IY}fOVYT}CItiOY} ON Newer Materia Medica, Standard Medicinal Products, Fine Pharmaceutical Specialties, Properties and Doses of Drugs, EPITOMIZED FOR THE USE OF THE BUSY PHYSICIAN. ONE HUNDREDTH THOUSAND. PARKE, DAVIS & CO., DETROIT, MICH., U. S. A. VIEW OF BUILDINGS FRONTING ON DETROIT, RIVER, INCLUDING RECENT ADDITIONS. i . ■ AN EPITOME OF THE NEWER MATERIA MEOICA, STANDARD MEDICINAL PRODUCTS, AND FINE PHARMACEUTICAL SPECIALTIES, INTRODUCED AND MANUFACTURED BY PARKE, DAVIS 4 gr.; yerba santa, 1 gr.; dose, 1 to 3 every three hours. Pil. yerba santa ext., 3 grs.; dose, 1 to 2. Yerba santa with malt extract, representing 60 grs. yerba santa to the fluidounce; dose, 2 to 4 fluidrachms (8 to 16 C. c.). Inhalant yerba santa; No. 3of P., D. & Co.'s series of inhalants; fluid extract yerba santa, Ifl oz.; glycerin, 1 fl. oz.; tincture opium, 1 fl. drachm; alcohol, q. s. to make 3 fl. ozs. The following extract from a paper published in the Pharmacist and Chemist, May, 1883, defines the application of yerba santa so closely that we reproduce it, in lieu of a statement collated from current medical literature: “It is often used instead of tobacco, the smoke being inhaled, and giving relief in asthma. The fluid extract, in doses of from fifteen drops to a teaspoonful, also affords relief in that complaint. The natives have long esteemed it as endowed with rare value in all diseases of the respiratory organs. They claim that the worst case of consumption can be cured by a tea made of this plant. While such an estimate is at vari- ance with medical experience, there seems to be no doubt that it is the greatest remedial agent yet em- ployed in chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, phthisis, chronic gastric catarrh, in hemorrhoids, and chronic derangement of the kidneys. It blends astringent, demulcent, tonic, sedative and balsamic properties. The latter seems to depend upon a resinous principle in which it is exceedingly rich. This resinous principle exerts upon the mucous surface a decidedly soothing and alterative effect. Under its use the cough is soon mitigated, the expectoration becomes less abundant, the appetite improves, the food is better digested and assimilated, the flesh and strength is regained, and frequently cases which have not been benefited by previous treatment are rapidly restored to health. There is a disease much overlooked—paralysis of the bronchial muscles—in which yerba santa plays an important part. It relieves the congested or thickened epithelium, and the patient can breathe freer. In aphonia (tubercular) this remedy relieves at once. It is the most direct restorative drug in diseases of the respiratory organs that we possess. One of the most re- markable properties of yerba santa is its power of completely destroying the bitter taste of quinine, and the drug is very often prescribed with reference to this property alone.” For fuller information send for our “ Working Bulletin ” on Yerba Santa. P., D. & Co.’s Fluid Extract 1 fluidounce. Potass. Garb 100 grains. Water 7*A fluidounces. Sugar 14 ounces av. FORMULA FOR SYRUP OF YERBA SANTA—UNOFFICIAL. Dissolve the potassium carbonate in the water, add the fluid extract Yerba Santa, and let stand for a few hours. Decant the clear liquid, add the sugar, and dissolve with the aid of a gentle heat. Dose, Ito 4 fluidrachms (4 to 15 C. c.). FORMULA FOR SYRUP YERBA SANTA, AROMATIC. Mix. Dose, Ito 3 teaspoonfuls (4 to BC. c.), as a vehicle for quinine, etc. P., D. & Co.’s Fluid Yerba Santa Aromatic 4 fluidounces. Syrup 12 fluidounces. NOTES ON THE STANDARD MEDICINAL PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED BY PARKE, DAVIS & CO., MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS, DETROIT, MICH.—NEW YORK BRANCH! OFFICES 60 MAIDEN LANE; SHIPPING DEPARTMENT AND WAREHOUSE, 21 LIBERTY STREET ; CRUDE DRUG WAREHOUSE, 218 PEARL STREET. Our line of manufactures comprises the following; LIST OF MANUFACTURES. Fluid, Solid and Powdered Extracts; Normal Liquids; German Tinctures; Sugar- and Gelatin-Coated Pills; Pink Granules; Soluble Elastic, Hard Filled and Empty Capsules; Pepsin and Pancreatin; Concentra- tions; Oleates and Ointments of Oleates; Medicated and Flavored Lozenges; Effervescent Preparations and Mineral Water Salts; Roll Plasters; Elixirs, Wines and Syrups; Malt Extracts and Combinations; Hypo- dermic Tablets including a special line for veterinary practice; Tablet Triturates; Cerates; Pressed herbs; Collodions; Confections; Ointments; Glyceroles; Fine Chemicals; Rare Alkaloids; New Drugs and Fine Pharmaceutical Specialties. We are also manufacturer’s agents for Chamberlin’s Utero-Vaginal Syringe, Walker’s Indispensable Cup Syringe, Reymond’s Patent Capsule Filler, Davenport’s Unique Capsule Filler and Wilson’s Eureka Abdominal Supporter, and manufacturers of Semple’s Atomizing Inhaler, The Improved Emergency Case, Urinary Test Papers, Urinary Test Tablets, the New Ureometer, Physician’s Pocket Reagent Cases, Im- proved Cocaine Cases, Improved Hypodermic Case, Improved Hypodermic Case for Veterinary Practice; and Menthol Pencils. FLUID EXTRACTS are concentrated liquid preparations, containing and holding in permanent solution all the active ingre- dients of the several drugs from which they are prepared, and made of a uniform strength so that one fluidounce (imperial) shall be the equivalent of one ounce avoirdupois of the crude drug. They differ from tinctures, as that term is commonly understood, in that the latter are of inferior strength; varying with different drugs in a capricious and arbitrary manner. It is the object, in preparing a fluid extract; to have the product embody, in their natural proportions, all the valuable constituents contained in a corresponding quantity of crude drug: and, concurrently with this end, it is designed to exclude, as far as possible, inert matter. The fluid extract, therefore, while faithfully representing the virtues of a drug, may be of a color entirely at variance with that which the physical appearance of the crude material might suggest. It will be readily comprehended that the attainment of the object in view necessarily requires the exercise of a high order of skill and the advantage of thorough experience. These are recommendations which we present for our manufactures. It is our claim that we have availed ourselves of every real improvement in the art of pharmacy, and that in this particular line we have brought our products to the highest degree of perfection. So far as quality of material is concerned, we possess superior advantages for ensuring genuine- ness and exceptional excellence in all crude drugs. Our connections and correspondence, the de- velopment of years of research, place us entirely beyond the dictation of the common market, and enable us to secure the proper portion, collection, and preservation of drugs intended for our use. Com- bined with these advantages, we possess the most complete facilities for conducting our operations upon the largest scale, at a proportionate economy of labor, and with the increased care and precision required in manipulations of such magnitude. With full confidence in the foundation of our claim, we assert that for scrupulous accuracy in manufacture, and for reliability of effect, our fluid extracts are unsur- passed. Our list comprises five hundred standard and official remedies, including more than ninety of the newer remedies, ample test of whose therapeutic properties has proved them worthy of professional consideration. Complete price list sent upon application. We also issue printed matter upon the “Permanency of Fluid Extracts,” and “ Official and Non-Official Fluid Extracts,’-’ either or both of which will be mailed upon application. Reading the definition of a “Fluid Extract” given above, it will be observed that several samples of fluid extracts of the same drug may vary in medicinal strength, according to the variability in the respective samples of the crude drug from which they were manufactured. In drugs whose therapeutic NORMAL LIQUIDS. properties are such as to admit of large and not very precise doses, this defect is of slight importance, hut in the case of more active medicines, as aconite, belladonna, mix vomica, stramonium, cannabis indica, and the like, it becomes a serious one. To remedy this defect we have introduced a line of assayed fluid extracts, which we have designated as Normal Liquids* A Normal Liquid may therefore be defined to be “ a concentrated liquid preparation, the strength of which is adjusted by careful assay, so that one fluidounce, imperial, is the equivalent of one ounce avoirdupois of crude drug of standard quality.” They are, therefore of uniform strength, and are adapted for the same exactness of dosage as alkaloids. Please address us for a complete list of our Normal Liquids, containing detailed information as to strength, price, dose, etc. GERMAN TINCTURES. In order to supply a certain demand for tinctures of the green plant, which the advertisements of other houses have created, we have made direct importations of the following tinctures: Aconite, Arnica, Belladonna, Celandine, Chamomile, Conium, Dumb Cane, Fox-glove, Henbane, Lettuce, Mary Thistle, Poison Oak, Pulsatilla, Shepherd’s Purse, Sundew, Thornapple plant, White Bryony. We guarantee the correctness of their preparation according to the standard formulas, but maintain, for reasons which we have not space here to specify, that they are inferior as therapeutic agents to the preparations of the pro- perly dried plant. We shall be pleased to furnish a circular explaining our views. SUGAR- AND GELATIN-COATED PILLS. Our list of sugar- and gelatin-coated pills comprises most of the official and popular formulae known to the profession, to which have been added many new and valuable combinations. Our pills are made entirely by hand, from the purest materials, and are coated by a, method avoiding the application of any degree of heat which could impair their efficacy. We direct especial attention to the perfect distribution of the ingredients and permanent softness of the mass. For superiority of finish, ready solubility and uni- formity of coating, our pills are unexcelled. The formula in each instance is strictly followed, irrespective •of cost, and the entire process conducted under scientific management and by improved methods. Particular care is taken to insure the preservation of the drug. Upon the comparative value of pills as a form for the administration of medicine, wre have published, and will send to any address the following pamphlets and reprints: “An Unobjectionable Form for the Administration of Medicine;” reprint of an article in the Medical and Surgical Reporter, March 29, 1884, by M. S. French, M. D., Philadelphia. “Sugar-coated Pills; a Word in Their Defense,” by J. B. Moore, Esq., of Philadelphia. “ On Sugar- and Gelatin-coated Pills,” a resume of the whole subject, embracing under their proper heads, “Charges Against Pills,” “Defective Superficial Appearance,” “Deterioration in the Original Superficial Appearance,” “Insolubility of Coating,” “Insolubility of Pill Mass,” “Non-action in the Patient,” etc. We shall also be pleased to send our Formula Book of Pills and Pink Granules, to any one desiring the same. PINK GRANULES (sugar-coated). In order to avoid the deplorable accidents that have not unfrequently resulted from mistakes in the administration of the common sugar-coated pellets containing powerful medicines, we have introduced a line of pink granules, expressly for the treatment of children and delicate patients. The distinctive color not only renders them attractive in appearance, but distinguishes them from the ordinary pills or pellets which often contain what for these patients would be a dangerous dose of some powerful remedy. These granules have the additional advantage that they permit of the administration of medicine in small and repeated doses, thus making it easier for the physician to observe, control and regulate the effect of the drug. Owing to their small size and beauty of appearance, they are acceptable to the patient, and are especially attractive to children. Pink Granules are not protected by patent, copyright or trade-mark. In this respect they differ from a similar class of preparations known as “ Parvules,” which were originally introduced at an extravagant price, under the protection of a registered trade-mark. Being of the opinion, however, that all medicinal compounds in use by the medical profession should be issued upon a proper scientific and ethical basis, and as such should be free from all monopoly and protection by trade-mark or copyright, patent or secrecy, we have sought to render service to science (if “ Parvules ” hate any intrinsic merits as therapeutic agents), by placing a similar or better line of preparations on the market under the name of Pink Granules, which is free to all competition. Complete price list sent upon application. We invite exhaustive tests of our solid, extracts, as we claim for them the first rank for medicinal value. Analysis has demonstrated the superiority in alkaloidal strength of our narcotic extracts as com- pared with English and other American manufacturers. * Extracts from drugs of determinable strength are accurately regulated by assay and adjusted to a uniform standard, which in most cases is five times that of a crude drug of standard quality. The practical pharmacist will readily appreciate the importance of the object attained by this process. SOLID AND POWDERED EXTRACTS AND ABSTRACTS. For certain purposes in dispensing, powdered extracts possess many advantages over the solid, to which they correspond in strength, with a few exceptions, in which instances the fact is recorded on the label. Obviating the inconvenience and waste attendant upon the handling of the solid extracts, they pre- sent very desirable substitutes in the hands of pharmacists who have experienced these annoyances. It should be remembered that their nature is hygroscopic; the bottles, therefore, should always be well closed with f ightly-fltting corks. The United States Pharmacopoeia of 1880 introduced a class of preparations called Abstracts, intended to take the place of powdered extracts. These have not as yet, found favor either with physicians or pharmacists, and we have not added them to our list. Our powdered extracts may be employed for the extemporaneous production of the abstracts, the requisite amount of sugar of milk being added to reduce the strength of the product to the pharmacopoeia standard, viz.; one part of abstract representing two of the respective drug. Please apply to us for complete price list of Solid and Powdered extracts; also for further printed information upon these preparations. CONCENTRATIONS. These preparations contain the proximate medicinal principles of the several drugs they repre- sent either combined in the form of a powder consisting of two or more constituents, or isolated in the form of a powdered alkaloid or resinoid. Owing to the liability of these articles to absorb moisture, they should be kept securely corked, and in a cool place. The preparations offered in the market under the name of concentrations vary greatly in physical properties as made by different manufacturers. In many instances, through ignorance of the chemistry of the drug, manufacturers have supplied a product nearly or quite inert; leptandrin, for example, has been prepared by precipitating the alcoholic tincture of the drug with water, in the mistaken belief that the active principle of the drug resided in its “resinoid.” We have aimed in our concentrations to present all the active constituents of each drug, excluding, as far as possible, inert matter; and when our preparations differ from those of other manufacturers, we are willing that they should be judged by their therapeutic efficiency. Prices and printed matter forwarded by post upon application. MEDICINAL ELIXIRS. WINES. SYRUPS,. ETC. We manufacture a full line of these palatable pharmaceutical preparations, and shall be pleased t« lend price list and printed matter to anyone desiring the same. With the increasing refinement in taste that accompanies progress in civilization, there has naturally originated a demand for remedies which shall be inviting in appearance and pleasant to the palate, and th« art of pharmacy has proved more than able to meet the demand. The market is flooded with preparations whose only merit is that they do not offend the eye or the palate. Medicinal activity is a secondary con- sideration, or is left out of account altogether. In many drugs the active principle is essentially and unalterably bitter or acrid, and a preparation, purporting to represent such a drug, which Is devoid of its characteristic disagreeable flavor, may be safely pronounced inert. The legitimate aim of the pharmacist, in such cases, is to seek out some flavoring ingre- dients which shall so modify the flavor as to render it rather pleasant than otherwise, or else to combine it with an agent capable of obtunding the gustatory nerves. It is by this method that we have endeavored in our elixirs to render each preparation as palatable as the nature of the ingredients would permit, without sacrifice of medicinal activity, and we are confident that our products accomplish this end as perfectly, at least, as any in the market. The quantity of each 'medicinal ingredient is always stated, exactly, on the label, and we guarantee in every instance the presence in the elixir of all that the label claims. Our list of malt preparations embraces thirty formula:;, all of which are manufactured after the latest and most approved German method. We employ the best grade of Canada barley, and EXTRACT OF MALT AND COMBINATIONS. * See the American Journal of Pharmacy, April, 1876. A reprint of this article will be forwarded upon application. have devoted particular attention to the manufacture of such an extract as shall, in all particulars, be as represented, and free from any of the devices through which certain popular properties of palatability and appearance are cultivated at the expense of the medicinal virtues of the malt. Please send for price list. GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT PREPARATIONS. Many mineral salts require to be administered, to produce their best effects, with a considerable quantity of water. The disagreeable taste of the salt is best covered by putting it into the form of effervescent granules, which, when thrown into water, dissolve almost instantaneously with copious escape of carbonic acid gas. This is much better than to attempt to disguise the taste by the addition of syrup, simple elixir, or any other flavoring ingredient which imposes an unnecessary burden upon the stomach. The carbonic acid promotes digestion rather than otherwise, and in any case is rapidly eliminated. As a rule a heaping teaspoonful of the salt contains an average dose of the medicinal constitu- ent. This should be dropped into a tumbler one-third to one-half full of cold water, stirred until the granules disintegrate, and swallowed while foaming. Our line of these preparations is very complete, and our product is unexcelled by any in the market. MINERAL WATER SALTS. Chemical analysis has been made of all the mineral waters in common use, and it is now possible to reproduce these artificially, and experience has shown that the effects of the artificially prepared waters are identical with those of the natural mineral waters. At least this is true of the saline and alkaline waters, which are most commonly used. The advantage of a freshly prepared artificial water over a stale article that has travelled perhaps a thousand miles, and been kept in stock, even if preserved in well-secured bottles, is apparent at a glance. If any argument were necessary to prove it, we could point out the cir- cumstance that no container is so perfectly proof against the solvent action of the water that its composi- tion does not gradually undergo change. Even from glass, silica is dissolved, while chemical reactions be- tween the constituents of the water themselves almost invariably determine more or less precipitation; gases escape, and organic matter, present in the water itself, or derived from the cask or the cork, under- does decomposition, rendering the water to a degree unwholesome. From these objections the artificial mineral waters are free, and they have the added advantage that the expense of transportation is not, as in the case of the natural waters, an important item of the cost—so much so, indeed, as to place many of the latter beyond the reach of any but the wealthy. To prepare the mineral waters from the “ salts,” it is only necessary to dissolve them in the requisite proportion of pure water, and they may then be charged with carbonic acid in the usual manner for use in the fountain. The quantity of each salt required for the different mineral waters varies, of course, widely. The salts are put up in packages of one and five pounds, full directions accompanying each package. Priced circular, containing a list of the mineral water salts we prepare, mailed upon application. GELATIN PRODUCTS. Our list of Gelatin Frontlets embraces Gelatin-coated pills, Soluble Elastic Filled Capsules, Hard Pilled Capsules, Empty Capsules for oral, rectal, vaginal medication, and veterinary uses, and our Gelatin lodoform Bougies. The latest addition to this line of pharmaceuticals have been Filled Soluble Elastic Capsules of Quinine and Cinchonidme sulphates and of salol. The advantages to be derived from the em- ployment of Gelatin Capsules in the administration of drugs of bitter, nauseous and otherwise dis- agreeable taste, are so manifest and universally admitted as to forestall any argument on this point. The introduction of this class of pharmaceutical agents and their use by properly educated and scientific physi- cians, have donevery much to remove the prejudices of the more fastidious patients against regular medi- cine, so-called, and have correspondingly weaned them from their preferences for a system of practice whose popularity has been due rather to the pleasant nature of the medicines administered by the practi- tioners, than to its success in the treatment of diseases. There are many drugs, in order to secure the best effect of which, their administration in the more or less crude form is necessary, and all attempts to render them palatable by the separation of their more active principles, the incorporation of them with excipients, aromatics, etc., is made at the expense of certain of their therapeutic properties. In such cases the capsule supplies the desideratum and enables the physician to obtain the full and uncomplicated effect of the drug and at the same time not offend the palate. Our Soluble Elastic Filled Capsules are unequaled, our claims of superiority for them being based on the following qualities: Their Transparency.—They are made of the finest quality of white gelatin, and are perfectly trans- parent, permitting a full inspection of their contents. Their Elasticity and Lubricity.—They may be easily moulded between the finger and thumb, and when held for a moment in the mouth the action of the saliva on the gelatin covers them with a mucilagin- ous coating which greatly facilitates their swallowing. The Quality of Their Contents .—They are filled with ingredients of the very finest quality obtainable. We invite the closest scrutiny of their contents, and physicians who specify our brand in their prescriptions need have no apprehensions on this point. Solubility— The solubility of these capsules may be determined by the simplest test. Allowed to lie loosely in the mouth the contents escape in from two to three minutes, and there is not the remotest possibility of the capsule passing intact with the faeces, as is sometimes the case with ordinary filled capsules. Their Sizes.—Heretofore the filled capsules offered the profession of this country have not con- tained more than ten minims of the liquid. We have in our list, capsules containing all the way from ten minims to half an ounce. The larger capsules are designed more particularly for the admin- istration of cod liver and castor oils. Notwithstanding their size, they are, owing to their elasticity and lubricity, swallowed as readily as an oyster. The advantages of such capsules are too obvious to require enumeration. Our Hard Filled Capsules are prepared from the finest material, by improved processes and appar. atus, and the drugs presented in this form are either of our own manufacture, or they are of the best quality the market will afford. Our Improved Empty Gelatin Capsules cannot be excelled in quality by any in use, and to prove the truth of this statement we request a careful and critical comparison between them and other brands. They are in seven sizes, and put up in boxes containing 100 each, or in boxes containing 1000 each of any size. Samples and price list will be sent on application. Our Improved Rectal Gelatin Suppository Capsules offer a ready means of administering any sol- uble drug, not locally irritating, without the delay and expense of obtaining suppositories, and being quickly dissolved by the moisture and heat of the rectum, are speedy and sure in effect. They are in three sizes, large (No. 1), medium (No. 2), and small (No. 3), put up in boxes of 100 each, of any size. Our Horse Capsules, for administration to horses and cattle, are put up in three sizes (>4, pg, and one ounce) in boxes of ten each. We also manufacture a superior quality of Gelatin Coated lodoform Bougies, one, two, three, five and ten grains, in boxes of 12 bougies of one size only. In offering our manufacture of this line of therapeutic agents, we do so with full confidence that they are as perfect in all that makes them desirable as the resources of capital and pharmacy render possible, and we solicit a comparison with any other brands in the market. MEDICATED AND FLAVORED LOZENGES. We are always prepared to furnish these neat, eligible, and convenient means for the administration of many medicines. Standard formulas are constantly kept in stock. We have, also, ample fac.lities for supplying lozenges of any formula, size, color, or flavor, and will cheerfully make quotations on any desired combination not in our list. We have a line of medicated lozenges put up in slide boxes for retailing, and, where half gross lots or more are ordered at a time, will print the customer’s address on label, if desired. Please send for circular and prices. PLASTERS. We list the following Plasters and warrant them second to none in quality; Adhesive (resin), Am- moniac, U. S. P., Ammoniac with Mercury, U. S. P., Arnica, U. S. P., Belladonna ext. (leaves), Belladonna ext. (root), U. S. P., Canada Pitch, U. S. P., Qalbanum, U. S. P., Iron (Roborans), U. S. P., Lead, U. S. P.t Mercurial, U. S. P., Opium, U. S. P., Pitch Burgundy, U. S. P., Pitch with Cantharides, U. S. P., Resin (adhesive), U. S. P., Soap, U. S. P. COLLODIONS, CONFECTIONS, OINTMENTS, GLYCEROLES AND CER- ATES. We manufacture a full line of these pharmaceutical preparations, and, although we do not make a specialty of any of them, the most scrupulous care is taken to secure permanency, elegancy, and therapeu- tic efficacy. We shall always be pleased to have then critically compared with similar preparations of any competing house. Send for price list. OLEATBS AND OINTMENTS OF OLEATES. The use of an oleate of mercury in place of the time-honored mercurial ointment was suggested more than ten years ago by Prof. John Marshall, and the advantages of the preparation were so manifest that it came immediately into general use. More recently the attention of the profession has been directed to the therapeutical applications of some other metallic oleates, particularly in the treatment of diseases of the skin. An extended clinical experience in their use has convinced many that their merits entitle them to a permanent place in the materia medica, for the following reasons: 1. The compounds of oleic acid are remarkable for their ability to penetrate rapidly into animal textures. 2. Ointments prepared from the pure oleates are wholly free from rancidity. 3. The ready absorption of the oleates renders the ointments prepared from them more cleanly than any others. 4. These preparations may be applied to the skin with- out the tedious friction requisite to promote absorption in other cases. They are likewise much more ■economical in the amount of material required to produce a specific effect. 5. The metallic oleates seem to exert an antiseptic action, not only on the fats with which they may be combined in an ointment, but also on the discharges from wounds and suppurating surfaces. We manufacture the following metallic oleates: Aluminium.—Used in ointments for astringent effect; valuable in eczema and as a dressing for bums, etc. Arsenic.—Ointments, containing 20 grains of oleate to the ounce, are used as caustics in the treat- ment of lupus, epithelioma etc. Bismuth.—Used undiluted, as a soothing application. Copper.—Employed in the form of ointment, 10 to 20 per cent, oleate, for the treatment of ring- worm, etc. Iron.—A waxy solid, readily soluble in fats; used as a local astringent and general tonic. Lead.—An efficient'substitute for Hebras Diachylon Ointment. Manganese, Pure and Twenty-per-cent. Solution.—The latter is used as an emmenagogue, and is applied by inunction to the abdomen. Mercury. - Stable in composition in marked contrast with the preparation formerly in use; produces all the therapeutic effects of the mercury. Nickel.—An amorphous, waxy solid; good results are reported from its application in some cases of chronic eczema of the extremities, where the skin is hard and leathery. Zinc.—An impalpable powder; dusted over the surface in skin diseases; also employed in the form of an ointment. Tin. —A remedy of considerable value for restoring the lustre of diseased nails. The oleates of alkaloids in solution produce the same proportionate effect as the simple agents. They are of great benefit where the remedies cannot be administered in the usual way, or where local action is required. Our line comprises: Aconitine, 2 per cent.; Atropine, 2 per cent.; Cocaine, 5 per cent.-; Morphine, 10 per cent.; Morphine and Mercury, 5 per cent, morphine and 20 per cent, mercuric oxide; Quinine, 25 per cent.; Strychnine, 2 per cent.; and Veratrine, 10 per cent. We also furnish the following ointments of the oleates, the different percentage indicating the propor- tion of oleate in each ointment: Aluminium, 50 per cent.; Arsenic, 5 per cent ; Copper, 20 per cent.; Iron, 25 per cent.; Lead, 50 per cent ; Mercury, 10 per cent.; Silver, 5 per cent.; Zinc, 25 per cent. INHALANTS FOR USE IN ATOMIZING INHALERS. The prevalent use into which Atomizing Inhalers have come, seems to have created a demand for ready-prepared medicinal compounds for administration by them. These we supply in some twenty differ- ent formulae, a priced formulae list of which,we shall be pleased to furnish on application. TABLET TRITURATES. These preparations have excited some interest on the part of the profession. We manufacture and keep in regular stock upwards of 200 formula?, which are put up in glass-stoppered bottles of 1,000 and in cork-stoppered bottles of 100 each. They are prepared of the finest materials, by the most approved methods, and unexcelled for permanency and solubility. Each tablet is stamped with its individual number, thus identifying it, and reducing the chances of error to a minimum. If by some accident the contents of several bottles of tablet triturates become mixed, each separate tablet could be identified by the number stamped upon it. We can furnish any desired formula, the nature and quantity of which will permit of being presented in this form. HYPODERMIC TABLETS. The hypodermic syringe has become an indispensable instrument to the physician. The difficulty in the way of its use in emergencies, however, has been the lack of facilities for determining the exact dose of the medicine required, and making the same ready at a moment’s notice. This difficulty is entirely over- come by our hypodermic tablets, which are so soluble that when dropped into water they become dissolved on shaking or stirring, in a very few seconds, to a perfect limpid solution. These tablets are put up in tubes convenient for carrying in the pocket medicine case, each tube containing 25 tablets, four of these tubes being packed together in one box. The materials of which they are composed are absolutely non-irritating in character. They are to be dissolved in a definite quantity of water, forming thus a solution of known strength, of which the whole or part may be administered. The following is a list of our regular line of tablets which may be ordered by the number appearing before each formulae. We manufacture, however, on order, any others that may be desired, provided the quantity and nature of the material does not preclude its use in this form: OR 13 Morphine sulphate 1-4 14 Morphine sulphate 1-8 17 Picrotoxin 1-50 18 Pilocarpine hydrochlorate...l-3 19 Pilocarpine nitrate 1-3 20 Physostigmine sulphate 1-100 21 Sodium arseniate 1-10 22 Strychnine sulphate 1-50 23 Strychnine sulphate 1-100 25 Morphine sulphate 1-6 OR. 1 Aconitine, crystals 1-120 2 Apomorphine muriate 1-10 3 Atropine sulphate 1-50 4 Atropine sulphate... 1-100 5 Cocaine hydrochlorate 1-4 6 Coniine hydrobromate 1-8 7 Colchicine 1-30 8 Corrosive Subl’te and Urea.. 1-25 9 Digitalin, pure 1-100 10 Gelsemine muriate 1-50 GR. 11 Hyoscine hydrobromate.. .1-100 12 Hyoscyamine 1-50 15 Morphine and atropine, No. 1: Morphine sulphate.. 1-8 gr. Atropine sulphate 1-200 gr. 24 Morphine and aropine, No. 2: Morphine sulphate...l-4 gr. Atropine sulphate. 1-150 gr. 16 Morphine and atropine, No. 3: Morphine sulphate.. 1-6 gr. Atropine sulphate. 1-180 gr. HYPODERMIC TABLETS FOR VETERINARY PRACTICE. These tablets are put up in tubes of 12 tablets each, and may be ordered by the number appearing before each formulae in the following list. -500 Aconitine cryst 1-40 gr. 508 Digitalin 1-8 gr. 514 Physostigmine salicyl,.. 1-4 gr. 515 Pilocarpine muriate l-2gr. 501 Aconitine cryst 1-20 gr 502 Atropine sulphate. ... 1-4 gr. 503 Atropine sulphate 1-2 gr. 509 Digitalin 1-4 gr 510 Hyoscyamine 1-8 gr. 511 Morphine muriate 1 gr. 516 Sodium arsenite 1 gr. 518 Strychnine sulphate 1-2 gr. 504 Cocaine muriate 1 gr. 505 Colchicine 1-4 gr 512 Morphine muriate 2 gr. 513 Morphine and Atropine. Morphine sulph.. .1% gr. 519 Sirychnine sulphate 1 gr. 520 Veratrine muriate 1-4 gr. 5,21 Veratrine muriate 1-2 gr. 506 Colchicine..... ... . .1-2 gr 507 Coniine hydrobromate... 1 gr. Atropine sulph % gr. Fine Pharmaceutical Preparations MANUFACTURED BY PARKE, DAVIS & CO., MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS, DETROIT, MICH.—NEW YORK BRANCH I OFFICES, 60 MAIDEN LANE; SHIPPING DEPARTMENT AND WAREHOUSE, 21 LIBERTY street; crude drug warehouse, 218 pearl street. LIST OF SPECIALTIES. Aromatic Troches; Beef, Iron and Wine Improved; Beef, Peptonized Extract of; Beef, Powder of; Bone. Powdered; Bronchial Sedative; Cascara Cordial; Chamberlin’s Utero-Vaginal Syringe; Chlor-Anodyne; Coca. Cheroots and Cigarettes; Coca Cordial; Coca, Native Elixir, Lorini’s; Cocaine Cases, Improved; Cod-Liver Oil Preparations; Compound Cerebral Sedatives; Compressed Troches; Capsule Fillers, Davenport’s Unique and Reymond’s Patent; Dialyzed Iron, plain and glycerated; Digestive Tablets; Disinfectant and Antiseptic Pre- parations; Empty Capsules; Eulachon Oil Preparations; Extract Bay Laurel, concentrated; Hematic Hypo- phosphites; Glycerole Yerbine Compound; Indispensable Cup Syringe; Issue Plasters; Liquid Acid Phos- phate; Liquor Sedans; Lozenges, Druggists’Flavored and Medicated, for Retailing; Menthol, in Crystals, and in Pencils; Nitrite Amyl Pearls; Opium Preparations; Ox Gall; Pancreatin Preparations; Pepsin Pre- parations; Peptonized Extract of Beef; Peptonizing Tablets; Pills, Sugar and Gelatin Coated, in bulk, and in boxes and bottles of 25 each for retailing; Physicians Pocket Reagent Cases; Powdered Bone; Powder of Beef; Pressed Herbs, Roots, Barks, Leaves, and Flowers; Sanguis Bovinus Exsiccatus; Semple’s Atomizing Inhaler; Solution of Sclerotic Acid; Sugar Test Flasks; Syringes; Syrup Trifolium Compound*; Taro Flour; The NewUreometer; Urinary Test Papers and Urinary Tost Tablets; Warburg’s Tincture; Wilson’s Abdo- minal Supporter; Witch Hazel, Concentrated Distilled Extract; Yellow Oxide of Mercury Tablets; Rare Drugs and their Preparations; Fine Chemicals, Alkaloids, etc. Our list of specialties includes: Some of these require no comment; others have already been mentioned under the preceding heads of this pamphlet, and the balance are hereinafter epitomized. AROMATIC AND COMPRESSED TROCHES. The most careful inspection of our Aromatic and Compressed Troches is earnestly invited. We admit the superiority of no other brand of similar preparations on the market. Our aromatic troches for the breath are put up in pound bottles and also sold in bulk. Of compressed troches we manufacture the following: Bicarbonate of soda, 5 grains; Borax, 5 grains; Muriate of Ammonia, 3 grains; Potassium Bicarbonate, 5 grains: Potassium Bromide, 5 grains; Potassium Chlorate, 5 grains; Potassium Chlorate and Borax; Potassium Chlorate and Muriate of Ammonia; Soda Mint. With the exception of the Soda Mint and Bicarbonate of Soda, these troches are put up in pound boxes, in ten pound boxes, and in boxes of 40 troches each for retailing. The Soda Mint and Bicarbonate of Soda are put up in glass bottles instead of boxes, except ten pound and bulk quantities, which are put up in tin cans. Samples and detailed printed information will be forwarded on application. EXTRACT BAY LAUREL, CONCENTRATED. Genuine distilled Bay Rum is a*n article of luxury which only the wealthy can afford. Artificial sub- stitutes, which for all practical purposes are equally good, are in universal use, and have indeed obtained official recognition in the introduction into the revised U. S Pharmacopoeia of “ Spirit of Myrcia.’’ In the proportion of two ounces in one gallon of dilute alcohol, this extract will produce a superior Bay Rum at a moderate cost. By regulating the quantity of extract, the strength may be increased or weakened, as the purpose may suggest. It will prove a great convenience to the retail druggist who is often disappointed in the result when he attempts to prepare for himself a factitious Bay Rum, following the published formulas. Our Extract Bay Laurel, concentrated, has given universal satisfaction. For the extemporaneous preparation of a superior quality of Bay Rum. *For description, see page 25 This combination is a valuable stimulant, tonic and nutrient, the preparations of which heretofore em- ployed have disappointed the hopes entertained of them. This failure is chiefly due to the fact that various beef extracts have been employed in lieu of beef, these extracts being destitute of proteids or nutrient prin- ciples. To supply this defect, we have substituted for such beef extracts a preparation of beef which is a true food, containing the proteids, or tissue-forming material, in the form of peptones, in addition to those mineral salts to which the beef extracts owe any virtue which they may possess. We guarantee that each ounce of our Beef, Iron and Wine, Improved, contains 4 grains of citrate of iron and ammonia and repre- sents the nutritive principles of one ounce of beef. BEEF, IRON AND WINE, IMPROVED. CASCARA CORDIAL. A preparation of Rhamnus Purshiana for the treatment of habitual constipation, dyspepsia, indi- gestion and haemorrhoids; also a valuable vehicle for the administration of nauseous medicines. The peculiar tendency of preparations of cascara sagrada toward the development, after manufacture, of an exceedingly bitter principle, has rendered it difficult to produce a liquid preparation which would re- main permanently palatable. After several years’ experimenting we reached the result required, and placed Cascara Cordial before the medical profession as a most elegant and permanent combination for the ad- ministration of the remedies composing it. It should be borne in mind, that while we have endeavored to identify the preparation with our own source of manufacture, by means of the peculiar form in which it is bottled, we have no trade-mark, patent or copyright on it and that it is intended solely for use on the pre- scription of the physician. We neither advertise it to the public, nor accompany it with any literature calcu- lated to introduce it into popular use. We simply avail ourselves of the protection legitimately due the superiority which our careful selection of the crude drug by experts, and a thorough knowledge of the chemical and pharmaceutical peculiarities of the bark, ensure. During the past two years we have received so many unsolicited testimonials to the efficiency of cascara cordial as a vehicle for the administration of drugs which are offensive to the palate, that we have been induced to test the range of its applicability to this end. The result of our experiments has strongly corroborated the reports, and justifies us in asking for this preparation a trial in the prescriptions of nause- ous medicines with special reference to quinine. It requires no argument to convince physicians of the de- sirability of palatability in mixtures, but the important matter has been neglected, to the detriment of regular medicine in the regard of the public, chiefly because of the existence on the market of no agreeable and reliable excipient which could be ordered on prescriptions, and thus obviate the danger of change in the medicinal nature of the compound which exists when the druggist is given a carte blanche order to make the mixture agreeable. When the peculiar tonic laxative properties of cascara cordial are considered, its value as an excipient in a large number of cases will be all the more apparent. We respectfully request physicians to test the value of cascara cordial in the direction indicated. FORMULA. Each litre contains; Cascara sagrada bark, (true Rhamnus Purshiana), 100 grms, Berberis aquifolium, true, 37 grms. Diluted alcohol, 233 grms. Sugar, 288 grms. Water, q. s., ad 1 litre. Elegantly flavored with carminative aromatics. Dose: As a laxative, one teaspoonful twice a day, night and morning. As a cathartic, one tablespoonful twice a day, night and morning. For constipation and dyspepsia, from one-fourth to one teaspoonful four times a day for a week. If no improvement ensues, increase the dose till a normal or laxative passage is obtained, when the dose should be gradually decreased in amount and frequency until the benefit is permanent. We publish a working bulletin upon this preparation, which we shall be pleased to mail to any physician desiring more detailed information. COMPOUND CATHARTIC PILLS Sugar- and Gelatin-Coated, in bulk, and in boxes and bottles of 25 pills each for retailing. Our facilities for the manufacture of sugar- and gelatin-coated pills have enabled us to place upon the market a line of Compound Cathartic Pills, both U. S. P. and Improved formulas, which are unequalled in quality, and unapproachable in cheapness of price by any other brand worthy of competition. In addi- tion to our regular parcels (bottles of 100 and 500 each) we make a specialty of these pills in large quantities in bulk, and would be pleased to offer quotations in response to applications stating quantity desired. We also make a specialty of these and other formulae put up in boxes and bottles, with customer’s card, for retailing, and respectfully solicit correspondence with any desiring these goods. In applying to us for further particulars, please state number of gross wanted. The instrument shown in the cut, for which we are the manufacturer’s sole agents, is constructed as follows: The vaginal tube is six inches in length; the surface is divided into ten longitudinal grooves one- eighth of an inch deep, with an orifice at the termination of each at the base of the dome for a reverse stream. CHAMBERLIN’S UTEROVAGINAL SYRINGE. In the doom are orifices for direct and diverging streams. Being nearly an inch in diameter, it acts as a “repositor” in pro- lapsus uteri. It presses the organ up to its normal position, at the same time distending the folds, by gently rotating the tube while the liquid is being injected. The grooves de- tach the tenacious mucus that adheres to the mem- brane, and the reverse streams passing down be- tween the instrument and surface of the vagina effectually removes it. As a consequence, two important results are obtained, viz; The unhealthy secretions are removed, and all injury arising there- from obviated. The mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix uteri are effectually cleansed. If disease exist, medicine may now be directly and thoroughly applied to the affected part. Chlor-anodyne is our improvement on chlorodyne. In studying the various formulae that have been offered for the latter, we became convinced that some of the ingredients might be discarded as contributing little or nothing to the therapeutic results desired, while others should be ruled out as wholly unfit for any place in modem pharmacy. It should be borne in mind by the profession that only by writing carefully the name “ chlor-anodyne ” can they secure our improved preparation, and that even then there is no surety of securing our preparation of the article except by being equally careful to specify " P., D. & Co.” on every prescription. CHLOR-ANODYNE. Chlor-anodyne is used in therapeutics as an anodyne, carminative, antispasmodic, diaphoretic and astringent. Its action is naturally modified by the dose given. The dose for adults is from sto 30 drops, and for children from 1 drop to 20 drops, according to age. It will be seen from the active nature of the ingredients that care must be taken not to greatly exceed the dose here given. It may be administered in sweetened water. Full information in regard to the therapeutics of this preparation can be found in our Working Bulletin for the scientific investigation of Chlor-Anodyne, to which the profession are respectfully referred. Morphia, muriate 0000 grms. Tinct. Cannab. Ind 0800 “ Chloroform 1350 “ Oil of Peppermint 0025 “ Each gramme (ordinary adult dose) contains: FORMULA FOR CHLOR-ANODYNE. Tinct. Capsicum 0025 gnus. Hydrocyanic Acid 0170 “ Alcohol 3000 “• Glycerine 4570 “ COD LIVER OIL PREPARATIONS. We offer the profession an article of Pure Cold Refined White Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, which will be readily appreciated for its several valuable characteristics. It is made from fresh livers by a careful pro cess, avoiding heat, and removing all offensive taste and odor, and yet retaining unimpaired all the valu- able therapeutic properties of the agent. Our Emulsion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda is prepared from oil especially selected for the purpose, and every effort is made to present it in such form as to chal- lenge the most rigid tests of its chemical and pharmaceutical excellence. It is not protected by patent or copyright. The formula is published on the label. Our Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, with Dialyzed Iron, Glycerin and Catawba Wine is a valuable nutri- tive, tonic and stimulant. It contains 50 per cent, of the best Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, perfectly disguised and rendered agreeable to the taste by aromatics. COMPOUND CEREBRAL SEDATIVE. The properties of this preparation are sufficiently indicated by its name. It is offered as a scientific substitute for certain copyrighted preparations in the market, which are especially extolled as valuable remedies in the treatment of nervous affections. A Compound Cerebral Sedative, Formula B, differing from the formula given below only in the substitution of henbane for the opium is also on our list. We shall be pleased to send more detailed printed information upon application. Each fluidounce contains: Chloral hydrate, 2 drachms. Potassium bromide, 2 drachms. Fluid extract gelsemium, 50 minims. Tincture opium, 40 minims. Dose, a half fluidrachm (2 C. c.). FORMULA. IMPROVED COCAINE CASE This case is made in the best style of workmanship, of the finest morocco, velvet lining, and contains; : -;-r • ■ i, 1. Five capsules, each containing ex- actly one grain of cocaine muriate in crystals. 2. A vial to contain a solution of cocaine muriate. 3. A minim pipette. 5. A place for holding a hypodermic syringe. 4. A camel’s hair pencil. 6. A card containing formulae and directions for making two per cent, and four per cent, solutions of muriate of co- caine. It is advisable in all cases to prepare solutions of cocaine«salts fresh when they are required for use. To prepare a four- per-cent. solution, it is only necessary to empty the contents of one of the capsules into the vial, and fill to the mark with dis- tilled water. We furnish these cases with or without a hypodermic syringe. Should the physi- cian already have a hypodermic syringe. the latter case (which is provided with a place for holding it) will undoubtedly meet his requirements. COCA CHEROOTS AND CIGARETTES. For the Relief of Asthma, Hay Fever, Chronic Cough, Etc. The beneficial effects reported from the use of coca leaves in the form of cheroots and cigarettes for- the relief of asthmatic difficulties, irritative cough, etc., have induced us to prepare and offer them to the profession. They are made of coca leaves mixed with an equal portion of mild tobacco. The flavor and aroma are described by those who have used them as very agreeable. They produce a sedative effect on the pharynx, larynx, and air passages, which results frequently in the relief of irritative cough and difficult breathing. Impending attacks of asthmatic dyspncea are said to be frequently warded off by their use, and chronic sufferers have been able thus to secure comfort. The effect seems to be due to an anmsthetic action of the smoke upon the mucous membrane with which it comes in contact. The peripheral irritation, which results in the spasms either of dyspnoea or of cough, is thus removed, and with removal of the cause the effect disappears. Prices and literature furnished on application. COCA CORDIAL. This cordial presents coca in a palatable form, commending it especially to the large class of persons of delicate nervous organization, for whom it has most frequently to be prescribed. In its preparation the astringent and bitter constituents of the drug, which would exert only a disturbing influence, are rejected, while care is taken to retain unchanged the true active principle, cocaine. One fluidounee of the cordial represents 60 grains of coca leaves of good quality, the vehicle employed being an agreeable cordial of a rich vinous flavor. The specific uses of such a preparation will suggest themselves at once to the physi- cian. It may be given in doses of a dessertspoonful to a tablespoonful, repeated as occasion requires, and is frequently advantageously combined with liquid acid phosphate (liquor acidi phosphorici) or the official dilute phosphoric acid. • This elixir of coca leaves, prepared in the native habitat of the drug, differs from all other prepara- tions of coca in containing all the original constituents of the native leaves. It has now become well-known that coca leaves suffer very extensive changes in transportation, and that there are no means by which these changes can be prevented. That the loss begins as soon as the leaves have been collected is shown by the fact that the Indians themselves refuse to accept the leaves after they have been dried for a few weeks. (Coca at Home, by Dr. H. H. Rusby, Therapeutic Gazette, March, 1888, p. 165.) COCA, NATIVE ELIXIR, LORINI. Of the therapeutic effects of coca-leaves in their original condition our knowledge is limited, as their «se has been heretofore necessarily restricted to the country where grown. But trials that have been made with this preparation by leading practitioners, and its extensive use in Bolivia, fully warrant us in recom- mending it in the following conditions; 1. In exhaustion due to excessive physical or mental strain, or resulting from disease. 2. In pneumonia and kindred diseases involving difficult respiration. It is earnestly requested that physicians should make known the results of their trials of this entirely new preparation. 3. In dyspepsia, either gastric or intestinal, of the atonic type. The dose is a fluidounce, and should be taken immediately after eating. With this device gelatin capsules can be filled with powders, etc., more rapidly, and a larger DAVENPORT’S UNIQUE CAPSULE FILLER. quantity of medicine can be packed in a capsule of a given size than by the ordinary method. By its use the outside of the «apsule cannot become soiled with the bitter or nauseous medicine with which they are usually filled, and capsules that have become damp or soft can be filled as readily as any, The capsules being filled with the dry powder present a much more elegant ap- pearance than when the tedious and disagreeable practice of first forming a mass is resorted to, and many persons who object to taking pills or capsules filled with pill mass, do not hesitate to take capsules when filled with the dry powders. The powder being packed in the body admits of the cap being placed entirely on the capsule, so that the powders in expanding are not liable to press the cap off after the prescription is placed in the hands of the customer, as often happens when both body and cap are filled. Please send to us for circulars and prices. The therapeutic merits of Dialyzed Iron, and its superiority over other ferruginous preparations, are now universally admitted. Each fluidounce contains 24 grains ferric oxide, or 16.79 grains metallic iron. It is free from disagreeable taste, has no injurious action on the teeth, stomach, or bowels, and is, therefore, suited to cases where other forms of iron are not tolerated. It is also an antidote for arsenial poisoning. DIALYZED IRON Dialyzed Iron, however, has the disadvantage of great liability to congeal under exposure to low de- grees of temperature, thus rendering its transportation during the winter months very hazardous and unprofitable. To overcome this difficulty we furnish a preparation of this article, known as Glycerated Dialyzed Iron, which is a solution of the peroxide of iron, rendered perfectly pure and neutral by careful dialysis with distilled water, and united with a small percentage of chemically pure glycerin, which pre- vents it from congealing, and permits its shipment in any weather with perfect safety. It is permanent and will not gelatinize nor mould. The dose of this preparation is the same as that of the ordinary Dialyzed Iron, viz.: from sto 80 drops, containing five per cent, of peroxide of iron. DIGESTIVE TABLETS. (Pepsin, 1 grain; pancreatin, 1 grain; calcium lacto-phosphate, 2 grains.) Useful in all forms of indigestion dependent upon any deficiency in the activity of these secretions, ®r upon indiscretions in eating. This combination of digestive agents is one which, in practice has been found very efficacious. Physiologists sometimes criticise the formula, on the ground that pepsin requires an acid medium, pancreatin an alkaline, to exert its digestive action, so that one or the other must neces- sarily be wasted. We admit the seeming force of the objection, but we contend that the positive experience which has approved this and similar combinations is of more weight than any theoretical considerations of merely a negative character. We employ in these tablets a pepsin about ten times as strong as the U. S. P. saccharated pepsin, and a pancreatin equal in digestive activity to any in the market. DISINFECTANT AND ANTISEPTIC PREPARATIONS. Our line of antiseptic and disinfectant preparations meets three chief indications, the fulfilment of which is a sine qua non to the practical utility and popular use of agents of this nature, to wit; 1. Adapta- tion for universal use wherever antiseptics or disinfectants are indicated. 2. Convenience of manipulation, which renders them possible of application by any person of ordinary intelligence. 3. Inexpensiveness, which makes their use by all classes of people practicable. ' This line of preparations is intended to meet all the varied emergencies arising in cases of all epidemics due to the prevalence of disease germs, including small-pox, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, diphtheria, etc., as well as cholera; and also by their use to prevent the occurrence of these epidemics. Several of these preparations are useful in the household, shop, store, factory, and elsewhere, at all times. Among these we may name our Antiseptic Liquid, which is an effectual, antiseptic and deodorizer, and will entirely overcome all foul smells from whatever cause arising; Labarraque’s Solution, which is a powerful oxidizing disinfectant and bleaching agent, capable of evolving chlorine, and attacking foul gases that result from putrefaction. It removes ink spots, fruit stains, and effectually bleaches all vegetable tissues and fabrics. It is certainly an indispensable article in every household; our Sulphur Bricks facilitate fumigation by sulphurous fumes, being more readily burned than the unprepared sulphur; while our Anti- septic Tablets and Antiseptic Cologne are invaluable in antiseptic surgery, and as antiseptic washes. We publish a valuable pamphlet entitled “Disinfectants; What they are Good for, and How to Use them in the Prevention of Contagious Diseases, such as Cholera, Small-pox, Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever, etc.,'" which we shall be pleased to mail to any address, free of charge, on application. EMERGENCY CASE. Physicians are frequently called in cases of poisoning, accidents and other emergencies which require immediate treatment. On such occasions it is very essential to have proper remedies at hand, that they may be administered without delay. With a view to supplying a want in this field of practice, we have lately introduced an Emergency Case of convenient size and containing the following remedial agents: Ammonium Carbonate; Amyl Nitrite Pearls; Caffeine CitratQj Calcium Carbonate, Precipitated; Chlor- Anodyne; Compound Cerebral Sedative; Ergot, Normal Liquid; Ethyl Bromide; Foxglove, Normal Liquid; Magnesia Calcined; Solution Iron Chloride, U. S. P., for preparing Hydrated Oxide of Iron, which is used as a chemical antidote to arsenic; Solution Iron Subsulphate, U. S. P.; Tannic Acid; Tincture Opium, U. S. P.: Zinc Sulphate; Hypodermic Case, as described on page 43. EMERGENCY CASE. ERGOT PRODUCTS. Ergot, being a drug which is usually given only under such circumstances as demand a prompt mani- festation of its physiological properties, the necessity of perfect reliability in the preparation employed fe apparent. No other medicine requires more intelligent care in gathering and discriminating choice in selecting the crude drug. We have an expert agent who, at the proper seasons, visits the chief collection districts in Europe and gives personal attention to the gathering and selection of our supplies. He subjects each lot to requisite tests, chemical and otherwise, and such as do not strictly conform to these are re- jected. On reaching our laboratory the selections of our European agent are carefully checked by our chemist, who determines the percentage of active principles in each lot before it is made into our pharma- ceutical preparations. Our list of Ergot Products comprises the following; Normal Liquid Ergot; Fluid Extract Ergot; Solid Extract Ergot; Powdered Extract Ergot; Ergotin, purified for hypodermic injections; Ergotin, Bonjean, and Solution Sclerotic Acid; Pills Ergotin, 1, 2, and 3 grains; Tablet Triturates Ergotin, l-10and 1-4 grain; Wine of Ergot. Please send for descriptive literature on our Galenical Preparations of Ergot. IMPROVED EMPTY GELATIN CAPSULES. In seven sizes for oral exhibition; three sizes for rectal and vaginal administration; Veterinary (horse) capsules, three sizes. Our Empty Capsules, for oral, rectal, and vaginal administration, and veterinary purposes are HORSE CAPSULES. simply perfect as regards those qualities which commend to the practi- tioner these aids to the exhibition of medicines. Their solubility is per- fect, and the fear of their passing undigested through the alimentary tract, as has been charg- ed against other brands of these articles, is abso- lutely groundless. They can not be excelled in quality by any in use. To prove the truth of this statement we request a careful and critical comparison between them and other brands. As a matter of professional interest we append a table showing the capacity RECTAL CAPSULES. IMPROVED EMPTY GELATIN CAPSULES. of our Improved Empty-Gelatin Capsules, when filled by hand. Larger quantities can be enclosed by using capsule fillers.* For further information upon capsules and other gelatin products, see article on “ Gelatin Products:” also please apply to us for samples and printed matter. APPROXIMATE CAPACITY OP EMPTY CAPSULES. The capacity of Empty Capsules varies according to the degree of compression exerted in filling and the known variation in weight of the same bulk of different samples of the same powdered drug or alkaloid. *See article on “Reymond’s Patent Capsule Filler,” and “Davenport’s Unique Capsule Filler.” SIZE. 00 0 1 2 3 4 5 Quinia Sulphate .. .grs.. 8 6 4 . 3 2 M H Cinchonidine Sulphate ■ -grs.. 8 6 4 3 2 134 M Pulverized Ipecac Co. (U. S. P., 1880).. . ,.grs. 12 8 6 4 3 2 l Pulverized Aloes.. ■ grs. 10 7 5 4 3 2 i Bismuth Subnitrate , .. grs. 20 14 10 8 6 4 o Salicin 10 7 5 4 3 2 i Pulverized Rhubarb . grs 12 8 6 4 3 2 i Salicylic Acid ..grs.. 8 6 4 3 2 134 H HAEMATIC HYPOHOSPHITES Each fluidounce contains: Potassium Hypophosphite, 1 1-2 grs.; Manganese Hypophosphite, 1 gr.; Strychnine Hypophosphite, 1-16 gr.; Iron Hypophosphite, 1 1-4grs.; Calcium Hypophosphite, 1 gr.; Quinine Hypophosphite. 7-16 gr. A reliable substitute for certain proprietary preparations of some value. All that we claim for it is that it faithfully reproduces them in all essential particulars. The combination of remedies is one adapted to a great variety of diseased conditions. It is likely to prove useful wherever there is debility or depraved nutrition, but It is especially appropriate in cases of anaemia and nervous prostration, in consumption, and in all scrofulous and tubercular affections. Physicians will, However, in view of their knowledge of the constituents of this preparation, be able better than we to recognize the rational indications for its use. IMPROVED HYPODERMIC CASE. We have recently replaced the morocco-covered case previously listed with a very handsomely plated metal one of a flattened-ellipitcal shape suited for carrying in the vest or coat pocket. The cut gives an idea of its size and While we would call atten- of the case itself, we would also excellence in the syringe with 1. The arrangement which plunger become dry through dis- upper side of the plunger is a up to the cap, fits there into a general appearance. tion to the convenience and elegance specially mention the following points of which the case is supplied. provides against leakage should the use.—Attached to the piston-rod on the small nut which, on the rod being drawn socket. If the rod is now turned towards the left, the nut, prevented from turning with the rod by the recess into which it fits, is forced against the leather to the degree necessary to spread the plunger so as to prevent leakage. 2. The ease with which the needle is cleansed.—On insertion of the wire into the screw-cap it is immediately guided by bevelled sides to the opening into the needle proper. Other syringes have the floor of the cap chamber cut so squarely that it is often after many probings and vexatious delay that the wire can be guided to the opening. 3. The fortified needle.—A reinforcement of the needle is effected by a sheath embracing the upper half, thus strengthening it in the part previously most liable to give way under pressure. The case contains in addition; extra wires for cleaning purposes, and the following selection of hypodermic tablets in tubes of 25 each: Nos. 2, 3, 5, 13, 16 and 20. We furnish these cases without syringes, if desired. The syringes we supply with these cases, however, are of the best approved construction, and will be good invest- ments, even to those who already have hypodermic syringes. Another advantage of our hypodermic syringe is the facility with which we can supply new parts to replace others which have become broken or lost. We append herewith a sectional cut of the syringe with references to indicate the names of the several parts; SPECIAL NOTE ON HYPODERMIC SYRINGES. A, Expanding nut. B, Needle end cap. C, Leather cups. D, Rod head. E, e, Rod, nut washer. FTop cap. Besides these are the “metal barrel,” the “glass barrel," and the needles, which can be readily ordered by their names. The top cap “F,” is furnished with finger-rests, (as in cut) or without finger- rests, as may be desired. ISSUE PLASTERS A Convenient Means of Producing Continuous or Interrupted Counter Irritation The value of counter irritants in the treatment of many diseases is wr II recognized by the physician The liniments and ointments commonly employed for this purpose, however, are uncleanly, and their use is attended with much unnecessary discomfort. The Issue Plasters are free from these objections, and are pronounced by those who have used theni efficient and reliable, and at the same time remarkably mild in their action. Printed matter indicating some of the specific applications which may be made of these Issue Plasters will be forwarded to any physician upon application. THE INDISPENSABLE CUP SYRINGrE. This instrument has been constructed to meet the demand created for an improved method of irrigation in the treatment of uterine disorders, and is especially recom- mended, because: It is a complete syringe for the vagina or rectum, as it is accompanied by an extra tube for rectal injections, and therefore no other syringe is necessary in the family. As a vaginal douche it can be used without rising from the bed. Any quantity of water can be used without fatigue No assist ant is needed. The syringe may be detached and the cups with the drainage tube forms a perfect urinal. It does not soil the bed or clothing. Send for prices and circulars. LIQUID ACID PHOSPHATE This preparation is identical with that heretofore known as Liquor Aeidi Phosphoric!, and is superior to certain copyrighted and proprietary preparations of a similar nature upon the market. Physicians have long employed phosphoric acid, and various combinations of the acid with mineral bases, and are familiar with their effects upon the system. It is certainly, in an important sense, a nerve and brain food, and relieves symptoms of mental exhaustion, such as sleeplessness, melancholia, etc., and even increases the capacity for mental labor. This action is so well recognized that the acid phosphate is in considerable demand as a stimulating beverage, dispensed at the soda fountain in place of an alcoholic stimulant. Prices and literature forwarded to any physician or druggist upon application. LIQUOR SEDANS. A utero-ovarian sedative and anodyne, each fluidounce containing: Black Haw, 60 grains; Golden- seal, 60 grains; Jamaica Dogwood, 80 grains; combined with aromatics. A careful study of medical literature for the past few years and the great importance ascribed by many medical writers, teachers and practitioners to Black Haw (Viburnum Prunifolium) in regulating uterine function; the specific action of Golden Seal (Hydrastis Canadensis) in the catarrhs accompanying uterine irregularity, and the well-known anodyne and sedative value of Jamaica Dogwood (Piscidia Erythrina) and its freedom from the distressing after effects of opium preparations, suggested to us the propriety of offering a palatable combination of these three remedies. We offer this to the profession under the name of Liquor Sedans and feel certain that it will be found a most convenient and serviceable combination for a very large class of cases of dysmenorrhcea, ovarian irritability and irregularity of the utero-ovarian functions. Samples furnished physicians in private or hospital practice free on request, and reports, favorable or unfavorable, solicited. NITRITE AMYL PEARLS. These pearls are shells of thin glass, each containing two, three, four, five, eight, or ten drops of Nitrite of Amyl, packed in cotton wool, in boxes of one dozen. They are a serviceable method for the administration of Nitrite of Amyl. The patient may carry the box about his person without inconvenience, and on the approach of a paroxysm of his malady may crush a pearl in bis handkerchief, and by inhaling the vapor find prompt relief. Its action on the heart is almost instantaneous, and it affords great relief in angina pectoris, spasmodic asthma, epilepsy, syncope, etc. OPIUM PREPARATIONS. The United States Pharmacopoeia requires that41 denarcotized opium” shall contain 14 per cent, of morphine. This preparation, therefore, can be prescribed with the certainty of obtaining uniform effects The same uniformity ought to be extended to all galenical preparations of this important drug, but this step in advance the United States Pharmacopoeia has not yet taken. It has, however, clearly indicated the direc- tion of the line of march, and we believe that we only anticipate the action of the next committee on re- vision, in fixing by assay the strength of all our opium preparations. For our fluid preparations of opium, except paregoric, and the fluid opium camphorated (which is simply a concentrated form of paregoric), we adopt a uniform standard of morphine strength, viz.; six grains of the alkaloid to the fluidounce. We ap- pend a list of our preparations of opium, and request all interested in the subject to address us for our pamphlet entitled “Assayed Preparations of Opium.” Extract of Opium. U. S. P.; standard, 20 per cent, morphine (alkaloid*). Powdered Extract of Opium; standard, 20 per cent, morphine (alkaloid*). Fluid Opium, aqueous and deodorized; standard, 6 grains of morphine (alkaloid*) to the fluidounce. Fluid Opium, Camphorated; standard, 2 grains of morphine (alkaloid*) to the fluidounce. Tincture Opium, U. S. P.; standard, 6 grains of morphine (alkaloid*) to the fluidounce. Tincture Opium, Camphorated, U. S. P ; standard, (4 grain of morphine (alkaloid*) to the fluidounce. Tincture Opium, deodorized, U. S. P.; standard, 6 grains of morphine (alkaloid*) to the fluidounce. Tincture Ipecac and Opium, U. S. P.; standard, 6 grains of morphine (alkaloid*) to the fluidounce. Tincture Opium Compound; diarrhcea mixture, composed of Tincture of Opium, Spirits Camphor. Tincture of Capsicum, and Purified Chloroform. Vinegar of Opium, U. S. P,; standard, 6 grains of morphine (alkaloid*) to the fluidounce. Wine of Opium, U. S. P.; standard, 6 grains of morphine (alkaloid*) to the fluidounce. MEDICINAL PREPARATIONS OF OX GALL. Testimony is ample for the efficiency of ox gall as a remedy for torpid conditions of the bowels, and for various dyspeptic disorders. We take the liberty of quoting from a valued correspondent, Dr. Craig, of Vevay, Ind., the following account of the therapeutic uses of ox gall: “Ox gall is a tonic and aperient. In flatulency it is very valuable; in fact, it is the remedy I have found most effectual in the permanent cure of a disposition to the accumulation of flatus in the bowels. In dyspepsia, complicated with constipation, few remedies are more efficient than ox gall. ' In that condition of the system known as biliousness, it is a valu- able remedy. r Flatulency is relieved in three or four days by ten-grain doses of the ox gall given two or three times * Fpur grains morphine (alkaloid) are equivalent to five grains morphine sulphate. a day. If constipation does not exist, the ox gall alone is all that is required, being an aperient without sen- sible activity, and if the constipation is not obstinate it may be overcome by it. In chronic constipation one of the following pills taken at bed hour will be found a most efficient remedy; M. Ft. pil. No. i.” IJ Fel. bovini gr. ii. Ext. Colocynth Co gr. j. Two preparations of ox gall are official in the U. S. Pharmacopoeia; inspissated ox gall and purified ox gall. The latter is a somewhat more concentrated preparation than the former. The German Pharma- copoeia formerly recognized a still more concentrated preparation, fel tauri depuratum, siccum, which is identical with the article sometimes sold under the name of choleate or choleinate of sodium. We prepare, in addition to these, a powdered inspissated ox gall which is in many cases more convenient for dispensing than the ordinary tenacious semi-solid product. Ox gall enters into the formulas of several of our aperient, tonic and anti-dyspeptic pills. The for- mula above suggested by Dr. Craig we have also added to our list, and are prepared to furnish under the name of “Pills of ox gall, Craig’s formula.” We will be pleased to send literature upon the “Medicinal Preparations of Ox Gall,” to any physician or druggist desiring the same. PANCREATIN PREPARATIONS. Among artificial digestive agents, the preparations of pancreatin have of late assumed especial prom- inence. The action of pepsin is confined to the peptonizing in acid solutions of the albuminoids; it has no action on fatty or starchy foods. The pancreatic fluid, on the other hand, digests all kinds of food, convert- ing albuminoids into peptones, starch or dextrin into sugar, and reducing fats to the form of a perfect emulsion. While these effects are most energetically produced in alkaline solutions, they are not wholly prevented by the presence of acids. Our preparations are of a very concentrated character, and possess in a high degree all the digestive powers of the pancreatic secretion. They contain the three peculiar ferments of the pancreas; myopsin, steapsin, amylopsin, effecting the digestion respectively of albuminoids, starch and fats. They are especi- ally useful in peptonizing milk, effecting a complete transformation of the casein into peptones in a very short time. Pancreatin, Liquid Concentrated.—Possesses in a high degree all the digestive properties of the pancreatic fluid. One fluidrachm will peptonize a pint of milk in about half an hour, at 110° F.' It is well adapted for the extemporaneous preparation of elixirs, etc., and may be prescribed by physicians in suitable combinations. Pancreatin, pure.—A highly concentrated preparation, of which 5 grains will sufficiently pep- tonize a pint of milk, at 110° F. in from one-half to one hour. Pancreatin, Saccliarated.—This is identical with the pure pancreatin, except that it is rendered more permanent and more acceptable to children by the addition of pure sugar of milk. It is one- fourth the strength of our pure pancreatin and will be found a much more active preparation than that •commonly offered under this name. Digestive Tablets.—These tablets contain one grain each of pure pepsin and pure pancreatin and two grains of lacto-phosphate of calcium. For further particulars see article on “Digestive Tablets.” Peptonizing Tablets.—To facilitate the preparation of peptonized milk, we have recently added to our list tablets or compressed pills of pancreatin, 2% grains, put up together with separ- ate tablets containing each ten grains of sodium bicarbonate. Put a pair of the tablets which con- tain a quantity of pancreatin just sufficient to peptonize % pint of milk, in half a gill of tepid water and stir at intervals until they are completely disintegrated. Add then half a pint of milk previously warmed to blood heat, and allow the mixture to stand in a warm place until peptonization has proceeded to the desired extent. Please send for our literature upon pancreatin, embracing a description of these various preparations and recipes and directions for making peptonized gruel, peptonized beef tea, peptonized oysters, peptonized milk toast, etc. PEPTONIZED EXTRACT OF BEEF. Analysis has demonstrated that this extract of beef contains from thirty bo forty per cent, of peptones; its nutritive value, therefore, is higher than that of any similar preparation in the market. It is readily soluble in water, contains a very large proportion of albuminoids in the form of peptones, and has a rich, appetizing flavor. PHYSICIAN’S POCKET REAGENT CASE. Soon after the introduction of our Urinary Test Papers, it became apparent that a small pocket case which should contain all the apparatus neces- sary for urine analysis, at the bedside of the patient, was in large demand, and our Physi- Pocket Reagent case was therefore placed upon the market. Our greatest ex- pectations have been exceeded ical apparatus and reagents for urine analysis, qualitative and quantitive, to-wit. In addition to the series of urinary test papers* issued by us, a comprehensive book of instructions for the use of Dr. Oliver’s bedside tests, and the This case contains a complete set of chem- following apparatus: 1. Two test tubes, one of which is gradu- ated, 2. A minim pipette. 3. A set of six specific gravity beads, corresponding with specific gravities respec- tively of 1.005, 1.010, 1.015, 1.020, 1.025, 1.030. These will be found more convenient to use than the ordinary urinometer, which is, more- over, a very fragile instrument. difficult to devise, and the physician cannot well forego the convenience of such a vest- A more compact arrangement it would be We also offer a pocket case in which the reagents are furnished in the form, of tablets instead of papers as originally introduced. The tablets are pre- ferred by some as they dissolve completely in water, while the papers are apt to adhere to the test tube, from which they are removed with a little difficulty. General directions same as for the papers. The as- sortment of tests in the case with tablets differ some- pocket chemical laboratory. what, in the introduction of the bismuth subnitrate test for sugar (Boettcher’s sugar test) and the necessary ac- companiment of lead oxide, with which to determine if any change undergone by the bismuth has been occa- sioned by sulphur or by sugar. To make room for this more reliable and more readily applied test for sugar, we omit from the urinary test case with tablets the Picric acid and sodium tungstate tests. Of course the assortment will be changed in any individual instance to suit the wishes of the purchaser, if indicated. Our full line of Urinary Test Tablets is given under the title “Urinary Test Tablets,” hereafter. As will be seen by the cut the Reagent Case with test tablets contains in addition to the tablets two test tubes, a minim pipette, a set of six specific gravity beads, as enumerated above, and a book of instruc- tions. We shall be pleased to mail on application our pamphlet on “Urinary Tests in Paper and Tablet Form ” to any one interested in the subject. * See article on “ Urinary Test Papers.” PEPSIN. Having greatly extended our facilities for the manufacture of pepsin on a large scale, we are enabled to devote especial attention to the production and maintenance of the best quality and uniform strength. Pepsin has been offered,of late years in a great variety of forms, and frequently with claims, as regards digestive activity, which actual experiment has failed to substantiate. The disappointment experienced by physicians who have prescribed this remedy has been frequently due to the worthlessness of the article dis- pensed. Certain brands of Pepsin which are most attractive in appearance, and whose ready solubility seems to be a strong point in their favor, consists chiefly of peptones having very little digestive activity, and rapidly detiorating with age. The value of Pepsin depends wholly on its power to digest albuminoids, and the preparations named below are offered as altogether satisfactory in this respect. They combine the greatest possible freedom from impurities with unvarying strength and medicinal excellence. Pepsinum Purum, in Lamellis.—Perfectly soluble, non-hygroscopic and comparatively free from peptones; capable of dissolving 3,000 times its weight of coagulated egg albumen, in accordance with the provisions of our modified pharmacopoeal test. The importance of these claims cannot be over-estimated, the best pepsins heretofore offered, barely possessing one-half this digestive strength in accordance with such condition, and being either, insoluble owing to the presence of mucous, or hygroscopic, and prone to decomposition, owing to the presence of a large percentage of peptones. Obviously the results to be derived from the administration of pepsin are entirely dependent upon its ability to digest proteids and it is to be hoped that the forthcoming Pharmacopoeia will revise its now absurdly low standards, and in this way crowd out of the market the many inferior products whose existence is justified by the fact that they conform to the official standards. Pepsinum Purum, Pulvls.—This is simply the Pepsinum purum, in lamellis, in the form of impalpable powder. It will be found convenient for dispensing. Pepsin, Saccharated, P. S. P., 18 80.—Odorless and invariable. This pepsin should always be used on physicians’prescriptions and where the official strength has been adopted as standard. One grain will dissolve 50 grains coagulated albumen, being quadruple the strength of the best commercial pepsin. Pepsin, Glycerole, concentrated.—A highly concentrated solution of pepsin in glycerin. Particularly adapted for preparing elixirs, wines, etc., containing pepsin. This glycerole is compatible with the scale salts of iron, and will not cause a precipitation of the bismuth when combined with am- monio-citrate of bismuth. Each fluidounce represents 980 grains pepsin saccharated, U. S. P. Each minim will dissolve 100 grains of coagulated egg-albumen in accordance with the modification of the official test as fully described in our circular on pepsin. It is thus twice the strength of pepsin saccharated, U. S. P., and about 50 times the strength of liquid pepsin, U. S. P. Pepsin, Lactated.—This well-known digestive agent is a powder composed of pepsin, pancreatin, lactic acid, maltose, diastase and hydrochloric acid Of unfailing benefit in all forms of indigestion. Lactated pepsin is not patented, and will recommend itself as a substitute for the various copyrighted pre- parations in the market. Pepsin, Liquid, P. S. P., 1880. —This preparation is particularly adapted for the conveni- ent administration of pepsin in liquid form. It is adjusted to official strength and will be found uniform in action and decisive in effect. PEPTONIZING TABLETS. These tablets are put up in boxes of two vials each. One of these vials contains 30 tablets of sodium bicarbonate, 10 grains; and the other tablets of pure pancreatin , grains, with sugar of milk, q. s., to make 10 grains. They are used for preparing peptonized milk, gruel, beef-tea, etc., and full directions are enclosed in each box. Bone flour is a true food not a medicine. It can be taken most readily by incorporating it with the ordinary food. By digesting it a little while in strong vinegar it is rendered wholly soluble, and can then be used as a condiment, with or without addition of cayenne, mustard, walnut cat- sup, or curry flavor. It offers to the digestive fluids a supply of phosphoric acid much more easily assimilated than that which is contained in the tough structure of the outer coating of cereal grains; it is more digestible, and, we might add, more palatable.than bran. Our powdered bone is prepared from carefully selected fresh beef bones deprived of fatty matter and adherent fibrous and muscular tissue. Its approximate composition is organic matter, chiefly collagen, 30; calcium phosphate, 80; magnesium phosphate, 1.7; calcium carbonate, 7.8; calcium fluoride, 0.5. We shall be pleased to furnish printed matter concerning its properties. POWDERED BONE. POWDER OF BEEF. The experience of Dr. Debove, Professor In the Faculty of Medicine of Paris, at the Bicetre and LaPitiyed by Dr. Debove, and obtaining this author’s experience and formula, has recently presented these, ■ther with his own experience, in a series of articles published in the New York Medical Journal, April i. ud 20:h, and May 16th, 1884. He says: “ The class of ailments in which superalimentation is import- "e those characterized by emaciation from non-assimilation of food, chronic diarrhoea, nausea and : ,ng, including the vomiting of pregnancy, chlorosis, anaemia, exhaustion following severe illness or ;or hage, and, above all, phthisis pulmonalis;” and he adds: “I have seen in Paris, and in my own tice at home, all these conditions relieved and cured.” Send for descriptive circular and reprints of iUard's article above referred to. . iIOICE PRESSED HERBS, LEAVES, ROOTS, BARKS, AND FLOWERS. We invite attention to the following points of superi- ority in this line of our manufactures: E”ery package is full weight; it is attractive in style and convenient in shape; the quality is absolutely the best which is pro- duced; the prices do not exceed those of inferior goods in bulk; there is an entire freedom from admixture, and removal of undesirable portions of the plant. Our direct connection enables us to have especial care bestowed upon the collection and preservation of drugs intended for our use. Each ounce of the herbs, leaves, or flowers, is confined in a neat package, having the common and botanical name of the drug, its synonyms in English, French and German, its medicinal properties and dose, and, in the ease where the article is poisonous, the antidote printed on the parcel; sixteen ounces are wrapped together in a package, using paper that will not show every particle of dust that may be on the druggist's shelf. Sample packages will be cheerfully furnished on application. . We furnish at the manufacturer’s prices—2o cents each—neatly decorated tin cans tor keeping pressed herbs, etc., secure from the ravages of -vermin and the deter- iorating effects of light. These cans are provided with interchangable labels, and may "be-’placed upon end or side to suit the druggist’s shelving. - - RARE ALKALOIDS, GLUCOSIDES, CHEMICALS, ETC,, INCLUDING THE ACTIVE PRINCIPLES OF MANY IMPORTANT DRUGS. ' To employ therapeutic agents to the best advantage the physician must be able to adjust with pre- en the dose he proscribes. This is impossible so long as the drug-is variable in quality or strength. That crude vegetable drugs are liable to very great variation in these respects is a fact only too wellre- - agnized in our day, and the drug in its crude form is now comparatively little used; it has given place to ; reparations such as solid and fluid extracts, which are practically more uniform in character than the crude drug they represent. These in turn must be before long superseded by preparations whose strength ; definitely fixed by assay, as in the case of our Normal Liquids and Standard Solid Extracts. Meanwhile hose who are disposed co place medication on a scientific basis, have no alternative but to employ as far acticable the active principle of the drug itself. This has already been done very generally in the f a few drugs, such as cinchona bark and opium, but the number of these active principles which available in ih.s way has increased great.y within the past tew years, and we desire to call ttle attention of physicians to some of the more important of these, which we are now prepared to furnish. “We shall be glad to receive clinical reports of the results obtained in the use of these comparatively new remedies. The following list includes some of the most important of these, together with a few chemicals and medicinal agents drawn from other sources, which, except in a few of the large cities, the physician finds it difficult to procure. Acetanilid; an antipyretic; known also as Antifebrin. Acid Hippuric; for therapeutic properties see calcium hippurate. . Acid Metaphosphoric; a convenient and portable test for albumin in urine. Acid Osmio; used in the treatment of obstinate sciaticas and facial neuralgias. Acid Pipitzahoinic; an active drastic. Acid Salicylic, Pure ; used advantageously In rheumatism. Acid Salicylic, Pure; from oil of wintergreen, uses same as above. Acid Sclerotic, Solution; a preparation from ergot, with its similar properties. Acid Trichloracetic; an odorless antiseptic, and prophylactic against Asiatic cholera. Aconitine; exceedingly active, 1-100 grain being equivalent to about one grain of Aconite root. Adonidin; resembles Digitalin, and is employed chiefly for its action upon the heart. Agaricin; strongly recommended for the relief of night sweats of phthisis. Alkannin; excellent red coloring for oils, ointments, tinctures, etc. Aloin; the cathartic principle of Aloes. Aluminium Acetate; a non-poisonous odorless antiseptic for dressing wounds, etc. Ammonium Glycyrrhizate; used to mask the bitterness of quinine and other nauseous drugs. Ammonium Picrate; recommended as a substitute for quinine. Amyl Nitrite; a powerful heart stimulant; used in angina pectoris, asthma, etc. Amyl Valerianate; a stimulant, antispasmodic, anodyne, and hypnotic ether. Antipyrin; synthetic alkaloid, a substitute for quinine; reduces febrile temperatures. Apiol; used in cases of fetid menstruation, and in amenorrhoea and dysmenorrhoea. Apomorphine Muriate; derivate alkaloid from morphine; an active emetic. Arbutin; a glucoside from uva ursi with diuretic properties. Aspidospermine; valuable for dyspnoea in its various forms. Atropine, Pure; the alkaloid of Atropa Belladonna. Atropine Sulphate; differs from the pure alkaloid in that it is freely soluble in water. Berbbrine Hydrochlorate ; tonic, hepatic stimulant, anti-periodic, etc. Berberine Phosphate; soluble In water; properties the same as the hydrochlorate. Berberine Sulphate, Acid; less soluble than the neutral salt, properties similar. Berberine Sulphate, Neutral; of equal solubility and properties as the phosphate. Bismuth Subiodide;' an efficient substitute for iodoform. Boroglyceblde; recommended as a valuable antiseptic. Brucine ; alkaloid from mix vomica, with alleged local anaesthetic properties. Cadm um Sulphate; used locally in conjunctivitis, ulcers and opacities of the cornea, gleet, etc. Caffeine Citrate; used to relieve headaches, neuralgic pains, and for its sustaining effect. Calcium Hippurate; said to produce remarkable effects where there is an excess of uric acid in the system. Camphor Monobromated; used as a sedative in whooping-cough, hysteria, etc. Cannabin Tannate; an efficient hypnotic, producing a quiet and refreshing sleep. ■Cannabinon: a preparation of cannabis indica with similar properties. Cerium Nitrate; a nerve tonic in chronic intestinal eruption and chronic vomiting. Crinoline; derivative from coal tar. Crinoline Salicylate; the antiperiodic and febrifuge properties of the base in this salt are believed to be intestifled by combination with salicylic acid, a powerful antizymotic. Crinoline Tartrate; a powerful antiseptic, and is said to relieve whooping-cough. Cholesterin; believed to be an excrementitious product of no application in medicine. Cocaine; the principal alkaloid of E. coca. See article on “ Cocaine,” and “ Erythroxylon Coca.” Codeine; obtained from opium; used chiefly as a cough remedy, and frequently cures headaches. Coniine; a liquid alkaloid; active principle of poison hemlock, and therapeutic properties the same. Coniine Hydrobromate; soluble, crystalltzable; more suitable for dispensing than the alkaloid. Coniine Hydrochlorate ; resembles the preceding. Colchicine ; from Colohicum autumnale, uses the same as of the crude drug. Colocynth; active principle of colocynth, and uses the same as of the crude drug. Convallamarin; cardiac tonic resembling digitalin. Cotoin; valuable in chronic diarrhoeas. Curare; a powerful anti-spasmodic; prescribed in epilepsy, hydrophobia, etc. Datcrine (pure crystals and sulphate); believed to be identical with hyoscyamine; solution of the sub phate may be employed in place of atropine to dilate the pupil of the eye. Digitalin; represents the active principles of foxglove. Duboisine Sulphate ; chiefly employed to dilate the pupil of the eye. Elaterin; a prompt hydragogue cathartic. Emetine; active principle of ipecac. Ergotin; see Sclerotic acid. Ethyl Bromide ; this anaesthetic for short operations stands without a rival. Although in longer operations it cannot be substituted for ether or chloroform, it is a valuable adjuvant to these. It may be employed as a preliminary to the administration of ether, or else it may be advantageously used as one of the constituents of an anaesthetic mixture. Send for literature. Eserine ; see Physostigmine. Gklskmine; active principle of yellow jasmine, of use in obstinate neuralgias. Gelsemine Hydrochlorate; permanent in the air. Gelsemine Sulphate; soluble, but very hygroscopic. Gelsemine Tartrate : readily soluble and very permanent. Homatropine Hydrobromate; employed in making ophthalmoscopic examinations of the eye. Hydrargyrum Tannicum Oxydulatum (Mercurous Tannate); an efficient antisyphilitic. Hydrastine; alkaloid from Hydrastis canadensis. The therapeutic activity of golden seal is due principally to this alkaloid, although it is present in the drug in comparatively small proportion. It must not be confounded with the so-called hydrastin muriate—a yellow crystalline powder, obtained by adding muriatic acid to solutions of golden seal—which is, in fact, a salt of berberine, and acts simply as a bitter tonic. The true hydrastine or white alkaloid exerts a peculiar stimulating and alterative action upon the mucous membrane, and is a valuable remedy in atonic conditions of the bowels, and in all catarrhal affections of the mucous tracts. It is especially useful in chronic affections of the bladder and genito- urinary system, in the treatment of granular lids and other chronic affections of the eye; also in diseases of the throat and ear. Hydrochinon; a coal-tar product with antiseptic and antipyretic properties. Hyoscine Hydrobromate; from Hyoscyamus niger; its peculiar active principle; a powerful sedative, particularly useful in quieting maniacal excitement. Hyoscyamine; alkaloid from Hyoscyamus niger; identical with Daturine; produces effects of henbane. Hypnone; phenylmethylacetone; its usefulness not yet defined. Ichthyol; useful as a local application in sprains, skin diseases, etc. Iodol; of some value as an antiseptic. Kairine; synthetic alkaloid; said to be an excellent febrifuge. Kava Kava, Alpha Resin; the active principle of kava kava according to experiments of Lewin Kava Kava, Beta Resin; properties regarded as similar but slightly weaker than above. Kawahin; crystalline principle of kava kava; its therapeusis not yet established. Lanolin; wool-fat; an admirable base for ointments, cerates, etc. Muscarine Sulphate; powerfully stimulates the salivary and cutaneous secretions. Napelline; an alkaloid obtained from Aconitum Napellus. Naphthalin; an antiseptic coal-tar product, used as an ointment in scabies, etc. Naphthol; derivative of tar, powerfully antiseptic, used in ointments for scabies, etc. Nitroglycerin, 1 per cent, solution; used in angina pectoris, weak heart, neuralgias, etc. Papain; the concrete juice of the unripe fruit of Oarica Papaya; employed as a substitute for pepsin. Papayotin; a concentrated preparation of Papain. Paracotoin; neutral principle of Paracota bark, used in diarrhoeas, etc. Paraldehyd; a hypnotic, resembling in its effect chloral hydrate. Pelletierine Sulphate; a remedy for tape-worm. Pblletierine Tannate; commonly used in preference to Pelletierine sulphate. Physostigmine (Eserine) pure crystals; this alkaloid is the chief active principle of Calabar bean. The pure alkaloid being insoluble in water, is not well adapted for medicinal uses. Physostigmine salicylate is the official salt, and has the advantage over the sulphate that it forms permanent crystals, and its solu- tions in water are more stable than those of the sulphate. It is chiefly employed as an application to the eye, but may be used wherever Calabar bean is indicated. We furnish the pure crystals, the sulphate, and the salicylate. Picrotoxin; the active principle of Animirta cocculus, W. &A. An ointment of 10 grains to the ounce has been successfully used in tinea capitis. Also, prescribed in minute doses in certain.forms of dyspepsia, and as a remedy for leucorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, and other uterine diseases. Pilocarpine Hydrochlorate; used as a powerful eliminant in uraemia, ascites, etc. Pilocarpine Nitrate; preferred to the hydrochlorate because it is less hygroscopic. Piscidin; active principle of Jamaica Dogwood. See article on “Jamaica Dogwood.” Podophyllotoxin; the active constituent of the resin of Podophyllum. Pyridine; lately recommended by Prof. Germain S6e as a remedy for asthma. Quinine and Urea Muriate; this double salt is remarkable for its ready solubility in water, hence it has been selected for hypodermic use. The concentrated aqueous solution contains a grain of the compound in each minim, and being perfectly neutral, it causes comparatively little irritation. The effects produced are the same as those of sulphate of quinine, and it is employed in the same doses. Resorcin; an odorless antiseptic; dissolves readily in water; reduces pulse and temperature. Sanguinarine Nitrate; expectorant, nauseant, deobstruent, etc. Sanguinarinb Sulphate; resembles Sanguinarine nitrate, but is more soluble in water. Scillitoxin ; a cardiac sedative. Sodium Choleate; a mild laxative especially useful in flatulent dyspepsia. Sodium Nitrite; recommended in epilepsy. Sodium Sulphocarbolate; used in diphtheria of the anginose form and in fermentative dyspepsia. Sodium Tungstate ; employed as a reagent for the detection of albumin in the urine. Sparteine Sulphate; regulates and strengthens the heart’s action, Strophanthin; cardiac tonic, does not contract the blood-vessels. Tkrebenb; a product of turpentine, used in winter cough. Terpin Hydrate; derivative of oil of turpentine, with similar properties. Thalline; synthetic alkaloid; properties intermediate between those of kairine and antipyriue. Uranium Nitrate; employed with alleged success in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Urethane; a valuable hypnotic. Yeratrine, alkaloid of Cevadilla seeds; sternutatory, irritant and depressant poison; employed almost exclusively in the form of an ointment or oleate, or a topical application in neuralgias, especially in sciatica. SANGUIS BOVINUS EXSICCATES. Dried bullock’s blood, deflbrinated. This preparation, with the addition of water, is in all essential re- spects similar to the fresh bullock’s blood. As a substitute for beef tea and the various essences and ex- tracts, it replaces, with a true aliment, what are at best but stimulants. The profession have been lately much interested in the favorable reports of the use of blood as a rectal injection in low and wasting dis- eases. The article here presented affords a ready means for the extemporaneous preparation of the desired enema, thus placing this valuable method in the hands of those whose time and opportunity forbid resort tc abattoirs for the natural fluid. Printed information furnished on application. REYMONU’S CAPSULE FILLER. The attention of pharmacists and physicians is called to this simple contrivance for filling capsules. No well equipped pharmacy should be without one. By its use the inconven- ience of dispensing medicines in capsules is entirely removed, and it may be conveniently carried by the physician and used at the bedside, a little ex- perience in its use making the filling of capsules nearly as expeditious as the enfolding of powders. Its advantages over other inventions of a similar nature are: First, simplicity; previous experience is not required to operate it successfully. Second, economy in time; with other fillers only one capsule can be filled at a time; with the Reymond a dozen. Third, economy in capsules; the method of filling the capsules is so simple that there is no possibility of breaking them. capsules is reduced to a minimum. Fifth, price; it is the cheapest filler in the market, amount of work being considered. Fourth, economy in material: the liability of waste while filling the SEMPLE’S ATOMIZING INHALER. The value of medicated vapor in the topical treatment of affections of the nose, mouth, larynx bronchi and lungs, has long been recognized by the medical profession; but the various inhalers that have been heretofore placed before the profes- sion have very imperfectly fulfilled the purpose for which they ware designed, and physicians and patients have been discouraged by a failure of the apparatus to supply a spray which will admit of continuous inhalation without irrita- tion of the membrane it is intended to medi- cate. It is, therefore, with special pleasure that we offer the profession Dr. Semple’s apparatus, which is immeasurably superior to any now in use, and will, we believe, be largely employed in future, not only by the specialist in diseases of the respiratory tract, but also by the general practitioner. This new invention is unquestion- ably the most perfect apparatus ever presented for the application of medicated vapor to the respiratory tract. It combines simplicity of construction, durability, and a fineness of spray unapproached by any atomizing inhaler hitherto introduced. It provides a constant supply of vapor in a reservoir, and secures more effect- ually than any other the topical effects of medi- cated vapor on the whole respiratory tract. In consumption, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis, hay fever, and indeed in all diseases in which it is desirable to topically medicate the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, this atomizing inhaler forms an indispensable addition to the armamentarium of the physician. Descriptive circulars containing formulae of inhalants, etc., sent on ap- plication. SUGAR TEST FLASKS. In these flasks are furnished, in convenient form, the means for a ready examination of the urine. Unless hermetically secured as in the flasks, a copper solution speedily undergoes deterioration, and the physician, rather than be at the trouble of preparing his reagent for the occasion, often leaves his diagnosis in doubt, when, with the reagent at hand, he could easily arrive at certainty. Physicians find these flasks, therefore, a great convenience. Each flask contains a quantity of copper solution exactly equivalent to one-fifth of a grain of anhydrous glucose. TARO FLOUR. From the Hawaiian Islands, where it is recommended by resident physicians as a diet for consump- tive and dyspeptic patients. It may be employed in a great variety of ways as an article of ordinary diet. Where the plant producing the flour is indigenous, however, the simplest forms of preparation are those which find most favor, and taro cakes are used at the breakfast table almost to the exclusion of hot rolls, muffins, griddle cakes, etc. Printed information giving numerous recipes for the use of taro flour sent upon application. THE SEW UREOMETER. A simple, convenient, accurate and inexpensive apparatus for the determination of urea in the urine. The amount of urea excreted by a patient in a given time, furnishes the physician information of the greatest importance as bearing upon diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. It is in general an index of the manner in which the various physiological functions of the organism are performed, and in particular, in certain kidney diseases, it enables the physician to foresee and guard against danger. No new principle is involved in our ureometer. The urea is decomposed as usual by the action of an alkaline solution of chlorine or bromine, and determined by the volume of gas (nitrogen) generated in the reaction. The original features in the apparatus are (a) the form of the receiver in which the gas is collected and measured, and (b) the graduation of this receiver in such a way that the results are read off directly in percentage of urea. The apparatus consists of: 1. A bottle provided with perforated rubber cork and delivery tube; in this the decomposition of the urea is effected. 2. A small test tube to contain the urine, graduated to hold IC, c, the quantity employed in each experiment. 3. A graduated jar for measuring the gas evolved. This jar is provided with an overflow tube, and a vent tube closed by a rubber cap, to secure accurate adjustment of the level of fluid in the jar at the com- mencement of the experiment. Each ureometer is accompanied by a descriptive circular containing full and explicit instructions; the estimation of urea by it consumes very little time, and the results for all practical purposes are as accurate as could be wished. Prices and illustrated circular furnished upon application. URINARY TEST PAPERS. A happy suggestion was made by Dr. G. Oliver, of Harrogate, England, in 1883, that slips of paper might be impregnated with the various reagents employed in urinary tests, and that the physician could thus compress into the compass of a vest pocket case all the reagents likely to be of service in making an examination of the urine. Such a case was introduced by us, and has met with unusual success. The case contains: first, the indispensable litmus paper—a neutral shade, serving either for acidity or alkalinity of the secretion, papers impregnated with citric acid and with sodium carbonate, to be used in connection with the reagents for albumen and sugar, for the detection of glucose, papers impregnated with: 1, indigo carmine and 2, picric acid, and the indigo paper. As tests for albumen the series includes four of the recently introduced reagents, whose value experience has already sufficiently established. These are; 1. Picric acid. 2. Potassio-mercuric iodide. 3. Potassium ferrocyanide, and 4 Sodium tungstate. All of these are to be used in connection with citric acid. Full directions accompany each package. Our bound pamphlet containing Dr. Geo. Oliver’s original articleon “ Bedside Urinal Tests,” an article by Chas. W. Purdy, M. D., of Chicago, 111., on “The Comparative Value of the Newer Tests for Albumin in Urine,” and one by the same author upon “ Urinary Test Papers,”' will be forwarded, postpaid, to any address upon application. See article on “ Physician’s Pocket Reagent Cases,” p. 47. We now furnish (in tubes of 25 tablets of any one test) any of the following Urinary Tests in Tablet form: Citric Acid; Indigo-and-Sodium-Carbonate; Picric Acid; Potassium Ferrocyanide; Potassio-Mercuric lodide; Sodium Carbonate; Sodium Tungstate; Bismuth Subnitrat© (Bcettcher’s Sugar Test). URINARY TEST TABLETS. The Urinary Tests in paper form, especially those depending upon the production of a precipitate, have had one serious objection urged against them. If one of these Reagent Papers be boiled with a quantity of water, the agitation incident to ebullition is sufficient to disintegrate the paper, and the floating fibres are liable to be mistaken for a precipitate. In the substitution, for these papers, of tablets consisting of a soluble inert base combined with the reagent, we have not only obviated this defect, but have in several instances been enabled to simplify the tests, and, at the same time, enhance the permanency thereof. The indigo test paper must be used in connection with one of the sodium carbonate papers, while the indigo tablet contains the sodium carbonate in combination with the indigo-carmine, thereby making it complete in itself. The quantity of sodium carbonate in the tablet is usually sufficient, but when very hard water is used to form the solution, or the urine is excessively acid, the addition of one of the sodium car- bonate tablets becomes necessary. The same general directions apply to the use of the tablets as for the papers. See article on “Physician’s Pocket Reagent Case,” p. 47. WILSON’S EUREKA ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. The best surgeons unanimously assert that the most appropriate and satisfactory treatment for the milder forms of prolapsus uteri is the continuous use of a properly adjusted supporter. It is claimed that when the pracidentia is excessive, it is advisable to employ a stem pessary in addition, with a perforated cup for the reception of the cervix uteri. By this combined pressure the organ is enabled to resume its natural position. We are assured that in Dr. Wilson’s Supporter are combined all the features essential to a satisfactory instrument, and beg to enumerate below the reasons which form the basis of our opinion. The supporter (without the pessary) is perfect and complete itself, consisting of back and abdominal pads, connected by elastic bands and peritoneal or thigh straps. It is thus admirably adapted to the less severe grades of displacements. The stem of the pessary is made of German silver, plated with silver, and can be easily bent to fit any person. The cup, composed of celluloid, is so shaped as to carry the uterus with the greatest possible com- fort, the support being natural and without pressure upon the os uteri, or urethra. Irritation of the parts, which so frequently results from the use of other instruments, is thus avoided. The position of the pessary on the wire may be readily changed with little effort. In this manner it may be adjusted to meet the requirements of the varying degrees of retroversion and anteversion, a desideratum which the general practitioner will fully appreciate. Illustrated circular furnished on application. CONCENTRATED DISTILLED EXTRACT WITCH HAZEL. There is abundant clinical testimony to the fact that a preparation of hamamelis containing its volatile constituents, produces remarkable effect in subduing inflammatory action, restraining haemorrhage and allaying pain, and that it exerts also a decided antiseptic action. The solution is not astringent nor styptic, but it appears to have the power of contracting the capillary blood-vessels, and, in this way, of arresting haemorrhages, and relieving the symptoms of inflammation. As a household remedy, it has one advantage over nearly all others in common use, viz : that where it does no good, it is not likely to do harm. The stimulating lotions and liniments which are so frequently employed in the domestic treatment of contusions, burns, and other similar injuries, may, by their injudici- ous use, greatly aggravate inflammatory conditions. The extract of witch hazel, in all such cases, acts simply as a local sedative. Under its influence swelling subsides, pain is abated, extravassated blood is rapidly absorbed, so that the injured part does not become “ black and blue,” or at least this effect is pro- duced only to a small extent. The remedy has acquired a reputation particularly in the treatment of irritable and bleeding piles. In many cases it suffices alone to effect a cure, and it is always a valuable adjuvant to other remedies. It should be used freely and frequently, some soothing ointment being afterwards applied. Varicose ulcers, and all similar conditions of venous engorgements are benefited by the extract. In all passive haemorrhages, also, it may be advantageously used. As a dressing for indolent, foul, and phagedenic ulcers, the distilled extract of witch hazel is of the greatest value. It acts at once as an antiseptic and a mild stimulant, restoring the tissues to a healthy condition, promoting granulation, and thus enabling natqre to effect a speedy cure. In ulcers, especially effecting erectile tissues, or vascular structures, the benign action of this preparation is conspicuously illustrated. Thus it is invaluable in the treatment of chancroid, as well as non-specific ulcerations of the penis, as it is also in simple balanitis and other inflam- matory affections of the generative organs. Catarrhal affections of the mucous membranes are also amen- able to treatment by this agent, which may be combined with such other remedies as the physician’s ex- perience may suggest. In rheumatic and neuralgic affections, the extract has only a limited use, but sometimes, even in severe cases, it affords relief, particularly in chronic rheumatism and in neuralgic headaches. These are a few only of the particular applications which can be made of this distilled extract, and will suffice to indi- cate the general range of its utility. Its most important use will be in the treatment of traumatic injuries. including sprains, braises, excoriations, cuts, burns, contused and lacerated wounds, as well as corns, bunions, chapped lips, fissured nipples, ulcers, the bites or stings of insects, etc. Our product will be found of full strength, and uniform in excellence. Much that is now in the market is of very inferior quality. Physicians who desire to have our preparation dispensed upon their prescrip- tions will ensure compliance with their wishes by specifying “ P., D. & Co.” YELLOW OXIDE OF MERCURY Dr. Achilles Rose (Medical Record, April 25, 1885), reports gratifying results in the treatment by anti- septics of various affections of the gastro-intestinal tract; he finds explanation of the action of the mineral acids, and of salts of bismuth, silver, zinc, etc., in the antiseptic action of these remedies, and is disposed to regard mercury, from its acknowledged superiority to all other agents in this respect, as pre-eminently the remedy in all these affections, and clinical experience seems to sustain his views. Yellow oxide of mercury is a powerful antiseptic, preventing the putrefactive changes which often take place in ingested food, and thus indirectly promoting nutrition, restoring appetite, and removing dyspeptic symptoms. Useful in all acute or chronic derangements of the alimentary tract, in typhoid fever, phthisis, convalescence from surgical diseases, and where the functions of the liver are deranged. We manufacture the compressed tablets of yellow oxide of mercury, recommended by Dr. Rose, and will be pleased to furnish a reprint of Dr. Rose’s article above referred to upon application. GLYCEROLE YERBINE COMPOUND AND SYRUP YERBA SANTA AROMATIC. We direct especial attention to our Glycerole Yerbine Compound as an elligible preparation, for the administration of Yerba Santa in those ailments in which it seems to be indicated. (See “Yerba Santa.”) Among the various vehicles which have from time to time been suggested for the exhibition of quinine, there is none which so effectually disguises the bitterness of that drag, os the Syrup of Yerba Santa Aromatic. Shortly after the introduction of Yerba Santa, it was di'covered to have the property' of masking almost completely the taste of quinine, and we have succeeded by the addition of aromatics, in masking the taste of the Yerba Santa itself. The combination is one to which we ask the attention of the profession, with great confidence in the result of the tests to which it may be put. Please specify “ P., D. & C 0.,” and thus guard against the fictitious preparations, which a lack of familiarity with the physical properties of the newer drugs of the Pacific coast has caused some manufac- turers to place on the market. Property and Dose List of Drugs FROM WHICH PARKE, DAVIS & CO. MANUFACTURE EITHER A FLUID EXTRACT, GERMAN TINCTURE, NORMAL LIQUID, SOLID EXTRACT, POWDERED EXTRACT, OR CONCENTRATION, The purpose of this list is to afford the busy physician a ready reference to all drugs of which we manufacture either a Fluid Extract, German Tincture, Normal Liquid, Solid Extract, Powdered Extract, or Concentration; giving first, the common name; second, the most generally accepted botanical synonym; third, a brief resume of properties; and, fourth, a list of such preparations of each as we manufacture, with the dose of each in minims, fluidrachms or grains. Our limited space prevents the insertion of botanical synonyms as “cross references.” A complete list of pills manufactured by us will be found elsewhere. It should be remembered that besides the preparations here and in our pill list enumerated, our line embraces; Elixirs, Wines, Syrups, Malt Extracts, Granular Effervescent Preparations, Compressed Tablets, Mineral Water Salts, Soluble Elastic Capsules, Hard Filled Capsules, lodoform Bougies, Medicated and Flavored Lozenges, Plasters, Oleates, Ointments, Cerates, Collodions, Glyceroles, Confections, Inhalants and a complete list of Fine Pharmaceutical Specialties and Rare Alkaloids, Drugs, Chemicals, etc,, more fully described in the preceding pages of this work. Abrns Precatorlus, see page 1. Abscess Root.—Polemonium reptans, Lin.— Alterative, astringent, diaphoretic, expectorant. Fluid extract root- to 1 fluidrachm. Aconite.-Aconitum Napellus, Lin, —Powerful nervous and arterial sedative; reduces tempera- ture, decreases the heart’s action, and promotes diaphoresis. Fluid extract leaves; 2 to 5 mininis. Fluid extract root (U. S. P.); Ys to 2 minims. Normal liquid root; % to 2 minims. Solid extract root (Extract Aconite, U. S. P. 1880); 1-20 to 1-5 grain. Solid extract leaves; to 1 grain. Powdered extract leaves; Y\ to 1 grain. Powdered extract root; 1-20 to 1-5 grain. Concentration, Aconapellin; 1-25 to 1-12 grain. German tincture; 10 to 25 minims. Adonis Vernalls, see page 1. Adrne, see p*ige 1. Agaric, see White Agaric. Agrimony.—Agrimonia Eupatoria, Lin.—Mild corroborant and astringent. Fluid extract root and leaves; % to 2 drachms. Ailantus Glandulosa, see page 2. Ajo wan, see page 2. Alligator Pear, see page 2. Allspice,—Eugenia Pimenta, DO.—Used princi- pally with other preparations to render them agreeable, see also page 16. Fluid extract fruit; 10 to 40 minims. Aloes.—Aloe socotrina, Lam.—Tonic, purgative, emmenagogue and anthelmintic. Fluid extract inspissated juice of leaves; 3 to 20 minims. American Hellebore.—Veratrum viride, Aiton.—Chief use, to depress the action of the heart and to lower the vaso motor tonus. Fluid extract root (U. S. P.); 1 drop gradually in- creased until desired effect on the circulation is produced. Normal liquid; to 2 minims. Solid extract; 1-8 to 1-1 grain. Concentration, Veratriin; 1-16 to 1-4 grain. American Ivy.—Ampelopsis quinquepolia, Michx,—Alterative, tonic, astringent, expector- ant. Fluid extract bark and twigs; V 2 to 1 fluidrachm. Concentration, Ampelopsin; 2 to 4 grains. American Sarsaparilla.—Abalia nudicaulis, Lin.—Said to resemble in its alterative proper- ties sarsaparilla (Smilax officinalis) for which it is frequently substituted in practice. Fluid extract root; y2 to 2 fluidrachms, American Wormseed.-Chenopodium ambbo- sioides, Lin., var. anthblminticum, Gray.— Anthelmintic and antispasmodic. Fluid extract fruit; to 1 fluidrachm. Anagallis Arve lists, see page 3. A ngelica.—Abohangblioa officinalis, Hoffm , and Abchangelica atropurpurea, Hoppm.— Aromatic, stimulant, diaphoretic, emmena- gogue. Fluid extract root; y2 to 1 fluidrachm. Fluid extract seed; 5 to 30 minims. Angustura.—Cuspabia tripoliata, Willd.—A stimulant tonic, with febrifuge properties, and in large doses emetic and cathartic. Fluid extract bark; 10 to 30 minims. Anise.—Pimpinella Anisum, Lin.—A grateful aro- matic carminative; supposed to increase the flow of milk Fluid extract fruit; 10 to 20 minims. Apple Tree Rark.—Pyrus malus, Lin.—Tonic and febrifuge. Fluid extract bark; to 1 fluidrachm. Arbor Vltte.—Thuya occidentalis, Lin.—Ex- pectorant, febrifuge, emmenagogue, anthelmin- tic, local irritant, resembles savin in its general character. Fluid extract twigs and leaves; Y\ to 1 fluidrachm. Areca Nut, see page 3. Arnica.—Arnica Montana, Lin.—A powerful di- rect stimulant to the arterial and nervous sys- tems. The preparations of the flowers are ex- tensively employed as external applications for the relief of pain from bruises, sprains, etc., and to prevent or remove ecchymosis. Fluid extract flowers; sto 25 minims. Fluid extract root, (D. S. P.); sto 20 minims. Fluid Aloes and Myrrh; each pint represents 6 2-5 ozs. Aloes, 6 2-5 ozs. Myrrh; useful in amenor- rhoea; 15 to 30 minims. Solid extract; 1 to 5 grains. Powder d extract; 1 to 5 grains. Alsfotn’a Constricta, see page 2. Alterative Compound, see page 3. Alum Root.— Heuchera Americana, Lin.—A most powerful astringent. Fluid extract root; 10 to 20 drops. Alveloz, seepages. American Rlue Vervain.—Verbena has- tata, Lin.—Tonic, emetic, expectorant and sudorific. Fluid extract root; Y to 1 fluidrachm. American Columbo.—Frasera carolinensis, Walt.—Tonic and slightly aperient. In over- doses purgative and emetic. Fluid extract root; 20 drops to a fluidrachm. Concentration, Fraserin; 1 to 3 grains. 58 German tincture; 12 to 50 minims. Solid extract flowers; 1 to 5 grains. Solid extract root (U. S. P.); 1 to 5 grains. Aromatic.—Each pint represents 5% oz. each of cinnamon and ginger, and 2)4 oz. each of car- damom and nutmeg. Carminative, and gently ' stimulant; employed for the relief of nausea, flatulence, colic or diarrhoea, and often pre- scribed with other remedies as a corrigent and adjuvant. Fluid extract aromatic powder; 10 to 30 minims. Asparagus,—Asparagus officinalis, Lin.—A gentle but certain diuretic. Fluid extract green root; 14 to 1 fluidrachm. Avens Root, see Water Avens Root. Bad Fruit.—ASglemarmelos, Correa deSerra. —Astringent. Fluid extract; Ito 2 fluidrachms. Balm.—Melissa officinalis, Lin.—Diaphoretic, anti-spasmodic, and moderately stimulant. Fluid extract herb; J4 to 1 fluidrachm. Balm of Gilead.—Populus canmcans, Gr.— Stimulant, diuretic, and anthelmintic. Fluid extract buds; 14 to 1 fluidrachm. Balmony.—Chelone glabra, Lin.—Cathartic and anthelmintic. Fluid extract herb; 34 to 1 fluidrachm. Concentration, Chelouin; 1 to 4 grains. Balsa in Fir Bark.—Abies balsamea, Marsh.— Stimulant, diuretic, and anthelmintic. Fluid extract bark; }4 to 1 fluidrachm. Bamboo Brier, see page 24. Banana Root, see page 3. Barberry Bark.— Herberts vulgaris, Lin.— Tonic and laxative, with an after astringent effect. Fluid extract bark; )4 to 2 fluidounces. Concentration, Berberin; 1 to 3 grains. Bayberry.—Myrica cerifera, Lin.—Astringent, acrid, in large doses emetic, sialagogue, errhine. Fluid extract bark; 15 to 30 minims. Concentration, Myricin; 1 to 5 grains. Baycuru, see page 4. Bay Laurel. Concentrated Extract, see page 36. Bcarsfoot, see page 4. Beech-drop (Cancer-root).—Epiphbgus virgini- ana, Bart.—Astringent. Fluid extract plant; 10 to 30 minims. Belladonna.—Atropa Belladonna, Lin.— Mydriatic, anodyne, excito-motor; suppresses the secretions. Poisonous in overdoses’. Bitter RootApocyntm androsiemifolium.Lin. —Emetic, diaphoretic, tonic and laxative. Fluid extract root; as an emetic. 34 fluidraohm; tonic and diaphoretic, 10 to 20 minims. Solid extract; 1 to 4grains. Concentration, Apocynin; 14 to 2 grains. Bittersweet.—Solanum Dulcamara, Lin.—Diu- retic, diaphoretic, and discutient. Fluid extract leaves and twigs (U. S. P.); 34 to 1 fluidrachm. Solid extract; 5 to 15 grains. Black Alder.—Pbinos verticillatus, Lin.— Tonic, astringent and alterative. Fluid extract bark; ]4 to 1 fluidrachm. Black Aslt Bark.—Fraxinus sameucipolia, Lam.—Tonic and astringent. Fluid extract bark of tree; 1 to 4 fluidrachms. Solid extract; 10 to 20 grains. Blackberry Boot.-Rubus villosus. Ait.— Astringent and tonic. Fluid extract bark of root (U. S. P.); 34 to 1 fluidrachm. Solid extract; 3 to 10 grains. Powdered extract: 3 to 10 grains. Fluid extract Blackberry Comp.; each pint repre- sents 14 ounces blackberry root, 134 ounces cassia, and 134 ounces cloves; active astringent; 14 to 1 fluidrachm. Black Cohosh.—Cimicifuga racemosa, Nutt.— Tonic, nervine, and antispasmodic. Fluid extract rhizome and rootlets (U. S. P.); 34 to 1 fluidrachm. Solid extract; 3 to 10 grains. Powdered extract; 3 to 10 grains. Concentration, Cimicifugin, or Macrotin, 1 to 4 grains. Fluid extract Black Cohosh Comp.; each pint represents: 8 ozs. black cohosh; 3 ozs. licorice; 2 ozs. cherry bark; 2 ozs. Seneca; 1 oz. ipecac. Nervous and arterial sedative; % to 1 Qui- d'achm. Black Haw, see “Viburnum Prunifolium,’’ p. 26. Black Hellebore.—Helleborus Niger, Lin,— Purgative, emmenagogue. Fluid extract root: as a purgative, 5 to 20 minims. Solid extract; 1 to 4 grains. Powdered extract; 1 to 4 grains. Black Pepper.—Piper nigrum, Lin.—A power- ful stimulant to the stomach and intestinal canal. Fluid extract dried unripe berries; 5 to 20 minims, largely diluted with water. Black Walnut Leaves,-Juglans nigra, Lin. —Alterative and deobstruent. Fluid extract leaves; 20 to 30 minims Black Willow,—Salix nigra, Marshall.— Bitter tonic. Said to be an aphrodisiac of con- siderable power, and to exert a peculiar influ- ence over the whole sexual apparatus. Fluid extract bark; 34 to I fluidraciun. Fluid extract buds; 34 to 1 fluidrachm. Bladder Wrack.— Fucus vesiculosus, Lin.— Said to diminish fat without injuring health. Fluid extract; 34 to 4 fluidrachms, three times a day. Solid extract; 5 to 30 grains. Powdered extract; 5 to 30 grains. Blessed Thistle.—Cnicus benedictus, Gaebtn. —Tunic, diaphoretic and emetic. Fluid extract leaves; 34 to 1 fluidrachm. Solid extract; 3 to 10 grains. Blood Flower, see Asclepias Curassavica, p. 3. Blood Boot.—Sanguinaria canadensis, Lin,- In small doses tonic, increasing secretions; tei larger doses nauseates and reduces pulse. Fluid extract rhizome; as emetic, 10 to 20 minims; as an expectorant, 2 to 5 minims. Powdered extract; 1 to 5 grains. Solid extract; 1 to 5 grains. Concentraiion, Sanguinariin; 34 to 1 grain. Sanguinarine, sulphate; 1-40 to 34 grain. Sanguiuarine, nitrate; 1-20 to 34 grain. Blue Cohosh,—Caulophyllum thalictroidks, Mx,—Diuretic, diaphoretic and anthelmintic. Fluid extract root; 10 to 30 minims. Solid extract ; 2 to 4 grains. Fluid extract leaves; 1 to 4 minims. Fluid extract root (O'. S. P.); 1 to 3 minims. German tincture; 2 to 10 minims. Normal liquid leaves; 1 to 4 minims. Normal liquid root; 1 to 3 minims. Solid extract leaves (U. S. P. assayed); 34 to }4 gr. Solid extract leaves, strictly alcoholic, one-half stronger than that of the U. S. P. Solid extract root; % to 34 grain. Powdered extract leaves (assayed): to 34 grain. Powdered extract root; 36 to 34 grain. Concentration, Belladonnin, sometimes called Atropin; 1-24 to 34 grain. Benne Leaves.—Sbsamum orientals, Lin. Fluid extract leaves; 34 to 1 fluidrachm. Benzoin.—Balsamic resin prom styrax benzoin. Dry—Stimulant and expectorant. Fluid benzoin; sto 15 minims. Benzoin Compound.—Each pint represents 7 oz. av. benzoin, 1 1-6 oz. purified aloes, 4 2-3 oz. storax, 2 1-3 oz. balsam tolu. Stimulating ex- pectorant and vulnerary. Fluid; 5 to 15 minims. Berberis Aquifolluui, see page 4. Beth Boot.—Trillium erectum, Lin.—Astrin- gent and tonic. Fluid extract rhizome; 30 to 60 minims. Concentration, Trilliin; 2to 4 grains. Bistort.—Polygonum bistort a, Lin.—Astringent.. Fluid extracv rhizome; 20 to 40 minims. Bitter Bugle weed.—Lycupus kuroiueus, Lin. —Tonic and alterative. Fluid extract herb; 34 to 1 fluidrachm. 59 Fluid extract Blue Cohosh Compound; 18 fi. ozs. (imperial) represents 8 ozs. blue cohosh; 4 ozs. each of ergot and water-pepper; and 2 ozs. of savin. A useful emmenagogue; sto 20 minims, two or three times a day. Concentration, Caulophyllin; 1 to 5 grains. Blue Flag.—lris versicolor, Lin.—Cholagogue. cathartic and alterative. Powdered extract; 3 to 10 grains. Concentration, Juglandin; Ito 5 grains. Buttonbush. Cephalanthus occidentalism Lin.—Tonic, febrifuge, aperient and diuretic. Fluid extract bark; Y to 1 fluidrachm. Button Snakeroot.-Liatris spicata, Willd. —Diuretic, tonic, stimulant and emmenagogue. Fluid extract root; (£ to 2 fluidrachms. Calabar Bean.—Physostigma vbnenosum, Bal- four.— Spinal sedative, acting especially on the motor centres. Fluid extract seed; 1 to 4 minims. Solid extract (U. S. P.), assayed; Y grain. Powdered extract, assayed; Y grain. Calendula Flowers.—Calendula officinalis, Lin.—Slightly stimulant and diaphoretic. Fluid extract florets; Yi to 1 fluidrachm. Solid extract; 5 to 10 grains. California Fever Bush, see “GarryaLeaves,” page 12. California Laurel, see page 3. Canada Snake Root, see Wild Ginger. Canadian Hemp. Apocynum cannabinum, Lin.—Powerful emetic and cathartic. Fluid extract rhizome (U. S. P.); 10 to 20 minims. Solid extract; 2 to 4 grains. Concentration, Irisin: 1 to 3 grains. Blue Gentian.—Gentian a puberula, Mx.— Tonic and stomachic. Fluid extract root; 10 to 40 minims. Soldo, see Boldoa Fragrans, page 6. Boneset. Eupatoeium pebfoliatum, Lin.— Tonic, diaphoretic, and, in lai’ge doses, emetic and laxative. Fluid extract leaves and tops; 1 to 2 fluidrachms. Solid extract; 10 to 25 grains. Concentration, Eupatorin; 1 to 3 grains. Borage.—Borago officinalis, Lin,—Demulcent, refrigerant, and gently diaphoretic. Fluid extract plant; 1 fluidrachm. Broom Tops.—Cytisus scoparius. Link.—Ap- plicable to all forms of chrome dropsy. Fluid extract tops; Y to 1 fluidrachm. Bueliu.—Barosma betulina, Bart.—Augments the appetite, and promotes digestion, quickens the pulse, and favors the secretions of the skin. Fluid extract leaves; 15 to 30 minims in water. Solid extract; 3 to 10 grains. Concentration, Barosmin; 1 to 3 grains. Fluid extract Buchu Comp.; 16 fluidounces, im- perial, represent: 8 ozs. av. buchu; 2 ozs. cuheh; 2 ozs. juniper berries; 2 ozs. uva ursi; with 2 fluidounces spirit of nitrous ether. Recom- mended for the treatment of diseases of the genito-urinary organs; 30 to 60 minims. Fluid extract Buchu and Juniper with Acetate Potash; 15 fluidounces, imperial, represent; 12 ozs. buchu; 3 ozs. juniper berries; 432 grains potassium acetate. A very efficient diuretic, useful in various diseases of the urinary organs; dose, Yi to 1 fluidrachm. Fluid extract Buchu and Pareira Brava; each pint represents: 8 ounces huchu; 2 ounces pareira brava; 2 ounces stone-root; 4 ounces juniper berries; balsamic, diuretic and astringent; Y to 1 fluidrachm. Burkbean. Menyanthes trifoliata, Lin.— Tonic, anti-scorbutic, emmenagogue and vermi- fuge. Fluid extract rhizome; (4 to 1 fluidrachm. Buckeye Bark.—ACsculus glabra, Willd.— Useful in constipation, rectal irritation,prolapsus ani, prolapsus uteri and other uterine derange- ments and in haemorrhoids. Fluid extract bark; 3 to 5 drops, three to four times a day. Buckhorn.—Osmunda regalis, Lin.—Demul- cent, tonic and styptic. Fluid extract root stock; 1 to 3 fluidrachms. Buckthorn Bark.—Rhamnus Frangula, Lin. —A mild, but not certain laxative or cathartic. Fluid extract bark (U. S. P.); 15 to CO minims. Solid extract: 8 to 10 grains. Buckthorn. —Rhamnus cathabtica, Lin. Powerfully cathartic. Fluid extract berries; (4 to 1 fluidrachm. Bugleweed.—Lycopus virginious, Lin.—Nar- cotic and astringent. Fluid extract herb; to 2 fluidrachms. Solid extract; 5 to 15 grains. Concentration, Lycopin; Ito 4 grains. Burdock.—Lappa officinalis, Allioni.—Altera- tive, aperient, diuretic, sudorific. Fluid extract root; Y to 2 fluidrachms. Solid extract root; 6 to 20 grains. Fluid extract seed; see page 5. Butternut.—Juglans cinerea, Lin.—A gentle cathartic, producing no debilitating effects. Fluid extract inner bark of root; 1 to 2 fluidra’ms. Solid extract (U. S. P.); 3to 10 grains. Fluid extract root; sto 20 minims. Solid extract; 1 to 4 grains Powdered extract ; 1 to 4 grains. Canella.—Canella Alba, Murray.—Aromatic, stimulant. Fluid extract hark; (4 to 1 fluidrachm. Cannabis Indiea.—Cannabis sativa, Lin., var. Indica—A powerful, but notoriously un- certain narcotic, producing in full doses exhilar- ation, intoxication and delirious hallucinations. Fluid extract flowering tops (U. S. P.); 8 to 10 minims, beginning cautiously. Normal liquid; 3 to 10 minims. Solid extract; Y to 1 grain. Powdered extract (assayed); Y to 2 grains. Cantliarldes. Cantharis vesicatoria, De Geer.—A powerful stimulant, with a peculiar direction to the urinary and genital organs. Fluid extract; used externally as a blistering fluid. Capsicum.—Capsicum fastigiatum, Blume.— Active irritant and stimulant. Fluid extract fruit (U. S P.); 5 to 15 minims. Solid extract; Y to 2 grains. Caraway.—Carom Carvi. Lin.—Used principally with other preparations to render them agree- able. Cardamom Seed. Elkttaria Cardamomum, Maton.—Agreeable carminative and stomachic. Fluid extract seed; 5 to 15 minims. Fluid extract Cardamom Comp; sixteen fluid- ounces, imperial, represent: ozs. av. each of cardamom seed and cinnamon, 1(4 ozs. caraway and % oz. cochineal; dose, (4 to 1 fluidrachm. Carnauba, see page 5. Caroba, see page 5. Cascara Amarga, see page 6. Cascara Sagrada, see ‘Rhamnus Purshiana,’* page 22. Cascarilla.—Croton Elutbria, Swartz.—Aro- matic, stimulant, tonic and febrifuge. Fluid extract bark; Y to I teaspoonful. Solid extract: 0 to 10 grains. Cassia.—Cinnamomum (species various).—Princi- pally used with other preparations to render them agreeable. Fluid extract; 10 to 20 nrnims. Castor Beans.—Ricinus communis, Lin.—Power- fully cathartic and often emetic. Fluid extract seeds; M to 1 fluidrachm. Castor Leaves.—Ricinus communis, Lin.—Galac- tagogue. Fluid extract leaves; 1 fluidrachm. Catechu.—Acacia catechu, Willd.—Gently tonic and powerfully astringent. Fluid extract of the commercial extract of wood; 10 to 45 minims. Catncp.—Nepeta Cataria, Lin.—Stimulant and slightly tonic. Fluid extract tops and leaves; 1 to 2 fluidrachms. Carpenter’s Square (Figwort). Scro- phularia nodosa, Lin.—Alterative, diuretic and anodyne. Fluid extract herb; 14 to 1 fluidrachm. Cedron Seed, see page 6. Celandine, Garden.—Chelidonium majus, Lin. —A dras >c purgative. Fluid extract herb and root; 14 to 1 fluidrachm. German tincture; 8 to 60 minims. Celery Seed.—Apium gravfolens, Lin.—Used principally with other preparations to render them agreeable. Fluid extract; 5 to 15 minims. Solid extract; 1 to 3 grains Centaury.—Sarbatia angularts, Pursh.—A sub- stitute for quinine m malarial diseases, especi- ally remittents. Fluid extract herb; 14 to 1 fluidrachm. Oerens Grand!floras, see “Night Blooming Cereus,” page 20. Cevadllla Seeds.—Vbratbum sabadilla, Sch- lecht.-A drastic and irritant cathartic, for- merly used as a vermifuge, and to destroy the vermin of the hair. Fluid extract seeds; 2 to 4 minims. Chamomile, German. -Matricaria Chamo- milla, Lin.—Touic. Fluid extract flowers; 14 to 1 fluidrachm. German tincture; 12 to 30 minims. Chamomile, Roman. Anthemis nobilis, Lin.—Tonic. Fluid extract flowers; 14 to 1 fluidrachm. Solid extract; 8 to 12 graius. Chekan, see page 6. Cherry, see Wild Cherry, also Choke Cherry. Chestnut. Castanea vulgaris, Lam., var. Americana, A. DC.—Efficient in relieving the symptoms of whooping cough. Fluid extract leaves (U. S. P ); 5 to 60 minims. Chewstlek, see page 7. Chlrata.—SwKKTiA chirata, Ham.—A simple bitter tonic. Fluid extract herb and root (U. S. P.); 15 to 30 minims. Choke Cherry.—Prunus (Cerasus) virginiana, Lin.—Not the P. Virginiana of the U. S. P. Tonic, antispasmodic, mildly astringent, anti- periodic. Concentration, Cerasin or Cerasein; 2 to 8 grains. Cinchona Callsaya, Wed.—Calisaya Bark.— Tonic, febrifuge and antiperiodic. Fluid extract (U. S. P ); Y to 1 fluidrachm. Normal liquid: 15 to 60 minims. Solid extract (U. S. P. assayed); 5 to 25 grains. Powdered extract (assayed); 5 to 25 grains. Fluid extract Cinchona Aromatic; sixteen fluid- ounces, imperial, represent: 13 oz. av. cinchona bark; 2% oz. sweet orange peel; Yi oz. each of cardamom seeds and cassia; and % oz. caraway seeds. Can be used wherever the fluid extract of the bark is indicated; Y.i to 1 fluidrachm. Cinchona Pale.—Cinchona officinalis, Hook. Fluid extract bark: l 4 to 1 fluidrachm. Fluid extract Cinchona Comp.; each pint repre- sents ; 8 ounces cinchona bark (pale); 6 ounces bitter orange peel; and VYi ounces serpentaria; 14 to 1 fluidrachm. Solid extract, assayed; 5 to 25 grains. Cinchona Red.—Cinchona siiccirubra, Pay.— Tonic, febrifuge and antiperiodic. Fluid extract bark; 14 to 1 fluidrachm. Normal liquid; 15 to 60 minims. Solid extract, assayed; 5 to 25 grains. Fluid extract Cinchona Comp,; each pint repre- sents; 714 ounces red cinchona bark (true), 6 ounces bitter orange peel, and 1Y ounces ser- pentaria; 14 to 1 fluidrachm. Fluid extract cinchona red, detannated; 14 to 1 fluidrachm. Cleavers.—Galium Aparine, L Aperient, diu- retic, alterative. Fluid extract herb; 1 to 2 fluidrachms. Clover, Red, see Red Clover. Cloves.—Eugenia cary< -phyllata. Thuntwwg,— Principally used with other preparatiu s to reader th m agreeable Fluid extract; 8 to 30 minims. Coca, see pages 7 and 10. Coccnlns, see Fish-berries. Cockleluir, see page 7 Coflee.—Coffka arabica. Ltn. Fluid extract roaste< I seeds; lor flavoring pm - «es in making syrup for Suda water, etc \ Y j 1 fluidrachni Fluid extract unroasted coffee seeds; iml .i» <1 where caffeine is commonly prescribe ;y, Yt fluidrachms. Colclllcum. ■— CoLCHICUM AITTTTMNALE. 1 Produces rapid waste of tissue,, and pr. ■ es elimination of the products of tissue v ~,Le; chiefly used in gout. Fluid extract cona (U. S. P.); 2 to 8 minims. Fluid extract seed (U S. P, >; Sto 8 minims Normal liquid corm (“root’d; 2 to 8 aim m-. Normal liquid seed; 2 to 8 minims. Solid extract corm (“ root ”) (U. S. P., assayed): H to grains. Powdered extract corm (“root”); acetic (assayed); 14 to IJ4 grains. Colocyntb. —Cucumis Colocynthis, Lin. A powerful drastic hydragogue cathartic. Fluid extract dried fruit, 2 to 5 minims. Powdered extract (U. S. P); 1 to 2 grains. Powdered extract Colocyntb Comp. (U. S. P); 5 to 20 grains. Coltsfoot,—Tusbilago Farfara, Lin.— Demul- cent and slightly tonic. Fluid extract leaves; 1 to 2 fluidrachms. Colombo.—Jateorrhiza Calumba, Mikes.—A mild tonic without astringeney. Fluid extract root, (U. S. P, ); 10 to 30 minims. Solid extract; 1 to 4 grains. Powdered extract; 1 to 4 grains. Comfrey.—Symphytum officinale, Lin.—Demul- cent, slightly astringent and tonic Fluid extract root; 1 to 2 fluidrachms. Condu rango. -Gonolobus Cundurango. Triana. —Tonic, emetic, diuretic and deohstruent. Fluid extract root; 30 to 60 minims. Powdered extract; 6 to 10 grains. Conlum.-Conium maculatum, Lin—Anodyne, antispasmodic, anaphrodisiac and discutient. Fluid extract leaves; 5 to 20 minims Fluid extract fruit (“seed”) (U. S. P.); 5 to 20 minims. German tincture; 8 to 20 minims. Normal liquid fruit (“ seed ”); 5 to 20 minims. Solid extract leaves; 2 to 5 grains. Solid extract fruit (“seed ”) (U. S. P,), assayed; 1 to 3 grains. Powdered extract leaves; 2 to 5 grains. Coriander.—Coriandrum sativum, Lin.—Used principally with other preparations to render them agreeable. Fluid extract; 10 to 30 minims. Corn Silk, see page 9. Coto, see “ Paracoto,” page 20. Cotton.—Gossypium hkrbaceum, Lin.—Emmena- gogue, oxyt< cic and abortive. Fluid extract leaves; 1 to 4 fluidrachms. Fluid extract of the fresh inner bark of the root; Y to 2 fluidrachms. Fluid extract bark of root (U. S. P.); Y. to 2 fluidrachms Solid extract root; 3 to 15 grains. Concentration, Gossypiin; 1 to 5 grains. Couch Grass.—ITbiticum repbns, Lin. Fluid extract root (U S. P.); 1 to 6 fluidrachms. Solid extract; 20 grains and upwards. Cramp Bark.-Viburnum Opulus, Lin. Fluid extract bark; 14 to 1 fluidrachm. Concentration, Viburnin; 1 to 3 grains. Cranesblll.—Geranium maculatum, Lin,— A powerful astringent. Fluid extract root; 14 to 1 fluidrachm, Solid extract; 5 to 10 grains. Concentration, Gerauin; 1 to 4 grains. Crawley,—Corallcrhiza odontobhiza, Nutt A prompt, power! r I and certaiu diaphoretic, wi h sedavive profiei i .i s. F'eid extract rool : 151 > a.) minims. C s>»“b. -Hiper Cubeba. Lin.—Gently stimulant, .retie, and expec orai.t, id extract unripe berries (U. S. P.); 10 to 30 iiOdllS ':‘e< Evening Primrose, see page 12. False Bittersweet.—Cklastrus scandens, Lin.—Alterative, diaphoretic and diuretic, some- what narcotic. Fluid exti act bark of root; 1 to 2 fluidrachms. False Unicorn, see Helonias. Fennel Seed.—Fceniculum officinale, Allioni. —Carminative and stimulant. Fluid extract fruit; 10 to 30 minims. Fever Bush, see Spice-bush. Feverfew.—Pyrethrum Parthenium, Smith,— Carminative, emmenagogue, and vermifuge, stimulant and tonic. Fluid extract herb; 1 to 2 fluidrachms. Figwort, see Carpenter's Square. Flreweed.—Erecthites hiebacipolia, Rap.— Tonic and astringent. Fluid extract herb; 34 to 1 fluidrachm. Fish-Berries.—Anamirta Cocculus, W. & Arn. —A parasiticide. Fluid extract berries; J4 to 1 minim, cautiously increased. Five Flowered Gentian.—Gkntiana quin- quEFLORA, Lam.—Of value in headache, liver affections jaundice, etc. Fluid extract plant; 10 to 30 drops. Fleabane. Erigeron canadensk, Lin.—Slightly tonic, with more active diuretic and astringent properties. Fluid extract leaves and tops; 34 to 1 fluidrachm. Florida Allspice. Calycanthus flobidus, Lin.—A pleasant aromatic stimulant. Fluid extract; 10 to 30 drops. Flowering Spurge.—Euphorbia cobollata, Lin.—Emetic, diaphoretic, expectorant and epispastic. Fluid extract root; as emetic, 20 minims; as ca- thartic, 10 minims; as diaphoretic, 5 minims. Foxglove. —Digitalis purpurea, Lin- A cardiac tonic, diminishing the frequency and increasing the force of the heart’s contractions Fluid extract leaves (U. S. P,); 1 to 2 minims. German tincture; 8 to 25 minims. Normal liquid; 1 to 2 minims. Solid extract (U. S. P.); }4 to 34 grain. Solid extract (Strictly alcoholic); % to 34 grain. Powdered extract; 34 to 34 grain. Concentration, Digitalisin or digitalin; 1-16 to 34 grain. Fringe-tree.—Chionanthus virginica, Lin.— Aperient, alterative and diuretic. Fluid extract bark of root; 34 to 1 fluidrachm. Solid extract; 5 to 20 grains. Frostwort.—Helianthkmum canadense, Mx.— Astringent, tonic, alterative. Fluid extract herb; 5 to 20 minims. Galls.—Qukrcus inpkctohia, Ouv.—Powerfully astringent. Fluid extract of the morbid excrescences formed upon the tree; 10 to 30 minims. Garlie.—Allium sativum, Lin.—A general stimu- lant. Fluid extract bulbs; 34 to 2 fluidrachms. Garrya Eeaves, see page 12. Gelsemium.—Gelsemium sempervirkns, Ait.— Employed as an arterial sedative and febrifuge in sthenic fevers. Fluid extract dry root (U. S. P.); 1 to 10 minims. Fluid extract green root; 1 to 15 minims. Normal liquid; 1 to 10 minims. Solid extract (assayed); 1-5 fo 2 grains. Powdered extract; 1-5 to 2 grains. Concentration, Gekemperin or gelsemin; 34 to 1 grain. Gentian.—Gentiana lutea, Lin.—Tonic. Fluid extract root (U. S. P ); 10 to 40 minims. Solid extract (U. S. P.); 5 to 10 grains. Powdered extract; 3 to 10 grains. Fluid extract Gentian Compound; 14 fluidounces, imperial, represent- Bounces gentian; 4 ounces orange peel; 2 ounces cardamom seeds: an elegant bitter, much used in dyspepsia; 10 to 00 Solid extract; 2to 8 grains. Curitnilier Tree.— Magnolia acuminata, Lin.— 1 sed as a substitute ti r Cinchona bark. ’cud extract dowers; 1 to 2 fluidrachms. t .s'er’s moot,—Veronica virginica, Lin.— Cholagogue, laxative and tonic, da d extract root (U. S. P ); % to 1 fluidrachm. (did extract (U S. id): 3to 1> grains, owdered extract; 3 to 10 grains. ■ ncentration, Leptandriu; 34 to 1 grain. J nsiana, see page 9. idelion.—Taraxacum officinale, Weber.— r.ic, diuretic and laxative, id extract root (U S. P. >; 1 to 3 duidrachms. 1 d extract; iO to 30 grains. ■vder d extract; 10 to 30 grains .id extract Dandelion Compound; earth pint ‘presents 1334 ounces dandelion, 234 ounces 134 ounces conium leaves; alterative uul. athnrtic; 1 to 2 duidrachms. id extract Dandelion and Senna; 16 duidounces imperial,represent «ounces.av. dandelion and H ounces av senna; tonic and h xative, with light action on liver; 1 to 2 duidrachms. rt ongue.—Tbilisa onoßATissiMA, Cassini.— U» d principally ou account of its llavor, which resembles that of tonka bean. An aromatic, !i'l'iilanl and diaphoretic. i i extract; 34 to 1 duidrachm. beury.—Rubus CanxdenolS, Lin.—Tonic and niigiv astringent. ■ extract; 34 to 1 duidrachm. Oark, see page 9. 00(1, —C KNU3 FLORIDA, LIN, Tonic, . uigent and slightly stimulant, i extract bark (U S P.); 34 to 1 duidrachm. • xtrac ;2to 8 grains. .. entrat on, Corniu; 2 to 4 grains. -■oisia, .-ee page 10. «A Elder,—Ar .lia hispida, Vent.—A valu- a.j.e diuretic. aid extract root: 1 to 2 duidrachms. Lauib Cane. Dieffbnbachia seguinb, Schott; synonym, Calladium seguinum, Willd.—Proper- ties s milar to those of Indian turnip. German tincture, 2 to 5 minims. Eider Flowers.—Sambuccs canadensis, Lin.— Diaphoretic ami gently stimulant. Fluid extract flowers; 34 to 2 fluidrachms. Solid extract; 10 to 20grains. Elecampane.— Inula Helenium, Lin. Aro- matie, stimulant, expectorant, emmenagogue and diaphoretic. Fluid extract root; 34 to 1 fluidrachm. Concern ration, Inulain, or Inulin, 2 to 5 grains. Elephant’s Fool, see page 10 Ephedra Antlsyphilltlea, see page 10. Ergot.—Claviceps purpurea, Tulasne.-Uterine motor stimulant; causes tonic contraction of involuntary muscular 111 ire, and is thus hemo- stauc, through action on capillaries. User! to aid parturition, to control internal hemorrhages, wherever located; to relieve local congestion, and to destroy morbid grow ths. See pp. 41 and 42. Fiu d ext act (U. S P.); 6to 6o minims. Fluid extract (Ethereai); 5 to 60 minims. N rmal Liquid {Liquor Eryotai Purijicatus); as a hemostatic, 5 to 20 minims; as an oxytocic, 15 to 6u minims. S lid extract (U S. P.); 1 to 5 grains. Enealypl us, see page 11 Euphorbia pllulifera, see page 12. Europea it Elder Bark. Sambucus nigra, Lin. Alteraiiveand cathartic. Fluid extract; 34 t • 1 tin 0 ■ chin. Solid extract; 2 to 1 minims. 62 Ginger.—Zingiber officinale, Rose,—A grateful stimulant and carminative. bitter tonic, laxative when given in large doses. Fluid extract plant; 44 to 1 fluidrachm Solid extract; 5 to lagraius. Fluid extract Horehound Comix>uud: demulcent, and expectorant; each pint contains: 8 ozs. horehound, 4 oz<. comfrey, 2 ozs. seheka' 2 ozs. wild cherry; 44 to 1 tluidrachm. Horsechestmit.-.'EscuLus Hippocastanum,Lin. —Tonic, astringent, febrifuge, narcotic and antiseptic. Fluid extract bark; %to 2 fluidraehms. Fluid extract fruit; 5 to 15 minims. Horse-Radish.—Cochlearia Armor act a, Lin. —Stimulant, diuretic, anti-scorbutic and rube- facient. Fluid extract rhizome (U. S, P.); 5 to 20 minims. Fluid Ginger Soluble; 10 to 40 minims. Ginger, Mexican, see page 18. Golden-rod.—Solidago odora. Ait.—Aromatic, gently stimulant and carminative. Fluid extract leaves; 1 to 2 fluidraehms. Golden-seal.—Hydrastis canadensis, Lin.—A powerful tonic exerting an especial influence upon the mucous surfaces and tissues with which it comes in contact. Fluid extract root (U. S. P.;) 10 to 30 minims. Fluid extract (without alcohol); 10 to 30 minims. Fluid golden-seal, colorless; 10 to 60 minims. k Solid extract; 2to 10 grains. Powdered extract; 2 to 10 grains. Concentration, Hydrastin; 1 to 3 grains. ' Yellow alkaloid,berberine hydrochlorate; 1 to3gs. “ “ phosphate; 1 to 3 grs. “ “ “ sulphate; 1 to 3 grs. “ “ “ acid sulphate; 1 to 4gs. Gold thread.—Corns tbifolia, Salisb. A pure, bitter tonic without astringency. Fluid extract root and leaves; 44 to 1 tluidrachm. Gravel-plant.— Epig-ea bepens, Lin.—Diuretic and astringent. Fluid extract leaves; 44 to 1 tluidrachm. Great Laurel. Rhododendron maximum, Lin. —Recommended in obstinate coughs. Fluid extract leaves; 5 to 15 minims Gree n-drago n. Dbacontium,Schott. —Expectorant and diaphoretic. Fluid extract corm; Ito 10 minims. Green Osier. Cornus circinata, L'Her.— Astringent, tonic and febrifuge. Fluid extract bark; 20 to 60 minims. Grlndella Rpbnsta, see page 13. Grindelia Sqiiarrosa, see page 18. Guaco, see page 13. Guaiac.—Guaiacum officinale. Lin —Alterative, stimulant, diaphoretic, anti-rheumatic and anti- syphilitic. Fluid extract wood; 10 to 20 minims. Guarana, see page 14. Hair-cap Moss.—Polytrichum juniperinum, Hedwig.—A powerful diuretic. Fluid extract whole plant; 1 to 2 fluidraehms. Hardback,— tomentosa, Lin.—Astrin- gent and tonic. Fluid extract herb; 44 to 1 fluidrachm. Fluid extract fresh root: Ito 2 fluidraehms. Hound’d Tongue.— Cynoglossum officinale, Lin.—Anodyne, demulcent and astringent. Fluid extract’leaves and root; 44 to 1 tluidrachm. Hydrangea.—Hydrangea arbobescens, Lin.— A remedy for the removal of gravelly deposits in the bladder, etc. Fluid extract root: 10 to 30 minims. Hysnop.—Hyssopus officinalis, Lin.—Stimulant, aromatic, carminative and tonic. Fluid extract tops and leaves; ] to 3 fluidrachras. Iguatla Bean.—Strychnos Ignatii, Lindlsy.— Properties similar to tuuse of Nux Vomica. Fluid extract seeds; 1 to 10 minims. Solid extract (assayed); 1-6 to 1 grain. Powdered extract (assayed): 1-6 to 1 grain. Indian Blaclc-root.—Pterocaulon py-cnos- tachyum, Ell.—Alterative. Fluid extract root; 15 to 30 minims. Indian Hemp, see White Indian Hemp. Indian Pliysle.— Gilleniatrifoliata. Mxench. —A mild and efficient emetic and cathartic. Fluid extract bark of root; 10 to 40 minims. Indian Turnip,— Arisasma triphyllum, Tor- rey.—Acrid, expectorant and diaphoretic. Fluid extract root; 44t0 1 fluidrachm. Ipecac. —Cephaelis Ipecacuanha, Rich. —Emetic in large doses, in small doses, expectorant and diaphoretic and, in minute doses, tonic and stimulant. Fluid extract root U. S. P.; as an emetic, 25 minims; as a diaphoretic, 1 to 3 minims; as an expectorant, 44 to 1 minim. Normal liquid; expectorant, 44 to 2 minims;, emetic, 15 to 30 minims. Solid extract (assayed); 1-20 to ]/, grain. Powdered extract (assayed; 1-20 to 44 grain. Fluid extract Ipecac andSeneka; emetic in large doses; in small doses, a stimulating expectorant and diaphoretic; each pint represents 8 ounces ipecac, 8 ounces seneka; 5 to 20 minims. Iron Wood.— Ost&ya virginica, Willd.—Tonic, antiperiodic, alterative. Fluid extract heart wood; 44 to 1 fluidrachm. Jaborandl, seepage 14. Jalap.—lpom 2 fluidrachms. Mountain Laurel (Sheep Laurel).-KALMiA latifolia, Lin -Anti-syphilitic, cardiac, seda- tive, astringent. Fluid extract leaves; 10 to 30 minims. Mountain Mint.—Pycnanthemum montanum, Mx.—Siimulant, carminative and tonic. Fluid extract leaves; Y to 1 fluidrachm Mountain Sage, see ’'SierraSalvia,” page 24. 64 Mngwort.—Artemisia vulgaris, Lin.—Similar in properties to Wormwood. Fluid extract tops and leaves; 20 to 60 minims. Fluid extract Spice-bush Berries Comp.; 15J4 fluid- ounces, imperial, represent: mngwort, 13 ozs.; orange peel, 1 oz.; spice-bush berries, 14 oz ; licorice, 1 oz.; a valuable tonic and alterative; to 1 fluidrachm. Mullein.—Vbbbascum Thapsus, Lin.—Demul- cent, diuretic, anodyne and anti-spasmodic. Fluid extract leaves and flowers; Ito 4 fluidrachms. Fluid extract root; y to 2fluidrachms. Musk Root, see page 20. Myrrh.—Balsamodendron Katap, Kunth. —A stimulating tonic. Fluid extract; 10 to 30 drops. Fluid Aloes and Myrrh; useful in amenorrhoea; each pint represents 6 2-5 ozs. aloes, 6 2-5 ozs. myrrh; 15 to 30 rrynims. , Nettle Root.—Urtica dioica, Lin.—Astringent, tonic and diuretic. Fluid extract root; 20 to 40 minims. Nutmegs.—Myristioa fragrans, Hout.—Used principally in combination with other prepara- tions to render them agreeable. Fluid extract; 15 to 60 minims. Nnx Vomica.—Strychnos Nux vomica, Lin.— Tonic. Fluid extract seed (U. S. P.); 1 to 10 minims. Normal liquid; 1 to 10 minims. Solid extract (U. S. P.), assayed; 1-10 to 1 grain. Powdered extract (assayed); 1-10 to 1 grain. Opium, see “ Opium Preparations,” page 45. Orange Peel, Ritter.—Citrus vulgaris, Risso. —A mild tonic, carminative and stomachic. Fluid extract peel (U. S. P.); 34 to 1 fluidrachm. Orange Peel, Sweet.-Citrus Aurantium, Lin. —Aromatic, tonic. Fluid extract peel; 14 to 1 fluidrachm. Fluid extract Orange Compound; each pint repre- sents 12 ozs. sweet orange peel, % oz. each mace, cloves, cinnamon, caraway and anise, iy oz. orris, % oz. tonka; principally used with other preparations to render them palatable. Orris Root.—Ibis Flobbntina, Lin.—Used for flavoring. Fluid extract; ytol fluidrachm. Pansy.—Viola tricolor, Lin. Mucilaginous, emollient and slightly laxative. Fluid extract herb; yto2 fluidrachms. Papaw,—Asimina triloba, Dunal.—Emetic. Fluid extract seed; 10 to 30 minims. Paraguay Tea, see page 21. Pareira Brava,-Chondodkndron tomkntosum, Ruiz. & Pav.—Tonic, slightly aperient, and diu- retic. Fluid extract root, U. S. P.;yto2 fluidrachms. Parsley Root. -Petroselinum sativum, Hofm. —Aperient and diuretic. Fluid extract root; )4 to 1 fluidrachm. Fluid extract seed; 14 to 1 fluidrachm. Peach Leaves.—Prunus persica, Benth. & Hook. f.—Sedative, mildly laxative, diuretic and anthelmintic. Fluid extract leaves; 10 to 25 minims. Pellitory,—Anacyclus Pyrethrum. DeC. A powerful irritant; excellent for toothache. Fluid extract root; y to 1 fluidrachm, to be held in the mouth, but not swallowed. Pennyroyal..—Hedkoma pulbgioidks, Pers.— stimulant, diaphoretic and emlnenagogue. Fluid extract herb; yto 2 fluidrachms. Peppermint.—Mentha Piperita, Lin.—Diffusi- ble stimulant, and antispasmodic. Fluid extract herb; 1 to 2 fluidrachms. Persimmon.—Diospyros virginiana, Lin.— Astringent, employed in diarrhoea, dysentery and uterine hemorrhage; as a gargle in ulcerated sore throat and as a wash in stomatitis. Fluid extract bark; J4 to 1 fluidrachm. Fluid extract green fruit; y to 2 fluidrachms. Plchl, see page 21. Pink Root.—Spigelia marilandica, Lin.—A powerful anthelmintic. Fluid extract root (IT. S. P.); adults, 1 to 2 flui- drachms; children, 10 to 2o minims Fluid extract Piuk-root Comp.; 16 fluidounces re- present 7 ounces uv. each of pink-root and senna, and 1 ounce each of savin and manna; y. to 1 tluidrachrn. Fluid extract Pink-foot and Senna; y to 2 flui- drachms.' ' ' Plpslssewa.—Chiiliaphila umbellata, Nutt.— Astringent, alterative, tonic and diuretic. Fluid extract plant (U. S. P.); to 1 fluidrachm. Solid extract; 3 to 10 grains. Concentration, Chimaphilin; 1 to 4 grains. Pitcher Plant.—Sarracenia purpurea, Lin.— A stimulating diuretic add tonic. Fluid extract rhizome; 15 to 30 minims. Plantain. Plantago major, Lln.—Alterative, diuretic and hemostatic. Fluid extract leaves; ytol fluidrachm. Pleurisy Root.—Asclepias tuberosa, Lin Diaphoretic, antispasmodic, tonic, diuretic and carminative. Fluid extract root; 20 to 60 minims Concentration, Asclepidin; 1 to 5 grains. Poison Oak.—Rhus Toxicodendron, Lin.— Stimulant and narcoi ic. Fluid extract leaves; 3 to 30 minims. German tincture; 21 >lO minims. Powdered extract; y to 5 grains. Poke.—Phytolacca decandra. Lin.—Emetic, cathartic, alterative and somewhat am>tic. Fluid extract fruit; 10 minims to a fluidrachm ac- cording to the effect desired Fluid extract root; 3to 30 minims. Solid extract; 1 to 5 grains Powdered extract; 1 to 5 grains. Concentration, Phytolaccin; yto 2 grains. Pomegranate, - Punica Granatum, Lin.—Rem- edy for tape-worm. Fluid extract bark of root; 34f° 2 fluidrachms. Poppy Heads.—Papaveb somniferum, Lin Anodyne, calms irritation and produces sleep. Fluid extract, capsules; 10 to 40 minims. Solid extract; 2 to 5 grains. Prickly A sh. Xanthoxylum americanum.Mill. —Stimulant, tonic, alterative, sialagogue, car- minative, emmenagogue and lactagogue. Fluid extract bark, U. S. P.; 10 to 40 minims Fluid extract berries; B to 10 minims. Solid extract bark; 3 to 10 grains. Concentration, Xanthoxylin; 1 to 4 grains. Pride of China.—Melia Azedarai h, Lin.— Cathartic and emetic narcotic, anthelmintic. Fluid extract hark of root; 34 to 1 fluidrachm. Pulsatilla, seepage 21 Pumpkin Seed.—Cucurbita Pkpo, Lin.—4 specific for tape-worm. Fluid extract seeds; y to 2 fluidounces. Solid extract; 15 to 60 grains Purslane.—Portulaca olkracea, Lin.—Refrige- rant and diuretic. Fluid extract herb; 1 to 3 fluidrachms. Quassia.—Picrena excelsa, Lindl.—A purely bitter tonic. Fluid extract wood, U. S. P.; sto 15 minims. Solid extract (U. S. P ); 1 to 5 grains. Powdered extract; 1 to 5 grains. Quebracho, see page 21. Queen of the Meadow.—Eupatorium pur- pureum, L —Diuretic, tonic, somewhat stimu- lant and astringent. Fluid extract fresh root; 30 to 60 minims. Solid extract; 3 to 10 grains. Concentration, Eupurpurin; 1 to 4 grains. Quinine Flower, see page 21. Raspberry, Red.—Rubus strigosus,Mx —Use- ful in diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera infantum, etc.; also as an injection in gonorrhoea, gleet, etc. Fluid extract leaves; 20 to 60 minims. Solid extract; 5 to 10 grains. Red Clover. -Trifolium pratense, Lin.—Used in whooping-cough; as a wash for ill-conditioned ulcers, and in the treatment of scrofula. Fluid extract blossoms; % to 2 fluidrachms. Solid extract; 5 to 25 grains. Red Cohosh (Baneberry).—Acta;a spicata, Lin,, Var. rubra, Ait.—A violent purgative; use with caution. Fluid extract root; 5 to 20 minims. Red Osier.—Cornus sericea, Lin.—Tonic and astringent. Fluid extract bark; 30 to 60 minims. Rhatany.—Krameria triandra, Ruiz. &. Pavon. —A powerful astringent. Fluid extract root (U. S. P.); 15 to 30 minims. Solid extract (U. S. P.); 2to 4 grains. Powdered extract; 2 to 4 grains. Rhubarb.—Rheum officinale, Baillon.—Ca- thartic, tonic and astringent. Fluid extract root (U. S. P.); sto 30 minims. Fluid Rhubarb Aromatic; each pint represents 6*4} ozs. rhubarb, 134 ozs. cinnamon, IJ4 ozs. cloves, % oz. nutmeg; 14 to 1 fluidrachm. Fluid extract Rhubarb Comp, with Potassa; each pint represents 8 ozs. rhubarb, 4 ozs. golden-seal, 4 ozs. cassia, 30 m. oil peppermint, 1 oz. pota- ssium carbonate; 15 to 60 minims. Fluid extract Rhubarb and Senna; each pint re- presents 8 ozs. rhubarb, 8 ozs. senna; 15 to 60 minims. Fluid Rhubarb, sweet; each pint represents 5 ozs. av. rhubarb, 2J4 ozs. av. licorice root, 214 ozs. anise seed, % oz. av. cardamom seed; 34 V/k fluidrachms. Normal liquid; laxative, 5 to 10 minims; cathartic, 15 to 25 minims. Scouring Rush.—Equisetum hyemale, Lin.— Diuretic and astringent. Fluid extract plant; 20 to 60 minims. Scullcap, Scutellaria lateriflora, Lin.— Tonic, nervine, and anti-spasmodic. j Fluid extract herb (U. S. P.); 34 to 1 fluidrachm. Fluid extract Scullcap Comp.; each pint contains 534 ozs, scullcap, 5)4 ozs. ladies1 slipper; 2J4 ozs. hops, 2J4 ozs. lettuce; J4 to 1 fluidrachm. Solid extract; 4 to 15 grains. Powdered extract; 4 to 15grains. Concentration, Scutellarin; Ito 3 grains. Sedum acre, Lin.—Emetic, local irritant, astrin- gent. Used with success in diphtheria. Fluid extract herb; 15 to 30 minims, diluted. Senega.—Polygala Senega, Lin.—A stimulating expectorant and diuretic, and in large doses emetic and cathartic. Fluid extract root; 10 to 20 minims. Fluid extract Ipecac and Senega: expectorant and diaphoretic; each pint represents 8 ozs. ipecac, 8 ozs. senega; 5 to 20 minims. Fluid extract Squill Comp.; in large doses emetic, in small doses expectorant, diuretic, and dia- phoretic; 5 to 20 minims. Senna.—Cassia acutifolia, Delilb.—A prompt, efficient and safe cathartic. Fluid extract leaves (U. S. P.);.l to 2 fluidrachms. Fluid extract leaves, non-alcoholic; 1 to 4 flui- drachms. Fluid extract Dandelion and Senna; tonic and laxative; each pint represents 8 ozs. dandelion, 8 ozs. senna; 1 to 2 fluidrachms. Fluid extract Pink-root Comp.; anthelmintic and laxative; each pint represents 7 ozs. pink-root, 7 ozs. senna, 1 oz. savin, 1 oz. manna; 34 to 1 flui- drachm. Fluid extract Pink-root and Senna; vermifuge; each pint represents 10 ozs. pink-root, 6 ozs. senna, 20 minims each anise and caraway oils; for a child two years old, 30 to 60 minims; for adults, 2 to 4 fluidrachms. Fluid extract Rhubarb and Senna; adapted to cases of costiveness with gastric uneasiness; 34 ; to 1 fluidrachm. Fluid extract Senna Compound; 7 ozs. senna, 7 ozs. jalap, 2 ozs. coriander; 34 to 1 fluidrachm. Fluid extract Senna and Jalap; 8 ozs. senna, 8 ozs. jalap; 34 to 2 fluidrachms. Solid extract; 10 to 20 grains. Powdered extract; 10 to 20 grains. Serpentaria.—Aristolochia Skrpentaria, Lin. —A stimulant tonic. Solid extract (U. S. P.); 2to 10 grains. Solid extract rhubarb comp.; 3to 10 grains. Powdered extract; 2 to 10 grains. Concentration, Rhein; 1 to 10 grains. Rhus Aromatlea, see page 22. Rosin Weed.—Silphium laciniatum, Lin.— Tonic, diaphoretic, alterative and emetic. Fluid extract plant; 34 to 1 fluidrachm. Rue.—Ruta graveolens, Lin.—A powerful em- menagogue; vermifuge. Fluid extract leaves; 10 to 30 minims. Solid extract; 2 to 5 grains. Sabbatla Cainpestris, see page 22. Sailron, A merlcan. -Carthamus tinctorius, Lin.—Diaphoretic and laxative. Fluid extract florets; 5 to 20 minims. Sage,—Salvia officinalis, Lin.—Tonic, astrin- gent, and diaphoretic. Fluid extract tops and leaves; 14 to 1 fluidrachm. Sandal Wood, see page 23. Saraca Indlea, see page 23. Sarsaparilla.—Smilax officinalis, H. B. & K.— Alterative in syphilitic and chronic scrofulous affections and in certain cutaneous diseases. Fluid extract root (U. S. P.); 30 to 60 minims. Fluid extract Sarsaparilla Comp,, U. S. P.. 1880; 12 ozs. sarsaparilla, 2 ozs. licorice root, 1% ozs. sassafras, 34 oz mezereon; 1 fluidrachm. Fluid extract Sarsaparilla Comp, for syrup; 30 to 60 minims. Fluid extract rhizome and roots; 15 to 30 minims. Sliecp Laurel, see Mountain Laurel. Slicep Sorrel.—Rumex Acetosella, Lin.—Re- frigerant and diuretic. Fluid extract leaves; 1 to 2 fluidrachms. Solid extract; 10 grains. Shell Rark Hickory.—Carya alba, Nutt.— Tonic and anti-intermittent. Fluid extract bark; 34 to 1 fluidrachm. Shepherd’s Purse, see page 22. Sierra Salvia, see page 22 Silk-weed.—Asclepias Cornuti, Dbcaisne.— Tonic, diuretic, alterative, emmenagogue, pur- gative and emetic. Fluid extract root; 10 to 60 minims. Simaruba Rark.—Simaruba officinalis, DC. —A simple bitter. Fluid extract bark of root; 10 to 30 minims. Skunk Cabbage. Symplocarpus fcetidus, Salisb.—Stimulant, antispasmodic and narcotic. Fluid extract root; 10 to 40 minims Soap-tree Rark.—Quillaya Saponaria, Mo- lina.—lnternally as expectorant; externally as a cleansing agent. Fluid extract; for a child, 2 minims; for adults, 8 minims, taken hourly. Soap wort,—Saponaria officinalis, Lin.—Alter- ative. Fluid extract root; 34 to 1 fluidrachm. Solomon’s Seal. —Polygonatum officinale. Fluid extract Sarsaparilla and Dandelion; 8 ozs. sarsaparilla, 8 ozs. dandelion; }4 to 1 fluidrachm. Solid extract; 4 to 10 grains. Solid extract Sarsaparilla Comp.; 4to 10 grains. Powdered extract; 4 to 10 grains. Sarsaparilla, Para.—Smilax (Species indet). —Properties same as Smilax officinalis. Fluid extract root; 30 to 60 minims. Sassafras Hark.—Sassafras officinale, Nkes. —Aromatic, stimulant, alterative, diaphoretic and diuretic. Fluid extract bark of root; 34 to 1 fluidrachm. Sassy Rark, see page 23. Savin.—Junipkrus Sabina, Lin.—Emmenagogue, diuretic, diaphoretic and anthelmintic. Fluid extract leaves (U. S. P.); 5 to 20 minims. Solid extract; 1 to 4 grains. Saw Palmetto, see page 23. Saxifrage.—Pimpinella Saxifraga, Lin.—Diu- retic, diaphoretic and stomachic. Fluid extract root; 15 to 30 minims. Scarlet Pimpernel, see “Anagallis Arvensis," page 3. Aixionx. Tonic, mucilaginous and mildly astringent. Fluid extract root; 1 to 2 fluidrachms. Sourwood Leaves, see page 22. Southernwood.—Artemisia Abrotanum, Lin. —Anthelmintic, tonic and narcotic. Fluid extract herb; 10 to 30 minims. Spanish Needles.—Bidens bipinnata, Linn.— Emmenagogue. Fluid extract herb; V 4 to 1 fluidrachm. Spearmint.—Mentha yiridis, Lin.—Aromatic stimulant, antispasmodic and carminative. Fluid extract herb; 1 to 3 fluidrachms. Spice-bush or Fever Bush.—Lindera Ben- zoin, Meissner.—Aromatic, stimulant and tonic. Fluid extract bark; 1 to 2 fluidrachms. Fluid extract berries; 20 to 60 minims. Fluid extract Spice-Bush Berries Comp.; 15V£ fluidounces, imperial, represents: mug wort, IS ozs.; orange peel, 1 oz ; spice-bush berries, V 6 oz.; licorice, 1 oz.; a valuable tonic and altera- tive; V£ to 1 fluidrachm Spikenard.—Aralia racemosa, Lin.—Stimulant, diaphoretic and alterative. Fluid extract root; 1 to 2 fluidrachms. Spiny Clotbur.—Xanthium spinosum. Lin. Said to be a specific for hydrophobia. Fluid extract herb; 10 to 20 minims. Squaw-vine.—Mitchella repens, Lin.—Diu- retic and astringent. Fluid extract vine; V£ to 1 fluidrachm. Fluid extract Squaw-vine Comp.; 14 fluidounces imp. represents 8 ozs. av. squaw-vine and 2 ozs. each of cramp bark, blue cohosh and false uni- corn ; to 1 fluidrachm. Squill.—Urginea Scilla, Stkinheil.—Expector- ant and diuretic. 66 Fluid extract berries; diuretic; 1 to 2 fluidrachms. Concentration, Rhusin; 1 to 2 grains. Summer-savory.—Satureia hortensis, Linn. —Stimulant, carminative and emmenagogue. Fluid extract leaves; Ito 4 fluidrachms. Sundew, see page 24. Sunflower Seed.—Hblianthus annuus, Lin.— Diuretic and expectorant. Fluid extract seed; 1 to 2 fluidrachms. Sweet Cicely.—Osmorrhiza longistylis, DO. —Aromatic, stomachic, carminative and expec- torant. Fluid extract root; I to 2 fluidrachms. Sweet Fern.—Comptonia asplenifolia, ait.— Astringent, carminative and alterative Fluid extract leaves and tops; Vi to 2 fluidrachms. Sweet Flag.—Acorus Calamus, Lin.--Carmina- tive, slightly tonic and excitant. Fluid extract rhizome; 5 to 40 minims. Sweet Gale.—Myrica Gale, Lin.—Astringent and stimulant. Fluid extract bark; 15 to 30 minims. Svyeet Gum.—Lkjuidambar Styraciflua, Linn. —Used in diarrhoea and dysentery. Fluid extract bark; Vi to 1 fluidrachm. Tag Alder.—Alnus serrulata, Willd.—Emetic, astringent and alterative. Fluid extract bark; Vi to 1 fluidrachm. Concentration, Alnuin; 1 to 8 grains. Tamarac.—Larix Americana, Michx.—Astrin- gent and gently stimulant, acting especially on mucous membranes. Fluid extract bark; to 2 fluidrachms. Tansy.-Tanacetum vulgare, Lin.—Tonic, em- menagogue, anthelmintic and diaphoretic. Fluid extract leaves and tops; 20 to 60 minims. Tea.—Camellia thea, Link.—A sustaining and restorative agent. Fluid extract leaves; 20 to 60 minims. Solid extract; 5 to 10 grains. 'l'lla psia Garganica, see page 24. Thiniblewoed.—Rudbeckia laciniata, Lin.— Fluid extract bulb; 1 to 10 minims. Fluid extract Squill Comp.; each pint contains 8 ozs. each of squill and seneka; 5 to 20 minims. Star-grass (Unicorn Boot). Aletris fari- nosa, Lin.—Tonic, diuretic and vermifuge. Fluid extract root; 10 to 30 minims. Solid extract; 2 to 5 grains. Concentration, Aletrin; Via to 4 grains. Stavesacre Seed.—Delphinium Staphisagria, Lin.—Emetic, cathartic, narcotic, parasiticide. Fluid extract seeds; 1 to 2 minims. .Stillingia. —Stillinqia sylvatica, Lin.—Altera- tive, anti-syphilitic. Fluid extract root (U. S P.); to V£ fluidrachm. Solid extract; 2 to 5 grains Powdered extract; 2 to 5 grains. Concentration, Stillingin; 1 to 8 grains. Fluid extract Stillingia Compound; 16 fluidounces, imperial, represent 4 ozs. stillingia, 4 ozs. turkey corn, 2 ozs. prince’s pine, 2 ozs. blue flag, 2 ozs. elder flowers, 1 oz. prickly ash berries, 1 oz. coriander seed; 30 to 60 minims in sugar Diuretic, tonic and balsamic. Fluid extract herb; V 4 to 1 fluidrachm. Thyme.—'Thymus vulgaris, Lin.—Tonic, emmen- agogue, and antispasmodic. Fluid extract herb; V 4 to 1 fluidrachm. Tobacco,—Nicotiana Tabacum, Lin.—A potent acro-narcotic poison, sedative, emetic, diuretic. Fluid ext. leaves; 5 minims gradually increased. Tolu, Soluble,—Useful as an ingredient in ex- temporaneous cough mixtures. Fluid; fluidrachm. Tomato, see page 25 Tonca Bean.—Dipteryx odorata, Willd.— Used principally in combination with other pre- parations to render them agreeable in flavor. Fluid extract bean. Tonga, see page 25. Tormentilla Boot.—Potentilla Tormen- tilla, Scopoli.—Tonic and astringent. Fluid extract root; 10 to 40 minims. Trumpet Plant, see page 20. Turkey Corn.—Dicentra canadensis, DC.— Tonic, diuretic and alterative. Fluid extract tubers; 10 to 40 minims. Concentration, Corydalin; 1 to 5 grains. Turmeric.—Curcuma longa, Lin. Aromatic stimulant. Fluid extract rhizome; 15 to 60 minims. Twin Ueaf.—Jeffersonia diphylla, Pers.— Diuretic, alterative, antispasmodic and stimulat- ing diaphoretic. Fluid extract root; 20 to 60 minims. Unicorn Boot, see Star-grass. Urecliites Suberecta, see page 26. Ustilago Maldis, seepage 26. Uva Ur si.— Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi, Spren- Gel. - Astringent, diuretic and tonic. Fluid extract leaves (U. S. P.); to 1 fluidrachm. Solid extract; 3 to 10 grains. Vacclnlum Crassifolium, see page 24. Valerian.—Valeriana officinalis, Lin.—Gently stimulant, antispasmodic, nervine. Fluid extract root (U. S. P.); ]/> to 1 fluidrachm. water. Stone-Boot.—Collinsonia canadensis, Lin.— Stimulant, irritant and In the recent slate emetic. Fluid extract root; V£ to 1 fluidrachm. Solid extract; 2 to 5 grains. Concentration, Collinsonin; 1 to 4 grains. Stramonium.—Datura Stramonium, Lin.—A powerful narcotic. Fluid extract leaves; 1 to 5 minims Fluid extract seed (U. S. P.); 1 to 4 minims. 'German tincture; 5 to 15 minims. Formal liquid leaves; 1 to 4 minims. Formal liquid seed; 1 to 4 minims. Holid extract leaves (assayed); J4 to 1 grain. Solid extract seed (U. S. P., assayed): % to 1 gram. Powdered extract leaves (assayed); V 4 to 1 grain. iStrophantlius.—Strophanthus kombe, Oliv.— A powerful cardiac stimulant. (Strophanthin in 5 grain vials. . Tincture strophanthus (1-20); dose, 1 to 10 minims. Tablet strophanthus tincture, 2 minims. iStylosa nines, see page 24. Sumach.-Rhus glabra, Lin.—Tonic, astringent and antiseptic. Fluid extract bark; }4 to 2 fluidrachms. Solid extract root; 5 to 10 grains. Powdered extract; 5 to 10 grains. Vervain, see American Blue Vervain. Virginia Stone Crop,—Penthorum sedoides, Lin.—Astringent, used in catarrhal affections. Fluid extract herb; 10 to 30 minims in water. Wafer-ash.—Ptelea trifoliata, Lin.—Tonic, antiperiodic, reputed anthelmintic. Fluid extract bark of root; 10 to 30 minims. Concentration, Ptelein; Ito 3 grains. Wahoo.—Euonymus atropurpureus, Jacq.— ' Cholagogue. Fluid extract bark of root; 1 to 2 fluidrachms. Solid extract (U. S. P.); 5 to 15 grains. Concentration, Euonymin, brown (bark of root); }4 to 4 grains. Concentration, Euonymin, green (bark of twigs); }4 to 4 grains. Water Avens Root.— Geum rivalk, Lin.— Tonic, astringent. Fluid extract root; 14 to 1 fluidrachm. Water Eryngo.—Eryngium Mx. —Diaphoretic, expectorant. Fluid extract rhizome; 20 to 40 minims. Water Fennel. CEnanthe phkllandrium, Lam.—A mild narcotic stimulant, expectorant, alterative and diuretic. Fluid extract seed; 4to 11 minims cautiously in- creased. Water Germander.-’Teuchium scordium, Lin. —Sudorific and antiseptic. Fluid extract herb; 14 to 1 fluidrachm. Water Hemlock.—Cicuta maculata, Lin.— Sedative; useful in nervous and sick-headache. Fluid extract leaves; 3 to 15 minims. Watermelon Seeds.—Citrullus vulgaris, Schrader.—Diuretic and demulcent. Fluid extract seeds; H to 2 fluidrachms. Water Pepper.—Polygonum acre, H. B. K.— Stimulant, diuretic, emmenagogue, antiseptic, diaphoretic and vesicant. Fluid extract herb; 1 to 2 fluidrachms. White Agaric.—Polyporus officinalis. Fries. —Useful in checking the night sweats of phthisis; hastens the drying up of the milk in weaning. Fluid extract ; 3 to 20 minims and upwards. White Ash Bark,-Fraxinus Americana, Lin. Fluid extract bark of tree; 14 to 4 fluidrachms. White Rryony,—Bryonia alba, Lin.—An ac- tive hydragogue cathartic. Fluid extract root; 10 to 60 minims. German tincture; 5 to 15 minims. White Hellebore.—Veratrum album, Lin.— • A violent irritant poison; a vaso-motor depres- sant. Fluid extract root; 2 to 4 minims. White Indian Hemp.—Asclepiasincarnata, Lin.—Anthelmintic, anti-syphilitic. Fluid extract root; 10 to 40 drops. Solid extract; 2 to 8 grains. White Oak Bark.-Qukrcus alba, Lin.— Astringent and somewhat tonic. Fluid extract bark; 14 to 1 fluidrachm. Solid extract; 3 to 10 grains. White Pine Bark.-Pinus Strobus, Lin.— Emollient, expectorant. Fluid extract bark; 14 to 1 fluidrachm. White Pond-lily.—Cast alia odorata, Greene. —Astringent, demulcent, anodyne and anti- scrofulous. Fluid extract rhizome: 14 to 1 fluidrachm. White Poplar,—Populus tremuloides, Mx.— Tonic and febrifuge. Fluid extract bark; J4 to 1 fluidrachm. Concentration, Populin; 2 to 5 grains. White Vervain, see page 27. White Willow Bark.-Salts alba, Lin.— Tonic and astringent. Fluid extract bark; }4 to 1 fluidrachm. White Wood.“LIRIODENDRON TULIPIFERA, LIN. —Aromatic, stimulant, tonic. Fluid extract bark; 1 to 2 fluidrachms. Wild. Bergamot, see page 27. Wild. Cherry,—Prunus serotina, Ehrh.—Tonic. Alcoholic fluid extract bark; to 1 tluidrachm. Detannated fluid extract bark; 30 to 60 minims. Fluid wild cherry bark for syrup; 30 to 60 minims. Fluid extract bark (U. S. P.i; Y> to 1 fluidrachm. Concentration, Prunin; 1 to 3 grains. Fluid extract Cherry Compound; each pint repre- sents 8 ounces cherry, 3 ounces lettuce, 3J4 ounces horehound, 1 ounce blood root, J4 ounce verat. viride; J4 to 1 fluidrachm. Wild dinger, or Canada Snake Root.— Asa rum canadensb, Lin.—Aromatic stimulant, carminative. • Fluid extract root: 15 to 30 minims Wild Indigo.—Baptisia tinctorxa, R. Br,— Purgative, emetic, astringent and antiseptic. Fluid extract root; 5 to 15 minims. Concentration, Baptisin; Ito 4 grains. Wild Lettuce.—Lactuca canadensis, Lin.— Mildly soporific. Fluid extract herb; 20 to 60 minims. German tincture; 2 to 10 minims. Solid extract; 4to 12 grains. Powdered extract; 4 to 12 grains. Wild Yam.—Dioscorea villosa, Lin.—Expec- torant, diaphoretic, antispasmodic. Fluid extract rhizome; % to 1 fluidrachm. Concentration, Dioscorein; J4 to 3 grains. Willow Herb.—Epilobium angustifolium, Lin. —Tonic, astringent, demulcent and emollient. Fluid extract leaves; J4 to 1 fluidrachm. Wlntergreen. —Gaultheria procumbens, Lin. Stimulant, aromatic, astringent and antiseptic. Fluid extract leaves; J4 to 1 fluidrachm. Winter’s Bark,-Drimys Winteri, Forst,— Stimulant, aromatic and tonic. Fluid extract bark; J4 to fluidrachm. Witch Hazel.—Hamamelis virginioa, Lin.— Tonic and astringent. Fluid extract leaves and bark; 1 to 2 fluidrachms. Powdered extract; 5 to 15 grains. Solid extract; 5 to 15 grains. Concentration, Hamamelin, 1 to 3 grains. See ‘'Concentrated Distilled Extract of Witch Hazel.” page 55. Wood Retdny.—Betonica officinalis, Lin.— Fluid extract plant; to 1 fluidrachm. Wormwood.—Artemisia Absinthium, Lin.— Tonic, anthelmintic and narcotic. Fluid extract tops and leaves; 5 minims to 1 flui- drachm. Solid extract; 1 to 10 grains. Yarrow. —Achillea Millefolium, Lin—Aroma- tic, tonic, mildly stimulant and astringent. Fluid extract herb; 30 to 60 minims. Yellow Dock.— Rumex crispus, Lin.—Altera- tive, tonic, mildly astringent, but also somewhat laxative. Fluid extract root (TJ. S. P.'i; to 1 fluidrachm. Fluid extract Yellow Dock Compound; each pint contains: 8 ozs. yellow dock; 4 oz->. false bitter- sweet, 2 ozs. American ivy, 2 ozs. figwort; }4 to 1 fluidrachm. Solid extract: 5 to 20 grains. Concentration, Rumicin, 2 to 4 grains. Yellow Parllla.—Menispermom canadensb. Lin.—Tonic, laxative, alterative and diuretic. Fluid extract root; 14 to 1 fluidrachm. Concentration, Menispermin, 1 to 4 grains. Yellow Pond-lily.—Nuphar advena, Ait.— Astringent, anodyne, demulcent and anti-scro- fulous. Fluid extract rhizome; J4 fluidrachm. Yerba Buena, see page 27. \ erba Hansa, see page 27. Yerba Reuma, see page 27 Yerba Santa, see page 27. Appendix. SPECIALTIES OMITTED FROM THEIR PROPER PLACES. FLUID GOLDEN-SEAL—COLORLESS. Solution hydrastine, white alkaloid; each pint contains 20 grains of hydrastine (white alkaloid), the only valuable constituent (besides the yellow alkaloid, berberine) of golden-seal. This preparation has nearly the same range of use as the fluid extract of golden-seal, but is devoid of the bitterness, irritating properties, and other objectionable features of that extract. From its anti- septic character it is useful in septic dyspepsia, but its greatest value is in the treatment of chronic inflammations and catarrhal conditions of mucous membranes. Thus it is invaluable in gastro-intestinal catarrh, in chronic pharyngitis, aphthous sore mouth, as a spray in laryngitis and bronchitis, and as an injection in leucorrhoea, gonorrhcea, and all catarrhal affections. For these uses it must be diluted with three to ten times its volume of water, and it may be combined advantageously with other remedies, at the discretion of the physician. Dose, 10 to 60 minims (0.65 to 4C. c.). Circulars sent on application. MERCURIC lODIDE TABLETS. Dr. Louis Yacher, of Orleans, France, has recently demonstrated that solutions containing one part of the soluble iodide of mercury in 12,000 of water are efficient in their antiseptic action, and devoid of irritating properties. In stronger solutions it becomes irritating, while those which are weaker are not equally efficient. In offering this potent agent to the profession, therefore, we have presented it in such a form that solutions of a definite strength can be easily prepared from it extemporaneously. The surgeon or obstetrician can carry in a small vial in his pocket medicine case, the material for making, at the bedside of his patient, any amount of antiseptic fluid that he may require, and can readily and accurately adjust the strength of the solution to the requirements of the case in hand. Each tablet contains one grain of soluble mercuric iodide. We are sure these tablets will commend themselves at once to the profession at large as supplying an important desideratum. They are put up in vials of 100 each. The vial should always be kept tightly corked to prevent absorption of moisture, since the soluble salt is somewhat hygroscopic; otherwise the tablets will keep indefinitely. For a strong solution for disinfecting the hands, sponges, etc., dissolve one tablet in one-half pint of water; for a solution to be used as a spray in treating diphtheria, use one tablet to a pint of water; for intra-uterine injections in septic metritis, etc., or as an antiseptic surgical dressing, dissolve one tablet in one and one-half to two pints of water. > SYRUP ACID PHOSPHATE WITH PEPSIN. A combination of dilute phosphoric acid with pepsin has long been a favorite prescription with many physicians for indigestion. Of late there has been a growing partiality on the part of many to the acid phosphates as a substitute for the simple phosphoric acid. It is equally efficient as an aid to digestion, containing phosphoric acid practically in the free state. It furnishes the acid, however, in such a form that it can be assimilated to a certain extent, serving as a true mineral food. The pure phosphoric acid accomplishes this only to a very limited extent. Unless completely neutralized in the primes vise it must tend rather to carry phosphate of lime out of the system than to add to the store of it. Its injurious action upon the teeth is evidence of this. At the same time the acid phosphates secure, better even than free acid, the condition of moderate acidity in the stomach which is most favorable to gastric digestion. The a priori reasoning which suggested the advantage of a combination of pepsin with the acid phosphates has been confirmed by clinical observation. We offer the combination in the form of a perma- nent syrup of agreeable flavor, each fluidounce of which contains two fluidrachms of liquid acid phosphate (liquor acidi phosphoric!) and eighty grains of saccharated pepsin, U. S. P, A teaspoonful in a wineglassful of water forms an ordinary dose. Put up in pint bottles. 68 Formula of Sugar and Gelatin-Coated Pills MANUFACTURED BY PARKE, DAVIS & CO., DETROIT, MICH., AND NEW YORK CITY, U. S. A. A Ikaloids, indicated by an asterisk (*) which are put up in bottles of 23 each. For further information on These pills are put up for the trade in bottles of too or 50 pills each, excepting a few pills of Rare our sugar and gelatin-coated pills, please see pages 30 and 37. |3lF”Special quotations for pills of special formulae or for pills in bulk. Acetanilid, 4 gr 1 pill. 2 pills. MIN. DOSE. MAX. DOSE. Aloes, Nux Vomica & Belladonna .. 1 pill. 2 pills. MIN. DOSE. MAX. DOSE. Aconite Ext. 1-4 gr. (of the leaves).. 1 “ 4 “ Aconite Ext. 1-2 gr. {pf the leaves).. 1 “ 2 “ Purified Aloes, 1 1-2 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-2 gr. Ext. Belladonna, 1-8 gr. Aconite Ext. 1 gr. (of the leaves}... 1 “ Aconitine, cryst. 1-200 gr 1 “ 2 “ Aloetic, see Aloes, U. S. P. Aloin, 1-10 gr. Aloin, i-s gr. Aloin, 1-4 gr. Aloin, 1-2 gr. Aloin, 1 gr. Aconitine, cry St. 1-500 gr 1 “ 5 “ *Adonidin, 1-10 gr 1 “ 2 “ 1-10 to 2 grains, Ague 2 “ 4 “ Chinoidin, 2 gr. Ext. Coloc. Co., 1-3 gr. Oleoresin Black Pepper, 1-6 gr. Iron sulph. exsic., 1-2 gr. Aloin Co * x “ 2 “ Aloin, x-8 gr. Ext. Belladonna, 1-4 gr. Podophyllin, 1-8 gr. Ague, Improved 2 “ 4 “ Cinchonidine sulph., 1 gr. Xanthoxylin, 1 gr. Gelsemperin, 1-16 gr. Powd. Capsicum, 1-16 gr. Aloes, U.S.P., 4gr laxative.. 1 “ 2 “ Aloin Comp., and Strychnine 1 “ 2 “ Aloin. 1-8 gr. Podophyllin, 1-8 gr. Strychnine, 1-80 gr. Ext. Belladonna, 1-8 gr. Oleoresin Capsicum, 1-10 gr. purgative.. 3 “ 4 “ Purified Aloes, 2 gr. Soap, 2 gr. Aloin and Strychnine 1 “ 2 “ Aloes and Asafetida, U.S.P 2 “ 5 “ Purified Aloes, 1 1-3 gr. Asafetida, 1 1-3 gr. Soap, 1 1-3 gr. Aloin, Strych. & Belladonna, (No. 1). 1 “ 2 “ Aloin, i-s gr. Strychnine, 1-60 gr. Aloes & Gentian, see Gentian Comp. Aloin, i-s gr. Strychnine, 1-60 gr. Ext. Belladonna, 1-8 gr. Aloes and Iron 2 “ 3 “ Purified Aloes, 1 gr. Iron sulph. exsic., 1 gr. Jamaica Ginger, 1-2 gr. Ext. Conium seed, 1-2 gr. tAloin,Strych. & Belladonna, (N0.2). 1 “ 2 “ Aloin, 1-10 gr. Strychnine, 1-50 gr. Ext. Belladonna, i-6gr. Aloin, Strych. & Belladonna Comp.. 1 “ 2 “ Aloes and Iron, U.S.P 2 “ 3 “ Purified Aloes, 1 gr. Iron sulph. exsic., 1 gr. Aromatic Powder, 1 gr. Confection Rose, q. s. Aloin, 1-5 gr. Ext. Belladonna, 1-8 gr. Strychnine, 1-60 gr. Ext. Cascara sagrada, 1-2 gr. Aloin, Strychnine, Belladonna and Ipecac (see Lapactkq. Aloes and Mastich, U.S.P 1 “ 2 “ Purified Aloes, 2 gr. Mastich, 1-2 gr. Powd. Red Rose, 1-2 gr. Alterative 1 “ 3 “ Blue Mass, 1 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-8 gr Powd. Opium, 1-8 gr Aloes and Myrrh, U.S.P 2 “ 5 “ Purified Aloes, 2 gr. Myrrh, i gr. Aromatic Powder, 1-2 gr. Alterative Compound 3 Ext. Bamboo brier, 2-3 gr. Ext. Stillingia, 2-3 gr. Ext. Burdock, 2-3 gr. Ext. Poke Root, 2-3 gr. Ext. Prickly ash bark, 1-3 gr. SAluminium Compound X “ 8 “ Aloes, Myrrh and Iron 2 “ 4 “ Pulv. Aloes Soc., 2 gr. Pulv. Myrrh, 1 gr. Iron sulph. exsic., 1 gr. Aloes and Nux vomica 1 “ 2 “ Purified Aloes, 1 1-2 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-2 gr. Metallic Aluminium, 1 gr. Hydrate Aluminium, 5-8 gr. Calcium carb., s-8 gr. §Sugar-coated only. tGelatin-coated only. *Put up in bottles of 25 each. JAmmonium bromide, i gr i pill. MIN. DOSE. MAX. DOSE. MIN. DOSE. MAX. DOSE. fAmmonium chloride, 3 gr 1 Ammonium picrate, 1-8 gr. Ammonium picrate, 1-4 gr. Ammonium picrate, 1-2 gr. Ammonium picrate, 1 gr. Ammonium picrate, 2 gr. Ammonium picrate, 3 gr. Antimony Co., U. s. P. (Plummer’s Pills) x pill. 2 pills Sulphurated Antimony, 1-2 gr. Calomel, 1-2 gr. Powd. Guaiac, 1 grain. Mucilage Tragacanth, q.s. Anti-Malarial, McCaw’s 1 “ 3 “ 1-8 to 3 grs. Quinine sulph., 1 grain. Iron sulph. exsic., 1-4 grain. Arsenious acid, 1-80 grain. Gelsemperin, 1-4 grain. Podophyllin, 1-8 grain. Oleoresm Blk Pepper, 1-16 gr. Anti-Periodic 1 “ 2 “ Cinchonidine sulph., 1 grain. Iron sulph. exsic., 1-2 grain. Podophyllin, 1-20 grain. Strychnine sulph, 1-33 grain. Gelsemperin, 1-20 grain. Oleoresm Capsicum, 1-10 gr. §Ammonium valerianate, Igr 1 “ 4 pills. Anderson’s Scot’s 2 “ 5 “ Purified Aloes, 1 3-5 gr. Powd. Colocynth, 4-15 gr. Powd. Gamboge, 1-15 gr, Powd. Soap, 1-15 gr. Oil Anise, 1-30 gr. Anodyne 1 “ 2 “ Camphor, 1 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1 gr. Morphine acetate, 1-20 gr. Oil Capsicum, 1-20 gr. § Anti-Syphilitic 1 “ 3 <* Potass, iodide, 2 1-2 gr. Corrosive sublimate, 1-40 gr. Aperient 1 “ 2 “• Ext. Nux vomica, 1-3 grain. Ext. Coloc. Co., 2 grains. Anthelmintic 1 “ 2 “ Santonin, 1 gr. Calomel, 1 gr. Anthemis Ext., 2gr 2 “ 5 “ Aperient, Bauer’s. Aperient, Bauer’s 1 “ 3 tc Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-2 grain. Ext. Aloes, 1 grain. Ext. Coloc. Co., 1 grain. Potass, and Sod. tart., 1 1-2gr. Aperient, Drysdale’s 1 “ 2 Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-2 grain. Anti-Bilious 2 “ 3 “ Ext. Coloc. Co., 2 1-2 gr. Podophyllin, 1-4 gr. Anti-Chill 1 “ 2 “ Chinoidin, 1 gr. Iron ferrocyanide, 2 gr. Arsenious acid, 1-20 gr. Oleoresin Black Pepper, 1 gr. Powd. Rhubarb, 1 x-4 grains. Powd. Ipecac, 5-12 grain. Purified Aloes, 1 1-4 grains. Powd. Nux vomica, 1-2 grain. Anti-Constipation, Brundage’s 1 “ 3 “ Podophyllin, 1-10 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-4 gr. Powd. Capsicum, 1-4 gr. Ext. Belladonna, i-io gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-4 gr. Aperient, Mild 1 “ 2 “■ Ext. Coloc. Co., 1-2 grain. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 5-6 grain. Powd. Rhubarb, 2 grains. Oil Caraway, 1-20 grain. ■(Anti-Constipation, Carson’s 1 “ 2 “ Ext. Cascara sagrada, 1 gr. Ext. Rhubarb, 1 gr. Exi. Nux vomica, 1-4 gr. Aloin, 1-3 gr. Aphrodisiac, see Phosphorus, Nux Vom., and Damiana. Aphrodisiac Comp 1 “ 3 “ Ext. Coca, 1 grain. Cinchonidine sulph., 1-2 grain. Phosphorus, 1-200 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-8 grain. Iron bromide, 1 grain. Anti-Constipation, Goss’ 1 “ 3 “ Podophyllin, 1-4 gr. Ext. Coloc., 1-4 gr. Ext. Butternut, 1-2 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-8 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-8 gr. Ext. Gentian, 1-4 gr. Ext. Cascara sagrada, 1-4 gr. Powd. Canadian Hemp, 1-2 gr. Anti-Constipation, Palmer’s 1 “ 2 “ Purified Aloes, 1 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-3 gr. Powd. Ipecac, 1-10gr, Anti-Dyspeptic, Fothergill’s see Carminative. Apocynum Extract, 2 grains 1 “ 2 “ Aisenious Acid,i-ioo gr. Arsenious Acid, 1-60 gr. Arsenious Acid, 1-50 gr. Arsenious Acid, 1-40 gr. Arsenious Acid, 1-32 gr. Arsenious Acid, 1-30 gr. i-6d to 1-10 grain. Arsenious Acid, 1-20 gr. Anti-Dyspeptic 1 “ 2 “ Strychnine, 1-40 grain. Ext. Belladonna, 1-10 grain. Powd. Ipecac, 1-10 grain. Blue Mass, 2 grains. Ext. Coloc. Co., 2 grains. Aisenious Acid, x-i2gr Asafetida, 1 gr. Asafetida, 2 gr. Asafetida, 3 gr., U.S.P. Asafetida, 4 gr. f Asafetida, 5 gr. 2 t° 15 grs. Anti-Epileptic x Iron ferrocyanide, 1-2 grain, Quinine valerianate, / grain. Zinc valerianate, 1-2 grain. Ext. Valerian, 1 grain. Asafetida Comp i “ 2 ** Opium, 4-5 grain. Ammonium carb., 4-5 grain. Asafetida, 4-5 grain. §Sugar-coated only. +Gelatin-coated only. MIN. DOSE. MAX. DOSE. MIN. ' DOSE. MAX. DOSE. Asafetida and Iron 2pills, spills. Asafetida, z grains. Iron sulph. exsic., 1 grain. Asafetida and Nux vomica 1 “ 2 “ Blue & Pcdoph. see Podoph. & Blue. Caffeine citrate, 1 gr 1 pill. 3 pills. Calabar bean Ext., x-i2 gr i“ 2 “ Asafetida, 3 grains. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-4 grain. Asafetida and Rhubarb, 3 gr 2 “ 2 “ Asafetida, 1 grain. Powd. Rhubarb, 1 grain. Iron by hydrogen, 1 grain. Calcium sulphide, i-:o gr. Calcium sulphide, i-xo gr. Calcium sulphide, 1-8 gr. Calcium sulphide, 1-3 gr. Atropine, 1-120 gr. Atropine, 1-100 gr. 1-50 gr. max, dose. Calcium sulphide, 1-4 gr. Calcium sulphide, 1-2 gr. Calcium sulphide, 1 gr. i-io to 3 grs. Atropine, 1-60 gr. Ballou 1 44 2 “ Ext. Coloc. Co., 1 gram. Ext. Jalap, 1 grain. Calomel. 1 grain. Powd. Ipecac, 1-8 grain. Calcium sulphide, 2 gr. Calcium sulphide, 3 gr. Calisaya Alkaloids 1 “ 2 “ Buinine sulph., 1-2 grain, inchonme sulph., 1-2 grain. Buinidine sulph., 1-2 grain, inchonidine sulph., x-z grain. Belladonna Ext., 1-8 gr. Belladonna Ext., i-qgr. Belladonna Ext., 1-2gr. Belladonna Ext., 1 gr. 1-8 to i grain. Calomel, 1-10 gr. Calomel, 1-4 gr. Berberinehydrochlorate, igr 1 “ 4 “ Berberine sulphate, 2gr 1 44 2 “ Calomel, 1-2 gr. Calomel, 1 gr. Calomel, 2 gr. i-io to io grs. Berberine and Podophyllin 1 “ 4 “ Berberine sulphate, 1-4 grain. Podophyllin, 1-20 gram. Berberis aquifolium Ext., 3 grs 1 “ 3 “ Calomel, 3 gr. Berberis Comp 1 “ 2 “ Calomel, 5 gr. Calomel Comp 2 “ 3 “ Calomel, 3-4 grain. Resin Guaiac, 1 1-2 grains. Sulphurated Antimony, 3-4 gr. Ext. Berberis aquifol., 2gr. Ext. Cascara sagrada, 1 gr Bilious, Junge’s 1 “ 3 “ Manganese iodide, 1-2 grain. Leptandrin, 3-10 grain. Juglandin, 3-10 grain. Sanguinariin, 1-5 grain. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 3-5 grain. 3iliou=, Wann’s 1 “ 3 “ Calomel and Ext. Coloc. c 0........ 2 “ 3 “ Calomel, 1 grain. Ext. Coloc. Co., 2 1-2 grains. Calomel and Opium 1 “ Calomel, 2 grains. Opium, 1 grain. Ext. Coloc. Co., 1 grain. Podophyllin, 1-4 grain. Ext. Jalap, 1-4 grain. Ext. Hyoscyamus, i-8 grain. /Powd. Capsicum, 1-4 grain. Bismuth and Ignatia x “ 2 “ Bismuth subni.trate, 4 grains. Ext. Ignatia bean, 1-4 grain. Bismuth and Nux vomica 1 “ 2 “ Calomel and Rhubarb 1 “ Calomel, 1-3 grain. Ext. Rhubarb, 1-2 grain. Ext. Coloc. Co., 1-2 grain. Ext. Hyoscyamu-, 1-6 grain. Camphor Comp 1 44 Bismuth subnitrate. <; grains. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-2 grain. Camphor, 1 grain. Powd. Opium, 1 grain. Powd. Kino, 1 grain. Ext. Capsicum, 1-16 grain. Bismuth subcarbonate, 3 gr 1 Bismuth subnitrate, 2gr 1 Camphor and Hyoscyamus 1 44 2 “ Bismuth subnitrate, 3 gr 1 Black Haw Extract, 3gr 1 ‘£ 3 “ Camphor monobrom., 1 gr. Camphor monobrom., 2 gr. Camphor monobrom., 3 gr. ] Camphor, 1 grain. Ext. Hyoscyamus, x grain. Black Hellebore Ext., igr i “ 4 “ §Blennorrhagic 1 “ 2 44 Turpentine, U. S. P., j 1-2 grains. Ext. Hops, 3-4 grain. Camphor monobrom., 3-4 gr. Podophyllin, 1-8 grain. i to io grs. Camphor and Opium 1 44 Camphor, 2 grains. Powd. Opium, 1 grain. Blue Mass, 1-2 gr. Blue Mass, 1 gr. Camphor, Opium and Hyoscyamus. x “ 2 “ Camphor, 1 grain Powd. Opium, 1-2 grain. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1 grain. Blue Mass, a gr. Blue Mass, 3 gr. 1-2 to to grains. Camphor, Opium and Lead acetate.. 1 “ Camphor, 1 grain. Opium, 1 grain. Lead acetate, 1 grain. Blue Mass, 5 gr. Blue Mass Comp 1 “ 3 “ Blue Mass, 1 grain. Powd. Ipecac, 1-4 grain. Powd. Opium, 1-2 grain. Camphor, Opium and Tannin 1 44 3 44 Camphor, 1 gram. §Sugar-coated cnly. Tannin, 2 grains. Opium, 1-4 grain. MIN. DOSE. MAX. DOSE. MIN. DOSE. MAX. DOSE, Camphor, Valerian & Hyoscyamus. 1 pill. 3 pills. Camphor, 1 grain. Powd. Valerian, 1-2 grain. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-2 grain. Cathartic Comp. Modified . i pill. 4 pills. Ext. Coloc. Co., 1 grain. Ext. Jalap, 3-4 grain. Calomel, 3-4 grain. Powd, Gamboge, x-6 grain. Powd. Rhubarb, 1-2 grain. Powd. Jam. Ginger, 1-4 gr. Cathartic Comp. U.S.P.. at night 2 “ 4 “ Cannabis Indica Ext., 1-4 gr. Cannabis Indica Ext., 1-2 gr. Cannabis Indica Ext., x gr. x-4 to i gr. Capsicum, 1 grain 1 “ 3 “ Capsicum Ext., x-2 gr. 1 “ 2 “ Ext. Coloc. Co., 1 3-10 grains. Ext. Jalap, 1 grain. Calomel* 1 grain. Powd. Gamboge, 1-4 grain. Carminative after meals.. 1 u Strychnine, 1-20 grain. Powd. Ipecac, 2-3 grain. Powd. Black Pepper, 11-2 gr. Ext. Gentian, 1 grain. Cathartic Comp. Vegetable x “ 3 “ Ext. Coloc., 1-3 grain. Podophyllin, 1-4 grain. Powd. resin Scammony, 1-3 gr. Purified Aloes, 1 1-4 grains. Powd. Cardamom, 1-8 gram. Powd. Soap, 1-8 grain. IJCascara Comp. Pellets, D’Ary’s... 5 “ 10 “ Ext. Cascara sag., 4-15 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-30 grain. Ext. Belladonna, 1-60 grain. Euonymin, 1-5 grain. Xanthoxylin, 4-15 grain. Oleoresin Capsicum, 1-20 gr. Caulophyllin, 1-8 gr 1 “ Cerium oxalate, 1-4 gr. Cerium oxalate, 1 gr. Cerium oxalate, 2 gr. Cascara sag, Ext., 1 gr. Cascara sag. Ext., 2 gr. Cascara sag. Ext., 3 gr. As a laxative, 2 to 4 grs. As a cathartic, 4 to 8 grs. 1-4 to 5 grs. Charcoal, Willow, 3 gr 1 “ Chimaphila Ext., 3 gr. 1 “ 3 4t fCascara sagrada and Nux vomica.. 1 “ 3 “ Ext. Cascara sagrada, 2 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-5 gr. Chinoidin, 1-2 gr. Chinoidin, 1 gr. Chinoidin, 2 gr. 1-2 to 10 grs. tCascara sagrada, Nux vomica and Belladonna i “ 2 “ Chinoidin, 3 gr. Chinoidin Comp j “ 2 “ Ext. Cascara sagrada, 2 gr, Ext. Nux vomica, 1-8 grain. Ext. Belladonna, 1-16 grain. Catarrh, Hager’s 2 “ 6 “ Buinidine sulph., 3-Bgrain. inchonidine sulph., 3-8 gr. Powd. Marshmallow, 1-4 gr. Powd. Gentian, 1-4 grain. Powd. Red Sandalwood, i-i2gr. Powd. Tragacanth, 1-4 grain. Glycerin, 1-4 grain. Hydrochloric Acid, 1-4 grain. Cathartic Comp. Cholagogue 1 “ 2 “ Podophyllin, 1-2 grain. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-8 grain. Oleoresin Capsicum, 1-8 grain. Blue Mass, 1-4 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-16 grain. Cathartic Comp. Granules 1 “ 4 “ Jalapin, 1-16 grain. Leptandrin, 1-16 grain. Aloin, 1-8 grain. Podophyllin, 1-4 grain. Powd. Gamboge, 1-32 grain. Powd. Capsicum, 1-64 grain. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-8 grain. Oil Peppermint, 1-128 grain. Cathartic Comp. Improved, at night 2 “ 4 “ Ext. Coloc. co,, 1 grain. Ext. Jalap, 1-2 grain. Podophyllin, 1-4 gram. Ext. Gentian, 1-2 grain. Leptandrin, 1-4 grain. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-4 grain. Oil Peppermint, q. s. Cathartic Comp., Mild 1 “ 2 “ Chinoidin, 2 grains. Piperin, 1-2 grain. Iron sulph. exsic.. 1 grain. Cholagogue t “ 3 “ Podophyllin, 1-4 grain. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-2 grain. Powd. Capsicum, 1-4 grain. Purified Aloes, 1 grain. Powd. Rhubarb, 1 grain. Cimicifugin, 1 grain ..... 1 “ 4 * Cinchonidine salicylate, 2 1-2 gr x “ Cinchonidine sulphate, 1-2 gr. Cinchonidine sulphate, 1 gr. Cinchonidine sulphate, 2 gr. Cinchonidine sulphate, 3 gr. 1-2 to 10 grains. tCinchonidine sulphate, 4 gr. fCinchonidine sulphate, 5 gr. Cinchonidine Comp 1 “ 2 “ Cinchonidine sulph., 1 grain. Cinchonidine Comp. & Strychnine.. 1 “ Arsenious acid, 1-32 grain Iron by hydrogen, 1 grain. Cinchonidine sulph., 1 grain, Arsenious acid, 1-20 grain. Iron by hydrogen, 1 grain. Strychnine, 1-20 grain. Cinchonidine and Iron 1 “ 5 4< Cinchonidine, Iron and Strychnine, 1 3 u Cinchonidine sulph., 1 grain. Iron by hydrogen, x grain. Ext. Coloc. Co., i grain. Jalap resin, 1-2 grain. Calomel, 1-2 grain. Gamboge, 1-4 grain. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-2 grain. Oil Peppermint, q. s. Cinchonidine sulph., 1 gram. Iron proto-carb. (Vallet’s), 2 grs. Strychnine sulph., 1-60 grain. Cinchonine sulphate, 1 1-2 gr 1 Cinchonine sulphate, 3 gr 1 §Sugar-coated only. tGelatin-coated only. decreased. Cincho-Quinine, i gr. Cincho-Quinine, 2 gr. Cincho-Quinine, 3 gr. 1 to 6 grs. MIN. DOSE. MAX. DOSE. Coca Ext., 3 gr t pill. Conium Ext., 1-2 gr. {of the seed).. 1 pill. 6 pill^ MIN. DOSE. MAX. DOSE. •(Cocaine muriate, 1-16 gr. ) 1-Cocaine muriate, 1-8 gr. ) 1 1 to 1 r' Conium Ext., 1 gr. {O/the seed)... 1 “ 3 “ Conium Ext., and Ipecac 1 “ 2 “ Ext. Conium seed, 1-2 grain. Powd. Ipecac, 1-2 grain. Cochia ~ x “ 2 pills. Ext. Coloc. Co., 1 grain. Purified Aloes, 1 gram. Powd. Potass, sulph., 1-2 gr. Powd. Gamboge, 1-2 grain. Powd. Scammony, 1-2 grain. f*Convallamarin, 1-12 grain 1 “ Cook’s Pill, 3 gr.. 1 “ 4 “ Purified Aloes, 1 grain. Powd. Rhubarb, 1 grain. Powd. Soap, 1-2 grain. Calomel, 1-2 grain. Codeine, 1-16 gr. Codeine, 1-8 gr. Codeine, 1-5 gr. Codeine, 1-4 gr. fCodeine, 1-2 gr. fCodeine, 1 gr. 1-6 to 1 gr. Copaiba, 3 gr. Copaiba, 4 gr. 3 to 4 and upwards. Copaiba Comp 2 “ 4 “ Pil. Copaiba, x 1-2 grains. Resin Guaiac, 3-8 grain. Iron citrate, 3-8 grain. Ext. Cubeb, 5-8 grain. t*Colchicine, 1-60 gr 1 “ 4 “ Colchicum Ext., 1-2 gr 1 “ 3 “ Colocynth comp. Ext., U.S.P., 3 gr. r “ 4 “ Copaiba and Oleo-resin Cubeb x “ 3 “ fColocynth comp. Ext., Belladonna and Nux vomica 1 “ Pil. Copaiba, 2 grains. Oleoresin Cubeb, 1 grain Ext. Coloc. comp., 3 grains. Ext. Belladonna, 1-4 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-2 grain. Copaiba, Cubeb and cit. Iron 1 “ 3 “ Pil. Copaiba, 3-4 grain. Ext. Cubeb, 1 1-2 grains. Iron citrate, 3-4 grain. Colocynth comp. Ext., & Blue,3gr. 1 “ *• “ Ext. Coloc. Co., 2 1-2 grains. Blue Mass, 1-2 grain. Comin, 2 gr 1“ 2 “ Cornus florida Ext., 2 gr i“ 4 “ Colocynth comp. Ext., & Blue, 5 gr. 1 11 3 ‘ Ext. Coloc. Co., 2 1-2 grains. Blue Mass, 2 1-2 grains. Corrosive Sublimate, i-ioogr. Corrosive Sublimate, 1-60 gr. Corrosive Sublimate, 1-50 gr. Corrosive Sublimate, 1-40 gr. Corrosive Sublimate, 1-30 gr. Corrosive Sublimate, 1-20 gr. Corrosive Sublimate, 1-16 gr. Corrosive Sublimate, 1-12 gr. Corrosive Sublimate, 1-8 gr. i-ioo to x-8 grain. Colocynth comp. Ext., Blue Mass and Ipecac 1 “ "• “ Ext. Coloc. Co., 2 grains. Powd. Ipecac, 1-6 grain. Blue Mass, 2 grains. Colocynth comp. Ext. and Hyoscya- mus, 3gr 1 3 “ Ext. Coloc. Co., 2 grains. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1 grain. Colocynthcomp. Ext. and Hyoscya- mus, sgr 1 “ 2 “ Ext. Coloc. Co., 3 1-3 grains. Ext. Hyoscyamus, x 2-3 grains. Cubeb Ext., 2 gr 1 u 4 “ Cubeb and Alum x 4 “ Oleoresin Cubeb, 2 grains. Powd. Alum, 1 grain. fColocynth comp. Hyoscyamus and Blue Mass 1 “ 2 “ Cubeb Ext., Rhatany and Iron. .. 1 ‘ 3 Ext. Cubeb, 1 1-2 grains. Iron sulph. exsic., 1 grain. Ext. Rhatany, 1-2 grain. Ext. Coloc. CO., 3 grains. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1 grain. Blue Mass, 1 grain. Colocynthcomp., Hyoscyamus and Podophyllin, Formula “A.”... 1 “ 2 “ Ext. Coloc. Co., 3 grains. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1 grain. Podophyllin, 1-4 grain. Cypripedium Ex., 2gr 1 “ 5 “ Damiana Ext., 3gr 1 “ 5 “ • Dandelion and Leptandrin........ 1 “ 3 “ t*Daturine sulphate, 1-100 gr....;. 1 “ Ext. Dandelion, 1 1-3 grains. Leptandrin, 2-3 grain. Colocynth comp., Hyoscyamus and Podophyllin, Formula “8.”.,. 1 “ 2 “ Ext. Coloc. Co., 3 grains. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1 grain. Podophyllin, 1-8 grain. Diaphoretic, x 1-2 gr 1 “ Morphine acetate, 1-25 grain. Powd. Ipecac, 1-4 grain. Powd. Potass, nitrate, 1 gr. Powd. Camphor, 1-4 grain. Colocynth comp. Ext., and Ipecac.. 1 “ 2 “ Ext. Coloc. Co., 2 1-2 grains. Powd. Ipecac, 1-2 grain. Diarrhoea Pellets 2 “ 4 “ Calomel, 1-8 grain. Morphine sulph., 1-16 grain, Powd. Capsicum, 1-16 grain. Powd. Ipecac, 1-32 grain. Powd. Camphor, 1-16 grain. Colocynth comp. Ext., & Podoph., 1 “ 2 “ Ext. Coloc. Co., 2 1-2 grains. Podophyllin, 1-4 grain. Powd. Licorice, 1-4 grain. t*Colocynthin, i-Bgr... i “ 2 “ Conium Ext., 1-4 gr, (0/ the seed) .. t “12 “ Digitalin, pure, 1-60 gr 1 “ Digitalis Ext., 1-2 gr 1 “ Digitalis Compound 1 “ Powd. Digitalis, 1 grain. ♦Put up in bottles of 25 each. fGelatin-coated only. Powd. Squill, 1 grain. Powd. Potass, nitrate, 2 gr. Digestive Pellets, Hager’s 2 pills. 4pills. MIN. DOSE. MAX. DOSE. Emmenagogue, Rigaud’s 1 pill, MIN. DOSE. MAX, DOSE. Cinchonidine sulph., 1-5 gr. Pepsin, 1 i-s grains. Powd. Ginger, 3-25 grain. Powd. Cardamom, 3-25 grain. Powd. Pimento, 3-25 grain. Powd. Gentian root, 6-25 gr. Powd. Marshmallow root, 6-25 gr. Powd. Tragacanth, 6-25 grain. Glycerin, 2-5 grain. Acid hydrochloric, 2-5 grain. Purified Aloes, i 1-2 grains, Powd. Rue, 3-4 grain. Powd. Saffron, 3-4 grain. Powd. Savin, 3-4 grain. Ergotin, 1-2 gr. Ergotin, 1 gr. Ergotin, 2 gr. 1-2 to 3 grams. J & Dinner, Chapman’s 1 “ 2 “ Ergotin, 3 gr. Ergotin and Cannabis Indica 1 “ 2 pills Purified Aloes, 1 grain. Gum Mastic, 1 grain. Powd. Rhubarb, 1 grain. Ergotin and Cannabis Indica (half- strength) 1 “ 2 “ Ergotin purified, 1 grain. Ext. Cannabis Indica, 1-2 gr. IDinner, Cole’s 1 “ 2 “ Blue Mass, 1 1-5 grains. Purified Aloes, 1 1-5 grains. Powd. Jalap, 1 1-5 grains. Ant. and Pot. tart., 1-50 gr. Ergotin, purified, 1-2 gr. Ext. Cannabis Indica. 1-4 gr. Eucalyptus Comp. 1 “ 2 Ext. Eucalyptus, 1 grain. Ext. Canadian Hemp, 1-2 gr. Sanguinariin, 1-8 grain. Dinner, Lady Webster’s 1 “ 2 “ Purified Aloes, 1 4-5 grains. Gum Mastic, 3-5 grain. Rose leaves, 2-5 grain. Eucalyptus Ext., 2gr 1 “ 5 “ Diuretic x “ 2 “ Powd. Soap, 1 1-2 grains. Oil Juniper berries, 1-16 gr. Sodium carb., 1 1-2 grains. Female, Amenorrhoea x “ 2 “ Ext. Black Cohosh, 1 grain. Iron sulph. exsic., 1 grain. Ext. Cotton root, 1 grain. Purified Aloes, 1 grain. Dupuytren 1 “ 2 “ Powd. Guaiac, 3 grains. Powd. Opium, 1-8 grain. Corrosive sublimate, 1-10 grain, Female, Hooper’s 1 “ 3 “ Purified Aloes, 1 grain. Iron sulph. exsic., 1-2 grain. Ext. Black Hellebore, 1-4 gr. Powd. Jam. Ginger, 1-8 gr. Gum Myrrh, 1-4 grain. Castile Soap, i-8 grain. Powd. Canella, 1-8 grain. Dysentery 1 “ Blue Mass, 1 grain. Gelsemperin, 1-6 grain. Powd. Ipecac, 1 grain. .Dysmenorrhcea, Alvord’s 1 “ 2 “ Female, Leucorrhoea 1 “ 2 ‘f Morphine sulph., i-io grain. Cimicifugin, 2-3 grain. Quinine sulph., 2-3 grain. Hamamelin, 2 grains. Senecin, 1-2 grain. Hydrastin, 1-2 grain. Dyspepsia, 2gr 1 “ 2 “ Ext. Ignatia bean, 1-4 grain. Ext. Cinchona bark, 1 grain. Ext. Rhubarb, 1-4 grain. Powd. Capsicum, 1-2 grain. Ferruginous, Blaud’s, 3gr 1 “ 4 “ Iron sulph. exsic., 1 1-2 gr. Potass, carb., 1 1-2 grains. Ferruginous, Blaud’s, 3gr 1 “ 2 “ Iron sulph. exsic., 2 1-2 gr. Potass, carb., 2 1-2 gr. Dyspepsia, Moore’s 2 “ 4 “ Cinchonidine sulph., 1-2 gr. Ext. Capsicum, 1-3 grain. Powd. JRhubarb, 1 grain. Fever and Ague 2 “ 4 “ Eccoprotic 1 “ 2 “ Ext. Eucalyptus, 1-4 grain. Chinoidin, 1 grain. Iron ferrocyanide, 1-2 grain. Powd. Capsicum, 1-4 grain. Arsenious acid, 1-200 gram. Ext. Soc. Aloes, 2 grains. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-5 grain. Podophyllin, 3-10 grain. Oil Cloves, 1-10 gtt. Fucus vesiculosus Ext., 3gr 2 “ +*Elaterin, 1-20 gr 1 “ 2 Elaterium (Clutterbuck’s), x-xogr.. 1 “ 5 Galbanum Comp 2 “ 4 “ Galbanum, 1 1-2 grains. Asafetida, 1-2 grain. Myrrh, 1 1-2 grains. Elaterium (Clutterbuck’s), x-8 gr... 1 “ 4 “ Elaterium (Clulterbuck’s), 1-4 gr... 1 “ 2 “ Gamboge Comp 1 0 3 “ Powd. gum Gamboge, 3-5 gr. Purified Aloes, 3-5 grain. Emmenagogue, Improved 1 “ 3 “ Ergotin, 1 grain. Purified Aloes, 1 grain. Oil Savin, 1-2 grain. Ext. Black Hellebore, 1 grain. Iron sulph. exsic., 1 grain. Powd. Cinnamon comp, 3-5 gr. Soap, 1 1-5 grains. Gelsemperin, 1-8 gr. Gelsemperin, 1-4 gr. 1-8 to 1 gr. Emmenagogue, Mutter’s 1 “ 3 “ Iron sulph. exsic., 1 1-2 gr. Turpentine, U.S.P., 1 1-2 gr. Purified Aloes, 1-2 gr. Gentian Comp 2 “ 4 “ Emmenagogue No. 4 1 “ 3 “ Ext. Gentian, 2-3 grain. Purified Aloes, 2-3 gram. Powd. Rhubarb, 1 1-3 grains. Oil Caraway, 1-10 grain. Ergotin, 1 grain. Ext. Cotton root, 1 grain. Purified Aloes, i grain. Iron sulph. exsic., 1 grain. Gentian Ext., 2gr 2 *' 4 Oil Savin, 1-4 gram. ♦Put up in bottles of 25 each. tGelatin-coated only. 75 Geranin, i gr i pill. 4 pills. MIN. DOSE. MAX. DOSE. Iflpecac and Opium, 2 gr i pilL Powd. Opium, i grain. MIN. DOSE. MAX, DOSE. Gonorrhoea 1 “ 3 “ Powd. Cubeb, 1 1-4 grains. Solid. Copaiba, 1 1-4 grains. Iron sulph. exsic., 1-4 grain. Venice Turpentine, 1-4 gr. Powd. Ipecac, i grain. Ipecac and Squill i pill. 4 “ Powd. Ipecac and Opium, 2 grs. Powd. Squill, 2-3 grain. Ammoniac,' 2-3 grain. Grindelia robusta Ext., 3gr 2 “ 5 “ Grarana Ext., 3gr 1 “ 4 “ Irisin, 1-2 gr. Irisin, 1 gr. 1-2 to 3 grains. Headache 1 “ 3 “ Lactated pepsin, 1 grain. Guarana, 1-2 grain. Sodium bicarb., 1 grain. Cypripedin, 1-2 grain. Irisin Comp 1 “ 3 “ Irisin, 1-4 grain. Strychnine, x-40 grain. Podophyllin, 1-10 grain. Helonin, 1-8 gr 2 “ flrisin Comp, and Hyoscyamus x “ 3 “ Hepatica 1 “ 3 “ Blue Mass, 2 grains. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 2-3 grain. Ext. Coloc. Co., 2-3 grain. Irisin, 1-4 grain. Strychnine, 1-100 grain. Podophyllin, i-io grain. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-2 grain. Hepatic, Eclectic 1 “ 2 “ Iron and Aloes 1 “ 3 “ Podophyllin, 1-4 grain. Leptandrin, 1-2 grain. Irisin, 1-4 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-16 grain. Powd. Capsicum, 1-3 grain. Iron bromide, Igr 1 “ 2 “ Purified Aloes, 2 grains. Iron sulph. exsic., 1 grain. Hoang-Nan, 3gr 1 “ 2 “ Iron citrate, 2gr 2 “ Iron citrate and Strychnine citrate. .1 “ Hooper’s, see Female, Hooper’s. Hydrastin mur., see Berberine hydrochlorate. Iron citrate, 2 grains. Strychnine citrate, 1-50 grain. Hydrastin (neutral), 1 gr 1 “ Iron Compound, U. S. P 2 “ 6 ,f Myrrh, 1 1-2 grains. Sodium carb., 3-4 grain. Iron sulph., 3-4 grain. Hydrastin sulphate, see Berberine sulphate, Iron ferrocyanide, 3gr 1 “ Hydrastin and Podophyllin, see Berberine and Podophy llin. §*Hyoscinehydrobromate, 1-400 gr. 1 “ 4 “ Iron by hydrogen (Q’venne’s), 1 gr.. 1 “ 5 “ Iron by hydrogen (Q’venne’s), 2 grs.. 1 “ 3 “ Iron iodide, U.S.P., 1 gr 1 “ 4 “ Hyoscyamus Ext., 1-4 gr. 1 Hyoscyamus Ext, 1-2 gr. ; Hyoscyamus Ext., 1 gr. 1-4 to 2 grs. Iron iodide and Quinine x “ 2 1 Iron iodide, 1 1-2 grains. Quinine sulph., 1-4 grain. t*Hyoscyamine, pure, 1-200 gr 1“ 2 “ Iron lactate, Igr 1 “ 3 “ Ichthyol, 1 1-2 grs Ignatia amara Ext., 1-4 gr. Ignatia amara Ext., 1-2 gr. Ignatia amara Ext., 1 gr. Iron and Manganese 1 “ 2 “ Iron carb., 2 grains. Manganese carb., x grain. 1-4 to 1 gr. Iron phosphate (ferrous), 2gr 2 “ 4 lt Iron proto-carb., (Vallet’s), agr 1 “ 2 “ Intestinal Antiseptic 1 “ 2 “ Mercury protiodide, 1-8 grain. Podophyllin, 1-16 grain. Aloin, 1-16 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-16 grain. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-16 grain. Iron proto-carb., (Vallet’s), 3gr 1 “ Iron proto-carb., (Vallet’s), sgr 1 “ Iron pyrophosphate, Igr 1 “ 4 “• Iron, Quassia and Nux vomica 1 “ 2 “ lodoform, Igr 1 “ 4 “ lodoform and Iron 1 “ 2 “ Iron by hydrogen, 1 1-2 grains. Ext. Quassia, 1 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-4 grain. Powd. Soap, 1-2 grain. lodoform, Iron and Quinine 1 “ 2 “ lodoform, 1 grain. Iron proto-carb. (Vallet’s), 2 grs. Quinine sulphate, 1-2 grain. Ipecac Ext., 1-4 gr 1 “ 2 “ Iron by hydrogen, 1 grain. lodoform, 1 grain. Iron and Quinine citrate, Igr 1 “ 6 “■ Iron and Quinine citrate, 2gr 1 “ 3 “ Iron and Quinine citrate, 3gr 1 “ 2 “ flron and Quinine citrate, sgr 1 “ Tllpecac and Opium, 1-2 gr 1 “ 4 “ Powd. Opium, 1-4 grain. Powd. Ipecac, 1-4 grain. Iron, Quinine and Strych. citrate.. 1 “ 3 “• Iron and Quinine citrate, 2 grs. Strychnine citrate, 1-50 grain. Tjlpecac and Opium, Igr 1 “ 3 “ Powd. Opium, 1-2 grain. Powd. Ipecac, 1-2 grain. Iron and Strychnine 1 “ Strychnine, 1-60 grain. Iron by hydrogen, 2 grains. Iron sulphate exsic., 1 gr. §Sugar-coated only. tGelatin- coated only. ♦Put up in bottles of 25 each. Equal to 2 1-2, 5 and 10 grains Dover’s Powder respectively. Iron sulphate exsic., 2 gr. Iron sulphate exsic., 4 gr. i to 4 grs. Iron valerianate, Igr 1 “ 3 “ Jaborandi Ext., 3 gr. 1 “ 3 “ Jalap Compound i pill. 3 pills. MIN. DOSE. MAX. DOSE. Liver, Waxham’s 1 pill. 5 pills. MIN. DOSE. MAX. DOSE. Powd. Jalap, 3-4 grain. Powd. Rhubarb, 3-4 grain. Oil Caraway, 1-8 grain. Castile Soap. 3-4 grain. Pil. Calomel comp., 1 1-8 gr. Ext. Culver’s root, 1 grain. Powd. Capsicum, 1-2 grain. Podophyllin, 1-4 grain. Ext. Jalap, 3-8 gram. Powd. Gamboge, 1-8 grain. Jalap Extract, 1 gr 2 “ 5 “ Jalapin, 1 gr 2 “ 5 “ Lupulin, 3gr 1 “ 3 “ Manganese binoxide, Igr 1 “ 10 “ Jamaica Dogwood Ext., 2gr 1 “ 4 “ Kermes mineral, 1-4 gr 1 “ 3 “ Manganese binoxide, 2gr x “ 5 “ Magnesia calcined, 2gr 1 “ Magnesia and Rhubarb, 2gr 1 “ 2 “ Magnesia calcined, 1 grain. Powd. Rhubarb, 1 grain. Krameria Ext., 2 gr. 1 “ 2 “ Lactated Pepsin and Bismuth 1 “ 2 “ Lactated pepsin, 2 grains. Bismuth subnitrate, 2 grains. Lapactic 1 “ 2 “ Mercury biniodide, 1-25 gr. Mercury biniodide, i-i6gr. Mercury biniodide, 1-8 gr. Mercury biniodide, 1-4 gr. 1-16 to 1-4 gr. Aloin, 1-4 grain. Strychnine, 1-60 grain. Ext. Belladonna, 1-8 grain. Ipecac, 1-16 grain. Laxative 1 “ 2 “ Purified Aloes, 1 grain. Sulphur, 1-5 grain. Podophyllin, 1-5 grain. Resin Guaiac, 1-2 grain. Syrup Buckthorn, q. s. Mercury protiodide, 1-16 gr. Mercuryprotiodide, i-iogr. Mercury protiodide, 1-8 gr. Mercury protiodide, 1-6 gr. Mercury protiopide, 1-5 gr. Mercury protiodide, 1-4 gr. x-16 to 1 grain. Laxative, Cole’s 1 “ Mercurj' protiodide, 1-3 gr. Podophyllin, 1-10 grain. Calomel, 1 grain. Ext. Coloc. Co., powd., 3 gr. Mercury protiodide, 1-2 gr. Mercury protiodide and Opium 1 “ Mercury protiodide, 1 grain. Powd. Opium, 1-3 grain. Morphine acetate, x-8 gr 1 “ 8 “ Laxative “Special.” 1 “ Ext. Coloc. Co. powd., 1 2-3 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus, x 1-4 grains. Soc. Aloes, powd., 5-6 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 5-12 grain, Podophyllin, 1-12 grain. Powd. Ipecac, 1-12 grain. Morphine acetate, 1-4 gr 1 “ 4 “ Morphine and Atropine i “ 2 “ Morphine sulphate, 1-8 grain. Atropine sulphate, i-ioo grain. Morphine hydrochlorate, 1-8 gr x “ 8 “ Morphine hydrochlorate, 1-4 gr.... 1 “ 4 “ Leptandrin, 1-8 gr. Leptandrin, 1-4 gr. Leptandrin, 1-2 gr. i-8 to 4 grs. Morphine sulphate, 1-32 gr. Morphine sulphate, 1-20 gr. Morphine sulphate, 1-16 gr. Morphine sulphate, 1-10 gr. Morphine sulphate, 1-8 gr. Morphine sulphate, 1-6 gr. Morphine sulphate, 1-4 gr. Morphine sulphate, 1-2 gr. _ Leptandrin, 1 gr. Leptandrin Comp 1 “ 2 “ Leptandrin, 1 grain. Podophyllin, 1-8 grain. Irisin, 1-4 grain. Maximum dose 1 grain. Lettuce Ext., 2gr 2 “ 5 “ Liver, Christopher’s x “ 2 “ Calomel, 2 grains. Rhubarb, 1 grain. Powd. Ipecac, 1-2 grain. Morphine sulphate and Belladonna.. 1 “ 2 “ Morphine sulphate, 1-4 grain. Ext. Belladonna, x-4 grain. Liver, Improved 2 “ 4 “ Purified Aloes, 1 grain. Powd. Jalap, 1 grain. Powd. Gamboge, i-8 grain. Leptandrin, 1-8 grain. Calomel, 1-8 grain. Oil Capsicum, x-48 grain. Tinct. Verat. Viride, 1-4 gr. Morphine sulphate comp 1 “ Morphine sulph., 1-4 grain. Antimony and Potass, tart., % gr. Calomel, 1-4 grain. Liver, Improved, Vegetable. 2 “ 4 “ Morphine valerianate, x-8 gr i “ 4 “ Morphine valerianate, 1-4 gr 1 “ 2 “ Purified Aloes, 1 grain. Powd. Jalap, 1 grain. Powd. Gamboge, 1-8 grain. Leptandrin, 1-8 grain. Podophyllin, 1-8 grain. Oil Capsicum, 1-48 grain. Tinct. Verat. Viride, 1-4 gr. *Muscarine sulphate, 1-100 gr 1 “ 5 “ Neuralgic Idiopathic, Brown- Sequard’s 1 “ Ext. Hyoscyamus, 2-3 grain. Ext. Ignatia, 1-2 grain. Ext. Aconite leaves, 1-3 grain. Ext. Stramonium seed, 1-5 gr. Ext. Conium fruit, 2-3 grain. Ext. Opium, 1-2 grain. Ext. Cannabis Indiea, 1-4 gr. Ext. Belladonna, 1-6 grain. Liver, Dr. Taylor’s 1 “ Podophyllin, 1 grain. Powd. Ipecac, 1 grain. Powd. Camphor, 4-3 grain. *Put up in bottles of 25 each. Neuralgic Idiopathic, Brown- Sequard’s, half-strength 1 “ 2 “ 77 Neuralgic, Dr. Gross’ i pill, 2 pills. MIN. DOSE. MAX. DOSE. tPepsin, Bismuth and Strychnine, MIN. DOSE. MAX. DOSE. Quinine sulph., 2 grains. Morphine sulph., 1-20 grain. Arsenious acid, 1-20 grain. Ext. Aconite leaves 1-2 grain. Strychnine, 1-30 grain. No. 2 1 pill. Pepsin Purum Pulvis, i grain. Bismuth subnitrate, 5 grains. Strychnine, 1-60 grain. Pepsin and Iron by Hydrogen 1 “ 3 pills Neuralgic without Morphine, Dr. Gross’ i “ 2 “ Nightsweat 2 “ 4 “ Pepsin, sacch., U. S. P., 1 1-2 grains. Iron by hydrogen, 3-4 grain. Zinc oxide, 1-2 grain, Salicin, 1 grain. Ext. Belladonna, 1-25 gram. Hydrastin, 1 grain. Lactated pepsin, 1-2 grain. Pepsin and Iron lodide 1 “ 3 “ Pepsin, sacch , U. S. P., 1 1-2 grains. Iron by hydrogen, 1 1-2 gr. Iron iodide, 3-4 grain. Phosphorus, 1-100gr.U.S.P. ' Phosphorus, 1-50 gr. Physphorus, 1-33 gr. Phosphorus, 1-25 gr. Phosphorus, 1-20 gr. Nitroglycerin, 1-200 gr. Nitroglycerin, 1-100 gr. Nitroglycerin, 1-50 gr. Nitroglycerin, 1-33 gr. Nitroglycerin, 1-25 gr. Nitroglycerin, 1-10 gr. , I-100 to I-IO grain. 1-200 to i-io gr., Phosphorus and Aconite 1 “ 2 “ Phosphorus, 1-50 gram. Ext. Aconite leaves, 1-16 gr. Nux vomica Ext., 1-8 gr. Nux vomica Ext,, 1-4 gr. Nux vomica Ext., 1-2 gr. 1-8 to i gr. Phosphorus, Aloes, Iron & Strych.. 1 “ 2 “ Phosphorus, 1-50 grain. Ext. Aloes, 1 grain. Iron sulph. exsic., 1 1-2 gr. Strychnine, 1-30 grain. Opium 1-2 gr 1 “ 2 “ Powd. Opium, 1-2 grain. Soap, 1-8 grain. Opium, U. S. P., Igr x “ Phosphorus, Aloes & Nux vomica.. 1 “ 2 44 Phosphorus, i-so gram Ext. Aloes, 1-2 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-4 grain. Opium and Camphor, see Camphor and Opium. Powd. Opium, 1 grain. Soap, 1-4 grain. Phosphorus, Aloes and Nux vomica, Formula “B.” 1 “ Opium, Camphor and Tannin, see Camphor, Opium and Tannin. Phosphorus, 1-20 grain. Ext. Aloes, 1-2 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-2 grain. Opium Ext., 1-4gr. Opium Ext., 1-2 gr. Opium Ext., 1 gr. Phosphorus and Belladonna 1 “ 2 u Opium and Lead acetate 1 “ 2 “ 1-4 to i gr. Phosphorus & Belladonna, Formula “B.” 1 “ Phosphorus, 1-100 grain. Ext. Belladonna, 1-8 grain. Opium, 1 grain. Lead acetate, 1 grain. Phosphorus, 1-33 grain. Ext. Belladonna, 1-4 grain. SOpium and Lead acetate, Formula “B.” 1 “ 2 “ Opium, 1-2 grain. Lead acetate, 1 1-2 grains. Phosphorus and Cannabis Indica.. 1 “ 2 “ Phosphorus, 1-50 grain. Ext. Cannabis Indica, 1-4 gr. Ox Gall, 3gr x “ 2 “ Ox Gall, inspissated, 2 grains. Powd. Jamaica Ginger, x gr. Phosphorus and Cannabis Indica, 1-4 gr., Formula “B.” 1 “ Ox Gall, Craig’s, 3gr 1 “ 2 “ Ox Gall, inspissated, 2 grains. Ext. Coloc. Co., 1 grain. Phosphorus, 1-25 grain. Ext. Cannabis Indica, 1-4 gr. Ox Gall Comp 1 “ 2 “ Phosphorus and Cantharides co 1 “ Phosphorus, 1-50 grain. Cantharides, 1 gram. Powd. Nux vomica, 1 grain. Phosphorus and Cantharides co., Formula “ B.” 1 “ Ox Gail, inspissated, 2 grains. Ext. Stramonium seed, 1-6 grain. Purified Aloes, 1-10 grain. Berberine hydrochlorate, 1-12 gr. Ox-Gall and Pepsin, Armor’s 1 “ 2 “ Purified Aloes, 1 grain. Iron sulph. exsic., 1-2 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-12 grain. Ox Gall, inspissated, 1 1-2 grains. Pepsin, sacch., U. S. P., 1 grain. Phosphorus, 1-33 grain. Cantharides, 1 grain. Powd.-Nux vomica, 1 grain. Phosphorus Comp., No. 1 1 “ 2 li Phosphorus, 1-100 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-4 grain. Phosphorus Comp., No. 2 i “ 2 Pepsin and Bismuth 1 “ 3 “ Pepsin, sacch., U. S. P., 1 1-2 grains. Bismuth subcarb., 3-4 grain. Phosphorus Comp., No. 3 1 “ 2 “ Phosphorus, 1-60 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-4 grain. (■Pepsin, Bismuth and Strychnine, No. 1. i “ 2 “ Phosphorus, 1-50 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-8 grain. Pepsin, sacchr. U. S. P., 2 1-2 grains. Bismuth subnitrate, 2 1-2 gr. Strychnine, 1-60 gram. §Sugar-coated only. fGelatin-coated only. Phosphorus and Digitalis comp,... 1 pill. Phosphorus, 1-50 gram. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1 grain. Powd. Digitalis, 1 grain. Phosphorus, Digitalis*Hyoscyamus 1 “ Phosphorus, 1-33 grain. Powd. Digitalis, 1 grain. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 2 grains. MIN. DOSE. MAX. DOSE. Phosphorus, Nux vomica, Iron and Quinine, 3 i-2gr. Formula “B.” 1 pill. Phosphorus, 1-25 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-3 grain. Iron by hydrogen, 2 grains. Quinine sulph., 1 grain. Phosphorus, Opium and Digitalis.. 1 “ 2 pills. MIN. DOSE. MAX. DOSE. Phosphorus, Digitalis and 1r0n.... 1 “ Phosphorus, 1-50 grain. Powd. Digitalis, 1 grain. Iron by hydrogen, 1 grain. Phosphorus, 1-50 grain. Powd. Ipecac, 1-4 grain. Powd. Opium, x-4 grain. Powd. Digitalis, x-2 grain. Phosphorus, Opium and Digitalis, Formula “B.” 1 Phosphorus, Digitalis and Iron, Formula “B.” 1 “ Phosphorus, 1-33 gram. Powd. Digitalis, 1 grain. Iron by hydrogen, 3 grains. Phosphorus and Iron 1 “ 2 pills. Phosphorus, 1-33 grain. Powd. Ipecac, 1-4 grain. Powd. Opium, 1-4 grain. Powd. Digitalis, 1-2 grain. Phosphorus and Quinine 1 “ 2 “ Phosphorus, 1-100 grain. Iron proto-carb. (Vallet’s), 1 gr. Phosphorus & Iron, Formula “ B.”, 1 “ Phosphorus, 1-50 grain. Iron by hydrogen, 3 grains. Phosphorus, Iron and Quinine 1 “ 2 “ Phosphorus, x-ioo grain. Iron proto-carb. (Vallet’s), 1 gr. Quinine sulph., 1 grain. Phosphorus, Iron and Quinine, Formula “B.” 1 “ 2 “ Phosphorus, 1-50 gram. Quinine sulph., 1 grain. Phosphorus, Quinine, Aloes and Nux vomica 1 “ Phosphorus, 1-33 grain. Quinine sulph., 1-2 gram. Ext. Aloes, 1-2 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-3 grain. Phosphorus and Quinine Comp.... 1 “ 2 “ Phosphorus, 1-50 gram. Iron by hydrogen, 1 grain. Quinine sulph., 1-2 grain. Strychnine, 1-60 gram. Phosphorus, Quinine and Digitalis Comp 1 “ 2 “ Phosphorus, 1-50 grain. Iron by hydrogen, 3 grains. Quinine sulph., 1-2 grain. Phosphorus, Iron, Quinine and Strychnine 1 “ 2 “ Phosphorus, 1-50 grain. Quinmeisulph., 1-2 grain. Powd. Ipecac, 1-4 gram. Powd. Digitalis, 1-2 gram. Powd. Opium, 1-4 gram. Phosphorus, Quinine & Nux vom.l “ 2 “ Phosphorus, 1-50 grain. Iron by hydrogen, 3 grains. Quinine sulph., 1-2 grain. Strychnine, 1-40 grain. Phosphorus, Morphine and Zinc valerianate 1 “ 2 “ Phosphorus, 1-50 grain. guinme sulph., 1 grain, xt. Nux vomica, 1-4 grain. Phosphorus and Strychnine x “ 2 “ Phosphorus, 1-50 grain. Strychnine, 1-60 grain. Phosphorus, 1-50 grain. Morphine sulph., 1-12 grain. Zinc valerianate, 1 grain. Phosphorus, Morphine and Zinc valerianate, Formula “ B.” 1 “ Phosphorus, 1-25 grain. Morphine hydrochlor., 1-12 gr. Zinc valerianate, 1 grain. Phosphorus and Strychnine, For- mula “B.” i “ Phosphorus, 1-25 grain. Strychnine, 1-30 grain. Phosphorus, Strychnine and Iron.. 1 “ 2 “ Phosphorus and Nux vomica 1 “ Phosphorus, 1-50 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-4 grain. Phosphorus and Nux vomica, For- mula “B.” i “ Phosphorus, 1-100 grain. Strychnine, x-6o grain. Iron proto-carb. (Vallet’s), 1 gr. Phosphorus, 1-33 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-2 grain. Phosphorus, Nux vom. & Damiana. 1 “ 4 “ Phosphorus, 1-100 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-8 grain. Ext. Damiana, 2 grains. Phosphorus, Nux vomica and Iron.. 1 *' 2 “ Phosphorus, x-ioo grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-4 grain. Iron phosphate precip., 1-2 gr. Phosphorus, Nux vomica and Iron, Formula “ B.” 1 “ 2 “ Phosphorus, Strych. & Iron sulph.. 1 “ 2 “ Phosphorus, 1-100 grain. Strychnine, 1-100 grain. Iron sulph., 1 grain. Phosphorus and Zinc comp j “ Phosphorus, 1-50 grain. Lupulin, 1 grain. Zinc sulph, 1 gram. Phosphorus, Zinc and Strychnine.., 1 “ 2 “ Phosphorus, 1-70 grain. Zinc valerianate, 3-4 grain. Strychnine, 1-30 grain. Phosphorus, Zinc and Valerian.,.. 1 “ Phosphorus, 1-33 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-3 grain. Iron by hydrogen, 3 grains. Phosphorus, Nux vomica, Iron and Quinine 1 “ 2 “ Phosphorus, 1-100 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-8 grain. Iron proto-carb. (Vallet’s), 1 gr. Quinine sulph., 1 grain. Phosphorus, 1-40 grain. Zinc sulph., 1 grain. Ext. valerian, 2 grains. ♦Physostigmine salicylate, i-roo gr.. 1 “ Phytolaccin, i-2 gr..., 1 “ 4 “ Picrotoxin, 1-60 grain 1 “ 4 “ *Put up in bottles of 25 each. MIN. DOSE. MAX. DOSE. MIN. DOSE. MAX. DOSE. muriate, 1-25 gr 1 pill. 2 pills. * Pilocarpine muriate, 1-16 gr 1 “ 4 “ Pilocarpine nitrate, 1-16 gr 1 “ 4 “ Quinine bisulphate and Capsicum.. 1 pill. 2 pills. Quinine bisulph., 2 grains. Powd. Capsicum, 1-2 grain. Podophyllin, 1-20 gr. Podophyllin, i-iogr. Podophyllin, 1-8 gr. Podophyllin, 1-4 gr. Podophyllin, 1-2 gr. Podophyllin, 1 gr. Quinine and Blue Mass 1 “ 2 Buinine sulph., x grain, leoresin Black Pepper, 1-4 gr. Blue Mass, 2 grains. 1-8 to 1 gr. Quinine bromide, 2gr x “ 3 “ Quinine and Capsicum x “ 2 “ Quinine sulph., 2 grains. Powd. Capsicum, 1-2 grain. Podophyllin and Belladonna 1 “ 2 “ Podophyllin, 1-4 grain. Powd. Capsicum, 1-2 grain. Ext. Belladonna, 1-8 grain. Powd. Sugar Milk, 1 grain. Podophyllin, Bellad. and Calabar.. 1 “ 2 “ Podophyllin, 1-4 grain. Ext. Belladonna, 1-4 grain. Ext. Calabar bean, 1-4 grain. Podophyllin and Blue Mass 1 “ 3 “ Podophyllin, 1-4 grain. Blue Mass, 2 grains. Podophyllin Comp 1 “ 2 “ Podophyllin, 1-2 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-16 grain. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-8 grain. Podophyllin Comp., Eclectic 2 “ 4 “ Podophyllin, 1-8 grain. Juglandin, 1-16 grain. Oleoresin Capsicum, 1-32 gr. Leptandrin, 1-16 grain. Citnicifugin, 1-32 grain. Podophyllin and Leptandrin 1 “ 2 “ Quinine Compound 1 “ 2 “ Quinine sulph., 1 grain. Arsenious acid, 1-32 grain. Iron by hydrogen, 1 grain. Quinine Co. and Ext. Dandelion.. 1 “ Quinine bisulph., 1 ingrains. Iron sulph. exsic., 2 grains. Arsenious acid, 1-24 grain. Ext. Dandelion, 1 1-4 grains. Quinine Co. and Strychnine r “ Quinine sulph., 1 grain. Arsenious acid., 1-20 grain. Iron by hydrogen, 1 grain. Strychnine, 1-20 grain. Quinine, Digitalis, Ipecac & Opium (Heim’s) 1 “ 2 Quinine sulph., r grain. Powd. Ipecac, 1-4 grain. Powd. Digitalis, 1-2 grain. P .wd. Opium, i-4,grain. Quinine and Ext. Belladonna 1 “ 2 “ Quinine sulph., 1 grain. Ext. Belladonna, 1-2 grain. Quinine, Ipecac and Opium 1 “ 3 “ Quinine hydrobromate, 2 gr. Pulv. Ipecac, 1-4 grain. Pulv. Opium, 1-4 grain. Quinine and Iron 1 “ 2 “ Quinine sulph., 1 grain. Iron by hydrogen, 1 grain. Quinine and Iron carbonate 1 “ 3 “ Quinine sulph., 1 grain. Iron proto-carb., (Vallet’s), x gr. Quinine, Iron and Nux vomica 1 “ 2 “ Quinine sulph., 1 grain. Iron proto-carb. (Vallet’s), 2 gr. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-4 grain. Quinine, Iron and Strychnine 1 “ 2 “ Quinine sulph., 1 grain. Iron proto-carb. (Vallet’s), 2 grs. Strychnine sulph., 1-60 grain. Podophyllin, 1-2 grain. Leptandrin, 1 grain. §Podophyllotoxin, 1-8 gr 1 “ 4 “ Podophyllum Ext., Igr 1 “ 4 “ Poppy Ext., 2gr 1 “ 2 “ PostPartum (Dr. Fordyce Barker). 1 “ 2 “ Ext. Coloc. Co. 1 1-2 grain. Calomel, 1 1-2 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-6 grain. Powd. Aloes, 1-6 grain. Powd. Ipecac, 1-6 grain. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-3 grain. § Potassium bromide, Igr 1 “ bromide, sgr 1 “ § Potassium iodide, 2gr 1 “ iodide, sgr 1 “ Potassium and Iron tartrate, 2 grs.. 2 “ 5 '• §Potassium permanganate, 1-2 gr.. 1 “ 4 “ §Potassium permanganate, Igr 1 “ 2 “ §Potassium permanganate, 2 gr. .. 1 “ Quassia Ext., Igr 1 “ 3 “ Quinidine sulphate, Igr 1 “ Quinidine sulphate, 2gr 1 “ Quinidine sulphate, 3gr 1 “ Quinine and Aloes x “ 5 “ Quinine sulph., 3-4 grain. Purified Aloes, 1-4 grain. Quinine, Iron &Strych. phosphates. 1 “ Quinine phosphate, 1 grain. Iron phosphate (precip.) 1 gr. Strychnine phosphate, 1-60 gr. Quinine and Iron valerianate 1 “ 2 “ Quinine sulph., 1 1-2 grains. Iron valerianate, 1-2 grain. Quinine, Iron and Zinc valerianates.. 1 Quinine valerianate, 1 grain. Iron valerianate, 1 grain. Zinc valerianate, 1 grain. ■Quinine bisulphate, 1-4 gr. Quinine bisulphate, 1-2 gr. Quinine bisulphate, 1 gr. Quinine bisulphate, 2 gr. Quinine bisulphate, 3 gr. tQuinine bisulphate, 4 gr. tQuinine bisulphate, 5 gr. 1-4 gr. and upwards. Quinine and Strychnine 1 “ a “ Quinine sulph., 1 grain. Strychnine, 1-60 grain. §Sugar-coated only. tGelatin-coated only. ♦Put up in bottles of 25 each. Quinine sulphate, 1-4 gr. Quinine sulphate, 1-2 gr. Quinine sulphate, 1 gr. Quinine sulphate, 2 gr. Quinine sulphate, 3 gr. fQuinine sulphate, 4 gr. MIN. DOSE. MAX. DOSE, Sedative i pill. 2 pills. MIN. DOSE. MAX. DOSE. 1-4 gr. and upwards. Ext. Musk root, 1-2 grain. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-2 grain. Ext. Valerian, 1-2 grain. Ext. Cannabis Indica, 1-10 gr. ISedative, Mann’s 1 “ 2 “ fQuinine sulphate, 5 gr. . Ext. Coca, i-2 grain. Ext. Valerian, 1-2 grain. Ext. Cannabis Indica, 1-4 gr. Vallet’s Mass, 1 grain. Arsenious acid, 1-80 grain. Strychnine, 1-80 grain. Codeine, 1-8 grain. Quinine valerianate, 1-2 gr 1 pill. 4 pills. Rheumatic 1 “ 3 “ Ext. Coloc co., x 1-2 grains. Ext. Colch. acet., 1 grain. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-3 grain. Calomel, 1-3 grain. Rhubarb Ext., Igr 1 “ 5 “ Rhubarb, U. S. P 1 “ 5 “ Powd. Rhubarb, 3 grains. Soap, 1 grain. Rhubarb and Blue Mass.... 1 “ 3 “ Blue Mass, 1 3-4 grains. Sodium bicarb., 1-2 grain. Powd. Rhubarb, 1 grain. Rhubarb Compound 1 “ 4 “ Powd. Rhubarb, 1 1-2 grains. Powd. Myrrh, 3-4 grain. Purified Aloes, 1 1-8 grains. Oil Peppermint, q. s. Rhubarb Compound, U.S.P 1 “ 4 “ Powd. Rhubarb, 2 grains. Purified Aloes, 1 x-2 grains. Powd. Myrrh, 1 grain. Oil Peppermint, 1-10 grain. Rhubarb and Iron 1 “ 3 “ Powd. Rhubarb, 2 grains. Iron sulph. exsic., 1 grain. Senna, Alex., Ext., 2 gr 2 Silver iodide, 1-4 gr 1 “ 3 “ Soap and Opium 1 “ 2 “ Powd. Opium, 3-5 grain. Soap, 2 2-s grains. Sodium bicarbonate, 4gr 1 “ Squill Comp... 1 ■“ 3 “ Powd. Squill, 3-8 grain. Powd. Jam. Ginger, 3-4 grain. Powd. Soap, 1 1-8 grains. Ammoniac, 3-4 grain. Stillingin, Igr 1 “ 3 “ Stramonium Ext., (seed), 1-4 gr... i«“ 4 “ Stramonium Ext., {seed), 1-2 gr.... 1 “ 2 1 Stramonium Ext., {seed}, 1 gr 1 “ Strophanthus, {powd. seed), i-2ogr. 1 “ 4 “ Strophanthus, {powd. seed), 1-4 gr. 1 “ 2 “ Strychnine, 1-100 gr. Strychnine, x-6o gr. Strychnine, 1-50 gr. Strychnine, 1-48 gr. Strychnine, 1-40 gr. Strychnine, 1-32 gr. Strychnine, 1-30 gr. Strychnine, 1-20 gr. Strychnine, 1-16 gr. Maximum dose 1-8 of a grain. Salicin, 1 gr. Salicin, 2 gr. Salicin, 3 gr. f Salicin, 5 gr. 1 gr. and upwards. Salicylic Acid, 1 gr. Salicylic Acid, 2 1-2 gr. Salicylic Acid, 3 gr. fSalicylic Acid, 5 gr. xtoxogrs. fSaiol, 2 x-2 gr. } 2 1-2 grs. and tSalol, 5 gr. j upwards. Strychnine sulphate, 1-100 gr 1 “ Comp., Formula “ A,” see Quinine Comp. & Strychnine, Sandal Wood comp 2 “ 5 “ Oil Sandal Wood, 1 grain. Ext. Cubeb, 1 grain. Bals. Copaiba, 1 grain. Sanguinaria Ext., 1-2 gr x “ Sanguinariin (cone.), 1-2 gr 1 11 2 “ Sanguinariin (cone.), Igr 2 “ Strychnine Comp., Formula “8.”.. 1 “ 2 “• Ext. Cubeb, 1 grain. Bals. Copaiba, 1 grain. Strychnine, 1-100 grain. Ext. Cannabis Indica, 1-16 gr. Powd. Ginseng, 1 grain. Phosphorus, 1-100 grain. Iron proto-carb. (Vallet’s), 1 gr. Sulphur iodide, 1-25 gr 1 U o ** Santonin, 1-2 gr > 1 “ Santonin, 1 gr 1 11 Santonin and Calomel 1 “ Sundew Ext., 3 gr 1 “ 2 “ Syphilitic, Ricord’s, Modified 1 “ 2 11 Mercury protiodide, 1-2 grain, Lactucanum, 1-2 grain. Ext. Opium, 1-10 grain. Ext. Conium seed, 11-2 grains. Santonin, 1-2 grain. Calomel, 1-2 grain. Cacao Butter, q. s. Santonin and Podophyllin 1 “ Santonin, 1-2 grain. Podophyllin, 1-20 grain. Sarsaparilla Ext., 3gr 2 “ 3 “ Savin Ext., 1 gr x “ 3 “ Tannin, 1 gr. Tannin, 3 gr. f Tannin, 5 gr. 1 to 10 grs. Taraxacum Ext., 3 gr 2 “ Tartar emetic, x-x6gr. Tartar emetic, i-iogr. Tartar emetic, 1-8 gr. Tartar emetic, 1-4 gr. *Scillitoxin, 1-300 gr x “ +Gelatin-coated only. §Sugar-coated only ♦Put up in bottles of 25 each. 1-16 to 1 gr. Terpin hydrate, 2gr 1 “ 3 “ Tonic, Aiken’s 1 pill 2 pills. > Quinine sulph., 1 grain. Arsenious acid, 1-50 grain. Iron by hydrogen, 2-3 grain. Strychnine, 1-50 grain. Tonic, Haematic, Andrews’ .... 1 “ 2 “ Quinine sulph., 1 grain. Iron by hydrogen, 1 1-2 gr. Arsenious acid, 1-40 grain. Powd. Ipecac, 1-8 grain. Strychnine sulph., 1-40 grain. Tonic Haematic with Cinchonidine.. 1 “ 2 “ Cinchonidine sulph., 1 grain. Powd. Ipecac, 1-8 grain. Arsenious acid, 1-40 grain. Iron-by hydrogen, 1 1-2 gr. Strychnine sulph., x-40 grain. Tonic, Waxham’s 1 “ 4 “ Cinchonine sulph., 1 grain. Ext. Pnckly-ash bark, 1-4 grain. Ext. Cinchona bark, red, 1-4 gr. Ext. Dogwood bark, 1-4 grain. Powd. Capsicum, 1-4 grain. Trilliin, 1-8 grain 2 “ Triplex 1 “ 4 “ Purified Aloes, 2 grains. Blue Mass, 1 grain. Podophyllin, 1-4 grain. Triplex, Dr. Francis’ 1 “ 2 “ Purified Aloes, 1 1-5 grains. Blue Mass, 1 1-5 grains. Oil Caraway, 1-5 grain. Res. Scammony, 1 1-5 grains. Croton Oil, 1 -20 grain. Tr. Aloes and Myrrh, 1-4 gr. MIN. MAX. DOSE. DOSE. Uva-ursi Ext,, 2 gr 2 pills. 6pilk* Valpn'an TTvt r> err o 44 i 44 MIN. MAX. DOSE. DOSE. Valerian Ext., 2gr . 2 “ 4 Veratrine, 1-60 gr. 1 Veratrine, 1-32 gr. J-1-60 to i-i2gr. Veratrine, 1-12 gr. ) Veratrum viride Ext., 1-4 gr ...... 1 “ 2 Veratrum viride Ext., 1-2 gr 1 Warburg’s Tincture j Each pill equals 011 c fluidraclun of the tincture. Warburg’s Tincture (without Aloes) 4 Each pill equals one fluidrachm of the tincture without aloes. Yerba santa Ext., 3gr 1 “ 4 Zinc oxide, 1 gr. 1 “ 5 Zinc phosphide, 1-10 gr. | Zinc phosphide, 1-8 gr. | Zinc phosphide, 1-6 gr. 1-10 to 1-2 gr. Zinc phosphide, 1-4 gr. J Zinc phosphide, 1-2 gr. J Zinc phosphide Comp 1 “ Zinc phosphide, 1-8 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-8 grain. Ext. Cannabis Indica, 1-8 gr. Zinc phosphide and’Nux vomica 1 “ 2 Zinc phosphide, 1-10 grain. Ext. Nux vomica,,l-4 grain. Zinc valerinate, 1 Zinc valerianate, Igr 1 “ 2 “ -2gr 1 “ 4 Zinc valerianate, 2 gr 1 PINK GRANULES (Sugar-Coated). These granules are intended to supply the needs of physicians in such cases as require minute or frequently repeated doses. A glance at the list will show that they are distinguished from our legular line of pills in that they represent doses suitable for children. This diminishes the risk there might other- wise be of giving to a child an overdose of some powerful remedy. At the same time their distinctive color renders them attractive to the class of patients for which they are intended. As we have not the protection of a government copyright or trade-mark on the name “ Pink Granules.” we are enabled to offer these granules at a considerably lower price of similar articles in the market. We guarantee the material to be unqualifiedly the best. Aconite root, 1-20 gr Aloin, 1-10 gr Alum, 1-10 gr.... Ammonium chloride, 1-10 gr.. Anodyne Camphor, 1-8 grain. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-8 grain. Morphine acetate, 1-160 grain. Oil Capsicum, 1-160 grain. Anti-Chill Chinoidin, 1-16 grain. Iron ferrocyanide, 1-8 grain. Arsenious acid, 1-320 grain. Oleo. Blk. Pepper, 1-16 grain. Anti-Constipation Podophyllin, 1-40 grain. Ext. Nux vomica, 1-16 grain. Ext. Belladonna, 1-40 grain. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-16 grain. Powd. Capsicum, 1-16 grain. Apomorphine, 1-60 gr Arnica flowers, 1-5 gr Arsenic iodide, 1-100 gr Arsenious acid, 1-100 gr Belladonna leaves, x-20 gr Calomel, 1-20 gr Calomel, 1-10 gr Camphor, 1-20 gr Camphor and Opium Camphor, 1-6 grain. Powd. Opium, 1-12 grain. Camphor, Opium and Tannin. Camphor, 1-16 grain. Tannin, 1-8 grain. Opium, 1-64 grain. Cantharides, 1-50 gr Cascarin, 3-16 gr Capsicum, x-20 gr Cathartic Comp., Imp., 1-4 gr. Ext. Coloc. Co., 1-12 grain. Ext. Jalap, 1-24 grain. Podophyllin, 1-48 grain. Ext. Gentian, 1-24 grain. Leptandrin, 1-48 grain. Ext. Hyoscyamus, 1-48 grain. Oil Peppermint, q. s. Cathartic Comp..U.S.P., 1-4 gr. Ext. Coloc. Co., 13-140 grain. Ext. Jalap, 1-14 grain. Calomel, 1-14 grain. Gamboge. 1-56 grain. Corrosive Sublimate, 1-100 gr. Croton Oil, 1-50 g.r Digitalis leaves, 1-20 gr Dover’s Powder, 1-4 gr Ergotin, 1-10 gr Gamboge, 1-32 gr Gelsemium root, 1-50gr.. Hydrastin, 1-20 gr Hyoscyamus Ext., 1-8 gr lodoform, 1-10 gr Ipecac, 1-50 gr Iron by hydrogen, x-10 gr Jalapin, 1-16 gr Leptandrin, 1-16 gr Mercury with chalk, 1-10 gr Mercury protiodide, 1-40 gr.... Mercury protiodide, 1-20 gr Morphine sulphate, 1-50 gr.... Neuralgic, Dr. Gross’, 1-4 gr . Quinine sulph,, 1-5 grain. Morphine sulph,, 1-200 grain. Arsenious acid, i-2co gram. Ext. Aconite leaves, 1-20 grain. Strychnine, 1-300 grain. Nux vomica, 1-50 gr Opium, 1-40 gr Peppermint Oil, 1-128 gr Phosphorus, 1-200 gr. Pipeline, 1-20 gr Podophyllin, 1-40 gr Potassium arsenite, 1-100 gr.. Potassium bromide, 1-5 gr Potassium nitrate, 1-10 gr Quinine sulphate, 1-10 gr Quinine, iron and Strychnine.. Quinine sulph., 1-16 grain. Strychnine sulph., i-q6o gr. Iron proto-carb.,(Vallet’s)i-8 gr. Salicylic Acid, 1-10 gr Santonin, 1-10 gr Strychnine, 1-100 gr Tannic Acid, 1-20 gr Tartaric Acid, 1-10 gr INDEX. PAGE Abdominal Supporter, Wilson’s 55 Abies balsamea 58 Abro de cuentas 1 Abrus precatorius 1 Abscess root 57 Abstracts 31 Acacia Catechu. 59 Acetanilid. 50 Achillea Millefolium 67 Acid chrysophanic 13 Acidhippunc 50 metaphosphorie 50 osmic 60 Phosphate, Liquid 44 Phosphate with Pepsin 68 pipitzahoinic 50 salicylic 50 sclerotic 50 trichloracetic 50 Aconite 30, 57 Aconitine 50 Aconitum Napellus 57 Acorus Calamus 66 Actsea rubra 65 spicata 65 Adonidin 50 Adonis vernalis 1 Adrue . 1 jEgle Marine los 58 jEsculus glabra 59 Hippocastanum 62 Agaric 67 Agaricin 50 Agrimony 57 Agrimonia Eupatoria 57 Agropyrum repens, see Triticum repens. Ague weed 13 Ailantus glandulosa 2 Ajowan 2 A j wain 2 Ajwan 2 Aletris farinosa 66 Alkaloids, Rare 49 Alkannin 50 Alligator pear 2 Allium sativum 61 Allspice 16, 57 Alnus serrulata 60 Aloes 57 Aloe socotrina 57 Aloin 50 Alstonia constricta 2 scholaris 2, 9 Alterative Compound 3, 20 Althaea officinalis 63 Aluminium acetate 50 Alum root 57 Alveloz 3 American blue vervain 57 columbo 57 hellebore 57 ivy 57 mistletoe 19 saffron 65 sarsaparilla 57 worraseed 57' Ammonium glycyrrhizate 50 picrate 50 Amomum Zingiber 19 Ampelopsis qumquefolia 57 Amyl nitrite 50 valerianate 50 Anacyclus Pyrethrum 64 Anagallis arvenis 3 Anamirta cocculus 61 Anemone Hepatica 63 Andira Araroba 12 Andromeda aborea 24 PAGE Anemiopsis calif ornica 27 Anemone Pulsatilla 31 Angelica 57 Angustura 57 Anise 57 Anthemis nobilis 60 Anti-emetic root 1 Antifebrin. 50 Antipyrin 50 Antiseptic Preparations 40 Apiol 50 Apium graveolens 60 Apocynum androssemifolium... 58 cannabinum 59 Apomorphine Muriate 50 Apple-tree bark 57 Aralia hispida 61 racemosa 66 nudicaulis 57 Arariba 12 Arbor vitae 57 Arbutin 50 Archangelica atropurpurea 57 officinalis 57 Arctium Lappa, see Lappa of- ficinalis. Arctostaphylos glauca 18 Uva-ursi 66 Areca Catechu 3 nut 3 Arekaniisse 3 Arissema Dracontium 62 triphyllum 63 Aristolochia Serpentaria 65 Aromatic Fluid Extract 58 Troches 36 Arnica 30, 57 montana 57 Artanthe elongata 63 Artemisia Abrotanum 66 absinthium 67 frigida 24 vulgaris 64 Arveloz 3 Asak 23 Asarum canadense 67 Asclepias Cornuli 65 curassavica 3 inearnata 67 tuberosa 64 Asimina triloba. 64 Asparagus 58 officinalis 58 Aspidium Filix-mas 63 Aspidosperma Quebracho 21 Aspidospermine 50 Atomizing Inhalers, Inhalants for 34 Semple’s 53 Atropa Belladonna 58 Atropine 50 sulphate. .50 Australian blue gum tree., 11 Avaava 17 Aveloz 3 Avens root 67 Avocado pear 2 Bael fruit 58 Balm 58 of Gilead 58 Balmony 58 Balsam fir bark . ’., 58 Balsamic resin from Sty rax Benzoin 58 Balsamodendron Kataf 64 Bamboo Brier 24 Comp 3, 25 Banana root 3 PAGE Baneberry 65 Baptisia tinctoria 67 Barbane 5 Barberry bark ’. 58 Barks, Pressed 49 Barosma betulina 59 Bayberry 58 Baycuru 4 Bay laurel 36 Bay rum 36 Bearsfoot 4 Bear’s weed \.. 27 Beech-drop v 58 Beef, Iron and Wine 37 Peptonized Extract 0f.... 46 Powder of 49 Bejuco Peonlla 1 peronilla 1 Belladonna 30, 5S Benne leaves 58 Benzoin 58 Compound 58 Berberine hydrochlorate 50 phosphate 50 sulphate 50 Berberis aquifolium 4 vulgaris 58 Betel nut 3 Beth root 58 Betonica officinalis 67 Bidens bipinnata 60 Bishop’s weed 2 Bismuth subiodide 50 Bistort 58 Bitter bugleweed 58 -root 58 Bittersweet 58 Black alder 58 ash bark 58 cohosh 58 haw, U. S. P 26 hellebore 58 pepper 58 walnut leaves 58 willow 58 Black-berry root 58 Bladder-wrack 58 Blessed thistle 58 Blood flower 3 root 58 Blue cohosh 58 flag. 59 gentian 59 Boldo 5 Boldoa fragrans 5 Bone, Powdered 48 Boneset. 59 Borage 59 Boroglyceride 50 Borago officinalis 59 24 Bray era, U S. P 17 anthelmintica. 17 Brazilian cocoa 14 Broom tops 59 Brucine 50 Brunfelsia Hopeana 18 Buchu 59 Buckbean 59 Buckeye bark 59 Buckhorn. 59 Buckthorn 59 bark 59 Bugleweed 59 Burdock 59 seed 5 Butternut 59 Buttonbush 59 Buttonsnake root 59 PAGE Byronia alba 67 Cactus grandiflorus 20 Cadmium sulphate 50 Cafe 8 Caffeine citrate .. 50 Calabar bean 59 Calcium hippurate 50 Calendula flowers 59 officinalis 59 California fever bush 12 laurel 5 Calisaya bark p 60 Calladium seguinum 61 Calycanthus floridus 61 Camellia Thea 7, 66 theifera 7 Camphor monobromated 50 Canada snake-root 67 Canadian hemp 57 Cancer root 58 Caneila 59 alba 59 Cannabinon 20 Cannabin tannate 50 Cannabis Indica.... 59 sativa 59 Cantharides 59 Cantharis vesicatoria 59 Canutillo 10 Capsella bursa-pastoris 23 Capsicum 59 fastigiatum 59 Capsule Filler, Davenport’s 40 Raymond's 53 Capsules, Empty. 33, 42 Capsules, Hard Filled 83 Horse 33, 42 Rectal 33, 42 Solid de Elastic Filled 32 Vaginal 33, 42 . Veterinary 33, 42 Caraway 59 Cardamom seed 59 Carnauba 5 Caroha 5 Carpenter’s square 60 Carthamus tinctorius 65 Carum Carvi 59 copticum 2 Carya alba 65 Casca bark. . 23 Cascara arnarga 6 Cordial 37 sagrada 22 Caseariila 59 Cascarin 22 Cassia 59 Cassia acutifolia 05 Castalia odorata 67 Castanea vulgaris 60 Castor leaves , 59 beans 59 Catechu 69 ('athartic Pills. 37 Catnep. 59 Cat’s hair ]2 Caulophyllum thalictroides.... 58 Ceanothus americanus . 62 Cedron seed 6 Celandine 30 Celandine, Garden 60 Celastrus scandens 60 Celery seed 60 Centaury. 60 Cephselis Ipecacuanha 62 Cephalanthus occidentalis 59 Cerasus virginiana 60 Cerates 33 Cercis canadensis 16 Cerebral Sedative Compound... 38 Cereus grandiflorus 20, 60 Cerium nitrate 50 PAGE Cevadilla seeds 60 Chamselirium carolinianum.... 62 Chamserops serrulata 23 Chamberlin’s Syringe 38 Chamomile ... ■. 30' 60 Chauhnoogra oil 6 seed 6 Chekan 6 Cheken 6 Chelidonium majus 60 Chelone glabra.. 58 Chemicals, Rare 49 Chenopodium ambrosioides 57 Chequen 6 Cherry 60 Chestnut 60 Chewstick 7 Chimaphila umbellata 64 Chinese sumach 2 Chinese tea 7 Chinoline 50 salicylate 50 tartrate 50 Chionanthus virginica 61 Chirata 60 Chlor-anodyne 38 Choke cherry 60 Cholesterin 50 Chondodendron tomentosum... 64 Chrysanthemum Parthenium, see Pyrethrum Parthenium. Chrysarobin 12 Chrysophanic acid 12 Cicuta maculata 67 Cimicifuga racemosa 58 Cinchona calisaya 60 officinalis 60 Pale 60 Red 60 succirubra 60 Cinnaraomum 59 Citrullus vulgaris 67 Citrus Aurantium 64 Limonum 63 vulgaris 64 Claviceps purpurea 61 Cleavers 60 Clot-bur 7 Clot-weed 7 Clover, red 64 Cloves 60 Cnicus benedictus 58 Coca 7, 10 cheroots ... 39 Cordial 89 cigarettes 39 Native Elixir, Lorini 39 Cocaine 7. 50 Case, Improved 39 Cocculus 60 Cochlearia Arrnoracia 62 Cochuco., r 10 Cockle bur 4 Codeine 50 Cod-liver oil 38 Coffee 8, 60 Cotfea arabica 8, 60 Cohosh, Blue 58 Cola acuminata 17 Colchicine 51 Colchicum 60 atumnale 60 Collinsonia canadensis 66 Colocynth 51, 60 Collodions 33 Coltsfoot 60 Columbo 60 Columbo, American 57 Comfrey 60 Common pimpernel 3 Compound Cathartic Pills 37 Cerebral Sedative.. 38 Compressed Troches 36 PAGE Comptonia asplenifolia 66 Concentrated Ext. Bay Laurel. 36 Concentrated Ext. Witch Hazel 55 Concentrations 31 Condurango., 60 Confections 33 Coniine 51 hydrobromate 51 hydrochlorate 51 Conium £O, 60 maculatum 60 Consumptive’s weed ... 27 Convallamarin 51 Convallaria majalis 8 Copernicia cerifera 5 Coptis trifolia 62 Coqueiarde 21 Corallorhiza odontorhiza 61 Coriander .. 60 Coriandrum sativum 60 Corn Ergot 26 silk 9 Smut 26 Cornus circinata 62 florida 61 sericea 65 Correa de Serra 58 Corypha cerifera 5 Coto 20 Cotoin 20, 51 Cotton 60 Couch grass 60 Cramp bark / 60 Crauesbill .. 60 Crawley 61 Croton Eluteria 59 Cubeb 61 Cuca. 10 Cucumber-tree 61 Cucumis Colocynthis. 60 Cucurbita Pepd 64 Culver’s root 61 Curare. ~ 51 Curcuma longa 66 Cusparia trifohata 57 Cusso 17 Cybistax antisyphilitica 5 Cynoglossum officinale 62 Cyperus articulatus .. 1 Cypridediuin pubescens 63 Cytisus scoparius 59 Damiana 9 Dandelion 61 Daphne Mezereum 63 Datura Stramonium 66 Daturine 51 Davenport’s Unique Capsule Filler 40 Deertongue ....... 61 Delphinium consolida 63 Staphisagria 66 Dewberry ... 01 Dialyzed Iron 40 Dicentra canadensis 66 Dieffenbachia seguine 61 Digestive tablets 40, 46 Digitalin 51 Digitalis purpurea 61 Dioscorea villosa 67 Diospyros virginiana 64 Dipterocarpus turbinatus 14 Dipteryx odorata 66 Disinfectant Preparations 40 Distilled Extract Witch Hazel.. 55 Dita bark 9 Ditarinde 9 Dogwood 61 Doom bark 23 Drimys Winter! 67 Drosera rotundifolia 24 Duboisia 10 myoporoides 10 PAGE Duboisine sulphate 51 Dumb cane 30, 61 Dwarf elder 61 Ecorce de dita 9 Elaterin 51 Elder flowers 61 Dwarf 61 bark, European 61 Elecampane 61 Elephantopus tomentosus. 10 Elephant’s foot 10 Elettaria Cardamomum......... 59 Elixirs 31 Emergency Case 41 Emetine 51 Empty capsules 42 Emulsion Cod Liver oil 38 Ephedra anti'syphilitica 10 Epigsea repens 62 Epilobium angustifolium 67 Epilobium spicatum, see E. angustifolium. Epiphegus virginiana 58 Equisetum hyemale 65 Erecthites hieracifolia 61 Ergot 61 Ergotin 51 Ergot products 41 Erigeron canadense 61 Eriodictyon glutinosum 27 Eryngium yuccsefolium 67 Erythrina piscipula 15 Erythrophlceum guineese 23 judiciale 23 Erythroxylon Coca 7, 10 Eserine 51 Ethyl bromide 51 Eucalyptus 11 globulus 11 Eugenia caryophyllata 60 chequen 6 Jambolana 62 pimenta 16, 57 Eulachon oil 11 Euonymus atropurpueus 67 Eupatorium perfoliatum 59 purpureum 64 Euphorbia corollata 61 heterodoxa 3 pilulifera 12 Eureka Abdominal Supporter.. 55 European elder bark 61 Euryangium Sumbul 20 Evening Primrose 12 Extract Bay Laurel, Concent’d. 36 of Malt 31 Witch Hazel,Concent’d 55 Extracts, Fluid 29 Powdered 31 Solid 31 Fabiana imbrieata 21 False bittersweet 61 hellebore 1 unicorn 61, 62 Faux fenouil 24 Female kola 17 Fennel seed 61 Ferula Sumbul 20 Fever-bush 66 Feverfew 61 Fever tree 11 Figwort 60 Fine Pharmaceutical Prepara- tions 36 Fire weed 61 Fishberries 61 Five-flowered gentian 61 Flavored lozenges 33 Fleabane 61 Florida allspice 61 Flowering spurge 61 Flowers, Pressed 49 PAGE Fluid Extracts 29 Golden-seal, Colorless.... 68 Flux herb 27 Flycatcher 25 Fceniculum officinale, 6l Folia Carobse 5 Formulae of Sugar and Gelatin- coated Pills 69 Foxglove 30. 61 Fraginolo Coralline 1 Franciscea uniflora,. 18 Frankenia grandifolia 27 Frasera carolinensis 57 Fraxinus americana 67 sambucifolia 58 Fringe-tree 61 Frostwort 61 Fucus vesiculosus, 58 Galium Aparine 60 verum 63 Galls 61 Garcinia Mangostana 18 Garden celandine 60 Garlic.. .i 61 Garry a leaves 12 Fremontii 12 Gaultheria procumbens 67 Gelatin-coated Pills 30, 69 Gelatin products 32 Gelsemine 56 hydrochlorate 51 tartrate 51 sulphate 51 Gelsemium 61 sempervirens .61 Gentian 61 Gentiana lutea 61 puberula 59 quinqueflora 61 Geranium maculatum 60 German chamomile 60 German Tinctures 30 Geum rivale 67 Gillenia trifoliata 02 Ginger 62 Glucosides, Rare 49 Glyceroles 33 Glycerole Yerbine Compound.. 56 Glycyrrhiza glabra 63 Gnaphaliura polycephalum 63 Goa powder 12, 13 Golden-rod 62 seal 62, 68 Gold-thread 62 Gouolobus Cundurango 60 Gossypium herbaceum 60 Gotterbaum 2 Gouania domingensis 7 Gouron oui b6n6. 17 Granular effervescent prepara- tions : 32 Gravel-plant 62 Great laurel 1 62 Green-dragon 62 osier 62 Grindelia robusta 13 squarrosa... 13 U. S. P 13 Guaco 13 Guaiac 62 Guaiacura officinale 62 Guarana 14 Gurjun balsam 14 Gynocardia odorata 6 Hsematoxylon campechianum. 63 Hamamelis virginiea 67 Hard Filled Capsules 33 Hardback 62 Hardy grindelia 13 Hair-cap moss 62 Hayo 10 PAGE Hedeoma pulegioides 64 Hellebore, False 1 Helleborus niger 58 Helianthella 14 Helianthella tenuifolia. 14 Helianthemum canadense 61 Helianthus annuus 66 Helonias 62 Hematic hypophosphites 43 Hemlock spruce * 62 Henbane 30, 62 Heracleum lanatum 63 Herbs, Pressed 49 Heuchera americana 57 Hippuric acid 50 Hoang-nan 15 Holy herb 27 Homatropine hydrobromate 51 Honduras bark 6 Hoolakins 11 Hopfenheinbuche 15 Hop hornbeam 15 Hops 62 Horehound 62 Horsechestnut 62 Horsemint 27 Horseradish 62 Houlachan 11 Hound’s tongue 62 Houttuynia calif ornica 27 Hurnulus Lupulus 62, 63 Huntsman’s cup 25 Hydrangea 62 Hydrangea arborescens 62 Hydrargyrum tannicum oxydu- latum 51 Hydrastine 51 Hydrastis canadensis 62 Hydrochinon 51 Hyoscine hydrobromate 51 Hyoscyamine 51 Hyosyamus niger 62 Hypericum perforatum 62 Hypnone 51 Hypodermic case 43 Hypodermic Syringes 44 Hypodermic Tablets,, 35 Hypophosphites, Hematic 43 Hyssop 63 Hyssopus officinalis. 62 Ichthyol 51 Ignatia bean 62 Ilex paraguayensis 21 Indian black-root 62 hemp 62 licorice 1 physic '. 62 turnip 62 Indispensable Cup Syringe 44 Inhalants 34 Inhaler, Semple’s 53 Inula Helenium 61 lodoform Bougies 53 10c101... 51 Ipado 10 Ipecac i 62 Ipomcea purga 62 Iris florentina 64 versicolor 59 Iron Bark. 11 Dialyzed 40 wood 15, 62 Issue Plasters 44 Jaborandi 15 Jacaranda procera 5 Jalap 62 Jamaica dogwood 15 pepper 16 pimento leaves 16 wild licorice 1 Jarabu assu 16 PAGE Jambul 62 Jasundi 23 Jatamansi ~ 20 Jateorrhiza Calumba. 60 Jeffersonia diphylla 66 Jersey tea 62 Jequirity 1 Johnswort 62 Judas tree 16 Juglans cijierea 69 nigra 58 Juniper berries 63 Juniperus communis 63 sabina 65 Jupeba*nill 16 Juribeba 16 Juripeba 16 Jurubeba 16, 63 Juuna 16 Kaffee 8 Kairine 51 Kalmia latifolia 63 Karnala 16 Kava kava 17 alpha resin 51 beta resin 51 Kawahin. 51 Kawa 17 Klettensamen 5 Kino 63 Kola nuts 17 Koossoo 17 Krameria triandra 65 Kuchenschelle 21 Labrador tea 63 Lactuca canadensis . 67 virosa 63 Lactucarium 63 Ladies’ bed-straw 63 slipper 63 Lanolin 51 Lappa officinalis 5 Larix americana 66 Larkspur 63 Lavender compound 63 Leaf cup T 4 Leaves, Pressed 49 Ledum latifolium 63 Lemon peel 63 Leonurus Cardiaca t 63 Lettuce 30 Lever wood 15 Levisticum officinale 63 Liane a E6glisse 1 de Reglisse 1 Liatris spicata 59 Licorice 63 Life everlasting 63 root 68 Lily of the valley 8 Lindera Benzoin 66 Lippia dulcis 18 mexicana 18 Liquid Acid Phosphate 44 Liquidambar styraciflua . 66 Liquor Ergotaa, Puriflcatus 61 Liquor Sedans 15, 45 Liriodendron tulipifera 67 List of Manufactures 29 Specialties 36 Liverwort 63 Lobelia. 63 inflata 63 Logwood 63 Lovage 63 Lozenges 33 Lungwort 63 Lupulin 63 Lycopersicum esculeutum 25 Lycopus europseus 58 virginicus 59 PAGE Mace 63 Magnolia 63 Magnolia acuminata 61 glauca 63 Maiblumen 8 Malefem. 63 Mallotus philippinensis 16 Malt Extracts 31 Manaca 18 Mandrake 63 Mango 18 fruit 18 Mangostane 18 Mangosteen 18 Manzanita 18 Marrubium vulgare 62 Marsh mallow 63 rosemary 63 Mary thistle 30, 63 Masterwort.... 63 Matico 63 Matricaria Chamomilla 60 Medicated lozenges 33 Medicinal Elixirs 31 Syrups 31 Wines 31 Melia Azedarach 64 Melissa officinalis 58 Mencona bark 23 Menispermum canadense 67 Mentha piperita 64 viridis 66 Menthol... . 18 Menthol Pencil 19 Menyanthes trifoliata 59 Mercurialis annua 19 Mercuric iodide tablets 68 Mercurio vegetal 18 Mercurous tannate 51 Mercury weed 19 Metaphosphoric acid 50 Mexican ginger 19 Mezereon. 63 Micromeria Douglassii 27 Mikania guaco . 13 Mineral water salts 32 Mistletoe 19 Mist. Smilacis Co 3 Mitchella repens 66 Monarda flstulosa 27 Motherwort 63 Mountain grape ... 4 laurel 63 mint 63 sage 24 Mugwort 64 Mullein 64 Musa sapientum 3 Muscarine sulphate. 51 Musk root 20 Myrcia cerifera 58 Myrica asplenifolia, see Comp- tonia asplenfolia. Myrica Gale...; 66 Myristica fragrans 63, 64 Myrrh 64 Myrtus chekan 6 NagouC 17 Napelline 51 Naphthalin 51 Naphthol. 51 Nasturtium Armoracia, see Cochlearia Armoracia. Nectandra 20 Nepeta cataria 59 Nettle-leaved vervain 27 Nettle root 64 Nicotiana Tabacum 66 Night-blooming cereus 20 Nitrite Amyl Pearls 45 Nitroglycerin 51 Noix de’ Arec 3 PAGE Normal liquids 29 Notes on Standard Medicinal Products 29 Nupharadvena 67 Nutmegs 64 Nux vomica 64 CEnanthe Phellandrium 67 CEnothera biennis 12 Ointments. .. 38 of oleates 34 Oleates 34 01. gynocardise 6 O’m'am 2 Oolachan 11 Oolachon 11 Opium Preparations 45 Orange peel, bitter 64 sweet 64 Oregon grape 4 Orozuz abro de cuentas 1 rosario 1 Orris root 64 Osmic acid 50 Osrnorrhiza longistylis 66 Osmunda regalis 59 Ostrya virginica 15, 62 Ottonia anisum 16 iaborandi 16 Oxgall Preparations 45 Oxydendrum arboreum ... 24 Pancreatin Preparations 46 Pansy 64 Papain 52 Papaw 64 Papaver somniferum 61 Papayotin 52 Paracoto bark 20 Paracotoin 52 Paraguay tea 21 Paraldehyd 52 Pareira Brava 64 Parsley root 54 ’‘Parvules” 30 Pasque flower 21 Pasta guarana 14 PauUinia sorbilis 14 Peach leaves 64 Pelletierine tannate 62 sulphate 52 Pellitory 64 Pencil flower 24 Pennyroyal 64 Penthorum sedoides 67 Peppermint 64 Pepsin Preparations 48 Peptoniz 'd Extract of Beef 46 Peptonizing Tablets 46, 48 Pernambuco jaborandi 15 Persea gratissima 2 Persimmon 64 Petroselinum sativum 64 Peumus boldus 5 Pharmaceutical Preparations.. 36 Phoradendron flavescens 19 Physician’s Pocket Reagent Cases 47 Physostigma venenosum 59 Physostigmine 52 Phytolacca decandra 64 Pichi 21 Picrarnnia 6 Picrsena excelsa 64 Picrotoxin 52 Pill-bearing spurge 12 Pills 30, 69 Compound Cathartic 37 Pilocarpine hydrochlorate 52 nitrate 52 Pilocarpus pinnatifolius 15 Pimpinella Anisum 57 saxifraga 65 PAGE Pink Granules 30 root 64 PinusStrobus 67 Piper Cuheba 61 nigrum 58 methysticum 17 Pipitzahoinic acid 50 Pipsissewa 64 Piscidia Ery thrina 15 Piscidin 52 Pitcher plant 64 Plantago major 64 Plantain 64 Plasters 33 Issue 44 Pleurisy root 64 Pocket Reagent Case, Physi- cians’ 47 Po’ de Bahia ; 12 Podophyllotoxin 52 Podophyllum peltaturn 63 Poison oak 30, 64 Poke 64 Polemonium reptans 57 Polygala Senega 65 Polygonatum officinale 65 Polygonum acre 67 bistorta 58 Polymnia Uvedalia 4 Polyporus officinalis 67 Polytrichum juniperinum 62 Pomegranate' 64 Poor Man’s Weather Glass 3 Poppy heads 64 Populus candicans 58 tremuloides . 67 Portulaca oleracea 64 Potentilla Tormentilla 66 Powdered Bone 48 Extracts 31 Powder of Beef 49 Premna taitensis 25 Pressed herbs 49 Prickly ash 64 Pride of China 64 Prinos verticillatus 58 Prunus persica. 64 serotina 67 virginiana 60 Ptelea trifoliata 67 Pterocarpus Marsupium 63 Pterocaulon pycnostachyum... 62 Ptychotis Ajwan 2 Pulmonaria officinalis 63 Pulsatilla 31, 30 vulgaris 21 Purslane 64 Pul vis Ararobse 13 Pumpkin seed 64 Punica Granatum 64 Pycnanthemum montanum.... 63 Pyrethrum Parthenium 61 Pyridine 53 PjTusmalus 57 Quassia 64 Quebracho . .21 Blanco 21 Queen of the meadow 64 Quercus alba 67 infectoria 61 Quillaya saponaria 65 Quinine and Urea muriate 52 flower 21 Raphidophora vitiensis 25 Rare Alkaloids 49 Raspberry, red 64 Reagent Cases ' 47 Rectal Capsules .33. 43 Red bud 46 clover 64 cohosh 65 PAGE Red osier 65 raspberry 64 Resorcin 52 Reymond’s Capsule Filler 53 Rhamnus cathartica 59 Frangula 59 Purshiana 22 Rhatany 65 Rheum officinale 65 Rhododendron maximum 63 Rhubarb 65 Rhus aromatica 22 glabra .! 66 Toxicodendron 13, 64 Ricinus communis 59 Roman chamomile 60 Roots, Pressed 49 Rorella 24 Rosin-weed 65 Rossolis 24 Rottlera tinctoria 16 Rubus canadensis 61 strlgosus.... 64 villosus 58 Rudbeckia laciniata 66 Rue 65 Rumex Acetosella 65 crispus 67 Ruta graveolens 65 Sabal serrulata 23 Sabbatia angularis 60 campestris 22 Elliottii 21 Paniculatse 21 Sacred bark 22 tree bark 22 Saffron 65 Sage 65 Saint herb 27 Salicylic acid 50 Salix alba 67 nigra 58 Salvia officinalis ; 65 Sambucus canadensis 61 nigra 61 Sandal wood 23 Sanguinaria canadensis 58 Sanguinarine nitrate 52 sulphate 52 Sanguis Bovinus Exsiccatus 52 Santal eitrin 23 Santalum album 23 Santalum citrinum 23 Santelholtz 23 Saponaria officinalis 65 Saraca indica 23 Sarracenia flava .. 25 purpurea 64 Sarsaparilla 60 para 65 Sassafras bark 65 officinale 65 Sassy bark 23 Satalum Citrinum 23 Satureia hortensis 66 Savana flower 26 Savin 65 Saw palmetto 23 Saxifrage 65 Scarlet pimpernel 3 Scillitoxin 53 Sclerotic acid, 50 Scouring rush 65 Scrophularia nodosa 60 Scullcap .65 Scutellaria lateriflora 65 Sedumacre 65 Semen •barbanse 5 gynocardiae 6 Semi di Corallo 1 Semple’s Atomizing Inhaler... 53 Senecio aureus 63 page Senega 65 Senna 65 Serenoa serrulata 23 Serpeutaria 65 Sesamurn indicum, see follow- ing. Sesamum orientale 58 Sheep laurel 63 sorrel 65 Shell-bark hickory 65 Shepherd’s purse.' 23, 30 Sierra salvia 24 Silkweed 65 Silphium laciniatum 65 Silybum marianum 63 Simaba Cedron 6 Simaruba bark 65 Simaruba officinalis. 65 Skunk bush 28 cabbage 65 Smilax 65 officinalis 66 Pseudo China 24 sarsaparilla 24 Snake weed 12 Soap tree bark 65 Soapwort 65 Sodium choleate 52 nitrite 52 sulphOcarbolate , 52 tungstate 52 Solanum Dulcamara . 58 paniculatum. .16, 63 Solidago odora 62 Solid Extracts.... 31 Solomon’s seal 65 Soluble Elastic Filled Capsules. 33 Sonnenthau 34 Sorrel tree 24 Sourwood leaves 24 Southernwood 66 Spanish needles 66 Sparteine sulphate 52 Spearmint . 66 Specialties, List of 36 Spice-bush 66 Spigelia marilandica 64 Spikenard 66 Spiny clutbur 66 Spiraea tomentosa 62 Spirit of Myrcia ...... s 36 Spoonwood' 16 Squawvine. 66 Squill . 66 Stachys Betonica, see Betonica officinalis. Star-grass 66 Statice brasiliensis 4 Limonium 63 Stavesacre seed 66 Sterculia acuminata 17 Stigmata Maidis 9 Stillingia 66 sylvatica 66 Stink bush' 22 Stone-root . 66 Stramonium 66 Strophanthin 52 Strophanthus 66 kombe 66 Strychnos Gauthieriana 15 Ignatii. 62 malaccensis 35 Nux vomica 64 Stylosanthes. 24 elatior 24 Styrax benzoin 53 Succus Alterans 3 Sugar-coated pills 30, 6!) test flasks 53 Sundew 24, 30 Sunflower seed 66 Sumach 66 PAGE Sumbul 20 Summer savory 66 Sweet cicely 66 fern 66 flag 66 Sale 66 gum 66 sumac 22 Swertia Chirata 60 Symphytum officinale 60 Symplocarpus fcetidus 65 Syringes, Chamberlin’s 38 Hypodermic 44 Indispensable Cup .. 44 Syrup Acid Phosphate with Pepsin 68 Syrups 31 Syrup Trifolium Comp 3, 25 Yerba Santa, Aromatic.. 56 Tablets, Hypodermic 35 Tablet triturates 34 Tag alder 66 Tamarac 66 Tanacetum vulgare 66 Tansy 66 Taraxacum officinale 61 Taro flour 54 Tea 66 Teamster’s tea 10 Tepopote 10 Terebene 52 Terpin hydrate 52 Test papers. Urinary 54 Test Tablets, Urinary 54 Teucrium Scordium 67 Thaleicthys pacificus 11 Thalline 52 Thapsia garganica 24 Thapsie ~ 24 The 7 Thee 7 Thimble weed 66 Thorn apple 80 Thuya occidentalis 57 Thyme 66 Thymus vulgaris 66 Tobacco 66 Tolu, Soluble 66 Tomato 25 Toncabean 66 Tonga 25 Tormentilla root 66 Tree of heaven 2 Trichloracetic acid 50 Trifolium Compound 3, 25 pratense 64 Trilisa odoratissima 61 PAGE Trilliumereetum 58 Triticum repens 60 Triturates, Tablet 34 Troches 36 Trumpet plant 25 Tsuga canadensis 62 Turkey corn 66 Turmeric 66 Turnera aphrodisiaca 9 microphylla 9 Tussilago Farfara 60 Twin leaf 66 Umbellularia californiea 5 Unicorn root 66 Unique Capsule Filler 40 Uranium nitrate 62 Urechites suberecta 26 Ureometer, the new 54 Urethane 52 Urginea Scilla 66 Urinary Test Cases 47 Papers 54 Tablets 54 Urtica dioica 64 Ustilago Maidis 26 Utero-vaginal Syringe 38 Uvaursi. 66 Vaccinium crassifolium 26 Vaginal Capsules 33, 42 Valerian ... 66 Valeriana officinalis 66 Veratrine 52 Veratrum album 67 Sabadilla 60 viride ... 57 Verbascum Thapsus 64 Verbena hastata 57 urticsefolia 27 Veronica virginica 61 Vervain, American blue 57 Veterinary Capsules 33, 42 Veterinary Hypodermic Tablets 35 Viburnum Opulus 60 prunifolium 26 Viola tricolor 64 Virginia stone-crop 67 Viscum flavescens 19 Wafer-ash 67 Wahoo 67 Water avens root 67 eryngo 67 germander 67 fennel 67 hemlock 67 pepper 67 PAGE Watermelon seeds 67 White agaric 67 ash bark ; 67 bryony 30, 67 hellebore 67 Indian hemp 67 oak bark 67 pine bark 67 pond-lily 67 poplar 67 saunders 23 vervain 27 willow bark 67 wood 67 Whorehouse tea lo Wild bergamot 27 cherry 67 ginger 67 indigo 67 lettuce 67 yam 67 Willow herb 67 Wilson’s Eureka Abdominal supporter 55 Wines 31 Wintergreen 67 Winter’s bark 67 Witch hazel 67 Concentrated Ex- tract of 55 Wood betony 67 oil 14 Woolly butt 11 Wormwood 67 Xanthium spinosum 66 strumarium 7 Xanthoxylum americanum 64 Yagnaranda 16 Yaguarandi. 15 Yaquona 17 Yarrow 67 Yellow dock 67 -flowered nightshade... 26 leaf 4 oxide of Mercury 56 parilla 67 pond-lily 67 saunders 23 Yerba buena 27 manza 27 mate 21 reuma 27 Santa 27, 56 Zea Mays 9 Zingiber officinale 62 PARKE, DAVIS & CO. Manufacture a full line of standard pharmaceutical prepara- tions, including those that are official in both the United States and foreign pharmacopoeias, and such as are not thus recog- nized, but whose value is attested bg the experience of the medi- cal profession. These preparations comprise: STANDARD PREPARATIONS. Fluid Extracts. German Tinctures. Sugar- and Gelatin-Coated Pills. Pink Granules. Hypodermic Tablets. Tablet Triturates. Powdered Extracts. Concentrations. Extract Malt and Combinations. Granular Effervescent Normal Liquids. Pills of the British Pharmacopoeia Solid Extracts. Mineral Water Salts. Collodions. Preparations. Roll Plasters. Ointments. Elixirs, Wines, Syrups. Medicated and Flavored Lozenges Glyceroles. Confections. Cerates. Inhalants. FLUID EXTRACTS OF NEW REMEDIES. PINE PHARMACEUTICALS. Acid Phosphate, Liquid. Disinfectant Preparations. Ox Gall. Aromatic Troches. Eulachon Oil and Emulsion. Pressed Herbs, Roots, etc. Beef Preparations. Glycerin Suppositories. Red Cinchona Cordial. Bone, Powdered. Glycerole Yerbine compound. Sanguis Bovinus Exsiccatua. Bronchial Sedative, Palmer’s. Hematic Hypopliosphites. Solution of Sclerotic Acid. Cascara Cordial. Haemoglobin Comp., Dr. Stewart’s. Syrup Trifolium Compound. Chlor-Anodyne. Issue Plasters. Taro Flour. Cocaine and Coca Preparations. Lime Juice and Pepsin. Warburg’s Tincture. Cod Liver Oil Preparations. Medicated and Flavored Syrup White Pine Compound. Compound Cerebral Sedatives. Lozenges. Pure Drugs and their Compressed Tablets and Troches. Menthol in Crystals. Preparations, Dialyzed Iron. Opium Preparations. Fine Chemicals, Alkaloids, etc. GELATIN PRODUCTS. Soluble Elastic Capsules. Empty Capsules. Hard Filled Capsules. Horse Capsules. lodoform Bougies. Rectal Capsule*. Soluble Elastic Capsules of Quinine and Cinehonidine Sulphate and SaloJ. Lactated Pepsin. Liquid Pepsin, U. S. P., 1880. Pepsinum Purum, in Lamellis Saccharated Pepsin, U. S. P., 1880. Pepsinum Purum Pulvis. Pancreatic, pure. Pancreatin, Saccharated. Pancreatin, Liquid. DIGESTIVE MEDICAL AND SURGICAL APPLIANCES. Cocaine Cases, Improved. Emergency Cases. Hypodermic Cases. Chamberlin’s Utero-Vaginal Syringe. The Indispensable Cup Syringe. Dr. Wilson’s Eureka Abdominal Supporter. Reymond’s Patent Capsule Filler. Davenport’s Unique Capsule Filler. Acme Capsule filler. Menthol Pencils, Nitrite Amyl Pearls. Physician’s Pocket Reagent Cases. Semple’s Atomizing Inhaler. Sugar Test Flasks. Ureometers. Urinary Test Tablets and Papers. Veterinary Hypodermic Cases. LABORATORY AND MAIN OFFICES: DETROIT, MICH., On Atwater Street, Between Joseph Campau and MoDougal Avenues, BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES: NEW YORK, 60 Maiden Lane, 21 Liberty Street. ENGLAND—London. 218 pearl street. is, Coleman street, e. c AUSTRIA—Vienna. AUSTRALIA—Sydney, N. S. W 75 Weston Street, s. c. Am. hop. 6, 1. Wholesalers Generally. GERMANY—Berlin, C. SWITZERLAND—Geneva. SIMON'S APOTHEKE AND PLACE DES AIPES. Bruckner, lampc a Co. Rue Levrisr 13.