REDUCED TO A SCIENCE. >4/ CUMULATIVE EXERCISE. A THOROUGH IN TEN MINUTES ONCE A DAY. Health Restored and Muscular Strength Developed by Equalizing and Invigorating the (in ulatiyi- The Result of Twenty Yeats' Practical and Theoretical Study and Experiment. The Only Scientific System of Physical Training. Minimum Time for Maximum Results. '-T-ltj; THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Ntto-£|orfe: THE HEALTH-LIFT COMPANY, No. 28 EAST 14th STREET, UNION SQUARE, 1877. CONTENTS. PAGE. Physical Culture, 4 Cumulative Exercise, 5 Physical Perfection, 5 The Rationale of Lifting 6 The Health-Lift, 6 The Health-Lift as a Remedial Agent, 7 The Health-Lift for Ladies ... 8 Price List—Reductions—Changes, 9 The Reactionary Lifter, 10 Notes on Lifting, 11 The Health-Lift as a Prophylactic, 12 Health, . . . 13 Results following a Good Lift, . 14 A Plea for the Liver, 15 Questions and Answers, 16-20 Testimonials, 21-36 Physicians, 21; Clergymen, 25; Lawyers, 29; Prominent Individuals, 30; Musicians and Vocalists, 32 ; Athletes, 34; Editors and Publishers, 35; Typical Cures, 36. * Illustrative Cases, 37-42 The Health-Lift as a Business, ....... 42 Laconics, 42-45 Exercise, 42; Cumulative Exercise, 43; Health, 43; The Health-Lift, 44; General Remarks, 45. To the Medical Profession, 46 Phyjiologtcal Effects of Cumulative Exercise, .... 47 Cheap Lifting Machines, 48 Copyright, 1875, by IleaUh-Lift Co. CUMULATIVE EXERCISE, POPULAJILY KNOWN A8 “THE HEALTH-LIFT,” OR “LIFTING CURE.” /|F EMULATIVE EXERCISE, while improving the health, will Double the Ac- IL tual Strength in three months ;—occupies only Ten Minutes once a day ; y —furnishes a safer and more valuable mode of Physical Training than the gymnasium ;—is adapted to both Ladies and Gentlemen, requiring no change of dress ; does not fatigue nor exhaust, but, by equalizing and im- proving the Circulation of the Blood, refreshes and invigorates ;—and, finally, is daily recommended by leading physicians to those suffering from want of tone and vigor, or from Dyspepsia and other forms of Indigestion, or from various diseases of the Nervous System, or from the class of ailments caused by torpor or congestion of the Liver—in short, it is warmly approved by the Medical Profession as the most Efficient, Safe, and Simple Means of Pre- venting Diseases arising from Sedentary Habits. THE REACTIONARY LIFTER is the response which science and in ventive talent have made to the demand for an instrument which would mako this Exercise popular and convenient. It is a portable, compact, and graceful uppuratus for taking Exercise in the safest and best possible manner. It lias a combination of levers and a movable fulcrum, adjusted instantly, by which Exercise varied in amount from fifteen to twelve hundred pounds may be taken, being thereby suited to the weakest woman or the strongest man ; and yet the instrument weighs only a little more than one hundred pounds. Nearly three thousand are now in use. 4 THE 1IEALT1I-LIFT. The neglect of physical exercise is held, by leading medical authorities, to be pro- ducing the gravest results in this country, more especially among the well-to-do and intellectual classes of the community. To this neglect is ascribed much of the general ill-health, and especially the increasing amount of nervous disease. It is claimed that a system of Physical Culture has been developed and perfected, in which thousands of the most intelligent members of the community, from Maine to California, find— “That fullness of life, that vigorous tone, and that elastic cheerfulness which make the mere fact of existence a luxury “A regular system of exercise” which “has brought to many a jaded, weary, worn-down human being the elastic spirit, the simple, eager appetite, the sound sleep of a little child:” “A hygienic force” which makes “per- fect spiritual religion” possible, by making “perfect physical religion” practicable : An exercise “ so very simple in its ma- chinery as to be capable of introduction wherever there is standing room An exercise, finally, that is “adrpttd to our civilization,” in that it is scientifically accurate, occupies the minimum of time and produces the maximum of results. It is the system known as Cumulative Exercise or The Health-Lift. Physical exercise, as a means of restoring and preserving health, has been, for nearly three thousand years, justly considered one of the most important elements of hygiene. Indeed, Hippocrates, “ the father of medi- cine,” epitomizing the wisdom of the ages, makes the essence of to consist in temperance and exercise. Galen summed up a long life of obser- vation in this sentence: I know not which is the more indispensable for the support of the frame—food or exercise. Plato, placing gymnastics and medicine at the head of all the arts that minister to our bodily welfare, assigns to gymnastics the pre-eminence over medicine, since the former renders the latter needless. I PHYSICAL CULTURE. Exercise is as essential as breathing it- self. Without it, there can be no healthy J and beautiful growth. It prolongs life, and greatly improves living; it better lits us fo- our duties; without it, wg do not more than half live, lie only who exercises suiliciently can know the joy of living well, of good health, good appetite, good digestion, re- freshing sleep. It increases respiration, thus bringing a larger quantity of that “elixir of life,” oxygen, to pur'fry and vitalize the blood. It rounds and hardens the muscles, and educates them into ever-ready, faith- ful, and efficient servants of the will. It strengthens every part of the system. It invigorates the mind, and renders it moro active and efficient in all its operations; in short, it is one of the great natural agents which will enable man to reach that state of physical, mental, and moral per- fection for which he was designed. by his Creator. The activity of the muscles is also highly conducive to the well-being of many other important functions. The blood is assisted in its course; accumulation in the internal organs is prevented ; the important pro- cesses of digestion, respiration, accretion, absorption and nutrition are promoted, and the health of the whole body immediately influenced. The mind is greatly exhila- rated. Proper and systematic physical culture refines, elevates, and ennobles, adds to our courage, zeal, and health, and thereby to our happiness. Sooner or later, we must think about this subject. Is not the body worth all the care and labor we can bestow upon it ? Is it not the temple of the soul ? The intellect is naught without it. Other things being equal, the greater the capacity, the strength, the power, the endurance of the body, the greater will be the mind in these respects. Is it not a duty devolving upon the old and young of both sexes, to take every possiblo means to preserve and improve these bodies of infinite perfection, of such varieties of power, of such capacities of enjoyment! THE HE A L Til L TFT. 5 Tun essential principle of Cumulative Exercise is the gradual arousing of the latent muscular strength of the individual. It is a system of voluntary effort in which the person, in each day’s exercise, begins with a light weight, suilicient only to exert a few muscles, and gradually increases his efforts as lie arouses the neighboring and deep-seated muscles to activity. By this course, effects are produced which differ materially from those caused by ordinary exercise or by gymnastic feats. Instead of exciting a tumultuous throbbing of the heart, and a hurried, panting respiration, such as follow unusual exertion In the or- dimuy methods, the heart’s action is ren dered more efficient, and consequently, slower and steadier, while the breathing is deeper, fuller, and more regular. The ex- ertion is made with the body erect, but the knees bent at beginning, so that, in effect, the straightening of the knees produces a gradual tension of the muscles, as the weight Is raised, which is essentially ditterent from ordinary lifting, and free from its dangers. " •This tension or contraction of the muscles is one of the tnost efficient agencies in promoting the circulation qf the blood in the minute blood- vessels (the capillaries) and in the veins ; and, through this improved circulation, disease, arising from congestion or inaction of the various vital organs, is relieved, and often permanently cured. Willie ordinary exercise generally causes fatigue and exhaustion, a judiciously con- ducted Cumulative Exercise is always fol- lowed by a sense of buoyancy, freshness, ' and lnvigoration. This arises from two causes: lirst, not merely a few superficial muscles have been used over and over again, as in ordinary exercise, but the great bulk of the muscles in the entire body lias been safely and systematically caused to con- tract in a slow, gradual, natural manner, by the successively increased efforts and alter- nations of rest. This gradual, natural con- traction, with the proper intervals of re- laxation, never causes fatigue uor exhaus- tion. CUMULATIVE EXERCISE The second cause of this positive buoyancy and freshness is the INCKEASBD ABSOHFTION or oxygen by the contracting muscles. While muscles are acting, they absorb from the blood flowing through than oicr six times as much oxygen as they do when at rest. This fact ex- plains not only the temporary effect under consideration, but the permanent valuable rc suits which follow the regular persistent use of this system of exercise. Oxygen we all know to be tlic great sus- tainer of animal life. Its proper supply to, and absorption by the various tissues of the body are absolutely essential to their healthy condition and action. And, in thus securing its sixfold increased absorption, not by a few, blit by the majority of the muscles, an increased demand is made on the respiratory capacity, which results in a more thorough elimination of poisonous gases and waste matter, a more perfect aeration of the blood, and a more vigorous, healthy tone of all the vital processes. PHYSICAL PERFECTION. The injunction, “Be ye perfect,” was not pronounced in mockery ; and, if moral perfection is within the range of hum in capability, physical perfection surely must ulso be attainable. Physical perfection and beauty is tlic grand external sign of goodness, of organi- zation and integrity of function. The learned I)r. Pritchard truly says, “ The idea of beauty and physical perfection is synonymous with health and perfect or- ganization.” The ancient Greeks placed perfection of form next to virtue. We think they showed more wisdom than those who now preach the worthlessness of the body, or are in- different to its eulture and necessities Moral purity and perfection is us incom- patible with physical impurity as intellect- ual power with physical weakness. There are possibilities in the human form and physical perfection which we have not yet reached. THE IIEALTII-LIFT. 6 THE RATIONALE OF LIFTING. Lifting is a system of harmonious and simultaneous exercise of the whole body. Every muscle is brought into use at once, and each in proportion to its relative strength. And so connected are the vital organs with the muscular tissue of the body, that when all the muscles simultane- ously and harmoniously act, the organs themselves receive their appropriate amount of exercise. So distributed is this effort that there is no danger of injurious strains or rupture. It strengthens the weak or- gans, and expels disease by a gradual, co- operative exercise of the whole body. The strength of the whole body is augmented and equalized, the weak parts are built up, disease is expelled, and the individual be- comes uniformly strong, and consequently healthy. It develops power chiefly at the vital centres. All the voluntary and respir- atory muscles are brought into harmonious play, expanding the chest, augmenting the breathing capacity, aerating the blood, equalizing the circulation, warming the ex- tremities, and thus vitalizing every part; and by determining action and circulation to the whole surface, increases the relative amount of blood in the extreme capillary vessels, thereby removing internal conges- tions wherever located, and accelerating the nutrition of every organ. It is a true exercise, a correct develop- ing agency, a safe*mcthod of cure. It is an equalizer and invigorator—a reconstruct- or of the tissues of the body and brain. It invokes all hygienic agencies, especially pure air, pure water, healthful food, sun, air, and water baths, abundant sleep, rest, and recreation. It increaso* the healthy action of the brain correspondingly with that of the body. All the elements of a nerfect manhood are increased, including not only intellectual vigor, but moral power and social purity. For as certainly as disease favors an abnormal condition of the mind as well as the body, so surely does an in- crease of health and strength become a promoter of virtue. In a word, it is put ting a man in possession of himself. THE HEALTH-LIFT. The Health-Lift is one of the greatest inventions of the age, and is second to none in importance, as it is a direct appliance for the culture and improvement of the human race. It is good for everybody, and should he used by all. It will accomplish the following results: 1. It causes an equal circulation of the blood to all parts of the system. 2. It ex- pands the lungs and increases the volume of respiration. 3. It infuses more oxygen into the muscles, and thus purities the tissues of the body. 4. It tones and builds up the whole system when purified. 5. It will double the strength in a few months. 6. It steadies ana regulates the heart’s action. 7. It does all these by a practice of only ten minutes once a day. 8. It will, bv the above principles, cure most of the ills to which flesh is heir, espe- cially when chronic, and resulting from derangement of the circulation. The Health-Lift competes, and most successfully, with every proposed method for purifying the blood and giving vitality to the system, both general and local. It will in many cases do all that is claimed for medicine, electricity, movement cure, baths, and other forms of treatment. It produces power, energy, and vitality; it promotes physiological action, and thereby raises the standard of health; it impels the blood in its course, changes interstitial fluids, produces chemical action, and per- forms other duties serviceable to vitality; it is the greatest aid to the circulation, re- moving all local impediments. It removes local congestion and chronic inflammation. It increases the oxidizing function. It causes the absorption and dis- appearance of solid and fluid accumula- tions. It diminishes chronic nervous irrita- bility. It supplies a most efficacious remedy for paralysis, if taken in time. It cures deformities, liberates adhering and con- tracted fibres, renders mechanical and in- strumental supports unnecessary. It increases muscle, hardens the flesh, perfects digestion and nutrition. In short, it promotes the healthy action of every function of the body. THE HEALTH-LIFT. 7 “TnE first result of exercise is to equal- ize, the second to invigorate, the third to reconstruct and build up the tissues of the body. In the process of constant training these results are inevitable, and they neces- sarily involve the expulsion of whatever disease is present in the system. “ The skin, which had been clogged with decaying matter, yellow with bile, or white for lack of capillary circulation, acquires the natural glow and color of health. The face becomes fuller and rounder in its out- lines (the uniform and natural indications of vigorous vital organs), and ncquircs that beauty of form, and lively, animated ex- pression, which can only result from healthy physical, moral, and mental condi- tions. “ Nor is the effect, tone, and character of the mind and will less apparent. The va- cillation and weakness peculiar to an un- balanced condition come to an end. The step is firm and the will determined. Con- sciousnesfl of power underlies and promotes all the elements of a perfect manhood and womanhood. Persons who vainly grapple with health-destroyin . habits, or who, in consequence of the weak and abnormal condition of their mental faculties, have had no desire to resist them, may uow op- pose them successfully. “ The system is purified from disease; the morbid matters—sure contagion, fever, aud premature death—are expelled from the system; the patient, instead of being weaker, is made stronger by the process, and is protected against relapse and subse- quent assaults of disease by his greater de- gree of organic power. His vigor of mind and body is greatly increased, and he enters upon his daily duties anew, with prospects of longer life, business success, and great- er usefulness in whatever avenue he may enter. “ The curative power is inherent in the human organism It is by developing and increasing this power by a correct system of physical culture that a cure is effected. THE HEALTH-LIFT AS A REMEDIAL AGENT. In spite of our constant transgressions of nature’s laws, she is ever striving to neu- tralize the effect* of our errors, and to make us wiser and more healthy. We have only to meet nature half way to become constant in progress toward physical, men- tal and moral perfection. “ He who desires the best results will be constant in his obedience. In the attain- ment and preservation of health we reap as we sow. “Nature cures disease through an inherent recuperative potoer in the human system. “ By furnishing the conditions for the ac- tum of this recH/jcrative power alone can na- ture be aided. ‘ The conditions are essentially: Pure Air, Proper Food, Cleanliness, and Judi- cious Exercise.'' Cumulative Exercise can hardly be call- ed a system of medical treatment, nor does it interfere in any way with the various schools of medicine extant nor with other treatment. While it is used in specific cases, and without doubt is more applic- able to some than to others, yet it does not make a specialty of any form of disease. Too much stress can hardly be laid upon these axioms: The Blood is the Life : Its perfect Circulation is perfect Health. They are the basis of the system of Cumulative Exercise;‘they explain all its results ; they satisfactorily account for its wide applicability; they are an epitome of Medical Science. Perseverance in the use of The Reac- tionauy Liftek is necessary in order to derive the benefit that should be obtained from it. Its cures are effected by the orderly action of the vital forces, and not by any sufl den and miraculous influences. The action of these forces, like all other operations of nature, is steady, sure and permanent. And those who persevere in its use, and exercise upon it in accordance with proper instructions, will reap the greatest amount of benefit. 8 THE HEALTH LIFT. TnE class who most need exercise, espe- cially this form, and who would be most benefited by it, are the least liable to seek it. We speak of ladies. We are sure that this arises from a want of knowledge of what it is, and what are its effects. They imagine “ ungraceful po- sitions,” “handling of heavy weights,” “ soiled hands” and “ change of costume.” Let all such fancies be dispelled by ex- amining the accompanying “illustration.” THE HEALTH-LIFT FOR LADIES. one of our publications, sent free on appli- cation, will be found to contain full par- ticulars pertaining to its great advantage to women. When it is understood that a very large share of the suffering endured by women in this country, both single and married, arises from inertia, from muscular weakness, from a want of tone and health in the muscles themselves, both local and general, and that the remedy lies in improving the muscular system by judicious systematic exercise, is it not a sad reflection upon the general good sense of women that there is such universal apathy on this whole sub- ject? The need of intelligence on a subject of such vast importance is our only excuse for here pressing its claims for women. They will welcome a mode of treatment at once so easy and efficient. If there is any class of ailments for which this acts as a specific, it is that of the pelvic viscera, beginning with inflammation and ulceration and all the versions and flexions. It is especially desir- able in Prolapsus and Retroversion. There is not one in the whole category that has not beeu treated with 'ntire success. Many cases of habitual miscarriage lmve been cured. That peculiar but very common feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanent- ly cured. The patient who before could walk only a short distance and with great pain, can, after a few months’ lifting, walk several miles without discomfort. Its crowning glory is in its preparation for the most trying of all ordeals—child-labor. This is because it is perfectly safe ; it devel- ops the muscles of the trunk and abdomen, it strengthens the ligaments which support the uterus ; it gives tone, strength, and health to all the surrounding parts! The effort is harmoniously distributed ; all the muscles in the body act at the same instant, and each in proportion to its relative strength. The position is erect, and every organ is in its proper place at the moment of exercise. This is no mere theory; many This lady is seen to have on her outside garment, hat, and even gloves. She has gone through no transition. »She steps upon the platform, grasps the handles, and lifts in the simplest possible manner. There is no undue effort, no strain, no pos- sible chance of any injurious effect. One of the great advantages of this apparatus is its adaptation to ladies’ use. But there is another consideration far more important than any of the above. This is its marked effect upon the diseases peculiar to women. This exercise has had a more specific effect than anything yet known. “ Backaelfc, its Cause and Cure,” THE IIEALTIILIFT. 9 women today cherish grateful remem- brances of the help derived from this prac ticc. We can cite many cases where pre- vious labors have been severe and lasted over forty hours, In which, after lifting, they have been easy, lasting only from one to four hours. It is safe to begin at any time of pregnancy, and lift up to the day of confinement. There is scarcely any form of female weakness or disease that lias not been successfully treated at our rooms, by the simple process of lifting. Over one hundred ladies lift daily at our office, anil thousands who lift at our agencies anil on machines at home will attest the facts herein specified. PRICE LIST—REDUCTIONS—CHANGES Reduced Price List. No. 1. Standard Machine $75 00 No. 2. The New Reactionary 50 00 No. 3. Pearled Machine 100 00 No. 4 Nickel-Plated Machine 125 00 Terms : Net Cash Up to January 1, 1877, the Health-Lift Co have offered but one machine, the price being $100, but wishing to popularize an exercise which has met with universal favor, and shown wonderful results, they ha\o dec.ded to reduce the price of the Standard Machiuc to $75 They have also succeeded, after much study an l experiment, in developing a new machine, which, though giving the same results, will be sold at the low price of $50. The Pearled and Nickel Plated Machines are very elegant, suitable for any drawing- room. and satisfactory to all. DESCRIPTION. No 1 The Standard Machine, price $75, is beautifully finished in black and gold It has lately lieen greatly improved in several important features, and. as now manufactured, is a perfect machine. No 2 The New Reactionary, price $50. Though a new invention, the same princi- ples are made use of in a modified form so as to give the SAME RESILTS. The ma- chinery of this is neatly inclosed in a black walnut c\so, 20x30 inches, and is 10 inches high It weighs about one hundred pounds The handles can he detached and inclosed within the case, making the whole very compact Like the other machines, it is on castors and is easily moved, and, with a cover or cushion, may lie utilized as an ottoman when not in use for lifting. No. 3. The Pearled Machine, price $100. This is very elegant, being extensively inlaid with pearl and finished in the most durable and artistic manner It is sure to please the tastes of all. No 4 The Nickel-Plated Machine, price $125. Every part of this machine has re- ceived this attractive finish, resembling silver. It will not rust nor tarnish, and requires but little care (the use of the chamois skin once a week, and occasional use of a little cleaning powder) to keep it bright and beautiful Nos. 1, d and 4 are the same in shape and appearance, all except the finish. All give the same results. They are very or- namental and graceful, and may be placed, without inconvenience, in a hall, study, office, bedroom or parlor. The handles lot down and the machines are on castors, sc they may be rolled under a tab'.e or bed if desirable. They arc all made of the best material, and, as now constructed, will not bieak, wear out, nor get out of order. The Koact.ionery is the only machine sold giving definite resistance, thereby entitling it to the full claim of the only Healtli-Lift. Investigate fully before purchasing, ami you will buy this, the only good machine now on the market. Nearly 3,000 in use giving entire and universal satisfaction, and sales now averaging 100 a month The cheap and rude contrivances now flooding the market, offered as Health-Lifts dependent for their resistance upon springs, rubber, or scale beam, are useless toys and humbugs.- Such resistance can give no ben- eficial results, and their use in practice is often injurious. See article on Cheap Lift- ing Machines, p. 48. 10 THE TIE A L TIT- LIFT The Reactionary Lifter is a portable, compact, and graceful apparatus for taking all needed exercise in the safest and best possible manner. It is made of iron and steel, and is so compactly and firmly put together that it will not break, get out of order, nor wear out. It is available for all time and for all the members of a family. It is especially desirable and convenient for ladies, requir- ing no change of dress. Its weight is but little over one hundred pounds, and, when packed, is about the 6ize of an ordinary trunk. Its exact dimen- sions are thirty-six inches long, eighteen inches wide, and fourteen inches high. Its handles let down, so that it may be easily rolled under a table or bed if desirable. It can be readily transported from place to place, or trundled about the house on its castors. It is japanned to save it from rusting, and is beautifully finished in black and gold. It is highly ornamental and graceful in appearance, and may be placed without inconvenience in a hall, study, office, orbed-room. The “cuts” in various parts of this book illustrate its appearance | and mode of use. Its adjustment for lifting is so simple that a child can readily understand and manage it, and so easy as to require neither time nor effort. It possesses the elasticity of rubber without its objections. Its range of weight is from ff teen to twelve hundred pounds. There are now nearly three thousand Reactionary Lifters in constant #nd perma- nent use, giving entire satisfaction. Their sale has now reached about one hundred per month, and is constantly increasing. I We have lately made important changes and improvements in this machine, lessen- ing its weight, greatly improving its finish and appearance, introducing a new self- locking fulcrum or slide, so that it can not get out of order. Its adjustment is much more easy and perfect, and the handles have been very materially improved, and are now durable THE REACTIONARY LIFTER. : and unobjectionable. It is now pronounced a perfect machine. It lias side-handles, therefore enabling all to use it with the body in the only natural and proper position for lifting, avoiding the unnatural and painful twist of the spine. It is the cheapest good machine now in use. Only ten minutes once a day is required for all needed exercise on this apparatus. It affords to all who use it the best means of physical development and healthful ex- ercise. In the household, it is better than a whole gymnasium. In the study or office it would prove a source of relief to overtaxed brains, and would double the capacity for the day’s work, enabling the man to go to his home rested and happy, with a keen relish for the evening meal, and with the power to spend the evening in a cheerful mood. Every school, college, and institution of every kind should have one, and make its use as much a necessity as any other duty of life. Every public or private institu- tion employing clerks, would find the Health-Lift most valuable in keeping the clerks in good health ; they would do more work much more efficiently. The Health- Lift should be a public institution of itself. It is the most remarkable apparatus for exercise or health ever invented, and is ra- pidly taking the place of many other modes of treatment. Accompanying each machine is an illus- trated ‘ Manual,” giving plain and full di- rections for its use. The “Manual” will be sent free to anyone wishing to investi- gate further before purchasing. The Reactionary Lifter was patented by the inventor, Rev. C. H. Mann. The sole right to manufacture and sell these ma- chines has been purchased by the Health- Lift Co., of New-York, a joint stock cor- poration, having a capital of ¥200,000, and possessing every facility for introducing this valuable invention to the w'orld at large. It has already organized nearly one hun- dred agencies in as many of the principal cities of the United States, aud is constaut- TTTE HEALTH LIFT. 11 ly adding to their number. Nearly SUOO of these machines have been sold by the Com- pany and its agents, and in the face of the dull times there is a steady increase in the sales. The demand for an article of this kind is unprecedented. The many thou- 1 sands who have and are using this machine, with marvelous results, will bear witness to ull that is claimed for it. Puk'es, |50, 175, 3100. $125. We cordially invite all who arc in any way interested in exercise and physical culture to call at any of our agencies or exo’xlse rooms (a partial list of which is given on third page of cover), where they will always be welcome audtind attendants to explain the exercise, and apparatus for ; its use. A trial and full explanation re- quire but a very few minutes. Our excr-1 rise rooms arc open for subscribers who may not care to purchase or wish more ful- ly to test its merits by trial before purchas- ing. If, in addition to its merits as a system of exercise, means so simple ns those of the Health-Lift shall be found to produce tan- gible and uniform results, to check and even eradicate the most formidable disease, to secure immunity *rom sickness, and, finally, to bestow a freshness, vigor and en- durance which make physical labor light and mental exertion pleasant, it must, In the language of a recent editorial in one of our lending dailies, he “conceded that such a system Is not alone an individual blessing, but a wide-spread benefit to the commu- nity. Its claims demand ngorcus scrutiny from press and public, li baseless, tneir existence can but bo ephemeral ; ti we’I- founded, no reward is too great for him who shall have nrged them, and so fulfilled Hie demand fora practical form of physical exercise, which is every day emphasized by some new esse of a merchant breaking down at his desk, lawyer in his office, or minister in his pulpit, under the pressure, nowhere higher, nowhere more dangerous, than in our own city.” It 1ms stood the test and experience of twenty years with constantly increasing fa- vor. It was never so popular and universal as now. NOTES ON LIFTING, This perfect system of condensed exer- cise, now so popular among professional and business men, offers tlie following practical advantages to every active, as well as every sedentary worker of either brain or body : Economy of time—requiring but ten minutes daily. Convenience—requiring no change of dress for either men or women. Safety in all, cases—being capable of perfect graduation to all degrees of strength. It is atonic to brain, nerve, and muscle. It prevents disease, and relieves chronic ailments. The lift-effort has a marked effect upon the breathing, making the inspiration much deeper and larger in volume. This is a most important feature of the exercise, for with every breath a load of the wasted ma- terial of the body is given up by the blood, in the form of carbonic acid, etc., and its place supplied by life-giving oxygen from the surrounding atmosphere. It is, besides, apparent to all that the ef- fect of this often deep inspiration must I "'oen more air-cells, give the blood a better ' cnancc for aeration, enlarge the breathing capacity and the breadth of the chest, and thus make us capable of living more and better in every respect. We firmly believe that a man’s physical and mental health, and physical enjoyment of living, depend more upon the capacity of the chest and soundness of his lungs, than any other one thing. Many a man has, in six months or a year, by the simple process of lifting, gained live inches in actual girth of ids chest. Now, who shall tell the value of these live inches of chest, five inches of additional space for the heart and lungs to woek in? There is no computing its value—no power of computing it at all; and before such an addition as this could be made to this part 12 TIIE HE A L TII-LlFT. of the body the whole frame must have received a proportionate gain. For the exercise of this system is addressed to the whole body, and to the whole body equally, and before this addition could be made to the chest, every spot and point of the frame must have been improved also— every organ within the body must have been proportionately strengthened. Ten minutes Health-Lift Exercise, once a day, is found, after years of experience, to be amply sufficient to keep the body in good physical condition. For Cumulative Exercise, one is no stronger than his weakest part, whether that be his biceps or his liver ; he can lift, in a natural position., calling uniformly on the whole system, only the measure of the weakest part. Cumulative Exercise can be graded to the capacity of the most delicate person. It is the most economical of brain and nerve power. Following the exercise most commonly is a tingling sensation over the whole surface of the body, with a sense of buoyancy and vigor which prompts one to want to do something. Take this in- creased vitality away with you ; put it into your daily life and work. The pulse has fallen from live to eight beats per minute ; you breathe more freely; the headache is gone. If the feet were cold before, they are now warm. Fresher, clearer, more alert and cheerful, you walk away from the Health-Lift, with a sense of manhood, a possibility of doing and being that is won- derful even to yourself. More than 2300 years ago, in the little island of Cos, the “Father of Medicine” (Hippocrates) laid down the theory on which the Health-Lift of the nineteenth century is based. Galen, surnamed “ The Physician,” following in his footsteps, wrote, “If disease takes hold of the body, there is nothing so certain to drive it out as diligent exercise and sincS their time no enduring success has been won' in the healing art but through a strict observance of these principles. It is an equalizer. It is an invigorator. It is a rcconstructor of the tissues of the body and of the brain. Perfect lifting is perfect exercise. One of the commonest results is for per- sons who come to the Lift rooms tired, depressed and languid, to retire after ten minutes’ exercise, refreshed, buoyant and invigorated. Cumulative Exekcise invigorates, MAKES BREATHING DEEPER AND FULLER, MAKES THE HEART WORK REGULARLY AND EFFICIENTLY—TONES MUSCLE AND NERVE— IS NEVER UNSAFE NOR INJURIOUS—IS ECO- NOMICAL OF BRAIN AND NERVE POWER— MAY BE GRADED TO THE MOST DELICATE PERSON. The Health-Zi/Y is to some an unfortu- nate name. Ordinary lifting, in a faulty po- sition, such as stooping over, thereby using the weakest portions of the body—the small of the back and the chest—is as ut- crly different as it can well be both in kind and results to the progressive, graduated, upright and systematic manner of the IlealthLift, which has none of the terrors of ordinary lifting. It is popularly known under the title of Healtii-Lift, and there- fore we are obliged to retain it, but Cu- mulative Exercise is less objectionable, and more correct and scientific. THE HEALTH-LIFT AS A PROPHYLACTIC “ An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” The value of this saying is never fullyappreeiated. What is the value of health ? Is it not equal to a man’s income —and more ? and yet who is willing to give a tithe of his income to keep well ? Ninety- nine out of every hundred will prefer to wait till they get sick. What have they to do with Prevention? The folly of such a course is too apparent to need com- ment. THE HEALTH LIFT. 13 No one pretends to deny that health is the greatest of all earthly blessings. How few of us arc w illing to allow it except in theory. We go through life with a very meagre enjoyment of its rich blessings, willing thus to be deprived of the greatest and best wealth. We labor with brain and muscle for that which is infinitely less in value, scarcely bestowing a thought upon that which would give us more real Joy, more power to be and 10 do than all other things combined. Be entreated to consider the in Unite val- ue of health, and the proportionate impor- tance of its preservation and augmentation. Gain whatever you may by impairlnghealth, you become an infinite loser; but lose what you may in its preservation and restoration, you gain everything. Whatever vour aims, your hopes, your wishes, if you would sue- | cecd, preserve your health. To do good, to get rich, to enjoy life, to attain eminence or greatness, to secure any or all the legiti- mate ends of life, physical, intellectual, or moral, preserve your health. No one tiling will so greatly conduce to the regaining, preservation, and enjoyment of jK'rfect health as well regulated and sys- tematic physical culture. It is now readily acknowledged by all conversant with the subject, that Cumulative Exercise or the Health Lift, is the safest, simplest, best and most perfect system yet devised. How many men, earnest, eager, uncom- plaining and cureless, nre pursuing their vocations with the immineucy of a certain break down ever before them, or with pain, weariness, languor and depression, when fair, even good health, full power, and a po sitive joy in living and doing might be sc. cured, and the labor Jliut is of love, now performed incompletely and in pain, might be performed with completeness and in comfort! That condition of body and amount of vital capacity, which shall en- able each man in his place to pursue his calling with the greatest amount of comfort to himself and usefulness to his fellow-men is simple and easily attainable. HEALTH Our material frame is composed of innu- merable atoms, and each separate aud indi- vidual atom lues its birth, life, aud death, and then its removal from the place of the living. Thus there is going on a continual process of decay and death among the indi- vidual atoms which make up each tissue. Each atom preserve* its vitality for a limited space only, is then separated from the tissue of which it forms a part, and is resolved into its inorganic elements, to be in due course eliminated from the body by the organs of excretion. These processes arc greatly influenced by the activity of the bodily functions. Every operation of the muscles or nerves involves the disintegration or deatli of a cer- tain part of their sub.-tancc. We can not lift a finger, we can not perform the slight- est movement without causing a change in certain of the atoms which compose the muscles executing the movement, in those nerves conveying the stimulus which di- rected them to contract and in those com- posing the nerve-centres in which the sti- mulus originates; and this change involves their decay and death. The renovation of the tissue* of the body in therefore the object of this erercinc., then, as we have seen, is the chief agent in the destruction of the tissues, but it is also the chief agent in their reno- vation, inasmuch as it quickens the circu- lation of the blood, from which the whole body derives its nourishment, the tide, on which is brought up all fresli material, and on which is borne away all that is effete and useless—brought up and borne away most rapidly in those parts which are be- ing most rapidly employed, where disin- tegration is most rapidly taking place. Therefore, the strength of the body as a whole, and of each part of the body indi- vidually, is thus ever in relation to its new- 71CXX. The skin is a covering of marvelously woven network, presenting millions of in- terstices and apertures, and each aperture is the open outlet of a duct or tube, which. 14 THE HEALTH-LIFT. striking deep its convoluted roots among underlying strata of blood-vessels, sepa- rating from the accelerated currents what •might prove injurious to the health of the body, pours it forth from the myriad mouths. These skin exudations prove a most powerful aid to the acquisition of permanent health and strength, and nota- bly so to the health, elasticity, purity and beauty of the skin itself. It is apparent to all that this exercise contributes in a powerful measure to this very desirable result. It greatly increases the activity of the skin, causing it to be suffused with moisture, thus giving almost instant relief from a discomforting sense of heat. This makes it highly valuable in summer, and it is about the only exercise that can be taken with comfort in warm weather Keep your circulation vigorous and ac- tive. Otherwise, the system will retain the poisonous refuse to the destruction of the tissues, and all the processes of life will be dulled, building up imperfectly the various organs, so that, ultimately, the stomach fails to digest, the liver to make bile, the kidneys to excrete urea, the brain to think clearly, the nerves to excite normally, the heart to beat regularly. Thus the weakest spot soon gives way, and recognized disease sets in, and very general and severe it must be. All this, the result of impaired circu- lation, Cumulative Exercise would have prevented. Cumulative Exercise will cure. How often do we meet with those who, without organic disease, or functional dis- order, still complain of being far from well! There is physical, mental and nervous prostration—-a weakness or giving out of the powers, a disinclination or incapacity to perform physical labor, and inability to apply themselves mentally to anything difficult for any length of time. “ I feel so tired all the time—knees week—stomach giving out a>.d failing to act; food don’t seem to do me any good ; my hands and feet always cold ; in fact, I seem to have very little blood, and what there is of it is poor and thin. I have tried almost every known remedy and means of cure without avail.” Many will realize in this picture a similarity to their own ease. Without taking space to fathom the causes, we would state briefly that the blood is poor, weak and thin, owing to a want of proper assimilation, the circulation unequal and imperfect, the muscles and nerve-centres lacking in tone and strength, in consequence, the brain partaking of this general weakness. In the Health-Lift we have a safe, sure and permanent remedy. Thousands have testified to this fact. It lias brought health, strength and healing to every part. The brain lias acquired new vigor, the blood new life, and the individual finds a pleasure in living to which, before, he had been an entire stranger. If your condition is in any respect similar, try the Health- Lift from three to six months, and you will verify all We have said. RESULTS FOLLOWING A GOOD LIFT. Y ou are breathing at least two buttons deeper, but not so fast. There is a gentle glow over the whole surface. As you put on your coat you rather wish Sampson were around, that you might show him a trick worth two of the gates of Gaza business. Out on the street you regard street-ears contemptuously, and the occupants of coupds with compassion. But you’re fear- fully hungry, and dinner hasn’t beer so welcome since you came back from the mountains. Your evening is the most en- joyable you’ve known for a long time, and contrary to your wont, you’re asleep as soon as your head touches the pillow. Dr. J. P. Gulliver says: “If any com- mendations of Cumulative Exercise seem moderate and cold, it must be understood that they were probably written before lift- ing, when the system, was sluggish and languid. If any of,them seem too enthu- siastic and extravagant, it can safely be taken for granted that they were written after lifting, when the blood was coursing freely, the lungs expanding, the stomach digesting, and especially the torpid liver, whose laziness is the cause of so much mortal woe, doing its work in the share of life.” THE HEALTH LIFT. 15 A PLEA FOR THE LIVER. Tmf. best-abused organ in the human body is, undoubtedly, the Liver. Does your mouth taste bad in the morn- ing ? Is your stomach “sour?” “Oh! you’re bilious—too much bile in the sys- tem, you know. Take a blue pill and you’ll soon be ull right!” Does your head feel dull, and ache “ over the eyes ?” Are you “ blue” und grumpy —or dyspeptic or neuralgic—or troubled with dizziness, or “ see specks,” or “don’t feel very well yourself?” “Your liver is torpid—that’s what’s the matter with you. A blue pill will straighten you out in no time !” And so this great, big, overworked gland, with a double duty to perform, Is blamed for what it does do, and for what it doesn't do ; for doing too much and for doing too little, and is punched and spur- red, accused and abused in a manner that none but a poor spiritless drudge would submit to. The fact is we set it a harder tusk than making bricks without straw. We ask it to make bile without blood, and punish it with poisons when it fails to do so. The younger Flint has laid the Liver and its owners under obligation to him for all time, by teaching us what is the true function and office of this, the largest gland in the body, and the one most uni- versally found in all animals. It was through his studies and experiments that it was first clearly shown what the bile is, und what its uses are. Briefly, the waste matter of the brain and nerves is one of the essential materials out of which bile, to the extent in health of two anil a half pounds a day, is manu- factured. This waste nerve-matter, with other refuse, is ercrcted from (taken out of) the blood by the liver, transformed into bile, and poured into the intestines to assist in digestion and to prevent con- stipation and flatulence. Hut the production of this waste goes on in the brain, two or three feet from the liver, und iu every other part of the body wherever u nerve-filament reaches, and the only way the liver can use this waste is by having it brought by the blood to its work- shop. Manifestly, if the circulation of the blood is imperfect, the manufacture of bile will be limited, and then, usually, we pitch into the liver—a blue pill or a dose of calomel or of podophyllin. Nor is the insufficient production of bile, and the consequent imperfect digestion, constipation and flatulence all the evil. This waste matter of the nerves and brain, if not thoroughly and promptly carried off in the circulation, acts as an irritant and poison to the tissues in it remains, and hence headaches and neuralgia, or ach- imj of the nerves. Now, if there is any one fact more clear- ly understood and admitted than another in the wonderful and complex operations of the living bod}', it is that there can be no vigorous, or even negatively healthy circulation of the blood without a vigor- ous, tonic condition of the muscles. And this vigorous, healthy, tonic condition of the muscles can only be attained by their exercise or use. And so it is (dear why se- dentary persons suffer more from their livers than persons of active babits. It is also clear that so long as sonic persons must lead sedentary lives, and be debarred from active and diffused exercise, such persons must suffer, unless some substi- tute for diffused exercise be attainable. Ten minutes Cumulative Exercise, once a day, is not only a substitute for, but is better than any form of diffused ex- ercise whatsoever—from free gymnastics up or down, through all the range of In- dian clubs, dumb-bells, trapeze, bars, etc. And it will do more to secure an open hepatic duct, a vigorous circulation in the portal system, and a healthy Liver, than all the antibilious pills ever peddled. Moral : If yon would avoid Bil'ousness and its attendant imps, let your Liver alone and attend to your Muscle. 16 THE HE A L Til- L TFT. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. The Health-Lift—What is it ? The Health Lift is an expression of the most advanced scientific experience in physical culture or development It is a thorough system of exercise for the attainment and preservation of health. It is the simplest, safest, most efficient and most expeditious mode of taking till needed exercise. In the brief space of ten minutes all the mus- cles are gradually, thoroughly and symmetrically brought into action. No other system pretends to do this ; nor does any other system produce any such results. The Health-Lift, in its brief, carefully graduated and accurately weighed exercise, produces in the shortest time asymmetrical, harmonious de- velopment, in which the muscles of the loins and back are as strong as those of the arms and shoulders ; the heart’s action is strengthened and regulated, the lung capacity is doubled, and all the vital processes are harmonized and invi- gorated. The Health-Lift produces a sense of buoyancy and exhilaration, allays nervous excitement, re- duces the pulse and renders the respiration deeper, fuller and slower. What is Cumulative Exercise. As the term implies, a system in which the muscular effort gradually increases or cumu- lates. An exercise in which the muscles are gradually aroused and strengthened. An exer- cise which may be taken with the body in a natural position, with perfect safety and with- out strain or wasteful nervous expenditure. What does Cumulative Exercise do. The effects produced by Cumulative Exercise are, first, general; second, special. The general effects are noticeable in a feeling of buoyancy, freshness and invigoration, immediately fol- lowing the exercise. Cold extremities arc warmed ; headache, or sense of fullness in the brain is relieved; the surface of the body tingles ; tired muscles feel rested ; and a sense of renewed life and vigor follows the improve- ment of the circulation. This impiovement of ) the circulation is notan acceleration or quicken- ing of it in the usual way, by making the heart beat and throb hurriedly and tumultuously ; but the circulation is equalized—that is, lhe blood is drawn from parts or organs which have too much, and is distributed to those which are suffering for want of it. And this blood, “ which is the life,” carries in its current the great inciter of vital changes, “ oxygen, whose presence is the indispensable condition of lire.” The contracting muscles absorb this oxygen in a sixfold greater proportion than when at rest. And this gives a stimulus and height totheanimal life, similar to that caused by the inhalation of oxygenated air. By it the vital processes are quickened, buoyancy takes the place of depres- sion, the lungs play more freely, and the breath- ing is deeper and fuller ; the muscles are made tense and elastic ; the eye is brighter, the brain is clearer, the whole system tingles and vibrates with a keener, sharper play of the life forces. The special effects are noticed in tho action ex- cited in parts or organs of the body which are unhealthy or diseased. The more thoroughly circulated blood, and the increased amount of oxygen absorbed by the muscular tissue, arouse and stimulate the vital changes by which the atoms composing the body are removed and replaced. And as the body is thus rebuilt, under healthier conditions, unhealthy and diseased structures are the seat of unusual activity, until they regain a healthy normal standard—until, in short, Disease and Weakness are supplanted by Health and Strength. Who need it. Brain-Workers, Professional Mbit and all j persons of sedentary habit, those who are sick, and able to take it, and those who are well and wish to keep so. By it they may relieve the head, rest and refresh the jaded nervous sys- tem, and furnish the digestive apparatus with the necessary blood wherefrom to draw the juices and forces necessary for digestion. By it they may prevent dyspepsia, or cure it if al- ready its victims. By it they may prevent para- lysis and many other diseases of the nervous system, and frequently, if not too aggravated, cure them. By it they may secure a sense of freshness and buoyancy, and a capacity for the evening's enjoyment unattainable in any other way. By it they may insure a sound, refreshing night’s sleep. And by it they may do more work, mental and physical, with less friction, less “wear and tear,” than they could possibly I do without it. THE HEALTH LIFT. 17 Is the Health-Lift Suitable for Women. Cumulative Exercise is especially beneficial for women, as it has n marked and specific effect on the pci vie viscera. It strengthens the buck and pelvic region. It gives tone to the whole nervous system ; it restores displaced or- gans to their nutural position. It relieves all their weaknesses, und prepares them for the or- dcul of childbirth in the most natural and effect- ive manner. There is scarcely an ailment to which women are subject in which this does not act as a spe- cific, for the reason that many, Hunt most of the nils of women arc the con-equencc of inertia und muscular weakness. See article elsewhere, “ Cumulative Exercise for Ladles.” Has the Health-Lift a favorable effect upon the Condition of Pregnancy. Very marked results have shown in every known cape, where the exercise has been tried for a sufficient length of time to produce nn effect u|M>n the ubdominal muscles und pelvic viscera. Several cases are on record showing the fol- lowing results : The disagreeable morning sick- ness during pregnancy, and other symptoms consequent upon the sympathetic relations of the uterus with surrounding organs, especially the stomach, have been almost, if not entirely removed The sense of weight, pressure, neu- ralgic and sciatic pains, were greatly relieved and lessened, and the ability to walk much in- creased. The time of labor greatly lessened, previous labors being between thirty and forty- four hours, subsequently reduced to from three to four hours. The pains less frequent, and the patient much better able to bear them. Com- plication* attending and following labor are much less likely to occur. Tae mother is able to transmit some of her improved health and vigor to the child, so that the results to the child ure uniformly favorable. For this one thing alone, it is impossible to place a money- value on the Health-Lift. See cases. 8hould a Woman who has frequently Miscarried Lift. By all means. It is not only perfectly safe, but in most instances a sure preventive of a re- currence. See cases. Is it Safe to use the Health-Lift at the Climacteric Period. It has been found desirable and efficient in all cases that have come under our notice. Is the Health-Lift Suitable for Children. Not till after they have attained their tenth year. It is especially good for growing girls at the time of change. Will it Cure Dyspepsia. Much that is written in this book tends to prove that dyspepsia in all its hydra-headed forms, with all its attendant evils, in fact, for almost all troubles that affect any part of the alimentary canal, the Health-Lift is a specific—» a safe, sure and permanent cure to this dreaded American scourge and all its relations. Will it Prevent the Tendency to Colds. Taking cold is the most prolific source of disease. Keep your blood pure, your skin act- ive, your functions in good working order by good food, cleanliness, and regular exercise, and you may thereby render your system impsr- vious to colds and other forms of sickness. Will this Exercise Reduce Flesh. It will not make a large man small, but it will certainly remove ttuperjluow adipose and reduce and restore to natural proportions, by creating more activity in the absorbents, und promoting healthy action of the eliminating functions. From three to six months of faithful lifting ought to remove from five to twenty pouuds of excessive adipose. Will it Mako a Thin Man Stout. Its tendency is certainly in that direction, when it is natural that a man should be stout, and when dyspepsia and other diseases which depend upon a want of action in the assimila- tive properties of the body have reduced his llesh. A man nliuost always gains by lifting, be- cause his health improves. The writer gained over fifty pounds in one year. Many others have made considerable progress in this direc- tion. 18 THE HEALTH-LIFT. Has Lifting a Pernicious or Dangerous Effect ou the Brain, or Brain Diseases. Not at all. Ordinary difficulties of the head and brain have been treated in a most satisfac- tory manner, when nothing else would afford relief. The machines are now being tried in one of the largest insane asylums in the country, the physician experimenting daily with thirty cases of every grade. The effects thus fur have been highly satisfactory. Does the Health Lift Produce Sleep. It invites and restore.! balmy sleep. Ten minutes’ exercise on the Health-Lift, just before retiring, is worth more than all the narcotics in the world. It effectually and permanently breaks lip this bad habit of sleeplessness ; and all who have been thus afflicted recognize in it a jnuch-vulued discovery. For this one difficulty we have sold nearly two hundred machines. Tired nature’s sweet restorer—heavy weights. Does the Health-Lift Expand the Chest, and Increase tho Capacity of the Lungs. Ilow can it bi otherwise? Just before the lift effort is made, it is natural and necessary to inflate tho lungs fully, and to hold the breath during the whole effort, which is quite long. As sooa as the lift act is completed there is a na- tural effort to take several long breaths, which we always encourage an l advise. This extra- ordinary uso of Mio lungs will enlurgo them, make them stronger and more healt by, and more capable of properly aerat ing the blood. By re- ference to cases and testimonials in this work, it will bo seen that in several cases, well attest- ed, the chest measurement has been increased from two to five inches. If the lungs arc large, strong, and healthy, it is almost impossible for ill health to attack such an one. At least, more depends upon this than almost every thing else. Narrow chests and absence of deep breathing, are pretty sure to be accompaniments of ill health. What Effect has this mode of Exercise on Diseases of the Lungs. In most cases salutary. It is so gentle that it will not do harm even where there exists hemorr- hagic diathesis. Consumption in its early stages has no greater friend or more potent rem- edy than exercise. As a preventive of lung diseases, it has no equal. What is the Effect of Lifting on Persons Subject to Heart Disease. It should first be stated that not one in ten who thinks lie lias heart disease has organic disease of the heart. It is apt to be functional, or some trouble of the stomach affecting the heart, owing to nearness and sympathetic rela- tion. For every case of heart disease belonging to this class, the Lift is very good. Will the Health-Lift Cure Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Though remote and obstinate by any mode of treatment, they are certainly amenable to this form. Rheumatism, though generally affecting the muscles, is a disease of Ihe blood. Neuralgia affects the nerves. Both are affected by the improper performance of the functions, especially the liver and kidneys. The Health- Lift, by its marked effect on the blood and func- tions, will relieve especially, sciatica, and mus- cular and inllammatory rheumatism. Even chronic articular rheumatism will be greatly benefited if the patient will have patience. A number of cases of stiff knees and joints, and fingers twisted out of shape, have, in six months, shown a remarkable change for the better. One case of chronic articular rheumatism was entirely cured. Neuralgia, when not too remote, should yield, as, in many cases, the Lift will remove the cause. It has been tried in many cases of sciatica, some chronic and very severe, and I have never known it to fail in a single case. Heavy weights are here necessary. - What Effect on the Bowels. Constipatiox is relieved in seven or eight cases out of ten, and even the doubtful two or three, if persisted in. This most pernicious difficulty is affected in several ways. First, by the pressure on the abdominal walls ; by the new tone and vigor given to the intestines and surrounding parts ; by the increas d ilow of bile, and by the marked effect on the smaller capillaries, completely emptying them, both of which last are always followed by increased I peristaltic action. Diarrhoea is as effectually removed, the lift relieving the internal coating of the congestion and inflammation which causes it. The sagging, hearing down, sense of weight and pressure, so common to the abdomen and bowels, arc all permanently removed. THE HE A L Til LI FT 19 Is tho Lift a Remedy for Cold Extremities. Tub best and nlinost the only effectual one. Tho first effect noticed from the lift is the warm- ing, tingling, pleasant sensation produced by the blood being sent to every part of the system, especially the lower extremities. It never fails in this, and one can but notice it from the first lift. What Change does this Exercise Produce in the Blood. It quickens and increases the oxygenation of the blood; and through this increased oxy- genation, and a more thorough and vigorous circulation of this fluid, are wrought the benefi- cial effects which have made this system a rec- ognized branch of medical treatment. Does it Expand the Chest. Tub Health-Lift gives special expansion to the chest, to the extent of increasing its girth from one and a half to four inches, and of doubling its mobility, with a consequent in- crease iu respiratory volume, during the first three months. It often will make a correspond- ing increase in the visceral cavity, especially in the region of the heart, stomach and liver. Ia it Possible that Ten Minutes Daily Exercise on the Health-Lift i3 Sufficient. It is. We contend that ten minutes on the Health-Lift is far better than a walk of several miles, or an hour or more iu the gymnasium. A little exp ‘Hence will convince any one. The economy of time in this exercise U no more to be marveled at than the application of the speed and capacity of mechanical nction to the use of cominesco, agriculture and manufac- tures, the improvement of the modes of travel- ing and the means of transmitting messages. “ You emphasize once a day as being sufficient. I often feel like taking it two or three times daily. Is there any harm No. If you feel like lifting often, do so ; and in many cases this is more desirable. It will hasten recovery. Does it not Exhaust. It is one of tho commonest occurrences for a person to enter the Lift room, tired, depressed and languid, and to go away after ten minutes' exercise, rested, refreshed, buoyant and invigo- rated. Is there not Danger that the Lifting Ex- ercise will Enlarge or Stiffen the Hands and Destroy the Mobility and Flexibility of the Wrists and Fingers. Thore is not the least danger of any such re- sult. On the contrary, violinists, pianists, artists, engravers and penmen testify that the exercise gives increased delicacy, accuracy and firmness to the fingers, hands and wrists. It will cure ptn palmy. Ladies never complain of its spreading the hand. By a late change and improvement in the handle, it will not even harden nor produce callosities, especially where gloves arc used. Is there not Danger of Strain cr Injury. This is a very common and natural question, and we arc glad to be able to affirm, in the most positive manner, that out of nearly two thou- sand machines sold, and tens of thousands of persons who have lifted, we have yet to hear of any ca*e Of injury, beyond a temporary sore- ness of muscles, natural to any exercise, r d which would pass away in a few days. The reason is obvious. First, the position assumed is a perfectly natural one, favoring a natural condition of every organ and muscle. The weight is equally distributed ; no organ or set of muscles is required to do more than its appropriate share of work, and ns the chain is no stronger than its weakest lffik, the amount to be lifted must be governed by one’s weakest orgun or muscle. Therefore, lifting on u lift- ing machine, in the proper position, is perfectly safe. I have tried almost every thing in Vain. Cumulative Exercise furnishes the most hope- ful prospect of entire relief from many chronic ailments that other methods of treatment do not reach. A large number of the patients treat- ed nt our rooms belong to that class that have trie ! almost, every thing in vain. Their troubles arc decidedly chronic, and made worse by pre- vious ineffectual treatment. ' Is it Complete in its Effects. Tins system of exercise, in its practical ap- plication is complete, reaching every organ and fibre from head to foot ;#nrousing nil those parts 20 THE HEALTH-LIFT. which are weak or diseased ; strengthening, and preventing disease in the former, and ex- pelling it from the latter; thus securing strength, health and symmetry by the same process. Will not Lifting have a Tendency to produce Round Shoulders. One who lifts can not possibly get round- shouldered, nor allow his shoulders to droop, as it strengthens the muscles which hold the shoulders and trunk in the proper position. It is especially valuable in preventing this tenden- cy in growing girls and boys. Lifters are generally proud of their erect carriage and fine- ly developed shoulder muscles. Do the Medical Profession Approve. Decidedly. They recognize in it the most valuable aid to medical treatment, and give it hearty support and encouragement. Ask your family physician if these things are not so. See art icle elsewhere in this book “ To the medical profession.” They send to us and to our agents most of our patients and patrons. To the med- ical profession alone, we have sold a large number of machines for office and private use. See numerous testimonials from prominent phy- sicians in another place. What is Health. Health is the uniform and regular perform ance of all the functions of the body, arising from the harmonious action of all its parts, a physical condition implying that all are sound, well-fitting and well-matched, nealth is the power to work long, to work well, to work suc- cessfully. What i3 Temperance. Temperance is corporeal piety. It is the preservation of divine order in tho body. A vigorous circulation demands temperance in all things, and will not tolerate excesses of any kind. I3 not thi3 Machine Complicated, and Liable to Get Out of Order, Elsewhere this question is answered thus : “ It is so simple of construction that a child can adjust it and almost understand its mechanism. It does not break, wear out nor get out of order.” This is almost It will even bear unreasonable abuse, but may eusily last a life- time without requiring repairs or alteration. We were never so fully prepared to affirm the above statements as now, as the machine has lately undergone important alterations, which have made it as near perfect as it is possible to construct machinery. The improvements lately made are of great importance in other respects as well, especially the handles. Does one Actually Lift the Weight Indicat- ed on the Reactionary. All machines arc accurately and carefully tested before accepted, and none sent out ex- cept absolutely perfect in this ns well ns in all other respects. The accuracy of weight is proved in several ways, and is exactly the same as so much deadweight of iron. How Long io it Necessary to Lift in order to Feel the full Benefits. This is a difficult question to answer definitely, as one may feel great benefit from the very first lift, another in a week, another in a month. We always advise three months as a fair trial, just to the patient and the treatment, but even six months or a year should not be considered too long if you can secure the results claimed. The Lift works slowly, ns all real beneficences do, and its demand of all is patient perseverance. Its object is to begin nt the foundation, and work out every atom of poison in the system— to build up and reconstruct generally. Certain- ly this is worth labor, patience and perseverance. Do not its Effects Wear off. The beneficial effects of training by the pro- cess of cumulative exercise, are always the more evident the second year than the first; and so on, the longer we practice it. Its effects do not wear off, nor become less by constant prac- tice, but are enhanced and become permanent. For this reason The Health-Lift is destined to become the universal system of physical educa- tion. Is it Necessary to Lift Every Day. DEcmEm.Y preferable, and in some cases twice, but a lift every other day, or even once or twice a week, is not without its advantages, and better than none. Are Life and Health worth Saving. “All that a man hath will he give for his life ” and health, except, ten minutes once a day, to exercise on The Health-Lift. ILn HEALTH-LIFT. 21 TESTIMONIALS. FROM PHYSICIANS. Mora than 100 Reactionary Lifters have been purchased by Physicians. From Oliver Wendell Holmes, M.D., Professor of Anatomy, Harvard University. M v three months’ experience of the Health. Lift lias been entirely satisfactory. It furnishes a concentrated form of exercise which I have found salutary, agreeable and exhilarating. It calls the blood into the muscles and leave* them ready for further action, so that I have found myself more disposed to take a long walk after four or live lifts than before, I may add that the particular apparatus used at your rooms. “ The Reactionary Lifter,” is a most ingenious, convenient, compact and serviceable arrangement, by which the lifter’s own weight is made to do service, and by an easy and sim- ple adjustment of leverage, to furnish a resist- ance to be overcome, all the way from 20 to 1000 pounds and more. From Wm. W. norland, M.D., Fellow of the Mass. State Medical Society. After a daily trial, under your directions, of the Health-Lift, during two months, it gives me g cat pleasure to express to you the very favor- able impression it lias made upon me. Liftyig, as I now do, five hundred pounds, I have never felt the least strain, nor any other injurious effect. On the contrary, the sensations, after lifting, are only those of exhilaration, lightness, increase of muscular force, and a pleasant accel- eration of the circulation. Those whom I have sent to you hear the same testimony In fact, every one who gives the Reactionary Lifter a fair trial becomes fascinated with it. From It. C. Moffat, M.D., Brooklyn. It gives me plonsnre to present my testimony in behalf of Mann's Health-Lift. It is the most perfect compendium of exercise imaginable ; particularly udapto I to those of studious or sed- entary habits, and to persons suffering from uterine and kindred weaknesses. From Lester Keep, M.D., Brooklyn. From much experience, I have formed the opinion that the Health-Lift Exercise is one of the quickest, cheapest and most thorough known. By the lift-act you accomplish many things. You control the arteries and veins effectually. You equalize the circulation in all the blood-vessels, and thus relieve con- gestions, the great source of debility and trouble with most invalids. But much more than this ; it controls eminently the vital forces, and equalizes their distribution. Parts having an excess of vital action are relieved, and those deficient are most happily supplied From lloratio (lomez, M.D., Physician to the N. Y. Dispensary. From my experience of the benefits to be derived from a systematic and intelligent use of the “ Lifting Cure” in general, I would par- ticularly state in reference to your special ma- chine, that after liuving used ft for some four months myself, I atn fully satisfied that in its effects it is equal, if not superior, to any other with which I am acquainted, while for cheap- ness and portability it is equaled by none. From Caroline If. Winslow, M.D., Washington, D. C. IIkauino of the Health-Lift, without any faith and with very little interest, I began to exercise on the Reactionary Lifter. It* effect leas magical. It aroused every dormant organ and muscle in my body, quickened my circula- tion. increased my appetite, and improved my whole condition of mind as well ns body. I improved rapidly in strength, and, no longer in a chronic state of weakness, can walk better, further. and faster than for years. I now do my former amount of business. Can and do walk from twenty-live to thirty squares a day with more case than I could have walked two , squares three months ago. Altogether I am a 22 THE HEALTH-LIFT. physically regenerated woman. I find the Health-Lift exercise equally useful with my patients suffering from chronic diseases of liver and stomach, in spinal weakness and irrita- tion, in spinal curvatures and muscular and nervous debility, and esteem it a blessing that can not be overestimated in its usefulness—a healer of the sick and a useful exerciser and developer of the well—very superior to any known system of gymnastics or calisthenics, where carefully and judiciously used. From Frank IV. Reilly, 31.D., Inventor and Patentee of the original Health- Lift. The improved Reactionary Lifters, received from you, have been subjected to a variety of tests, the most important of which is their con- tinued use for the past three months by a num- ber of persons, with the most satisfactory re- sults. Formyself, the inventor and patentee of the original Health-Lift—as distinguished from Windship's Shoulder Lifter, and the Boston modification of the old cross-bar lifting machine of the gymnasium—I found some difficulty in admitting that the Reactionary could be quite so good as my own bantling. But there is an old adage about “the proof of the pudding,” etc.; and after watching the effects both in my own case, and in the number of others who have used the Reactionary under my charge, I have no hesitation in saying that the results produced are. quite as beneficial and satisfactory as thosethat I know follow the Health Lift. For convenience, ease of adjustment, range of weight and avoidance of the corkscrew effect on the spine (produced by the use of the cross-bar apparatus for centre-lifting), the Reactionary is fuily equal to the side-lifting Health-Lift: while in portability and cheapness it is i's superior. The “moral effect” of lifting visible masses of iron, that at one time I attached some import- ance to, has been shown by these tests to be a mere bugbear, and entirely unworthy of con- sideration. Of course, there can be no comparison be- tween the Reactionary and any form of spring apparatus—multitudes of which have been in use from the very earliest days of the lifting exercise up to a recently patented device now on sale, I understand, in your city. But these have all been found wanting and condemned. Prom Lawson A. Long, 31.D., Buffalo, N. Y. It is now flve months since I purchased a Re- actionary Lifter. 1 was desirous of trying its effect upon my own case as well as some others that had baffled the skill of the best medical men My own case was one that I considered hopeless, and I could get no encouragement from the best medical authorities. For eighteen years chronic cystitis, attended by inflammation of the prostate and urethra, 1ms rendered my life at times an intolerable burden. I have often recalled Professor Gross’ words, when speaking of this condition of things, “ The poor suffeer lingers out a miserable existence until death comes to his relief.” After exercising three months I found myself in an improved condition, and since that time I have been more comfortable than nt any time since I broke down, am quite free from suffering, general health good, and am lifting 550 lbs. at present. I expect now, by perseverance, to rid myself of all my physical infirmities. If I atn enthusias- tic m my praises of the Health-Lift it is no more than gratitude demands. During the above- mentioned time I have watched with great in- terest the effect of cumulative exercise upon seventy different cases. In every cajo the exer- cise proved agreeable as well as beneficial. This I of course expected ; but I must confess that I was astonished at the wonderful potency of cumulative exercise in reaching and relieving chronic infirmities of long standing. Whatever lias been said or written before concerning the Health-Lift as an adjunct in the treatment of disease, or of its unaided power to arouse the vital energies of the human system, in my opi- nion the half has not been told. In some of the worst cases the result of a few weeks’ exercise was unexpectedly successful. In fact, it seemed almost incredible to me. The sufferers them- selves look upon their restoration to health as borderingon the miraculous. All physicians admit the value of exercise, but few realize the benefit to be derived from scientific or cumula- tive exercise, systematically taken through the medium of the Health-Lift. It has been a new revelation to me, as well as to other medical friends, who have with me been looking into this subject. We find that the happy results obtained are not miraculous. The benefit re- ceived is the reward of obedience to physical law. Action encourages vitality'. I firmly be- lieve that the time is not far distant when the Health-Lift will receive the attention due to its merits. It will soon be found in the office of every intelligent physician, and in families whose means allow the luxury of a piano. THE HEALTH-LIFT. 23 From David Wooster, Jl.D., San Frnncisco. The bencflcTal effect of the Health-Lift is appreciated when it is understood that it is only by muscular tliut arterial capillaries •re emptied, and that immediately after such contraction these same capillaries must be re- filled wilii arterial blood fresh from the lungs, through the left side of the heart—that is, new- ly oxygenated blood. Constipation is cured by this process; tliut is, by completely emptying the small arteries of the alimentary canal during muscular contraction, which, by a well-known physiological law, is followed by increased petistalic action. (See Iladctiffe on Pain, p. 147.) This explains how the ‘’Lift" cures functional diseases of the liver, spleen, pancreas, stomach, etc. It cures by causing a more com- plete renewal of arterial blood in the finest capillaries than can be secured by any other known means. [The method of Cumulative Exercise, as practiced on the Reactionary Lifter, is most thorough in uniform, simultaneous tautening aijd development of all the muscles of the body. I do not hesitate to unqualifiedly commend the exerciso and the apparatus to all persons suffering from dyspeptic or rheumatic affec- tions, and to every person of sedentary em- ployment, who—now possessing average or “ passable ” health—desires to obtain and en- joy the fullest vigor and efficiency of which | his (or her) constitution is capable. Using the Reactionary Lifter, there is no risk of spinal curvaturo or other distorting of the hu- man frame—a danger appertaining to the exer- cise when taken on the machines which ante- date I)r. Reilly’s and Rev. Mr. Mann’s inven- tions. If the clergymen, lawyers and clerks of | San Francisco generally, knew of the virtues of the physical training you offer, your rooms would be constantly thronged wit-h patrons. ( From C. Pcrkham Fitch, Jl.D., New-York. Conscious of the great good derived from Cu- mulative Exercise, and having used the lteac- ! tionary Lifter for more than two years, it gives me great pleasure to state that I regard it. when properly and continuously used, as fraught with immediate and lnsting benefit. For dyspepsia, torpid liver, kidney diseases and rheumatism, it is a very important agent as a means of cure ; while to those of sedentary habits, it is almost indispensable for the maintenance of health. It develops by gradually increased physical effort the entire muscular structure, and imparts tone and vitality to the entire organism. To the feeble it is a sine qua non, to tlm strong it is at once recreation and protection. From S. S. and S. K. Strong, Jl.D., Remedial Institute, Saratoga Springs. It gives ns pleasure to commend Mann's Re- actionary Lifter as an elegunt and satisfactory appliance for a very valuable form of exercise. Wo have used this machine in connection with our other remedial appliances in our Insti- tution. and have found it of benefit to persons of weakened muscular structure and of seden- tary habits. From liohcrt. Hamilton, Jl.D., Medical Institute, Saratoga Springs. My experience of the Health-Lift. (Mann'a Re- actionary Lifter), has been entirely satisfactory. It is one of the best forms of exercise I have 1 overseen, and it possesses all the merits that arc claimed for it. It quickens the circulation, increases the muscular force and produces a sense of buoyancy and invigoration. I have one in my Institute, und recommend its use among my patient*. From Clayton Keith, Jl.D., St. Louis. I do not hesitate to commend it to persons suffering from diseases incident to a want of exercise, and to all persons engaged in sedent- ary employments. It develops and hardens the muscles, strengthens and steadies the nerves, and tones up the whole physical system, thus enabling it to resist disease. I speak from cx- perience. From Pusejr and Mary If. Hcald, M.D., Ilygeian Home, Wilmington, Del. We have, had one of Mann's Reactionary Health-Lifts in use in our institution for two years, and are more than willing to add our testimony in its favor, as a most important ad junct in the hygienic treatment of many forms of chronic diseases—if judiciously used. As a means of exercise for persons leading lives of a more or less sedentary character, we believe it to be very beneficial. From Adrian J. F.bell, Jl.D., Prof. Physiology, Horn. Med. Coll., New-York. Tt is tlie best means of concentrated and phy- siological exercise of the entire system I have ever met with in this country or in Europe. It merits success. 24 THE HE A L TII-LTFT. From Wm. I.. Barrett, M.D., St. Louis. It. supplies, with wonderful perfection, a ne- cessity that has 1 mg been felt by physicians, and will, I am sure, prove to be an invaluable adjunct in the treatment of chronic diseases, especially those engendered and promoted by sedentary habits of life, and by luxury and indolence— causes to which perhaps one-half of all chronic ailments arc due. My practical experience warrants the conviction that nothing I can say in praise of it as a safe, efficient and health-promoting exercise is beyond the measure of its great deserving. From Austin Flint, M.D. I have derived, personally, advantage from the use of the Health-Lift, and I have known of its having proved beneficial in several instances. Judiciously used it secures the benefits of physical exercise to both body and mind. From .lames HI. Minor, 31.D. An experience of about five months of daily use of the Reactionary Lifter convinces me of its great utility. I have been a sufferer from dys- pepsia from early life, and have tried almost cv< ry known form of exercise, and not without benefit, but have found none which at all compares with the Health Lift. It has greatly improved my health and increased the strength and activity of both mind and body. That an exercise of such short duration, occu- pying, including rests, not more than twenty minutes, should produce such remarkable results seems to be in violation of a hitherto well-recog- nized principle, that exercise to bo beneficial must bo moderate in degree and long continued. The explanation may be found in the fact that, owing to the position assumed, almost every nnii-cle of the body is brougnt into strong and simultaneous action (a result not produced by any other form of exercise), causing a more perfect diffusion of blood and nerve force, not only to the muscles them- selves, but to all the other structures of the body. In short, the Health-Lift accelerates to a high degree and exalts to great perfection all the ordi- nary processes of nutrition, forming new material in larger quantities and of better quality, remov- ing at the same time, and with like rapidity, the effete material by oxidation (a true combustion as well as purification), by which both warmth and power are simultaneously furnished in increased quantities to the constantly renewed fabric. It seems to be especially ndapted to the peculiar exigencies of American life, in which a hot and impetuous haste imperiously demands every time- saving expedient, a necessity the fltealth-Lift ful- fills to a remarkable degree and most efficiently. In conclusion, I may add that the mechanical ingenuity and compactness of the “ Lifter." with its combination of levers, arc very remarkable and do great credit to the inventor. I'rbm T. M. B. Cross, M.D., New York. I have used the Reactionary Lifter regularly for about a year and a half, and have carefully studied its physiological effects, and as a result of my own experience I believe it to be a form of exercise which is not only safe, but highly beneficial. Its action upon the muscles of the bark and loins particularly commend it to the attention of tho public. It is, in my opinion, especially adapted to that large class of persons, who, though naturally strong and healthy, have from a sedentary course of life impaired their normal physical condition, and to all such it will be found to impart increased bodily and mental vigor if systematically and judiciously employed. From Dr. DougHerty, Newark, N. .1. I am satisfied that for indigestion and nervous disorders there is nothing better. 'Jibe principle involved is that of putting all the muscles equally on tho stretch and thus toning them up. Having tried it myself for some time, I can speak from experience of tho bracing effects which follow tho daily practice of the Health-Lift. I am confident that the whole army of bank clerks, book-keepers, and business and professional men, ns well as women, would be greatly benefited by a persistent course of exercise. From A. Scliroeder, M.D., Highland Falls. « Before commencing the use of your Reactionary Lifter I had ordered a coat of my tailor, but did not go for it untif I had had two months' ex- perience in cumulative exercise, when, to the tailor's astonishment and my own, the coat was altogether too small, I having increased four inches in the girth of my chest, by nctual meas- urement, in that short time. From H. O. (iatciiell, M.D., Kenosha, Win. I consider the Reactionary Lifter one of the most valuable inventions of the time. I will make every possible effort to recommend its use and promote its sale. 77/A’ HEALTH-LIFT. 25 Nearly One Hundred Reactionary Lifters have been sold to f lerzymon. FROM CLERGYMEN From Rev. 4. F. IV. Ware, D.O., Pastor Arlington Street Church, Boston. Dr. Ware has been a regular, paying subscriber at the Boston Agency of the lieulth-Lift Co. for three years, and is, therefore, qualified to speak, und has done so solelv with the view of interest- ing others in what iio found of great benefit, lie was under no obligation to write, and did so unsolicited. His article appeared without the knowledge of nny one interested. These signifi- cant f lets should give great weight to every word it contaius. In common with many others, I had heard vaguely of this thing, with the same sort of vague indifference or skepticism with which one almost always hears of new things. The chance word of a friend At the right moment—the word In season followed by the prompt “ come rviUi me now,” led to the mysteries and the blessings of the Lift. Never shall I forget the sensations of my first lift and my introduction to parts of myself un- known or forgotten. It sent a glow all over the body that was ns luscious and cheery as any that liavo been told of by the Turkish bath enthusiasts, and then—I am afraid it may be;ray mo—an exhilaration purer and more subtlo nnd enduring than that of best champagne. My experience has been a record of many joys, joys that conic of soothing and strengthening to a fagged brain, and a weary body, and a postered soul. I take my lift be- fore my late dinner, when the day's work is done. I carry to It whatever weariness the day has made—of body, of brain, of heart—and I go away anothei than the man I came. Headache, ; limhache, heartache are gone, or toned down to easy bearing, and a new connteractant vigor sot 1 at work in all the pulses. It seems to got he- j hind the heart, and holster that first scat of power und action. It is tile best op rest. The Health-Lift is the gradual, easy, complete I waking up of every torpid molecule in brain, I liver, nnd blood, the sending through and pos- j scssing the entire man with a new sense, a re- | creating him then and there, so t'hat ho turns | from his few minutes at his Lift a new creation, i It rouses the universal lethargy of the body ; j It sends the stagnant blood to the places nature intended it for; routs it from its hiding, its loafing places, and sends it to its duties ; it re- j moves surplus fat or distributes it; it decreases the girth of men growing portly and increases the girth of the lungs of men growing hollow ; : | it helps digestion, increases the power and en durance of the voice, und sets one up generally. Thuse are things whereunto I individually bear witness. Others have their other say. As I walk from iny lift into the air I feel us if 1 could carry Atlas—his load—without stooping ; I feel life down to the uttermost filament of my lungs, ti e glory and the joy of mere being. I feel so per- pendicular as if I must bo nadir and zenith ti the universe. Amid ull summer luxury and en- joyment I have felt the need of and have missed my daily lift. If wo were only doing about these bodies somewhat near what we ought to do, every com- munity would have a lift-club and careful attend- ant. It should be a public institution at much as a school is. It would be to many a man an ad- dition, if not to the length of his days, to the valuoof his life; would furnish him with sensa- tions, the like of which he has not had since ho parted with the suppleness and the enterprise of boyhood. It will renew lost vigor better than voyage or nostrum ; but the better work of it may be in keeping one from losing the vigor which at best is slowly regained, in pursuit of which so many lose the patience, preseverance, and faith which are vital to recovery. The Lift works slowly, as all real beneficences do, and its demand of you is patient perseverance. It would be a great thing to have these Lifts attached to banks and buildings where many men arc employed, who are burning life out at both ends ; it would be a great step in political shrewdness to plant them n xt door to where young men do congregate, rather than the too eager and tempting saloons. Fathers would do well to send their growing boys and girls. Par- ishes would be wise if they made it a part of t'.ieir duty to see that their minister took his Lift, and paid his bill for it to boot, if lie be not able fairly to do it himself. And ns things go, it would not be a bad idea to attach a llealth- Lift to the church appointments, kitchens and parlors to sot up the social tiling that a man is even in his religion ; why not set the man up in the physical things that he is, and that his relig- ion needs him to lie ? A good lift of a Sunday morning before going to church would have u wonderfully clearing influence. There would be less sleeping, less indifference, less fault-finding, better chance for real good all arouud. We should have men, women, ministers roused, wide awake, alert, good-humored anil making 26 THE 1IEALT1ILIFT. ;hcbest of memselves and of everybody else. There isn’t a great deal of use in talking about worshiping in spirit, when the body is torment- ing you with its apathy, and the only real in- cense you lay upon the altar is an indigestion. I believe in worship and all that, but my creed Is not complete until I have written it—I believe in the Health-Lift.—Allantic Monthly, Feb.,1875. From ltev. Howard Crosby, D.I)., LL.D., Chancellor of the University, New-York. 1 like very much the Mann Health-Lift. We have used it for two years in our family, with clear advantage to our physical well-being. From Ilev. ltobert Collyer, D.D., Chicago. I went to the Health-Lift because, notwith- standing in otherwise robust health, the exertion necessary to reach with my voice every part of our large church began to fatigue and distress my lungs and chest. I found the lifting of great use, and was soon able to do, easily, what be- fore cost much effort. From Rev. J. A. M. Chapman, D.D., N. Y. Having tested the virtues of the Reactionary Lifter, I take great pleasure in stating that it has been of the greatest service to me. I know of nothing so well calculated to recover and maintain the vigor and health of the system. I most heartily recommend it to all whose occu- pation does not sufficiently afford physical exer- cise. From Rev. .To II. Rylance, D.I)., New-York. The Health-Lift exercise proved of immense benefit in my case, in the way of mental and bodily invigoration. I have never failed to com- mend it, when occasion has cnlled, especially to those whose habits are of a sedentary character. From Rev. Slarr II. Nichols, D.I)., Phila. For five years I drew my weary breath, writing less, reading less, and enjoying less from year to year, till at last the physicians absolutely forbade my continuance in professional labor. During these years I had tried nearly every method of cure. Allopathy, Homeopathy, Hy- dropathy, were applied to in vain. Horseback- riding, light and heavy gymnastics, were faith- fully used, to no purpose. Long hours of sleep, with perfect rest and «asy recreation, profited me as little. Travel, under favorable circumstances, was my last resource, and from a protracted tour, I returned home worse than ever. I began to feel that there was no hope of recovery, but having business in Chicago, my atfc'iition while there was called to The Healtii-Lift, to which I had immediate recourse, with almost imme- diate relief. In three weeks I was better, in three months I was happy. My appreciation of the Lift can not be too confidently stated. It teems to me there is nothing better under the sun for all the ills that flesh is heir to. Being a constitutional remedy, it seems to be good for everybody who can stand, and lift—whatever their particular complaint. I should prefer a He actionary Lift in my study to a horse in my stable, or a piano in my parlor. 1 would even sell half my books rather than not use one. From Iter. J. P. Gulliver, D.D., President Knox College. I believe I have never attached my name to any recommendation of a medicine, or of any curative process of any kind. It has always seemed to me that such recommendations, even when honestly and intelligently given, are usual- ly very improperly used, by inducing unreflect- ing persons to believe that what seemed to be successful in a single case, and under peculiar circumstances, is applicable in all cases, and under all circumstances. I have no hesitation, however, in breaking over my rule ill commending the Health-Lift. No claim is set up for it which is unscientific or impracticable. As I understand the matter, its aim is simply to arouse to the highest possible effort, once a day, and for a few seconds at a time, all the functions of the muscular and vital system. This is done in such a manner as pre- cludes the possibility of a local strain, except in cases of special disease or injury. The effect of this unusual summons upon the physical sys- I tern is really w'onderful, though after its reality j has been established by experiment it is easily | accounted for. The stimulus it gives to the circulation, to the lungs, the stomach, the liver, * and the other vital organs, is such us to develop | with great rapidity, the power of the physical system. Many who have commenced this prac- tice by lifting three hundred pounds, with the utmost exertion of which they were capable, have increased their lift, gradually, until they have been able to raise eight hundred, and even one thousand pounds, with less effort than they required for their first lift. So it constantly happen0 that, in a succession of four lifts, taken at one time, the last will be made with much less exertion than the first, though perhaps twice as heavy. This development of vital, as 7777? HEALTH-LIFT. 27 distinct from mere mnsrular force, I consider the great mcri»of the Health-Lift. It Is easy to understand, with this explanation, how this system acts in the cure of disease. Every intelligent person understands that medi- cine does not cure disease, except indirectly, by urousing the curative power of nuture. If tho Health-Lift develops this vital force—this vis medicatrix natures, as the doctors call it—then It must cure disease, und the cure will not be mere relief, but it will be a constitutional cure, thor- ough and permanent. All the facts which have come to my knowl- edge correspond with this theory. I am pre- pared to believe the statements of the most en- thusiastic and grateful of your patients. The effects which I myself have experienced, and which I have witnessed in my family and among my friends, fully corroborate the favorable estimate of others. If any of these commenda- tions seem moderate and cold, it must be under- stood that they were probably written before lifting, when the system was sluggish and lan- guid. If any of them seem too enthusiastic and extravagant, it can safely be taken for granted that they were written after lifting, when the blood was coursing freely, the lungu* expanding, the stomach digesting, und especially the torpid liver, whose laziness is the cause of so much mortal woe, doing its shure in the work of life. In other words, the strong testimonials are the healthy, sound, judicious and veracious opin- ions ; and tho feeble ones are the morbid, bilious, melancholic and altogether untrust- worthy ideas of people who need the Health- Lift to make them wholly sane and sensible. From Rev. J. N. Backus, I).I)., Brooklyn. Mann's Health-Lift furnishes the most per- fect exercise for persons of studious or seden- tary habits, because the most thorough and yet the most economical of time. It so commands and equalizes the vital forces, as to give strength to the weaker purts, and to the weary rest. Its healthful influences, although not always com- prehended, are always felt by those who use it. We commend it with pleasure because of con fldence. From Rev. Chaancey Riles, New-York. I have used Mann's Reactionary Lifter for several yenrs, and continue to use it In my fam- ily. I have, also, personal knowledge of many ladies and gentlemen who have used the Lift Cure with great advantage. I have no doubt that it has added to the leugth of my life, and largely Increased iny capacity for work. It pos- sesses the most important requisites for women and all persons of sedentary hubite. It equal- izes and strengthens the circulation, gives tone and vigor to the nervous system, und tends to keep all the organs in vigorous and orderly ac- tion. From personal experience and knowledge I am confident that a judicious and faithful use of the Lift will result in the preservation of health, and in a largo and permanent increase in vital force. There can be no doubt us to the valuo of this system. The convenience of hav- ing It in the house is very great to me. From Rev. A. J. Frost., D.D., Fastor Univer- sity Place Baptist Church, Chicago. I know of nothing so perfect for determining blood from the head after protracted brain-work i as Mann’s Health-Lift. The blood that goes surging into the brain during the hours of mental application, is made to send its current downward to the mnscles at I once, and give immediate relief to the tired and aching head. In fact, It seems as if the weariness had been wiped out of the head, so immediate and refreshing is the effect. From Iter. S. II. Howe, Georgetown, D. C. I find in the Reactionary Lifter all I could wish. ITuvc experienced a very wonderful toning up of the muscular system. It takes the place of the former necessity for long walks, and has proved a wonderful economy of time. It has, in positive benefit, exceeded all my expecta- tions. From Her. E. N. Sawtelle, I).D., Brooklyn. More than two years ago I purchased one of i your Reactionary Lifters for our youngest daughter, who had been in feeble health for i years. That daughter is restored to health, and wherever she goes the Lift Machine is her com panion. My family as well as myself have strong faith in it as a restorative power. From Rev. Robert Holden, Rector of Trinity School, Nexv-York. Tho benefits I have derived from the Ilealth- Lift are immense. Amid severe labors, whicl would otherwise have completely prostrated me, this er-'cise has not me strength ta go through with them, but has, at the same time, caused me to enjoy a degree of physical health unusual to me for years. 28 THE HEALTH-LIFT. From Elder Miles Grant. It is admirably adopted for the object design- ed. It is cheaper, smaller, more easily adjust- ed, and more effective for good, than any thing of the kind we have ever seen. It is a well- settled fact that the “Lifting-Cure ” is one of the best means of restoring and preserving health. We would recommend all to try it who can have the opportunity. Every family should huve one of these lifts. If their value was only known, many families would be willing to lay aside their cosily furniture, or apparel, for the sakeof getting the “ Reactionary Lifter.” From Rev. A. P. Foreman, D.D., St. Louis. T have been using your Reactionary Liftej. now, for about six weeks, and like it very much. I believe its use would be a great blessing to our ministers. I have been the victim of ner- vous prostration, dyspepsia, and dumb chills, and was laid aside, for twelve months, from the work of preaching. My health is gradually im- proving, and I now have charge of a church. I keep my Lifter in my study, and exercise on it quite regularly. From Rev. Geo. TV. Bicknell, Portland, Me. For me the Ilealth-Lift has done wonders. During the war I was wounded in the head. For about ten years I suffered much from a pressure resulting therefrom. There was no exercise which I could take which would quick- en the circulation of the blood in the part in- jured. Very often the pressure became so great that I was unable to perforin my duties. There was no time that I was free from suffering. A year ago, I commenced ihe use of the Reaction- ary Lifter. I soon found that I was receiving great benefits from the exercise, and that it was just what I required. One of its marked fea- tures is, that at its close, instead of feeling weary, one is invigorated and refreshed. Exer- cising regularly the pressure in my head grew less, until, in a few weeks it was almost removed, and I felt like a new man. My strength has been more than doubled, enabling me to raise (joO pounds as easy as I could lift 300 in the beginning. I can not speak in terms of too high praise for what it lias done for me, 1 while its beneficial effects upon others, whom I have seen improving by its exercise, have been almost wonderful. To people of sedentary habits, even in health, its exercise must be in the highest degree beneficial. From Rev. Jonathan Bastow, Port Chester. So sensitive has been iny nervous system, that to guard that lias been one of my chief concerns for years. I have tried all forms of exercise, and yet before they had reached a point vigorous enough to be of any prolit, my nerves have been prostrated. 1 have used the “ Cumulative Exer- cise” now for six months, and yet have never had my nerves unpleasantly excited; but, on the contrary, I have obtained through it quiet and sleep when I have been perturbed arid nervous, which nothing else I know of could have given. From Itev. TV. F. I!. Jackson, Itector Church of Our Saviour, Chicago. It has restored my voice and vastly increased my lung capacity, in less than three months. c From Itev. TV. II. Ryder, Pastor, St. Paul’s Church, Chicago. So far as three years’ personal experience and observation of the Ilealth-Lift enable me to de- cide, I believe that this system is perfectly safe and efficient, in making the entire organism healthy and strong. From Rev. Lyman C. Howe, Troy, N. Y. The llealtli-Lift is decidedly the safest and cheapest medicine yet discovered. From a short experience of six weeks, I have derived much benefit. My strength has increased fifty per cent, and a general physical improvement in proportion. From Rev. E. J. Goodspeed, Pastor Second Baptist Church, Chicago. I have been using the Health-Lift for some time, and find it so agreeable and useful that I take considerable trouble to come from my house to enjoy its exhilarating effects. I believe I owe much to its use. From Rev. C. D. Helmer, Pastor Union Park Church, Chicago. Beginning the exercise of the Health-Lift ns a sensible and convenient mode of exercise, rather than as a means to remove positive di- sease, I have come, after more than a year of persistent use, to esteem it highly on both ac- counts. The effect of this scientific mode of lifting upon the nervous system has been very striking and very beneficial in my case. The THE TIE A L Til- L TFT. 29 nervous prostration on Tuesday, consequent upon the severe labors of Sunday, has been greatly relieved. Tho Health-Lift has become indispensable to me. I look to see it adopted very generally in stores, offices and hanks, and even private houses, as commonly as pianos now are. From Rev. IVm. IV. rage, Troy, N. Y. My experience with the Lifter has been that of an invalid confined mostly to tho house, and, therefore, of necessity, using it too irregularly to develop its full capacities. But it has been to ine a source of great temporary comfort, and a conservator of failiug vitality. I indorse it heartily. From Rev. J. C. Ager, Brooklyn, N. Y. I have used one of your Reactionary Lifters about six months, and still continue its use. I find its effects to be in every way most ex- cellent. No man qf sedentary habits can afford to do without one. FROM EMINENT LAWYERS. From George Tleltnor Curtis, Ksq., N. Y. I have used the Reactionary Health-Lift Ma- chine tor nearly a year, and consider it the best mode of taking special exercise that I have ever known. Its effect in improving appetite, diges- tion and sleep, is wonderful. It is particularly valuable for the refreshment it uffords to all who work with their brains, in whatever form of occupation; restoring at once the nervous energy when exhausted by labor or any other excitement. He who can lie down to sound sleep after an exhausting day of toil, and can rise to another day of work, morally certain that he has the means of securing another night of repoae, has made an important acquisition, which I am persuaded is within the reach of any one who will uvail himself of the benefits of this machine. From Hon. (leo. S. Hillard, Boston. I have nsed the lifting cure under tho direc- tion of Dr. Paul, Boston agent for tho Ilealth- I.ift Co., for about six months, and can recom- mend it as a good nnd healthy form of exercise. It quickens the circulation, increases the mus- cular force, and gives to the whole system a sense of renewed vigor. It Is particularly to be commended to those whoso habits arc sedentary. But in order to secure its good results it must be pursued regularly and as a matter of duty, and not Occasionally and as a matter of Impulse. In general a man needs such exercise most when he feels the least inclined to it. Such disin- clination is the result of a low tone of tho sys- tem, which a good lift will help to improve. From Hon. IV. F. Allen. Judge Court of Appeals, Albany, N. Y. I havo for many months usihI the Reaction- ary Lifter, nnd havo found in it all for which it was recommended. It has accomplished for me all llmt was promised. It has given me exercise without exhaustion, and tone to my circulation. When fatigued, a resort to the Lift always refreshes and invigorates my whole body. I consider it invaluable. From ,Iudve Henry Hilton, New-York. I use the Reactionary very irregularly; but often enough to lik<5 it, and think it beneficial in its effects. From Judge Henry Hootli, Circuit Court, Chicago. I havo been troubled for many years with neuralgia in my head, which, at times, laid me up for days. In uddition to this, I have been troubled with numbness in my arms and hands, which had become serious. I commenced the Health-Lift exercise July 2d, I860, and liave fol- lowed it faithfully ever since, with very few in- terruptions. I uin entirely cured of numbness of my urms and hands. I am very much better of neuralgia; attacks are less frequent and less severe. My digestion has been greatly im- proved, and I am better and stronger than I have been for many years. I have great faith in this exercise, and cordially and earnestly nd- vise all men and give it a fair trial. I consider it an invaluable blessing. From Hon. John H. Francis, Formerly Minister to Greece. The Ilealth-I.ift has afforded me the benefits of a healthy exercise. A three months' trial has convinced me that it Is a good thing. From Judge Jared Patchln, Detroit. I have used your Lift for over one year, and could not be induced to part with it. It is ail that is claimed for it. 30 THE HE A L TII-LIFT. From Hon. M. F. Tulcy, Corporation Counsel, Chicago. Having been, for many years, engaged in the practice of law, I found myself, in the spring of 1869, suffering from continuous and violent headaches, caused by too excessive application to my profession. I was induced to try the Lift. Found great relief from my brain troubles in the course of two months, and have steadily im- proved since. I regard it as an absolute neces- sity for all brain-workers who wish to continue their occupation for any number of years. From Judge S. B. (Jookins, Chicago. Some years before beginning the Hf.alth- Lift exercise, an attack of pleuro-pneumonia had resulted in the formation of adhesions, by which, as physicians explain it to me, a portion of the lungs had become attached to the walls of the chest and rendered useless. The Healtii- Lift restored these affected organs to their normal state, and did me good generally. It completely arrested a tendency to dyspepsia, whicli had been growing uppn me for some time. From IV. J. A. Fuller, Esq., New-York. I am fifty-three years old, and Inherited a vigorous constitution ; but, for over twenty years have had a repugnance for exercise. Two years ago tiiis want of exercise told on me. I felt jaded and had a fullness of blood in the head, and was also troubled with hemorrhoids. I be- gan lifting at 500 lbs., and in less than two months I had lifted 1150 lbs., the hemorrhoids were cured and my capacity for work very great- ly increased. After lifting I had an exhilaration of animal spirits that made me feel like taking every man I met and throwing him across Broadway. I look upon lilting as the best pos- sible and most convenient form of exercise for a physically lazy man. He can in ten minutes take all the exercise necessary for twenty-four hours. For two years I have never had a head- ache which I could not lift away in ten minutes. My wife and children have also used the lift with the best effect. No man can say too much in favor of lifting. lion. L. Q,. C. Lnmnr, Washington, D. C. | Suffering from nervous debility, I resorted to ■ the Health-Lift, and in a short time I felt the j work of revolution and reform in rny entire system. My voice, which had been worn and weakened by over exertion, was restored to its former tone and strength. .Ti;-lge Tlios. Allen Clarke, New Orleans. I have used for two yenrs your Reactionary Lifter, and it has proved to bo all that was promised. In a warm climate like this, where out door exercise can only be taken with difficulty, it is peculiarly valuable—giving exercise without fatigue or exhaustion. Jinlge W. S. Sliurt l( ff, Springfield Mass. Dyspepsia, neuralgin, nervous headache were banished: buoyancy of spirits, physical power, energy and mental vigor were laigely increased. All the good results attained have remained per- manently, and I now do some hours more work a day than formerly. From Edward Hopper, Esq., Philadelphia. When 1 first went to your rooms the simplicity of your method made me distrust its merits; but my experience with it convinces me tnnt it is an ingenious and excellent mode of exercise. It pro motes sleep and refreshes the whole system. From P. T. Barnaul, Esq., Bridgeport, Ct. I do not know what I could have done for the restoration and preservation of my health, had it not been for your Reactionary Lifter. An ac- cumulation of business three years ago, set my brain a-whirling. I had frequent dizzy turns, numbness in wrist and spine, headache, etc. Medical treatment proved ineffectual. A month’s laily trial of the Health-Lift at your rooms af- forded great relief. I bought a machine and use it regularly every day. It keeps my brain cool, gives me new life and vigor, adds vastly to my •omfort, and I doubt not it will materially pro- long my days. FROM PROMINENT INDIVIDUALS. From Henry B. Hyde, Etq., President, Equitable Life. I take pleasure in testifying to the good quali- ties and- effects of the Reactionary Lifter. I believe my health has been much benefited by its use. From R. H. Lowry, Esq., President Bank of the Republic. I have used the Reactionary Lifter over fifteen months. The result is that my health and strength are greatly renovated. I cheerfully recommend the instrument to all who, like my- self, lead a sedentary life. TIIE IIEA L TIL TAFT. 31 From Samuel C. Kennedy, Esq., Widows’ and Orphans’ Benefit Life Ins. Co. 1 ain pleased with tho Reactionary. Tlioro is a sense of satisfaction in taking a solid lift. I return from it with a clear head, cool eye. awakened and tranquil nerve ; feeling as benev- olently to all mankind as a child refreshed by sleep ; feeling also as if I had been rebuilt of oak and iron, strong and impervious. The ma- chine it, by all V. Itrutnnc, Esq., New-York. 1 had been suffering for a number of years with vertigo of a very severe description, nnd was at last recommended by my physician to try yonr Health-Lift. Its effects have l>ecn instantaneous, and I might say, almost magical. I have had but one slight attack during the ten | weeks I have lifted, when formerly I had three during the day. , From C. B. Nelson, Esq., Chicago. A few weeks’ practice entirely relieved me of dyspepsia and general nervous debility. I regard tills exercise as invaluable. From H-snrjr Waller, Esq., Chicago I cheerfully give my testimony in favor of the valno of The Ilealth-Lift. I feel well assured it Is Wised on sound principles, nnd the effects I have witnessed, as well a* experienced, during the last two years, assure me of its suecoss in practico. My physical sys- tem had been ” running down” for several years. My brain had been overworked, and my nerves were much enfeebled. I was dyspeptic, my liver torpid, and my digestion feeble. I suffered from headaches, numbne-s of limbs, coldness of the extremities, and general languor. I commenced by lifting 2.'10 pounds. I now li t 700. My appetite is natnrul, my sleep sound, my digestion good, and I am free from all ner- vous distress. I have increased sn fie‘h ; my endurance of fatigue Is altogether superior to what it was. There is an elasticity of move- ment and vigor which I had not. ami my spirits nee buoyant. From tien. It. A. Alger, Detroit. I have used your Health-Lift considerably, and am a thorough believer in it. From Mtmleeal It. Frans, Esq., Philadelphia. I cheerfully bear testimony to the advantages resulting from a systematic use of the Ilealth- Lift, exemplilled by personal experience of nearly a year at your rooms. It is a valuable substitute for tho ordinary exercise of the gym- nasium, requiring hut little time in its opera- tion, and producing salutary effects when used with regularity and judgment. From Major E. W. Matthews, Board of Brokers, Philadelphia. After about a year’s experience of the Health- Lift, I can recommend it ns being a very com- plete form of exercise, and especially adapted to the needs of business men, because requir- ing so littlo time. I would add that I have c-peeially noticed its effects on the voice, strengthening it and bringing it moro fully ! under control. From Adam Stelninetz, Esq., Philadelphia. For many years I have been tin tble to sleep with any thing like soundness. Hearing that your Health-Lift had worked well in sneh eases, I tried it, and after two months' practice under your direction I now enjoy what is to mo the 1 -xury of long and refreshing sleep, which I owe entirely to your system of exercise. 1!. M. Bishop and fifty other well-known citi- zens of Cincinnati are “ thoroughly impressed with its merits as a health promoter and restorer and cordially commend it to the public. One trial alone will satisfy any one of its efficiency.” HenJ. Homer, Esq., and many other influen- tial gentlemen in Philadelphia, “ cordially in- dorse cumulative exercise as practiced on the Reactionary Lifter.” John V. Parnell, with over one hundred other prominent citizens of Chicago, ‘‘indorse the Health-Lift as a safe, simple, and efficient mode of exercise,” whicli produces “ when judi- ciously pursued, a marked increase of vigor, im- provement of general health and consequent yielding and disappearance of disease." 32 THE HEAL TH-LIFT. FROM MUSICIANS AND VOCALISTS. From Goo. F. Root, Author and Composer, Chicago. I have thought that the simplest possible statement that could be made of my case would be sufficiently wonderful to cause incredulity in the minds of many, and so confine myself to tho mere facts. For several years my health had been going down. I had a complication of difficulties, and began to act and look like a feeble, old man ; and, being only in middle life, as to years, tried faithfully all the means within my reach to change the current and regain my lost health—medicine, traveling by sea and land, gymnasiums, out-door exercise and excursions, but with no permanent bene- fit. I was advised to try lifting, and did so; and almost immediately changed my mind in regard to being an invalid. I can not hope to say any thing emphatic enough to convey the strength of my belief that to this exercise I owo not only my present health, but my life. It is nine years ago to-day since I com- menced lifting. It took about a year to get to the weight I ought to lift, but from that time to this—eight years—I have not known a moment’s illness sufficient to keep me from my business. I began lifting before the Reactionary Lifter was invented, but for four years I have used that alone, and find its effects the same as those produced by Dr. Reilly’s Weight-Lifting Ma- chine. I would no more dispense with it than I would with my breakfast. From Eben Tourjco, Mus. Doc., N. E. Conservatory of Music. I have for three years daily used tho nealth- Lift which I purchased of you. I consider it a valuable means for maintaining health. I find that after intense application to business its use at night so affects the circulation of the blood as to enable me to rest without difficulty. Last summer several of my teachers and pupils took occasion to test it. They were all delighted with the results. From Miss Ida F. Sweetser, In tho Brooklyn Argus; for several years leading soprano singer in Dr. Storr's Church, Brooklyn, and now discharging the same duty in Dr. Cuyler’s. I went to the Health-Lift with great distrust of any beneficial results, having for many months suffered from a dreadful nervous prostra- tion, being the effect of several ailments unnee- cssary to specify. Words can not convey an adequate idea of my sufferings, which at times were almost too much for human endurance. But happily for me, relief was not far off. After taking tnis exercise a short time, I began to feel better ; in three moiftlis I had forgotten that I ever had any nerves ; in four months iny chest had very perceptibly expanded, my lung capa- city had greatly increased, my breathing was consciously deeper, my voice was stronger, and its quality for singing much improved. When I meet friends now, they remark with surprise : “IIow well you are looking—what have you been doing ? ” My uniform reply is—the Health- Lift has done it all. Whatever treatment of chronic disease and weakness may be good for others, of this one thing I feel sure, that nothing ever beforo de- vised can, for one moment, compare with the Health-Lift for woman. From Tiieo. F. Seward, Ed. Musical Gazette, New-York. I should be entirely unwijling to dispense with my Reactionary Lifter. Its advantages over Weight-Lifting Machines in economy, port- ability and elegance, are too patent to need comment. From Prof. Chester (1. Allen, New-York. I have practiced upon the Weight-Lifting Ap- paratus of Dr. Reilly, during the past year, with very great benefit to iny health. De- pressed and worn out witli work, I found that the exhilarating exercise filled me with new life, strength and spirits. It made a new man of me. I take pleasure in adding, that in your machine I find a substitute equally satisfactory in its effects, and vastly superior in economy, con- venience and elegance. From ff. S. It. Matthews, Editor Musical Independent, Chicago. Having exercised with the Health-Lift for nearly a year, I am happy to add my testimony to those already recorded. When I began to .lift, my muscular tissue was entirely deficient in firmness, my head out of order, and the sys- tem generally in the unpleasant state attend- ant upon Dyspepsia. I have now a good appe- tite, good digestion, a clear head, firmer muscle than ever before, and can lift seven hundred and fifty pounds with greater case than I could THE HE A L Til LI FT. 33 three hundred at first. The first three weeks entirely cured me of piles. To me this exorcise is indispensable. From (’. M. Cady, Ncw-York. From more than eight years' experience in lifting I can speak in strong terms, not only of Its beneficial effects general health, but especially in strengthening my voice, and enabling me to sing a long time without fatigue. Everyone accustomed to it knows how trying upon the voice it is to lead a large congrega- tion in singing. I have not only done this in two public services of the' Episcopal Church and a Sunday-school service all in one day, but have in addition, as lay reader, read the entire service without feeling special fatigue at its close. SPECIAL MERITS OF THE REACTIONARY LIFTER. From Gen. A. II. Scttleton, Philadelphia. lluving used the Reactionary Health-Lift scverul years, I would not dispense with it for any consideration, it is the "condensed milk" of physical exercise. From John D. Rockefeller, Esq.,Cleveland, O. I have used the Health-Lift you represent for ubout tlircc years at my home, and it has been a great benefit to my health. I cheerfully recommend it, and could not bo induced to dis- continue its daily use. From 11. A. Underwood, and ITm. T. Nast, 18 Exchange Place ; Albert (’lark and A. It. Hurling, Fifth A venue Hotel. Wo have used your Reactionary Lifter for about one year, nnd we find its effects quite equal to the Butler Machine, whicli we practiced upon for eighteen months previous. Wo pre- fer your machine to any other. We feel more comfortable while lifting on it. From Edward G. Newell, Chicago. “ I consider the Health-I.ift one of the world’s greatest blessings.” Commencing its use in January, ’71, for dyspepsia nnd severe hendnchc, nnd weighing 115 pounds, I found myself, in less than a year, entirely free from disease and my weight increased to 150 pounds. I continue its use daily. From Georurc It. Chittenden. Esq., Chicago. Three months of the Health-Lift more than doubled the mobility of mv chest, by actual measurement, and increased its girth nearly four inches. i Mr. Chittenden has lifted for several years, and now lifts 1300 lbs.) From C. II. Smith, Esq., Ncw-York. After a thorough trial of your Lifting Ma- chine. I take ,'leasure in recommending it to the attention of lifters. I used the Butler Lifting Machine for upwards of a year, and I think your apparatus is far superior to it in every respect. From T. P. Tallman, Esq., Cashier Traders’ Nat. Bank, Chicago. The Health-Lift overcame nil adhesion of the liver, and I And, by ils daily use, that I can keep myself in the best physical condition. From F. C. Salter, Brooklyn. Previous to lifting, I was troubled with dys- pepsia and extreme nervousness, induced by severe mental labor. I began with 150 lbs. ; in a month I was better. Now, I lift 500 lbs., and feel us if I could lift twice as much, so strength- ened have I been. I am entirely cured. The Health-Lift is of incalculable benefit to whom- soever will try it. From Henry Graves, Esq., Ncw-York. The Lifter possesses a wonderful capacity to call forth all the muscles of the system, without the cumbersome accumulation of weights, or a complicated arrangement of pulleys or dumb- bells. It is a family gymnasium. From J. M. Comstock, Esq., Custom House, Ncw-York. I have given your machine a thorough trial personally, and have witnessed its effect upon members of my family. A year's experience with Butler’s machine enables us to judge in- telligently in regard to the merits of the “Lift Exercise.” I have no hesitation in recommend- ing your “ Lifter” ns combining all the virtues of otlrcr patents, and as possessing in addition superiority of convenience and compactness, ns well as of economy. I believe every family would be healthier for a regular daily “ Lift Exercise,” while its specific effects ujKm many diseases are, ulthough mysterious, decidedly curative. THE HEALTH-LIFT. 34 From Dr. Geo. B. Wlndship, Boston. I am more and more convinced that your apparatus for lifting (the Reactionary Lifter) | is the best yet put into the market. I should consider my gymnasium quite incomplete with- out it. Prof. F. G. Welch, M.D. For seven years in charge Dept. Physical Cul- 1 ture, Yale College, wrote in 1872. The Reactionary Lifter, purchased from you some time since, gives excellent satisfaction. I find that in one or two series of lifts daily, occu- pying only a few minutes, I get better results than from one or two hours in the gymnasium. The lift effort gives a uniform and simultaneous exercise to the whole muscular system, and as the weakest muscles must govern the amount to j be lifted, there can be no possible danger. As an exercise, it is a decided advantage over any or all ether forms. Besides this, its marked effect on the circulation of the blood, even to j the capillaries and most remote parts of the sys- tem, will render it a valuable remedial agent. The admirable apparatus by which such results are secured must commend itself for its dura- bility, cheapness and elegance, as well as its ease and accuracy of adjustment. Its adaptation and convenience for ladies and family use, should make it a necessity in every household. I heartily commend it to public favor as a safe, thorough and efficient mode of exercise, and, in many instances, a safe method of cure. From W. B. Curtis, Esq., President Chicago Athletic Club. Lifter of the heaviest weight on record (3503 lbs.) It is my opinion, after several years thorough trial, that one can keep in better condition by ten or fifteen minutes’ exercise (according to this system) every other day, than by the usual hour' and a half spent in the gymnasium. From Col. Wm. E. Van Wyck, President Athletic Club, New-York. After many years’ practice in gymnastics, and having latterly thoroughly tested the Health- Lift, I am free to say, that, without condemning other systems, this, for busy men, is superior to all. Its advantages over the old schools are very apparent. Only ten minutes daily are required. It refreshes, invigorates, and is a wonderful tonic to the whole nervous and mus- cular systems. It is safe and agreeable, and FROM ATHLETES gives a thorough and harmonious exercise to the whole body. It has a marked influence upon the circulation, and assists the proper performance of all the functions. The lieac- tionary Lifter is pre-eminently the machine on which to take this exercise. From Prof. Abner S. Brally, New-York. I have personally tested the llealth-Lift. As a “professional,” I have no hesitation in say- ing that, it is more thorough and efficient, calls more muscles into action, and will keep a man in “ better condition ” by its ten minutes once a day, or every other day, than the usual hour or two in the gymnasium. The Reac- tionary Lifter is the apparatus I use. From Prof. E. Hitchcock, Amherst College. Your Lifting Apparatus has been in use in our [ Gymnasium for about two years. I began to allow our students to use it, with some fear, thinking they would overlift and strain them- j selves. But now the apparatus remains, like ull I our other appliances, in the gymnasium, free to all our students to use whenever they please, and it is used constantly ; I have never heard of a student who has received any harm from it; on the other hand, only good results have j been obtained. It seems a most admirable way ! of using the whole strength of the body at once, and with excellent results. A PLEA FOR PHYSICAL CULTURE, issued by the Young Men's Gymnastic Association of Cincinnati, gives the following valuable testi- mony to the merits of Cumulative Exercise—val- uable as being the voluntary expression of 1 opinion, after three years’ experience, of the best appointed and most intelligently conducted j gymnasium in this country : “ The Health-Lift, as a part of the gymnastic system, possesses the merits of safety as a Lifting Machine, as well as of economy of both brain-power and time, and is of the widest adaptability. In its brief, carefully graduated, and accurately weighed exercise, it produces, in the shortest time, a symmetrical and harmo- nious development, in which the muscles of the loins and back are as strong as those of the arms and shoulders ; the heart’s action is strength- ened and regulated, the lung capacity is not unfrequently doubled, and all the vital processes are harmonized and invigorated ; it also pro- duces a sense of buoyancy in those who systematically use it.” THE IIEA L TIL LI FT. 35 From Mr*. Mary Mupes Dodge, Editor •St. Nicholas Magazine. When I Invested one hundred dollars in the Reactionary Lifter, it seemed to me rather an expensive experiment ; but that duy is past. I am satisfied now that its purchase was shrewd economy. Not being an M.D., I shall not at- tempt to give reasons for the faith that is in me. It is enough to be able to thunk it for new health and strength, and the blessings in their train. R takes ten minutes a day, and gives in return, I verily believe, added years of life and happiness. Henry C. Ilowen, Editor of the Independent, in an editorial notice of The Reactionary Lifter : It Is so constructed that the most feeble persons can use it with entire safety, and it can be used by ladies in company with gentlemen without any change of dress. From Hr. J. (1. Holland, Editor Scribner's Monthly. The grent danger of sedentary men is from pnralysis in its various forms, resulting from a want of muscular activity. Any thing which will bring entirely into play daily all the mus- cles of the human body, ami do this in the swiftest possible space of time, must be a great boon to the human race. Such an invention is Mann's Reactionary Lifter. From (1. IV. Carleton, Esq., Publisher, New-York. I have used your Self-Lifter about three months, very regularly—about seven times per week ; still use it regularly uud find ;ts effects very satisfactory. From II. M. Smith, Editor Republican, Chicago. From my own personal experience, and the close observation of a number of intimate friends who have been under your charge, I have no hesitation in according to the Health- Lift even more than you claim for it. From ('has. II. How, Esq. Assistant Editor RepuUican, Springfield, Mass. My six months trial of the Health-Lift has re- sulted in a marked improvement of my general health. My lifting capacity has increased in that time from 800 to 700 pounds, and my chest mobility from 2"4 iu. to iu. FROM EDITORS AND PUBLISHERS From Andrew Shaman, Editor Evening Journal, Chicago. I was greatly troubled with dyspepsia and dull pain* in the heud. Since using the Health- Lift, I have had no return of either. I consider this exercise worth more than all other methods ever devised for bodily improvement. From Geo. Frank Coaly, Esq., Editor of The Freemason, St. Louis. I would not take $5000 for my Reactionary Lifter if I could not replace it, so beneficial have I found its use. Without it I should have been compelled to abandon all active mental work. From John F. Trow, Esq., Publisher, New-York. I am happy to bear testimony to the decidedly good results to my health, arising from the use of the Reactionary Lifter. I have used it for a year, and should not be willing to do without it, so well am I convinced of its invigorating and strengthening effects upon the system. New-York Chnstian Age (Rev. Dr. Deems). We write this paragraph to say to our friends \ isiting the city, that we really think we do them a service in asking them to call at 4ti East 14th Street, near Broadway, and sec for themselves what can not well be described -how much ex- ercise can be had in how little tine. Wc have one of the Lifts in our own house, and find it iu every way a good thing. New-York Evening Mai!. The time is fast approaching when the Re- actionary Litter will be as much a part of every household as the piano or sewing muehine. New-York Evening Post.. The system of cumulative exercise resulting from the wise and orderly use of the Reaction- ary Lifter, while improving the circulation, at the same time arouses the latent muscular sys- tem, and produces a definite and sensible in- crease of steadiness of the nerves, and estab- lishes a slower but fuller and more equable pulse. From our own experience, wc consider it a most valuable means of preserving the pro- per balance between the body and the mind, and thus benefltting the condition of both. In the case of persons whoso vocations so tax the brain as to impair the action of the vital organs, 1 it seems to us an indispensable hygienic agency. 36 THE HEALTH-LIFT. St. Louis Republican. It offers great advantages to professional and business men, as well as to the invalid, in being practical, efficient, and giving the muscles the necessary food to sustain a well-balanced mental organization for its daily work. Hundreds of prominent citizens are learning its value, and speak well of their short experience. From the Dubuque (Iowa) Commercial. The only practical and effectual method of exercise yet devised for students or men and women of sedentary habits, or for those having exhaustive labor on any special stt of muscles, is the Health-Lift, whi*h is free from all the ob- jections to other methods, is equal and bcncll- cial to botli brain and muscle, and is not expen- sive nor wasteful of time. From the Rockland Gazette. It is a noteworthy fact that in the use of the Reactionary Lifter no unequal or injurious strain is felt, and, so far from being tired after the exercise, its effect is to make one feel refreshed. We have had one of the machines in use for the past six months, and recommend it to all whose occupation tends to deprive them of the amount of physical exercise requisite to pre- serve health. TYPICAL CURES. From Mrs. Mary B. Colburn, Boston. I attended the Mann Lift first about a j'ear ago, and began immediately to feel the good effects of it. Belonging to a family every member of which, for two generations, has passed away with consumption, it became a set- tled thing that I, too, must succumb to the same dread disease ; I had many premonitory symp- toms, such as violent hemorrhages, loss of voice, pains in the lungs, etc. A little investigation into the principles of your most ingenious ma- chine, so showed me how sensible it was, that I let the idea of consumption pass away from my mind; and a glad release it was, I can assure you. The change in me is very remarkable, as all my friends testify, and I really think it would be wrong for me not to spread the glad tidings far and wide. I do wish everybody knew of the Health-Lift. (Testimony of a Woman.) The first time I tried the Health-Lift I ex- claimed, “ I’m a second Harvey, and have dis- covered the circulation of the blood !” I sup- posed I had blood circulating in my veins, but never felt it before. After that, the lifter was my “cure-ail.” Distressing sick or nervous headaches yielded in a few moments. Chronic difficulties soon disappeared. My advice to all women is to try the effects of lifting, From G. Edward Bishop, Hartford, Ct. Entirely cured me of kidney disease of thir- teen years duration. There can not be too much said in favor of the Health-Lift. From C. A. Day, Esq., Chicago. Two weeks trial convinced me practically that it was just what I needed, and before the expiration of the fourth month I was born again into a new and better existence. Strength, lightness, sound sleep, good appetite and splen- did flow of animal spirits were the characteris- tics. I have given attention to physical cul- ture for over ten years, and The Health-Lift is the best system of exercise I have found. I wholly and heartily indorse it. From Henian ltnldwin, Esq., Chicago. The Health-Lift cured me of severe neuralgia in my head, and of numbness in my hands and arms. From H. C. Pulling, Proprietor of Commercial Hotel, Chicago. The Health-Lift has done more for me than all the medical attendance I have ever had for my general health, and muscular rheumatism particularly, and I unhesitatingly recommend it. It has been equally beneficial to my wife and several of our friends. From Geo. W. Felton, Esq., Western Union Telegraph Co, Chicago. Relieved me of vertigo and dizziness, and is now indispensable. TTTE TIE A L Til- LIFT. 37 Tiie following cases arc a few among many, intended to be typical. All are bona fide, and are understated rather than overdrawn. We have been brief, to avoid personality, which to some is objectionable. Case 6 : Obesity and Asthmatic Breath* ino.—This patient was “a man of unbounded Stomach”—i.e., it took 45)4 Inches to bound it. His weight was Ufci lbs. ; his abdomen protube- rant and pendulous, with muscles so relaxed and infiltrated witli fat that they afforded no supi>ort, but required a Russian belt to sustain the weight. Muscular exertion of any kind dif- ficult, breathing wheezy and asthmatic. Beginning the system of Cumulative Kxercise witli a maximum weight of 2U0 lbs., in th*ec months the waist bail beam reduced to41 inches, the chest increased in nearly tho same propor- tion, the breathing was full, deep, and natural, walking had become enjoyable, and lie lifted 700 lbs. with more case than the original900. During his third year, lie lifted the extraor- dinary amount of thirteen hundred pounds, a feat performed by only one or two others in this country. Case 23; Paralysis.—Generally, paralytics wait till they are psist tho power of aid from the Health-Lift or any other treatment. In many instances this dread malady might be avoided if taken in time. A gentleman, ago 83—almost complete lo*s of upper part of the body. The early 1 fits, 30 lbs., required an at- tendant. at each side to assist him. and sustain him In position. In two months, lie reached ISO lbs , with the ability to dress and undress, cat, and similar offices, alone, which lieforc re- quired assistance Another case, a young man who had lost hope of ever becoming better, or being fit to resume business. At first, ho had to be lifted upon the machine and held in position. He lifted 4) pounds with assist- ance. He now lifts 000 lbs., and is about his business as well as any one. Cask 30: Paralysis.—Dear Sir: I am greatly Indebted to the llealth-Lift for a complete cure of paralysis, affecting my left side, threatening serious difficulty. A year spent in a German Hydropathic establishment brought partial re- lief. Returning to this country, I applied my- self again to business, and after six months was again obliged to give it up, on account of a re- newal of r’v old difficulty. My physician, after ILLUSTRATIVE CASES. resorting to elo< tricity and tho usual remedies, sent me to you, with the above result after a three months' trial. I commenced with 80 pounds, lifting -ISO at the end of that time. I use my Lifter daily, and never intend to give it up. Sincerely yours, A. R. Hemorrhage.—Accidents, such as fracture dislocation, sprain, etc , are simply impossible in the Health-Lift exercise; whiloso far from causing hemorrhage, or rupture of a blood- vessel, there can be no possible danger. Hernia or Rupture.—Hernia or rupture is not only not caused by tho Health-Lift, but where it exists, if not radically cured by it, is always markedly benefited. Tills is reasonable; the position of the body being perfectly natural and erect, there is no pressure on the great blood-vessels, hence no obstruction to the free circulation of the blood. The contraction of the muscles draws tho blood vigorously and thoroughly to the surface. In the case of Hernia, the improvement in the tone and elasti- city of the muscles of the abdomen, and their rigid condition during lifting, by which the walls press firmly against the “ring,” or open- ing through which the intestine protrudes, in the relaxed condition, effectually prevent any tendency to hernia, and often cure it where it previously existed. Wo have had many cases of hernia to treat, and always with good results. They are generally able to lay aside tlie truss in a few months. Let it lie distinctly and emphatically under- stood that there never has been, and it is impos- sible that there should be a case of rupture pro- duced or aggravated by lifting properly on a lifting machine. Case 0: Spinai, Curvature.—Miss , aged 18 years, was brought to the Health-Lift by her father, a prominent government official. The young lady was suffering from lateral curva- ture of the spine, the right shoulder being per- ceptibly higher titan the other. She had dis- tressing palpitation of the heart after slight ex- ertion, was easily fatigued, and soon got out of breath in walking. Appetite poor, capricious; habit constipated ; irregular as to other func- tions. , Regan by lifting 80 lbs. In two months site lifted 240 lbs. with ease. In ten months after beginning, the now rosy, blooming, healthy- 38 TIIE 1IEA L TU- L TFT. looking young lady lifted 500 lbs., and every symptom of curvature had disappeared. She married in the following June, and her father made a Lifting Machine one of her wedding presents. Case 42: Nervous and Sick Headache.— This patient, age 27, from childhood suffered from nervous and sick headaches. Though six months produced an effectual cure of both, she continued her exercise until three days before her confinement. Labor was comparatively so brief and painless, that the physician did not ar- rive in season. Three previous labors had lasted twelve, nine, and eleven hours respectively ; one was accompanied with profuse flooding, and the recoveries from all were slow. She was able to renew her lifting in two weeks. Case 17 : Sick Headache.—This patient in- herited this difficulty, together with a very slug- gish liver. He stated that he was miserable about half the time, and had a bilious siege about once a month. Lifted regularly two years, reaching !)00 lbs. Then purchased ma- chine, and lifts regularly. From the time he commenced he has had headache but once and liver trouble twice, both of short duration. He now considers himself perfectly well. Case 32: Softening of the Brain and Incipient Insanity'.—Overstndy and neglect of exercise had made this professor, in intellect, a giant, in physical power, a pigmy. Both phy- sical and mental powers gave out at once and he Yvas obliged to abandon everything in the shape of mental labor. He was forbidden even five minutes use of the newspaper. His friends be- came much alarmed, and not without cause. His physician came with him to the Health- Lift and was very solicitous lest the treatment should be too heroic ; even 40 lbs. the first day proved too much. He reached only 200 lbs. in 3 months, but with a change that was marvelous. He was enabled to resume his professional and literary duties, though they had been abandoned for life. Case 123 : Sciatica—Had become so bad as to make the patient almost a maniac from pain and loss of sleep. In six months he reached 700 lbs., but said he was cured after the first month. Two years later he reported that be was perfect- ly well, and had not known a twinge of his old enemy since lifting. Case 40 : Sciatica.—A lady, age 40, sent to our rooms by her physician for sciatica. Was very lame and in much pain. Began lifting 40 lbs. At the end of one month she was lifting 205 lbs. and was perfectly well. Case 90 : Insomnia from Old Age.—This pa- tient, nearly 80 years old, suffered from loss of sleep, which greatly affected hishealth, especial- ly his stomach, producing dyspepsia. A trial lift at our rooms, 80 lbs., gave him three nights of sound sleep, which led him to purchase. Case 50: Hemorrhages and Dyspepsia.— Inheriting a weak stomach and weak vital or- gans generally, I found myself at man’s estate no man at all, but physically a wreck, and doomed by many eminent physicians to a few years of miserable existence at best, after trying almost every known remedy and mode of treat- ment in vain. Thirty years of dyspepsia in its worst forms told its sad and terrible story in every part of my system. The lungs, upon the healthy action of which good digestion is more dependent than all things else, finally gave out, bleeding profusely and almost constantly for years. The thought that this must put an end to a miserable exist- ence was not an unhappy one. Among, and in connection with other things, I had often tried the Health-Lift, and theo- retical and practical investigation convinced me that it was the most reasonable mode ci* treatment I could adopt, and I resolved to give it a faithful and thorough test. I have done so. with results which seem to me and to all my friends miraculous. An understatement of the facts will seem incredible. My weight at beginning was about 120 pounds. It is now 182 ; 60 pounds gain in 15 months—not adipose, but solid muscle ; good healthy tissue. When I began, 180 pounds was a tax. I now lift 1000 pounds. My gain in every way is proportionate. My stomach and lungs have improved immensely—5 inches or more increase in measurement about the vital parts. No more hemorrhages ; dyspep- sia a thing of the past; all its train of attend- ant evils vanished. I am equal to any physical effort. There has been an entire reconstruc- tion. The change has been most thorough and complete. I now enjoy perfect health. I may say I never before knew the joy of living, of sound health. To the Ilealth-Lift I attribute all, even my life, which before was a burden, which now is a TITE HE A L TIL L TFT. 39 constant joy. If yon are similarly afflicted, and desire a complete and permanent cure, do as I have done, and if you arc faithful and persever ing, you will surely have like results. This mode of treatment is not one man’s food, another'* poison, but good f* r each and every one. Its rationale is simple, and will commend itself to every reasonable mind. Five years since I gave birth to a daughter, weighing six itoiiuds. In my case the sympathetic relation between ttic uterus and atomnch was such that I was unable to retain anything in my stomach. In consequence, I hud nine months of weary suffering which nothing would relieve. When tho full term arrived I was in no con- dition for it. Instrumental delivery liecamo ne- cessary after thirty-om hours of dreadful suffering. A few months since I gave birth to a fine boy. weighing nine pounds, being in labor but one hour. During the first few months of pregnancy the last time I hail the same disagreeable nauseating symptoms as before, I icing confined to my lied most of the time. My hu«band finally induced me to try the Healih-Lift, and 1 am happy to state with the most marvelous results. All nnusea and bail symp toms disappeared as if by magic. My condition changed greatly and improved steadily till the full period, finding me quite willing to meet the ordeal, no longer terrible. It was passed as above stated. I should add that my recovery has been in accord ance with the improvements in other respects, and that my little one has seemed to partake of my re newed vitality, enjoying jierfeet health. I lifted to within four hours of delivery, and resumed lifting one month afterward. Here are results wonderful indeed, and worthy to be communicated to all women likely to suffer as I have. No words of mine are sufficient to convey my deep sense of gratitude for a means so simple, so pleasant, and within the reach of all. I cannot too strongly commend the Health-Lift. Mas. K. G. W. Mrs. G.. of remarkably vigorous health, was confined Pecemla-r, lh74. L*bor lasted twelve hours, when the uterus became exhausted and refused to act, necessitating instrumental delivery. Began lifting in September. 1875. and lifted regu- larly until confined in January. lKTfi, increasing graduilly, until the night before confinement she lifted 330 I'ouuds. Labor, which was very easy, lasted less than an hour, and was followed by an unusually rapid recovery. Ca«k fi: Trf. Worst Form or Dyspepsia, Wkaknksm, Irritability, Nervousness, Headache, Loss or Appetite, etc.—This patient, agod 42. writes: For over setenietn years I was distressed with the worst forms of dyspepsia, weakness, irritability, nervousness, headache, loss of appetite, aqd at times com- plete prostration, requiring tny abandonment of business entirely. I commenced by lifting 173 pounds, and in one year reached 700 pounds. My appetite is good. I nin stronger than ever before; good digestion, more cheerful, a healthier and happier man than I ever expected to be. I wish I could find words in which to ex- press my complete admiration, gratitude and confidence in your institution. But I will only say let those who have any symptoms of dys- pepsia, or its attendant evils, give the system of Cumulative Exercise a fair trial, und they need have no fear of its results. Cask 07 : Old Acje and Dyspepsia.—When I began your system of exercise, 80 lbs. cost mu a severe effort. I now, two years after, lift 700. In those figures is told the whole story. My appetite is natural, my sleep sound, my diges- tion good, and I am free from all nervous dis- tress. I have increased in llesh ; my endurance of fatigue, both mental and physical, is su|>erior to what it has been any time for a dozen years ; there is an elasticity of movement and a vigor which I hatTnot, and my spirits, if not positive- ly' buoyant, are equable. In short, if curing the symptoms is curing the disease, I may say Cumulative Exercise has cured both my old aJe and my dyspepsia. J. T. C -, book-keeper, aged 35, writes : “As much better every way as 740 was more than 180”—these being the number of pounds lifted at the beginning and end of the year. Cask .71 : Distressing Flatitlenck, coming on usually about an hour after eating, increased after retiring. At the end of three months, at which time the patient, a lady, lifted 3X)!bs., the difficulty had entirely disap)>eared. Cask 11 : Hemorrhoids or Piles.—A gentle- man a-ked this evening if lifting did not pro- duce piles. Ordinary lifting may, the llealth- Lift never ; it cures. The case in point is not a fair criterion, as the cure was so sudden and marked as to lie almost incredible. We have treated many eases hv this means successfully, but it takes time, and generally' the progress is slow, if one looks for complete and penna- nent cure. A frightful shadow of a man, over six feet in height—a living skeleton—cadaverous, sickly. 40 TIIE HE A L TH-L1FT. death-like, one day visited the rooms to investi- gate, and took a very light lift. After several days, the same gentleman called and told his history. He called his case consumption of the blood, produced by piles and hemorrhage from the bowels. He stated that at every passage of the bowels he lost a pint of blood, which had so reduced him that he had abandoned his business to die. He had lost all hope, he was in the last stages of misery, he had lost over sixty pounds in weight. From the first lift, several days previous, he had lost no blood, and seeking ad- vice from his physician, was told to try Cumu- lative Exercise, as a last hope. He committed himself for six months, though he said he did not expect to live six weeks. The result was entire restoration to health, and the change in this man was most marvelous. He resumed his old position—editor of one of our city papers —and published his own experience voluntarily, and often published notices favorablo to the Health-Lift. Case 22 : Constipation.—It is unfair to se- lect the most marked cases of cure as typical of all. We do not desire to be so understood. We do not recall a single case of the above difficulty where there was not a marlced change for the better, and in nearly all a cure. The case in point is incredible. The gentleman promised to write out his case over his own signature, and gave the writer permission, in case he did not report in time. Patient, 71 years of age, sent by his ph3rsician. Constipation had existed 51 years. It had be- come second nature. He did not remember the time when he had had a natural passage. From his very first lift, the habit became natural, daily and regular, and so continues till tikis day. He lifted four months, then went to his country-seat three months ; returning, he re- sumed his lifting, though he said it was not ne- cessary, and soon gave it up, calling himself completely cured of this terrible condition. The new state of things produced a great change in his health in every respect, and he expects to become a centenarian without failing powers. Case 48 —There are a few who reach to man's and woman’s estate, without much apparent physical development. They seem to exist, yet not to live. They can not enjoy life, as they are necessarily deprived of most of its bless- ings. The least effort overcomes, and a little pull-back throws them upon the sick-bed for several days. Such weakness saps the life from all the organs and functions. There is no ail- ment which is more efficiently treated by Cu- mulative Exercise than this. We have had many who approached this ; but two cases, presenting themselves about the same time, and lifting together for two years, were extreme types. Their progress and improve- ment were very similar. Both commenced lift- ing 20 lbs., which seemed to them immense. They lifted the same weight for u month ; the progress after that was exceedingly slow ; in a year both reached 180 lbs. as the maximum. They finally settled on 120 as being the weight which did them the most good ; this amount, or near it, they lifted daily during the second year. Whereas, before, they had no joy in liv- ing, no appetite, no particle of strength, no ability to perform any of the duties of life, ot- to enjoy its pleasures. All these t.fings were added unto them. No one can realize their change, their joy in restoration. It was noticed and remarked by all their friends, scores of whom they have sent to our rooms, who became patrons. They both continue to make daily and regular use of the lift at their homes. They have become missionaries in this cause. Case 89.—The forewoman in one of New- York's largest establishments presented herself for treatment, in a condition of complete pros- tration and giving out of nearly all the powers of life. She gave up to die. The maximum lift the first day was 30 lbs. She lifted daily at our rooms for six months, reaching 400 lbs., and was completely restored to health. Wish- ing to retain what she had gained, she pur- chased a machine, and at last accounts had reached 540 lbs. and was perfectly well. She showed true gratitude, by sending many pa- trons to our rooms, who have been similarly benefited. Case 7 : Insomnia.—This patient would lie awake till 2 a.m. regularly, and then sleep till 5 only. From the first time she lifted she got to sleep at 11, sleeping soundly till 7. She called over two years after she purchased the Lift, saying she continued to use it regularly, and was seldom troubled with sleeplessness. Case 4: Habitual Miscarriaoe Averted. —This lady was a patient of Dr. Wm. II. By- ford, the eminent obstetrician, and who pre- scribed a course of Cumulative Exercise for her for the improvement of her general health, which was much enfeebled by four snccessive miscarriages, between the fourth and fifth THE TIE A L TIT- L TFT. 41 months. Soon after beginning the exercise she became again pregnant, and, in alarm, con- sulted I)r. By ford as to the safety of continuing the exercise. He referred her to the writer, tinder whose charge she was pursuing her exer- cise, and who determined, after due considera- tion, to have her continue. She visited the rooms almost daily until after the critical period ; when, at the expiration of her second quarter's subscription, and in the sixth month of her gestation, her husband purchased an ap- paratus for use at home, on which she con- tinued to exercise until one week before her confinement, which was unusually easy and rapid, and the recovery prompt and uncompli- cated. She has passed through another preg- nancy bince, with the same happy results. Casi: 119.—Married lady, age 30, severe case of disease of the ovaries, much emaciated. Sent to our rooms by her physician. After lifting one month, began to improve slightly and at the end of a year said, “ I am perfectly well. I have made thirty calls this afternoon, and feel none of my old weakness.” Case 30 : Prolapsus Uteri.—Lady, aged 21, unmarried. Prolapsus, many years standing. Had been treated in the usual way. A year ago her physician sent her to the Health-Lift. Fif-. teen pounds was the most she could raise. In four months she lifted 100 lbs. with compara- tive ease and was greatly improved in-all re- spects. She says : “ The Lift is doing wonders for me. I feel like a different person. I thank God I was driven to the Lift rooms, and made to use the Lifter.” Case 43: Prolapsus or Twelve Years Du- ration.—Mrs. was sent to the Health-Lift by her physician, for exercise under the Cumula- tive system, with the view of relieving dyspepsia simply. In the fourth month of the exercise, she laid aside a uterine supporter, which she had been obliged to wear as constantly as any part of her clothing for over twelve years. The degree of prolapsus was so extreme that, even two weeks before beginning Cumulative Exercise, an at- tempt, by the advice of her physician, to walk across the room without the supporter, was fol- lowed by a three duys’ confinement to her bed. At the date this Is written, three years after laying aside the instrument, she is and has been daring the entire time, in the enjoyment of ex- ceptionally good heulth, and without the use of any other treatment, except the ldp-bath and Cumulative Exercise. Case 20: I'rolapsus Utefu —The case here presented was typical of many which have l>cen successfully treated by the Health-Lift. It was procidentia, or the third stage, the os and neck falling outside. There was almost complete inability to walk, muscular walls greatly relaxed, ligaments which support the uterus weak and lifeless; loss of tone and power to th > parts; pain, sense of weight and dragging sensation in the viscera. It is natural and reasonable that Cumulative Exer- cise would remove effectually these symptoms, change the condition of the parts and thus restore the normal condition. In this ease com- plete restoration required a year, but the treat- ment was easy and satisfactory, especially as everything else had been tried from pessaries down, and seemed only to aggravate. The pa- tient was very tired and sick of local treatment, and relieved to avoid its necessity. Case 77 : Labor Made Easy.—A gentfemen «writcs, “ My wife uses the Reactionary Lifter us a preparation for childbirth, with most happy results. She lifted to within two days of her last confinement, and passed through the same w ith one fourth the labor she had previously expe- rienced. Her recovery was equally accelerated.” Case 12: Obesity, Rackaciie and Asthma ; the Results of Constipation.—A wealthy widow lady, with decided tendency to embon- point,, luxurious in her habits and mode of life, was recommended by her physician to try the system of Cumulative Exercise, with a view of reducing her growing obesity. For some years she had been compelled to reply upon cathartics, enemas, etc., to relieve constipation and flatu- lence ; und previous to such relief almost invari- ably sutTe red from distressing attacks of asth- ma. Within two months she was enabled to dispense with these agents, the muscular coats of the intestines and the abdominal walls having regained such a degree of tone that the func- tions became normal and regular ; the asthma, previously caused entirely by insufficient respir- atory motion, no longer annoyed her ; she was able to walk and ascend stairs without panting for breath ; and the severe pain in the lower portion of the back had entirely disappeared. She still follows tills system of exercise, with religious punctuality, an 1 is sanguine of yet wearing the bodice of twenty years ago. 42 THE HEALTH-LIFT. THE HEALTH-LIFT AS A BUSINESS. SOME OF THE ELEMENTS OF ITS SUCCESS. Cumulative Exercise, as a business, has been introduced into the larger cities and towns. There is yet room, and we want thousands of energetic, educated, and cultured men and women to introduce it everywhere. There is no com- munity large enough to support a physician which may not also be made to support an Agency of the Health-Lift. It is already thoroughly established, and a decided and permanent success. Our agents are successful everywhere, some of them highly so. It is a business of the most profitable, satisfactory and dignified character. Throughout the land there is healthful excitement, enthusiasm and inquiry as to “ what it is,” “ what it has done” and “what it will do.” The public mind is ready to accept this as the best form of physical culture, and heartily welcome it as such. It has intrinsic merit. It will accomplish all that is claimed for it, and that is much. Its reputation is popular, permanent, solid and respectable. It is just what is needed by every man and woman in the land ; making strong appeals to the common sense of every one. Its cost is $50, $75, $100, $125. There is a liberal discount made to agents purchasing several machines. If you desire to interest yourself in a highly satisfactory and suc- cessful business, it will pay you to investigate fur- ther. Send for agents’ circular. The late changes, improvements, reductions, introduction of several styles, and esjwiciaMy the “ New Cheap Reactionary,” makes the business much more desirable for agents. LACON ICS. EXERCISE. Physical Culture is fast becoming a science. Who will doubt the need of intelligence on a subject which will so materially affect the weal or woe of our race, individually and collective- ly ? It is the bounden duty of every one to take care of the body and to develop it, as well as the mind. All literature, both medical and general, abounds in commendations of exercise as the indispensable condition of health. All intelli- gent physicians agree in this, that exercise is the best defense against disease, and the most valu- able adjunct in the cure of disease. Physic is a veiy poor substitute for exercise. He who does not take exercise knows not the pleasure of health, of good appetite, good diges- tion, free and full respiration, refreshing sleep. Weak bodies, brains and nerves, narrow chests, sallow faces, dyspepsia with all its evils, and broken-down constitutions result from neg- lect of exercise. Most of the exercise taken by men of seden- tary pursuits is in the form of walking. We be- lieve its merits to be greatly overrated. Walking is to real exercise what vegetable food is to animal: it satisfies the appetite, but the nour- ishment is not sufficiently concentrated to be invigorating. Dr. Parkes says: A perfect state of health implies that every organ has its due share of ex- ercise. Exercise is simply indispensable to the health and happiness of all, old and young, the invalid or strong. It is promotive of virtue and purity, of high mental and moral tone, of true man- hood. The Health-Lift furnishes this indis- pensable exercise, that is attainable in no other way. If physical exercise means any thing, that is, any thingworth serious thought, it means a gra- dual progressive system, so arranged and so administi red that it. will naturally and universal- ly call forth and cultivate the latent powers and capacities of the body, even as the mental facul- ties arc developed and strengthened by mental culture and mental exercise. Without exercise every function of the body is weakened and impaired. Safe, graduated, systematic exercise is the one certain and permanent relief to many, if not most of the ills to which flesh is heir. TITE TIE AI Tit- L TFT. 43 The true object of exercise should be to give the power of endurance; to give that kind of strength which is health ; to promote the healthy performance of all the functions; to equalize and invigorate the circulation of the blood, in a word, to reconstruct the whole system. C’nmrtlutive Exercise by the Health-Lift pro- cess will accomplish all these more effectually than all systems of physical culture combined. CUMULATIVE EXERCISE. A system of exercise in which additional muscles are brought into use successively, by su cesslvely Increasing the amount of weight or resistance ; a perfect and complete exercise of the entire muscular system. Cumulative Exercise invigorates, makes the breathing deeper and fuller ; makes the heart work regularly and efficiently ; tones the mus- cles and nerves ; is perfectly safe ; is economi- cal of time, brain, and nerve power ; may be graded to the most delicate. It i-* the most po- tent of all remedies. It is the great builder up of the body and scavenger of its waste. It fur- nishes a health agent whoso value is, as yet, only imperfectly understood and appreciated, even by those who have given it much study. it tills the lungs with fresh air, expands the myriad air cells; the oxygen, absolutely neces- sary to all life, filters through, vitalizes the blood, the chest is inlarged, the muscles de- mand more blood, which strengthens and en- larges them, and that, in turn, calls for more food, the stomach responds, digests more per- fectly, and supplies adequate nutrition ; the movement of the muscles exercises all the glands, augments the secretions, forces out the excretions, gives new nerve and brain force, and, in fact, that grand desideratum, a sound mind in a sound body. It will give case, grace and self-possession, and a ready use of all the muscles. It will develop the chest, stren then the mus- cles that support the spine, and keep the body in a correct position at all times. It will improve the voice strengthen the lungs, help digestion, comet constipation, warm the extremities, give tone to the muscles about the hips and the pelvic viscera, and perfect all the mu«cles and all tho organs oT the body. It improves the tone and condition of ibe vital organs, thus restoring and preserving health. 'it produces results entirely differin' from other forms of muscular clt rt. Instead of pro- dnring bodily and nervous exhaustion, there is extraordinary increase of nervous energy and niuscnlar force, imparted through some mys- terious effect on the nerve centres. It is better than the Gymnasium, cheaper than the Saddle, less laborious than Routing, infinitely better than Drugs in a majority of Chronic Diseases. HEALTH. One of our recent writers has said that “good health is physical religion,” and it is a saying worthy to he printed in golden letters. Every person ought to be perfectly healthy, just as every one ought to be perfectly religions. Per- fect spiritual religion cun not exist without per- fect physical religion. Every flaw and defect in the bodily system is just so much taken from the spiritual vitality ; we are commanded to glorify God, not simply in our spirits, but in our bodies and spirits. A higher standard of physical development, a better average of bodily health, would do more toward bringing about that era of Sweetness rind light Matthew Arnold longs for, than all the essays he is likely to publish on the subject— an era of honesty in politics, charily in religion, and morality in trade—an era, in short, of peace on earth and good-will to men. Health is the essential condition of all per- manent success, and therefore is a matter of stupendous importance to every one. All at- tainable health and its maintainance isu duty, all avoidable sickness a sin. Health is the noblest condition of the body. It is our duty to strive for this condition of health, plan for it, achieve it. Through the medium of the Blood, all the processes of life take place. Every intelligent person understands that medicine does not cure disease, except indirect- ly, by arousing tho curative power of nature. If the Health-Lift develops this vital force— this ris medlcatrix natures, as the doctors call it—then it must cure disease, and the cure will not be mere relief, but constitutional, thorough and permanent. It is ascertain that from one to three months exerciso on the Health-Lift, with a proper amount and qualitv of food, will cure Dyspep- sia, Indigestion and the whole train of attend- ant symptoms, as that all the bitters—com- pounds of poor aloes and worse whisky—bo- luses and “blue-mass” will fail to do more than afford a temporary and deceptive allevia- tion. THE IIEA L TIT- LIFT. THE HEALTH-LIFT. The Health-Lift is a scientific, condensed and perfect method for securing and retaining per- fect health. To a household it is many times the value of a sewing machine or piano. Money can not represent its worth. It is considered indispensable by all who use it.. It is adapted to men, women and children. It furnishes an exercise which enn and should be introduced into every house, office, study, bank and store ; which may be practiced at all seasons, in all kinds of weather, by persons of both sexes, all ages and degrees of strength or weakness, alone or in company; does not exhaust strength or vitality, but absolutely in- creases it. As a means of exercise it is most concentrated and searching. It improves the circulation. It augments the strength. It promotes general vitality. It tones up the system generally, enabling it not only to throw off, but to resist disease. It is based upon the fundamental idea that the curative power is inherent in the human organi-m. It. proposes, by a harmonious, com- pletely co-operative and properly graduated exercise of the whole system, to develop and increase this latent power, and apply it, through the natural channels, to building up the tissues of the body and eradicating disease. Health depends upon the power and proper action of the organs of the body. An organ must first become weak before it can become diseased. The natural and rational method of cure is evidently to reverse this destructive process, and make it constructive; to strengthen the organs, and allow health to follow as a natural consequence of this organic power. The Health-Lift, is a system of Physical exer- cise, which commends itself to the professional and business man, as furnishing the maximum amount, of safe, graduated and thorough mus- cular exercise, at a. minimum expense of time, conveni'-nce and nerve-force ; and as a natural curative agency, t» the invalid (of cither sex), ns being applicable to the widest range of dis- eases, uniform in its results, and cordially en- dorsed by the medical profession. It is yet in its infancy, but, is growing apace; rapidly supplanting all other forms of exercise, and proving the most valuable adjunct jet. known to the medical profession for the cure of disease. As a preventive of disease it has no equal. GENERAL REMARKS. The Health-Lift makes strong appeals to the common sense of every man anti woman, in every walk of life, who values health as the greatest of earthly blessings. Many persons a’e aware that health anti strength are intimately related. And it is ra- pidly becoming known that systematically re- gulated exercise, when applied in accordance with physiological principles, is among the most efficacious means for removing the causes of disease, developing the vital powers and promoting longevity. The extraordinary vigor that has been acquir- ed, and the remarkable cures that have been effected by mear.s of the Health-Lift, demon- strate that it is very easy to maintain health or to regain it when lost. The most strengthening, health-promoting and pleasurable of all exercises. Brings into action all the muscles, arouses every dormant function and imparts cheerfulness to the mind. It. enables those whose time is precious to g t all the needed exercise of a day in a few minutes. It is a safe and reliable means of making the weak strong and the strong Herculaneum, doub- ling the strength in three months and tripling it in less than a year. The muscular power thus gained is available not only in lifting weights, but in whatever di- rection its exercise may be called forth. To sum up : The Health-Lift, as a gymnastic system, possesses the merits of simplicity, economy of brain-power, economy of time, the widest adaptability; the most fragile woman and the strongest man find in it their exact meed of exercise—perfect accuracy and perfect safety. It is believed that earnest investigation will sus- tain this sweeping claim. The body has urgent, distinct and imperative claims to culture. There is no error more pro- found, or productive of more evil, than that which views the bodily and mental powers as antithetical or opposed, and which imagines that the culture of the one must be made at tlie expense of the other. The truth is precisely the reverse of this. Health and strength are most intimately al- lied, and are usually by t he same means and in the same manner obtained. THE llEALTH-LIFT. 45 Let, therefore, bo.h mun and woman cultivate strength by this, the most available means ; let it be general, not partial. Trie battle of life re- quires the u'holt man, not a part; the whole, too, lu as good condition us it is possible for it to be brought. There is no profession, calling or occupation in which man can be engaged, there is no Isislilon In life, in which a well developed frame will not be valuable to bim, and highly essen- tial to success. Almost daily we see men falter and fail lu the midst of their labors—fail for want of a little i odily stamina. How easy to avoid such defeat, but how few will heed such advice in time! Health is vital to happiness, strength is vital to health, exercise is vital to all. Nature lias provided a sovereign remedy for all physical ills. Has not this wonderful age developed it in the discovery and perfection of the Health-Lift ? 1A sound mind in a sound body is a short de- scription of a happy state in this world. He that has these two has little more to wish for ; and he that wants either of them w ill be but little the better for anything else. Good hones are better than gold ; tough mus- cles better than silver ; and nerves that flash and carry energy to every function are better than houses and lauds. \Ye are weak because it never enters into our thoughts that wo might be strong if we would. The body needs education as truly as does the mind. In short, the word education should lie understood to embrace in its operation our en- tire nature, mental and physical; both depart- ments advancing together band in hand, mu- tually respectful, helpful and tolerant. Physical education is of the greatest vnliie to mankind, not only as far as its own direct influ- ence is concerned on the health and natural ex- istence, but as an adjunct to mental advance- ment and culture. The really effective and useful men of the world are the men of sound nerves, strong muscles and good digestion. That which will contribute to the improvement of these agents is of vital importance and should DC eagerly sought by all. The proper school for idiot?, the insane, criminals and uii who manifest unhealthy and abnormal mental action, is a school of physical troiuing. Insanity, unhealthiness, vio cnce and crime would never occur in a properly balanced condition of brain and body, which a correct system of physical training is certain to bring about. Muscular strength developed by Cumulative Exercise is logically followed by health of all the organs, vigorous digestion, equable circula- tion, stcudy nerves and active brain. Don't wnit till disease sets in, nor till you are worn out in nerve, muscle and brain. Ten minutes’ daily practice on the Health-Lift will prevent all this, and keep yonr lease of life and health good till past three score and ten. Walking is very generally prescribed for in- valids. While it is the most available of exer- cises, it is one of the most exhausting for in- valids, draining away force from that portion of the nervous system located in the base of the brain and spinal cord ; and thus, by the mono- tonous use of a few sets of muscles, diverting vitality to them and fatiguing and depressing instead of refreshing and invigorating the patient. Most men are engaged in brain-work, and most women And it nnfashionablc to exorcise. Hence no provision is made for due exercise ; lienee urise woes unnumbered. Nature gavo man 527 distinct muscles; but there must have been some mistake, us the average man or woman urn the odd 27 muscles occasionally, and allows the 5U0 to rest and rust. Many have the idea that the Health L'ft is chiefly, if not solely, for invalids. This is far from correct. You have hoard it slid that • pre- vention is better than cure.’ Fortunate are those who realize the depth of meaning in this trite saying, and practie illy demonstrate it. To a few health is of some imoortanee. They can afford to make some little effort, to keep WELL. Many among those who purchase machine3, and patron ize lift rooms, have good health and mean to keep it, when they can do so by means so simple. The ( Health Lift therefore, has a twofold value. 46 THE HE A L TII-LIFT. TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. THE HE-AL! H-LiFT COMPANY, No. 46 East 14tli Street. General Manager, F. G. Welch, M.D. New-York, October, 1874. Dear Sir : In the spring of 1873 the undersigned sent to the medical profession of New- Y ork City and vicinity some special circulars, calling attention to what he had found to be a valuable adjunct to medical treatment, as well as a meritorious system of Physical Training and Exercise. Since that time, as a response, over two .jun- dred physicians have called to investigate, who, together with as many more, have sent patients to our rooms for treatment. He has yet to hear of a single case where the result of the investigation to the physi- cian, or of the exercise to the patient, has been other than satisfactory. The subscri- ber considers this unusual response an in- dication that the system, as well as the manner in which the business is conducted, has the good-will and favor of the Medical Profession. This success has determined the Com- pany to carry on the business through the Profession as the best and only proper channel, and we hope to secure universal in- terest in this important aid to medical treatment. As our rooms are always at the service of physicians, it is hoped that none will condemn without investigation, that it will be recommended where the medical ad- viser deems it desirable, and that there may be some among the Profession who would like to possess one or more ma chines. The Company solicit corre- spondence, through their Physician and Manager, F. G. Welch, M.D. The above letter sufficiently explains itself. Since it was written, the number who have investigated has nearly doubled. Many have purchased, and are making sa- tisfactory use of the machine. In another part of tills monograph will be found a few voluntary testimonials from physicians. More testimonials of the same character, as well as the names of a large number of prominent physicians, might have been given, if it were not against our principles to solicit or use either. Suffice it to say that most of the number who have investigated have been among the most prominent of this and other cities, and we have yet to hear of a single case where the result of the investigation by the physician, or of the exercise to the patient, has been other than satisfactory. It is confidently believed that the sweeping claims made in this little book may be ful- ly proven by any physician who will inves- tigate thoroughly. If you should think the matter worthy further attention, we will gladly furnish any additional information in our power, either by letter, or personally at our rooms, which are always at the service of the me- dical profession. The attention of the practitioner is called to a few axioms on the physiological effects of Cumulative Exercise. Till.! HEALTH-LIFT. 47 REMARKS ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF CUMU- LATIVE EXERCISE. By the phrase Cumulative Exercise is meant a scries of gradually increasing (cu- mulative) muscular efforts, produced in overcoming successively increased resist- ances, either by the use of an apparatus for the purpose, or otherwise. Muscles contract more or less readily ac- cordin'] to their use : This contraction affects the capillary and venous circulations ; they dejiend laryely upon this : If the mine muscles are employed repeatedly in overcoming the same resistance, while the demand for urierud blood will be as great for each re]sate)l contraction, venous blood will only be returned to the heart in volume propor- tionate to the compression exerted by the con- ttraetiiuj muscles : If, however, deeper layers of muscles are brought into action, by increasing the resist- ance overcome, the venous blood will be re- turned in corresjxmdingly increased volume to ’ the heart, anil cardiac action will thus be re- duced in fretpwucg but increased in efficiency. The pulse is diminished in frequency bid increased in volume and regularity, the. res- piration is less frequent, deeper atul fuller, while the muscular system gains in tone and steadiness, so that accuracy of motion is greater after than before the exercise. To these considerations should be added tbc removal of capillary and venous con- j gestions, resulting in a freer passage of blood from the arteries, thus tending to lessen the work of the heart; the larger volumes of blood sent more equably to the lungs, and bringing into use greater aerat-, ing surfaces, thus causing the breathing to become more abdominal and less thoracic ; aud, liually, the effect of using the general muscular system, instead of limited regions of muscles. In the system of Cumulative Exercise the muscles of tlie'trunk, as well as those of the extremities, urc used ; and the ef- fect upon various diseased conditions, aris- ing from relaxed abdominal walls, lor ex- ample, and consequent malposition of the contained organs, is very striking. As the abdominal muscles acquire tone and afford support to the diaphragm, this important muscle, in turn, assists more efilcieutly iu supporting the dependent viscera; pre- venting alike dragging and impeded mo- tion of the thoracic viscera, and pressure, and consequent irritation, and other mor- bid action of the abdominal organs, on each other. Diilieult or imperfect breathing, irregular heart’s action, painful or defect- ive digestion, congestion or torpor of the liver, constipation, hernia, hemorrhoids, as wc’l as certain uterine und vesical ditli- culties, are frequently aggravated, if uot caused by this ilaccid, atonic condition of the abdominal muscles ; and in such cases the exercise may be reasonably expected to be beneficial. Of the effect of so powerful a derivative as this will readily be seen to be, on con- gestions of the brain and nervous systems generally, and of its value in improving nutrition-using the word in its largest sense, as including digestion, absorption, assimilation, secretion, and excretion—it is not necessary to say any thing to the professional reader. But it is believed that in its accuracy of prescription, in its wide applicability, in its conservation of nerve-force, in the thoroughness of its ac- tion, and in the record of its effects, it has established a claim as a valuable therapeu- tic agent and adjunct to medical treatment, no less than as a safe, brief and sufficient gymnastic system, especially adapted to persons of sedentary habits and busy lives. 48 THE HEALTH-LIFT. The wonderful results which have attend- ed the use of the Reactionary Lifter, and the unprecedented success which its sale has attained, have led to many attemps at imi- tation. Several cheap and worthless ma- cnines and clastic appliances for health exercise are now offered to the public, and if accepted by them will have the effect to bring the system of cumulative exer- cise into disrepute. The dealers in these wares call them “The Health-Lift,” “The latest and best,” and other similar names, and claim for them the same results, and even greater than those pro- duced by the Reactionary Lifter. The fact that they are obliged to borrow our name, to appropriate our literature, and even our testimonials, in order to give some show of value to their wares, should be sufficient to condemn them and their productions. A number of these spring machines have already been withdrawn, the parties having failed. »The Spring, as a resisting power, has been tried in a great variety of wavs, but in every case it has proven ineffectual, inaccu- rate, unsatisfactory and unsuccessful. And for the following reasons : First, as a resisting force, it is not only in- effectual, but worse than useless, as it destroys the contractile force of the muscles. The spring never has a finish and com- pleteness to its action. The exerciser feels as though he were pulling at something which he fails to raise. The whole action of the spring produces this sensation. Where the resistance is definite, the weight when lifted becomes an accomplished act— a complete triumph of mind over matter. There is always a quiver about a spring which is decidedly unpleasant, and es- pecially to nervous and fleshy persons. In many cases it is aggravating and dangerous. But in the Reactionary, where the resistance is steady and well defined, there is produced a calming influence over any tremor that may pervade the muscles, or excitement that affects the nerves. This effect has great therapeutic value, and has much to do with CHEAP LIFTING MACHINES the advantage that lifting has over other forms of exercise. The spring acts directly contrary to this : when most compressed, its objectionable quiver is most marked, and its injurious effects are thus aggravated. The resistance of the spring is changed by use, so that it soon becomes unreliable as a measure of the exercise taken. The lifter is always at a loss to know at what height he must raise the handles. Springs are objectionable as leading the muscles to depend upon them. In the Reactionary all the objectionable featuresof these cheap machines are avoided It is the only machine now sold giving definite resistance, and therefore the only one justly entitled to the remarkable claims of the real Health-Lift. Its patents cover all the available principles that can be utilized for the purposes of this kind, so that it cannot be imitated or superseded. In it the resistance is made to consist of a dead weight, and dead-weight pressure. It is founded upon the most remarkable and unique combination of mechanical principles. It is the only machine in which one handle is made to balance against the other by an equalizing yoke, so necessary to perfect lift- ing. It is the only machine that has a proj)- erly constructed handle upon which, more than all else, depends the ability to take this, the best kind of exercise in the right way. The Health-Lift Company of New York is the only incorporated body of the kind, and is the sole licensee for the manufacture and sale of the Reactionary Lifter, the only valuable and reliable machine in use. It owns and controls all the patents that are useful and available for an object of this kind. It contains all the essential principles involved in lifting. The Health-Lift Com- pany points with satisfaction to its years of practice in the principal cities of this coun- try, to its thousands of patrons, and to its unrivaled testimonials from physicians, clergymen, lawyers and other professional and prominent men, and still invites the thorough investigation of all.