THESAURUS OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES; s o CLASSIFIED AND ARRANGED AS TO FACILITATE THE EXPRESSION OF IDEAS AND ASSIST IN LITERARY COMPOSITION. BY PETER MARK ROGET, LATE SECRETARY OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY *, AUTHOR OF THE “ BRIDGEWATER TREATISE ON ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY,” ETC. REVISED AND EDITED, WITH A LIST OF Jforagtt (Lutorbs hr Cttglislj, anb o%r Abbitions, B Y BARNAS SEARS, B.B., SECRETARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF EDUCATION. NKW AMERICAN, PROM THE THIRD STEREOTYPED LONDON, EDITION, WITH ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS. BOSTON: GOULD AND LINCOLN. NEW YORK: SHELDON, BLAKEMAN & CO. CINCINNATI : GEO. S. BLANCHARD. 1859. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1854, by GOULD AND LINCOLN, In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. PRINTED BY GEORGE C. RAND & AVERY. STEREOTYPED AT THE BOSTON STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY. PUBLISHERS’ ADVERTISEMENT T O THE NEW AMERICAN EDITION. It lias been the design of the Publishers, in preparing the present edition cf Roget’s Thesaurus, to reproduce from the new and stereotyped London edi- tion the subject-matter of the original work, unabridged and entire, though with variations of arrangement, and with numerous and valuable additions. In the first American edition, which was especially intended to subserve the ends of education, all the phrases, and some of the words, contained in the English edition, were omitted, for reasons stated in the American Editor’s Preface. These omitted portions have been restored in the present volume in an Aopendix ; not merely from a deference to the views of critics and holar 'hose opinions are entitled to respect, but from a conviction that uch a c se accords w; nature of the work as an English Thesaurus, nd also ,,ill greatly enha.—,0 its usefulness, without diminishing its value as an instrument of education. In addition to the obvious impossibility of itting up an absolute standard of purity for the conduct of such a work as th i,— a consideration already suggested in the Preface of the first edition,— it is evident that the words and phrases now restored, however obnoxious many of them may be to the censure of the classical reader, have never- theless an admitted currency both in life and in certain departments of literature. Hence they certainly have some legitimate place in a complete Thesaurus of the language ; and, by rendering service to certain classes of writers and readers, necessarily contribute to promote the objects of the work. These remarks seem applicable even to such expressions as may be entitled vulgarisms. For “ if a novelist or a dramatist,” — to adopt the words of the author in his Introduction, — “ proposed to delineate some vulgar personage, he would wish to have the power of putting into the mouth of the speaker expressions that would accord with his character ; just as the actor, who had to personate a peasant, would choose for his attire the most homely garb, and Would have just reason to complain if the theatrical wardrobe furnished him with no suitable costume.” On the other hand, it is believed that any ap- prehended injury to the taste of students and younger readers is obviated by the method used to incorporate into the present American edition the expres- sions now under consideration. Standing, as these expressions now do, apart from the rest of the work, in a separate list, with their position in the language clearly defined, they can only enrich the resources, without misleading the PUBLISHERS’ ADVERTISEMENT 4 judgment, of all who have arrived at sufficient maturity of age and ctarac- ter to engage in any form of literary composition, and to need, therefore, the aid and guidance of such a work. In printing the new portions of this edition in an alphabetical instead of a logical or scientific order, the publishers believe that they have adopted a method at once the most correct, and the most practical and useful. It was found, upon examination, to be clearly inexpedient to repeat from the body of the work all the details of the author’s ingenious system of classifica- tion. No one of the leading divisions could have been repeated without repeating all, and these would in turn have required all the subdivisions ; and so the entire system would have been reinstated in the Appendix, with all the classes and their numerous categories, —a process most inconvenient and cumbrous, and withal unnecessary. Resort was therefore had to the alphabetical method, as being simple, economical of space, and entirely ade- quate to the purpose. At the same time, as will appear upon a mom ent’s reflection, the logical method is in reality so far retained as to secure all the really practical uses of the author’s classification, inasmuch as the leading words of the list are identical with the minor divisions of the work, termed by the author “ topics or heads of signification,” and which, it may be added, are the most directly valuable of all the parts of his elaborate sys- tem. Thus the leading words of the Appendix serve the same purpose as the headings of the kindred groups of expressions in the earlier parts of the volume, as both of them designate topics, and include in themselves the general ideas which the words and phrases ranged under them variously express. To facilitate references which the reader may wish to make, the number is affixed to each leading word which designates the kindred head- ing and group of expressions contained in the body of the work. In preparing the Appendix, many words and phrases have been added to the very copious collection of the author : such additional expressions are enclosed in brackets. The publishers have noticed, with some interest, that the author of the work has, in his new and stereotyped edition, adopted the form of the Amer- ican edition, as being “ more portable and convenient and also that he has incorporated, though silently, various additions which were introduced by the American Editor. It is proper here to state, that the present edition has been prepared under the editorial care of Prof. John L. Lincoln, of Brown University. With these remarks, the volume is submitted to the public, in the hope that, in its enlarged and improved form, it will reach a still wider range of circulation and usefulness. Boston, July 2, 1855. PREFACE OP THE AMERICAN EDITOR. The Thesaurus of Roget is justly held in high estimation both in England and in America. Though it is the first work of its kind that has appeared in the history of our language, the completeness of its plan, and its fulness of details, are such as to leave little to be supplied by others. The book may, in fact, be advantageously taken up by the student of English compo- sition as an ample vocabulary furnished for his special use. The body of our noble language is, in this invaluable manual, anatomized, as it were, and distributed, not under any merely philological arrangement, connected with the mechanism and structure of language, but classified by the wants of the mind with reference to the purposes of expression, and the actual demands of oral or written communication. The greatest fault of the work is that of incorporating so s 6 AMERICAN EDITOR S PREFACE. many objectionable words and phrases, which ought never to meet the eye or tempt the tongue. Judged from his own point of view, the author must be pronounced successful in the exe- cution of his design; but the design itself is faulty from its superfluity, embracing as it does words that had better be sup- pressed. Indeed, it is not easy to discover any advantage aris- ing from so copious a collection of vulgar words and phrases, except to the few wlm, as professed authors, have frequent occa- sion to represent the language of low life, whom we do not un- dertake to aid. It was, therefore, thought advisable, in issuing an American edition, to omit all words of this character; and as the greater part of the phrases are either low or trite, and as the residue are of doubtful utility, they have all been dropped. Only those complex terms have been retained which are fre- quently employed in the place of single words. Of the large number of unusual words, borrowed mostly from the Latin, and unknown to our purest and best writers, only a few, and such as are without any equivalents in the language, have been allowed a place in the present edition. The purely foreign words which are intermingled with the English throughout the work have been placed at the end, with an extensive list of others most frequently occurring in our present literature; to all of which definitions have been added, for the benefit of those who under- stand only the English language. With the classification of topics by the author it was deemed inexpedient to interfere, though his distinctions are not always AMERICAN EDITOR’S PREFACE. 7 clear, and though he found it necessary to employ in his synopti- cal table many terms which are hardly English. These terms may be regarded as merely technical when they occur in the body of the work, being uniformly printed in small capitals, and standing at the head of the groups to which they respectively belong. Apprehending that many who may consult this work would regard the plan of the author for the distribution of his topics as too obscure for ordinary reference, the editor has caused the index to be greatly enlarged and its numerous errors to be corrected. This laborious task has been diligently and accu- rately performed by Messrs. S. Talbot and Samuel Richardson, members of the Newton Theological Institution. Ndarly every word standing singly in this vast collection of synonymes will be found in its appropriate place in the index, with distinct references to all the paragraphs in which it occurs. The addi- tional words inserted by the editor of the American edition are distinguished from those of the author by being put in paren- theses. As the parenthetical words of the author are but occa- sional explanatory terms, or mere variations in orthogra- phy, they are easily distinguishable from the additions above mentioned. A few paragraphs of the author’s introduction, not applicable to this edition, have been omitted. In the preparation of the edition now offered to the public the editor has received important assistance from William 8 AMERICAN EDITOR’S PREFACE. Russell, Esq., principal of the Normal Institution at Lancas- ter, and Professor S. S. Greene, superintendent of the public schools of Providence, R. I. The former, with pencil in hand, carefully examined the whole work twice; the latter went through it once in the same way. As there is no absolute standard by which one can pass judgment upon words with reference to their admission into such a collection as this, it is to be expected that different persons, influenced by their individual tastes and associations, will judge differently. Whether the editor and his literary advisers have always judged wisely in this respect, it is not their province to decide. In the nice matter of drawing a line of distinction between vulgarisms and what is merely familiar and common, and between words resting on no good authority and those that are only unusual or scien- tific or of but recent currency, it is hoped that the united opin- ions of three individuals of different pursuits and mental habits will diminish the chances of any great deviations from the right course. B. S. Boston, February 1,1854 CONTENTS. Pi-GB AUTHOR’S PREFACE, . . 10 INTRODUCTION, - 11 PLAN OF CLASSIFICATION, 27 TABULAR SYNOPSIS OF CATEGORIES, 28 ABBREVIATIONS, 42 THESAURUS OF ENGLISH WORDS, 43 INDEX OF THE THESAURUS, 273 APPENDIX, CONTAINING ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES, WHICH, THOUGH NOT CLASSICAL, HATE YET AN ACKNOWL- EDGED CURRENCY, 437 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF FOREIGN WORDS AND EXPRES- SIONS wnicil MOST FREQUENTLY OCCUR IN WORKS OF GENERAL LITERATURE, 479 AUTHOR'S PREPACE. It is now nearly fifty years since I first projected a system of verbal classi- fication similar to that on which the present work is founded. Conceiving that such a compilation might help to supply my own deficiencies, I had, in the year 1805, completed a classed catalogue of words on a small scale, but on the same principle, and nearly in the same form, as the Thesaurus now published. I had often, during that long interval, found this little collection, scanty and imperfect as it was, of much use to me in literary composition, and often contemplated its extension and improvement; but a sense of th6 magnitude of the task, amidst a multitude of other avocations, deterred me from the attempt. Since my retirement from the duties of secretary of the Royal Society, however, finding myself possessed of more leisure, and believing that a repertory of which I had myself experienced the advantages might, when amplified, prove useful to others, I resolved to embark in an undertaking which, for the last three or four years, has given me incessant occupation, and has, indeed, imposed upon me an amount of labor very much greater than I had anticipated. Notwithstanding all the pains I have bestowed on its execution, I am fully aware of its numerous deficiencies and imperfections, and of its falling far short of the degree of excellence that might be attained. But in a work of this nature, where perfection is placed at so great a distance, I have thought it best to limit my ambition to that moderate share of merit which it may claim in its present form ; trusting to the indulgence of those for whose benefit it is intended, and to the candor of critics, who, while they find it easy to detect faults, can, at the same time, duly appreciate difficulties. P. M. ROGET. 18 Upper Bedford Place, London, February 12, 1853. INTRODUCTION. The present work is intended to supply, with respect to the English language, a desideratum hitherto unsupplied in any lan- guage ; namely, a collection of the words it contains and of the idiomatic combinations peculiar to it, arranged, not in alphabeti- cal order as they are in a dictionary, but according to the ideas which they express. The purpose of an ordinary dictionary is simply to explain the meaning of words; and the problem of which it professes to furnish the solution may be stated thus: the word being given, to find its signification, or the idea it is intended to convey. The object aimed at in the present under- taking is exactly the converse of this; namely, the idea being given, to find the word or words by which that idea may be most fitly and aptly expressed. For this purpose the words and phrases of the language are here classed, not according to their sound or their orthography, but strictly according to their signi- fication. The communication of our thoughts by means of language, whether spoken or written, like every other object of mental exertion, constitutes a peculiar art, which, like other arts, can- not be acquired in any perfection but by long and continued practice. Some, indeed, there are more highly gifted than others 12 INTRODUCTION. with a facility of expression, and naturally endowed with the power of eloquence; but to none is it, at all times, an easy pro- cess to imbody, in exact and appropriate language, the various trains of ideas that are passing through the mind, or to depict, in their true colors and proportions, the diversified and nicer shades of feeling which accompany them. To those who are unpractised in the art of composition, or unused to extempore speaking, these difficulties present themselves in their most for- midable aspect. However distinct may he our views, however vivid our conceptions, or however fervent our emotions, we can- not but be often conscious that the phraseology we have at our command is inadequate to do them justice. We seek in vain the words we need, and strive ineffectually to devise forms of ex- pression which shall faithfully portray our thoughts and senti- ments. The appropriate terms, notwithstanding our utmost efforts, cannot be conjured up at will. Like “ spirits from the vasty deep,” they come not when we call; and we are driven to the employment of a set of words and phrases either too general or too limited, too strong or too feeble, which suit not the occasion, which hit not the mark we aim at; and the result of our pro- longed exertion is a style at once labored and obscure, vapid and redundant, or vitiated by the still graver faults of affectation or ambiguity. It is to those who are thus painfully groping their way, and struggling with the difficulties of composition, that this work professes to hold out a helping hand. The assistance it gives is that of furnishing on every topic a copious store of words and phrases, adapted to express all the recognizable shades and modi- fications of the general idea under which those words and phrases are arranged. The inquirer can readily select, out of the ample collection spread out before his eyes in the following pages, those INTRODUCTION. 13 expressions which are best suited to his purpose, and which might not have occurred to him without such assistance. In order to make this selection, he scarcely ever need engage in any critical or elaborate study of the subtile distinctions existing between synonymous terms; for if the materials set before him be suf- ficiently abundant, an instinctive tact will rarely fail to lead him to the proper choice. Even while glancing over the columns of this work, his eye may chance to light upon a particular term which may save the cost of a clumsy paraphrase, or spare the labor of a tortuous circumlocution. Some felicitous turn of ex- pression thus introduced will frequently open to the mind of the reader a whole vista of collateral ideas, which could not, without an extended and obtrusive episode, have been unfolded to his view; and often will the judicious insertion of a happy epithet, like a beam of sunshine in a landscape, illumine and adorn the subject which it touches, imparting new grace, and giving life and spirit to the picture. Every workman in the exercise of his art should be provided with proper implements. For the fabrication of complicated and curious pieces of mechanism, the artisan requires a corresponding assortment of various tools and instruments. For giving proper effect to the fictions of the drama, the actor should have at his dis- posal a well-furnished wardrobe, supplying the costumes best suited to the personages he is to represent. For the perfect delineation of the beauties of nature, the painter should have within reach of his pencil every variety and combination of hues and tints. Now, the writer, as well as the orator, employs, for the accom- plishment of his purposes, the instrumentality of words; it is in words that he clothes his thoughts; it is by means of •words that he depicts his feelings. It is therefore essential to his success that he be provided with a copious vocabulary, and that he 14 INTRODUCTION. possess an entire command of all the resources and appliances of his language. To the acquisition of this power no procedure appears more directly conducive than the study of a methodized system such as that now offered to his use. The utility of the present work will be appreciated more espe- cially by those who are engaged in the arduous process of translat- ing into English a work written in another language. Simple as the operation may appear, on a superficial view, of rendering into English each of its sentences, the task of transfusing, with per- fect exactness, the sense of the original, preserving, at the same time, the style and character of its composition, and reflecting, with fidelity, the mind and the spirit of the author, is a task of extreme difficulty. The use of language is not confined to its being the me- dium through which we communicate our ideas to one another ; it fulfils a no less important function as an instrument of thought, not being merely its vehicle, but giving it wings for flight. Meta- physicians are agreed that scarcely any of our intellectual oper- ations could be carried on, to any considerable extent, without the agency of words. None but those who are conversant with the philosophy of mental phenomena can be aware of the immense influence that is exercised by language in promoting the develop- ment of our ideas, in fixing them in the mind, and detaining hem for steady contemplation. In every process of reasoning, language enters as an essential element. Words are the instru- ments by which we form all our abstractions, by which we fashion and imbody our ideas, and by which wre are enabled to glide along a series of premises and conclusions with a rapidity so great as to leave in the memory no trace of the successive steps of the process; and we remain unconscious how much we owe INTRODUCTION. 15 to this potent auxiliary of the reasoning faculty. It is on this ground, also, that the present work founds a claim to utility. The review of a catalogue of words of analogous signification will often suggest by association other trains of thought, which, presenting the subject under new and varied aspects, will vastly expand the sphere of our mental vision. Amidst the many ob- jects thus brought within the range of our contemplation, some striking similitude or appropriate image, some excursive flight or brilliant conception, may flash on the mind, giving point and force to our arguments, awakening a responsive chord in the imagina- tion or sensibility of the reader, and procuring for our reason- ings a more ready access both to his understanding and to his heart. It is of the utmost consequence that strict accuracy should regulate our use of language, and that every one should acquire the power and the habit of expressing his thoughts with perspi- cuity and correctness. Few, indeed, can appreciate the real ex- tent and importance of that influence which language has always exercised on human affairs, or can be aware how often these are determined by causes much slighter than are apparent to a super- ficial observer. False logic, disguised under specious phraseology, too often gains the assent of the unthinking multitude, dissemi- nating far and wide the seeds of prejudice and error. Truisms pass current, and -wear the semblance of profound wisdom, when dressed up in the tinsel garb of antithetical phrases, or set off by an imposing pomp of paradox. By a confused jargon of involved and mystical sentences, the imagination is easily inveigled into a transcendental region of clouds, and the understanding beguiled into the belief that it is acquiring knowledge and approaching truth. A misapplied or misapprehended term is sufficient to give rise to fierce and interminable disputes; a misnomer has turned 16 INTRODUCTION. the tide of popular opinion; a verbal sophism has decided a party question; an artful watchword, thrown among combustible ma- terials, has kindled the flames of deadly warfare, and changed the destiny of an empire. In constructing the following system of classification of the ideas which are expressible by language, my chief aim has been to obtain the greatest amount of practical utility. I have accord- ingly adopted such principles of arrangement as appeared to me to be the simplest and most natural, and which would not require, either for their comprehension or application, any disciplined acumen or depth of metaphysical or antiquarian lore. Eschew- ing all needless refinements and subtilties, I have taken as my guide the more obvious characters of the ideas for which expres- sions were to be tabulated, arranging them under such classes and categories as reflection and experience had taught me would conduct the inquirer most readily and quickly to the object of his search. Commencing with the ideas expressing mere ab- stract relations, I proceed to those which relate to the phenom- ena of the material world, and, lastly, to those in which the mind is concerned, and which comprehend intellect, volition, and feel- ing; thus establishing six primary classes of categories. 1. The first of these classes comprehends ideas derived from the more general and Abstract Relations among things, such as Existence, Resemblance, Quantity, Order, Number, Time, Poiver. 2. The second class refers to Space and its various relations, including Motion, or change of place. 8. The third class includes all ideas that relate to the Mate- rial World ; namely, the Properties of Blatter, such as So- lidity, Fluidity, Heat, Sound, Light, and the Phenomena they INTRODUCTION. 17 present, as well as the simple Perceptions to which they give rise <*. The fourth class embraces all ideas of phenomena relating to the Intellect and its operations ; comprising the Acquisition, the Retention, and the Communication of Ideas. 5. The fifth class includes the ideas derived from the exercise of Yolition ; embracing the phenomena and results of our Voluntary and Active Powers ; such as Choice, Intention, Utility, Action, Antagonism, Authority, Compact, Property, &c. 6. The sixth and last class comprehends all ideas derived from the operation of our Sentient and Moral Powers ; includ- ing our Feelings, Emotions, Passions, and Moral and Religious Sentiments* The further subdivisions and minuter details will be best un- derstood from an inspection of the Tabular Synopsis of Cate- gories prefixed to the work; in which are specified the several topicor heads of signification, under which the words have been arranged. By the aid of this table, the reader will, with a little practice, readily discover the place which the particular topic he is in search of occupies in the series; and on turning to the page * It must necessarily happen, in every system of classification framed with this view, that ideas and expressions arranged under one class must include also ideas relating to another class; for the operations of the Intellect gener- ally involve also those of the Will, and vice versa; and our Affections and Emotions, in like manner, generally imply the agency both of the Intellect and of the Will. All that can be effected, therefore, is to arrange the words accord- ing to the principal or dominant idea they convey. Teaching, for example, al- though a Voluntary act, relates primarily to the Communication of Ideas and is accordingly placed at No. 537, under Class IV. Division II. On the other hand, Choice, Conduct, Skill, &c., although implying the cooperation of Voluntary with Intellectual acts, relate principally to the former, and arc therefore arranged under Class V. 18 INTRODUCTION. in the body of the work which contains it, he will find the group of expressions he requires, out of which he may cull those that are most appropriate to his purpose. For the convenience of reference, I have designated each separate group or heading by a particular number; so that if, during the search, any doubt oi difficulty should occur, recourse may be had to the copious alpha- betical index of words at the end of the volume, which will at once indicate the number of the required group.* For the purpose of exhibiting with greater distinctness the relations between words expressing opposite and correlative ideas, I have, whenever the subject admitted of such an arrangement, placed them in two parallel columns in the same page, so that each group of expressions may be readily contrasted with those which occupy the adjacent column and constitute their antitheses. By carrying the eye from the one to the other, the inquirer may often discover forms of expression, of which he may avail him- self advantageously, to diversify and infuse vigor into his phrase- ology. Rhetoricians, indeed, are well aware of the power derived from the skilful introduction of antitheses in giving point to an argument, and imparting force and brilliancy to the diction. A too frequent and indiscreet employment of this figure of rhetoric may, it is true, give rise to a vicious and affected style; but it is unreasonable to condemn indiscriminately the occasional * It often happens that the same word admits of various applications, or may be used in different senses. In consulting the index, the reader will be guided to the number of the heading under which that word, in each particular acceptation, will be found, by means of supplementary words printed in Italics ; which words, however, are not to be understood as explaining the meaning of the word to which they are annexed, but only as assisting in the required reference. INTRODUCTION. 19 and moderate use of a practice on account of its possible abuse. In many cases, two ideas which are completely opposed to each Dther admit of an intermediate or neutral idea, equidistant from both ; all these being expressible by corresponding definite terms. Thus, in the following examples, the woi'ds in the first and third columns, which express opposite ideas, admit of the intermediate terms contained in the middle column, having a neutral sense with reference to the former : — Identity, Difference, Contrariety. Beginning, Middle, End. Past, Present, Future In other cases, the intermediate word is simply the negative to each of two opposite positions ; as, for example, — Convexity, Flatness, Concavity. Desire, Indifference, Aversion. Sometimes the intermediate word is properly the standard with which each of the extremes is compared; as in the case of Insufficiency, Sufficiency, Redundance; for here the middle term, Sufficiency, is equally opposed, on the one hand to Insufficiency, and on the other to Redundance. These forms of correlative expressions would suggest the use of triple instead of double columns, for tabulating this three- fold order of words; but the practical inconvenience attend- ing such ;ji arrangement would probably overbalance its ad- vantages. It often happens that the same word has several correlative terms, according to the different relations in which it is con- 20 INTRODUCTION. sidered. Thus, to the word Giving are opposed both Receiving and Talcing ; the former correlation having reference to the per- sons concerned in the transfer, while the latter relates to the mode of transfer. Old has for opposite both New and Young, according as it is applied to things or to living beings. Attack and Defence are correlative terms; as are also Attack and Resistance. Resistance, again, has for its other correlative Sub- mission. Truth in the abstract is opposed to Error; but the opposite of Truth communicated is Falsehood. Acquisition is contrasted both with Deprivation and with Loss. Refusal is the counterpart both of Offer and of Consent. Disuse and 3fisuse may either of them be considered as the correlative of Use. Teaching, with reference to what is taught, is opposed to Mis- teaching; but with reference to the act itself, its proper recip- rocal is Learning. Words contrasted in form do not always bear the same con- trast in their meaning. The word Malefactor, for example, would, from its derivation, appear to be exactly the opposite of Benefactor; but the ideas attached to these two words are far from being directly opposed; for while the latter expresses one who confers a benefit, the former denotes one who has violated the laws. Independently of the immediate practical uses derivable from the arrangement of words in double columns, many considera- tions, interesting in a philosophical point of view, are presented by the study of correlative expressions. It will be found, on strict examination, that there seldom exists an exact opposition between two words which may at first sight appear to be the counterparts of one another; for, in general, the one will be found to possess in reality more force or extent of meaning than the other with which it is contrasted. The correlative term INTRODUCTION. 21 sometimss assumes the form of a mere negative, although it is really endowed with a considerable positive force. Thus Disre- spect is not merely the absence of Respect; its signification trenches on the opposite idea, namely, Contempt. In like man- ner, TJntruth is not merely the negative of Truth ; it involves a degree of Falsehood. Irreligion, which is properly the want of Religion, is understood as being nearly synonymous with Im- piety. For these reasons, the reader must not expect that all the words which stand side by side in the two columns shall be the precise correlatives of each other; for the nature of the subject, as well as the imperfections of language, renders it impossible always to preserve such an exactness of correlation. There exist comparatively few words of a general character to which no correlative term, either of negation or of opposition, can be assigned, and which, therefore, require no corresponding second column. The correlative idea, especially that which con- stitutes a sense negative to the primary one, may, indeed, be formed or conceived; but, from its occurring rarely, no word has been framed to represent it; for in language, as in other matters, the supply fails when there is no probability of a demand. Oc- casionally we find this deficiency provided for by the contrivance of prefixing the syllable non ; as, for instance, the negatives of existence, performance, payment, &c., are expressed by the com- pound words, non-existence, non-performance, non-payment, &c. Functions of a similar kind are performed by the prefixes, dis-,* anti-, contra-, mis-, in-, and un-.f With respect to all these, and * The word disannul, however, has the same meaning as annul; and inebri- ety is synonymous with ebriety. f In the case of adjectives, the addition to a substantive of the terminal syllable less gives it a negative meaning; as taste, tasteless; care, careless; hope, hopeless; friend, friendless; fault, faultless ; &c. 22 INTRODUCTION. especially the last, great latitude is allowed according to the necessities of the case — a latitude which is limited only by the taste and discretion of the writer. On the other hand, it is hardly possible to find two words having in all respects the same meaning, and being therefore interchangeable; that is, admitting of being employed indiscrim- inately, the one or the other, in all their applications. The investigation of the distinctions to be drawn between words ap- parently synonymous forms a separate branch of inquiry, which I have not presumed here to enter upon; for the subject has al- ready occupied the attention of much abler critics than myself, and its complete exhaustion would require the devotion of a whole life. The purpose of this wmrk, it must be borne in mind, is, not to explain the signification of words, but simply to classify and ari’ange them according to the sense in which they are now used, and which I presume to be already known to the reader. I enter into no inquiry into the changes of meaning they may have undergone in the course of time.* I am content to accept them at the value of their present currency, and have no concern with their etymologies or with the history of their transforma- tions ; far less do I venture to thread the mazes of the vast labyrinth into winch I should be led by any attempt at a general * Such changes are innumerable; for instance, the words tyrant, parasite, sophist, churl, knave, villain, anciently conveyed no opprobrious meaning. Im- pertinent merely expressed irrelative; and implied neither rudeness nor intru- sion, as it does at present. Indifferent originally meant impartial; extravagant was simply digressive; and to prevent was properly to precede and assist. The old translations of the Scriptures furnish many striking examples of the alter- ations which time has brought in the signification of words. Much curious information on this subject is contained in Trench’s Lectures on the Study of Words. INTRODUCTION. 23 discrimination of synonymes. The difficulties I have had to con- tend with have already been sufficiently great, without this ad- dition to my labors. The most cursory glance over the pages of a dictionary will show that a great number of words are used in various senses, sometimes distinguished by slight shades of difference, but often diverging widely from their primary signification, and even, in Borne cases, bearing to it no perceptible relation. It may even happen that the very same word has two significations quite op posite to one another. This is the case with the verb to cleave, which means to adhere tenaciously, and also to separate by a blow. To propugn sometimes expresses to attack; at other times, to defend. To let is to hinder, as well as to permit. To ravel means both to entangle and to disentangle. Priceless may either mean invaluable or of no value. Nervous is used sometimes for strong, at other times for weak. The alphabetical index at the end of this work sufficiently shows the multiplicity of uses to which, by the elasticity of language, the meaning of words has been stretched, so as to adapt them to a great variety of modified sig- nifications in subservience to the nicer shades of thought, which, under peculiarity of circumstances, require corresponding expres- sion. Words thus admitting of different meanings have, therefore, to be arranged under each of the respective heads corresponding to these various acceptations. There are many words, again, which express ideas compounded of two elementary ideas be- longing to different classes. It is therefore necessary to place these words respectively under each of the generic heads to which they relate. The necessity of these repetitions is in- creased by the circumstance, that ideas included undei one class are often connected by relations of the same kind as the ideas which belong to another class. Thus we find the same relations 24 INTIiODUCTION. of order and of quantity existing among the ideas of Time as well as those of Space. Sequence in the one is denoted by the same terms as sequence in the other; and the measures of time also express the measures of space. The cause and the effect are often designated by the same word. The word Sound, for instance, denotes both the impression made upon the ear by so- norous vibrations, and also the vibrations themselves, which are the cause or source of that impression. Mixture is used for the act of mixing, as well as for the product of that operation. Taste and Smell express both the sensations and the qualities of mate- rial bodies giving rise to them. Thought is the act of thinking; but the same word denotes also the idea resulting from that act. Judgment is the act of deciding, and also the decision come to. Purchase is the acquisition of a thing by payment, as well as the thing itself so acquired. Speech is both the act of speaking and the words spoken; and so on with regard to an endless multi- plicity of words. Mind is essentially distinct from Matter; and yet, in all languages, the attributes of the one are metaphorically transferred to those of the other. Matter, in all its forms, is endowed by the figurative genius of every language with the functions which pertain to intellect; and we perpetually talk of its phenomena and of its powers, as if they resulted from the voluntary influence of one body on another, acting and reacting, impelling and being impelled, controlling and being controlled, as if animated by spontaneous energies, and guided by specific intentions. On the other hand, expressions, of which the pri- mary signification refers exclusively to the properties and actions of matter, are metaphorically applied to the phenomena of thought and volition, and even to the feelings and passions of the soul; and in speaking of a ray of hope, a shade of doubt, a, flight of fancy, a flash of wit, the warmth of emotion, or the ebullitions INTRODUCTION. 25 of anger, we are scarcely conscious that we are employing meta- phors which have this material origin. As a general rule, I have deemed it incumbent on me to place words and phrases which appertain more especially to one head, also under the other heads to which they have a relation, when- ever it appeared to me that this repetition would suit the conven- ience of the inquirer, and spare him the trouble of turning to other parts of the work; for I have always preferred to subject myself to the imputation of redundance, rather than incur the reproach of insufficiency.* "When, however, the divergence of the associated from the primary idea is sufficiently marked, I have contented myself with making a reference to the place where the modified signification will be found. But in order to prevent needless extension, I have, in general, omitted conjugate words, which are so obviously derivable from those that are given in the same place, that the reader may safely be left to form them for himself. This is the case with adverbs derived from adjectives by the simple addition of the terminal syllable -ly; such as closely, carefully, safely, See., from close, careful, safe, &c., and also with adjectives or participles immediately derived from the verbs * Frequent repetitions of the same series of expressions, accordingly, will be met with under various headings. For example, the word Relinquishment, with its synonymes, occurs as a heading at No. 624, where it applies to intention, and also at No. 782, where it refers to property. The word Chance has two signifi- cations, distinct from one another; the one implying the absence of an assign- able cause; in which case it comes under the category of the relation of Cau- sation, and occupies the No. 156; the other, the absence of design, in which latter sense it ranks under the operations of the Will, and has assigned to it the place No. 621. I have, in like manner, distinguished Se'isibility, Pleasure, Pain, Taste, &e., according as they relate to Physical or to Moral Affections ; the former being found at Nos. 375, 377. 378, 390? &c., and he latter at Nos, 822, 827, 828, 850, &*. 26 INTRODUCTION. which are already given. In all such cases, an “ See.” indicates that reference is understood to be made to these roots. The same verb is frequently used indiscriminately either in the active or transitive, or in the neuter or intransitive sense. In these cases I have generally not thought it worth while to increase the bulk of the work by the needless repetition of that word; for the reader, whom I suppose to understand the use of the words, must also be presumed to be competent to apply them correctly. There are a multitude of words of a specific character, which, although they properly occupy places in the columns of a dic- tionary, yet, having no relation to general ideas, do not come within the scope of this compilation, and are consequently omit- ted. The names of objects in natural history, and technical terms belonging exclusively to science or to art, or relating to particular operations, and of which the signification is restricted to those specific objects, come under this category. PLAN OF CLASSIFICATION. Class. 1. ABSTRACT RELATIONS - Sect. 1. Existence, 2. Relation, 3. Quantity 4. Order, 5. Number, 6. Time, 7. Change, [ 8. Causation, Nos. 1-8 9-24 25-57 58-83 84-105 106-139 140-152 153-179 n. SPACE, ' 1. Generally, . . . . 2. Dimensions 3. Form, 4. Motion, 180-191 192-239 240-263 264-315 Ill MATTER, 1. Generally, . . . . 2. Inorganic, 3. Organic, 316-320 321-356 357-449 IV. INTELLECT, 1. Formation of Ideas, 2. Communication of Ideas, 450-515 516-599 V. VOLITION, . . . . 1 1. Individual, . . . . 2. Intersocial, . . . . 600-736 737-819 VI. AFFECTIONS - 1. Generally, . . . . 2. Personal, 3. Sympathetic, . . . . 4. Moral, 5. Religious 820-826 827-887 888-921 922-975 976-1000 TABULAR SYNOPSIS OF CATEGORIES. Class I. ABSTRACT RELATIONS. . EXISTENCE. 1. Abstract, . . . 1. Existence. 2. Inexistence. 2. Concrete, . . . 3. Substantiality. 4. Unsubstantiality 3. Formal, . . . . Internal. 5. Intrinsicality. External. 6. Extrinsicality. 4. Modal, . . . . - Absolute. 7. State. Relative. 8. Circumstance. II. RELATION. 9. Relation. 11. Consanguinity. 10. Irrelation. 1. Absolute 12. Reciprocality. 13. Identity. 14. Contrariety. 15. Difference. 2. Continuous, . . 16. Uniformity. ' 17. Similarity. 18. Dissimilarity. 3. Partial, . . . ■ 19. Imitation. 9n < Non-imitation. ' \ Variation. 21. Copy. 22. Prototype. 4. General, . . . 23. Agreement. 24. Disagreement. III. QUANTITY. Absolute. Relative. 1. Simple, .... 25. Quantity. 26. Degree. ’ 27. Equality. 29. Mean. 28. Inequality. 30. Compensation. By comparison with a Standard. 0, COMPARATIVE, . ■ 31. Greatness. 32. Smallness. By comparison with a similar Object. 33. Superiority. 34. Inferiority. Changes in Quantity. 35. Increase. 36. Decrease. * 37. Addition. ( Non-addition. ' ( Subduction. 39. Adjunct. 40. Remainder. 3. Conjunctive, . 41. Mixture. 43. Junction. 45. Vinculum. 42. Simpleness. 44. Disjunction. 46. Coherence. 47. Incoherence. . 48. Combination. 49. Decomposition. SYNOPSIS OF CATEGORIES. 29 50. Whole. 51. Part. 4. Concrete, . . - 52. Completeness. 53. Incompleteness. 54. Composition. 55. Exclusion. 56. Component. 57. Extraneousness. IV ORDER. 1. General, . . . SB. Order. 59. Disorder. 60. Arrangement 61. Derangement. 62. Precedence. 63. Sequence. 64. Precursor. 65. Sequel. 2, Consecutive, . - 66. Beginning. 68. Middle. 67. End. 69. Continuity. 71. Term. 70. Discontinuity. 3. Collective, . . ■ 72. Assemblage. 73 ( Non-assemblage. ’ ( Dispersion. 74. Focus. 75. Class. 4. Distributive, . 76. Inclusion. 77. Exclusion. V. 5. Categorical, . < 78. Generality. 80. Rule. 82. Conformity. 79. Speciality. 81. Multiformity. 83. Unconformity. NUMBER. 84. Number. I. Abstract, ... - 85. Numeration. 86. List. 87. Unity. 89. Duality. 88. Accompaniment 90. Duplication. 91. Bisection. 2. Determinate, . 92. Triality. 93. Triplication. 94. Trisection. 95. Quaternity. 96. Quadruplication. 97. Quadrisection. 98. Five, &c. 99. Quinquesection,&c. ’ 100. Plurality. 101. Zero. 3. Indeterminate, 102. Multitude. 104. Repetition. 103. Fewness. _ 105. Infinity. VI. TIME. 106. Duration. 107. Non-duration. Definite. Indefinite. 1. Absolute, . . • 108. Period. 110. Diuturnity. 109. Course. 111. Transientness. 112. Perpetuity. 113. Instantaneity. 114. Chronometry. 115. Anachronism. 116. Priority. 117. Posteriority. to Succession - 118. Present time. 120. Synchronism. 119. Different time. 121. Futurity. 122. Preterition. ’ 123. Newness. 124. Oldness. 0 Pot i. to a Period • 125. Morning. 126. Evening. 127. Youth. 128. Age. TIVE, 129. Infant. 131. Adolescence. 130. Veteran. to an Effect 132 Earliness. 133. Lateness. { or Purpose, 134 Occasion. 135. Intempestivity. * 3* SYNOPSIS OF CATEGORIES. 8. Recurrent, • • [ 136. Frequency. 137. Infrequency. [ 138. Periodicity. 139. Irregularity. YU. CHANGE. 'change. ' 140. Change. 140.U. Absence of 141. Cessation. 142. Permanence. 1 Simple, . . . . 144. Conversion. 146. Revolution. 143. Continuance. 145. Reversion. 147. Substitution. 148. Interchange. 149. Changeableness. 150. Stability. 2. Complex, . . . Present. Future. 151. Eventuality. 152. Destiny. YHI. CAUSATION. ' Constant Ante- f Constant Se- 153. cedent. 154. < quent. 1. CONSTANCT OF SE- Cause. ( Effect. QUENCE, . . . 'Assignment of f Absence of As- 155. H Cause. 156. < signment. Attribution. ( Chance. 2. Connection be- 157. Power. 158. Impotence. tween Cause and Degrees of Power. Eppect, ... 1 159. Strength. 161. Production. 160. Weakness. 162. Destruction. 163. Reproduction. 164. Producer. 165. Destroyer. 8. Power in Opera- 166. Paternity. 167. Posterity. tion, . . . . 168. Productiveness. 170. Agency. 171. Energy. 172. Inertness. 173. Violence. 174. Moderation. 4. Indirect Power, 175. Influence. 176. Tendency. 177. Liability. 5. Combinations op Causes, . . . 178. Concurrence. 179. Counteraction Class H. SPACE. I. SPACE IN GENERAL. r iso J indpfinite- , ( Definite. 1. Absteact Space, J | 1 | Space. 1 Region. . R0 ( Limited. 182, \ Place. 2. Relative Space, j 1 183. Situation. [ 184. Location. 185. Displacement 8. Existence Space IN ' ' 186. Presence. 188. Inhabitant. 187. Absence. 189. Abode. • • • i ( 190. Contents. 191. Receptacle. SYNOPSIS OP CATEGORIES. II DIMENSIONS. 192. Size. 193. Littleness. 1. General, . . . - 194. Expansion. 196. Distance. 195. Contraction. 197. Nearness. 198. Interval. 199. Contiguity. ' 200. Length. ooo iBreadth- ~UJ- \ Thickness. 201. Shortness. ( Narrowness \ Thinness. 204. Layer. 205. Filament. 206. Height. 207. Lowness. 2 Linear, 208. Depth. 210. Summit. 209. Shallowness. 211. Base. 212. Verticality. 214. Pendency. 216. Parallelism. 213. Horizontality 215. Support. 217. Obliquity. 218. Inversion. 219. Crossing. - ’ 220. Exteriority. 222. Centrality. 221. Interiority. 223. Covering. 224. Lining. 225. Investment. 226. Divestment. General, 227. Circumjacence. 229. Circumscription. 230. Outline. 228. Interjacence. 3. Centri- cal, 231. Edge. 232. Enclosure. 233. Limit. 234. Front. 235. Rear. Special, . 236. Laterality. 237. Anteposition. 238. Dextrality. 239. Sinistrality. in. FORM. 1. General, ... 240. Form. 241. Amorphism. 242. Symmetry. 243. Distortion. 244. Angularity. 2. Special, . . . - 245. Curvature. 246. Straightness. 247. Circularity. 248. Convolution. 249. Rotundity. 250. Convexity. 253. Sharpness. 255. Smoothness. 251. Flatness. 252. Concavity. 254. Bluntness. 256. Roughness. 8. Stjperfi CIAL, . . •< 257. Notch. 258. Fold. 259. Furrow. 260. Opening. 261. Closure. 262. Perforator. 263. Stopper. IV. MOTION. 264. Motion. 265. Quiescence. 266. Journey. 267. Navigation. 1. Motion IN gen- 268. Traveller. 269. Mariner. eral, 270. Transferrence. 271. Carrier. 272. Vehicle. 273. Ship. SYNOPSIS OE CATEGORIES. 32 2. Degrees of Mo- tion, .... 274. Velocity. 275. Slowness. 3. Conjoined with Force, ... 276. Impulse. 277. Recoil. ’ 278. Direction. 279. Deviation. 280. Precession. 281. Sequence. 282. Progression. 283. Regression. 284. Propulsion. 285. Traction. 286. Approach. 287. Recession. 288. Attraction. 289. Repulsion. 290. Convergence. 291. Divergence. 292. Arrival. 293. Departure. 294. Ingress. 295. Egress. 4 With Reference to Direction, . 296. Reception. 298. Food. 300. Insertion. 297. Ejection. 299. Excretion. 301. Extraction. 302. Passage. 303. Transcursion. 304. Shortcoming. 305. Ascent. 306. Descent. 307. Elevation. 308. Depression. 309. Leap. 311. Circuition. 310. Plunge. 312. Rotation. 314. Oscillation. 313. Evolution. 315. Agitation. Class III. MATTER. I. MATTER IN GEN- '316. Materiality. 318. World. 317. Immateriality. EKAL, . . . . ( 319. Gravity. 320. Levity. II INORGANIC MATTER. ' 321. Density. 322. Rarity. 323. Hardness. 324. Softness. 325. Elasticity. 326. Inelasticity. 1 Solids, • • • • • 327. Tenacity. 329. Texture. 328. Brittleness. 330. Pulverulence 331. Friction. 332. Lubrication. 1 .In gen- eral, „„„ ( Fluidity. 333‘ } Liquidity. 334. Gaseity. 335. Liquefaction. 336. Vaporization. ' 337. Water. 338. Air. 339. Moisture. 340. Dryness. 2. Fluids.- 2. Specific, ■ 341. Ocean. ( Gulf 342. Land. 343'i£afe. 344. Plain. 345. Marsh. 346. Island. 3. In Mo- tion, 347. Stream. 1 348. River. 349. Wind. | 350. Conduit. 351 Airpipe, SYNOPSIS OF CATEGORIES. 33 352. Semiliquidity. 353. Bubble. S. Imperfect Fluids. 354. Pulpiness. 355. Unctuousness. 356. Oil. III. ORGANIC MATTER. 357. Organization. 358. Inorganization. 359. Life. 360. Death. In general • 361. Killing. 362. Corpse. 1. Vital- 363. Interment. ity, • 364. Animality. 365. Vegetability. 366. Animal. 367. Vegetable. Special, ■ 368. Zoology. 370. Cicuration. 369. Botany. 371. Agriculture. 372. Mankind. 373. Man. 374. Woman. (1) General, 375. Sensibility. 377. Pleasure. 376. Insensibility. 378. Pain. 379. Touch. ' 1. Touch, - „on ( Perceptions of 380‘ ) Touch. 381. Numbness. 382. Heat. 383. Cold. 384. Calefaction. 385. Refrigeration. 2. Heat, 386. Furnace. 387. Refrigeratory. fc Q 388. Fuel. 389. Thermometer. ’ 390. Taste. H 391. Insipidity. 392. Pungency. S" W tn 3. Taste, 393. Condiment. 394. Savoriness. 395. Unsavoriness. 396. Sweetness. 397. Sourness. ei 4. Odor, , 398. Odor. 399. Inodorousness. 400. Fragrance. 401. Fetor. 1. Sound in general. 402. Sound. 403. Silence. 404. Loudness. 405. Faintness. 2. Specific Sounds. 406. Snap. 407. Roll. (2) Special, 408. Resonance. 410. Stridor. 409. Sibilation. 6. Sound, • 411. Cry. 412. Ululation. 3. Musical Sounds. 413 iMelod7- 41d' } Concord. 414. Discord. 415. Music. 416. Musician. 417. Musical Instruments. 4. Perception of Sound. .418. Hearing. 419. Deafness. 1. Light in general. 420. Light. 421. Darkness. 422. Dimness. .6. Ligh 423. Luminary. 424. Shade. 425. Transparency. 426. Opacity. 427.Semi transparency. SYNOPSIS OF CATEGORIES. 2. Specific Light. €. Light, continued, ■ 428 Color. 430. Whiteness. 432. Gray. 434. Redness. 436. Yellowness. 438. Blueness. 440. Variegation. 429. Achromatism. 431. Blackness. 433. Brown. 435. Greenness. 437. Purple. 439. Orange. 3. Perceptions of Light. 441. Vision. 442. Blindness. 443. Dimsightedness 444. Spectator. 445. Optical Instruments. 446. Visibility. 447. Invisibility. _ 448. Appearance. 449. Disappearance. Class IY. INTELLECT. [tellect I. Operations of Intel- lect IN GENERAL, . 450. Intellect. 451. Thought. 453. Idea. 450. a. Absence of In 452. Incogitancy. 454. Topic. 455. Curiosity. 456. Incuriosity. 457. Attention. 458. Inattention. II. Precursory Condi- 459. Care. 460. Neglect. TIONS AND Opera- 461. Inquiry. 462. Answer. TIONS, . . 463. Experiment. 464. Comparison. 465. Discrimination. 465. a. Indiscrimina- 466. Measurement. [tion. III. Materials 467. Evidence. 468. Counter evidence. 469. Qualification. 'or Rea- Degrees of Evidence. BONING, . . 470. Possibility. 471. Impossibility. 472. Probability 473. Improbability. .474. Certainty. 475. Uncertainty. IV. Reasoning Processes. • 476. Reasoning. j Intuition. ' ' ( Sophistry. .478. Demonstration. 479. Confutation. 480. Judgment. 481. Misjudgment. 482. Over-estimation. 483. Under-estimation. 484. Belief. .Q- ( Unbelief. 485> j Doubt. 486. Credulity. 487. Incredulity. V Results of TNG, . . . Reason- , 488. Assent. 490. Knowledge. 489. Dissent. 491. Ignorance. 492. Scholar. 493. Ignoramus. 494. Truth. 495. Error 496. Maxim. 497. Absurdity. Faculties. (Intelligence. ( Imbecility. 4 ( Wisdom. 1 Folly. Division I. Formation of Ideas. SYNOPSIS OF CATEGORIES. 35 V. Results of Reason- ing— continued, 500. Sage. 502. Sanity. 501. Fool. 503. Insanity. 504. Madman. ’ I To the Past, 505. Memory. 506. Oblivion. VI. Exten- ' 507. Expectation. 508. Inexpectation. sion of - 2. To the Fu- 509. Disappointment. Thought, 510. Foresight. ture, . 511. Prediction. 512. Omen. 513. Oracle. VII. Creative Thought, 514. Supposition. 515. Imagination. '516. Meaning. 517. Unmeaningness. I. Nature of Ideas com- 518. Intelligibility. 519. Unintelligibility. 520. Eqnivoealness. MUNICATED, . . . 521. Metaphor. 522. Interpretation. 524. Interpreter. 523. Misinterpretation. 525. Manifestation. 526. Latency. 527. Information. 528. Concealment. 529. Disclosure. 531. Publication. 530. Ambush. 532. News. 534. Messenger. 533. Secret. 535. Affirmation. 536. Negation. II. Modes of Communica- 537. Teaching. 538. Misteaching. tion, 539. Learning 540. Teacher. 542. School. 541. Learner. 543. Veracity. 544. Falsehood. 545. Deception. 546. Untruth. 547. Dupe. 548. Deceiver. 549. Exaggeration. HI. Means of Communica riox. 550. Indication. 551. Record. 553. Recorder. 552. Obliteration. 1. Natural Means, . . . - 554. Representation. 556. Painting. 557. Sculpture. 558. Engraving. 559. Artist. 560. Language. 561. Letter. 555. Misrepresentation. 562. Word. 563. Neology. 564. Nomenclature. 565. Misnomer. 2. Convention- ( 1. Language al Means, | generally,' 566. Phrase. 567. Grammar. 569. Style. 568. Solecism. Qualities of Style. 570. Perspicuity. 571. Obscurity. 572. Conciseness. 573. Diffuseness. Division II. Communication of Ideas. 36 SYNOPSIS OF CATEGORIES. ' 574. Vigor. 575. Feebleness. 576. Plainness. 577. Ornament. 578. Elegance. 579. Inelegance. 580. Voice. 581. Aphony. 2. Convention- 2. Spoken Language,' 582. Speech. 583. Stammering al Means, • continued, 584. Loquacity. 586. Allocution. 585. Taciturnity. 587. Response. 588. Interlocution. 589. Soliloquy. ' 590. Writing. 591. Printing. 592. Coirespondence. 593. Book. 3. Written . Language, ’ 594. Description. 595. Dissertation. 596. Compendium. 597. Poetry. 599. The Drama. 598. Prose. Class V. VOLITION. Division I. Individual Volition. 600. Will. 601. Necessity. 602. Willingness. 603. Unwillingness 604. Resolution. 605. Irresolution. 1. Acts, 606. Obstinacy 607. TergiveKsatio£ 608. Caprice. I. Volition 609. Choice. 610. Rejection 611. Predetermination.612. Impulse. IN GEN- ■ 613. Habit. 614. Desuetude. ERAL, 2. Causes,. 615. Motive. 617. Plea. 616. Dissuasion. 3. Objects,. 618. Good. ' 620. Intention. 622. Pursuit. 625. Business. 619. Evil. 621. Chance. 623. Avoidance. 624. Relinquishment 1. Concep- _ tional, 626. Plan. 627. Method. 628. Mid course. 630. Requirement. 629. Circuit. 1. Actual Subservience. IL Prospec- 631. Instrumentality. 632. Means. tive Vo- 633. Instrument. lition, 2. Subservi- 634. Substitute. 635. Materials. etice to 636. Store. Ends, 637. Provision. 638. Waste. 639. Sufficiency. 641. Redundance. 640. Insufficiency. 2. Degree of Subservience. . 642. Importance. 643. Unimportance. SYNOPSIS OF CATEGORIES. 37 ' 644. Utility. 645. Inutility. 646. Expedience. 647. Incxpedience. 648. Goodness. 649. Badness. 650. Perfection. 651. Imperfection. 652. Cleanness. 653. Uncleanness. 654. Health. 655. Disease. 2. Subservi- 656. Salubrity. 657. Insalubrity. 658. Improvement. 659. Deterioration. ence to 660. Restoration. 661. Relapse. II. Prospec- tive UTION — continued, Ends — continued, 662. Remedy. 663. Bane. 3. Contingent Subservience. 664. Safety. 666. Refuge. 668. Warning. 665. Danger, 667. Pitfall. 669. Alarm. 670. Preservation. 671. Escape. 672. Deliverance. 673. Preparation. 674. Non-preparation. # 3. Precursory Pleasures,' 675. Essay. 676. Undertaking. 677. Use. 678. Disuse. 679. Misuse. 680. Action. 681. Inaction. 682. Activity. 683. Inactivity. 684. Haste. 685. Leistrs. 1. Simple, . ■ 686. Exertion. 687. Repose. 688. Fatigue. 690. Agent. 689. Refreshment. III. Action, • 691. Workshop. ' 692. Conduct. 693. Direction. 694. Director. 695. Advice. 2. Complex, 696. Council. 697. Precept. 698. Skill. 699. Unskilfulnesa. 700. Proficient. 701. Bungler. 702. Cunning. 703. Artlessness. 1. Conditional, 704. Difficulty. 705. Facility. 706. Hinderance. 707. Aid. 708. Opposition. 709. Cooperation. IV. Antag- « 710. Opponent. 712. Party. 711. Auxiliary. ONISM^ 713. Discord. 711. Concord. 715. Defiance. 716. Attack. 717. Defence. 2 Active, . • 718. Retaliation. 719. Resistance. 720. Contention, 721. Peace. 722. Warfare. 724. Mediation. 725. Submission. 726. Combatant. 727. Arms. , 728. Arana. 723. Pacification. 38 synopsis of categories. 729. Completion, 730. Non-completion. 731. Success. 732. Failure. V. Results of Action, . ■ 733. Trophy. 734. Prosperity. 736. Mediocrity. 735. Adversity. Division II. Intersocial Volition 737. Authority. 738 Laxity. 739. Severity. 741. Command. 740. Lenity. 742. Disobedience. 744 C.ompulsion. 743. Obedience. 745. Master. 747. Sceptre. 746. Servant. L General, 748. Freedom. 749. Snbjection. 750. Liberation. 751. Restraint. 752. Prison. 753. Keeper. 755. Commission. 754. Prisoner. 756. Abrogation. 757. Resignation. 758. Consignee. (759. Deputy. ’ 760. Permission 762. Consent. 761. Prohibition. II. Special, 763. Offer. 764. Refusal. 765. Request. 767. Petitioner. 766. Deprecation. 768. Promise. 769. Compact. 768. a. Release. III. Conditional, . . 770. Conditions. 771. Security. 772. Observance. 773. Non-observance, , 774. Compromise. IV. Possessive Relations. '775. Acquisition. 777. Possession. 776. Loss. 778. Participation. 1. Property in general, . ■ 779. Possessor. 780. Property. 781. Retention. ’ 783. Transfer. 782. Relinquishment 784. Giving. 786. Apportionment. 785. Receiving. 2. Transfer of Property, ■ 787. Lending. 789. Taking. 791. Stealing. 792. Thief. 793. Booty 794. Barter. 788. Borrowing. 790. Restitution. 3. Interchange of Prop- ■ 795. Purchase. 797. Merchant. 796. Sal distinct a sailings: the first, the absence of assignable cause as above ; and the second, the absence of design. For the latter, see 621. STRENGTH — WEAKNESS. 83 To be the property, virtue, at- tribute, &c., of; to belong to, per- tain to. To give or confer power, to empower, enable, invest, indue, endow, arm, &c., see Strengthen, 159. To gain power, to take root. Adj. Productive, prolific; see 168, powerful, potent, puissant, potential, capable, able, cogent,, forcible, valid, effective, effectual, efficient, efficacious, ad- equate, competent. Forcible, energetic, vigorous, vivid, sturdy, all-powerful, resistless, irresistible, inextinguishable, sovereign, invincible, unconquerable. Adv. Powerfully, &c. Adj. Powerless, impotent, una- ble, incapable, incompetent, in- adequate, unequal to, inefficient, inefficacious, ineffectual, ineffec- tive, incapacitated, imbecile, dis- qualified, disabled, armless, dis- armed, unarmed, weaponless, de- fenceless, unnerved, paralyzed, nerveless. 159. Degree of power. Strength, energy, 171, vigor, force, main force, physical force, brute force, spring, elasticity, tone, tension. Stoutness, sturdiness, lustiness, stamina, nerve, muscle, sinews, pith, pithiness. Adamant, steel, iron, oak, heart of oak. Strengthening, invigoration, bracing, recruiting, refreshment, 689. Science of forces; Dynamics, Statics. V. To be strong, &c., to be stronger, to overmatch. To render strong, &c., to give strength, tone, &c.; to strengthen, in vigor are, brace, nerve, fortify, harden, caseharden, steel, gird, screw up, wind up, set up. To reenforce, refit, recruit, viv- ify, restore, 660, refect, 689. Adj. Strong, mighty, vigorous, robust, sturdy, powerful, puissant, adamantine. Able-bodied, athletic, Hercule- an, Cyclopean, muscular, brawny, sinewy, made of iron, strapping, stalwart, gigantic. Manly, manlike, masculine, male, virile, manful 160. Weakness, feebleness, debility, atony, relaxation, help- lessness, languor, slackness, ener- vation, nervousness, faintness, faintishness, infirmity, emascula- tion, effeminacy, feminality, soft- ness, defencelessness. Childhood, &c., 127, 129, an orphan. Declension, loss, failure, &c., of strength, invalidation, decrep- itude, palsy, paralysis, exhaus- tion, collapse, prostration, syn- cope, apoplexy. V. To be weak, &c., to droop, fade, faint, swoon, languish, de- cline, fail, droop. To render weak, &c., to weak- en, enfeeble, debilitate, deprive of strength, relax, enervate, unbrace, unman, emasculate, castrate, geld, maim, lame, hamstring, disable, unhinge, cripple, cramp, para- lyze, sprain, exhaust, prostrate, blunt the edge of, deaden. Adj. Weak, feeble, strength- less, nerveless, imbecile, help- less, unnerved, relaxed, unstrung, unbraced, enervated, nervous, sinewless, effeminate, feminine, womanly, unmanned, &c., shat- tered, broke l, halting, shaken, i crazv, shaky paralyzed, palsied, 84 CAUSATION. Unweakened, unallayed, un- withered, unshaken, unworn, un- exhausted. Adv. Strongly, forcibly, &c., by main force, by might and main, tooth and nail. paralytic, decrepit, drof ping, lan guid, faint, sickly, flagging, dull, slack, spent, effete, weather-beat- en, worn, seedy, exhausted, lan- guishing, wasted, washy, unten- able. Unstrengthened, unsustained, unsupported, unaided, unassist- ed, unfortified, unfriended, father- less, &c. 161. Production, creation, formation, construction, fabrica- tion, manufacture, building, ar- chitecture, edification, coinage, or- ganization, putting together, per- formance, 729, workmanship. Development, genesis, gener- ation, procreation, propagation, bringing forth, parturition; growth. V. To produce, effect, perform, do, make, form, construct, fabri- cate, frame, manufacture, weave, forge, coin, carve, chisel, build, raise, edify, rear, erect, put to- gether, set up, run up, establish. To constitute, compose, organ- ize, institute, work out, realize, bring to bear, bring to pass, ac- complish. To create, beget, generate, en- gender, bring into being, breed, bear, procreate, bring forth, give birth to, hatch, develop, bring UP- To induce, superinduce, susci- tate, see Cause, 153. Adj. Produced, &c., producing, productive of, &c., paiturient. 163. Reproduction, renova- tion, revival, regeneration, revivi- fication, resuscitation, reanima- tion, resurrection, reappearance, phoenix. V. To reproduce, revive, reno- vate, regenerate, revivify, resus- citate, quicken; come again into life, reappear. 3. Power in Operation. 162. Non-production. Destruction, waste, dissolu- tion, breaking up, consumption, disorganization, falling to pieces, crumbling, &c. Fall, downfall, ruin, perdition, crash, smash, havoc, desolation, wreck, shipwreck, extinction, an- nihilation ; doom, destruction of life, see Death, 360. Demolition, demolishment, overthrow, subversion, suppres- sion, dismantling, cutting up, cor- rosion, erosion, crushing, upset- ting, abolition, abolishment, sac- rifice,immolation,holocaust,dilap- idation, devastation, extermina- tion, eradication, extirpation, root- ing out, sweeping, &c., deathblow. V. To be destroyed, &c., per- ish, fall to pieces, break up, crumble. To destroy, do away with, nul- lify, demolish, overturn, upset, throw down, overthrow, over- whelm, subvert, put an end to. uproot, eradicate, extirpate, rod out, grub up, break up, pull down, crumble, smash, crash, crush, quell, quash, cut up, shatter, shiver, batter, tear or shake to pieces, nip, tear to tatters, pick to pieces, put down, suppress, strike out, throw or knock down, cut down, knock on the head, stifle, dispel, fell, sink, swamp, scuttle, ingulf, corrode, erode, consume, PHYSICAL ENERGY — PHYSICAL INERTNESS. 85 Adj. Reproduced,&c.,renascent, reappearing. sacrifice, immolate, blow down, sweep away, erase, expunge, mow down. To waste, lay waste, ravage, dilapidate, dismantle, disorganize, devour, swallow up, des- olate, devastate, sap, mine, stifle, blast, despatch, extinguish, quench, annihilate, kill, 361, unroot, root out. Adj. Unproduced, unproductive, destroyed, &c., done for, dished, &c. 164. Producer, originator, au- thor, founder, workman, (maker,) doer, performer, &c., forger, agent, 690, builder, architect. 165. Destroyer,extinguisher, exterminator, assassin, 361, exe- cutioner, 975, ravager, annihila- tor, subverter, &c. 166. Paternity, parentage, parent, father, sire; procreator, progenitor, ancestor, ancestry, forefathers, grandsire ; house, par- ent, stem, trunk, stock, pedigree. Motherhood, maternity; mother, dam. 167. Posterity, progeny, breed, issue, offspring, brood, seed, spawn, scion, offset, child, son, daughter, bantling, shoot, sprout, branch, offshoot, ramification, de- scendant. Straight descent, sonship, line, lineage, filiation, primogeniture. 168. Productiveness, fecun- dity, fruitfulness, fertility, prolific- ness. Pregnancy, pullulation, fructi- fication, multiplication, propaga- tion, procreation. V. To procreate, multiply, pul- lulate, fructify, generate. Adj. Productive, prolific, teem- ing, teemful, fertile, fruitful, fec- und, pregnant. Procreant, procreative, genera- tive, propagable, lifegiving. 169. Unproductiveness, in- fertility, barrenness, sterility, un- fruitfulness, unprofitableness, in- fecundity, see Inutility, 645, non- agency. V. To be unproductive, &c., arid. Adj. Unproductive, inoperative, barren, addle, unfertile, unprolific, sterile, unfruitful, teemless, in- fecund, issueless, unprofitable, 645. 170. Agency, operation, force, working, function, office, hand, intervention, exercise, work, swing, play, interworking, causation, 153, mediation, 631. Quickening power, maintaining power, home stroke. V. To be in action, to operate, work, act, perform, play, support, sustain, strain, maintain, take effect, quicken, strike, strike hard, strike home. Adj. Acting, operating, &c., operative, efficient, efficacious, effect- ual. Acted upon, wrought upon. 171. Physical Energy, activ- ity, keenness, intensity, sharpness, pungency, vigor, strength, elas- ticity, acrimony, causticity, viru- lence, corrosiveness, acritude, O 172. Physical Inertness, in- ertia, passiveness, inertion, inac- tivity, 683, torpor, latency, torpid- ity, dulness, deadness, heaviness, flatness, slackness, tameness, 86 CAUSATION. poignancy, harshness, severity, edge, point, raciness, metal. Seasoning, mordant, pepper, mustard, cayenne, caviare, 392, cantharides. Mental energy, see 604, men- tal excitation, 824, voluntary en- ergy, 682. Exertion, activity, stir, bustle, agitation, effervescence, fermen- tation, ferment, ebullition, splut- ter, pertubation, briskness, volun- tary activity, 682, quicksilver. Adj. Strong, energetic, active, keen, vivid, intense, severe, sharp, acute, irritating, pungent, poig- nant, mordant, acrid, acrimoni- | ous, virulent, caustic, corrosive, racy, brisk, harsh, stringent, double-edged, drastic. V. To give energy, energize, stimulate, excite, exert, 173. slowness, languor, quiescence 265, sleep, 683 ; suspense, inter- mission, 141. V. To be inert, inactive, pas- sive, &c.; to hang fire, to let alone. Adj. Inert, inactive, passive, torpid, sluggish, dull, heavy, flat, slack, tame, slow, blunt, life less, &c. Latent, dormant, smouldering, unexerted, uninfluential. Adv. Inactively, &c., in sus- pense, in abeyance. 173. Violence, inclemency, I vehemence, might, impetuosity, boisterousness, abruptness, ebul- lition, turbulence, bluster, uproar, not, fierceness, rage, wildness, fury, heat, exacerbation, exasper- ation, malignity, fit, paroxysm, orgasm, force, brute force, strain, shock, spasm, convulsion, throe. Outbreak, burst, dissilience,dis- charge, volley, explosion, blow up, blast, detonation, eruption, displosion, torrent. Turmoil, storm, tempest, squall, hurricane, tornado, earthquake, volcano, thunder storm, typhoon. V. To be violent, &c., to run high, ferment, effervesce, run wild, run riot, rush, tear, rush headlong, bluster, rage, riot, storm, boil, fume, foam, wreak, bear down. To break out, fly out, bounce, explode, displode, fly, detonate, blow up, flash, flare, burst, burst out, outburst, shock, strain. To render violent, sharpen, stir up, quicken, excite, incite, stimu- late, inflame, kindle, lash, susci- tate, urge, accelerate, foment, ag- 174. Moderation, gentleness, temperateness, calmness, mild- ness, softness, sobriety, slowness, tameness, quiet, 740, reason. Relaxation, remission, measure, mitigation, tranquilization, as- suagement, soothing, allaying, &c., contemperation, pacification, 723, restraint, check, 751, lullaby Sedative, lenitive, demulcent, opiate, anodyne, milk, opium. V. To be moderate, &c., to keep within bounds or within compass, to settle down, to keep the peace, to sober down, remit, relent. To moderate, soften, soothe, mitigate, appease, temper, attem- per, contemper, mollify, tame, dull, take off the edge, blunt, obtund, sheathe. To tranquillize, assuage, ap- pease, lull, smooth, compose, still, calm, quiet, hush, quell, sober, pacify, damp, lay, allay, rebate, slacken, smooth, soften, alleviate, rock to sleep, deaden, check, re- strain, slake, curb, bridle, rein in, hold in, repress, smother, coun teract, 179. LIABILITY. 87 gravate, exasperate, exarcerbate, infuriate, madden, lash into fury, explode, let off, discharge. yldj. Violent, vehement, warm, acute, rough, rude, boisterous, im- petuous, ungentle, abrupt, ram- pant, bluff, turbulent, blustering, riotous, thundering, obstreperous, uproarious. Savage, fierce, ferocious, fiery, fuming, excited, unquelled, un- quenched, unextinguished, unre- pressed, boiling, boiling over, fu- rious, outrageous, frantic, raging, running riot, storming, hys- teric, wild, headstrong, running wild, ungovernable, unap- peasable, unmitigable, uncontrollable, insuppressible, irre- pressible, raging, desperate, mad, infuriate, exasperated. Tempestuous, stormy, squally, spasmodic, convulsive, burst- ing, explosive, detonating, &c., volcanic, meteoric. Adv. Violently, &c., by force, by main force, &c. Adj. Moderate, gentle, mild, so- ber, temperate, reasonable, tem- pered, calm, unruffled, tran- quil, smooth, untroubled, unir- ritating, (unexciting,) soft, bland, oily, demulcent, lenitive, cool, quiet, anodyne, sedative, peace- ful, peaceable, pacific, lenient, tame, halcyon. Adv. Moderately, gently, softly, &c. 4. Indirect Power. 175. Influence, weight, pressure, prevalence, sway, predomi- nance, predominancy, dominance, reign, ableness, capability, &c., 157. Footing, hold, purchase, leverage, vantage ground, ascendence. Independence, voluntary influence, 737, protection, patronage, aus- pices. V. To have influence, &c., to have a hold upon, &c., to gain a footing, work upon, take root, take hold, prevail, dominate, predomi- nate, outweigh, overweigh, to bear upon, to be in the ascendant. Adj. Influential, valid, weighty, prevailing, prevalent, rife, domi- nant, regnant, predominating, predominant, in the ascendant. 176. Tendency, aptness, proneness, proclivity, conduciveness, bent, bias, quality, inclination, propensity, conducement, subservi- ence, 631. V. To tend, contribute, conduce, lead, dispose, incline, verge, bend to, affect, carry, promote, redound to, subserve to, 644, to bid fair to. Adj. Tending, contributing, con- ducing, conducive, working to- wards, calculated to, disposing, inclining, bending, leading, car- rying to, subservient, subsidiary, 644. 707. Adj. Unconducing, uncondu- cive, unconducting. 177. Liability, liableness, subjection to, dependence on, expos ure to, contingency, see Chance, 156, susceptivity, susceptibility, ob- noxiousness. V. To be liable, &c., incur, to lay one’s self open to, lie under, ex- pose one's self, &c., stand a chance, to open a door to. 88 SPACE. Adi. Liable, sub ect, open to, incident to, exposed to, dependent on, obnoxious to. Contingent, incidental, guardless, 665. 5. Combinations of Causes. 178. Concurrence coopera- tion, (harmony of action combined action,) union, agreeme it, pulling together, alliance. Voluntary concurrence, 709. V. To concur, cooperate, con- spire, agree, conduce, contribute, unite; to pull together, to join forces. Adj. Concurring, concurrent, cooperating, conspiring, agreeing, pulling together, &c., in alliance with; with one consent. 179. Counteraction, opposi- tion, antagonism, (contravention,) polarity, clashing, &c., collision, resistance, interference, friction. Neutralization, nullification, compensation, 30. Reaction, retroaction, 277, re- percussion, rebound, recoil, coun- terblast. Check,obstacle,hinderance,706. Voluntary counteraction, 708. V. To counteract, oppose, con- travene, antagonize, interfere with, run counter, clash, neutralize, nul- lify, render null, withstand, resist, hinder. &c., 706, repress, control, curb, check, rein in, 174. To react, 277, countervail, counterpoise, &c., 30, overpoise. Adj. Counteracting, opposing, &e,, antagonistic, opposite, conflicting, retroactive, cohibitive, counter, contrary, 14. Adv. Counter, notwithstanding, nevertheless, yet, still, although, though, albeit, howbeit, maugre, at all events. But, even, however, in spite of, in defiance of, in the teeth of, in despite of, against, see 708. CLASS II. WORDS RELATING TO SPACE. Section I. SPACE IN GENERAL. 1. Abstract Space. 180. Indefinite space. Space, extension, extent, ex- panse, room, scope, range, lati- 180. a- Inextension. 181. Definite space. Region, sphere, ground, area, LOCATION — DISPLACEMENT. tude, field, way, expansion, com- pass, sweep, play, swing, spread, spare room, freedom, house room, stou age, roomage. Open space, void space, vacui- ty, 2, opening, waste, wildness, moor, moorland. Abyss, unlimited space, the four winds, see Infinity, 105, Ubiquity, 1S6. Adj. Spacious, roomy,extensive, expansive, capacious, ample. Boundless, unlimited, unbound- ed, limitless, infinite, ubiquitous, shoreless, trackless, pathless. Adv. Extensively, &c., wherev- er, every where. 89 realm, hemisphere, quarter, dis- trict, orb, circuit, circle, compart- ment, domain, tract, department, territory, country, canton, county, shire, province, parish, township, principality, duchy, kingdom. Arena, precincts, walk, patch, plot. Clime, climate, zone, meridian. 182. Limited space, locality. Place, lieu, spot, point, dot, nook, corner, angle, recess, hole, niche, compartment, premises, precinct, station, venue, latitude and longitude, abode, 189. Adv. Somewhere, in some place. 2. Relative Space. 183. Situation, position, locality, latitude and longitude, footing, standing, post, stage, bearings, aspect, attitude, posture. Place, sight, station, seat, venue, the whereabouts, direction, azi- muth, &c., 278. Topography, Geography, Chorography. A map, chart, plan, 554. V. To be situated, to liq; to have its seat in. Adi. Local, topical. 184. Location, localization, lodgment, deposition, reposition, stowage, package, collocation, packing, lading, establishment, grafting, insertion, 301, encamp- ment, installation. A colony, settlement, canton- ment. A habitation, residence, dwell- ing, cohabitation, 189. V. To place, situate, locate, put, lay, set, seat, station, lodge, post, install, house, stow, establish, fix, root, plant, graft, stick in, insert, wedge in, shelve, pitch, camp, deposit, reposit, cradle, encamp, moor, pack, tuck in, embed, or imbed, vest. To billet on, quarter upon. To pocket, put up; to load, lade, freight, pack. To inhabit, reside, 186, colonize, replace, reinstate, restore, 660. 185. Displacement, (disloca- tion,) dislodgment, ejectment, 297, deportation, exile. Removal, remotion, transposi- tion, &c., relegation, see Transfer- ence, 270, and Exhaustion, 638. V. To displace, dislodge, dis- play unkennel, break bulk, take off, eject, expel, &c., 297, exile, relegate, oust, ablegate, ostracize, remove, transfer, transplant, trans- port, transpose, 270, sweep off, sweep away ; do away with, root out, unpeople, depopulate. To vacate, leave, to get out, heave out, bale, lade, pour out. Adj. Displaced, &c., unhoused, houseless. 90 SPACE. Adj. Placed, located, &c., situate, situated, posted, nestled, imbosomed, housed, moored, rooted, unremoved. 3. Existence in Space. 188. Presence, occupancy, occupation, attendance. Diffusion, permeation, perva- sion, dissemination, 73. Ubiquity, omnipresence. V. To exist in space, to be pres- ent, attend. To occur in a place, lie, stand, occupy. To inhabit, dwell, reside, stay, sojourn, live, abide, lodge, nestle, perch, roost, put up at, squat, plant one’s self, hive, burrow, camp, encamp, bivouac, anchor, settle, :ake up one’s quarters, pitch one’s tent, get a footing, resort to, fre- quent, haunt, tenant, take root, strike root, revisit. To fill, pervade, permeate, be diffused through, be disseminated through, overspread, run through. Adj. Present, occupying, inhabiting, &c., moored, at anchor, resident, residentiary. Ubiquitous, omnipresent. Adv. Here, there, where 1 every where, aboard, on board, at home, a-field, &c. 187. Absence, non-existence, 2, non-residence, non-attendance, absenteeism. Void, vacuum, voidness, vacui- ty, vacancy, vacuousness. An absentee, nobody. V. To be absent, not present, &c., to keep away, to keep out of the way, absent one’s self, take one’s self off, vacate. Adj. Absent, not present, away, gone, from home, missing, lost, non-resident. Vacant, untenanted, tenantless, empty, uninhabited,deserted,void, devoid, unoccupied, unhabitable. Adv. Without, nowhere, else- where. j — ; 188. Inhabitant, resident, re- sidentiary, dweller, indweller, oc- cupier, occupant, lodger, inmate, tenant, sojourner, commorant, set- tler, squatter, colonist, denizen, citizen, cit, townsman, burgess, villager, cotter, compatriot. Native, indigene, aborigines. Garrison, crew, population, col- ony, settlement; household. Adj. Indigenous, native, do- mestic, (domiciled,) domiciliated, domesticated. 189. Place of habitation or re- sort. Abode,dwelling, lodging, dom- icile, residence, address, habi- tation, local habitation, berth, seat, lap, sojourn, housing, quar- ters, head quarters, tabernacle. Nest, lair, haunt, eyry, den, hole, aerie, rookery, hive, resort, retreat, perch, roost; — nidifica- tion. Bivouac, camp, encampment, cantonment, castrametation, tent, wigwam, awning. Cave, cavern, cell, grove, grot, grotto, alcove, bower, arbor, cove, . chamber, &c., 191. Home, fatherland, country, homestead, homestall, fireside, snuggery, hearth, household gods, roof, household, housing. RECEPTACLE. 91 Building, structure, edifice, fabric, erection, pile, tenement, messuage, larm, farm house, grange. Cot, cabin, hut, shed, booth, stall, hovel, outhouse, barn, hole, kennel, sty, coot, stable. House, mansion, villa, cottage, box, lodge, bungalow, her- mitage, folly, rotunda, tower, temple, castle, pavilion, hotel, court, hall, palace. Inn, hotel, tavern, 'public house,) caravans? ry, hospice, barrack. Hamlet, village, borough, burgh, town, city, metropolis. Street, place, terrace, parade, road, row, lane, alley, couit, close, yard, passage, square, polygon, circus, crescent, mall, piazza, arcade. Anchorage, roadstead, dock, basin, wharf, quay, port. 190. Things contained. Contents, cargo, lading, freight, load, burden, ware, 798. 191. Receptacle, recipient, receiver, reservatory, compartment. Cell, cellule, hole, corner, niche, recess, nook, crypt, stall, pigeon hole, lodging, see 189, bed, berth, &c., 215, pew ; store room. Capsule, vesicle, cyst, utricle, bladder, utensil, alembic. Stomach, paunch, ventricle, crop, craw, maw, gizzard. Pocket, pouch, fob, sheath, scabbard, socket, bag, sac, (or sack,) wallet, porte monnaie, scrip, knapsack, haversack, sachel, reticule, budget. Chest, box, coffer, caddy, case, casket, pyx, or (pix,) desk, bureau, cabinet, reliquary, trunk, portmanteau, carpet bag, bandbox, valise, boot, imperial, creel, crate, cage, portfolio. Vessel, vase, bushel, barrel, canister, jar, can, pottle, basket, pan- nier, corbeille, hamper, dosser. For liquids; cistern, tank, vat, caldron, barrel, cask, keg, rundlet, firkin, kilderkin, carboy, amphora, bottle, jar, decanter, ewer, cruise, crock, canteen, flagon, flask, flasket, noggin, vial, (or phial,) cruet, caster, urn. Tub, bucket, pail, pot, tankard, jug, pitcher, mug, pipkin, galipot, (or gallipot,) matrass, receiver, alembic, bolthead, capsule, retort. Bowl, basin, jorum, punch bowl, cup, goblet, chalice, tumbler, glass, can, pan, plate, platter, dish, trencher, patera, calabash, por- ringer, saucepan, skillet, tureen, potager, saucer, hod, scuttle, shovel, trowel, spoon, spatula, ladle. Closet, commode, cupboard, cellaret, chiffonnier, locker, bin, buffet, press, safe, sideboard, drawer, chest of drawers, till. Chamber, story, apartment, room, cabin, bower, office, court, hall, saloon, parlor, (dining room, sitting room,) state room, presence cham - ber, drawing room, gallery, cabinet, closet, boudoir, lumber room, dormitory, refectory. Attic, loft, garret, cockloft, cellar, vault, hold, cockpit, ground floor, basement, kitchen, pantry, scullery. Portico, porch, veranda, balcony, lobby, court, hall, vestibule, cor- ridor, passage, anteroom, antechamber. Adj. Capsular, recipient, ventricular, cystic, vascular, cellular, cameratei, locular, multilocular. DIMENSIONS. 92 Section II. DIMENSIONS. 1. General Dimensions. 192. S ze, magnitude, dimen- sion, bul.v, volume, largeness, greatness, 31. expanse, ampli- tude, mass, massiveness. Capacity, capaciousness, ton- nage, (or tunnage,) calibre, scar..- ling. Turgidity, turgidness, expan- sion, 194, corpulence, obesity, plumpness, stoutness, brawni- ness. Hugeness, vastness, enormous- ness, enormity, immensity, mon- strousness, monstrosity ; infinity, 105. A mountain, mound, heap, 72. V. To be large, &c., to become large, see Expansion, 194. Adj. Large, big, great, consid- erable, bulky, voluminous, am- ple, massive, massy, capacious, comprehensive. Corpulent, stout, fat, plump, lusty, strapping, bouncing, portly, burly, brawny, fleshy, goodly, in good case, chopping, jolly, chub- by, full-grown, chubfaced, lub- berly, hulky, unwieldy, lumpish, gaunt, stalwart. Overgrown, bloated, tumid, turgid, hypertrophied, swoln, pot- bellied, puffy, distended, drop- sical. Squab, dumpy, squat, squabby, pursy, blowzy. Huge, immense, enormous, mighty, unbounded, vast, stupen- dous, inordinate, monstrous, mon- ster; gigantic, giant-like, colos- sal, Cyclopean; indefinite, infi- nite. 193. Littleness, smallness, minuteness, diminutiveness, in- extension, puniness, dwarfish- ness, undersize, epitome, rudi- ment, microcosm. Leanness, emaciation, thin- ness, macilency, flaccidity. Animalcule, mite, insect, em- met, fly, gnat, shrimp, minnow, worm, grub, tit, tomtit, small fry, mushroom, millet seed, mustard seed, grain of sand. Atom, point, speck, dot, mote, ace, jot, iota, tittle, whit, particle, corpuscule, molecule, monad, granule, grain, crum, globule, nutshell, minim, drop, bit, thim- bleful, sprinkling, dash, mini- mum, powder, 330, driblet, patch, scrap, chip, inch, mathe- matical point; minutiae. V. To be small, &c., to become small, see Contraction, 195. Adj. Little, small, minute, di- minutive, inconsiderable, puny, tiny, petty, miniature, pygmy, undersized, dwarf, stunted, dwarfed, dwarfish, Liliputian; pocket, portative, portable. Microscopic, evanescent, im- palpable, imperceptible, invisi- ble, inappreciable, infinitesimal, homoeopathic, atomic, corpuscu- lar, molecular, rudimentary, ru- dimental. Lean, thin, meagre, emaciated, lank, macilent, fallen away, scrubby, reduced, shrunk, exten- uated, shrivelled, flaccid, starved, skinny, stunted. 194. Expansion, enlarge- ment, extension, augmentation, increase if size, amplification, aggrandizement, spread, iicre- 195. Contraction, reduction, diminution or decrease of size, defalcation, lessening, decre- ment, shrinking, collapse, emaci- DISTANCE — NEARNESS. 93 nr.ent, growth, development, pul- lulation, swell, dilatation, rare- faction, turgescence, turgidity, tumefaction, intumescence,swell- ing,distension,puffing, inflalation. Overgrowth, over-distension, tympany. Bulb, knot, knob, 249. Superiority of size. „ V. To become larger, to ex- pand, enlarge, extend, grow, in- crease, swell, gather, fill out, de- ploy, dilate, stretch, spread, man- tle, bud, shoot, (put forth,) spring up, sprout, germinate, vegetate, pullulate, open, burst forth, gath- er flesh, outgrow. To render larger, to expand, aggrandize, &c., distend, devel- op, amplify, magnify, rarefy, in- flate, puff, blow up, stuff, pad, cram. To be larger than, to surpass, exceed, be beyond, cap, overtop, seeHeight,206, and Superiority,33. Adj. Expanded, enlarged, in- creased, &c., swelled out, bul- bous ; exaggerated, bloated, &c., full-blown,full-grown,full-formed. ation, attenuation, tabefaction, consumption, marasmus, atrophy. Condensation, compression, squeezing, cramping ; friction, 331, corrugation; contractility; astringency. Inferiority of size. V. To become smaller, to les- sen, diminish, decrease, grow less, dwindle, shrink, contract, shrivel, collapse, wither, lose flesh, fall away, decay, waste, wane, ebb. To render smaller, to contract, lessen, &c., to draw in, condense, reduce, clip, compress, squeeze, cramp, attenuate, chip, dwarf, bedwarf, cut short, 201, corru- gate. To be smaller than, to fall short of, not to come up to. Adj. Contracting, &c., astrin- gent, contracted, &c., stunted, waning, ebbing, &c., neap, con- densed, compact. Unexpanded, contractile, com- pressible. 196. Distance, remoteness, farness, longinquity, elongation, offing, parallax, reach, span. Antipodes, outpost, outskirt, aphelion, horizon. Separation, 44, transferrence, 270. Diffusion, dispersion, 73. V. To be distant, &c.; to ex- tend to, stretch to, reach to, spread to, go to, get to, stretch away to ; outgo, outstep, to go great lengths. To remain at a distance, keep away, stand off, keep off, stand aloof. Adj. Distant, far, far off, re- mote, wide of, stretching to, yon- der, at arm’s length, apart, asun- der, ulterior, ultramontane, trans- montane, transalpine, ultramun- dane, hyperborean. 197. Nearness, nighness, pro- pinquity, vicinity, vicinage, neighborhood, adjacency, close- ness ; perihelion. A short distance, a step, an earshot, close quarters, a stone’s throw, a hair’s breadth, a span, bowshot, gunshot. Purlieus, neighborhood, vicin- age, environs, suburbs, border- land, the whereabouts. A bystander, neighbor. Approach, approximation, ap- propinquation, appulse, 286, junc tion, 43, concentration. Meeting, (encounter.; V. To be near, &c., to adjoin, hang about, trench on, border upon, stand by, approximate, tread on the heels of, cling to, DIMENSIONS. 94 Inaccessible, out of the way, unapproachable; ineontiguous. Adv. Far, away, far away, afar, off, a long way off, afar off, wide away, aloof, wide of, clear of, out of the way, a great way off', out of reach, abroad, yonder, farther, beyond. Apart, asunder, wide apart, wide asunder. clasp, hug, get near, approach, 286, to meet, 290. To bring near, to crowd, pack, huddle together. Adj. Near, nigh, close at hand, neighboring, proximate, adjacent, adjoining, bordering upon, close upon, hard upon, trenching on, treading on the heels of, verging to, at hand, handy, near the mark, home, intimate. Adv. Near, nigh, hard by, fast by, close to, close upon, within call, within hearing, within an ace of, but a step, at hand, on the verge of, near the mark, in the environs, &c.., a stone’s throw, &c., cheek by jole, (or jowl,) beside, alongside, at the heels of. About, hereabouts, thereabouts, in the way, in presence of, in round numbers, approximatively. 198. Interval, interspace, see Discontinuity, 70, break, gap, opening, 260, chasm, hiatus, in- terstice, defy foss, mesh, crevice, chink, cranny, crack, chap, slit, fissure, scissure, rift, flaw, gash, cut, leak, dike, fracture, solu- tion of continuity, breach, rent, rime, oscitation, gaping, yawning, pandiculation, insertion, 300. Gorge, defile, ravine, inlet, frith, furrow, see 259. Thing interposed,a go-between, see Interjacence, 228. V. To separate, 44, gape, 260. 199. Contiguity contact, proximity, apposition, no interval, juxtaposition, touching, abutment, osculation, meeting, 294, coinci- dence, coexistence, adhesion, 46. Confine, frontier, demarcation, 233. V. To be contiguous, &c., to touch, meet, adhere, 46, osculate, coincide, coexist, abut on, graze. Adj. Contiguous, touching, meeting, in contact, contermi- nous, osculating, osculatory, prox- imate. 200. Length, longitude, span. A line, bar, rule, stripe, streak, spoke, radius. Lengthening, elongation, pro- longation, production, producing, protraction, extension, stretch- ing. V. To be long, &c., to extend to, reich, stretch to. T' render long, lengthen, ex- tend elongate, prolong, produce, stretch, draw out, protract, spin out, drawl. 2. Linear Dimensions. 201. Shortness,brevity.brief- ness, a span, &c., see Smallness, 193. Shortening, abbreviation, ab- breviature, abridgment, epitome, curtailment, decurtation, reduc- tion, contraction, compression, 195, retrenchment, elision, ellip- sis, compendium, 596, concise- ness in style, 572. V. To be short, brief, &c. To render short, to shorten, cur- tail, abridge, abbreviate, epito- LAYER — FILAMENT. 95 Adj. Long, lengthy, wiredrawn, outstretched, lengthened, pro- duced, &c., Alexandrine, sesqui- pedalian, interminable. Linear, lineal, longitudinal, ob- long. Adv. Lengthwise, longitudi- nally, in a line, along, from end to end, fore and aft, from head to foot, from top to toe. mize, reduce, contract, compress, scrimp. To retrench, cut short, cut down, pare down, clip, dock, lop, prune, crop, snub, truncate, cut, hack, hew, &c.; (in drawing,) to foreshorten. Adi. Short, brief, curt, (trun- cated,) compendious, compact, stubby, scrimp, stumpy, thickset, pug, oblate, elliptical, concise, 572, summary. 202. Breadth, width, lati- tude, amplitude, diameter, bore, calibre, superficial extent, ex- panse. Thickness, crassitude, 192, expansion, dilatation, &c., 194. V. To be broad, thick, &c. To become broad, to render broad, to swell, dilate, expand, outspread, &c., 194, to incrassate. Adj. Broad, wide, ample, ex- tended, fan-like, outstretched, &c. Thick, dumpy, squab, squat. 203. Narrowness, slender- ness, closeness, scantiness, exil- ity, lankness, incapaciousness. A line, 205, a hair’s breadth, a finger's breadth, streak, vein. Thinness, tenuity, leanness, meagreness, emaciation. A shaving, a slip, 205, a mere skeleton, a shadow. A middle constriction, stric- ture, neck, waist, isthmus, wasp, hourglass, ridge, ravine, defile, gorge, pass. Narrowing, tapering, compres- sion, squeezing, &c., 195. V. To be narrow, &c., to taper, contract, shrink. To render narrow, &c.? to narrow, contract, coarctate, at- tenuate, constrict, constringe, cramp, pinch, squeeze, com- press, corrugate. To shave, shear, &c., see 195. Adj. Narrow, slender, thin, fine, (thread-like,) filiform, fila- mentous, fibrous, funicular, capillary, stringy, wire drawn, fine- spun, anguilliform, taper, dapper, slim, slight-made, scant, spare, delicate, unenlarged, incapacious. Meagre, lean, macilent, emaciated, lank, starveling, atten- uated, skinny, scraggy, gaunt, raw-boned. 204. Layer, stratum, bed, zone, substratum, floor, flag, stage, story, tier. Plate, lamina, lamella, sheet, flake, scale, coat, pellicle, mem- brane, film, leaf, slice, shive, cut, shaving, board, plank. Stratification, scaliness, a nest ol boxes, coats of an onion. V. To slice, shave, &c. Adj. Lamellar, laminated, lam- 205. Filament, line, fibre, fibril, hair, capillament, gossamer, wire, thread, cord, rope, yarn, &c., see 45. Strip, shred, slip, spill, list, string, band, fillet, ribbon, (or rib- band ;) roll, lath, splinter, shiver, shaving; arborescent e, see 256. 96 DIMENSIONS. 208. Height, altitude, eleva- tion, eminence, pitch, loftiness, sublimity. Stature, tallness, procerity, cul- mination, see Summit, 210. A giant, grenadier, giraffe. Alps,mountain, mount, hill, hil- lock, monticle, fell, moorland, hummock, knap, knoll, cape, headland, foreland, promontory, ridge, pike, uplands, highlands, rising ground, downs, mound, mole, steeps, bluff, cliff, crag, vantage ground. Tower, pillar, column, obelisk, monument, steeple, spire, mina- ret, turret, dome, cupola, pilas- ter. Pole, pikestaff, maypole, (lib- erty pole,) flag staff, topmast, top- gallant mast, housetop. Ceiling, roof, awning, canopy, see 210, attic, loft, garret. Growth, upgrowth, 194. , V. To be high, &c., to tower, soar, ride, beetle, hover, cap, overtop, culminate, overhang, hang over, impend, bestride, mount, surmount, to cover, 223. To become high, grow, upgrow, soar, towar, rise, 305. To render high, to heighten, exalt, see Elevate, 307, to perch up, to perk up. Adj. High, elevated, eminent, exalted, lofty, supernal, tall, topping, towering, beetling, soaring, stalwart, colossal, gigan- tic, Patagonian, culminating, raised, &c., perched up, hanging (gardens,) crowning. Upland, moorland, hilly, mountainous, alpine, cloud- touching, cloud-topped, cloud-capped, aerial. Upper, uppermost. Overhanging, impending, incumbent, superincumbent, (overlying,) superimposed, hovering. Adv. On high, high up, aloft, above, aloof, overhead, in the clouds, on tiptoe, on stilts, on the shoulders of. Over, upwards, from top to bottom, from top to toe, from head to foot. ellated, lamelliform, scaly, filmy, membranous, flaky, foliat- ed, foliaceous, stratified, stratiform, tabular. 207. Lowness, lowlands, (flats,) depression, recumbency, prostration, see Horizontality, 213, a molehill. A ground floor, 191, basement floor. V. To be low, &c., crouch, slouch, lie flat) to lie low ; to un- derlie. To lower, depress, 306. Adj. Low, neap, debased, neth- er, prostrate, flat, level with the ground, grovelling, crouched, crouching, subjacent, underlying, squat. Adv. Under, beneath, under- neath, below, down, adown, down wards, underfoot, at the foot of, underground. 203. Depth, deepness, pro- fundity, profoundness, depres- sion, bathos, anti-climax, depth of water, draught. A pit, shaft, well, crater, gulf, abyss. 209. Shallowness, shoali- ness, shoals. Adj. Shallow, skin-deep, super- ficial, shoaly. YERTICALITY — HORIZONTALITY. 97 Soundings, submersion, plunge, dive, 210. V. To be deep, &c. To render deep, &c., to deepen. To sink, submerge, plunge, dip, dive, 310. To dig, scoop out, hollow, sink, delve, 252. Adj. Deep, deep-seated, profound, sunk, buried, submerged, &c., subaqueous, submarine, subterranean, underground, sub- terrene. Bottomless, soundless, fathomless, unfathomed, unfathom- able. Adv. Beyond one’s depth, out of one’s depth, underground. 210. Summit, top, vertex,apex, zenith, pinnacle, acme, climax, culminating point, pitch, water shed, meridian, sky, pole. Tip, tiptop, crest, peak, turning point, crown, brow. Head, pate. Capital, cornice, sconce, pedi- ment, entablature, frieze. Roof, ceiling, thatch, tiling,slat- ing,awning,canopy, see Cover,223. Adj. Top, topmost, uppermost, tiptop, culminating, meridian,cap- ital.head,polar,supreme,crowning. 212. Yerticality, erectness,! uprightness, perpendicularity; right angle, normal. Wall, precipice, cliff. Erection, raising, rearing. V. To be vertical, &c., to stand up, to stand on end, to stand erect, to stand upright, to stick up. To render vertical, to set up, stick up, erect, rear, raise up, cock up, raise on its legs. Adj. Vertical, upright, erect, perpendicular, straight, standing up, &c., up on end, bolt upright, rampant. Rectangular, normal, orthog- onal. Adv. Up, vertically, &c., on end, endwise. 211. Base, basement, plinth, foundation, substratum, ground, earth, pavement, floor, paving, flag, ground floor, deck, substruc- ture, footing, groundwork. The bottom, nadir, foot, sole, toe, root, keel. Adj. Bottom, undermost,nether- most, fundamental. 213. Horizontality, a level, plane, dead level, flatness, 251. Recumbency, lying, lying down, reclination, decumbence, decumbency, discumbency, ac- cubation, prostration. A plain, floor, platform, bowl- ing green, plateau, terrace, es- trade, esplanade, offset, parterre, table land. V. To be horizontal,recumbent, &c., to lie, recline, lie down, couch, lie flat, lie prostrate, sprawl, loll. To render horizontal, &c., to lay, lay down, level, flatten, pros- trate, knock down, floor. Adj. Horizontal, level, plane, flat, even. Recumbent, decumbent, pro- cumbent, accumbent, lying, prone, supine, couchant, couching, jacent, prostrate, sitting, re- clining. Adv. Horizontally, &c. 98 DIMENSIONS. 214. Pendency, dependency, suspension, hanging. A pedicle, peduncle, tail, flap, skirt, pendulum. A peg, knob, button, hook, nail, ring, staple, knot, 45, tenterhook. V. To be pendent, &c., to hang, swing, dangle, swag, daggle, flap, trail. To suspend, hang, sling, hook up, hitch, fasten to. Adj. Pendent, pendulous, pen- sile, hanging, swinging, &c., sus- pended, &c., loose, flowing. Having a peduncle, &c., pedun- culate, tailed, caudate. . 215. S . ?port, ground, founda- tion, base, basis, fulcrum, land- ing, landing-place, resting-place, groundwork, substratum, fleer, bed, stall, berth. A supporter, prop, stand, stay shore, truss, sleeper, staff, stick, crutch, stilts. Post, pillar, shaft, column, ped- iment, pedicle, pedestal, plinth, 211. A frame, framework, scaffold, skeleton, beam, rafter, joist, tra- vis, trave, shaft, comer stone, stanchion, girder, tiebeam, 45, keystone, axletree, axle; axis. A board, form, ledge, platform, stage, shelf, hob, bracket, arbor, rack, mantel, counter, dresser, flange, corbel, lintel, table, trestle, shoulder, perch, truss, horse, easel, desk. A seat, throne, divan, chair, bench, sofa, settee, couch, woolsack, ottoman, settle, bench. Bed, pillow, bolster, mattress, shakedown, tester, pallet, hammock, crib, cradle. Cushion, stool, footstool, hassock, tabouret, tripod, trevet. V. To be supported, &c.; to lie, sit, recline, lean, abut, bear, rest, repose, &c., on; be based on, to bestride, straddle. To support, bear, carry, hold, sustain, shoulder, uphold, hold up, prop, underprop, shore up, underpin. To give, furnish, afford, supply, lend, &c., support; to bot- tom, to found. Adj. Supported, &c., fundamental. 216. Parellelism, coexten- 8ion. V. To be parallel, &c. Adj. Parallel, coextensive. Aav. Alongside, abreast, be- side. 217. Obliquity, inclination, slope, leaning, slant, crookedness, bias, bend, bevel, tilt, swag, cant, lurch. Acclivity, uphill, rise, ascent, rising ground, bank. Declivity, downhill, dip, fall, a gentle or rapid slope, an easy ascent or de* scent. Steepness, precipitousness, cliff, precipice, escarpment. Measure of inclination, clinometer. Diagonal, zigzag, distortion, hypothenuse, see Angle, 244. V. To be oblique, &c., to slope, slant, lean, incline, shelve, stoop, bend, sag, slouch, cant. To render oblique, &c., to slope, tilt, bend, incline, &c., distort. Adj. Oblique, inclined, leaning, recumbent, sloping, si elv* EXTERIORITY — INTERIORITY. 99 ing, askew, aslant, slanting, indirect, distorted, wry, awry, crooked, canted, tilted, biased, swagging, bevel, slouched, slouching, &c. Uphill, rising, ascending. Downhill, falling, descending, declining. Steep, abrupt, precipitous, breakneck. Diagonal, transverse, athwart, transversal, anti-parallel. Adv. Obliquely, &c., on one side, askew, askant. Sidewise, slopewise, all on one side. j ~ JT J 218. Inversion, contraposition, overturn, overset, somerset, sub- version, retroversion, reversion, eversion, transposition, supination, antipodes, 237. V. To be inverted, &c. To render inverted, &c., to invert, reverse, upset, overset, over- turn, turn over, upturn, subvert, retrovert, transpose, turn topsytur- vy, tilt over, topple over, capsize. Adj. Inverted, inverse, upside down, topsyturvy, topheavy. Adv. Inversely, topsyturvy, hurdy gurdy, &c. 219. Crossing, intersection, decussation, transversion. Reticulation, network, interweaving, twining, intertwining, mat- ting, plaiting. Net, web, mesh, twill, skein, felt, lace, wicker, trellis, lattice, grating, tracery, fretwork, filigree. Cross, chain, wreath, braid, St. Andrew’s cross. V. To cross, intersect, decussate, interlace, intertwine, intertwist, intwine, weave, interweave, inweave, twine, twist, wreathe, inos- culate. To mat, plait, plat, braid, felt, twill, tangle, entangle, ravel, net, knot, dishevel. Adj. Crossing, intersecting, &c., crossed, intersected, matted, &c., crucial, cruciform. Retiform, reticulated, cancellated, grated, barred, streaked. Adv. Across, thwart, athwart, transversely. 3. Centrical Dimensions.* 1. General. 220. Exteriority, the out- side, the exterior, surface, super- ficies, superstratum, eccentricity, extremity. Disk, face, facet, front,234, skin, &c., see 223. V. To be exte ;or, &c. To place exteriorly oroutward- y, to turn out. Alj. Exterior, external, outer, 221. Interiority, the inside, interior, interspace, substratum, subsoil. Vitals, viscera, pith, marrow, heart, bosom, breast, entrails, bowels, intestines, lap, backbone, inmost recesses, cave, cavern, &c., 191. V. To be interior, internal, with- in, &c. * That is, dimensions having reference to a centre. 100 DIMENSIONS. outward, outlying outside, super- ficial, skin-deep, frontal, eccen- tric. Adv. Externally, &c., out, with- out, outwards. To place or keep within, to en- close, circumscribe, see 231, 232. Adj. Interior, internal, inner, inside, inward, inmost, innermost, deep-seated, intestine, intestinal, inland, interstitial, subcutane- ous. , Home, domestic, in-door, 191. Adv. Internally, inwards, inwardly, within, inly, therein, withinside, in-doors, within doors, at home, 222. Centrality, 68, centre, middle, focus, core, kernel, nucleus, heart, pole, axis, nave, concentration. V. To be central, &c. To render central, centralize, concentrate ; bring to a focus. Adj. Central, centrical, middle, median, focal, umbilical, concen- tric. Adv. Midst, centrally, &c. 223. Covering,cover,roof, can- opy, awning, tilt, tent, lid, cover- cle, 263. Integument, skin, tegument, pellicle, fleece, cuticle, scarfskin, hide, pelt, peel, crust, bark, rind, cortex, busk, scale, shell, capsule, coat, tunic, tunicle, sheath, case, sheathing, wrapping, wrapper, envelope, vesicle, veneer. Superposition, coating, paint, varnish, anointing, incrusta- tion, plaster, stucco. V. To cover, superpose, overspread, wrap, lap, overlap, case, incase, veneer. To coat, paint, varnish, daub, bedaub, incrust, stucco, dab, smear, anoint, do over, gild, plate, japan, lacquer. Adj. Covering, &c., cutaneous, dermal, cortical, cuticular, tegumentary, skinny, scaly, squamous, imbricated. 224. Lining, coating, facing> internal, incrustation, stalactite, stalagmite. Wainscot, wall. V. To line, stuff, incrust, face. Adj. Lined, stuffed, incrusted. 225. Investment, dress, cloth- ing, raiment, drapery, costume, attire, trim, habiliment, vesture, apparel, wardrobe, fancy dress, accoutrement, outfit, uniform, re- gimentals, equipment, livery, gear, harness, turnout, caparison, suit, rigging, trappings, frippery. Dishabille, morning dress, un- dress, rags, tatters, old clothes. Clothes, garment, garb, robe, tunic, habit, gown, coat, frock, stole, blowze, bodice, dread- naught, &c. Mourning, weeds. 226. Divestment, nudity, bareness, nakedness, baldness, undress, dishabille, threadbare- ness. Denuding, nudation, denuda- tion, stripping, uncovering, decor- tication, peeling, flaying, excori- ation, moulting, exfoliation. V. To divest, uncover, denude, bare, strip, unclothe, undress, un- robe, disrobe, disarray, take off, doff, cast off, peel, pare, excori- ate, skin, flay, expose, exfoliate, lay open, unroof, uncase, moult Adj. Bare,naked,nude, stripped, CIRCUMJACENCE — INTERJACENCE. 101 Cloak, mantle, mantlet, shawl, wrappei, veil, tippet, kirtle, plaid, chlamys, mantilla, tabard, bor- nouse, greatcoat, surtout, spencer, surplice, cassock, pallium, &c., mask, domino, cardinal, pele- rine. Jacket, vest, jerkin, waistcoat, doublet, gabardine, stays, corslet, corset, cestus, petticoat, farthingale, kilt, stomacher, kirtle, apron. Trousers, breeches, pantaloons, overalls, inexpressibles, smalls, tights, Headdress; cap, hat, beaver, castor, bonnet, hood, ker- chief, scarf, coiffure, coif, tartan, skullcap, cowl, capote, ca- lash, pelt, wig, peruke, periwig, turban, helmet. Body clothes; shirt, chemise, drawers, (flannels,) collar, cravat, neckcloth, stock, handkerchief, scarf. Shoe, boot, jackboot, slipper, legging, buskin, greaves, gal- ligaskins, moccason, gaiter, spatterdash, stocking, sock, san- dal. Glove, gauntlet, mitten. V. To invest, cover, envelop, lap, involve, inwrap, wrap up, sheathe, vest, clothe, array, enrobe, dress, attire, apparel, ac- coutre, trick out, rig, fit out, To wear, caparison, don, put on, slip on, roll up in, muffle, mantle, swathe, swaddle, circumvest, equip, harness. Adj. Invested, clothed, habited, arrayed, &c., clad, shod, &c. denuded, undressed, unclothed, uncovered, exposed, in dishabille, in buff, bald, threadbare, roof- less. 227. Circumjacence, circum- ambiance, encompassment, at- mosphere, medium, outpost, skirt, outskirts, suburbs, purlieus, pre- cinct, faubourgs, environs. V. To lie around, surround, be- set, compass, encompass, environ, enclose, encircle, embrace, cir- cumvent, lap, gird, begird, en- gird, skirt, twine, round. Adj. Circumjacent, circumam- bient, surrounding, &c., circum- fluent, circumferential, suburban, begirt, buried in, 363, immersed in, 301, imbosomed, in the bo- som of, landlocked. Adv. Around, about, without, on every side, on all sides, right and left. 228. Interjacence, interven- tion, intervenience, interlocation, insertion, interposition, interdigi- tation, interpolation, interlinea- tion, intercurrence, intrusion, ob- trusion, insinuation, intercalation, interference, permeation, infiltra- tion. An intermedium, a go-between, intruder, interloper, flyleaf, see Mean, 68, a partition, diaphragm, midriff, party wall, panel, veil. V. To lie, come, or get between, intervene, intrude, slide in, per meate, to put between, interpose, interject, throw in, wedge in, thrust in, foist in, insert, interca- late, interpolate, interline, inter- leave, interlard, interdigitate, dovetail, worm in, insinuate, ob- trude 301, intersperse, infiltrate. 102 DIMENSIONS. Adj Interjacent, intervening, &c., intermediate, intercala- ry, in erstitial, parenthetical, mediterranean. Adv. Between, betwixt, among, amongst, amid, amidst, midst; betwixt and between. 229. Circumscription, limitation, enclosure, confinement, shut- ting up, circumvallation, intombment. Imprisonment, incarcera- tion, 751. V. To circumscribe, limit, bound, confine, enclose, surround, 227, compass about, impound, restrict, restrain, imprison, &c., see 751, shut in, shut up, lock up, bottle up, hem in, hedge in, wall in, rail in, fence, picket, pen, infold, coop, incage, cage, intomb, bury, im- mure, incase, pack up, box up, seal up, wrap up, 223, &c. Adj. Circumscribed, &c., imprisoned, pent up, 754, landlocked. 230. Outline, circumference, perimeter, periphery, ambit, cir- cuit, lines, contour, profile, silhouette. Zone, belt, girth, band, baldric, zodiac, girdle, cingle, clasp, girt. 231. Edge, verge, brink, brow, brim, margin, border, skirt, rim, side, mouth, jaws, lip, muzzle, door, porch, portal, 260. Frame, flounce, frill, list, fringe, edging, hem, selvage,welt, furbelow. 232. Enclosure, envelope, case, box, &c., 191, pen, penfold, pad- dock, pound, wall, hedge. Barrier, bar, gate, door, barricade, cordonet. Dike, ditch, foss, moat. Fence, pale, paling, balustrade, rail, railing, palisade, battlement, rampart, &c., 717, circumvallation, contravallation. £ ; 7 j j 233. Limit, boundary, bounds, confine, term, bourn, curbstone, line of demarcation, termination, frontier, precinct, marches, line of circumvallation, the pillars of Hercules, the Rubicon, the turning point. Adj. Definite, conterminate, conterminable. 2. Special. 234. Front, forepart, face, an- teriority, forerank, foreground, van, vanguard, advanced guard, out- post, frontispiece, disk. Forehead, visage, physiogno- my, countenance, beak, bow, stem, prow. In a medal, the obverse. F. To be in front, &c., to front, face, confront, bend forwards, &c. Adj. Fore, anter or, front. Adv. Before, in front, ahead, right ahead, in the van, foremost, in the foreground, face to face, Before one’s eyes. 235. Rear, back, posteriority, the rearrank, rearguard, the back- ground, heels, tail, rump, croup, breech, dorsal region, stern, poop, afterpart. In a medal, the reverse. V. To be in the rear, behind, &c., to fall astern, to bend back- wards, turn the back upon. Adj. Back, rear, postern, hind, hinder, hindermost, posterior, dor- sal, after. Adv. Behind, in the rear, in the background, behind one’s back, at the back of, after, aft, abaft, astern, sternmost, aback, rearward. SYMMETRY —DISTORTION. 103 236. Laterality, side, flank, quarter, hand, cheek, wing, pro- file, temple, loin, haunch, hip, broadside, leeside. East, orient; west. V. To be on one side, &c., to flank, outflank, to sidle. Adj. Lateral, sidelong, collate- ral, sideling, many-sided. Eastern, orient, oriental. Western, occidental. Adv. Sidewise, side by side, 216, abreast, alongside, aside, by the side of, to windward, or to leeward. 237. Anti-position, opposite side, contraposition, reverse, in- verse, antipodes, opposition, in- version, 218. Polarity, opposite poles, north, south. V. To be opposite, &c., to sub- tend. Adj. Opposite, (over against,) reverse, inverse, antipodal, sub- contrary. Fronting, facing, diametrically opposite. Boreal, arctic; austral, antarc- tic. Adv. Over, over the way, over against, facing, against, fronting, 234, subtending. 238. Dextrality, right, right hand, off side, starboard. Adj. Dextral, right-handed, am- bidextral. 239. Sinistrality, left, left hand, sinister, near side, larboard, port. Adj. Sinistral, left-handed. Section III. FORM. 1. General Form. 240. Form, figure, shape, con- figuration, make, formation, frame, construction, conformation, cut, set, build, trim, stamp, cast, mould, fashion, see Structure, 329. Feature, lineament, phase, turn, attitude. Outline, 229. Formation, figuration, sculp- ture. V. To form, shape, figure, fash- ion, carve, cut, chisel, hew,, roughhew, cast, roughcast, hammer out, trim, lick into shape, mould, sculpture, cast, stamp. Adj. Formed, &c., receiving form, plastic, fictile. Giving form, plasmatic. 241. Absence of form. Amorphism, disfigurement, de* facement, mutilation, informity, see Deformity, 846. V. To destroy form, deface, de- form, disfigure, mutilate. Adj. Shapeless, amorphous, formless, unhewn, rough, unfash- ioned, unshapen. 242. Regularity of form. SYMMETRY,(proportion,)shape- liness, uniformity, finish, see Beauty, 845, arborescence, 256. 243. Irregularity of form. Distortion, twist, wryness, de* tortion, contortion, see Ugliness, 846. 104 FORM. Adj. Symmetrical, regular, shapely, well set, uniform, finish- ed, &c., arborescent, 256. V. To distort, twist, wrest, writhe, contort. Adj. Irregular, unsymmetric, distorted, twisted, awry, askew, crooked, on one side, hunch- backed. 2. Special Form. 244. Angularity, angularness, angle, cusp, bend, elbow, knee, knuckle, groin, crinkle, crotch, crutch, crane, fluke, scythe, sickle, zigzag, kimbo. Fold, see 258. Fork, bifurcation, dichotomy. A right angle, see Perpendicularity, 212, salient and reentering angles. A polygon, square, triangle, &c., lozenge, diamond, rhomb, &c., wedge. V. To bend, fork, bifurcate, crinkle. Adj. Angular, bent, aduncous, aquiline, jagged, serrated, falciform, furcated, forked, bifurcate, zigzag; dovetailed, crinkled, kimbo, geniculated, polygonal, &c., fusiform, wedge-shaped, cuneiform. 245. Curvature, curvation, incurvation, bend, flexure, flex- ion, crook, bending, deflexion, in- flexion, arcuation, turn, deviation, sweep, sinuosity, curl, curling, winding, recurvity, recurvation, flexibility, 324. A curve, arc, arch, arcade, vault, bow, crescent, half moon, lunule, horseshoe, loop, crane- neck, conchoid, &c. V. To be curved, &c., to de- cline, turn, trend, deviate, re- enter, sweep. To render curved; to bend, curve, incurvate, deflect, inflect, crook, turn, arch, arcuate, bow, curl, recurve, frizzle. Adj. Curved, bent, &c., curvi- linear, (or curvilineal,) recurved,, bowed, crooked, arched, vaulted, arcuated, hooked, falciform, falcated, semicircular, luniform, lunular, semilunar, con- choidal, cordiform, cardioid, heart-shaped, lenticular, reni- f» rrm; devious. 246. Straightness, rectilin- earity, directness. A straight line, a right line a direct line; inflexibility, 324. V. To be straight, &c. To render straight, to straighten, rectify, unbend, unfold, uncurl, uncoil, unroll, unwind, unravel, untwist, untwine, unwreathe, un- wrap. Adi. Straight, rectilinear, (or rectilineal,) direct, even, right, in a line; not inclining, bending, turning, or deviating to either side; undeviating, unturned, un- distorted, unswerving. 247. Simple circularity. Circularity, roundness A circle, circlet, ring, hoop, roundlet, annulet, bracelet, ring- let, eye, loop, wheel, cycle, orb, 248. Complex circularity. Convolution, winding, wave, undulation, circuit, tortuosity, sin- uosity, involution, sinuation, cir- cumvolution. meandering, twist CONVEXITY — FLATNESS. 105 orbit, rundlzone, belt, band, sash, girdle cestus, cincture, bal- dric, fillet, f iscia, wreath, garland, crown, corona, coronet, chaplet, necklace; noose, lasso. An ellipse, oval, ellipsoid, cy- cloid, epicycloid, epicycle, &c. V. To encircle, environ, &c., 227. Adj. Round, circular, annular, orbicular. Oval, elliptical, elliptic, ovate, egg-shaped; cycloidal, &c., mo- niliform. twirl, windings and turnings, inosculation, reticulation, set 219. A coil, spiral, helix, corkscrew, worm, volute, rundle, scallop. Maze, labyrinth. V. To be convoluted, &c. To wind, twine, turn and twist, twirl, wave, undulate, meander, scallop, inosculate, intwine, twist together, 219. Adj. Convoluted,winding,twist- ing, contorted, waving, waved, wavy, undulating, serpentine, an- guillilorm, mazy, tortuous, sinu- ous, flexucus, involved, sigmoidal, snaky, vermiform, vermicular, meandering ; scalloped, wreathed, wreathy, crisped, ravelled, twisted, dishevelled. Spiral, coiled, heliacal, turbinated. 249. Rotundity; cylinder, barrel, drum, cylindroid, roll, roller, rouleau, column. Cone, conoid; pear-shape, bell-shape. Sphericity, spheroidity; a sphere, globe, ball, spheroid, ellipsoid, drop, spherule, globule, vesicle, bulb, bullet, pellet, pill, clew, mar- ble, knob, pommel. V. To form into a sphere, (to render spherical,) to roll into a ball, give rotundity, &c. Adj. Rotund, cylindric, cylindrical, columnar; conic, conical. Spherical, globular, globated, globous, globose, ovoid, egg-shaped, oviform, gibbous, bell-shaped, campanulate, fungiform. 3. Superficial Form. 250. Convexity, prominence, projection, swelling, (swell,) gib- bosity, bulge, protuberance, in- tumescence, tumor, tuberosity, tubercle, tooth, knob, excrescence, process, bulb, node, nodule, no- dosity, boss, embossment, clump, sugar loaf, point, 253. Pimple, wen, wheal, pustule, caruncle, (boil,) corn, wart, furun- cle, fungus, fungosity, blister, blain. Papilla, nipple, teat, pap, mam- milla, proboscis, nose, neb, beak, 6nout, nozzle, belly, back, shoul- der, elbow, lip, flange. 251. Flatness, plane; see Horizontally, 213, Layer, 204, and Smoothness, 255, plate, plat- ter. V. To render flat, flatten, smooth, level. Adj. Flat, plane, level, &c., flush, scutiform. 252. Concavity, depression, hollow, hollowness, indentation, cavity, dent, dint, dimple, follicle, pit, honeycomb, excavation, trough, 259. Cup, basin, crater, chalice, &c., 191, bowl, socket. Valley, vale, dale, dell, dingle, 106 FORM. Peg, button, stui', ridge, rib, snag, eaves. Cupola, dom?, ba.mny. Mount, hill, &c., 206; cape, promontory, forelan 1, headland, point of land, mole, jetty, hum- mock. V. To be prominent, &c., to project, bulge, jut out, protrude, barrow, stand out, start up, shoot up, swell, to hang over, beetle, bend over. To render prominent; to raise, see 307. Adj. Prominent, projecting, salient, in relief, bulging, &c., bowed, arched, bold, tuberous, bellied, tuberculous, tumerous, bossed, bossy, embossed, gibbous, mammiform. glade, glen, cave, cell, cavern, cove, grotto, alcove, gully. V. To be depressed, &c., to re- tire. To depress, hollow, scoop, dig, delve, excavate, dent, mine, un- dermine, burrow, tunnel. Adj. Depressed, concave, hol- low, stove in, retiring, retreating, cavernous, honeycombed, funnel- shaped, bell-shaped. 253. Sharpness, pointedness, acuteness, acumination, spinosi- ty, prickliness. A point, spike, spine, needle, pin, prickle, prick, spear, bayonet, spur, rowel, barb, spit, cusp, horn, barb, snag, tag, thorn, brier, bram- ble, thistle, nib, tooth, tusk, spoke, cog, staple, bristle, beard, crag,, . „ crest, cone, peak, spire, pyramid, steeple, porcupine, hedge- hog. ' Cutting edge, wedge, edge tool, knife, razor, scalpel, axe, adze, &c. V. To be sharp, &c., to taper to a point, to bristle with. To render sharp, &c., to sharpen, point, aculeate, whet, barb, speculate, bristle up. Adj. Sharp, pointed, conical, acute, aculeated, needle- shaped, spiked, spiky, ensiform, peaked, acuminated, salient, cusped, cornuted, prickly, spiny, spinous, thorny, bristling, pectinated, studded, thistly, briery, cragged, craggy, snaggy, digitated, barbed, spurred, twoedged, tapering, fusiform, denticulated, toothed, cutting, sharpedged. Starlike, stellated, stelliform. 254. Bluntness, obtuseness, dullness. V. To be blunt, &c., to render blunt, &c., to obtund, dull, take off the point or edge, turn. Adj. Blunt, obtuse, dull, bluff. 255. Smoothness, evenness, level, &c., 213, polish, glassiness, sleekness, slipperiness, lubricity, lubrication, down, velvet. V. To smooth, plane, polish, burnish, calender, glaze, iron, file, lubricate, 332. Adj. Smooth, even, level,plane, sleek, polished, glazed, glossy, silken, silky, velvety, glabrous, 256. Roughness, unevenness, asperity, rugosity, ruggedness, scabrousness, scragginess, craggi- ness, craggedness, corrugation, nodosity, crispness. Arborescence, branching, rami- fication. Brush, hair, hairiness, beard, shag, mane, whisker, mustache, tress lock, curl, ringlet. OPENING — CLOSURE, 107 slippery, oily, soft, lubricated, un- wrinkled. Plumage, plumosity, plume, crest ; feather, tuft, fringe, wool, velvet, plush, nap, pile, floss, down ; byssus, moss, burr. V. To be rough, &c. To render rough, to roughen, crisp, crumple, corrugate, rumple. Adj. Rough, uneven, scabrous, rugged, rugose, rugous, unsmooth, roughhewn, craggy, cragged, scraggy, prickly, 253. Arborescent, dendriform, arboriform, branching, dendroid. Feathery, plumose, tufted, hairy, ciliated, hirsute, bushy, hispid, downy, velvety, villous, bearded, pilous, shaggy, fringed, befringed. 257. Notch, dent, nick, indent, indentation, dimple. Embrasure, battlement, saw, tooth. V. To notch, nick, cut, dent, indent, jag. Adj. Notched, &c., jagged, crenate, dented, dentated, denticulated, toothed, palmated, indented, serrated. 258. Fold, plicature, plait, ply, crease, flexion, flexure, joint, el- bow, doubling, duplicature, gather, wrinkle, rivel, ruffle, corru- gation. V. To fold, double, plait, crease, wrinkle, curl, frizzle, rivel, twill, corrugate. Adj. Folded, &c. 259. Furrow, groove, rut, scratch, streak, crack, score, rib. Channel, gutter, trench, ditch, dike, foss, trough, ravine, see 198. V. To furrow, &e., flute, plough. Adj. Furrowed, &c.; ribbed, striated, sulcated, bisulcate, trisul- cate, &c., corduroy. 260. Opening, hole, perfora- tion, window, eye, eyelet, key- hole, loophole, porthole, pigeon- hole, pinhole, puncture. Aperture, yawning, oscitancy, dehiscence, patefaction, pandicu- lation, see Interval, 198. Orifice, mouth, throat, inlet, muzzle, throat, gullet, nozzle, portal, porch, gate, gateway, door, doorway, arcade. Channel, passage, tube, pipe, vessel, canal, thoroughfare, gut, ajutage, chimney, flue, funnel, gully, tunnel, pit, adit, shaft, gal- lery, alley, aisle, glade, vista, bore, mine, calibre, pore, follicle, porousness. Sieve, cullender, cribble, rid- dle, screen. 261. Clos ure,occlusion,block- ade, shutting up; filling up, plug- ging, sealing, obstruction, im- passableness, blocking up, obsti- pation, blind alley, blind corner. Imperforation, imperviousness, impermeability. V. To close, occlude, plug, block up, fill up, blockade, ob- struct, stop, bung up, seal, plumb, cork up, shut up, choke, throttle, dam up, cram. Adj. Closed, shut, unopened, occluded, &c., impervious, imper forate, impassable, path ess, un- trodden, (impenetrable,' imper meable, imporous, ope/culated air-tight. 108 MOTION. Apertion, perforation, piercing, boring, mining, drilling, &c., impalement, pertusion, puncture, penetration, 302. V. To open, gape, yawn. To perforate, lay open, pierce, bore, mine, drill, scoop out, tunnel, transpierce, transfix, enfilade, impale, spike, spear, gore, stab, pink, puncture, stick, prick, riddle, punch. To uncover, rip, stave in. Adj. Open, pierced, perforated, &c., wide open, unclosed, unstopped, oscitant, gaping, yawning, patent. Tubular, cannular, fistulous, pervious, permeable, forami- nous, follicular, honeycombed. 262. Perforator, borer, au- ger, gimlet, stylet, drill, wimble, awl, scoop, corkscrew, dibble, trepan, probe, bodkin, needle, stiletto, warder, lancet, punch. 263. Stopper, stopple, plv g, cork, bung, spigot, spike, stop- cock, tap, rammer, ramrod, pis- ton, wadding. Cover, lid, covering, covercle, door, &c., see 223, valve. A janitor, doorkeeper, porter, warder, beadle. Section IY. MOTION. 1. Motion in General. 264. Successive change of place. Motion, movement, transit, transition, move, going, &c., pas- sage, course, stir, evolution. Step, gait, post, footfall, car- riage, transferrence, 270, locomo- tion, 266. Mobility, restlessness, unrest, movableness, inquietude, flux. V. To be moving, &c., to move, go, hie, budge, stir, pass, flit, shift, roll, roll on, flow, 347, 348, sweep along, wander, 279, change or shift one’s place or quarters, dodge. Adj. Moving, in motion, on the move, going, &c., transitional. Shifting, movable, 270, mobile, restless, nomadic, wandering, va- grant, discursive, excursive, er- ratic, 279, mercurial. 265. Quiescence, rest, still- ness, stagnation, stagnancy, fix- edness, immobility. Quiet, tranquillity, calm, calm- ness, sedentariness. Pause, suspension, suspense, lull, stop, stoppage, interruption, stopping, stand, standstill, stand- ing still, lying to, repose, 687, respite. Lock, dead lock, dead stop, em- bargo. Resting-place, anchorage, post, 189, 666, bed, pillow, &c., 215. V. To be quiescent, Sic., to re- main, stand, stand still, lie to, pull up, hold, halt, stop, stop short, rest, pause, repose, keep quiet, take breath. To stay, tarry, sojourn, dwell, 186, pitch one’s tent, cast anchor, settle, encamp, bivouac, moor, tether, picket, plant one’s self, alight, land, &c., 292, ride at an- chor TRAVELLER — MARINER. 109 To stop, suspend, arrest, interrupt, intermit, discontinue, 142, put a stop to, quell, becalm, hush. Adj. Quiescent, still, motionless, moveless, at rest, station- ary, untravelled, at a stand, stock still, standing still, seden- tary, undisturbed, unruffled, fast, stuck fast, rooted, moored, aground, at anchor,tethered,becalmed,stagnant,quiet,unmoved, immovable, restful, irremovable, stable, steady, steadfast. Adv. At a stand, at a stand still, &c.; at anchor. 266. Locomotion by land. Journey, travel, travelling, ex- cursion, expedition, tour, trip, circuit, peregrination, discursion, ramble, pilgrimage, course, am- bulation, march, marching, walk, walking, promenade, stroll, saun- ter, perambulation, ride, equita- tion, drive, airing, jaunt. Roving, vagrancy, flit, flitting, migration, emigration, immigra- tion. Plan, itinerary, road book, guide. Procession, cavalcade, caravan. Organs and instruments of lo- comotion ; legs, feet, pegs, pins; arms; locomotive. V. To travel, journey, ramble, roam, rove, course, wander, stroll, range, straggle, expatiate, gad about; to go or take a walk, jour- ney, tour, turn, trip, &c.; to prowl, stray, saunter, make a tour, emi- grate, flit, migrate. To walk, march, step, tread, pace, wend, wend one’s way, promenade, perambulate, circumambulate, take a walk, take the air, trudge, stalk, stride, strut, tramp, traverse, bend one’s steps, thread one’s way, make one’s way, find one’s way, take a course. Ride, jog on, trot, amble, canter, gallop, take horse, prance, frisk. To drive, slide, glide, skim, skate. To go to, repair to, resort to, hie to. To march in procession, to file off, defile. Adj. Travelling, &c., ambulatory, itinerant, peripatetic, dis- cursive, migratory, nomadic, on the wing, &c. 267. Locomotion by water or air Navigation, voyage, sail, cruise, boating, circumnavigation. Natation, swimming, drifting. Flight, volitation, aeronautics, aerostatics, balloonry. Wing, pinion, fin; oar, sail, paddle, screw. V. To sail, make sale, put to sea, navigate, take ship, get un- der way, spread sail, spread can- vas, carry sail, plough the waves, plough the deep, scud, boom, drift, course, cruise, coast, cir- cumnavigate. To row, paddle, scull. To swim, float,buffet the waves, skim, dive, wade. To fly, be wafted, hover, soar. Adj. Sailing, &c., seafaring, nautical, volant, aerostatic. Adv. Under way, under sail, on the wing. 268. Traveller,wayfarer,voy- ager, itinerant, passenger, tourist, wanderer,rover,straggler,rambler, bird of passage, vagrar*, vaga- bond, nomad, pilgrim, Dalmer, 1 A 269. Mariner, navigator, sea- man, sailor, seafarer, shipman, tar, bluejacket, marine, jolly, boatman, ferryman, midshipman, &c. 110 MOTION. runner, courier, pedestrian, peri- patetic, emigrant, fugitive. Rider, horseman, equestrian, cavalier, jockey, postilion. An aerial navigator, aeror aut, balloonist. 270. Transferrence, displacement, transposition, 148, removal, 185, relegation, deportation, extradition, conveyance, carriage, car- rying. Transmission, passage, transit, ferry, transport, portage, porterage, cartage, carting, shipment, freight, transportation, transplantation, translation, shifting, dispersion, 73, traction, 285. V. To transfer, convey, transmit, transport, carry, bear, carry over, pass, remove, &c., 185, transpose, shift, convey, conduct, con- voy, send, relegate, turn over to, deliver, waft, ship, embark, ferry over. To bring, fetch, reach, draft. To load, lade, ship, charge. To unload, (unlade,) decant, empty. Adj. Transferred, &c., movable, portable, portative. 271. Carrier, porter, bearer, conveyor, conductor. Beast of burden, cattle, horse, steed, nag, palfry, galloway, char- ger, courser, racer, racehorse, pony, colt, roan, jade, hack, pack- horse, drafthorse, carthorse, posthorse, bayard, mare, stallion, geld- ing, stud. Pegasus, Bucephalus, Rozinante. Ass, donkey, jackass, mule, sumpter mule. Camel, dromedary, lama, elephant; carrier pigeon. 272. Vehicle, conveyance. Carriage, wagon, baggage wag- on, cariole,wain, dray, cart, sledge, 6ied, truck, tumbrel, barrow, wheelbarrow, hand barrow. Equipage, turnout, carriage, coach, chariot, chaise, phaeton, curricle, post chaise, diligence, stage, stage coach, car, omnibus, gig, cabriolet, cab, calash, buggy, tandem, sedan chair, palanquin, litter, velocipede. Shovel, spoon, spatula, ladle, hod. 273. Ship, vessel, shipping, marine, craft, bottom. Navy, fleet, flotilla, squadron, armada. Man-of-war, ship of the line or line-of-battle-ship, first rate, flag ship, frigate, sloop of war, trans- port, fire ship, bomb vessel, store ship, tender. Ship, bark, brig, brigantine, schooner, sloop, cutter, cor- vette, clipper, skiff, yawl, smack, lugger, barge, lighter. Sailer, steamer, steamboat, (steamship,) tug. Merchant ship, merchantman, packet, whaler, slaver, collier, coaster, lighter. Boat, longboat, pinnace, launch, shallop, jollyboat, fly- boat, wherry, cockboat, fishing boat, lifeboat, gondola, fe- lucca, canoe, float, raft. Galley, brigantine, galleon, galliot, junk. Balloon, air balloon, aerostat, pilot balloon, kite. Adv. Afloat, aboard. IMPULSE —RECOIL. 2. Degrees op Motion. 274. Velocity, speed, celeri- ty, swiftness, rapidity, fleetness, expedition, speediness, quick- ness, nimbleness, briskness, agil- ity, promptness, promptitude, de- spatch, acceleration. Haste, precipitation, posthaste, hurry scurry, precipitancy, &c., 681, forced march, race. Rate, pace, step, gait, course, progress. Gallop, canter, trot, run, rush, scamper, amble; flight, dart,bolt, flying, &c. Lightning, light, rocket, arrow, dart, telegraph, express train. An eagle, antelope, courser, racehorse, gazelle, greyhound, hare, squirrel. V. To move quickly; to trip, speed, haste, hie, hasten, press, press on, press forward, post, push on,scamper,run, scud, scour, shoot, tear, whisk, sweep, skim, brush, glance, cut along, dash on, dash forwards, trot, gallop, amble, troll, rush, bound, bolt, flit, spring, dart, boom. To haste, hurry, scramble, has- ten, accelerate, expedite, urge, vhip forward, hurry, precipitate, quicken pace, ride hard. To keep up with, keep pace with, outrun, outstrip, gain ground. Adj. Fast, speedy, swift, rapid, full drive, quick, fleet, nim- ble, agile, expeditious, prompt, brisk, frisky, hasty, hurried, flying, &c., lightfooted, nimble footed, winged, electric, tele- graphic. Adv. Swiftly, with speed, speedily, trippingly, &c., apace, posthaste, by express, by telegraph, headlong. 275. Slowness, tardiness, dil- atoriness, slackness, languor, drawl, see Inactivity, 683. Retardation, slackening. Hobbling, creeping, lounging, &c., claudication, halting, jog trot, dog trot, mincing steps. A slow goer, lingerer, slow coach, drone, tortoise, snail, slug. V. To move slowly, to creep, crawl, lag, drawl, dawdle, linger, loiter, plod, trudge, flag, saunter, lounge, lumber, trail, grovel, glide, steal along, jog on, rub on, halt, hobble,limp, shamble,mince, falter, totter, stagger. To retard, slacken, relax, check, rein in, curb, strike sail, reef. Adj. Slow, slack, tardy, dilato- ry, easy, lazy, languid, drowsy, sleepy, heavy, drawling, sluggish, snail-like, creeping, crawling, &c., lumbering, hobbling. Adv. Slowly, &c., gingerly, softly, gently, leisurely, deliber- ately, gradually, &c., 144, lamely, &c.; at a foot’s pace; at a snail’s pace. 3. Motion conjoined with Force. 276. Impulse, momentum, im- petus, push, impulsion, thrust, shove, jog, jolt, brunt, booming, throw; volley, explosion, 173. Percussion, collision, cc ncus- 277. Recoil, retroaction, re- vulsion, reaction, rebound, reper- cussion, rebuff, reverberation, re- flux, springing back, &c. A spring, &c., see Elasticity, 325 112 MOTION. sion, clash, encounter, appulse, shock, bump. Blow, stroke, knock, pat, rap, hit, thump, pelt, kick, lunge, cal- citration, recalcitration, heating, 972. Hammer, mallet, flail, cudgel, bludgeon, cane, stick, club, &c., ram, battering ram, catapult, balistes, rammer, sledge hammer. Propulsion, 284; Science of mechanic forces, Dynamics. V. To impel, push, give impetus, &c., drive, urge, thrust, elbow, shoulder, jostle, justle, hustle, jolt, encounter, clash, fall foul of. To strike, knock, tap, pat, smite, butt against, impinge, thump, beat, batter, pelt, patter, drub, buffet, belabor, whip, &c., see 972, lunge, kick, calcitrate, recalcitrate. To throw, &c., see Propel, 284, to shy. Adj. Impelling, &c., impulsive, impellent, impelled, &c., Dooming. V. To recoil, react, spring back, fly back, bound back, rebound, re- verberate, repercuss. Adj. Recoiling, &c., on the re- coil, &c., refluent, repercussive. 4. Motion with Reference to Direction. 278. Direction, bearing, course, bent, inclination, drift, tenor, tendency, incidence, set, leaning, bending, trending, dip, steerage, tack, steering, aim. A line, path, road, aim, range, quarter, point of the compass, 236, 237, rhomb, azimuth. V. To tend towards, go to, point to or at; trend, verge, in- cline, dip, conduct to. To make for or towards, aim at, take aim, level at, steer for, keep or hold a course, be bound for, bend one’s steps towards, di- rect one’s course. Adj. Directed, &c., direct, straight, undeviating. Adv. Towards, to, thither, di- rectly, straight, straightforwards, 628, point blank, before the wind, near the wind, close to the wind, whither, in a line with. 279. Deviation, swerving, aberration, bending, refraction, sweep, sideling, straying, strag- gling, warping, &c., digression, circuit, departure from, diver- gence, 291, desultory motion. Motion sidewise, sidling. V. To alter one’s course, devi- ate, depart from, turn, bend, curve, 311, swerve, shift, warp, stray, straggle, sidle, diverge, 291, di- gress, wander, meander, veer, tack, turn aside, turn a corner, turn away from, face about, wheel, wheel about, steer clear of, ram- ble, rove, go astray, step aside. Adj. Deviating, &c., aberrant, discursive, devious, desultory, erratic, vagrant, undirected, cir- cuitous, crab-like. Adv. Astray from. j — 280. Going before. Precession, leading, heading. Precedence in order, 62. 281. Going after. Sequence, following, pursuit, chase, hunt. PROPULSION — TRACTION. 113 V. To precede, lead, go ahead, to go in the van, take the lead. Adi. Preceding, leading, &c. Adv. In advance; before, in the van, ahead, 62. A follower, pursuer, attendant, satellite, shadow. Sequence in order, see 63. V. To follow, pursue, chase, hunt, go after, to fly after, to go in the rear or in the wake of, tread in the steps of, tread on the heels of, to follow as a shadow, to lag behind. Adi. Following, &c. Adv. Behind, in the rear, &c., see 63, in the wake of, on the heels of. 282. Motion forwards. Progression, advance, prog- ress, progressiveness, progres- sive motion, floodtide, headway, advancing, &c., pursuit, see 622. V. To advance, proceed, pro- gress ; go, move, bend or pass forwards; go on, pass on, get on, push on, go one’s way, go ahead, make head, make way, make headway, work one’s way, press forward, get over the ground, gain ground, make progress, keep or hold on one’s course, keep up with, get forward, distance. Adj. Advancing, &c., progres- sive, profluent, undeviating, un- bending. Adv. Forward, onward, forth, on, in advance, ahead, under way, straight forwards. 283. Motion backwards. Regression, regress, (retro- cession,) retrogression, retrogra- dation,crab-like motion,refluence, reflux, return, ebb, tergiversation, countermotion, countermarch, veering, regurgitation. V. To recede, retrograde, re- turn, rebound, fall back, fall or drop astern, lose ground, put about, go back, turn back, double, wheel, countermarch, draw back, get back, regurgitate. Adj. Receding, &c., retrograde, retrogressive, regressive, refluent, reflex, crab-like. Adv. Backwards, reflexively, to the right about. 284. Motion given to an object situated in front. Propulsion, push, pushing, proj ection, j aculation, throw, fling, toss, shot, discharge. Things thrown; a missile, pro- jectile, shot, ball, bolt, dart, arrow, bullet, stone, shaft, brickbat. Bow, sling, catapult, &c., 727. V. To propel, project, throw, fling, cast, pitch, toss, jerk, lance,, tilt, ejaculate, hurl, bolt, drive, sling, dart, send, roll, send off, let off, discharge, fire off, shoot, launch, let fly. Bowl, trundle, roll along, 312. To put in motion, start, give an impulse, impel, 276, expel, 296. Adj. Propelling, &c., propulsive, projectile, &c. 285. Motion given to an object situated behind. Traction, drawing, draught, pull, pulling. V. To draw, pull, haul, lug drag, tug, tow, trail, train, wrench, jerk, twitch; to take in tow. Adj. Drawing, &c., tractile. MOTION. 114 286. Motion towards. Approach, approximation, ap- propinquation, appulse, afflux, affluxion, pursuit, 622, collision, 276. V. To approach, draw near, ap- proximate, to near, drift, come, get, go, draw near, &c., to set in towards, make up to, gain upon. Adj. Approaching, &c., approx- imative. 287. Motion from. Recession, retirement, with, drawal, retreat, retrocession, see 283, departure, 293, recoil, 277, decampment, flight. A runaway, a fugitive. V. To recede, go, move or fly from, retire, retreat, withdraw, come away, go or get away, draw back, shrink, move away. To move off, stand off, fall back, march off, decamp, sheer off, bolt, slip away, run away, pack off, fly, remove, abscond, sneak off, slink away. Adj. Receding, &c., fugitive, run away, 671. 288. Motion towards, actively. Attraction, drawing to, pull- ing towards, adduction, attractive- ness. A loadstone, magnet. V. To attract, draw, pull, drag, &c., towards, adduce. Adj. Attracting, &c., attrahent, adductive, attractive. 289. Motion from, actively. Repulsion, (repellency,) push, driving from, repulse, abduction, see Impulse, 276. V. To repel, push, drive, &c., from, (carry off,) abduct. Adi. Repelling, &c., repellent, repulsive, abducent, abductive. Int. Begone! be off! &c., 293. 291. Motion farther off. Divergence, aberration, di- varication, radiation, separation, 44, dispersion, diffusion, dissemi- nation, 73. Oblique motion, sidling, devi- ation, 279. V. To diverge, divaricate, wan- der, radiate, branch off, file off, draw aside. To spread, disperse, scatter, distribute, diffuse, disseminate, shed, sow broadcast, sprinkle. To sidle, swerve, heel. To part, part company, turn away from, wander from. Adj. Diverging, &c., divergent, radiant, wandering, aberring, aberrant, centrifugal. Adv. Broadcast. 290. Motion nearer to. Convergence, appulse, meet- ing, confluence, concourse, con- flux, congress, concurrence, con- centration. Resort, assemblage, 72, focus, 74. V. To converge, come together, unite, meet, fall in with, close in upon, close with, centre in, enter in, to meet, come across. To gather together, unite, con- centrate, &c. Adj. Converging, &c., conver- gent, confluent, concurring, con- current, centripetal. 292. Terminal motion at. Arrival, advent, reception, welcome, return. Heme, goal, resting-place, des- 293. Initial motion from. Departure, outset, removal, exit, exodus, decampment, em- barkation, flight. RECEPTION — EJECTION 115 filiation, harbor, haven, port, land- ing-place. Meeting, rencounter, encounter. V. To arrive, get to, come, come to, reach, attain, come up with, come up to, make, fetch, over- take. To light, alight, dismount, land, disembark, debark, put in, put into, visit, cast anch jr. To come upon, light upon, pitch upon, hit, drop in, close with. To come back, return. To meet, encounter, rencounter, come in contact, 199. Adj. Arriving, &c., here, hither. Valediction, adieu, farewell. A starting point or post, place of departure or embarkation. V. To depart, go, set out, set off, start, start off, issue, go forth, sally, sally forth, set forward, be off, move off, pack off, begone get off, sheer off. To leave a place, quit, retire, withdraw, go one’s way, take wing, take flight, flit, embark, go on board, set sail, put to sea, weigh anchor, slip cable, decamp, 671. Adj. Departing, &c., valedic- tory. Adv. Whence, hence, thence. 294. Motion into. Ingress, entrance, entry, intro- gression, admission, admittance, intromission, introduction, insin- uation, insertion, 300, intrusion, inroad, incursion, influx, irrup- tion, invasion, penetration, inter- penetration, infiltration, import, importation, immigration. A mouth, door, &c., see Open- ing, 260. V. To enter, go into, come into, set foot in, intrude, break in, in- vade, flow into, insinuate itself, penetrate, interpenetrate, infil- trate, to put into, &c., bring in, insert, drive in, run in, wedge in, 300, intromit, introduce, import, smuggle. 295. Motion out of. Egress, exit, issue, emersion, emergence. Exudation, 348, leakage, per eolation, distillation, oozing, ef fluence, efflux, effusion, drain dropping, dripping, filtering, de fluxion, gush, trickling, erup • tion. Export, expatriation, emigra- tion. An outlet, vent, spout, flue, chimney, pore, drain, sewer, 350. V. To emerge, emanate, issue, go, come, move, pass, pour, flow, &c., out of, pass off. To transude, (exude,) leak, per- colate, strain, distil, drain, ooze, filter, filtrate, dribble, trickle, drizzle, drip, gush, spout, run, flow out, effuse, disembogue, 348. 296. Motion into, actively. Reception, admission, impor- tation, immission, absorption, in- gurgitation, inhalation; see Inser- tion, 300. Eating, swallowing, degluti- tion, devouring, gorging. Drinking, potation, sipping, suction, sucking, draught, liba- tion. •Mastication, manducation, chewing. 297. Motion out of, actively. Ejection, emission, effusion rejection, expulsion, detrusion, extrusion. Discharge, ejection, evacua- tion. Deportation, exile, banishment, relegation, extradition. V. To be let out, &c., to ooze, percolate, fall out, *o emit, eject, expel, reject, discharge, give out, let out, cast out, clear out, sweep 116 MOTION. V. To admit, receive intromit, import, absorb, imbibe, inhale, let in, take in, readmit, resorb, reabsorb, sn 'if up, suck in, swal- low, ingurgitate, ingulf. To eat, fare, feed, devour, lay in, gorge, engorge, fall to, stuff, cram, eat heartily, do .justice to, gormandize, 957. To feed upon, live on, feast upon, carouse, batten upon, fat- ten upon, dine, &c., browse, graze, crop, chew, champ, gnaw, nibble, masticate. To drink, quaff, sip, lap, drain the cup, tipple, 959. I Adj. Admitting, &c., admitted, &c., admissible; omniv- orous. out, clean out, turn out, drive out, root out, pour out, shed, void, evacuate, disgorge, empty, drain, extrude, detrude, throw off, spit, spill. To vomit, spew, puke, cast up, eructate, belch, give vent to, tap, open the sluices, heave out, bale out, shake off. To unpack, unlade, unload, 270. To banish, exile, deport. Adj. Emitting, &c., emitted, &c. 298. Food, pabulum, aliment, nourishment, nutriment, suste- nance, nurture, subsistence, prov- ender, provision, prey, forage, pasture, pasturage, fare, cheer, diet, regimen. Comestibles, eatables, victuals, meat, bread, breadstuffs, viands, delicacy, creature comforts, con- tents of the larder, pottage, pud- ding, ragout. Table, board, commons, good cheer, bill of fare, commis- sariat, ordinary. Meal, repast, mess, dish, plate, course, regale, regalement, refreshment, refection, picnic, entertainment, feast, banquet; breakfast, luncheon, lunch, dinner, supper, dessert. Drink, beverage, liquor, broth, soups, &c. Adj. Eatable, edible, esculent, alimentary, cereal, culina- ry, nutritive, succulent, potable. 299. Excretion, emanation, exhalation, exudation, secretion, evacuation, faeces, excrement, 653, prespiration, &c., discharge. V. To emanate, exhale, ex- crete, exude, effuse, secrete, evacuate, discharge, &c., 297. 300. Forcible ingress. Insertion, putting in, implan- tation, introduction, interjection, insinuation, planting, intercala- tion, injection, inoculation, im- portation, intervention, 228, dove- tailing, wedge. Immersion, dip, plunge, bath, submersion, duck, soak. Interment, burying, burial, &c., 363. V. To insert, introduce, put in- to, import, throw in, interlard, in- 301. Forcible egress. Extraction, taking out, re- moval, elimination, extrication, evulsion, avulsion, wrench. Expression, squeezing. V. To extract, take out, draw, draw out, pull out, tear out, pluck out, wring from, wrench, rake up, grub up, root up, dredge, remove, get out, 185, educe, elicit, extri- cate, eliminate. To express, squeeze out. • Adj. Extracted, &c. ASCENT — DESCENT. 117 ject, interject, intercalate, infuse, instil, inoculate, impreg- nate, in bue, imbrue, graft, ingraft, bud, plant, implant, ob- trude, worm in, thrust in, let in, dovetail, mortise, insinuate, wedge in, press in, impact, drive in, run in, 260. To immerse, dip, steep, immerge, merge, submerge, bathe, plunge, drop in, soak, duck. To inter, bury, &c., 363. Adj. Inserting, inserted, &c. 302. Motion through. Passage, transmission, permeation, penetration, interpenetration, infiltration, 294. Terebration, impalement, &c., 260. V. To pass, pass through, traverse, perforate, &c., see 260 ; pierce, impale, spear, spike, penetrate, permeate, thread, enfilade, go through, go across, go over, pass over, cut across, pass and repass, work, thread or worm one’s way, force a passage. Adj. Passing, intercurrent, &c. 303. Motion beyond. Transcursion, transilience, transgression, trespass, encroach- ment, infringement, transcend- ence. V. To transgress, overstep, sur- pass, overpass, overgo, outgo, out- step, outrun, overleap, outleap, pass, go by, strain, overshoot the mark, overlap, go beyond, tran- scend, encroach, exceed, trespass, infringe, trench upon. 304. Motion short of. Shortcoming, failure, falling, short, 732, defalcation, leeway, incompleteness, 53. V. To fall short of, not to reach, keep within bounds, keep within compass; to stop short. Adj. Unreached, deficient, 53, short, minus. Adv. Within the mark, within compass, within bounds, &c., be- hindhand. 305. Motion upwards. Ascent, rise, ascension, up- growth, leap, 309. A rocket, skyrocket, lark, sky- V. To ascend, rise, mount, arise, uprise, go up, get up, climb, clamber, scale, scramble, esca- lade, surmount, aspire, override, overreach, start up. To tower, soar, hover, swim, float, surge. To leap, jump, hop, skip vault, bound, dance, bob, curvet, romp, caracole, caper. Adj. Rising, &c., buoyant, floating, supernatant, leaping, fee., saltatory frisky, rampant. Adv. Uphill. 308. Motion downwards. Descent, fall, descension, de- clension, declination, drop, ca dence, subsidence, lapse, down- fall, tumble, slip, tilt, toppling, trip, lurch. Titubation, shambling, stum- ble. V. To descend, go down, fall, sink, drop, drop down, droop, come down, dismount, alight, set- tle, slide, slip. To stoop, bend, bow, courtesy, bob, bend the head or knee, dip, crouch, cower. To recline, lie, lie down, sit, sit down, couch, squat. To tumble, slip, trip, stumble, lurch, swag, topple, topple over, swoop, tilt, sprawl, plump down To alight, dismount, get down. 118 MOTION. 307. E) station, raising, lift ing, erection, lift, sublevation, sublimation. V. To elevate, raise, lift, uplift, upraise, set up, erect, stick up, rear, uprear, upbear, upcast, hoist, uphoist, heave, upheave, weigh, exalt, sublimate. To drag up, fish up, dredge. Adj. Elevated, &c. Adj. Descending, &c., descend* ent. 308. Depression, lowering, abasement, detrusion, reduction. Overthrow, upset, prostration, subversion, overset, overturn, pre- cipitation. V. To depress, lower, let down, let fall, sink, debase, abase, reduce, detrude, cast down. Overthrow, overturn, upset, overset, subvert, prostrate, level, fell ; cast, take, throw, fling, dash, pull, cut, knock, hew, &c., down. Adj. Depressed, sunk, pros- trate, &c. 309. Reap, jump, hop, spring, bound, vault, saltation. Dance, caper, curvet, cara- cole. 310. Plunge, dip, dive, duck- ing. V. To plunge, dip, duck, dive. To submerge, submerse, sink, ingulf. 311. Curvilinear motion. Circuition, turn, wind, circuit, curvet, excursion, circumvention, circumnavigation, circulation. Turning, winding, twist, twisting, wrench, evolution, twining, coil, circumambulation, meandering. V. To turn, bend, wheel, put about, go round, or round about, to turn or round a corner, double a point, wind, whisk, twirl, twist. Adi. Turning, &c., circuitous. Adv. Round about. | 312. Motion in a continued cir- cle. Rotation, revolution, gyration, roll, circumrotation, circumgyra- tion, volutation, circumvolution, convolution, whirl, eddy, vortex, whirlpool, gurge, a dizzy round; Maelstrom, Charybdis. A vvheel, screw, whirligig, roll- ing stone, windmill; top. Axis, spindle, pivot, pin, hinge, pole, swivel. V. To rotate, roll, revolve, spin, turn, turn round, circum- volve, circulate, gyrate, wheel, whirl, twirl, trundle, troll, roll up, furl, wallow, welter. Adj. Rotating, &c., rotatory, rotary, vertiginous, gyratory. 313. Motion in a reverse circle. Evolution, unfolding, &c., de- velopment, introversion, rever- sion; eversion, 218. V. To evolve, unfold, unroll, unwind, uncoil, untwist, unfurl, develop, introvert, reverse. Adj. Evolving, &c., evolved, &c. 314. Reciprocating motion, motion to and fro. Oscillation, vibration, undulation, pulsation, libration, nutation, swing, beat, shake, wag, seesaw, going and coming. MATERIALITY — IMMATERIALITY. 119 Fluctuation, vacillation, dance, lurch, rolling, pitching, tossing &c. V. To oscillate, vibrate, undulate, librate, wave, rock, swing, pul- sate, beat, wag, nod, tick, play, dangle. To fluctuate, vacillate, dance, curvet, reel, quake, roll, pitch, flounder, stagger, totter, brandish, shake, flourish; to move up and down, to and fro, backwards and forwards; to pass and repass. Adj. Oscillating, &c., oscillatory, vibratory, undulatory, pulsatory, libratory, pendulous. Adv. To and fro, up and down, backwards and forwards, seesaw, zigzag. 315. Irregular motion. Agitation, stir, tremor, shake, ripple, jog, jolt, jar, trepidation, quiver, dance, restlessness, flicker, flutter. Disturbance, perturbation, commotion, turmoil, turbulence, tu- mult, tumultuation, jerk, throe, convulsion, staggers, epilepsy, writh- ing, ferment, fermentation, effervescence, hurly burly. V. To be agitated, to shake, tremble, quiver, quaver, shiver, writhe, toss about, tumble, stagger, reel, wag, dance, wriggle, stum- ble, flounder, shuffle, totter, flounce, curvet, prance, throb, pulsate, beat, palpitate, flutter, flitter, flicker. To agitate, shake, toss, tumble, bandy, wield, brandish, flap, flour- ish, whisk, jerk, hitch, jolt, jostle, disturb, shake up, churn, ferment, effervesce, boil. Adj. Shaking, &c., agitated, tremulous, desultory, shambling, sal- tatory. CLASS III. WORDS RELATING TO MATTER. Section I. MATTER IN GENERAL. 316. Materiality, corporeity, corporality, materialness, sub- stantiality, physical condition. Matter, body, substance, brute matter, stuff, element, principle, material, substratum, frame. Science of matter; Physics, Somatology, Somatics, Natural Philosophy, Physical Science, Experimental Philosophy, Mate- rialism. 317. Immateriality, spiritu- ality, spirit, &c., 450, immaterial - ness. Personality, spiritualism. V. To disimbody. Adj. Immaterial, incorporeal, immateriate, unextended, incor- poral, unbodied, disi mbodied, spiritual, extramundane, unearth- ly; spiritualist. Personal, subjective. 120 MATTER. Adj. Material, bodily, corporeal or corporal, physical, sen- sible, tangible, ponderable; objective, materialistic. 318. World, nature, universe; earth, globe; the wide world, sphere, macrocosm. The heavens, sky, welkin, empyrean, starry heaven, firmament; the vault or canopy of heaven; the celestial spaces, the starry host, the heavenly bodies, stars, asteroids, constellations, galaxy, milky way, nebulae, &c. Sun, planets, satellites. Science of the heavenly bodies: Astronomy, Uranography, Cos- mography, Cosmogony; orrery. An astronomer, stargazer. Adj. Cosmical, mundane, terrestrial, terraqueous, terrene, sublu- nary, under the sun. Celestial, heavenly, starry, stellar, nebular, &c., sidereal, astral. 319. Gravity, weight, heavi- ness, gravitation, ponderosity, Eonderousness, pressure, load, urden, ballast, a lump, mass. Science of gravity, Statics. V. To be heavy, to gravitate, weigh, press, cumber, load. Adj. Weighty, heavy, ponder- ous, gravitating, weighing, &c., ponderable, cumbersome, mas- sive, unwieldy, incumbent, super- incumbent. 320. Levity, lightness, im- ponderability, buoyancy, airiness, portableness. A feather, dust, mote, down, thistledown, flue, cobweb, gos- samer, straw, cork, bubble; a float, buoy. V. To be light, to float, swim, be buoyed up. Adj. Light, subtile, airy, im- ponderable, etherial, sublimated, floating, swimming, buoyant, por- table. Section II. INORGANIC MATTER. 1. Solid Matter. 321. Density, solidity, solid- ness, impenetrability, incompres- sibility, cohesion, coherence, co- hesiveness, 46, imporosity, im- permeability, closeness, compact- ness, constipation, consistence, spissitude, thickness. Specific gravity; hydrometer, areometer. Condensation, consolidation,so- lidification, concretion, coagu- lation, petrifaction, lapidification, lapidescence, vitrification, crys- tallization, precipitation, inspis- 6ation, thickening. Indivisibility, indiscerptibility, indissolvableness. 322. Rarity, tenuity, absence of solidity, subtility, sponginess, (porosity,) compressibility; hol- lowness, 252. Rarefaction, expansion, dilata- tion, inflation, subtillization. Ether, vapor, air, gas, 334. V. To rarefy, expand, dilate, subtillize. Adj. Rare, subtile, thin, fine, compressible. Porous, cavernous, spongy. Rarefied, expanded, dilated, subtillized, unsubstantial, uncom- pact, uncompressed; hollow, 252. TEXTURE. 121 A solid body, mass, block, lump, concretion, cake, clot, stone, curd, coagulum. V. To be dense, &c. To become or render solid; solidify, concrete, consolidate, congeal, coagulate, curdle, curd, fix, clot, cake, cohere, crys- tallize, petrify, vitrify, condense, thicken, inspissate, com- press, squeeze, constipate. Adj. Dense, solid, solidified, consolidated, &c., coherent, cohesive, compact, close, thickset, substantial, massive, lump- ish, impenetrable, incompressible, impermeable, imporous, constipated, concrete, crystalline, crystallizable, vitreous, coagulated, thick, incrassated, inspissated, curdled, clotted. Undtssolved, unmelted, unliquefied, unthawed. Indivisible, indiscerptible, infrangible, indissolvable, indis- soluble, insoluble. 323. Hardness, rigidity, firm- ness, inflexibility,stiffness, starch- ness, starchedness, temper, cal- losity, induration, grittiness, pet- rifaction, &c., 321, ossification. A stone, pebble, flint, marble, rock, granite, iron, steel, ada- mant. Tenseness, stretching, tension, 200. V. To render hard, harden, stiffen, indurate, petrify, temper, ossify. Adj. Hard, horny, corneous, rigid, stiff, firm, starch, unbend- ing, unyielding, inflexible, tense, indurate, indurated, gritty, &c., proof, adamantean, adamantine. 325. Elasticity, springiness, spring, resilience, contractility, 195, compressibility. V. To be elastic, &c., to spring back,fly back, rebound, recoil, 277. Adj. Elastic, tensile, springy, resilient, buoyant. 327. Tenacity, toughness, strength, cohesion, 46, stubborn- ness. V. To be tenacious, &c., to re- sist, fracture. Adj. Tenacious, tough, stub- born, cohesive, strong, resisting. 324. Softness, tenderness, flexibility, pliancy, pliableness, pliantness, pliability, suppleness, ductility, malleability, tractility, extensibility, plasticity. Mollification, softening, &c. V. To render soft, soften, mol- lify, relax, temper, mash, knead. To bend, yield, relent, relax. Adj. Soft, tender, supple, pli- able, limber, flexible, flexile, lithe, pliant, plastic, ductile, trac- tile, tractable, malleable, exten- sile. Yielding, bending, flabby, floc- culent, downy, flimsy, spongy, argillaceous, mellow. 326. Inelasticity, want or absence of elasticity, see 324. 328. Brittleness, fragility, crispness, friability, frangibility. V. To be brittle, break, crack, snap, split, shiver, splinter, crum- ble, fly, break short. Adj. Brittle, frangible, fragile, frail, shivery, fissile, (shaky,! splitting, splintery, crisp, crum- bling. 329. Texture, structure, organization, anatomy, frame, mould, 122 MATTER. fabric, framework, architecture, substance, constitution, intertexture, contexture, tissue, grain, web, woof, nap, 256, fineness or coarseness of grain. Adj. Textural, structural, organic, anatomical. Fine, delicate, subtile.—Coarse, rough-grained. Flimsy, unsubstantial, gossamery. 330. Pulverulence, state of powder, dust, sand, shingle, saw- dust, grit, meal, bran, flour, limature, filings, flocculence, efflores- cence, sandiness, friability. Reduction to powder, pulverization, comminution, granulation, disintegration, contusion, trituration, levigation, abrasion, filing, &c., 331. Instruments for pulverization; a mill, grater, rasp, file, pestle and mortar. V. To reduce to powder, to pulverize, comminute, granulate, tritu- rate, levigate, scrape, file, abrade, rub down, grind, grate, rasp, pound, bray, beat, crush, crumble, disintegrate. Adj. Powdery, granular, mealy, floury, farinaceous, branny, floc- culent, dusty, sandy, gritty, efflorescent, impalpable, pulverizable, pulverulent, friable, crumbly, shivery, pulverized, &c., attrite. jr ; ; -- ~ - j i 331. Friction, attrition, con- frication, rubbing, abrasion, con- trition, rub, &c.j scouring, lima- ture, filing, rasping. V. To rub, abrade, &c., 330, scrape, fray, rasp, pare, scour, polish, rub out. 332. Absence of friction. Lubrication, prevention of friction, oiling. V. To lubricate, smooth, 255. Adj. Lubricated, &c. 2. Fluid Matter. 1. Fluids in general. 333. Fluidity, fluid, (including both inelastic and elastic fluids.) Inelastic fluid. Liquidity, liquidness, a liquid, liquor, lymph, humor, juice, sap, serum, serosity. Solubility, solu- bleness. Science of liquids at rest; Hy- drology, Hydrostatics. V. To be fluid or liquid, to flow, run, 348. Adj. Liquid, fluid, serous, juicy, succulent, sappy, fluent, running. Liquefied, uncongealed, melt- ed, &c., 335. 334. Elastic fluid. Gaseousness, vaporousness, gas, air, vapor, ether, steair., fume, effluvium. Smoke, cloud, 353. Science of elastic fluids; Pneu- matics, Aerostatics. V. To emit vapor, see 336. * Adj. Gaseous, aeriform, ethe- rial, aerial, airy, vaporous, vola- tile, evaporable. 7 1 335. Liquefaction fusion, melting, thaw. Solution, dissolution, decoction, infusion, &c., liquescence. 336. Vaporization, volatili- zation, vaporation, evaporation, distillation, sublimation, exhala- tion, volatility. OCEAN —LAND. 123 V. To render liquid, to liquefy, run, melt, thaw, fuse, solve, dis- solve, resolve; to hold in solu- tion. Adj. Liquefied, &c., molten, liquescent, liquefiable, soluble. V. To render gaseous, vapor- ize, volatilize, evaporate, exhale, smoke, fume, steam, distil, subli- mate. Adj. Volatilized, &c., volatile, evaporable. 2. Specific Fluids. 337 Water, serum, lymph, i rheum. Dilution, immersion, macera- tion, humectation, infiltration, sprinkling, affusion, irrigation, balneation, bath, inundation, del- uge, see 348, a diluent. V. To be watery, &c., to reek. To add water, to water, wet, moisten, 339, dilute, dip, immerse, plunge, merge, immerge, steep, duck, submerge, drown, soak, macerate, pickle, wash, sprinkle, affuse, splash, drench, slop, irrigate, inundate, deluge. To syringe, inject. Adj. Watery, aqueous, wet, aquatic, lymphatic, diluted, &c., reeking, dripping, soaking, washy, sloppy, diluent. 338. Air, common air, atmos- pheric air. The atmosphere, the sky, the open air, weather, climate. Science of air; Aerology. Exposure to the air or weather. Adj. Containing air, windy, flatulent, effervescent. Atmospheric, airy, aerial, aeri- form. 339. Moisture, moistness,hu- midity, dampness, wetness, made- faction, dew, muddiness. V. To be moist, &c. To moisten, wet, damp, bedew, imbue, infiltrate, imbrue. Adj. Moist, damp, watery, un- dried, humid, wet, dank, muggy, dewy, roral, (roriferous,) juicy; swampy. 341. Ocean, sea, main, the deep, brine, salt water, tide, wave, surge, &c., 348. Neptune,Thetis,Tritons,Naiads, &c., trident. Adj. Oceanic, marine, mari- time, pelagic. Adv. At sea, on sea. 340. Dryness,aridity, drought. Exsiccation, desiccation, are- faction, drainage. V. To be dry, &c. To render dry, to dry, dry up, exsiccate, desiccate, drain, parch. Adj. Dry, arid, dried, &c., un- damped, husky, waterproof, juice- less, sapless. 342. Land, earth, ground, con tinent, oasis, mainland, peninsu- lar, delta, isthmus, tongue of land. Cape, promontory, &c., 250, headland, point of land, highland. Coast, shore, seaboard, seaside, seabank, strand, beach, bank, lea. Soil, glebe, clay, loam, marl, clod, rock, crag, &c., 206, mould, subsoil. Adj. Terrene, earthy, conti- nental. Littoral, midland. Adv. Ashore, on shore, on land. 124 MATTER. 343. Gulf, bay, inlet, bight, estuary, arm of die sea, armlet, sound, frith, lagoon, cove, creek, strait. Lake, loch, mere, tarn, pond, pool, puddle, well, standing wa- ter, dead water, a sheet of water; fishpond, ditch, dike, &c. 344. Plain, table land, (pla- teau,) open country, the face of the country, champaign country, basin, downs, waste, steppe, pam- pas, savanna, prairie, heath, com- mon, moor, moorland. Meadow, mead, pasturage,park field, lawn, terrace, esplanade, sward, turf, sod, heather; lea, grounds, pleasure grounds. Adj. Campestrian, alluvial, champaign. 345. Marsh, swamp, morass, fen, bog, quagmire, slough. Adj. Marshy, swampy, boggy, paludal. 346. Island, isle, islet, reef, breaker. Adj. Insular. 3. Fluids in Motion. 347. Fluid in motion. Stream, flow, current, jet, undercurrent. V. To flow, stream, issue. 348. Water in motion. River, running water, jet, spirt, spout, splash, gush, waterspout, sluice, waterfall, fall, cascade, cataract, inundation. Rain, shower, driving rain, drizzle, dripping, flux, flow, prof- luence, effluence, efflux, efflux- ion, effusion, defluxion. Spring, fountain, rill, rivulet, streamlet, runnel, brook, stream, torrent, rapids, flood, tide, spring tide, high tide, freshet, current, eddy, gurge, whirlpool, regurgi- tation. Confluence. Wave, billow, surge, swell, rip- ple, ground swell, surf, breakers. Science of fluids in motion; Hydrodynamics, Hydraulics. V. To flow, run, gush, spout, roll, jet, well, drop, drip, trickle, ooze, 295, percolate, distil, tran- sude, stream,sweat, perspire,over- _ flow, flow over, splash, gurgle, spurt, regurgitate. To rain, rain hard, pour with rain, drizzle, set in. To flow into, fall into, open into, discharge itself, disem- bogue, disgorge, meander. To cause a flow, to pour, drop, distil, splash, squirt, spill 349. Air in motion. Wind, draught, breath, air, breath of air, puff, zephyr, blow. Gust, blast, breeze, squall, gale, storm, tempest, hurricane, whirlwind, tornado, simoom, mon- soon, trade wind, sirocco, windi- ness. Sufilation, blowing, fanning, ventilation, blowing up, inflation, afflation, sneezing, sternutation. Bellows, fan, ventilator. V. To blow, waft, blow hard, blow a hurricane. To breathe, puff,whiffle,wheeze, snuffle, sneeze, cough. To fan, ventilate, inflate, per- flate, blow up. Adj. Blowing, &c., windy breezy, gusty, squally, stormy tempestuous, blustering. OIL. 125 drain, empty, discharge, pour out, open the sluices or flood- gates ; shower down, 297. To stop a flow, to stanch, dam, dam up, 261, intercept. Adj. Fluent, profluent, affluent, tidal, flowing, &c., bab- bling, bubbling, purling, gurgling, meandering. Fluvial, fluviatile, streamy, showery, rainy, pluvial. 350. Channel for the passage of water. Conduit, channel, duct, water- course, race, adit, aqueduct, ca- nal, sluice, gullyj moat, ditch, trough, gutter, dram, sewer, cul- vert, siphon, pipe, gullyhole, arte- ry, pore, spout, ajutage, waste pipe. Floodgate, dam, Watergate, lock, valve. 351. Channel for the passage of air. Airpipe, airtube, shaft, flue, chimney, vent, blowhole, nos- tril, throat, weasand, trachea, windpipe, spiracle, ventiduct. 3. Imperfect Fluids. 352. Semiliquid ITT, viscid- ity, ropiness, sliminess, gummi- ness, siziness, clamminess, mu- cosity, spissitude, lentor, thick- ness, crassitude. Inspissation, thickening, in- crass ation. Jelly, mucilage, gelatin, mu- cus, gum, albumen, size, milk, cream, soup, mud, slush. V. To inspissate, thicken, in- crassate, mash, squash, churn, beat up. Adj. Semi-fluid, semi-liquid, milky, emulsive, creamy, curdy, thick, succulent. Gelatinous, albuminous, gum- my, mucilaginous, slimy, ropy, clammy, glutinous, 46, viscid, viscous, sticky, slabby, sizy. 354. Pulpiness, pulp, paste, dough, curd, pap, jam, pudding, poultice. Adj. Pappy, pasty, pulpy, gru- mous, doughy. 353. Mixture of air and water. Bubble, foam, froth, spume, lather, spray, surf, yeast, suds. Cloud, vapor, fog, mist, haze, scud, nimbus, cumulus, &c. Effervescence, foaming, man- tling, fermentation, frothing, &c. V. To bubble, boil, foam, froth, mantle, sparkle, gurgle, effer- vesce, ferment. Adj. Bubbling, &c., frothy, nappy, effervescent, sparkling. 355. Unctuousness, unctuos- ity, oiliness, greasiness, slipperi- ness, lubricity. Lubrication, anointment. V. To oil, grease, anoint, wax, lubricate. Adj. Unctuous, oily,oleaginous, adipose, sebaceous, fat, fatty, greasy, waxy, soapy, saponaceous, pinguid. 356. Oil, fat, bu.ter, cream, grease, tallow, suet, lard, dripping, blubber, pomatum, Dleagine, soap, wax, spermaceti, ointment, un- guent, liniment. 126 MATTER. Sectj;n III. ORGANIC MATTER. 1. Vitality. 1. Vitality in general. 357. Organization, the or- gmized world, organized nature, living nature, animated nature, living beings. 358. Inorganization, tho mineral world or kingdom, unor- ganized, inorganic, brute, or in- animate matter. o o . 359. Life,*" vitality, anima- tion, the vital spar a or flame ■ the breath of life. Vivification, revivification. The science of life; Physiolo- gy, the animal economy. V. To be living, alive, &c., to live, breathe, respire, draw breath, to be born. To come to life, to revive, to come to. To bring, restore, or recall to life, to vivify, revive, revivify. Adj. Living, alive, in life, above ground, breathing. Vital, vivifying, vivified, Pro- methean. 360. Death, decease, dissolu- tion, demise, departure, expira- tion, termination, close or extinc- tion of life, existence, &c., mor- tality, fall, doom, fate, release, rest, loss, bereavement. Last breath, last gasp, last agonies, the death rattle, dying breath, agonies of death, dying agonies. V. To die, expire, breathe one’s last, cease to live, depart this life, be no more, go off, drop off, lose one’s life, drop down dead, resign, relinquish, or surrender one’s life, drop or sink into the grave, close one’s eyes. Adj. Dead, lifeless, deceased, gone, departed, defunct, exanimate, inanimate, out of the world, mortuary. Dying, expiring, in the agony of death, &c., going, life- ebbing, going off, life-failing. 361. Destruction of life, violent death. Killing, homicide, murder, assassination, blood, gore, bloodshed, slaughter, carnage, butchery, massacre. Suicide, execution, see 972, deathblow. Slaughter house, shambles. A butcher, slayer, murderer, assassin, cutthroat, executioner, see 975. V. To kill, put to death, slay, murder, assassinate, slaughter, butcher, immolate, massacre, take away life, make away with, despatch. To strangle, throttle, choak, stifle, suffocate, smother, drown, hangj to commit suicide; to make away with one’s self. To cut down, sabre, cut to pieces, cut off, cut the throat, stab, xhoot, behead, decapitate, pxecute, see 972. Adj. Killing, &c., murderous, slaughterous, bloodstair ed. Mortal, fatal, deadly, nr.ortiferous, suicidal, 657. * Including the life both of plants and animals. DOMESTICATI3N — AGRICULTURE. 127 362. Corpse, corse, carcass, bones, skeleton, carrion, relic, re- mains, ashes, earth, clay, mummy, food for worms. Shade, ghost. 363. Interment, burial, sepulture, inhumation, obsequies, exe- quies, funeral, wake, pyre, funeral pile. Funeral solemnity, knell, passing bell, tolling, dirge, requiem. A shroud, graveclothes, winding sheet, pall, hearse, urn, coffin, bier. Grave, pit, vault, sepulchre, sarcophagus, tomb, shrine, crypt, cenotaph, mausoleum, house of death, (the narrow house,) mortu- ary, cemetery, churchyard, graveyard, burial ground, burial-place, tumulus, catacomb, necropolis, ossuary, charnel house. Exhumation, disinterment. V. To inter, bury, lay in the grave, consign to the grave or tomb, intomb, inhume, lay out. To exhume, disinter. Adj. Buried, &c., funereal, mortuary, sepulchral. 2. Special Vitality. 364. Animality, animal life, animation, breath, animalization. 365. Vegetability,vegetable life, vegetation. 387. Vegetable, plant, the vegetable kingdom, flora, herb- age. 366. Animal, the animal king- dom, fauna. A beast, brute, creature ; cre- ated being; creeping or living thing ; dumb creature; the beasts of the field; fowls of the air; denizens of the deep; flock, fold, herd, flight. Mammal, quadruped, bird, rep- tile, fish, mollusk, worm, insect, zoophyte, animalcule, &c., me- nagerie, fossil remains. Adj. Animal, zoological, pisca- tory, fishy, molluscous, vermicu- .ar, &c. Tree, fruit tree, shrub, bush, creeper, herb, grass ; a perennial, an annual, biennial, &c., an exotic. Forest, wood, greenwood, bush, grove, copse, plantation, thicket, underwood, brushwood, jungle; clump of trees; garden, parterre. Herbarium, herbal. Adj. Vegetable, herbaceous, herbal, botan c, sylvan, woody, rural, verdant. 389. The science of plants : Botany, Vegetable Physiol- ogy, 368. The science of animals: Zoology, Anatomy, Compara- tive Anatomy, Animal or Com- parative Physiology. 370. The economy or manage- ment of animals: Domestication, (training.) V. To tame, domesticate, train, tend, &c. 371. The economy or manage- ment of plants: Agriculture, cultivation,hus- bandry, farming, tillage, garden- ing, horticulture, vintage, &c., arboriculture, floriculture. Vineyard, garden, bed, nursery, arboretum, hothouse, orchard, conservatory. A husbandman, horticulturist, gardener, florist, agricultu- rist, farmer. 128 MATTER. Adj. Agricultural, agrarian, arable, pastoral, bucolic, (agrestic.) 372. Mankind ; the human race or species; man, human nature, (humankind.) humanity, mortality, flesh, generation. The science of man : Anthropology, Ethnology, Ethnography. Human being, person, individual, creature, fellow-creature, mortal, body, somebody, me, some one, a soul, living soul; party personage; inhabitant, see 188. People, persons, population, the public, society, the world, com- munity, nation, state, realm, commonwealth, republic, common weal, nationality. Adj. Human, mortal, personal, individual, cosmopolitan; na- tional, civic, public, social. 7 • —; x 7 373. Man, manhood, virility. A gentleman, sir, master, yeo- man, citizen, cit, denizen, bur- gess, cosmopolite, wight, swain, fellow, blade. Adj. Male, masculine, manly, virile. 374. Woman, female, feminal- ity, womanhood, muliebrity. Womankind, the sex, the fair, the fair sex, the softer (or gentler) sex. Dame, madam, mistress, lady, belle, matron, dowager. Damsel, girl, lass, lassie, maid, maiden, (young lady,) nymph. Adj. Female, feminine, womanly, ladylike, matronly, maid- enly, girlish. 2. Sensation. (1.) Sensation in general. 375. Physical Sensibility, sensitiveness, feeling, perceptivi- ty, acuteness, &c. Sensation, impression, con- sciousness, 490. The external senses, sensation. V. To be sensible of, to feel, perceive, be conscious of. To render sensible, to sharpen. To cause sensation, to impress, excite, produce an impression. Adj. Sensible, conscious, sen- sitive, sensuous, aesthetic, percep- tive. Acute, keen, vivid, lively, im- pressive! 376. Physical Insensibili- ty, obtuseness, dulness, apathy, callousness, 823, paralysis. V. To be insensible, &c. To render insensible, to blunt, dull, benumb, paralyze. Adj. Insensible, unfeeling, senseless, apathetic, callous, ob- tuse, dull, paralytic, &c., unaf- fected, untouched, &c. 377. Physical Pleasure, bodily enjoyment, animal grati- fication, luxury, sensuality, vo- luptuousness. V. To feel, experience, receive, 378. Physical Pain, bodily pain, suffering, sufferance, dolor, ache, aching, smart, smarting! shooting pain, twinge, twitcli, gripe, griping, headache, &e. HEAT — COLD. 129 &c,, plea-ure; to enjoy, relish, luxuriate, revel, riot, bask, wal- low in. To cause or give physical pleasure, to gratify, tickle, regale, &c., see 829. Adj. Enjoying, &c. Spasm. cramp, nightmare, crick, convulsion, throe. Pang, anguish, agony, torment, torture, rack, cruciation, crucifix- ion, martyrdom. V. To feel, experience, suffer, &c., pain; to suffer, ache, smart, bleed, tingle, gripe, shoot, twinge, wince, writhe. To give pain; to pain, hurt, chafe, sting, bite, gnaw, pinch, grate, gall, fret, prick, pierce, &c., wring, torment, torture, rack, agonize, excruciate, break on the wheel, &c., convulse. Adj. In pain, in a state of pain, &c., pained, &c. Painful, aching, &c., sore, raw, agonizing, excruciating, &c. (2.) Special Sensation. 379. Sensation of pressure. Touch, tact, taction, tactility, feeling, palpation, manipulation palpability. V. To touch, feel, handle, finger, thumb, fumble, pass or run the fingers over, manipulate. Adj. Tactual, tangible, palpable, tactile. 1. Touch. -J J O ; r r 380. Perceptions of Touch. Itching, titillation, formication, &c., creeping, tingling, thrilling. V. To itch, tingle, creep, thrill; to tickle, titillate, Adj. Itching, &c. 381. Insensibility to touch. Numbness, deadness. V. To benumb, paralyze, to put under the influence of chloroform (or ether.) Adj. Numb, benumbed, intan- gible, impalpable. 2. Heat. 382. Heat, (caloric,) tempera- ture, warmth, calidity, incales- cence, incandescence, (fervor, ardor,) glow, flush, fever, hectic. Fire, spark, scintillation, flash, flame, blaze, bonfire, firework, wildfire, pyrotechny, ignition, 384. Insolation, summer, dog days, tropical heat, sirocco, simoom. V. To be hot, to glow, flush, sweat, swelter, bask, smoke, reek, stew, simmer, seethe, boil, burn, broil, blaze, smoulder; to be in a 383. Cold, frigidity, (frigid- ness,) coolness, gelidness, chill- ness, freshness, inclemency. Frost, ice, snow, sleet, hail, hailstone, rime, hoarfrost, icicle, iceberg, glazier, winter. Incombustibility, incombusti- bleness. Sensation of cold, (chill,) chill- iness, shivering, shuddering, chattering of teeth, &c. V. To be cold, &c., to shiver, quake, shake, tremble, shudder, quiver. 130 MATTER. heat, in a glow, m a fever, in a blaze &c. Adj. Hot, warm, nuld, unfro- zen, genial, tepid, lukewarm, blood (warm,) thermal, calorific, sunny; close, sultry, baking, boil- ing, oroiling, torrid, tropical, canicular, glowing, piping, scald- ing, reeking, &c., on fire, afire, fervid, fervent, ardent, un- quenched. Igneous, fiery, incandescent, red-hot, white-hot, incalescent, smoking, blazing. Unextinguished, smouldering. Adj. Cold, cool, chill, gelid, frigid, bleak, raw, inclement, bit- ter, biting, cutting, nipping, pier cing, fresh, pinched, shivering, &c., aguish, frostbitten, frost- nipped, frostbound, unthawed, unwarmed. Icy, glacial, frosty, freezing, wintry, brumal, hibernal, boreal, arctic, hyemal, hyperboreal, ice- bound. 384. Calefaction, increase of emperature, heating. Melting, fusion, liquefaction, thaw, liquescence. Burning, combustion, crema- tion, cautery, roasting, broiling, frying, torrefaction, scorification, oranding, incineration, cineration, carbonization. Boiling, coction, ebullition, simmering, scalding, decoction, smelting, incineration. Ignition, inflammation, setting fire to, deflagration, arson, confla- gration, (incendiarism.) Inflammability, combustibility. Incendiary. V. To heat, warm, fire, set fire to, set on fire, kindle, en- kindle, light, ignite. To melt, thaw, fuse, liquefy. To burn, inflame, roast, toast, broil, fry, singe, parch, scorch, brand, scorify, torrify, bake, cauterize, sear, char, calcine, incinerate, smelt, reduce to ashes. To boil, stew, cook, seethe, scald, parboil, simmer. To take fire, catch fire, kindle, light, ignite. Adj. Combustible, heating, &c. 385. Refrigeration, infrigi- dation, reduction of temperature, cooling, freezing, congealing, con- gelation, conglaciation. V. To cool, refrigerate, congeal, freeze, benumb, refresh, damp, slack, quench, put out, blow out, extinguish, starve, pinch, cut, pierce. Adj. Cooled, frozen, benumbed, &c.. frigorific. 386. Furnace, stove, kiln, oven, bakehouse, hothouse, con- servatory, focus, fireplace, grate, (range,) salamander, heater, warming pan, stew pan, boiler, ' caldron,Jcettle, chafing dish, gridiron, frying pan, sudatory. 387. Refrigeratory, ice- house, freezing mixture, cooler. 388. Fuel, firing, coal, charcoal, peat, firewood, fagot, combus- tible, tinder, touchwood, lucifer, brand, match, firebrand, incendiary, embers. 389. Thermometer, pyrometer, calorimeter, thermoscope; (iso thermal.) ODOR — INODOROUSNESS. 131 390. Taste, fla nr, gust, savor, sapor, twang, smack, aftertaste, sapidity. Tasting, gustation, degustation. Palate, tongue, tooth, stomach. V. To taste, savor, smack, fla- vor. Adj. Sapid, gustable, gustatory, saporific. 3. Taste. 391. Insipidity, tastelessness, insipidness, vapidi ess, mawkish ness, mildness. V. To be void of taste, to be tasteless, &c. Adj. Insipid, tasteless, gustless, savorless, ingustible, mawkish, flat, vapid, mild; untasted. 392. Pungency, strong taste, raciness, saltness, sharpness, roughness. V. To be pungent, &c. To render pungent, to season, spice, salt, pepper, pickle. Adj. Pungent, high-flavored, sharp, piquent, racy, biting, mordant, spicy, seasoned, high-seasoned, hot, peppery. Salt, saline, brackish. 393. Condiment, salt, mustard, pepper, cayenne, curry, (catchup, sauce,) seasoning, spice. 394. Savoriness, palatable- ness, daintiness, delicacy, relish, zest. A tidbit, dainty, delicacy, am- brosia, nectar. V. To be savory, &c. To render palatable, &c. To relish, like. Adj. Savory, well-tasted, pala- table, nice, dainty, delectable, delicate, delicious, exquisite, rich, luscious, ambrosial. 395. Unsavoriness, unpala- tableness, bitterness, acrimony, acritude, roughness, acerbity, gall and wormwood. V. To be unpalatable, &c. To sicken, disgust, nauseate, pail. Adj. Unsavory, unpalatable, ill-flavored, bitter, acrid, acrimo- nious, rough. Offensive, repulsive, nasty, sickening, nauseous, nauseating, disgusting, loathsome, palling. 396. Sweetness, nectar, su- gar, sirup, treacle, molasses, hon- ey, manna, confection, conserve, jam, julep, sugar candy, plum, sugar plum, comfit, sweetmeat, nectar, honeysuckle. V. To be sweet, &c. To render sweet, to sweeten, candy, dulcify. Adj. Sweet, saccharine, dulcet, candied, honeyed, luscious, necta- rious. 397. Sourness, acid, acidity, tartness, crabbedness, hardness, roughness, the acetous fermenta- tion. Vinegar, verjuice, crab. V. To be sour, &c., set the teeth on edge. To render sour, turn sour, acid- ify, acidulate. Adj. Sour, acid, acidulous, sourish, tart, crabbed, acetous, acetose, hard, rough. 4. Odor. 398. Odor, smell, scent, efflu- vium, fume, exhalation, essence. 399. Inodorousne is, absence or want o smell. 132 MATTER. V. To be inodorous, &3. Adj. Inodorous, scentless, want- ing smell, inodorate. The sense of smell, act of smelling. V. To have an odor, to smell of, to exhale, to give out a smell, &c. To smell, scent, snuff. Adj. Odorous, odoriferous, smelling, strong-scented, pun- gent. Relating to the sense of smell; quick-scented. 409. Fragrance, aroma, red- olence, perfume. Incense, musk, frankincense, ottar, bergamot, balm, scentbag, nosegay. V. To perfume, scent, embalm. Adj. Fragrant, aromatic, redo- lent, balmy, scented, sweet-smell- ing, sweet-scented, perfumed, muscadine. 401. Fetor, strong smell, stench, stink, mustiness, fusti- ness, rancidity, foulness, putres- cence, putridity. V. To smell, to stink. Adj. Fetid, strong-smelling, noisome, offensive, rank, rancid, mouldy, musty,foul, frowzy, stink- ing, rotten, putrescent, putrid, putrefying, mephitic. 5. Sound. 402. Sound,noise,strain,voice, 580, accent, twang, intonation, resonance; sonorousness, audi- bleness. Science of Sound; Acoustics, Phonics, Phonetics, Phonology, Diacoustics. V. To produce sound; to sound; make a noise ; give out or emit sound, to resound. Adj. Sonorous, sounding, sono- rific, sonoriferous, resonant, audi- ble. (1.) Sound in general. 403. Silence, stillness, quiet, peace, calm, hush, lull; mute- ness, 581. V. To be silent, &c. To render silent, to silence, still, hush, stifle, muffle, gag. Adj. Silent, still, noiseless, soundless, inaudible, hushed, &c., mute, mum, solemn, awful, deathlike. Adv. Silently, softly, &c. 404. Loudness, din, clangor, clang, roar, uproar, racket, hub- bub, flourish of trumpets, peal, blast, echo, chorus, clamor, hue and cry, larum, whoop, vocifera- tion, lungs. Stentor. Artillery, cannon, thunder. V. To be loud, &c., to resound, echo, reecho, peal, clang, boom, thunder, fulminate, roar, whoop, shout, 411, deafen, stun, pierce, split or rend the ears or head. 405. Faintness, lowness, faint sounds,whisper,undertone,breath, murmur, mutter, hum. Hoarseness, huskiness, raucity. V. To whisper, breathe, mur- mur, purl, hum, gurgle, ripple, babble, flow. Adj. Inaudible, scarcely audi ble, low, dull, stifled, muffled, hoarse, husky, gentle, breathed, &c., soft, floating, pu'ling, &c.. liquid, mellifluous, du cet, flow- ing, soothing. CRY — ULULATION. 133 Adj. Loud, resounding, &c., high-sounding, big-sounding, deep, full, clamorous, vociferous, stunning, piercing, splitting, rending, deafening, ear-deafen- ing, ear-piercing, obstreperous, open mouthed, trumpet-tongued, uproarious, stentorian. Adv. Loudly, aloud, at the top of one’s voice, &c Adv. In a whisper, with bated breath, between the teeth, aside. (2.) Specific Sounds. 406. Sudden and violent sounds. Snap, knock, click, clash, slam, crack, crackling, crepitation, de- crepitation, report, pop, bang, clap, burst, explosion, discharge, crash, detonation, firing, salvo. Squib, cracker, gun, popgun. V. To snap, knock, &c., brustle. Adj. Snapping, &c. 407. Repeated and protracted sounds. Roll, rumble, rumbling, hum, humming, shake, trill, chime, tick, beat, toll, tattoo, drumming, clatter, rattle, racket. V. To roll, beat, tick, toll, drum. Adj. Rolling, rumbling, &c. J L r 07 408. Resonance, ring, ring- ing, jingle, chink, tinkle, chime. Reverberation, echo. V. To resound, ring, jingle, clink, &c.; echo, reverberate. Adj. Resounding, resonant, ringing, &c. Bass, low, flat or grave note, barytone, deep-toned, hollow, se- pulchral. 409. Hissing sounds. Sibilation, hiss, buzz, whiz, rustle, wheeze, whistle, sneeze, sternutation. V. To hiss, buzz, &c. Adj. Sibilant, hissing, buzzing, &c. High notes, see 410. 4 410. Harsh sounds. Stridor, jar, grating, creak, clank, twang, jangle, jarring, creak- ing, rustling, roughness, gruffness, sharpness. High note, shrillness, acuteness, soprano, falsetto, treble. V. To creak, grate, jar, pipe, twang, jangle, rustle, clank. Adj. Stridulous, jarring, &c., harsh, hoarse, discordant, 414, ca- cophonous, rough, gruff, sepulchral. Sharp, high, acute, shrill, piping, screaming. 411. Human sounds, see Voice, 580. Cry, vociferation, outcry, roar, shout, bawl, brawl, halloo, whoop, yell, cheer, hoot, howl, chorus, scream, screech, shriek, squeak, squall, whine, pule, pipe, grumble, plaint, moan, groan, snore, snort. V. To vociferate, roar, shout, 412. Animal sounds. Ululation, latration, cry, roar, bellow, bark, yelp, howl, bay, baying, growl, grunt, snort, neigh, bray, croak, snarl, howl, mew, purr, pule, bleat, low, caw, coo, cackle, gobble, quack, chuckle, cluck, clack, chirp, chirrup, crow, twitter. cry, drone. 134 MATTER. Cuckoo, screechowl. V. To cry, bellow, retellcw, &c Adj. Crying, &c., b.atant, la trant. bawl, &c., raise or lift up the voice. Adj. Vociferating, &c., see 404. (3.) Musical Sounds. 413. Melody, rhythm. Pitch, note, tone, intonation, treble, tenor, bass; high or low, acute or grave notes, alto, soprano, barytone, falsetto. Scale, interval, gamut; dia- tonic, chromatic and enharmonic scales; key, (or clef,) chords; modulation, temperament, synco- pation. Staff, lines, spaces, brace; bar, rest. Concord, harmony, unison, unisonance, concent, conso- nance, chime; harmonics. V. To harmonize, chime, symphonize; to be in unison, &c. Adj. Harmonious, harmonica!, in concord, in unison, in tune, in concert, in harmony, unisonant, symphonizing. Measured, rhythmical, diatonic, chromatic, enharmonic. Melodious, musical, tuneful, tunable, sweet, dulcet, cano- rous, mellow, mellifluous, silver-toned, euphonious, euphonic, euphonical, symphonious; enchanting, ravishing, &c. 414. Discord, discordance, dissonance, jar, jarring, cacoph- ony. Hoarseness, croaking, &c., 410. V. To be discordant, &c., to croak, grate, jar. Adj. Discordant, dissonant, out of tune, unmusical, unharmoni- ous, inharmonious, unmelodious. Cacophonous, harsh, hoarse, croaking, grating, jarring, stridu- lous, &c., 410. x ) J i . ) OJ 415. Music, tune, air, overture, symphony, accompaniment variations; fugue, march, waltz, &c., serenade, opera, oratorio, &c., composition. Instrumental music, solo, duet, trio, quartet, &c.; minstrelsy, band, orchestra. Vocal music, chant, psalmody, psalm, hymn, song, sonnet, canti- cle, canzonet, lay, ballad, ditty, pastoral, recitative: — Solo, duet, trio, &c.; glee, choir, chorus. Dirge, requiem, lullaby, knell, lament. Performance, execution, touch, expression, cadence. V. To play, pipe, fiddle, strike, strike up, thrum, touch, sound the trumpet, &c., execute, perform. To compose, to set to music. To sing, chant, hum, warble, carol, chirp, chirrup, purl, quaver, trill, shake, twitter, whistle. To put in tune, to tune, attune, accord, string. Adj. Musical, harmonious, &c., 413, instrumental, vocal, choral, operatic, performing, playing, singing, &c. 416. Musician, performer, player, minstrel. Organist, pianist, harper, violinist, fiddler, flutist, filer, trmnpete» piper, drummer, &c.; band, orchesOa. LIGHT — DARKNESS. 135 Vocalist, singer, songster, songstress, chanter, chantress, trouba- dour, minnesinger. Chorus, choir. 417. Musical Instruments. 1. Stringed instruments; harp, lyre, lute, mandolin, guitar, cithern, rebec, &c. Violin, fiddle, violoncello, bassviol, doublebass, psaltery, &c. Piano forte, harpsichord, clavichord, spinet, virginal, dulcimer, iEolian harp, &c. 2. Wind instruments; organ, siren, pipe, pitchpipe, Pandean pipes, flute, fife, clarionet, cornet, clarion, flageolet, hautboy, bas- soon, horn, bugle, trumpet, trombone, accordeon, seraphina, bag pipes. 3. Vibrating surfaces, cymbal, bell, gong, tabor, tambourine, drum, kettledrum, timbrel; castanet, harmonica, sounding-board, &c. (4.) Perception of Sound. 418. Sense of sound. Hearing, auscultation, listen- ing, eavesdropping. Acuteness, nicety, delicacy of ear. Ear, acoustic organs, auditory apparatus, eardrum, tympanum. A hearer, auditor, listener, eavesdropper, auditory, audience. V. To hear, overhear, hark, listen, hearken, give or lend an ear, give a hearing or audience to. To become audible, to catch the ear, to be heard. Adj. Hearing, &c., auditory, auricular, acoustic. 419. Deafness, hardness of hearing, surdity. V. To be deaf, to shut, stop, or close one’s ears. To render deaf, to stun, to deafen. Phr. To turn a deaf ear to. Adj. Deaf, hard of hearing, surd, dull of hearing, deafmute, stunned, deafened, having no ear. 6. Light. (1.) Light in general. 420. Light, ray, beam, stream, gleam, streak, pencil, sunbeam. Day, daylight, sunshine, sun- light, the light of day, the light of heaven, noontide, noonday, noontide light, broad daylight. Glimmer, glimmering, phos- phorescence, lambent flame, play of light. Flush, halo, glory. Meteor, northern lights, aurora borealis, ignis fatuus, will-o’-the- wisp. 421. Darkness, night, mid- night, obscurity, dusk, duskiness, gloom, gloominess, shade, um brage, shadiness. Obscuration, adumbration, ob- fuscation, caligation, extinction, eclipse, penumbra, gathering of the clouds, dimness, 422. V. To be dark, &c. To darken, obscure, shade, dim, overcast, overshadow, ob- fuscate, obumbrate, adumbrate, 136 MATTER. Spark, sparkling, emication, scintillation, flame, flash, blaze, coruscation, fulguration, light- ning. Lustre, shine, sheen, gloss, tin- sel,spangle, brightness, brilliancy, refulgence, dazzlement, resplen- dence, (splendor,) luminousness, lucidity, lucidness, radiance, transplendency, illumination, ir- radiation, glare, flare, glow, efful- gence. V. To shine, glow, glitter, glis- en, glister, twinkle, gleam, flare, glare, beam, irradiate, shoot out beams, shimmer, sparkle, scintil- late, coruscate, flash, blaze, daz- zle, hang out a light; to clear up, brighten. To illuminate, illume, illumine, enlighten, light, light up, irradi- ate, shine upon, cast lustre upon, cast, throw or shed a light upon; to brighten, (relume.) Adj. Luminous, shining, glow- ing, &c., sheen, glossy, lucid, lu- cent, luculent, lustrous, glassy, clear, bright, scintillant, uncloud- ed, sunny, orient, noonday, noon- tide, beaming, vivid, splendent, radiant, radiating, cloudless,clear, unobscured. Gairish, resplendent, transplen- dent, refulgent, effulgent, in a olaze, relucent, splendid, blazing, meteoric, burnished. cast in the shade, becloud, bedim, put out, extinguish. To cast, throw, or spread a shade or gloom. Adj. Dark, unenlightened, ob- scure, darksome, tenebrious, ray- less, beamless, sunless, pitch dark, pitchy, caliginous, Stygian, Cim- merian. Sombre, dusky, unilluminated, nocturnal, dingy, lurid, overcast, cloudy, murky, shady, umbrage- ous. 422. Dimness, paleness, glim- mer, glimmering, nebulousness, nebulosity, cloud, film, mist, haze, fog, smoke, haziness, eclipse, cloudiness, dawn, twilight, cre- puscule, moonlight. V. To be dim, &c., to glimmer, loom, lower, twinkle. To grow dim, to render dim, to dim, obscure, pale. Adj. Dim, dull, lacklustre, din- gy, glassy, faint, confused. Cloudy, misty, hazy, foggy, nebulous, lowering, overcast, cre- puscular, lurid. 423. Source of light, self-lumi- nous body. Luminary, sun, Phcebus, (moon,) star, orb, meteor, galaxy, blazing star, glowworm, firefly. Artificial light, flame, torch, candle, flambeau, light, taper, lamp, (gaslight,) lantern, rush- light, firework, rocket, bluelights, electric light. Chandelier, candelabra, girandole, lustre, sconce. Lighthouse, beacon, watchfire, cresset. Adj Sejf-luminous, phosphoric, phosphorescent. 424. Shade, screen, curtain, veil, mantle, mask; cloud, mist, gauze, blind. A shadow, penumbra. Adj. Umbrageous, &c. 425. Transparency, (trans- ’ucency,) pellucidness, lucidity, limpidity, water. 426. Opacity, thickness, tur- bidness, opaqueness, muddiness, cloud, film, haze. GRAY —BROWN. 137 Glass, crystal, lymph. V. To be transparent, &c., to transmit light. Adj. Transparent, pellucid, di- aphanous, translucent, relucent, limpid, cleir, crystalline, vitre- ous, transpicuous, glassy. V. To be opaque, &c., to ob- struct the passage of light. Adj. Opaque, impervious to light, turbid, thick, muddy, ob- fuscated, fuliginous, cloudy, ha- zy, misty, foggy. 427. Semi-transparency, op- alescence, gauze, milkiness. Adj. Semi-transparent, opaline, pearly, milky. 428. Color, hue, tint, tinge, dye, complexion, shade, tincture, cast, livery, coloration. Science of color, Chromatics. A pigment, coloring matter, paint, dye, wash, distemper, stain, mordant. V. To color, dye, tinge, stain, paint, wash, illuminate, emblazon, imbue. Adj. Colored, (tinted, tinged,) colorific, chromatic, prismatic, full-colored. Bright, florid, fresh, high-col- ored, unfaded, gay, showy, gaudy, gairish, flaunting, vivid, gorgeous, glaring, flaring, flashy, double- dyed. (2.) Specific Light. 429. Absence of color. Achromatism, discoloration, paleness, pallidity, pallidness.— Neutral tint. A spot, blot, &c., 846. V. To lose color, to fade, be- come colorless. To deprive of color, discolor, bleach, tarnish. Adj. Colorless, uncolored, un- tinged, achromatic, hueless, un- dyed, pale, pallid, pale-faced, faint, faded, dull, wan, sallow, dead, dingy, ashy, cadaverous, glassy, lacklustre, tarnished, bleached, discolored. 430. Whiteness, milkiness, hoariness. Snow, paper, chalk, milk, lily, ivory, silver, alabaster. V. To be white, &c. To render white, whiten, bleach, whitewash, blanch. Adj. White, milk-white, snow- white, hoary, hoar, silvery, argent, pearly, fair, blonde. 431. Blackness, swarthiness, dinginess, lividness, inkiness, pitchiness. Jet, ink, ebony, coal, pitch, charcoal, soot, smut, raven, negro, V. To be black, &c. To render black, to blacken, infuscate, denigrate, blot, blotch. Adj. Black, sable, swarthy, sombre, inky, ebon, atramentous, livid, coal-black, fuliginous, din- gy, Ethiopic, nocturnal, nigres- cent. 433. Brown, bap, dapple, au- burn, chestnut, nut-brown, fawn, russet, olive, hazle, tawny, choco- 432. Gray, dun, drab, dingy, sombre, tawny, mouse-colored, ash, cinereous, slate, stone, griz- zly, grizzled. 138 MATTER. late, liver-colored, maroon, foxy, brunette, sallow. V. To render brown, to tan, &c. Adj. Brown, &c. Primitive Colors. Complementary Colors. 434. Redness, scarlet, vermil- i m, crimson, pink, carnation, damask, ruby, carbuncle, rose, rubescence, rosiness, ruddiness, rubieundity, blush, color, flesh- color. V. To become red, to blush, flush, mantle, redden. To render red, redden, rouge, rubify. Adj. Red ruby, crimson, pink, &c., ruddy, florid, roseate, rose-colored, blushing, mantling, &c., erubescent, rubicund, blood-red, claret, rubiform, sorrel. 435. Greenness,verdure,(ver dancy,) emerald, verdantique. Adj. Green, verdant, pea-green grass-green, apple-green, sea green, olive-green, bottle-green, virescent. 436. Yellowness, buff color, flesh color, crocus, saffron, &c. Adj. Yellow, citron, gold-col- ored, aureate, citrine, fallow, ful- vous, saffron, lemon, sulphur, amber, straw-colored, sandy-col- ored, cream-colored. 437. Purple, violet, plum, la- vender, lilac, peach color; livid- ness. Adj. Purple, violet, livid, &c. 438. Blueness, bluishness, azure, indigo, ultramarine, bloom. Adj. Blue, cerulean, sky blue, sky-colored, azure, bluish, sap- phire. 439. Orange, gold, flame, copper, brass, apricot color. Adj. Orange, golden, &c. 440. Variegation, iridescence, play of colors, variegatedness, patchwork, maculation, spottiness. A rainbow, iris, tulip, peacock, chamelion, butterfly, tortoise shell, leopard, zebra, mother-of-pearl, opal, marble. V. To be variegated, &c. To variegate, speckle, stripe, streak, checker, bespeckle, inlay. Adj. Variegated, many-colored, many-hued, divers-colored, party* colored, polychromatic. Iridescent, prismatic, opaline, pearly, shot, pied, piebald, motley, mottled, veined, marbled, paned, dappled, clouded, all manner of colors. Mosaic, inlaid, tesselated, checkered, tortoise shell. Dotted, spotted, bespotted, spotty, speckled, bespeckled, macu- lated, freckled, studded. Striped, striated, streaked, barred, veined, brinded, brindled, tabby, grizzled, listed. 441 Vision, sight, optics, eye- sight, view, look, espial, glance, (3.) Perceptions of Light. 442. Blindness, cataract, me* tation, wink, blink. OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. 139 glimpse, peep, gaze, stare, leer, perlustration, contemplation, re- gard, survey, introspection, in- spect! :n, speculation, watch, oc- ular demonstration. A point of view, vista, loop- hole, field of view, theatre, am- phitheatre, horizon, arena, com- manding view, periscope. The organ of vision; the eye ; the naked or unassisted eye, retina, optics. Perspicacity, lynx, eagle, Ar- gus. V. To see, behold, discern, have in sight, descry, catch a sight, glance, or glimpse of, spy, espy. To look, view, eye; to open one’s eyes, glance on; cast or set one’s eyes on; look on or upon; turn or bend one’s looks upon; turn the eyes to; peep, peer, scan, survey, glance round, reconnoitre, inspect, recognize, mark, regard, watch, contemplate, speculate, discover, distinguish, see through, speculate. To look intently, strain one’s eyes, stare, gaze, pore over, gloat on, leer; ogle, see 459. Adj. Visual, ocular, optic, optical. Seeing, &c., the eyes being directed to, fixed, riveted upon. Sharpsighted, quicksighted, eagle-eyed, hawk-eyed, lynx-eyed, keen-eyed, Argus-eyed, piercing, penetrating. Adv. Visibly, &c., in sight of, to one’s face, before one’s face, with one’s eyes open; at sight, at first sight, at a glance. V. To be blind, &c., not to see, to lose sight of. Not to look, to close or shut the eyes, to look another way, to turn away or avert the eyes, to wink, blink, nictate. To render blind, &c., to put out the eyes, to blind, blindfold, hoodwink, dazzle. Adj. Blind, purblind, eyeless, sightless, dark, stone-blind, sand- blind, stark-blind, dazzled, hood- winked, blindfolded, undiscern- ing. Adv. Blindly, &c., blindfold. 443. Imperfect vision. Dimsightedness, confusion of vision, failing sight, shortsight edness, longsightedness, squint, strabism, cast of the eye. Fallacies of vision; refraction, false light, phantasm, distortion, looming, mirage, ignis fatuus, phantasmagoria, dissolving views, &c. V. To be dimsighted, &c., to see double, to squint, look askant or askance, to see through a prism, wink. To glare, dazzle, loom. Adj. Dimsighted, halfsighted, shortsighted, nearsighted, long- sighted, blear-eyed, winking. 444. Spectator, looker on, bystander, inspector, spy, beholder, observer, stargazer, &c. V. To witness, behold, &c., 441. 445. Optical Instruments, lens, magnifier, microscope, spec tacles, glasses, goggles, eyeglass, (opera glass,) telescope, spy glass, glass. Mirror, reflector, speculum, looking glass, pier glass, kaleidoscope Prism, camera obscura, magic lantern, phantasmagoria. 140 MATTER. 446. V sibility, perceptibili- ty. conspicuousness, distinctness, conspicuity, appearance. V. To be visible, &c , to ap- pear, come in sight, come into view, heave in sight, open to the view, catch the eye, show its face, present itself, show itself, mani- fest itself, produce itself, discover itself, reveal itself, expose itself, betray itself, come out, come to light, come forth, come forward, arise, peep out, peer out, start up, loom, glare, burst forth. Adj. Visible, perceptible, dis- cernible, in sight, apparent, plain, manifest, patent, obvious, clear, distinct, definite, well-defined, well-marked, recognizable, evi- dent, unmistakable, palpable, naked, bare, barefaced, ostensi- ble, conspicuous, prominent, star- ing, glaring, notable, notorious, overt, above-board, exposed to view, (phenomenal.) Intelligible, &c., see 518. 447 Invisibility, indistinct- ness, imperceptibility, non-ap- pearance, concealment, latency, 526. V. To be invisible, &c., to lie hidden, concealed, &c., to be in or under a cloud, in a mist, in a haze, &c.; to lurk, lie in ambush, skulk. Not to see, &c., to be blind to. To render invisible, to hide, conceal, &c., 528. Adj. Invisible, imperceptible, unseen, unbeheld, undiscerned, viewless, undiscernible, indis- cernible, sightless, unapparent, non-apparent, hid, hidden, con- cealed, &c., 528, covert. Confused, dim, obscure, dark, misty, hazy, foggy, indistinct, shadowy, ill-defined, indefinite, ill-marked, blurred, shadowy, nebulous, hazy, clouded, misty, shaded, screened, veiled, masked. Unintelligible, &c., see 519. 448. Appearance, phenome- non, sight, spectacle, show, pre- monstration, scene, view, look- out, prospect, vista, perspective, bird’s eye view, scenery, land- scape, picture, display, exposure. Pageant, spectacle, raree show, panorama, diorama. Phantasm, phantom, apparition, spectre, mirage, &c., 443. Aspect, phase, seeming, guise, look, complexion, shape, mien, air, cast, carriage, port, demeanor, presence, expression, first blush. Lineament, feature, trait, lines, outline, face, countenance, physiognomy, visage, phiz, profile, (contour.) V. To seem, look, appear, show; to present, wear, carry, have, bear, exhibit, take, take on, or assume the appearance of; to look like; to be visible, see 446. To show, to manifest, &c., 525. Adj. Apparent, seeming, &c. Adv. Apparently, to all appearance, &c., on the face of it; at the first blush; in full view. 449. Disappearance, evanes- cence, eclipse, occultation. V. To disappear, vanish, dis solve, fade, melt away, pass, be lost, &c. To efface, blot, blot out, erase, rub out, expunge, 552. Adj. Disappearing, &c., lost, vanishing, evanescent, missing, unconspicuous, inconspicuous. THOUGHT — INCO 3ITANCY 141 CLASS IV. WORDS RELATING TO THE INTELLECTUAL FACULTIES. Division I. FORMATION OF IDEAS. Section I. Operations of Intellect in general. 450. Intellect, mind, under- aanding, reason, thinking princi- pj.e, (intellectual powers or facul- ties,) sense, common sense, con- sciousness, capacity, intelligence, intellection, intuition, instinct, conception, judgment, genius, parts, wit, wits, shrewdness, archness, intellectuality; see Skill, 698, and Wisdom, 498. Soul, spirit, ghost, inner man, heart, breast, bosom. Organ or seat of thought; sensory, brain, head, skull. Science of mind : Metaphysics, Psychology, Idealism, Ide- ality, Pneumatology. Adj Relating to intellect; intellectual, mental, spiritual, (rational,)subjective, metaphysical, psychological, ghostly, im- material, 317, cerebral. 450. a. Absence or want of in tellect, see 499, 452. Absence or want < thought. Incogitancy, vacancy, (stu- pidity,) fatuity, see 499, thought- lessness, see Inattention, 458. V. Not to think, to take r.o thought of, not to trouble one’s self about, to think little of, to put away thought, to dismiss, dis card, or discharge from one’s thoughts or from the mind; to drop the subject, set aside, turn aside, turn away from; divert oi turn one’s attention from, abstract one’s self, dream; to indulge in revery. To unbend, relax, divert the mind. 451. Thought, reflection,cogi- tation, consideration, meditation, study, lucubration, speculation, deliberation, pondering, head- work, application, attention, 457, contemplation, (mental activity.) Abstraction, musing, revery, Platonism; depth of thought, workings of the mind, inmost thoughts, self-counsel, self-com- muning, self-consulta*;r,n; suc- cession, flow, train, current, &c., of thought or of ideas. Afterthought, reconsideration, retrospection, retrospect, 505, ex- amination, see Inquiry, 461. Thoughtfulness, pensiveness, intentness, intentivenoss. 142 FORMATION OF IDEAS. V. To t/.ink, reflect, cogitate, excogitate, consider, deliberate, specr'ate, contemplate, meditate, ponder, muse, ruminate, brood over, animadvert, con ov6r, study, bend or apply the mind, digest, discuss, weigh, take into account, take into consideration. To harbor, entertain, cherish, nurture, &c., an idea or a thought, a notion, a view, &c. To enter the mind, come intc the head, occur, present itself, pass in the mind, suggest itself; to fancy, trow, dream of. To make an impression; to sink or penetrate into the mind ; to fasten itself on the mind. Adj. Thinking, &c., thoughtful, pensive, meditative, reflec- tive, wistful, contemplative, speculative, (philosophical, ab- stract,) deliberative, studious, sedate, Platonic. Close, active, diligent, mature, deliberate, labored, stead- fast, deep, profound, intense, &c., thought, study, reflection, &c. Intent, engrossed, absorbed, deep-musing, rapt, abstract- ed. Adj. Vacant, unintellectual, unideal, 499, unoccupied, un- thinking, inconsiderate, thought- less, absent, inattentive, 458, di- verted, distracted, (abstracted,) unbent, &c. Unthought of, unconsidered, un- dreamed. 453, Object of thought. Idea, notion, conception, thought, fancy, conceit, impres- sion, perception, image, senti- ment, see Opinion, 484, fantasy, flight of fancy. Point of view, light, aspect, ield of view. 454. Subject of thought. Topic, subject, matter, theme, thesis, text, subject matter, point, proposition, theorem, business, affair, matter in hand, question, argument, motion, resolution, head, chapter; nice or subtile point, moot point, problem, see 461. Adj. Thought of. Section II. Precursory Conditions and Operations. 455. The desire of knowledge. Curiosity, curiousness,inquis- itiveness. V. To be curious, &c., to take an interest in, to stare, gape; to see sights, to lionize. Adj. Curious, inquisitive, in- quiring, over-curious, staring, gap- ing, agape. 456. Absence of curiosity. Incuriosity, incuriousness, want of interest. V. To be incurious, &c., to have no curiosity, take no interest in, &c., not to care, not to mind, &c. Adj. Incurious, uninquisitive. 457. Attention, advertence, advertency, observance, observa- tion, notice, heed, look, regard, 458. Inattention, inconsid- eration, inconsiderateness, inad- vertence, inadvertency, non-ob- CARE — NEGLECT. 143 view, remark, inspection, intro- spection, mindfulness, lookout, watch, vigilance, circumspection, consideration, revision, review, revise, particularity, see Care, 459. Close, intense, deep, profound, &c., attention, application or study. V. To be attentive, &c.; to at- tend, advert to, mind, observe, look, look at, see, view, look to, see to, remark, heed, notice, take heed, take notice, mark; give or pay attention to; give heed to, have an eye to; turn, (bend,) ap- ply or direct the mind, the eye, or the attention to; look after, give a thought to, animadvert to, occupy one’s self with. To examine cursorily; to glance at, upon, or over; cast or pass the eyes over, run over, turn over the leaves, dip into, per- stringe ; to revert to. To examine closely or intently, (scrutinize;) to consider, give one’s mind to, overhaul, pore over, note, mark, inspect, review ; to fix the eye, mind, thoughts, or attention on, keep in view, con- template, &c., 451. To fall under one’s notice, observation, &c., to catch the eye ; to catch, awaken, wake, invite, solicit, attract, claim, excite, engage, occupy, strike, arrest, fix, engross, absorb, rivet, &c., the attention, mind, or thoughts. Adj. Attentive, mindful, heedful, regardful, alive to, bear- ing in mind, occupied with, engaged, taken up with, en- grossed, rapt in, absorbed. Awake, watchful, 459, broad awake, wide awake, intent on, with eyes fixed on, c pen-eyed, undistracted, upon the stretch. servance, disregaj-u, iegardless- ness, unmindfulness, giddiness, thoughtlessness, see Neglect, 460, wandering, distracted, &c., atten- tion. Absence of mind, abstraction, preoccupation, distraction, re very, brown study. V. To be inattentive, &c., to overlook, disregard, pass by, slcr over, pass over, gloss over, blink, miss, skim, skim the surface, 460. To call off, draw off, call away, divert, &c., the attention ; to dis- tract ; to disconcert, put out, dis- compose, confuse, perplex, be- wilder. Adj. Inattentive, mindless, un- observant, unmindful, inadver- tent, heedless, regardless, care- less, see 460, unwatchful, listless, cursory, percursory, blind, deaf, &c. Absent, abstracted, lost, pre- occupied, dreamy, napping. Disconcerted, put out, &c., diz- zy, see 460. Adv. Inattentively, &c., cava- lierly. 459. Care, caution, heed, heedfulness, wariness, prudence, discretion, 698,watch,vigil, watch- fulness,vigilance, circumspection, watch and ward, deliberation, forethought, solicitude, precau- tion, 673, scruple, scrupulousness, scrupulosity, particularity. 460. Neglect, negligence, omission, heedlessness, careless- ness, remissness, imprudence, se-- cureness, indiscretion, incautious- ness, indiscrimination, rashness, 863, recklessness. V. To be negligent, &c., te neglect, pass over, omit, pre- FORMATION OF IDEAS. V. To be careful, &c., to take care, have a care, look to it, heed, take heed, keep watch, keep watch and ward, set watch, take precautions. Adj. Careful, cautious, heed- ful, wary, guarded, on one’s guard, on the alert, on the watch, watch- ful, on the lookout, awake, vigi- lant, circumspect, broad awake, having the eyes open, Argus- eyed. Discreet, prudent, surefooted, provident, scrupulous, particular. Adv. Carefully, &.c., with care, &c. termit, set aside, cast or pu aside. To overlook, disregard, pass by, slight, pay no regard to, make light of, trifle with, wink at, con- nive at; gloss over, slur over, slip over, skip, jump over. To render neglectful, &c., to put or throw off' one’s guard. Adj. Neglecting, &c., unmind- ful, heedless, careless, negligent, neglectful, slovenly, remiss, per- functory, thoughtless, uncircum- spect, off one’s guard, unwary, incautious, unguarded, indiscreet inconsiderate, imprudent, improv- ident, rash, headlong, reckless, witless, hairbrained, giddy- brained, offhand, cursory. Neglected, unheeded, unperceived, unseen, unobserved, unnoticed, unnoted, unmarked, unattended to, unthought of, overlooked, unmissed, unexamined, unstudied, unsearched, unscanned, unweighed, unsifted. 461. Inquiry, search, research, quest, pursuit, examination, scru- tiny, investigation, inquest, in- quisition, exploration, sifting, cal- culation, analysis, dissection, res- olution, induction; the (inductive or) Baconian method; a searching inquiry. Questioning, asking, interroga- tion, interrogatory, examination, cross examination, cross question- ing, catechism; the Socratic method. Reconnoitring, prying, spying, espionage; the lantern of Di- sgenes. Subject of inquiry ; Question, moot-point, query, difficulty, prob- lem, desideratum, point to be solved; point or matter in dis-1 pute ; question at issue, plain question, fair question, open question, knotty point, vexed question. Enigma, riddle, conundrum, a bone to pick, Gordian knot. An inquirer, (investigator,) querist, quidnunc, newsmonger. V. To inquire, seek, search, look for, look about for, look out for, cast about for, beat about, grope for, feel for, reconnoi- tre, explore, sound, rummage, ransack, pry, look round, look over, look through. 462. Answer, response, reply, replication, rejoinder, rebutter, re- tort, repartee, antiphony, acknowl- edgment. Explanation, solution, resolu- tion, exposition, rationale, inter- pretation, 522. A key, master key, clew. V. To answer, respond, reply, rebut, retort, rej oin, give or return for answer, acknowledge, echo. To explain, solve, resolve, ex- pound, decipher, spell, interpret, 522, to unriddle, unlock, cut the knot, unravel, discover ; to find a clew to. Adj. Answering, responding, &c., responsive, respondent. MEASUREMENT. 145 To pursue, hunt, track, trail, mouse, trace. To investigate, take up, follow up, institute, pursue, con- duct, carry on, prosecute, &c., an inquiry, &c., to overhaul, to examine, study, consider, fathom, dip into, look into, calcu- late, preexamine, dive into, delve into; to discuss, canvass, agitate, trace up, probe, fathom, sound, scrutinize, analyze, anatomize, dissect, sift, ventilate, winnow, torture, resolve. To ask, question, demand, put, propose, propound, moot, raise, stir, suggest, put forth, start, pop, &c., a question, interro- gate, catechize, pump, cross question, cross examine, require an answer, see 765. To undergo examination; to be in course of inquiry, &c. Adj. Inquiring, &c., inquisitive, catechetical, inquisitorial, analytic, in search of, in quest of, on the lookout for. Undetermined, untried, undecided, in question, in dispute, moot, proposed. 463. Experiment, essay, trial, tentative method, verification, pro- bation, proof, criterion, test, touchstone, assay, ordeal. Empiricism. A feeler, a pilot balloon, a messenger balloon; a pilot engine. V. To essay, try, explore, grope; to feel or grope one’s way; to thread one’s way; to make an experiment, make trial of. To subject to trial, &c., to experiment upon, give a trial to ; to put, bring, or submit to the test or proof; to prove, verify, test, touch, practise upon. Adj. Experimental, tentative, probationary, empirical. 464. Comparison, collation, contrast, identification. A comparison, simile, metaphor, allegory, 521. V. To compare to or with; to collate, confront, place side by side or in juxtaposition; to draw a parallel, institute a comparison, con- trast, identify. Adj. Comparative, metaphorical, figurative, allegorical, Compared with, pitted against, 708. r , , 0■ 465. Discrimination, distinc- tion, perception or appreciation of difference, diagnosis, taste, 850, judgment, nice perception, tact, critique. V. To discriminate, distinguish, to separate or winnow the chaff from the wheat. Adj. Discriminating, &c., dis- criminative, distinctive, diagnos- tic. 465. o. Indiscrimination, in- distinctness, indistinction, 460. V. Not to distinguish or dis- criminate ; to neglect, overlook, or lose sight of a distinction. Adj. Indiscriminate, undistin- guished, (undistinguishmg,) un- distinguishable, unmeasured. 466. Measurement, admeasurement, mensuration, survey, val- uation, appraisement, assessment, assize, estimation, reckoning. Geometry, geodetics, gauging, sounding, surveying, weighing, ponderation, dead reckoning. A measure, standard, rule, compass, gauge, meter, line, rod, plumb line, plummet, log, log line, sounding rod, sounding line, sound, check j index, see 550, floodmark. 146 FORMATION OF IDEAS. Scale, graduation, graduated scale, quadrant, theodolite, &c., bal- ance, scales, steelyard, beam, weather glass, barometer, areom- eter, &c. V. To measure, mete, value, assess, rate, appraise, estimate, form an estimate, set a value on, appreciate, span, pace, step, apply the compass, rule, scale, &c., gauge, plumb, probe, sound, fathom, survey, weigh, poise, balance, hold the scales, take an average, graduate, to place in the beam, to take into account. Adj. Measuring, &c., metrical, ponderable, measurable. Section III. Materials for Reasoning. 467. Evidence on one side, I premises, data, indication, 550. Testimony, testimonial, deposi- tion, declaration, attestation, tes- tification, authority, warrant, -war- ranty, surety, handwriting, auto- graph, signature, indorsement, seal, sigil, signet, superscription, entry. Voucher, credential, certificate, deed, indenture, docket, probate, affidavit, attestation, diploma; ad- mission, concession, allegation, deposition, citation, quotation, ref- erence. Criterion, test, touchstone, check, argument. A -witness, eye witness, indica- tor, ear witness, deponent, telltale, sponsor. Reason, proof, see Demonstra- tion, 478. Ex parte evidence, one-sided view. Secondary evidence, confirma- tion, corroboration, ratification, support, approval. V. To be evidence, &c., to eviL.ce, show, indicate, 550, im- ply, involve, argue, admit, ac- knowledge, allow, concede, cer- tify, testify, attest, bear testimony, depose, witness, vouch for, sign, seal, set one’s hand and seal to, indorse, confirm, ratify, corrob- orate, support, bear upon, bear out, to speak volumes. To adduce, attest, cite, quote, 468. Evidence on the other side, on the other hand. Counter Evidence, disproof, contradiction, rejoinder, answer’ 462, weak point, conflicting evi- dence, see Refutation, 479, coun- ter protest. V. To countervail, oppose, re- but, (overthrow,) check, weaken, invalidate, contradict, contravene. Adj. Countervailing, &c., con- tradictory. Unattested. 469. Qualification, limita- tion, modification, allowance, grains of allowance, considera- tion, extenuating circumstance, condition, proviso, exception, 83, assumption, 514. V. To qualify, limit, modify, allow for, make allowance for, take into account, introduce new conditions, admit exceptions, take exception. Adj. Qualifying, &c., condi- tional, exceptional, 83, postula- tory, hypothetical, 514. Adv. Provided, if, unless, but, yet, according as, conditionally, admitting, supposing; on the sup- position, assumption, presump- tion, allegation, hypothesis, &c., of; with the understanding, even, although, for all that, after all. CERTAINTY—UNCERTAINTY. 147 refer to, call, bring forward, allege, plead, produce, bring into court, confront witnesses; to collect, bring together, or rake up evidence, to make out a case. Adj. Showing, indicating, &c., indicative, indicatory, fol- lowing, deducible, consequential, consectary collateral, cor- roborative, confirmatory; presumptive. Scund, logical, strong, valid, cogent, persuasive, persua- sory, demonstrative, irrefragable, irresistible, &c., 478. Adv. According to; witness; still more, still less, &c. Degrees of Evidence. 470. Possibility, potentiality, ] contingency, see Chance, 156, what may be, wrhat is possible, &c. Practicability, feasibility, 705, compatibility, 23. V. To be possible, &c., to ad- mit of, to bear; may, may be. To render possible, &c., to put into the way of. Adj. Possible, contingent. Practicable, feasible, achiev- able, attainable, obtainable, com- patible. Adv. Possibly, by possibility, may be, perhaps, 156. 471. Impossibility, what can- not be, what can never be, hope- lessness, 859, a dead lift. Impracticability, incompatibil- ity, 704, incredibility. V. To be impossible, &c., to have no chance whatever. Adj. Impossible, contrary to reason, inconceivable, unreason- able, incredible, marvellous, des- perate, hopeless, unheard of. Impracticable, unattainable,un- achievable, unfeasible, unobtain- able, beyond control. 472. Probability, likelihood, verisimilitude,plausibility, a show of, credibility, reasonable chance, favorable chance, fair chance, presumptive evidence, circum- stantial evidence. V. To be probable, &c., to bid fair, to stand fair for, to stand a good chance, to stand to reason. Adj. Probable, likely, likely to happen, in a fair way, hopeful, well founded: to be expect- ed, 507. Plausible, specious, ostensible, colorable, standing to rea- son, reasonable, credible, easy of belief, presumable, pre- sumptive. Adv. Probably, &c., in all probability or likelihood, appar- ently, to all appearance. 473. Improbability, unlike- lihood, unfavorable chances, small chance, &c., incredibility. V. To be improbable, &c., to have a small, little, poor, &c., chance. Adj. Improbable, unlikely, in- credible. 474. Certainty, certitude, positiveness, infallibleness, infal- libility, gospel, scripture, surety assurance, indisputableness, sec Truth, 494. Fact, matter of fact. 475. Uncertainty, incerti- tude, hesitation, suspense, per plexity, see Doubt, 485. Doubtfulness, dubiousness, in- definiteness, indetermination, am- biguity ; vagueness, &c., pre- 148 FORMATION OF IDEAS. V. To be certain, &c., to be- lieve, 454. To render certain, &c., to in- sure. Adj. Certain, sure, assured, solid, absolute, positive, deter- minate, categorical, unequivocal, inevitable, unavoidable? unerring, infallible, indubitable, indubious, indisputable, undisputed, uncon- tested, incontestable, incontrovert- ible, undoubted,doubtless,without doubt, beyond a doubt, past dis- pute, unanswerable, decided, un- questionable, beyond all question, unquestioned, questionless, de- monstrable, 478, authoritative, of- ficial. Adv. Certainly, assuredly, &c., for certain, sure, surely, sure enough, of course, as a matter of course, ye.s, see 488. cariousness, slipperiness, falli- bility. V. To be uncertain, (to be at fault,) &c. To render uncertain, &c., to perplex, embarrass, confuse, con- found. Adj. Uncertain, doubtful, du- bious, precarious, casual, random, contingent, indecisive, dependent on circumstances, undecided, vague, indeterminate, indefinite, ambiguous, undefined, equivocal, undefinable, puzzling, enigmatic, questionable, apocryphal, prob- lematical, hypothetical, contro- vertible, fallible, fallacious, sus- picious, slippery, debatable. Unauthentic, unconfirmed, un- demonstrated, undemonstrable. Section IV. Reasoning Processes. 476. Reasoning, ratiocina- tion, dialectics, induction, gener- alization. Argumentation, discussion, con- troversy, polemics, debate, wran- gling, logomachy, disputation. The art of reasoning, logic, pro- cess, train or chain of reasoning, argument, 514, proposition, terms, premises, postulate, data, starting point, principle; result, conclu- sion. Correctness, soundness, force, ■validity, cogency, conclusive- ness. A disputant, controversialist, controvertist, wrangler, arguer, debater. V. To reason, argue, discuss, debate, dispute, wrangle; bandy words or arguments; hold or car- ry on an argument, controvert, contravene, comment upon, mor- alize upon, spiritualize. To open a discussion or case ; 477. The absence of reasoning. Intuition, instinct, presenti- ment. False or vicious reasoning; show of reason. Sophistry, paralogy, fallacy, perversion, casuistry, Jesuitry, equivocation, evasion, chicanery, quiddity, mystification. Misjudgment, miscalculation, 481. Sophism, solecism, paralogism, quibble, fallacy, subterfuge; sub- tlety. . _ _ M Speciousness, plausibility, il- lusiveness, irrelevancy, invalid- ity- V. To judge intuitively, &c. To reason ill, falsely, &c. 1c pervert, quibble, equivocate, mys- tify, evade, elude, gloss over, varnish, misjudge, miscalculate, 481. To refine, subtilize, mislead, &c., 538. JUDGMENT — MISJUDGMENT. to moot, to join issue ; to stir, agi- tate, torture or ventilate a tion; to take up a side or case. Adj. Reasoning, &c., argu- mentative, controversial, dialectic, polemical, discursory, discursive, debatable, controvertible ; dispu- tatious. Correct, just, fair, sound, valid, cogent, logical, demonstrative, 478, relevant, pertinent, 9, to the point, to the purpose, subtile, fine spun. 149 Adj. Intuitive, instinctive, im- pulsive, independent of, or ante- rior to reason. Sophistical, illogical, false, un- sound, not following, inconse- quent, unwarranted, untenable, inconclusive, incorrect, fallacious, groundless, fallible, unproved, de- ceptive, illusive, illusory, spe- cious, plausible, evasive, irrele- vant. Weak, feeble, poor, flimsy, triv- ial, trumpery, trashy, puerile, childish, irrational, silly, foolish, imbecile, absurd, extravagant, far- fetched. 478. Demonstration, proof, conclusiveness, probation, corn- probation, test, &c., 463. V. To demonstrate, prove, es- tablish, show, evince, verify, make good, substantiate, settle the ques- tion, reduce to demonstration. Adj. Demonstrating, &c., de- monstrative, demonstrable, unan- swerable, conclusive, irrefutable, irrefragable, categorical. Demonstrated, &c., unconfuted, unrefuted; evident, self-evident, axiomatic. 479. Confutation, refutation, disproof, conviction, invalidation, exposure, exposition; demolition of an argument, a clincher. V. To confute, refute, disprove, expose, show the fallacy of, re- but, defeat, overthrow, demolish, overturn, invalidate, silence, re- duce to silence. Adj. Confuting, &c.; confuted, &c., capable of refutation, refuta- ble, confutable, &c., exhaustive; unproved, &c. Section V. Results of Reasoning. 480. Judgment, conclusion, determination, deduction, infer- ence, corollary. Estimation, valuation, appreci- ation, dijudication, judication, ar- bitrament, arbitration, assessment, review; finding, detection, dis- covery, &c. Decision, determination, sen- tence, verdict, moral, finding; estimate. A judge, umpire, arbiter, arbi- trator, assessor, censor, referee, reviewer. V. To judge, deduce, conclude, draw a conclusion, infer, make a deduction, draw an inference; 481. Misjudgment, obliquity of judgment, see Error, 495, pre- sumption. Prejudgment, prejudication, foregone conclusion, prejudice, preconception, prepossession, pre- apprehension, presentiment. Bias, warp, twist, narrow mind- edness, bigotry, dogmatism, intol- erance, tenacity, obstinacy, 606, blind side; one-sided, partial, nar- row or confined views, ideas, con ceptions, or notions. V. To misjudge, misestimate, misconceive, misreckon, &c., see 495. To prejudge, forejudge, prejudi- 150 FORMATION OF IDEAS. cone to, arrive, or jump .at a con- clusion ) to derive, gather, col- lect. To estimate, appreciate, value, count, assess, rate, account, re- gard, review, settle, pass an opin- ion, decide, pronounce, pass judg- ment, arbitrate, see Investigate, 461. To ascertain, determine, find, find out, make out, detect, discov- er, elicit, recognize, trace, get at; | get or arrive at the truth; meet with, fall upon, light upon, hit upon, fix upon, fall in with, solve, resolve, unravel, fish out, worm out, ferret out, root out, fish up. Adj. Judging, &c., deaucible, 467. Impartial, unbiased, unprejudiced, unwarped, unbigoted, equitable, fair, sound, rational, judicious. cate, dogmatize, have a bias, &c., presuppose, presume. To give a bias, twist, &c., to bias, warp, twist, prejudice, &c. Adj. Prejudging, &c., preju- diced, jaundiced, narrow-minded, dogmatic, besotted, positive, ob- stinate, tenacious, having a bias, twist, &c., warped, partial. 482. Over-estimation, exag- geration. V. To over-estimate, overrate, overvalue, overprize, overweigh, outreckon; exaggerate, extol, make too much of, overstrain. Adj. Over-estimated, &c. 483. Under-estimation, de- preciation, disparagement, de- traction, underrating, under-esti- mation, undervaluing, &c. j V. To depreciate, disparage, detract,underrate, under-estimate, undervalue”, under-reckon, mis- prize, not to do justice to, make light of, slight; make little or make nothing of, hold cheap, dis- regard, to care nothing for, set at nought, derogate, decry, 932. To scout, deride, mock, scoff at, laugh at, play with, trife with, ridicule, 856. Adj. Depreciating, &c., derogatory, detractory, cynical. Depreciated, &c., unvalued, unprized. 484. Belief, credence, faith, trust, confidence, credit, depend- ence on, reliance, assurance. Opinion, notion, idea, 453, con- ception, apprehension,impression, conceit, mind, view, persuasion, conviction, sentiment, voice, judg- ment, estimation, self-conviction. System of opinions, creed, doc- trine, tenet, dogma, principle, way of thinking, popular belief, public opinion. Proselytism,propagandism,537. V. To believe, credit, give faith to, give credit to, rely upon, make no doubt, doubt not, confide in, '485. Unbelief, disbelief, mis* belief, discredit, scepticism. Doubt, dubitation, misgiving, demur, suspense; shade or shadow of doubt, distrust, mis- trust, suspicion, shyness, embar- rassment, hesitation, uncertainty, 475, scruple, qualm, dilemma; casuistry, 489, incredulity, 487. V. To disbelieve, discredit, not to believe, refuse to admit or be- lieve, misbelieve, controvert; put or set aside; join issue, dispute, &c. To doubt, be doubtful, &c., dis- trust, mistrust, suspect, have, har- ASSENT —DISSENT. 151 count upon, depend upon, calcu- late upon, take upon trust, swal- low, take one’s word for, take upon credit. To think, hold, take, look upon, take it, consider, esteem. To be of opinion, to opine, to have, hold, possess, entertain, adopt, imbibe, embrace, foster, nurture, cherish, &c., a notion, idea, opinion, &c.; to think, look upon, view, consider, take, take it, hold, ween, conceive, fancy, appre- hend, regard, esteem, deem, ac- count. To cause to be believed, thought, or esteemed; to satisfy, persuade, assure, convince, con- vert, bring over, win over, indoc- trinate; see Teach, 537. Adj. Believing, &c., impressed with, imbued with, wedded to, unsuspecting, unsuspicious, void of suspicion, &c., cred- ulous, 486, convinced, &c. Believed, &c., credited, accredited, unsuspected, received, current, popular. Worthy or deserving of belief, commanding belief, credi- ble, see Probable, 472, fiducial, fiduciary; relating to belief, doctrinal. Firm, implicit, steadfast, fixed, rooted, stanch, unshaken, inveterate; — calm, sober, dispassionate, impartial. bor, entertain, &c., doubts; de- mur, Stick at, pause, hesitate, scruple, question, call in question. To cause, raise, suggest, or start a doubt; to pose, startle, stagger, embarrass, puzzle; shake, or stagger one’s faith or belief. Adj. Unbelieving, &c., scepti- cal, shy of belief, at sea, at a loss, 487. Doubting, &c., doubtful, dubi- ous, scrupulous, suspicious) see Uncertain, 475. Unworthy or undeserving of belief, hard to believe, doubtful, dubious, staggering, puzzling, &c., paradoxical, incredible, in- conceivable. 486. Credulity, credulous- ness, infatuation, self-delusion, self-deception, superstition, gross credulity, dogmatism, &c., 606. A credulous person) dupe, 547. V. To be credulous, &c., to fol- low implicitly, to swallow, &c. To impose upon, practise upon, palm upon, cajole, &c., see De- ceive, 545. Adj. Credulous,easily deceived, cajoled, &c , superstitious, simple, unsuspicious, &c., 484, soft, child- ish, silly, s'.upid; over-credulous, over-confident. 487. Incredulity, scepti- cism, Pyrrhonism, suspicion, &c., see 485, suspiciousness, scrupu- lousness, scrupulosity. An unbeliever, sceptic, misbe liever. V. To be incredulous, &c., to distrust, see 485. Adj. Incredulous, hard of be lief, sceptical, unbelieving, in convincible. 488. Assent ,acquiescence, ad- mission, nod, consent, concession, accord, accordance, agreement, concordance, concurrence, ratifi- cation, confirmation, recognition, 489. Dissent, discordance, de- nial, 536, dissonance, disagree- ment ; difference or diversity of opinion, recusancy, contradiction, nonconformity, schism; seces- sion, protest. 152 FORMATION OF IDEAS. A dissenter, nonconformist, rec usant. V. To dissent, demur, deny, disagree, secede, refuse assent, to ignore, to refuse to admit; to repudiate, protest, contradict. Adj. Dissenting, &c., dissen- tient, discordant, protestant, re- cusant ; unconvinced, uncon- verted, unavowed, unacknowl- edged. Unwilling, reluctant, extorted. &c. Adv. Negatively, in the nega- tive, 536. acknowledgment, acceptance, , granting, avowal, confession. Unanimity, chorus; see Affir- mation, 535. V. To assent, acquiesce, agree, accede, yield assent, accord, con- cur, consent, nod assent, accept, coincide, go with, go along with, chime in with, strike in with, close with, conform with, defer to. To acknowledge, own, avow, confess, concede, subscribe to, admit, allow, recognize, grant. Adj. Assenting, &c., acquies- cent, willing; agreed; uncontra- dicted, unquestioned, uncontro- verted. Adv. Affirmatively, in the af- firmative, 535. 490. Knowledge, cognizance, cognition, acquaintance, privity, insight, familiarity, comprehen- sion, understanding, recognition; discovery, 480. Intuition, consciousness, con- science, light, enlightenment, glimpse, inkling, glimmer, scent, suspicion; conception, notion, idea, 453. System or body of knowledge; science, philosophy, doctrine, the- ory, literature, 560. Erudition, learning, lore, schol- arship, book learning, bookish- ness, bibliomania, education, instruction, information, acquisi- tions, acquirements, accomplish- ments, proficiency; a liberal ed- ucation, encyclopedical knowl- edge, omniscience, pantology. Elements, rudiments, abeceda- ry, cyclopaedia, encyclopaedia, school, &c. Depth, extent, profoundness, profundity, stores, &c., solidity, accuracy, &c., of knowledge. V. To know, be aware of, ween, have, possess, conceive, appre- hend, understand, comprehend, make out, recognize, be master 491. Ignorance, unacquaint- ance, unconsciousness, darkness, blindness, incomprehension, in- experience, emptiness. Imperfect knowledge, smatter- ing, sciolism, glimmering; be- wilderment, perplexity; inca- pacity. Affectation of knowledge, ped- antry. V. To be ignorant, &c., not to know, to know not, to know not what, not to be aware of, to be at a loss, to be at fault, to ignore, to be blind to, &c., not to under- stand, &c. Adj. Ignorant, unconscious, un- aware, unwitting, witless, a stran- ger to, unacquainted, unconver- sant, unenlightened, unversed, un- cultivated, in the dark. Uninformed, uninstructed, un- taught, unapprised, untutored, un- schooled, unguided. Shallow,superficial,green, rude, half-learned, illiterate, unread, uneducated, unlearned, unlet- tered, having a smattering, &c., j pedantic. Confused, puzzled, bewilderel, lost, benighted, at a loss, at fau t, TRUTH —ERROR. 153 of, know full we* , possess the knowledge of, e> perience, dis- cern. perceive, see through. Adi. Knowing, aware of, &c., cognizant of, acquainted with, privy to, conscious of, no stranger to, versed in, conversant with, proficient in, read in, familiar with. Apprised of, made acquainted vvi th, led into, informed of; un- deceived, unbeguiled, unbenight- ed, unbigoted. Erudite, instructed, learned, (educated,) well-read, lettered, well-informed, bookish, scholastic, deep-read, book-learned; self-taught, well-grounded, well-conned. Known, (ascertained,) &c., well-known, notorious, prover- bial, familiar, cognoscible. Extensive, vast, encyclopedical, deep, profound, accurate, solid. posed, blinded, distracted, in a maze, hoodwinked, in the dark. Unknown, unapprehended, un- explained, unascertained, unin- vestigated, unexplored, unheard of, unperceived. Adv. Ignorantly, unwittingly, unawares; for any thing one knows; for aught one knows. 492. Scholar, schoolman, graduate, doctor, (professor,) gownsman, philosopher, linguist. Pedant, pedagogue, bookworm, bibliomaniac, bluestocking. 494. Object of knowledge. Truth, verity, actual existence, 1, reality, fact, matter of fact, ac- tuality, nature, principle; sub- stantialness, genuineness, authen- ticity. Accuracy, exactness, exacti- tude, precision, preciseness, nice- ness, delicacy, fineness, strictness, rigor, punctuality. V. To be true, real, &c., to hold good. To render true, legitimatize, substantiate, to make good, estab- ish. To get at the truth, see 480. Adj. True, real, veritable, ac- tual, certain, 474, positive, abso- lute, existing, cat- egorical ; unrefuted, unconfuted. Exact, accurate, definite, pre- cise, just, correct, well-defined, strict, rigid, rigorous, scrupulous, conscientious, religious, punctili- 493. Ignoramus, sciolist, smat- terer, novice, greenhorn, half scholar, booby, dunce, 501, bigot, 481. Adj. Bookless, shallow, 499, ignorant, &c., 491. 495. Untruth, see 546. Error, mistake, fallacy, mis- conception,misapprehension, mis- understanding, inaccuracy, incor- rectness, inexactness, vagueness, &c., misconstruction, 523, mis- computation, miscalculation. Fault, blunder, bull, slip of the tongue, cross purposes, oversight, misprint, erratum, slip of the pen; heresy, misstatement, mis- report. Illusion, delusion, self-deceit, self-deception, hallucination, monomania, aberration; fable, dream, shadow, bubble, false light, the mists of error, chimera. V. To be erroneous, false, &c., to cause error, to mislead, lead astray, lead into error, delude, give a false impression, idea, fcc., to falsify, misstate, misrepresent, deceive, 545, beguile. To be in error, to mistake, to FORMATION OF IDEAS. 154 ous, nice, mathematical, axiomat- ic, demonstrable, scientific, un- erring, faithful, curious, delicate. Genuine, authentic, legitimate, orthodox, pure, sound, sterling, unsophisticated, unadulterated, unvarnished; solid, substantial, undistorted, undisguised, unaf- fected, unexaggerated, unroman- tic. Adv. Truly, verily, veritably, certainly, assuredly, in truth, in good truth, of a truth, really, in- dubitably, in sooth, forsooth, in reality, in fact, indeed, in effect, actually, positively, virtually, at bottom. Precisely, accurately, &c., mathematically, to a nicety, to a hair. In every respect, in all re- spects, at any rate, at all events, by all means. 496. Maxim, aphorism, apo- thegm, dictum, saying, adage, saw, proverb, sentence, precept, 697, rule, formula, code, motto, word, by-word, moral, sentiment, conclusion, reflection, thought, golden rule, axiom, theorem, scholium, truism. Catechism, creed, profession of faith. Adj. Aphoristic, proverbial, axiomatic, conclusive. Wise, sage, true, received, ad- mitted, recognized ; common, hackneyed, trite, commonplace. receive a false impression ; to lie or labor under an error, mistake, &c., to blunder, be at fault, to misapprehend, misconceive, mis- understand, misconjecture, mis- reckon; miscalculate, miscount, misestimate, misjudge, ficmder, trip. Adj. Erroneous, untrue, false, unreal, unsubstantial, baseless, groundless, ungrounded. Inexact, unexact, incorrect, il- logical, partial, one-sided, unrea- sonable, indefinite, unscientific, inaccurate, aberrant. In error, mistaken, &c., trip- ping, floundering, &c. illusive, illusory, ideal, fanci- ful, chimerical, visionary, shad- owy, mock. Spurious, illegitimate, bastard, meretricious, deceitful, sophisti- cated, adulterated. 497. Absurdity, absurdness, nonsense, paradox, inconsisten- cy, quibble, sophism, 477, bull, Hibernicism. Folly in action, 699. Jargon, gibberish, rigmarole, fustian, rant, bombast, bathos, rhapsody, extravagance, rhodo- montade, romance. Twaddle, fudge, verbiage, trash stuff, balderdash, palaver, moon- shine, wishwash, platitude, flum- mery, inanity. Vagary, foolery, mummery monkey trick. Adj. Absurd, nonsensical, foo - ish, &c., see 499, sophistical, in- consistent, extravagant, quib- bling, trashy, washy, twaddling, &c. 498. Intelligence, capacity, parts, sagacity, sagaciousness, wit, mother wit, quick parts. Acuteness, acumen, shrewd- ness, astuteness, sharpness, clev- erness, aptness, aptitude, quick- ness, subtlety, archness, uenetra- 499. Imbecility, incapacity, vacancy of mind, poverty of in- tellect, shallowness, dulness, stu- pidity, obtuseness, stolidity, dolt- ishness. Silliness, simplicity, childish- ness, puerility; dotage, second SAGE —FOOL. 155 childishness, fatuity, idiocy, idi- otism, 503. Folly, absurdity, irrationality, senselessness, foolishness, incon- sistency, conceit, giddiness, ex- travagance, oddity, eccentricity, ridiculousness. Act of folly, blunder, 497, im- prudence, 699, rashness, 863. V. To be imbecile, foolish, &c., to trifle, drivel, ramble. Adi. (Applied to persons.) Un- intelligent, unintellectual, shal- low, weak, soft, sappy, weak- headed, weak-minded, feeble- minded, half-witted, short-witted. shallow-brained, dull, stupid, ob- tuse, blunt, stolid, doltish, asinine, dull-witted, blunt-witted. Childish, infantine, infantile, babyish, childlike. Fatuous, idiotic, imbecile, driv- elling, brainless, witless, having no head or brains, thick-skulled, blockish, Bceotian, Bceotic. Foolish, silly, senseless, irra- tional, insensate, nonsensical, muddy-headed, ungifted, undis- cerning, unenlightened, unphilo- sophical ; prejudiced, bigoted, purblind, narrow-minded, wrong- headed, crotchety, conceited, self-opinionated, mulish, besot- ted, infatuated. Wild, giddy, thoughtless, ec- centric, odd, extravagant, light- headed, hairbrained, shatter- bramed, 503, ridiculous. (Applied to actions.) Foolish, unwise, injudicious, imprudent, unreasonable,nonsensical, absurd, ridiculous, silly, stupid, asinine, ill-advised, ill-judged, ill-devised, inconsistent, irrational, unphilo sophical, extravagant, preposter- ous, egregious, imprudent, indis- creet, improvident, impolitic, im- proper, 645, 647. tiai, perspicacity, perspicacious- ness, clearsightedness, discrimi- nation, discernment. Head, brains, headpiece, a long head. Wisdom, sapience, sense, good sense, common sense, plain sense, reason, reasonableness, judgment, judiciousness, solidity, depth, pro- foundness, enlarged views; reach or compass of thought. Genius, inspiration, the fire of genius. Wisdom in action; prudence, discretion, 864, sobriety, tact, bal- last, 698. V. To be intelligent, wise, &c., to reason, 476, to discern, 441, discriminate, 465, to penetrate, to see far into. Adj. (Applied to persons.) In- telligent, longheaded, sagacious, quick, sharp, clever, apt, acute, shrewd, astute, sharpsighted, quicksighted, quickeyed, keen, keeneyed, keensighted, keen- witted, sharpwitted, penetrating, piercing, clearsighted, discern- ing. Wise, sage, sapient, sagacious, reasonable, rational, sound, sen- sible, judicious, enlightened, im- partial, unprejudiced, unbiased, unprepossessed, undazzled, un- perplexed. Cool, coolheaded, longheaded, calculating, thoughtful, reflecting, oracular, Heaven directed. Prudent, discreet, sober, staid, solid, considerate, provident, pol- itic. (Applied to actions.) Wise, sensible, reasonable, judicious, well-judged, well-advised, pru- dent, politic, expedient, 646. 500. Sage, wise man, expert, luminary, adept, authority. ir x 7 7 # 501. Fool, wiseacre, simple- ton, witling, ninny, dolt, numskull 156 FORMATION OF IDEAS. Oracle, a Solomon, a Nestor, a master mind, a shining light, schoolman, academician, acade- mist. Venerable, reverenced, author- itative. half-wit, driveller, idiot; child, infant, baby, innocent, greenhorn, flat, dunce, lout, changeling, do- tard, driveller. 502. Sanity, rationality, be- ing in one’s senses, in one’s right mind, in one’s sober senses ; so- briety, lucidness, lucid interval. V. To be sane, &c., to retain one’s senses, reason, &c. To become sane, come to one’s senses, sober down. To render sane, bring to one’s senses, to sober. Adj. Sane, rational, reasonable, sober, in one’s sober senses, in one’s right mind, sober-minded. Adv. Sanely, soberly, &c. 503. Insanity, lunacy, mad- ness, derangemeit, alienation, aberration, mania, calenture of the brain, frenzy, raving, mono- mania, disordered intellect, inco- herence,wandering, delirium, hal- lucination, fantasia; vertigo, diz- ziness, swimming, dementation. V. To be or become insane, &c., to lose one’s senses, intel- lects, reason, faculties, &c., to run mad, rave, dote, ramble, wan- der, drivel. To render or drive mad; to madden, dementate, turn the brain, turn one’s head, befool, in- fatuate, derange the head. Adj. Insane, mad, lunatic, crazy, crazed, out of one’s mind, bereft of reason, insensate, beside one’s self, demented, pos- sessed, maniacal, delirious, incoherent, rambling, doting, wan- dering, frantic, raving, rabid, lightheaded, giddy, vertigi- nous, wild, haggard, flighty, distracted. 504. Madman, lunatic, maniac, bedlamite, raver, monoma- niac, dreamer, insane, a highflier, madcap. Section VI. Extension of Thought. 505. Memory, remembrance, reminiscence, recognition, reten- tion, retentiveness, tenacity, readi- ness. Recurrence, recollection, retro- spection, retrospect. Suggestion, prompting, 514; hint. Token of remembrance, memo- rial, memento, souvenir, keepsake, relic, reliquary, memorandum, re- membrancer. Art of memory, artificial mem- ory ; mnemonics. V. To remember, retain, mind, 1. To the Past. 506. Oblivion, forgetfulness, obliteration, 552, a short memory, the memory failing, being in fault, or deserting one. V. To forget, lose, unlearn, dis- charge from the memory. To slip, escape, fade, die away from the memory, to sink into oblivion. Adi. Forgotten, &c., lost, ef- faced, blotted out, obliterated, dis- charged, past recollection, unre- membered. Forgetful, oblivious, mindless, out of mir.d. DISAPPOINTMENT. 157 bear or keep in mind; have or carry in the memory, know by heart or by rote. To be deeply impressed, to live, remain, or dwell in the memory; to be stored up, to sink in the mind, to ran- kle, &c. To occur to the mind, 514, to recollect, bethink one’s self, lecall, call up, retrace, look back, rake up, think upon. To suggest, prompt, hint, recall to mind, put in mind, re mind, call up, summon up, refresh the memory. T> commit to memory, get or learn by heart or rote, con, con over, repeat, to fix, imprint, impress, stamp, grave, engrave, store, treasure up, embalm, enshrine, &c., in the memory; to load, store, stuff, or burden the memory with. Adj. Remembering, &c., mindful, remembered, &c., fresh, green, unforgotten; present to the mind; living in, being in or within one’s memory; indelible, green in remembrance. The memory being retentive, tenacious, ready, correct, ex- act, faithful, trustworthy, capacious. Adv. By heart, by rote. 507. Expectation, expect- ance, anticipation, forestalling, foreseeing, reckoning, calculation. Contemplation, prospect, per- spective, hope, trust, 858, abey- ance, waiting, &c., 121. V. To expect, look for, look out for, look forward to, antici- pate, contemplate, flatter one’s self, to dare to say, foresee, 510, forestall, reckon upon, count upon, lay one’s account to, to calculate upon, rely upon, build upon, make sure of, prepare one’s self for. To wait, tarry, lie in wait, watch for; abide. To raise or excite expectation, to bid fair, to promise, to augur, , 511. Aij. Expectant, expecting, &c., prepared for, ready for. F Apected, anticipated,foreseen, &c. long expected; in prospect, &c. Anxious, ardent, eager, breath- less, sanguine. 2. To the Future. 508. Inexpectation, non-sx- pectation, see Surprise, 870. False or vain expectation, mis- calculation. V. Not to expect, not to look for, &c., to be taken by surprise, to come upon, to fall upon; to miscalculate. To be unexpected, &c., to pop, to come unawares, suddenly, ab- ruptly, like a thunderbolt, burst upon. Adj. Non-expectant, unexpect- ed, unlooked for, unhoped for, unforeseen, beyond expectation, abrupt, sudden; happening con- trary to or against expectation. Surprised, taken by surprise, unwarned, startled, &c., taken aback. Adv. Suddenly, abruptly, un- expectedly, unawares, without no- tice or warning, 113. 509. Failure of expectation. Disappointment, surprise, astonishment, 870. 1 A 158 FORMATION OF IDEAS. A balk, an afterclap. V. To be disappointed, &c., to look blank ; to look aghast. To disappoint, balk, to crush or dash one’s hope, 859. Adj. Disappointed, aghast, blue. 510. Foresight, prescience, foreknowledge, forethought, fore cast, prevision, precognition, second sight, clairvoyance. Anticipation, foretaste, presentiment, foregone conclusion, provi- dence. Announcement, programme. V. To foresee, foreknow, forejudge, forecast, anticipate, look for- wards or beyond; look, peep, or pry into the future. Adj. Foreseeing, &.C., prescient, farseeing; farsighted; weathei- wise. Rational, sagacious, perspicacious. 511. Prediction, announcement, prophecy, vaticination, prog- nostication, premonstration, auguration, augury, horoscope, nativity, fortune telling, ominousness; see Necromancy, 992. V. To predict, prognosticate, prophesy, vaticinate, presage, augur, bode, forebode, foretell, soothsay. To foretoken, betoken, prefigure, portend, foreshadow, foreshow, usher in, herald, signify, premise, announce, point to, admonish, warn, advise. Adj. Predicting, &c., predictive, prophetic, oracular, sibylline. Ominous, portentous, auspicious, monitory, premonitory, signifi- cant of, pregnant with, weatherwise. 512. Omen, portent, presage, prognostic, augury, auspice, sign, forerunner, precursor, 64, harbinger, herald, monitor, warning. 513. Oracle, prophet, seer, soothsayer, fortune teller, witch, nec- romancer. Section YII. Ckeatiye Thought. 514. Supposition, conjecture, surmise, guess, divination, con ceit; assumption, postulation, presumption, presupposition, hypoth esis, postulate, theory; suggestion, proposition, motion, proposal, allusion. V. To suppose, conjecture, surmise, guess, divine, give a guess, hazard a conjecture, throw out a conjecture, &c., presuppose, fancy, take it, dare to say, take it into one’s head, presume. To suggest, hint, insinuate, put forth, propound, propose, start, prompt, put a case, move, make a motion, allude to. To suggest itself, occur to one, come into one’s head; to run in the head ; to haunt, 505. Adj. Supposing, &c., supposed, supposititious, suppositive, puta- tive, suggestive, allusive, conjectural, presump .ive, hypothetical, theoretical. Warranted, authorized, fair, reasonable, just, natural. Unwarranted, gratuitous, baseless, wild, hazarded, rash, unten- able, extravagant, unreasonable, unsatisfactory, loose, vague, uncon- nected. MEANING — UNMEANINGNESS. 159 515. Imagination, fancy, conception, ideality, idealism, inspiva tion, dreaming, somnambulism, frenzy, ecstasy, excogitation; live- liness of fancy. Invention, originality, fertility, conceit, figment, coinage, fiction, romance, novel, fairyland, myth, dream, daydream, vapor, phantom, fantasy, whim, whimsy, vagary, rhapsody. A visionary, romancer, rhapsodist, highflier, enthusiast, dreamer, seer, fanatic, knight errant, Don Quixote. V. To imagine, fancy, conceive, idealize, realize; fancy or pic- ture to one’s self; create, devise, invent, coin, fabricate. Adj. Imagining, imagined, &c.; ideal, unreal, imaginary, ficti- tious, fanciful, air-drawn, air-built, original, fantastic, unsubstantial, whimsical, high-flown. Imaginative, inventive, creative, fertile, romantic, flighty, extrav- agant, fanatic, enthusiastic, Utopian, Quixotic- Warm, heated, excited, sanguine, ardent, fiery, boiling, wild, bold, daring; playful, fertile, &c. Division II. COMMUNICATION OF IDEAS. Section I. Nature of Ideas communicated. 516. Idea to be conveyed. Meaning, signification, sense, import, purport, significance, drift, gist, acceptation, bearing, inter- pretation, 522, reading, tenor, al- lusion, spirit, coloring, expres- sion. Literal meaning, obvious mean- ing, first blush; after accepta- tion. Equivalent meaning,synonyme. Thing signified; matter, sub- stance, pith, marrow, argument, text. V. To mean, signify, express, import, purport, convey, imply, bespeak, bear a sense, involve, declare, 527, insinu- ate. allude to, point to, drive at. To take, understand, receive, or accept in a particular sense. Adj. Meaning, &c., sigrificant, significative, pithy, telling, striking, full of meaning, iregnant with meaning. Synonymous, equivalent, tantamount; the same thing as. 517. Absence of meaning. Unmeaningness, empty sound, a dead letter, inexpressiveness. Nonsense, gibberish, empty babble, empty sound. V. To mean nothing, to be un- meaning, &c. Adj. Unmeaning, void of mean- ing, of sense, &c., senseless, not significant. Undefinable, unmeant, uncon- ceived. 160 Plain, simple, natural, obvious, explicit, precise, 518, downright, definite, distinct, defined, literal, ostensible, overt, broad, naked, unstrained, undisguised, positive, formal, honest, emphatic, true. Implied, tacit, understood, implicit, inferred, latent. Adv. Literally, &c., 522. COMMUNICATION OF IDEAS. 518. Intelligibility, clear-1 ness, lucidness, perspicuity, ex- plicitness, distinctness, plain speaking, expressiveness, legi- bleness, visibility, 446. Intelligence, comprehension, understanding, learning, 539. V. To be intelligible, &c. To render intelligible, &c.; to throw light upon, to simplify. To understand, comprehend, take, take in, catch, grasp, col- lect j to come to an understand- ing. Adj. Intelligible, clear, lucid, explicit, expressive, significant, express, distinct, precise, definite, well-defined, perspicuous, plain, obvious, manifest, palpable, glar- ing, transparent, above board, un- shaded, recognizable, unambigu- ous, unmistakable, legible, open, positive, unconfused, unequivo- cal, graphic. 519. Unintelligibility, in- comprehensibleness, inconceiv- ableness, darkness, 421, obscuri- ty, confusion, indistinctness, in- definiteness, vagueness, (misti- ness,) ambiguity, looseness, un- certainty, mysteriousness, 526, paradox, inexplicableness. Jargon, gibberish, rhodomon- tade, &c., 497. V. To be unintelligible, &c. To render unintelligible, &c., 528, to perplex, confuse, con- found, bewilder, darken. Not to understand, &c., to lose, miss, &c., to lose the clew. Ad/. Unintelligible, inappre- hensible, incomprehensible, in- conceivable, above or past com- prehension, inexplicable, illegi- ble, undecipherable, inscrutable, beyond one’s depth, paradoxical, insolvable, impenetrable, Obscure, dark, confused, indis- tinct, indefinite, nebulous, unde- fined, ill-defined, crooked, indi- rect, perplexed, loose, vague, ambiguous, enigmatical, myste- rious, mystic, mystical, intricate. Hidden, sealed, recondite, abstruse, transcendental, far- 520. Having a double sense. Equivocalness, double meaning, equivocation, prevarication, slip of the tongue. Having a doubtful meaning, ambiguity, see 475; homonymy. Having a false meaning, see 544. V. To be equivocal, &c., to have two senses, &c., to equivocate, prevaricate, palter to the understanding. Adj. Equivocal, ambiguous, double-tongued, equivocating, &c. 521. Metaphor, figure, metonymy, trope, figure of speech, figu- rativeness, image, imagery, type, 22. Personification, allegory, apologue, parable. Implication, inference, allusion, adumbration, hidden meaning. V. To employ metaphor, &c., to personify, allegorize, adumbrate, shadow forth, imply, understand, apply, allude to. MANIFESTATION — LATENCY. 161 Adj. Metaphorical, figurative, typical, parabolic, allegorical, allu dive, implied, inferential, implicit, understood. 522. Interpb station, exege- sis, explanation explication, expounding, exposition, (para- phiase.) Translation, version, (render- ing,) construction, reading, res- toration. Comment, commentary, illus- tration, exemplification, defini- tion, elucidation, dilucidation, gloss, glossary, annotation, scho- lium, note, key, master key, an- swer, 462. V. To interpret, expound, ex- plain, construe, translate, render, turn into, transfuse the sense of. To read, spell, make out, deci- pher, unfold, disentangle, elicit the meaning of, find the key of, unriddle, unravel, resolve, 480, restore. To elucidate, illustrate, exem- plify, comment upon, define, un- fold. Adj. Explanatory, expository, explicatory, exegetical. Paraphrastic, metaphrastic, literal. Adv. That is to say, in other words, in plain words, simply, in plain English. Literally, verbatim, strictly speaking. 523. Misinte73>retation,mis- apprehension, misunderstanding, misconstructior, misspelling,mis- application, mistake. Misrepresentation, perversion, falsification, misquotation, gar- bling, exaggeration, 549, false coloring, abuse of terms, parody, travesty, misstatement, &c., 544. V. To misinterpret, misappre- hend, misunderstand, miscon- ceive, misspell, mistranslate, mis- construe, misapply, mistake, 495. To misstate, &c., 544 • to per- vert, falsify, distort, travesty, stretch, strain, or wrest the sense or meaning; to misquote, garble, belie, explain away. Adj. Misinterpreted, &c., un- translated, untranslatable. 524. Interpreter, expositor, scholiast, commentator, (annota- tor,) speaker, mouthpiece, dragoman. Section II. Modes oe Communication. 525. Manifestation, expres- sion, showing, &c., indication, exposition, demonstration, exhi- bition, production, display, show- ing off. Openness, frankness, 543, pub- licity, 531. V. To manifest, show, express, indicate, point out, bring forth, bring forward, set forth, exhibit, expose, produce, bring into view, set before one, hold up to view, lay open, lay bare, expose to 526. Latency, secrecy, secret ness, privacy, invisibility, see 447, occultness, darkness, silence, closeness, reserve, inexpression. A sealed book. Retirement, seclusion, 893. V. To be latent, &c., to keep back, reserve, suppress, keep close, keep secret, keep to one’s self, hold one’s peace, leave m the dark, hush up. Adj. Latent, secret, close, dor- mant, unapparent, unknown, 491, 162 COMMUNICATION OF IDEAS. view, set before one’s eyes, show up, shadow forth, bring to light, display, demonstrate, to unroll, unve'l, unmask, disclose, see 529, to elicit, educe, draw out, bring out, disinter. To be manifested, &c., to ap- pear, transpire, come to light, to come out, see Visibility, 446. Adj. Manifest, clear, apparent, evident, visible, 446, prominent, in the foreground, (in full view,) salient, open, conspicuous, palpa- ble, glaring. Manifested, shown, expressed. &c., disclosed, see 529, frank, ca- pable of being shown, produci Die. Adv. Openly, before one’s eyes, face to face, above board, in open court, in open daylight, in the open streets. in the background, occult, pri- vate, privy, sequestered. Unconspicuous, indiscoverable, unperceived, invisible, 447, un- seen, unwitnessed, impenetrable, unspied, unsuspected. Untold,unpublished,unbreathed, untalked of, unsung, unpro- nounced, unreported, unexposed, unproclaimed, unexpressed, not expressed, tacit, implied, unde- veloped, unsolved, unexplained, undiscovered, untracked, unex- plored, uninvented. 527. Information, communi- cation, intimation, notice, notifi- cation, enunciation, announce- ment, annunciation, statement, specification, report, advice, mo- nition, mention, acquainting, &c., intercommunication, communica- tiveness. An informant, teller, intelligen- cer, messenger, 534, authority. Hint, suggestion, 514, insinua- tion, inuendo, wink, glance, leer, nod, shrug, gesture, whisper, im- plication, cue. V. To inform, acquaint, tell, mention, express, intimate, com- municate, apprise, make known, notify, signify to, let one know, advise, state, specify, give notice, announce, annunciate, report, set forth, bring word, send word, leave word, write word, declare, pro- nounce, explain, undeceive; to convey the knowledge cf; to open the eyes of; to give an account of. To say, &c., see 582. To hint, give an inkling of; give, throw out, or drop a hint; insinuate, allude to, glance at, make allusion to; to wink, glance, 528. Concealment, hiding, &c., secrecy, stealth, stealthiness, slyness, disguise, masquerade, mystery, mystification, freema- sonry, reservation, suppression, reserve, uncommunicativeness ; a secret path, a trap door. A mask, visor, ambush, &c., see 530, enigma, riddle, &c. 533. V. To conceal, hide, secrete, cover, screen, cloak, veil, shroud, shade, eclipse, ensconce, muffle, mask, disguise. To keep from, lock up, seal up, bury, sink, suppress, hush up, keep snug or close, &c. To keep in ignorance, blind, hoodwink, mystify, pose, puzzle, perplex, embarrass, bewilder, &c., 545. To ignore; to shut one’s eyes ; to turn a deaf ear to. To be concealed, &c., to lurk, skulk, smoulder, lie hid, lie in ambush, sneak, retire, steal into, steal along. To conceal one’s self, put on a veil, mask, &c., 530; to retire from sight. Jdj. Concealed, hid, hidden, PUBLICATION. 163 leer, nod, shrug, give the cue, wave, whisper, si ggest, prompt, whisper in the ear. To be informed, &c., of; made acquainted with; to understand. To hear of; to come to one’s ears, to come to one’s knowledge, to reach one’s ears. Adj. Informed, &c., of, made acquainted with; undeceived. Reported, made known,bruited. Expressive, significant, preg- nant with meaning, &c., see 516, declaratory, enunciative, nuncu- patory, expository, communica- tory, communicative. Adv. Expressively, significant- ly, &e. By post, courier, express, tele- graph, messenger, &c., 534. &c., secret, au.ncuiar, clandes- tine, close, furtive, surreptitious, stealthy, underhand, sly, sneak- ing, skulking, undivulged, unre- vealed, undisclosed, unmer.* tioned. Mysterious, mystic, mystical, enigmatical, problematical, para- doxical, occult, recondite, ab- struse, unexplained, impenetra- ble, indiscoverable, inexplicable, in a maze, irrevealable, undis- covered. Covered, closed, shrouded, veil- ed, masked, screened, shaded, disguised, under cover, under a cloud, veil, &e., in a fog, haze, mist, &c., under an eclipse. Reserved, uncommunicative, mum, taciturn, 585. Adv. Secretly, clandestinely, privily, in secret, incognito, with closed doors, under the rose, underhand, privately, in private, behind one’s back; one’s back being turned, behind the scenes, behind the curtain. Confidentially, between ourselves, between you and me, in strict confidence ; it must go no farther. 529. Disclosure, revealment, j revelation, exposition. Acknowledgment, avowal, con- fession. V. To disclose, open, lay open, divulge, reveal, unfold, let drop, let out, lay open, acknowledge, allow, admit, concede, grant, own, confess, avow; to unburden or disburden one’s mind or one’s conscience, to unbosom one’s self, to open one’s mind. To unfold, unseal, unveil, unmask. To blab, let out, tell tales, speak out. To make public, publish, see 531. To make no secret of, to disabuse, undeceive. To be disclosed, revealed, &c., to come out, to transpire, to ooze out, to creep out. Adj. Disclosed, revealed, divulged, laid open, &c., unrid- dled, &c. Open, public, exoteric. 530. Ambush, hiding-place, re- treat, cover, lurking-hole, secret- place, recess, ambuscade, trap, gin, see 545. A mask,veil,visor,cloak, screen, curtain, shade, cover, disguise, masquerade dress, domino. V. To lie in ambush, lurk, lie in wait for, lay or set a trap for. 531. Publication, announcement, notification, enunciation, an nunciation, advertisement, promulgation, circulation, propagation, proclamation. 164 COMMUNICATION OF IDEAS Publicity, notoriety, currency, flag]ancy, cry, bruit, rumor, fame report, the town talk. Notice, notification, manifesto, advertisement, (despatch,) placard, bill, newspapers, gazette. V. To publish, make known, announce, notify, annunciate, broach, set forth, put forth, emit, give forth, give out, utter, advertise, placard, circulate, propagate, spread, spread abroad, promulgate, edit, rumor, diffuse, disseminate, blaze about; blaze or noise abroad; bandy, hawk about, trumpet, herald, give tongue, raise a cry, raise a hue and cry; to bring, lay, or drag before the public, give currency to. To be published, &c., to become public, to go forth, to get abroad, to get wind, to get afloat, to acquire currency, to spread, to go the rounds. Adj. Published, &c., made public, rumored, rife, current, floating, afloat, notorious, flagrant, whispered, disseminated, reported, trum- pet-tongued, encyclical. 532. News, piece of informa- [ tion, intelligence, tidings, budget of news, word, advice, message, errand, embassy, despatch, bul- letin. Report, rumor, hearsay, fame, talk, gossip, scandal, bruit; the town talk. Letters, mail, post, 592, letter bag, (telegraphic despatch.) Glad tidings; fresh news, old news, stale news; a stale story. 533. Secret, profound secret, mystery, problem, enigma, riddle, puzzle, conundrum, charade, re- bus, logograph, monogram, para- dox, maze, labyrinth, perplexity. 534. Messenger, envoy, nuncio, internuncio, herald, ambassa- dor, legate, emissary. Marshal, crier, trumpeter, pursuivant, courier, runner. Narrator, &c., talebearer, spy, scout. ; 7 7 ~rj 1 535. Affirmation, predica-1 tion, assertion, declaration, word, averment, asseveration, protesta- tion, protest, profession, deposi- tion, avouchment, assurance, al- legation, acknowledgment, avow- al, confession, oath. Remark, observation, position, (ground,) thesis, proposition, say- ing, dictum, theorem. Positiveness, dogmatism. V. To assert, make an asser- tion, &c., say, affirm, predicate, declare, profess, aver, avouch, hold out, put forth, advance, al- lege, propose, propound, broach, set forth, maintain, contend, pro- nounce, pretend, pass or hazard an opinion, &c.; to reassert, reaffirm. 536. Negation, abnegation, denial, disavowal, disclaimer, ab- juration, contradiction, contraven- tion, retraction, retractation, re- cantation, renunciation, recusan- cy- Qualification, modification,469. V. To deny, disown, contradict, negative, gainsay, contravene, disclaim, withdraw, eat one’s words, recant, disavow, retract, revoke, abjure. To dispute, impugn, question, call in question, give the lie to, rebut, belie. Adj. Denying, &c., denied, &c., contradictory, recusant. Adv. No, nay, not, see 489. TEACHER — LEARNER. To roucli, assure, vow, swear, take oath, recognize, avow, acknowledge, own, confess, announce. To dogmatize, lay down, lay down the law; to call Heaven to witness, protest, depose, warrant. Adj. Asserting, &c., dogmatic, positive, absolute, emphatic, predicable, pronunciative. Positive, broad, round, express, explicit, pointed, marked, distinct, decided, formal, solemn, categorical, peremptory, emphatic. Adv. Positively, broadly, roundly, flatly, emphatically, &c. 537. Teaching, instruction, direction, guidance, tuition, in- culcation, indoctrination, expla- nation. Education, initiation, prepara- tion, training, schooling, disci- pline, exercise, drill, exercitation, breaking in, taming, drilling, &c., persuasion, edification, prosely- tism, propagandism. A lesson, lecture, prolusion, pre- .ection, exercise, task. Rudiments,elements, textbook, guide book, school book. V. To teach, instruct, enlighten, edify, inculcate, indoctrinate, in- stil, imbue, inoculate, infuse, im- pregnate, graft, infix, ingraft, im- plant, sow the seeds of, infiltrate, give an idea of, cram. To explain, expound, lecture, hold forth, read a lecture or ser- mon, give a lesson, preach; ser- monize, moralize, point a moral. To educate, train, discipline, school, form, ground, tutor, pre- pare, qualify, drill, exercise, bring up, nurture, break in, tame. To direct, guide, put in the way of, put one up to, enlighten, set right; to give one new ideas. To persuade, convince; bring over, bring round or win over to an opinion. Adi. Teaching, &c., taught, &c. Didactic, academic, doc- trinal, disciplinal, instructive, scholastic, persuasive. 538. Misteaching, misdirec- tion, misinformation, misguid- ance, misinstruction, perversion, false teaching, (misleading.) Indocility, incapacity, dulness. V. To misinform, mislead, mis- direct, misguide, misinstruct, mis- correct, pervert, lead into error, bewilder, mystify, 528, to un- teach. Adj. Misteaching, &c., unedi- fying. 539. Learning, acquisition of knowledge, acquirement, attain- ment, scholarship, erudition, in- struction, study, &c., see Knowl- edge, 490, apprenticeship. Docility, aptitude, aptness to be taught, persuasibility, capaci- ty- *■ V. To learn; to acquire, gain, catch, receive, imbibe, pick up, gather; collect, glean, &c., know- ledge or information. To hear, overhear, catch hold of, take in, drink in, master. Adj. Docile, apt, teachable, per- suasible, studious. / A 7 , 7 7 A 540. Teacher, instructor, mas-! 541. Learner, scholar, stu- ter, director, tutor, preceptor, in- dent, disciple, pupil, schoolboy, stitutor, Mentor, adviser, monitor, beginner, tyro, abecedarian, nov- counsellor, disciplinarian, guide, ice. cicerone, pioneer, governess. Proselyte, convert, catechu COMMUNICATION OF IDEAS. 166 men, class, form, (division, sec- tion.) Pupilage, apprenticeship, no- vitiate, matriculation. Orator,speaker,mouthpiece,582. Professor, lecturer, reader, pre- lector, (principal, head master, assistant teacher, schoolmaster, schoolmistress, schooldame,) ush- er. pedagogue. 542. School, university, college, seminary, lyceum, academy, institute, institution, gymnasium, (Latin school, high school, gram- mar school, secondary or intermediate school, primary school, infant school, charity school, public school, common school, law, medical, divinity school, theological seminary, scientific school, polytechnic school, normal school, young ladies’ seminary, boarding school, family school, school of design, asylum for the deaf mutes, for the blind, for idiots.) Horn book, rudiments, school book, manual. Professorship, lectureship, chair, forum, stage, rostrum, platform, pulpit. Adj. Scholastic, academic. 543. Veracity, truthfulness, truth,sincerity,frankness, straight- forwardness, ingenuousness, can- dor, honesty, fidelity, openness, unreservedness, bluntness, plain- ness, plain speaking, plain deal- -Tig-. Simplicity, artlessness,703, love of truth. V. To speak the truth, speak one’s mind, think aloud. Adj. Truthful, true, veracious, sincere, candid, frank, open, free- spoken,open-hearted, iionest, sim- ple, simple-hearted, ingenuous, blunt, plain-spoken, straightfor- j ward, fair, artless, guileless, pure, natural, unaffected, simple-mind- ed, undisguised, unfeigned, un- flattering. Adv. Truly, &c., 494, above beard, broadly. 544. Falsehood, falseness, mendacity, falsification, perver- sion of truth, romance, forgery, prevarication, equivocation, shuf- fling, evasion, unfairness, dishon- esty, misrepresentation. Insincerity, duplicity, double dealing, dissimulation, dissem- bling, hypocrisy, cant, humbug, Jesuitry, mental reservation, dis- guise, simulation, acting, sham, pretending, &c., crocodile tears, false coloring, art, artfulness, 702, perjury, deceiver, see 548. V. To be false, &c., to speak falsely, lie, fib, tell a lie or un- truth, &c., 546, to mistake, misre- port, misrepresent, falsify, pre- varicate, equivocate, palter, shuf- fle, fence, mince the truth. To forswear, swear false, per. jure one’s self, bear false wit- ness. To garble, gloss over, disguise, , color, varnish, dress up, put a false coloring or construction upon, 523. Tc invent, fabricate, trump up, forge, romance. To dissemble, dissimulate, feign, assume, put on, act or play a part, simulate, pass off for, counterfeit, sham, make believe, cant. Adj. False, dishonest, faithless, truthless, unfair, uncandid, disingenuous, hollow, insincere, canting, hypocritical, Jesuili- EXAGGERATIC N. 167 cal, pharisaical, double, double-tongued, double-faced, smooth tongued, plausible. Artful, insidious, sly, designing, diplomatic, Machiavelian. Untrue, unfounded, fictitious, invented, forged, falsified, &c., counterfeit, spurious, sham, mock, disguised, simulated, &c., artificial, supposititious, colorable, catchpenny, illusory, elusory, surreptitious, ironical Adv. Falsely, &c. 545. Deception, fraud, deceit, guile, imposition, artifice, juggle, juggling, sleight of hand, legerdemain, conjuration, trickery, fraudu- lence, imposture, circumvention, collusion. Quackery, charlatanism, charlatanry, empiricism, humbug, mum- mery. Stratagem, trick, cheat, wile, artifice, fraud, deception, ruse, ma- noeuvre, finesse, hoax, forgery, delusion. Snare, trap, pitfall, decoy, gin, springe, noose, net, meshes, am- bush, ambuscade, see 547. V. To deceive, mislead, cheat, impose upon, practise upon, cir- cumvent, play upon, put upon, dupe, mystify, blind, hoodwink, out- reach, trick, hoax, befool, entrap, beguile, lure, inveigle, decoy, in- snare, entangle, lay a snare for, trip up. To defraud, cheat, take in, jockey, cozen, jilt, swindle, victim- ize, outwit, overreach, palm upon, foist upon, balk, trump up. Adj. Deceiving, cheating, &c. Deceived, duped, &c. Deceptive, deceitful, illusive, illusory, delusory, (delusive,) elu- sive, insidious. 546. Untruth, falsehood, lie, falsity, fiction, fabrication, sto- ry, fable, novel, romance, humbug, white lie. Falsification, perjury, forgery, false swearing, misstatement, mis- representation. Pretence, pretext, profession, subterfuge, evasion, disguise, irony, plea, 617, claptrap, shuffle, shift, mask, cloak, veil. 548. Deceiver, liar, hypocrite, shuffler, dissemble, Pharisee, Je- suit, Janus. Pretender, imposter, kna re, cheat, rogue, trickster, juggler, swindler, sharper, jockey, blackleg, sharp, gipsy. Quack, charlatan, mountebank, empiric, quacksalver. Actor, player, tumbler, posture master. 547. Dupe, gull, victim, pup- pet, see Credulity, 486. 549. Exaggeration, hyperbole, stretch, strain, coloring, flourish, vagary, bombast, figure of speech, flight of fancy, extravagance, rhodomontade, see Boasting, 884. V. To exaggerate, amplify, heighten, overcharge, overstate; over- draw, overcolor, puff, overlay, strain, stretch, flourish; to hyperbo- lize, aggravate. Adj. Exaggerated, &.C., hyperbolical, turgid, highly-colored, ex travagant, bombastic. COMMUNICATION OF IDEAS. 168 Section JIJ. Means of communicating Ideas. 550. Indication, symbolization, notation, prefigurement, repre- sentation, 554, exposition, notice, 527, trace, 551. A sign, symbol, index, point or exponent, indicator, mark, token, symptom, type, figure, emblem, cipher, device, motto. Lineament, feature, line, stroke, dash, trait, score, stripe, streak, dot, point, notch, asterisk, red letter, Italics, print, impress, imprint, underlining, jotting. For identification: Badge, criterion, check, countercheck, coun- tersign, duplicate, tally, counterfoil, label, ticket, billet, card, bill, witness, voucher, signature, handwriting, sign-manual, cipher, seal, signet, autograph, superscription, indorsement, title, heading, watch- word, password. Insignia: Banner, Lmneret, flag, colors, streamer, standard, eagle, ensign, pennon, pennant, pendant, gonfalon; crest, arms, armorial bearings, shield, escutcheon, livery, cockade, epaulet. Indication of locality: Beacon, post, staff, flagstaff, hand, pointer, vane, guidepost, handpost, finger post, directing post, signpost, landmark, seamark, lighthouse, polestar, loadstar, cynosure, guide, address, direction, signboard, watchfire. Monitory indication: Signal, rocket, bluelight, nod, wink, beck, cue. gesture, gesticulation, dumb show, pantomime, telegraph. Indication of danger: Alarm, alarum, alarm bell, tocsin, beat of drum, fire cross, sound of trumpet, war cry, war whoop. Badge of authority, 747; of triumph, 733. V. To indicate, point out, be the sign, &c., of, denote, betoken, represent, stand for, typify, shadow forth, argue, bear the impress of, witness, attest, testify. To put an indication, mark, &c.; to note, mark, stamp, label, tick- et, indorse, sign, countersign: put, append, or affix a seal or signa- ture; set one’s hand to, jot down, book, score, trace, chalk, under- line, print, imprint, engrave, stereotype, make an impress of. To make a sign, signal, &c., signalize ; give or hang out a signal; give notice, beckon, beck, nod, wink, give the cue; wave, unfurl, hoist or hang out a banner, flag, &c., show one’s colors; give or sound an alarm, beat the drum, sound the trumpets, raise a cry, &c. Adj. Indicating, &c., indicatory, indicative, typical, symptomatic, exponential, emblematic, attesting, armorial. Indicated, &c., typified, impressed, &c. Capable of being denoted, denotable, indelible. 1. Natural Means. 551. Record, trace, vestige, I relic, remains, scar, footstep, foot- mark,footprint,footfall, wake, trail, scent. Monument, trophy, obelisk, pil- lar, column, testimonial, memo- rial, medal. 552. Suppression of sign. Obliteration, erasure, rasure, cancel, cancellation, deletion, ap plication of the sponge. V. To efface, obliterate, erase, raze, expunge, cancel, blot out, take out, rub out, scratch out. PAINTING. strike out, wipe out, wash out, sponge, render illegible. To be effaced, &c., to leave no trace. Adi. Obliterated, effaced, &c., printless, leaving no trace. Unrecorded, unregistered, in- testate ; unattested, unauthenti- cated. 169 Note, minute, register, registry, memorandum, document, vouch- er, protocol, inscription. Paper, parchment, scroll, in- strument, deed, 771, testament, will, roll, archive, schedule, tab- let, cartulary, table, affidavit, cer- tificate, attestation, entry, diplo- ma, protest, muster roll, muster book, note book, commonplace book, portfolio. Chronicle, annals, gazette, newspaper, gazetteer, state paper, almanac, calendar, ephem- eris, diary, log, journal, see History, 594, and List, 86. Registration, tabulation, enrolment, entry, booking. V. To record, note, register, chronicle, calendar; to make an entry of, insert; to enter, book, take a note of, post, enroll, jot down, take down, mark, sign, &c., 550; to tabulate, cata- logue, file. Adj. Registered, &c. 553. Recorder, notary, clerk, registrar, registrary, prothonotary, secretary, scribe, remembrancer, historian, annalist, &c., book- keeper. 554. Representation, delin- eation. Art, the fine arts, design, de- signing, illustration, imitation, 19, copy, 21. An image, likeness, effigy, fac simile, imagery, figure, puppet, doll, manikin, model, 599, wax- work. Hieroglyphic, anaglyph, inscription, diagram, monogram, draught. Map, plan, chart, ground plan, projection, elevation, ico- nography, atlas, outline, scheme, schedule. V. To represent, delineate, design, figure; to shadow out, copy, mould. To imitate, impersonate, personate, personify, act, take off, nit off. Adj. Representing, &c.; artistic, imitative. 555. Misrepresentation,dis- tortion, 243, caricature, a bad likeness, daub, scratch, sign painting, anamorphosis ; mis- print, erratum 556. Painting, depicting, &c., photography, &c. Drawing in pencil, crayons, chalk, water colors. Painting in oils, in distemper, in fresco; encaustic painting, enamel painting, scene painting. A picture, drawing, painting, sketch, outline, (group,) tableau, cartoon, fresco; pencil, &c., drawing; oil, &c., painting; daguerre- otype, talbotype, photograph; mosaic, tapestry, &c., picture gallery. Portrait, portraiture, likeness, miniature, profile, silhouette. Landscape, view, still-life. 170 COMMUNICATION OF IDEAS. V. To paint, depict, portray, draw, sketch, pencil, dash off, chalK out, shadow out, adumbrate; daguerreotype, &c., to take a portrait, to take a likeness. Adj. Painted, &c.; pictorial, graphic, picturesque; like, &c., 17. 557. Sculpture, carving, modelling. A statue, statuary, statuette, figure, model, bust, image, cast, mar- ble, intaglio, anaglyph; medallion, cameo. V. To sculpture, carve, cut, chisel, model, mould, cast. Adj. Sculptured, &c. 558. Engraving, etching, xylography, &e. A print, engraving, impression, plate, cut, woodcut, vignette. An etching, mezzotint, aquatint, stippling, lithograph. V. To engrave, grave, etch, lithograph, print, &c. 559. Artist, painter, limner, draughtsman, drawer, sketcher, de- signer, engraver, copyist. Academician; historical, landscape, portrait, miniature, scene, sign, &c., painter; engraver. A sculptor, carver, modeller. Implements of art: Pen, pencil, brush, chalk, crayon; stump, graver, style, burin, canvas, easel, pallet, &c.; studio. 2. Conventional Means. 1. Language generally. 560. Language, tongue, vernacular, mother tongue, vulgar tongue, native tongue; the king’s English; the genius of a lan- guage. Speech, see 582. Literature, letters, polite literature, the belles lettres, the muses, the humanities; the republic of letters. Scholarship, 490, scholar, 492. V. To express by words. Adj. Literary, linguistic, dialectic, vernacular, current, polyglot, pantomimic. 561. Letter, alphabet; character, 591, hieroglyphic. Conso- nant, vowel, diphthong. Syllable, monosyllable, polysyllable. J > J ) i J - J 562. Word, term, vocable, monogram, cipher, terminology, etymon. A dictionary, vocabulary, lexi- con, index, polyglot, glossary, thesaurus; lexicography; a lexi- cographer. Derivation, etymology. Adj. Verbal, literal, titular. Similarly derived, conjugate. , Adj. Nominally, &c., verbatim, word for word, literally. 563. Neology,neologism,bar- barism, slang, cant, by-word. A pun, play upon words, co- nundrum, acrostic. Dialect, brogue, provincialism, broken English. 564. Nomenclature. A name, appellation, designa- ion, appellative, denomination, 565. Misnomer, missaying, antiphrasis, nickname, assumed name or title, alias. CONCISENESS —DIFFUSENESS. 171 term, expression, epithet, style, title, cognomen, patronymic, sur- name. Synonyme, namesake ; eu- phemism. Quotation, citation. V. To name, call, term, de- nominate, designate, style, enti- tle, dub, christen, characterize, specify, define, distinguish. To be called, &c., to take the name of, quote, cite. Adj. Named, called, &c., known as; nuncupatory, nuncu- pative, cognominal, titular, nominal. Literal, verbal. V. To misname, missay, mis- call, misterm, nickname. To assume a name; to coin words. Adj. Misnamed,pseudonymous, &c., self-called, self-styled, new- fangled expressions. Nameless, anonymous, without a name, having no name, innomi- nate, unnamed. 568. Phrase, expression, phraseology, paraphrase, periphrasis, circumlocution, set phrase, round terms; mode or turn of expres- sion ; idiom, wording, plain terms, plain English. Sentence, paragraph, motto. Figure, trope, metaphor, 521, antiphrasis. V. To express, phrase, couch, clothe in words, to give expression to. Adv. Expressed, &c.. couched in; periphrastic, circumlocutory. 567. Grammar, accidence, ru- diments, syntax, punctuation, philology. V. To parse, (analyze,) punc- tuate. 568. Solecism, bad or falsa grammar, slip of the pen or tongue, bull. V. To use bad or faulty gram- mar, to commit a solecism. Adj. Ungrammatical, incorrect, faulty, inaccurate. 569. Style, diction, phraseology, turn of expression, idiom, man- ner, strain, composition, authorship. 570. Perspicuity, lucidness, clearness, plain speaking, intelli- gibility, 518. Adj. Perspicuous, clear, lucid, intelligible, plain, transparent, correct. Various Qualities of Style. 571. Obscurity, ambiguity, &c., see Unintelligibility, 519, in- volution, vagueness. Adj. Obscure, confused, am biguous, vague, unintelligible, &c., involved. 572. Conciseness, brevity, briefness, terseness, compression, condensation, laconism, pithiness, succintness, quaintness, stiffness. V. To be concise, &c., to con- dense, compress, abridge, abbre- viate, cut short, curtail, abstract. Adj. Concise, brief, short, terse, neat, compact, laconic, pithy, 573. Diffuseness, prolixity, verbosity, pleonasm, tautology, copiousness, exuberance, laxity, looseness, verbiage, flow, pleo- nasm, digression, circumlocution, periphrasis, redundance, episode, expletive, see Length, 200. V. To be diffuse, &c., to expa- tiate, enlarge, launch out, dilate, 172 COMMUNICATION OF IDEAS. nervous, succinct, quaint, stiff, close, cramped, elliptical. Adv. In short, briefly, in a word, in a few words; to the point. expand, spin out, dwell, liarp on, insist upon, descant, digress, ram- ble, rant. Adj. Diffuse, wordy, verbose, prolix, copious, exuberant, flow- ing, bombastic, lengthy, long- winded, spun out, long-spun, loose, lax, frothy, flatulent, di- gressive, discursive, excursive, rambling, pleonastic, peri- phrastic, episodic. Minute, detailed, particular, circumstantial. Adv. In detail. 574. Vigor, power, force, spir- it, point, raciness, liveliness, glow, warmth, piquancy, bold- ness, gravity, sententiousness, elevation, loftiness, sublimity, eloquence. Adj. Vigorous, powerful, forci- ble, nervous, spirited, lively, glowing, sparkling, racy, bold, piquant, pointed, antithetical, sententious, lofty, elevated, sub- lime, eloquent, vehement, impas- sioned, full of point, poetic, &c. 575. Feebleness, baldness, tameness, meagreness, coldness, frigidity, poverty, puerility, child- ishness, dulness. Adj. Feeble, bald, tame, mea- gre, jejune, vapid, cold, frigid, poor, dull, languid, prosing, prosy, prosaic. 576. Plainness, simplicity, homeliness, chasteness, neatness, dryness, monotony, severity. Adj. Simple, unornamental, plain, unadorned, homespun, dry, unvaried, monotonous, severe, &c. . 577. Ornament, floridness, richness, flourish, flower o f speech; well-rounded periods; high-sounding words; turgidity, pomposity, inflation, pretension, fustian, affectation, inversion, fig- urativeness, rant, bombast, frothi- ness. V. To ornament, overcharge, overlay with ornament, to round a period. Adj. Ornamented, &c., florid, rich, pedantic, affected, pom- pous, declamatory, fustian, high-sounding, sententious, in- flated, bombastic, high-flowing, frothy, flowery, turgid, swelling, grandiose, grandiloquent, magniloquent; John- 578. Elegance, grace, ease, nature, purity, concinnity, readi- ness, euphony. Adj. Elegant, polished, classi- cal, attic, Ciceronian, graceful, easy, natural, unlabored, chaste, pure, flowing, mellifluous, eupho- nious, rhythmical. 579. Inelegance, stiffness, uncouthness, barbarism, rude- ness, abruptness, artificialness, affectation, cacophony. V. To be inelegant, &c. Adj. Inelegant, dry, stiff, forced, harsh, cramped, rude, crude, un- couth, barbarous, affected, arti- ficial, graceless, abrupt LOQUACITY — TACITURNITY. 173 2. Spoken Language. 580. Voice, vocality, vocali- zation, utterance, accent, cry, strain, articulate sound, articula- tion, enunciation, delivery, pro- nunciation, orthoepy; euphony. Cadence, accent, accentuation, emphasis, stress, intonation, ex- clamation, ejaculation, vocifera- tion, ventriloquism, polypho- :iism. A ventriloquist, polyphonist. Science of voice; Phonetics, Phonology. V. To utter, breathe, cry, ex- claim, shout, ejaculate, vocif- erate; raise, lift, or strain the voice; to vocalize, articulate, enunciate, pronounce, accentuate, aspirate deliver, mouth. Adj. Vocal, oral, articulate. Silvery, euphonious, mellow, mellifluous, soft, (sonorous, clear, shrill,) see Melodious, 413. 582. Speech, talk, parlance, verbal intercourse, oral commu- nication, word of mouth, palaver, prattle, effusion, oration, recita- tion, delivery, harangue, formal speech. Oratory,elocution, rhetoric, dec- lamation, eloquence, grandilo- quence, magniloquence. A speaker, spokesman, prolo- cutor, mouthpiece, orator. V. To speak, break silence, say, tell, talk, discourse, hold forth, make or deliver a speech, harangue, declaim, flourish,spout, rant, recite, expatiate, lecture, sermonize, soliloquize, 589. Adj. Speaking, &c., oral, spo- ken, unwritten, outspoken. 581. Aphony, absence or want of voice, dumbness, muteness, speechlessness, hoarseness, va- cuity. V. To render mute, to muzzle, to gag, to strike dumb, dum- founder. Adj. (Voiceless,)dumb,speech- less, mute, tongueless, muzzled, tongue-tied, inarticulate, inaudi- ble, unspoken, lips closed or sealed, wordless, deaf-mute, rau- cous, hoarse. (Dry, husky, sharp, screeching, hollow, sepulchral voice.) 583. Imperfect speech, inar- ticulateness. Stammering, stuttering, im- pediment in one’s speech, falter- ing, hesitation, lisp, drawl, sput- ter, mumbling, mincing, mutter- ing, mouthing, twang, a broken or cracked voice, broken accents or sentences, falsetto, a whis- per. V. To stammer, stutter, hesi- tate, falter, mumble, lisp, jabber, gibber, mutter, sputter, drawl, mouth, lisp, croak, speak through the nose, snuffle, clip one’s words, mispronounce. To speak aside, whisper. Adj. Stammering, &c., inartic- ulate, guttural, nasal. 584. Loquacity, loquacious- ness, talkativeness, garrulity, flow of Avords, prate, verbosity, chatter, prattle, rattle, twaddle. Fluency, flippancy, volubility. A chatterer, chatterbox, bab- 585. Taciturnity, closeness, reserve, muteness, silence. V. To be silent, &c , 403, keep silence, hold one’s peace, say- nothing, close one’s mouth or lips. COMMUNICA IION OF IDEAS. 174 bier, ranter, sermonizer, proser, gossip, driveller. V. To be loquacious, &c., to prate, palaver, prose, chatter, prattle, babble, outtalk, descant, dilate, dwell on, expatiate, launch out. Adj. Loquacious, talkative, gar- rulous, open-mouthed, chatty, co- sy, chattering, &c., Fluent, voluble, glib, flippant, long-winded. To render silent, silence, put to silence, seal one’s lips, smother, suppress, stop one’s mouth, gag, muffle, muzzle. Adj. Taciturn, close, reserved, mute, sparing of words, uncom- municative, inconversable. 586. Allocution, address, apostrophe, appeal, invocation, salutation. V. To speak to, address, accost, apostrophize, appeal to, invoke, hail, make up to, call to, halloo, salute. Adi. Accosting, &c. 587. Response, answer, reply, &c., see 462. V. To answer, respond, reply, &c. Adj. Answering, responding, replying, &c., respondent, respon- sive, see 462. 588. Interlocution, collocu- tion, colloquy, conversation, con- verse, confabulation, talk, dis- course, verbal intercourse, dia- logue, logomachy, communica- tion, commerce. Chat, chitchat, small talk, ta- ble talk, tattle, gossip, idle talk. Conference, parley, interview, audience, reception, palaver, de- bate. A talker, interlocutor, gossip, tattler, chatterer, babbler. V. To talk together, converse, discourse with, engage in conversation; hold or carry on a conversation; chat, gossip, tattle, babble, prate, 584, prattle; to put in a word. To confer with, hold conference, &c., to parley, palaver, hold intercourse with, be closeted with, commune with. Adj. Conversing, &c., interlocutory, verbal, colloquial, cosy, chatty, gossiping, &c., conversible. 589. Soliloquy, monologue, apostrophe. V. To soliloquize ; to say or talk to one’s self; to say aside, to think aloud, to apostrophize. Adj. Soliloquizing, &c. 3. Written Language. 590. Writing, chirography, penmanship, caligraphy. Scribble, scrawl, scratch, scrib- bling, &c., jotting, interlineation. Transcription, inscription, su- perscription. minute. Shorthand, stenography,tachig- raphy. 591. Printing, print, letter- press, text, context, note, page, &c. Typography, &c., type, charac- ter, black letter, font, pie, &c., capitals, majuscules. Folio, quarto, medium, octavo duodecimo, octodecimo, &c. DESCRIPTION. 175 Secret writing, writing in ci- pher, cryptography. Composition, authorship. Manuscript, copy, transcript, rough copy, fair copy, hand-, writing, autograph, signature, sign manual. A scribe, amanuensis, scrivener, secretary, clerk, penman, copyist, transcriber, penny-a-liner. Writer, author, scribbler, pamphleteer, essayist, novelist, fabulist; reporter, editor, (critic, reviewer;) bookseller, bib- liopole. Pen. quill, pencil, style, paper, parchment, vellum, tablet, 3late, &c. V. To write, pen, write out, copy, engross, write out fair, transcribe, scribble, scrawl, scratch, interline; to sign, under- sign, countersign, indorse, set one’s hand to. To compose, indite, draw up, minute, jot down, make or take a minute of, put or set down in writing; to indite, to dictate. Adj. Writing, &c., written, in writing, penned, &c. V. To print, put to press, pub- lish, edit, get out a work, &c. Adj. Printed, &c. 592. Correspondence, letter, epistle, note, billet, missive, cir- cular, billet doux, despatch, bul- letin. Letter bag, mail, post. V. To correspond, write to, send a letter to. 593. Book, writing, work, vol- ume, tome, library, tract, codex, manual, pamphlet, circular, pub- lication, part, number, journal, album. Knowledge of books; biblio- graphy. Paper, bill, sheet, leaf, flyleaf, page. Chapter, section, paragraph, head, article, passage, clause. 594. Description, historiography, account, statement, report, re- turn delineation, monograph, sketch, representation, narration, narrative, relation, recital, rehearsal, annals, chronicle, journal, 551, itinerary, log book. Story, history, memoir, tale, tradition, legend, anecdote, fable, novel, romance, apologue, parable. Biography, necrology, obituary, life, personal narrative, adven- tures, autobiography. An historian, historiographer, narrator, annalist, journalist, biogra- pher, fabulist, novelist. V. To describe, speak of, state, set forth, sketch, delineate, repre- sent, portray, depict, paint, shadow forth, adumbrate. To relate, recite, recount, sum up, run over, recapitulate, narrate, rehearse, tell, give or render an account of, report, draw up a state- ment, &c. To take up or handle a subject; to descend to particulars ; to enter into detail, parti' ulars, &c., to detail, retail; to come to the point. Adj. Descriptive, graphic, well-drawn, historic, traditional, tradi- tionary, legendary, anecdotic, described, &c. 176 COMMUNICATION OF IDEAS. 595. Dissertation, treatise, tract, tractate, essay, discourse, memoir, disquisition, exposition, compilation, sermon, homily, pandect. V. To descant, treat of, discuss, write, compile, touch upon, han- dle or ventilate a subject; to do justice to a subject. Adj. Discursive, expository: compiled, &c. 596. Compendium, compend, summary, abstract, epitome, digest, sum and substance, draft, brief, recapitulation, abridgment, abbrevia- tion, minute, note, synopsis, syllabus, contents, heads, prospectus, (circular.) Scrap book, album, note book, commonplace book, extracts, text book, flowers, anthology. V. To abridge, abstract, abbreviate, recapitulate, run over, skim, make or prepare an abstract, &c., see 201. Adj. Compendius, &c., synoptic, abridged, &c. 597. Poetry, poetics, poesy, the Muse. Verse, metre, measure, foot, numbers, strain, rhyme, blank verse, versification, doggerel rhyme, prosody. Poem, epic, epic poem, ode, epode, idyl, lyrics, eclogue, pas- toral, bucolic, Anacreontic, son- net, lay, roundelay, madrigal, canzonet, opera, anthology, distich, stanza, canto, strophe, couplet, quartrain, cento; monody. A poet, bard, poetess, rhymer, rhymist, versifier, rhymester, sonneteer, poetaster. V. To rhyme, versify, sing, make verses. Adi. Poetical, noetic, lvric, metrical, epic, &c. 598. Prose. A proser, prosaist, (prose wri- ter.) V. To prose. Adj. Prosaic, prosing, rhyme- less, unpoetical, commonplace. -j ; X 7 J 7 7 r -J . . 599. The Drama, stage, theatre, the histrionic art, acting, &c., the buskin, sock. Play, stage play, piece, tragedy, comedy, melodrame, interlude, afterpiece, opera, farce, pantomine, dumb show, puppet show. Theatre, playhouse, stage, scene, the boards, greenroom. An actor, a player, stager, stage player, performer, mime, come- dian, tragedian, Thespian, clown, harlequin, buffoon, star. Dramatic writer, playwright; pantomimist. V. To act, play, perform, personate, 554, play a part, rehearse, spout, rant; to star it. Aaj. Dramatic, theatric, theatrical, scenic, histronic, comic, tragic, buskined, farcical, tragi-comic. WILLINGNESS — UNWILLINGNESS. 177 CLASS V. WORDS RELATING TO THE VOLUNTARY POWERS. Division I. INDIVIDUAL VOLITION. Section I. Volition in general. 1. Acts of Volition. 600. Will, volition, free will, spontaneity, spontaneousness. Pleasure, wish, mind, breast, mood, bosom, heart, discretion, accord. Determination, see 604 j inten- tion, see 620. V. To will, list, think fit, think proper, determine, &c., 604, settle, 609, to take upon one’s self, to volunteer, to have one’s will; to do as one likes, wishes, or chooses; to use or exercise one’s own discretion, see Free- dom, 748. Adj. Voluntary, willing, con- tent, minded, spontaneous, free, left to one’s self, unconstrained, unfettered, unbidden, unasked, uncompelled, of one’s own ac- cord, gratuitous, prepense, ad- vised, express, designed, intend- ed, calculated, premeditated, pre- concerted, predetermined, 611. Adv. At will, at pleasure, spon- taneously, freely, of one’s own acco'd, voluntarily, advisedly, de- signedly, intentionally, purpose- ly, knowingly, determinately, de- liberately, expressly, pointedly, in earnest, in good earnest, stu- diously, purposely. 601. Necessity, instinct,blind impulse, necessitation, fate, des- tiny, doom, 152, foredoom, desti- nation, election, predestination, preordination, compulsion, 774, subjection, 749. The fates, the stars, the plan- ets, astral influence. V. To lie under a necessity, to be fated, doomed, destined, &c., 152, to need be. To necessitate, destine, doom, foredoom, predestine, preordain. To compel, force, constrain, &c., cast a spell, &c., 992. Adi. Necessitated, fated, des- tined, doomed, elect, spellbound. Compelled, forced, &c., inevita- ble, unavoidable, irresistible, ir- revocable, inexorable. Compulsory, involuntary, unin- tentional, undesigned, unintend- ed, instinctive, automatic, blind, mechanical, impulsive, unwit- ting, unaware. Adv. Necessarily, of necessi- ty, perforce, forcibly, compulsori- ly ; on or by compulsion or force, involuntarily, &c., impulsively 612, unwittingly, 491. 602. Willingness, volunta- riness, disp isition, inclination, 603. Unwillingness, invol» untariness, indisposition, indis- 178 INDIVIDUAL VOLITION. leant ag, humor, mood, vein, Lent, bias, propensity, proclivity, apti- tude, predisposition, predilection, proneness, docility, assent, 488. V. To be willing, &c., to in- cline to, lean to, mind, see De- sire, 865, to have lief, to propend. Adj. Willing, fain, disposed, inclined, minded, bent upon, set upon, forward, predisposed, hear- ty, cordial, genial, prepense, do- cile. Free, spontaneous, unforced, unasked, unbiased, unsolicited, undriven, 600. Adv. Willingly, freely, heart- ily, genially, 600, certainly, be it so, 488. posedness, backwardness, disin clination, averseness, aversion, reluctance, repugnance, demur, remissness, slackness, indiffer- ence. Dislike, 867, scrupulousness, scrupulosity, delicacy, demur, scruple, qualm, hesitation, sliri lik- ing, recoil, suspense. A recusant. V. To be unwilling, &c. To demur, stick at, hesitate, 605, waver, hang in suspense, scruple, stickle, boggle, falter; to hang back; to hang fire. Decline, reject, refuse, 764, re- frain, keep from, abstain, recoil, shrink, swerve. Adj. Unwilling, unconsenting, disinclined, indisposed, averse, reluctant, not content, laggard, backward, remiss, slack, indifferent, frigid, scrupulous, repugnant, disliking, 867. Demurring, wavering, &c., refusing, 764. Adv. Unwillingly, &c., perforce. 604. Re solution, determina- tion, decision, resolvedness, fix- edness, steadiness, constancy, unchangeableness, inflexibility, firmness, doggedness, tenacity of purpose, solidity, perseverance. Energy, manliness, vigor, spir- it, spiritedness, pluck, bottom; self-reliance; mastery over one’s 6elf ; self-control. A devotee, zealot, enthusiast. V. To be resolved, &c., to have resolution, &c., to resolve, determine, conclude, make up one’s mind; to stand, keep, or remain firm, &c., to come to a determination; to form a resolu- tion ; to take one’s stand; to stand by, hold by, hold fast, stick to, abide by, adhere to, keep one’s ground, persevere, keep one’s course, hold on, not to fail. To i asist upon; to make a point of. Adj. Resolved,, resolute, firm, steady, steadfast, stanch, stable, constai t. 605. Irresolution, indecis- ion, (want of decision or determi- nation,) indetermination, demur, hesitation, suspense, hesitancy, vacillation, unsteadiness, incon- stancy, wavering, fluctuation, flickering, changeableness, mu- tability, fickleness, levity, trim- ming, softness, weakness. A weathercock, a shuttlecock, a butterfly, a harlequin. V. To be irresolute, &c., to hesitate, hang in suspense, de- bate, demur, waver, balance, va- cillate, quaver, fluctuate, shuffle, blink, boggle, flicker, falter, pal- ter, hang fire, dally with. Adj. Irresolute, undecided, un- resolved, undetermined, vacillat- ing, wavering, hesitating, falter- ing, blinking, shuffling, &c. Unsteady, unstable, unstead- fast, wavering, fickle, changing, changeable, versatile, variable, inconstant, mutable, fluctuating, unsettled, unfixed. Weak, feeble-minded, frail, CAPRICE. 179 Decided, determinate, defin- itive determined, fixed, un- moved, unshaken, unbending, unyielding, unflinching, stiff, in- flexible, unwavering, unswerv- ing, unfaltering, unshrinking, un- diverted, immovable, not to be moved, unhesitating, see Obstinate, 606. Peremptory, indomitable, strenuous, persevering, bent upon, set upon, intent upon, proof against, steeled, staid, serious, irrevocable, irreversible. Adv. Resolutely, &c., without fail. soft, pliant, giddy, volatile, fitful, freakish, lightminded. In suspense, in doubt, see 485. Revocable, reversible. j j j — 606. Obstinacy, obstinate- ness, wilfulness, self-will, perti- nacity, pertinaciousness, tena- city, tenaciousness, inflexibil- ity, doggedness, stubbornness, headiness, see Resolution, 604, restiveness, contumacy, obdura- cy, obduration, obdurateness, un- ruliness. Intolerance, dogmatism, bigot- ry, opiniativeness, zealotry, infat- uation, monomania, indocility, in- tractableness. An opinionist, opinionatist, stickler, zealot, dogmatist, fa- natic. A fixed idea, rooted prejudice, blind side, &c., 481. V. To be obstinate, &c., to persist, hold out, stickle. Adj. Obstinate, opinionative, opinionated, opinioned, self- opinioned, prejudiced, 481, wil- ful, self-willed, positive, tena- cious. Stiff, stubborn, obdurate, starch, rigid, stiffnecked, pertinacious, dogged, restive, pervicacious, dogmatic, unpersuadable, inexo- rable, mulish, unmoved, uninflu- enced, unyielding, wayward, in- tractable, haggard, headstrong, hairbrained, refractory, unruly, infatuated, heady, crossgrained, contumacious, fanatical. Adv. Obstinately, &c., head- long; at any rate, risk, hazard, price, cost, or sacrifice. 607. Change of mind, inten- tion, purpose, &c. Tergiversation, retractation, recantation, revocation, reversal, renunciation, abjuration, abjure- ment, relinquishment, 624, re- pentance, 950, vacillation, &c., 605. Going over, apostasy. A renegade, apostate, backsli- der, trimmer, timeserver, desert- er, weathercock, &c., 605. V. To change one’s mind, &c., to retract, recant, revoke, abjure, renounce, apostatize, relinquish, trim, veer round, change sides; go over, pass, change, or skip from one side to another; swerve, flinch. Adj. Changeful, changeable, versatile, mobile, unsteady, 605, trimming, doublefaced, double- minded, timeserving. Fugacious, fugitive, revocatory. 608. Caprice, fancy, humor, whim, crotchet, quirk, freak, va- gary, whimsey, prank, fit, freak- ishness, skittishness, volatility, fancifulness, whimsicality, giddi- ness, inconsistency. V. To be capricious, &c. Adj. Capricious, inconsistent, fanciful, fantastic, whimsical, full of whims, &c., erratic, crotchety, perverse, humorsome, wayward, captious, contrary, skittish, res- tive, fitful. 180 INDIVIDUAL VOLITION. 609. Choice, option, election, | adoption, selection, gleaning, ec- lecticism, preference, predilec- tion. Decision, determination, award, adjudication, vote, suffrage, bal- lot, verdict, voice. Alternative, dilemma. Persuasion, seduction, bringing over, see 615. Thing chosen, 650. V. To choose, decide, deter- mine, elect, list, think fit, use one’s discretion, fancy, shape one’s course, prefer, take one’s choice, adopt, select, fix upon, pitch upon, pick out, single out, pick up, take up, catch at, cull, glean, pick, winnow. To persuade, overcome, seduce, entice, see 615. Adj. Optional, discretional, eclectic, choosing, &c., chosen, &c., decided, &c. Adv. Discretionally, at pleasure, at will. Decidedly, &c., rather, in preference, before; once for all, either the one or the other. 610. Absence of chi ice, see Necessity, 601. Rejection, refusal, see 764; declining, repudiation, exclusion. Indifference, indecision, 605. V. To reject, refuse, &c., de- cline, give up, repudiate, ex- clude, lay aside, to refrain, spare. Adj. Rejecting, &c., rejected, cast out, &c., not chosen, &c. Having no choice, indifferent, undecided, 605. Adv. Neither; neither the one nor the other. 611. Predetermination,pre- meditation, predeliberation, hav- ing no alternative, compulsory choice. V. To predetermine, premedi- tate, resolve (beforehand.) Adj. Prepense, premeditated, predetermined, advised, prede- signed, preconcerted. 612. Impulse, sudden thought, inspiration, flash. V. To flash on the mind. Adj. Extemporaneous, impul- sive, unmeditated, unpremeditat- ed, unprompted, spontaneous, na- tural, unguarded, unconducted. 613. Habit, habitude, wont, rule, routine. Custom, use, usage, practice, run, way, prevalence, observance, fashion, 852, etiquette, vogue. Seasoning, training, hardening, &c., 673. A second nature, taking root, radication. V. To be habitual, &c., to be in the habit of, be wont, be accus- tomed to, &c. To follow, observe, conform to, obey, bend to, comply with, ac- commodate one’s self to, adapt one’s self to; fall into a habit, cus- tom, or usage; to addict one’s self to. 614. Desuetude, disuse, want of habit or of practice. Non-observance, infraction, vio- lation, infringement. V. To be unaccustomed, &c., to be new to; to leave off, cast off, wean one’s self of, break off, break through, infringe, violate, &c., a habit, usage, &c.; to disuse, to wear off. Adj. Unaccustomed, unused, unusual, unwonted, uncustomary, unfashionable, non-observant,dis- used, weaned. Unseasoned, uninured, unha- bituated, untrained, unhack- neyed. MOTIVE — DISSUASION. 181 To become a habit, to take root. To habituate, inure, harden, season, form, train, acclstom, naturalize, acclimatize. To acquire a habit, to get into the way of, to learn, &c. Adj. Habitual, accustomed, habituated, &c.; in the habit, &c., of; used tc, given to, addicted to, attuned to, wedded to, usual, wonted, customary, hackneyed, fixed, rooted, perma- nent, inveterate, besetting, ingrained, running in the blood, hereditary, congenital, innate, inborn, natural, instinctive, &c., 5. Fashionable, in fashion, in vogue, according to use, routine, &c. 615. Motive, reason, ground, principle, mainspring, account, score, sake, consideration, calcu- lation. Inducement, recommendation, encouragement, attraction, temp- tation, enticement, bait, allure- ment, witchery, bewitchery. Persuasibility, persuasibleness, (susceptibility, impressibility,) softness. Influence, prompting, dictate, instance, impulse, impulsion, in- citement, incitation, press, insti- gation, excitement, provocation, invitation, solicitation, suasion, persuasion, hortation, exhortation, seduction, cajolery, tantalization, seducement, bewitchment, inspi- ration. Incentive, stimulus, spur, goad, provocative. Bribe, lure, decoy, charm, spell, loadstone, the golden apple, the voice of the tempter, the song of the Sirens. Prompter, tempter, seducer, Siren, Circe, instigator, firebrand, incendiary. V. To induce, move, lead, draw, draw on, draw over, carry, bring; to influence, to weigh with; bias, sway; to operate, work upon, en- gage, incline, dispose, predis- pose, prompt, call upon, recom- 2. Causes of Volition. 616. Absence of mot see Caprice, 608. Dissuasion, dehortation, dis- couragement, (counter influence.) Cohibition, check, restraint, curb, bridle, rein, stay, damper, remonstrance, expostulation. Scruple, qualm, demur, 867. V. To dissuade, discourage, disincline, indispose, dispirit, damp, dishearten, disenchant, deter, keep back, render averse, &c. To withhold, restrain, hold, check, bridle, curb, rein in, keep in, cohibit, inhibit, repel, 751. To cool, blunt, calm, quiet, quench, shake, stagger, remon- strate, expostulate, warn. To scruple, refrain, abstain, &c., 603. Adj. Dissuading, &c., dissua- sive, dehortatory. Dissuaded, discouraged, &c., uninduced, unmoved, unactuated, uninfluenced, unbiased, unin- cited, unimpelled, unurged, un- swayed, unprovoked, uninspired, untempted, unattracted. Repugnant, averse, scru~ulous, &c., 867, (immovable.) 182 INDIVIDUAL VOLITION. mend, encourage, invite, solicit, press, enjoin, entreat, 765, court, plead, advocate, exhort, enforce, dictate, seduce, over- persuade, entice, allure, decoy, charm, conciliate, wheedle, coax, cajole, inveigle, persuade, prevail upon, get to do, bring over, enlist, procure. To act upon, to impel, excite, suscitate, stimulate, exsusci- tate, incite, animate, instigate, provoke, set on, urge, pique, spirit, inspirit, inspire, awaken, light up, kindle, enkindle, rekindle, whet, quicken, goad, spur, hurry on, stir up, work up, fan, fire, inflame, set on fire, fan the flame, blow the coals, stir the embers, put on one’s mettle, set on, force, rouse, arouse. Adj. Impulsive, motive, persuasive, hortatory, seductive, suasory, suasive, honey-tongued, tempting, alluring, provoca- tive, exciting, piquant, tantalizing, &c. Persuadable, persuasible, suasible, soft, yielding, facile, easily persuaded, &c. Induced, moved, disposed, led, persuaded, &c., spell- bound, instinct with. Adv. Because, for, since, on account of, out of, from; by reason of. As, forasmuch as, therefore, hence, why, wherefore. 617. Ostensible motive, or reason assigned. Plea, allegation, pretext, pretence, excuse, apology, cue, c:;lor gloss, loophole, handle, shift, quirk, guise, makeshift, special plead- ing, claptrap. V. To make a pretext, &c., of; to use as a plea, &c.; to plead, allege, pretend, excuse, make a handle, &c., of; to shelter one’s self under the plea of. Adj. Ostensible, colorable, pretended, alleged, &c. 3. Objects of Volition. 618. Good, benefit, advantage, service, interest, weal, boot, gain, profit, good turn, blessing; be- hoof, behalf. Luck, good fortune, piece of luck, windfall, godsend, bonus; prize. Cause of good, see Utility, 644, Goodness, 648, and Remedy, 662. Adv. Aright, well, favorably. In behalf of, in favor of. 619. Evil, harm, injury,wrong, curse, detriment, nurt, damage, disservice, ill turn, grievance, prejudice, loss, mischief, disad- vantage, drawback, trouble, an- noyance, nuisance, molestation, oppression, persecution, plague, corruption, 659. Blow, bruise, scratch, wound, mutilation, outrage, spoliation, plunder, pillage, rapine, destruc- tion, dilapidation, havoc, ravage, devastation, inroad, sweep, sack, forray, 716, desolation. Misfortune, mishap, mischance, misadventu» pressure, reverse. INTENTION — CHANCE. 183 Affliction, woe, visitation, disaster, calamity, catastrophe, downfall, ruin, prostration, blight, blast. Cause of evil, see Bane, 663. Production of evil, 649. Adv. Amiss, wrong, evil. Section II. Prospective Volition.* 1. Conceptional Volition. 620. Intention, intent, inten- tionally, purpose, design, purport, mind, meaning, view, proposal, study, bent, turn. Final cause, object, aim, end, scope, drift, destination, mark, point, butt, goal, target, prey, quarry, game. Decision, determination, re- solve, resolution, 604, predeter- mination, 611 ; set purpose. A hobby, ambition, wish; see Desire, 865. V. To intend, purpose, design, mean, propose to one’s self, have in view, have in one’s eye, have an eye to. To be at, aim at, drive at, be after, point at, level at, take aim, aspire at or after, endeavor after. To meditate, think of, dream of, premeditate, 611, contemplate, study, destine, destinate. To propose, project, devise, take into one’s head, take upon one’s self, to have to do; to see one’s way. Adj. Intended, &c., intentional, minded, earnest, express, pre- pense, set upon, bent upon, intent upon, in view, in prospect. Adv. Intentionally, &c., ex- pressly, designedly, purposely, on purpose, studiously, for, with a view to, for the purpose of, with the view of. in order to, to the end 621. Absence of purpose in the succession of events. Chance,! fortune, accident, hazard, haphazard, lot, chance- medley, hit, casualty, contin- gency, fate, adventure, random shot, lottery, &c., 156. A godsend, luck, a run of luck, a windfall, &c., 618. Drawing lots. Wager, bet, betting, gambling. V. To chance, turn up; to stand a chance. To take one’s chance, try one’s luck, bet, wager, lay a wager, gamble, raffle, toss up, cast lots, draw lots. To risk, venture, hazard, stake, incur or run the risk; stand the hazard. Adj. Casual, fortuitous, acci- dental, contingent, random, ad- ventitious, incidental. Unintentional, aimless, drift- less, designless, undesigned, un- directed; purposeless, causeless, without purpose, &c., unmeditai ed, unpremeditated, un purposed. Indiscriminate, promiscuous. Adv. Casually, &c., by chance, by accident, accidentally, &c., at haphazard. * That is, volition having reference to a future object- t See note on 156. INDIVIDUAL VOLITION. 184 that, on account of, in pursuance of, pursuant to, with the intent, &c. 622. Purpose in action. Pursuit, undertaking, enter- prise, adventure, game, endeav- or, see 676. Prosecution, search, angling, chase, hunt, race, scramble, course, direction. V. To pursue, undertake, en- gage in, take in hand, carry on, prosecute, endeavor. To court, seek, angle, chase, give chase, course, dog, hunt, track, follow, run after, prowl, hound, bid for, aim at, take aim, make a leap at, rush upon, jump at. To take or hold a course; to tread a path; to shape one’s course; to direct or bend one’s steps or course; to run a race, rush head- long, rush headforemost, make a plunge, snatch at, &c., to start game. Adj. Pursuing, &c. Adv. In order to, for the pur- pose of, with a view to, &c., 620. 623. Absence of pursuit. Avoidance, forbearance, ab- stinence, sparing, refraining, 681 Flight, &c., evasion, elusion. V. To avoid, refrain, abstain, not to attempt; to spare, hold, shun, fly, flee, eschew, run away from, get out of the way, shrink, hold back, draw back, see 286, recoil from, flinch, blench, shy, elude, evade, parry. Adj. Avoiding, &c., elusive, evasive, flying, fugitive, &c., un- sought, unattempted. Adv. Lest; with a view to pre- vent. 624. Relinquishment, dere- liction, abandonment, renuncia- tion, desertion, see 607, discon- tinuance. Dispensation, riddance. V. To relinquish, give up, give over, leave oif, desist, 681; put away; set, put, or lay aside, dis- card, dismiss; to leave, quit, drop, desert, forsake, abandon, renounce, forswear; to depart i from, swerve from, see 279. Adj. Relinquishing, &c., relinquished, &c., unpursued. 625. Business, affair, concern, task, work, job, errand, commis- sion, office, charge, care, part, duty. Province, department, function, mission, vocation, calling, avoca- tion, profession, cloth, faculty, trade, craft, mystery, walk, beat, race, career, walk of life. Place, post, orbit, sphere, capacity, employment, engagement, ex- ercise, occupation; situation, undertaking, 676. V. To carry on a business, trade, &c. Adi. Business-like, official, functional, professional, in hand. Adv. On hand, on foot, afoot, afloat, going. ; — ; ' 7 » ‘O' 626. Plan, scheme, device, design, project, proposal, proposition. Line of conduct, game, card, course, tactics, strategy, policy, polity, 692, craft, practice, campaign. Measure, step, precaution, proceeding, procedure, process, system, economy, organization, expedient, contrivance, artifice, shift, stop- gap, manceuvre, stratagem, fetch, trick, 702, stroke, stroke of policy masterstroke. Intrigue cabal, plot, conspiracy, complot, machination. REQUIREMENT. 185 Alternative, loophole, counterplot, counteiproject, side wind, un- derplot. Sketch, outline, programme, draught, rough draught, skeleton, forecast, prospectus. Aftercourse, aftergame. A projector, designer, schemer, contriver, artist, schematist. V. To plan, scheme, devise, imagine, design, frame, contrive, forecast, project, plot, invent, fall upon, hit upon, strike out, chalk out, sketch, lay out, lay down, cut out, cast, recast, arrange, mature, organize, concoct, digest, pack, prepare, hatch; to counterplot, countermine. Adj. Planned, &c., strategic; planning, scheming, &c. Well-laid, deep-laid, cunning, well-devised, &c., maturely con- sidered, well-weighed, prepared, organized, &c. Adv. In course of preparation, on the anvil, on the stocks, on the tapis. 627. Method, way, manner, wise, gait, form, path, road, route, channel, walk, access, course, pass, ford, ferry, passage, line of way, orbit, track, avenue, approach, beaten track, turnpike road, high road, highway, roadway, causeway, pathway, footpath, railway, thorough- fare, gateway, street, lane, alley, gangway, hatchway, aisle, cross- road, crossway, cut, short cut, royal road, cross cut. Bridge, stepping stone, stair, corridor, staircase, flight of stairs, ladder, steps, scaffold, scaffolding. Indirect way; by-path, by-way, by-walk, by-road, back door, back stairs. Inlet, gate, door, gateway, portal, porch, doorway, conduit, tunnel, 350. Adv. How, in what way, in what manner, by what mode. By the way, by the by. J J 7 J J 628. Mid Course, middle course, mean, see Middle, 68, and Mean, 29. Direct, straight, straightforward course, path, &c. V. To keep in a middle course. Adj. Undeviating, direct, straight, straightforward. 629. Circuit, roundabout way, zigzag, see 311, wandering, devi- ation, 279, divergence, 291. V. To perform a circuit, &c., to deviate, wander, go round about, meander, &c., 279. Adj. Circuitous, indirect, round- about, zigzag, &c. Adv. By a side wind, by an in- direct course, in a roundabout way. 630. Requirement, requisition, need, lack, wants, necessities, desideratum, exigency, pinch, the very thing, Needfulness, essentiality, necessity, indispensability, urgency, call for. V. To require, need, want, have occasion for, stand in need of, lack, desire, be at a loss for, desiderate; not to be able to do with- out or dispense with. To render necessary, to necessitate, to create a necessity for, to call for. 186 INDIVIDUAL VOLITION. Adj. Requisite, required, &c., needful, necessary, urgent, exigent, essential, indispensable, prerequisite; that cannot be spared or dis pensed with. 2. Subservience to Ends. 1. Actual Subservience. 631. Instrumentality, medium, intermedium, intervention, mediation, dint, see Agency, 170. Key, master key, pass key, passport. Adj. Instrumental, intervening, intermediate, subservient, (ancil- lary.) Adv. Through, by, with, by means of, along with, thereby, through the medium, &o., cf, wherewith. Ill 632. Means, resources, appliances, ways and means, appoint- ments, expedients, steps, measures, 626, aid, 707, intermedium; dernier resort. Machinery, mechanism, mechanics, engineering, mechanical powers, scaffold, ladder, mainstay. Adi. Instrumental, subservient, ministerial, mechanical. Adv. How, by what means, by all means, any how, 627, by the aid of, by dint of, by the power or agency of. 633. Instrument, tool, implement, apparatus, utensil, craft, ma- chine, engine. Weapon, arms, armory, battery. Equipment, gear, tackle, tackling, rigging, harness, paraphernalia, equipage. A wheel, jack, mill, clockwork, wheelwork, pulley, spring, screw, wedge, flywheel, lever, pinion, crank, winch, crane, capstan, wind- lass, hammer, mallet, mattock, mall, bat, sledge hammer, mace, club, truncheon, pole, staff, bill, crow, crowbar, poleaxe, handspike, crutch, boom, bar. Organ, limb, arm, hand, finger, fist, claw, paw, talons, tentacle, wing, oar, paddle, pincer, plier, forceps. Handle, hilt, haft, shaft, heft, trigger, tiller, helm, treadle, pum- mel, peg, 215. Edge tool, see 253, axis, see 312. 634. Substitute, shift, makeshift, see Substitution, 147, and Deputy, 759. 635. Materials, stuff, raw material, pabulum, fuel, grist, proven- der, provisions, food, 298, aliment, fodder, forage, prog, pasture, pas- turage. Supplies, munition, ammunition, reenforcement, relay. Baggage, luggage, bag and baggage, effects, goods, chattels, household stuff, equipage, paraphernalia, stock in trade, pelf, cargo, lading. 636. Store, stock, find, supply, reserve, relay, budget, quiver, reserved f md, mine, quarry, vein, fountain. SUFFICIENCY — INSUFFICIENCY 187 Collection, accumulation, heap, 72, hoard, magazine, pile, rick, savings, bank, 802, treasury, reservoir, repository, repertory, depos- itory, depot, thesaurus, museum, storehouse, reservatory, conserva- tory, menagerie, receptacle, warehouse, dock, larder, garner, granary, storeroom, cistern, well, tank, armory, arsenal, coffer, &c., 191. V. To store, stock, treasure up, lay in, lay by, set by, lay up, fund, garner, save, reserve, keep back, husband, hoard, deposit, accumu- late, 72. Adj. Stored, &c., in store, in reserve. J 7 7 7 637. Provision, supply, pro- viding, supplying, &c., purvey- ance, purveying, reenforcement, husbanding, commissariat, vic- tualling. Forage, pasture, food, &c., 299. A purveyor, commissary, quar- termaster, feeder. V. To provide, supply, furnish, purvey, replenish, fill up, feed, stock with, recruit, cater, find, keep, lay in, lay in store, store, forage, husband, see 636. 638. Waste, consumption, (squandering,) expenditure, ex- haustion, drain, leakage, wear and tear, dispersion, 73, ebb, see Prodi- gality, 819. V. To waste, spend, (squander, to be lavish,) expend, use, con- sume, spill, leak, run out, run to waste, disperse, 73, ebb, dry up, impoverish, drain, empty, ex- haust ; to throw away, cast away, fritter away. Adj. Wasted, spent, &c., at a low ebb. 639. Sufficiency, adequacy, (full supply,) competence; satie- ty, enough. Fulness, plenitude, plenty, abundance, copiousness, ampli- tude, richness, fertility, luxuri- ance, uberty, cornucopia. Impletion, repletion, saturation. Riches, 803, mine, store, fund, 636. A flood, draught, shower, rain, 347, stream, tide, springtide, flush. Moderation, see Mediocrity, 651. V. To be sufficient, &c., to suf- fice, to do, satisfy, saturate, make up, (to meet the case, to supply the want.) To abound, teem, stream, flow, rain, shower down, pour, swarm. To render sufficient, &c., to make up, to fill, replenish, pour in. Adj. Sufficient, enough, ade- quate, commensurate, (what is requisite or necessary.) 640. Insufficiency, inade- quacy, inadequateness, incompe- tence. Deficiency, scantiness, (insuf- ficient supply or store,) defect, defectiveness, defalcation, de- fault, deficit, shortcoming, fall- ing short, 304, what will not do, scantiness, slenderness, &c., 32. Scarcity, dearth, want, need, lack, exigency, inanition, indi- gence, poverty, penury, 804, des- titution, dole, pittance, short allowance, starvation, famine, drought, emptiness, vacancy, flac- cidity. V. To be insufficient, &c.7 not to suffice, &c., to come short of, to fall short of, fail, stop short, to want, lack, need, require, 630. To render insufficient, &c., to stint, grudge, hold back, with- hold, starve, pinch, famish, (to put on short allowance.) To empty, drain, &c., see 638. Adj. Insufficient, inadequate, incompetent, not enough, &c., INDIVIDUAL VOLITION. 188 Moderale, measured. Full, ample, plenty, copious, plentiful, plentious, plenary, abundant, abounding, replete, laden,full-laden,charged, fraught; well stocked or provided, liberal, lavish, unstinted, to spare, unspar- ing, unmeasured. Brimful, to the brim, choke-full, saturated, crammed, rich, luxuri- ant, heavy-laden. Unexhausted, un wasted, ex- haustless, inexhaustible. scant, scanty, deficient, defective, ill-furnished, ill-provided, ill- stored, in default, scarce, empty, devoid, short of, wanting, &c. Destitute, dry, drained, unpro- vided, unsupplied, unfurnished, unreplenished, unfed, unstored, untreasured, bare, meagre, poor, thin, spare, stinted, starved, fam- ished, pinched, starveling, jejune, without resources. 641. Redundance, superabundance, superfluity, superfluence, exuberance, profuseness, profusion, plethora, congestion, glut, sur- feit, load, turgidity, turgescence, 192, pleonasm. Excess, an overdose, oversupply, overplus, surplusage, overmeas- ure, overflow, inundation, deluge, extravagance, prodigality, 818, exorbitance, lkvishmenl. V. To overabound, (superabound,) run over, overflow, flow over; roll in ; wallow in, swarm. To overstock, overdose, overlay, gorge, glut, load, overload, sur- charge, overrun, drench, inundate, deluge, whelm. Adj. Redundant, superfluous, exuberant, superabundant, exces- sive, in excess, overmuch, too much, needless, over and above, 40, more than enough, running to waste, overflowing, running over. Turgid,gorged, plethoric, profuse, lavish, prodigal, extra, supernum- erary, expletive, surcharged, overcharged, overloaded, overladen, overburdened, overrun, overfed. Adv. Over, over and above, too much, overmuch, over and enough, too far, without measure, without stint. 2. Degree of Subservience. 642. Importance, conse- quence, moment, weight, gravity, seriousness, concern, considera- tion, significance, import, influ- ence, 175, pressure, urgency, stress, emphasis, preponderance, prominence, 250, greatness, 31. The substance, essence, quin- tessence, gist, pith, marrow, soul. The principal, prominent, or essential part; the corner stone. V. To be important or of im- portance, &c., to signify, import, matter, boot, weigh, to be promi- nent, &.c., to take the lead. To attach or ascribe impor- 643. Unimportance, indiffer- ence, insignificance, triflingness, paltriness, emptiness, nothing- ness, inanity, lightness, levity, frivolity, vanity, frivolousness, puerility. Poverty,meagerness, meanness, shabbiness, &c., 804. A trifle, small matter, bagatelle, cipher, molehill, joke, jest, bub. ble. A straw, pin, fig, button, rush, feather, farthing, brass farthing, peppercorn, pebble, small fry. Toy, plaything, knickknack, gimcrack, gewgaw, bawble. UTILITY — INUTILITY. 189 tance to; to value, care for, &c., 897. To over-estimate, &c., 482, to exaggerate, 549. To mark, underline, score. Adj. Important, of importance, &c., grave, serious, critical, mate- rial, weighty, influential, signifi- cant, emphatic, momentous, ear- nest, pressing, urgent, preponder- ating, pregnant, paramount, es- sential, vital. Great, considerable, &c., see 31,first-rate, capital, leading, prin- cipal, superior, chief, main, prime, primary, cardinal, prominent, sa- lient. Signal, notable, memorable, remarkable, &c., grand, solemn, eventful, stirring; not to be de- spised or overlooked, &c., worth while. Trumpery, trash, rubbish, stuff', frippery, froth, smoke, cobweb. Refuse, lumber, litter, orts, tares, weeds, sweepings, scour- ings, offscourings ; rubble, debris, dross, dregs, scum, dust, see Dirt, 653. V. To be unimportant, to be of little or no importance, &c.; not to signify, not to deserve, mer- it, or be worthy of notice, regard, consideration, &c. Adj. Unimportant, secondary, (subordinate,) inferior, immateri- al, insignificant, unessential, non- essential, beneath notice, indif- ferent; of little or no account, importance, consequence, mo- ment, interest, &c., contemptible. Trifling, trivial, slight, slender, flimsy, foolish, idle, puerile, childish, infantile, frothy, trashy, catchpenny, commonplace. Vain, empty, inane, poor, sorry, mean, meagre, shabby, vile, miserable, scrubby, beggarly, pitiful, pitiable, despicable, ridiculous, farcical, finical. Adv. Meagrely, pitifully, vainly, &c. 644. Utility, service, use, I function, office, sphere, capacity, part, task, work. Usefulness, worth, stead, avail, advantageousness, profitableness, serviceableness, merit, applica- bility, adequacy, subservience, subserviency, efficacy, efficiency, help. Productiveness, 168. V. To be useful, &c. To avail, serve, subserve, help, 707, conduce, serve one’s turn, stand instead, profit, advantage, benefit, accrue. To render useful, to use, 677, to turn to account. To serve an office, act a part, perform a function, serve a pur- pose, serve a turn. Adj. Useful, beneficial, advan- tageous, serviceable, helping, gainful, profitable, prolific. Subservient, conducive, appli- 645. Inutility, uselessness, unsubservience, inefficacy, ineffi- ciency, ineptness, inadequacy, inaptitude, fruitlessness, worth- lessness, unproductiveness, bar- renness, sterility, vanity, futility, triviality, paltriness, unprofitable- ness, unfruitfulness, rustiness, obsoleteness, supererogation. Litter, rubbish, lumber, trash, orts, weeds, 643. A waste, desert, wild, wilder- ness. V. To be useless, &c., to be of no avail, use, &c., 644. Adj. Useless, inefficient, inef- ficacious, unavailing, inoperative, bootless, inadequate, unprofita- ble, unproductive, sterile, barren. Worthless, valueless, a? a dis- count, gainless, fruitless, profit- less, unserviceable, rusty, effete, washy, wasted, nugatory, futile, 190 INDIVII UAL VOLITION. cable, adequate, efficient, effica- cious, effective, effectual, 168. Adv. Usefully, &c. inept, withered, wasteful, ill spent. Unneeded, unnecessary, un called for, incommodious, dis commodious. Adv. Uselessly, &c. 646. Specific subservience. Expedience, expediency, fit- ness, suitableness, aptness, apti- tude, appropriateness, pertinence, seasonableness, 644, adaptation, congruity, consonance, 23, con- venience, eligibility, applicabili- ty, seemliness. V. To be expedient, &c. To suit, fit, square with,(match,) adapt itself to, agree with, con- sort with, tally with, accord with, conform to. Adj. Expedient, fit, fitting, suitable, applicable, eligible, apt, appropriate, adapted, proper, ad- visable, desirable, pertinent, con- gruous, seemly, consonant, be- coming, meet, due, consentane- ous, congenial, well-timed, sea- sonable, opportune, befitting, happy, felicitous, auspicious, ac- ceptable, &c., convenient, com- modious, see 23, 134. 647. Inexpedience, inexpe- diency, disadvantageousness, un- serviceableness, disservice, unfit- ness, (unsuitableness,) inaptitude, ineligibility, inappropriateness, impropriety, unseemliness, incon- gruity, impertinence, inopportune- ness, unseasonableness. Inconvenience, incommodious- ness, incommodity. V. To be inexpedient, &c., to embarrass, cumber, lumber, &c. Adj. Inexpedient, disadvanta- geous, unprofitable, unfit, unfit- ting, unsuitable, amiss, improper, unapt, inept, unadvisable, ineli- gible, objectionable, inadmissi- ble, unseemly, inopportune, un- seasonable, see 24, 135. Inconvenient, incommodious, in the way, cumbrous, cumber- some, lumbering, unwieldy, un- manageable, awkward, clumsy. 648. Capability of producing good. Goodness, excellence, value, worth, preciousness, estimation, rareness, exquisiteness, (good qualities.) Superexcellence, superiority, 6upereminence, transcendence, perfection, 650. Mediocrity, innocuousness, see 651. V. To be good, &c.; to be su- perior, &c., to excel, transcend, top, vie, emulate, &c. To be middling, (ordinary, or indifferent.) &c., 651; to pass. To produce good, benefit, &c., to avail, to profit, to benefit, to be beneficial, &c., to confer a bene- fit, Sic., to improve, 658. 649. Capability of producing evil. Badness, hurtfulness, disser- viceableness, injuriousness, bane- fulness, mischievousness, nox- iousness, malignancy, venomous- ness, virulence, destructiveness, curse, bane, 663. Vileness, foulness, rankness, depravedness, pestilence; dete- rioration, see 659. V. To be bad, &c. To cause, produce, or inflict evil; to harm, hurt, injure, mar, damage, endamage, scathe, pre- judice. To wrcng, molest, annoy,grieve, aggrieve, trouble, oppress, perse- cute, weigh down, run down, overlay. PERFECTION — IMPERFECTION. 191 Adj. Harmless, innocuous, hurt- less, unobnoxious. Good, beneficial, valuable, es- timable, serviceable, advanta- geous, precious, favorable, propiti- ous. Sound, sterling, standard, true genuine, fresh,unfaded,unspoiled, unimpaired, uninjured, undemol- ished, undamaged, undecayed, natural, unsophisticated, unadul- terated, unpolluted, unvitiated. Choice, nice, fine, rare, felici- tous, unexceptionable, excellent, admirable, first-rate, prime, car- dinal, superlative, superfine, su- perexcellent, exquisite, high- wrought, inestimable, invaluable, priceiess, incomparable, tran- scendent, matchless, peerless, in- imitable, unrivalled, spotless, im- maculate, perfect, 650. Moderately good, 651. To maltreat, abuse, ill use, ill treat, bruise, scratch, maul, strike, smite, scourge, 972, wound, lame, maim, scotch, cripple, mutilate, hamstring, hough, stab, pierce, &c., crush, crumble. To corrupt, corrode, pollute, &c., 659. To spoil, despoil, sweep, rav- age, lay waste, devastate, disman- tle, demolish, level, raze, consume, overrun, sack, plunder, destroy, 162. % Adj. Bad, evil, wrong, prejudi- cial, disserviceable, disadvanta- geous, unprofitable, unlucky, sin- ister, obnoxious, untoward, unad- visable, inauspicious. Hurtful, injurious, grievous, detrimental, noxious, pernicious, mischievous, baneful, baleful. Morbific, rank, peccant, malig- nant, corroding, corrosive, viru- lent, cankering, mephitic, nar- cotic. Deleterious, poisonous, venom- ous, envenomed, pestilent, pestiferous, destructive, deadly, fatal, mortal, azotic. Vile, sad, wretched, sorry, shabby, scurvy, shocking, hor- rid, horrible. Hateful, abominable, villanous, dire, detestable, execrable, cursed, accursed, confounded, damnable, diabolic, devilish, demoniacal, infernal, hellish, Satanic. Adv. Wrong, wrongly, badly, &c. 650. Perfection, perfect- ness, indefectibility, impeccabil- ity, beau ideal, 210. Masterpiece, model, pattern, mirror, phoenix, paragon, prime, flower, cream, nonesuch. Gem. jewel, pearl, diamond, ruby, brilliant; bijoutry. V. To be perfect, &c., to ex- cel, transcend, overtop, &c. To bring to perfection, to per- fect, to ripen, mature, &c., 52, 729. Adj. Perfect, best, faultless, finished, indeficient, indefective, indefectible, immaculate, spot- 651. Imperfection, imper- fectness, unsoundness, faultiness, deficiency, drawback, inadequa- cy, inadequateness. Fault, defect, flaw, crack, twist, taint, peccancy. Mediocrity, mean, 29, inferior- ity- V. To be imperfect, middling, &c., to fail, to lie under a disad- vantage. Adj. Imperfect, deficient, de- fective, faulty, inadequate, un- sound, unremedied, cracked, warped, frail, tottering, decrepit, rickety, battered,worn out, thread- 192 INDIVIDUAL VOLITION. less, matchless, peerless, &c., see 648, immitable, superlative, tran- scend' ,t, superhuman, divine. bare, wormeaten, used up, de- cayed, mutilated. Indifferent, (ordinary,) mid- dling, secondary, second-rate, second-best, second-hand. Tolerable, passable, pretty well, well enough, rather good, admissible, not bad,. not amiss, unobjectionable. 652. Cleanness, cleanliness, purity, neatness, tidiness, spot- lessness, immaculateness. Cleaning, purification, lustra- tion, abstersion, depuration, ex- purgation, purgation. Washing, ablution, clarifica- tion, defecation, eolation, filtra- tion. Fumigation, ventilation, disin- fection. Scavenger; brush, broom, be- som, sieve, riddle, screen, filter. V. To be clean, &c. To render clean, &c., to clean, cleanse, wipe, mop, sponge, scour, swab, scrub, brush, sweep, brush up. To wash, lave, absterge, de- terge, clear, purify, depurate, def- ecate, lixiviate, edulcorate, clar- ify, rack, filter, filtrate. To disinfect, fumigate, venti- late, purge, emasculate. To sift, winnow, pick, weed. Adj. Clean, pure, spotless, un- spotted, immaculate, unstained, stainless, unsoiled, unsullied, taintless, untainted, uninfected. Spruce, tidy, washed, swept, &c., cleaned, purified, &c. 653. Uncleanness, (filthi- ness,) uncleanliness, soiliness, foulness, impurity, pollution, nas- tiness, offensiveness, beastliness, defilement, contamination, abom- ination, taint, tainture ; see 659. Slovenliness, untidiness, slut- tishness, coarseness, grossness. Dirt, filth, soil, slop, dust, cob- web, flue, smoke, soot, smut. Dregs, grounds, sediment, lees, settlement, dross, drossiness, pre- cipitate, slag, scum, sweepings, offscourings, scurf, scurfiness, dandriff, vermin. Mud, mire, quagmire, slough, alluvium, slime, spawn, offal, rec- rement, fasces, excrement, or- dure, dung, guano, manure, com- post, dunghill, sink, cess, cess- pool, sewer, bilge-water. Sty, pigsty, dusthole ; lair, den. Rottenness, corruption, decay, putrefaction, putrescence, putrid- ity, purulence, feculence, rank- ness, rancidity, moulding, musti- ness, mould, mother, must, mil- dew, dryrot; see Foetor, 401. V. To be unclean, dirty, &c., to rot, putrefy, mould, moulder, fester, &c. To render unclean, &c., to dirt, , dirtv. soil, begrime, smear, be- smear, spatter, bespatter, splash, bedraggle, daub, bedaub, beslime, to cover with dust, &c. To foul, befoul, pollute, defile, debase, contaminate, taint, corrupt, deflower, rot, &c. Adj. Unclean, dirty, soiled, &c., dusty, dirtied, &c., sooty, smoky, turbid, dreggy. Slovenly, untidy, sluttish, unkempt, unscoured, unswept, unwiped, unwashed, unstrained, unpurified. Nasty, foul, impure, offensive, abominable, beastly. Mouldy, musty, mildewed, rusty, mouldering, effete, rotten. IMPROVEMENT — DETERIORATION. 193 rotting, tainted, flyblown, maggoty, putrescent, putrid, putre- fied, festering, purulent, feculent, excrementitious. 654. Health, sanity, sound- ness, heartiness, haleness, vigor, freshness, bloom, healthfulness, incorruption, incorruptibility. V. To be in health, &c., to bloom, to flourish. To return to health, to recruit, to recover, to get the better of. To restore to health, to cure, recall to life. Adj. Healthy, in health, well, sound, healthful, hearty, hale, fresh, whole, florid, stanch, flush, hardy, vigorous, weatherproof. Unscathed, uuinjured, un- maimed, unmarred, untainted. 655. Disease, illness, sick- ness, ailment, ailing, indisposi- tion, complaint, disorder, malady, distemper, (delicate health, fee- bleness, weak, feeble or deli- cate constitution.) Sickliness, sickishness, infirm- ity, diseasedness, invalidation, witheredness, atrophy, maras- mus, incurableness, incurability. Taint, pollution, infection, epi- demic, endemic, murrain, plague, pestilence, virus, pox. A sore, ulcer, abscess, fester, canker, cancer, gangrene, leprosy. A valetudinarian, an invalid, a patient, a cripple, a martyr to dis- ease. Science of disease : Pathology, Nosology. V. To be ill, &c., to ail, suffer, be affected with, &c., to complain of, droop, flag, languish, halt, gasp. Adj. Diseased, ill, taken ill, seized, indisposed, unwell, sick, ailing, suffering, affected with illness, laid up, confined, bedridden. Unsound, sickly, poorly, weakly, infirm, drooping, flagging, withered, decayed, decrepit, lame, crippled, battered, halting, worn out, used up, motheaten, wormeaten. Morbid, tainted, vitiated, peccant, contaminated, mangy, poisoned, immedicable ; cureless, gasping, 360. 656. Salubrity, healthiness, wholesomeness, innoxiousness. Preservation of health ; hy- giene. V. To be salubrious, &c., to agree with. Adj. Salubrious, wholesome, healthy, salutary, salutiferous, healthful, sanitary. Innoxious, innocuous, harm- less, uninjurious, innocent, unin- fectious. Remedial, restorative, sanative, see 662. 657. Insalubrity, unhealth- iness, unwholesomeness, deadli- ness, fatality, malaria, &c., 663. Adj. Insalubrious, unhealthy, ungenial, uncongenial, innutri- tious, indigestible, unwholesome, morbific, deleterious, pestilent, pestiferous, pestilential, virulent, poisonous, contagious, infectious, epidemic, deadly, mortiferous. 658. Improvement, meliora- tion, amelioration, betterment, emendation, advance, advance- ment, progress, elevation, prefer- 659. Deterioration, wane, ebb, debasement, degeneracy, degeneration, degradation, degen- erateness. 194 INDIVIDUAL VOLITION. rnent, convalescence, recovery, curableness. Repair, reparation, cicatriza- tion, correction, reform, reforma- tion, epuration, purification, &c., 652, refinement, relief, redress. Reformer, radical. V. To be, become, or get bet- ter, &c., to improve, mend, ad- vance, progress, 282, to get on, make progress, gain ground, make way, pick up, rally, recov- er, get the better of, get well. To render better, improve, mend, amend, better, meliorate, ameliorate. To repair, refit, retouch, botch, vamp, tinker, cobble, patch up, touch up, cicatrize, darn, rub up, furbish, polish, bolster up, prune, calk, careen, to stop up a gap, to stanch. To correct, rectify, redress, re- form, restore, 660. To purify, depurate, 652, defe- cate, strain, filter, rack, refine, dis- infect. To advance, forward, enhance. To relieve, refresh, restore, re- new, redintegrate, heal, &c., see 660 ; to palliate, mitigate. Adj. Improving, &c., improved, &c., progressive, corrective, re- paratory, emendatory, sanatory. Curable, corrigible. Impairment, ir.j ary, \ Uiation, debasement, alloy, j erversior, corruption, prostitution, pollution, poisoning, venenation. Decline, declension, declina- tion, falling off, going down hill, recession, retrogression, retrogra- dation, 283, caducity, decrepi- tude, decadency. Decay, disorganization, wear and tear, falling to pieces, mould- iness, rottenness, moth and rust, dryrot, blight, marasmus. Incurableness, remedilessness, see Hopelessness, 859. V. To be or become deterio- rated, to deteriorate, wane, ebb, degenerate, fall off, decline, sink, lapse, droop, be the worse for, re- cede, retrograde, fall into decay, fade, break down, fall to pieces, wither, moulder, rot, rust, crum- ble, totter, shake, tumble, fall, topple, perish, die, 360. To render less good; to deteri- orate, injure, impair, vitiate, de- base, alloy, pervert. To spoil, defile, taint, infect, contaminate, sophisticate, poison, impoison, canker, corrupt, pol- lute, deprave, denaturalize, leav- en, envenom, debauch, prostitute, defile, adulterate, stain, spatter, bespatter, soil, tarnish. To corrode, wear away, wear out, gnaw, gnaw at the root of, sap, mine, undermine, shake, break up, disorganize, dismantle, dismast, lay waste, ruin. To imbitter, acerbate, aggravate. To injure, harm, hurt, damage, endamage, &c., 649. Adj. Deteriorated, become worse, impaired, &c., degener- ate, on the decline, deciduous, unimproved, unrecovered, un- restored. Remediless, hopeless, past cure, past mending, irreparable, irremediable, cureless, incurable, irremedicable, irrecoveia- ble, irretrievable, irreclaimable, irreversible. Decayed, &c., motheaten, wormeaten, mildewed, rusty timeworn, mossgrown, effete, wasted, worn, crumbling. SAFETY — DANGER. 195 660 Restoration, reinstate- ment, replacement, restoral, in- stallation, reestablishment, recti- fication, redintegration, refection, cure, refitting, recruiting, redress, retrieval, &c., refreshment, 689. Renovation, reanimation, re- covery, resuscitation, revival, re- juvenescence, regeneration, re- generacy,regenerateness,redemp- tion, 672; a phoenix. V. To return to the original state, to right itself. To restore, replace, reestablish, reinstate, reconstitute, re- build, redintegrate, set right, set to rights, rectify, redress, reclaim, redeem, recover, come to, retrieve. To refit, recruit, refresh, rehabilitate, reconvert, reconsti- tute, renovate, revive, regenerate, resuscitate, reanimate, re- call to life, set on one’s legs, reseat. To cure, heal, cicatrize, remedy, physic, medicate. Adj. Restoring, &c., restored, &c. Restorable, sanable, remediable, retrievable, (recoverable.) 681. Relvpse, lapse, falling back, retrogression, retrograda- tion, &c., 659. Return to, or recurrence of a bad state. V. To relapse, lapse, fall back, slide back, sink back, return, ret- rograde, &c. 682. Remedy, help, redress, cure, antidote, counter-poison, corrective, restorative, sedative. Physic, medicine,drug,medica- ment, nostrum, prescription, ca- tholicon. Panacea, elixir, balm, balsam, cordial. Salve, ointment, plaster, embro- cation, cataplasm, poultice,vulne- rary, cosmetic, &c.; sanativeness. Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Ma- teria Medica, Therapeutics, Die- tetics, Dietary, Regimen, Chi- rurgery, Surgery. A hospital, infirmary, pest- house, lazaretto. Adj. Remedial, medical, medicinal, therapeutic, chirurgical, sanatory, sanative, salutary, salutiferous, healing, restorative, Ionic, balsamic, anodyne, sedative, lenitive, demulcent, emol- lient, detersive, detergent, abstersive, disinfectant, corrective. Dietetic. 663. Bane, rod, scourge, curse, scathe, sting, thorn ] gall anil wormwood. Poison, leaven, virus, venom, miasm, malaria, azote, pest, rust, canker, cancer, canker worm, Hemlock,hellebore,nightshade, henbane, aconite. A viper, adder, serpent, rattle- snake, cockatrice, scorpion, wire- worm, torpedo, hornet, vulture, vampire, &c.; Demon, &c., 980j Fury, see 913. Science of poisons, Toxicol- ogy- 3. Contingent Subservience. 664. Safety, security, surety, i impregnability, invulnerability, invulnerableness. Safeguard, guard, guardian- ship, protection, tutelage, ward- 665. Danger, peril, insecuii- ty, jeopardy, risk, hazard, ven- ture, precariousness, slipperiness, see 667. Liability, exposure. 177, vul- 196 INDIVIDUAL VOLITION. ship, wardenship, safe conduct, escort, convoy, garrison. Watch, watch and ward, senti- nel, scout, watchman, patrol, pick- et, bivouac, watchdog. Protector, guardian, guard, de- fender, warden, warder, preserver, tutelary saint, guardian angel ] see Defence, 717. Custody, safekeeping, 751. Precaution, quarantine. V. To be safe, &c. To render safe, &c., to protect, guard, mount guard, shield, shel- ter, flank, cover, screen, shroud, ensconce, ward, secure, fence, hedge in, intrench, house. To defend, forfend, escort, con- voy, garrison. Adj. Safe, in safety, in securi- ty, secure, sure, protected, guard- ed, &c., snug, fireproof. Defencible, tenable, invulner- able, unassailable, impregnable, inexpugnable. Protecting, &c., guardian, tute- lary. Unthreatened, unmolested, un- harmed, harmless, scathless, un- hazarded. nerability, vulnerable point; the heel 0/ Achilles. Hopelessness, 859, forlorn hope, alarm, see Fear, 860, defenceless- ness. V. To be in danger, &c., to be exposed to, to run, incur or en- counter danger, run a risk. To place or put in danger, &c., to endanger, expose to danger, imperil, jeopardize, compromise, adventure, risk, hazard, venture, stake. To insnare, entrap, entangle, Adj. In danger, peril, jeopardy, &c., unsafe, insecure, unguarded, unscreened, unsheltered, unpro- tected, helpless, exposed,defence- less, at bay. Unwarned, unadmonished, un- advised. Dangerous, perilous, hazardous, fraught with danger, adventurous, precarious, slippery, unsteady shaky, tottering, topheavy. Threatening, alarming, mina- tory, minacious, 909. 668. Means of safety. Refuge, asylum, sanctuary, fastness, retreat, hiding-place. Roadstead, anchorage, break- water, mole, port, haven, harbor, harbor of refuge, pier. Fort, citadel, fortification, &c., shield, &c., see Defence, 717. Screen, covert, wing, fence, rail, railing, wall, dike, ditch, &c, 232. Anchor, sheet anchor, prop, stay, mainstay, jury mast, lifeboat, plank, (life preserver,) stepping stone. 667. Source of danger. Pitfall, rocks, reefs, sunken rocks, snags, sands, quicksands, breakers, shoals, shallows, bank, shelf, flat, lee shore, precipice. Trap, snare, gin, springe, toils, noose, net, spring net, spring gun, masked battery, mine. 688. Warning, caution, notice, premonition, premonishment, lesson, dehortation, admonition, see 864. Beacon, lighthouse, pharos, watchtower, signal post, &c., see 550. Sentinel, sentry, watch, watchman, patrol, &c., 664. V. To warn, caution, forewarn, premonish, give notice, give warn- ing, admonisn, dehort. To take warning, to beware, to be on one’s guard, 864. PREPARATION — NON-PREPARATION. 197 Adj. Warning, &c., premonitory, dehortatory, admonitory. Warned, &c., careful, on one’s guard, 459. 669. Indication of danger. Alarm, alarum, larum, alarm bell, tocsin, signal of distress, blue- lights, &c., warning voice. False alarm, cry of wolf, bugbear. V. To give, raise, or sound an alarm, to alarm, warn, ring the tocsin, to cry wolf. Adj. Alarming, &c. 670. Preservation, conservation, conservatism, maintenance, support, sustentation, deliverance, salvation, rescue, redemption. Means of preservation, preservative, preserver. Superstitious remedies, see 993. V. To preserve, maintain, support, save, rescue. To embalm, dry, cure, salt, pickle, season, bottle. Adj. Preserving, conservative, preservatory. Preserved, unimpaired, uninjured, unhurt, unsinged, unmarred. 671. Escape, evasion, retreat, reprieve, reprieval, deliverance, re- demption, rescue. Narrow escape, hairbreadth scape. Means of escape; bridge, drawbridge, loophole, ladder, plank, stepping stone, &c., 666, V. To escape, elude, evade, wriggle out of, make or effect one’s escape, make off, march off, pack off, slip away, steal away, slink away, flit, decamp, run away, abscond, fly, flee, bolt, elope, break loose, play truant. Adj. Escaping* &c., escaped, &c., fugitive, runaway. 672. Deliverance, extrication, rescue, redemption, salvation, riddance, redeemableness. V. To deliver, extricate, rescue, save, redeem, bring off, to get rid of, to rid. Adj. Delivered, saved, &c., scot free, scathless. Extricable, redeemable, rescuable. 3. Precursory Measures. 673. Preparation, making ready, providing, provision, prov- idence, anticipation, precaution, laying foundations, ploughing, sowing, brewing, digestion, ges- tation, hatching, incubation, con- coction, maturation, elaboration, predisposition. Preparation of men; training, drill, drilling, discipline, exercise, exercitation, gymnasium, pren- ticeship, apprenticeship, qualifi- cation, inurement, education, no- vitiate, see Teaching, 53". Putting or setting in order, put- 674. Non-preparation, want or absence of preparation, im- providence. Immaturity, crudeness, crudity, greenness, rawness, disqualifica- tion. Absence of art, nature. An embryo, skeleton, rough copy, germ, &c., rudiment, 153. V. To be unprepared, &c., to want or lack preparation. To render unprepared, &c., to dismantle, dismount, dismast, dis- qualify, disable, unrig, undress, 226. 198 INDIVIDUAL VOLITION. ting to rights, i Iearance, arrange- ment, disposal, organization, ad- justment, alaptation, disposition, accommodation, putting in tune, tuning, putting in trim, dressing, putting in harness, outfit, equip- ment, accoutrement, &c. Groundwork, basis, foundation, pedestal, &c., see 215, first stone, scaffold, scaffolding. State of being prepared, pre- paredness, ripeness, maturity, readiness, mellowness. Preparer, pioneer. V. To prepare, get ready, make ready, get up, anticipate, forecast, preestablish, preconcert, settle preliminaries, to found. To arrange, set or put in order, set or put to rights, organize, dispose, cast the parts, adjust, adapt, accommodate, trim, betrim, fit, predispose, inure, elaborate, 1 mature, ripen, nurture, hatch, cook, brew, tune, put in tune, attune, set, temper. To provide, provide against, make provision, keep on foot, take precautions, make sure; to lie in wait for, 507. To equip, arm, man, fit out, fit up, furnish, rig, dress, dress up, furbish up, accoutre, array, vamp up. To prepare one’s self; lay one’s self out for, get into har- ness, gird up one’s loins, buckle on one’s armor. To train, drill, discipline, break in, cradle, inure, habituate, harden, season, acclimatize, qualify, educate, teach, &c. Adj. Preparing, &c., in preparation, in course of prepara- tion, in agitation, brewing, forthcoming, in embryo, afoot, afloat, on the anvil, on the carpet, on the tapis, on the stocks, provisional. Prepared, trained, drilled, &c., forearmed, ready, in readi- iness, ripe, mature, mellow, fledged, ready to one’s hand, ready-made, cut and dried, concocted. Adv. In preparation, in anticipation of, &c., against. Adj. Unprepared,rudimental,im- mature, unripe, raw, green, crude, rough, roughcast, roughhewn, un- hewn, unformed, unhatched, un- fledged, unnurtured, uneducated, in a state of nature, unwrought, unconcocted, undigested, indi- gested, unfashioned, fallow, un- cultivated, untrained, undrilled, unexercised, unseasoned, disqual- ified. Unbegun, unready, unarranged, unorganized, unfurnished, unpro- vided, unequipped, undressed, in dishabille, dismantled, untrim- med. Shiftless, improvident, thought- less, unthrifty. Unpremeditated, offhand, 612, from hand to mouth, extempore. X X J ' Jl J / o 675. Essay, trial, experiment, 463, probation, endeavor, attempt, venture, adventure, random shot. V. To try, essay, make trial of, experiment, make an experiment; attempt, make an attempt; to grope, feel one’s way, pick one’s way; to venture, adventure. To endeavor, strive, use one’s endeavors. Adj. Essaying, &c., experimental, tentative, empirical, on trial, probative, probatory, probationary; attempting, endeavoring, &c. Adv. Experimentally, &c., at a venture. ACTION — INACTION 676. Uneumaking, enterprise, move, first move, the initiative, first step, see Beginning, 66, debut, embarkation. V. To undertake, take in hand, set about, go about, set to, fall to, set to work, engage in, launch into, embark in, plunge into, volun- teer. To begin, set on foot, set a-going, take the first step, take the ini- tiative ; to break ground, break the ice. Adv. Undertaking, &c. 677. Use, employment, em- ploy, application, appliance, dis- posal, exercise, agency, see 170. Recourse, resort, avail, service, wear, conversion to use. V. To use, make use of, em- ploy, 134, apply, dispose of, work, wield, put to use; turn or convert to use; avail one’s self of, resort to, have recourse to, recur to, take up with; to betake one’s self to. To render useful, serviceable, available, &c.; draw, call forth, tax, task, try, exert, exercise, con- sume, absorb, expend. To practise, put in action, set ca work, set in motion, ply, put in practice. To be useful, to serve one’s ;urn, &c., see 644. Adj. Used, employed, &c., ap- plied, exercised, tried, &c. 678. Disuse, forbearance, ab- stinence, dispensation, desuetude, dispensableness. V. To disuse, not to use, to do without, to dispense with, to let alone, not to touch; to spare, wave. To lay by; set, put, or lay aside; to discard, dismiss, cast off, throw off, turn off, turn out, turn away, throw away, do away with; to keep back. To dismantle, dismast. Adj. Disused, &c., not used, unemployed, unapplied, undis- posed of, unspent, unexercised, kept back. Unessayed, set aside, ungath- ered, untouched, unculled, un- trodden. 679. Misuse, misemployment, misapplication, misappropriation, abuse, profanation, prostitution, desecration. Waste, wasting, spilling, exhaustion, 638. V. To misuse, misemploy, misapply, misappropriate, desecrate, abuse, profane, prostitute. To waste, spill, fritter away, exhaust. Adj. Misused, &c. Section III. Vo luntary Action. 1. Simple Voluntary Action. 680. Action, performance, work, operation, proceeding, pro- cedure, process, handicraft, work- manship, transaction, job, doings; business, affair. Deed, act, overt act, move stroke, blow, feat, exploit, pas sage, stroke of policy. 681. Inaction, abstinence from action, see Inactivity, 683. V. Not to do, to let be, abstain from doing; let or leave alone, refrain, desist, stop, leave off, keep one’s self from doing; let pass, lie by, wait. To undo, take down, take or 200 INDIVIDUAL VOLITION. V. To act, do, work, perform, operate, commit, perpetrate, in- flict; exercise, practise; to strike a blow. To labor, drudge, toil, ply, dab- ble; to set to work, go about, serve, officiate. Adj. Acting, &c., in action, in operation, &c., on foot, at work, operative, in harness, in exercise, in play; on duty. pull to pieces, do away with; see 163. Adj. Not doing, not done, let alone, undone, &c. , 7 7 632. Activity, briskness, (live- liness,) quickness, promptness, promptitude, readiness, alertness, smartness, sharpness, nimbleness, agility. Spirit, vivacity, eagerness, alac- rity, zeal, energy, 171, vigor, in- tentness. Movement, bustle, stir, fuss, ado, fidget, restlessness. Wakefulness, vigilance, sleep- lessness, 459. Industry, assiduity, assiduous- ness, sedulity, sedulousness, dili- gence ; perseverance, persistence, plodding, painstaking, drudgery, indefatigability, indefatigable- ness, patience, habits of busi- ness. Dabbling, meddling, interfer- ence, interposition, intermeddling, tampering with, intrigue, superer- ogation, superfluence. V. To be active, busy, stirring, &c., to busy one’s self in, stir, be- stir one’s self, bustle, fuss, make a fuss, speed, hasten, push, make a pusn, go ahead. To plod, drudge, keep on, hold on, persist, take pains; to take or spend time in; to make prog- ress. To meddle, intermeddle, inter- fere, interpose, tamper with, agi- tate, intrigue. To overact, overdo, overlay, outdo. Adj. Active,brisk,quick, prompt, alert, on the alert, stirring, spry, sharp, smart, quick, nimble, agile, lightfooted, tripping, read} J — I J J J 683. Inactivity, inaction, lull, idleness,sloth, laziness, indolence, inertness, lumpishness, supine- ness, sluggishness, languor, torpor, listlessness, remissness, want of occupation. Dilatoriness, procrastination, 133, relaxation, dronishness, tru- antship, lagging, dawdling, rust, rustiness. Somnolence, drowsiness, dozi- ness, nodding, oscitation, sleepi- ness. Sleep, nap, doze, slumber, leth- argy, hybernation. An idler, laggard, truant, slug- gard, slumberer, drone, lounger. Cause of inactivity, see 174; torpedo. V. To be inactive, &c., to do nothing, to let alone, lie by, lie idle, keep quiet, relax, lag, lounge, loiter; to waste, lose, idle away, kill, tritie away, fritter away time. To sleep, slumber, nod, close the eyes, close the eyelids, doze, fail asleep, to drop asleep, hyber- nate, yawn. To render idle, &c. Adj. Inactive, unoccupied, un- employed, unbusied, doing noth- ing, at leisure, 685. Indolent, lazy, slothful, idle, slack, inert, torpid, sluggish, lan- guid, supine, heavy, dull, lump- ish, exanimate, soulless, listless. Dilatory, laggard, lagging, drawling, creeping, dawdling, rusty. Sleeping, asleep, last as'teep, in a sound sleep. FATIGUE — REFRESHMENT. Sleepy, drowsy, somnolent, dor- mant, asleep, lethargic, napping, sleepful, somniferous, soporilic, somnific, unwakened. 201 awake, alive, lively, vivac.ous, frisky, forward, eager, strenuous zealous, enterprising, spirited, in earnest. Working, on duty, at work, hard at work, intent, industrious, assid- uous. diligent, sedulous, notable,. painstaking, business-like, operose, plodding, toiling, hard- working, busy, bustling, restless. Persevering, indefatigable, untiring, unflagging, unremit- ting, unweared, never-tiring, undrooping, unintermitting, un- flinching. Meddling, meddlesome, pushing, intermeddling, tamper- ing, &c., officious, over-officious, intriguing, (managing.) Adv. Actively, &o., see 684. 684, Haste, despatch, precip- itancy, precipitation, precipitous- ness, impetuosity, posthaste, ac- celeration. Hurry, flurry, bustle, fuss, scramble, fidget, fidgettiness, 682. V. To haste, hasten, make haste, urge, press on, push on, bustle, hurry, precipitate, accele- rate, bustle, scramble, plunge, dash on. .'*>• d' g gi 5 || Adj. Hasty, hurried, precipitate, scrambling, &c., headlong, boisterous, impetuous, cursory. Adv. Hastily, &c., headlong, in haste, amain, hurryskurry, by fits and starts; all at once ; at short notice, see 113. 635. Leisure, spare time, spare hours, breathing time, holi- day, vacation, recess, repose. V. To have leisure, take one’s leisure, repose, 687, pause. Adj. Leisurely, undisturbed, quiet, deliberate, calm, reposing, &c. Adv. Leisurely, &c., at leisure. 686, Exertion, labor, work, toil, exercise, travail, duty, trou- ble, pains, ado, drudgery, fag- ging, slavery. Effort, tug, stress, struggle, &c. V. To labor, work, exert one’s self, toil, strive, use exertion, drudge, pains, take trouble, trouble cue’s self, bestir one’s self, fall t j work. Adj. Laboring, &c., laborious, toilsome, troublesome, operose, strained, herculean, gymnastic, palestric. I Hardworking, painstaking, strenuous, see 682. Adv. Laboriously, &.c. 687. Repose, rest, halt, pause, relaxation, breathing time, res- pite, see Leisure, 685. V. To repose, rest, relax, un- bend, take rest, breathe, take breath, take one’s ease, respire, pause, halt, lie by, lie fallow, re- cline, lie down, &c., unbend. Adj. Reposing, resting, &c., un* strained. 688. Fatigue, lassitude, wea- 689. Refreshment, recovery riness, 841, yawning, exhaustion, of strength, recruiting, repair, re- sweat, collapse, swoon, prostra- fection, relief, bracing, regale- lion, faintness, fainting. ment, restoration, revival. 202 I> DIVIDUAL VOLITION. V. To refresh, recruit, repair, give tone, restore. To recover, regain, renew, &c., one’s strength. Adj. Refreshing, &c., refreshed, &c., untired, unwearied, &c. V. To be fatigued, &c., to droop, sink, flag, lose oreath, gasp, pant, puff, blow, yawn, swoon, faint, succumb. To fatigue, tire, weary, fag, jade, harass, exhaust, knock up, wear out, strain, overtask, over- work, overburden, overtax, over- strain. Adj. Fatigued, tired, unrefreshed, unrestored, weary, wea- ried, jaded, wayworn. Breathless, out of breath. Drooping, flagging, faint, fainting, exhausted, sinking, pros- trate, spent, overspent, over-fatigued, &c. Fatiguing, &c., tiresome, irksome, weary, wearisome, try- ij:g. 690. Agent, doer, performer, operator, hand, executor, maker. Artist, workman, worker, artisan, artificer, architect, handicrafts- man, mechanic, machinist, manufacturer, practitioner, operative, journeyman, laborer, smith, wright, day laborer, co-worker. 691. Workshop, laboratory, manufactory, mill, factory, cabinet, studio, (counting room.) workhouse. Crucible, alembic, caldron. 692. Conduct, course of action, practice, procedure, transaction, doings, dealing, business, ways, tactics, policy, polity, generalship, statesmanship, economy, husbandry, seamanship, housekeeping, housewifery. Execution, manipulation, treatment, process, course, campaign, career, race. Behavior, deportment, carriage, demeanor, bearing, manner, ob- servance. V. To conduct, carry on, transact, execute, carry out, work out, carry through, go through, despatch, treat, deal with, proceed with, officiate, acquit one’s self, discharge. To behave, acquit one’s self, demean one’s self. Adj. Conducting, &c. 2. Complex Voluntary Action. 693. Direction,management,government,(administration,) slates* manship, conduct, 692, regulation, charge, agency, ministry, minis- tration, guidance, steerage, pilotage, superintendence, stewardship, proctorship, supervision, (control.) Board, board of' control, committee, council, &c., 696. V. To direct, manage, govern, guide, conduct, regulate, steer, pilot, have or take the direction, preside, take the helm, have the charge of, superintend, overlook, supervise, control. To head, lead, show the way, &c. Adj. Directing, &c. 691. Director, manager, master, 745, head, minister, premier, SKILL — UNSKILFULNESS. 203 governor, comptroller, superintendent, intendent, supervisor, super- cargo, president, inspector, visitor, monitor, overseer, taskmaster, oflicia., officer, 726. Conductor, steersman, pilot, guide, cicerone, guard, driver, chari- oteer, coachman, postilion, carman. Steward, factor, foreman, proctor, procurator, housekeeper. 695. Advice, counsel, suggestion, recommendation, hortation, de- hortation, instruction, charge, monition, admonition, caution, warn- ing, expostulation, injunction, persuasion. Guidance, helm, cynosure, rudder, guide, hand book, manual, itinerary, reference. An adviser, counsellor, counsel, monitor, Mentor, guide, teacher 540. Referee, arbiter, arbitrator, referendary. V. To advise, counsel, give advice, admonish, caution, warn, fore- warn, see 668. To persuade, 615, to dehort, exhort, enjoin, expostulate, charge, instruct. To deliberate, consult together, hold a council, &c., confer, call in, refer to, take advice, be closeted with. Adj. Monitory, admonitory, recommendatory, (hortatory,) dehorta- tory, warning, &c. 696. Council, conclave, court, chamber, cabinet, house, commit- tee, sub-committee, board, meeting. Senate, (house of representatives,) parliament, synod, convoca- tion, congress, consistory, diet, cortes, divan, Areopagus, sanhedrim, directory, &c. A meeting, assembly, sitting, session. 697. Precept, direction, instruction, prescript, prescription, order, see 741. Rule, canon, code, formula, formulary, maxim, apothegm, &c., 496. 698. Skill, skilfulness, clev- erness, ability, talent, ingenuity, capacity, calibre, shrewdness, sa- gacity, parts, genius, faculty, gift, forte, turn, invention) cunning, 702. Address, dexterity, adroitness, dexterousness, facility, knack, ex- pertness, aptitude, aptness, quick- ness, sharpness, readiness, excel- lence, felicity. Qualification, proficiency, ac- complishment, acquirement, craft, mastership. Tact, knowledge of the world, discretion. Prudence, discretion, see Cau- tion, 864. 699. Unskilfulness,inability, incompetence, incompetency, in- felicity, inexpertness, unaptness, awkwardness, maladroitness, clumsiness, slovenliness, green- ness, rawness, inexperience, dis- qualification. Bungling, blundering, fum- bling, floundering, stumbling, dul- ness, unteachableness. Indiscretion, imprudence, 863, folly, thoughtlessness, giddiness, wildness, mismanagement, mis- conduct, maladministration, mis- rule, misgovernment, misapplica- tion ; misdirection. V. To be unskilled, unskilful, 204 INDIVIDUAL VOLITION. Art, management, tactics, ma- flceuvering, sleight, policy. A masterstroke, a masterpiece, a bold stroke. V. To be skilful, skilled, &c., to excel in, be master of. Adj. Skilled, skilful, &c., clev- er, able, accomplished, ingen- ious, inventive, gifted, saga- cious. Expert, dexterous, adroit, apt, sharp, handy, ready, quick, smart, nimble. Conversant, versed, proficient, knowing, competent, qualified, good at, master of, at home in. Experienced, practised, hack- neyed, trained, initiated, pre- pared, primed, finished, thorough- bred. Technical, artistic, workman- like, masterly, statesman-like. Discreet, politic, surefooted, felicitous. Adv. Skilfully, &e., aright, artistically, &c., with consum- mate skill. To mismanage, misconduct, bungle, blunder, botch, boggle, mistake, misapply, missenu, mis- direct. Adj. Unskilled, &c., unskilful, bungling, &c., awkward, clumsy, unhandy, maladroit. Unapt,unqualified,incompetent, disqualified, ill qualified, inapt. Unaccustomed, unused, un- hackneyed, unexercised, un- trained, unpractised, undisci- plined, uneducated, undrilled, uninitiated, unschooled, uncon- versant, unversed, inexperienced, unstatesman-like. Unadvised, misadvised, ill de- vised, ill imagined, ill judged, ill advised, unguided, misguided, ill conducted, misconducted, foolish, wild. 700. Proficient, adept, gen- ius, master, masterhand, tacti- cian, politician, marksman, veter- an, picked man, conjuror, wizard, &c., 994. 701. Bungler, greenhorn,nov- ice, no conjuror, flat. 702. Cunning, cunningness, craft, artfulness, subtlety, shrewd- ness, archness, insidiousness, shyness, artificialness, artificial- ity. Artifice, device, manoeuvre, stratagem, wile, finesse, trick, ruse, diplomacy, politics. Duplicity, guile, circumven- tion, chicane, chicanery, Mach- iavelism, legerdemain, trickery, &c., 545. Net, toils, trap, &c., 667. V. To be cunning, &c., to con- trive, design, manoeuvre, intrigue, circumvent. Adj. Cunning, crafty, artful, wily, sly, subtle, arch, design- ing, intriguing, contriving, insidious, deceitful, 545, tricky, artificial, crook ed, deep, profound, diplomatic, Machiavelian, timeserving. 703. Artlessness, nature, naturalness, simplicity, ingenu- ousness, frankness, openness, candor, sincerity, straightforward- ness, honesty, 939. V. To be artless, &c. Adj. Artless, natural, native, plain, simple-minded, ingenuous, candid, naive, sincere, frank, open, open hearted, above board, down- right, guileless, inartificial, unde- signing, single-minded, nonest DIFFICULTY — FACILITY. 205 Section IY. Antagonism. 1. Conditional Antagonism. 704. Difficulty, delicacy,! troublesome less, encumbrance, laboriousness. Impracticability, infeasible- ness.intraetability, toughness,per- verseness, see Impossibility, 462. Embarrassment, awkwardness, perplexity, intricacy, intricate- ness, inextricableness, entangle- ment, knot, Gordian knot, lab- yrinth, net, meshes, maze, &c., 248. Dilemma, nice point, delicate point, knotty point, poser, puzzle; nonplus, quandary, strait, pass, critical situation, crisis, trial, rub, emergency, exigency. Scrape, lurch, slough, quag- mire, hot water, stew, mess, ado, false position. V. To be difficult, &c. To meet with, experience, la- bor under, get into, plunge into, be surrounded by,be encompassed with, be entangled by; to strug- gle, contend against, or grapple with difficulties. To come to a stand, to stick fast, to be set fast, to boggle, flounder. To render difficult, &c., to em- barrass, perplex, put one out, pose, puzzle, nonplus, ravel, en- tangle, gravel, run hard. Adj. Difficult, not easy, hard, troublesome, laborious, onerous, operose, awkward, unwieldy, be- set with or full of difficulties. Unmanageable, tough, stub- born, hard to deal with, ill-con- ditioned, refractory, perverse, crabbed, intractable. ( Embarrassing, perplexing, delicate, ticklish, intricate, thorny, knotty, pathless, trackless, labyiinthic, labyrinthine. Impracticable, not possible, impossibJb, 471, not practica- 705. Facility, practicability, feasibility, praciicableness, see Possibility, 470. Ease, easiness, child’s play, smoothness, tractableness, duc- tility, flexibility, malleability, tractility, capability, disencum- brance, disentanglement. Plain sailing, smooth water, smooth sailing, fair wind, free- dom, full play, a clear coast, ad- vantage, vantage ground. V. To be easy, &c., to flow, swim, or drift with the tide or stream. To render easy, &c., to facili- tate, smooth, ease, lighten, free, clear, disencumber, disembarrass, clear the way, smooth the way, see 673, disentangle, unclog, dis- engage, extricate, unravel, dis- burden, exonerate, emancipate, free from. Adj. Easy, facile, attainable, accessible, practicable, feasible, achievable, performable,possible, 470, superable, surmountable. Easily managed or accom- plished, &c., tractable, managea- ble, smooth, pliant, yielding, mal- leable, plastic, ductile, tractile, flexible, submissive. At ease, free, light, easy, unbur- dened, unencumbered, unloaded, disburdened, disencumbered, dis- embarrassed, exonerated, unre- strained, unobstructed, at home. Adv. Easily, &c. INDIVIDUAL VOLITION. 206 ble, not feasible, infeasible, unachievable, inaccessible, inex- tricable, impassable, innavigable, desperate, insuperable, in- surmountable. In difficulty, at a loss, perplexed, &c., beset, put to it, hard put to it, run hard, hard pressed, adrift, at fault. Stranded, aground, stuck fast, at bay. Adv. With difficulty, hardly, &c., uphill. 2. Active Antagonism. 706. Hinderance, prevention, preclusion, retardment, retarda- tion, embarrassment, interruption, obstruction, stoppage, intercep- tion, interclusion, coarctation, re- straint, inhibition, embargo. Interference, interposition, ob- trusion, discouragement, discoun- tenance. An impediment,hinderance,ob- stacle, knot, obstruction; stum- bling stone or block; check, bar, barrier, barricade, wall, dead wall, bulkhead, portcullis, &c., 717, dam, wear, boom. Drawback, objection. An encumbrance, clog, drag weight, dead weight, lumber, pack, incubus; trammel, &c., 752. A hinderer, an interloper; an opponent, 710. V. To hinder, impede, prevent, preclude, retard, slacken, obviate, forefend, avert, turn aside, ward ofF, draw off, cut off, incommode, discommode, undermine. To obstruct, stop, stay, bar, lock, debar, inhibit, cramp, clog, re- strain, check, discourage, discoun- tenance, foreclose. To thwart, traverse, contravene, interrupt, intercept, interclude, frustrate, defeat, disconcert, undo, intercept; to balk, cushion, spoil, mar. To interpose, interfere, inter- meddle, obtrude, 682. To hamper, clog, cumber, en- cumber, saddle with, load with, 707. Aid, assistance, help, suc- cor, (helping hand,) support, relief, advance, furtherance, promotion. Patronage, championship, coun tenance, favor. Sustentation, alimentation, nu trition, nourishment; ministra- tion, ministry, accommodation. Supplies, reenforcements, suc- cors, recruits; physical support, see 215. V. To aid, assist, help, succor, support, promote, further, abet, advance, foster; foment; to give, bring, furnish, afford or supply support, &c., to reenforce, nourish, nurture. To favor, countenance,befriend, cherish, encourage, patronize, make interest for. To second, stand by, back, take part with, side with, to come or pass over to; to join, to rally round. To serve, do service, minister to, tender to, oblige, accommo- date, work for, administer to, pan- der to; to tend, attend, take care of, wait on, nurse, entertain. To speed, expedite, forward, quicken, hasten, set forward. Adj. Aiding, helping, assisting, &c., auxiliary, adjuvant, coadju- tant, ancillary, accessory, sub- sidiary. Friendly, amicable, favorable, propitious. Adv. On or in behalf of; in t‘ e service of; hand in hand. DISCORD — CONCORD. 207 overload, overlay, lumber, block up, incommode; to curb, shackle, fetter. Adj. Hindering, &c., (repugnant.) in the way of, inimical, unfavorable, onerous, burdensome. Hindered, &.C., windbound. 708. Opposition, antagonism, counteraction, 179, contravention, control, clashing, collision, com- petition, rivalry, emulation. Absence of aid, &c., counter- plot, 719. V. To oppose.withstand, antag- onize. cross, counteract, control, contravene, countervail, counter- work, stultify, thwart, overthwart, countermine, run counter, go against, clash, rival, emulate, pit against, militate against, beat against, stem, breast, encounter, compete with. Adj. Opposing, &c... adverse, antagonistic, opposed, pitted against, contrary, conflicting, unfavorable, unfriendly. Unaided, unassisted, unhelped, unsustained, unseconded, &c., unsupported, unbefriended. Adv. Against, counter to, against the stream, tide, wind, &c., in the way of, in spite of, in despite of, in the teeth of, in the face of. Across, athwart. Though, although, 179, even. 709. Cooperation, concert, collusion, coefficiency, see Con- currence, 178. Alliance, colleagueship, joint stock, copartnership, coalition, federation, confederation, 712. V. To cooperate, concur, con- spire, concert; draw or pull to- gether, to join with, unite one’s efforts, club together, fraternize,be in league, &c., with, be a party to. Adj. Cooperating, &c., in co- operation, &c., in concert, allied, &c- Unopposed, unobstructed. 710. Opponent, antagonist, adversary, adverse party, rival, competitor, enemy, foe, 891, as- sailant, 711. Auxiliary, assistant, ad- juvant, adjunct, adjutant, help, helper, helpmate, colleague, part- ner, coadjutor, cooperator, ally; votary. Friend,' confidant, champion, partisan, sectary; adherent, abetter, confederate, accomplice, accessory; servant, see 746. 712. Party, partnership, fraternity, company, society, firm, house, body, corporation, corporate body, guild, joint concern. Fellowship, brotherhood, sisterhood, communion, clan, clanship, club, clique, junto, coterie, faction, cabal, league, alliance, confed eracy, confederation, federation; side, partisanship, party spirit. Band, staff, crew, set, posse, phalanx. V. To unite, join, club together, join forces, cooperate, befriend, aid, &c., 707, cement, form a party, league, &c. Adj. In partnership, alliance, &c., banded, linked, cemented, &c., together. 713. Di sccrd. variance, differ- ence, dissent, misunderstand ng, 714. Concord, accord, agree ment, 23, unison, unity, union, INDIVIDUAL VOLITION. 208 dissension, jar, jarring, clashing, odds; disunion schism, breach, falling out, rupture, disruption, open rupture, loud, faction, con- tentiousness, litigiousness, strife, contention. 720. Dispute, controversy, polemics, quarrel, altercation, bickering, chicanery, squabble, row, brawl. Litigation, words, war of words, logomachy, wrangling, j angle, see Warfare, 722. Subject of dispute; ground of quarrel, disputed point; the bone of contention; the apple of discord. V. To be discordant, &c., to differ, dissent, disagree, clash, ;ar. To fall tut, dispute, controvert, litigate ; to quarrel, wrangle, bicker, spar, jangle; to break with; to split; to declare war. To embroil, entangle, disunite, set against, pit against Adj. Discordant, disagreeing, differing, disunited, clashing, jarring, dissentient, at variance, controversial. Quarrelsome, disputatious, litigious, litigant, factious, gladi- atorial, pettyfogging, polemic, schismatic; unpacified, unrec- onciled^ good understanding, quiet, peace, 721, unanimity, 488, harmony, amity, alliance. V. To agree, accord, be in uni- son, &.C., to harmonize with, fra- ternize. Adj. Concordant, agreeing, &c., united, in unison, &c., harmoni- ous, allied, cemented, friendly, amicable, fraternal, at peace, peaceful, pacific, tranquil. 715. Defiance, challenge, daring. V. To defy, challenge, dare, beard. Adj. Defying, &c. Adv. In defiance of: with arms akimbo. -- j 716. Attack, aggression, of- fence, assault, charge, onset, on- slaught, brunt, thrust, pass, sally, inroad, invasion, irruption, sortie, storm, storming, boarding, forray, dragonade, see 619, siege, invest- ment. Fire, volley, cannonade, broad- side, bombardment, raking fire. An assailant, aggressor. V. To attack, assault, assail, impugn, fall upon, close with, charge, bear down upon, set on, strike at, fly at, butt, tilt at, make a pass at, thrust at, cut and thrust, buffet, beat, see 972, pelt; to march upon, march against, ad- vance against. To shoot at, fire at, fire upon, shoot, open fire, bcmbard, pour a broadside into, fire a volley. 717. Defence, self-defence, self-preservation, protection, ward, guard, guardianship, shielding, &c., see Resistance, 718, and Safe- ty, 664. Fence, wall, parapet, dike, &c., 232, boom, picket, mound, mole, outwork, intrenchment, fortifica- tion, embankment, bulwark, bar- bican, battlement, stockade, atat- tis, muniment, vallum, circum- vallation, contra vallation, buttress, abutment, breastwork, portcullis, glacis, bastion, redoubt, rampart. Hold, stronghold, fastness, keep fort, fortress, citadel, tower, cas tie, capitol, asylum, 666. Shield, buckler, tegis, breast- plate, coat of mail, cuirass, haw- berk, habergeon, screen, &c., 666, helmet, casque; panoply. CONTENTION — PEACE. 209 To beset, besiege, lay siege to, invest, beleaguer, open the trenches, invade, storm, board, scah. the walls. To press one hard, be hard upon, drive one hard. Adj. Attacking, &e., aggressive, offensive, up in arms Defender, protector, guardian, see 664, champion, knight errant. V. To defend, shield, fend, fence, guard, 644, keep off, keep at bay, ward off, beat off, parry, repel, bear the brunt of, put to flight. To fall back upon, to stand or act on the defensive, to maintain one’s ground. Adj. Defending, &c., defensive, defended, &c., armed, armed cap-a-pie, armed to the teeth. Adv. Defensively, on the defence, on the defensive, at bay. 7ia Retaliation, reprisal, i retort, counterstroke, reciproca- tion, retribution, counterplot, coun- ter-project, see Revenge, 919, and Compensation, 30. V. To retaliate, retort, be even with one, pay off. Adj. Retaliating, retaliatory, re- taliative. 719. Resistance, stand, front, repulse, rebuff, &o., see Disobedi- ence, 742, recalcitration. Strike, meeting, tumult, riot. Revolt, rising, insurrection, re- bellion. V. To resist, not to submit, &c., to withstand, stand or strive against, stand firm, make a stand, confront, reluctate. To kick, kick against, recalci- trate, lift the hand against, see Attack, 716, to repel, repulse, rise, revolt, mutiny. Adj. Resisting, &c., resistive, refractory, mutinous, repul- sive, recalcitrant, up in arms, see Disobedient, 742. Unyielding, unconquered, indomitable. 720. Contention, strife, con- test, struggle, contestation, debate, logomachy, high words, rivalry, competition, race, heat, bicker- ing. Wrestling, pugilism, boxing, fisticuffs, spar, prize fighting, set- to, round, row, outbreak, clash, collision, shock, breach of the peace. Conflict, skirmish, rencounter, scuffle, encounter, digladia- ti;m, broil, fray, affray, affair, brush, fight, battle, combat, ac- tion, engagement, running nght, joust, tournament, tournay, pitched battle, death struggle. Naval engagement, (sea fight.) Duel, satisfaction, monomachy. V. To contend, contest, struggle, vie with, outvie, battle with, strive, cope with, compete, close with, enter the lists, take up arms, take the field, encounter, struggle with, grapple with, engage with, fal i, enc mnter. 721. Peace, amity, truce, har- mony, see Concord, 714, tranquil- lity. V. To be at peace, &c., to keep the peace, &c., 714. Adj. Pacific, peaceable, peace- ful, tranquil, untroubled. 210 INDIVIDUAL VOLITION. 722. Warfare, war, hostili- ties, fighting, &c., open war war to the knife. Battle array, campaigi, cru- sade. The art of war, tactics, strategy, military evolutions, arms, service, &c. War cry, fire-cross, trumpet, clarion, bugle, war whoop, beat of drum, to arms. V. To fight, set to, spar, justle, skirmish, stave, fence, engage, combat. Adj. Contending, &c., unpeace- ful, contentious, belligerent, bel- licose, martial, warlike, military, militant, gladiatorial, chivalrous, in arms, embattled. 723. Pacification, reconcili- ation, accommodation, arrange- ment, adjustment. Peace offering, olive branch, preliminaries of peace. Truce, armistice, suspension of arms, of hostilities, &c., conven- tion. Flag of truce, cartel. V. To make peace, pacify, make it up, settle, arrange, ac- commodate matters, tranquillize, compose, hush up, settle differ- ences, restore harmony, heal the breach. Adj. Pacified, &c. 724. Mediation, intervention, interposition, interference, inter- meddling. intercession, parley, negotiation, arbitration, mediatorship, good offices, diplomacy, peace offering. A mediator, intercessor, peacemaker, makepeace, negotiator, bot- de holder. V. To mediate, intercede, interpose, interfere, negotiate, arbitrate, see Compromise, 774. 725. Submission, surrender, non-resistance, yielding, capitula- tion, cession. V. To surrender, succumb, submit, yield, give in, bend, capitu- late ; lay down or deliver up one’s arms, retreat, give way. Adj. Surrendering, &c., non-resisting, submissive. Undefended, untenable, indefensible. 726. Combatant, armigerent, champion, disputant, litigant, com- petitor, rival, assailant, bully, lighter, duellist, pugilist, boxer, gladi- ator, athlete: swordsman, wrestler. Warrior, soldier, man at arms, foot soldier, trooper, dragoon, hus- sar, light horseman, (or hussar,) grenadier, fusileer, guardsman, life- guard, lancer, cuirassier, spearman, musketeer, carabineer, rifle- man, sharpshooter; ensign, standard bearer, halberdier; private subaltern, conscript. Artilleryman, gunner, cannonier, bombardier. Marine, jolly. Armed force, the army, the military, soldiery, infantry, cavalry, horse artillery. Militia, trainband, legion, phalanx, levy, squadron, troop, cohort, regiment, corps, platoon, battalion, company, 72, column, detach- ment, brigade, garrison, battle array. Man-of-war, war ship, privateer, &c., 273. — —7 r7 L 7 1 727. Arms, armament, armor, armory, quiver, arsenal. Mail, lorication; ammunition, powder, gunpowder, cartridge, 635. COMPLETION — NON-COMPLETION. 211 Artillery, park, ordnance piece, gun, cannon, swivel, howitzer, carronade, culverin, fieldpiece, basilisk, mortar, .grenade, petronel, petard, falconet. Firearms, sidearms, stand of arms, musketry, musket, fusil, fire- lock, matchlock, fowling piece, rifle, revolver, carabine, blunderbuss, pistol. Bow, harquebuss, crossbow, ballister, sling, catapult. Missile, projectile, shot, ball, grape, grapeshot, chainshot, bullet, shell, bomb, rocket. Pike, lance, spear, spontoon, javelin, dart, arrow, reed, shaft. Bayonet, sword, sabre, broadsword, cutlass, falchion, cimeter, ra- pier. claymore, dagger, dirk, poniard, stiletto, dudgeon, axe, bill, poleaxe, battleaxe, halberd, tomahawk, bowieknife. Club, mace, truncheon, staff, bludgeon, cudgel. Catapult, battering ram. 728. Arena, field, walk, battle field, field of battle, lists, palaes- tra, course, stage, boards, racecourse, turf, circus, ring, scene of ac- tion, theatre of war, the enemy’s camp, amphitheatre, hippodrome, coliseum. Section V. Results of Voluntary Action. 729. Completion, accomplish-1 ment, performance, fulfilment, ex- ecution, achievement, despatch, work done, superstructure, finish, termination, consummation, wind- ing up, the keystone, the last stroke, finishing stroke, last finish, final touch, crowning touch, see End, 67, Arrival, 292, and Com- pleteness, 52. V. To complete, effect, per- form, do, execute, go through, accomplish, fulfil, discharge, achieve, compass, effectuate, de- spatch, close, terminate, conclude, finish, end, 67, consummate, bring about, bring to bear, bring to pass, go through, carry through, bring through, work out, make good, carry out, wind up, bring to a close, termination, conclusion, &c. To perfect, bring to perfection, stamp, crown. To reach, arrive, 292, touch, reach, attain the goal; to run one’s race. Adj. Completing, final, concluding, conclusive, crowning, &c., done, completed, wrougV', high-wrought, &c., out of l.and. Adv. Completely, &c., 62, effectually, with a witness, with a vengeance. 730. Non-completion, inexe- cution, shortcoming, 304, non- performance, neglect; incom- pleteness, 53. V. Not to complete, perform, &c., to fall short off, leave unfin ished, &c., neglect, leave undone, &c. Adj. Not completed, &c., un- completed, incomplete, unfin- ished, left undone, 53, short, unac- complished, unperformed, unexe- cuted, (still in progress, going on, or in hand.) 212 INDIVIDUAL VOLITION. 731. Success, successfulness, speed, thrift, advance, fuck, good fortune, 734, godsend, prize, hit; lucky or fortunate hit; bold stroke, masterstroke, checkmate; see Skill, 698, time well spent. Continued success, run of luck, tide, flood, high tide. Advantage over, the upper hand, ascendency, mastery, con- quest, subdual, victory, subjuga- tion, tiiumph, exultation, &c., 884. A conqueror, victor. V. To succeed, to be success- ful. to come off successful, to be crowned with success, to come off well; to thrive, speed, pros- per, bloom, blossom, flourish, go on well, be well off. To gain, attain, carry, secure, or win a point or object; to tri- umph, be triumphant, &c.; to surmount, overcome, conquer, master, or get over a difficulty or obstacle. To advance, 282, get on, gain ground, make one’s way, to find one’s way, make progress, pro- gress ; to strive to some purpose, to gain an advantage. To bring to bear, to bring about, to effect, accomplish, complete, 729, make sure; to reap, gather, &c., the benefit of. To master, get the better of, to get the upper hand; conquer, subdue, subjugate, reduce, over- throw, overpower, vanquish; get or gain the ascendency, obtain a victory; beat, floor, put down, checkmate, nonsuit, capsize, ship- wreck, victimize, put to flight, &c. To baffle, disconcert, frustrate, foil, outgeneral, outmanceuvre, outwit, overreach, balk, outvote, circumvent. To answer, succeed, work well, run smoothly, take a favorable turn, 1, deduc- tion. subduction Dispossession, deprivation, de- privement, bereavement, divest- ment, sequestration, confiscation. Resumption, reprisal. Clutch, swoop, wrench. V. To take, lay one’s hands on; lay, take, or get hold of; to possess one’s self of, take posses- sion of, make sure of. To appropriate, pocket, put into one’s pocket. 790. Restitution, return, ren- dition, restoration, reinvestment, reparation, atonement. Redemption, recovery, recuper- ation, release, replevin. V. To return, restore, give back, render up, bring back, ren- der, refund, reimburse, repair, re- deem, reinvest. To let go, unclutch, disgorge. Adj. Restoring, &c. 224 INTERSOCIAL VOLITION. To pick up, gather, collect, absc.To, 297, reap, glean, inter- cept. To take away, carry away, carry off, bear off, pounce upon, run away with, abduct, kidnap. To lay violent hands on, scramble for, fasten upon, catch, seize, snatch, grasp, clutch, wring, wrest, wrench, pluck, tear away. To take from, deduct, 38, subtract, curtail, retrench, abridge, dispossess, take away from, abstract, deprive of, be- reave, divest, despoil, strip, fleece, levy, distrain, confiscate, sequester, sequestrate, oust, extort, usurp, drain, exhaust. Adj. Taking, &c., privative, predatory, rapacious, predial, parasitic, ravenous. 791. Stealing, theft, thieving, thievery, appropriation, plagiar- ism. depredation, pilfering, larceny, robbery, shoplifting, burglary. Spoliation, plunder, pillage, sack, rapine, forray, marauding. Peculation, embezzlement, swindling, 545, smuggling, thievish- ness. License to plunder; letters of marque. V. To steal, rob, abstract, appropriate, filch, pilfer, purloin. To convey away, carry off, run off with, abduct, kidnap, seize, lay violent hands on, &c., 789. To cabbage, sponge, swindle, peculate, embezzle, poach, smuggle. To plunder, pillage, rifle, sack, spoil, spoliate, despoil, strip, fleece. Adj. Stealing, &c., thievish, lightfingered, stolen, furtive, &c. 792. Thief, robber, spoiler, pickpocket, cutpurse, depredator, footpad, highwayman, burglar, housebreaker, shoplifter; the light- fingered gentry. Swindler, smuggler, sharper, blackleg, shark, harpy, peculator, plagiarist. Brigand, freebooter, bandit, pirate, corsair, buccaneer, marauder. 793. Booty, spoil, plunder, prey. 3. Interchange of Property. 794. Barter, exchange, interchange, commutation. Traffic, trade, commerce, dealing, business, custom, jobbing, bar- gain, commercial enterprise, speculation, brokery. V. To barter, exchange, interchange, commute, traffic, trade, spec- ulate, transact or do business with, deal with, have dealings with; open or keep an account with; to carry on a trade. To bargain; drive, make, or strike a bargain; negotiate, higgle, chaffer, cheapen, compound for, beat down, outbid. Adj. Commercial, mercantile, interchangeable; wholesale, retail. 795. Purchase, buying, pur-1 chasing • preemption, coemption, bribery. A buyer, purchaser, customer. V. To buy, purchase, procure, hire, rent, farm, pay, fee, repui • 796. Sale, disposal, cus- tom. Auction. Lease, mortgage. Vendibility, vendibleness. A vender, seller, &c., 797. WEALTH — POVERTY. 225 chast keep ione’s pay; to | bribe, suborn. Adj. Purchased, &c. To sell, vend, dispose of, un- dersell, retail, dispense, hawk. To let, lease, mortgage. Adj. Unpurchased, unbought, on one’s hands. 797. Merchant, trader, dealer, tradesman, buyer and seller, vender, monger, shopkeeper, shopman, salesman. Retailer, chapman, hawker, huckster, peddler, sutler; auctioneer, broker, money broker, money changer, jobber, factor, go-between, money lender. House, firm, concern, partnership, company, guild. Buyer, customer, purchaser. 793. Merchandise, ware, commodity, effects, goods, article, 6tock, cargo, produce, freight, lading. 799. Mart, market, change, exchange, market-place, fair. Office, shop, counting house, counter, stall. Warehouse, depot, store, 636, emporium. 800. Money, money matters, finance; funds, treasure, capital, stock, proceeds, assets, cash. Sum, amount, balance. Currency, circulating medium, specie, coin, hard cash; pounds, shillings, and pence, (dollars and cents.) Gold, silver, copper, dollar, &c. Pocket money, change, small coin. Science of coins, Numismatics. Paper money, note, bank note, note of hand, promissory note. Bill, or draft, check, order, warrant, bill of exchange, liabilities, 806. A drawer; a drawee. False money, base coin. V. To draw, draw upon, indorse. Adj. Monetary, pecuniary, fiscal, financial, sumptuary; numis- matical. 4. Monetary Relations. 801. Treasurer, pursebearer, purser, bursar, banker, paymas- ter, cashier, teller, cashkeeper, bursary. Chancellor of the Exchequer, financier. 802. Treasury, bank, exchequer, coffer, chest, stocks, money box, money bag, strong box, purse, pocket. 803. Wealth, fortune, riches, money, opulence, affluence, in- dependence, solvency, compe- tence, easy circumstances, com- mand of money. Means, provision, substance, property, revenue, income, ali- mony, diwer, pension, annuity, livelihood, pelf, mammon, lu- cre. A rich man; a moneyed man; 804. Poverty, indigence,pen- ury, pauperism, destitution, want, need, lack, necessity, privation, distress, an empty purse, bad cir- cumstances, straits, insolvency, beggary, mendicancy, mendicity. A poor man, pauper, mendi- cant, beggar, starveling. V. To be poor, &c., to want, lack, starve. To render poor, &c., to reduce, 226 INTERSOCIAL VOLITION. a capitalist; a » .illionnaire; ana- bob, Croesu?, Dives. V. To be rich &c., to afford. To raise miney; to make money, see 775. To enrich, fill one’s coffers, &c. Adj. Wealthy, rich, affluent, opulent, flush. to impoverish, reduce to poverty ruin. Adj. Poor, indigent, penniless moneyless, short of money, ou of money, out of cash, out of pocket, needy, destitute, necessi tous, distressed, in need, in want, in distress, pinched, reduced, in- solvent, see 806, beggared, fleeced, stripped. 805. Credit, trust, tick, score. Letter of credit, duplicate. A creditor, (lender,) lessor, mortgagee; a usurer. V. To keep an account with, to credit, accredit. Adj. Crediting. Adv. On credit, on account. 806. Debt, obligation, liabili- ty, debit, indebtedness, arrears, deficit, default, insolvency. Interest, usance, usury. A debtor, lessee, mortgager; a defaulter, 808. V. To be in debt, to owe, to answer for to incur a debt, see Borrow, 788. Adj. In debt, indebted, owing, due, unpaid, in arrear, liable, answerable for, insolvent, out- standing, unrepaid, unrequited, unrewarded. 07 X 7 X 807. Payment, defrayment,] discharge, quittance, acquittance, settlement, clearance, liquidation, satisfaction, reckoning, arrange- ment, acknowledgment, release eceipt in full. Repayment,reimbursement, re- tribution, reward, see 973. Bill,check, cash, ready money, remittance, &c., 800. V. To pay, cash, defray, dis- charge ; settle; account or reckon with; clear, liquidate, release. To repay, make repayment, re- fund, retribute, reimburse. Adj. Paying, &c.; paid, owing nothing, out of debt. 809. Expenditure, expenses, | disbursement, outlay. Money paid; pay, payment, fee, hire, wages, perquisites, avails, allowance, stipend, salary, subsidy. Re uuneration, recompense, re- ward, see 973, drink money, iar- gess, modi mm, bribe, money. 808. Non-payment, default, defalcation, protest. Insolvency, bankruptcy, repu- diation. Waste paper, bonds, dishonored or protested bills, &c. A defaulter, a bankrupt, an in- solvent debtor. V. Not to pay, to fail, to break; to become insolvent or bankrupt. To protest, dishonor, repudiate, nullify. Adj. Not paying, in debt, insol- vent, bankrupt, beggared, &.c., 804. 810. Receipt, income, reve- nue, rent, rental, return, proceeds, premium, bonus. Pension, annuity, j ointure, dower, dowry, alimony. Emoluments, perquisites, rec- ompense, &c., see 809, sinecure. V. To receive, pocket, &c., see 785, 789, to draw from, derive from. LIBERALITY — ECONOMY. 227 Pay in advance; earnest. Contribution, donation, sub- scription, deposit, contingent, dole, quota. Investment, purchase, &c., see 795, alms, see 784. V. To expend, spend, pay, dis- burse, lay out; lay or pay down; to cash; make up a sum; to in- vest, sink money. Adj. Expending, &c., expended, &c., sumptuary. To bring in, yielj, afford, pay, accrue. Adj. Receiving, &c., received, &c. Gainful, profitable, remunera- tive, lucrative, advantageous, &e., 775. 811. Accounts, money matters, bills, score, balance sheet, books, account books, leger, day book, debtor and creditor ac- counts. Bookkeeping, audit; double entry. An accountant, auditor, actuary, bookkeeper. V. To keep accounts, enter, post, credit, debit, carry over; bal- ance, make up accounts, take stock, audit. To falsify or garble accounts. 812. Price, cost, expense, charge, demand, damage, fare. Dues, duty, toll, tax, levy, as- sessment, benevolence, custom, exactment, ransom, excise, tariff, brokerage. Bill, account, score, reckoning. Worth, rate, value, valuation, appraisement ] money’s worth, pennyworth. V. To set or fix a price, appraise, assess, charge, demand, ask, require, exact, distrain. To fetch, sell for, cost, bring in, yield. 813. Discount, abatement, re- duction,allowance,drawback,per- centage, rebate, setoff, salvage. V. To discount, bate, abate, re- bate, reduce, take off, allow, give, discount. Adj. Discounting, &c. Adv. At a discount. 814. Dearness, costliness, 1 high price, expensiveness, rise in price, overcharge, extravagance, exorbitance. V. To be dear, &c., to cost much, to overcharge. Adj. Dear, high, high-priced, expensive, costly, dear-bought, unreasonable, extravagant, exor- bitant. extortionate. Adv. Dear, at great cost. 815. Cheapness, low price, bargain, gratuity, &c. V. To be cheap, &c., to cost little, to come down or fall in price. Adj. Cheap, low, modelafe, reasonable, unexpensive, low- priced, worth the money, half- price. Gratuitous, gratis, free, for noth- ing, free of cost, without charge, not charged, untaxed, scot-free, free of expense. 817. Economy, frugality,thrift, thriftiness, care, husbandry, re- trenchment, savings. V. To be economical, &c., to save, economize, meet one’s expenses, retrench; to la)- by; 816. Liberality, generosity, bounty, munificence, bounteous- ness, bountifulness, charity, hos- pital ty. V. To be liberal, &c., spend freely. 228 AFFECTIONS. Adj. Liberal, free, generous, charitable, hospitable, bountiful, bounteo :s, unsparing, ungrudg- ing, openhearted, freehearted, munificent, princely. Overpaid. to save money; to in rest moh ey- . Adj. Economical, frugal,thrifty y careful, saving, chary, sparing. Adv. Sparingly, &c. 818. Prodigality, unthrifti- ness, waste, profusion, profuse- ness, extravagance, prodigality, squandering A prodigal, spendthrift, squan- derer. V. To be prodigal,&c.,to squan- der, lavish, waste, dissipate, ex- haust, run out, misspend, throw away money, drain. Adj. Prodigal, profuse, thrift- less, unthrifty, wasteful, extrava- gant, lavish, over liberal. 819. Parsimony, stint, stingi- ness, niggardliness, illiberality, closeness, penuriousness, ava- rice, covetousness, greediness, avidity, rapacity, venality, mer- cenariness, cupidity. A miser, niggard, harpy. V. To be parsimonious, &c., to grudge, stint, pinch. Adj. Parsimonious, stingy, mi- serly, mean, shabby, niggardly, close, close-fisted, chary, grudg- ing, illiberal, ungenerous, churl- ish, sordid, mercenary, venal, covetous, avaricious, greedy, ra- pacious. CLASS VI. WORDS RELATING TO THE SENTIENT AND MORAL POWERS. Section I. AFFECTIONS IN GENERAL. 820. Affections, character, qualities, disposition, nature, spirit, temper, temperament, idiosyncrasy ; cast or frame of mind, or soul, turn, bent, bias, turn of mind, predisposition, proneness, proclivity, vein, humor, grain, mettle, nerve. Soul, heart, breast, bosom, the inner man, inmost heart, heart’s core, the heart of hearts. Pass on, pervading spirit, ruling passion, master passion ; flow of soul, fulness of the heart, heyday of the blood, flesh and blood. V. To have or possess affections, &c.; be of a character, &c. Adj. Affected, characterized, formed, moulded, cast, tempered, at- SENSIBILITY — INSENSIBILITY. 229 tempered, framed, disposed, predisposed, prone, inclined kavjag a bias, &c., inbred, inborn, ingrained. 821. Feeling, endurance, experience, suffering, tolerance, suf- ferance, patience, content, 831. Non-endurance, see 825. Impression, sensation, affection, response, emotion, pathos, waimth, glow, vehemence, fervor, fervency, heartiness, cordiality, earnest- ness, ardor, zeal, eagerness, passion, enthusiasm. Blush, suffusion, flush, hectic, thrill, turn, shock, agitation, 315, heaving, flutter, flurry, tremor, throb, throbbing, panting, palpitation, trepidation, perturbation, the heart swelling, throbbing, pulsating, melting, bursting, &c. Passion, 825 ; transport, rapture, ecstasy, ravishment, see 827. V. To feel, receive an impression, &c.; to be impressed with, af- fected with, moved with, touched with, &c. To bear, suffer, endure, brook, tolerate, put up with, experience, taste, meet with, go through, pnve; to harbor, cherish, support, abide, undergo. To blush, tingle, throb, heave, pant, palpitate, agitate, thrill, trem- ble, shake, quiver, wince. To swell, glow, warm, flush, catch the flame, catch the infection, respond. To possess, pervade, penetrate, imbue, absorb, &c., the soul. Adj. Feeling, suffering, enduring, &c. Impressed, moved, touched, affected with, &c., penetrated. Warm, quick, lively, smart, strong, sharp, keen, acute, cutting, piercing, pungent, racy, piquant, poignant. Deep, profound, indelible, deepfelt, homefelt, heartfelt, warm- hearted, hearty, cordial, swelling, thrilling, soul-stirring, electric. Earnest, eager, glowing, fervent, fervid, ardent, burning, fiery, flam- ing, boiling, boiling over, zealous, pervading, penetrating, absorbing. Wrought up, excited, passionate, enthusiastic, see 825. 822. Sensibility, impressive- ness, impressibility, sensitiveness, susceptibleness, susceptibility, excitability, mobility, vivacity, vi- vaciousness, tenderness, softness. Physical sensibility, see 375. V. To be sensible, &c., shrink, &c. Adj. Sensible, sensitive, im- pressible, susceptive, susceptible, excitable, tremblingly alive, live- ly, vivacious, mettlesome, ten- der, soft, sentimental, romantic, enthusiastic. Adv. Sensibly, &c., to the quick. 823. Insensibility, inertness, insensibleness,impassibility, apa- thy, phlegm, dulness, hebetude, coolness, coldness, supineness, stoicism, indifference, lukewarm- ness, frigidity, cold blood, cold heart, deadness, torpor, torpidity. Lethargy, stupor, stupefaction, paralysis, palsy. Physical insensibility, see 376. V. To disregard, be insensible, not to be affected by, not to mind, not to care. To render insensible, benumb, paralyze, deaden, rer der callous, sear, inure, harden, steel, stun, stupefy, brutalize. Adj. Insensible, unconscious, 230 AFFECTIONS. impassive, unsusceptible, impassible, unumpressible, cead to, passionless, spiritless, unfeeling, soulless, apathetic, phlegmatic, callous, obtuse, proof against, inured, steeled against, stoical, dull, frigid, cold, coldblooded, coldheart- ed, flat, maudlin, obtuse, inert, supine, slugglish, torpid, lan- guid, tame, numb, numbed, sleepy, yawning, stupefied. Indifferent, lukewarm, careless. Unfelt, unaffected, unruffled, unimpressed, unmoved, unin- spired, untouched, &c.; unshocked, unstruck, without being moved, &c.; Platonic, imperturbable, vegetative. 824. Excitation of feeling, excitement, stimulation, provocation, calling forth, infection, animation, agitation, perturbation, fascina- tion, intoxication, enravishment, unction. Repression of feeling, see 826. V. To excite, affect, touch, move, stir, stir up, wake, awaken, arouse; fire, raise, raise up, evoke, call forth, call up, summon up, rake up. To impress, strike, quicken, work upon; to warm, kindle, stimu- late, whet, animate, inspire, impassion, inspirit, provoke, irritate, sting, rouse, work up, hurry on. To agitate, ruffle, flutter, flush, mantle, swell, shake, thrill, pene- trate, pierce, cut, work one’s self up. To soften, subdue, overcome, master, overpower, overwhelm. To shock, stagger, stun, astound, electrify, give one a shock, petrify. To madden, intoxicate, fascinate, transport, ravish, enrapture, en- ravish, entrance. Adj. Excited, affected, &c., see 825, wrought up, worked up, fired, lost, wild, haggard, feverish, mantling. Exciting, &c., impressive, warm, glowing, fervid, swelling. 825. Excess of sensitiveness. Excitability, impatience, wincing, disquiet, disquietude, restlessness, fuss, hurry, agita- tion. flurry, flutter, irritability, 901.' Passion, excitement, vehe- mence, impetuosity, flush, heat, fever, flame, fume, wildness, tur- bulence, boisterousness, tumult, effervescence, ebullition, boiling, boiling over, gust, storm, tempest, breaking out, burst, fit, paroxysm. Fierceness, rage, fury, rav- ing, delirium, frenzy, intoxica- tion. Fascination, infatuation, fanat- icism, infection. V. To be (impatient, restive,) &c., not to bear, to bear ill, wince, 826. Absence of excitability. Inexcitability, dispassion, hebetude, patience. Coolness, composure, calmness, imperturbation, collectedness, tranquilness,quiet,quietude,quiet- ness, sedateness, soberness, grav- ity, staidness, placidity, sobriety, philosophy, equanimity, stoicism, demureness, meekness, gentle- ness, mildness. Submission, resignation, suffer- ance, endurance, long-sufferance, "orbearance, fortitude Repression of feelinb/ (restraint, subdued feeling,) composure, &c. V. To be composed, &c., to bear well, tolerate, put up with, take up with, bear with, take PLEASURE — PAIN. 231 chafe, fuss; not to be able to bear, (endure,) &c. To break out, fly out, burst out, explode, run riot, boil, boil over, fly off, flare up, fire, take fire, fume, rage, rave, run mad. Aclj. Excitable, &c., excited, &c. Impatient, feverish, unquiet, restless, irritable, mettlesome, skittish, chafing, wincing, &c. Vehement, boisterous, impetu- ous,(violent,) fierce, fiery, flaming, boiling, over-zealous, passionate, impassioned, enthusiastic, ram- pant, mercurial, high-wrought, over-wrought, hotheaded, turbu- lent, furious, fuming, (mad- dening,) raging, raving, frantic, delirious, ixrtoxicated, demonia- cal. Overpowering, overwhelming, soul-stirring, soul-subduing, un- controlled, irrepressible, ungov- ernable, uncontrollable. easily, make the best of, acqui- esce, submit, yield, bow to, re- sign one’s self, suffer, endure, support, go through, reconcile one’s self to, bend under. To brook, digest, eat, swallow, pocket, stomach, brave. To be borne, endured, &c., to go down. To allay, compose, calm,• still, lull, allay, pacify, quiet, tranquil- lize, hush, smooth, appease, as- suage, mitigate, soothe, soften, temper, alleviate, moderate, so- ber down, chasten, mollify, tame, blunt, dull, deaden, slacken, damp, repress, restrain, check, curb, bridle, rein in, smother, quell, lay, see 174. Adj. Inexcitable, unexcited, calm, cool, temperate, composed, collected, placid, quiet, tranquil, undisturbed, unruffled, serene, demure, sedate, staid, sober, dis- passionate, unimpassioned, phil * osophic, stoical, imperturbable, coldblooded. Meek, tolerant, patient, submissive, unresenting, content, resigned, chastened, subdued, bearing with, long-suffering, gentle, mild, unpassionate, sober-minded, coolheaded. Section II. PERSONAL AFFECTIONS * 1. Passive Affections. 827. Pleasure, gratification,] enjoyment, fruition, relish, zest. Well being, satisfaction, con- tent, 831, comfort, bed of roses, bed of down, velvet. Joy, gladness, delight, glee, cheer, sunshine. Physical pleasure, see 377. Treat, feast, luxury, voluptu- ousness, clover. Happiness, felicity, bliss, beati- tude, beatification, enchantment, 828. Pain, suffering. Physical pain, see 378. Displeasure, dissatisfacion, dis- content, discomfort. Uneasiness, disquiet, inquie- tude, weariness, dejection, see 837. Annoyance, irritation, infliction, plague, bore, bother. Care, anxiety, mortification, vexation, chagrin, trouble, trial, solicitude. * Or those ■» hich concern one’s own state of feeling. 232 PERSONAL AFFECTIONS. transport, rapture, ravishment, ec- stasy, paradise, Eden, Elysium, 981. Honeymoon, palmy days, hal- cyon days, golden age. V. To be pleased, &c., to feel, receive, or derive pleasure, &c.; to take pleasure or delight in ; to delight in, rejoice in, relish, like, enjoy, take in good part. To indulge in, treat one’s self, feast on, revel, luxuriate in, &c.; to enjoy one’s self. Adj. Pleased, enjoying, relish- ing, liking, gratified, glad, glad- dened, rejoiced, charmed, de- lighted. Cheered, enlivened, flattered, indulged, regaled, &c. Comfortable, at ease, cosy, sat- isfied, content, 831, luxurious, &c., unalloyed, without alloy. Happy, blest, blissful, over- joyed, enchanted, captivated, fas- cinated, transported, raptured, en- raptured, in raptures, in ecstasies, in a transport, beatified, joyful, see 836. Adv. Happily, &c. Grief, sorrow, distress, afflic- tion, woe, bitterness, heartache, a heavy heart, a bleeding heart, a broken heart, heavy affliction, &c. Unhappiness,infelicity, misery, tribulation, wretchedness, desola- tion, Ache, aching, hurt, smart, twinge, stitch, shoot, cramp, spasm, nightmare, convulsion, throe. Pang, anguish, agony, torture, torment. A sufferer, victim, prey, martyr. V. To feel, suffer, or experience pain, &c.; to suffer, ache, smart, ail, tingle, wince, writhe. To grieve, fret, pine, mourn, worry one’s self, chafe, yearn, droop, sink, give way, despair, 859. Adj. In pain; feeling, suffer- ing, enduring, &c., pain; in a state of pain, of suffering, &c., sore, aching, suffering, ailing, &c., pained, hurt, stung, wounded, &c., see 830. Displeased, annoyed, dissatis- fied, discontented, weary, &c., 832, uneasy, uncomfortable, ill at ease. Concerned, afflicted, in affliction, sorrowful, in sorrow, bathed in tears, 839. Unhappy, unfortunate, hapless, comfortless, unblest, luck- less, unlucky, ill-fated, ill-starred, wretched, miserable, care- worn, disconsolate, inconsolable, woebegone, forlorn, a prey to grief, &c., despairing, in despair, 859, heart-broken, broken- hearted, doomed, devoted, undone. 829. Capability of giving pleas- ure. Pleasurabi.eness, pleasant- ness, gratefulness, acceptable- ness, agreeableness, delectability, deliciousness, daintiness, sweet- ness, luxuriousness, lusciousness, voluptuousness. Charm, attraction, attractive- ness, fascinat' )n, loveliness. V. To causj, produce, create, 830. Capability of giving pain. Painfulness, disagreeable- ness, unpleasantness, irksome- ness, unacceptableness, bitter- ness, vexatiousness, troublesome- ness. Trouble, care, annoyance, bur- den, load, nuisance, plague, in- fliction. Scourge, bitter pill, curse, gall and wormwood, sting, scorpi- PLEASURABLENESS — PAINFULNESS. 23? give, afford, procure, offer, pre- sent, yield, &c., pleasure, gratifi- cation, &c. To please, take, gratify, satisfy, indulge, flatter, humor, regale. To charm, rejoice, cheer, glad- den, defight, enliven, 836, to transport, bless, captivate, fasci- nate, enchant, entrance, bewitch, ravish, enrapture, enravish, beat- ify- Adj. Causing or giving pleas- ure, " &c., pleasing, agreeable, grateful, gratifying, pleasant, pleasurable, acceptable,welcome, glad, gladsome, refreshing, com- fortable, cordial, genial. Sweet, delectable, nice, pala- table, dainty, delicate, delicious, dulcet, savory, luscious, luxuri- ous, voluptuous. Fair, lovely, favorite, attractive, engaging, winning, winsome, taking, prepossessing, inviting, captivating, bewitching, fascinat- ing. Charming, delightful, exquisite, enchanting, ravishing, rapturous, heartfelt, thrilling, heavenly, ce- lestial, Elysian, seraphic. Palmy, halcyon, Saturnian. on, thorn, brier, bramble, hor- net. A mishap, misadventure, mis- chance, pressure, grievance, trial, hardship, blow, stroke, affliction, misfortune, reverse, infliction, dis- pensation, visitation, disaster, un- doing, tragedy, calamity, catas- trophe, adversity, 735. Provocation, affront, indignity, outrage, see 900, 929. V. To cause, produce, give, &c., pain, uneasiness, suffering, &c., to disquiet, &c. To displease, annoy, incom- mode, discompose, trouble, dis- quiet, grieve, cross, tease, tire, vex, worry, plague, bore, harass, importune. To pain, hurt, wound, sting, grate upon, gall, chafe, lacerate, pierce, hurt one’s feelings, shock, horrify. To wring, harrow, torment, tor- ture, rack, convulse, agonize. To irritate, provoke, nettle, ag- grieve, enrage. To maltreat, bite, assail, perse- cute, prostrate. To sicken, disgust, revolt, nau- seate, repel, offend. Adj. Causing, occasioning, giv- ing, producing, creating, inflicting, &c., pain, &c., hurting, &c. Painful, dolorous, unpleasant, unpleasing, displeasing, un- comfortable, unwelcome, unsatisfactory, disagreeable, dis- tasteful, bitter, unpalatable, unacceptable, thankless, undesira- ble, untoward, unlucky, obnoxious. Distressing, bitter, afflicting, afflictive, cheerless, joyless, depressing, depressive, mournful, dreary, melancholy, griev- ous, woful, disastrous, calamitous, tragical, deplorable, dreadful. Irritating, provoking, stinging, biting, vexatious, annoying, unaccommodating, troublesome, tiresome, irksome, importu- nate, teasing, harassing, worrying, tormenting. Intolerable, insufferable, insupportable, unendurable, shock- ing, frightful, terrijic, grim, appalling, dire, heart-breaking, heart-rending, horrid, harrowing, horrifying, horrific. Odious, hateful, execrable, unpopular, repulsive, offensive, 234 PERSONAL AFFECTIONS. nauseous, disgusting, sickening, revolting, shocking, vile, abominabJ 3, accursed. Sharp, acute, sore, severe, grave, hard, harsh, bitter, cruel, biting, corroding, consuming, racking, excruciating, &c. Adv. Painfully, &c. 83.. Content, contentment, contentedness, satisfaction, entire satisfaction, serenity, sereneness, ease, heart-ease. Comfort, snugness, well being. Moderation, patience, endur- ance, resignation, reconciliation. V. To be content, &c.; to rest satisfied, to put up with; to take up with; to be reconciled to. To render content, &c.., to set at ease, to conciliate, reconcile, satisfy, indulge, slake, gratify, &c. Adj. Content, contented, satis- fied, at ease, snug, comfortable. Patient, resigned to, reconciled to, unrepining. Unafflicted, unvexed, unmo- lested, (undisturbed,) &c. 832. Discontent, discontent- ment, dissatisfaction, disappoint- ment, mortification. Repining, inquietude, heart- burning, heart-grief, see Regret, 833. V. To be discontented, &c., dissatisfied ; to repine, regret, 833, grumble, 839. To cause discontent, &c., to disappoint, dissatisfy, mortify. Adj. Discontented, dissatisfied, unsatisfied, malcontent, mortified, disappointed. Repining, grumbling, (com- plaining,) exacting. Disappointing, unsatisfactory. 833. Regret, bitterness, re- pining ; lamentation, 839 ; see Penitence, 950. V. To regret, deplore, lament, rue, repent, 950. Adj. Regretting, &c., regretful. 835. Aggravation, heighten- ing, exacerbation, exasperation. V. To aggravate, to render worse, heighten, imbitter, sour, envenom, exacerbate, exasperate. Adj. Aggravating, &c., aggra- vated, &c., unrelieved. 834. Relief, easement, alle- viation, mitigation, palliation, sol- ace, consolation, comfort, encour- agement, refreshment, 689, sooth- ing. Delivery from evil, &c. Lenitive, balm, oil, restorative, (palliative,) cushion, pillow, bol- ster, bed, &c., 215. V. To relieve, ease, alleviate, mitigate, palliate, soften, soothe, assuage, allay, cheer, comfort, console, encourage, bear up, refresh, restore, remedy, cure, 660. Adj. Relieving, &c., consolatory, soothing, assuaging, as- suasive; balmy, balsamic, lenitive, anodyne, &c., 662, reme- dial, curative. 836. Cheerfulness, gayety, cheer, good humor, spirits, high spirits, high glee, joyfulness, joy- ousness, hilarity, exhilaration, liveliness, sprightliness, brisk- ness, viva ity, jocundity, levity, 837. Dejection, depression, low spirits; lowness or depres- sion of spirits, dejectedness ; weight or oppression on the spir- its damp on the spirits, sadness. Heaviness, dulness, infestivity, REJOI( ING — LAMENTATION. 235 sportiveness, sportfulness, jocu- larity, sprightfulness. Mirth, merriment, merrymak- ing, laughter, see 838, amuse- ment, see 840. Gratula ion, rejoicing, exulta- tion, jubilation, jubilee, triumph, psean, heyday. V. To be cheerful, &c.; to be of good cheer, to cheer up, brighten up, light up; take heart, bear up. To rejoice, make merry, exult, congratulate one’s self, triumph. To cheer, enliven, elate, exhil- arate, inspire, entrance, &c. Adj. Cheerful, gay, blithe, of good cheer, in spirits, in good or high spirits, buoyant, debonair, bright, lighthearted, bearty, free and easy, airy, canty, sprightly, lively, vivacious, sprightful. Merry, joyous, joyful, jolly, jocund, winsome, bonny, buxom, playful, playsome, frisky, frolic- some, sportive, jocose, jocular. Rejoicing, elated, exulting, ju- bilant, palmy, flushed. Cheering, inspiring, exhilarat- ing. Adv. Cheerfully, cheerily, &c. joylessness, gloom, darkness, dolefulness, weariness, 841, heav- iness of heart, failure of heart. Melancholy, melancholiness, the dismals, spleen, the horrors, hypochondria. Despondency, despair, discon- solateness, prostration. Demureness, seriousness, grav- ity, solemnity, solemness, sullen- r.ess, &c. Cause of dejection; a damper. V. To be dejected, sad, &c.; to grieve, to give way, droop, sink, look downcast, mope, brood over, fret, pine, see De’spair, 859. To refrain from laughter; to keep one’s countenance. To depress, discourage, dis- hearten, dispirit, dull, deject, low- er, sink, dash, unman, prostrate. Adj. Cheerless, uncheerful, joy- less, dull, fiat, dispirited, out of spirits, out of sorts, low-spirited, in low spirits, spiritless, lowering, frowning. Grave, serious, sedate, staid, sober, solemn, demure, grim, grim-visaged, rueful, sullen, sul- ky- . Discouraged, disheartened, downcast, cast down, depressed, downhearted, desponding, crest fallen, dashed, drooping, sunk. Dismal, melancholy, sombre, pensive, mournful, doleful, moping, splenetic, gloomy, lugubrious, funereal, forlorn, heart- struck ; melancholic, hypochondriacal, bilious, jaundiced, sat- urnine. Disconsolate, despairing, in despair, 859. Depressing, preying upon the mind, &c. 838. Expression of pleasure. Rejoicing, exultation, triumph, jubilation, jubilee, see 884, paean, see 990. Smile, simper, smirk, grin, troad grin. Laughter, giggle,titter, chuckle, shout, hearty laugh; a shout, burst, fit, or peal of laughter. 839. Expression of pain. Lamentation,complaint, mur- mur, mutter, plaint, lament, wail, sigh, heaving. Cry, whine, whimper, sob, tear, moan, grumble, groan. Outcry, scream, screech, howl, whoop, brawl, yell, roar. Weeping, crying, &c.; a fit of 236 crying, complaining, frown, scowl, sardonic grin or laugh. Dirge, elegy, monody, jere- miade. Plaintiveness, querimonious- ness, languishment, querulous- ness. Mourning, weeds, willow, cy- press. A grumbler, croaker, bra.vler. V. To lament, complain, mur- mur, mutter, grumble, sigh ; give, fetch, or heave a sigh. To cry, weep, sob, blubber; snivel, whimper; to shed tears. To grumble, groan, croak, whine, moan, bemoan, wail, bewail, frown, scowl ; to make a wry face. To cry out, growl, squeal, sing out, scream, screech, bawl, halloo, bellow, yell, roar ; to cry out lustily. Adj. Lamenting, complaining, &c.; lachrymose, plaintive, querulous, querimonious. PERSONAL AFFECTIONS. Derision, risibility, 856. V. To rejoice, exult, triumph, 883, 884, to congratulate one’s self. To smile, simper, smirk, grin, mock; to laugh, giggle, titter; to burst out, shout. To cause, create, occasion, raise, excite, or produce laugh- ter, &c. Adj. Laughing, &c.; jubilant, triumphant. Laughable, risible, ludicrous. 840. Amusement, diversion, entertainment, sport, divertise- ment, recreation, relaxation, pas- time, holiday, red-letter day. Fun, frolic, pleasantry, droll- ery, jocoseness, laughter, 838. Play, game, gambol, romp, prank, heyday. Dance, ball, (polka,) reel, cotil- lon, rigadoon, saraband, horn- pipe, bolero, fandango, minuet, quadrille, waltz, gavot, &c. Festivity, festival, jubilee, mer- rymaking, rejoicing, gala, revelry, revels, carnival, saturnalia. Feast, banquet, entertainment, carousal, wassail; jollity, joviali- ty, jovialness. Buffoonery, mummery, tom- foolery, raree show, puppet show, masquerade. Bonfire, fireworks. Toy, plaything, bawble, &c., see 643. A master of ceremonies or rev- els. 1 V. 1 ) amuse divert, entertain, rejoice, cheer, recreate, en- 841. Weariness, tedium, las- situde, fatigue, see 688, dejection, see 837. Disgust, nausea, loathing, sick- ness, disgust of life. W earisomeness, irksomeness, tiresomeness, monotony. A bore, a button holder, proser. V. To tire, weary, fatigue, bore ; send to sleep ■ to yawn. To sicken, disgust, nauseate. Adj. Wearying, &c., wearisome, tiresome, irksome, uninteresting, devoid of interest, monotonous, humdrum, flat, prosy, prosing, slow, soporific, somniferous. Disgusting, sickening, nause- ating. Weary, tired, &c.; uninterest- ed, flagging, used up, weary of life; drowsy, somnolent, sleepy, &c., yawning. Adv. Wearily, &c. BEAUTY — UGLINESS. 237 liven, solace ; to beguile or while away the time; to drown care. To play, sport, disport, make merry, take one’s pleasure, make holiday, keep holiday; to gambol, revel, frith, frolic, romp; to dance, hep, jump, caper, cut capers, skip. To treat, feast, regale, carouse, banquet. Adj. Amusing, diverting, &c., amused, &c. Sportive, jovial, festive, festal, jocund, jocose, rompish, &c. .842. Wit, humor, fancy, fun, pleasantry, drollery, whim, jocu- larity, facetiousness, waggery, waggishness, wittiness, atticism, attic wit, attic salt, smartness, ban- ter, farce. Jest, joke, conceit, quip, quirk, crank, witticism, repartee, flash of wit, sally, point, dry joke, epi- gram, pun, conundrum. V. To joke, jest, retort; to cut jokes, crack a joke, perpetrate a joke or pun. To laugh at, banter, jeer, to make fun of, make merry with. Adj. Witty, facetious, humorous, pleasant, quick-witted, nimble-witted, smart, jocose, jocular, waggish. Comic, comical, laughable, droll, ludicrous, funny, risible, farcical, roguish, sportive. 844. A humorist, wag, wit, reparteeist, epigrammatist, punster, jester. A buffoon, merryandrew, tumbler, mountebank, charlatan, pos- ture master, harlequin, punch, clown, gypsy, jackpudding. 843. Dulness, heaviness, sto- lidity, stupidity, 499, flatness, gravity, 837, solemnity; prose, matter of fact. V. To be dull, &c. To render dull, &c., damp, de- press. Adj. Dull, prosaic, prosing, un- entertaining, unlively, flat, point- less, slow, stolid, stupid, plodding, humdrum; Boeotian. 2. Discriminative Affections. 845. Beauty, handsomeness, beauteousness, beautifulness. Form, elegance, grace, symme- try. Comeliness, seemliness, shape- liness, fairness, prettiness, neat- ness, spruceness, attractiveness, loveliness, polish, gloss. Bloom, brilliancy, radiance, splendor, magnificence, sublimi- ty- Concinnity, delicacy, refine- ment. V. To render beautiful, &c., to beautify, embel.ish, adorn, deck, bedeck, decora e, set out, set off, 846. Ugliness, deformity, in- elegance, plainness, homeliness, uncomeliness, ungainliness, un- couthness, clumsiness, stiffness disfigurement, distortion, contor- tion, malformation, monstrosity, misproportion, want of symme- try, roughness, repulsiveness, squalor, hideousness, unsightli- ness, odiousness. An eyesore, a sight, fright, spec- tre, scarecrow, hag, monster. V. To be ugly, &c. To render ugly, &c., to deform, deface, distort, disfigure, mis- shape, blemish, spct, stain, dis- 238 PERSONAL AFFECTIONS. ornament, see 847, array, garnish furbish, trick out, trim, emblazon To polish, burnish, gild, var- nish, japan, lacquer, &c. Adj. Beautiful, handsome, fine, pretty, lovely, graceful, elegant, delicate, refined, fair, comely, seemly, well-favored, proper, shapely, well-made, well-formed, veil-proportioned, symmetrical, becoming, goodly, neat, spruce, sleek, brighteyed, attractive, cu- rious. Blooming, brilliant, shining, beaming, splendid, resplendent, dazzling, gorgeous, superb, mag- nificent, sublime. Picturesque, artistical. Passable, not amiss, unde- formed, undefaced, spotless, un- spotted. tain, soil, tarnish, sully, blot, daub, bedaub, begrime, blur, smear, besmear, bespatter, macu* late. Adj. Ugly, plain, homely, gross, inelegant, unsightly, ill-looking, ordinary, unseemly, ill-favored, hard-featured, hard-visaged, un- gainly, uncouth, slouching, un- graceful, clumsy, graceless, rude, rough, rugged, homespun, gaunt, rawboned, haggard. Misshapen, shapeless, mispro- portioned, ill-proportioned, de- formed, ill-made, ill-shaped, gro- tesque, disfigured, distorted, un- shapen, humpbacked, hunch- backed, crooked, bald, rickety. Squalid, grim, grisly, grim- faced, grim-visaged, ghastly, ghostlike, deathlike, cadaverous, repulsive, forbidding. Frightful, odious, hideous, hor- rid, shocking, monstrous. Foul, soiled, tarnished, stained, distained, sullied, blurred, blotted, spotted, maculated, spotty, splashed, smeared, be- grimed, spattered, bedaubed, besmeared. o ; i / 847. Ornament, adornment, decoration, embellishment, orna- ture, ornateness, gaud, pride. Garnish, polish, varnish, gild- ing, japanning, lacquer, &c. Jewel, gem, brilliant, &c., 650, spangle, trinket, carcanet. Embroidery, broidery, brocade, galloon, lace, fringe, aigulet, trap- ping, trimming, hanging. Wreath, festoon, garland, chap- let, tassel, knot, shoulder knot, brooch, flower, &c., epaulet, frog, ermine. Feather, plume. Nosegay, bouquet, posy. Tracery, moulding, arabesque. Frippery, finery, gewgaw, tin- sel, tawdriness, &c. Flourish, flowers of rhetoric, 577. Excess of ornament, see 851. V. To ornament,embellish,dec- 848. Blemish, disfigurement, eyesore, defect, flaw. Stain, blot, spot, speck, blur, freckle, mole, blotch, speckle, spottiness, maculation; soil, tar- nish, smut, soot, dirt, &c., 653. Excrescence, pimple, &c., see 250. V. To disfigure, deface, &c., see 846. 849. Simplicity, plainness, undress, chastity; freedom from ornament or affectation, homeli- ness. V. To be simple, &c., to render simple, &c., to simplify. Adj. Simple, plain, homely, chaste, homespun, unaffected, flat, dull. Unadorned, unornamented, un- decked, ungarnished, unarrayed, untrimmed; in dishabille. RIDICULOUSNESS 239 orate, adorn, beautify, garnish, polish, gild, , bespangle, dizen, bedizen; embroider, &c., see 845. Adj. Ornamented, &c., beautified, ormte, dedecked, showy, gaudy, gilt, begilt, gorgeous. 850. Good taste. Taste, delicacy, refinement, nicety, finesse, grace, polish, ele- gance ; dilettanteism. Science of taste, A man of taste, connoisseur, judge, critic, virtuoso, amateur, dilettante. V. To appreciate, judge, dis- criminate, criticize, 465. Adj. In good taste, tasty, (taste- ful,) unaffected, pure, chaste, classical, attic, refined, elegant, aesthetic. Adv. Elegantly, &c. 851. Bad taste. Vulgarity, vulgarism, barba- rism, Vandalism, Gothicism. Coarseness, grossness, indeco- rum, lowness, homeliness, low life, clownishness, rusticity, boor- ishness, brutishness, brutality, awkwardness, want of tact. A rough diamond, slattern, slov- en, clown, &c., 876. Excess of ornament, (gaudi- ness,) false ornament, tawdriness, finery, frippery, trickery, tinsel, gewgaw. V. To be vulgar, &c. Adj. In bad taste, vulgar, coarse, unrefined, gross, heavy, rude, un- polished, homely, homespun, homebred, uncouth, awkward, ungraceful, slovenly, slatternly, impolite, ill-mannered, uncivil, ungentlemanly, unladylike, un- feminine, unseemly, unpresenta- ble, unkempt, uncombed. Rustic, boorish, clownish, bar- barous, barbaric, Gothic, unclas- sical, heathenish, outlandish, un- tamed, 876. Obsolete, out of fashion, un- fashionable, antiquated, old-fash- ioned, gone by. New-fangled, odd, fantastic, grotesque, see ridiculous, 853, se- rio-comic, tragi-comic, affected, meretricious, extravagant, mon- strous, shocking, horrid, revolting. Gaudy, tawdry, bedizened, tricked out. Adv. Out of fashion, &c. 852. Fashion, style, mode, vogue. Manners, breeding, politeness, good behavior, gentility, decorum, punctilio, form, formality, eti- quette, custom, demeanor, air, port, carriage, presence. Show, equipage, &c., see 882. The world, the fashionable world, high life, town, court, gen- tility, civilization, civilized life, see Nobility, 875. V. To be fashionable, &c. Adj. Fashionable, in fashion, in vogue, modish, stylish, courtly, genteel, well-bred, well-behaved, polished, gentlemanly, ladylike, well-spoken, civil, presentable, refined, thorough-! red, unembar- rassed. Adv. Fashionably, in fast on, &c. 853. Ridiculousness, ludicrousness, risibilitj Oddness, oddity, whimsicality, comicality, grotesqueness, fan- cifulness, quaintness, frippery, preposterousness, extravagance, monstrosity. Bombast, bathos, fustian. Adj. Ridiculous, extravagant, monstrous, preposterous. Odd, whimsical, quaint, grotesque, fancifu , eccentric, strange, out of the way, fantastic. 240 Laughable, risible, ludicrous, comic, comical, funny, derisive, farcical, burlesque, quizzical, bombastic, inflated. Awkward, lumpish, uncouth, &c. 854. Fop, dandy, exquisite, coxcomb, beau, macaroni, blade, blood, buck, man-milliner. 855. Affectation, mannerism, pretension, airs, conceit, foppe- ry, dandyism, man-millinery, affectedness, charlatanism, quackery, foppishness, pedantry, acting a part. Prudery, demureness, coquetry, stiffness, formality. A pedant, mannerist. V. To affect, to give one’s self airs, to simper, mince, to act a part, overact. Adj. Affected, conceited, pedantic, pragmatical, priggish, puri- tanical, prim, starch, stiff, formal, demure. Foppish, namby-pamby, simpering, mincing. Overwrought, overdone, overacted. PERSONAL AFFECTIONS. O 7 . . ' . 856. Ridicule, derision, mockery, quiz, banter, irony, raillery. Jeer, gibe, taunt, satire, scurrility, scoffing. A parody, burlesque, travesty, farce, comedy, tragi-comedy, dog- gerel. Blunder, bull, slip of the tongue, bathos, anti-climax. Buffoonery, vagary, antic, mummery, tomfoolery, grimace, prank V. To ridicule, deride, laugh at, 929, scoff, mock, jeer, banter quiz, rally, taunt, point at, grin at; to play upon. To parody, caricature, burlesque, travesty. Adi. Derisory, scurrilous, burlesque, Hudibrastic. j j ? 7 ~ “- ; 1 ; 857. Object and cause of ridicule. Laughing stock, jesting stock, gazing stock, butt; an original, oddity, buffoon, jester, 844, mountebank. 3. Prospective Affections. 858. Hope, trust, confidence, reliance, faith, assurance, credit, security, expectation, alliance, promise, assumption, presump- tion. Hopefulness, bright prospect, optimism,enthusiasm, &c., Utopia. Anchor, mainstay,sheet anchor, staff, &c., see Support, 215. V. To hope; to feel, entertain, harbor, cherish, feed, nourish, en- courage, foster, &c., hope or con- fidence. To trust, confide, rely on, feel or rest assured, confident secure, &c.; to flatter one’s self, expect, presume. To give or inspire hope; to 859. Absence, want, or loss of hope. Hopelessness, despair, des- peration, despondence, 837, for- lornness, a forlorn hope. V. To despair, to give over; to despond; to lose; give up, aban- don, relinquish, &c., all hope; to yield to despair. To inspire or drive to despair : to dash, crush, or destroy one’s hopes. Adj. Hopeless, having lost or given up hope, losing, &.C., hope, past hope, forlorn, desperate, in- curable, irremediable, remediless. Inauspicious, unpropitious, un- promising, threatening, &c. COURAGE — COWARDICE. 241 augur well, encourage, assure, promise, flatter, buoy up, reas- sure, embolden, raise expecta- tions, &c. Jdj. Hoping, &c., in hopes, &c., hopeful, confident, secure, buoyant, buoyed up, sanguine, enthusiastic. Fearless, unsuspecting, unsus- picious ; free or exempt from fear, suspicion, distrust, &c., undespair- ing. Auspicious, promising, propi- tious. 860. Fear, timidity,diffidence, nervousness, restlessness, inquie- tude, disquietude, solicitude, anx- iety, distrust, hesitation, misgiv- ing, suspicion, qualm, want of confidence. Apprehension, flutter, trepida- tion, tremor, shaking, trembling, palpitation, quivering, fearful- ness, despondency. Fright, affright, alarm, dread, awe, terror, horror, dismay, panic, consternation, despair, 859. Intimidation, terrorism, reign of terror. Object of fear; bugbear; scare- crow, goblin, &c., 980, night- mare. V. To fear, be afraid, &c.; to distrust, hesitate, have qualms, misgivings, suspicions, &c. To apprehend, take alarm, start, tremble, shake, quake, shudder, quail, turn pale, blench, flinch. To excite fear, raise apprehensions, to give, raise, or sound an alarm, to startle, to intimidate, put in fear, frighten, affright, alarm, scare, haunt, strike terror, daunt, terrify, awe, horrify, dismay, petrify, appall. To deter, overawe, abash, cow, browbeat, bully. Adj. Fearing, timid, timorous, fearful, nervous, diffident, apprehensive, restless, haunted with the fear, apprehension, dread, &c., of. Frightened, pale, alarmed, scared, terrified, petrified, aghast, awestruck, dismayed, horrorstruck, horrified, appalled, panic- struck. Inspiring fear, alarming, formidable, re doubtable,portentous, perilous, 665, fearful, dreadful, dire, shocking, terrible, tre- mendous, horrid, horrible, horrific, ghastly, awful. 861. Absence of fear. Courage, bravery, valor, val- iantness, boldness, spirit, spirited- ness, daring, gallantry, intrepidi- ty, contempt of danger, defiance of danger, confidence, fearless- ness, audacity. Manhood, nerve, pluck, mettle, bottom, heart, hardihood, forti- tude, firmness, resolution. Prowess, heroism, chivalry, V. To be courageous, &c., to dare, to face, front, confront, de- spise, brave, defy, &c., danger; to 862. Excess of fear. Cowardice, pusillanimity, cowardliness,timidity,fearfulness, faint-heartedness, softness, ef- feminacy. Poltroonery, baseness, dastard- ness, dastardy, a faint heart. A coward, poltroon, dastard, rec- reant ; an alarmist. A runaway, fugitive. V. To quail, &c., 860, to flinch, run away. Adj. Coward, cowardly, pusil- lanimous, shy, timid, skittish, 242 PERSONAL AFFECTIONS. take courage, to muster, summon up, or pluck up courage. To venture, make bold, face, defy, brave, beard, hold out, bear up against. To give, infuse, or inspire cour- age ; to encourage, embolden, inspirit. Adj. Courageous, brave, valiant, valorous, gallant, intrepid. Spirited, high-spirited, high-mettled, mettlesome, manly, manful, resolute, stout, stout-hearted, iron-hearted, heart of oak, firm, indomitable. Bold, bold-spirited, daring, audacious, fearless, undaunted, unappalled, undismayed, unawed, unabashed, unalarmed, un- flinching, unshrinking, unblenching, unblenched, unappre- hensive. Enterprising, venturous, adventurous, venturesome, dashing, doughty, chivalrous, heroic, fierce, savage. Unfeared, undreaded, &c. timorous, spiritless, faint-hearted chicken-hearted. Dastard, dastardly, base, cra- ven, recreant, unwarlike. 863. Rashness, temerity, au- dacity, presumption, precipitan- cy, precipitation, recklessness, foolhardiness, desperation, Quix- otism. Imprudence, indiscretion. A deperado, madcap, bully, bravo, Hotspur, Don Quixote, knight errant. V. To be rash, incautious, &c. Adj. Rash, headstrong, fool- hardy, reckless, desperate, hot- headed, hairbrained, headlong, hotbrained, precipitate, Quixotic. Imprudent, indiscreet, over- confident, overweening, venture- some, uncalculating, incautious, improvident. 864. Caution, cautiousness, discretion, prudence, wariness, heed, circumspection, calculation, deliberation, see 459. Coolness, self-possession, pres- ence of mind, self-command, steadiness. V. To be cautious, &c., to take care, to have a care, take heed, to be on one’s guard, to look about one. Adj. Cautious, wary, careful, heedful, chary, circumspect, pru- dent, discreet. Unenterprising, unadventurous, cool, steady, self-possessed.' 865. Desire, wish, mind. Inclination, leaning, bent, fan- cy, fantasy, partiality, predilec- tion, liking, fondness, relish. Want, need, exigency. Longing, hankering, solicitude, eagerness, anxiety, yearning, cov- eting, aspiration, ambition, over- anxiety. Appetite, appetence, keenness, hunger, thirst, thirstiness, pruri- ence, cupidity, lust, concupis- cence. Avidity, greediness, covetous- 866. Indifference, coldness, coolness, unconcern, inappeten- cy, listlessness, lukewarmness, see Disdain, 930. V. To be indifferent, &c.; to have no desire, wish, taste, or rel- ish for ; not to care for; to dis- dain, spurn, 930. Adj. Indifferent, undesirous, cool, cold, unconcerned, unso- licitous, unattracted, &c., luke- warm, listless, unambitious, un- aspiring. Unattractive, unalluring, unde- SATIETY. 243 ness, craving, voracity, canine appetite, rapacity, rapaciousness. Passion, rage, mania, inextin- guishable desire, vaulting ambi- tion, impetuosity. A gourmand, glutton, cormo- rant, see 957. An amateur, votary, devotee, aspirant, solicitant, candidate. Object of desire; attraction, al- lurement, temptation, idol, mag- net, hobby. V. To desire, wish, long for, fancy, have a mind to, be glad of, want, miss, need, feel the want of, would fain have, to care for. To hunger, thirst, crave, lust after, hanker after, burn for. To desiderate, sigh, cry, pine, pant, languish, yearn for, aspire after. To woo, court, solicit, &c. To cause, create, raise, excite, or provoke desire; to allure, at- tract, solicit, tempt, hold out temptation or allurement, to tan- talize. To gratify desire, slake, satiate, 827. Adj. Desirous, inclined, partial to, wishful, wishing, desiring, wanting, needing, hankering af- ter; lickerish. Craving, hungry, thirsty. Greedy, over-eager, voracious, agog, covetous, ravenous, rapa- cious, unsated, unslacked, insa- tiable, insatiate. Eager, bent on, intent on, as- piring, ambitious,vaulting, impet- uous. Desirable, desired, desiderated, &c., see Pleasing, 829. sired, undesirable, &c., uncared for, unwished, unvalued. Vapid, tasteless, insipid, mawh- ish, flat, stale, vain. 867. Dislike, distaste, disrel- ish, disinclination, reluctance, backwardness, demur. Repugnance, disgust, nausea, loathing, averseness, aversion, abomination, antipathy, abhor- rence, horror, hatred, detestation, see 898, hydrophobia. V. To dislike, mislike, dis- relish. To shun, avoid, eschew, with- draw from, shrink from, recoil from, shudder at. To loathe, nauseate, abominate, detest, abhor, see Hate, 898. To cause or excite dislike; to disincline, repel, sicken, render sick, nauseate, disgust, shock. Adj. Disliking, disrelishing,&c., averse from, adverse, shy of, dis- inclined. Loathing, nauseating, sick of, abominating, abhorrent. Disliked, disagreeable, un- palatable, unpopular, offensive, loathsome, sickening, heart-sick- ening, nauseous, nauseating, re- pulsive, disgusting, detestable, execrable, abhorred, 330. Adv. Disagreeably, &c. 868. Fastidiousness, nicety, daintiness, squeamishness, nice- ness, difficulty in being pleased, epicurism. Excess of delicacy, prudery. V. To be fastidious, &c., to dis- dain. Adj. Fastidious, nice, delicate, difficult, dainty, squeamish, dif- ficult to please; querulous. 869. Satiety, repletion, glut, saturation, surfeit. V. To sate, satiate, satisfy, saturate, quench, slake, pall, glut, gorge, surfeit. Adj. Satiated, sated, sick of, heartsick, used up. PERSONAL AFFECTIONS. 244 4. Contemplative Affections. 870. Wonder, surprise, mar- vel, astonishment, amazement, admiration, awe, bewilderment, stupefaction, fascination, &c. V. To wonder, marvel, be sur- prised, admire, &c.; to stare, gape, start. To surprise, astonish, amaze, astound, dumfounder, strike, star- tle, take by surprise, strike with wonder, &c., electrify, stun, pet- ■ rify, confound, stagger belief, stupefy, bewilder, fascinate. To be wonderful, &c. Adj. Surprised, astonished, amazed, astounded, struck, startled, taken by surprise, struck dumb, awestruck, aghast, agape, dumfoundered, thunderstruck, stupefied, petrified. Wonderful, wondrous, surprising, astonishing, amazing, stunning, astounding, startling, unexpected, unforseen, strange, uncommon, unheard of, unaccountable, incredible, inexplica- ble, indescribable, inexpressible, ineffable, unutterable, mon- strous, prodigious, stupendous, beggaring description, miracu- lous, passing strange. 871. Absence of wonder. Expectance, expectation. 507 V. To expect, not to be sur prised, not to wonder, &c. Adj. Expecting, &c. Expected, &c., foreseen, una- mazed, astonished at nothing, 841. Common, ordinary, see 82. 7 x O O 872. Prodigy, phenomenon, wonder, marvel, miracle, monster, 83, phoenix, gazing stock, curiosity, lion, sight, spectacle, sign, portent, 512. Thunderclap, thunderbolt, volcanic eruption. 5. Extrinsic Affections.* 873. Repute. Distinction, note, name, repute, reputation, figure,notoriety,vogue, celebrity, fame, famousness, pop- ularity, renown, memory, immor- tality. Glory, honor, lustre, illustrious- ness,gloriousness, credit, account, regard, respect, reputableness, respectability, respectableness. Dignity, stateliness, solemnity, grandeur, splendor, nobleness, lordliness, majesty, sublimity. Rank, standing, station, place, order, degree. 874. Disrepute, discredit, in- gloriousness, derogation, abase- ment, abjectness, degradation. Dishonor, shame, disgrace, odium, slur, scandal, obloquy, opprobrium, ignominy, base- ness, turpitude, vileness, infa- my. Tarnish, taint, defilement, pol- lution. Stain, blot, spot, blur, stigma, brand, reproach, slur. V. To be conscious of shame, to feel shame, to blush, to color up, to be ashamed, humiliated, * Or personal affections derived from the opinions or feelings of others. NOBILITY — COMMONALTY. 245 Greatness, highness, eminence, supereminence. Elevation, ascent, 305, exalta- lion, aggrandizement. Dedication, consecration, en- shrinement, glorification, posthu- mous fame. A star, sun, constellation, gal- axy, paragon, 650, honor, orna- ment, mirror. V. To be conscious of glory, to glory in, to be proud of, see 878, to exult, &c., 884, to be vain of, 880. To be glorious, distinguished, &c., to shine, to figure, to make or cut a figure, dash, to rival, out- shine, to throw into the shade. To live, flourish, glitter, flaunt. To confer or reflect honor, &c., on, to honor; to do honor to; to redound to one’s honor. To pay or render honor, &c., to; to honor, dignify, glorify, en- noble, exalt, enthrone, signalize, immortalize. To consecrate, dedicate to, de- vote to, to enshrine. Adj. Distinguished, noted, no- table, respectable, reputable, no- torious, celebrated, famous,famed, far-famed, honored, renowned, popular; imperishable, deathless, immortal. I Illustrious, glorious, splendid, bright, brilliant, radiant, heroic. Eminent, prominent, high, preeminent, peerless, signal- ized, exalted, dedicated, consecrated, enshrined. Great, dignified, proud, noble, worshipful, lordly, grand, stately, august, princely, imposing, transcendent, majestic, sacred, sublime. humbled, abashed, &c., see 879 and 881. To be inglorious, abased, dis- honored, &c., to incur disgrace, &c. To cause shame, &c.; to shame, disgrace, put to shame, dishonor, throw, cast, fling or reflect shame, &c., upon, to derogate from. To tarnish, stain, blot, sully, taint, discredit, degrade, debase, defile. To impute shame to, to brand, post, stigmatize, vilify, defame, slur. To abash, humiliate, humble, dishonor, discompose, disconcert, shame, put down, confuse, morti- fy; to obscure, eclipse, outshine. Adj. Feeling shame, disgrace, &c., ashamed, abashed, &c., dis- graced, &c., branded, tarnished, &c. Inglorious, mean, base, &c., 940, shabby, nameless, renown- less, unnoticed, unnoted, unhon- ored. Shameful, disgraceful, despica- ble, discreditable, unbecoming, unworthy, disreputable, deroga- tory, abj ect, vile, ribald, dishonor- able, scandalous, infamous. 875. Nobility, noblesse, aris- tocracy, peerage, gentry, gentility, quality, rank, blood, birth, fash- ionable world, &c., 852, distinc- tion, &c. A personage, man of distinc- tion, rank, &c ; a nobleman, no- ble, lord, pee$ grandee, don, gen- 876. Commonalty, the lower or humbler classes or orders, the vulgar herd, the crowd, the peo- ple, the multitude, the populace, the million, the peasantry. The mob, rabble; the scum or dregs of the people or of society; low company. PERSONAL AFFECTIONS. 246 tUman, squire, patrician, lord- ling. Prince, duke marquis, earl, viscount, baron, baronet, knight, count, esquire, &c., see 745. V. To be noble, &c. Adj. Noble, exalted, princely, of rank, titled, patrician, aristocrat- ic, higb-born, well-born, genteel, gentlemaii’y, fashionable, &c., 852. A commoner, one of the peo- ple ; a peasant, countryman, boor, serf. A swain, clown, lout, underling. An upstart, snob, mushroom. A beggar, tatterdemalion, cai- tiff, ragamuffin. A Goth, Vandal, Hottentot, sav- age, barbarian. V. To be ignoble, &c. Adj. Ignoble, mean, low, ple- beian, vulgar, untitled, homespun, subaltern, underling, homely. Base, base-born, beggarly, rustic, cockney, menial, sorry, vile, uncivilized, boorish, rude, brutish, barbarous, barbarian. 877. Title, honor, knighthood, &c. Highness, excellency, grace, lordship, worship, reverence, es- quire, sir, master, &c.; his honor. Decoration, laurel, palm, wreath, medal, ribbon, blue ribbon, cross, star, garter, feather, crest, epau- let, colors, cockade, livery; or- der, arms, shield, scutcheon. 878. Pride, haughtiness, lofti- ness, stateliness, vainglory, su- perciliousness, assumption, lord- liness, stiffness, primness, crest, arrogance. A proud man, &c., a highflier. V. To be proud, &c., to pre- sume, assume, swagger, strut. To pride one’s self on, glory in, pique one’s self, plume one’s self, to stand upon. Adj. Proud, haughty, lofty, high, mighty, high-flown, high-minded, puffed up, flushed, supercilious, disdainful, overweening, conse- quential, swollen, arrogant. Stately, stiff, starch, prim, in buckram, strait-laced, vainglori- ous, lordly, magisterial, purse- proud. Unabashed, unblushing, &c. 879. Humility, humbleness, meekness, lowness, lowliness, affability, condescension, abase- ment, self-abasement, humilia- tion, submission, resignation, see Modesty, 881. V. To be humble, &c.; to con- descend, humble, or demean one’s self ; stoop, submit, knuckle to. To render humble; to humble, humiliate, set down, abash, abase, take down. Adj. Humble, lowly, meek, so- ber-minded,submissive, resigned, unoffended. Humbled, humiliated, &c. 880. Vanity, conceit, conceit- edness, self-conceit, self-com- placency, self-confidence, self- sufficiency, self-esteem, self-ap- probation, self-praise, self-lauda- tion, self-gratulation, self-admi- ration. 881. Modesty, humility, 879, diffidence, timidity, bashfulness, shyness, coyness, sheepishness, shamefacedness, blushing. Reserve, constraint, demure- ness. V. To be modest, humble &c-; BOASTING. 247 Pretensions, mannerism, ego- tism, coxcomb /, vainglory, 943. A coxcomb, Adj. Penitent, repentant, contrite, repenting, &c., self-ac- cusing; self-convicted. Not hardened, unhardened, reclaimed. 952. Atonement, reparation, compromise, composition, compen- sation, 30, quittance; propitiation, expiation, redemption. Amends, apology, satisfaction, peace-offering, sin-offering, scape- goat, sacrifice. Penance, fasting, maceration, sackcloth and ashes, lustration, pur- gation. V. To atone, expiate, propitiate, make amends, redeem, make good, absolve, do penance, apologize, purge. Adj. Propitiatory, piacular, expiatory. 951. Impenitence, obduracy, recusance, hardness of heart, a seared conscience, induration. V. To be impenitent, &c.; to steel or harden the heart. Adj, Impenitent, uncontrite,ob- durate, hard, hardened, seared, recusant, relentless, unrepentant, graceless, lost, incorrigible, irre- claimable,unatoned,unreclaimed, unreformed, unrepented. 4. Moral Practice. 953. Temperance, modera- tion, forbearance, abnegation, self- denial, self-conquest, self-control, sobriety, frugality. Abstinence, abstemiousness. V. To be temperate, &c: to abstain, forbear, refrain, deny one's self, spare. 954. Intemperance, epicu- rism, sensuality, luxury, animal ■ ism, pleasure, effeminacy; the lap of pleasure or luxury; indul- gence, self-indulgence, voluptu- ousness. Ext ess, dissipatic u, licentious- ness, iebauchery, dissoluteness, 264 MORAL AFFECTIONS. Adj. Temperate, moderate, so- ber, frugal, sparing, abstemious, abstinent, Pythagorean, vegeta- rian. brutishness, revels, debauch, oi gies. V. To be intemperate, sensual, &c. To indulge, exceed, revel; give i a loose to indulgence, sensuality, &c., to wallow in voluptuousness, luxury, &c.; to plunge into dissipation. To pamper, pander, slake. Adj. Intemperate, sensual, pampered, self-indulgent, licen- tious, wild, dissolute, rakish, debauched, brutish, epicurean, voluptuous, swinish. Indulged, pampered. A debauchee, free-liver, a man of pleasure, voluptuary, rake, a votary of Epicurus, see 962. 955. Asceticism, austerity, mortification, maceration, sackcloth and ashes, flagellation, &c., martyrdom. An ascetic, anchoret, martyr; a recluse, hermit, &c., 893. Adj. Ascetic, puritanical. 956. Fasting, fast, spare diet, Lent, famishment, starvation. V. To fast, starve. Adj. Fasting, lenten, &c., un- fed. 957. Gluttony, epicurism, greediness, good cheer, high liv- ing, voracity. A glutton, epicure, cormorant, gormand. V. To gormandize, gorge, stuff, overeat, pamper. Adj. Gluttonous, greedy, gor- mandizing, swinish, pampered, over-fed. 958. Sobriety, teetotalism, hydropathy. A water drinker teetotaler, or teetotalist, hydropathist. V. To take the pledge. 959. Drunkenness, ebriety, inebriety, inebriation, intoxica- tion, drinking, toping, tippling, sottishness, bacchanals, compota- tion. A drunkard, sot, toper, tippler, bibber, wine-bibber, dram-drink- er, reveller, carouser, bacchanal, bacchanalian. V. To drink, tipple, tope; to guzzle, swill, carouse, get drunk, &c.; to take to drinking, &c. To inebriate, intoxicate. Adj. Drunk, drunken, tipsy, intoxicated, in liquor, inebri- ated, mellow, overcome, overtaken, dead-drunk, disguised. Sottish, bacchanal, bacchanalian. 980. Purity, modesty, decen- cy, decorum, delicacy, continence, chastity, pudicity. Adj. Pure, modest, delicate, de- sent, decorous. 931. Impurity, immodesty, grossness, coarseness, indelicacy, indecency, obscenity, ribaldry, smut, obsceneness, smuttiness, bawdiness, bawdry. Chaste, continent, Platonic, honest. JURISDICTION. 265 Concupiscence, lust, carnality, lewdness, pruriency, lechery, lasciviousness, voluptuousness, lu- bricity. Incontinence, intrigue, gallantry, debauchery, libertinism, fornication. Seduction, defloration, violation, rape, adultery, incest, stu- pration. A seraglio, harem, brothel, bagnio, stew. V. To intrigue, to debauch, &c. Adj. Impure, immodest, indecorous, indelicate, indecent, loose, coarse, gross, equivocal, ribald, obscene. Concupiscent, prurient, lickerish, rampant, lustful, lascivi- ous, lecherous, libidinous, erotic. Unchaste, light, wanton, debauched, dissolute, incontinent, meretricious, rakish, gallant, dissipated, adulterous, incestu- ous. 962. A libertine, voluptuary, man of pleasure, rake, debauchee, gallant, seducer, fornicator, adulterer. A courtesan, strumpet, harlot, woman of the town, street walker, Cyprian. Concubine, mistress, doxy. Pimp, pander, bawd, procuress. 5. Institutions. 963. Legality,legitimateness, legitimacy. Law, code, constitution, pan- dect, enactment, edict, statute, rule, order, ordinance, injunction, precept, regulation, decree. Legal process, form, formula, formality, rite. Science of law: Jurisprudence, Legislation, Codification. Equity, common law, law of nations, international law, civil law, canon law, statute law, ec- clesiastical law. V. To enact, ordain, enjoin, pre- scribe, order, decree; to pass a law, issue an edict or decree ; to legislate, codify. Adj. Legal, according to law, legitimate, constitutional. Legislative, statutory. Adv. Legally, &c. 964. Absence or violation of law. Illegality, arbitrariness, vio- lence, brute force, despotism. Mob law, lynch law, club law. Informality, unlawfulness, ille- gitimacy. Smuggling, poaching. V. To smuggle, run, poach. Adj. Illegal, unlawful, illicit, illegitimate, injudicial, unofficial, unauthorized, unchartered, un- constitutional, informal, contra- band. Arbitrary, extrajudicial, despot- ic, irresponsible, unanswerable unaccountable. 965. Jurisdiction, judicature, administration of justice. The executive; municipality, magistracy, police, police force. 266 MORAL AFFECTIONS. Sheriff, officer, constable, beadle. Adj. Juridical, judicial, forensic, municipal, executive, adminis- trative. 966. Tribunal, court, bench, judicatory, senate house court of law, court of justice. Assize, sessions, court martial. 967. Judge, justice, justiciary, chancellor, magistrate, arbiter, ar- bitrator, umpire, referee. Prosecutor, plaintiff, accuser, appellant. Defendant, panel, prisoner, the accused. .968. Lawyer, the bar, advocate, counsellor, counsel, pleader, spe- cial pleader, conveyancer, civilian, barrister, jurist, jurisconsult, no- tary, notary public, attorney, solicitor. 969. Lawsuit, suit, action, cause, trial, litigation, 713. Denunciation, citation, arraignment, persecution, indictment, im- peachment, apprehension, arrest, committal, imprisonment, see 751. Pleadings, writ, summons, plea, bill, affidavit, &c. Verdict, sentence, judgment, finding, decree, arbitrament, adju- dication, award. V. To go to law; to take the law of; to appeal to the law; to join issue; file a bill, file a claim. To denounce, cite, apprehend, arraign, sue, prosecute, bring to trial, indict, attach, distrain, to commit, give in charge or custody . throw into prison. To try, hear a cause, sit in judgment. To pronounce, find, judge, sentence, give judgment; bring in a verdict; doom, to arbitrate, adjudicate, award, report. 970. Acquittal, absolution, see Pardon, 918, clearance, dis- charge, release, reprieve, respite. Exemption from punishment; impunity. V. To acquit, absolve, clear, discharge, release, reprieve, re- spite. Adj. Acquitted, &c. Uncondemned, unpunished,un- chastised. . 971. Condemnation, convic- tion, proscription; death war- rant. Attainder, attainment. V. To condemn, convict, cast, find guilty, proscribe. Adj. Condemnatory, &c. 972. Punishment, chastise ment, castigation, correction,chas- tening, discipline, infliction. Retribution, requital, reward, 973. Imprisonment, 751, transportation, exile, 297, the tread mill, galleys ; penal settlement. Beating, lash, flagellation, flogging, &c., pillory, running the gantlet. Execution, hanging, beheading, decollation, guillotine, cru- cifixion, impalement, &c., martyrdom. V. To punish, chastise, castigate, chasten, correct, inflict punishment. To execute, hang, behead, decapitate, decollate, guillotine, DEITY. 267 shoot, gibbet, hang, draw and quarter; break on the wheel; torture, &c. Adj. Punishing, &c., penal, punitory, punitive, inflictive. 973. Reward, recompense, re- muneration, meed, premium, in- demnity, indemnification, com- pensation, reparation, requital, retribution, quittance, acknowl- edgement, amends, atonement, redress, consideration, return, trib- ute. Crown, laurel, bays, cross, med- al, ribbon, decoration, &c. V. To reward, recompense, re- quite, remunerate, compensate, make amends, atone, satisfy, ac- knowledge, acquit one’s self. Adj. Remunerative, compensa- tory, retributive, reparatory. 974. Penalty, pain, penance. Fine, mulct, amercement, for- feit, forfeiture, damages, seques- tration, confiscation. V. To fine, mulct, amerce, con* fiscate, sequestrate. 975. Instrument of punish- ment. Scourge, rod, cane, stick, ra- tan, cane, switch, ferule, birch, cudgel. Whip, lash, strap, thong, cow- hide. Pillory, stocks, whipping-post. Rack, wheel, stake, tree, block, scaffold, gallows, gibbet, axe, guillotine, halter. Executioner, hangman, heads- man. Section Y. RELIGIOUS AFFECTIONS. 1. Superhuman Beings and Regions. 976. Deity, Divinity, Godhead, (the Divine Nature or Existence,) Omnipotence, Providence. Quality of being divine; divineness, divinity. God, Lord, Jehovah, The Almighty; The Supreme Being; The First Cause ; The Author, &c., of all things, The Infinite, The Eter- nal. Attributes and Perfections; Infinite Power, Wisdom, Goodness, Justice, Truth, Mercy, Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnipresence, Unity, Immutability, Holiness, Glory, Majesty, Sovereignty, Infinity, Eternity. The Trinity, The Holy Trinity. God the Father, The Maker, The Creator, The Preserver. (Functions.) Creation, Preservation, Divine Government, Theoc- racy, Providence, the ways, the dispensations, the visitations of Prov- idence. The Son of God, Christ, Jesus, The Messiah, The Savior, The Redeemer, The Mediator, The Intercessor, The Advocate, The Judge, The Anointed, The Son of Man, The Lamb of God, The Word, Immanuel. The Incarnation, The Hypostatic Union. 268 RELIGIOUS AFFECTIONS. (Functions.) Salvation, Redemption, Atonement, Propitiation, Mediation, .ntercession, Judgment. The Holy Ghost, The Holy Spirit, Paraclete, The Comforter, The Spirit of Truth, The Dove. (Functions.) Inspiration, Unction, Regeneration, Sanctification, Consolation. V. To create, uphold, preserve, govern, &c. To atone, redeem, save, propitiate, mediate, &c. To predestinate, elect, call, ordain, bless, justify, sanctify, glorify, &c. Adj. Almighty, &c.; holy, hallowed, sacred, divine, heavenly, ce- lestial. Superhuman, ghostly, spiritual, supernatural, theocratic. 977. Beneficent spirits. Angel, archangel. The heavenly host, the host of heaven, the sons of God. Seraphim, cherubim, minister- ing spirits, morning stars. Adj. Angelic, seraphic. 978. Maleficent spirits. Satan, the devil. The tempter, the evil one, the author of evil, the wicked one, the old serpent, the prince of darkness; the foul fiend, the arch- fiend. Fallen angels, unclean spirits; devils. Adj. Satanic, diabolic, devilish. 979. Jupiter, Jove, &c. &c. Good genius, demiurge, fairy, fay, sylph. Adj. Fairy-like, sylph-like, syl- phid. Mythological and other fabulous Deities and Powers. 980. Demon, evil genius, fiend. Fury, harpy, siren, satyr, &c. Vampire, imp, elf, dwarf, ur- chin, sprite, &c. Ghost, spectre, apparition, spirit, shade, vision, goblin, hob- goblin. Adj. Supernatural, ghostly, elf- ish; unearthly, spectral, gnost- like, fiendish, fiend-like, impish; demoniacal; haunted. 981. Heaven, the kingdom of heaven; the kingdom of God, the heavenly kingdom; the throne of God, the presence of God. Paradise, Eden, the abode of the blessed; celestial bliss, glory, &c. Mythological heaven, Olym- pus, mythological paradise, Elysi- um. Resurrection, 163, translation, ap :theosis. 982. Hell, bottomless pit, place of torment; the habitation of fallen angels, Pandemonium. Hell fire, everlasting fire. Purgatory, limbo, abyss. Mythological hell; Tartarus, Hades, Pluto, Avernus. The infernal regions, the shades below, the realms of Pluto. Adj. Hellish, infernal, stygian. 269 REVELATION — PSEUDO-REVELATION. Adj. Heavenly, celestial, supernal, unearthly, from on nigh, paradisiacal. 2. Keligious Doctrines. 983. Religious knowledge. Theology, (natural and revealed,) divinity, religion, monotheism. Creed, belief, faith, persuasion, tenet, dogma, articles of faith, dec- laration, profession or confession of faith. 983. cl- Orthodoxy, true faith, Christianity, Christendom; (su- pernaturalism, theism.) A theologian, a divine. The Church, the Catholic or Universal Church; the Church of Christ, the disciples or followers of Christ, the Christian commun- ity. Adj. Theological, divine, reli- gious. Orthodox, sound, faithful, true, scriptural, Christian. 984. Heterodoxy, heresy, schism,latitu dinarianism, (liberal- ism, rationalism, naturalism,) re- cusancy, backsliding, apostasy. Atheism, see 988. Bigotry, fanaticism, supersti- tion, credulity, 486, idolatry. Dissent 489, sectarianism, sec- tarism. (The Papacy, Romanism, Prot- estantism, Pelagianism, Arian- ism, Calvinism.) Paganism, heathenism, mythol- ogy, polytheism, dualism, trithe- ism, pantheism. Judaism, Mahometanism, Is- i lamism, &c., &c. A heretic, pagan, heathen, pantheist, idolater, schismatic, bigot, fanatic. A nonconformist, separatist, dissenter, sectarian, sectary. Adj. Heterodox, heretical, schismatic. Sectarian, dissenting, dissident. Bigoted, fanatical, superstitious, idolatrous. Pagan, heathen, gentile, pantheistic. 985. Revelation, Word, Word of God, inspiration, Scrip- ture, the Scriptures, Holy Writ, the Bible. Old Testament; Septuagint, Vulgate, Pentateuch, the Apocry- pha, &c. New Testament; the Gospels,1 the Evangelists, the Epistles, the Apocalypse, the Revela- tion. Talmud, Mishna, Masora. A prophet, evangelist, apostle, disciple, saint; the fathers, the apostolical fathers. Adj. Scriptural, biblical, sacred, prophetic, evangelical, apostolic, apostolical. 986. Pseudo-Revelation. The Koran,(or Alcoran,) Shas- ter, Vedas, Zendavesta, &c. False prophets and religious founders: Buddha, Zoroaster, Confucius, Mahomet, &c. RELIGIOUS .AFFECTIONS. 3. Religious Sentiments. 987. Piety,religion, (spirituali- ty,) faith, religiousness, godliness, reverence, humility, veneration, devoutness, devotion, grace, unc- tion, edification; holiness, sancti- ty, sacredness, consecration. Regeneration, conversion, jus- tification, sanctification, salvation, inspiration. A believer, Theist, Christian, saint, devotee. V. To be pious, &c., to be- lieve, have faith; to convert, edi- fy, sanctify, regenerate, inspire; to consecrate, to enshrine. Adj. Pious, religious, devout, reverent, godly, heavenly-mind- ed, pure, holy, spiritual, saintly, saint-like. Believing, faithful, Christian, catholic, &c. 988. Irreligicn, ungodliness, unholiness. Scepticism, doubt, unbelief, disbelief, incredulity, incredu- lousness, 485, 487. Atheism, deism, (materialism,) infidelity, freethinking. An atheist, sceptic, unbeliever, deist, freethinker, infidel. V. To be irreligious, disbelieve, doubt, question, &c. Adj. Irreligious, indevout, un- devout, ungodly, unholy, unsanc- tified. Sceptical, unbelieving, free- thinking, incredulous, unconvert- ed. Deistical, anti-Christian, un- christian, worldly-minded, mun- dane, carnal, earthly-minded. 989. Impiety, irreverence, pro- faneness, profanity, blasphemy, desecration, sacrilegiousness ] re- viling, scoffing. Assumed piety; hypocrisy, pietism, (mysticism), formalism, austerity, sanctimony, sanctimoniousness, pharisaism. A scoffer, hyprocrite, pietist, religionist, formalist. A bigot, enthusiast, fanatic, Pharisee. V. To be impious, &c. To profane, desecrate, blaspheme, revile, scoff. Adj. Impious, profane, irreverent, sacrilegious, desecrating, blasphemous, unhallowed, unsanctified, hardened, reprobate. Hypocritical, pietistical, sanctimonious, pharisaical, over- righteous. Bigoted, priest-ridden, fanatical, enthusiastic. 4. Acts of Religion. 990. Worship, adoration, devotion, homage, service, humiliation, kneeling, genuflection, prostration. Prayer, invocation, supplication, petition, orison, &c., 765, litany, the Lord’s prayer, paternoster, collect. Thanksgiving, giving or returning thanks, grace, praise, benedic* tion, doxology, hosanna, hallelujah. Psalmody, psalm, hymn, chant, antiphon, response, anthem. Oblation, sacrifice, incense, libation, burnt-offering. CHURCHDOM. 271 Discipline, self-discipline, self-examination, self-denial, fasting. V. To worship, adore, do service, pay homage, humble one’s self, kneel, bend, the knee, prostrate one’s self. To pray, invoke, supplicate, petition, put up prayers or petitions; to ask, implore, beseech, &c., 765. To return or give thanks; to say grace, to bless, praise, glorify, magnify, sing praises, give benediction. To propitiate, offer sacrifice, fast, deny one’s self; vow, offer vows, give alms. Adj. Worshipping, &c., devout, solemn, reverent, pure, fervid, heartfelt, &c. 991. Idolatry, idle worship, devil worship, fetichism. Deification, apotheosis, canonization. Sacrifices, hecatomb, holocaust; human sacrifices, immolation, in- fanticide, self-immolation. V. To worship idols, pictures, relics, &c., to deify, to canonize. Adj. Idolatrous. 992. Sorcery, magic, the black art, necromancy, theurgy, thau- maturgy, witchcraft, fetichism, sortilege, conjuration, fascination, mesmerism, clairvoyance, second sight, (spiritual rappings.) divina- tion, enchantment, hocus-pocus, 545, ordeal. V. To practise sorcery, &c.; to conjure, exorcise, charm, enchant, bewitch, entrance, mesmerize, fascinate; to taboo, wave a wand, cast a spell, call up spirits, (to be a spiritual medium.) Adj. Magic, magical, cabalistic, talismanic, incantatory, charmed, exorcised, &c. j 993. Spell, charm, incantation, exorcism. Talisman, amulet. Wand, caduceus, rod, divining rod. ; J ' . , .— t 994. Sorcerer, magician, conjurer, necromancer, seer, wizard, witch, weird, charmer, exorcist, soothsayer, 513. 5. Keligious Institutions. 995. Churchdom, ministry, apostleship, priesthood, prelacy, hier- archy, church government, church: — (in a bad sense) priestcraft. Monachism, monasticism. Ecclesiastical offices and dignities; pontificate, primacy, arch- bishopric, bishopric, episcopate, episcopacy, see, diocese; deanery, stall, canonry, canonicate, prebend, prebendaryship ; benefice, in- cumbency, living, cure, rectorship, vicarship, vicariate, deaconry, deaconship, curacy, chaplaincy, chaplainship. Holy orders, ordination, institution, consecration, induction, pre- ferment. Council, conclave, convocation, (association, consecration, presby- tery, conference,) synod, consistory, chapter, vestry, 696. V. To call, ordain, induct, prefer. Adj. Ecclesiastical, clerical, sacerdotal, priestly, prelatical, pas- toral, ministerial. Pontifical, episcopal, canonical; monastic, monkish. 272 RELIGIOUS AFFECTIONS. 996. Clergy, ministers, the] ministry, priesthood, presbytery. A clergyman, divine, ecclesi- astic, churchman, priest, presby- ter, pastor, shepherd, minister. Dignitaries of the church; pri- mate. archbishop, bishop, prelate, diocesan, suffragan; dean, sub- dean, archdeacon, prebendary, cancn • rector, vicar, incumbent, parson, chaplain, curate, deacon, preacher. Church warden; clerk, precentor, choir, almoner, beadle, sexton. Roman Catholic priesthood; pope, pontiff, high priest, cardinal; confessor, spiritual director, &c. Cenobite, conventual, abbot, prior, monk, friar; lay brother; mendicant, Franciscan, (or Gray Friars,) Capuchin, Domini- can, (or Black Friars,) Carmelite, Augustin, (or Austin Friars.) Abbess, prioress, canoness, nun, novice, scribe. 997. Laity, flock, fold, con- gregation, assembly, brethren, people. Temporality, secularization. A layman, parishioner. V. To secularize. Adj. Secular, lay, civil, tem- poral, profane. j r ; 7 7 7 998. Rite, ceremony, ordinance, observance, formulary, ceremo- nial, solemnity, sacrament. Liturgy, ritual, book of common prayer, litany, &c.; rubric. Service, duty, ministration, &c.,see 990; preaching; sermon, hom- ily, lecture. Baptism, christening. Confirmation, imposition, or laying on of hands. The Eucharist, the Lord’s supper, the communion, the sacrament. Roman Catholic rites and ceremonies : mass, high mass; matins, vespers; the seven sacraments, auricular confession, flagellation, &c., breviary, missal, &c. Relics, rosary, beads, reliquary, pyx, host, crucifix, &c. V. To perform service, do duty, minister, officiate; to baptize, dip, sprinkle, &c.; to confirm, lay hands on, &c.; to give or admin* ister the sacrament. To preach, sermonize, lecture. Adj. Ritual, ceremonial, &c. 999. Canonicals ; robe, gown, pallium, surplice, cassock, scan- ulary, stole, tonsure, cowl, hood, bands, &c. Mitre, tiara, triple crown, crosier. 1000. Place of worship, house of God. Temple, cathedral, minster, church, chapel, meeting house, tabernacle. Parsonage, rectory, vicarage, manse, deanery, bishop’s palace. Altar, shrine, sanctuary, sacristy, communion table; baptistery, font. Chancel, choir, nave, aisle, transept, vestry, crypt, stall, pew, pul« pit, ambo, reading desk, confessional. Monastery, priory, abbey, convent, nunnery, cloister. Adj. Claustral, monastic, conventual. INDEX. N. R — The numbers refer to the headings under which the words occur. Wnert the same wsrd may be used in various senses, the several headings under which it will be found, according to those meanings, are indicated by the words printed in Italics. Theso words i.i Italics are not intended to explain the meanings of the word to which they are annexed, but only to assist in the required reference. A. Aback, 235. Abacus, 85. Abaft, 235. Abalienate, 783. Abalienation, 783. Abandon, a purpose, 624. property, 782. Abandoned, forsaken, 893. vicious, 945. Abandonment, purpose, 624. property, 782. Abdrpr'ess, 308, 874. degrade, 879. Abased, degraded, 874. Abasement, depression, 308. humility, 879. disrepute, 874. Abash, daunt, 860. humiliate, 879. shame, 874. Abashed, modest, 881. ashamed, 874. Abate, lessen, 36. a price, 813. Abatement, decrease, 36. price, 813. Abattis, 717. Abbess, 996. Abbey, 1000. Abbot, 996. Ahbotess, 996. Abbreviate, shorten, 201. style, 572. abridge, 596. Abbreviation, shorten, 201. shortening, 201. abridgment, 596. Abdicate, 757. Abdication, 757. Abduct, 789, 791. Abduction, 2c9, 789. Abecedarian, 541. Abecedary, 490. Aberrant, divergent, 279, 290, 291. erroneous, 495. exceptional, 83. Aberration, deviation, 279. mental, 503. error, 495. excejition, 83. Abet, 707. Abetter, 711. Abeyance, expectation, 507. extinction, 2. suspense, 141. Abhor, hate, 898. dislike, 867. Abhorred, disliked, 867. Abhorrence, dislike, 867. hate, 898. Abhorrent, 867, 898. Abide, continue, 142, 143. endure, 821. dwell, 186. expect, 507. Abide by, 604. Ability, power, 157. skill, 698. Abject, servile, 886. vile, 874, 940. Abjection, vileness, 940. Abject ness, servility, 874, 886. Abjure, renounce, 607. resign, 757. deny, 536. Abjuration, denial, 536. repeal, 757. revocation, 607. Ablation, subduction, 38. taking, 789. Able, skilful, 698, 157. Able-bodied, 159. Ablegate, 185. Ableness, power, 157. weight, 175. Ablution, 652. Abnegation, denial, 536, 764. self-denial, 942. forbearance, 953. Abnormal, 83. Abnormity, 83. Aboard, ship, 273. present, 186. Abode, 189, 182. Abolish, destroy, 162. abrogate, 756. Abolished, destroyed, 2. Abolishment, 162. Abolition, 756. Abominable, hateful, 898. bad, 649. defiled, 653. painful, 830. Abominate, hate, 898. Abominate, dislike, 867. Abominating, 867. Abomination, foulness, 653. aversion, 867. hate, 898. Aboriginal, 66. Aborigines, 188. Abortion, 732. Abortive, 732. Abound, 639. Abounding, 639. About, relative to, 9. near, 32, 197. around, 227. Above, 206. Above board, visible, 446. plain, 518. artless, 703. true, 543. Above ground, alive, 359. Above par, 31. Abrade, 38, 330, 331, Abrasion, 330, 331. Abreast, lateral, 236. parallel, 216. Abridge, shorten, 201. lessen, 36. deprive, 789. in writing, 596,572. Abridgment, shortening, 201. in writing, 596. Abroad, distant, 196. ignorant, 491. Abrogate, 756. Abrogation, 756, 764 Abrupt, sudden, 132. violent, 173. 274 INDEX. Abrupt, transient, 111. steep, 217. style, 579. unexpected, 508. Abruptness, violence, 173. suddenness, 132 Abscess, 655. Abscission, retrenchment, division, 44. Abscond, escape, 671. fly from, 287. Absence, non-presence, 18', 2. inattention, 458. thoughtlessness, 452. Absent, not present, 187 thoughtless, 452. Absentee, 187. Absenteeism, 187. Absolute, not relative, 1. certain, 474, 31. due, 924. true, 494. unconditional, 768. authoritative, 737. severe, 739. assertion, 535. Absolutely, 2. Absoluteness, 1, 52, 737. Absolution, 759. forgiveness, 918. exemption, 927. acquittal, 970. Absolutism, 737, 739. Absolve, forgive, 918. exempt, 927. liberate, 750. permit, 760. acquit, 970. Absolved, exempted, 927. Absonant, unreasonable, 495. discordant, 414. Absorb, take in, 296. think, 451. combine, 48. attend to, 457 feel, 821. consume, 677. Absorbing, 821. Absorption, 298. Abstain, refrain, 603. temperance, 953. forbear, 623. Abstemious, 953. Abstemiousness, 953. A bsterge, 652. Abstersion, 652. Abstersive, G62. Abstinence, disuse, 678. forbearance, 623, 953. Abstinent, 953. Abstract, separate, 44. to neglect, 457. to abridge, 596,572. to take, 789. divert, 452. to steal, 791. Abstracted, 452, 458. Abstraction, idea, 451. separation, 44. unity, 87. taking, 789. Abstruse, recondite, 519. hidden, 528. Absurd, 497, 477. Absurdity, folly, 499. nonsense, 497. Aim n dance, copiousness, 639. greatness, 31. Abundant, copious, 639. great, 31. Abuse, misuse, 679. ill treat, 649. upbraid, 932. threat, 909. of language, 523. Abusive, upbraiding, 932. threatening, 909. Abut, rest on, 215. touch, 199. Aby, remain, 142. Abyss, depth, 208. space, 180. hell, 982. Academic, 537, 542. Academician, 500, 559. Academy, 542. Accede, 762, 488. Accelerate, velocity, 274, 173. earliness, 132. haste, 686. Accelerated, 132. Acceleration, haste, 686. velocity, 274. earliness, 132. Accension, 384. Accent, tone of voice, 580. sound, 402. Accentuate, 580. Accentuation, 580. Accept, receive, 785. consent, 762. assent, 488. Acceptable, agreeable, 829. expedient, 646. Acceptableness, 829. Acceptance, security, 771. assent, 488. reception, 785. Acceptation, meaning, 516. Access, 627. Accessible, 705. Accession, increase, 35. addition, 37. to power, 737. Accessory, adjunct, 37, 39. additive, 31. auxiliary, 711. aiding, 707. accompanying, 88. Accidence, 567. Accident, chance, 156, 621, 6. event, 151. Accidental, 6, 621. Accidentally, 621. Acclamation, 931. Acclimatize, inure, 613. train, 673. Acclivity, 217. Accommodate, suit, 23. reconcile, 723. lend, 787. prepare, 673. aid, 707. habit, 613. give, 784. Accommodating, 23. bind, 906. Accommodation, adjustment, 723, 23. preparation, 673. aid, 707. Accompaniment, musical, 415. addition, 37, 39. coexistence, 88. Accompany, coexist, 88, 120. add, 37. Accomplice, 711. Accomplish, execute, 161. finish, 729, 731. Accomplishment, talent, 698. completion, 729. learning, 490. Accord, agree, 23, 646. assent, 488. concord, 714, 415. Accord, give, 784. grant, 760. spontaneous, 600. Accordance, agreement, 23, 16. assent, 488. grant, 760. Accordant, 23. Accordeon, 417 According to, conformably, 15. evidence, 467. Accordingly, 476, 8 Accost, 586. Account, money, 811. bill, 812. computation, 85. list, 86. description, 594. value, 644. estimation, 484. judgment, 480. approbation, 931. fame, 873. pay, 807. sake, 615. Accountable, 926. Accountableness, 926. Accountant, 811. Account books, 811. Account for, 155. Accoutre, dress, 225. equip, 673. Accoutrement, 673. Accredit, money, 805. honor, 873. Accredited, 484 Accretion, 46. increase, 35. Accrue, result, 154. add, 37. acquire, 775. receive, 810. benefit, 644. Accubation, 213 Accumbent, 213 Accumulate, collect, 72. store, 636. Accumulation, collection, 72. Accurate, exact, 494. likeness, 17. known, 490. Accuracy, 494. Accurse, 908. Accursed, painful, 830. disastrous, 649. Accusable, f Accusative, > 938. Accusatory,) INDEX. 275 Accuse, charge, 938. disapprove, 932. Accused, 966. Accuser, 967. Accustom, habituate, 613. usual, 82. Accustomed, 82. Ace, unit, 87. small in size, 193. Acerbate, imbitter, 659. Acerbity, acrimony, 395. rudeness, 895. malevolence 907. spleen, 898, 900, 901. Acervate, 72. Acervation, 72. Acetose, 397. Acetous, 397. Ache, physical pain, 378. grief, 828. Acheron, 982. Achievable, possible, 470. easy, 705. Achieve, accomplish, 729. end, 67. Achievement, completion, 729. Achromatic, 429. Achromatism, 429. Acid, 397. Acidify, 397. Acidity, 397. Acidulate, 397. Acknowledge, avow, 535. disclose, 529. assent, 488. consent, 762. reward, 973. repent, 950. gratitude, 916. answer, 462. observe, 772. receive, 82. Acknowledgment, avowal, 535. disclosure, 529. assent, 488. reward, 973. repentance, 950. gratitude, 916. consent, 762. payment, 807. observance, 772. answer, 462. Acme, summit, 210. nighest degree, 33. perfection, 650. Aconite, 663. Acoustics 402 418. Acquaint, 527. Acquaintance, knowledge, 499 friendship, 888. friend, 890. Acquainted, 888. Acquiesce, assent, 488, 826 consent, 762. Acquiescence, consent, 762. assent, 488. Acquiescent, 488. Acquire, 775. to learn, 539. Acquired, 1 Acquiring, \ "°‘ Acquirement, knowledge, 490. learning, 539. talent, 698. Acquisition, gain, 775. knowledge, 490. Acquit, absolve, 970. exempt, 927. vindicate, 937. liberate, 750. behave, 692. Acquit one’s self of a duty, 920. of an agreement, 772. Acquittal, duty, 926. absolution, 970. agreement, 772. Acquittance, payment, 807. vindication, 937. agreement, 772. liberation, 750. Acres, 780. Acrid, 395. Acrimonious, caustic, 171. unsavory, 395. discourteous, 895 Acrimony, physical, 171. taste, 395. hatred, 898. discourtesy, 895. Acritude, physical, 171. acerbity, 395. Across, transverse, 219. opposition, 708. Acrostic, 563. Act, physical, 170. voluntary, 680. to feign, 544. to personate, 599. to imitate, 19. Act upon, to move, 615. Acting, 19. Action, physical, 170. voluntary, 680. battle, 720. at law, 989. feigning, 544. Active, 451. pungent, 171. quick, 682. Activity, physical, 171. voluntary, 682. Actor, imp istor, 548. player, 599.. Actual, existing, 1. real, 494. present, 118. Actuality, existence, 1. reality, 494. Actually, truly, 31. really, 2. Actuary, 811. Actuate, 615. Aculeate, 253. Aculeated, 253. Acumen, 498. Acuminated, 253. Acumination, sharpness, 253. Acute, pointed, 253. violent, ) physically, j 1 sensible, } physically, ) hearing, 418. painful, morally, 830. strong feeling. 820, 811. musical tone, 410. perspicacious, 498. active, 171. Acutely, much, 31. Acuteness, sharpness, 253. sensitive, 375. hearing, 418. Adage, 496. Adamant, hard, 323. strong, 159. Adamantine, 159. Adapt, fit, 646. adjust, 673. agree, 23. habit, 613. Adaptation, fitness, 646. adjustment, 673. Add, join, 37. increase, 35. numerically, 85. Adder, viper, 663. maleficent being, 913. Addict, habit, 613. Addition, adjunction, 37. thing added, 39. arithmetical, 85. Additive, 37. Addle, barren, 169. incomplete, 730, 732. Addle-headed, 499. Address, speak to, 586. skill, 698. request, 765. * evidence, 189. direction, 550. Addresses, courtship, 902. Adduce, bring to, 288. evidence, 467. Adductive, 288. Adept, 700. Adequate, sufficient, 639. power, 157. strength, 159. for a purpose, 644. Adequateness, sufficiency, 639. fitness, 644. Adhere, stick, 46. fidelity, 772. resoluteness, 604. Adherence, 46. Adherent, follower, 711. Adhesion, stick, 46. contact, 199. observance, 772. Adhesive, 46. Adieu, 292. Ad infinitum, 105. Adipose, 355. Adit, conduit, 350. orifice, 260. Adjacency, 197 Adjacent, 197 Adjoin, 197. Adjourn, 133. Adjournment, 133 Adjudge, 969. Adjudicate, 969. Adjudication, choice, 609. lawsuit, 969. Adjunct, thing added, 39. aid, 707, 710. Adjure, request, 765. prtmise, 708. 276 INDEX. Admonition, warning, 668. reproof, 932. Admonitory, advisory, 695. warning, 668. Ado, exertion, 686. activity, 682. difficulty, 704. Adolescence, 131. Adolescent, 131. Adopt, 609. Adoption, 609. Adorable, 897. Adoration, love, 897. worship, 990. Adore, love, 897. worship, 990. Adorn, 845. Adornment, 847. Adown, 207. Adrift, unrelated, 10. dispersed, 73. at fault, 704. disjoined, 44. Adroit, 698. Adroitness, 698. Adscititious, intrinsic, 6. added, 37. Adulation, 933. Adulatory, 933. Adult, 131. Adulterate, mix, 41. deteriorate, 659. falsify, 495. Adulteration, mixture, 41. Adulterer, 952. Adulterous, 961. Adultery, 961. Adultress, 131. Adumbrate, sketch, 594. painting, 556. faint likeness, 21. personify, 521. darken, 421. Adumbration, likeness, 521. darkness, 421. Aduncous, 244. Advance, progress, 282, 731. to promote, 658. forward, 707. increase, 35. lend, 787. assert, 535. Advancement, progress, 282. promotion, 658. Advances (to make), 892. Advancing, 282. Advantage, gain, 618. utility, 644. goodness, 648. superiority, 33. inequality, 28. success, 705, 731. Advantageous, useful, 644. good, 648. painful, 810. Advent, arrival, 292. event, 151. . futurity, 121. Adventitious, extrinsic, 6. casual, 156, 621 Adventure, event, 151. chance, 156, 621. pursuit, 622. trial, 675. danger, 6G5. history, 594. Adventurous, courageous, 861 dangerous, 665. Adversary, 710. Adverse, opposed, 708. disliking, 867. unprosperous, 735. Adversity, 735, 830. Advert, 457. Advertency, 457. Advertise, 531. Advertisement, 531. Advice, counsel, 695. notice, 527. news, 532. Advisable, 546. Advise, inform, 527. counsel, 695. predict, 511. Advised, voluntary, 600. predetermined, 611. Adviser, counsellor, 695. teacher, 540. Advocate, counsellor, 968. Advocate, to vindicate, 937. Savior, 976. ASgis, 717. Aerial, aeriform, 334, 318. elevated, 206. Aerie, 189. Aeriform, 334, 338. Aerology, 338. Aeronaut, 269. Aeronautics, 267. Aerostatic, 273. Aerostatics, 207, 334. Aerostation, 267. Aesthetic, taste, 850. Afar, 196. Affability, humility, 879. courtesy, 894. Affable, courteous, 874. humble, 879. Affair, business, 625. event, 151. topic, 454. battle, 720. action, 680. Affect, desire, 865. lend to, 176. touch, 824. Affectation, pretension, 855 in style, 577. Affected, 851, 855, 820. Affectedness, 855. Affection, state of soul, 820, 821. love, 897. Affectionate, 897 Affectionateness. 897 Affiance, trust, 858. promise, 768. Affianced, 897. Affidavit, eviden t, 467 record, 551. Affiliate, to connect, 9. Affiliated, 9. Affiliation, relation, 9. kindred, 11. Affinity, 9, 17. Affirm, assert, 535. confirm, 488. Affirmatively, 488. Affix, to join, 43. add, 37. sequel, 39. precede, 62. Afflation, 349. Afflict, 830. Afflicted, 828. Affliction, 619, 828 Afflictive, 830. Affluence, 803. Affluent, 348,803. Afflux, 286. Affluxion, 286. Afford, supply, 134, 784. wealth, 803. accrue, 810, 829. Affray, 720. Affright, 860. Adjust, fit, 27. prepare, 673. settle, 723. Adjustment, fitness, 27. preparation, 673 settlement, 723. Adjutage, pipe, 350. opening, 260. Adjutant, auxiliary, 711. military, 745. Adjuvant, helper, 707, 710. Admeasurement, 466. Administer, give, 784. exercise authority, 737. Administration, of justice, 955. direction, 693. Admirable, excellent, 648. virtuous, 944. Admiral, 745. Admire, approve, 931. love, 897. wonder, 870. Admired, approved,, 931. loved, 897. Admiration, approval, 931. wonder, 870. love, 897. Admirer, 897. Admissible, tolerable, 651. Admission, in aress, 294, 296, 467, 760, 785. composition, 54. assent, 294, 488. Admissible, 5 Admittance, 1 oqr Admitted, | Admitting, J Admit, let in, 296. accept, 785. include, 76. composition, 54. concede in argu- ment, 467, 529. allow, 760. assent, 488. Admit of, 470. Admixtion, 41. Admixture, 41. Admonish, advise, 695. warn, 668. reprove, 932. predict, 511. Admonition, advice, 695. Advanced guard, 234. INDEX. Agree concord, 714. Agreeable, 488, 829. Agreeableness, 829. Agreeably, conformably, 23, 82. Agreement, bargain, 769. assent, 488. accord, 714. union, 178. consent, 762. Agrestic, 371. Agricultural, 371. Agriculture, 371. Agriculturist, 371. Aground, stranded, 265, 704. failure, 732. Aguish, 383. Ahead, in front, 62, 234, 280. (go), activity, 282. to improve, 658. Aid, to help, 707, 712. charity, 906. means, 632. Aid-de-camp, auxiliary, 711, 745. officer, 745 Aiding, 707. Aidless, 160. Aigulet, 847. Ail, sick, 655. in pain, 828. Ailing, 828. Ailment, 655. Aim, direction, 278. purpose, 620. Aimless, 621. Air, gas, 334. atmospheric, 338. wind, 349. tune, 415. appearance, 448. unsubstantial, 4. fashion, 852. affectation, 855. Air-balloon, 273. Air-built, 515. Air-drawn, 515. Airiness, 320. Airing, 266. Air-pipe, 351. Air-tight, 261. Air-tube, 350. Airy, atmospheric, 320, 338. gay, 836, aerial, 334. Aisle, passage, 260. in a church, 1000 Ajutage, 350. 277 Affront, insult, 900. molest, 830. ill turn, 907. Affuse, 337. Affusion, 337. Afield, 186. Afire, 382. Afloat, at sea, | vtn on shipboard, | unstable, 149. public, 531. Afoot, 625. in preparation, 673. Afore, 116. Aforesaid, 104. Afraid, 860. Afresh, new, 123. repeated, 104. frequent, 136. Aft, 235. After, in order, 63. in time, 117 dorsal, 235. Afterage, 124. After all, 469. Afterclap, 509. Aftercourse, 626. Afterlife, 121. Aftergame, 626. Afternoon, 126. Afterpart, 65. Afterpiece, 65, 599. Aftertaste, 390. Afterthought, 65,451, 607. Aftertime, 121. Afterwards, 117. Again, repeated, 104. frequent, 136. Against, physical opposition, 179. voluntary opposi- tion, 708. anteposilion, 237. provision, 673. Agape, wonder, 870. curiosity, 455. •Age, period, 108. advanced life, 124, 128. Aged, 128. Agency, physical, 170. instrumentality, 157, 631, 755. direction, 693. use, 677. Agent, physical, 153, 164. voluntary, 690. consignee, 758, 769. Agentsliip, 755. Agglomerate, 72. Agglomeration, 72. Agglutinate, 46. Agglutination, 46. Aggrandize, in degree, 35. in bulk, 194. honor, 873. Aggrandizement, degree, 35. distinction, 873. enlargement, 194. Aggravate, increase, 35. vehemence, 173. distress, 835. render worse, 659. exasperate, 900. exaggerate, 549. Aggravated, ( Aggravating, j eJ0- Aggravation, increase, 35. distress, 835. Aggregate, whole, 50. Aggregation, 46, 72. Aggression, 716. Aggressive, 716. Aggressor, 716. Aggrieve, distress, 830. injure, 649. Aghast, with, wonder, 870. with fear, 860. disappointed, 509. Agile, swift, 274. active, 682. Agility, swiftness, 274. activity, 682. Agitate, motion, 315. activity, 682. to affect the mind, 821. to excite, 824. inquire, 461. reason, 476. Agitated, 315, 825. Agitation, hurry, 315. excitement, 824, 825. Ago, 122. Agog, wonder, 870 desire, 865. Agonize, 378, 830. Agonizing, 378. Agony, physical, 378. mental, 828. Agrarian, 371. Agree, accord, 23. concur, 178. assent, 488. consent, 762. Ajutage, pipe, 350. opening, 260. Akimbo (to stand), 715. Akimbo, angular, 244. Akin, 11. Alabaster color, 430. Alacrity, activity, 682. cheerf ulness, 836, Alarm, fear, 860. notice of danger, 669. signal, 550. threatening, 665. Alarmed, 860. Alarming, fearful, 8S0. threatening, 665. Alarum, 669. Albeit, 179. Album, book, 593. compendium, 596. Albumen, 352. Albuminous, 352. Alcade, (or alcaid,) 745. Alchemy, 144. Alcoran, 986. Alcove, cave, 252. dwelling, 189. Alderman, 745. Alembic, vessel, 191. laboratory, 691 Alert, active, 682. watchful, 459. Alertness, 682. Alexandrine, 20C. Algebra, 85. Algorithm, 85. Alias, 565. Alien, irrelevant, 10. foreign, 57. Alienate, transfer, 783. estrange, 889. set against, 898. Alienation, (menu ,) 503. enmity, 889. hate, 898. Alight, descend, 306. slop, 265. arrive, 292. Alike, 17. Aliment, food, 298, 707. materials, 635. Alimentary, 298. Alimentation, 707 Alimony, 810. 278 INDEX. Alimony, dowry, 810. provision, 803. Aliquot, 51. Alive, living, 359, 457. active, 682. All, whole, 50. complete, 52. Allay, moderate, 174. repress ezeitement, 826, 834. Allaying, 174. Allegation, 615. Allege, evidence, 467. assert, 535. plea, 617. Allegation, evidence, 467 assertion, 535. plea, 617. Allegiance, 743, 926. Allegorical, 464, 521. Allegorize, 521. Allegory, 464, 521. Alleviate, moderate, 174, allay, 826. relieve, 834. Alleviation, 834. Alley, passage, 260. way, 627. court, 189. Alliance, relation, 9. kindred, 11. physical coopera- tion, 178. voluntary coopera- tion, 709. union, 714. Allied, akin, 11. like, 17. in concert, 709. harmonious, 714. Alligation, 43. Alliteiation, 17. Allocution, 586. Allodial, 780. Allot, arrange, 60. distribute, 786. Allotment, arrangement, 60. distribution, 786. Allow, permit, 760. assent, 488. admit, 529. concede, 467. give, 784. discount, 813. allot, 786. pay, 809. Allowable, 924. Allowance, qualification, 469. dole, 640. permission, 760. expenditure, 809. discoujit, 813. forgiveness, 918. Alloy, mixture, 41. debase, 659. Allude, mean, 516. suppose, 514. refer to, 521. inform, 527. Allure, 615, 865. Allurement, desire, 865. motive, 615. Allusion, meaning, 516. reference, 521 supposition, 514. Allusive, 9, 521. Alluvial, 344. Alluvium, deposit, 40. soil, 653. Ally, 711. Almanac, 114, 551 Almighty (the), 9? ’>. Almoner, 996. Almost, 32. Alms, 784. Almsgiving, 784,906. Aloft, 206. Alone, 87. Along, 200. Alongside, 197, 216, 236. Along with, together, 37, 43, 88. by means of, 631. Aloof, distant, 196. high, 206. secluded, 893. Aloud, 404. Alphabet, 561. Alpine, 206. Alps, 206. Already, antecedently, 116. even now, 11S. past time, 122. Also, 37. Altar, marriage, 903. church, 1000. Alter, change, 140. Alterable, 149. Alteration, change, 140. variation, 20. Altercation, 713. Altered, changed, 140. Alternate, reciprocal, 12. Alternate, sequence, 63. periodic, 138. discontinuous, 70. Alternating, 138, 141. Alternation, 63. reversion, 145. change, 149. Alternative, plan, 626. choice, 609. Alternativeness, 138. Alternity, 138 Although, counteraction, 179. qualification, 469. opposition, 708. counterevidence,'468. Altitude, 206. Alto, 413. Altogether, collectively, 50. entirely, 31. Always, 112. Amain, 684. Amalgam, mixture, 41. compound, 48. Amalgamare, 41, 48. Amanuensis, 590. Amass, whole, 50. to collect, 72. Amateur, 850, 865. Amatory, 897. Amaze, 1 Amazed, l8_0 Amazement, Amazing, J Amazingly, 31. Ambassador, 534,758. Amber color, 436. Ambidexter, clever, 698. right and left, 238. Ambidextral, 238. Ambient, 227. Ambiguity, uncertainty, 474, 475. obscurity, 571. un intelligibility,519. Ambiguous, uncertain, 475. obscure, 571. unintelligible, 519. doubtful, 520. Ambit, 230. Ambition, desire, 865. intention, 620. Ambitious, 865. Amble, pace, 266. fleet, 274. Ambo, pulpit, 1000. Ambrosia, 394. Ambrosial, 394. Ambulation, 266. Ambulatory, 266. Ambuscade, 530. Ambush, 530. Ameliorate, 658. Amelioration, 658. Amen, 488. Amenable, 926. Amend, 658. Amendment, 658. Amends, compensation, 30. reward, 973. atonement, 952. Amenity, 894. Amerce, 974. Amercement, 974. Amethyst, 437. Amiable, 897, 906. Amiability, suavity, 894. benevolence, 906. Amicable, friendly, 888. assisting, 707. Amicahleness, 888. Amicably, 888. Amidst, 41, 228. Amiss, 619, 647. Amity, friendship, 888. concord, 714. peace, 721. Ammunition, materials, 635. warlike, 727. Amnesty, 918. Among, 41,228. Amorous, 897. Amorphism, 241. Amorphous, formless, 241. irregular, 83. Amount, quantity, 25. whole, 50. sum of money, 800 Amour, 897. Amphibious, 83. Amphitheatre, arena, 728. prospect, 441. Amphora, 191. Ample, much, 31. copious, 639. large, 192. broad, 2J2. spacious, 181. Ampleness, 639. Amplification, dilation, 194. space, 180. Amplify, enlarge, 35. dilate, 194. exaggerate, 5491 Amplitude, size, 25, 192. breadth, 202. Amputate, 38. INDEX. Amputation, 38. Amulet, 993. Amuse, 840. Amused, 840. Amusing, 840. Amusement, sport, 840. mirth, 836. Anachronism, 115. Anacreontic, 597. Anaglyph, 554. Anagram, 461, 842. Analogical, ) Analogous, ) Analogy, relation, 9. similarity, 17. Analysis, decomposition, 49. arrangement, GO. algebra, 85. Analytic, 431. Analyze, decompose, 49. to parse, 557. search, 461. inquiry, 461. Anamorphosis, optical, 443. misrepresentation, 555. Anarchical, 738. Anarchist, 913. Anarchy, disorder, 59. social, 738. Anathema, 908. Anatomic, 329. Anatomize, dissect, 44. inquire, 461. Anatomy, dissection, 44, 357. skeleton, 329. inquiry, 461. Ancestor, i 16fi) ]30j Ancestry,') 128' Anchor, safeguard., 663, hope, 858. Anchor (to), 186. Anchorage, roadstead, 189, 265. Anchoret, 955. Ancient, old, 124. Anciently, 122. Ancillary, 707, C31, 37. Anecdote, 594. Anecdotical, 594. Anew, 104, 123, 36. Angel, supernatural being, 977. guardian, 912. object of love, 948. Angelic, 944. Anger, 900. 279 Angle, 244, 182. Angie (to), 622. Angui lli form, narrow, 203. serpentine, 218. Anguish, physical, 378, 383. moral, 828. Angular, / Angularness, ( ~ ' Angularity, 244. Anhelation, 688. Anile, 128. Anility, 128. Animadvert, reprehend, 932. consider, 451. Animal, 366, 364. Animal cries, 412. Animal life, 364. Animal physiology, 367. Animalcule, minute, 193, 356. Animalism, sensuality, 954. Animality, 364. Animalization, 364. Animate, excite, 824. stimulate, 615. Animation, life, 359. animality, 364. excitation, 824. Animosity, enmity, 889, 900. hatred, 898. anger, 900. Annalist, 553, 115. Annals, record, 551. history, 114. account, 551. Annex, add, 37. join, 43. Annexation, addition, 37. Annexment, 43. Annihilate, extinguish, 2. destroy, 162. Annihilated, 2. Annihilation, destruction, 2. Annihilator, 165. Anniversary, 138. Annotation, note, 550. glossary, 522. Annotator, 524. Announce, infirm, 527. publish, 531. preiict, 511. assert, 535. Announcement, information, 527. prediction, 511. Announcement, programme, 510. Annoy, 830. trouble, 649. Annoyance, pain, 828, 830. evil, 619. Annoying, 830. Annual, year, 108. periodic, 138, 367. Annuity, 803, 810. Annul, 756. Annular, 247. Annulet, 247. Annulment, 756. Annunciate, infirm, 527. publish, 531. Annunciation, information, 527. Anodyne, 682, 174, 834. Anoint, coat, 223. oil, 355. Anointed, 976. Anointment, 355. Anomalistic, 83. Anomalous, irregular, 83. disordered, 59. Anomaly, irregularity, 83. disorder, 59. Anon, ere long, 132. shortly, 111. by and by, 121. Anonymous, 565. Another, 15. Answer, to an inquiry, 462. reply, 587, 468. to succeed, 731. Answer for, 768. Answer to, correspond, 9. Answerable, 926. Ant, G90. Antagonism, difference, 14. voluntary, 708. physical, 179. Antagonist, 710. Antagonistic, 14, 708. Antagonize, 14, 708, 179. Antarctic, 237. Antecedence, in order, 62. in time, 116. Antecedent, 65, G2, 116. Antechamber, 191. Antedate, 115. Antediluvian, 124, 128. Antelope, 274. Anteposition, 237. Anterior, in, 69. in time, 116. in place, 234. Anteriority, ill order, 62. in time, 116. in place, 234. Anteroom, 191. Antevert, 706. Anthem, 990. Anthology, poem, 597. collection, 596. Anthropology, 372. Antic, 856. Antichronism, false time, 115. Anticipate, early, 132. future, 121. anachronism, 115. expect, 507. foresee, 510. prepare, 673. Anticipation, future, 121. expectation, 507. foresight, 510. preparation, 673. early, 132. Anticipatory, 132. Anti-climax, depth, 208. bathos, 856. Anti-clinal, 217. Antidote, 662. Anti-logarithm, 84. Antilogy, 477. Anti-parallel, 217. Antipathy, 887, 898. Antipodal, 237. Antiphon, answer, 462. ■worship, 990. Antiphrasis, 565,566. Antipodes, distance, 198. antepnsition, 237. difference, 14. depth, 208. Antique, 124. Antiquated, 851. Antiquity, 122, 124 128. Antithesis, contrast, 14. style, 574. Antithetic, 574. Antitype, 22. Anvil (on the), plan, 628. preparing, C~3 Anxiety, pain, 828. fear, 869. desire, 865. Aorist, indefinite time, 119 109. 280 INDEX Aoristic, 119. Apace, swift, 274. short time, 111. early, 132. Apart, distance, 196. singleness, 87. disjunction, 44. Apartment, 191. Apathetic, 376, 823. Apathy, physical, 376. moral, 823. Ape, 19. Apertion, ) „„„ Aperture, j Apex, 210. Aphelion, 196. Aphony, 581. Aphorism, 496. Aphoristic, 496. Apiece, 79. Apocalypse, 985. Apocrypha, 985. Apochryphal, 475. Apollo, music, 415. Apologize, 950. Apologue, 594, 521. Apology, penitence, 950. vindication, 937. atonement, 952. excuse, 617. Apoplexy, 160. Apostasy, palinody, 607. dishonor, 940. heterodoxy, 984. Apostate, 911, 607. Apostatize, 607. Apostle, 985. Apostolic, 985. Apostrophe, address, 586, 589. Apostrophize, 589. Apothegm, 495. Apolheosis, 991. heaven, 981. Appall, 860. Appalled, 880. Appalling, 830. Apparatus, 633. Apparel, 225. Apparent, 446, 525. Apparently, 448. Apparition, ghost, 980. appearance, 448. Appeach, 938. Appeal, request, 765. address, 586. Appear, come into being, 1. 448. tome to light, 525. come into view, 446 Appear for, 759. Appearance, sight, 448, 446. probability, 472. Appease, physically, 174. morally, 828. Appellant, 924, 967 Appellation, 564. Appellative, 554. Append, 37. Appendage, 39. Appendix, 65. Appertain, belong, 777. related to, 9. right, 922. Appetence, 865. Appetite, 865. Applaud, 931. Apple-green, 435. Apple of discord, 713. Appliances, 632. Applicable, to use, 644. expedient, 646. relative, 23. Applicableness, use, 644. expedience, 646 Applicant, 767. Applied, used, 677. Apply, the mind, 457. Apply to, 765. Application, use, 677. request, 765. study, 457. Appoint, 741, 755. Appointment, interview, 892. resource, 632. command, 741. commission, 755. Apportion, allot, 786. arrange, 60. portion, 51. Apportioning, 786. Apportionment, allotment, 786. arrangement, 60. Apposite, agreeing, 23. relative, 9. Apposition, closeness, 199. Appraise, value, 812. estimate, 466. A ppraisement, value, 812. • estimation, 466. A ppreciate, measure, 466. taste, 850. judge, 480. approve, 931. Appreciation, judgment, 480. approval, 931 Apprehend, know, 493. believe, 484. fear, 860. seize, 9 .9. Apprehension, four, 880. belief, 484. Apprenticeship, learning, 539. training, 673. Apprise, 527. Approach, move, 286. nearness, 197. join, 43. path, 627. of time, 121. Approbation, 931. Approbinquation, 286, 197. Appropriate, fit, 23, 646. to assign, 786. to lake, 789. to steal, 791. Appropriation, stealing, 791. expedience, 646. Approve, commend, 931. corroborate, 467,17. Approval, corroboration, 467. Approximate, approach, 288. nearness, 197. in mathematics, 85 resemble, 17. related to, 9. Approximated, 9. Approximating, 17. Approximation, nearness, 197. relation, 9. approach, 286. Approximative, 9, 286. Appulse, convergence, 290. collision, 276. Appurtenance, part, 51. component, 56. Apricot, color, 439. Apron, 666, 225. Apt, consonant, 23. el ver, 698. docile, 539. willing, 603. expedient, 646. tendency, 176. intelligent, 498. Aptitude, intelligence, 498. Aptness, cleverness, C88. docility, 539. expediency, 646. tendency, 176. Aquatic, 337. Aquatint, 558. Aqueduct, 353. Aqueous, 337. Aquiline, 244. Arabesque, 847. Arabic, 371. Arbiter, judge, 967, 482. adviser, 695. Arbitrament, sentence, 969 judgment, 480. choice, 609. Arbitrariness, 964. Arbitrary, without law, 934. irregular, 83. without relation, 10 Arbitrate, mediate, 724. judge, 480. condemn, 969. Arbitration, 724. Arbitrator, judge, 480. adviser, 695. Arbor, 189, 215. Arborescence, 205, 256, 242. Arborescent, 256,242 Arboriculture, 371. Arboritbrin, 256. Arc, 245. Arcade, 189, 260. Arch, curve, 245. great, 31. cunning, 702. Arcfueology, 122. Archaism, 22. Archangel, 977. Archbishop, 996. Archbishopric, 995. Archdeacon, 996. Arched, 250. Archetype, 22. Archfiend, 978. Architect, constructor, 164. agent, 690. Architecture, construction, 161. fabric, 329. Archive, 551. Archness, cunning, 702. cleverness, 498. intelligence, 450. Arch-traitor, 941. Arctic, 237, 383. Arcuate, 245. Arcuation, 245. Ardent, fiery, 382, 515. INDEX. Ardent, feeling, 821. intimate, 888. amatory, 897. expectant, 507. Ardor, heat, 382. feeling, 821. Arduous, 704. Area, 181. A re faction, 340. Arena, field, 181, 728. workshop, 691. vision, 441. Areometer, density, 321. measure, 466. Areopagus, 696 Argent, 4JO. Argillaceous, 324. Argue, reason, 476. evidence, 467. indicate, 550. Argument, evidence, 467. topic, 455. meaning, 516. Argumentation, 476. Argumentative, 476. Argus-eyed, sight, 441. vigilant, 459. Argute, 498. Arianism, 984. Arid, 169, 340. Aridity, 340. Aright, 618, 698. Arise, begin, 66. mount, 305. appear, 446. happen, 151. proceed from, 154. exist, 1. Aristocracy, power, 737. nobility, 875. Aristocratic, powerful, 737. noble, 875. Arithmetic, 85. Arm, instrument, 266,633. power, 157. to provide, 637. to prepare, 673. Arm, of the sea, 343. Armada, 273. Armament, 727. Armature, 727. Armed, 717. Armigerant, 726. Armigerous, 722. Armistice, 723. Armless, 158. Armlet, 343. Armorial, 550. Armory, 633, 727. Armor, 727. Arm’s length, 196 Arms, blazon, 550. scutcheon, 877. war, 722. weapon, 727. (See Arm.) Army, troops, 726 multitude, 102. collection, 72. Aroma, 400. Aromatic, 400. Around, 227. Arouse, 15, 824. Arraign, accuse, 938. indite, 969. Arraignment, accusation, 938. indictment, 969. Arrange, order, 58, 60. plan, 626. to prepare, 673. to settle, 723. Arrangement, order, 58, 60. preparation, 673. reconciliation, 723. payment, 807. Arrant, 31. Array, order, 58, series, 69. dress, 225. prepare, 673. beauty, 845. Arrears, 806. Arrest, ston, 265. imprison, 751. commit, 969. Arrive, reach, 292. happen, 151. conclude, 480. complete, 729. Arrival, 292. Arriving, 292. Arrogance, severity, 739. pride, 878. insolence, 885. Arrogant, insolent, 885. severe, 739. proud, 878. Arrogate, assume, 885. claim, 924. Arrow, sw'ft, 274. missile, 284. arms, 727. Arsenal, store, 636. military, 727. Arson, 384. Art, skill, 698. cunning, 702. decytion, 545. representation, 554. Artery, 350. Artful, cunning, 702. deceitful, 544. Artfulness, 102. Article, thing, 3. goods, 798. part, 51. conditions, 770. book, 593. Articles, creed, 983. Articulate, 580. Articulation, speech, 580. junction, 43. Artifice, cunning, 702. plan, 626. deception, 545. Artificer 690. Artificial, ingrafted, 60. cunning, 702. fictitious, 544. style, 579. Artificiality, 702. Artificialness, 702. Artillery, arms, 727. corps of, 726. explosion, 404. Artilleryman, 726. Artisan, 690. Artist, contriver, 626. painter, Spc,, 559. agent, 690. Artistical, skilful, 698, beautiful, 845. imitative, 554. Artless, natural, 703. veracious, 543. Artlessness, natural, 703. veracity, 543. As, motive, 615. Ascend, 305. Ascendency, power, 157, 175. agency, 170. success, 731. Ascension, rise, 305. Ascent, rise, 305. acclivity, 217. glory, 873. Ascertain, 480 Ascetic, 955. Asceticism, 955. Ascetitious, intrinsic, 6. additional, 37. supplementary, 52. Ascribe, 155. Ashamed, shame, 874. modest, 881. Ash color, 432. Ashes, residue, 40. corpse, 362. Ashore, 342. Ashy, 429. Aside, laterally, 236. privately, 528. soliloquy, 589. (to put), relinquish, 624. disuse, 678. Asinine, 499. Ask, inquire, 461. request, 765. as price, 812. supplicate, 990. Askance, 217. Askew, oblique, 217. distorted, 243. Asking, inquiry, 461. request, 765. Aslant, 217. Asleep, 683. Aspect, appearance, 448 state, 7. feature, 5. situation, 183. relation, 9. of thought, 453. Asperity, roughness, 256. tartness, 895. anger, 900. Asperse, 934. Aspirant, 865. Aspiring, 865. Aspiration, desire, 865. insolence, 885. Aspirate, rough, 256. speech, 580 Aspire, rise, 305. desire, 865. project, 620. Ass, 271. Assail, attack, 716. pain, 830. Assailant, opponent, 710. attacker, 726, 716 Assassin, 361, 165. Assassinate, AS1. 282 INDEX. Athletic, 159. Athwart, oblique, 217. crossing, 219. opposing, 708. Atlas, 554. Atmosphere, air, 338. circumambience,227. Atmospheric, 338. Atom, small in degree, 32. in size, 193. Atomic, in degree, 32. in size, 193. Atone, 952. reward, 973. Atonement, religious, 976. expiation, 952. reward, 973. restitution, 790. Atony, 160. Atramentous, 431. Atrocious, 945, 947. Atrocity, 945, 947. Atrophy, shrinking, 195. disease, 655. Attach, join, 43. love, 897. legal, 969. Attachment, joining, 43. legal, 969. love, 897. Attack, 716. Attain, arrive, 292. succeed, 731. Attainable, possible, 470. easy, 705. Attainder, 971. Attainment, learning, 539. condemnated, 971. Attemper, mix, 41. moderate, 174. Attempered, affectional, 820. Attempt, 675. Attend, accompany, 88. follow, 281. apply the mind, 457. be present, 186. to aid, 707. Attendance, presence, 186. Attendant, 88, 281 746. Attention, 451, 457. Attentive, 457. Attenuate, lessen, 36. contract, 195. Attenuate, narrow, 203. Attenuated, 203. Attenuation, contraction, 19i diminishing, 36. Attest, bear testimony, 467. indicate, 550. adjure, 768. Attestation, certificate, 551. evidence, 467. Attic, garret, 191. high, 206. wit, 842. taste, 850. style, 578. Attic salt, j 8.9 Attic wit, j Atticism, 842. Attire, 225. Attitude, posture, 183, 240. circumstance, 8. Attorney, consignee, 758, 76ft in law, 968. Attract, bring towards, 288. endear, 897. allure, 865. please, 829. Attracting, drawing, 288. fascinating, 897. Attraction, gravity, 288. inclination, 865. charm, 829. motive, 615. Attractive, beautiful, 845. desirable, 865. lovely, 897. drawing, 288. pleasant, 829. Attractiveness, drawing, 288. pleasantness, 829. loveliness, 897. beauty, 829. Attrahent, 288. Attribute, 157. Attribution, 155. Attrite, 330. Attrition, 33-. Attune, music, 415. prepare, 673. Attuned to, habituated, 613. Auburn, 433. Auction, 796. Auctioneer, 797. Audacity, courage, 861. insolence, 863, 885 Assassina*ion, 361. Assault, 716. Assay, 463. Assemblage, 72. resort, 290. Assemble, 72. A ssent, agree, 488. consent, 762. Assert, affirm, 535. claim as a rights920. Assertion, affirmance, 535. Assess, measure, 466. tax, 812. judge, 480. Assessment, measure, 456 tax, 812. Assessor, 480. Assets, property, 780. money, 800. Asseverate, 535. Assiduous, 682. Assign, attribute, 155. give, 784. allot, 786. duty, 926. Assignable, 155. Assignation, 892. Assignment, allotment, 786. commission, 755. Assimilate, resemble, 16, 144. imitate, 19. agree, 23. Assimilation, resemblance, 17. transmutation, 144. Assist, aid, 707. benefit, 906. Assistance, aid, 707. Assistant, 711. Assize, measure, 466. tribunal, 966. Associate, accompany, 88. unite, 43. collect, 72. friend, 890. society, 892 Associated, 9 Association, accompaniment, 88. relation, 9. religion, 995. collection, 72. society, 892. Assort, 60. Assortment, class, 75. collection, ?2. Assortment, allotment, 60. Assuage. physically, 174. morally, 826. relieve, 834. Assuaging, 834. Assuasive, 834. Assume, suppose, 514. hope, 858. right. 924. insolence, 885, 739. pride, 878. falsehood, 544. a form, 144. Assuming, 885. Assumption, hope, 858. pride, 878. arrogance, 885. conjecture, 514. qualification, 469. severity, 739. Assurance, assertion, 535. promise, 768. certainty, 474. belief, 484. hope, 858. insolence, 885. Assure, to assert, 535. to hope, 858. promise, 768. persuade, 484. Assured, certain, 474. Assuredly, 31. Asterisk, 550. Astern, 23.5. Asteroid, 318. Astonish, 870. Astonishing, great, 31. surprising, 870. Astonishment, 870. Astound, surprise, 870. excite, 824. Astounded, 870. Astounding, 870. Astral, 318. Astray, 279. Astringency, 195. Astringent, 195. Astronomer, 318. Astronomy, 318. Astute, 498. Asunder, separate, 44. distant, 196. Asylum, retreat, 666. defence, 717. institution, 54. At hand, 197. Atheism, 984, 988. Atheistic, 988. Athlete, 159, 726. INDEX. Audible, 402. Audience, hearing, 418. conversation, 688 Audit, accounts, 811. numeration, 85. Auditor, 418, 811. Auditory, 418. Auger, 262. Aught, 51. Augment, to increase, 35. thing added, 39 Augmentation, increase, 35. expansion, 194. addition, 39 Augur, 507, 511. Augury, 511, 512. August, 873. Augustine, 996. Aureate, 436. Auricular, 418. Aurora, light, 420. dawn, 125. Auscultation, 418. Auspice, 512. Auspices, 175. Auspicious, hopeful, 858. prosperous, 734. expedient, 646. opportune, 134. prediction, 511. Austere, severe, 739. discourteous, 895. ascetic, 955. Austerity, asceticism, 955. severity, 7. 9. discourtesy, 895. Austral, 237. Authentic, 494. Authenticate, 551. Authentication, 494. Author, producer, 164. writer, 590. Authoritative, certain, 474. peremptory, 741. Autboritativeness, 737. Authority, power, 737. command, 741. right, 924. permission, 760. testimony, 467. sign, 500. Authorization, 760. Authorize, permit, 760. sanction, 924. Authorized, sanctioned, 994. reasonable, 514. Authorship, 590. Autobiography, 594. Autocracy, 739. Autocrat, 745. Autograph, warranty, 467. signature, 550. writing, 590. Automatic, 601. Autoptical, 446. Autumn, ) 10~ Autumnal, j Uo‘ Auxiliary', aid, 707. helper, 711. Avail, use, 677. utility, 644, 648. Available, 677. Avails, 809. Avalanche, fall, 306. Avarice, 819. Avaricious, 819. Avast, 141, 265, 624. Avaunt, disappear, 459. repulse, 289. Avenge, 919. Avengement, 919. Avenue, 627. Aver, 535. Averment, 535. Average, 29. Avernus, 982. Averse, 603. repugnant, 616. Aversion, dislike, 867. hate, 898. unwillingness, 603. Averse ness, 867. Avert, 706. (the eyes), 442. Avidity, desire, 865. avarice, 819. Avocatior. 625. Avoid, 623, 867. Avoidance, 623. Avoidless, 474. Avouch, 535. Avouchment, 535. Avow, assert, 535. assent, 488. disclose, 529. Avowal, assirtion, 535. assent, 488. disclosure, 529. Avulsion, separa'ion, 44. extraction, 301 Await, future, 121. impend, 152. Awaiting, 121. Awake, excite, 824. Babel, confusion, 59. discord, 414. Baby, 129, 501. Babyhood, 127. Babyish, 129, 499. Bacchanalian, 959. Bacchanals, 959. Bachelor, 904. Back, rear, 235. convxity, 250. to aid, 707. Back out of, revoke, 607. relinquish, 624. Backbite, traduce, 932. detract, 934. Backbiter, 936. Backbone, interior, 221. Back friend, enemy, 891. Backslider, 607. Backsliding, dishonor, 940. delinquency, 945. (religious), 984. Backward, regression, 282,2831 traction, 285. tardy, 133. unwilling, 603. Backwardness, unwillingness, 603. dislike, 867. Bad, 649, 735. Bad faith, 773, 940. Badge, 550. Badness, 649. Baffle, 731. Baffled, 732. Bag, receptacle, 191 materials, 635. Baggage, materials, 635. Bagnio, 961. Bagpipes, 417. Bail, 771. Bailiff, director, 694. servant, 746. factor, 758. Bait, allurement, 615. Bake, heat, 384. Bakehouse, 386. Baking, 382. Balance, equality, 27. mean, 29. repiaindrr, 40. numeration, 85. measure, 466. money, 800. accounts, 811. hesitation, 605 283 Awake, incite, 615. active, 682. attentive, 457. car ful, 459. Award, 969. choice, 609. Aware, 490. Away, 187. Awe, wonder, 870. fear, 860. Aweless, 929. Awestruck, 860. Awful, great, 31. fearful, 860. silent, 403. A while, 111. Awkward, unskilful, 699. vulgar, 851. ridiculous, 853. difficult, 704. inexpedient, 647. Awkwardness, unskilfulness, 699. vulgarity, 851. difficulty, 704. Awl, 262. Awning, tent, 223. dwelling, 189. height, 206, 210. Awry, oblique, 217. distorted, 243. Axe, edge tool, 253. weapon, 727. for beheading, 975. Axiom, 498. Axiomatic, 494, 496. demonstrable, 478. Axis, 215, 222, 312. Axle, 215. Axletree, 215. Ay, yes, 488. Aye, ever, 112. Azimuth, direction, 183, 278. obliquity, 217. Azote, bane, 663. fatal, 649. morbific, 657. Azotic, 649. Azure, 438. B. Babble, 588. talk, 584. faint sound, 405. Babbling, 348. Babe, 129. 284 INDEX. Balance, compensate, 30. Balanced, levelled, 27. Balance sheet, 811. Balcony, 250. Bald, bare, 226. ugly, 846. in style, 575. Balderdash, 497. Baldness, bareness, 226. style, 575. Baldric, girdle, 247 belt, 230. Bale, bundle, 72. throw out, 185. Bale out, 297. Baleful, 649. Balister, arms, 727. Balistes, 236. Balk, hinder, 706. fail, 731. disappoint, 509. deceive, 545. Ball, globe, 249. missile, 284. (cannon), 727. dance, 840. Ballad, song, 415. poem, 597. Ballast, weight, 319. wisdom, 498. Balloon, 273. Balloonist, 269. Ballot, 609. Balm, fragrance, 400. relief, 834. remedy, 662. Balmy, fragrant, 400. soothing, 834. Balneation, bath, 337. Balsam. (See Balm.) Balsamic, salubrious, 656. soothing, 834. remedial, 662. Balustrade, 232. Bamboozle, 545. Ban, prohibition, 761. denunciation, 908. Band, ligature, 45. filament, 205. assemblage, 72. party, 712. qf music, 416. Bandage, ligature, 45. to tie, 43. Bandbox, 191. Bandit, 792. Bands, 999. Bandy, agitate, 315. contest, 720. publish, 531. argue, 476. exchange, 148. Bane, 663. Baneful, 649. Banefulness, 649 Bang, sound, 406. Banish, exclude, 55, 297 seclude, 893. Banishment, seclusion, 893 exclusion, 55. ejection, 297. Bank, side of lake, 342. acclivity, 217. safeguard, 666. store, 636. money, 802. Banker, 801. Bank note, 800. Bankrupt, 732, 808. Bankruptcy, failure, 732. non-payment, 808. Banner, 550. Banquet, meal, 298. feast, 840. Banter, wit, 842. ridicule, 856. Bantling, child, 129. offspring, 167. Banyan, fust, 950. Baptism, 998. Baptistery, 1000. Baptize, 998. name, 564. Bar, hindcrance, 706. line, 200. to exclude, 55. enclosure, 232. musical, 413. prison, 752. prohibition, 761. legal profession, 968. Barb, spike, 253. nag, 271. Barbacan, 717. Barbarian, 876, 913. Barbaric, 851. Barbarism, 563, 851, 895. Barbarity, maleficence, 907. style, 579. Barbarous, maleficent, 907. vulgar, 851. rtide, 876. style, 579. Barbarousness, 907. Barbican, 717. Bard, 597. Bare, mere 32. simph, 32. nude, 226. scanty, 32. exposed to view, 446. Barebone, 203. Barefaced, 446. Bareheaded, 928. Barely, 32. Bar mess, nudity, 226. Bargain, compact, 769. barter, 794. promise, 768. cheap, 813, 815. Bargaining, 769. Barge, 273. Bark, rind, 223. ship, 273. to yelp, 412. Barn, 189. Barometer, 466. Baron, 875. Baronet, 875. Barrack, 189. Barred, crossed, 219. striped, 440. Barrel, vessel, 191. cylinder, 249. Barren, sterile, 169. useless, 645. Barrenness, sterility, 169. uselessness, 6-15. Barricade, fence, 232. prison, 752. obstacle, 706. Barrier, fence, 232. obstacle, 706. Barring, except, 83. save, 38. Barrister, 968 Barrow, vehicle, 272. grave, 363. Barter, 148, 783, 794. Barytone, 408, 413. Base, lowest part, 211. support, 215. Base, music, 413. grave note, 408. bad, 649. dishonorable, 940. shameful, 874. vicious, 945. cowardly, 862. plebeian, 876. Base-born, 876. Base coin, 800. Baseless, unreal, 2. erroneous, 495. Basement, 191,211. Baseminded, 940. Baseness, vice, 945. disripute, 874. cowardice, 862 Bashful, 881. Bashfulness, 881. Basilisk, cannon, 727. Basin, hollow, 252. vessel, 191. plain, 344. dock, 189. Basis, preparation, 673. foundation, 215. Bask, warmth, 382. phvsical enjoyment, 377. moral enjoyment ,82P prosperity, 734. Basket, 19i. Bass, in music, 408. Bassviol, 417. Bassoon, 417. Bastard, erroneous, 495. Bastile, 752. Bastion, 717. Bat, mall, 633. Batch, collection, 72. quantity, 25. Bate, diminish, 36, 38, reduce price, 813. Bath, 300, 337 Bathe, 300. Bathos, depth, 208. anti-climax, 497,856 ridiculous, 853. Bating, decrease, 30. Battalion, army, 726. assemblage, 72 Batten, 296. Batter, beat, 276. destroy, 162. INDEX. 285 Battered, 651. diseased, 655. Battering ram, 276, 727. Battery, 633. Battle, 720. Battle array, 722, 726. Battle-axe, 727. Battle-field, 728. Battlement, bulwark, 666. defeace, 717. enclosure, 232. embrasure, 257 Bawble, trifle, 643. toy, 840. Bawd, 962. Bawdy, 961. Bawl, human voice, 411. complaint, 839. Bawn, outhouse, 189. Bay, gulf, 343. brown, 433. to howl, 412. Bay (at), 717. Bayard, 271. Bayonet, 727. Bays, trophy, 733. reward, 973. Be (to), 1. Be off, 289, 293. Beach, 342. Beacon, sign, 550. warning, 668. light, 423. Beadle, janitor, 263. officer, 745. law officer, 965. church, 996. Beads, 998. Beak, 234, 250. Beam, support, 215. of a balance, 466. of light, 42J. beauty, 845. Beamless, 421. Bear, sustain, 215. produce, 161. carry, 270. submit, 828. suffer, 821. admit, 470. retain, 505. Bear, brute, 895. Bear down upon, 716. Bear false witness, 544. Bear off, 789. Bear out, confirm, 467. vindicate, 937. Bear up, 836. Bear upon, influence, 175. evidence, 467. to relate to, 9. Beard, sharp, 253. rough, 256. to defy, 715. courage, 861. insolence, 885. Bearded, rough, 256. Beardless, 127. Bearer, 271. Bearing, support, 215. direction, 278. meaning, 516. demeanor, 692. situation, 183. Bearish, 895. Beast, 366. blackguard, 895. Beastliness, 653. Beastly, 653. Beat, be superior, 33. periodic, 138. oscillation, 314. agitation, 315. crush, 330. attack, 716. sound, 407. succeed, 731. line of pursuit, 625. Beat about, 461. Beat down, chaffer, 794. insolence, 885. Beating, striking, 972. impulse, 276. Beat off, 717. Beat time, 114. Beaten track, 627. Beat of drum, 722. Beatification, bliss, 827. Beatified, 827. Beatify, enrapture, 829. sanctify, 987. Beatitude, 827. Beau, fop, 854. admirer, 897. Beauteous, 847. Beauteousness, 845. Beautified, 847. Beautiful, 845. Beautifulness, 845. Beautify, 845, 847. Beauty, 845. Beaver, hat, 225. Becalm, 265. Because, attribution, 155 reasoning, 476. motive, 615. Bechance, 151. Beck, sign, 550. mandate, 741. Beckon, 550. Becloud, 421. Become, change to, 144 behoove, 926. happen, 151. Becoming, proper, 646. ju,t, 922. beautiful, 845 duty, 926. Bed, layer, 204. support, 215. lodgment, 191. garden, 371. relief, 834. rest, 255. Bedaub, cover, 223. dirt, 653. deface, 846. smear, 223. Bedaubed, defaced, 846 Bedeck, 845. Bedecked, beautified, 847. Bedew, 339. Bedim, 421. Bedizen, beautify, 845, 847. ornament, 851. Bedizened, 851. Bedlamite, 504. Bedmate, 890. Bedraggled, 653. Bedridden, 655. Bedvvarf, 195. Bee, agent, 690. active, 682. Beelzebub, 678. Beetle, high, 206. projecting, 250. Befall, 151. Befitting, 926. expedient, 646. Befool, 503, 545. Before, in order, 62, 234. in time, 116. in space, 239. preference, 609. Beforehand, 121, 132. Befoul, 653. Befriend, 707, 712, 888. Befringed, 256. Beg, 765. Beget, 161. Beggar, suitor, 767. caitiff, 876. poor, 804. beneficiary, 712 Beggared, 804. Beggarly, mean, 643. vulgar, 876. servile, 886. vile, 940. Beggary, 804. Begging, 705. Begilt, 847. Begin, 66. Beginner, 541. Beginning, 66. Begird, 227, 231 Begirt, 227. Begone, disappear, 449. repel, 289. Begrime, soil, 653. deface, 846. Begrimed, 846. Beguile, deceive, 545. amuse, 840. Behalf, advantage, 618. aitl, 707. Behave, 692. comport, 361, 971 Behavior, good, 926. conduct, 692. Behead, 975. Behest '41. Behind, in order, 63. in space, 235. Behindhand, late, 133. adversity, 735. deficient, 304. Behold, 441. Beholden, grateful, 916. obligatory, 926. Beholder, 444. Behoof, 618. Behoove, 926. Being, abstract, 1. concrete, 3. Belabor, buffet, 276. Belated, 133, 491. Belch, 297. Beldam, 913. Beleaguer, 716. Belie, falsify, 544. misinterpret, 5231 deny, 536. Belief, credence, 484. religious creed, 983. 286 TNDEX. Believe, to credit, 844. piety, 987. Belike, 472. Bell, sound, 417. funereal, 363. alarm, 669. Bell-shaped, globose, 249. concave, 252. Belle, 374. Belles lettres, 560. Bellicose, 722. Belligerent, 722. Bellow, cry, 412. complain, 839. Bellows, 349. Belly, 250. Belong to, related, 9. property, 777. attribute, 157. included, 76. duty, 926. Beloved, 897, 899. Below, 207. Belt, girdle, 247. outline, 230. Bemoan, 839. Bench, support, 215. council, C96. tribunal, 966. Bend, curve, 245, 250. angularity, 244. circle, 247. yield, 324, 725. circuit, 311. obliquity, 217. descent, 306. deviation, 279. stoop, 879. Bend to, tend, 176. habit, 613. Bending, pliant, 324. inclining, 278. deviating, 279. Beneath, under, 207. unbecoming, 940. Benediction, approval, 931. gratitude, 916. worship, 990. Benefaction, 784. Benefactor, 912. Benefice, 995. Beneficence, bounty, 906. Beneficent, 906. Beneficial, useful, 644. good, 648. Beneficiary, 785. Beneficiary, use, 644. Benefit, advantage, 618. good, 648. acquisition, 775. avail, 644. benevoleni e, 906. Benevolence, kindness, 906. tax, 812. Benevolent, kind, 906. Benighted, 491. Benign, 906. ' „ Benignant, 906. Bent, direction, 278. inclination, 602. desire, 865. tendency, 176. intention, 629. affections, 820. Bent on, willing, 602. resolved, 604, 620. desirous, 865. Benumb, cold, 383, 823. general insensibili- ty, 376. tactual insensibility, 381. Bequeath, 784. Bequest, gift, 784. acquisition, 775. Bereave, take away, 789. Bereavement, loss, 776. death, 360. taking, 789. Bergamot, 400. Berry, brown, 433. Berth, lodging, 189. bed, 191. repose, 215. Beseech, request. 765. pray, 990. Beseem, 926. Beset, surround, 227. difficulty, 704. entreaty, 765. beslirew, 908. by the side of, 216. Besetting, 613. Beside, except, 83, 216. near, 197. Beside one’s self, 503. Beside the mark, 10. Besides, moreover, 37. Besiege, attack, 716 Besiege, solicit, 765. Beslime, 653. Besmear, soil, 653. Besmear, deface, 846. Besmeared, 846. Besom, 652. Besotted, prejudiced, 481. foolish, 499. Bespangle, 847. Bespatter, soil, 653. spoil, 659. deface, 846. Bespeak, indicate, 516. hire, 755. request, 765. Bespeckle, 440. Bespotted, 440. Besprinkle, mix, 41. spirt, 296. Best, 650. Bestial, 961. Bestir, 682. labor, 686. Bestow, 784. Bestowal, 784. Bestride, 206, 215. Bet, 621. Betake, 625. Bethink, 505. Betide, 151. Betimes, 132. Betoken, indicate, 550. predict, 511. Betray, disclose, 529. ■ deceive, 545. dishonor, 940. appear, 446. Betrim, 673. Betroth, 768. Betrothed, 897. Betrothinent, 768. Better (to), 658. Betting, 621. Between, 228. Betwixt, 228. Bevel, 217. Bever, 298. Beverage, 298. Bevy, 72, 102. Bewail, 839. Beware, warn, 668. afraid, 862. Bewilder, confuse, 458. mislead, 538. perplex, 519, 528. astonish, 870. Bewildered, ignorant, 491. Bewilderment, ignorance, 491, isender, 8T0. Bewitch, please, 829. exorcise, 992. Bewitch, influence, 615. Bewitched, 897. Bewitching, pleasing, 829. loving, 897. influence, 615. Beyond, 33, 196. Bias, slope, 217. prepossession, 481 (mental), 602. tendency, 176. motive, 615. disposition, 820. Bibber, toper, 959. Bible, 985. Bibliography, 593. Bibliomania, 490. Bibliopole, 590. Bicker, discord, 713. quarrel, 720. Bickering, 720. Biconjugate, 91. Bicuspid, 91. Bid, order, 741. Bid fair, 472, 507. Bide, 133, 142. Bidet, 271. Biennial, 367. Bier, 363. Bifacial, 90. Bifarious, 89. Bifid, 91. Bifold, 90. Bifortn, 90, 91. Bifurcate, fork, 244. halve, 91. Bifurcation, fork, 244. halving, 91. Big, in degree, 31. in site, 192. Bigamy, 903. Bight, 343. Bigot, 984, 989. Bigoted, imbecile, 499. heterodox, 984. impious, 989. Bigotry, prejudice, 481. obstinacy, 606. heterodoxy, 984. Bigwig, (ironically), 493. Bijoutrv, 650. Bilbo, 727. Bile, 900. INDEX 287 Bilge water, 653. Bilious, 837. Bill, money account, 811. charge, 812. placard, 531. paper, 593. money order, 800. in law, 969. ticket, 550. hatchet, I 33. weapon, 727. Bill of fare, 298, 632. Billet, epistle, 592. ticket, 500. apportion, 786. to locate, 184. Billetdoux, 592, 902. Billingsgate, imprecatory, 908. Billion, 98. Billow, 348. Bin, 191. Binary, 89. Bind, connect, 43. compel, 744. obligation, 926. condition, 770. Binding, duty, 926. Bind over, 744. Binomial, 89. Biography, 594. Biology, 357. Bipartition, 91. Biquadratic, 96. Birch, 975. Bird,366. Bird’s-eye view, 448. Birdlime, 45. Birth, beginning. 66. nobility, 875. Birthplace, 153. Birthright, 924. Bisection, 68, 91. Bishop, 996. Bishopric, 995. Bisulcate, 258, 259. Bit, part, 51. small quantity, 32. curb, 747. Bit by bit, 51. Bite, pain, 378. painful, 830. Biting, cold, 383. pungent, 392. painful, 830. reproachful, 932. Bitter, taste, 395. cold, 383. animosity, 898. wrath. 900. Bitter, malevolent, 907. regret, 833. painful, 830. Bitterness, taste, 395. wrath, 900. regret, 833. pain, 830. animosity, 898. malevolence, 907. Bivouac, repose, 265. to encamp, 186. camp, 189. watch, 664. Blab, 529. Black, color, 431. Blacken, 932. Blackguard, rude, 895. vagabond, 949. base, 940. Blackleg, sharper, 548. thief, 792. Black letter, 591. Black mail, theft. 791. Bladder, 191. Blade, 373, 854. Blain, 250. Blamable, 945. Blame, 932. Blameless, 946. Blamelessness, 946. Blameworthy, 945. Blanch, 430. Bland, courteous, 894. mild, 174. Blandiloquence, 933. Blandishment, 902, 933. Blank, 2, 4. Blank verse, 597. Blaspheme, 989. Blasphemous, 989. Blasphemy, 989. Blast, wind, 349. sound, 404. evil, 619. destroy, 162. explosion, 173. Blatant, cry, 412. silly, 499. Blaze, light, 420. heat, 382 Blaze about, 531. Blazing, 382. Blazon, 531. Bleach, 429, 430. Bleached, 430. Bleak, 383. Blear-eyed, 443. Bleat, 412. Bleed , 378. Blemish, ugly, 846. defect, 848. Blench, avoid, 623. fear, 860. Blend, mix, 41. combine, 48. Blending, combining, 48. Bless, 827, 829, 931, 976. Blessing, 618. approval, 931. Blight, evil, 619. decay, 659. deterioration, 689. Blind, cecity, 442. ignorant, 491. screen, 424. deception, 545. concealment, 528. necessity, 601. heedless, 458. pretext, 617. imperforate, 261. Blind alley, 261. Blindfold, sightless, 442. ignorant, 491. Blindness, cecity, 442. ignorance, 491. Blind side, obstinacy, 606. prejudice, 481. sinful, 945. Blink, wink, 442. falter, 605. overlook, 458. Bliss, 827. Blissful, 827. Blister, 250. Blithe, 836. Bloated, 35, 192, 194. Block, dense, 321. execution, 975. Block up, plug, 261. impede, 706. Blockade, 261 Blockish, 499. Blonde, 430. Blood, killing, 361. affections, 820. nobility, 875. warm, 382. fop, 854. consanguinity, 11. Bloodhound, 913. Blood-red, 434. Bloodshed, 36.. Bloodstained, murderous, 3G1. maleficent, 907. Bloodthirsty, 907. Bloody, 907. Bloody-minded, 907 Bloom, youth, 127. prosperity, 734 health, 051. success, 731. blueness, 433. beauty, 345. Blooming, prosperous, 731. beautiful, 845. successful, 731. Blossom, 731, 734. Blot, obliterate, 552. darken, 431. disappear, 449. decoloration, 429. ugly, 846. blemish, 848. disgrace, 874. dishonor, 940. guilt, 947. Blotch, blackness, 431. blemish, 848. Blotted out, forgotten, 506. Blow, wind, 349. knock, 276. action, 680. fag, 688. evil, 619. pain, 828. annoy, 830. disappointment, 732. to prosper, 734. Blow down, 162. Blowhole, 351. Blow out, 122, 385. Blow over, 122. Blow up, fan, 615. wind, 349. inflate, 194. eruption, 173. objurgation, 932. Blowing, 349. Blown, fatigued, 688. Blubber, cry, 839. fat, 356. Bludgeon, club, 276. weapon, 727 Blue, color, 438. learned, 490. disappointed, 509 Blue jacket, 669. Bluelights, 423, 669. Bluestocking, 493. 288 INDEX Bluish, color, 438. Bluff, high, 206. violent, 173. blunt, 254. insolent, 885. discourteous, 895. Blunder, error, 495. folly, 499. mistake, 732. ridiculous, 856. Blunderbuss, 727. Bill ndering, awkward, 699. Blunt, inert, 172. obtuse, 254. insensible, 376. inexcitable, 826. stupid, 499. discourteous, 895. frank, 543. to moderate, 174. to damp, 616. Blunt-witted, 499. Bluntness, obtusencss, 254. frankness, 543. Blur, deformity, 846. blemish, 848. outshine, 874. Blurred, 447, 846. Blush, reilden, 434. feel, 821. be ashamed, 874. appearance, 448. Blushing, 881. Bluster, violence, 173. insolence, 885. defiance, 715. Blusterer, 887. Blustering, insolent, 885. windy, 349. Board, layer, 204. support, 215. food, 298. to attack, 716. council, 696. theatre, 599. Boards, 728. Boarding, attacking, 716. Boast, 884. Boaster, 884. Boasting, 884. Boat, 273. Boatman, 269. Bob, rise, 305. stoop, 306. Bode, 511. Bodice, 225. Bodily, 3. Bodkin, perforator, 262. Body, substance, 3. matter, 316. knowledge, 490. whole, 50. person, 372. assemblage, 72. parly, 712. political, 737. Boeotian, dull, 843. foolish, 499. Bog, swamp, 343. Boggle, demur, 603. hesitate, 605. difficulty, 704. awkward, 699. Boggy, 345. Boil, heat, 382. to heat, 384. bubble, 353. effervesce, 315. be excited, 825. Boiler, 386. Boiling, heating, 384. excited, 825. wrathful, 900. fiery, 821. violent, 173. Boisterous, violent, 173. hasty, 684. excitable, 825. Boisterousness, 825. Bold, brave, 861. prominent, 250. style, 574. Boldfaced, 885. Boldness, style, 574. bravery, 861. Bolero, 840. Bolster, support, 215. aid, 707. repair, 658. relief, 834. Bolt, fastening, 45. to fasten, 43. to propel, 284. move rapidly, 274. escape, 671, 750. shackle, 752. upright, 212. decurnp, 287. Bolthead, 191. Bomb, 727. Bomb vessel, 273. Bombard, 716. Bombardier, 726. Bombardment, 716. Bombast, absurd, 497. ridiculous, 853. boasting, 884. Bombastic style, 549, 573, 577, 853. Bond, tie, 45. compact, 769. security, 771. right, 924. fetters, 752. servant, 746. Bondage, 749. Bonds, 808. Bondsman, 746. Bone of contention, 713. Bones, corpse, 362. Bonfire, 382, 838, 840, 883. Bonnet, 225. Bonny, pretty, 845. cheerful, 836. Bonus, advantage, 618. money, 810. Booby, ignoramus, 493. Book, volume, 593. to enter accounts, 811. to record, 551. to register, 85. Bookkeeper, 553. Bookkeeping, 811. Bookish, erudite, 490. Bookishness, 490. Book learning, 490. Bookless, 493. Bookworm, 492. Boom, bar, 633. defence, 717. obstacle, 706. to sail, 957. rush, 274. sound, 404. Booming, 276. Boon, 784. Boon companion, 890. Boor, clown, 876. ridiculous, 851. Boorish, clownish, 876. Boorishness, 851. Boosy, 959. Boot (to), addition, 37. dress, 225. important, 642. box, 191. advantage, 618. punishment, 975. Booth, 189. Bootless, useless, G45 failing, 732. Booty, 793. Border, edge, 231. to be near, 197. Bordering on, 197 Border land, 197. Bore, hole, 260. diameter, 202. to trouble, 828. to plague, 830 to weary, 841. Boreal, 237, 383 Boreas, 349. Borer, 262. Bornouse, 225. Borough, 189 Borrow, 788. Borrowed, 1 ™ Borrowing, j Bosom, breast, 221. mind, 450. friendship, 888. will, 600. affections, 820. Bosom friend, 890 Boss, 250. Botanic, 367. Botany, 369. Botch, to mend, 658. to fail, 732. unskilful, 699. Both, 89. Bother, trouble, 828. Bottle, 191. Bottle-green, 432. Bottle up, enclose, 229. preserce, 670. Bottleholder, 724. Bottom, lowest part, 211. ship, 273. base, 215. pluck, 604. courage, 861. Bottomless, 208. pit, 982. Boudoir, 191. Bough, part, 51. curve, 245. Bounce, violence, 173. Bounce upon, surprise, 508. Bouncing, large, 192. Bound, limit, 233. circumscribe, 229 spring, 274. ascend, 305. I leap, 309. INDEX 289 Boundary, 233. Bounden duty, 926. Boundless, great., 31. infinite, 105. space, 180. Bounteous, 816. Bounteousness, charilableness, 906. liberality, 816. Bountiful, 816. Bountifulness, generosity, 816. benevolence, 906. Bounty, gift, 784. liberality, 816. benevolence, 905. llourn, 233. Bouse, 959. Bout, turn, 138. Bow, curve. 245. fore part, 234. propeller, 284. arms, 284, 727. to stoop, 306. reverence, 894. obeisance, 743. servility, 886. res]>ect, 928. prominence, 250. Bowels, interior, 221. of compassion, 914. Bowelless, 907. Bower, alcove, 189. chamber, 191. Bowieknile, 727. Bowl, vessel, 191. hollow, 252. to propel, 284. Bowling green, 213. Bowshot, 197. Box, chest, 191, 232. house, 189. to fight, 720. Boxer, 726. Boxing, 720. Boy, 129. Boyish, 129. Brace, to tie, 43. fastening, 45. two, 89. musical, 413. to strengthen, 159. Bracelet, 247. Bracing, 159. strengthening, 159. refreshing, 689. Bracket, support, 215. couple, 89. Brackish, 302. Brad, 45 Brag, 884. Braggadocio, 884. Braggart, 884. Braid, to tie, 43. Braid, ligature, 45. intersection, 219. Brain, intellect, 450. skill, 498. Brainless, 499. Brainsick, giddy, 460. Bramble, thorn, 253. painful, 830. Bran, 330. Branch, member, 51. duality, 91. posterity, 167. ramification, 256. Branch off, 291. Branch out, style, 573. divide, 91, Brand, to burn, 384. fuel, 388. to stigmatize, 932. to accuse, 938. reproach, 874. Branded, reproached, 874. Branding, burning, 384. Brandish, oscillat-, 314. flourish, 315. Branny, 330. Brass, 885. Brass, color, 439. Brat, 129. Bravado, 484. Brave, 826, 861. Bravery, 861. Brawl, cry, 411. weeping, 839. Brawler, 839. Brawniness, stoutness, 192. Brawny, strong, 159. stout, 192. Bray, cry, 412. to grind, 330 Brazen, insolent, 885. Brazen-faced, 885. Breach, crack, 44. quarrel, 713. violation, 925. exception, 83. interval, 198. Bread, 298. Breadstuff's, 298. Breadth, 202. Break, fracture, 44. shatter, 162. displace, 185. internal, 70. violation, 773. crumble, 328. bankruptcy, 808. to infringe, 927. to disclose, 529. to tame, 749. gap, 198. Break down, fail, 732. Break ground, 676. Break in, teach, 537. train, 673. enter, 294. Break loose, escape, 671. liberate, 750. Break off a habit, 614. leave off, 141. abrogate, 758. Break on the wheel, 378. Break out, fly out, 825. Break silence, 582. Break up, destroy, 162. decompose, 49. Break with, 713. Breaker, wave, 346, 348. danger, 667. Breakfast, 298. Breaking, passionate, 825. Breakneck, precipitous, 217. Breakwater, 666. Breast, interior, 221. mind, 450. will, 600. soul, 820. to oppose, 708. Breastplate, 717. Breastwork, 717. Breath, air, 349. time, 113. sound, 405. life, 359, 364. Breathe, exist, 1. live, 359. blow, 349. utter, 580. repose, 687. Breathing, existing, 1. Breathing time, 687. Breathless, expectant, 507. Breathless, out of breath, ' 688. Breech, 235. Breeches, 225. Breed, kind, 75. to multiply, 161. progeny, 167. Breeding, 852. Breeze, 349. Breezy, 349. Brethren, 997. Breviary, 998. Brevity, space, 201. style, 572. Brew, mix, 41. prepare, 673. Brewing, impending, 121. Bribe, buy, 795. fee, 809. gift, 784. tempt, 615. compromise, 774. Bribery, 795. Brick, 635. Brickbat, 284. Bridal, 903. Bride, 903. Bridegroom, 903. Bridewell, 752. Bridge, way, 627. escape, 671. Bridge over, 43. Bridle, to restrain, 751. to moderate, 174 Bridle up, 900. Brief, time, 111. space, 201. style, 572. compendium, 596. Briefly, 111. Briefness, 201. Brier, sharp, 253. painful, 830. Briery, 253. Brig, 273. Brigade, 726. Brigand, 792. Brigantine, 273. Bright, shining, 420. auspicious, 858v color, 428. cheerful, 836, glorious, 873 Brighten, to shine, 420. Brilliancy, beauty, 845. light, 420. 290 INDEX. Brilliant, beautiful, 815. glorious, 873. perfect, 650. gem, 847. Brim, 231. Brimful, 639. liri uded, 440. Brindled, 440. Brine, salt, 392. sea, 341. Bring, transfer, 270. induce, 615. Bring about, cause, 153. achieve, 729. succeed, 731. Bring forth, 161, 467. Bring forward, 525. Bring in, 294, 812. Bring near, 9, 197. Bring oil', 672. Bring out, 525. Bring over, persuade, 484. incite, 615. Bring together, 9. Bring up, educate, 537. Brink, 231. Brisk, quick, 171, 274. active, 682. prompt, ill. Briskness, activity, 682. glee, 836. quickness, 274. Bristle, 253. Brittle, 328. Brittleness, 328. Broach, 66, 531, 535. Broad, space, 202. indelicate, 961. meaning, 516, 535. Broadcast, scattered, 73. shed, 291. Broadside, side, 236. cannonade, 716. Broadsword, 727. Brocade, 847. Brogue, 563. Broidery, 847. Broil, heat, 382. to fry, 384. fray, 720. Broiling, 384. Broken, 160. Broken-hearted, 8?8. Broken-winded, 688. Broker, agent, 758, 769. Broker, merchant, 797. Brokerage, pay, 812. Brokery, 794. Brooch, 847. Brood, 102, 167. Brood over, think, 451. mope, 837. Brook, stream, 348. to bear, 821, 826. Broom, 652. Broth, 298. Brothel, 961. Brother, kin, 11. similar, 17. equal, 27. friend, 888. Brotherhood, kin, 11. similarity, 17. association, 72. friendship, 888. fraternity, 712. Brotherly, 712, 906. Brow, summit, 210. edge, 231. Browbeat, intimidate, 860. swagger, 885. Brown, 433. Brown study, revery, 458. Browse, 296. Bruise, hurt, 619. to injure, 649 Bruit, 531. Bruited, reported, 527. Brumal, 383. Brunette, 433. Brunt, impulse, 276. attack, 716. Brush, rapid motion, 274. to clean, 652. painting, 559. fight, 720. rough, 256. Brushwood, 367. Brustle, 406. Brutal, vicious, 945. ill-bred, 895. savage, 907. Brutality, savageness, 907. viciousness, 945. lowness, 851. Brutalize, 8-3, 895. Brute, animal, 366. rude, 895. maleficent, 913. Brute force, 964 Brute matter, materiality, 316. inanimate matter, 358. Brutish, vulgar, 876. intemperate, 954. Brutishness, cruelty, 907. vulgarity, 851. intemperance, 954. Bubble, air, 353. light, 320. trifle, 643. error, 495. vision, 515. Bubbling, spouting, 348. Buccaneer, 792. Bucephalus, 271. Buck, to wash, 652. fop, 854. Bucket, 191. Buckle, to tie, 43. fastening, 45. Buckle to, apply one’s self, 682. Buckler, defence, 666, 717. Buckram, 323, 855. Bucolic, pastoral, 371. poem, 597. Bud, beginning, 66. to expand, 194. effect, 154. graft, 300. Buddha, 986 Budge, 264. Budget, heat, 72. store, 636. bag, 191. news, 532. finance, 811. Buff color, 436. Buffet, cupboard, 191. beat, 276. attack, 716. Buffoon, humorist, 844. butt, 857. actor, 599. Buffoonery, amusement, 840. ridiculous, 856. Bugaboo, 669. Bugbear, fear, 860. alarm, 669. Buggy, 272. Bugle, instrument, 417. Bugle, tear cry, 7522. Build, construct, 161 compose, 54. form, 240. expect, 507. Builder, 164. Building, 101, 18S Bulb, knob, 194, 249. projection, 250. Bulbous, 194. Bulge, 250. Bulk, whole, 50, 78. size, 192. Bulk head, 706. Bulky, 192. Bull, absurdity, 497 error, 495. solecism, 568. ordinance, 741 Bullet, ball, 249. missile, 284. arms, 727. Bulletin, 532, 59? Bulrush, 643. Bully, to bluster, 885. blusterer, 887. fighter, 726. rashness, 863. to frighten, 8(C Bulwark, defence, 717. refuge, 666. Bump, thump, 276. Bunch, collection, 72. Bundle, packet, 72. to move, 275. Bung, 263. Bungalow, 189 Bungle, 699. Bungler, 701. Bungling, 699. Buoy, float, 320. to raise, 307. to hope, 858. Buoyancy, lightness, 320. Buoyant, floating, 305. levity, 320. elastic, 325. hopeful, 858. cheerful, 836. Burr, rough, 256. clinging, 46. Burden, weight, 319. clog, 706. memory, 5C5 INDEX. 291 Burden, chorus, 104. frequency, 136. lading, 190. care, 830. oppression, 828. Burdensome, 70(> Bureau, receptacle, 101 Burgess, citizen, 188 3'3. Burgh, town, 189. Burglar, 792. Burglary, 791 Burgomaster, 745. Burial, 362, 363. Burial-place, 363. Buried, 208, 363. Burin, 559. Burlesque, imitation, 19. travesty, 21. ridicule, 858. ridiculous, 853. Burly, 192. Burn, heat, 382. consume, 384. passions, 821. desire, 865. Burning, passions, 821. consumption, 384. Burnish, polish, 255. beautify, 8-45. shine, 420. Burnished, 420. Burnt offering, 990. Burrow, excavate, 252. lodge, 186. Bursar, 801. Bursary, 801, 802. Burst, explosion, 173. shout, 838. sound, 406. of anger, 900. paroxysm, 825. Burst forth, appear, 446. sprout, 194. Burst upon, 508. Bury, enclose, 229. inter, 363. conceal, 528. Burying, 363. Burying ground, 363. Bush, branch, 51. shrub, 367. Bushel, 191. Bushy, 256. Business, occupation, 625. event, 151. action, 680. Business, topic, 454. barter, 794. Business-like, 625, 682. Busk, rind, 223. Buskin, dress, 225. drama, 599. Buss, carriage, 272. Bustle, activity, 682. haste, 684. energy, 171. earliness, 132. Bustling, action, 682. eventful, 151, Busy, 682. Busybody, 682. But, exception, 83, 179. counter evidence, 468. Butcher, 361, 913. Butchery, 361. But-end, 67. Butt, aim, 620. laughing stock, 857. to push, 276. to attack, 716. Butter, softness, 324. oiliness, 356. Butterfly, fickleness, 605. variegation, 440. Button, knob, 250. to fasten, 43. fastening, 45. hanging, 214. trifle, 643. Buttoned up, taciturn, 585. Button holder, 841. Buttress, 717. Butyraceous, 355. Buxom, 836. Buy, 795. Buyer, 797. Buying, 795. Buzz, sound, 409. By, instrumental, 631. departure, 293. By-gone, former, 122. forgotten, 506. By-path, by-road, 627. By-road, 627. By-stander, spectator, 444. near, 197. By the by, 134. By-walk, 627. By-way , 627. By-word, maxim, 495. cant term, 563. contempt, 930. c. Cabal, confederacy, 712. plan, 626. Cabalistic, mysterious, 526. magical, 992. Cabbage, purloin, 791. Cabin, room., 189. receptacle, 191. Cabinet, receptacle, 191. workshop, 691. council, 696. Cable, 45. Cabriolet, 272. Cachinnation, 838. Cackle, of geese, 412. talk, 588. Cacophonous, discordant, 414. shrill, 410. Cacophony, discord, 414. style, 579. Cadaverous, pale, 429. hideous, 846. Cadence, accent, 580. music, 415. descent, 306. Caddy, 191. Cadenza, 413. Cadet, junior, 129. officer, 745. Cadger, 797. Caduceus, 993. Caducity, 111, 128, 659. Cage, prison, 229, 7r2. to imtnurc, 71J. Acuse, 191. Caiin, grave, 363. Caitiff, ruffian, 876, 913 villain, 949. churl, 876. Cajole, persuade, 615. flatter, 933. impose upon, 486. Cajolery, flattery, 933. persuasion, 615. Cake, aggregate, 46. density, 321. Oalaba-h, 191., adverse, 735. painful, 830. Calamity,/ evil, 6J9. adversity, 735. suffering, 830. Calash. vehicle, 272. cap, 225. Calcine, 384. Calcitrate, 276. Calcitration, 276. Calculable, 85. Calculate, reckon, 85. expect, 507. believe, 484. investigate, 461. Calculated, tending to, 176. premeditated, 600 Calculating, prudent, 498. Calculation, consideration, 615 caution, 864. expectation, 507. investigation, 46 \ reckoning, 85. Calculus, 85. Caldron, vessel, 191. heating, 386. laboratory, 691 Calefaction, 384. Calendar, of time, 114. list, 86. record, 551. Calender, to glaze, 255. Calf, 129. Calibre, site, 192. breadth, 202. opening, 260. intellectual capacity 698. Calidity, 382. Oaligation, 421 Caligenous, 421. Calligraphy, 590. Caliphate,'737. Calk, 658. Call, to name, 564. invite, 9/6. inspiration, 985. Call down, 908. Call for, order, 741. ask, 765. require, 630. Call forth, resort to, 677. 292 INDEX. Call on, 892. Call over, 85. Call to, 586. Call up, 505. Call upon, behoove, 926. visit, 892. claim, 765, 924. Calling, 625. Callosity, 323. Callous, obtuse, 376. insensible, 823. Callousness, 376. Callow, infant, 129. young, 127. Calm, physical, 174. leisure, 685. moral, 826. sober, 484. quiet, 265. dissuade, 616. Calmness, physical, 174. moral, 826. quietness, 265. Caloric, 382. Calorific, 382. Calorimeter, 389. Calumniator, 936. Calumny, 934. Calvinism, 984. Camel, 271. Camera obscura, 445. Camerated, 191. Camp, to locate, 184. abode, 186, 189. Campaign, warfare, 722. plan, 626. conduct, 692. Campaniliform, cupped, 252. Campanulate, 249. Campestrian, 344. Can, power, 157. mug, 191. Canal, 260. Cancel, obliterate, 552 abrogate, 756. nullify, 773. Cancellated, 219. Cancellation, obliteration, L52. Cancer, disease, 655. foulness, 653. Candelabra, 423. Candid, sincere, 543. ingenuous, 703. honorable, 939. Candidate, 767, 865 Candied, 396. Candle, 423. Candlestick, 423. Candor, veracity, 543. artlessness, 703. honor, 939. Candy, 396. Cane, scourge, 975. to beat, 276, punish, 972. Canicular, 382. Canister, 191. Canker, disease, 655. bane, 663. deterioration, 659. Cankering, 649. Cannon, arms, 727. Cannonade, 716. Cannonier, 726. Cannular, 260. Canoe, 273. Canon, rule, 80. precept, 697. priest, 996. Canoness, 996. Canonical, ecclesiastical, 995. normal, 82. Canonicals, 999. Canonization, 991. Canonize, to deify, 991. Canonry, 995. Canopy, height, 206. roof, 210. covering, 223. Canopy of heaven. 318. Canorous, 413. Cant, neology, 563. oblique, 217. hypocrisy, 544. Canted, 217. Canteen, 191. Canter, move, 266. gallop, 274. Cantharides, 171. Canticle, 415. Canto, 415, 597. Canton, 181. Cantonment, location, 184. abode, 189. Canty, 836. Canvas, sail, 267. Canvass, investigate, 461. solicit, 765. Canzonet, song, 415. , poem, 597. Cap, hat, 225. exceed, 194. h iglit, 206. to be superior, 33. Capability, power, 157. strength, 159 sway, 175. facility, 705. endowment, 5. Capable, 157. Capacious. large, 192. memory, 505. spacioxis, 180. Capaciousness, size, 192. Capacity, space, 180. aptitude, 539. power, 157. size, 192. endowment, 5 intellect, 450. taler.t, 698. wisdom, 498. utility, 644. office, 625. Caparison, 225. Cape, land, 342. projection, 250. height, 206. Caper, rise, 305. leap, 309. dance, 840. Capillament, fibre, 205. Capillary, 203. Capital, excellent, 648. important, 642. summit, 219. . money, 800. wealth, 803. Capitalist, 803. Capitals, 591. Capitation, 85. Capitol, 717. Capitulate, 725. Capitulation, 725. Capote, 225. Caprice, 608. Capricious, irregular, 139. whimsical, 608. Capsize, inversion, 218. wreck, 731. Capstan, 633. Capsular, 191. Capsule, vessel, 191. tunicle, 223. Captain, 745. Caption, 544, 789. Captious, capricious, 608. Captious, censorious, 939. discourteous, 895. Captiousness, 895. Captivate, 897. Captivated, smitten, 897. fascinated, 827. Captivating, pleasing, 829. lovely, 897. Captive, 751, 754. Captivity, 751. Capture, 789. Capuchin, 997. Car, 272. Carabine, 727. Carabineer, 726. Caracole, rise, 305. leap, 309. Caravan, 266. Caravansary, 189. Carbonization, 381. Carboy, 191. Carbuncle, 434. Carcanet, 847. Carcass, 362. Card, ticket, 550. plan, 626. Cardinal, important, 642. excellent, 648. dress, 925. frugality, 817. priest, 996. Cardioid, 245. Care, attention, 459. pain, 828, 830. business, 625. custody, 751. Care for, desire, 865. love, 897. value, 642. Careen, 658. Career, business, 625. conduct, 692. Careful, 459, 8: 7 864. Careless, inattentive, 458. neglectful, 460. insensible, 826. dull, 823 Carelessness, neglect, 460. Caress, 902. Caressed, 9)2. Caressing, 902. Caret, incomplete, 53. Careworn, 828. Cargo, goods, 798 contents, 160. materials, 635 INDEX. 293 Cargo, large quantity, 31. Caricature, likeness, 19. misrepresentation, 555. ridicule, 850. Cariole, 272. Carmelite, 996. Carmine, 434. Carnage, 351. Carnal, irreligious, 988. Carnality, impurity, 961. Carnation, 434. Carnival, 840. Carol, music, 415. Carousal, 840. Carouse, feast, 293. festivity, 840. drink, 959. Carouser, 959. Carp, 932. Carper, 936. Carpet (on the), 673. Carping, 932. Carriage, transferrence, 270. vehicle, 272. gait, 264. conduct, 692. aspect, 448. fashion, 852. Carrier, 271. Carrion, carcass, 362. foulness, 653. Carronade, 727. Carry, support, 215. transfer, 270. tend, 176. succeed, 731. induce, 615. Carry on, conduct, 592. continue, 143. pursue, 622. Carry off, take, 289, 789. steal, 791. Carry out, complete, 729. conduct, 692. Carry through, 692, 729. Cart, 272. Cartage, 270. Cartei, truce, 723. security, 771. Carting, 270. Cartload, quantity, 31. Cartoon, 556. Cartridge 72' Cartulary, 551. Caruncle, 250. Carve, sculpture, 557, 857. to form, 240. to produce, 161. Carver, 559. Cascade, 348. Case, state, 7. sheath, 223. receptacle, 191, 232. stout, 192. Caseharden, strengthen, 159. Casemate, 717. Cash, money, 800. to pay, 807. Cashier, to dismiss, 756. treasurer, 801. Cashkeeper, 801. Cask, 191. Casket, 191. Casque, 717. Cassock, dress, 225. canonicals, 999. Cast, to throw, 284. state, 7. bias, 820. mould, 21. plan, 626. form, 240. to throw down, 308. small quantity, 32. tinge, 428. aspect, 448. to peel, 226. to condemn, 971. Cast of the eye, 443. Cast about, 461. Cast anchor, stop, 265. arrive, 292. Cast away, lost, 732. reprobate, 949. Cast down, depress, 308. dejected, 837. Cast lots, 621. Cast off, 678. Cast out, 297. Cast up, add, 85. happen, 151. eject, 297. Castanet, 417. Caste, 75. Castellan, keeper, 753. Caster, 191. Castigate, punish, 972. reprove, 932. Castigation, punishment, 972. reproof, 932. Casting, 270. Castle, defence, 717. edifice, 189. Castle-building, 515. Castor, 225. Castrametation, 189. Castrate, 160. Castrated, weakened, 180. Casual, by chance, 156, 621. uncertain, 475. Casually, 156. Casualty, event, 151. chance, 155, 621. Casuistic, 926. Casuistry, sophistry, 477. scruple, 485. ethics, 926. Cat, 975. Cat’s paw, 631. Cataclysm, redundance, 641. convulsion, 146. Catacomb, 363. Catalectic, 597. Catalogue, 86, 557. Catamaran, armament, 727. Cataplasm, 662. Catapult, projection, 276, 284. arms, 727. Cataract, 348, 442. Catastrophe, end, 67. disaster, 619. adversity, 735. calamity, 830. Catch, take, 134. receive, 785. learn, 539. gather meaning, 518. Catch the eye, 446, 457. Catching, 759. Catchpenny, trumpery, 643. false, 544. Catchup, 393. Catechetical, 461. Catechize, 461. Catechism, 461, 496. Catechumen, 541. Categorical, true, 494. positive, 474. demonstrative, 478. affirmative, 535. Category, class, 75. Category, state, 7. Catenation, 69. Cater, 637. Cathedral, 1009. Catholic, universal, 78. religion, 987. Catholicism, 78. Catholicon, 662. Cattle, 271. Caucus, 72. Caudal, 67. Caudate, 214. Causal, radical, 153. Causality, 153, 157. Causation, agency, 170. source, 153. Cause, source, 153. create, 829. final, 620. lawsuit, 969. Causeless, casual, 156. aimless, 621. Causeway, 627. Caustic, energetic, 171. gruff, 895. Causticity, 171. Cauterize, 384. Cautery, 384. Caution, care, 459. warning, 668. prudence, 864. advice, 695. security, 771. Cautious, prudent, 864. careful, 459. Cautiousness, prudence, 864. Cavalcade, 69, 26fi Cavalier, Horseman, 268. insolent, 885. cavalierly, heedlessly, 458. disrespectfully, 929. Cavalry, 726. Cave, cavity, 252. cell, 191. dwelling, 189 Cavern, hollow, 252. cave, 191 dwelling, 189. Cavernous, hollow, 252. rarity, 322. Cavil, censure, 932. Caviller, 936. Cavity, 252. 294 INDEX. Caw, 412. Cayenne, condiment 393. pungent, 71. Cease, 141. Cease to be, 2. Ceaseless, 112. Cede, 782. Ceiling, 206, 210. Celebrating, 883. Celebration, 883. Celebrity, 873. Celerity, 274. Celestial, physical, 318. moral, 829. heavenly, 981. religious, 976. Celibacy, 9 A. Cell, cavity, 252. receptacle, 191. abode, 189. prison, 752. Cellar, 191. Cellaret, 191. Cellular, 191. Cellule, 191. Cement, uniting medium, 45. union, 46. concord, 714. league, 712. Cemented, 714. Cemetery, 363. Cenobite, recluse, 893. anchoret, 996. Cenotaph, 363. Censer, 1000. Censor, 936. Censorious, 932. Censure, 932. Census, 85. Cent, 800. Centaur, 83. Centenarian, 130. Centenary, 98, 138. Centennial, 98. Centesimal, 99. Cento, 597. Central, 68, 222. Centrality, 222. Centralization, 48. Centralize, 48, 222. Centrally, 222. Centre, i« order, 68. in space, 222. Centre in, 290. Centrifugal, 291. Centripetal, 290. Centuple, 98. Centuplicate, 98. Centurial, 98. Oenturiate, 98. Centurion, 745. Century, 98, 108. Cereal, 298. Cerebral, 450. Cerement, 363. Ceremonial, 882. religious, 998. Ceremonious, 928. formal, 882. obsequious, 928. Ceremony, parade, 882. religious, 998. Certain, sure, 474. special, 79. indefinite number, 100. Certainly, 474, 488, 494. Certainty, sure, 474. Certificate, vouch r, 551. evidence, 467. Certify, evince, 467. inform, 527. Certitude, 474. Cerulean, 438. Cess, sewer, 653. Cessation, 141. Cession, surrender, 725, 782. compliance, 743. gift, 784. Cesspool, 653. Cestus, girdle, 225. ring, 247. Chafe, pain, 378. irritate, 825, 828. vex, 830. incense, 900. Chafed, 900. Chaff, vulgar, 876. Chaffer, bargain, 769. sale, 794. Chaffering, bargaining, 769. Chafing, 825. Chafing dish, 386. Chagrin, 828. Chain, series, 69. to fasten, 43. vinculum, 45. to imprison, 751, 752. Chain shot, 727. Chains, bonds, 746. Chair, support, 215. vehicle, 272. professorship, 542. throne, 747. Chairman, 745. Chaise, 272. Chalice, cup, 191. hollow, 252. Chalk, mark, 550. drawing, 556. white, 430. Chalk out, 626. Challenge, defy, 715. accuse, 938. claim, 924. Chamber, room, 189, 191. council, 696. Chamberlain, 746. Chamelion, 149, 440. Champ, 296. Champaign, 344. Champion, auxiliary, 711. defence, 717. combatant, 726. Championship, 707. Chance, absence of cause, 156. absence of aim, 621. Chancel, 1000. Chance-medley, 156, 621. Chancellor, president, 745. judge, 967. deputy, 759. Chancellor of the exchequer, 801. Chandelier, 423. Change, alteration, 20, 140. exchange, 148. mart, 799. inconstancy, 149. small coin, 800. Changeable, mutable, 149, 607. irresolute, 605. Changeableness, irresolution, 605. Changed, altered, 140. varied, 15. Changeful, mut.ble, 149. volition, 607. Changeling, changed, 147. fool, 501. Channel, opening, 260. conduit, 350. way, 627. furrow, 259. Chant, sing, 415. worship. 990. rites, 998. Chaos, disorder, 59. Chap, 198. Chapel, 1000 Chapfallen, 837. Chaplain, 996. Chaplaincy, 995. Chaplet, circle, 247. dress, 225. ornament, 847. trophy, 733. Chapman, 797. Chapter, part., 51. topic, 454. book, 593. church, 995. Char, 384. Character, nature, 5. disposition, 820. state, 7. letter, 561. type, 591. Characteristic, special, 79. intrinsic, 5. Characterize, 564. Characterized, 820. Charade, 533. Charcoal, fuel, 388. black, 431. Charge, business, 625. direction, 693. adcice, 695. commission, 755. loud, 270, 639. order, 741. accusation, 938. attack, 716. price, 812. custody, 751. Charger, 271. Chariot, 272. Charioteer, 694. Charitable, giving, 784. liberal, 816. benevolent, 906. Charity, giving, 784. benevolence, 906. bounty, 816. Charlatan, mountebank, 844. impostor, 548. Charlatanism, 545, 855. Charm, to please, 829. love, 897. motive, 615. to conjure, 992. spell, 993. Charmed, delighted, 827. love l, 897. conj tred, 992. Charmer, sorcerer, 994 INDEX. 295 Charming, pleasing, 829. loving, 897. Charnel house, 383. Chart, 183, 554. Charter, privilege, 924. compact, 769. security, 771. commission, 755. Chary, economical, 817, 819. cautious, 864. Charyhdis, 312. Chase, pursue, 622. follow, 281. wood, 367. Chasm, discontinuity, 70. interval, 198. gap, 4. Chaste, simple, 849. good taste, 850. pure, 960. style, 576. Chasten, punish, 972. moderate, 826. Chastened, 826. Chastening, punishing, 972. Chastise, 932, 972. Chastisement, 972. Chastity, simplicity, 849. purity, 960. Char, 588. Chattels, goods, 635. property, 780. Chatter, talk, 584. cold, 383. Chatterbox, 584. Chatterer, 584, 588. Chatty, 584, 588. Cheap, low price, 815. worthless, 643. Cheapen, 794. Cheapness, 815. Cheat, deceiver, 518. to deceive, 545. Check, restrain, 174. pacify, 826. slacken, 275. counteract, 179. hinder, 706. dissuade, 616. evidence, 467. criterion, 467. ticket, 550. mjuey order, 807. Check, numerical, 85. Checked, 440. Checker, 440. Checkered, 149, 440. Checkmate, 731. Cheek, 236. Cheer, mirth, 836. rejoicing, 829. amusement, 840. pleasure, 827. to give pleasure, 830. relief 834. cry, 411. repast, 298. applaud, 931. Cheered, 827. Cheerful, 836. Childish, credulous, 486. Childishness, folly, 499. puerility, 575. Choke, hinder, 706. suffocate, 361 Choke-full, 639 Choler, 900. Choleric, 901. Choose, 609. Chop, disjoin, 44. change, 140. Chopfallen, 881. Chop logic, 476. Chopping, large, 192. Choral, 415. Chord, 413. Chorister, musician, 416. sacerdotal, 997. Chorography, 183. Chorus, sound, 404. voices, 411. musicians, 416. unanimity, 488. Christ, 976. Christen, 564. Christening, 998. Christendom, 983. Christian, 983, 987. Christian name, 564 Christianity, 983. Chromatic, color, 428. musical scale, 413. Chronicle, annals, 551. measurement of time, 114. account, 594. Chronogram, 114. Chronologer, ) ... Chronological, j Chronology, 114. Chronometer, 114. Chronometrical, 114. Chronometry, 114. Chrysalis, 127, 129. Chubby, 192. Chubfaced, 192. Chuckle, laugh, 838. clack, 412. exult, 884. Church, Christians, 983. temple, 1000. Churchdom, 995. Churchman, 996. Churchwarden, 998. Churchyard, 363. Churl, rude, 895. irascible, 901. Churl ish, niggardly, 819. irascible, 901. rude, 895. malevolent, 907. Chill, Chilliness, dullness, 383. Chime, resonance, 408. roll, 407. repetition, 104. Chime in with, agree, 23. assent, 488. unison, 413. Chimera, monster, 83. error, 495. imaginary, 515. Chimerical, 495. Chiming, thickcoming, 104. Chimney, airpipe, 351. opening, 260. egress, 295. Chink, gap, 198. sound, 408. Chip, bit, 51. small part, 193. to detach 44. to reduct '95. Chirograph} 590. Chirp, as a bird, 412. sing, 415. Chirrup. (See Chiip.) Chirurgery, 662. Chirurgical, 662. Chisel, sculpture, 557. form, 240. fabricate, 161. Chit, infant, 129. Chitchat, 588. Chivalrous, martial, 722. honorable, 939. bold, 861. generous, 942. Chivalry, courage, 861. generosity, 942. contest, 720. Chlamys, 225. Chocolate color, 433. Choice, election, 609. excellent, 648. Choi r, music, 415. orchestra, 416. church, 996, 1000. Choke, close, 261. Cheerfully, Cheerfulness,! Cheering, 836. Cheerily, 836. Cheerless, 830, 837. Chemise, 225. Chemistry, 144. Cherish, love, 897. entertain, 820. aid, 707. support, 821. Cherub, 977. Chest, box, 191. coffer (money), 802. Chestnut color, 433. Chew, 296. Chewing, 298. Chew the end, 451. Chicane, 702. Chicanery, sophistry, 477. wrangling, 713. duplicity, 702. Chicken, youth, 127. weakness, 160. Chicken-hearted, 862. Chide, 932. Chief, principal, 642. master, 745. Chieftain, 745. Chiff.mnier, 191. Child, youth, 129. fool, 407. offspring, 167. Childhood, 127. Childish, foolish, 499. trifling, 643. youthful, 129. puerile, 575. irrational, 477. 296 INDEX. Churn, 315, 352. Cicatrization, CM. Cicatrize, 658. Cicerone, 540, C94. Ciceronian, 578. Ciliated, 256. Cimeter, 727. Cimmerian, 421. Cincture, 247. Cinders, 10. Cineration, 384. Cinereous, 432. Cinque, 98. Cipher, zero, 101. number, 84. unimportant, 643. mark, 550. monogram, 562. writing, 590. Circe, seductor, 615. sensuality, 954. Circulation, 312. Circle, form, 247. space, 181, social, 892. Circlet, 247 Circuit, deviation, 279. indirect path, 629. winding, 248. turn, 311. tour, 266. space, 181. Circuitous, devious, 279. turning, 311. indirect, 629. Circular, round, 247. letter, 592. Circularity, 247. Circulate, rotate, 312. publish, 531. Circulation, publication, 531. winding, 311. Circuniambience, 227. Circumambient, 227. Circumambulate, move, 266. ■wind, 311. Circumambulation, 311. Circumference, 230. Circumferential, 227. Circumfluent, 227, 311. Circumfusion, 73. Circumgyration, 312. Circumjacence, 227. Circumlocution, 566, 573. Circumlocutory, 566. Circu innavigation, 267,311. Circumrotation, 312. Circumscribe, surround, 229. limit, 761. Circumscribed, 229. Circumscription, 229. Circumspect, attentive, 457. careful, 459. cautious, 864. Circumspection, caution, 864. care, 459. attention, 457. Circumstance, phase, 8. event, 151. Circumstantial, 8, 573. Circumvallation, enclosure, 2 ,9. palisade, 232. defence, 717. Circumvent, environ, 227. cheat, 545. balk, 731. defeat, 732. cunning, 702. Circumvented, 732. Circumvention, cheating, 545. cunning, 702. winding, 311. Circumvest, 225. Circumvolution, 248. 312. Circumvolve, 312. arena, 728. edifice, 189. Cistern, receptacle, 191. store, 636. Cit, citizen, 188, 373. Citadel, fort, 666. defence, 717. Citation, as evidence, 467. accusation, 938. quotation, 564. arraignment, 969. Cite, quote as example, 82, 564. as evidence, 467. summon, 741. accuse, 938. arraign, 969. Cithern, 417. Citizen, inhabitant, 188. mail. 373. Citrine, 436. Citron, 436. City, 189. Civic, 372. Civic crown, 733. Civil, courteous, 894. laity, 997. fashionable, 852. Civilian, 968. Civility, 894. Civilization, 852,894. Civilize, 894. Civilized, 894. Clack, animal cry, 412. Clad, 225. Claim, demand, 741. right, 924. request, 765. Claimant, 924. Clairvoyance, 510, 992. Clamber, 305. Clamminess, 352. Clammy, 352. Clamorous, disapproving, 932. vociferous, 404. Clamor, 404. disapprove, 932. Clamp, to fasten, 43. fastening, 45. Clan, 75. Clandestine, 528. Clang, 404. Clangor, 404. Clank, 410. Clanship, 712. Clap, explosion, 406. to applaud, 931. Clap on, 37. Claptrap, plea, 617. pretence, 546. Claret, 434. Clarification, 652. Clarify, 652. Clarinet, 417. Clarion, 417,722. Clash, oppose, 708. disagree, 24. discord, 713. contest, 720. concussion, 276. sound, 406. counteract, 179. Clashing, opposing, 708. discordant, 713. counteracting, 179. Clasp, to unite, 43. fastening, 45. embrace, 903. come close, 197. Class, category, 75. Class, to arrange, 60. learner, S41 Classical, 578, 850. Classification, CO. Classify, CO. Clatter, 407. Claudication, 275. Clause, part, 51. passage, 593. condition, 770. Claustral, 1000. Clavichord, 417. Claw, kook, G33. Clay, earth, 342. corpse, 3C2. Claymore, 727. Clean, unstained, 652. entirely, 31. Clean out, 297. Cleanness, unspotted, 652. Cleanse, purge, 652. Clear, transparent, 425. light, 420. visible, 446. intelligible, 518. perspicuous style, 570. to prepare, 673. to free, 750. to vindicate, 937. to acquit, 970. innocent, 946 simple, 42 voice, 580. easy, 705. to pay, 807. Clear decks, 673. Clear of, distant, 196. Clear out, 297. Clear up, 522. Clearance, payment, 807. plainness, 518. preparation, 673. acquittal, 970. Clearness, simplicity, 42. style, 570. Clearsighted, vision, 441. shrewd, 498. Cleave, adhere, 46. sunder, 44, 91. Clef, 413. Cleft, chink, 198. bisection, 91. Clemency, 914. Clement, lenient, 740. INDEX. 297 Clement, kind, 908. pitiful, 914. Clepsydra, 114 Clergy, 99k Clerical, 995. Clerk, scholar, 492. recorder, 553 writer, 590. agent, 758. church, 996. Clerkship, 755. Clever, 698. Cleverness, 498, 698. Clew, ball, 249. key, 462. Click, 406. Clientship, 749. Cliff, height, 206, 217. verticality, 212. Climacteric, 128. Climate, region, 181. weather, 338. Climax, summit, 210. in degree, 33. Climb, 305. Clime, 181. Clinch, snatch, 789. an argument, 478. fasten, 150. Clincher, 479. Cling, 43, 197. Clinging, 46. Clink, 408. Clip, prune, 38. contract, 195. shorten, 201. stammer, 583. Clipper, 273. Clipping, 51. Clique, 712, 892. Cloak, dress, 225. conceal, 528, 530 disguise, 546. Clock, 114. Clockwork, 633 Clod, earth. 342. Clog, 706. Cloister, 1000. Close, near, 197. narrow, 203. short, 201. dense, 321. hid, 528. tight, 43. similar, 17. to shut, 261. warm, 382. style, 572. end, 67. C )se, o complete, 729. thinking, 451. taciturn, 585. stingy, 819. house, 189. Close in upon, 290. Close upon, 197. Close with, arrive, 292. combat, 720. assent, 488. compact, 769. Close-fisted, 819. Close quarters, 197. Closeness, tightness, 43. narrowness, 203. denseness, 321. stinginess, 819. taciturnity, 585. Closet, 191. Closure, 261. Clot, concrete, 46. density, 321. earth, 342. Cloth, croft, 625. Clothe, 225. Clothes, 225. Clothing, 225. Clotted, 321. Cloud, dimness, 422. shade, 424. opacity, 353, 426. concealment, 528. crowd, 72. smoke, 334. Cloud-capped, cloud- topped, cloud- touching, 206. Clouded, variegated, 440. Cloudless, 420. Cloudy, opaque, 426. dark, 421. Cloven, 91. Cloven foot, 907. Clover, luxury, 377. comfort, 827. Clown, rustic, 851,876. buffoon, 844. pantomimic, 599. Clownish, vulgar, 851. Clownishness, 851. Cloy, 869. Club, bludgeon, 276. instrument, 633. weapon, 727. party, 712. to cobpcrate, 709. soda meeting, 72, 892. Club law, 964. Cluck, 412. Clump, projecting mass,250. assemblage, 72. trees, 367. Clumsiness,699, 846, Clumsy, 647,699,846. Cluster, 72. Clutch, seize, 134, 789. retain, 781. Clutches, 737. Clutter, 407. Coach, carriage, 272. Coachman, 694. Coaction, 744. Coadjutant, 707. Coadj utor, 711. Coagency, 709. Coagmentation, 72. Coagulate, 321. Coagulated, 321. Coagulation, 321. Coagulum, 321. Coal, 388. Coal-black, 431. Coalesce, identity, 13. combine, 48. Coalescence, 13,48. Coalescing, 13, 48. Coalition, 709. Coaptation, 23. Coarctate, 203. Coarctation, narrow, 203. impede, 706. Coarse, texture, 329. vulgar, 851. dirty, 653. impure, 961. Coarseness, texture, 329. vulgarity, 851. imparity, 961. Coast, land, 342. to navigate, 267. Coaster, 273. Coat, layer, 204. exterior, 220. habit, 225. to paint, 223. lining, 224. Coating, 224. Coax, persuade, 615. flatter, 933. Coaxing, flattering, 933. Cobble, to mend, 658. Cobweb, light, 320. flimsy, 643. dirt, 653. Cock up, stick up, 219. Cockade, badge, 550. title, S77. Cockatrice, bane, 663. Cockboat, 273. Cockcrow, 125. Cocker, fold, 258. Cockloft, 191. Cockney, 876. Cockpit, of a ship, 191. council, 696. Coction, 384. Code, law, 9o3. precept, 697. rule, 496. Codex, 593. Codicil, 39, 65. Codification, 963. Codify, 963. Codiin, 129. Coefficiency, cooperation, 709. accompaniment, 183 Coefficient, cooperating, 709. accompanying, 6*3. factor, 84. Coelebs, 904. Coemption, 795. Coequal, 27. Coerce, restrain, 751. compel, 744. dissuade, 616. Coerced, 751. Coercion, restraint, 751. compulsion, 744. Coercive, compulsive, 744. Coetaneous, 120. Coetanian, 120. Coeternal, 112, 120. Coeval, 120. Coexist, synchronism, 120. accompany, 88. existence, 1. contiguity, 199 Coexistence, synchronism, 120. accompaniment, 88 contiguity, 199. Coexiension, equality, 27. parallelism, 216. Coffer, chest, 191. money chest, 802. store, 636. Coffin, 363. Cog, tooth, 253. deceive, 545. INDEX. 298 Cotne up M, equal, 27. Come up with, 293. Come upon, 292. Comedian, 599 Comedy, drama, 599. ridicule, 856. Comeliness, 815. Comely, 815. Comestible, 298. Comfit, 396. Comfort, pleasure, 827. content, 831. r lief, 834. Comfortable, pleased, 827. pleasing, 829. Comforter, 976. Comfortless, 828. Comic, wilty, 842. ridiculous, 853. Comical, witty, 842. ridiculous, 853. Comicality, 853. Comic drama, 599. Comity, 894. Comma, 141. Command, order, 741. authority, 737. Commandant, 745. Commander, 745. Commander-in-chief 745. Commandin'?, 741. Commemorate, 883 Commemoration, 883. Commence, 66. Commencement, 66 Commend, 931. Commendable, 931. Commendation, 931. Commendatory, 931. Commensurable, 85. Commensurate, accordant, 23. adequate, 639. Comment, reason, 476. interpret, 522. Commentary, 522, Commentator, 524 Commerce, 588, 794. Commercial, 794. Commination, 909. Commingle, 41. Comminute, 47, 330. Comminution, 330. Commiserate, 914 Commiseration, 914. Commissariat, 298, 637. Commissary, consignee. 758. provider, 637. Cogency, power, 15, argument, 176. Cogent, powerful, 1 '7. argument, 467. 4? 3. Cogitate, 451. Cogitation, 451 Cognate, 80. Cognation, 9. Cognition, 490. Cognizance, 490. Cognizant, 490. Cognomen, 564. < 'ognominal, 564. Cognoscence, 490. Cognoscible, 490. Cohabitation, 184. Cohere, unite, 46. dense, 321. Coherence, 321. Coherent, 321. Cohesion, union, 46. density, 321. tenacity, 327. Cohesive, uniting, 48. dense, 321. tenacious, 327. Cohesiveness, union, 46. denseness, 321. Cohibit, restrain, 751. prohibit, 761. counteract, 179. dissuade, 616. Cohibition, dissuasion, 616. Oohibitive, conflicting, 179. Cohort, 726. Coif, 225. Coil, convolution, 248. civeuition, 311. disorder, 59. Coin, money, 800. to fabricate, 161. to imagine, 515. Coincide, identity, 13. opinion, 488 Coincidence, identity, 13. in time, 120. Coincident, time, 120. in place, 199. In opinion, 488. Colature, 652. Cold, frigidity, 383. style, 575. malevolent, 507. insensible, 823. ndifferent, 866. Cold blood, 823. Cold-blooded, malev olent, 907. dispassionate, 823, 826. Cold-hearted, 907. Coldness, style, 575. indifference, 866. insensibility, 823. Coliseum, 728. Collapse, contraction, 195. prostration, 160. fatigue, 688. Collar, dress, 225. shackle, 749, 752. Collate, 464. Collateral, relation, 11. lateral, 236. consequential, 467. Collation, 298, 464. Colleague, auxiliary, 711. cooperating, 709. Colleagueslnp, 709. Collect, assemble, 72. take, 789. acquire, 775. learn, 539. opine, 480. understand, 518. prayer, 990. Collected, calm, 826. assembled, 72. Collectedness, 826 Collecting, 775. Collection, store, 636. assemblage, 72. Collective, 78. Collectiveness, 50. College, 542. Collier, 2731 Colligation, 72. Colliquate, 333. Collision, approach, 286. percussion, 276. clashing, 179. opposition, 708. encounter, 720. Collocate, arrange, 60. place, 184. Collocation, placing, 184. ar-angement, 60 gathering, 72. Collocation, 588. Colloquial, 588. Colloquy, 588. Collude, 709. Collusion, deceit, 515. conspiring, 709. Colon, 141. Colonel, 745. Colonist, 188. Colonize, 184. Colonnade, 69. Colony, 184, 188. Coloration, 428. Colorific, 428. Colossal, sue, 192. height, 206. Colossus, height, 206. Color, hue, 428, 434. plea, 617. disguise, 544. Colorable, deceptive, 544. ostensible, 472. apologetic, 674. Coloring, meaning, 516. exaggeration, 549. Color! ess, 429. Colors, standard, 550. decoration, 877. Colt, horse, 129, 271. Column, series, 69. height, 206. monument, 551. cylinder, 249. troop, 726. Columnar, 249. Combat, 720, 722. Combatant, 726. Combine, 48. Combination, 48,58. Combinations, arithmetical, 84. Combustible, heating, 384. fuel, 388. Combustion, 384. Come, arrive, 292. result, 154. approach, 286. issue, 295. happen, 151. Come about, 151. Come across, 290. Come after, 63. Cotne away, 287. Come back, 292. Come before, 62. Come down, descend, 306. cheapness, 815. pay, 809. Come forth, 1. Come from, 154. Come near, 286. Come next, 63. Come out, 295. Come to, 292. Come together, 290. INDEX. 299 Commissary, deputy, 759. Commission, 625, 755. Commissioner, 758, 759. Commissure, 43. Commit, act, i.8J. delegate, 755. imprison 751. arrest, 9, 9. memory, 505. Committal, arrest, 9. 9. Committee, directors, 693. council, 695. Commix, 41. Comiuixtion, ) Commixture, ) Commode, 191. Commodious, 646. Commodity, 798. Commodore, 745. Common, ordinary 82, 871. general, 78 trite, 496. plain, 344. Commoner, 876. Commonalty, 876. Commonplace, 82, 593, 643. Commonplace book, 5j l. Common sense, 450. Common stock, 778. Commons, 298. Commonweal, 372. Commonwealth, 373. Commorant, 188 Commotion, 315. Commune, 451, 588. Communicate, tell, 527. give, 784. join, 43. converse, 588. Communication, giving, 784. relation, 527. conversation, 588. Communicatory, 527. Communion, society, 712. sacrament, 998. Communion table, 1000. Communism, 778. Community, 372. Commutation, substituting, 147. barter, 794. exchange, 148. Commute, barter, 794. substitution, 147. exchange, 148. Commutual, 12. Compact, close, 43. dense, 321, 572. compendious, 201. condensed, 195. bargain, 769. Compactness, closeness, 43. density, 321. Compagination, 43. Companion, 890. Companionable, 892. Com panionableness, 892. Companionship, accompaniment, 88. sociality, 892. Company, assembly, 72. accompaniment, 88. partnership, 797. party, 712. Comparable, 9. Comparative, degree, 23. magnitude, 31. contrastive, 464. Comparative anato- my, 357. Compare, 464. Comparison, 9, 464. Compartment, cell, 191. region, 181. place, 182. Compass, degree, 26. embrace, 2&7. space, 180. azimuth, 278. measure, 456. thought, 498. enclose, 229. to achieve, 729. Compassion, 914. Compassionate, 914. Compatibility, 470. Compatible, consentaneous, 23. possible, 470. Compatriot, 188, 890. Compeer, equal, 27. friend, 890. Compel, 744. Compelling, 744. Compend, 593. Compendious, 201, 593. Compendium, short, 201. writing, 596. Compensate, make up for, 30. requite, 973. Compensation, reparation, 952. requital, 973. amends, 30. Compensatory, 30. Compete, oppose, 708. contend '20. Competence, power, 157. sufficiency, 639. wealth, 803. I skill, 698. Competent, 157. Competition, 708, ! 720. Competitor, ! opponent, 710. | combatant, 726. Compilation, 595. | Compile, 595. Complacent, j content, 831. ! kind, 906. Complain, I murmur, 839. ! ill, 65. Complaining, 832, 839. Complaint, murmur, 839. illness, 655. Complaisant, 906. Complement, adjunct, 39. remainder, 40. part, 52. arithmetical, 84. Complementary, 84. Complete, entire, 52. great, 31. end, 67. succeed, 731. to finish, 729. Completed, Completely, ! 70Q Completing, f '29‘ Completion, J Complexion, state, 7. color, 428. appearance, 448. Compliance, observance, 762, 772. obedience, 743. Compliant, 743. Complicate, \ Complicated, > 59. Complication,) Compliment, courtesy, 894. praise, 931. Complimentary, 931. Compiot, 623. Comply, consent, 762. obey, 743. observe, 772. Complying, 743. Component, 56. Comport, 692. Comport with, agree, 23. Compose, make up, 54. produce, 16J. -loderate, 174. pacify, 723 assuage, S jC. music, 415 write, 590. Composed, self-possessed, 82& made up o/, 54. Composite, 41. Composition, constitution, 54 writing, 590. music, 415. style, 569. compromise, 774. atonement, 952. Compost, 653. Composure, 826. Compotation, 959. Compound, mix, 41. combination, 48. compromise, 774. Compound for, compact, 7C9. barter, 794. Comprehend, include, 76. compose, 54. understand, 513. know, 490. Comprehension, made up of, 54. understanding, 518. knowledge, 490. Comprehensive, general, 78. wide, 192. Compress, condense, 321, 572. narrow, 203. curtail, 201. contract, 195. Compressible, 195. Compressibility, 325L Compression, narrow, 203. contraction, 195. condensation, 572. curtailment, 201. Comprise, 76. Comprohation, evidence, 467. demonstration, 47a Compromise, compound, 774. atone, 952. to endanger, 665 Comptroller, director, 6!;’ 1 master, 745. Compulsion, 744. Compulsive, 744. Compunction, 950. Compurgation, 970. Com,jUtable, 85. 300 INDEX. Computation, 85. Compute, 85. Comrade, 890. Con, 451, 505. Concatenation, 69. Concave, 252. Concavity, 252. Conceal, hide, 528. invisible, 447. Concealment, hid, 528. unseen, 447. Concede, consent, 762. admit, 467, 529. give, 784. assent, 488. permit, 760. Conceit, idea, 453. bdif, 484. supposition, 514. imagination, 515. affectation, 855. vanity, 880. wit, 842. folly, 499. Conceited, 499, 855, 880. Conceitedness, 880. Conceive, believe, 484. imagine, 515. Concent, 413. Concentrate, converge, 290. Concentration, assembly, 72. converging, 290. centre, 222. approach, 197. Concentric, 222. Conception, intellect, 450. idea, 453. belief, 484. knowledge, 490. imagination, 515. Concern, relation, 9. grief, 828. business, 625. importance, 642. firm, 797. Concerned, grieved, 828. Concerning, 9. Concert, music, 415. cooperation, 709. Concession, grant, 762, 784. assent, 488. permit, 760. Conchoid, 245. Conchoidal, 245. Conciliate, talk over, 615. Conciliate, satisfy, 831. Concinnity, style, 578. beauty, 845. agreement, 23. Concise, 201, 572. Conciseness, brevity, 201. terseness, 572. Conclave, assembly, 72. council, 696. church, 995. Conclude, end, 67. infer, 476. ratify, 769. opine, 480. complete, 729. determine, 604. Concluding, 729. Conclusion, end, 67. inference, 476. opinion, 480. maxim, 496. Conclusive, 476, 478, 729. Concl usiveness, reasoning, 478. Concoct, prepare, 673. plan, 626. Concoction, preparation, 673. Concomitant, synchronous, 120. accompanying, 88. Concord, agreement, 23. in music, 413. assent, 488. harmony, 714. amity, 888. Concordance. (See Concord.) Concourse, assemblage, 72. convergence, 290. Concrete, mass, 46. density, 321. Concretion, mass, 46. density, 321. Concubine, 962. Concupiscence, desire, 865. impurity, 961. Concupiscent, 961. Concur, cooperate, 178. in concert, 709. converge, 290. assent, 488. Concurrence, cooperation, 178. converging, 290. coexistence, 120. Concurrent, converging, 290. coexistent, 120. Concurring, 293. Concussion, 276. Condemn, censure, 932. convict, 971. Condemnation, censure, 932. conviction, 971. Condemnatory, 932, 97J. Condensation, 195, 321, 572. Condense, 195, 321, 572. Condensed, compact, 195. Condescend, 879. Condescension, 79. Condign, 922, 924. Condiment, 393. Condition, state, 7. term, 770. modification, 469. Conditional, state, 7, 8. term, 770. Conditional!}', 7, 8, 469. Condole, 915. Condolence, 915. Conduce, tend, 176. concur, 178. availp644. contribute, 153. Conducive, available, 644. Conduciveness, bent, 176. Conduct, lead, 693. transfer, 270. procedure, 692. Conductor, guard, 666. director, 694. conveyer, 271. Conduit, 350. Condyle, 250. Cone, round, 249. pointed, 253. Confabulation, 588. Confection, 396. Confederacy, party, 712. cooperation, 709. Confederate, 711. Confer, give, 784. converse, 588. advise, C95. Conference, council, 995 Confess, avow, 529, 535. Confess, assert, 488 penitence, 950. rite, 998. Confession, avowal, 529. assertion. 488. affirmance., 535. penitence. 953. creed, 983. Confessional, 10,13. Confessor, 996. Confidant, 711, 858. Confide, trust, 484. hope, 858. courage, 861. Confidence, trust, 484. hope, 858. courage, 8G1. Confidential, 528. Configuration, 24( Confine, limit, 233. imprison, 751. circumscribe, 229. frontier, 199. Confined, 655. Confinement, restraint, 229. imprisonment, 751. Confirm, corroborate, 467. consent, 762. rites, 998. Confirmation, consent, 762. assent, 488. corroboration, 467. compact, 769. rite, 998. Confirmatory, 467 Confirmed, 153. Confiscate, condemn, 971. take, 789. Confiscation, 786. Conflagration, 384. Conflict, 720. Conflicting, 179, 08 Confluence, 43, 2'. 1, 348. Confluent, 290. Conflux, 72, 290. Conform, assent, 488. agree, 646. accustom, 613. Conformable, 82. Conformably, IS. Conformation, form, 240. frame, 7. Conformity, to rule, 16, 82. Confound, disorder, 61. injure, 649. perplex, 475. INDEX. 301 Confound, confuse, 519. astonish, 879. Confoundedly, 31. Confraternity, 833. Confrication, 331. Confront, /ice, 234 c/mpare, 464, 467. 7 exist, 719. Confucius, 983. Confuse, derange, 61. obscure, 519. perplex, 458, 415. abash, 874. style, 571. Joirfused, style, 57'. Confusion disorder, 59. obscurity, 519. shame, 874. Confutation, 479l Confute, 479. Confutable, 479. Congeal, cold, 321, 385. Congealed, dense, 321. Congenial, agreeing, 23. expedient, 646. Congenital, 5, 613. Congeries, 72. Congestion, redundance, 641. Conglaciation, 385. Conglomerate, 46,72. Congliitinate, 46. Conglutination, 43. Congratulate, 896. Congratulation, 893. Congratulatory, 896. Congregate, 72. Congregation, 72, 997. Congress, assemblage, 72. conflux, 290. council, 696. Congreve, 627. Congruity, expedience, 646. Congruous, agreeing, 23. expedient, 646. Conical, 249, 253. Conjectural, 514. Conjecture, 514. Conjoin, 43. Conjoined, 43. Conjointly, 37. Conjugal, 903. Conjugate, words, 562. Conjugation, junction, 43 pair, 89. phase, 144. Conjunct, 43. Conjuncture, contingency, 8. junction, 43. occasion, 134. Conjuration, deception, 545. sorcery, 146, 992. Conjure, entreat, 765. exorcise, 992. Conjurer, sorcerer, 994. adept, 700. Connate, 153. Connatural, uniform, 16 Connect, t date, 9. link, 43. Connected, related, 9. Connection, kindred, 11. junction, 43. Connective, 45. Connivance, 760. Connive, overlook, 460. allow, 760. Connoisseur, 850. Connubial, 903. Conoid, 219. Conquer, 731. Conquered, 732. Conqueror, 731. Conquest, 731. Consa iguinity, 11. Conscience, moral sense, 926. knowledge, 490. Conscientious, virtuous, 944. scrupulous, 939. true, 494. Conscientiously, 772. Conscientiousness, duty, 926. virtue, 944. scrupulosity, 939. Conscious, 375, 490. Consciousness, intuition, 450. knowledge, 490. Conscript, 726. Conscription, 744. Consecrate, dedicate, 873. sanctify, 987. Consecrated, 1 g.g Consecration i Consectary, 467. Consecution, 63, 69. Consecutive, following, 63. continuous, 69. Consecutively, 144. Consent, grant, 762. assent, 488. Consentaneous, agreeing, 23. expedient, 645. Consenting, 762. Consequence, effect, 154. importance, 642. event, 151. Consequent, 63. Consequential, arrogant, 878. dedncible, 467. Consequently, 154, 476. Conservation, 142, 670. Conservatism, 670. Conservative, 142. Conservatory, store, 636. hothi use, 371, 383. Conserve, 396. Consider, think, 451. attend to, 457. inquire, 461. Considerable, in degree, 31. in size, 192. important, 642. Considerate, judicious, 498. Consideration, motive, 615. qualification, 469. importance, 642. attention, 457. requital, 973. Considering, 476. Consign, transfer, 783. commission, 755. give, 784. Consignee, 758. Consignment, 755, 784. Consist of, 54. Consistence, density, 311. Consistency, uniformity, 16. Consistent, 23. Consistory, council, 696. church, 995. Consociation, 995. Consolation, relief, 834. pity, 915. consolatory, 834. Console, relieve, 834. pity, 915. table, 215. Consolidate, unite, 46, 48. condense, 321. Consolidated, 321. Consolidation, union, 46. Consolidation, condensation, 32]. Consonance, agreement, 321, expedience, G46. music, 413. Consonant, agreeing, 93. expedient, 646. musical, 413. letter, 560. Consort, accompany, 88. associate, 892., spouse, 933. Consort with, 646. Conspicnity, 446. Conspicuous, 446, 525. Conspiracy, 626. Conspire, 178. Constable, governor, 745. officer, 965. Constancy, immutable, 150. regularity, 80. resoluteness, 604. Constant, immutable, 150. regular, 80, 82. resolute, 604. faithful, 939. Constantly, 136. Constellation, stars, 318. glory, 873. Consternation, 800 860. Constipate, 321. Constipated, ) Constipation, j ‘ Constituent, 56. Constitute, compose, 54. produce, 161. Constitution, nature, 5. state, 7. texture, 329. charter, 924. law, 963. composition, 54. Constitutional, chartered, 924. legal, 963. Constrain, power, 157. restrain, 751. compel, 744. abash, 881. Constrained, abashed, 881. inthralled, 749. Constraint, compulsion, 744. restraint, 751. modesty, 881. Constrict, 203. Constringe, 203. 302 INDEX. Construct, 16.. Construction, form, 240. meaning, 522. Construe, 522. Consul, 758, 753. Consult, 695. Consume, destroy, 162. waste, 638. use, 677. racaye, 649. Consuming, 830. 'onsummate, great, 31. complete, 729. ikill, 698. Consummation, end, 67. completion, 729. Consumption, shrinking, 195. waste, 638. use, 677. Contact, 199. Contagious, 657. Contain, include, 76. be composed of, 54. Contaminate, spoil, 659. soil, 653. Contaminated, diseased, 655. Contamination, 653. Contemn, 930. Contemper, 174. Contemperation, 174. Contemplate, view, 441. think, 451. purpose, 620. expect, 507. Contemplation, view, 441. thought, 451. expectation, 507. Con templative, thoughtful, 451. Contemporaneous, 120. Contemporaneous- ness, 120. Contemporary, 120. Contempt, 930. Contemptible, 643, 930. Contemptuous, 930. Contend, fight, 720. assert, 535. Contending, hostile, 722. Content, satisfied, 827, 831. calm, 826. patience, 821. will, 600. Con ten ted, pleased, 827. Contented, satisfied, 831. Contentedness, 831. Contention, discord, 713. struggle, 720. Contentious, 722. Contentiousness, 713. Contentment, 831. Contents, ingredients, 56. components, 190. list, 86. compendium, 596. Conterminable, 233. Conterminate, limit, 233. Conterminous, adjoining, 199. ending, 67. Contest, 720. Contestation, 720. Context, 591. Contexture, state, 7. texture, 329. Contiguity, 199. Contiguous, 199. Continence, 151, 960. Continent, land, 342. chaste, 960. Continental, 342. Contingency, chance, 156. possibility, 470. casualty, 621. circumstance, 8. Contingent, conditional, 8. eventual, 151. liable, 177. chance, 156. possible, 470. uncertain, 475. casual, 621. money, 809. allotment, 786. Continually, 136. Continuance, 110. Continuation, sequence, 63. adjunct, 39. persistence, 143. Continue, persist, 143. endure, 106. Continuing, 143. Continuity, 69. Continuous, 69. Contort, 243. Contorted, 248. Contortion, distortion, 243. convolution, 246. deformity, 846. Contour, 230, 448. Contra, 708. Contraband, illicit, 964. Contraband, false, 544. Contract, decrease, 36. shrivel, 195. curtail, 201. narr. w, 203. promise, 7( 8. bargain, 769. Contracted, ) 1QI- Contractile, j lyo' Contractility, corrugation, 195. elasticity, 325. Contracting, 195. Contraction, decrease, 36. shrivelling, 195. curtailment, 201. Contradict, evidence, 468. deny, 536. oppose, 14. dissent, 489. Contradiction, opposition, 14. evidence, 468. dissent, 489. Contradictory,14,536. Contradistinction, 15. Contraposition, reversion, 237. inversion, 218. Contrariety, ) .. Contrarily, j J K Contrariwise, 14. Contrary, opposite, 14, 179. opposing, 708. capricious, 608. Contrast, contrariety, 14, 15. comparison, 464. Contravaliation, 232, 717. Contravene, counteract, 179. oppose, 14, 708. hinder, 706. counter evidence, 468. argue, 476. deny, 536. Contravention, denial, 536. counteraction, 179. opposition, 708. Contribute, tend, 176. concur, 178. give, 784. cause, 153. Contribution, giving, 784. expenses, 809. Contrite, 950. Contrition, abrasion, 331. penitence, 950. Contrivance, 626. Contrive, ■plan, 626, 702. Contriver, 626. Contriving, artful, 702. Control, power, 157. authority, 737. thraldom, 710. to regulate, 693. to check, 179, 708. Controlled, subjected, 749. Controversial, disputative, 713. argumentative, 47G Controversialist, 476 Controversy, discussion, 476. dispute, 713. Controvert, discuss, 476. dispute, 7J3. Controvertible, dubious, 475. debatable, 476. Contumacious, 606 742. Contumacy, 606, 7421 Contumelious, arrogant, 885. scornful, 929. Contumeliousness, 885. Contumely, disrespect, 929. arrogance, 885. rudeness, 895. scorn, 930. reproach, 932. Conundrum, secret, 533. pun, 563. wit, 842. problem, 461. Convalescence, 658. Convene, 72. Convenience, 646. Convenient, 646. Convent, 1000. Conventicle, assembly, 72. Convention, compact, 769. treaty of peace, 72! congress, 72. Conventual, 996,100* Converge, 290. Convergence, 290. Convergent, 290. Converging, 290. Conversant, knowing, 490. skilful, 698. Conversation, 588. Converse, reverse, 14. talk, 588. Conversible, 588,892 Conversion, 144. INDEX. 303 Coni irsiov, change, 144. religious, 987. Convert, opinion, 484. learner, 541. to change to, 144. to use, 677. religious, 987. Converted, changed, 144. Convertibility, identity, 13. Convertible, identical, 13, 144. Convex, 250. Convexity, 250. Convey, 270, 516. Conveyance, 270, 272. Conveyancer, 968. Conveyor, 271. Convict, condemn, 971. felon, 949. Conviction, 479, 484. Convince, 537. Convinced, 485. Convincement, 484. Convivial, 892. Conviviality, 892. Convocate, 72. Convocation, council, 696, 995. Convoke, 72. Convolution, coil, 248. rotation, 312. Convoy, transfer, 270. guard, 664. Convulse, violent, 173. agitate, 315. pain, 378. torture, 830. Convulsion, violence, 173. agitation, 315. pain, 378, 828. revolution, 143. Convulsive, 173. Coo, 412. Cook, h at, 384. prepare, 673 Cool, cold, 383. judicious, 498. to refrigerate, 385. to moderate, 174. to allay, 823. indifferent, 86G. torpid, 826. dissuade, 616. Cooler, 337. Coolheaded, torpid, 826. judicious, 498. Coolness, stoicism, 823. moderation, 826. cold, 383. indifference, 866. prudence, 834. Coop, confine, 229, 752. Ci operate, physically, 178. voluntarily, 709. unite, 712. Cooperating, 709. Cooperation, physical, 178. voluntary, 709. Cooperator, 711. Coordination, 27. Coordinate, 27. Coot, 189. Copartner, participator, "78. associate, 892. accompanying, 88. Copartnership, association, 892. participation, 778. coalition, 709. Cope, contend, 720. equal, 27. Copied, 19. Copious, abundant, 639. style, 573. Copiousness, style, 573. abundance, 639. Copper, money, 800. Copper-colored, 439. Coppice, (or copse,) 367. Copula, 45. Copy, imitation, 21. prototype, 22. to write, 590. represent, 554. Copyhold, 780. Copying, imitating, 19, 590. Copyist, 559, 590. Coquetry, 855. Corbel, 215. Cord, tie, 45. filament, 205. Cordage, 45. Cordial, grateful, 829, warm, 821. willing, 602. friendly, 883. remedy, 662. Cordiality, 821. : Cordiform, 245. Cordon, 230, 232. I Corduroy, 258, 259. ' Cor-, 222. Cork, lightness, 320. plug, 263. Corking pin, 45. Corkscrew, 262. spiral, 248. Cork up, 261. Cormorant, 835, 957. Corn, projection, 250. Corned, 95;t. Corneous, 323. Corner, place, 182. receptacle, 191. Corner stone, 215. Cornet, music, 417. officer, 745. Cornice, 210. Cornucopia, 639. Cornute, 253. Corollary, deduction, 480. Corona, 247. Coronation, 755. Coronet, 747. Corporal, 745. Corporality, 316. Corporate, 43. Corporation, association, 712. Corporeal, 316. Corporeity, 316. Corps, assemblage, 72. troops, 728. Corpse, 362. Corpulence, 192 Corpulent, 192. Corpuscular, 193. Corpuscle, atom, 193. jot, 32. Correct, true, 494. reason, 476. virtuous, 944. style, 570. to improve, 658. to censure, 932. tenacious, 505. to punish, 972. Correction, censure, 932. punishment, 972. Corrective, 658, 662. Correctness, virtue, 944. reason, 476. Correlation, relation, 9. reciprocity, 12. Correlative, relating to, 9. reciprocal, 12. Correlativeness, 11. Correspond, a rrree, 23. write, 592. Correspondence, 5S3 Correspondent, 23. Corresponding, 23. Corridor, place, 191. passage, C27. Corrigible, 658. Corroborate, 467. Corroboration, 467. Corroborative, 467. Corrode, erode, 162, 659. consume, 649. afflict, 839. Corroding, 830. Corrosion, evil, 619. erosion, 162. Corrosive, acrid, 171. destructive, 649. Corrosiveness, 171 Corrugate, constrict, 195. narrow, 203. rumple, 258. Corrugation, constriction, 195. rumple, 256, 258. derangement, 61. Corrupt, foul, 653. noxious, 649. to spoil, 659. vicious, 945. Corruption, decomposition, 49. spoiling, 659. vice, 945. evil, 619. Corsair, 792. Corse, 362. Corselet, 225. Corset, 225. Cortes, 696. Cortical, 223. Coruscate, 420. Coruscation, 420. Corvette, 273. Cosmetic, 662. Cosmical, 318. Cosmogony, 318 Cosmography, 318, Cosmology, 518. Cosmopolitan, 372. Cosmopolite, 373, 910. Cost, 812. Costliness, 814. Costly, 814. Costume, 225. Cosy, 827. Cot, 189. Contemporary, 11C Coterie, junto, 712,892 society, 892. Cotillon, 840. Cottage, 189. Cotter, 188. 304 INDEX. Couch, bed, 215. to lie, 213. to stapp, 395. lie in wait, 530. express, 566. Coiicbant, 213. Cough, 349. Comic 1, senate, 696. ecclesiastical, 995 Counsel, 695, 968. Counsellor, adviser, 695. teacher, 540. lawyer, 968. Count, compute, 85. expect, 507. believe, 484. estimate, 480. clause, 51. lord, 875. Countenance, face, 234. favor, 707. approbation, 931. appearance, 448. Counter, contrary, 14. against, 179, 70S. number, 84. token, 550. table, 215. shopboard, 799. Counteract, physically, 179. voluntarily, 708. hinder, 174. compensate, 30. Counteraction, physical, 179. voluntary, 708. compensation, 30. Counterbalance, 30. Counterblast, 179. Counterchange, 12, 148. Countercheck, 550. Counter evidence, 468. Counterfeit, simulate, 544. imitate, 19. counterfoil, 550. copy, 21. Counterfeiting, 19. Countermand, 756. Countermarch, 283. Countermark, 550. Countermine, 708. Countermotion, 283. Counter order, 756. Counterpart, copy, 21. match, 17. reverse, 14. Counterplot, 703,718. 7 -in, 626. Co .ntenoise, 30,179. Counterpoison, 662. Counter project, 718. protest, 468. plan, 626. Counter revolution, 146. Countersign, 550,590. Counterstroke, 718. Countervail, compensate, 30. oppose, 179, 703. overbalance, 28. evidence, 4 .8. Counterwork, 703. Counting, £5. Counting house, 799. Countless, 105. Country, 181, 189. Countryman, 876,890. Counts, 79. County, 181. Couple, tt'o, 89. to unite, 43. Couplet, 597. Coupling, 43. Courage, 861. Courageous, 861. Courier, 534. Course, order, 58. continuity, 69. of time, 109. direction, 278. motion, 264. locomotion, 266. effect, 154. rapidity, <274. pursuit, 622. plan, 626. way, 627. conduct, 692. arena, 728. dinner, 298. Courser, 271. swift, 274. Court, house, 189. council, 696. hall, 191. to invite, 615. to pursue, 622. to solicit, 765. to wish, 8 5. to woo, 902. to flatter, 933. gentility, 852. tribunal, 966. retinue, 746. Courteous, 894. Courtesan, 962. Courtesy, 981. obeisance, 894. stoop, 306. Couriier, 935. Courtier-like 93’. Courtierly, 9U3. Courtly, 852. Court martial, 962. Courtship, 902. Cousin, 11. Cousinhood, 11. Cove, cell, 191. haunt, 189. hollow, 252, bay, 343. Covenant, 769, 770. Cover, dress, 225. superpose, 223. conceal, 528. retreat, 530. high, 2.16. safety, 664. to compensate, 30. stopper, 263. Covercle, 223. Covering, 2i3. lid, 263. Covert, 447. Covert way, 260. Coveting, 865. Covetous, miserly, 819. desiruus, 865. Covetousness, avarice, 819. desire, 865. Covey, 102. Cow, intimidate, 860. Coward, 862. Cowardice, 852. Cowardliness, 862. Cowardly, 862. Cower, stoop, 306. Cowhide, 975. Cowl, dress, 225. sacerdotal, 999. Co-worker, 690. Coxcomb, 854. Coxcombry, 880. Coy, 881. Coyness, 881. Cozen, 545. Crab, 397. Crabbed, sour, 397. difficult., 704. uncivil, 895. testy, 901. Crabbedness, sourness, 397. incivility, 895. Crab-like, 279, 283. Crack, split, 44. snap, 328. fissure, 198. furrow, 259. to destroy, 162. sound, 406. Crackbrained, 499. Cracked, faulty, 651. Cracker, 405. Crackle, 406. Cradle, bed, 215. origin, (15, 153. infancy, 127. to place, 184. to tr-in, 673. Craft, canning, 702. skill, (.98. plan, G26. apparatus, 633. business, 625. shipping, 273. Crafty, 702. ('rage, 253. Cragged, rough, 256. Craggedness, 256. Craggy, 253, 256. Craggyncss, 2,16. Cram, stuff, 194. fill, 639. gorge, 296. teach, 537. choke, 261. Cramp, hinder, 706. restrain, 751. narrow, 203. fasten, 45. paralyze, 158. weaken, 160. spasm, 378, 828. Cramped, style, 572, 579. compress, 195. filled, 639. Cramping, 195. Crane, 244, 633. Crane-neck, 245. Crank, instrument, 633. wit, 842. Cranky, infirm, 655. Cranny, 198. Crash, sound, 406. destruction, 162. Crassitude, breadth, 202. thickness, 352. Crate, 191. Crater, hollow, 252. depth, 44. Craunch, bruise, 44. Cravat, 2‘!5. Crave, ask, desire, 865. Craven, 862. Craving, asking, 765. desiring, 865. Craw, 191. j Crawl, | move, 275. INDEX. 305 Crawl, servility, 885. Crawling, 275. Crayon, painting, 555. pencil, 5! ). Crazy, weak, 160. mad, 503. Creak, 410. Cream, emulsion, 352. oil, 355. perfection, 650. Cream-colored, 43 v Creamy, 352. Crease, 258. Create, produce. 161. cause, 153. imagine, 515 Creation, 976. Creative, 515. Creator, 976. Creature, animal, 366. person, 372. thing, 3. effect, 154. Credence, 484. Credential, 467. Credibility, 472. Credible, 472, 484. Credit, belief, 484. authority, 737. pecuniur i, 805. account, 811. influence, 737. hope, 858. repute, 873. desert, 914. Crediting, 805. Creditor, 805. Credulity, 486. superstition, 934. Credulous, 486. Creed, belief, 484. formula, 496. tenet, 983. Creek, 343. Creel, 191. Creep, crawl, 275. Creep out, transpire, 529. Creeper, 367. Creeping, sensation, 380. crawling, 275. inactive, 683. Cremation, burning, 384. Orenat d, 257. Crepitation, 405. Crepuscular, 422. Crepiiscule. dawn, 125. dimness, 422. Crescent, curve, 215. street, 189. Cresset, 423. Crest, summit, 210. title, 877. pride, 877. tuft, 250. armorial, 550. Crestfallen, dejected, 837. humiliated, 881. Crevice, 198. Crew, assemblage, 72. party, 712. inhabitants, 188. Crib, bed, 215. Cribble, 260. Crick, pain, 378 Crier, 534. Crime, guilt, 947. Criminal, culprit, 949. vicious, 945. Criminality, 945, 947. Criminate, 938. Crimination, ) QoS Criminatory, j Crimson, 434. Cringe, submit, 743. servility, 886. Cringing, 885. Cri nkle, angle, 244. Cripple, weaken, 160. disable, 158. injure, 649. disease, 655. Crippled, diseased, 655. Crisis, conjuncture, 8. event, 151. difficulty, 704. opportunity, 134. Crisp, brittle, 328. rough, 255. rumpled, 248. Crispness, roughness, 256. brittleness, 328. Criterion. trial, 463. evidence, 467. Critic, taste, 850. reviewer, 590. detractor, 938. Critical, opportune, 134. important, 642 captious, 932. Critical, contingent, 8. Criticism, stricture, 932. sarcasm, 931. Criticize, taste, 850. Critique, 465. Croak, cry, 412. stammer, 583. complain, 839. predict, 511. Croaker, 839. Crock, 191. Crocodile tears,544. Crocus, 436. Crcesus, 803. Crone, veteran, 130. Crooked, angular, 244. distorted, 243. deformed, 846. sloping, 217. dishonorable, 940. confused, 519. crafty, 702. Crookedness, 217. Crop, stomach, 191. to shorten, 201 to gather, 775. to cat, 296. harvest, 154. Crosier, 999. Cross, intersection, 219. vexation, 828. disaster, 619. ill tempered, 895. fretful, 901. failure, 732. decoration, 877. reward, 973. rites, 998. Crossbow, 727. Crosscut, 627. Cross examination, 461. Cross examine, 461. Cross-grained, obstinate, 606. ill tempered, 895. Crossing, 219. Cross purposes, 495. Cross question, 461. Cross-road, 627. Cross-way, 627. Crotch, 244. Crotchet, caprice, 608. Crotchety, 499, 608. Crouch, stoop, 306. lower, 207. servility, 888. fear, 860. Crouched, ( 0fl7 Crouching, \ [ Croup, 235. Crow, cry, 412. boast, 884 lever, 633. Crowbar, 033. Crowd, assemblage, 73. multitude, 102. closeness, 197. the vulgar, 876. Crowded, 72. Crown, top, 210. end, G7. circle, 247. trophy, 733. sceptre, 747. commission, 755. reward, 973. to complete, 729. Crowning, top, 210. completing, 729. lofty, 206. Crucial, 219. Crueialion, 378. Crucible, 191. laboratory, 691. Crucifix, 998, 999. Crucifixion, 378, 972 Cruciform, 219. Crucify, agony, 828. torturinir, 830. Crude, 579, 674. Crudity, 674. Cruel, ■painful, 830. inhuman, 907. Cruelly, 31. Cruelty, 907. Cruet, 191. Cruise, vessel, 191. navigation, 267. Crum, small part, 51. grain, 193. bit, 32. Crumble, pulverize, 330. destroy, 162. spoil, 659. brittleness, 328. Crumbling, destroying, 162. brittle, 328. spoiling, 659. effete, 124. Crumbly, 330. Crumple, \ ruffle, 256. i crease, 258. Crusade, 722. Crush, ! pulverize, 330. destroy, 169. injure, 649. Crushing, 162. 306 INDEX. Crust, 223. Crusty, 895. Crutch, support, 215. angle, 244. instrument, 633 Cry, animal, 422. human, 121. loudness, 404. voice, 580. publish, 531. weep, 839. Cry down, 932. Cry for, desire, 865. Cry up, praise, 931. Crying, 839. Crypt, cell, 191. grave, 363. altar, 1000. Cryptography, 590. Crystal, 321, 425. Crystalline, dense, 321. transparent, 425. Crvstallizable, ) „01 Crystallization, 1 Cub, young, 129. clown, 876. Cube, 92. Cuckoo, repetition, 104. imitation, 19. sound, 407. cry, 412. Cudgel, beat, 975. bludgeon, 276, 727. Cue, hint, 527. watchword, 550. plea, 617. Cuirass, 717. Cuirassier, 726. Culinary, 298. Cull, 609. Cull nder, 260. Gullibility, 486. ■dupe, 517. Culmination, 208. Culminate, maximum, 33. height, 203, 210. Culpability, 947. Culpable, 915. Culprit, 949. Cultivation, 371. Cultivate, improve, 658. till, 371. Cttlverin, 727. Culvert, 350. Cumber, load, 319. to incommode, 647. t.’ obstruct, 70J. Cumbersome, loaded, 319. incommoding, 647. Cumbrous, 647. Cumulation, 72. Cumulous, 353. Cunctation, inactivity, 683. Cuneiform, 244. Cunning, art, 702. sagacity, 698. well planned, 626. Cunningness, 702. Cup, hollow, 252. vessel, 191. Cupbearer, 746. Cupboard, 191. Cupidity, avarice, 819. desire, 865. Cupola, dome, 250. height, 206. Curable, 658. Curableness, 658. Curacy, 995. Curate, 996. Curative, 834. Curator, 758. Curb, restrain, 751. ' hinder, 706. shackle, 752. moderate, 174. check, 826. dissuade, 616. counteract, 179. slacken, 275. bit, 747. Curd, mass, 46. density, 321. pulp, 354. Curdle, condense, 321. coagulate, 46. Curdled, 321. Curdy, 352. Cure, remedy, 662, 834. reinstate, 660. religious, 995. preserve, 670. improve, 658. Cureless, 655, 659. Curfew, 126. Curiosity, 455. phenomenon, 872. Curious, true, 494. exceptional, 83. beautiful, 845. Curl, bend, 245. cockle up, 258. tress, 256. Curling, 245. Currency, publicity, 531. money, 800. Current, existing, 1. happening, 151. present, 118. public, 531. stream, 317. literary, 560. river, 348. opinion, 484. course, 109. pr evailing, 82. Curricle, 272. Curry, 393. Curry favor, 933. Curse, malediction, 908. bane, 663. evil, 619. badness, 649. painfulness, 830. Cursed, bad, 649. accursed, 908. Cursorily, hastily, 684. Cursory, transient, 111. inattentive, 458. neglecting, 460. Curt, 201. Curtail, shorten, 201. retrench, 38. abridge, 572. decrease, 36. deprive, 789. Curtailment, decrease, 36. retrenchment, 38. Curtain, 424, 530. Curvation, 245. Curvature, 245. Curve, 245,279. Curvet, rise, 305. leap, 309. oscillate, 314. circuit, 311. agitate, 315. Cusition, pillow, 215. to frustrate, 706. relief, 834. Cusp, point, 253. angle, 244. Cusped, pointed, 253. Custodian, 753. Custody, captivity, 751, 781. captive, 754. guard, 664. Custom, rule, 80. habit, 613. fashion, 852. Custom, sale, 795. barter, 794. tar, 812. Customary, 613. Customer, purchaser, 795. dealer, 797. Cut, divide, 44. interval, 70. bit, 51. sculpture, 557. curtail, 201. gap, 198. layer, 204. notch, 257. form, 240. road, 627. print, 558. affect, 824. decline acquaint a nee, 893. state, 7. cold, 385. Cut across, 302. Cut along, 274. Cut and dried, 673 Cut and run, escape, 671. Cut capers, leap, 309. dance, 840. Cut down, diminish, 36. destroy, 162. shorten, 201. lower, 308. kill, 361. Cut off, kill, 361. subduct, 38. impede, 706. Cut out, surpass, 33. retrench, 38. plan, 626. Cut short, shorten, 201. abridge, 572. decrease, 36. contract, 195. Cut up, divide, 44. destroy, 162. censure, 932. Cutaneous, 223. Cuticle, 223. Cuticular, 223. Cutlass, 727. Cutpurse, 792. Cutter, 273. Cutthroat, 351, 9*19 Cutting, cold, 383. disjunction, 44. affecting, 821. reproachful, 932- Cycle, period, 138. INDEX. 307 Cycle, circle, 247. Cyclical, 138. Cycloid, 247. Cycloidal, 247. Cyclopedia, 493. C'yclopian, 192. Cylinder, 249. Cylindrical, 219. Jylindroid, 219. Cymbal, 417. Cynic, 911. Cynical, censorious, 932. detracting, 433. unsocial, 893 cross, 895. Cynosure, 559. adviser, 695. Cypher. (S e Cipher.) Cypress, 839. Cyprian, 952. Cyst, 191. Cystit, 191. D. Dab, clever, 709. to paint, 223. to slap, 276. Dabble, meddle, 689. fribble, 683. Dabbling, activity, 682. . Daedalian, 693. Dagger, 727. Daggers drawn, discord, 713. enmity, 889. Dagcle, 214. Daguerreotype, 556. Daintiness, pleasure, 829. fastidiousness, 858. Dainty, savoru, 394. fastidious, 858. Dale, 252. Dally, irresolute, 605. delay, 133. inactive, 683. Dam, parent, 166. lo k, 359. close, 261. ob struct, 706. D im up, 348. Damage, evil, 619. to injur ', 649. to spoil, 659. payment, 812. Damages, 974. Damask, 434. Dame, 374. Damnable, 649. Damnatory, 932. Damp, moist, 339. cold, 383. to moderate, 174. to dissuade, 616. depress, 837, calm, 826. Damper, dissuasion, 616 depression, 837 Dampness, 339. Damsel, youth, 129. lady, 374. Dance, oscillate, 314. agitate, 315. rise, 305. jump, 309. sport, 840. Dandle, 932. Dandrilf, 653. Dandy, 854. Dandyism, 855. Danger, 665. Dangerous, 665. Dangle, hang, 214. swirnr, 314. Dank, 339. Dapper, 203. Dapple, 433. Dappled, 440. Dare, defy, 715. face danger, 861. Daring, 861. Dark, obscure, 421. dim, 422. invisible, 447. unintelligible, 519. ignorant, 491. blind, 442. latent, 526. joyless, 837. Darken, 519. Darkness, obscurity, 421. ignorance, 491. blindness, 442. latency, 526. jnylessness, 837. Darksome, 421. Darling, favorite, 899. beloved, 897. Darn, 658. Dart, missile, 727. to propel, 284. swift, 274. Dash, sprinkling, 32,193. to mix, 41. threw down. 308. display, 882. dtp ess, 837 Dash, disappoint, 509. shine, 873. Dash down, 338. Dash off, j sketch, 555. Dash on, haste, 684. rush, 274. Dash out, rush, 274. haste, 684. Dashed, depressed, 837. timid, 881. Dashing, brace, 861. mixtion, 41. display, 882. Dastard, 882. Dastardly, 882. Dastardnes3, 8C2. Data, evidence, 467. reasoning', 476. Date, 114. Daub, cover, 222, 223. dirt, 653. bad painting, 555. to deform, 846. Daughter, 167. Daunt, 880. Dauntless, 861. Dawdle, tardy, 133. Dawdling, 683. Dawn, morning, 125. precursor, 116, begin, 66. dim, 422. glimpse, 490. Day, period, 108. light, 420. Daybook, 811. Daybreak, 125. Daydream, 515. Day laborer, 690. Daylight, 420. Dazzle, 420. confuse, 442. Dazzled, 442. Dazzlii g, 845. Da7zlernent, 420. Deacon, 998. Dead, lifeless, 360. heedless, 458. insensible, 823. colorless, 429. Deaden, weaken, 158, 160. moderate, 174, 826. benumb, 823. Dead drunk, 959. Dead lilt, 471. Deadlines*, 657. bead lock, stoppage, 235. hinderance, 706. Deadly, mortal, 351, 657. pernicious, 649. Deadness, numbness, 381. inertness, 172, 823 Dead shot, 700. Dead water, 313 Deaf, 419. mute, 4iS, 581. Deafen, 404, 419. Deafness, 419. Deal, quantity, 31. give, 784. barter, 794. Deal out, 73, 781. Dealer, 797. Dealing, 794. Dealings, 692. Dean, 996. Deanery, office, 995. house, 1000. Dear, loved, 897, 899. high priced, 814 Dear bought, 644. Dearness, 814. Dearth, 640. Death, 360. Death blow, killing, 361. failure, 732. Deathless, 112, 873 Deathlike, hideous, 846. silence, 403. Death rattle, 360. Death song, 363. Death struggle, 720 Debar, prohibit, 761. hinder, 751. Debark, 292. Debase, depress, 308. deteriorate, 659. foul, 653. Debased, lowered, 207. Debasement, 659. Debate, reason, 476. dispute, 720. hesitate, 605. talk, 588. Debater, 476. Debatable, 475, 47(1 Debauch, spoil, 659. intemperance, 954. impurity, 931. Debauched, impure, 961. intemperate, >54 Debauchee, 954. 308 INDEX. Decretal, Decretive, Decretory, Debauchery, 954. Debenture, certificate, 551. security, 771. Debilitate, 160. Debility, 160. Debit, debt, 806. accounts, 811. Debonair, 336. Debris, 643. Debt, 806. Debtor, 806. Debut, 676. Decade, 98. Decadency, 659. Decamp, 287, 293, 671. Decampment, 287 293. Decani, 270. Decanter, 191. Decapitate, 361, 9 2. Decay, spoil, 659. old, 124. disease, 655. shrivel, 195. luckless, 735. Decayed, imperfect, 651. diseased, 655. old, 124. adversity, 735. spoiled, 659. Decease, 360. Deceased, 330. Deceit, 545. Deceitful, 545, 702. Deceive, 545. Deceiver, 548. Decency, 980. Decent, 960. Deception, 545. sophistry, 477. Deceptive, 545. Decide, judge, 480. choose, 609. Decided, resolved, 6C4. assertion, 535. certain, 474. great, 31. Deciduous, transitory, 111, 149. spoiled, 659. Decimal, 84, 98. Decimate, subduct, 38, 99,103. Decipher, interpret, 522. solve, 452. Decision, intention, 621 conclusion, 480. resolution, 604. Deck, floor, 211. to beautify, 845. Declaim, 582. Declamation, 582. Deo amatory, 577. Declaration, 467, 535. Declarative, 527. Declare, assert, 535. mean, 516. inform, 527. Declension, descent, 36, 306. deterioration, 650. Declination, descent, 306. 659. Decline, decrease, 36. weaken, 160. d cay, 735. disease, 655. become worse, 659. reject, 610. refuse, 764. be unwilling, 603. Declining, decaying, 735. age, 124, 128. refusing, 764. Decoction, 335, 384. Decollate, 972. Decollation, 972. Decompose, 49. Decomposed, ) Decomposition, j Decompound, 149. Decorate, embellish, 845, 847. Decoration, 847,873, 877. Decorous, 960. Decorticate, 226. Decortication, 226. Decorum, politeness, 852. respect, 928. purity, 960. Decoy, entice, 615. deceive, 545. deceiver, 548. Decrease, in degree, 36. in she, 195. Decreased, 33. Decree, law, 933. judgment, 969. order, 741. Decrement, 36, 195. Decrepit, old, 124, 128. weak, 160. frail, 651. Decrepitation, 406. Decrepitude, age, 28. decay, 659. feeb.'ness, 160. 741. Defeated, 732 Defecate, clean, 652. improve, 658. Defecation, 652. Defect, incomplete, 53. imperfect, C51. failing, 945. Defection, 742, 940 945. Defective, incomplete, 53. imperfect, 651. insufficient, 640. Defectiveness, 53. Defence, resistance, 717. vindication, 937. safety, 664. Defenceless, ■weak, 158, 160. exposed, 665. Defencelessness, 665 Defensible, 664, 937. Defendant, 967. Decry, depreciate, 483. censure, 932. Decumbency, 213. Decumbent, 213. Decuple, 98. Declination, 201. Decussation, 219. Decypher. (See Decipher.) Dedicate, 873. Dedicated, Dedication, 873. Deduce, infer, 480. retrench, 38. Deducible, 467, 480. Deduct, retrench, 38. deprive, 789. Deduction, inference, 480. retrenchment, 38. deprivation, 789. Deed, act, 680. evidence, 467. record, 551. security, 771. Deem, 484. Deep, profound, 31, 208, 451. the sea, 341. cunning, 702. feeling, 821. sound, 404. Deep-laid, 626. Deep-musing, 451. Deeply, 31. Deep-seated, interior, 221. deep, 208. Deep-toned, 408. Deface, render ugly, 846. destroy form, 241. Defacement, 241. Defalcation, shortcoming, 304. contraction, 195. incompleteness, 53. insufficiency, 640. non-payment, 808. Defamation, I Qo. Defamatory, \ Defame, detract, 934. shame, 874. censure, 932. De fa mer, 936. Default, insufficiency, 640. non-payment, 806, 808. Defaulter, 896, 808 Defeat, 479, 732. Defended, Defending, Defensive, 717. Defer, 133. Defer to, respect, 928. assent, 488. Deference, 743, 928. Deferring, 133. Defiance, daring, 715. threat, 909. Deficiency, frailty, 945. incompleteness, 53. imperfection, 651. insufficiency, 640. Deficient, incomplete, 53. imperfect, 651. fail, 945. short of, 304. insufficient, 640. Deficit, debt, 806. incompleteness, 53 Defignre, 846. Defile, ravine, 198, 203. march, 266. dirt, 653. spoil, 659. shame, 874. Defilement, shame, 874. filth, 653. Defiling, marching, 266 Define, na ve, 564. explain, 522. Definite, exact, 494. clear, 516. INDEX. 309 Dcfinit specia', 79. visible 443 limited. 233. intelligible, 51 Definition, 522. Definitive, decided, 604. finol, 67. Deflagration. 384 Deflect, 245. Dedecuon, 245. Defloration, 961. soil, 653. Deflower, 653. Defluxion, 295, 343. Deform, deface, 241. distort, 846. Deformed, 846. Deformity, 846. Defraud, cheat, 545. non-payment, 808. Defray, 807. Defrayment, 807. Deft, clever, 698. suitable, 23. Defunct, 2, 360. Defy, dare, 715. disobey, 742. threaten, 909. Defying, 715. Degeneracy, 659. Degenerate, 659. Deglutition, 298. Degradation, shame, 874. dishonor, 940. deterioration, 659. I jgrade, shame, 874. deteriorate, 65& Jegree, 26. term, 71. honor, 873. Degustation, 390 Dehiscence, 260. Deliort, dissua de, 616. worn, 668. Dehortation, dissuasion, 616 a lvice, 695. warning, 668. Dehortatory, dissuasive, 6r8 advisory, 695. warning, 668. Deification, 991. Deify, 991. Deign, condescend, 879 consent, 762. Deism, 988. Seal,! 988’ Deity, 976. Bjject, 837. Dejectedness, 837. Dejection, fatigue, 841. disquiet, 828. sadness, 837. Delation, 938. Delay, 133. Deleclability, 829. Delectable, savory, 394. agreeable, 829. Delegate, 758, 759. to commission, 755. Delegation, 755. Deleterious, pernicious, 649. unwholesome, 657. Deletion, 552. Deliberate, think, 451. cautious, 864. leisure, 685. advise, 695. Deliberately, 133, 600. Deliberation, thought, 451. caution, 864. care, 459. Deliberative, 451. Delicacy, of texture, 329. slenderness, 203. weak, 160. tender, 655. savory, 394. dainty, 298. of taste, 850. fastidiousness, 858. exactness, 494. pleasing, 829. beauty, 845. unwillingness, 603. honor, 939. purity, 960. difficulty, 704. scruple, 616. Delicate, beautiful, 845. pleasing, 829. fastidious, 868. difficult, 704. savory, 394. slender, 203. texture, 329. pure, 960. exact, 494. hearing, 41 i. Delicious, taste, 394. pleasing, 829. Delicioiisness, 829. Delight, pleasure, 827. Delighted, 827. Delightful, 829. Delineate, describe, 594. represent, 554. Delineation, 594. Delir quency, 947. Delinquent, 949. Delirious, 825. Delirium, raving, 503. passion, 825. Delitescent, 523. Deliver, transfer, 270. give, 784. liberate, 750. relieve, 834. utter, 582. rescue, 672. escape, 671. Deliverance, liberation, 750. preservation, 670. escape, 671. rescue, 672. Delivered, rescued, 672. Delivery, speech, 582. gift, 784. voice, 580. Dell, 252. Delta, 342. Delude, 495, 54">. Deluge, 337, 348. redundance, 641. Delusion, error, 495. deceit, 545. Delusion (self), 486. Delusive, ) Delusory, \ S4°- Delve, dig, 252. depth, 208. Delve into, 461. Demagogue, 745. Demand, claim, 924. ask, 765. inquire, 461. order, 741. ( price, 812. Demarcation, 199, 233. Demean, humble, 879. behave, 692. dishonor, 940. Demeanor, conduct, 692. air, 448. fashion, 852. Demiurge, 979. Democracy, 737 Demolish, destroy, 309. compute, 479. damage, 049. Demolition, destruction, 162. confutation, 479. Demon, devil, 980. wretch, 913. imp, 949. bane, 663. violent, 173. Demoniacal, wicked, 945. evil, 907. furious, 825. diabolic, 049, 980. Demonstrable, 474, 478, 494. Demonstrate, prove, 85, 478. manifest, 525. Demonstration, proof, 478. manifestation, 525. Demonstrative, 467. Demoralize, 945. Demoralized, 945. Demoralization, 945 Demulcent, mild, 174. soothing, 662. Demur, unwillingness, 603. hesitation, 605. to disbelieve, 485. dissent, 489. dislike, 867. Demure, grave, 826. sad, 837. modest, 881. affected, 855. Demureness, gravity, 826. modesty, 881. sadness, 837. affectation, 855, Den, cell, 189. prison, 752. sty, 653. Denary, 98. Denaturaii ze, 83, m Dendriform, 256. Dendroid, 256. Denial, 489, 536,764 Denigrate, 431 Denizen, inhabitant, 188. man, 373. Denominate rfi4. Denomination, 75, 504. Denominator, 84. Denotable, 550. Denote, 550. Dement, Deinentation, Demented, Demerit, vice, 945. inutility, 645. Demi, 91. I Demigod, 948. j Demise, | death, 360. to transfer, 783. j to give, 784. >503. INDEX. Den Dunce, accuse, 908 iniitc, 969. cite, 905. Dense, close, 321. crowded, 72. Density, closeness, 46, 321. Dent, notch, 257. hollow, 252. Denticulated, 253. Denudation, 226. Denude, 228. Denunciation, 908. 969. Deny, negative, 536. dissent, 489. refuse, 764. Dcoppilate, 705. Depart, set out, 293. die, 360. Departed, gone, 2. Departing, 293. Department, class, 75. region, 181. business, 625. Departure, recession, 287, 293. death, 360. Depend, hang, 214. be contingent, 475. Depend upon, trust, 484. be the effect of, 154. affirm, 535. Dependency, 214. Dependent, liable, 177, 749. servant, 746. Dependence, subjection, 749. Depict, paint, 55 '. describe, 594. Depletion, 640. Deplorable, bad, 649. ruinous, 735. painful, 830. Deplore, regret, 833. complain, 839. remorse, 950. Deploy, 194. Deponent, 467. Depopulate, displace, 185. desert, 893. Depopulation, 993. Deport, 297. Deportation, displace, 185. transfer, 270. Deportation, emi'’■ration, 297. Deportment, 692. Depose, evidence, 467. tell, 527. record, 551. dethrone, 756. declare, 535. Deposit, place, 184. secure, 771. expenditure, 809. store, 636. Deposition, placing, 184. evidence, 467. declaration, 535. Depository, 636. Depot, 74, 636, 799. Depravation, vice, 945. Deprave, spoil, 659. Depraved, bad, 649. vicious, 945. Deprecate, 766. pity, 914. Deprecating, t Deprecation, > 766. Deprecatory,) Depreciate, detract, 483. censure, 932. Depreciation, censure, 932. detraction, 483. Depredation, 791. Depredator, 792. Depress, dampen, 843. deject, 837. lower, 207, 308. Depressed, lowered, 308. dejected, 837. Depressing, 830, 837. Depression, lowering, 308. lowness, 207. depth, 208. concavity, 252. dejection, 837. Depressive, 830, 837. Deprivation, loss, 776. seizure, 789. Deprive, take, 789. subduct, 38. lose, 776. Depth, physical, 208. mental, 450,490. Depurate, clean, 652. improve, 658. Depuration, 652. Dcpuratory, 662. Deputation, 755. Depute, 755. Deputy, 147, 757, 759. Derange, 61. Derangement, mental, 503. physical, 61. Dereliction, relinquishment, 624. guilt, 947. Deride, ridicule, 856. disrespect, 929. trifle with, 643. scoff, 483. Derision, ridicule, 856. laughter, 838. contempt, 929. Derisive, comical, 853. contemptuous, 930. disrespectful, 929. Derisory, 856. Derivation, origin, 153. verbal, 562. Derivative, 154. Derive, attribute, 155. receive, 785. acquire, 775. income, 810. Derived, 5, 6. Dermal, 223. Derogate, disparage, 483. demean, 940. shame, 874. Derogation, shame, 874. Derogatory, depreciative, 483. shameful, 874. abject, 940. Descant, dissert, 595. dwell upon, 584. diffuseness, 573. Descend, 306. Descendant, 167. Dcscendent, 306. Descending, 217, 306. Descension, 306. Descent, 217, 306. Describe, 594. Description, kind, 75. narration, 594. Descriptive, 594. Descry, 441. Desec rate, misuse, 079. profane, 989. Desecrating, 989. Desecration, misuse, 679. profanity, 989. Desert, solitude, 101, 893. waste, G45. Deserted, void, 187. secluded, 893. Desert, merit, 944. to relinquish, 624. to escape, 071. Deserter, 607. Desertless, 945. Deserve, merit, 944. right, 922, 924. Deserved, 922, 924. Deserving, 944. Desiccate, 340. Desiccation, 340. Desiderate, 630, 8C5. Desiderated, 865. Desideratum, 461, 630. | Design, intention, 620. cunning, 702. plan, 626. delineation, 554 prototype, 22. Designate, 79, 564. Designation, kind, 75. name, 564. Designed, intended, 600. Designer, artist, 559, 626. Designing, false, 544. artful, 702. Designless, 621. Desinence, discontinuance, 141. Desirable, 646 Desire, 865. Desired, ' Desiring, J Desirous,! 8G5. Desist, discontinue, 141. ' relinquish, 624. inaction, G81. Desistence, 141 Desk, support, 215. receptacle, 191. Desolate, alone, 87. secluded, 893. afflicted, 823. to ravage, 1G3 Desolation, evil, 162, G19. Despair, hopelessness, 659. grief, 828. Despairing, 837. Despatch, 162, 531. Desperado, 803. Desperate, great, 31. violent, 173. hopeless, 859. ra deceived, 547. credulous, 48J Duped, deceived, 545. Duplex, 89. Duplicate, double, 89. copy, 21. pledge, 550, Si5. Duplication, imitation, 19. doubling, 89. Duplicate re, fold, 258. Duplicity, 89, 544, 702. Durability, 150. Durable, 110, 150. Durance, 751. Duration, 106. Duress, 751. During, 106. Dusk, evening, 128. obscurity, 421, 422. Duskiness, 421. Dusky, 421. Dust. powaer, 330. levity, 320. dirt, 653. trash, 643. Dust hole, 653. Dusty, dirty, 653. powdered, 330. Duteous, 944. Dutiful, 944. Dutifulness, 944. Duty, obligation, 926. business, 625. work, 686. tax, 812. rite, 998. Dwarf, small, 193. demon, 980. to lessen, 36. Dwindle, diminish, 32, 195. lessen, 36. Dwindling, 36. Dye, 428. Dying, 360. Dynamics, 159, 276. Dynasty, 737. E. Each, 79. Eager, ardent, 507, 821 desirous, 865. active, 682. Eagerness, desire, 865. activity, 682. ardency, 821. Eagle, swift, 274. sight, 441. standard, 550. Eagle-eyed, 441. Eagle-winged, 374. Ear, 418. Eardrum, 418. Ear-deafening, 404. Earl, 875. Earliness, 122. Early, 132. Earn, 775. Earnest, intention, 620. strenuous, 682. emphatic, 642. pledge, 771. pay in advance, 809. eager, 821. Ear-piercing, 404. Earshot, 197. Earnestness, 821. Earning, 775. Earth, land, 342. ground, 211. ■world, 318. Earthly-minded, selfish, 943. worldly, 988. Earthquake, 146,173. Earthy, 342. Ear witness, 467. Ease, facility, 705. relief, 834. content, 831. in style, 578. Easel, frame, 215. painter’s, 559. Easement, 834. Easily, 705. Easiness, gentleness, 705. East, 233. Easy, gentle, 275. Eat, 296, 826. Eatable, 298. Eating, 296. Eaves, 250. Eavesdropping, 418. Ebb, regress, 283. decrease, 36. contract, 195. waste, 638. spoil, 659. Ebbing, 149, 195. Ebony, 431. Ebriety, 959. Ebullition, heat, 384. energy, 171. violence, 173. excitation, 825. Eccentric, irregular, 83. exterior, 220. wrongheaded, 499 Eccentricity, irregularity, 83. folly, 499. Ecclesiastic, 996. Ecclesiastical, 995. Echo, repeat, 104. imitate, 19. loudness, 404. resonance, 408. answer, 462. Echoing, 104. Eclectic, 609. Eclecticism, 609. Eclipse, hide, 528. darkness, 421, 424 outshine, 874. Eclogue, 597. Economical, Economize, 817 Economy, order, 58. plan, 626. conduct, 692. frugality, 817. Economy (animal), 359. Ecstasy, 515, 821, 827. Ecumenical, 78. Eddy, current, 348. whirlpool, 312. Eden, 827, 981. Edge, brink, 231, 253. energy, 171. Edge tool, 253. Edible, 298. Edict, 963. Edification, building, 161. instruction, 537. Edifice, 189. Edify, i build, 161. Dwarfed, Dwarfish, Dwarfishness, Dwell, tarry, 265. reside, 186. descant, 573, 584. Dweller, 168. Dwelling, ab fr, 189. ra ience, 184. 193. INDEX. 319 Edify, teach, 537. piety, 987. Edit, 531, 591 Editor, 590. Educate, train, 673. Education, learning, 490. teaching, 537. training, 673. Educe, 301, 525. Edulcorate, cfean, 652. Edulcoration, 552. Efface, obliterate, 553. disappear, 449. Effaced, forgotten, 506. Effect, consequence, 154. to produce, 161. to complete, 729, 730. Effectiveness, 157. Effects, property, 780. goods, 798. materials, 635. Effective, capable, 157. useful, 644. Effectual, capable, 157. useful, 644. Effectually, 729. Effectuate, 729. Effeminacy, weakness, 160. sensuality, 954. timidity, 862. Effeminate, weak, 160. timorous, 862. Effervesce, bubble up, 353. agitate, 315. energy, 171. violence, 173. excited, 825. Effervescence, boiling, 353. agitation, 315. energy, 171. excitement, 825. Effervescent, 338. Effervescing, 353. Effete, old, 124. weak, 160. useless, 645. foul, 653. spoiled, 659, Efficacious, powerful, 157. efficient, 170. Efficaciousness, 157 Efficacy, powtr, 157. Efficacy, utility, 644. Efficiency, power, 157. utility, 644. Efficient, useful, 644. powerful, 157. operative, 170. Effigy, representation, 554. Efflorescence, 330. Efflorescent, 330. Effluence, egress, 295. flow, 348. Efflux, egress, 295. flow, 348. Effluxion, 348. Effluvium, odor, 398. vapor, 334. Effort, 686. Effrontery, 885. Effulgence, 420. Effulgent, 420. Effuse, pour out, 295, 237. excrete, 299. Effusion, speech, 582. Eft, soon, 111. early, 132. Egestion, 297. Egg-shaped, 247,249. Egotism, selfishness, 943. vanity, 880. misanthropy, 911. Egotist, 911. Egotistic, 913. Egregious, 499. Egregiously, 32. Egress, 295. Eight, |g8 Eighty, | Either, 609. Ejaculate, propel, 284. utter, 580. Ejaculation, 580. Eject, displace, 185. emit, 297. Ejection, displacement, 185. emission, 297. Eke, also, 37. to complete, 52. spin out, 110. Elaborate, 673. Elaboration, 673. Elapse, pass, 123. flow, 109. Elastic, resilient, 325 Elastic, strong, 159. Elasticit* activity, 171. strength, 159. springiness, 325. Elate, to cheer, 836. boast, 884. Elated, cheered, 836. boastful, 884. Elbow, angle, 244, 258. projection, 250. to push, 276. Elbow room, 748. Elder, 124, 128, 130. Elf, infant, 129. demon, 980. Elfish, 980. Elicit, manifest, 525 discover, 480. draw out, 301. Eligibility, 646. Eligible, 646. Eliminate, exclude, 55. extract, 301 weed, 103. Elimination, extraction, 301. exclusion, 42. weeding, 103. Elision, shortening, 201. Elixir, 662. Ellipse, 247. Ellipsis, curtailment, 201. Ellipsoid, 247, 249. Elliptical, 572. Elocution, 582. Elongate, 200. Elongation, lengthening, 200. distance, 196. Elope, 671. Eloquence, of style, 574. speech, 582. Eloquent, 574. Elsewhere, 187. Elucidate, 522. Elucidation, 522. Elude, avoid, 623. escape, 671. palter, 773. sophistry, 477. succeed, 731. Elusion, 623. Elusive, 545, 623. Elusory, 544. Elysian, 829. Elysium, paradise, 981. bliss, 827. Emaciated, 193, 203 Emaciatiin, contraction, 193. smallness, 195. slenderness, 203. Emaculate. (See Immaculate.) Emanate, go out of, 295. excrete, 299. proceed from, 154. Emanation, odor, 299. Emancipate, free, 748, 750. facilitate, 705. Emancipated, 748, 750. Elderly, ' Elders, Eldership, Eldest, Elect, 601, 609, 976. Election, necessity, 601. numerical, 84. Electorate, 737. Electric, 274, 821. Electricity, 274. Electrify, excite, 824. astonish, 870. Eleemosynary, 784. Elegance, beauty, 845. in style, 578. taste, 850. Elegant, tasteful, 850. beautiful, 845. style, 578. Elegantly, 850. Elegy, dirge, 415. plaint, 839. Element, component, 56. matter, 316. cause, 153. rudimcntal knowl- edge, 490. Elementary, simple, 42. Elephant, carrier, 271. Elevate, 307. Elevated, high, 206. raised, 307. improved, 658. mind, 942. style, 574. Elevation, height, 206. •raising, 307. plan, 554. improvement, 658. of mind, 942. glory, 873- Eleventh hour, 126. I 124, 128, f 130. 320 INDEX Emancipation, 748, 750. Emasculate, 160. Emasculation, 160, 750. Embalm, preserve, 670. memory, 505. to perfume, 400. Embankment, 666. Embargo, prohibition, 706, 761. stoppage, 265 Embark, depart, 270, 293. engage in, 676. Embarkation, engagement, 676. departure, 293. Embarrass, render difficult, 704, perplex, 475, 528. hinder, 706. cumber, 647. hesitation, 485. Embarrassment, hinderanee, 706. difficulty, 704. hesitation, 485. Embassy, 532, 755, 769. Embattled, 722. Embed, 184. Embellish, beautify, 845. ornament, 847. Embellishment, 847. Embers, 388. Embezzle, 791. Embezzlement, 791. Embitter, aggravate, 835. deteriorate, 659. acerbate, 900. Emblazon, color, 428. beautify, 845. display, 882. Emblem, 550. Emblematic, 550. Embody, combine, 48. compose, 54. join, 43. form a whole, 50. Embolden, encourage, 861. hope, 858. Embosomed, middle, 68. lodged, 184. begirt, 227. Embossed, 250. Embrace, include, 76. compose, 54. enclose, 132, 227. courtesy, 894. endearment, 902. Embrasure, 257. Embrocation, 662. Embroider, 847. Embroidery, 847. Embroil, discord, 713. derange, 61. Embroilment, 61. Embryo, cause, 153. preparation, 674. beginning, 66. Embryonic, 153. Embryotic, 153. Emend, 658. Emendation, 658. Emendatory, 658. Emerald, color, 435. Emerge, 295. Emergency, difficulty, 704. conjuncture, 8. event, 151, 295. Emersion, 295. Emication, 420. Emigrant, 268. Emigrate, remove, 266. egress, 295. Emigration, egression, 295. removal, 266. Eminence, height, 206. fame, 873. Eminent, high, 206. famous, 873. Eminently, 33. Emissary, messenger, 534. consignee, 758. Emission, 297. Emit, publish, 531. discharge, 297. Emitted, 297. Emitting, 297. Emmet, 193. Emollient, 662. Emolument, 775. receipt, 810. Emotion, 821. Empale, transfix, 260. pass through, 302. execute, 972. Empalement, transfixion, 260. execution, 972. Emperor, 745. Emphasis, accent, 580. urgency, 642. Emphatic, positive assertion, 535. meaning, 516. impc rtant, 642. Emphatically, 31. Empierce, perforate, 260. Empire, dominion, 737. domain, 780. Empiric, 548. Empirical, tentative, 675. experimental, 463. Empiricism, experiment, 463. quackery, 545. Employ, use, 677. commission, 755. business, 625. Employment, use, 677. Empoison, 659. Emporium, 799. Empower, power, 157. commission, 755. permit, 760. Empress, 745. Emprise, 622. Emptiness, vacuum, 4. ignorance, 491. insufficiency, 640. invalidity, 925. Empty, vacant, 187. transfer, 270. waste, 638. insufficient, 640. unimportant, 643. drain, 297. Empty-headed, 491. Empyrean, sky, 318. Emulate, rival, 708. imitate, 19. transcend, 648. glory, 873. Emulation, 708. Emulsion, milk, 352. oil, 354. Emulsive, 352. Enable, 157. Enact, order, 741. a law, 963. Enactment, order, 741. law, 963. Enallage, 147. Enamel, painting, 556. Enamour, 897. Encage, 229, 751. Encamp, locate, 184, 265. inhabit, 186. Encampment, abode, 189. location, 184. Encaustic, painting, 556. Enchain, 43, 751. Enchant, please, 829. love, 897. conjure, 992. Enchanted, 827. Enchanting, pleasing, 829. tuneful, 413. Enchantment, delight, 827. love, 829. spell, 992, 993. Enchase, 43. Encircle, 227. Enclose, 231. compass, 227. circumscribe, 229. Enclosure, fence, 752. space, 181. circumscription, 229. Encomiast, 935. Encomiastic, 9.31. Encomium, 931. Encompass, 227. Encompassment, 227 Encounter, meet, 292. clash, 276. contest, 720. withstand, 708. Encourage, animate, 615. aid, 707. embolden, 861. hope, 858. comfort, 834. Encouragement, 834 Encroach, transgress, 303. infringe, 925. Encroachment, transgression, 303. infraction, 925. injustice, 923. Encrust, 223. Encumber, 706. Encumbrance, 704, 706. Encyclical, 531. Encyclopaedia, 411. Encyclopedical, 490. End, termina'ion, 67, 154 object, 620. Endamage, injure, 659. harm., 649. Endanger, 665. Endear, 897. Endearment, 902. Endeavor, attempt, 675. pursue, 622. intend, 620. INDEX. 321 H demic, special, 79. disease, 655. Endless, infinite, 105? multitudinous, 102. Endlong, 200. Endorse, sign, 550, 590. evidence, 467 draw, 800. Endorsement, evidence, 467 sign, 550. Endow, confer power, 157 Endowment, give, 784. capacity, 5. power, 157. talent, 698. Endue, empower, 157. Endurance, continuance, 142. submission, 826. experience, 821. Endure, time, 106. to continue, 142. to last, 110. event, 151. to bear, 821. to submit, 826. Enduring, 821, 831. Endwise, 212. Enemy, 710, 891. Energetic, 157, 171. Energy, physical, 171. resolve, C04. strength, 159. activity, 682. Enervate, 160. Enervated, 160. Enervation, 160. Enfeeble, 160. Enfilade, pierce, 260. pass through, 302. Enfold, 229. Enforce, urge, 615. compel, 744. require, 924. Enforcement, 744. Enfranchise, 748. Enfranchised, 748. Engage, induce, 615. the attention, 457. in a pursuit, 622. fight, 722. promise, 768. contract, 769 undertake, 676. Engagement, business, 625. contest, 720. promise, 768 Engagement, duty, 926. Engaging, pleasing, 829. amiable, 897. Engender, 161. Engine, 633. Engineering, 632. Engird, 227. Engorge, 296. Engraft, 43. Engrave, mark, 550. on the memory, 505. Engraver, 559. Engraving, 558. Engross, possess, 777. write, 590. the thoughts, 451. the attention, 457. Engulf, destroy, 162. plunge, 310. swallow up, 296. Enhance, increase, 35. improve, 658. Enharmonic, 413. Enigma, secret, 533. question, 461. Enigmatic, concealed, 528. obscure, 519. uncertain, 475. Enjoin, command, 741. induce, 615. advise, 695. enact, 963. Enjoy, physically, 377. morally, 827. possess, 777. Enjoyment, physical, 377. moral, 827. Enkindle, 615. Enlarge, increase, 35. swell, 194. liberate, 750. in writing, 573. Enlarged, 194. Enlargement, swell, 194. liberation, 750. Enlighten, 420, 537. Enlightened, 498. Enlightenment, 490. Enlist, commission, 755. engage, 615. Enliven, amuse, 840. cheer, 836. delight, 829. Enlivened, 827. Enmity, hate, 88: discord, r 3. Ennoble, 873. Enormity, crime, 947. size, 31, 192. Enormous, in degree, 31. in size, 192. Enough, much, 31. sufficient, 639. satiety, 869. Enrage, incense, 900. provoke, 830. Enrapture, excite, 824. beatify, 829. love, 897. Enraptured, 827. Enravish, beatify, 829. Enravishment, 824. Enrich, 803. Enrobe, 225. Enroll, commission, 755. record, 551. Enrolment, list, 86. record, 551. Ensconce, safety, 664. conceal, 528. Enshrine, memory, 505, 873. sanctify, 987. Enshrined, 873. Enshrinement, 873. Ensiform, 253. Ensign, standard, 550. officer, 726. master, 745. Enslave, 749. Enslavement, 749. Ensue, follow, 63. happen, 151. Ensure, 474. Entablature, 210. Entail, 153. Entangle, derange, 61. entwine, 219. disorder, 59. embroil, 713. perplex, 588. deceive, 545. Entanglement, disorder, 59. maze, 704. Enter, go in, 294. note, 551. accounts, 811. Enter in, converge, 291. Enter upon, 66. Enterprise, pursuit, 622. attempt, 676 Enterprising, active, 682. courageous 861. Entertain, amuse, 840. support, 707. sociality, 892. an idea, 451, 484. Entertainment, repast, 298. amusement, 840. sociality, 892. Enthrall, 749, 751 Enthralled, 749. Enthrone, 873. Enthusiasm, feeling, 821. love, 897. hope, 850, 858. Enthusiast, 515, 604, 989. Enthusiastic, 515, 821, 822, 825. Entice, 615. Enticing, 829. Entire, whole, 50. complete, 52. Entirely, 31. Entitle, name, 564. give a right, 924. Entity, 1. Entomb, inter, 229, 363. imprison, 751. Entombment, burial, 229. Entrails, 221. Entrammel, 751. Entrance, beginning, 66. rejoice, 836. ingress, 294. to enrapture, 824, 829. to conjure, 992. Entrap, deceive, 545. insnare, 665. Entreat, 765. Entreaty, 765. Entrench, 664. Entry, ingress, 294. beginning, 66 record, 551. evidence, 467 Entwine, join, 43. intersect, 219. convolve, 248. : Enumerate, 85. ! Enumeration, 85. 322 INDEX. Enunciate, publish, 531. inform, 527. voice, 580. Enunciation, 5.2< Envelope, covering, 223. enclosure, 232. Envenom, poison, 649. deprave, 659. exasperute, 835. Envious, 921. Environ, 227. Environs, 197. Envoy, 534. Envy, 921. Enwrap, 225. Eolian harp, 417. Epaulet, badge, 550. decoration, 877. ornament, 847. Ephemeral, transient. 111. changeable, 149. Epberneris, calendar, 114. record, 551. Epic, 597. Epicene, exceptional, 83. Epicure, sensual, 954. glutton, 957. fastidious, 868. Epicurean, 954. Epicurism, 868. Epicycle, 247. Epicycloid, 247. Epidemic, disease, 655. Epigram, 842. Epigrammatist, 844. Epilepsy, 315. Epilogue, 65. Episcopacy, 995. Episcopal, 995. Episodic, style, 573. Epistle, 592. Epistles, 985. Epitaph, 363. Epithet, 564. Epitome, compendium, 596. short, 201. miniature, 193. Epoch, time, 113. period, 114. Epode, 597. Equable, 922. Equal, even, 27. equitable, 922. Equality, 27. Equalize, 27. Equalized, 27. Equanimity, 826. Equate, 27. Equated, 27. Equatorial, 68. Equerry, 746. Equestrian, 268. Equidistant, 68. Equilibration, 27 Equilibrium, 27. Equip, dress, 225. prepare, 673. Equipage, vehicle, 272. instrument, 633. materials, 635. fashion, 852. Equipment, preparation, 673. instrument, 633. Equipoise, 27. Equiponderant, 27. Equiponderous, 27. Equitable, just, 922. rational, 480. fair, 939. due, 924. Equitation, 266. Equity, justice, 922. law, 963. honor, 939. Equivalence, 27. Equivalent, 13, 27, 30, 516. Equivocal, dubious, 475. double meaning,520. impure, 961. Equivocate, pervert, 477. prevaricate, 520. Equivocation, 477 Equivoque, 961. Era, 105. Eradicate, 162. Eradication, 162. Erase, efface, 162, 449,552. Erasure, 552. Ere, 116. Erect, raise, 307. build, 161. rerticle, 212. Erection, house, 187, 212. Erectness, 212. Erelong, 132. E rewhile, 122, 116 Ergo, 476. Ermine, ornament, 847. badge of authority 747. Erode, destroy, 162. Erosion, 162. Erotic, amorous, 897 Erotic, impure, 961. Err, in opinion, 495. morally, 945. Errand, commission, 755. business, 625. message, 532. Erratic, capricious, 608. wandering, 264. deviating, 279. changeable, 149. Erratum, error, 495. misprint, 555. Erring, 945. Erroneous, 495. Error, false opinion, 495. failure, 732. vice, 945. guilt, 947. Erst, 122. Erubescent, 434. Eructate, 297. Erudite, 490. Erudition, 490. Eruption, egress, 295. violence, 173. Escalade, mounting, 305. Escape, flight, 671. omit, 135. liberate, 750. evade, 927. forget, 506. Escarpment, 217. Eschew, avoid, 623. dislike, 867. Escort, to accompany, 88. safeguard, 664. keeper, 753. Esculent, 298. Escutcheon, 550. Esoteric, private, 79. concealed, 528. Especial, 79. Especially, 33. Espial, 441. Espionage, 461. Esplanade, flat, 213. plain, 344. Espousal, 903. Espouse, 903. Esprit, shrewdness, 498 Espy, 441. Esquire, 875,877. Essay, try, 463. endeavor, 675 dissertation,59 3,595. Essayist, 590. Essence, nature, 5. odor, 098. pith, t!42. Essential, great., 31. natural, 5, 630. Essentiality, 630. Essentialness, 5. Establish, fie, 184. demonstrate, 478. create, 161. substantiate, 494 settle, 150. Established, received, 82. settled, 150. stated, 138. Establishment, fixture, 142. location, 184. Estate, condition, 7. property, 780. Esteem, judge, 480. believe, 484. approve, 931. Estimable, 648. Estimate, measure, 466. judge, 480. Estimation, opinion, 484. good, 648. judgment, 480. approbation, 331 time, 114 Estrade, 213. Estrange, alienate, 889. hate, 898. seclude, 893. Estranged, 893. Estrangement, hate, 898. seclusion, 893. alienation, 889 Estuary, 343. Et CEetera, 37. Etch, 558. Etching, 558. Eternal, 112. Eternity, 112. Eternize, 112. Ether, vapor, 334. levity, 320. Ethereal, light, 320. vaporous, 334. Ethical, 926. Ethics, 922, 926. Ethiopic, 431. Ethnic, 984. Ethnography, 372. Ethnology, 372. INDEX. 323 Etiology, knowledge, 490. causes, 155. Etiquette, fashion, 852. custom, 613. ceremony, 882. Etymology, 562. Etymon, origin, 153. verbal, 562. Eucharist, 998. Eulogist, 935. Eulogize, 931. Eulogy, 931. Euphemism, 5S4. Euphonic, musical, 413. style, 578. Euphony, 413,580. Evacuate, emit, 297. excrete, 299. Evacuation, emission, 297. excretion, 299. Evade, avoid, 623. escape, 671. sophistry, 477. exempt, 927. Evanescence, 449. Evanescent, transient, 111. minute, 32, 193. disappearing, 449. Evangelical, 983. Evangelist, 985. Evaporable, 334. Evaporate, 336. Evaporation, 336. Evasion, escape, 671. sophistry, 477. falsehood, 544. avoidance, 623. untruth, 546. exemption, 927. Evasive, avoiding, 623. failing, 773. sophistical, 477. Eve, 126. Even, equal, 27. yea, 33. level, 213. smooth, 255. straight, 246. although, 179, 469. Even so, 488. Evenness, equality, 27. smoothness, 255. Evenlianded, equitable, 922. honorable, 939. Evening, 126. Event, 151. Eventful, stirring, 151. remarkable, 642. Eventide, 126. Eventual, 121. Eventuality, 1 Eventuate, $ Ever, always, 112. seldom, 137. Ever-changing, 149. Ever-enduring, 112. Evergreen, 110, 112. Everlasting, 112, 982. Everlastingness, 112. Evermore, 112. Ever-recurring, 104. Eversion, 140, 218. Evert, 140. Every, 78. Every day, 82, 112. Every where, 180, 186. Evict, 776. Eviction, 776. Evidence, 467. Evident, visible, 446. demonstrable, 478. clear, 525. Evil, harm, 619. bad, 735. producing evil, 649. Evil doer, maleficent, 913. culprit, 94tf. Evil eye, 907. Evil genius, 735,913, 980. Evil-minded, malevolent, 907. vicious, 945. Evil speaking, 934. Evil star, 735. Evil worker, 913. Evince, show, 467. prove, 478. Evoke, 824. Evolution, numerical, 85. turning out, 313. circuition, 311. Evolve, 313. Evulsion, 301. Ewer, 191. Exacerbate, increase, 35. aggravate, 835. exasperate, 173. Exacerbation, aggravation, 835. fury, 173. Exact, true, 494. Exact, simile*, 17. require_ 741. correct, 505. claim, 924. tax, 812. Exacting, 832. Exaction, 741. Exactitude, 494. Exactly, just so, 488. Exactment, 812. Exaggerate, increase, 35. over-estimate, 482. misrepresent, 549. Exaggerated, 194. Exaggeration, 482. Exalt, increase, 35. elevate, 307, 873. extol, 931. boast, 884. Exaltation, 873, 942 Exalted, heroic, 942. high, 206. famous, 873. Examination, study, 451. search, 461. Examine, 457, 461. Example, instance, 82. pattern, 22. model, 948. Exanimate, idle, 683. lifeless, 360. Exasperate, increase, 35. exacerbate, 173. aggravate, 835. inflame, 900. Exasperated, 173. Exasperation, wrath, 173. aggravation, 835. Excavate, 252. Exceed, surpass, 33. remain, 49. expand, 194. transgress, 303. Exceeding, remaining, 40. superior, 33. Exceedingly, 31. Excel, 33, 618, 650. Excellency, skill, 698. title, 877. goodness, 648. virtue, 944. Excellent, good, 648. virtuous, 944. Excelling, 33. Except, subduct, 38. Except, rule, 93. Exception, to a rule, 83. qualification, 469. exclusion, 55. censure, 932. Exceptionable, vicious, 944. reproachful, 932. Exceptional, special, 79. irregular, 83. Excern, 299. Excess, remainder, 40 redundance, 641 intemperance, 954. superiority, 33. Excessive, 31, 641. Exchange, mutual change, 12, 148. transfer, 783, barter, 794. mart, 799. Exchequer, 802. Excise, 812. Excision, 38. Excitability, excitement, 822, 825. irascibility, 901. Excitable, sensitive, 822. irascible, 901. passionate. 825. Excitation, 824. Excite, violent, 172 morally, 824 anger, 900. Excited, violent, 173. passionate, 82. 826 Exciting, 824. Excitement, anger, 900. moral, 824. passion, 825. Exclaim, 580. Exclamation, 580. Exclude, leave-out, 55. prohibit, 761. Exclusion, omission, 55. privacy, 893 irregularity, 83. Exclusive, omitting, 55. special, 79. simple, 42. irregular, 8.X Excogitate, 451. Excogitation, imagination, 515 Excommunicate, exclude, 55, 893. 324 INDEX. Excommunicate, hate, 898. curse, 908. Excommunication, curse, 908. exile, 893. exclusion, 55. Excoriate, 226. Excoriation, 226. Excrement, 299, 653. Excremental, 653. Excrescence, projection, 250. blemish, 848. Excrete, 299. Excretion, 299. Excruciate, 378. Excruciating, 378, 830. Exculpate, forgive, 918. vindicate, 937. Exculpation, forgiveness, 918. vindication, 937. Exculpatory, 937. Excursion, tour, 266. circuit, 311. Excursive, style, 573. shifting, 264. Excusable, 937. Excuse, plea, 617. exempt, 927. forgive, 918. vindicate, 937. Execrable, bad, 649. offensive, 830. nauseous, 867. Execrate, 908. Execration, 908. Execute, conduct, 692. perform, 729. in law, 771. music, 415. Execution, death, 361. performance, 729. conduct, 692. music, 415. law, 771. Executioner, 165, 361, 975. Executive, 737, 965. Executor, 690. Exegesis, 522. Exegetical, 522. Exemplar, 22. Exemplary, 82, 944. Exemplification, quotation, 82. illustration, 522. Exemplify, quote, 82. illustrate, 522. Exempt, absolve, 927. free, 748. permit, 760. Exemption, exception, 83. freedom, 748. permission, 760. Exequies, 363. Exercise, employ, 677. act, 680. exert, 686. teach, 537. train, 673. task, 625. Exercitation, training, 673. teaching, 537. Exert, 686. Exertion, physical, 171. Exfoliate, 226. Exfoliation, 226. Exhalation, vapor, 336. odor, 398. excretion, 299 Exhale, odor, 398. vapor, 336. excretion, 299. Exhaust, . drain, 638. fatigue, 688. subtract, 789. weaken, 160. misemploy, 679. squander, 818. Exhausted, gone, 2. Exhaustion, weakness, 160. drainage, 638. fatigue, 688. misemployment, 679. Exhaustive, 479. Exhaustless, infinite, 105. plentiful, 639. Exhibit, show, 525. display, 882. Exhilarate, 836. Exhilaration, 836. Exhort, advise, 695. induce, 615. Exhumation, 363. Exhume, 363. Exigency, crisis, 8. difficulty, 704. requirement, 630. need, 865. dearth, 640. Exigent, repining, 832. requisite, 630. Exile, displace, 185. send out, 297. seclude, 893. Exility, 203. Exist, time, 118. space, 186. being, 1. Existence, being, 1. thing, 3. in time, 118. in space, 186. Existing, being, 1. time, 118. space, 186. Exit, departure, 293. egress, 295. Exodus, 293. Exonerate, exempt, 927. vindicate, 937. forgive, 918. disburden, 705. release, 756. Exonerated, 705. Exoneration, exemption, 927. vindication, 937. forgiveness, 918. Exorable, 914. Exorbitance, dearness, 814. redundance, 641. Exorbitant, enormous, 31. dear, 814. Exorcise 992. Exorcism, 993. Exorcist, 994. Exoteric, public, 529. Exotic, alien, 10. vegetable, 367. exceptional, 83. Expand, swell, 194. increase, 35. in breadth, 202. rarefy, 322. in writing, 573. Expanded, 194. Expanse, space, 180, 202. size, 192. Expansion, size, 192. breadth, 202. swelling, 194. Expansive, spacious, 180. Ex parte, 467. Expatiate, in writing, 57' in discourse, 582, 584. Expatriate, deport, 295. exclude, 55. Expatriation, 295. Expect, look for, 507. not wonder, 871. wait for, 121. wonder, 870. hope, 858. Expectance, 871. Expectant, 509. Expectation, hope, 858. unamaiement, 871 Expected, unsurprised, 871. Expecting, 871. Expedience, utility, 646. Expedient, means, 632. useful, 646. plan, 626. Expedite, accelerate, 274. earliness, 132. aid, 707. Expedition, speed, 274. haste, 132. march, 266. Expeditious, 132. Expel, displace, 185. drive from, 297. push, 284. Expend, use, 677. pay, 809. Expended, 809. Expending, 809. Expenditure, 809. Expense, price, 812. waste, 638. Expenses, 809. Expensive, 814. Expensiveness, 814. Experience, knowledge, 490. undergo, 821. event, 151. Experienced, skilled, 698. Experiment, trial, 463. endeavor, 675 Experimental, tentative, 463, 676. Expert, 698. Expertness, 698. Expiate, 266, 952. Expiation, 952. Expiration, 360. Expire, 360. Expired, 122. Explain, expound, 522. inform, 527. INDEX. 825 Explain, answer, 462. Explain away, 523. Explanation, instruction, 537. exposition, 522. Expletive, 573, 641. Explication, 522. Explicit, 516, 518, 535. Explode, burst, 173. sound, 406. passim, 825. anger, 900. Exploit, 689. Exploration, 461. Explore, investigate, 461. experiment, 463. Explosion, (See Explode.) Exponent, index, 550. numerical, 84. Exponential, numerical, 81. indicative, 550. Export, 295. Expose, show, 525. interpret, 522. confute, 479. visible, 446. denude, 226. endanger, 665. Exposition, ansroer, 462. disclosure, 529. essay, 595. indication, 550. confutation, 479. interpretation, 522. exhibition, 525. Expositor, interpreter, 524. Expository, 522, 527, 595. Expostulate, deprecate, 766. reprehend, 932. dissuade, 616. advise, 695. Expostulation, advice, 695. dissuasion, 616. deprecation, 766. admonition, 932. Exposure, display, 448. disproof, 479. danger, 665. Exposure to, 177. Expound, interpret, 522. teach, 537. answer, 462. Express, voluntary, 600. intentional, 620. Express, declare, 525 assertion, 535. mean, 516. inform, 527. intelligible, 518. squeeze out, 301. phrase, 566. rapid, 274. Expression, aspect, 448. name, 564. phrase, 566. declaration, 525. music, 415. extraction, 301. Expressive, 527. Expressiveness, 518. Expulsion. (See Expel.) Expunge, efface, 552. destroy, 162. disappear, 449. Expurgation, 652. Exquisite, excellent, 648. pleasurable, 829. savory, 394. fop, 854. Exquisitely, 31. Exquisiteness, 648. Exsiccate, 340. Exsiccation, 340. Exsudation, 295. Exsuscitate, rouse, 615. Extant, 1. Extemporaneous, offhand, 612. instant, 111. Extempore, instantly, 113. early, 132. offhand, 612. unprepared, 674. Extend, prolong, 200. expand, 194. reach, 196. increase, 35. Extended, 202. Extendibility, 324. Extensibility, 324. Extensile, 324. Extension, space, 180. expansion, 194. length, 200. increase, 35. Extensive, 31. Extensively, 180. Extent, degree, 26. breadth, 202. space. 180. knowledge, 490. Extenuate, diminish, 192. excuse, 937. Extenuated, 193. Exten nation, decrease, 36. excuse, 937. Exterior, 220. Exteriority, 220. Exterminate, 162. Extermination, 162. Exterminator, 165. External, 220. Externally, 220. Extinct, inexistent, 2. Extinction, destruction, 162. inexistence, 2. of life, 360. of light, 421 Extinguish, destroy, 162. darken, 421. blow out, 385. Extinguisher, 165. Extirpate, 162. Extirpation, 162. Extol, praise, 931. over-estimate, 482. Extort, despoil, 789. compel, 744. Extortionate, severe, 749. imperious, 739. dear, 814. Extra, additional, 37. supernumerary, 641. Extract, take out, 301. quotation, 596. Extraction, 301. Extradition, deportation, 270. expulsion, 297. Extrajudicial, 964. Extramundane, 317. Extraneous, extrinsic, 6. not related, 10. foreign, 57. Extraneousness, foreign, 57. extrinsicality, 6. Extraordinary, 83. Extravagance, folly, 853. prodigality, 818. exaggeration, 549. redundance, 641. high price, 814. Extravagant, exaggerated, 549. unwarranted, 514. el'surd, 497. '■ rational, 477. idiculous, 853. redundant, 641. foolish, 499. Extravagar, , high-priced, 814. prodigal, 818. fanciful, 515. vulgar, 851. inordinate, 31. Extravagation, 303. Extravasate, 299. Extreme, 31. Extremity, end, 67. exterior, 220. Extricable, 672. Extricate, take out, 301. liberate, 750. deliver, 672. facilitate, 705. Extrication, liberation, 750. deliverance, 672. extraction, 301. Extrinsic, 6. Extrinsicality, 6. Extrinsically, 6. Extrude, 297. Extrusion, 297. Exuberance, redundance, 641 style, 573. Exuberant, redundant, 641 style, 573. Exudation, 2S5, 299. Exude, 295, S£S. Exult, crow, 836. rejoice, 838. honor, 873. boast, 884. Exultation, rejoicing, 838. success, 731. boasting, 884. crowing, 836. Exulting, 836. Eye, organ of sight, 441. opening, 260. circle, 247. Eyeglass, 445. Eyeless, 442. Eyelet, 260. Eyesight, 441. Eyesore, 846. Eye witness, 467. Eyry, 189. F. Fabian poncy, delay, 133. Fable, fiction, 546. error, 495. description, 594. Fabric, texture, 329. 326 INDEX. Fabric, house, 189 effect, 154. state, 7. m Fabricate, make, 161. invent, 515. forge, 544. falsify, 546. Fabrication, falsehood, 546. construction, 161. Fabulist, 590. Fabulous, 515. Face, exterior, 220. impudence, 885. front, 234. lining, 224. aspect, 448. Face about, 279. Face to face, 525. Facet, 220. Facetious, 842. Facetiousness, 842. Facile, irresolute, 605, 705. persuasive, 615. Facilitate, 705. Facility, 705, 707. Facing, 224. Facinorous, 945. Fac-simile, copy, 21. representation, 554. Fact, event, 151. certainty, 474. truth, 494. existence, 1, 2. Faction, party, 712, 713. Factious, 713. Factor, numerical, 84. director, 694. consignee, 758. merchant, 797. Factory, 691. Factotum, manager, 694. employee, 758. Faculty, power, 157. skill, 698. profession, 625. Faddle, 683. Fade, vanish, 2. disappear, 449. lose color, 429. spoil, 659. droop, 160. change, 149. become old, 124. insipid, 391. Faded, vanished, 2. Fudge, 23. Fading, 149. Faces, excretion, 299. foulness, 653. Fag, labor, 686. activity, 682. fatigue, 688. drudge, 690. Fag end, remainder, 40. end, 67. Fagot, bundle, 72. fuel, 388. Fail, incomplete, 53. exempt, 927. shortcoming, 304. non-obscrvance, 732. non-payment, 808. droop, 160. imperfect, 651 vice, 945. Failing, 945. Failure, drooping, 160. shortcoming, 304. exemption, 927. guilt, 947. vice, 945. non-observance, 732. neglect, 773. incompletion, 53. Fain, willing, 602. compulsive, 744. Faint, weak, 160. sound, 405. dim, 422. color, 429. small in degree, 32. swoon, 688. Fainthearted, 862. Faintheartedness, 862. Faintishness, 160. Faintness, weakness, 160. swooning, 688. Fair, in degree, 31. white, 430. reasonable, 476. just, 922. honorable, 939. trie 543. pleasing, 829. beautiful, 845. mart, 799. Fair (the), 374. Fairing, 784. Fairly, 31. Fairness, justice, 922. honor, 939. beauty, 815. Fair play, justice, 922. honor, 939. Fair sex, 374. Fairspoken, 933. Fairy, 979. Fairyland, 515. Faith, belief, 484. hope, 858. honor, 939. creed, S83. piety, 987. Faithful, likeness, 17. true, 494. pious, 987. observant, 772. orthodox, 983. Faithless, false, 544. dishonorable, 940. memory, 505. Falcated, curved, 245. sharp, 244. Falchion, 727. Falciform, 244, 245. Falconet, 727. Fall, descend, 306. destruction, 162. slope, 217. fail, 732. die, 360. adversity, 735. decline, 659. happen, 151. vice, 945. of water, 348. Fall away, decrease, 36. shrink, 195. Fall hack, recede, 283. relapse, 661. Fall down, 306. worship, 990. Fall in, marshal, 58, 60. happen, 151. Fall into, 144. Fall in with, find, 480. octree, 23. Fall off, 659. Fall out, happen, 151. quarrel, 713. emit, 297. drop, 296. Fall short, shortcoming, 304. nettled, 730. fail, 53. insufficiency, 640. Fall to, work, 686. devour, 296. fight, 722. Fall under. Fall upon, attack, 71 8. discover. 780. devise, 626. Fallibility, 475. Fallacy, error, 495. uncertainty, 475, sophistry, 477. Fallen awav, 193 Fallible, 475, 477. Falling, 162. Falling off, 36. 653, Falling out, 713. Fallow, yellow, 436. unready, 674. False, untrue, 544. error, 495. sophistry, 477. dishonorable, 940 Falsehearted, 940 Falsehood, lie, 546. False money, 800. Falseness, spuriousness, 925t Falsetto, 410, 413. Falsification, 523. Falsify, misinterpret, 523. accounts, 811. deceive, 495. lie, 544. Falter, stammer, 583. hesitate, 605. capsize, 732. demur, 603. slowness, 275. Faltering, stammering, 583. Fame, renown, 873. rumor, 531. news, 532. Famed, 873. Familiar, common, 82. known, 490. friendly, 888 affable, 894. Familiarity, known, 490. \ friendliness, $88. Family, class, 75. consanguinity, 11 Family connection, 11. Family likeness, I 17. , Family tie, 11. Famine, 640. Famish, 640. Famished, 640. Famishment, 956. Famous, 873. INDEX. 327 Famousness, 873. Fan, blow, 349. excite, 615. Fan-like, 202. Fan the dame, 384, 984, 989. Fanatic, 515. Fanatical, obstinate, 606. religious, 984. Fanaticism, folly, 499. obstinacy, 606. religious, 984. frenzy, 825. Fanciful, capricious, 608. imaginative, 515. mistaken, 495. witty, 842. sanguine, 858. Fancifulness, 853. Fancy, think, 451. believe, 484. wit, 842. idea, 453. ’ suppose, 514. love, 897. imagine, 515. caprice, 608. choice, 609. Fandango, 840. Fang, 737. Fantasia, madness, 503. error, 495. Fantastic, odd, 83. capricious, 608. ridiculous, 853. grotesque, 851. imaginary, 515. Fantasy, desire, 865. Faquier, 997. Far, 195. Farce, drama, 599. banter, 842. ridiculous, 856. Farcical, ridiculous, 856. witty, 842. dramatic, 599. trifling, 643. Fardel, 72. Fare, circumstance, 8. event, 151. to eat, 295. food, 298. price, 812. Farewell, 293. Farfetched, irrelevant, 24. irrational, 477. obscure, 519. Farinaceous, 330. Farm, house, 189. property, 780. to rent, 795. Farm house, 189. Farmer, 371. Farming 371. Fatness, 196. Farrago, mixture, 41. confusion, 59. Farseeing, 510. Farsighted, 510. Farther, 193. Farthing, coin, 800. worthless, 643. Farthingale, 225. Fascia, band, 205. circle, 247. Fascinate, please, 829. excite, 824, 825. astonish, 870. love, 897. conjure, 992. Fascinated, 827. Fascinating, pleasing, 829. lovely,'897. Fascination, spell, 993. excitement, 824, 825. astonishment, 870. conjuration, 992. Fashion, form, 144, 240. custom, 613. mode, 852. mould, 140. nobility, 875. Fashionable, noble, 875. modal, 852. customary, 613. Fashionably, 852. Fast, rapid, 274. steadfast, 150. stuck, 265. devoted, 888. joined, 43. religious, 990. not to eat, 956. Fast and loose, false, 544. Fast by, 197. Fasten, 43, 150, 214, 751. Fastening, 43, 45. Fastidious, 868. reproachful, 932. Fastidiousness, 868. Fasting, abstinence, 956. atonement, 952. Fastness, asylum, 666. defen :J, 717. Fat, oleaginous, 356. unctuous, 355. corpulent, 192. Fatal, lethal, 351. deadly, 657. pernicious, 649. Fatalism, 152. Fate, necessity, 601. doom, 360. chance, 152, 621. Fated, fixed, 601. Father, paternity, 130, 166. Fatherland, 189. Father upon, 155. Fathers, apostolic, 985. Fatherless, 160. Fathom, measure, 466. investigate, 461. Fathomless, 208. Fatigation, 688. Fatigue, lassitude, 688. weariness, 841. Fatigued, 688. Fatten on, 296. Fatty, 355. Fatuity, 452,499. Fatuous, 499. Fat-witted, 499. Fault, imperfection, 651 vice, 945. guilt, 947. error, 495. failure, 732. ignorance, 491. Faultiness, 651. Faultless, perfect, 650. innocent, 946. Faulty, 567. Fauna, 366. Favor, aid, 707. permit, 760. partiality, 923. gift, 784. Favorable, 648. opportune, 134. propitious, 648. amicable, 707. Favorably, 618. Favorer, 890. Favorite, pleasing, 829. beloved, 897, 899. Favoritism, 923. Fawn, color, 433. cringe, 888. flatter, 933. Fawning, cringing, 886. Fawning, flattering 933. Fay, 979. Fealty, duty, 926. respect, 928. obedience, 743. Fear, 880. Fearful, timid, 880. cowardly, 862. Fearfulness, 860, 862. Fearing, 860. Fearless, hopeful, 858. courageous, 86'.. Fearlessness, 861- Feasibility, easiness, 705. possibility, 470. Feasible, possible, 470. easy, 705. Feast, repast, 298. to devour, 296. revel, 840. enjoyment, 827. Feat, 680. Feather, tuft, 256. lightness, 320. trifle, 643. ornament, 847. decoration, 877. Feather bed,324 Feathery, 256. Featly, 682. Feature, characler, 5. form, 240. appearance, 448, lineament, 550. Feculence, 653. Feculent, 653. Fecund, 168. Fecundity, 168. Federation, 709, 712. Fee, 795, 809. Feeble, weak, 160. simple, 477. scanty, 32. writing, 475. Feeble-minded, foolish, 499. irresolute, 605. Feebleness, weakness, 160. style, 574. Feed, eat, 296. supply, 637 Feeder, 637. Feel, touch, 379. sensibility, 375. moral, 821. 328 INDEX. Feel for, isr/c, 461. Feeler, 463 , Feeling, sense, 375. touch, 379. moral, 821. Feet, 266. Feign, 544. Feint, 545. Field marshal, 7-± Felicitate, 896. Felicitation, 896. Felicitous, expedient, 646. favorable, 648. skilful, 698. successful, 731. happy, 827. Felicity, happiness, 827. skill, 698. Fell, mountain, 206. to cut down, 308. dire, 162. wicked, 907. Fellow, similar, 17. equal, 27. companion, 88. swain, 373. dual, 89. Fellow-countryman, 890. Fellow-creature, 372. Fellow-feeling, 897, 90S, 914. Fellowship, sociality, 892. partnership, 712. friendship, 888. Felon, 949. Felonious, 945. Felony, 947. Felt, 219. Felucca, 273. Female, 374. Femiriality, feebleness, 160. womanhood, 374. Feminine, 160, 374. Fen, 345. Fence, circumscribe, 229. enclose, 232. defence, 717. fight, 722. safe y, 664. refuge, 666 prison, 752. to evade, 544. Fund, 717. Ferment, disorder, 59. energy, 171. violence, 173. agitation, 315 effervesce, 353 Fermentation, disorder, 59. effervescence, 353. agitation, 315. Ferocious, brutal, 907. fierce, 173. Ferocity, brutality, 907. violence, 173. Ferret out, 480. Ferry, transferrence, 270. way, 627. Ferryman, 269. Fertile, productive, 168. abundant, 639. imaginative, 515. Fertility, productiveness, 168. abundance, 639. imagination, 515. Ferule, 975. Fervency, 821. Fervent, heated, 382. animated, 821. Fervid, animated, 821, 824. devout, 990. Fervor, heat, 382. animation, 821. Fester, disease, 655. corruption, 653. Festival, 840. Festive, 840, 892. Festivity, 840, 892. Festoon, 847. Fetch, bring, 270. arrive, 292. stratagem, 626. price, 812. Fetichism, 991, 992. Fetid, 401. Fetlock, chain, 45. shackle, 752. Fetor, 401. Fetter, hinder, 706. restrain, 751 shackle, 752. Feud, 713. Feudal, 749. Feudatory, 749 Fever, heat, 382. excitement, 825. Feverish, 824,825. Few, 103. Fewness, 103. Fib, falsehood, "44, 546. thump, 97£ Fibre, ;»/£, 45. Fibre, filament, 205. Fibrile, 205. Fibrous, 203. Fickle, changeable, 149. irresolute, 605. Fickleness, 605. Fictile, 240. Fiction, untruth, 546. fancy, 515. Fictitious, 515, 544. Fiddle, to play, 415. violin, 417. Fiddler, 416. Fidelity, honor, 939. observance, 772. Fidget, excitability, 825. irascibility, 901. activity, 682. Fidgets, 149. Fidgety, excitable, 825. irascible, 901. Fiducial, 484. Fiduciary, 484. Field, plain, 344. arena, 728. scope, 180. property, 780. Field martial, 745. Field of battle, 728. Field of view, vista, 441. idea, 453. Fieldpiece, 727. Fiend, demon, 980. ruffian, 913. Fiendish, malevolent, 907. wicked, 945. Fiendlike, 907, 945. Fierce, violent, 173. passion, 825. daring, 881. angry, 900. Fierceness, passion, 825. violence, 173 Fiery, violent, 173. excitable, 825 hot, 382. fervent, 821. passionate, 90 ardent, 516 Fife, 417. Fifer, 416. Fig, 643. Fight, 222, 720 Fighter, 726. Fighting, 722. Figment, 515. rate, number, 84. Figuration, 249. Figurative, metaphorical, 521. style, 577. comparison, 464. Figurativeness, 521. Figure, state, 7. parade, 882. number, 81. form, 240. metaphor, 521, 566. imagine, 515. represent, 550, 554 reputation, 873. accounts, 811. Filament, slender, 205. ligature, 45. Filamentous, 203. Filch, 791. File, to smooth, 255. to pulverize, 330. to string together, 60. row, 69. list, 83. register, 551. File off, march, 266. diverge, 291. Filiation, consanguinity, 1L posterity, 167. derivation, 155. Filiform, 203. Filigree, 219. Filings, 330. Fill, 186. Fill out, 194. Fill ujt, complete, 52. satisfy, 639. close, 261. compensate, 30. Fillet, band, 45. fibre, 205. circle, 247 Film, layer, 204. opaque, 426 dimness, 421 Filmy, 204. Filter, clean, 652. percolate, 295 amend, 658. Filtering, 295 Filth, 653. Filthiness, Filthy, 653. Filtrate, cleanse, C52. percolate, 295. Fin, 633. Final, 67,729 INDEX. 329 Finance, 800. Financial, 800. Financier, 801. Find, discover, 480. supply, 637. Finding, sentence, 969. Fine, rare, 322. textural, 329. good, 648. beautiful, 845. thin, 203. mulct, 974. Fine arts, 554. Fine spun, 203. Finery, 847, 851. Finespun, 203. Finesse, manoeuvre, 545. tact, 698. taste, 850. Finger, touch, 379. instrument, 633. Finger post, 550. Finical, 643. Finish, complete, 52. achieve, 729. end, 67. symmetry, 242. finished, perfect, 31, 650. accomplished, 242. 698. jiniteness, 32. i'ire, heat, 382, 384. to excite, 825. to urge, 615. to attack, 716. Firearms, 727. Fire off, 284. Fireproof, 666. Fire up, 900. Firewood, 388. Firebrand, brand, 388. incendiary, 913. instigator, 615. Fire cross, 722. Fired, excited, 824. Firefly, 423. Firelock, 727. Fireplace, 386. Fireship, 273. Fireside, 189. Firework, fire, 382, 840. light, 420. Filing, fuel, 388. eiplcesion, 406 Firkin, 191 Firm, hard, 393 faithful 484. Firm, junction, 43. resolute, 604. stable, 150. brave, 861. party, 712. partnership, 797. friendship, 888. Firmament, 318. Firmness braveri, 561. constancy, 150. junction, 43. hardness, 323. resolution, 604. First, 66. First blush, 448, 516. First born, 124, 128. First rate, ship, 273. excellent, 648. Firstlings, 128, 154. Fiscal, 800. Fish, 366. Fishing boat, 273. Fish out, 480. Fish pond, 343. Fish up, 307. Fishy, 366. Fissile, 328. Fissure, chink, 198. disjunction, 44. Fist, 633. Fisticuffs, 720. Fistulous, 260. Fit, state, 7. paroxysm, 173. caprice, 608. to prepare, 673. excitement, 825. anger, 900. duty, 926. expedient, 646. right, 922. Fit out, 673. Fit up, 673. Fitful, capricious, 608. irresolute, 605. irregular, 139. Fitness, duty, 926. expediency, 646. right, 922. nature, 5. accord, 23. Fitting, expedient, 646. right, 922, 926. Five, 98. Fix, place, 150, 184. solidify, 321. Fix in mind, 505. Fix together, 43. Fix upon, choose 609. Fixed, determined, 604. permanent, 149, 150. quiescent, 265. trust, 484. habitual, 613. Fixedness, stability, 150. determination, 604. rest, 265. Fixture, 142, 780. Flabby, 324. Flaccid, shrivelled, 193. Flaccidness, 640. Flag, streamer, 550. fiat stone, 204. •weakness, 160. floor, 211. droop, 688. infirm, 655. slowness, 275. Flag of truce, 723. Flagellation, flogging, 972. asceticism, 955. rite, 998. Flageolet, 417. Flagging, infirm, 655. fatigued, 841. Flagitious, 945. Flagon, 191. Flagrancy, atrocity, 941. publicity, 531. Flagrant, notorious, 531. atrocious, 945. Flagration, 382. Flagship, 273. Flagstaff, sign, 550. high, 206. Flail, 276. Flake, 204. Flaky, 204. Flambeau, 423. Flame, light, 420. fire, 382. luminary, 423. heat, 825. love, 897. favorite, 899. Flame color, 439. Flaming, feeling, 821. excited, 825. Flank, side, 236. safety, 664. Flannels, 225. Flap, hanging, 214. move about, 315. Flapping, loose, 47 Flare, glare, 420. violence, 173. Flare up, kindle, 825. anger, 900, 901, Flaring, color, 428. Flash, instant, 113. fire, 382. light, 420. thought, 451. sudden act, 612. violence, 173. Flashy, gaudy color, 428. ornamented, 847. Flask, 191. Flasket, 191. Flat, level, 251. horizontal, 213. novice, 701. low, 207. vapid, 391. inert, 172, 823. fool, 501. dull, 841, 843. dejected, 837. simple, 849. sound, 408. indifferent, 866. Flatly, positively, 535. Flatness, horizontal, 213. level, 251. inertness, 172. dulness, 843. Flats, 207. Flatten, 213, 251. Flatter, please, 829. encourage, 858. adulation, 933. expect, 507. Flattered, 827. Flatterer, 935. Flattering, 933. Flatulent, windy, 338. style, 573. Flaunt, display, 873, 882. gaudy, 428. ornament, 847. Flaunting, 882. Fleeced, 804. Flavor, taste, 390. Flaw, crack, 198. imperfection, 651. blemish, 848. fault, 947. Flay, 226. Fledged, 673. Flee, escape, 671. 330 INDEX. Flee, avoid, 623. Fleece, tegument, 223. to rob, 791. to strip, 789. impoverish, 804. Fleet, swift, 274. ships, 273. Fleeting, 111. Fleetness, 274. Flesh, mankind, 372. Flesh color, 434. Fleshy, corpulent, 192. Flexible, curve, 245. pliant, 324. plastic, 705. easy, 735. Flexibility, pliancy, 324, 705. curvature, 245. Flexile, 324. Flexion, bending, 245. fold, 258. Flexuous, 248. Flexure, bending, 245. fold, 258. Flicker, flutter, 315. waver, 149, 605. Flickering, wavering, 139,149, 605. Flight, departure, 287, 293. flock, 366. volitation, 267. swiftness, 274. shunning, 623. Flight of fancy, imagination, 515. idea, 453. Flighty, 503. Flimsy, texture, 329. irrational, 477. soft, 324. trifling, 643. Flinch, fear, 860, 862. avoid, 623. swerve, 607. Fling, propel, 284. censure, 932. attack, 716. jeer, 929. contempt, 930. Fling down, 208, Flint, 323. Flippancy, pertness, 805 fluency, 584. Flippa i t, pert, 885. fluent, 584. Flirt, coquette, 902. Flirtation, 902. Flit, move, 264, 266. time, 109. depart, 293. escape, 671. swift, 274. thought, 451. Flitter, scrap, 51. flicker, 149. flutter, 315. Flitting, evanescent, 111, 149. roving, 266. Float, navigate, 267. buoy up, 305. lightness, 320. sound, 405. Float boat, 273. Floating, light, 320. buoyed up, 305. Flocculence, 330. Flocculent, soft, 324. pulverulent, 330. Flock, herd, 366. assemblage, 72. multitude, 102. laity, 997. Flogging, 972. Flood, water, 348, 378. abundance, 639. success, 731. of light, 420. Floodmark, 466. Floodgate, 350. Floodtide, 35, 282. Floor, base, 211. level, 204. horizontal, 213. support, 215. to overthrow, 731. Flora, 367. Floriculture, 371. Florid, color, 428. red, 434. health, 654. style, 577. Floridness, 577 Florist, 371. Floss, 256. Flotilla, 273. Flounce, agitation, 315. trimming, 231. Flounder, toss, 315 waver, 149, 314. Flounder, mistake, 495. to blunder, 499, 732. struggle, 704. Floundering, 699. Flour, 330. Flourish, brandish, 314, 315. succeed, 731, 734. display, 873, 882. exaggerate, 549. boast, 884. if speech, 577, 582. Floury, 330. Flout, sneer, 929. Flow, stream, 347, 348. motion, 264. result from, 154. verbiage, 573. coarse, 109. issue, 295. faint sound, 405. thought, 451. swim, 705. Flow into, 294. Flow out, 295. Flow over, run over, 348. abound, 641. Flower, ornament, 845, 847. perfection, 650. prosper, 734. of life, 127. of speech, 577. honor, 873. Flowery, 577. Flowin g, style, 573. loose, 214. sound, 405. abundant, 639. Fluctuate, oscillate, 314. wavering, 605. Fluctuating, 149. Fluctuation, wavering, 149, 605. oscillation, 314. Flue, airpipe, 351. filth, 653. egress, 295. opening, 260. down, 320. Fluency, 584. Fluent, speech, 584. liquid, 333. flowing, 348. Fluid, 303. Fluke, 244. Flummery, vain, 643. flattery, 933. absurd, 497. Flunkey, lackey, 746. Flurry, hurry, C84. agitation, 821. 825. Flush, flat, 251. health, 654. heat, 382. rich, 803. light, 420. redness, 434. abundance, 039. feeling, 821, 824. passion, 825. Flushed, elated, 884. vain, 880. proud, 878. cheerful, 836. Fluster, excitement, 825. Flute, 259, 417. Fluted, 259. Flutist, 416. Flutter, move, 315. throb, 821. excitement, 824. fume, 825. Fluttering, 149. Fluvial, 348. Fluviatile, 348. Flux, flow, 109, 348. motion, 264. changes, 140, 144, 149. Fluxion, 85. Fly, depart, 293. take wing, 267. escape, 671. recede, 287. shun, 623. run away, 862. minute, 193. time, 109, 111. burst, 173, 328. Fly at, 716. Fly back, recoil, 277. elastic, 325. Flyblown, 653. Flyboat, 273. Flyleaf, 228. book, 593. Fly out, burst, 173. passion, 825. Fly-wheel, 633. Flying, swiftness, 274. valuation, 267. Foal, 129. Foam, spray, 173, 353 passion, 900. Foaming, 353. INDEX. 331 Fob, pocket, 191. evade, 773. Focus, reunion, 74 resort, 290 centre, 222. furnace, 386 Fodder, 635. Foe, antagonist, 710. enemy, 891. Fog, 353, 42i Foggy, obscure, 447. dim, 422, shaded, 426. Foible, 945. Foil, 731. Foiled, 732. Foist in, 228. Foist upon, 545. Fold, plait, 258. flock, 366. pen, 752. congregation, 997. bisect, 91. Foliaceous, 204. Foliage, 367. Foliated, 204. Folio, 591. Follicle, hollow, 252. opening, 260. cyst, 191. Follicular, 260. Follow, in order, 63. in time, 117. in motion, 281. to imitate, 19. conform, 82. pursue, 622. result from, 154. obey, 743. Follow up, 461. Follower, 281. partisan, 746, 897. Following, motion, 281. indicative, 467. Folly, irrationality, 499. nonsense, 497. misconduct, 699. building, 189. Foment, promote, 707. excite, 173. Fond, 897. Fondle, 932. Fondling, 899, 902. Fondness, love, 897. desire, 865. Font, types, 591. origin, 153. altar, 1000. Food, eatable, 298. materials, 635, 637. Food for worms, 362. Fool, 501. Foolery, 497. Foolhardiness, 863. Foolhardy, 863. Foolish, unwise, 499. trifling, 643. irrational, 477. absurd, 497. inapt, 699. Foot, stand, 211. metre, 597. Football, 749. Footfall, motion, 264. trace, 551. Footing, situation, 183. foundation, 211. place, 58. rank, 71. influence, 175. Footman, 746. Footmark, 551. Footpad, 792. Footpath, 627. Footprint, 551. Foot soldier, 726. Footstep, 551. Footstool, 215. Fop, 854. Foppery, 855. Foppish, 855. Foppishness, 855. For, reason, 476. tendency, 176. motive, 615. Forage, provision, 298, 637. materials, 635. Foraminous, 260. Foray, attack, 716. robbery, 791. havoc, 619. Forbear, spare, 678. leave off, 624. pity, 914. abstain, 953. sufferance, 826. Forbearance, pity, 914. 4 sparing, 678. avoidance, 623. abstinence, 953. sufferance, 826. Forbid, 761. Forbidding, repulsive, 846. Force, power, 157. reason, 476. strength, 159. Force, agency, 170. to compel, 744. to induce, 615. of style, 574. Forced, out of place, 24. Forceps, 633. Forcible, powerful, 157. compulsive, 744. style, 574. Forcibly, strongly, 159. compulsory, 744. necessarily, 601. Ford, G27. Fore, 234. Forearmed, 673. Forebode, 511. Forecast, foresee, 510. plan, 626. prepare, 673. Foreclose, 706. Foredoom, 601. Forefather, old, 130. ancestor, 166. Forefend, guard, 717. hinder, 706. Forego, relinquish, 782. renounce, 757. Foregoing, past, 122. preceding, 62. Foregone, 481. Foreground, 234. Forehead, 234. Foreign, alien, 10. purpose, 10. extraneous, 57. Forejudge, 481, 510. Foreknow, 510. Foreland, high, 206. projection, 250. Foreman, 694. Foremost, front, 234. beginning, 66. Forenoon, 125. Forensic, 965. Foreordain, 152, Fore rank, 231. Forerun, 116. Forerunner, in order, 64. in time, 116. omen, 512. Foresee, foreknow, 510. expect, 507. Foreseeing, 507. Foreshadow, 511. Foreshorten, 201 Foreshc**, 511. Foresight, 510. Forest, 367. Forestall, early, 132. engross, 777. expect, 507. Forestalling, 507. Foretaste, 510. Foretell, 511. Forethought, 459, 510. Foretoken, 511 Forewarn, warn, 668. adctse, 635. predict, 511. Forfeit, lose, 776. fail, 773. penalty, 974. Forfeited, 776. Forfeiture, loss, 776. failure, 773. Forfend, 664. Forge, produce, 161. workshop, 691. trump up, 544. Forged, 544. Forgery, 546. Forget, 506, 664. Forgetful, 506. Forgetfulness, 506. Forgive, 918. Forgiven, 918. Forgiveness, 918. Forgotten, unremembered, 50ti past, 122. ingratitude, 917. Fork, 91, 244. Forlorn, abandoned, 893. dejected, 8 i7. hopeless, 859. wobegone, 828. Forlorn hope, hopeless, 859. danger, 665. Forlornness, 859 Form, shape, 240. convert, 144. state, 7. arrange, 60. •~ule, 80. to make up, 54 produce, 161 educate, 537. change, 140. habituate, 6131, bench, 215. fashion, 852. etiquette, 882. law, 963. manner, 627. beauty, 845. likeness, 21. pupils, 541. 332 INDEX Formal, regular, 82. showy, 882. affected, 855. positive, 516, 535. Formalism, 989. Formalist, 989. Formality, ceremony, 852. parade, 882. affectation, 855. law, 963. Formation, production, 161 shape, 240. Formed, 820. Formed of, 54. Former, in order, 62. in time, 122. Formerly, 122. Formication, 380. Formidable, 860. Formless, 241. Formula, rule, 80. precept, 697. code, 496. law, 953. Formulary, 697. Fornication, 961. Fornicator, 982. Forsake, 624. Forsaken, 898. Forsooth, 494. Forswear, renounce, 624. perjure, 544, 910. Fort, defence, 717. refuge, 666. excellence, 698. Forth, 282. Forthcoming,121,673. Forthwith, 111. Fortification, defence, 717. refuge, 666. Fortify, 159. Fortitude, courage, 801. endurance, 826. Fortress, defence, 716. prison, 752. Fortuitous, 156, 621. Fortunate, 134, 734* Fortune, chance, 156. accident, 621. wealth, 803. Fortune hunter, 942. Fortune teller, 513. Fortune telling, 511. Forum, school, 542. Forward, early, 132. to advance, 282 to help, 707. Forward, active, 682. willing, 602. vain, 880. impertinent, 885. Forwardness, 885. Foss, 198, 259. Fosse, 232. Fossil, 358. Foster, 707. Foul, corrupt, 653. odor, 401. ugly, 846. vicious, 945. Foul-mouthed, 907. Foulness, badness, 649. corruptness, 653. Foul play, 923, 948. Foul-tongued, 932. Found, cause, 153. support, 215. prepare, 673. Foundation, base, 211. preparation, 673. support, 215. Founded, 732. Founder, originator, 164. sink, 732. Fountain, cause, 153. river, 348. store, 636. Four, 95. Fourfold, 96. Fourscore, 98. Fourth, 97. Foul, 366. Fowling piece, 727. Fox, 702. Fraction, part, 51. numerical, 84. Fractional, 51. Fractious, 901. Fracture, 44,198,327. Fragile, 149, 328. Fragility, mutability, 149. brittleness, 328. Fragment, 51. Fragmentary, 51. Fragrance, 400. Fragrant, 400. Frail, brittle, 328. irresolute, 605. imperfect. 651. changeable, 149. failing, 945. Frame, condition, 7. support. 215. texture, 329. plan, 626. form, 240. Frame, substance, 316. to construct, 161. border, 231. Framework, 215,329. Framed, 820. Franchise, right, 924. freedom, 748. exemption, 927. Franciscan, 996. Frangibility, 328. Frangible, 328. France, artless, 703. open, 525. sincere, 543. honorable, 939. Frankincense, 400. Frankness, artlessness, 703. sincerity, 543. Frantic, delirious, 503. violent, 173. excited, 825. Fraternal, brotherly, 11. friendly, 888. kindly, 906. Fraternity, brotherhood, 11, 72. company, 712. friendship, 888. sociality, 892. Fraternization, 888. Fraternize, cooperate, 709. harmonize, 714. sympathize, 888. associate, 892. Fraud, deception, 545. dishonor, 940. Fraudulence, 545. Fraudulent, 940. Fraught, having, 777. full of, 639. Fray, 331, 720. Freak, 608. Freakish, 605. Freckle, 848. Freckled, 440. Free, detached, 44. at liberty, 748. spontaneous, 600, 603. exempt, 927. acquit, 750. unobstructed, 705. liberal, 816. gratuitous, 815. Freebooter, 792. Freeborn, 748. Freedman, 748. Free gift, 784. Free hearted, 816. ; Freehold, 780. Free land, 748. Free liver, 954. Freeman, 748. Freemasonry, secrecy, 598. Free play, 748. Freespoken, 543. Freetiiinking, 988. Freewill, 600. Freed, 750. Freedom, liberty, 748. looseness, 47. full play, 705. exemption, 927. range, 748. space, 180. Freeze, 385. Freezing, 383. Freezing mixture,387. Freight, contents, 190. cargo, 798. lade, 184. transfer, 270. Frenzy, 503. Frequency, 136. Frequent, in time, 136. in number, 102. in space, 186. Fresco, painting, 556. Fresh, new, 123. cold, 383. unfurgotten, 505. color, 428. flood, 348. healthy, 654. good, 648. Fresh-water sailor, 674. Freshet, 348. Fieshness, newness, 123. coldness, 383. health, 654. Fret, suffer, 378. to gall, 830. sadness, 837. to irritate, 900. Fretful, 901. Fretful ness, 901. Fretwork, 219. Friability, brittleness, 328. sandiness, 330. Friable, 328, 330. Friar, 996. Fribble, daicdle, 683. Frication, 331. Friction, rubbing, 331. corrugation, 195 obstacle, 179. Friend, well wisher, 890 INDEX. 333 Friend, auxiliary, 711. Friendless, 833. Friendliness, 888. Friendly, amicable, 714, 888. helping, 707. Friendship, 888. Frieze, 210. Frigate, 273. Fright, 846. Frighten, 860. Frightened, 860. Frightful, hideous, 846. dreadful, 830. Frigid, cold, 383. callous, 823. reluctant, 603. Frigidity, coldness, 383. callousness, 823. Frigidness, 383. Frigorific, 385. Frill, border, 231. Fringe, lace, 256. ornament, 847. Fringed, 256. Frippery, dress. 225. tinsel, 851. trifle, 643. ornament, 847. ostentation, 882. ridiculous, 853. Frisk, brisk, 682. prance, 266. amuse, 840. Frisky, nimble, 274, 305. in spirits, 836. Frith, strait, 343. chasm, 198. Fritter, small part, 51. idle away, 683. waste, 638. misuse, 679. Frivolous, 643. Frizzle, 245, 258. Frock, 225. Frog, 847. Frolic, 810. Frolicsome, 836. Front, fore part, 234. beginning, 66. insolence, 885. exterior, 220. resistance, 719. Frontal, beginning, 63. eite.rior, 220. Frontier, limit, 233. Frontier, vicinity, 199. Fronting, 237. Frontispiece, prefix, 64. front, 234. Frost, 383. Frostbitten, 383. Frostbound, 383 Frostnipped, 383 Frosty, 383. Froth, bubole, 353. trifle, 643. style, 577. Frothing, 353. Frothy, bubbling, 353. verbose, 573. ornate, 577. Frown, disapprove, 932. c.nger, 900. scowl, 839, 895. Frowning, 837. Frowzy, 401. Fructify, 168, 734. Frugal, temperate, 953. economical, 817. Frugality, economy, 817. temperance, 953. Fruit, result, 154. acquisition, 775. Fruit tree, 367. Fruitful, 168. Fruitfulness, 168. Fruition, 827. Fruitless, useless, 645. abortive, 732. Fruitlessness, 645. Frustrate, defeat, 731. prevent, 706. Frustration, 732. Fry, child, 129. small, 193. crowd, 102. heat, 384. Frying, 384. Frying pan, 386. Fudge, nonsense, 497. trivial, 643. Fuel, combustible, 388. materials, 635. Fugacious, transitory, 111. Fugitive, escape, 287, 671. changeful, 607. transitory, 111. changeable, 149. evasive, 623. emigrant, 2cI8. Fugitive, runaway, 862. Fugitiveness, 149. Fugue, 415. Fulcrum, 215. Fulfil, observe, 772. duty, 926. complete, 729. Fulfilment, completion, 729. observance, 772. duty, 926. Fulgent, 420.- Figuration, 420. Fuliginous, black, 422, 431. opaque, 426. Full, much, 31. complete, 52. sound, 404. abundant, 639. Full blown, 194. Full grown, 192, 194. Full formed, 194. Full laden, 639. Full play, 748. Fully, 31. Fulminate, loud, 404. violent, 173. malediction, 908. threat, 909. Fulness, abundance, 639. size, 31. degree, 26. Fulsome, adulatory, 933. Fulvous, 436. Fumble, handle, 379. Fumbling, 699. Fume, exhalation, 334,336. odor, 398. violence, 173. excitement, 825. anger, 900. Fumigate, 652. Fumigation, 652. Fuming, angry, 900. violent, 173. excited, 825. Fun, 840, 842. Function, business, 625. office, 170. duty, 926. utility, 644. Functionary, 758. official, 625. Fund, capital, 800. store, 636. abundance, 639. Fundamental, basis, 211, 215. Fundamentally, 31. Funds, 800. Funeral, 363. Funeral pile, 363. Funereal, sepulchral, 363. lugubrious, 837. Fungiform, 219. Fungosity, 250. Fungus, 250. Funicular, 203 Funnel, 260. Funnel-shaped, 252 Funny, witty, 842. ridiculous, 853. Fur, hair, 256. Furbelow, 231. Furbish, improve, 658. prepare, 673. beautify, 845. ornament, 847. Furcated, 244. Furious, violent, 173. passion, 825. enraged, 900. Furiously, 31. Furl, 312. Furlough, 760. Furnace, 386. Furnish, provide, 637. prepare, 673. give, 215, 784. Furniture, materials, 635. goods, 780. Furrow, 198, 259. Further, 707. Furtherance, 707. Furthermore, 37. Furtive, clandestine, 528. false, 544. stealing, 791. Furuncle, 250. Fury, excitation, 825. anger, 900. demon, 980. bane, 663. Furze, 367. Fuse, melt, 335. heat, 382, 384 combine, 48. Fusiform, pointed, 253. angular, 244 Fusil, 727. Fusileer, 726. Fusion, heat, 335, 384. union, 48. Fuss, haste, 684. activity, 682. 334 INDEX. Fuss, hurry, 825. Fustian, nonsense, 497. ridiculous, 853 style, 577. Futile, useless, 645. Futility, 645. Future, 121. Futurity, 121. Futurition, 121. G. Gab, 582. Gabardine, 225. Gad about, 266. Gag, speechless, 581, 585. muzzle, 751. still, 403. Gain, acquisition, 775. advantage, 618. . to learn, 539. succeed, 731. Gain ground, 658, 731. Gain upon, approach, 286. become a habit, 613. Gainful, 644, 810. Gaining, 775. Gain less, 645. Gainsay, 536. Gairish, color, 428. light, 420. Gait, walk, 264. speed, 274. manner, 627. Gaiter, 225. Gala, festival, 840. display, 882. Galaxy, stars, 318. luminary, 423. glory, 873. Gale, 349. Galiot, 273. Gall, bitterness, 395. pain, 378. to pain, 830. malevolence, 907. anger, 900. Gall and wormwood, 663. Gallant, brave, 831. rake, 962. licentious, 961. Gallantry, bravery, 861 licentiousness 961. Galleon, 273. Gallery, room, 191. passage, 260. Galley, 273. Galleys, 972. Galligaskins, 225. Galliot, 273. Gallipot, 191. Galloon, 847. Gallop, ride, 266. scamper, 274. Galloway, 271. Gallows, 975. Gamhle, 156, 621. Gambling, 621. Gambol, 840. Game, chance, 156. pursuit, 622. plan, 626. intent, 620. Gamut, 413. Gang, party, 712. knot, 72. Gangrene, 655. Gangway, 627. Gantlet. (Sec Gauntlet.) Gaol. (See Jail.) Gap, discontinuity, 70. chasm, 4, 198. Gape, open, 10, 260. wonder, 870. curiosity, 455. Gaping, 198. Garb, 225. Garbage, 653. Garble, retrench, 38. exclude, 55. misinterpret, 523. falsify, 544. Garbled, incomplete, 53. Garbling, misinterpreting, 523. retrenching, 38. Garden, 371, 845. Gardener, 371. Gardening, 371. Garland, 847. Garment, 225. Garner, collect, 72. store, 636. Garnish, adorn, 845. ornament, 847. addition, 39. Garret, room, 191. high, 206. Garrison, 188 726. safe, 664. Garrulity, 584. Garter, 877. Gas, 322, 334. Gaslight, 423. Gascon, 884. Gasconade, 884. Gaseous, ) . Gaseous ness, i Gash, 198. Gasp, pant, 688. desire, 865. droop, 655. Gate, beginning, 66. way, 627. mouth, 260. barrier, 232. Gateway, 260. Gather, collect, 72, 789. acquire, 775. enlarge, 194. learn, 539. conclude, 480. fold, 258. unite in a focus, 74, 290. Gathering, collecting, 72. acquiring, 775. Gaud, 847. Gaudiness, 851. Gaudy, coloring, 428. ornamented, 847. flaunting, 882. tawdry, 851. Gauge, measure, 466. security, 771. Gauging, 466. Gaunt, bulky, 192. spare, 203. ugly, 846. Gauntlet, defiance, 715. punishment, 972. glove, 225. anger, 909. Gauze, 424. Gavot, 840. Gawky, awkward, 699, 853. Gay, cheerful, 836. color, 428, 558. Gayety, 830. Gaze, 441. Gazelle, 274. Gazette, publication, 531. record, 551. Gazetteer, 551. Gazing stock, 857, 872 Gear, clothes, 125. Gear, harness, 633. Gelatine, 352. Gelatinous, 352. Geld, 150. Gelding, 271. Gelid, 383. Gent, ornament, 847. jewel, 650. Geminate, 90. Gemination, 90. Gender, 75. Genealogy, 69, 155. General, generic, 78. officer, 745. Generalissimo, 745. Generality, 78. Generalization, 476. Generalize, 78. Generalship, 692. Generate, 161, 168. Generation, mankind, 11,372. production, 161. period, 108. Generator, 168. Generic, 78. Generosity, liberality, 816. nobleness, 942. Generous, liberal, 816. disinterested, 942. Genesis, 161. Genial, warm, 382. cordial, 602, 829. Geniculated, 244. Genius, talent, 498. intellect, 450. skill, 698. spirit, 979. proficient, 700. Genteel, 852, 875. Gentile, 984. Gentility, rank, 875. politeness, 852. Gentle, moderate, 174. meek, 286. lenient, 740. courteous, 894. sound, 405. Gentleman, person, 373. squire, 875. man of honor, 939. Gentlemanliness, courtesy, 894. Gentlemanly, polite, 852. noble, 875. courteous, 894. Gentleness, moderation, 174. leniency, 740. INDEX. 335 Gentleness, meekness, 826. courtesy, 894. Gently, slowly, 174, 275. Gentry, 875. Genuflexion, homage, 743. respect, 928. servility, 883. worship, 990. Genuine, true, 494. good, 048. Genuineness, 494. Genus, 75. Geodetics, 466. Geography, 183. Geology, 358. Geometry, 466. Germ, 153, 674. Germane, 9, 11, 23. Germinate, 194. Gestation, preparation, G73. Gesticulate, 550. Gesture, hint, 527. indication, 550. Get, 775. Get at, 489. Get away, 293. Get down, 309, 303. Get near, 286. Get off, 293. Get on, advance, 282. succeed, 731. improve, 638. Get out, 185, 301. Get the start, 62. Get to, 196, 292. Get up, rise, 305. prepare, 673. Gewgaw, trifle, 643. ornament, 847. tinsel, 851. Ghastly, hideous, 846. frightful, 860. Ghost, soul, 450. apparition, 980. shade, 362. Holy, 976. Ghost-like, 846. Ghostly, spiritual, 450. religious, 976. Giant, tall, 206. large, 192. Giant-like, 192. Gibber, 583. Gibberish, jargon, 519. nonsense, 517. absurdity, 497. Gibbet, gallows, 975. to execute, 972. Gibbosity, 250. Gibbous, globose, 249. convex, 250. Gibe, jeer, 856. taunt, 929. Giddiness, caprice, 608. inattention, 458. bungling, 699. Giddy, careless, 460. irresolute, 605. bungling, 699. lightheaded, 503. Giddy-brained, 460 Gift, given, 784. power, 157. talent, 698. Gig, 272. Gigantic, large, 192. strong, 159. tall, 206. Giggle, 838. Gild, adorn, 845. ornament, 847. coat, 223. Gilding, 223, 847. Gilt, 847. Gimcrack, valueless, 643. ornament, 847. whim, 865. Gimlet, 262. Gin, trap, 667. Gingerbread, ornament, 847 Gingerly, slowly, 275. Gipsy, 548, 844. Giraffe, 206. Girandole, 423. Gird, bind, 43. surround, 227. enclose, 231. strengthen, 159. Girder, bond, 45. beam, 215. Girdle, 247. Girl, young, 129. female, 374. Girlish, young, 129. female, 374. Girth, band, 45. outline, 230. Gist, tssence, 5. Gist, important, 642. meaning, 516. Give, 784. Give account, 594. Give back, 790. Give in, submit, 725. obey, 74 i. Give notice, inform, 527. warn, 668. Give out, emit, 297. bestow, 784. publish, 531. teach, 537. Give over, relinquish, 624. cease, 141. lose hope, 859. Give up, relinquish, 624. resign, 757. yield, 743. reject, 610. property, 782. Give way, yield, 725. obey, 743. despond, 837. Given to, 613. Giving, 784. Gizzard, 191. Glabrous, 255. Glacial, 383. Glaciate, 385. Glacier, 383. Glacis, 717. Glad, 827. Gladden, 829. Glade, opening, 260. hollow, 252. thicket, 367. Gladiator, 726. Gladiatorial, 713,722. Gladness, 827. Gladsome, 829. Glaring, 518. Glaringly, 31. Glance, look, 441. rapid motion, 274. attend to 457. hint, 527. Glare, light, 420. visible, 446. color, 428. obvious, 518, 525. Glass, vessel, 191. brittle, 328. spectacles, 445. Classiness, 255. Glassy, dim, 420, 422. transparent, 425 colorless, 429. Glf.ze, 255. Glazed, 255. Gleam, ray, 420. Gleaming, 420. Glean, chouse, 609. take, 789. acquire, 775. learn, 539. Gleaning, 609. Glebe, 342. Glee, satisfaction, 827 merriment, 836 musical, 415. Glen, 252. Glib, voluble, 584. facile, 705. Glide, move, 266. slide, 144. lapse, 109. slowly, 275. Glimmer, light, 420. dimness, 422. Glimmering, slio-ht knowledcrt 490, 491. light, 420. dimness, 422. Glimpse, sight, 441. knowledge, 490 Glisten, 420. Glitter, shine, 420. flourish, 873. display, 882. Glister, 420. Glittering, 882. Gloat, look, 441. revel, 827. Globated, 249. Globe, sphere, 249. world, 318. Globular, 249. Globule, spherule, 249. minute, 193. Gloom, darkness, 42] sadness, 837. Gloominess, 421 Gloomy, 837. Glorification, 873 Glorify, approve, 931. honor, 873. worship, 990. save, 976. Gloriousness, 873 Glory, honor, 873. light, 420. of Ood, 976. 336 INDEX. Glory, pride, 878. Gloss, light, 420. smoothness, 255. beauty, 845. plea, 617. interpretation, 522. Gloss over, neglect, 460. inattention, 458. sophistry, 477. vindication, 937. falsehood, 544. Glossary, 562. Glossy, 255, 420. Glove, cartel, 715. Glow, shine, 420. color, 428. warmth, 382. passion, 821. style, 574. Glowing, passion, 821. style, 574. heat, 382. Glowworm, 423. Glue, cement, 45. to cement, 46. Gluey, 46. Glut, redundance, 641. satiety, 869. Glutinous, 46, 352 Glutton, excess, 957. desire, 865. Gluttonness, 957. Gluttony, excess, 957. desire, 865. Gnash, malevolence, 907. anger, 900. Gnat, 193. Gnaw, eat, 296. corrode, 659. pain, 378. Go, move, 264. issue, 295. depart, 287, 293. Go about, 676. Go across, 302. Go ahead, advance, 282. improve, 658. Go beyond, 303. Go by, pass, 303. elapse, 122. evade, 623. Go down, sink, 306. decline, 659. Go forth, depart, 293. publish, 531. Go into, 294. Go near, 286. Go off, cease, 142. die, 360. Go on, 143. Go on board, 293. Go one’s way, 293. Go over, 607, 302. Go round, 311. Go the round, 531. Go through, pass, 302. complete, 729. endure, 821. Goto, direction, 278. remonstrance, 695. distance, 196. Go up, 305. Go with, assent, 488. Goad, 615. Goal, object, 620. reach, 292. Gobetween, agent, 758. Gobble, cry, 412. Goblet, 191. Goblin, ghost, 980. bugbear, 860. God, 976. Godhead, 976. Godlike, 944. Godliness, 987. Godly, 987. Godsend, luck, 621. advantage, 618. success, 731. Goer, horse, 271. Goggle, 445. Going, fidurity, 121. Going over, 607. Gold, 800. Gold-colored, 436. Golden age, 827. Golden mean, 738. Gondola, 273. Gone, non-extant, 2. dead, 360. absent, 187. Gone by, past, 122. Gonfalon, 550. Gong, 417. Good, advantage, 618. advantageous, 648. virtuous, 944. Good cheer, 298, 957. Good feeling, 906. Good fellowship, 892. Good fortune, 734. Good luck, 734. Goodly, large, 192. beautiful, 845. Good manners, 894* Good nature, 903. Good offices, 724. Good opinion, 931. Good turn, 617,908. Good will, 906. Good word, 931. Goodness, virtue, 944. advantage, 648. Goods, effects, 780. merchandise, 798. materials, 635. Gordian knot, problem, 461. difficulty, 704. Gore, blood, 361. stab, 260. Gorge, ravine, 198. narrowness, 203. to devour, 296. full, 641. gluttony, 957. satiety, 869. Gorgeous, color, 428. splendid, 845. ornamented, 847. Gorging, 296. Gormandize, 296, 957. Gorse, 367. Gospel, Scripture, 985. truth, 494. certainty, 474. Gossamer, texture, 329. slender, 205. light, 320. Gossamery, 329. Gossip, conversation, 588. news, 532. babbler, 584. Goth, 876. Gothic, 851. Gothicism, 851. Gourmand, 865, 957. Govern, direct, 693. authority, 737. Governess, 540. Government, authority, 737. direction, 693. Governor, director, 694. ruler, 745. Gown, 225. Grab, snatch, 789. Grace, elegance, 815. polish, 850. forgiveness, 918. title, 877. piety, 987. worship, 990. style, 578. Graceful, elegant, 845. style, 578. Graceless, ungraceful, 846. vicious, 945. impenitent, 951. Gracious, courteous, 894. good-natured, 906 Gradation, degree, 26. order, 58. arrangement, 60. continuity, 69. Grade, degree, 26. term, 71. Gradient, 217. Gradual, degree, 26. continuity, 69. Gradually, gently, 275. by degrees, 144. Graduate, to arrange, 60, 69 to adapt, 23. to measure, 466. scholar, 492. Graduation, measure, 466. Graft, insert, 300. locate, 184. teach, 537. Grafting, joining, 43. insertion, 184. Grain, essence, 5. minute, 32. particle, 193. texture, 329. soul, 820. Grammar, 567. Gramercy, 916. Granary, 636. Grand, important, 642. glorious, 873. Grandain, 130. Grandee, 875. Grandeur, 873. Grandiloquence, eloquence, 582. style, 577. Grandiose, style, 577. INDEX. 337 3randsire, old, 130. ancestor, 166 3range, 189. Granite, 323. Grant, give, 784. allow, 760. consent, 762. assent, 488, 529. Granting, 784. Granulate, 330. Granule, 193. Granulation, 330. Grape, 727 Grapediot 727 Graphic, painting, 556. description, 594 intelligible, 518. Grapple, 720. Grappling iron, fastening, 45. safety, 666. Grasp, seize, 789. retain, 781. comprehend, 518. power, 737. Grass, 367. Grass-green, 435. Grate, rub, 330. friction, 331. discord, 410, 414. furnace, 386. pain physical, 378. moral, 830. Grateful, thankful, 916. agreeable, 829. Gratefulness, 829. Grater, 330. Gratification, animal, 377. moral, 827. Gratified, 827. Gratify, 829. animal, 377. moral, 829. Grating, noise, 410. lattice, 219. Gratis, 815. Gratitude, 916. Gratuitous, spontaneous, 600. unwarranted, 514 payless. 815. Gratuity, 784, 815. Gratulation, 836. Grave, sad, 837. serious, 642. distressing, 830. heinous, 945. to engrave, 550, 559. impress, 505. tomb, 363. sound, 408. Graveclofhes, 363. Gravel, puzzle, 704. Graver, 559. Graveyard, 363. Gravitate, ) Gravitating, > 319. Gravitation,) Gravity, weight, 319. dulness, 843. seriousness, 837. importance, 642. composure, 826. Gray, color, 432 age, 128 Gray oeard. 130. Graze, browse, 296. touch, 199. Grease, 355, 356. Greasiness, ) ,,.r Greasy, j J0J‘ Great, much, 31 big, 192. important, 642. glorious, 873. magnanimous, 942. Greatcoat, 225. Greater, 36. Greatest, 33. Greatness, much, 31. nobleness, 942. fame, 873. bigness, 192. Greaves, 225. Greediness, voracity, 957. avarice, 819. desire, 865. Greedy, voracious, 957. desirous, 865. avaricious, 819. Green, color, 435. raw, 123. unskilled, 699. unprepared, 674. a novice, 491. fresh in mind, 505. Greeneyed, 920. Greenhorn, fool, 501. novice, 491. bungler, 701. Greenness, 123. Greenroom, 599. Greet, hail, 894. Greeting, 894. Grenade, 727. Grenadier, soldier, 726. tall, 206. Greyhound, swift, 274. Gridiron, 386. Grief, 828, 837. Grievance, injury, 619. pain, 830. Grieve, complain, 839. mourn, 828. afflict, 830. injure, 649. Grievous, injurious, 649. afflictive, 830. Grievously, 31. Griffin, 83. Grim, ugly, 846. frightful, 830. discourteous, 846. ferocious, 907. demure, 837. Grimace, 856. Grim faced, 846. Grim-visaged, 837, 8-16. Grin, laugh, 838. ridicule, 856. scorn, 929. Grind, pulverize, 330. oppress, 907. Grip, power, 737. Gripe, seize, 789. pain, 378. power, Til. Griping, avaricious, 378. Grisly, 846. Grist, provision, 637. materials, 635. Grit, 330. Grittiness, 323. Gritty, hard, 323. sandy, 330. Grizzled, 440. Grizzly, gray, 432. Groan, cry, 411. lament, 839. Groin, 244. Groom, 746. Groove, 259. Grope, experiment, 463. inquire, 461. try, 675. Gross, whole, 51. vulgar, 851. downright, 31. ugly, 846. vicious, 945. impure, 961. number, 98. Grossly, 31. Grossness, vulgarity, 851 vice, 945. impurity, 901. Grot. (See Grotto.) Grotesque, deformed, 846.' fantastic, 851. ridiculous, 853. outlandish, 83. Grotto, alcove, 189. hollow, 252. Ground, land, 342. support, 215. base, 211. region, 181. cause, 153. motive, 615. plea, 617. property, 780. teach, 537. Ground floor, 191. Grounded, knowing, 490. wrecked, 732. Groundless, erroneous, 495. sophistical, 477. Groundling, 876. Grounds, lees, 653. Groundswell, surge, 348. Groundwork, basis, 211. support, 215. cause, 153. precursor, 64. preparation, 673. Group, cluster, 72. arrange, 60. picture, 556. to marshal, 58. Grout, 45. Grove, wood, 367. house, 189. Grovel, move slowly, 2To be low, 207. cringe, 886. base, 940. Grovelling, baseness, 940. cringing, 886. lowness, 207. Grow, increase, 35. change, 144, arise, 154. mount, 206. expand, 194. Grow from, 154. Growl, cry, 412. complain, 839. 338 INDEX. Growl, anger, 900. Growth, in degree, 35, change, 144. in size, 194. generation, 161. Grub, 192, 193. Grub up, extract, 301. destroy, 162. discover, 480. Grudge, hate, 898. stint, 640. stingy, 819. Grudging, 819. Gruff, morose, 895. sound, 410. Gruffness, 410. Grumble, sound, 411. repine, 832. complain, 839. Grumbling, 832. Grumous, pulpy, 354. Grunt, cry, 412. Guano, 693. Guaranty, 771. Guard, defend, 717. sentry, 753. safety, 664 Guarded, circumspect, 459. conditional, 770. Guardian, 664, 717. Guardianship, 664. Guarding, 717. Guardless, 177. Guard room, 752. Guardsman, 726. Guess, 514. Guidance, teaching, 537. direction, 693. advice, 695. Guide, direct, 693. director, 694. advice, 695. teach, 537. teacher, 540. road book, 266 Guide book, 537 Guide post, indicator, 550. warnmg, 668. Guild, corporation, 712 partnership, 797. Guile, cunning, 702. deceit, 545. Guileless, artless, 703. sincere, 534. Guillotine, engine, 975. to decapitate, T12. Guilt, crime, 947. dereliction, 927. vice, 945. Guiltless, 946. Guiltlessness, 946. Guilty, 945. Guise, state, 7. appearance, 448. plea, 617. Guitar, 417. Gulf, 208, 343. Gull, dupe, 547. credulous, 486. Gullet, throat, 260. Gully, conduit 350. opening, 260. . hollow, 252. Gulp, believe, 484. Gum, 45, 46, 352. Gumminess, 46, 342. Gummy, 46, 352. Gun, 406, 727. Gunner, 726. Gunpowder, 727. Gunshot, 727. Gurge, eddy, 312. torrent, 348. Gurgle, sound, 405. bubble, 353. flow, 348. Gurgling, 348. Gush, flow, 295. flood, 348. Gust, wind, 349. passion, 825. physical taste, 390. enjoyment, 826. Gustable, 390. Gustation, 390. Gustatorv, 390. Gustful, 394. Gustless, 391. Gusty, 349. Gut, opening, 260. Gutter, conduit, 350. groove, 259. Guttural, 583. Guzzle, tipple, 959. Gymnasium, school, 542. training, 673. Gymnastic, 686 Gyrate, 312. Gyration, 132. Gyratory, 312. Gyve, chain, 45. shackle, 752. H. Habergeon, 717. Habiliment, 225. Habilitation, 698. Habit, custom, 613. coat, 225. Habitation, abode, 189. location, 184. Habitual, regular, 82, 613. Habituate, accustom, 613. train, 673. Habitude, state, 7. relation, 9. habit, 613. Hack, cut, 44. shorten, 201. horse, 271. Hackle, cut, 44. Hackneyed, regular, 82. habitual, 613. trite, 496. experienced, 698 Hades, 982. Haft, 633. Hag, ugly, 846. wretch, 913. Haggard, ugly, 846. wild, 824. insane, 503. intractable, 606. Haggle, cut, 44. Haggling, 769. Hail, call, 586. salute, 928. ice, 383. Hailstone, 383. Hair, thread, 45. filament, 205. roughness, 256. Hairbrained, wild, 499. obstinate, 606. rash, 863. careless, 460. Hairbreadth, 197,103 Hairiness, 256. Halberd, 727. Halberdier, 726. Halcyon, prosperous, 734. Halcyon. joyful, 827. palmy, 829. calm, 174. Hale, 654. Haleness, 654. Half, 91. Half blood, 83. Half learned, 491. Half moon, 245. Half way, 68. Half wit, 501. Half witted, 499. Hall, chamber, 189. receptacle, 191. Hallelujah, 990. Halloo, call, 586. wonder, 870. cry, 411. Hallow, 928. Hallowed, 928, 976 Hallucination, error, 495. delusion, 503. Halo, light, 420. glory, 873. Halt, stop, 265. flag, 655. rest, 687. limp, 275. Halter, rope, 45. punishment, 975. Halting, lame, 160. motion, 275. Halve, 91. Halving, 91. Hamlet, 189. Hammer, fo knock, 276. instrument, 633. auction, 796. Hammock, 215. Hamper, basket, 191. obstruct, 706. Hamstring, injure, 649. weaken, 160. incapacitate, 158. Hand, instrument, 633. indicator, 550. agent, 690. side, 236. agency, 170. Hand in hand, 88, Hand (in), possession, 777. business, 625. Handbarrow, 272. Handbook, 695. Handcuff, tie together, 43. manacle, 752. INDEX. Handful, 25. Handicraft, 680. Handicraftsman, 690 Handkerchief, 225. Handle, instrument, 633. plea, 617. feel (touch), 379. describe, 594. dissert, 595. Handmaid, 746. Handsome, beautiful, 845. disinterested, 942. Handsomeness, 845k Handspike, 633. Handwriting, omen, 512. signature, 550. autograph, 590. Handy, 197, 698. Hang, pendency, 214. kill, 361. execute, 972. Hang fire, reluctance, 603. vacillation, 605. refuse, 764. slowness, 275. Hang on, 88. Hang out, 550. Hang over, futurity, 121. destiny, 152. height, 206. Hanger on, servant, 746. accompany, 88. parasite, 886. flatterer, 935. Hanging, 214, 972. Hanging gardens, 206. Hangings, ornaments, 847. Hangman, rujjian, 913. executioner, 975. Hanker, 865. Hankering, 865. Hap, 621. Haphazard, 156, 62 Hapless, hopeless, 859. miserable, 828. Haply, 156. Happen, 151, 156. Happily, ) ™, Happiness, \ Happy, glad, 827. opportune, 34. expedient, 646. Harangue, 582. Harass, worry, 907. fatigue, 688. vex, 830. Harassing, 830 Harbinger, 64, 116, 512. Harbor, refuge, 666. cherish, 821. haven, 292. doubts, 485. bought, 451. I.ard, dense, 323. difficult, 704. grievous, 830. impenitent, 951. sour, 397. Harden, accustom, 613. strengthen, 154. train, 673. render callous, 823. impious, 989. impenitent, 951. Hardened, impious, 989. impenitent, 951. Hardheaded, 698. Hardhearted, 907. Hardihood, 861. Hard life, 735. Hardly, scarcely, 32. in frequency, 137 Hardness, denseness, 323. sourness, 397. Hardness of heart, 945. Hardship, 830. Hard times, 735. Hardvisaged, 846. Hard upon, 197. Hardworking, 682, 686. Hardy, strong, 159. healthy, 654. Hare, 274. Harebrained, 460. Harem, 961. Hark, 418. Harlequin, pantomimic, 599. changeable, 149. humorist, 844. irresolute, 605. Harlequinade, 146 Harlot, 962. Harm, evil, 619. badness, 649. malevolence, 907. Harmless, safe, 664. innocent, 656, 916. innocuous, 648. Harmonic, 413. Harmonica, 417. Harmonious, melodious, 413. friendly, 888. concordant, 7It. Harmonize, 714. Harmony, agreement, 23. melody, 413. concord, 714. peace, 721. friendship, 888. Harness, fasten, 43. fastening, 45. accoutrement, 225. instrument, 633. subjection, 749. trimming, 673. Harp, musical instrument, 417. to repeat, 104. to weary, 841. Harper, 416. Harpsichord, 417. Harp upon, 403, 573. Harpy, demon, 983. thief, 792. miser, 819. Harquebus, 727. Harrow, 830. Harrowing, 830. Harsh, severe, 739. morose, 895. disagreeable, 830. acrid, 171. sound, 410. Harshness, severity, 739 acridness, 171. malevolence, 907. Harvest, 775. Hash, mixture, 41. to cut, 44. Hasp, lock, 45. to lock, 43. Hassock, 215. Haste, in time, 132. in motion, 274. in action, 684. activity, 682. Hasten, to promote, 707. speed, 274. stir, 682. Hastily, 132. Hasting, 132. Hastiness, 901 Hasty, transient, 111. brisk, 274. irritable, 901. active, 684. Hat, 225. Hatch, produce, 161. plan, 626. prepare, 673. Hatchet, 633. Hatchway, 627. Hate, 898. Hateful, noxious, 6-19, 893 ■painful, 83J. Hating, 898. Hatred, dislike, 867. hate, 898. Hauberk, 717. Haughtiness, pride, 878. insolence, 885. scorn, 930. Haughty, proud, 878. severe, 739. insolent, 885. scornfu.1, 930. Haul, 285. Haunch, 236. Haunt, presence, 186. alarm, 860. abode, 189. trouble, 830. Haunted, 980. Hautboy, 417. Have, 777. Have it, 484. Have to do, 9. Haven, 292, 666. Haversack, 191. Havoc, 162, 619. Hawk, sell, 795. publish, 531. Hawker, 797. Hawkeyed, 441. Hawser, 45. Hazard, chance, 155, 621 danger, 665. Hazardous, 665. Haze, mist, 353. dimness, 422. opacity, 426. Hazle, 433. Hazy, 422, 426, 447. Head, beginning, 66. class, 75. chapter, 593. summit, 210. intellect, 450. wisdom, 498. muster, 745. direction, 693. director, 694. topic, 454. Headache, 378. Headforemost, rash, 863. obstinate, 606 Headiness, 60S. Heading, title, 550 leader 340 INDEX. Heading, beginning, 66 Headland, projection, 250 cape, 342. height, 206. Headlong, rashly, 460, 811. hastily\ 684. obstinately, 606. swiftly, 274. Headpiece, skill, 698. wisdom, 498. Head quarters, 74, 189. Heads, compendium, 596. Headsman, 975. Headstrong, rash, 863. obstinate, 606. violent, 173. Headway, 282. Headwork, 451. Heady, 606. Heal, repair, 658. forgive, 918. Heal (be breach, 723. Health, 654. Healthful, ) r-fi Healthiness, j Healthy, 654, 656. Heap, collection, 72. store, 636. mass, 31, 50. Hear, audition, 418. learn, 539. Hearer, 418. Hearing, 418. Hearsay, 532. Hearse, 363. Heart, interior, 221. centre, 222. mind, 450. will, 600. affections, 820. courage, 861. love, 897. Heart ache, 828. Heart breaking, 830. Heart broken, 823. Heart burning, 900. He art ease, 831. Heart felt, 821, 990. Heart grief, 832. Hearth, 189. Heartiness, feeling, 821. sociality, 892. Heartless, 915. Heart rending, 830. Heart sick, 869. Heart sinking, 860. Heart struck, 837. Heart swelling, 900. Heartily, 602. Hearty, healthy, 654. willing, 602. feeling, 821. cheerful, 831, 836. Heat, warmth, 382. calefuction, 384. contest, 720. violence, 173. excitement, 825. Heath, 344. Heating, 384. Heathen, pagan, 984. Heathenish, vulgar, 851. Heathenism, 984. Heather, 344. Heave, raise, 307. pant, 821. Heave in sight, 446. Heave out, 185, 297. Heaven, 981. paradise, 981. bliss, 827. sky, 318. Heaven-born, 944. Heaven-directed, 498. Heavenly, divine, 976, 981. rapturous, 829. celestial, 318. Heaven, 318. Heaviness, inertia, 172. dejection, 837. dulness, 843. weight, 319. Heaving, 821, 839. Heavy, weighty, 319. inert, 172. slow, 275. stupid, 499. rude, 851. large, 31. inactive, 682. Hebdomadal, 108. Hebetude, 499, 823, 826. Hecatomb, 98. Hectic, fever, 382. flush, 821. Hedge, 232, 666 Hedge in, enclose, 229. safe, 004 Hedgehog, 253. Heed, attend, 457. care, 459. caution, 864. Heedful, 157, 459, 864. Heedless, inattentive, 458. neglectful, 460. Heedlessuess, 460. Heel, swerve, 291. Heels, 235. Heels over head, 460. Heft, handle, 633. exertion, 686. Height, altitude, 203. degree, 26. Heighten, increase, 35. aggravate, 835. exalt, 206. Heightening, 835. Heinous, 945. Heir, possessor, 779. futurity, 121. Heliacal, 248. Hell, gehenna, 982. abyss, 208. Hellebore, 663. Hell fire, 982. Hellish, bad, 649. malevolent, 907. infernal, 982. vicious, 945. Helm, handle, 633. authority, 737. sceptre, 747. Helmet, 225, 717. Helot, 746. Help, aid, 707. auxiliary, 711. utility, 644. remedy, 662. (not to), 601. Helper, 710. Helping, 707 Helpless, weak, 160. incapable, 158. exposed, 665. Helplessness, 158. Helpmate, auxiliary, 711. wife, 903. Helter skelter, disorder, 59. haste, 684. Hem, edge, 231. Hem in, enclose, 229. restrain, 751. Hemi, 91. Hemisphere, 181. Hemlock, 663. Henbane, 663. Hence, arising from, 155. Hence, motive, 615. deduction, 476. departure, 293. Henceforth, 121. Hcnceforwards, 121 Herald, messenger, 534. omen, 512. to predict, 511. to proclaim, 531. Herb, 367. Herbaceous, Herbage, Herbal, ■ 397. Herculean, 159, 686. Herd, animal, 366. flock, 72. multitude, 102. Here, 186, 292. Hereabouts, 197. Hereafter, 121. Hereditary, derivative, 154. habit, 613. Heresy, error, 495. religious, 984. Heretic, Heretical, Heretofore, 122. Herewith, 88. possession, 777. Heritage, futurity, 121, 777. Hermaphrodite, 83. Hermetically, 261. Hermit, 893, 955 Hero, 948. Heroic, brave, 861. glorious, 873. magnanimous, 942. Heroism, 861. Herring, pungent, 392. Hesitation, reluctance, 603. irresolution, 605. uncertainty, 475. fear, 860. scepticism, 485. stammering, 583. Hesitate, reluctant, 603. irresolute, 605. uncertainty, 475. fearful, 860. sceptical, 485. to stammer, 583* Ileteroclite, 83. Heterodox, 984. Heterodoxy, 984. Heterogeneity, 10. Heterogeneous, mixed, 10, 15, 41 multiform, 81 exceptional, 83. 984. INDEX. 341 Hew, cut, 44. shorten, 204. fashion, 240. Heyday, wonder, 870. J •stioity, 840. exultation, 836. Hiatus, interval, 198. gap, 4. opening, 260. Hibernal, 383. Hibernicism, 497. Hid, invisible, 447. concealed, 528. Hidden, 519. Hide, conceal, 528. skin, 223. Hideous, 846. Hideousness, 846. Hiding-place, refuge, 666. ambush, 530. Hie, 264, 266, 274. Hierarchy, 995. Hieroglyphic, letter, 561. representation, 554. Higgle, chaffer, 794. bargain, 769. High, lofty, 206. notable, 873. proud, 878. magnanimous, 942. High-blown, 515. High-born, 875. Higher, 33. High-flavored, 392. Highflier, 504, 515, '878. Highfiowing, 577. Higlifiovvn, proud, 878. vain, 880. dashing, 882. Highland, 206, 342. High life, 852. High living, 957. Highly, 31. High-mettled, 861. flighminded, proud, 878 generous, 942. honorable, 939. Ilighmindedness, 942. Highness, title, 877. fame, 877. High-priced, 814. High-principled, 933. Higli road, 627. High-seasoned, 393. High sounding, 404, 577, 882. High-spirited, 861. High tide, 348,731. Highway, 627. Highwayman, 792. High words, 720. High-wrought, perfect, 650. finished, 729. excited, 825. Hilarity, 836. Hill, 206, 250. Hillock, 206. Hilly, 206. Hilt, 633. Hind, back, 235. Hinder, back, 235. end, 67. to impede, 179. obstruct, 706. prohibit, 761. Hindorance, obstruction, 706. prohibition, 761. resistance, 179. Hindered, 706. Hindering, 706. Hindermost, 235. Hinge, depend upon, 154. cause, 153. rotate, 312. fastening, 43, 45. Hint, suggest, 505. inform, 527. suppose, 514. Hinting, 505. Hip, 236. Hipped, 837. Hippocentaur, 83. Hippodrome, 728. Hippogriff, 83. Hire, commission, 755. fee, 809. purchase, 795. Hirsute, 256. Hispid, 256. Hiss, sound, 409. disapprobation, 932. disrespect, 929. Historian, 553, 594. Historic, 550, 559, 594. Historiographer, 594. Historiography, 594. History, record, 551. narrative, 594. Histrionic, 599. Hit, strike, 276. succeed, 731. chance, 156, 621. Hit, reach, 292. Ilit off, 19, 554. Hit upon, find, 480. Hitch, difficulty, 704. jerk, 315. luma, 43, 214. Hither, 292. Hitherto, 122. Hive, workshop, 691. multitude, 102. lodge, 180. dwelling, 189. Hoar, white, 430. aged, 128. Hoarfrost, 363. Hoard, 636. Hoarse, sound, 405, 410. voice, 581. Hoarseness, sound, 405. voice, 581. Hoary, white, 430. aged, 128. Hoax, 545. Hoh, 215. Hobble, limp, 275. lame, 732. awkward, 699. Hobbling, lame, 732. limping, 275. Hobby, pursuit, 620. desire, 865. Hobgoblin, 980. Hobnob, 894. Hocuspocus, conjuration, 146,992. Hod, receptacle, 191 vehicle, 272. Hodgepodge, mixture, 41. confusion, 59 Hoist, 307,550. Hold, possess, 777. believe, 484. retain, 781. cohere, 46. fix, 150. stop, 265. discontinue, 141. continue, 142, 143. refrain, 623. asylum, 717. contain, 54. influence, 175. receptacle, 191 prison, 752. Holder. 779. Hold fast, 46, 604. Hold forth, declaim, 582. teach, 537. Hold good, 494. Hold in, 174. Hold on, move, 2C4. continue, 142, 143 determination, 1504 Hold out, resist, 718. affirm, 539. offer, 763. obstinate, 606 Hold the tongue 403, 585. Hold together, 43 Hold up, sustain, 707. continue, 143. Holding, 781. Hole, opening, 260. place, 182. receptacle, 191. ambush, 530. hovel, 189. Holiday, amusement, 840. repose, 687. leisure, 685. time, 134. Holiness, 976. Hollow, concavity, 252. depth, 208. incomplete, 53. false, 544. unsubstantial, 4. sound, 408. voice, 581. cry, 839. Hollowness, concavity, 252. incompleteness, 53. insubstuntialness, 4 Holocaust, 162, 991. Holy, 976, 987. Holy Ghost, 976. Holy writ, 985. Homage, reverence, 928. approbation, 931. fealty, 745. worship, 990. Home, habitation, 189. interior, 221. near, 197. arrival, 292. Homebred, 851 Homefelt, 821. Homeliness, ugliness, 840. simplicity, 849. vulgarity, 851. style. 576. Homely, 849. Homespun, simple, 849. 342 INDEX. Homespun, ugly, 846. vulgar, 851. low, 876. style, 576. Hotnestall, 189. Homestead, 189 Homicide, 361. Homily, advice, 595. sermon, 998. Homoeopathic, 193. Homogeneity, relation, 9. uniformity, 16. simplicity, 42. Homogeneous, 16,42, Homogeneousness, 9 Homologous, 16. Homonymy, equivocal, 520. Honest, pure, 9S0. simple, 516. true, 543. honor, 939. artless, 703. Honesty, honor, 939. truth, 543. artlessness, 703. Honey, 396. Honeycomb, 252. Honeycombed, 260. Honeyed, 396. Honeymoon, happiness, 827. Honeysuckle, 396. Honey-tongued, 615. Honor, 939. glory, 873. tMe, 877. respect, 928. to pay, 807. Honorable, upright, 939. faithful, 772. famed, 873. Honorary, 015. Honored, 928. Hood, cowl, 999. cap, 225. Hoodwink, blind, 442. conceal, 528. deceive, 545. ignore, 491. Hook, to fasten, 43. fastening, 45. hang, 214. take, 780. Hooked, 245. Hoop, circle, 247. cry, 411. loud, 404. Hoof, cry, 41 Ho t, deride, 929. scorn, 930. scout, 932. Hop, leap, 305, 309. dance, 840. Hope, 858. Hopeful, probable, 472. trustful, 858. Hopefulness, 858. Hopeless, Hopelessness, 859. desperate, 859. impossible, 471. irreparable, 659. dangerous, 665. Hoping, 858. Horary, 108. Horde, 72. Horizon, distance, 196. view, 441. Horizontal, 213. Horizontally, level, 213. low, 207. Horizontally, 213. Horn, sharpness, 253 (French), 417. Horn book, 542. Horn mad, 920. Horn of plenty, 639. Hornet, 663, 830. Hornpipe, 840. Horny, 323. Horology, 114. Ilorometry, 114. Horoscope, 511. Horrible, noxious, 649. fearful, 860. Horrid, noxious, 649. ugly, 846. dire, 830. vulgar, 851. fearful, 860. hateful, 898. Horrific, 830. Horrified, 860. Horrify, 830, 860. Horrifying, 830. Horror, dislike, 867. fear, 860. hate, 898. Horrors, 837. Horse, animal-, 271. cavalry, 726. stand, 215. Horseman, 268. horseshoe, 245. Hortation, 615, C95. Hortatory, 615, 695. Horticulture, 371. Horticulturist, 371. Hosanna, 990. Hospice, 189. Hospitable, social, 892. liberal, 816. Hospital, 662. Hospitality, sociality, 892. liberality, 816. Host, multitude, 100. collection, 72. heavenly, 967. friend, 890. Hostage, 771. Hostile, 889. Hostilities, 722. Hostility, 889. Hot, warm, 382. pungent, 392. irascible, 901. Hotbed, workshop, 691. cause, 153. Hotchpotch, mixture, 41. confusion, 59. Hotel, 189. Hotbrained, rash, 863. Hotheaded, excited, 825. Hothouse, conservatory, 386. agriculture, 371. workshop, 691. Hotspur, rashness, 863. Hottentot, 876. Hot water, 704. Hough, 649. Hound, pursue, 622. Hour, 108. Hourglass, lime, 114. form, 203. Hours, 134. House, to locale, 184. safety, 664. party, 712. senate, 696. partnership, 797. Housebreaker, 792. Household, 183, 188. Householder, 189. Housekeeper, 694. Housekeeping, 692. Houseless, 185. House room, 180. House top, 296. Housewife, 682. Housewifery, 692. Housing, lodging, 189. Hovel, 189. Hover, soar, 267. Rover, rise, 305. high, 206. Hovering, 206. How, in what way, 6?/. by what means, 632, Howbeit, 179. However, except, 83. notwithstanding, degree, 26. Howitzer, 727. Howl, 411, 412, 839. Howsoever, 26. Hubbub, noise, 404. discord, 713. Huckster, 797. Huddle, mix, 41. collect, 72. don, 225. nearness, 197. ITudibrastic, 856. Hue, 428. Hue and cry, noise, 404. censure, 93. Hue less, 429. Hug, border on, 197. retain, 781. Huge, in degree, 31. in size, 192. Hugeness, 192. Hulk, ship, 273. Ilulky, big, 192. Hull, 50. Hum, faint sound, 405 continued sound, 407. to sing, 415. Hum and haw, demur, 605. Human, 372. Humane, benerolent, 906. philanthrophic, 910. Humanities, letters, 560. Humanity, human nature, 372. benevolence, 906. Humanize, 894. Humble, meek, 879. modest, 881 to abash, 874. pious, 987. Humbleness, 881. Humbly, 881. INDEX. 343 Humbug, deception, 545 falsehood, 544, 546. Humdrum, 841, S43. llumectation, 337 Humid, 339. Humidity, 339. Humiliation, 879 990. Humiliate humble, 879. shame, 874. worship, 990. Humiliated, 879. Humility, piety, 987. meekness, 879. modesty, 881. Hummock, 206, 2. ). Humorist, 844. Humorous, 842. Humor, essence, 5. liquid, 333. wit, 842. disposition, 602. caprice, 608. indulge, 760. affections, 820. to please, 829. Humorsome, capricious, 608. discourteous, 895. Humpback, 846. Hunchback, 243, 246. Hundred, 99. Hunger, 865. Hungry, 865. Hunt, follow, 281. pursue, 622. inquire, 461. Hunt down, 907. Hurl, 284. Hurly burly, confusion, 59. turmoil, 315. Hurrah, 836. Hurricane, tempest, 349. violence, 173. Hurried, 684. Hurry, haste, 684. swiftness, 274. earliness, 132. to urge, 615. to excite, 824, 821'. Hurry scurry, 684. Hurt, evil, 619. physical pain, J7 moral pain, 828 to injure, 649, 9 7 to molest, 830 Hurtful, 649. Hurting, 830. U unless, 648 Husband, spouse, 903. to store, 636. Husbanding, 637. Husbandman, 371. Husbandry, agriculture, 371. conduct, 692. economy, 817. Hush, silence, 403. moderate, 174. assuage, 826. pacify, 723. stop, 265. Hush-money, 774, 809. Hush up, conceal, 528. pacify, 723. Husk, 223. Huskiness, 405. Husky, dry, 340. voice, 581. faint sound, 405. Hussar, 726. Hustle, push, 276. agitate, 315. Huswifery, economy, 817. conduct, 692. Hut, 189. Huzza, 836, 838. Iluzzar. (Sec Hussar.) Hybernate, 683. Hybernation, 683. Hybrid, 41, 83. Hydra, 83. Hydraulics, 348. Hydrodynamics, 348. Hydrology, 333. Hydrometer, 321. Hydropathist, 958. Hydropathy, 958. Hydrophobia, 867. Hydrostatics, 333. Hyemal, 383. Hyena, 913. Hymeneal, 903. Hymn, 990. Hyperbole, 549. Hyperbolical, 196. Hyperbolize, 549. Hyperboreal, 383. Hypercritical, 932. Hypertrophied, 192. Hypochondriacal,837 Hypocrisy, deception, 545. religious, 989. Hypocrite, 548, 989. Hypocritical, 544,989. Hypostatic, 976. Ilypothenuse, 217. Hypothesis, 514. Hypothetical, 475, 514, 409. Hysteric, 173. Ignominy, dishonor, 940. shame, 874. Ignoramus, 493. Ignorance, 491. Ignore, repudiate, 756, 773. dissent, 489. conceal, 528. Ill, sick, 655. adverse, 735. evil, 619. Ill-advised, 499, 699 Illation, 48!). Ill-bred, 895. I’d-breeding, 875. Iil-conditioned, discourteous, 895. malevolent, 907. Ill-conducted, 699. Ill-defined, 447. Ill-devised, 499, 699 Ill-disposed, 907. Illegal, 964. Illegality, 964. Illegible, 519. Illegitimacy, undueness, 925. illegality, 964. Illegitimate, undue, 925. illegal, 954. erroneous, 495. Ill-fated, afflicted, 828. adverse, 733. unlucky, 732. Ill-favored, 846. Ill-flavored, 395. Ill-furnished, 640. Illiberal, selfish, 943. stingy, 819. Illiberally, stinginess, 819. selfishness, 943. Illicit, 954. Ill-imagined, 499, 699. Illimitable, 31. minified, infinite, 105. Ill-intentioned, 907 Illiterate, 491. Ill-judged, foolish, 492, 499. ill-advised, 699. Ill-looking, 846. Ill-natured, 907. Illness, 655. Ill off, 735. Illogical, sophistical, 477. erroneous, 495. Ill-proportioned, 846. Ill-provided, 640. Ill-requited, 917. Ill-spent, 645. I. Ice, 383. Iceberg, 483. Icebound, 383. Icehouse, 387. Ichnography, 554. Icicle, 383. Icy, 383. Idea, notion, 453. imaginary, 515. belief, 484. knowledge, 490. perfection, 650. inexistence, 2. Ideal, erroneous, 495. unreal, 2. Idealism, 450. Ideality, intellect, 450. imagination, 515. Idealize, 515. Identical, 13. Identification,13, 464. Identify, 13, 464. Identity, 13. Idiocrasy, 5. Idiocy, 499. Idiom, phrase, 566. style, 569. Idiosyncrasy, essence, 5. speciality, 79. temperament, 820. Idiot, imbecile, 501. foolish, 499. Idle, slothful, 683. trivial, 643. Idler, 683. Idleness, 683. Idol, 865, 899. Idol worship, 991 Idolater, 984. Idolatrous, superstitious, 984 heathenish, 991. Idolatry, superstition, 984. impious worship,991. love, 897. Idolize, love, 897. impiety, 989. Idyl, 597. If, supposition, 8, 514. qualification, 469. Igneous, 382. Ignis faiuus, light, 420. false light, 443. Ignite, 384. Ignition, 382, 381 . gnoble, 876. 344 INDEX. Ill-starred, 732, 735. Ill-stored, 640. 111-temper, discourtesy, 895. irascibility, 901. Ill timed, 24, 135. Ill-treat, 049, 907. Ill turn, 619, 907. Illuminate, enlighten, 420. color, 428. Illumination, 420. Illume, J 42() Illumine, \ Illusion, error, 495. sophism, 477. deceit, 545. Illusive, erroneous, 495. Illusory, sophistical, 477. deceitful, 544, 545. Illustrate, interpret, 522. exemplify, 82. Illustration, interpretation, 522. exemplification, 82. representation, 554. Illustrative, 82. Illustrious, 873. lllustriousness, 873. Ill will, 907. Image, representation, 554. metaphor, 521. idea, 453. statue, 557. likeness, 17. Imagery, metaphor, 521. figure, 554. fancy, 515. Imaginary, non-existing, 2. erroneous, 495 unreal, 515. quantity, 84. Imagination, 515 Imagine, 515, 626 Imagined, unreal, 1, 2. Imbecile, foolish, 499. irrational, 477. weak, 161, incapable, 158. Imbecility, folly, '99. incupi :ity, 158. Imbed. (See Embed.) Imbibe, receive, 293. learn, 539. Imbricated, 22ft. Imbrue, moisten, 339. impregnate, 300 Imbue, mix, 41. teach, 537. tinge, 428. impregnate, 300. moisten, 339. feel, 821. Imbued with, 484. Imitable, 19. Imitate, to copy, 19. to represent, 554. Imitated, 19. Imitation, copy, 19, 21. Imitative, 19, 554. Imitator, 19. Immaculate, excellent, 648. spotless, 652. faultless, 650. innocent, 946. Immaculateness, 652. Immanent, inherent, 5. Immanuel, 976. Immaterial, spiritual, 317. mental, 450. trifling, 643. lmmateriate, 317- Immateriality, 317. Immaterialness, 317. Immature, new, 123. unprepared, 674. Immaturity, newness, 123. unpreparedness, 674. Immeasurable, infinite, 105. great., 31. Immediately, 111. Immedicable, 655, 659. Immemorial, 124. Immense, in degree, 31. in size, 192. Immensity, degree, 31. size, 192. Immeasurable, 31, 105. Immerse, introduce, 300 Immerse, dip, 337. Immersion, 337. Immethodical, 59. Immigration, migration, 266. entrance, 294. Imminent, 121. Immisoihility, 47. Immission, 296. Immitigable, ire, 900. Immitigable, ruin, 659. Immobility, immutability, 150. quiescence, 265. resolution, 604. Immoderately, 31. Immodest, 961. Immodesty, 961. Immolate, destroy, 162. kill, 361. Immolation, destruction, 162. worship, 991. Immoral, vicious, 945. wrong, 323. Immorality, 945. Immortal, perpetual, 112. glorious, 873. celebrated, 883. Immortality, glory, 873. perpetuity, 112. Immovable, 150, 265, 604, 616. Immunity, exemption, 927. right, 924. freedom, 748. Immure, enclose, 229. imprison, 751. Immutability, permanence, 150. of God, 976. Immutable, 150. Imp, ruffian, 913. wretch, 943. Impact, insertion, 300. Impacted, 43. Impair, 659. Impaired, 659. Impairment, 659. Impale. (See Empale.) Impalpable, small, 193. powder, 330. intangible 381. Imparity, 28. Impart, give, 784. inform, 527. Impartial, just, 922. fair, 480. honorable, 939. sensible, 498. Impartiality, justice, 922. honor, 939. Impassibility, 823. Imp issibleness, 261. Impassible, closed, 261, 704. Impassion, excite, 824. Impassioned, excited, 825. sublime, 574. Impassive, 823. Impatience, 825. Impatient, 825. Impeach, 938, 969. Impeachment, suit, 969. charge, 938. Impeccability, 650 946. Impede, 706. Impediment, hindcrance, 706. speech, 583. Impediie, 706. Impel, push, 276. throw, 284. induce, 615. Impelled, Impellent, j Impelling, 276. Impend, future, 121. height, 206. destiny, 152. Impenetrability, 321, Impenetrable, latent, 519, 526. dense, 321. hidden, 528. Impenitence, 951. Impenitent, 951. Imperative, 737. Imperceptible, invisible, 447. minute, 193. Imperfect, incomplete, 57 failing, 651. vicious, 945. small, 32. Imperfection, vice, 945. failure, 651. incompleteness, 53. Imperforate, 261. Imperforation, 261. Imperial, 737. chest, 191. Imperil, 665. ' Imperious, stern, 739. insolent, 885. Imperiousness, 8 5. Imperishable, eternal, 112. glorious, 873. stable, 150. Impermanence, 119 Impermeability, close, 261. dense, 321. Impermeable, closed, 261. dense 321. INDEX. 345 Inqors >nal, 78. Impersonate, 554. In ipertinence, insolence, 885. irrelevance, 10. inexpedience, 647. Impertinent, irrelevant, 10. disagreeing, 24. insolent, 885. Imperturbable, 823, 826. hnperturbation, 826. Impervious, 261, 426. (mperviousness, 261. [nipetrate, refuse, 764. Impetuosity, heat, 825. haste, 684. eagerness, 865. Impetuous, boisterous, 173. hot, 825. hasty, 684. eager, 865. mpetus, 276. mpiety, 989. Impinge, 276. Impious, 989. Impish, 980. Implacability, hate, 898. revenge, 919. Implacable, hatred, 898. wrath, 900. unforgiving, 919. Implant, insert, 300. teach, 537. Implantation, 300. Implanted, adventitious, 6. Implement, 633. Impletion, 639. Implicate, accuse, 938. involve, 54. Implicated, associated, 9. Implication, metaphor, 521. disorder, 59. Implicit, understood, 516. metaphorical, 521. trust, 484. Implied, 516, 526. Imploration, 765. Implore, beseech, 765. pray, 990. pity, 914. triply, mean, 516. latent, 526. evidence, 467. metaphor, 521. Impolite, rude, 895. vulgar, 8.51. Impoliteness, 895. Impolitic, 499. Imponderability, 320. Imponderable, 320. Imporosity, 321. Itnporous, closed, 261. dense, 321. Import, ingress, 294. insert, 300. mean, 516. be of consequence, 642. receive, 296. Importance, 642. Important, 642. Importation, 294,296, 300. Importunate, 830. Importune, ask, 765. pester, 830. Importunity, 764. Impose, order, 741. cheat, 545. be unjust, 923. palm upon, 486. Imposing, glorious, 873. Imposition, order, 741. cheatery, 545. injustice, 923. of hands, 998. Impossibility, 471. Impossible, 471, 704. Impost, 812. Impostor, 548. Imposture, 545. Impotence, 158. Impotent, 158. Impound, enclose, 229. imprison, 751. Impoverish, drain, 638. render poor, 804. Impracticability, difficulty, 704. impossibility, 471. Impracticable, difficult, 704. impossible, 471. Imprecate, 765. curse, 908. Imprecation, request, 765. malediction, 908. Irnpregnabilitj ’64. Impregnable, bC4. Impregnate, insert, 300. combine, 48. teach, 537. Impregnated, 48. Impregnation, mixture, 41. combination, 48. Imprescriptible, 924. Impress, mark, 550. memory, 505. excite, 375, 824. Impressed, 821. Impressibility, motive, 615. sensibility, 822. Impressible, 822. Impression, belief, 375, 484. idea, 453. feeling, 821. engraving, 558. Impressive, physical, 375. affectional, 824. Impressiveness, 822. Imprint, 559. Imprison, shut up, 751. circumscribe, 229. Imprisonment, committal, 969. confinement, 751. limitation, 229. Improbability, 473. Improbable, 473. Improbity, 940. Improper, wrong, 923. foolish, 499. inexpedient, 647. unfit, 925. incongruous, 24. Impropriate, take, 789. Impropriety, sin, 945. unfitness, 925. inexpedience, 647. Improve, 658. Improvement, 658. Improvidence, 674. Improvident, careless, 460. not preparing, 674. rash, 863. Imprudence, rashness, 863. folly, 699. neglect, 460. Imprudent, rash, 853. silly, 499. neglectful, 460. Impudence, 885. Impudent, 885. Impugn, blame, 932. attack, 716. deny, 536. Impulse, push, 276. unpremeditalion, 612. Impulse, necessity, 601. Impulsion, -278. Impulsive, pushing, 276. necessary, 601. instinctine, 477. motional, 615. unpremeditated, 612. Impunity, 970. Impure, foul, t 53. licentious, 961. Impurity, uncleanncss, 053. licentiousness, 961. Imputable, 938. Imputation, 938. Imputative, 155. Impute, ascribe, 155. accuse, 938. Imputed, 155. Inability, want of power, 158. want of skill, 699. Inaccessible, 198,704. Inaccuracy, 495. Inaccurate, 495, 568. Inaction, 172, 681, 683. Inactive, 683. Inactively, 172. Inactivity, 172, 683. Inadequacy, imperfection, 651. insufficiency, 640, 645. Ir ideqttate, insufficient, 640, 645. imperfect, 651. impotent, 158. weak, 160. Inadmissible, inexpedient, 647. incongruous, 24. Inadvertence, 458. Inadvertent, 458. Inalienable, right, 924. Inalienableness, 777. Inane, trivial, 643. void, 4. Inanimate, dead, 360. inorganic, 358. Inanition, CIO, 643. Inanity, insignificance, 643 emptiness, 4. absurdity, 497. Inappetency, 866. Inapplicable, 10, 24 Inapposite, 24. Inappreciable, in silt, 193. in degree, 32. INDEX. 346 Inappreciable, obscure, 519. Inappropriate, 24. Inappropriateness, 647. Inapt, inexpedient, 647. incongruous, 24. Inaptitude, futility, 645. impoten.e, 158. Inaptness, 647. Inarticulate, 581,583. Inartificial, 703. Inattention, 458. Inattentive, 452, 458. Inaudible, silent, 403, 405. ■mute, 581. Inaugural, 66. Inaugurate, begin, 66. celebrate, 883 accede, 737. Inauguration, beginning, 66. commission, 755. celebration, 883. accession, 737. Inauspicious, hopeless, 859. untimely, 135. untoward, 649. Inbeing, 5. Inborn, 5, 613, 820. Inbred, 5, 820. Incage, 751. Incalculable, infinite, 105. much, 31. Incalescence, 382. Incalescent, 382. Incandescence, 382. Incandescent, 382. Incantation, spell, 993. Incan tatory, magical, 992. Incapability, 158. Incapable, weak, 160. unable, 158. Incapacious, 203. Incapaciousness, 203. Incapacitate, 158. Incapacity, impotence, 158. weakness, 160. stupidity, 499. indocility, 538. Incarcerate, imprison, 751. surround, 229 Incarceration, imprisonment, 751. limitation 229. incarnation 976. Incase, 223, 229. Inca itious, 460, 863. Inca itiousness, 460. Incendiarism, 334 Incendiary, 384, 388, 615, 913, 949. Incense, fragrance, 400. to provoke, 930. hatred, 898. flattery, 933. worship, 990. Inception, 66. Incentive, 615. Incertitude, 475. Incessant, 112. Incest, 961. Incestuous, 961. Inch, 193. Inch by inch, 144. Inchoative, 66. Incidence, 278. Incident, 151. Incidental, extrinsic, 6, 8. current, 151. liable, 177. casual, 156, 621. irrelative, 10. Incinerate, 384. Incineration, 384. Incipience, 66. Incipient, 66. Incise, cut, 44. Incision, open, 260. Incite, urge, 615. inflame, 173. exasperate, 173. Incivility, 895. Inclemency, 383. Inclement, cold, 383. severe, 739. violent, 173. Inclination, slope, 217. direction, 278. tendency, 176. willingness, 602. desire, 865. Incline, slope, 217. direction, 278. tendency, 176. willing, (502. desire, 865. love, 897. induce, 615. Inclined, desirous, 865. biased, 823. Inclose, 232. Inclosure, 232. Include, compound, 54. class, 76. Inclusion, 54. Inclusive, in a compound, 54. together with, 37. Inclusive, in a class, 76. Incogitancy, 452. Incognito, 528. Incoherence, physical, 47. mental, 503. Incoherent, physical, 47. mental, 503. Incombustibility, 384. Incombustibleness, 383. Income, receipt, 810. wealth, 803. Incommensurability, 10. Incommensurable, quantity, 84. irrelation, 10. disagreeing, 24. Incommensurate, 85. Incommode, to hinder, 706. annoy, 830. Incommodious, inconvenient, 647. useless, 645. Incommodity, 647. Incommunicable, 781. Incommutability, 150. Incomparable,31,648. In com passionate, 907. Incompatibility, 471. Incompatible, 24. Incompetence, inability, 158. insufficiency, 640. unskilfulness, 699. incapacity, 499. Incompetent, unable, 158. insufficient, 640. unskilful, 699. Incomplete, defective, 53. not completed, 730. Incompleteness, defection, 53, 730. failure, 304. Incomprehensibility, 519. Incomprehensible, 519. Incomprehension, 491. Incompressibility, 321. Incompressible, 321. Inconceivable, 471, 485, 519. Inconceivableness, 519. Incondnnity, 24. Inconclusive, 477. Inconcoction, 674. Incongruity, ti47. Incongruous, 24. Inconsequent, 477 Inconsiderable, in size, 193. in degree, 32. Inconsiderate, thoughtless, 452. heedless, 4u0. foolish, (199. Inconsideration, 458. Inconsistency, folly, 499. absurdity, caprice, 008. Inconsistent, contrary, 14. foolish, ‘499. capricious, 008. disagreeing, 24. absurd, 497. Inconsolable, 828. Inconstancy, 005. Inconstant, 149, 605. Incontestable, 474. Incontiguous, I9G. Incontinence, 961. Incontinent, 961. Incontinently, 111. Incontrovertible, 474. Inconvenience, 647. Inconvenient, 647. Inconversable, 585. Inconvertible, 15!). Inconvinceablo, 487 Incorporal, 317. Incorporeal, 317. Incorporate, 48. Incorporation, 48. Incorrect, erroneous, 495. sophistical, 477. ungrammatical, 508. Incorrectness, 495. Incorrigible, vicious, 945 impenitent, 951 irremediable, 649 Incorruptibility, honor, 939. health, 654. Incorruptible, healthy, 654 pure, 942. Incorruption, health, 654. innocence, 946. Incrassate, thickness, 232. gummy, 352. density, 321. Incrassated, 321. lncrassation, 352. Increase, in degree 35. in size, 194. INDEX. 347 Increased, in degree, 35. in size, 194. Incredibility, impossibility, 471. improbability, 473. Incredible, impossible, 471. improbable, 473 much, 31. doubtful, 485. wonderful, 87(1 In.■red .lity, unbelif, 487. religious, 983. Incredulous, sceptical, 485. religious, 988 Increment, in degree, 31 in size, 194. addition, 39. Incrust, wine, 224. coat, 223. Incrustatod, 224. Incrustation, 223. Incubation, 613. Incubus, 706. Inculcate, 537. Inculcation, 537. Inculpable, 946. Inculpate, 938. Inculpation, 938. Incumbency, 995. Incumbent, height, 206. weight, 319. duty, 926. clergyman, 995. Incumber. (See En- cumber.) Incur, 177. Incurable, 655, 659, 859. Incurableness, 655. Incurious, 456. Incuriosity, 456. Incursion, 294. Incurvation, 245. Indebted, owing, 806. duty, 928. gratitude, 916. Indebtedness, 806. Indecency, 961. Indecent, 961. Indeciduous, 150. Indecision, 605. Indecisive, 475. Indeclinable, 150. Indecorous, vicious, 945. impure, 961. Indecorum, vice, 945. impurity, 961. vulgarity, 851. Indeed, very, 31. ludeed, wonder, 870. truth, 594. assertion, 535. Indefatigability, 682. Indefatigable, 682. Indefeasible, 150, 924. Indefectibility, 650. Indefectible, 650. Indefective, 650. Indefensible, inexcusable, 938. wrong, 945. untenable, 725. weak, 160. Indeficient, 650. Indefinite, vague, 519. partial, 495. invisible, 447 in size, 192. uncertain, 475. infinite, 1U5. in degree, 31. Indefiniteness, vagueness, 519. uncertainty, 475. Indelible, mark, 550. condition, 159. memory, 595. feeling, 821. Indelicacy, 961. Indelicate, 9.> 1. Indemnification, reward, 973. compensation, 30. Indemnify, reward, 973. compensate, 30. Indemnity, 973. Indentation, 252, 257. Indenture, notch, 257. record, 551. security, 771. evidence, 467. compact, 769. Independence, irrelation, 10. wealth, 803. freedom, 748. Independent, free, 748. irrelated, 10. Indescribable, 870. Indesinent, 112. Indestructible, 150. Indeterminate, uncertain, 475. chance, 156. Indetermination, chance, 156. uncertainty, 475. irresolution, 695. In devotion, 988. Indevout, 988. Index, sign, 550. list, 86, 562. numerical exponent, 84. Indexterity, 699. Indicate, point out, 550. manifest, 525. evidence, 467. Indication, pointing out, 550. manifestation, 525. Indicative, \ .m Indicator}', ) 4b/’ ooU’ Indict, arraign, 9C9. accuse, 938. Indictment, charge, 938. arraignment, 989. Indifference, unconcern, 866. coldness, 823. unwillingness, 603. unimportance, 643. imperfect, 651. Indifferent, cold, 823. unconcerned, 866. unwilling, 603. rejected, 610. unimportant, 643. Indigence, 640. Indigene, 188. Indigenous, 5, 188. Indigent, poor, 804. insufficient, 640. Indigestible, 657. Indigestion, 674. Indignation, 900. Indignity, insult, 929. affront, 900. outrage, 830. Indigo, 438. Indiligence, 683. Indirect, 217. Indiscernible, 447. Indiscerptibility, wholeness, 50. density, 321. Iudiscerptible, whole, 50. inseverable, 87. dense, 321. Indiscoverable, 528. Indiscreet, foolish, 499. blamable, 945. neglectful, 460. rash, 863. Indiscretion, 947. fault, 947. blame, 945. rashness, 863. unskilfulness, 699. Indiscriminate, mult 'form, 81. Indiscritr. Jnate, undistin o-uished, 465. unarranged, 59. casual, 621. Indiscrimination, 460, 465, a. Indispensability, 635. Indispensable, 630. Indisposed, disincline, 603. to dissuade, 616. sick, 655. Indisposition, sickness, 655. disinclination, 603. Indisputable, 471. Indisputableness, 474. Indissoluble whole, 50. Indissolvable, dense, 321. united, 43. unchangeable, 150. Indissolvableness, 50. Indistinct, vague, 519. dim, Ail. Indistinctness, vagueness, 519. indiscrimination, 465. Indistinguishable, minute, 447. identical, 13. Indite, write, 590. Individual, special, 79. unity, 87. person, 372. Individuality, unity, 87. speciality, 79. totality, 50. Individualize, specify, 79. Indivisible, whole, 50. dense, 321. Indociiiry, obstinacy, 606. incapacity, 538 Indivisibility, entireness, 50. denseness, 321. Indoctrinate 484 537. Indoctrination, 537, Indolence, 683. Indolent, 683. Indomitable, resolution, 604. courage, 861. unyielding, 719. ] ndorse, write, 590. voucher, 771. 348 INDEX. Indorsement, 771. Indubious, 474. Indubitable, 474. Induce, motive, 615. cause, 153. produce, 161. Induced, 615. Inducement, 615. Induct, 755. Induction, investigation, 461. reasoning, 476. of a priest, 995. appointment, 755. Inductive, method, 461. Indue, 157. Indulge, allow, 760. give, 784. lenity, 740. pleasure, 827. pleasing, 829. intemperance, 954. satisfy, 831. Indulged, pleased, 827. intemperate, 954. Indulgence, pardon, 918. leniency, 740. Indulgent, 740. Indurate, 323. Indurated, 323. Induration, hardening, 323. impenitence, 951. Industrious, 682. Industry, 682. Indwellei, 188. Inebriated, 959. Inebriety, 959. Ineffable, 870. Ineffably, 31. Ineffective, 158. Ineffectiveness, 158. Ineffectual, incapable, 158. Inefficacious, weak, 160. Inefficaciousness,158. Inefficacy, 158. Inefficient, useless, 645. failing, 732. Inelastic, not elastic, 326. soft, 324. Inelasticity, 325. Inelegance, ugliness, 846. style, 579. Inelegant, ugly, 846. in style, 579. Ineligibility, 647. Ineligible, 647. Inept, incapable, 158, 689. Inept, inexpedient, 647. useless, 645. Ineptness, 645. Inequality, 28. Inequitable, 923. Inert, physically, 172, 683. morally, 823. Inertness, moral, 823. physical, 683. Inertia, 172. Inestimable, 648. Inevitable, 152, 474, 601. Inexact, 495. Inexactness, 495. Inexcitability, 826. Inexcitabie, 826. Inexcusable, 938, 945. Inexecution, 730. Inexhaustible, 639. Inexistence, 2. Inexistent, 2. Inexorable, resolved, 604. fated, 152. stem, 739. compelling, 744. wrathful, 900. relentless, 907. unavoidable, 601. Inexorableness, 739. Inexpectation, 508. Inexpedience, 647. Inexpedient, 647. Inexperience, ignorance, 492. disqualification, 699. Inexperienced, 699. Inexpert, 699. Inexpertness, 699. Inexpiable, 945. Inexplicable, wonderful, 519, 870. Inexplicableness, 519. Inexpressible, 870. great degree, 31. Inexpressibles, 225. Inexpressive, 517. Inexpressiveness, 517. Inexpugnable, 664. Inextension, 193. Inextinguishable, 150, 157. Inextricable, difficult, 704. disorder, 59. Inextrieableness, 704. Infallibility, 474. Infallible, 474. Infamous, shameful, 874. vicious, 945. Infamy, dishonor, 940 shame, 874. vice, 945. Infancy, 127. Infant, 129. Infanticide, 991. Infantile, puerile, 643. youthful, 129. foolish, 499. Infantine, 129. Infantry, 726. Infatuate, 503. Infatuation, folly, 499. obstinacy, 606. credulity, 486. passion, 825. love, 897. Infeasible, 471,704. Infeasibleness, 704. Infection, disease, 655. contamination, 659. excitation, 125, 824. Infectious, 657. Infecund, 169. Infecundity, 169. Infelicity, unhappiness, 828. inexpertness, 699. Infer, 480. Inference, 480, 521. Inferential, 521. Inferior, 642. Inferiority, 34, 63,195. Infernal, bad, 649. hellish, 982. wicked, 945. malevolent, 907. Infertility, 169. Infest, 830. Infestivity, sadness, 837, Infibulation, 43 Infidel, 988. Infidelity, dishonor, 940. irreligion, 988. Infiltrate, intervene, 228. imbue, 339. mix, 41. teach, 537. Infiltration, water, 337. ingress, 294. intervention, 228. passage, 302. Infinite, in quantity, 105. space, 180. in degree, 31. size, 192. Infinitely, 31. Infinitesimal, in degree, 32. in quantity, 193. Infinity, in quantity, 105 ill degree., 31. in size, 192. of God, 976. Infirm, wca1 GO. irresolute, 005. vicious, 915. Infirmary, 002. Infirmity, weakness, 100. disease, 055. failing, 945. Infix, 537. Inflame, burn, 384. fume, 900. excite, 173. incite, 615. Inflammability, 384 Inflammation, 384. Inflate, expand, 194. rarefy, 322. blow, 349. style, 577. ridiculous, 853. vanity, 880. Inflated, vain, 880. foolish, 853. Inflation, expansion, 194. blowing, 349. Inflect, 245. Inflexibility, hardness, 323. obstnacy, 606. straightness, 246. resolution, 004. Inflexible, hard, 323. resolved, 694. stern, 739. Inflexion, 245. Inflict, act upon, 680. give pain, 830. tyrannize, 739. Infliction, 828, 830. Inflictive, punitive, 972. Influence, physical, 175. authority, 737. inducement, 615. importance, 642. Influential, 175, 642. Influx, 294. Infold, 231. Inform, 527. Inform against, 938. Informal, irregular, 83. lawless, 964. Informality, irregularity, 83 Mwlessncss, 964. Informality, failure, 773. Informant, 527. Information, knowledge, 490. communication, 527. Informity, 241. Infraction, non-observance, 773. unconformity, 83. exemption, 927. disobedience, 742. violation, 614. Infrangible, 46, 321. Infrequency, 137. Infrequent, 137. Infrigidation, 385. Infringe, transgress, 303. violate, 773, 925, 927. disobey, 742. break through, 614. Infringement, transgression, 303. disobedience, 742. violation, 773. rupture, 614. Infuriate, wrathful, 900. violent, 173. Infuse, mix, 41. insert, 300. teach, 537. Infusion, 41. Ingathering, 72. Ingeminate, 90. Ingemination, 90. Ingenious, 698. Ingeniousness, 698. Ingenuous, artless, 703. sincere, 543. guileless, 939. Ingenuousness, sincerity, 543. artlessness, 703. Inglorious, 874, 940. Ir.gloriousness, 874. ingraft, insert, 300. join, 43. add, 37. teach, 537. implant, 6. Ingrafted, 6. Ingrained, imbued, 5. combined, 48. inborn, 820. habit, 613. Ingratiate, 897. Ingratitude, 917. Ingredient, 58. Ingress, 294. Ingurgitate, 296. Ingurgitation, 296. Ingustible, 391. Jnhabile, 699. INDEX. 349 Inhabit, 186. Inhabiting, 186. Inhabitant, 188. Inhalation, 296. Inhale, 298. Inharmonious, 414. Inherence, 5. Inherent, 5. Inherit, acquire, 775. Inheritance, possession, 777. acquisition, 775. Inheritor, 779. Inhesion, 5. Inhibit, prohibit, 761. hinder, 706. dissuade, 616. Inhibition, prohibition, 761. hinderance, 706. Inhospitable, 893. Inhospitableness, 893. Inhospitability, 893 Inhuman, 907. Inhumation, 363. Inhume, 383. Inimical, 706, 889. Inimitable, perfect, 650. good, 648. uncopied, 10. Iniquity, wrong, 923. vice, 915. Initial, 66. Initiate, begin, 66. teach, 537. Initiated, skilful, 698. Initiation, teaching, 537. beginning, 66. Initiative, enterprise, 676. beginning, 66. Initiatory, 66. Inject, 300, 337. Injection, 300. Injudicial, 964. Injudicious, 499. Injunction, command, 741. advice, 695. decree, 963. Injure, to damage, 649, 659. malevolence, 907. Injurious, 1 Injuriousness, j ' Injury, harm, 619, 659. Injustice, 923. Ink, 431. Inklin g, informatu n, 527. knowledge 490. Inlaid, 440. Inland, 221. Inlay, 44J. Inlet, opening, 198, 260. way, 627. beginning, 66. of the sea, 343. nly, 221. .nmate, 188. Inmost, 221. Inn, 189. Innate, 5, 613. Innavigable, 704. Inner, 221. Innermost, 221. Innocence, 946. Innocent, 648, 656, 946. Innocuous, 648, 656. Innocuousness, 648, 946. Innominate, 565. Innovate, 140. Innovation, newness, 123. change, 140. Innoxious, innocent, 946. salubrious, 656. Innoxiousness, 656. Innuendo, 527. Innumerable, 105. Innutritions, 657. Inobservance, 742. Inoculate, insert, 300. teach, 537. Inoculation, 300. Inquiry, search, 461. curiosity, 455. Inquisition, 461, 905. Inquisitive, carious, 455. searching, 461. Inquisitorial, 461. Inroad, ingress, 294. invasion, 716. devastation, 619. Insalubrious, 657. Insalubrity, 657. Insane, 503, 504. Insanity, 503. Insatiable, 865. Insatiate, 865. Inscribe, write, 590. label, 551. represent, 554. Inscription, label, 551. representation, 554 writing, 590. Inscroll, 551. Inscrutable, 519. Insecable, 43, 87. Insect, animal, 366. mite, 193. Insecure, 665. Insensate, foolish, 499. matt, 503. Insensibility, physical, 376. moral, 823. Insensible, physical, 376. moral, 823. Insensibleness, 823 Insensibly, 823. Inseparability, 46. Inseparable, cohering, 46. attached, 43. Inseparableness, 4C Insert, pat in, 300. record, 551. locate, 184. interpose, 228. enter, 294. Inodorate, Inodorous, J Inodorousness, [399. Inoffensive, 946. Inoperative, unproductive, 169. useless, 645. Inopportune, untimely, 135. inexpedient, 647. Inopportunely, 135. Inopportuneness, 135. Inordinate, size, 192. excessive, 31. Inorganic, 358. Inosculate, intersect, 219. convoluted, 248. joined, 43. Inosculation, 143. Inquest, 461. Inquietude, uneasiness, 828 apprehension, boo. discontent, 832. restlessness, 264. disorder, 59. Inquire, 461. Inquirer, 461. Inserted, Inserting, Insertion, grafting, 294. interval, 184, 198. interposition, 228. planting, 300. Inseverable, 43. 87. Inside, 221. Insidious, false, 544. canning, 702. dishonorable, 9-10. Insidiousness, canning, 702. 300. 350 INDEX. Insidiousness, meanness, 940. Insight, 490. Insignia, 550. Insignificant, 643. Insincere, 544. Insincerity, 544. Insinuate, intervene, 228. ingress, 294. mean, 516. endear, 897. suppose, 514. hint, 527. blame, 932. insert, 300. Insinuation, intervention, 228. ingression, 294. insertion, 300. censure, 932. Insipid, tasteless, 391. indifferent, 866. Insipidity, )39L Insipidness, ) Insist, 741. Insnare, cheat, 545. endanger, 665. Insolation, 382. Insolence, 885. Insolent, 885. Insoluble, 321. Insolvable, 519. Insolvency, debt, 806. penury, 804. default, 808. Insolvent, bankrupt, 808. ruined, 732. indigent, 804. indebted, 806. Insomuch, 31. Inspect, look, 441. attend to, 457. Inspection, 441, 457, Inspector, spectator, 444. director, 694. Inspiration, impulse, 612. imagination, 515. wisdom, 498. piety, 987. prompting, 615. revelation, 985. Inspire, prompt, 615. cheer, 836. animate, 824. religious, 987. Inspiring, 836. Inspirit, urge, 615. animate, 824. courage, 861. Inspissate, 321, 352. Inspissated, 321. Inspissation, 352. Instability, 149. Install, locate, 184. commission, 737, 755. celebrate, 883. Installation, insertion, 184. commission, 737, 755. celebration, 883. Instalment, portion, 51. Instance, example, 82. motive, 615. Instant, moment, 113. present, 118. future, 121. Instantaneity, 113. Installation, 660. Instead, 147. Instigate, 615. Instigation, ) r,,- Instigator, | Instil, insert, 300. teach, 537. mix, 41. Instinct, intellect, 450. intuition, 477. impulse, 601. innate, 5. teach, 537. Instinctive, intuitive, 477. impulsive, 601. innate, 5. habituated, 613. Instinct with, 615. Institute, 542. Institution, academic, 542. religious, 995. Institutor, 540. Instruct, teach, 537. advise, 695. Instruction, 697. Instructive, 537. Instructor, 540. Instrument, implement, 633. record, 551. security, 771. Instrumental, means, 632. music, 415. subservient, 631. Instrumentality, 631. Insubordinate, 742. Insubordination, 742. Insubstantiality, 4. Insufferable, 830. Insufficiency, 640. Insufficient, 640. Insufflation, 349. Insular, island, 346. detached, 44. single, 87. Insularity, 44. Insulate,'87. Insult, rudeness, 895. offence, 900. Insulting, 898. Insuperable, 704. Insupportable, 830. Insuppressible, 173. Insurance, 768. Insure, 474. Insurgent, 742. Insurmountable, 704. Insurrection, disobedience, 742. resistance, 719. Intact, 142. Intaglio, 557. Intangible, 381. Integer, 50. Integral, 50. Integral calculus, 84. Integrant part, 56. Integrate, consolidate, 50. Integration, 50, 52, 84. Integrity, whole, 50. virtue, 944. probity, 939. Integument, 223. Intellect, 450. Intentness, activity, 689. Intent on, 457, 604 Intent upon, 620. Inter, bury, 363. insert, 300. Intercalate, insert, 300. intervene, 228. Intercalation, insertion, 300. intervention, 228. Intercede, mediate, 724. deprecate, 766. Intercept, hinder, 706. dam, 348. Interception, 706. Intercession, 766. Intercessor, 724. Savior, 976. Interchange, 148. reciprocate, 12. barter, 794. transfer, 783. Interchangeable, 148 commercial, 794. reciprocal, 12. Interchangeableness 12, 148. Interchanged, 148. Interclude, 706. Interclusion, 706. I n te rcom m u n icat ion, 527. Intercommunity, sociality, 892. Intercourse, 588, 892. Intercurrence, 228, 302. Intercurrent, 148, 302. Interdict, 761. Interdiction, 761. Interdigitate, intervene, 228. intersect, 219. Interdigitation, 228. Interest, advantage, 618. concern, 9. debt, 806. Interfere, intervene, 228. meddle, 680. disagree, 24. counteract, 1791 thwart, 706. mediate, 724. activity, 682. Interference, thwarting, 706. intervention, 228. counteraction, 1791 mediation, 724. activity, (582. Interim, 106. Interior, 221. Intellection, Intellectual, Intellectuality, 450. Intelligence, mind, 450. news, 532. ■wit, 498. Intelligencer, 527. Intelligent, 498. Intelligibility, 518, 570. Intelligible, 518, 570. Intemperate, 954. Intern pestivity, 135. Iii tend, design, 620. Intended, 600. Intense, 171. Intensely, 31. Intensity, degree, 26. greatness, 31. energy, 171. Intent, active, 682. thoughtful, 451. Intention, design, 620. Intentional, 600. Intentness. attentio', 457. though: 451. INDEX. 351 Interiority, 221. Interjacence, coming between, 228. middle, 68. Interjacent, 68. Interject, insert, 300. interpose, 228. Interjection, 300. Interlace, twine, 219. join, 43. Interlard, interpose, 228. mix, 41. insert, 300. Interlarding, 41. Interleave, 228. Interline, insert, 228. write, 590. Interlineation, insertion, 228. writing, 590. Interlink, 43. Interlocation, 228. Interlocution, 588. Intermix, 41. Intermixed, 41. Intermixture, 41. Intermutation, 148 Internal, interior, 221. intrinsic, 5. lining, 224. Internally, 22] International, reciprocal■ 12 law, 953 Intemunci. messenger 531 consignee, ~5c. Interpenetrate, 302. Interpenetration, passage, 302. ingress, 294. Interpolate, tutervene, 228. mix, 41. analytical, 85. Interpolation, mixture, 41. intervention, 228. Interpose, intervene, 228. mediate, 724. act, 682. hinder, 706. Interposed, 198. Interposition, act, 682. intervention, 228. mediation, 724. hinderance, 706. mixture, 41. Interpret, explain, 522. answer, 462. Interpretation, meaning, 516. answer, 452. explanation, 522. Interpreter, 524. Interregnum, laxity, 738. intermission, 106. cessation, 141. discontinuity, 70. Interrogate, 461. Interrogation, 461. Interrogatory, 461. Interrupt, discontinuity, 70. hinderance, 706. cessation, 141. pause, 265. Interruption, pause, 265. cessation, 141. hinderance, 706. discontinuity, 70. Intersect, 219. Intersection, 219. Interspace, interval, 198. interior, 221. Intersperse, diffuse, 73. mix, 41. intervene, 228. Interspersion, mixture, 41. diffusion, 73. Interstice, 198. Interstitial, interjacent, 228. internal, 221. Intertexture, tissue, 329. intersection, 219. Intertwine, cross, 219. Intertwist, unite, 43, 219. Interval, of space, 219. of music, 413. of order, 70. of time, 106. Intervene, in space, 228. in time, 106. mediate, 724. Intervenience, in space, 228. in time, 106. Intervening, 68. Intervention, mediation, 68, 724. insertion, 300. intcrjacence, 228. instrumentality, 170, 631. Interview, conference, 588. society, 892. Intervoived, 43. Interweave, 219. Interworking, 170. Intestate, 552. Intestinal, 221. Intestine, 221. Inthrall, 751. Intimate, to tell, 527. friendly, 888. dose, 197. Intimation, 527. Intimidate, frighten, 860 insolence, 885 Intimidation, threat, 909. fright, 860. Intolerable, 330. Intolerance, 885. Intolerant, insolent, 885. prejudice, 481. Intomb, 363. Intonation, sound, 402. tone, 413. voice, 580. Intoxicate, excite, 824,825. .Intoxicate, inebriate, 959. Intoxicated, 825 Intoxication, excitement., 824, 825 inebriation, 959. Intractability, difficulty, 704. obstinacy, 606. Intractable, difficult, 704. obstinate, 606. discourteous, 895 Intransient, 110. Intransitive, 110. Intransmutable, 110. Intrench, 717. Intrenchinent, 717. Intrepid, 861. Intrepidity, 851. Intricacy, difficulty, 704, 838 confusion, 59. Intricate, difficult, 704. perplexed, 519. Intricateness, 704, 888. Intrigue, plot, 626. cunning-, 702. activity, 682. licentiousness, 961 Intriguing, 702. Intrinsic, 5. Intrinsicality, 5. Introduce, insert, 300. precede, 62. Introduction, ingress, 294. insertion, 300. priority, 116. precursor, 64. acquaintance, 888. presentation, 894. Introductory, preceding, 62. precursory, 116. beginning, 66. Introgression, 294. Intromission, 294. Intromit, receive, 294, 296. discontinue, 141 Introspection, look into, 441. attend to, 457. Introversion, 313 Introvert, invert, 218. evolve, 313. Intrude, intervene, 228. enter, 294. inopportune, 135' interfere, 24. Intruder, 57, 22a Intrusion, intervention, 22b Interlocutor, Interlocutory, Interloper, intervene, 228. obstruct, 706. extraneous, 57. Interlude, dramatic, 599. time, 106. Intermarriage, 903. Intermeddle, hinder, 706. interfere, 682. Intermeddling, mediation, 724. interference, 682. Intermediate, mean, 29. instrumental, 631. middle, 68. intervening, 228. Intermedium, instrument, 631. means, 632. intervention, 228. Interment, 300, 363. Interminable, infinite, 105. eternal, 112. long, 200. Intermingle, 41. Intermission, discontinuance, 1 Intermit, interrupt, 70. discontinue, 141. recur, 138. suspend, 265. Intermittence, recurrence, 138 in time, 106. Intermitten138 588. 352 INDEX. Intrusion, entrance, 294. disagreement, 24. mixture, 41. Intrusive, 135. Intuition, mind, 450. knowledge, 490. Intuitive, 477. Intuitiveness, 477. Intumescence, 194, 250. Intvvine, 43, 248. Inundate, effusion, 337. flow, 348. redundance, 641. Inundation, overflow, 348. effusion, 337. redundance, 641. Inure, habituate, 613. train, 673. harden, 823. Inured, 823. Inurement, 672. Inutility, 645. Invade, ingress, 294. attack, 716. Invalid, 655. Invalidate, disable, 158. disentitle, 925. confute, 479. rebut, 468. Invalidation, weakness, 160. confutation, 479. infirmity, 655. Invalidity, 158, 479, 925. Invaluable, 648. Invariableness, 150. Invariable, 150. Invasion, ingress, 294. attack, 716. Invective, 932. Inveigh, blame, 938. Inveigle, deceive, 545. seduce, 615. Invent, imagine, 515. devise, 626. falsehood, 544. Invention, skill, 698. imagination, 515. Inventive, skilful, 698. fanciful, 515. Inventory, 86. Inverse, 14,237. Inversely, 218. Inversion, reversion, 145. Inversion, of position, 218,237. of relation, 14. of style, 577. of order, 59, 61. Invert, change, 140. reverse, 14. derange, 61. overset, 218. Invest, give, 784. lend, 787. spend, 809. empower, 157, 755. ascribe, 155. clothe, 225. besiege, 716. Investigate, 461. Investigation, 461 Investigator, 461. Investiture. (See Invest.) Investment. (See Invest.) Inveterate, habit, 613. old, 124. belief, 484. Invidious, envy, 921. hatred, 898. Invigoration, 159. Invincible, 159. Inviolable, right, 924. honor, 939. Inviolate, 939. Invious, close, 261. pathless, 704. Invisible, not to be seen, 447. small, 193. concealed, 526. Invitation, asking, 763. inducement, 615. Invite, ask, 765. offer, 763. induce, 615. Inviting, pleasing, 829. Invocation, pleading, 765. apostrophe, 586. nvoice, 86. Invoke, implore, 765. pray, 990. address, 586. curse, 908. Involuntariness, 603. Involuntary, 601. Involution, disorder, 59. convolution, 248. numerical, 85. s-le, 571. Involve, derange, 61. include, 54. wrap, 225. evidence, 467. meaning, 516. Involved, 59. Invulnerable, 664. Invulnerableness, 664. Inward, 221. Inwardly, 221. Inweave, 219. In wrap, 225. Iota, particle, 32. minute, 193. Irascibility, 895, 901. Irascible, 901. Ire, 900. Iridescence, 440. Iridescent, 440. Iris, 440. Irksome, tiresome, 688. tedious, 841. oppressive, 830. Irksomeness, tedium, 841. oppression, 830. Iron, strength, 159. hardness, 323. to smooth, 255. Ironhearted, 861. Ironical, 544. Irony, ridicule, 856. untruth, 546. Irradiate, 420. Irradiation, 420. Irrational, number, 84. silly, 477, 499. Irrationality, 499. Irreclaimable, degenerate, 659. vile, 945. impenitent, 951. Irreconcilable, discordant, 24. unrelated, 10. Irreconcilableness, 10. Irrecoverable, lost, 776. hopeless, 659. past, 122. Irredeemable, 776. Irreducible, discordant, 24. out of order, 59. involved, 61. fixed, 150. Irrefragable, certain, 475. proved, 467, 478. Irrefutable, certain, 475. Irrefutable, ;proved, 478. Irregular, out of order, 59. against rule, 83. in time, 139. distorted, 243. multiform, 81. Irregularity, 83, 59L Irregularly, 139. Irrelation, 10. Irrelative, 10. Irrelevance, 477. Irrelevant, unrelated, 10. unaccnrdant, 24. sophistical, 477. Irreligion, 988. Irreligious, 988. Irremediable, lost, 776. spoiled, 659. hopeless, 859. bad, 649. remediless, 659. Irreinissible, 945. Irremovable, 150, 265. Irreparable, loss, 776. bad, 649. incurable, 659. Irrcprehensible, 946 Irrepressible. violent, 173. excitement, 825. free, 748. Irreproachable, 946. Irreprovable, 946. Irresistible, 159, 601 407. Irresolute, 149, 605. Irresolution, 605. Irresolvable, 87. Irrespective, 10. Irresponsible, exempt, 927. arbitrary, 964. Irretrievable, 150, 659, 776. Irreverence, disrespect, 929. impiety, 989. Irreverent, impious, 989. disrespectful, 929. Irreversible, past, 122. fixed, 604. immutable, 150. hopeless, 659. Irrevocable, 150, 601, 604. Irrevocableness, 15(1 Irrigate, 337. Irrigation, 337. lrrision, 836. Irritability, anger, 901. excitability, 825. Irritable, excitable, 825. irascible, 901. Irritate, provoke, 898. incense, 900. fret, 828. pain, 830. excite, 171. Irritating, exciting, 171. provoking. 898. paining, 830. Irritation, fretfulness, 828. anger, 900. Irruption, ingress, 294. invasion, 716. Island, 346. Islamism, 984* Isle, 346. Islet, 346. Isochronism, 120. Isochronous, 120. Isolate, detach, 10, 44. Isolated, secluded, 893. detached, 44. single, 87. Isolation, singleness, 87. seclusion, 893. detachment, 44. irrelation, 10. Isomorphism, 240. Isothermal, 389. Issue, effect, 154. event, 151. end, 67. posterity, 167. depart, 293. egress, 295. stream, 347. distribute, 73. (to join,) 476. Issueless, 169. Isthmus, narrowness, 203. land, 342. Italics, 550. Itch, titillation, 380. Itching, 383. Item, addition, 37. speciality, 79. Iterate, 90, 104. Iteration, 90, 104. Itinerant, moving, 266. travelltr, 268. Itinerary, description, 494 guide, 695. nomadic, 266. Ivory 430. INDEX. 353 J. Jabberer, 584. Jacent, 213. Jack, instrument, 633. Jackass, 271. Jackboot, 225. Jacket, 235. Jack-o’-lantern, light, 420. Jack-pudding, 844. Jaculate, 276. Jaculation, 284 Jade, to fatigue, 688 horse, 271 Jaded, 688. Jagged, angular, 244. notched, 257. Jail, 752. Jailer, 753 Jam, confection, 398. Jangle, sound, 410. discord, 713. Janitor, 263. Janus, 548. Japan, varnish, 223. beautify, 845. ornament, 847. Jar, vessel, 191. stridor, 410. discord, 414, 713. agitation, 315. clash, 24. Jargon, unmeaning, 519. absurdity, 497. Jarring, 713. Jaundiced, prejudiced, 481. jealous, 920. dejected, 837. Jaunt, 286. Javelin, 727. Jaw, mouth, 231. Jaws of death, 360. Jealous, 920. Jealousy, 920. Jeopardize, 665. Jeer, banter, 856. flout, 929. joke, 842. Jehovah, 976. Jejune, scanty, 640. style, 575. Jelly, 352. Jeopardy, 665. Jeremiade, accusation, 938. I invective, 932. Jeremiade, lamentation, 839. Jerk, throw, 146, 284. draw, 285. agitate, 315. Jerkin, 225. Jest, wit, 842. trifle, 643. Jester, humorist, 844. buffoon, 857. Jesting stock, 857. Jesuit, 548. Jesuitical, 544. Jesuitry, deception, 544. sophistry, 477. Jesus, 976. Jet, water, 347. stream, 348. blackness, 431. Jetty, 250. Jewel, gem., 650. ornament, 847. favorite, 849. Jezebel, wicked, 913. Jiffy, 113. Jilt, 545, 940. Jilted, 898. Jingle, 408. Job, business, 625. action, 680. unfairness, 940. Jobber, merchant, 797. trickster, 943. Jobbing, skill, 698. barter, 794. Jockey, horseman, 268. to deceive, 545. deceiver, 548. Jocose, witty, 836, 810, 842. Jocoseness, 840. Jocular, gay, 836. witty, 842. amusing, 840. Jocularity, gayety, 836. pleasure, 842. Jocund, 836, 840. Jog on, slowness, 275. trudge, 266. Jog trot, 275. Joggle, 315. Johnsonian, 577 Join, league, 712. aid, 707. marry, 703. Join, accompany, 88. connect, 43. Join issue, 465. Joining, 43. Joint, part, 51. junction, 43. flexure, 258. accompanying, 88. Joint stock, 709, 778 Jointure, £10. Joist, 215. Joke. wit, 842. trifle, 643. Jollity, 840. Jolly, gay, 836. marine, 726. plump, 192. sailor, 269. Jollyboat, 273. Jolt, 276, 315. Jorum, 191. Jostle, clash, 24. shake, 315. push, 276. Jot, small quantity, 32. particle, 193. to record, 551. Jotting, 590. Journal, annals, 114. record, 551. description, 594. book, 593. Journey, 266. Journeyman, agent, 690. servant, 746. Joust, 720. Jove, 979. Jovial, gay, 836. amusement, 840. Jovialness, 849 Joviality, 840. Joy, 827. Joyful, 827, 836. Joyfulness, 833. Joyless, 830, 83^. Joyous, 836. Joyousness, 836, 817, 838. Jubilant, joyous, 833. boastful, 884. rejoicing, 838. Jubilation, rejoicing, 836. boasting, 884. fubilee, rejoicing, 836, 838, festival, 840. celebration, 883. Jucundity, 836. Judaism, 984. 354 INDEX. Judge, arbitrator, 9$ deity, 976. decide, 480. taste, 850. Judgment, decision, 480. intellect, 450. belief, 484. wisdom, 498. sentence, 989. Judication, 480. Judicatory, 965. ludicature, 965. .tidiciai, 985. Judicious, 480, 498. Jug, 191. Juice, 333. Juiceless, 340. Juicy, 333, 339. Juiep, 396. Jumble, confusion, 59. derangement, 61. mixture, 41. Jump, rise, 305. leap, 146,309. dance, 840. Jump at, seize, 789. pursue, 622. conclusion, 480. Jump over, 460. Junction, 43, 197. Juncture, period, 134. circumstance, 8. junction, 43. Jungle, 367. Junior, 127, 128. Juniority, 127. Junk, 273. Junto, 712. Jupiter, 979. Juridical, 985. Jurisconsult, 968. Jurisdiction, 965. Jurisprudence, 963. Jurist, 968. Jury, 957. Jurymast, substitute, 147. resource, 666. Just, accurate, 494. fair, 480. right, 922. equitable, 939. reasonable, 476, 519. . list so, 488. Justice, right, 922. divine, 976. magistrate, 937. ustitiary, 957. ■usti (table, right, 922. venial, 937. Justification, religious, 987. vindication, 937. Justify, 937, 976. Justie, push, 276. fight, 722. toss, 315. Jut out, 250. Jutty, 250. Juvenesr.ence, 127. Juvenile 127. Juvenilit t, 127. Juxtaposition, 199. K. Kaleidoscope, 445. Keel, 211. Keen, energetis, 171 acute, 375. poignant, 821. Keen eyed, 441, 498. Keenness, desire, 865. energy, 171. Keensighted, 498. Keenwitted, 498. Keep, retain, 150. custody, 751. prison, 752. to observe, 772. to celebrate, 883. to persist, 142. to continue, 143. citadel, 717. food, 298. provision, 637. Keep away, 126. Keep back, conceal, 528. disuse, 678. dissuade, 616. Keep close, 781. Keep from, refrain, 603. Keep in, 761. Keep in view, 457. Keep off, 198. Keep on, 143. Keep under, restrain, 751. Keep up, 143. Keeper, 753. Keeping, congruity, 24. holding, 781. Keep quiet, 683. Keepsake, 505. Keg, 191. Ken, 490. Kennel hovel, 189. Kerbst« ne, 233. Kerch i»", 225. Kernel, 222. Kettle, vessel, 191. caldron, 386. Kettledrum, 417. Key, interpretation, 522. answer, 462, music, 413. cause, 153. instrument, 631. Keyhole, 260. Keynote, music, 413. model, 22. Keystone, 215, 729. Kick, strike, 276. resist, 719. Kidnap, 789, 791. Kilderkin, 191. Kill, 361. Killing, 361. Kill time, 683. Kiln, 386. Kilt, 225. Kimbo, 244. Kin, 75. Kind, class, 75. benevolent, 906. Kindhearted, 906. Kindheartedness, 906. Kindle, set fire to, 384. cause, 153. quicken, 171. incite, 615. excite, 173, 824. incense, 900. Kindly, 906. Kindness, 906. Kindred, 11. King, 745. Kingcraft, 737. Kingdom, 181, 780. King’s English, 560. Kinsman, 11. Kirk, 1000. Kirtle, 225. Kiss, endearment, 902. courtesy, 894. Kitchen, workshop, 691. room, 191. Kite, flying, loan, 788. Knt very, vice, 915. dishonesty, 940. Knavish, 940. Knavishness, 940l Knead, mix, 41. soften, 324. Knee, 244. Kneel, beg, 765. respect, 928. pray, 990. servility, 743, 866. Kneeling, prayer, 993. submissive, 743. Knell, 363, 415. Knickknack, 643. Knife, 253. Knight, noble, 875. Knight errant, 717, 863. Knighthood, 877. Knit, 43. Knob, protuberance, 259. ball, 249. knot, 194. Knock, blow, 276. sound, 406. beat, 972. Knock down, 162, 308. Knock under, obey, 743. Knock up, 688. Kr.oii, 206. Knot, entanglement, 59 group, 72. intersection, 219. difficulty, 704. knob, 194. hinderance, 706. ornament, 847. Knotted, question, 219, 461 Knotty, difficult, 704. dense, 321. Knowing, 698. Knowingly, 600 Knowledge, 490. Known, 490. Knuckle, 244. hand, 244. Knuckle to, humble, 879. Koran, 986. L. Label, 550. Labor, exertion, 686. difficulty, 704. Kitten, | Kittenish, 1 129. Knack, skill, 698. toy, 840. Knap, ridge, 206. Knapsack, 191. Knave, deceiver, 548. rogue, 941. dishonor, 949. INDEX 355 Labor, work, 680. Laboratory, 144, 691. Laborer, 690. Laborious, 686. Laboriousness, 704. Labyrinth, secret, 533. difficulty, 704. convolution, 248. Luhyrinthic, ; 7(U Labyrinthine, j Lace, tie, 43. ornamen., 847. net, 219. Lacerate, 44, 830. Laceration. 44. Lachrymose, 809. Lack, insufficiency, 640. destitution, 804. requisition, 630. number, 98. Lackey, 746. Lacklustre, dim, 422. discolored, 429. Laconic, 572. Laconicism, 572. Lacquer, varnish, 223. adorn, 845, 847. Lad, 129. Ladder, 627, 632. Lade, transfer, 270. bale, 185. load, 184. Laden, chargea, 639. Lading, cargo, 190, 635. place, 184. ware, 788. Ladle, spoon, 272. vessel, 191. Lady, 374, 894. Ladylike, 852. Lag, linner, 275 follow, 281. dawdle, 683. Laggard, slack, 603. drone, 683. Lagging, 683. Lagoon, 343. Laical, 997. Laid up, 655. Lair, den, 189. sty, 653. Laity, 997. Lake, 343. Lamh, innocent, 943 Savior, 976. saint, 948. Lambent flame, 420. Lamblike, 946. Lame, weak, 160. bad, 649. failing, 732. laxity, 738. Lamella, 204. Lmnellated, 1 Lumelliform, | Lamely, 275. Lament, complain, 839. regret, 833. Lamentably, 31. L .mentation, complaint, 839. pity, 915. Lamenting, 839. Lamina, layer, 204. part, 51. Laminated, 204. Lamp, 423. Lampoon, 932. Lance, throw, 284. javelin, 727. Lancer, 726. Lancet, 262. Land, ground, 342. to arrive, 292. to stop, 265. estate, 780. Landing, 215. Landing-place, 215, 292. Landlocked, 227. Landlord, 779. Landmark, 550. Landscape, view, 448. delineation, 556. Lane, street, 189. way, 627. Language, 560. Languid, weak, 160. slow, 275. inactive, 683. torpid, 823. style, 575. Languish, desire, 865. faint, 160. illness, 655. Languishment, 839. Languor, weakness, 160 inactivity, 275, 683. dulness, 172. Lank, 103, 203. Lankness, 203. Lantern, 423. Lap, seat, 189. cover, 225. interior, 221. Lap, to wrap, 223. encompass, 227. drink, 298. Lapidescence, 321. La pi d ili cation, 321. Lapse, of time, 109. past time, 122, 135. fall, 306. growth, 144. degeneracy, 659. guilt, 947. Larboard, 239. Larceny, 791. Lard, 355, 356. Larder, store, 636. food, 298. Large, in quantity, 31. in size, 192. Larger, 194. Largeness, in quantity, 31. in size, 192. Largess, 784, 809. Lark, mount, 305. frolic, 840. Laruin, alarm, 669. signal, 550. loudness, 404. Larva, 127, 129. Lascivious, 961. Lasciviousness, 961. Lash, tie together, 43. punish, 972. scourge, 975. censure, 932. violence, 173. Lass, 129, 374. Lassie. 374. Lassitude, fatigue, 688. weariness, 841. Lasso, 45. Lassy, 129. Last, in order, 67. in time, 122. endure, 106. continue, 142. durable, 110. model., 22. Lasting, 888. Latch, 45. Latchet, 45. Late, tardy, 133. past, 122. new, 123. Lately, 122. Latency, inertness, 172. concealment, 417 Latent, concealed, 526. Latent, implied, 516. inert, 172. Later, 117. Lateral, 236. Laterality, 236. Lath, 205. Lather, 353. Latitude, scope, 180. place, 182, 193. breadth, 202 freedom, 748. Latitudinarian, 9at, I.atrant, 412, Latration, 412. Latter, sequent, 63. past, 122. Lattice, 219. Laud, praise, 931. Laudable, 944. Laudation, 931 Laudatory, 931. Laugh, 838. Laugh at, ridicule, 856. sneer, 929. deride, 483. joke, 842. Laughable, ridiculous, 838, 842, 853. Laughing, 838. Laughing stock, 857. Laughter, 836, 838, 840. Launch, propel, 284. begin, 66. undertake, 676. boat, 273. adventure, 876. Launch out, expatiate, 584. style, 573. Laurel, trophy, 733. reward, 973. glory, 873. decoration, 877. Lave, 652. Lavender color, 4,77 Lavish, prodigal, 818. profuse, 639, 041. Lavishinent, 641. Law, rule, 80. ordination, 963. command, 741. permission, 7601 Lawful, 924. Lawgiver, 745. I Lawless, | arbitrary, 984. I irregular, 83. J Lawlessness, i irregularity, 83. INDEX. 356 Lawlessness, nonobservai n, 773. Lawn, 344. Lawsuit, 969. Lawyer, 9G8. Lax incoherent, 47. soft, 324. diffuse, 573. remiss, 738. lie mtious, 945. Laxation, 44. Laxness, incoherence, 47. remissness, 738. licentiousness, 945. Lay, place, 184. assuage physically, l',4. morally, 826. bet, 151. poetry, 597. music, 415. level, 213. secular, 997. Lay aside, relinquish, 624. give up, 782. reject, 610. Lay hare, 525. Lay by, store, 638. economize, 817. Lay down, assert, 535. renounce, 757. Lay in, store, 296, 636, 637. Lay open, disclose, 529. show, 525. divest, 226. Lay out, 363. Lay to, be inactive, 683. repose, 687. Lay up, illness, 655. Lay waste, ravage, 649. disorganize, 659. Layer, 204. Layman, 997. Lazaretto, 662. Laziness, 683. Lazy, inactive, 683. slow, 275. Lea, 342, 344. Lead, to precede in order, 02. precede in motion, 280. to tend, 176. to direct, 693. to induce, 615. zuthority, 737. Lead, heaviness, 319 Lead off, 66. Leader, 745. Leading, important, 642. heading, 280. Leading strings, reins, 747. subjection, 749. Leaf, part, 51. layer, 204. of a book, 593. Leaflet, 51. League, 712. Leak, dribble, 295k chink, 198. waste, 638. Leakage, 295. Leaking, 638. Lean, thin, 193. incline, 602. narrow, 203. oblique, 217. recline, 215. Leaning, direction, 278. willingness, 602. slant, 217. desire, 865. Lean towards, 923. Leanness, 193, 203. Leap, 305, 309. Leap to, change, 140. Learn, by rote, 505. Learned, 490. Learner, 541. Learning, acquiring, 539. erudition, 490. Lease, 796. Leash, tie, 43. three, 92. Leasehold, 780. Least, 34. Leather, trifle, 643. Leave, quit, 293. displace, 185. relinquish, 624. permission, 760. bequeathe, 784. desist, 681. Leave off, 141, 614, 624. Leave out, 55. Leaven, cause, 153. bane, 663. dirt, 153. to spoil, 659. Leavings, 40. Lecher, 962. Lecherous, 961. Lechery, 981. Lecture, teach, 537. censure, 938, 932. discourse, 582. sermon, 998. Lecturer, 541. Ledge, 215. Leech, suck, 789. physician, 695. Lee shore, 667. Lee side, 236. Leeward, 236. Leeway, 133, 304. Leer, 441. Lees, 652. Left, remaining, 40. sinistral, 239. Lefthanded, 699. Legacy, gift, 784. acquisition, 775. Legal, legitimate, 924. relating to law, 963. Legality, 963. Legalize, 924. Legate, consignee, 750. messenger, 534. deputy, 759. Legation, 755. Legend, narrative, 594. record, 551. Legendary, 594. Leger, accounts, 811. list, 86. Legerdemain, trick, 545. change, 146. cunning, 702. Legging, 225. Legible, 518. Legibleness, 518. Legion, army, 726. multitude, 102. assemblage, 72. Legislate, 963. Legislator, 7-ok, 594. Log line, 466. Logarithm, 84. Loggerheads, quarrels, 713. Logic, 476. Logical, 467, 478. Logograph, 533. Logomachy, words, 588. dispute, 713, 720 reasoning, 476. INDEX. 359 Loophole, opening, 260. vista, 441. plea, 617. plun, 626. refuge, 666. escape, 67' feint, 545 Loose, detach, 44. free, 748. pendulous, 214. liberate, 750. incoherent, 47. vague, 519. sinful, 945. style, 573. lax, 738. forget, 506. dissolute, 961. Loosen, 47, 750. Looseness, sin, 945. laxity, 738. vagueness, 519. style, 573. Loosening, 47, 738. Lop, retrench, 38. shorten, 201. Loquacious, 584. Loquacity, 584. Lord, nobleman, 875. ruler, 745. Ood, 976. Lord it over, 885. Lordling, 875. Lordliness, pride, 878. grandeur, 873. Lordly, proud, 878. grand, 873. Lordship, title, 731, 871, 877. Lore, 490. Lose, 135, 776. waste, 683. Loss, privation, 776. of strength, 160. evil, 619. death, 360. Lost, invisible, 449. non-existing, 2. bewildered, 491. demoralized, 945. absent, 187. impenitent, 951. inattentive, 458. Lot, destiny, 152. chance, 156, 621. grouv, 72. allotment, 786. Lottery, 156, C21. Loud, 404. Loudness, 404. Lounge, inactive, 683. to loiter, 110, 275 Lounger, 683. Lounging, 275. Lout, fool, 501. Love, attachment, 897. favorite, 899. Love letter, 900. Loveliness, 845. Lovelorn, lovesick, 897. rejected, 898. Lovely, dear, 897. pleasing, 829. beautiful, 845. Lover, 897. Loving, 897. Low, depressed, 207. debased, 940. vulgar, 876. cry , 412. price, 815. sound, 403. Lower, depress, 207, 308. decrease, 36. dim, 422. inferior, 34. discourteous, 895. irate, 900. predict, 511. Lowering, depressing, 308. sad, 837. Lowlands, 207. Lowliness, 879. Lowly, 879. Lowminded, 840. Lowness, humility, 874. flatness, 207. vulgarity, 851. Low spirits, 837. Loyal, 939. Lozenge, 244. Lubber (or Lubbard), slow, 683. awkward, 699. big, 192. Lubberly, 192. Lubricate, smooth, 255. Lubricated, 332. Lubrication, 255, 332. Lubricity, slippery, 255. impurity, 961. Lucent, 420. Lucid, luminous, 420. intelligible, 518. style, 570. Lucidness, sanity, 502. clearness, 518. Lncidness, brightness, 420. style, 570. Lucifer, match, 388. Luck, chance, 156, 621. good, 618. success, 731. prosperity, 734. Luckless, failure, 732. adversity, 735. distressed, 828. Lucky, 134, 734. Lucrative, 810. Lucre, gain, 775. wealth, 803. Lucubration, 451. Luculent, 420. Ludicrous, laughable, 838. ridiculous, 853. witty, 842. Ludicrousness, 853. Lug, 285. Luggage, materials, 635. Lugger, 273. Lugubrious, 837. Lukewarm, temperate, 382. indifferent, 866. torpid, 823. Lukewarmness, indifference, 866. insensibility, 823. Lull, assuage, 174. mitigate, 826. silence, 403. quiescence, 265. Lullaby, song, 415. quiet, 174. Lumber, useless, 645. slow, 275. embarrass, 647. trash, 643. disorder, 59. liinderance, 706. Lumber room, 191. Lumbering, cumbrous, 647. Luminary, light, 423. sage, 500. Luminous, 420. Lump, mass, 319. density, 321. concrete, 46. totality, 50. to amass, 72. Lumpish, massive, 192, 321. sluggish, 683. awkward, 853. Lumpishness, .83. Lunacy, 503 Lunatic, 504 Lunch, 298. Luncheon, 298. Lunge, 276. Lungs, loudness, 404 Lunifonn, 245. Lunular, 245. Lunule, 245 Lurch, sink, 306. difficulty, 704 deception, 545. oscillation, 314. to incline, 217 Lure, entice, 615. deception, 545. Lurid, dim, 422. dark, 421. yellow, 436. Lurk, latent, 526. hide, 530. concealed, 528. unseen, 447. Lurking-place, 530. Luscious, savory, 394. grateful, 829. dulcet, 396. Lusk, 683. Lust, desire, 865. concupiscence, 961. Lustiness, 159. Lustration, purification, 652. atonement, 952. Lustre, brightness, 420. chandelier, 423. glory, 873. Lustrous, 420. Lusty, 192, 961. Lute, cement, 45. to cement, 46. guitar, 417. Luxation, 44. Luxuriance, 639. Luxuriant, 639. Luxuriate, 827. Luxurious, 829 pleasing, 829. grateful, 827. Luxuriousness, 8 18. Luxury, physical, 377. enjoyment, 827 sensuality, 954. Lyceum, 542. Lying, decumbent, 213. deceptive. 546. Lymph, 33, 337,425 Lymphatic, 337. 360 INDEX. Lynch law, 964. Lynxeved, 441. Lyre, 417. Lyrics, 597. M. Macaroni, 854. Mace, club, 633. weapon, 727. sceptre, 747. Macera:e, 337. Maceration, asceticism, 955. dilution, 337. atonement, 952. Macliiavelian, 544, 702. Machiavelism, 702. Machination, 626. Machine, 633. Machinery, 632. Machinist, 690. Macilency, 193. Macilent, thin, 193. narrow, 203. Macrocosm, 318. Maculate, 846. Maculation, 440, 848. Mad, insane, 503. violent, 137. Madam, 374. Madcap, 504, 863. Madden, excite, 173, 834. dementate, 503. Maddening, 825. Madefaction, 339. Made of, 54. Madman, 504. Vladness, 503. Madrigal, 597. Maelstrom, 312. Magazine, 636. Maggoty, 653. Magic, 992. Magical, 992. Magician, 994. Magic lantern, 445. Magisterial, 878. Magistracy, authority, 737. jurisdiction, 965. Magistrate, justiciary, 967. ruler, 745. Jagistrature, 737. Magnanimity, 942. Magnanimous, 942. Magnet, 865. Magnificence, grandeur, 882. splendor, 845. Magnificent, grand, 882. fine, 845. Magnifier, 445. Magnify, increase, 35. enlarge, 194. praise, 990. approve, 931. Magniloquence, 582. Magniloquent, 577. Magnitude, quantity, 25. size, 192. Mahogany color, 433 Mahomet, 986. Mahometanism, 984. Maiden, girl, 129, 374. Maid, servant, 746. spinster, 904. Maidenly, 374. Mail, letters, 592. defence, 717. armory, 727. Maim, injure, 649. weaken, 160. Main, whole, 50. conduit, 350. ocean, 341. principal, 642. Mainland, 342. Mainly, 31. Mainspring, cause, 153. motive, 615. Mainstay, means, 632. refuge, 666. hope, 858. Maintain, continue, 143. preserve, 670. hold, 142. sustain, 170. assert, 535. Maintenance, permanence, 142. presentation, 670. Majestic, 873. Majesty, king, 745. rank, 873. Deity, 976. Major, greater, 33. officer, 745. Majority, age, 131. superiority, 33. Majuscules, 591. Make, produce, 144, 161. constitute, 54. form, 240. arrive at, 292. Make believe, 544. Make fast, 43. Make it up, 918. Make good, 494. Make known, 527, 531. Make light of, 930. Make off, 671. Make out, decipher, 522. discover, 480. Make over, 783. Makepeace, 724. Make up, complete, 52. satisfy, 639. compose, 54. Make up for, 30. Make up to, accost, 586. approach, 286 Maker, artificer, 690. author, 164. Deity, 976. Makeshift, substitute, 64, 147. plea, 617. Make way, progress, 282. improve, 658. Makeweight, equal, 27. compensation, 30. M alad m inistration, 699. Maladroitness, 699. Malady, 655. Malaria, 657, 663. Malcontent, 832. Male, 159, 373. Malediction, 908. Malefactor, 949. Maleficent, 907. Malevolence, 907. Malevolent, 907. Malformation, 846. Malice, spile, 907. hate, 898. Malicious, spiteful, 907. invidious, 898. Malign, 934. Malignant, malevolent, 907. pernicious, 649. Malignity, violence, 173. malevolence, 907. curse, 649. Maligner, 544. Mall, club, 633. street, 189. Malleability, softness, 324. ductility, 705. Malleable, soft, 324. facile, 705. Mallet, hammer, 276. Mallet, instrument, 633. Malpractice, 947. Maltreat, injure MO., 8.10. molest, 907. Mammal, 366. Mammiform, 250. Mammilla, 2">3. Mammon, 803. Man, mankind, 372. male, 373. adult, 131. to arm, <>73. Man at arms, 720. Man-hater, 911. Man-milliner, 854. Man-millinery, 855. Man-of-war, 273. Manacle, shackle, 752. to fetter, 43. Manage, 093. Manageable, 705. Management, 098. Manager, 094. Mancipation, 750. Mandate, 741. Mandolin, 417. Manducation, 296. Mane, 256. Maneuvre. (See Manoeuvre.) Manful, strong, 159. brave, 861. Mangle, 44. Mangy, 655. Manhood, virility, 131, 373. bravery, 801. Mania, insanity, 503. desire, 865. Maniac, 5J4. Maniacal, 508. Manifest, visible, 446. obvious, 518. to show, 525. to appear, 448. Manifestation, 525 Manifesto, 531. Manifold, 102. Manikin, image, 554. dwarf, 193. Manipulate, handle, 379. conduct, 692. Manipulation, 379. Mankind, 372. Manlike, 159. Manliness, resolution, 604. Manly, adolescent, 131 brave, 801. INDEX. 301 Manly, virile, 373. strong, 159 Manna, 396. Manner, conduct, 692. way, 627. kind, 75. Mannerism, singularity, 79. affectation, 855. vanity, 880. Mannerist, 855. Mannerliness 894 Mannerly, 894. Manners, breeding, 852. politeness, 894. Manoeuvre, scheme, 626. skill, 698. stratagem, 545,702. Manorial, 780. Manse, 1000. Mansion, 189. Mantel, 215. Mantilla, 225. Mantle, cloak, 225. redden, 434. flash, 824. shade, 424. spread, 194. kindle, 900. foam, 353. Mantling, foaming, 353. flashing, 824. Mantlet, 225. Manual, 542, 593, 695. Manufactory, 691. Manufacture, 161. Manufacturer, 690. Manumission, 750. Manumit, 748. Manure, 653. Manuscript, 590. Many, 102. Many-colored, 440. Map, 554. Mar, spoil, 649. obstruct, 706. Marasmus, itropliy, 659. shrinking, 195. Marauder, 792. Marauding, 791. Mar'ale, ball, 249. variegation, 440. hard, 323. sculpture, 557. March, 266. March off, 671. Marches, 233. Mare, 271 Margin- 231. Margin, latitude, 748. Margravine, 745 Marine, oceanic, 341. fleet, 273. soldier, 726. Mariner, 269 Marital, 903. Maritime, 340, 341. Mark, indication, 550. record, 551. object, 620. degree, 26. observe, 441. attend to, 457. Marked, 535. Market, 799. Market-place, 799. Marksman, 700. Marl, 342. Marque, 792. Marquetry, mixture, 41. Marquis, 875. Marriage, 903. Marrow, essence, 5. interior, 221. whole, 50. gist, 516. essential, 642. Marry, 903. Marsh, 345. Marshal, arrange, 60. officer, 745. messenger, 534. Marshalling, 60. Marshy, 345. Mart, 799. Martial, 722. Martyr, 828. Martyrdom, torture, 378. asceticism, 955. Marvel, wonder, 870. prodigy, 872. Marvellous, great, 31. impossible, 471. Masculine, 159, 373. Mash, thicken, 352. knead, 324. Mask, concealment, 528. ambush, 530. untruth, 546. shade, 424. dress, 225. Masked, invisible, 447. Masora, 985. Masquerade, frolic, 840. concealment, 528 ambush, 53Q. Mass, quantity, 25. degree, 31. whole, 50. weight, 319. heap, 72. she, 192. density, 321. rites, 998. Massacre, 361. Massive, huge, 192. heavy, 319. dense, 321. Massiveness, 192. Master, ruler, 745. man, 373. director, 694. proficient, 700. teacher, 540. title, 877. to succeed, 731. possessor, 779. to learn, 539. to understand, 518. to overpower, 824. Mastered, 732. Master hand, 700. Master head, 098. Master key, explanation, 462. instrumentality, 631. Masterstroke, 626, 698. Masterly, 698. Masterpiece, 050,698. Mastery, authority, 737. success, 731. Masticate, 296. Mastication, 296. Mat, 219. Match, equal, 27. similar, 17. to copy, 19. fuel, 388. marriage, 903. Matched, ) 10 Matching, j Matchless, good,, 648. perfect, 650. virtuous, 944. Matchlock, 727. Mate, similar, 17. equal, 27. wife, 903. Materia medica, 662. Material, substance, 3. bodily, 316. important, 642. Materialism, 988. Materialistic, ) Materialness, 1 J ‘ Materiality, 316. Materials £35. Maternity. 155, 106 Mathematical, exact, 494. Mathematics, 25. Matins, 998. Matrass, 191. Mattress, 215. Matrice, mould, 22. workshop, 691. Matriculation, 541. Matrimonial, 913. Matrimony, wedlock, 903. mixture, 43. Matron, woman, 374. old, 130. adolescent, 131. Matronly, old, 128. mature, 131, 374. Matted, 219. Matter, substance, 3. material world, 316, topic, 454. meaning, 516. importance, 642. of fact, 1. Mattock, 633. Mature, ripe, 144, 673. scheme, 626. perfect, 650. old, 124. thought, 451. adolescent, 131 Maturation, 673. Maturity, ripeness, 673. age, 124. adolescence, 131. Matutinal, 125, 132. Maudlin, spurious sensibility, 823. Maugre, 179. Maul, 649. Maundering, 584. Mausoleum, 303. Maw, 191. Mawkish, insipid, 391. indifferent, 866. Mawkishness, 391 Maxim, 496, 697. Maximum, 28, 33. May, possible, 470. chance, 156. supposition, 514. May jc, possible, 470. chance, 156. supposition, 514. Mayhap, possible, 470. supposition, 514. 3G2 INI EX. Mayhap, chance, 156. Mayor, 745. Maypole, 206. Maze, convolution, 248. bewilderment, 491, enigma, 533. labi rinth, 704 Mead, 344. Meadow, 344 Meagre, thin, 193. narrow, 203. scanty, 640. unimnortant, 643. style, 575. Meagreness, narrowness, 203. unimportance, 643. style, 575. Meal, powder, 330. repast, 298. Mealy, 330. Mean, average, 29. middle, 68, 628. small, 32. contemptible, 643. shabby, 874. base, 940. imperfect, 651. humble, 879. vulgar, 876. sneaking, 886. selfish, 943. stingy, 819. to intend, 620. to signify, 516 Meander, circuition, 311. convolution, 248. river, 348. wander, 279, 629. Meandering, winding, 311, 348. Meanness, smallness, 32. selfishness, 943. contemptibleness, 643. Meaning, intention, 620. signification, 516. Means, appliances 632. fortune, 803. medium, 631. Meantime, 120. Meanwhile, 106. Measurable, 466. Measure, extent, 25. degree, 26. means, 632. moderation, 639. to compute, 466. proceeding, 626. to apportion, 786. Measure, in music, 413. in poetry, 597. Measureless, 105. Meat, 298. Mechanic, 690. Mechanical, automatic, 601. powers, 632. Mechanics, 632. Mechanism, 632. Medal, reward, 973. palm, 733. record, 553. decoration, 877. Medallion, 577. Meddle, interpose, 682. act, 680. Meddling, 682. Meddlesome, 682. Mediaeval, 124. Medial, 68. Mediate, 68, 724. Mediation, 631, 724, 976. Mediator, Savior, 976. peacemaker, 724. Mediatorship, 724. Medical, 662. Medicament, 662. Medicate, heal, 660. compound, 41. Medicinal, 662. Medicine, 662. Medieval. (See Mediaeval.) Mediocrity, moderate, 32. of fortune, 736. imperfect, 651. harmless, 648. Meditate, think, 451. purpose, 620. Meditated, 451. Meditation, 451. Mediterranean, middle, 68. interjacent, 228. Medium, mean, 29. instrument, 631. outskirts, 227. printing, 591. spiritual, 992. Medley, 41. Meed, reward, 973. gift, 784. share, 786. praise, 931. Meek, humble, 879. gentle, 826. Meekness, humility, 879. Meekness, gentleness. 3C< Meet, contact, 199. agreement, 23. converge, 290. assemble, 72. face, 292. expedient, 646. proper, 926. adjoin, 197. fulfil, 772. Meet with, find, 480. happen, 151. Meeting, junction, 43. convergence, 290. encountering, 292. adjoining, 197, 199. assembling, 72. resisting, 719. Meeting house, 1000. Melancholiness, 837. Melancholy, distressing, 830. dejection, 837. Meliorate, 658. Melioration, 658. Mellifluous, sound, 405. melody, 413. style, 578. voice, 580. Mellow, sound, 413. old, 128. mature, 673. change, 144. soft, 324. tipsy, 959. voice, 580. Mellowness, 673. Melodrame, 599. Melody, 413. Melt, liquefy, 335. fuse, 384. change, 144. disappear, 449. pity, 914. combine, 48. Melt away, 2, 449. Melted, 2, 333. Melting, affecting, 821. fusing, 384. liquefy, 335. Member, part, 51. component, 56. Membrane, 204. Membranous, 204. Memento, 505. Memoir, 594, 595. Memorable, 642. Memorandum, 505. Memorial, | record, 551. Memory, reminiscence, 505. fame, 873. Menace, 908. Menacing, 909. Menage, 692. Menagerie, of animals, 366. collection, 72. store, 636. Mend, 658. Mendacity, 544. Mendicancy, 804. Mendicant, beggar, 767. monk, 996. Mendicity, 804. Menial, servant, 746. rustic, 876. Menstrual, 108. Mensuration, 4661. Mental, 450. Mention, 527. Mentor, adviser, 695. teacher, 540. Mephitic, fetid, 401. pernicious, 649. deleterious, 657. Mercantile, 794. Mercenariness, 819. Mercenary, 819, 943 Merchandise, 798. Merchant, 797 Merchant man 273 Merchant ship, 273, Merciful, 914. Merciless, 907, 1^4, Mercurial, excitable, 825. mobile, 264. quick, 274. Mercy, 740, 914. divine, 976. Mere, simple, 32 lake, 343. Meretricious, false, 495. vulgar, 851. licentious, 961. Merge, plunge, 337. insert, 300. change, 144. include, 76. combine, 48. midst, 68. Merging, 68. Meridian, summit, 210. noon, 125. region, 181. Merit, desci t., 914. usefulness, 644. justice, 922. Merited, 922, 924. INDEX. 363 Meritorious, 944. Merriment, 836. Merry, 836. Merryandrew, 844. Merrymaking, 836, 840, 892. Merrymeeting, 892. Meseems, 484. Mesh. 219. interval, 198. Meshes, 704. Mesmerism, 992. Mesmerize, 992. Mess, mixture, 41. disorder, 59. meal, 298. portion, 786. Message, command, 741. intelligence, 532. Messenger, 534. Messiah, 976. Messuage, 189. Metachronism, 115. Metal, material, 635. point 171. power, 157. Metallurgy, 358. Metamorphose, 140. Metamorphosis, 140. Metaphor, figure, 521, 566. comparison, 464. analogy, 17. substitution, 147. Metaphorical, figurative, 521. comparative, 464. Metaphysical, 450. Metaphysics, 450. Mete, measure, 466. give, 784. distribute, 786. Metempsychosis, 140. Meteor, luminary, 423. light., 42). Meteoric, 173, 420. Methinks, 484. Method, order, 58. way, 627. Methodical, 58, 60. Methodize, 60. Methuselah, 130. Metonymy, 147, 521. Metre, 597. Metrical, 466, 597. Metropolis, 189. Mettle, spirit, 820. courage, 861. Mettlesome, excitable, 825. brave, 861. sensitive, 822. Mew, enclose, 231. Mezzr tint, 558. Miasm, 663. Microcosm, 193. Microscope, 445. Microscopic, 193. Mid, 68. Mid course, 628. Middle, in order, 68. in degree, 29. in space, 222. Middle-aged, 131. Middle term, 774. Middleman, director, 694. agent, 758. Middling, 651. Midland, 342. Midnight, evening, 126. darkness, 421. Midshipman, 269. Midships, 68. Midst, 222, 228. Midway, 68. Mien, 448. Miff, 900. Might, power, 157. degree, 26. violence, 173. Mighty, much, 31. large, 192. powerful, 159. haughty, 878. Migrate, 266. Migration, 266. Migratory, 266. Mild, moderate, 174. insipid, 391. lenient, 740. calm, 826. sunny, 382. courteous, 894. warm, 382. Mildew, 653. Mildewed, 659. Mildness, calmness, 826. leniency, 740. moderation, 174. insipidity, 391. Militant, 722. Military, 726, 737. Military evolutions, 722. Militate, 708. Militia, 726. Milk, 174, 352, 430. Milk and water, 651 Milk-white, 430. Milky, semi-transparent, 427. emulsive, 352. Milky way, 318 ilin’.atration, direction, 693. rites, 898. assistance, 707. Ministry, direction, 693. church, 998. service, 707. Minnesinger, 416 Minnow, 193. Minor, inferior, 34. infant, 129. Minority, childhood, 129. inferiority, 34. Minotaur. 83. Minster, 1000. Minstrel, 416. Minstrelsy, 415. Mint, workshop, 691 mould, 22. wealth, 803. Minuet, dance, 840. Minus, less, 38. deficient, 304. loss, 776. Minute, in quantity, 32. in size, 193. of time, 108. writing, 590. instant, 113. compendium, 59u in style, 573. record, 551. Minuteness, in quantity, 32. in size, 193. Minutest, 34. Minutite, 32. Miracle, 872. Miraculous, 870. Mirage, 443, 448. Mire, 653. Mirror, reflector, 445. perfection, 650. saint, 948. glory, 873. Mirtli, 836. Misacceptation, 523 Misadventure, failure, 732. misfortune, 830. evil, 619. Misadvised, 699. Misanthrope, 911. Misanthropical, 911 Misanthropy, 911. Misapplication, misuse, 679. mismanagement, 699. Misapply, misuse, 679. misinterpret, 523. Mill, machine, 330, 683. workshop, 691. Millennium, period, 108. futurity, 121. Millesimal, 99. Millet seed, 193. Million, 98, 876. Mitlionnaire, 803. Millstone, weight, 319. Mime, player, 599. Mimic, 19. Mimicry, 19. Minaceous, 665. Minaret, 206. Minatory, threatening, 909. dangerous, 665. Mince, cut up, 44. slow, 275. to affect, 855. equivocate, 544. Mincing, slow, 275. speech, 581. affected, 855. Mind, intellect, 450. will, 600, 602. desire, 865. purpose, 620. to attend to, 457. believe, 484. remember, 505. Minded, 600, 602, i on Mindful, attentive, 457. remembering, 505. Mindfulness, 457. Mindless, inattentive, 458. forgetful, 506. Mine, store, 636. abundance, 639. to hollow, 252. open, 260. sap, 162. damage, 659. Mineral, 358. Mineralogy, 358. Mingle, 41. Miniature, portrait, 556. small, 193. Minim, 193. Minimum, 193. Mining, 260. Minister, deputy, 759. director, 694. to aid, 707. religious, 995. rites, 998. Ministerial, 632. INDEX. 364 Misapply, mismanage, 699 Misapprehend, mistake, 495. misinterpret, 523 Misapprehension, mistake, 495. misinterprt tution, 523. Misappropriate, 679. Misappropriation,679 Misarrange, 61. Misarrangement, 61. Misbecome, 945. Misbecoming, 925. Misbehave, 925 Misbehavior, guilt, 895, 917. Misbelief, 485. Misbelieve, 485. Misbeliever, 487. Miscalculate, sophistry, 477. surprise, 5U8. Miscalculation, sophistry, 477. deception, 495. Miscall, 565. Miscarriage, 732. Miscarriagery, 732. Miscellany, mixture; 41. generality, 78. collection, 72. Mischance, misfortune, 830. evil, 619. failure, 732. Mischief, 619. Mischief-maker, 911 Mischievous, 649. Mischievousness,649 Miscomputation, 495 Miscoinpute, 495. Misconceive, mistake, 495. misinterpret, 523. Misconception, 495. Misconduct, guilt, 947. bungling, 699. Misconducted, 699 Misconjecture, 495 Misconstruction, 495, 523. Misconstrue, 523. Miscount, 495. Miscreance, 485. Miscreant, wretch, 949. apostate, 941. Misdate, 115. Misdeed, 947. Misdemean, 945. Misdemeanor, 947. Misdevotion, 989. Misdirect, 538, 699. Misdirection, 699. Misdoing, 947. disemploy, 679. Misemployment, 679. Miser, 819. Miserable, contemptible, 643. unhappy, 828. small, 32. Miserly, 819. Misery, 828. Misestimate, 495. Misfortune, evil, 619. failure, 732. unhappiness, 830. Misgiving, fear, 860. doubt, 485. Misgovernment, 699. Misguide, 538, 699. Mishap, evil, 619. failure, 732. disaster, 830. Mishna, 985. Misinformation, 538. Misinstruction, 538. Misinterpret, 523. Misinterpretation, 523. Misinterpreted, 523. Misjoined, 24. Misjudge, err, 480, 495. sophistry, 477. Misjudgment, error, 480, 495. sophism, 477. Mislay, lose, 776. derange, 61. Mislead, deceive, 545. misteach, 538. falsify, 477. error, 495. Mislike, 867. Mismanage, 699. Mismanagement, 699. Mismatch, 15. Misname, 565. Misnomer, 565. Misplacement, 61 Misprint, 555. Misprize, 483. Mispronounce, 583. Misproportion, 846. Misproportioned, 846. Misquotation, 523. Misquote, 523. Misreckon, 495. Misreport, err, 495. falsify, 541. Misrepresent, 546. Misrepresentation, 523, 511, 555. Misrule, misconduct, 699. laxity, 738. Miss, lose, 776. fail, 732. inattention, 458. girl, 129. leant, 865. Missal, 998. Missay, misnomer, 565. Missend, 699. Misshape, 846. Misshapen, 846. Missile, 284. arms, 727. Missing, 2, 187. Mission, commission, 755 business, 625. Missive, 592. Misspell, 523. Misspend, 818. Misstate, 523. falsify, 544. Misstatement, error, 495. falsehood, 544. untruth, 546. perversion, 523. Mist, 422. Mistake, error, 495. failure, 732. mismana iremcn t, 699. misconstrue, 523. Misteaching, 538. Misterm, 565. Misthink, 495. Mistime, 135. Mistranslate, 523. Mistress, lady, 374. concubine, 962. Mistrust, 485. Mistiness, 519. Misty, opaque, 426. dim, 422. invisible, 447. Misunderstand, err, 495. misinterpret, 523. Misunderstanding, error, 495. m isrrprescntation, 523. discord, 713. Misuse, 679. Misused, 679. Mite, small, 192. insect, 193. bit, 32. money, 800. I Mitigation, j relief, 834. abatement, 174. Mitigate, abate, 36. 174. relieve, 834. Mitigate, calm, 836. improve, 658. Mitre, 999. Mitten, 225. Mix, 41, Mixed, 41, 59, Mixtion, 41. Mixture, 41. Mnemonics, 505. Moan, 411, 839. Moat, enclosure, 232. ditch, 350. Mob, crowd, 72. vulgar, 876. Mob law, 964. Mobile, movable, 264. changeable, 149, inconstant, 607. Mobility, 149, 264, 822. Moccason, 225. Mock, imitate, 17. deride, 483. repeat, 104. erroneous, 495. false, 544. to ridicule, 856. laugh at, 838. Mockery, imitation, 19. ridicule, 856. Mocking, 19. Mocking bird, 13, 104. Modal, 6, 7. Modality, 7. Mode, 852. Model, prototype, 22. change, 140, 144, rule, 80. example, 82. image, 554. to copy, 19. sculpture, 557. perfection, 650 saint, 948. Model after, 19. Modelled, 1«. Modeller, 559. Moderate, small, 32. to allay, 174. to assuage, 826. temperate, 953. sufficient, 639. cheap, 815. Moderately, 174. Moderation, temperance, 953 contentment, 831. sobriety, 174. Moderator, 745. Modern, 123. I Modest, 881. INDEX. 365 Modestly, 32. Modesty, humility, 881 purity, 960. Modification, difference, 15. variation, 20. change, 140. qunlificatiot, 469. Modified, 15, 20. Modify, differ, 15. vary, 20. change, 140. convert, 144. Modish, 852. Modulate, 140. Modulation, 140, 413. Module, 22. Moider, 519. Moiety, 91. Moil, 680. Moist, wet, 337. humid, 339. Moisten, 339. Moistness, 339. Moisture, 339. Molasses, 398. Mold. (Sec Mould.) Mole, mound, 206, 250. defence, 717. ref age, 666. spot, 848. Molecular, 193. Molecule, 32, 193. Molehill, lowness, 207. triflinn, 643. Molest, 907. Molestation, evil, 619. damage, 649. Mollification, 324. Mollify, allay, 174. soften, 324. assuage, 826. Molluscous, 366. Mollusk, 386. Molten, 333, 335. Moment, of time, 113. importance, 642. Momentary, 113. Momentous, 642. Momentum, 276. Monachism, 995. Monad, 193. Monarch, 745. Monarchical, 737. Monastery. 1000. Monastic, 995. Monasticism, 995. Monetary, 800. Money, 809, 803. Money bag, 802. Money box, 802. Money broker, 797. Money changer, 797. Money lender, 797. Money matters, 800, 810. Moneyless, 804. Monger, 797. Mongrel, mixture, 41. anomalous, 83. Moniliform, 247. Monition, advice, C95. information, 527. Monitor, teacher, 540. director, 694. omen, 512. Monitory, 511, 695. Monk, 996. Monkey, imitative, 19. Monkish, 995. Monody, 839 • Monogamy, 903. Monogram, word, 562. cipher, 533. diagram, 554. Monograph, 594. Monologue, 589. Monomachy, 720,737. Monomania, insanity, 503. error, 495. obstinacy, 606. Monomaniac, 504. Monopolize, 777. Monopoly, 777. Monosyllable, 561. Monotheism, 983. Monotonous, repeated, 104. style, 575. irlcsomc, 841. Monotony, repetition, 104, 841. in style, 575. Monsoon, 349. Monster, exception, 83. prodigy, 872. size, 192. ugly, 846. evil doer, 913. ruffian, 949. Monstrous, excessive, 31. huge, 192. vulgar, 851. wonderful, 870. ugly, 816. ridiculous, 853. Monstrosity, hugeness, 192. ugliness, 840. foolishness, 853. Month, 108. Monthly, 108. Monticle, 206. Monument, record, 551. tallness, 206. Mood, nature, 5. temper, 820. will, 600. variation, 20. change, 140. Moodiness, 900. Moodishness, 895. Moody, sullen, 895. fretful, 900. furious, 825. Moon, 423. Moonshine, nonsense, 497. Moor, open space, 180. plain, 344. locate, 184. rest, 265. Moored, located, 184. resident, 186. Moorland, 180, 206, 344. Moot, inquire, 461. argue, 476. Moot point, 454,461. Mop, 652. Mope, 837. Mope-eyed, 442. Moping, 837. Moral, right, 922. duty, 926. virtuous, 944. maxim, 496. Moral philosophy,926. Morality, virtue, 944. duty, 926. rightness, 922. Moralize, reason, 476. teach, 537. Morass, 345. Morbid, bad, 649. diseased, 655. noxious, 657. Morbific, bad, 649. diseased, 655. noxious, 657. Mordacious, 907. Mordacity, 907. Mordant, pungent, 392. keen, 171, 173. color, 428. More, 37. Moreover, 37. Morn, 125. Morning, 125. Morose, 895, 911 Moroseness, 895. Morrow, 121. Morsel, small quantity, 32. portion, 51. Mortal, man, 372. fatal, 361. bad, 649. Mortality, death, 360. evanescence, 111. mankind, 372. Mortar, cement, 45. artillery, 727. pulverization, 330. Mortgage, sale, 796. lend, 787. security, 771. Mortgager, 806. Mortgagee, 805. Mortiferous, fatal, 361. noxious, 657. Mortification, pain, 828. discontent, 832. asceticism, 955. Mortified, 832. Mortify, pain, 828. to vex, 830. to discontent, 832. to humiliate, 874. Mortise, unite, 43. insert, 300. intersect, 219. Mortuary, 360, 36 Mosaic, mixture, 41. variegation, 440. painting, 556. Moslem, 984. Moss, marsh, 345. tuft, 256. Mossgrov/n, 659. Most, 31 Mote, particle, 193. light, 320. Moth, 659. Motheaien, 659. Mother, parent, 166. mould, 653. Motherhood, 166. Mother of pearl, 440 Mother tongue, 560. Mother wit, 498. Motion, change of place fl'et proposition, 514. topic, 454. request, 765. offer, 763. Motionless, 265. Motive, 615 INDEX. Motley, multiform 31. variegate:;, 440. Mottled, 440. Motto, derice, 550. maxim, 496. phrase, 566. Mould, form, 240, 329. change, 140. condition, 7. convert, 144. earth, 342. to model, 554, carve, 557 must, 653. matrice, 22. Moulded, 820. Moulded after, 19. Moulded on, 19. Moulder, 659. Moulding, 847. Mouldiness. 659. Mouldy, decayed, 653. fetid, 401. Moult, 226. Mound, defence, 717. size, 192. hillock, 206. Mount, to rise, 305. hillock, 206, 250. Mountain, hill, 206. size, 192. weight, 319. Mountainous, 206. Mountebank, quack, 548. buffoon, 844, 857. Mourn, grieve, 828. lament, 839. Mournful, sad, 837. afflicting, 830. Morning, 839. Mouse, ta search, 461. Mouse-colored, 432 Mouth, entrance, 66, 294. opening. 260. brink, 231. voice, 580, 583. Mouthful, portion, 51. Mouthpiece, speaker, 524, 540. speech, 582. Movable, 270. Movables, 780. Move, be in motion, 264. issue, 295. 'nduce. 615. *rr itc, 324. Move, advance, 282. act, 680. begin, 676. propose, 514. Move off, recede, 287. depart, 293. Move on, 282. Moved, 615, 821. Moveless, 265. Movement, motion, 264. stir, 682. Mow 162. Much, 31. Mucilage, 352. Mucilaginous, 352. Muck, 653. Mucosity, 352. Mucus, 352. Mud, 352, 653. Muddiness, moistness, 339. opacity, 426. Muddy, opaque, 426. moist, 339. Muddy-headed, 499. Muffle, silent, 403. conceal, 528. taciturn, 535. wrap, 225. Mug, 191. Muggy, moist, 339. Mulatto, 83. Mulct, 974. Mule, beast, 271. mongrel, 83. obstinate, 606. fool, 499. Mulish, foolish, 499. obstinate, 606. Muliebrity, 374. Multifarious, multiform, 81. various, 15. Multiform, 15, 81. Multiformity, 81. Multilocular, 191. Multinominal, 102. Multipartite, 44. Multiple, numerous, 102. product, 84. Multiplicand, 84. Multiplicator, 84. Multiplication, arithmetical, 85. increase, 102. reproduction, 163. Multiplicity, 102. Multiplied, 102. Multiplier, 84. Multiply, 102, 168. Multitude, number, 102. assemblage, 72. mob, 876. Multitudinous, 102. Mum, silence, 403. aphony, 581. secrecy, 528. Mumble, mutter, 583. Mumbling, 583. Mummery, absurdity, 497. ridicule, 856. parade, 882. imposture, 545. masquerade, 840. Mummy, corpse, 362. dryness, 340. Mundane, world, 318. selfishness, 943. irreligion, 988. Municipal, 965. Municipality, 965. Munificence, 816. Munificent, 816. Muniment, record, 551. defence, 717. refuge, 666. Munition, 635. Murder, 361. Murderer, 361. Murderous, 361. Murky, 421. Murmur, sound, 405. complaint, 839. Murrain, 655. Muscadine, 400. Muscle, 159. Muscular, 159. Muse, to reflect, 451. poetry, 597. language, 5C0. Museum, store, 636. collection, 72. focus, 74. Mushroom, small, 193. young, 129. upstart, 734. Music, 415. Musical, 413. Musician, 416. Musing, 451. Musk, 400. Musket, 727. Musketeer, 726. Musketry, 727. Must, mucor, 653. necessity, 152. obligation, 926. compulsion, 744. Mustard, 171,31)3. Mustard seed, 193 Muster, collect, 72. ■numeration, 85. (to pass,) 651. Muster book, 551. Muster roll, record, 551. list, 86. Mustiness, mucor, 653. rankness, 401. Musty, foul, 653. rank, 401. Mutability, 149. Mutable, changeable, 149. irresolute, 605. Mutation, 140. Mute, silent, 403. speechless, 581. taciturn, 585. Muteness, 581,585 Mutilate, retrench, 38. deform, 241. garble, 651, incomplete, 53. injure, 649. spoliation, 619. Mutilation, retrenchment, 38. defacement, 241. spoliation, 619. Mutilated, 53. Mutineer, 742. Mutinous, 709. Mutinousness, 742. Mutiny, revolt, 719, 742. Mutter, speak, 583. murmur, 4')5. lament, 839. Mutual, 12, 148. Muzzle, opening, 200. edge, 231. to silence, 581. taciturn, 585. to incapacitate, 158. restrain, 751. imprison, 752. Myriad, 98. Myrmidon, smarm, 72. Mysterious, concealed, 528. obscure, 5l9. Mystery, secret., 533. concealment, 528 craft, 625. Mystic, concealed, 528. obscure, 519. INDEX. 307 My* tification, falsification, 477 concealment, 528 Mystify, to deceive, 545. hide, 528. falsify, 477. misteach, 538. Myth, 515. Mythological deities 979. Mythology, 984. N. Nabob, 803. Nadir, 211. Nag, 271. Naiads, 341 Nail, to fasten, 43. fix, 150. fastening, 45. hang, 214. Naked, denuded, 226. visible, 446. Nakedness, 226. Name, appellation, 564. fame, 873. to appoint, 755. Nameless, anonymous, 565. obscure, 874. Namely, 82. Namesake, 564. Nap, steep, 683. down, 256. texture, 329. Napping, inattentive, 458. inactive, 683. Nappy, frothy, 353. Narcotic, 649. Narrate, 594. Narration, 594. Narrator, 534, 594. Narrow, 203. Narrow house, 363. Narrow-minded, bigoted, 499. prejudiced, 481. selfish, 943. Narrowing, 203, 336. Narrowness, 203. Nasal, accent, 583. Nascent, 66. Nastiness, 653. Nasty, foul, 653. unsavory, 395. ugly, 846. Natation, 267. Nathless, 179. Nation, 372. National, 372. Nationality, 910. Native, inhabitant, .88. artless, 70?. Nativity, 511. Natural, intrinsic, 5. style, 578. regular, 82. impulse, 612. true, 543. artless, 703. fair, 514. Natural history, 357. Natural philosophy, 316. Naturalism, 984. Naturalness, 703. Naturalized, habitual, 613. established, 82. Nature, essence, 5. world, 318. organization, 357. affections, 820. reality, 494. rule, 82. artlessness, 703. unfashioned, 674. spontaneous, 612. style, 578. Naughty, 945. Nausea, disgust, 867. weariness, 841. hatred, 898. unsavory, 395. Nause ite,. disgust, 867. weary, 841. sicken, 830. unsavory, 395. Nauseating, weary, 841. disgusting, 867. Nauseous, 898. Nautical, 267. Naval engagement, 720. Nave, middle, 68. centre, 222. church, 1000. Navigation, 267. Navigator, 269. Navy, 273. Nay, 536. Neap, 195, 207. Near, in space, 197. in time, 121. approach, 288. stingy, 817. adjoining, 197. likeness, 17. Near relation, 11. Near side, 239. Nearsighted, 443. Nearness, 197 Nearly, 32. Neat, spruce, 845. simple, 42. clean, 652. in writing, 572, 576. Neatness, spruceness, 845. cleanness, 652. in writing, 576. Neb, 250. Nebula, stars, 318. dimness, 422. invisible, 447. obscure, 519. Nebulosity, stars, 318. dimness, 422. invisible, 447. obscure, 519. Nebulous, dim, 422. invisible, 447. obscure, 519. Necessarily, 154. Necessitous, fated, 601. indigent, 804. required, 630. Necessity, fate, 601. indigence, 804. requirement, 630. Neck, contraction, 195. narrow, 203. Neckcloth, 225. Necklace, 247. Necrology, 594. Necromancer, 513, 994. Necromancy, 992. Necropolis, 363. Nectar, 394, 396. Nectarious, 396. Need, requirement, 630. insufficiency, 640. indigence, 804. desire, 865. Needful, 630. Needing, 865. Needle, sharpness, 253. perforator, 262. Needless, 641. Needle-witted, 494 Needy, 804. Nefarious, 945. Negation, 536. Negative, inexisting, 2. quantity, 84. denial, 536. refusal, 764. Negatively, 2, 489. Negativeness, 2. Neglect, disregard, 4 GO. disuse, 678. omit, 135. non-observancc, 773. to leave undone. 730. to slight, S29. to evade, 927. Neglectful, 460. Negotiate, bargain, 769. traffic, 794. mediate, 724 Negotiation, bargain, 7C9. traffic, 794. mediation, 724. Negotiator, trafficker, 769. mediator, 724. Negro, 431. Neigh, cry, 412. Neighbor, 197, 890. Neighborhood, 19T Neighborly, social, 892. friendly, 888. Neither, 610. Nemesis, 918. Neogamist, 903. Neology, 563. Neptune, 341. Nerve, strength, 159, 820. courage, 861. Nerveless, 158, 160. Nervous, weak, 160. timid, 860. concise style, 572. vigorous style, 574 Nervousness, weakness, 160. timidity, 860. Nescience, 491. Nest, lodging, 189. cradle, 153. host, 102. Nestle, lodge, 186. endearment., 902. Nestling, 129. Nestor, 130. Net, intersection, 219 snare, 667, 702. difficulty, 704. to clear, 775. Nether, 207. Nethermost, 211 Nettle, to sting, 830 incense, 900. Nettled, 900. Network, 211 368 INDEX. North, 237. Northern lights, 420 Nose, 250. Nosegay, fragrance, 400. ornament, 847. Nosology, 055. Nostril, 351. Nostrum, 0G2. Not, 489, 536. Notable, visible, 446. important, 642. active, 682. famous, 873. Notably, 31. Notary, 553, 968. Notary public, 968. Notation, 550. Natch, nick, 257. mark, 550. Note, sign, 559. record, 551. letter, 592. printing, 591. znusic, 413. fame, 873. notice, 457. minute, 596. money, 800. Note book, 551, 596L Noted, 873. Nothing, nihility, 4. zero, 101. trifle, 643. Nothingness, nihility, 4. trifle, 643. Notice, observe, 457. mark, 550. information, 527. ■warning, 668. Notification, information, 527. announcement, 53J Notify, inform, 527. publish, 531 Notion, idea, 453. belief, 484. knowledge, 490. Notoriety, fame, 873. publication, 531 Notorious, known, 490. seen, 446. famous, 873. public, 531. Notwithstanding, 179. Nought, nothing, 4. zero, 101. Nourish, 707. Neutral 29. Neutrality, 29. Neutralization, counteraction, 179. compensation, 30 Neutralize, counteract, 179. compensate, 30. Never, 107. Nevermore, 107. Nevertheless, 179. Never tiring, 683. New, 18, 123. New Testament, 985. New-fangled, new, 123. strange, 83. misnamed, 565. barbarous, 851. changed, 140. Newly, 123. Newness, 123. News, 532. Newsmonger, 461. Newspaper, 531, 551. Next, following, 63. later, 117. Nib, point., 253. summit, 210. Nibble, eat, 296. Nice, savory, 394. good, 648. exact, 494. pleasing, 829. honorable, 939. fastidious, 868. Nicely, 31. Niceness, exactness, 494. honor, 939. fastidiousness, 868. Nicety, taste, 850, 868. Niche, recess, 182. receptacle, 191. Nick, notch, 257. of time, 134. Nickname, 565. Nictitate, 442. Nictitation, 442. Nidification, 189. Niggard, 819. Niggardliness, 819. Nigh, 197. Nighness, 197. Night, 421. Nightfall, 126. Nightingale, 416. Nightmare, pain, 378, 828. hinderance, 860. Nightshade, 663. Nigrescent, 431. Nimble, swift, 27 --1 active, 682. skilful, 698. Nimble-footed, 274. Nhnble-witted, 842. Nimbleness, swiftness, 274. activity, 682. Nimbus, 353. Nine, 98. Ninny, 501. Nip, cut, 44. destroy, 162. Nipping, cold, 383. Nipple, 250. No, 489, 536, 764. Nobility, 875. Noble, rank, 873. generous, 942. virtuous, 944. Nobleman, 875. Nobleness, rank, 873. distinction, 875. virtue, 944. generosity, 942. Noblesse, 875. Nobody, absence, 4,77,187. zero, 101. Nocturnal, dark, 126, 421. black, 431. Nod, sleep, 683. signal, 550. assent, 488. order, 741. information, 527. bow, 894. to wag, 314. Nodding, 683. Node, 250. Nodosity, roughness, 256. tuberosity, 250. Nodule, 250. Noggin, 191. Noise, 402. Noise abroad, 531. Noiseless, 4 3. Noisome, 401. Nomad, vagrant, 264. traveller, 268. locomotive, 266. Nomadic, vagrant, 264. traveller, 268. locomotive, 266. Nomenclature, 564. Nominal, 5G4. Nominally, 562. Nomination, 755. Nominate, 755. Nominee, 758. Nonage, 127. Non-admission, 55. Non-attendance, 187. Non-appearance, 447. Nonce, 118. Non-coincidence, 14. Non-completion, 730. Non-compliance, 742, 764. Nonconformist, dissenter, 489. sectarian, 984. Nonconformity, dissent, 489. sectarianism, 984. Nondescript, 83. None, 101. Non-endurance, 821. Nonentity, 2. Non-essential, 7, 643. Nonesuch, 650. Non-existence, 2,187. Non-existent, j,, Non-existing, ) ' Non-expectance, 508. Non-fulfilment, 732. Non-observance, 458, 614, 773, 927. Non-observant, 614. Non-payment, 808. Non-performance, 730, 927. Nonplus, 704. Non-preparation, 674. Non-residence, 187. Non-resident, 187. Non-resistance, submission, 725. obedience, 743. Non-resisting, 725. Nonsense, unmeaningness, 517. absurdity, 497. folly, 499. trash, 643. Nonsensical, absurd, 497. foolish, 499. Nonsuit, to cast, 731. to fail, 732. Nook, place, 182. receptacle, 191. Noon, midday, 125. light, 420. Noonday, midday, 125. light, 420. Noontide, midday, 125. light, 420. Noose, ligature, 45. loop, 247. snare, 667. Normal, regular, 82. vertical, 212. INDEX. SG9 Nourishment, 298, 707. , Novel, I new, 18, 123. fiction, 5lo. description, 594. unknown, 491. false, 546. Novelist, 590. I Novelty, iiewncss, 18, 123 Novice, learner, 541. ignoramus, 493. bungler, 701. I religious, 996. Novitiate, learner, 541. { training, 673 , Now, 118. Nowadays, 118 ; Noways, 32. ; Nowhere, 187. ! Nowise, in no degree, 32. dissent, 489. 1 Noxious, 649. ! Noxiousness, 649. No/.7.1e, projection, 250. airpipe, 351. opening, 260. Nucleus, centre, 222. middle, 68. cause, 153. Nudation, ) Nude, 1m Nudity, 226. Nugatory, inexistence, 2. useless, 645. Nuisance, annoyance, 830. evil, 619. Null, 4. Nullification, counteraction, 179. repudiation, 773. Nullified, 2. Nullify, counteract, 179. repudiate, 773. Nullity, 4. Numb, 381- N unbed, 823, Number, abstract, 84. plurality, 100. publication, 593. to count, 85. Number one, 13. Numberless, 105 Numbers, poetry, 597. multitude, 101 Numbness, physical, 381. moral, 823. Numeral, 84. Numeration, 85. Numerator, 84. Numerical, 85. Numerous, 102. Numerousness, 102. Numismatics, 800. Numismatical, 800. Numskull, 501. Nun, 998. Nuncio, messenger, 534. consignee, 758. Nuncupative, 5G4. Nuncupate ry, naming, 564. informing, 527. Nunnery, 1000. Nuptial, 903. Nuptials, 903. Nurse, servant, 746. to help, 707. Nursling, 129. Nursery, workshop, 691. nest, 153. orchard, 127, 371. Nurture, food, 298. to support, 707. prepare, 673. educate, 537. Nutation, 314. Nut-brown, 433. Nutriment, 298. Nutrition, 707. Nutritive, 98. Nutshell, 193. Nymph, 374. 0. Oak, 159. Oar, instrument, 633. paddle, 266. Oasis, 342. Oath, promise, 768. assertion, 535. Obduracy, sin, 945. impenitence, 951. obstinacy, 606. Obdurate, 739. Obedience, 743. Obedient, 743. Obeisance, bow, 894. reverence, 928. worship, 990. fealty, 743. Obelisk, monument, 551. tall, 206. Obesity, 192. Obey, 743, 749. Obfuscate, 421, 426. ■ Obituary, 594. Object, thing, 3 intention 620. to disapprove, 932. Objection, hinderance, 706. disapproval, 932. Objective, extrinsic, 6, 317. material, 316. Objurgate, 932. Obsequiousness, homage, 743. respect, 928. servility, 886. Observe, note, 457. rule, 82. conform, 926. remark, 535. perform, 772. Observance, fulfilment, 772. attention, 457. conformity, 926 habit, 613. remark, 535. practice, 692 habit, 613. riles, 998. Observant, 772. Observer, 444. Obsolete, oid, 124. effete, 645. vulgar, 851. Obstacle, physical, 179. moral, 706. Obstinacy, stubbornness, 606 prejudice, 481. Obstinate, stubborn, 606. prejudiced, 481. Obstipation, 261. Obstreperous, violent, 173. loud, 404. Obstruct, hinder, 706. close, 261. Obstruction, hinderance, 706. closure, 261. Obtain, exist, 1. acquire, 775. Obtaining, 1. Obtainable, 470. Obtestation, 695. Obtrude, intervene, 228. insert, 300. obstruct, 706. Obtrusion, intervention, 228. obstruction, 706. Obtund. blunt, 174, 254. Obtuse, blunt, 254. stupid, 499. dull, 823. callous, 376. Obtuseness, bluntness, 254. callousness, 376. stupidity, 499. Obumbrate, 421. Obverse, 234. Objurgation, ( Objurgatory, ] 932. Oblate, 201. Oblation, gift, 789. religious, 990. Obligation, duty, 926. promise, 768. debt, 806. gratitude, 916. Obligatory, 926. Oblige, compel, 744. duty, 926. benefit, 707. Obliged, thankf ul, 916. Obliging, kind, 906. courteous, 894. Obligingly, 217. Oblique, 217. Obliquity, error, 945. slant, 217. Obliterate, efface, 552. Obliteration, 506, 552. Oblivion, 506. Oblivious, 506. Oblong, 200. Obloquy, censure, 932. disgrace, 874. Obnoxious, hateful, 898. unpleasing, 830. pernicious, 649. liable, 177. Obnoxiousness, 177. Obscene, 961. Obscenity, 961. Obscuration, 421. Obscure, dark, 421. unseen, 447. unintelligible, 519. style, 571. to eclipse, 874. Obscurity, vagueness, 519. style, 571. Obsequies, 363. Obsequious, respectful, 928. courteous. 894. servile, 885. 370 INDEX. Obvia:s, 706 Obvious, visible, 44f. clear, 516, 518. Occasion, juncture, S. opportunity, .34. cause, 153. Occasionally, 116. Occasioner, 153. Occidental, 236. Occlude, 261. Occluded, 153. Occlusion, 261. Occult, latent, 526. hidden, 528. Occultation, 449. Occupancy, presence, 186. property, 780. possession, 777. Occupant, dweller, 188. proprietor, 779. Occupation, business, 625. presence, 186. Occupied with, 457 Occupier, 186. dweller, 188. possessor, 779. Occupy, dwell, 186. possess, 779. Occupying, 186. Occur, exist, 1. happen, 151. be present, 186. to the mind, 451. Occurrence, 151. Ocean, 341. Oceanic, 341. Octavo, 591. Octofid, 99. Octogenarian, 130. Octuple, 98. Ocular, 441. Odd, exception, 83. single, 87. foolish, 499. remaining, 40. ludicrous, 853. vulgar, 851. Oddity, folly, 499, 853. lau rhing stock, 857. Oddness, 853. Odds, inequality, 28. chance, 156. discord, 713. Odds and ends, mixture, 40, 41. Ode, 597. Odious, ugly, 846. Odious, offensive, 830. hateful, 898. Odiousness, 846. Odium, blame, 932. disgrace, 874. hatred, 898. Odor, 398. Oft, Oftness, y 136 Ofttimes, > Ogle, 441. Oil, unctuosity, 355,356. smooth, 255. flattery, 933. bland, 894. relief, 834. to assuage, 174. Oily, unctuosity, 355, 356. smooth, 255. flattery, 933. relief, 834. bland, 894. to assuage, 174. Oiling, 332. Oiliness, 355. Ointment, 356, 662. Old, 124. Older, 128. Oldest, 124, 128. Old-fashioned, 851. Oldness, 124, 128. Old Testament, 985. Oleagine, 356. Oleaginous, 355. Olfactory, 398. Oligarchy, 737. Olive, 433. Olive branch, 723. Olive-green, 435. Olympus, 981. Omen, 512. Ominous, 511. Ominousness, 511. Omit, exclude, 55. neglect, 135. non-fulfil, 773. Omission, neglect, 460. non fulfilment, 773. guilt, 947. Omnibus, 272. Omnipotence, 976. Omnipresence, 186, 976. Omniscience, 490. divine, 976. Omniscient, 186. Omnivorous, 296. On, foricards, 282. On end, 212. Once, 122, 137. One, 13, 87, 372. Oneness, 87. Onerous, 704. One’s self, 13. Onesided, prejudiced, 481. partial, 940. incorrect, 495. Onesidedness, 940. Only, 87. Onset, attack, 716. Onset, beginning, 66, Onslaught, 710. Ontology, J. Onward, 282. Ooze, distil, 295, 29# river, 348. transpire, 529. Oozing, 295. Opacity, 426. Opalescence, 427 Opaline, 427, 440. Opaque, 426. Opaqueness, 426. Open, begin, 66. visible, 446. expand, 194. plain, 518. unclose, 260. manifest, 525. reveal, 529. grow, 144. frank, 543. artless, 703. Open country, 344. Openeyed, 457. Openhearted, sincere, 543. frank, 703. liberal, 816. honorable, 939. Opening, aperture, 260. beginning, 66. occasion, 134. gap, 198. space, 180. Openmouthed, loud, 404. loquacious, 584. Open war, 722. Openness, frankness, 543. artlcssness, 703. clearness, 525. Opera, drama, 599. music, 415. poetry, 597. Opera glass, 445. Operate, incite, 170, 615. work, 680. Operatic, 415. Operating, 170. Operation, work, 680. action, 170. Operative, 680, 690, Operator, 690. Operculated, 261. Operose, difficult, 704. active, 682. exertive, 686. Opiate, 174. Opine, 484. Opinion, 484. Odoriferous, j Odorous, j 398. Off, 196. Offhand, spontaneous, 612. easy, 590. unready, 674. careless, 460. Off-side, 238. Offal, 653. Offend, affront, 900. displease, 830. Offender, 945. Offence, attack, 716. guilt, 947. Offensive, unsavory, 395. fetid, 401. attacking, 716. foul, 653. displeasing, 830. distasteful, 867. obnoxious, 898. Offensiveness, 653. Offer, proposal, 763, 829. gift, 784. Offering, 763, 784, 990. Office, function, 644. duty, 926. agency, 170. business, 625. mart, 799. room, 191. Officer, director, 694. constable, 965. master, 745. Official, authoritative, 737. true, 474. business, 625. Officiate, conduct, 692. act, 680. religious, 998. Officious, 682. Offing, 196. Offscourings, dirt, 653. trash, 643. Offset, 30, 167, 213. Offshoot, 167. Offspring, 167. Offuscate, 421. Offuscation, 421. Ofter., 100, 30, INDEX. 371 Op .donated, 606. Optnionative, 606. iOpinionativeness,G06. Opinionist, 606. Opium, 174, 8°3. Opponent, antagonist, 710. enemy, 891. j hinderer, 706. Opportune, well-timed, 134. expedient, 646. Opportunely, 134. Opportuneness, 134. Opportunity, 134. Oppose, antagonize, 14, 179. clash, 708. evidence, 468. Opposed, 14, 708. Opposing, 708. Opposite, contrary, 14. counter, 179. antiposition, 237. Opposition, contrariety, 14. antagonism, 179. clashing, 708. antiposition, 237. Oppress, molest, 649. Oppression, injury, 619. dejection, 837. Opprobrium, 874. Optical, 441. Optics, sight, 441. Optimism, 858. Option, 6U9. Optional, 609. Opulence, 803. Opulent, 803. Oracle, prophet, 513. sage, 500. Oracular, wise, 498. prophetic, 511. Oral, 580. Orange, 439. Oration, 582. Orator, speaker, 582. teacher, 540. Oratorio, 415. Oratory, 582. Orb, circle, 247. region, 181. luminary, 423. Orbicular, 247. Orbit, path, 627. Orchard, 371. Orchestra, 416. Ordain, 741, 976. Ordained, prescribed, 924. Ordeal, experiment, 463. sorcery, 992. Order, regularity, 58. subordinate class, 75. law, 963. precept, 697. command, 741. standing, 873. rank, 877. quality, 875. draft, 800. Orderliness, 58. Orderly, 82. Orders (holy), 995. Ordinance, command, 741. law, 963. rite, 998. Ordinary, meal, 298. usual, 82. common, 871. ugly, 846. Ordination, 741, 755. Ordnance, 727. Ordure, 653. Ore, 635. Organ, instrument, 633. music, 417. Organic, 329. Organist, 416. Organization, texture, 329. arrangement, 60. preparation, 673. production, 161. world, 357. Organize, arrange, 60. plan, 626. prepare, 673. produce, 161. Organized, 357, 625. Orgasm, 173. Orgies, 954. Orient, 236, 420. Oriental, 236. Orifice, 66, 260. Origin, cause, 153. beginning, 66. Original, model, 22. oddity, 857. invented, 515. primary, 153. Originality, 18. Originate, cause, 153. begin, 66. invent, 515. Originate in, 154. Origination, cause, 153. invention, 515. Originator, 164. Orison, prayer, 990 Ornament, 817. glory, 873. beauty, 845. style, 577. Ornamental, 577. Ornate, 847. Ornateness, 847. Ornature, 847. Orphan, 160. Orrery, 318. Orthodox, true, 494. in religion, 983. Orthodoxy, 983. Orthoepy, 580. Orthogonal, 212. Orthography, 590. Crts, refuse, 643. useless, 645. Oscillate, 314. Oscillating, 149, 314. Oscillation, 149, 314. Oscillatory, 314. Oscitancy, 260. Oscitant, 260. Oscitation, sleepiness, 683. fatigue, 688. gaping, 198. Osculate, 199. Osculating, 199. Osculation, 199. Ossification, 323. Ossuary, 363. Ostensible, visible, 446. probable, 472. plea, 617. explicate, 516. Ostentation, 882. Ostentatious, 882. Ostracize, exclude, 55. displace, 185. seclude, 893. Ostracism, 893. Other 15. Otherwise, 15. Ottar, 400. Ottoman, 215. Ought, 926. Oust, displace, 185. deprive, 789. dismiss, 756. Out, 220. Out and out, 31. Outbalance, 28, 30. Outbid, 794. Outbrazen, 885. Outbreak, violence, 173. contest, 720. Outcast, sinner, 949. apostate, 941. Outcry noise. 411 „ complaint. 119 censure, i 32. Jutdo, 33, 685. Outer, 220. Outfit, 673. Outflank, 236. Outgeneral, 731. Outgo, transgress, 303. distance, 196. Outgrow, 194. Out-Herod, bluster, 173. exaggerate, 549 Outhouse, 189. Outlandish, irregular, 83. foreign, 10. barbarous, 851. Outlast, 110. Outlaw, reprobate, 949. Outlawry, 964. Outlay, 8119. Outleap, 303. Outlet, egress, 295. opening, 260. Outline, contour, 230. sketch, 554, 556. features, 448. plan, 626. form, 240. Outlive, survive, 110. continue, 142. Outlying, 220. Outmanoeuvre, 73_ Outnumber, 102. Out of place, 10. Outpost, distance, 196. circumjacent, 221 front, 234. Outrage, evil, 619. grievance, 830. Outrageous, excessive, 31. violence, 173. Outreach, 545. Outreclcon, 482. Outrider, 64. Outright, 31. Outrun, 274,303. Outset, beginning, 66. departure, 293. Outshine, glory, 873. eclipse, 874 Outside, 220. Outskirts, environs, 227. distance, 196. Outspoken, 582 Outspread, 2CS. 372 INDEX Outstanding, 40, 806. Outstep, go beyond, 303. distance, 196. Outstretched, 200, 202. Outstrip, 274. Outtalk, 584. Outvie, contend, 720. shine, 873. Outvote, 731. Outward, 220. Outweigh, exceed, 33. preponderate, 28. predominate, 175. Outwit, deceive, 545. succeed, 731. Outwork, refuge, 666. defence, 717. Oval, 247. Ovate, 247. Ovation, triumph, 733. celebration, 883. Oven, 388. Over, more, 33. beyond, 237. past time, 122. above, 220. Over and above, 37, 40, 641. Overabound, 641. Over against, 237. Overact, act, 680. bustle, 682. affect, 855. Overacted, 855. Overalls, 225. Over anxiety, 865. Overawe, intimidate, 860. authority, 737. Overbalance, inequality, 28, 33. compensation, 30. Overbalanced, 28. Overbearing, 885. Overboard (to throw), 678. Overburden, fatigue, 688. redundant, 641. Overburdened, 641. Overcast, dark, 421. dim, 422. Overcharge, exaggerate, 549. redundance, 6*1. dearness, 814. style, 577. Overcharged, 641, Overcolor, 549. Overcome, conquer, 731, 732. shock, 824. tipsy, 959. Over-confident, 486, 863. Over-credulous, 486. Over-curious, 455. Overdate, 115. Over-distension, 194. Overdo, 682. Overdone, 855. Overdose, 641. Overdraw, 549. Overdue, 115. Overestimate, 482. Overestimation, 482. Overfatigued, 688. Overfed, 641, 957. Overflow, stream, 348. redundance, 641. Overgo, 303. Overgrowth, 194. Overgrown, 31, 192. Overhang, 206. Overhaul, inquire, 461. attend to, 457. Overhead, 206. Overhear, hear, 418. learn, 539. Overjoyed, 827. Overjump, 303. Overladen, 641. Overlap, cover, 223. go beyond, 303. Overlay, excess, 641. active, 682. oppress, 649. hinder, 706. style, 577. exaggerate, 549. Overloading, 641. Over-liberal, 818. Overload, excess, 641. obstruct, 706. Overlook, disregard, 458. neglect, 460. stiperintend, 693. forgive, 918. slight, 929. Overlying, 206. Overmatch, 28, 159. Overmeasure, 641. Over-modest, 881. Overmuch, 641. Overnight, 122. Over-officious, 682. Overpaid, 816. Overpass, exceed, 33. transgress, 303. Over-persuade, 615. Overplus, excess, 641. remainder, 40. Overpoise, 179. Overpower, subdue, 731. emotion, 824. Overpowered, 732. Overpowering, 825. Overprize, 482. Overrate, 482. Overreach, pass, 305. deceive, 545. baffle, 731. Override, pass, 305. be superior, 33. Over-righteous, 989. Overrule, control, 737. cancel, 756. Overruling, 737. Overrun, ravage, 649. excess, 641. Over-scrupulous, 939. Overseer, 694. Overset, level, 308. invert, 218. subvert, 731. Overshadow, 421. Overshoot, 303. Oversight, error, 495. failure, 732. Overspent, 688. Overspread, cover, 223. pervade, 73, 186. Overstate, 549. Overstep, 303. Overstock, 641. Overstrain, overrate, 482. fatigue, 688. Over-supply, 641. Overt, 446, 516. Overt act, 680. Overtake, arrive, 292. Overtaken, tipsy, 959. Overtask, 688. Overtax, 688. Overthrow, destroy, 162. level, 308. confute, 479. vanquish, 731, 732. Overtop, surpass, 33. height, 206. perfection, 650. Overture, beginning, 66. offer, 763. music, 415. request, 765. Overturn, destroy, 162. level, 308. confute, 479. invert, 218. Overvalue, 482. Overweening, conceit, 880. pride, 878. rash, 803. Overvveigli, overrate, 482. exceed, 33. influence, 175. Overwhelm, destroy, 162. effect, 8114. Overwhelming, 825 Overwise, 880. Overwork, 088. Overwrought, excited, 825. affected, 855. Over-zealous, 825. Ovoid, 249. Owe, 806. Owing, 806. Owing to, 155. Own, assent, 488. acknowledge, 555 divulge, 529. possess, 777. Owner, 779. Ownership, 780. P. Pace, speed, 274. step, 266. measure, 466. Pacific, 174, 714, 72) Pacification, 174,723. Pacified, 723. Pacify, allay, 174. compose, 826. give peace, 723. forgive, 918. Tack, to join, 43. frame, 626. arrange, 60. bring close, 19/. locate, 184. assemblage, 72. Pack off, depart, 293. recede, 287. decamp, 671. Pack up, 229. Package, 72,184 Packet, parcel, 72. ship, 273. Packhorse, 271. Packthread, 45. Packing, 184 Pact, 769 Paction, 769. Pactolus, 803. Pad, 194. Paddle, oar, (533. feet, 2G6. to row, 267 Paddock, region, 18. enclosure, 232. Pad>ck, fastening, 45. fetter, 752. Pa;an, thanks, 91G. triumph, 838. rejoicing, 836. jubilee, 883. Pagan, 984. Paganism, 984. Page, attendant, 746. of a book, 593. Fageant, spectacle, 448. show, 882. Pageantry, 882. Paid, 807', 809. Pail, 191. Pain, physical, 378. moral, 828. care, 830. penalty, 974. Pained, 378. Painful, 830. Painfully, 830. Painfulness, 830. Pains, 686. Painstaking, active, 682. laborious, 686. Paint, coat, 223. color, 428. delineate, 556. describe, 594. Painter, 559. Painting, 556. Pair, couple, 89. similar, 17. Palace, J89. Palanquin, 272. Palaestra, arena, 728. Falatable, savory, 394. pleasant, 829. Palatableness, 394. Palate, 390. Palaver, speech, 582. colloquy, 588. council, 696. nonsense, 4S7. loquacity, 5S4. Pale, dim, 422. INDEX. 373 Pale, colorless, 429. enclosure, 232. alarmed, 860. Paleness, 422. Palestric, 686. Palfrey, 271. Palinody, denial, 536. recantation, 607. Paling, prison, 752. enclosure, 232. Palisade, prison, 752. enclosure, 232. Pall, funeral, 363. disgust, 395. satiate, 869. Pallet, 215, 559. Palliate, mend, 658. relieve, 834. extenuate, 937. Pallid, 429. Pallidity, 429. Palliation, relief, 834. extenuation, 937. Palliative, 834. Palling, 395. Pallium, dress, 225. canonicals, 999. Palm, trophy, 733. glory, 873. laurel, 877. deceive, 545. impose upon, 486. Palmated, 257. Palmer, 268. Palmy, prosperous, 734. halcyon, 827, 829. joyous, 836. Palpability, 379. Palpable, tactile, 379. manifest, 525. obvious, 446. intelligible, 518. Palpation, 379. Palpitation, 860. Palpitate, tremble, 315. emotion, 821. fear, 860. Palsied, 160. Palsy, disease, 655. weakness, 160. insensibility, 823. Palter, falsehood, 544. shift, 605. elude, 773. Paltriness, 643. Paltry, mean, 940. little, 32. Paludal, 345. Pampas, 344. Pamper, indulge, 954. gorge, 957. Pampered, indulged, 954. gorged, 957. Pamphlet, 593. Pamphleteer, 590. Pan,191. Panacea, 662. Pandect, code, 963. compendium, 595. erudition, 490. Pandemonium, 982. Pander, pimp, 962. indulge, 954. help, 707. Pandiculation, 198, 260. Paned, 440. Panegyric, 931. Panegyrize, 931. Panel, 86, 228, 967. Pang, physical, 378. moral, 828. Panic, 860. Panic-struck, 860 Pannier, 191. Panoply, 717. Panorama, view, 448. painting, 556. Pant, breathless, 688. desire, 865. agitation, 821. Pantaloon, dress, 225. buffoon, 599. Pantheism, 984. Pantheistic, 984. Panting, 821. Pantomime, sign, 550. drama, 599. Pantomimic, 560. Pantoiniinist, 599. Pantry, 191. Pap, pulp, 354. mamma, 250. Papacy, 984. Paper, writing, 590. money, 800. book, 593. record, 551. white, 430. Par, 27. Parable, 521, 594. Parabolic, 521. Parachrmism, 115. Paraclete, 976. Parade, walk, 189. ostentation, 882. Paradigm, prototype, 22. Paradisiacal, 981- Paradise, heaven, 981. bliss, 827. Paradox, obscurity, 519. absurdity, 497. mystery, 528. enigma, 533. Paradoxical, obscure, 519. mysterious, 528. dubious, 485. Paragon, perfection, 650. saint, 948. glory, 873. Paragraph, phrase, 566. part, 51. article, 593. Parallax, 196. Parallel, position, 216. similarity, 17. to imitate, 19. agreement, 23. Parallelism, 216. Paralogism, 477. Paralysis, weakness, 160. deadness, 823. insensibility, 37S Paralytic, 376. Paralyze, weaken, 160. benumb, 381. deaden, 823. insensibility, pkysv cal, 376. disqualify, 158. moral, 823. disease, 655. Paramount, essential, 642. lord, 745. in degree, 33. Paramour, 897. Parapet, 717. Paraphernalia, machinery, 633. materials, 635. Paraphrase, interpretation, 522. phrase, 566. imitation, 19, 21. Paraphrastic, 19, 522. Parasite, flatterer, 935. servile, 886. Parasitical, 789, 886. Parboil, 384- INDEX 374 Parcel, group, 72. Parcel out, arrange, 66. apportion, 51. allot, 786. Parch, dry, 340. bake, 384. 1 arctnnent, manuscript, 590. record, 551. Pardon, 918. Pardonable, 937. Pare, scrape, 226, 331. cut, 38. shorten, 201. decrease, 36. Parent, 166. Parentage, kindred, 11, 166. Parenthetical, 228. Parenthetically, 10. Paring, part, 51. (See Pare.) Parish, 181. Parishioner, 997. Parity, 27. Park, plain, 344. vegetation, 367. artillery, 727. Parlance, 582. Parley, talk, 588. mediation, 724. Parliament, 696. Parlor, 191. Parodied, 19. Parody, imitation, 19. copy, 21. travesty, 856. misinterpret, 523. Paroxysm, violence, 173. emotion, 825. anger, 900. Parrot, imitation, 19l Parry, avert, 623. defend, 717. Parse, 567. Parsimonious, 819. Parsimony, 819. Parson, 996. Parsonage, 1000. Part, portion, 51. component, 56. to diverge, 291. publication, 593. to divide, 44. business, 625. junction, 644. Part with, relinquish, 782. Part with, give, 784. Partake, 778. Partaking, 778. Parterre, 367. Partial, special, 79. unjust, 923. onesided, 481. . ' love, 897. desire, 865. erroneous, 495. Partiality, injustice, 923. desire, 865. Partially, 32, 51. Participate, 778. Participation, 778. Particle, quantity, 32. size, 193. Particular, special, 79. style, 573. went, 151. careful, 459. capricious, 608. odd, 851. item, 51. Particularity, nature, 5, 457. speciality, 79. carefulness, 459. Particularize, 79. Particulars, 79. Particularly, 31, 33. Parting, 44. Partisan, 711, 880. Partisanship, 712. Partition, allot, 786. wall, 228. apportion, 51. Partner, 711,778. Partnership, participation, 778. club, 712. company, 797. companionship, 88. Parts, intellect, 450. wisdom, 498. talents, 698. Parturient, 161. Parturition, 161. Party, assemblage, 72. association, 712. person, 372. society, 892. special, 79. Partycolored, 440. Party wall, 228. Party spirit, 923. Pass, move, 264. move out, 295. move through, 302. transfer, 270, 783. exceed, 303. Pass, happen, 151. lapse 222. vanish, 449. passage, 260. defile, 203. way, 627. difficulty, 704. conjuncture, 8. thrust, 716. passport, 760. time, 109. Pass away, cease, 2, 141. Pass by, forgive, 458, 918. neglect, 929. Pass for, 544. Pass in the mind, 451. Pass over, disregard, 458. neglect, 460. forgive, 918. exclude, 55. traverse, 302. Pass into, 144. Pass off, 295. Pass through, 302. Pass the time, 106. Passable, 32, 651, 845. Passage, 151, 260, 264, 302, 627. {See Pass.) transfer, 270. text, 593. transit, 144. act, 680. room, 191. assault, 720. Passed, 2. Passenger, 268. Passing, small, 32. traversing, 302. transient, 111. Passion, emotion, 820, 821. desire, 865. excitement, 825. love, 897. anger, 900. Passionate, warm, 825, 897. irascible, 821, 901. Passionless, 823. Passive, 172. Passiveness, 172, 743. Passport, permit, 760. instrument, 631. order, 741. Password, 550. - Past, 122. Paste, cement, 45. to cement, 46. pulp, 354. Pastime, 840. Pastor, 996. Pastoral, agricultural, 371, poem, 597. religious, 995. Pasturage, 298, 344. 635. Pasture, food, 298. provision, 637. materials, 635. Pat, pertinent, 9. to strike, 276. Patch, region, 181. smallness, 193. blemish, 848. repair, 658. Patchwork, mixture, 41. variegation, 440. Pate faction, 260. Patent, open, 260. visible, 446. Patera, plate, 191. church, 1000. Paternity, 155, 166. Paternoster, 990. Path, way, 627. direction, 278. Pathetic, 830. Pathless, closure, 261. difficult, 704. spacious. 180. Pathology, 655. Pathos, 821. Pathway, 627 Patience, endurance, 826. content, 831. perseverance, 832. Patient, invalid, 655. contented, 831 enduring, 826 Patriarch, 130. Patriarchal, 128. Patrician, 875. Patrimony, 780. Patriot, 910. Patriotic, 910. Patriotism, 910. Patrol, safeguard, 664. warning, 668. Patron, 890. Patronage, 707, 731 Patronize, 707. Patronymic, 564. Patter, 276. Pattern, model, 22. type, 80. perfection, 650. INI EX. 575 Pattern, saint, 948. Paucity, fewness, 103. scantiness, 640. Paunch, 191. Pauper, 804. Pauperism, 804. Pause, stop, 141,265. discontinue, 70. rest, 687. disbelief, 485. Pave, prepare, 673. Pavement, 211. Pavilion, 189. Paving, 211. Paw, finrrer, 633. Pawn, 787. Pawnbroker, 787. Pay, expend, 809. receive, 810. defray, 807. purchase, 795. profit, 775. Paying, defraying, 807. expending, 809. profitable, 775. Paymaster, 801. Payment, 807, 809. Pea, 249. Peace, silence, 403. amity, 721. concord, 714. Peaceable, gentle, 174. pacific, 721. Peaceful, pacific, 721. concordant, 714. mild, 174. Peacemaker, 724. Peace offering, pacification, 723. mediation, 724. atonement, 952. Peach-color, 434. Peacock, variegation, 440. Pea-green, 435. Peak, 210. Peaked, 253. Peal, loudness, 404. laughter, 838. applause, 931. Pean. (See Paean.) Pearl, gem, 650. glory, 873. Pearly, nacreous, 440. semi-transparent, 427. Pearly, white, 430. Pear-shaped, 249. Peasant, 876. Peasantry, 876. Peat, 388. Pebble, hardness, 323. trifle, 643. Peccability, 945. Peccancy, disease, 655. imperfection, 651. Peccant, bad, 649. diseased, 655. Pectinated, 253. Peculate, 791. Peculation, 791. Peculator, 792. Peculiar, special, 5, 79. exceptional, 83. Peculiarity, speciality, 79. anomalous, 83. nature, 5. Peculiarly, 31,33. Pecuniary, 800. Pedagogue, scholar, 492. teacher, 540. Pedant, scholar, 492. affected, 855. teacher, 540. Pedantic, affected, 855. half learned, 491. style, 577. Pedantry, affectation, 855. half learning, 491 Peddle, meddle, 682. Peddler, 797. Pedestal, 215. Pedestrian, 268. Pedicle, 214. Pedigree, ancestry, 166. cause, 155. continuity, 69. Pediment, capital, 210. base, 215. Peduncle, 214. Pedunculate, 214. Peel, skin, 222. to uncover, 226. Peep, 441. Peep out, 44C Peer, equal, 27. nobleman, 875. pry, 441. inquire, 461. appear, 446. Peer out, 446. Peerless, perfect, 650. excellent. 648, 873. virtuous, 944. Peevish, cross, 895. irascible, 901. Peevishness, crossness, 895. irascibility, 901. degree, 26. project, 250. instrument, 633. hang, 214. jog on, 266. Pegasus, 271. Pelagianism, 984. Pelagic, 341. Pelerine, 225. Pelf, money, 803. materials, 635. gain, 775. Pellet, 249. Pellicle, film, 203. skin, 223. Pellmell, 59. Pellucid, 425. Pellucidness, 425. Pelt, skin. 223. throw, 276. attack, 716. Pen, surround, 229. enclose, 232. imprison, 752. write, 559. Penal, 972. Penalty, 974. Penance, atonement, 952. penalty, 974. Pencil, bundle, 72. of light, 420. artist, 556,559, 590. Pendant, flag, 550. Pendency, duration, 106. hanging, 214. Pendent, hanging, 214. Pending, 106. Pendulous, 214. Pendulum, clodk, 114. oscillation, 214, 314. Penetrate, pierce, 302. affect, 824. Pei etrated, 821. Penetrating, discerning, 441. sagacious, 498. affecting, 821. Penetration, ingress, 294. passage, 302. puncture, 260. discernment, 441. sagacity, 498. affection, 821, 824. Penfold, 232. Peninsula, 342. Penitence, 950. Penitent, 950. Penitentiary, 752. Penman, 590. Penmanship, 590l Pennant, 550. Penniless, 804. Pennon, 550. Penny, 800. Penny-a-liner, 590. Pennyworth, 812. Pensile, 214. Pension, 803, 810. Pensioner, 746. Pensive, thoughtful, 451. sad, 837. Pensiveness, 451 Pent up, 229. Penumbra, 421, 421. Penurious, 819. Penuriousness, 819. Penury, poverty, 804. scantiness, 640. People, 373, 876. Pepper, hot, 171. pungent, 392. condiment, 393. Peppercorn, 643. Peppery, 392. Peradventure, 156 Perambulate, 266. Perambulation, 266. Perceive, 375. Percentage, 813. Perception, idea, 453. feeling, 375. of touch, 380. Perceptible, 446. Perceptibly, 32. Perceptivity, 375 Perch, support, 215. to alight, 186. tall, 206. habitation, 189. Perchance, 156. Percolate, 295,297, 348. Percolation, 295. Percursory, 458. Percussion, 276. Perdition, ruin, 732. waste, 162. Peregrination, 266 376 INDEX. Peremptory, assertion, 535. firm, 604. rigorous, 739. authoritative, 717. compulsory, 741. order, 741. Perennial, 110, 150. 367. Perfect, complete, 52, 729. excellent, 650. absolute, 31. Perfection, goodness, 648. fulness, 52. excellence, 650. 7'erfectly, 31. Perfidious, 940. Perfidy, 940. Perflate, 349. Perforate, 302. Perforation, 260. Perforator, 262. Perforce, 744. Perform, do, 170. achieve, 729. produce, 161. proceed, 680. act, 599. fulfil, 772. duty, 926. Performable, 705. Performance, effect, 154. action, 680. achievement, 729. duty, 926. fulfilment, 772. Performer, musician, 416. actor, 599. workman, 164. agent, 690. Perfume, 400. Perfunctory, 460. Perhaps, possibly, 470. chance, 156. supposition, 514. Perihelion, 197. Peril, 665. Perilous, 665, 860. Perimeter, 230. Period, end, 67. of time, 106, 108. point, 71. recurrence, 138. Periodical, 138. Periodically, 138. Periodicity, 138. Peripatetic, traveller, 268. ambulatory, 266. Periphery, 230. Periphrase, phrase, 566. difiusaiesi, 573. Periphrastic, diffuse, 573. circumlocutory, 566. Periscope, 441. Perish, vanish, 2. waste, 162. die, 360. decay, 659. Perished, 2. Periwig, 225. Perjured, false, 940. Perjury, falsehood, 544. untruth, 546. Perked, 206. Perlustration, 441. Permanence, endurance, 142. stability, 150. lastingness, 110. Permanent, unchanged, 142. unchangeable, 150. lasting, 106, 110. habituated, 613. Permeable, 260. Permeate, pervade, 186. insinuate, 228. pass through, 302. Permeation, pervasion, 186. passage, 302. insinuation, 228. Permissible, 924. Permission, 760. Permit, 760. Permitted, 924. Permitting, 760. Permutation, change, 140. numerical, 84. Permute, exchange, 148. Pernicious, 649. Peroration, 67. Perpend, 451. Perpendicular, 212. Perpendicularity, 212. Perpetrate, 680. Perpetual, 112. frequent, 136. Perpetually, 136. Perpetuate, 112. Perplex, to derange, 61. bewilder, 458, 519. bother, 830. embarrass, 475. puzzle, 528. Perplexed, 704. Perplexity, disorder, 59. difficulty, 704. ignorance, 491. doubt, 475. maze, 533. Perquisite, 809, 810. Persecute, worry, 830, 907. oppress, 649. Persecution, 619. Perseverance, firmness, 604. activity, 682. continuance, 143. Persevere, continue, 143. be firm, 604. Persist, endure, 106, 143, 606. Persistence, activity, 110, 142, 158, 682. Persistent, 106. Person, 372. Personable, 845. Personage, 372, 875. Personal, special, 79,317, 372. Personality, speciality, 79. spirit, 317. Personate, imitate, 17. act, 554, 599. Personation, 19. Personification, metaphor, 521. representation, 554. Personify, metaphor, 521. act, 554. Perspective, view, 448. futurity, 121, 507. sagacity, 498. sight, 441. Perspicacious, 510. Perspicacity, 498. Perspicuity, 518, 570. Perspicuous, 518, 570. Perspiration, 299. Perspire, 348. Perstringe, 457. Persuade, induce, 615. choose, 609. teach, 537. advise, 695. Persuasibility, 615. Persuasible, 539, 615. Persuasion, opinion, 484. creed, 983. teaching, 537. advice, 695. choice, 609. inducement. 615. Persuasive, instructive, 537 logical, 467. Pert, vain, 880. Pert, saucy, 885. discourteous, 895. Pertain, belong, 76, 777. relate to, 9. behoove, 926. Pertaining, 9. Pertinacious, 606. Pertinence, relation, 9. application, 646. Pertinent, relative, 9. »- congruous, 23. relevant, 476. applicable, 646. Pertness, 885. Perturb, derange, 61. agitate, 315. emotion, 821. ferment, 171. Perturbation, emotion, 824. derangement, 61. Pertusion, 260. Peruke, 225. Pervade, extend, 183. affect, 821. Perverse, crotchety, 608. difficult, 704. wayward, 895. Pervading, 821. Pervasion, 186. Perverseness, 701. Perversion, injury, 659. sophistry, 477. falsehood, 544. m isinterpretation, 523. misteaching, 538. Perversity, 895. Pervert. 523. Pervicacious, 606. Pervious, 260. Pest, 663. Pest bouse, 662. Pestiferous, 657. Pestilence, 649. Pestilential, 649, 657 Pestle, 330. Pet, plaything, 840. favorite, 899. passion, 900. to love, 897. to fondle, 902. Petard, 727. Petition, ask, 765. pray, 990. Petitioner, 767. Petrifaction, 323. Petrified, astonished, 870. affrighted, 860. Fetri*v, dense, 321. hard, 323. affright, 860. astonish, 870. thrill, 824. Pctronel, 727. Petticoat, 225. Pettifogging, 713 Pettish, 895, 901 Petty, in degree, 32. in size, 193. Fetulance, anger, 900. insolence, 885. fretfulness, 901 Petulant, insolent, 885. snappish, 895. angry, 900. irascible, 901. Pew, 191, 1000. Phaeton, 272. Phalanx, army, 726. party, 712. assemblage, 72. Phantasm, unreal, 4. appearance, 448. delusion, 443. Phantasmagoria, 443, 445. Phantasy, imagination, 515. idea, 453. Phantom, vision, 448. unreal, 4. imaginary, 515. Pharisaical, 544, 988. Pharisee, 548, 988. Pharmacology, 662. Pharmacy, 662. Pharos, 668. Phase, aspect, 8. appearance, 448. change, 144. form, 240. Phenix. (See Phcentx.) Phenomenal, 446. Phenomenon, appearance, 418. event, 151. prodigy, 872. Phial, 191. Philanthropic, 910. Philanthropist, 910. Philanthropy, 910. Philippic, 932. Philology, 567. Philomel, 416. Philosopher, 492. Philosophy, calmness, 826. knowledge, 490. physical, 316. INDEX. 377 Philter, charm, 993. love, 897. Phiz, 448. Phlegm, 823. Phlegmatic, 823. Phoebus, 423. Phoenix, ■prodigy, 872. exception, 83. paragon, 650. saint, 948. renovation, 163, 660. Phonetics, sound, 402. speech, 580. Phonics, sound, 402. speech, 580. Phospliorence, 420. Phosphorescent, 420, 423. Photographic, 423. Photography, 556. Phrase, 566. Phraseology, 566,569. Phrensy, madness, 503. imagination, 515. passion, 825. Physic, remedy, 662. to cure, 660. Physical, 316. Physician, 695. Physics, 316. Physiognomy, appearance, 448. face, 234. Physiology, 359, 367. Piacular, 952. Pianist, 415. Piano, faint sound, 405. instrument, 445. Piazza, 189. Pick, select, 609. extract, 300. clean, 652. Pick up, learn, 539. acquire, 775. grow better, 658. Picket, join, 43. tether, 265. fence, 229. defence, 717. guard, 664. imprison, 751 Pickings, 775. Pickle, difficulty, 704. preserve, 670. pungent, 392. macerate, 337 j Pickpocket, 79.'. : Picnic, 298. Pictorial, 556. Picture, painting, 556. fancy, 515. Picture gallery, 556. Picture worship, 991. Picturesque, beautiful, 845. graphic, 556. Pie, type, 591. Piebald, 440. Piece, bit, 51. cannon, 727. drama, 599 Piecemeal, 51 Piece out, 52. Pied, 440. Pier, 666. Pierglass, 445. Pierce, perforate, 302. pain, 378, 830. affect, 824. Piercing, cold, 383. sound, 404. sagacious, 498. feeling, 821. sight, 441. perforating, 260. Pietical, 989. Pietism, 989. Pietist, 989. Piety, 987. Pigeon hole, receptacle, 191. aperture, 260. Piggish, 954. Pigheaded, prejudiced, 481. stupid, 499. Pigment, 428. Pigmy, 193. Pigsty, 653. Pike, javelin, 727. kill, 206. Pikestaff, 206. Pilaster, 206. Pile, heap, 72. much, 31. building, 189. store, 636. nap, 256. Pilfer, 791. Pilfering, 791. Pilgrim, 268. Pilgrimage, 266 Pill, 249. Pillage, rob, 791. rapine, 619. devastation, 643. Pillar, support, 150, 215. monument, 551. lofty, 206. Pillion, 215. Pillory, 972, 975. Pillow, support, 215. rest, 265. ease, 831. relief, 834. Pilot, director, 694. to guide, 693. balloon, 273. trial, 463. Pilotage, 693. Pilous, 256. Pimp, 962. Pimple, tumor, 250. blemish, 848. Pin, fastening, 45. to fasten, 43. axis, 312. motion, 266 sharp, 253. trifle, 643. Pincer, 633. Pinch, emergency, 8. narrow, 203. chill, 385. deficient, 640. pain, 378. stint, 819. to hurt, 830. Pinched, chilled, 383. deficient, 640. indigent, 804. Pine, desire, 865. grieve, 828. droop, 837. Pinguid, 355. Pinhole, 260. Pinion, instrument, 633. wing, 266. fetter, 752. to fasten, 43. to restrain, 751 Pink, color, 434. perfection, 650. beauty, 845. glory, 873. push, 276. to pierce, 260. Pinnace, 273. Pinnacle, 210. Pioneer, prepare, 673 teacher, 540. Pious, 987. Pipe, conduit, 350. vent, 351. tube, 260. sound, 410. cry, 411. music, 415. instrument, 417. 378 INDEX. Play, operation, 170. scope, 180, 748. chance, 186. drama, 599. amusement, 840. music, 415. oscillation, 314. to act, 680. Tiny a part, 544. Play of colors, 440. Play upon, 545. Play with, deride, 483. Player, actor, 599. deceiver, 548. musician, 416. Playfellow, 890. Playful, 836. Playhouse, 599. Playmate, 890. Playsome, 836. Plaything, toy, 840. trifle, 643. dependence, 749. Playwright, 599. Plea, excuse, 617. vindication, 937. falsehood, 546. in late, 969. Plead, argue, 467. encourage, 615. vindicate, 937. excuse, 617. Pleader, 968. Pleadings, 969. Pleasant, agreeable, 829. witty, 842. amusing, 840. Pleasantness, 829. Pleasantry, wit, 842. amusement, 849. Please, 829. Pleased, 827. Pleasing, 829, 865. Pleasure, will, 600. physical, 377. moral, 827. Pleasure grounds,344, Pleasurable, 829. Pleasurableness, 829 Plebeian, 876. Pledge, security, 771. promise, 768. to borrow, 788 drink to, 883. Pledging, 788. Plenary, fuU, 31. complete, 52. abundant, C39. Plenipotentiary, 759. Piper, 416. Piping, souna, 410. hot, 389. Pipkin,191. Piquant, pungent, 392. style, 574. motive, 015. keen, 821. Pique, umbrage, 889 hate, 898. incite, 615. anger, 900. Pique one’s self, 878. Pirate, 792. Piscatory, 366, Pistol, 727. Piston, 203. Pit, hole, 252. opening, 260. deep, 208. grave, 363 hell, 982. Pit against, 708. Pitapat, 821. Pitch, degree, 26. term, 51. height, 206. descent, 306. summit, 210. musical note, 413. dark, 421. black, 431. to throw, 284. to reel, 314. to place, 184. Pitch one’s tent, 186 265. Pitchpipe, 417. Pitch upon, choose, 609. reach, 292. Pitrhed battle, 720. Pitcher, 191. Pitchy, 421. Piteous, 830. Pitfall, 667. Pith, gist, 5. strength, 159 interior, 221. essential, 50. important, 642. meaning, 516. Pithy, 516, 572. Pithiness, strength, 159. terseness, 572. Pitiable, 643. Pitiful, 043, 940. Pitiless, malevolent, 9i 7, 914, a. revengeful, 9 0. ruthless, 900. Pittance, allotment, 78b lack, 640. Pity, compassion, 914 regret, 833. Pivot, cause, 153. axis, 312. junction, 43. Pix, box, 19.. rites, 998. Placable, 918. Placableness, 918. Placard, notice, 550. to publish, 531. Placate, 918. Place, situation, 182, 183. circumstances, 8. rank, 873. arrange, 60. term, 71. in order, 58. abode, 189. to locate, 184. substitution, 147. office, 625. Placed, 184. Placed back, 145. Placeman, 758. Placid, calm, 826. Placidily, 826. Placket, 225. Plagiarism, stealing, 791. borrowing, 788. Plagiarist, 792. Plagiary, 788. Plague, disease, 655. pain, 828. evil, 619. Plaid, 225. Plain, horizontal, 213. country, 344. obvious, 446. meaning, 516, 518 simple, 849. artless, 703. ugly, 846. style, 566, 576. Plain dealing, 543. Plainness, simplicity, 849. ugliness, 846. frankness, 543. style, 576. Plain speaking, veracity, 543. perspicuity, 570. Plain spoken, 543. Plaint, cry, 411. lamentation, 839. Plaintiff, 967. Plaintive, 839 Plaintiveness, 839. Plait, fold, 258. to mat, 219. Plan, project, 626. diagram, 554. guide, 266. Plane, flat, 251. smooth, 255. horizontal, 213. to soar, 305. Planet, 318, 601. Plank, board, 204. safety, 666. Plant, vegetable, 367. to insert, 300. camp, 186. place, 184. stop, 265. Plantation, 367. Planting, 300. Plasinic, 240. Plaster, cement, 45. remedy, 662. mend, 658. Plastic, soft, 324. form, 240. mutable, 149. facile, 705. Plasticity, 324. Plat, 219. Plate, layer, 204. plane, 251. engraving, 558. dish, 191, 298. Plateau, 213, 344. Platform, support, 215. stage, 542. horizontal, 213. Platitude, 497. Platonic, contemplative, 451. cold, 823. chaste, 960. Platoon, army, 726. assemblage, 72. Platter, receptacle, 191. layer, 204. flatness, 251. Plausibility, probability, 472. sophism, 477. Plausible, probable, 472. sophistical, 477. false, 544. specious, 937. approvable, 93. INDEX. 379 Pienir, de, 6391 Plenteous, 639. Plentiful, 639. Plenty, 639. Pleonasm, 573, 641. Pleonastic, 573. Plethora, 641. Plethoric, 641. Pliability, 324. Pliable, 324. 1‘Iiableness, 324 Pliant, soft, 324. facile, 705. irresolute, 605. Pliantness, 324. Plicature, 258. Plier, 633. Plight, state, 7. Plinth, base, 211. rest, 215. Plod, trudge, 275. work, 682. Plodding, dull, 843. active, 682. Plot, plan, 626. of ground, 181. Plough, 259, 673. Pluck, take, 789. extract, 301. courage, 861. resolution, 604. Pluck out, 301. Plucked, 610. Plug, stopper, 263. to close, 261. Plum, sweetness, 396. money, 800. Plum-color, 437. Plumage, 256. Plumb, close, 261. measure, 466. Plumb line, 466. Plume, 256, 847. Plume one’s self, 878. Plummet, 466. Plumose, 256. Plumosity, 256. Plump, 192. Plump down, 306. Plumpness, 192. Plunder, booty, 793. to steal, 791. ravage, 649. evil, 619. Plunge, dive, 310. leap, 146, 309 insert, 300. depth. 208, Plunge, immerse, 337. precipitate, 308. adventure, 676 hurry, 684. Plural, 100. Plurality, 100. Plus, 37. Plush, 256. Plushy, 345. Pluto, 982. Pluvial, 348. Ply, use, 677. work, 680. fold, 253. Pneumatics, 334. Pneumatology, 450. Poach, 791. Poaching, 964. Poachy, 345. Pocket, pouch, 191. to place, 184. take, 789. endure, 826. receipts, 810. treasury, 802. diminutive, 193. Pocket money, 800. Poem, 597. Poet, 597. Poetaster, 597. Poetess, 597. Poetry, 597. Poetic, metrical, 597. style, 574. Poignancy, 171. Poignant, physical, 171. moral, 821. Point, condition, 8. degree, 26. term, 71. place, 182. question, 461. thought, 453. headland, 342. topic, 454. prominence, 250. mark, 550. intention, 620. wit, 842. style, 574. punctilio, 939. speck, 193. poignancy, 171. sharp, 253. Point blank, 278. Pointless, 843. Point of view, aspect, 441. idea, 453. relation, 9. Point out, 550. Point to, indicate, 550. show, 525. Point to, mean, 516. predict, 511. Pointed, 535. Pointedness, 253. Pointer, index, 550. Poise, balance, 27. measure, 486. Poised, 27. Poison, bane, 663. to injure, 659. Poisonous, deleterious, 657. injurious, 649. Poke, push, 276. Poker, 323. Polacre, 273. Polar, 210. Polarity, duality, 89. antagonism, 179, 237. Pole, lever, 633. axis, 222. summit, 210. tallness, 206. Poleaxe, 727. Polemical, 476. Polemics, discussion, 476. discord, 713. Poles tar, indication, 550. guide, 695. Police, jurisdiction, 965. constable, 968. Policy, plan, 626. conduct, 692. skill, 698. Polish, smooth, 255. to rub, 331. urbanity, 894. furbish, 658. beauty, 845. ornament, 847. taste, 850. Polished, style, 850. courtly, 852. Polite, 894. Politeness, courtliness, 852. urbanity, 894. Politic, wise, 498. skilful, 698. cunning, 702. Politician, tactician, 700. statesman, 745. Polity, plan, 626. Polity, conduct, 692. Poll, count, 85. Pollute, corrupt, C59. soil, 653. disgrace, 874. dishonor, 940. Pollution, vice, 945. disease, 655. taint, 874. corruption, 659. soiling, 653. Poltroon, 862. Poltroonery, 862. Polychromatic, 440. Polygamist, 903. Polygamy, 903. Polyglot, 560, 562. Polygon, figure, 244. buildings, 189. Polygonal number, 84. Polysyllable, 561. Polytheism, 984. Pomatum, 356. Pommel, 249. Pomp, 882. Pompous style, 577, 882. Pond, 343. Ponder, 451. Ponderable, 316. Ponderation, 4CG, 480. Ponderosity, 319. Ponderous, 319. Ponderousness, 319. Poniard, 727. Pontiff, 996. Pontifical, 995. Pontificate, 995. Pony, 271. Pool, 343. Poop, 235. Poor, indigent, 804. weak, 160. irrational, 477. insufficient, 640 trifling, 643. contemptible, 930, style, 575. Poorness, 043. Poorly, 655. Pop, noise, 406. unexpected, 508 Pop upon, find, 480. Pope, 996. Popgun, 406. Populace, 876. Popular, current, 484. favorite, 897. celebrated, 873. 380 INDEX. Popularity, fame, 873. approbation, 931. fondness, 897. Population, mankind, 373. inhabitants, 188. Populous, crowded, 72. Torch, entnnee, 66 opening, 260. mouth, 231. way, 627. receptacle, 191 Porcupine, 253. Poro, opening, 260. conduit, 295, 350. look, 441. apply the mind, 457. Porosity, 322. Porous, foraminous, 260, light, 322. Porousness, 260. Porringer, 191. Port, harbor, 666. gait, 264. abode, 189. resting-place, 265. arrival, 292. left hand, 239. carriage, 448. demeanor, 852. Portable, movable, 268, 270. light, 320. little, 193. Portableness, 320. Portage, 270. Portal, entrance, 66. mouth, 231. opening, 260. way, 627. Portative, 268. movable, 270. small, 193. Portcullis, 706, 717. Portend, 511. Portent, 512, 872. Portentous, prophetic, 511. fearful, 860. Porter, carrier, 271. janitor, 263. Porterage, 270. Portfolio, record, 551. miscellany, 72. receptacle, 191. Porthole, 260. Portico, entrance, 66. room, 191. Portion, piece, 51. Portion, allotment, 786. Portly, 192. Portmanteau, 19 Portrait, 556. Portraiture, 556. Portray, describe, 594. paint, 556. Pose, puzzle, 485. hide, 528. difficulty, 704. embarrassment, 491 Poser, 704. Position, circumstances, 8. situation, 183. point, 26. assertion, 535. Positive, certain, 474. prejudiced, 481 strict, 82. meaning, 516. real, 1. true, 494. unequivocal, 518. absolute, 739. obstinate, 606. assertion, 535. quantity, 84. Positiveness, 1. Positively, great, 31. Posse, party, 712. Possess, have, 777. feel, 821. Possessing, 777. Possession, property, 780. occupancy, 777. Possessor, 779. Possibility, chance, 156. contingcnce, 470. Possible, contingent, 470. casual, 156, 621. facile, 705. Possibly, 156. Post, support, 215. place, 184. rest, 265. beacon, 550. swift, 274. motion, 264. employment, 625. office, 926. to record, 551. accounts, 811. mail, 532, 592. to stigmatize, 874. Postdate, 115. Postdiluvian, 117. I Posted, 1 placed, 184. Poster, 531. Posterior, in time, 117. in order, 63. in space, 235. Posteriority, in order, 63. in space, 235. in time, 117. Posterity, in time, 117, 121. descendants, 167. Postern, back, 235. portal, 66. Post-existence, 121. Posthaste, fist, 274. precipitate, 634, 863. Posthorse, 271. Posthumous, late, 133. subsequent, 117. Postilion, 268, 694. Postliminous, 117, 133. Postpone, 133. Postponement, 133. Postscript, sequel, 65. appendix, 39. Postulant, 767. Postulate, supposition, 514. reasoning, 476. Postulation, supposition, 514. Postulatory, 469. Posture, 8. Posture master, buffoon, 844. mountebank, 548. Posy, fl.owers, 847. Pot, mug, 191. ruin, 732. Potable, 298. Potager, 191. Potation, 296. Pot-bellied, 192. Pot-companion, 890. Potency, 157. Potent, 157. Potentate, 745. Potential, virtual, 2. possible, 470. power, 157. Potentiality, power, 157. possibility, 470. Pother, confusion, 59. Pothooks, 590. Pottage, 298. Potter, 682. ] Pottle, 191. 1 Pouch, 191. Poultice, soft, 354. remedy, GG2. Pounce upon, 759. Pound, bruise, 330. mix, 41. enclose, 232. imprison, 752.' Pounds, 800. Pour, 295, 348, 350. Pour out, 185, 297, 348. Poverty, indigence, 804. scantiness, 640. meagreness, 575. trifle, G43. Powder, 193,330,721 Powdery, 330. Power, efficacy, 157. authority, 737. much, 31. dicine, 976. numerical, 84. of style, 574. Powerful, 157, 159, 574. Powerfully, 157. Powerless, 158, 160. Pox, 655. Practicability', easiness, 705. possibility, 470. Practicable, possible, 470. easy, 705. Practicableness, 705. Practice, act, 680. conduct, 692. use, 677. habit, 613. rule, 80. proceeding, 626. Practise, deceive, 645. Practised, 698. Practise upon, 463, 486, 545. Practitioner, 690. Pragmatical, pedantic, 855. vain, 880. Prairie, 344. Praise, commendation, 931 thanks, 916. worship, 990. Praiseworthy, commendable, 931 virtuous, 944 Prance, dance, 315. more, 266. Prank, caprice, 608. amusement, 840. vagary 856. Prate, babble, 584, 588. Prattle, talk, 582, 588. Prayer, 765, 990. Preach, teach, 537. predication, 998 Preacher, 996. Preaching, 998. Preadamite, 124, 128, 130. Preamble, 64. Preapprehension, 481. Prebendary, 996. Prebendaryship, 995. Precarious, perilous, 665. Precariousness, peril, 665. uncertainty, 475. Precaution, care, 459. safety, 664. expedient, 626. preparation, 673. Precede, in order, 62. in time, 116. lead, 280. Precedence, in order, 62. in time, 116. leading, 280. Precedent, 80. Preceding, 280. Precentor, 996. Precept, maxim, 697. order, 741. permit, 760. decree, 963. Preceptor, 540. Precession, in order, 62. in motion, 280. Precincts, environs, 227. boundary, 233. region, 181. place, 182. Precious, excellent, 648. beloved, 897. Precipice, slope, 217. vertical, 212. danger, 665, 667. Precipitancy, haste, 684. swiftness, 274. rashness, 863. Precipitate, rash, 863. early, 132. transient, 111. to sink, 308. refuse, 653. consolidate, 321. INDEX. 381 Precipitate, haste, 684. swift, 274. Precipitately, 132. Precipitation, haste, 684. rashness, 863. consolidation, 321. swiftness, 274. sinking, 308. Precipitous, 217. Precipitousness, 217. Precise, exact, 494. definite, 516, 518. Precisely, assent, 488. Precision, exactness, 494. definiteness, 518. Preclude, 708. Precocious, early, 132. immature, 674. Precognition, foresight, 510. knowledge, 490. Preconception, 481. Preconcert, 673. Preconcerted, 600, 611. Precursor, forerunner, 64. priority, 116. harbinger, 512. Precursory, in order, 62. in time, 116. Predacious, 791. Predatory, 789, 791. Predecessor, in order, 64. in time, 116. Predeliberation, 611. Predesigned, 611. Predestinate, 976. Predestination, fate, 152. necessity, 601. predetermination, 611. Predetermination, 611, 620. Predetermined, 600, 611. Predial, 780, 789 Predicable, 535. Predicament, situation, 8. Predicate, 535. Predication, 535. Predict, t Prediction, > 511. Predictive, ) Predilection, love, 897. desire, 865. choice, 609. inclination, CV2. Predispose, to move, 615. prepare, 673. Predisposed, fain, 602. affected, 820. Predisposition, proneness, 602. affection, 820. preparation, 673. Predominance, influence, 175. Predominate, influence, 175. unequal, 28. Predominating, 175. Preeminent, celebrated, 873. superior, 31, 33. Preemption, 795. Preengagement, 768. Preestablish, 673. Preexamine, 461. Preexist, 116. Preexistence, priority, 116. past, 122. Preexistent, prior, 116. past, 122. Preface, 62, 64. Prefatory, in order, 62. in time, 116. Prefect, ruler, 745. deputy, 759. Prefecture, 737. Prefer, choose, 609. a petition, 765. Preferment, improvement, 658. ecclesiastical, 995. Prefiguration, indication, 550. Prefigure, 511. Prefix, 62, 64. Pregnancy, 168. Pregnant, productive, 168. predicting, 511. important, G42. Prejudge, 481. Prejudgment, 481. Prejudicate, 481. Prejudication, 481. Prejudice, evil, 619. detriment, 649. prejudgment, 481. Prejudicial, 649. Prelacy, 995. Prelate, 996. Preiatic, 995. Prelection, 537. Prelector, 540. Preliminary, preceding, 62. precursor, 64. Preliminary, priority, 116. Prelude, preceding, 62. precursor, 64. priority, 116. Prelusive, 116. Prelusory, preceding, 62. precursor, 64. priority, 116. Premature, 132. Prematurely, 132. Premeditate, intend, 620. predetermine, 611. Premeditated, 6C0, 611. Premeditation, 611. Premier, 694, 759. Premise, prefix, 62. announce, 511. Premises, ground, 182. Premium, reward, 973. receipt, 810. Premonish, 668. Premonishment, 668. Premonitive, 668. Premonitory, 511. Premonition, 668. Premonstration, 448, 511. Prenticeship, 673. Preoccupancy, possession, 777. inattention, 458. Preoccupy, possess, 777. the attention, 458. Preordain, 601. Preordination, 152, 601. Preparation, 6~3. Prepare, mature, 673. plan, 626. threaten, 121. instruct, 537. Prepared, planned, 626. ready, 698. Preparatory, 62. Prepense, advised, 611. spontaneous, 600 intended, 620. willing, 602. Preponderance, inequality, 28. importance, 642. Preponderant, unequal, 23. important, 642. Preponderate, 28. Preponderating, 6411 Prepossessing, 829. Prepossession, 481. 382 INDEX. Prime, number, 84. Primed, 098. Primeval, 122, 124. Primitive, 124, 128. Primitiveness, 124. Primness, 878. Primogenial, 66. Primogeniture, 124, 167. Primordial, 124, 155. Primordinate, 124. Primrose-color, 438. Princely, authoritative, 737. liberal, 816. generous, 942. noble, 873, 875. Princess, 745. Principal, 540, 642. Principality, 181,780 Principle, clement, 316. cause, 153. truth, 494. reasoning, 476. law, 80. tenet, 484. motive, 615. Print, mark, 550. record, 551. engraving, 558. letter press, 591. Printless, 552. Prior, in order, 62. in time, 116. religious, 996. Priority, in order, 62. in time, 116. Prioress, 996. Priory, 1000. Prism, 445. Prismatic, 428, 440. Prison, 752. Prison house, 752. Prisoner, captive, 754. defendant, 967. Prisonment, 751. Pristine, 122. Privacy, secrecy, 526. seclusion, 893. Private, special, 79. , retired, 893. secret, 526. Privately, 881. Privateer, 726. Privation, loss, 776. poverty, 804. Privative, 789. Privilege, 924. Privileged, 924 Privily, 528. Privity, 490. Preposterous, in degree, 31. ridiculous, 853. absurd, 499. Preposterousness, 853. Prerequisite, 630. Prerogative, right, 924. authority, 737. Presage, omen, 512. to predict, 511. Presbyter, 996. Presbytery, 995, 996. Prescience, 510. Prescient, 510. Prescribe, order, 741. entitle, 924. duty, 920. Prescribed, 924. Prescript, decree, 741. precept, 697. law, 263. Prescription, remedy, 471, 662. precept, 697. Prescriptive, 924. Presence, in space, 186. appearance, 448. carriage, 852. Presence chamber, 196. Presence of mind, 864. Present, in time, 118. in place, 186. in memory, 505. give, 784. ubiquitous, 187. offer, 763. introduce, 894. to the mind, 451. Present the appear- ance, 448. Presentable, 852. Presentation, offer, 763. gift, 784.. introduction, 894. Presentiment, prejudgment, 481. instinct, 477. foresight, 510. Presently, 111. Presentment, 784. Preservation, continuance, 142. conservation, 670. Preservatory, ) r,„ Preserved, ( Preserver, guard, 664. Deity, 976. Preside, command, 737 Preside, direct, 693. Presidency, 737. President, 694, 737, 745. Press, hasten, 132. urge, 684. beg, 765. compel, 744. weigh, 319. solicit, 615. crowd, 72. closet, 191. velocity, 274. Press in, 300. Pressing, urgent, 642. Pressure, loeight, 319. influence, 175. urgency, 642. affliction, 830. misfortune, 1691 Presumable, 472. Presume, suppose, 514. hope, 858. misjudge, 481. Presumption, arrogance, 885. misjudgment, 481. rashness, 863. probable, 472. right, 924. hope, 858. Presumptive, conjectural, 514. rightful, 924. probable, 472. indicative, 467. Presuppose, 481. Presurmise, 481. Pretence, untruth, 546. excuse, 617. Pretend, simulate, 544. assert, 535. excuse, 617. Pretended, 617. Pretender, boaster, 884. deceiver, 548. Pretension, affectation, 855. vanity, 880, 884. Pretensions, 882. Preterition, 122. Preterlapsed, 122. Pretermit, omit, 460. Preternatural, irregular, 83. Preter-perfect, 122. Preter-pluperfect, 122. Pretext, excuse, 617. falsehoodt 546. Prettiness, 855. Pretty, 845. Pretty well, much, 31. imperfect, 651. Prevail, influence, 175. preponderate, 28. be general, 78. Prevail upon, 615. Prevailing, preponderating, 28. influencing, 175. usual, 82. Prevalence, influence, 175. usage, 613. preponderance, 28. generality, 78. Prevalent, general, 78. usual, 82. influential, 175. Prevaricate, falsehood, 544. equivocate, 520. Prevarication, 520. Prevent, 706. Prevention, hindcrance, 706. prejudice, 481. Previous, in order, 62. in time, 116. Prevision, 510. Prey, food, 298. booty, 793. object, 620. victim, 828. Price, money, 812. Priceless, invaluable, 648. Prick, sharpness, 253. to sting, 378. stick, 260. Prickle, 253. Prickliness, 253. Prickly, 253, 256. Pride, loftiness, 878. ornament, 847. Priest, 996. Priestcraft, 995. Priestly, 995. Priesthood, 996. Priestridden, 989. Priggish, 855. Prim, 855, 878. Primacy, 995. Primary, 153, 642. Primate, 996. Prime, early, 132. primeval, 124. excellent, 64S, 650. important, 642. to prepare, 673. Privy, 526. Privy to, 490. Prize, booty, 993. success, 731 palm, 733. good, 618. Prize fighting, 720. Probability, 472. Probable, 492. Probate, 467. Probation, trial, 463. essay, 675. demonstration, 476 Probationary, trial, 463. attempt, 675. Probatory, 675. Probe, stiletto, 262. measure, 466. investigate, 461. Probity, virtue, 944. integrity, 939. Problem, enigma, 533. inquiry, 454, 461. Problematical, uncertain, 475. hidden, 528. Proboscis, 250. Procacity, anger, 900. Procedure, conduct, 692. action, 680. plan, 626. Proceed, advance, 282. from, 154. lapse, 109. happen, 151. Proceeding, action, 680. event, 151. plan, 626. Proceeds, money, 800. receipts, 810. Procerity, 206. Process, projection, 250. plan, 62(5. actiont 680. conduct, 692. time, 109- Procession, train, 69 ceremony, 882. travel, 266. Prochronism, 115. Proclaim, 531. Proclamation, 531. Proclivity, disposition, 602. bias, 176. proneness, 820. Proconsul, 759. INDEX. 383 Proconsulship, 737. Procrastinate, 133. Procrastination, 133, 683. Procreant, 108. Procreate, 161, 168. Procreation, 168. Procreator, 166. Proctor, officer, 694. Proctorship, 693. Procumbent, 213. Procuration, 775. Procurator, 694. Procure, get, 775. cause, 153. buy, 795. pimp, 962. Procuress, 962. Procuring, 775. Prodigal, extravagant, 818. lavish, 641. Prodigality, 818. Prodigious, wonderful, 870. much, 31. Prodigy, 872. Produce, cause, 153. create, 161. ware, 798. prolong, 200. show, 525. evidence, 467. result, 154. fruit, 775. Producer, 164. Producing, productive, 157. Product, multiple, 84, 154, 775. Production, show, 525. cause, 153. result, 154. Productive, 168. Productiveness, 158. Proem, 64. Proemial, preceding in order, 62. beginning, 66. in time, 116. Profane, impious, 989 desecrate, 679. laical, 997. Profanity, impiety, 989. desecration, 679. Profess, 535. Profession, business, 625. pretence, 546. assertion, 535. Professional, 625 Professor, 540. Proffer, 763. Proficiency, skill, 698. knowledge, 49C. Proficient, adept, 700. knowledge, 490. skilful, 698. Profile, lateral, 236. outline, 230. appearance, 448. Profit, acquisition 77!. avail, 644. advantage, 618, 648. Profitable, useful, 644. gainful, 775, 810. good, 648. Profitableness, 644. Profitless, 645. Profligacy, 945. Protluence, 348. Profluent, advancing, 282. flowing, 348. Profound, deep, 208. knowledge, 490. sagacity, 702. feeling, 821. thought, 451. Profoundness, 208. Profoundly, 31. Profundity, depth, 208. knowledge, 490. Profuse, prodigal, 818. lavish, 641. Profuseness, 818. Profusion, prodigality, 818. excess, 641. Prog, materials, 635. Progenitor, 166. Progeny, 167. Prognostic, 512. Prognosticate, 511. Prognostication, 511. Programme, catalogue, 86. announcement, 510. plan, 626. Progress, advance, 282. growth, 144. speed, 274. of time, 109. improvement, 658. success, 731. Progression, series, 69. gradation, 58. numerical, 84. •notionx 282. Progressive, moving, 282. improving, 658. Progressiveness, 283 Prohibit, 761. Prohibition, 761. Prohibitory, 761 Project, bulge, 250. propel, 284 plan, 626. intend, 620 Projectile, missile, 284 •weapon, 727 Projection, map, 554. bulge, 250. motion, 284. Prolific, 157, 168. 644. Prolificness, 168 Prolix, 573. Prolixness, 573. Prolocutor, speaker, 582. Prologue, 64. Prolong, lengthen, 200. protract, 110, 133. Prolongation, 133 Prolusion, beginning, 64. lesson, 537. Promenade, 266. Promethean, 359. Prominence, convexity, 250 importance, 642. Prominent, convex, 250, 252 conspicuous, 446 important, 642. famous, 873. manifest, 525. Prominently, 31, 32. 33. Promiscuous, irregular, 59. casual, 621. Promise, engage, 768. augur, 507. hope, 858. Promised, hope, 858. engagement, 763 Promising, hope, 858. engagement, 768. Promissory note, 800 Promontory, cape, 342. height, 206. projection, 250 Promote, 707. Promotion, 658, 707. Prompt, in time, 111. early, 132. 384 INDEX. Prompt, quick, 274. suggest, 514. tell, 527. remind, 505. induce, 615. active, 682. Prompter, 615. Prompting, 505. Promptitude, action, 682. carliness, 132. quickness, 274 Promptness, quickness, 274. earliness, 132. activity, 682. Promulgate, 531. Promulgation, 531. Pronation, 218. Prone, horizontal, 213. tending, 176. inclined, 602. disposed, 820. Proneness, tendency, 176. disposition, 820. Prong, 91. Pronounce, articulate, 580. assert, 535. judge, 480. sentence, 969. Pronunciative, dogmatic, 536. Proof, demonstration, 476, 478. evidence, 467. hardness, 323. test, 463. copy, 21. Prop, support, 215. help, 707. refuge, 666. Propagable, 168. Propagandism, 484, 537. Propagate, produce, 161. publish, 531. Propagation, publishing, 531. production, 161 168. Propel, 284. Propelling, 284. Propensity, 176, 602. Proper, special, 79. right. 922, 926. expedient, 646. consonant, 23. handsome, 845. Property, possession, 780. poicer, 157. wealth, 803. Prophecy, prediction, 511. scriptural, 985. Prophesy, 511. Prophet, 513, 985. Prophetical, predictive, 511. scriptural, 985. Propinquity, 197. Propitiate, forgive, 918. atone, 952. pity, 914. worship, 990. Propitiation, atonement, 952. forgiveness, 918. religious, 976. Propitiatory, 952. Propitious, favoring, 707. opportune, 134. prosperous, 734. auspicious, 858. beneficial, 648. Proportion, relation, 9. mathematical, 84. Prosaist, 598. Pioscribe, interdict, 761. curse, 908. condemn, 971. denounce, 938. exclude, 77. Proscription, ban, 908. denunciation, 938. interdiction, 761. condemnation, 971. exclusion, 77. Prose, not verse, 598. to prate, 584. dulncss, 843. to weary, 841. Prosecute, pursue, 622. arraign, 969. Prosecution, arraignment, 969. pursuit, 622. Prosecutor, 967 Proselyte, 541. Proselytism, teaching, 537 belief, 484. Prose r, prater, 584. bore, 841. Prosing, wearying, 841. dull, 843. Prosody, 597. Prospect, view, 448. hope, 858. futurity, 121, 507. Prostration, weakness, 160. level, 213. depression, 308. exhaustion, 688. dejection, 837. lowness, 207. Prosy, 575, 841. Prosyllogism, 476. Protect, shield, 664. defend, 717. Protection, defence, 717. influence, 175. shield, 664. Protective, 664. Protector, 717, 745. Protectorate, 737. Protectorship, 737. Protest, dissent, 489. denial, 536. affirm, 535. refusal, 764. deprecate, 766. censure, 932. non-observance, 773. non-payment, 808 Protestant, 489. Protestantism, 984. Protested, 766. Proteus, 149. Protlionotary, 553. Protocol, document, 551. warrant, 771. Prototype, 22. Protract, time, 110, 133. length, 200. Protracted, 110. Protraction, 133. Protrude, 250. Protuberance, 250. Proud, lofty, 878. dignified, 873. Prove, demonstrate, 478. try, 463. count, 85. turn cut, 151. affect, 821. Provender, food, 298. materials, 635. Proverb, 496. Proverbial, 490, 496. Provide, furnish, 637. prepare, 673. Provided, qualification, 469. condition, 770. conditionally, 8. Providence, foresight, 510. Proportionable, Proportional, ' Proportionate, 9. Proposal, plan, 626. offer, 763. suggestion, 514. intention, 620. Propose, offer, 763. intend, 620. suggest, 514. broach, 535. ask, 461. Proposition, reasoning, 476. supposition, 454. overture, 763. suggestion, 514. averment, 535. plan, 626. Propound, broach, 535. inquire, 461. suggest, 514. Proprietary, 779. Proprietor, 779. Proprietorship, 777. Proprietress, 779. Propriety, consonance, 23. duty, 922, 926. Propugn, vindicate, 937. Propulsion, 276, 284. Propulsive, 284. Prorogation, 133. Prorogue, 133. Prosaic, dull, 598, 843. style, 575. Prospective, Prospectively, rospectus, scheme, 626. compendium, 596. programme, 86. 121. Prosper, ■ Prosperity, . Prosperous,. 731,734. Prostitute, to corrupt, 659. misuse, 679. dishonor, 962. Prostitution, misuse, 679. corruption, 659. Prostrate, low, 207. level, 213. to depress, 308. weak, 160. exhausted, 688. laid up, 655. dejected, 837. heart-broken, 830. Prostration, ruin, 619. servility, 743, 886. obeisance, 928. worship, 990. Providence, divine government, 076. preparation, 673. Provident, careful, 459. wise, 498. prepared, 673. Province, region, 181 department 75. office, 625. duty, 926. Provincialism, 563. Provision, supply, 637. materials, 635. preparation, 673. wealth, 803. food, 298. Provisional, preparing, 673. temporary, 111. conditional, 8. Provisionally, 8. Provisions, 770. Proviso, qualification, 469. Provisory, 111. Provocation, ezeitement, 824. vexation, 830. Provoke, incite, 615. excite, 824. vex, 830. hatred, 898. anger, 900. Provoking, inciting, 615. vexing, 839. abhorrent, 898. Provost, 745, 759. Prow, 234. Prowess, 861. Prowl, 266, 622. Proximate, 197, 199. Proximity, 199. Proximo, 121. Proxy, 759. Prudence, caution, 864. skill, 698. sagacity, 493. care, 459. Prudent, cautious, 864. wise, 498. careful, 459. discreet, 698. Prudery, 855. Prune, 201. lop, 38. repair, 658. Prunello, 643. Prurience, desire, 865. lust, 961. rrurient, desire, 865. INDEX. 385 Prurient, lust, 961. Pry, inquire, 461. Prying, 461. Psalm, 990. Psalmody, 415. Pseudo, spurious, 495. simulated, 17. Pseudo-revelation, 986. Pseudonymous, 563, 565. Psychological, 450. Psychology, 450. Puberty, 127. Public, the, 372. Public, open, 529, 531. Public house, 189. Publication, promulgation, 531. printing, 591. book, 593. Publicity, 531. Public-spirited, 910. Publish, divulge, 529. put forth, 531. print, 591. Pucker, 825. Pudding, 298. Puddle, 343. Pudicity, 960. Puerile, boyish, 127. trifling, 643. youthful, 129. foolish, 499. weak, 477. vapid, 391. Puerility, 375. Puff, wind, 349. inflate, 194. boast, 884. pant, 688. Puffed up, vain, 880. proud, 878. K3:!884- Puffy, 192. Pug, 201. Pugilism, 720. Pugilist, 726. Pugnacity, 901. Puissance, 157. Puissant, 157, 159. Puke, 297. Pule, cry, 411, 412. Pull, draw, 285. attract, 288. Pull down, destroy, 162. lay low, 308. Pull out, extract, 301. Pull up, stop, 265. Pullet, 129. Pulley, 633. Pulling, 285, 288. Pullulate, grow, 195. multiply, 168. enlarge, 194. Pullulation, increase, 194. multiplication, 168. Pulp, 354. Pulpiness, 352. Pulpit, rostrum, 542. church, 1000. Pulsate, oscillate, 314. agitate, 315. periodically, 138. Pulse, oscillate, 314. agitate, 315. periodically, 138. Pulsating, 821. Pulsation, periodical, 138. oscillation, 314. Pulsatory, 314. Punctuate, 567. Punctuation, 567. Puncture, 260. Pungency, caustic, 171. taste, 392. Pungent, taste, 392. caustic, 171. feeling, 821. odorous, 398. Puniness, 193. Punish, 972. Punishment, 972. Punitive, 1 Q70 Punitory, j Punster, 844. Puny, in degree, 32 in size, 193. Pup, 129. Pupil, 541. Pupilage, 541 Puppet, subjection, 749. effigy, 554 dupe, 547 tool, 746. Puppet shew, 599, 840. Purblind, 442, 4991 Purchase, buy, 795. leverage, 175. outlay, 809. Purchased, 795. Purchaser, 795, 797. Purchasing, 795. Pure, simple, 42. true, 494. elegant, 850. clean, 652. devout, 990. truthful, 543. innocent, 946. style, 578. virtuous, 944. Purely, 31, 32. Pureness, 652. Purgation, cleansing, 652. atonement, 952. Purgatory, 982. Purge, clean, 652. improve, 658. atone, 952. Purification, 652. Purify, cleanse, 652. improve, 658. Puritanical, ascetic, 955. pedantic, 855. Purity, 960. (Sea Pure.) o} style, 578. simpleness 42. Pulverize, Pulverized, Pulverization, Pulverulence, Pulverulent, 330. Pummel, handle, 633. beat, 276. Pump, inquire, 461. reservoir, 636. Pun, verbal, 563. wit, 842. Punch, to perforate, 260. perforator, 262. humorist, 844. Punch bowl, 191. Punctilio, 852, 882. Punctilious, correct, 494. observant, 772. scrupulous, 939. Punctiliousness, scrupulosity, 939. ostentation, 882. Punctual, early, 132. periodical, 138. scrupulous, 939. Punctually, early, 132. periodically, 138 Punctuality, earliness, 132. scrupulosity, 939. regularity, 138. 330. 38 fi INDEX. Purl, gurgle, 405. music, 415. Purlieu, 197, 227. Purling, 318. Purloin, 791. Purple, 137. Purport, meaning, 516. intent, 620. Purpose, 620. Purposeless, 601, 621. Purposely, 600, 620. Pair, 412. Purse, money bag, 802. wealth, 803. Purse, to shrivel, 195. Pursebearer, 801. Purse-proud, 878. Purser, 801. Pursuant to, 620. Pursue, follow, 281. continue, 143. aim, 622. inquire, 461. Pursuer, 281. Pursuit, chase, 281. advance, 282. approach, 283. aim, 682. inquiry, 461. Pursuivant, 534. Pursy, 192. Purulence, 653. Purulent, 653. Purvey, 637. Purveyance, 637. Purveyor, 637. Push, exigency, 8. accelerate, 274. impel, 276. propel, 234. repel, 289, activity, 682. Push on, haste, 282, 684. Pushing, 284, 682. Pusillanimity, 862. Pusillanimous, 862. Pustule, pimple, 250. blemish, 848. Put, place, 184. a question, 461. Put about, turn back, 283- circnition, 311. Put aside, 55. Put away, 624. Put by, 817. Put down, destroy, 162. coerce, 744. batjle, 731. I Put down, humiliate, 874. Put forth, assert, 535. publish, 531. suppose, 514. Put into, insert, 300. enter, 294. land, 292. Put off, 133. Put on, clothe, 225. deceive, 544. Put out, quench, 385. darken, 421. perplex, 458. difficulty, 740. Put together, 44. Put to sea, 293. Put up with, 821. Put upon, 545. Putative, 155, 514. Putrefaction, 653. Putrefy, 653. Putrescence, 401,653. Putrescent, 401. Putrid, 653. Putty, 45. l’uzzle, enigma, 533. mystify, 528. dilemma, 704. stagger, 485. bewilder, 491. Puzzling, uncertain, 475. Pygmy, 193. Pyramid, 253. Pyre, 353. Pyrometer, 389. Pyrotechny, 382. Pyrrhonism, 487. Pythagorean, 953. Pyx, 191. Q. Quack, impostor, 548. cry, 412. Quacksalver, 548. Quackery, 545, 855. Quadrant, measure, 466. Quadrate with, 23. Quadratic, 95. Quadrible, 95. Quadrille, 840. Quadripartition, 97. Quadrisection, 97. Quadruped, 366. Quadruple, 96. Quadruplicate, 96. Quaff, 298. ' Quagmire, bog, 345. mire, 653. Quagmire, difficulty, 704. Quail, 860, 862. Quaint, odd, 83. ridiculous, 853. style, 572. Quaintness, 853. Quake, shake, 315. fear, 860. reel, 314. cold, 383. Qualification, modification, 469. accomplishment,698. change, 140. retraction, 536. training, 673. Qualify, train, 673. modify, 469. change, 140. teach, 537. Quality, power, 157. bias, 176. nature, 5. character, 820. nobility, 875. Qualm, fear, 860. hesitation, 603. scruple, 616. disbelief, 485. penitence, 950. Quandary, 704. Quantitative, 25. Quantity, 25. Quarantine, 664. Quarrel, 713. Quarrelsome,713,901. Quarry, mine, 636. object, 620. Quartain, 597. Quarter, fourth, 97. region, 181. dwelling, 186. side, 236. direction, 278. to place, 184. mercy, 914 Quartering, 97. Quartermaster, 637. Quarters, 189. Quartet, 95. Quarto, 59. Quartile, 95. Quash, destroy, 162. annul, 756. Quaternal, 95. Quaternary, 95. Quaternion, 95. Quaternity, 95. Quaver, shake, 315. sound, 407. Quaver, hesitate, 005 fear, 660. shiver, 383. Quay, 189. Queen, 745. Queer, 83. Quell, destroy, 162. hush, 265. calm, 826. moderate, 174. subdue, 732. Quench, cool, 385. dissuade, 616. extinguish, 162. satiate, 869. (lueriinonious, 839 Querimoniousness. 839. Querist, 461. Querulous, complaining, 839. quarrelsome, 901. fastidious, 868. Querulousness, 839. Query, 461. Quest, 461. Question, inquiry, 461. disbelieve, 988. topic, 454. to doubt, 485. to deny, 536. Questionable, 475. Questionless, 474. Quibble, sophistry, 477. absurdity, 497- wit, 842. Quick, rapid, 274. transient, 111. intelligent, 498. active, 682. early, 132. skilful, 698. feeling, 821, 822. Quicken, hasten, 132. animate, 163. operate, 170. urge, 615. excite, 824. promote, 707 violence, 173 Quickeved, 498. Quickscented, 398 Quicksand, 667. Quickness, haste, 132. activity, 682. skilfulness, 698. speed, 274. Quicksighted, quickeyed, 441. sagacious, 498. Quicksilver, 149,17! INDEX. 387 Cuickwitted, 842. (. uiddity, quibble, 477. (.uidnuric, 461. Ctuiescence, cessation, 141. leisure, 172. rest, 265. Quiescent, 265. Quiet, rest, 265. leisure, 695. silent, 403. calm, 174, 826. dissuade, 616. peace, 714. Quietly, 881. Quietness, 826. Quietude, 826. Quill, 590. Quill driver, 590. Quinary, 98. Quincunx, 98. Quinquepartite, 99. Quinquesection, 90. Quint, 98. Quintessence, essence, 5. importance, 642. Quintuple, 98. Quip, wit, 842. amusement, 840. Quirk, caprice, 608. evasion, 617. wit, 842. Quit, depart, 293. relinquish, 624. pay, 807. Quittance, 807. Quite, 31, Quittance, forgiveness, 918. atonement, 952. reward, 973. Quiver, agitate, 315. shiver, 383. fear, 860. affect, 821. store, 636. arm, 727. Quivering, 860. Quixote, 863. Quixotic, imaginary, 515. rash, 863. enthusiastic, 825. Quixotism, 863. Quiz, to ridicule, 856. Quizzical, ridiculous, 853. Quondam, 122. Quorum, 72. Quota, 809. Quotation, 19,82,464. Quote, 82. Quotidian, 103, 138. Quotient, 84. R. Rabbi, 996. Rabble, mob, 876. assemblage, 72. Rabid, 503. Race, to run, 274. contest, 720. course, 622. career, 625. lineage, 11, 69. kind, 75. Racecourse, 728. Racer, horse, 271. fleetness, 274. Racehorse, horse, 271. fleetness, 274. Rauiness, strong, 171. pungent, 392. warm, 821. style, 574. Racy, strong, 171. pungent, 392. warm, 821. style, 574. Rack, frame, 215. physical pain, 378. punish, 975. purify, 652. refine, 658. cloud, 353. Racket, noise, 404. roll, 407. Racking, 800. Radiance, light, 420. beauty, 845. Radiant, diverging, 291. light, 420. beauty, 845. glory, 873. Radiate, 291. Radiation, 291. Radical, cause, 153. algebraic root, 84. reformer, 658. Radically, 31. Radication, 613. Radius, 200. Raffle, 153, 621. Raft, 273. Rafter, 215. Rag, 225. Ragamuffin, 876. Rage, violence, 173. fury, 825. desire, 835. wrath, 900. Ragged, 846. Raging, violent, 173. famous, 825. -wrathful, 900. Rail, enclosure, 232. fence, 666. imprison, 752. Rail at, 932. Rail in, 229. Railing, 932. Raillery, 856. Railway, 627. Raiment, 225. Rain, 348. Rainbow, 440. Rainy, 348. Raise, elevate, 307. increase, 35. produce, 161 erect, 212. excite, 824. Raised, 206. Raising, 212, 307. Rake, 954. Rake up, collect, 72. extract, 301. recall, 505. evince, 467. excite, 824. Rakish, intemperate, 954. licentious, 961. Rally, ridicule, 856. recover, 658. stand by, 707. pluck up courage, 861. Ram, impel, 276. press in, 261. insert, 300. Ramble, stroll, 266. wander, 279. delirium, 503. diffuse, 573. folly, 499. Rambler, 268. Ramification} branch, 51,256. bisection, 91. posterity, 167. Ramify, 91. Rammer, plug, 263. impeller, 276. Ramp, ascend, 305. Rampant, violent, 173. Rampant, vehement, 835. licentious, 961. saltatory, 305. free, 748. Rampart, 717. Ramrod, 263. Rancid, 401. Rancidity, 401, 653 Rancor, malevolence, 907. revenge, 919. Rancorous, 919. Random, casual, 156, 621 uncertain, 475. Range, space, 180. draw up, 58. extent, 26. to collocate, 60. roam, 266. aim, 278. series, 69. fireplace, 385. term, 71. class, 75. freedom, 748. Rank, degree, 26. thorough, 31. collocate, 60. roiv, 69. term, 71. fetid, 401. bad, 649. to estimate, 480. nobility, 875. glory, 873. Rankle, animosity, 505, 900, to corrupt, 659. Rankling, malevolent, 907 hating, 900. Rankness, 649 Ransack, seek, 461. Ransom, price, 812. liberation, 750. Rant, nonsense, 497. speech, 582. acting, 599. style, 573, 577 Ranter, 584. Rap, knock, 276. Rapacious, avaricious, 819 greedy, 865. predatory, 791. Rapaciousness, 865 Rapacity, avarice, 819. greediness, 865. Rape, violation, 961. Rapid, 274. 388 INDEX. Rapidity, 274. Rapids. 348. Rapier, 727. Rapine, spoliation, 791. evil, 619. Rapt, 451. Rapture, emotion, 821. bliss, 827. love, 897. Raptured, 827. Rapturous, 829. Rare, infrequent, 137. light, 322. few, 103. exceptional, 83. excellent, 648. Raree show, sight, 448. amusement, 840. Rarefaction, 194. Rarefy, expand, 194. render light, 322. Rarely, 137. Rareness, fewness, 103. infrequency, 137. excellence, 648. Rascal, 949. Rascality, 945. Rash, reckless, 863. careless, 460. Rasher, 204. Rashness, 863. Rasp, 330, 331. Rasping, 331. Rasure, 552. Rat, 607. Ratan, 975. Rat-a-tat, 407. Ratchet, 253. Rate, degree, 26. speed, 274. measure, 466. estimation, 480. price, 812. to abuse, 932. Rather, 32, 609. Ratification, consent, 762. compact, 769. affirmation, 488. evidence, 467. Ratify, consent, 762. affirm, 488. compact, 76S Ratio, relation, 9. proportion, 84 degree, 2S. Ratiocination. 176. Ration, 783. Rational, sane, 502. PaJonal, udicious 498. just, 480 sagaciou :, 510. intellecti xl, 450 Rationale, cause, 153. attribution, 155. ansivcr, 462. interpretation, 522. Rationalism, 984. Rationality, 502. Rattle, noise, 407. prattle, 584. Rattlesnake, 663. Rancity, 405. Raucous, 581. Ravage, destroy, 162. evil, 619. despoil, 649. Rave, madness, 503. excitement, 825. Ravel, entangle, 219. convolution, 248. difficulty, 704 derange, 61. untwist, 59. Ravelling, 59. Raven, black, 431. Ravenous, 789, 865. Raver, 504. Ravine, pass, 198, 203. dike, 259. Raving, mad, 503. violent, 825. Ravish, emotion, 824. ecstasy, 829. Ravishing, cheering, 827. ecstatic, 829. dulcet, 413. Ravishment, 821. Raw, immature, 123. unprepared, 674. unskilful, 699. cold, 383. sensitive, 378. Rawboned, gaunt, 209. ugly, 846. Rawness, 123, 674 Ray, 420. Rayless, 421. Raze, level, 308. demolish, 649. obliterate, 552. Razor, 253. Reabsorb, 296. Reach, is gl-'i, 200. Reach, degree, 26. distance, 196. fetch, 270. compass 498. arrive at, 292. attain, 729. grasp, 737. React, recoil, 277. revert, 145. counteract, 179. Reaction, recoil, 277. counteraction, 179. relapse, 145. Read, interpret, 522. Reader, 540. Reading, 5J6. Readiness, earliness, 132. preparedness, 673. eagerness, 682. Reading desk, 1000. Readjust, 27. Readmit, 296. Ready, prepared, 673. capable, 157. eager, 682. skilful, 698. memory, 505. early, 132. style, 578. Ready-made, 673. Ready money, 807. Reaffirm, 535. Reagent, 4G7. Real, existing, 1. true, 494. Reality, truth, 494. existence, 1, 2. Realize, attribute, 155. produce, 161. cause, 153. substantiate, 494. imagine, 515. acquire, 775. Really, very, 31. truly, 2, 494 indeed, 870. Realm, region, 181. property, 780. land, 372. Reanimate, revivify, 163. reinstate, 660. Reanimation, revival, 163. restoration, 660. Reap, acquire, 775. succeed, 731. take, 789. Reappear, repetition, 104 frequency, 136. revive, 163. Reappearance, repetition, 104. frequency, 136. revival, 163. Reappearing, 163. Rear, back, 235. erect, 161. use, 301. sequel, 65. end, 67. Rearguard, 235. Rearward, 235 Rearing, 212. Reason, cause, 153. motive, 615. evidence, 467. intellect, 450. argue, 476. wisdom, 498. moderation, 174. Reasonable, judicious, 498. right, 922. equitable, 924. probable, 472. sane, 502. fair, 514. cheap, 815. moderate, 174. Reasonableness, 922. Reasoning, 476. Reasonless, 499. Reassemble, 72. Reassert, 535. Reassure, 858. Rebate, 174, 813. Rebeck, 417. Rebel, 742. Rebellion, 719, 742. Rebellow, 412. Rebound, recoil, 277, 283. react, 179. revert, 145. elastic, 325. Rebuild, 660. Rebut}', refuse, 764. repulse, 732 resist, 719. recoil, 277. Rebuke, 932. Rebus, 533. Rebut, answer, 462. confute, 479. deny, 536. counter evidence, 468 Recalcitrant, 716. Recalcitrate, 276,719. Recaicitration, 276 Recall, i recollect, 505. INDEX. 389 Recall, cancel, 756. Recant, retract, 607. deny, 536. resign, 757. Recantation, retraction, 607. repeal. 756. Recapitulate, summary, 595. describe, 594. enumerate, 85. Recapitulation, summary, 596. enumeration, 85. Recast, 626. Recede, m we back, 28.5. in jvc from, 287. decline, 659. fail, 732. Receding, declining, 659. mooing back, 283. moving from, 237 Receipt, 810. Receive, admit, 296. take in, 785. acquire, Tib. learn, 539. welcome, 892, 894. money, 810. Received, ordinary, 82. money, 810. Receiver, 191. Receiving, taking in, 785. money, 810. Recency, 123. Recension, 85. Recently, 123. Recentness, 123. Recent, 122. Receptacle, recipient, 191. magazine, 636. Reception, arrival, 292. comprehension, 54. ingestion, 296. interview, 588. visit, 892. courtesy, 894. admission, 785. Receptivity, 54. Recess, place, 182. regression, 283. ambush, 530. holiday, 685. retirement, 893. Recession, motion from, 287 Recipient, receptacle, 191. receiving, 785. Reciprocal, mutual, 12. quantity, 84. Reciprocate, 12 Reciprocation, interchange, 148. retaliation, 718. Reciprocity, 12. Recital, 594. Recitation, 582. Recitative, 415. Recite, narrate, 594. speak, 582. enumerate, 85. Reckless, rash, 363. careless, 460. Recklessness, rashness, 863. carelessness, 460. Reckon, count, 85. measure, 466. believe, 484. Reckoning, accounts, 811. price, 812. counting, 85. payment, 807. expectation, 507. Reckon upon, 507. Reclaim, 660. Reclaimed, 950. Reclamation, 765. Reclination, 213. Recline, lie flat, 213. rest upon, 215. repose, 687. descend, 306. Reclining, 213. Recluse, 893, 955. Recognition, remembrance, 505. gratitude, 916. knowledge, 490. courtesy, 894. Recognizable, 446, 518. Recognizance, 771. Recognize, see, 441. know, 490. assent, 488. discover, 480. acknowledge, 535. Recognized, received, 82. Recoil, repercussion, 277. revert, 145. shun, 623. reluctance, 603. recede, 287. dislike, 867. elastic, 325. hate, 898. reaction, 179. Rer iling, 277. Recollect, 505. Recollection, 505. Recommend, advise, 695. approve, 931. induce, 615. Recommendation, advice, 698. inducement, 615. Recompense, reward, 973. payment, 809. receipt, 810. Reconcile, agree, 23. content, 831. pacify, 723. forgive, 918. Reconciliation, contentment, 831. pacification, 723. forgiveness, 918. agreement, 23. Recondite, obscure, 519. hidden, 528. Reconnoitring, 461. Reconnoitre, see, 441. inquire, 461. Reconsideration, 451. Reconstitute, 660. Reconversion, 145. Reconvert, 660. Record, note, 551. list, 86. Recorder, 553. Recount, 594. Recourse, 677. Recover, obtain, 775. reinstate, 660. improve, 658. recruit, 689. restore, 790. Recovery, reinstatement, 660. improvement, 658. recruit, 689. obtaining, 775. Recreant, coward, 862. base, 940. vile, 945. apostate, 941. •wretch, 949. Recreate, 840. Recreation, 840. Recrimination, 938. Recruit, refresh, 689. reinstate, 660. repair, 658. aid, 707. provide, 637. strengthen, 159. Recruiting, 159. Rectangular, 212. Rectification, 660. Rectify, straighten, 246 improve, 658. reestablish, 660. Rectilinear, 246. Rectiline trity, 246. Rectitude, 944. Rector, 996. Rectory, office, 995. house, 1000. Recumbency, 213, 217. Recumbent, 213, 217. Recuperation, 790. Recur, use, 676. frequent, 136. periodic, 138. Recurrence, repetition, 104. frequency, 136. periodical, 138. Recurrent, 104, 136. Recurvation, 245. Recurvity, 245. Recusancy, denial, 536. dissent, 489. refusal, 764. impenitence, 951. heterodoxy, 984. Recusant, denying, 536. dissenting, 489. unwilling, 603. refusing, 764. heterodoxy, 984. impenitent, 951. Red, 434. Redden, 434. Reddition, 790. Redeem, reinstate, 660. deliver, 672. liberate, 750. fulfil, 772. atone, 952. compensate, 30. restore, 790. Redeemer, Savior, 976. Redemption, salvation, 976. escape, 671. deliverance, 670. restoration, 790. liberation, 750. duty, 926. recovery, 666. atonement, 952. Red-hot, 382. Redintegrate, reinstate, 660. •enovate, 658. Redintegration, 660. Red letter, 550 Redolence, odor,, 398. 390 INDEX. Redolence, fragrance, 400. Redolent, 400. Redouble, duplication, 90 repeat, 104. increase, 35. Redoubt, 717. Redoubtable, 860. Redound, conduce, 176. Redress, remedy, 662. rectify, 658. restore, 660. reward, 973. Reduce, lessen, 36. contract, 195. shorten, 201. lower, 308. weaken, 160. convert, 144. subdue, 731. impoverish, 804. in number, 103. Reduced, contracted, 193. impoverished, 804. Reducible, 103. Reduction, arithmetical, 85. contraction, 195. abatement, 36. lowering, 308. in number, 103. retrenchment, 20L conversion, 144. discount, 813. Redundance, 641. Redundant, ample, 641. remaining, 40. Reduplication, imitation, 19. doubling, 90. Reecho, imitate, 19. repeat, 104. reduplication, 90. sound, 404. Reef, slacken, 275. shoal, 346. danger, 667. Reek, hot, 382. fume, 337. Reeking, 337. Reel, rock, 314. agitate, 315. dance, 840. Reenforce, 707. Reentering, angle, 244. Reestablish, 660. Reestablishment, 145,660. Refection, refreshment, 689. restoral, 660. meal, 298. Refectory, 191. Refer, attribute, 155. relate, 9. Referable, pertinent, 9. attributable, 155. Referee, judge, 480, 967. adviser, 695. Reference, 467. Referendary, 695 Refine, improve, 658. mystify, 477. Refined, taste, 850. elegant, 845. fashionable, 852. Refinement, elegance, 845. fashion, 852. taste, 850. wisdom, 498. Refit, repair, 658. reinstate, 660. Reflect, think, 451. Reflect upon, blame, 932. Reflecting, thoughtful, 498. Reflection, maxim, 496. likeness, 21. blame, 932. Reflective, 451. Reflector, 445. Reflex, repetition, 121. thought, 451. of sound, 408. Reflexion, repetition, 21. thought, 451. of sound, 408. Refiexively, 283. Refluence, 283. Refluent, recoiling, 277. receding, 283. Reflux, regress, 283. recoil, 277. Refocillate, refresh, 689. Reform, 658. change, 140. Reformed, 140. Refraction, 279, 443. Refractory, resisting, 719. obstinate, 606. disobedient, 742. difficult, 704. Refrain, avoid, 623. desist, 681. reject, 610. unwilling, 603. musical, 104. abstain, 616. temperance, 953. Refraining, 623. Refresh, cool, 385. relieve, 834. refit, 658. the memorxf, 505. restore, 660. strengthen, 159. Refreshed, 689. Refreshment, food, 298. recruiting, 689. relief, 834. strengthening, 159. Refreshing, pleasing, 829. Refrigeration, 385. Refrigeratory, 387. Refuge, 666. Refulgence, 420. Refulgent, 420. Refund, restore, 790. pay, 807. Refusal, 764. Refuse, decline, 764. reject, 610. remains, 40. offscourings, 643. Refusing, 764. Refutable, 479. Refutation, 479. Refute, 479. Regain, 689,775. Regal, 737. Regale, feast, 298. refresh, 689. pleasing, 377, 829. amusement, 840. Regaled, 827. Regalement, 228. Regalia, 747. Regality, royalty, 737. Regard, esteem, 931 love, 897. view, 441. judge, 480. conceive, 484. credit, 873. Regardful, 457. Regarding, 9. Regardless, 458. Regatta, 840, 882. Regency, 755. Regeneracy, 660. Regenerate, reproduce, 163. restore, 660. Regenerate, piety, 987. Regeneration, restoration, 6(!C reproduction, 1ft j. religious, 976, 987 Regent, deputy, 759. governor, "15. Regentship, 755. Regimen, circumstances, 8. diet, 998. remedy, 669. Regiment, army, 796. assemblage, 79. Regimentals, 295. Region, 181. Register, record, 551. list, 86. to arrange, 60. Ilegistrary, 553. Registration, 60, 551. Registry, 114. Regnant, 175. Regorge, 790. Regrate, 777. Regress, 983. Regressive, 983. Regression, 983. Regret, sorrow, 833. penitence, 950. Regretful, ) R„0 Regretting, \ ~' Regular, orderly, 58. according to rule,82. symmetric, 942. periodic, 138. Regularity, periodic, 138. usage, 80. order, 58. Regulate, arrange, 60. direct, 693. Regulation, direction, 693. usage, 80. order, 741. law, 963. Regurgitate, return, 283. flow, 348. restore, 790. Regurgitation, return, 283. flow, 348. Rehabilitate, reinstate, 660. restore, 790. Rehearsal, repetition, 104. description, 594. Rehearse, repeat, 104. describe, 594 INDEX. 391 Rehearse, dramatic, 599. Reign, 175, 737. fieiinbody, 43, 48 Reimburse, restore, 790. pay, 807. Reimbursement, 807. Rein, moderate, 174. check, 179. slacken, 275. restrain, 616. hold, 737. curb, 747. Reins, 737, 747. Reinforce, strengthen, 159. aid, 707. Reinforcement, supplies, 635. provision, 637 relief, 707. Reinless, 738. Reinstate, 660. Reinstatement, 145, 660, 784. Reinvest, f -qq Reinvestment, J Reiterate, frequent, 136. repeat, 104. multitude, 102. Reiterated, 136. Reiteration, frequency, 136. repetition, 104. Reiterative, 102. Reject, decline, 610. refuse, 764. exclude, 55. eject, 297. unwilling, 603. Rejected, 898. Rejection, refusal, 764. exclusion, 55. Rejoice, exult, 838. gratify, 829. cheer, 836. amuse, 840. Rejoiced, 827. Rejoicing, exulting, 838. cheering, 836. amusing, 840. Rejoinder, answer, 462. evidence, 468. Rejuvenescence, 660. Rekindle, 615. Relapse, 145, 661. Relate, narrate, 594. refer, 9. Related, allied, 11. Relation, 9, 11, 594. Relationship, 11. Relative, 9, 11. Relax, weaken, 160. soften, 324. slacken, 275. unbend the mind,452. repose, 687. amuse, 840. lounge, 683. loose, 47. misrule, 738. release, 750. relent, 914. Relaxation, repose, 687. loose, 47. weakening, 160. lounging, 683. unlawfulness, 925. moderation, 174. Relay, 635. Release, liberate, 750, 768, a. discharge, 970. restore, 790. exempt, 927. repay, 807. death, 360. Released, exempted, 927. freed, 748. Relegate, transfer, 270. remove, 185, 297. banish, 55. Relegation, 185, 297. Relent, moderate, 174. pity, 914. soften, 324. Relenting, 914. Relentless, malevolent, 907. wrathful, 900. flagitious, 945. impenitent, 951. Relevancy, pertinence, 9. congruity, 23. Relevant, 9, 476. Reliance, confidence, 484. hope, 858. Relic, remainder, 40. reminiscence, 505. token, 551. corpse, 362. sacred, 998. worship, 99. Relict, 905. Relief, comfort, 834 refresh, 689. help, 707. improve, 658. Relieve, comfort, 834. refresh, 689. Rolieve, help, 707. improve, 658. Relieving, 834. Religation, 297. Religion, theology, 983. piety, 987. Religionist, 989. Religious, exact, 494. pious, 983, 987. Religiously, 772. Relinquish, a purpose, 624 property, 782. change, 607. to discontinue, 141. Relinquished, purpose, 624. property, 782. Relinquishment, change, 607. property, 782. Reliquary, 191, 505, 998. Relish, like, 827. enjoy, 377. savory, 394. desire, 865. Relucent, luminous, 420. transparent, 425. Reluctance, dislike, 867. unwillingness, 603. dissuasion, 616. Reluctant, 489, 603. Reluctate, 719. Relume, 420. Rely, confidence, 484. expectation, 507. hope, 858. Remain, endure, 106. to be left, 40. rest, 265. continue, 142. Remainder, 40. Remains, corpse, 362. vestige, 551. Remand, 139. Remark, observe, 457. assert, 535. Remarkable, 642. Remarkably, 31. Remediable, 660. Remedial, relieving, 834. curing, 662. salubrious, 656. Remediless, 659, 859. Remedy, cure, 662. salubrious, 656. relief, 834. Remedy, to restore, 660. Remember, 505. Remembrance, 505 Remembrancer, recorder, 553. Remind, 505. Reminiscence, 505. Remiss, neglectful, 460. idle, 683. reluctant, 603. laxity, 738. Remission, forgive, 174, S18 discontinuance, 111 Remissness, idleness, 683. reluctance, 603. Remit, forgive, 174, 918. a'scontinuance, 141 relax, 738. sober, 174. Remittance, 807. Remittent, 138. Remnant, 40. Remodel, 140, 144. Remonstrance, expostulation, 932. dissuasion, 616. Remonstrate, dissuade, 616. expostulate, 932. Remorse, 950. Remorseless, 900. Remote, distant, 196. not related, 10. Remoteness, 196. Remotion, displace, 185. retrench, 38. depart, 293. recede, 287. transfer, 270. extract, 301. term, 71. Removal, retrenchment, 38. departure, 293. displacement, 185. transferrence, 270 extraction, 301 Remove, displace, 185. retrench, 38. depart, 293. recede, 287. transfer, 270. extract, 301. term, 71. Remunerate, reward, 973. pay, 810. Remuneration, rewari, 973. expenditure, 809 Remunerative, compensatory, 973 392 INDEX. Remunerative, profitable, 810. paying, 775. Renascent, 163 Rencounter, fight, 720. meeting, 292. Rend, 44. Render, give, 784. restore, 790. interpret, 522. Rendering, 522. Rending, 404, 830. Rendition, 790. Renegade, apostate, 941. turncoat, 607 Renew, repeat, 104. frequent, 136. refresh, 689. repair, 658. Renewal, repetition, 90, 104. novelty, 123. frequency, 136. Renewing, 104. Reniform, 245. Renitent, reluctant, 603. counteracting, 179. Renounce, relinquish, 624. property, 782. recant, 607. resign, 757. deny, 536. repudiate, 927. Renovate, reproduce, 163. restore, 660. Renovation, reproduction, 163. novelty, 123. Renown, 873. Renowned, 873. Renownless, 874. Rent, fissure, 44, 198. line, 795. receipt., 810. Rental, 810. Renunciation. (See Renounce.) Reorganize, 144. Repair, mend, 658. refresh, 689. restore, 790. atone, 952. Repair to, 266. Reparation, mending, 658. reward, 973. restoration, 790. atonement, 952. Reparatory, mending, 65S Reparatory, rewarding, 973. Repartee, wit, 842. answer, 462. Reparteeist, 844. Repast, 298. Repay, 807. Repayment, 807. Repeal, 756. Repeat, iterate, 104. imitate, 19. duplication, 90. frequent, 136. continue, 143. multiplied, 102. con over, 505. Repeated, imitated, 19. iterated, 136 Repel, repulse, 289. defend, 717. resist, 719. disincline, 867 shock, 898. refuse, 764. deter, 616. Repellency,) Repellent, >289. Repelling, ) Repent, 950. Repentance, ) Q-n Repenting, \ 0 ' Repercuss, 277. Repercussion, recoil, 277. counteraction, 179. Repertory, 636. Repetend, iteration, 104. arithmetical, 84. Repetition, iteration, 90, 104. copy, 21. imitation, 19. Repetitionai, ) Repetitiomuy, j Repine, discontent, 832. regret, 833. repent, 950. Repining, 832. Replace, 147, 184, 660. Replacement, 600. Replenish, fill, 637. complete, 52. Repletion, filling, 639. satiety, 869. Repletive, 639. Replevin, restore, 790. borrow, 788. Replication, 462. Reply, 462. Report, noise, 406. record, 551. inform, 527. publish, 531. statement, 594. rumor, 532. law, 969. Reporter, 590. Repose, quiescence, 265. rest, 687. leisure, 685. Repose on, 215. Reposing, 685, 687. Reposit, 184. Reposition, 184. Repository, store, 636. focus, 74. Reprehend, 932. Reprehension, 932. Represent, delineate, 554. imitate, 19. simulate, 17. describe, 594. denote, 550. commission, 755. Representation, imitation, 19, 21. description, 594. Representative, 147, 758. Repress, quiet, 174. calm, 826. control, 179. Reprieval, 671. Reprieve, pardon, 918. deliverance, 671. respite, 970. Reprimand, 932. Reprint, 21. Reprisal, retaliation, 718. resumption, 789. Reproach, blame, 932. disgrace, 874. Reproachful, 932. Reprobate, blame, 832. impious, 989. Reprobation, 932. Reproduce, repeat, 104. renovate, 163. Reproduced, 163. Reproduction, copy, 19. renovation, 163. Reproval, 932. Reprove, 932. Reptile, animal, 3G6. base, 940. apostate, 941. miscreant, 949. Republic, 372. Repudiate, exclude, o5. reject, 610. deny, 489. violate, 773. evade, 927. non-payment, 808. Repudiation, repeal, 756. non-payment, 808. violation, 773. exclusion, 55. Repugn, 719. Repugnance, dislike, 867. reluctance, 60J. hate, 898. incongruity, 24. Repu gnant, reluctant, 603. dissuasive, 616. Repulse. (See Repel.) Repulsion, 289. Repulsive, disagreeable, 830. unsavory, 395. ugly, 846. offensive, 395. resisting, 719. adverse, 867. repellant, 289. shocking, 898. Repulsiveness, 846. Repurchase, 795. Reputable, 873, 939 Reputableness, 873 Reputation, 873. Repute, 873. Request, 765. Requiem, funereal, 363. dirge, 415. Require, need, 630. insufficient, 640. to exact, 741. charge, 812. Requirement, need, 630. exaction, 741. Requiring, 630. Requisition, 741. Requital, reward, 973. gratitude, 916. punishment, 972. Rescind, abrogate, 756. refuse. 764. Rescinding, 756. Rescission, cutting off, 44. abrogation, 755. Rescript, order, 741. Resettable, 670. Rescue, deliver, 672. INDEX. 393 Rescue, preserve, 670 escape, 671. Research, 461. Reseat, 660. Resection, 44. Re emhlance, 7 Resemble, 17. Resembling, 1"'. Resent, 901. Resentful, 901. Retentive, 9)1 Resentment, 9C0. Reservation, concealment, 528 silence, 585. falsehood, 544. shyness, 881. modesty, 881. store, 636. Reservatory, receptacle, 191. store, 636. Reserve, concealment, 528 silence, 585. falsehood, 544. shyness, 881. modesty, 881. store, 636. Reserved^Sl. Reservoir, 636. Resiant, 186. Reside, 184, 185. Residence, dwelling, 186. abode, 189. location, 184. Resident, inhabitant, 188. Residentiary, 186, 188. Residual, 40. Residuary, 40, 782. Residue, 40. Residuum, 40. Resign, g Retardment, 706. Retention, keeping, 781. in the memory, 505 Retentive, 781. Retentiveness, 505. Reticle, 219. Reticulation, 219, 248. Reticulated, 219 Reticule, 191 394 INDEX. R eh form, 2 3. Retina 441 Retinue, followers, 65. suit, 69. servants, 746 Retire, recede, 287. depart, 393. hide, 528. resign, 757. be modest, 881. Retired, 893. Retiredness, 893. Retirement, seclusion. 893. privacy, 526. concavity, 252. Retiring, 253. Retori, answer, 462. confutation, 479. retaliation, 718. wit, 842. Retouch, 658. Retrace, 505. Retrace steps, 283. Retract, deny, 536. recant, 607. abjure, 757. annul, 756. violate, 773. Retraction, denial, 576. recantation, 607. annulment, 756. violation, 773. Retreat, recede, 287. abode, 189. asylum, 666. submit, 725. escape, G71. hiding-place, 530. concavity, 253. Retrench, subduct, 38. shorten, 201. lose, 789. economize, 817. Retrenchment, subduction, 38 shortening, 20 . economy, 872. Retribute, 807. Retribution, retaliation, 718. .punishment, 972 973. payment, 807. Retributive, 973. Retrievable, 860. Retrieval, 860. Retrieve, 660, 775. Retroaction, recoil, 277. regression, 283. counteraction, 17 Retroactive, 122. Retrocession, 287. Retrogradation, 659. Retrograde, motion, 283. declension, 659. relapse, 661. Retrogression, motion, 283. declension, 659. relapse, 661. Retrogressive, 283. Retrospect, memory, 505. thought, 451. past, 122. j Retrospection, 122. j Retrospective, 122. 1 Retroversion, 218. j Retrovert, 218. Return, regression, 283. arrival, 292. frequency, 136. to restore, 790. reward, 973. relapse, 145. report, 551, 594. recur, 135. appoint, 755. revolve, 138. profit, 775. proceeds, 810. Reunion, junction, 43. Reveal, 529. Revealing, 446. Revel, enjoy, 827. amuse, 840. regale, 377. dissipation, 954. Revelation, disclosure, 529. theological, 985. Revelry, 836, 840. Revenge, 919. Revengeful, 919. Revenue, wealth, 803. receipts, 810. Reverberate, sound, 408. recoil, 277. Reverberation, 277. Revere, respect, 928. regard, 897. Reverence, respect, 923. salutation, 894. piety, 987. tide, 877. | Reverent, I devout, 99.1 l respectful, 938. I pious, 987. Reversal, I change, 140. j relapse, 145. apostasy, 607. Reverse, antiposition, 237. contrary, 14. evolution, 313. inversion, 218. change, 140. evil, 619. misfortune, 830. adversity, 735. back, 235. Reversible, 605. Reversion, change, 140. opposition, 14. evolution, 313. Revert, change, 14. recur, 136. Reverting, 145. Revery, train of thought, 451. inattention, 458. imagination, 515. Review, consider, 457. judge, 480. Reviewer, 90, 485. Revile, abuse, 932. blaspheme, 989. Reviling, abusing, 932. blaspheming, 989. Revise, 457. Revision, 457. Revisit, 186. Revival, restoral, 660. refreshment, 689. renovation, 163. Revive, live, 359. restore, 660. renovate, 163. refresh, 689. Revivification, 163, 359 Revivify, 163. Revocable, 615. Revocation, recantation, 607. cancelling, 756. Revocatory, 607. Revoke, recant, 607. deny, 536. cancel, 756. refuse, 764. Revolt, resist, 719. disobey, 742. shock, 830. Revolter, 742. Revolting, vulgar, 851. repulsive, 830. Revolution, rotation, 312. change, 140, 146 Revolution, recurrence, 138 periodicity, 138. Revolutionize, change, 149. 1*6. rotate, 312. periodical, 138- Revolve, meditate. 451. Revolver, 727. Revolving, 138. Revulsion, 145, 27 7. Revulsive, 145. Reward, 807, 899, 973. Rhapsodical, 70. Rhapsodist, 515. Rhapsody, discontinuity, 70. nonsense, 497 fancy, 515. Rhetoric, 582. Rheum, teat r, 337. Rhodomontade, nonsense, 497. unintelligible, 519. boasting, 881. Rhomb, 244. Rhumb, 278. Rhyme, 597. Rhymeless, 593. Rhymer, Rhymist, Rhymester, 597 Rhythm, 419. Rhythmical, 413, 578. Rib, ridge, 250. fiir-roiB, 259. Ribald, 874, 961. Ribaldry, 961. Ribbed, 259. Ribbon, filament, 205. tie, 45. reward, 973. decoration, 877. Rich, wealthy, 803. abundant, 639 style, 576. savory, 394. Riches, 803. Richly, 31. Richness, 639. Rick, store, 636. accumulatim, 72. Rickety, imperfect, 651. ugly, 846. Rid, loss, 776. relinquish, 782. abandon, 624. deliver, 672. Riddance, loss, 776. INDEX. 395 Riddance, relinquish, 782. abandon, 624. deliver, 672. Riddle, enigma, 533. question, 461. sieoe, 260. arrange, 60. Ride, move, 266. get above, 206. R.der, equestrian, 268. appendix, 39. Ridge, narrowness, 203. projection, 250. Ridicule, 856. depreciate, 483. disrespect, 929. Ridiculous, grotesque, 853. triflimr, 643. silly, 499. Ridiculousness, 853. Rife, 175, 531. Rifle, to plunder, 791. musket, 726. Rifleman, 727. Rift, fissure, 198. Rig, dress, 225. prepare, 673. frolic, 840. Rigadoon, 840. Rigging, gear, 225, 663. cordage, 45. Right, just, 922. privilege, 924. duty, 926. h ind, 238. honor, 939. straight, 246. Righteous, virtuous, 944. just, 922. Righteousness, 944. Rightful, 922. Rigid, hard, 323. exact, 494. strict, 772. severe, 739. stubborn, 606. regular, 82. Rigidity, 323. Rigidness, exactness, 494. severity, 739. Rigmarole, nonsense, 497. unintelligible, 519. Rigor, severity, 739. compulsion, 744. Rigor, exactness, 494. Rigorous, exact, 494. severe, 739. compulsory, 744. pitiless, 919. Rigorousness, 739. Rill, 348. Rim, 231. Rime, rent, 198. frost, 383 Rind, 223. Ring, circle, 247 arena, 728. sound, 408. Ringleader, 745. Ringlet, 247,256. Rinse, 652. Riot, violence, 173. revel, 377. revolt, 719, 742. confusion, 59. luxuriate, 827. Rioter, 742. Riotous, 742. Riotousness, 742. Rip, 260. Rip up, tear, 44. Ripe, 673. Ripen, 650. Ripeness, 673. Ripple, shake, 315. begin, 66. murmur, 405. wave, 348. Rise, ascent, 305. height, 206. slope, 217. resist, 719. be great, 31. revolt, 742. spring, 154. grow, 35. Risibility, laughter, 838. comicality, 853 Risible, laughable, 828. ridiculous, 853. witty, 842. Rising, height, 206. revolt, 742. resisting, 719. Risk, 621, 665. Rite, law, 963. religious, 998. Ritual, 998. Rival, 708. Rivalry, contention, 720. envy, 921. Rivalry, oppose, 798. figure, 873. competitor, 710, 726. Rive, 44. Rivel, 258. Rivet, to fasten, 43. fix, 150. fastening, 45. Rivulet, 348. Road, ■way, 647. street, 189. direction, 278. Road book, 266. Roadstead, anchorage, 189. refuge, 666. Roadway, 627. Roam, 266. Roan, 271. Roar, sound, 404. cry, 411. weep, 839. Roast, heat, 384. Roasting, 384. Rob, plunder, 791. Robber, 792. Robe, 225, 999. Rohes of state, 747 Robust, 159. Rock, hardness, 323. land, 342. stability, 150. to oscillate, 314. pitfall, 667. Rocket, signal, 550. arms, 727. light, 423. rise, 305. rapid, 274. Rod, sceptre, 747. scourge, 975. bane, 663. measure, 466. divining, 992. Rogue, cheat, 548. scamp, 949. Roguery, vice, 945. dishonor, 940. Roguish, sportive, 842. Roll, rotate, 312. move, 264. push, 284. flow, 348. sound, 407. cylinder, 249. fillet, 205. Roll, record, j51 list, 86. Roll call, 85. Roll on, 109. Roll up, 1112. Roller, 249. Rolling, 314. Rolling stone Jl2 Romance, fiction, 515. falsehood, 514. absurdity, 497. fable, 594. Romancer, 515. Romanism, 984. Romantic, 515, 8251 Romp, 840. Rompisli, 840. Roof, summit, 210. height, 206. cover, 223. house, 189. Roofless, 226. Rookery, 169. Room, space, 180. occasion, 134. chamber, 191. Rooinage, 180. Roomy, 180. Roost, 186, 189. Root, cause, 153. base, 211. algebraic, 84. to place, 184. Rooted, fixed, 265. permanent, 142. old, 124. stable, 150. situated, 184. habituated, 613 faithful, 484. Root out, destroy? 163. displace, 185. eject, 297. extract, 301. discover, 480 Rope, cord, 205. fastening, 45. Rope dancing, 698 Ropiness, 352. Ropy, 352. Roral, 339. Rtriferous, 339 Rosary, 998. Rose, 334. Roseate, 434. Rose-color, 434 Roses (bed of), 177 Rostrum, pulpit, 512. Rosy, 334. Rot,' decay, 659 396 INDEX. Rot, putrefy, 653. Rotary, 312. Rotate, 312. Rotating, 312. Rotation, 138, 312. Rotatory, 312. Rote (by), 505. Rotten, foul, 653. fetid, 401. Rotting, 659. Rotund, 249. Rotunda, 189: Rotundity, 24Q Rouge, 434. Rough, uneven, 256. shapeless, 241. sour, 397. austere, 395. violent, 173. sound, 410. unprepared, 674. ugly, 846. churlish, 895. to fag, 686. Roughcast, 674. Roughgrained, 329. Roughhewn, rugged, 256. unprepared, 674. Roughen, 256. Roughness, unevenness, 256. acervity, 397. pungency, 392. austerity, 395. ugliness, 846. churlishness, 895. Rouleau, cylinder, 249. Round, circular, 247. fight, 720. assertion, 535. periodicity, 138. of a ladder, 215. Roundabout, circuitous, 31. way, 629. turning, 311. Roundelay, 597. Roundhouse, 752. lioundlet, 247. Roundness, 247. Rouse, stimulate, 615. passion, 824. Rout, discomfit, 732. rabble, 876. Route, 627. Routed, 732. Routine, order, 58. cycle, 138. rule, 60. custom, 613. Rove, wander, 266. deviate, 279. Rover, 268. Roving, 266. Row, series, 69. brawl, 713. navigate, 267. road, 189. riot, 720. Rowel, 253. Royal, 737. Royalty, 737. Rub, friction, 331. difficulty, 704. Rub down, 330. Rub out, disappear, 449. efface, 552. Rub up, 658. Rubbing, 331. Rubbish, 643, 645. Rubble, 643. Rutiescence, 434. Rubicon, 233, 303, 676. Rubicund, 434. Rubiform, 434. Rubify, 434. Rubric, precept, 697. liturgy, 998. Ruby, red, 434. gem, 650. Rudder, 695. Ruddy, 434. Rude, violent, 173. vulgar, 851. uncivil, 895. ugly, 846. ignorant, 491. uncivilized, 876. Rudeness, 895. Rudiment, beginning, 66. immaturity, 674. cause, 153. smallness, 193. Rudimental, beginning, 66. small, 193. immature, 674. Rudimentary, 193. Rudiments, elementary knowl- edge, 490, 567. school, 542. Rue, regret, 833. repent, 950. Rueful, 837. Ruffian, maleficent, 913. scoundrel, 949. Ruffle, derange, 61. Ruffle, fold, 248. discompose, 821. excite, 824. anger, 900. Ruffled, 900. Rugged, rough, 256. ugly, 846. churlish, 895. Ruggedness, roughness, 256. churlishness, 895. Rugose, 256. Rugosity, 256. Rugous, 258. Ruin, decay, 659. failure, 732. waste, 162. evil, 619. impoverish, 804. adversity, 735. Ruined, 732. Ruinous, 735. Ruinousness, 735. Ruins, 40. Rule, regularity, 80. length, 200. measure, 466. government, 737 precept, 697. custom, 613. law, 963. to decide, 480. Ruler, 745. Ruling, 737. Rumble, 407. Ruminate, 451. Rummage, 461. Rumor, publicity, 531. report, 532. Rump, 235. Rumple, 256. Rumpus, 59. Run, move quick, 274. move out, 295. recur, 136. flow, 109, 333. happen, 151. continue, 143. stream, 348. smuggle, 791. poach, 964. Run after, 622. Run away, escape, 671. avoid, 623. from fear, 862. recede, 287. Run down, censure, 932. depreciate, 483. Run high, 173. Run in, 144, 294, 300. Run on, continue, 143. Run out, elapse, £2. waste, G38. spend, 818. Run over, redundant., 641 describe, 594. count, 85. attend to, 457. abridge, 596. Run riot, 173. Run up, expend, 809. increase, 35. Rundle, circle, 247. rotundity, 249. Rundlet, 191. Runnel, 348. Runner, courier, 268. messenger, 534 Running, continuously, 6S. liquid, 333. Running light, 720. ' Rupture, 713. Rural, 367. Ruse, cunning, 702. deception, 515. Rush, rapidity, 274. to pursue, 622. violence, 173. trifle, 643. Russet, 433. Rust, decay, 659. sluggishness, ,33 canker, 663. Rustic, clown, 876. vulgar, 851. Rusticate, 893. Rustication, 893. Rusticity, 851, 895. Rustiness, 683. Rustle, 409, 410. Rusty, sluggish, 683. old, 128. unserviceable, 645. decayed, 659. dirty, 653. Rut, 259. Ruthless, savage, 907 angry, 900. s. Sabbatarian, 989 Sabbath, 687. Sable, 431. Sabre, weapon, 727. to kill, 361. INDEX. 397 Sacerdotal, 995. Sachel, (See Satchel.) Sack, ravage, 649. havoc, 619. bag, 191. plunder, 791. Sackcloth, asceticism, 955. atonement, 952. Sacrament, 998. Sacred, holy, 976. scriptural, 985. lordly, 873. Sacrifice, destroy, 162. self-denial, 942. atonement, 952. impiety, 991. worship, 990. Sacrilege, 989. Sacrilegious, 989. Sacri legist, 984. Sacristy, 1000. Sad, dejected, 837. bail, 649. Saddle, clog, 706. add, 37. join, 43. Sadly, 31. Sadness, 837. Safe, secure, 664. cupboard, 191. Safe conduct, 664. Safeguard, 664. Safety, 664. Safety valve, 666. Saffron, 436. Sag, 217. Sagacious, intelligent, 498. skilful, 698. foreseeing, 510. Sagacity, skill, 698. intelligence, 498. Sage, 496, 500. tail, navigate, 267. set out, 293. travel, 266. Sailor, 269. Saint, pious, 948, 985,987. Saintlike, virtuous, 914. pious, 987. Saintly, virtuous, 944. pious, 987. ' Sake, 615. Salad, 41. Salamander, 386. Salary, 809. Sale, 796. Salesman, 797. Salient, projecting, 250. sharp, 253. manifest, 525. important, 642. Saline, 392. Sallow, yellow, 43S. pale, 429. Sally, issue, 293. attach, 716. wit, 842. Sally forth, 293. Saloon, 191. Salt, pungent, 392. condiment, 393. preserve, 670. Saltation, 309. Saltatory, rise, 305. leap, 309. agitation, 315. Saltness, 392. Salt water, 341. Salubrious, 656. Salubrity, 656. Salutary, salubrious, 65S. remedial, 662. Salutation, 894. Salute, compliment, 894. kiss, 902. address, 586. firing, 882, 883. Salutilerous, 656, 662. Salvage, discount, 813. reward, 973. Salvation, escape, 671. religious, 976. preservation, 670. piety, 987. Salve, to relieve, 834. remedy, 662. Salvo, exception, 83. excuse, 937. explosion, 406. Samaritan, 912. Same, 13. Sameness, 13. Sample, 82. Sanative, 656, 662. Sanativeness, 662. Sanatory, 658, 660, 662. Sanctification, religious, 976. piety, 987. Sanctify, piety, 987. Sanctimonious, 989. Sanctimony, 989. Sanction, 924 Sanctity, 987. Sanctuary, ref uge, 666. altar, 1000. Sand, 193, 330. Sand-blind, 443 Sand-color, 436. Sandal, 225. Sandiness, 330. Sands, 667. Sandy, 330. Sane, 654. Sanguinary, 907. Sanguine, 507, 515, 858. Sanguinolent, 907. Sanhedrim, 698. Sanitary, 656. Sanity, 502, 654. Sap, juice, 333. to destroy, 162. damage, 659 Sapid, 390. Sapidity, 390. Sapience, 498. Sapient, 498. Sapless, 340. Sapling, 129. Saponaceous, 355. Sapor, 390. Sapphire, 438. Sappy, juicy, 333. fuolish, 499. young, 127. Sarcasm, 932. Sarcastic, 901, 932, 934. Sarcophagus, 363. Sardonic, 838. Sash, 247. Satan, 978. Satanic, 945, 978. Satchel, 191. Sate, 869. Sated, 869. Satedness, 869. Satellite, follower, 281. companion, 88. heavenly body, 318. Satiate, sufficient, 639. redundant, 641. Satiated, 869. Satiety, sufficient, 639. redundant, 641. cloy, 869. desire, 865. Satire, ridicule, 856. censure, 932. Satirical, 932. Satirize, 932. Satisfaction, duel, 720. atonement, 952. Satisfaction, payment, 807. duty, 920. contentment, 831, gratification, 827. obligation, 772. Satisfied, 827. Satisfy, content, 831. gratify, 827, 830 convince, 481. fulfil a duty, 926 an obligation, 772. reward, 973. pay, 807. abundance, 639 satiate, 869. please, 829. grant, 762. Saturate, fill, 31, 639. satiate, 869. Saturation, fulness, 639. Saturnian, 734, 829. Saturnian age, 734. Saturnine, 837. Satyr, demon, 980. Sauce, mixture, 41. seasoning, 393. abuse, 832. Saucepan, 191. Saucer, 191. Sauciness, 885. Saucy, insolent, 885. flippant, 895. Saunter, ramble, 266. dawdle, 275. Savage, violent, 173. brutal, 876. angry, 900. malevolent, 907. brave, 861. a wretch, 913. Savageness, 907. Savanna, 344. Save, except, 38, 83. to preserve, 670. deliver, 672. lay by, 636. economize, 817. Saving, 817. Savings, 636. Savior, 976. benefactor, 912. Savor, 390. Savoriness, 394. Savorless, 391. Savory, 394, 829 Saw, jagged, 257 saying, 496. Sawdust, 330. 398 INDEX. Say. speak, 582. assort, 535. ay ing, assertion, 535. maxim, 496. Scabbard, 191. Scabrous, 256. Scabrousness, 256. Scaffold, frame, 215. preparation, 673. way, 627. means, 632. execution, 975. Scald, burn, 384. Scalding, 382, 384. Scale, slice, 204. portion, 51. skin, 223. attack, 716. order, 58. measure, 466. series, 69. gamut, 413. to mount, 305. Scaliness, 204. Scallop, 249. Scalpel, 253. Scaly, 204. Scamper, 274. Scan, 441. Scandal, disgrace, 874. vice, 945. obloquy, 934. news, 532. Scandalize, 932. Scandalous, disgraceful, 874. vicious, 945. Scandent, 305. Scant, narrowness, 203. insufficiency, 640. Scantiness, narrowness, 203. smallness, 32. fewness, 103. insufficiency, 640. Konty, little, 32. few, 103. insufficient, 640. Scantiing, dimensions, 192. example, 82. «mall quantity, 32. scrap, 51. Scapegoat, 952. Scapegrace, 949. Scapulary, 999. Scar, blemish, 848. relic, 551. Scarce, 640. Scarcely, little, 32. Scarcely, rare, 137. Scare, 860. Scared, 860. Scarecrow, ugly, 846. bugbear, 860. Scarf, 225. Scarfskin, 223. Scarlet, 434. Scath, bane, 663. badness, 649. Scathless, secure, 664. saved, 672. Scatter, disperse, 73. diverge, 291. derange, 61. Scattered, 73. Scattering, 73. Scavenger, 652. Scene, appearance, 448. arena, 728. painting, 556. drama, 599. Scenery, 448. Scenical, 599. Scent, smell, 398. knowledge, 490. trail, 551. Scent bag, 400. Scentless, 399. Sceptic, 487. Sceptical, 485, 487. Scepticism, doubt, 487. religious, 988. unbelief, 485. Sceptre, 747 Schedule, list, 86. record, 551. draft, 554. Schematic, 626. Scheme, plan, 626. draft, 554. Schemer, 626. Schemist, 626. Schism, discord, 713. dissent, 489. heterodoxy, 984. Schismatic, discordant, 713. heterodox, 984. Scholar, learner, 541. erudite, 492. Scholarship, school, 490. learning, 539. Scholastic, 490, 537. Scholiast, 524. Scholium, 496, 522. School, 537, 542. School book,537. Schoolboy, 541. Schoolfellow, 890. Schooling, 537. Schoolman, scholar, 492. sage, 500. Schoolmaster, 540. Schoolmistress, 540. Schooner, 273. Science, knowledge, 490. of existence, 1. of quantity, 25. skill, 698. Scientific, 494. Scintillate, 420. Scirititlant, 420. Scintillation, 382, 420. Sciography, 556. Sciolism, 491. Sciolist, 493. Scion, child, 129. posterity, 167 Scissile, 44. Scission, 44. Scissure, 198. Scoff, ridicule, 856. mock, 483. deride, 929. imputy, 989. Scoffer, 989. Scoffing, ridiculing, 856. impious, 989. Scold, abuse, 932. vixen, 936. Scollop, 248. Sconce, summit, 210. defence, 717. candlestick, 423. Scoop, depth, 208. depression, 252. perforator, 262. Scope, degree, 26. extent, 180. intention, 620. freedom, 748. Scorch, 384. Score, mark, 550. motive, 615. emphasize, 642. price, 812. accounts, 811. credit, 805. twenty, 98. furrow, 259. to count, 85. Scorification, 3 i 1. Scorify, 384. Scorri,-930. Scornful, 939. ' Scornf ilness, 930l Scorpion, bune, 663. painful, 830. Scotch, C49. Scot-free, 672, 815 927. Scoundrel, 249. Scour, rub, 331. run, 274. clean, 652. Scourge, whip, 942. bane, 663. rod, 975. painful, 830. ! bad, 649. Scouring, 331. Scourings, 643. 1 Scout, messenger, 53-1. watch, 664. servant, 746. mock, 483. to disdain, 930 derive, 643. Scowl, frown, 895. complain, 839 anger, 900. Scowling, 895. Scragginess, 254 Scraggy, rough, 256. narrow, 203. Scramble, confusion, 59. haste, 684. dijjiculty, 704. swift, 274. mount, 305. pursue, 622. seize, 786. Scrap, piece, 51. bit, 32. small portion, 193. Scrap book, 596. Scrape, difficulty, 704. mischance, 732. abrade, 330, 331. Scrape together, collect, 72. Scratch, groove, 259. write, 590. daub, 555. hurt, 619. to wound, 649. Scratch out, 552. Scrawl, 590. Scream, 410, 411, 839. Screech, 410, 411. complain, 839. Screeching, 581. Screech owl, 412. Screen, concealment, 528. defence, 713. asylum, 666. ambush, 530. sieve, 260. safe, 664. shade, 424. Screened, safe, 664. invisible, 447. Screw, fasten, 43. joining, 45. instrument, 633. rotation, 312. Screw up, strengthen, 159. Scribble, 590. Scribbler, 590. Scribe, writer, 553, 590. priest, 996. Scrimp, 201. Scrip, 191. Scriptu ral, biblical, 985. orthodox, 983, a. Scripture, revelation, 985. certain, 474. Scrivener, 590. Scroll, 551. Scrub, 652. Scrubby, trifling, 643. '■mall, 193. S tuple, doubt, 485. care, 459. reluctance, 603. dissuasion, 616. small quantity, 32. Scrupulosity, care, 459. incredulity, 487. repugnance, 603. probity, 939. Scrupulous, careful, 459. doubtful, 485. incredulous, 487. dissuasive, 616. exact, 491. repugnant, 603. punctilious, 939. virtuous, 944. Scrupulously, 672. Scrutinize, 457, 461. Scrutiny, 461. Scud, speed, 274. sail, 267. shower, 348. haze, 353. Scuffle, 720. Scull, 267. Scullery, 191. Scullion, 746. Sculptor, 559. INDEX. 399 Sculpture, carving, 557. . form, 240. Scum, 643, 653. Scurf, 653. Scurrility, ridicule, 856. detraction, 934. Scurrilous, 858. Scurry, 274. Scurvy, bad, 649. filthy, 653. base, 940. vile, 945. Scutcheon, standard, 550 honor, 877. Scutiform, 251 Scuttle, tray, 191. to destroy, 162. Scythe, 244. Sea, 341. Sea hank, 342. Seaboard, 342. Seafarer, 269. Seafaring, 267. Sea fight, 720. Sea-green, 435. Seal, to close, 67,261. sigil, 550. evidence, 467. record, 551. compact, 769. Seal the lips, 585. Sealed, hidden, 519. Seals, 747. Seal up, shut up, 229. conceal, 528. Seam, 43. Seaman, 2G9. Seamanship, conduct, 692. skill, 698. Sear, burn, 384. deaden, 823. Search, 461, 622. Seated, 951. Seaside, 342. Season, time, 106. . opportunity, 134. pungent, 392, 393. to preserve, 670. prepare, 673. accustom, 613. Seasonable, opportune, 134. expedient, 646. suitable, 23. Seasonabieness, 134. Seasoned, 392. Seasoning, mixture, 41. pungency, 171, 393. Seat, abode, 189. position, 183. to place, 184. support, 215. Sebaceous, 355. Secede, 489. Secern, 299. Secession, 489. Seclude, 893. Seclusion, 526, 893. Second, of time, 108. instant, 113. abet, 707. Secondary, consignee, 758. deputy, 759. inferior, 643. imperfect, 651. Second-best, 651. Second-hand, borrowed, 788. indifferent, 651. imitated, 19. Secondly, 91. Second-rate, 651. Second-sight, prediction, 510. witchcraft., 992. Secrecy, 528. Secret, latent, 526. hidden, 528. riddle, 533. Secretary, recorder, 553. writer, 590. Secrete, 528. separate, 299. Secretion, 299. Sect, 75. Sectarian, dissenter, 984. Sectarianism, 984. Sectary, adherent, 711. dissenter, 984. Section, part, 51. division, 541. class, 75. chapter, 593. disunion, 44. Sectional, 51. Secular, 108, 997. Secularization, 108. Secularize, 997. Secure, fasten, 43. safe, 664. engage, 768 gain, 775. confident, 858. Secureness, 858. Security, pledge, 771. warranty, 924. safety, 664. trust, 858. Sedan, 270. Sedate, thoughtful, 451. calm, 826. grave, 837. Sedateness, 826. Sedative, calming, 174. remedy, 662. Sedentariness, 205. Sedentary, 265. Sediment, dregs, 653. remainder, 40. Sedition, 742. Seditious, 742. Seduce, entice, 615. love, 897. Seducer, 615, 962. Seducing, 829. Seducive, 615. Seduction, enticement, C15, 961. love, 897. Sedulity, 682. Sedulous, 682. See, view, 441. look, 457. bishopric, 995. Seed, cause, 153. posterity, 167. Seedling, 129. Seedy, weak, 160. exhausted, 688. Seek, inquire, 461. pursue, 622. Seem, 448. Seeming, 448. Seem less, 846. Seemliness, expedience, 646 propriety, 926. handsomeness, 845 Seemly, expedient, 646. proper, 926. handsome, 845. Seer, veteran, 139. oracle, 513. sorcerer, 994. Seesaw, 314. Seethe, 382, 384. Segment, 51. Segregate, separate, 44. exclude, 55. not related, 10. incoherent, 47. Segregated, 44. Segregation, 55. Seize, take, 789. rob, 791. INDEX. Seize, possess, 777. Seizing, 789. Seizure, 789. Seldom, 137. Seldoinness, 13! Select, 609. Self, 13. Self-abasement, 879. Self-abnegation, 942. Self-accusation, 950. Self-admiration 880. Self-admiring, 380. Self applauding, 880. Self-applause, 880. Self-approbation, 880. Self-called, 565. Self-command, 884. Self communing, 451. Self-complacency, 880. Self-conceit, 880. Self-condemnation, 950. Self-confidence, 880. Self-confident, 880. Self-conquest, 953. Self-control, 942. Self-couvictod, 950. Seif conviction, 484. Self-counsel, 451. Self-deceit, 495. Self-deception, 486, 495. Self-defence, 717. Self-delusion, 486. Self-denial, disinterestedness, 942. temperance, 953. Self-discipline, 990. Sell-esteem, 880. Self-evident, 478. Self-examination, 990. Self-existent, 1. Self-existing, 1. Self-flattering, 880. Self-gratulation, 880. Self-government, 944. Self-immolation, 991. Self-indulgence, 943. intemperance, 951. Self-indulgent, 954. Self-interest, 943. Selfish, 911,943. Self-knowledge, 881 Self-laudation, 880. Self-love, 943. Self-luminous, 421'. Self-opinionated, foolish, 499. vain, 880. obstinate, 606. Self-opinioned, foolish, 499. vain, 880. Self-opinioned, obstinate, 606. Self-possession, 864. Self-praise, 880. Self-preservation, 717. Self-reliance, 604. Self-reproach, 950. Self-reproof, 950. Self-sacrifice, 942. Selfsame, 13. Self-satisfaction, 880. Self-satisfied, 880. Self-seeking, 943. Self-styled, 565. Self-sufficiency, 880. Self-sufficient, 880. Self-taught, 490. Self-will, 606. Self-willed, (.06. Self-worship, 943, 990. Sell, 796. Seller, 796. Selvedge, 231. Semblance, likeness, 17,19. copy, 20, 21. Semi, 91. Semicircular, 246. Semicolon, 141. Semifluid, 352. Semiliquid, 352. Semi liquidity, 352. Semilunar, 215. Seminary, 512. Semitransparence, 427. Semitransparent, 427. Sempiternal, 112. Senary, 98. Senate, 696. Senator, 695. Senatorship, 693 Send, propel, 284. transfer, 270. errand, 755. Send out, 297. Senescence, 128. Seneschal, 746. Seneschalship, 737. Senile, 128. Senility, 128. Senior, 124,128. Seniority, 124, 128, 737. Sensation, 375, 821. Sense, intellect, 450. wisdom, 498. meaning, 516. Senses, 375. Senseless, foolish, 499. insensible, 376. unmeaning, 517. Senselessness, 499. Sensibility, physical, 375. moral, 822. Sensible, material, 316. emotional, 822. wise, 498. Sensibly, 822. Sensitive, physically, 375. morally, 822. Sensitiveness, physical, 375. moral, 822. Sensory, 450. Sensual, 377, 954. Sensuality, 377, 954. Sensuous, 375. Sentence, phrase, 566. ■maxim, 496. judgment, 969. decision, 480. Sententious, 574, 577. Sententiousness, 574. Sentient, 375, 822. Sentiment, opinion, 484. maxim, 496. idea, 453. Sentimental, 822. Sentinel, guardian, 664. keeper, 753. watch, 668. Sentry, guardian, 664. keeper, 753. watch, 668. Separate, simple, 42. bisect, 91. to disjoin, 44. exclude, 55. diverge, 291. cleave, 198. divorce, 905. distant, 196. Separation, distance, 196. divergence, 291. disjunction, 44. divorcement, 905. exclusion, 55. Separatist, 984. Septuagint, 985. Sepulchral, funereal, 363. voice, 581. sound, 408, 410. Sepulchre, 363 Sepulture, 363 Sequacity, 324 Sequel, following, 65 in time, 117. addition, 39. Sequence, in order, 63. Sequence, in time, 117. motion, 281 Sequent, 63. Sequester, take, 789. hidden, 526 secluded, 893. confiscate, 974. Sequestered, take, 789. hidden, 526. secluded, 893. confiscate, 974. Sequestrate, 789 Sequestration, seizure, 789. confiscation, 974 Seraglio, 961. Seraph, angel, 977. saint, 948. Seraphic, blissful, 829. virtuous, 944. angelic, 977. Serenade, music, 415. compliment, 902. Serene, calm, 826. content, 837. Sereneness, 831. Serenity, 831. Serf, clown, 876. slave, 746. Serfdom, 749. Sergeant, 745. Serial, 69. Series, 69. Serio-comic, 851. Serious, great,, 31. important, 642. dejected, 837. resolved, 604. Seriousness, importance, 642. dejection, 837. Sermon, dissertation, 595. lesson, 537. pastoral, 998. Sermonize, lesson, 537. speech, 582. Serosity, 333. Serous, 333. Serpent, tortuous, 248. Satan, 978. evil, 663. Serpentine, 248. Serrated, 244, 257 Serum, lymph, 333. water, 337. Servant, 711,744 INDEX. 401 Serve, aid, 707. obey, 743, 749. wait on, 7 46. ■ work, 680. Service, good, 618. rite, 998. use, 677. utility, 644. worship, 990. servitude, 749. warfare, 722. Serviceable, useful, 644. good, 648. Serviceableness, 677. Servile, obsequious, 886k flattery, 933. Servility, 886. Servit jr, 746. Servitude, 749. Sessions, legal, 966. council, 696. Set, condition, 7. stable, 150. group, 72. class, 75. impose, 741. firm, 43. form, 240. to place, 184. leaning, 278. prepare, 673. gang, 712. difficulty, 704. Set about, 676. Set apart, 55. Set at nought, 927. Set aside, disregard, 460. annul, 756. release, 927. Set clear, 750. Set down, humiliate, 879. censure, 932. slight, 929. Set fire to, 384. Set foot in, 294. Set forth, publish, 531. tell, 527. show, 525. assert'., 535. describe, 594. Set forward, 293. Set in, begin, 60. tide, 318 approach, 286. Set off, depart, 293. compensate, 30. adorn, 845. aiscount, 813. Set on, 615. Set out, begin, 66. arrange, 60. depart, 293. decorate, 845. Set right, reinstate, 660. in the way, 537. Set sail, 293. Set to, 720, 722. | Set to music, 415. Set to work, 676. Set up, raise, 307. begin, 06. Set upon, attack, 716. desire, 865. de'ermined, 620. resolute, 604. willing, 602. Settee, 215. Settle, decide, 480. arrange, 723. fired, 142. stationary, 265. fix, 150. dwell, 186. marshal, 60. sink, 306. . consent, 762. pay, 807. give, 784. bench, 215. Settle upon, 784. Settled, fixed, 142, 150. Settledness, 142. Settlement, location, 184. colony, 188. payment, 807. dregs, 653. compact, 762, 769. Settler, 188. Sever, 44. Several, 102. Severalize, 465. Severally, 44, 79. Severance, 44. Severe, harsh, 739. energetic, 171. painful, 830. style, 576. critical, 932. Severely, 739. Severity, 171, 739. Sew, 43. Sewer, drain, 350. cloaca, 653. outlet, 295. Sex, kind, 75. women, 374. Sexagenarian, 13CX Sexagenary, 99. Sexagesimal, 99. Sexton, 996. Sextuple, 98. Shabbiness, trifling, 643. meanness, 940. Shabby, mean, 874. close, 819. bad, 649. disgraceful, 940. trifling, 643. Shackle, to tie, 43. hinder, 706. restrain, 751. fetter, 752. Shade, darkness, 421. shadow, 424. color, 428. degree, 26. difference, 15. small quantity, 32. screen, 530. manes, 362. ghost, 980. Shaded, invisible, 447. Shades below, 982. Shading, 420. Shadow, darkness, 421. shade, 424. error, 495. phantom, 4. skeleton, 203. small in degree, 32. copy, 21. sequence, 281. Shadow forth, show, 525. indicate, 550. personify, 521 describe, 594. Shadow of doubt, 485. Shadow out, 554. Shadowy, imaginary, 2. invisible, 447. erroneous, 495. Shady, 421. Shaft, pit, 260. airpipe, 351. deep, 208. frame, 215. missile, 284. weapon, 727. handle, 633. Shag, 256. Shaggy, 256. Shake, aaitate, 315. trill, 407. oscillate, 314. musical, 415. fear, 860. dissuade, 616. injure, 659. Shake, fluctuate, 149. impress, 82J. flutter, 824. shiver, 383. Shake down, 215. Shake off, 297. Shake up, 315. Shaken, 160. Shaking, fluctuating, 149. agitated, 315. alarmed, 860. Shaky, in danger, 665. fragile, 328. Shallop, 273. Shallow, not deep, 209. foolish, 499. ignorant, 491. Shallow-brained, 49S Shallow-pated, 499. Shallows, dangers, 667. Sham, 544. Shamble, 275. Shambles, 361. Shambling, descending, 306. shaking, 315. Shame, 874. Shamefaced, 881. Shamefacedness, 881 Shameful, disgraceful, 874. Shameless, profligate, 945. impudent, 885. Shamelessness, 885. Shank, 633. Shape, form, 240. condition, 7. growth, 144. aspect, 448. Shapeless, amorphous, 241. ugly, 846. Shapeliness, symmetry, 242. comeliness, 845. Shapely, comely, 845. symmetrical, 242. Share, part, 51. participate, 778 allotted portiont 786. Shareholder, 778. Shark, thief, 792. cheat, 548. Sharp, acute, 253. musical tone, 410. pungent, 392. energetic, 171. violent, 173. 402 INDEX. Sharp, painful, 830. intelligent, 493 clever, 698. moving, 821. active, 682. voice, 581. rude, 895. censorious, 932. Sharpen, 173, 375. Sharper, cheat, 548. thief, 792. Sharpness, acuteness, 253. pungency, 392. energetic, 171. rudeness 895. shrewdnesi, 498. cleverness, 693. activity, 682. Sharpshooter, 726. Sharpsighted, 441, 498. Sharpwitted, 498. Sliaster, 986. Shatter, destroy, 162. weaken, 160. Shatterhrained, 499. Shattered, 160. Shave, 203, 204. Shaving, layer, 204. filament, 205. small part, 51, 203. Shawl, 225. Sheaf, 72. Shear, 38. Sheath, receptacle, 191. envelope, 223. Sheathe, 174. Sheathing, 223. Shed, building, 189. to emit, 297. scatter, 73. diverge, 291. Shed tears, 839. Sheen, 420. Sheepish, 881. Sheepishness, 881. Sheer, narrow, 203. simple, 42. mere, 32. Sheer off, 293. Sheet, 4layer, 204. paper, 593. af water, 343 Sheet anchor, 666, 858. Shelf, support, 215. (on the), 67d Shell, cover, 223. bomb, 727. Shelter, refuse, 666. safety, 664. Shelve, slope, 217. locate, 184. Shepherd, director, 694. pastor, 996. Sheriff, 965. Shield, defend, 717. safety, 664. honor, 817. buckler, 666. Shielding, 717 Shift, move, 264. change, 140. substitute, 634. transfer, 270. growth, 144. expedient, 626. evasion, 546. dress, 225. plea, 617. difficulty, 704. Shifting, transient, 111. moving, 270. changing, 144. Shiftless, unprepared, 674. inhabile, 699. Shilling, 800. Shimmer, lustre, 420. Shine, to emit light, 420. glory, 873. beauty, 845. Shingle, 330. Ship, 270, 273. Shipload, cargo, 31. Shipman, 269. Shipmate, 890. Shipment, 270. Shipwreck, 731, 732. Shipwrecked, 732. Shire, 181. Shirk, avoid, 623 Shirt, 225. Shive, 51, 204. Shiver, shake, 315. cold, 385. layer, 204. splinter, 328. fragment, 51. filament, 205. to divide, 44. destroy, 162. Shivering, 383. Shivery, brittle, 328. pulverulent, 330. Shoal, shallow, 209. Shoal, assemblage, 72. many, 102. Shoal iness, 1 onQ Shoaly, ] Shoals, 209, 6C7. Shock, concussion, 276. violence, 173. sheaf, 72. contest, 720. affect, 821. move, 824. dislike, 867. hate, 898. scandalize, 932. Shocking, bad, 649. ugly, 846. ha eful, 898. vulgar, 851. fearful, 860. painful, 830. considerable, 31. Shod, 225. Shoe, 225. Shoot, propel, 284. dart, 274. kill, 361. grow, 194. attack, 716. offspring, 167. Shoot up, increase. 35. ascend, 305. prominent 250. Shooting, growing, 194. darting, 274. pain, 378. Shop, 799. Shopkeeper, 797. Shoplifter, 792. Shoplifting, 791. Shopman, 797. Shore, support, 215. land, 342. Shoreless, 180. Shorn, deprived, 776. reduced, 36. Short, not long, 201. concise, 572. incomplete, 53. unaccomplished, 730. insufficient, 640. uncivil, 895. Shortcoming, 304, 640, 730. Shortening, 201. Shorthand, 590. Shortlived, 111. Shortness, 201. Shortsighted, myopic, 443. foolish, 499. Shortwitted, 498 Sho^ missile, 284. weapon, 727. variegated, 440 Shoulder, projection, 250. support, 215. knot, 847. to shove, 276. Shout, loudness, 404. cry, 411. applause, 931. voice, 580. joy, 838. Shovel, vehicle, 272. receptacle, 191. Show, manifest, 525. appear, 446, 448. evince, 467. demonstrate, 478. parade, 852, 882. Show one’s colors, 550. Show up, accuse, 938. Shower, rain, 348. abundance, 639. assemblage, 72. Showery, 348. Showy, colored, 428. gaudy, 847, 882. Shred, bit, 51. filament, 205. Shrew, vixen, 901. scold, 932. Shrewd, intelligent, 450. ■wise, 491. clever, 698. cunning, 702. Shrewdness, intelligence, 498. cleverness, 698. cunning, 702. Shriek, 411. Shrill, 410, 580. Shrimp, 193. Shrine, altar, 1000. interment, 363. Shrink, shrivel, 195. narrow, 203. decrease, 36. small, 32. recoil, 287, 898. avoid, 623. unwilling, 603. be sensitive, 822. Shrinking, shrivelling, 195> decreasing, 36. INDEX. 403 Shrivel, decrease, 36. shrink, 195. small, 193. shrivelled, 193. Shroud, funereal, 363 shelter, 666. safety, 664. hide, 528. Shrub, 367. Shrug, hint, 527. dissent, 439. Shrunk, 193. Shudder, tremble, 860 fear, 860. aversion, 867 hate, 898. cold, 383. Shuddering, 383 Shuffle, mix, 41. disorder, 59. bandy, 148. agitate, 315. change, 149. evasion, 544, 546. irresolution, 605. disgrace, 940. Shuffler, 548. Shuffling, deranging, 61. bandying, 148. evading, 546. Shun, avoid, 623. dislike, 867. Shut, 261. Shut out, exclude, 55. prohibit, 761. Shut up, enclose, 229. imprison, 751. close, 261. Shuttlecock, 605. Shy, avoid, 623. suspicious, 485. modest, 881. propel, 276. Shyness, artfulness, 702. suspicion, 485. modesty, 881. Sibilance, 409 Sibilant, hiss, 409. Sibilation, decry, 929. censure, 932. Sibylline, 511. Sick, 655. Sicken, weary, 841. nauseate, 395 fall ill, 655. disgust, 830. Sicken, hate, 898. repel, 867. Sickening, nauseating, 395. disgusting, 830. wearying, 841. repelling, 867. hating, 898. Sickle, 244. Sickliness, 655. Sickly, ill, 655. weak, 160. Sickness, 655, 841. Side, laterally, 236. party, 712. Sidearms, 727. Side with, 707. Sideboard, 191. Sidle, oblique, 217. deviate, 279. diverge, 291. lateral, 236. Sideling, diverging, 291. deviating, 279. lateral, 236. Sidelong, 236. Sidereal, 318. Sideways, oblique, 217. lateral, 236. Side wind, 626. Siege, 716. Sieve, perforation, 260. assort, 60. Sift, to sort, 60. winnow, 42. clean, 652. inquire, 461. Sifting, sorting, 60. winnowing, 42. searching, 461. Sigh, 839. Sigh for, 865. Sight, vision, 441. spectacle, 448. prodigy, 872. beauty, 846. large quantity, 31. Sightless, blind, 442. invisible, 447. Sigil, evidence, 467. Sigmoidal, 248. Sign, indication, 550. omen, 512. record, 551. write, 590. prodigy, 872. evidence, 467. Sign, compact, 769. Sign manual, 550,590. Signal, sign, 550. important, 642. Signal post, 668. Signalize, celebrate, 883. glory, 873. Signally, 31. Signature, mark, 550. writing, 590. surety, 771. evidence, 467. Signet, evidence, 467. signature, £50. sign of authority, 747. Significance, meaning, 516. importance, 642. Significant, meaning, 516. clear, 518. expressive, 527. foreboding, 511. important, 642. Signify, mean, 516. inform, 527. be important, 642. forebode, 511. Silence, no sound, 403. aphony, 581. confute, 479. taciturn, 585. latent, 526. to check, 731. Silenced, 732. Silken, 255. Silky, 255. Silliness, 499. Silly, 477, 486, 499. Silver, money, 800. Silver-toned, 413. Silvery, color, 430. voice, 580. Similar, resembling, 17. comparison, 464. Simile, resembling, 17. comparison, 464. Similitude, resembling, 17. comparison, 464. Simmer, 382, 384. Simmering, 384. Simony, 995. Simoom, blast, 349., 382. Simper, smile, 838. Simper, affectation, 855. Simpering, 855. Simple, unmixed 42. unadnriu i, 849. small, 32. credulous, 486. silly, 499. meaning, 516. true, 543. plain, 576. Simple-hearted, 543 Simple minded, 54? 703. Simpleton, 501. Simplicity, unmixture, 42 neatness, 849. plainness, 576. silliness, 499. truth, 543. Simplify, meaning, 518, 849 Singularity, resembling, 17. cheating, 514.. Simulate, resemble, 17. imitate, 19. Simulating, 17. Simultaneous, 120. Simultaneousness, 120. Sin, guilt, 947. vice, 945. Since, in order, 8, 63. in time, 117. motive, 615. Sincere, veracious, 543. ingenuous, 703. Sincerity, truthfulness, 543. artlessness, 703. Sinecure, 810. Sinew, 159. Sinewless, 160. Sinewy, 159. Sinful, 945. Sing, music, 415. poetry, 597. Singe, 384. Singer, 416. Single, unit, 87. unmixed, 42. secluded, 893 unmarried, 904. Single blessedness, 904. Single out, 609. Singleness, unity, 87. vnmixture, 42. seclusion, 893. celibacy, 904. 404 INDEX. Sledge, 272. Sledge hanime?, impel, 270. engine, 033. Sleek, smooth, 255. pretty, 815. Sleep, 142, 083. Sleeper, support, 215. Sleepiest!, 082. Sleeplessness, 082. Sleepy, inactive, G83, 823. slow, 275. weary, 841. Sleet, 383. Sleight, 098. Sleight of hand, 14C 545. Slender, narrow, 203. small, 32. trifling, 043. Slenderness, smallness, 32. narrowness, 203. insufficiency, 040. Slice, layer, 204. part, 51. Slide, pass, 204. relapse, 661. descend, 306. elapse, 109. become, 144. skate, 266. Slide in, 228. Sliding, 144. Slight, small, 32. neglect, 927. trifle, 643. depreciate, 483. to neglect, 460. to dishonor, 929 Slim, 203. Sliniiness. 352. Slimy, viscous, 352. dirt, 653. Sling, hang, 214. project, 284. weapon, 727. Slink, recede, 287. escape, 071. Slip, descend, 396. strip, 205. part, 51. err, 945. transfer, 270 fail, 732. from mind, 506. liberate, 750. workshop, v 91. gut, 947. Singleness of hoar*, 939. Singular, exceptional, 83. one, 87. special, 79. remarkable, 31. Singularity, 83. Sinister, left, 239. bad, 649. - discourtesy, 895. vicious, 945. Sinistra), 239. Sinistrality, 239. Sink, descend, 306. lower, 308. deep, 208. bankrupt, 735. fail, 732. submerge, 310. destroy, 162. decay, 659. relapse, 661. fatigue, 688. depressed, 837. droop, 828. conceal, 528. in the memory, 51 )5. cloaca, 653. Sinless, 946. Sinner, 949. Sin offering, 952. Sinuous, curved, 245. convoluted, 248. Sinuosity, curve, 245. convolution, 248. Sip, 296. Siphon, 350. Sipping, 296. Sir, 373, 877. Sire, 166. Siren, musician, 418. instrument, 417. seducing, 615. demon, 980 Sirocco, wind, 34S heat, 382. Sister, kindred, 11. likeness, 17. Sisterhood, 72. party, 712. Sit, repose, 215. lie, 213. descend, 306. Site, 183. Sitting, consultation, 696 Sitting room, 191 Situate, 184. Situated, 184. Situation, circumstances, 8. Situation, place, 183. business, 625. Six, 98. Sixt> , 98. Size m •.gnitude, 31, 192. glue, 45, 352. Siziness, 352. Sizy, 352. Skate, 206. Skein, knot, 219. Skeleton, corpse, 362. frame, 026. framework, 215. imperfect, 651. shadow, 203. essential part, 50. Sketch, painting, 556. description, 594. plan, 626. Sketcher, 559. Skewer, 45. Skiff, 273. Skilful, 698. Skill, 698. Skillet, 191. Skim, move, 266. rapid, 274. abridge, 596. attend lightly, 458. Skin, tegument, 223. to peel, 226. surface, 220. Skin-deep, 220. Skinny, small, 193. slender, 203. tegumentary, 223. Skip, jump, 309. ascend, 305. neglect., 460. dance, 840. Skipjack, 876. Skirmish, 720, 722. Skirt, edge, 231. appendix, 39. pendent, 214. circumjacent, 227. Skittish, capricious, 608. restless, 825. bashful, 881. timid, 862. Skittishness, 608. Skulk, hide, 447, 528. Skull, 450. Skullcap, 225. Sky, world, 318. air, 338. summit, 210. Sky-blue, 438. Sky-colored, 438. Skylark, 35. Skyrocket, 305. Slab, 204. Siabby, 352. Slack, loose, 47. weak, 160. slow, 275. inactive, 683. inert, 172. unwilling, 603. laxity, 738. to moderate, 174. retard, 706. calm, 826. Slacken, loose, 47. retard, 706. relax, 275. Slackening, 275. Slacklessness, 160. Slackness, inertness, 172. slowness, 275. laxity, 738. reluctance, 603. Slag, refuse, 40. dirt, 053. Slake, quench, 174. indulge, 954. gratify, 831. satiate, 865, 869. Slam, 400. slap, 276. Slander, 934. Slanderer, 936. Slang, neology, 563. language, 560. Slap, 684. Slapdash, 111, 113. Slash, 44. Slate, 590. Slate-color, 432. Slating, 210. Slattern, sloven, 851. awkward, 701. Slatternly, vulgar, 851. unskilful, 699. Slaughter, 361. Slaughter house 361 Slaughterous, 3 1. Slave, servant, 746. to toil, 086. Slaver, ship, 273. Slavery, 749. toil, 086. Slavish, 885. Slavishness, 886. Slay, 361. Slayer, 381. Sied, 272. Slip away, 671, 75C Slip cable, 293. Slip of the tongue, mistake, 495. solecism, 5-8. Slip on, 225. Slip over, 460. Slipper, 225. Slipperiness, ody, 355. changeableness, 149. smoothness, 255. uncertainty, 475. danger, 665. Slippery, smooth, 255. uncertain, 475. changeable, 149. dangerous, 665. not trustworthy,940. Slipslop, absurd, 497. style, 573. Slit, to divide, 44. chink, 198. Sliver, 51. Slobber, soil, 653. Sloe, color, 431. Sloop, 273. Slop, water, 337. dirt, 653. Slope, 217. Slopewise, 217 Sloppy, 337. Sloth, 683. Slothful, 683. Slouch, oblique, 217. low, 207. inactive, 683. ugly, 846. Slouching, 846. Slough, difficulty, 704. quagmire, 345. Sloven, drab, 653. careless, 460. awkward, 699. vulgar, 851. Slovenliness, drub, 653. awkwardness, 699. Slovenly, 653, 851. Slow, sluggish, 275. tardy, 133. inert, 172. dull, 843. inactive, 683. wearisome, 841. Slowly, 133, 275. Slowness, tardiness, 133. inertness, 172, 174. sluggishness, 275. INDEX. 405 Slubk sting, 683. Slug, inert, 172. sleepy, 683. callous, 823. Sluggard, inert, 172. sleepy, 683. Sluggish, inert, 172. sleepy, 683. callous, 823. Sluice, conduit, 350. river, 348. Slumber, 683. Slumberer, 683. Slur, stigma, 874. shame, 874. gloss over, 937. reproach, 938. Slur over, neglect, 460. inattention, 458. conceal, 528. exclude, 55. Slush, 352. Slut, 962. Sluttish, 653. Sluttishness, 653. Sly, cunning, 702. concealed, 528. false, 544. Slyly, craftily, 702. surreptitiously, 544. Slyness, 528. Smack, ship, 273. taste, 390. mixture, 41. Small, in degree, 32. in size, 193. Smaller, 34. Smallest, 34. Smallness, in degree, 32. in size, 193. Smalls, 225. Small talk, 588. Smart, pain, 378. grief, 828. active, 682. clever, 698. to feel, 821. witty, 842. neat, 845. Smarting, 378. Smartness, activity, 682. wit, 842. Smash, 162. Smatterer, 493. Smattering, 491. Smear, daub, 223. Smear, ugly, 846. Smeared, 846. Smell, 398. Smelt, 384. Smelting, 384, 398. Smile, 838. Smile upon, 894. Smirk, 838. Smite, strike, 276. punish, 972. bad, 649. Smith, 690. Smitten, 897. Smock, 225. Smoke, cloud, 334. vapor, 336. dimness, 422. heat, 382. trifle, 643. dirt, 653. Smoking, 382. Smoky, 652. Smooth, not rough, 16, 255. to calm, 174. allay, 826. rub, 331, 332. easy, 705. to flatter, 933. Smooth-faced, 544. Smooth-spoken, 544. Smooth-tongued, 544. Smoothness, easiness, 255, 705. Smother, kill, 361. repress, 174. calm, 826. suppress, 528, 585. Smoulder, burn, 382. inert, 172. conceal, 528. latent, 526. Smouldering, burning, 382. inert, 172. Smuggle, contraband, 791. introduce, 294. poach, 964. Smuggler, 792. Smuggling, 791. Smut, dirt, 653. black, 431. blemish, 848. impurity, 981. Smutty, 961. Snag, danger, 667. sharp, 253. projection, 250. Snaggy, 253. Snail, 275. Snake, miscreant, 913 Snaky, winding, 248. Snap, noise, 406. brittle, 328. break, 44. snarl, 895. seize, 789. Snappishness, 901. Snare, 667. Snarl, growl, 412. rude, 895. Snarling, 895. Snatch, to seize, 789. rise, 134. Snatches (by), 139 Sneak, servility, 886. baseness, 940. to hide, 528. retire, 287. Sneer, contempt, 930. disparage, 929 Sneeze, snuffle, 409. blow, 349. Sneezing, 349. Snivel, cry, 839. crouch, 886. Snivelling, 866 Snob, 876. Snooze, 683. Snore, noise, 411. sleep, 683. Snort, noise, 411. sleep, 683. Snout, 250. Snow, ice, 383. white, 430. Snub, short, 201. Snuff, 398. Snuff up, 296. Snuffle, blow, 349. stammer. 583. Snug, comfortable, 831. safe, 664. Snuggery, 189. Snugness, 831. Soak, immerse, 300. water, 337. Soaking, 337. Soap, oil, 356. Soapy, unctuous, 35& Soar, rise, 305. height, 206 great, 31 406 INDEX. Soar, fly, 267. Sob, 839. Sober, moderate, 174. temperate, 953. abstinent, 958. belief, 484. sane, 502. wise, 498. calm, 826. grave, 837. Sober-minded, wise, 502. calm, 826. Soberness, 826. Sobriety, moderation, 174. temperance, 953. abstinence, 958. sanity, 502. wisdom, 498. calmness, 826. Sociability, 892. Sociable, 892. Sociableness, 892. Social, 372, 892. Sociality, 892. Society, the public, 372, 892. party, 712. Sock, stocking, 225. drama, 599. Socket, 191, 252. Socratic method, 461 Sod, 344. Sodality, association, 892. friendship, 888. Sofa, 215. Soft, moderate, 174. sound, 405. smooth, 255. weak, 160. silly, 499. irresolute, 605. timid, 862. lenient, 740. tender, 822. to soothe, 826. mitigate, 834. palliate, 937. Soften, overcome, 824. moderate, 174. mollify, 324. mitigate, 834. pity, 914. Softening, palliating, 937. mollifying, 324. Softly, 275. Softness, weakness. 160. moderation, 174. tenderness, 324, 822 timidness, 862. irresoluteness, 605. Soil, land, 342. dirt, 653. spoil, 659. defa e, 846. tarnish, 848 Soiled, 846. Soilness, 653. Sojourn, abode, 189. to dwell, 186. to settle, 265. Sojourner, resident, 188. Solace, relief, 834. comfort, 827. recreation, 840. Solder, cohere, 46. cement, 45. Soldering, 46. Soldier, 726. Soldiery, 726. Sole, alone, 87. base, 211. Solecism, ungrammatical, 568. sophistry, 477. Solecize, 568. Solemn, sacred, 873. firm, 535. reverent, 990. pompous, 882. grave, 837. important, 642. silent, 403. Solemness, 837. Solemnity, parade, 882. rite, 998. dulness, 843. Solemnization, 883. Solemnize, 883. Solicit, induce, 615. request, 765. desire, 865. Solicitant, 865. Solicitation, 765. Solicitor, 968. Solicitude, anxiety, 860. care, 459. desire, 865. pain, 828. Solid, complete, 52. coherent, 46. dense, 321. certain, 474. knowledge, 490. true, 494. firm, 604. wise, 498. Solidification denseness, 321. Solidify, 46, 321. Solidity, permanence, 150. density, 321. wisdom, 498. Solidness, denseness, 321. completeness, 52. Soliloquize, 589. Soliloquy, 589. Solitary, alone, 87. secluded. 893. desert, 101. Solitude, alone, 87. secluded, 893. desert, 101. Solo, 415. Solon, sage, 500. wise, 498. Solubility, 333. Soluble, 333. Solubleness, 333. Solution, dissolving, 333. explanation, 462. fusion, 335. Solve, 335. Solvency, 803. Somatology, 316. Sombre, dark, 421. gray, 432. black, 431. melancholy, 837. Some, 32, 100. Somebody, one, 87. man, 372. Somehow, 155. Something, thing, 3. like, 17. small degree, 32. Sometimes, 136. Somewhat, 32. Somewhere, 182. Somnambulism, 515. Somniferous, sleepy, 683. weary, 841. Somnolence, sleepy, 683. weary, 841. Somnolent, sleepy, 683. weary, 841. Son, 167. Son of God, 976. Son of man, 976. Song, 415. Song (old), 643. Songster, 416. Soniferous, 402. Sonnet, music, 415. poetry, 597. Sonneteer, 597. Sonorous, 402. Sonship, 167. Sonorousness, 403. Soon, early, 132. by and by, 121. transient, 111 Soot, black, 431. dirt, 653. blemish, 846 Soothe, allay, 174. calm, 826. relieve, 834. Soothing, allaying, 174. mellifluous, 405 relieving, 834. Soothsay, 511. Soothsayer, 513 magician, 994 Sooty, 653. Sophism, bad logic, 477. absurdity, 497. Sophistical, illogical, 477. absurd, 497. Sophisticate, mix, 41. deceive, 495. debase, 659. Sophistry, 477. Soporific, 841. Soprano, 410, 41 Sorcerer, 994. Sorcery, 992. Sordid, 819. Sore, pain, 376, 378. grievance, 828. painful, 830. angry, 900. Sorely, 31. Soreness, 900. Sorites, 476. Sorrel, 434. Sorrow, 828. Sorrowful, 828 Sorry, bad, 649. mean, 876. trifling, 643. small, 32. Sort, kind, 75. degree, 26. to arrange, 60. Sorting, 60. Sortilege, 992. So-so, 32. Sot, drunkard, 959. Sottishness, 959. Soul, intellect, 450. affections, 820. person, 372. important part, 50 642. INDEX. 407 Soul-subduing, 825 Soulless, 683, 823. Sound, noise, 402. orthodox, 983, a. healthy, (554. perfect, 650. valid, 467. good, 648. judgment, 480. to measure, 466. reason, 476. to investigate, 461. true, 494. an alarm 550. wise, 498. bay, 343. Sounding board, 417. Sounding line, 466. Sounding rod, 469. Soundings, 208. Soundless, deep, 208. silent, 403. Soundly, 31. Soup, 298, 352. Sour, acid, 397. uncivil, 895. misanthropic, 901. to imbittcr, 835. Source, 66, 153. Sourish, 397. Sourness, 397. South, 237. Sovereign, great, 31. power, 737. ruler, 754. strong, 157. lord, 745. Sovereignty of God, 976. Sow, scatter, 73. prepare, 673. Sow broadcast, 291. Space, 180. Spaces, 413. Span, distance, 196. nearness, 197. briefness, 201. length, 200. measure, 466. time, 106, 113. Spangle, spark, 420. Spar, discord, 713. contention, 720, 722. Spare, meagre, 203. scanty, 642. lack, 640. to give, 784. reject, 610. disuse, 678. refrain, 623. pity, 914. Spare, frugal, 953. Spareness, 623. Spare time, 685. Sparing, temperate, 953. small, 32. economic, 817. Sparingly, 817. Spark, light, 420. fire, 382. Sparkle, glisten, 420. bubble, 353. Sparkling, bubbling, 353. style, 574. Sparse, 73. Spasm, fit, 173. throe, 146. pain, 378, 828. Spatter, dirt, 653. damage, 659. Spatterdash, 225. Spattered, 848. Spatula, 191,204, 272. Spawn, dirt, 653. offspring, 167. Speak, 582. Speaker, teacher, 540, 582. interpreter, 524. president, 745. Speaking, 17. Speak of, 594. Speak out, 529. Speak to, 585. Spear, lance, 727. to pierce, 260. pass through, 302. Spearman, 726. Special, particular, 79. pleading, 616. peculiar, 5. Speciality, 5, 79. Specie, 800. Species, kind, 75. Specific, 79. Specifically, 79. Specify, name, 564. tell, 527. particularize, 79. Specimen, 82. Specious, probable, 472. sophistical, 477. plausible, 937. Speciousness, 477. Speck, dot, 193. small quantity, 32. Speck, blemish, 848. Speckle, variegated, 440. blemish, 848. Spectacle, appearance, 448. show, 882. prodigy, 872. Spectacles, 445. Spectator, 444. Spectre, vision, 448. ugly, 846. ghost, 980. Spectral, 984. Speculate, think, 451. traffic, 794. view, 441. Speculation, view, 441. traffic, 794. Speculum, 445. Speech, 582. Speechless, 581. Speed, velocity, 274. activity, 682. to help, 707. succeed, 731. Speedily, 111. Speediness, 274. Speedy, 274. Spell, interpret, 522. period, 108. charm, 993. necessity, 601. motive, 615. exertion, 686. Spellbound, 152, 601, 615. Spencer, 225. Spend, expend, 809. give, 784. ■waste, 638. Spendthrift, 818. Spent, exhausted, 160, 688. wasted, 638. Spermaceti, 356. Spew, 297. Spheie, ball, 249. region, 181. world, 318. rank, 26. business, 625. Spherical, 349. Sphericity, 249. Spheroid, 249. Spheroidal, 249. Spherule, 249. Sphinx, monster, 83. Spice, sma.l quantity, 32. mixture, 41. Spice, pungent, 891* condiment, 393. Spiculate, 253. Spicy, 392. Spigot, 263. Spike, to pierce, 269. plug, 263. pass thro ugh, 304 sharp, 253. Spill, filament, 205 to shed, 297. waste, 638. splash, 348. misuse, 679. Spilling, 679. Spin, 312. • Spin out, prolong, 200. protract, 110. style, 573. Spindle, 312. Spine, 253. Spinet, 417. Spinosity, 253. Spinous, 253. Spinster, 901. Spiracle, 351. Spiral, 248. Spire, peak, 253. height, 206. soar, 305. Spirit, essence, 5. incite, 615. immateriality 317. meaning, 516. intellect, 450. affections, 820. party, 712. resolution, 604. courage, 861. ghost, 980. style, 574. activity, 682. Spirited, brave, 861. generous, 942. Spiritedness, 861. Spiritless, torpid, 823. dejected, 837 Spirits, 836. Spiritual, immaterial, 317 mental, 459. divine, 976. rappings, 992. Spiritualism, 317. Spiritualist, 317. Spirituality, immateriality, 317. divine, 976. Spiritualize, 476. Spirt, gush, 348. Spissitude, 321, 352 403 INDEX. Spit, eject, 297. pierce, 302. bar, 253. Spite, malevolence, 997. notwithstanding, 179. Spiteful, odious, 898. malevolent, 907. Spitefulness, 907. Splash, effuse, 337. spill, 348. spatter, 653. sully, 846. Splashed, 846. Spleen, melancholy, 837. hatred, 898. anger, 900. discourteous, 895. Splendent, 220. Splendid, beautiful, 845. bright, 420. glorious, 873. Splendor, 873. Splenetic, sad, 837. irascible, 901. Splice, 43. Splinter, divide, 44. fibre, 205. brittle, 328. bit, 51. Splintry, 328. Split, divide, 44. quarrel, 713. bisect, 91. fait, 732. laugh, 838. Split hairs, 465, 477. Splitting, 44. Splutter, haste, 684. energy, 171. Spoil, vitiate, 659. hinder, 706. plunder, 791. booty, 793. injure, 649. Spoiler, 792. Spoke, tooth, 253. radius, 200. obstruct, 706. Spoken, 582. Spokesman, interpreter, 524. speaker, 582. Spoliate, plunder, 791. evil, 619. Spoliation, evil, 619. plunder, 791. Sponge, clean, 652. obliterate, 552. despoil, 791. porous, 322. soft, 324. oblivion, 596. Spongy, 324. Sponsion, 771. Sponsor, security, 771. evidence, 467. Spontaneous, voluntary, 600. impulsive, 612. willing, 602. Spontaneousness, 600. Spontoon, 727. Spoon, receptacle, 191. ladle, 272. Sport, amusement, 840. gayety, 836. wit, 842. enjoyment, 827. subjection, 749. Sportfulness, 836. Sportive, gay, 836. witty, 842. Sportiveness, 836. Spot, place, 182. decoloration, 429. blemish, 848. to sully, 846. blot, 874. disgrace, 940. Spotless, innocent, 946. clean, 652. perfect, 650. good, 648. fair, 845. Spotlessness, 652. Spotted, variegated, 440. fair, 845, 846. Spottiness, 440. Spotty, 440. Spousal, 903. Spouse, married, 903. companion, 88. Spouseless, 904. Spout, conduit, 350. egress, 295. flow out, 348. speak, 582. act, 599. Sprain, 160. Sprawl, lie, 213. leap, 309. Spray, sprig, 51. foam, 353. Spread, enlarge, 35. expand, 194. disperse, 73. diverge, 291. expanse, 180. publish, 531. Spreading, enlarging, 35. dispersing, 73. Sprig, 51. Sprightliness, 836. Sprightly, 836. Spring, early, 125. cause, 153. arise from, 154. ensue, 151. strength, 159. velocity, 274. leap, 309. rivulet, 348. instrument, 633. Spring back, elastic, 325. recoil, 277. Spring tide, flow, 348. abundance, 639. Spring up, grow, 194. Springe, snare, 667. deception, 545. Springiness, 325. Springy, 325. Spring gun, 667 Spring net, 667 Sprinkle, mix, 41. disperse, 73, 291. emit, 297. wet, 337. Sprinkling, small quantity, 32. scattering, 973. mixing, 41. water, 337. little, 193. Sprite, 980. Sprout, grow, 35. expand, 194. arise from, 154. offspring, 167. Spruce, neat, 652. beautiful, 845. Spruceness, 845. Spry, active, 682. clever, 698. Spume, 353. Spunk, 861. Spur, sharp, 253. incite, 615. Spurious, false, 544. erroneous, 495. Spurious, illegitimate, 925. .Spuriousness, 925 Spurn, disdain, 866, 930 Spurned, 253. Sputter, stammer, 583. Spy, see, 441. spectator, 444. emissary, 534. Spyglass, 445. Squab, large, 192. broad, 202. Squabby, 192. Squad, 72. Squadron, namj, 273. army, 72fi. assemblage, 72. Squalid, 846. Squall, cry, 411. wind, 349. violence, 173. Squaller, 846. Squally, 348. Squamous, 223. Squander, 638, 818 Squanderer, 818. Squandering, 818. Square, number, 95. buildings, 189. congruity, 23. expedience, 646. justice, 924. honor, 939. form, 244. Squash, destroy, 162. leap, 309. Squat, to encamp, 186 sit, 306. large, 192. broad, 202. flat, 213. Squatter, 188. Squatting, 213 Squeak, cry, 411. Squeal, cry, 411. Squeamish, fastidious, 868 censorious, 932. Squeamishness, 868. Squeeze, contract, 195. narrow, 203. condense, 321. Squeeze out, 301. Squeezing, contracting, 195 expressing, 301 narrowing, 203 INDEX. 409 Squib, sound, 406. Squint, 443. Squire, gentry, 875. attendant, 746. Squirrel, 274. Stab, pierce, 260. kill, 361. injure, 649. Stabiliment, 150. Stabilitate, 150. Stability, 150. Stable, house, 139. resort, 189. at rest, 265. immutable, 150. steady, 604. Stableness, 150. Stablish, 150. Stablished, 150. Stack, 72. Stadtholder, 745. Staff, support, 215. instrument, 633. weapon, 727. line, 224. sceptre, 747. retinue, 746. musical, 413. party, 712. hope, 858. Stage, degree, 26. term, 71. support, 215. step, 58. post, 183. layer, 204. forum, 542. vehicle, 272. arena, 728. drama, 599. Stage coach, 272. Stage play, 599. Stager, agent, 690. actor, 599. Stagger, totter, 314. slow, 275. agitate, 315. doubt, 485. dissuade, 616. affect, 824. astonish, 870. Staggers, 315. Stagnancy, 265. Stagnant, quiescent, 265. persistent, 142. Stagnation, 265. Staid, steady, 604 calm, 826 vise, 498. grace, 837. Staidness, calmness, 826. gravity, 837. Stain, color, 428. deface, 846. blemish, 848. spoil, 659. disgrace, 874. dishonor, 940. Stained, 846. Stainless, clean, 652. innocent, 946. Stair, way, 627. Staircase, 627. Stake, wager, 621. danger, 665. security, 771. execution, 975. Stalactite, 5124. Stalagmite, 224. Stale, old, 124. vapid, 866. Stalk, 266. Stall, lodge, 189. receptacle, 191. support, 215. mart, 799. cathedral, 1000. deanery, 995. Stallion, 271. Stalwart, strong, 159. tall, 206. large, 192. stamina, 159. Stammer, 583. Stammering, 583. Stamp, character, 7. form, 240. to impress, 505. mark, 550. record, 551. complete, 729. Stanch, firm, 484. spirited, 604. healthy, 654. dam up, 348. to stop, 658. Stanchion, 215. Stand, to be, 1. rest, 265. be present, 186. to continue, 142, 143. endure, 110. station, 58. rank, 71. support, 215. resistance, 719. Stand against, resist, 719. Stand by, near, 197. be firm, 604. befriend, 707. Stand for, 550. Stand of arms, 727. Stand off, 196. Stand on, 215. Stand out, project, 250. Stand up, 212. Stand up for, 937. Standard, rule, 80. measure, 466 degree, 26. colors, 550. good, 648. Standard bearer, 726. Standing, footing, 8. situation, 183. term, 71. degree, 26. note, 873. vertical, 212. Standing water, 343. Stand still, stop, 265. remain, 142. Stanza, 597. Staple, whole, 50. peg, 214. sharp, 253. Star, luminary, 423. decoration, 877 glory, 873. actor, 599. Starboard, 238. Starch, stiff, 323. obstinate, 606. proud, 878. affected, 855. Stare, look, 441. curiosity, 455. wonder, 870. Stargazer, 318. Staring, 446. Stark, 32. Stark blind, 442. Starlike, 253. Starry host, 318. Stars, celestial, 318. necessity, 601. Start, depart, 293. plunge, 146. begin, 66. desultory, 139. project, 204. arise, 151. suggest, 514. from fear, 860. Start, from wonder, 87 C Start off, 293. Start up, project, 250. arise, 305. appear, 446. Starting point, 66, 293. Startle, unexpected, 508. wonder, 870. fear, 860. doubt, 485. Startled, 870. Startling, unexpected, 508. wonderful, 870. Starvation, 640. Starve, fast, 956. with cold, 385. want, 804. Starved, lean, 193. insufficient, 640. Starveling, pinched, 203. poor, 804. want, 640. State, condition, 7. nation, 372. ostentation, 882, property, 780. to inform, 527. describe, 594. State room, 191. Stated, 138. Stateliness, pride, 878. grandeur, 873. Stately, pompous, 882. proud, 878. grand, 873. Statement, 527 Statesman, 745 Statesmanlike, 6S8i Statesmanship, 693. Statics, 159, 319. Station, stage, 58. term, 71. place, 182, 183. to locate, 184. rank, 873. Stationary, 150, 265. Statist, 745. Statistics, 85. Statuary, 557. Statue, 557. Statuette, 557. I Stature, 206. Statute, 963. Statutory, 963 Stave in, 2.60. Stave off, i'33. 410 INDEX. Stay, wait, 133. inhabit, 186. continue, 142. tause, 141. support, 215. refuge, 666. rest, 265. prevent, 706. dissuade, 616. corset, 225. Stead, 644. Steadfast, resolved, 604. quiescent, 265t stable, 150. faithful, 484. thought, 451. Steadiness, constancy, 150. cautiousness, 864. resolution, 604. Steady, resolved, 604. periodic, 138. cautious, 864. still, 265. constant, 150. normal, 82. Steal, rob, 791. hide, 528. creep, 275. Steal away, 671. Stealing, 791. Stealth, 528. Steam, vapor, 333, 336. to sail, 267. Steamboat, 273. Steamer, 273. Steamship, 273. Steed, 271. Steel, strength, 159. harden, 951. inure, 823. Steeled, 604. Steelyard, 466. Steep, slope, 217. height, 206. immerse, 300. soak, 337. Steeple, spire, 253. high, 206. Steeplo chase race, 622. Steepness, 217. Steeps, 206. Steer, 278, 693. Steering, 278, 693. Steerage, 278. Steersman, 694. Stellar, 318. Stellated, 253. Stelli form, 253. Stem, origin, 153. Stem, front, 234. to oppose, 708. to resist, 718. Stench, 401. Stenography, 590. Stentorian, 404. Step, degree, 26. way, 627. station, 58. term, 71. near, 197. support, 215. motion, 264, 266. measure, 466. expedient, 626. means, 632. Steppe, 344. Stepping stone, way, 627. resource, 666. Stercoracious, 653. Stereotype, 150, 550, 591. Stereotyped, 150. Sterile, unproductive, 169 useless, 645. Sterility, 169. Sterling, true, 494. good, 648. virtuous, 944. Stern, back, 235. severe, 739. forbidding, 895. Sternmost,235. Sternness, severity, 739. forbidding, 895 Sternutation, 349. sound, 409. Stew, confusion, 59. difficulty, 704. heat, 382. cook, 384. perplex, 828. bagnio, 961. Steward, 694. Stewardship, 693. Stew pan, 386. Stick, adhere, 46. staff, 215. to stab, 260. hesitate, 603. pierce, 302. difficulty, 704. scourge, 975. Stick at, 485. Stick in, locate, 184. Sticking, 46. Stick out, erect, 212. uplift, 307. Stick to, 604. Stick up, erect, 212. uplift, 307. Stickle, contend, 720 reluctant, 601 Stickler, 606. Sticky, cohering, 46. semi-liquid, 352. Stiff, rigid, 323. resolute, 604. restrained, 751. severe, 739. affected, 855. haughty, 878. pompous, 882. ugly, 846. style, 572, 579. Stiffnecked, obstinate, 606. resolute, 604. Stiffness, stability, 150. rigidity, 323. severity, 739. ugliness, 846. haughtiness, 878. affectation, 855. style, 572, 579. Stifle, silence, 403. destroy, 162. kill, 361. sound, 405. Stifled, 323. Stigma, disgrace, 874. blame, 932. Stigmatize, 874. Stiletto, piercer, 262. dagger, 727. Still, ever, 112. silent, 403. quiet, 174. quiescence, 265. calm, 826. notwithstanding, 179. Stillborn, 732. Still life, 550. Stillness, 265. Stilts, support, 215. height, 206. boasting, 884. Stimulate, incite, 615. violence, 173. energize, 171. passion, 824. Stimulation, 824. Stimulus, 615. Sting, pain, 378. suffering, 821, 830. provoke, 900. Stinging, 830. Stinginess, 819. Stingy, 817, SIS Stink, 401. Stint, degree, 26. scanty, 640. parsimony, 819. Stipend, 809. Stipendiary, receiving, 785. subjected, 749. Stippling, 558. Stipulate, conditions, 770 bargain, 769. Stipulation, conditions, 770. bargain, 769. Stir, move, 264. tremor, 315. activity, 682. energy, 171. emotion, 824. discuss, 476. Stir up, mix, 41. excite, 615. violence, 173. Stirring, eventful, 151. important, 642. active, 682. Stitch, to join, 43. pain, 828. Stitching, joining, 43. Stiver, 800. Stock, cause, 153. store, 636. materials, 635. provision, 637 property, 780. money, 800. merchandise, 798. collar, 225. offspring, 166. Stockade, 717. Stocking, 225. Stocks, funds, 802. punishment, 975. restraint, 752. Stock-still, 265. Stoic, insensible, 823. inexcitable, 826. disinterested, 942 Stoical, 823, 826. Stoicism, 823, 826. Stole, 225, 999. Stolen, 791. Stolid, dull, 843. stupid, 499. Stolidity, 843. INDEX. 411 Stolid ness, 499. Stomach, pouch, 191. endure, 826. taste, 390. Stomacher, 225. Stone, dense, 321. hard, 323. missile, 284. weapon, 727. Stone-blind, 442. Stone-color, 432. Stone s throw, 197. Stool, 215. Stoop, loicer, 306. slope, 217. humble, 879. servile, 886. Stop, close, 67, 261, 418. desist, 681. rest, 265. prevent, 706. continue, 142. discontinue, 141. Stopcock, 263. Stopgap, shift, 626. plug, 147. Stoppage, rest, 265. discontinuance, 141. prevention, 706. Stopper, 263. Stopple, 263. Store, magazine, 636. provision, 637. shop, 799. abundance, 639. the memory, 505. much, 31. Store house, 636. Store room, 636. Store ship, 273. Storm, wind, 349. violence, 173. passion, 825. convulsion, 146. anger, 900. to attack, 716. assemblage, 72. Storming, 716. Stormy, 348. Story, history, 594. lie, 546. layer, 204. rooms, 191. Stout, strong, 159. lusty, 192. brave, 861. Stoutness, strength, 159. lustiness, 192. Stove, 386. Stow, 184. Stowage, space, 180. location, 184. Strabism, 443. Straddle, 215. Straggle, stroll, 266. deviate, 279. disorder, 59. Straggler, 263. Straggling, disjunctive, 44. deviating, 279. Straight, rectilinear, 246. mean, 628. vertical, 212. direction, 278. Straighten, 246. Straightforward, artless, 703. direct, 278. honest, 939. true, 543. mid course, 628. Straightforwardness, artlessness, 703. truth, 543. Straightway, 111. Strain, effort, 686. violence, 173. fatigue, 688. sound, 402. melody, 413. to clarify, 658. percolate, 295. transgress, 304. poetry, 597. voice, 580. misinterpret, 523. style, 569. Strain the eyes, 441. Strained, 686. Strait, maritime, 343. want, 804. difficulty, 704. Straitlaced, severe, 739. censorious, 932. restrained, 751. haughty, 878. fastidious, 868. Strait waistcoat, 752. Strand, 342. Stranded, 704, 732. Strange, exceptional, 83. awful, 870. wonderful, 890. ridiculous, 853. Strangely, greatly, 31. Stranger, extraneous, 10, 57. ignorant, 491. Strangle, 361. Strap, to tie, 43. scourge, 975. ligature, 45. Strapping, large, 192. strong, 159. Stratagem, plan, 626. artifice, 702. deception, 545. Strategic, 626. Strategy, conduct, 692. skill, 698. warfare, 722. plan, 626. Stratification, 204. Stratified, 204. Stratiform, 204. Stratum, 204. Straw, light, 320. trifling, 643. Straw-color, 436. Stray, wander, 266. deviate, 279. exceptional, 83. Straying, 279. Streak, color, 420. furrow, 259. stripe, 440. narrow line, 200, 203. intersection, 219. Stream, flow, 347. river, 348. of light, 420. of time, 109. of events, 151. abundance, 639. Streamer, 550. Streaming, incoherent, 47. dispersed, 73. Streamlet, 348. Streamy, 348. Street, buildings, 189. way, 627. Streetwalker, 962. Strength, vigor, 159. energy, 171. tenacity, 327. Strengthen, to increase, 35. Strengthening, 159. Strengthless, 160. Strenuous, active, 682. laborious, 686. resolved, 604. Stress, weight, 642. intonation, 580. strain, 686. Stretch, increase, 35. expand, 194. lengthen, 200. distance, 196. exertion, 686. misinterpretation, 525. encroachment, 925, exaggeration, 549 Stretcli to, 196. Stretching to, 200. Strew, 73. Striated, 440. Strict, severe, 739. exact, 494. faithful, 792. Strictness, 739. Stricture, constriction, 203 censure, 932. Stride, 266. Stridor, 410. Stridulous, 414. Strife, 713, 720. Strike, hit, 276. beat, 972. harm, 649. revolt, 719. impress, 824. wonder, 870. operate, 170. music, 415. Strike off, exclude, 55. Strike out, invent, 18, 515. plan, 626. efface, 512. Strike sail, 275. String, continuity, 69. to tic, 43. fibre, 205. ligature, 45. to arrange, 60. Stringency, 739. Stringent, 739, 744. Stringy, 203. Strip, to divest, 226. rob, 791. divest, 789. filament, 205. Stripe, length, 200. blow, 972. mark, 550. variegation, 440, Striped, 804. Stripling, 129. Stripped, poor, 804. Strive, exert, 686. contend, 720. endeavor, 675. 412 INDEX. Stroke, impulse, 276. mark, 550. blow, 830. work, 680. expedient, 626. Stroll, 266. Strong, pewerful, 159. energetic, 171 tenacious, 327 pungent, 392. feeling, 821. cogent, 467. Strong box, 802. Stronghold, defence, 717. prison, 752. Strongly, 31. Strophe, 597. Struck, 870. Structural, modal, 7. textural, 329. Structure, stale, 7. texture, 329. building, 189. Struggle, contend, 720. exert, 686. grapple with, 704. Strumpet, 962. Strut, parade, 882. travel, 266. pride, 878. Stubble, 40. Stubborn, 606, 704. Stubbornness, 227, 606. Stubby, short, 201. Stucco, cement, 45. covering, 223. Stuck fast, difficulty, 704. stopped, 265. Stud, knob, 250. point, 253. horses, 271. Studded, 253, 240. Student, 541. Studio, 559. Studious, thoughtful, 451. docile, 539. Studiously, 600,620. Study, thought, 451. learning, 539. research, 461. intention, 620. Stuff, substance, 3. matter, 316. materials, 635. absurdity, 497 StulT, trifle, 643. memory, 505. to feed, 296. line, 222. cram, 194. Stultified, 732. Stultify, counteract, 701, Stumble, fall, 306. fail, 732. unskilful, 699. flounder, 315. Stumble on, 481. Stumbling block, difficulty, 704. hinderance, 706. Stumbling stone, 706. Stump, trunk, 51. painting, 559. Stumpy, short, 201. Stun, stupefy, 823. affect, 824. confound, 870. deafen, 419. astonish, 865. loud, 404. Stunning, loud, 404. confounding, 870. Stung, 828. Stunt, small, 193. contracted, 195. Stunted, small, 193. contracted, 195. Stupefaction, stunning, 823. wonder, 870. Stupefied, stunned, 823. amazed, 870. Stupefy, stun, 823. wonder, 870. Stupendous, great, 31. large, 192. wonderful, 870 Stupid, dull, 843. credulous, 486. foolish, 499. Stupidity, d ulness, 843. foolishness, 499 Stupor, 823. Stupration, 961. Sturdiness, 161. Sturdy, 157, 159. Stutter, 583. Stuttering, 588. Sty, dirt, 653. yen, 189. Stygian, dark, 421. Style, state, 7. writing, 590. time, 114. fashion, 852. taste, 850. to name, 564. diction, 569. pencil, 559. Stylet, 262. Stylish, 852. Suasible, 615. Suasion, 615. Suasive, 615. Suasory, 615. Suavity, 894. Subaltern, plebeian, 876. inferior, 34. servant, 746. officer, 726, 745. Subaqueous, 208. Subcommittee, 696. Subcontrary, 237. Subcutaneous, 221. Subdean, 996. Subdititious, 147. Subdivision, 44, 51. Subdual, 731. Subduct, retrench, 38. Subduction, 789 Subdue, calm, 174. impress, 824. succeed, 731. Subdued, 826. Subitaneous, 132 Subjacent, 207. Subject, topic, 454. liable, 177. to inthrall, 749. Subject matter, 454. Subjection, 743, 749. Subjective, 5, 317, 450. Subjectiveness, 5. Subjoin, 37. Subjugate, subject, 749. conquer, 731, 732. impress, 824. Subjugated, 732, Subjugation, conquering, 731, 732. subjection, 749. Sublevation, 307. Sublimate, to elevate, 307, 336. Sublimated, 320. Sublimation, vaporization, 336. elevation, 307. Sublime, high, 206. beauty, 845. Sublime, glory, 873. lofty, 574. magnanimous, 942. Sublimity, beauty, 845. magnanimity, 42. glory, 873. height, 206. Sublunary, 318. Submarine, 208. Submerge, immerse, 300. steep, 337. sink, 208. plunge, 310. Submerse, 310. Submersion, 300. Submission, surrender, 725. obedience, 743. endurance, 826. Submissive, humble, 879. enduring, 826. tractable, 705. obedient, 743. surrendering, 725. Submissiveness, 743 Submit, 725. endure, 826. obey, 743. stoop, 879. Submultiple, 84. Subordinate, 34, C42, 749. Subordination, in order, 58. bondage, 749. obedience, 743. sequence, 63. Suborn, hire, 795. bribe, 784. Subscribe, assent, 488. agree to, 769. give, 784. Subscription, 784, 809. Subsequent, in time, 117. in order, 63. Subserve, 644. Subservience, tendency, 176. utility, 644. Subservient, 631,644. Subsidence, sinking, 306. decrease, 36. Subsidiary, tending, 176. auxiliary, 708. Subsidy, pay, 809. gift, 784. Subsist, existence, 1. cont nuance, 142. INDEX. 413 Subsistence, food, 298. being, 1. Subsisting, 1. Subsoil, earth, 342. interior, 221 Substance, thing, 3. matter, 316. interior, 221. texture, 329. compendium, 596. meaning, 516. important part, 642. wealth, 803. Substantial, dense, 321. true, 494. real, 1, 3. Substantiality, reality, 3. materiality, 316. Substantiate, 478, 494. Substantive, 3. Substitute, means, 634. proxy, 147. deputy, 759. Substituted, 147. Substitution, change, 147. Substratum, interior, 221. layer, 204. base, 211. support, 215. Substructure, 211. Subtend, 237. Subterfuge, lie, 546. sophistry, 477. Subterranean, 208. Subterrene, 208. Subtile, rare, 322. light, 320. Subtilize, sophistry, 477. Subtle, cunning, 702. wise, 498. reasoning, 476. texture, 329. Subtlety, cunning, 702. sophistry, 477. prudence, 498. Subtract, retrench, 38. arithmetical, 84. to take, 789. Subtraction, retrenchment, 38. arithmetical, 84. subduction, 789. Subtractive, 38. Suburban, environs, 227. Suburban, distance, 197. Suburbs, environs, 227. distance, 197. Subversion, change, 140. destruction, 162. inversion, 218. depression, 308. Subvert, invert, 218. depress, 308. change, 140. destroy, 162. Subverter, 165. Succeed, answer, 731. follow, 63. Succeeding, 731 Success, 731. Successful, 731. Successfulness, 731. Succession, sequence, 63. continuity, 69. of time, 109. mental, 451. lateness, 117. Successive, 69. Successless, 732. Successor, sequel, 65. posterior, 117. Succinct, 572. Succor, 707. Succulent, nutritive, 298. juicy, 333. semi-liquid, 352. Succumb, yield, 725. obey, 743. fatigue, 688. Such, 17. Suck in, 296. Sucking in, 296. Suckling, 129. Suction, 296. Sudation, 386. Sudatory, 386. Sudden, early, 132. abrupt, 508. transient, 111. Suddenly, 132. Suddenness, 132. Suds, difficulty, 704. froth, 353. Sue, demand, 765. at law, 969. Suet, 356. Suffer, physical pain, 378. moral pain, 828. to endure, 821. to allow, 760. Suffer, disease, 655. experience, 151. Sufferance, physical, 378. moral, 828. permission, 760. endurance, 821. Sufferer, 828. Suffering, physical, 378. moral, 828. enduring, 821. sickness, 655. Sufficiency, 639. Sufficient, 639. Suffix, sequel, 65. adjunct, 39. Sufflation, 349. Suffocate, 361. Suffragan, 996. Suffrage, vote, 609. Suffuse, mix, 41. feel, 821. blush, 874. Suffusion, mixture, 41. feeling, 821. Sugar, 396. Sugar-loaf, 250. Suggest, suppose, 514. advise, 695. inform, 527. recall, 5(15. occur, 451. Suggestion, advice, 695. supposition, 514. prompting, 505. Suggestive, 514. Suicidal, 361. Suicide, 361. Suit, accord, 23. courtship, 902. class, 75. expedient, 646. clothes, 225. petition, 765. at law, 969. Suitable, 646. Suite, series, 69. adjunct, 39. sequel, 65. Suiting, 23. Suitor, 767, 897. Sulcated, 259. Sulky, discourteous, 895. gloomy, 837. Sullen, discourteous, 895. gloomy, 837. Sullied, defaced, 846. Sullied, dishonored, 874. Sully, deface, 846. dishonor, 874. Sulphur, color, 436. Sultry, 382. Sum, total, 50, 84. to reckon, 85. motiey, 800. Sum up, 85, 594. Sumless, 105. Summary, transient, 111. epitome, 201. early, 132. compendium, 596. Summation, 85. Summer, 125,382. Summerset, 218. Summit, 33, 210. Summon, command, 741. accuse, 938. Summon to mind, 505. Summon up, 824. Summons, 969. Sumpter mule, 271. Sumptuary, 800, 809. Sumptuous, 882. Sun, 318, 423. Sunbeam, 420 Sunder, 44. Sundry, 102. Sunk, low, 208. downcast, 837. vice, 945. dangerous, 667 Sunless, 421. Sunlight, light, 420. pleasing, 827. warm, 382. Sunny, light, 420. pleasing, 827. warm, 382. Sunset, 126. Sunshine, light, 420. pleasing, 827. warm, 382. Superable, 705. Superabundance, 641. Superabundant, 641, Superadd, 37. Superannuated, 428. Superb, 845. Supercargo, 694. Supercilious, haughty, 878. scornful, 930. insolent, 885. contemptuous, 929. 414 INDEX. Superciliousness, insolence, 885. haughtiness, 878. Supereminence, 873. Supererogation, uselessness, 645 activity, 682. Supere.valted, 873- Superexcellence,»48. Superexcellent, 648. Superficial, shallow, 209. ignorant, 491. external, 220. Superficies, 220. Superfine, 648. Superfiuence, 682. Superfluity, redundance, 641. remainder, 40. Superfluous, 40, 641. Superhuman, divine, 976. perfect, 650. Superimpose, 220. Superimposed, 206. Superincumbent, above, 206. weight, 319. resting, 215. Superinduce, 140, 161. Superintend, 693. Superintendence, 693. Superintendent, 694 Superior, greater, 33. important, 642. good, 648. Superiority, greatness, 33. disparity, 28. priority, 62. goodness, 648. Superlative, perfect, 650. good, 648. Supernal, 206. Supernatant, 305. Supernatural, 976, 980. Supernumerary, redundant, 641. remaining, 40. Superposition, 37, 223. Superscription, mark, 550. writing, 590. evidence, 467. Supersede, disuse, 678. substitute, 117. Superstition, credulity, 486. religious, 984. Superstitious, 984. Superstratum, 220. Suoerstructure, 72). Supervene, happen, 151. succeed, 117. Supervention, 117. Supervise, 693. Supervision, 693. Supervisor, 691. Supine, horizontal, 213. inverted, 218. sluggish, 683. torpid, 823. Supineness, 683. Supper, 298. Supplant, 147. Supplanting, 147. Supple, soft, 324. servile, 886. Supplement, adjunct, 39. completion, 52. addition, 37. Suppleness, softness, 324. servility, 886. Suppletory, 37. Suppliant, 767. Supplicant, 767. Supplicate, beg, 765 pity, 914. worship, S90. Supplication, entreaty, 765. worship, 990. Supplies, materials, 635. aid, 707. Supply, give, 784. provide, 637. store, 636. Support, sustain, 215. operate, 170. bear, 826. evidence, 467. aid, 707. preserve, 670. endure, 821. Supporter, 215. Suppose, 514. Supposing, provided, 469. Supposition, 514 Supposititious, false, 544. supposed, 514. non-existing, 2. Suppress, conceal, 528. destroy, 162. smother, 585. Suppression, concealment, 528. destruction, 662. Suppute, 85. Supremacy, superior, 33. Supremacy, authority, 737. summit, 210. Supreme, superior, 33. crowning, 210. Supremely, 31. Surcease, 141. Surcharge, 641. Surcharged, 641. Surcingle, 45. Surd, 419. Surdity, 419. Sure, certain, 474. safe, 664. Surefooted, careful, 459. skilful, 698. Sureness, 664. Surety, security, 771. evidence, 467. Surf, foam, 353. tide, 348. Surface, 220. Surfeit, satiety, 869. redundance, 641. Surge, ocean, 341. wave, 348. swell, 305. Surgery, 662. Surliness, 895. Surly, gruff, 895. unkind, 907. Surmise, 514. Surmount, rise, 305. tower, 206. overcome, 731. Surmountable, 705. Surname, 564. Surpass, superior, 33. grow, 194. go beyond, 303. Surpassing, great, 31. Surplice, gown, 225. canonical, 99£L Surplus, remainder, 40. redundance, 641. Surplusage, remainder, 40. redundance, 641. Surprise, wonder, 870. non-expectation,508. disappointment, 509. Surprised, 870. Surprising, 870. Surprisingly, 31. Surrender, submit, 725. Surrender, obey, 743. relinquish', 782. Surrendering, 725» Surreptitious, false, 544. furtive, 528. Surrogate, 758. deputy, 759. Surround, 227, 229. Surveillance, superintendence, 693. Survey, view, 441. measure, 466. Survivance, 110. Survive, 110. Susceptibility, liability, 177. impressibility, 82f» excitability, 901. Susceptible, liable, 177. impressible, 822. irascible, 901. Susceptive, 822. Susceptivity, 177. Suscitate, cause, 153. produce, 161. induce, 615. excite, 825. stir up, 173. Suspect, 485. Suspend, hang, 214. discontinue, 141. defer, 133. stop, 265. Suspense, doubt, 485. discontinuance, 141» pause, 265. irresolution, 605. unwillingness, 603. uncertainty, 475 Suspension, discontinuance, 141 hanging, 214. stopping, 265. Suspicion, doubt, 485. fear, 860. incredulity, 487. uncertainly, 475. Sustain, support, 215. aid, 707. operate, 170. preserve, 670. Sustenance, 298. Sustentation, aid, 707. preservation, 670. Sutler, 797. Suture, 43. Swab, 652. Swaddle, 225. INDEX. 415 Swag, hang, 214. drop, 306. Swagger, strut, 878. bluster, 885. Swaggerer, 887. Swaggering, 885. Swain, 373, 876. Swallow, gulp, 296. believe, 484. brook, 826. destroy, 162. Swallowing, 296. Swamp, marsh, 345. destroy, 162. Swamped, 732. Swampy, 339, 344. Swan-pan, 85. Swap, interchange, 148. Swap out, 297. Sward, 344. Swarm, crowd, 72. sufficiency, 639. multitude, 102. abound, 641. Swarming, 72. Swarthy, 431. Swathe, clothe, 225, fasten, 43. Sway, power, 157. influence, 175. authority, 737. induce, 615. Swear, promise, 768. affirm, 535. Sweat, transude, 348. heat, 382. fatigue, 688. Sweep, space, 180. curve, 245. bend, 279. rapidity, 274. clean, 652. displace, 185. destroy, 162. devastation, 619,649. Sweeping, 50, 162. Sweepings, refuse, 653. trifle, 643. Sweet, saccharine, 396. agreeable, 820 lovely, 897. melodious, 413 Sweeten, 396. Sweetheart, 897 Sweetmeat, 396. Sweetness, saccharine, 396. Sweetness, pleasantness, 829. Swell, increase, 35. expand, 194, 202. bulge, 250. tide, 348. emotion, 821, 824. extol, 931. swagger, 885. Swelling, increasing, 35. expanding, 194. bombastic, 577. emotional, 821,824. Swelter, 282. Swept, 652. Swerve, deviate, 279. diverge, 291. change, 140. irresolution, 603. tergiversation, 607. quit, 624. Swerving, 279. Swift, 274. Swiftness, 274. Swig, tope, 959. Swill, tope, 959. Swim, float, 305. free, 705. navigate, 267. Swimming, successful, 731. vertigo, 503. buoyant, 320. Swindle, peculate, 791. cheat, 545. Swindler, defrauder, 792. sharper, 548. Swindling, 791. Swing, space, 180. play, 170. hang, 214. oscillate, 314. freedom, 748. Swinging, 31. Swinish, 954, 957. Switch, 975. Swivel, hinge, 312. cannon, 727 Swollen, proud, 878. Swoon, fainting, 160 fatigue, 688. Swoop, seizure, 789. descent, 306. Sword, 727. Swordsman, 726. Sycophancy, servility, 885. Sycophancy, adulation, 933. Sycophant, servility, 885. flatterer, 935. Sycophantic, servile, 885. adulatory, 933. Syllable, 561. Syllabus, list, 86. compendium, 596. Syllogism, 476. Sylph, 979. Sylphid, 979. Sylvan, 367. Symbol, sign, 550. mathematical, 84. Symbolization, 550. Symmetrical, form, 242. order, 58. beauty, 845. Symmetry, form, 242. order, 58. beauty, 845. Sympathetic, kind, 906. loving, 897. pitiful, 914. Sympathize, love, 897. pity, 915. Sympathy, kindness, 906. love, 897. pity, 914. Symphonious, 413. Symphony, music, 415. Symptom, 550. Symptomatic, 550. Synchronal, 120. Synchronous, 120. Synchronism, 120. Syncopation, 413. Syncope, 160. Synecdoche, 147. Synod, council, 696. church, 995. assemblage, 72. Synonyme, 564. Synonymous, 516. Synopsis, arrangement, 60. compendium, 596. Synoptical, 596. Syntax, 567. Synthesis, 48. Syringe, 337. Syrup, 396. System, order, 58. body, 490. plan, 626. Systematic, 58. T. Tabby, 400. Tabefaction, 195. Tabernacle, 189,1000. Tabid, lean, 203. shrivelled, 195. noxious, 649. Table, stand, 215. layer, 204. list, 86. record, 551. repast, 298 Table land, plain, 344. flat, 213. Table talk, 588. Tableau, painting, 556. Tablet, record, 551. writing, 590 layer, 204. Taboo, prohibition, 761. conjure, 992. Tabor, 417. Tabular, 204. Tabulate, arrange, 60, 69. register, 86. Tabulation, 551. Tacit, 516, 526. Taciturn, 528, 585 Taciturnity, 585. Tack, direction, 278. to turn, 279. change course, 140 Tack to, add, 37. join, 43. Tackle, gear, 633. fastening, 45. Tact, touch, 379. skill, 698. wisdom, 493. taste, 850. discrimination, 465 Tactician, adept, 700. clever, 698. Tactics, conduct, 692. plan, 626. skill, 698. warfare, 722. Tactile, 379. Tactility, 379. Taction, 379. Tactual, 379. Tadpole, 129 Tag, add, 37. fastening, 45 416 INDEX. Tag, adjunct, 39. end, 67. point, 253. Tail, end, 67. back, 235. adjunct, 39. Tailed, 214. Taint, disease, 655. decay, 659. dirt, 653. fault, 651. disgrace, 874. Tainted, diseased, 655t Taintless, 652. Take, to appropriate, 789. receive, 785. satisfy, 829. eat, 297. believe, 484. understand, 518. please, 769. Take after, 19. Take aim, 620. Take away, lose, 776. remove, 38. Take care, 864. Take down, note, 551. lower, 308. humiliate, 879. Take effect, 170. Take flight, 293. Take heed, 457. Take hold, 789. Take in, include, 54. admit, 296. learn, 539. understand, 518. cheat, 545. Take it, believe, 484. suppose, 514. Take off, remove, 185. vacate, 187. divest, 226. imitate, 19. personate, 554. Take out, 301, 552. Take part with, 707. Take place, 151 Take root, dwell, 186. Take ship, 267. Take up, inquire, 461. remain, 106. censure, 932. Take up with, bear, 826. use, 676. Take wing, 293. •'aken up, 457. Taking, vexation, 828. seizure, 789. anger, 900. Talbotype, 556. Tale, narrative, 594. counting, 85. Talebearer, 534. Talent, 698. Talisman, 993 Talk, speak, 582. rumor, 532. conversation, 588. Talkative, 584. Talkativeness, 584. Talker, 588. Tall, 206. Tallness, 206. Tallow, 356. Tally, 23, 85,550. credit, 805. Tally with, 646. Talmud, 985. Talons, claw, 633. authority, 737. Tambourine, 417. Tame, inert, 172. moderate, 174. feeble, 575. calm, 826. teach, 537. domesticate, 370. Tameness, 174. Tamper, action, 680. change, 140. activity, 682. Tan, 433. Tandem, 272. Tangible, touch, 379. material, 316. Tangle, derange, 61. weave, 219. Tangled, disordered, 59. matted, 219. Tank, recipient, 191 reservoir, 636. 9 ankard, 191. Tantalize, 865. Tantalization, 615. Tantamount, equal, 27. synonymous, 516. Tap, plug, 263. to let out, 297. Tape, 45. Taper, narrow, 203. sharp, 253. candle, 423. Tapering, 203, 253. Tapestry, 556. Tapis, 673. Tar, 269. Tardiness, delay, 133. slowness, 275. Tardy, dilatory, 133. untimely, 135. slow, 275. Tares, 643. Target, 620. Tariff, 812. Tarn, 343. Tarnish, discoloration, 429. deface, 846. spoil, 659. disgrace, 874. dishonor, 940. Tarnished, 846. Tarry, remain, 110. continue, 142. late, 133. expect, 507. rest, 265. Tart, acid, 397. rude, 895. irascible, 901. Tartan, 225. Tartar, 732, 901. Tartarus, 982. Tartness, 397, 895, 901. Task, business, 625. to put to use, 677. function, 644. lesson, 537. Taskmaster, 694. Tassel, 847. Taste, sapidity, 390. to experience, 821. discrimination, 850. Tasteful, 850. Tasteless, vapid, 391. unattractive, 866. Tastelessness, 391. Tasting, 390. Tasty, 850. Tatter, 51. Tatterdemalion, 876. Tatters, 225. Tattle, 588. Tattler, 588. Tattoo, 407. Taunt, reproach, 938. ridicule, 856. hoot, 929. Tautology, repetition, 104. diffuseness, 573. Tavern, 189. Tawdriness, 847,85], Tawdry, 851. Tawny, 432, 433. Tax, impost, 812. to accuse, 938. impose, 741. employ, 677. Teach, 537. Teachable, 539. Teacher, 540. Tear, separate, 44. destroy, 162. violence, 173. move rapidly, 274 weeping, 839. Tear out; 301. Tease, 830. Teasing, 830. Teat, 250. Technical, 690. Techy, 901. Tedium, 841. Teem, abound, 639. numerous, 102. Teemful, 168. Teeming, populous, 72. fruitful, 168. Teeinless, 169. Teens, 127. Teeth, 708. Teetotaler, 958. Teetotalism, 958. Tegument, 223. Tegumentary, 223. Telegraph, signal 550. velocity, 274. Telegraphic, 274 Telescope, 445. Tell, inform, 527. count, 85. speak, 582. describe, 594. Tell off, 85. Telltale, 467. Teller, 801. Telling, significant, 516. Temerity, 863. Temper, prepare, 673. nature, 5. elasticity, 323. softness, 324. affections, 820. to moderate, 174 soften, 826. irascibility, 901. Temperament, nature, 5. disposition, 820. miesic, 413. Temperance, 953. Temperate, moderate, 174. sober, 953. mild, 826. INDEX. 417 Temperateness, 174. Tempered, 820. Temperature, 382. Tempest, violence, 173. wind, 349. excitement, 825. Tempestivity, 134. Tempestuous, violent, 173. windy, 349. Temple, church, 1000. side, 236. building, 189. Temporal, transient, 111. laical, 997. Temporality, 997. Temporary, 111. Temporize, policy, 698. opportunity, 134. Tempt, entice, 615 desire, 865. Temptation, enticement, 615. desire, 865. Tempter, 615, 978. Tempting, 615. Temulency, 959. Ten, 98. Tenable, 664. Tenacious, retentive, 781. avaricious, 819. tough, 327. obstinate, 606. prejudiced, 481. Tenacity, toughness, 327. retentiveness, 781. resolution, 604. obstinacy, 606. prejudice, 481. Tenant, occupier, 188. possessor, 779. present, 186. Tenantless, 187. Tend, aid, 107. nurse, 707. contribute, 153. conduce, 176. serve, 743. direct to, 278. Tendency, service, 743. direction, 278. projieness, 176. Tender, soft, 324. loving, 897. susceptible, 822. compassionate, 914. to offer, 763. Tender-hearte , 906. 1 nderness, softness, 324. susceptibility, 822. compassion, 914. Tendril, 129. Tenebrious, 421. Tenement, house, 189. Tenet, belief, 484. creed, 983. Tenor, course, 7. degree, 26. direction, 278. meaning, 516. musical, 413. Tense, hard, 323. Tensile, 325. Tension, strength, 159 length, 200. hardness, 323. Tent, covering, 189, 223. Tentacle, 633. Tentative, experimental, 463. essaying, 675. Tenterhook, hook, 214. expectation, 507. Tenth, 99. Tenuity, rarity, 322. leanness, 203. smallness, 32. Tenure, 924. Tepid, 382. Terebration, 302. Tergiversation, change, 607. regress, 283. Term, place in series, 71. end, 67. degree, 26. limit., 233. period of time, 106. word, 562. name, 564. Termagant, 901. Terminal, 67. Terminate, end, 66, 729. Termination, limit, 233. death, 360. completion, 729. Terminology, 562. Termless, 105. Terms, conditions, 770. circumstances, 8. reasoning, 476. Tern, 93. Ternary, 93. Ternion. 92. Terrace, plain, 344. level, 213. buildings, 189. Terraqueous, land, 342. ■world, 318. Terrene, land, 342. world, 318. Terrestrial, land, 342. world, 318. Terrible, 860. Terribly, greatly, 31. Terrific, 830. Terrified, 860. Terrify, 860. Territory, 181. Terror, 860. Terrorism, 860. Terse, 572. Terseness, 572. Tertiary, 92. Tessellated, 440. Test, 463. Testament, 551, 985. Tester, 215. Testify, 467, 550. Testimonial, 467, 551. Testimony, 467. Testiness, 901. Testy, irascible, 901. rude, 895. Tetber, fasten, 43. moor, 265. restrain, 751. Tetrarch, 745. Text, meaning, 516. prototype, 22. theme, 454. printing, 591. Text book, lesson, 537. synopsis, 596. Textual, modal, 7. structural, 329. Texture, condition, 7. fabric, 329. Thankful, 916. Thankfulness, 916. Thankless, 917. painful, 830. Thanklessness, 917. Thank offering, 916. Thanks, gratitude, 916. worship, 990. Thanksgiving, 916. Thatch, 210. Thaumaturgy, 992. Thaw, melt, 333. Thaw, heat, 384. fuse, 335. Theatre, drama, 599. arena, 728. spectacle, 411. Theatrical, ostentatious, 882, dramatic, 599. Theft, 791. Theism, 987. Theist, 987. Theme, 454. Then, 121. Thence, cause, 155. departure, 293. time, 121. Thenceforth, 121. Thenceforvvards, 121 Theocracy, 976. Theocratic, 976. Theodolite, 466. Theological, 983. Theology, 983. Theorem, 454, 535. Theoretical, 514. Theory, knowledge, 490. attribution, 155. supposition, 514. Therapeutics, 662. There, 186. Thereabouts, nearly, 32. near, 197. Thereafter, 117. Thereby, 631. Therefore, reasoning, 476. attribution, 155. motive, 615. Therein, 221. Thereof, 9. Thereupon, 117. Therewith, 88. Thermal, 382. Thermometer, 389 Thermoscope, 389. Thesaurus, store, 636. words, 562. Thesis, theme, 454. affirmation, 535 Thespian, 599. Thetis, 341. Theurgy, 992. Thick, broad, 302. dense, 321. dumpy, 202. semi-liquid, 352. turbid, 426. numerous, 102. Thickcoming, 136 Thickening, dense, 321. viscid, 352. 418 INDEX. Thicket, 201, 367. Thickness, breadth, 202. denseness, 321. viscidity, 352. Thickset, 321. '1 hickskull, 499. Thief, 792. 7’hievery, 791. Thieving, 791. Thievish, 791. Thievishness, 7S'.. Thimbleful, 193. Thin, small, 193. narrow, 203. rare, 322. air, 4. scanty, 640. few, 103. to subduct, 38. Thing, 3. Things, events, 151. Think, cogitate, 451. believe, 484. Think fit, 609. Think of, intend, 620. Think upon, remember, 505. Thinness, smallness, 193. narrowness, 203. fewness, 103. Third part, 94. Thirdly, 93. Thirst, 865. Thirstiness. 865. Thirsty, 865. Thistle, 253. Thistledown, 320. Thistly, 253. Thither, 278. Thong, 45. Thorn, sharp, 253. painful, 830. pain, 378. Thorny, 253, 704 Thorough, 52. Thorough-going, 31. Thorough-bred, 698, 852. Thoroughfare, 260. Thoroughly, 31. Thorough-paced, 31. Though, notwithstanding, 179, 7)8. evidence, 468. Thought, reflection 451. maxim, 496. idea, 453. Thoughtful, reflecting, 451. wise, 498. 1 houghtless, incogitant, 452. careless, 460. foolish, 499. improvident, 674. Thoughtlessness, incogitancy, 452. inattention, 458. unskilfulness, 699. Thousand, 98. Thraldom, 749. Thrall, 749. Thread, tic, 45. filament, 205. continuity, 69. to pass through, 302. Thread one’s wav, 266, 463. Threadbare, bare, 226. imperfect, 651. Threat, 909. Threaten, future, 121. alarm, 669. menace, 909. Threatening, imminent, 121. menacing, 909. dangerous, 665. inauspicious, 859. Three, 90. Threefold, 93. Threshold, 66. Thrice, 93. Thrift, success, 731. prosperity, 734. economy, 817. Thriftless, 818. Thrifty, 817. Thrill, touch, 379. affect, 821, 824. Thrilling, tingling, 380. affecting, 821. charming, 629. Thrive, succeed, 731 prosper, 734, Throat, opening, 260 airpipe, 351. Throb, agitate, 315. emotion, 821. Throbbing, 821. Throe, violence, 173. agitation, 315. pain, 146, 378 828. 1 jrone, seat, 215. authority, 747. Throng, 72. Throttle, occlude, 261. suffocate, 361. Through, passage, 302. instrument, 631. owing to, 154. (go), effect, 720. Throughout, totality, 50. time, 106. Throw, propel, 284. exertion, 686. drive, 276. Throw away, lose, 776. relinquish, 782. Throw down,162,308. Throw in, 300. Throw off, 297. Throw overboard, 55. Throw up, 757. Thrum, 415. Thrush, 416. Thrust, push, 276. attack, 716. Thrust in, insert, 300. interpose, 228. Thumb, 379. Thumbscrew, 975. Thump, beat, 276. Thunder, noise, 404. violence, 173. Thunderbolt, 872. Thunderclap, 872. Thundering, 173. Thunderstorm, 173. Thunderstruck, 870. Thus, 8, 476. Thwart, obstruct, 706. intersect, 219. oppose, 708. Tiara, 747, 999. Tick, sound, 407. oscillation, 314. credit, 805. Ticket, 550. Tickle, touch, 380. please, 377. Ticklish, difficult, 704. uncertain, 475 Tidal, 348. Tide, ocean, 341. flood, 348. abundance, 639. course, 151. success, 731. Tidiness, 652. Tidings, 532. Tidy, 652. Tie, fasten, 43. fastening, 45. equality, 27. obligation, 926. Tiebeum, 215. Tie up, 751. Tier, continuity, 69 layer, 204. Tight, fast, 43. Tightness, 43. Tights, 225. Till, to cultivate, 371. coffer, 191. up to the time, 108i Tillage, 371. Tiller, 633. Tilt, slope, 217. descent, 306. cover, 223. toss, 284. Tilt at, 716. Tilt over, 218. Time, 106. Timeless, 135. Timeliness, 132. Timely, early, 132. opportune, 134. Timepiece, 114. Timepleaser, 941. Timeserver, servility, 836. apostate, 941. cunning, 702. versatile, 607. sycophant, 886. selfish, 943. Timeworn, old, 124. exhausted, 659. Timid, cowardly, 862. fearful, 860. humble, 8S1. Timidity, fear, 860. cowardice, 862. humility, 881. Timorous, (See Timid.) Tincture, 41. Tinder, 388. Tinge, color, 428. mix, 41. Tingle, 378, 380, 821 828. Tingling, 82, 380 Tinker, 658. Tinkle, 408. Tinsel, ornament, 847. glitter, 420. gewgaw, 851. Tint, 428. Tiny, little, 32. small, 193. Tip, summit, 210. end, 67. Tippet, 225. Tipple, 296, 959. Tippler, 959. Tippling, 959. Tipsy, 959. Tiptoe, high, 206. curiosity, 455. Tiptop 210. Tire, weary 841. worry, 830. fatiiruc, 688. Tired, 688, 841, 869 Tiresome, 688, 830, 841. Tiresomeness, 841 Tissue, 50, 329. Tit, small, 193 Titbit, 392. Tithe, 99. Titillate, 380 Titillation, 380. Title, distinction, 877. name, 564. mark, 550. right, 924. Titlepage, 66. Titled, 875. Titter, laugh, 838. Tittle, small quantity, 32. little, 192. Titubation, fall, 306. Titular, 562,564. To and fro, 214. To arms, 722. Toast, roast, 384. eelebrute, 833. Tocsin, alarm, 669. indication, 550. Toe, 211. Together, added, 37. simultaneous, 120. accompanying, 88. Toil, exertion, 686. activity, 682. trap, 667. craft, 702. Toiling, 682. Token, 550. Tolerable, 651. Tolerably, 32. Tolerance, permission, 761. endurance, 821. INDEX. 419 Tolerant, 740, 826. Tolerate, endure, 821. permit, 760. license, 750. lenity, 740. laxity, 738. Toleration, laxity, 738. license, 750. permission, 760 Toll, *sound, 407. tax, 812. Tolling, 363. Tomahawk, 727. Tomb, 363. Tome, 593. Tomfoolery, absurdity, 497. ridiculous, 856. amusement, 840. To-morrow, 121. Tomtit, 193. Tone, state, 7. strength, 159. melody, 413. minstrelsy, 415. color, 428. Tongue, 390, 560. Tongue of land, 342. Tongueless, 581. Tonguetied, 581. Tonic, 662. Tonnage, 192. Tonsure, 999. Too, 37. Tool, 633. Tooth, projection, 250. notch, 257. sharp, 253. link, 45. taste, 390. Toothed, 257. Top, summit, 210. spinning, 312. good, 648. Topaz-color, 436. Topgallant, 206. Tope, 959. Toper, 959. Topheavy, inverted, 218. dangerous, 665. unbalanced, 28. Topic, 454. Topical, 183. Topmast, 206. Topmost, 33, 210. Topography, 183. Topping, 206. Topple, fall, 306. ruin, 659. Topple over, 28, 218, 306. Toppling, 306. Topsawyer, 700. Topsyturvy, 59, 218. Torch, 423. Torchlight, 420. Torment, physical, 378. moral, 828, 830. Tormenting, 830. Tornado, violence, 173. wind, 349. Torpedo, 683. Torpid, inert, 172. insensible, 823 inactive, G83. Torpidity, inertness, 172. insensibility, 823. Torpor, inertia, 172. insensibility, 823. inactivity, 683. Torrefaction, 384. Torrefy, 384. Torrent, flow, 348. violence, 173. Torrid, 382. Torsion, 311. Tortoise, 275. Tortoise shell, 440. Tortuosity, 248. Tortuous, 248. Torture, physical, 378. moral, 828, 830. Toss, throw, 284. oscillate, 314. agitate, 315. derange, 61. Toss up, 156, 621 Tossing, 314. Total, 50. Totality, 59. Totally, 31. Totter, limp, 275. oscillate, 314. agitate, 315. waver, 149. decay, 659. Tottering, dangerous, 665. imperfect, 651. Touch, tact, 371. contiguity, 199. to relate to, 9. music, 415. mix, 41. reach, 729. small quantity, 32. treat on, 595. excite, 824. pity, 914. test, 463. Touch up, 658. Touched, 821. Toucmng, 19£ Touchstone, 4 57. Touchwood, 388, Touchy, 901. Tough, strong, 327. difficult, 704. Toughness, Strength, 327 difficulty, 704. Tour, 260. Tourist, 268. Tournament, 720 Tourney, 720. Tow, 283. Towards, 278. Tower, height, 208. building, 189. defence, 717. stability, 150. to soar, 51, 305. Towering, great, 31. passion, 900. Town, city, 189. fashion, 852. Township, 181. Townsman, 188. Town talk, 532. Toy, amusement, 840. trifle, 643. Trace, inquire, 461. discover, 480. vestige, 550, 551 Trace to, 155. Tracery, lattice, 219. ornament, 847. Traces, harness, 45. Trachea, 351 Track, way, 627. to trace, 461. pursue, 622. Trackless, difficult, 704. space, 180. Tract, region, 181. dissertation, 595 Tract of time, 109 Tractable, easy, 705. malleable, 324. Tractate, 595. Tractableness, 705 Tractile, easy, 705. malleable, 324. Tractility, malleability, 324. readiness, 705. Traction, 270,285 Trade, business. 625. 420 INDEX. Trade, traffic, 794. Trade wind, 349. Trader, 797. Tradesman, 797. Tradition, record, 551. description, 594. Traditional, 594. Traditionary, 594. Traduce, 932. Traducer, 936. Traffic, 794. Tragedian, 599. Tragedy, drama, 599. disaster, 830. Tragic, distressing, 830. dramatic, 599. Tragi-comic, 599. Tragi-coinedy, 856. Trail, sequel, 65. pendent, 214. draw, 285. slow, 275. indication, 551. to track, 461. Train, series, 69. thought, 451. sequel, 65. appendix, 39. traction, 285. teach, 537. accustom, 613. drill, 673. Trainband, 726. Trained, 673, 698. Training, drilling, 673. taming, 370. Trait, appearance, 448. lineament, 550. Traitor, 941. disobedient, 742. Trammel, fetter, 752. restrain, 751. hinder, 706. Tramontane, distant, 196. Tramp, to stroll, 266. Trample, violate, 927. bully, 885. spurn, 930. Trance, inactivity 683. Tranquil, calm, 174, 826. peaceful, 721. quiet, 265. fraternal, 714. to pacify, 723. Tranquillity, 265. Tranquillization, 174. Tranquillize, 723 Tranquilness, 826 Transact, conduct, 692. traffic, 794. Transaction, 151, 680, 769. Transalpine, 196. Transcend, go beyond, 303. be great, 31. be perfect, 650. Transcendence, goodness, 648. trespass, 303. Transcendent, great, 31, 33. perfect, 650. good, 648. glorious, 873. incomprehensible, 519. Transcolate, 348. Transcribe, write, 590. copy, 21. Transcriber, 590. Transcribing, 19. Transcript, write, 590. copy, 21. Transcursion, 303. Transept of church, crossing, 219, 1000. Transfer, things, 270. property, 783. remove, 185. Transferrence, 270. Transfiguration, divine, 140, 998. Transfigure, 140. Transfix, perforate, 260. Transform, 140. Transformation, 140. Transfuse, transfer, 270. mix, 41. translate, 522. Transfusion, 41. Transgress, go beyond, 303. infringe, 773. violate, 927. Transgression, trespass, 303. infringement, 773. violation, 927. sin 947. Transient, 111, 149. Transilience, 146, 303. Transilient, 303. Transit, 140, 144, 264, 270. Transition, 111, 140, 144, 264. Transitional, 264. Transitory, 111. Translate, interpret, 522. transfer, 270. Translation, interpretation, 522. transferrence, 270. heaven, 981. Translucent, 425. Transmigration, 140, 144. Transmission, moving, 270. of property, 783. • passage, 302. Transmit, 425. Transmontane, 196. Transmutation, 140, 144. Transmute, 140, 144. Transparency, 425. Transparent, 425. clear, 570. obvious, 518 Transpicuous, 425. Transpierce, 260 Transpire, appear, 525. disclose, 529. Transplant, 185, 270. Transplantation, 270. Transplendence, 420. Transplendent, 420 Transport, transfer, 185, 270. ship, 273. emotion, 821, 824. pleasure, 827, 829. Transportation, 270. Transported, 827. Transpose, displace, 185. invert, 218. transfer, 270. exchange, 148. Transposition, removal, 185. inversion, 218. exchange, 148. Transude, ooze, 295. exude, 348. Transverse, 217. Transversely, 219. Transversion, 219. Trap, 667. Trap door, escape, 671. pitfall, 667. Trapping, clothes, 225. ornament, 847 instrument, 61(3. Trappings, 39. Trash, absurdity, 497. trifle, 643. Trashy, weak, 477. trifling, 640. Travail, 686. Travc, 215. Travel, 266. Traveller, 268. Traverse, move, 266. pass, 302. obstruct, 706. Travest, copy, 21. to imitate, 19. misinterpret, 523. burlesque, 856 Travis, 215. Tray, 191. Treacherous, 940. Treachery, 940. Treacle, 396. Tread, 197, 266. Treadle, 633. Treadmill, 972. Treason, revolt, 742. treachery, 940. Treasure, money, 800. store, (536. perfection, 650. Treasure up in the memory, 505. Treasurer, 801. Treasury, 802. store, 636. Treat, manage, 692. bargain, 769. handle, 595. amuse, 840. please, 827. Treatise, 595. Treatment, 692. Treaty, 769. Treble, number, 93. music, 410,413. Tree, plant, 367. execution, 975. Trellis, 219. Tremble, agitate, 315. with cold, 385. waver, 149. with fear, 860. with emotion, 82., Trembling, wavering, 149. fearful, 860. Tremendous, great, 31. fearful, 860. Tremor, agitation, 315. feeling, 821. fear, 860. Tremulous, agitation, 315. feeling, 821. fear, 860. Trench, furrow, 259. INDEX. 421 Trench on, 197. Trench upon, 303. Trencher, plate, 191. layer, 204. Trenching on, 197. Trend, bend, 278. curve, 245. Trending, 278. Trepan, perforator, 262. Trepidation, agitation, 315. emotion, 821. fear, 860. Trespass, go beyond, 303. sin, 947. Tress, 256. Trestle, 215. Trevet, 215. Trev, 92. Triad, 92. Trial, experiment, 463. pain, 830. essay, 675. suffering, 828. difficulty, 704. lawsuit, 969. Triality, 92. Triangle, 244. Tribe, class, 75. assemblage, 72. Tribulation, 828. Tribunal, 966. Tributary, 784. Tribute, donation, 784. reward, 973. approbation, 931. Trice, 113. Trichotomy, 94. Trick, deception, 545. contrivance, 626. artifice, 702. to dress, 225. adorn, 845. Trickery, decqilion, 545. artifice, 702. tinsel, 851. Trickle, ooze, 295. drip, 348. Trickling, 295. Trickster, deceiver, 548. Tricky, 702. Trident, 341. Tried, employed, 677. fast, 888. Trifid, 94. Trifle, unimportant, 643. waste, 683. Trifle, small, 32. Trifle with, 460, 483. Trifling, 32, 643. Triform, 92. Trigger, 633. Trill, sound, 407, 408. music, 415. Trilogistic, 93. Trim, state, 7. form, 240. dress, 225. ornament, 847. to adjust, 27. deck, 845. prepare, 673. change sides, 607. Trimmer, fickle, 607. apostate, 941. Trimming, adjusting, 27. preparing, 673. Trimmings, 847. Trinal, 92. Trine, 93. Trinity, 92, 976. Trinket, 847. Trinomial, 92. Trio, 92, 415. Trip, jaunt, 266. haste, 274. to fall, 306. fail, 945. flounder, 495. guilt, 947. Trip up, 545. Tripartition, 94. Triple, 93. Triple crown, 999. Triplet, 92. Triplicate, 93. Triplicity, 93. Tripod, 215. Tripping, nimble, 682. failing, 495. Trippingly, quickly, 274. fluently, 584. Trisect, 94. Trisulcate, furrow, 259. Trite, 82, 496. Tritheism, 984. Triturate, 330. Trium ph, success, 731. trophy, 733. cheer, 836. exult, 838. boast, 884. celebrate, 883. Triumphal arch, 733. Triumphant, elated, 836. successful, 731. Triumphant, exulting, 388. Trivial, trifling, 643. petty, 32. trashy, 477. useless, 645. Troll, roll, 312. speed, 274. woman, 374. Trombone, 417. Troop, army, 726. assemblage, 72. Trooper, 726. Trope, 521. Trophy, record, 551, 733. Tropical, 183, 382. Trot, run, 266. velocity, 274. Troubadour, 416 Trouble, derange, 71. evil, 619, 649. pain, 828. painful, 830. exertion, 686. Troublesome, 704, 830. Troublesomeness, 704, 830. Troublous, 59, 686. Trough, conduit, 250. trench, 259. hollow, 252. Trousers, 225. Trow, think, 451. believe, 484. know, 490. Trowel, 191. Truant, idle, 683. apostate, 941. Truantship, 683. Truce, 141, 721, 723. Truck, 272. vehicle, 272. barter, 794. Truculence, 907. Truculent, 907. Trudge, 266,275. True, real, 1. accurate, 17. veracious, 543. good, 648. positive, 516. orthodox, 983, a faithful, 772. Truelove, 897. Truism, 490. Truly, really, 31. sincerely, 543. Truly verily, 494. assent, 488. Trump up, 445, 544. Trumpery, 473, C43. Trumpet, instrument, 417. to publish, 531. war cry, 722. Trumpeter, 416, 534. Trumpet-tongued, 404, 531. Truncate, shorten, 201. subduct, 38. Truncated, 201. Truncation, 38. Truncheon, club, 727. staff of office, 747. mace, 633. Trundle, roll, 312. propel, 284. Trunk, whole, 50. origin, 153. paternity, 166. box, 191. Truss, bed, 215. join, 43. packet, 72. Trust, credit, 805. belief, 484. memory, 515. hope, 858. Trustiness, 939. Trustless, 940. Trustworthiness, 939. Trustworthy, 939. Trusty, 939. Truth, 494, 543. Truthful, 543. Truthfulness, 543. Truthless, 544. Try, experiment, 463. endeavor, 675. use, 677. Tub, vessel, 191. deception, 545, 546 Tube, 260. Tubercle, 250. Tuberosity, 250. Tuberous, 250. Tubular, 200. Tubule, 260. Tuck, fold, 258. Tuck in, locate, 184. Tuft, rough, 256. collection, 72 fug, pull, 285. effort, 686. 422 INDEX Tug, ship, 273 Tuition, 537. Tulip, 440. Tumble, fall, 306. derange, 61. spo'u, 659. agitate, 315. Tumbler, glass, 191. buffoon, 844. '1 building, 856. Tumbrel, 272. Tumefaction, 194. Tumorous, 250. Tumid, 192. Tumor, 250. Tumult, disorder, 59. agitation, 315. resistance, 719. excitement, 825. emotion, 825. revolt, 742. Tumultuary, 59. Tumultuation, 315. Tumultuous, 59. Tumulus, 303. Tunable, 413. Tune, music, 413, 415. to prepare, 673. Tuneful, 413. Tunic, cover, 223. dress, 225. Tunicle, cover, 223. dress, 225. Tu image, 192. Tunnel, 260. Turban, 225. Turbid, opaque, 426. foul, 653. Turbidness, 426 Turbinated, 248. Turbulence, violence, 173. agitation, 315. excitation, 825. Turbulent, disorderly, 59. violent, 173. excited, 825. Tureen, 191. Turf, 344, 728. Turgescence, expansion, 194. redundance, 641. Turgescent, expanded, 194. redundant, 641. exaggerated, 549. Turgid, 192, 549. Turgidity, size, 192. pomposity, 577. Turmoil, confusion, 59. agitation, 315. violence, 173. Turn, state, 7. juncture, 134. form, 240. of expression, 566. period of time, 138. curvature, 215. coil, 248. deviation, 279. circuition, 311. blunt, 254. rotation, 312. change, 140. translate, 522 purpose, 620. aptitude, 698. emotion, 820. Turn away, diverge, 296. dismiss, 756. Turncoat, 941. Turn out, happen, 151. eject, 297. equipage, 852 Turn over, invert, 218. derange, 61. pages, 457. reflect, 451. Turn round, 312. Turn up, happen, 151. chance, 621. Turning, 311. Turning point, 67. Turn to, 144. Turnpike road, 627. Turns, 138. Turpitude, dishonor, 940. disgrace, 874. Turret, 206. Tush, silence, 403. taciturn, 585. Tusk, 253. Tutelage, 664. Tutelary, 664, 912. Tutor, teacher, 540. to teach, 537. Twaddle, absurdity, 497. loquacity, 584. Twang, taste, 392. sound, 402, 410. voice, 583. Twattle, talk, 584. jargon, 497. Tweak, squeeze, 195, 203. punish, 972. Tweedle, 215. Twelfth, 99. Twelve, 98. Twenty, 98. Twice, 90. Twig, 51. Twilight, morning, 125. evening, 126. gray, 432. Twill', 219, 258. Twilled, 219. Twin, duplicate, 89. similar, 17 Twine, thread, 45. skirt, 227. intersect, 219. convolution, 248. cling, 46. Twinge, pain, 378. Twining. 219, 311. Twinkle,113,420,422. Twinkling, moment, 113. Twirl, 315. convolute, 248. turn, 311, 312. Twist, cord, 45. distort, 243. obliquity, 217. convolution, 248. bend, 311. imperfection, 651. prejudice, 481. Twisting, 311. Twit, 932. Twitch, pull, 285. Twitter, cry, 412. music, 415. Two, 89. Twofold, 89. Tympanum, 418. Tympany, 194. Type, pattern, 22. rule, 80. indication. 550. printing, 591. Typhoon, 173. Typical, 521. Typify, 550. Typography, 591. Tyrannize," 739. Tyranny, 739. Tyrant, 745. Tyro, 541. u. Uberty, 639. Ubiquitous, 180, 186. Ubiquity, 186. Ugliness, 846. Ugly, 846. U.cer, disease, 655. Ulterior, in space, 196. in time, 121. Ultimate, 67. Ultra, 33. Ultramarine, 438. Ultramontane, 195 Ultramundane, 196. Ululation, 412. Umbilical, 222. Umbrage, shade, 424. darkness, 421. pate, 889. offence, 930. grudge, 898. Umbrageous, 421. Umpire, 480, 967. 5 Unabashed, bold, 881. haughty, 873. proud, 878. insolent, 885. conceited, 880. Unabated, 31. Unable, 158. Unacceptable, 830. Unacceptableness, 830. Unaccommodating, disagreeing, 24 uncivil, 895. \ thankless, 830. Unaccompanied, f? Unaccomplished, 7711 Unaccountable, obscure, 519. wonderful, 870. arbitrary, 964. irresponsible, 927. Unaccustomed, unused, 614. unskilled, 699. unusual, 83. Unachievable, difficult, 704. impossible, 471. Unacknowledged, ignored, 489. unrequited, 917. Unacquainted, 491. Unacquaintedness, 491. Unactuated, 616. Unadmonished, 665 Unadorned, simple, 849. style, 575. Unadulterated, simple, 42. genuine, 494. good, 648. Unadventurous, 864. Unadvisable 647. Unadvised, 665, 699 Unaffected, callous, 376. INDEX. 423 UnatTected, genuine, 494. plain, 849. sincere, 543. in good taste, 850. Unafflicted, 831. Unaided, weak, 160. unsupported, 708. Unalarmed, 861. Unalienable, 924. Unallayed, 159. Unallied, 10. Unallowable, 923. Unallowed, 923. Unalloyed, 827. Unalluring, 866. Unalterable, identical, 13. unchanged, 142. unchangeable, 150. Unaltered, identical, 13. •unchanged, 142. unchangeable, 150. Unamazed, 871. Unambiguous, 518. Unambitious, 866. Unamiable, 907. Unanimity, accord, 714. assent, 488. Unannexed, 44. Unanswerable, demonstrative, 478. certain, 474. irresponsible, 927. arbitrary, 964. Unanticipated, 132. Unappalled, 861. Unapparent, invisible, 447. latent, 526. Unappeasable, 173. Unapplied, 678. Unapprehended, 491. Unapprehensive, 861. Unapprized, 491. Unapproachable, distant, 196. great, 31. Unapproached, distant, 196. great, 31. Unapproved, 932. Unapt, incongruous, 24. inexpedient, 647. unskilful, 699. Unarmed, 158, 160. Unarranged, in disorder, 59. unprepared, 674. Unarrayed, 849. Unascertained, 491. Unasked, voluntary, 600, 602 Unaspiring, indifferent, 866. modest, 881. Unassailable, 664. Unassailed, 748. Unassembled, 73. Unassisted, 160, 708. Unassociated, 44. Unassuming, 881. Unatoned, 951. Unattached, 44. Unattainable, difficult, 704. impossible, 471. Unattained, 732. Unattempted, 623. Unattended, 87. Unattended to, 460. Unattested, counter evidence, 468. unrecorded, 552. Unattracted, 616,868. Unattractive, 866. Unauthentic, 475. Unauthenticated,552. Unauthoritative, 474. Unauthorized, undue, 925. •wrong, 923. slack, 738. lawless, 964. Unavailing, useless, 645. failure, 732. Unavoidable, necessary, 601. fated, 152. certain, 474. Unavowed, 489. Unawakened, 683. Unaware, ignorant, 491. impulsive, 601. Unawares, 508. Unawed, 861. Unbalanced, 28. Unbar, 750. Unbeaten, 731. Unbecoming, undue, 925. base, 874. disgraceful, 940. incongruous, 24. Unbefitting, undue, 925. base, 874. disgraceful, 940. incongruous, 24. TJnbefriended, 708. Unbegotten, 2. Unbeguile, 529. Unheguiled, 490. Unbegun, 674. Unbeheld, 447. Unbelief, 485. infidelity, 988. incredulity, 487. Unbeliever, incredulous 487. infidel, 988 Unbelieving, 485. Unbeloved, 898. Unbend, straighten, 246. repose, 687. Unbending, hard, 323. the mind, 452. resolute, 604. strai ghtforward, 282. Unbenighted, 490. Unbent, 246, 452. Unbeseeming, 940. Unbesought, 602,766. Unbestowed, 785. Unbetrayed, 939. Unbewailed, 932. Unbiased, wise, 498. spontaneous, 602. just, 480. uninfluenced, 616. Unbidden, spontaneous, 600. Unbigoted, 490. Unbind, detach, 44. release, 750. Unblamable, 946. Unblemish, 946. Unblenching, 861. Unblended, 42. Unblest, 828, 932. Unblushing, impudent, 885. proud, 878. vain, 880. Unboastful, 881. Unbodied, 317. Unbolt, 44, 750. Unborn, future, 121. not existing, 2. Unborrowed, 787. Unbosom, 529. Unbought, 796, 942. Unbound, free, 748. exempt, 927. Unbounded, great, 31. large, 192. infinite, 105. space, 180. Unbrace, weaken, 160. Unbreathed, 526. Unbribed, 942. Unbridled, lax, 738. free, 748. Unbroken, entire, 50. continuous, 69. unviolated, 939. Un bruised, 50. Unbuckle, 44. Unburdened, 705. Unbusied, 083. Uncage, 750. Uncalculating, 863. Uncalled for, useless, 645. not used, 678. Uncandid, morose, 907. insincere, 544. Uncared for, indifferent, 866. disliked, 867. hated, 898. Uncase, 226. Uncaught, 748. Uncaused, 156. Unceasing, 112, 136 Uncensured, 931. Unceremonious, rude, 895. vain, 880. Uncertain, 475. irregular, 139. vague, 519. Uncertainty, vagueness, 519. irregularity, 139. doubt, 485. Unchain, unfasten, 44. liberate, 750. free, 748. Unchained, 748. Unchangeable, firm, 150, 604. Unchangeableness, •permanence, 150. firmness, 604. Unchanged, 142. Uncharitable, 907. Uncharitableness, 907. Unchartered, 925,96-» Unchaste, 981. Unchastised, 970. Unchecked, 748. Uncheerful, 837. Unchristian, 988. Uncircumspect, 4C0 Uncivil, rude, 895. impolite, 851. vulgar, 876. Uncivilized, rude, 895. vulgar, 876. Unclaimed, 748. Unclasp, 44. Unclassed, 59. Unclassical, 851. Unclassified, 59. Unclean, 653. Uncleanness, 653. Unclinch, 44. Unclipped, 50. Unclog, 705, 750. Unclose, 260. Unclothe, 226. Unclouded, light, 420. joyful, 827. Unclutch, 790. | Uncoif, 226 INDEX. 424 Uncoil, straighten, 246. evolve, 313. Uncollected, 73. Uncolored, 42ft Uncombed, 851 Uncombined, 4~. Uncomeliness, fi-« 1 Uncomely, 846. Uncomfortable, annoyed, 828. annoying, 830. Uncommendable, bad, 945. blamable, 932. Uncommon, rare, 83. strange, 870. Uncommonly, 31. Uncommunicative, close, 585. concealing, 528. Uncommunicative- ness, 528. Uncompact, 322. Uncompassionate, 907. Uncompclled,600,748. Uncomplaisant, 895. Uncompleted,730,732. Uncomplying, refusing, 764. disobedient, 742. Uncompounded, 42. Uncompressed, rare, 322. Uncompromising, 82, 739. Unconceived, unmeaning, 517. Unconcern, 866. Unconcocted, 674. Uncondemned, 970. Unconditional, 762, a. 768, a. Unconducing, 176. Unconducivo, 176. Unconducted, 612. Unconducting, 176. Unconfined, 748. Unconfirmed, 475. TJnconformable, disagreeing, 24. irregular, 83. U nconformableness, 83. Unconfused, clear, 518. methodical, 58. Unconfuted, true, 494. demonstrated, 478 Uncongealed, 333. Uncongenial, disagreeing, 24. insalubrious, 657 Unconnected, irrelative, 10. discontinuous, 70. Unconquerable, 157 Unconquered, 719. Unconsenting, refusing, 704. unwilling, 003. Unconscionable, excessive, 31. unprincipled, 945. Unconscious, insensible, 823. ignorant, 491. Unconsciousness,491. Unconsidered, 452. Unconsolidated, 47. Unconsonant, 24. Unconspicuous, 477, 520. Unconstitutional, 925, 964. Unconstrained, free, 748. willing, 600. rude, 880. Unconsumed, remaining, 40. Uncontested, 474 Uncontradicted, 4,38. Uncontrite, 951. Uncontrollable, violent, 173. emotion, 825. Uncontrolled,748,825. Uncontroverted, 488. Unconversant, ignorant, 491. unskilled, 699. Unconverted, 489. Unconvinced, 489. Uncopied, 20. N Uncork, 750. Uncorrupt, 939, 946. Uncorrupted, 942,946. Uncouple, 44. Uncourteous, 895. Uncourtliness, 895. Uncourtly, 895. Uncouth, ugly, 846. ridiculous, 853. style, 579. vulgar, 851. Uncouthness, ugliness, 840. style, 579. Uncover, open, 260. denude, 226. disclose, 52ft Uncreated, 2. Uncropped, 50 Unction, emotion, 824. piety, 987. religions, 976, 998. Unctuous, oily, 355. flattering, 933. Unctuosity, 355. Unctuousness, 355. Unculled, 678, 782. Unculpable, 946. Uncultivated, ignorant, 491. unprepared, 674. Uncurbed, 748. Uncurl, 246. Uncustomary, 614. Uncut, 50. Undamaged, 648. Undamped, 340. Undated, time, 115. Undaunted, 861. Undazzled, 498. Undebauched, 946. Undecayed, 648. Undeceive, 527, 529. Undeceived, 490. Undecided, 461, 475, 605. Undecipherable, 519. Undecked, 849. Undecomposed, 42. Undefaced, 845. Undefended, 725 Undefiled, 946. Undefinable, unmeaning, 517. obscure, 519. uncertain, 475. Undefined, unmeaning, 517. obscure, 519. uncertain, 475. Undeformed, 845. Undemolished, entire, 59. good, 648. Undemonstrable,475. Undeniable, 474. Undeplored, 898. Undepraved, 946. Undeprived, 781. Under, below, 207. less, 34. Underbreath, 405. Underbred, 851. Undercurrent, 347. Underestimate, 483. Underestimation, 483. Underfoot, 207. Undergo, 821. Underground, low, 207. deep, 208. Underhand, 528 Underline, mark, 550. emphatic, 642. Underling, servant, 746. clown, 876. Underlining, 550. Underlying, 207. Undermine, burrow, 269. counteract, 706. damage, 659. dipress, 252. Under ned, 156. Undermost, 211. Underneath, 207. Underpin, 215. Underplot, 626. Underprop, 215. Underrate, 483. Underreckon, 483. Undersell, 796. Undersign, 590. Undersize, 193. Undersized, 193. Understand, know, 490. meaning, 516. intelligible, 518. Understanding, intellect, 450. knowledge, 490. agreement, 714. Understood, implied, 516. metaphorical, 521. Understrapper, 746. Undertake, promise, 7C8. pursue, G22. endeavor, 676. Undertaking, enterprise, 676. pursuit, 622. business, 625. Undertone, 405. Undervalue, 483. Underwood, 367. Underwrite, 769. Unde.scribcd, 83. Undeserved, 925. Undesigned, 601, 621, Undesigning, 703. Undesirable, 830,866. Undesired, 866. Undesirous, 866. Undespairing, 858. Undestroyed, whole, 53. persisting, 142. existing, 1. Undetermined, irresolute, 605. untried, 461. obscure, 519. chance, 156. Undeveloped, latent, 526 Undeviating, progression, 282. straight, 246, ‘17fit mid course, 629. unchanged, 150. Undevout, 988. Undigested, unarranged, 5. crude, 674. Undignified, 940. Undiminished, whole, 50. great, 31, 35. Undirected, deviating, 279. casual, 621 INDEX. 425 Undiscerned, 447. Undiscerning, blind, 442. stupid, 499. Undisciplined, 699. Undisclosed, 528. Undisguised, explicit, 516. sincere, 543. true, 494. Undismayed, 861. Undisposed of, 678, 781. Undisputed, 474. Undissolved, entire, 50. dense, 321. Undistinguishable, 465, a. Undistinguished, 465, a. Undistorted, straight, 246b true, 494. Undistracted, 457. Undisturbed, quiet, 265. calm, 826. contented, 831. orderly, 58. rest, 685. Undiverted, 604. Undivided, 50. Undivulged, 528. Undo, untie, 44. take down, 681. counteract, 708. reverse, 145. Undoing, ruin, 735. pain, 830. Undone, 73. incomplete, 730. foiled, 732. hapless, 828. Undoubted, 474. Undreaded, 861. Undreamed, 452. Undress, nudity, 226. morning dress, 225. simplicity, 849. Undressed, unprepared, 674. unadorned, 849. Undried, 339. Undrilled, 674, 699. Undriven, 602. Undrooping, 682. Undue, 923, 925. Undulate, oscillate, 314. wave, 248. Undulation, waving, 248. oscillating, 314. Unduteous, 945. Ui/dyed, 429 Undying, perpetual, 112. immutable, 150. unearned, 925. Unearthly, immaterial, 317. heavenly, 981. pious, 987. Uneasiness, 828. Uneasy, 828. Unedifying, misteaching, 538. Uneducated, ignorant, 491. unskilful, 699. unprepared, 674. Unembarrassed, 852. Unemployed, inactive, 683. not used, 678. Unencumbered, easy, 705. exempt, 927. Unendeared, 898. Unending, 112. Unendurable, 830. Unenlarged, 203. Unenlightened, dark, 421. ignorant, 491. foolish, 499. Unenslaved, 748. Unenterprising, 864. Unentertaining, 843. Unenthralled, 748. Unentitled, 925. Unenvied, 930. Unequal, 28. unjust, 923. unable, 158. Unequalled, 33. Unequipped, 674. Unequivocal, sure, 474. clear, 518. Unequivocally, 31. Unerring, certain, 474. true, 494. innocent, 946. Unessayed, 678. Unessential, 643. Uneven, rough, 256. unequal, 28. Unevenness, inequality, 28. roughness, 256. Unexact, 495. Unexaggerated, 494. Unexamined, 460. Unexceptionable, good, 648. legitimate, 924. innocent, 946. Unexcited, 826. Unexecuted, 730. Unexempt, 177. Un exercised, unused, 678 Unexercised, unprepared, 674. unskilled, 699. Unexerted, 172. Unexhausted, vigorous, 159. abundant, 639. Unexpanded, 195. Unexpected, 508. early, 132.* wonderful, 870. Unexpensive, 815 Unexplained, latent, 526. unknown, 491 Unexplored, latent, 526. unknown, 491. Unexposed, unseen, 526. Unexpressed, hid, 526. Unextended, 317. Unextinguished, violent, 173. burning, 382. Unfaded, color, 428. fresh, 648. Unfading, 112. Unfailing, constant, 142. Unfair, unjust, 923. dishonorable, 940. false, 544. Unfairness, 923. Unfaithful, 940. Unfaltering, 604. Unfamiliar, 83. Unfashionable, 614, 851. Unfashioned, formless, 241. unwrought, 674. Unfasten, 44. Unfathomable, deep, 208. infinite, 105. Unfathomed, 208. Unfavorable, obstructive, 706,708. out of season, 135. unlikely, 473. Unfeared, 861. ' Unfeasible, 471. Unfed, fasting, 956. deficient, 640. Unfeeling, 823. Unfeigned, 543. Unfelt, 823. Unfeminine, 851. Unfertile, 169. Unfetter, unfasten, 44. release, 750. Unfettered, spontaneous, 600. Un filliped, 730. Unfit, inappropriate, 24. inexpedient, 647. unjust, 923, 925. Unfix, disjoin, 44. mutable, 149. Unfixed, irresolute, 605. changeable, 149- Unflagging, 682. Unflattering, sincere, 543. Unfledged, young, 129. unprepared, 674. Unflinching, resolute, 604. bravery, 861. persevering, 682. Unfoiled, 731. Unfold, evolve, 313. straighten, 246. disclose, 529. interpret, 522. Unfolding, 313. Unforbidden, 760. Unforced, free, 748. willing, 602. Unforeseen, 508, 870. Unforfeited, 781. Unforgiving, 919. Unforgotten, 505. Unformed, 674. Unfortified, 160. Unfortunate, failure, 732. adversity, 735. unhappy, 828. untimely, 135. Unfounded, 544. Unfrequent, 137. Unfrequented, 893. Unfrequently, 137. Unfriended, weak, 160. enmity, 889. Unfriendly, 708, 889. malevolent, 907. Unfrozen, 382. Unfruitful, 169. Unfruitfulness, 169. Unfulfilled, 773, 925. Unfurl, 313, 550. Unfurnished, unprepared, 674. insufficient, 640. Ungainliness, 846. Ungainly, ugly, 846. rude, 895. Ungarnished, plain, 849. Ungathered, 678. Ungenerous, stingy, 819 selfish, 943 Ungenial, 657. 426 INDEX. Uugenteel, rude, 895. Ungentle, rude, 895. violent, 173. Ungentlemanly, vulgar, 851. rude, 895. dishonorable, 940 Ungifted, 499. Ungird, 44. Unglue, 44, 47. Ungodliness, 9881 Ungodly, 988. Ungovernable, violent, 173. passion, 825. Ungoverned, 748. Ungraceful, ugly, 846. vulgar, 851. Ungracious, uncivil, 895. unfriendly, 907 Ungrammatical, 568. Ungranted, 764. Ungranting, 764. Ungrateful, 917. Ungrounded, 495. Ungrudging, 816. Unguarded, neglected, 460. dangerous, 665. spontaneous, 612. Unguent, 356. Unguided, 491, 699. IJnguilty, 946. Unhabitable, 187. Unhabituated, 614. Unhackneyed, 614, 699. Unhallowed, profane, 989. Unhandsome, 940. Unhandy, 699. Unhappiness, 828. Unhappy, 828. Unliardened, penitent, 950. innocent, 946. Unharmed, 664. Unharmonious, discord, 414. incongruous, 24. Unharness, disjoin, 44. liberate, 750. Unhatched, 674. Unhazarded, 664 Unhealthy, ill, 655. unwholesome, 657. Unheard of, ignorant, 491. exceptional, 83. impossible, 471. wonderful, 870. Unheeded, 460. Unhelped, 708. Unhesitating, 604. Unhewn, formless, 241. unprepared, 674. Unhindered, free, 748. Unhinge, weaken, 169. derange, 61. Unhinged, 732. relax, 100. Unholiness, 988. Unholy, 988. Unhonored, 874. Unhook, 44. Unhoped, 508. Unhorse, 732. Unhorsed, 732. Unhoused, 185. Unhurt, 670. Unicorn, monster, 83. Unideal, true, 494. existing, 1. Uniform, homogeneous, 16. simple, 42. orderly, 58. regular, 82. symmetrical, 242. livery, 225. Uniformity, in order, 58. in usage, 80. inform, 242. Uniformly, 16. Unilluminated, 421. Unimagined, 1, 494. Unimitated, 20. Unimpaired, preserved, 670. sound, 648. Unimpassioned, 826. Unim peached, innocent, 946. praised, 931. Unimpelled, 616. Unimportant, 643. Unimpressed, 823. Unimpressible, 823. Unimproved, 659. Unincited, 616. Unincreased, 36. Uninduced, 616. Uninfected, 652. Uninfectious, 656. Uninfluenced, obstinate, 606, 616. Uninfluential, 172. Uninformed, 491. Uninhabitable, 187. Uninhabited, 187. Uninitiated, 699. Uninjured, good, 648. preserved, 670. healthy, 654. Jnmquisitive, 456. Jninspired, unexcited, 823. Uninspired, unactuated, 016. Uninstructed, 491. Unintellectual, imbecile, 452, 499. Unintelligent, 499. Unintelligible, style, 519,571. Unintelligibleness, 519. Unintended, 601. Unintentional, 001, 621. Uninterested, 841. Uninteresting, 841. Unintermitting, unbroken, 09. durable, 110. continuing, 143. active, 082. Uninterrupted, continuous, 69. unremitting, 143. Uninured, 614. Uninvented, 526. llninvestigated, 491. Uninvited, 893. Union, junction, 43. combination, 48. concord, 23, 714. concurrence, 178. marriage, 903. Unique, alone, 87. exceptional, 83. Unirritating, 174. Unison, agreement, 23. concord, 714. uniformity, 16. melody, 413. Unisonant, 413. Unit, 87. Unite, join, 43. league, 712. combine, 48. agree, 23. concur, 178. assemble, 72. converge, 290. Unity, singleness, 87. concord, 714. divine, 976. integrity, 50. Universal, 78. Universe, 318. University, 542. Unjust, 923, 925. Unjustifiable, 923, 925. Unjustified, 923, 925. Unkempt, slovenly, 053, 851. Unkennel, turn out, 185. Unkind, 907. Unknown, ignorant, 491. latent, 526. tn fame, 874. Unlabored, style, 578. Unlace, 44. Unlade, 270, 297. Unladylike, vulgar, 851. rude, 895. Unlamented, 898, 932. Unlatch, 44. Unlawful, undue, 925. illegal, 904. Unlawfulness, vnducncss, 925. unjustness, 923. Unlearn, 590. Unlearned, 491. Unless, circumstances, 8. qualification, 409. condition, 770. rule, 83. Unlettered, 491. Unlicensed, 701. Unlike, 18. Unlikeliness, 473 Unlikeness, 18. Unlikely, 473. Unlimited, infinite, 105. space, 180. great, 31. Unlink, 44. Unliquefied, 321. Unlivelv, dull, 843. Unload, unpack, 297. disencumber, 705. empty, 270. Unloaded, 705. Unlock, unfasten, 44. explain, 402. Unlocked for, 132, 508. Unloose, unfasten, 44. liberate, 750. Unloved, 898. Unlucky, inopportune, 135. painful, 830. failing, 732. unfortunate, 735. luckless, 828. bad, 649. Unmaimed, 654. Unmake, 145. Unmanageable, perverse, 704. unwieldy, 047. Unmanly, 940. Unmanned, | weak, 160. INDEX. 427 Unmanned, sad, 837 Unmannered,895. Unmannerly, 895. Unmarked, 4C0. Unmarred, sound, 654. preserved, 070. Unmarried, 904. Unmask, show, 535. disclose, 529. Unmatched, unparalleled, 20. dissimilar, 15, 18. Unmeaning, 517. Unmeant, 517. Unmeasured, abundant, 639. infinite, 105. undistinguished, 465, a. Unmeditated, impulsive, 612. casual, 621. Unmeet, 925. Unmelodiotis, 414. Unmelted, 321. Unmentioned, 526. Unmerciful, 907, 914, a. Unmerited, 925. Unmethodical, 59. Unmindful, ungrateful, 458, 460, 917. Unmindfulness, 458. Unmingled, 42. Unmissed, 460. Unmistakable, clear, 518. visible, 446. Unmitigable, 173. Unmixed, 42. Unmodified, 142. Unmolested, 831. safe, 664. Unmourned, 898. Unmoved, quiescent, 265. resolute, 6 14. obstinate, 606. torpid, 823. uninduced, 616. Unmusical, 414. Unmuzzled, 748. Unnamed, 565. Unnatural, 83. Unnecessary, 645. Unneeded, 645. Unnerved, 158, 160 Unnoted, neglected, 406. ignoble, 874. Unnoticed, neglected, 406. ignoble, 874. Unnumbered, 105. Unnurtured, 674. UnobjeCS'.?nable, 651 | Unobnoxious, 648. I Unobscured, 420. Unobserved, 450. Unobservant, 458. Unobstructed, free, 709, 748. clear, 705. Unobtainable, 471. Unobtained, 776. Unobtrusive, 881. Unoccupied, vacant, 187. unthinking, 452. inactive, 683. Unoffended, humble, 879. Unofficial, 964. Unoften, 137. Unopened, 281. Unopposed, 709. Unorganized, mineral, 358. unprepared, 674. Unornamented, style, 576, 846,849. Unostentatious, 881. Unpacified, 713. Unpack, 297. Unpaid, 808. Unpalatable, unsavory, 395. disagreeable, 830, 867. Unpalatableness, 395. Unparalleled, great, 31. exceptional, 83. unmatched, 20. Unpardonable, 945. Unpatriotic, 911. Unpeaceful, 722. Unpenetrated, 281. Unpeople, 185. Unperceived, latent, 526. neglected, 460. unknown, 491. Unperformed, 730. Unperjured, 939. Unperpiexed, 498. Unpersuadable, 606. Unphilosophical, 499. Unpierced, 261. Unpin, 44. Unpitying, ruthless, 907. angry, 900. Unpleasant, 830. Unpleasantness, 830. Unpleasing, 830. Unpoetical, 598. Un polished, rode, 895. vulgar, 851. Un polite, 895. Unpolluted, e48. Unpopular, 830, 867. Unpossessed, 776. Unpractised, 699. Unprecedented, 83. Unprejudiced, 480, 498. Unpremeditated, impulsive, 612. unprepared, 621, 674. Unprepared, 674. Unprepossessed, 498. Unpresentable, 851. Unpretending, 881. Unprevented, 748. Unprincipled, 945. Unprivileged, 925. Unprized, 483.. Unproclaimed, 526. Unproduced, 162. Unproductive, barren, 169. useless, 645. U n produ ctiven ess, barrenness, 169. inutility, 645. Unproficiency, 699. Unprofitable, useless, 645. improper, 647. bad, 649. unproductive, 169. Unprofitableness, barrenness, 169. uselessness, 645. Unprolific, 169. Unpromising, 859. Unprompted, 612. Un pronounced, 526. Unpropitious, ill-timed, 135. inauspicious, 859. Unproportioned, 24. Unprosperous, 735. Unprotected, 665. Unproved, 477. Unprovided, scanty, 640. unprepared, 674. Unprovoked, 616. Unpublished, 526. Unpunctual, tardy, 133. untimely, 135. irregular, 139. Unpunished, 970. Unpurchased, 796. Un purified, 653. Unpurposed, 621. Unpursued, 624. Unqualified, inexpert, 699. unentitled, 925. unready, 674. Unquelled, 173. Unquenched, fierce, 173. burning, 382. Unquestionable, 474. Unquestioned, certain, 474. agreed upon, 488. Unquiet, 825. Unquietness, 264. Unravel, untie, 44. straighten, 246. solve, 462. decompose, 49. discover, 482. interpret, 522. to disembarrass, 705. to arrange, 60. arranged, 58. Unravelled, 58. Unreached, 304. Unread, 491. Unready, 674. Unreal, non-existing, 2. erroneous, 495. imaginary, 515. Unreasonable, foolish, 499. exorbitant, 814. unjust, 923. impossible, 471. erroneous, 495. Unreasonableness, 923. Unreclaimed, 951. Unreconciled, 713. Unrecorded, 552. Unrecovered, 659. Unreduced, 31. Unrefined, 851. Unreformed, 951. Unrefreshed, 688. Unrefuted, 478,494. Unregarded, neglected, 460. unrespected, 929. Unregistered, 552. Unrelated, 10. Unrelenting, malevolent, 997. revengeful, 919. Unrelieved, 835. Unremarked, 460. U 651. Unremembered, 506 Unremitting, continuing, 110. industrious, 682. Unremoved, 184. Unrenevved, 142. Unrepaid, 806. Unrepealed, 142 Unrepeated, fewness, 103. unity, 87. Unrepentant, 951. Unrepining, 831. Unreplenished, 64ft Unreported, 528. Unrepressed, 173. Unreproached, 946. Unreproved, 946 Unrequited, owing, 808. ingratitude, 917, Unresented, forgiven, 918. 428 INDEX. Unrese ted,, 826. Unresenting, 828. Unreserved, 143. Unreservedness, 543. Unresisting, 743. Unresolved, 605. Unrespccted, 929. Unrest, mooing, 264. change, 140. changeable, 149. Unrestored, 659, 688. Unrestrained, free, 748. unencumbered, 705. Unrestricted, undiminished, 31. free 748 Unrevealed, 528. Unrevenged, 920. Unreversed, 142,143. Unrevoked, 143. Unrewarded, 806,917. Unriddle, solve, 462. interpret, 522. disclose, 529. Unrighteous, 945. Unrighteousness, 945. Unripe, 674. Unrivalled, 648. Unrivct, 44. Unrobe, 226. Unroll, straighten, 246. evolve, 313. display, 525. unravel, 47. Unromantic, 494. Unroof, 226. Unroot, 162. Unru filed, calm, 174. placid, 826. unaffected, 823. quiet, 265. orderly, 58. Unruliness, 606. Un ruly, disobedient., 742. obstinate, 606. Unsafe, 665. Unsaluted, 929. Unsanctified, 988, 989. Unsanctioned, 925. Unsated, 865. Unsatisfactory', displeasing, 830, 832. Unsatisfied, 832. Unsavoriness, 395. Unsavory, 395. Unscanned, 460. Unscathed, 654. Unscattered, 72. Unschooled, illiterate, 491. uneducated, 699. Unscientific, 495. Unscoured, 653. Unscreened, 665. Unscrew, 44. Unscrupulous, 940. Unseal, 529. Unsearched, 460. Unseasonable, ill-timed, 135. inexpedient, 647. inappropriate, 24 U nseasonableness, 647. Unseasoned, unprepared, 674. unaccustomed, 614. Unseat, 756. Unseconded, 708. Unseemly, undue, 925. vicious, 945. vulgar, 851. ugly, 846. inexpedient, 647. Unseen, invisible, 447. neglected, 460. Unselfish, 942. Unserviceable, 645. Unserviceableness, 647. Unsettle, derange, 61. irresolute, 605. mutable, 149. insane, 503. Unsettled, 149. Unsevercd, 50. Unshackle, free, 748. liberate, 750. untie, 44. Unshackled, 748. Unshaken, strong, 159. resolute, 604. faithful, 484. Unshapen, amorphous, 241. ugly, 846. Unsheathe, 720. Unsheltered, 665. Unshifting, 143. Unshocked, 823. Unshorn, 50. Unshrinking, determined, 604. courageous, 861. Unsifted, 460. Unsightliness, 846. Unsightly, 846. Unsinged, 670. Unskilful, 699. Unskilfulness, 699. Unslacked, 865. Unsmooth, 256. Unsociable, 893. Unsocial, 893. Unsoiled, 652 Unsold, '77. Unsolder, 44, 47 Unsolicited, 602 Unsolicitous, 866. Unsolved, 526. Unsophisticated, simple, 42. genuine, 494. good, 648. Unsorted, 59. Unsought, avoided, 623. unrequested, 766. Unsound, imperfect, 651. unhealthy, 655. sophistical, 477. Unsoundness, 651. Unsparing, 639, 816. Unspeakable, great, 31. Unspecified, 78. Unspent, 678. Unspied, 526. Unspoiled, 648. Unspoken, 581. Unspotted, clean, 652. innocent, 946. beautiful, 845. Unstable, 149, 605. Unstained, clean, 652. honorable, 939. Unstatesmanlike,699. Unsteadfast, 605. Unsteadiness, 149. Unsteady, mutable, 149. irresolute, 605, 607. dangerous, 665. Unstinted, 639. Unstopped, open, 260. continuing, 143. Unstored, 640. Unstrained, unexerted, 172. relaxed, 687. turbid, 653. simple, 516. Unstrengthened, 160. Unstruck, 823. Unstrung, 160. Unstudied, 460. Unsubdued, 731. Unsubmissive, 742. Unsubstantial, rare, 4, 322. texture, 329. imaginary, 515. erroneous, 495. Unsubstantiality, 4. Unsuccessful, 732. Unsuccessive, 70. Unsuitable, incongruous, 24. inexpedient, 647. time, 135. Unsuited, incongruous, 24. Unsuited, inexpedient, 647. time, ]35. Unsullied, clean, 652. honorable, 939. guiltless, 946. Unsung, 526. Unsupplied, 640. Unsupported, weak, 160. opposed, 708. Unsuppressed, 142. Unsusceptibility, 15ft Unsusceptible, 823. Unsuspected, 484, 526. Unsuspecting, 858. Unsuspicious, credulous, 486. sure, 484. hopeful, 858. Unsustained, weak, 160. opposed, 708. Unswayed, 616. Unswept, 653. Unswerving, straight, 246. determined, 604. Unsyminetric, irregular, 59. distorted, 243. Unsystematic, 59. Untack, 44. Untainted, healthy, 654. pure, 652. honorable, 939. Untalked of, 526. Untamed, rude, 851. ferocious, 907. Untangled, 58. Untarnished, 939, 946. Untasted, 391. Untaught, 491. Untaxed, 815. Unteach, 538. Unteachable, 699. Untempted, 616. Untenable, weak, 160. undefended, 725 sophistical, 477. Untenanted, 187. Unthanked, 917. Unthankful, 917. Unthawed, solid, 321. cold, 383. Unthinking, 452. Unlhought of, neglected, 460. unconsidered, 452. Unthreatened, 664. Unthriftiness, 818. Unthrifty, vrodigal, 818. INDEX. 429 Untlnfty, unprepared, 674. Unthrone, 756. Untidiness, 653. Untidy, slovenly, 653. Untie, loose, 44. liberate, 750. Until, 106. Untimely, 135. Untinged, simple, 42. uncolored, 429. Untired, 6o9. Untiring, 682. Untitled, 876. Untold, secret, 528, 528. countless, 105. Untouched, disused, 678. insensible, 376, 823. Untoward, bad, 649. unprosperous, 735. unpleasant, 830. Untraced, 526. Untracked, 526. Untrained, unskilled, 699. unprepared, 674. unaccustomed, 614. Untranslated, 523. Untravelled, 265. Untreasured, 640. Untried, 461. Untrimmed, simple, 849. unprepared, 674. Untrodden, new, 123. not used, 678. impervious, 261. Untroubled, calm, 174, 721. Untrue, 495, 544. Untruth, 495,546. Untunable, 414. Unturned, 246. Untutored, 491. Untwine, 246. Untwist, straighten, 246. evolve, 313. separate, 44, 47. Unurged, 616 Unused, 614, 699. Unusual, 83, 614. Unusually, 31. Unutterable, great, 31. wonderful, 870. Unvalued. depredated, 483. undcsirrd, 866. unloved. 898. disliked, 398. Unvanquished, 748 Unvaried, 142, 143, 576. Unvarnished, 49* Unveil, manifest, 525. disclose, 529. Unventilated, 211. Unversed, unconversanl, 491. unskilled, 699. Unvexed, 831. Unviolated, 939. Un visited, 893. Unvitiated, 648. Unwakened, 683. Unweakened, 683. Unwarlike, 862. Unwarmed, 383. Unwarned, 507, 665. Un warped, 480. Unwarranted, wrong, 923, 925. inconclusive, 477. Unwary, 460. Unwashed, unclean, 653. vulgar, 851. Un wasted, 639. Un watchful, 458. Unwavering, 604. Unweakened, 159. Unwearied, indefatigable, 682. refreshed, 689. Un wedded, 904. Unweighed, 460. Unwelcome, 830. Unwell, 655. Unwholesome, 657. Unwieldy, large, 192. massive, 319. heavy, 319. difficult, 704. cumbersome, 647. Unwilling, 489, 603. Unwillingness, 603. Unwind, evolve, 313. straighten, 246. Un wiped, 653. Unwise, 499. Unwished, 866. Unwithered, sound, 159. Unwitnessed, 528. Unwitting, ignorant, 491. involuntarily, 601. Unwonted, unaccustomed, 614. unusual, 83. Unworn, 159. Un worshipped, 929. Unworthiness, 945 Unworthy, vicious, 945. shameful, 874. Unwrap, 246. Unwreatlie, 246. Unwrinkled, 255. Unwritten, 582. Unwrought, 674. Unyielding, tough, 323. resolute, 604. obstinate, 606. resisting, 719. Unyoke, 44. Upbear, support, 215 raise, 807. Upbraid, 932. Upcast, 307. Upgrow, 206. Upgrowth, 206, 305. Upheave, 307. Uphill, acclivity, 217 ascent, 305. difficult, 704. Uphoist, 307. Uphold, support, 215. aid, 707. continue, 143. Uplands, 208. Uplift, 307. Upon, 119. Upper, 206. Upperhand, authority, 737. success, 731. Uppermost, 206, 210. Upraise, 307. Uprear, 307. Upright, vertical, 212. true, 944. honest, 939. Uprightness, erectness, 212. honesty, 939. virtue, 944. Uprise, 305. Uproar, noise, 404. turmoil, 173. Uproarious, noisy, 404. turbulent, 173. Uproot, 162. Upset, throw down, 308. invert, 218. destroy, 162. Upsetting, 160. Upside down, 218, Upshot, end, 67. total, 50 U pstart, plebeian, 876. prosperous, 734. Upturn, 218. Upwards, 208. Uranography, 318. Urbane, 894 Urbanity, 894. Urchin, demon, 980. child, 129. wretch, 949. Urge, impel, 276. incite, 615. solicit, 765. hasten, 684. accelerate, 274. violence, 173. Urgency, importance, 642. necessity, 630. Urgent, important, 642. required, 630. Urn, vase, 191. funereal, 363. Usage, custom, 613. rule, 80. Usance, 806. Use, employment, 677. waste, 638. utility, 644. habit, 613. rule, 80. Used, 677. Used to, 613. Used up, worn, 651. surfeited, 869. Useful, 644. Usefulness, 644. Useless, 645. Uselessness, 645. Usher, teacher, 540. servant, 746. announce, 511. precede, 62, 66. prior, 116. Usual, ordinary, 82. customary, 613. Usurer, 805. Usurp, assume, 739. seize, 789. illegality, 925. Usurpation, assumption, 739. illegality, 925 Usurped, 925. Usury, 806. Utensil, recipient, 191. instrument, 633. Utilitarian, 910. Utility, 644. Utmost, 33. Utopia, hopeful, 858. Utopian, visionary, 515 Utrical, 191. 430 INDEX. Utter, extreme, 31. to speak, 580. publish, 531. disclose, 529. distribute, 73. Uxorious, 897. y. Vacancy, voidness, 4. absence, 187. thoughtlessness, 452. foolishness, 499 scantiness, 640. Vacant, void, 4. absent, 187. thoughtless, 452. foolish, 499. scanty, 640. 7 icate, 187. Vacation, 685. Vacillate, undulate, 314. waver, 605. Vacillating, 149. Vacillation, changcablencss, 149. undulation, 314. wavering, 605. Vacuity, void, 4. absence, 187. inexistence, 2. unintclligcnce, 581. expanse, 180. Vacuous, 4. Vacuousness, 7. Vacuum, void, 4. absence, 187. Vagabond, rogue, 949. wanderer, 268. Vagary, whim, 608. absurdity, 497. imagination, 515. antic, 856. Vagrancy, 266. Vagrant, moving, 264. fickle, 149. devious, 279. roving, 266. traveller, 268. Vague, uncertain, 475. obscure, 519. style, 571. Vagueness, uncertainty, 475. obscurity, 511. style, 571. Vail, 228. Vails, 809 Vatn, unreal, 2. unprofitable, 645. conceited, 880. unvalued, 866. Vainglorious, haughty, 878. boasting, 884. vain, 880. Vainglory, boasting, 878. vanity, 880. Vale, 252. Valediction, departure, 293. courtesy, 894. Valedictory, 293. Valentine, courtship, 902. Valet, 746. Valetudinarian, 655. Valiant, 861. Valiantness, 861. Valid, strong, 159. cogent, 467. powerful, 157. influential, 175. logical, 476. Validity, power, 157. reason, 476. Valise, 191. Valley, 252. Valor, 861. Valorous, 861. Valuable, 648. Valuation, 480. Value, price, 812. goodness, 648. importance, 642. to measure, 466. estimate, 480. Valueless, 645. Valve, stop, 263. conduit, 350. Vamp, 658, 673. Vampiform, 140. Vampire, bane, 663. demon, 980. Van, front, 234. beginning, 66. Vandal, 876. Vandalism, 851. Vane, 550. Vanguard, front, 234. beginning, 66. Vanish, disappear, 449. perish, 2. transient, 111. Vanished, 2. Vanishing, 449. Vanity, conceit, 880. Vanity, worthlessness, 645. Vanquish, 731. Vanquished, 732. Vantage ground, 175. Vapid, insipid, 391. unattractive, 866. style, 575. Vapidness, 391. Vaporer, 887. Vaporization, 336. Vaporing, 885. Vaporize, 336. Vaporous, 334. Vaporousness, 334. Vapor, gas, 334. bubble, 353. insolence, 885. to boast, 884. chimera, 515. rare, 322. Variable, changeable, 149. irresolute, 605. Variableness, 149. Variance, difference, 15. disagreement, 24. discord, 713. Variation, non-imitation, 20. musical, 415. irrclation, 10. change, 140. Varied, 15. Variegate, 440. Variegation 440. Variety, difference, 15. exception, 81. Various, different, 15. many, 102. Varlet, 949. Varnish, coat, 223. decorate, 845, 847. sophistry, 477. falsehood, 544. excuse, 937. Vary, differ, 15. d versify, 18. modify, 20. change, 140. fluctuate, 149. Varying, 15. Vascular, 191. Vase, 191. Vassal, 746. Vassalage, 749. Vast", in quantity, 3- in size, 192. Vastness, in quantity, 3.. in size, 192. Vat, 191. Vaticinate, 511. Vaticination, 511. Vault, cellar, 191. sepulchre, 363. to leap, 305, 309L Vaulting, superiority, 31 aspiring, 865. Vaunt, 884. Vaunting, 884. Veer, regression, 283. change, 140. change intention, 607. Veering, 283. Vegetabiiity, 364. Vegetable, 365, 367. Vegetarian, 953. Vegetate, grow, 194. Vegetation, 364. Vegetative, 823. Vehemence, violence, 173. feeling, 821. emotion, 825. Vehement, violent, 173. emotional, 825. style, 574. Vehicle, 272. Veil, mask, 530. to conceal, 528. shade, 424. covering, 225. Veiled, 447. latent, 526. Vein, humor, 602. affections, 820. thin, 203. mine, 636. Veined, 440. Vellum, 590. Velocipede, 272. Velocity, 273. Velvet, soft, 255. plush, 256. ease, 705. physical pleasure, 277. moral pleasure, 827 Velvety, soft, 255. downy, 256. Venal, 819. Venality, 819 Vend, 796. Vender, 797. Vendibility, 796. Vendible, 796. Vendibleness, 796 Veneer, 223. Venerable, 128. Venerate, 928. INDEX. 431 Veneration, respect, 928. piety, 987. Vengeance, 919 (with a), 31. Vengeful, 919. Venial, 937. Venom, bane, 663. malignity, 907 Venomous, 649 Venomousness, 649. Vent, airpipe, 351. emit, 295. Ventilate, perflate, 349. discuss, 595. clean, 652. inquire, 461. Ventilation, sufflation, 349. disinfection, 652. Ventilator, 349. Ventricle, 191. Ventricular, 191. Ventriloquism, 580. Ventriloquist, 580. Venture, chance, 156. to try, 675. danger, 665. wager, 621. courage, 861. Venturesome, daring, 861. reckless, 863. Venturous, 861, 863. Venue, 183. Veracious, 543. Veracity, 543. Veranda, 191. Verbal, 562, 564, 588. Verbatim,19,522,562. Verbiage, diffuse, 573. nonsense, 497. Verbose, 573, 584. Verbosity, diffuseness, 573. garrulity, 584. Verdancy, 435. Verdant, green, 435. vegetation, 367. Verdict, opinion, 480. sentence, 989. Verdure, 435. Verecundity, modesty, 881. Verge, brink, 231. to tend, 278. contribute, 176. Verger, 996. Vernier, 466. Verification, test, 463. warrant, 771. Verify, test, 463. demonstrate, 478. judge, 480. warrant, 771. Verily, positively, 32. truly, 494. Verisimilitude, 472. Veritable, 494. Verity, 494. Verjuice, 397. Vermicular, 248, 366. Vermiform, 248. Vermilion, 434. Vermin, base, 876. unclean, 653. Vernacular, 82, 560. Vernal, early, 123. spring, 125. Versatile,149,605,607. Versatility, 149. Verse, 597. Versed, 698. Versification, 597. Versifier, 597. Versify, 597. Version, 522. Vertex, 210. Vertical, 212. Vertically, 212. Vertiginous, 312. Vertigo, 503. Very, 31. Vesicle, cell, 191. covering, 223. globe, 249. Vespers, 998. Vessel, recipient, 191. skip, 273. tube, 260. Vest, dress, 225. locate, 184. give, 784. Vestibule, entrance, 66. room, 191. Vestige, 551. Vestry, conclave, 995. church, 1000. Vesture, 225. Veteran, old, 130. adept, 700. Veto, 761. Vex, 630. Vexation, 828. Vexatious, 830. Vexatiousness, 830. Vial, bottle, 191. wrath, 900. Viands, 298. Vibrate, 149, 314. Vibration, variation, 149. oscillation, 314. Vibratory, variable, 149. pendulous, 314. Vicar, 996. Vicarage, office, 995. house, 1000. Vicarious, 147,755. Vice, guiltiness, 945. substitute, 147. deputy, 75'. Vicegerency 755. Vicegerent, 745, 758 759. Vice president, 745. Viceroy, 759. Vicinage, 197. Vicinity, 197. Vicious, fallacious, 477. immoral, 945. Vicissitude, 140, 149. Victim, injured, 732. dupe, 547. sufferer, 828. Victimize, deceive, 545. baffle, 731. Victor, 731. Victory, 731. Victualling, 637. Victuals, 298. Videlicet, example, 82. namely, 522. specification, 79. Vie, 648, 720. View, sight, 441. appearance, 448. to attend to, 457. landscape, 556. opinion, 484. intention, 620. Viewless, 447. Vigil, 459. Vigilance, 457, 459, 682. Vigilant, 457. Vignette, 558. Vigor, strength, 149. health, 654. activity, 682. resolution, 604 energy, 171. stoutness, 159. style, 574. Vigorous, stout, 159. effective, 15‘ style, 574. Vile, bad, 649. odious, 830. Vile, valueless, 643. disgraceful, 874. dishonorable, 940. plebeian, 876. A ileness, badness, 649. vulgarity, 874. Vilify, censure, 932. shame, 874. disrespect 929, 930, Villa, 189. Village, 189. Villager, 188. Villain, 949. Villanage, 749 Villanous, 645. Villany, 945. Villous, 256. Vinculum, 45 Vindicate, justify, 937. a claim, 924. Vindication, 937 Vindicatory, 937. Vindictive, revengeful, 919 irascible, 901. Vinegar, 397. Vineyard, 371 Vintage, 371. Viol, 417. Violate, disobey, 742. engagement, 773. duty, 927. a usage, 614. Violating, 773. Violation, infraction, 83. engagement, 773 refusal, 764. disobedience, 742. right, 925. duty, 927. Violence, 173. arbitrariness, 904 Violent, fierce, 173. zealous, 825. Violently, 31,17a Violet, 437. Violin, 417. Violinist, 416. Violoncello, 417 Viper, bane, 663. Virago, 901 Virescent, 435. Virgin, girl, 129. celibacy, 904. Virginal, 417. Virile, manly, 373. adolescent, 131. s trong, 139. Virility, manliness, 373. 432 INDEX. Virility, mutureness, 131. Virtual, 1, 2. Virtually, 494. Virtue, goodness, 944. power, 157. Virtueless, 945. Virtuoso, 850. Virulence, energy, 171. insalubrity, 657. malignity, 649. malevolence, 907. Virulent, energetic, 171. malignant, 649. malevolent, 907. Virus, poison, 663. disease, 655. Visage, front, 234. appearance, 448. Viscera, 221. Viscid, 352. Viscidity, 352. Viscount, 875. Viscous, 352. Visible, 446,518. Visibly, 441. Vision, sight, 441. shadow, 4. apparition, 980. Visionary, erroneous, 495. imaginary, 515. heterodox, 984. Visit, sociality, 892. civility, 894. arrival, 292. Visitation, pain, 828. calamity, 619, 830. Visitation, (divine), 976. Visiting, 892. Visitor, director, 694. Vista, point of view, 441. prospect, 448. Visual, 441. Vital, 359, 642. Vitality, 359. Vitals, 221. Vitiate, 659. Vitiated, 655. Vitiation, 659. Vitreous, 321. Vitrification, 321. Vitrify, 821. Vituperate, 932. Vituperation, 932. Vituperative, 932. Vivacious, active, 682. sensitive, 822. Vivacious, cheerful, 836. Vivacity, activity, 682. sensitiveness, 822. cheerfulness, 836. Vivid, light, 420. » lively, 375. color, 428. energetic, 171. cogent, 157. Vivilication, 359. Vivified, 359. Vivify, 359. Vivifying, 359. Vixen, 901, 932. Vocable, 562. Vocabulary, 562. Vocal, voice, 580. music, 415. Vocalist, 416. Vocalization, 580. Vocalize, 580. Vocation, 625. Vociferate, cry, 411. loudness, 404. voice, 580. Vociferation, sound, 414. voice, 580. Vociferous, 404. Vogue, fashion, 852, 873. custom, 613. Voice, 580. sound, 402. cry, 411. choice, 609. opinion, 484. Voiceless, 581. Void, vacuum, 2, 4. absence, 187. to emit, 297. Voidness, 187. Volant, 267. Volatile, vaporizable, 336. irresolute, 605. Volatile, 336. Volatilize, 336. Volatilization, 336. Volatilized, 336. Volatility, 608. Volcanic, 173. Volitation, 267. Volition, 600. Volley, impulse, 276. attack, 716. violence, 173. collection, 72. Volubility, 584. Voluble, 584. Volume, bulk, 192. book, 593. Voluminous, 192. Voluntariness, 602. Voluntary, willing, 600, 602. music, 415. Volunteer, endeavor, 676. offer, 600, 763. Voluptuary, 962. Voluptuous, sensual, 954. pleasure, 377, 827, 829. Voluptuousness, sensuality, 954. pleasure, 377, 827, 829. Volutation, 312. Volute, 248. Vomit, 297. Voracious, 865. Voracity, appetite, 865. gluttony, 957. Vortex, 312. Votary, 711, 865, 954. Vote, 609. Votive, 768. Vouch, testify, 467. assert, 535. Voucher, evidence, 467. record, 550, 551. Vouchsafe, permit, 760. consent, 762. Vow, promise, 768. assert, 535. worship, 990. Vowel, 560. Voyage, 267. Voyager, 258. Vulgar, unrefined, 851. commonalty, 876. Vulgarism, 851. Vulgarity, 851. Vulgate, 085. Vulnerability, 665. Vulnerable, 665. Vulnerary, 662. Vulture, 663. w. Wadding, 263. Wade, 267. Wafer, 204. Waft, transfer, 270. blow, 267, 349. Wag, oscillate, 314. agitate, 315. wit, 844. Wage war, 720. Wager, 621. Wages, 809. Waggery, 842 Waggish, 842. Waggishness, 842. Wagon, 272. Wail, 839. Wain, 272. Wainscot, 224. Waist, 203. Waistcoat, 225. Wait, tarry, 110, 133. expect, 507. inuction, 081. Wait on, accompany, 88. help, 707. call on, 894. Waiter, 746. Waiting maid, 746. Waive, 133. Wake, sequel, 65. back, 235. trace, 551. to excite, 824. funeral. 3G3. Wakefulness, 082. Walk, move, 266. region, 181. business, 625. way, 627. conduct, 092. arena, 728. Wall, lining, 224. enclosure, 229, 232 prison, 752. ercctncss, 212. asylum, 666. defence, 717. obstacle, 705. (take tlie), 878. Wallet, 191. Wallow, 312, 641. Wallow in, 377. Waltz, 840. Wan, 429. Wand, 747, 99a Wander, roam, 266. deviate, 279, 291. circuit, 029. move, 204. delirium, 503. Wander from, 291. Wanderer, 268. Wandering, moving, 264. deviating, 291. Wane, decay, 659. decrease, 36. contract, 19a Waning, 195. Want, desire, 865. require, 63a scant, 64a INDEX. 433 Want, poverty, 804. incomplete, 53. Wanting, uneyuul, 28. desiring, 885. Wanton, unrestrained, 748. impure, 961. War, 722. War cry, 550, 712. War whoop, 550, 722. Warble, 415. Ward, restraint, 751. safety, 604. asylum, 666. Ward off, defend, 717. avert, 706. Warden, guardian, 664. deputy, 759. master, 745. Warder, 203,064,753. Wardrobe, 225. Wardship, 664. Ware, 190, 798. Warehouse, store, 636. mart, 799. Warfare, 722. Wariness, caution, 864. care, 459. Warlike, 722. Warm, hot, 382. kindle, 384. ardent, 515,821,824. friendly, 888. irascible, 901. fiery, 173. Warming pan, heater, 386. Warmth, heat, 382. emotion, 821. passion, 900. Warn, admonish, 695. forebode, 511. dissuade, 616. alarm, 669. Warning, omen, 512, 668. advice, 695. alarm, 669. Warp, narrow, 203. deviate, 279. prejudice, 481. change, 140. imperfect, 651. Warped, 140. Warping, deviating, 279. imperfect, 651. Warrant, evidence, 467. Warrant, order, 741. permit, 760. protest, 535. money order, 800. security, 771. to authorize, 737. Warranty, surety, 771. sanction, 924. evidence, 467. Warranted, sanctioned, 924. reasonable, 514. Warrior, 725. War ship, 726. Wart, 250. Wary, cautious, 864. careful, 459. Wash, cleanse, 652. color, 428. water, 337. marsh, 345. Wash out, 552. Washy, watery, 337. weak, 160. trashy, 497. valueless, 645. style, 573. Wasp, 203. Waspish, 895, 901. Wassail, feast, 840. Waste, decrease, 36. contract, 195. expend, 638. destroy, 162. vacant space, 180. plain, 344. misuse, 679. useless, 645. prodigality, 818. refuse, 643. loss, 776. Wasted, exhausted, 160. expended, 638. useless, 645. impaired, 659. Wasteful, 645, 818. Wastepipe, 350. Watch, observe, 441. attend to, 457. expect, 507. sentinel, 668, 753. clock, 114. Watch fire, 550. Watchful, 459. Watchman, 664, 668, 753. Watch tower, 668. Watch and ward,459, 664, 753. Watchfulness, 459. Wutchw' rd, 550. Water, 337, 425. Water colors, 556. Waiter drinker, 958. Water proof, 340. Watercourse, 350. Waterfall, 348. Watergate, 350. Waterlogged, danger, 665. difficulty, 708. Watershed, 210. Waterspout, 348. Watery, 339, 348. Wave, of water, 348. the sea, 341. spare, 678. sinuous, 248. oscillate, 314. hint, 527. a banner, 550. Waver, 149, 603, 605. Wavering, 149, 605. Wavy, 248. Wax, become, 144. unctuous, 355. substance, 356. Waxwork, 554. Waxy, 355. Way, road, 627. space, 180. degree, 26. pas age, 302. conduct. 692. habit, 613. (under), 282. Wayfarer, 268. Waylay, 545. Ways and means,632. Wayward, obstinate, 608. capricious, 608. discourteous, 895. changeable, 149. Wayworn, 688. Weak, feeble, 160. small in degree, 32. foolish, 499. irrational, 477. irresolute, 605. vicious, 945. Weakheaded, 499. Weakminded, 499. Weaken, enfeeble, 160. decrease, 36. invalidate, 468. Weakness, feebleness, 160. irresoluteness, 605. Weak side, 945. Weal, 618. Wealth, 803. Wealthy, 803. Wean, change habit, 614. change opinion, 484. V4 eaned, 614. Weapon, 633, 727 Weaponless, 158. Wear, 706. decrease, 36. decay, 659. clothe, 225. Wear and tear waste, 638. injury, 619. decay, 659. Wear off, diminish, 36. cease, 141. habit, 614. Wear out, damage, 659. fatigue, 688. WTearied, 841. Wearily, 841. Weariness, uneasiness, 828 dejection, 837. ennui, 841. Wearisome, fatigue, 688. ennui, 841. uneasy, 828. Wearying, 841. Weasand, 251. Weather, 338. succeed, 731. Weatherbeaten, 160 Weathercock, irresolute, 605, 607 mutable, 149. Weather glass, 466. Weather proof, 654. Weatherwise, 510, 511. Weave, interlace, 219. produce, 161. W7eb, texture, 329. intersection, 219. Wed, 903. Wedded to, habit, 613. opinion, 484. obstinate, 606. Wedding, 903. Wedge, sharp, 253. intervention, 228 instrument, 633. to insert, 300. locate, 184. enter, 294. ingress, 295. Wedlock, 903. Weed, 643, 645. reduce, 103. mourning, 225, 839. reject, 55. Weekly, 108. Weep, 839. Weeping, 839. Weetlese 491. .34 INDEX. Why, reasoi. B15. cause, •5. Wicked, J45. Wickedness, 945 W’icker, 219. Wicket, 66. Wide, 202. Wideawake, -.57 Wide of, J96. Widow, 905. Widower, 905. Widowhood, 905. Width, 202. W’ield, use, 677. brandish, 315 Wife, 903. Wig, 225. Wight, 373. Wigwam, 189. WTild, violent, 173. mad, 503. giddy, 699. licentious, 954. foolish, 499. useless, 645. desert, 344. excitable, 824. Wild goose chase, 622. Wilderness, space, 180. useless, 645. seclusion, 893. Wildfire, 382. Wildness, space, 180. violence, 173. excitableness, 825. giddiness, 699. Wile, cunning, 702. stratagem, 545. Wilful, 606. Wilfulness, 606. Will, volition, 600. testament, 360, 550. Will-o’-the-wisp, light, 420. Willing, 488,600, 602. Willingness, 602. Willow, 839. Wily, 702. Wimble, 262. Win, get, 775. succeed, 731. engage, 897. Win over, 484. Wince, feel, 821, 825. pain, 378, 828. Winch, 633. Wincing, 825. Weigh, heavy, 319. ponder, 451 measure, 466. import, 642. lift, 307. Weigh anchor, 293. Weigh down, aggrieve, 649. Weighing, 319. Weigh with, 615. Weight, influence, 175. gravity, 319. importance, 642. Weightless, 320. Weighty, influential, 175. heavy, 319. important, 642. Welcome, grateful, 829. greet, 894. Weld, 46. Welfare, 734, Welkin, 318. Well, water, 343. to flow, 348, much, 31. store, 636. healthy, 654. aright, 618. deep, 208. assent, 488. origin, 153. Well to do, 734. Well-a-day, 839. Well-a-way, 839. Well-advised, 498. Well-being, prosperity, 734. gratification, 827. W’ell-born, patrician, 875. Well-bred, courteous, 894. genteel, 852. Well-conned, 490. Well-defined, 446. Well-devised, 626. Well-doing, 944. Well enough, 32,651. Well-favored, 845. Well-founded, probable, 472. Well-grounded, 490. Well-informed, 490. Well-intended, 944. Well-judged, 498. Well-known, 82. Well-laid, 620. Well-mannered, 894. Well-marked, 446. Well-meant, 906. Well-met, 892. Well-natured, 906. Well-nigh, 32. Well oft1, 734. Well-spent, 731. Well-tasted, 394. Well-timed, 134, 646. Well-weighed, 626. Well-wisher, 890. Welt, 231. Welter, 312. Wen, 250. Wend, 266. West, 236. Western, 236. Wet, water, 337. moisture, 339. Wetness, 339. Whaler, 273. Wharf, 189, 691. Whatever, 78. Wheal, 250. Wheedle, flatter, 933. coax, 615. Wheel, circle, 247. circuition, 311. deviation, 279. turn, 283. rotation, 312. instrument, 633 means, 632. Wheel (break on the), torture, 378. execution, 972. Wlmel'barrow, 272. Wheel work, 633. Wheeze, blow, 349. hiss, 409. Whelm, 641. Whelp, 129. When, 119. Whence, attribution, 155 departure, 262. Whenever, 119. Whensoever, 119. Where, 186. Whereabouts, 183, 197. Whereas, 476. Wherefore, reason, 476. attribution, 155. account, 155. cause, 153. motive, 615. Wherever, 180. Whereupon, 121. Wherewith, 631. Wherry, 273. Whet, excite, 824. incite, 615. sharpen, 253. desire, 865. Whiff, 349. Whiffle, 349. While, 106, 120. While away, 106. Whilom, 122. Whim, caprice, 608. imagination, 515. wit, 842. Whimper, 839. Whimsical, fanciful, 608. ridiculous, 853. imaginary, 515. Whimsicality, 853. Whine, cry, 411. complain, 839. Whip, drive, 276. scourge, 975. Whipper in, director, 694. Whipster, 129. Whipping post, 975. Whirl, 312. Whirligig, 312. Whirlpool, vortex, 312. eddy, 348. confusion, 59. Whirlwind, 349. Whisk, rapidity, 274. circuition, 311. agitation, 315. Whisker, 256. Wrhisper, faint sound, 403 stammer, 583. tell, 527. Whistle, hiss, 409. music, 415. Whistle at, depreciate, 483. Whit, point, 32. part, 51. small, 193. White, 430. White heat, 382. White lie, 546. Whiteness, 430. Whitewash, whiten, 430. acquit, 970. W'hither, tendency, 176. direction, 278. Whittle, 44. Whiz, 409. Whole, entire, 50. healthy, 654. Wholesale, 31, 50, 794. Wholesome, 656. Wholesomeness, 656. Wholly, 31, 50. WThoop, cry, 404, 411. weep, 839. (war), 715, 722. Wind, blast, 349. signal, 550. circuition, 311. convolution, 248. Wind up, screw up, 159. end, 67. complete, 729. Windhound, 706. Windfall, good, 618. luck, 621. Winding, curved, 245, 311. undulating, 248. Windiness, 349. Winding sheet, 363 Windlass, 633. Windmill, 312. Window, 260. Windpipe, 351. Windy, 388. Winebibber, 959. Wing, side, 236. limb, 633. (under the), asy- lum, 666. (take), move, 266. Winged, rapid, 274. Wink, blind, 442. nictitate, 443. hint, 527. indicate, 550. Wink at, permit, 760. overlook, 460. Winning, pleasing, 829. lovely, 897. Winnow, sift, 42. exclude, 55. clean, 652. inquire, 461. pick, 609. Winnowing, 42. Winsome, 829, 836. Winter, 383. Wipe, clean, 652. Wipe out, 552. Wire, filament, 205. ligature, 45. Wiredrawn, 200, 203. Wireworm, 663. Wisdom, 498. W’ise, way, 498, 627. Wish, intent, 620, 865. will, 600. Wishful, j Hr~ Wishing, | 8G5- Wish joy, 896. INDEX. 435 Wishwash, 391, 497. Wistful, 451. Wit, intellect, 450. humor, 842. wisdom, 498. humorist, 844. Witch, oracle, 513. proficient, 700. sorceress, 994. Witchcraft, 146, 992. Witchery, attraction, 615. With, addition, 37. junction, 43. accompanying, 88. medium, 631. Withal, addition, 37. junction, 43. accompanying, 88. medium, 631. Withdraw, subduct, 38. recede, 287. diverge, 290. deny, 538. depart, 293. Withdrawal, 287. Wither, shrink, 195. decay, 659. Withered, futile, 645. Withhold, retain, 781. stint, 640. prohibit, 761 dissuade, 616. Within, 221. Within call, 197. Without, unless, 8. absence, 187. exterior, 220. subduction, 38. exception, 83. circumjacent, 12Z7. Withstand, resist, 719. oppose, 179, 708. Witless, ignorant, 491. foolish, 499. neglectful, 460. Witling, 501. Witness, evidence, 467. voucher, 550. Wits, 450. Witticism, 842. Wittiness, 842. Witty, 842. Wizard, 700, 994. Woe, evil, 619, 828. Woebegone, 828, 837. Woful. 830. Wofully, 31. Wolf, 669. Woman, 131, 374. Womanhood, 374. Womankind, 374. Womanly, 131, 160, 374 Womb, cause, 153. Wonder, astonishment, 870. prodigy, 872. Wonderful, 870. Wonderfully, 31. Wondrous, 870. Wont, habitual, 613. usual, 82. Wonted, habitual, 613. usual, 82. Woo, desire, 865. courtship, 902. Wood, 367. Woodcut, 558. Woody, 367. Wooer, 897. Woof, 329. Wooing, 902. Wool, 256. Wool gathering, folly, 499. inattention, 458. madness, 503. Woolsack, pillow, 215. authority, 747. tribunal, 966. Word, 562. assertion, 535. intelligence, 532. promise, 768. revelation, 985. Deity, 976. maxim, 496. Word for word, literal, 119. Wording, 566. Wordless, 581. Words, quarrel, 713. Wordy, 573. Work, product, 154. agency, 170. to use, 677. action, 680. execution, 729. book, 593. Work one’s way, 282. Work out, conduct, 692. achieve, 729. Work up, incite, 615. inflame, 824. Work upon, incite, 175, 615 J Work well, 731, 847 ' Workhouse, 691. Working, 170, 6812. Workman, agent, 690. originator, 164. Workmanlike, 698. Workmanship, 161, 680. Workshop, 691. World, universe, 318. mankind, 372. fashion, 852. events, 151. great, 31. Worldly, selfish, 943. irreligious, 988. Worldly minded, 943. Worm, small, 193. animal, 3G6. spiral, 248. Wormeaten, 651. 659. Worm in, insert, 300. interpose, 228. Worm out, 480. Wormwood, 395. Worn, 651, 659. Worry, vexation, 828. to tease, 830. harass, 907. Worrying, 830. Worse, 649. Worship, religious, 990. title, 877. servility, 886. Worshipful, 873. Worsted, defeated, 732. Worth, goodness, 648. value, 644. possession, 777 virtue, 944. price, 812. ■Worthless, useless, 645. profligate, 945. Worthlessness, 645 Worth while, 644. Worthiness, 944. Worthy, virtuous, 944. saint, 948. Wot, 490. Wound, evil, 619. badness, 649. hurt, 900. Wounded, 828. Wrangle, dispute, 713. t tason, 476. 436 INDEX. Wrangler, 476. Wrangling, 713. Wrap, cover, 223. dress, 225. circumscribe, 229. Wrapped in, 457. Wrapper, cover, 223. dress, 225. Wrath, 900. Wreak, 173, 739, 918. Wreath, 733,847,877. Wreathe, 219, 248. Wreck, 40, 162, 732. Wrecked, 732. Wrench, extract, 301 seize, 789. draw, 285. Wrenching, 44. Wrest, seize, 789. twist, 243. distort, 523. Wrestler, 726. •Wrestling, 720. W retch, sinner, 949. apostate, 911. Wretched, unhappy, 828. bad, 649. petty, 32. contemptible, 643. Wretchedness, 828. Wriggle, 314, 315. Wriggle out of, 671. Wright, 690. Wring, pain, 378. to torment, 830. Wring from, 301,789. Wrinkle, 258. Writ, order, 741. in law, 969. Write, 590. Write to, 592. Writhe, agitate. 315. pain, 243, 378, 828. Writhing, 315. Writing, (act of), 59r. book, 593. Wrong, evil, 619. badness, 649. vice, 945. immoral, 923. Wrong doer, 949. Wrongheaded, 499, 606. Wrought up, 824. Wry, oblique, 217. distorted, 243. Wryness, 243. X. Xylography, 558. Y. Yacht, 273. Yard, ■workshop, 691. abode, 189. Yarn, filar.ent, 205. prate, 584. exaggeration, 549. Yawl, 273. Yawn, open, 260. fatigue, 688. sluggish, 683. insensible, 823. tire, 841. Yawning, opening, 260. gaping, 198. fatiguing, 688. tiring, 841. Yawning, torpid, 823. Yeai, 108. Yearn, desire, 865. pine, 828. love, 897. Yearning, pitying, 914. desiring, 865. loving, 897. Years, 128. Yeast, 353. Yell, cry, 411. complain, 839. Yellow, 436. Yellow-eyed, 920. Yelp, 412. Yeoman, 373. Yesterday, 122. Yet, exception, 83. time, 116, 122. counteraction, 179. Yield, submit, 725. obey, 743. bend, 324. consent, 762. furnish, 784. resign, 782. gam, 810. price, 812. tolerate, 826. facility, 705. Yielding, bending, 324. facile, 705. submitting, 725. obeying, 743. persuasive, 615. Yoke, join, 43. vinculum, 45. couple, 89. subjection, 749. Yonder, 196. Yore, 122. Young, 127. Young lady, 374. Younger, 128. Youngster, 129. Younker, 129. Youth, a're, 127. lad, 129. Youthful, 127. z. Zeal, activity, 682. feeling, 821. Zealot, active, 682. resolute, 604. obstinate, 606. Zealotry, 606. Zealous, 821. Zebra, 440. Zendavesta, 986. Zenith, summit, 210. climax, 33. Zephyr, 349. Zero, •nothing, 4. nought, 101. Zest, relish, 394. enjoyment, 827 Zigzag, angle, 244. obliquity, 217. oscillation, 314. circuit, 629. Zodiac, 230. Zone, circle, 247. climate, 181. belt, 230. layer, 204. Zoological, 366. Zcdlogy, 368. Z< tfphyte, 366. Z( roaster, 986. AN APPENDIX, containing ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES, WHICH, THOUGH, WITH FEW EXCEPTIONS, NOT CLASSICAL, HAVE YET AN ACKNOWLEDGED CURRENCY. N. B.— The leading words of this list are taken from the body of the work, being, in most cases, the headings under which the words and phrases were classified in the English edition. The numbers of the headings are added in parenthesis, for convenience of reference to the places where they originally occur. The words which are given, with the phrases, are in part those which were omitted in the first American edition, and in part new words, introduced from the last English edition. The words and phrases enclosed in parentheses are peculiar to the present American edition. Absence (187). Phr. Nowhere to be found, not a soul, nobody present, the bird being flown ; one’s back being turned; behind one’s back. Abode (189), pen; casement; thorp, dorp, ham, suburb, prov- ince, country, wynd. Adj. Urban, metropolitan, sub- urban, provincial, rural, rus- tic. Absurdity (497). Phr. A cock- and-bull story ; a mare’s nest ; a wild-goose chase; fiddle-faddle ; neither rhyme nor reason. Accusation (938). Phr. To twit; to saddle on ; to bring home to ; to lay to one’s door ; to lay to one’s charge ; to throw in one’s teeth ; to call to account; to bring to book ; to take to task ; to pick a hole in one’s coat ; to catch trip- ping ; to put in the black book ; to trump up a charge ; to keep a rod in pickle for; to brand with re- proach. Acquisition (775), gleaning, picking, -winnings, loaves and fishes. V. To come in for, step into, come by, scrape up, scrape togeth- er, get hold of, to bag, to coin money. Phr. To turn a penny ; to turn to account; to fill one’s purse, pockets, coffers, &c. ; to bring grist to the mill; to feather one’s nest; to step into the shoes of; to come into possession ; to keep the wolf from the door. Action (680). Phr. To betake one’s self to ; to ply one’s task ; to put or carry into execution ; to pursue the even tenor of one’s way ; to take or play a part; to have in hand ; to lay one’s hand to the plough ; to turn one’s hand to ; to do business ; to pull the oar; to 438 API ENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. have a finger in the pie ; to go the whole hog. Activity (682). V. To stick to, to buckle to, to peddle, to potter, to pudder. Phr. The thick of the action ; too many cooks ; new brooms ; too many irons in the fire. To look sharp ; to bear a hand ; to lay about one ; to have one’s hands full; to kick up a dust; to stir one’s stumps ; to set or put one’s shoulders to the wheel ; to tug at the oar ; to put one’s best log foremost; to do one’s best; to do all one can; to leave no stone unturned ; to have all one’s eyes about one ; make the most of one’s time ; to make short Avork of; to take time by the forelock ; to make hay Avhile the sun shines ; to strike the iron Avhile it is hot; to kill two birds with one stone ; to move heaven and earth ; to go through fire and water ; to steal a march upon ; to do wonders ; to go all lengths ; to stick at nothing ; not to suffer the grass to grow under one’s feet; to have a hand in ; to thrust one’s nose in : to put in one’s oar ; to put one’s foot in it; to mix one’s self up \\uth. Phr. Up and stirring; up in arms ; up to one’s ears in ; busy as a bee ; busy as a hen with one chicken ; brisk as a bee ; quick as a lamplighter ; nimble as a squir- rel ; the lingers itching ; a rolling stone gathers no moss ; the used key is ahvays bright; having one’s hands full ; having much upon one’s hands. Adjunct (39), garnish, sauce, tag, skirt, flap, lappet. Phr. More last words. Adversity (735). Phr. The frowns of fortune ; the ups and downs of life ; the time being out of joint. Phr. Behindhand in the world ; ill off ; having seen better days , born with a wooden ladle in one’s mouth. Affirmation (535). Phr. Round- ly to assert; to swear till one is black in the face ; I doubt not; I warrant you ; I ’ll engage ; depend upon it; I’ll be bound ; I am sure ; sure enough. Age (128). Phr. The vale of years ; the decline of life; ‘ ‘ the sere and yellow leaf. ’ ’ Having one foot in the grave; ad- vanced in life or in years ; stricken in years ; marked with the crow’s foot. Agreement (23). Phr. Whom the cap may fit; at home ; in one's proper element ; just the thing; quite the thing ; to fit like a glove. Agitation (315), twitter, bob- bing, ground-swell. V. To twitter, bob, flop, quake, waggle, go pit-a-pat, jog, joggle, hustle, jounce, wallop. Phr. To jump like a parched pea ; to shake like an aspen-leaf; to move, or drive from pillar to post ; to be the sport of the winds and waves. Aid (707). Phr. To take the part of ; to take up or espouse the cause of ; to enlist under the ban- ners of ; to join hand in hand ; to lend or bear a hand ; to hold out a helping hand ; to come to the aid of ; to give one a lift; to play into the hands of ; to give one a turn ; to take in tow ; to help a lame dog over a stile ; to beat up for re- cruits ; to suckle, to dry nurse ; to lend one’s self to ; to consult the wishes of. Amusement (840), quip, quirk, rig, lark, hop, jollification, regale, junket, wake; solace; heyday, antic ; polka, jig, fling ; convivi- ality. V. To game,dally,footit, junket. APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. 439 Phr. To play the fool; to jump over the moon ; (to cut didoes, or capers) ; to dance one’s self off one’s legs; playful as a kitten; “on the light fantastic toe.” Appearance (448), Phr. To make its appearance ; to show its face; to speak for itself; to offer to one’s view ; to turn up ; to ap- pear to one’s eyes ; to come upon the stage. Approach (286). Phr. To tread on the heels of ; to hug the shore. Approbation (931), a peal, shout, or chorus, or thunders of applause. Phr. To say a good word for ; to sing, sound, or resound the praises of ; to extol to the skies ; to win golden opinions ; (to bring lown the house). Lavish of praise ; lost in admi- ration. Arrival (292), terminus. V. To pop upon, bounce upon, plump upon, bump against. Phr. To be in at the death ; to beat up the quarters ; to get home ; tut! welcome ! hail! all hail ! good day ! good morrow ! &c. Arms (727), magazine ; fire-ball ; battery, siege train, battering train ; battering-ram ; bolt, slug, carcass, congreve, shrapnell; gun, Minie, Lancaster gun, Paixhan gun, Brown Bess; bilbo, glave, Ferrara, bodkin. Ascent (305). Phr. To cut ca- pers ; to get up on one’s hind legs. Assent (488). Phr. To be at one with ; to be of one mind ; with one consent ; with one accord ; by common consent ; in chorus ; to a man ; with ut a dissentient voice ; as one man ; one and all, on all hands. AtonemAnt (952). Phr To wipe off old scores ; to set one’s house in order ; to pay the forfeit or pen- alty Attack (716), a kick, yerk, a run at, a dead set at, a lunge, a platoon-fire, a cut, passado. V. To have at, run at, make a run at, poke at, pitch into, kick, yerk, lay about one, lift a hand against, come on, have a fling at, slap on the face, throw stones, pop at, let off a gun, pepper. Phr. To lay about one ; to strike home; to spring a mine; to as- sume or take the offensive ; to take the bull by the horns ; to have a cut at; to ride full tilt against; to run a muck ; to show fight ; to aim a blow at. Attention (457). V. To bend, scrutinize, revise, revert to. Phr. To trouble one’shead about; to take cognizance of ; to prick up the ears ; to lend or incline an ear to ; to have one’s eyes open ; to have one’s eyes upon ; to bear in mind; to come to the point; to take into account. Attribution (155). Phr. To put the saddle on the right horse ; to point out the reason, ground, f ; to fight shy of; to give the slip, or go-by ; to lead one a dance ; to beat about the bush ; to take to 440 APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. one’s heels ; to have nothing to do with ; to keep out of the way ; to keep at a respectful distance ; to stand or keep aloof ; to beat a re- treat. B. Badness (649). Phr. To play the deuce with ; to break the back of ; to crush to pieces ; to crumble to dust; to grind to powder ; to ravage with fire and sword. Bad being the best. Beauty (845). V. Todight, be- dight, smarten, prank, prink, em- broider ; to be beautiful, to shine, beam, bloom ; to Adonize. Adj. Bonny, dapper, tight, nat- ty, quaint, smart, janty, tricksy, (trig). Beginning (66). Phr. The rising of the curtain ; to make a begin- ning ; to break ground; to break the ice. Belief (484). Phr. To pin one’s faith upon ; to take at one’s word. To take it into one’s head; to run away with the notion. To carry conviction; to cram down the throat; to pass current; to be received, admitted, &c.; to go down ; to take for granted ; to come round to an opinion. Benevolence (906). Phr. The milk of human kindness ; having one’s heart in the right place. Blackness (431), soot, smut, blackamoor, lividity. Adj. Dark, jetty, murky. Phr. Black as my hat; black as a shoe; black as ink; black as November; black as (a) thunder (cloud). Blusterer (887), roister, prig, puppy, saucebox, malapert, jacka- napes, jack-pudding, jack-in-office, draw-eansir, swash buckler, Cap- tain Bobadil Sir Lu ius O’ Trigger. Blasting (884) crake, brag- gardism, flourish of trumpets, jac titation, jactancy. V. To crake, crack, trumpet, to take merit to one’s self, croak, neigh, talk big. Phr. Much cry and little wool; (great I and little you) ; on stilts; cock-a-hoop. Borrowing (788). Phr. To raise the -wind ; fly a kite. Bungler (701), marplot, lubber, fumbler, sloven ; a bad hand at, the awkward squad; a fresh-water sailor ; (one who would not set the river on fire). Business (625). Phr. To have to do with; to have on one’s hands ; to have one’s hands full ; to betake one’s self to ; to occupy or concern one’s self with ; to have on one’s shoulders ; to make it one’s business ; to go to do ; to act a part; to perform the office or func- tions of; to drive a trade; to spend time upon ; (to do chores). A press of business. c. Calefaction (384), calcination, arson. V. To chafe, stive. Adj. Heated, warmed, unfrozen, melted, boiled, stewed, sodden, &c. Phr. To apply the match to, stir the fire, blow the fire, fan the flame ; to make a bonfire of, to set on fire, to burn to a cinder. Caprice (608). Adj. Particu- lar, cross-grained, cantankerous. Phr. The head being turned; the deuce being in him ; to take it into one’s head ; to strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. Care (459). Phr. Catching a weasel asleep ; the eyes of Argas. To keep an eye upon ; to be on the look-out; to look sharp4; to keep a sharp look-out; to have all one’s eyes about one ; to mind one's ATPENDIX (1 P ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. 441 Ps and Qs ; to speak by the card ; to pick one’s steps. Cause (153). Phr. Behind the scenes. To have a hand in ; to have a finger in the pie; to open the door to ; to be at the bottom of. Caution (864). Phr. Discre- tion being the better part of valor ; the Fabian policy. To look be- fore one leaps ; to see which way the wind blows; to have one’s wits about one. Certainty (474). Phr. A dead certainty ; (a fixed fact) ; sure as fate ; sure as a gun ; sure as death and taxes ; clear as day, as noon- day. To stand to reason; to make assurance doubly sure. Cessation (141). V. To lay aside, have done with, suspend ; to blow over. Phr. To shut up shop ; to stay one’s hand ; (to hang up one’s fiddle). Chance (156 and 621), hap, pot- luck, long odds. Phr. A blind bargain ; a toss up ; a turn of the cards ; a pig in a poke. To stand the hazard of the die. The die is cast. As luck would have it. Change of Mind (607), ratting, a rat, a turn-coat, Janus, Yicar of Bray. Phr. To back out of; to eat one’s words ; to swallow the leek ; to turn over a new loaf; to run with the hare, and hunt with the hound ; to play fast and loose ; to blow hot and cold ; to box the compass. ClIANGEABLENESS (149). Phr. Changeable as the moon, as a weather-cock ; here to-day and gone to-morrow. Cheapness (815), absence of charge, pepperccrn rent. Phr. To have one’s money’s worth ; cheap as dirt; dog cheap ; (ridiculously cheap). Cheerfulness (836). Phr. A flow of spirits ; the sunshine of the mind. V. To crow, sing, carol, clap the hands. Phr. To drive dull care away ; to give a loose to mirth; to keep up one’s spirits. Adj. Cheerly, cheery, sunny, palmy, hopeful, gamesome, rollick- ing, cock-a-hoop. Phr. In high feather ; gay as a lark; playful as a kitten ; merry as a grig. Choice (609). Phr. To offer for one’s choice ; to set before ; to hold out, present, or offer the alter- native ; to winnow the chaff from the wheat; to pick one’s way ; to indulge one’s fancy ; to make no bones ; to make or have no scru- ples ; to pass the Rubicon. To swallow the bait; to gorge the hook. Left to one’s self. Circuit (311), circumbendibus, north-west passage, (going round Robin Hood’s barn). V. To heel, twill, raddle, cir- cumambulate. Phr. To lead a pretty dance ; to go the round. Circumstance (8). Phr. Ac- cording to circumstances; as it may happen, or turn out; as the case may be; according as the wind blows ; sink or swim ; at all events. Cleanness (652). Phr. Clean as a whistle ; clean as a penny ; like a cat in pattens. Closure (261). V. To ram down, stuff' up. Phr. Hermetically sealed. Clothing (225), toilet; traps, slops ; fancy dress ; head-gear; pinafore, pumps, hose. V. To lap up, dight, fig out, huddle on, perk. Coherence (46). Phr. To stick like a leech; (to stick like a 442 APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. burr) ; to cling like ivy ; to cling like (a) burr ; to stick like wax. Cold (383). Phr. Goose-skin ; clay-cold; cold as a stone, as marble, as a frog, as charity, as Christmas ; cool as a cucumber ; cool as a custard. Color (428,440), glow, flush, tone, key. Pure or positive color; primitive color. Broken color, secondary, tertiary color. V. To ingrain. Adj. Tangent, dyed ; raw, mel- low, harmonious, pearly; flecked, tattooed. Phr. The play of colors ; all the colors of the rainbow; all manner of colors. Combatant (726), fighting-man, the fancy, fighting-cock, fire-eater, Amazon, Paladin, Guerilla, Cos- sack, (Turk), sepoy, spahee, janis- sary, staff, cadet, rank and file, volunteers, horse, light-horse, horse and foot; the line, militia, train- band. Command (741), the word of command, reclamation, hatti-sher- iff. Phr. To put in requisition. By a stroke or dash of the pen ; at beat of drum ; on the first sum- mons. Commonalty (876), rabble-rout, vermin, nobody. A proletary, carl, churl, kern, tyke, chuff, re- got, fellah. A hind, clod-hopper, bog-trotter, bumpkin, ploughman, gaffer, loon, looby, lout, skipjack, gaberlunzie, muck-worm. Phr. A man of straw ; nobody one knows ; “ the swinish multi- tude tag-rag and bobtail; riff- raff. An unlicked cub. Adj. Earth-born, scrubby, mush- room, dunghill, loutish, churlish, raffish. Compact (769). V. To haggle (or higgle), stickle for. Phr To come tc an understand- ing ; take at one’s word ; come to terms. Compensation (30). Phr. To split the difference. As broad as it’s long ; it is an ill wind that blows nobody any good. Measure for measure. Completeness (52) (729). Phr. To give the last finish, or finishing touch ; to put the last or finishing hand to ; supply deficiencies ; to go the whole length ; to put the seal to ; to get in the harness; from first to last ; from beginning to end ; the race being run. Compulsion (744). Phr. To pin down ; to cram down the throat; to say it must be done ; to make a point of; under the lash. Concealment (528). Phr. To draw or close the curtain. To play at bo-peep, to play at hide and seek, to hide under a bushel, to throw dust in the eyes, (to keep dark, to keep shady). Close as wax ; like a thief in the night; not to be spoken of; under the seal of secrecy ; under the table. To hold one’s tongue ; to hold one’s peace ; to keep one’s own counsel; to seal the lips ; not to breathe a syllable about ; in the background. Conciseness (572). Adj. Curt, summary. Phr. The short and the long; it comes to this ; for shortness’ sake. Concord (714). Phr. The bond of harmony ; the happy fam- ily. To understand one another; to remain at peace ; to enter into the ideas or feelings of; to sing in chorus; to keep the peace. In still water ; at one with. Conformity (82). Phr. The common run of things; matter of course ; regular as clockwork ; be- ing the order of the day. Confutation (479), a retort, a settler. Phr. A knock-down argument; APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. 443 a tu\uoque argument. To clinch an argument or question. Having exhausted the subject; at the end of one’s tether ; (having got to the end of one’s rope) ; on the adversa- ry’s own showing ; o mdeinned out of his own mouth ; ;o give one a set-down. Contempt (930). Phr. Not to care a straw, fig, button, &c., for (see 643) ; to turn up one’s nose at; to shrug one’s shoulders; to snap one’s fingers at; to turn a cold shoulder upon; to laugh to scorn ; to take the shine out of; to tread or trample under foot; to point the finger of scorn at. Content (831). Phr. “Pa- tience sitting on a monument “ Patience sovereign o’er transmut- ed ill.” To take in good part; to make the best of"; to bear with ; to let' well alone; to set one’s heart at ease or rest; to speak peace. To one’s heart’s content; so be it; amen ; it cannot be helped. Contention (720), steeple-chase, bickerment, mill, spree, rumpus, brabble, brigue, tussle, shindy, bout, battle-royal. V. To square, buckle with, wrestle. Phr. A stand-up fight; a hand- to-hand fight; bush fighting. To go to loggerheads ; to fall foul of; to join issue ; to join battle ; to bandy, or try conclusions with ; to have a brush with ; to break the peace ; to take up the cudgels ; to measure swords; to unsheath or draw the sword ; to couch one’s lance ; to run a tilt against; to let slip the dogs of war ; hard knocks ; a single combat; a triangular duel. Continuance (143). Phr. To let be ; to keep going ; to keep up the ball; to hold on the even tenor of one’s way. Contraction (195). Phr. To wizen, purse up, pinch. To grow “ small by degrees and beautifully less;” to hide its diminished heat. Contrariety (14). Phr. The reverse of the medal ; the other side of the shield; the tables being turned. As opposite as black and white, as light and darkness, as fire and water. Co-operation (709). Phr. A long pull, a strong pull, and a pull all together. To understand one another ; to be in the same boat ; to hunt in couples; to play into the hands of. Wind and weather permitting ; as one man. Courage (861), bull-dog courage, game, spunk, face. A hero, Hec- tor, Hotspur, Amazon, bully, fire- eater, &c. (863). A lion, tiger, bull-dog, game-cock, fighting-cock. Phr. To look in the face; to show a bold front; to come to the scratch ; “to screw one’s courage to the sticking place (to face the music) ; to bell the cat; to take the bull by the horns; to march up to the cannon’s mouth ; to go throhgh fire and water ; up to the scratch ; brave as a lion ; bold as brass ; brave to the back- bone. Courtesy (894), soft words, sweet words, scrape, salaam, cap- ping, hug, squeeze, buss, kissing hands, presenting arms, kneeling, genuflexion, prostration, obsequi- ousness, nod, pledge, hob and nob. V. To kiss hands, bid welcome, bid God speed, smack, hug, drink to, pledge, uncover, take off the hat. Adj. Well-spoken, fair-spoken, soft-spoken, fine-spoken. Phr. To make a leg ; to touch ; with open or outstretched arms with a good grace. Cowardice (862), the white fea- ther, Dutch courage, shy-cock, dunghill-cock, milk-sop, white- liver, nidget, coistril, a Bob Acres. APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. 444 V. To fight shy, shy, turn tail, cut and run, fly for one’s life. Adj. Lily-hearted, pigeon-heart- ed, white-livered, milk-livered, smock-faced. Phr. To show the white feather. “ In face a lion, but in heart a deer.” The devil take the hind- most. Credit (805), a dun. Ada. On tick, or tally. Phr. (To get a thing charged). Cunning (702), dodge, fetch, doubling, sharp practice, back- stairs influence. A sly-boots, Ulysses, Machiavel. Phr. To stoop to conquer; to know on which side one’s bread is buttered. Cunning as a fox. Adj. Shrewd, astute, feline, deep-laid. Curiosity (455), a quidnunc, newsmonger, Paul Pry. Phr. All agog ; on tip-toe ; with open mouth. D. Danger (6G5). Phr. A storm brewing; the ground sliding from under one ; the sword of Damo- cles ; breakers ahead ; Mother Ca- rey’s chickens. To be on the edge, brink or verge of a precipice; to hang by a thread; to stand on a volcano ; to sit on a barrel of gun- powder. To engage in a forlorn hope. Not out of the wood; hanging by a thread ; out of the frying-pan into the fire ; between two fires; between Scylla and Chary bdis. Darkness (421). Phr. Dark as pitch ; dark as a pit; dark as Ere- bus; darkness; the palpable obscure. Deafness (419). Phr. Deaf as a post; deaf as a beetle ; deaf as a trunk-maker; stone-deaf. Dearness (814). V. To over- charge, surcharge, to fleece, to rise in price. Phr. To pay 100 much , to pay through the nose ; to pay too dear for one’s whistle. Death (3G0). Phr. The ebb of life ; the jaws of death ; the Stygian shore; dead and gone. To pop off; break one’s neck; to give up the ghost; to be all over with one ; to pay the debt to nature; to take one’s last sleep ; to shuf- fle off this mortal coil; to go the way of all flesh ; to kick the buck- et ; to hop the twig; to cross the Styx, or the Stygian ferry ; to go to the wall ; to go off like the snuff of a candle ; to come to an untime- ly end ; to be numbered with the dead ; to make one’s will; to go to one’s last home; to die a nat- ural death. Dead as a door- nail ; dead as mutton; dead as a door-post; ddad as a herring; dead as nets ; (dead as Chelsea) ; launched into eternity ; gone to one's last home ; gathered to one’s fathers; gone to Davy Jones’s locker. At death's door ; on one’s death-bed ; at the point of death; in the jaws of death ; death staring one in the face ; one’s days being numbered ; having one foot in the grave ; one’s hour being come ; be- ing on one's last legs ; at the last gasp ; life hanging by a thread. Debt (80G), score, floating debt, bad debt, floating capital. Phr. To run up a bill or score ; to go on tick. Involved in debt. Deception (545), hocus-pocus, coggery, humbug, gammon, make- believe, hum, bubble, fetch, reach, go-by, dodge, bite, forgery, stalk- ing-horse, (gouge), hook, blind, feint, thimble-rig. V. To hum, hocus, nick, give the go-by, diddle, nab, chouse, fob off. Phr. To throw dust in the eyes; to hang out false colo rs; to gild the pill; to spread tl e toils; to APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AJsD PHRASES. 445 play one a trick ; to make a fool of; to cog the dice ; to fool at the top of one’s bent; to throw a tub to the whale; to practise on one’s credulity; to make one believe the moon is made of cream cheese ; (to pull wool over one’s eyes ; a sell; to get sold). A painted sep- ulchre. To lead one a pretty dance ; to play booty. Depth (208). Phr. Deep as a well; knee-deep. Defiance (715). Phr. To set at naught; to snap the fingers at; to bid defiance to; to set at defi- ance ; to hurl defiance at; to double the fist at; to show one’s teeth ; to stand akimbo; to show a bold front; to show fight; to throw down the gauntlet, or glove ; to call out. Dejection (837), dolesomenoss, mumps, dumps, blue-devils, me- grims, vapors. Phr. The cave of despair ; the cave of Trophonius. A hypochon- driac ; a seek-sorrow; a self-tor- mentor. V. To take on, to lower, pout, yearn, frown. Phr. To take to heart, to look blue ; to hang down the head ; to make a long face ; to wear the wil- low ; to laugh on the wrong side of the mouth ; to look like a drowned man (rat). To prey on the mind or spirits. Adj. Grim-faced, chop-fallen, jaw-fallen, soul-sick, dumpish, mumpish, lackadaisical, tristful, cut-up, hypped, atrabilious. Phr. Grave as a judge ; down in the mouth ; sick at heart ; in the suds ; in the sulks; with a long face ; a prey to melancholy ; dull as a beetle ; dull as ditch-water; as melancholy as a gibcat. Demonstration (478). V. To set the question at rest; to make out a case ; to bring home as a matter of course ; there being nothing more to be said. Departure (293). F To re- move, spring, fly. Phr. The foot being in the stir- rup. To take leave ; say good- by ; bid or take adieu; bid fare- well ; to fly off at a tangent; (to make tracks ; to pull up stakes) ; to take one’s departure; to make one’s exit; to take one’s self off. Int. Go ! begone ! get you gone ! get away ! go along ! be off! off with you ! get along with you ! go about your business ! go your way ! avaunt! aroint! farewell! adieu ! good-by ! by-by ! fare you well! God bless you ! Depression (308). Phr. To take down a peg. To pull about one’s ears. Desire (865). Phr. The edge of appetite ; a wistful eye; a lickerish tooth. Object of desire ; fancy, whim, whimsey, maggot, hobby-horse. Phr. The height of one's ambi- tion ; the wish being fattier to the thought. V. To die for, catch at, jump at, gape, gasp. Phr. To have at heart; to find in one’s heart; to set one's eyes upon ; to cast a sheep’s eye upon ; to set one’s cap at ; to run mad after. To whet the appetite ; to make one’s mouth water. Adj. Fain, dying for, sharp-set, peckish, athirst, dry, open-mouth- ed. Phr. Pinched with hunger; greedy as a dog ; hungry as a horse; hungry as a hunter ; hungry as a hawk; hungry as a church mouse ; having a sweet tooth ; de- voured by desire; nc thing loth ; the mouth watering ; the hands itching for. Destruction (162) V. To pitch, precipitate, raze. 446 APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. Phr. To go to the dogs; to gc to pot; to go by the board ; to be all over with ; (to go all to smash) , (to go over the dam) ; to go to wreck. V. To quash, rout out, burke. Phr. To lay the axe to the root of; to make short work of, make a clean sweep of; to cut up root and branch ; to make mince meat of; to scatter to the winds; to throw overboard ; to trample un- der foot; to give a death blow to ; to nip in the bud ; to strike at the root of; to sap the foundations of; to pluck up by the roots ; to rav- age with fire and sword. Destiny (152). Phr. The de- crees of fate ; the wheel of for- tune. The die being cast; “ It is writ- ten it must or will be so ; it must have its way. Deterioration (G59). Phr. To go to rack and ruin ; “ to fall into the sere and yellow leaf to go on from bad to worse ; to sap the foundations of ; to go further and fare worse. To play the deuce with. Out of the frying-pan into the fire ; nodding to its fall; the worse for wear ; worn to a thread ; worn to a shadow; reduced to a skele- ton ; (out at the elbow). Detraction (934). Phr. To view in a bad light; to speak ill of one behind one’s back ; to damn with faint praise. Deviation (279). Phr. To fly off at a tangent; to face to the right about; to go out of one’s way ; to lose one’s way. All manner of ways ; in all di- rections. Difference (15). Phr. As dif- ferent as chalk is from cheese ; this, that, or the other. Difficulty (704),hobble,pinch, pickle, scramble, pitch, dead set, get fast, stand, (dead stand/, dead lock, hard work, hard task. Phr. A ticklish card to play ; a screw loose; where the shoe pinches ; the horns of a dilemma ; up-hill work ; a sea of troubles ; a peck of troubles ; a kettle of fish ; “Ay, there’s the rub;” (a hard row to hoe), (a hard nut to crack). To stand in one’s own light; to stick in the mud ; to get into hot water ; to get into a mess, — (mto a muss) ; to hold a wolf by the ears ; (to shear a wolf) ; to fish in troubled waters; to bullet the waves ; to be put to one’s shifts ; to go hard with ; not to know whether one stands on one’s head or one’s heels ; to be at one’s wit’s end. To leave in the lurch ; to lead a pretty dance ; to put a spoke in one’s wheels ; to be in the way of. Adj. Uncomeatable, water-log- ged, thrown out, abroad. Phr. At a stand still ; against the grain ; surrounded with shoals and breakers ; thrown on one’s beam ends; at a pinch ; between two stools ; out of one’s depth; driven to one’s wit's end ; in a cleft stick ; in hot water; on a wrong scent; driven from pillar to post; driven to the wall; things being come to a pretty pass ; out of the frying-pan into the fire ; against the stream, against the grain. Diffuseness (573). Phr. To beat about the bush ; to spin a long yarn ; to branch out. Adj. Washy, slipslop. Dimness (422), owl’s light, neb- ulae, aurora, dusk, starlight. Phr. Shorn of its beams. Dimsightedness (443), lippi- tude, double sight, nictitation. Color, blindness, chromato- pseudoblepsis, Daltonism Limitation of vision, ' iinker; screen, &c. Adj. Myopic, presbyopic, moon- eyed, mope-eyed, goggle-eyed, one- eyed, blind of one eye, monoculous. Direction (278). Phr. To as- certain one’s direction ; to see which way the wind blows ; as the crow flies. Disagreement (24). Phr. To have no business there ; to bring, drag, or lug in, head and shoul- ders. Out of character ; out of keep- ing ; out of tune ; out of place ; out of season ; at odds ; a fish out of water ; on all fours ; neither here nor there. Disappearance (449). Phr. Not in sight ; out of sight ; lost in the clouds ; leaving no trace of. Disapprobation (932). Phr. A rap on the knuckles ; a slap on the face. Phr. Not being able to say much for ; to set one’s face against; to view with dark or jaundiced eyes ; to bend or knit the brows ; to pick a hole in ; to pluck a crow with ; to have a fling at; to read a lecture ; to take to task ; to bring to book ; to call over the coals ; (to haul over the coals) ; (to over- haul) ; to give a rap on (or over) the knuckles ; to pick to pieces ; to cast in one’s teeth; to abuse like a pickpocket; to speak dag- gers ; to forfeit the good opinion of ; to come (down) upon one for ; to snap one up ; to call to account ; to rail in good set terms. Disclosure (529). Phr. To let into the secret ; to let the cat out of the bag ; to own to the soft im- peachment ; (to acknowledge the corn) ; to make a clean breast of it ; to tell tales out of school ; not to mince the matter ; to be on the tip of the tongue ; (to leak out). To get wind ; the murder will out. Discontent (832), taking on. APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. Phr. To take on ; to look blue ; to make a wry face. Cut up, glum, home-sick ; out of sorts ; in the dumps ; down in the mouth. Discord (713), hubbub, tiff, snip-snap, sing-song, brabble, a bone to pick, (a bobbery). V. To squabble, brangle, brawl. Phr. To misunderstand one an- other ; to have words with; to have a bone to pick with ; to be at variance with; to join issue with ; to pick a quarrel with ; to break squares with ; to live like cat and dog. To set together by the ears ; (to kick up a bobbery) ; to fall foul of. Discourtesy (895), inurbanity, contumely, crossness, morosity, sauciness, procacity ; sulks, dudg- eon, mumps, black looks ; a short answer. Blackguard, an unlicked cub. V. To glower ; snap, snarl, pout, to cut. Phr. To turn one’s back upon ; to take a liberty ; to turn on one’s heel; to look black upon ; to turr a cold shoulder on. Adj. Ill conditioned, cantanker- ous, curst, froward, gium, grim, glowering, sinistrous, growling. Phr. Cross as a cat; cross as two sticks ; cross as the tongs ; cross as a dog ; sour as a crab ; surly as a bear. Discrimination (4G5). Phr. To split hairs ; to cut blocks with a razor. Disease (655). Phr. To keep one’s bed ; to lay (lie) by ; to feign sickness ; to sham Abraham. Out of sorts ; out of joint ; out of heart; good for nothing ; on the sick list; in a bad way ; worn to the stump ; on one’s last legs , at the last gasp ; (under the weath- er). Dislike (867), queasiness, turn 447 448 APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. V. To shrug the shoulders at; not to be able to bear or endure ; to go against the grain • to con- ceive or entertain an aversion to; to turn one’s stomach ; to go against the stomach ; to make one’s blood run cold ; to have enough of ; to make a wry face ; to turn up one’s nose at. Dismission (756). Phr. To turn off; to send about one’s business ; to send to the right about; to turn adrift; to put one’s nose out of joint. Disobedience (742). V. To shirk, kick, strike. Phr* To champ the bit; to raise the fire-cross. The gray mare being the better horse. Disorder (59). Phr. Wheels within wheels ; confusion worse confounded; most admired disor- der ; hell being broke loose. A pretty kettle of fish ; all the fat being in the fire. The cart before the horse; by fits and snatches ; higgledy-pig- gledy ; harum-scarum. Dispersion (73). Phr. To scat- ter to the winds ; to sow broad- cast ; to spread like wildfire. Disrepute (874). Phr. A burn- ing shame; a crying shame; the bend sinister ; a badge of infamy ; a blot on one’s escutcheon ; a by- word of reproach. To feel disgrace ; to take shame to one’s self ; to hide one’s face ; to look foolish ; to hang one’s head ; to laugh on the wrong side of the mouth ; to go away with a flea in one’s ear ; not to dare to show one’s face ; to hide its diminished head. To lose caste. To hold up to shame ; to one’s shams be it spoken. Tc put to the blush ; to cut a pool figure ; to put out of coun- tenance ; to draw in one’s horns; to cast in the shade. Shorn of its beams ; in bad odor; branded with shame, infamy, &c. Disrespect (929). Phr. To make game of ; to point the finger at; to make a fool of; to turn into ridicule ; to laugh to scorn. Dissent (489). Phr. To shake the head ; to shrug the shoulders ; to join issue ; to give the lie. A flat contradiction ; many men many minds. Displacement (185). V. To un- house, take off, take away, blow away. Phr. To make a clean sweep of. Dissimilarity (13). Phr. Noth- ing of the kind ; far from it; cast in a different mould; as like a dock as a daisy; ‘ ‘ very like a whale.” Dissuasion (616). Phr. To throw cold water upon ; to turn a deaf ear to. A wet blanket. Distance (196). Phr. The ut- termost parts of the earth ; (the jumping-off place) ; far and near ; far and wide ; over the hills and far away ; from end to end ; from pole to pole ; from China to Peru ; from Dan to Beersheba ; out of the sphere of; (from Maine to Geor- gia) . Disuse (678). Phr. To send packing; to lay on the shelf ; to lay up in ordinary; to lay up in a napkin ; to cast, heave, or throw overboard ; to cast to the winds ; to turn out neck and heels. Drawing (285). Phr. A long pull, a strong pull, and a pull all together. Drunkenness (959). Phr. To take a drop too much ; to drink like a fish ; to got into the head ; to splice the main brace ; to take a hair of the dog that bit you ; (to liquor up; to take a horn). APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. Adj. Fuddled, fuzzled, groggy, whittled, corned, screwed, rad- dled, sewed up, lushy, nappy, boozy, muddled, muzzy, (tight, slewed). Phr. In one’s cups ; the worse for liquor ; having had a drop too much ; half seas over; three sheets in the wind; under the table; drunk as a piper ; drunk as a fid- dler ; drunk as a lord ; drunk as Chloe ; drunk as an owl; drunk as David’s sow ; drunk as a wheel- barrow. Dry (340). Phr. Dry as a bone; dry as dust ; dry as a stick; dry as a mummy ; dry as a biscuit ; (dry as a chip). Dulness (843). Phr. To throw cold water on ; to lay a wet blan- ket ; to catch napping. Dull as a beetle. Duty (926). Phr. “ The still small voice within.” To be upon one’s good behavior. To be at one’s post; to lie at one’s door ; to be in duty bound ; to do justice to ; with a safe con- science. E. Earliness (132). Phr. To take time by the forelock ; to be before- hand with ; to steal a march upon ; to be pressed for time. In good time ; in military time ; in pudding-time ; at sunrise ; with the lark; on the stroke of the clock. Economy (817), good house- wifery ; prevention of waste ; sav- mgness; a save-all. Phr. Cheese-parings and candle- ends. To cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth ; to make both ends meet ; to keep within compass , to save against a rainy day. Ejection (297). V. To gut, spirt, slop. To keck, retch, sputter, splut- ter, slobber, slaver, slabber, squirt; to unship, bundle out, drum out, turn adrift. Phr. To elbow out; to throw overboard ; to make a clean sweep of. The rogue’s march. Elegance (578). Phr. A ready pen ; flowing periods. To round a period ; ‘ ‘ to point a moral or adorn a tale.” Elevation (307). V. To give a lift, uphoist, buoy. Phr. On stilts; on the shoul- ders of. End (67), fate, doom, dooms- day. Phr. The fall of the curtain ; the turning-point. To make an end of ; to cut the matter short; to shut up shop. Endearment (902), billing and cooing, blandiment, buss, smack, osculation, deosculation, philan- dering, gallivanting, serenading. V. To wheedle, pat, dally, cod- dle, cockle, cosset, clasp, hug, cuddle. Phr. To make much of; to smile upon ; to pat on the cheek ; to make love ; pay one’s court or addresses to. Error (495). Phr. To take the shadow for the substance ; to go on a fool’s errand ; (to bark up the wrong tree) ; wide of the mark ; on the wrong scent; in the wrong box ; not having a leg to stand upon ; (quite used up). Escape (671). Phr. To whip off, take one’s self off; to play tru- ant ; to beat a retreat; to slip the collar ; to slip through the fingers ; to make one’s self scarce ; to take French leave; to take to one’s heels ; to cut and run ; to get clear of; to run for one’s life ; to save one’s bacon ; to find a hole to creep out of ; (to cut stick, to vamose, 449 APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. 450 to slope, to absquatulate, to be am mg the missing). Essay (675). Phr. To do one’s best; to tempt fortune ; to feel the pulse ; to take one’s chance ; to put out or throw out a feeler ; to send up a pilot balloon. Evening (126). Phr. The dead of night, the witching time of night, “dewy eve.” Eventuality (151). Phr. Stir- ring events ; the ups and downs of life, the chapter of accidents, the cast of the die. The plot thickening. In the course of things ; in the long run ; as it may happen ; hap- pen what may ; at all events ; come what may or will; as the tree falls ; as the cat jumps; as the world goes. Evidence (467). Phr. Quota- tion of chapter and verse ; the case in point; special pleading. Phr. To hold good; to hold water ; to speak for itself ; to tell its own tale ; to speak volumes. A tu quoque argument; the oth- er side of the shield. To tell another story. With grains of allowance. Exaggeration (549), rant, cari- cature, high coloring. Phr. To color too highly ; to stretch a point; to spin a long yarn ; to shoot with a long bow ; to deal in the marvellous ; to make a mountain of a mole-hill; to out- llerod Herod. All his geese are swans ; • much (great) cry and little wool; to talk at random. Excitability (825), fidgetiness, whiff, the blood boiling, Quixot- ism. Phr. To be all out of patience ; to be in a stew, or in a pucker; to fly off at a tangent. Adj. Over head and ears, hur- ried, wild, mad-cap, boiling, heart- swelling, heart-thrilling, stanch* less. Excitement (824). V. To rip up, give a fillip, fluster. Phr. To come home to one’s feelings ; to put one on one’s met- tle ; to prey on the mind ; to go to one’s heart; to give one a turn; to cut to the quick ; to go through one ; to lash into fury ; to strike one all of a heap ; to make one's blood boil. Being all of a twitter ; all in a pucker ; in a ferment; ready to sink ; on ono’s high ropes; the heart beating high ; the head being turned. Exclusion (893), cut direct, dead cut. A Troglodite, San ton, pilgarlic, ruralist, outcast, Pariah. Phr. To keep snug ; to send to Coventry ; to look cool upon; to shut the door upon. To retire from the world. Left to shift for one’s self ; not putting up horses together. Adj. Bye, snug, cut, black- balled, unwelcome, lorn. Exertion (686), a stitch of work ; a dead lift. Phr. To set one’s shoulder to the wheel ; to strain every nerve ; to put one’s best leg foremost; to do as much as in one lies ; to go through fire and water ; to work day and night; to do double duty ; to work double tides ; to put forth one’s strength, bend the bow, &c. ; to move heaven and earth ; to work like a galley-slave ; (to work like a trooper) ; to leave no stone un- turned, &c. ; see (682). By the sweat of one’s brow, with all one’s might; with might and main ; with tooth and nail; hammer and tongs ; through thick and thin ; through fire and water. Expectation (507). Phr. On the tiptoe of expectation ; looming in APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. 451 the distance ; the wish being father to the thought; to have in store for. Expenditure (809), money go- ing out, out-goings, appointments, batta, shot, scot. V. To come down with ; (to CGme down handsome) ; to fork out; (to fork over ; to pony up ; to plank down the cash) ; to bleed; to loose the purse-strings ; to pay the pi- per , (to shell out). F. Facility (705), a clear stage, a holiday task. Phr. To have it all one’s own way ; to walk over the course ; to go with the stream ; to make noth- ing of. To leave a hole to creep out of. The coast being clear. Being quite at home ; being in one’s element; on friction wheels ; on velvet. Failure (732), cross, blot, foot- fall, split, mess, lurch, stale-mate, botchery, bankruptcy, nonsuit. Phr. A flash in the pan; a losing game ; the bubble bursting ; a wild-goose chase ; a mare’s nest; a sleeveless errand. V. To go cross. To make nothing of ; to bring to naught; to limp, miss one’s footing; to make a mess of ; to tumble. Phr. To come to nothing ; to come off second-best; to end in smoke; to slip through one’s fin- gers ; to fall to the ground ; to fall still-born ; to take an ugly turn ; to go hard with one ; to hang fire ; to miss fire ; to miss stays ; to flash in the pan ; to split upon a rock ; to be thrown on one’s back ; to miss one’s aim ; to bite the dust ; to be throAvn on one’s beam ends ; to go to the wall ; between two stools to fall to the ground ; to go to the dogs ; to go to pot; to break one’s back ; to be all over with ; to be all up with ; to be in the wrong box ; to stand in one’s own light; to catch a Tartar ; to get hold of a wrong sow by the ear ; (to bark up the wrong tree) ; to burn one’s fingers ; to shoot at a pigeon and kill a crow ; to beat the air ; to skin a flint; to wash a blackamoor white; to roll the stone of Sisyphus. Adj. Out of luck, capsized, dished, planet-struck. Phr. Wide of the mark; left in the lurch ; on a fool’s errand ; being all up ; not having a leg to stand upon; ruined root and branch ; the sport of fortune ; hoisted by one’s own petard; (rowed up Salt river) ; out of the frying-pan into the fire ; to go further and fare worse. Fashion (852). Phr. The height of fashion ; a star of fashion ; man of the world. To fall in with the prevailing taste or fashion ; to have a run, or be the rage. Falsehood (544), humbug, mealy- mouthedness, misstatement, ma- lingering. V. To belie, malinger. Phr. To play the hypocrite ; to sham Abraham ; to give the go- by ; to beat about the bush ; to play fast and loose; to blow hot and cold ; to be like a conjuror ; to look as if butter would not melt in one’s mouth. All is not gold that glitters. Fastidiousness (868). Adj. Quea- sy, squeasy. Phr. To turn up one’s nose at. Fatigue (688). Adj. Ready to drop ; dog-weary. Phr. Off one’s legs ; on one’s last legs ; tired to death ; pulled down ; foot-sore ; unrefreshed ; unrestored ; having too much. 452 APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. Fear (860), ague-fit, heart-sink- ing, (heart-ache). Stampede. Object of fear ; bugaboo, bogie, gorgon, mormo, ogre. Phr. Raw head and bloody bones. V. To wince, boggle, skulk, coAver, crouch, funk, flutter. Phr. To smell a rat; to grow pale ; to stand aghast; to shake all over ; to shake like an aspen-leaf; (to feel streaked). To fright from one’s propriety; to strike all of a heap ; to make one’s skin creep; to make one’s hair stand on end. White as a sheet; pale as death ; the hair standing on end ; not daring to say one’s soul’s one’s own ; more frightened than hurt; afraid of one’s shadow ; frightened out of one’s wits, or out of one’s seven senses. Feeling (821), fluster, twitter, ruffle, hurry of spirits, tliumping. Phr. To come home to one’s feelings, or bosom ; to swallow the pill; to pocket the affront. The fulness of the heart; from the bottom of one’s heart. Flatness (251). Phr. Flat as a pancake ; flat as a flounder; flat as a board ; flat as my hand; a dead flat; a dead level. Flattery (933). Phr. To curry favor with ; to hang on the sleeve of ; to lay it on thick ; to lay it on with the trowel; to lick the dust ; to lay the flattering unction to the soul; to soft sawder ; (to soft soap ; to stuff). Flatterer (935), white-washer, toady, toad-eater, touter, spaniel, claw-back, flunkey, lick-spittle, pick-thank, ear-wig, doer of dirty work. Fold (258), rimple, crinkle, crankle, crumple, rumple, ruck, dog’s ear, frounce, pucker. V. To cockle up, cocker, frizzle, crimple, turn under, tuck, ruck turn down. Folly (499). Phr. The fool’s paradise ; one’s wits going a wool gathering. To play the fool; to play the monkey ; to go on a fool’s errand ; ■ to pursue (go on) a wild-goose chase; to reckon without one’s host; to quarrel with one’s bread and butter ; to go on a sleeveless errand ; “ to strain at a gnat and swallow a camel to get hold of the wrong sow by the ear ; penny- wise and pound-foolish. Adj. Beetle-headed, beef-witted, fat-witted, spoony, blunder-head- ed, addle-headed, clod-pa ted, shal- low-pated, dull-brained, dim- sighted, short-sighted, vacant, muddle-headed, muddy-headed. Food (298), fodder, x-ation, keep, prog, belly-timber, flesh-pots, feed, spread, junket, bever, tiffin, snack, dainty, whet, bait, pot-luck, colla- tion. Mouthful, bolus, gobbet, sip sop. Phr. The staff of life ; bread and cheese. Fool (501),blockhead, tomfool simpleton, ass, goose, booby, noo- dle, nizy, noddy, owl, goose-cap, lack-wit, ninnyliammer, natural, lackbi’ain, loon, oaf, lown, dul- lard, dull-head, doodle, calf, colt, buzzard, block, put, stick, stock, numps, gowk, clodpoll, clodhop- per, lubber, bull-calf, bull-head, thick-skull, dunder-lxead, addle- head, dizzard, hoddy-doddy, non- ny, looby, nincompoop, shallow- brain, a poor head, logger-head, sot, jolt-head, beetle-head, jobber- nowl, gross-head, moon-calf, giddy head, rantipole, old woman, crone. April fool, Cyclops, bush-whack- er. Phr. One who would not set the Thames on fire ; one who is no conjurer ; one who did not invent gunpowder; one who could not say “ Boh” to a goose. Men of Gotham ; men of Boeo- tia. Fop (854), jemmy, spark, swell, fast man, popinjay, puppy, prig, jackanapes, jack-a-dandy, (squirt). Forgiveness (918). Phr. To heal the breach ; to shake hands ; to reconcile. Let by-gones be by-gones. Freedom (748). Phr. To have the run of; to have one’s own way ; to stand on one’s legs ; to stand on one’s rights ; to have a will of one’s own. To take a liberty; to make free with. To give a loose to. A cat may look at a king. Friendship (888). V. To know, to be acquainted with, to have a leaning to. Phr. To take in good part; to hold out the right hand of fellow- ship ; to be in one’s books; (to hitch horses together). Adj. Thick, hand in glove, (hand and glove), friend,messmate, shopmate, crony, chum, bed-fel- low. Pylades and Orestes, Castor and Pollux, Nisus and Euryalus, Da- mon and Pythias. Futurity (121). Phr. The crack of doom ; the future in rus. To be in the wind ; “ to loom in the future.” All in good time. G. Gluttony (957). Phr. To eat out of house and home ; to have the stomach of an ostrich ; to play a good knife and fork. Going Before (280). To go in the van ; take the lead. Going After (281). Phr. Togo in the rear or in the wake of, tread APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. in the steps of. tread on the heels of, to lag behind. Goodness (648). Phr. To bear the bell. To challenge comparison; to pass muster. Of the first water, precious as the apple of the eye, worth a Jew’s eye ; sound as a roach ; worth its weight in gold ; crack, bang-up ; up to the mark. Gratitude (916). Phr. To over- flow with gratitude ; to thank or bless one’s stars. Never to forget. Thanks ! many thanks ! gram- mercy ! much obliged! thank Heaven ! Heaven be praised! Gravity (319), lead, a mill- stone, mountain, Ossa on Pelion. Phr. Heavy as lead. Greatness (31). Adj. Signal, crass, matchless ; unconscionable ; stark. Adv. On a large scale, all lengths ; to the back-bone; with a witness ; with a vengeance; fa- mously ; severely ; painfully, mis- erably. H. Habit (613). Phr. To run on in a groove ; to follow the multi- tude ; to go with the current, stream, &c.; to move in a rut. To gain upon one; to run in the blood. Bred in the bone ; running in the blood; according to cus- tom. Hardness (323). Phr. Hard as iron, &c.; hard as a brick; hard as a nail ; hard as a deal board; stiff as buckram ; stiff as a poker. Harshness (410), soprano, fal- setto, penny trumpet. Phr. To set the teeth on edge; to grate upon the ear. Haste (684). Phr. To make the best of one’s time ; to lose not 453 454 APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. a momert. No sooner said than | done. Pressed for time; in full tilt. Hate (898). Phr. The phials of hate. To owe a grudge ; to bear malice ; to conceive an aver- sion to ; (to take a spite to) ; to make one’s blood run cold. Mu- tual hate. There being no love lost between them ; being at dag- gers drawn. Health (654). Phr. To keep on one’s legs ; to take a new or fresh lease of life. Having a clean bill of health ; being on one’s legs ; fresh as a rose ; hearty as a buck ; in fine or high feather. In good case. Sound as a bell. Heat (382). Phr. Hot as fire; warm as toast; warm as wool; piping hot. Hearing (418). Phr. To hang upon the lips of. To prick uji one’s ears ; to be all ear. Height (206). Adj. Perked up, heaven-kissing, top-gallant. Phr. Tall as a May-pole; tall as a steeple; tall as a poplar; over head and ears. Hindrance (706), let, pitch, turnpike, mill-stone, night-mare, a head wind. Phr. A spoke in the wheel; a wet blanket; the old man of the sea. To lay under restraint; to nip in the bud ; to tie the hands ; to cross the path of; to stop the way. (A lion in the way.) Hope (858). Phr. A ray, gleam or flash of hope; a bright prospect; a clear sky. To see land; to look on the bright side of; to be of good heart or cheer ; to live in hope; to cling to hope ; to pin one’s hope or faith upon; to apply the flattering unction to one’s soul; to catch at a straw; to hope against hope. Horse (271), hunter, jument. filly, foal, l arb, pad, cob, tit punch, roadster, goer, ketch, shel- ty- Humility (879). Phr. To lower one’s flag; to lower one’s note, fall on one’s knees, &c. ; to knock under ; to sing small; to eat humble pie ; to eat dirt; to pock- et an affront; to get a set-down ; to stoop to conquer ; to snub. To throw into the shade ; to put out of countenance ; to teach one one’s distance ; to take down a peg low- er ; (to take the wind out of one’s sails) ; (to take the starch out of one) ; to send away with a flea in one’s ear. Out of countenance ; shorn of one’s glory ; down in the mouth ; down on one’s knees; down on one’s marrow-bones; humbled in the dust; not being able to say ‘1 Boh ” to a goose ; (begging pardon of all flesh for being in the world). Humorist (844), witsnapper, spark, Joe Miller, scaramouch, pickle-herring. Phr. The life of the party, (of the occasion). I. Ignorance (491). Phr. To he caught tripping; not to know what to make of; not to be able to make head or tail of; not to know a hawk from a liand-saw. Having a film over the eyes ; un- able to make anything of; to make nothing of. Illegality (964). Phr. To take the law into one’s own hands; to set the law at defiance; to drive a coacli-and-six through a statute. The law being a dead let- ter. Might makes right. Imagination (515). Phr. The mind’s eye ; a flight of fancy; fumes of fancy ; “a fine frenzy “thick-coming fancies;” the coinage of the brain ; a stretch of imagination. Castle-building; APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. a Canterbury tale. Air-drawn dagger, the man in the moon, men in buckram, Will-o’-the-wisp, Jack-o’-lantern, Utopia. To take into one’s head; to figure to one’s self; to strike out some- thing new; to give a loose to the fancy ; to give the reins to the im- agination; to set one’s wits to work; to strain or crack one’s invention ; to rack or cudgel one’s brain ; (to build castles in the air). Imperfection (651). Adj. Seedy, gimcrack, gingerbread. Phr. To play second fiddle ; barely to pass muster ; to have a screw loose. No great catch ; no great shakes ; milk and water ; only better than nothing. Importance (642). Phr. To be somebody, or something. To make much of; to set store on or by ; to lay stress upon ; to make a stir, a fuss, a piece of work, or much ado about. A matter of life and death. Being no joke. Not to be sneezed at. Impossibility (471). Phr. To wash a blackamoor white; to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear; out of the question; the grapes being sour. Impotence (158). Phr. To break the neck of, break the back ; to spike the guns ; to clip the wings of; laid on the shelf; laid on the back ; not having a leg to stand on. Improbability (473). Phr. Con- trary to all reasonable expecta- tion ; having scarcely a chance, &c. Improbity (940), roguery, job, jobbing. Adj. Low-thoughted, scabby, scrubby. Phr. Double-tongued; lost to shame ; dead to honor. V. To sneak, derogate. Phr. To break one’s word ; to sell one’s self; to play false ; to go over to the enemy. Improvement (658). Phr To take a new lease ; to be one’s self again ; to turn over a new leaf; to come about ; to go ahead. Impulse (612). Phr. On the spur of the moment, or of the oc- casion. Extempore, off-hand. Inaction (681). Phr. To let well alone ; to bide one’s time ; to take one’s time; to cool one’s heels ; to stay one’s hand ; to wash one’s hands of; to take it easy ; to leave in the lurch ; not to stir a peg; to have other fish to fry. Inactivity (683), snooze, dream, trance, snore, a wink of sleep, for- ty winks. A do-little, lubber, slow-back, marmot. Phr. The Castle of Indolence ; the Fabian policy ; (“ masterly in- activity ”) ; the thief of time. A waiter on Providence. V. To hang fire, slouch, loll, drawl, slug, dally, dawdle ; to fool away time. Phr. To play truant; to weigh down the eyelids ; to fold one’s arms ; to rest upon one’s oars ; to burn daylight; to lie fallow ; to while awray the time. To take a nap, go off to sleep. "To sleep like a top ; to sleep as sound as a top ; to sleep like a log ; to sleep like a dormouse ; to eat the bread of idleness ; to loll in the lap of indolence. Adj. Faddling, tardigrade, lackadaisical, fiddle-faddle, shilly- shally. Phr. With folded arms ; with the hands in the pockets. The eyes beginning to draw straws. In the arms of Morpheus ; (gone to the land of Nod). Inattention (458). Phr. The wits going a wool-gathering; a cur- sory view. Caught napping. To 455 456 APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. take no account of; to come in at one ear and go out at the other. Incuriosity (456). Phr. Not to trouble one’s self about; to care nothing about; the devil may care. Inelegance (579). Phr. Words that dislocate the jaw, that break the teeth. To smell of the lamp. Inequality (28). Phr. To have or give the advantage ; to turn the scale ; to kick the beam ; to topple over. Inexcitability (826). V. To stand, bide, abide, abide with, rub on. Phr. To pocket the affront; to swallow the pill; to swallow the leek ; to kiss the rod; to shrug the shoulders ; (to bear it like a philosopher). To set one’s heart at rest or ease. Gentle as a lamb ; patient as Job; armed with pa- tience ; cool as a cucumber. Inexistence (2). Phr. To be null and void; to “ leave not a wreck behind.” Inexpectation (508). Phr. To reckon without one’s host; to count one’s chickens before they are hatched. To drop from the clouds ; to trust to a broken reed; to dash the cup from the lips ; the mountain bringing forth a mouse. Infant (129), bairn, bratling, whipper-snapper, hobbardy-hoy, hobbledy-hoy, wench. Phr. In leading-strings ; at the breast; in one’s arms ; in one’s teens. Inferiority (34). Phr. To hide its diminished head ; to throw into the shade. Weighed in the balance, and found wanting. Influence (175). V. To tell, to rage, to be rife. Phr. A tower of strength. To be in the ascendant; to spread like wildfire. Ado. With telling effect. Ingratitude (917). Phr. To look a gift-horse in the mouth Thank you for nothing ! Ingress (294). Phr. To pop into, ram into ; to find one’s way into ; to creep into ; to worm one’s self into ; to open the door to. Inhabitant (188), householder, backwoodsman ; a new comer; see (57). Injury (see Badness, 649). Phr. To play the deuce with, to break the back-of; to crush to pieces ; to crumble to dust; to grind to powder ; to ravage with fire and sword. Inquiry (461). Phr. The threshold of an inquiry. To scratch the head ; to slap the forehead ; to look, peer or pry into every hole and corner ; to beat the bush- es ; to leave no stone unturned ; to seek a needle in a pottle of hay (or in a hay-mow) ; to mouse, dodge. To subject to examination ; to put to the proof; to pass in review; to take into consideration; to grapple with a question ; to ven- tilate a question ; to seek a clue. Insanity (503). Phr. To addle the wits ; the head being turned ; having a bee in one’s bonnet; far gone ; stark staring mad ; mad as a March hare ; the devil being in one ; giddy as a goose ; one’s wits going a wool-gathering, or a bird’s-nesting ; out of one’s mind ; out of one’s senses; out of one’s wits; like one possessed; the mind having lost its balance ; hav- ing rats in the upper story ; a can- didate for Bedlam. Insensibility (823), coma, trance, hebetation, stock and stone, neutrality. V. To numb, case-harden, he- betate. Adj. Thick-skinned, pachyder- matous, case-hardened, chloro- formed, comatose, anaesthetic. APPENDIX OP ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. Intelligibility (518). V. lo throw light upon, to simplify. Phr. Clear as day; clear as noon-day; not to be mistaken. He that runs may read. To see with half an eye ; to enter into the idea of. Plain as a pike-staff; in plain terms. Intention (620). Phr. In the wind ; on the anvil; in right good earnest. To find in one’s heart. Interchange (148), castling (at chess), hocus-pocus. Phr. A Roland for an Oliver ; tit for tat. Inutility (645). Phr. To use vain efforts ; to beat the air ; to lash the waves ; to fish in the air ; to milk the ram. Inversion (218). Phr. The cart before the horse ; heels over head, or head over heels; the wrong side up ; top-side t’ other way. Irascibility (901), frowardness, huffiness, protervity. A brabbler. V. To fire up. Adj. On the fret, over-hasty, quick, techy, snappish, peppery, exceptious, froward, shrewish, cantankerous. Phr. Like touchwood, or tin- der ; a word and a blow. Irresolution (605). Phr. To hang fire ; to hum and haw ; not to know one’s own mind ; to will and to will not; (yes or no). Infirm of purpose ; being without ballast; waiting to see which way the cat jumps, or the wind blows. J. Journey (266). V. To foot it, stump, peg on, bundle, toddle, shuffle on, tramp, tread a path, jog on, fisk. Phr. To have a run, gallop, &c. Judgment (480). V. To be near the truth ; to burn: to stum- 457 Phr. With dry eyes; with withers unwrung ; having a rhino- ceros hide. No matter; it mat- ters not; it does not signify ; it is of no consequence or importance ; it cannot be helped; nothing coming amiss ; being all the same to; never mind; being all one to ; having, feeling, or taking no interest in. Insertion (300). V. To foist in, stick in, ram in, plough in, souse, douse, drown. Instantaneity (113). Phr. Quick as thought; quick as light- ning ; rapid as electricity. Before one can say “Jack Robinson;” between the cup and lip ; on the spur of the moment; on the spot; on the instant; in less than no time ; (right away). Insolence (885), dicacity, mala- pertness, a hardened front, proca- city. V. To roister, make bold, snub, huff, outface, (bluff), out-look, out-stare, out-brazen, hector, to swear, rap out oaths. Adj. Malapert, roistering, rol- licking, high-flown, aweless. Phr. To give one’s self airs ; to kick up a dust; to lay down the law ; to put on big looks ; to ride the high horse; to lord it over; to ride rough-shod over ; to carry with a high hand ; to tread under foot; to talk big ; to take a liberty. Instrumentality (631), “open sesame,” a go-between, a cat’s psw, main-stay, trump-card. Phr. Two strings to one’s bow ; by dint of; wherewithal. Insufficiency (640), a thimble- ful, depletion, ebb tide, low water, short commons, a banyan day. Phr. A beggarly account of empty boxes. Out at elbows; not naving a leg to stand upon. To be put upon one’s shifts; to be put on short allowance. 458 APPENDIX OF ENGLISH IV 9RDS AND PHRASES ble upon; to pop upon, lay the finger on, smoke, grub up ; to dis- inter ; to verify. To hold the scales ; to set in judgment; to lay one’s finger or one’s hand upon. Junction (43). V. To unite, put together, to bridge over, to latch, belay, clap together, brack- et, impact, wedge, rabbet, jam. Adj. Jammed. Phr. Rolled into one. Jurisdiction (965). Catch-poll, bum-bailiff. Sbirri, alguazil, lie- tor. K. Killing (361). V. To burke, do for, put an end to, bowstring ; turn oil'. Phr. To put to the sword ; to run through the body; to put to the edge of the sword ; to blow the brains out; (to make daylight shine through) ; to give a quietus to ; to give a death-blow to; to knock on the head ; to launch into eternity ; to imbrue one’s hands in blood. Knowledge (490). Phr. The march of intellect; the progress, advance, &c., of science; the school- master being abroad. To have in one’s head ; to have at one’s fingers’ ends; to know what’s what. At home in ; behind the scenes ; one’s eye being open ; the scales falling from one’s eyes; to the best of one’s knowledge. Adj. Educated, enlightened, shrewd, blue, recognized, hack- neyed, trite, common-place. L. Lamentation (839). Phr. The melting mood ; a flood of tears, wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth. V. To bibber, maunder, pule, take on, grunt, mew, mewl squeak. Phr. To melt or burst into tears; to cry one’s self blind; to cry one’s eyes out; to beat one’s breast; to wring cue’s hands ; to gnash one’s teeth ; to tear one’s hair ; to roll on the ground; to roar like a bull; to bellow like an ox. Being in the melting mood; with tears in one’s eyes ; bathed or dissolved in tears ; the eyes ; suffused, swimming, brimful, or overflowing with tears; with moistened or watery eyes; the tears standing in the eyes, or start- ing from the eyes. Lateness (133). Phr. A day after the fair; at the eleventh hour. An afternoon man. To tide it over; to push or drive to the last; to let the matter stand over. Lawyer (968), bencher, proctor, equity, draughtsman, notary, scrivener. Learning (539). V. To grind, cram, (coach). Phr. To flash on the mind. To run away with an idea ; to catch the idea ; to make one’s self acquainted with ; to turn over the leaves ; to make one’s self master of ; to go to school ; to get up a subject; to get scent of ; to serve one’s apprenticeship; to serve one’s time. Length (200). Phr. To make a long arm ; to drag its slow length along ; there being no end of. As long as my arm ; as long as to-day and to-morrow. Levity (320). Adj. In ponder- ous, weightless, uncompressed, volatile. Phr. Light as a feather ; light as thistle-down ; light as air. Liberality (816). Phr. To open APPENDIX one’s purse-strings ; to bleed free- h- Adj. Handsome; full-handed. Liberation (750). Phr. To cut and run'; to cast off trammels ; slip the collar ; shake off the yoke, tear asunder one’s bonds, break prison ; to unhand, get clear of. Life (359), life-blood, the breath of one’s nostrils. Phr. To see the light; to come into the world ; to draw the breath of life. To keep life and soul (soul and body) together ; all alive and kick- ing. Ligiit (420). Phr. A flood of light; to strike a light. Bright as silver, bright as day, bright as noonday. List (86), tally, panel, ledger, synopsis, bill of fare. Littleness (193), a dwarf, runt, pigmy, lilliputian, chit, pigwidge- on, urchin, elf, doll, puppet, Tom Thumb, manikin, skeleton, shad- ow, mouse, pollard. Adj. Wee, minikin, hop-o’-my- thumb. Phr. In a small compass, in a nut-shell. Thin as a lath ; worn to a shad- ow ; skin and bone. Location (184), settlement, lodge. V. To domesticate, put up at. Phr. To pitch one’s tent; to put up one’s horses at. Loquacity (584), gab, gabble, jabber, cackle, clack, rattle, bib- ble-babble, gibble-gabble. Phr. A thrice-told tale ; a long yarn. To din in the ears ; to drum in- to the ear ; to spin a long yarn; to talk at random; to talk one’s self out of breath ; to bandy about. The tongue running fast; hoarse with talking. OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. Loss (776). Phr. To allow to slip through the fingers. Loudness (404) Phr. To din in the ear ; to shout, or thunder at the pitch of one’s breath, or at the top of one’s voice. Enough to split the head or ears ; in full cry. Love (897). Phr. To take to ; to take a fancy to ; (to cotton to) ; to make much of; to look sweet upon ; to fall in love with ; to set one’s affections on ; to lose one’s heart; to become enamored, &c. ; to curry favor with ; to pay one’-s court to ; to set one’s cap at. Over head and ears in love; love-sick, sweet upon. To one’s mind, taste, or fancy ; in one’s good graces; dear as the apple of one’s eye ; nearest to one’s heart; like an angel; the idol of the people. M. Malediction (908). Phr. To devote to destruction; to invoke or call down curses on one’s head ; to swear like a trooper ; to rap out an oath ; to curse with bell, book, and candle. Malevolence (907). Phr. To dip or imbrue one’s hands in blood. Betraying the cloven foot; hav- ing no bowels. Mankind (372), earthling, folk , the masses; blade, chap, gaffer, good-man, master. Phr. The lords of the creation ; the body politic. Manifestation (525). Phr. To lay one’s finger upon ; to hold up the mirror ; to draw, lift up, raise, or remove the curtain ; to throw off the mask ; to crop out; to speak for itself; to give vent to ; on the stage ; plain as a pike-staff. Marriage (903), Hymen, spou- sals, the torch of Hymen; nup- tial benediction, the honeymoon. 459 APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. 460 Phr To lead to the altar; to take tc one’s self a wife ; to take for better or worse ; to give one’s hand to ; to bestow one’s hand upon. To tie the nuptial knot; to give in marriage. Materials (635). Phr. Ashot in the locker ; a hand at cards. Means (632). Phr. Wheels within wheels. By hook or by crook ; by all manner of means; somehow or other ; for love or money. Memory (505). Phr. The tablet of the memory. To have at one’s fingers’ ends. To call to mind; to jog or re- fresh the memory ; to pull by the sleeve ; to bring back to the mem- ory ; to call to remembrance; to tax the memory; to carry one’s thoughts back; to put in remem- brance. To say by heart, repeat by rote, say one’s lesson, repeat as a par- rot. To task the memory ; to treas- ure up in the memory ; to keep the memory alive; to keep the mound green. Misinterpretation (523). Phr. To put a bad or false construction on ; give a false coloring ; to play at cross purposes. Misjudgment (481), party spirit, partisanship. Adj. Pig-headed, one-sided, bias- sed, intolerant, infatuated, fanat- ical, self-opinioned, opinionative, unpersuadable. Phr. Wedded to an opinion. Moderation (174). Phr. To pour oil on the waves ; to pour balm into. Gentle as a lamb ; mild as moth- er s milk ; milk and water. Modesty (881). Phr. To draw it one’s horns; to give way to ; to cast a sheep’s eje ; to keep one’a distance. Without ceremony; without beat of drum ; poor in spirit; at one’s feet. Money (800), bullion, ingot, nugget. Ready, rhino, blunt, dust, piece, mopus, tin, (red cent, a pile, fan- cy stocks, hard cash, dosh, mint- drops, yellow-boys). Flash note, slip, kite, kite-pa- per, (shin-plaster, bogus, wild- cat money), the pocket, breeches- pocket. Phr. The sinews of war ; the almighty dollar. To touch the pocket. Motive (615). Phr. To pat on the back or shoulder; to talk over ; to lead by the nose ; to bait the hook ; to tamper with ; to lash into fury ; to act on principle ; to turn the head; to go or come round a person ; to set an exam- ple ; to keep in countenance. To follow the bent of; to follow the dictates of ; to make no scru- ple ; to make no bones. The forbidden fruit. Multitude (102), profusion, array, galaxy. A hundred, thousand, myriad, million, &c. Ad], A great many ; teeming, populous, peopled. Phr. A sight; thick as hops ; thick as hail; plenty as blackber- ries ; in profusion ; and what not: and heaven knows what. Music (415), aria, arietta, son- ata, fantasia, fugue, pibroch, jig, dithyramb, score, full score, can- zonet, catch, canon, madrigal. Apollo. The Muses, Erato, Eu- terpe, Terpsichore. Siren, nightingale, Philomel, thrush, &c. V. To strum, grind, tweedie. APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. 461 Ph.. The tuneful nine ; “ the tuneful quire.” Musical Instruments (417). 1. Stringed instruments : monochord, polychord, gittern. Kit, cremona, viol d’amor, vio- lone, bassetto, hurdy-gurdy. 2. Wind instruments : piccolo, serpent, French horn, basset-horn, ophicleide, union pipes, whistle, humming-top, &c. 3. Vibrating surfaces : musical glasses, musical stones, &c. 4. Vibrating bars : reeds, tuning- fork, triangle, Jews-harp, musi- cal boxes, &c. N. Narrowness (203). Adj. Spindle- shanks, skin and bone, bare bone. Phr. Slender as a thread ; thin as a lath ; thin as a whipping-post; lean as a rake; thin as a thread- paper ; thin as a wafer ; thin as a shadow ; (thin as a shad). Necessity (601). Phr. Hobson’s choice ; a blind bargain ; a stern, iron necessity. To make a virtue of necessity ; to be pushed to the wall. It must be; it needs must be ; having no alternative ; it cannot be helped ; there is no help for it; there is no helping it; not being able to help ; necessity has no law. Neglect (460), laches, perfunc- toriness ; a slattern, slut. Phr. To blink ; to take or make no account of; not to take into account ; to give to the winds; (to give the go-by to) ; not to mind ; not to trouble one’s self with, or about; to think no more of ; to set at naught. Heels over head; in an un- guarded moment; buried in a nap- kin. Newness (123). Phr. Fresh as a rose ; fresh as a daisy ; fresh as paint; bran new; spick and span new. Nomenclature (564). Phr. Con- vertible terms. To call a spade a spade ; to re- joice in the name of ; to take the name of; to go or pass under the name of. Non-Completion (730), a drawn battle ; a drawn game. Phr. To scotch the snake, not kill it. Non-Observance (773). Phr. To wipe off, to fob off. To stretch a point; to go from one’s word ; to apply the sponge. Non-Payment (808), application of the sponge. Phr. To be gazetted ; to pay under protest; to apply the sponge ; to draw the purse-strings ; to pay over the left shoulder; to get white-washed. Being minus, or worse than noth- ing ; deep in debt; plunged or over head and ears in debt; in the gazette ; a lame duck. Nudity (226). Phr. In a state of nature ; stark naked ; bald as a coot; as bare as the back of one’s hand ; (in one’s birth-day suit). 0. Obedience (743). Phr. To kiss the rod ; to lick the dust; to eat humble pie; to play second fiddle; to draw in one’s horns. To dance attendance on. Oblivion (506). Phr. Buried or sunk in oblivion ; clean out of one’s head or recollection; clean forgotten; consigned to the tomb of the Capulets. To come in at one ear and go out at the other ; to think no more of it; to cast behind one’s back ; to have a short memory ; to have no head; to apply the sponge ; to let by-gones be by-gones. 462 APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. Obsi inacy (006). Phr. To stick at nothing. Wedded to an opinion ; obsti- nate as a mule. Heels over head ; at any risk; at any rate, price, cost, or sacrifice. Occasion (134). Phr. A stitch in time ; a golden opportunity ; a well-timed opportunity. To turn the occasion to account; to strike the iron while it is hot ; to make hay while the sun shines. In the nick of time ; in pudding time ; in the fulness of time ; be- tween the cup and lip ; on the spur of the moment or occasion ; all in good time ; now or never ; at the eleventh hour; the third time of asking. Offer (763), oblation, bid, sac- rifice, immolation. V. To start, press, bid, bribe, hawk about. Oldness (124). Phr. Nothing new under the sun ; old as the hills ; old as Methuselah ; old as Adam. Opening (260), mouse-hole; eye of a needle ; wizen, main ; colan- der, honey-comb. Phr. To cut a passage through. Opposition (708). Phr. To set one’s (one’sself) face against; to turn one’s back upon ; to make a stand against; to fly in the face of; to fall foul of; to be or to play at cross purposes ; to spoil one’s trade ; to kick against the pricks ; to stem the torrent; to buffet the waves. In spite of one’s teeth ; with a head wind ; with the wind ahead ; with the wind in one’s teeth ; up in arms. Ornament (847). Adj. Bedight, (jauty), gairish (or garish), pranked out, glittering, flashy, tricksy. Phr. Fine as a May-day queen ; fine as five-pence; fine as a car- rot fresh scraped. Oscillation (3141, to e, bob, wamble, wabble, swag, qua ver, top. Ostentation (882), splash (splurge), stage effect; clap-trap ; flourish of trumpets, salvo of ar- tillery ; set-out. V. To prink, splash ; (to make a splurge) ; (to spread one’s self) ; to make a show. Phr. Gaudy as a peacock, but- terfly, tulip, &c. With flourish of trumpets, with beat of drum. P. Pacification (723). Phr. Hol- low truce. To put up the sword ; to sheath the sword ; to bury the hatchet. Pain (378) (828), botheration, cark, dole, fret, cut, twitch, dolor, sufferance, rack, cruciation, cruci- fixion, martyrdom, purgatory, hell. Phr. The canker-worm of care ; a peck of troubles: a sea of troubles ; the ills that flesh is heir to ; the iron entering the soul. V. To ache, ail, bleed, shoot, twinge, gripe, lancinate. Adj. Cutup, ungratified, sorry, fretted, carking ; the heart bleed- ing, accursed. Phr. To sit on thorns ; to be on pins and needles ; to take to heart; to take on ; to labor under afflic- tions ; to drain the cup of misery to the dregs. Painfulness(830), cross, poth- er ; worm, canker, cancer, ulcer, whip, lash, rack, wheel, sword, dagger. Phr. A thorn in one’s side ; a bitter pill; where the shoe pinches. V. To bother, pester, pother, irk, regrate, gnaw, prick, cut, cut up, stick, gravel, smite, twinge, gripe, badger, harry. To turn the stomach, mumble, disenchant, shock. Phr. To barb the dart; to set APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. the teeth on edge ; to stink in the nostrils ; to tweaz the nose ; to break the heart; to add a nail to one’s coffin ; to plant a dagger in the breast; tj > put to the question ; to break on ;he wheel; to wound the feelings ; to put to the rack. Like a toad under the harrow. Paleness (429). Adj. Cold, ghastly. Phr. Pale as death ; pale as ashes ; pale as a witch ; pale as a ghost ; pale as a corpse. Part (51), rag, tag, snatch, flit- ter, cut, snip, snick, collop ; odds and ends, shadow. Adv. Bit by bit; by inches; foot by foot; drop by drop; in lots. Participation (778), snacks, co-portion. V. To go snacks; share and share alike. Parsimony (819), tenacity, strait-handedness. A churl, screw, skinflint, crib, codger, muckworm, scrimp, lick- penny, hunks, curmudgeon. Phr. To skin a flint; to drive a close bargain. Adj. Close-handed, fast-handed, hide-bound, griping, pinching. Phr. Having an itching palm ; with a sparing hand. Past Time (122). Phr. Lang syne ; the good old time ; time out of mind ; the rust of antiquity. Payment (807). Phr. To fork out money ; to pay on the nail; to honor a bill; (to foot the bill) ; to strike a balance ; to quit scores ; to do the needful; to settle, bal- ance, or square accounts with ; to be even with; to wipe off old scores ; to satisfy all demands ; to pay in full of all demands ; (to take up a note). Penitence (950). Phr. The stool of repentance ; an awakened conscienc:; the cutty stool. To plead guilty ; to own the soft impeachment; to sing miserere; to cry peccavi; to eat humble pie ; to turn over a new leaf; to put on the new man ; to have a weight on one’s mind ; to make a clean breast of. Down on one’s marrow-bones. Perfection (650). Phr. The philosopher’s stone; the flower of the flock ; the cock of the roost; the pink or acme of perfection. Permanence (142). Phr. The law of the Medes and Persians. Stand fast; to keep one’s footing. Adv. Phr. For good, finally, at a stand, at a stand-still. Permission (760). Phr. To give carte blanche; to give one rope ; to give a horse his head ; to stretch a point ; leave the door open ; to let one paddle one’s ca- noe ; (to give the reins to). Perpetuity (112). Phr. Stretch- ing to the crack of doom ; forever and a day; for ever and ever; world without end ; time without end; to the end of time; till doomsday. Piety (987). Phr. Spiritual ex- istence ; the odor of sanctity ; the beauty of holiness. To work out one’s salvation. The children of God ; children of the kingdom, children of light, &c. Pity (914). Phr. The melting mood ; bowels of compassion. Tender as a chicken. One’s heart bleeding for; tut! for pity’s sake ! mercy ! cry you mercy ! God help you ! Plan (626), great gun, trump- card. Phr. To have many irons in the fire ; to dig a mine; to spring a project; to take or adopt a course ; to set one’s wits to work. Pleasure (827), ease, heaven, empyrean; third heaven. 4G3 APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. V. To solace one’s self; to be on velvet, in clover, in heaven; to hug one’s self. Phr. To slake the appetite; to bask in the sunshine ; to tread on enchanted ground. Adj. Tickled, treated, welcomed, on velvet, in clover, on a bed of roses, blessed, in heaven, in para- dise. Phr. With a joyful face ; with sparkling eyes ; happy as a king ; pleased as Punch ; in the lap of luxury; happy as the day is long. Pleasurableness (829), welcome- ness, attractability, takingness, in- vitingness. A treat, dainty, tit-bit, sweet, sweetmeat, sugar-plum, nuts. Phr. To tickle, to take one’s fancy ; to do one’s heart good. To one’s heart’s content; doing one’s heart good. Plunge (310), to souse, plump, squash, douse. Possession (777). V. To be seized of; to have in hand, or on hand ; to inherit; to get into one’s hands. Phr. A bird in hand; nine points of the law. Possibility (470). Phr. Wind and weather permitting ; within the bounds of possibility. Poverty (804). Phr. To live from hand to mouth ; to come upon the parish ; to go to the dogs ; not to have a penny. To bring to the parish. Adj. Seedy, hard-up, dowerless, fortuneless, bereft, bereaved. Phr. Unable to make both ends meet; out at elbows; under hatches ; not having a stiver, or a doit; not having a shot in one’s locker; not having a penny; not worth a farthing; not worth a sou; poor as a rat; poor as a church mouse ; out at the heels ; poor as Job; to go to rack and ruin; to beg one’s bread. Precession (280). Phr. To go in the van; to take the lead ; to lead the way ; to have the start; to get before. Preparation (673). Phr. A stitch in time ; clearing decks ; a note of preparation. To prepare the ground ; to take steps ; lay or fix the foundations, the basis, groundwork, &c.; to lay the first stone ; to clear the ground, clear the way, smooth the way, clear decks, clear for action; close one’s ranks; plough the ground ; dress the ground ; till the soil; sow the seed ; open the way, pave the way ; lay a train ; dig a mine ; prepare a charge ; to get up the steam ; to erect the scaffolding. To hold one’s self in readiness ; to keep one’s powder dry ; to shoul- der arms. To beat up for recruits ; to sound the note of preparation. Armed to the teeth ; armed cap- a-pie ; the coast being clear. Present Time (118). Phr. For the time being, for the nonce, on the nail, on the spot, on the spur of the occasion. Price (812), figure, run upon; salvage. Phr. To run up a bill; to amount to, come to, mount up to. To stand one in, afford. Adj. Priced, charged, &c. ; to the tune of. Phr. No penny, no pater nos- ter ; no longer pipe; no longer dance. What it will fetch. Pride. (878). Phr. To bridle, look big, toss the head, hold up one’s head, perk one’s self up; to carry with a high hand; to be upon stilts ; to take the wall; to give one's self airs ; to rido the high horse. APPENHX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. 465 To put a good face upon. Adj. Blown, perked up. Phr. High and mighty; on one’s high horses ; on one’s tight ropes ; proud as a peacock ; proud as Lucifer. Prison (752), cage, coop, den, (jug), toll-booth, black hole, pad- dock, bilboes. Gag, muzzle, bridle, curb, bit, snaffle, rein, martingale, leading- string, tether, halter, picket, band, brake. Prodigality (818). Phr. To burn the candle at both ends; to outrun the constable ; to kill the goose that lays golden eggs ; to make ducks and drakes of one’s money; to fool away, potter, muddle away, fritter away, &c., one’s money ; to pour water into a sieve. Adj. Full-handed, dissipated. Phr. Penny wise and pound foolish ; with an unsparing hand ; money burning in one’s pocket. Proficient (700), dab, (dabster), master head, jobber, sharp-blade, old file, old stager, topsawyer, cunning man, rope-dancer, fun- ambulist, prodigy, witch. Phr. A good hand at ; a nice hand; (a capital hand) ; a clean hand ; a dead shot; a Jack-of-all- trades. Progression (282). Phr. To make up lee-way ; to go with the stream ; to go full tilt at; to get alone, jog on ; to make rapid strides; to push or elbow one’s way. Promise (768), troth, plight. V. To pass, or plight one’s word, &c. ; to be sworn. Phr. To hold out an expecta- tion ; to call heaven to witness ; to swear by bell, book, and candle. To take upon one’s self; to tie one’s self; to be in for it Under one’s hand and seal; as one’s head shall answer for; (to give one’s note). Property (780), things, traps, trappings, (stuff, plunder), para- phernalia, luggage, baggage, hag and baggage, cargo, lading, heir- loom. Manor, demesne, domain, tene- ment, household, income, means, resources, belongings, wealth (seo 803), credits, debts. Phr. What a man is worth; what a man will cut up for; placed to one’s account; placed to one’s credit. Propulsion (284). V. To shy at, chuck, flirt. Phr. To carry one off one’s legs ; to put to flight. Prosperity (734), fair weather, sunshine, fair wind. Phr. A run of luck ; the smiles of fortune. A made man, a lucky dog, skipjack. To feather one’s nest; to bask in the sunshine ; to rise in the world; to make one’s way ; to have a run. Adj. Well to do, set up. Phr. The spoilt child of for- tune ; born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth. Probity (939) Phr. The court of honor. To give the devil his due; to put the saddle on the right horse. Jealous of honor; as good as one’s word. Publication (531). Phr. To proclaim at Charing Cross; to proclaim from the house-tops , to publish in the gazette; to send round the crier; to announce with beat of drum ; to pass from mouth to mouth ; to spread like wildfire. In every one’s mouth ; as the story runs. Pungency (392), race, caviare, dram, cordial, condiment. Phr. Salt as brine; salt as a 466 APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. herring ; salt as Lot’s wife ; hot as pepper. Punishment (972). A blow, slap, hit, knock, rap, thump, bang, stroke, cuff, kick, thwart, douse, box, punch, pummel. Dressing, lacing, cobbing, fustiga- tion, picketing, leathering, decapi- tation. Ducking stool. V. To pay, do for, serve out, visit upon, lynch, lay on, leather, cane ; to bang, thwack, thump, fib, punch, pummel, drub, wallop, lapidate. Phr. To make an example of; to serve one right; to give a dress- ing ; to lace one’s jacket; (to ap- ply the oil of birch ; to ride on a rail; to tan one’s hide) ; to tweak or pull the nose ; to box the ears ; to give a black eye ; to beat black and blue; to lay about one ; to heat to a mummy, or jelly ; to tar and feather. To be hanged, &c. ; to be spread-eagled; to come to the gallows; to die in one’s shoes. Pursuit (622). V. To fish, angle, boh for; to run down, to snatch at. Phr. To run or ride full tilt at. In full cry after ; on the scent of. To follow the scent; to ride one’s hobby-horse. a Quantity (25), definite or finite quantity, handful, mouthful, &c., hatch, lot. Quiescence (265). Phr. Not to stir a peg or step; to go to bed; to come to a stand-still; to come to a dead lock. To bring to a stand-still, to lay an embargo on. Still as a statue; still as a post; quiet or still as a mouse. It. Rashness '863). Phr. A blind bargain. A rashling, dare- devil. To buy a pig in a poke ; to go on a forlorn hope ; to tempt Providence; to rush on destruc- tion ; to have too many eggs in one basket; to go further and fare worse. Without ballast; hand over head ; post haste; neck or nothing ; head foremost; the devil being in one. Reasoning (476). Phr. The horns of a dilemma ; a paper war. To take one’s stand upon ; to chop logic ; to try conclusions ; to cut the matter short; to have the last word ; to impale on the horns of a dilemma. Receipt (810), money coming in, incomings, rent-roll, rental. Phr. To get what wrill make the pot boil; to keep the wolf from the door. Receptacle (191), follicle, dog- hole, poke, kit, stoup, hutch, dor- ser, rummer, horn, posnet, thimble. Dining-room, pew, sitting-room, offices. Reception (296), gulp, gulping, epulation, carousal. V. To ingest, take down, gulp, ingulp, bolt, snap, get down, (wor- ry down), give entrance to. To tuck in, lick, pick, peck, gobble, guttle, raven. To munch, crunch, royne, mumble. To guzzle, swill, swig, drench, sup, tipple, drink in, drink up, toss off, toss one’s glass, empty one’s glass. Phr. To wet one’s whistle. Recession (287). Phr. To turn tart; to take one’s self off; to take to one’s heels ; to take French leave ; to sound or beat a retreat; to cut and run ; to hop the twig ; to cut one’s stick ; (to cut stick) ; to give leg bail; the devil take the hindmost. Record (551), copy, duplicate, indenture, muniment, magazine legend. V. To depose, report, return, inscroll. APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. 457 Adv. Under one’s hand and seal. Redness (434). Aij. Reddish, lurid, brick-colored, blowsy, stam- mel, carroty. Phr. Red as fire ; red as blood ; red as scarlet; red as a turkey- cock. Redundance (641), being a drug, an expletive. Phr. To put butter upon ba- con; (to carry coals to Newcastle) ; it never rains but it pours ; to go a begging ; over head and ears ; having too many irons in the fire ; enough and to spare. Refusal (764). V. To nill, grudge, begrudge. To forswear. Phr. Not to hear of; to turn a deaf ear to ; to shake the head ; to send to the right about; to hang fire; to wash one’s hands of; to have nothing to do with. Refused, ungranted ; being out of the ques- tion. Regression (283), reflexion, re- flex. Phr. To turn tail; turn one’s back upon ; retrace one’s steps ; to turn upon one’s heel ; to dance the back-step ; to beat a retreat; (to take the back track). Rejection (610). Phr. To lay on the shelf; to make a virtue of necessity ; to throw overboard. First come first served ; Hobson’s choice. Rejoicing (838), crow, cheer, horse-laugh, revelling, sardonic grin, guffaw, roar, cachinnation. Momus, Democritus the Abderite. V. To crow, tickle, cackle, snicker, chuckle. Phr. To laugh in one’s sleeve ; to rub one’s hands ; to shake one’s sides ; to leap with joy; to bless one’s stars ; to hold both one’s sides ; to split one’s sides ; to roar with laughter ; to burst into a fit of laughter ; to die with laughter. To tickle one’s fancy ; to set the table in a roar ; to convulse with laughter ; to be the death of one. Ready to burst or split; convulsed with laughter ; ‘ ‘ laughter holding both his sides.” Relinquishment (624). V. To let go, get rid of, spare, cast away, fling away, let slip, make away with, make way for. Phr. To drop all idea of; to back out of; to think better of it; to wash one’s hands of; to turn over a new leaf; to pass to the order of the day ; to throw up the game, or the cards ; to shut up shop ; to take leave of; to have other fish to fry ; to draw in one’s horns. Remainder (40), heel-tap, cheese- parings, candle-ends, off-scourings. Repetition (104), cuckoo-note, harping, battology. Phr. To do or say over again ; to ring the changes on ; to harp on the same string ; to din or drum in the ear ; to conjugate in all its moods, tenses, and inflexions. Reg- ular as clock-work. Again and again, in quick succession, over and over again, ever and anon, time after time, year after year, &c. Repose (687). Phr. To rest upon one’s oars , to take a holi- day ; to shut up shop. Time to spare; time on one’s hands (see 685). Repute (873), chief, leader, &c., (345), cock of the roost, cock of the walk, first fiddle. Phr. A feather in one’s cap ; a niche in the temple of fame; a halo of glory ; a fair name ; blush- ing honors. To acquire or gain honor, &c. ; to take precedence; to bear the palm ; to bear the bell; to redound to one’s honor , to win laurels ; to win one’s spurs ; to make a noise 468 APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. in the world ; to exalt one’s horn ; to have a run. To exalt to the skies. Redounding to one’s honor ; one’s name living forever. Request (765), postulation, im- petration, instance, obsecration, interpellation, apostrophe, orison, incantation. Mendicancy, beg- ging letter. Revendication. To beg a boon, call upon, ply. Phr. To pop the question; to fall on one’s knees ; to come down on one’s marrow-bones; to beg from door to door ; to dance at- tendance on ; to throw one’s self at the feet of. To evoke, kneel to, impetrate, apply to, put to, call for, tax, cry to. To tout, revendicate. Cap in hand. Adv. Prithee, do, please, be,, good enough, pray, be so good as, have the goodness, vouchsafe, for heaven’s sake, for goodness’ sake, for God’s sake. Resentment (900), tantrum, pucker, dander, taking, huff, tiff. The Furies, the Eumenides. Phr. Black looks; the blood being up ; the blood rising; the blood boiling ; a towering passion; the phials of wrath ; fire and fury. A sore subject. V. To take huff, gnash, pout, bridle up, bristle up, flare up, snarl, growl, gnarl, snap. To froth up ; to fire up, rage, &c. ; fly out, fire, boil, boil over. Phr. To take in bad part; to lose one’s temper ; to take it ill; to take exception ; to stick in one’s giz- zard ; to stand on one’s hind legs; to show one’s teeth ; to stamp the foot ; to swell or foam with rage ; to breathe revenge; to cut up rough ; (to get mad) ; to pour out t ie phials cf one’s wrath. To stir up me’s bile; to put out of humor ; to lash into fury ; to raise one’s dander or choler ; to make one’s blood boil ; to drive one mad ; to work up into a passion ; (to put out). One’s back being up; flushed with anger, rage, &c. ; up in arms; in a stew ; the gorge rising ; on one’s high ropes ; in the height of passion ; the eyes flashing fire. Resistance (719), oppugnation, reluctation, kicking. Phr. To present a front; to show a bold front; to make head against; to stand one’s ground ; to stand the brunt of; to keep at bay ; to stem the torrent; to champ the bit; to sell one’s life dearly ; to fly in the face of; to kick against the pricks. Resolution (604). Phr. To .pass the Rubicon ; to take a deci- sive step ; to nail one's colors to the mast; to screw one’s courage to the sticking place ; (to keep a stiff upper lip). Firm as a rock ; steady as time • true to one’s self; master of one4 self. Through thick and thin; through fire and wrater. Restraint (751), cohibition, co- arctation, entombment, “ durance vile.” V. To pin down, clap up, pen, coop, jam in, box up, mew, wall in, rail in, cloister, bolt in, close the door upon. Phr. To put in irons ; to put in a strait-waistcoat (jacket) ; to put in bilboes. Adj. Buttoned up, pent up, cribbed, cabined. In limbo ; in Lob’s pound ; in quad ; laid by the heels ; bound hand and foot. Retaliation (718). Phr. Tit for tat; a Roland for an Oliver ; give and take ; measure for meas- APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. 469 ure ; giff-gaff; diamond cut dia- mond ; the biter bit; catching a Tartar. To turn the tables; to return the compliment ; to hoist on one’s OAvn petard; to throw a stone in one’s garden; to pay in one’s own coin ; to give a quid pro quo ; to give a Roland for an Oliver. Retention (781), keep, gripe. Fangs, teeth, clutches, claws, tal- ons, nails, paws. Phr. A bird in hand. Revenge (919). Phr. To wreak one’s vengeance; to visit the sins on ; to breathe vengeance ; to have a crow (a bone) to pick with ; to have accounts to settle ; to have a rod in pickle ; to harbor vindictive feelings; to rankle in the breast. Reversion (145). Phr. The turning point; the turn of the tide ; undoing the work of Penel- ope. Ridicule (856), scurrility, scoff- ing, satire, monkey-trick, tum- bling. V. To fleer, flout, gleek, roast. Phr. To raise a smile; to set the table in a roar ; to convulse with laughter ; to turn into ridi- cule ; to make merry with; to make a fool of; to make fun of; to make game of; to make faces at; to make mouths at; to lead one a dance ; to laugh to scorn ; to run a rig upon ; to make an April fool of. To play tricks or pranks ; to play the fool; to make a fool of one’s self; to laugh in one’s sleeve ; (to poke fun ; to make a butt of) ; (to run a saw upon ; to cut up shines with). Right (922). Phr. The scales of justice ; even-handed justice ; a clear stage and no favor ; a fair field and no favor. To see justice done ; to hold the scales even ; to see fair play ; to see one righted ; to serve one right; to put the saddle on the right horse ; to give every one his due ; to give the devil his due ; to do justice to ; to give and take, without distinc- tion of, or regard or respect to, per- sons. Roll (407), ding-dong, rat-a- tat, rub-a-dub, clutter. Phr. The devil’s tattoo. Rotation (312), circulation, whir, tornado, axle, verticity, surge. Teetotum. Gimbals. V. To gyre, to bowl (or boll). . Phr. To box the compass ; to spin like a top or teetotum. Head over heels. Roughness (256). Adj. Sale- brous, fimbriated, tomentous, seta- ceous, setous. Phr. Rough as a bear ; “ like quills upon the fretful porcupine.” S. Safety (664). Phr. To light upon one's feet; to weather the storm. To mount guard. Under lock and key; on sure ground ; under cover ; under the shadow of one’s wing ; the coast being clear; the danger being past; out of the wood; out of harm’s way ; the storm having blown over. Sale (796). Phr. To put up to sale or auction ; to bring to the hammer. Satiety (869). V. To tire spoil. Phr. A spoiled child. Scourge (975), cat-o’-nine-tails, rope’s end, ducking-stool, triangle, wooden horse. Secrecy (526). Phr. To keep one’s own counsel; to seal the lips; not to breathe a syllable about. No news being good news. Selfishness (943). Phr. To look after one’s own interest; to consult one’s own wishes or pleas- ure ; to take care of number one ; 470 APPENDIX OE ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. to indulge one’s self; to coddle one’s self; to have an eye to the main chance. The dog in the manger ; the char- ity that begins at home. Sensibility (822). Phr. To be without a skin; to be thin-skinned ; to “ die of a rose in aromatic pain;” to feel where the shoe pinches. Sequence (281). Phr. To go in the rear, or in the wake of; to tread in the steps, or on the heels of; to follow as a shadow ; to lag behind; to get behind ; to bring up the rear. Servant (746), bondswoman, (help), dependant, creature, (maid- of-all-work) ; a mercenary, hench- man, led captain, donzel, train- bearer, gyp, flunkey, jockey, tiger, cad, gillie, hireling, whipper-in, castellan. Phr. To hang on the sleeve of; to pin one’s self upon ; to dance attendance upon. In one’s pay or employ ; in the train of. Severity (739), a tyrant, disci- plinarian, martinet, bashaw, a strong hand, a tight hand. Phr. To stretch a point; to put on the screw ; to hold or keep a tight hand ; to bear or lay a heavy hand on ; to lord it over ; to carry matters with a high hand ; to ride rough-shod over ; to rule with a rod of iron. An iron rule ; the reign of terror. Servility (886), mealymouthed- ness. A toad-eater, (dough-face, tool), toady, spaniel, lick-spittle, tuft-hunter, reptile. Phr. To pay court to ; to dance attendance on ; to pin one’s self upon; to hang on the sleeve of. To go with the stream ; to worship the rising sun ; to hold with the hare and run with the hounds. Sharpness (253). Phr. Sharp as a needle ; sharp as a razor. Ship (273), snow, ketch, hoy buss, (scow, ark, seventy-four) ,gig funny, dingy, bum-boat, cobble, punt, cog, kedge, outrigger, cata- maran, coracle, caique. Galley- foist, bilander, dagger, howker, argosy, polacca, tartane, praam, saic, prahu, sampan, xebec. Silence (403), (581). A mute, a dummy. Phr. To speak low or softly ; to close one’s lips ; to stick in the throat; to keep silence ; to hold one’s tongue ; to hold one’s peace. Mute as a fish ; hoarse as a raven ; with bated breath; with the fin- ger on the lips. Still as a mouse; deathlike silence; silent as the grave. Int. Hush! silence! soft.' mum ! whist! tush ! chut ! tut! Similarity (17). Phr. One’s second self; birds of a feather. True to nature ; to the life ; the very image ; as like as two peas; for all the world like; as like as it can stare ; cast in the same mould; a chip of the old block. Sinner (949), sad dog, raff, ras- callion, rapscallion, cullion, rois- ter, hell-cat, rake-hell. Size (192), corporation, flesh and blood. A giant, Antaeus, monster, mammoth, Cyclops, whale, levia- than, elephant, porpoise, colossus, tun, lump, bulk, block, mass, bushel, thumper, whopper, spank- er, (bouncer). Phr. The largest portion, &c. ; the lion’s share. Adj. Mighty; swag-bellied; preposterous ; Brobdignagian ; in good condition. Phr. A Triton among the min- nows ; large as life ; plump as a partridge ; fat as a pig ; fat as a quail ; fat as butter ; fat as brawn ; plump as a dumpling ; fat as ba- con. APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. Skill (698), sleight of hand. Phr. To play one’s cards well; to know what one is about; to stoop to conquer; to cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth ; to look after the main chance ; to know which side one’s bread is buttered. Sharp as a needle ; (bang-up ; up to snuff; up to snuff and a pinch above it; curious ; up to trap ; all sorts of). Slowness (275), shambling, dawdle. V. To slug, bundle on, toddle, waddle, wabble, shuffle, lose ground, claudicate. To march in slow time ; in fu- neral procession; “to drag its slow length along to take one’s time ; to hang fire. To take in sail; to put on the drag ; to apply the break ; to clip the wings. Adj. Leaden, tardigrade. Phr. Under easy sail; with mincing steps; with clipped wings. Smallness (32), a dot, speck, ace, thought, idea, smack, scantlet, dole, thimbleful, spoonful, hand- ful, mouthful. Phr. To lie in a nutshell. Phr. The shadow of a shade ; a drop in the bucket, or in the ocean. Smoothness (255). V. To smoothen, macadamize. Phr. Smooth as glass ; smooth as velvet; smooth as oil; slip- pery as an eel. Sociality (892). A rout, (a spree, a jollification, jolly time), at home, house-warming, festi- val. Phr. To pick or scrape acquaint- ance with; to beat up one’s quar- ters ; to make one’s self at home ; to be on good or friendly terms witd ; to be at home; to hang out; give a warm reception to ; re- ceive with open arms ; to kill the fatted calf. Free and easy ; hail fellow well met; hand in glove with. (No freedom no friendship). Softness (324). Phr. Soft as butter ; soft as down ; yielding as wax; soft as silk; tender as a chicken. Solecism (568). Phr. To mur- der the king’s (or people’s) Eng- lish ; to break Priscian s head. Sophistry (477). Phr. Begging the question ; reasoning in a cir- cle. The meshes or cobwebs of soph- istry ; a flaw in the argument ; an argument falling to the ground. To throw olf the scent; to beg the question ; to reason in a cir- cle ; to split hairs ; to cut blocks with a razor ; to lose one’s reck- oning. Away from the point; foreign to the purpose or subject; having nothing to do with the matter ; not bearing upon the point in ques- tion ; travelling out of the record. Sourness (397). Phr. Sour as vinegar ; sour as a crab. Space (180), elbow-room. Phr. The length and breadth of the land ; far and near; far and wide ; right and left; all over ; all the world over; throughout the world ; under the sun ; in every quarter; in all quarters ; in all lands; here, there, and every- where ; from pole to pole ; from China to Peru. Speech (582). Phr. The gift of the gab. To say one’s say; to have a tongue in one’s head; to have at the end of one’s tongue ; to have on one’s lips; to pass one’s lips to wag the tongue ; to fall from, or escape the lips or mouth; to open the lips; to give utterance to ; to speak one’s mind. 471 472 APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. elude, trip up the heels of, drown, to roll in the dust. Phr. To sail before the wind ; to run hard ; to swim with the tide ; to walk over the course ; to rule the roost; to stem the torrent; to turn a corner ; to weather a point; to trample under foot; to fall on one’s legs or feet; to go on well ; to go on swimmingly ; to turn up trumps ; to have the game in one's hands; to work or make one’s way ; to have the ball at one’s feet ; to come off with flying col- ors ; to have it all one's own way ; to win, carry, or gain the day ; to win the palm ; to make short work of ; to run on all fours ; to get the upper hand ; to get the whip- hand of; to have on the hip ; to carry the prize ; to light on one’s legs like a cat; to make the enemy bite the dust ; to get the start of; to have a run of luck ; to make a hit; to hit the right nail on the head ; to reap or gather the har- vest ; to carry all before one. Flushed with success; one’s course being smooth. Sufficiency (039), a bumper, a bellyful, a cart-load, a ship-load ; a plumper. Phr. The horn of plenty ; (cor- nucopia) . Having two strings to one’s bow ; enough and to spare ; cut and come again ; full as an egg ; full as a vetch ; ready to burst ; plenty as blackberries; flowing with milk and honey ; enough in all conscience ; the measure being full. Superiority (33). Phr. To have the advantage ; to kick the team; to turn the scale ; (to beat all hol- low ; to beat all to smash ; to beat all to pieces). A Triton among the minnows. Support (215), stirrup ; girder, lintel ; floor, mantel-piece ; squab. Stage (599). Phr. To strut one’s hour upon the stage. Stammering (583), traulism, a broken or cracked voice. V. To haw, hum and haw, splut- ter, mump. Phr. To clip the king’s English ; not to be able to put two words together. State (7), pickle, plight, (fix). Phr. As the matter stands. Stealing (791), black-mail, pi- racy, privateering, fillibustering; rapacity, cleptomania. V. To nab, nim, prig, grab; make off with, crimp, crib, ran- sack, gut, forage, pluck, pigeon- sweep ; levy black mail, pickeer. Phr. To live by one’s wits ; to rob Peter to pay Paul; to set a thief to catch a thief ; to lift cattle. Store (636). Phr. To husband one’s resources; to have two strings to one’s bow. Strength (159). Phr. A giant refreshed; a tower of strength. Subjection (749). Phr. To drag a chain ; to be led by the nose ; to be or lie at the mercy of; to wear the collar. To have one on the hip ; to break in. Under the thumb of ; not daring to say one’s soul’s one’s own ; at or under one’s command ; at the feet of ; under the lash ; at the call or beck of; at the mercy of. Submission (725). V. To truckle to, knuckle to, knock under, knuckle under. Phr. To beat a retreat ; to strike one’s flag or colors ; to surrender at discretion ; (to cry quarter ; to cry quits). Substitution (147). Phr. To stand in the shoes of; take the place of, supply the place of. Success (731), trump card, stroke. The whip-hand. V. To have the best of it; to worst, lick, trip up, beat hollow, APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. 473 V. To bolt; to bolster up. Swallow (296), gulp, gulping. V. To take down, gulp, ingulp, bolt. Sweetness (396). Phr. Sweet as a nut; (sweet as sugar). T. Taciturnity (585). F. To put to silence ; to seal one’s lips ; stop one’s mouth ; to hold one’s jaw. Adj. Costive, buttoned up; (mum). Phr. Not a word escaping one ; not having a word to say ; silent as the grave. Taste (850). Phr. To one’s taste or mind ; after one’s fancy. Teaching (537). V. To put up to, cram, coach, to beat into, in- itiate. Phr. To sharpen the wits; to beat into the head ; to teach the young idea how to shoot. Thought (451). Phr. To chew the cud upon ; to take counsel, to commune with one's self ; to col- lect one’s thoughts ; to revolve in the mind ; to engross the thoughts ; to turn or run over in the mind ; to advise with one’s pillow ; to rack, beat, or cudgel one’s brains. To flash on the mind; to flit across the view ; to come upper- most ; to run in one’s head. Having the mind on the stretch ; the mind or head running upon ; (in a brown study). Threat (909). Phr. To hurl de- fiance ; to throw down the gaunt- let ; to show one’s teeth ; to shake the fist at. Touch (379), organ of touch, hand, finger, forefinger, thumb, paw, feeler. V. To thumb, paw, fumble, grope, grabble. Tough (327). Phr. Tough as leather. Transientness (111). Phr. A nine days’ wonder ; one’s days be- ing numbered. Slap-dash ; here to-day and gone to-morrow. At short notice ; the time being up ; before the ink is dry. Treasury (802), stronghold, till, tiller, purse-strings, breeches-pock- et, fisc. Truth (494). Phr. The plain truth, the honest truth, the naked truth, the sober truth, the very thing ; a stubborn fact; not a dream, fancy, illusion, &c. ; the ex- act truth, &c. ; the real Simon Pure. Just the thing; neither more nor less; an unvarnished tale ; joking apart; in good earnest; in sober earnest ; strictly speaking ; sooth to say ; at the bottom of the well. U. Ugliness (846), an object, a figure, harridan, satyr, sibyl, toad, baboon, Caliban. Phr. A forbidding countenance, a hanging look ; a wry face. To make faces. Adj. Hard-favored, ill-favored, awkward, stiff, (awful-looking). Bandy-legged, stumpy, dumpy, squat, stubby. Phr. Ugly as sin ; ugly as a toad ; ugly as a dead monkey ; ugly as a scarecrow ; curtailed of its fair proportions. Ululation (412), yap, gruntle, caterwauling, gagglfe, squeak, chuck, belling, hulla-balloo, screak. Phr. To bay the moon ; to roar like a bull or a lion. Unbelief (485). Phr. To hang in suspense ; to have one’s doubts ; not to be believed ; not to know what to make of ; to smell a rat; to float in a sea of doubts. With grains of allowance. Uncertainty (475). Phr. To be in a state c f uncertainty ; to be at 474 APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. fault; to lose the clue or the scent. To tremble in the scale ; to hang by a thread. Unconformity (83). Phr. Out of one’s element; a fish out of water ; neither one thing nor an- other ; neither fish, flesh nor fowl, nor yet a red herring. To have no business there ; to beggar description. Unlike what the world ever saw ; without a parallel; “ none but himself could be his parallel.” Underestimation (483). Phr. To snap one’s fingers at; to throw into the shade ; not to care a pin, rush, straw, &c., for (643) ; to slur over. Undertaking (676). V. To make a beginning ; to be in for it; to put one’s foot in it. To break cover ; to set up shop ; to spring a mine. Phr. To break the neck of the business ; to pass the Rubicon ; to take upon one’s self; to take on one’s shoulders. To take the bull by the horns ; to rush in medias res; to have too many irons in the fire ; to attempt impossibilities. Unimportance (643), nonsense, fudge, flummery, nonentity, a bulrush. Phr. Fiddle-stick; “ leather or prunella ; ’ ’ tweedle-dum and twee- dle-dee ; much ado about nothing ; much cry and little wool. To catch at straws ; to make much ado about nothing. Not worth a straw ; not worth mentioning, or speaking of; noth- ing to speak of ; as light as air ; it being no object. Tut! no matter ! pshaw ! pugh ! pooh-pooh ! fudge ! fiddle-dee ' nonsense ! stuff! never mind ' what of that! Unintelligibility (519). Phr Not to know what to make of; not to be able to make either head 01 tail of ; to play at cross purposes ; to pass comprehension. Unskilfulness (699). Phr. To make a mess or hash of ; to begin at the wrong end ; to makS sad work of ; to put one’s foot in it ; to do things by halves ; to lose or miss one’s way ; to throw a stone in one's own garden ; to stand in one’s own light; to quarrel with one’s bread and butter; not to know what one is about; to have too many irons in the fire ; to have too many eggs in one basket; to play at cross purposes ; to kill the goose which lays golden eggs. Adj. Gawky, inexpert, raw, green, (jolly green), rusty, shift- less ; unteachable, inconsiderate, adrift, at fault. Untruth (546), flam, bam, hum, bounce, gammon, nursery-tale, flim-flam. Phr. The thing that is not; a tub to the whale ; a cock-and-bull story ; the grapes being sour. Unwillingness (603). Phr. To stick in the throat. To set one’s face against. Against the grain ; will he nil he ; not for the world (for worlds) ; with a bad grace. Use (677). Phr. To take ad- vantage of; to turn to account ; to make the most of ; to make the best of ; to put in requisition ; to play off ; to bring to bear upon ; to fall back upon ; to press or en- list into the service ; to mako shift with. To pull the strings or wires; to make a cat’s paw of; to lay one’s hands on ; to bring into play. Unseasonableness (135). Phr. As ill luck would have it; in evil hour ; after meat, mustard ; after death, the physician; the time APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. 475 having gone by ; (“ a pardon after execution”). To let slip through the fingers. V. Vanity (880). Phr. To have a high or overweening opinion of one’s self, one’s talents, &c. ; to blind one’s self as to one’s own merit; not to think small beer, or v in ordinaire, of one’s self; to put fme’s self forward ; (to be forth- putting) ; to fish for compliments. Wise in one’s own conceit ; vain as a peacock. Adv. Vainly, &c., ostentatiously, &c. ; (882), with beat of drum, &c. How we apples swim ! Vehicle (272), pontoon, til- bury, sulky, brougham, crate, hurdle. Velocity (274), eagle-speed, pernicity; steeple-chase ; hand- gallop ; spurt, rush, bounce ; full gallop, a rattling pace. Cannon-ball, wind, quicksilver. Mercury, Ariel, Camilla, Har- lequin. V. To whip, bounce, flounce, bolt, trot. Phr. To mend one’s pace ; to make haste; to make the best of one's way ; to put one’s best leg foremost ; to take to one’s heels; to fly off at a tangent; to wing one’s way ; to clap spurs to one’s horse ; to carry sail ; to crowd sail; to run a race ; to run like mad ; to go off like a shot; to outstrip the wind; to fly on the wings of the wind ; (to streak it). Swift as an arrow ; swift as a doe; off like a shot; quick as lightning ; quick as thought. Adv. Slap, slap-dash, hurry- skurry. Phr. Under press of sail or can- vas ; by forced marches; on ea- gle’s wings ; in double quick time ; with giant or gigantic stops ; in seven-league boots ; whip and spur ; as fast as one’s legs or heels will carry one ; th) devil take the hindmost. Veracity (543). Phr. Not to mince the matter. In plain English ; without mincing the matter ; without equivocation. Vesture (225), traps, slops Haik, smock-frock, blouse, wrap- rascal, poncho. Head-gear. V. To lap up, dight, fig out. To huddle on, perk. Vice (945). Phr. The cloven foot ; the lowest dregs of vice ; a sink of iniquity. To deviate from the line of du- ty, or from the path of virtue, rectitude, &c. ; to hug a sin or fault ; to sow one’s wild oats. Not having a word to say for one’s self. Vindication (937), to put in a good word for ; to plead the cause of; to put a good face upon ; to mince the matter ; to make allow- ance for; to help a lame dog over a stile; to take the will for the deed. Violence (173), ferocity, effer- vescence, rumpus, shog, (row), outburst, rush, tumult. A fury, dragon, demon, tiger, beldame, Tisi phone, Megaera, Alecto. Phr. To break the peace, to out-Herod Herod, to run a muck ; to add fuel to the flame. Fierce as a tiger ; all the fat be- ing in the fire. By might and main, tooth and nail; at the point of the sword ; at one fell swoop. Virtue (944). Phr. To have one’s heart in the right place ; to keep in the right path ; to set an example ; to be on one’s good be- havior. Above or beyond all praise. Visibility (446) Phr. To break 476 APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. through the clouds ; to heave in sight; to show its colors ; to tell its own tale ; to stare one in the face. Open as day ; clear as noon-day ; plain as a pike-staff ; under one’s nose ; plain as the nose on one’s face ; staring one in the face; there being no mistaking ; in full view. Vulgarity (851), a hoyden, tom-boy, dowdy, cub. Phr. To smell of the shop. Adj. Dowdy, unlicked, ungen- teel, tramontane ; (gawk, gawky). w. Warfare (722). V. To tussle, tilt, box, stickle; to serve, to see service. Phr. To go to war ; to appeal to arms ; to take up arms ; to draw, or unsheath the sword ; to appeal to the sword; to come to blows; to spill the blood; to lay about one ; to measure swords ; to throw away the scabbard ; to give satis- faction ; to break a lance with ; to fight like devils ; to fight hand to hand; to go to battle ; to engage in battle; to enter the lists ; to join battle ; to give battle ; to wage war ; to carry on war ; to come to close quarters with ; to carry on hostilities ; to let slip the dogs of war; to take the field, keep the field; to sell one’s life dearly ; to fight it out; to fight one’s way. Together by the ears. The tug of war ; sword in hand. In the thick of the fray. Warning (668) Phr The writing on the wall; the yellow flag. To put on one’s guard ; to sound the alarm. Tut ! lie ware ! take care ! mind, or take care what you are about. Waste (638). Phr. To cast pearls before swine ; to employ a steam-engine to crack a nut; to break a butterfly on awheel. Water (337). V. To souse, swash, douse, slop, slobber. Adj. Squashy, splashy, slobbery, sodden, soaked, drenched. Phr. Wet as a drowned rat; wet as a rag ; wringing wet. Water in Motion (348), squirt, linn or lin ; scud, mizzle; gill, gullet, rillet, sike, burn, beck, river, flush, swash, rush, bore. V. To dribble, swash, guggle, sputter. ' To rain, spit, mizzle, set in ; ir- rigate. Phr. To rain cats and dogs, and pitchforks ; to rain in torrents. Weakness (160), a reed, a thread, a rope of sand ; a house of cards. Adj. Incapable, inadequate, marrowless, poor, infirm, decayed, rotten. Unarmed, aidless, defenceless, indefensible. Phr. On one’s last legs; weak as a child ; weak as a baby ; weak as a chicken ; weak as a cat; weak as water ; weak as water-gruel; weak as gingerbread ; weak as milk and water; (not having any back-bone) ; good for nothing. Wealth (803). Phr. A well- lined purse ; the purse of Fortu- natus ; a mint of money ; a flush of money ; loaves and fishes. To roll in riches ; to wallow in wealth ; to hold one’s head above water. Made of money; well to do; well off; rich as Croesus ; rich as a Jew ; rolling in riches, &c. Whiteness (430). Phr. White as the driven snow; white as a sheet. Whole (50), head and shoul- ders, neck and heels, hulks; (tee- total). Phr. The lion’s share; Benja- min's mess. The long and the short; from end to end ; from beginning to end ; from first to last; from head to foot, from top to toe ; fore and aft. Will (600). Phr. To have a will of one’s own ; to know one’s own mind; to know what one is about; to see one’s way ; to lend one’s self to. With one’s eyes open; in cool blood. Willingness (602). Phr. To f nd in one’s heart; to set one’s heart upon ; to make no bones of; to have a mind to ; to have half a mind to ; to have a great mind to. A labor of love; in the vein or humor; nothing loth ; with a g.iod grace, without reluctance, &c., of one’s own accord ; with all one’s heart; with heart and soul; heart in hand; by all means; by all manner of means. Wind (349), whiff ; samiel, har- mattan, ventosity. iEolus, Boreas, the cave of iEolus. Phr. A capful of wind ; a fresh breeze. To blow great guns. Wisdom (498). Phr. Wise as a serpent; wise as Solomon ; wise as Solon. Wit (842). Phr. A flash of wit; the cream of the jest; a cap- ital joke. To set the table in a roar ; to cut jokes; to crack a joke ; to perpe- trate a joke or a pun; to make fun of ; to make merry with. Wonder (870). Phr. To look blank ; to turn up the eyes; to open one’s mouth or eyes ; to stand agog; to stand aghast; not to be lieve one’s eyes ; not to be able to account for ; not to know whether one stands on one’s head or one’s heels. To beggar desciiption ; to take away one’s breath. APPENDIX OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. Adj. Taken aback, flabber-gasted, dropped from the clouds, open- mouthed, planet-struck. Phr. Struck all of a heap ; like a duck in thunder (in a thunder- storm) ; one’s hair standing on end. Adv. With wonder, &c. ; with gaping mouth ; all agog. Tut! lo ! heyday ! hallo ! what! indeed ! really ! surely ! humph ! you don’t say so ! lack-a-daisy ! my stars ! mercy on us ! my good- ness ! goodness gracious ! gracious goodness ! bless us! bless my heart ! odzookens ; 0 gemini ! hem ! dear me! only think ! hoity-toity! strong! who’d have thought it! Heaven save the mark ! Woman (374), goody, gammer, good wife, good woman ; petticoat. Phr. The weaker vessel ; (the better half). Writing (590). Uncial writing, cuneiform characters, runes; a good running, flowing, or cursive (current) hand ; a bad, cramped, crabbed, illegible hand ; ill-formed letters; pot-hooks and hangers. Phr. A dash of the pen; to take up the pen ; to take pen in hand ; to spill ink ; to set or put pen to paper ; to put on paper; to commit to paper ; to throw on pa- per ; to dash off; under one’s hand ; in black and white ; off hand. Y. Yellowness (436). Adj. Fulvid luteous, Claude-tint, primrose-col- ored, corn-color. Phr. Yellow as a quince ; yel- low as a guinea ; yellow as a crow’s foot. Youth (127), boyhood, pupil- age. Phr. The prime or flower of life; the rising generation. 477 ALPHABETICAL LIST O F FOREIGN WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS WHICH MOST FREQUENTLY OCCUR IN WORKS OE GENERAL LITERATURE. N. B. — The words and phrases in the following collection are such as are current in modern literature, as well on the continent of Europe as in England. The words are not always classical, and the sense in which they are used is often peculiar, differing sometimes materially from the standard of the languages from which they are taken. The definitions are necessarily brief j and, therefore, could not always be literal. Abbreviations. — L. Latin; F. French; I. Italian; S. Spanish; G. Greek. A. A, or ab, L. From, by, of. A, F At, after the manner of, to. A bas, F. Down. A bon marchi, F. Cheap, at a good bargain. A bras ouverts, F. With open arms. A capite ad calcem, L. From head to foot. 4 charge, F. At the expense of, burdensome to. A cheval, F. On horseback. A condition, F. On condition that, provided that. A contrcciear, F. Against one’s will, reluc- tantly. A corps perdu, F. Headlong, neck or noth- ing. A toup sftr, F. With certainty, surely. A coup perdu, F. A chance blow or strol e. A couvert, F. Covered, protected. A dato, L. From date, from this time. A decouvert, F. Uncovered, unprotected. A demi, F. By halves, half. A dessein, F. Designedly. A deux mains F. Both ways, doubly. A die, L. From that day on. A discretion, F. At one’s discretion or pleas- ure, without reservation. A droite, F. To the right. A fond, F. Thoroughly. A forfait, F. By the job or contract. A fortiori, L. For a still stronger reason, still more. A gauche, F. To the left. A genoux, F. On one’s knees. A grands frais, F. At great cost A haute voix, F. Aloud. A huis clos, F. With closed doors, privately. A levant, F. To the east. A Jove principium, L. Beginning with Jove, or with prayer. A la, F. After the manner of, at, on. A l’abandon, F. Negligently, at random. A I’abri, F. Under protection, defended. A I’Anglaise, F. In the English way. A Vaventure, F. Upon a venture. A la belle etoile, F. In the open air. A la bonne heure, F. Very well. A la campagne, F. In tile country, rustic simple. 480 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF A la derobie, F Secretly, stealthily. A la faveur, F Favored or aided by. 4 la Frangaise, F. After the French man- ner. A la mode, F. In fashion. A Pezterieur, F. Externally. 4 Peztrernite, F. In extreme necessity, at the end, at the final hour. A I’improviste, F. Suddenly, unexpectedly, unforeseen. A Pordinaire, F. In the usual way. A la Tartufe, F. Hypocritically, like Tar- tufe. A merveillc, F. Marvellously well, splen- didly. A perte de vue, F. Beyond one’s view, or sphere. A pen prds, F. Nearly. A peizi, I. Piece by piece. Apidcere,!. At pleasure. A pied, F. On foot. Aplomb, F. Perpendicularly, firmly. A nescire ad non esse, L., (inferring.) From a want of knowledge, non-existence. A point, F. Exactly right, just enough. A posse ad esse, L. From possibility to real- ity. A posteriori, L. From experiment or obser- vation, practically. A poiiori, L. From the greater number or part. A prima vista, I. At first sight. A priori, L. Theoretically, without experi- ment or observation. A propos, F. Pertinently, seasonably, per- taining to. A propos de bottes, by the by, (the connection being ludicrous or absurd,) without rea- son. A reculons, F. Backwards. A rebours, F. Reversed. A revoir, F. Till we meet again. A tatons, F. Groping in the dark. A toute force, F. With all one’s might, in defiance of all obstacles. A tout hazard, F. At all events. A toute outrance, F. Carried through to the end, to the utmost. A tout prix, F. At any price, cost what it may. A verbis ad verbera, L. From words to blows. A vue d’ceil, F. Within the range of the eye. A volonte, F. At pleasure. Ab, L. From. (See A.) Ab antiquo, L. Ab antico, I. From ancient times. Ab extra, L. From without Ab incunabulis, L. From the cradle, from tile first. Ab initio, L. From the beginning. Ab integro, L. Anew, over again. Ab intra, L. From within. Ab ovo, L. From the beginning. Ab ovo usque ad mala, L. From beginning to end. Abandon, F. Giving up, abandonment, neg ligence. Abhinc, L. From this or that time. Abattoir, F. Slaughter house. Abonnenicnt, F. Subscription, or prepay- ment. Abreoc, F. An abridgment. Absence d'esprit, F. Absence of mind. Absens carens, L. The absentee comes off minus. Absentia, L. Absence. Absque ulla conditione, L. Unconditionally. Abusus non tollit usum, L. An abuse no ar- gument against the right use. Academia della Crusca, I. A society in Italy for restoring purity to the language. Acarihtrc, F. Peevish, ill natured. Acccpi, L. I have received it. Accepta, L. The receipts, (in accounts.) Accolade, F. Embrace by putting the arm round the neck. Accoucheur, F. One who practises obstet- rics, a man-midwife. Accouchement, F. Confinement, lying-in, parturition. Accueil, F. Reception, welcome. Acervatim, L. By heaps. Acetum, L. Vinegar. Achame, F. Raging, bloodthirsty. Achamement, F. Anger, rage, continued vio- lence. Acics ingenii, L. Acuteness of intellect Acies oculorum, 1.. Acuteness of sight. Acta, I.. Proceedings in courts of justice, transactions. Acti labores jucundi, L. Past toils are pleas- ant. Actio, L. An action, especially in law. Actualiter, L. Actually. Actum est, L. It is all over, or finished Actus, L. An act. JEquo animo, L. Willingly, with compo- sure and firmness. JEre perennius, L. Ever-enduring. FOREIGN WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS. 481 Acu frein] letigisti, L. You lave hit the nail on the head. Ad, L To. Ad absurdum, L. Reduced to absurdity.. Ad altiora, L. Upward, to something high- er or deeper. Hd amussim, L. By the rule, by square and compass. Ad animum, L. After one’s heart or opinion. Ad arbitrium, L. At will. Ad anna, L. To a'ms. ■Ad astra, L. To the stars, to an exalted state. Ad beneplacitum, L. According to one’s pleasure. Ad calendas Ormcas, L. Never, postponed forever. Ad captandum (vulgus), L. Attractive, to please the multitude. Ad captum, L, According to one’s compre- hension. Ad colophonem, L. To the pinnacle, to the end. Ad decretum, L. According to the decree or order. Ad depositum, L. In safe keeping. Ad cundem, L. To the same standing or rank. Ad excmplum, L. After the example of. Ad extremum, L. To the extreme, at last. Ad finem, L. To the end. Ad gustum, L. To one’s taste. Ad hominem, L. Personal, according to men’s comprehension or character. Ad imum, L. To the bottom. Ad inferos, L. To the lower regions. Ad infinitum, L. To infinity, indefinitely. Ad instar, L. As, after the manner of. Ad interim, L. Temporarily, meanwhile. Ad latus, L. At one’s side, for one’s aid. Ad libitum, L. At pleasure. Ad manum, and ad manus, L. At hand, into the hands of. Ad maximum partem, L. Mostly. Ad mensuram, L. According to the measure. Ad modum, L. After the manner of. Ad nauseam usque, L. To satiety, or disgust. Ad normam, L. According to rule. Ad nutum, L. At one’s beck. Ad oculos, L. Ocular, before one’s eyes. Ad patres (go, or send), L. To die, or make way with. Ad pias causas, or pios usus, L. For reli- gious purposes. Ad perpendiculum, L. Exactly, to a hair. Ad propositum, L. To the purpose or point. Ad rent, L. To the point. Ad speciem, L. To appearance, apparent y. Ad summam, L. To the highest point, to the amount or sum of. Ad tempus, L. At the time, at once. Ad ultimum, L. At last, finally. Ad unguem, L. Neatly, highly finished. Ad unurn omnes, L. All to a man. Ad usum, L. For the use of, for use. Ad utrumque paratus, L. Ready for either event. Ad valorem, L. According to its value. Ad votum, L. According to one’s wishes. Addenda, L. Things to be added, a supple- ment. Additum, L. An addition or appendage. Adversaria, L. Miscellaneous notes or re- marks. Adyt-um, L. The sacred place in a heathen temple. JEquo animo, L. Willingly, with compo- sure. JErarium, L. Public treasury. JEre perennius, L. Ever-during, like brass. JEs alienum, L. Debt. Affaire d’amour, F. A love affair. Affaire d’honneur, F. An affair of honor. Affiche, F. A placard. Afflatus, L. Breath of wind, inspiration. Affreux, F. Frightful. Agacerie, F. Enticement, caressing, fondling. Age, L. Come on ! Agenda, L. Things to be done, prescribed service. Agiotage, F. Stock brokerage. Agnus Dei, L. Lamb of God; a certain prayer in the Catholic service ; a flat, oval piece of wax stamped with an image of Christ, and consecrated by the pope. Agrement, F. Agreeableness, embellish- ment. Aimable, F. Amiable, lovely. Aisance, F. Ease, freedom. Al bisogno, I. In case of need. Al fresco, I. In fresco, cool. Al numero, I. According to the number. Al occorenza, I. According to the occasion or circumstances. Al pitl, I. At most. Alba, L. A white vestment worn by priests. Albino, S. A white negro. Alentours, F. Environs. Alias, L. Otherwise, at another time. Alibi, L. Elsewhere, being in another place. AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF Alla, I. The same as A la, which see. AW ulba, I. At daybreak. Alla breve, I. Quick. Alla pezza, I. Piece by piece. Alla Pulacca, I. In Polish fashion. Alla Siciliana, I. In the Sicilian way, in shepherd’s dress. Alla zoppa, I. In a lame, imperfect way. Allegresse, F. Jocundity. Allegro, I. Cheerful, joyful. Allons, F. Let us go. Allei, F. Go on ! Allez-vous en, F. Away with you ! Alma mater, L. The college in which one was educated. Alter ego, L. My other self. Alterum tantum, L. As much more. Altesse, F. His or her highness. Alto relievo, I. In high relief. Altum silentium, L. Profound silence. Alumni, L. Graduates. Alumnus, L. A graduate. Amant, F. A lover. Amantium irce, L. Lovers’ quarrels. Ambages, L. Windings, wanderings. Arne de boue, F. A mean wretch. Ame qui vice, F. Not a living soul. Amende honorable, F. Reparation, apology. Ami, F. 1 Amicus, L. ( A fliend> a Ioven Ami de cour, F. A court friend, an un- certain friend. Amitii, F. Friendship. Amamitates, L. Pleasures, delights. Amor, L. Love, Cupid. Amor patr'ue, L. Love of country. Amoroso, I. A lover ; tenderly Amour propre, F. Self-love, vanity. Analecta, L. Select passages from ancient, unpublished works, selections. Ancien regime, F. The old order of things. Aneantissement, F. Annihilation. Animal disputax, L. A disputatious man. Animus, L. Mind, soul, feelings. Annulus, L. A ring. Annus mirabilis, L. A year of wonders. Ante, L. Before. Ante lueem, L. Before daybreak. Ante meridiem, L. Before noon. Antrum immane, L. An immense cave. Apage, Satanas, L. Get thee behind me, Sa- tan. flpergu, F. A survey, or sketch. dqua tinta, I. A water color in engraving. dqua Tofana, I. A subtile poison. Aqua el igne interdictus, L. Depri'-td of fire and water, banished. Arabesque, F. Painting or sculpture witn flowers and plants. Arbiter elegantiarum, L. A man of taste, a critic. Arboretum, L. A nursery for trees. Arcades ambo, L. Botli alike, birds of feath- er. Arcanum, L. A secret. Arcana, secrets. Arc-en-ciel, F. Rainbow. Argumentum ab invalid, L. An appeal to low passions in reasoning. Argumentum ad hominem, L. A plain, sim- ple demonstration, a home thrust. Argumentum bacculinum, L. A cudgel- ling. Argumentum ad crumenam, L. An appeal to the pocket. Argumentum admisericordiam, L. An appeal to one’s compassion. Argumentum ad verecundiam, L. An appeal to one’s honor. Armada, S. A fleet. Arrectis auribus, L. With attentive ears. ArrSt, F. A judicial decision. Arriere-pensee, F. A thought kept back, a mental reservation. Arrondissement, F. A district, or circle. Ars longa, vita brevis, L. Art is long, and life is short. Artes liberales, L. The liberal arts. Artiste, F. An artist, an actor. Artium magister, L. Master of arts. A sinus ad lyram, L. (As fitting as) an ass to a lyre. Assignat, F. Paper money issued in France in 1789. Astrtna redux, L. The reign of justice re- stored. Astrum, L. A star. Atelier, F. A workshop, or artist’s room. Atrium, L. A court, a yard. Attache, F. A subalt-rn, especially of an ambassador. Attentat, F. Criminal act, villany. An bout de son Latin, F. At one’s wits’ end, at the limit of one’s knowledge. Au contraire, F. On the contrary. Au courant, F. At the current price, up to the time. Au fait, F. Well skilled. Au pis aller, F. At the worst. Au reste, F. For the rest. Au revoir, F. Till we meet again. FOREIGN WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS 483 Audacem fortuna juvat, L. Fortune favors the brave. Audi alteram partem, ( L. Let the other Audiatur et altera pars, 1 party be heard. Augustana Confessio, L. The Augsburg Con- fession. Aula, L. A public hall, or court. Aulicus, L. A courtier. Aurea mediocritus, L. Neither poverty nor riches. Auri sacra fames, L. An accursed lust of gain. Auriga, L. A charioteer. A at Caesar aut nihil, L. The whole or noth- ing. Aut vincere aut mori, L. To conquer or die. Auto da fe, S. The punishment of a heretic by burning. Avant coureur, F. A harbinger, a forerunner. Avant courrier, F. A courier going before a great personage. Avant propos, F. Preface, preliminary. Ace, Maria, L. Hail, Mary, a prayer to the Virgin. Avec permission, F. By permission. Acis, F. Advices, intelligence, notice. Acocat, F. Advocate. Avunculus, L. Uncle. Acus, L. Grandfather. B. Badinage, F. Jest, sport. Bagatelle, F. A trifle. Baroque, F. Out of shape, grotesque. Barridre, F. Bar, gate, limit. Bas bleu, F. A bluestocking. Bastille, F. Name of the old state prison in Paris. Baton, F. A rod, staff. Bavardage, F. Garrulity, idle prattle. Bcatae memoriae, L. Of blessed memory. Beau monde, F. The fashionable world. Bel esprit, F. A man of wit. Bel ctage, F. The second and best story of a house. Benevole lector, L. Gentle reader. Besoin, F. Need, want. Beta, F. A beast. Bdtise, F. Stupidity. Bevue, F. An error, a blunder. Bibliotheca, L. ) library. Bibliothdque, F. l Biennium, I I period of two years. Bienseance, P. Decorum, civility. Bienvenu, F. Welcome ! Bijfe, P. Cancelled, erased. Bijou, F. A jewel. Bijouterie, F. Jewelry. Billet d’amour, or billet doux, F. A love let- ter. Bis, L. Twice. Bis dat qui cito dat, L. He gives twice who gives promptly. Bizarre, F. Strange, odd. Blase, F. Pallid, faded. Blondine, F. A lady with light-colored hair and complexion. Blouse, F. A laborer’s frock, a frock worn by females. Boite, F. A small box or case carried by ladies. Bona fide, L. In good faith, genuine. Bon ami, F. Good friend. Bon bon, F. Confectionery. Bon gre, mal gre, F. Willingly or unwill- ingly. Bon homme, F. A dear good man. Bonhommie, F. Good nature, simplicity. Bon jour, F. Good day. Bon mot, F. A witty saying. Bonne, F. A female who has the supervis- ion of children. Bonne foi, F. Good faith. Bonnement, F. Simply, precisely. Bono animo esse, L. To be of good cheer. Bon soir, F. Good evening. Bon ton, F. Good style, refined manners. Bon viwant, F. A high liver, or man of pleasure. Bomi, F. Narrow minded. Bottines, F. Bootees, half boots. Bouillon, F. Soup. Boulevards, F. The walks around the old parts of Paris where the walls .'nee stood Bouleverse, F. Disturbed, upset. Boulcversement, F. Overturn, subversion. Bourgeois, F. A burgher, or peasant. Bour- geoisie, the free citizens. Boutade, F. A conceit, a freak of the fancy Boutique, F. Stall for the sale of goods. Brachium seculare, or civile, L. The civil arm or power. Bravoure, F. Bravery, courage. Brevet, F. A commission, a title to rank above one’s pay. Brigandage, F. Robbery, rapine, plunder. Brocard, F. A gibe. Brochure, F. A pamphlet. 484 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF Brouillerie, F. Disunion strife. Brunette, F. A lady with brown or dark complexion and hair. Brusque, F. Uncourteous, mugh, boisterous, sparkling, hasty. Brutum fulmen, L. Harmless thunder, or threatening, bluster. c. Cabaret, F. A tavern. Cabareticr, F. An innkeeper. Cabotage, F. Coasting, the coast trade. Cabriolet, F. A light, two-wheeled, covered carriage. Cache, F. A hiding-place, buried stores. Cache, F. Concealed, secret. Cachet, F. Stamp, seal. Cachot, F. A dark prison. Caco'cthcs loquendi, L. Over-fondness for speaking. Caecum, L. A dark or blind passage. Ccccus, L. Blind. Cafe, F. Coffee, coffee house. Cafetier, F. Keeper of a coffee house. Cictera desunt, L. The rest is wanting. Cateris paribus, L. Other things being equal. (7a ira, F. “ It will go,” a song of the French revolution. Cahier, F. Numbers of a periodical, a note hook, manuscript notes. Caleche, F. A half coach, or calash. Calcmbour, F. A pun. Calotte, F. A small cap, a skullcap. Camaradc, F. A comrade. Camarilla, S. A small chamber, secret ad- visers of the King of Spain. Cambio, I. Exchange. Cameralia, L. The science of political econ- omy. Campus Martins, L. A place of military ex- ercise. Canaille, F. The dregs of the people. Cancellarius, L. A chancellor. Cancelli, L. A lattice enclosure in a church or court house. Cantate, L. A hymn; the fourth Sunday af- ter Easter. Cantatorium, L. A book containing the re- sponses sung in the Catholic church. Cantatrice, I. A female & nger. Cantor, L. A singer. Canzone, I. A song. Cap-d-pie, P. From head to foot. Capot, F. A cloak with a hood. Capre, F. A pirate. Captatio benevolentue, L. Bespeaking the fa- vor of an audience. Caput mortuum, L. Worthless remains, re- siduum. Caracole, F. Vaulting to the right and left in horsemanship. Carbonari, I. Members of a secret political society in Italy. Carbine, F. Fast- Lent. Carmagnole, F. A dance, with singing, dur- ing the French revolution. Carosse, F. A chariot of state. Carpe diem, L. Seize or improve time. Carri, F. A square or four-sided figure. Carrefour, F. Crossing or fork in a road. Carrclage, F. Paving with square stones. Carte blanche, F. Full permission. Cartel, F. Challenge, stipulation. Carton, F. Cartoon, a painter’s rough sketch. Caserne, F. Barrack. Cassa, I. Money chest, money on hand. Casu, L. By chance. Casus conscientice, L. A case of conscience. Casus fortuitus, L. A fortuitous occurrence. Casus in terminis, L. One and the same case. Casus rcservatus, L. A reserved case. Catalogue raisonne, F. A systematic cata- logue, a catalogue by subjects. Causa sine qua non, L. An indispensable condition. Caulcla, L. Caution, security. Cautionnemcnt, F. Security, bail. Caveat, L. A stopping of a process, a warn- ing. Caveat emptor, L. Let the purchaser be- ware. Cede majori, L. Give place to your superior. Ceinture, F. Girdle, cincture, border. Celebre, F. Celebrated, renowned. Celerifire, F. A quick coach or post. Ccnobitum, L. A cloister. Centime, F. The hundredth part of a franc. Cent« L. Pa tell work, a medley-poem. Centum, L. A hundred. Cerealia, L. The cereals or grains. Ceremonial, F. Festival ceremonies and usages. C’est a dire, F. That is to say. Cessante causa cessat rff/ctus, L. The effect ceases with the cause FOREIGN WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS. 485 Chemade, F. Signal of surrender by drum or trumpet. Cnunoinesse, F. A canoness. Chanson, F. A song. Chapeau, F. Ilat. Chapeau has, F. Hats off. Chapeau de bras, F. A military cocked hat. Char d banc, F An open wagon, with seats on the side. Charade, F. A riddle with letters and syl- lables. Charge d'affaires, F. An agent or minister of state. Charivari, F. The ludicrous music and noise of a rabble. Charmante, F. A fascinating lady, a lady- love. Chasseur, F. A hunter, or Jdger, a species of cavalry. Chateau, F. A castle. Chateau en Espagne, F. A castle in the air. Chaussce, F. A paved or macadamized road, embankment, causeway. Chauseltss, F. Under stockings. Chef-d'oeuvre, F. A masterpiece. Chemin couvert, F. A covered way. Chemin faisant, F. By the way, in passing. Chi re amie, F. A mistress. Cheval, F. A horse. Chevalier d'industrie, F. A deceiver, a swin- dler. Chez, F. At the house of, with, among. Chiaroscuro, I. Painting in one color by means of light and shade. Cliffonnilre, F. A lady’s dressing case. Chose, F. A thing, sport. Chouans, F. Leaders of the royal party in the French revolution. Chronique scandaleuse, F. An account of the vices and follies of a city. Ciborium, L. A box for preserving the con- secrated bread in the Catholic church. Cicerone, L A guide showing works of art. Cicisbeo, I. A male companion or follower of a married lady. Ci-devant, F. Formerly. Cilia, L. Eyelashes, short hairs. Cilicium, L. A penitential robe, or hair shirt. Cingulum, L. A girdle. Cingulum Veneris, L. A Venus girdle. Cippus, L. A gravestone, a mete or bound. Cirage, F. A covering of wax, wax color in painting. Circa, or C'rciter, L. About. Cis, L. This side of; opposed to trans, or ultra, that side of, beyond. Cisalpinus, L. Cisalpine, or this side (south) of the Alps. Cite, F. The old part of the city of Paris. Citissimi, L. As quickly as possible. Cito, L. Quickly. Citoyen, F. A citizen, a burgher. Clairvoyance, F. Clear sight of one in mag netic sleep. Clara voce, L. With a loud voice. Claustrum, L. A cloister. Clausula, I.. A condition, or limitation in a document. Claris, L. A key or vocabulary to a book in a foreign language. Clinquant, F. Tinsel. Cloaca, L. A large sewer to drain a city. Cocarde, F. A cockade. Cochon, F. A swine, a swinish man. Codex, L. A book of laws, an old manu- script of a Greek or Roman classic. Calebs, L. An unmarried man. Cana Domini, L. The Lord’s supper. Caur, F. The heart. Par caur, by heart. Cogito, ergo sum, L. I think, therefore I exist. (Des Cartes.) Coiffeur, F. One who curls or dresses hair. Coiffure, F. A lady’s headdress. Collectanea, L. Passages collected from au- thors. Collegium, L. A society, a lecture in a uni- versity. Collegium sacrum, L. The college of cardi- nals at Rome. Collerctte, F. A collar worn by ladies. Comes, L. A companion, a count. Comitia, L. A popular assembly in ancient Rome. Commc il faut, F. As it should be, elegant. Commendator, L. One who has charge of a vacant benefice. Commilito, L. A fellow-soldier, a fellow-stu dent. Commis, F. A commercial agent. Commoda, L. Conveniences, advantages. Compages, L. A joining together, a juncture Compagnon du voyage, F. A companion ; a guide book. Compare, F. A godfather. Completorium, L. The close of the afternoon service in the Catholic church. Compos mentis, L. Sane, rational. Compbte, F. Preserved fruits, preserves. Comple rendu, F. Return, report. 486 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF Comptoir,F. Counting room. Comte, V. A count. Comtesse, F. A countess. Con amore, I. With pleasure, with zest. Concordat, L. A treaty between secular princes and the pope. Concours, F. Competition. Con diligcnia, I. With diligence. Conditio sine qua non, L. An essential con- dition. Con dolore, I. With pain, or grief. Conf., or Confer, L. Compare. Covjiteor, L. A Catholic formula of confes- sion. Confrire, F. Associate, a brother of the same monastery. Congi, F. Leave, departure. Conjunctis viribus, L. With united powers. Connoisseur, F. A man of taste, a critic in the fine arts. Conquiescat in pace, L. May he rest in peace. Contra bonos mores, L. Against good morals. Contradictio in adjccto, L. The putting to- gether of contradictory terms. Contre, F. Against. Contrecoup, F. A counterstroke, something adverse. Contrefait, F. Imitation, copy. • Contretemps, F. Unseasonable time, irregu- larity, disturbance. Convenablc, F. Fit, becoming. Conversazione, I. Asocial and familiar dis- cussion. Copia verborum, L. A fluency of words. Cordon, F. A cord, a line of military posts. Cornucopia, L. Horn of plenty. Corps diplomatique, F. The whole body of ambassadors at court. Corpus delicti, L. The fact or evidence of a crime. \orpus juris, L. The collection of the Ro- man civil laws. Corrigenda, L. Corrections to be made, ty- pographical errors. Cortege, F. An escort. lortex, L. Bark, rind. Cosmos, G. The world as a beautiful sys- tem. Sote, F. Side. Droitc, gauche, right, left side. Coterie, F. A private or secret circle. Coup d'etat, F. A sudden deviation from constitutioral order, a masterstroke in politics. Coup (Pail, F. A glance of the eye, a hasty view. Coup de grace, F. A deathblow. Coup de main, F. Taking by surprise. Coup de maitre, F. A masterstroke. Coup de plume, F. A literary battle or at- tack. Cours, F. Course. Criance, F. Faith, trust. Credat Judaeus j9pella,L. Believe that who may. Credo, L. A creed. Crevasse, F. A gully, or ravine. Crive occur, F. Deep sorrow, grief, aver- sion. Crimen lasce majestatis, L. High treason. Cui bono, L. For whose benefit? of what use? Cuisine, F. A kitchen. Culbute, F. A somerset. Culottes, F. Pantaloons, breeches. Cum bona venia, L. With kind permission. Cum grano sails, L With consideration, with a grain of allowance. Cum privilegio, L. With the favor or privi- lege of. Cuneus cuncum trudit, L. One wedge drives another. Curi, F. A curate, a robe of fur. Curia, L. A senate chamber, a court. Currcnte calamo, L. Writing rapidly or off- hand. Curriculum, L. A career or course of life, of study. Custos, L. A keeper. D. D’accord, F. In unison, agreeing. Dame d’honneur, F. Maid of honor. Dames de la halle, F. Market women in Paris. Damnati ad metalla, L. Condemned to the mines. Data, L. Things conceded, facts. Data et acccpta, L. Expenses and receipts. Davus sum, non (Edipus, L. I cannot solve the question. De bon augure, F. Of good omen. De bonne grace, F. Willingly and kindly. De congruo, L. According to reason and propriety. De facto, I.. In fact, really, by one’s own authority. FOREIGN WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS. 487 Dc industria, L. Des'gnedly. Dc integro, L. Anew De jure, L. By legal right, though not in fact. De morluis nil nisi bonum, L. Say nothing evil of the dead. Dc novo, L. Anew. De profundis, L. (Out of the depths.) One of the Penitential Psalms. Dc tempore, L. At the proper time. De trop, F. Too much. Dcbitum, L. Debt. Dcbita, debts. Debouche, F. Opening, way out. Debris, F. Fragments, remains. Debut, F. One’s first appearance [on the stage.] Decennium, L. A period of ten years. Decrottcur, F. A shoeblack. Deficit, L. What is wanting to make up a whole. Degage, F. Unconstrained, easy and trim. Degout, F. Disrelish, aversion, disgust Dehors, F. Outside, outward appearance. Dei gratia, L. By the grace of God. Dejeuner, F. Breakfast. Dejeuner d la fourchette, F. A meat break- fast. Delabrement, F. Dilapidated state. Dele, L. Erase. Delice, F. Pleasure, delight. Delictum, L. A fault, a crime. Del., or Delineavit, L. Used after the artist’s name who drew a picture. DemSle, F. Strife, broil. Demens, L. Insane. Demeure, F. Dwelling, residence. Demi-jour, F. Twilight. Demoiselle, F. A young unmarried lady. Denouement, F. The unravelling of a plot. Deo gratias, L. God be thanked. Deo volcnte, L. If God will. DcpSche, F. A despatch. Dernier ressort, F. Last resort. Desagrement, F. Something disagreeable or unpleasant Deshabille, F Nightclothes, undress. Desideratum, L. Something desirable or needed. Desiderium, L. Wish. Desipere in loco, L. To jest at a proper time, Desobligeante, F. A sulky, or carriage, wit: one seat. Desoriente, F Confused, having lost one’s bearings. Dessin, F. A sketch, or outline. Disuni, F. Disconnected. Detour, F. Deviation, circuitous way. Detritus, L. Abrasions, what is worn off. Deus ex machina, L. A forced explanation of a plot, unexpected fortunate occurrence. Devoirs, F. Duties, respects. Die cur hie, L. Say why you are here, keep in your proper sphere. Dicta probantia, L. Proof passages, or proof texts. Dictum, L. A saying, a decision. Dictum factum, L. No sooner said than done. Dies irce, L. “ Day of wrath.” A celebrated hymn of the middle ages. Dicu et mon droit, F. God and my rights. Dii majorum gentium, L. The Olympian gods. Diis aliter visum, L. It is otherwise deter- mined by the gods. Diluvium, L. A deluge. Dini, F. Dinner. Disjecta membra, L. Scattered remains or fragments. Distingui, F. Distinguished. Distinguendum est, L. One must distin- guish. Dives memories, L. Of blessed memory. Divertissement, F. Amusement, diversion. Divide et impera, L. Divide and conquer. Dixi, L. I have said all I have to say. Dixi et salvavi animam mtam, L. I have cleared my conscience. Docendo discimus, L. We leam by teach- ing. Doctrinaires, F. Conservative republicans in France. Dolce far niente, I. Sweet idleness Dolo malo, L. By deceptive arts, by chica- nery. Dolus, L. Fraud. Dominica (dies), L. Sunday. Domino, I. A silk mask robe. Dominus vobiscum, L. The Lora oe with you. Domus, L. House, a family. Don, S. A man of rank. Donna, I. A lady of rank. Dorsum, L. The back. Douane, F. Custom, custom house. Double entendre, F. A double meaning. Douceur, F. Gentleness, a small present to waiters, &c. Douche, A shower bath. Doyen, F. A dean, an elder. 488 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OE Dramatis personas, L. The characters of a play. Drap d’argent, F. Silver lace. Drap d'or, F. Gold lace. Droiture, F. Rectitude, integrity. DrOlc, F. A silly fellow, a buffoon. Duena, S. A governess, a lady who has the supervision of female servants. E. E, like Ex, out of, from. E contrario, L. On the contrary. E pluribus unum, L. One composed of many. E re, L. To the point. E regione, L. Opposite. E re nata, L. According to the emergency. E republica, L. For the public good. E vestigio, L. On the spot, instantly. Eau cosmetique, F. Lotion for the toilet. Eau dc cologne, F. Cologne water. Eau de lavande, F. Lavender water. Eau dc vie, F. Brandy. Ebauche, F. First sketch, outline of a work of art. Ebranlement, F. Violent agitation, a shock. Ecce homo, L. Behold the man ; a picture of Christ, as presented by Pilate with these words. Ecclcsia cathcdralis, metropolitana, militans, pressa, or triumphans, L. A cathedral, metropolitan, militant, persecuted, or tri- umphant church. Echauffement, F. Heat, excitement. Eclaircissement, F. Clearing up, explana- tion. Ecolc de droit, F. A law school. Ecole de medicine, F. A medical school. Ecolc militaire, F. A military school. Ecole polytechnique, F. A polytechnic or sci- entific school. Ecossaise, F. A Scottish dance. Ecoutez, F. Hark, hear, listen. Ecritoire, F. Writing case, secretary. Ecu, F. A cow n, a piece of money. Edc, bibe, lude, L. Eat, drink, and be merry. Editio princeps, L. The first printed edition of a Latin or Greek classic. Effrayant, F. Frightful. Effronte, F. Shameless, bold. Egal, F. Equal. Egaliti, equality. Egards, F. Regards. Egarement, F. Wandering, bewilderment. Eh bicn, F Well, just so. Elapso tcmpcre or termino, L. The term c. period being elapsed. Elegant, F. A dandy, an exquisite. El&ve, F. A pupil, a foster child. Elite, F. Choice, select society. Eloge, F. Eulogy. Email, F. Enamel. Emballage, F. Packing, package. Embellissement, F. Embellishment Embonpoint, F. Portliness, or corpulency. Embouchure, F. Mouth of a river. Embrouillement, F Disorder, confusion. Emeritus, L. One retired from active dv ties of office. Emeute, F. A popular outbreak or disturb- ance, as of a mob. Emigre, F. Emigrant. Empdchement, F. Hinderance. Empirie, F. Empiricism. Emploi, F. Office, service. Employe, F. Official, one who has a place or office. Emportcmcnt, F. Transport, rage, passion. Empreinte, F. Imprint, impression. Empressement, F. Zeal, diligence, ardor. Emptio, L. Purchase. Emptio ct venditio, L. Purchase and sale. En, F. In, as. En arriire, F. Backwards, back, behind. En attendant, F. Meanwhile. En avant, F. Forwards, ahead. En badinant, F. In jest, in sport En bagatelle, F. Disparagingly, contemptu ously. En bas, F. Below, down. En blanc, F. White, unwritten, vacant En bloc, F. On the whole, summarily. En canaille, F. Like the populace, vulgar, low. En carriirc, F. In a gallop, with loose rei» En chef, F. As leader, in chief. En chiffres, F. In cipher. En confiancc, F. In confidence. En depit, F. In spite, despite. En depot, F. In keeping, in deposit En deshabille, F. In dishabille or undress En detail, F. In detail. En echelon, F. Step by step, like stairs. En effet, F. Really, in fact, indeed. En escarpins, F. In thin shoes or pumps. En espices, F. In specie or cash. En etat, F. In condition, in readinessL En cventail, F. Like a fan. En familU, F. In the family circle. En gala, S. In state, in court dress. FOREIGN WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS- 489 En hait F. As a Jedge, in a line, in double rows. En haut, F. High, above. En maitre, F. As a master. En masse, F. In a mass. En medallion, F. In the form of a medal- lion. En nom Dieu, F. In the name of God. En passant, F. In passing, by the way. En queue, F In the rear. En rapport, F. In relation to, bearing upon. En regie, F. In order, right. En retraite, F. Retreating. En roturier, F. As a citizen; common, not noble. En route, F. On the way. En suite, F. In company or retinue. En tapinois, F. Secretly, stealthily. En tout, F. In all, as a whole. En verite, F. Truly, indeed. En vigeur, F. In force. En vogue, F. In vogue. Enceinte, F. Pregnant; also enclosure. Enchainement, F. Linking together, con- catenation. Enchiridion, G. A manual. Enclave, F. Land enclosed by a foreign ter- ritory. Encore, F. Again, once more. Endroit, F. Place, situation. Enfans perdus, F. The exposed advanced posts of an army, the forlorn hope. Enfilade, F. A line that may be raked with shot, a range of apartments. Enfin, F. Finally, in a word. Enfoneement, F. A recess. EngagecCnt, F. Engaging, attractive. Enjouement, F. Cheerfulness, joyfulness. Ennui, F. Weariness, tedium. Ennuyant, F. Tedious, disagreeable. Enrage, F. A raving person. Ens, L. Entity, being. Ens rationis, L. A creature of the reason. Ensemble, F. The effect of a work of art viewed as a whole; all parts together. Ensuite, F. Then, after. Entcte, F. Obstinate. EntQtement, F. Obstinacy. Entours, F. Environs. Entree, F. Entrance, first course at table. Entremets, F. Small, dainty dishes be- tween the principal ones at table. Entre nous, F. Between us, confidentially. Entrepot, F. Depot for goods passing from country to country. j Entreprenant, F. Enterprising, bold. Entrevuc, F. Interview. Envoye, F. An envoy, a messenger. Eo animo, L. With that Intention, of that opinion. Eo ipso, L. By that very circumstance, thereby. Eo sensu, L. In that sense. Epanchement, F. Outpouring. Epargne, F. Savings, economy. Epee, F. A sword. Eperdu, F. One who has entirely lost his presence of mind. Eperdument, F. Violently, in the extreme. Epicerie, F. Spicery, groceries. Epineux, F. Thorny. Epulum, L. A feast. Epula, feasts. Epulis accumbere divum, L. To sit at the feasts of the gods or of the great. Equivoque, F. Of a double meaning. Ergo, L. Therefore. Errare humanum est, L. To err is human. Erratum, L. A typographical error. Erra- ta, typographical errors. Escalade, F. Scaling a fortress, blandish- ments. Escapade, F. A boyish freak, the motion of a horse. Espagnol, F. Spanish, a Spaniard. Espiiglerie, F. Roguish tricks. Esplanade, F. An open space before a house or yard, the slope of a breastwork. Esprit, F. Intellect, wit. Esprit borne, F. A narrow mind. Esprit de corps, F. The animating spirit of a body of men ; unanimously. Esprit des lois, F. The spirit of the laws. Esprit follet, F. A ghost, a hobgoblin, a spectre. Esquisse, F. A sketch. Esse, L. Being, existence. Estafette, F. A messenger, a post carrier, changing with every relay of horses. Est modus in rebus, L. Every thing has its limits or measure. Esto mihi, L. The Sunday before Lent. Esto perpetua, L. Let it endure forever. Estrade, F. An elevated platform. Estrapade, F. A strappado, a double leap, an estrapade. Et ccetera, L. And so forth. Et hoc genus omne, L. And what not, ev- ery thing of the sort. Etablisscment, F. Establishment. AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF 490 Etage, F. Story of a house. Etalage, I'. A show window, the exposure of goods for sa e. Etat, F. Condition, state. Etats giniraux, F. The states general. Etendue, F. Extent. Etouffant, F. Choking, stifling. Etourderie, F Inconsiderateness, rashness. Etranger, F. Stranger. Etrcnnes, F. Gifts, such as are presented on birthdays, new years, &c. Etude, F. A study, a piece for practice. Etudiant, F. A student. Etui, F. A case, a small box for needles, &c. Evangclium, L. The gospel. Evincmcnt, F. An event. Eventail, F. A fan. Eventualiter, L. Eventually, in a possible case. Eventus stultorum magister, L. The result is the teacher of fools. Ex, L. From, out of. Ex abrupto, L. Abruptly, suddenly. Ex adverse, L. From the opposite side. Ex wquo et bono, L. According to what is right and just. Ex animo, L. Heartily, intentionally. Ex asse, L. Wholly, entirely. Ex bene placito, L. At pleasure. Ex capite, L. From the head, from memory, on account of. Ex cathedra (Petri), L. Papal or authorita- tive decision. Ex commisso, L. According to orders. Ex composito, L. According to agreement. Ex concesso, L. From what is admitted. Ex continenti, L. Instantly. Ex hypothesi, L. According to the hypothe- sis, by the supposition. Ex irnproviso, L. Unexpectedly, unforeseen. Ex incuria, L. From negligence. Ex insperato, L. Unexpectedly. Ex jure, L. By law, or right. Ex mera gratia, L. From mere favor. Ex more, L. According to custom. Ex next., L. Out of connection. Ex nunc, L. From this time. Ex officio, Ij. By virtue of office. Ex opere operato, L. By external works, or outward acts (of worship.) Ex pacto et conventu, L. According to con- tract and agreement. Ex parte, L. On one side, on the part of. Ex pede Herculem, L. From the size of the foot, it is known to be that of Hercules ; a single sign of greatness, a criterion. Ex post facto, h. After the deed, retrospec- tive. Ex professo, L. Designedly, professedly Ex proprus, L. From one’s own means. Ex quocunque capite, L. From whatever cause. Ex schedula, L. From the schedule. Ex spcciali gratia, L. From special favor. Ex speciali mandato, L. By special comrr and. Ex tacito, L. Tacitly. Ex tempore, L. On the spur of the moment. Ex traduce, L. By descent, or propagation from parent to child. Ex uno disce omnes, L. From one specimen judge of the rest. Ex ungue leoncm, L. The lion may be known by his claws. Ex usu, L. From use, by use. Ex voto, L. After one’s wishes; according to a vow. Examen domus, L. The family hive or clus- ter. Exaudi, L. The sixth Sunday after Easter. Exceptis cxcipicndis, L. The proper excep- tions being made. Excerpta, L. Extracts. Exclusive, L. Exclusively. Excudit, L. Placed before one’s name on an engraving, denotes the engraver. Excursus, L. A digression, a note or appen- dix. Exempla sunt odiosa, L. Examples give of- fence. Exercitium, L. Exercise, practice. Exeunt omnes, L. All go out. Exit, L. The departure of an actor from the stage, death. Exlex, L. An outlaw. Exordium, L. Introduction to an oration. Expediteur, F. A forwarding agent or mer- chant. Experimentum crucis, L. A double test. Expcrlo erode (Ruperto), L. Believe me, fc.l I have tried it. Expilatio, L. Plundering. Explicite, L. Explicitly. Exposi, F. Statement, explanation. Exprcssis verbis, L. In express terms. Exquis, F. Exquisite, choice. Extra, Ij. Out of, beyond. Extra culpam, Ij. Innocent. Extra muros, L. Beyond or without the walls of the city. FOREIGN WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS. 491 Extensive, L. In extent, opposed to inten- sive, in intensity. Extrait, F. Extract. Extra ordinem, L. Extraordinary. Extravaganza, I. A piece of incoherent mu- sic. Exuviae, L. Cast-off things, especially skins and shells of animals. F. Faber quisque fortunes suie, L. Each one is the architect of his own fortune. Fabliaux, F. Metrical tales of the Trou- vers, or early poets in the north of France. Fagade, F. The front view or elevation of a building. Facetiae, L. Sallies of wit and humor, jokes. Facheux, F. Ill humored, sad. Facile princeps, L. Clearly the first, the ac- knowledged chief. Facit, L. The answer, the answer in arith- metic. Fagon, F. Manner, style. Fagon de parler, F. Forms of speech, mere phrase. Factum, L. A deed or action. Fade, F. Flat, stale. Fieces, L. The dregs, the excrements of an- imals. Faillite, F. Failure, bankruptcy. Faineant, F. Idle, doing nothing. Fait accompli, F. Thing already done. Falsetto, I. A false voice, or an octave above its natural pitch. Fama clamosa, L. Public scandal. Fameux, F. Famous. Famulus, L. A house servant or waiter. Fanfare, F. Sound of trumpets and kettle- drums, or of a hunter’s horn; noise, dis- play. Fanfaronnade, F. Swaggering, bluster. Fantasia, I. Instrumental music unre- strained by rule. Fantoccini, I. Dramatic representation with puppets. Fanum, L. A temple; pi. fana. Famiente, I. Doing nothing, idleness. Farouche, F. Timid, shy. Fasces, L. Bundles of rods, badges of au- thority carried before Roman consuls. Fascia, L. A belt, or sash. Fasciculus, L. A bundle, a (art (of a ivork published in numbers.) Faste, F. Display, gaudy dress. Fasti, L. A calendar. Fastigium, L. Pinnacle, top. Fat, F. A dunce, a fool. Fata morgana, I. Fantastic atmospheric appearances along the coast of Sicily. Faubourgs, F. Clusters of houses without the gates of a city. Fauces, L. The posterior part of the mouth, jaws. Fauna, L. The animals of any country cr district. Faute, F. Fault. Fauteuil, F. Arm chair. Faux coup, F. A missing stroke. Faux pas, F. A false step, a blunder. Fax ct tuba, L. The torch and trumpet, the ringleader. Fcbris, L. Fever. Fecit, L. He executed it; (put after the name of an artist.) Felo de se, L. One who purposely causes his own death. Felucca, I. A two-masted vessel, propelled by oars, used in the Mediterranean. Femme de chambre, F. A chambermaid. Femme de charge, F. A housekeeper. Fenestra, L. , . . , , , ,, Vi ! A window, a hole. Fenetre, F. ) ’ Ferae natural, L. Wild animals. (Literally, of a wild nature.) Feriai, L. Holidays, vacation. Fermete, F. Firmness. Festina lente, L. Hasten slowly. Fete, F. A festival. Fete champStrc, F. A rural festival. Fdte dieu, F. Corpus Christi festival in the Catholic church. Feu dejoie, F. A bonfire. Feu roi, F. The late or deceased king. Feuilleton, F. The bottom of a newspaper, separate from the rest, and devoted to liter- ary and entertaining matter. Fiacre, F. Hack. Fiat justitia (et ruat. caelum), L. Let justice be done though the world perish. Fides, L. Faith, fidelity. Fides Punica, L. Punic (i. e. bad) faith. Fidus Achates, L. A faithful companion. Fier, F. Haughty, brave. Fierte, F. Haughtiness, noble pride. Figurines, F. Statuettes. Filia, L. A daughter. 492 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF Films, L. A sen. Filins terra;, L. In Oxford, a student of low birth. Fille, F. A daughter. Fille de chambre, F. A chambermaid. Fille d’honneur, F. A court lady. Fille dejoie, F. Woman of pleasure. Fils, F. A son. Fimbria, L. Fringes. Finale, I. The concluding piece in music. Finibus Atticis, L. To the Attic shores or boundaries. Finis, L. The end. Finis coronat opus, L. The completion crowns the work ; “ all is well that ends well.” Firma, I. A firm. Fiscus, L. A treasury. Fistula, L. A reed; a deep, narrow ulcer. Fiti, F. (Norman,) a natural son, especially of a king. Fixum, L. A fixed salary or income. Flagon, F. A smelling bottle. Flagellum, L. A scourge, a whip. Flagitiuw, L. A base crime. Flagrante bcllo, L. While the war was raging. Flagrante delicto, L. During the commis- sion of the crime. Flambe, F. A lost man, a gone case. Flatus, L. Wind, inspiration. Fleur, F. Flower. Fleur d’eau, F. Even with the surface of the water. Fleur de terre, level with the ground. Flibustier, F. A freebooter, a pirate in the American waters. Flora, L. The botany of a particular coun- try. Florilegium, L. Anthology, or a collection of (poetical) flowers. Flos, L. A flower; pi../lores, flowers. Flosculi sententiarum, L. Flowers of wit. Flumen dicendi, L. ) „ „ . . . Flux de boucht, F. ( Superfluity of words. Foiblcsse, E. Weakness. e, F. Playful, wanton. Fonctionnaire, F. A functionary. Fans et origo, L. Source and origin. Fontaine, F. A fountain. Foramen, L. A hole, an aperture. Formaliter, L. In form, opposed to materi- alitcr, in substance. Fortiter in re, L. Firmly, with stringency. Forum, L. Court of justice. Fou, F. a fool. Foudre, F. Thunder. Foule, F. A crowd, a throng. Fourrurc, F. Furs. Fra, 1. Brother, used of low »r common monks. Fralcheur, F. Coolness. Frais, F. Cost, expense. Frangaisc, F. A French lady, a French dance. Frangais, F. A Frenchman, French. Franco, I. Post free. Frapp ant., F. Striking, surprising. Fratcr, L. A brother; pi. fratres, brethren. Fraus pia, L. A pious fraud. Frcrc, F. A brother. Friandise, F. Daintiness. Fripon, F. A rogue, a villain. Friponnerie, F. Roguery, villany. Friseur, F. A hairdresser. Froideur, F. Coldness, cold. Fronde, F. A party in France opposod to Mazarin. Frondeur, F. A deriding opponent of the government. Front d front, F. Face to face, man to man. Fronti nulla Jides, L. Trust not to appear- ances. Fructus, L. Fruit, products. Fruges consumcre nati, L. Born only to consume. Frustra, L. In vain. Frustum, L. A fragment, crum. Fuimus Troies, L. Once we were Trojans; we are no longer what we were. Fulmen brutum, L. Harmless threatening. Funanibulus, L. A rope dancer, a funambu- list. Functus officio, L. Having termitated his duty or office. Funtbrc, F. Funereal. Furor poeticus, L. Poetic rage or fire. Furtum, L. Theft. Fusillade, F. Firing of small arms. Futur, F. A future bridegroom. Future, F. A future bride. G. Qabelle, F. A tax upon salt. Oage, F. A pledge. Oaieti de caeur, F. Hilarity. Oaillard, F. A gay man, a jolly compan- ion. FOREIGN WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS. 493 Gala, S. A court festival, coutr; ceremony and dress. Gambade, F. Gambols, sport. Gargon, F. A boy, a waiter. Garde d cheval, F. The mounted guard (of a prince.) Garde de vue, F. A shade for the eyes. Garde du corps, F. A body guard. Gardefeu, F. A fire guard. Gardei, F. Take care! look out! Gascon, F. A man of Gascony, a boaster. Gasconnade, F. Boasting, blustering. Gauche, F. Left, on the left hand. Gaudeamus igitur, L. “ Let us be joyful,” a celebratei. students’ song in Latin. Gaudium, L. Joy. GSnant, F. Oppressive, troublesome. Genette, F. A small Spanish horse. Genie, F. Genius. Genre, F. Genus, kind, race. Gens d’armes, F. Armed guards belonging to the police. Gens de lois, F. Lawyers. Gentilhomme, F. A gentleman. Gentillesse, F. Gentility. Genus, L. Kind, race; pi. genera, kinds. Genus irritabile vatum, L. The poets, a sen- sitive tribe. Gesta Romanorum, L. A book of popular tales in Latin. Giovine Italia, I. Young Italy, the revolu- tionary party. Girande, F. A fountain playing through several orifices. Gironde, F. The moderate party in the French revolution. Girouette, F. A weathercock, a changeable person. Gitano, S. A gypsy. Glace, F. Ice. Glebce ascriptus, L. A servant belonging to the soil. Gloria, L. Radiant light around the head of a saint in paintings and engravings. Gloria in excelsis, L. A part of the church service, “ Glory to God in the highest” Gondola, I. A pleasure boat used at Ven- ice. Gonfalon, F. A banner upon a lance. Gouache, F. Painting in water colors. GoiXt, F. Taste, relish. Gouvemail, F. A rudder. Gouoernante, F. A governess. Grace d Dicu, F. God be thanked. Gradatim, L. Stef by step, gradually. i Oradus ad Parnassum, L. An aid to writ ing Latin and Greek poetry. Qradus reram, L. The steps of a course or process. Grand merci, F. Many thanks. Gratias, L. Thanks. Gravamen, L. A complaint or grievance, pi. gravamina, grievances. Grcgatim, L. Gregariously. Grive, F. A smooth, sandy shore ; a place of execution in Paris. Griffonage, F. A daubing or scrawling. GrossUrete, F. Coarseness, rudeness. Guerre, F. War. Guerre d mart, F. War to the death. Guido, I. A painting by Guido. Guinde, F. Bombastic. Gusto, I. Taste. Gustus, L. The same. Gymnasium, L. A school preparatory to the university in Germany; a place for exer- cise. Gyrus, L. A circle, a turning about. H. Habile, F. Skilful. Habitat, L. Abode, lair. Hac lege, L. With this condition. Haie, F. A hedge. Hannibal ante portas, L. The enemy is at the gates. Hardiesse, F. Boldness. Hate, F. Haste. Haud longis intervallis, L. At short intervals. Haud passibus wquis, L. With unequal pace. Hauteur, F. Haughtiness. Haut goiit, F. Fine or elegant taste. Helluo librorum, L. A devourer of books. Herbarium, L. A collection of botanical specimens. Heureuse, F. Happy. Heureusement, F. Happily. Hiatus valde deflcndus, L. A chasm greatly to be lamented. Hicjacet, L. (Here lies.) Epitaph. Hidalgo, S. A Spanish nobleman. Hinc illcc lacrymoe, L. Hence these lamenta- tions. Hislorietle, F. A story, a little history. Hoc anno, L. In this year, the current year. Hoc est, L. That is. Hoc loco, L. InthisjJace. Hoc mense, L. In tlis month, the current month. 494 AN ALPHABETICAL LIS; OF Hoc sensu, L. In this sense. Hoc tempore, L. At tiiis time. Hodie, L. To-day. Hodie mihi, eras tibi, L. My time to-day, yours to-morrow. Homme, F. A man. Homme des affaires, F. A financier; one who has the direction of business. Homme de bicn, F. An upright man Homme de cour, F. A courtier. Homme de fortune, F. A lucky man. Homme de lettres, F. A man of letters. Homme d'epee, F. A soldier. Homme d’esprit, F. A man of talents, a wit. Homme d'etat, F. A statesman. Homme de robe, F. A man in civil office. Homo, L. A man. Homo alicni juris, L. One under the control of a father or guardian. Homo omnium horarum, L. A man who can turn his hand to any thing. Homo sui juris, L. One who is his own master. Homo trium literarum (fur), L. A thief. Honnbte, F. Honorable, gentlemanly. HonnHeti, F. Honor, gentlemanly charac- ter. Honni soit qui mal y pense, F. Evil to him who evil thinks. Honores mutant mores, L. Honors change (mens’) characters. Honoris causa, L. Honorary, to one’s honor. Honorarium, L. An author’s fee or pay. Honos habet onus, L. Honors bring respon- sibility. Hora, L. Hour ; pi. kora, hours of prayer in monasteries. Hone canonicce, L. The same, prescribed hours for prayer. Horis successive, L. At convenient or leisure hours. Horresco referens, L. I shudder as I relate. Hors de combat, F. Disabled. Hors de la loi, F. In the condition of an out- law. Hors de propos, F. Not to tl purpose. Hors de saison, F. Out of season. Hors d'atuvre, F. A subordinate or inci- dental matter. Hortus siccus, L. The same as Herbarium, which see. Hospice, F. A tavern. Hostia, L. The consecrated bread or wafer in the Catholic service. Hotel de Dieu, F. A large hospital in Paris. Hotel des Invalides, F. The hospital a1 Paris. Hotel garni, F. Lodgings with furniture. Hotel de Ville, F. The City Hall in Paris. Ilujus anni, loci, or mensis, L. Of tills year, place, or month. Humaniora, L. Classical studies, Greek and Roman literature. I. Ibidem, L. In the same place. Idem, L. The same. Id est, L. That is. Idee fixe, F. A definite idea. Idem velle atque idem nolle, L. To have tlie same likes and dislikes. Ignorance crasse, F. Gross ignorance. Ilias malorum, L. A host of evils. lliaspost Homerum, L. A superfluous thing. lllicitc, L. Unlawfully. lllotis manibus, L. With unwashed hands ; i. e., without preparation. Illuminati, L. Freethinkers. Imbroglio, I. Confusion, disorder. Imitatorum, (servum), pecus, L. The herd of imitators. Imo pectore, L. From the bottom of the heart. Impari J\Iarte, L. With unequal strength. Imperator, L. A general, an emperor. Impcrium in imperio, L. A state within a state. Imperium Romanum, L. The Roman em- pire. Implicite, L. By implication. Impoli, F. Unpolished, rude. Impolitcsse, F. Rudeness, uncourteousness. Impos animi, L. Weakminded, imbecile. Impransi, L. Hungry, poor. Imprimatur, L. Let it be printed; permis- sion or license to print. Imprimis, L. In the first place. Impromptu, F. Sudden sallies of wit, unpre- meditated speech. Improvvisatore, I. An impromptu poet Improvvisatrice, I. An impromptu poetess. Impuberes, L. Under age, unmarriageable. In, L. In, into, for, towards, against. In abstracto, L. In the abstract. In actu, L. In reality, actually. In agone, L. In the death struggle. In