GUIDE TO PUBLIC VITAL STATISTICS RECORDS IN FLORIDA Prepared by The Florida Historical Records Survey Division of Community Service Programs Work Projects Administration Sponsored by The Florida State Library Board Jacksonville, Florida; The Florida Historical Records Survey February 1941 The Historical Records Surrey Program Sargent B. Child, National Director Sue A. Mahorner, State Supervisor Research and Records Programs Harvey E. Becknell, Director Milton W* Blanton, Regional Supervisor Franklin E. Albert, State Supervisor Division of Community Service Programs Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner Blanche M» Ralston, Chief Regional Supervisor Rolla A. Southworth, State Director WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION Howard 0. Hunter, Acting Commissioner R. L. Mac Dougall, Regional Director Roy Schroder, State Administrator PREFACE The Historical Records Survey Program operates as a nation- wide series of locally sponsored projects in the Division of Community Service Programs of the Work Projects Administration, The Program, organized by Luther H. Evans in 1935, is now under the direction of Sargent B. Child. The Guide to Public Vital Statistics Records in Florida is based on data secured in the fall of 1940, when the Program made an inventory of public vital statistics records in the several States at the request of the National Defense Commission and the United States Bureau of the Census. The primary arrangement of the Guide is by type of vital statistics record, the secondary arrangement by governmental unit. The records entries show in- clusive dates, nature of the record, number of volumes or other containers, method of arrangement, indexing, title and address of the custodian, and the cost of certified copies, or a statement that certified copies are not available. The field inventory of vital statistics records was made in Florida under the direction of Helen S. Wells, May Lillie Touchton, and Eric R. Klar, district supervisors. The Guide was prepared for publication by Dorothy Dodd, public records editor. Acknowledgment is due Dr. Edward M. L’Engle, Director, State Bureau of Vital Statistics, and the numerous custodians of vital statistics records throughout the State, for their cooperation in the inventory of their records. The. Survey is especially in- debted to the State Welfare Board for its contribution of paper to be used in publishing this volume. The publications of the Historical Records Survey are issued for free distribution to public and institutional libraries. A list of the publications of the Florida Survey is to be found at the end of this volume. Requests for information concerning the publications or work of the Survey in Florida should be addressed to the State Supervisor, Historical Records Survey, 49 West Duval Street, Jacksonville, Florida. Sue A. Mahomer State Supervisor Florida Historical Records Survey Jacksonville, Florida February 20, 1941 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction Birth Records Death Records* Marriage Records Divorce Records List of Abbreviations 64 Appendix I Appendix II Bibliography INTRODUCTION Vital statistics records have a three-fold importance. They are a large part of the material from which the genealogist com- piles his family trees; they contain the data on which the vital statistician bases his charts and tables; and they constitute legal proofs of nativity and social relationships whose substantiation, or lack of substantiation, vitally affects the social and economic interests of individuals. In Florida, as elsewhere, the keeping of vital statistics records was originally a province of the Church. The oldest rec- ords of births, marriages, and deaths in what is not the United States are to be found at St. Augustine. They are the original records of the Catholic Parish of that city. Continuous from 1594 to 1753,(1) they are interrupted for the period during which the English occupied Florida, but resume in 1784. While the records of no other church in Florida cover so long a date span as do those at St. Augustine, the birth, marriage, and death records of Roman Catholic Churches, where they have survived, are usually accurately and carefully kept. Similar records have customarily been kept by Protestant Episcopal Churches, but there has been no uniformity of practice among the churches of other Pro- testant denominations. The legal importance of marriage and divorce records was early recognized in Florida, and provision was made for their recording and preservation by public agencies. The legal significance of birth and death records was not recognized, however, until many years later. Indeed, the earliest concern over such records in this State seems to have been to secure adequate data for statistic cal purposes, rather than to preserve a record of individual births and deaths. Adequate statistical data were secured only when ef- fective provision was made in 1915 for filing records of individual births and deaths with a central agency. While marriages and di- vorces have always been fairly well recorded, the recording agen- cies are decentralized in the counties, and it was not until 1927, some years after the effective reporting of births and deaths was achieved, that the central reporting of marriages and divorces was made obligatory on thfj recording officers. Thus, while individual marriage and divorce records antedate individual birth and death records in Florida by a considerable number of years, reliable birth and death statistics are to be had for a decade before simi- lar statistics are available for marriages and divorces. 1. See Verne E. Chatelain, '’Spanish Contribution’s in Florida to American Culture,'’ Florida Historical Quarterly, XIX (Jan. 1941), 240 fn. 3 Introduction The first recording of births and deaths by public agencies in Florida was under municipal ordinances. Key West provided for such recording in 1874,(2) and St. Augustine in 1978.(3) In 1877 a special act creating a board of health for the city of Jackson- ville empowered that board to act as a legislative body in regard to the regulation of vital statistics in the city.(4) Orlando adopted an ordinance requiring the registering of births and deaths in December 1890,(5) and Pensacola seems to have adopted a similar ordinance in 1891.(6) Ocala also seems to have passed such an or- dinance in 1890. The concept that the recording of vital statis- tics was a municipal function was embodied in the act of 1881 that provided for boards of health in all incorporated cities or towns containing 300 or more registered voters, for that act authorized such boards to act in all matters pertaining to vital statistics. (7) Mien county boards of health were established in 1885 they were given similar rowers in regard to vital statistics,(8) but no mention was made of vital statistics in the 1889 act that repealed, though reenacting most of the provisions of, the 1885 act.(9) Since the State Board of Health, established in 1889,(10) was given no ex- press powers in regard to vital statistics, statutory provision for the recording of births and deaths was entirely lacking.. The State Board of Health, however, appreciating ’’the necessity of a compil- ation of vital statistics and the want of a system of this kind of any description,”(11) by regulation required statistical reports of births, deaths, and marriages from the county boards.(12) The results were far from satisfactory. Although the law pro- viding for county boards of health was general in its application, the State Health Officer stated in his first report that only 27 of the 45 counties had boards of health, and that in 17 of the coun- 2. Florida State Board of Health, Annual Report, 1913, p. 5. 3. Charter and Ordinances of the City of St. Augustine, Florida, 1895, p. 123. 4. Acts, 1877, ch. 3059, sees. 1-2. 5. The certificates reported in this inventory state that they were filed under the ordinance of Dec, 19, 1890. 6. The ordinance is to be found in Code of Ordinances of the City of Pensacola, 1902, pp. 55-56, but the date of passage is not shown. 7. Acts, 1881, ch. 3312, secs. 1, 4. 8. Acts, 1885, ch. 3603, secs. 1, 8. 9. Acts, 1889, ch. 3859. 10. Ibid., ch. 3839. 11. Florida State Board of Health, Annual Report, 1889, p. 20. 12. Ibid., pp. 52-53, 72. 4 Introduction ties having boards there had been no organization perfected that "would place them in a position to enforce legally their Rules and Regulations."(13) The only way in which adequate statistics could be secured, he said, was "for the State Health Board to take the matter entirely into its own hands; to establish under it a complete statistical bureau . , , [and to] urge upon the different authori- ties the necessity of keeping strict account of and reporting births, marriages and deaths . . . ."(14) In its second report the State Board recommended legislation to make the State Health Officer Registrar of Vital Statistics and to provide for the appointment by the Governor, upon recommendation of the Board, of a county health officer for each county, whose "primary duty should be the collection and forwarding to the office of the State Board . . . reports of the births, deaths and marri- ages, which occur in their territories . . . ."(15) In 1891, at the instance of the Board, bills were introduced in the Legislature pro- viding for the creation of a State Bureau of Vital Statistics, with the State Health Officer as State Registrar, and for the collection of vital statistics in the several counties of the State. The lat- ter bill, instead of providing for county health officers as recom- mended in the 1890 report, would have placed upon the several county judges the duty of keeping a record of births, deaths, and marriages end of transmitting to the State Board monthly tabulated statements thereof.(16) Reintroduced in 1893, the bills were passed by the Legislature, but wore vetoed by the Governor.(17) Since the 1893 Legislature had, pursuant to the recommendation of the State Board, abolished county boards of health,(18) the State Board was left with no machinery for the collection of vital statistics. The State Board thereupon appealed to the medical profession of the State to report births and deaths directly to it upon post- cards. The proper certificate form was printed upon the backs of the cards, which were furnished free by the Board.(19) The Board repeat- edly professed to be highly pleased with the success of this plan,$20) which was continued even after a State Bureau of Vital Statistics 13. Ibid. , p. 7. 14. Ibid. , p. 21. 15. Ibid. , 1890, pp. 11-12. 15. The texts of these bills are to be found in ibid., 1891, pp. 45-49, and ibid., 1892, pp. 66-70. 17. Ibid. , 1893,'p. 25. 18. Acts, 1895, ch. 4177. 19. Ibid., p, 26. 20. Id.; ibid. , 1894, p. 17; ibid. , 1897, p. 40; ibid. , 1900, p. 60. 5 Intreduction was established in 1899,(21) Indeed, as the State Health Officer stated, the 1899 act merely ’’invested with the authority of legis- lative enactment what had previously been but a regulation of the Board, ’(22) The Jacksonville fire of May 3, 1900 destroyed the building in which the State Board of Health office was located, '’burning up completely every record and paper belonging to the Board, except the Minute Book,?’(23) Before the Board’s statistical division was revived after this disaster, the United States Bureau of the Census was consulted in regard to the inauguration of a uniform system of collecting birth and death records.(24) A bill to put in operation the system recommended by a joint committee from the American Med- ical Association and the American Public Health Association, and concurred in by the Bureau of the Census, was submitted to the Leg- islature in 1903, but failed of passage. The Board then decided that it had authority to carry out the suggestions of the Bureau of the Census as rules and regulations of the Board, and proceeded to try to do so,(25) The results were disheartening, for physicians and midwives, upon whose cooperation the success of the plan de- pended, wore lax in making the necessary reports. In his report for 1905, after mentioning the total number of births, deaths, and marriages for the State, the State Health Officer remarked that the ’’figures are not vouched for as accurately representing the total life movement of the population of the State,” and concluded that statistical reports would have to be abandoned unless physicians submitted more accurate reports.(26) Publication of vital statis- tics did stop, beginning with the 1907 report, although the State Health Officer said that the Board had ’’not altogether abandoned the hope of acquiring some day a better vital statistical record.”(27) The State Health Officer(28) resumed the attack in his report for 1912, stimulated perhaps by the fact that Jacksonville and Key West were admitted to the United States registration area for deaths in that year.(29) If Florida was ever to be admitted to the regis- tration area, he said, the Legislature must authorize the Board to 21. Acts, 1899, ch. 4694. 22. Florida State Board of Health, Annual Report, 1900, p. 61. 23. Ibid., p. 4. 24. Ibid., 1902, p. 11. 25. Ibid. , 1903, pp. 139-140; ibid., 1904, pp. 8-9. 26. Ibid., 1905, p. 117. 27. Ibid., 1907, p. 16. 28. During tho entire period under discussion, Dr. Joseph Y. Porter was State Health Officer. 29. Ibid., 1912, p. 21. 6 Introduction obtain vital statistics in some other way than through practicing physicians. He suggested that if cities of more than 2,000 popu- lation would by ordinance collect reports of births and deaths within their limits, fully 30 percent of the State would be covered.(30) The Bureau of the Census was again consulted, and it agreed to admit to the registration area, as a class, all Florida cities with populations between 2,000 and 10,000, if they all par- ticipated in the plan to secure the recording of births and deaths by ordinance.(31) Cities of the designated size were approached by representatives of the Board, a vigorous press campaign was be- gun, and before the end of 1913 the plan gave evidence of being successful.(32) Response was so favorable, in fact, that in 1914 all Florida cities and towns, regardless of size, were invited to participate by passing ordinances.(33) Public interest aroused by this campaign was sufficiently great to insure passage of a "model ■» vital statistics law in 1915.(34) The provisions of the 1915 act did not become operative until midnight of December 31, 1916, the reporting of births and deaths being continued under the old system until that date.(35) Florida was admitted to the registration area for deaths in 1919, and to the registration area for births in 1924.(36) State-wide figures on births and deaths have been published by the State Board of Health in its Annual Report since 1917. Beginning with 1919, mor- tality figures for Florida, and with 1924, birth figures for the State, are to be found in the publications of the United States Bureau of the Census.(37) The records of the State Bureau of Vital Statistics are not open for consultation by individuals. Inquiries concerning records there should be addressed to the State Registrar, State Bureau of Vital Statistics, Jacksonville, Florida. County and municipal records throughout the State are open to inspection by any legal resident of Florida. Where records entries indicate that a series is indexed, copies of desired material can usually be secured by addressing the custodian. Where a series is not indexed, a per- sonal search of the records would probably be necessary on the part of any person desiring data therefrom. 30. Ibid., p. 65. 31. Florida Health Notes, VIII (Aug. 1913), 131. 32. Florida State Board of Health, Annual Report, 1913, p. 48. 33. Florida Health Notes, IX (Aug, 1914), 151-152. 34. Acts, 1915, ch. 6892. 35. Florida State Board of Health, Annual Report, 1916, p. 203. 36. U. S. Bureau of the Census, PhysiciansT Handbook on Birth and Death Registration, p. 26. 37. Florida State Board of Health, Annual Report, 1925, p. V-l. 7 BIRTH RECORDS The first Florida law requiring that births be reported to a central authority was passed in 1899. From 1881 to 1885 munici- pal boards of health,(1) whose jurisdictions were county-wide, and, from 1885 to 1889, county boards of health were empowered to act in all matters pertaining to vital statistics.(2) From 1889 to 1899 there was no statutory provision relating specifically to the collection of vital statistics. Under its powers to make and enforce such rules and regula- tions as might be necessary for the preservation of the public health(3) and to supervise and control county boards of health,(4) the State Board of Health, which was established in 1889,(5) re- quired of county boards of health monthly statistical reports of births. (6) It prescribed the form of birth certificates, but these certificates were to be filed with the local boards.(7) When, in 1893, county boards of health were abolished in oil coun- ties except Escambia and Franklin,(8) the State Board, still by regulation, instituted a system of reporting births under which birth certificates, printed upon the backs of postcards, were mailed directly to the State Board by physicians and midwivss.(9) The 1899 act, which created a State Bureau of Vital Statistics with the State Health Officer as Registrar, gave the sanction of law to the system begun in 1893. The act directed the attending physician, nurse, or head of the family to report every birth, as soon as possible after its occurrence, to the State Board of Health or its agent, on blanks prescribed and furnished free by the Board. Births occurring in a city or town having a health department might be reported through the municipal health officer. Although the Registrar was required to compile and publish monthly statistics of births,(10) no express provision was made for the preservation of the original reports of births, nor was the Registrar authorized 1. The Governor was required to appoint such a board in every in- corporated city or town having 300 or more registered voters (Acts, 1881, ch. 3312, sec. 1). 2. Acts, 1881, ch. 3312, sec. 4; Acts, 1865, ch. 5603, sec. 8; Acts, 1889, ch. 3859, sec. 8. 3. Acts, 1889, ch. 3839, sec. 12. 4. Ibid., sec. 20; ibid., ch. 3859, sec. 6. 5. Ibid., ch. 3839, sec. 1. 6. Florida State Board of Health, Annual Report, 1889, pp. 52-53, 72. 7 . Ibid., p. 54. 8. Acts, 1893, ch. 4177, sec. 7. The Escambia and Franklin County boards had no powers in regard to vital statistics, 9. Florida State Board of Health, Annual Report, 1893, p. 25. 10. Acts, 1899, ch. 4694, secs. G. S., 1906, secs. 1144-1145. 8 Birth Records to issue certified copies of them. In January 1905, the State Board, again by regulation, appoint- ed county registrars through whom births were to be reported to the State Board. The county registrars, in turn, appointed sub-regis- trars. This system was discontinued on June 30, 1906, the responsi- bility for making reports directly to the State Board devolving again upon physicians and midwives, as required by law,(11) In July 1913 the State Board took steps to make operative that provision in the 1899 act that permitted the reporting of births through municipal health officers. The 29 incorporated cities in Florida with populations of more than 2,000 were circularized and asked to pass ordinances requiring the recording of births and deaths. The response was immediate and favorable. The State Board designated as registrars the municipal officers appointed under such ordinances. The registrars, in most instances, transmitted the original certificates to the State Board, retaining transcripts for their files. In a few cases, where the local ordinance required that the original certificates be filed with the city officer, transcripts of certificates were filed with the State Board, Cer- tificates were made, on the standard form of the United States Bu- reau of the Census.(12) In 1914 all incorporated cities and towns, regardless of their size, were invited to participate in this plan for reporting vital statistics,(13) and numerous small municipali- ties responded by adopting the necessary ordinance. In 1915 a model vital statistics law was passed. Under this law the State is divided into registration districts, with each in- corporated city or town constituting a primary registration dis- trict. That part of each county not within the limits of a munici- pal corporation is divided by the State Registrar into as mans'- rural registration districts as he deems necessary.(14) The State Regis- trar appoints c local registrar in each district. He is authorized to designate as local registrar a health officer or other municipal official when, in his judgment, such officials are conducting effec- tive registrations of births and deaths under local ordinances.(15) A certificate of birth must be filed by the attending physician 11. Florida State Board of Health, Annual Report, 1904, pp. 8-9; ibid., 1906, pp. 92-99. 12. Ibid., 1913, pp. 5-6, 45-46. 13. Florida Health Notes, IX (Aug. 1914), 151-152. 14. Acts, 1915, ch. 6892, sec. 3; R. 0. _S. , 1920, sec. 2070; C_. C_. L. , see. 3270. 15. Acta, 1915, ch. 6892, sec, 4; R. G. _S,, 1920, sec. 2071; C_. G. L., sec. 3271, 9 Birth Records or midwife with the local registrar of the district within which the birth occurred within 10 days after the date of such birth. The certificate must be on the standard form approved by the United States Bureau of the Census, and must be written legibly in durable black ink. Blank forms are prepared, printed, and furnished to loc- al registrars by the State Registrar, and it is the duty of the form- er to furnish blank forms to such persons as require them. The loc- al registrar is required to copy each certificate registered by him in a record book supplied by the State Registrar, to be preserved as a local record in such manner as the State Registrar may direct. On the tenth day of each month he must transmit to the State Regis- trar all original certificates filed with him during the preceding month.(16) The State Registrar is directed to arrange, bind, and perma- nently preserve the original certificates in a systematic manner. He is further directed to prepare and maintain a "comprehensive and continuous" card index of all births registered,(17) The State Registrar must, upon request and the payment of a fee of 50 cents, supply to any applicant a certified cony of the record of any birth registered with him. Such a certified copy is prime facie evidence, in all courts, of the facts therein stated.(16) Provision was made in 1929 for the delayed registration of births. The attending physician or midwife, or the father, mother, older brother or sister, or other person knowing the facts, may file with the Bureau of Vital Statistics a birth certificate, which must be accompanied with such sworn statements as the State Regis- trar may require. Certificates thus filed with, and accepted by the State Registrar, are admissible in evidence with like force and effect as other vital statistics records.(19) The issuance of new birth certificates in cases of legitimiza- tion, adontion, or establishment of paternity of an illegitimate child by the judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction was au- thorized in 1939. The State Registrar must substitute such new cer- tificate, when made, for the certificate on file in the Bureau of Vital Statistics, The original certificate, with all papers per- taining thereto, is placed under seal, not to be broken except by 16. Acts, 1915, ch. 6892, secs. 14-15, 18-19; R. G. £5., 1920, secs. 2084-2085, 2088-2089; C. G. L., secs. 3284-3285, 3288-3289. 17• Acts, 1915, ch. 6892, sec. 18; R. G. S., 1920, sec. 2088: C. G. L., sec. 3288. 18. Acts, 1915, ch. 6892, sec. 21; R. G. S., 1920, sec. 2091; C. G. L., sec. 3291. 19. Acts, 1929, ch. 13864, secs. 1-2; Supp., C. G. L., secs. 3301(1)- 5301(3). 10 Birth Records court order or at the request of the person whose birth is the subject of the certificate. When a certified copy of the birth certificate of the person is issued, it must be a copy of the new certificate, except when otherwise ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction or requested by the person whose birth the certificate attests.(20) This inventory does not list the copies of birth certificates in the custody of local registrars, or those filed with the State Board of Health by municipal health officers in 1913 and subsequent years,(21) as the originals of all such certificates are filed with the State Bureau of Vital Statistics. An effort has been made to locate and list original birth records kept by local governmental units prior to effective operation of the central reporting system. Certificates of live births on file with the State Bureau of Vital Statistics show the following information: Certificate number, date received, name of county, city and institution or address where birth occurred, period of mother’s stay in hospital or community before delivery, usual residence of mother, name of child, date of birth, sex, whether twin or triplet and, if so, numerical order of delivery, marital status of mother, name, color, age, birthplace, occupation, and place of occupation of father and mother, number of other living children borne by mother, number born alive but now dead, number stillborn, mailing address of mother, certification of birth attendant of hour of birth, name of person giving information about parents, and relationship of informant to child, with signature of attendant, capacity, address, and date of signature, date certificate received by local regis- trar, date given name of child added, and signature of local registrar. Certificates of stillbirths, entered on a separate form, show, in addition to the above information, whether child died before or during labor, complications of pregnancy, compli- cations of labor, whether labor induced, if operation made for delivery, all operations made, whether death occurred before or during operation, fetal causes of stillbirth, maternal causes of stillbirth, dote, place, and method of disposal of body, sig- nature and address of funeral director, statement of coroner or local registrar if physician not present at stillbirth, -;md sig- nature of official making statement. 20. Acts. 1929, ch, 19063, secs. 1-2; Supp., jC. Gr. L., secs. 3301(4)-3301(5). 21. For a list of such municipalities, see Appendix I, pp. 65-68. 11 Birth Records The information contained in the several birth registers varies as to fullness. The minimum data given are date of birth, sex, names of parents, and color. All registers except that for Key West, August 1, 1893-November 21, 1909, also show name of child, if child had been named at the time the birth was reported. STATE RECORDS Apr. 1865— Birth certificates. In 1,633 vols. arr. alph. by name of county and chron. there- under by date of birth; indexed alph. by name of child. Records prior to Jan, 1, 1917 are not complete. State Registrar of Vital Statistics, Jacksonville. (Certified copy, 50?.) Jan,. 1881- Jan. .1915 Birth certificates (conies). In 129 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Record incom- plete. State Registrar of Vital Statis- tics, Jacksonville. (Certified copy, 50?.) DUVAL COUNTY Jacksonville May 4, 1693- Oct. 7, 1896, May 1, 1901- Dec * 31, 1915. Birth certificates. In 35 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Local Registrar, City Engineer’s Building. (Certified copy free; if notarized, £1.00.) ESCAMBIA COUNTY Pensacola July 1, 1891- Dec. 30, 1910. Birth register. In 2 vols. Arr. chron,; indexed alph. Secretary-Clerk, City Health Office. (Certified copy, £1,00.) MARION COUNTY Ocala May 4, 1690- Sept. 24, 1911. Birth register. In 3 vols. Arr. chron.; no index. City Clerk. (Certified copy not available.) 12 Birth Records MONROE COUNTY Key West Aug. 1, 1893- Nov. 31, 1902, Feb. 1, 1903- July 30, 1917. Birth register. In 2 vols. and 1 envelope. Arr. chron.; no index. Local Registrar, 614 Duval Street. (Certified copy, plus postage.) ORANGE COUNTY Orlando Dec. 18, 1890- Nov. 6, 1897, June 29, 1901- Dec. 25, 1916. Birth certificates. In 3 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. City Clerk. (Certified copy, 50^.) OSCEOLA COUNTY Dec. 3, 1890- June 25, 1893. Birth register. In Vital Statistics, 1 vol. Arr. chron.; no index. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Kissimmee. (Certified copy, 50^.) ST. JOHNS COUNTY St. Augustine Apr. 30, 1880- Aug, 6, 1885, Mar. 13, 1894- Feb. 26, 1914. Birth register. In 2 vols. Arr. chron.; no index. City Clerk. (Certified copy not available.) Nov. 1, 1907- Mar. 2, 1912. Birth certificates (white births only). In 1 vol. Arr. chron.; no index. City Clerk. (Certified copy not available.) 13 DEATH RECORDS The legal provisions affecting the registration of deaths in Florida, and the agencies for effecting such registrations, are, and have been, substantially the same as those for the registration of births. The efforts of the State Board of Health to secure central reporting of births by means of regulations of the Board between 1893 and 1915 also applied to the reporting of deaths, Between 1899 and 1915 reports of deaths were required to be filed with the State Board of Health, on forms prescribed by the Board, by the attending physician, nurse, or head of the family. Such reports might be filed through the city or town health officer, where such an officer existed,(1) As in the case of births, no express provision was made for preserving such reports during this period, or for the issuance of certified copies there- of. Since 1915 a death certificate, on the standard form approv- ed by the United States Bureau of the Census, must be filed by the undertaker with the local registrar of vital statistics of the district in which the death occurred prior to the interment or othor disposition of the body.(2) The local registrar, after making a copy of the certificate in a book to bo preserved as a local record, must, on the tenth day of each month, transmit to the State Registrar all death certificates registered with him during the preceding month.(3) The State Registrar is directed to arrange, preserve, index, and issue certified copies of death certificates in the same manner as birth certificates.(4} Since 1929 delayed registration of deaths may be effected in the same way as delayed registration of births.(5) This inventory docs not list the copies of death certificates in the custody of local registrars, or of those filed with the State Board of Health by municipal health officers in 1913 and subsequent years,(5) as the originals of all such certificates 1. Acts, 1899, ch. 4694, sec. 2; G. £3., 1906, sec. 13,45. 2. Acts, 1915, ch. 6892, socs. 7, 9; R. G. £5., 1920, secs. 2075, 2078; C. G. L., secs. 3275, 3278. 3. Acts, 1915', ch. 6892, sec. 19; R. G. S., 1920, see. 2089; C_. G. L., sec, 3289. 4. Acts, 1915, ch, 6892, secs. 18, 21; R. G. S., 1920, secs. 2088, 2091; G. G. L., secs. 3288, 3291. 5. Acts, 1929, ch. 13864, secs. 1-3; Supp., jC. G. L., secs, 3301(1)-3301(3). 6. For a list of such municipalities, see Appendix I, pp. 65-68, 14 Death Records are filed with the State Bureau of Vital Statistics. An effort has been made to locate and list death records kept by local governmental units prior to effective operation of the central reporting system. Death certificates on file with the State Bureau of Vital Statistics show the following information: Certificate number, name of county, city and institution or address when death occurred, period of stay in institution and community, if veter- an, name of war in which decedent participated, social security number, usual residence of decedent, if foreign born, length of residence in United States, name, age, sex, color, birthplace, marital status, occupation and place of occupation of decedent, name and age of spouse, names and birthplaces of parents, sig- nature and address of informant, date, place and manner of dis- posal of body, signature and address of funeral director, date certificate received by local registrar, and local registrar’s signature. Death certificates contain medical certification of death, which shows: Month, day, year, hour, and minute of death, period of attendance, date last seen alive, immediate cause of death, duration of illness, contributing causes and durations, other conditions, major findings of operations, major findings of autopsy, if death due to external cause whether to accident, suicide, or homicide, date and place of occurrence, whether or not decedent working at time, means of injury, capacity, address, and signature of attendant, and date signed. The death registers vary as to fullness of information given. The minimum data shown are date, name, color, birth- place, residence, cause of death, and name of medical attendant. STATE RECORDS 1877—. Death certificates. In 967 vols. Arr. chron. by mo., alph. thereunder by name of county, and chron. thereunder by date of death; indexed alph. Records prior to Jan. 1, 1917 not complete. State Registrar of Vital Statistics, Jackson- ville. (Certified copy, 500.) 1908—. Death certificates, delayed. In 83 vols. Arr. chron. by date received; indexed alph. Records prior to Jan. 1, 1917 not complete. State Registrar of Vital Statistics, Jacksonville. (Certified copy, 500.) 15 Death Records DUVAL COUNTY Jacksonville Jan. 1, 1893- Dec. 31, 1915. Death certificates. In 49 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Local Registrar, City Engineer’s Building. (Certified copy free; if notarized, $1.00.) ESCAMBIA COUNTY Pensacola July 2, 1891- Dec. 31, 1910. Death register. In 2 vols. Arr. chron,; indexed alph. Secretary-Clerk, City Health Office. (Certified copy, £1.00.) ORANGE COUNTY Orlando Feb, 20, 1686- Aug. 15, 1886, Jan. 12, 1893- Dec. 29, 1906, Jan. 1, 1908- Jan. 3, 1913. Death certificates. In 8 vols. Arr. chron.; no index, 1886, indexed alph., 1893-1913. City Clerk, (Certified copy, 50tf.) OSCEOLA COUNTY Death register. In Vital Statistics, 1 vol. Arr. chron.; no index. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Kissimmee. (Certi- fied copy, 500.) Dec, 13, 1890- July 5, 1893. MARION COUNTY Ocala Aug. 16, 1893- Cec. 30, 1912. Death register. In 2 vols, Arr. chron.; no index. City Clerk. (Certified copy not available.) 16 Death Records MONROE COUNTY Key West Oct. 13, 1880- July 31, 1917. Death register. In 1 vol. Arr. chron.; no index. Local Registrar, 614 Duval Street. (Certified cony, SO?' plus postage.) ST. JOHNS COUNTY St. Augustine Aug. 2, 1806- Oct. 26, 1911; May 31, 1912- May 4, 1920. Death register. In 2 vols. Arr. chron.; no index. City Clerk. (Certified copy not available.) VOLUSIA COUNTY Feb. 6, 1886- June 15, 1693. Death register. In 1 vol. Arr. alph.; no index. Clerk of the Circuit Court, DeLand. (Certified copy, 500.) 17 MARRIAGE RECORDS Persons desiring to contract a marriage in Florida have al- ways been required to secure a license therefor. Such licenses were issued by the clerks of the territorial circuit courts from 1822 to 1823.(1) When circuit courts v;ere abolished in the latter year, the duties of their clerks devolved upon the clerks of the county courts,(2) who continued to issue marriage licenses until 1845.(3) When Florida became a State, the clerks of the circuit courts succeeded to the duties and records of the clerks of the territorial county courts, and issued marriage licenses until 1887.(4) The Constitution of 1885, effective January 1, ]B87, placed upon the county judges the duty of issuing all licenses re- quired by law to be issued in the several counties of the State,(5) and enabling legislation requiring the issuance of marriage li- censes by the county judges has been in effect since 1887.(6) In 1889 the county judges were declared to be sole custodians of the marriage records of their counties and were directed to demand and receive from the clerks of the circuit courts all records, books, and papers relating to the issuance of marriage licenses or the solemnization of the rites of matrimony.(7) Between 1822 art 1829 the clerk, before issuing a license, was required to take bond as a guaranty that there was no lawful cause to obstruct the marriage.(8) A written application for a license was not required by law until 1919, although satisfactory evidence of the consent of parent or guardian has always been required when one of the parties of a proposed marriage is a minor.(9) The written application, which 1. Terr- Acts, 1822, pp• 79-80. 2. Terr. Acts, 1823, p. 138. 3. T°rr» Acts, 1828, p. 19; Terr. Acts, 1829, p. 12. 4. Acts, 1845, ch. 4, sec. 11. 5. Const., 1885, art. V, sec. 17. 6. Acts, 1887, ch. 3720, sec. 1; Acts, 1689, ch. 5890, sec. 1; R. S., 1892, sec. 2055; G. S_., 1906, sec. 2574; Acts, 1919, ch. 7828, sec. 2; R. G. S.f 1920, sec. 3933; C. G. L., secs. 5848, 5850. 7. Acts, 188-9, ch. 3890, sec. 1; R, S>,, 1892, sec. 2060. 8. Terr. Acts, 1822, pp. 79-80; Terr. Acts, 1828, p. 19; Terr. Acts, 1829, p. 12. 9. Terr. Acts, 1822, p. 80; Terr. Acts, 1828, p. 19; Terr. Acts, 1829, p. 12; R. S., 1892, sec. 2055; G. S., 1906, sec. 2574; R. G. S., 1920, sec. 3933; C. G. L., sec, 5848. 18 Marriage Records must be signed and sworn to by both parties, must be supported by an affidavit of parentfs consent if either party is a minor.(10) The final disposition of these applications is not prescribed by law, but they are customarily preserved in the office of the county judge. It was not until 1889 that the issuing officer was required to keep ”in good and substantially bound books, a correct and intelligible record of all marriage licenses issued.”(11) This provision was expended in 1892 to require the record of licenses issued to show the names of the parties and the date of issuing the license.(12) The person executing the marriage rite has always been re- quired to return a certificate of marriage to the officer who issued the license. Since 1829 the certificate of marriage has been required by lav; to be endorsed on the license. From 1822 to 1829 the certificate, when returned, was required to be ’’entered on record” by the clerk in the marriage register of the county. From 1829 to 1892 the issuing officer was reouired ”to record” the returned license and certificate, but in the latter year the phraseology of the statutes was changed to require simply a ’’correct record” of returned licenses and certificates. (13) In 1927, however, the county judges were expressly directed to ’’record” returned licenses. (14) From 1829 to 1927 the issuing officer was directed to file the returned license and certificate as evidence of the marriage.(15) In the latter year the county judges were directed to transmit to the State Bureau of Vital Statistics, on or before the fifth day of each month, all original licenses with endorsements there- on, returned to and recorded by them during the preceding calendar month.(16) Original licenses and certificates returned to the 10. Acts, 1919, ch. 7828, sec. 2; £. Gr. L. , sec. 5850. 11. Acts, 1889, ch. 3890, sec. 1. 12. R, S., 1892, sec. 2058; G. S., 1906, sec. 2577; R. G. S., 1920, sec. 3936; 0.. G. L,, sec. 5855. 13. Terr. Acts, 1822, p. 79; Terr. Ac+- , 1828, pp. 18-19; Terr. Acts, 1829, p. 12; Acts, 1887, ch. 3720, sec. 1; Acts, 1889, ch. 3890, sec. 1; R_. IS., 1892, sec. 2058; G. jS., 1906, sec. 2577; R. G. S_. , 1920, sec. 3936; C.. G. L. , sec. 5855. 14. Acts, 1927, ch. 11869, sec. 2; G_. G, L. , sec. 5852. 15. Terr. Acts, 1829, p. 12; R. S>., 1892, sec. 2058; G. 5., 1905, sec. 2577; R. G. S., 1920, sec. 3936. 16. Acts, 1927, ch. 11869, sec. 2; 0. G. L., sec. 3295. 19 Marriage Records county judges prior to passage of the 1927 act should be in the custody of those officers. The State Bureau of Vital Statistics was directed to com- pile, keep, and preserve the marriage licenses and certificates as it did other vital statistics records. It was further autho- rized to issue certified copies of marriage licenses upon payment of a fee of 50 cents, such certified copies being admissible as evidence in any of the courts of Florida.(17) The form of marriage records has never been prescribed by law. The 1927 act, which provided for central filing of returned licenses and certificates with the State Bureau of Vital Statistics, authorized and directed the Bureau to prescribe and furnish all forms used in the issuance of marriage licenses.(18) Pursuant to this provision, the Bureau has prescribed the following forms for the use of county judges in issuing and reporting marriage licenses: Form V. S. No. 48, application for marriage license, with space for parent's affidavit of consent if necessary; Form V. S. No. 49, combined marriage license and certificate of mar- riage; Form V. S. No. 50, application memorandum of marriage license issued, required to be transmitted monthly to the Bureau by the county judge; and, in bound volumes, Form V. S. No. 54, an exact copy of the face of the original license and certificate, on which the county judge records the license, when issued, and the certificate, when returned. Marriage licenses show; County judge’s serial number, names of parties, county, and county seat, date, and signature of county judge. Marriage certificates show: Names of parties, date and place of marriage, signatures of witnesses, signature and address of executor of rite, date license returned to county judge, volume and page reference to book where recorded, and signature of county judge. Reverse of original license and certificate shows such statistical information, entered by State Bureau of Vital Statis- tics, as: Ages, color, and birthplaces of parties, previous mar- riages, whether divorced, place of divorce, and memorandum number from which data taken. This information does not appear on the reverse of recorded licenses and certificates in the county judges’ offices. 3.7. Acts, 1927, ch. 11869, secs. 5-6; C. G. L. , secs. 3298-3299. 18. Acts, 1927, ch. 11669, sec. 7; C. 0. L., sec. 3300. 20 Marriage Records STATE RECORDS 1927—. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 561 vols* Arr. chron. by mo., alph. thereunder by name of county, and chron. thereunder by date of marriage; indexed alph. by names of both parties. State Registrar of Vital Statistics, Jackson- ville. (Certified copy, 500.) 1927--. Marriage licenses and certificates, de- layed. In 7 vols, Arr. chron. by date received; indexed alph. by names of both parties. State Registrar of Vital Sta- tistics, Jacksonville. (Certified copy, 500.) ALACHUA COUNTY Apr* 26, 1886- Dec. 28, 1926. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 4 vols. Arr a chron-; no index. County Judge, Gainesville. (Certified copy, 500.) Jan. 15, 1637- Mar • 3, 1849, Aug. 14, 1852- Aug„ 28, 1855, Dec, 30, 1857—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 21 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Gainesville. (Certified copy, $1,00.) BAKER COUNTY Apr. 13, 1877- Aug. 29, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 18 f. b. No obvious arr.; no index. County Judge, Macclenny. (Certified copy, $1.25.) Jan. 16, 1877—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 20 vols. Arr. chron.; no index, Jan. 16, 1877-Dec. 23, 1880, July 18, 1900, indexed alph., July 19, 1883-Jan. 20, 1887, Nov. 20, 1900--. County Judge, Macclenny. (Certified copy, $1.25.) 21 Marriage Records BAY COUNTY Sept. 6, 1913- June 20, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 6 f. d. Arr. nun.; indexed alph. County Judge, Panama City. (Certified copy, $1.25.) Sept. 6, 1913—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 6 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Panama City. (Certified copy, $1.25.) BRADFORD COUNTY 1891-1897, 1913-27. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 28 f. d. Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, Starke. (Certified copy, 500.) 1875—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 11 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Starke. (Certified copy, 50$*.) BREVARD COUNTY Dec. 20, 1869- Aug„ 16, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 13 f. d. Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, Titusville. (Certified copy, $1.00.) Sept. 1, 1884—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 6 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Titusville. (Cer- tified copy, $1.00.) BROWARD COUNTY Oct. 25, 1915- June 5, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 14 f. d. No obvious arr.f Oct. 25, 1915- Apr. 29, 1922, arr. chron.; Apr. 30, 1922- June 5, 1927; indexed alph., Apr. 30, 1922-June 5, 1927. County Judge, Fort Lauderdale. (Certified copy, 75$*.) 22 Marriage Records BROWARD COUNTY (continued) Oct. 25, 1915—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 25 vols. Arr. chron,; indexed alph. County Judge, Fort Lauderdale. (Certified copy, 75/.) CALHOUN COUNTY 1903-1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 5 f. d. Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, Blountstown. (Certified copy, $1.00.) Oct. 30, 1862—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 7 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Blountstown. (Certified copy, $1.00.) CHARLOTTE COUNTY June 11, 1921- May 31, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates0 In 3 f. d. Arr. alph.; no index. County Judge, Punta Gorda« (Certified copy free.) June 11, 1921- Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 5 vols. Arr. num., June 11, 1921-Dec. 19, .1927, arr. chron., Sept. 10, 1927—; indexed alph. County Judge, Punta Gorda. (Certified copy free.) CITRUS COUNTY Aug. 27, 1887- Jan. 5, 1925. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 5 f. d. and 25 bdls, Arr. chron.; no in- dex. County Judge, Inverness. (Certi- fied copy, fil.OO.) Aug, 19, 1867—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 5 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Inverness. (Cer- tified copy, $1,00.) 23 Marriage Records CLAY COLNTY 1857-90, 1893-96, 1910, 1920-27. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 7 f. d. No obvious arr.; no index. County Judge, Green Cove Springs. (Certified copy, §1.00.) 1872—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 10 vols. Arr, chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Green Cove Springs. (Certified copy, §1.00.) 1910-26. Marriage register. In 2 vols. No obvious arr,; no index. County Judge, Green Cove Springs. (Certified copy not avail- able. ) COLLIER COUNTY Oct., 1, 1923—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 1 vol. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Everglades City, (Certified copy, §1,00.) COLUMBIA COUNTY Nov. 12, 1885- June 15, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 18 f. b. Arr. chron,; indexed alph. County Judge, Lake City. (Certified copy, $1.00.) Jan. 8, 1875--. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 15 vols. Arr. chron.; in- dexed alph. County Judge, Lake City. (Certified copy, §1.00.) DADE COUNTY Sept. 30, 1896- Sept. 2, 1927, Marriage licenses and certificates. In 4 f. d. and 80 vols. Arr. num.; indexed alph. County Judge, Miami. (Certified copy, 75d.) Marriage Records DADE COUNTY (continued) July 4, 1840--. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 16 vols. Arr, nutn.; indexed alph. County Judge, Miami. (Certified copy, 750.) DE SOTO COUNTY July 30, 1887- May 1, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 11 f. d. Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, Arcadia. (Certified copy, §1.00.) July 30, 1887—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 7 vols. a.rr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Arcadia. (Certified copy, §1.00.) DIXIE COUNTY June 5, 1921- Apr. 1, 1936. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 1 f. b. Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, Cross City, (Certified copy, §1.50.) Aug., 10, 1921—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 7 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Cross City. (Cer- tified copy, $1.50.) DUVAL COUNTY Nov. 1901- Aug. 15, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 95 f. d. Arr, chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Jacksonville. (Certified copy, $1.00.) 1823—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 59 vols. Arr. chron,; indexed alph. County Judge, Jacksonville. (Certified copy, $1.00.) 1889—. Marriage register. In 11 vols. Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, Jacksonville. (Certified copy not available.) 25 Marriage Records ESCAMBIA COUNTY 1821-1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 45 f. d. Arr, chron,; no index. County Judge, Pensacola. (Certified copy, $1.00.) Dec. 24, 1822—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 42 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Pensacola. (Cer- tified copy, $1.00.) FLAGLER COUNTY 1917 — . Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 7 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Bunnell, (Certified copy, $1.50.) FRANKLIN COUNTY June 1887- May 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 7 f. d. No obvious arr.; no index. County Judge, Apalachicola. (Certified copy, $1.25.) June 1887—, Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 5 \ol . Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Apalachicola. (Cer- tified copy, $1.25.) GADSDEN COUNTY Jan. 21, 1887- June 22, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 13 f. d. Arr. chron,; no index. County Judge, Quincy. (Certified copy, 50tf.) Nov. 20, 1649—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 13 vols. Arr. chron., 1849-99, arr. by race, chron. thereunder, 1899—; indexed alph. County Judge, Quincy. (Certified copy, 50^.) Marriage Records GILCHRIST COUNTY Aug. 31, 1927—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 2 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Trenton* (Certified copy, $1.50.) GLADES COUNTY May 5 s 1922- July 25, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 1 f. d, Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, Moorehaven. (Certified copy, 500.) June 18, 1921—s Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 3 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Moorehaven. (Cer- tified copy, 500.) GULF COUNTY 1925-27. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 1 f, d. Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, Wewahitchka, (Certified copy, $1.25.) Aug. 7, 1925—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 5 vols. Arr. by race, chron. thereunder, Aug. 7, 1925-May, 1932, arr. chron.; June 1932—; incompletely indexed alph. County Judge, Wewahitchka. (Certi- fied copy, $1.25.) HAMILTON COUNTY c. 1828-1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In Miscellaneous Files, 96 f. d. No obvious arr.; no index. County Judge, Jasper. (Certified copy not available.) June 10, 1840—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in IS vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Jasper. (Certified copy not available.) 27 Marriage Records HARDEE COUNTY 1921-27 Marriage licenses and certificates. In 4 f. d. Arr. num.; indexed alph. County Judge, Wauchula, (Certified cony, $1.50.) May 1921—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 2 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Wauchula. (Certi- fied copy, $1.50.) HENDRY COUNTY 1923-27. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 1 f. d. No obvious arr.; no index. County Judge, LaBelle. (Certified copy free.) Aug. 20, 1923—, Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 1 vol. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, LaBelle. (Certified copy free.) HERNANDO COUNTY May 30, 1887- Sept. 5, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 11 f. d. No obvious arr.; no index. County Judae, Brooksville. (Certified copy, $1.00.) Aprc 25, 1888—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 6 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Brooksville. (Cer- tified copy, $1.00.) Oct. 2, 1877- May 30, 1887. Marriage register. In 1 vol. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Brooksville. (Certified copy not available.) HIGHLANDS COUNTY July 13, 1921- Aug. 8, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 4 f. d. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Sebring. (Certified copy, $1,50.) 28 Marriage Records HIGHLANDS COUNTY (continued) Aug. 2, 1921—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 5 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Sebring. (Certified copy, $1.50.) HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY Aug. 10, 1872- June 30, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 54 f. d. Arr. chron,; no index. County Judge, Tampa. (Certified copy, $1.00.) Nov. 30, 1849—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 95 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Tampa. (Certified copy* $1.00.) June 1, 1911- Sept c 5, 1927. Marriage register. In 10 vols* Arr. chron.; 'indexed alph. County Judge, Tampa. (Cer- tified copy not available.) HOLMES COUNTY c. 1902-1927. Marriage licenses and application. In 2 f. d. No obvious arr.; no index. County Judge, Bonifay. (Certified copy, $1.00.) Jan, 1, 1909—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 7 vols. Arr,. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Bonifay. (Certified copy, §1.00.) INDIAN RIVER COUNTY 1925-27. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 5 f. d. Arr, chron.; no index. County Judge, Vero (Certified copy, 50^.) 1925—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 5 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Vero Beach, (Cer- tified copy, 50^.) 29 Marriage Records JACKSON COUNTY Dec. 8, 1848- Aug. 31, 1925. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 15 f. d. No obvious arr,; no index. County Judge, Marianna. (Certified copy, $1.00.) Dec. 8, 1848—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 25 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Marianna. (Certified copy, $1.00.) JEFFERSON COUNTY Jan. 7 j 1827- 1927, Marriage licenses and certificates. In 2 f. d. and 93 bdls. Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, Monti cello. (Certified copy, $1.00.) NoVo 29, 1827- Feb, 26, 1881, Feb. 6, 1885- Sept „ 22, 1891, Mar. 27, 1897—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 18 vols. Arr, chron.; no index, Nov. 29, 1827-Dec. 29, 1854, indexed alph., Dec. 28, 1854—. County Judge, Monticello. (Certified copy, $1.00.) LAFAYETTE COUNTY Jan, 3, 1887- Dec, 24, 1928. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 8 f. d. Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, Mayo. (Certified copy, $1.00.) July 20, 1857—. Marriage licensee and certificates. Re- corded in 9 vols. Arr. chron.; no index, July SO, 1857-Mar. 8, 1683, indexed alph., Dec. 28, 1874--. County Judge, Mayo. (Certified copy, $1.00.) LAKE COUNTY Aug. 17, 1887- June 13, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 6 f. d. Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, Tavares. (Certified copy, $1.00.) Aug. 19, 1887 —. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 8 vols. Arr, chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Tavares. (Certified copy, $1.00.) 30 Marriage Records LAKE COUNTY (continued) Mar. 11, 1912—. Marriage register. In 2 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Tavares. (Certified copy not available.) LEE COUNTY Feb. 23, 1889- May 28, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 6 f. d. Arr. chron,; no index. County Judge, Fort Myers. (Certified copy, $1.00.) Aug* 18, 1887—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 5 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Fort Myers. {Cer- tified copy, $1.00.) LEON COUNTY Apr,- 13, 1826- June 4, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 23 f. d. Arr. by race, chron. thereunder; no index. County Judge, Tallahassee. (Certified copy, $1.00.) Sept. 3, 1690--. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 16 vols. Arr. by race, chron. thereunder, Sept. 3, 1890—, arr. chron., Sept. 3, 1927-Dec. 3, 1929; indexed alph. County Judge, Tallahassee, (Certified copy, $1.00.) May 5, 1825-, Sept. 5, 1890. Marriage register. In 5 vols. Arr. chron., May 6, 1825-June 4, 1887, 2 vols., arr. by race, chron. thereunder, Jan. 7, 1858-Sept. 6, 1890, 3 vols., indexed alph. County Judge, Tallahassee. (Certified copy not available.) LEVY COUNTY Apr. 14, 1854- Apr. 29, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 42 f. d. Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, Bronson. (Certified copy not available.) 31 Marriage Records LEVY COUNTY (continued) Feb. 15, 1864- Apr. 9, 1884; July 16, 1887 — . Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 7 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Bronson. (Certified copy, 500.) LIBERTY COUNTY Oct. 17, 1889- Nov. 1, 1925. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 3 f. d. No obvious arr.; no index. County Judge, Bristol. (Certified copy, $1.25.) May 17, 1889- June 30, 1938; Oct. 1, 1939—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 3 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Bristol. (Certified copy, $1.25.) MADISON COUNTY Jan. 20, 1875- May 18, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 2 f. d. Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, Madison. (Certified copy, $1*50.) Jan. 25, 1831—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 17 vols. Arr. chron,; indexed alph. County Judge, Madison. (Certified copy, $1.50.) Jan, 8, 1914- May 25, 1936. Marriage register. In 1 vol. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Madison. (Certified cony, £1.00.) MANATEE COUNTY Mar. 7, 1856- Juno 30, 1927, Marriage licenses and certificates. In 17 f. d. Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, Bradenton. (Certified copy, $1.00.) Mar. 15, 1856—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 18 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Bradenton. (Cer- tified copy, £1.00.) 32 Marriage Records MANATEE COUNTY (continued) May 11, 1912—. Marriage register. In 3 vols. Arr. alphi; no index. County Judge, Bradenton. (Certified copy not available.) MARION COUNTY Oct. 1888- June 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 18 f. d, Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, Ocala. (Certified copy, $1.00.) Dec. 5, 1846—, Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 16 vols. Arr. chron,; indexed alph. County Judge, Ocala. (Certified copy, $1.00.) MARTIN COUNTY 1925-27. Marriage licenses and certificates* In 4 f. d. Arr. chron.; no index.. County Judge, Stuart. (Certified copy, 500.) 1925--. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 5 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Stuart. (Certified copy, 500.) MONROE COUNTY Jan* 1829- June 17, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 102 jkts. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Key West. (Certified copy, $1.00.) Sept, 1831- Mar. 27, 1872. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in Deed Record, 8 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Key West. (Certified copy, $1.00.) 33 Marriage Records MONROE COUNTY (continued) Nov. 24, 1875- Apr. 27, 1926; Dec. 31, 1927--. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 13 vols. Arr. chron,; indexed alph. County Judge, Key West. (Certified copy, $1.00.) NASSAU COTTNTY 1870-72, 1875-1892, 1895-1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 10 f. d. and 22 bdls. Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, Fernandina. (Certified copy, $1.00.) Aug. 14, 1867 — . Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 12 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Fernandina. (Cer- tified copy, $1.00.) OKALOOSA COUNTY 1915-27. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 3 f. d. Arr. nrnn.; no index. County Judge, Crestview, (Certified copy, 75^.) Oct„ 12, 1915—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 5 vols. Arr. nun.; indexed alph. County Judge, Crestview. (Certi- fied copy, 75c.) OKEECHOBEE COUNTY Sept. 20, 1917- Dec. 17, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 4 f. d. No obvious arr.; no index. County Judge, Okeechobee, (Certified copy, 50#.) Sept. 20, 1917--. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 2 vols. Arr. chron.; Indexed alph. County Judge, Okeechobee. (Certi- fied copy, 50#.) 34 Marriage Records ORANGE COUNTY Apr. 14, 1869- Aug. 13, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 24 f. d, Arr, chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Orlando, (Certified copy, 80? and up*) Apr. 14, 1869—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 14 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Orlando, (Certified copy, 80? and up.) June 2, 1887- Jan, 2, 1908. Marriage register. In 2 vols. Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, Orlando. (Certi- fied copy not available.) OSCEOLA COUNT/ Oct.. 30, .1887- July 29, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 10 f. d. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Kissimmee. (Certified copy, $1,00.) Aug. 10, 1887—. Marriage licenses and. certificates.. Re- corded in 8 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Kissimmee, (Certi- fied copy, £1.00.) Dec, 25, 1890- July 5, 1893 Marriage register. In Vital Statistics, 1 vol. Arr. chron.; no index. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Kissimmee. (Certi- fied copy, 50?.) PALM BEACH COUNTY July 20, 1909- Aug. 31, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 25 f. d, Arr. chron,; indexed alph. County Judge, West Palm Beach. (Certified copy, 50?.) July 20, 1009—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 13 vols, Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, West Palm Beach. (Certified copy, 50?.) 35 Marriage Records PASCO COUNTY Oct. 27, 1887- Aug. 12, 1904, Jan. 29, 1909- Dec. 30, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 9 f. d. Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, Dade City. (Certified copy, $1.00.) Aug. 9, 1867 — . Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 5 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Dade City, (Certi- fied copy, $1.00.) Dec. 5, 1889- May 24, 1918. Marriage register. In 3 vols. Arr. alph.; no index. County Judge, Dade City. (Certified copy not available.) PINELLAS COUNTY Sept. 14, 1913- June 1, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 19 f. d. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Clearwater. (Certified copy, 50#.) Dec. 23, 1911—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 20 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Clearwater. (Certi- fied copy, 50#.) Dec. 23, 1911—. Marriage register. In 8 vols. Apr. alph.; no index. County Judge, Clearwater. (Certified copy not available.) POLK COUNTY Feb. 15, 1907- Aug. 31, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 16 f. d. Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, Bartow. (Certified copy, $1.00.) Jan. 14, 1852—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 20 vols, Arr. chron.; no index, 1862-86, indexed alph. 1887—. County Judge, Bartow. (Certified copy, $1.00.) Marriage Records POLK COUNTY (continued) Feb. 14, 1891- Jan. 4, 1905, Jan. 7, 1913- Jan. 1, 1919. Marriage register. In 2 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Bartow, (Certified copy not available.) PUTNAM COUNTY Oct. 20, 1849- May 1, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 24 f. d. Arr. alph.; no index. County Judge, Palatka. (Certified copy, $1,00.) Oct. 20, 1649--. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 17 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Palatka. (Certified copy, $1.00.) ST. JOHNS COUNTY 1823-33. Marriage bonds and certificates. In 4 f. d. Arr. chron.; no index. Clerk of the Circuit Court, St. Augustine. (Certified copy, $1.00.) Sept. 24, 1906- Jan. 30, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 9 f. d, Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, St. Augustine. (Certified copy, $1.00.) May 5, 1840- June 21, 1887. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 3 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, St. Augustine. (Certified copy, 75d and up.) July 29, 1887—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 16 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County J dge, St. Augustine. (Certified copy, 75tf and up.) SANTA ROSA COUNTY 1893-1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 3 f. d. Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, Milton. (Certified copy, $1.00.) 37 Marriage Records SANTA ROSA COUNTY (continued) Aug. 14, 1869- July 5, 1874, Oct. 20, 1877- Dec, 31, 1926, Sept. 2, 1927—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 19 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Milton. (Certified copy, $1.00.) ST. LUCIE COUNTY 1905—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Orig- inals, 1905-1927, and recorded copies, 1927—, in 5 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Fort Pierce. (Cer- tified copy, $1.00.) SARASOTA COUNTY Jan, 2, 1925- Mar. 8, 1926. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 4 f- d. Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, Sarasota. (Certified copy, 50tf to $1.00.) July 22, 1921—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 3 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Sarasota. (Certi- fied copy, 50tf to $1.00.) July 22, 1921- Sept. 6, 1924, Marriage register. In 1 vol. Arr. chron,; no index. County Judge, Sarasota. (Certified copy not available.) SEMINOLE COUNTY 1913-27. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 52 bdls. No obvious arr.; no index. County Judge, Sanford. (Certified copy, $1.50.) Aug. 11, 1913—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 6 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Sanford. (Certified copy, $1.50.) 38 Marriage Records SLUTER COUNTY 1908-1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 2 f. d. Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, Bushnell, (Certified copy, $1.25.) Dec, 23, 1853—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 8 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Bushnell. (Certi- fied copy, $1.25.) June 2, 1909- May 20, 1920. Marriage register. In 1 vol. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Bushnell. (Certified copy not available.) SUWANNEE COUNTY 1866-1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 21 f. d. Arr. chron,; no index. County Judge, Live Oak, (Certified copy, $1.00.) Dec. 17, 1859—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 10 vols. Arr. chron,; indexed alph. County Judge, Live Oak. (Certi- fied copy, $1.00.) TAYLOR COUNTY Jan. 1, 1857- Dec. 29, 1932. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 9 f. d. Arr. chron,; no index. County Judge, Perry. (Certified copy free.) June 1, 1857—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 18 vols. Arr. chron.; no index, June 1, 1857-Feb. 13, 1875, indexed alph., Nov. 30, 1875—. County Judge, Perry. (Certified copy free.) UNION COUNTY Oct. 1921- Aug. 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 2 f. d. Arr, chron.; no index. County Judge, Lake Butler. (Certified copy, .$1.50.) 39 Marriage Records UNION COUNTY (continued) Oct. 1921—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 4 vols. Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, Lake Butler. (Certified copy, £1.50.) VOLUSIA COUNTY July 8, 1858- Apr. 1, 1928. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 32 f. d. Arr. alph.; no index. County Judge, Deland, (Certified copy, $1.00.) Feb. 2, 1856—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 15 vols, Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Deland. (Certified copy, £1,00.) WAKULLA COUNTY May 27, 1892- May 10, 1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 2 f. d. Arr. chron.; no index. County Judge, Crawfordville. (Certified copy, £1.00.) May 27, 1892—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 6 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Crawfordville. (Certified copy, £1.00.) WALTON COUNTY 1885-1910; 1914-27. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 5 f. d. Arr. alph.; no index. County Judge, DeFuniak Springs. (Certified copy, 75^.) May 5, 1885—. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 17 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, DeFuniak Springs. (Certified copy, 75tf.) Marriage Records WASHINGTON COUNTY 1895-1927. Marriage licenses and certificates. In 8 f. d. Arr. chron.; no index. Cor ty Judge, Chipley. (Certified copy, $1.00.) 1877--. Marriage licenses and certificates. Re- corded in 13 vols. Air. chron.; indexed alph. County Judge, Chipley. (Certified copy, $1.00.j 41 DIVORCE RECORDS The first Florida law permitting absolute divorces was passed in 1828, jurisdiction of divorce cases being vested exclusively in the superior courts.(1) During the Territorial period the Legis- lative Council frequently granted divorces by special act, but the State Supreme Court later held that the Legislative Council had had no right go do so.(2) The granting of aivorces by legislative act has been constitutionally prohibited since 1845.(3) A suit for divorce has always been by a bill in equity.(4) The circuit courts, consequently, exercised exclusive jurisdiction in divorce actions after 1.845, since they have been granted exclus- ive original equity jurisdiction by the several Constitutions of the State.(5) In 1910, however, a constitutional amendment gave the court of record of Escambia county original jurisdiction con- current with that of the circuit court in all matters except capi- tal cases and the power to summon and empanel a grand jury.(6) The court of record of Escambia county, therefore, has jurisdiction of divorce actions. The clerks of the superior courts were, and the clerks of the circuit courts are, directed to keep all papers filed in their of- fices with the utmost care and security, arranged in appropriate files. All pleadings in each cause must be attached tog ther with tape or ribbon and kept distinct from other papers in the cause. Papers of different kinds must not be mixed up and folded loosely together, but each description of papers must be kept on file with other papers of the same class.(7) Final decrees in chancery have always been required to be signed by the judges. Until 1917 chancery orders and decrees re- quired to be signed by the judge were directed by law to bs entered in the minutes of the court. Since 1917 all such orders and decrees 1. Terr. Acts, 1628, pp. 12-13; Terr. Acts, 1835, pp. 310-311, 2. Pond'er v. Graham, 4 Fla. °3 (1351). 3. Const., .1838, art; XVI, sec. 5; Const., 1831, art. XV, sec. 4; Const., 1855, art. 16, sec. 5; Const., 1868, art. IV, sec. 17; Const., 1885, art. Ill, sec. 20. 4. Terr. Acts, 1828, p. 12; Terr. Acts, 1835, p. 310; R, S_., 1892, secT 1477T G. 3., 1906, sec7*1925;~R. G. S., 1920, sec. 3186; C. G. L. , sec .""4980. 5. Const., 1838, art, V, sec. 8; Const., 1861, art. V, sec. 7; Const., 1865, art. 5, sec. 7; Const., 1868, art. VI, sec. 8; Const., 1885, art. V, sec. 11, 6. Const., 1885, art. V, sec. 39, added in 1910. 7. Terr. Acts, 1828, p. 41; R. S., 1892, sec. 1389; G. S., 1906, sec. 1830; R, G. S., 19207 sec. 3075; C. G. L., sec. 4856. 42 Divorce Records have been required to be entered in the chancery order book.(8) These requirements apparently were not uniformly complied with prior to 1917, however, for acts passed in 1905 and 1909 declared any such orders or decrees theretofore entered in the chancery order book, instead of the minutes to V. of the same force and ef- fect, from the date of such entry in the chancery order book, as though they had been entered in the minutes.(9) Chancery decrees pro confesso have always b on required to be entered in the chanc- ery order book, designated by statute the rule book until 1847.(10) Central reporting of divorces was instituted in 1927. On or before the fifth day of each month, the several clerks of the cir- cuit courts are required to transmit to the State Bureau of Vital Statistics, on forms prescribed and furnished by the Bureau, a record of each and every decree of divorce granted by the courts during the preceding calendar month. The records of divorces so reported are required to be compiled, kept, and preserved by the Bureau as are other vital statistics records.(11) No provision is made for the issuance of certified copies of these reports by the Bureau. Reports of divorces granted show: Nuriber and date of report, volume and page where decree recorded, name of county where decree granted, date of final decree, date recorded, name and address of husband; maiden name and address of wife, date and place of marri- age, grounds for divorce, whether alimony ask.d and granted, num- ber of minor children affected bjr decree, whether support money asked and granted, remarks, and signature and address of clerk of the circuit court. 8. Terr. Acts, 1828, p. 89; Acts, 1852-53, ch. 521, sec. 8; R. s7.„ 1892, secs. 1390, 1448; G. 1906, secs. 1831, 1900; Acts, 1917, ch. 7335, sec. 1; R. G. _S., 1920, secs. 3076, 3160; Acts, 1921, ch. 8574, sec. 1; C. G. L., sees. 4857, 4948. 9, Acts, 1905, ch, 5394, sec. 1; Acts, 1909, ch. 5914, sec. 1; R, G. S., 1920, sec. 3161; C. G. L., sec. 4950. 10. Terr, Acts, 1828, p. 84; Acts, 1846-47, ch. 77, sec. 1; R. S. , 1892,'secs. 1390, 1444; G. S., 1906, secs. 1831, 1896; Acts, 1917, ch, 7335, sec. 1; R. G. S., 1920, secs, 3076, 3152”; _C. G. L. , secs. 4357, 4939. 11. Acts, 1927", ch. 11869, secs. 4-5; C. G. L., secs. 3297-3298. Divorce Records STATE RECORDS 1927—. Reports of divorces granted. In 149 vols. Arr. chron. by mo., alph, thereunder by name of county, and chron, thereunder by date of report; indexed alph. by name of male party. State Registrar of Vital Sta- tistics, Jacksonville. (Certified copy not available.) 1927—. Reports of divorces granted, delayed* In 10 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. by name of mule party. State Registrar of Vital Statistics, Jacksonville. (Certified copy not available.) ALACHUA COUNTY Apr. 5, 1677—. Divorce case papers. In Civil Case Files, 810 f. d, Arr. chron,; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Gainesville. (Certified cony, #51.00 per page or frac- tional part of page.) June 17, 1842—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, June 17, 1842-Oct. 21, 1693, Aug. 24, 1917—; in Judgment Record, July 2, 1892- Aug, 21, 1917, 40 vols. Arr. chron.; in- dexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Gainesville. (Certified copy, $1.00 per page or fractional part of page.) BAKER COUNTY July 1877 — . Divorce case papers. In Chancery Case Files, 130 f. d. alph.; no index,-July 1877- June 1906, indexed alph.; Sept. 15, 1906—. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Hacclenny. (Certified copy, $1.25.) Sept, 4, 1877—, Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, 1877--; in Circuit Court Minutes, Oct. 25, 1910-July 17, 1916, 5 vols. Arr. chron.; no index to Chancery Order Book, Sept. 4, 1677-Aug. 3, 1905, indexed alph., July 28, 1905—; no index to Circuit Court Minutes, 1910-16. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Macclenny. (Certified copy, Si.25.) Divorce Records BAY COUNTY Feb. 10, 1914—. Divorce case papers. In Circuit Court Case Files, 162 f. d. and 18 f. b. Arr. chron,; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Panama City. (Certified copy, 25p first 100 words, isjv each additional 100 words, plus 50C for .tification; minimum cost, $1.00*) Feb; 7, 1914—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Circuit Court Minutes, Feb. 7, 1914-Sept. 4, 1917; in Chancery Order Book, Aug. 4, 1917—, 9 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph; Clerk of the Circuit Court, Panama City. (Certified copy, 25p first 100 words, 12-gV each addi- tional 100 words, plus 50 of for certifica- tion; minimum cost. £1,00.) BRADFORD COUNTY 1876 —. Divorce case papers. In Circuit Court Case Files, 92 f. d. Arr chron.; no index. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Starke. (Cer- tified copy, £1.25.) 1876—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Circuit Court Minutes, 8 vols. Arr. chron.; no index. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Starke. (Cer- tified copy, £1.25.) BREVARD COUNTY Nov, 28, 1891—. Divorce case papers. In Civil Case Files, 599 f. d. A. r "Tum.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Titusville. (Certi- fied copy, £1.25.) Dec. 14, 1880--. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, Dec. 14, 1680—; in Circuit Court Minutes, Jan. IS, 1904-Mar. 1, 1918, 67 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Titusville. (Certi- fied copy, £1.25.) 45 Divorce Records BROWARD COUNTY Dec. 15, 1915—. Divorce case papers. In Cnancery Case Files, 534 f. d. Arr. num.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Fort Lauderdale, (Certified copy, 50d to $1.00.) Nov. 15, 1915—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, Nov, 15, 1915—; in Circuit Court Minutes, Dec. 15, 1915-July 3, 1917, 104 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Fort Lauderdale. (Cer- tified copy, 50<£ to Jvl.OO.) CALHOUN COUNTY 1908—. Divorce case papers. In Circuit Court Case Papers, 161 f. d. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Blounts- town. (Certified copy, $1.25.) 1863—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Circuit Court Minutes, 1863-1917; in Chancery Order Book, 1917—, 8 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Blountstown. (Certified copy, 61,25.) CHARLOTTE COUNTY Apr, 1, 1921—. Divorce case papers. In Chancery Case Papers, 98 f, d. Arr, urn.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Punta Gorda. (Certi- fied copy, per 100 words, plus for certification.) May 23, 1921—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, 7 vols. Arr. chron. ; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Punta Oorda. (Certified copy, isfy per 100 words, plus 50./ for certification.) 46 Divorce Records CITRUS COUNTY Feb. o, 1888—. Divorce case papers. In Civil Case Papers, 24 f. d. Arr. alph.; no index. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Inverness. (Certified copy, $1.25.) May 6, 1869- July 5, 1897, Mar. 3, 1890—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Circuit Court Minutes, May 5, 1889-July 5, 1897; in Chancery Order Book, Mar. 3, 1890—, 19 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Inverness. (Certified copy, "1.25.) CLAY COUNTY 1859—. Divorce case papers. In Circuit Court Case Papers, 109 f. d. and 38 bdls. Arr. chron.; no index. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Green Cove Springs. (Certified copy, $1.50.) 1859—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Circuit Court Minutes, 1859-1917; in Chancery Order Book, 1868—, 19 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph., I860—. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Green Cove Springs. (Certified copy, $1.50.) COLLIER COUNTY Oct. 22, 1923—. Divorce case papers. In Chancery Closed Case Papers, 11 f. d. Arr. nun.; no index. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Everglades City. (Certified copy, 25# first 100 words, 12~# each additional 100 words.) Nov. 27, 1923—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, 1 vol. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Everglades City. (Certified copy, 25# first 100 words, 12-# each additional 100 words.) 47 Divorce Records COLUMBIA COUNTY Jan. 1, 1875—. Divorce case papers. In Chancery Case Files, 144 f. d. Arr. num.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Lake City, (Certi- fied copy, 25d first 100 words, 12V each additional 100 words.) May 9, 1878—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Circuit Court Minutes, 1878-1921; in Chancery Order Book, Sept. 19, 1918—, 7 vols. Arr. chron,; in- dexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Lake City. (.ratified copy, 25tf first 100 words, each additional 100 words.) DADE COUNTY Oct. 10, 1892—. Divorce case papers. In Chancery Case Files, 1,023 f. d. Arr. num.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Miami. (Certi- fied copy, 75^.) May 19, 1889—* Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, 555 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Miami. (Certi- fied copy, 75£.) DE SOTO COUNTY Oct, 1, 1887—. Divorce case papers. In Circuit Court Case Files, 396 f. d. Arr. nun.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Arcadia. (Cer- tified copy, $1.50 to $2.00.) 1887 —. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, 1087-1905, 1915—; in Circuit Court Minutes, 1905-15, 17 vols* Arr. chron., in- dexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Arcadia. (Certified copy, Si.50 to S2.00.) DIXIE COUNTY Aug. 9, 1921—. Divorce case papers. In Civil Case Files, 12 f. d. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Cross City, (Certi- fied copy, $1.00.) 48 Divorce Records DIXIE COUNTY (cent i nuod) Aug. 1, 1921--. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, 2 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Cross City. (Certified copy, £1.50.) DUVAL COUNTY Sept. 30, 1301--. Divorce case papers. In Circuit Court Case Files, 3,010 f. d. Arr. chron,; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Jacksonville. (Certified copy, £1.00.) June 3, 1901—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Circuit Court Minutes, 1901-July 25, 1917; in Chancery Order Book, Aug. 7, .1917—, 320 vols. Arr. chron,; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Jacksonville, (Certified copy, £1.00.) ESCAMBIA COUNTY May 31, 1831—. Divorce case papers. In Superior Court Case Files, 1822-45; in Circuit Court Case Files, 1845—, 1,020 f. do Arr. nun.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Pensa- cola, (Certified cony, £1.00.) 1911—. Divorce case papers. In Court of R cord Civil Case Piles, 240 f. d- Arr. nun.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Court of Record, Pensa- cola. (Certified copy, £1.00.) Nov. 12, 1831—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Superior Court Minutes, 1822-45; in Circuit Court Minutes, 1845-74; in Cl: nut Court Chancery Order Book, 1874—, 34 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Pensacola. (Citified copy, £1,00.) 1911—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Court of Record, Chancery Order Book, 17 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Court of Record, Pensacola. (Certified copy,,$1.00.) 49 Divorce Records FLAGLER COUNTY 1917—. Divorce case papers. In Chancery Case Files/ 61 f. d, Arr. nun.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Bunnell. (Certified copy, $1.85.) 1917 — . Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, 6 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Bunnell, (Cer- tified copy, £1.25.) FRANKLIN COUNTY Oct 1875--. Divorce case papers. In Chancery Case Files, 25 f. d. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit; Court, Apalachicola. (Cer- tified copy, £1.00.) Oct. 1875 — . Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, 6 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court. Apalachicola. (Certified copy, hi.00.) GADSDEN COUNTY June 7, I860—. Divorce case papers. In Circuit Court Case Files, 181 f. d. Arr. chron.; no index. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Quincy. (Cer- tified copy, to $1.00.) June 7, I860—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, 7 vols. Arr. chron,; indexed alph. Clerk pf the Circuit Court, Quincy. (Cer- tified copy, to 81.00.) GILCHRIST COUNTY Apr. 30, 1927—, Divorce case papers. In Chancery Case Files, 14 f. d. Arr. nun.; no index. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Trenton. (Certified copy, $1.50.) Apr. 30, 1927 — . Divorce decree.. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, 2 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Trenton. (Cer- tified copy, hi.50.) 50 Divorce Records GLIDES COUNTY Jan. 11, 1921—. Divorce case papers. In Chancery Case Files, 34 f. d. Arr. nun.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Moore Haven, (Certi- fied copy, $1.50 to $2.00.) Apr. 30, .1921—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, 4 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Moore Haven. (Certified copy, $1.50 to $2.00.) GULF COUNTY 1925--. Divorce case papers. In Civil Case Files, 26 f. d, Arr. num.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Wewahitchka. (Cer- tified copy, $1*50.) 1925—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, 1 vol. Arr. chron,; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Wewahitchka, (Certified copy, $1.50.) HAMILTON COUNTY Mar. 1881—, Divorce case papers. In Chancery Case Files, 93 f. d. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court. Jasper. (Certified copy, 50#.) Oct. 22, 1846—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Circuit Court Minutes, 1846-Nov, 11, 1916; in Chancery Order Book, 1859—, 17 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Jasper. (Certified copy, 50#.) HARDEE COUNTY June 1921--. Divorce case papers. In Chancery Case Files, 190 f, d. Arr. chron,; no index. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Wauchula. (Certified copy, costs vary.) 51 Divorce Records HARDEE COUNTY (continued) Aug. 1921—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancer;/ Order Book, 14 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Wauchula. (Certified copy, costs vary.) HENDRY COUNTY Sept. 20, 1923—, Divorce case papers. In Circuit Court Case Files, 43 f, d. Arr. num.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, LaBelle. (Certified copy, first 100 words, each additional 100 words.) Nov. 23, 1923—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, 2 vols, Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, LaBelle. (Cer- tixied copy* £5# first 100 words, 12y£ each additional 100 words.) HERNANDO COUNTY Dec, 27, 1677--. Divorce case papers. In Circuit Court Case Files, 131 f. d. Arr. alph„; no index. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Brooksville. (Certified copy, costs vary.) Oct 0 6, 1879 — . Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Booh, 1879—; in Circuit Court Minutes, June 3, 1880-Apr. 24, 1916, 13 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Cir- cuit Court, Brooksville, (Certified copy, costs vary.) HIGHLANDS COUNTY May 1921—. Divorce case papers. In Chancery Case Files, 37 f. d. Arr. num.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Sebring, (Certified copy, SI,50.) Sept. 11, .1921—, Divorce decree>». Recorded in Chancery Order Book, 21 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Sebring. (Cer- tified copy, #1.50,-,) 52 Divorce Records HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY May 18, 1882—. Divorce case papers. In Chancer}' Case Files, 2,772 f. d. Arr. num.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Tampa. (Certified copy, 75# up according to length.) Oct. 29, 1847- Sept, 8, 1866, Aug. 3, 1875—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Minutes of Cir- cuit Court, 1847-66; in Chancery Order Book, 1875—, 290 vols. Arr. chron.; no in- dex 1847-66, indexed alph. 1875—, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Tampa. (Certified copy, 75# up, according to length.) HOLMES COUNTY 1902—. Divorce case papers. In Circuit Court Case Files, 100 f, d. Arr. num.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Bonifay.- (Cer- tified copy, $1.25.) 1902—. Divorce decrees. In Minutes of Circuit Court, 1902-1920; in Chancery Order Books, 1902—, 10 vols, Arr. chron,; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Bonifay. (Certified copy, $1.25.) INDIAN RIVER COUNTY Jan, 22, 1925—. Divorce case papers. In Chancery Case Files, 194 f. d. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Vero Beach. (Certi- fied copy, $1.50.) Sept. 25, 1925—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, 10 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Vero Beach. (Certified copy, $1.50.) JACKSON COUNTY 1869—. Divorce case papers. In Chancery Case Files, 730 f. b, Arr. num.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Marianna, (Certified copy, 25# first 500 words, 12if# each addi- tional 100 words.) 53 Divorce Records JACKSON COUNTY (continued) 1851-61, 1868—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Record, 1851-51, 1868-1907; in Circuit Court Min- utes, 1907; in Chancery Orders, 1908—, 16 vols. Arr. chron.; no index. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Marianna. (Certified copy, 25tf first 100 words, each additional 100 words.) JEFFERSON COUNTY 1831-32, 1835--. Divorce case papers. In Chancery Case Files, 31 f. d. and 54 bdls. Arr. chron.; 1831- 88, arr. num.; 1889--; no index, 1831-88, indexed alph., 1889—. Clerk of the Cir- cuit Court, Monticello. (Certified copy, $1.00.) Divorce decrees. Recorded in Circuit Court Minutes, 1856-1921; in Chancery Order Book, 1866—. Arr. chron.; no index 1858-81, in- dexed alph., 1882—. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Monticello. (Certified copy, $1.00.) Nov. 13, 1856—. LAFAYETTE COUNTY 1899—. Divorce case papers. In 14 f. d. Arr. alph.; no index. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Mayo. (Certified copy, $1.25.) 1893--. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, 5 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Mayo. (Certi- fied copy, $1.25.) LAKE COUNTY Apr. 28, 1893—, Divorce case papers. In Cnancery Case Files, 310 f. d. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Tavares. (Cer- tified copy, costs vary.) 54 Divorce Records LAKE COUNTY (Continued) Aug. 2, 1893—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, Aug. 2, 1881-Apr. 27, 1893, Nov. 6, 1917—; in Circuit Court Minutes, Apr. 28, 1893-Nov. 5, 1917. n-rr. chron,; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Tavares. (Certified copy, costs vary.) LEE COUNTY Oct. 3, 1887—. Divorce case papers. In Civil Case Files, 335 f. d. Arr. num.; no index. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Fort Myers. (Certified copy, $1.00.) Aug. 4, 1887—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Circuit Court Minutes, Aug. 4, 1887-Feb. 13, 1920; in Chancery Order Book, Nov. 21, 1888—, 23 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Fort Myers, (Certified dopy, |1.00.) LEON COUNTY Apr. 17, 1833—. Divorce case papers. In Chancery Case Files, 388 f, d. Arr, chron.; no index. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Tallahassee. (Certified copy, $1.00.) Apr, 17, 1833—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Circuit Court Minutes, Apr. 17, 1833-Nov. 8, 184.9; in Chancery Order Book, 1851—, 36 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Tallahassee. (Certified copy, $1.00.) LEVY COUNTY Oct. 12, 1853—. Divorce case papers. In Chancery Case Files, 178 f. d. Arr. chron.; no index. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Bronson. (Certified copy, $1.00 to $1.50.) 55 Divorce Records LEVY COUNTY (continued) Oct. 11, 1852—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Minutes of Cir- cuit Court, Oct, 12, 1852-Sept. 21, 1917; in Chancery Order Book, Sept. 29, 1866—, 16 vols, Arr, chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Bronson. (Certified copy, §1.00 to §1:50.) LIBERTY COUNTY Apr. 1899—, Divorce case papers. In Chancery Case Files, 28 f. d. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Bristol. (Certified copy, §1.00.) Apr. 1899—, Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, 4 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Bristol, (Cer- tified copy, §1.00.) MADISON COUNTY 1868- Divorce case papers. In Chancery Cases Dis- posed of Files, 78 f. d. Arr. alph.; no in- dex, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Madison, (Certified copy, §1.50.) Nov. 13, 1838—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, 7 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Madison. (Cer- tified copy, §1.00.) MANATEE COUNTY 1866—. Divorce case papers. In Chancery Case Files, 61?. f. d. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Bradenton. (Certified copy, §1.00 and up.) Nov. 5, 1866—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Circuit Court Minutes, Nov. 5, 1886-Mar. 9, 1886, Dec. 30, 1904-Aug. 13, 1917; in Chancery Decrees, June 9, 1887-Aug. 31, 1893, Mar. 26, 1900- May 15, 1905; in Chancery Order Book, 56 Divorce Records MANATEE COUNTY (continued) Jan* 28, 1893-Dec. 11, 1899, Aug. 11, 1917—, 53 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Bradenton. (Certified copy, $1,00 and up.) MARION COUNTY June 29, 1850—. Divorce case papers. In Chancery Case Files, 203 f. d, Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Ocala. (Certi- fied copy, $1.50.) Apr. 30, 1851—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Circuit Court Minutes, Apr, 30, 1851-1917; in Chancery Order Book, 1851—, 50 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Ocala, (Certified copy, $1.50.) MARTIN COUNTY Aug. 25, 1925—. Divorce case papers. In Chancery Case Files, 132 f. d. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Stuart. (Certified copy, $1,25.) Aug. 25, 1925—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, 8 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Stuart. (Cer- tified copy, $1.25.) MONROE COUNTY Feb. 9, 1861—. Divorce case papers. In Chancery Case Files, 111 f. d, Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Key West. (Certified copy, $1.50.) Dec. 15, 1891—, Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, 13 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Key West* (Certified copy, $1.50.) 57 Divorce Records NASSAU COUNTY 1833—. Divorce case papers. In Civil Case Files, 109 bdls. and 149 f. d, Arr. alph.; no index. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Fer- nandina, (Certified copy, $1.25.) July 15, 1867—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, 10 vols. Arr. chron.; no index, July 15, 1867-May 2, 1918, May 21, 1925—, in- dexed alph., May 13, 1918-May 4, 1925, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Fernandina, (Certified copy, $1.25.) OKALOOSA COUNTY 1915—. Divorce case papers. In Civil Case Files, 168 f. d. Arr. chron.; no index. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Crestview. (Certi- fied copy, 75$*.) 1915—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, 8 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Crestview. (Certified copy, 75$*.) OKEECHOBEE COUNTY Feb. 11, 1918—, Divorce case papers. In Chancery Case Files, 65 f. d. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Okeechobee. (Certi- fied copy, 50$*.) Feb. 11, 1918—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Book, 8 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Okeechobee. (Certified copy, 50$*,) ORANGE COUNTY June 6, 1877 —, Divorce case papers. In Chancery Case Files, 1,138 f. d. Arr. nun.; Indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Orlando. (Certified copy, $1,00.) 58 Divorce Records ORANGE COUNTY (continued) Nov, 1, 1848—. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Circuit Court Minutes, Nov, 11, 1848-May 8, 1917; in Chancery Order Book, July 14, 1869—, 129 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Orlando. (Certified copy, t-l.oo.) OSCEOLA COUNTY Oct, 10, 1889—. Divorce case papers. In Circuit Court Case Files, 228 f. d. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Kissim- . mee. (Certified copy, $1.50.) Mar. 20, 1888--. Divorce decrees. Recorded in Chancery Order Rook, Mar. 20, 1888—; in Circuit Court Min- utes, July 14, 1915-July 10, 1917, 17 vols. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Kissimmee. (Certified cony, $1.50.) PALM BEACH COUNTY Oct, 26, 1909—. Divorce case papers. In Chancery Case Files, 1,945 f. d. Arr. chron.; indexed alph. Clerk of the Circuit Court, West Palm Beach. (Certified copy, 50