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- "- So that is the whole story Doc..."1
- "--geheilt, gesundet: nun seid Gott befohlen!1
- "200 Amputations - 24 Hours."1
- "A Statistical Analysis of the Clinical Records of Hospitalized Drug Addicts"1
- "A friend in need"1
- "A modern pharmacy," the Mills Drug Co., Milton Mills, N.H1
- "A sailor doesn't have to prove he's a man!"1
- "Absolute faith": "I feel good"1
- "Addicts on Probation" (typed copy)1
- "All's well that ends well"1
- "Ambulance 464": encore des blessés1
- "An Angel of Mercy"1
- "And I can't take my best dolly to heaven?"1
- "Be prepared against chemical air raid attacks": Kybishev, Russia, 1941 (translation from Russian)1
- "Being done" oneself!1
- "Clinical Contributions to Drug Addiction: The Struggle for Cure and the Conscious Reasons for Relapse" (typed copy)1
- "Comfy knit" muffler1
- "Controlling Drug Addiction"1
- "Daughters of the Queen.": nurses with the Canadian contingent, South Africa1
- "De sterke drikkene oker lysten, men minsker evnen"1