■"Wil'lM: S***jf x1^ ) \ ' r ^K *^J0C_ w *r % Jp %. :^-K k/37S<^ EXPLANATION ANATOMICAL ATLAS HUMAN BODY IN NATURAL SIZE, (99 PLATES,) /^TGENi-.} Dr. M. J. Vj^E B E R, PROFESSOR AT THE ROYAL PRUSSIAN UNIVERSITY, FREDERICK WILLIAM, AT BONN. NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY GEORGE ENDICOTT, LITHOGRAPHER, 22 John Street. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE AMERICAN EDITION. The " Explanation" of Weber's Anatomical Atlas is in parts, a portion of which is translated into English, while the rest, consisting of a supple- ment, embracing the latest discoveries in Anatomy, is in the original tongue. The task of the American Editor will, for the present, be limited to the correction of inaccuracies or inelegancies, the existence of a few of which in the translation, although made by a learned German, admits of ready explanation. On the restoration of his health, now seriously impaired, the under- sized will endeavor to present the American reader with a version of tl& German portion, under a form better adapted to his wants and cus- toms. ^ SAMUEL FORRY, M.D. New York, Sept., 1844. 0 PART I. ADULT IN NATURAL SIZE. FIGURE FIRST. A. PRESENTING A FRONT VIEW OF A MALE ADULT SKELETON. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. The Skeleton, sceletus, is divided into first, the Head, caput, which con-* sists of the Bones of the Skull and Face : secondly, the Trunk, truncus, composed of the Spine, columna vertebralis, the Basin, pelvis, the Ribs, costee, and the Breast Bone, sternum; and thirdly, the Extremities, ex- tremitates, which are divided into Upper and Lower. The total number of bones is 225. The Bones of the Skull, ossa cranii, are eight, viz., one Frontal Bone, os frontis, two Parietal Bones, ossa bregmatis; one Occipital Bone, os occipitis, two Temporal Bones, ossa temporum, one Sphenoid Bone, os sphenoideum, and one Ethmoid Bone, os ethmoideum. The Temporal Bones also contain eight Auditory Bones, viz., two Hammers, mallei, two Stirrup Bones, stapcdes, two Anvils, incudes, and two Round Bones, ossi- cula subrotunda. The Bones of the Face, ossa faciei, are fourteen, viz., two Upper Jaw Bones, ossa maxillaria superiora, two Cheek Bones, ossa jugalia, two Nasal Bones, ossa nasi, two Lachrymal Bones, ossa lacry- malia, two Palatine Bones, ossa palatina, two Turbinated Bones, concha inferiores; one Ploughshare Bone, vomer, one Lower Jaw, maxilla infe- rior. Besides which there are thirty-two Teeth, dentes, viz., eight Inci- sive, incisivi, four Cuspid, canini, and twenty Grinding, molares ; and one Tongue bone, os hyoideum. The Vertebral Column, columna vertebralis, consists of twenty-four Vertebrae, vertebras, viz., seven Cervical Vertebrae, v. colli, twelve Dorsal Vertebrae, v. dorsi, and five Lumbar Vertebrae, v. lumborum. The num- ber of the Ribs, costas, is twenty-four; fourteen True, c. vera, and ten False Ribs, c. spuria. The Breast Bone, sternum, is composed of three pieces. The Basin, pelvis, consists of one Rump Bone, os sacrum, four False Vertebrae, ossa coccygis, and two Unnamed Bones, ossa coxarum, s. innominata. Seventy bones compose the Upper Extremities, extrcmitates supe- riores, viz., two Clavicles, claviculas, two Blade Bones, scapulce, two Upper Arm Bones, humeri, two small Bones of the Arm, radii, two Cubits, ulna ; sixteen Carpal Bones, ossa carpi, viz., two Scaphoid or Navicular Bones, ossa navicularia, two Lunar, lunata, two Cuneiform, cuneiformia, triquetra, two Pisiform, pisiformia, two Trapezial, trapezia- lia, sea multangula majora, two Trapezoid, trapezoidea scu multangula minora, two Great Bones, capitata, and two Unciform Bones, hamata; ten Metacarpal Bones, ossa metacarpi, twenty-eight Joints of the Fingers, phalanges digitorum; six Sesamoid Bones, ossa sesamoidea. 8 Sixty-six bones form the Lower Extremities, extremitates inferiores, viz., Two Thigh Bones, femora, two Knee Caps, patella, two Shin Bones, tibia, two Splint Bones, fibula ; fourteen Tarsal Bones, ossa tarsi, viz., two Astragalar Bones, tali, two Heel Bones, calcanei, two Navicular, navicularia, two Cuboid, cuboidea, six Cuneiform, cuneiformia; ten Meta- carpal, ossa metatarsi; twenty-eight Joints of the Toes, phalanges digi- torum, six Sesamoid Bones, ossa sesamoidea. The Head, Caput. A. a.—a6, b.—b6. c. Frontal Bone, osfrontis s. frontale. a. Project- ing line, linea eminens. a1. Frontal protuberance, tuber frontale. a2. Superciliary ridge, arcus superciliaris. a3. Smooth surface, glabella. a*. Semicircular line, linea semicircularis. a5. Semicircular plane, pla- num semicirculare. a6. Coronal suture, sutura coronalis. b. Orbitar portion, pars Orbitalis. bl. Zygomatic process, processus zygomaticus. b2. Lachrymal pit, fossa glandula lacrymalis. P. Trochlear spine, spina trochlearis. Usually there is but one Trochlear pit, fossa trochlearis. b*. Internal Orbitar holes, foramina orbitalia interna s. ethmoidea. b5. Supra-orbitar edge, margo orbitalis superior. bs. Supra-orbitar notch, incisura supraorbital. On the other side is a Supra-orbitar hole, fora- men supraorbitals c. Nasal notch, incisura nasalis. B. d—J2. Parietal Bone, os bregmatis seu parietale. d. linea semicircularis. dl. planum semicirculare. d?. Sphenoidal angle, angulus sphenoideus. C. e—e7. Temporal Bone, os temporum. e. Squamous portion, pars squamosa. el. Glenoid cavity for the Lower Jaw, cavitas glenoidalis s. sinus articuli maxilla inferioris. e2. Articular eminence, tuberculum articulare. e3. Zygomatic process, process, zygo- maticus s. jugalis. e4. Squamous suture, sutura squamosa, e5. Mastoid portion, pars mastoidea s. mammillaris. e6. Mastoid process process mastoideus s. mammillaris. e\ External Auditory Hole, porus acousticus externus. D-f—f5- Sphenoid Bone, os sphenoideum s. cuneiforme f. Temporal surface of the larger wing of the Sphenoid, superficies temporalis ala majoris oss. sphenoidei. f. Orbitar surface, superficies orbitalis s. anterior ala majoris oss. sphenoid. P. Lesser wing ala minor oss. sphenoidei. f. Optic hole, foramen opticum. f*. Upper Or- bitar fissure fissura orbitalis superior s. sphenoidea propria. F Outer Pterygoid plate, lamina externa processus pterygoids oss. sphenwdei. E. g. Ethmoid Bone, os ethmoideum. moMel*16™1^ °f Ethm°id' lamina externa s.papyracea ossis eth- F. h—hl. Palate Bone, os palatinum. h. Orbitar process, processus orbitalis. h>. Sphenoidal process process, sphenoidale. piuce&b, G. i—i\ Lachrymal Bone, os lacrymale s. unguis. i. Orbitar surface, superfi orbitalis. ,\ Lachrymal pit for the Lachrv mal sac sulcus saca lacrymalis. f. Lachrymal crest, crista lacrZahs i . Lachrymal hook, hamulus crista lacrymalis. ' ymaus. H. k—k[ . Upper Jaw, os maxillarc superius. k. Superfi orbitalis. k\ Infraorbitar canal, canalis infraorbitals, tf 9 Facial surface, superfi. facialis. k3. Infraorbitar hole, foramen infraorbi- tale. k*. Maxillary pit, fossa maxillaris. ks. Smaller point of superfic. temporalis, s. tuberositas maxilla superioris. k6. Nasal or Frontal pro- cess, process, nasalis seu frontalis. k7. Pit for the Lachrymal sac, sul- cus sacci lacrymalis process, frontalis maxilla sup. ks. Zygomatic pro- cess, process, zygomaticus. k°. Alveolar process, p. alveolaris. k{0. In- cisura nasalis. A11. Anterior nasal Spine, spina nasalis anterior, k12. k3. Partition of Nostrils, septum narium. I. I—ll. Malar Bone, os zygomaticum s.jugale s. mala. I. Malar surface, superficies malaris s. externa. l\ Orbitar surface, superfi orbitalis. P. Upper Edge, margo inferior, et tuberositas jugalis s. zygomatica. P. Under Edge, margo inferior, et tuberositas jugalis s. zygomatica. I*. Maxillary process, processus maxillaris. 1°. Spheno frontal process, processus spheno-frontalis. I6. Temporal process, pro- cess, temporalis. P. P. Temporal edge, margo temporalis. K. ml. Nasal Bone, os nasi. m. External surface, externa s. anterior, m3. Opening for an artery and vein, foramen ossis nasi. L. n—n. Lower Jaw, os maxillare inferius s. mandibula. n-n. Body, corpus maxillce inficrioris. nl. External or anterior opening of the Inferior Maxillary canal, apertura anterior canalis maxillce infie- rioris seu foramen mentale s. maxillare anterius. n2. External oblique line, linea obliqua externa, n3. Chin, mentum, and Mental pit, fossa men- talis. ri*. External mental spine, spina mentalis externa, n5. Upper edge or Alveolar process, margo s. processus alveolaris. n6. Under edge or Base, margo inferior s. basis maxillce. n7.—,4. ramus maxillce inferior. n1. External surface, superfi externa, n3. Angle, angulus maxillce infe- rior. n9. Coronoid process, process, coronoideus. n10. Condyloid pro- cess, process, condyloideus. nil. Head of the same, capitulum. n12. Neck, collum. n13. Pit in the Neck, fossa colli s. process, condyloidei. ^.Up- per semilunar edge, margo superior s. incisura semilunaris. IV—XXIV. Spinal Column, Columna Vertebrarum, s. Spinalis. 4. 5. 6. 7. The under four Cervical Vertebrae, vertebrce colli, a. The body, corpus, a1. The upper edge, margo superior, a2. The under edge, margo inferior, a3. Intervertebral ligament, ligamentum interverte- brale. a*. Anterior root of the transverse process, radix anterior pro- cessus transversi. a5, radix posterior p. t. a6. Vertebral hole, foramen vertebrate, a7. Upper oblique or articular process, processus obliquus seu articularis superior, a8. Under oblique articular process, processus obliquus s. articularis inferior, a9. Intervertebral hole, foramen intcrvcr- tebrale. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,18, 19.* The twelve Dor- sal Vertebrae, vertebra dorsi. b. corpus. by. margo superior, b2. margo inferior, b3. Upper articular surface on the body on the first Dorsal vertebra, with the head of the first Rib, sinus articularis superior costce * 10, 11, 12, 13,14,15, 16 of the dorsal vertebra are not to be seen, as the sternum lies before them.—Editor. 2 10 prima, b*. sinus articularis inferior costee .secunda. bs. ligamentum in- tervertebrale. b6. processus transvers. b7. Articular surface and con- nection of the transverse process of the first Dorsal vertebra and the tubercle of the first Rib, sinus articularis transversalis. b8. foramen in- tervertebral. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. The five Lumbar Vertebrae, c. corpus. cl. margo superior, c2. margo inferior, c3. ligamentum intervertebrale. o*. processus transversus. cs. processus obliquus superior. I—XII. e—e". The Ribs, Costee, and Breast Bone, Sternum. I—VII. True Ribs, costee vera?; VIII—XII. False Ribs, costa spurice. d. Body and outer surface of the Rib, corpus et superficies ex- terna costee. dl. Anterior extremity, extremitas anterior, d3. di. d5. Pos- terior extremity, extremitas posterior, d3. Head of the Rib, capitulum costa. dK Neck, collum. d5. Tubercle, tuberculum. d6. margo superior. d7. margo inferior. ds. Connection of the Ribs with the costal cartilages, connexio costarum cum cartilaginibus costarum. d9. superficies interna. d10. Costal groove, sulcus costalis. dli. Costal cartilage, cartilago costa- rum s. costalis. d[*. Connection of the Costal Cartilage with the Breast Bone, connexio cartilaginis costalis cum sterno. e. Handle of the Breast Bone, manubrium sterni. el. Corpus sterni. e*. Ensiform process, processus xiphoideus s. ensifiormis. e3. Ensiform cartilage, cartilago ensifiormis. e4. e5. Extremitas superior, e4. Semi- lunar notch, incisura semilunaris, e5. Articular surfaces for the Cla- vicles, incisures, claviculares. e6. e]2. margo lateralis, e1. extremitas infe- rior manubrii sterni. e8. extremitas superior corporis sterni. e9. margo lateralis, e10. extremitas inferior, e11. extremitas superior processus ociphoidei. eu. margo lateralis, e13. extremitas inferior. A. B. C. I. II. III. The Basin, Pelvis. A. Rump Bone, os sacrum. 1. superficies anterior seu interior. 2. Promontory, promontorium. 3. Arched edge, margo arcuatus s. linea terminalis ossis sacri. 4. 4. Superfic. superior. 5. Sacro-iliac symphysis, symphysis sacro-iliaca. 6. Anterior Sacral holes, foramina sacralia anteriora. 8. foramina sacralia posteriora. 8. foramen intervertebrale. 9. Transverse lines, linecs trans- versa. B. Os coccygis. I. II. III. Unnamed Bones, ossa innominata s. coxarum. I Hip Bone, os tin. II. Share Bone, os pubis. III. Haunch Bone, os ischii — 10. 11. superficies interna superior anterior. 12. superfic. interna anterior inferior. J 3. Arched line, linea eminens arcuata. 14. Unnamed line, linea innominata s. terminalis. 15. Iliac crest, crista ossis ilii 16* Outer lip of the same, labium externum. 17. Inner lip of the same la- bium internum crista: ossis ilii. 18. Superior anterior spinous process spina anterior superior. 19. Inferior anterior spinous process spina anterior inferior. 20. Superior anterior semilunar notch, incisura semi- lunaris superior anterior. 21 Inferior anterior semilunar notch, incisura 11 anterior inferior ossis ilii. 22. Body of Share Bone, corpus ossis pubis. 23. Horizontal branch, ramus horizontalis, o. p. 24. Pubic crest, pecten s. crista pubis. 25. Pubic tubercle, tubercul. pubis. 26. Obturator notch, incisura obturatoria. 27. Descending branch, ramus descendens. 28. Pubic symphysis, symphysis ossium pubis. 29. Pubic angle, angu- lus ossium pubis.—30. corpus ossis ischii. 31. Acetabular notch, incisura acetabuli. 32. Cotyloid cavity, acetabulum, and its edge, limbus acetabuli. III. 33. Descending branch, ramus descendens. 34. Ascending branch of ischium, ramus adscendens oss. ischii. 35. Ischial spine, spina ossis ischii. 36. Ischial tuberosity, tuber s. tuberositas oss. ischii. 37. Oval or obturator hole, foramen ovale s. obturatorium. 37. Greater ischiatic notch, incisura ischiadica major. Bones of the Pectoral Limbs, Upper Extremities or Arms. Ossa extremitatum superiorum. A. Clavicle, clavicula. a. corpus claviculce. a1, a3, a4. Sternal extremity, extremitas anterior s. sternalis. a2, a6. Scapular extremity, extremitas srapularis s. humer- alis. a. a1, a1, superficies anterior et superior, a4, a6, superfi. inferior. a5. Interarticular cartilage at the Sterno clavicular joint, cartilago interar- ticularis claviculce et sterni. aG. tuberculum s. colliculum claviculce. a1. cartilago inter articularis claviculce et p. acromialis. B. Shoulder Blade, scapula. b. Subscapular pit, fossa subscapularis s. superficies anterior scapula. bl. margo superior, b*. Semilunar notch, incisura semilunaris, b3. b*. b*. b6. margo externus. b*. labium posterius. b5. labium anterius. bs. Pit between the two lips, sulcus marginis externi. b7. Inner edge or base of the Shoulder Blade, margo internus s. basis scapula, b3. Condyloid process, process, condyloideus. b9. collum scapula, b10. Glenoid cavity, superficies articularis humeri s. cavitas glenoidea. bn. Tubercle of Condy- loid process, tuberculum process, condyloidei. bl2-bli. Coracoid process, process, coracoideus. b,z. radix. bn. corpus. bli. apex. b15. Supraspi- nate pit, fossa supraspinata. b16. V. Acromion, acromion s. process. acromial^. bK. Superior surface, superfi superior, b17. Inferior surface, superfi. inferior. C. Upper Arm Bone, os Humeri s. Brachii. c. corpus s. diaphysis. cl. cH. Upper end, extremitas superior. c2.— c20. Lower end, extremitas inferior, c3. superfic. externa, c4. superfic. interna, c5. External angle, angulus externus. c6. angulus anterior, c1. angulus internus. c8. Articular head, caput articulare. c9. collum. c10. Greater tubercle, tuberculum majus. c11. Lesser tubercle, tuberculum minus, c12. Bicipital groove between them, sulcus s. semicanalis ossis humeri, c13. Ridge from the great tubercle, crista tuberculi majoris. cu. Ridge from the little tubercle, crista tuberculi minoris. c's. External condyle, condylus externus. c16. Internal condyle, condylus internus. c17. Anterior small pit, fossa anterior minor s. externa, c18. Anterior large pit, fossa anterior major s. interna, c19. e20. Cubital process, pro- cessus cubitalis. c21. Head, capitulum s. eminentia capitata. c°. Pulley, trochlea seu xotula. 12 D. Small Bone of the Arm, radius. d. corpus. d\ extremitas superior, d2. extremitas inferior, d3. su- perficies volaris s. anterior. d\ superficies externa s. radialis. d\ angu- lus anterior, d6. angulus internus s. crista radii, d7. Head and orbi- cular circlet, capitulum radii, et circumferentia articularis. d8. collum. d9. tuberculum. d10. Base, basis s. cavitas glenoidalis. dn. d12. Styloid process, process, styloideus. d13. incisura semilunaris. E. Cubit, ulna s. cubitus. e. Body, diaphysis. e1. Upper Extremity, e2. extremit. inferior, e3. superficies volaris. e*. angulus anterior, e5. angulus externus s. crista ulna. e6. Coronoid process, processus coronoideus. e7. tuberositas ulna. e3. capitulum ulna. e9. process, styloideus. ew. spatium interosseum. F. N. Carpal Bones, ossa carpi. F. Scaphoid or Navicular Bone, os naviculare, f. its tubercle, tubercu- lum ossis navicularis. G. Lunar Bone, os lunatum. H. Cuneiform Bone, os cuneiforme seu triquetum. I. Pisiform Bone, os rotundum s. pisiforme. K. Trapezial Bone, os multangulum majus. g. its tubercle, tuberculum ossis multanguli majoris. L. Trapezoid Bone, os multangulum minus. M. Great Bone, os capitatum. N. Unciform Bone, os hamatum. h. its hook, hamulus oss. hamati. O-S. Metacarpal Bones, ossa metacarpi. 0. Metacarpal Bone of the Thumb, os metacarpi pollicis. P. of Index Finger, digiti indicts. Q. of Middle Fingers, digiti medii. R. of Ring Finger, dig. annularis. S. of Little Finger, dig. auricularis. i. corpus. k. r. extremitas superior s. basis. I. s. extremitas anterior s. capitulum. m. t. u. Sesamoid Bones, ossa sesamoidea. n. angulus externus s. radialis. o. angulus internus s. ulnaris. p. superfic. ulnaris. q. su- perfi radialis. T-V. Joints of the Fingers, phalanges digitorum. v. superfi. volaris. »w. basis s. extrem. sup. x. extrem. inferior s. trochlea, y. margo radialis. z. margo ulnaris. Bones of the Abdominal Limbs, or Lower Extremities, Ossa ex- tremitatum infieriorum. A. Thigh Bone, os femoris s. cruris. a. corpus, a1, extremit. superior, a2, extremit. infer, a3, superfi. anterior, a4, angulus externus. a5, angulus internus. a6, caput, a1. collum. a8. Great Trochanter, trochanter major, a9. Little Trochanter trochanter minor, a10. Anterior Intertrochanteric line, linea intertrochan- terica anterior, a11, condylus externus. a12, condylus internus. a13. Knee Cap, patella. au. superfi. articularis extremit. inferioris. an. Semilunar cartilages of the Knee, cartilagines semilunares genu. B. Splint Bone, fibula s. perone. 13 b. corpus. bl. extremit. sup. s. capitulum fibula, b2. extremit inf. b3. superfi ext. b\ superfi. interna, b5. angulus externus. b6. angulus internus s. crista fibula, b7. angulus anterior, b3. b8. linea obliqua. b9. Outer ankle, malleolus externus s. fibula. C. Shin Bone, tibia. c. diaphysis s. corpus. c\ extrem. sup. c2. extrem. inf. c3. superfi | externa, c4. superfi. interna s. anterior, c5. angulus externus. c6. an- * gulus internus. c7. angulus anterior s. crista tibia, c8. condylus exter- nus. c9. condylus internus. e10. tuberositas tibia, e". Inner Ankle, malleolus internus s. tibia, c12. incisura fibular is s. perona. c13. basis s. superfi. articularis. D-I. Tarsal Bones, ossa tarsi. D. Astragalar Bone, talus s. astragalus. E. Heel Bone, calcaneus s. os calcis. e. processus lateralis s. sustentaculum tali. F. Navicular Bone, os naviculare. e. tuberculum oss navicularis. G. First or Inter- nal Cuneiform Bone, os cuneiforme primum s. internum. H. Second or Middle Cuneiform Bone, os cuneiforme secundum s. medium. I. Third or External Cuneiform Bone, os cuneiforme tertium s. externum. K. L. M. N. O. Metatarsal Bones, ossa metatarsi. P. Q. R. S. Joints of the Toes, phalanges digitorum pedis, g. ossa sesamoidea. Upper Surface of the Foot. A. calcaneus, a. tuberositas calcanei. b. superfi superior, c. superf. externa. B. talus, d. superfi articularis superior, e. superfi. articularis lateralis externa s. fibula, f. process, condyloideus s. caput tali. C. os naviculare. D. Cuboid Bone, os cuboideum. E. os cunei- forme primum. F. secundum. G. tertium. FIGURE SECOND. B. PRESENTING A POSTERIOR VIEW OF A MALE ADULT SKELETON. THE HEAD. A. Frontal Bone, os firontis. a. processus zygomaticus. a1, planum semicirculare. B. Parietal Bone, os parietale. b. Parietal protuberance, tuber parietale. b. b\ linea semicircularis superior inferior, et planum semicirculare. b2. angulus sphenoidalis. b . angulus mastoideus. b4. Occipital angle, angul. occipitalis, b*. Sagittal suture, sutura sagittalis. b6. Coronal suture, sutura coronalis. b7. Occipi- tal suture, sutura occipitalis, b8. Parietal hole, foramen parietale. b9. Squamous suture, sutura squamosa. C. Occipital Bone, os occipitis. c. External Occipital protuberance, spina s. protuberantia occipitis ex- terna. c1. Superior semicircular ridge, linea semicircularis superior, c2. External Occipital crest, crista occipitis externa, c3. Internal semicircu- lar line, linea semicircularis inferior oss. occipitis. c4. Parietal edge, mar- go parietalis. c5. Mastoid edge, margo mastoideus. D. Petrous Bone, os petrosum. d. Squamous part, pars squamosa. dl. Mastoid part, pars mastoidea. d2. Mastoid process, process mastoideus. d3. Mastoid notch, incisura mas- toidea. d*. Mastoid hole, foramen mastoideum. d5. process, zygomaticus. E. Cheek Bone, os zygomaticum. e. Temporal process, process, temporalis. e\ el. Temporal surface, superfi .temporalis, e2. Inferior orbitar fissure, fissura orbitalis inferior, c*. Posterior zygomatic hole, foramen zygomaticum posterius. F. Upper Jaw Bone, os maxillare superius. f. Temporal surface, superficies temporalis s. tuberositas maxilla su- perioris. fi. Orbitar surface, superfi. orbitalis corporis maxilla sup. G. Lower Jaw Bone, os maxillare inferius. g. Internal surface, superficies interna s. posterior. gy. Coronoid pro- cess, process, coronoideus. g2. Condyloid process, process, condyloideus. Vertebral Column, columna vertebrarum. 1-7. Cervical vertebrae, vertebra colli. 1. vertebra prima s. atlas, a. Posterior arch, arcus posterior, a1. Posterior tubercle, tuberc. posterius. a'\ process, transversus. a3, process, obliquus s. articularis superior. a', process, obliquus s. articularis inferior. 2. vertebra secunda seu epis- tropheus, a. arcus. a1. Spinous process, process, spinosus. a2, process. 15 fransversus. a3, process, obliquus superior. a\ inferior, a5. foramen ver- tebrate. a6, corpus, a7. Dentiform process of second Vertebra, process. odontoideus s. dens. 8—19. vertebra dorsi. b. arcus. bl. processus spino- sus. b2. processus transversus. b3. process, obliq. sup. b4. inferior. 20—24. vertebra lumborum. c. arcus. c1. process, spinosus. c2. process, obliquus su- perior. c3. inferior. c\ process, transversus. c5. corpus. cG. ligamentum in- tervertebrale. I—XII. Ribs, costa. d. Tubercle of the Ribs, tuberculum costa. dl. Articulation of the Ribs with the processus transversus of the Vertebra, d2. Angle of the Rib, angulus costa. d3. cartilago costalis. Pelvis. A. Rump Bone, os sacrum. 1—5. The five false vertebrae forming the sacrum of the young sub- | ject, vertebra pelvis s. spuria oss. sacri. B. os coccygis. 6—9. The four false vertebrae of the os coccygis, vertebra spuria oss. coccygis. 5- 10. Vertebral canal, canalis sacralis, and bones of the first and fifth sa- cral vertebrae, corpus vertebra prima et quint, oss. sacri. 11—15. arcus vertebrarum oss. sacri. 16—18. False spinal processes, processus spi- nosi spurii. 18. Sacral horns, cornua sacralia. 19. Oblique process, process, obliquus vertebra prima. 20. 21. 22. 23. False oblique pro- cesses, processus obliqui spurii. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. processus trans- versi spurii. 24. 29. 30. Lateral parts, partes lateral.es. 24—29. tu- berositas oss. sacri. 31. Hinder sacral holes, foramina sacralia posteri- ora. 32. incisura intervertebral. 33. Coccygeal horns, cornua coccy- gea s. process, obliqui spurii. 34. processus transversi spurii.— C. ossa coxarum s. innominata. 35. labium posterius crista oss. ilii. 36. pla- num semicirculare superius superficiei externa. 37. linea eminens semicir- cularis. 38. planum semicirculare inferius. 39. spina posterior superi- or. 40. spina posterior inferior. 41. incisura semilunaris. 42. incisu- ra ischiadica. superior s. major. 43. corpus oss. ischii. 44. limbus acetabuli. 45. Spine of the Ischium, spina oss. ischii. 46. 47. ramus descendens. 46. Tuberosity of the Ischium, tuberositas oss. ischii. 47. Under or lower Ischiatic notch, incisura ischiadica minor. 48. ramus de- scendens. 49. corpus oss. pubis. 50. ramus horizontalis. 51. ramus descendens. 52. foramen ovale s. obturatorium. Upper Extremities, extremitates superiores. A. Clavicle, clavicula. a. extremitas anterior s. sternalis. a1, extremit. scapularis. a2, tubercu- lum claviculare. B. Shoulder Blade, scapula. b. Upper spinal pit, fossa supraspinata. bx. Lower spinal pit, fossa in- fraspinata. b2. Three cornered surface, superficies triangularis, b3. Spine, spina scapula, b*. Acromion, acromion, b5. angulus superior s. internus. be. angulus externus s. process, condyloideus. b7. angulus inferior. bs. mar- go superior, b*. margo internus s. basis scapula. bin. margo externus. 16 C. Upper Arm Bono, os humeri. c. caput, c1. collum. c2—c4. tuberculum majus. c1. Upper muscular mark, impressio muscularis prima tuberculi majoris. c3. impressio secunda. c4. impress, tertia. C. superfic. posterior, c5. superfic. externa. c°. condy- lus externus. c7. condylus internus. c. fossa posterior s. sinus maximus oss. humeri. D. Small bone of the Fore Arm, radius. d. capitulum et circumfcrentia articularis radii. dl. collum. d2. tuberosi- tas radii, d3. Dorsal surface, superf. dorsalis s. posterior, d*. superfic. radialis s. externa, d*. crista radii, d6. process, styloideus. The Articular ^rface of its Inner Condyle. 3. 1 he Articular surface of its Outer Condyle. 4. The Tibia. 5 The Fibula 6 Its Head. 7. The posterior strengthening fibres of the Cap- sular Membrane of the Head of the Fibula. 8. The tendon of the M gastrocnemius internus. 9. The tendon of the M. gastrocnemius externus. W. Ifae tendon of the M. semimembranosus, turned back. 11 The ten- don of the M. biceps flexor cruris, turned back. 12. The Capsular Mem- brane of the knee slit up and turned back. 13. The Posterior Crucial Ligament of the Knee. 14. The Anterior Crucial Ligament. 15. The Inner Semilunar Cartilage. 16. The Outer Semilunar Cartilage been rerrfovTd ^ *" ^"^ °f the Leg LaS' in ^is instance, Fig. XXXVIII. The Semilunar Cartilage. t£ n\G TTTia" 2; The1 Inner UpPer Arti<^r surface of the Bone 3 The Outer Upper Articular surface. 4. The Patella. 5 The fatty glandular mass. 6. A portion of the Capsular Membrane of he Knel Joint. 7. The Anterior Crucial Ligament 8 ThQ v ♦ • ^ ■, transversale, of this Cartilage. ans^rse Ligament, lig. commune 31 SECOND BODY OF LIGAMENTS, D. FROM BEHIND. Head, caput. 1. os bregmatis. 2. os occipitis. 3. os temporum. 4. os Wormian num. 5. processus mastoideus. 5. processus styloideus. 7. incisura mastoidea. 8. processus zygomaticus ossis firontis. 9. os jug ale. 10. cartilago auricula. 11. palatum osseum. 12. dentes maxilla superioris. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. maxilla inferior. 18. arcus temporalis. Trunk, truncus. 19. vertebra colli. 20. V. dorsi. 21. V. lumbales. 22. os sacrum. 23. os coccygis. 24. os ilium. 25. os pubis. 26. os ischii. 27. £w£e- rositas ischii. 28. costa prima. 29. The eighth Rib, or first false Rib. 30. The twelfth Rib. c. membrana arcus posterioris atlantis. b. lig. processuum spinosorum vertebrarum. c. lig. quels pices vertebrarum connectuntur. d. lig. cervi- cis costa externum, e. lig. cervicis costa internum, f. lig. costa trans- vcrsale externum, g. lig. intertransversale. h. lig. ilio-lumbale. i. lig. vaga postica oss. ilium s. pelvis, k. lig. sacro-coccygeum posticum longum. I. lig. sacro-tuberosum. m. lig. sacro-spinosum. n. lig. posticum longum ossis ilium, o. lig. obturatorium. p. incisura ischiadica major et q. mi- nor. Upper Extremities, extremitates superiores. 1. clavicula. 2. scapula. 3. spina scapula. 4. acromion. 5. 6. 7. humerus. 8. 9. 10. radius. 11. processus styloideus radii. 12.13.14. 15. ulna, olecranon. 16. superficies dorsalis carpi. 17. ossa metacarpi. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. phalanges digitorum. 23. superficies volaris carpi. 24. 25. 26. ossa sesamoidea. 27. 28. The Articular Capsules of the fingers are here opened and turned back. a. lig. scapula trapezoideum. b. lig. acromio-coracoideum. c. lig. transver sum scapula, d. membrana capsularis humeri, e. membr. capsu- laris cubiti. f. lig. laterale externum, g. lig. annulare, h. lig. interos- seum. i. k. I. Finger Joint laid open. m. n. o. lig. lateralia of the Finger Joint partially cut through and turned back. Lower Extremities, extremitates infieriores. 31. femur. 32. trochanter major. 33. trochanter minor. 34. caput. 35. 36. condyli femoris. 38. condylus internus et 39. internus tibia. 40. malleolus internus. 41. Fibula. 42. capitulum fibula. 43. malle- olus externus. 44. patella. 45. 46. cartilagines semilunares. 47. talus. 48. calcaneus. 49. superficies dorsalis tarsi. 50. ossa metatarsi. 51- 55. Phalanges digitorum. 32 tt. a. The lig. capsulare femoris of the left side cut through and turned back. b. lig. capsulare femoris of the right side unopened, c. linea as- pera femoris. d. The lig. later, internum genu cut away. e. A peculiar bundle to this Ligament, fi lig. laterale externum genu. g. g. lig. cru- ciatum genu. h. The tendon of the m. semimembranosus, i. membrana capsularis capituli fibula. k. membrana interossea cruris. I. m. lig. malleoli externi posticum superius et inferius. n. lig. posticum inter fibu- lam et tarsum. o. lig. laterale externum of the Ankle Joint, p. lig. late- rale internum of the Ankle Joint, q. The tendon oi the m. extensor cru- ris, r. lig. patella. EXPLANATION OF THE SEVERAL FIGURES WHICH ARE DELINEATED WITH THE SECOND LIGAMENTOUS BODY. Fig. I. Articulation of the Lower Jaw with the Temporal Bone of the right side. 1. Horizontal section through the Temporal Pit. 2. Vertical Section through the Mastoid process. 3. Mastoid process. 4. A portion of the Malar Bone which remains attached to 5. The Malar process of the Temporal Bone. 6. Upper extremity of the External Lateral Ligament, lig. laterale externum. 7. Its lower extremity. 8. Neck of the Lower Jaw. 9. Falciform Notch. 10. Coronoid process. 11. Angle of the Lower Jaw. 12. External Auditory Canal. 13. Styloid process. 14. Stylo-Maxillary Ligament, lig. stylo-maxillare. 15. 16. Vertical' Sec- tion through both Jaws. Fig. II. External Lateral View of both Jaws. The external Lateral Ligament is removed ; both Capsular Ligaments are cut through and the Interarticular Cartilage seen in its place. The Condyle of the'Jaw is depressed from the Glenoid Cavity in order to render the view of the internal parts more distinct. 1. Horizontal Section through the Temporal Bone. 2 Malar Bone 3. Vertical section through the Mastoid process. 4. Right Condyle of the Occipital Bone. 5. Styloid process. 6. Stylo-Maxillary Ligament. 7. Base of the Zygomatic Arch. 8. Condyle of the Lower Jaw 9 In- terarticular Cartilage, cartilago inter articularis. 10. Inferior Caosular Ligament, lig. capsulare inferius. 11. Superior Capsular Ligament Zi>. ■capsulare superius. 12. Vertical Section through both Jaws. ' Fig. III. Internal View of the Articulation of the Lower Jaw with the Temporal Bone on the right side. Jaw wat* 33 1. Sphenoidal Sinus. 2. Vertical Section through the Cuneiform pro- cess of the Occipital Bone. 3. Petrous portion of the Temporal Bone, and the Internal organ of Hearing therein contained. 4. Inner opening of the Anterior Condyloid hole, for. condyloideum anterius. 5. Mastoid process. 6. 7. 8. Vertical Section through both Jaws. 9. Upper ex- tremity of the Internal Lateral Ligament, lig. laterale internum. 10. Its lower extremity. 11. Commencement of the Maxillary Canal. 12. Styloid process. 13. Stylomaxillary Ligament. 14. Semilunar Notch. 15. 16. Partof the Turbinated plates in the Nostril. Fig. IV. The Membrane of the posterior Arch of the Atlas. 1. The Occipital Bone. 2. Its Condyloid process. 3. The Mastoid process of the Temporal Bone. 4. The hinder Arch of the Atlas, arcus posterior atlantis. 5. Its Transverse process. 6. The second Cervical Vertebra. 7. The third Cervical Vertebra. 8. The fourth Cervical Vertebra. 9. The Spinous process of the second Cervical Vertebra. 10. Ditto of the third. 11. Ditto of the fourth. 12. The Membrane of the hinder Arch of the Atlas, membrana arcus posterioris atlantis. 13. The Capsular Membrane connecting the Occipital Bone and the Atlas, membrana capsularis junctura ossis occipitis cum atlante, cut through and turned back. At this part the Membrane of the hinder Arch of the Atlas is removed. Fig. V. The Ligamentous Apparatus of the Vertebrae of the Neck. 1. The Spine of the Frontal Bone. 2. The hinder surface of the Body of this Bone. 3. The Mastoid process of the Temporal Bone. 4. A part of the Parietal Bone. 5. The Condyle of the Lower Jaw. 6. The Coronary process. 7. The Angle of the Lower Jaw. 8. The edge of the divided Body of the Occipital Bone. 9. The Styloid pro- cess. 10. The Pit for the Lateral Sinus of the Dura Mater. 11. The Condyle of the Occipital Bone. 12. The Upper Angle of the Petrous portion of the Temporal Bone. 13. The Transverse process of the Atlas. 14. Ditto of the second Cervical Vertebra. 15. Ditto of the third. 16. The remainder of the Arch of the fourth Cervical Vertebra. 17. The same part of the fifth. 18. A part of the Dura Mater which has been separated from the Vertebral Canal and turned up. 19. The Head of the Dentiform process of the second Cervical Vertebra which is indistinctly seen. 20. The Ligamentous Apparatus of the Cervical Ver- tebrae, apparatus ligamentosus vertebrarum colli. 21. The part, where this Apparatus terminates, and the Posterior Long Band, fascia longitudi- nalis posterior, of the Vertebrae begins. Fig. VI. The Transverse Ligament of the'Atlas and its Appendages, with the Lateral Ligaments of the Dentiform process of the second Cer- vical Vertebra. 1. A portion of the Jugular hole proper to the Occipital Bone. 2. The Cuneiform process of the same Bone. 3. The Posterior Clinoid process of the Sphenoid Bone. 4. The Mastoid process of the Tempo- ral Bone cut through.. 5. The Parietal Bone. 6. The Furrow for the Lateral Sinus. 7. The Jugular hole. 8. The part, at which the hinder Arch of the Atlas is sawn through. 9. The Transverse process of the 5 34 Atlas. 10. The Base of the divided Arch of the second Cervical Verte- bra. 11. The Transverse process of this Vertebra. 12. The Head of its Dentiform process. 13. The divided Base of the Arch of the third Vertebra of the Neck. 14. Its transverse process. 15. The divided base of the Arch of the fourth Cervical Vertebra. 16. Its Transverse process. 17. The Dura Mater of the Vertebral Canal turned back. 18. The Ligamentous Apparatus of the Cervical Vertebrae turned back. 19. The Transverse Ligament of the Atlas, lig. transver sale atlantis. 20. Its lower appendage, appendix. 21. Its upper Appendage. 22. The La- teral Ligament of the Dentiform process of the second Cervical Verte- bra, lig. laterale dentis epistrophei. Fig. VII. The Transverse Ligament of the Atlas, from which the Appendages have been removed, with the Lateral Ligaments of the Den- tiform process of the second Cervical Vertebra. 1. A portion of the Jugular hole proper to the Occipital Bone. 2. The Cuneiform process of that Bone. 3. The Posterior Clinoid process of the Sphenoid Bone. 4. The Mastoid process of the Temporal Bone cut through. 5. The hinder Arch of the Atlas sawn through. 6. The Transverse process of the same Bone. 7. The Base of the Arch of the second Cervical Vertebra sawn through. 8. Its Transverse process. 9. The Dentiform process of this Vertebra. 10. The Ligamentous Ap- paratus of the Cervical Vertebra turned back. 11. The Transverse Ligament of the Atlas, lig. transversale atlantis, its appendages removed. 12. The Lateral Ligament of the Dentiform process of the second Cervi- cal Vertebra, lig. laterale dentis epistrophei. Fig. VIII. The Atlas with its Transverse Ligament," seen from above. 1. Anterior Arch. 2. Articular surface for the Dentiform process. 3. Transverse ligament, ligam. transver sum. 4. A portion between it and the front Arch of the Atlas in which the Dentiform process is re- ceived. 5. Vertebral hole. 6. Articular Surface. 7. Hole for Verte- bral vessels. 8. Transverse process. 9. Posterior Arch. 10. Infe- rior Articular process. Fig. IX. The Nuchal Ligament. 1. The Occipital Bone. 2. The Great External ! Protuberance of this Bone. 3. Its upper Transverse Ridge. 4. Its Under Transverse Ridge. 5. The Mastoid hole of the Temporal Bone, foramen mammil- lare. 6. The Mastoid process of that Bone. 7—13. The seven Cer- vical Vertebrae. 14. The Capsular Membrane connecting the Occipital Bone and the Atlas. 15. The Capsular Membrane of the Oblique pro- cesses, membr. capsularis processuum obliquorum. 16. The Ligament of the Spinous processus, lig. processuum spinosorum. 17. The Nuchal Ligament. Fig. X. A portion of the Spine with the Ribs. 1—8. The third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth Ribs. 9. The Tubercle, tuberculum, of the Ribs. 10__17. The Spi- nous process of the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and 35 tenth Dorsal Vertebrae. 18—25. The Transverse processes of the same Vertebrae. 26. The Inferior Oblique process of the tenth Vertebra. 27. The External Transverse Ligaments of the Ribs, lig. costa transversale externum. 28. The Internal Ligament of the Neck of the Ribs, lig. cer- vicis costa internum. 29. The points at which the External Ligament of the Neck of the Rib, lig. cervicis costa externum, commences from the Inferior Oblique process of the Vertebra whence it passes to the Neck of the Rib. 30. The Ligament between the Transverse processes of the Vertebrae, lig. inter transver sale, which passes from the Transverse process of the upper to the same process of the subjacent Vertebra. 31. The Ligament of the Spinous processes of the Vertebra. (Fig. IX. 16.) Fig. XI. The Posterior Long Ligament of the Lumbar Vertebrae, and of the false Vertebrae of the Sacrum. 1. The Inferior Oblique process of the twelfth Dorsal Vertebra. 2— 6. The same process of the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth Lumbar Vertebrae. 7—11. The Transverse process of the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth Lumbar Vertebrae. 12. The Lateral Articular surface of the Sacrum. 13. The four Holes of this Bone. 14. Its Coccygeal process. 15. The arched termination of the vertebral Canal. 16—19. The four false Vertebrae of the Coccyx. 20. The rest of the short Ligaments of the Coccix, lig. sacro-coccygei brevis, and the Accessory Ligamentous Membranes, membr. ligamentosa-accessoria. 21. The Pos- terior Long Ligament of the Vertebrae, fascia longitudinalis vertebrarum posterior. 22. Its expansion over the Intervertebral substance of the Vertebrae. 23. The point at which this Ligament terminates in the first false Vertebra of the coccyx. Fig. XII. The Yellowish Ligaments of the Arches of the Vertebrae. 1. The Arch of the first Lumbar Vertebra. 2. Its Transverse pro- cess. 3. The Base of its Arch sawn off from the Body. 4. The Upper Oblique process. 5. The Arch of the second Lumbar Vertebra. 6. The Base sawn off from the Body. 7. Its Transverse process. 8. The Arch of the third Lumbar Vertebra. 9. Its Base sawn off. 10. Its Transverse process. 11. Its Inferior Oblique process. 12. Its Spinous process. 13. The Yellowish Ligaments of the Arches of the Vertebrae, lig. crurum vertebrarum subflava. 14. The Fissure, rima intermedia, be- tween these Ligaments. Fig. XIII. The upper Intervertebral substance of the third Lumbar Vertebra. 1. The root of the Arch. 2. Its Transverse process. 3. Its Supe- rior Oblique process. 4. Its Accessory process. 5. The Inferior Ob- lique process. 6. The Spinous process. 7. The Vertebral hole. 8. The Intervertebral substance, cartilago intervertebral. 9. The Gela- tinous Nucleus, nucleus gelatinosus. Fig. XIV. The Round Ligament of the Head of the Thigh Bone, with the glandular fatty Mass. 1 The external surface of the Ilium. 2. Its Crest. 3. Its Upper Anterior Spinous process. 4. Its Lower Anterior Spinous process. 5. 36 The part at which the Horizontal Branch of the Pubic Bone has been sawn off. 6. A part of the Descending Branch of the Ischium. 7. Its Tuberosity. 8. Its Great Notch. 9. The Head of the Os Femoris. 10. Its Neck. 11. Its Great Trochanter. 12. Its Little Trochanter. 13. The Capsular Membrane of the Thigh Bone cut open and turned back. 14. The little bridles, retinacula, of this Membrane. 15. Fat, on the external surface of this Membrane. 16. The Cartilaginous Lip, labrum cartilagineum, of the Cotyloid Cavity. 17. 18. The cornua of the Cotyloid Cavity lined with Cartilage. 19. The Round Ligament, lig. teres, of the head of the Thigh Bone. 20. The glandular fatty Mass, massa adiposa-glandulosa, which is covered with a thin expansion of the Round Ligament. The Thigh Bone is drawn inwards in order to render the bundles of the Capsular Membrane more distinct; hence also is the Round Liga- ment turned down. Fig. XV. The Cotyloid Cavity with the glandular fatty Mass. 1—6. Are named as in the preceding figure. 7. A probe introduced into the Gap of the Cotyloid Cavity, hiatus acetabuli. 8. A portion of the Cartilaginous edge which covers this Gap externally. 9. The glan- dular fatty Mass, massa adiposa-glandulosa. Fig. XVI. The Hip Joint, sawn through vertically, to show dis- tinctly the interior of the Capsular Ligament, and the Round Ligament. 1. Horizontal Section of the Ilium. 2. Its inner surface. 3. Its outer surface. 4. Vertical Section through the Ilium and the Cotyloid Cavity. 5. Articular Cartilage of the Cotyloid Cavity. 6. Its Car- tilaginous edge. 7. Attachments of the Capsular Ligament to the edge of the Cotyloid Cavity. 8. Attachments of the same Ligament to the Neck of the Os Femoris. 9. Vertical Section through the Head, Neck, and Great Trochanter of the Os Femoris. 11. Attachment of the Round Ligament to the Pit in the Head of the Thigh Bone. 12—14. Attachment of the same to the bottom of the Cotyloid Cavity. 15. Internal surface of the Capsular Ligament. 16. Vertical section through the Pubis, and Ischium. 17. Tuberosity. 18. Great Tro- chanter. 19. Little Trochanter. 20. Part of the Oval hole. 21. A portion of the Os Femoris cut asunder. Fig. XVII. The Knee Joint sawn through vertically, so as to ex- pose clearly the position of the Capsular Ligament. 1. Os Femoris. 2. Its Anterior surface. 3. Tendon of the M. rectus femoris. 4. Sacciform expansion of the Capsular Ligament, relaxatio sacciformis ligamenti capsularis. 5. Outer half of the Patella. 6. 7. Ligament of the Patella, lig. patella. 8. Its mucous Bag. 9. 10. Mucous Ligament of the Knee Joint. 11. Internal surface of the Capsular Ligament. 12. External Condyle of the Thigh Bone. 13. Anterior Crucial ligament, ligam. cruciatum anticum. 14. Upper sur- face of the Outer Semilunar Cartilage, cartilago semilunata externa. 15. 16. Triangular cut surface of this Cartilage. 17. Posterior part of the Capsular Ligament. 18. Articular Cartilage of the hinder sur- face of the Patella. 19. Vertical Section through the Tibia. 20. 37 Vertical Section through the Os Femoris. 21. Upper extremity of the Fibula. Fig. XVIII. Vertical Section through the articulation at the Ankle of the Tibia, Fibula, and tarsus of the left side. 1. Half the lower extremity of the Tibia. 2. Half the lower extre- mity of the Fibula. 3. The Interosseous Ligament, lig. interosseum. 4. The Inner Ankle. 5. The outer Ankle. 6. A part of the Exter- nal Lateral Ligament, lig. fabulare calcanei. 7. Interosseous Liga- ment, lig. inter fibulam et tibiam. 8. Capsular Ligament of the Ankle Joint laid open. 9. A part of the Deltoid Ligament, lig. deltoideum. 10. The Astragalus cut through vertically. 11. 12. The Os Calcis cut through. 13. The Ligament between the Astragalus and Os Calcis, lig. plantare inter calcaneum et astragalum. Fig. XIX. The Instep or back of the Foot with its Ligaments. 1. The Tibia. 2. The Fibula. 3. The Interosseous Ligament. 4. The Astragalus. 5. The Os Calcis. 6. The Os Naviculare. 7. The Os Cuboides. 8. Os Cuneiforme Internum. 9. lb. Medium. 10. lb. Externum. 11-15. The five Metacarpal Bones. 16. The Upper An- terior Ligament of the Outer Ankle, lig. malleoli externi anticum superius. 17. The under Anterior Ligament of the same Ankle. 18. The Deltoid Ligament, lig. deltoideum. 19. The Middle Perpendicular Ligament of the Fibula, lig. fibula medium perpendiculare. 20. The Anterior Ligament between the Fibula and Astragalus, lig. anterius inter fibulam et talum. 21. The ligamentous Apparatus of the Sinuosity, apparatus ligamentosus cavitatis sinuosa. 22. The Upper Ligament between the Os Naviculare and the Astragalus, lig. superius inter talum et os navicu- lare. 23. The Dorsal Ligament between the Os Naviculare and the Os Calcis, lig. dorsale inter calcaneum et os naviculare. 24. The Dorsal Ligament between the Os Calcis and the Os Cuboides, lig. dorsale inter calcaneum et os cuboideum, which generally consists of three portions. 25. The Dorsal Ligament between the Os Naviculare and Os Cuboides, lig. dorsale inter os naviculare et cuboideum. 26. The Dorsal Ligament between the Os Naviculare and Os Cuneiforme Externum, lig. dorsale in- ter os naviculare et cuneiforme tertium. 27. The Dorsal Ligament be- tween the Os Naviculare and Os Cuneiforme Medium, lig. dorsale inter os naviculare et cuneiforme secundum. 28. The Dorsal Ligament be- tween the Os Naviculare and the Os Cuneiforme Internum, lig. dorsale inter os naviculare et cuneiforme primum. 29. The Dorsal Ligament be- tween the Os Cuboides and Os Cuneiforme Externum, lig. dorsale inter os cuboideum et cuneiforme tertium. 30. The Dorsal Ligament between the Os Cuneiforme Medium and Externum, lig. dorsale inter os cuneiforme secundum et tertium. 31. The Dorsal Ligament between the Os Cunei- forme Medium et Internum, lig. dorsale inter os cuneiforme secundum et primum. 32. The Capsular Membrane of the Inner Cuneiforme and first Metatarsal Bone, membrana capsularis ossis cuneifiormis et metatarsi pri- mi. 33. The Dorsal Ligament between the Inner Cuneiform and the second Metatarsal Bone, lig. dorsale inter os metatarsi secundum et os cuneiforme primum. 34. The Dorsal Ligament between the middle Cunei- form and second Metatarsal Bone, lig. dorsale inter os metatarsi secun- dum et cuneiforme secundum. 35. The Dorsal Ligament between the 38 Outer Cuneiform and second Metatarsal Bones, lig. dorsale inter os me- tatarsi secundum et cuneiforme tertium. 36. The Ligament between the outer Cuneiform and third Metatarsal Bones, lig. inter os metatarsi terti- um et cuneiforme tertium. 37. The Ligament between the Cuboid and the third Metatarsal Bones, lig. inter os metatarsi tertium et cuboideum. In the triangular space between 35. 36. 40. is the Ligament between the Middle Cuneiform and the third Metacarpal Bone, lig. inter os meta- tarsi tertium et cuneiforme secundum. 38. The Ligament between the Cuboid and fourth Metatarsal Bone, lig. inter os metatarsi quartum et cu- boideum. 39. The connexion of the Cuboid and fifth Metatarsal Bone, connexio ossis metat. quinti et cuboideu 40. The Dorsal Ligament of the Base of the second and third Metatarsal Bones, lig. dorsale baseos ossis metat. secundi et tertii. 41. The Dorsal Ligament of the Base of the third and fourth Metatarsal Bones, lig. dorsale baseos ossis metat. quarti. 42. The Dorsal Ligament of the Base of the fourth and fifth Metatarsal Bones, lig. dorsale baseos ossis metat. quarti et quinti. 43. The Late- ral Ligament of the Base of the second and third Metatarsal Bones, lig. laterale baseos ossis metat. tertii et secundi. 44. The Lateral Ligament of the base of the third and fourth Metatarsal Bones, lig. laterale baseos ossis metat. tertii et quarti. 45. The Lateral Ligament of the Base of the fourth and fifth Metatarsal Bones, lig. laterale baseos ossis metat. quarti et quinti. 46. The Long Plantar Ligament between the os Calcis and os Cuboides, lig. plantare longum inter calcaneum et os cuboideum. 47. The tendon of the M. peroneus brevis. Fig. XX. The Foot with its Ligaments, on the inside. 1. The Tibia. 2. The Groove of the Inner Ankle. 3. The Os Calcis. 4. Its Internal process. 5. The Astragalus. 6. The Tube- rosity of the Os Naviculare. 7. The Os Cuneiforme Internum. 8. The os Cuneiforme Medium. 9. The first Metatarsal Bone. 10. The sec- ond Metatarsal Bone. 11. The Deltoid Ligament. 12. The Capsular Membrane of the Astragalus and Os Calcis, membr. capsularis tali et cal- canei, which is covered by the Deltoid Ligament. 13. The Cartilagi- nous Pulley, trochlea cartilaginea, of the Os Calcis and Os Naviculare. 14. The Capsular membrane of the Astragalus and Os Naviculare, membr. capsularis tali et ossis navicularis. 15. The Dorsal Ligament between the Navicular and Middle Cuneiform Bone, lig. dorsale inter os naviculare et cuneiforme secundum. 16. The Dorsal Ligament between the Navicular and Internal Cuneiform Bone, lig. dorsale inter os navicu- lare et cuneiforme primum. 17. The Lateral Ligament between the Navicular and internal Cuneiform Bone, lig. laterale inter os navicu- lare et cuneiforme primum. 18. The Dorsal Ligament between the outer and middle Cuneiform Bones, lig. dorsale inter os cuneiforme pri- mum et secundum. 19. The Dorsal Ligament between the Inner Cunei- form and the second Metatarsal Bone, lig. dorsale inter os metat. secun- dum et cuneiforme primum. 20. The Dorsal Ligament between the Mid- dle Cuneiform and the second Metatarsal Bone, lig. dorsale inter os metat. secundum et cuneiforme secundum. 21. The Capsular Membrane of the Inner Cuneiform and first Metatarsal Bone, membr. caps, ossis cuneiformis et metatarsi primi. 22. The tendon of the M. tibialis anticus. 23 The tendon of the M. tibialis posticus. 39 Fig. XXI. The Posterior Ligaments of the Inner and Outer Ankle. 1. The Tibia. 2. The Inner Ankle. 3. The Groove of the Ankle by which the tendon of the M. tibialis posticus passes. 4. The Fibula. 5. The Outer Ankle. 6. The body of the Astragalus which is shown by removing the Capsular Membrane of the Ankle Joint. 7. The Os Cal- cis. 8. The tendon of the M. tibialis posticus turned down as it runs into its Sheath. 9. The Interosseous Membrane. 10. The Posterior Ligament of the Outer Ankle, lig. malleoli externi posticum superius. 11. The Inferior Posterior Ligaments of the Outer Ankle, lig. malleoli externi posticum inferius. 12. Strong fibres of the Capsular Membrane of the Ankle Joint, membr. caps, articuli tarsi. 13. The Posterior Liga- ment between the Fibula and Astragalus, lig. inter fibulam et talum pos- terius. 14. The middle Perpendicular Ligament of the Fibula, lig. fibu- la medium perpendiculare. 15. A portion of the Capsular Membrane of the Astragalus and Os Calcis, membr. capsularis tali et calcanei. 16. The Deltoid Ligament, lig. deltoideum. 17. The Cartilaginous Pulley, trochlea cartilaginea, of the Os Naviculare and Os Calcis. Fig. XXII. The Sole of the Foot with its Ligaments. 1. The Os Calcis. a. Its Internal process. 2. The Os Cuboides. 3. Its Groove. 4. The Os Naviculare. 5. The Os Cuneiforme Exter- num. 6. The Os Cuneiforme Internum. 7. The Astragalus. 8. The Tibia. 9. The Inner Ankle. 10—14. The five metatarsal Bones. 15. The tendon of the M. tibialis posticus. 16. A portion of its liga- mentous Sheath, vagina ligamentosa. 17. The Sheath, vagina, of the tendon of the M. flexor longus pollicis pedis. 18. The Deltoid Ligament. 19. The Cartilaginous Pulley, trochlea cartilaginea, of the Os Naviculare and Os Calcis. 20. The Long Plantar Ligament between the Os Cal- cis and Os Cuboides, lig. plantare longum inter calcaneum et os cuboide- um. 21. The Oblique Plantar Ligament, lig. plantare obliquum, of those Bones. 22. The Round Plantar Ligament of the Os Naviculare and Os Calcis, lig. plantare teres calcanei et ossis navicularis. 23. The Flat Plantar Ligament, lig. plantare planum, of these Bones. 24. The Trans- verse Plantar Ligament between the Os Naviculare and Os Cuboides, lig. plantare transversum inter os naviculare et cuboideum. 25. The Plantar Ligament between the Navicular and Internal Cuneiform Bone, lig. plantare inter os naviculare et cuneiforme primum. 26. The Plantar Ligament between the Navicular and the middle Cuneiform Bone, lig. plantare inter os naviculare et cuneiforme secundum. 27. The Capsular Membrane of the Internal Cuneiform and first Metatarsal Bone, membr. caps, ossis cuneiformis et metatarsi primi. 28. The Plantar Ligament between the Inner Cuneiform and second Metatarsal Bone, lig. plantare inter os cuneiforme primum et metatajrsi secundum. 29. The Plantar Liga- ment between the Internal Cuneiform and the third Metatarsal Bone, lig. plantare inter os cuneiforme primum et metatarsi tertium. 30. The Lateral Ligament between the outer Cuneiform and the fourth Metatarsal Bone, U*. laterale inter os cuneiforme tertium ct metat. quartum. 31. The Trans- verse Ligament of the fifth Metatarsal Bone, lig. transversale ossis metat. quinti. 32. The Common Plantar Ligament of the Metatarsal Bones, lig. plantare ossibus metat. commune. 33. The Plantar Ligaments be- tween the Cuboid and outer Cuneiform Bone, lig. plantana inter os cuboi- deum et cuneifiorme tertium. 34. The Plantar Ligament of the base of 40 the second and third Metatarsal Bones, lig. plantare baseos ossis metat. se- cundi et tertii. 35. The Plantar Ligament of the Base of the third and fourth Metatarsal Bones. 36. The Plantar Ligament of the Base of the fourth and fifth Metatarsal Bones. 37. The connexion of the fifth Metatarsal Bone with the Cuboid Bone, connexio ossis metatarsi quinti et cuboidei. 38. The tendon of the M. peroneus brevis. Fig. XXIII. The Sole of the Foot with its Deep Ligaments. 1. The Tibia, a. The inner Ankle. 2. The Fibula. P. The outer Ankle. 3. The Body of the Os calcis. 4. Its Anterior process. 5. Its internal process. 6. Its Groove. 7. The Posterior Cavity of the Os Cuboides. 8. The Oblique process of that Bone. 9. Its Grooves. 10. The Tuberosity of the Os Naviculare. 11. The Os Cuneiforme Inter- num. 12. lb. Medium. 13. lb. Externum. 14—18. The five Meta- tarsal Bones. 19. The Tuberosity of the fifth Metatarsal Bone. 20. The Membrane between the Bones of the Leg. 21. The Groove of the Inner Ankle through which passes the tendon of the M. tibialis posticus. 22. The Deltoid Ligament. 23. The ligamentous Sheath of the tendon of the M. flexor longus pollicis pedis. 24. The Cartilaginous Pulley of the Os Naviculare and Os Calcis. 25. The Flat Plantar Ligament of the Os Naviculare and Os Calcis, lig. plantare planum calcanei et ossis navicularis. 26. The Round Plantar Ligament, lig. plantare teres, of these Bones. 27. The Oblique Plantar Ligament between the Os Cal- cis and Os Cuboides, lig. plantare obliquum inter calcaneum et os cuboi- deum. 28. The Ligamentous Mass between the Navicular and Cuboid Bones, massa ligamentosa inter os naviculare et cuboideum. 29. The La- teral Ligament between the Navicular and Internal Cuneiform Bone, lig. laterale inter os naviculare et cuneiforme primum. 30. The Plantar Liga- ment, lig. plantare, of these Bones. 31. The Plantar Ligament between the Navicular and Middle Cuneiform Bones, tig. plantare inter os navicu- lare et cuneiforme secundum. 32. The Plantar Ligament between the Cuboid and External Cuneiform Bones, lig. plant, inter os cuboid, et cuneifi tertium. 33. Two similar Ligaments between these Bones. 34. The Straight Plantar Ligament, lig. plant, rectum, between these Bones. 35. The Capsular Membrane of the Internal Cuneiform and the first Me- tatarsal Bone. 36. The Plantar Ligament between the Internal Cunei- form and the second and third Metatarsal Bones. 37. The Lateral Liga- ment between the External Cuneiform and the fourth Metatarsal Bone. 38. The junction, connexio, of the fifth Metatarsal Bone with the Cuboid Bone. 39. The Plantar Ligament of the Base of the second and third Metatarsal Bones. 40. The Plantar Ligament of the Base of the third and fourth Metatarsal Bones. 41. The Plantar Ligament of the Base of the fourth and fifth Metatarsal Bones. Fig. XXIV. A portion of the Sole of the Foot with its Deep Liga- ments. 1. The Os Calcis. 2. The Os Cuboides. 3. Its Groove. 4. The Oblique process of the same Bone. 5. The Os Cuneiforme Internum. 6. lb. Medium. 7. lb. Externum. 8. Its Tip. 9. The second Meta- tarsal Bone which has here been somewhat turned aside. 10. The third Metatarsal Bone. 11. A part of the Dorsal Ligament between the Os Calcis and Os Cuboides. 12. The Rhomboid Ligament between the 41 Os Calcis and the Os Cuboides, lig. plantare rhomboideum inter calcaneum et os cuboideum. 13. The Curved External Lateral Ligament, lig. late- rale interosseum externum incurvum, of the third Metatarsal Bone. 14. The Straight External Lateral Ligament, lig. laterale interosseum externum rectum, of the same Bone. 15. The Straight Internal Lateral Ligament, lig. laterale interosseum internum rectum, of the third Metatarsal Bone. 16. The Curved Internal Lateral Ligament, lig. laterale interosseum in- ternum incurvum, of that Bone. 17. The Lateral Ligament, lig. interos- seum laterale, of the second Metatarsal Bone. 18. The Plantar Liga- ment between the Internal Cuneiform and the second Metatarsal Bone. 19. The Deep Ligament, lig. interosseum, of the Internal and Middle Cuneiform Bone. 20. The Deep Ligament, lig. interosseum, of the Mid- dle and External Cuneiform Bones. Fig. XXV. A portion of the Sole of the Foot with the Deep Liga- ments. 1. The Navicular Bone. 2. The Posterior Cavity of the Cuboid Bone. 3. Its Oblique process. 4. Its Groove. 5. The Internal Cu- neiform Bone. 6. The Middle ditto. 7. The external ditto. 8. The first Metatarsal Bone. 9. The second ditto. 10. The third ditto. 11. The Curved External Lateral Ligament, lig. laterale interosseum externum incurvum, of the third Metatarsal Bone. 12. The Straight External La- teral Ligament, lig. laterale interosseum externum rectum, of this Bone. 13. The Plantar Ligament between the Internal Cuneiform and the third Metatarsal Bone. 14. The Plantar Ligament between the Internal Cu- neiform and the second Metatarsal Bone. 15. The Accessory Plantar Ligament, lig. plantare accessorium, of the Capsular Membrane of the In- ternal Cuneiform and first Metatarsal Bone. 16. The Lateral Ligament between the Navicular and Internal Cuneiform Bone. 17. The Plantar Ligament between the Navicular and Middle Cuneiform Bone. 18. The Deep Ligament, lig. interosseum^ of the Internal and Middle Cuneiform Bones. Fig. XXVI. The Ligaments of the Sesamoid Bones of the Great Toe. 1. The first Joint of the Great Toe. 2. Its second Joint. 3. The Inner Sesamoid Bone. 4. The Outer Sesamoid Bone. 5. The Trans- verse Ligament of these Bones, lig. transversale ossium sesamoideorum. 6. Their Ligamentous filaments, filamentaligamentosa. 7. The common Membrane of the Flexor tendons cut open and turned back. 8. The tendon of the M. flexor longus pollicis turned back. 9. The fibrous con- nexions, vinculum accessorium, of this tendon. * The Ligamentous Bodies are copied from the celebrated works of Antomarchi: worki and the other Figures with the Second Ligamentous Body are from Loder. 6 42 FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, AND FOURTH BODIES OF MUSCLES. E. F- a. H- muscles of the head, musculi capitis. Muscles of the Skull, M. cranii. A. M. frontalis. B. M. occipitalis. 1. 2. 2. galea aponeurotica cranii. Muscles of the Face, M. faciei. I. M. orbicularis palpebrarum. 1. ligamentum palpebrale internum. 2. stratum internum. 3. externum. «. M.ciliaris. P. M. levator pal- pebral superioris. II. M. corrugator superciliorum. III. M. compres- sor nasi. IV. M. levator labii superioris alaquenasi. V. M. levator labii superioris proprius. VI. M. zygomaticus minor* A peculiar slip. VII. M. zygomaticus major. VIII. M. levator anguh oris. IX. M. depressor anguli oris. X. M. depressor labii inferioris. XI. M. buc- cinator. XII. M. depressor septi mobilis. XIII. M. orbicularis oris. XIV. M. depressor ala nasi. XV. M. levator menti. XVI. M. masseter. 1. outer, 2. inner Portion. XVII. M. temporalis. XVIII. M. pterygoideus internus. XIX. M. pterygoideus externus. 4—20. M. levator veil palatini. 21. M. tensor veil palatini seu circumflexus palati. Muscles of the Ear, M. auricula. A. M. attollens auricula. B. M. attrahens auricula. C. M. re- trahentes auricul-a. D. M. helix major. E. M. helix minor. F. M. tragicus. G. M. antitragicus. H. M. transversus auricula. Muscles of the Trunk, M. trunci. Muscles of the Neck, M. colli. A. M. subcutaneus colli. B. M. sterno-cleido-Mastoideus. C. M. omohyoideus. D. M. sternohyoideus. E. M. sternothyreoideus. a. Air tube, aspera arteria. b. cartilago cricoidea. c. cartilago thyreoidea. d. os hyoideum. F. M. hyothyreoideus. G. M. digastricus maxilla inferio- ris. " H. M. mylohyoideus. I. M. genihyoideus. K. M. genioglossus. L. M. hyoglossus. M. M. stylohyoideus. N. M. styloglossus. 0. M. stylopharyngeus. N. B. The greater number of these muscles are engraved separately on Table XVIII. and Table XXII., as well as those of the velum palati and pharynx. • After Albinus: Tabulae scehli et musculorum corporis humani. Lugd. Batav., 1747, and from Nature. 43 Muscles of the Chest, M. thoracis. A. M. pectoralis major. B. M. pectoralis minor. 1. Portion, which runs into the Aponeurosis of the M. obliquus externus. C. M. subclavius. D. M. serratus major. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Its slips, dentationes. E. M. intercostales externi. F. M. intercostales interni. a. pleura. G. M. triangularis sterni. This is also engraved on Tab. III., Fig. 5, and Tab. XVII., Fig. 8. Muscles of the Belly, M. abdominales. A. M. obliquus externus. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. k. 1. The aponeurosis of this muscle, which first passing towards the mesial line of the body, connects itself with that of the other side, and so forms the central white line, linea alba abdominis, (b. b.) in which the navel a is found; it then secondly passes down towards the symphysis ossium pubis and divides into two crura, a crus superius seu internum (h.), and a crus inferius seu ex- ternum (I. I.), by which the external abdominal ring, annulus abdominalis externus (i), is formed, d. d. Points at which the M. obliquus internus shines through the aponeurosis of the obliquus externus. e. e. Points at which the aponeurosis of the M. obliquus internus commences, connects itself with the M. obliquus externus, and then commonly proceeds with the M. rectus abdominis to the Linea alba/./, shining through, and con- nected with, the aponeurosis of the M. obliquus externus et internus. *The inscriptiones tendinea of the M. rectus abdominis, h. Points out the course of the inguinal canal, canalis inguinalis, through which the spermatic cord, funiculus spermalicus, and the M. cremaster pass. g. g. g. g. Are the four upper dentations of this muscle, which are connected with that of the M. serratus magnus D. 5. 6. 7. 8. and that of the M. latissimus dorsi B. 1.2. B. M. obliquus internus. m. m. A part of the front layer of the aponeurosis of this muscle, which passes with that of the M. obliquus externus before M. rectus abdominis D. n. A part of the hinder layer of the aponeurosis of the obliquus internus, which passes be- hind the M. rectus connected with the front aponeurosis of the M. trans- versus abdominis, to the linea alba. *M. cremaster, which comes from the M. obliquus internus and M. transversus, and spreads on the common coat of the spermatic cord and testicle, tunica vaginalis funiculi sperma- tid et testis (**). C. M. transversus. C1. Anterior aponeurosis of this muscle. *. *• Points where this aponeurosis is connected with the M. obliquus internus, and where the anterior plate of the aponeurosis of the M. obliquus internus is cut away. **. The common aponeurosis of the hinder lamella of the M. obliquus internus and of the M. transversus, which passes behind the M. rectus, so that this muscle also lies in a peculiar tendinous sheath. This posterior common aponeurosis of the M. rectus does not, however, descend so far down as the anterior, therefore the pe- ritonaum (***) is visible.—«■ P- Y- s- Spermatic cord, funiculus spermati- ds. «• P- Vena spermatica. Y- Arteria spermatica interna. <*. vas deferens—D. M. rectus abdominis. E. M. pyramidalis. F. diaphrag- ma. I. pars costalis. 1. Portion, which arises from the Ensiform Car- tilage 2. portion which is attached to the peritonaum. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 ° Portions which arise from, 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. and 12. Ribs and their cartilages. II. pars lumbar is. 9. crura interna. 10. crura media. 11. crura externa. 12. crus quartum sinistrum. 13. Portion which arises from the surface of the M. quadratus lumborum, but is not always present. 44 14. Another portion on the right side, which is not always found on both sides, and arises from the transverse processes of the first and second lumbar vertebra. 15. hiatus ozsophageus. 16. hiatus aorticus. III. pars tendinea. 17. foramen quadrilaterum.—Compare also Tab. XII.— Muscles of the Loins, M. lumborum. G. M. psoas major. H. M. psoas minor. I. M. iliacus internus. K. M. quadratus lumborum. Muscles of the Neck and Back, M. cervicis et dorsi. A. M. cucullaris. B. M. latissimus dorsi. C. M. rhomboideus mi- nor. D. M. rhomboideus major. E. M. serratus posticus superior. F. M. serratus posticus inferior. G. M. splenius capitis. H. M. splenius colli. I. M. levator scapula. K. M. biventer cervicis. L. M. com- plexus. M. M. trachelomastoideus. N. M. transversalis cervicis. O. M. cervicalis descendens. P. M. scalenus anterior. Q. M. scalenus medius. R. M. scalenus posterior. S. M. longissimus dorsi, and T. M. sacrolumbalis. U. M. spinalis dorsi. V. M. semispinalis dorsi. W. M. semispinalis cervicis. X. M. multifidus spina. Y. M. levatores costarum breves. Z. M. levatores costarum longi. I. M. interspinales cervicis, dorsi, lumborum. II. M. rectus capitis posterior major. III. M. rectus capitis posterior minor. IV. M. obliquus capitis inferior s. major. V. M. obliquus capitis superior s. minor. VI. M. intertrans- versarii cervicis anterior es a. et posterior esb. VII. M. intertransversarii dorsi et lumborum. VIII. M. longus colli. IX. M. rectus capitis an- terior major. X. M. rectus capitis anterior minor. XI. M. rectus capi- tis lateralis. Muscles of the perinaum. A. M. transversus perinai superficialis. B. M. transversus perinai profundus. C. M. sphincter ani externus. D. M. sphincter ani internus. E. M. levator ani and coccygeus. F. M. coccygeus. Muscles of the Male and Female Organs of Generation, M. genita- lium sexus potioris et sequioris. G. M. ischio-cavernosus penis. H. M. accelerator urina's. bulbo- cavernosus. I. M. ischio-cavernosus clitoridis. K. M. constrictor ostii vaginae. Muscles of the Upper Extremities, M. extremitatum superiorum. Muscles of the Shoulder Blade, M. scapula. I. M. deltoides. II. M. supraspinatus. III. M. infraspinatus. IV. teres minor. V. M. teres major. VI. M. subscapulars. Muscles of the Upper Arm, M. humeri. A. M. biceps brachii. B. M. coracobrachial. C. M. brachialis in- ternus. B. M. triceps brachii. 1. anconaus longus. 2. anconaus ex- ternus. 3. 5. 6. anconaus internus seu brachialis externus- 5. Their common tendon. 45 Muscles of the Fore Arm, m> cubiti. I. M. pronator rotundus. II. M. palmaris longus. III. M. flexof carpi radialis. IV. M. flexor carpi ulnaris. V. M. flexor digitorum sublimis. 1. 2. 3. 4. Its four tendons. 5. 6. 7. 8. Points where these four tendons divide, and the tendons a. b. c. d. of the deep flexor pass through. VI. M. flexor digitorum profundus. VII. M- flexor pollicis longus. VIII. M. pronator quadratus. IX. M. supinator longus. X. M- extensor carpi radialis longus. 7. ligamentum intermusculare exter- num. XI. M. extensor carpi radialis brevis. XII. M. supinator brevis. XII. a. ejus pars posterior. XIII. M. anconaus quartus s. parvus. XIV. M. extensor digitorum communis. XV. M. extensor carpi ulnaris. XVI. a. b. c. d. M. abductor pollicis longus. XVII. M. extensor polli- cis brevis. XVIII. M. extensor pollicis longus. XIX. M. extensor digiti indicis. XX. M- extensor digiti minimi proprius. A. B. lig. carpi dorsale. commune. Muscles of the Hand, M- manus. A. M.palmaris brevis. B. M. lumbricales. C. M.interossei interni. D. M. interossei externi. E. M. abductor pollicis brevis. F. M. flexor pollicis brevis. G. M. opponens pollicis. H. M. abductor pollicis. I. M. abductor digiti indicis. K. M. abductor digiti minimi. L. M. flexor digiti minimi. M. M. abductor digiti minimi. A. ligamentum carpi volare proprium. B. aponeurosis palmaris. 9. 10. 11. 12. ligamenta annularia, vaginalia, cruciata et obliqua, which enclose the tendons of the superficial and deep flexors. Muscles of the Lower Extremities, M. extremitatum infieriorum. Muscles of the Buttocks, M. natium. I. M. glutaus maximus. II. M. glutaus medius. III. M. glutaus minimus. IV. pyriformis. V. M. geminus superior. VI. M. gemi- nus inferior. VII. M. obturatorius internus. VIII. M. quadratus femoris. Muscles of the Thigh, M. femoris. IX. M. biceps femoris. X. M. semitendinosus. XI. M. semimem- branosus. XII. M. tensor fascia lata. XIII. M. sartorius. XIV. M. rectus femoris. XV. M. vastus internus. XVI. M. vastus medius. XVII. M. vastus internus. XVIII. M. subcruralis. XIX. M. gra- cilis. XX. M. pectineus. XXI. M. adductor longus femoris. XXII. M. adductor brevis femoris. XXIII. M. adductor magnus femoris. * Aperture by which the femoral vessels pass into the ham, fossa popli- tea. A. XXIV. M. obturatorius externus. Muscles of the Leg, M. cruris. A. M. tibialis anticus. B. M. extensor digitorum pedis. C. M. ex- tensor hallucis longus. * A peculiar portion of tendon. D. M. peroneus tertius. E. M. peroneus longus. F. M. peroneus brevis. G. M. '*" gastrocnemius. H. M. soleus. L M. plantaris. K. M. popliteus. 46 L. M. flexor longus digitorum pedis. M. M. flexor hallucis longus. N. M. tibialis posticus. Muscles of the Foot, M. pedis. O. M extensor digitorum brevis. P. M. extensor hallucis brevis. Q. M. interossei externi. R. M. flexor digitorum pedis. S. M. lumbricalis. T. M. abductor hallucis. U. M. flexor hallucis brevis. V. M. adductor hallucis. V. a. ejus pars transversa seu transversalis pedis. W. M. adductor digiti minimi. X. M. flexor digiti minimi. Y. M. interossei interni. Z. Aponeurosis plantaris. A. lig. cruciatum. B. Ligament from the tibialis posticus. C. ligamentum lacineatum. L. caro quadrata Sylvii, which is attached to the tendons of the flexor digitorum longus. 1. 2. 3. ligamenta tendinum peroneorum. 47 FIRST VASCULAR AND NERVOUS BODY. I. Observe. A. denotes Arteria, the artery; V. Vena, the Vein; and JV. JVervus, the Nerve. I. Vessels and Nerves on the Head. 1. A. V. et N. supraorbital. 2. A. V. et N. frontalis. 3. A. V. et N. nasalis. 3l. A. V. et N. nasalis externus N, elhmoidei. 4. A. V. et N. temporalis. 5. A. V. et N. palpebralis superioris et 6. inferioris. 7. A. V. et N. auricularis anterior superior et 8. inferior. 9. A. V. et N. occipitalis. \0. Rete zygomaticum oithe N. facialis. 11. Glandulapa- rotis. 12. Ductus stenonianus. 13. A. V. et N. transversa faciei. 14. Rete buccale. 15. Rete labiale superius. 16. Vena facialis anterior. 17. A.-et V. angularis nasi. 18. A. et V. coronaria labii superioris et 19^ inferioris. 20. N. subcutaneus maxillare inferioris of the N. facialis. II. Vessels and Nerves on the Neck. a Ramus auricularis etb.R. subcutaneus colli of the III. Nervus cer- vicalis c c c c N. supracapsulares et cupraclaviculares from III. and IV Nervus cervicalis. d. d. Vena jugularis externa mostly covered by the Musculus subcutaneus. e. e. Another Internal and principal venous trunk of the Neck. / Art. thyreoidea superior, g. A. transversa colli et cervicis. III. The Vessels and Nerves of the Upper Extremities. T 1 1 1 1 Vena cephalica. 2. 2. 2. 2. V. basilica. 3. 3. V. me- diana '444 Two Vena brachiales. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. Expansion of the Nervus cutaneus externus. 6. N. cutaneus internus major-7 N. cutaneusinternus minor. 8. N. medtanus 8K 8*. 83. Rami digitales coZunesNrnediani. 9. ulnaris. 9>. N digitalis communis rami vola- rTTZrhcialis N. ulnaris. 93. Ramus anastomoticus f. R digitalis ris superjicians iv Ramus superhciahs N. radialis. 11. ulnaris digiti minimi. 10. iu. iv. w F J A arillaris 12. A. thoracica prima. 13. A. acromialis. 14. a. tno A. axmatis. thoracica tertia seu mammana externa. 16. A. racica secunda. 15. A. tkor ^ ^ circUmflexa humeri subscapulars 17 j£™$< hraJaUs. 2L A, ^lateralis ulnaris. TTltVradZt 23. A. recurrens radialis. 24. A. et V. ulnaris. II Ramus 'volaris superficial A. radialis. 26. Ramus volaris superfi- 25 Kamus voia.i t j osus ven0Sus et nervosus volaris super- 7l1A-t8a7am?difiX communis. 2*. R. digitalis ulnaris seu ficiahs. J\Raml.^8Una A et V. digitales radiates. 30. A. et V. proprius digiti minimi. ^- -*. ei u B digitales ulnares. IV —The Vessels and Nerves of the Chest and Belly. a. a. a. Rami perforates et cutanei from the A. et V. thoracica prima 48 et tertia. b. b. b. b. Rami perfor antes seu cutanei from the A. et V. mammaria interna and from the N. intercostales. c. c. c. c. c. A. et V. N. intercostales et lumbales. The expansion and numerous anastomoses of these vessels and nerves are sufficiently clear without further description. d. A. et V. abdominalis Halleri. e. e. Rami perf or antes of the A. epigas- trica. f. Branches of the A. epigastrica on the Muse, cremaster and sper- matic cord. g. N. spermaticus externus. h. N. ileo-inguinalis. i. N. lum- bo-inguinalis. k. k. N. cutaneus femoris externus. A. Cutaneous Venous plexus of the breast and belly. V.—The Vessels and Nerves of the Lower Extremities. 1. A. V. et N. cruralis. 2. truncus communis of the 3. A. circumflexa femoris externa et 4. of the A. abdominalis Halleri. 5. A. et V. sper- matica externa. 6. A. circumflexa femoris externa. 7. A profunda fe- moris. 8. A. circumflexa femoris interna. 9. Vena saphena magna et N. saphenus. 10. N. cutaneus medius. 11. N. cutaneus femoris internus. 12. A. et V. articularis externa superior genu. 13. externa inferior. 14. interna superior. 15. interna inferior. 16. A. tibialis an- tica. 17. A. et V. recurrens genu. 18. A. malleolaris externa et 19. interna. 20. N. peroneus superficialis. 21. 22. A. V. et Nervi digitales communes, tibiales et peronei. 23. A. V. et N. tibialis posticus. 24. A. V. et N. plantaris externus. 25. A. V. et N. plantaris internus. VI.—The Vessels and Nerves of the Penis. a. Vena dorsales penis, b. A. dor sales penis, c. Nervi dor sales penis. 49 SECOND GENERAL ANTERIOR VIEW OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS AND NERVES. K. I.—Arteries, Veins and Nerves of the Head and Neck. 1. A. carotis communis. 2. A. et V. thyreoidea superior, et N. laryn- geus superior. 3. A. et V. lingualis. 4. N. hypoglossus. 5. Ramus descendens nervi hypoglossi (descendens noni). 6. 7. Rami anastomotici from the II. and III. N. cervicalis to the ramus descendens N. hypoglossi. 8. 8. V. jugularis interna. A portion of the vein is removed to show the carotid artery and the nervus vagus, the former situated on the inner side, the latter below the vein. 81. The point of junction of the V. ju- gularis externa. 9. N. vagus. 10. N. phrenicus. 11. A. et V. maxil- laris externa. 12. A. submentalis proceeding from the A. maxillaris ex- terna. 13. A. et V. coronaria labii inferioris. 131. A. et V. coron. labii superioris. 132. A. et V. angularis nasi. 14. 14. V. facialis anterior. 15. A. et V. temporalis superficialis. 15. A. et V. temporalis profunda. 17. A. et V. transversa faciei; plexus anserinus N. facialis. 18. A. et V. auricularis posterior. 19. A. et V. occipitalis. 20. V. facialis poste- rior. 21. A. V. et N. buccinatorius. 22. A. V. et N. infra-orbitalis. 23. A. V. et N. alveolaris inferior. 24. A. V. et N. subcutaneus mala. Within the cavity of the orbit. 25. A. V. et N. lacrymalis. 26. A. ophthalmica. 27. A. V. et N. ethmoidales. 28. A. V. et N. supraorbi- tal. 29. A. frontalis. 30. A. nasalis. 31. N.naso-ciliaris. 32. N. frontalis. 33. N. opticus. 34. N. trochlearis. 35. N. oculo-molorius. 36. N. abducens. 361. V. ophthalmo-cerebralis. 362. A. V. et N. nasa- lis externus. 37. A. et V. subclavia. 38. A. mammaria interna. 39. A. intercostalis prima. 40. A. et V. transversa scapula et N. suprasca- pular. 41. A. et V. transversa colli et cervicis. 42. Common trunks of 43. the A. et V. cervicalis ascendens, and of 44. the A. thyreoidea in- ferior. 45. A.et V. vertebralis. 46. A. cervicalis profunda. 47. Qua- tuor infieriores N. cervicales. II.—Arteries, Veins and Nerves of the Superior Extremity. a A.etV. axillaris, b. c. d. A. V. et N. pectorales. e. Rami cos- tales superior es. et f. infieriores, arising sometimes from the A. subcla- via sometimes from the A. axillaris, and occasionally also from the branches of the A. axillaris which are distributed to the muscles of the breast. These various branches inosculate freely as is everywhere ap- parent g. anastomoses with the A. intercostales-and h. with twigs of fhe A. mammaria interna. (38.) i. A. V. et N. subscapulars, k. A. cir- cumflexa scapula. I. A. circumflexa humeri anterior et m. posterior, n. A et V brachiales. o. A. profunda brachii. p. A. et V. collateral ulnares. q. N. respiratorius externus Bell. r. N. cutaneus internus minor of N. intercostalis secundus. s. N. cutaneus internus major, t. N cutaneus externus seu perfiorans Casserii. u. N. medianus. v. N. 50 ulnaris. w. N. radialis. x. A. et V. radiates, y. A. et V. recurren- tes radiates, z. z. A. et V. ulnares. 1. A. et V. recurrentes ulnares. 2. A. et N. interosseus. 3. Ramus volaris superficialis. A. et V. radi- alis. 4. R. Volaris profundus A. radialis. 5. R. dorsalis A. V. et N. ulnaris. 6. R. volaris superficialis A. et V. ulnaris et R. anastomoticus N. ulnaris. 7. R. volaris profundus A. V. et N. ulnaris. 8. Arcus vo- laris sublimis et 9. profundus. 10. A. V. et N. interossei. 11. Termi- nation of the deep volar branch of the N. ulnaris in the adductor pollicis muscle. 21. Rete carpi volar-e superflciale. 13. Rete carpi volareprofiun- dum. 14. The divided A. digitales communes. The other vessels and nerves of the hand are already known in the views that have been given in the first general anterior view of the muscular and nervous systems. III.—Vessels and Nerves of the Thorax and Abdomen. 1. A. V. et N. intercostales where they emerge from between the ex- terna] and internal layer of intercostal muscles. 2. A. V. et N. inter- costales, after the removal of the external intercostal muscles when the trunks are completely exposed. 3. Rami costales superiores, proceeding from the A. intercostales. 4. Rami phrenici superiores, arising from the same sources. 5. Rami phrenici superiores, proceeding from the A. mam- maria interna. 6. A. et V. mammaria interna. 7. A. et V. epigastrica superior, or last distribution of the A. mammaria interna on the anterior abdominal parietes, and in anastomoseus branches with the A. epigastri- ca inferior. 8. A. V. et IV. lumbales anteriores. 9. A. et V. epigastrica. 10. Appearance of the veins between the Obliquus internus and rectus, both of which are removed, and transversalis muscle which remains. 11. A. et V. spermatica interna. 12. Vas deferens. 13. A. vasis defierentis springing from the A. hypogastrica. IV.—Vessels and Nerves of the Pelvis and Lower Extremity. a. A. iliaca communis, b. A. V. et N. cruralis. c. hypogastria. d. A. ilio-lumbalis. e. A. umbicalis obliterated. /. A. vasis defierentis. g. A. V. et N. obturatorius. h. A. glutaa superior, i. truncus A. glutaa inferioris et pudenda communis, k. A. sacfales later ales. I. A. epigastri- ca. On the right side it is seen accompanied by its vein (g.) m. Branch of the A. epigastrica sent to the spermatic cord. n. A. circumflexa ilei inter- na, o. Truncus A. et V. circumflexa ilei externa et abdominalis Halleri. p. q. A. spermatica externa, r. A. et V. circumflexa femoris externa, s. A. etV. profunda femoris. t. A. et V'. circumflexa femoris interna. u. v. w. x. A. et V. articular es genu. y. N. saphenus. z. A. V. etN. musculares. 1. A. et V. tibialis antica. 2. A. et V. rccurrens genu. 3. A. et V. ma- leolaris externa et 4. interna. 5. Ramus perfiorans A. peronea. 6. A. et V. tar sea. 7. metatarsea externa et 8. interna. 9. A. digitales com- munes, which then bifurcate into a Ramus tibialis et peroneus. 10. Arcus arteriosus dorsalis pedis. 11. JV. peroneus. 12. R. superficialis N. pe- ronei. 13. R. profundus N. peronei. 14. JV. vasorum. 15. A. V. et N. tibialis. 16. A. V. et N. plantaris externus et 17. internus. Fig. I. The penis of a Negro on which the nerves are particularly demonstrated. The member is inflated with air, and the glans is turned over from behind and forwards. 51 A. A. The corpora cavernosa penis as removed from the lower margin of the pelvis. B. The urethra divided, b. The glans which is separated posteriorly from the corpora cavernosa and with the corona glandis is turn- ed over, a. a. The V. dorsalis penis divided. Nerves. 1. N.penis dexter divided. 2. N. penis sinister. 3. 3. Divided twigs that run to the distributed of the skin of the penis. 4. 4. Twigs that run behind the V. dorsalis. 5. A principal branch which expands inferiorly upon the skin of the penis. 6. 6. The most external branch of the N. penis-ramus externus nervi penis on both sides. 7. 7. The innermost branch of the same. 8. 8. plexus dorsalis penis sinister, which has been drawn outwards. 9. 9. plexus dorsalis penis dexter, which is represented in situ. 10. 10. 10. Principal branches, Rami cutanei of the plexus. 11. Terminal branches which penetrate the glans superiorly or posteri- orly. 12. A similar branch which suddenly divides into a great number of twigs. Fig. II. Represents the external aspect of the Foot. 1. A. dorsalis pedis seu tarsea. 2. tarsea interna. 3. 4. A. tarsea externa. 5. A. maleolaris anterior externa. 6. A. calcanea externa. The anastomoses and remaining branches are already known from the Gene- ral Views. Fig. III. 1. A. tibialis postica. 2. A. plantaris externa. 3. A. plan- taris interna. 4. 6. Ramus lateralis superficialis pedis externus. 5. 11. Ramus anastomoticus with the A. tarsea interna. 7. A. dorsalis hallucis interna. 8. A. malleolaris antica interna. 9. 10. A. tarsea interna. 52 THIRD GENERAL VIEW OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS AND NERVES FROM BEHIND. L. I. Arteries, Veins and Nerves of the Head and Trunk. 1. and 2. The arteries, veins and nerves of the frontal and auricular regions, as they are already known from the first general anterior view of the subject prepared for the exhibition of these parts. * A vein of the common integument of the head passing through the foramen parietale. This vein empties itself into the longitudinal sinus. 3. A. V. et N. occipitalis major. * * A. meningea posterior, which arises from the A. occipitalis, and penetrating the foramen mastoideum proceeds to the dis- tributed to the dura mater. 4. JV. occipitalis minor. 5. JV. auricularis posterior. 6. JV. accessorius Willisii. 7. Vena jugularis externa. 8. JV. supra scapulares. 9. A. V. et JV. cutanei dorsi et colli. 9a. 9a. A. V. et JV. lumbales. 9b. Rami cutanei posleriores. 9°. Rami cutanei anieriores of the JV. intercostales. 9d. Rami cutanei posteriores of the JV. sacrales. 9e. Rami posteriores of the JV. intercostales. 9f. Cutane- ous twigs of the posterior branches of the JV. intercostales, divided and reflected. 9s. Rami posteriores of the A. intercostales. 9h. A. V. et N. intercostales. 9[. Rami infieriores of the intercostal vessels which run along the superior margins of the ribs. 9k. Cutaneous twigs divided of the A. intercostales. 91. Ramus communicans between the 10th and 9th JV. intercostalis. To obtain a view of these vessels and nerves, the external intercostal muscles must be removed, as has been done in the three most inferior intercostal spaces. 9m. A. V. etN. lumbales. The external oblique muscle has been here taken away. II.—-Arteries, Veins and Nerves of the upper Extremity. 10. A. V. et JV. transversus colli. 11. A. et V. dorsalis scapula. 12. V. propria etN. dorsalis scapula. 13. A. et V. transversa scapula. 14, JV. suprascapular is. 15. A. et V. circumflexa scapula. 15a. R. dorsalis A, ct JV. subscapularis. 16. Rami communicantes. 17. A. et V. circumflexa humeri posterior. 18. 18. JV. axillaris. 19. Rami cu- tanei JV. axillaris et A. circumflexa humeri posterioris. 20. Rami JV. cutanei posterioris interni. 21. JV. cutaneus posterior superior JV. ra- dialis. 22. R. cutaneus JV. musculo-cutanei. 23. Rami JV. cutanei in- terni. 24. Ramus posterior seu ulnaris JV. cutanei medii. 25. JV. ul- naris accompanied by the A. recurrens ulnaris. 26. JV. radialis. 27. The V. et A. profunda brachii, which accompany the JV. radialis. (As the nerve and vessel both run close to the os humeri between the heads of the triceps muscle, and are thus covered by this muscle, it is neces- sarily divided lengthwise in the direction of its fibres and each half held a little apart from one another in order to expose the parts indicated.) 53 28. Ramus profundus seu supinatorius JV. radialis. As this nerve runs through the supinator brevis muscle, I have in like manner divided the whole of the muscular fibres which lay above it, and represented these as somewhat separated from one another. 29. A. interossea dorsalis. 30. Ramus descendens. 31. R. ascendens, anastomosing with the A. profunda. 32. A. et JV. interosseus. 33. 34. A. radialis. 34. At this point the A. radialis enters the vola or palm of the hand. 34a. 35. 36. 37. 38. Rami dorsales carpi, which by their anastomoses with the branches of the A. interossea, and of the dorsal branches of the A. ulnaris compose the rete carpi dorsale sublime, 39. and the rete carpi dorsale profundum. 40. 41. Ramus dorsalis radialis pollicis. 42. R. dorsalis ulnaris pollicis. 43. R. digitalis dorsalis radialis indicis. 44. R. dorsalis A. radialis. 45. R. communis dorsalis indicis, 46. et digiti medii. 47. 48. R. dorsalis JV. radialis. The divisions of this nerve must be apparent without any more particular reference. 49. R. dorsalis JV. V. et A. ulnaris. , 50. 51. 52. Anastomosing branches to the rete carpi dorsale sublime (39) and rete profundum (40). 53. R digitalis dorsalis ulnaris digiti minimi. 54. R. digitalis dorsalis communis digiti minimi et annularis. 55. R. digitalis dorsalis communis digiti annularis et medii. In the present subject this branch is composed of the dorsal branches referred to by 44. and 49, the R. dorsales of the A. radialis et ulnaris, and a perforating branch of the arcus volaris profundus. 57. rete venosum dorsale manus. 58. rete dorsale venosum antibrachii et brachii. 59. 60. Two principal trunks into which the smaller veins of the hand collect, and which by their union compose the vena cephalica. 61. 62. Two trunks which unite to form the vena basilica. III.—Arteries, Veins and Nerves of the Pelvis and Lower Extremity. 63. Ramus cutaneus seu lateralis of the 12th dorsal nerve. 64. R. posteriores JV. cutanei anterioris externi femoris. 65. Inferior cutaneous nerve of the branch proceeding from the JV. ischiadicus. 66. JV. cuta- neus communis posterior fiemoris, or common posterior cutaneous nerve of the upper part of the thigh. 67. Rami JV. cutanei anterioris interni fiemoris. 68. JV. saphenus, or the left great internal cutaneous nerve. 69. R. posterior, or posterior branch of the same. 70. A. V.etN. gluteus superior et 71. inferior. 72. A. et JV. pudendus internus seu communis. * Rami anastomotici with the A. circumflexa femoris externa. 73. JV ischiadicus. 74. Rami peroneus. 75. R. tibialis JV. ischiadici. 76. R. cutaneus externus cruris, seu R. communicans fibula. 77. R. longus cutaneus seu communicans tibialis. 78. 79. 80. R. cutaneus ex- ternus dorsi pedis. 81. Vena poplitea. 82. Arteria poplitea. 83. V. et A. articularis genu superior externa. 84. A. ct V. superior interna. 85. V. et A. articularis genu inferior externa. 86. V. et A. articularis genu inferior interna. 87. Rami musculares. 88. A. et V. tibialis an- tica. * A. nutricia tibia. 89. V. et A. tibialis postica. 90. V. et A. fibularis seu peronea. It is for the most part covered by the long flexor of the great toe, and its course is therefore indicated by interrupted lines (91 ) 93 V et A. maleolaris externa. 93. V. et A. tarsea. 94. Vena saphena parva. 95. Junction of this vein with the V. cruralis. Fig. I. and II. Both of these figures are from Bock,*) and exhibit to * Abbildungen der Rtickenmarksnerven, fol., Leipz., 1827. 54 a certain extent the plexus sacralis, and the division of the N. ischiadicus, but more particularly those of the N. pudendus internus. Fig. I. 1. Plexus sacralis. 2. N. ischiadicus. 3. N. pudendus communis. 4. Ramus anastomoticus. 5. Common trunk made up of the posterior branches of the JV. sacrales. Fig. II. 1. N. hamorrhoidalis inferior, ox inferior rectal nerve. 2. N. pudendus inferior, or inferior pubic nerve. 3. Reflected branches of the same which ramify upon the skin of the lower portion of the pelvis. 4. N. pudendus superior, seu externus, seu clitoridis, the superior or outer pubic nerve, or nerve of the clitoris, at the point where it comes forward from under the symphysis pubis and expands on the dorsum of the clitoris. 5. Two branches of the common cutaneous nerve of the upper portion of the thigh or buttock which emerge from under the glutaus maximus mus- cle, unite into a single trunk as they are passing round the tuberosity of the ischium, which then proceeds under the integument of the perineum to the mons veneris, and there anastomoses with a branch of the N. puden- dus inferior. 6. The anastomosis of the branch just described with that of the JV. pudendus inferior. Figs. Ill, and IV. The Arteries and nerves of the sole of the foot, planta pedis. a. Trunk of the A. tibialis postica. b. Ramus plantaris internus. c. Branches distributed to the abductor, and d. to the flexor brevis hallucis muscles, e. A long connecting branch to the Ramus plantaris externus. f. Branch to the metatarsal bone and to the ligaments of the great toe. g. Ramus digitalis tibialis of the great toe, which anastomoses with h. the Ramus digitalis fibularis hallucis. i. Ramus plantaris externus, form- ing the deep plantar arch. k. Branches from this to the tarsal and metatar- sal bones, and to the muscles of the little toe. I. Ejus ramus proprius seu externus digiti minimi, m. Rami digitales plantar es communes, n. R. digitalis tibialis seu internus digiti minimi, o. R. externus. p. R. inter- nus digiti quarti. q. R. externus. r. R. internus digiti tertii. s. R. ex- ternus. t. R. internus digiti secundi. u. R. externus hallucis. v. R. perforantes. w. Ramus communicans the R. plantaris in- et externus x Anastomoses of the individual digital branches, y. Rami interossei of the N. et A. plantaris externa. 1. Trunk of the JV. tibialis posticus. 2. Ramus plantaris internus. lhe division of this nerve into four branches, 3. 4. 5. and 6 and their several distributions to the toes are sufficiently evident. 7. R. plantaris externus, forming the arcus nervosus plantaris. 8. 9. The R digitales plantares proceeding from the same. 10. Termination of the JV. planta- ris externus m the musculus adductor hallucis. 12. Ramus communicans ot the I\. plantaris ex- et internus. Fig. V. a. Cutaneous veins of the planta pedis, b. The deeper veins which accompany the arteries and bear the same denominations. The remaining vessels and nerves are already known from the explana- tions ot the two figures immediately preceding. S,i—f J 'VI NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NLH 032QMA22 0 NLM032048220