25 Laryngeal Forceps, Brun's Epiglottis.............. 3.25 6436 ' Huck'sThroat................................. 1.75 6437 Binge's " ................................. 3.25 2816 ('ohen's........................................ 2.50 2817 Elsberg's Throat.............................. 4.50 2818 Fauvel's " ............................. 2.75 2819 Mackenzie's " Anterior-Posterior......... 2.00 2820 " " Lateral..................... 2.00 Noye's " ............................. 3.50 2822 Pronged " Angular.................... 2.00 Sajou's........................................ 2.50 2824 Side Tooth.................................... 1.75 Simrock's..................................... 3.25 2826 Sponge Holding, with Wedge................ 4.50 2827 Tiemann's Flexible........................... 3.25 Waxhain's..................................... 3.50 See Oesophageal and Throat. Laryngeal Illuminator, see Electric Apparatus. 2829 Laryngeal Knives, Tobold's, Spear Point.......... 1.15 2830 " Concave Edge....... 1.15 2831 " " " ....... L15 3903 Laryngeal Lancets, Grant's........................ 1.15 Mackenzie's, 2 Blades......................... 9.00 3 " .........................10.50 Schroetter's, and Forceps.....................11.25 2836 Tobold's, Concealed.......................... 3.00 2810 Whistler's...............................$ set 13.25 7003 Laryngeal Probes, Lente's, Silver, Light.......... 1.00 7004 " " Heavy......... 1.50 No, 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938 2939 2940 2941 2942 Plate. 52 Fig. 2840 7047 5434 2845 2846 2848 2817 2850 2851 2857 2859 2864 2870 2874 2874 3348 3974 4210 5059 4944 2884 2885 50 2554 54 5964 2893 5072 5081 2152 5170 6998 7003 7004 154 3921 3921 1235 1235 1237 2915 1794 4938 ,"<2ii7 31 7022 7075 7263 94 673 93 4051 4097 4133 1919 Price, Laryngeal Probes, Mackenzie's, Silver............$1.00 Laryngeal Scissors, Heywood Smith's............. 8.00 Sherwell's..................................... 5.25 Curved.............................10.50 Tiemann's..................................... 6.00 Tobold's....................................... 6.00 Laryngeal Snare, O'Dwyer's....................... 2.50 Laryngeal Sponge Holders, Buck's............... .50 California.....................................75 Elsberg's...................................... 4.50 Finger........................................ LOO Granger's..................................... 1.50 Mackenzie's................................... 4.50 Noyes' ........................................ L50 Seeger's........................................ 1-50 Laryngeal Spray, Gibbs', Silver.................... 1.75 Laryngeal Syringes, Hard Rubber..................65 Tobold's....................................... 1.25 Laryngoscopes, Baber's............................ 5.00 Collins'........................................ 4.00 Elsberg's......................................2.50 Henry's........................................ 6.00 Mackenzie's, Black or Plated................ 3.50 " Improved....................... 3.50 " " with Mirror & Holder 8.50 Pomeroy's, 2%"................................ 2.25 Roe's-Tobold's................................25.00 Schroetter's, 3^".............................. 3.00 Seeger's-Tobold's.............................20.00 Simrock's...................................... 5.00 Stratton's, for Gas, Plated.................... 2.25 "Oil " ................... 2.50 Tobold's, Large...............................16.50 Small...............................10.50 See Lamps; Mirrors. Laryngoscope Brackets, see Gas Brackets. Laryngoscopic Mirrors with Handle................50 Without Handle...............................40 See Mirrors. Laryngoscopic Mirror Handles with Set Screw... .25 Laurence's Eyelid Tourniquet.....................2.25 Strabismometer............................... 1.50 Laveur's Endoscope................................15.00 Lawrence's Eye Speculum..........................75 Lawson's Applicator............................... 3.00 Lead Mallet for Osteotomy......................... 1.50 Leavitt's Placenta Hook........................... 1.00 Leeches, Artificial, Heurteloup's.................. 5.00 Reese's Uterine..............................3.25 Leech Glass, Flood's.................................75 Lee's-Bumstead's Lamp............................ 2.00 Leffert's Laryngeal Brush Holder................. 1.50 Insufflator..................... 1.50 Nasal Powder " ..................... 2.50 Spray with 3 Tips...................... 2.00 " Syringe................................. 1.75 Palate Hook.................................. 1.25 Post Nasal Curette............................ 1.75 " " Forceps.......................... 2.50 Legouest's Bone Gouge............................. 1.75 Periosteotome................................ 1.75 Leiter's Hypodermic Syringe...................... 1.75 " " Needle...............25 Vial..................35 Lenneker's Knife, Left............................. 1.50 Right........................... 1.50 Le Noel's Universal Pump......................... 9.00 Lenses, see Magnifying Glasses. Lente's Caustic Probe, Silver.........................75 Double Bulb " Heavy Silver............... 1.50 " " Light " .............. 1.00 Ether Inhaler................................ 2.50 Interosseous Saw............................. 1.00 Ligature Carrier...............................75 Ointment Syringe............................ 3.7.") " in Case.................... 4.75 Platina Cup, Deep............................ 2.50 Shallow......................... 1.85 Porcelain Cup................................. 1.00 Lenticular Knife..................................'. U15 " and Trepanning Elevator.'.'.'.'.'.'. L25 Leonard's Bullet Forceps...................... 7 50 Divulsor, Plain End.................AAA 7 50 Tunneled End.............'..;;; 9'00 Eye Speculum..............................*.. \.%) Placenta Forceps................:::::....... 3.25 Rectal Speculum.......................... 2'00 Uterine Forceps.............................. L25 " with catch.........::::::::: 1:50 " Repositor......................... g.oo " Sound.................. ....... 4*.>.-, Uterometric Sound................... A.....2 25 Vaginal Speculum........................... "Ahi Leroy d'Etiolle's Articular Urethral Curette...... 9 00 Filiform Bougie................ '35 Levators, see also Pereosteotomes. Goodwillie's........................ 1 35 Hamilton's......................!..!.......... 100 Langenbeck's................................. }V, Sharp Lever...............'.'.'.................. ]'*'-, Van Arsdale's, Set of 3__ ........ " 4*00 Levi's Cataract Needle............ "' '$* Lachrymal Probe..............'..'............. 1'•>.-, Lens Spoon, Fenestrated..... ............ i'qo Levis' Extension Apparatus___ ...... " 500 Eye Speculum.................. ' " V..- Hernia Director..........'.................... ~"j\ Phimosis Forceps.........'.'.!'...............q'qq Pi^VjSiGlEViae,' OlT2c1 -Sv TX-jeLOme,' -Sv ppfW C,. 17 Ho. Plate. Fig. Price. 84 Levis' Splint, see Splints. 2943 Levret's Double Canula............................$4.50 2944 Lewis' Folding Saw................................ 1.50 2945 39 3677 Uterine Needle Holder....................... 2.50 2946 Varicocele ( lamp............................. 2.75 22 Lid Compress., Fore., and Plates, See Ophthalmic. 2947 19 4191 Liebold's Eve Speculum............................ 1.50 2948 21 4121 Subpalpcbral Syringe......................... 1.00 2949 • 19 4192 Liebrcichs Eve Speculum.......................... 1.25 2950 23 4026 Iris Forceps.................................. 4.25 2951 25 4076 LinearKnife.................................. 1.00 2952 20 4250 Ophthalmoscope.............................. 2.50 2953 20 4250 " fine......................... 3.75 2954 21 3953 Probe and Fistula Knife..................... 1.25 2955 Ligators, Allinghaiu's.............................. 2..50 2956 80 589 Bodenhamer's Curvilinear Forceps.......... 3.25 2957 Carroll's Knot Tier........................... 1.25 2958 < 'int rat's....................................... ] .85 2959 Gibson's Anal Fiscuia........................ 2.25 2960 83 902 Gooche's Canula...............................50 2961 Levret's " ............................. 4.50 2962 Van Buren's.................................. 5.25 2963 Verona's Winch............................... 2.50 See Artery Needles. 2964 Ligature; Catgut, Carbolized, 0£, 3 Coils in Bottle .60 2964 wi 2965 80 2966 89 2967 89 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 89 2973 89 2974 89 2975 89 2976 89 2977 89 2978 89 2979 80 2980 80 2981 89 2982 89 2983 80 2984 80 2985 2986 83 2987 2988 2989 2990 89 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 25 2996 25 2997 25 2998 25 2999 78 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 5 3005 5 3006 5 3007 3 3008 3 3009 3 3010 3 3011 3 3012 3 3013 3014 99 3015 99, 3016 93 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 95 3022 98 3023 98 3024 98 3025 98 3026 3027 08 3028 oo 3029 3030 3031 98 3032 98 3033 3034 98 §035 98 036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 98 3042 98 2964 2964 2964 2972 2972 2074 2074 2074 2074 Chromatized, 5js, 3 " " " .60 Juniper Oil, 3 " " " .60 Sublimatizei],.")^, 3 " " " .60 " Ten Feet Coils, in Dry State......15 Kangaroo Tendon, Fowler's..................25 Rubber, No. 3 to 7, Amcr. Scale........y f c. .05 Salmon-Gut.......................y package 1.25 Silk, Cable Twist...............................15 " " Braided......................25 Iron lived or White, 1 (oil, 3 Coils in Bottle. Carbolized, 0;:, .20 .60 Chromatized, 5;,', .20 .60 Juniper Oil, .21) .60 2978 2980 208] 2081 2983 2084 2974 Braided, .10 .10 .35 .35 .50 .60 Twist. .06 .05 .20 .20 .35 Sulilimatized, -V, .: Iron Dyed or White, Reels, 1 size, Skeins, 1 " Tablets in Case,l " 3 " ......4 " Silk Worm Gut.........................$100 Silver Wire............................y pwt. .15 Whale Tendon.........................y coil .35 Wire, Plated Copper, No. 18 to 30.......y oz. .35 Ligature Carrier, see Ligators. Ligature Spools and Bottles, Empty, Fowler's___2.75 Glass Bottle with 1 Spool, Large..............25 '.....2 " " ..............50 " 3 " .....................35 Box " 3 " 5Hj"x2J4"x2J4"..... 2.25 " 4 " 6;4"x3i>4"x3K>"..... 5.50 " Spool.............................y doz. 1.50 Hard Rubber Spool...................." " 2.00 4070 Linear Knives, Baader's............................ 1.25 4073 Grade's...................................... 1.00 4076 Liebrcich's.........................'........... 1.00 4077 Noyes'......................................... 1.00 5060 Linhardt's Knife Chisel............................ 1.00 Lint, Absorbent, "(( ft..........65. y oz......... Linton's ( onib'd Dressing, Abs. Cotton & Gauze. Bichloride, 2", 3" or 4"...................y ft. Carbolated, 2", 3" " 4"..................." Plain, 2", 3" " 4"..................." " 124 Liston's Amputating Knife, Lonj. 124 124 023 023 .05 .70 025 6.27 627 3014 , 3015 3016 Litln .Medium..............2.00 Small................ 1.75 Bono Forceps................................. 1.75 " " with Spring.................... 2.00 " " Curved.......................... 1.75 " " " with Spring............ 2.00 " " Knee-Bent...................... 1.75 " " " " with Spring........ 2.00 idas; s, De Rigal's.............................50.00 Dolbeau's....................................5.00 Guide for Lithoclast............... 2.65 Gouley's Double Lever....................... 7.50 Single " ....................... 6.00 Maisonneuve's................................15.00 Lithotomy Anklets, Peter's (Clover's)....... 7.50 and Wristlets........... 0.00 3021 Lithotomy, Aponeurotome........................ 1.25 3022 Lithotomy, Bisector, Wood's....................... 3.25 3024 Lithotomy Bistouries, Little's.....................1.25 :i024 Wyct h's....................................... 1.25 3025 Lithotomy Bistoury Cache, Depuytren's .........18.00 Col pourvnter, Ouyon's-Peterson's............75 Director, Little's.'............................. 1.00 Forceps, Curved.............................. 2.25 Little's.............................. 2.25 " Straight............................. 2.25 Lithotomy Gorgets, Blunt, Teale's.......... 1.85 Bush's......................................... 3.25 Dowell's, and Staff............................ 4.25 Kevos'......................................... 1.75 Physiek's, 2 Blades............................ 4.75 Lithotomy Hemostats, Brown's.................. 3.O0 Canula a Chemise............................. LOO Forceps.........................................75 Gouley's....................................... 1.75 Gross.......................................... 3.50 3041 Lithotomy Knives, Blizard's, American........... 1.25 3042 " English.............. 1.25 3027 3028 3031 3032 3034 3035 No. Plate. Fig. 3043 Price. SL25 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 3077 3078 3079 3080 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 3095 3096 3097 3098 3099 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 3140 3141 3142 3143 3144 3145 98 3045 98 3047 7.50 .'.00 5.25 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3059 3060 98 3062 3064 3065 99 3067 3069 3070 3071 3075 3076 3081 3084 99 3092 3094 3095 3096 194 209 3027 3060 4985 5356 6124 6560 6634 3108 3109 3110 58 5079 1487 1487 1487 0906 0807 4030 4252 425:! 4256 4254 4255 6619 1424 3598 7023 2147 3052 7131 1029 3848 4052 Lithotomy Knives, Gross'................... Lithotomy Leg Holders. Clover's................................. Kelly's................................... Lithotomy; Lit ho tomes, Brigg s........... Hutchison's................................... •'■-•; Smith's....................................... .'-OO Lithotomy Scalpels, Depuytren's.................. l.~o Probe Pointed................................ ' -'-f Sharp " ................................ -A' Lithotomy Scoop, Linn's........................... ]p;.> and Conductor.................. L<;> Sonde a Dard.................................. 2.75 ...... Helmuth's...................... 4.;j0 Lithotomy Staffs, Buchanan's...................... l-c> Dowell's, and Gorget..........................4.2;> Hewitt's, " Knife.......................... 3.00 Lateral........................................ 1-50 Little's........................................ 1--J " • Director............................... LOO Markoe's...................................... 1.50 Mason's........................................ 3.75 Steel.......................................... 1-35 Wood's......................................... 1.°° Lithotomy, see Stone Searchers. Lithotrites, Bigelow's Improved...................30.00 Chismore's....................................18.00 Civiale's...............".........................18.75 Ferguson's.....................................18.75 (bailey's.......................................26.00 Heurteloup's, and Mallet.....................18.75 11 unter's.,.....................................15.00 .iacobson's.....................................22.50 Kcyos'.........................................26.00 Le\ er..........................................18.7.) Teevan's.......................................26.00 Thompson's.................. ................26.00 Lithotrity Dilators, 1 )< ill .cans'......................18.00 Guyon Duplay's................................35.00 Lithotrity Evacuators. Bigelow's, Latest.............................22.50 Original........................... 9.00 withstand...............12.00 Clover's......................................10.00 ('ornay's.......................................18.75 Keves' Tube, Curved......................... 6.75 " Straight........................ 6.00 Mercier's...................................... 5.00 Nelaton's .....................................22.50 Ot is'...........................................22.50 Thompson's...................................11.00 Van Buren's.................................. 5.00 Walker's......................................16.50 Weiss'-Thompson's...........................22.50 Litmus Paper, Blue, Bed or Yellow.......y book .05 Litter, Folding, Price on Application. Little's Aseptic Spray............................. 3.75 Artery Clamp Forceps........................ 1.50 Director....................................... 1.00 Lithotomy Bistoury.......................... 1.25 Forceps.......................... 2.25 Staff.............................. 1.25 Pocket Instruments..........................75 Retractor, Tracheal.......................... 1.00 Stone Searcher................................ 1.50 Trachea Tube, Aluminum.................... 3.00 Trocar.......................................85 Lock-Jaw, iUst., Goodwillie's Speculum........... 6.00 Cross' " ........... 3.75 Mott's-Heister's " ........... 4.50 Westmoreland's " ........... 4.50 Loewenbei g's Pharyngotome...................... 2.50 Loewenthal's Obstetrical Forceps.................15.00 London Hearing Horns, Bl'k or Plated, Large___3.50 " " " Medium.. 3.00 " " " Small.... 2.50 Long's Uterine Dilator and Injector.............. 7.50 Longear's Curette, 2 Curettes and Syringe........ 5.00 Loomis' Placenta Forceps.......................... 3.75 Loring's Ophthalmoscope, 7 Lens................. 5.00 12 " .................10.50 Students'..............12.00 Upright Image, D'ble Disk.................18.00 Upright Image, Single Disk................16.00 Students' Trial Paso..........................14.00 Lucae's iteiiu.v Ear Douche........................ .50 Ludlam's Perineal Needle...........................85 I'terine Elevator.............................. 4.00 Ludlam's-Gucrnscy's Vaginal Depressor.....'...!! A5 Luer's ( 'heek Retractor............................ ].5o Ether Inhaler.............................!!!. 3.25 Eve Speculum......................... ] 50 Gouge.......................................!! 2!00 Lithotomy Scoop............................ 1.7.-, Luxation "Forceps............. .............. c'oii Polypus " ..........................;;; i.m Lupus Trephine................................. 1 511 Lusk's Cephalotribe................................13 50 Insufflator......................................75 Tarnier's Obstetrical Forceps............ ''' '.18 00 Luzardi's Hooked Needle............ 1 00 Luxation Forceps, Charriere's..................... 6 75 Iter's......................................y/. cioo Pai£v........................................ 3.00 Lyman s Tube................................ 2.00 18 Fhy&iG,:\Qjr2& f\T2ol ,Sv/r£j<=xe>T2.s SvppfieiQ,. No. Plate. Fig. 3146 3147 3148 3149 3 3150 49 3151 3152 52 3153 53 3154 53 3155 3156 3157 3158 52 3159 51 3160 51 3161 3162 53 3163 85 3164 85 3165 56 3166 56 3167 56 3168 56 3169 3170 96 3171 3172 3173 3174 78 3175 3176 3177 3178 3179 85 3180 3 1069 M Price, 3181 10 3182 10 3183 10 3184 10 3185 10 3186 10 3187 10 3188 10 3189 10 3190 10 3191 10 3192 8 3193 3194 97 3195 37 3196 3197 3 3198 98 3199 3200 4 100 3201 14 3202 3203 3204 3205 73 3206 3207 10 3208 3209 3210 3211 4 3212 3213 61 3214 3215 75 3216 81 3217 53 3218 85 3219 3220 3221 39 3222 3223 23 3224 3225 3226 3227 3228 3229 2 3230 22 3231 3232 41 3233 3234 21 3235 3236 44 3237 44 3238 44 3239 44 3240 9 3241 32 3242 33 8243 61 3244 3245 acewen's Chisel, 3 Sizes........................$2.25 Mallet...........................................40 1069 Osteotome, 3 Sizes............................ 2.25 1069 Set of Chisels and Osteotomes, in Case....... 7.50 2535 Mackenzie's Eclectic Inhaler....................... 6.00 Laryngeal Brush............................. 1.00 2808 " Dilator............................15.00 2819 " Forceps, Anterior-Posterior......2.00 2820 " " Lateral.................. 2.00 " Ecraseur and Scissors. ..18.75 " Lancet, 2 Blades.................. 9.00 " 3 " ..................10.50 2840 " Probe, Silver...................... 1.00 2862 Light Concentrator........................... 3.50 2863 " " Improved................ 3.50 Oesophagotome...............................11.25 2826 Sponge Holder with Wedge.................. 4.50 6512 Tonsilotome.................................. 5.00 7157 Uvulatome.................................... 6.75 Mackintosh Cloth, see Protectives. 3165 Magnifying Glasses, V&', 2", 3", 4", 5" diam. .60 .80 1.50 2.50 4.50 3166 Magnify'g Glasses, in Hard Rubber Case, Folding. 1 Lens......30. 2 Lens......60 3 Lens......80 3167 Magnifying Glasses, Coddington's................. 2.25 3168 Folding.........................................50 Maisonneuve's Stone Crusher......................15.00 6766 Urethrotome.................................. 9.00 Malgaigne's Hooks................................. 4.50 Malgaigne's-Otis' Hooks........................... 4.25 Mallets, Gerster's....................................35 5059 Lead Filled.................................... 1.50 Rawhide........................................40 8 5058 Steel, Post-Mortem........................... 1.50 Mallez'T Bougie a Boule............................ 1.00 Powder Insufflator........................... 1.25 6513 Mandeville's Tonsilotome, Revolving............. 7.00 Manf redi's Eye Speculum.......................... 3.75 Manicure Instruments, see also Nail Scissors. 3181 3182 3183 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 Corn Knife.................................... 1.00 " " Crescent........................... 1.00 " Folding.............................90 " Oval................................ 1.00 " Sickle.............................. 1.00 Cuticle Knife.................................. 1.00 " " and File..........................25 Nail File....................................... 1.00 " Nipper, Plain.........75. Fine........ 1.50 Stedman's Toe Nail Spring............y pair .25 Steel " " " ............" " .50 3192 Manometer, Politzer's...............................35 Marconis' Tonsilotome............................. 8.00 964 Marcy's Double Current Catheter.................. 1.85 3195 Perineal Safety Pin............................25 Marey's Sphygmograph, to Order Only. 5593 Markoe's Sequestrum Forceps .................... 1.85 3062 Staff, Lithotomy.............................. 1.50 Marks' Operating Chair, Price on Application. 010 Marshall's Osteotrite................................ 1.50 Saddle Bag, see Saddle Bags. 6075 Martin's Combination Stethoscope................ 1.75 Knife.......................................... 1.75 Needle..................................y doz. 2.25 Pile Plug, Hollow, Plated.....................75 Silver..................... 1.50 Rubber Bandage, see Bandages. Vaccine Virus.................................10 1486 Martineau's Hearing Horn......................... 3.50 Mason's Catheter Staff............................. 3.75 Masticator........................................... 7.50 Mastin's Stricture Cutter........................... 6.00 Maisonneuve's Urethrotome.................10.50 Mastoid Drill, see Bone Drills. Trephine, Wilmer's........................... 3.50 3849 Mathew's Obstetrical Forceps...................... 6.00 " " with Screw......... 7.25 248 Mathieu's Artery Forceps___ ...................... 1.75 5142 Prolapsus Ani Supporter...................... 3.00 6441 Throat Forceps............................... 4.50 6514 Tonsilotome................................... 6.00 Modified..........................8.00 Urethral Lithotrite...........................11.25 3077 Mathis' Needle Holder..............................2.50 Mattock's Artery Clamp............................35 4102 Maunoir's Scissors.................................. 1.00 Maury's Fumigation Apparatus................... 9.00 Mattson's Rectal Syringe...........................1.50 May's Finger Protector, Articulated............... 1.50 Sharp Curette................................. 1.50 Steam Jacket, to Order Only. 6536 Tourniquet...................................10.00 6593 Mayer's Trachoma Forceps......................... 2.25 McBurney's Needle Holder......................... 2.50 7132 McClintock's Polypus Forceps..................... 4.00 McCurdy's Flap Retractor..........................3.00 4122 McFarlan's Lachrymal Syringe.................... 1.75 McFerran's Obstetrical Forceps.................... 9.00 4781 Mcintosh's Pessary, Complete with Belt...........2.50 4782 Cup.............................................50 4783 " .............................................50 4784 " .............................................50 334 McKay's Ear Forceps...............................1.75 6890 McLean's-Barnes' Dilator.......................... 1.75 6909 " " Introducer..............3.25 3852 McLean's Obstetrical Forceps...................... 5.00 McSherry's Laryngeal Dilator.....................8.25 Tracheotomy Tube...........................4.50 No. Plat 3246 29 3247 15 3248 94 3249 3250 95 3251 95 3252 95 3253 3254 95 3255 95 3256 95 3257 95 3258 3259 21 100 3260 63 3261 97 3262 97 3263 3264 3265 99 3266 3267 3268 3269 3270 3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 3276 1 3277 1 3278 1 3279 1 3280 3281 34 3282 56 3283 56 92 3284 56 3285 56 3286 3287 3288 3289 3290 3291 3292 3293 3294 3295 3296 56 3297 56 3298 56 3299 3300 3301 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 3307 56 3308 3309 3310 56 3311 56 3312 12 3313 3314 3315 56 3316 56 3317 56 3318 56 3319 56 3320 56 3321 56 3322 78 3323 56 3324 56 3325 67 3326 12 3327 3328 3329 60 3330 32 3331 28 3332 28 3333 28 3334 3335 75 3336 *11 76 3337 76 3338 76 3339 76 3340 76 3341 76 3342 7265 3248 1869 3251 3252 3254 3255 3256 3257 3259 1214 965 949 3276 3276 3276 3279 3281 3282 3283 3284 3285 3296 3297 3307 3310 3311 5764 3315 3316 3317 3318 3319 3320 3321 6181 3323 3324 4468 3326 3854 6910 7266 7266 7266 28 3337 3338 3339 4985 3341 Price. Meadow's Quatrivalve Speculum.................$11.00 Trivalve " ..................7.50 Measure, see Tape Measures. Meatometer, Piffard's...............................85 Meatoscopes, Glass...................................35 Weir's...........................................75 Meatotomes, Civiale's............................... 3.75 Gouley's....................................... 2.00 Mitchell's......................................16.50 Otis'...........................................1-00 Piffard's....................................... 1-00 Stricture Knife...................... 7.50 Meatus Dilator, Otis'................................L00 Speculum, Tuttle's............................ 1.75 Medicine Droppers, Curved or Straight.............05 Case, see Vial and Buggy Cases. Meigs' Craniotomy Forceps.........................2.50 Mercier's Catheter...................................50 " Double Elbow...................oO " Invaginated..................... 2.50 Duplicator.....................................18.75 Evacuating Apparatus........................5.00 Excisor........................................37.50 Incisor and Ecraseur Combined..............45.00 Prostatic Gland Dilator....................... 7.50 Rectangular Sound........................... LOO Mercurial Fumigators, Bumstead's Lamp.........2.00 Maury's........................................9.00 Van Buren's...................................1.50 Whitall's........................................50 Metacarpal Saws, Detmold's....................... 1.15 Lente's Interosseous.......................... 1.00 Lifting Back, Large.......................... 2.00 '• " Medium........................ 1.75 " Small........................... 1.50 Plain...........................................1.25 Metratrep, White's..................................10.50 Metrorganon, Newman's........................... 2.25 Microscope, Price on Application. Microscopic Bistouries, A. to 0.....................75 Exploring Trocar, see Trocars. Microscopic Forceps, Curved........................75 Straight........................................75 For Cover Glasses..............................60 Microscopic Cover Glasses, y doz. y oz. Circular No. 1, y2" to 1" diam... .25 2.75 " 2, y£ " 1" " ... .20 2.00 " 3, Yz" " 1" " ... .18 1.50 Square " 1, Vi " 1" " ... .20 2.00 " 2, y2" " 1" " ... .18 1.50 " 3, y2" " 1" " ... .15 1.00 Microscopic Glass Slides. Ground Edge, l"x3", 1st Qual., Crown, y gr. 1.50 Plain Cut" l"x3", " " " " " .75 Microscopic Lamp.................................. 5.00 Microscopic Needles, Curved........................15 Straight........................................15 Microscopic Needle Holder..........................50 Microscopic Object Cases. Cardboard, for 12 Objects.....................12 " 24 " .....................75 Vlain Wood, 4 Single Trays, for 24 Objects.. 1.00 " 6 " " " 36 " . 1.50 " 8 ......48 " .. 1.75 " 10 " " " 60 " .. 2.00 " 12 " " " 72 " .. 2.50 " 12 Double " " 144 " .. 3.50 Polished" 12 Single " " 72 " .. 3.25 " 12 Double " " 144 " .. 5.00 Microscopic Scissors, Angular...................... 1.00 Curved........................................ 1.00 Straight........................................85 Transplantation............................... 6.00 Microscopic Section Cutter, Jewett's.............. 6.75 Microscopic Section Knives, Curtis'................ 2.75 Piffard's....................................... 3.75 Plain...........................................50 Valentine's....................................5.75 ............................•........ 6.00 Microscopic Section Lifter, Double.................50 Razor, Li ght, 1.50. Heavy.... 2.50 Microscopic Stage Forceps, 3 Prong............... 5.00 Microscopic Syringes. Brass with 3 Tips and Stopcock.............. 7.50 Hard Rubber.................................. 3.75 Microscopic Turn Table............................ 3.00 Miliano's Compressor............................... 1.25 Milium Needle, Piffard's.............................75 Miller's Aspirator................................... 3.00 Obstetrical Forceps........................... 5.50 Jointed...................10.50 Uterine Dilator............................... 7.50 Vaginal Speculum............................ 2.00 Modified................... 2.25 " " Aluminum................ 2.50 Milliamperemeter, see Electro-Meters. Milikin's Ear Speculum............................ 1.00 Milne's Acupressure Forceps....................... L00 Dilating Urethrotome.......................12.75 Minim Graduate, see Graduates. Minor Surgery; Bistouries, Scalpels, etc. Styles A to R. Aseptic Hard Rubber Handle.................75 Metal Handle.......................75 " " " .........................75 EbonyFeruied " ....::::::::::::::"":: .75 " Riveted " ...............:!:"":! !50 Pftv^iGieoW ojucL Sv'-rgj-e:©T2,s' -Sv ppfie.^. 19 3343 76 3344 5 3345 51 3346 51 3347 51 3348 51 3349 51 3350 51 3351 51 3352 3353 51 3354 51 3355 51 3356 3357 6 3358 3359 3360 3361 47 3362 11 3363 11 Ho. Plate. Fig. Price. Styles A to R. 3341 Minor Surgery; Ivory Feruled Handle............$1.00 " Riveted " ..............75 Style A add to Preceding Prices..............75 Minor Surgery Case, sec Amputating Cases. Mirrors, Blake's Inner Ear......................... 5.75 Concave, with Ball on Back, 2%' 3" 3^" 4". 3346 " without Head Band, 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 Troeltsch's Ear, 2y2"... 1.50. 3"... 1.75. 3K.- 2.00 See Laryngoscopic Mirrors. 3348 Mirror Handles for Laryngeal Mirrors............25 3349 Mirror Head Bands, Bosworth's....................75 3349 Pomeroy's............................... 75 3351 With Adjustable Ball and Socket.............75 " Mirror Protector....................... 1.50 3353 " Nose Rest.............................. 1.2.-, 2869 " Spring Over Head...................... 3.25 3355 Mirror Holder, Adjustable, for Mackenzie's La- ryngoscope.................................... 3.00 Mitchell's Caustic Applicator...................... 1.25 156 Ether Inhaler................................. 1.50 Meatotome....................................16.50 Reflux Catheter................................60 Mittendorf 's Eye Speculum.........................75 3361 Models, Anatomical, Furnished to Order. 3362 Mohr's Brass Spring Pinch-Cock....................15 3363 Burettes— 20cc. 20cc. 25cc. 25cc. 30cc. 40cc. Vr. V10 'A VlO VlO Vs 1.25 1.75 1.25 2.00 2.50 1.85 50cc. 50cc. 50cc. lOOcc. lOOcc. y% Vs V10 y2 1/5 1.65 1.90 3.25 2.25 2.75 13 Molar Forceps, see Dental Forceps. Moleskin Adhesive Plaster..................y yard .75 3364 90 7323 Molesworth's Vaginal Syringe..................... 1.25 3365 Mop for Cleansing Trachea Canulas___,...........05 " " " see Absorbent Cotton Mops. 3366 Morgan's Needle.............................y doz. 2.25 3367 11 3367 Mortars, Glass, loz. 2oz. 3oz. 4oz. 8oz. 16 oz. 32oz. .25 .30 .35 .40 .50 .75 1.25 3368 Morton's Ether Inhaler ........................... 3.75 3369 Mose's Bullet Extractor............................ 2.50 3370 Mossman's Stem Pessary........................... 3.75 Motor, see Electro-Meters, etc. 3371 74 268 Motfs Aneurism Needles.....................$ set 2.00 3372 65 3110 Oral Speculum................................ 4.50 3373 2 5359 Retractor..............................$ pair .75 3374 Tourniquet.................................... 1.50 65 Mouth Gag, see < iairs; Speculum, see Lock Jaw Inst. 3375 Munde's Applicator, Hard Rubber..................35 3376 Aspirator and Hypodermic Syringe.......... 9.00 3377 Counter-Pressure Hook........................50 3378 Ointment Tube............................... 1.50 3379 Pessary........................................ 1.50 3380 Placenta Curette.............................. 1.75 3381 " Forceps..............................2.00 3382 26 7195 Rectal Irrigator............................... l.mi 3383 Uterine Curette, Blunt........................75 3384 " " Sharp....................... 1.15 3385 26 7:208 Vaginal Speculum............................ 1.75 3386 20 7268 " " Aluminum................ 2.50 3387 41 3387 Munson's Quill Suture Stay..................y pair .50 3388 Miirdock's Cye Speculum...........................2.75 3389 Murray's Electrolysis Needle........................75 3390 11 3390 Museum Jars, 1 pt. 1 qt. ]/, 1 2 3 5 gallon. .35 .45 .60 1.101.50 2.50 3.50 Muslin, see Bandaircs, Piotectivcs. 7404 Musseux's Vulsellum Forceps...................... 1.75 Mussey's Bladder ( urette........................... 1.75 2051 Mouth (iag.................................... 5.00 Myles' Nasal Speculum..............................1.25 358 Myringotomes, Buck's...............................75 3396 Politzer's, Angular...........................75 3396 " Straight............................75 Prout's.........................................75 3391 53 3392 3393 65 3394 3395 9 3396 9 3397 9 3398 3399 3400 3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 3407 3408 N 10 3409 3410 57 3411 57 3412 3413 50 3414 52 3415 3416 3417 3418 3419 57 3420 59 3421 3422 57 3423 3424 3425 8426 8427 achet's Trial Set................................85.0(1 NacLivl i 's Obstetrical Forceps...................... 6.0a 3886 Perforator.................................... 3.00 Naevus' Needle......................................25 Nail Extracting Forceps, Post's................... 1.75 037 Van Buren's..............................'— 1.75 3180 Nail Nippers, Fine.................................. 1.53 3180 Plain ..........................................75 See Manicure Instruments. Nail Scissors, Curved............................... 1.00 Straight........................................50 Sec Manicure Instruments. Nail's Dilating Crethratome.......................20.00 3410 Nasal Applicators, Allen's, Cotton..................15 59 Bosworth': .. Chromic Acid..................... 3.00 Bridge's.........................................50 Gleitsman's, 6 in Set.......................... l.oO Leflerts'...................................... 2.50 SajOU's Acetic Acid........................... 5.00 Chromic " ........................... 4.50 Smith's Nitric Acid.......................... L75 3419 Nasal Clamps, Bosworth's.......................... 1.50 3420 Caro's......................................... -50 Gouley's....................................... 3.50 3422 Nasal Curettes. Buck's..............................35 Heburn's.......................................50 May's.......................................... 1-50 Quire's....................................... 1-25 3426 Nasal Dilators, Goodwillie's, Soft Rubber..........60 Woakes'.......................................13.50 3411 2545 3414 No. Plate. 3428 57 3429 3430 3431 3432 3433 3434 90 3435 90 3436 3437 50 3438 59 3439 59 3440 59 3441 3442 57 3443 57 3444 58 3445 57 3446 3447 3448 58 3449 3450 3451 58 3452 58 3453 58 3454 58 3455 3456 57 3457 i-9 3458 59 3459 59 3460 59 3461 59 3462 59 3463 59 3464 59 3465 59 3466 3467 58 3468 3469 3470 58 3471 58 3472 3473 3474 58 3475 57 3476 3477 3478 58 3479 58 3480 58 3481 58 3482 3483 3484 3485 3486 58 3487 58 3488 59 3489 53 3490 3491 59 3492 3493 59 3494 59 3495 59 3496 58 59 3497 59 3498 83 3499 57 3500 57 3501 57 3502 57 3503 57 3504 57 3505 57 3508 57 3507 57 3508 57 3509 57 3510 57 3511 57 3512 3513 57 3514 57 3515 57 3516 57 3517 57 3518 57 3519 57 3520 57 3521 57 3522 57 3523 57 3524 54 3525 54 3526 3527 3528 59 3529 59 3530 3428 3434 1426 3437 3438 3438 3420 3442 3443 3444 3445 3448 3451 3452 3451 3454 3456 3457 3457 3459 3460 3460 3462 3463 3464 3465 3467 3467 3471 3474 3419 3478 3478 3481 3481 3486 3487 3488 3489 3491 3493 3494 3495 3496 3497 3499 3500 3501 3502 3502 3504 3505 3506 3507 3508 a509 3510 3511 3513 3514 3515 3516 3517 3518 3519 3520 3521 3522 3523 5957 5964 3528 3529 Price. Nasal Dilators, Yearsley's..........................$0.35 Nasal Douches, Bridge's.............................50 Chapman's.................................... 2.00 Clark's........................................ 1-00 Fullgraff's..................................... 1-75 '' Posterior...................■........ L75 Thudichum's...................................75 Warner's, Catarrhal...........................75 Weir's...........................................~5 Woakes'........................................75 Nasal Epistaxis Canula, Belocq's, Plated...........75 Silver........... 1.75 Nasal Epistaxis Clamp, Caro's.......................50 Tampon, Rubber..................50 Nasal Feeding Tube, Paine's........................75 Foreign Body Hook...........................50 Nasal Membrane Forceps, Douglas'................2.50 Plug, Hard Rubber............................30 Nasal Polypus Canula...............................50 " " Scissors, Smith's............ 3.75 " Evulsion Forceps, Robinson's......2.25 Nasal Polypus Forceps, Crossing Blades............75 Douglas'....................................... 1.75 Elsberg's....................................... 1.75 Gross'........................................ 1.50 Knight's....................................... 1.75 Simrock's..................................... 1.75 Nasal Polypus Syringe, Upson's....................10.00 " Transfixion Needle..................40 Nasal Saws, Bosworth's, Down Cut................ 1.25 " Up " ................ 1.25 Bucklin's...................................... 2.00 Curtis'......................................... 1.25 Holbrook-Curtis'............................. 1.25 Sajou's, Angular.............................. 1.50 Straight.............................. 1.50 Straight, all Metal, Ingal's.................... 1.25 Woakes'....................................... 1.25 Nasal Scissors, Ingal's.............................. 2.00 Knight's...................................... 2.00 Pot tor's....................................... 2.50 Roc's.......................................... 3.25 Seder's........................................ 2.00 Shcrwell's..................................... 3.00 ..................................... 5.25 Smith's........................................ 3.75 Nasal Septum ('artilage Forceps, Jarvis'.......... 3.25 Nasal Septum ('lamps, Bosworth's................. 1.50 Coulee's ...................................... 3.50 Nasal Septum Cutting Forceps, Douglas'.......... 4.00 Hey man's...................................... 2.25 Knight's....................................... 2.25 Weir's......................................... 2.25 Nasal Septum, Double Gouge Forceps, Weir's___ 2.25 " Excisor, Jarvis'..................... 3.75 Exostosis Trocar, Wilkerson's___2.50 Nasal Septum Knives, Allen's..................... 1.00 Ingal's......................................... 1.00 Nasal Septum Punching Forceps, Farnham's..... 4.50 Farnham's.................................... 4.50 Jarvis'......................... ............... 6.25 Roberts'....................................... 4.25 Sajou's........................................12.00 Steel's........................................ 7.50 Nasal Septum Rhinometers, Jarvis'............... 6.75 Nasal Septum Rhinoplastos, Adams'... .......... 2.25 Bosworth's.................................... 2.50 Weir's......................................... 2.25 Nasal Septum Rongeur, Jarvis'...................... '6.2S " Saw, see Nasal Saws. " Septometer, Seiler's................. 3.25 Trimming Scissors, Jarvis'..........bAj Snare, see Ecraseurs. Nasal Specula, Bishop's............................ 1.25 Bivalve........................................ 1.00 Bonafont's..................................... 1.25 Bosworth's, Steel..............................' '.7.-, Wire.............................! .25 coiin's......................................;;; iAo Elsberg's.....................................: 1:75 Folsom's....................................!!'. ^00 Fraenkel's.................................',..'. 1^5 Goodwillie's........................ .......50 ingars..................................;;::;;; ^ Jarvis'..........................................35 " Operating................... ' '75 . m.v«>\...................................:::::: 1:25 Potter's..................................... j 25 Hoiicrt and Coiin's.................".".'.'.".".'.'.'.'.'. L75 Seller's................................'.'.'.'.'. " 30 Sexton's..........................'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' ' '75 Shurlcy's......................'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.... 225 Simrock's......................A.'.'.".'."..........50 smith's.........................::::::..........75 Thudichum's............ .....oc Tubular, Hard Rubber......'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'...........25 Turnbull's...........................'.'.........4'50 Zaufal's, 3 Sizes............ ' i"m Nasal Sprays, Hard Rubber........A'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'" " 1 50 Leffc -its', with 3 Tips.......... " 2'nn Nasal Syringe, Lefferts'............. ............ 1V5 Nasal Turbinated Bone Ploughs, Seiss' . ......... 1*50 Woakes', L. and R............. " " i'»5 Nasal Turbinated Bone Plough Guides" Woakes', Left and Right..... 2 75 Nasai Turbinated Bone Scissors. ' Woakes', Left and Right.... 4 50 Nasal, see Pharyngeal; also Post Nasal!.'" ' 20 PB^jsicviecLW erncl -Sv/r^soia^' St/ppt'ie.^. No. Plate. 3 3531 37 3532 74 3533 3534 74 3535 80 3536 3537 3538 3539 74 3540 3541 74 3542 25 3543 3544 74 3545 74 3546 3547 48 3548 48 3549 3550 40 3551 3552 48 3553 48 3554 48 3555 48 3556 48 3557 3558 48 3559 48 3560 48 3561 56 3562 56 3563 12 3564 3565 25 3566 25 3567 24 3568 25 3569 24 3570 24 3571 24 3572 25 3573 24 3574 25 3575 24 3576 23 3577 25 3578 24 3579 25 3580 24 3581 19 3582 25 3583 24 3584 3585 25 3586 25 3587 25 3588 25 3589 37 3590 37 3591 37 3592 37 3593 37 3594 37 3595 37 3596 37 3597 37 3598 37 3599 37 3600 37 3601 37 3602 37 3603 37 3604 37 3605 3606 3607 3608 37 3609 37 3610 37 3611 37 3612 3613 78 3614 78 3615 52 3616 52 3617 85 3618 3619 3620 3621 5 3622 5 3623 19 3624 78 3625 5 3626 5 3627 5 3628 3629 5 3630 5 3631 5 3632 5 263 5239 268 fig. Price. Necrosis Forceps, see Bone Holding Forceps. 3601 Needles, Abdominal................................$Q.50 Needles, Artery ; see also Ligators. 261 Aneurism......................................75 Crampton's............................y pair 3.75 Fletcher's...................................... 2.25 Helical......................................... 1.25 Helmuth's...................................... 2.50 Hutchison's................................... 1.85 Little's..........................................75 Mott's...................................y set 2.00 Ostrom's...................................... 2.25 Parker's-Mott's.........................y set 2.00 Needles, Aspirator, see Aspirator Needles. 4219 Needles, Canthoplasty, Prince's.................... 1.75 Needles, Electrolysis.................................15 3544 Needles, Exploring, Hard Rubber Case.............25 3544 • Metal Case.....................................25 Shell Handle...................................75 2248 Needles, Htemorrhoidal, Concealed Point..........75 2249 Probe Point....................................50 Needles, Hiemostatic................................10 2365 Needles, Hernia, Dowell's...........................75 Needles, Hypodermic; see also Aspirator. Excelsior.......................................40 Exploring......................................35 Gold............................................60 Greene's Extra Fine...........................35 " Reinforced, Extra Fine.............50 Horton's...................................... 1.00 Leiter's........................................25 Plated, Fine...........25. Medium..........15 " Reinforced............................35 Platina..........................................60 3296 Needles, Microscopic, Curved.......................15 3297 Straight........................................15 3326 Needles. Milium, Piffard's...........................75 Needles, Naevus.....................................25 Needles, Ophthalmic; Iris. 4146 Beer's, Straight................................85 4147 Bowman'sStop................................ 1.00 4046 Bradford's Twin.............................. 4.50 4158 Broad, Paracentesis........................... 1.00 4005 Carron de Villard's............................85 4006 Couching.......................................85 4047 Critchett's Hooked.............................85 4149 Curved.........................................85 4048 De la Roza's................................... 1.25 4160 Extra Broad Paracentesis.................... 1.00 4039 Hayes', Knife Needle......................... 1.00 4025 Lanne's Forceps Needle...................... 3.25 4051 Levi's...........................................85 4052 Luzardi's, Hooked............................ 1.00 4150 Narrow, Straight..............................85 4054 Scarpa's, Curved...............................85 4151 Suture.................................y doz. .50 4152 Walton's Reclination..........................85 4055 Wilde's Canulated.............................9.00 Set........................11.25 Needles, Ophthalmic; Tattooing. 4228 Agnew's....................................... 1.25 4228 " Spring............................... 3.25 4230 Baader's....................................... 1.50 4231 Grooved....................................... 1.50 3589 Needles, Perineal, Ash ton's.........................60 2409 2470 2471 2472 2475 2470 2172 2470 Baker Brown's.................................60 Canulated, Currie's............................ 5.25 Plain..........................„.. 1.00 Goodell's.......................................25 G raves'.........................................50 Hall's...........................................90 Hank's..........................................85 J ackson's.......................................85 Ludlam's.......................................85 Papin's.........................................50 Parker's, with Handle,........................ 3.75 Peaslee's.......................................50 Set of 3.............................. 1.75 Left.................................. 1.25 Right................................ 1.25 Reverdin's, in Handle........................ 3.50 Folding........................... 3.50 Set of 6 in Handle...................'......... 4.50 Skene's, Curved................................60 Straight..............................60 Spiral.......................................... 1.25 Wilson's....................................... 1.00 Needles, Post-Mortem, Curved......................10 5061 Finnell's, Bayonet.............................15 5063 Straight.........................................10 6000 Needles, Staphyloraphy, Goodwillie's........y set 9.00 6002 Prince's....................................... 3.25 6003 Whitehead's, Spiral........................... 1.25 Needles, Suture, Bozeman's.................y doz. 1.15 Cole's...................................$ doz. 1.15 Dawson's...............................$ doz. 1.15 Emmet's Round-Pointed..............y doz. .50 " Triangular-Pointed.........y doz. .75 Eve.....................................v doz. -50 Finnell's................................$ doz. 1.75 Full Curved............................$ doz. .50 " Open Eye.................y doz. 1.20 Glover's................................$ doz. .25 Goodell's...............................$ doz. 1.15 Hagedorn's............................"# doz. .75 Open Eye..................y doz. 1.50 Half Curved...........................$ doz. .50 Open Eye.................y doz. 1.20 3500 3591 3592 3593 3594 3595 3596 3597 3598 3599 3600 3601 3601 3603 3603 3608 3609 3610 3611 3621 3622 4151 5061 3625 3626 3629 3629 3631 3632 No. 3633 3634 3635 3636 3637 3638 3639 3640 3641 3642 3643 3644 3645 3646 3647 3648 3649 3650 3651 3652 3653 3654 3655 3656 3657 3658 3659 3660 3661 3662 3663 3664 3665 3666 3667 3668 3669 3670 3671 3672 3673 3674 3675 3676 3677 3678 3679 3680 3681 8682 3683 3684 3685 3686 3687 3688 3689 3690 3691 3692 3693 3694 3695 3696 3697 3698 3699 3700 3701 3702 3703 3704 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 3710 3711 3712 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 3722 3723 3724 3725 3726 3727 3728 3729 3730 3731 3732 3733 3734 3735 3736 3737 3738 PlUe 34 36 Pig. Price. 3633 Needles, Suture, Hanks'....................$ doz.$1.15 Intestinal.............................."i* doz. 1.15 Keith's.................................V doz. .50 Lyman's...............................$ doz. 1.15 Martin's................................y doz. 2.25 Morgan's...............................V doz. 2.25 Polk's..................................it* doz. 1.15 3640 Schnetter's............................y doz. 1.15 Siemon's...............................y doz. 1.15 3621 Sims', Kound-Pointcd.................y doz. .50 3643 " Triangular-Pointed............y doz. .75 3644 Skene's.................................V doz. 1.15 Spohn's...............................V doz. 4.50 3646 Straight................................y doz. .50 3647 " Open Eye.....................y doz. 1.20 3648 Thomas'...............................$ doz. .75 3649 Tiemann's, Hollow........................... 3.00 1962 Van Brun's............................$ doz. .75 1962 Vesico- Vaginal Fistula...............$ doz. .75 Wackerhagen's.................................75 Wathen's...............................y doz. 1.15 Wire....................................y doz. .50 3655 Wylie's.................................%i doz. 1.15 Needles, Uterine, see Needles, Suture. Needles, Varicocele. 7363 Keyes'..........................................85 Improved.............................. 4.50 Needle Forceps, Abbe's............................. 1.75 Bozeman's..................................... 2.7,5 249 Comb'd with Artery Forceps................ 1.50 3677 Crosby's....................................... 2.50 3662 Daw!laru's..................................... 5.25 3663 Dawson's...................................... 2.65 3664 De Gaine's, Russian..........................2.50 Diefenbach's..:............................... 2.25 Dudley's-Sand's............................... 3.00 Edebohl's...................................... 2.75 3668 Emmet's....................................... 2.25 3669 Fowler's....................................... 2.50 Fox's.......................................... 1.50 3671 Fritsche's......................................2.75 3072 Hagedorn's................................... 5.00 3673 Hanks'........................................ 2.50 3674 Deuel's....................................•.... 3.00 4154 Knapp's....................................... 2.50 Kiistcr's....................................... 2.50 3677 Lewis'......................................... 2.50 3677 Matliis'........................................ 2.50 McBurney's.................................... 2.50 3298 Microscopic.....................................50 7615 Nott's......................................... 1.75 250 Old's........................................... 1.50 Otis'............................................ 8.00 3084 Parker's....................................... 3.00 3085 Parrott's...................................... 3.75 368(5 Piatt's.......................................... 4.75 4155 Front's.................................. . 2 25 3688 Reiner's........................................ 2.75 Roux's......................................... 3.25 3664 Russian........................................ 2.50 691 " Automatic........................... 2.511 4156 Sand's......................................... 2.75 3693 Sims', with Catch.......................... 1.75 3694 Skene's......................................... 3.75 3695 Stimson's...................................... 2.75 Thomas'...................................... 2.75 Tiemann's................................. 4.50 3698 " Patent..........•.................... 4.50 Van de Warker's............................. 5.25 Von Ramdohr's...................... 7 00 Wight's............................ '" ]V) 3702 Wyeth's.................................A A :i25 " Combination................. 4 r>u 5135 Nelaton's Bullet Probe.................. 35 960 Catheter.................................'.'.'.';.' 'oh Evacuating Apparatus___ ............ 22 50 7133 Pedicle Forceps.............................. 2.50 Phimosis " .............................. 3.75 7134 Tumor " ............................. 2;,50 Urethral Instrument.........................30'00 6911 Nelson's Uterine Dilator..........................'. 3.0Q 7270 Vaginal Speculum................. ' 200 Nerve Knife................................!!...... i'qq Neugcbauer's Speculum, 4 in Set..................400 Newman's Atomizer Tube................ ..... l'oo Electrolysis Bougie a Boule___ " 1 Ai " Catheter................!! A. A.! £25 Sound..........................;! 2(HJ „„„„ " " Tunneled.................3'od 3281 Metrorganon......................... o •>,-, Obstetrical Forceps...... ;.................. 5'oii Ointment Tube, Hard Rubber.. ........... Vixi Nichols' Inhaler....... ..... oV- Post Nasal Forceps... A.!!!!................ 05J, 1194 Nilsen's Counter-Pressure Fork and Tier ~ 75 Nitz's Respirator........ " " j'.-^ Noeggerath's Clamp.............. A.'.'...........5'A Exploring Trocar..............'............... V-'r, Pessary......................!. ' "............ ]'oi) Uterine Elevator........ " a'-?. North's Lar Forceps...............'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.......... i'm " Phone.......... ...... "1500 Nose, Artificial, to Order Only ' ......... Nott's Applicator....... 3 .,5 7180 ^^r:^F^^-::::v;"::::::::::::"*:» 69S ^^'^-"^^ter:::::::::::::::;;;;;^ '..........................................i.ii> Pf-2y^ioioiT2;s' OlT2C-I ^?v r(je:OT2S>' SvppiWs. 21 Ho. Plate. 3739 3> §740 34 741 3742 36 3743 34 3744 33 3745 3746 29 3747 20 3748 3749 3750 3751 3752 3753 3754 3755 3756 3757 3758 3759 3760 3761 3762 3763 3764 3765 3766 3767 3768 3769 3770 3771 3772 3773 3774 3775 3776 3777 3778 3779 3780 3781 3782 3783 3784 3785 3786 3787 3788 3789 3790 3791 3792 3793 3794 3795 3796 3797 88 3798 3799 3800 3801 3802 3803 3804 3805 3806 3807 3808 3809 3810 3811 3812 3813 3814 3815 3816 3817 3818 3819 3820 3821 3822 3823 3824 3825 3826 3827 3828 3829 3830 3831 3832 3833 3834 3835 3836 3837 3838 3839 3840 60 Tig. Price. 6987 Nott's Knife, Angular.............................SI.15 7615 Needle Holder............................... 1.75 Rectilinear Ecraseur.......................... 7.00 7110 Tenaculum.....................................25 7615 Twisting and Needle Forceps......... 1.75 6912 Uterine Dilator............................... 2.00 " Syringe.............................. ] .25 7273 Vaginal Speculum, 3 Sizes................... 2.00 7273 " Aluminum............... 2.50 Noyes' Brush Holder............................... 1.50 3954 Canalicula Knife, Movable................... 3.00 3955 " " Plain...................... 1.00 3950 " " Stilling's.................. 1.00 336 Ear Forceps................................... 3.00 3975 Entropium Forceps........................... 1.75 1901 Eustachian Catheter, Silver.................. 1.50 4196 Eye Speculum, Improved..................... 1.25 4196 " " " Gilt................ 1.75 Plain...........................50 4168 Eyelid Retractor.............................. 1.00 3999 Fixation Forceps............................. 2.00 4062 Iris Scissors.................................... 3.50 Lachrymal Gouge............................. 1.85 4125 Lens Holder................................... 4.50 4134 " Spoon.................................... 1.00 4077 Linear Knife................................. 1.00 4000 Ophthalmostate.............................. 1.50 Throat Forceps............................... 3.50 3767 Nozzles, Allen's, Soft Rubber, Double.............1.00 3768 Buck's, Hard " ......................50 3760 Conic, " " forCath. or Tube.. .25 3770 Ear, " " .......................20 3771 Eye Douche, Hard " .......................15 3772 Hosmer's T-Shaped, Plated....................50 3773 Knapp's Hard Rubber.........................25 3774 Nose, Oval, Hard Rubber, Agnew's...........15 3775 " Round, Glass, Agnew's.................10 3776 " " Hard Rubber, Agnew's........15 3777 Patten's Y-Shaped, Plated....................5(i 3776 Pomeroy's, Hard Rubber, Double........... .75 3770 Rectal, " " .....................15 3780 " " " Small...............15 " " " with Stopcock.....35 " Soft " " Funnel End. .35 3783 Roosa's, Hard " .....................25 3784 Vaginal Glass..................................15 3784 " Hard Rubber.........................20 3786 " " " Fenestra! cd............50 3787 " " " Reverse Plow..........35 " " " with Stopcock.........50 " Soft " " Funnel laid......35 Nunn's Applicator...................................50 Catheter Electrode........................... 3.00 Pad for Emmet's Speculum.................. 1.00 Syringe........................................ 4.75 Uterine Dressing Forceps.................... 4.50 0054 " " " and Scissors....... 3.75 7275 Vaginal Speculum............................ 9.00 Nurserv Sheeting, :'i yd. 1yd. Ikiyd. 1^yd. wide. Per Yard.....55 .05 .00 1.15 Oakum, 1 lb. y, lb. M lb. 1 oz. Carbolized, y lb. .25 .30 .35 .40 Plain, " " .18 .20 .25 .30 Sublimated. " " .25 .30 .35 .40 5306 O'Bierne's Rectal Tube, 12"...........................75 5306 " " 18"......................... 1.00 Obstetrical Bags. Cabin Style. Flexible Style. 3803 14" 6.00 3.(0 3803 15" 6.50 3.25 3803 16" 7.00 3.50 3803 18" 8.00 4.00 Obstetrical 1 Sasiotribe, Tarnicr's......,............26.00 3808 Obstetrical Blunt Hooks, Taylor's..................1.50 3H09 " " and Crotchet............ 1.00 :5S10 " " " " Bedford's.. 4.50 3811 " " " " Guarded... 3.25 Obstetrical Cord Carriers, Fillet....................4.50 Plain........................................... 1.50 3814 Scholler's...................................... 3.00 »ibstctrical < ushion, see < 'ushions. Obstetrical Forceps, Barnes'.......................6.00 3816 Bed fold's...................................... 6.00 3817 Bethel's....................................... 0.IKI Blake's........................................ o.ihi Braun's-Simpson's............................ o.ini 3820 " Tri-form............................. 18.0(1 Breus'-Tarnier's.....■.........................15.00 3822 Brickel's...................................... 6.00 3823 Budd's........................................ 6.00 Burdick's..................................... 6.7o Burge's........................................22.50 Buzzle's....................................... 7.50 Bvford's....................................... 6.00 Ciark's........................................ 5.25 3829 Cole's.......................................... 6.00 " -Tarnier's................................18.00 3831 Comstock's.................................... 5.25 Corning's-Tarnier's........................... 9.00 3,833 Davis'......................................... a-75 3*34 Denman's..................................... ;>.2.> Draper's....................................... 6.25 3836 Elliott's...................................... 5.(|0 Gillette's..................................... -.00 3838 Hale's.......................................... 3.7.' 3839 Hodge's....................................... 4.On Howard's-Tarnier's...........................18.00 No. Plate 3841 3842 3843 3844 3845 3846 3847 3848 3849 3850 3851 3852 3853 3854 3855 3856 3857 3858 3859 3860 3861 3862 3863 3864 3865 3866 3867 3868 3869 3870 3871 3872 3873 3874 3875 3876 3877 3878 3879 3880 3881 3882 3883 3884 3885 3886 3887 3888 3889 3890 3891 3892 3893 3894 3895 3896 3897 3898 3899 3900 3901 3902 3903 3904 3905 i;2 3916 3917 3918 94 3919 40 3920 40 3921 40 3922 40 3923 75 3924 75 3925 75 3926 44 3927 3928 79 3843 3844 3845 3847 3848 3849 61 3852 60 3854 61 3858 3860 3861 3862 3863 3865 3866 60 3847 61 3871 60 3874 61 3876 3880 3.88] 3882 3883 3885 3881 i 3,887 3888 3890 381(1 3892 3s'J3 91 205 52 284 91 257 91 257 91 257 91 257 91 257 91 64 53 53 3906 3907 64 3908 64 3909 64 3910 3911 3912 52 3913 32 3914 3915 3903 3907 3908 3909 3912 6913 5799 3919 3919 3921 3921 240 250 3925 4788 5268 3929 87 3929 3930 3931 3932 3933 3934 3935 3936 3937 3938 3939 3940 3941 87 3934 3938 3939 Price. Obstetrical Forceps, Hunter's ....................$6-75 Ives'........................................... 5.25 Jenks', Long.................................. ''.on Short.................................. 4.ihi Jewett's...................................... 7.50 Loewenthal's.................................l.).(X) Lusk's-Simpson's............................. 5.00 -Tarnier's..............................18.00 Mathew's..................................... 6.00 " with Screw......................... 7.25 McFerran's.................................... 9.00 McLean's...................................... 5.00 Miller's....................................... 5.50 Jointed...............................10.50 Naegeli's.................................... 6.00 Neaf s-Tarnier's..............................18.00 Newman's..................................... 5.00 Osborn's..................................... 6.00 Reamy's....................................... d-1*1 Robertson's................................... 6.00 Robinson's.................................... 6.00 Rockwell's.................................... 6.00 Roller's........................................ 6.00 Sander's.......................................7.00 Sawyer's...................................... 4.00 Improved........................... 5.00 Schuyler's.................................... 8.25 Simpson's, Long.............................. 5.00 Short............................. 4.00 -Tarnier's........................12.00 Tarnier's......................................20.1X1 Tarsitani's..................................... 9.00 Taylor's...............'........................ 8.25 Thomas'....................................... 4.50 Trueheart's................................... 9.00 Vcdder's...................................... 9.75 Wallace's-Hodge's............................ 4.50 White's........................................ 4.50 Obstetrical Manikin................................40.00 Obstetrical Perforators, Ayre's................... 4.50 Bacliclder's................................... 3.75 Bedford's..................................... 1.75 Blot's......................................... 4.50 Braun's....................................... 9.00 Holme's......................................3.50 Naereli's...................................... 3.00 Simpson's..................................... 1.75 Smi'llie's...................................... 1.75 Tarnier's......................................26.00 Thomas'...................................... 5.00 Trueheart's................................... 6.00 White's....................................... 3.25 Obstetrical Scales................................. 1.00 Slippers, Kline's.......................y pair 10.00 O'Dwyer's Cag..................................... 2.50 Laryngeal Snare.............................. 2.50 Scale...........................................35 Set of Intubation Tubes, Complete.........20.0(1 Tube.......................................... 2.00 " and (ibdurator......................... 2.25 " Extractor............................... 3.75 " Introducer.............................. 3.75 Oedema Glottis Instrument, C rant's.............. 1.15 Oesophageal Forceps, Dawson's................... 6.00 Tiemann's..................................... 3.25 See Laryngeal and Throat. Oesophageal Stricture Dilators, Crawcour's...... 1.50 Hard Rubber.................................75 " Tips with Whalebone Stem, y set 1.75 Roe's..........................................75 Oesophagotomes, Mackenzie's.....................1L25 Roe's..........................................] P25 Sand's........................................ 30.00 Ohr's Uterine Dilator.............................. 5.75 Oil, Baunschcidt's, Cenuine........................ 2.00 Imitation...................... 1.25 Oil Silk, see Protectives. Ointment Bougies, Barker's........................90 Caspar's......................................'. iV, Van Buren's, Cupped.................'.'."......90 Ointment Syringes, Hutcliison's, 3 II. R. Tubes.:'. 2^5 "3 Silver " ... 6.00 Lente's....................................... 3.75 " in Case................................4*75 Old's Artery and Needle Forceps, Slide Catch ..'.'. L50 - " . " " J ". Spring " .... 1.50 Dressing Forceps and Scissors....... 17.-, O'Leary's Pessary............................... •_» o-t O'Neal's Hemorrhoidal Syringe..........:... 3'75 Rectum Speculum.....................!...!.. 3.00 Operating Bed, Crosby's, Price on Application. Cases, see Amputating Cases. Operating Chairs, Archer's Imp.] Bozeman's, Canton, Child's, Clark's, Globe, Harvard, j. Price on Appl Knapp's, Yale. Tables, Daggett's, Foster's, Sargent's, 22 P"6^5>igi0lT2js' 802(3. iWrgjs.oras,' iWppfisg. Ho. 'late. Fig. 3942 21 O. 3942 3943 21 3943 3944 21 3944 3945 21 3945 3946 24 3946 3947 24 3947 3948 24 3948 3949 21 3949 3950 23 3950 3951 24 3951 3952 24 3952 3953 21 3953 3954 24 3954 3955 24 3955 3956 24 3956 3957 24 3957 3958 24 3958 3959 24 3959 3960 24 3960 3961 24 3961 3962 24 3962 3963 24 3963 3964 3965 3966 24 3966 3967 24 3967 3968 24 3968 3969 24 3969 3970 24 3970 3971 22 3971 3972 22 3972 3973 22 3973 3974 22 3974 3975 22 3975 3976 22 3976 3977 22 3977 3978 22 3978 3979 22 3979 3980 22 3980 3981 22 3981 3982 3983 22 3983 3984 3985 23 4213 3986 3987 22 3987 3988 22 3987 3989 22 3989 3990 22 3990 3991 22 3991 3992 23 3992 3993 3994 23 3994 3995 3996 23 3996 3997 23 3997 3998 3999 OO 3999 4000 24 4000 4001 24 4001 4002 23 4002 4003 24 4003 4004 23 4004 4005 24 4005 4006 24 4006 4007 24 4007 4008 24 4008 4009 4010 4011 24 4011 4012 4013 24 4013 4014 24 4014 4015 24 4015 4016 25 4016 4017 25 4017 4018 24 4018 4019 24 4018 4020 24 4018 4021 23 4021 4022 23 4022 4023 23 4023 4024 23 4024 4025 23 4025 4026 23 4026 4027 23 4027 4028 23 4028 4029 23 4029 4030 23 4030 4031 24 4031 4032 24 4032 4033 24 4033 4034 24 4034 4035 24 4035 4036 24 4036 4037 24 4037 4038 24 4038 4039 24 4039 4040 24 4040 4041 24 4041 4042 24 4042 Price, OPHTHALMIC. Canalicula Dilators, Blitz's.......................$2.75 Galezowsky's....................... .185 Weber's, Plated, .50. Silver.....................75 Williams', Silver.................................75 Canalicula Knives, Agnew's...................... 1.00 Beaumont's..................................... 6.00 Bowman's....................................... 1.00 " Director for Knife....................35 Girard Teulon's.................................5.00 Greenslade's..................................... 6.00 Jaeger's Bistoury Cache........................ 6.00 Liebreich's Probe and Knife...................1.25 Noyes', Movable Blade.......................... 3.00 Plain................................... 1.00 Stilling's................................ 1.00 Parker's......................................... 1.00 Petit's........................................... 1.25 Prout's........................................... 1.75 Stilling's......................................... 1.00 Weber's, Curved................................ 1.00 Half Curved........................... 1.00 Capsulotome, Knapp's............................ 1.00 Cases, Empty, Large, 15 Spaces.................. 2.75 Small, 10 Spaces................................ 2.00 Cystotomes: Cystotome...................................... 1.00 " and Spoon.......................... 1.75 Graefe's......................................... 1.00 Knapp's......................................... 1.00 Needle Cystotome..................... 1.00 Entropium Forceps, Cross Bar................... 1.75 Desmarre's...................................... 2.00 Knapp's......................................... 2.75 Laurence's...................................... 2.25 Noyes'..........................................% 1.75 Prout's.......................................... 2.50 Roehrich's...................................... 2.25 Slide............................................. 2.50 Snellen's........................................ 2.00 Stoke's.......................................... 2.25 Tiemann's...................................... 5.25 Enucleation: Ball's Double Hook............................. 2.25 Blitz's Forceps.................................. 2.25 Bull-Dog " ................................. 1.75 Scissors, Curved................................ 1.00 Well's Spoon.................................... 1.75 Epilating Forceps, Cilia, Fine.....................50 " Plain....................35 Gruening's.......................................75 Henry's......................................... 1.75 Piffard's......................................... 1.00 Fixators: Carron de Villard's Forceps.................... 2.00 Curved Fixation Forceps...................... 1.10 De la Roza's " " ...................... 1.50 Double Hook................................... 1.00 Dudley's Fixation Forceps..................... 2.25 Graefe's " " .................... 1.25 Jaeger's Ophthalmostate...................... 6.00 Noyes' Fixation Forceps....................... 2.00 Ophthalmostate....................... 1.50 Pamard's Pique................................. 1.00 Steven's Fixation Forceps..................... 1.75 Three-Pointed Ophthalmostate............... 1.10 Tumor and Fixation Forceps.................. 1.00 Foreign Body Instruments: Carron de Villard's Needle......................85 Couching Needle................................85 Daviel's Curette................................ 1.00 Dix's Spud.......................................75 Electro-Magnet.................................12.00 " Bradford's......................18.75 Gouge........................................... 1.00 Gruening's Magnet............................. 9.00 Hard Rubber Spoon............................ 1.00 Knapp's Hook.................................. 1.50 'r " ................................... 1.50 locket Gouge and Spatula..................... 1.85 Spud " Needle...................... 1.85 Spatula, German Silver..........................75 " Hard Rubber...........................75 Shell...................................1.00 Iris Forceps, Agnew's.............................1.00 Curved............................................90 Fischer's..........................................90 Graefe's, Angular................................90 Lanne's Forceps-Needle........................ 3.25 Liebreich's....................................... 4.25 Steven's, Curved................................ 1.50 Straight............................... 1.25 Straight........................................85 Walton's......................•................... 1.85 Wilde's........................................... 9.00 Iris Hooks, Culbertson's.......................... 9.00 Steven's Traction............................... 1.25 Tyrell's, Blunt...................................85 Sharp...................................85 Weber's......................................... 1.00 Iris Knives, Adams'.............................. 1.00 Double Edged................................... 1.50 Hayes' Knife-Needle........................... 1.00 Knife............................................ 1.00 " -Needle.............................;.....1.00 " with Stop................................. 1.25 Sichel's.......................................:.. 1.00 Ho. Plate Fig. 4044 24 4044 4045 25 4146 4046 24 4046 4047 24 4047 4048 24 4048 4049 24 4039 4050 23 4025 4051 25 4051 4052 24 4052 4053 25 4150 4054 24 4054 4055 24 4055 4056 4057 23 4057 4058 .... 4058 4059 23 4050 4060 23 4060 4061 23 4102 4062 24 4062 4063 23 4063 4064 23 4064 4065 23 4065 4066 23 4066 4067 24 4067 4068 4069 '.'5 4069 4070 25 4070 4071 2. i 4071 4072 25 4072 4073 25 4073 4074 25 4074 4075 25 4075 4076 25 4076 4077 25 4077 4078 25 4158 4079 25 4160 4080 25 4080 4081 25 4081 •4082 25 4082 4083 21 4083 4084 21 4084 4085 21 4085 4086 21 4086 4087 4088 4089 4090 74 1008 4091 4092 21 4092 4093 21 4093 4094 21 4093 4095 21 4093 4096 21 4096 4097 21 4097 4098 21 4098 4099 21 4098 4100 21 4100 4101 21 4100 4102 23 4102 4103 21 4103 4104 21 4104 4105 21 4105 4106 21 4106 4107 21 4107 4108 21 4108 4109 21 4108 4110 21 4108 4111 21 4108 4112 21 4108 4113 21 4108 4114 21 4114 4115 21 4114 4116 21 4114 4117 21 4114 4118 21 4114 4119 21 4114 4120 21 4120 4121 21 4121 4122 21 4122 4123 21 4123 4124 4125 20 4125 4126 25 4126 4127 25 4127 4128 25 4128 4129 25 4129 4130 25 413(1 4131 4132 22 4132 4133 25 41 as 4134 25 4134 4135 25 4135 4136 25 4136 4137 .... 3980 4138 22 4138 4139 25 4167 4140 25 4168 4141 21 4141 4142 21 4141 4143 25 4143 4144 25 4144 4145 22 4145 4146 25 4146 Priee. OPHTHALMIC. Iris Knives. Sickle-Shaped................♦.......$1.00 Iris Needles, Beer's................................85 Bradford's Twin................................ 4.50 Critchett's Hooked..............................a5 De la Roza's..................................... 1.25 Hayes' Knife-Needle........................... 1.00 Lanne's Forceps-Needle........................ 3.25 Levi's............................................85 Luzardi's Hooked............................... 1.00 Narrow, Straight................................85 Scarpa's Curved.................................85 Wilde's Canulated.............................. 9.00 Set, in 1 Handle........................11.25 Iris Scissors, Althof's Iridectomy............... 2.50 Culbertson's....................................12.00 Curved.......................................... 1.00 Hall's........................................... 4.50 Maunoir's....................................... 1.00 Noyes'.......................................... 3.5C Stevens'......................................... 2.00 Strawbridge's.................................. 7.50' Straight..........................................85 Wecker's........................................ 5.00 AVelker's........................................ 9.00 Wilde's Canulated Set..........................11.25 Keratomes: Agnew's Iridectomy Knife..................... 1.00 Baader's Linear, Left or Right................ 1.25 Beer's.......................................... 1.00 Desmarre's Paracentesis Trocar............... 1.00 Graefe's, Linear................................ 1.00' Jaeger's, Angular.............................. LOO Straight.............................. 1.00 Liebreich's, Linear............................. l.oo Noyes' " ............................. 1.00 Paracentesis Needle, Broad.................... 1.00 " Extra Broad............. 1.00 Section Knife, Angular........................ 1.00 " " Straight........................ 1.00 Weber's Angular, Concave..................... 1.85 Lachrymal Catheter, Speir's, Silver..............75 Lachrymal Canulas, Plain, Silver...............35 Princes, Silver...................................50 Wecker's, Plated, .65. Silver....................90 Lachrymal Cauterizing: Desmarre's Cautery Iron...................... 1.25 Hook...............................'. i.-5o Gensoul's Canula................................2.00 Knapp's Caustic Holder......................'.'. ;65 Noyes' Gouge................................... 1.85 Lachrymal Probes, Anel's.........................25 Bowman's, Hard Rubber.....................;.' .35 piated..........................;.;;; ;25 " Silver............................... '45 Brewster's, Cupped Sound...................... loo Levi's..........................................". 1/25 Theobald's, Plated...............................35 " silver.........................:::::: ;75 Williams', Plated............................'.[.'. [35 " silver.............................::.: ;5o Lachrymal Scissors, Maunoir's.............;;.'" 1*00 Lachrymal Styles, Hard Rubber................. :25 Silver........................................\ ' '25 " Canulated.....................'....'.'.'... .3b Williams', Curved.............................. '.2b Straight......................'.'.'A 25 Lachrymal Syringes: Agnew's, 1 Hypodermic and 2 Silver Points Glass Syringe, Plated Mountings............ 3.00 " " Silver " ............ 4'75 Hard Rubber Syringe...... 2'50 p.],ated ;; ..............':::::::::: aoo Silver " ........ 5 go Anel's Hard Rubber, Gold Points..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'. 3:00 " Silver " ........... " 250 Plated, Gold Points............. 3 75 " Silver "...................... 3*50 Silver, Gold " ................A A 700 " " Silver "........ .......g'50 Knapp's, Gold Points............. .......2 00 Liebold's Subpalpebral.......... " 1 'nn McFarlan's........................'.............. 17V Prince's................... ...... i'™ Tansley's, Silver...........'.'.................... }'«{. Lens Holders, Noyes'............ " " /SJ Lens Spoons, Bowman's, Concave ..'.'.'.'.'.'. ".A j'oo Flat........ 1 no Critchett's, Concave....................'.'..\ \qq Flat................ i 'nf» Graefe's, Tractor.... ............. r™ Hard Rubber...............'.................... J 'Vx Lens Forceps................. ................. <>'2_k Levi's, Fenestrated............." ........ n "S Noyes' .. ................ J-.tw Silver and ( vstotoine.......... .........]'22 Tortoise Shell...............'.',.................. J-'° Lid Compressors, Stoke's___ ....... .....o 5? Lid Forceps, Carron de Villard's.................%'nk Lid Holders, Desmarre's .... ............. Tnk Noyes' .................. i.uu Lid Plates, Jaeger's' HardRubber'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'." [\\ X'jj& Lid Scalpels, Plain.... ™!V....................... J\92 Lid Scarificators, Desmarre's.. ..............i'™ Lid Trichiasis Forceps, Ratti's.................. ?S Needles, Beer's, Straight ............. Si ..........................86 P"B/.si©Teens' evreoi ^vr^jsoiW -bv ppfW* Ko. Plate. Fig 4147 25 4147 4148 24 4006 4149 2.5 4149 4150 25 4150 4151 19 4151 4152 25 4152 4153 23 4153 4154 23 4154 4155 23 4155 4156 23 4150 4157 23 4157 4158 25 4158 4159 25 1072 4160 25 4160 4161 19 4101 4162 23 4162 4163 4164 74 1008 4165 4166 19 4166 4167 25 4167 4168 25 4108 4169 25 4169 4170 25 4170 4171 4172 21 4172 4173 25 4051 4174 21 4174 4175 25 4175 4176 25 4176 4177 10 4177 4178 4179 19 4179 4180 19 4180 4181 4182 19 4182 4183 19 4183 4184 19 4184 4185 4186 4187 19 4187 4188 4189 4190 4191 19 4191 4192 19 4192 4193 4194 4195 4196 19 4196 4197 19 4196 4198 4199 4200 4201 19 4201 4202 19 4202 4203 4204 19 4204 4205 4206 4207 4208 4209 4210 21 4210 4211 4212 23 4212 4213 23 4213 4214 25 4214 4215 4216 25 4216 4217 25 4217 4218 23 4218 4219 25 4219 4220 23 4220 4221 25 4221 4222 25 4222 4223 25 4223 4224 4224 4225 25 4225 4226 2.5 4226 4227 25 4227 4228 25 4228 4229 25 4229 4230 15 4230 4231 25 4231 4232 22 6592 4233 22 6593 4234 4235 22 6594 4236 4237 4238 4239 20 4239 4240 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 20 4246 4247 20 4247 4248 20 4248 U.00 .y doz. .50 Price. OPHTHALMIC. Needles. How man's.................. ('(inching.......................... Curved............................ Narrow, Straight................ Suture............................ Walton's Reclination................ Needle Holders, Improved......................2 50 Knapp's........................................! 2.50 Prout's.......................................... 2.25 Sand's...................... ................ o'-- Stevens'...............................'..'.'.A'.'.'." 3^0 Paracentesis : Broad Needle.................................... ].00 Desmarre's Trocar....................... ... .. l.(K) Extra Broad Needle............................. ].,ni Phantome : Hard Rubber, One Eye, 8.50. Two Eyes........12.00 Pterygium and Pannus: ( hiidw h k s scissors , 0 Child's Caustic Holder.......................... 1.75 Knapp's " " ...........................65 Prince's Divulsion Hook........................ 1.00 Pupillomotor......^............................... 3.75 Retractor's, Desmilrrc's, Eyelid.................. 1.00 Noyes' Eyelid.................................... 1.00 Stevens'* " ................................ 1.00 Prince's Shell Plate Hook.......................1.50 Soft Cataract Extraction : Blanchet's Instrument......................... 1.50 Bowman's " ........................ 2.00 Levi's Needle....................................s5 Tcale's Instrument............................. 3.50 Walton's O moved Needle...................... 1.25 Wecker's < 'anulated............................ 1.25 Specula, Bowman's.............................. 1.5(1 Coomb's..........................................85 Critchett's, Over Nose.......................... 1.00 " Temple....................... I.Oii Fox's............................................ 2.00 Calante's....................................... 1.50 t! raofe's......................................... 1.50 Hart's............................................25 Kcysor's........................................ 2.25 Knapp's..........................................75 Landolt's......................................... 1.50 Lawrence's......................................75 Leonard's.........................•.............. 1.50 Levis'........................................... 2.25 Liebold's........................................ 1.50 Liebreich's...................................... 1.25 Luer's........................................... 1.50 Mittendorf's.....................................75 Murdock's....................................... 2.75 Noyes', Improved............................... 1.25 Gilt.......................... 1.75 Plain....................................50 Pana's........................................... 2.75 Philadelphia.................................... 1.00 Plain Wire.......................................2.5 Schwat ka's.....................................75 Snowden's...................................... 1.50 Stevens'......................................... 1.50 Tiemann's....................................... 2.75 Weber's..........................................75 Wilbrandt's..................................... 2.25 Williams'........................................ 1.25 Strabismometers, Galezowsky's................ 4.50 Lawrence's...................................... 1.50 Strabotomy: Agnew's Strabismus Hook......................75 Angular " Scissors................... 1.00 Blunt Point " " .................. 1.00 Critchett's " Hook......................75 Curved " Forceps..................90 Graefe's Large Strabismus Hook...............75 Small " " ................75 Prince's Advancement Forceps................ 1.50 Needle.................................. 1.75 Probe-Pointed, Curved Scissors................ 1.25 Sedillot's Double Hook......................... 1.10 Stevens' Tenotomy Hook........................85 Strabismus Hook Bistoury..................... 1.75 " Forceps, Straight...................85 Hook, Theobald's....................75 " Wecker's.....................75 Double............ 3.00 Tattooing Needles, Agnew's......................1.25 Agnew's Spring................................. 3.25 Baader's......................................... 1.50 G moved......................................... 1.50 Trachoma Forceps, Knapp's..................... 2.50 Maver's......................................... 2.25 Noyes' .......................................... 1.00 Prince's......................................... 1.75 Ophthalmi iscopes, Baumeister's................... (>.(>(( Burnett's.....................................25.00 Dennct's..................................... 35.00 Dudley's......................................22.50 Fox's..........................................28.00 Galezowsky's..................................20.00 Hall's.........................................30.00 Jackson's.....................................22.50 Juler's........................................27.00 Kevser's......................................25.00 Knapp's, 1 )ouble Disk........................20.00 Metric System......................20.00 Single Disk.........................16.50 No. Plat;, 4249 4250 20 4251 20 4252 20 4253 20 4254 20 4255 20 4256 20 4257 4258 4259 4260 4261 4262 4263 4264 4265 19 4266 64 4267 64 4268 65 65 93 4269 79 4270 4271 67 4272 67 4273 4274 4275 4276 67 4277 67 4278 67 4279 67 4280 67 4281 72 4282 4283 70 4284 4285 70 4286 70 4287 70 4288 70 4289 70 4290 70 4291 70 4292 69 4293 69 4294 70 4295 4296 4297 71 4298 68 4299 4300 70 4301 70 4302 70 4303 70 4304 70 4305 70 4306 4307 4308 70 70 66 70 71 4309 66 4310 69 4311 69 4312 69 4313 69 4314 69 4315 69 4316 69 4317 69 4318 66 4319 70 4320 71 4321 69 4322 71 4323 69 4324 4325 4326 4327 4328 69 4329 69 4330 69 4331 69 4332 69 4333 69 4334 72 4335 72 4336 72 4337 69 69 4338 4339 4340 4341 66 4342 4343 71 4344 71 4345 71 4346 72 4250 42.50 4252 4253 4254 4255 4250 4265 4266 4267 4268 4271 4271 Ophthalmoscope; Liebreich" Landolt's. Loring's. Fine Lens. 12 1.25 2.25 .75 4276 4277 4278 ±279 4280 4281 4285 4285 4286 4287 4288 4289 4290 4291 4292 4292 4294 4297 4516 4303 4308 4340 4303 4304 4305 4306 4307 4308 4309 4310 4311 4311 4313 4314 4315 4316 4317 4440 4286 4477 4337 4345 4323 4324 4325 4326 4327 4329 4330 4331 4332 4324 4336 4337 4338 4339 4340 4372 4343 4344 4345 4346 Pri.e. S 16.50 .. 2.50 .. 3.75 .. 5.00 ..10.50 Double Disk.........................18-00 Single " .........................1<>.00 Student..............................1?-00 McMahon's....................................~°.00 Morton's......................................28.00 Natchet*..................................... 4.00 Plane Mirror for Retinoscopy........,...... 2.00 P^ent's..............................:::::::::iffi i>Kiev's......................... ..............40.00 vaik's::::::::::::::::::::::::.................25.00 Optometer, Thompson's........................... 1-^0 Oral Saws, Curved.......... Goodwillie's.......... Oral Screws, Hard Rubber. Oral Specula, see Gag. Orchitis, see Compressors. O'Keil v's, Rectum Speculum...................... 2.00 Ormsby's Inhaler................................... 0.°0 ORTHOPEDIC. Abdominal Supporters, all Elastic, Silk. ...12.00 ") Elastic, Thread............................ 8.00 Bow Spring............................... 5.00 Eugene.................................... 2.00 Fitche's................................... 5.00 Lace....................................... 5.00 London.................................... 3.00 Noeggerath's..............................6.00 Tcufel's.................................... 7.50 With Buckles............................. 5.00 Anchylosis [splints, Long...................40.00 Short......................................30.00 Andrew's Ankle Splint..................... 7.50 Ankle Compressors, Savre's, Rubber....... 6.00 Ankle Splints, Andrew's..................» 7.50 Detmold's................................. 6.00 Savre's.....................................22.00 Stillman's..................................20.00 with Clamp....................20.00 Weak Ankle...............................10.00 Apparatus for Everting Feet..............10.00 Apparatus for False Joints : Leg or Thigh, Adults.....................60.00 " " " Children...................35.00 Apparatus for Over-Riding Toes..........12.00 " ..........15.00 Artificial Humerus........................70.00 Muscles, etc., Harwell's.............y set 1.25 Bauer's Wire Breeches.....................25.00 Bauer's-Andrew's Hip Splint...............25.00 Bigg's Bow Leg Brace....................... 6.00 Bunion Apparatus........................12.00 Short Leg Extension.....................35.00 Bow Leg Braces, Bigg's.................... 6.00 Long..............................y pair 30.00 Short.....................................15.00 Stillman's, Long..................y pair 40.00 Short.................y pair 25.00 Braces, see Shoulder Braces, "Orthopedic." Bunion Apparatus, Bigg's.................12.00 Club Foot, see Talipes, "Orthopedic." Corsets, Smith's Serpentine Springs.......20.00 Crutches, Adjustable, Pluche's......y pair 6.00 Cow Horn Shaped Top............y pair 2.50 Padded Top........................y pair 3.00 Plain Split.........................y pair 1.50 Whittemore Spring Top..........y pair 8.00 Crutch Parts: Rubber Tip, Plain.................y pair .25 " " Whittemore's.......y pair .25 Socket, " .......y pair 2.50 Davis' Spinal Brace for Caries.............20.00 Detmold's Ankle Spring.................... 6.00 Scarpa Shoe............................... 8.00 Duncan Eve's Leg Extension Apparatus. .60.00 Eclipting Spring for Flat Foot .....y pair 5.00 Thread. 1.75 Elastic Hosiery: silk. Anklet..................... 2,50 Elbow Cap................. 2.75 2 00 Garter (% Hose)........... 4.00 2:00 Garter Legging........... 2.50 1.75 Gauntlet................... 2.50 1.75 Half Thigh................ 7.50 4.75 Knee Cap.................. 2.50 1.75 " Hose................ 5.75 3.75 Thigh " ................ 9.00 5.75 " Piece Only..........2.50 1.75 " and Knee Only......5.00 3.50 Wristlet................... 1.75 1.00 Elbow Cap, Elastic.......... 2.75 2 00 Elbow Splints, Stromeyer's........... ' 18 00 Extension Apparatus,: Duncan Eve's, Short Leg........ 60 00 Plain, " "............ 9 00 " for Ankle and " ..............' 1800 " Bigg's, for Leg..............".....3s'oo Felt Jacket, Porous.?......... ............2500 Femur Apparatus, Smith's....... ' '"75'no Flat Foot Apparatus................'.'......12'00 t-. ,. ,. „ ". sayre's...:::::'.:;;:"12:00 Eclipting Spring.......... aa „„{_ c ,\r, Fore-Arm Brace. Smith's.....!!'.'.'.'."* .P .£■$> 24 PlS^^lG-iaTiS a_T2cl ^Vrgf€lOT2«.' -Svppf3ie.;s. No. Plate 84 , Fig. 4347 68 4517 4348 70 4294 4349 4350 4351 4352 68 4352 4353 4354 68 4354 4355 68 4355 4356 4357 68 4357 4358 68 4358 4359 68 4359 4360 68 4360 4361 68 4361 4362 68 4362 4363 68 4363 4364 4365 4366 72 4377 4367 71 4475 4368 72 4368 4369 4370 68 4352 4371 4372 66 4372 4373 4374 66 4374 4375 4376 72 4376 4377 72 4377 4378 72 4378 4379 72 4379 4380 4381 72 4381 4382 4383 4384 72 4384 4385 72' 4385 4386 4387 72 4387 4388 69 4388 4389 69 4389 4390 4391 69 4391 4392 66 4487 4393 72 4519 4394 (17 4468 4395 i;; 4278 4396 72 4520 4397 71 4478 4398 69 4398 4399 69 4399 4400 69 4400 4401 69 4401 4402 4403 4404 72 4378 4405 4406 72 4384 4407 4408 4409 (iti #489 4410 08 4410 4411 ;o 4287 4412 71 4344 4413 68 4354 4414 68 4355 4415 4416 68 4357 4417 68 4358 4418 68 4359 4419 66 4374 4420 72 4379 4421 72 4387 4422 68 4410 4423 4424 82 4465 4425 71 4470 4426 71 4476 4427 68 4515 4428 68 4360 4429 4430 4431 4432 66 4432 4433 4434 4435 72 4346 4436 72 4368 4437 4438 66 41309 4439 68 4361 4440 66 4440 4441 66 4448 4442 66 4442 4443 66 4443 4444 66 4444 4445 m 4445 4446 66 4446 Price. ORTHOPEDIC. Fracture Splints, see Splints, "Letter S." Hamilton's Gauze Splint..................$15.00 Hammer Toe Apparatus...................12.00 Head Rest, Wood's Torticollis............. 5.00 Hip Brace, Stillman's......................45.00 Hip Splints, Bauer's-Andrew's............25.00 Hutchison's...............................40.00 Robert's, Long..........................40.00 Savre's, Long, Ball and Socket Joint___25.00 Plain Joint...............25.00 " Platf'm Joint & Abd'ct'n Screw 35.00 " Rotat'g& " " 45.00 Sayre's, above with Spr'g Box Addit'n'l 5.00 Short, Improved.................20.00 Shaffer's, Long...........................35.00 Smith's.................................... 9.00 Taylor's, Long............................35.00 Washburn's............................... 7.00 Wilcox's-Taylor'S.........................40.00 Willard's...................................40.00 Hooper's Knee Extension Splint..........35.00 Hudson's Talipes Equinus Apparatus......18.00 Humerus Apparatus, Smith's..............45.00 Humerus, Artificial........................70.00 Hutchison's Hip Splint.....................40.00 Knee Splint...............................15.00 Jacket, Porous Felt.........................25.00 Jury Masts, Roberts'.......................25.00 Sayre's...................................12.00 Knee ('ompressor, Sayre's, Rubber........ 6.00 Knee Extension Brace, Stillman's.........40.00 Knee Extension Splints, Hooper's.........35.00 Robert's..................................35.00 Sayre's....................................20.00 Shaffer's...................................60.00 Stromeyer's...............................35.00 Knee Splints, Hutchison's..................15.00 Robert's, Plain............................25.00 Tibial Rotation................35.00 Stillman's, Large Sector..................40.00 Taylor's, for Synovitis....................35.00 Knee Support, Sayre's......................40.00 Knock Knee Apparatus, Plain............40.00 Stillman's...................................40.00 Trueheart's.................................40.00 Wilcox's....................................a5.oo Markoe's Torticollis Brace.................45.00 Mathieu's Writers' Cramp Apparatus..... 6.00 Miliano's Compression Suspensory........ 1.50 Noeggerath's Abdominal Supporter...... 6.00 Nusbaum's Writers' Cramp Apparatus___6.00 Nyrop's Talipes Valgus Apparatus........12.00 Paralysis Apparatus, for One Leg.........40.00 For Two Legs.............................60.00 Leg or Thigh.............................30.00 Smith's....................................50.00 Post's Torticollis Helmet..................12.00 Robert's Jury Mast.........................25.00 Knee Extension Splint...................35.00 " Splint, Plain.......................25.00 Tibial Rotation.............35.00 Long Hip Splint..........................40.00 Spinal Jacket..............................30.00 Torticollis Brace..........................25.00 Rotating Splint, Sayre's....................35.00 Sayre's Ankle Splint........................22.00 Flat Foot Apparatus......................12.00 Hip Splint, Long, Ball and Socket Joint.25.00 " Plain Joint............25.00 " " " Platform Joint and Abduction Screw....................35.00 Hip Splint, Long, Platform Joint, Ro- tating and Abduction Screw........45.00 Hip Splint, above with Spring Box Ad- ditional............................... 5.00 Hip Splint, Short, Improved.............20.00 Jury Mast.................................12.00 Knee Extension Splint....................20.00 " Support.............................40.00 Rotator....................................35.00 Rubber Compressor for Ankle or Knee.. 6.00 Suspension Apparatus.................... 6.00 Talipes " .....................14.00 " Equinus" .....................15.00 Wire Cuirass...............................35.00 Shaffer's Hip Splint, Long..................35.00 Knee Extension Splint...................60.00 Shoulder Braces: Gents. Ladies. Elastic, 1.00 1.50 Spring Back, 3.50 3.50 " to Lace 4.00 4.00 Smith's Brace for Un-united Fracture: Femur.......................75.00 " Fore-Arm..................45.00 " Humerus...................45.00 Tibia........................40.00 Corset with Serpentine Springs..........20.00 Hip Splint................................. 9.00 Spinal Braces, Davis', for Caries............20.00 Delicate, for Anterior Curvature.........40.00 Stillman's," " -Posterior Curv... 35.00 with Head Rest.......................60.00 Stillman's, for Cervical Caries...........50.00 I Taylor's, " Caries.....................30.00 I Tiemann's, " Posterior Curvature.....35.00 J No. Plate. 4447 4448 4449 4450 4451 4452 4453 4454 4455 4456 4457 4458 4459 4460 4461 4462 4463 4464 4465 4466 4467 4463 4469 4470 4471 4472 4473 4474 4475 4476 4477 4478 4479 4480 448 \ 4482 4483 4484 4485 4486 4487 4488 4489 4490 4491 4492 4493 4494 4495 4496 4497 4498 4499 4500 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4507 4508 4509 4510 4511 4512 4513 4514 4515 4516 4517 4518 4519 4520 4521 4522 4523 4524 4525 4526 4527 4528 4529 4530 4531 4532 4533 4534 4535 4536 4537 4538 4539 66 4447 66 4448 66 4449 68 72 84 70 4288 70 4289 70 4306 70 4307 72 4376 69 4389 66 4442 66 4443 66 4444 72 4381 69 4512 ORTHOPEDIC. Spinal Braces, Tiemann Price, 67 82 4465 67 4468 71 4470 71 4471 71 4472 71 4473 71 4474 71 4475 71 4476 71 4477 71 4478 68 4362 66 4445 70 4482 66 4447 66 4448 66 4446 66 4487 63 4489 67 4492 67 4493 67 4494 67 4495 67 4497 67 67 4499 67 4500 67 4500 67 4502 72 4521 68 4363 66 4449 70 42S5 70 4286 70 4200 70 4287 70 428S 70 42.S0 69 4512 69 4391 68 4515 (is 4516 68 4517 72 4519 72 4520 72 4521 72 4522 71 4471 for Scoliosis. ..§35.00 Fine.40.00 Washburn's...............................20.00 Spinal Jackets, Roberts'....................30.00 Splints, see Hip Splints, "Orthopedic." " Knee " " Splints, "Letters." Stillman's Ankle Splint.....................20.00 " with Clamps......20.00 Bow Leg Brace, Long............y pair 40.00 " " Short............y pair 25.00 Hip Brace No. 1..........................45.00 ......2 .........................40.00 Knee Extension Brace...................40.00 Knock Knee Apparatus..................40.00 Spinal Brace, Anterior-Posterior........35.00 " with Head Rest 60.00 " for Cervical Caries.........50.00 Wrist Splint ..............................25.00 Stromeyer's Knee Extension Splint.......35.00 Support for Weak Legs, Adult.............60.00 *' " " " Children.........35.00 Supporters, see Abdominal Supporters, "OrthopeiJc." See Umbilical Trusses, " < nthopedic." Suspension Apparatus, Sayre's............ 6.00 Suspensories, Cotton........................25 Linen......................................75 Miliano's Compression.................... 1.50 Silk........................................ 1.50 Talipes Apparatus: Talipes, Sayre's...........................14.00 Wyeth's........................ 6.00 " Calcaneus........................12.00 ........................12.01) " Equinus..........................12.00 Hudson's...............is. 00 Sayre's...................15.00 " Valgus, Detmold's................ 8.00 " " Nyrop's..................12.00 Taylor's Knee Splint for Synovitis.........&5.00 Long Hip Splint...........................35.00 Spinal Brace for Caries...................30.00 Tibia Apparatus, Anterior Curvature......18.00 Smith's....................................40.00 Tiemann's Scoliosis Brace..................35.00 " Fine.............40.00 Spinal Brace, Posterior Curvature.......35.00 Torticollis Braces, Markoe's................45.00 Post's......................................12.00 Robert's .................................25.00 Trueheart's Knock Knee Apparatus.......40.00 Trusses: ^-Single.-^ ^Double.—^ Adult, Child. Adult. Child. Celluloid..........4.00 2.50 6.00 4.00 Chase's............4.00 3.00 7.50 5.50 Elastic............3.50 2.00 5.00 3.50 French............4.00 2.00 6.00 3.50 German..........3.00 1.50 4.50 3.00 Hard Rubber.....5.00 2.75 7.50 4.25 Self-Adjusting... 4.00 3.00 7.50 5.00 Truss Pads, Styles A. to H. Umbilical Trusses : Adult. Child. Bow Springs.....................5.00 2.00 Elastic with Celluloid Pad......3.50 1.75 " Hard Rubber Pad..6.00 3.00 Spring " Wood Pad..........4.00 2.00 Velpeau's Writers' Cramp Apparatus.....10.00 Washburn's Hip Splint..................... 7.00 Spinal Brace..............................20.00 Weak Ankle Support, Andrew's........... 7.50 Detmold's................................. e.00 Plain......................................10.00 Sayre's....................................22.00 Stillman's.................................20.f:u with Clamp................... 2(). " ,. rp;;..................ms.ou „ Half......... 20 00 " Foetal.............. .............Toon Skull, Articulated........ ............... ^'qq ;; jCut.........:~:::::::::: $.m 2 ......................10.50 47 47 47 4530 47 4531 47 4532 47 4537 Lny^&-\G,iojr2& ex.T2gI ^■t/rgjexoiat,' ^tppfie^. So, 4540 4541 4542 4543 4544 4545 4546 4547 4548 4549 4550 4551 4552 4553 1554 4555 4556 4557 4558 4559 4560 4561 4562 4563 4564 4565 4566 4567 4568 4569 4570 4571 4572 4573 4574 4575 4576 4577 4578 4579 4580 4581 4582 4583 4584 4585 4586 4587 4588 4589 4590 4591 4592 4593 4594 4595 4596 4597 4598 4599 4600 4601 4602 4603 4604 4605 4606 4607 4608 4609 4610 4611 4612 4613 4614 4615 4616 4617 Plate. Fig. Price. Osteological, Skull, Articulated 5 Cut............$13.50 7 "..............22.50 47 4542 " Disarticulated.................12.00 Beauchene's___50.no 47 4544 " Foetal.......................... 2.50 47 4545 " and Cross Bones............... 6.50 47 4546 Vertebrae, Articulated ..,.................... 6.00 4 Osteotomy, sec Bone Drill, etc. ((stroiu's Drainage Tube and Ligature Carrier.....2.25 94 677 Otis', Bulbous Sound................................15 Bulbous Urethrotome........................13.50 97 972 Cocaine Tube, Silver.......................... 1.75 97 2245 Catheter Guide................................ .75 Dilating Catheter and Syringe............... 2.50 Urethrotome........................30.00 90 6785 " " ........................24.00 96 6786 " " ........................18.00 96 6787 " " ........................18.00 Divulsing " ........................30.00 95 1862 Endescopic Tube, Hard Rubber...............75 95 1862 " " Plated.......................75 Evacuator.....................................22.50 " no Basket.........................18.75 98 6125 Exploring Sound..............................3.00 94 671 Guide, Whalebone, Screw Point...............30 Malgaigne's Hooks............................ 4.25 95 3254 Moalotome.................................... 1.00 95 3257 Meatus Dilator............................... l.OO Metric Scale................................... 2.50 Needle Forceps................................ 8.00 Perineal Tourniquet.......................... 3.75 07 2245 Prostatic Guide................................75 07 972 Retention Catheter, Plated................... 1.00 Steel Sound.....................................75 97 6750 Syringe Nozzle, Plated, .50. Silver...........75 Urethral Haemostatic Tube...................60 05 6759 Urethrometer, Hinged.......................12.00 95 0760 " Latest........................12.00 05 6761 " Spring........................11.00 8 4578 Otoscopes, Brunton's, Hard Rubber............... 4.25 8 4578 " Plated...................... 4.25 Clark's......................................... 7.50 Ely's........................................... 4.50 8 4582 Hassenslein's................................. 2.75 8 4583 Rumboldt's................................... 1.75 8 4584 Siegi-l's........................................ 2.75 8 4585 Simrock's..................................... 2.25 32 0037 Outerbridge s Sterility Inst, with 6 Dilators......2.75 32 6038 Dilator Only................................. .25 32 0039 Introducer Onlv.............................. 1.75 34 4589 Ovariotomy, Artery Torsion Forceps, Well's......2.00 41 4500 Cvst Elevator, Boivk's....................... 1.00 41 4591 Director, Sims'................................ 1.00 Drainage Tubes, Howe's......................... 1.85 89 4593 Keith's.........................................35 89 4594 Schapp's.......................................65 89 4595 Sims'...........................................75 so 459() Tait's...........................................35 89 4597 Thomas'.......................................25 89 4598 " Curved, Perforated....................:;5 89 4599 " Straight................................3U Velvet Eve.................................... 1.5(1 Walker's'.......................................35 Pedicle ('lamps, Atlee's.......................... 4.25 42 4603 Baker-Brown's............................... 9.00 Byf ord's.......................................13.50 Darby's....................................... 5.25 42 4606 Dawson's...................................... 6.00 42 4607 Esmarch's.................................... 4.5(1 42 4608 (i ueride's..................................... 4.50 42 4609 Keith's........................................ 7.50 Nott 's Ecraseur............................... 9.00 41 4011 Skene's........................................ 3.00 Stoier's....................................... 8.25 42 4013 Tait's......................................... 9.00 42 4014 Thomas'...................................... 9.00 42 4615 " ...................................... 3.25 42 4616 Well's......................................... 4.50 42 4617 " 3 in Set, with Levers...................12.00 41 4618 " Clamp Forceps......................... 6.00 41 4619 Pedicle Forceps, Well's, Angular................ 3.00 41 4620 " Curved................. 3.00 41 4621 " Straight................ 3.00 41 4622 " T-Shaped...............3.00 Sac Forceps, Thomas'............................ 2.50 41 4624 Well's......................................... 3.35 41 4625 Wilcox's....................................... 4.00 92 4626 Trocars, Dunstcr's............................... 4.00 92 4627 Emmet's...................................... 3.O0 Fitch's.........................................10.00 Hanks'........................................ 3.25 92 4630 Tait's..........................................12.00 " Plain................................... 2.75 92 4632 Thomas'.......................................15.00 92 4633 Well's......................................... 7.50 " Curved................................. 8.25 92 4635 " Latest..................................15.00 92 4636 Warren's......................................15.00 57 3442 raine's Nasal Feeding Tube.......................75 Palate Bet ractors, Hinde's..........................75 Sajoii's.........................................1.50' 59 4640 WliiteV, Plain or Hinged..................... 1.25 Palmer's Stet hoscope............................... 5.75 Uterine Dilator............................... 2.50 No. Plate. 4644 4645 4646 4647 24 4648 86 4649 37 4650 91 4651 4652 74 4653 1 4654 4655 77 4656 77 4657 24 4658 4659 77 4660 37 4661 37 4662 92 4663 2 4664 97 4665 4666 4667 4668 39 4669 4670 94 4671 88 4672 4673 hi 4674 75 4675 75 4676 75 4677 ,i 4678 i-i 4679 lO 4680 7 4681 7 4682 7 4683 7 4684 37 4685 37 4686 37 4687 4688 44 4689 4690 32 4691 32 4692 30 4693 88 4694 38 4695 4696 41 4697 4698 4699 4700 4701 47 4702 4703 4704 14 4705 14 4706 14 4707 14 4708 62 87 37 4709 4710 4711 2 4712 2 4713 4714 4715 4716 37 4717 44 4718 44 4719 43 4720 45 4721 45 4722 4723 43 4724 45 4725 45 4726 45 4727 4728 44 4729 43 4730 44 4731 43 4732 4733 4734 45 4735 45 4736 44 4737 44 4738 44 4739 44 4740 44 4741 44 Fig- Palmer's Vaginal Speculum, Bivalve, Alumina... Plated..... " " Trivalve, " ....... 4001 Pamard's Pique..................................... Pana's Eye Speculum............................... Pans, see Bed Pans. 3599 Papin's Perineal Needle............................. Paquclin's Cautery, see Thermo-Cautery. Parchment, see Protectives. 6563 Park's Aluminium Trachea Tube.................. 4 Parker's Amputating Knife........................ '<- 268 Artery Needles................................ 2. 132 Capital Saw.................................... 3.00 Catheter Syringe.............................. 2.50 973 " . Plated............................... 1.00 973 " Silver................................ 2.50 3957 FistulaKnife.................................. LOO Mouth Gag.................................... 1.75 3684 NeedleHolder................................. 3.00 4660 Perineum Needle and Clamp..................35 3600 " " " Handle................. 3.75 6644 Rectum Trdcar, Plated___2.25. Silver...... 3.25 5361 Retractors.............................y pair .75 4664 Urethral Tube.................................40 Uterine Applicator........................... 1.00 Vaginal Syringe.............................. 2.25 Parkinson's Inhaler ...............................10.50 3685 Parrott's Needle Forceps.......................... 3.75 Pathfinders, Eldrige's..............................26.00 4670 Improved, Hard Rubber..................... 2.75 3777 Patten's Double Flow Nozzle.......................50 Paul's Vacuum Stethoscope....................... 2.50 211 Pean's Artery Clamp Forceps.......................75 212 Fenestrated, Artery Clamp Forceps......... 1.50 213 Heart-Shaped " " " ......... 1.50 214 " '• Fenes. Artery Clamp Forceps. 1.50 2i5 Long Jaw Artery ( lamp Forceps............ 1.25 210 Oval, Fenestrated, Artery Clamp Forceps. . 1.50 217 T-Shaped Artery Clamp Forceps............. 2.00 295 Peaslee's Aspirator, No. 1.......................... 7.00 295 " " 2......................... 8.00 295 " " 3.......................... 9.00 295 " " 4...........................1.0.00 3601 Perineum Needle, 1 in Handle................50 3601 " " 3 " " .............. 1.75 3603 " " Right or Left............. 1.25 Ring Pessary, Soft Rubber....................30 4790 Stem " ..................................75 Uterine Curette.............................. 1.75 6919 " Dilator, Hard Rubber..........y set 2.75 6919 " " Plated.................y set 4.25 7076 " Sound.................................75 2509 Uterotome, 1 Blade........................... 3.50 2509 " 2 " ............................ 4.75 Peck's Bladder Syringe............................. 1.85 Peckham's /lesthesiomoter........................ 3.75 Pedicle, see Ovariotomy. Pelvimeters, Baudelocmie's.................. ......6.00 I S.\ ford s....................................... 6.00 Co) in's......................................... 6.00 King's.......................................... 3.ai Schultz's.......................................0.00 Pelvis, see Osteological. Penis Congestor with Pump........................ 3.50 Penn's Ecraseur..................................... 3.75 4704 Percussion Hammers, Flint's,Hard Rubber 11 andle. 50 4704 Flint's, Plated Handle.........................75 4706 Whalebone Handle.............................75 4707 Winterich's.................................... 1.00 Perforated Shot, N o. 6 to 9, American Scale, y 100 .50 Perforators, see Obstetrical Perforators. Perineal Cushion, see Cushions. Needles, sec Needles. Periosteotomes, Buck's............................. 1.75 Legouest's.................................... 1.75 4711 Sand's......................................... !.;,> 4712 Sayre's........................................ l.on Whitehead's................................. ].oo Peritoneum Hook, Adam's......................... ]..'() Perry-Abbott's Flexion Instrument.............. 3.75 7604 Wire Cutter................................ 4511 4717 Pessaries, Ba bc< >ck's, with Belt....................lo.OU 4718 Ball's Stem......................... 1 00 4719 Bow............................................'. '.20 4720 Bozeman's-Smith's............................75 4721 Vaginal Support..............A. l.wi Brown's....................... so 4723 Buttle's...............................'.'.'. ".'/ m 4724 Campbell's, Soft Rubber...................'. :ou 472o Carroll's, Retroflexion.......................60 4725 " Soft Rubber.......................'. .60 Chamberlain's........................... 75 4728 Chamber's Stem, Set of 3, with Introducer'.'. 22J5 4.29 Cole's, Anteversion............... 2 "5 4730 " Galvanic.............................. 1.25 4731 " Retroversion....................... 2 25 Coleman's.....................................30 Conant's Stem.............AAA'............. 2*00 4734 Concave, Glass............... ........... '•>-, 4734 " Hard Rubber...............'.........•»-, 4*36 . Coxeter's Stem............... . ' 115 4737 Cushier's Cup............... ...........3'tjo 4e!8 Cutter's Cup, with Belt.........'.'.'.'."" 100 4,,39 " Plain " 100 4740 " Ring » » 12^ s'Giai^^, CU2 el V; lXd<=:012S ^b'ppf Plate. Fig. Price. 44 4743 Pessaries,Cutter's-Thomas Ant., Ccr. Restw. Belt.$1.50 44 4744 " " Open, " " " " 1.50 44 4745 " " Ret. " ...... 1.50 i 44 4746 " " T, " " " " 1.50 / 44 4747 Donaldson's Flexion.......................... 1.50 3 Edward's Stem................................ 2.00 3 Emmet's Ring.................................25 0 43 4750 " Smith's...............................30 1 43 4751 Fowler's....................................... 1.25 2 43 4752 " Bow.................................. 1.75 >3 Frazer's........................................ 1.00 j4 ' 43 4754 Gehrung's......................................25 / 55 44 4755 Glass Stem, Hollow............................20 4756 44 4809 " " Solid...............................20 4757 45 4757 Globe, Glass....................................25 4758 45 4757 " Hard Rubber..........................75 4759 45 4757 " Silver, 1^", 4.50; 1M", 5.00 ; 2", 5.50; 2J4", 6.00 2y2", 6.50; 2%", 7.00. 4760 43 4760 Grailey Hewitt's..............................75 4761 Greenhalgh's.................................. 1.00 4762 45 4762 Hank's Galvanic.............................. 1.00 4763 43 4763 Hewitt's........................................75 4764 43 4764 " ........"................................45 4765 43 4765 Hitchcock's, Anteversion.....................60 4766 43 4766 Hodge's, Hard Rubber........................20 4767 43 4766 " Soft " ........................60 4768 45 4768 Hofman's.................................... 1.50 4769 45 4769 " with Sac...........................1.50 4770 Hornby's...................................... 4.00 4771 43 4771 Horse Shoe.....................................25 4772 Hunter's..................................... 1.15 4773 45 4773 Hurd's, Hard Rubber......................... LOO 4774 45 4773 " Soft " ......................... 1.00 4775 45 4775 Inflatable Ball, Pure Gum, .50; White, .30 4776 45 4776 " Ring, " " .50; " .30 4777 45 4777 Inflated " " " .50; ' .30 4778 43 4778 Kinloch's, Anteversion........................CO ■4779 44 4779 " Prolapsus.......................... 1.75 4780 44 4780 " Retroflexion........................75 4781 44 4781 Mcintosh, Complete with Belt...............2.50 4782 44 4782 " Cup................................50 4783 44 4783 " " ..............................50 4784 44 4784 " " ................................50 4785 Mossman's Stem.............................. 3.75 4786 Munde's........................................ 1.50 4787 Noeggerath's.................................. 1 .oo 4788 44 4788 O'Leary's.......................................2.25 4789 Peaslee's Ring..................................3(J 4790 44 4790 " Stem..................................75 4791 Perry's......................................... 3.75 4792 45 4792 Ring, Spiral Wire, Rubber Covered...........20 4793 45 4792 Copper " " " ...........25 4794 45 4792 Hard Rubber, Hollow.......................35 4795 45 4792 " " Solid..........................25 4796 45 4792 Soft Metal ...................................25 4797 45 4776 " Rubber, Inflatable.....................30 4798 45 4777 " " Inflated........................30 4799 Wilhoff's.....................................25 4800 Rozer's.........................................4.50 4801 44 4801 Scanzony's Cup with Belt.................... 3.00 4802 44 4802 " Ring " " .................... 3.00 4803 44 4803 Scott's......................................... 1.75 4804 43 4804 Skene's Cystocele............................. 1.00 4805 45 4805 " Prolapsus............................. 1.50 4806 43 4806 Sleigh...........................................50 4807 43 4807 Smith's, Hard Rubber.........................20 4808 43 4807 " Soft " .........................60 4809 44 4809 Stem, Sims'Hard Rubber.....................20 4810 43 4810 Taliaferro's, Retroversion.....................50 4811 43 4811 Taliaferro's, Universal........................50 4812 43 4812 Thomas', Anteflexion.........................;,0 4813 43 4813 " ........................ 1.00 4814 43 4814 Anteversion.................................35 4815 43 4815 " .................................75 4816 44 4741 Cutter's, with Belt......................... 1.00 4817 44 4742 " " " ......................... 1.00 4818 44 4743 " Ant., Ccrv. Rest with Belt....... 1.50 4819 44 4744 " Open, "......' ....... 1.50 4820 44 4745 " Ret., " " " " ....... 1.50 4821 44 4746 " T, " " " " ....... 1.50. 4822 44 4822 Galvanic Stem.............................. 1.00 4823 43 4763 Hewitt's Retroversion......................75 4824 43 4824 Hodge's......................................75 4825 43 4825 Intra-Uterine............................... 1.75 4826 44 4826 Prolapsus Cup, with Belt................... 2.00 4827 43 4829 Retroflexion, Hard Rubber.................35 4828 43 4829 " Soft " ................ 1.00 4829 43 4829 Retroversion................................35 4830 43 4830 "............................... .50 4831 43 4829 " Soft Rubber................. 1.00 4832 Todd's........................................ 2.25 4833 44 4833 Trask's........................................75 4834 44 4834 " ....................................... 1.00 '4835 43 4835 Urinal Cup, Skene's.......................... 1.75 4836 44 4836 Wadsworth's................................. 4.00 4837 44 4837 Weber's....................................... 3.00 4838 Wilhoff's.......................................25 4839 " Stem.................................50 4840 43 4840 Woodward's..................................95 4841 43 4841 " ....................................95 4842 43 4842 Wylie's ......................................50 4843 44 4843 Zwank's..................................... 1.00 4844 Pessary Catheter, Harrison's, Plated, 1.75. Silver. 2.75 4845 Pessary Intro.lucer, Sim's......................... (5.00 4846 46 2358 Peter's Hernia Director............................ 1.50 4847 Urethrotome................................. 4.50 4848 Peterson's Colpcurvnter............................75 4849 " with Stopcock............ 1.(0 No. Plate. Fi<>;. Price. 4850 24 3958 Petit's Fistula Knife...............................$1.25 4851 2 6535 spiral Tourniquet.......................... 1.25 4852 19 4161 Phantome.Ophth., H. R., One Eye, 8.50. Two E.\ cs.12.no 4853 11 *853 Pharmaceutical Condensers, Copper..............12.00 4854 11 4853 Tin............................................ 7.50 4855 58 4855 Pharyngeal Forceps, Cohen's....................... 2.25 4856 58 4856 Holbrook Curtis'............................. 2.75 4857 Pharyngeal Scoop, Troutman's.................... 1.85 Pharyngeal, see Nasal and Post Nasal. 4858 75 251 Phelps' Artery and Torsion Forceps.............. 3.00 4859 Aspirator......................................18.00 4860 " Needle.............................. 4.00 4861 Screw for Bone Fracture.....................25 4862 93 4862 Phimosis Forceps, Briggs'.......................... 2.35 4863 Cohn's......................................... 6.75 4864 93 4864 Fisher's...................................... 2.00 4865 93 4865 Girdner's...................................... 1.50 4866 93 4866 Henry's....................................... 3.00 4867 Hutchison's.................................. 1.50 4868 93 4868 Knox's........................................ 3.00 4869 93 4869 Levis'......................................... 2.00 4870 Nelaton's...................................... 3.75 4871 93 4871 Ricord's....................................... 2.25 4872 93 4872 Roger's....................................... 2.25 4873 93 4873 Skillern's...................................... 1.50 4874 93 4874 Torlat's....................................... 2.00 4875 93 4875 Phimosis Probe and Spatula........................65 4876 93 4876 Phimosis Scissors, Baruch's....................... 1.85 4877 93 4877 Curved........................................ 1.00 4878 93 4878 Taylor's....................................... 3.75 4879 Phimosis Syringes, Taylor's.........................75 4880 87 881 Physicians' Cabinets, Archer s...................15.00 4881 Archer's, with Desk Toj >......................25.00 4882 98 3035 Physick's Gorget, 2 Blades.......................... 4.75 4883 Pierce's Obstetrical Forceps..................... o.ou 4884 15 4884 Piesmeter, Beard's................................ 2.65 4885 12 1154 Piffard's Acne Lance and Con.cdone Extractor ..1.75 4886 12 1153 Comedone Extractor............... 25 4887 12 1274 Cutisector.......................... ..... 3 75 4888 22 3991 Epilating Forceps........................ l'oo 4889 94 678 Fossal Bougie a Boule.................. .15 4890 94 5802 " Sound.................... 75 4891 05 3256 " Stricture Knife................ ...... 7 50 4892 12 2195 Grappling Forceps.................. '2 00 4893 12 4893 Irido-Platinum Needle............. 75 4894 94 3248 Meatometer................................... .85 4895 95 3255 Meatotome.................... 100 4896 12 3326 Milium Needle............... .......75 4897 Pipette............................ ......40 4898 Scarifier........................ .........85 4899 3 1359 Sharp Spoon...................... "A...... 125 4900 12 6268 Tattooing Instrument............. 2 50 4901 Water Oven Attachment.................A l!,25 4902 Pilcher's Bronchotome............. 4 50 4903 Retractor, Sternal............ " " 1'75 4904 91 6577 " Tracheal.......................... A'5 4905 81 4905 Pile Bougies, Bolton's........ ........75 4906 81 4906 Hard Rubber...................................35 4907 Martin's, Plated................ .........75 4908 " Silver................ fso 4909 81 4909 Reed's.................... .............75 4910 81 4910 Swift's.............. ............. l'oo 4911 81 4911 'Jrousstm's ] >,(j 81 See Prolapsus Ani Supporters. 4912 Pile Clamps, Allingham's........... <) 00 4913 80 4913 Amusat's................ ......... ,'m 4914 80 4914 Ashton's................ ..................225 4915 80 4915 Kelsey's......................'.'.'.'.'. A. A. A A".'. 3.75 4916 Rockwell-Jones'........... '" o'no 4917 80 4917 Skene's............. .................450 4918 80 4918 Smith's, Ivory-Faced.................4'm 4919 80 4919 Tiemann's........... .................. 450 4920 Pile Forceps, Collin's, Double..... .........15'bo a™*, f> .no-, ¥£? ^edles, see Needles, Hemorrhoidal. 4921 81 4921 Pile Pipes, Seclev's, Hard Rubber 60 4922 Pile Scissors, Angular..... ' ' iVin 4923 Bush's ..... .............'.'.'.'.'.'.'................ i'oo 81 Pile Syringe, see Hemorrhoidal Syringes *™, 8" Pillows, see Air Pillows, Invalid Cushions. 4924 Pin Conductors, Buck's, Plain 75 foil -1 400P Wp " Slide ^tch.:..:.:::::::: i .25 4926 14 4926 Heuel's........... 7t 4927 74 2315 Post's ........ ...........................1% 4928 64 2312 Pins, Harelip, Plain.....'.'.'.'."................^ u07' m 4929 64 2313 Removable Point, Silver Canula...... 35 4930 80 5242 Pin, Transfixion, Ha?morrhoidal...........y doz 05 -««, ,, .-™ Pipettes, see Medicine Droppers. ""V JZZk !)1 6a90 Plthas' Tracheatome and Dilator 9 50 4932 Placenta Curettes, Engelman's.....................2:>5 4933 Munde's...... ................. f"~- 4934 02 4934 Placenta Forceps, Bond's........................ {'-•- 4935 Bozeman's ...... ......................... ./'/- 4936 62 4936 Budd's . ......................... 7"-- 4937 Corey's.......AAA'.'.......................... },-l'\ 4938 62 4938 Leonard's . ......................... "".?' 4939 62 4939 Loomis' .... ............................... £r? 4940 62 4940 Loose Joint................................... $£ 4941 Munde's...... ........................... 5',^ III I %% PlacedKS^0^'^-^ 4944 62 4944 Leavitt's .... .......................... ,•]$, 4945 62 4943 Placenta Levers, Carey's.......................... n 4946 Plaster, Adhesive Moleskin...'!'.'.'.'.'........i'vard 75 4947 Rubber Combination on Spoois-'" ^'xlOyds., l'xlOyds., 2"xl0yds., 3"xl0yds. -30 .35 £0 75 ' 4948 Swansdown............ 39 varri ^ Plaster Paris Barda-.-es, see Bandages'...... y Pfi^.siG.ia.'ra.s' evnoi :bVrcj&©T2;s' -Suppfiet,. 4949 4950 4951 4952 4953 4954 4955 4956 4957 4958 Ko. Plate. Fig. Price. 73 Plaster Paris Shears, see Bandage Shears. 64 2312 Plastic Pins, Round Point..................y doz. S0.05 Spear Point.....................................05 30 Platinum Cup, see Crucibles. 14 4951 Pleximeters, Flint's.................................20 Gerne's........................................ 1.75 14 4953 Glass............................................40 14 4954 Hard Rubber...................................20 14 4955 " " with Tongue Tie.................35 Hoffman's......................................75 14 4957 Ivory...........................................75 Shell............................................75 4959 4960 77 4960 4961 4962 77 4962 4963 4964 4965 4966 77 4966 4967 77 4967 4968 4969 4970 4971 77 4971 4972 4973 4974 POCKET CASES, COMPLETE and EMPTY. Brigg's............................1 Fold, Contains: Crosby's...........................1 Eve's..............................2 " Gross'.............................2 " " Hamilton's.......................3 " " Improved Catch..................2 " " Little's, Small....................2 " " " Large....................2 " " Parker's..........................2 " " Plain..............................2 " " ..............................3 " " ..............................4 " Smith's...........................1 " " Tiemann's, Patent Catch.........2 " " Tiffany's..........................2 " Van Buren's......................2 " " filial 5 w P- c ^ Z , 0J 1) ^3 c % t 9 S cj w J C U J - .£, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ', 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a -- ~ C A '+J, % § '£ £ v: c Z. Stf ic it T ■3 o ~ C C s y, Plai ustatk on and l, Fold \ Fold | X C -o c 'C 2§ ■3 C c 0 • rs, Straight. la. for Complete < for Empty Cas 3 3 2-s | 9 9 — c t w' o o O 3 « 8 u Z. o -a -a -a a -a -a = o ^ o o o c a 22 ctf -2 .2 3 3 1 6 .. 6 2 .. o 1 .. 9.00 1.25 1........ 1 .. 9.00 1.25 11...... 7 1 fi ?, . 1 .. 10.00 1.75 111.... 3 1 6 2 .. .. 1 ,. ,. 10.00 1.50 1...... 1 4 6 1 2 .. 1 .. 1 .. 13.75 2.25 1 1...... 8 2 6 2 1 .. 16.50 2.50 1 l...... 4 6 1 6 .. 6 ,, 2 .. 2 1 .. 7.00 1.50 111.... 1 .. 10.00 1.75 11...... 3 1 .. 6 ., 2 1 1 10.00 1.75 1 .. .. 3 .. 1 1 1 1 6 .. 6 ., 2 .. 1 1 6.00 1.25 1 1 ..' 5.. 2 1 1 8.75 1.75 1115.. 1 1 6 ,. 2 .. .. 1 1 1 10.75 2.25 1........ 2 6 ,. 2 1 .. 5.75 1.25 .. 1...... 10 2 1 .. 6 .. 2 1 1 120.00 2.50 111.... 8 3 6 ., 2 1 .. 13.00 2.25 1........ 3 6 ., 2 1 .. 8.00 1.75 Ko. Plate. Fig. Price. 4975 76 4976 76 4977 4978 76 4979 76 4980 4981 76 4982 4983 76 4984 76 4985 76 4986 76 4987 76 4988 76 4989 76 4990 4991 8 4992 8 4993 9 4994 4995 4996 4997 8 4998 9 4999 9 5000 9 5001 9 5002 9 5003 9 5004 5005 5006 5007 9 5008 8 5009 5010 5011 51 5012 88 5013 51 5014 5015 5016 5017 4 5018 9 74 5019 5020 74 5021 SO 5022 49 5023 11 5024 5025 5026 74 5027 3 5028 5029 bS 3 .s a a « =• 3 si 2 Pocket Instruments. <3 K k 4975 Knives, 1 Blade, no Catch, .75 .50 .75 4975 1 " Slide " 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 " Spring " 1.15 1.15 4978 2 " no " 1.00 1.00 1.00 4979 2 " Slide " 1.50 1.50 1.50 2 " Spring " 1.75 1.75 4981 4 " " " 3.75 Esmarch's Sp. Catch Handle, .75; Blades, .75 4983 Improved Detachable Blades Only..........$0.75 4984 " " Handle " ...........90 4985 Little's Aseptic ..........75 4986 Tiemann's Detachable Blades " .......... 1.00 4987 " " Handle " .......... 1.25 4988 Tiffany " Blades " ...........50 4989 " " Handle " ...........50 Any Style Blade same price, B to R. Pocket Scales, see Scales. Politzer's Acoumeter.............................. 2.50 Air Bags, 4 oz. 6oz. 8 oz. 10 oz. 12 oz. 4991 Plain, .75 .90 LOO 1.15 1.25 4991 With Valve, 1.00 1.15 1.25 1.40 1.50 337 Cotton Forceps................................ 1.25 Ear Spoon, Hard Rubber.....................50 Eyelet...........................................20 Eyelet Forceps............................... 1.00 3192 Manometer.....................................35 357 MastoidKnife................................. 1.00 363 " Scoop................................. 1.75 3396 Myringotome, Angular or Straight..........75 338 Polypus Forceps.............................. 1.25 6662 Tuning Fork, A.............................. 1.15 6663 " " C............................... 1.15 Polk's Needle...............................$ doz. 1.15 Uterine Specula and Obdurator............. 1.25 Polypotome, Aveling's.............................. 6.00 339 Pomeroy's Ear Forceps............................. 1.50 397 " Syringe............................ 2.00 Eustachian Catheter Holder................. 2.50 Inhaler, Glass..................................35 3349 Mirror Head Band.............................75 3776 Nozzle, Hard Rubber..........................75 3346 Reflector, see Mirrors. Pond's Tonsil Hook................................. 1.25 Poore's Osteoclast..................................26.00 Osteototome................................... 3.00 196 Pope's Antrum Drill................................2.25 314 Port Acid, Buck's, Glass.............................10 Port Caustique, see Caustic Holders. Portal Vein Ligator................................ 1.25 5020 Porte Meche.........................................25 5244 " and Tampon...........................40 1230 Porter's Croup Kettle, Plain......1.50. Fine......2.75 7025 Uterine Replacer............................. 4.50 Post's Chain Saw and Carrier...................... 3.00 Needle......................................... 1-75 2315 Pin Conductor................................ -i©i seres' ecreci ^SVrgsiOLie,' ^Vpjotic^. viate. 'ig- 3 7 9 a 58 5079 0 H 58 5081 i2 58 5082 <3 34 90 6189 /85 086 5087 7 300 5088 5089 57 3513 5090 5091 50 5092 5093 5094 5095 5096 81 5097 38 5098 79 5099 79 5100 36 5101 38 93 11 5102 23 5103 4 5104 25 5105 52 5106 5107 25 5108 . 5109 21 5110 21 5111 5112 5113 5114 5115 5116 5117 5118 5119 5120 5121 5122 64 5123 64 5124 64 5125 64 5126 64 5127 64 5128 64 5129 5130 5131 5132 5133 74 5134 74 5135 74 5136 73 5137 74 5229 7050 5270 5271 7108 7050 4218 642 4219 6002 4170 4123 4085 6002 642 6594 5121 5121 5123 5123 5123 5123 5127 5128 4 5135 5133 5134 5135 5136 5137 64 5138 74 5139 74 5140 80 5141 5142 81 5143 81 81 97 5144 95 5145 5146 5147 5148 5149 97 5150 97 5151 5152 5153 5154 5155 5156 5157 6158 5159 5160 5161 5162 5163 23 5164 5165 97 5166 97 5167 5168 23 5169 62 5170 7 5171 7 24 5138 5138 5241 5141 5142 5143 2244 2245 3976 3959 4155 942 942 4162 2039 5170 5170 Price. Post Nasal Forceps, Douglas'......................$2.75 Gleitsmann's.................................. 2.50 Gradle's....................................... 4.00 Hooper's...................................... 2.50 Loewcnberg's................................. 2.50 Nichol's....................................... 2.50 Wagner's...................................... 2.50 Woake's....................................... 2.50 Post Nasal Syringes, Bennett's..................... 7.50 Hard Rubber...................................65 Leffert's....................................... 1.75 f earsley's..................................... 1.75 Potain's Aspirator, without Bottle................ 9.00 Potter's Nasal Scissors............................. 2.50 Speculum............................ 1.25 Pouches, Obstetric, 4 Loops. 5 Loops. 6 Loops. 7 Loops. 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 Otis', Bulbous Bougie— 33 Loops, Canvas, 1.00; Leather 2.75 Powder Blower, see Insufflators. Powell's Dilator.....................................27.00 Pratt's Rectal Artery Forceps..................... 1.75 Blunt Hook..........................50 " Clamp, Large..... 8.00. Small.....2.75 Dilator.............................. 1.25 " Scissors.............................. 2.50 Speculum, Bivalve.................. 2.00 " Trivalve................. 2.75 " Tenaculum...........................50 Uterine Scissors.............................. 2.50 Prepuce, see Phimosis. Prescription Scales, see Scales. Prince's Advancement Forceps.................... 1.50 Bone Staff..................................... 2.50 Canthoplasty Needle......................... 1.75 " " with Spool.............. 3.25 Cocaine Pipette................................50 Eye-Lid Hook..................................1.50 Harelip Clamp................................ 1.50 Lachrymal Syringe........................... 1.00 Medicating Canula, Silver.....................50 Pterygium Hook............................. 1.00 Rectal Obdurator............................. 2.50 Retractor and Chain Saw Carrier............ 2.50 Spool Needle, Staphyloraphy................. 3.25 Staff........................................... 2.50 Staphyloraphy Needle, Tenaculum.......... 7.50 Tenaculum Forceps.......................... 4.50 Needle............................7.50 Trachoma Forceps............................1.75 Pritchett's Urethrotome...........................18.75 Probangs, Bristle, Fine............................. 1.25 Plain.............................75 Bucket, Plated................................ 1.00 " Jointed........................ 2.00 Silver................................ 1.50 " Jointed......................... 2.50 Sponge, Whalebone Handle...................10 Wire " ...................10 Stanford's, Bristle............................ 1.50 Probe, Arnott's, Grooved.......................... 1.00 Probes, Bullet, Eldridge's...........................35 Fluhrer's....................................... 1.50 Hamilton's, Plated........75. Silver....... 1.25 Heuel's........................................ 2.00 Nelaton's.......................................35 Sayre's, Silver................................. 6.00 Silver, Jointed, with Spiral Tip.............. 1.00 Probes, Pocket Case, 4" 5" 6" \" 8" 9" 10". Plated...ty pair .20 .25 .35 .50 .65 .80 1.00 Silver....y pair .50 .60 .75 .90 1.00 1.25 1.50 Probes, see Aura), Rectal Probes. " Lachrymal, I'terine Probes. Proctotomy Knife, Kelsey's....................... 1.25 Prolapsus Ani Supporter........................... 5.00 Mathieu's...................................... 3.00 Plain, Hard Rubber Pad..................... 4.50 See Pile Bougies. Prostatic Catheters, see Catheters. Prostatic Dilators, Gouley's........................12.00 Harrison's..................................... 1.15 Mercier's...................................... 7.50 Walker's.......................................26.00 " Divulsor............................. 1.50 Prostatic Guides, Keye's.............................55 Otis'............................................75 Prostatic Sounds, Mercier's......................... 1.00 Protectives. }& yd. 1 yd. 5 yd. Gutta Percha Tissue, .20 .40 1.50 Mackintosh Cloth, .50 1.00 4.50 Muslin, .35 .65 2.75- Oiled Silk, Amber, .60 1.10 4.75 " " Green, .75 1.25 5.75 Parchment, Carbolized, .50 " Iodoform, 1.15 " Sublimatized, .50 Prout's Entropium Forceps.........,,. ■........... 2.50 Lachrymal Knife............................. 1.75 Myringotome..................................75 Needle Forceps.............................. 2.25 Prussian Field Tourniquet..........................50 Psychrophors, Wintermtz's, Silver................ 2.75 Soft Rubber........ 1.85 Pterygium Hook, Prince's......................... LOO Scissors, Chadwick's.......................... 2.50 Pulling's Funis Clamp..............................30 Pumps, Allen's, Universal.......................... 9.00 Le Noel's " .......................... 9.00 5172 5173 5174 5175 5176 5177 5178 5179 5180 5181 5182 5183 5184 5185 5186 5187 5188 5189 5190 5191 5192 5193 5194 5195 5196 5197 5198 5199 5200 5201 5202 5203 5204 5205 5206 5207 5208 5209 5210 5211 5212 5213 5214 5215 5216 5217 5218 5219 5220 5221 5222 5223 5224 5225 5226 5227 5228 5223 5230 5231 5232 5233 5234 5235 5236 5237 5238 5239 5240 5241 5242 5243 5244 5245 5246 5247 5248 5249 5250 5251 5252 5253 5254 5255 5256 5257 5258 5259 5260 5261 5262 Plate. Fig. M» 55 Pumps, see Air Receivers and Pumps. " Breast Pumps. 12 " Cupping " 7 " Stomach " 19 4166 Pupillometer........................................$3.75 Pus Basins, see also Spouts. 86 5173 Agate, Smith's................................ 1.26 86 5174 Glass, 6" 8" 10" 11* 12*. .65 .75 .75 1.00 1.25 86 5174 Hard Rubber or Enamel, 6" 8" 10" 12* 14'. .75 .90 1.25 1.50 1.75 86 5176 " " Triangular......................,. 1.75 86 5174 Papier Mache, 16 oz. 24 oz. 34 oz. 50 oz. .15 .30 .45 .60 86 5178 " " Fan Shaped....................75 86 5173 " " Smith's........................ 85 86 5176 " " Triangular.....................75 86 5174 Plated......................................... 1.00 15 6048 VaJuain's Stethometer.............................. 7.50 Stethoscope................................... 1.00 29 7265 Quatrivalve Speculum, Meadow's.................. 11.011 29 7307 " Tiemann's................. 7.50 41 3387 Quill Suture Stay, Munson's................y pair .50 Quire's Nasal and Ear Curette...................... 1.25 78 5064 Rachitomes, Chisel............................... 1.50 Double Saw................................... 8.00 Satterthwaite's............................... 3.75 Racks, Sass', Spray Tube............................ 2.00 15 6313 Test Tube......................................40 49 2538 Ramage's Inhaler....................................75 2 1795 Raspatories, Plain with Elevator...................75 U. S. Army.................................... 1.50 2 1795 Raspatory and Trepanning Elevator................75 78 5056 " " Scalpel................. 1.00 22 4145 Ratti's Trichiasis Forceps.......................... 2.25 50 2559 Rauchf uss' Powder Blower.........................75 78 5065 Reamer, Post-Mortem...............................75 Recamier's Uterine Curette....................... 1.25 25 4152 Reclination Needle, Walton's.......................85 Rectal Applicators, Kelsey's.........................25 Rectal Artery Forceps, Pratt's.................... 1.75 SO 5205 Rectal Bistoury..................................... 1.00 80 556 " Cache..............................4.75 36 1197 Rectal Blunt Hooks, Pratt's........................50 Rectal Bougies, see also Pile Bougies. 81 5208 English, Conical...............................fiO 81 5209 " Cylindrical.......................... .75 81 5210 " Olive.................................90 81 5211 Hard Rubber, Set of 6........................ 2.00 81 5306 Kelsey's....................................... 1.00 Nelson's, Curved, Plated..................... 1.25 Straight, " ..................... 1.25 81 5215 Soft Rubber.................................. 1.50 81 5216 AVales', Soft Rubber, Nos. 1, 2, 3............. 1.15 81 5216 '.......4, 5, 6............. 1.50 81 5216 " " " " 7, 8................ 1.85 81 5216 " ......9, 10............... 2.00 81 5216 " " " " 11, 12.............. 2.25 81 5221 Rectal Bougie Sheaths, Soft Rubber...............35 81 5222 " " Wales'.......35 Rectal Brush Holder................................ 1.50 Cautery Irons................................. 1.00 Rectal Clamps, see also Pile Clamps. Pratt's, Large................................. 8.00 Small................................. 2.75 80 5227 Rectal Curette.......................................75 Rectal Dilators, Anal, Rigand's...................7.50 81 5229 Pratt's, 6Sizes............................!... 1.25 81 5230 Sims'................................„.........3.00 Thebeaud's.................................... 6.00 81 5232 Whitehead's................................... 2.25 80 5233 Rectal Director, Silver.............................. 1.00 83 Ecraseur, see Ecraseurs. Rectal Endoscopes, Bodenhamer's................. 5.50 81 5235 Rectal Exploring Sounds, Bodenhamer's...........75 Rectal Exploring Trocar, Silver.....................75 81 5306 Rectal Feeding Tube (see also Feeding Tubes)___1.00 80 5238 Rectal Forceps, Luer's, Polypus.................. 4 00 80 5239 Rectal Helical Needle..............................; 1.25 50 Insufflator, see Insufflators. 80 5240 Rectal Knives, Kelsey's.......................... 1.75 80 5241 " Proctotomy............... 1.25 80 5242 Rectal Pin for Transfixing Tumors..,......y doz. .05 88 Pipes, see Nozzles. Rectal Porte Caustique......,...................... i."5 80 5244 " Medio and Tampon.............. 40 80 5245 Rectal Probes, Hard Rubber....................... '.25 Silver................................. 75 37 6989 Rectal Scarificators, Plain .......................;; l'.oo 80 5248 Rectal Scissors, Allingham's, and Director........4 50 38 7050 Pratt's....................................... 250 80 5250 Rectal Scoops, Kelsey's........................'.' 1*75 36 6875 Siemon's, Sharp.................. ........ 1*50 79 5252 Rectal Specula, Aloe's.................. ....... 5'on 79 5253 Ashton's, Fenestrated, Glass..........'.'.'.....50 79 5253 " « Hard Rubber, 4 in Set 2.50 Bivalve, Long Hinged........................2 50 Bodenhamer's Endoscope............. " 5'50 79 5257 " Plated Bivalve............'...'. 1.75 „„ ...- ^ " „, Reflector and Lens...........10.00 79 5259 Ferguson's Tubular, Glass............ 35 S 5259 " » HardRubber......Y.V. \Tb -q Ito " " «"* , " and Metal 1.00 '9 52o9 " Metal................... 1.15 P( ^i IG1 e\T2,s and ^Tv rgeoLlQ, cv pptis-X 5341 No. Plate, 5263 79 5264 5265 79 5266 79 5267 79 5268 79 5269 79 5270 '.9 5271 '9 5272 5273 70 5274 79 5275 79 5276 79 5277 5278 79 5279 2s 5280 5281 5282 5283 ''■> 5284 79 5285 79 5286 5287 80 5288 81 5289 5290 81 5291 5292 90 5293 90 5294 40 5295 40 5296 5297 26 5298 90 5299 80 5300 36 5301 92 5302 5303 92 5304 92 5305 5306 81 5307 81 5308 80 5309 5310 5311 46 31 5312 81 5313 5314 12 5315 5316 27 5317 39 5318 36 5319 5320 5321 5322 49 5323 49 5324 49 5325 49 6326 5327 5328 49 5329 82 5330 82 5331 82 5332 82 5333 82 5334 82 5335 82 5336 82 5337 82 5338 82 5339 82 5340 82 5342 11 5343 11 5344 2 5345 2 5346 2 5347 5348 2 Fig. Price, 5263 Rectal Specula, Gorget-Formed....................S1.50 Heimuth's..................................... 2.5o 5265 Kelsey's....................................... 2.00 5266 " Retractor............................ 1.75 5267 Leonard's...................................... 2.00 5268 O'Neal's........................................ 3.00 5269 O'Keilv's....................................... 2.00 5270 Pratt's Bivalve................................ 2.00 5271 " Trivalve.............................. 2.75 Reed's..........................................2.75 5273 Ricord's........................................ 2.00 5274 Sass'............................................ 1.75 5275 Sims', Plated................................... 1.75 5276 " Steel.................................... 3.00 Skene's..........:............................. 2.00 5278 Thompson's................................... 4.00 7300 Tiemann's Trivalve........................... 7.50 Trivalve Trellis...............................12.00 Van Buren's................................... 2.50 " Depressor........................ 1.75 52^3 Walker's...................................... 3.75 5283 " Set of 3, with Handle...............10.00 5273 William's...................................... 2.00 " Fenestrated......................... 2.25 5287 Rectal Sponge Holder...............................30 6168 Rectal Suppository, Hard Rubber.................50 Syphon......................................... 1.25 590 Rectal Syringes, Bodenhamer's Irrigator.......... 1.75 Clendinen's Irrigator.......................... 4.50 7315 Davidson's......................................75 7315 " .................................... 1.00 3919 Hutchison's, with 3 H. R. Tubes............. 2.25 3919 " " 3 Silver " .............. 6.00 Mattson's...................................... 1.50 7195 Munde's Irrigator............................ 1.00 Parker's....................................... 2.25 See Syringes, Hard Rubber. 5299 Rectal Ten'acula, Byrne's, Double.................. 4.50 7108 Pratt's...........................................50 6640 Rectal Trocars, Buck's, Plated, 1.75. Silver....... 2.25 Cock's..........................................11.00 6641 Cur\ ed, Plated. 1.25. Silver.................. 2.00 6644 . Parker's, " 2.25. " ................... 3.25 Van Buren's Double Tube.................... 3.00 5306 Rectal Tubes, O'Bierne's, 12".........................75 5306 " 18"....................... 1.00 See Feeding Tubes. 5308 Rectal Tumor Forceps, Kelsey's, 1.75. With Catch 2.00 Rectangular Staff, Buchanan's..................... 1.75 Rectilinear Ecraseur, Nott's........................7.00 2361 Redfern-Davis' Hernia Instrument................11.25 Redressors, see Uterine Repositors. 4909 Reed's Pile Bougie....................................75 Reelal Speculum.............................. 2.75 2885 Reese's I'terine Leech............................... 3.25 Reflux Catheters, see also ( atheters, Dble. Current. Byrne's........................................ 1-85 7281 Reid's Vaginal Speculum.......................... 4.50 3688 Reiner's Needle Forceps............................ 2.75 6873 Reinstettor's Rinse Curette........................ 2.75 Reliquet's Double Current Catheter............... 2.50 Urethral Stone Crusher......................11.25 31 Repositor, see Uterine Repositors. Reservoir for Holding Cot ion...................... 1.50 Jeffrey's. Plain. 5322 Respirators for Mouth............... 1.50 .75 5323 " " and Nose.... 2.25 1.50 5324 Gedding's...................................... 3.75 '5325 Metallic, for Mouth Only..................... 1.25 Nitz's.......................................... L50 Richardson's.................................. 3.2a 5328 Tyndale's...................................... 2.50 Restraints for the Insane : 5329 Anklets, with Large Buckle...................6.00 5330 " " Small " .................6.00 5331 Buckle and Key................................2.50 5332 " with Strap............................2.50 5333 Lvnch's Lock Buckle..........................2.00 5:5:54 " " " and Strap..............2.50 5335 " Muff...................................8.00 5336 Mitts............................................8-60 5337 Shoe Buckle, with Strap and Loop.............75 5338 Straight Jacket, Long.........................7.50 5338 " " Short.........................6.00 5340 Wristlets.......................................5-50 97 Retention Catheter, see Catheters. 11 5341 Retorts, % pt. M pt. y pt, 1 pt. 1 qt, J^ gal. 1 gal. .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 .75 2 gal. 3 gal. 4 gal. 5 gal. 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 5342 Retort Stands, Iron, with 3 Rings...................90 5342 " " 4 " .................. 1.25 5344 Retractors, Bilroth's, 2 Prong..................... 1.00 5349 25 5350 2 5351 5352 5353 5354 5355 5356 5357 6858 5345 5345 5348 4167 5350 5351 5352 5353 5354 5355 5356 3 " ...................... LOO 4 " ...................... 1.25 Blackman's.................................... 1-00 Brown's, Blunt................................ L2o Cheek, see Cheek Retractors. Desmarre's, Eyelid.......................... L00 Durham's..................................... 1.75 Extra Large................................... 2.00 Lange's........................................ 1-50 " Angular............................... *.00 Langenbeck's, Blunt.......................... 1.25 Sharp......................... 1.50 Little's, Trachea.............................. LOO McCurdy's, Flap.............................. 3.00 Miner's, Trachea.............................. 3.00 Nn. Plate, 5359 2 5360 25 5361 2 5362 5363 91 5364 2 5365 91 5366 2 5367 2 5368 2 5369 2 5370 2 5371 2 5372 2 5373 91 59 5374 5375 5376 61 5377 5378 5379 59 5380 59 5381 5382 59 5383 59 5384 5385 5386 57 5387 59 5388 59 57 5389 78 5390 78 5391 54 5392 54 5393 36 5394 93 5395 79 45 5396 5397 5398 57 5399 5400 2 5401 59 5402 4 5403 5404 5405 60 5406 49 5407 49 5408 58 5409 50 5410 61 5411 50 5412 60 5413 5414 49 5415 5416 5417 64 5418 5419 5420 64 5421 22 5422 93 5423 5424 61 3 5425 9 5426 8 5427' 8 5428 88 5429 5430 91 5431 93 5432 5433 38 5434 38 5435 5436 5437 5438 73 5439 8 5440 5441 52 5442 54 5443 5444 5445 64 5446 97 5447 39 5448 5449 fig- 5359 Retractors, 4168 P" 5361 6577 5364 6578 5366 5367 137 138 139 5371 5372 6579 5450 100 100 Mott's..........................$ pair SO ^ Noves". Evelid................................ !£■{ Parker's................................y pair .., Perineal, Emmet's........................... 5..'-] Pilcher's...................................... L^i' Roberts'........................................ l.f. Rose's, Tracheotomy...........................5L Simon's........................................ 1 .it- Serrated .............................. L7i.j Tenaculum, 1 Prong..........................7i.; 2 " .......................... LOtJ 3 " .......................... 1.00' Volkmann's, 4 "......................... 1.25 6 " .......................... 1.75 Well's Tracheotomy........................... 1.25 See Palate Retractors. Reverdin's Needle................................... 3.50 Revulsor, Hamilton's...................... ........ 3.00 416 Reynold's Axis Traction Handles.................., 2.75 Vaginal Douche............................... 2.00 Rheostat, see Electro-Meters, etc. Rheotome, see " " Rhinometers, Jarvis'................................ 6.75 3493 Rhinoplastos, Adams'...............................2.25 3494 Bosworth's..................................... 2.50 Gleitsmann's.................................. 9.00 3495 Weir's.......................................... 2.25 5383 Rhinoscopes, I)n plav's............................. 6.00 Fraenkel's.................................... 6.00 Simrock's..................................... 6.00 5?86 Rhinoscopic Mirrors, Jarvis'....................... 3.00 5387 Plain, with Handle............................50 5387 " without " ............................40 Speculum, see Nasal Specula. 5060 Rib Shears, Fine.................................... 4.50 5066 Plain........................................... 3.25 5964 Richardson's Atomizer, Hard Rubber............. 2.00 5964 " ' Silver..................... 4.00 6874 Finger Elongator............................. 4.50 4871 Ricord's Phimosis Forceps......................... 2.25 5273 Rectal Speculum.............................. 2.00 Ring Pessarv see Pessaries. Ripley's Catheter, Plated.......50. Silver........ 1.50 Rizzol i's ()stcoclast.................................26.00 3514 Robert and Coiin's Nasal Speculum................ 1.75 Robert's Pericardial Trocar........................ 2.50 5364 Retractor..................................... l.oo 3489 Sei itum Punching Forceps................... 4.25 6617 Trephine..................................... 4.75 Trine Test Apparatus........................15.00 Wire Shouldering Instrument............... 3.00 3860 Robertson's Obstetrical Forceps................... 6.00 2540 Robinson's Breathing Nozzle........................50 2539 Creosote Inhaler...............................25 3448 Evulsion Forceps............................. 2.25 2561 Insufflator, Asphyxia........................ 1.00 3861 Obstetrical Forceps........................... 6.00 2562 Powder Blower, wit h 3 Rubber Tips......... 1.50 3862 Rockwell's Obstetrical Forceps.................... 6.00 Jones' Pile Clamp............................. 6.00 2541 Roe's Inhaler...................................... 1.50 Mouth Gag and Cheek Retractor............ 1.85 Nasal Scissors............................... 3.25 3909 Oesophageal Dilator...........................75 Oesophagotome..............................11.25 Tobold's Laryngoscope.......................25.00 7148 Uvula Hook...................................75 3977 Roehrich's Entropium Forceps.................... 2.25 4872 Rogers' Phimosis Forceps.......................... 2.25 Urethrotome..................................30.00 Roller Bandage, see Bandages. 3T33 Roller's Obstetrical Forceps........................ 6.O0 Rongeur, see Rone Cutting Forceps. 340 Roosa's Ear Forceps............................. 1 25 7352 Inhaler Hard Rubber................'..'.". 75 7352 " Plated....................... "' 1 25 3783 Nozzle, Hard Rubber......................". .25 Politzer's Bag, see Politzer's Air Bags. Root Extractor, see Dental Extractors. 6578 Rose's Trachea Retractor..................... 50 1084 Ross' Circumcision Ring, Hard Rubber.......... ,b0 Rotating Scissors, Smith's, Canulated.......... A 3'75 7047 Smith's-Heywood's........................... 8.0o 5434 Tiemann's............................... o 00 Roux'sNeedle Holder........................'..... 3.25 Rozer's Pessary...............................'.'......4*50 Rubber Aprons, Plain........................... 2 50 AVith Sleeves and Pockets...........:::......3*50 Rubber Bandage, see Bandages. Cord, " Ligature. Dam, " Bandage Gum. ,-,„,, Sheeting, " Nursery Sheeting. 4o83 Rumbold's Acou-Otoscope....................,,,, 1 75 Laryngeal Mirror..................." " 4*00 Soft Palate Retractor......... "" "550 Spray Tube, Glass, .40. Metal......"........ 1*25 Tongue Depressor, Set of 3 Blades....... " " 3*75 Uvula Retractor............ ' V 775 Ruppaner's Brush Holder........ ..............in 956 Rushmore's Grooved Catheter..... '" l'15 3664 Russian Needle Holder..... ........ 050 Ryerson's Adjustable Vectis......'.'.'.','.','.'".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 5:25 218 Oabine's Artery Clamp Forceps........ Saddle Bags (send for Descriptive List). (cika Marshall's Convertible and Hand Case. 5450 No. 5,2 Trays, 32 Bottles, Black. 7150 5967 .1.75 .10.00 PB^«,iGiai2«,' a.T2oi ^b'b/l^0Js:O'r2-s, -Sv-ppfies. Plate. Fig, Price, L 100 5450 Saddle Bags, Marshall's No. 3, 2 Trays, 36 or 57 Bot- tles, Russet................................. $12.50 r, W *„<. Steven's, 24, 30, 36 Bottles. >2 100 5452 " Black Leather, 10.00 11.00 13.00 .3 100 5452 " Russet " 11.00 12.00 14.00 ?4 Sajou's Acid Applicator............................ 5.00 35 Laryngeal Forceps.................... 2 50 56 50 2563 Nasal Insufflator..................... ' 50 57 59 3462 " Saw, Angular, Up or Down Cut.......1.50 08 59 3463 " " Straight...........................1.50 «59 " Speculum............................... 1.25 160 Palate Retractor.................. 150 -»461 83 1524 Polypus Snare....................... ........l'50 5462 " Curved and Straight End.... 2.00 ofoo " Scissors Handle.............. 6.75 5464 Septum Punch................................12.00 5465 Tonsilotome.......................... 750 5466 95 5466 Sampson's Urethral Speculum.....................3*50 5467 Sander's Obstetrical Forceps..... " 700 5468 23 4156 Sands'Needle Forceps..... ..... ........... 275 5469 52 3912 Oesophagotome.......... .....3o'oo 5470 2 4711 Periosteotome......................'....!..... 1*75 5471 Sardy's Head Band and Mirror Protector......... 150 t?Z§ 00 „., Sargent's Operating Table, Price on Application. 5473 88 6141 Sass'Automatic Cutoff..... 150 5fT4 Bottle for Spray Tube..............." $ doz. LOO 5475 79 5274 Rectal Speculum.......... 175 5476 54 5968 Spray Tube, Glass.......... ............ 75 5477 54 5968 " " Hard Rubber........'.AAA'.....1*50 5478 54 5970 » • 3" " withstand.......' 3.'50 5479 88 5479 " " Bayonet Fittings............. 20 5480 " " Rack....................... 2 00 5481 65 6479 Tongue Depressor, all Steel.......... " l'25 5482 65 6479 lV " Hard Rubber.........'.'.'. >5 5483 65 6479 " " Wire 75 5484 65 6479 " " with Wood Handle'.'.'.'.'.'.' 2.25 5485 3 630 Satterlee's Bone Forceps............................ I.75 5486 3 630 " with Spring___.A.......2 00 5487 1 133 Capital Saw, with Dismounting Handle. 2 75 5488 Satterthwaite's Calvarian Clamp............... 4 00 1 Saws, Amputating, see Amputating Saws. 5489 Bead......................... 450 5490 1 5490 Chain____........... ........... 700 5491 1 5491 " Carrier...............'.'.'.'.'...............{'so 5492 " " Buck's.................'.'........200 5493 " Post's........................::. 3:00 5494 " Prince's.................. 2 50 5495 Cowgill's-Hey's.................... 2 65 5496 1 5496 Dawbarn's................. ........350 5497 64 4267 Goodwillie's, Oral.............A'.'.'.A'.'.'.'.'.'." " 225 5496 Gowan's, Exsector.......................... 18 00 5499 Graefe's, Circular.............................15 00 5500 Heine's Osteotome, to Order Onlv. 5501 1 5501 Hey's.................... * 125 5502 64 4266 Maxillae....................'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'" L25 1 Metacarpal, see Metacarpal Saws. 59 Nasal, see Nasal Saws. 5503 64 4267 Rotating Saw................................. 2.25 5504 Szymanowsky's...........................'.'.'.'. 15*. 00 5505 Tiemann's Circular..........................900 5506 1 6162 Wyeth's Subcutaneous.................y 'set 600 5507 60 3865 Sawyer's Obstetrical Forceps...... 4 00 5508 60 3866 " » Improved ...A'.'.'.'.'." 500 5509 73 477 Sayre's Bandage Shears.................. 5 00 5510 73 5136 Bullet Probe, Silver....................AA" 6.00 5511 2 4712 Periosteotome........... ' 100 5512 76 Tenotome, K to N.......... ' '75 5513 63 3893 Scales, Obstetric..........................'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'."' l'oo 5514 Pocket, Fitche's.............................'. 1.00 5515 " Hand, Horn Pans, Fine___....... 1 50 5516 11 5516 Prescription, 6" Beam, Walnut Box........ 4 50 5517 11 5516 " 7" " " " 600 5518 11 5516 " 8" " " " '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 7.50 See Gauges. Scalpel, see Amputating, Minor Surgery. " Dissecting, Pocket Case. 5519 44 4801 Scanzoni's Cup Pessary.............. 3 00 5520 44 4802 RingPessary.................................. 300 5521 33 6921 Uterine Dilator................... ......575 5522 12 5522 Scarificators, 10 Blade, Plain, 2.50; Reverse, 3.'66'' 5523 12 5522 12 " " 3.00; " 3.50 5524 25 4144 Desmarre's, Eyelid................ 100 5525 37 6989 Rectal..................................'.".'.'.A'.' 1.00 5526 Tiemann's.....................................5.25 Scarifier, see Uterine Scarificators. 5527 Scarifying Spud, Piffard's....................... 85 5528 24 4054 Scarpa's Iris Needle..................................85 5529 Schaffer's Throat and Uterine Scoop.......... 6 00 5530 89 4594 Schapp's Spiral Drainage Tube...................! '.65 5531 28 7243 Schlotterbeck's Vaginal Speculum............. 400 5532 5 3640 Schnetter's Needle...........................y doz 1*15 5533 62 4942 Placenta Forceps...................... 300 5534 35 7135 Tumor " ................... ..... 250 5535 63 3814 Scholler's Cord Carrier.......................'.'....'. aoo 5536 35 7405 Schroeder's Vulsellum Forceps.................... 2.50 5537 Schroetter's Laryngeal Catheter................... 2.25 5536 " Lancet and Forceps.......11.25 5539 Laryngoscope, 3y inch...................... 3.00 5540 Stenosis Tube.................................. 2.25 5541 Schultz's Pelvimeter............................." ' 6.00 5542 Schuyler's Combination Speculum................. 9.00 5543 Obstetrical Forceps.................... 8 25 5544 9 1071 Schwartze's Chisel...................... " '75 5545 9 2151 Gouge............................... ....... .'75 5546 19 4202 Schwatka's Eye Speculum.....................A" ^ 5547 Schweig's Tonsilotome...................... 7*50 5548 95 6712 Urethral Stricture Dilator................','" ^50 5549 76 5549 Scissors, Angular, 4" ty- 5" by," 6". .75 .85 1.00 1.25 1.50 No. Plate. Pig. 5550 76 5550 Scissors, Curved on Flat, 4" .65 Straight, 5551 76 5551 " 1 Probe Point, 5552 76 5,552 " 1 Sharp 5553 76 5552 5554 76 5554 5555 76 5554 5556 76 5556 1 " " Open Ring, .65 2 Round " .50 2 " " Open Rings,.75 2 Sharp " .50 Price. 4W 5" by 6". .75 1.00 1.25 1.50 4" m~ 5' by 6". .75 1.00 .50 .60 .75 1.00 1.25 Scissors, see Artery, Aural, Dissecting, Harelip, Laryngeal, Phimosis Scissors. Pile Rectal Staphylor. Tonsil .75 .90 1.15 1.40 .60 .75 1.00 1.25 .85 1.00 1.25 1.50 .60 .75 1.00 1.25 3 3 57 25 59 80 36 5557 37 5558 44 5559 93 5560 5561 Microscop., Umbilical " Nasal, Uterine " " Ophthalmic, "Iris," Uvula Scissors. " " Strabotomy " Scoop, see Aural Curettes or Scoops. " Bone " " " " Dermal " " " " Nasal " " " " Ophthalmic " " " " Post Nasal " " " " Rectal " " " " Uterine " " " Scott's Knife... ....................................$1.00 Pessary........................................ 1.75 Screw Elevator, Dental..............................75 Scrotal, see Compressors, Varicocele. Scudder's Ether Inhaler............................ 3.00 Knot Tier..................................... 1.25 98 Searcher, see Stone Searchers. 32 Sea Tangle Tent, see Tents. 5562 25 4221 Sedillot's Double Hook ............................ ].10 5563 Seeger's Brush Holder.............................. 1.50 5564 Steam Nebulizer............................. 9.00 5565 Tobold's Laryngoscope.......................20.00 5566 81 4921 Seeley's Pile Pipe....................................60 5567 Segala's Vaginal Speculum......................... 6.00 5568 15 1117 Seguin's Surface Thermometer.............. 2 00 5569 Seibert's Tonsil Syringe, with 4 Needle" Disks, in Case........................................... 8.00 5570 58 3467 Seiler's Nasal Scissors........................... 2 00 5571 57 3515 " Speculum......................... 30 5572 59 3497 Septometer............................. 325 5573 Seiss' Nasal Gouge.................................. 1.50 5574 34 5574 Seizing Forceps, Angular................ 2 25 5575 53 6494 Durham's...... ................. 325 5576 53 5576 Langenbeck's.................. 175 5577 53 7404 Musseux's.................... " 1V5 5578 34 5578 Self-Closing...................... '"....... 175 5579 34 5579 Side Teeth, Left or Right. ... ....... 3 25 5580 34 5580 Sims' Mouse Tooth... ........ ........... 150 5581 34 5581 " Straight...... .........150 5582 34 5582 Skene's............... ..................... 150 5583 34 5583 " with Lock......AA................225 5584 34 5584 Thomas'Tissue.....................'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 2.75 5585 34 5585 " with Set Screw......... 2 75 5586 53 6009 Whitehead's.............................'.'.'.'.'.'. 3.25 35 See Vulsellum Forceps. 5587 93 1156 Seminal Cord Compressor, Doisneau's 2 00 5588 75 219 Senns' Artery Clamp Forceps........ " 2-00 5589 59 3497 Septometer, Seiler's...............................325 5590 3 634 Sequestrum Forceps, Farabeuf's.........A'........ 5'on 5591 3 5591 Ferguson's............ 1 'as 5592 73 824 Hamilton's.............'.. .................... 17? 5593 3 5593 Markoe's...................A................. 135 5594 3 637 Van Buren's, Bayonet.............'......* 175 5595 Serrefins, Garrigue's......... " 'in 5596 75 5596 Langenbeck's.......... ..................« ' 5597 Mattock's......................................?H 5598 75 5598 Vidal's, Angular......... ...................in 5599 75 5599 " Straight..............'.'.'...............in 5600 Seton Needle........................................75 Seuter's Bandage Shears..........'.'..............3*50 Sexton's Cotton Carrier.......... .........40 Ear Curette, Double............'.'.'.'.'.'......... 1/25 " Douche.........................:........7*50 " Forceps......................:.............55 " Syringe.....................'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'" 3'bO Eustachian Catheter................ " '95 Foreign Body Forceps..........'.'.......... "" 275 Mouth Spatula.........................'.'."" '50 Nasal Speculum................ "75 Nozzle for Politzer's Bag......'.............75 Powder Blower.............. ......... 1*50 5601 5602 5603 5604 5605 5606 5607 5608 5609 5610 57 3516 5611 5612 50 2564 5613 50 2565 9 346 9 342 5614 5615 5616 5617 9 313 21 Probe, Silver...............'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'............ 40 Set of 7 Instruments in Handie. ...........7*50 Tongue Depressor.............. " 1V Shades, see Eye Shades. ........... Shaffer's Scoop............. g™ Shears, see Bandage; also Rib Shears.'.............. =0-. o in ,™,o Sheeting, see Nursery Sheeting. 5618 12 1273 Sherwell's Cutipuncture..... o 7fi 5619 Laryngeal Scissors...........'.'.'."".'"....... £'25 5620 " » Curved ............in'S? 5621 58 3471 Nasal « ....................10^ 5623 Shield's Artery Forceps.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.................. ^ Root «. * *,Tterme Dressing Forceps....'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.[['.'" 175 iio§ Shot Compressor........... ........... j-iS fi« Shot, Perforated, No. 6 to 9 Amer.'Sca'le.'.'.'.'.«'i66 50 Eoo« ^ ,„n Shoulder Brace, see Orthopedic. v 5628 Shrady's Subcutaneous Saw and Knife....... 5 00 5629 Shrimpton's Forceps ....?....".... "..^j^*; |g Pft^si0,10023,' 802cl -SvrgTG©T2$' iDv/ppfie.^. Ko. Plate, 5630 5631 57 5632 5633 8 5634 36 5635 2 5636 2 5637 5638 29 5639 29 5640 5641 5642 32 89 89 5643 63 5644 63 5645 38 5646 60 5647 5648 62 5649 5650 32 5651 5652 5653 30 5654 30 5655 5656 51 5657 57 5658 8 5659 58 5660 5661 9 5662 5663 81 5664 30 5665 34 5666 36 5667 36 5668 36 5669 31 5670 31 5671 89 5672 5673 36 5674 36 5675 6 5676 37 5677 37 5678 37 5679 5 5680 39 5681 39 5682 41 5683 5684 30 5685 30 5686 30 5687 36 5688 5689 5690 37 5691 38 5692 38 5693 38 5694 38 5695 38 5696 38 6697 34 5698 40 5699 40 5700 40 6701 40 5702 5703 26 5704 26 5705 30 5706 30 5707 36 5708 36 5709 34 5710 34 5711 34 5712 34 5713 5714 33 5715 33 5716 31 5717 31 5718 30 5719 44 5720 44 5721 44 5722 45 5723 45 5724 41 5725 36 5726 34 5727 47 5728 38 5729 5 5730 41 5731 36 5732 36 79 fig- Price, Shufford's Haemorrhoidal Needle..................$2.0(1 3517 Shurley's Nasal Speculum.......................... 2.25 Sichels' Iris Knife.................................. 1.00 4584 Sieglc's Otoscope................................... 2.75 6875 Siemon's* burette...................... 1.50 5366 Retractor, Plain.............................. 1.25 5367 " Serrated........................... 1.75 " Set of 5 and 1 Handle...........'. 6.75 7280 Set, 4 Bozeman's, 4 Sims' Spec, and 2 Handles.13.50 7287 " 8 Flat Shaped " " 2 " 13.50 Irrigating Blade for Above.................. 2.50 Sieveking's Aesthesiometer........................ 3.00 Sigmoid Catheter, see Catheters. 6536 Signoroni's Tourniquet.............................10.00 Silk, see Ligature, see Protectives. Silk Worm Gut, see Ligature. Silver Wire, " " 1030 Simpson's Cephalotribe............................11.00 1211 Cranioclast.................................... 7.50 2511 Hysterotome.................................. 4.75 3847 Obstetrical Forceps, Long................... 5.00 Short................... 4.00 3887 Perforator................................... 1.75 Tarnier's Obstetrical Forceps................12.00 6922 Uterine Dilator...............................3.00 6923 " Set of 12....................4.50 " Porte Canst ic........................ 1.85 7079 " Sound.................................35 7078 " " Graduated.....................50 Simrock's Laryngeal Forceps...................... 3.25 2869 Laryngoscope................................. 5.00 3518 Nasal Speculum.'..............................50 4585 Otoscope...................................... 2.25 3454 Polypus Forceps.............................. 1.75 Rhinoscope................................... fi.oo 362 Scissors........................................ 3.25 Sims' Abdominal Protectors and Skewers........ 3.00 5230 Anal Dilator.................................. 3.00 1197 Blunt Hook....................................50 6842 Caustic Forceps.............................. 2.50 6879 Curette, Blunt.................................75 6879 " " Aluminum................... 1.00 6877 " Sharp................................ 1.00 7181 Depressor......................................50 7182 " Double...............................50 4595 Drainage Tube.................................75 Ecraseur.......................................26.00 5673 Enucleator.................................... 2.25 5674 " Blunt Hook........................2.25 161 Ether Inhaler.................................1.25 6991 Holder and 4 Knives.......................... 7.50 6992 Knife, Probe-Pointed......................... 1.15 6993 " Rotating............................... 3.25 3621 Needle.................................y doz. .50 3693 " Forceps............................... 1.50 3693 " " with Catch................. 1.75 4591 Ovariotomy Director......................... 1.00 Pessary Introducer........................... 6.00 6998 Probe, Aluminum............................35 6998 " Plated.................................25 6998 " Silver..................................75 5687 Pulley or Fork..............................."0 5275 Rectal Speculum, Plated...................... 1.75 5276 " " Steel...................... 3.00 6990 Scalpel........................................ 1.15 7052 Scissors, Angular............................. 2.25 7053 " Curved, Blunt Points............... 2.00 7054 " " Sharp " ............... 2.00 7056 " Straight, Blunt " ............... 1.50 7056 " " Sharp " ............... 1.50 7056 " Wire Cutting....................... 1.50 5580 Seizing Forceps............................... 1.50 976 Self-Retaining Catheter.......................75 977 Sigmoid Catheter, 11 aid Rubber..............50 977 " " .Metal......................40 977 " " Silver......................75 Skewers........................................25 72S9 Speculum..................................... 1.25 7289 " Aluminum.......................... 2.00 5936 Sponge Holder.................................30 6257 'ampon Screw, Spiral, H. R., .50. Plated.. .75 7113 Tenaculum.....................................50 7103 " Double........................... 1.00 5580 Tissue Forceps, Mouse Tooth................ 1.50 5581 " " Straight..................... 1.50 5711 Torsion " ............................... 4.50 5712 " " ............................... 4.50 Urethral Speculum..........................3.50 6033 Uterine Dilator, Bivalve...................2.50 6925 " " Trivalve.................... 8.50 7020 " Elevator............................. 3.75 7027 " " ..............................3.75 7079 " Sound.................................35 4809 " Stem, Glass...........................20 4755 '.....Hollow..................20 4809 " " Hard Rubber..................20 7186 Vaginal Dilator, Glass........................25 7186 " " Hard Rubber..............60 5724 Vulsellum Hook.............................. 4.00 7003 Wire Adjuster.................................50 7616 " Twisting Forceps...................... 1.75 Sims'-Wylie's Uterine Elevator.................... 3.75 Skeleton, see Osteological. 7057 Skene's Buttonhole Scissors........................ 4.50 3644 ("V: v,x Needle..........................y doz. 1.15 4611 Compressing Forceps........................ 3.00 1193 Counterpressor............................... 1.00 6878 Curette........................................ 1.00 No. Plate. 5733 43 5734 40 5735 31 5736 95 5737 5738 95 5739 80 5740 38 5741 38 5742 97 5743 39 5744 5745 37 5746 37 5747 80 5748 45 5749 5750 40 5751 34 5752 34 5753 40 5754 38 5755 &5 5756 43 5757 38 5758 30 5759 83 5760 5761 5762 5763 93 5764 12 47 5765 43 5766 30 5767 62 5768 5769 5770 5771 5772 64 5773 5774 57 5775 43 5776 43 5777 80 5778 50 5779 86 5780 86 5781 38 5782 5783 5784 5785 5786 83 5787 83 5788 83 83 5789 22 5790 14 5791 5792 5793 5794 14 17 5795 97 5796 97 5797 97 5798 21 5799 94 5800 94 5801 94 5802 94 5803 94 5804 94 5805 94 5806 94 5807 94 5808 5809 94 5810 94 30 5811 94 5812 94 5813 5814 5815 5816 5817 5818 5819 5820 93 5821 24 5822 24 5823 24 5824 74 5825 74 5826 74 5827 74 L' 4.: H 4804 Skene's Cystocele Pessary..........................S;1' 978 Double Perforated Catheter.................., 7029 Elevator and Curette......................... •' 1865 Endoscope.....................................*" Fissure Knife.......... 1866 Folsom's Speculum.... 4917 Haemorrhoidal Clamp. 7058 Hawk-Bill Scissors..... 2512 Hysterotome................................. 5.- 5742 Instillation Tube..............................> 3694 Needle Forceps............................... 3.7 Ovariotomy Cautery Clamp..................11.2 j 3608 Perineum Needle, Curved.....................6_' 3609 " " Straight....................60 4917 Pile Clamp.................................... 4.50 4805 Prolapsus Pessary............................ 1.50 Rectal Speculum............................. 2.00 5750 Reflux Catheter.............................. 1.50 5582 Seizing Forceps............................... 1.50 5583 " " with Catch.................. 2.25 979 Self-Retaining Catheter.......................65 7035 Sound and Scarificator....................... 4.50 7121 Tenaculum Forceps......................... 1.75 4835 Urinal Cup Pessary........................... 1.75 2512 Uterine Sector................................ 5.00 7080 " Sound................................ 1.75 1528 " Wire Ecraseur....................... 5.75 Skewers, Sims'.......................................25 Wvlie's.........................................10 Skey's Arterial Com pressor........................18.00 4873 Skillern's Phimosis Forceps........................ 1.50 5764 Skin Grafting Scissors.............................. 6.00 Skull, see Osteological. Sleeves, see Dissecting Sleeves and Gowns. 4806 Sleigh Pessary.......................................50 7081 Sliding Uterine Sound.............................. 1.75 3888 Smellie's Perforator................................ 1.75 Smith's Canula Scissors............................. 3.75 Clamp and Knife, Right and Left............ 7.50 Cauteries, Serrated......................y set 4.50 Ear Svringe................................... 2.75 2311 Harelip Forceps............................... 3.75 Nasal Applicator, Nitric Acid................ 1.75 3519 " Speculum................................75 4807 Pessary, Hard Rubber.........................20 48C7 " Soft " .........................60 4918 Pile Clamp, Ivory Faced..................... 4.00 2562 Powder Blower................................ 1.50 5173 Pus Basin, Agate............................. 1.25 5173 " " Papier Mache......................85 7047 Scissors........................................ 8.00 Urethroscope.................................. 5.00 Urethrotome.................................22.50 Vaginal Speculum............................3.75 " " Fenestrated.............. 4.75 1529 Wire Ecraseur, Curved....................... 3.00 1530 " " Straight...................... 3.00 1530 " " 2 Extra Tips................. 4.00 Snare, see Ecraseur. 3979 Snellen's Entropium Forceps...................... 2.00 6086 Stethoscope Bell, Soft Rubber................25 Test Letters on Card Board...................35 " Types, with Book....................... 1.25 Snowden's Eye Speculum.......................... 1.50 6079 Stethoscope.................................. 2.25 Soles, Voltaic, see Electric App. " Disks." 942 Sounds, Cooling, Winternitz's, Plated............. 1.50 942 " " Silver.............. 2.75 942 " " Soft Rubber....... 1.85 4096 Cupped, Brewster's, Silver................... 1.00 5799 " Van Buren's, Steel..................90 5800 Cylindrical, Steel, Fine........................75 5801 Exploring, Warren's................. 100 5802 Fossal, Piffard's......................... " "75 5803 Fowler's.........................y set in case 5.00 5804 Gouley's, Conical, Steel.......................75 5805 " Tunneled," ............. ' 1*25 677 Otis', Bulbous........................... "' '15 5807 " " Fowler's.........y set in case 5:00 Conical, Steel............................75 Straight, " " ............. *75 Teft's.................................'.'.A'.'.'.'" 75 Uterine, see Uterine Sounds. Van Buren's Conical, Plain.....50. Fine 75 Weisse's..........................y set in case ^50 Wyeth's...................................... 75 Sound Cases, for 6 Sounds....................... 175 " 9 :; .....•........::::::::::: 2:00 12 ............. 2 50 Sounding Board, Bilroth's......................... 1/15 Southey's Drainage Trocar and 4 Canulas..'.'......3'75 Spanton's Strephotome........ " -t'an 4875 Spatulas, Circumcision........... .......a= Eye, German Silver............'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'......75 ' Hard Rubber.......................... 75 " LOO .35 .35 5810 5804 5812 5828 5829 5830 5831 5832 4018 4018 4018 " Shell 5824 Pocket Case, Hard Rubber..... 5824 " " steel............. ....... 5826 Spatula and Elevator, Pocket Case 5824 " Tongue Tie, " " ............ Specific Gravity Bottles. With Gra'dua- With Perforated tio,n Mark on Stopper. Neck 5828 1.000 Grains, 1.75 im 5828 100 " 1.75 100 5828 10 cc, 1.75 inn 5828 50 cc, 1.75 inn 5828 100 cc, 1.75 100 .40 .35 Fr2^i©iex72«.' sen el JSv/rGjs:OT2Q)' .Svppfieis,. No. Plate, '833 5834 10 5835 5836 5837 8 5838 8 5839 5840 21 5841 5842 93 5843 5844 5845 66 5846 86 5847 11 5848 11 5849 49 5850 49 5851 5852 5853 82 5854 5855 82 5856 82 84 5857 5858 5859 82 5860 82 84 5861 82 5862 82 5863 82 5864 84 5865 84 5866 84 5867 84 5868 84 5869 84 5870 84 5871 84 5872 84 5873 84 5874 84 5875 84 5876 84 5877 84 5878 84 5879 84 5880 84 5881 84 5882 84 5883 84 5884 84 5885 84 5886 84 5887 84 5888 84 5889 84 5890 84 5891 84 5892 84 5893 84 5894 84 5895 84 5896 84 5897 84 5898 84 5899 84 5900 84 5901 84 5902 84 5903 84 5904 84 5905 84 5906 84 5907 5908 84 5909 84 5910 5911 84 5912 84 5913 5914 84 5915 84 5916 84 5917 84 5918 84 5919 84 68 5920 74 5921 74 5922 5923 89 Fig. Price, Specific Gravity Bott le, ('ounterpoise.............$0.65 1925 Spectacles, Price Furnished on Application. Directions for Fitting, see Illustration. Speculum, see Aural, Rectal Specula. " Nasal, Urethral " " Ophl halmic, Vaginal Specula. Speculum Chair, see Operating Chairs. Speir's Artery Constrictor......................... 1.75 Ear Curette.....................................75 378 " Speculum, Self-Retaining.............. 2.00 377 " " Wire.........'................50 Echoscope..................................... 4.50 4083 Lachrymal Catheter, Silver.................75 Speir's-George's Ether Inhaler.................... 2.75 Silencer Wells, see Wells. 1084 Spermatorrhoea Ring..............................50 Sphygmograph, Dudgeon's........................18.75 Marcy's, to Order Only. Spicula Forceps, Goodwillie's...................... 1.50 Spinal Brace, see Orthopedic. 2519 Spinal, Ice or Hot Water Bags, 12" 16" 20". 1.25 1.35 1.50 5847 Spirit Lamps, Glass, iy 3 4 8 oz. .15 .20 .25 .35 5847 Metal..........................................50 5849 Spirometers, Barnes'............................... 8.00 5850 Brown's........................................ 8.00 Hutchinson's.................................25.00 Marsh's........................................ 2.50 5853 Splints, Paeon's Patella Support..................15.00 Coaptation..................................... 3.50 5855 Cooper's Clavicle Apparatus................. 4.50 5850 Disloea ted Shoulder " ................. 7.50 Felt, see Splints, Felt. " for " Koehler's...........y sq. f t, .40 " " Russian............y sq. ft. .60 5859 Hartshorn's Patella........................... 7.00 5860 Levis' Clavicle................................ 5.00 " Metallic, see Splints, Metallic. 5861 " Patella................................. 6.00 5862 Richardson's Clavicle......................... 6.00 5863 Tiemann's Patella Support................... 5.50 Wire, Fore-Arm.............................. 4.50 Wood, see Splints, Wood. 5865 Splints; Felt, Clavicle...............................75 5866 Club Foot.....................................75 5867 Elbow, Obtuse Angle......................... 1.00 5868 " Right 'r ......................... 1.00 5869 Femur..........................................75 5870 Fore-Aim or Ulna............................ 1.00 5871 Humerus.......................................35 5872 Maxilla.........................................50 5873 Patella........................................ 1.00 5899 Phalanges......................................25 5875 Radius, Left or Right.........................75 5876 Tibia and Fibula.............................. 1.00 5877 " Anterior................................ 1.00 5866 Weak Ankle..................................75 5879 Splints; Metallic, Ankle, External................. 1.00 5880 " Internal................. 1.00 5865 Clavicle........................................75 5866 Club Foot......................................75 5883 Double Inclined Plane........................ 5.00 5884 Elbow, Adjustable............................ 1.50 5885 " " ............................ 1.50 5886 " Posterior, Acute Angle.............. 1.00 5867 " " Obtuse " .............. 1.00 5868 " " Right " .............. 1.00 5889 Extension and Suspension Combined....... 5.00 5869 Femur.........................................50 5891 Fore-Arm, Bonds'............................ 1.00 5892 " ■ Combined........................ 1.00 5^0 " or Ulna........................... 1.00 5871 Humerus.......................................50 5872 Maxilia.........................................75 5896 Metacarpal, Wilson's..........................75 5873 Patella....................................... 1.00 5898 " Anterior.............................. 1.00 5899 Phalanges......................................15 5875 Radius, Left or Right........................ 1.00 5876 Tibia and Fibula.............................. 1.00 5877 " Anterior................................ 1.00 5866 Weak Ankle...................................75 5904 Splints; Wood, Ankle, External ................... 1.00 5904 " Internal.................... 1.00 5906 Arm, Jointed................................ 1.75 . Clavicle......................................3.00 5908 Condyle and Humerus.........................85 5909 " " " Jointed................ 1.00 Double Inclined Plane........................ 3.75 5911 Dressing, Lined................................10 5911 " Plain................................05 Extension Bar................................. 5.00 5914 Fore-Arm.....................................60 5915 " Squire's, Jointed.................... 1.25 5916 Interosseous..................................50 5917 Patella........................................ 1.00 5906 " Jointed................................ 1.75 5919 Radius, Left or Right.........................60 Splints,see "Orthopedic," "Hip Splints," etc. 5920 Splinter Forceps, Adams'...........................35 5921 Long...........................................50 Spohn's Rubber King Tourniquet, 7 in Set........ 2.25 Sponge*, Antiseptic. 5924 Abdominal, 6 16 30 45 50 Square Inches. .20 60 .05 1.40 2.00 No. Plate, 5924 89 5925 89 5926 89 5927 89 5928 5929 5930 5931 87 5932 5933 53 5934 30 59E5 30 5936 30 5937 30 64 5938 32 5939 32 5940 32 5941 32 5942 32 5943 32 5944 30 5945 5946 5947 5948 5949 5950 54 5951 54 6 5952 5953 54 5954 54 5955 54 5956 54 5957 54 5958 54 5959 5960 5961 54 5962 54 5963 54 5964 54 5965 54 5966 54 54 88 5967 54 5968 54 5969 54 5970 54 5971 5972 88 5973 5974 24 5975 5976 25 5977 6 5978 11 5979 5980 65 5981 85 5982 85 5983 85 5984 85 5985 85 5986 85 5987 85 5988 85 5989 85 5990 85 5991 85 5992 85 5993 85 5994 85 5995 85 5996 85 5997 85 65 5998 85 5999 85 6000 52 6001 85 6002 52 6003 85 6004 2 6005 6006 85 6007 53 6008 53 6009 53 6010 65 6011 36 6012 85 6013 36 6014 6015 6016 54 Fig. Prim. Sponges, Dry, Nos. 12 3 4. 5924 " Carbolized, y doz., .30 .50 .75 1.50 5924 " Chromatized, " .30 .50 .75 1.50 5924 " Plain, " .30 .50 .75 1.50 5924 " Sublimatized, " .30 .50 .75 1.50 Zimocca, 1 Dozen in Bottle. Carbolized, 10#............y bottle $0.71 Chromatized, 1 to 2,000... " .78 Sublimatized, 1 to 2,\ Double Edge, Spear " . 1.50 5992 " " Probe " 1 50 5^3 Concave, Sharp Point.....; L50 5994 " " » " -j gQ 5995 " Straight, " " ...... 1*50 5996 Whitehead's........ .... ...... 115 5997 « Cum Knife......... ......... 115 Mouth Gag, See Gags. ....... 5998 Needles, Bent.... 1 •>=; 5999 Curved......... ......................... [o? 6000 Goodwillie's.......................A.'.^'set 9!6o 6001 Green's......................... 125 6002 Prince's..................................3*25 6003 Whitehead's Spiral.................. " 1*25 4712 Periosteotomes, Sayre's...................... 100 Whitehead's___.'..... ........ " l'oo ^ Scissors, Curved, Left or Right.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.!"' 2!(X) 6494 Seizing Forceps, Durham's............ 3 25 5576 Langenbeck's..... "175 0009 Whitehead's.!...... ..................... 325 ??«? Suture Holders, Langenbeck's.'.'.''.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 2.25 1197 Tenacula, Blunt............ 50 6012 Langenbeck's..... .......... l'oo 7113 Sims'...... ......................... a Startin's Wire Needle, Holiow ...................375 Steam Atomizer, Acme.............A.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 2.26 6021 Brass.......................... i.sg Pf3/i=lGlECr25>' amcl -SvrcjsoiQs' -Sv/ppfWc,. — 1 Ko. 6017 6018 6019 6020 6021 6022 6023 6024 6025 6026 6027 6028 6029 6030 6031 6032 6033 6034 6035 6036 6037 6038 6039 6040 6041 6042 6043 6044 6045 6046 6047 6048 6049 6050 6051 6052 6053 6054 6055 6056 6057 6058 6059 6060 6061 6062 6063 6064 6065 6066 6067 6068 6069 6070 6071 6072 6073 6074 6075 6076 6077 6078 6079 6080 6081 6082 6083 6084 6085 6086 6087 6088 6089 6090 6091 6092 6093 6094 6095 6096 6097 6098 6099 6100 6101 6102 6103 6104 6105 6106 6107 6108 6109 6110 6111 Plate. Fig. Price. Steam Atomizer, Climax...........................SI.75 6018 6019 6020 6021 Codman's..................................... 4.00 Household.................................... 3.50 Novelty....................................... 3.75 Plated......................................... 2.00 Seeger's....................................... 9.00 Tiemann's..................................... 4.00 Tin............................................ 1.00 Steam Atomizer, see Antiseptic Spray. " Spray apparatus. Steam Atomizer Tubes..............................20 Steam Jacket, May's, to Order Only. Steam's Artery Claw Forceps..................... 6.00 Dilating Urethrotome....................... 9.00 6713 Dilator........................................ 3.50 3190 Stedman's Toe Nail Spring..................y pair .25 3491 Steel's Septum Punch.............................. 7.50 7408 Steele's V ulsellum Forceps......................... 2.00 Stein's Urethral Dilator, 3 Bladed.................. 4.50 4 " ................. 7.50 Ureter Evacuator............................ 9.00 Stem Pessary, sec Pessaries. Sterility Instruments. 6037 Outerbridge's. with 6 Dilators............... 2.75 6038 " Dilator Only...................25 6039 " Introducer................... 1.75 Sterilizers; Instrument. Arnolds', Oval, 14" long, $y wide, 6" deep. 6040 " with 2 Racks, all Copper...........12.00 6040 " " 2 " Heavy Tin, " Bottom.. 5.00 Imp., with Cas Regulator & Thermometw. 9"x9"xl5"........20.00. 12"xl2"x24"........30.00 6043 Sterilizers; Milk, Arnolds', all Copper.............. 7.00 6043 Arnolds', Heavy Tin, ( upper Bottom........ 2.50 Whitall's, for 6 oz. Bott les................... 1.75 " 8 " " ................... 2.00 Stethometers, Carroll's............................ 2.25 6048 Quain's........................................ 7.50 Stethoscopes, Allison's............................. 2.00 Arnolds', Flexible.............................75 Barclay's........................................75 Bartlett's..................................... 4.00 Burrows'....................................... 1.00 Camman's Cylindrical.........................75 Fine............................... 2.00 " Folding........................... 2.50 I ntra-Costal........................75 " Plain, with Rubber Band........ 1.50 " " Spiral Spring........ 1.50 " " " Spring Joint......... 1.50 Cedar, Hard Rubber Ear Piece................65 Short....................................40 Clark's..........................................75 I (avis'......................................... 2.75 6069 6052 6058 6059 6060 6062 6062 14 6064 Dei Dol Klli Ker Mill's____ ■1IY....... 11son's... neon's ... 4.O0 .75 3.00 .75 .75 6112 6113 6114 6115 14 6069 Flexii.le.. 14 6070 Hawksiey Holden's....................................... 1.75 14 6072 Knighi's...................................... 4.00 14 6052 Lacnee's....................................... 4.0(1 Loomis'....................................... 1.25 14 6075 Martin's Combination........................ 1.75 Palmer's....................................... 5.75 Paul's Vacuum................................ 2.50 Quain's Telescopic............................ 1.00 14 6079 Snowdeu's.....................................2.25 Speir's......................................... 4.50 Stokes'.........................................65 14 6082 University.................................... 2.00 Walsh's.........................................65 Ware's.........................................2.75 Wilson's......................................2.50 14 6086 Stethoscope Parts, Snellens' Soft Rubber Bell.....25 Steurer's Aspirator.................................25.00 Froth nil Dilator.............................6.00 10 4204 Stevens' Eyo Speculum............................. 1.50 23 4002 Fixation Forceps............................. 1.75 23 4157 Needle Holder................................ 3.50 25 4169 Retractor..................................... 1.00 24 30 36 Bottles. 100 5452 Saddle Bags, Black, 10.00 11.00 13.00 100 5452 " " Russet, 11.00 12.00 14.00 23 4027 Tendon Forceps, Curved..................... 1.50 23 4028 " " Straight.................... 1.25 23 4063 " Scissors.............................. 2.00 25 4222 Tenotomy Hook..............................85 24 4033 Traction' " .............................. 1.25 Trial Case, Mounted Lenses..................40.00 46 2363 Stewart's Hernia Knife............................ 3.75 24 3960 Stilling's Knife..................................... 1.00 Stimson's Hypodermic Syringe, Silver............ 2.00 39 3695 Needle Holder and Cutting Forceps......... 2.75 52 2811 Stoerk's Drop Tube................................ 1.50 22 3980 Stoke's Eyelid Compressor......................... 2.25 Stethoscope....................................65 7 285 Stomach Pumps, Aspirator and Pump Combined.15.00 Hollow Piston................................ 7.00 7 6110 Lover..........................................12.00 Toswill's....................................... 1.85 7 See Aspirators. 7 " Pumps. 64 6112 Stomach Tubes, English ........................... 1.00 61 6113 English, Funnel End.......................... 1.25 Cl 6112 French.........................................75 57 3-412 Panic's..........................._.............75 No. 6116 6117 6118 6119 6120 6121 6122 6123 6124 6125 6126 6127 6128 6129 6130 6131 6132 6133 6134 6135 6136 6137 6138 6139 6140 6141 6142 6143 6144 6145 6146 6147 6148 6149 6150 6151 6152 6153 6154 6155 6156 6157 6158 6159 6160 6161 6162 6163 6164 Pla'.e. Fig 64 64 64 6116 Stomach Tubes, Svphon............................$»r 6117 ' " with Bulb................ L, 6116 Velvet Eve.................................... 11 98 6119 Stone Searchers, Andrew's......................... 13' Bilroth's Sounding Board.................... Ii." " " " and Sound.......1.." Gouley's.....:................................. 1. .^ os 6124 Little's:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i'Xx. 98 6125 Otis' Exploring Sound........................ 3.tf. 98 6126 Thompson's................................... 2.t(- " Measure.......................... 9.0/, 88 6128 Stopcocks, Aspirator................................7i.', 88 6129 " Potain's...................... 2.00i 88 6130 Clamp for Tubing..............................10 88 6131 Colpeurynter, Hard Rubber..................25 88 6132 Conic End, " " ..................35 88 6133 Cupping Cup, Plated..........................50 88 6134 Davidson's.................................... 1.00 88 6135 Double End, Hard Rubber....................30 bS 6136 Esmarch's Automatic, 1 Conic Point.........76 88 6136 " " 2 " " ........ 1.00 88 6138 Eye Douche, Hard Rubber....................50 88 6139 Kcves' Two Way, " ................... 1.00 88 6140 Mohr's..........................................15 88 6141 Sass'........................................... 1.50 88 6132 Van Buren's...................................35 88 6143 Wire............................................25 Storer's Clamp Shield...............................8.25 Uterine Scarificator.......................... 4.50 27 7295 Vaginal Speculum............................ 2.00 27 7295 " " Aseptic...................2.00 27 7295 " '• Aluminum....... 2.50 Stowe's Elevator.................................... 3.00 Strabismometers, Galezowsky's ................... 4.50 4210 Laurence's..............'..................... 1.50 Strabismus, see Ophthalmic " Strabotomy." Straight Jacket, see Restraints for Insane. 2870 Stratton's Illuminator for Gas, Plated.......... 2.25 Oil, " ............2.50 7.50 1.50 3.75 4.00 3.00 6165 6166 6167 6168 6169 6170 6171 6172 6173 6174 6175 6176 6177 6178 6179 6180 4064 Strawbridge's Keratome S( Strephotome, Spanton's....................... 7155 Stucky's Uvula Scissors....................... Student Lamps, Plated, with Glass Reservoir " Metal Styles, see Ophthalmic, " Lachrymal Styles." Subcutaneous Knives, Adam's............... Subcutaneous Saws, Adam's, Large......... 3 66 o}^ c v, w.yt'ths..................................$> set 6.00 6163 Subcutaneous Saw and Knife, Shrady's........... 5.00 . ," " " " Improved 6.00 Supporter, Abdominal, see Orthopedic. Pile, see Pile Bougies. Uterine, see Pessaries. 6168 Suppositories, Glass......... 6168 Hard Rubber, "AA'3 6168 " Plain Handle, y±" dia. .'.". 6168 " Ring " $■ » .40 J, Suspension Apparatus, see Orthopedic. Suspensories, see Orthopedic .30 .. 1.00 ... .20 4" long. .35 32 6294 Sussdorf's Tupelo Dilator, Hollow.. "p doz % &$ =„*,_ „„ " ., *; SoM.......'.....v doz: 1 81 6181 6182 6183 6184 6185 6186 6187 6188 6189 6190 6191 6192 6193 6194 6195 6196 6197 6198 6199 6200 6201 6202 6203 6204 6205 90 6188 81 90 90 90 90 90 (XI 24 Suture Forceps, Allis'...............'...AAA """' i'25 0172 Hoff's Automatic................. ......40b 1099 Suture Instruments, Cleborne's.................... 4*50 6174 Goetz's........................ " " 0 00 Suture Needle, see Needles, Suture. ,w,o Suture Needle Holders, sec Needle Forceps. 2312 Suture Pins, Lancet Point..................y doz. .15 6616 Plain.............................. 99 doz 05 Suture Thread, see Ligature. ,__Swansdown Adhesive Plaster............. m yard «5 4910 Swift's Pile Bougie......... l'oo Syme's Abcess Knife and Scalpel....'.'.'........... 1*75 Staff........................... ......i'ka Syphon Douche, see Nasal Douches. Tube, see Stomach Tubes. 6181 Syringes, Anatomical, 3 Tips and Stopcock. . 7 50 Bag, White Rubber, 6 oz..................; " 1/00 " " 10"............::::::::: 1:25 16 "........... 1 cyi _, 3 Pipes, 6 oz....... 1 50 Caustic, see Caustic Syringes. " " Ear, see Aural Syringes. " " Syringes, Hard Rubber. Glass, Nos. 0001234567 " Fern., dz..............1 25 1 35 1 50 2 00 9 £n "Male, " .65 .75.85 LOO 1.25 L35 6182 6182 6182 6182 Gum, Pure, for Ear, Eye or Urethra ...... fliao a ■ H8em?rrhoidal, see Hajmorrhoidal Syringes' 6189 Syringes; H. Rubber, Catarrhal..1 oz Dynnfees" n I Mil t 'nnnoTm ~D.«~i-;»-.+■ -i , .. .......... 6190 619C 6192 6193 6194 6194 6194 6197 6198 6198 6202 6203 6204 6205 Concave Point___ y i; ;; .......y.'.'.y.m Cone " ...........af R'g H'dle. Dental......... Far........... Rectal, Bent Pi pe.'.'.'.'.'. Y.Y. 7& Soft Rubber Point.........yA Straight Pipe, Fine.Y.'.Y.Yy :: .........vs .........H H " ^" H " Vie" .30 .65 .21 .40 :4o .45 .30 .60 .50 .65 .90 1.25 .35 .30 .20 .25 .40 t P-B^&-i©i8LT2&' 0lT2g1 -S^rojeoiQ^' ^Jv/ppfW^. i. Plate. PifT. 506 90 6205 211 90 6208 3212 90 6212 3213 90 6212 3214 6215 6216 6217 6218 90 6218 6219 90 6218 6220 90 6220 6221 90 6220 6222 9(1 6220 6223 6224 6225 6226 6227 6228 6229 6230 90 6230 6231 90 48 21 56 90 90 90 90 97 90 40 90 90 90 6230 6232 97 6745 6233 97 88 6750 6234 11 6234 6235 11 87 6235 6236 6237 6238 6239 75 220 6240 42 4613 6241 89 4596 6242 6243 92 4630 6244 6245 6246 6247 43 4811 6248 26 7297 6249 6250 91 6556 6251 6252 6253 6254 40 6254 6255 40 6255 6256 40 6255 6257 30 6257 6258 6259 15 6259 6260 15 6259 6261 15 6259 6262 15 6259 6263 15 6259 6264 91 6582 6265 6266 61 14871 6267 6268 12 25 6268 6269 63 3808 6270 6271 93 4878 6272 6273 28 7298 6274 28 7298 6275 28 7298 6276 21 4174 6277 98 3031 6278 6279 6280 6281 96 6793 6282 94 5810 6283 5 76 76 2 36 6284 34 7115 6285 80 5299 6286 34 1200 6287 36 7106 Syringes, Straight Pipe............M oz. Straight Pipe, Fine...........1 " . ..............12 " w. Set of Pipes. 12 "................Vb ".................a ".................u Uterine, Long Pipe...........1 'r ...........2 R'g H'dle, Vaginal. with Shield. Price, .$0.50 . .60 . .50 . .70 . .85 . 1.10 . 1.25 . 1.75 2.00 .25 .30 .50 .70 1.00 .40 .45 .60 .65 Bent Pipe...........3 •r ...........6 " " w.Shield. 3 with 3 Pipes.........3 " q " a With Ass'd Pipes..............2 "..........., " " in Lined Case. 2 "..........., Syringes, Hypodermic, see Hypodermic Syringes. Syringes, Lachrymal, see Ophthalmic. Microscopic, see Microscopic Syringes. Nasal, see Nasal Douches. Rectal, see Rectal Syringes. " " Syringes, Hard Rubber. Urethral, see " " " " " Urethral Syringes. Uterine, " Syringes, Hard Rubber. " Uterine Syringes. Vaginal, " Syringes, Hard Rubber. " " Vaginal Syringes. See Irrigators. Syringe Nozzles (see also Nozzles), Kiefer's........ Otis', Plated.............50. Silver.......... Syringe Pipes, see Nozzles. Sundries, " Bulbs and Bulb Fittings. 1.00 1.35 1.25 1.25 1.50 2.50 3.50 .50 .75 I Tube............................................. T " Connection............................... Tables, see Operating Tables. Tablets, Antiseptic, Am. Chlor. 7.5 grs. or Corr, Subl. 7.5 grs. 25 Tablets in Bottle...................y doz. 2 50 " " " ...................y doz. 3 100 " " " ...................y doz. 7 Tait's Artery Clamp Forceps.................. Clamp.................................. Drainage Tube.......................... Ecraseur..................................... 4, Ovariotomy Trocar...........................12 Plain....................2 Screw Forceps................................ 2 Taliaferro's Obstetrical Forceps................... 5 Pessary.................................... Vaginal Speculum............................ 1 Tampon, Epistaxis................................. Tampon, Tracheal, Gerster's......................13 Lange's....................................... 9 Trendelenburg's.............................. 9 Tampon Expellers, Barnes', Vaginal.............. 1 Braun's, Vaginal.........................•... 1 Thomas', " ............................. 1 Tampon Pumps, Thomas', Hard Rubber.......... 1 Tampon Screws, Sims', Spiral, H. R., .50. Plated Tansley's Lachrymal Syringe, Silver............... 4 Tape Measures, Linen, 3 feet 5 feet 6 feet .40 .45 .50 Steel, 3 feet ................................. 1 5 " ................................. 1 6 " ................................. 1 Tardieu's Trachea Scissors......................... 3, Tarnier's Basiotribe................................26 Obstetrical Forceps...........................20. Tarsitani's " " ...........................9 Tattooing Instrument, Piffard's................... 2 Needle, see Ophthalmic. Taylor's Blunt Hook.............................. 1 Obstetrical Forceps....................... Phimosis Scissors............................. 3 Syringe, Sub-Preputial................... Vaginal Speculum........................... 2, " Aseptic................... 2 " " Aluminum...... 2 Teale's Cataract Exhauster, in Case............... 3, Probe Gorget................................. 1 Teevan's Lithotomy Forceps, Fenestrated........ 2 Lithotriptor, Handle and Jaws..............26 Retention Catheter........................... 1 Stricture Cutter.......................... Teft's Sound.................................... Teller's Vaccinator................................. 1 Tenaculum, see Amputating Tenacula. " Minor Surgery " " Pocket Instruments. " Retractors. " Uterine Tenacula. Tenaculum Forceps, Ball's......................... 1. Byrne's........................................ 4. Cowan's....................................... 3, Emmet's...................................... 3. No. 6288 6289 6290 6291 6292 6293 6294 6295 6296 6297 6298 6299 6300 6301 6302 6303 6304 6305 6306 6307 6308 6309 6310 6311 6312 6313 6314* 6315 6316 6317 6318 6319 6320 6321 6322 6323 6324 6325 6326 6327 6328 6329 6330 6331 6332 6333 6334 6335 6336 6337 6338 6339 6340 6341 6342 6343 6344 6345 6346 6347 6348 6349 6350 6351 6352 6353 6354 6355 6356 6357 6358 6359 6360 6361 6362 6363 6364 6365 6366 6367 6368 6369 6370 6371 6372 6373 6374 6375 6376 6377 6378 6379 6380 6381 6382 6383 6384 6385 6386 6387 6388 6389 Plate. Fig. Price. 34 7119 Tenaculum Forceps, Hank's.......................$1.75 34 5580 Sims'.......................................... 2.75 35 7121 Skene's........................................ 1.75 7122 Wooster's..................................... 1.50 34 35 7123 Wylie's........................................ 1.75 76 Tenotomes, see Minor Surgery Instruments. 76 " Pocket Case 32 6305 Tents; Elm, Curved..........................y doz. 1.50 32 6294 ' " Hollow..........................y doz. 1.00 32 6295 " Solid............................y doz. .75 32 6294 Sea Tangle, Hollow....................y doz. 1.00 32 6295 " " Solid......................y doz. .75 32 6298 Tents; Sponge...............................y doz. .50 32 6298 " Cocoa Butter Covered......y doz. 3.00 32 6305 " Curved.......................y doz. 1.00 32 6298 " Glazed........................y doz. 1.25 32 6298 " Rectal........................y doz. 1.50 32 6294 Tents; Tupeto, Hollow.....................y doz. 1.00 32 6295 " Solid........................y doz. .75 32 6305 Wallace's Spring...............................75 46 2364 Tesse's Hernia Knife................................ LOO Test Cases, Bartley's Pocket Urinary............. 2.00 19 6308 Test Drum for Trying Edge of Instruments.......50 11 6309 Test Glasses, 2 oz. 4 oz. 6 oz. .30 .40 .50 Test Letters, Snellen's.....15. On Card Board.....35 11 6311 Test Tubes— 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 9" 10" 11" 12". y doz., .20 .25 .30 .35 .45 .60 .90 1.25 1.75 2.00 11 6312 Test Tube Holder, Wood.................... 15 15 6313 Test Tube Stand.................................'..'.' .'40 15 6314 " Complete......................... 3.50 Test Types, Snellen's, with Book.................. 1.25 23 3950 Teulon's Canalicula Instrument................... 5.00 Thallon's Ether Inhaler............................15.00 Thebeaud's Anal Dilator........................... 6.00 Urethral Stricture Dilator.................7 50 21 4098 Theobald's Probes, Plated.......35. Silver.......75 25 4225 Strabismus Hook.............................75 88 6322 Thermo-Cautery, Paquelin's.................A".'25.00 88 6323 Thermo-Cautery Burners.................. 10 00 88 6324 " ......................'.'.'.'.moo 88 6325 " ..........................10.00 88 6326 " ..........................10.00 88 6327 " ........................ 10.OO 88 6328 " ..................... 2000 88 6329 " ... . 2000 88 6330 - ... ::::::::::::::::::ii.oo 88 6331 " ......................... 12.50 88 6332 " ..................... 1125 88 6333 " ........ moo 88 6334 - ....:: AAAAiaoo 88 6335 » ..........................i0.oo 88 6336 " ...... 10 Oft 88 6337 " ...::::::::...............875 88 6338 " ..............::::;:......8*75 15 Thermometer, see Clinical Thermometers. 15 6339 Thermometer Cases, Gilt, with Chain..............50 Hard Rubber.............................'...'. !l0 " with Lens...................... 1.00 15 6342 " " Safety................. 25 15 6339 Silver, with Chain........................'.'.'.' L75 15 6339 " without " ...........................' 1,00 Thiersch's Ivory Sticks............................. :35 Spindles......................................'. .50 41 6347 " and Forceps............. ........... 6 00 35 6960 Thomas' Applicating Forceps.......... " ' 1*75 63 1216 36 6879 36 6879 27 7301 32 6959 89 4598 89 6357 89 4599 89 4597 40 6255 5 3648 60 3874 42 4614 42 4615 92 4632 62 3890 43 4812 43 4813 43 4814 43 4815 44 4741 44 4742 44 4743 44 4744 44 4745 44 4746 44 4822 43 4736 43 4824 43 4825 44 4826 43 4829 43 4829 43 4829 43 4830 43 4829 Craniotomy •• ................... 4 00 Curette, Blunt, Aluminum........AAA:. EOO " Plated......................:'. J5 " Serrated.....................' .75 „ ' 3 Sizes and 1 Handle......... 1.75 Cusco's Speculum.................... 2 00 Dilating Forceps..............'."............... 9 00 Drainage Tube, Curved, Perforated.'.'.'.'.'.'"' '35 [[ Double...................... 2.50 Perforated, Straight.........30 " Plain, " 25 Dry Cupper......................... '" j'qq Forceps for Amputating the Cervix! 'A......26*25 Hysterotomy Clamp............. 2 50 Needle for Extirpation of Uterus....'.' y doz '75 Obstetrical Forceps................ 4*50 Ovarian Clamp............................. 9'00 „" .....................::::::::::: 3:25 Trocar.................. 15 qo Perforator.................................. 5 qq Pessary, Anteflexion...........".'.'.".*.'.'.'::.'.'::.' :50 " . , ". ..............'.'.:::'.:.::: loo Anteversion.............................35 " "............................ '75 |' Cutter's, with Belt.................".'" i'qq » :: a\. A' •%•........:.::::::::: loo Ant. Cerv. Rest, with Belt.. Open " " " " Retr. " " " " " T " " " " " Galvanic Stem.................. 100 " Hewitt's Retroversion.'. ..........." "75 " Hodge's..............................rt " Intra-Uterine........ ' " 175 " Prolapsus Cup, with Belt..'.'.........200 Retroflexion, Hard Rubber '<» : , " soft " .:..........i-oo Retroversion......................'.'.'.'.'.'. '.35 bl " ......................::::. 50 „ _ Soft Rubber..............i m Sac Forceps.........................!!!!.!! 260 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 PBy^icieuxs' eciacl .SvrgeOT2$' -S^ppfWe,. No. Plate, fig. 6390 26 7302 Thomas' Self-retaining Speculum 6391 36 6883 6392 6393 6394 44 6394 6395 40 6255 6396 26 7304 6397 34 5584 6398 34 5585 6399 26 7:105 6400 33 6926 6401 40 7060 6402 32 6959 6403 6404 6405 6406 6407 6408 6409 6410 6411 6412 6413 Price . .S 12.00 7008 7008 35 7609 34 7617 Serrated Scoop...............................2.50 Sims' Speculum...............................' 5.00 Speculum..................................... 7.00 Supporter, Cedar Pad................AAA L75 Tampon Expeller............................. 1.00 Telescopic Speculum.......................... 3.75 Tissue Forceps................................ 2.75 " " with Set Screw..............." 2.75 Tubular Speculum............................ 2.00 Uterine Dilator............................... 3.25 Double Scissors......................4..50 Dressing Forceps.................... 3.00 " Needle " .................... 2.75 " Probe, Elastic, Silver................75 Hard Rubber..................25 " Whalebone...................35 " Sound " .................. 1.00 Vaginal Clamp ............................... 4.50 " Reverse Flow Nozzle.. ............. 2.75 Wire Shouldering Instrument............... 2.75 " Twisting Forceps....................... 1.75 Thomasin's Bullet Forceps........................ 1.75 Thompson's Bougie, with Lead Stilet__ 6437 6438 6439 6440 6441 6442 6443 6444 6445 6446 6447 6448 6449 6450 6451 6452 6453 6454 6455 6456 85 2829 6457 85 2830 6458 a5 2831 6459 52 2857 6460 6461 6462 52 2845 6463 6464 6465 6466 6467 6468 6469 6470 6471 6472 6473 6474 6475 6476 6477 65 6477 6478 6479 65 6479 6480 65 6479 6481 65 6479 (ir> 6479 Laryngeal Knife, Spear Point. " " Concave Edge 6482 6483 6484 6485 6486 6487 6488 6489 6490 6491 6492 6493 6494 1.15 1.15 1.15 Syringe............................ 1.25 Laryngoscope, Large.........................16.50 Pocket.......................10.50 Polypus Scissors.............................. 6.00 Todd's Pessary......................................■ 2.25 65 6464 Tongue Depressors, Bosworth's.....................50 Church's....................................... 4.50 Clayton's, Folding.............................50 Cohen's........................................ 1.00 Elsberg's...................................... 3.00 Folding, Fenestrated..........................35 Solid Blade...........................75 Goodwillie's...............................65 Green's, Folding...............................05 Hard Rubber, Folding........................ 1.00 Knight's, 1 Blade............................. 1.50 2 " ............................. 2.50 3 " ............................. 3.00 Pocket.........................................40 Rumbold's. 3 Blade........................... 3.75 Sass', all Steel................................ 1.25 Hard Rubber............................75 Wire.....................................75 With Wood Handle.................... 2.25 Sexton's....................................... 1.75 Stamman's............... .................... 1.25 65 6469 65 6470 65 6471 6472 6470 6486 6486 65 6484 65 6485 05 6486 1.5 6486 65 (i486 65 Steel, Folding. Turk's, 1 Blade 75 1.50 2.50 3.00 ■> 75 6414 95 6704 Divulsor................................ 8.00 6415 83 1532 Ecraseur......................................19.00 6416 Evacuator.................................. 11.00 6417 99 3094 " Modified by Weiss.................22.50 6418 99 3078 Lithotrite.....................................26.00 6419 Measure....................................... 9.00 6420 19 4265 Optometer.................................... 1.50 6421 Prostatic Sound.............................. 3.25 6422 " Tube................................ 4.00 6423 79 5278 Rectal Speculum.............................. 4.00 6424 Retention Catheter........................... 1.25 6425 " " Bumstead's.............. 1.50 6426 98 6126 Searcher....................................... 2.50 6427 95 6729 Urethral Forceps............................. 1.50 6428 " Knife.................................75 6429 46 6429 Vesical Director.............................. 1.75 6430 " Forceps...............................4.00 6431 97 4664 Thornton Parker's Urethral Tube..................40 6432 64 769 Throat Brushes, Cedar Handle......................10 6433 Glass, Acid.....................................15 6434 64 777 Hard Rubber Socket...........................10 6435 64 768 Wire Handle...................................10 64 Throat Brush Holder, see Brush Holders. 6436 53 6436 Throat Forceps, Buck's............................. 1.75 53 6437 Burge's........................................ 3.: 53 2818 Fauvel's....................: ................. 2.75 53 2819 Mackenzie's, Anterior-Posterior.............2.00 53 2820 " Lateral.......................... 2.00 53 6441 Mathieu's..................................... 4.50 Noyes'......................................... 3.50 53 2827 Tiemann's.....................................3.25 53 Throat Forceps, see Laryngeal Forceps. 53 " " Oesophageal " Throat Lancet, Buck's............................. 1.85 90 3434 Thudichum's Nasal Douche.........................75 57 3520 " Speculum.......................35 Tiffany's Pocket Case..............................13.00 76 4988 " Knives, Blades Only...............50 76 4989 " " Handle " ..............50 4 6450 Tirefond............................................ 1.00 75 235 Tissue Forceps, Cleborne's......................... 2.25 34 5584 Thomas'....................................... 2.75 34 5585 " with Set Screw...................... 2.75 Tissue Separator, Post's............................ 1.00 52 2836 Tobold's Concealed Laryngeal Lancet............. 3.00 53 6489 Tongue Holding Forceps, Cusco's............. 6490 Dobell's........................................ 3.25 1388 Tongue-Tie and Director............................25 5824 " Spatula.............................35 6403 Tonsil Bistouries. Green's.......................... 1.25 6104 Tonsil Forceps, Durham's.......................... 3.25 No. Plate. 6495 53 6496 53 6497 34 6498 6499 6500 85 6501 6502 6503 48 6504 6505 85 6506 6507 85 6508 6509 6510 85 6511 6512 85 6513 85 6514 85 6515 6516 6517 6518 6519 85 6520 85 6521 85 13 6522 93 75 6523 6524 6525 6526 2 6527 2 6528 6529 6530 6531 2 6532 22 6533 2 6534 6535 2 6536 2 6537 6538 6539 10 6540 10 6541 10 6542 15 6543 9 6544 8 6545 8 6546 8 6547 15 6548 91 6549 91 6550 91 6551 91 6552 91 6553 6554 91 6555 91 6556 91 6557 91 6558 6559 91 6560 91 6561 6562 6563 91 6564 6565 6566 6567 91 6568 6569 91 6570 91 6571 91 6572 53 6573 6574 91 6575 6576 6577 91 6578 91 6579 91 6580 91 6581 91 6582 91 6583 91 6584 91 6585 6586 6587 6588 91 6589 6590 91 6591 91 6592 22 6593 22 6594 22 Fig. A 5576 Tonsil Forceps, Langenbeck's.....................$^ 7404 Musseux's..................................... 1 7119 Tenaculum.................................... }, Tonsil Ha?mostatic, Clendinen's................... L Tonsil Hooks, Green's.............................. 1- 6500 " Double...................... "M Pond's......................................... 1-|; Tonsil Knives, Yearsley's.......................... I-7 2475 Tonsil Needles, Horton's........................... L<, Seibert's, on Circular or Oval Disk.......... l.t 6505 Tonsil Scissors...................................... 2.0, Tonsil Syringes. „ 1 Seibert's, with 4 Needle Disks in Metal Case. 8.00 6507 Tonsilotomes, Billing's............................. 7.50 Charriere's....................................11.00 Elsberg's...................................... 7.50 6510 • Fahnstock's................................... 3.50 Hamilton's....................................10.50 6512 Mackenzie's................................... 5.00 6513 Mandeville's Revolving....................... 7.00 6514 Mathieu's...................................... 6.00 Modified............................. 8.00 Marconi's...................................... 8.00 Sajou's.........................................7.50 Schweig's ..................................... 7.50 6519 Tiemann's, One Blade, 10.00. Two Blade... .15.00 6520 Whittell-Mackenzie's......................... 7.50 6521 Windler's......................................10.00 Tooth Elevator, see Dental Root Elevators. Tooth Forceps, " " Forceps. 4874 Torlat's Phimosis Forceps........................2.00 Torsion Forceps, see Artery Forceps. Toswill's Stomach Pump........................... 1.85 Tourniquets, Charriere's........................... 1.75 Emmet's, Uterine............................. 4.00 2 433 Esmarch's, 3 yds. Bandage, Strap and Chain 1.75 2 6527 " Clamp..............................30 Field, Prussian................................50 2 6529 " U. S. Army..............................40 Gross'......................................... 9.00 6531 Langenbeck's Bandage Clamp................ 1.00 3974 Laurence's, Eyelid............................ 2.25 6536 May's..........................................10.00 Mott's........................................ 1.50 6535 Petit's......................................... 1.25 6536 Signoroni's....................................10.00 Spohn's Ring, Set of 7........................ 2.25 Tiemann's..................................... 1.50 6677 Toynbee's Artificial Tympanum, Gold Wire.......40 6677 " " Plated " .......15 6677 " " Silver " .......20 1372 Diagnostic Tube...............................50 343 Ear Forceps, Anterior-Posterior or Lateral. 1.25 379 " Speculum, Hard Rubber, Set of 4........50 379 " " Plated, " "3....... 1.25 379 " " Sliver, " "3....... 2.75 1372 Explorer.......................................50 6548 Trachea Tubes, Cohen's............................ 4.50 6560 6550 6560 6560 6554 6555 6556 6557 6559 6560 6595 6596 6597 Double, Movable Plate, Aluminum.......... 3.00 " " Hard Rubber........ 1.00 " Plated................ 2.00 " Silver................ 4.00 Durham's..................................... 7.50 Elsberg's, with Valve........................ 6^0 Gendron's Split, Silver....................... 5.50 Gerster's Tampon Canula....................13 50 T A' " " ....................13.50 Johnson's, with Obdurator................... 7.00 Keene's........................................ 4.75 Little's, Aluminum........................'.'.'. 3:00 McSherry's....................................' 4^0 " and Dilator.....................'..^OO Park's, Aluminum............................ 4 50 Trendelenburg's Tampon Canula.....::.':'" 900 Trachea Tube Mop................................. 10 Tracheal Aspirator............................. 125 Blunt Hook.................................... :75 Dilator, Chassaignac's.............AAA:: 2^5 Delaborde's......................... 2^75 " Trousseau's.......................... 150 Double Hook, Langenbeck's........ ....... 2 25 Forceps, Tiemann's........................'"" 325 " Trousseau's............ .......j'ge Guide, Buck's....................... ......... i'^q Instruments, Holden'a Set___...............15*00 Retractors, Miner's................YY......... 3 00 Pilcher's . ......."AAA..... 125 " Rose's__,........ .....=n Well's.............. ............. ,'oV Scalpel, Probe Point..............'.'.......... \'%t " Sharp " ___ l'oo Scissors, Tardieu's....... .............o'^ Tampon, Gerster's.............YYYYYYYYY.Y.YY. 13.50 Lange's A A A A. A. A'........... q"nn m , Trendelenburg's .... ...... q'm Tracheotomes, Hank's...... ............ 2'™ 6588 Langenbeck's.......... ..................... o'XV, Pilcher's.......... ..................... ^Vx 6590 Pitha's............ ......................... *-^0 6591 Tiemann's....... ........................... Z™. 6592 Trachoma Forceps, Knapp's.'.'.'.'.'.'.'::............. 5^ 6o93 Mayer's........ ............ J* 6594 Prince's....... ............................ %•<*> Tractor, see Retractors. ....................." • J-75 6595 Transfusion Apparatus, Aveling's q no Coiin's............... ..................-t-nn Fryer's............ ' ......."..........l0.-™ ............................ 4.75 6563 6567 6569 6570 6571 6572 6574 &577 6578 6579 6580 6581 6582 6556 6557 Pfr£.S"iGia.T2,s' 0^,2(1 iWr£re.©T2.s' ^SWppfWc,. to. Plate. Fig. Price. 598 Transfusion Apparatus, Garrigue's................$2.75 599 Hutchison's...................................20.00 800 12 6600 Transplantation Punch, Carmalt's................. 4.50 4601 12 5764 Scissors........................................ 6.00 3602 44 4833 Trask's Pessary......................................75 3603 44 4834 " ................................... 1.00 Trays, Agate, Large, 4.00. Medium, 3.00. Small, 2.00 6604 86 6604 Glass, " 3.50 " 2.75 " 2.00 6605 86 6604 Hard Rubber," 2.75 " 2.00 " 1.50 6606 86 6604 Papier Mache," 1.75 " 1.25 " .75 6607 96 6794 Trelat's Urethrotome..............................12.00 6608 Trellis Speculum....................................12.00 6609 Trendelenburg's Trachea Tampon................. 9.00 5 Trepanning Case, see Amputating Cases. 6610 2 1793 Trepanning Elevator...............................75 6611 4 6611 Trephines, Crown and Handle..................... 3.50 6612 4 6612 Gait's " " ..'..................2.75 6613 4 6613 Guarded, with Brace.........................14.50 6614 " " Handle........................ 4.50 6615 4 6615 Hand.......................................... 1.75 6616 Lupus......................................... 1.50 6817 4 6617 Robert's....................................... 4.75 6616 20 6618 Trial Glass Spectacle Frame, Price on Applicat'n. 6619 19 6619 Trial Sets, Loring's, Student.......................14.00 6620 Nachet's......................................85.00 6621 Stevens', Mounted Lenses....................40.00 6622 22 4145 Trichiasis Forceps, Ratti's.......................... 2.25 6623 11 6623 Tripod, Galvanized Iron. 7%" High.................35 6624 78 5069 Post-Mortem Head Rest.....................2.25 6625 Trocars, Aspirator...................................65 Ear............................................ 1.00 Exploring, Duchenne's.......................75 Noeggerath's............:................... 2.75 Plated Canula................................60 Silver " ___:...........................75 Tiemann's................................... 1.85 Trocar and Case..............................75 Hydrocele, Harris'............................ 3.00 Little's.......................................85 Set of 3...................................... 2.75 " " 4...................................... 3.75 Trocar and Canula, Reversible..............75 Warren's.................................... 4.50 Wood's.........................,............3.00 Ovariotomy, see Ovariotomy Trocars. Paracentesis, Buck's Rectum, Plated........ 1.75 Curved Rectum, Plated.................... 1.25 Fitch's...................................... 1.50 Harrison's................................... 8.25 Parker's, Plated....... 2.25. Silver.......3.25 Thompson's................................. 4.00 Van Buren's................................3.00 Thoracic, Flint's, and Aspirator............. 3.50 Robert's, Pericardial....................... 2.50 Troeltsch's Eur Mirror, 2J^".. 1.50. 3".. 1.75. 3^" 2.00 6650 81 4911 Trousseau's Pile Supporter....................... 1.50 6651 91 6570 Trachea Dilator.............................. 1.50 " Forceps.............................. 1.85 Troutmann's Spoon for Pharynx.................. 1.85 Trueheart's Obstetrical Forceps................... 9.00 6655 62 3891 Trephine Perforator.......................... 6.00 10 Trumpet, see Ear Trumpets. 67 Truss, " Orthopedic "Trusses." 6656 11 6235 Tube Connection, Glass, T Shaped..................30 Tube, see Drainage, Stomach Tubes. " Feeding, Test " " Rectal, Trachea " Tubing; Inside Diameter, y ft. yi& y Vic- w Vie- %- y %- w v. 6657 S.R.,P.Gum, .03 .05 .06 .10 .12 .15 .20 6658 S.R., White, .02^ .04 .06 .08 .10. .12 .15 .20 .25, .30 88 Tubing Clamp, see Stopcocks. 6659 37 7007 Tucker's Wire Cutter............................... 4.00 6660 80 5308 Tumor Forceps, Rectal, Kelsey's, Plain............1.75 " " with Catch .... 2.00 35 Uterine, see Uterine Tumor and Polypus Forceps. 6661 9 6661 Tuning Forks, Blake's.............................. 6.00 6662 9 6662 Politzer's, A...................................1.15 6663 9 6663 " C...................................1.15 6664 97 955 Tunneled Catheter, Gouley's...................... 1.25 6625 6626 6627 92 6629 6628 6629 92 6629 6630 92 6629 6631 6632 92 6632 6633 92 6639 6634 92 6634 6635 92 6635 6636 92 6636 6637 92 6637 6638 6639 92 6639 92 6640 92 6640 6641 92 6641 6642 6643 6644 92 6644 6645 6646 6647 92 6647 6648 6649 6652 6653 6654 6665 94 5805 Sound, " ...................... 1.; 6666 96 6772 Urethrotome, " ...................... 3.75 6667 96 6773 "Improved," ...................... 9.00 32 Tupelo Tent, see Tents. 6668 65 6486 Turk's Tongue Depressor, 1 Blade................. 1.50 6669 65 6486 " " 2 " ................. 2.50 6670 65 6486 " " 3 " ................. 3.00 Turnbull's Ice Bag.................................. 1.75 57 3522 Nasal Speculum.............................. 4.50 Turner's Applicator................................ 1.00 8 382 Ear Speculum, Plated, Set of 3............... 1.25 Tuttle's Meatus Speculum......................... 1.75 Urethral Dilator..............................16.50 34 Twisting Forceps, see Wire Twisting Forceps. 6677 10 6677 Tympanums; Artificial, Tojmbee's, Gold Wire.....40 6678 10 6677 " Plated " .....15 6679 10 6677 " Silver " .....20 6680 9 358 Tympanum Perforators, Buck's....................75 Gruber's....................................... 1.75 9 3396 Politzer's, Angular............................75 9 3396 " Straight............................75 Prout's.........................................75 Weber's........................................ 6.00 Tyndale's Pulmonary Syringe...................... 3.00 6687 49 5328 Respirator.................................... 2.50 6688 24 4034 Tyrrell's Iris Hook, Blunt...........................85 6689 24 4035 " " Sharp..........................85 6671 6672 6673 6674 6675 6676 6681 6682 6683 6684 6685 6686 No, Plate. Fig. Priw. 6690 97 6751 6691 6692 6693 6694 6695 6696 6697 6698 6699 6700 6701 6702 6703 6704 6705 6706 6707 6708 6709 6710 6711 6712 6713 6714 6715 6716 6717 6718 6719 6720 6721 6722 6723 6724 6725 6726 6727 6728 6729 6730 6731 6732 6733 6734 6735 6736 6737 6738 6739 6740 6741 6742 6743 6744 6745 6746 6747 6748 6749 6750 6751 6752 6753 6754 6755 6756 6757 6758 6759 6760 6761 6762 6763 6764 6765 6766 6767 6768 6769 6770 6771 6772 6773 6774 6775 6776 6777 6778 6779 6780 6781 6782 6783 6784 6785 6786 6787 67 41 95 6706 95 6708 6712 6713 95 6704 \J ltzmann's Deep Urethral Syringe, Plated___$1.25 Silver.....2.75 Umbilical Scissors, Curved......................... 1.25 Short Broad Blade............................ 1.25 Umbilical Truss, see Orthopedic, "Umbilical." Una's Bougie........................................ 1.50 Unison Resonator, Holden's....................... 1.75 3348 Universal Handle for Laryngeal Mirrors, etc......25 6082 University Stethoscope............................ 2.00 Up de Graff's Ear Basin............................ LOO 7137 Tumor Forceps............................... 9.00 Upson's Syringe and Applicator...................10.00 Urban's Powder Blower............................ 1.75 345 Urbanitsch's Ear Forceps.......................... 1.75 6702 Ureameter, Doremus'.............................. 1.25 Urea Tube.......................................... 1.50 Urethral Applicator, see Urethral Syringes. Bougie, " Bougies. Catheter, " Catheters. 6704 Urethral Divulsors, Gouley's...................... 8.00 Gouley's Over-Distender..................... 9.00 Prostatic Gland.....................12.00 Gross'.........................................10.00 Holt's...................................y set 13.50 " Modified by Bumstead..........y set 15.00 Leonard's, Plain End......................... 7.50 Tunneled End..................... 9.00 Schweig's.................................... 7.50 Stearns'....................................... 3.50 Stein's, with 3 Blades......................... 4.50 " 4 " ....................... 7.50 Steurer's..................................... 6.00 Thebeaud's.....,............................. 7.50 Thompson's.................................. 8.00 Tuttle's.......................................16.50 Voillemier's...................................16.50 6721 Urethral Extractors, Alligator Forceps, Curved.. 4.50 6721 » " Straight 4.00 Coiin's Instrument...........................22.50 Leroy d'Etiolle's Curette..................... 9.00 Mathieu's Lithotrite.........................11.25 Mercier's Duplicator.........................18.75 Nelaton's Instrument........................30.00 Reliquet's ' ........................n.25 6729 Thompson's Forceps......................... 1.50 Urethral Sound, see Sounds. Urethral Specula, Brown's......................... 4.00 6731 Caro's.......................................... 1.00 Urethral Specula, see Endoscopes. Staff, " Lithotomy Staffs. Urethral Syringes and Applicators. Applicator, Ointment.....................,.. .90 Bigelow's Catheter Syringe.................. 3.25 Brown's Syringe and Applicator.......,.....15.00 Bryce's Applicator........................... 3.75 Bumstead's Syringe.......................... 1.25 Buttle's " ........................... 3.50 Caspar's Ointment Bougie.................... 1.25 Dick's Syringe................................ 2.50 Gross' Porte Caustique, Silver............... 3.00 Harrison's Pess. Cath. Plated.. .1.75. Silver. .2.75 " Irrigator.......................... 1.00 Hutchison's Ointment Catheter............. 2 25 Keyes'-Ultzman'sSyr., Plated.. 1.50. Silver. 3.00 Kiefer's Nozzle.................................59 Lallemand's Porte Caustique, Silver .....'.'.'.' 3^0 Mallez's Insufflator.................... 1 25 Mitchell's Porte Caustique..............'.'.'.'.'.' 1.25 Reflux Catheter................. 60 Otis' Syringe Nozzle, Plated.. .50. Silver .75 Ultzman's, Syringe, Plated.. 1.25. Silver 2 75 Van Buren's Cupped Sound...................90 Wheelock's Svringe............ ' " 1*25 Winternitz's Psychrophor, Hard Rubber'.!:: L75 Plated............ 1.50 u Silver............ 2.75 , _ Soft Rubber..... 1.85 9o 6758 Urethrameters, Gross'..... 1 *. nn 95 6759 Otis', Hinged ...... ........'............p>'6o os 6760 " Latest...............'.............'.......&$ !rw w"- ,SPrinS................■............ •'.'..'.!iToo 6*62 Weir's....................... ]•> an Urethrotomes, Bank's..........................A'oo gates' .........................'..'.'.'.'..'.'..'.'.'.'.'.ii:25 95 97 6733 97 6736 97 6740 3919 6744 6745 6746 6750 6751 5799 6753 942 942 942 96 6765 6766 Brown's. .20.00 96 6770 96 6771 96 6772 96 6773 96 6774 96 6775 96 6766 96 6785 96 6786 96 6787 Burnstead's-Maisonneuve's.......! A A. A.'. 9 00 -Peters'....... .... "' 37' 5fi Charriere's............................V,™ «viaie's...............Y.Y.Y.'.'.'..Y.Y.YY.Y. qm Gersters.......... i:--,, Gouley's, Dilating......YYY'.Y.............j11•>-, Tunneled...................!..'.'.'.!. 375 „ a „, " improved.....::.::::::: 9:00 Gross', Curved........................ 4 55 Straight............ ............. /m Hunter's, Dilating...... ................oa'^n Kinloch's......... .....................M Maisonneuve's....., .......onn Main's........:...:::::::::::::::::::::: e:oo -Maisonneuve's.......... m *> Elliott's................•...................... & Emmet's Sponge.............................• |- Water............................... j- Fritche's....................................... 1- Goodell's....................................... 7.J. Hank's, Hard Rubber, 12 in Set..............2 t Rapid, Hard Rubber, 10 in bet......S.v Hcgar's, 25 in Set.............................14-0 Howards......................................,6-' Hunter's.......................................l°.5i Kaemmerer's, 4 in Set......,................. 4-;>0 Long's Injector and I iilator.................. 7.M McGillicuddy's............................... u-°o McLean's-Barnei'............................ }■>■> Introducer........................ 3.25 Miller's........................................ 7.50 Nelson's....................................... 3.00 Notts'......................................... 2.00 Ohr's.......................................... 5.75 Outerbridge's Instrument, Complete....... 2.75 Dilators Only...................25 Introducer Only.............. 1.75 Palmer's.......................................2.50 Ring Handle......................... 2.50 Peaslee's, Hard Rubber.................y set 2.75 Plated.......................y set 4.25 Scanzony's.................................... 5.75 Simpson's.................................... 3.00 12 in Set............................ 4.50 Sims', 2 Bladed................................ 2.50 3 " ................................. 8.50 Tents, see Tents. Thomas'....................................... 3.25 Tiemann's..................................... 4.50 Vanderveer's.................................. 4.00 Wathen's, Plain........3.50. Aseptic........ 4.50 Wessinger's................................... 3.00 White's....................................... 3.00 Wilson's....................................... 4.00 Wylie's........................................ 2.50 with Gauge........................... 3.25 6935 Uterine Dressing Forceps, Allen's................. 1.50 Baer's.......................................... 2.75 Bayonet Handles ............................ 1.75 Bozeman's, with Catch....................... 1.50 Byford's....................................... 1.25 with Catch.......................... 1.50 Duke's ....................................... 2.75 Elliott's....................................... 1.25 with Catch........................... 1.50 Emmet's..................................... 1.25 with Catch .......................... 1.75 Gross' ........................................ 1.50 " with Catch............................. 1.75 Hart's......................................... 1.75 Harvey's...................................... 2.00 Jones'......................................... 4.50 Leonard's.................................... 1.25 " with Catch......................... 1.50 Newman's..................................... 2.25 Nunn's, Combined............................ 3.75 " Folding.............................. 4.50 Shield's....................................... 1.75 Straight....................................... 1.25 " with Catch........................... 1.50 Thomas'....................................... 3.00 Applicating.......................... 1.75 See also Uterine Tumor and Polypus Forceps. 6961 Uterine Douches, Bozeman's...................... 1.75 Byrne's....................................... 1.85 Chamberlain's, Glass.........................50 Hard Rubber................ 1.25 Foster's....................................... 3.00 Eraser's....................................... 2.25 Frost's....................................... 1.85 Hank's........................................75 Jennison's...............................'.'.'.A' L50 Improved....................Y.'.'.'. 1.50 Jones'.................... 1 00 Keiiy's............................::::::::::::: aoo Nott's......................................... 1.00 Reliquet's.............................. 2 50 Thornton-Parker's...................AAA 2A5 Woodward's.................................A' 1.50 See also Irrigators and Syringes. Uterine Elevator, see Uterine Repositor. Enucleator, " " Curettes. 6977 Uterine Knives, Bozeman's, Convex Edge, R. or L. 1 25 0978 » Delicate.............. 1.25 ,.,„," Scalpel, Ang., R. or L. 1.25 Emmet's Ball and Socket..................... 3.75 T " " Improved......... 5.25 Jenk's.......................................... 1.50 Leiter's, with Knives and Curettes:......... 8:00 Lenneker's, Lett.......................... 1.50 Right......................... 1.50 Nott's......................................... 1.15 " Angular................................ 1.15 Scalpel, Right or Left........................ 1.15 Scott's........................................ 1.00 Sims'.......................................... 1.15 " Holder, with 4 Knives................. 7.50 " Probe Pointed.......................... 1.15 *' Rotating............................... 3.25 Thomas'.........................,,,,,......... 1.25 See Hysterotomes. Uterine Needles, see Needles, Suture. 6979 6980 6984 6985 6986 6987 6988 6989 6990 6991 6992 6993 6994 *8 Pf2^51GiaT25>' EYT201 -S 6995 6996 6997 6998 6999 7000 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005 7006 7007 7008 7009 7010 7011 7012 7013 7014 7015 7016 7017 7018 7019 7020 7021 7022 7023 7024 7025 7026 7027 7028 7029 7030 7031 7032 7033 7034 7035 7036 7037 7038 7039 7040 7041 7042 7043 7044 7045 7046 7047 7048 7049 7050 7051 7052 7053 7054 7055 7056 7057 7058 7059 7060 7061 7062 7063 7064 7065 7066 7067 7068 7069 7070 7071 7072 7073 7074 7075 7076 7077 7078 7079 7080 7081 7082 7083 7084 7085 7086 7087 7088 7089 7090 7091 7092 7093 7094 7095 7096 7097 7098 Plate. 39 35 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 38 38 38 Fig. Price, Uterine Needle Forceps, see Needle Forceps. Uterine Polypus, see Uterine Tumor " 7008 Uterine Probes, Budd's, Hard Rubber.............$0.25 Chapman's..............................y set 2.50 Dawson's, Flat, Hard Rubber.................50 Emmet's, Plated...............................25 " Silver, Light.........................75 Hea^y...................... i.oo Jenk's.......................................... 1.00 Leaden.........................................25 Lente's, Silver..... .......................... 1.50 ................................ 1.00 Sims', Aluminum..............................35 Plated...................................25 " Silver....................................75 Thomas' Elastic, Silver.......................75 " Hard Rubber........................25 " Whalebone.........................35 Whalebone, Ball End..........................75 Wyeth's, Aluminum...........................35 Plated................................25 " Silver.................................75 See Uterine Sounds. Uterine Repositors, Blake-White's.................10.50 6997 6998 6998 7001 7003 7004 7008 7008 7008 7011 7016 7017 7018 7019 7020 7021 7022 7023 7025 7026 7027 31 7029 Campbell's......................................20 Carroll's....................................... 2.25 Elliott's....................................... 2.50 Emmet's...................................... 3.00 Gardner's..................................... 4.50 Guernsey's.....................................75 Leonard's..................................... 6.00 Ludlam's...................................... 4.00 Noeggerath's................................. 6.75 Porter's....................................... 4.50 Sims'........................................... 3.75 " ..........................................3.75 " -Wylie's................................. 3.75 Skene's........................................ 4.00 Stowe's........................................ 3.00 White's....................................... 3.75 7032 Uterine Scarificators, Buttle's......................60 7033 " and Tenaculum.....1.50 7034 Chapman's................................... 1.15 7035 Skene's........................................ 4.50 Storer's..............,....................... 4.50 See Uterine Knives. 7037 Uterine Scissors, Bozeman's........................ 3.25 Byf ord's....................................... 2.25 Clark's Tooth-Edged.......................... 6.75 Dawson's...................................... 3.50 Emmet's Angular, Delicate................ 2.50 Full Curve, Right or Left.......... 3.25 " Knee Bent.......................... 2.25 Slight Curve, Right or Left........ 2.75 Urethral Button Hole.............. 6.00 Hank's, Right and Left..................... 3.50 Heywood-Smith's............................. 8.00 Jenk's Perineal............................... 3.00 Kuechenmeister's............................ 2.50 Pratt's........................................ 2.50 Serrated....................................... 3.75 Sims', Angular................................ 2.25 Curved, Blunt Points................ 2.00 Sharp " ................. 2.00 Straight, Blunt " .................. 1.50 Sharp " ................. 1.50 Skene's Button Hole..... .................... 4.50 " Hawk Bill............................ 6.00 " Wire Cutting........................ 3.00 Thomas' Double.............................. 4.50 7061 Uterine Sounds, Bozeman's, 6 Sizes & Hdle..$) set 4.00 Buttle's..................................y set 1.50 Chapman's..............................y set 2.50 Cutter's....................................... 1.00 Fitche's....................................... 1.00 Folding........................................ 1.50 Gidding's...................................... 1.00 Hard Rubber..................................25 Helmuth's.................................... 1.50 Hunter s....................................... 75 Jenk's......................................... 1.75 Jennison's................................... 2.25 Kaemmerer's, Set of 4........................ 4.5(1 Leonard's.................................... 4.25 Metric.............................. 2.25 Peaslee's.......................................75 Simpson's......................................35 " Graduated..........................50 Sims'..........................................35 Skene's....................................... 1.75 Sliding....................................... 1.75 Thomas', Whalebone......................... 1.00 Uterine Specula, Elliott's.........................5.25 Polk's, and Obdurator.. .................... 1.25 30 6927 Tiemann's.......... ......................... 4.j) 30 7086 Wylie's, and Applicator...................... 1.25 Uterine Syringes, Baker's ......................... 1 00 40 7088 Braun's.................................... 1.25 Buttle's...................................... 1.50 Dick's..................................2.50 4(» 3919 Hutchison's, 3 Hard Rubber Tubes.......... 2.25 40 3919 " 3 Silver Tubes................6.00 40 f093 Kehy's...................................... 3.75 40 3921 Lente's Ointment........................... 3.75 40 3921 " " in Case.................. 4.75 96 3318 Long Pipe, Hard Rubber, 1 oz..............70 96 6218 " '* " " 2 " .............. 1.00 Munde's....................................... 1.50 7039 7040 7041 7042 7043 7044 7045 7046 7047 7049 7050 7052 7053 7054 7056 7056 7057 7058 7059 7060 7064 7065 7066 30 7008 7071 7072 7075 7076 7079 7078 7079 7080 7081 t'rg£OT2S No. Plat« ■ Fig, 7099 7100 40 7325 7101 36 7101 7102 36 7102 7103 36 7103 7104 36 7104 7105 36 7105 7106 36 7106 7107 36 7107 7108 36 7108 7109 36 7109 7110 36 7110 7111 36 7111 7112 36 7112 7113 36 7113 7114 36 "108 7115 34 7115 7116 35 7116 7117 80 5299 7118 36 7106 7119 34 7119 7120 7121 35 7121 7122 34 7122 7123 35 7123 7124 7125 7126 37 7126 7127 35 7127 7128 7129 35 7129 7130 7131 41 7131 7132 41 7132 7133 41 7133 7134 35 7134 7135 35 7135 7136 7137 41. 7137 7138 41 71148 7139 41 35 4625 7140 38 2509 7141 38 38 2509 7142 53 7142 7143 ■35 74(K) 7144 7145 52 7145 7146 57 2617 7147 64 2893 7148 64 7148 7149 7150 52 7150 7151 7152 52 7152 7153 85 6505 7154 85 7154 7155 85 7155 7156 85 7156 7157 85 7157 7158 76 7159 12 7159 7160 7161 7162 12 7162 7163 7164 76 7164 7165 7166 7167 7168 7169 7170 7171 7172 7173 31 7173 7174 31 7174 7175 31 7175 7176 31 7176 7177 31 7177 7178 7179 7180 31 718(1 7181 31 7181 7182 31 7182 7183 31 7173 7184 7185 45 7185 7186 45 7186 7187 15 90 2 7186 7188 79 5253 7189 7190 29 7190 7191 7192 7193 26 7193 7194 26 7194 7195 26 7195 7196 7197 26 7197 7198 28 7198 7199 28 7198 s vpp ofi es. Price. Uterine Syringes, Nott's...........................$1.25 Woodward's.................................. 3.50 Uterine Tenacula, Angular.........................50 Bozeman's.....................................50 Double............................ LOO Emmet's.......................................50 ..............................50 Double.............................. 3.75 " with Counter-Pressure Hook......1.75 Hank's.........................................50 with Counter-Pressure Hook.........75 Nott's..........................................25 Perry's Barbed................................ LOO .............................. 1.00 Sims'...........................................50 AVylie's.........................................50 Uterine Tenaculum Forceps, Ball's................ 1.50 Byford's....................................... 2.00 Byrne's...................,.................... 4.50 Emmet's....................................... 3.75 Hank's......................................... L75 Sims'......... ................................ 2.75 Skene's........................................ L75 Wooster's..................................... 1.50 Wylie's....................................... 1.75 Uterine Tourniquets, Ady's....................... 3.75 Emmet's...................................... 4.00 Uterine Tumor and Polypus Forceps, Aveling's.. 6.00 Byrne's........................................ 2.25 Campbell's.................................... 2.25 Cushing's.................................... 2.25 Greenhalg's................................... 3.75 Luer's......................................... 4.00 McClintock's.................................. 4.00 Nelaton's, Pedicle.............................2.50 " Tumor............................ 2.50 Schnetter's.................................... 2.50 Sims', Polypus............................... 2.50 Up de Graff's.................................. 9.00 Wales'......................................... 2.25 Wrlcox's...................................... 4.00 See Vulsellum Forceps. Uterotomes, Peaslee's, 1 Blade..................... 3.50 2 " ..................... 4.75 See Hysterotomes. Uvula Forceps, Tiemann's.......................... 1.85 Vulsellum.........2.00. With Catch......... 2.25 Uvula Hooks, Czermack's.......................... 1.25 Fraenkel's..................................... 1.25 Jarvis' Tape Holder...........................50 Leffert's....................................... 1.25 Roe's...........................................75 Rumboldt's..................................75 " Spreading....................... 5.50 Sajou's....................................... 1.50 Voltolini's................................... 1.50 Uvula Scissors, Curved............................. 2.00 with Claws................. 3.75 Stucky's...................................... 3.75 Uvulatomes, Knox's................................ 5.00 Mackenzie's................................... 6.75 Sayre's........................................ 7.50 V accinating Lancet, see Lancets. Vaccinating Shields, Cowan's, Cotton, .25. Silk.. .50 With Soft Rubber Inflatable Rim............ 1.25 Vaccinating Trocar................................. 1.50 Vaccinators, Carroll's ...............................20 Dawson's...................................... 2.75 Steel............................................20 Teller's......................................... 1.85 Whittemore's.................................. 3.50 Zirbe's......................................... 3.50 Vaccine Virus ......................................10 Vacker's Obstetrical Forceps...................... 6.00 Vaginal Capsules.............. .............y box .60 Vaginal Clamps, Noeggerath's..................... 5.25 Thomas'....................................... 4.50 Vaginal Depressors, Bozeman's................... 1.50 Double Hooked... 2.00 Ureth.andPer___ 1.50 Garrigue's.................................... 1.00 Hunter's ...................................'.'. .50 Sims'............................A'.'." .'50 Ludiam's-Guernsey's..........................75 Nott's............................... '" "50 Sims'.............................:::::::::."." .'50 Double................................ 50 Whitney's, Hard Rubber.................... 1.25 Wylie's .................................* "'" '.50 Vaginal Dilators, Bozeman s.................... 75 Sims', Glass.......................' .....'.'.'.'" 25 " Hard Rubber ..........................60 Vaginal Douche, see Vaginal Syringes. Vaginal Retractors, see Retractors. Vaginal Specula, Ashton's, Class......... 50 Baer's-Goodell's........................ 400 Ball's......................................750 Barnes'-Neugebauer's, 2 Blades............. L75 Bath, Hard Rubber.............YYYYYYY.Y.YY. ^TO " ....................... '1^ " with" " Mountings...:.":":.....1 00 „ )vi,e.....................................:: 1.00 Baxter's.....................................2.00 Bivalve..................... 250 " steei.............'.'.'.'.'.v.:::::::;:::::'. 3:50 Ffi>;>Asi©i 0023' ecrcel ^yJr- 4633 Ovarian Trocar............................... 7.50 " Curved....................... 8.25 4635 " " Improved....................15.oo 4617 Pedicle Clamps, 3 in Set, with Levers........12.00 4619 " Forceps, Angular.................... 3.10 4620 " " Curved...................... 3.00 4621 " " Straight.................... 3.00 4622 " " T-Shaped................... 3.00 4624 Sac " .............................. 3.35 6579 Tracheal Retractor........................... 1.25 108 Wenck's Amniontome............................. 1.75 Westbrook's Curette............................... 1.25 Westmoreland's Oral Speculum.................... 4.50 Stricture Instrument......................... 9.00 668 Whalebone Bougies, Banks'........................90 668 Hunter's.......................................50 670 Olivary, Angular..............................30 673 Whalebone Guides, Gouley's, Cylindrical, 12" long. 20 673 '.' 1 Olive P't, 12" " .20 674 " 2 " " 12" " .30 674 " 2 " " 20" " .50 670 Otis', Angular..................................30 671 " Screw Point.............................:{ii 5127 Whalebone Probangs, with Sponge Tip............10 5123 " Plated Bucket........ 1.00 5123 " " " Jointed 2.00 5123 " Silver " ........ 1.50 5123 " " " Jointed 2.50 259 Wheeler's Torsion Forceps......................... 5.25 7532 Wheelhouse's Staff.................................. ] .50 6753 Wheelock's Syringe................................. 1.25 2810 Whistler's Laryngeal Dilator................y set 13.25 White's Hernia Ligator.......................... 7.50 2514 Hysterotome.................................. 9.00 Obstetrical Forceps........................... 4.50 7541 Orchitis Compressor......................... 2.25 4640 Palate Retractor, Plain or Hinged........... 1.25 3892 Perforator.................................... 3.25 7541 Scrotal Compressor........................... 2.25 Snare.......................................... 7.00 Urethrotome..................................26.00 6931 Uterine Dilator............................... 3.00 " Repositor............................ 3.75 Vaginal Speculum, Aluminum............... 3.00 Plated....................2.50 7372 Vectis......................................... 1.85 See also Blake-White's. 5997 Whitehead's Gum Knife......................... 1.15 Hoe............................................ 1.00 2056 Mouth Gag.......................... 900 5996 Paring Knife....................... .....1Y5 5232 Rectal Dilator...........................A.'.'.' 2.2b 6009 Seizing Forceps...................... 325 6003 Spiral Needle, Right or Left.............YYY L25 Staff and Knife................................ 9:00 Urethrotome...................... .........11 25 7173 Whitney's Vaginal Depressor, Hard Rubber:YY.Y L25 2308 Whitson's Harelip Clamp...................... 2 25 6520 Whittell-Mackenzie's Tonsilotome................. 7 50 Wight's Amputating Knife........................ 400 Artery Forceps, "Slide Catch........ 1*50 481 Bandage Shears............................... 9'75 Blow Pipe.............................'.'.'......g'oo Spray..............................'. " 3'50 4625 Wilcox's Sac Forceps...........................400 4031 Wilde's Canulated Forceps......................... 9.00 ,„„ " «indscissors.::::::::::.'iL25 4055 Needle............ q no 346 Ear Forceps........................AAA':: " 65 " " Self-Closing........... .........l'oo 383 " Speculum, 3 in Set, Hard Rubber........40 383 " 3 " Plated...........YYY. !?5 383 3 " Silver.......... 2 25 349 Gorgeret..................... ............ ^ 1533 Snare....................... .............-,-Sn Wilhoff's Pessary................ ................. ^ stem " ....................:::::;..........s Tent Applicator................. " o'™ Wilkerson's Trocar............. ........ orYt Willard's Blood Catheter............:.............. Z""'. Willbrandt's Eye Speculum..............'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 2.25 3945 Lachrymal Dilator, Silver.'.'.'.'.'................ Li« 4100 " Probe, Plated.....................•« 4100 " " Silver....... "...........50 4106 « style, Curved...... .........or 4107 " " Straight......'.............?5 52,3 Rectal Speculum............... " 2*00 Varicocele Clamp............'.'. A!'.".'.'.'."......60 " Fine....... ... " -urn Wilmer's Mastoid Trephine. . ........ o'S 3611 Wilson'sPerineum Needle... . .................. 1'n, SpiralDrainage Tube.......'.'.'.'.'.......y 'air/ 1"50 Stethoscope............. ...........* a°1' -V^ Uterine Dilator........ .................... 7'XX 4707 Winterich's Percussion Hammer............... Ton 942 Winternitz's Psyehrophor, Piated............... i'Vji If, " silver..:::::::.........A™ U2 " Soft Rubber...'"." " ire Phy&i&iojns,' a.T2cl .S-iArgfeoiW -Sv/ppfie-s. 41 34 34 7i k. Plate 7601 36 7602 36 7603 36 7604 37 7605 37 7606 38 7607 37 7608 2 7609 35 7610 36 7611 " 7612 7613 - 7614 34 7615 34 7616 34 7617 34 7618 7619 7620 7621 50 7622 59 7623 59 7624 59 7625 7626 58 7627 75 7628 7629 7630 7631 98 7632 92 7633 7634 43 7635 43 7636 7637 7638 40 7601 1194 7603 7604 7(HI4 7056 7607 76118 7609 7610 7611 98 7613 7611 7015 7616 7617 3437 3528 3529 3465 5082 211 3022 3065 6639 4840 4841 7325 Price. Wire Adjusters, Bozeman's........................$1.25 Nilsen's........................................75 Sims'...........................................50 Wire Cutters, Abbott's............................. 4.5o Perry's........................................ 4.50 Sims'.......................................... 1.50 Tucker's....................................... 4.00 Wire Frame for Protecting Stumps___........... 2.5(1 Wire Shouldering Instrument, Thomas'........... 2.75 Wire Twisters, Dawson's........................... 1.50 Fitch's......................................... 2.7.5 Tiemann's..................................... 3.5(1 Wire Twisting Forceps, Emmet's.................. 1.75 Fitch's......................................... 2.75 Nott's........................................ 1.75 Sims'.......................................... 1.75 Thomas'....................................... 1.75 Woakes' Eustachian Catheter...................... 1.00 Nasal Dilator..................................13.50 " Drill...................................18.00 " Irrigator.................................75 " Plough, Right or Left................. 1.85 Guide, Right or Left ........ 2.75 " Saw.................................... 1.25 " Scissors, Right or Loft................. 4.50 Post-Na^al Cutting Forceps.................. 2.50 Wood's Artery Clamp Forceps......................75 Bisector....................................... 3.25 Circular Knife................................ 2.75 Cyrtometcr.................................... 7.50 Staff............................................1.50 Trocar......................................... 3.00 Varicocele Clamp............................. 1.85 Woodward's Pessary.................................05 05 2:50 1.50 3.50 Uterine Scarificator...... " Syphon Douche. " Syringe, Plated. .1.50. Silver. N,i. Plite. Fig. Price. 7639 Woodward's Varina' Speculum....................$5.00 89 Wool, see Lamb's Wool. 7640 34 7122 Wooster's Tenaculum Forceps..................... 1.50 7641 83 1534 Wright's Nasal Snare............................... 7.00 7642 Wutzer's Hernia Instrument....................... 9.00 7643 75 223 Wyeth's Artery Clamp Forceps.................... 1.25 7644 Conical steel Sound............................75 7645 Douche........................................ 1.50 7646 4 614 Drill, Set of 12................................. 4.00 7647 Exsector......................................15.00 7648 93 3024 Lithotomy Bistoury.......................... 1.25 7649 30 3702 Needle Forceps................................ 3.25 7650 1 0162 Subcutaneous Saw, 3 in Set................... 6.00 7651 96 6800 Urethrotome..................................20.00 7652 30 6998 Uterine Probe, A luminum.......... .........35 7653 30 6998 " " Plated........................25 7654 30 6998 " " Silver.........................75 7655 44 7655 WyUe's Cervical Plug for Drainage.................50 7656 30 7086 " Speculum and Applicator........ 1.25 7657 Skewer.........................................10 7658 36 7108 Tenaculum.....................................50 7659 35 7123 " Forceps........................... 1.75 7660 36 6884 Uterine Curette............................... 1.00 7661 33 6933 " Dilator............................... 2.50 7662 " " with Gauge.................. 3.25 7663 5 3655 " Needle.......................y doz. 1.15 7664 Vaginal Depressor.............................50 7665 36 6885 I arrow's Enucleator.............................. 3.25 7666 26 7314 Va-inal Speculum............................ 6.00 7667 57 3428 Vearslevs Nasal Probe..............................35 7668 Svringe........................................ 1.75 7669 Tonsil Knife................................... 1.50 7670 Young's Urethrotome...." ........................37.50 7671 57 3523 ^.aufal's Nasal Speculum, 3 Sizes................. 1.00 7672 44 4843 Zwank's Pessary.................................... 1.00 \ A Koautb Bros., flew YorH. l 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 f 62-j 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 < 149i 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 168 169 187 1 192 193 194 195 196 204 205 206 .UT .KT .RS .RT .RT .RS .RS RS .US .SA .HT N.US K.OS T.SS K.AT A.HT N.RT A.UT K.SS K.NT K.HS N.SS T.BT AN.SS B.TS NS.SS NU.BT NT.SS KT.SS NN.TS KA.SS KN.SS NS.SS R.SS u.ss NT.SS .KT K.BS KT.SS AS.SS us.ss NA.SS AN.SS KB.SS KB.BT KO.SS KA.TS NS.SS NT.TS K.BT K.TS K.NT U.BT K.BT K.TS K.NT N.BT A. NT N.SS U.SS U.SS K.HT K.HT K.BT .TS ,TS .TS .TT .HS K.NT K.TS N.BT NTS K.BS UTS ASS .HS NTS B.KT A.KT T.TS K.TS A.SS K.SS A.TS A.TS U.SS N.BT K.SS NTS .HT KU.NT T.HS A.TS K.KT K.TS N.SS U.TS KK.KT U.AS A.TS KS.SS K.HS K.BS .BS K.NT i 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251. 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 284 285 286 287 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 311 312 313 314 315 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 K.BS . RT U.NT .US .BT .OS .OT .HT K.KS K.SS K.KS K.SS .UT K.SS .UT .HT T.BT N.BT UN.TS NT.TS T.B r KB. NT A.US KB. NT N.NT K.SS K.BT N.SS .AS .OS .BT .OS .BT .BT .RS K.TS .BT T.BT K.SS K.KS .OS .OS N.NT .NK .AS .AS U.NT .RS .HT K.SS T.SS K.SS .HS A.TS K.BT .HS N.US .BT .NT K.BT N.KS K.BT K.KT .BT N.SS KN.SS AS.SS NS.SS N.BT N.BT A.TS KA.TS K.TS R.TS T.NT HSS B.SS R.SS KU.SS H.SS NS.SS K.BT K.SS .KT A.SS .KT .KT N.KS .NT .KS .NT .SH K.SS .HS .HS .KR K.SS K.SS .TS .KN .BS N.KT N.SS K.TS K.BT N.NT K.TS 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 387 389 390 391 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 416 433 434 435 437 \ 438 444] 445 ( 446 1 447 J 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 500 501 504 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 589 590 595 603 Price K.KT K.KT K.RT .OS .OS K.KS .OS .US K.TS .OS K.TS .RT .UT .HT .AS .TT .TS .AS .HS .KB .BT .BT .BT .OS .US .US .TS .OS K.RT K.SS .NT .NT .HS N.AT .NT .TR N.AT .TS .TU .RT .AT K.NT .NT .TR N.AT .TR .NA .UT K.RT .NT K.KT K.KT .NT K.TS N.US K.NT K.BT K.NT A.SS N.BS .KB K.KT T.HS K.NT K.KA .KB .HT .NT .AS .US .AT .UT .HT per pound K.BT N.SS .RS N.BT N.SS .US K.HT K.NT K.SS B.NS K.SS K.NT A.SS A.SS N.SS U.NT U.NT N.SS .SU A.TS B.TS .BT A.TS N.SS .RS N.SS A. NT U:NT N.NT K.AT NTS N.SS No. Fr::e No. Price No. Price No. 1 Price : No. Price 604 K.RT 935 .UT 11000 N.BT 1327 .TT 1533 .BT 605 K.NT , 936 .TS 1001 .TS 1328 .BS ' 1534 T SS 606 K.NT 1 937 K.KT 1003 .NO 1329/ 1542 NTS 607 K.AS 938 .NT 1004 .KT to t RA 1543 NT'S 608 N.SS 939 .TS 1005 .TS 13491 , 1544 N.KS 609 A.BT 940 j .AS 1006 K.AS 1350 .HR 1573 A.BT 610 K.NT K.TS 1008 .TS 1351 .HR 1634 .HS 611 .RS 941 .AS 1010 K.SS 1352 N.NT I608 .KN 612 N.NT f K.NT 1011 .BT 1358 K.KS 16o9 .SH 613 A.TS 9421 .RT 1012 .RT 1359 .BS 1793 UT 614 A.NT N.AT 1013 .SH 1372 .NT 1794 K.SS 615 K.RT «-«^ K.BT 1020 B.HT 1384 .US 1795 .UT 616 K.RT 943 U.SS 1021 K.SS 1386 .KT 1796 BT 617 T.SS ■< .KR 1022 .OS 1387 .KT 1818 R.TS 618 K.HS 944 .SU 1027 R.SS 1388 .KN 1819 K.NT 619 N.US .KR 1028 KB.SS 1389 .TS 1857 R.SS 620 N.NT „*«t .UT 1029 O.SS 1390 K.RT : 1858 TS.SS 621 N.SS 946 .US 1030 O.NT 1391 A.SS 1859 .AN 622 K.BT f 1 .HS 1058 K.SS 1392 K.KS 1 1860 KU.NT 623 K.KT .HS 1059 .BT 1393 K.NT 1861 K.RT 624 K.NT 947 ^ j .BT 1060 .HT 1394 K.AT 1862 .TS 625 K.NT .UT 1061 K.SS 1395 K.TS 1864 .TS 626 K.AT 1 I N.NT 1062 K.Tf 1397 H.NT 1865 K.TS 627 K.AT K.BT 1064 .AT 1398 T.BT 1866 HS 628 K.UT \ .BT 1065 N.BT 1399 U. NT 1867 .RT 629 K.RT .BT 1066 .AT 1408 T SS 1868 K.NT 630 K.AT 948 j .BT 1067 K.NT 1409 N.TS 1869 .US 631 K.HT .TS 1068 .OS 1424 .Ki- 1898 K.US 632 K.RT I N.AT 1069 K.AT 1425 ll.SS 1890 K.TS 633 NTS K.BT 1070 .h: 1426 .NB 1900 ,KK 634 A.AT 949] .HS 1071 AT 1439 K.KS 1901 635 K.US .US 1084 .AT 1440 HS 1902 .AT 636 N.NT 951 .TS 1099 N.BT 1441 N.KT 1903 .(>S 637 K.NT „ «i AS 1100 K.SS 1442 N.BT 1904 .HT 638 .BT 952-^ KA 1102 .KS 1443 .NO 1905 .RS 639 K.SS 1 .UT 1105 K.NT 1444 K.NS 1906 .BT 640 .RS ~ . i .US 1106 K.NT 1445 .KS 1907 K.US Double .11S 954 .UT 1107 K.SS 1446 AT 1908 N.US 641 N.SS ( .OS 1108 .BT 1447 K.NT 1909 .AT 642 N.NT 955 [ .BT 1109 .US 1448 .AT 1918 .NS 668 .HS N.NT 1110 .BT 1449 .SH 1919 N.TS 669 .HS 956 K.KS 1111 K.TS 1450 .SH 1920 N.TS 670 .KB 957-] .HT 1112 NTS 1451 .NT 1926 .KT 671 .KB K.RT 1115 .UT 1452 .AS 1927 .SR 672 .US 958 NTS 1116 .BT 1453 K.US 1935 N.BT 673-] .AS 959| .BT 1117 K.KT 1454 K.NS 1941 .AT .KS K.TS 1118 K.NT 1455 K.TS 1942 .UT 674 .NT r .UT 1119 .TS 1456 A.TS 1954 .SN 675 .US 962^ .NN 1120 .KT 1457 N.KS 1955 .US 677 .SR K.SS 1149 .AB 1472 BS.SS 1956 .RS 678 .SR I .KT 1150 .NT 1473 U.BT 1962 .ST 687 .RT f .UT 1151 .IS 1475 K.BT 1963 .NS 688 K.KT 963 \ .NN 1153 .KA 1476 N.TS 1966 U.NT 689 N.SS K.AT 1154 K.SS 1477 K.SS 1986 K.AT 706 A.TS „„„ I .KT 1155 .IS 1478 K.SS 1988 A.TS 735 .NS 964 K.BT 1156 K.BT 1479 K.NT 2004 T.HS 736 K.NT ^ 1 .AU- 1157 K.RT 1480 .HT 2007 NN.SS 742 .TS 965-^ .AU1 1158 K.SS 1481 .BS 2008 K.NT 766 .KA .HS 1159 N.KS 1482 N.BT 2009 A.NT 767 .SO 966 .KT 1177 .KT 1483 K.BT 2010 B.SS 768 .SB f .NB 1190 .RS 1484 K.BT 2011 N.NT 769 .SB 968^ .NB 1191 K.NT 1485 A.TS 2039 .NT 770 K.BS .NB 1192 .TS 1486 K.BT 2040 and 2041 f .SR 771 .BT .TS 1193 .TT 1487 K.NT J .KN 772 .AT 970 .US 1194 .TT 1488 K.TS 1 .NS 773 .BT r. 1 .AT 1195 .NT 1489 K.BT I .NH 774 .BT 971^ .AT 1196 .NT 1490 K.NT 2042 r .ns 775 .NT I .UT 1197 .NT 1491 KA.TS .AS .AT [ .TS 776 K.NT 972 j .BT 1198 K.SS 1492 .BT and 2043 777 K.TS K.SS 1199 .BT 1493 K.KT 802 .KT 973] .TS 1211 U.BT 1494 K.NT 2045 A.SS 813 .KN N.SS 1212 KHTS 1495 K.TS 2046 A.SS 815 .TS f .BT 1213 KBT 1496 A.SS 2047 N.US 816 .KN 1 .US 1214 K.HS 1499 T.SS 2048 K.TS 817 .KN 974 ^ .UT 1215 T.SS 1500 U.NS 2049 A.SS 818 .SR ( .AR 1216 N.TS 1501 U.SS 2050 K.BT 819 .NT K.BT 1230 N.AT 1502 A.SS 2051 U.SS 820 K.RT \ .BT 1231 K.KS 1503 N.NT 2052 N.SS 821 .RS 9751 .TS 1235 N.NT 1504 K.KS 2053 K.BT 822 U.NT 1 K.AT 1236 KHT 1505 K.SS 2054 K.TS 823 K.SS \ .TS 1237 .BT 1506 K.SS 2055 T.SS 824 K.KT 976 .TS 1244 .SB 1507 B.TS 2056 H.SS 825 B.PS ( K.SS 1245 .KO 1508] B.NT 2070 H.SS 826 K.KT I .AS 1246 .US R.TS 2071 U.NT 827 .OS 977^ .NT 1247 .BS 1509 K.BT 2072 T.NT 828 U.TS i .TT 1248 KN 1510 A.NT 2073 B.TS 829 .TS ( .BT 1249 .US 1511 K.SS 2145 .HS 830 K. NT 978-^ .BT 1250 K.NT 1512 T.SS 2146 N.BT 831 .TS 1 N.NT 1268 N.TS 1513 KN.BT 2147 K.AT 840 .NS 979^ .US 1269 A.TS 1514 N.TS 2149 K.SS 841 .NT .UT With (. 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Price K.RT K.RT K.KT .HS .RT .NT .NK .HS K.AT .US K.SS K.SS K.NT .RT N.SS .RS T.BS K.NT K.KS .HT K.SS K.SS .HT .TS .TS .BS .HS B.TS KU.SS .HS R.HS .BS K.SS K.SS K.NT K.NT .TT .TT .TT .TS .TS .TT .TS A.KT N.TS .HS .HS .TS K.BT R.BK T.SS .HT .TT .TT .BS .Bd .BT .HT .HT .HT .BS .BS .BS .TS U.SS .HT .HT .HT A.KT .BT .HT .HS .HS B.TS KS.BT N.NT KK.NT .TT U.SS .BS N.NT .OS B.KT .TS N.BT R.TS KS.BT .BT .BS .HT .HT .HT .HT .HT .HT .HT .HT .HT .BS .HT .OS .TS .NT .AT .TT .RT K.SS K.NT No. 4089 4090 4091 4092 4093 4094 4095 4096 4097 4098 4099 4100 4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4109 4110 4111 4112 4113 4114 4115 4116 4117 4118 4119 4120 4121 4122 4123 4124 4125 4126 4127 4128 4129 4130 4131 4132 4133 4134 4135 4136 4137 4138 4139 4140 4141 4142 4143 4144 4145 4146 4147 4148 4149 4150 4151 4152 4153 4154 4155 4156 4157 4158 4159 4160 4161 ] 4162 4163 4164 4165 4166 4167 4168 4169 4170 4171 4172 4173 4174 4175 4176 4177 4178 4179 4180 4181 4182 4183 4184 4185 4186 4187 4188 4189 4190 4191 4192 4193 4194 4195 4196 Price K.T8 -TS K.HS .NS .NT .KB .AS HT K.KS .NB .HT .NB .UN .BS KT ,NS .NT .NS .NS N.NT U.SS N.KS N.NT U.RT N.HT N.KS N.RT N.BT H.SS T.TS K.NT .TS K.SS .BT A.RT U.NT .BS .BS .BS .BS .HT .AS N.KT .BS .BT K.SS .OS N.SS N.BT .HS .RS .KT .HT .HS .HT K.AT .TS .TT .TS .TT .HS .AT .TS K.BT K.HT K.NT K.TS K.HS .HT .HT .HT B.SS R.SS K.AT K.BS .TS .BT A.TS .HS .RS .HT K.NT K.NT .BT .BT A.SS .BS K.SS .RS .BS BT .HT K.HT .OS K.SS .NK K.RT .HS K.NS .HS K.NS K.RT .RS .BT 4197 4198 4199 4200 4201 4202 4203 4204 4205 4206 4207 4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 4213 4214 4215 4216 4217 4218 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 4224 4225 4226 4227 4228 4229 4230 4231 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4246 4247 4248 4249 4250 4251 4252 4253 4254 4255 4256 4260 4265 4266 4267 4268 4271 4272 4273 4274 4275 4276 4277 4278 4279 4280 4310 4311 4312 4313 4314 4315 4316 4317 4323 4324 4325 4326 4327 4328 4329 4330 4331 4332 4333 4334 4335 4465 4466 4467 4468 .BS | 4469 .TT i , N.NT 4491- .RS ' -Price K.NT .AT K.OS .BT .KA .TS K.KT K.SS N.HS .HS K.RT K.KS U.AS K.SS .TT .HT .HT .HT .TT .TS .TS K.KT .BT .BT .RT .HT K.SS .TT .HT .TT N.TS .OS A.KT K.SS .HS' K.US N.SS .BT K.SS T.SS KH.BT KR.NT KT.SS KN.SS K.TS A.SS A.NT R.NT O.SS B.SS T.TS K.SS K.US K.SS K.RT .US B.TS U.TS N.TS K.TS N.SS A.BT K.NT N.TS H.SS N.SS T.SS K.TS K.BT .BT U.TS .KT .KT K.BT K.HT K.KT K.HT K.KT N.TS K.AT N.SS K.KT K.TS K.KT T.SS A.TS K.HT K.KT U.SS N.BT H.SS U.NT K.HT K.KT A.KT N.NT K.SS .BT K.HT K.KT T.SS .KT .TS K.SS .BT N.NT K.NT A.TS No. 4491 4492 4493 : i f 4494^ [ 4495 | i I 4496 4497 4499] 4500 ] 4501-j 4502 ] 4578 4579 4580 4581 4582 4583 4584 4585 4589 4590 4591 4592 4593 4594 4595 4596 4597 4598 4599 4600 4601 4602 4603 4604 4605 4606 4607 4608 4609 4610 4611 4612 4613 4614 4615 4616 4617 4618 4619 4620 4621 4622 4623 4624 4625 4626 4627 4628 4629 4630 4631 4632 4633 4634 4635 4636 4638 4639 4640 4669 4670 4697 4698 4699 4700 4701 4702 4704 4705 4706 4707 4709 4710 4711 4712 Price N.NT KSS .BT N.SS K.TS K.SS .BT N.SS K.NT K.TS .BT N.TS K.TS K.TS .BT N.TS K.TS N.SS K.SS A.TS N.SS K.TS K.SS A.SS N.SS K.TS .BT N.NT K.NT N.TS K.NT K.BT .BT N.TS N.TS U.TS N.NT N.SS K.SS K.NT K.AT K.NT .RS .OS K.BT .KA .AT .BS .KA .KA .KA .KA K.US .KA N.BT R.TS KN.BT T.SS T.SS N.NT U.NT U.NT T.SS K.BT K.BT T.SS T.SS N.BT A.NT KR.SS A.TS K.TS K.TS K.NT K.HT K.BT N.BT A.SS N.BT K.RT U.SS N.SS T.SS K.RT KU.NT H.TS B.NT R.SS KU.SS .TS .RT .HS NT.SS N.TS U.BT U.BT U.TS N.NT U.SS N.TS .NK .UT .AS .US K.NT K NT •K.SS TS No 4713 4717 4718 4719 4720 4721 4722 4723 4724 4725 4726 4727 4728 4729 4730 4731 4732 4733 4734 4735 4736 4737 4738 4739 4740 4741 4742 4743 4744 4745 4746 4747 4748 4749 4750 4751 4752 4753 4754 4755 4756 4757 4758 r 4759 \ 4760 4761 4762 4763 4764 4765 4766 4767 4768 4769 4770 4771 4772 4773 4774 4775 ■) 4776 -] 4777 j 4778 4779 4780 4781 4782 4783 4784 4785 4786 4787 4788 4789 4790 4791 4792 4793 4794 4795 4796 4797 4798 4799 4800 4801 4802 4803 4804 4805 4806 4807 4808 4809 4810 4811 4812 4813 4814 4815 Price .BS R.TS .AT .SR .HS .ON .TS .NK .TS .UT .UT .HS K.BT KSS .BT K.NT .NS K.TS .KT .KB .RR A.SS .TS .TS .TS .TS .TS .RT K.SS .RT .RT K.NT K.BT .KB .KB .RT K.AT .RT .SO .KN .KN .KA .UT A.BT U.NT U.BT T.NT TBT H.NT .AA .RT .OS .UN .AS .TT .SR .AS .BT .BT N.TS .KA K.KS .HT .OS .NT .KB .NT .KB .NS .KH .RS K.AT .HS K.NT .NT .NT .NT A.SS .RT .TS K.BT .KB .HS A.TS .KB .KB .KB .SO .KB .KB .KH .KB A.TS N.NT N.NT K.SS .HS K.SS .AS .SR .AS .KA AN .AN • NK .OS .NK ! .TT No. 4822 4823 4824 4825 4826 4827 4828 4829 4830 4831 4832 4833 4834 4835 4836 4837 4838 4839 4840 4841 4842 4843 4844 -( 4845 4853 4854 4855 4856 4857 14862 4863 [4864 4865 '4866 4867 4868 4869 4870 4871 4872 4873 4874 4875 4876 4877 4878 4879 4905 4906 4907 4908 4909 4910 4911 4912 4913 4914 4915 4916 4917 4918 4919 4920 4921 4922 4923 4924 4925 4926 4927 4932 4933 4934 4935 4936 4937 4938 4939 4940 4941 4942 4943 4944 4946 r 4947 4948 4951 4952 4953 4954 4955 4956 4957 4958 4959 ] 4960 -] 4961 j 4962-]. 4963 \ Price .TS .HS .NB K.SS .BT NK .HS .KT .UN .HS K.BT .TS BT K.TS A.TS N.TS .NS .US RT .RT .AT .HT K.AT N.TS T.BT O.SS H.SS K.HT K.RT K.BT N.SS ' H.Us K.AT .RT K.US K.KT N.SS K.AT A.NT K.KT K.HT .RT K.TS .TS K.BT .HT N.TS .TS .AS .NT .HS K.NT .HS .RS K.NT R.TS T.BT K.TS N.TS U.TS U.NT A.KS U.NT KU.SS .NT .BT ,BT .TS K.SS .TS .HS K.BT K.SS K.KT N.KS K.KT K.BT N.NT N.NT N.NT K.KT K.TS .TS .TT .HS .NT .AS .UT .HS .HS .KT K.TS .AS .SR .SR .HS .AT .HS H.TS .OS B.SS .OS H.TS K.NT B.BT K.KT KS.TS K.RT No. 4964-j | 49651 4966 ■ 4967] 4968 ] 4969 ] l 4970 -] 1 4971\ 4972 ] 4973 ] 4974] 4975 4976^ 4977-] 4978 -j 4979J 4980 ] 4981 4982 ] 4983 4984 4985 4986 4987 4988 4989 r 499H I r 4992 j 5006 5020 5030 5031 5032 5023 5034 5035 5036 5037 5038 5039 5040 5041 5042 5043 5044 5045 5046 5047 5048 5049 5050 5051 5052 5053 5054 5055 5056 5057 5058 5059 5060 5061 5062 5063 5064 5065 5066 5067 5068 5069 5070 5071 5072 5073 5074 5075 5076 5077 Price KN.SS K.RT U.NT K.NT H.NT K.NT B.NT K.NT U.NT .OS H.NT K.NT B.TS K.RT A.BT .BT KR.SS K.RT KS.SS K.RT H.SS K.NT .UN .AN .UT .BS BS .BS .RT ,RT .BT .BT .BT .OS K.SS K.SS K.NT K.NT N.TS j BS I .HS .HS .BS • NT .OS K.KS .UT .UT .TS .TT .HT .BT .RT TT .IIS .BS .RS .OS T.NT .KT KN.SS KT.SS NS.SS H.TS KN.BT .SU .OT A.SS .HT .NS .RT .SB .AT .AT K.SS .NN .AS .NS .NT .NS .NS K.SS A.KT N.TS .HS .AT .HS .NT K.KS K.SS .OS .SR .SB .SH K.KS .HT N.NT .US .NA K.HT K.BT K.NT K.KS K.BT K.BT N.SS K.BT A.SS No. 5078 5079 5080 5081 5082 5083 5085 5086 f 50901 5091 \ i 5121 5122 5123 5124 I 5125 5126 | 5127 5128 5129 5131 5132 5133 J 5134 5135 5136 5137 r 5138 5139-j 5141 5142 5143 5145 5146 5147 5148 5149 5150 5173 5175 Price K.BT K.RT K.BT K.TS K.RT B.SS K.SS K.NT N.SS N.NT N.TS N.BT .BT , N.NT .BT .UN 1 .RT ' K.NT K.NT K.RT .SH ,' .SH * K.NT : .as ; .BT .HS ( K.SS K.AT .NT A.SS .OS .KA .KA. NK .NR .AT .UH .TS .AB .UA .UR .TA' .TB .HN .OS .AR K.TS N.BT .HS BSS NT.SS K.NT .US .UT .BT Hard Rubcer. f 6" .BT .RS 10" .OS 12"K.SS 14"K.NT I 9" .TS Eaamel {10" .HS /ll" .BT K.NT .SO .KN .KT .NK .is .US .1",- H.SS A SS KT .OT .HT .NT .HS .TS .HS K.NT .BT ' K.SS K.SS ' .TT ' .RS •ot ; K.KT } K.AR ' .AT< .AT' .BT .BT T.SS K.RT .TS T.TS K.SS K.BT K.BT K.BT BT U.TS .TS N.NT .HS K.AT 5176 r 5177 i 5178 5179 5180 5189 5190 5203 5204 5205 5207 5208 5209 5210 5211 5212 5213 5214 5216 5217 5218 5219 5220 5221 5222 5223 5224 5225 5226 5227 5228 5229 5230 5231 5232 5233 5234 5235 5238 5239 5240 •i No. Price No: Price No. 5241 .BS 5504 KN.SS 5863 5244 .AS 5505 R.TS 5864 5248 N.BT 5513 .NO 5865 5249 K.KA 5514 .BT 5866 5250 K.NT 5515 K.KT 5867 5251 .RS 5516 A.NT 5868 5252 N.BT 5517 T.NT 5869 5253 .UN 5518 H.TS 5870 5254 K.TS 5522 K.HS 5871 5255 K.BT K.BT 5872 5256 5257 U.TS .OS 5223 K.HS K.RT | 5873 5874 5258 B.TS .UN 5875 5259 NT .UR '5876 5260 .TS 5549J .TN 5877 5261 OS .TR 5878 5262 K.SS K.SS 5879 5263 K.SS .UO 5880 5264 N.SS .TS 5881 5265 K.AT 5550 .TH 5882 5266 K.NT .TR 5883 5267 K.KT .HT 5884 5268 N.NT 5551- .US 5885 5269 K.NT .TS 5886 5270 K.KT .AR 5887 5271 K.BT .US 5888 5272 N.TS 5552- .uu 5889 5273 K.NT .UR 5890 5274 .OU .TN 5891 5275 .OS 5574 K.TS 5892 5276 N.TS 5575 N.TS 5893 5277 K.HT 5576 K.AT 5894 5278 A.TS 5577 K.AT 5895 5279 U.TS 5578 K.KT 5896 5280 KK.NT 5579 N.TS 5897 5281 K.BT 5580 .OS 5898 5282 K.AT 5581 .OS 5899 5283 N.BT 5582 .OS 5900 5284 R.BT 5583 K.AT 5901 5285 K.NT 5584 N.SS 5902 5286 K.TS 5585 N.SS 5903 5287 .KB 5586 N.TS 5904 5290 K.AT 5591 K.KT 5905 5291 A.TS 5592 K.KT 5906 5299 N.TS 5593 K.KT 5907 5300 .NT 5595 .SB 5908 5306 .TS 5596 .NA 5909 5307 .HT 5597 .AS 5910 5308] .OS 5598 .SB 5911 K.KS 5599 .SB 5912 5321 K.SS 5600 .HT 5913 5322] .BT 5625 K.SS 5914 .UT 5626 .AT 5915 5323 ] K.NT 5687 .NT 5916 .OS 5711 N.ET 5917 5324 K.TS 5712 N.BT 5918 5325 K.SS 5713 N.SS 5919 5326 K.KT 5724 N.TS 5920 5327 A.KT 5742 .KS 5921 5328 K.OS 5750 .BT 5934 5344 .HT 5760 .KS 5935 5345 .BS 5761 .ST 5936 5346 .BT 5764 A.TS 5937 5347 .BT 5799 .TS 5944 5348 .OS 5800 .UN 5945 5350 K.SS 5801 .RT 5950 5351 K.TS 5802 .UN 5951 ] 5352 .BT 5803 N.BT 5353 K.TS 5804 .UN 5952 5354 .HS 5805 .RT 5953 5355 .HS 5806 .SR 5954 5356 .HT 5807 N.NT 5955 5357 N.BT 5808 .TS 5956 5358 N.SS 5809 .UN 5957 5359 .UT 5810 .UN 5958 5361 .UT 5811 .UN 5959 5362 N.TS 5812 N.NT 5960 5364 .HT 5813 .TS 5961 5366 .BT 5814 K.TS 5962 5367 .BT 5815 K.HT 5963 5368 .TS 5816 K.BT 5964 5369 .TT 5824 .NT 5965 5370 .HS 5825 .NT 5966 5371 .BT 5826 .NT 5967 -J. 5372 .RS 5827 .NT 5383 U.SS 5842 .NT 5968 5384 A.BT f KK 5969 5385 U.NT 5847 j .KN 5970 5396 ] AT KR 5971 K.NT .NT 5972 ,5433 H.NT 5848 .AS 5981 '5434 T.TS 5849 H.NT 5982 5466 K.TS 1 5850 B.NS 5983 j 5474 .HS 5851 NU.SS lO > 5999 5479 KA 1 5852 N.SS 5489 A.SS 1 5853 KS.SS 6000 >5490 U.SS 5854 N.TS 6001 5491 K.SS 5855 A.NT 6002 5495 N.UT 5856 H.SS 6003 ,■5496 N.BT 5859 T.SS 6009 5498 KB. NT 5860 A.NT 6010 5499 KU.NT 5861 U.SS 6012 5501 .RT 5862 U.SS | 6015 Ko&utb Bros., New YorK. Price No. Price No. Price No. U.SS 6016 K.KT 6168 .US 6530 A.NT 6017 K.KT 6172 A.BT 6531 .TT 6018 A.TS 6173 N.BT 6533 .TT 6019 N.NT 6174 U.SS 6534 .BI' 6020 A.NT 6179 K.NT 6535 .BT 6021 K.KT 6182 .AT 6536 .TT 6022 R.BT 6183 .RT 6548 .BS i 6023 A.TS 6184 KSS 6549 ,NR 6024 .RS 6185 .HT 6550 NR 6037 K.TS 6188 .KB 6551 .BT 6038 .KT ( .NT 6552 .KT 6039 K.KT 6260^ .AS 6560 .TN 6040 KS.SS 1 .AT 6567 BT 6041 U.SS 6261 .BT 6569 .BT 6042 -] KT.SS 6262 .OS 6570 .TT NA.SS 6263 K.KS 6571 .RS 6044 N.KS 6293 K.SS 6572 .RS 6045 K.KT 6294 .BT 6573 .HS 6046 K.NT 6295 .HS 6577 .HS 6047 N.KS 6296 .HS 6578 U.SS 6048 B.KT 6297 .TS 6579 .RS 6049 K.RT 6298 .NT 6580 K.NS 6050 .HS 6299 N.US 6581 .RS 6051 .TS 6300 .HS 6582 .RS 6052 N.TS 6301 .BT 6588 .RS 6053 . .TS 6302 K.NS 6590 U.SS 6054 ,TS 6303 .TS 6591 .us 6055 K.KT 6304 .US 6595 .RS 6056 K.HT 6308 .US 6596 .RS 6057 .HS 6312 .KS 6597 .RS 6058 K.KT 6313 .AA Agate j Trays ) AS 6059 K.KT 6314 N.AT .HS 6060 K.SS 6339 .NT .HS 6061 .TS 6340 .SB i .RS 6062 .NT 6341 .OS 6604- .RS 6063 .TS 6342 .NS 1 .KN 6064 N.NT 6343 K.KT 6611 .RS 6065 N.TS 6344 .BT 6612 .RS 6066 .TS 6436 K.KA 6617 .RS 6067 N.NS 6437 N.TS 6625 .HS 6068 .TS 6438 K.TS 6627 .HT 6069 .HS 6439 K.NT 6628 .HT 6070 .UT 6440 K.NT 6629 K.AS 6071 K.AT 6441 U.SS 6630 N.TS 6072 N.SS 6442 A.NT 6631 .TT 6073 N.TS 6443 N.TS 6632 .HT 6074 K.SS 6444 K.BT 6633 A.AT 6075 .OS 6464 .AT 6634 .ST 6076 T.TS 6465 A.TS 6635 .SA 6077 K.TS 6466 .AT 6636 A.BT 6078 .UN 6467 .AR 6637 .UT 6079 K.AT 6468 N.BT 6638 .RT 6080 U.NT 6469 .KR 6639 .NT 6081 .TS 6470 .HS 6640 .HT 6082 K.SS 6471 .AR 6641 K.AS 6083 .TS 6472 .AA 6642 .US 6084 N.NT 6473 .UT 6643 .NA .AA 6085 6086 .BT .KS 6477 6478 .NS N.NT 6644 ] .KA 6108 KN.SS 6479 K.SS 6645 .NS 6109 H.SS 6480 .AS 6646 .KR 6110 O.SS 6481 .AA 6647 .KA 6111 K.KT 6482 K.TS 6648 .No 6112 H.S 6483 K.TS 6661 N.BT 6113 .BT 6484 .BT 6662 .HS 6114 .HS 6485 HT 6663 .HT 6116 .BT 6486 .OS 6677 .TT 6117 .OT 6487 K.BT 6678 ,BT 6119 .BT 6488 N.SS 6679 .RS 6120 K.KS 6489 K.KA 6691 .BS 6121 K.BS 6490 N.SS 6692 .BS 6122 .BT 6493 .BT 6702 K.SS 6123 K.AT 6494 N.TS 6704 .AT 6124 .HT 6495 K.AT 6713 .RT 6125 N.NT 6496 K.AT 6719 K.NT 6126 K.AT 6497 K.SS 6721 K.TS 6127 R.TS 6498 K.AT 6722 .RT 6128 .TS 6499 .RT 6729 .OS 6129 K.HT 6500 K.AT 6731 .HA 6130 .SH 6501 .BT 6736 .RT 6131 .KA 6502 K.KT 6740 N.TS 6132 .NS 6503 .HT 6744] A.HS 6133 .UN 6504 .BT .AT 6134 .BS 6505 .OS 6745 .BT 6135 .NS 6507 U.AT 6746 AT 6136 AR 6508 KS.HS 6750 -j .RS 6137 .UT 6509 B.KS A.SS 6138 .AT 6510 N.SS 6751] .SH 6139 .US 6511 KS.NT .KA 6140 .KS 6512 A.TS 6760 K.SS 6141 K.SS 6513 U.BT 6766 K.SS 6142 .KB 6514 A.NT 6774 6143 .KS 6515 B.SS 6775 .BT 6159 .BT 6516 T.SS 6786 6160 N.TS 6517 B.SS 6787 R.TS 6161 K.RT 6518 B.SS 6800 .TT 6162 A.BT 6519-j B.SS 6809 A.KT 6163 U.SS KN.SS 6810 .BT 6164 T.HT 6520 H.BT 6811 IN.TS 6165 .KT 6521 B.TS 6812 K.KT 6167] NA 6526 K.KA 6813 .HT .NO 6527 .NK 6814 K.US 6168 .AT 6528 .UT Price No. Price No. Price K.HS 6818 .OS 7043 K.SS BT 6819 K.HT 7044 K.TS O.SS 6820 .KB 7045 N.SS K.UN 6821 .AT 7046 K.BT K.SS 6822 .KT 7047 H.NT O.SS 6825 .BT 7049 K.NT N.TS 6826 .KA 7050 K.KA K.KT 6827 .KA 7052 K.SS .TS 6828 .TS 7053 .OS K.KT 6832 K.SS 7054 .OS A.SS 6833 .HS 7055 .BS K.KT 6839 K.SS 7056 .BS .UT 6854 .RT 7058 U.NT N.NT 6855 K.BT 7065 .TT .RT 6856 .BT 7071 K.KT K.BT 6857 .BT 7078 .KO N.TS 6860 K.SS 7079 .KB K.RS 6861 .HS 7084 K.SS .HS 6863 K.NT 7086 .RT .AT 6866 .HT 7088 .BS .BS 6867 A.BT 7089 K.SS .BS 6868 .AR 7101 .NT .BS 6869 .BT 7102 .NT A.SS 6870 .OS 7103 .TS K.BT 6873 K.NT 7104 .NT K.NT 6875 .RS 7105 .NT N.US 6876 .AR 7106 N.TS N.TS 6877 .TS 7107 K.AT KK.BT 6878 .TS 7108 .NT A.BT 6879 .BT 7109 .TS K.SS 6880 .AR 7110 .KT .UT 6881 K.KT 7111 .TS .AT 6882 .AR 7112 .TS N.SS 6883 K.KT 7113 .NT K.SS 6887 K.SS 7115 .OS .TS 6890 .KR 7116 .OS N.TS 6894 A.BT 7119 K.SS K.TS 6899 U.SS 7121 K.SS A.SS 6900 K.BT 7122 .OS .AT 6901 A.SS 7123 K.KS .HT 6911 K.RT 7127 K.TS NHS 6912 K.SS 7129 K.NT .AT 6917 K.TS 7133 N.SS .HT 6918 K.TS 7135 K.BT K.TS 6919 K.TS 7154 N.SS .UT 6920 N.RT 7155 K.TS K.BT 6923 N.TS 7157 T.SS .HS 6929 N.TS 7162 .KA K.BT 6933 K.US 7164 .SO N.SS 6934 K.BT 7177 .NT .UT 6935 .BT 7180 .NT U.NT 6938 .OS 7181 .NT K.BT 6939 .BT 7182 .NT K.AT 6940 .RT 7186 .KS .BT 6942 .RS 7193 .US K.AT 6943 .OS 7195 .HT B.BT 6944 .HT 7209 K.BT K.BT 6945 .OS 7214 K.TS A.SS 6951 .RS 7217 K.KA A.NT 6952 .OS 7220 N.BT N.BT 6957 .BT 7227 K.NT N.NT 6958 .RT 7228 U.TS N.US 6960 K.KS 7232 .NT T.SS 6961 K.SS 7233 .HS .OS 6963 .NS 7238 .KT .OS 6964 .HS 7239 K.NT .AR 6968 .HS 7243 N.SS .KA 6969 .BT 7245 .OS .KS 6970 .BT 7247 K.NS .HT 6972 K.BT 7253 K.SS .HS 6979 .OS 7269 K.KA .BS 6986 .OS 7270 K.NT U.SS 6988 .OS 7274 K.SS K.BT 6990 .OS 7286 R.TS KN.TS 6991 U.TS 7287 R.TS A.NT 6995 .KA 7290 .HT A.KT 6997 .KT 7299 K.SS .OT .TS 6998 6999 .KA .US 7325 ] K.SS N.NT .BT 7000 .BT 7333 .OS N.NT 7001 .HT 7338 N.TS K.SS 7003 K.SS 7352 .AA N.NT 7004 .HS 7354 .NS .AS 7005 .NT 7358 A.BT N.NT 7006 .KA 7359 N.BT .UN 7007 .US 7363 .TT .HT 7008 .TS 7371 K.NT .BT 7009 .KA 7400 .OS K.BT 7010 .AS 7401 K.NT R.SS 7016 .KT 7404 K.AT H.NT 7018 K.TS 7405 K.NT N.NT 7019 N.SS 7408 .OS N.NT 7020 A.BT 7409 K.KS KS.SS 7021 .TS 7601 K.SS KS.SS 7023 N.NT 7602 .TT KS.SS 7026 N.TS 7603 .NT K.SS 7027 N.TS 7604 A.TS K.TS 7032 .AT 7606 .BS .BT 7033 K.KT 7607 K.BT K.TS 7037 K.BT 7613 K.KA .RT 7040 N.BT 7615 K.NT K.BT 7042 K.HT 7655 .NO PREVENTION OF CRtlEpTY TO CHILDREN BUILDING. S. E. Corner 23 R? Street A//' ,Jf>/'/,'i'-, /A'.9_ •>o~a£> /Zt£ Wnlo^WOuoi, an~>a£> yi€^S^&v£o&o&yl8s 4>yu*4AS ^f^t, ?l^t JiYe£i— ra / / "*w->^7i-hr-i :i 1 .-*